Useful Reference Series No. 15 INDEX TO FAIRY TALES MYTHS AND LEGENDS "INDEX TO FAIRY TALES, MYTHS AND LEGENDS BY MARY HUSE EASTMAN Wilmington (Del.) Institute Free Library 32349 BOSTON THE BOSTON BOOK COMPANY 1915 K' Copyright by THE BOSTON BOOK COMPANY 1915 Published September, 1915 The Riverdale Press, Brookline, Boston, Mass. z CONTENTS Preface vii Index to Fairy Tales, Myths, and Legends 1 List of Books Analyzed 297 PREFACE INDEX TO FAIRY TALES, MYTHS AND LEGENDS The increased use of the story hour in work with children and the ever-widening use of fables and myths in school work have shown the need of an index which would save time by indicating at a glance the source of an asked-for story. When eight out of ten versions of a myth are given in their respective books under different titles bearing little or no resemblance to the one sought for, when each new translator or compiler may give an entire set of new titles to old favorites, mechanical aid is necessary to save reason as well as time. This index includes, besides fairy tales and fables, the stories from Greek and Norse mythology which seemed most likely to be called for, also hero stories and some modem stories like the "Leak in the dyke," which are not strictly fairy tale or legend but which are constantly asked for by teachers and story tellers. Since inquiries for stories are mainly by title this is first of all a title index. When the same story appears under various titles, it is indexed under the best known or under the one that seemed most descriptive of the story, and references are made from all the other titles. The title as contained in each particular book, when differing from the one under which it is indexed, is given in parenthesis at the end of the entry. In the case of mythology and hero stories the titles have been inverted, or invented if necessary, in order to bring the entry under the name of the character. When a book con- tains a number of stories about the same person but bear- ing different titles, a general reference to the book is given; when two only, but not in direct sequence, the titles are gi\'en in parenthesis at the end of the entry. The cross references from one story to another are intended to aid story tellers by suggesting similar stories in case the one wished for is not obtainable. The cross references from subjects — holidays, stars, flowers, etc. — VIU PREFACE are intended to aid in identifying stories when the in- quirer has forgotten the title and asks for the story by subject or contents. It was hoped to make more of this feature, but time and space forbade Since the different editions of Grimm, Andersen and ^sop vary so much, not only in the stories included but also in the titles given them, a number of editions were indexed giving as complete a collection as possible of the author's work in editions suitable for libraries. The edition as well as the variation of title, if there be any, is given in parenthesis at the end of the entry. Where two editions of the same work, not exactly alike as to contents, are indexed, no note of the edition is made in the entry of titles which are in both editions; note of the edition is made only in the entry of those which are contained in one of the editions and not in the other. To distinguish editions the name of the editor, compiler, translator or publisher is used in parenthesis after the entry and preceding the variant title, if there be one; a publisher's name is followed by ed. for edition, as Burt ed., Warne ed. Paging is not given, as editions differ in paging even when the contents are exactly the same. The use of the exact title which the story bears in any particular book, either as the main entry or in parenthesis at the end of the entry, makes it easier to locate the title in the table of contents of the book indexed ; but it is unfortunate that so many otherwise up-to-date collections of children's stories still have the cumbersome unalphabeted table of contents instead of an index. Authors' initials are not given except when there are several of the same surname. In the case of the Langs, however, only the initials of Mrs. Lang have been used. Roman numerals are used for two purposes, — to dis- tinguish different stories having the same titles, and to bring together stories on the same theme instead of referring from one to the other; for instance, Why the sea is salt. I, II, III, and IV instead of W^hy the sea is salt. See also Magic coffee mill; Quern at the bottom of the sea. The star ( *) is used to mark versions suitable for small children. PREFACE ix Grateful acknowledgment is made to the various mem- bers of the staff of the Wilmington Institute Free Library who helped in the work of compiling and preparing for publication, especially to the Children's Librarian, Miss Katharine H. Wead, who compiled the entries for Norse mythology and who worked untiringly on the verify- ing and systematizing of entries. Indeed without the help rendered by the library it would have been impos- sible to complete this index. Much assistance has also been given by the children's department of the Phila- delphia Free Library. The generosity of the various publishers in loaning books not otherwise accessible has done much to make this index possible, and thanks are due them for their unfailing courtesy in response to requests. The compiler acknowledges indebtedness to the fol- lowing lists which have been of valuable assistance in compiling this index: Finding list of fairy tales, pub- lished by the Boston Public Library, which was the model for this index and which has been incorporated with it; Helps to the study of mythology, by D'Ooge; Stories from the Greek myths, published by the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, which furnished the basis of the mythology entries. Miss Haight's Fairy tale index, published in the Bulletin of Bibliography, has also been incorporated in this index. M. H. E. Wilmington, Del. September, 1915. FAIRY TALES Abbot of Innisfalen (poem). Graves. Irish fairy tales. See also Monk and the bird's song. Abdallah. Laboulaye. Fairy book. Aboo Mohammed the lazy. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. Abou Hassan; or, The sleeper awakened. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. (Abu-1-Hasan the wag.) Arabian nights (Dodge ed.). Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. (Caliph for one day.) Scudder. Children's book. See also Death of Abu Nowas and his wife. About angels. Richards. Golden windows. Abraham and the old man. Scudder. Book of legends. Abu-1-Hasan the wag. See Abou Hassan; or, The sleeper awakened. Abused boy. See Hong Kil Tong. Accomodating circumstance. Stockton. Queen's museum. Accomplished and lucky teakettle. Lang. Crimson fairy book. (Magic kettle.) Lang. Snow-queen and other stories. (Magic kettle.) Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Accursed lake. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Achilles. Haaren and Poland. Famous men of Greece. Achusetts's ride to Philadelphia. Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. Acis and Galatea. Carpenter. Long ago in Greece. (Poly- phemus, Acis and Cxalatea.) Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome. Kupfer. Stories of long ago. (Giant who loved a sea nymph.) Acorn and the pumpkin (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Acrobatic steamer. Henderson. Sea yarns for boys. Actaeon. See Diana and Acta-on. Adam Bell, Clynn of the Clough and William of Cloudesly. See Three gallant outlaws. Adder that did not hear. Cowles. Art of story telling. 2 FAIRY TALES Admetus and Alcestis. Adams. Myths of old Greece. (Alcestis.) Baldwin. Old Greek stories. Buckley. Children of the dawn. (Sacrifice of Alcestis.) Cox. Tales of ancient Greece. Mabie. Heroines every child should know. Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. (Admetus and the shepherd.) Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. (Alcestis.) Adonis. Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. Judd. Classic myths. (Legend of the anemone.) Adventure in the big bog. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Adventures. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. Adventures of, etc. See the first important word of the title. ^gir's feast. See Thor: Thor's fishing. ^neas. Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. Tappan. Stories from the classics. y^olus. See Ulysses and the bag of winds. v^sculapius. Baldwin. Old Greek stories. {In Lord of the silver bow.) .(^sop and the impertinent fellow. ^Esop. Fables (Black ed.). i^sop and his fellow servants. .iEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Welsh. Stories children love. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. i^sop and the poultry. iEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). y^sop at play. yEsop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). African Jack. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Agamemnon. See Trojan war. Aged lion. Success library, v. 3. Agnar. See Geirrod: Geirrod and Odin. Aicha's stratagem. Gask. Folk tales from many lands. Ainsel. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Lansing. Fairy tales, v. 1. See also My own self. Aladdin. Arabian nights (Dodge ed.). Arabian nights (Lang). Arabian nights (Olcott). Arabian nights (Wiggin and Smith). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 4. Aunt Louisa's book of fairy tales. Blaisdell. Child life. 4th reader. (Lamp of Aladdin.) Chisholm. In fairyland. Coe and Christie. Story hour readers. 3d book. (Aladdin and the magic lamp.) Coussens. Child's book of stories. Favorite fairy tales. Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. Ketcham. Oriental fairy tales. *Lang. Aladdin and other stories. Lang. Blue fairy book. *Lang. Dick Whittington and other stories. Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Mabie. Heroes and fairies. (Story of Aladdin.) FAIRY TALES 3 Alladin — continued. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 3. Scudder. Children's book. (Story of Aladdin.) Success library, v. 3. Tappan. Stories from seven old favorites. Welsh. Fairy tales children love. Alaka's eyes. Johnston. Little colonel in Arizona. Alcestis. See Admetus and Alcestis. Alexander Jones. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. Alexander the Great. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. (Alex- ander and Bucephalus.) Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. (Gordian knot; Why Alexander wept.) Alfred, King. Mabie. Heroes and fairies. Mabie. Heroes every child should know. Alfred, King: Alfred and Guthrum. Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of early England. Alfred, King: Alfred and the beggar. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Stebbins. 3d reader. Alfred, King: Alfred and the cakes. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Alfred, King : King Alfred and St. Cuthbert. Johonnot. Stories of the olden time. Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of early' England. (Alfred the king and Cuthbert the saint.) Alfred, King: King Alfred and the shepherd. Lansing. Tales of old England. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. All Baba and the forty thieves. Arabian nights (Dodge ed. Ali Baba and the forty robbers). Arabian nights (Olcott). Araljian nights (Wiggin and Smith). Chisholm. In fairyland. Coussens. Child's book of stories. ♦Crane. Red Riding Hood's picture book. (Forty thieves.) Favorite fairy tales. Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. Ketcham. Oriental fairy tales. Lang. Blue fairy book. (Forty thieves.) *Lang. Dick Whittington and other stories. (Forty thieves.) Lang. Forty thieves and other stories. (P'orty thieves.) Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. (History of Al Baba.) Mabie. Heroes and fairies. (History of Ali Baba.) Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 3. Srucider. Children's book. (History of Ali Baba.) Tappan. Stories from seven old favorites. Welsh. Stories children love. See also Simeli mountain; Forty-nine dragons. 4 FAIRY TALES All Cogia, a merchant of Bagdad. Arabian nights (Dodge ed.). Arabian nights (Lang. Story of Ali Cogia). Arabian nights (Townsend). Favorite fairy tales. Ketcham. Oriental fairy tales. (play). Stevenson. Plays for the home. (Story of Ali Cogia.) All-gone. See Cat and the mouse in partnership. "All I possess!" Djurklo. Fairy tales from the Swedish. All the wild waves of the sea. Nyblom. Jolly Calle. All things are as fate wills. Pyle, H. Twilight land. All think their own offspring the best. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. All women are alike. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. (Not a pin to choose between.) Tappan. Folk stories and fables. (Not a pin to choose between them.) , Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. (Such women are; or, The man from Ringerige and three women.) See also Clever folks. Allan-a-Dale's wedding. Stebbins. 3d reader. See also Robin Hood. Allerleirauh. See Many furred creature. Alligator and the jackal. Frere. Old Deccan days. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Alligator and the moorhen. Stafford. Animal fables. AUwise the dwarf. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Almond-tree. See Juniper-tree. Alphege; or, The green monkey. Lang. Invisible prince and other stories. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Alphege the archbishop. Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of early Eng- land. Alvis. See Thor. Amadan of the Dough. MacManus. Donegal fairy stories. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Ambassadors of Siam. See How the Siamese ambassadors reached the Cape. Amber-seeker. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Ambitious hunter and skilful fisher. Ballarc'. Fairy tales from far Japan. (Lucky hunter and the skilful fisher.) Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. (Lucky hunter and the skilful fisherman.) Ozaki. Japanese fairy book. (Happy hunter and the cheerful fisher.) Stebbins. 3d reader. (Matchless hunter.) Tappan. Myths from many lands. (Palace of the ocean-bed.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. (Princes Fire-flash and Fire-fade.) Ambitious laborer. Success library, v. 3. Ambitious rocking-horse. Richards. Joyous story of Toto. Ambitious tailor. See Sham prince. FAIRY TALES 5 Ambitious thrush. See Talking thrush. Amelia and the spider (poem), \\iggin and Smith. Talking beasts. ^•Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Amys and Amyli. Lang. Red romance book. Ananzi and baboon. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Ananzi and Quanqua. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Ananzi and tlie lion. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Mabie. Folk tales ever^' child should know. Ancient ballad of Chevy Chace. See Chevy Chase. Ancients of the world. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Ander's new cap. Bailey. For the story-teller. (Cap that mother made.) Coe. Second book of stories. O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. Andras Baive. Lang. Orange fairy book. Andrew Coffey. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. See also Teig O'Kane and the corpse. Androcles. See Androclus and the lion. Androclus and the lion. ^sop. Fables (Jacobs, Androcles). Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Lang. Animal story book. Anemone, Legend of. See Adonis. Angel. *Andersen. Best fairy tales (Henderson tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Dodge ed.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Tappan.' Folk stories and fables. Angel of the flowers. See Dandelion. Angels in the churchyard (poem). Alexander. Hidden servants. Angel's robe. Nixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. Anger of Tirawa. Nixon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. Angler and the little fish. See Fisher and the little fish. Angler and the salmon. .^Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Animal fairies. Kennedy. New world fairy book. Animal picnic. Van Sickle and Seegrniller. Riverside readers. 3d reader. Animals in the sky. Farmer. Nature myths. Animals' peace party. Davis and Chow Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Animals sick of the plague (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Anna and the fairies. Boys' and girls' fairy book. Anne Lisbeth. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Anficrsen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Annette; or, The magic coffee mill. Harrison, C. C. Old-fashioned fairy book. Annie's dream. *Hall and Oilman. Story land. 2d reader. Another changeling. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Another haunted mill. See Mill. Another little red hen. See Little red hen. 11. 6 FAIRY TALES Another story of the rainbow. See Rainbow snake. Anselmo. Blaisdell. Child life. 5th reader. Ingelow. Stories told to a child, v. 2. Ant and the chrysalis. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Ant and the cricket. Baldwin. Fairy tales and fables. (poem). Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 4th reader. Ant and the dove. ^sop. Fables (Black ed. Dove and the ant). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed. Dove and the ant), ^^op. Fables (Stickney ed.). *Alderman. Classics old and new. 1st reader. (Dove and the ant.) Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. *Jones. 2d reader, (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Dove and the ant.) Ant and the fly. yEsop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. See also Ant and the grasshopper. Ant and the grasshopper. iE^sop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed. Ants and the grasshopper). .iEsop. Fables (Jacobs). /Esop. Fables (Stickney). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 2. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. *Bowen. Second story reader. *Jones. 2d reader. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Wilson, Mrs. L. L. W. Nature study reader. See also Ant and the fly. Ant and the mouse. *Spaulding and Bryce. Aldine readers. 2d reader. Ant and the snow. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Antelope boy. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk tales. Antillia, the island of the seven cities. Higginson. Tales of the enchanted islands of the ^Atlantic. Ants and the grasshopper. See Ant and the grasshopper. Ants that pushed on the sky. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Anxious leaf. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. *Wiltse. Kindergarten stories. _ Anybody. Richards. Golden windows. Ape and her two young ones. .'Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). yEsop. Fables (Black ed.). Ape and the bee. iEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Ape and the boar. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese and other fables. Ape and the carpenter. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Ape and the crab. See Crab and the monkey. FAIRY TALES 7 Ape and the dolphin. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). ••Esop. Fables (Black ed.). Ape and the fox. ^Esop. Fables (Black ed.). Ape, the glow-worm and the popinjay. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese, and other fables. Ape, the snake and the lion. Bateman. Zanzibar tales. Apes and the two travelers. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Ape's head (.poem). Success library, v. 3. Apollo. Baldwin. Hero tales told in school. (How Apollo came to Parnassus.) Baldwin. Old Greek Stories. (Lord of the silver bow.) Firth. Stories of old Greece. (Apollo, the beautiful.) See also Daphne. Apollo: Apollo and the python. Firth. Stories of old Greece. Wilson, Mrs. L. L. \V. Nature study reader. (Killing of the python.) Apollo: Birth of Apollo. Francillon. Gods and heroes. (Latona and Xiobe.) Hutchinson. Orpheus with his lute. (How Apollo came to Delphi.) Pratt. Greek myths, v. 1. (Leto and Apollo.) Apollo and Daphne. See Daphne. Apollo and Hermes. See Hermes and Apollo. Apollo and Hyacinthus. See Hyacinthus. Apollo's cows. See Hermes and Apollo. Apollo's mother. See Latona and the frogs. Apollo's sister. See Diana. Apple of contentment. Pyle, H. Pepper and salt. Apple of discord. See Paris: Apple of discord. Apples of Hesperides. See Hercules and his labors. Apples of Idun. See Iduna's apples. Apples of life. See Iduna's apples. Apprentice thief. MacManus. In chimney corners. April Fool's Day. See Diccon, the foot-boy and the wise fools of (jotham. Apron-string. Richards. Golden windows. Apuleius. See How the ass became a man again. Aqua; or, The water baby. Wiggin and Smith. Stor>' hour. Arab and his camel. /Esop. Fables (Stickney). *Hall and Gilman. Story land. 2d reader. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Van Sickle and Scegmiller. Riverside readers. 4th reader. Arabian pipe, Story of the. Harrison, C. C. Bric-a-brac stories. Arachne. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Beckwith. In mythland. v. L (Little weaver.) Baldwin. Old Greek stories. (Wonderful weaver.) Cooke. Nature myths and stories. Craigie. Once upon a time. Firth. Stories of olrl Greece. (Arachne, the little spinner.) Gucrbcr. Myths of Greece and Rome. Holbrook. Round the year in myth and song. (Minerva and Arachne.) 8 FAIRY TALES Arachne — continued. Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. Johonnot. Stories of the olden time. Kupfer. Stories of long ago. (A web and a spider.) Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. Pratt. Greek myths, v. 2. Tappan. Myths from many lands. Arbutus. See Old Winter Man and the Spring Maiden. Arbutus and violet. Stebbins. 3d reader. Archer and the eagle. See Eagle and the arrow. Are you not satisfied? or, The tale of the noses. Gask. Folk tales from many lands. (Farmer and the noses.) Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Laboulaye. Fairy book. (Story of the noses.) See also Hans Humdrum. Arethusa. Baldwin. Hero tales told in school. (Alpheus and Arethusa.) Baldwin. Story of the golden age. (Bow of Eurytus.) Buckley. Children of the dawn. (Flight of Arethusa.) Cox. Tales of ancient Greece. Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome. Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. Argo. See Argonauts. Argonauts. * Beckwith. In mythland. v. 2. (Jason and the Golden Fleece.) Burt and Ragozin. Herakles and other heroes. (Jason, the hero of Thessaly.) Canton. Reign of King Herla. Church. Greek story and song. (Voyage of the Argo.) Cole. Heroes of the olden time. (Golden fleece.) Co.x. Tales of ancient Greece. (Golden fleece.) Francillon. Gods and heroes. (Golden fleece.) Haaren and Poland. Famous men of Greece. (Jason and the golden fleece.) Hawthorne. Tanglewood tales. (Golden fleece.) Hutchinson. Golden porch. (Lad with one sandal.) Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. (Jason and the golden fleece.) Jacobs. Book of wonder voyages. Judson and Bender. Graded literature readers, v. 4. (Golden fleece.) Kingsley. Heroes (Everyman's ed.). Kupfer. Stories of long ago. (Golden fleece.) Lowell. Jason's quest. (Golden fleece.) Mabie. Myths every child should know. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 3. Pratt. Myths of Old Greece, v. 3. (Golden fleece.) Scudder. Children's book. (Expedition of the Argonauts.) Stories of classic myths. (Story of the golden fleece.) Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. (Quest of the golden fleece.) Tappan. Myths from many lands. (Golden fleece.) Tappan. Stories from the classics. Argus. See lo: Mercury and Argus. FAIRY TALES 9 Ariadne. See Theseus. Arion and the dolphin. Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. Ark of Deucalion. Sec Deucalion and Pyrrha. Arndt's night underground. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Artful lad. Djurklo. Fairy tales from the Swedish. Arthur, King. Arnold. Stepping stones to literature, v. 8. Baldwin. Stories of the king. Church. Heroes of chivalry and romance. Crommelin. Famous legends. Greene. King Arthur and his court. Haaren. Ballads and tales. Lang. Book of romance. Mabie. Heroes and fairies. Mabie. Heroes every child should know. Tappan. Stories of legendary heroes. Arthur, King: Arthur in the cave. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Arthur, King : Coming of Arthur. Bryant. How to tell stories to children. (Arthur and the sword.) Cowles. Art of story telling. Herbertson. Heroic legends. (Sword in the stone.) Lang. Book of romance. (Drawing of the sword.) Arthur, King: Death of Arthur. Blaisdell. Child life. 5th reader. Baldwin. Stories of the King. (Passing of Arthur.) Higginson. Tales of the enchanted islands of the Atlantic, (King Arthur at Avalon.) Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 4. Arthur, King: Sword Excalibur. Blaisdell. Child life, 5th reader. (King Arthur wins E.xcalibur.) *Bowen. Second storv- reader. (King Arthur's sword.) Lang. Book of romance. (Sword Excalibur.) Lang. Tales of romance. Artisan's wonderful wings. See Daedalus and Icarus. As-ai-yahal. Judson. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. As rich as Croesus. See Croesus. As the crow flies. Ingelow. Stories told to a child, v. 2. Aschenputtel. See Cinderella. Ash maid. Baring-Gould. Crock of gold. Ashenputtel. See Cinderella. Ashes of deceit. Pitman. Chinese fairy stories. Ashes that made trees to bloom. See Old man who made wiihcTL-d trees to flower. Ashiepattle and his goodly crew. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. (Boots and his crew.) See also Ship that could sail over land and sea. Ashiepattle and the king's hares. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. (Osborn's pijje.) See also Enchanted whistle; Jesper who herded the hares. 10 FAIRY TALES Ashlepattle who ate with the troll for a wager. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. (Boots who ate a match with the troll.) Tappan. Folk stories and fables. (Boots who ate a match with the troll.) See also Boy who contended with the giant in eating. Ashiepattle who made the princess tell the truth at last. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. (Boots who made the princess say, "That's a story.") See also Princess who said : — Ashik-Kerib. Jokai and others. Golden fairy book. Ashish, Story of . Judson. Myths and legends of the Pacific North- west. "Ask the robin." Molesworth. Fairies afield. Aslaug and Ragnar. Baring-Gould. Old English fairy tales. (King Edmund.) Edmison. Stories from Norseland. Asmund and Signy. Lang. Brown fairy book. Asphurtzela. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. Ass and his master, i^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Ass and his purchaser. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Ass and his shadow. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed. Ass's shadow). ALsop. Fables (Stickney). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Ass and the bullock, ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Ass and the dog. See Ass, the dog and the wolf. Ass and the fly. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Ass and the frogs. ^Esop. Fables (Stickney). Success library, v. 3. Ass and the gardener. ^Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Ass and the grasshopper. Asop. Fables (Stickney). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 2. (Donkey and the grasshopper.) Ass and the lap-dog. iEsop. Fables (Black ed. Ass and the little dog). yEsop. Fables (Jacobs). .^sop. Fables (Stickney). (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Ass and the lion hunting, ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). iEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Ass and the little dog. See Ass and the lap-dog. Ass and the nightingale. Success library, v. 3. Ass and the wolf. Success library, v. 3. Ass carrying an idol. ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Ass carrying relics (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Ass eating thistles, ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). ^sop. Fables (Stickney). FAIRY TALES 11 Ass in the lion's skin. iEsop. Fables (Black ed. Fox and the ass). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed. Fox and the ass). /Esop. Fables (Jacobs). , iF^op. Fables (Stickney). ♦Hall and Oilman. Story land. 2d reader. (Donkey in the lion's skin.) Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Ass laden with salt and with sponges. See Donkey and the salt. Ass, the ape and the mole. .F^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Ass, the dog and the wolf. ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Ass and the dog.) Ass, the lion, and the cock. ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Ass, the lion and the fox. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Ass, the ox, and the labourer. Arabian nights (Townsend. Fable of the ass, the ox, and the labourer). Arabian nights (Dodge ed.). Ass, the table and the stick. See Table, the ass, and the stick. Assipattle and the Mester Stoorworm. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Ass's brains. iF^sop. Fables (Jacobs). Ass's shadow. See Ass and his shadow. Aster and the goldenrod. See Goldenrod and aster. Astrologer. Scudder. Children's book. Astrologer's niece. Fairy tales retold from St. Nicholas. At the edge of the polar sea. Pyle, K. Counterpane fairy. At the foot of the rainbow. Stewart. Once upon a time. At the owl's school (play). Lansing. Quaint old stories. Atalanta and Meleager. See Calydonian hunt. Atalanta's race. Baldwin. Old Greek stories. (Race for a wife.) Buckley. Children of the dawn. (Winning of Atalanta.) Carpenter. Long ago in Greece. (Atalanta's foot race.) Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. Pratt. Greek myths, v. 3. (Race of Atalanta.) Tappan. Myths from many lands. See also How the princess was beaten in a race. Athena. See Minerva. Athens. Baldwin. Old Greek stories. (Horse and the olive.) Hartley. Stories from the Greek legends. (Story of Athene and Poseidon; or, The quarrel over naming a city.) Judd. Classic myths. (Gift of the olive tree.) Atlantis, Story of. Higginson. Talcs of the enchanted islands of the .Atlantic. Atlas. Brown, E. V. When the world was young. (Atlas, the burden bearer.) 12 FAIRY TALES Aucassin and Nicolette, Story of. Wilmot-Buxton. Stories from old French romance. Auld Robin Gray. Greenwood. Stories from famous ballads. Aunt Tempy's story. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Aunty. Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Aurora and Tithonus. Beckwith. Inmythland. v. 2. (Old man of the meadow.) Cooke. Nature myths and stories. Farmer. Nature myths. (Old man of the meadow.) Francillon. Gods and heroes. (Man who never died.) Holbrook. Book of nature myths. (Story of the first grasshopper.) Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. Judd. Classic myths. (Old grasshopper gray.) Wilson, Mrs. L. L. W. Nature study reader. Aurora, the white arch, and the great bear. Pratt. Legends of the red children. Aurora's steeds. Stories of classic myths. {In Mythological horses.) Austrian paper-knife's story. Harrison, C. C. Bric-a-brac stories. Avaricious and envious. .'Esop. Fables (Black ed. Envious man and the covetous). ^sop. Fables (Burt ed. Envious man and the covetous). ^sop. Fables (Jacobs). Awful fate of Mr. Wolf. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Axe and the trees, i^op. Fables (Stickney). Axe of Ranier. English. Fairy stories and wonder tales. B Baa, baa, black sheep. *Grover. Folk lore readers, v. 1. Baba Abdalla, Story of. Arabian nights (Dodge ed.). Arabian nights (Lang. Story of the blind Baba Abdalla). Arabian nights (Townsend). Ketcham. Oriental fairy tales. Scudder. Children's book. Babes in the wood. Chisholm. In fairyland. (Children in the wood.) Coussens. Child's book of stories. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. (Children in the wood.) Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. (poem). Keyes. Fiv'e senses. (poem). Lansing. Tales of old England. (Children in the wood.) Macleod. Book of ballad stories. (Children in the wood.) (poem). Mother Goose rhymes, jingles and fairy tales (Altemus ed.). (poem). Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 3. (poem). Scudder. Children's book. (Children in the wood.) Success library, v. 3. (Children in the wood.) Tappan. Old-fashioned stories. (Children in the wood.) Welsh. Stories children love. (Children in the wood.) FAIRY TALES 13 Babiola. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Aulnoy. Fair>' tales. (Babiole.) Babiole. See Babiola. Baboon-skins. Bourhill and Drake. Fairy tales from South Africa. Babouscka. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Dickinson and Skinner. Children's book of Christmas stories. (Legend of Babouscka.) Baby. Richards. Golden windows. Bacchus and Pentheus. Hutchinson. Orpheus with his lute. (God of the ivy crown.) Bacon, Roger: Friar Bacon and the brazen head. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. Bacon pie. Rhys. Fairy gold. Bad boy, Story of the. Bellamy. Wonder children. Badger and the bear. Eastman. Smoky Day's wigwam evenings. Eastman. Wigwam evenings. Zitkala-Sa. Old Indian legends. Badger in the bag. Baring-Gould. Old English fairy tales. Brooks, E. Wonder stories from the Mabinogion. (Pwyll and Rhiannon.) Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. (Powel, Prince of Dyfed.) Lanier. Knightly legends of Wales. (Pwyll, Prince of Dyved.) Tappan. Stories of legendary heroes. (Pwyll and the game of badger in the bag.) Badger's money. Mabie. Folk tales every child should know. Success library, v. 3. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. See also Farmer and the badger. Bag of flour. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Bag of minutes. Rhys. Fairy gold. Bag of sand (poem). Alexander. The hidden servants. Bag of smiles. Alden. Why the chimes rang. Bag of winds. See Ulysses and the bag of winds. Baker's daughter. Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. See also Red-headed woodpecker. Baker's three daughters. Gary. Fairy legends of the French provinces. Bala lake. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Balboa. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. (Upon a peak in Darien.) Bald-head. Byrne. Modern Greek fairy tales. Bald knight. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). .-tLsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Bald man and the fly. ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). /Esop. Fables (Jacobs). Balder. See Baldur. Baldur and the mistletoe. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones t(j literature, v. ."). Brown, A. F. In the days of giants. (Balder and tlu- mistletoe.) Brown, E. J. Stories of childhood and nature. Cooke. Nature myths and stories. (Balder.) Edmison. Stories from Norscland. (Death of Baldur.) 14 FAIRY TALES Baldur and the mistletoe — continued. Judd. Classic myths. (Mistletoe.) Litchfield. Nine worlds. Mabie. Myths every child should know. (Death of Baldur.) Mabie. Norse stories. (Death of Baldur.) Partridge. Story telling in home and school. (Death of Baldur.) Pratt. Legends of Norseland. (Dying Baldur.) Tappan. Myths from many lands. (Balder and the mistletoe.) Balin. See Sir Balin. Ball-carrier and the Bad One. Lang. Aladdin and other stories. Lang. Brown fairy book. Ball of thread. Gregory. Kiltartan wonder book. Balloon boy. Brown, A. F. Star jewels. Balloons. Brown, A. F. Star jewels. Bamboo-cutter and the moon-child. Ozaki. Japanese fairy book. W'illiston. Japanese fairy tales. 2d series. (Bamboo cutter's daughter.) Bamboo-cutter's daughter. See Bamboo-cutter and the moon- child. Band, the bob-wig, and the feather (poem), ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Banished king. Stockton. Bee-man of Orn. Bank swallows, Origin of. Hall and Oilman. Story land. 2d reader. (A story that Eskimos tell their children.) Banshee of the MacCarthy's. Yeats. Irish fairy tales. Banyan deer king. Partridge. Story telling in home and school. Bar of gold. Gask. Folk tales from many lands. Barak Hagel and his wives. Jokai and others. Golden fairy book. Barbara Allen (poem). Lanier. Boy's Percy. (Sir John Grehme and Barbara Allen.) Barber. Arabian nights (Townsend. Story of the barber). Barber's clever wife. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Barber's eldest brother. Arabian nights (Townsend). See also Milkmaid and her pail. Barber's second brother. Arabian nights (Townsend). Barber's third brother. Arabian nights (Townsend). Barber's fourth brother. Arabian nights (Townsend). Barber's fifth brother. Arabian nights (Lang). Arabian nights (Townsend). Barber's sixth brother. See Barmecide feast. Barmecide feast. Arabian nights (Lang. Story of the barber's sixth brother). Arabian nights (Townsend. Story of the barber's sixth brother). Baldwin. Fifty famous stories, (play). Lansing. Quaint old stories. Scudder. Children's book. (Story of the Barmecide feast.) Barring the door (poem). Lansing. Tales of Old England. (Get up and bar the door.) Tappan. Old ballads in prose. Basil-plant. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. Basket of flowers. Gask. Folk tales from many lands. FAIRY TALES 15 Basket woman. Austin. Basket woman. Bat and the two weasels. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). .tsop. Fables (Stickney. Bat and weasels). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Bat, birds and beasts. /Esop. Fables (Black ed. Birds, the beasts and the bat). .-Esop. Fables (Burt ed. Birds, the beasts and the bat). iEsop. Fables (Jacobs). .E:sop. Fables (Stickney. Birds, the beasts and the bat). Bath-boy's daughter. Byrne. Modern Greek fairy tales. Battle of the beasts. See War of the wolf and the fox. Battle of the birds. Grierson. Children's book of Celtic stories. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Lang. Lilac fairy book. See also Nix Nought Nothing. Battle of the frogs and mice. Carpenter. Long ago in Greece. Darton. Wonder book of beasts. Battle of the kegs (poem). Tappan. Old-fashioned stories. Battle of the monkey and the crab. See Crab and the monkey. Battle of the sheep. Tappan. Stories from seven old favorites. Battle of the third cousins. Stockton. Bee-man of Orn. Battle that never was fought. Kennedy. New world fairy book. Baucis and Philemon. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Beckwith. In mvthland. v. 1. Blaisdell. Child life. 5th reader. (Miraculous pitcher.) Cooke. Nature myths and stories. (Philemon and Baucis.) Firth. Stories of old Greece. Hawthorne. Wonder book. (Miraculous pitcher.) Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. (Philemon and Baucis.) Johonnot. Stories of heroic deeds. Judd. Classic myths. (Linden and the oak.) Kupfer. Stories of long ago. (How a wicked city was destroyed.) Pratt. Greek myths, v. 2. Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. Tappan. Stories from the classics. (Miraculous pitcher.) Wilson, Mrs. L. L. W. Nature study reader. Bauernkrieg. Mendel. Our little Austrian cousin. Bear. Lang. Grey fairy book. Lang. Invisible prince and other stories. Bear and Skrattel. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. (Cat on the Dovrefell.) Grimm. Household tales. (Everyman's ed. Bear and the Skrattel.) Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Johnson. Book of fairy tale bears. (Bear and the Skrattel.) Wiggin and Smith. F"airy ring. Bear and the bee-hives. iEsop. Fables (Black ed.). .ELso]). Fables (Burt ed.). Bear and the fowls. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. 16 FAIRY TALES Bear and the fox. ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Bear and the fox go into partnership. See Bruin and Reynard partners. Bear and the fox make a wager. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. (Pork and honey.) Johnson. Book of fairy-tale bears. (Grandsire bear and Re- nard the fox.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (Pork and honey.) Bear and the little old woman. Houghton. Russian grand- mother's wonder tales. (Disappointed bear.) Johnson. Book of fairy-tale bears. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (Disappointed bear.) Bear and the tailor. See Clever tailor. Bear and the two huntsmen. *Bowen. Second story reader. (Bearskin.) Johnson. Book of fairy-tale bears. Bear and the two travelers. See Travelers and the bear. Bear and the wrens. See Wren and the bear. Bear hunt. Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. Bear in a forest pitfall. See Father Bruin in the corner. Bear in the woods. See Travelers and the bear. Bear man. Grinnell. Pawnee hero stories. Bear story. I. Johnson. Book of fairy-tale bears. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Bear story. II. Coolidge. New Year's bargain. Bear that played at soldiers. See What the moon saw. Bear, the boar, and the fox. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. Bear, the monkey and the pig (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talk- ing beasts. Bear, the moose and the walrus. Roberts. Flying plover. Bear who was an enchanted king. See King Valemon, the white bear. Bears and the magician. Johnson. Book of fairy-tale bears. Bear's bad bargain. Baldwin. Another fairy reader. (Pears and the pudding.) Johnson. Book of fairy-tale bears. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Bear's short tail. See Why the bear has a stumpy tail. Bearskin. I. Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Bearskin. II. Pyle, H. Wonder clock. Bearskin. III. See Bear and the two huntsmen. Beato Torello da Poppi, Life of the. Mabie. Legends every child should know. Beaumains, the knight of the kitchen. See Sir Gareth. Beautiful helwa maiden. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. Beautiful herd-girl. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Beautiful Maria di Legno. Pyle, K. Fairy tales from many lands. Beautiful palace east of the sun and north of the earth. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. See also East o' the sun and west o' the moon. FAIRY TALES 17 Beauty and the beast. Adams. Folk-story and verse. Aunt Louisa's book of fairy tales. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. (Beauty and the horse.) Bourhill and Drake. Fairy tales from South Africa. Boys' and girls' fairy stories. Chisholm. In fairyland. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Favorite fairy tales. Forty famous fair>' tales. Harris. Favorites from fairyland. Howard. Dick Whittington and other stories. Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Lang. Beauty and the beast, and other stories. Lang. Blue fairy book. Lang. History of Jack the giant killer, and other stories. Lansing. Fairy tales, v. 1. Mabie. Fair>- tales every child should know. Mabie. Heroes and fairies. Mother Goose rhymes, jingles and fairy tales (Altemus ed.). Mulock. Fairy book. Nursery tales. Perkins. Twenty best fairy tales. Perrault. Tales of passed times. Quiller-Couch. Sleeping beauty. Scudder. Book of folk stories. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Success library, v. 3. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales (Warne ed.). Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers, v. 3. Welsh. Fairy tales children love. Winnington. Outlook fairy book. See also Chinese beauty and the beast. Beauty and the horse. See Beauty and the beast. Beauty of form and beauty of mind. Andersen. Fairy tales (FauU tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales. (Charming.) Beaver and the Porcupine. Allen. Indian fairy tales. Lang, L. B. Strange story book. Beaver story. Bakewell. True fairy stories. Beaver's lodge. Coe and Christie. Story hour readers. 3d book. Bee and the cuckoo. .4i^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Bee and the fly. ALsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Bee and the orange tree. Aulnoy. Fairy tales. Bee and the spider. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Bee-man of Orn. Stockton. Bee-man of Orn. Stockton. Fanciful tales. Stockton. Queen's museum. 18 FAIRY TALES Bee, the harp, the mouse and the bum-clock. MacManus. Donegal fairy stories. Pyle, K. Fairy tales from many lands. (Three cows.) Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Bees and the bears. Johnson. Book of fairy-tale bears. Bees and the flies. Story of the. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Bees, the drones, and the wasp. ^-Esop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Beetle. See Beetle who went on his travels. Beetle who went on his travels. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Turpin. Beetle). Andersen. Stories (Riverside ed. Beetle). Andersen. Wonder stories. (Beetle.) Nordau. Dwarf's spectacles. (Golden beetle that went on his travels.) Beg and the fox. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. Johnson. Book of fairy tale foxes. (Fox and his friends.) See also Fox and the king's son. Beggar and his dog. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Beggar and the princess. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Beggar's daughter of Bethnal Green. Greenwood. Stories from famous ballads. (Beggar's daughter of Bednall Green.) Macleod. Book of ballad stories. Beginning (The). See Creation of the world, Norse. Beginning of poetry. See Odin and the mead. Beginning of the Armadillos. Kipling. Just so stories. Beginning of things. I. See Creation of the world, Xorse. Beginning of things. II. Xixon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. Beleaguered city. Mabie. Legends every child should know. Believing husbands. Lang. Lilac fairy book. Bell. I. Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Wonder stories. Scudder. Children's book. Bell. II. Bakewell. True fairy stories. Bell-deep. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Bell of Atri. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. *Bowen. Second story reader. (The king's bell.) Crommelin. Famous legends. Gask. Folk tales from many lands. See also Stone of gratitude. Bell of justice. Scudder. Book of legends. See also Bell of Atri. Bella del Mondo. Macdonell. Italian fairy tales. Belle Belle; or, The Chevalier Fortune. Aulnoy. Fairytales. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. (Fortuiiio.) Belle dame sans merci (poem). Rhys. Fairy gold. Bellerophon. See Pegasus. Belling the cat. iEsop. Fables (Black ed. Mice in council). yEsop. Fables (Burt ed. Mice in council). /Esop. Fables (Jacobs). /Esop. Fables (Stickney. Mice in council). FAIRY TALES 19 Belling the cat — continued (poem). .-Esop. Fables (Stickney. Supplement. Council held by rats). •Alderman. Classics old and new. 1st reader. (Mice and the cat.) Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 2. (Mice in council.) Baldwin. Fairy tales and fables. (Mice and the cat.) *Bowen. Second story reader. (Rats and the cat.) Hall and Oilman. Story land. 2d reader. (Who will bell the cat?) (play). Lansing. Quaint old stories. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. *Spaulding and Bryce. Aldine readers. 2d reader. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Bell'shollow. Andersen. Wonder stories. Belly and the members, ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). yEsop. Fables (Jacobs). Scudder. Children's book. Beloved of the sun. Eastman. Smoky Day's wigwam evenings. Eastman. Wigwam evenings. Bend the bough in time. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Bended rocks. Compton. Snowbird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. Judd. Wigwam stories. (Legend of Niagara Falls.) Tanner. Legends from the red man's forest. (Legend of the Horse Shoe Falls.) Beneficent frog. See Benevolent frog. Benevolent frog. Aulnoy. Fairy tales. (Beneficent frog.) Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Lang. Orange fairy book. (Frog and the lion fairy.) Perrault. Tales of passed times. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Benibaire. Caballcro. Spanish fairy talcs. Benjy in Beastland. Wiggin and Smith. Story hour. Bensurdatu. Lang. Grey fairy book. Lang. Trusty John and other stories. Beowulf. Church. Heroes of chivalry and romance. Mabie. Legends every child should know. Tappan. Stories of legendary heroes. Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of early England. Best fairy of all. Bigham. Overheard in fairyland. Best that life has to give. Pyle, H. Wonder clock. Best wish. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Thr,rpe. \'uk--tidc stories. (There is no fear for those with whom all woim-n arc in love.) Beswarragal. Gregory. Kiltartan wonder book. 20 FAIRY TALES Beth Gellert. Forty famous fairy tales. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Scudder. Book of legends. (Dog Gellert.) (poem). Scudder. Children's book. (Llewellyn and his dog.) (poem). Tappan. Old fashioned stories. (Llewellyn and his dog.) Thomas. Welsh fairy book. (Martyred hound.) See also King and his hawk. "Better than that!" Gask. Folk tales from many lands. Betty Chidley, the witch. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Bevis. See Sir Bevis. Beware of bad company. Rouse. Talking thrush and other tales from India. Bewitched bottles. See Magic bottles. Bewitched butter. L Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. Bewitched butter. II. Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. Bewitched huntsman; or, Three ivory bobbins. Harris. Little Mr. Thimblefinger. Beyond the fire island. Judd. Classic myths. Biancabella. Macdonell. Italian fairy book. Bibi, Baba and Bobo. Mace. Home fairy tales. Big Bird Dan. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Big Eye Buzzard. Cocke. Bypaths in Dixie. Big frog and the little frogs. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Big Klaus and Little Klaus. See Little Claus and Big Claus. Big Peter and Little Peter. See Little Claus and Big Claus. Big spider and the little spider. Wiltse. Folklore stories and pro\erbs. Billy B 's adventure. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Billy Beg and the bull. Bryant. How to tell stories. Bryant. Best stories to tell to children. (Billy Beg and his bull.) MacManus. In chimney corners. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Billy Binks. *Spaulding and Bryce. Aldine readers. 2d reader. Billy goat and the king. Lang. Olive fairy book. Billy goats gruff. See Three billy goats gruff. Bimini and the fountain of youth. Higglnson. Tales of the enchanted islands of the Atlantic. Binding of Fenris. See Binding of the Fenris wolf. Binding of the Fenris wolf. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 5. (Loki and his children.) Bradish. Old Norse stories. (Fenris wolf.) Brown, A. F. In the days of giants. (Loki's children.) Edmison. Stories from the Norseland. (How the Fenris wolf was tied.) Foster and Cummings. Asgard stories. (Tyr and the wolf.) Kear\'. Heroes of Asgard. (Binding of Fenris.) Litchfield. Nine worlds. (Binding of the wolf.) Mabie. Norse stories. (Binding of the wolf.) Pratt. Legends of Norseland. (Loki's wolf; The Fenris wolf.) Tappan. Myths from many lands. (How the wolf Fenris was chained.) Binding of the wolf. See Binding of the Fenris wolf. FAIRY TALES 21 Binnorie. Jacobs. English fairy tales. See also Singing bone. Bird. Farmer. Nature myths. Bird and the bee. *Bo\ven. Second story reader. Bird cage maker. Silver fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Bird catcher and the thrush. Success library, v. 3. Bird chief. Judson. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Bird Dauntless. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Bird Grip. Lang. Pink fairy book. Success library, v. 3. Bird in the linden tree. Pyle, H. Pepper and salt. Bird of popular song. Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Bird of prey. Messer. Next time stories. Bird of sorrow. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. Bird of truth. Baldwin. Another fairy reader. Caballcro. Spanish fair}- tales. Lang. Orange fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Bird, the fox and the dog. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. Johnson. Book of fairy-tale foxes. (Reynard and the little birds.) Bird wounded by an arrow. See Eagle and the arrow. Birdie and her friend. See Fundevogel. Birds and the lime. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Birds and the monkeys. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Birds and their nests. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. See also Magpie's nest. IL Birds, beasts and bat. See Bat, birds and beasts. Birds' Christmas. Dickinson and Skinner. Children's book of Christmas stories. Birds, the beasts and the bat. See Bat, birds and beasts. Birds with arrow feathers. Judd. Classic myths. Birthday of the Infanta. Wilde. Fairy tales. Birthday present. Lindsay. More mother stories. Birthdays. Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Bisclaveret. Harrison, Mrs. C. C. Old-fashioned fairy book. Bishop of Borglum and his kindred. Andersen. Stories and tales (.Author's ed.). Bishop Troilus (poem). Alexander. Hidden servants. Bishop's ghost. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Biter bit. Lang. Green fairy book. Lang. Forty thieves and other stories. Bittern and the hoopoe. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Black Agnace of Dunbar. Grierson. Children's tales from Scot- tish ballads. Black Agnes. Johonnot. Stories of heroic deeds. Black box and the red . See Black box and the red box. 22 FAIRY TALES Black box and the red box. Tappan. Golden goose. (Black box and the red.) See also Mother HoUe. Black brothers. See King of the Golden River. Black, Brown and Gray. Curtin. Myths and folklore of Ireland. See also Finn MacCool. Black bull of Norroway. Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Lang. Blue fairy book. Rhys. Fairy gold. See also Red bull of Norroway. Black bull of the Castle of Blood. MacManus. In chimney corners. See also Blue Beard. Black cat. I. English. Fairy stories and wonder tales. Black cat. II. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. (Tale of a black cat.) Black Douglas. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Black dragon and the red dragon. Kunos. Forty-four Turk- ish fair>' tales. Black horse. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. Black lamb. Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. Black Margaret. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Black robin. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Black thief and Knight of the Glen. Lang. Red fairy book. Black thing. See Tom Tit Tot. Blackamoor. .'Esop. Fables (Black ed.). .^^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Blackbird and the doves. Hall and Gilman. Story land. 2d reader. See also Two foolish birds. Blackskin. Lang, L. B. Strange story book. Blacksmith's sons (poem). Fairy stories from St. Nicholas. Blacksmith's wife of Yarrowfoot. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Blanch and Rosalinda. See Blanche and Rosalmd. Blanche and Rosalind. Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. (Blanch and Rosalinda.) Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. (Blanch and Rosalinda.) Welsh. Fairy tales children love. (Blanch and Rosalinda.) Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. (Blanche and Vermilion.) Blanche and Vermilion. See Blanche and Rosalind. Bleacher, the crane and the hawk. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Bleeding hearts. Legend of the. See Enchanted necklace. Blind Baba-Abdalla. See Baba Abdalla. Blind boy's fall. Hall and Gilman. Story land. 2d reader. (Story of a Japanese boy.) Blind Hercules (poem). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). FAIRY TALES 23 Blind man and the lame man. ^■Esop. Fables (Burt ed.)- .■Esop. Fables (Stickney). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 2. *Haaren. Songs and stories. 2d reader. Scudder. Book of legends. (How the lame man and the blind n:an helped each other.) Blind man and the snake. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Blind man and whelp. .Esop. Fables (Stickney). Blind man, the deaf man and the donkey. Frere. Old Deccan days. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Blind men and the elephant. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Blind mole. See Sun a prisoner. I. Blind mother. Richards. Golden windows. Blind sheep. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Blind singer. See Saint Herve. Blinded giant. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Blockhead Hans. See Hans Clodhopper. Blockheads. Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. B'Loggerhead and B'Concli. See Brother Loggerhead and Brother Conch. Blondina; or, The turkey-queen. Harrison, C. C. Old-fashioned fairy book. See also Caliph Stork. Blondine, Bonne-biche and Beau-minon. Segur. French fairy talcs. Blue beard. See Bluebeard. Blue belt. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Blue bird. Aulnoy. Fairy tales. Lang. Green fairy book. Mulock. Fairy book. Perkins. Twenty best fairy tales. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales (Warne ed.). Blue cat. Jokai and others. Golden fairy book. Blue heron and the wolf . Judd. Wigwam stories. Blue jackal. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Blue jay's story. Stewart. Once upon a time. Blue light. (Jrimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas, tr.; Paull tr.). Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 3. Welsh. F"airy tales children love. See also Tinder box. Blue lily. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. See also Singing bone. Blue mountains. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Blue parrot. Lang. Olive fairy book. Blue riband. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Thorjic. N'ule-tide stories. Blue robin. Bailey. For the story teller. Blue rose. Baring. Blue rose fairy book. 24 FAIRY TALES Bluebeard. Chisholm. In fairyland. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Forty famous fairy tales. Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. Lang. Blue fairy book. *Lang. Princess on the glass hill. Lansing. Fairy tales, v. 2. Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Mabie. Heroes and fairies. Mother Goose rhymes, jingles and fairy tales (Altemus ed.). Nursery tales. Perrault. Fairy tales. Perrault. Tales of Mother Goose. Perrault. Tales of passed times. Quiller-Couch. Sleeping beauty. Scudder. Children's book. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Welsh. Stories children love. See also Black bull of the Castle of Blood; Evil one who married two sisters; Pueblo Bluebeard. Bluebottle who went courting. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Blunder. O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. Whittier. Child life in prose. Blunderhead. Underhill. Dwarfs' tailor and other stories. Boar and the ass. ^Esop. Fables (Black ed.). ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Boar challenges an ass. .-Esop. Fables (Black ed.). ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Boastful bamboo. Lyman. Story telling. Nixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. Boastful field wren. Young. Behind the dark pines. Boasting traveler, .^sop. Fables (Black ed.). .(Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Boasting wolf. See Wolf and the man. Bobby and the keyhole. Eggleston. Queer stories for boys and girls. Bobino. Lang. Grey fairy book. Lang. Trusty John and other stories. Bobolink and the owl. Eggleston. Queer stories for boys and girls. Body that deserted the stomach. Davis and Chow-Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Boggart. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. (Farmer and the boggart.) Rhys. Fairy gold. Boiled eggs. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Bold bad bicycle. Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. Bomere pool. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Bona and Nello, Adventures of. Macdonell. Italian fairy book. FAIRY TALES 25 Bond of friendship. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Bones of Djuling. Coe and Christie. Story hour readers. 3d book. (Fairy tree.) Lang. Lilac fairy book.- Bonfire in the sea. Coe and Christie. Story hour readers. 3d book. Bonny Earl of Murray (poem). Lanier. Boy's Percy. Bonny little drummer boy. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. Booby. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also How six travelled through the world. Boots and his brothers. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. (Peter, Paul and Espen.) •Baldwin. Second fairy reader. (Wondering Jack.) Coe. Second book of stories. (Wondering Jack.) Dasent. Popular tales from the Norge. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. (Thumbkin.) Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. (Poucinet.) Rolfe. Fairy tales. (Poucinet.) Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Thorne-Thomsen. East o' the sun and west 'o the moon. \'an Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. (I wonder.) Boots and his crew. See Ashiepattle and his goodly crew. Boots and the beasts. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Wiltse. Folk stories and proverbs. Boots and the troll. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. See also Esben and the witch. Boots who ate a match with the troll. See Ashiepattle who ate with the troll for a wager. Boots who made the Princess say, "That's a story." See Ashiepattle who made the princess tell the truth at last. Bopoluchi. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Borrowed plumes. See Jay and the peacock. Bosh-Bosh oil. Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. Bottle neck. Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales. Bottle of brains. See Pottle o'brains. Bound boy. Eggleston. Queer stories for boys and girls. Bow of Eurytus. See Arethusa. Box with something pretty in it. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. (Box with the funny thing in it.) Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Short stor\'; Tail. Box with the funny thing in it. See Box with something pretty in it. Boy and hi.s mother. yEsop. Fables (Black ed.). Boy and the filberts. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). ^sop. Fables (Stickney). *Blaisdell. Child life. 2(1 reader. (Boy and the nuts.) Wiggin and Smith. Talking Ijeasts. Boy and the giant bird. Partridge. Story telling in iiume and school. 26 FAIRY TALES Boy and the goat. *Tread\vell. Reading-literature: primer. Boy and the mud pony. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Boy and the nettle, i^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). /Esop. Fables (Stickney). Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Boy and the nuts. See Boy and the filberts. Boy and the porridge. Pitman. Chinese fairy stories. Boy and the river. Blaisdell. Child-life. 2d reader. Boy and the spirits of things. Nixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. Boy and the wolf. See Boy who cried "Wolf." Boy and the wolves; or, The broken promise. Forty famous fairy tales. Lang. Beauty and the beast, and other stories. Lang. Yellow fairy book. See also Little wolf brother; Wolf boy. Boy bathing. .-Esop. Fables (Stickney). Boy-beautiful, the golden apples and the were-wolf. Kunos. Turkish fairy tales. Boy hero. See Leak in the dyke. Boy hunting locusts. .Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Boy-man. Wade. Indian fairy tales. Boy of perfect disposition. Davis and Chow-Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Boy stood on the burning deck. See Casablanca. Boy that let the giant's child fall into the well. Thorpe. Yule- tide stories. Boy that stole apples. See Boy who stole apples. Boy that stole the giant's treasure. Dasent. Popular tales from the Xorse. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Boy who became a Hsao-tsze. Davis and Chow Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Boy who became chief. Xixon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. Boy who became emperor. Pitman. Chinese fairy stories. Boy who contended with the giant in eating. Thorpe. Yule- tide stories. See also .■\shiepattle who ate with the troll for a wager. Boy who could keep a secret. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Boy who could not tell a lie. Nyblom. Jolly Calle. Boy who cried "Wolf." /Esop. Fables (Black ed. Shepherd's boy.) iEsop. Fables (Burt ed. Shepherd boy and the wolf), ^sop. Fables (Jacobs. Shepherd's boy). /Esop. Fables (Stickney. Shepherd's boy). ■"Alderman. Classics old and new. First reader. Arnold. Stepping stones to literature, v. 3. (Boy and the wolf.) *Blaisdell. Child life. 2d reader. Bryant. Stories to tell to children. Coe and Christie. Story hour readers. 3d book. Coussens. Child's book of stories. FAIRY TALES 27 Boy who cried "Wolf" — continued. *Hall and Oilman. Story land. 2d reader. Scudder. Children's book. (Shepherd boy and the wolf.) Tappan. Folk stories and fables. (Shepherd boy and the wolf.) Welsh. Stories children love. (Shepherd boy and the wolf.) Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Boy and the wolf.) Boy who discovered the spring. Alden. Why the chimes rang. Boy who found fear at last. Lang. Olive fairy book. Boy who had a moon on his forehead and a star on his chin. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Boy who lost his head. English. Fairy stories and wonder tales. Boy who loved fun. See Hermes and Apollo. Boy who saw A-ti-us. Grinnell. Pawnee hero stories. Boy who slept. Pitman. Chinese fairy stories. Boy who stole apples. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. F'ables and folk stories. Boy who teased, Story of the. Bellamy. Wonder children. Boy who wanted the impossible. Davis and Chow-Leung. Chi- nese fables and folk stories. Boy who wanted to marry. Singleton. Wild flo\yer fairy book. Boy who was changed into a flower. See Hyacinthus. Boy who was sacrificed. Grinnell. Pawnee hero stories. Boy who went out of the world. Alden. Why the chimes rang. Boy who went to the north wind. See Lad and the north wind. Boy who would not tell a lie. Davis and Chow-Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Boyhood of Cuhulain. See Cuhulain, Boyhood of. Boyking islands. Henderson. Sea yarns for boys. Boys and frogs. See Boys and the frogs. Boys and the frogs. /Esop. Fables (Stickney. Boys and frogs). Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Boy's drive on the sun-chariot. See Phaeton. Boys with the golden stars. Lang. \'iolct fairy book. Bracket bull. Graves. Irish fairy book. See also Billy Beg and his bull. Bradamante, Adventures of. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 5. Lang. Red romance book. (How Bradamante conquered the wizard; Ring of Bradamante; Fulfilling of the prophecy.) Brahman, the tiger, and the six judges. See Brahmin, the tiger and tiie jackal. Brahmin and the goat. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Brahmin, the tiger and the jackal. *Bowen. Second story reader. (Way of the world.) Brvant. Stories to tell to children. Frere. Old Deccan da\s. (Brahmin, the tiger and the six judges.) Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. (Tiger, the Brahman, and the jackal.) (play). Lansing. Quaint (jid stories. (Brahman, the ligerand the six judges.) 28 FAIRY TALES Brahmin, the tiger and the jackal — continued. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. (Tiger, the Brahman, and the jackal.) Tappan. Folk stories and fables. (Brahmin, the tiger and the six judges.) Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. (Brahmin, the tiger and the six judges.) See also Way of the world. I. Brains in his toes. Baring-Gould. Crock of gold. Bran the blessed. See Branwen, the daughter of Llyr. Branwen, the daughter of Llyr. Brooke. Wonder stories from the Mabinogion. Higginson. Tales of the enchanted islands of the Atlantic. (Bran the blessed.) Lanier. Knightly legends of Wales. Brave against his will. Bay. Danish fairj' and folk tales. See also Brave little tailor. Brave bobtails. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Brave laborer. Polevoi. Russian fairy tales Brave little mole. See Sun a prisoner. I. Brave little tailor. Coe and Christie. Storj^ hour readers. 3d book. (Magic girdle.) Coussens. Child's book of stories. Forty famous fairy tales. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr. \'aliant tailor). Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr. Gallant tailor). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed.). Grimm. Household tales. (Everyman's ed. Gallant tailor). Lang. Blue fairy book. Lang. Little Red Riding Hood and other stories. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter (Seven at a blow). See also Brave against his will; Johnny Gloke; Kara Mustapha, the hero; Little weaver of Duleek gate. Brave old Bruin. See Bruin Goodfellow. Brave Seventee-Bai. Frere. Old Deccan days. Brave three hundred. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Brave tin soldier. *Andersen. Best fairy tales (Henderson tr. Constant tin soldier). Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr. Steadfast tin soldier). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Turpin ed. Steadfast tin soldier). Andersen. Stories (Riverside ed. Constant tin soldier). Andersen. Wonder stories. (Constant tin soldier.) Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Field. Famous fairy tales. (Hardy tin soldier.) Forty famous fairy tales. (Steadfast tin soldier.) Jerrold. Big book of fair\' tales.' (Little tin soldier.) Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. Lang. Yellow fairy book. (Steadfast tin soldier.) Lansing. Fairy tales, v. 1. (Steadfast tin soldier.) FAIRY TALES 29 Brave tin soldier — continued. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 3. O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. (Constant tin soldier.) Scudder. Children's book. (Constant tin soldier.) Singleton. Wild flower fairy book. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. (Constant tin soldier.) Van Sickle amd Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 4th reader. (Constant tin soldier.) Welsh. Stories children love. (Hardy tin soldier.) Winnington. Outlook fair}- book. Brazen brogues; or, Too many to marry. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales (Burt ed.). Brazen head. See Friar Bacon and the brazen head. Brazier and his dog. .£sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Breakfast that flew away. *Grover. Folk-lore readers, v. 1. Bregenz, Legend of (poem). Haaren. Ballads and tales. Bremen town musicians. Adams. Folk story and verse. Blaisdell. Child life. 2d reader. (Town musicians.) *Bowen. Second story reader. (The singers.) Coe. First book of fairy stories. Gibbon. In the reign of King Cole. (Waits of Bremen.) Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Town musicians). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed. Traveling musicians) . Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. (Jack and his comrades.) Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. (Four musicians.) Johonnot. Grandfather's stories. Lang. Grey fairy book. (Street musicians.) Mulock. Fairy book. O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. (Street musicians.) Perkins. Twenty best fairy tales. Scudder. Children's book. (Traveling musicians.) Scudder. Fables and folk stories. (Traveling musicians.) (play). Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. (Donkey and his company.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also How Jack went to seek his fortune; Pet lamb. Brer. See Brother. Owing to the inconsistent use of the terms "Brer" and "Brother" in the same books, and because the same stories appear in different books under different titles, it has been decided to enter them all under "Brother." See also entries under "Mister." Brewery of eggshells. Jacobs, Celtic fairy tales. Veats. Irish fairy tales. Success library, v. 3. See also Changeling. Briam the fooL See Briam, the king's fool. 30 FAIRY TALES Briam, the king's fool. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. (Story of Briam, the king's fool.) Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. (Briam the fool.) Brian Boru. Crommelin. Famous legends. Tappan. Adventures and achievements (Brian of Munster, the boy chieftain). Brian of Munster, the boy chieftain. See Brian Boru. Briar rose. See Sleeping beauty. Briareus. Pratt. Myths of old Greece, v. L Bridal of the pigmy kin^. Canton. Reign of King Herla. See also Ossian in the land of youth. Bridal of weeping torches. See Orpheus and Eurydice. Bride from the red lake. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Bride of the dragon king. Pitman. Chinese fairy stories. Bride of the wind. Xixon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. Bridegroom for Miss Mole. Griffis. Unmannerly tiger, and other Korean tales. See also Rats and their son-in-law. Bride's venture. See Twelve huntsmen. Bridge. L Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. Bridge. IL Ingelow. Stories told to a child, v. 2. Bridge of the gods. Judson. K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Bright-Hawk's feather. Dole. White duckling and other stories. Polevoi. Russian fairy tales. (Little feather of Fenist the bright falcon.) Bright sun brings it to light. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Brighton cats. Dodge. Land of pluck. Broad man, the tall man, and the man with eyes of flame. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Lang. Grey fairy book. (Long, Broad and Quickeye.) Mabie. Folk tales every child should know. (Long, Broad and Sharpsight.) Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. (Broadman, Longfellow and Sharpeyes.) Ortoli. Evening tales (Enchanted princess.) Broadman, Longfellow and Sharpeyes. See Broad man, the tall man, and man with eyes of flame. Broken moon. Allen. Indian fairy tales. Broken pot. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. See also Milkmaid and her pail. Broken promise. See Boy and the wolves. Broken wing. Wilson, Mrs. L. L. W. Nature study reader. Bronze boar. Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Bronze ring. Lang. Blue fairy book. Lang. Sleeping beauty. Brook in the king's garden. Alden. Why the chimes rang. Brother and his sisters. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. FAIRY TALES 31 Brother and sister. I. Field. Famous fairy tales. (Enchanted stag.) Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr. Little brother and sister). Grimm. Household (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Enchanted stag). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). *Heller and Bates. Little Golden-Hood. Ketchumand Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. (Little brother and sister.) Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. (Enchanted stag.) Mabie. Heroes and fairies. (Enchanted stag.) Mulock. Fairy book. Wiggin and Siiiith. Fairy ring. (Little brother and sister.) Brother and sister. U. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). .F^sop. Fables (Black ed.). Brother and sister. HL Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. Brother Deer an' King Sun's daughter. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Brother Fox and the white muscadines. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Fox, Brother Rabbit, and King Deer's daughter. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Fox catches Mr. Horse. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Fox covets the quills. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Fox follows the fashion. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Brother Fox makes a narrow escape. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Fox's diamond mine. Harris. Plantation pageants. Brother Fox's fish-trap. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Lizard's strength and wealth. Young. Behind the dark pines. Brother Loggerhead and Brother Conch. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. (B'Loggerhead and B'Conch.) Brother Possum gets in trouble. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Possum routs Brother Lion. Young. Behind the dark pines. (Brer Possum routs Brer Lion.) Brother Rabbit. Coc and Christie. Story hour readers. 3d book. Brother Rabbit and Brother Bull-frog. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Brother Rabbit and his famous foot. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Rabbit and Miss Nancy. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Brother Rabbit and Mr. Wildcat. Harris. Nights with Uncle Reiiius. Brother Rabbit and the chickens. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Brother Rabbit and the gizzard eater (poem). Harris. Tar-baby and other rhymes. (De 'Galer and de rabbit gizzard.) Harris. Told by L'ncle Remus. Brother Rabbit and the goobers. Harris. Plantation pageants. (Brer Rabbit and the goobers.) 32 FAIRY TALES Brother Rabbit and the little girl. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Rabbit and the mosquitoes. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Rabbit and the tar-baby. See Wonderful tar-baby story. Brother Rabbit breaks up a party. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Rabbit gets Brother Fox's dinner. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Rabbit gets the provisions. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Rabbit goes looking for trouble. Young. Behind the dark pines. (Brer Rabbit goes looking for trouble.) Brother Rabbit lays in his beef supply. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Rabbit outdoes Mr. Man. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Rabbit pretends to be poisoned. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Rabbit rescues Brother Terrapin. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Rabbit secures a mansion. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Rabbit submits to a test. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Rabbit takes a walk. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Rabbit takes some exercise. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Rabbit ties Mr. Lion. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Rabbit's astonishing prank. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Rabbit's cradle. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Brother Rabbit's laughing place (poem). Harris. Tar-baby and other rhymes. (Brer Rabbit's gigglin'-place.) Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Brother Rabbit's love-charm. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Rabbit's riddle. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Rabbit's story. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. 3d reader. Brother Terrapin deceives Brother Buzzard. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Terrapin's fiddle string. Harris. Little Mr. Thimble- finger. Brother Tiger and Daddy Sheep. Cary. Fairy legends of the French provinces. (Papa Tiger and Papa Sheep.) Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. (Mr. Goat and Mr. Tiger.) Ortoli. Evening tales. Brother Wolf and the horned cattle. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Wolf and the rock. Bailey. Firelight stories. Brother Wolf falls a victim. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Wolf gets in a warm place. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. FAIRY TALES 33 Brother Wolf says grace. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brother Wolf still in trouble. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Brothers. See Two brothers. II. Brown bear of Norway. Lang. Lilac fairy book. Brown dwarf of Riigen. ^ee John Dietrich, Adventures of. Brown-eyed Susans, Origin of. Bigham. Overheard in fairy- land. Brownie, Adventures of a. Stone. Children's stories that never grow old. Brownie and the princess. Alcott. Lulu's library, v. 2. Brownie and the thievish maids. Douglas. Scottish fairy book. Brownie of Blednock. Grierson. Children's tales from Scottish ballads. Brownie of Bodsbeck. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Brownie o' Feme Den. Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Brownie of the lake. Lang. Lilac fairy book. Bruce, Robert. Mabie. Heroes and fairies. Bruce and the spider. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. *Jones. 2d reader. Bruin and Rej^nard. See Bruin and Reynard partners. Bruin and Reynard partners. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. (Bear and the fox go into partnership.) Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. (Bruin and Reynard.) Thorne-Thomsen. East o' the sun and west o' the moon. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Bruin Goodfellow, Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. (Brave old Bruin.) Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Johnson. Book of fair>'-tale bears. (Bruin's ride.) Bruin outwitted. See Slip root, catch Reynard's foot. Bruin's ride. See Bruin Goodfellow. Brunhilda. Maud. Wagner's heroines. Bruno's story. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Bubbly boy. Nyblom. Jolh- Calle. Bucephalus. See Alexander the Great. Buckwheat (The). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Wonder stories. Bryant. How to tell stories. Sichbins. lid reader. Buffalo and the field-mouse. Eastman. Smoky Day's wigwam CNcnings. F^astman. Wigwam evenings. Buffoon and the countryman. .-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). .Esop. Fables (Jacobs). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Builder of ability and the builder of haste. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Builders of Troy. See Trojan war. Building of Asgard. See (jiant builder. Bull and the bulfinch. Rouse. Talking thrush. Bull and the calf. .-Esop. Fables (Stickney). 34 FAIRY TALES Bull and the goat. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.)- /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.)- Bull and the princess at the glass mountain. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Bull of Norroway. See Red bull of Norroway. Bullockeen. Gregory. Kiltartan wonder book. Bundle of sticks. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed. Old man and his sons). /Esop. Fables (Black ed. Old man and his sons). /Esop. Fables (Jacobs). /Esop. Fables (Stickney. Old man and sons). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 2. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. (Farmer and his sons.) Hall and Gilman. Story land. 2d reader. (Farmer and his sons.) Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 2. (Union gives strength.) Scudder. Children's book. (Farmer's sons.) Scudder. Fables and folk stories. (Farmer's sons.) Welsh. Stories children love. (Old man and his sons.) Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Old man and his sons.) Bunny and the Easter eggs. See Easter hare. Bunyip. Lang. Aladdin and other stories. Lang. Brown fairy book. Burial of poor Cock Robin. See Cock Robin. Buried moon. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Buried treasure. See Gold in the orchard. Burning of the rice fields. Bryant. How to tell stories. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers, v. 3. Burnt Njal, Story of. See Death of Gunnar; Njal's burning; Slaying of Hallgerda's husbands. Bushy bride. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. Lang. Red fairy book. Buttercup. See Little Butterkin. Butterfly. I. Andersen. Fairy tales (PauU tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales. Butterfly. H. Mulock. Fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Butterfly that stamped. Kipling. Just so stories. Butterflyflutterby and Flutterbybutterfly. Howells. Christmas every day. Buttoncrop. Richards. More five minute stories. Cadi's decisions. Alderman. Classics old and new. 4th reader. Cadmus and the dragon's teeth. Baldwin. Old Greek stories. (Cadmus and Europa.) Haaren and Poland. Famous men of Greece. Hartley. Stories from the Greek legends. (How Cadmus founded a city.) Hawthorne. Tanglewood tales. (Dragon's teeth.) FAIRY TALES 35 Cadmus and the dragon's teeth — continued. Hutchinson. Orpheus with his lute. (Prince Cadmus of Phoeni- cia.) Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. (Why Cadmus founded a city.) Johonnot. Stories of heroic deeds. (Dragon's teeth.) Mabie. Myths every child should know. Pratt. Myths of Old Greece, v. 2. (Dragon's teeth.) Tappan. Myths from many lands. (Dragon's teeth.) Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. See also Europa. Cadwaladr and his goat. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Cadwallon. Baring-Gould. Old English fairy tales. Caedmon, the herdsman poet, Story of. Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of early England. Caesar, Julius. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. (Crossing the Rubicon.) Caesar and the slave. ^-Esop. Fables (Black ed.). .F^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Cailleac-na-Cearc. Gregory. Kiltartan wonder book. Cake shop on the wooden bridge. Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Caliph for one day. See Abou Hassan. Caliph Haroun-al-Raschid, Adventures of. Arabian nights (Dodge ed.). Arabian nights (Lang. Adventures of Haroun-al-Raschid). Arabian nights (Townsend). Ketcham. Oriental fairy tales. (Haroun-al-Raschid.) Scudder. Children's book (Caliph Haroun Alraschid.) Caliph Stork. HaufT. Caravan tales. HaufT. Fairy tales. (Caliph turned stork.) Jenks. Tales of fantasy. Lang. Green fairy book. Success library, v. 3. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. (Storks and the night owl.) See also Blondina. Caliph the fisherman, Story of. Arabian nights (Olcott). Caliph turned stork. .S>^ Caliph Stork. Callisto and Arcis. Judd. Classic myths. Kupfer. Stories of long ago. (Great bear and the little bear.) Pratt. Greek myths, v. 2. (Callisto.) Wilson, Mrs. L. L. W. * Nature study reader. (While bear.) Calydonian hunt. Baldwin. Hero tales told in school. (Hunt in the woods of Calydon.) Balflwin. C)ld Greek stories. (Hunt in the forest.) Buckley. Children of the dawn. (Hunting the Calydonian boar.) Carpenter. Long ago in (ireecc. (Hunt in Calydon.) Cole. Heroes of the olden time. (Meleager and Atalanta.) Cox. Tales of Ancient Greece. (Althea and the burning brand.) Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome. Lang, L. B. All sorts of stories book. (Meleager and Atalanta.) Peabody. Old Crrefk folk stories. Storr. Half a hundred henr tales. (Meleager and Atalanta.) 36 FAIRY TALES Camaralzaman, and Badoura, Princess of China. Arabian nights (Lang). Arabian nights (Townsend). Camel. iCsop. Fables (Stickney). Camel and his master. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Camel and the pig. Baldwin. Another fairy reader. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Camel driver and the adder. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Camelback mountain, Legend of the. See In the desert of wait- ing. Camel's neck. Rouse. Talking thrush. Can and could. Ingelow. Stories told to a child, v. L Candle. See Candles. Candles. Andersen. Fairy tales (Turpin). Andersen. Stories (Riverside ed.). Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed. Candle). Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. (Candle.) Candy country. Alcott. Lulu's library, v. 1. Cannetella. Lang. Grey fairy book. Lang. Invisible prince and other stories. Success library, v. 3. Canonbie Dick and Thomas of Ercildoune. Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Canova, Antonio. Alderman. Classics old and new. 4th reader. (Scullion who became a sculptor.) Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Canute, King. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. (King Canute on the seashore.) Johonnot. Stories of the olden time. Cap o' rushes. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Cap that mother made. See Ander's new cap. Captain John's travels. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Carasoyn. MacDonald. Light princess and other fairy tales. Carlanco. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. See also Wolf and the seven little kids. Carpenter and the ape. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Casabianca. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Blaisdell. Child life. 4th reader, (poem). Tappan. Old-fashioned stories. Casperl. Fairy stories from St. Nicholas. Castle hung in the air. Cary. Fairy legends of the French provinces. Castle in the clouds. Stewart. Once upon a time. Castle of Bim. Stockton. The floating prince. Castle of fortune. Bryant. Stories to tell to children. Castle of Kerglas. See Perronik, Adventures of. Castle of life. Laboulaye. Fairy book. Castle silence. Hacklander. Enchanting and enchanted. Castle under the sea. Alden. Why the chimes rang. FAIRY TALES 37 Castor and Pollux. Hutchinson. Golden porch. (Heavenly twins.) Judd. Classic myths. Castle of gems. May. Little Prudy's fair>^ book. Castle of the active door. See Sir Peredur. Cat and the bat. .-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Cat and the birds. ^-Esop. Fables (Stickney). Spaulding and Bryce. Aldine readers. 2d reader. Cat and the cock. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). .■Esop. Fables (Stickney). Cat and the fox. See Fox and the cat. I. Cat and the hen. Stafford. Animal fables. Cat and the mice. .-Esop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Cat and the monkey. See Cat, the monkey and the chestnuts. Cat and the mouse. I. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 1. Bailey. Firelight stories. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Darton. Wonder book of beasts. *Haaren. Songs and stories. 2d reader. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Mother Goose rhymes and fairy tales (Altemus ed.).^ Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles (Warne ed.). O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Grain of corn; How the mouse got into his hole; Little Tuppen; Munachar and Manachar; Nanny who wouldn't go home to supper; Old woman and her pig; Piece of liver; Sparrow and the bush. Cat and the mouse. IL James. Cat and the mouse. Cat and the mouse in partnership. Baldwin. Another fairy reader. (A queer partnership.) Carrick. Kitty cat tales. (Cat who married a mouse.) Darton. Wonder book of beasts. (All-gone.) Field. Famous fairy tales. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Cat who married a mouse). Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. Lang. Magic ring and other stories. Lang. \'ellow fairy book. (play). Stevenson. Plays for the home. (Cat and the mouse.) VViggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Compair Lapin's godchild; Fox and the wolf; Fox as partner; Vox cheats the bear out of his Christmas fare; Wolf's butter. 38 FAIRY TALES Cat and the parrot. Bryant. Best stories to tell to children. Bryant. How to tell stories to children. Keyes. Five senses. Rouse. Talking thrush. See also Greedy cat. Cat and the sparrows. I. ^Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Cat and the two sparrows.) Cat and the sparrows. II. Rouse. Talking thrush. Cat and the two sparrows. See Cat and the sparrows. I. Cat-maiden. See Venus and the cat. Cat on the Dovrefell. See Bear and Skrattel. Cat that could not be killed. Darton. Wonder book of beasts. Cat that waited. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 1st reader. Cat that walked by himself. Kipling. Just so stories. Cat, the cock and the fox. Bain. Cossack fairy tales. Johnson. Book of fairy-tale foxes. (How the cat outwitted the fox.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Cat, the monkey and the chestnuts, ^^sop. Fables (Stick- ney. Monkey and the cat). Hall and Gilmore. Story land. 2d reader. (Cat and the monkey.) Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Monkey and the cat.) Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Cat, the rat and the fox. Stafford. Animal fables. Cat, the weasel and the young rabbit. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Cat who lost herself. Bailey. Stories and rhymes for a child. Cat who married a mouse. See Cat and the mouse in partner- ship. Cat who served the lion. Story of. Success library, v. 3. Cat witches. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Catherine and Frederick. See Frederick and Catherine. Catherine and her destiny. Fairy tales retold from St. Nicholas. Lang. Golden mermaid and other stories. Lang. Pink fairy book. Cats and the mice. ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Cat's elopement. Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. (Runaway cats.) Lang. Pink fairy book. Lang. Snow-queen and other stories. Cats that wouldn't catch mice. Nordau. Dwarf's spectacles. Catskin. I. Baring-Gould. Old English fairy tales. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. Rhys. Fairy gold. Catskin. II. See Many-furred creature. FAIRY TALES 39 Cattle sits in the kiln-ring spinning (poem). Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. See also Mouse and mouser. Cattle raide of Cooley. Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of early England. (Tale of the white-horned.) Cauld lad of Hilton. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Rhys. Fairy gold. Cause of tides. Farmer. Nature myths. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 3d reader. (Crab and the moon.) See also Crab that played with the sea. Cave of the winds. Steward. Once upon a time. Cave of the young men of Snowdonia. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Celestial runaway. See Phaeton. Celestial sisters. See Star wife. Cephalus and Procris. Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. Ceres. See Proserpina. Ceres and Proserpina. See Proserpina. Ceyx and Halcyone. See Halcyon birds. Chain of fools.' Macdonell. Italian fairy book. Chairs in council. Eggleston. Queer stories for boys and girls. Chameleon, ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). (poem). Tappan. Old-fashioned stories. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Champion of Athens. See Theseus. Chandra's vengeance. Frere. Old Deccan days. Tappan. Mvths from many lands. Changeling. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr., Elves. III). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr., Elves. III). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed.). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). See also Brewery of egg-shells. Chanticleer and Partlett, Adventures of. Darton. Wonder book of beasts. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr. Death of the little hen). Grimm. Household stories (Crane, tr. Death of the hen). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See als9 Vagabonds; Herr Korbes; Cock and the hen m the nut wood. Charcoal-burner. I. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Asbjiirnscn. Tales from the fjeld. Charcoal-burner. II. See Charcoal burner and fuller. Charcoal-burner. III. See How Ralph the charcoal-burner innrtaincd King Charles and afterwards went to court. Charcoal burner and fuller. /Esop. Fables (Black ed. Collier and the fuller). itsop. Fables (Burt ed. Collier and the fuller). /Esop. Fables (Stickney). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 2. (Char- coal-burner.) 40 FAIRY TALES Charlemagne. Baldwin. Hero tales told in school. (How Charlemagne crossed the Alps.) Herbertson. Heroic legends. (How Oliver fought for France and the faith.) Johonnot. Stories of the olden time. Tappan. Stories of legendary heroes. (How Fierabras defied King Charles.) Charlotte and the ten dwarfs. Fairy stories from St. Nicholas. (Ten little dwarfs.) Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. Wiltse. Kindergarten stories. See also Ten fairies. Charmed ring. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. See also Wonderful ring. Charming. See Beauty of form and beauty of mind. Charybdis. See Scylla and Charybdis. _ Cheer-heart, Story of. See How pansies came. Cheerful glacier. Austin. Basket woman. Cheerful temper. Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed. Good humor). Cheeses that ran away. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. See also Wisemen of Gotham. Cherry. See Cherry of Zennor, Adventures of. Cherry of Zennor, Adventures of. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Pyle, K. Fairy tales. (Cherry.) Cherry the frog-bride. Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). See also Three feathers. I. Chevalier Fortune. See Belle- Belle. Chevy Chace. See Chevy Chase. Chevy Chase. Greenwood. Stories from famous ballads. Johonnot. Stories of the olden time. (poem). Lanier. Boy's Percy. (Ancient ballad of Chevy Chace.) (poem). Lanier. Boy's Percy. (More modern ballad of Chevy Chace.) Mabie. Legends every child should know. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. (Hunting of the Cheviot.) Scudder. Children's book. (Hunting of the Cheviot.) Chib, Adventures of. Kennedy. New world fairy book. Chicken-Grethe's family. Andersen. Stories and tales. Chicken-Licken. See Chicken-Little. Chicken-Little. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature. V. 2. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. (Hen who went to Dovrefjeld to save the world.) Bailey. Firelight stories. Bailey. Stories and rhymes for a child. (Chicken Little and the baby.) Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. ■♦Blaisdell. Child life. 2d reader. ■^Bowen. Second story reader. (When the sky began to fall.) FAIRY TALES 41 Chicken-Little — continued. Coussens. Child's book of stories. (Henny Penny.) Darton. Wonder book of beasts. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. (Cock and hen that went to Dovrefell.) Forty famous fairy tales. (Henny Penny.) *Grover. Folk lore readers, v. 1. *Howard. Banbury Cross stories. (Chicken-Licken.) Jacobs. English fairy tales. (Henny Penny.) Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. (Little Chicken Kluk.) Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. (Story of Chicken-Licken.) Klingensmith. Household stories for little readers. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles (Warne ed. Chicken Licken). Norton. Heart of oak books, v. \. (Henny Penny.) O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. (Chicken- Licken.) Rhys. Fairy gold. Scudder. Book of folk stories. (Story of Chicken Licken.) Scudder. Children's book. (Story of Chicken Licken.) Tappan. Folk stories and fables. (Chicken Licken.) Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. (Little Chicken Kluk and his companions.) *Tread\vell. Reading literature: primer. Welsh. Stbries children love. (Story of Chicken-Licken.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (Henny Penny.) Wiltse. Folklore stories and proverbs. (Chicken Licken.) Chief of the healing waters. Nixon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. Chief Xat. Allen. Indian fairy tales. Chief's daughter. Lang. L. B. Strange story book. Child and the world. Wiggin and Smith. Story hour. Child in the grave. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales. Child of Elle. Macleod. Book of ballad stories, (poem). Lanier. Boy's Percy. Child of the forest. See Kintaro. Child of the mist. Baldwin. Another fairy reader. Child of the roses. Ortoli. Evening tales. Child of the sun. Baldwin. Second fairy reader. Child of the thunder. Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. (Son of the Thunder-god.) Tappan. Myths from many lands. (Rai-taro, the son of the Thunder God.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Child or fairy. Brown, .\. F. Star jewels. Child Rowland. See Childe Rowland. Child who came from an egg. Lang. Violet fairy book. Childe Charity, Story of. Browne. Granny's wonderful chair. Childe Home. .Mabie. Legends every child should know. Childe Rowland. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Lansing. Talcs of old England. Singleton. Wild flower fairy book. (Child Rowland.) Success library, v. 3. 42 FAIRY TALES Children and the dog. Davis and Chow-Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Children in the moon. Blaisdell. Child life. 2d reader. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Children in the woods. See Babes in the wood. Children of King Pellicano. Winnington. Outlook fairy book. Children of Lir. See Fate of the Children of Lir. Children's festival. Keyes. Five senses. Children's prattle. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales. Child's dream of a star. Mabie. Famous stories every child should know. Child's grave. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr., Shroud). Child's play. Richards. Golden windows. Chimaera. See Pegasus. Chimborazo. Richards. Joyous story of Toto. Chin-Chin Kobakama. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Chinese beauty and the beast. Goddard. Fairy tales in other lands. Chinese mandarin's story. Harrison, C. C. Bric-a-brac stories. Chinese prodigal son. Davis and Chow-Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Chinese story. See Lantern and the fan. Ching Yuh and Kyain Oo. See Trials of two heavenly lovers.^ Chinook ghosts. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Chinook wind. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Chipmunk's black stripe. Judd. Wigwam stories. Tanner. Legends from the red man's forest. See also How the chipmunk got the stripes on his back. Choctaw mound. Allen. Indian fairy tales. Choice. Lindsay. More mother stories. Choice of the princess. See Eighty-one brothers. Chop-Chin and the golden dragon. Richards. Toto's merry winter. Christ-child, Story of the. Dickinson and Skinner. Children's book of Christmas stories. Christ-child, Tale of the. Cowles. Art of story telling. Christian merchant. Arabian nights (Townsend. Story told by the Christian merchant). Christmas. 5ee Candles; Christ child; Cratchit's Christmas dinner; Christie; Fir tree; First Christmas presents; Fulfilled; Golden cobwebs; How Christmas came to Bertie's house; How the cat kept Christmas; How the umbrella ran away with Ellie; Jerusalem Artie's Christmasdinner; Jimmy Scarecrow's Christ- mas; Little girl's Christmas; Little green elf's Christmas; Little Gretchen and the wooden shoe; Little Roger's night in church; Mother's excuse; Nest that hung on the Christmas tree; Night with Santa Claus; Piccola; Robin's Christmas song; Tilly's Christmas; Three little Christmas trees that grew on the hill; Toinette and the elves; Why the chimes rang; also Titles beginning with the word Christmas. FAIRY TALES 43 Christmas before last; or, Fruit of the fragile palm. Stockton. Bee-man of Orn. ^ Stockton. Queen's Museum. Christmas cake. Lindsay. More mother stories. Christmas cuckoo. Browne. Granny's wonderful chair. Christmas dream. Alcott. Lulu's library, v. L Christmas eve, Story of a. Bellamy. Wonder children. Christmas every day. Howells. Christmas every day. Christmas gift. See Piccola. Christmas masquerade. Dickinson and Skinner. Children's book of Christmas stories. Christmas rose. Chisholm. Enchanted land. Christmas star. Dickinson and Skinner. Children's book of Christmas stories. Christmas stocking. Lindsay. More mother stories. Christmas stocking with a hole in it. Scudder. Seven little people. Christmas story. Silver fairy book. Christmas tree. L Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. (Legend of the Christmas tree.) Dickinson and Skinner. Children's book of Christmas stories. (First Christmas tree.) Christmas tree. IL Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. (How the fir tree became the Christmas tree.) Christmas tree. IIL Austin. Basket woman. Christmas trees. Edey. Si.x giants and a griffin. Christmas truants. Stockton. Fanciful tales. Stockton. Queen's museum. Christmas turkey and how it came. Alcott. Lulu's library, v. 3. Chun Yang. See Faithful dancing-girl wife. Chundun Rajah. Frere. Old Deccan days. Singleton. Goldenrod fajry book. (Sandal-wood necklace.) Success library, v. 3. Ciad, son of the king of Norway, Adventures of. MacManus. Donegal fairy stories. Ciccu. Lang. Elf maiden. »• Lang. Pink fairy book. Cid, The. Crommelin. Famous legends. Herbcrtson. Heroic legends. (How^ my Cid the Campeador won the favor of his king.) Lang. Red romance book. Mabie. Heroes and fairies. Mabie. Heroes every child should know. Tappan. Stories of legendary heroes. Cincinnatus, Story of. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Johonnot. Stories of the olden time. Cinder Youth. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy talcs. (Simple- ton.) Kunos. Turkish fairy tales. Cinderboy and the witch. See Golden lantern, the golden goat and the g(;lden cloak. 44 FAIRY TALES Cinderella; or, The little glass slipper. Adams. Folk-story and verse. Aunt Louisa's book of fairy tales. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Burke. Fairy tales. Canton. Reign of King Herla. Chisholm. In fairyland. Coe. First book of stories. Coe and Christie. Story hour readers. 3d book. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Cruikshank. Cruikshank's fairy book. Favorite fairy tales. Forty famous fairy tales. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr. Ashenputtel.) Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr. Aschenputtel). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed.). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed. Aschenputtel). Harris. Favorites from fairyland. *Howard. Dick Whittington and other stories. Hoxie. Kindergarten story book. Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. *Lang. Cinderella and other fairy tales. Lang. Blue fairy book. Lansing. Fairy tales, v. 1. Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Mabie. Heroes and fairies. Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. Mother Goose rhymes, jingles and fairy tales (Altemus ed.). Mulock. Fairy book. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 2. Nursery tales. Perkins. Twenty best fairy tales. Perrault. Fairy tales. Perrault. Tales of Mother Goose. Perrault. Tales of passed times. Quiller-Couch. Sleeping beauty. Rhys. Fairy gold. Scudder. Book of folk stories. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. *Stone. Children's stories that never grow old. Success library, v. 3. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. (Little gold shoe.) Valentine. Old, old fairy tales (Warne ed.). Welsh. Fairv tales children lave. See also Conkiajgharuna; Fair, Brown and Trembling; Rushen Coatie I and H; Huron Cinderella; Little Sosana and her gold wrought shoe; Nippit fit and Clippit fit. Circe's palace. See Ulysses. FAIRY TALES 45 City mouse and the country mouse. See Country mouse and the city mouse. City of brass. Arabian nights (Olcott ed.). Arabian nights. Wiggin and Smith. City of the sea king; Harrison, E. O. Prince Silverwings. City rat and the country rat (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Claus and his wonderful staff . Pyle, H. Pepper and salt. Cleft mountain. Brown, A. F. Tales of the red children. Cleomene. Baring-Gould. Crock of gold. Clergyman's ghost. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Clever Alice. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr. Clever Elsa). Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr. Clever Bess). Grimm. Household fairy tales (Burt ed. Clever Elfe). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr. Clever Else). Lansing. Fairy tales, v. 2. Mulock. Fairy book. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. See also Three sillies. Clever Bess. See Clever Alice. Clever cat. Lang. Orange fairy book. Clever Elfe. See Clever Alice. Clever Elsa. See Clever Alice. Clever Else. See Clever Alice. Clever Elsie. See Clever Alice. Clever folk. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.) See also All women are alike. Clever girl. See Peasant's clever daughter. Clever goat. Rouse. Talking thrush and other tales from India. Clever Grethel. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr. Clever Maggie). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed. Hans and his wife Grettel, pt. 1.) Clever Hans. See Prudent Hans. Clever Maggie. See Clever Grethel. Clever Maria. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Lang. Magic ring and other stories. Clever Peter and the two bottles. Pyle, H. Pepper and salt. Clever prince. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Clever shepherd. Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. Clever student and the master of black arts. Pyle, 11. Wonder clock. Clever tailor. Johnson. Book of fairy-tale bears. (Bear and the tailor.) Lang. Green fairy book. Lang. Three dwarfs and other stories. Clever weaver. Lang. Olive fairy book. Clever wife. See Gobborn seer. Clock and the dial. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). 46 FAIRY TALES Close alliance. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Closing door. Lindsay. Mother stories. Cloud. Bryant. Stories to tell to children. Cloud-cuckoo-borough. Carpenter. Long ago in Greece. Cloud maidens. Harrison, E. O. Prince Silverwings. Clover-blossom (poem). Alcott. Flower fables. Clyde. *Alderman. Classics old and new. 1st reader. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Beckwith. In mythland. v. L Cooke. Nature myths and stories. Firth. Stories of old Greece. (Helios and Clytie.) Francillon. Gods and heroes. (The sun-flower.) Holbrook. 'Round the year in myth and song. Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. Judd. Classic myths. (Girl who was changed into a sunflower.) Pratt. Greek myths, v. 2. Wilson, Mrs. L. L. W. Nature study reader. Coat o' clay. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Cobbler. Cowles. Art of story telling. Cobbler and the brownies. Nursery tales. Cobbler and the ghosts. Ewing. Old-fashioned fairy tales. Cobbler and the king, Merry history of. Lansing. Tales of old England. Cobbler turned doctor. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Cobbler's luck. Macdonell. Italian fairy book. Cock-a-doo-dle-do. Bryant. Stories to tell to children. Cock and hen a-nutting. See Cock and hen in the nut wood. Cock and hen that went to Dovrefell. See Chicken-Little. Cock and his combats (poem). Success library, v. 3. Cock and the crested hen. Djurko. Fairy tales from the Swedish. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Cock and the fox. I. ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). .•Esop. Fables (Burt ed. Fox and the cock) . ^sop. Fables (Stickney). Cock and the fox. II. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). iEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). ^sop. Fables. (Jacobs. Fox, the cock and the dog.) (poem). /Esop. Fables (Stickney. Supplement). (play). Lansing. Quaint old stories. (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Cock and the fox. III. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. (Reynard and Chanticleer.) *Bowen. Second story reader. (Fox and the rooster.) Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. (Fox and the cock.) Field. Famous fairy tales. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. (Fox and the rooster.) Johnson. Book of fairy-tale foxes. (Fox and the boastful rooster.) O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. (Fox and the rooster.) FAIRY TALES 47 Cock and the fox. III. — continued. Thorne-Thomsen. East o' the sun and west o' the moon. (.Revnard and the cock.) Wiggin and Smith . Tales of laughter. (Reynard and Chanticleer.) Cock and the goose. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Cock and the hen. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Houghton. Russian's grandmother's wonder tales. See also Drakesbill and his friends. Cock and the hen in the nut wood. Dasent. Popular tales from the Xorse. (Cock and hen a-nutting.) Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. See also Chanticleer and Partlett. Cock and the horses. yEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Cock and the jewel, ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). ^•Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). iEsop. Fables (Jacobs. Cock and the pearl). yEsop. Fables (Stickney). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Cock and the pearl. See Cock and the jewel. Cock Robin (poem). Haaren. Songs and stories. 2d reader. (Who killed Cock Robin.) Jerrold. Big book of nursery rhymes. (Death and burial of Cock Robin.) Mother Goose rhymes, jingles and fairy tales (Altemus ed.). O'Shea. Six nursery classics. (Burial of poor Cock Robin.) O'Shea. Six nursery classics. (Courtship, marriage and dinner of Cock Robin and Jenny Wren and death of Cock Robin.) Cock, the cuckoo, and the blackcock. Dasent. Popular tales from the Xorse. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Cock, the mouse and the little red hen. See Little red hen. II. Cock who fell into the brewing vat. See Death of Chanticleer. Cock-alu and Hen-alie. Darton. Wonder book of beasts. Cock's kraal. Bourhill and Drake. Fairy tales from South Africa. Cock's stone. Alacdonell. Italian fairy book. Cock's wife. Cary. Fairy legends from the French pro\imes. Cockyloo. Alcott. Lulu's library, v. L Coco. See Half-Chick. Codadad and his brothers, History of. Arabian nights (Town- send j. Arabian nights (Wiggin and Smith). Coffee-mill which grinds salt. See W'hy the sea is salt. III. Cogia Hassan Alhabbal, History of. Arabian nights (Dodge ed.). Aral)ian nights (Townsend). Ketcham. CJriental fairy tales. Scuddcr. Children's book. Cold princess. Kennedy. .\ew world fairy book. Colin and Mary. C/ii)i)on. Reign of King Cole. Colman Grey. Harllanfl. English folk and fairy tales. Sre also King of the cats. Colony of cats. Lang. Crimson fairy l)ook. Lang. Snow-queen and other stories. 48 FAIRY TALES Colt and the farmer (poem), ^^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Columbus, Christopher: Columbus and the eclipse. Johonnot. Stories of heroic deeds. ■ Columbus, Christopher: Columbus and the egg. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. Comanche Chief, the peace-maker. Grinnell. Pawnee hero stories. Comatos and the honey bee. Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. See also Rhoecus and the oak. Comb and the collar. Lang. Olive fairy book. Comet. Andersen. Stories and tales. Coming of Benten Sama. Nixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stoiies and fairy tales. Coming of Finn. See Finn MacCool. Coming of Ki-Ki. Nixon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. Coming of Seegwun. Nixon-Roulet. Indian folk-tales. Coming of the king. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Richards. Golden windows. Compair Lapin and Mr. Turkey. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Compair Lapin's godchild. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. See also Cat and the mouse in partnership. Companion. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. See also Traveling companion. Companions of the forest. Macdonnell. Italian fairy book. Compliment to the vizier. Success library, v. 3. Comrades. Eastman. Smoky Day's wigwam evenings. Eastman. Wigwam evenings. Conal and Donal and Taig. MacManus. Donegal fairy stories. Conall Yellowclaw. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Conceited apple-branch. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paul! tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Turpin. There is a difference). Andersen. Stories and tales. ("There's a difference.") Conceited owl. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Conjuration for a fairy. Rhys. Fairy gold. Conkiajgharuna. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. See also Cinderella. Conn-Eda, The story of; or, The golden apples of Lough Erne. Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. Connla and the fairy maiden. Forty famous fairy tales. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Constans the emperor. Wilmot-Buxton. Stories from old French romance. (Story of Constans the emperor.) Constant tin soldier. See Brave tin soldier. Constantes and the Dhrako. Byrne. Modern Greek fairy tales. Contrary woman. See Goody 'Gainst-the-stream. Convenient whale. Henderson. Sea yarns for boys. Conversion of King Laoghaire's daughter. Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. Cooky. Bryant. How to tell stories. Richards. Golden windows. FAIRY TALES 49 Cooky nut trees. Fairy tales retold from St. Nicholas. Copper canoe. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Coquerico. See Half-Chick Cormorant and the fishes. .-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.) Cormorants of Udrost. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Corn, Legend of. See First corn. Cornelia's jewels. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Corpse watchers. Graves. Irish fairy book. Cottager and his cat. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Lang. Snow-queen and other stories. Council held by rats. See Belling the cat. Council of horses (poem). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Count of the empty pockets. Mendel. Our little Austrian cousin. Countess Kathleen O'Shea. Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. "Counting your chickens before they hatch." See Maid and her pail of milk; Maid and her basket of eggs; Barber's fifth brother. Country cat. Cowles. Art of story telling. Country fellow and the river. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Country maid and her milk-pail. See Milkmaid and her pail of milk. Country maid and the milk pail. See Milkmaid and her pail of milk. Country mouse and the city mouse. See Country mouse and the town mouse. Country mouse and the town mouse, .^sop. Fables (Black ed. Country mouse and the city mouse). .(Esop. Fables (Burt ed. Town mouse and the country mouse). iEsop. Fables (Jacobs. Town mouse and the country mouse). yEsop. Fables (Stickney). Asbjornsen. Fairy tales (Town mouse and the country mouse). Absjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. (Town mouse and the fell- mouse.) (play). Bailey. For the story teller. (Town mouse and the country mouse.) Blaisdell. Child life. 2d reader. Bryant. Stories to tell to children. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 2. (Field mouse and the town mouse.) Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. (poem). Success library, v. 3. (Town and country mouse.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (Town mouse and country mouse.) See also Littlest mouse. Country where the mice eat iron. Tappan. Folk stories and fahks. 50 FAIRY TALES Countryman and his pet jay. Success library, v. 3. Countryman and the merchant. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. See also Little Clans and Big Claus. Countryman and the snake. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.)- /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.)- .^sop. Fables (Jacobs. Woodman and the serpent). iEsop. Fables (Stickney. Farmer and snake). (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Countryman and the serpent.) Court cards. Andersen. Wonder stories. Court of death (poem). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Courteous King Jamie. Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Courtship and marriage of Cock Robin and Jenny Wren. See Cock Robin. Cousin Greylegs the great red fox and Grandfather Mole. Pyle, H. Wonder clock. Cousin Mattie. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Covan the Brown-haired, Adventures of. Lang. Orange fairy book. Covetous man. L Bay. Danish fairy and folk stories. Covetous man. IL See Miser. Cow and the ass (poem). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 4. (poem). Scudder. Children's book. Cowslip, Legend of the. Wiltse. Kindergarten stories. Coyote. L See How fire was brought to the Indians; How the animals secured salmon. Coyote, n. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Coyote and Grizzly. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Coyote and the bear Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Coyote and the blackbirds. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Coyote and the crow. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Coyote and the dragon. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Coyote and the salmon. See How the animals secured salmon. Coyote and the thunder knife. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Coyote and the woodpecker. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Coyote in the buffalo country. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Coyote-spirit and the weaving woman. Austin. Basket woman. Coyote's ride on a star. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Crab and his mother, .^sop. Fables (Black ed. Two crabs). yEsop. Fables (Burt ed. Two crabs). .^sop. Fables (Jacobs. Two crabs). JEsop. Fables (Stickney. Crab and its mother). Grover. Folklore stories, v. L . Hall and Gilman. Story land. 2d reader. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Crab and its mother.) FAIRY TALES 51 Crab and its mother. See Crab and his mother. Crab and the monkey. Bailey. Stories and rhymes for a child. (.How the crab got even.) Blaisdell. Child life in many lands. (Ape and the crab.) Lang. Crimson fairy book. Ozaki. Japanese fairy book. (Quarrel of the monkey and the crab.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (Battle of the monkey and the crab.) Crab and the moon. See Cause of tides. Crab that played with the sea. Kipling. Just so stories. See also Cause of tides. Crafty fox and industrious gooste. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. (Fox and the goose.) Johnson. Book of fairy-tale foxes. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (Fox and the goose.) Crafty lover. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. Crafty Mister Man outwits Brer B'ar and Cuffey. Young. Be- hind the dark pines. Crane and the crab. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Crane and the crows. See Farmer and the stork. Crane and the fool. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Crane in the wheatfields. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Crane Tribe, Origin of. Judd. Wigwam stories. Crane's gratitude. Stories of classic myths. Cratchit's Christmas dinner. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Blaisdell. Child life. 4th reader. (Tiny Tim's Christmas dinner.) Judson and Bender. Graded literature readers. 6th book. Tappan. Modern stories. Creaking wheel. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). -tsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Creation of man. L Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Creation of man. II. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. (Creation of mankind.) Creation of man. III. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. Creation of mankind. See Creation of man. Creation of the world (Greek). Francillon. Gods and heroes. (Saturn.) Gucrbcr. Myths of Greece and Rome. Hutchinson. Orpheus with his lute. (Dawn of the world.) Pratt. Myths of old Greece, v. 2. See also Deucalion and Pyrrha. Creation of the world (Indian). Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. (How Kemush created the world.) Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. (How Silver Fox created the world.) Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. (How Qawaneca created the world.) 52 FAIRY TALES Creation of the world (Norse). Brown, A. F. In the days of giants. (Beginning of things.) Mabie. Norse stories. (Making of the world.) Pratt. Legends of Norseland. (The beginning.) Cricket and the cougar. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Cricket and the poet. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Crimson sleeve. See Sir Lancelot: Lancelot and Elaine. Cristobal. May. Little Prudy's fairy book. Critic. See Midas. II. Croesus. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. (As rich as Croesus.) Haaren and Poland. Famous men of Greece. Scudder. Children's book. (Story of King Croesus.) Crooked fir. Austin. Basket woman. Crooked Jack. Eggleston. Queer stories for boys and girls. Cross purposes. Macdonald. Dealings with fairies. Macdonald. Light princess and other fairy tales. Crosses on the wall (poem). Alexander. Hidden servants. Crossing the rubicon. See Caesar, Julius. Crow. Forty famous fairy tales. Lang. Invisible prince and other stories. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Success library, v. 3. Crow and Mercury, ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Crow and the fox. See Fox and the crow. Crow and the mussel, ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Crow and the partridge. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Crow and the pitcher, ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). .^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). .^sop. Fables (Jacobs). /Esop. Fables (Stickney). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 2. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. (Wise crow.) Coussens. Child's book of stories. Grover. Folk-lore readers, v. 1. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. W^iltse. Kindergarten stories. Crow-child. Dodge. Land of Pluck. Crow children. Nixon -Roulet. Indian folk tales. Crow feet. Brown, A. F. Tales of the red children. Crow is a crow forever. Rouse. Talking thrush and other tales from India. ,Crow-Peri. Kunos. Turkish fairy tales. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. Crow, the jackal, the wolf and the camel. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Crown. Danielson. Story telling time. Crown of white roses. Baring-Gould. Old English fairy tales. Crow's children (poem). Wilson, Mrs. L. L.W. Nature study reader. See also One's own children are always the prettiest. FAIRY TALES 53 Cruel crane outwitted. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Cruel tribute. See Theseus. Crumbs on the table. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Cry-because-he-had-no-wife. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Cry fairy. Brown, A. One footed fairy. Crystal coffin Lang. Green fair\- book. Lang. Three dwarfs and other stories. Cub's triumph. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Cuchulain. See Cuhulain. Cuckoo and the cock. ^sop. Fables (Stickney. Supplement). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Cuckoo and the eagle. /Esop. Fables (Stickney. Supplement). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Cuckoo and the turtle-dove. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Cuckoo, the hedge-sparrow and the owl. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Cuculin. See Cuhulain. Cuhulain. Curtin. Myths and folk-lore of Ireland. (Cuculin.) Graves. Irish fairy book. (Boyhood of Cuhulain.) Graves. Irish fairy book. (Cuchulain of Muirthemne.) Cunning apprentice. Baring. Blue rose fairy book. Cunning hare. Lang. Brown fairy book. Lang. Elf Maiden. Cunning jackal; or, The biter bit. Rouse. Talking thrush and other tales from India. Cunning man in Hilltown. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Cunning old man and the Demi. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. Cunning shoemaker. Lang. Golden mermaid and other stories. Lang. Pink fairy book. Cunning snake. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Cupid and Psyche. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Beckwith. In mythland. v. 2. Buckley. Children of the dawn. (Eros and Psyche.) Carpenter. Long ago in Greece. Firth. Stories of old Greece. (Psyche.) Francillon. Gods and heroes. (Love and the soul.) Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome. Holbrook. Round the year in myth and song. Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. (Psyche.) Lang. Red romance book. Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. Pratt. Greek myths, v^ 2. Tappan. Myths from many lands. Curious impertinent. Success library, v. 3. Curious woman. Gregory. Kiltartan wonder book. Curious young man. Lang. Twelve huntsmen and other stories. Curse of P^cho. See Echo and Narcissus. Curse of Pantannas. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Cusheen Loo (i)ocm). Yeats. Irish fairy tales. "Cutta cord-la!" Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Cyclops. 1. .S'ee Ulysses and Polyphemus. 54 FAIRY TALES Cyclops. II. ^^-e Jupiter and the Titans. Cydippe and Acontius. Carpenter. Long ago in Greece. Cynewulf and Cyneherd. Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of early Eng- land. Cypress tree, Story of the. Kupfer. Stories of long ago. (How a bov loved a slag.) Cyrus and his grandfather. Johonnot. Stories of the olden time. Cyrus and the Armenians. Johonnot. Stories of the olden time. Czar and the angel. Bain. Cossack fairy tales. D Dsedalus and Icarus. Baldwin. Old Greek stories. (Wonderful artisan.) *Beckwith. In mythland. v. 3. (Man that learned to fly.) Burt and Ragozin. Herakles and other _ heroes. (Dsedalos, a hero of invention.) Carpenter. Long ago in Greece. Francillon. Gods and heroes. (Lost secret.) Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome. Kupfer. Stories of long ago. (Artisan's wonderful wings.) Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. Pratt. Myths of old Greece, v. 3. Stories of classic myths. Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. Tappan. Stories from the classics. See also Why the partridge stays near the ground. Dagda's harp. Bryant. Best stories to tell to children. Brvant. Stories to tell to children. Dai Sion's homecoming. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Dairywoman and the pot of milk. See Milkmaid and her pail of milk. Daisy. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Turpin). Andersen. Stories (Riverside ed.). Andersen. Wonder stories. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 3. (Daisy and the lark.) Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. Scudder. Children's book. Daisy and the lark. See Daisy. Daisy, Legend of the. Chisholm. Enchanted land. Dalles. Judson. K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Dambeck bells. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Dame Fortune and Don Money. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Dame Gudbrand. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. (Gudbrand on the hill-side.) Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. (Gudbrand on the hillside.) Laboulaye. Fairy tales. (Good woman.) FAIRY TALES 55 Dame Gudbrand — -continued Laboulaye. Last fairx- tales. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. (Gudbrand on the hill-side.) Thorne-Thomsen. East o' the sun and west o' the moon. (Gud- brand on the hillside.) Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. (Gudbrand on the hillside.) VViggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (Gudbrand on the hill- side.) See also Hans in luck; Mr. Vinegar; "What the good man does is sure to be right." Dame Martha's stepdaughter; or, Grandmother of the gnomes. Harrison, C. C. Old-fashioned fair},- book. Dame Weasel and her husband. Laboulaje. Fairy tales. (Weasel and her husband. In Captain John's travels.) Laboulaye. Last fair}- tales. Dame Wiggins of Lee and her seven wonderful cats (poem). Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 2. O'Shea. Six nursery- classics. Damocles: Sword of Damocles. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Damon and Pythias. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Coe. Second book of stories. Johonnot. Stories of the olden time. Vonge. Book of golden deeds. (Two friends of Syracuse.) Danae. See Perseus. Dance in a buffalo skull. Zitkala-Sa. Old Indian legends. Dancing gang. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Dancing shoes. L See Twelve dancing princesses. Dancing shoes. H. See Red shoes. Dancing water, singing stone and talking bird. Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. Dandelion. L Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Dandelion. H. Strong. All the year round, v. 3. Spring. Dandelion. HL See Prairie dandelion. Dandelion maiden. See Prairie dandelion. Dandelion stars. Farmer. Nature myths. Dando and his dogs. Hartland. English folk and fairj' tales. Dandy Beaver and Sippy Woodchuck. Messer. Next time stories. Danes. Gregor\-. Kiltartan wonder book. Dangerous ride. See Phaethon. Daniel O'Rourke. Graves. Irish fairy book. Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. (Visit to the moon.) Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Yeats. Irish fairy tales. See also Dream of Owen Mulready. Danish popular legends. Andersen. Stories and tales. Daphne. Adams. Myths of old Greece. Balflwin. Old Greek stories. {In Lord of the silver bow.) Coe. Second book of stories. (Stor\' of the laurel tree.) Cooke. Nature myths. Farmer. Nature myths. (Laurel tree.) Firth. Stories of old Greece. Francillon. Gods and heroes. (The laurel.) 56 FAIRY TALES Daphne — continued. Hartley. Stories from the Greek legends. (Story of Apollo and Daphne; or, The first laurel tree.) Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. (Apollo and Daphne.) Judd. Classic myths. (Little maiden who became a laurel tree.) Pratt. Myths of old Greece, v. 1. Pratt. Myths of old Greece, v. 2. (Apollo and Daphne.) Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. Wilson, Mrs. L.L.W. Nature study reader. (Apollo and Daphne.) Dapplegrim. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Lang. Forty thieves and other stories. Lang. Red fairy book. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. (Grimsbork.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Darling, Grace. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Darning needle. Andersen. Best fairy tales (Hendersen tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Turpin). Andersen. Stories (Riverside ed.). Andersen. Wonder stories. Boys' and girls' fairy book. Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. Lang. Twelve huntsmen and other stories. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Scudder. Children's book. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Daughter of a Samurai. Nixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. Daughter of Buk Ettemsuch. Lang. Grey fairy book. Lang. Invisible prince and other stories. Daughter of the Padishah of Kandahar. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. See also Faithful John. Daughter of the stars. See Star-wife. Daughter of Tiogaughwa. Nixon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. Daw and peacocks. See Jay and the peacocks. Dawn of the world. See Creation of the world (Greek). Day. Richards. Golden windows. Day with the capercailzies. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Daylight, Origin of. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Days of the week. Andersen. Stories and tales. Deacon's dream. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Deacon's wife. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Dead mother. Canton. Reign of King Herla. Dead wife. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Death and burial of Cock Robin. See Cock Robin. Death and burial of the poor hen-sparrow. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. See also Death of Chanticleer; Spider and the flea; Titty Mouse and Tatty Mouse. FAIRY TALES 57 Death and Cupid. .^£sop. Fables (Black ed.)- ^'Esop. Fables (Burt ed.)- Death and the doctor. See Lad with the beer keg. Death and the woodman. .F^sop. Fables (Black ed. Old man and death). iCsop. Fables (Burt ed. Old man and death). -£sop. Fables (Jacobs. Old man and death). ^■Esop. Fables (Stickney. Supplement). Scudder. Children's book. (Old man and death.) Death of Abu Nowas and his wife. Lang. Crimson fairy book. See also Abou Hassan; or, The sleeper awakened. Death of Chanticleer. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. (Cock who fell into the brewing-vat.) Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Death and burial of poor hen-sparrow; Spider and the flea; Titty Mouse and Tatty Mouse. Death of Grettir the Strong. Lang. Tales of romance. Death of Gunnar. Lang. Red romance book. Death of Koshchei the deathless. Dole. White duckling and other stories. (Marya Morevna.) Lang. Red fairy book. Death of the hen. See Chanticleer and Partlett. Death of the little hen. See Chanticleer and Partlett. Death of the Sun-Hero. Lang. Three dwarfs and other stories. Lang. \'ellow fairy book. Death ship. Hauff. Caravan tales. Deborah's book. Ingelow. Stories told to a child, v. 1. Deceived eagle. ^4isop. Fables (Burt ed.). Deceiver and the thief. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. Deep-sea violets. Harrison, C. C. Old-fashioned fairy book. Deer. See Stag at the lake. Deer and the lion. L yEsop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Deer and the lion. H. See Stag at the lake. Deer and the rabbit. Coe and Christie. Story hour readers. 3d book. (Swift runner.) Farmer. Nature myths. Deer of the five colors. Singleton. Wild flower fairy book. Deereeree the wagtail and the rainbow. Success library, v. 3. Defeat of Hrungner. Pratt. Legends of Norseland. Defeat of time. Rhys. Fairy gold. Deirdre. Chisholm. Enchanted land. (Star-eyed Dcirdre.) Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Delenda est Carthago. I^aldwin. Thirty more famous stories. Deluge. See Deucalion and Pyrrha; Indian's flood. Deluge, and how it came about. Story of the. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. See also Indian's flood. Demeter. See Proserpina. Demian's fish soup. /Esop. Fables (Stickney. Supplement). Wiggin anf] Smith. Talking beasts. 58 FAIRY TALES Demon cat. Graves. Irish fairy book. Demon lover. Tappan. Old ballads in prose. Demon Tregeagle. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Demon with the matted hair. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Demon's mother-in-law. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Derido; or, The giant's quilt. Stockton. Floating prince. Dervish. V\'ardrop. Georgian folk tales. Desert. Richards. Golden windows. Deserter. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Desideratus. Baring-Gould. Old English fairy tales. Despot and the wag. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Destiny. I. Gary. Fairy legends from the French provinces. Destiny. II. Laboulaye. Fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Deucalion and Pyrrha. Baldwin. Old Greek stories. (The flood.) Burt and Ragozin. Herakles and other heroes. (Deukalion, the champion of a new race.) Francillon. Gods and heroes. (The great flood.) Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome. Haaren and Poland. Famous men of Greece. (Deucalion and the flood.) Hartley. Stories from the Greek legends. (Story of the great deluge; or, The ark of Deucalion.) Hutchinson. Orpheus with his lute. (Deucalion's flood.) Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. (Great deluge.) Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. (The deluge.) Pratt. Myths of old Greece, v. 2. (Great flood; New creation.) Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. See also Creation of the world (Greek). Deucalion's flood. See Deucalion and Pyrrha. Devil's bridge. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Devil's mill. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Devoted friend. Wilde. Fair>' tales. Diamond and the glow-worm. yEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Diamond cut diamond. Lang. Olive fairy book. Diamonds and roses and pearls. See Diamonds and toads. Diamonds and toads. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 3. Blaisdell. Child life. 3d reader. Boston collection of kindergarten stories. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. (Fairy at the well.) Lang. Blue fairj- book. (Toads and diamonds.) Lang. Little Red Riding-Hood and other stories. (Toads and diam.onds.) Lansing. Fairy tales, v. \. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 2. Nursery tales. Perrault. Fairy tales. (Fairies.) Perrault. Tales of Mother Goose. (Toads and diamonds.) FAIRY TALES 59 Diamonds and toads — continued. Perrault. Tales of passed times. (Fairies.) Pyle, K. Fairy tales from many lands. (Diamonds and roses and pearls.) Success library, v. 3. (Toads and diamonds.) \'alentine. Old, old fairy tales. Welsh. Fairy tales children love. See also Patty and her pitcher; Three gifts. I. Diana. Judd. Classic myths. Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. (Apollo's sister.) See also Endvmion; Orion. Diana and Actseon. Hartley. Stories from the Greek legends. (Story of Artemis, the queen huntress, and the death of Actaeon, the bold hunter.) Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. Pratt. Myths of Old Greece, v. 2. (Actaeon.) Dick o' the cow. Grierson. Children's tales from Scottish bal- lads. Dick the fiddler's money. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Dick Whittington. See Dick Whittington and his cat. Dick Whittington and his cat. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. (Whittington and his cat.) Blaisdell. Child life. 3d reader. (Dick Whittington.) Carrick. Kitty cat tales. (Dick Whittington and his wonderful cat.) Coussens. Child's book of stories. Haaren. Ballads and tales. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. (Whittington and his cat.) *Howard. Dick Whittington and other stories. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. (Whittington and his cat.) Johonnot. Grandfather's stories. Lang. Blue fairy book. (History of Whittington.) Lansing. Tales of old England. Mother Goose rhymes, jingles and fairy tales (Altcmus ed. Whittington and his cat). Nursery tales. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 2. (History of Sir Richard Whittington and his cat.) - O'Shea. Old world wonder stories. (Whittington and his cat.) Rhys. Fairy gold. Scudder. Book of folk stories. Scudder. Children's book. (History of Sir Richard Whittington and his cat.) Scudfier. Fables and folk stories. Stone. Children's stories that never grow old. Tanj)an. Folk stories and fables. (Whittington and his cat.) W^sh. Stories children love. (History of Sir R. Whittington and his cat.) See also Honest penny. 60 FAIRY TALES Dick Whittington and his wonderful cat. See Dick Whitting- ton and his cat. Dicky Smiley's birthday. Wiggin and Smith. Story hour. Didoze. English. Fairy stories and wonder tales. Dining with a merman. Henderson. Sea yarns for boys. Diogenes the wise man. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Diomed's man-eating mares. See Hercules and his labors. Dipper. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. (Legend of the dipper.) Wiltse. Kindergarten stories. (Legend of the great dipper.) Dirty sliepherdness. Lang. Green fairy book. Lang. Pretty Goldilocks and other stories. Disappointed bear. See Bear and the little old woman. Discontented ass. ^Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Discontented blacksmith (play). Lansing. Quaint old stories. Discontented cat. Carrick. Kitty cat tales. Discontented coffee pot. Bailey. Firelight stories. Discontented mermaid. Stewart. Once upon a time. Discontented mill window. Harrison, E. In storyland. Discontented pendulum. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. b. Edgeworth. Waste not, want not. (play). Lansing. Quaint old stories. (One minute at a time.) Poulsson. In the child's world. Scudder. Children's book. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Welsh. Stories children love. Discontented pine. See Little pine tree who wished for new leaves. Discontented pine tree. See Little pine tree who wished for new leaves. Discontented Teg. Williams. Fairy tales from folklore. Discontented tree. See Little pine tree who wished for new leaves. Discreet Hans. See Prudent Hans. Disenchantment of the Werwolf. Lang. Red romance book. Disobedient ducklings. Danielson. Story telling time. Disobedient island. Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. Divers. Success library, v. 3. Divided Island. Allen. Indian fairy tales. Divided sea-serpent. Henderson. Sea yarns for boys. Divine musician. See Orpheus and Eur^-dice. Djun, Story of. Lang, L. B. Strange story book. Do-as-you-likes. Johonnot. Stories of heroic deeds. Do what you can. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Doctor and detective. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. See also Dr. Know-all; Harisarman. Doctor Field-mouse. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Doctor-fish. Kennedy. New world fairy book. Doctor Goldsmith. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories retold. Dr. Johnson and his father. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories retold. FAIRY TALES 61 Doctor Know-all. Grimm. Fair}- tales (Lucas tr.). Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Doctor and detective; Harisarman. Dog and his image. See Dog and his shadow. Dog and his shadow. yEsop. Fables (Black ed. Dog and the reflection). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). iEsop. Fables (Jacobs). iEsop. Fables (Stickney). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 2. (Dog and his image.) Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. (Dog and the shadow.) Coussens. Child's book of stories. (Dog and his image.) *Grover. Folk-lore readers, v. 1. *Jones. 2d reader. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fable and folk stories. (Dog and his image.) Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Dog and the clever rabbit. Stafford. Animal fables. Dog and the crocodile. .Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Dog and the hare. .-Esop. Fables (Stickney). Dog and the image. See Dog and his shadow. Dog and the kingship. Stafford. Animal fables. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Dog and the leopard. Stafford. Animal fables. Dog and the oyster, .^sop. Fables (Stickney). Dog and the reflection. See Dog and his shadow. Dog and the shadow. See Dog and his shadow. Dog and the sheep, ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Dog and the sparrow. Darton. Wonder book of beasts. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Lang. Grey fairy book. Dog and the wolf. L /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). .Esop. Fables. (Burt ed. Wolf and the mastiff.) /Esop. Fables (Jacobs). iEsop. Fables (Stickney. Wolf and the house dog). *Haaren. Songs and stories. 2d reader. (Wolf and the dog.) Scudder. Children's book. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Wolf and the mastiff.) Dog and the wolf. H. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Scudder. 1-abIes and folk stories. Dog, cock and fox. /Esop. P'ables (Stickney). Dog Gellert. See Llewellyn and his dog. Dog in the manger. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). itsop. P'ables (Jacobs). /Esop. Fables (Stickney). 62 FAIRY TALES Dog in the manger — continued. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. *Grovcr. Folk-lore readers, v. 1. Hall and Gilman. Story land. 2d reader. Scudder. Children's book. Scuddcr. Fables and folk stories. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Dog invited to supper. iEsop. Fables (Black ed.). .-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Dogs and the hides, .^sop. Fables (Stickney). Doll in the grass. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Lansing. Fairy tales, v. 1. Singleton. Wild flower fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Dolly, draw the cake. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Don Giovanni de la Fortuna. Lang. Elf maiden. Lang. Pink fairy book. Success library, v. 3. See also Fortunatus. Don Onixote. Blaisdell. Child life. 5th reader. Lang. Red romance book. Tappan. Stories from seven old favorites. Donal that was rich and Jack that was poor. MacManus. Donegal fairy tales. Donald and his neighbors. See Hudden and Dudden and Donald O'Neary. Donegal fairy. Yeats. Irish fairy tales. Donkey and his company. See Bremen town musicians. Donkey and the grasshopper. See Ass and the grasshopper. Donkey and the salt. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed. Ass laden with salt and with sponges). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 2. (Mer- chant and his donkey.) Cooke. Nature myths and stories. Hall and Gilman. Story land. 2d reader. Donkey and the wolf. Alesser. Next night stories. Donkey cabbage. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr. Salad). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed. Donkey-wort). Johnson. Fir-tree fairy- book. Lang. Magic ring and other stories. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Donkey in the lion's skin. See Ass in the lion's skin. Donkey skin. Lang. Grey fairy book. Lang. Trusty John and other stories. See also Many-furred creature. Donkey, the table and the stick. See Table, the ass and the stick. Donkey's long ears. Farmer. Nature myths. Doom of the children of Lir. See Fate of the children of Lir. Doom of the mischief-maker. See Loki. Doomed rider. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. FAIRY TALES 63 Door. Richards. Golden windows. Dorani. Lang. Olive fairy book. Dormouse's tale. Blaisdell. Child life. 4th reader. Dove and the ant. See Ant and the dove. Down the rat-hole. Pyte, K. Counterpane fairy. Dragon and his grandmother. Lang. Magic ring and other stories. Lang. Yellow fair>' book. Dragon and the prince. Lang. Crimson fairy book. (Prince and the dragon.) Mabie. Folk tales every child should know. Dragon of the north. Lang. Elf maiden. Lang. Yellow fair>' book. Dragon of Wantley (poem). Scudder. Children's book. Dragon-prince and the step-mother. Kunos. Forty-four Turk- ish fairy tales. Dragon's teeth. See Cadmus and the dragon's teeth. Draiglin' Hoguey. Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Drak, the fairy. Jokai. Golden fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Drake, Francis: Upon a peak in Darien. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. Drakesbill. See Drakesbill and his friends. Drakesbill and his friends. Bailey. Firelight stories. (How Drakestail went to the king.) Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Coe. Second book of stories. (Teenchy Duck.) Lang. Red fair^^ book. (Drakestail.) O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. Ortoli. Evening tales. (Teenchy Duck.) Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. See also Medio Pollito; Valiant blackbird. DrakestaiL See Drakesbill and his friends. Drawing of the sword. See Arthur, King: Coming of Arthur. Dreadful boar. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Dream and a story. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Dream of Maxen Wledig. Brooks. Wonder stories from the Mabinogion. Lanier. Knightly legends of Wales. Dream of Owen O'Mulready. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. See also Daniel O'Rourke. Dream of Rhonabwy. Brooks. Wonder stories from the Mabino- gion. Lanier. Knightly legends of Wales. Dream of the golden box. Nixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. Dream that came true. See Halcyon birds. Dreams, r.rundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Drop of rain (poem), i^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Drop of water. Andersen. Stories and talcs. Wiltse. Kindergarten stories. 64 FAIRY TALES Drowning of Mr. Leghorn. See Mr. and Mrs. Leghorn. Drowning of Pecos. Lumniis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Drowning of the bottom hundred. Thomas. Welsh fairy book Drum and vase of sweet herbs. /Esop. Fables (Stickney). Drummer. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Drunken husband. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). .Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Dryad. Andersen. Wonder stories. Dryope. Pratt. Myths of old Greece, v. 3. Dschemil and Dschemila. Lang. Grey fairy book. Lang. Trusty John and other stories. Duck and the serpent (poem). Success library, v. 3. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Duel between the fox and the wolf. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Dulcetta. Byrne. Modern Greek fairy tales. Dumb book. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Dummburg. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Dummling and the toad. See Three feathers. L Dumpy, the pony. Lindsay. More mother stories. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. Dun horse. Grinnell. Pawnee hero stories. Mabie. Folk tales every child should know. Dun Kenneth. Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Dunnohoo. English. Fairy and wonder tales. Duration of life. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Dust under the rug. Coe. Second book of stories. Lindsay. Mother stories. Dutiful daughter. Allen. Korean tales. (Sim Chung; or, The dutiful daughter.) Dwarf Long Nose. See Longnose, the dwarf. Dwarf root's story of the pumpkin seed. Keyes. Five senses. Dwarf, the witch, and the magic slippers. See Ha'penny, Adventures of. Dwarf with the long beard. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Tappan. Myths from many lands. Dwarfie stone. Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Dwarfs. Messer. Next night stories. Dwarf's banquet. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. Dwarf's daughter. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Dwarf's gifts. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature. 5th reader. (Thor.) Bradish. Old Norse stories. (Sif's hair.) Brown, A. F. In the days of giants. Edmison. Stories from the Norseland. (Magic gifts of the elves.) Foster and Cummings. Asgard stories. (Hammer of Thor.) Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. (Gifts of the dwarfs.) Litchfield. Nine worlds. (Loki makes trouble between the artists and the gods.) Mabie. Norse stories. (Making of the hammer.) Pratt. Legends of Norseland. (Loke's theft; Thor's hammer.) Tappan. Myths from many lands. FAIRY TALES 65 Dwarf's nest. Hacklander. Enchanted and enchanting. Dwarf's tailor. Gask. Folk tales from many lands. (Silence.) Underhill. Dwarf's tailor and other fairy tales. Dweller in the Ilsenstein. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. E Each in his own place. See Mouse, the bird and the sausage. Eagle and the arrow. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). /Esop. Fables (Jacobs). ^sop. Fables (Stickney). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 2. (Wounded eagle.) Scudder. Children's book. (Archer and the eagle.) Scudder. Fables and folk stories. (Eagle shot with an eagle's arrow.) (poem). Success library, v. 3. (Bird wounded by an arrow.) (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Eagle and the beaver. Eastman. Smoky Day's wigwam evenings. Eastman. Wigwam evenings. Eagle and the beetle. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Eagle and the crow. .Elsop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Eagle and the fox. I. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). JEsop. F'ables (Stickney). Eagle and the fox. II. Coe and Christie. Story hour readers. 3d book. Eagle and the man. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Eagle and the mole. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Eagle and the owl. .E^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Eagle and the rice birds. Davis and Chow-Leung. Chinese fal)les and folk stories. Eagle and the tortoise. See Foolish tortoise. Eagle and the wren. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Eagle shot with an eagle's arrow. See Eagle and the arrow. Eagle, the cat, and the sow. i-Esop. Fables (Black ed.). .'Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). fpocm). Success lilirary. v. 3. Eagle, the jackdaw, and the magpie. /Esop. Fables (Burt cd.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Ear of corn and the twelve men. Dasent. Popular tales from the .Norse. Ear of wheat. Bakewell. True fairy stories. Earl Gerald. Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. (Enchantment of Gearoidh larla.) See also Emperor's sleep. 66 FAIRY TALES Earl Mar's daughter. Grierson. Children's tales from Scottish ballads. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Tappan. Old ballads in prose. Ears of the hare (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Earth and the sky. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Earthen pot and the iron pot. See Earthen pot and the pot of brass. Earthen pot and the pot of brass. ^Esop. Fables (Black ed. Two pots), .^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). .(Esop. Fables (Jacobs. Two pots). iEsop. Fables (Stickney. Two pots), (poem). Success library, v. 3. (Earthen pot and the pot of iron.) (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Earthen pot and the iron pot.) Earthen pot and the pot of iron. See Earthen pot and the pot of brass. East Light and the bridge of fishes. Grififis. Unmannerly tiger and other Korean tales. East o' the sun and west o' the moon. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Lang. Blue fairy book. Lang. Sleeping beauty. Success library, v. 3. Thorne-Thomsen. East o' the sun and west o' the moon. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. See also King Valemon the white bear; Mysterious prince. East of the sun and north of the earth. Canton. Reign of King Herla. Easter. 5ee Lesson in faith; Lilac bush; .Maple; also titles com- mencing with the woid "Easter." Easter hare. Bailey and Lewis. For the childrens' hour. Blaisdell. Child life. 3d reader. {In Easter in Germany.) Brown, E. V. Stories of woods and fields (Bunny and the Easter eggs). Easter surprise. Danielson. Story telling time. Eavesdropper, the ugly dwarf. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Echeola. Rhys. Fairy gold. Echo and Narcissus. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 3. (Echo.) *Beckwith. In mythland. v. 3. (Echo; Narcissus.) Buckley. Children of the dawn. (Curse of Echo.)_ Carpenter. Long ago in Greece. (Narcissus and his shadow.) Coe. Second book of stories. (\yhy the Narcissus grows by the water.) Farmer. Nature myths. (Narcissus.) Francillon. Gods and heroes. (Narcissus.) FAIRY TALES 67 Echo and Narcissus — continued. Guerber. Ahths of Greece and Rome. Hartley. Stories from the Greek legends. Holbrook. 'Round the year in myth and song. (Narcissus; Echo and Narcissus.) Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. (Echo; Narcissus.) Judd. Classic m>-ths. (Echo, the air maiden; Why the nar- cissus grows by the water.) Kupfer. Stories of long ago. (Echo and Narcissus; How Nar- cissus loved his image.) Pratt. Fairyland of flowers. (Legend of Narcissus.) Pratt. Myths of old Greece, v. 2. Stebbins. 3d reader. Stories of classic myths. (Story of Narcissus.) Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. Echo god and the Northern Lights. Judd. Wigwam stories. Eclipse. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Education of the lion. /Esop. Fables (Stickney). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Edwin and Sir Topaz (poem). Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. See also Knockgrafton, Legend of. Ee-aw ! Ee-aw ! Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Egyptian puss-in-boots. Goddard. Fairy tales in other lands. Eight-headed serpent. Williston. Japanese fairy tales. 1st series. Eighty-one brothers. Lyman. Storytelling. (White hare and the crocodiles. Adapted.) Ni.\on-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. (Choice of the princess.) Ozaki. Japanese fairy book. (White hare and the crocodiles.) Williston. Japanese fairy tales. 2d series. Einion and the Fair Family. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Einion and the lady of the greenwood. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Eisenkopf . Lang. Crimson fairy book. Elan the armourer. Rhys. Fairy gold. Elder brother. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Elder-tree mother. L Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales. Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Elder-tree mother. H. Bakewell. True fairy stories. Eldest daughter of the king (poem). Alexander. Hidden servants. Election day. Cocke. Bypaths in Dixie. Elephant and the assembly of animals. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Elephant and the bookseller (poem). Success library, v. 3. Elephant and the frog. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Elephant and the jackal. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Elephant as governor. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Elephant has a bet with the tiger. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. 68 FAIRY TALES Elephant in favor. i-Esop. Fables (Stickney. Supplement). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Elephant's child. Kipling. Just so stories. Elf and the dormouse. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour (How we first came to have umbrellas.) (poem). Keyes. Five senses. (poem). Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. Elf child. Nordau. Dwarf's spectacles. Elf-hill. Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr. Elfin hill). Andersen. Wonder stories. (Elfin mound.) Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Elf maiden. Lang. Brown fairy book. Lang. Elf maiden and other stories. Elf of light. May. Little Prudy's fairy book. Elf of the rose. Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr. Rose elf). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales. (Rose-elf.) See also Pot of basil. Elfin grove. Canton. Reign of King Herla. (Elves.) Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Williams. Fairy tales from folklore. (Elves of the Rhineland.) Elfin hill. See Elf-hill. Elfin knight. Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Elfin mound. See Elf-hill. Elfin-tree. Hacklander. Enchanting and enchanted. Elidore. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Eliduc and Guilliadun. Harrison, C. C. Old-fashioned fairy book. Elidyr's sojourn in fairyland. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Elphin Irving. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Elves. L See EK-es and the shoemaker. See Maiden's visit. See Changeling. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). See Elfin grove. Elves and the cobbler. See Elves and the shoemaker. Elves and the envious neighbor. See Man with the wen. Elves and the shoemaker. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Br>'ant. Stories to tell to children. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.) Grimm. Household stories (Crane. Elves). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Industrious manikins). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed. Elves and the cobbler). Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. Keyes. Five senses. Lansing. Fairy tales, v. 2. Elves. H. Elves. HL Elves. IV. Elves. V. FAIRY TALES 69 Elves and the shoemaker — contiyiued. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 3. Scudder. Book of folk stories. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 3d reader. Welsh. Fairy tales children love. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Elves of the haunted ships. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. (Haunted ships.) Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. Elves of the Rhineland. See Elfin grove. Emerald book. See Goose girl at the well. Emergency mistress. Stockton. Floating prince. Emigrant mice. ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Emperor and the abbot. Gask. Folk tales from many lands. See also King John and the Abbot of Canterbury; Priest and the clerk. Emperor's new clothes. * Andersen. Best fairy tales (Hen - derson tr. Xew clothes of the Emperor). Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). *Andersen. Fairy tales (Turpin). Andersen. Stories (Riverside ed.). Andersen. Wonder stories. Canton. Reign of King Herla. Forty famous fairy tales. (Story of the emperor's new clothes.) Lang. Yellow fairy book. Lang. Magic ring and other stories. (Story of the emperor's new clothes.) Lansing. Fairy tales, v. 2. Scudder. Children's book. Welsh. Stories children love. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 4th reader. Emperor's nightingale. See Nightingale. Emperor's sleep. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. (Fred- crick Barbarossa.) Crommelin. Famous legends. Emperor's test (play). Stevenson. Plays in the home. Empty bottles. Pyle, H. Twilight Land. Enchanted buck. Bourhill and Drake. Fairy tales from South Africa. Enchanted canary. Field. Famous fairy tales. Lang. Forty thieves and other stories. Lang. Red fairy book. Enchanted cave. Bellamy. Wonder children. Enchanted deer. Lang. Lilac fairy book. Enchanted doe. Ma'cdonell. Italian fairy book. Enchanted doll. Jenks. Tales of fantasy. Enchanted donkey. L Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. Enchanted donkey. H. Aunt Naomi. Jewish fairy tales. Enchanted dragon. See Laidly worm of Sfiindleston. 70 FAIRY TALES Enchanted forest. I. Andrews. Enchanted forest. Enchanted forest. II. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Enchanted head. Lang. Brown fairy book. Enchanted hind. See Hind in the wood. Enchanted hog. See Enchanted pig. Enchanted horse. Arabian nights (Lang). Arabian nights (Olcott. Story of the magic horse.) Arabian nights (Townsend). Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. (Magic horse.) Scudder. Children's book. Tappan. Stories from seven old favorites. (Ride on the wooden horse.) Enchanted island. Pyle, H. Twilight land. Enchanted knife. Lang. Trusty John and other stories. Lang. Molet fairy book. Enchanted lambs. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. Enchanted mirror. See Little gray grandmother. Enchanted mule. Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. Enchanted necklace; or, Legend of the bleeding hearts. Johnston. Little Colonel's house-party. Enchanted pig. Field. Famous fairy tales. Kunos. Turkish fairy tales. (Enchanted hog.) Lang. Red fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Enchanted pomegranate branch and the beauty. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. Enchanted princess. See Broad man, the tall man and the man with eyes of flame. Enchanted' ring. I. Lang. Green fairy book. Lang. Pretty Goldilocks and other stories. Enchanted ring. II. Polevoi. Russian fairy tales. See also Wonderful ring. Enchanted ring. III. Cary. Fairy legends of the French provinces. Enchanted shirt (poem). Brown, E. V. Stories of childhood and nature. Enchanted snake. Lang. Green fairy book. Lang. Forty thieves and other stories. Enchanted stag. See Brother and sister. Enchanted toad. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Enchanted trunks. Molesworth. Fairies afield. Enchanted valley. Kennedy. New world fairy book. Enchanted watch. Lang. Green fairy book. Mace. Home fairy tales. Enchanted waterfall. See Waterfall which flowed sake. Enchanted whistle. Jokai. Golden fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Enchanted wine jug. See Why the cat and dog are enemies. Enchanted wood. Stewart. Once upon a time. Enchanted wreath. Lang. Orange fairy book. Enchanted youth. Wade. Indian fairy tales. FAIRY TALES 71 Enchantment of Gearoidh larla. See Earl Gerald. End of Mr. Bear. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his say- ings. Endless tale. Baldwin. Fifty famous stones. Bowen. Second story reader. (Long story.) (play). Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 3d reader. See also Sleepy story ; Story without an end. Endymion. Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome. Hartley. Stories from the Greek legends. (Story of the sleep of Endymion.) Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. (Endymion's sleep.) Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. (Diana and Endymion.) Pratt. Myths of old Greece, v. 1. (Sleep of Endymion.) English merchant and the Saracen lady. Greenwood. Stories from famous ballads. Envious glow-worm. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Envious man and him who was envied. Arabian nights (Lang). Arabian nights (Townsend). Envious neighbor. See Old man who made withered trees to flower. Envy burns itself. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Epaminondas and his auntie. Bryant. Best stories to tell to children. Bryant. Stories to tell to children. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. See also Lazy Jack; Prudent Hans; Silly Matt. Epimetheus. See Pandora. Erisichthon. See King and the oak. Ermine. Wiltse. Kindergarten stories. Eros. See Cupid and Psyche. Esben and the witch. Lang. Aladdin and other stories. Lang. Pink fairy book. See also Cinderboy and the witch. Escape of the mouse. Baring-Gould. Old English fairy talcs. (Four friends.) Brooks, E. Wonder stories from the Mabinogion. (Manawyd- dan and the mice.) Lang. Lilac fairy book. Lanier. Knightly legends of Wales. (Manawyddan and the mice.) Tappan. Stories of legendary heroes. (Manawyddan and the seven enchanted cantrevs.) Ethelinda; or. The ice-king's bride. Harrison, C. C. Old-fashioned fairy book. Eureka ! Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. Europa. Baldwin. Old Greek stories. (Cadmus and P^uropa.) Carpenter. Long ago in Greece. (Europa's wedding journey.) Hartley. Stories from the Greek legends. (Loss of Europa.) Hawthorne. Tanglewood tales. (Dragon's teeth.) Hutchinson. Orpheus with his lute. (Prince Cadmus of Phoenicia.) 72 FAIRY TALES Europa — continued. Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. (Europa and the God-bull.) Tappan. Myths from many lands. (Dragon's teeth.) See also Cadmus and the dragon's teeth. Eurydice. See Orpheus and Eurydice. Eva's visit to fairyland. Alcott. Flower fables. Alcott. Lulu's library, v. 2. Eve of St. Mark. Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. Evergreen tree and the wilderness marigold. Davis and Chow- Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Every cloud has its silver lining. Young. Behind the dark pines. Everything in its right place. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paul! tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales. Evil one and the rat. Nixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. Evil one who married three sisters. Pyle, K. Fairy tales from many lands. See also Bluebeard. Excalibur. See Arthur, King: Sword Excalibur. Eya, the devourer. Eastman. Smoky Day's wigwam evenings. Eastman. Wigwam evenings. Eyes of the king. Danielson. Story telling time. Fa-Nien-Ts'ing and the Mon-Tien-Sing. Davis and Chow- Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Face of the Manito. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Faery surprise party. Scudder. Seven little people. Fair and the dark Isolde. Hall, Mrs. A. W. Icelandic fairy tales. Fair, Brown and Trembling. Curtin. Myths and folklore of Ireland. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. See also Cinderella. Fair Catherine and Pif Paf Poltrie. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Piff-paflf; or, The art of government. Fair Circassians. Lang. Grey fairy book. This is a continuation of "Three sons of Hali." Fair-flower. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. See also Prince Darling. Fair Goldilocks. See Fair One with Golden locks. Fair maid of Astolat. See Sir Lancelot: Sir Lancelot and Elaine. Fair Melusina. Scudder. Book of legends. Fair one with golden locks. Aiilnoy. Fairy tales. (Fair with golden hair.) Aunt Louisa's book of fairy tales. FAIRY TALES 73 Fair one with golden locks — continued. Coussens. Child's book of stories. (Story of Pretty Goldi- locks.) Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. Lang. Blue fairy book. (Story of Pretty Goldilocks.) Lang. Pretty Goldilocks and other stories. (Pretty Goldi- locks.) *Lang. Princess on the glass hill. (Story of Pretty Goldilocks.) Lansing. Fairy tales, v. 1. (Fair Goldilocks.) Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Mabie. Heroes and fairies. Mulock. Fairy book. Nursery tales. Perkins. Twenty best fairy tales. Scudder. Children's book. Singleton. Wild flower fairy book. (Fair Goldilocks.) Success library, v. 3. (Story of Pretty Goldilocks.) Valentine. Old, old fairy tales (Warne ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. See also Golden Hair. Fair white city; or, Story of the past, present and future. Harri- son, E. In story-land. Fair with golden hair. See Fair one with golden locks. Fairer- than-a-f airy. Lang. Beauty and the beast, and other stories. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Fairies. L Bigham. Overheard in fairyland. Fairies. H. Brown, A. F. Star jewels. Fairies. HL See Diamonds and toads. Fairies and the fiddler. Harrison, C. C. Old-fashioned fairy book. Fairies and the two hunchbacks. See Knockgrafton. Fairies' caldron. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Fairies' frolic (play). Rhys. Fairy gold. Fairies of Merlin's crag. Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. Fairies of the Caldon Low (poem). O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. Rolfe. Fairy tales in prose and verse. Winnington. Outlook fairy book. Fairies' passage (poem). Graves. Irish fairy book. Fairies' ship. Car\-. Fairy legends from the French provinces. Fairy and the daughter of the earth. Gary. Fairy legends from the French [)ro\inccs. Fairy and the miller's wife. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Fairy at the well. See Diamonds and toads. Fairy banquet. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Rh\s. Fair\' gold. Fairy bird. Bourhill and Drake. Fairy talcs from South Africa. F^art ridge. Story-telling in home and school. Fairy borrowing. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Fairy box. .Akott. Lulu's library, v. 1. 74 FAIRY TALES Fairy boy of Leith. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Fairy caught. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Fairy cow. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Fairy crawfish. Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. Rolfe. Fairy tales in prose and verse. See also Fisherman and his wife; Golden fish. Fairy dog. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Fairy dust. Jokai. Golden fairy book. Fairy fair. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Rhys. Fairy gold. Fairy fish. Rhys. Fairy gold. Fairy flower. See Little Annie's dream. Fairy food. Rhys. Fairy gold. Fairy friar. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Fairy frog. Bourhill and Drake. Fairy tales from South Africa. Fairy funeral. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Fairy gifts. Lang. Green fairy book. Fairy harp. Thomas. \\'elsh fairy book. Fairy hen. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Fairy horn. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Rhys. Fairy gold. Fairy in the mirror. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. Fairy nurse. Lang. Lilac fair^- book. ^ee aZ^o Fairy's midwife; Fairy ointment; How Dame Margery Twist saw more than was good for her. Fairy nursling. See "Fary" nursling. Fairy of the dawn. Lang. Violet fairy book. Fairy ointment. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. See also Fairy's midwife; How Dame Margery Twist saw more than was good for her. Fairy Old Boy and the tiger. Pitman. Chinese fairy stories. Fairy password. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Fairy pinafores. Alcott. Aunt Jo's scrapbag. v. 3. Fairy Red Breast. Canton. Reign of King Herla. Fairy reward. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Fairy shoemaker. See Lepracaun. Fairy shoes. Hoxie. Kindergarten story book. Fairy sleeping beauty. See Lilybell and Thistledown. Fairy spring. Alcott. Lulu's library, v. 2. Fairy story. L Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to litera- ture. Fairy story. H. Cooke. Nature myths and stories. Fairy tale of a fox. *Heller and Bates. Little Golden Hood. Fairy tankard. Hacklander. Enchanting and enchanted. . Fairy Tell-True. Field. Famous fairy tales. Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed.). Welsh. Fair\- tales children love. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. (Woodcutter's child.) See also Lassie and her god-mother. Fairy tempter. Rolfe. Fairy tales in prose and verse. Fairy thieves. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Rhys. Fairy gold. FAIRY TALES 75 Fairy thorn. Yeats. Irish fairy tales. Fairy tree. See Bones of Djulung. Fairy walking stick. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Fairy well of Lagnanay (poem). Yeats. Irish fairy tales. Fairy who came to our house. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Fairy who judged her neighbours. Ingelow. Stories told to a child. V. 2. Ingelow. Three fairy tales. Fairy wife. Thomas. \\'elsh fairy book. Fairyfoot. Browne. Granny's wonderful chair. Welsh. Fairy tales children love. Fairy's birthday gift. See Little Blessed-eyes. Fairy's blunder. Lang. Grey fairy book. Fairy's midwife. Hartland. English fairy and folk tales. See also Fairy ointment; Fairy nurse; How Dame Margery Twist saw more than was good for her. Faithful beasts. See Grateful beasts. I. Faithful dancing-girl wife. Allen. Korean tales. (Chun Yang; or, The faithful dancing-girl wife.) Faithful dog. See Old man who made withered trees to flower. Faithful John. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed.). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Lang. Blue fairy book. (Trusty John.) *Lang. Dick Whittington, and other stories. (Trusty John.) Lang. Trusty John and other stories. (Trusty John.) Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. (Faithful John, the king's ser- vant.) See also Daughter of the Padishah; Lucky Luck. Faithful prince. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Faithful purse-bearer. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales (Burt ed.). Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. (Faithful steward.) Faithful steward. See F"aithful purse-bearer. Faithful wife. I. See Savitri, the faithful wife. Faithful wife. II. Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. Falcon and the capon. JEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Falcon and the duck. Eastman. Smoky Day's wigwam evenings. Eastman. Wigwam evenings. Falcon-king. Harrison, C. C. Old-fashioned fairy book. Falconer and the partridge. See Partridge and the fowler. Falls of the Willamette. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. False bride. See Goose girl. False collar. See Shirt collar. False Foodrage. Tappan. Old ballads in prose. False knight. Tappan. Old ballads in prose. False prince. See Sham prince. False prince and the true. Lang. Lilac fairy book. 76 FAIRY TALES Falsehood and truth. Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. Family servants. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Fanch Scouarnec. Cary. Fairy legends from the French prov- inces. Far Darrig in Donegal. Yeats. Irish fairy tales. Farm-yard cock and the weather-cock. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Farmer and his dog. .lEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. See also Beth Gellert; King and his falcon. Farmer and his sons. I. See Buried treasure. Farmer and his sons. II. See Bundle of sticks. Farmer and his three enemies. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Farmer and the badger. Ballard. Fairy tales from far Japan. (Kachi Kachi mountain.) Ozaki. Japanese fairy book. Farmer and the boggart. See Boggart. Farmer and the hill-man. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 3d reader. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (Farmer and the troll.) Farmer and the money lender. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Farmer and the noses. See Are you not satisfied? Farmer and the stork. /Esop. Fables (Black ed. Husbandman and the stork). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed. Husbandman and the stork). /Esop. Fables (Stickney. Husbandman and the stork). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 2. (Crane and the crows.) Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fable and folk stories. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Farmer and the troll. See Farmer and the hill-man. Farmer Grigg's boggart. Pyle, H. Pepper and salt. Farmer of Liddesdale. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Farmer, the sheep and the robbers. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Farmer Weatherbeard. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Baldwin. Another fairy reader. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. (Farmer Weathersky.) Lang. Red fairy book. See also Magician's pupil; Master and pupil. Farmer Weathersky. See Farmer Weatherbeard. Farmer's ass. Rouse. Talking thrush. Farmer's sons. See Bundle of sticks. Farmer's wife and the raven (poem). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Farmer's wife of Deloraine. Douglas. Scottish fairy book. FAIRY TALES 77 Farquhar MacNeill. Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Farthing rushlight, ^^isop. Fables (Stickney). "Fary" nursling. Rhys. Fairy gold. Fatal courtship. .-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Fatal marriage. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). Fate. I. Laboulaye. Fairytales. (7h Captain John's travels.) Fate. II. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. Fate of a little old woman. See Sir Gammer Vans. Fate of Erisichthon. See King and the oak. Fate of Mamondagokwa. Xixon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. Fate of Mr. Jack Sparrow. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sa\'ings. Fate of the children of Lir. Canton. Reign of King Herla. (Doom of the children of Lir.) Chisholm. Enchanted land. (Four white swans.) Grierson. Children's book of Celtic stories. Higginson. Tales of the enchanted islands of the Atlantic. (Swan-children of Lir.) Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Ixlabie. Legends every child should know. Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of early England. (Children of Lir.) Yeats. Irish fairy tales. Fate of the turtle. See Talkative tortoise. Father and his two daughters. yEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Welsh. Stories children love. Father Bruin in the corner. Asbjorsen. Fairy tales from the far north. (Old Father Bruin in the wolf pit.) Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Johnson. Book of fairy-tale bears. (Bear in a forest pitfall.) Thorne-Thomsen. East o' the sun and west o' the moon. (Father Bruin.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Father Frost. See King Frost. Father Grumbler. Lang. Aladdin and other stories. Lang. Brown fairy book. Father "Lime-Stick" and the flower- picker. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Father of the family. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. (Se\en fathers in the house.) .\sbj6rnsen. Tales from the fjeld. Father's legacies. See Fortune seekers. I. Father's prophecy. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. Fatma. Silver fairy book. Fause fable of the Lord Lathom. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Favorite of the gods. See Tantalus. Fawn and his mother. /Esop. Fables (Stickney). Fawn and the little tiger. Wiggin and Smith. Talkmg beasts. Fear. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy talcs. Fearless boy. Bay. Danish fairy anfl folk tales. Feast of lanterns. Coe. Second book of stories. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. See also R\\) \an Winkle. 78 FAIRY TALES Feather of the Zhar bird. Bain. Cossack fairy tales. (Trem- sin, the bird Zhar, and Nastasia, the lovely maid of the sea.) I*\le, K. Fairy tales from many lands. Featherbird. See Forbidden room. Feathered barbers. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Felicia and the pot of pinks. See Fortunee. Female Solomon. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. (Maiden who was wiser than an emperor. In Captain John's travels.) Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. Fenris wolf. See Binding of the Fenris wolf. Ferdinand Faithful, and Ferdinand Unfaithful. Grimm. P^airy tales. (Paull tr.) Fertram and Hildur. Hall, Mrs. A. W. Icelandic fairy tales. Festival of the little people. Eastman. Smoky Day's wigwam stories. Eastman. Wigwam evenings. Festivities at the house of Conan of Crann Sleibhe. Graves. Irish fairy book. Fetching a halter. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Fiddi-wow-wow-wow. Underhill. Dwarf's tailor and other fairy talcs. Fiddle-diddle-dee. Van Sickle and Secgmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. Fiddler in the fairy ring. Ewing. Old-fashioned fairy tales. Fiddler's well. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Field mouse and the town mouse. See Country mouse and the town mouse. Field of Boliauns. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Singleton. Goldenrod fair}' book. Fierabras. See Charlemagne. Fight at Brihtnoth. Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of early England. Fighting cocks. yEsop. Fables (Black ed.). .-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Fighting cocks and the turkey. M%op. Fables (Burt ed.). Fighting hare. See Sun a prisoner. IV. Filial girl. See Mirror of Matsuyama. Fin MacCumhail. See Finn MacCool. Finding a dark place. O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. Finding of the hammer. See Thor: Quest of the hammer. Finest liar in the world. Lang. Violet fairy book. Finette Cendron. Aulnoy. Fairy tales. Fingers. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. Finn MacCool. Curtin. Myths and folklore of Ireland. This includes: Birth of Fin MacCumhail and the origin of the Fenians of Erin; Fin MacCumhail and the Fenians of Erin in the castle of Fear Dubh; Fin MacCumhail and the knight of the full axe; Fin MacCumhail and the son of the king of Alba; Fin MacCumhail, the seven brothers and the king of P" ranee; Gilla Na Grakin and Fin MacCumhail. Graves. Irish fairy book. (Coming of Finn.) FAIRY TALES 79 Finn MacCool — continued. Grierson. Children's book of Celtic stories. This includes: Finn, the son of Cumhal; How Finn obtained the tooth of knowledge; How Finn found Bran; Finn's ransom. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. (How Fin went to the king- dom of the big men.) See also Black, Brown and Gray; Kilwch and Olwen; Knock- many, Legend of; Last of the Feni. Finn's ransom. See Finn MacCool. Fir-apple. See Fundevogcl. Fir tree. I. *Alderman. Classics old and new. (Little fir tree.) Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Fair>- tales (Turpin ed.). Andersen. Stories (Riverside ed. Pine tree). Andersen. Wonder stories. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. (Pine tree.) ♦Baldwin. Fairy reader. (Little fir tree.) Blaisdell. Child life. 3d reader. (Little fir tree.) Boston collection of kindergarten stories. Coe. First book of stories. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Dickinson and Skinner. Children's book of Christmas stories. Field. Famous fairy tales. Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. (Pine tree.) Klingensmith. Household stories for little readers. (Little fir tree.) Lang. Pink fairy book. Lang. Snow-queen and other stories. Lansing. Fairy tales, v. 2. Scudder. Children's book. Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Strong. All the year round, v. 2. Winter. Success library, v. 3. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Welsh. Stories children love. Fir tree. H. Bryant. Best stories to tell to children. (Little fir tree. Adapted.) Brvant. Stories to tell to children. (Little fir tree. Adapted.) \'an Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. Wiggin and Smith. Story hour. (Story of the forest.) Fir tree and thie bramble. /Esop Fables (Burt ed.). .•Esop. Fables (Black ed.). .Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 2. Fire bringer. Austin. Basket woman. Br\ant. Best stories to tell to children. Bryant. How to tell stories to children. See aho How fire was brought to the Indians. I and H. Fire-drill's son. Lang, L. B. Strange story book. Fire plume. Wade. Indian fairy tales. Fire-test. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. 80 FAIRY TALES Firefly of Matsui. Nixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. First ants. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. First battle. Eastman. Smoky Day's wigwam evenings. Eastman. Wigwam evenings. First butterflies. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. First Calender. Arabian nights (Lang). Arabian nights (Olcott. Story of the first royal mendicant). Arabian nights (Townsend). First Christmas present. Wiltse. Kindergarten stories. First Christmas tree. See Christmas tree. I. First corn. I. Farmer. Nature myths. First corn. II. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Brooks. Stories of the red children. (Little Red Plume.) Coe and Christie. Story hour readers. 3d reader. (Gift of corn.) Judd. Wigwam stories. (Mondahmin, who gave the corn.) Nixon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. (Gift of Mondamin.) Tanner. Legends from the red man's forest. (Maize.) See also Living Statue, Adventures of. First diamonds. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. First emeralds. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. First frogs. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. See also Latona and the frogs. First grasshopper. See Aurora and Tithonus. First horse. See Pegasus. First humming-bird. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. First laurel tree. See Daphne. First man. See Prometheus. First man and woman. Judd. W^igwam stories. First mocking-bird. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. First moles. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. First mosquitoes. Farmer. Nature myths. First of the rattlesnakes, ^ee First rattlesnake. I. First old man and the hind. Arabian nights (Dodge ed.). Arabian nights (Lang). Arabian nights (Townsend). Jenks. Tales of fantasy. Scudder. Children's book. First pearls. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. First printer. See Gutenberg. First rabbits. Farmer. Nature myths. (White hares.) Holbrook. Book of nature myths. (Why the white hares have black ears.) Williston. Japanese fairy tales. 2d series. First rattlesnake. I. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. (First of the rattlesnakes.) First rattlesnake. II. Farmer. Nature myths. (First rattle- snakes.) First rattlesnakes. See First rattlesnake. II. First snowdrops. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. First totem pole. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. FAIRY TALES 81 First tree frog. Hyde. Favorite Greek myths (Hylas.) First wife's wedding ring. Ewing. Old-fashioned fairy tales. First whitefish. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. First woodpecker. See Woodpecker. Fish and the fisherman. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Fish and the flowers. Davis and Chow-Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Fish and the ring. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Fish-peri. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. Fish prince. I. James. Enchanted castle. Fish prince. II. James. Magic bed. Fish story. Lang. Lilac fairy book. Fish who helped Saint Gudwall. Brown, A. F. Book of saints and friendly beasts. Fisher. ^-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). ••Esop. Fables (Jacobs). Fisher and the little fish. /Esop. Fables (Black ed. Angler and the little fish). .£sop. Fables (Burt ed. Angler and the little fish). .(Esop. Fables (Jacobs). ^sop. Fables (Stickney. Fisherman and the little fish). Cowles. Art of story telling. (Fisherman.) Grover. Folk-lore readers, v. 1. (Fisherman and the fish.) Scudder. Fables and folk stories. (Fisherman and the sprat.) Fisher boy. See Uraschimataro and the turtle. Fisher-boy Urashima. See L'raschimataro and the turtle. Fisher who let out summer. See How summer came to the earth. Fisherman. I. See Fisherman and the genie. Fisherman. II. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). Fisherman. III. 5ee Fisherman and the little fish. Fisherman and his soul. Wilde. Fairy tales. Fisherman and his wife. Baldwin. Fairy tales. Boys' and girls' fairy book. Field. Famous fairy tales. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Fairy tales (PauU tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed.). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). *Haaren. Songs and stories. 2d reader. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Lang. Beauty and the beast and other stories. Lang. Green fairy book. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Fairy crawfish: Golden fish; Old woman who lived in a \incgar bottle; Sea king's gift. Fisherman and the fish. See Fisher and the little fish. 82 FAIRY TALES Fisherman and the genie. Arabian nights (Dodge ed. Story of the fisherman). Arabian nights (Lang. Story of the fisherman). Arabian nights (Olcott). Arabian nights (Townsend. History of the fisherman). Arabian nights (Wiggin and Smith). Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. Pyle, K. Where the wind blows. Scudder. Children's book. (History of the fisherman.) Welsh. Fairy tales children love. Fisherman and the little fish. See Fisher and the little fish. Fisherman and the merman. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Fisherman and the piskies. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Fisherman and the sprat. See Fisher and the little fish. Fisherman and troubled water, .^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Fisherman's son and the Gruagach of tricks. Curtin. Myths and folklore of Ireland. Fishes of the boiling spring. Nixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. Fishsave. Welsh. Stories children love. Five brothers. Hall, Mrs. A. W. Icelandic fairy tales. Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. Five in one pod. See Pea blossom. Five little pigs. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Five little seed babies. Bakewell. True fairy stories. Five little white heads. Bryant. How to tell stories to children. Five out of one pod. See Pea blossom. Five out of one shell. See Pea blossom. Five peas in a pod. See Pea blossom. Five queer brothers. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wcnder. Five servants. Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also How six traveled through the world. Five wise words of the Guru. Lang. Olive fairy book. Flail which came from the clouds. Grimm. Fairy tales. (Paull tr. Flail from Heaven.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Flat Tail the Beaver. Eggleston. Queer stories for boys and girls. Flax. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Turpin). Andersen. Stories (Riverside ed.). Andersen. Wonder stories. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 3. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour Blaisdell. Child life. 3d reader Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. Keyes. Five senses. Poulsson. In the child's world. ■ Scudder. Children's book. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers, v. 5. Wiltse. Kindergarten stories. FAIRY TALES 83 Flax leavings. Grimm. Fairj' tales (Paull tr.). Flayed piper. See Marsyas and Apollo. Fleece of gold. Laboulaye. Fairj- tales. Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. Flies and the honey-pot. .Csop. Fables (Burt ed.). Scudder. Children's book. (Flies and the pot of honey.) Scudder. Fables and folk stories. (Flies and the pot of honey.) Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Flies and the pot of honey. See Flies and the honey-pot. Flight of the beasts. Lansing. Quaint old tales. Flint and the steel (poem). Success library, v. 3. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Flitting day. Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Floating prince. Stockton. Floating prince. Flood. See Deucalion and Pyrrha. Florinda and Yoringal. See Jorinde and Joringel. Flory Cantillon's funeral. Yeats. Irish fairy tales. Flower de luce. Baring-Gould. Crock of gold. Flower legends. Bigham. Overheard in fairyland. Flower pixies. Bigham. Overheard in fairyland. Flower prison. Xordau. Dwarf's spectacles. Flower queen's daughter. Lang. Three dwarfs and other stories. Lang. Yellow fair}- book. Flower's lesson (poem). Alcott. Flower fables. Flower's story. Alcott. Lulu's library, v. 2. Flutter-wheel. Eggleston. Queer stories for boys and girls. Fly. Success li'Drary\ v. 3. Fly and the moth. /Esop. Fables (Stickney). Fly and the draught-mule. /Csop. Fables (Burt ed.). Fly in St. Paul's cupola. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Flying carpet, the invisible cap, the gold-giving ring, and the smiting club. Chodzko. Slav fairy tales. Flying Dutchman. Scudder. Book of legends. \'an Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers, v. 5. Flying head (poem). Wilson, G. L. Myths of the red children. Flying lion. James. Man elephant. Flying ship. Lang. Three dwarfs and other stories. Lang. \'ellow fairy book. Pole\'oi. Russian fairy tales. Flying trunk, .\ndersen. Fair>' tales (Lucas tr.). .\ndersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). .■\ndersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Forty famous fairy tales. Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. Lang. Pink fair>' book. Nurserj' tales. Fool of Athina. Aunt Naomi. Jewish fairy tales. Foolhardy frogs and the stork. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Foolish fish. Rouse. Talking thrush. Foolish Jim and Clever James. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Foolish little air-current. .Alderman. Classics old and new. 4th reader. 84 FAIRY TALES Foolish men and scolding wives. See Silly men and cunning wives. Foolish monkey and the wise turtle. *Fee. First year book. Foolish tortoise. I. ^sop. Fables (Black ed. Tortoise and the eagle). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed. Tortoise and the eagle). M,sop. Fables (Jacobs. Tortoise and the birds). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 2. (Tor- toise and the eagle.) Baldwin. Fair}' stories and fables. Scudder. Children's book. (Tortoise and the eagle.) Scudder. Fables and folk stories. (Tortoise and the eagle.) Foolish tortoise. II. ^ep Talkative tortoise. Foolish weathercock. Blaisdell. Child life. 2d reader. (Foolish weathervane.) Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. Foolish weathervane. See Foolish weathercock. Foolish weaver. Lang. Orange fairy book. Foolish wishes. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. Foolish wolf. Rouse. Talking thrush. Foolish wolf and the shrewd fox. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Fool's good fortune. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. Forbidden fountain. Thomas. Welsh fair}' book. Forbidden room. Grimm. Household tales. (Everyman's ed.) Some editions of Grimm not indexed here use the title "Feather- bird" for this story. Forest. See Fir tree. II. Forest elemental. Success library, v. 3. See also Rumpelstiltskin. Forest full of friends. Alden. Why the chimes rang. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 3d reader. Forest man. Winnington. Outlook fairy book. Forest mill. Darton. Wonder book of beasts. Forest of rainbow colors. Harrison, E. O. Star fairies. Forester and the lion. See Man and the lion. Forester Etin. Tappan. Old ballads in prose. Forget-me-not. Farmer. Nature myths. Judd. Classic myths. Pratt. Fairyland of flowers. Forlorn princess. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. Fortunatus. Lang. Grey fairy book. (Fortunatus and his purse.) Mulock. Fairy book. Rhys. Fairy gold. (Old Fortunatus.) Scudder. Children's book. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. (Fortunatus and the wishing cap Warne ed.) This version is much longer than the others. See also Don Giovanni de la Fortuna. Fortunatus and his purse. See Fortunatus. Fortunatus and the wishing cap. See Fortunatus. Fortune. Richards. Golden windows. FAIRY TALES 85 Fortune and knowledge. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Fortune and misfortune. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Fortune and the booby. Macdonell. Italian fairy book. Fortune and the boy. ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). .tsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Fortune and the wood-cutter. Lang. Brown fairy book. Fortune seekers. I. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Father's legacies). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed. Three children of fortune). Ortoli. Evening tales. (Rooster, the cat, and the reap-hook.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (Three luck children.) Fortune seekers. II. See Knapsack, the hat and the horn. Fortune teller. I. .^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Fortuneteller. II. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. Fortunee. Aulnoy. Fair>' tales. Lang. Blue fairy book. (Felicia and the pot of pinks.) Lang. Princess on the glass hill. (Felicia and the pot of pinks.) Singleton. Wild flower fairy book. (Pinks.) Fortune's feather. See Sunshine stories. Fortunio. See Belle-Belle; or, The Chevalier Fortune. Forty-first brother. Bain. Cossack fairy tales. Forty-nine dragons. Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. See also AH Baba and the forty thieves. Forty princes and the seven-headed dragon. Kunos. Forty- four Turkish fair>- tales. Kunos. Turkish fairy tales. Forty robbers. See .AH Baba and the forty thieves. Fortj' thieves. See AH Baba and the forty thieves. Fountain of beauty. Macdonell. Italian fairy book. Fountain of youth. See Ponce de Leon and the fountain of youth. Four accomplished brothers. See Four clever brothers. Four ages. Baldwin. Old Greek stories. (Golden age.) Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome. (Four ages and the flood.) Four brothers. I. James. Enchanted castle. Four brothers. II. James. Magic bed. Four bulls and the lion. See Lion and the four bulls. Four clever brothers. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed. Four craftsmen). Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 3. Ruskin. King of the golden river. (Four skilful brothers.) Welsh. Fairy tales children love. Four craftsmen. See Four clever brothers. Four friends. See Escape of the mouse. Four gifts. Lang. Lilac fairy book. Four-leaved clover. See .'\bdallah. Four little children who went round the world. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Four musicians. See Bremen town musicians. Four oxen and the lion. See Lion and the four bulls. Four seasons. See Twelve months. 86 FAIRY Tx\LES Four white swans. See Fate of the children of Lir. Fowler and the birds. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.)- Fowler and the blackbird. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.)- JEsop. Fables (Burt ed.)- Fowler and the lark. ^Esop. Fables (Black ed.). iEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Fowler and the ringdove. yEsop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Fowler, the hawk and the lark (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Fox and a crab. ^sop. Fables (Stickney). Fox and his five hungry comrades. Johnson. Book of fairy- tale foxes. Lang. Crimson fairy book. (Six hungry beasts.) Fox and his friends. See Beg and the fox. Fox and the ape. iEsop. Fables (Black ed.). .(Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Fox and the ass. See Ass in the lion's skin. Fox and the badger. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. Fox and the boar. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Fox and the boastful rooster. See Fox and the cock. II. Fox and the bramble. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Fox and the cat. I. /Esop. Fables (Black ed. Cat and the fox). ^sop. Fables (Burt ed. Cat and the fox). /Esop. Fables (Jacobs). /Esop. Fables (Stickney. Cat and the fox). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 4. *Baldwin. Fairy reader. (Cat and the fox.) Carrick. Kitty cat tales. (Cat and the fox.) Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed.). Johnson. Book of fairy-tale foxes. (Fox with a sackful of tricks.) (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Cat and the fox.) Fox and the cat. II. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Fox and the cat. III. Bain. Cossack fairy tales. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Old Sultan. Fox and the cock. I. See Cock and the fox. III. Fox and the cock. II. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. (Fox outwitted.) Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. (Fox and the rooster.) Johnson. Book of fairy-tale foxes. (Fox and the boastful rooster.) O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. (Fox and the rooster.) Fox and the cock. III. 5ee Cock and the fox. I. Fox and the colt. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. FAIRY TALES 87 Fox and the countryman, .tsop. Fables (Black ed.)- .■Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Fox and the coyote. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Fox and the crab. See How the fox and the crab ran a race. Fox and the crabs. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Fox and the crane. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Fox and the crow. .-Esop. Fables (Black ed.). .■Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). iEsop. Fables (Jacobs). .£sop. Fables (Stickney). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 2. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. (Crow and fox.) *Bowen. Second story reader. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 2. Scudder. Children's book. (Crow and the fox.) (play). Stevenson. Plays for the home. (Crow and the fox.) Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Fox and the dove. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Fox and the drum. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Fox and the farmer. Bxrne. Modern Greek fairy tales. Fox and the geese. Grimm. Fairy tales (PauU tr.). Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. (Praying geese.) Fox and the goat. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). yEsop. Fables (Jacobs). ^sop. Fables (Stickney). (poem). /Esop. Fables (Stickney. Supplement). Fox and the goose. See Crafty fox and the industrious goose. Fox and the grapes. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). .Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). /Esop. F"ables (Jacobs). /Esop. Fables (Stickney). (poem). JEsop. Fables (Stickney. Supplement). Coussens. Child's book of stories. Hall and Gilman. Story land. 2d reader. *Jones. First reader. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. F~ables and folk stories. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. ^ Fox and the hedgehog. I. Houghton. Russian grandmothers wonder talcs. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Fox and the hedgehog. II. 5ee F"ox and the mosquitoes. Fox and the horse. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to litcra- tLire. %•. 4. •Baldwin. Fairy reader. (irimni. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. (Old horse.) Wiggin anfl Smith. Tales of laughter. 88 FAIRY TALES Fox and the jackal. Success library, v. 3. Fox and the king's son. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. See also Beg and the fox. Fox and the Lapp. Lang. Brown fairy JDOok. Fox and the leopard. ^Esop. Fables (Stickney). Fox and the lion. ^'Esop. Fables (Black ed.). iEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). .(Esop. Fables (Jacobs), ^sop. Fables (Stickney). Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Fox and the little red hen. See Little red hen. IL Fox and the mask. ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). ^F^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). /Esop. Fables (Jacobs). Fox and the mosquitoes, ^sop. Fables (Black ed. Fox and the hedgehog), ^sop. Fables (Burt ed. Fox and the hedgehog), ^sop. Fables (Jacobs). Fox and the old cat and dog. See War of the wolf and the fox. Fox and the piece of meat. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Fox and the rabbit. See Mr. Fox goes a-hunting but Mr. Rabbit bags the game. Fox and the rooster. L 5ee Cock and fox. IIL Fox and the rooster. IL Fox and the cock. IL Fox and the sick lion. .Esop. Fables (Black ed.). /F^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Fox and the small red hen. 5>e Little red hen. II. Fox and the stork, ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). .iEsop. Fables (Jacobs). iEsop. Fables (Stickney). Cooke. Nature myths and stories. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Success library v. 3. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Fox and the tiger. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Farmer. Nature myths. Fox and the villagers. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Fox and the wicked wolf. Johnson. Book of fairy tale foxes. Fox and the wolf. I. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Fox and the wolf. 1 1. See Fox as partner. Fox and the wolf. III. See Fox, the wolf and the cheese. Fox and the wolf's daughter. Johnson. Book of fairy-tale foxes. Fox and the wrens. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. FAIRY TALES 89 Fox as herdsboy. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Bailey. Firelight stories. (How the fox played herdsman.) Coiissens. Child's book of stories. (Fox as herdsman.) Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. (Fox as herdsman.) Farmer. Nature myths.' (Fox's white-tipped tail.) Holbrook. Book of nature myths. (Why the tail of the fox has a white tip.) Johnson. Book of fairy tale foxes. (Fox who became a shep- herd.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (Fox turned shepherd.) Fox as herdsman. 5ee Fox as herdsboy. Fox as partner. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. (Bruin and Reynard.) Grierson. Scottish fairy book. (Fox and the wolf.) Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. (Fox cheats the bear out of his Christmas fare.) See also Cat and mouse in partnership. Fox cheats the bear out of his Christmas fare. See Fox as partner. Fox in the well. I. .-Esop. Fables (Black ed.). .-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. \'an Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 3d reader. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Fox in the well. II. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Fox outwitted. I. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Johnson. Book of fairy-tale foxes. (Fox who did not want to be a heathen.) Fox outwitted. II. See Fox and the cock. II. Fox that lost his tail. /Esop. Fables (Black ed. Fox without a tail.) /Esop. Fables (Burt ed. Fox without a tail). .^sop. Fables (Jacobs. Fox without a tail). iEsop. Fables (Stickney. Fox who had lost his tail). (poem), ^sop. Fables (Stickney. Supplement. Fox with his tail cut off). Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. (Fox who lost his tail.) *Grover. Folk-lore readers, v. 1. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Fox without a tail.) Fox, the bear and the poor farmer. Johnson. Book of fairy tale bears. See also Man, the hare, the fox and the bear. Fox, the cock and the dog. Sec Cock and the fox. II. Fox the eagle and the wolf. Byrne. Modern C^reek fairy tales. Fox, the hen and the drum. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Fox, the monkey and the animals (poem)- Wiggin and Snnth. Talking beasts. 90 FAIRY TALES Fox, the old cat and dog. See War of the wolf and the fox. Fox, the raccoon and the bear. Messer. Next night stories. Fox, the weasel, and the rabbit. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Fox, the wolf, and the cheese. Johnson. Book of fairy-tale foxes. Lang. Orange fairy book. Fox, the wolf and the horse. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). (poem). W'iggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Fox turned shepherd. See Fox as herdsboy. Fox who became a shepherd. See Fox as herdsboy. Fox who did not want to be a heathen. See Fox outwitted. I. Fox who had lost his tail. See Fox that lost his tail. Fox who lost his tail. See Fox that lost his tail. Fox with a sackful of tricks. See Fox and the cat. Fox with his tail cut off. See Fox that lost his tail. Fox without a tail. See Fox that lost his tail. Fox, wolf and hare (poem), ^sop. Fables (Stickney. Supple- ment). Fox's brush. See Golden bird. II. Fox's son. Darton. Wonder book of beasts. Fox's white-tipped tail. See Fox as herdsboy. Fragolette. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Laboulaye. Last fair\' tales. Lang. Grey fairy book. (Prunella.) Fragrant tulip bed. Keyes. Five senses. See also Tulip bed. Frank Martin and the fairies. Yeats. Irish fairy tales. Frau Hiitte. Mendel. Our little Austrian cousin. See also Girl that trod upon bread. Fred and Kate. See Frederick and Catherine. Frederick and Catherine. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr. Fred and Kate). Grimm. Fair\- tales (Paull tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr. Fred and Kate). Grimm. Household tales (Ever>-man's ed.). Frederick Barbarossa. See Emperor's sleep. French Puck. Lang. Lilac fairy book. French tar-baby. Ortoli. Evening tales. Frenchman's visit to Prague. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Frey. See Wooing of Gerd. Freya. See Freyja. Freyja. Bradish. Old Norse stories (Freya). Asgard stories. (Freyja's necklace.) Keary. Heroes of Asgard. (Necklace Brisingamen.) Friar Bacon and the brazen head. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. Scudder. Book of legends. (Brazen head.) Friar of orders gray (poem). Lanier. Boy's Percy. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. Friends in life and death. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Friquet and Friquette. Mace. Home fairy tales. Frithiof. Crommelin. Famous legends. Tappan. Stories of legendary heroes. FAIRY TALES 91 Fritz and his friends. Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). See also Magic ring. Frog. Lang. Beauty and the beast, and other stories. Lang. X'iolet fair>- book'. See also Puddoclcy. Frog and crow. Douglas. Scottish fairj- tales. Frog and the elephant. Stafford. Animal fables. Frog and the fox. See Quack frog. Frog and the hen. .-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Frog and the leopard. Stafford. Animal fables. Frog and the lion fairy. See Benevolent frog. Frog and the mouse. .-Esop. Fables (Black ed.). .-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Frog and the ox. .^sop. Fables (Black ed. Proud frog). ••Esop. Fables (Burt ed. Frog who wished to be as big as an ox). /Esop. Fables (Jacobs). .'Esop. Fables (Stickney. 0.\ and the frog). .\rnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 2. (Frog who tried to be as big as an ox.) Bryant. How to tell stories to children. *Grover. Folk-lore readers, v. 1. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Frog who wished to be as big as an ox.) Frog and the snake. Rouse. Talking thrush. Frog and the tadpole. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Frog for a husband. Griffis. Unmannerly tiger and other Korean tales. Frog girl. Messer. Next night stories. Frog he would a-wooing go. Jerrold. Big book of nursery' rhymes. (poem). Mother Goose rhymes and fairy tales (Altemus ed.). Frog in the moon. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. See also Making the moon. Frog king. L See Frog prince. Frog king. H. See Frogs who asked for a king. Frog prince. Chisholm. Enchanted land. Field. Famous fairy tales. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed.). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. Lansing. Fairy tales, v. 1. Mulock. Fairy book. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 3. Perkins. Twenty best fairy tales. Scudflcr. Children's book. Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. 92 FAIRY TALES Frog prince — continued. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. (Frog king.) Welsh. Fairy tales children love. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. See also Maiden and the frog; Well of the world's end. Frog princess. Byrne. Modern Greek fairy tales. Frog queen. Blumenthal. Folk tales from the Russian. (Tsarevna frog.) Dole. White duckling and other stones. O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. (Tsarevna frog.) Polevoi. Russian fairy tales. (Frog tsarevna.) Frog, the crab and the serpent. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Frog travellers. Blaisdell. Child life. 3d reader. Coe and Christie. Story hour readers. 3d book. (Frogs' travels.) Lang. Violet fairy book. (Two frogs.) Frog tsarevna. See Frog queen. Frog who tried to be as big as an ox. See Frog and the ox. Frog who wished to be as big as an ox. See Frog and the ox. Frogs and the crane. Eastman. Smoky Day's wigwam even- ings. . Eastman. Wigwam evenings. Frogs and the fighting bulls. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). ^E^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Frogs ask for a king. See Frogs who asked for a king. Frogs desiring a king. See Frogs who asked for a king. Frogs, Origin of. See Latona and the frogs. Frog's skin. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. Frogs' travels. See Frog travelers. Frogs who asked for a king. yEsop. Fables (Black ed. Frogs desiring a king). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed. Frogs desiring a king). ^sop. Fables (Jacobs. Frogs desiring a king). ^sop. Fables (Stickney). Bryant. Stories to tell to children. (Frog king.) Cowles. Art of story telling. (King of the frogs.) Scudder. Children's book. (Frogs ask for a king.) Scudder. Fables and folk stories. (Frogs ask for a king.) Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Frogs desiring a king.) Frolicsome duke. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. From a far country. Richards. Golden windows. From a window in Vartou. Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Frost king ; or, The power of love. Alcott. Flower f ables._ Alcott. Lulu's library, v. 2. (Frost king and how the fairies con- quered him.) Frozen hearth-fairy. Harrison, C. C. Old-fashioned fair>- book. Fruit of happiness. Pyle, H. Twilight land. Fruit of the fragile palm. See Christmas before last. Fulfilled. Bryant. How to tell stories. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Wiggm and Smith. Magic casements. See also Poor man and the rich man. FAIRY TALES 93 Fundevogel. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Birdie and her friend). Funeral of Tom Grimalkin. Carrick, Kitty cat tales. Funny fellow. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Funny little old woman. ' Eggleston. Queer stories for boys and girls. Funny story. Frere. Old Deccan days. Furious host. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. See also Three cows. Further adventures of the fisherman. Arabian nights (Town- send). G Gagliuso; or, The good cat. Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. Macdonell. Italian fairy book. See also Puss in boots. Galahad. See Sir Galahad. Galatea. L 5^e Acis and Galatea. Galatea. IL See Pygmalion and Galatea. Galileo. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. (Galileo and the lamps.) Gallant tailor. See Brave little tailor. Galoshes of fortune. See Goloshes of fortune. Ganem, son of Abou Ayoub, and known by the surname of Love's Slave. Arabian nights (Townsend). Ganymede. Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. Garden of childhood. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Garden of paradise. Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (PauU tr.). Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. Garden of the Hesperides. Baldwin. Golden fleece. Garden of the sorceress. See Rapunzel. Gardener. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Gardener and his dog. .^Lsop. Fables (Black ed.). ..-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Gardener and his landlord, ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Gardener and his master. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Gardener and the bear. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Gardener prince. Baring-Gould. Old English fairy tales. Gareth. Sec Sir Gareth. Garret adventure. Dodge. Land of pluck. Gate of the giant scissors. See Giant scissors. Gater and de rabbit gizzard. See Brother Rabbit and the gizzard cilcr. Gathering of the birds. Success library, v. 3. Gathering of the fays. Rolfe. Fairy tales in prose and verse. Gawaine. See Sir Gawain. Gawayne. See Sir Gawain. Gay Goshawk. Gricrson. Children's tales from Scottish ballads. Maclfod. Book of ballad stories. (Gay Goss Hawk.) Gay Goss Hawk. See Gay Goshawk. 94 FAIRY TALES Gazelle. Bateman. Zanzibar tales. (Haamdaanec.) Lang. Violet fairy book. Pyle, K. Fairy tales from many lands. (Haamdaanee and the wise gazelle.) Geese. Success library, v. 3. Geese and the cranes. i€^sop. Fables (Black ed.). ^•Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Geese and the tortoise. See Talkative tortoise. Geirlaug, the king's daughter. Lang. Olive fairy book. Geirrod: Geirrod and Odin. Edmison. Stories from the Norse- land. (Geirrod and Agnar.) Mabie. Norse stories. (Odin in Geirrod's palace.) Geirrod: Geirrod and Thor. Bradish. Old Norse stories. (Thor and Geirrod.) Brown, A. F. In the days of giants. (In the giant's house.) Edmison. Stories from Norseland. (Thor's visit to the giant Geirrod.) General, the bird and the ant. Davis and Chow -Leung. Chi- nese fables and folk stories. Generides. Baring-Gould. Crock o' gold. Generous lion. .(Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Genius, virtue and reputation. yEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). George with the goat. Mabie. Folk tales every child should know. Geraint and Enid. See Sir Geraint. Geraint the son of Erbin. See Sir Geraint. Geranium story. Bailey. Stories and rhymes for a child. Gerd. See Wooing of Gerd. Geria, the poor man's son. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. Gertrude's bird. See Why the woodpecker has a red head. I. Gertrude's visit to the moon. Edey. Six giants and a griffin. Get up and bar the door. See Barring of the door. Getting rid of fairies. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Ghost bride. Grinnell. Pawnee hero stories. Ghost-laying stories. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Ghost of Rosewarne. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Ghost of Solomon. Success library, v. 3. Ghost of the spring and the shrew. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. (Imp of the well.) Kunos. Turkish fairy tales. Ghost story. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Ghost- wife. I. Eastman. Wigwam evenings. Ghost wife. II. Grinnell. Pawnee hero stories. Ghost wife of Craig Aulnaic. Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Ghostly rehearsal. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Ghvthisavari. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. Giant and Johannes Blessom. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Giant and the tailor. Wlggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Giant builder. Brown, A. F. In the days of giants. Edmison. Stories from the Norseland. (Building of Asgard.) Mabie. Myths every child should know. Tappan. Myths from many lands. Giant Crump and Lady Moon. Richards. Joyous story of Toto. FAIRY TALES 95 Giant Energy and Fairy Skill. Lindsay. Mother stories. Giant Golden-Beard. See Giant with the golden hair. Giant in fragments. Fair>- stories retold from the St. Nicholas. Giant of flaming mountain. Kennedy. New world fairy book. Giant of St. Michaels. Rhys. Fairy gold. Giant of the Band-Beggars' Hall. MacManus. In chimney corners. Giant of the black mountains. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Giant scissors. Johnston. Giant scissors. Giant that was a miller. Rhys. Fairy gold. Giant Thunder Bones. Fairy stories retold from St. Nicholas. Giant who had no heart. Absjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. (Giant who had no heart in his body.) Thorne-Thomsen. East o' the sun and west o' the moon. (Giant who had no heart in his body.) See also Man without a heart. II. Giant who had no heart in his body. See Giant who had no heart. Giant who loved a sea nymph. See Acis and Galatea. Giant with a belt of stars. See Orion. Giant with nine lives. Kennedy. New world fairy book. Giant with the golden hair. I. Aunt Louisa's book of fairy tales. Chisholm. Enchanted land. (Three golden hairs). Field. Famous fairy tales. (Three golden hairs.) Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Three golden hairs). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed. Giant Golden Beard). Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. (Giant with the golden hairs.) Welsh. Fairy tales children love. Giant with the golden hair. II. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. (Sun; or, The three golden hairs of the old man Vsevede.) Silver fair>- book. (Three golden hairs of Old Vsevede.) Tappan. Myths from many lands. (Sun; or, Three golden hairs of the old man \'sevede.) Giant with the golden hairs. See Giant with the golden hair. Giantess and the granite boat. See Witch in the stone boat. Giantess who would not. See Wooing of Gerd. Giants and fairies. Judd. Wigwam stories. Giants and the herd-boy. Lang. Yellow fairy book. • Giants fool Thor. See Thor: Thor and the frost giants. Giant's heart. Macdonald. Dealings with fairies. Macdonald. Light princess and other fairy tales. Giant's house with the roof of sausages. Tappan. Golden goose. Giant's New Year. Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. Giant's quilt. See Deride. Giant's shoes. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Giant's stairs. Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. Gift of corn. See First corn. II. Gift of fire. Sre How fire was brought to tix- Inrlians. Gift of .Mondamin. See First corn. II. 96 FAIRY TALES Gift of the birds. Harrison, E. O. Star fairies. Gift of the olive tree. See Athens. Gift of Tritemius. Johonnot. Stories of the olden times. Giftie. Richards. Golden windows.^ Gifts of the dwarfs. See Dwarf's gifts. Gifts of the magician. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Gigi and the magic ring. Macdonell. Italian fairy book. Gilbert, Sir Humphrey. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Gilla Na Chreck. See Lad with the goat-skin. Gilla Na Grakin and Fin MacCumhail. See Finn MacCool. Gingerbread boy (play). Bailey. For the story teller. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Bryant. Best stories to tell to jchildren. (Gingerbread man.) Bryant. Stories to tell to children. (Gingerbread man.) Coussens. Child's book of stories. (Gingerbread man.) *Grover. Folk-lore reader, v. L *Treadwell. Reading literature. Primer. *Van Sickle and Seegmillcr. Riverside readers. First reader. See also Johnny cake; Pancake; Wee bannock. Gingerbread man. See Gingerbread boy. Girl and the fish. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Girl clad in mouse-skin. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Girl-fish. Lang. Orange fairy book. Girl who became a pine tree. Judd. Wigwam stories. Girl who could spin gold from clay and long straw. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. 5^6 a/50 Rumpelstiltskin. Girl who married the star. Eastman. Wigwam evenings. Girl who pretended to be a boy. Lang. Beauty and the beast, and other stories. Lang. Violet fairy book. Girl who trod on the loaf. Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Wonder stories. (Girl who trod upon bread.) Bailey. For the story teller, (play). Stevenson. Plays for the home. Girl who trod upon bread. See Girl who trod on the loaf. Girl who wanted three husbands. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Girl who was changed into a sunflower. See Clytie. Glass axe. Lang. Beauty and the beast and other stories. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Glass coffin. See Crystal cofifin. Glass mender. Baring. Blue rose fairy book. Glass mountain. Lang. Invisible prince and other stories. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Glaucon. Johonnot. Stories of the olden time. Glaucus. Carpenter. Long ago in Greece. Glaucus and Scylla. See Scylla and Charybdis. Gloaming bucht. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Glob and Alger. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Glooscap. See Glooskap. FAIRY TALES 97 Glooskap and his people. Roberts. Flying plover. (Gluskap and his people.) Glooskap and Malsum, the wolf. Wade. Indian fairy tales. Glooskap and the bullfrog. Wade. Indian fairy tales. Glooskap and the giant's frolic. Wade. Indian fairy tales. Glooskap and the great wind bird. Partridge. Story telling in home and school. (Glooscap and the great wind bird.) Glooskap and the magic gifts. Wade. Indian fairy tales. Glooskap and the three seekers. Wade. Indian fairy tales. Glooskap and the turtle. Wade. Indian fairy tales. Glooskap and the whale. Wade. Indian fairy tales. Glooskap and the Winter Giant. Wilson, G. L. Myths of the red children. Glooskap and the witch maiden. Wade. Indian fairy tales. Glowworm and the daw. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Gluskap. See Glooskap. Gnat and the bee. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Gnat and the bull. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). iEsop. Fables (Stickne}')- Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. "Go" and "Come." Richards. Golden windows. Go, I know not whither — fetch, I know not what. Polevoi. Russian fairy tales. Goat and the boy. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 2. See also Goat herd and the she-goat. Goat and the hog. Rouse. Talking thrush. Goat and the lion. .'Esop. Fables (Black ed.). .-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Goat-faced girl. Lang. Grey fairy book. Goat girl. Uasent. Popular tales from the Norse. (Tatterhood.) Marshall. Fair>' tales of all nations. Goatherd. See Karl Katz. Goatherd and his pipe. Macdonell. Italian fairy book. Goatherd and the goats. .'Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Goat-herd and the she-goat. .E:sop. Fables (Black ed.). ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). See also Goat and the bo\-. Goats. Gregory-. Kiltartan wonder book. Goats ask for horns. Success library, v. 3. Goat's ears of the emperor Trojan. Lang. Violet fairy book. Goats in the turnip field. *Jones. Second reader. (How did he do it?) O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. (Johnny and the three goats.) Gobborn seer. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. (Clever wife.) Jarobs. More English fairy tales. Goblin and the grocer. See Nis at the grocer's. ^ Goblin and the huckster. See Nis at the grocer's. Goblin market. See Good sister. Goblin of Adachigahara. (Jzaki. Jaixmese fairy book. 98 FAIRY TALES Goblin pony. Lang. Grey fairy book. Lang. Trusty John and other stories. Goblin tree. Nixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairytales. God of fire. See Vulcan. God of the ivy crown. See Bacchus and Pentheus. Goddess of green-growing things. Xi.xon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. Goddess of light. Williams. Fairy tales from folklore. Godfather. See Wonderful glass. Godfather Death. See Strange godfather. Godfrey, the little hermit. Cask. Folk tales from many lands. Godiva. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. (Lady Godiva.) Gods and the giants. See Jupiter and the Titans. Gods grow old. See Iduna's apples. Gods know. Pitman. Chinese fairy stories. Gold-bearded man. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Gold braids. Nordau. Dwarf's spectacles. Gold bread. See Golden loaf. Gold bugs. Bailey. Firelight stories. CoAvles. Art of story telling. Gold-giving serpent. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Gold in the orchard. .'Esop. Fables (Black ed. Husbandman and his sons). yEsop. Fables (Burt ed. Husbandman and his sons), (poem). /Esop. Fables (Stickney, supplement. Ploughman and his sons). Bryant. Stories to tell to children. Scudder. Children's book. (Farmer and his sons.) Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 4th reader. (Buried treasure.) (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Ploughman and his sons.) Gold Maria and Pitch Maria. Underhill. Dwarfs' tailor and other fairy tales. See also Mother Holle. Gold-maria and Gold-feather. Jerrold. Big bookof fairy tales. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Gold of Fairnilee. Lang. My own fairy book. Gold-spinner. See Rumpelstiltskin. Gold-spinners. Coussens. Child's book of stories. (Water lily; or, The gold-spinners.) Lang. Blue fairy book. (Water-lily. Gold spinners.) Lang. Princess on the glass hill and other stories. (Water- lily. Gold spinners.) Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Gold-tree and Silver-tree. Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. See also Snow W'hite and the seven dwarfs. Golden age. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Golden apple. See Paris: Apple of discord. Golden apple-tree and the nine pea-hens. See Nine pea-hens and the golden apples. FAIRY TALES 99 Golden apples. I nderhill. Dwarfs' tailor and other fairy tales. Golden arm. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Golden ball. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Golden bees of Mythia. Silver fairy book. Golden beetle that went on his travels. See Beetle who went on his travels. Golden bird. I. Asbjornsen. Fair^- tales from the far north. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. 5e^ a/50 Golden bird. II; Golden blackbird; Golden mermaid. Golden bird. II. Canton. Reign of King Herla. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.^. Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed.). Grimm. Household tales (Ever^-man's ed. Fox's brush). Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. See also Goldenbird I ; Golden blackbird; Golden mermaid; Greek princess and the young gardener; Ivan and the gray wolf. Golden blackbird. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. (Princet and the golden blackbird.) Lang. Green fairy book. Lang. Pretty Goldilocks and other stories. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. See also Golden bird I and II; Golden mermaid. Golden bough. See Golden branch. Golden branch. Aulnoy. Fairy tales. Lang. Red fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. (Golden bough.) Golden-breasted kootoo. Richards. Joyous story of Toto. Golden bucket (play). Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside rc-aders. 2d reader. Golden bull. Baring-Gould. Old English fairy tales. Golden cobwebs. Bryant. Best stories to tell to children. Br\ant. How to tell stories to children. Dickinson and Skinner. Children's book of Christmas stories. Golden crab. Lang. Magic ring, and other stories. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Golden eggs and cock of gold. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Golden fish. Gask. Folk tales from many lands. Golden fleece. I. See Argonauts. Golden fleece. II. 5ee Fleece of gold. Golden fortune. Austin. Basket woman. Golden goblin. Hume. Chronicles of fairyland. 100 FAIRY TALES Golden goose. I. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. (Peter and the magic goose.) Coussens. Child's book of stories. Golden goose and the three bears. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. Lang. Red fairy book. Lansing. Fairy tales, v. 2. Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 3. Welsh. Fairy tales children love. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. 5ee 0/50 Hans who made the princess laugh; Magic swan; Saucy Jesper. Golden goose. H. See Lilla Rosa and Long Leda. Golden Hair. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. (Maid with hair of gold.) Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. See also Fair one with golden locks. Golden Hair and the three bears. See Three bears. Golden-haired children. Kunos. Turkish fairy tales. Golden-headed fish. Lang. Olive fairy book. Golden Hood. See Little Golden Hood. Golden horse, the moon-lantern, and the princess in the troll's cage. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Golden key. L Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Golden key. H. Macdonald. Dealings with the fairies. Macdonald. Light princess and other fairy tales. Golden key. HL Bellamy. Wonder children. Golden lads. Lang. Green fairy book. Lang. Three dwarfs and other stories. Golden lantern, the golden goat, and the golden cloak. Jer- rold. Reign of King Oberon. Lang. Orange fairy book. (Pinkel the thief.) Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Underbill. Dwarfs' tailor and other fairy tales. (Cinderboy and the witch.) Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. See also Esben and the witch. Golden legend. See Peasant maid. Golden lion. Lang. Aladdin and other stories. Lang. Pink fairy book. Golden loaf. Laboulaye. Fairy book. (Gold bread.) Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. (Gold bread.) Golden mermaid. Lang. Golden mermaid and other stories. Lang. Green fairy book. See also Golden blackbird I and H. Golden mountain. Blumenthal. Folk tales from the Russian. Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. (Spendthrift merchant's son.) Polevoi. Russian fairy tales. FAIRY TALES 101 Golden palace that hung in the air. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Golden river. I. Harrison, E. O. Prince Silverwings. Golden river. II. 5fe King of the Golden River. Golden slipper. Bain. Cossack fairy tales. See also Rashin Coatie. I and II. Golden spinning-wheel. Silver fair>- book. Golden steed. Byrne. Modern Greek fairy tales. Golden touch. See Midas. I. Golden treasure. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Golden whistle. See Said, Adventures of. Golden windows. Richards. Golden windows. Goldenlocks. See Goldielocks. Goldenrod and aster. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Cooke. Nature myths and stories. Hall and Gilman. Story land. 2d reader. (Story of the aster and the goldenrod.) Pratt. Fairyland of flowers. Goldenrod, Legend of the. Danielson. Story telling time. Goldielocks. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. (Goldenlocks.) Mace. Home fairy tales. Winnington. Outlook fairy book. Goldilocks. See Three bears. Goldsmith's fortune. Lang. Orange fairy book. Goloshes of fortune. Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Wonder stories. (Galoshes of fortune.) Good advice. Richards. Golden windows. Good and bad apples. Keyes. Five senses. Ruskin. King of the Golden River. Good bargain. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed.). Good bear and the lost boy. Judd. Wigwam stories. Good cat. See Gagliuso. Good children. Mabie. Folk tales every child should know. "Good-for-nothing." I. 6Vf She was good for nothing. Good-for-nothing. II. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. See also Knapsack, the hat and the horn. Good giants. Wilson, G. L. Myths of the red children. Good gifts and a fool's folly. P\ic, H. Twilight land. Good housewife and her night labours. Grierson. C hildren's book of Celtic stories. Good humor. See Cheerful temper. Good king. Cowles. Art of story-telling. Good little Henry. Segur. French fairy tales. Good little mouse. Aulnoy. Fairy tales. *Heller and Bates. Little Golden-hood. Lang. Red fairy book. (Little good mouse.) Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. (Little good mouse. ) Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. 102 FAIRY TALES Good luck is better than gold. Ewing. Old-fashioned fairy tales. Good-luck token. Eastman. Smoky Day's wigwam evenings. Eastman. Wigwam evenings. Good of a few words. Pyle, H. Twilight land. Good sister. Maud. Heroines of poetry. Good woman. See Dame Gudbrand. Goody Blake and Harry Gill (poem). Arnold and Gilbert. Step- ping stones to literature, v. 4. Scudder. Children's book. Tappan. Old-fashioned stories. Goody 'Gainst-the-Stream. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. (Contrary woman.) Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Goody Two-Shoes. Bailey. For the story teller. *Blaisdell. Child life readers. 2d reader. History of little Goody Two-Shoes. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 2. Poulsson. In the child's world. Scudder. Children's book. (Renowned history of Goody Two- Shoes.) Tappan. Old-fashioned stories and poems. (Renowned history of Little Goody Two-Shoes.) Valentine. Old, old fairy tales (Burt ed.). Welsh. Stories children love. (Renowned history of Little Goody Two-Shoes.) Goose and the golden eggs. See Goose that laid golden eggs. Goose and the swans (poem), ^^i^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Goose girl. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. False bride.) Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Lang. Blue fairy book. Lang. Dick Whittington and other stories. Success library, v. 3. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Goose girl at the well. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. (Emerald book.) Goose that laid golden eggs. yEsop. Fables (Black ed. Man and his goose). .^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). .(Esop. Fables (Jacobs. Goose with the golden eggs). Blaisdell. Child life. 2d reader. (Goose and the golden eggs.) *Grover. Folk-lore readers, v. 1. (Man and his goose.) Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fable and folk stories. Tappan. Folk stories and fables? Welsh. Stories children love. (Goose with the golden eggs.) Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Goose with the golden eggs.) FAIRY TALES 103 Goose with the golden eggs. See Goose that laid golden eggs. Goosey Grizzel. Dasent. Popular tales from the Xorse. Gordian Knot. See Alexander the Great. Gore-Gorinskoe. Blumenthal. Folk tales from the Russian. (Woe Bogotir. I Polevoi. Russian fairy tales. Gorgon's head. See Perseus. Goronwy Tudor and the witches of Llanddona. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Goso, the teacher. Bateman. Zanzibar tales. Gotham men and the cuckoo. Johnson. Oak-tree fair>- book. Gourd and the pine. ^Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). .■Esop. Fables (Stickney). Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. (Gourd and the pine tree.) Gourd and the pine tree. See Gourd and the pine. Grace's well. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Gracieuse and Percinet. See Graciosa and Percinet. Graciosa and Percinet. Aulnoy. Fair>- tales. (Gracieuse and Percinet.) Lang. Red fairy book. Mulock. Fairy tales. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Welsh. Fairy stories children love. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Gradual fairy. Brown, A. One-footed fairy. Graham of Morphie. See Laird of Morphie and the water kelpie. Grain of corn. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. See also Cat and the mouse; How the mouse got into his hole; Little Tuppen; Munachar and Manachar; Naiiny who wouldn't go home to supper; Old woman and her pig; Spar- row and the bush. Grain of wheat. See Little red hen. L Grain that was like an egg. Tolstoi. Tales. Grandee. Success library, v. 3. Grandmother. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Grandmother of the gnomes. See Dame Martha's step-daughter. Grandsire bear and Reynard the fox. See Bear and fox make a wager. Granny Chipmunk's lesson. Messer. Next night stories. Grasp all, lose all. Olive fairy book. Grasshopper. Wade. Indian fairy tales. Grasshopper and the ant. L yEsop. Fables (Stickney. Supple- ment j. (poemj. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Grasshopper 3nd the ant. II. Wardrop. Georgian folk talcs. Grasshopper's trip to the city. Aspinwall. Short stories for short ptopic. Grateful beasts. I. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Grateful beasts. 11. Graves. Irish fairy book. Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. .3. Stebbins. Third reader. (Faithful beasts.) 104 FAIRY TALES Grateful cobra. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Grateful crane. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Grateful foxes. Cooke. Nature myths and stories. Mabie. Folk tales every child should know. Nixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. (Princess and the fox baby.) Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Grateful goat. Rouse. Talking thrush. Grateful prince. Lang. Violet fairy book. Grateful sparrows. Nordau. Dwarf's spectacles. Gray mole and the Indian. See Sun a prisoner. I. Grazier's wife. Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. Great bear. I. See Callisto and Areas. Great bear. II. See Great bear in the sky. Great bear. III. See Aurora, the white arch and the great bear. Great bear in the sky. I. Judd. Wigwam stories. Tanner. Legends from the red man's forest. (Great bear.) Great bear in the sky. II. See Callisto and Areas. Great boar hunt. See Calydonian hunt. Great Claus and Little Claus. See Little Claus and Big Claus. Great deluge. See Deucalion and Pyrrha. Great feast. Richards. Golden windows. Great flood. I. See Deucalion and Pyrrha. Great flood. II. Brown, A. F. Tales of the red children. Great-grandfather. Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Great Head. Compton. Snowbird and the water tiger. Great King Eagle. Stewart. Once upon a time. Great Panjandrum himself. Eggleston. Queer stories for boys and girls. Great repentance and a great forgiveness. Davis and Chow- Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Great scholar. Mace. Home fairy tales. Great serpent of the hill. Kennedy. New world fairy book. Great sorrow. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Great stone face. Bailey. For the story teller. Mabie. Famous stories every child should know. Tappan. Modern stories. W'elsh. Stories children love. Great stone fire eater. Griffis. Unmannerly tiger and other Korean tales. Great wizard. Compton. Snowbird and the water tiger. This contains: How the duck came to have a flat back; White spot of the kingfisher; Indians' flood. Grecian king and the physician. See Grecian king and the physi- cian Douban. Grecian king and the physician Douban. Arabian nights (Dodge ed.). Arabian nights (Lang. Story of the Greek king and the physician Douban). Arabian nights (Olcott. Grecian king and the sage Douban). FAIRY TALES 105 Grecian king and the physician Douban — continued. Arabian nights (Townscnd. Historj- of the Greek king and Douban the physician). Welsh. Fain,' tales children love. (Grecian king and the physi- cian.) Grecian king and the sage Douban, Story of. See Grecian king and the physician Douban. Greedy beggar. *Bo\ven. Second story reader. Greedy cat. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeid. Bailey. Firelight stories. Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. \\'iggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Cat and the parrot. Greedy fox. Aunt Naomi. Jewish fairy tales. Greedy jackal. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Greedy shepherd. Browne. Granny's wonderful chair. O'Cxrad}- and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. Greedy youngster. See Grumblegizzard. Greek king and the physician Douban. See Grecian king and the physician Douban. Greek princess and the young gardener. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Yeats. Irish fairy tales. See also Golden bird. II. Green bird. Winnington. Outlook fairy book. Green cap. Brown, A. F. Star jewels. Green children. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Rhys. Fairy gold. Green gnome. I. (poem). Rolfe. Fairy tales in prose and verse. Green gnome. II. English. Fairy stories and wonder tales. Green goblin. Brown, A. One-footed fairy. Green isles of ocean. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Green jacket. Richards. Toto's merry winter. Green knight. I. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Green knight. II. Lang. Olive fairy book. Green knight. HI. See Sir Gawain: Sir Gawain and the green knight. Green monkey. See Alphege. Green serpent. .A.ulnoy. Fairy tales. Greenies. Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Grendel. Sec Beowulf. Grettir the Strong. Lang. Book of romance. Lang. Tales of romance. (How Grettir the strong became an outlaw.) Grey wizard. English. Fairy stories and wonder tales. Greybeard. Hall, Mrs. A. W. Icelandic fairy tales. Greyfoot. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. See also King TlirLishlji-arfi. Griffin and the minor canon. Stockton. Bee-man of Orn and other talcs. Stockton. F"anciful tales. Stockton. Queen's museum. 106 FAIRY TALES Grimsbork. See Dapplegrim. Grizzled Peter. See Alan who was going to mind the house. Groac'h of the Isle of hoc. Lang. Lilac fairy book. Growing-up-like-one-who-has-a-grandmother. Lang, L. B. Strange story book. Grumblegizzard. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. (Greedy ^■oungster.) Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Mabie. Folk tales every child should know. (Greedy young- ster.) Grumbling Peter. *Baldwin. Second fairy reader. Guardian spirits. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Gudbrand of the mountain side. See Dame Gudbrand. Gudbrand on the hillside. See Dame Gudbrand. Gude Wallace. Grierson. Children's tales from Scottish ballads. Gudra's daughter. Stockton. Floating prince. Gulambara and Sulambara. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. Guleesh. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. (Kidnapped princess.) Pyle, K. Where the wind blows. (Guleesh na Guss Dhu.) See also Jamie Freel and the young lady. Guleesh na Guss Dhu. See Guleesh. Gulliver's travels. Jenks. Tales of fantasy. (Gulliver.) Gulliver's travels: Brobdingnag. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. (Gulliver's adventures in Brobdingnag.) Tappan. Stories from seven old favorites. Welsh. Stories children love. Gulliver's travels: Lilliput land. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 6. Blaisdell. Child life. Fifth reader. Judson and Bender. Graded literature readers. Sixth book. Lang. Blue fairy book. Scudder. Children's book. Tappan. Stories from seven old favorites. Welsh. Stories children love. Gulnare of the sea. Story of. Arabian nights ( Wiggin and Smith.) In some editions of the Arabian Nights not indexed here this story is given under the title "King of Persia and the princess of the sea." Gutenberg: First printer. Baldwin. Thirty- more famous stories. Gutenberg: John Gutenberg and the voices. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. Guto Bach and the fairies. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Guy of Warwick. Lang. Red romance book. (poem). Lanier. Boy's Percy. (Guy and Amarant; Legend of Sir Guy.) Mabie. Legends every child should know. Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of early England. Gwashbrari, the glacier-hearted queen. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. (Legend of Gwashbrari.) Gylfe. Mabie. Norse stories. (Gods and men.) FAIRY TALES 107 H Haamdaanee. See Gazelle. Haamdaanee and the wise gazelle. See Gazelle. Habetrot and Scantlie Mab. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. (Habitrot.) Grierson. Scottish fairy book. (Habetrot the spinstress.) *Haaren. Songs and stories. 2d reader. (Spinners.) Jacobs. More English fairy tales. See also Three little crones each with something big. I, II and III; Three spinning fairies; Tom Tit Tot. Habetrot the spinstress. See Habetrot and Scantlie Mab. Habitrot. See Habetrot. Habogi. Lang. Brown fairy book. Lang. Invisible prince and other stories. Hackelnberg. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Hacon Grizzlebeard. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. See also King Thrushbeard. Hairy man. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Halcyon birds. Firth. Stories of old Greece. Guerbcr. Myths of Greece and Rome. (Story of Ce>-x and Halcyone.) Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. (Juno and Halcyone.) Kupfer. Stories of long ago. (Dream that came true.) Pratt. Myths of Old Greece, v. 3. Half -Chick. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. (Little Half Chick.) Baldwin. Second fairy reader. (Coco.) Br^-ant. Best stories to tell to children. (Little Half-Chick.) Brj-ant. Stories to tell to children. (Little Half-Chick.) * Howard. Banbury cross stories. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. (Story of Coquerico. In Captain John's travels.) Lang. Green fairy book. O'Grady and Throop. Teacher's story tellers' book. Success library, v. 3. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. (Story of Coquerico.) Half-man-riding-on-the-worse-half-of-a-lame-horse. Kunos. Turkish fairy tales. Halfman. L Higginson. Tales of the enchanted islands of the Atlantic. Halfman. H. Lang. Beauty and the beast and other stories Lang. Violet fairy book. Hand of glory. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Hang-the-money-up tree. Xixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. Hans. Hall, Mrs. A. \V. Icelandic fairy tales. Hans and his dog. Coe. Second book of stories. Linds;iy. .\I(jre mother stories. 108 FAIRY TALES Hans and his wife Grettel. Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). (Parts 1 and 2 of this story appear in other editions under the titles "Clever Grethel" and "Hans in love.") See also Hans married. Hans and the four big giants. Harrison, E. In story-land. Hans and the wonderful flower. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Hans Clodhopper. *Andersen. Best fairy tales (Henderson tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Wonder stories. (Jack the dullard.) Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. (Hans Humdrum.) Lang. Yellow fairy book. (Blockhead Hans.) Hans Hecklemann's luck. Pyle, H. Pepper and salt. Hans Humdrum. See Hans Clodhopper. Hans in love. See Prudent Hans. Hans in luck. Adams. Folk-story and verse. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). *Haaren. Songs and stories. 2d reader. Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. Lansing. Fairy tales, v. 1. Mabie. Folk tales every child should know. Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. (Lucky Jack.) Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 3. Scudder. Book of folk stories. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Dame Gudbrand; Mr. Vinegar; Monkey's bargains. Hans married. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). See also Hans and his wife Grettel. Hans Sachs. Maud. Wagner's heroes. Hans the hunter. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. Hans, the mermaid's son. Lang. Pink fairy book. Lang. Snow-queen and other stories. Hans the shepherd boy. Coe. Second book of stories. Hans, who made the princess laugh. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. (Taper Tom.) Mabie. Folk tales every child should know. Thorne-Thomsen. East o' the sun and west o' the moon. (Taper Tom.) Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 3d reader. See also Golden Goose; Magic swan; Saucy Jesper. Hansel and Grethel. Coe and Christie. Story hour readers. 3d book. (Hansel and Gretel.) ■ Coussens. Child's book of stories. (Hansel and Gretel.) Field. Famous fairy tales. FAIRY TALES 109 Hansel and Grethel — continued. Forty famous fair>- tales. (Hansel and Grettel.) Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed.). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Lang. Blue fair>- book. (Hansel and Grettel.) Lang. Little Red Riding-Hood and other stories. (Hansel and Grettel.) Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. Stone. Childrens' stories that never grow old. Success library, v. 3. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Welsh. Fair>' tales children love. Winnington. Outlook fairy book. (Hansel and Gretel.) See also Roof of sausages. Ha'penny; or, The dwarf, the witch, and the magic slippers. Harrison, C. C. Old-fashioned fairy tales. Happiness. Andrews. Enchanted forest. Happy age in the animal world. Stafford. Animal fables. Happy clothes-dryer. Ruskin. King of the Golden River and other stories. Happy family. Andersen. Fairy tales (PauU tr.). Andersen. Stories (Riverside ed.). Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Happy hunter and the cheerful fisher. See Ambitious hunter and skillful fisher. Happy hunter and the skillful fisher. See Ambitious hunter and the skillful fisher. Happy prince. Wilde. Fairy tales. Hard-headed woman (poem). Harris. Tar baby and other rhymes. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Hardy tin soldier. See Brave tin soldier. Hardyknute (poem). Lanier. Boy's Percy. Hare afraid of his ears. /Esop. F"ables (Burt ed.). Hare and many friends. See Hare with many friends. Hare and the dog. .-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Hare and the fox. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. » See also Two foxes and the hot rolls. Hare and the hedgehog. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 3d reader. Hare and the heiress. See Hare who had been married. Hare and the hound. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). /Esop. I'ables (Stickney ed.). Hare and the lion. Batcman. Zanzibar tales. Hare and the partridge (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Hare and the pig. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. no FAIRY TALES Hare and the tortoise, ^sop. Fables (Black ed.)- ALsop. Fables (Burt ed.). ^sop. Fables (Jacobs). vEsop. Fables (Stickney). Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Coussens. Child's book of stories. (Tortoise and the hare.) Hall and Gilman. Story land. 2d reader. *Jones. F"irst reader. Scudder. Children's book. (Tortoise and the hare.) Scudder. Fables and folk stories. (Tortoise and the hare.) Tappan. Folk stories and fables. (Tortoise and the hare.) Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. VViltse. Kindergarten stories. Hare in the moon. Farmer. Nature myths. Hare that was sent to York. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Hare, the bear and the fox. Cary. Fairy legends of the French provinces. Hare, the fox, and the wolf. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Hare who had been married. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. (Hare and the heiress.) Hare with many friends (poem). yEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). /Esop. Fables (Jacobs). (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Hare and many friends.) Hares. See Hares and the frogs. Hares and foxes. /Esop. Fables (Stickney). Hares and the frogs, ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). yEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). .(Esop. Fables (Jacobs). /Esop. Fables (Stickney. Hares). Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. (Hares.) Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Hare's bride. See Rabbit's bride. Harisarman. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Doctor Know-all. Harold the Viking. Higginson. Tales of the enchanted islands of the Atlantic. Haroun-al-Raschid, Caliph of Bagdad, Adventures of. See Caliph Haroun-ai-Raschid, Adventures of. Harper, ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Harper's gratuity. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Harriett's dream. Pyle, K. Counterpane fairy. Hart and the hunter. See Stag at the lake. Hart and the vine. See Stag and the vine. Hart in the ox-stall. See Stag in the ox-stall. Hassan of Balsora. Arabian nights (Olcott. Story of the adven- tures of Hassan of Balsora). Jacobs. Book of wonder voyages. (Journeyings of Hasan of Bassorah to the Islands of Wak-Wak.) FAIRY TALES 111 Hassebu. Lang. \'iolet fairy book. Haughty princess. See King Thrushbeard. Haunted house. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Haunted mill. See Mill. Haunted ships. See Elves of the haunted ships. Haunted spring (poem). Rolfe. Fairy tales in prose and verse. Haunted widower. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Havelock and Argentile. See Havelok the Dane. Havelok and Goldborough. See Havelok the Dane. Havelok the Dane. Baring-Gould. Old English fairy tales. (Havelock and Argentile.) Lang. Red romance book. (Havelok and Goldborough.) Tappan. Stories of legendary heroes. (Havelok.) Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of early England. Hawk and the farmer, ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). .•Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Hawk and the nightingale. ALsop. Fables (Black ed.). .Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). .■Esop. Fables (Stickney). Hawk and the rooster. Stafford. Animal fables. Hawk, kite and pigeons. i'Esop. Fables (Stickney). Haymo and the devil. Mendel. Our little Austrian cousin. Hazel-nut child. Lang. Twelve huntsmen and other stories. Lang. Yellow fairy book. He wins who waits. Lang. Olive fairy book. Headless dwarfs. Lang. Violet fairy book. Heart of a monkey. Lang. Lilac fairy book. Heart of ice. L Lang. Green fairy book. Lang. Pretty Goldilocks and other stories. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Heart of ice. H. Baring-Gould. Crock of gold. Heart of the Princess Joan. Chisholm. Enchanted land. Heart thread. Xordau. Dwarf's spectacles and other fairy tales. Heather fairies. Stewart. Once upon a time. Heavenly twins. See Castor and Pollux; Lcda and the swan. Hector: Death of Hector. .Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 4. Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. Hedley Kow. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Heir of Linne. Greenwood. Stories from famous ballads. Grierson. Children's tales from Scottish ballads, fpoem). Lanier. Boy's Percy. Macleod. Book of ballad stories, (poem). Scudder. Children's book. Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of early England. Helga. Hall, Mrs. A. W. Icelandic fairy tales. Helig's hollow. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Helios. See .Apollo. Heming, Story of. Baring-Gould. Crock of gold. Hen and the cat. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. 112 FAIRY TALES Hen and the Chinese mountain turtle. Davis and Chow-Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Hen and the falcon. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Hen and the fox. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). yEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Hen and the swallow. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). .lE^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). ^sop. Fables (Stickney). Hen that hatched ducks. Whittier. Child life in prose. Hen that ran away. Messer. Next time stories. Hen, the cat and the bird. Davis and Chow-Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Hen who went to Dovrefjeld to save the world. See Chicken- Little. Henny Penny. See Chicken-Little. Hens and the eagles. Success library, v. 3. Her majesty's servants. Kipling. Jungle book. Heracles. See Hercules and his labors. Herb shop. Keyes. Five senses. Herbs that heal. See How the Indians came to know medicine. Hercules and his labors. Adams. Myths of old Greece. (Hercules.) Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 5. (Pyg- mies.) Baldwin. Hero tales told in school. (Choice of Hercules.) Baldwin. Story of the golden age. (How a great hero met his rnaster.) Burt and Ragozin. Herakles and other heroes. Church. Greek story and song. (Deeds and death of Hercules.) Cole. Heroes of the olden time. Francillon. Gods and heroes. (Hero of heroes.) Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome. (Hercules.) Haaren and Poland. Famous men of Greece. Hawthorne. Tanglewood tales. (Pygmies.) Hawthorne. Wonder book. (Three golden apples.) Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. (Hercules.) Kingsley. Heroes (Everyman's ed.). Kupfer. Stories of long ago. (Mighty hero of olden times; Story of a poisoned shirt.) Lang, L. B. AH sorts of stories book. (Heracles the dragon-killer.) Mabie. Heroes every child should know. (Hercules.) Mabie. Myths every child should know. (Three golden apples.) Pratt. Myths of Old Greece, v. 3. (Hercules.) Scudder. Childrens' book. (Choice of Hercules.) Stories of classic myths. (Diomed's man-eating mares. In Some mythological horses.) Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. (Hercules and the golden apples. Hercules and Xessus.) ■ Tappan. Myths from many lands; (Pygmies.) Stories of classic myths. (Labors of Hercules.) FAIRY TALES 113 Hercules and Juno. Success library, v. 3. (Hercules.) Hercules and Pallas, .^isop. Fables (Burt ed.). Hercules and Plutus. .^^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Hercules and the carter. See Hercules and the wagoner. Hercules and the wagoner. ^Esop. Fables (Black ed. Hercules and the carter). .^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). /Esop. Fables (Jacobs). iEsop. Fables (Stickney). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 3. (Her- cules and the lazy man.) Coussens. Child's book of stories. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 2. Scudder. Children's book. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. W'iltse. Kindergarten stories. Herd boy. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Herd boy and the giant. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Hereafterthis. Forty famous fairy tales. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Hermes and Apollo. *Beck\vith. In mythland. v. 3. (Boy who loved fun.) Cooke. Nature myths and stories. (Hermes.) Firth. Stories of old Greece. Hartley. Stories from the Greek legends. (Story of how Apollo received his lyre; or, Hermes, the prince of thieves.) Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. (How Apollo got his lyre.) Judd. Classic myths. (Little wind-god.) Pratt. Myths of old Greece, v. 1. (Hermes.) Wilson, Mrs. L. L. W. Nature study reader. (Apollo's cows.) Hermit. Jokai. Golden fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Hermit and the bear. .-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Hermit philosopher. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. Hermit, the thief and the demon. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Hermod and Hadvor. Hall, Mrs. A. W. Icelandic fairy tales. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Hero and Leander. Buckley. Children of the dawn. Carpenter. Long ago in Greece. Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome. Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. Hero Makoma. Lang. Orange fairy book. (Story of the Hero Makoma.) Hero of heroes. See Hercules and his labors. Hero twins. Lummis. Pueblo Inflian folk tales. Hero's mother. Sec Sohral) and Rustem. 114 FAIRY TALES Herr Korbes. Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr. Mr. Korbes). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Troublesome visitors). See also Chanticleer and Partlett; Cock and the hen in the nut wood ; Vagabonds. Herr Lazarus and the draken. Lang. Grey fairy book. Herr Oster Hase. See Easter Hare. Hesione. Baldwin. Hero tales told in school. "Heyo, house." Coe. Second book of stories. Hiawatha (poem). Blaisdell. Child life. Fourth reader. (Hia- watha's childhood.) Judd. Wigwam stories. (Hiawatha the wise: how he united the Five Nations.) Mabie. Legends every child should know. (Wigwam legend of Hiawatha.) Pratt. Legends of the red children. Wade. Indian fairy tales. Hidden servants (poem). Alexander. Hidden servants. Bryant. Stories to tell to children. Hideous lady. See Sir Gawain: Marriage of Sir Gawain. Hiding of the church belL Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Hill of the fairy calf. Winnington. Outlook fairy book. Hillman and the housewife. Ewing. Old-fashioned fairy tales. Graves. Irish fairy book. Hind in the forest. Aulnoy. Fairy tales. (Hind in the wood.) Coussens. Child's book of stories. (Enchanted hind.) Lang. Orange fairy book. (White doe.) Mulock. Fairy book. (Hind of the forest.) Perkins. Twenty best fairy tales. (Hind of the forest.) Singleton. Wild flower fairy book. (Hind in the wood.) Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. (Enchanted hind. Warne ed.) Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. (Story of the hind in the forest.) Hind in the wood. See Hind in the forest. Hind of the forest. See Hind in the forest. Hinemoa's bath. James. Magic jaw bone. Hinzelmann. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. Hippogriff and the dragon. Brown, A. One-footed fairy. Hiram Dorky's berg. Sea yarns for boys. Hired lad. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. Hireman Chiel. Tappan. Old ballads in prose. History of, etc. See the first important word of the title. Hobyahs. Bailey. Firelight stories. Coe. Second book of stories for the story-teller. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Hodge and the raven (poem), ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Hok Lee and the dwarfs. Lang. Green fairy book. Lang. Forty thieves and other stories. Hokey Pokey. Richards. Joyous story of Toto. Holger Danske. Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Scudder. Children's book. FAIRY TALES 115 Holger the Dane. See Holger Danske. Holy Grail. Baldwin. Stories of the king. (Beginning of the great quest; Adventures of Percival; End of the great quest.) Clay. Stories of King Arthur and the Round Table. Church. Heroes of chivalry and romance. (Adventures of the Holy Grail; How Sir Galahad found the Holy Grail.) Greene. King Arthur and his court. Lang. Book of romance. (Quest of the Holy Grail.) Mabie. Heroes every child should know. (Sir Galahad.) Tappan. Stories of legendan,- heroes. (Institution of the quest of the Holy Grail.) See also Sir Galahad. Home. Richards. Golden windows. Home fairy. Mace. Home fairy tales. Home of the rat. Stafford. Animal fables. Honeim's magic shoes. Aunt Naomi. Jewish fair>' tales. Honest big-ears. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Honest farmer. Coe. Second book of stories. Honest penny. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. See also Dick Whittington and his cat. Honest woodman. .-Esop. Fables (Black ed. Mercury and the woodman). iCsop. Fables (Burt ed. Mercur>' and the woodman). iEsop. Fables (Stickney. Mercury and the woodman). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 3. Cowles. Art of story-telling. (play). Lansing. Quaint old stories. (Woodcutter and the fairy.) Poulsson. In the child's world. (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Woodman and Mercury.) Honesty is the best policy. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Hong Kil Tong; or, The adventures of an abused boy. Allen. Korean tales. Honor, prudence, and pleasure. yEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Hoodie-crow. Lang. Lilac fairy book. Hookedy-Crookedy. MacManus. Donegal fairy stories. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Hop-about Man. O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. Hop-o'-my-Thumb. Aunt Louisa's book of fairy talcs. Chisholm. In fairyland. Coe. First book of stories. Coussens. Child's book of stories. (Little Thumb.) Cruikshank. Cruikshank fairy book. Favorite fairy tales. Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Lang. Blue fair>' book. (Little Thumb.) Lang. Cinderella and other fairy tales. (Little Thumb.) Lansing. Pairy tales, v. 1. Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. (Tom Thumb.) 116 FAIRY TALES Hop-o'-my-Thumb — continued. Mulock. Fairy book. Nursery tales. Perkins. Twenty best fairy tales. Perrault. Fairy tales. (Little Thumbling.) Perrault. Tales of Mother Goose. (Little Thumb.) Perrault. Tales of passed times. (Little Thumb.) Scudder. Children's book. Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales (Warne ed.). Washburn. Old-fashioned fairy tales. Welsh. Fairy tales children love. (Little Thumb.) Horatius at the bridge. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Horn-book. Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Horned women. Graves. Irish fairy book. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Yeats. Irish fairy tales. Hornets and the bees (poem). W^iggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Horse and foal. Gregory. Kiltartan wonder book. Horse and his rider, ^sop. Fables (Stickney). Horse and the ass. Msop. Fables (Black ed.). i^^^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). JEsop. Fables (Jacobs). JEsop. Fables (Stickney. War horse and ass). Horse and the groom, ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Horse and the hen. Messer. Next night stories. Horse and the hog. iEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Horse and the laden ass. See Horse and the loaded ass. Horse and the lion. ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). yEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Horse and the loaded ass. iEsop. Fables (Black ed.). iEsop. Fables (Burt ed. Horse and the laden ass). Horse and the olive. See Athens. Horse and the stag. ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). ^sop. Fables (Jacobs. Horse, the hunter and the stag). Horsc-devil and the witch. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. (Horse-dew and the witch.) Kunos. Turkish fairy tales. Horse-dew and the witch. See Horse-devil and the witch. Horse GuUfaxi and the sword Gunnfjoder. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Horse of wood. See Wooden horse. I. Horse Shoe Falls. See Bended rocks. Horse, the hunter and the stag. See Horse and the stag. Horse with wings. See Pegasus. Horseshoes on the church door. Thorpe. Yule-tide stones. Hottentot moon story. See Moon, story of. I. Hounds in couples. iEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). FAIRY TALES 117 House in the wood. Baile}' and Lewis. For the children's hour. Baldwin. Fairy reader. (Little house in the woods.) Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Lang. Pink fairy book. Lang. Snow-queen and other stories. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. House Island. Mulock. Fairy book. House of love. Richards. Golden windows. House that Jack built. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. \ Grover. Folk-lore readers, v. 1. Jerrold. Big book of nursery rhymes. Mother Goose rhymes, jingles and fairy tales (Altemus ed.). Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 1. O'Shea. Six nursery classics. Welsh. Stories children love. (Story of the house that Jack built.) Wiltse. Folklore stories and proverbs. How a bad king became a good one. .'Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). See also TArant who became a just ruler. How a boy became first a lamb and then an apple. Lang, L. B. All sorts of stories book. How a boy loved a stag. See Cypress tree. How a fish swam in the air and a hare in the water. Lang. Snow-queen and other stories. Lang. \'iolet fairy book. How a giant made a mountain. Farmer. Nature myths. How a great hero met his master. See Hercules and his labors. How a king was found. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 4th reader. How a mother's pride was humbled. See Niobe. How a troll made a lake. Farmer. Nature myths. How a wicked city was destroyed. See Baucis and Philemon. How an elf set up housekeeping. F"airy stories retold from St. Nicholas. How an old man lost his wen. See Man with the wen. How Ball-Carrier finished his task. Lang. Aladdin and other stories. Lang. Brown fairy book. How beaver stole fire. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. See also How fire was brought to the Indians. IL How Boots befooled the king. Pyle, H. Wonder clock. How brave Walter hunted wolves. Lang. Lilac fairy book. How Brer Coon lost his shoes. Young. Behind the dark i)incs. How Brer Flea outwits Brer Rabbit. Young. Behind the dark pines. How Brer Possum lost his own shoes, ^'ollng. Behind the dark Ijines. 118 FAIRY TALES How Brer Rabbit rid our woods of the elephants. Young. Behind tlie dark pines. How Brer Tarrypin learned to fly (poem). Harris. Tar-Baby and other rh\mes. How Brother Bear's hair was combed. Harris. Little Mr. Thimblefinger. How Brother Fox failed to get his grapes. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. How Brother Fox was too smart. I. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. How Brother Fox was too smart. H. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. How Brother Rabbit fooled the whale and the elephant. Bryant. Best stories to tell to children. Bryant. Stories to tell to children. Pyle, K. Fairy tales (How the elephant and the whale were tricked). How Brother Rabbit frightened his neighbors. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. How Brother Rabbit got the meat. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. How Bruin tried to bring Reynard to court. Johnson. Book of fairy-tale bears. How careless Brer B'ar lost the goobers. Young. Behind the dark pines. How Cedric became a knight. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Harrison, E. In storyland. (How little Cedric became a knight.) How Chicken-Little went fishing. Bailey. Stories and rhymes for a child. How Christmas came to Bertie's house. Bakewell. True fairy stories. How Claus won the princess. See Princess who said: — How clay dishes were first made. Judd. Wigwam stories. How Cormac Mac Art went to faery. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. How coyote got his cunning. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. How coyote stole fire. 5pc How fire was brought to the Indians. I. How coyote was killed. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. How Dame Margery Twist saw more than was good for her. Pyle, H. Pepper and salt. See also Fairy's midwife; Fairy ointment; Fairy nurse. How Decius Mus saved Rome. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. How did he do it. See Goats in the turnip field. How diseases and cares came to men. See Pandora. How dog stole fire. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. See also How fire was brought to the Indians. I. FAIRY TALES 119 How Drakestail went to the king. See Drakesbill and his friends. How Fair Maid got the last lick. Young. Behind the dark pines. How fear came. Kipling, Second jungle book. How Fin went to the kingdom of the big men. See Finn MacCool. How Finn found Bran. See Finn MacCool. How Finn obtained the tooth of knowledge. See Finn Mac- Cool. How fire came to the earth. I. See Prometheus. How fire came to the earth. II. See How fire was brought to the Indians. II. How fire came to the mountaineers. Roberts. Flying plover. How fire was brought to the Indians. I. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. (How the animals secured fire.) Compton. Snowbird and the water tiger and other American Indian tales. Cooke. Nature myths. (How the spark of fire was saved.) Farmer. Nature myths. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Judd. ^Vig^vam stories. (How light, fire and water first came to the world.) Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. (How coyote stole fire.) How fire was brought to the Indians. II. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. (How the raven helped men.) Ni.xon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. (How fire came to the earth.) See also Fire bringer; How beaver stole fire; How dog stole fire. How fire was stolen from heaven. See Prometheus. How flax was given to men. Coe and Christie. Story hour readers. 3d book. (Queen Hulda and the flax.) Cowles. Art of story-telling. (How the queen of the sky gave gifts to men.) Farmer. Nature myths. (Little blue flowers.) Holbrook. Book of nature myths. How Geirald the coward was punished. Lang. Brown fairy book. Lang. Elf maiflen. How Gladheart went to court. Brown, A. One-footed fairy. How 1 became an admiral. Henderson. Sea yarns for boys. How Ian Direach got the blue falcon. Lang. Orange fairy book. How Isuro the rabbit tricked Gudu. Lang. Orange fairy How Jack went to seek his fortune. Coussens. Child s book of stories. Jacobs. English fairy tales. .SV^ also firt-mcn town musicians; White pet. How Jack won a wife. Sec Jack the cunning thief. How Kemush created the world. See Creation of the world, Inrlian. 120 FAIRY TALES How light, fire and water first came to the world. Sec How fire was brought to the Indians. I. How little Cedric became a knight. See How Cedric became a knight. How Mad Buffalo fought the thunder-bird. Compton. Snow- bird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. How Mr. Rabbit lost his fine bushy tail. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. How Mr. Rabbit saved his meat. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. How Mr. Rabbit succeeded in raising a dust. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. How Mister Rabbit was punished for discontent. Young. Behind the dark pines. How Mr. Rabbit was too sharp for Mr. Fox. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. How Mr. Rooster lost his dinner. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. How Mrs. Fox married again. See Wedding of Mrs. Fox. How Mrs. White Hen helped Rose. Spaulding and Bryce. Aldine readers. 2d reader. How mosquitoes came. Tanner. Legends from the red man's forest. See also Why the mosquito hates smoke. How Narcissus loved his image. See Echo and Narcissus. How Oberon saved Huon. Lang. Red romance book. How old Craney-Crow lost his head. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. How old man above created the world. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. How Oliver fought for France and the faith. See Charlemagne. How one turned his troubles to some account. Pyle, H. Wonder clock. How one went out to woo. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. How pansies came; or. The storj' of Cheer-heart. Hubbard. Chats with Color-kin. How Porcupine Killer learned still more about the w onderf ul fire. Roberts. Flying plover. How Oawaneca created the world. See Creation of the world, Indian. How Ralph, the charcoal-burner, entertained King Charles, and afterwards went to court. Tappan. Stories of legendary' heroes. Herbertson. Heroic legends. (Charcoal-burner.) How Reynard fooled Bruin. Aunt Naomi. Jewish fairy tales and fables. How Reynard outwitted Bruin. See Slip root, catch Reynard's foot. How Rome was founded. See Romulus and Remus. How sense was distributed. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. FAIRY TALES 121 How Silver Fox created the world. See Creation of the world, Indian. How Sis Wren lost her prize. Young. Behind the dark pines. How six men travelled through the wide world. Coussens. Child's book of stories. (Six comrades.) Grimm. Household stories (Crane, tr. Six soldiers of fortune). Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. (Six comrades.) Lang. Invisible prince and other stories. Lang. Yellow fairy book. See also Boobv; Five servants. How Skadi chose her husband. Bradish. Old Norse stories. (Skadi.) Brown, A. F. In the days of giants. (Skadi's choice.) Edmison. Stories from the Norseland. Foster and Cummings. Asgard stories. (Skadi.) How some wild animals became tame ones. Lang. Brown fairy book. How Sta'rbright found his laugh. Andrews. Enchanted forest. How summer came to the earth. Brooks. Stories of the red children. (How summer came.) Brown, A. F. Tales of the red children. (How summer came.) Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Pratt. Legends of the red children. (How the summer came.) Tanner. Legends from the red man's forest. (Summer maker.) Wilson, G. L. Myths of the red children. (Fisher who let out summer.) Wilson, Mrs. L. L. W. Nature study reader. (How summer came upon earth.) See also Summer. How summer came upon earth. See How summer came to the L-arth. How the alphabet was made. Kipling. Just so stories. How the andirons took a walk (poem). Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. How the animals got their colors. Chandler. In the reign of covote. How the animals secured fire. See How fire was brought to the Indians. I. i ■ r How the animals secured salmon. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Compton. Snowbird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. (Covote; or, Prairie wolf.) Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. (Coyote and the salmon.) How the apple-blossoms came back. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. How the Aristocrats sailed away. Stockton. IToating prince. How the ass became a man again. Lang. Red romance book. How the bean got its black seam. See Straw, the coal, and the bean. How the bear lost his tail. Sec W hy the bear has a short tail. 122 FAIRY TALES How the bear nursed the little alligator. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. How the beggar boy turned into Count Piro. Lang. Crimson fairy book. See also Puss in boots. How the birds came to have feathers. Tanner. Legends from the red man's forest. How the birds learned to make their nests. See Magpie's nest. L How the blossoms came to the heather. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. How the bluebird got its color. Grinnell. Birds of song and story. How the camel got his hump. Kipling. Just so stories. How the cardinal grosbeak got its red bill. Grinnell. Birds of song and story. How the cat kept Christmas. Coolidge. New Year's bargain. How the cat outwitted the fox. See Cat, the cock and the fox. How the chipmunk got the stripes on its back. Cooke. Nature myths. See also Chipmunk's black stripe. How the cliff was clad. Ruskin. King of the Golden River and other stories. How the copper mountain came to fall. Judd. Wigwam stories. How the crab got even. See Crab and the monkey. How the deer lost his gall. Grinnell. Pawnee hero stories. How the dragon was tricked. Lang. Pink fairy book. How the duck came to have a fiat back. Tanner. Legends from the red man's forest. See also Great wizard. How the elephant and the whale were tricked. See How Brother Rabbit fooled the whale and the elephant. How the ermine got its necklace. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. How the Evil One was made. Nixon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. How the fairies were changed into mocking-birds. Harrison, E. O. Moon princess. How the fir tree became the Christmas tree. See Christmas tree. H. How the first letter was written. Kipling. Just so stories. How the fox and the crab ran a race. Johnson. Book of fairy- tale foxes. Partridge. Story telling in home and school. (Fox and the crab.) How the fox played herdsman. See Fox as herdsboy. How the good gifts were used by two. Pyle, H. Wonder clock. How the Grosbeak got his rose-colored breast. Grinnell. Birds of song and story. How the hair of O'Neil's head was made to grow. Grierson. Children's book of Celtic stories. FAIRY TALES 123 How the hermit helped to win the king's daughter. Lang. Pink fairy book. Lang. Snow-queen and other stories. How the horses of the sun ran away. See Phaeton. How the humming bird lost her voice. Young. Behind the dark pines. How the hunter destroyed the snow. Brown, E. V. Stories of childhood and nature. How the Indians came to know medicine plants. Judd. \\ igwam stories. Tanner. Legends from the red man's forest. (Herbs that heal.) How the kingfisher got his ring and his ruffle. Judd. Wigwam stories. Tanner. Legends from the red man's forest. (White spot of the kingfisher.) How the knight of the sun rescued his father. Lang. Red romance book. How the lame man and the blind man helped each other. See Blind man and the lame man. How the lark got the crescent on its breast. Grinnell. Birds in song and story. How the leopard got his spots. Kipling. Just so stories. How the little brother set free his big brothers. Lang. Brown fair>' book. How the little demon earned his stolen crust of bread. Tol- stoi. Tales. How the little rabbit snared the sun. See Sun a prisoner. II. How the mice got out of trouble. Darton. Wonder book of beasts. How the minstrel saved the king. See Richard Coeur de Leon. How the moon became beautiful. Davis and Chow-Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. How the moon princess came to the earth. Harrison, E. O. Moon princess. How the moon princess was taken captive by the black dwarf. Harrison, E. O. Moon princess. How the mouse got into his hole. Rouse. Talking thrush and other tales from India. See also Cat and the mouse; Grain of corn; Little Tuppen; Munachar and Manachar; Nanny who wouldn t go home to supper; Old woman and her pig; Sparrow and the bush._ How the Nautilus left his ship. Bakewell. True fairy stories. How the news of the wild wood got abroad. Young. Behind the dark pines. How the oak tree became king. Arnold and Gilbert. Stejiping stfjnes to literature. \-. 3. How the Okanogans became red. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. How the patient worm saved the children. Brooks. Stories of the rc-d children. How the pig built a house. See Ram and the i)ig who went into the wfiods to live by themselves. 124 FAIRY TALES How the pigs can see the wind. Bailey. Firelight stories. How the princess was beaten in a race. Scudder. Book of legends. See also Atalanta's race. How the princess' pride was broken. Pyle, H. Wonder clock. How the puffin got his "horns." Allen. Indian fairy talcs. How tlie quail became a snipe. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. How the queen of the sky gave gifts to men. See How flax was given to men. How the rain comes. Brooks, D. Stories of the red children. Pratt. Legends of the red children. (Rain and the snow.) Tanner. Legends from the red man's forest. (Rain and snow.) How the Raja's son won the princess Labam. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales (Burt ed.). Tappan. Folk stories and fables. How the raven helped men. See How fire was brought to the Indians. II. How the rhinoceros got his skin. Kipling. Just so stories. How the robin came. Cooke. Nature myths and stories. (Indian story of the robin.) Cowles. Art of story-telling. (Opeeche, the robin redbreast.) Judd. Wigwam stories. (Opeeche, the robin redbreast.) Kennedy. New world fairy book. (Robin Redbreast.) Pratt. Legends of the red children. (Legend of the Opeeche.) Stebbins. Third reader. (Why the robin has a red breast. pt. L) Tanner. Legends from the red man's forest. (Opeeche, the robin redbreast.) Wilson, Mrs. L. L. W. Nature study reader. (Robin red- breast.) How the robin got its red breast. See Why the robin has a red breast. I. How the robin's breast became red. See Why the robin has a red breast. I. How the sea became salt. See Why the sea is salt. I. How the spark of fire was saved. See How fire was brought to the Indians. I. How the spring comes. Pratt. Legends of the red children. How the Stalos were tricked. Lang. Orange fair\' book. How the storks came and went. Bakewell. True fairy stories. Coolidge. Round dozen. How the summer came. See How summer came to the earth. How the sun prince rescued the moon princess. Harrison, E. O. Moon princess. How the sun princess came to earth. Harrison, E. O. Moon princess. How the sun, the moon and the wind went out to dinner. See Why all men love the moori. How the three clever men outwitted the demons. Frere. Old Deccan days. FAIRY TALES 125 How the umbrella ran away with EUie. Coolidge. Mischief's Thanksgiving. How the water lily came. See Star maiden. How the whale got his throat. Kipling. Just so stories. How the wicked sons were duped. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. How the wicked Tanuki was punished. Lang. Crimson fairy book. How the wolf lost his tail. Douglas. Scottish fairy talcs. How the woodchuck helped Alenabozho. Judd. Wigwam stories. How they got Hairlock home. See Xanny who wouldn't go home to supper. How Thiassi captured Loki. See Iduna's apples. How Thomas Connolly met the banshee. Yeats. Irish fairy tales. How Thorkill went to the underworld and Eric the Far- travelled to Paradise. Jacobs. Book of wonder ^-oyages. How three went out into the wide world. Pyle, H. Wonder clock. How to find out a true friend. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Lang. Snow-queen and other stories. How to tell a real princess. See Princess on the pea. How to tell a true princess. See Princess on the pea. How to win a prince. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. ^ How "To Wut In" made the rainbow. Allen. Indian fairy tales. How troubles came into the world. See Pandora. How two beetles took lodgings. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. How two looked at a shower. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kinder- garten gems. How two squaws saved their band. Judd. Wig^vam stories. How two went into partnership. Pyle, H. Wonder clock. How Wattle Weasel was caught. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. How we came to have pink roses. Br>ant. How to tell stories to children. How we first came to have umbrellas. See Elf and the dormouse. How Wiley Wolf rode in the bag. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. How woman came to earth. Grinnell. Birds in song and story. How Wry-Face played a trick on One-Eye, the potato wife. Coc. Second book of stories. Hrungner. See Thor: Thor and Hrungnir. Hu Gadarn. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Huckleberry. Stockton. Floating prince. Hudden and Dudden and Donald O'Neary. Forty famous f.iiry tales. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. See also Little Claus and Big Claus. 12G FAIRY TALES Hunchback. I. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Hunchback. II. See Little hunchback. Hunchback and his two brothers. See King's three sons. Hunchback, the pool, and the silver ring. Baring. Blue rose fairy book. Hungry cat and the pigeons. i'Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Hungry fox and his breakfast. Johnson. Book of fairy-tale foxes. Hungry grandfathers. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Hungry rabbit's reward. Allen. Indian fairy tales. Hunt for the beautiful. Alden. Why the chimes rang. Hunt in Calydon. See Calydonian hunt. Hunt in the forest. See Calydonian hunt. Hunt in the wood of Calydon. See Calydonian hunt. Hunt in the wood of Puelle. Baldwin. Hero tales told in school. Hunted beaver. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). x-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Hunted hare. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Hunter. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. Hunter and his hounds. Success library, v. 3. Hunter and the priest. Xixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fair],' tales. Hunter and the woodcutter. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Hunter, the fox, and the leopard. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Hunter, the fox, and the tiger, .^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Hunter, the snipe and the bivalve. Davis and Chow-Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Hunter who could fly. Judd. Wigwam stories. Hunter who trapped the sun. See Sun a prisoner. I. Hunting of the cheviot. See Chevy Chase. Hunting the Calydonian boar. See Calydonian hunt. Huntsman the unlucky. Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Huron Cinderella. Kennedy. New world fairy book. See also Cinderella. Husband and the parrot. Arabian nights (Dodge ed.). Arabian nights (Lang. Story of the husband and the parrot.) Arabian nights (Townsend. History of the husband and the parrot.) Welsh. Fair>' tales children love. Husband of the rat's daughter. See Rats and their son-in-law. Husband who was to mind the house. See Man who was going to mind the house. Husbandman and his sons. See Gold in the orchard. Husbandman and the eagle. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Husbandman and the stork. See Farmer and the stork. Husbandman that lost his mattock, ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Hut in the forest. Hoxie. Kindergarten story book. O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. Hyacinth. See Hyacinthus. FAIRY TALES 127 Hyacinthus. Firth. Stories of old Greece. Franciilon. Gods and heroes. (Hyacinth.) Hartley. Stories from Greek legends. (Story of Apollo and Hyacinthus; or, The boy who was changed into a flower.) Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. Kupfer. Stories of long ago. Wilson, Mrs. L. L. W. Nature study reader. (Apollo and Hyacinthus.) Hyena's punishment. Stafford. Animal fables. Hyena's spots. Stafford. Animal fables. Hylas. See First tree frog. Hynde Etin. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. Hynde Horn. Grierson. Children's tales from Scottish ballads. Hypermnestra. Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. Hyung Bo and Nahl Bo. See Swallow-king's rewards. I don't care. Coussens. Child's book of stories. \\'elsh. Stories children love. I have a right. Ingelow. Stories told to a child, v. 1. I know what I have learned. Lang. Golden mermaid and other stories. Lang. Pink fairy book. I wonder. See Boots and his brothers. "I won't." Ewing. Old-fashioned fairy tales. lagoo, the great story-teller. Compton. Snow bird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. (Story teller himself.) Judd. Wigwam stories. Iain, the fisher's son. Grierson. Children's book of Celtic stories. Ian, the soldier's son, Lang. Orange fairy book. lanto's chase. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. lb and Christine. See lb and little Christina. lb and little Christina. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed. lb and Christine). Ibbity. Bailey. Firelight stories. Icarus. See Daedalus and Icarus. Ice king's bride. See Ethelinda. Ice-maiden. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). .Anrlersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Ice queen's palace. Harrison, E. O. Prince Silverwings. Ichabod Crane. See Sleepy Hollow. Iddly Bung's April Christmas tree. Wiltse. Kindergarten stories. Idle maiden. See Spinning queen. Idun. See Iduna's apples. Iduna's apples. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to litera- ture. V. 5. Baldwin. Hero tales told in school. (Idun and her apples.) Bradish. Old Norse stories. (Iduna.) Brown, A. F. In the days of giant-s. (Magic apples.) 128 FAIRY TALES Iduna's apples — continued. lulmison. Stories from Norseland. (Idun's apples of youth.) Foster and Cummings. Asgard stories. (Stealing of Iduna.) Keary. Heroes of Asgard. Litchfield. Nine worlds. (How Thiassi captured Loki; Thiassi carries off Loki; The gods grow old.) Mabie. Myths every child should know. (Apples of Idun.) Mabie. Norse stories. (Apples of Idun.) Pratt. Legends of Norseland. (Apples of life.) Tai)pan. Myths from many lands. If Heaven will it. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. \\*iggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Iktomi and the coyote. Zitkala-Sa. Old Indian legends. Iktomi and the ducks. Zitkala-Sa. Old Indian legends. Iktomi and the fawn. Zitkala-Sa. ._ Old Indian legends. Iktomi and the muskrat. Zitkala-Sa. Old Indian legends. Iktomi and the turtle. Zitkala-Sa. Old Indian legends. Iktomi's blanket. Zitkala-Sa. Old Indian legends. II crocifisso della Providenza (poem). Alexander. Hic'den ser- vants. I'll do so another time. See Lazy Jack. Ill-luck and the fiddler. Pyle, H. Twilight land. Ill-treating a ghost. Henderson. Sea yarns for boys. Image and the treasure. Alderman. Classics old and nw. 3d reader. Scudder. Book of legends. Imitating animals (poem), ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Immortal fountain. Whittier. Child life in prose. Imp of the well. See Ghost of the spring and the shrew. Imp tree. Rhys. Fairy gold. Imperishable. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Impossible enchantment. Lang. Grey fairy book. Lang. Trusty John and other stories. In a thousand years. Andersen. Stories and tales. (Authc-'s ed.) "In some lady's garden." Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. In the bear's paws and the eagle's claws. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. In the desert of waiting; or, The legend of Camelback nroun- tain. Johnston. Little Colonel in Arizona. In the duck-yard. See Portuguese duck. In the giant's house. See Geirrod: Geirrod and Thor. In the great walled country. Alden. Why the chimes rang. In the land of souls. Judd. Wigwam stories. (White s' 'e canoe.) Lang. Yellow fairy book. Success library, v. .3. Tanner. Legends from the red man's forest. (Island o the Blessed.) Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. (Journey to the isUnd of souls.) In the nursery. Andersen. Wonder stories. FAIRY TALES 129 "In the uttermost parts of the sea." Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Inao of the Ainu. Xi.\on-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. Inchcape rock. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Indian and the Frenchman, ^^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Indian brave, Adventures of an. Lang. Orange fairy book. Indian corn, Origin of (poem). Alexander. Hidden servants. Indian fairy. Brown, A. F. Star jewels. Indian legend of the water lily. See Star maiden. Indian Orpheus. Brown, E. V. When the world was young. Indian story of the mole. See Sun a prisoner. I. Indian story of the robin. See How the robin came. Indian story of the winds. I. Hall and Oilman. Story land. 2d reader. Indian story of the winds. H. Pratt. Legends of the red children. (Legends of the winds.) Indian who married the moon. Judd. WigAvam stories. Indian-;' Cinderella. See Little Scar Face. Indian s flood. Judd. Wigwam stories. (Story of the deluge.) Tan.ier. Legends from the red man's forest. Sic also Great wizard; Deluge and how it came about. Indian's vow to the thunder gods. Judson, K. B. Ahths and lcs.;^nds of the Pacific Northwest. Indust ious manikins. See Elves and the shoemaker. Indusrjy and sloth. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Ingebjorg. Hall, Mrs. A. W. Icelandic fairy tales. Inquisitive man. /Esop. Fables (Stickney. Supplement). Intelligence and luck. Mabie. Folk talcs every child should know. Invalid lion. See Lion, the fox and the beasts. Invisible kingdom. Winnington. Outlook fair>- book. Invisible knight. See Prince Slugobyl. Invisible prince. L Lang. Invisible prince and other stories. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Invisible prince. II. Aulnoy. Fairy tales (Prince Sprite). Mulock. Fairy book. (Prince Sprite.) \';flentine. Old, old fairy tales. (Prince Sprite.^ lo. Baldwin. Old Greek stories. Baldwin. Story of the golden age. {In Children of Prome- theus.) Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome. Hartley. Stories from the Greek legends. (Story of lo and Argus; or. The watchman with a hundred eyes.) liolbrook. Book of nature myths. (Why the peacock's tail .^ has a hundred eyes.) T 'yde. Favorite Greek myths. (Mercury and Argus.) , idd. Classic myths. (Juno's bird, the peacock.) Kupfer. Stories of long ago. Pratt. Myths of old Greece, v. 2. ♦Wilson, Mrs. L. L. W. Nature .study reader. (Story of the peacock.) 130 FAIRY TALES Ion, Story of. Hutchinson. Orpheus with his lute. {In In the house of Apollo.) Iphigenia. Baldwin. Hero tales told in school. Church. Greek story and song. (Finding of Iphigenia.) Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. Iris. Cooke. Nature myths. (Iris' bridge.) Judd. Classic myths. (Iris, the rainbow princess.) Pratt. Fairyland of flowers. (Legend of the iris.) Pratt. Mjths of old Greece, v. 3. Irmgard's cow. Lindsay. More mother stories. Iron, Origin of. See Wicked hornet. Iron casket. Silver fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Iron dog. Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. Iron eagle. Canton. Reign of King Herla. Iron Hans. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Iron stove. Lang. Magic ring and other stories. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Mulock. Fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Iron wolf. Bain. Cossack fairy tales. W'iggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Ironlaczy. Underbill. Dwarfs' tailor and other fairy tales. Island fable. See Mouse and the elephant. Island of Demons. Higginson. Tales of the enchanted islands of the Atlantic. Island of skeletons. Compton. Snowbird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. Island of the Blessed. See In the land of souls. Isle of the rose. Hutchinson. Golden porch. Isolda. See Sir Tristram. It is quite true. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed. "It's quite true!"). Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Italian harp's story. Harrison, C. C. Bric-a-brac stories. Ithenhiela, Story of. Brown, A. E. Tales of the red children. Cowles. Art of story telling. (Story of Ithenthiela.) Ithentheila. See Ithenhiela. "It's quite true." See It is quite true. Ivan. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. (Tale of Ivan.) See also Lac of rupees for a piece of advice. Ivan and the daughter of the sun. Bain. Cossack fairy tales. Ivan and the gray wolf. Dole. White duckling and other stories. Gask. Folk tales from many lands. (Prince Ivan and the grey wolf.) See also Golden bird. II. Ivan the fool and St. Peter's fife. Bain. Cossack fairy tales. Ivan the fool. Story of. Tolstoi. More tales. Tolstoy. Twenty-three tales. FAIRY TALES 131 Ivanczarovitch and Bulat the Brave. Underhill. Dwarfs' tailor and other fairy tales. Ivanoushka the simpleton. See Little Fool Ivan. Ivory city and its fairy princess. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Ixion. Pratt. Myths of old Greece, v. 1. lya, the camp-eater. Zitkala-Sa. Old Indian legends. Jack and his comrades. Jacobs. Celtic fair>' tales. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. See also Bremen town musicians. Jack and his golden snuff-box. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. Jack and his master. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Jack and Jill on the moon mountains. Judd. Classic myths. Jack and the bean-stalk. Adams. Folk story and verse. Aunt Louisa's book of fairy tales. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. *Bowen. Second story reader. Boys' and girls' fairy book. Chisholm. In fairyland. Coe. First book of stories. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Crane. Red Riding Hood's picture book. Cruikshank. Fairy book. Favorite fairy tales. Forty famous fairy tales. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. Harris. Favorites from fairyland. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. *HelIer and Bates. Little Golden Hood and other stories. *Howard. Dick Whittington and other stories. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. Lang. Red fairy book. Lansing. Tales of old England in prose and verse. Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Mabie. Heroes and fairies. Mother Goose rhymes, jingles and fairy tales (Altemus ed.). Mulock. Fairy book. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 2. Nursery tales. O'Shea. Old world wonder stories. Perkins. Twenty best fairy tales. Rhys. Fairy gold. Scudder. Book of folk stories. Scudder. Children's book. 132 FAIRY TALES Jack and the bean-stalk — continued. Scudder. F"ables and folk stories. Stone. Children's stories that never grow old. Success library, v. 3. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales (Warne ed.). Welsh. Fairy tales children love. Wiltse. Hero folk of ancient Britain. Jack and the giant. See Jack the giant-killer. Jack and the king who was a gentleman. MacManus. In chimney corners. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Jack Hannaford. Jacobs. English fairy book.- Jack Hornby, the ready boy. Welsh. Stories children love. Jack Horner. Baring-Gould. Crock of gold. Jack my Hedgehog. Lang. Green fairy book. Lang. Three dwarfs and other stories. See also Prince Hedgehog. Jack O'Lantern and the glow worm, Cocke. Bypaths in Dixie. Jack Sprat, his wife and the cat (poem). Rhys. Fairy gold. Jack the cunning thief. Forty famous fairy tales. Jacobs. More Celtic fair>' tales. Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. (How Jack won a wife.) See also Master thief; Shifty lad, the widow's son. Jack the dullard. See Hans Clodhopper. Jack the giant-killer. Adams. Folk story and verse. Aunt Louisa's book of fairy tales. Chisholm. In fairyland. Coe. First book of stories. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Favorite fairy tales. Forty famous fairy tales. (History of Jack the giant-killer.) Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. Keyes. Five senses. % Lang. Blue fairy book. Lang. History of Jack the giant killer, and other stories. (His- tory of Jack the giant killer.) ^ Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Mabie. Heroes and fairies. Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. Mother Goose rhymes, jingles and fairy tales. (Altemus ed.) Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jungles. (Warne ed. Jack and the giant.) Mulock. Fairly' book. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 3. (History of Jack the giant killer.) Nursery tales. O'Shea. Old world wonder stories. FAIRY TALES 133 Jack the giant-killer — continued. Perkins. Twenty best fairy tales. Scudder. Children's book. Success library-, v. 3. » Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales (Warne ed.). Welsh. Fairy tales children love. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Wiltse. Hero folk of ancient Britain. See also Scandinavian Jack the giant killer; Simple-minded giant. Jack the terrible. English. Fairy stories and wonder tales. Jackal. Lang. Orange fairy book. (Adventures of a jackal.) Jackal and the alligator. See Jackal and the crocodile. Jackal and the camel. Rouse. Talking thrush. Jackal and the cat. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Jackal and the crocodile. Darton. Wonder book of beasts. (Jackal and the alligator.) Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Jackal and the heron. Stafford. Animal fables. Jackal and the hyena. Stafford. Animal fables. Jackal and the iguana. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. See also Pride shall have a fall. Jackal and the leopard. Stafford. Animal fables. Jackal and the partridge. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Jackal and the pea hen. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Jackal and the spring. Lang. Grey fairy book. Jackal or tiger? Lang. Olive fairy book. Jackal that lost his tail. Rouse. Talking thrush and other tales from India. Jackal, the barber and the Brahmin. Frere. Old Deccan days. (Jackal, the barber and the Brahmin who had seven daughters.) Singleton. Wild flower fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Jackal, the barber and the Brahmin who had seven daughters. See Jackal, the barber and the Brahmin. Jackal, the dove and the panther. Lang. Aladdin and other stories. Lang. Pink fairy book. Jackal's eldest son. Lang. Orange fairy book. (Ad\entures of the jackal's eldest son.) Jackal's younger son. Lang. Orange fairy book. (Adventures of the younger son of the jackal.) Jackdaw. Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. Jackdaw and the doves. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. I'ables and folk stories. Jackdaw and the pigeons. i4i;sop. Fables (Black ed.). .Ksoi). I-"abics (Burt ed.). Jackdaw and the sheep. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. I''al)l<-s (l)urt ed.). Aiso]). I'abies (Stickney). Jackdaw with borrowed plumes. See Vain Jackdaw. 134 FAIRY TALES "Jacky-my-Lantern." Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Jahkarpasse, Adventures of. Brown, A. F. Tales of the red chil- dren. James, the huntsman. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. James Watts and the teakettle. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. Jamie Freel and the young lady. Graves. Irish fairy book. Yeats. Irish fairy tales. See also Guleesh. Jan the animal judge. Stafford. Animal fables. Jane and the bears. Edey. Six giants and a griffin. Janni and the Draken. Lang. Grey fairy book. Japanese boy, Story of. See Blind boy's fall. Japanese fairy tale. See Momotaro. Japanese fisherman. See Uraschimataro and the turtle. Japanese Red-Riding Hood. Goddard. Fairy tales in other lands. Jason. See Argonauts. Jay and the peacock. .-Esop. Fables (Jacobs). /Esop. Fables. (Stickney. Supplement. Jay in feathers of a peacock.) See also Two foolish birds; Vain Jackdaw. Jay in feathers of a peacock. See Jay and the peacock. Jealous courtiers. Bryant. Stories to tell to children. Jelly fish and the monkey. See Monkey and the jelly-fish. Jesper who herded the hares. Lang. Trusty John and other stories. Lang. Violet fairy book. See also Ashiepattle and the king's hares; Enchanted whistle. Jester's sword. Johnston. Mary Ware, the Little Colonel's chum. Jew among the thorns. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. (Jew in the bush.) Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Fairy tales (PauU tr.). Grimm. Household tales. (Everyman's ed. Jew in the bush.) Scudder. Children's book. (Jew in the bush.) See also Little Freddy and his fiddle; Magic fiddle. Jew in the bush. See Jew among the thorns. Jeweled beach. Harrison, E. O. Moon princess. (Story of the jeweled beach.) Jeweled sea. James. Jeweled sea. Jewish doctor. Arabian nights. (Townsend. Story told bj- the Jewish doctor.) Jewish girl. See Jewish maiden. Jewish maiden. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales. (Author's ed. Jewish girl.) Jimmy Scarecrow's Christmas. Dickinson and Skinner. Chil- dren's book of Christmas. Joblilies. Eggleston. Queer stories for boys and girls. Jogi's punishment. Lang. Lilac fairy book. FAIRY TALES 135 John Bit-of-a-man. Cary. Fairy legends of the French prov- inces. John Dietrich, Adventures of (poem). Arnold and Gilbert. Step- ping stones to literature, v. 4. (Brown dwarf of Riigen.) Mulock. Fain,- book. . (poem). Whittier. Poetical works. (Brown dwarf of Riigen.) John Gethin and the candle. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. John Grumlie ipoem). Lansing. Tales of old England. John the conjurer. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Johnny and the golden goose. Nursery tales. Johnny and the three goats. See Goats in the turnip field. Johnny Appleseed. Harrison, E. In story land. Johnny-cake. I. Bailey. Firelight stories. * Baldwin. Second fairy reader. (Nimble Johnny-cake.) *Bowen. Second stor>- reader. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Johnson. Oak-tree fain.' book. O 'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Gingerbread boy; Pancake; Wee bannock; Wonderful cake. Johnny-cake. II (poem). Boston collection of kindergarten stories. Johnny Gloke. Jacobs. More English fair^- tales. Johnson. F"ir-tree fairy book. See also Brave little tailor. Johnny Reed's cat. Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. See also King of the cats. Joker. Kennedy. New world fairy book. Jokkoree. English. Fair\' stories and wonder tales. Jolly beggar. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. Jolly Calle. Nyblom. Jolly Calle. Jolly Harper. See Lochmaben harper. Jorinda and Joringel. See Jorinde and Joringel. Jorinde and Joringel. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Household tales. (Burt ed. Florinda and Voringal.) Grimm-. Household tales. (Everyman's cd. Jorinda andjorindel.) Lang. Green fairy book. (Jorinda and Joringel.) Scudder. Children's book. Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. (Florinda and Yoringal.) Jotunheim. See Thor: Thor and the frost giants. Journey to the island of souls. Sec In the land of souls. Journev to the sun and the moon. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Journeyings of Hasan of Bassorah to the Islands of Wak-Wak. See Hassan of Balsora. Juan Holgado and death. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Judge and the beetle. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 3. Judge's nose. Macdonell. Italian fairy book. Judgment of Midas. See Midas. II. Judgment of Paris. See Paris: Apple of discord. 136 FAIRY TALES Judgment of the jackal. Rouse. Talking thrush and other tales fruni India. Judgment seat of Vikramaditya. Partridge. Story telling in home and school. Judicious lion. .Csop. Fables (Black ed.). Juliet; or, The little white mouse. Harrison, C. C. Old-fashioned fairy book. "Jump in my sack!" Ortoli. Evening tales. See also Table, the ass and the stick. Jumpers. See Leaping match. Jungfrau Maleen. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Jungfrau Svanhvita and Jungfrau Rafrumpa. Thorpe. Yule- tide stories. Juniper tree. Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr. Almond tree.) Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Mulock. Fairy book. See also Alilk white doo'; Rose tree. Juno and Halcyone. See Halcyon birds. Juno and the peacock. See Peacock and Juno. Juno's bird, the peacock. See lo. Jupiter and a bee. .F^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). ^-Esop. Fables (Stickney). Jupiter and his mighty company. Baldwin. Old Greek stories. Jupiter and Pallas. ^F^sop. Fables (Black ed.). Jupiter and the animals. .Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Jupiter and the ass. ^Esop. Fables (Black ed.). ^-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Jupiter and the camel, .^sop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Jupiter and the herdsman, ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Jupiter and the Titans. Francillon. Gods and heroes. (Gods and the giants.) Hutchinson. Orpheus with his lute. (Coming of Zeus.) Jupiter and the two wallets. See Jupiter's two wallets. Jupiter, Neptune, Minerva and Momus. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). ^'Esop. Fables (Stickney). Jupiter's lottery, ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Jupiter's two wallets. .E^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). ^E^sop. Fables. (Stickney. Jupiter and the two wallets.) Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Just as well. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 4. Brown, E. V. Stories of childhood and nature. Coussens. Child's book of stories. (So-so.) Jutlander and his stockings. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. K Kaa's hunting. Kipling. Jungle book. Kachi Kachi mountain. Ballard. See Farmer and the badger. FAIRY TALES 137 Kamer-Taj, the moon-horse. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. Kara Mustafa the hero. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. See also Brave little tailor. Kari Woodengown. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. (Katie Woodencloak.) Lang. Red fair>- book. Karl and the dryad. Brown, A. F. Star jewels. Karl Katz. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. (Peter Klaus the goat -herd.) Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. (Goatherd.) Grimm. Household tales. (Everyman's ed.) Haaren. Songs and stories. 2d reader. (Peter Klaus.) Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. (Goatherd.) See also Rip Van Winkle. Kate Crackernuts. See Katherine Crackernuts. Katherine Crackernuts. Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Jacobs. English fairy tales. (Kate Crackernuts.) Katie Gray. Djurklo. Fairy tales from the Swedish. Katie Woodencloak. See Kari Woodengown. Kazha-ndii. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. "Keen-point," "cob-handle," and "butch." Harris. Little Mr, Thimblefinger. Keep tryst. Johnston. Little Colonel's Christmas vacation. Kempion. Pyle, K. Fairy tales from many lands. Kenneth, the Yellow. Grierson. Children's book of Celtic stories. See also Nose-tree. Kentsham bell. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Kept close is not forgotten. Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Kettle that would not walk. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Kid and the tiger. Rouse. Talking thrush. Kid and the wolf. L /Esop. Fables (Stickney). Kid and the wolf. H. .^sop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Jacobs. Wolf and the kid). .^^Lsop. Fables (Stickney). Baldwin. Fairy tales and fables. (Silly kid.) Hall and Gilman. Story land. 2d reader. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Kid who would not go. Bailey. Firelight stories. Hoxie. Kindergarten story book. Kidnapped princess. See Gulecsh. Kield. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Kil Arthur. Curtin. Myths and folk-lore of Ireland. Kildare pooka. Graves. Irish fairy book. Yeats. Irisli fair>' tales. Kilhwch and Olwen. See Kilwch and Olwen. Kilwch and Olwen. Brooks, E. Wonder stories from the Mabino- gion. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. fWVxjing of Olwen.) Lang. Lilac fairy book. (Winning of Olwen.) 138 FAIRY TALES Kilwch and Olwen — continued. Lang. Red romance book. (Pursuit of Diarmid.) Lanier. Knightly legends of Wales; or, The boy's Mabinogion. (Kilhwch and Olwen.) Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of early England. (Story of the quest of the seven champions.) Kind hearted boy. See Queen bee. King and his hawk. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. See also Beth Ck-llert; King, the falcon and the drinking cup. King and his three sons. L Brown, E. V. Stories of childhood and nature. King and his three sons. IL Cary. Fairy legends of the French pro\'inces. King and queen of the dead. See Proserpina. King and the ant's tree. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. King and the apple. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. King and the country giri. Danielson. Story telling time. King and the fisherman. James. Cat and the mouse. King and the kites. Rouse. Talking thrush and other tales from India. King and the lapwings. Ortoli. Evening tales. King and the miller. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. See also King John and the Abbot of Canterbury; Priest and the clerk. King and the miller of Mansfield. Greenwood. Stories from famous ballads. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. (King Henry and the miller of Mansfield.) Tappan. Old ballads in prose. King and the oak. *Beckwith. In mythland. v. 3. (Fate of Erisichthon.) Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. King and the sage. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. King Bizarre and Prince Charming. Laboulaye. Fairy book. King Cophetua and the beggar maid. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. Scudder. Book of legends. King-crow and the water-snail. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. King Edmund. See Aslaug and Ragnar. King Edward IV and the tanner of Samworth (poem). Lanier. Boy's Percy. King Estmere (poem). Lanier. Boy's Percy. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. King Falcon, King Dolphin and King Stag. Macdonell. Italian fairy book. King Fortrager, Story of. Wllmot-Buxton. Stones of eaily Eng- land. FAIRY TALES 139 King Frost. Blumenthal. Folk tales from the Russian. (Father Frost.) Lang. Three dwarts and other stories. (Story of King Frost.) Lang. Yellow fair>' book. Polevoi. Russian fairy tales (Morozko). Success librar\-. v. 3. (Story of King Frost.) King Gram. Dasent. Popular tales from the Xorse. King Grizzle-Beard. See King Thrushbcard. King Henry and the miller of Mansfield. See King and the miller of Mansfield. King Horn. Baring-Gould. Old English fairy tales. King John and Prince Arthur. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. King John and the abbot. See King John and the abbot of Canter- bury. King John and the Abbot of Canterbury. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. (King John and the abbot.) Forty famous fairy tales. Jacobs. More English fairy tales, (poem). Lanier. Boy's Percy. Lansing. Tales of old England. (King John and the abbot.) Scudder. Children's book. (King John and the abbot.) Tappan. Old ballads. (King John and the abbot.) 5?e a/50 Emperor and the abbot; King and the miller; Priest and the clerk. King John and the charter. See King John and the Magna Charta. King John and the Magna Charta. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. Johonnot. Stories of the olden time. (King John and the charter.) King Kojata. Jokai. Golden fairy book. (Kojata.) Lang. F~orty thieves and other stories. Lang, (jreen fairy book. Success library-, v. 3. King Lear. Canton. Reign of King Herla. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. (King Lear and his three flaughters.) King Lear and his three daughters. See King Lear. King Lindorm. Lang. Aladdin and other stories. Lang. Pink fairy book. King Log and King Stork. See Frogs who asked for a king. King Lud, Story of. Wilmot-Bu.xton. Stories of early England. King Midas. Sec Miflas. King Mocking Bird. Stewart. Once upon a time. King Mungo. James. Man elephant. King Oberon's library. Hume. Chronicles of fairy land. King of England and his three sons. Jacobs. More fairy tales. King of Erin and the queen of the Lonesome Island. Curt in. Myths and folklore of Ireland. King of Ethiopia. Laboulaye. I'airy tales. (Stor>- of the king (A IClhiojiia.) 140 FAIRY TALES King of France's daughter. Greenwood. Stories from famous ballads. King of Persia and the princess of the sea. See Gulnare of the sea, Story of. King of Spain and his queen. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. King of the birds. See Setuli. King of the black desert. Graves. Irish fairy book. King of the cats. Carrick. Kitty cat tales. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Lansing. Fairy tales, v. 2. Rhys. Fairy gold. See also Colman Grey; Johnny Reed's cat. King of the Clinkers. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 4th reader. King of the crocodiles. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. King of the field-mice. Carrick. Kitty cat tales. King of the forest. Danielson. Story telling time. King of the frogs. See Frogs who asked for a king. King of the gnomes. Orcutt. Princess Kallisto. King of the golden mountain. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Scudder. Children's book. King of the Golden River; or, The black brothers. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 5. Blaisdell. Child life. 5th reader. (River of gold.) Bryant. How to tell stories. (Golden river.) Field. Famous fairy tales. ■ Mabie. Famous stories. Ruskin. King of the Golden River and other stories. Tappan. Modern stories. King of the golden woods. Fairy stories retold from St. Nicholas. King of the hawks. Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. King of the kites. Rouse. Talking thrush. King of the lions. Ortoli. Evening tales. King of the mice. Rouse. Talking thrush. King of the mineral kingdom. Johnson. Birch-tree fairy-book. King of the servants. See Language of beasts. King of the sparrows. See Swallow king's rewards. King of the tigers is sick. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. King of the vipers. Rhys. Fairy gold. King of the waterfalls. Lang. Lilac fairy book. King O'Toole and his goose. Graves. Irish fairy tales. (King O' Toole and St. Kevin.) Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Success library, v. 3. Yeats. Irish fairy tales. King O'Toole and St. Kevin. See King O'Toole and his goose. King Richard and Blondel. See Richard Coeur de Leon. FAIRY TALES 141 King Robert of Sicily. Crommelia. Famous legends. (Legend of King Robert of Sicily.) See also Proud King. King Roughbeard. See King Thrushbeard. King Ryence's challenge (poem). Lanier. Boy's Percy. King Schahriar and Scheherazade. Arabian nights (Olcott. Story of King Shahriar and Sheherazade.) King Solomon. Coe. Second book of stories. Gregor}-. Kiltartan wonder book. King Solomon and the ants. Cooke. Nature myths and stories. King Solomon and the demon. Byrne. Modern Greek fairy talcs. King Solomon and the owl. Rouse. Talking thrush. King Solomon's answer. Aunt Naomi. Jewish fair>' tales and fables. (King, the queen and the bee.) Cooke. Nature myths and stories. (Wise king and the bee.) \'an Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 3d reader. King Stork. Pyle, H. Wonder clock. King Tawny Mane, Story of. Boys' and girls' fairy book. King, the falcon, and the drinking cup. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. \'an Sickle and Seegmiller. Ri\erside readers. 4th reader. See also King and his hawk. King, the hermit, and the two princes. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. King, the queen and the bee. See King Solomon's answer. King Thrushbeard. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household tales. (Burt ed. King Roughbeard.) Grimm. Household tales. (Everyman's ed. King Grizzle- Beard.) Tappan. Folk stories and fables. (Haughty princess.) Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. (Haughty princess.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Greyfoot; Hacon Grizzlebeard. King Tongue. Aunt Naomi. Jewish fairy tales and fables. W iggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. King Valemon, the white bear. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjcld. Johnson. Book of fair^' tale bears. (Bear who was an enchanted king.) See also East o' the sun and westo' the moon; Mysterious prince. King Waldemar. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. King who was fried. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. King who would be stronger than fate. Lang. Brown fairy l)ook. King who would have a beautiful wife. Lang. Golden mer- maid and other stories. Lang. Pink fairy ijrjok. King who would see Paradise. Lang. Orange fairy book. 142 FAIRY TALES King William and the water sprite. Ewing. Old-fashioned fairy tales. King Wren. Grimm. Fairy tales. (Paull Ir.) Johonnot. Grandfather's stories. klingensmith. Household stories. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also W by the wren flics close to the earth. Kingdoms. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. King's ankus. Kipling. Second jungle book. King's bell. See Bell of Atri. King's counsellor. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. King's jewel. Bailey. Stories and rhymes for a child. Daniclson. Story telling time. King's mistake; or, The prince who had no fairy godmother. Brown, J. Mermaid's gift. King's power. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. King's son. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. King's son and Messeria. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. King's son and the magic song, Story of the. Bourhill and Drake. Fairy tales from South Africa. King's son and the painted lion. ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). See also Young man and the lion. King's son and the Princess Singorra. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. King's son and Ubongopu. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. King's three sons. I. Gary. Fairy legends from the French prov- inces. (King's three sons; or, The hunchback and his two brothers.) King's three sons. II. Hall, Mrs. A. W. Icelandic fairy tales. King's treasure. James. Cat and the mouse. Kinkach Martinko. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Kinmont Willie. Grierson. Children's tales from Scottish bal- lads. Kintaro, the golden boy. Ozaki. Japanese fairy book. (Adven- tures ot Kintaro, the golden boy.) Tappan. Myths from many lands. (Child of the forest.) Kirwan's search for Hy-Brasail. Higginson. Tales of the en- chanted islands of the Atlantic. Kisa, the cat. Lang. Brown fairy book. Kite and the pigeons. yEsop. Fables (Black ed.). iEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Kites and the crows. Bateman. Zanzibar tales. Klein-Else. Success library, v. 3. Klickitat basket. Legend of the. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Knapsack. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Knapsack, the hat and the horn. Canton. Reign of King Herla. (Luck of the youngest son.) Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Fortune-seekers). See also Good-for-nothing. II. FAIRY TALES 143 Knave and fool. Ewing. Old-fashioned fairy tales. Knavish little bird. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Knight and his charger, .^i^sop. F'ablcs (Burt cd.). Knight and his story. Jenks. Tales of fantasy. Knight of the ill-shapen coat. Herbertson. Heroic legends. Knight of the green vesture, Adventures of. Grierson. Scottish fair\' book. Knight of the mermaid. Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Knight of the Sun. Lang. Red romance book. Knightly waste-paper man. Xixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. Knights and the good child. Bakewell. True fairy stories. Knights and the naughty child. Bakewell. True fairy stories. Knights' cellar. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Knights of the fish. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Lang. Brown fairy book. Lang. Trust}' John and other stories. Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Talcs of wonder. Knights of the silver shield. Alden. Why the chimes rang. \'an Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 3d reader. Knockgrafton, Legend of Gary. Fairy legends from the French provinces (Fairies and the two hunchbacks). Graves. Irish fairy book. Jacobs. More Celtic fair>' tales. (Legend of Knockgrafton.) Yeats. Irish fairy tales. See also Edwin and Sir Topaz. Knockmany, Legend of. Graves. Irish fairy book. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Yeats. Irish fairy tales. See also Finn MacCool. Knot-grass. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. Kojata. See King Kojata. Koschei the deathless. See Death of Koschei the deathless. Kovlad. Chodzko. Slav fairy tales. Kron the mighty. Orcutt. Princess KallLsto. Kunterbunt. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. Kupti and Imani. Lang. Olive fairy book. Kuz'ma Skorobogaty. Polevoi. Russian fairy tales. Kvasir's blood. See Odin and the mead. Kweedass and Kindawiss. Kennedy. New world fairy book. Labourer and the nightingale, .tsop. Fables (Jacobs). Lac of rupees. See Lac of rupees for a piece of advice. Lac of rupees for a piece of advice. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales Wiggin aiul Smith. Tales of wonder. (Lac of rupees.) See also Ivan. Laconic answer. Baldwin. I-ifty famous stories. 144 FAIRY TALES Lad and the devil. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Dascnt. Popular tales from the Norse. (Lad and the de'il.) Mabie. Folk tales every child should know. (Lad and the de'il.) Lad and the fox. Djurklo. Fairy tales from the Swedish. Johnson. Book of fairy-tale foxes. (Sleeping fox and the boy with a stone.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Lad and the north wind. See Lad who went to the north wind. Lad who went to the north wind. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. (Boy who went to the north wind.) Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Judd. Classic myths. (A legend of the north wind.) Mabie. Folk tales every child should know. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Thorne-Thomsen. East o' the sun and west o' the moon. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. (Youth who went to the north wind and demanded his flour again.) See also Little old woman who went to the north wind. Lad who went wooing the daughter of old Mother Corner. See Mother Roundabout's daughter. Lad with one sandal. See Argonauts. Lad with the beer keg. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. (Death and the doctor.) Lad with the goat-skin. Graves. Irish fairy book. (Adven- tures of Gilla Na Chreck.) Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Ladder of lions. Harris. Little Mr. Thimblefinger. Ladle that fell from the moon. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Ladronius, the prince of thieves. Tappan. Stories from the classics. Lads who met the trolls in the Hedale Wood. See Trolls in Hedale Wood. Lady and the fountain. See Sir Owain and the lady of the foun- tain. Lady and the lion. See Soaring lark. Lady and the wasp (poem). Success library, v. 3. Lady-bird and the fly. See Spider and the flea. Lady Featherflight. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. See also Nix nought nothing. Lady Mole. Rhys. Fairy gold. Lady of snow. Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. Lady of solace. Lang. Red romance book. Lady of the fountain. See Sir Owain and the lady of the fountain. Lady of the lake. I. Baldwin. Stories of the king. Lady of the lake. II. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Lady who was murdered by her husband. Arabian nights (Townsend. History of the lady who was murdered by her husband). FAIRY TALES 145 Lady with the lantern. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Laidley worm of Spindleston. See Laidly worm of Spindlcston. Laidly worm of Spindleston. Jacobs. English fairy tales. (Laidly worm of Spindleston Heugh.) Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. (Enchanted dragon.) (poem). Rhys. Fairy gold. (Laidley worm of Spindleston.) See also Lambton worm. Laidly worm of Spindleston Heugh. See Laidly worm of Spindleston. Laird and the man of peace. Ewing. Old-fashioned fairy tales. Laird o' Co'. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Laird o' Logie. Grierson. Children's tales from Scottish ballads. Laird of Morphie and the water kelpie. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. (Graham of Morphie.) Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Lake of gems. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Lake of Issarles, Legend of the. Gary. Fairy legends of the PVench provinces. Lamb and the fish. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Lambikin. Bailey. Firelight stories. Baldwin. Another fairy reader. Bryant. Stories to tell to children. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales, (play). Lansing. Quaint old stories. ♦Spaulding and Brycc. Aldine readers. 2d reader. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Lambton worm. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. Rhys. Fairy gold. See also Laidly worm of Spindlcston. Lame Molly. Johnson. Birch-tree fairy-book. Lame squirrel's Thanksgiving. Bailey. Stories and rhymes for a child. Lamia. See Serpent woman. Lamp and the sun. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 2. Lamp of Aladdin. See Aladdin. Lancelot. See Sir Lancelot. Land of the Hereafter. Pratt. Legends of the red children. Land of the polar star. Harrison, E. O. Star fairies. Land of youth. I. Silver fairy book. Land of youth. II. .SVe Last of the Feni. Land-Otter the Indian. Lang, L. B. Strange story book. Land without common folks. Brown. A. One-footed fairy. Language of animals. See Language of beasts. Language of beasts. Grimm. Household tales (Burt cd. Lan- guage of animals). Laboulaye. Fairy tales. (Language of animals. In Cai^tain John's travels.) 146 FAIRY TALES Language of beasts — continued. Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. (King of the serpents.) Lang. Crimson fairy booi<. Lang, ^hlgic ring and other stories. Language of the bfrds. Blumenthal. Folk tales from the Rus- sian. O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. See also Three languages. Lantern and the fan. Hall and Oilman. Story land. 2d reader. (Chinese story.) Holbrook. Book of nature myths. \'an Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. Laocoon. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. (Doom of Laoccon.) Lark and her little ones. See Lark and her young ones. Lark and her young ones. JEso^. Fables (Black ed.). .F^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). ^•Esop. Fables (Stickney). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 2. (Lark's nest.) Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. (Lark and the farmer.) Blaisdell. Child life. 2d reader. (Lark and her little ones.) Br^-ant. Stories to tell to children. (Larks in the cornfield.) Hall and Oilman. Story land. 2d reader. (Lark and the farmer.) *Jones. 2d reader. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 2. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Lark and the caterpillar. See Lesson of faith. Lark and the farmer. See Lark and her young ones. Larks in the cornfield. See Lark and her young ones. Lark's nest. See Lark and her young ones. "Lars, my lad!" Djurklo. Fairy tales from the Swedish. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Lassie and her godmother. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. See also Fairy Tell-True. Last dream of the old oak. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed. Old oak-tree's last dream). Last lesson. See Last lesson in French. Last lesson in French. Blaisdel'. Child life. 3d reader. Bryant. How to tell stories to children. (Last lesson.) Last of the fairies. Coolidge. New Year's bargain. Last of the Feni ; or, The man who went to the land of youth. Curtin. Myths and folk-lore of Ireland. (Oisin in Tir na n-Og.) Graves. Irish fairy book. (Lay of Oisin in the land of youth.) Grierson. Children's book of Celtic stories. Higginson. Tales of the enchanted islands of the Atlantic. (Usheen in the island of youth.) See also Finn MacCool. FAIRY TALES 147 Last of the Picts. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales (Pechs). Last peacemaker queen. Xixon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. Last pearL Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Last year's fly. Xordau.' Dwarf's spectacles. Latona and the frogs. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. (Latona and the rustics.) Beckwith. In mythland. v. 1. (Latona.) Farmer. Nature myths. (Origin of frogs.) Hartley. Stories from the Greek legends. (Childhood of Apollo and Artemis.) Johonnot. Stories of heroic deeds. (Latona and the rustics.) Judd. Classic myths. (Where the frogs came from.) Kupfer. Stories of long ago. (Childhood of Diana and Apollo.) Wilson, Mrs. L. L. W. Nature study reader. (Apollo's mother.) See also First frogs. Laugh-maker. Eastman. Wigwam evenings. Laughing apple and the weeping apple. Kunos. Fort\-four Turkish fairy talcs. Laughing dumpling. Nixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fair>' tales. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (Old woman wh.o lost her dumpling.) Laughing Eye and Weeping Eye; or, The limping fox. John- son. Book of fairy tale foxes. (Limping fox.) Lang. Grey fairy book. Lang. Invisible Prince and other stories. Success library, v. 3. Laughing Ingibjorg. Hall, Mrs. A. W. Icelandic fairy tales. Laughing water. See Minnehaha, Laughing water. Launcelot. See Sir Lancelot. Laurel. See Daphne. Laurel tree, Story of. See Daphne. Laurustinus and the rose-tree. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Law of the wood. Wilson, Mrs. L. L. W. Nature study reader. Lawkamercyme (poem). Jacobs. More Englisli fairy tales. Lawn Dyarrig. Graves. Irish fairy book. Lawyer's advice. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Lazy beauty and her aunts. See Three little crones each with s- cross stories. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles (Warne eel.). Rhys. Fairy goM. Welsh. Stories children love. (Lazy Jack; or. I'll do so another time.) See also Epaminondas and his auntie; Prudint Hans; Silly .Matt. 148 FAIRY TALES Lazy Lizette. Underbill. Dwarfs' tailor and other fairy tales. Lazy spinner, (irimm. P'airy tales (PauU tr.). Leaf from Heaven. Andersen. P^airy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed. Leaf from the sky). Leaf from the sky. See Leaf from Heaven. Leak in the dyke. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to litera- ture. V. 3. (Boy hero.) Blaisdell. Child life. M reader. Bryant. Best stories to tell to children. (Little hero of Haar- lem.) Bryant. How to tell stories to children. (Little hero of Haar- lem.) Lean cat and the fat cat. See Old woman's cat. Leap frog. See Leaping match. Leaping match. Andersen. Best fairy tales (Henderson tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr. Jumpers.) Andersen. Wonder stories. (Leap frog.) Darton. Wonder book of beasts. (Three jumpers.) Leaping Rock in the Pipestone Valley. Judd. Wigwam stories. Learn to wait. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. Learned hunter Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Learned owl. See Rama and Luxma... "Learned princess." Maud. Heroines of poetry. Leda and the swans. Hutchinson. Golden porch. (V ^venly twins.) Lee penny. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Leeching of Kayn's leg. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. Legend of, etc. See the first important word of the title. Lemon tree and the pumelo. Davis and Chow-Leung. fables and folk stories. Leo the slave. Johonnot. Stories of the olden time. Leopard and the fox. .^sop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Leopard and the other animals. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Leperhaun. See Lepracaun. Lepracaun (poem). Graves. Irish fairy tales. Harrison, C. C. Old fashioned fairy book. (Leperhaun.) (poem). Winnington. Outlook fairy book. (Fairy shoen ) (poem.) Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. (Lepracaui ^i, Fairy shoemaker.) Less inequality than men deem. Frere. Old Deccan days Lesson for kings. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Lesson in politeness. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 3d reader. Lesson of faith. Cowles. Art of story telling. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. (Lark an. caterpillar.) Lesson of the leaves. See Sibyl. Leto. See Apollo: Birth of Apollo. Letting in the jungle. Kipling. Second jungle book. FAIRY TALES 149 Leucothea. See Ulysses. Life and death. Nordau. Dwarf's spectacles. Light-house lamp. Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. Light princess. Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Mabie. Heroes and fairies. Macdonald. Dealings with fairies. Macdonald. Light princess and other fairy tales. Lightning. Brooks. Stories of the red children. Pratt. Legends of the red children. (Legend of lightning.) Lightning gold. Kennedy. New world fairy book. Lightning trees. Pratt. Fairyland of flowers. Like seeks like. Nordau. Dwarf's spectacles. Lilac bush. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 4th reader. Lilla Rosa. See Lilla Rosa and Long Leda. Lilla Rosa and Long Leda. Canton. Reign of King Herla. (Lilla Rosa.) Tappan. Golden goose. (Golden goose.) Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. See also Princess Rosette. L Lillekort. See Shortshanks. Lilliputland. 5e'e Gulliver's .iravels: Lilliput land. Lily anf' the lion. See Soaring lark. Lily-b land Thistledown; or, Fairy sleeping beauty. Alcott. .ver fables. A' '. Lulu's library. \^ 2. Lily d of Astolat. See Sir Lancelot: Lancelot and Elaine. LJ he valley, Legend of . Pratt. Fairyland of flowers. . See Star maiden. fox. See Laughing Eye and Weeping Eye. L .nd the oak. See Baucis and Philemon. Line ^. golden light; or, The little blind sister. Harrison. In story land. Lineik and Laufey. Hall, Mrs. A. W. Icelandic fairy tales. Linton Church, Legend of. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Lion and mouse. See Lion and the mouse. Lion and other beasts. See Lion's share. Lion -^nd the ass. .^^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). L' id the ass hunting (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking •easts. Lioi :md the asses and hares, ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Lion ^ad the bear. /Esop. Fables (Black ed. Lion, the bear and . V)e fo.xj. A... p. Fables (Burt ed. Lion, the tiger and the fox). Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. (The quarrel.) Srudder. Fables and folk stories. I -■ and the cat. Lang. Brown fairy book. and the council of beasts. .'Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). and the crane. Jticobs. Indian fairy tales. ind the echo (poem). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). i;,gin and Smith. Talking Ix'asts. and the elephant. I. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). .'Ish. Stories ( hildren love. 150 FAIRY TALES Lion and the elephant. II. Wiltse. Folklore stories and proverbs. Lion and the four bulls. .£sop. Fables (Black ed.)- /Esop. Fables (Burt ed. Lion and the four oxen.) /Esop. Fables (Jacobs). Scudder. Fables and folk stories. (Four bulls and the lion.) Lion and the four oxen. See Lion and the four bulls. Lion and the fox. See Lion, the fox and the beasts. Lion and the frog. .Esop. Fables (Black ed.). .Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Lion and the gadfly. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Lion and the gnat. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). (poem). W iggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Lion and the goat. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Lion and the hare. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Rouse. Talking thrush. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Lion and the rabbit.) See also Little jackals and the lion. Lion and the man. See Man and the lion. Lion and the mosquitoes. Davis and Chow-Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Lion and the mouse. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). ^Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). /Esop. Fables (Jacobs). /Esop. Fables (Stickney). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 2. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. (Mouse and the lion.) *Bowen. Second story reader. (Lion and the mouse.) Coussens. Child's book of stories. Grover. Folk-lore readers, v. L Hall and Gilman. Story land. 2d reader. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. (Lion and mouse.) Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Wiltse. Folklore stories and proverbs. Wiltse. Kindergarten stories. Lion and the rabbit. See Lion and the hare. Lion and the snake. ^Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Lion and the statue. See Man and the lion. Lion and the two jackals. Success library, v. 3. Lion and the wild dog. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Lion going to war. *Bowen. Second story reader. (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Lion hunting with other beasts. iE^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Lion in his den. See Lion, the fox and the beasts. Lion in love. ^Esop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). /Esop. Fables (Jacobs). Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. FAIRY TALES 151 Lion, the ass and the fox. I. See Lion, the fox and the ass. Lion, the ass and the fox. II. See Lion's share. Lion, the bear and the fox. See Lion and the bear. Lion, the bear, the monkey and the fox. ^Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Lion, the fox and the ass. /Esop. Fables (Black ed. Lion, the ass and the fox). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Lion, the fox and the beasts. /Esop. Fables (Jacobs). Baldwin. Fairs^ stories and fables. (Old lion.) Coussens. Child's book of stories. (Lion in his den.) Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fable and folk stories. (Lion and the fox.) Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Invalid lion.) Lion, the fox, and the story-teller. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Lion, the fox, and the wolf. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Lion, the goat and the baboon. Dasent. Popular tales from the N(jrse. Lion, the hyena and the rabbit. Batcman. Zanzibar tales. Lion, the mouse and the cat. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Lion, the tiger and the fox. See Lion and the bear. Lionbruno. Macdonell. Italian fairy book. Lioness and the bear (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Lioness and the fox. .Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Scudder. Children's book. Lion's secret. Ortoli. Evening tales. Lion's share. .Esop. Fables (Black ed. Lion and other beasts.) /Esop. Fables (Burt ed. Lion, the ass and the fox.) /Esop. Fables (Jacobs.) Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Coe and Christie. Story hour readers. 3d book. Scudder. Children's book. (Lion, the ass and the fox.) Scudder. Fables and folk stories. (Lion, the ass and the fox.) (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Litigious cats. See Matter of arbitration. Litill Tritill, the bird and the peasant lad. Hall, Mrs. A. V\ . Icelandic fairy tales. Little Anklebone. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Little Annie the goose-girl. Dasent. Popular tales from the .\orse. Little Annie's dream; or, The fairy flower. Alcott. Mowrr fables. Little ant. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Little ant that was going to Jerusalem, and the snow. C ary. l-"airy legends from the l-"rench i)rovinces. See also House that Jack built. Little bear. Baiky. Firelight stories. Little bee Trunkhosic. P.aiiey. Firelight stones. Little Beta and the lame giant. Harrison. In story land. 152 FAIRY TALES Little bird, Story of tiie. See Alonk and the bird's song. Little birds who lived in a cave, Story of the. Bourhill and Drake. Fairy tales from South Africa. Little Black Mingo. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Little Black Sambo, Story of. Stone. Children's stories that never grow old. Little Blessed Eyes; or. The fairy's birthday gift. Harrison, E. In story land. Little blind sister. See Line of golden light. Little blue flowers. See How flax was given to men. Little boy and big cow. Bailey. Firelight stories. (Wee, wee man.) Jacobs. More English fairy tales. (Wee, wee mannie.) Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (Wee, wee mannie.) Little boy man. Eastman. Smoky Day's wigwam evenings. Eastman. Wigwam evenings. Little boy who forgot to wash his hands. Cowles. Art of story telling. Little boy who found his fortune. See Old hag's long leather bag. Little brother and sister. See Brother and sister. Little brown berry. Bailey. Stories and rhymes for a child. Little brown hen. Brown, A. One-footed fairy. Little Brown Lady. Danielson. Story telling time. Little bud. Alcott. Flower fables. Alcott. Lulu's library, v. 2. Little bull-calf. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Little Butterkin. AsbjCrnsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. (Buttercup.) Pyle, K. Fairy tales. (Buttercup.) Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Little Carl's Christmas. See Sabot of Little WoIfT. Little castaways. Scudder. Seven little people. Little chicken Kluk. See Chicken-Little. Little chicken Kluk and his companions. See Chicken-Little. Little child and the pumpkin tree. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Little Childeric's bees. Canton. Reign of King Herla. Little Chinese rose, A. Davis and Chow-Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Little Claus and Big Claus. Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr. Great Claus and Little Claus). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. (Big Peter and Little Peter.) Lang. Twelve huntsmen and other stories. (Story of Big Klaus and Little Klaus.) Lang. Yellow fairy book. (Story of Big Klaus and Little Klaus.) Scudder. Children's book. See also Countryman and the merchant; Hudden and Dudden and Donald O'Neary. FAIRY TALES 153 Little cookie boy. Wiltse. Kindergarten stories. Little cowherd brother. Partridge. Stor>' telling in home and school. Little cup of tears. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Little Czar Novishny, the false sister, and the faithful beasts. Bain. Cossack fairy tales. Little Daffydowndilly. Hawthorne. Little Dafifydowndilly. Little darner. Ewing. Old-fashioned fairy tales. Little Daylight. Bryant. How to tell stories to children. Macdonald. Light princess and other fairy tales. Little dog and big dog. Lindsay. Story garden. Little duchess. Maud. Heroines of poetry. Little dwellers in the marsh. Harrison, E. O. Moon princess. Little eyes. See Matariki. Little farmer. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas t--. Little peasant). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Little fawn. Wilson, G. L. Myths of the red children. Little feather of Fenist the bright falcon. See Bright-Hawk's feather. Little field mouse, Adventures of. Bryant. Stories to tell to children. Little Fingerling. Macdonell. Italian fairy book. Little fir tree. See F"ir-tree. Little fish and the fisher (poem), ^sop. Fables (Stickney. Supplement). Little folk of the glass hills. Canton. Reign of King Herla. Little folks' presents. Grimm. Fairy tales (PauU tr.). Little fool Ivan. Blumenthal. Folk tales from the Russian. (Ivan- oushka, the simpleton.) Polevoi. Russian fairy tales. Little footsteps upon the water. Bailey. Firelight stories. Little Forget-me-not. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. Little Fred and his fiddle. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. (Little Freddy with his fiddle.) Field. F"amous fairy tales. Thorne-Thomsen. East o' the sun and west o' the moon. (Little Freddy with his fiddle.) See also jew among the thorns. Little Freddy with his fiddle. See Little Fred and his fiddle. Little girl of snow. See Snowflake. L Little girl who traveled on a big ship. Nordau. Dwarf's spec- tacles. Little girl who wanted the stars. Bailey. Firelight stories. Little girl's Christmas. Dickinson and Skinner. Children's book of Christmas stories. Little glass shoe. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Little glass slipper. See Cinderella. Little gold shoe. See Cintierelia. Little Golden Hair. See Three bears. 154 FAIRY TALES Little Goldenhood. Coussens. Child's book of stories. (History of little (iolden-Hood.) *Heller and Bates. Little Golden Hood. Lang. Red fairy book. (True history of Little Goldenhood.) See also Little Red Riding Hood. Little good mouse. See Good little mouse. Little Goody Two-Shoes. See Goody Two-Shoes. Little gray grandmother; or, The enchanted mirror. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Harrison. In story land. Little gray man. L Jokai. Golden fairy book. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Laboulayc. Last fairy tales. Little gray rnan. H. Lang. Grey fairy book. Little gray mouse. Segur. French fairy tales. Little gray pony. Lindsay. Mother stories. O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. Little green elf's Christmas. Bailey. Stories and rhymes for a child. Little green frog. Lang. Elf maiden. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Little Gretchen and the wooden shoe. Dickinson and Skinner. Children's book of Christmas stories. See also Piccola. Little Gretchen's lily. Danielson. Story telling time. Little Half Chick. See Half-Chick. Little Hannibal. Coe. Second book of stories. (Story of Lil' Hannibal.) Little Hans and the star of Bethlehem. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. Little hare. Lang. Elf maiden. Lang. Pink fairy book. Little hero of Haarlem. See Leak in the dyke. Little horse and his kind master. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Little house in the woods. See House in the wood. Little hunchback. L Arabian nights (Lang). Arabian nights (Townsend. Story of the little hunchback). Chisholm. Enchanted land. (Hunchback.) Scudder. Children's book. (Story of the little hunchback.) Little hunchback. H. Gary. Fairy legends of the French provinces. Little Hyacinth's kiosk. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. Little ice man. Wilson, G. L. Myths of the red children. Little Ida's flowers. Andersen. Fairy tales (PauU tr.). Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Lyman. Story telling. Singleton. \A'ild flower fairy book. Little In-a-Minute. Bailey. For the story teller. Little Jack Roll-a-Round. Bryant. Best stories to tell to children. Bryant. Stories to tell to children. Little jackal and the alligator. Br>'ant. Best stories to tell to children. Bryant. Stories to tell to children. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. FAIRY TALES 155 Little jackal and the camel. See Tit for tat. Little jackals and the lion. Bryant. Best stories to tell to children. Bryant. Stories to tell to children. Darton. Wonder book of beasts. (Singh Rajah and the cun- ning little jackals.) ■ Frere. Old Deccan days. (Singh Rajah and the cunning little jackals.) Tappan. Folk stories and fables. (Singh Rajah and the cunning little jackals.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (Singh Rajah and the cunning little jackals.) See also Lion and the hare. Little Jacob and the sugar-plum tree. Underhill. Dwarfs' tailor and other fairy tales. Little Karen and her baby. Coolidgc. Round dozen. Little King Loc. Lang. Olive fairy book. Little king's rabbits. Lindsay. Story garden. Little lame prince. Bailey. For the story teller. Blaisdell. Child life. 4th reader. Stone. Children's stories that never grow old. Little Lasse. Lang. Lilac fairy book. Little Long tail. Hoxie. Kindergarten story book. Little Maia. See Thumbelina. Little maiden who became a laurel tree. See Daphne. Little man. Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. Little mare. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Little match girl. *Andcrsen. Best fairy tales (Henderson tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fair>' tales (Paull tr. Little match-seller). Andersen. Fairy tales (Turpin). .•\ndersen. Stories (Riverside ed.). Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Blaisdell. Child life. 2d reader. Coe. First book of stories. Jcrrold. Big book of fairy tales. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. (Little match- seller.) Klingensmith. Household stories for little readers. (Little match seller.) Scudder. Children's book. Little match seller. .SVc Little match girl. Little mermaid. Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr. Mermaid). Andersen. Fairy tales (Pauil tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Turpin ed.). Andersen. Wonder stories (.Author's ed. Little sea-maid) . Chisholm. In fairyland. Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. Singleton. Wild flower fairy book. Winninglon. Outlook fairy book. Little Millie. Ketchum and forgciiscn. Kiiuk-rgnrten gems. Little .Miss Mouse and her friends. Koiisi-. Talking thrush. 156 FAIRY TALES Little Mister Cricket and the other creatures. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Little Mook. Hauff. Caravan tales. Hauff. Fairy tales. (History of the little Mook.) Little old man and his gold. Danielson. Story telling time. Little old woman. Macdonell. Italian fairy book. Little old woman who went to the north wind. Bailey. Fire- light stories. See also Lad who went to the north wind. Little One-eye, little Two-eyes, and little Three-eyes. See One-eye, Two-eyes, Three-eyes. Little One-eye, Two-eyes, Three-eyes. See One-eye, Two-eyes Three-eyes. Little Peachling, Adventures of. See Momotaro. Little peasant. See Little farmer. Little people of the Senecas. Judd. Wigwam stories. Little pig. Lindsay. More mother stories. Little pine tree. See Little pine tree who wished for new leaves. Little pine tree who wished for new leaves. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Blaisdell. Child life. 2d reader. (Little pine tree.) Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. (Discontented tree.) Klingensmith. Household stories for little readers. (Discon- tented pine tree.) O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. (Discon- tented tree.) (poem). Pratt. Fairyland of flowers. (Little pine tree.) (poem). Strong. All the year round, v. 2. Winter. (Discon- tented pine.) Little pink rose. Bryant. Best stories to tell to children. Bryant. Stories to tell to children. Little Fortunes. Rhys. Fairy gold. Little rabbit who wanted red wings. Bailey. For the story teller. Little rabbits. Coe. Second book of stories. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. (Story about the little rabbits.) Little Ravageot. Mace. Home fairy tales. Little red apple. Bailey. Stories and rhymes for a child. Little Red-cap. See Little Red Riding Hood. Little red hen. L Blaisdell. Child life. 2d reader. (Little red hen and the grain of wheat.) Bowen. Second story reader. (Grain of wheat.) Bryant. Stories to tell to children. (Little red hen and the grain of wheat.) Coe. First book for story-tellers. Coussens. Child's book of stories. (Little red hen and the grain of wheat.) Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. (Little red hen and the wheat.) O'Grady and Throop. Teacher's story tellers' book. (Little red hen and the grain of wheat.) *Treadwell. Reading literature primer. *Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 1st reader. See also Wonderful cake. FAIRY TALES 157 Little red hen. II. Bryant. Stories to tell to children. (Another little red hen.) (poem.) Bryant. Stories to tell to children. (Story of the little red hen.) Coussens. Child's boojv of stories. (Fox and the little red hen.) Johnson. Book of fair^' tale foxes. (Robber fox and the little red hen.) Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. (Fox and the little red hen.) *Jones. Second reader. (Fox and the small red hen.) Klingensmith. Household tales. O'Grady and Thrbop. Teacher's story tellers' book. (Little red hen and the fox.) (poem.) Scudder. Doings of the Bodley family in town and country'. *Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. (Cock, the mouse, and the little red hen.) Whitney. Faith Gartney's girlhood, (ch. ,5.) Little red hen. III. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Klingensmith. Household stories. Little red hen. III. includes both I and II. Little red hen and the fox. See Little red hen. II. Little red hen and the grain of wheat. See Little red hen. I. Little red hen and the wheat. See Little red hen. I. Little Red Plume. See First corn. II. Little Red Riding Hood. Adams. Folk-story and verse. Aunt Louisa's book of fairy tales. Baldwin. Fairy- stories and fables. Blaisdell. Child life. 2d reader. Burke. Fair>' tales. Chisholm. In fairy land. (Red Riding Hood.) Coe. First book of stories. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Crane. Red Riding Hood's picture book. Favorite fairy tales. Forty famous fairy tales. Grimm. Fair>' tales (Lucas tr. Red Riding Hood). Grimm. Fairy tales (PauU tr. Little Red Cap). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr. Little Red-cap). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed.). Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. Klingensmith. Household stories. (Red Riding Hood.) Lang. Blue fairy book. Lang. Little Red Riding Hood and other stories. Mabie. Fairy tales e\ery child should know. Mabie. Heroes and fairies. iMother Goose rhymes, jingles and fairy tales (Altemus ed.). Mulock. Fairy book. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 2. Nursery tales. Perkins. Twenty best fairy tales. 158 FAIRY TALES Little Red Riding Hood — continued. Perrault. Fairy tales. Perrault. Tales of Mother Goose. Perrault. Tales of passed times. Rhys. Fairy gold. Scuddcr. Book of folk stories. Sciiddcr. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk-stories. Stone. Children's stories that never grow old. Success library, v. 3. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. (Warne ed.) Washburn. Old-fashioned fairy tales. Welsh. Stories children love. (Story of Little Red Riding Hood.) See also Little Goldenhood. Little rid hin. See Little red hen. Little Roger's night in the church. Coolidge. Mischief's Thanks- gi\ing. Little Ruby Fish. See Muchie Lai. Little Scar Face. Tanner. Legends from the red man's forest. (Indians' Cinderella.) Wilson, G. L. Myths of the red children. Little sea-maid. See Little mermaid. Little shepherd. Lindsay. More mother stories. (play). Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. Little shepherd boy. See Shepherd boy and the king. Little sister and little brother. Dole. White duckling and other stories. Little Sister Kindness and the loving stitches. Cowles. Art of story-telling. Little Snow-Flake. See Twelve months. IL Little Snow-White. See Snow- White and the seven dwarfs. Little Snowdrop. See Snow^-White and the seven dwarfs. Little soldier. Lang. Green fairy book. See also Nose-tree. Little Sosana and her gold-wrought shoe. Goddard. Fairy tales in other lands. See also Cinderella. Little spirit of Massawunk. Kennedy. New world fair>' book. Little steam engine. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. Little Sunshine. L Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. (Sun- shine.) Little Sunshine. IL Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Blaisdell. Child life. 2d reader. Little Surya Bai. Frere. Old Deccan days. Singleton. Wild flower fairy book. (Sun-lady, Surya Bai.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Little Tavwots, Story of. See Sun a prisoner. II. Little thief. Scudder. Book of legends. FAIRY TALES 159 Little Thumb. I. See Thunibling. Little Thumb. IL See Hop o' my Thumb. Little Thumb. IIL 5fe Thumbelina. Little Thumb. IW Burke. Fairy talcs. Little Thumbling. 5('e,Hop o' my thumb. Little tin soldier. See Brave tin soldier. Little Tiny. See Thumbelina. Little Totty. See Thumbelina. Little Tuk. Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Bailey. For the story teller. Forty famous fairy tales. Little Tuppen. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Treadwell and Free. Reading literature: primer. (Little Tuppens.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Cat and the mouse; Grain of corn; How the mouse got into his hole; Munachar and Manachar; Nanny who wouldn't go home to supper; Old woman and her pig; Sparrow and the bush. Little Tuppens. See Little Tuppen. Little Ugly Boy. Wilson, G. L. Myths of the red children. Little Warrior's counsel. Grinnell. Pawnee hero stories. Little weaver. See Arachne. Little weaver of Duleek gate. Legend of. Graves. Irish fairy book. See also Brave little tailor. Little white dove. Coolidge. Round dozen. Little white mouse. See Juliet. Little wild man. Tappan. Golden goose. Little Wildrose. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Little wind-god. See Hermes and Apollo. Little wolf brother. Judd. Wigwam stories. See also Boy and the wolves; Wolf boy. Little Wolff 's wooden shoes. See Sabot of little WolfT. Littlest mouse, Tale of the. Bailey and Lewis. For the chil- dren's hour. See also Country mouse and the town mouse. Live potato. Keyes. F'ive senses. Liver. See Piece of liver. ^ Living alarm clock. Bailey and Lewis. For the children s hour. Living Statue, Adventures of. Compton. Snowbird and the water tiger. See also First corn. H. Lizard's friendship. Farmer. Nature myths. Lizzie Lindsay. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. Ta[)jjan. Old ballads in prose. Llanfabon changeling. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Llew Llaw and his wife. Brooks, E. Wonder stories from tlie Mabinogion. Llewellyn and his dog. See Beth G( litrt. 160 FAIRY TALES Lludd and Llevelys, Story of. Brooks, E. Wonder stories from the Mabinogion. Lanier. Knightly legends of Wales. Llyn Cwm Llwch. Thomas. Welsh fair>- book. Llyn Llech Owen. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Lo-Sun, the blind boy. Pitman. Chinese fairy stories. Lobsters. .-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Lochmaben harper. Grierson. Children's tales from Scottish ballads. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. (Jolly harper.) Lock of purple hair and what came of it. See Scylla, daughter of Xisus. Locusts and the grasshopper. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Lohengrin. Maud. Wagner's heroes. Loke. See Loki. Loke's wolf. See Binding of the Fenris wolf. Loki. Baldwin. Hero tales told in school. (Doom of the mis- chief-maker.) Bradish. Old Norse stories. (Loki's punishment.) Brown, A. F. In the days of giants. (Punishment of Loki.) Edmison. Stories from the Norseland. (Loki — The cause of all mischief.) Foster and Cummings. Asgard stories. (Punishment of Loki.) Litchfield. Nine worlds. (Loki at /Egir's feast; Capture of Loki.) Mabie. Norse stories. (How Loki was punished.) Pratt. Legends of Norseland. (Punishment of Loki.) See also Dwarf's gifts. Binding of the Fenris wolf. Loki and his children. See Binding of the Fenris wolf. Lombardy poplar. See Poplar tree. H. Lone chief. Grinnell. Pawnee hero stories. Long bow story. Lang. Olive fairy book. Long, Broad and Quickeye. See Broad man, tall man and man with eyes of flame. Long, Broad and Sharpsight. See Broad man, tall man and man with eyes of flame. Long leather bag. See Old hag's long leather bag. Long spoon. Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. Long story. See Endless tale. Long time. Cary. Fairy legends of the French provinces. Long yacht race. Henderson. Sea yarns for boys. Longnose the dwarf. HaufT. Caravan tales. (Wonder child.) Hauff. Fairy tales. Lang. Trusty John and other stories. (Dwarf Long Nose.) Lang. Violet fairy book. (History of Dwarf Long Nose.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Loony John. Ortoli. Evening tales. Lora, the goddess of love. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Lord Bag of Rice. Ozaki. Japanese fairy book. (My Lord Bag of Rice.) Williston. Japanese fairy tales. 2nd series. FAIRY TALES 161 Lord Beichan. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. Lord of death. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Lord of Pengerswick. Hart land. English folk and fairy tales. Lord of the silver bow. See Apollo. Lord Peter. Asbjornsen. ' Fair}- tales from the far north. (Squire Peter.) Dasent. Popular talcs from the Xorse. See also Puss in boots. Lord Soules. Grierson. Children's tales from Scottish ballads. Lord Thomas and Fair Annet (poem). Lanier. Boy's Percy. Lords of the white and gray castles. Browne. Granny's won- derful chair. Lorelei. Crommelin. Famous legends. Mabie. Legends every child should know. Lost and found. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Lost bell. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. Lost camel. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature. V. 3. Welsh. Stories children love. Lost child. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. Lost city of the sea. Harrison, E. O. Star fairies. Lost crown. Underhill. Dwarfs' tailor and other fairy tales. Lost legs. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Lost ocean. Harrison, E. O. Moon princess. Lost paradise. Lang. Lilac fairy book. Lost prince of the poles. Richards. Joyous story of Toto. Lost purse (play). Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 3d reader. Lost secret. See Daedalus and Icarus. Lost son. See Pink. Lost spear. Jokai. Golden fairy book. W'iggin and Smith. Magic casements. Lost spindle. See Mother Holle. Lost Sylphid. May. Little Prudy's fairy book. Lost wand. Ingelow. Stories told to a child, v. 2. Lost wife. Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. Lothian farmer's wife. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Lothian Tom. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Loughleagh (Lake of Healing). Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. Love and the soul. See Cupid and Psyche. Love of a snow-white fox. Johnson. FiV-tree fairy book. Love of the dryad. Canton. Reign of King Hcrla. See also Rhoecus anri the oak. Loveliest rose in the world. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories and talcs (Author's ed.). Lovely Ilonka. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Lang. Magic ring and other stories. Lovers. See To]) aiid ball. Loving cup which was made of iron. Harrison, E. In slory land. Loving Laili. Jacobs. Indian fairy talcs. 162 FAIRY TALES Lower than the beasts. Keyes. Five senses. Lowri Dafydd earns a purse of gold. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Lox and the bear. Partridge. Story-teUing in home and school. Lox, the mischief maker. \Vade. Indian fairy tales. Lox, the mischief maker and the three fires. Wade. Indian fairy tales. Loyal knight. Alderman. Classics old and new. 4th reader. Lucia, the organ-maiden. Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. Lucifer's ear. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Luck may lie in a pin.. *Andersen. Best fairy tales. (Henderson tr. Luck may lie in a stick.) Andersen. Stories (Riverside ed.) Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Luck may lie in a stick. See Luck may lie in a pin. Luck-mouse. Kennedy. Xew world fairy book. Luck of the youngest son. See Knapsack, the hat and the horn. Lucky coin. Jokai. Golden fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Lucky hunter and skillful fisher. See Ambitious hunter and skilful fisher. Lucky hunter and the skilful fisherman. See Ambitious hunter and skilful fisher. Lucky Jack. See Hans in luck. Lucky Luck. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Lang. Magic ring and other stories. See also Faithful John. Lucky penny. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Ludwig and Marleen. Hoxie. Kindergarten story book. Lupins (poem). Alexander. The hidden servants. Lute player. Lang. Violet fairy book. Lynx and the mole. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). M Mabel on Midsummer Day (poem). O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book, (poem). Tappan. Old-fashioned stories and poems. McAndrew family. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. (Story of the McAndrew family.) Macbeth. Johonnot. Stories of the olden time. (Legend of Mac- beth.) Mackerel trolling. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Mackinaw Island. Judd. Wigwam stories. (Legend of Macki- naw Island.) Mad cow. Mace. Home fairy tales. Winnington. Outlook fairy book. Mad Mehmed. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. (Maho- met, the bald-head.) Kunos. Turkish fairy tales. FAIRY TALES 163 Mad pudding. See Pudding bewitched. "Madjun." See Madschun. Madschun. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy talcs. ("Madjun.") Lang. Olive fair^' book. Maelduin's voyage. See Voyage of Maelduin. Magic apples. See Iduna's apples. Magic arrows. Eastman. Wigwam evenings. Magic axe and the white cat. Mace. Home fairy tales. Magic bed. I. James. Enchanted castle. Magic bed. II. James. Magic bed. Magic book. Lang. Orange fairy book. Magic bottles. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. (Bewitched bottles.) Magic candles. Chisholm. Enchanted land. Magic circus. Pyle, K. Counterpane fairy. Magic coffee mill. See Annette. Magic egg. Bain. Cossack fairy tales. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Magic feather. Compton. Snowbird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. Magic fiddle. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. See also Jew among the thorns. Magic gifts of the elves. See Dwarfs' gifts. Magic girdle. See Brave little tailor. Magic hair pins. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. Magic hide-and-seek. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Magic horn. Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. Magic horse. See Enchanted horse. Magic jar. Ewing. Old-fashioned fairy tales. Magic jaw bone. James. Magic jaw bone. Magic kettle. See Accomplished and lucky teakettle. Magic mackerel. Rhys. Fairy gold. Magic mirror. I. Lang. Orange fairy book. Magic mirror. II. ^ee Snow-White and the seven dwarfs. Magic mirror. III. Bellamy. Wonder children. (Story of the magic mirror.) Magic mirror. IV. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. Magic mirror. V. See Mirror of Malsuyama. Magic moccasins. Judd. Wigwam stories. \\'a(le. Indian fairy tales. Magic music. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Magic porcupine quills. Xixon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. Magic prison. See Prince Harweda and the magic prison. Magic quern. See Why the sea is salt. I. Magic ring. Lang. Magic ring and other stories. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. I'airy ring. See also Fritz and his friends; Stone in the cock's head. Magic seeds. Winninglon. (Jutlook fairy book. 164 FAIRY TALES Magic swan. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Field. Famous fairy tales. Lang. Green fairy book. Lang. Pretty Goldlilocks and other stories. 5^6' a/50 Golden Goose. L Magic table. Molesworth. Fairies afield. Magic turban, the magic whip and the magic carpet. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. Kunos. Turkish fairy tales. Magic weU. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. (Spring water.) Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. Magic wigwam. Wilson, G. L. Myths of the red children. Magical music. Stockton. Ting-a-ling tales. Magician and the sultan's son. Bateman. Zanzibar tales. Magician turned mischief maker. Ewing. Old-fashioned fairy tales. Magician's daughter and the highborn boy. Stockton. Float- ing prince. Magician's gifts. Ewing. Old-fashioned fairy tales. Magician's horse. Lang. Grey fairy book. Lang. Trusty John and other stories. Magician's pupil. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. See also Farmer Weatherbeard. Magnus and the white bear. Goddard. Fairy tales in other lands. Magpie and her children. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Magpie's lesson. See Magpie's nest. L Magpie's nest. L Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. (Nest builders.) Bowen. Second story reader. (How the birds learned to make their nests.) Hall and Gilman. Story land. 2d reader. (Nest Builders.) Jacobs. English fairy tales. O'Grady and Throop. Teacher's story teller's book. (Nest builders.) Spaulding and Bryce. Aldine readers. 2d reader. (Magpie's lesson.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Magpie's nest. IL Coussens. Child's book of stories. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. (Why the magpie's nest is not well built.) Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. See also Birds and their nests. Mahala Joe. Austin. Basket woman. Tappan. Modern stories. Mahomet, the bald-head. See Mad Mehmed. Maid and the pail of milk. See Milkmaid and her pail of milk. Maid Lena. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Maid of the swan-skin. Maud. Heroines of poetry. Maid with hair of gold. See Golden Hair. FAIRY TALES 165 Maid with her basket of eggs. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature. ^". 2. See also Milkmaid and her pail of milk. Maiden and the frog. Mother Goose's nurserj' rhymes, tales and jingles (Warne ed.). ' See also Frog prince. Maiden Bright-eye. Lang. Pink fairy book. Maiden who loved a fish. \Mggin and Smith. Magic casements. Maiden who was wiser than an emperor. See Female Solomon. Maiden with the wooden helmet. Lang. Violet fair>' book. Maiden without hands. Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed.). Maiden's visit. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr. Elves). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr. Elves, pt. 2). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed.) . Mail-coach passengers. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed. Twelve by the mail). Maize. See First corn. II. Maker of the thunder knives. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Making of the hammer. See Dwarf's gifts. Making of the sword. See Siegfried. Making of the world. See Creation of the world. (Xorse.) Making the best of it. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Making the moon. Tanner. Legends from the red man's forest. See also Frog in the moon. Makoma. Lang. Orange fairy book. Man and his goose. See Goose that laid golden eggs. Man and his piece of cloth. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Man and his shadow. yEsop. Fables (Stickney. Supplement). Success library, v. 3. Man and his two wives. ^Csop. Fables (Black ed.). i€!sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Man and his wooden god. -4i;sop. Fables (Black ed.). yEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). ^sop. Fables (Jacobs. Man and the wooden god). Man and the alligator (play). Stevenson. Plays for the home. See also Brahmin, the tiger and the jackal; Way of the world. L Man and the doukana tree. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Man and the foxes. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Man and the gnat. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). Ai^tj\). Fables (Burt ed.). Man and the lion. ^sop. Fables (Blacked. Forester and the lion). .^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Aisop. Fables (Jacobs. Lion and the statue). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. .3. Scudder. P'ables and folk stories. Success library, v. 3. (Lion and the man.) Wiggin and Smith. Talking beiists. 166 FAIRY TALES Man and the satyr. See Satyr and the traveller. Man and the snake (poem). Success library, v. 3. See also Way of the world. I. Man and the stone. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Man and the weasel, ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). ^"Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). (poem). Success library, v. 3. Man and the wood. See Woodman and the trees. Man and the wooden god. See Man and his wooden god. Man and turtle. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Man bitten by a dog. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). .•Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Man elephant. James. Man elephant. Man from Ringerige and the three women. See Such women are. Man, his son and his ass. See Man, the boy and the donkey. Man in the bag. See Turnip. Man in the iron mask. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. Man in the moon. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. (Why there is a man in the moon.) Judd. Classic myths. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. (Why there is a man in the moon.) Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Man, lion and statue. See Lion and statue. Man of brass. Baldwin. Golden fleece. Man of Gotham and the cheeses. Bailey. Firelight stories. Man of luck and the man of pluck. Wiggin and Smith. Talk- ing beasts. Man on the chimney. Coe. Second book of stories. Man that learned to fiy. See Daedalus and Icarus. Man that served the sea. Gregory. Kiltartan wonder book. Man, the boy and the donkey. Asop. Fables (Black ed. Old man, his son and the ass). .(Esop. Fables (Burt ed. Old man, his son and the ass). ^sop. Fables (Jacobs). ^sop. Fables (Stickney. Man, his son and his ass). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 3. (Old man and his donkey.) Scudder. Children's book. (Miller, his son and their ass.) Scudder. Fables and folk stories. (Miller, his son and their ass.) (play). Stevenson. Plays for the home. (Miller, his son and their donkey.) Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Old man, his son and the ass.) Man, the hare, the fox, and the bear. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. See also Fox, the bear and the poor farmer. Man who became a serpent. Nixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. Man who did not like to work. *Jones. Second reader. FAIRY TALES 167 Man who did not wish to die. Ozaki. Japanese fair^' book. Man who loved Hal Quai. Xixon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. Man who loved money better than life. Davis and Chow- Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Man who married a goose. Success library, v. 3. Man who married the moon. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Man who never died. See Aurora and Tithonus. Man who was a hundred years young. Aunt Naomi. Jewish fairy tales and fables. Man who was going to mind the house. Asbjornscn. Folk and fairy tales. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. (Husband who was to mind the house.) Laboulaye. Fairy tales. {In Good woman, pt. 2. Neighbor Peter who was determined to rule his own house.) Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. (Grizzled Peter.) Tappan.' Folk stories and fables. (Husband who was to mind the house.) Thorne-Thomsen. East o' the sun and west o' the moon. (Hus- band who was to mind the house.) See also Wife of Auchtermuchty. Man who went to the land of youth. See Last of the Feni. Man who wouldn't keep Sunday. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Man with the bell. Baring-Gould. Old English fairy book. Man with the green weeds. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Man with the wen. Ballard. Fairy tales from far Japan. Ozaki. Japanese fairy book. (How an old man lost his wen.) Tappan. Myths from many lands. (Elves and the envious neighbor.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (Old man and the devils.) Williston. Japanese fairy tales. 2d series. (Old man with a wart.) Man without a heart. I. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Man without a heart. II. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Lang. Golden mermaid and other stories. Lang. Pink fair>' book. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. See also Giant who had no heart. Manabozho and his toe. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Manabozho and how the diver got a fiat back. Wade. Indian fairy talcs. See also Great wizard. Manabozho and the squirrels. Coe and Christie. Story hour readers. 3(1 book. (Manitou and the squirrels.) Wade. Indian fairy tales. Manabozho caught. Judd. Wigwam stories. (Menabozho caught.) Manabozho swallowed by a large fish. Judd. Wigwam .stones. Wade. Iiiflian fairy tales. (Manabozho's fishing.) 168 FAIRY TALES Manabozho, Wonderful deeds of. Nixon-Roulet. Indian folk talcs. See also (ireat wizard. Manabozho's fishing. See Manabozho swallowed by a large fish. Manawyddan and the mice. See Escape of the mouse. Manawyddan and the seven enchanted cantrevs. See Escape of the mouse. Manis the besom man. MacManus. In chimney corners. Manis the miller. MacManus. Donegal fairy stories. Manitou and the squirrels. See Manabozho and the squirrels. Man's boot (play). Lansing. Quaint old stories. Welsh. Stories children love. Man's daughter and the woman's daughter. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales. Dasent. Popular takes from the Norse. (Two step-sisters.) Lang. Orange fairy book. (Two caskets.) Lang. Twelve huntsmen and other stories. (Two caskets.) Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. (Two caskets.) See also Mother Holle. Manstin, the rabbit. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Zitkala-Sa. Old Indian legends. Mantle of king's beards. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Manus. Lang. Orange fairy book. (Story of Manus.) Many-furred creature. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. (Prin- cess in disguise.) Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr. Princess in disguise). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Princess in disguise). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed. Catskin.) Lang. Forty thieves and other stories. (Allerleirauh.) Lang. Green fairy book. (Allerleirauh; or, The many-furred creature.) Singleton. Wild flower fairy book. (Princess in disguise.) Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Maple. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 3. Maple-leaf and the violet. Wiggin and Smith. Story hour. March's ears. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Margery White Coats. Grierson. Children's book of Celtic stories. Marko the rich and Vasily the luckless. See Three wonderful beggars. Marriage of King Herla. Canton. Reign of King Herla. Marriage of Mrs. Reynard. See W^edding of Mrs. Fox. Marriage of Mondahmin. Judd. Wigwam stories. Marriage of Robin Redbreast and the wren. See Robin's Christmas song. Marriage of Robin Redbreast and Jenny Wren. See Robin's Christmas song. Marsh king's daughter. Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Marsyas and Apollo. Francillon. Gods and heroes. (Flayed piper.) FAIRY TALES 169 Marten and the white rabbit. Judd. Wigwam stories. Martyred hound. See Beth Gclkrt. Marvelous musician. See Wonderful musician. Marvelous tower. Judson and Bender. Graded literature readers. tjth book. Mary Ambree (poem). Lanier. Boy's Percy. Master. Xordau. Dwarf's spectacles. Master and his pupil. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Johnson. Fir-tree fair>^ book. Lang. Golden mermaid and other stories. Lang. Pink fairy book. Success library, v. 3. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. See also Farmer Weatherbeard. Master and his scholar, .^sop. Fables (Black ed.). -■Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Master and man. Yeats. Irish fairy tales. Master cat. See Puss in boots. Master Chanticleer and Dame Hen. Bailey. Firelight stories. See also Spider and the flea. Master fool. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Master Jacob. Pyle, H. Wonder clock. Master-maid. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Lang. Blue fairy book. Lang. Dick Whittington and other stories. Master of all masters. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Master Rabbit. Stebbins. 3d reader. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 4th reader. (Master Rabbit as a fisherman.) Wade. Indian fairy tales. Master Rabbit as a fisherman. See Master Rabbit. Master Reinecke and Gockeling the cock. See Cock and the fox. 111. Master-smith. See Smith and the devil. Master thief. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Lang. Red fairy book. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. See also lack the cunning thief. Master Tobacco. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Master weaver. James. Man elephant. Mastiff and the curs. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Mastiff and the ftoose. yE^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Matariki; or. The little eyes. Success library, v. 3. .SV^* also Pleiades. Matchless hunter. .SV^- .'\mbitious hunter and the skilful fisher. Matsuyama mirror. See Mirror of Matsuyania. .Matter of arbitration, .^^sop. Fables (Burt ed. Litigious cats). Wiggin anfl Smith. Talking beasts. Matter of importance. Richards. Golden windows. 170 FAIRY TALES Matthias the hunter's stories. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Maximilian and the goose boy. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. May Blossom. See Sleeping beauty. Medea. See Argonauts. Medio PoUito. Mace. Home fairy tales. See also Drakesbill and his friends. Medusa. See Perseus. Meeting of Huon and Oberon. Lang. Red romance book. Melampus. *Beckwith. In mythland. v. 3. (Melampus, the wise one.) Lang, L. B. All sorts of stories book. (Serpent's gifts.) Melangell's lambs. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Meleager and Atalanta. See Calydonian hunt. Melilot. Rhys. Fairy gold. Melodious napkin. Byrne. Modern Greek fairy tales. Melon and the professor. Davis and Chow-Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Memaloose Islands, Legend of. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Men of Ardudwy. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Men of Gotham and the watch. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Menabozho. See Manabozho. Merchant. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Merchant and his donkey. See Donkey and the salt. Merchant and his iron. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Merchant and the genie. Arabian nights (Dodge ed.). Arabian nights (Lang. Story of the merchant and the genius). Arabian nights (Townsend. Story of the merchant and the genie). Jenks. Tales of fantasy. Scudder. Children's book. Merchant and the genius. See Merchant and the genie. Merchant's daughter. Baring. Blue rose fairy book. Merchant's daughter of Bristol. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. Mercury. See Hermes and Apollo. Mercury and the carver. ^Esop. Fables (Black ed.). ^-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Mercury and woodman. See Honest woodman. Merlin the enchanter. Baldwin. Stories of the king. (Beguil- ing of Merlin.) Higginson. Tales of the enchanted islands of the Atlantic. Lang. Book of romance. (Passing of Merlin.) Mermaid. L See Little mermaid. Mermaid. H. Rhys. Fairy gold. Mermaid and the boy. Lang. Beauty and the beast, and other stories. Lang. Brown fair}- book. Mermaid wife. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Mermaids. Alcott. Lulu's librar>'. v. 2. Mermaid's gift. Brown, J. Mermaid's gift, and other stories. FAIRY TALES 171 Merry wives. Lang. Aladdin and other stories. Lang. Pink fairy book. Merrymind, Story of. Browne. Granny's wonderful chair. Metal pig. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Mice and tlie cat. See Belling the cat. Mice and the trap. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Mice in counciL See Belling the cat. Michael Scott. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. See also Warlock o' Oakwood. Micky and the maccaroni. Macdonell. Italian fairy book. See also Old woman and her pig. Midas. L Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature. V. 2. (King Midas.) Blaisdell. Child life. 2d reader. (King Midas.) *Bowen. Second stor>' reader. (There are better things than gold.) Francillon. Gods and heroes. (Too much gold.) Hartley. Stories from the Greek legends. (Story of King Midas.) Hawthorne. Wonder book. (Golden touch.) Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. (King Midas and the golden touch.) Judd. Classic myths. (Why rivers have golden sands.) Mabie. Myths every child should know. (Golden touch.) Pratt. Myths of old Greece, v. 2. (King Midas.) Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. Tappan. Stories from the classics. (Golden touch.) Wiltse. Kindergarten stories. (Story of King Midas.) Midas. H. Bryant. How to tell stories. (Judgment of Midas.) Br^^ant. Best stories to tell to children. (Judgment of Midas.) Cowles. Art of stor>- telling. (King Midas' ears.) Francillon. Gods and heroes. (The critic.) Hartley. Stories from the Greek legends. (Story of King Midas.) Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. (King Midas; Why Kmg Midas had asses' ears.) Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. (Judgment of Midas.) Pratt. Myths of old Greece, v. 2. (King Midas.) Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. See also Pan. Midgard serpent. See Thor: Thor's fishing. Midridge, Myth of. Hartland. English folk and fairy talcs. Midsummer night's dream. Rolfe. Fairy tales in prose and \erse. Midsummer's night dance. Stewart. Once upon a time. Mighty hero of olden times. See Hercules and his labors. Mignon. Bakhvin. Fifty famous stories. Milk-white doo. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. riritrson. Sf:ottish fairy book. See also Juniper trci-. Milkmaid and her pail. See Milkmaid and her pail of milk. 172 FAIRY TALES Milkmaid and her pail of milk, i^isop. Fables (Burt ed. Alaid and the pail of milk.) /Esop. Fables (Jacobs), .^sop. Fables (Stickney). Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. (Milkmaid and her pail.) Scudder. Children's book. (Country maid and her milk pail.) Scudder. Fables and folk stories. (Country maid and her milk pail.) Tappan. Folk stories and fables. (Country maid and the milkpail.) Welsh. Stories children love. (Maid and the pail of milk.) Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Dairywoman and the pot of milk.) See also Broken pot; Lad and the fox; Barber's fifth brother; Maid with her basket of eggs. Milkweed fairies. Bakewell. True fair>- stories. Milky way. Judd. Classic myths. Mill. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. (Legends of the mill.) Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. (Haunted mill; Another haunted mill.) Miller at the Professor's examination. Hartland. English folk and fairy talcs. Miller, his son and their ass. See Man, the boy and the donkey. Miller of the Dee. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Miller's boy and his cat. Grimm. Fairy tales (PauU tr.). Ruskin. King of the Golden River and other stories. (Poor miller's boy and the cat.) See also White cat. Miller's daughter. L Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. Miller's daughter. IL See Rumpelstiltskin. Millet thief. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Mind the crooked finger. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Mineral springs, Origin of. Judson. K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Minerva. See Arachne; Athens. Minerva and the owl. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Minerva's olive. .-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Mink and the wolf. Lang. Orange fair>- book. Minnehaha, Laughing-water. Maud. Heroines of poetr>'. Minnikin. See Shortshanks. Minnows with silver tails. Alderman. Classics old and new. 4th reader. Ingelow. Stories told to a child, v. 1. Minotaur. See Theseus. Minstrel. Baring. Blue rose fairy book. Minstrel's song. Lindsay. Mother stories. Miracle of Purun Bhagat. Kipling. Second jungle book. Miraculous pitcher. See Baucis and Philemon. Mirror of Matsuyama. Ballard. Fairy tales from far Japan. (Magic mirror.) Lyman. Story telling. Ozaki. Japanese fairy book. FAIRY TALES 173 Mirror of Matsuyama — continued. Welsh. Stories children love. (Filial girl.) Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. (Matsuyama mirror.) Williston. Japanese fairy tales. Mirror of the sun goddess. See Sword of the assembled clouds of heaven. Mischievous boy. See Naughty boy. Mischievous dog. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). ••Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). .-Esop. Fables (Stickney). Miser, ^sop. Fables (Black ed. Covetous man). .Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). .Esop. Fables (Jacobs. Miser and his gold). /Esop. Fables (Stickney). Miser and his gold. See Miser. Miser and his wife. Welsh. Stories children love. Miser and Plutus (poem). Success library, v. 3. Miser and the magpie. ^Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Miser of Takhoma. Cowles. Art of story-telling. Judd. Wigwam stories. (A Rip Van \\ inkle.) Judson. K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Mish-Queey Enin. Allen. Indian fairy tales. Mishosha, the magician of the lake. Pyle, K. Fairy tales from many lands. Miss Careless. Mace. Home fairy tales. Miss Cow falls a victim to Mr. Rabbit. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Miss Lilly Dove. Cocke. Bypaths in Di.xie. Miss Peggy and the frog. Harrison, C. C. Old-fashioned fairy book. Miss Queen Bee. Cocke. Bypaths in Dixie. Miss Rabbit's wedding dress. Young. Behind the dark pines. Miss Race Hoss an' de fleas. Cocke. Bypaths in Dixie. Miss Race Hoss's party. Cocke. Bypaths in Dixie. Miss Woodpecker's bonnet. Young. Behind the dark pines. Missing man found. Johnson. Oak-tree fairj' book. Mr. See also Brother. Owing to the inconsistent use of these terms, entries under both heads should be consulted. Mr. and Mrs. Leghorn. Spaulding and Bryce. Aldine readers. 2d reader. (Drowning of Mr. Leghorn; Starving of Mrs. Leghorn; Mr. and Mrs. Leghorn to the rescue.) Mr. and Mrs. Leghorn to the rescue. See Mr. and Mrs. Leghorn. Mr. and Mrs. Spikky Sparrow. Van Sickle and Seegmillcr. Riverside readers. 2d reader. Mr. and Mrs. Vinegar. See Mr. Vinegar. Mister Bad '.Simmon Tree. Cocke. Bypaths in Dixie. Mr. Bear catches old Mr. Bull-frog. Harris. I ncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Mr. Benjamin Ram and his wonderful fiddle. Harris. Nights with I'ncle Remus. 174 FAIRY TALES Mr. Benjamin Rum defends himself. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Mr. Blake's walking-stick. Eggleston. Queer stories for boys and girls. Mr. Elephant and Mr. Frog. Bailey. Firelight stories. Mr. Fox. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles (Warne ed.). Rhys. Fairy gold. See also Robber bridegroom; Sweetheart in the wood. Mr. Fox and Miss Goose. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. _ Mr. Fox and the deceitful frogs. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Mr. Fox figures as an incendiary. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Mr. Fox gets into serious business. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Mr. Fox goes a-hunting, but Mr. Rabbit bags the game. Coussens. Child's book of stories. (Fox and the rabbit.) Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Mr. Fox is again victimized. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Mr. Fox is "outdone" by Mr. Buzzard. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Mr. Goat and Mr. Tiger. See Brother Tiger and Daddy Sheep. Mister Grab-all Spider. Cocke. Bypaths in Dixie. Mr. Hawk and Brother Buzzard. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Mr. Hawk and Brother Rabbit. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Mr. Korbes. See Herr Korbes. Mr. Lion hunts for Mr. Man. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Mr. Lion's sad predicament. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Mr. Man has some meat. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Mr. Miacca. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. (Mr. Micrawble.) O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. Mr. Micrawble. See Mr. Miacca. Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Bear. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Mr. Rabbit as a rain-maker. Harris. Little Mr. Thimblefinger. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 4th reader. (Rain-maker. Brother Rabbit's story.) Mr. Rabbit finds his match at last. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Mr. Rabbit grossly deceives Mr. Fox. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Mr. Rabbit meets his match again. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. FAIRY TALES 175 Mr. Rabbit nibbles up the butter. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Mister Rattlesnake. Cocke. Bypaths in Dixie. Mr. Snail and Brother Wolf. OrtoH. Evening tales. Mister Tall Pine's Christmas tree. Cocke. Bypaths in Dixie. Mr. Terrapin appears upon the scene. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Mr. Terrapin shows his strength. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Mr. Vinegar. Bailey. Firelight stories. (Mr. and Mrs. Vinegar.) Baldwin. Another fair>' reader. (Mr. Vinegar and his for- tune.) Coussens. Child's book of stories. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Howard. Banbury Cross stories. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles (Warne ed.). Rhys. Fairy gold. (Air. and Mrs. Vinegar.) Welsh. Stories children love. (Story of Mr. Vinegar.) See also Dame Gudbrand; Hans in luck. Mr. Vinegar and his fortune. See Mr. Vinegar. Mr. Wolf makes a failure. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Mr. Wolf tackles Old Man Tarrypin. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Mistletoe. See Baldur and the mistletoe. Mrs. Chinchilla. W'iggin and Smith. Story hour. Mrs. Fox. See Wedding of Mrs. Fox. Mrs. Margery Two Shoes. See Goody Two-Shoes. Mrs. Partridge's errand. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 3d reader. Mrs. Santa Claus. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Mrs. Specklety Hen. Lindsay. More mother stories. Misunderstanding. Richards. Golden windows. Mkaaah Jeechonee, the boy hunter. Bateman. Zanzibar tales. Mocking bird. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Mocking bird's singing-school. Eggleston. Queer stories for boys and girls. Mogarzea and his son. Lang. Beauty and the beast, and other stories. Lang. Violet fairy book. Mohammed with the magic finger. Lang. Trusty Joiui and other stories. Lang. Violet fairy book. Mole and her mother, ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables fBurt ed. Mole and her dam). Mole and her dam. See Mole and her mother. Mole, Origin of. Bain. Cossack fairy tales. Molly Whuppie. Jacobs. English fairy tales. See also Sniallhead and the King's son. 176 FAIRY TALES Momotaro; or, The story of the son of a peach. Ballard. Fairy talcs from far Japan. (Momotaro; or, The peach boy.) P"ield. Famous fairy tales. Finnemore. Peeps at many lands. Japan. Ozaki. Japanese fairy book. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. (Adventures of Little Peachling.) Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. (Japanese fairy tale.) Williston. Japanese fairy tales. 2d series. (Peach Darling.) Mondahmin. See First corn. II. Money-box. See Money-pig. Money-pig. Andersen. Fairy tales (PauU tr. Money box.) Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (Money-box.) Money will buy everything. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Monk and the bird. See Monk and the bird's song. Monk and the bird of paradise. See Monk and the bird's song. Monk and the bird's song. Crommelin. Famous legends. Gask. Folk tales from many lands. (Monk and the bird of paradise.) Lyman. Story telling. (Monk and the bird.) Scudder. Book of legends. (Monk and the bird.) Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. (Story of the little bird.) See also Abbot of Innisfalen. Monkey and the cat. See Cat, the monkey and the chestnuts. Monkey and the crows. Rouse. Talking thrush. Monkey and the jelly-fish. Lang. Twelve huntsmen and other stories. Lang. Violet fairy book. Ozaki. Japanese fairy book. (Jelly fish and the monkey.) Singleton. Wild flower fairy book. (Silly jelly fish.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (Silly jelly fish.) See also Rabbit's eyes. Monkey and the leopard (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Monkey captain. Henderson. Sea yarns for boys. Monkey finds worry. Stafford. Animal fables. Monkey, the shark and the washerman's donkey. Bateman. Zanzibar tales. Monkey tricks in the jungle. Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. Monkey who had seen the world (poem), ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Monkey's bargains. Rouse. Talking thrush. See also Hans in luck. Monkey's rebuke. Rouse. Talking thrush. Mons Tro. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Monster fish. Brown, A. F. Tales of the red children. Monster in the sun. .^isop. Fables (Burt ed.). FAIRY TALES 177 Months. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Moon and her mother. Hall and Oilman. Story land. 2d reader. Moon and the boy. See What the moon saw. Moon and the cuckoo. Xixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. Moon cake. Hall and Oilman. Story land. 2d reader. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Moon-calf. Richards. Toto's merry winter. Moon fancies. Hume. Chronicles of fairyland. Moon flowers and morning glories. Origin of. Bigham. 0\-er- heard in fairyland. Moon hare. James. Jewelled sea. Moon in the mill-pond. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Wiltse. Folklore stories. Moon maiden. Xi.xon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. Moon path. Allen. Indian fair}- tales. Moon, Story of. I. Wilson, Mrs. L. L. W. Nature study reader. (.Hottentot moon stor>-.) Moon, Story of. II. Hall and Oilman. Storyland. 2d reader. fWhat the children see in the moon.) Moon's story. Baldwin. Fairs- reader. Moorish dish, Story of the. Harrison, C. C. Bric-a-brac stories. Moor's story, Legend of the. Arnold and Oilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 7. Judson and Bender. Oraded literature readers, v. 7. Mop servant. Orierson. Children's book of Celtic stories. Moqui boy and the eagle. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. More modern ballad of Chevy Chace. See Chevy Chase. More trouble for Brother Wolf. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Morning-dew. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. Morning glory seed, Story of the. Arnold and Gilbert. Step- ping stones to literature, v. 3. Morning star. Brooks. Stories of the red children. Farmer. Nature myths. (Legend of the morning star.) Judd. Wigwam stories. (Where the morning star came from.) Pratt. Legends of the red children. (Legend of the morning star.) Tanner. Legends from the red man's forest. Moro's ears. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Morozko. See King Frost. Morraha. Graves. Irish fairy book. Jacfjbs. More Celtic fairy tales. Veals. Irish fair\' tales. i i ■ i Moss-back sinner in every meeting house. Young. Behind the dark pines. Moss rose, Legend of. Pratt. Fairyland of flowers. Most extraordinary thing. Andersen. Stories and talcs (..Author s ed.). Most frugal of men. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Most obedient wife. Orundlvig. Fairy tales from afar. 178 FAIRY TALES Most powerful husband in the world, Cary. Fairy legends of the French provinces. See also Rats and their son-in-law. Mother and daughter who worshipped the sun. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Mother and maid. See Proserpina. Mother Bertha's stories. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Mother Goose's party. Edey. Six giants and a griffin. Mother Hildegarde. Pyle, H. Wonder clock. Mother Holle. *Bald\vin. Fairy reader. (Lost spindle). Blaisdell. Child life. 3d reader. Grimm. Fair>' tales (Lucas t'r. Mother Hulda). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr. Mother Hulda). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Widow's two daughters). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Lang. Red fair}- book. Singleton. Wild flower fairy book. Welsh. Fairy tales children love. (Mother Hulda.) See also Black box and red box; Gold Maria and Pitch Maria; Man's daughter and the woman's daughter; Old witch. Mother Hubbard and her wonderful dog. See Old Mother Hub- bard. Mother Hulda. See Mother Holle. Mother Michel and her cat. Carrick. Kitty cat tales. Mother Moon. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Mother of the sea. Byrne. Modern Greek fair>' tales. Mother Roundabout's daughter. Asbjornsen. Fairs- tales from the far north. (Lad who went wooing the daughter of old Mother Corner.) Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. \\ iggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Mother, Story of a. Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). See also Mother's love. Mother, the nurse, and the fairy (poem), ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Mother's love. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). See also Mother, Story of a. Mother's pet. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Moti. Lang. Lilac fairy book. Moti Guj. Alderman. Classics old and new. 3d reader. Motikatika. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Mouflflou. Alderman. Classics old and new. (Mufiflu.) Wiggin and Smith. Story hour. Mount Edgecomb, Alaska, Legend of. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Mount Tutokamula. Pratt. Legends of the red children. Mountain in labor. .^Esop. Fables (Burt ed. Mountains in labor.) yEsop. Fables (Jacobs. Mountains in labor). Welsh. Stories children love. FAIRY TALES 179 Mountain rose. Nixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. Mountains in labor. See Mountain in labor. Mouse and mouser (|poem). Jacobs. English fairy tales. See also Cattie sits in the kiln-ring spinning. Mouse and the elephant (poem). Fairy stories retold from St. Nicholas. (An island fable.) Mouse and the frog. ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). W'iggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Mouse and the lion. See Lion and the mouse. Mouse and the sausage. Keyes. Five senses. W'iggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Mouse and the weasel. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). .^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Mouse-deer's shipwreck. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Mouse family, Adventures of a. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. Mouse, the bird and the sausage. Darton. Wonder book of beasts. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed.). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). (play). Stevenson. Plays for the home. (Each in his own place). Mouse, the cat and the cock. ^sop. Fables (Burt ed. Young mouse, the cock and the cat). iEsop. Fables (Stickney). Grover. Folklore reader, v. 1. (Mouse, the cat and the rooster.) Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Young mouse, the cock and the cat.) Mouse, the cat and the rooster. See Mouse, the cat and the cock. Mouse, the frog and the hawk. ^sop. Fables (Stickney). Mouse tower. Gask. Folk tales from many lands. Mouse who became a tiger. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Mouse's revenge. Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. Mouseskin. Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. Mowgli's brothers. Kipling. Jungle book. Much shall have more and little shall have less. Pyle, H. Twilight land. Muchie Lai. PVere. Old Deccan days. Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. (Little Ruby fish.) Tappan. Myths from many lands. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Muckle-mou'ed Meg. Grierson. Children's tales from Scottish ballads. Muff, the fan and the parasol (poem). Success library, v. '.i. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Muinwa the rain fairy. Daniclson. Story telling lime. Mule. L i4Lsop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). 180 FAIRY TALES Mule. II. Gregory. Kiltartan wonder book. Mule and the lion. Davis and Chow-Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Mule, jackal and lion. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Mule laden with corn and the mule laden with gold. .^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Mules and the robbers. ^-Esop. Fables (Stickney). Munachar and Manachar. Bailey. Firelight stories. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Yeats. Irish fairy tales (Burt ed.). See also Cat and the mouse; Grain of corn; How the mouse got into his hole; Little Tuppen; Nanny who wouldn't go home to supper; Old woman and her pig; Sparrow and the bush. Munchausen, Baron. See Travels of Baron Munchausen. Murdoch McBrian and the King of Albain. Grierson. Scot- tish fairy book. Murdoch's rath. Ewing. Old-fashioned fairy tales. Murroghoo-More and Murroghoo-Beg. MacManus. In chim- ney corners. Murtough and the witch-woman. Graves. Irish fairy book. Muse of the coming age. Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Music of the sea. Farmer. Nature myths. Mussel and the crow. *Bowen. Second story reader. Muzhichek-as-big-as-your-thumbs-with-mustaches-seven- versts-long. Polevoi. Russian fairy tales. My flannel rooster. Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. My Lord Bag of Rice. See Lord Bag of Rice. My own self. Forty famous fairy tales. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. See also Ainsel. Myles McGarry and Donald McGarry. MacManus. In chim- ney corners. Mysterious garden. See Mystic garden. Mysterious island. Ortoli. Evening tales. Mysterious prince. Williams. Fairy tales from folklore. See also East o' the sun and west o' the moon; King Valemon, the white bear. Mysterious voice. Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. Mystic garden. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. (Mysterious garden.) Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. N N. S. bicycle. Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. Nail. Grimm. Fairy tales (PauH tr.). \'an Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 4th reader. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Nancy Fairy. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. FAIRY TALES 181 Nanny and Conn. MacManus. In chimney corners. Nanny who wouldn't go home to supper. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. (How they got Hairlock home.) Bailey. F'irelight stories. (How they brought Hairlock home.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Cat and the mouse; Grain of corn; How the mouse got into his hole; Little Tuppen; Munachar and Manachar; Old woman and her pig; Sparrow and the bush. Nansi Llwyd and the dog of darkness. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Napi and the famine. Nixon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. Narcissus. See Echo and Narcissus. Naughty boy. Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paul! tr. Mischievous boy). Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Naughty brother and clever sister. Nordau. Dwarf's spec- tacles. Naughty comet. Richards. Toto's merr>- winter. Naughty Jocko. Alcott. Lulu's library-, v. 1. Nayang-wite, the first rabbit drive. Austin. Basket woman. Neck. Ewing. Old-fashioned fairy talcs. Necklace Brisingamen. See Freyja. Necklace of Princess Fiorimonde. Chisholm. In fairy land. Necklace of truth. Boys' and girls' fairy book. Coe. Second book of stories. Mace. Home fain,- tales. Ned Dog and Billy Goat. Cocke. Bypaths in Dixie. Ned Puw's farewell. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Nedzumi. See Rats and their son-in-law. Neighbor Peter who was determined to rule his own house. See Man who was going to mind the house. Neighboring families. Andersen. Fairy tales. (Paull tr. Roses and the sparrows.) Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Nengnie. Andrews. Enchanted forest. Neptune. Francillon. Gods and heroes. Judd. Classic myths. See also Athens. Ness king. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Nessus. See Hercules and his labors. Nest builders. See Magpie's nest. I. Nest that hung on the Christmas tree. Bailey. Stories and rhymes f(jr a child. Nettle-gatherer. Whittier. Child life in prose. Nettle spinner. Lang. Red fairy book. Never mind the money. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. New clothes of the emperor. .SV^* Emperor's new clothes. New Year, Story of the. Kelchum and Jorgensen. Kinder- garten gems. New Year's day in the garden. Sc iidder. Se\en little i)eoi)le. 182 FAIRY TALES News. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. (play). Lansing. Quaint old stories. Nezumi the beautiful. See Rats and their son-in-law. Niagara Falls. See Bended rocks. Nianga Dia Ngenga and Leopard. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Niels and the giants. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Niflheim. See Odin's search for wisdom. Night before Christmas. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Night bird. Farmer. Nature myths. Night with Santa Claus. Coe. Second book of stories. Nightingale. L Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Turpin). Andersen. Stories (Riverside ed.). Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Bryant. Best stories to tell to children. Bryant. Stories to tell to children. Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. Keyes. Five senses. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Scudder. Children's book. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. (Emperor's nightingale.) Nightingale. IL Bakewell. True fairy stories. Nightingale and his cage. ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Nightingale and the glow-worm (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Nightingale and the rose. Wilde. Fairy tales. Night's divining glass. Ingelow. Stories told to a child, v. 2. Nils and the bear. Cowles. Art of story telling. Nimble Johnny-cake. See Johnny-cake. Nimmo, the trap maker. Allen. Indian fairy tales. Nimmy Nimmy Not. See Tom Tit Tot. Nine brothers who were changed to sheep, and their sisters. Cary. Fairy legends of the French provinces. Nine pea-hens and the golden apples. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. (Golden apple-tree and the nine pea- hens.) Lang. Violet fairy book. See also Seven golden pea-hens. Nineteen hundred and seventy-two. Ingelow. Stories told to a child. V. 2. Niobe. Francillon. Gods and heroes. (Stories of Latona and Niobe.) Hartley. Stories from the Greek legends. (Story of Niobe and the Lady Latona; or, How a mother's pride was humbled.) Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. Pratt. Myths of Old Greece, v. 1. (Niobe's children.) Tappan. Stories from the classics. Nippie Nutcracker. Coolidge. New Year's bargain. Nippit fit and Clippit fit. Grierson. Scottish fairy book. See also Cinderella. Rashin Coatie. I and II. FAIRY TALES 183 Nis and the dame. Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Nis at the grocer's. Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr. Goblin and the huckster). Andersen. Fair}' tales (Paull tr. Goblin and the huckster). Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Lang. Pink fairy book. (Goblin and the grocer.) Lang. Snow-queen and other stories. (Goblin and the grocer.) Nisus and Euryalus. Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. Nix in mischief. Ewing. Old-fashioned fairy tales. Nix in the pond. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr. Sprite of the mill pond). Grimm. Household tales. (Everyman's ed. W'atcr fairy.) Lang. Invisible prince and other stories. (Nixy.) Lang. Yellow fairy book. (Nixy.) Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. (Nixy.) Nix Nought Nothing. Forty famous fairy tales. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. See also Battle of birds; Lady Featherflight. Nixy. See Xix in the pond. Njal's burning. Lang. Red romance book. No ears. Macdonell. Italian fairy book. Norka. Lang. Red fairy book. North Pole discovered. Henderson. Sea yarns for boys. North star. Cowles. Art of story-telling. Judd. WigAvam stories. North wind and Star boy. Eastman. \\'igwam evenings. North wind and the duck. Blaisdell. Child life. 3d reader. (North wind's defeat.) Brooks. Stories of the red children. Judd. WigAvam stories. (North wind's defeat.) Pratt, M. L. Legends of the red children. (Shingebiss.) North wind and the south wind. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. North wind, Legend of the. See Lad who went to the north wind. North wind's defeat. See North wind and the duck. Northern Lights. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Northland, Legend of the. See Why the woodpecker's head is red. Northumberland betrayed by Douglas. (poem.) Lanier. Boy's Percy. Norwegian wedding crown's story. Harrison, C. C. Bric-a-brac stories. Nose. See Nose-tree. Nose and the eyes (poem). Arnold and (iilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 5. fpoemj. Scudder. Children's book. Nose-tree. Coussens. Child's book of stories. (Nose.) firimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 3. (Nose.) 184 FAIRY TALES Nose- tree — continued. Scudder. Children's book. (Nose.) Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. (Three soldiers and the dwarf.) \\ elsh. Fairy tales children love. (Nose.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Kenneth the Yellow; Little soldier; Princess Longnose. Noses. See Are you not satisfied? Not a pin to choose. Pyle, H. Twilight Land. Not a pin to choose between them. See All women are alike. Notorious glutton (poem). Scudder. Children's book. Noureddin AH and his son. Arabian nights (Townsend. Story of Noureddin Ali and his son). Noureddin and the beautiful Persian. Arabian nights (Lang. Noureddin and the fair Persian). Arabian nights (Townsend. Histor>' of Noureddin and the beautiful Persian). Noureddin and the fair Persian. See Noureddin and the beauti- ful Persian. Nuckelavee. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Nunda, eater of people. Lang. Violet fair>' book. Nurse and the wolf. iEsop. Fables (Black ed.). .(Csop. Fables (Burt ed.). .^sop. Fables (Jacobs). ^sop. Fables (Stickney). Nut-brown maid (poem). Lanier. Boy's Percy. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. Nutcracker and SugardoUy. Bailey. Firelight stories. Drake. Fair>- tales from South Africa. Nya-nya Bulembu ; or, The moss-green princess. Bourhilfand Nymph and the dryad. Kennedy. New world fairy book. Nymph of the well. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements." o Oak and the reed. iEsop. Fables (Black ed.). ^sop. Fables (Burt ed. Oak and the reeds). iEsop. Fables (Jacobs. Tree and the reed). .(€isop. Fables (Stickney). Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. (Tree and the reeds.) Scudder. Fables and folk stories. (Reeds and the oak.) (poem). Success library, v. 3. (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Oak and the willow, ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Oaken settle's story. Harrison, C. C. Bric-a-brac stories. Obstinate shoemaker. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Ocean, Origin of. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Ocean sleeping beauty. Goddard- Fairy tales in other lands. See also Sleeping beauty. Ocean wonders. Brown, A. F. Star jewels. FAIRY TALES 185 Odin. Judd. Classic myths. (Wodin, god of the northern sky.) See also Odin's search for wisdom; Odin and the mead; Geirrod: Geirrod and Odin. Odin and the mead. Bradish. Old Norse stories. (Beginning of poetrj-.) Brown, A. F. In the days of giants. (Kvasir's blood.) Edmison. Stories from Norseland. Mabie. Norse stories. (How Odin brought the mead to Asgard.) Pratt. Legends of Norseland. (Stolen wine.) Odin's search for wisdom. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature. 5th reader. (Odin.) Brown, A. F. In the days of giants. (How Odin lost his eye.) Foster and Cummings. Asgard stories. (Odin's reward.) Keary. Heroes of Asgard. (Niflheim.) Litchfield. Nine worlds. (Odin seeks wisdom from Mimir.) Alabie. Myths every child should know. (How Odin lost his eye.) Mabie. Norse stories. Pratt. Legends of Norseland. (Odin at the well of wisdom.) Odysseus. See Ulysses. (Edipus. *Beckwith. In mythland. v. 3. (A riddle.) *Bowen. Second story reader. (Story of a riddle.) Buckley. Children of" the dawn. (Riddle of the Sphinx.) Cole. Heroes of the olden time. Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. ((Edipus at Colonos.) Oeyvind and Marit. O 'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. Whittier. Child life in prose. Ogier the Dane. Baldwin. Hero tales told in school. (Ogier the Dane and the fairies.) Lang. Red romance book. Wilmot-Bu.xton. Stories from old French romance. (Story of the enchanted knight.) Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of early England. (Olger the Dane.) Ogquos, the Cloud Catcher. Allen. Indian fairy tales. Ogre. Lang. Grey fairy book. Marshall. Fainy- tales of all nations. Ogre courting. Ewing. Old-fashioned fairy tales. Ogre of Rashomon. Ozaki. Japanese fairy book. Ogre's wife. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Ogress and the cook. Harrison, C. C. Old-fashioned fair>' book. Oh. Bain. Cossack fairy tales. Field. Famous fairy talcs. See also Wizard and his pupil. Ohnivak. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Oisin in Tir na n-Og. See Last of the Fcni. Old bachelor's night-cap. .-Xmlcrsen. Fairy talcs (Paul! tr.). .\nflcrs(_-ii. Stories and talcs (".Xuthur's ed.). Old Brother Terrapin gets some fish. Harris. Nights with I'ncie Remus. Old brown coat. Scudder. Seven little people. 186 FAIRY TALES Old church bell. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Old dame and her hen. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Old deer and old grizzly. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Old dog. Bain. Cossack fairy tales. Old-fashioned Christmas Eve. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Old Father Bruin in the wolf pit. See Father Bruin in the corner. Old Fortunatus. See Fortunatus. Old grandfather and his grandson. See Old man and his grandson. Old grasshopper gray. See Aurora and Tithonus. Old gravestone. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales. (Author's ed.). Old griffin. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Old Grinny-Granny Wolf. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Old Grizzly and Old Antelope. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Old hag of the forest. MacManus. In chimney corners. Old hag's long leather bag. Bailey. Firelight stories. (Little boy who found his fortune.) Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. (Two brothers and the old witch.) MacManus. Donegal fairy tales. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring (Long leather bag). See also Old witch. Old horse. See Fox and the horse. Old hound. yEsop. Fables (Black ed.). yEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). /Esop. Fables (Stickney). Old house. Andersen. Fair>' tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Turpin). Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Old King Cole. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. Old lady of Littledean. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Old lion. I. See Sick lion. Old lion. II. See Lion, the fox and the beasts. Old Man Above and the grizzlies. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Old man and death. See Death and the woodman. Old man and his ass (poem). .(Esop. Fables (Stickney). Success library, v. 3. (Sapient ass.) (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Old man and the ass.) Old man and his donkey. See Man, the boy and the donkey. Old man and his grandson. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Fairy tales (Paul! tr. Old grandfather and his grand- son). *Haaren. Songs and stories. 2d reader. (play). Stevenson. Plays for the home. See also Old man and his son. . Old man and his son. Success librar>\ v. 3. See also Old man and his grandson. Old man and his sons. See Bundle of sticks. FAIRY TALES 187 Old man and the angel. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.)- Old man and the ass. See Old man and his ass. Old man and the devils. See Man with the wen. Old man Gully's hant. Cocke. Bypaths in Di.Kie. Old man, his son and the ass. See Alan, the boy and the donkey. Old man in the sky. Judd. Wigwam stories. Old man of the meadow. See Aurora and Tithonus. Old Man Rabbit's Thanksgiving dinner. Bailey. For the stor\- teller. Old man who brought withered trees to life. See Old man who made withered trees to flower. Old man who made the trees blossom. See Old man who made withered trees to flower. Old man who made withered trees to flower. Ballard. Fairy tales from far Japan. (Old man who made the trees blossom.) Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. (Envious neighbors.) Lang. Violet fairy book. (Envious neighbor.) Lyman. Story telling. (Old man who brought withered trees to life.) Ozaki. Japanese fairy book. (Story of the old man who made withered trees to flower.) Pvle, K. Fair\- tales from many lands. (Faithful dog.) Tappan. Myths from many lands. (Ashes that made trees bloom.) Old man with a wart. See Man with a wen. Old Mr. Rabbit, he's a good fisherman. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sa>"ings. Old Mother Hubbard. ' Grover. Folk-lore readers, v. 1. Jerrold. Big book of nursery rhymes. O'Shea. Six nursery classics. (Mother Hubbard and her won- derful dog.) Old Mother Wiggle- Waggle. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Old Nick and the girl. Djurklo. Fairv tales from the Swedish. Old Nick and the pedlar. Djurklo. Fain,- tales from the Swedish. Old oak-tree's last dream. See Last dream of the old oak. Old Pipes and the dryad. Lyman. Story telling. Stockton. Bee-man of Orn, and other talcs. Stockton. Fanciful tales. Stockton. Queen's museum. Old street lamp. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Old Sultan. Grimm. Fairv tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Fair>' tales (Paull tr. Old Sultan and his friends). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Old Sultan and his friends) . Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Fox and the cat. Ill; War of the wolf and the lox. Whileling's war with Isegrim. Old Sultan and his friends. See Old Sultan. 188 . FAIRY TALES Old trout, the young trout and the gudgeon, .^sop. Fables (Burt c(l.). Old White Whiskers and Mr. Bunny. Griffis. Unmannerly tiger and other Korean tales. Old Winter Man and the Spring Maiden. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. (Legend of the arbutus.) Brooks. Stories of the red children. (Winter and Spring.) Cowles. Art of stor\'-teIling. (Legend of the arbutus.) Judd. Wigwam stories. (Legend of the arbutus.) Poulsson. In the child's world. (Indian legend of the arbutus.) Tanner. Legends from the red man's forest. (Winter and Spring.) Wilson, G. L. Myths of the red children. Wilson, Mrs. L. L. W. Nature study reader. (Legend of the Spring beauty.) Old witch. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. See also Old hag's long leather bag; Mother Holle. Old woman and her maids. yEsop. Fables (Black ed.). iEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). ^sop. Fables (Stickney. Widow and her little maids.) Scudder. Children's book. (Woman and her maids.) Scudder. Fables and folk stories. (Woman and her maids.) Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Old woman and her pig. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Bryant. Best stories to tell to children. Bryant. How to tell stories to children. Coe. First book of stories. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Howard. Banbury Cross stories. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Klingensmith. Household stories. Lang. Nursery rhyme book. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles (Warne ed.). Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 1. O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. O'Shea. Six nurser>' classics. Scudder. Book of folk stories. *Treadwell. Reading literature: primer. Welsh. Stories children love. (Story of the old woman and her pig-) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Cat and the mouse; Grain of corn; How the mouse got into his hole; Little Tuppen; Munachar and Manachar; Nanny who wouldn't go home to supper; Sparrow and the bush; Micky and the maccaroni. Old woman and the doctor. ALsop. Fables (Burt ed.). ^sop. Fables (Burt ed. Old woman and the physician). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Old woman and the empty cask. See Old woman and the wine jar. FAIRY TALES 189 Old woman and the fish. Djurklo. Fairy tales from the Swedish. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Old woman and the physician. See Old woman and the doctor. Old woman and the tramp. Djurklo. Fairy tales from the Swedish. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Stone broth. Old woman and the wine jar. iEsop. Fables (Black cd. Old woman and the empt>' cask). /Esop. Fables i^Burt ed.). .£sop. Fables (Jacobs). Old woman in the wood. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Old woman who lived in a shoe. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. Old woman who lived in a vinegar bottle. O'Grady and Throop. Teacher's story tellers' book. See also Fisherman and his wife. Old woman who lost her dumplings. See Laughing dumpling. Old woman's cat. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. (Lean cat and the fat cat.) Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Ole-Luk-Oie, the dream-god. Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr. Ole-Luk-Oie, the dustman). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed. Ole-Shut-Eye). Haaren. Songs and stories. 2d reader. (Sandman.) Ole-Shut-Eye. See Ole-Luk-Oie, the dream god. Ole the watchman. Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). On top of the ark. Coolidge. Mischief's Thanksgiving. One-eye, Two-eyes, Three-eyes. Chisholm. In fairy land. (Little One-eye, Little Two-eyes and Little Three-eyes.) Klingensmith. ' Household stories for little readers. (Little One-eye, Two-eyes, Three-eyes.) Lang. Forty thieves and other stories. Lang. Green fairy book. Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Mabie. Heroes and fairies. Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. Mulock. Fairy book. O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. Scudder. Book of folk stories. (Little One-eye, Two-eyes, Thrcc-cvcs.) Scudder. Children's book. (Little One-eye, Two-eyes, Three- eves.) Scudder. Fables and folk stories. (Little One-eye, Little Two- eyes, and Little Three-eyes.) Tappan. Folk stories and fables (Little One-eye, Two-eyes, Three eyes.) Welsh. Fairy tales children love. One-eyed doe. JEsop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. P'ables (Burt cd.). /Esr>p. Fables (Jacobs). iEsop. Fables (Stickney). 190 FAIRY TALES One-eyed servant. Ingelow. Stories told to a child, v. 1. One-footed fairy. Brown, A. One-footed fairy. One good turn deserves another. Pyle, H. Wonder clock. One-handed girl. Lang. Lilac fairy book. One minute at a time. See Discontented pendulum. One swallow does not make a summer. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 2. One who loved him most. Judd. Wigwam stories. One who travelled to learn what shivering meant. See Youth who could not shiver and shake. One who would harm. Tappan. Old ballads in prose. One's own children are always the prettiest. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Crow's children. Opeeche, the robin redbreast. See How the robin came. Open door. Richards. Golden windows. Orange fairy. Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. Order and disorder. Edgeworth. Waste not, want not. Welsh. Stories children love. Ore-ka-rahr. Grinnell. Pawnee hero stories. Orestes. Church. Greek story and song. Orestes and the dr&gon. Baring. Blue rose fairy book. Origin of, etc. See the first important word of the title. Oriole. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. (Story of the oriole.) Oriole's nest. Wiggin and Smith. Story hour. Orion. Coe. Second book of stories. (Orion, the starry hunts- man.) Francillon. Gods and heroes. (Diana and the story of Orion.) Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome. Judd. Classic myths. (Giant with a belt of stars.) See also Pleiades. Orpheus. Judd. Classic myths. (Orpheus, the south wind.) Orpheus and Eurydice. Adams. Myths of old Greece. Buckley. Children of the dawn. (Divine musician.) Burt and Ragozin. Herakles and other heroes. (Orpheus, the hero of the lyre.) Carpenter. Long ago in Greece. Firth. Stories of old Greece. (Orpheus, the sweet singer.) Francillon. Gods and heroes. Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome. Holbrook. Round the year in myth and song. Hutchinson. Orpheus with his lute. Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. Kupfer. Stories of long ago. (Stor>' of a sweet singer.) Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. Pratt. Myths of Old Greece, v. 3. Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. Tappan. Stories from the classics. See also Indian Orpheus. FAIRY TALES 191 Osborn Boots and Mr. Glibtongue. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Osborn's pipe. See Ashiepattle and the king's hares. Ossian in the land of youth. See Last of the Feni. Ottilia and the Death's head. Success library', v. 3. Ouphe of the woods. Ingelow. Stories told to a child, v. 2. Ingelow. Three fairy tales. Our parish clerk. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Ourson. Segur. French fair^' tales. Out of the nest. Lindsay. More mother stories. Outlaw. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Outwitting the devil. Hartland. English folk and fair>' tales. (Outwitting the bogie.) Owain. See Sir Owain and the lady of the fountain. Owain and the lady of the fountain. See Sir Owain and the lady of the fountain. Owen goes a-wooing. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Owl. Grimm. Fair\- tales (Paull tr.). Owl and his friends'. Stafford. Animals fables. Owl and Raven. See Why the raven's feathers are black. II. Owl and the birds. iEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Owl and the eagle. Lang. Orange fairy book. Owl and the grasshopper. ^-Esop. Fables (Black ed.). .^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). iEsop. Fables (Stickney). Owl and the nightingale.' JEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Owl and the raven. See Why the raven's feathers are black. II. Owl, Origin of the. Lanier. Knightly legends of Wales. Owls and the gamblesome elf. Pyle, K. Counterpane fairy. Owls, the bats, and the sun. .'Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Ox and the fly (poem). .-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Ox and the frog. See Frog and the ox. Oxen and the axle-trees. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). /Esop. P'ables (Stickney). Oxen and the balk of timber. Success library, v. 3. Oxen and the butchers. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Pa-hu-ka-tawa. Grinnell. Pawnee hero stories. P'a-i-shia. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Pack of vagabonds. See Vagabonds. Paddy Corcoran's wife. Yeats. Irish fairy tales. Paddy O'Kelly and the weasel. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. 1 . 1 r • Padishah of the forty peris. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish lairy tales. (Padishah of the thirty peris.) Kunos. Turkish fairv tales. Padishah of the thirty peris. See I'adishah of the forty pens. Page boy and the silver goblet. Crierson. Scottish fairy book. 192 FAIRY TALES Painter of cats. Nixon-Roulct. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. Pairing time anticipated (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talk- ing beasts. Palace made by music. Alden. Why the chimes rang. Palace of Alkinoos. Cooke. Nature myths and stories. Palace of the ocean-bed. See Ambitious hunter and skillful fisher. Palace of Vanity. Silver fairy book. Palace that stood on golden pillars. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Pambookat. English. Fairy stories and wonder tales. Pan. Brown. When the world was young. (Pan and his pipes.) Johonnot. Stories of heroic deeds. (Music of Pan.) Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. (Wood-folk.) Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. (Pan and Syrinx.) See also Alidas II. Pancake. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Thorne-Thomsen. East o'the sun and west o' the moon. Treadwell. Reading literature: primer. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Gingerbread boy; Johnny cake; Wee bannock. Panch-Phul Ranee. Frere. Old Deccan days. Tappan. Myths from many lands. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Pandora. Adams. Myths of old Greece. (Prometheus and Epimetheus.) - Baldwin. Old Greek stories. (How diseases and cares cam.e to men.) Carpenter. Long ago in Greece. (Pandora's curiosity.) Francillon. Gods and heroes. (First man.) Firth. Stories of old Greece. (Epimetheus and Pandora.) — Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome. (Story of Epimetheus and Pandora.) Hartley. Stories from the Greek legends. (Story of how troubles came into the world; or, Pandora and her box.) - Hawthorne. Wonder book. (Paradise of Children.) Holbrook. Round the year in myth and song. Hutchinson. Orpheus with his lute. (Prometheus, the fire- bringer.) Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. (How trouble came mto the w'orld.) - Mabie. Mythsevery child should know. (Paradise of children.) Pratt. Myths of old Greece, v. 2. Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. (Epimetheus and Pandora.) Tappan. Myths from many lands. (Paradise of Children.) Pansy — an allegory. Pratt. Fairyland of flowers. Pansy baby. Hutchinson. Golden porch. Papa Tiger and Papa Sheep. See Brother Tiger and Daddy Sheep. Paper kite (poem). yEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). FAIRY TALES 193 Paperarello. Lang. Crimson fain- book. Paradise of children. See Pandora. Paris: Apple of discord. Adams. Myths of old Greece. (Golden apple.) Arnold and Gilbert. ' Stepping stones to literature, v. 4. (Quarrel of the goddesses.) Baldwin. Hero tales told in school. (Golden apple.) Francillon. Gods and heroes. Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. Pratt. M\,ths of old Greece, v. 3. (Golden apple.) Paris: Paris and (Enone. Baldwin. Hero tales told in school. Buckley. Children of the dawn. Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. See also Trojan war. Parrot. ^-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Parrot and his cage. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). Parrot and the parson. Rouse. Talking thrush. Parrot judge. Rouse. Talking thrush. Parrot's story. Richards. Joyous story of Toto. Parsifal. See Sir Percival. Parsley queen. Welsh. Stories children love. Parson and the clerk. I. See Priest and the clerk. Parson and the clerk. II. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Partial judge. ^Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Parti-colored cow. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Parting of the fairies, (poem). Rhys. Fairy gold. Partnership of the thief and the liar. Lang. Grey fairy book. Partridge and the cocks. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Partridge and the crow. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Partridge and the fowler. ^Esop. Fables (Black ed. Fal- coner and the partridge). .^sop. Fables (Burt ed. Falconer and the partridge). ^sop. Fables (Stickney). Partridge and the hawk. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Passenger and the pilot, ^sop. P'ables (Burt ed.). *Haarcn. Songs and stories. 2d reader. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Past, present and future. See Pair white city. Patient Griselda. Greenwood. Stories from famous ballads. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. Patience-stone and patience-knife. See Stone-patience and knife-patience. Patient Annie. Tappan. Old ballads in prose. Patsy, the calf. Lindsay. More mother stories. Pattie's new dress. Lindsay. More mother stories. ^ Pattikins and the sea maiden. Orcutt. Princess Kallisto. Patty and her pitcher. Valentine. Old, old fairytales (Burt ed.). See also Diamonds and toads. Paulina's Christmas. Partridge. Story telling in home anil .school. 194 FAIRY TALES Pea blossom. Anderson. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Turpin. Five in one pod). Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed. Five out of one shell). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 3. Blaisdell. Child life. 2d reader. (Five peas in a pod.) Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. Poulsson. In the child's world. (Five peas in a pod.) Ruskin. King of the golden river and other wonder stories. (Five out of one pod.) Strong. All the year round, v. 3. Spring. Wiltse. Kindergarten stories. Pea that won a princess. Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. Peace meeting. Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. Peaceful pirates. Henderson. Sea yarns for boys. Peach-blossom, Plum-blossom and Cinnamon-rose. Griftis. Unmannerly tiger and other Korean tales. Peach Darling. See Momotaro. Peach, the apple and the blackberry. iEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Peaches. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. Peacock. I. See lo. Peacock. II. ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Peacock and Juno. .(Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). ^sop. Fables (Jacobs). (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Peacock com- plaining to Juno.) Peacock and the crane. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Peacock and the fox. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Peacock and the magpie. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). /4i)sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Peacock complaining to Juno. See Peacock and Juno. Peacock's complaint, ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). Pearl. Bailey. Stories and rhymes for a child. Pears and the pudding. See Bear's bad bargain. Peasant and the apple tree. ^Esop. Fables (Stickney). Peasant and the horse. ^sop. Fables (Stickney. Supple- ment). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Peasant and the laborer. Msop. Fables (Stickney. Supple- ment). Peasant and the robber. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Peasant and the sheep. ^sop. Fables (Stickney. Supple- ment). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Peasant Demyan. Polevoi. Russian fairy tales. (Tale of the Peasant Demyan.) Peasant maid. Maud. Heroines of poetry. Peasant Truth. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 3d reader. FAIRY TALES 195 Peasant's clever daughter. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Macdonnell. Italian fairy book. (Clever girl.) See also Sage damsel. Peasie and Beansie. Lansing. Quaint old stories. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Pebble and the diamond. Success library, v. 3. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Pechs. See Last of the Picts. Pechvogel and Gliickskind. Winnington. Outlook fairy book. Peddlar and the serpent. Byrne. Modern Greek fairy tales. Pedlar of Swaffham. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. Pedlar's pack. Chisholm. Enchanted land. Pedws Ffowk and St. Elian's well. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Pee-Wit. Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Perrifool. Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Pegasus. *Beckwith. In mythland. v. 3. (Pegasus, the horse with wings.) Coe. Second book of stories. (Story of Pegasus.) Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome. (Bellerophon.) Hawthorne. Wonder book. (Chimaera.) Hutchinson. Golden porch. (First horse.) Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. (Bellerophon.) Judd. Classic myths. (Pegasus, the horse with wings.) Lang, L. B. All sorts of stories book. (Horse with wings.) Mabie. Myths everv child should know. (Chimaera.) Pratt. Myths of Old Greece, v. 3. (Pegasus and Bellerophon.) Stories of classic myths. Tappan. Myths from many lands. (Chimaera.) Peik. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Thorne-Thomsen. East o' the sun and west o' the moon. Peiter, Peter and Peer. Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Peleus and the sea-king's daughter. Carpenter. Long ago \n Crreece. (Thetis.) Hutchinson. Golden porch. Pelleas and Ettarde. MacGregor. Stories of King Arthur's knights. Pellinore. See Sir Pellinore. Pelops. Burt and Ragozin. Heraklcs and other heroes. Carpenter. Long ago in Greece. (How Pelops won his bride.) Hutchinson. Golden porch. (/« Favorite of the gods.) Pen and the ink stand. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). .'\ndersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Penelope's web. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. Peabody. Old (ircek folk stories. See also Ulysses. Pennard Castle. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Peonies. Singleton. Wild (lower fairy book. Percival. See Sir Percival. 196 FAIRY TALES Perdix. See Why the partridge stays near the ground. Peredur, the son of Evrawc. See Sir Peredur. Perfect song. See Orpheus and Eur>'dice. Pergrin and the mermaiden. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Perizad and Perizada. Brown, A. One-footed fairy. Perlino. Laboulaye. Fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Peronella. Lansing. Fairy tales, v. 1. Welsh. Fairy tales children love. Peronnik, Adventures of. Lang. Lilac fairy book. (Castle of Kerglas.) Underbill. Dwarfs' tailor. Perplexity of Zadig. Lang, L. B. Strange story book. See also Lost camel. Persephone. See Proserpina. Perseus. Adams. Myths of old Greece. Baldwin. Old Greek stories. (Quest of Medusa's head.) Burt and Ragozin. Herakles and other heroes. Cole. Heroes of the olden time. Firth. Stories of old Greece. (Perseus, "The Son of the Bright Morning.") Francillon. Gods and heroes. (Adventures of Perseus.) Guerber. IVIyths of Greece and Rome. Haaren and Poland. Famous men of Greece. Hartley. Stories from the Greek legends. Hawthorne. W'onder book. (Gorgon's head.) Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. Kingsley. Heroes. Kupfer. Stories of long ago. Lang. Blue fairy book. (Terrible head.) Lang. Princess on the glass hill and other stories. (Terrible head.) Mabie. Heroes and fairies. Mabie. Heroes every child should know. Mabie. Myths every child should know. (Gorgon's head.) Pratt. Myths of old Greece, v. 3. (Perseus and Medusa.) Pyle, K. Where the wind blows. Stories of classic myths. Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. (Perseus and Andromeda.) Tappan. Myths from man^' lands. (Gorgon's head.) Persian Jack and the beanstalk. Goddard. Fairy tales in other lands. Pet lamb. See White pet. Peter and Paul. Mace. Home iaXvy tales. Peter and the magic goose. See Golden goose. Peter Bull. Lang. Golden mermaid and other stories. '^' Lang. Pink fairy book. Peter Fiddle-de-dee. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. See also Princess whom nobody could silence. Peter Gynt. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Peter Humbug and the white cat. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. See also White cat. FAIRY TALES 197 Peter Klaus, the goatherd. See Karl Katz. Peter Muggel. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Peter, Paul and Espen. See Boots and his brothers. Peter Rabbit, Story of. *Stone. Children's stories that never grow old. Peter Rugg, the missing man. Alabie. Famous stories every child should know. Peter Schlemihl. Jenks. Tales of fantasy. Peter the simple. Brown, A. One -footed fair\'. Peter the stone-cutter. Macdonell. Italian fairy book. See also Stone cutter. Peterkin and the little grey hare. Pyle, H. Wonder clock. Phaethon. See Phaeton. Phaeton. Adams. Myths of old Greece. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 4. (Phaethon.) Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. (Story of Phaeton.) *Beckwith. In mythland. v. 3. (Dangerous ride.) Burt and Ragozin. Herakles and other heroes. (Phaethon.) Carpenter. Long ago in Greece. (Celestial runaway.) Cooke. Nature myths and stories. Firth. Stories of old Greece. (Phaethon.) Francillon. Gods and heroes. (Presumption.) Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome. Hartley. Stories from the Greek legends. (Story of Phaethon; or, The boy's drive on the sun-chariot.) Holbrook. Round the year in myth and song. (Phaethon.) Hyde. Favorite Greek Myths. (Phaethon.) Judd. Classic myths. (How the horses of the sun ran away.) Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. Pratt. Myths of old Greece, v. 1. Stories of classic myths. Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. (Story of Phaeton.) Tappan. Stories from the classics. (Phaethon.) Wilson, Mrs. L. L. W. Nature study reader. (Story of Phae- thon.) See also Ixion. Phantom cats. See Schippeitaro. Phantom funeral. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Phantom isle. Yeats. Irish fair>' and folk tales. Philemon and Baucis. See Baucis and Philemon. Philomela. See Procne and Philomela. Philopena. Stockton. Bee-man of Orn. Storkton. Queen's museum. Philosopher among the tombs, ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Phi! "sopher and the pheasants (poem). Success library-, v. 3. Philosopher, the ants and Mercury. jCsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Philosopher's scales. Kdgtworth. Waste not, want not. Philosopher's stone. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed. Stone of the wise mcnj. Phcebus and Boreas. See Wind and Sun. Phoenix. See Old brown coat. 198 FAIRY TALES Physician's son and the king of the snakes. Bateman. Zan- zibar talcs. Picciola, the prison flower. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. (Picciola.) Chambers'miscellany. v. 1. Piccola. Blaisdell. Child life. 3d reader. (Christmas gift.) (poem). Bryant. How to tell stories to children. Hall and Oilman. Story land. 2d reader. Wiggin and Smith. Story hour. See also Little Gretchen and the wooden shoe. Pickaninny. Eggleston. Queer stories for boys and girls. Picture book without pictures. Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Ruskin. King of the golden river and other wonder stories. Picture from the castle ramparts. See Sunbeam and the captive. Picture from the ramparts. See Sunbeam and the captive. Picture on the vase, Story of the. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Picus, King. Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. (Circe.) Piece of good luck. Pyle, H. Twilight land. Piece of liver. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. (Liver.) Kunos. Turkish fairy tales. Piece of wood, i^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Pied piper of Franchville. See Pied piper of Hamelin. Pied piper of Hamelin (poem). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 5. Blaisdell. Child life. 2d reader. Browning. Poems. Bryant. Best stories to tell to children. (Pied piper of Hamelin town.) Bryant. How to tell stories to children. Crommelin. Famous legends. (Legend of the pied piper of Hamelin.) Field. Famous fairy tales. (Rat catcher.) Jacobs. More English fairy tales. (Pied piper of Franchville.) Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. (Pied piper.) Lang. Red fairy book. (Rat catcher.) (poem). Rhys. Fairy gold. (poem). Scudder. Children's book. Pied piper of Hamelin town. See Pied piper of Hamelin. Pierre and Helene. Cary. Fairy legends of the French provinces. Piff-paff; or, The art of government. Laboulaye. Fairytales. Pig brother. Bryant. How to tell stories to children. Richards. Golden windows. Pigeon and the crow. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Pigeon and the dove. Aulnoy. Fairy tales. Pigeon and the painting. Success library, v. 3. Pigling and her proud sister. Grififis. Unmannerly tiger, and other Korean tales. FAIRY TALES 199 Pigs, story of the. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. \'an Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. See also Three little pigs. I and II. Pike. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Wiggin and Smith. Talking blasts. Pike and the cat. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Pilgrim's secret. Marshall. Fain,- tales of all nations. Pimmerly plum. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Pimpernel. Pratt. Fairyland of flowers. Pine and the flax. Jones. First reader. Pine tree. See Fir tree. Pine trees. Pratt. Legends of the red children. Pineapple and the bee. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Pink. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Lost son). Pinkel, the thief. See Golden lantern, golden goat and golden cloak. Piper and the Puca. Graves. Irish fair>' book. Yeats. Irish fairy tales. Pippa passes. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Piskies in the cellar. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. See also X'oyage of the wee red cap. Pivi and Kabo. Lang. Brown fairy book. Pixy's clothes. Rhys. Fairy gold. Plague among the beasts. iEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Plaisham. MacManus. Donegal fairy stories. Plantation witch. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Playful ass. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Please. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. Pleiades. I. Holbrook. Round the year in myth and song. Hyde. F"avorite Greek myths. (Seven sisters.) .SV^ also Orion. Pleiades. II. Judd. Wigwam stories. (Seven stars of Pleiades.) Pleiades. III. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. (Seven stars.) Pleiades. IV. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. (Story of the Pleiades.) Pleiades. V. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. (Pleiades; or, The seven stars.) Lansing. Fairy tales, v. 2. Plentiful tablecloth, the avenging wand, the sash that becomes a lake, and the terrible helmet. Story of the. ("hodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Ploughman and Fortune. JEaop. Fables (Black ed.). /Eso[). Fables (Burt ed. Plowman and Fortune). Ploughman and his sons. See Gold in the orchard. Plowman and Fortune. See Ploughman and Fortune. Plowman who found content. Cowles. Art of story telling. Pluto and Proserpine. See Proserpina. 200 FAIRY TALES Plutus. .'Esop. Fables (Burt, ed.)- Pocahontas and John Smith. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. (Pocahontas.) Blaisdell. Child life. 3d reader. (Pocahontas.) Coe. Second book of stories. (Pocahontas.) Poet and his little daughter. Whittier. Child life in prose. Poet, the oyster and sensitive plant (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Poetry, Origin of. See Odin and the mead. Point of view. Richards. Golden windows. Poisoned shirt. Story of a. See Hercules and his labors. Pole star. Pratt. Legends of the red children. Pollux. See Castor and Pollux. Polycrates. See Ring of Polycrates. Polyphemus. I. See Ulysses. Polyphemus. II. See Acis and Galatea. Pomegranate, apple-tree, and bramble, .tsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Pomegranate seeds. See Proserpina. Ponce de Leon and the fountain of youth. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. (Fountain of youth.) Pond lilies. Allen. Indian fair^- tales. Pony engine. See Pony engine and the Pacific Express. Pony engine and the Pacific express. Alderman. Classics old and new, 3d reader. (Pony engine.) Howells. Christmas every day. Poor boy in the grave. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Poor Hans. LaboulaAe. Last fair>' tales. Poor man and the eagle. Success library, v. 3. Poor man and the flask of oil. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Poor man and the rich man (play). Lansing. Quaint old stories. Poor man of Peatlaw. Douglas. Scottish fair\^ tales. Poor miller's boy and the cat. See Miller's boy and his cat. Poor woman and the bell. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Poplar blossoms and hickory tassels, Origin of. Bigham. Overheard in fairyland. Poplar tree. I. Cooke. Nature myths and stories. Strong. All the year round, v. 4. Summer. (Story of the poplar tree.) Wilson. Mrs. L. L. W. Nature study reader. (Iris; Stor}- of the poplar.) Poplar tree. II. Pratt. Fair\'land of flowers. (Lombardy poplar.) Porcupine and the snakes. ^Esop. Fables (Black ed.). ^4isop. Fables (Burt ed.). .E^sop. Fables (Stickney). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Pork and honey. See Bear and the fox make a wager. Porter and the ladies of Bagdad and the three royal mendi- cants. See Three calenders, sons of Kings and five ladies of Bagdad. FAIRY TALES 201 Porter's son. Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Portuguese duck. Andersen. Fair>- tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Wonder stories. (In the duck-yard.) Darton. Wonder book of beasts. (In the duck-yard.) Pot of Basil. Skinner. Myths and legends of flowers and trees. (Basil.) See also Elf of the rose. Pot of gold. I. Coe. Second book of stories. Scudder. Dream children. Pot of gold. II. Bailey. Stories and rhymes for a child. Pot of gold at the foot of the rainbow. See Pot of gold. I ; Poplar tree I and II. Potted sprats, Tale of. Scudder. Children's book. Pottle o' brains. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. (Bottle of brains.) Poucinet. See Boots and his brotJiers. Poussie Baudrons (poem). Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Poveretta. Mace. Home fairy tales. Powel, Prince of Dyfed. See Badger in the bag. Power of fables. i-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Power of love. See Frost king. Power of St. Tegla's well. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Power of will. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Prairie dandelion. Brooks. Stories of the red children. (South Wind and the dandelion.) Farmer. Nature myths. (Dandelion maiden.) Judd. Wigwam stories. Pratt. Legends of the red children. (Legend of the South Wind.) Praying geese. See Fox and the geese. Prester John. Mabie. Legends every child should know. Presumption. See Phaeton. Pretty Goldilocks. See Fair one with golden locks. Pride goeth before a fall. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Pride shall have a fall. Rouse. Talking thrush. See also Jackal and the Iguana. Priest and the clerk. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. (Par- son and the clerk.) Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Djurklo. Fairy tales from the Swedish. (Parson and the clerk.) Thorne-Thomsen. East o' the sun and west o' the moon. (Parson and the clerk.) See also Emperor and the abbot; King and the miller; King John and the Abbot of Canterbury. Priest's supper. Yeats. Irish fairy talcs. Priest's youngest son. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. Prince. Wardrop. (Vcorgian folk talcs. Prince and his servant. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Prince Agib, Story of. Arabian nights (Wiggin and Smith). Prince Ahmed. I. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. Prince Ahmed. 1 1. See Prince Ahmed and the fairy Pcrie Hanou. 202 FAIRY TALES Prince Ahmed, and the fairy Perie Banou, Story of. Arabian nights (Dodge ed.)- Arabian nights (Townsend). Judson and Bender. Graded Hterature readers, v. 4. (Prince Ahmed.) Lang. Blue fairy book. (Story of Prince Ahmed and the Fairy Paribanou.) Lang. Prince DarHng and other fairy stories. (Story of Prince Ahmed and the fairy Paribanou.) Singleton. Wild flower fairy book. (Prince Ahmed and the Fairy Pari Banou.) Prince Almor and the blind princess. Brown, J. Mermaid's gift. Prince Amgiad and Prince Assad, History of. Arabian Nights (Townsend). Prince and princess in the forest. Lang. Olive fairy book. Prince and the bee. *Jones. 2d reader. Prince and the dragon. See Dragon and the prince. Prince and the fakir. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Prince and the foaL Byrne. Modern Greek fairy tales. Prince and the spider. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 3. Prince and the three fates. Lang. Brown fairy book. Lang. Pretty Goldilocks and other stories. Prince Beder and the Princess Jehaun-ara, Story of. Arabian nights (Townsend). Prince Charming. Perkins. Twenty best fairy tales. Prince Cherry. See Prince Darling. Prince Darling. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to liter- ature. V. 3. Bryant. Stories to tell to children. (Prince Cherry.) Lang. Blue fairy book. Lang. Prince Darling and other fairy stories. Mulock. Fairy book. (Prince Cherry.) Rolfe. Fairy tales in prose and verse. (Prince Cherry.) Scudder. Children's book. (Prince Cherry.) Success library, v. 3. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. (Prince Cherry.) Welsh. Fairy tales children love. (Prince Cherry.) Wiggin. Fairy ring. (Prince Cherry.) See also Fair-flower. Prince Desire and Princess Mignonetta. Lang. Blue fairy book. (Prince Hyacinth and the dear little princess.) Lang. History of Jack the giant killer, and other stories. (Prince Hyacinth and the dear little princess.) Mulock. Fairy book. (Prince with the nose.) Rolfe. Fairy tales. (Prince with the nose.) Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Prince Fatal and Prince Fortune. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Prince Featherhead and the Princess Celandine. Lang. Green fairy book. FAIRY TALES 203 Prince Fickle and Fair Helena. Lang. Forty thieves, and other stories. Lang. Green fairy book. Prince Half-a-son. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Prince Harold and the ogre. Winnington. Outlook fairy book. Prince Harweda and the magic prison. Coe. First book of stories. Harrison, E. In storyland. Van Sickle and Seegmillcr. Riverside readers. 4th reader. (Magic prison.) Prince Hassak's march. Stockton. Bee-man of Orn, and other tales. Stockton. Queen's museum. Prince Hatt under the earth ; or, The three singing leaves. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Prince Hedigehog. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. See also Hans, my Hedgehog. Prince Hlini. Hall, Mrs. A. W. Icelandic fairy tales. Prince Hyacinth and the dear little princess. See Prince Desire and Princess Mignonetta. Prince in the dark. Macdonell. Italian fair>' book. Prince Ivan and the grey wolf. See Ivan and the gray wolf. Prince Labour. English. Fair>^ stories and wonder tales. Prince Lionheart and his three friends. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Prince Narcissus and the Princess Potentilla. Lang. Green fairv book. Prince of Naples. Williams. Fairy tales from folklore. Prince Prigio. Jenks. Tales of fantasy. Lang. My own fairy book. Prince Ricardo. Lang. My own fairy book. Prince Ring. Lang. Twelve huntsmen, and other stories. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Prince Sandalwood, the father of Korea. Griffis. Unmannerly tiger and other Korea ntales. Prince Scarlet, Story of. St. Nicholas, v. 39. pt. 2. Stewart. Once upon a time. Prince Silverwings. Harrison, E. O. Prince Silverwings. Prince Sincere. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Prince Slugobyl; or. The invisible knight. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. (History of Prince Slugobyl ; or, The invisible knight.) Prince Sprite. See Invisible prmce. II. Prince Tiresome and Laughing Kitty. Underbill. Dwarfs' tailor, and other fairy tales. Prince Tito. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Prince Vildering and Maid Miseri. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Prince Vivien and Princess Placida. Lang. Porty thieves, and other stories. Lang. Green fairy book. 204 FAIRY TALES Prince who befriended the beasts. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. Prince who had no fairy godmother. See King's mistake. Prince who wanted to see the world. Lang. Beauty and the beast, and other stories. Lang. Violet fairy book. Prince who was a seer. Hutchinson. Golden porch. Prince who would seek immortality. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Lang. F"orty thieves, and other stories. Prince Wisewit's return. Browne. Granny's wonderful chair. Prince with the golden hand. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Jokai and others. Golden fairy book. (Prince with the hand of gold.) Tappan. Myths from many lands. Prince with the hand of gold. See Prince with the golden hand. Prince with the noble heart. Orcutt. Princess Kallisto. Prince with the nose. See Prince Desire and Princess Mignonetta. Prince Wolf. Grundtvig. F~airy tales from afar. Prince Yamato Take. Ozaki. Japanese fairy book. Prince Zeyn Alasnam and the Sultan of the Genii. Arabian nights (Dodge ed.). Arabian nights (Townsend. History of Prince Zeyn Alsnam and the Sultan of the Genii). Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Prince's dream. Ingelow. Stories told to a child. Ingelow. Three fairy tales. Princes Fire-flash and Fire-fade. See Ambitious hunter and skilful fisher. Prince's visit. Bailey. For the story teller. Scudder. Dream children. Tappan. Modern stories. Whittier. Child life in prose. Princess. See Learned princess. Princess and the bean. See Princess on the pea. Princess and the Count of Oldenburg. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. Princess and the fox baby. See Grateful foxes. Princess and the giant. Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. Princess and the golden blackbird. See Golden blackbird. Princess and the pea. See Princess on the pea. Princess and the rabbi. Aunt Naomi. Jewish fairy tales and fables. Princess Aubergine. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Princess Beautiful. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside read- ers. 3d reader. Princess Bella- Flor. Lang. Orange fairy book. Princess Belle-Etoile and Prince Cheri. Aulnoy. Fairy tales. Princess Carpillon. Aulnoy. Fairy tales. Princess Eglantine. Harrison, C.C. Old-fashioned fairy book. Princess Golden Hair and the great black raven. Pyle, H. Wonder clock. FAIRY TALES 205 Princess Hase, Story of. Ozaki. Japanese fairy book. Princess Hilda. May. Little Prudy's fairy book. Princess in disguise. See Many-furred creature. Princess in the cavern. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Princess in the chest. Lang. Pink fairy book. Lang. Snow-queen, and other stories. Princess Kallisto. Orcutt. Princess Kallisto, and other tales. Princess Longnose. Macdonnell. Italian fair^^ book. See also Xose-tree. Princess Maia. See Princess Printaniere. Princess Mayblossom. See Princess Printaniere. Princess Meadowlark. Stewart. Once upon a time. Princess Minikin. \'alentine. Old, old fair^- book. Princess Minon-Minette. Lang. Golden mermaid, and other stories. Lang. Pink fairy book Princess Moonbeam. Lyman. Stor>' telling. Xixon-Roulet. Japanese folk-stories and fairy tales. Princess Morgana. Hacklander. Enchanting and the enchanted. Princess of Babylon. Lang, L. B. Strange story book. Princess of Canterbury. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and fables (Warne ed.). Princess of Colchester. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Rhvs. Fairy gold. Princess of Deryabar, History of. Arabian nights (Town- send j. . Princess of the Golden Castle. Pyle, K. Counterpane fairy. Princess of the rainbow. Orcutt. Princess Kallisto. Princess of the sea. See L'raschimataro and the turtle. Princess of Tronkolaine. Ca.r\-. Fairy legends of the French provinces. Williams. Fairy talcs from folklore. Princess on the glass hill. Canton. Reign of King Herla. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Lang. Blue fairy book. Lang. Princess on the glass hill, and other stories. Thorne-Thomsen. East o' the sun and west o' the moon. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. (Princess on the glass mountain.) Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Princess on the glass mountain. See Princess on the glass hill. Princess on the pea. Andersen. Best fairy tales (Henderson, tr. Real princess.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr. Real princess). Andersen. Fairy tales (Turpin. Princess and the pea). Andersen. Stories (Riverside ed.). Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Forty famous fairy tales. (Real princess.) Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. (Princess and the bean.) Lang. Yellow fairv book. (How to tell a true princess.) Lansing. Fairy tales, v. 1. (How to tell a real princess.) 206 FAIRY TALES Princess on the pea — continued. Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Mabie. Heroes and fairies. Scudder. Children's book. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (How to tell a true princess.) Princess Pepperina. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Princess Printaniere. Aulnoy. Fairy tales. Lang. Red fairy book. (Princess Mayblossom.) Valentine. Old, old fairy book. (Princess Maia.) Princess Red-White-and-Black. Macdonell. Italian fairy tales. Princess Rosalind. Baring-Gould. Crock of gold. Princess Rosamund. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Princess Rosette. I. Aulno}'. Fairy tales. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Lang. Red fairy book. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. See also Lilla Rosa and Long Leda. Princess Rosette. H. Segur. French fairy tales. Princess Rosette. HL Perrault. Tales of passed times. Princess Sorrowful and the Green Knight. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Princess Sunset, Story of. Harrison, E. O. Moon princess. Princess White Wings and the Knight of the Robin Red Breast. Stewart. Once upon a time. Princess who could not be silenced. See Princess whom nobody could silence. Princess who hid her shoes. Nyblom. Jolly Calle. Princess who said: — Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. (play). Lansing. Quaint old stories. (How Claus won the princess.) See also Ashiepattle who made the princess tell the truth at last. Princess who was hidden underground. Lang. Beauty and the beast and other stories. Lang. Violet fairy book. Princess whom nobody could silence. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. (Taming the shrew.) Thorne-Thomsen. East o' the sun and west o' the moon. (Prin- cess who could not be silenced.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Peter Fiddle-de-dee. Princet and the golden blackbird. See Golden blacbird. Procne and Philomela. Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. Procrustes. Baldwin. Old Greek stories. See also Theseus. Professor and the wonderful egg. Gibbons. Reign of King Cole. Profligate prince. Eggleston. Queer stories for boys and girls. FAIRY TALES 207 Prometheus. Adams. Myths of old Greece. (Prometheus and Epimetheus.) Baldwin. Old Greek stories. (Story of Prometheus.) Burt and Ragozin. Herakles and other heioes. Church. Greek story and song. (Binding of Prometheus.) Cooke. Nature myths and stories. Fhth. Stories of old Greece. Francillon. Gods and heroes. (First man.) Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome. Hartley. Stories from the Greek legends. Hutchinson. Orpheus with his lute. (Prometheus the fire- bringer; Prometheus unbound.) Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. , Judd. Classic myths. (How fare came to the earth.) Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. See also Pandora. Prominent man. Richards. Golden windows. Promise. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Prophetic dream. Polevoi. Russian fairy tales. Proserpina. Adams. Myths of old Greece. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 4. (Persephone.) Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. (Story of Per- sephone.) *Beckwith. In mythland. v. 1. (Ceres and Proserpina.) Burt and Ragozin. Herakles and other heroes (In Triptolemos). Coe. Second book of stories. (Ceres and Proserpina.) Cooke. Nature myths and stories. PVancillon. Gods and heroes. (King and queen of the dead.) Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome. (Ceres and Proserpina.) Hartley. Stories from the Greek legends. (Story of the spring- time.) Hawthorne. Tanglewood tales. (Pomegranate seeds.) Holbrook. Round the year in myth and song. (Ceres and Persephone.) Hutchinson. Orpheus with his lute. (Mother and the maid.) Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. (Ceres andProserpine.) Judd. Classic myths. (Legend of the seed.) Kupfer. Stories of long ago. (Story of the springtime.) Mabie. Myths every child should know. (Pomegranate seeds.) Pratt. Fairyland of flowers. (Why the flowers bloom only half the year.) Pratt. Myths of old Greece, v. L (Persephone.) Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. (Pluto and Proserpine-) Tappan. Stories from the classics. (Pomegranate seeds.) Wilson. Nature study reader. (Proserpine.) Proserpine. See Proserpina. Prospero and Miranda. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. Tajjpan. Stories from seven old favorites. (Tempest.) Protesilaus. Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. Proteus. See Wonderful sea-god, Strange slory of. 208 FAIRY TALES Proud and foolish peacock. Messer. Next night stories. Proud brook-grass. Hubbard. Chats with Color-kin. Proud chicken. Davis and Chow-Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Proud Crow. *Spauldingand Bryce. Aldine readers. 2d reader. Proud doll. Nordau. Dwarf's spectacles. Proud fox and the crab. Davis and Chow-Lcung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Proud fox and the young prairie chicken. Johnson. Book of fairy-tale foxes. Proud frog. See F"rog and the ox. Proud King. Scudder. Book of legends. See also Robert of Sicily. Proud lady and the caterpillar (poem), ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Proud Lady Margaret. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. Prudent farmer. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. {In Captain John's travels.) Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. Prudent Hans. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas, tr. Clever Hans). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed. Hans and his wife Grettel; Hans in love). Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (Discreet Hans.) See also Epaminondas and his auntie; Lazy Jack; Silly Hans; Silly Matt. Prunella. See Fragolette. Psyche. L Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.J. Psyche. H. See Cupid and Psyche. Pudding bewitched. Graves. Irish fairy book. (Mad pud- ding.) Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. Pudding stone, Story of the. Cooke. Nature myths and stories. Puddock, Mousie and Ratton. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Puddocky. Lang. Forty thieves, and other stories. Lang. Green fairy book. See also Frog; Three feathers; White cat. Pueblo Bluebeard. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Pumpkin-eater. Harris. Little Mr. Thimblefinger. Pumpkin-glory. Howells. Christmas every day. Punchkin. Frere. Old Deccan days. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Punishment of the fairy Gangana. Lang. Olive fairy book. Puppet-show man. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Pursuit of Diarmid. See Kihvch and Olwen. Pursuit of the Gilla Dacker. Graves. Irish fairy book. FAIRY TALES 209 Puss in boots; or, The master cat. Aunt Louisa's book of fairy tales. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Carrick. Kitty cat tales. Coe. First book of stories. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Cruikshank. Cruikshank fairy book. Forty famous fairy tales. (Master cat; or, Puss in boots.) Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. Lang. Blue fairy book. Lang. Cinderella and other stories. (Master cat.) Lang. Pretty Goldilocks and other stories. (Master cat; or, Puss in boots.) Lansing. Fairy tales, v. 1. Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Mabie. Heroes and fairies. Mother Goose rhymes, jingles and fairy tales (Altemus ed.). Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles (Warnc ed.). Mulock. Fairy book. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 2. Nursery tales. Perkins. Twenty best fairy tales. Perrault. Fairy tales. Perrault. Tales of Mother Goose. Perrault. Tales of passed times. Scudder. Book of folk stories. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales (Warne ed.). Washburn. Old fashioned fair^' tales. Winnington. Outlook fairy book. See also Gagliuso; How the beggar boy turned into Count Piro; Egyptian Puss in boots; Lord Peter. Pussy Willow's hood. Pratt. Fairyland of flowers. Pussy Willows, Origin of. Bigham. Overheard in fairyland. Pwca of the Trwyn. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Pwyll and Rhiannon. See Badger in the bag. Pwyll and the game of badger in the bag. See Badger in the bag. Pwyll, prince of Dyved. See Badger in the bag. Pygmalion and Galatea. Buckley. Children of the dawn. (Sculptor and the image.) Kupfer. Stories of long ago. (Wonderful sculptor.) Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. Pratt. Myths of Old Greece, v. 2. Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. (Pygmalion and the image.) Tappan. Myths from many lands. Pygmies. See Hercules and his labors. 210 FAIRY TALES Pyramus and Thisbe. Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. (Story of Pyramus and Thisbe.) Tappan. Stories from the classics. Pyrrha. See Deucalion and Pyrrha. Quack frog. ^Esop. Fables (Black ed. Frog and the fox). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed. Frog and the fox). /Esop. Fables (Stickney). Quackalina. Alderman. Classics old and new. 3d reader. Quail and the fowler. Rouse. Talking thrush. Quails. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 4th reader. Quare gander. Graves. Irish fairy book. Quarrel. See Lion and the bear. Quarrel of Sun and Moon. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Quarrel of the goddesses. See Paris: Apple of discord. Quarrel of the monkey and the crab. See Crab and the monkey. Quartette. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Queen Aster. Alcott. Lulu's library, v. 2. Queen bee. Adams. Folkstory and verse. Blaisdell. Child life. 2nd reader. *Bowen. Second story reader. (Kindhearted boy.) Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed.). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Queen Hulda and the flax. See How flax was given to man. Queen Mab (poem). Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. (poem.) Rolfe. Fairy tales in prose and verse. Queen of the flowery isles. Lang. Grey fairy book. Queen of the Golden Mines. MacManus. In chimney corners. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Queendom of Girlicia. Henderson. Sea yarns for boys. Queen's champions. Tappan. Old ballads in prose. Queen's county witch. Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. Queen's museum. Stockton. Bee-man of Orn and other tales. Stockton. Queen's museum. Queen's necklace. C6wles. Art of stor>'-telling. Nyblom. Jolly Calle. Queen's whim. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. Queer blockade runner. Henderson. Sea yarns for boys. Queer company. Bailey. Firelight stories. Queer partnership See Cat and the mouse in partnership. Queres Diana. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Quern at the bottom of the sea. See Why the sea is salt. II. FAIRY TALES 211 Quest of Medusa's head. See Perseus. Quest of Offero. See St. Christopher, Legend of. Quest of the hammer. See Thor: Quest of the hammer. Quest of the Holy Grail. See Holy Grail. Quest of the seven champions. See Kihvch and OKven. Quest of the wild duck. Stewart. Once upon a time. Quick-running squash. Aspimvall. Short stories fcr short people. Quill pen's stories. Harrison, C. C. Bric-a-brac stories. Quiquern. Kipling. Second jungle book. R Rabbit and his ears. Stafford. Animal fables. Rabbit and other legends. See Rabbit's eyes. Rabbit and the alligator. Stafford. Animal fables. Rabbit and the animal wizard. Stafford. Animal fables. Rabbit and the elephant. Stafford. Animal fables. Rabbit and the monkey. Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. (Rab- bit and the greedy monkey.) Rouse. Talking thrush. Rabbit and the moon. Stafford. Animal fables. Rabbit and the other animals. Stafford. Animal fables. Rabbit and the wild cat. Kennedy. New world fairy book. Rabbit escapes the wolf's anger. Stafford. Animal fables. Rabbit in the cabbages. See Rabbit's bride. Rabbit prince. Bourhill and Drake. Fairy tales from South Africa. Rabbits and the elephants. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Rabbit's bride. Darton. Wonder book of beasts. Grimm. Fair>' tales (Paull tr. Hare's bride). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. (Rabbit in the cabbages.) Rabbit's eyes. Allen. Korean tales. (Rabbit and other legends.) Griffis. Unmannerly tiger and other Korean tales. See also Monkey and the jelly fish. Raccoon and the bee-tree. Eastman. Smoky Day's wigwam evenings. Eastman. Wigwam evenings. Raccoon and the man-of-tar. Chandler. In the rcign of coyote. See also Wonderful tar-baby story. Race between hare and hedgehog. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Race for a wife. See Atalanta's race. Race of the tails. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Racers. See Swiftest runners. Rag doll's Christmas. Bailey. Stories and rhymes for a child. Ragamuffins. See Vagabonds. Ragged pedlar. Aunt Naomi. Jewish fairy talcs and fables. Raggylug. Bryant. Best stories to tell to children. liryanl. How to tell stories to children. 212 FAIRY TALES Rags. Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Rags and Tatters. Macdonell. Italian fairy book. Rain and the snow. See How the rain comes. Rain-maker. See Mr. Rabbit as a rain-maker. Rainbow. Brooks. Stories of the red children. Pratt. Legends of the red children. Tanner. Legends from the red man's forest. Rainbow children. Pyle, K. Counterpane fairy. Rainbow sisters. Harrison, E. O. Moon princess. Rainbow snake. Tanner. Legends from the red man's forest. (Another story of the rainbow.) (poem). Wilson, G. L. Myths of the red children. Rai-taro, the son of the Thunder God. See Child of the thunder. Raincloud. /Esop. Fables (Stickney. Supplement). Raja Rasalu. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. This includes How Raja Rasalu went out into the world; How Raja Rasalu journeyed to the city of King Sarkap; How Raja Rasalu swung the seventy fair maidens, daughters of the King; How Raja Rasalu played chaupur with King Sarkap. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. This includes How Raja Rasalu was born; How Raja Rasalu went out into the world; How Raja Rasalu 's friends forsook him; How Raja Rasalu killed the giants; How Raja Rasalu became a jogi; How Raja Rasalu journeyed to the city of King Sarkap; How Raja Rasalu swung the seventy fair maidens; How Raja Rasalu played chaupur with King Sarkap. Rajeb's reward. Jokai and others. Golden fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Rakshas' palace. Frere. Old Deccan days. Pyle, K. Fairy tales from many lands. (Two sisters.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. (Rakshas's palace.) Raleigh's cloak. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. (Sir Walter Raleigh.) Blaisdell. Child life. 5th reader. W'elsh. Stories children love. Ram. Aulnoy. Fairy tales. Lang. Blue fairy book. (W^onderful sheep.) Lang. Prince Darling and other fairy stories. (Wonderful sheep.) Ram and the pig who went into the woods to live by them- selves. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. (Sheep and the pig who set up house.) Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. (Sheep and the pig-) *Grover. Folk-lore stories, v. 1. (How the pig built a house.) O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. (Sheep and the pig that built the house.) Thorne-Thomsen. East o' the sun and west o' the moon. (Sheep and the pig who set up housekeeping.) Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Wiltse. Folklore stories and proverbs. (Sheep and the pig.) FAIRY TALES 213 Rama and Luxman ; or, The learned owl. Frere. Old Deccan clays. Rapunzel. Chisholm. In fairyland. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.) Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Garden of the sorceress.) Lang. Red fairy book. Lansing. Fairy tales, v. 1. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Rashin-Coatie. L Baldwin. Another fairy reader. (Rushy- coat.) Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Rashin-Coatie, H. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. (Rushen Coatie.) See also Cinderella; Nippit-fit and Clippit-fit; Golden slipper. Raspberry worm. Lang. Lilac fairy book. Rat and the elephant. /Esop. Fables (Stickney). (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Rat and the oyster (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Rat and the toad. W'iggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Rat catcher. See Pied piper of Hamelin. Rat catcher and cats (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Rat hall. Douglas. Scottish fairs- tales. Rat princess. See Rats and their son-in-law. Rats and the cat. See Belling the cat. Rats and the cheese (poem), ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Rats and their son-in-law. Bryant. How to tell stories to children. (Rat princess.) Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. (Nezumi the beautiful.) Lang. Brown fairy book. (Husband of the rat's daughter.) Tappan. Myths from many lands. (Nedzumi.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Bridegroom for Miss Mole; So born, so die. Rats, the fox and the egg. *Grover. Folk lore readers, v. L (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Two rats, the fox and the egg.) Rat's wedding. Steel. Talcs of the Punjab. Rattan vine and the rose tree. Davis and Chow-Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Raven. L Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Fairy talcs (Paull tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's cd.). Raven. H. Allen. Indian fairy tales. Raven. Ill ('poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Raven and the cattle. Tappan Folk stories and fables. Raven and the serpent. i4£sop. P'ables (Black ed.). /F:soi). I-al)les (Burt ed.). Raven and the swan. /Esop. Fables (Stickney). Real African swcU. Hinderson. Sea yarns for boys. 214 FAIRY TALES Real princess. See Princess on the pea. Red-boots. Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. Red bull of Norroway. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles (Warne ed. Bull of Norroway). Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. See also Black bull of Norroway. Red dog. I. Kipling. Second jungle book. Red Dog. II. Allen. Indian fairy tales. Red elf. Hume. Chronicles of fairyland. Red-Etin. See Red-Ettin. Red-Ettin. Grierson. Scottish fairy book. (Jled-Etin.) Jacobs. English fairy tales. Lang. Blue fairy book. Red geranium. Farmer. Nature myths. Red-headed woodpecker. See Why the woodpecker's head is red. Red King and his wife. Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Red pony. Graves. Irish fairy book. Red Riding Hood. See Little Red Riding Hood. Red shoes. I. Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Chisholm. Enchanted lands. Scudder. Children's book. (play). Stevenson. Plays for the home. Red Shoes. II. Bakewell. True fairy stories. Red Swan. Compton. Snowbird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. Pyle, K. Where the wind blows. Red thread of courage. Bryant. How to tell stories to children. Red troll. Brown, J. Mermaid's gift. Redbreast and the sparrow. yEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Redemption from fairy land. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Reeds and the oak. See Oak and the reed. Reflected glory. Rouse. Talking thrush. Reformed pirate. Stockton. Floating prince. Reign of King Oberon. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Reinecke's revenge on Isegrim. Houghton. Russian grand- mother's wonder tales. Remarkable rocket. Wilde. Fairy tales. Renaud of Montauban. Wilmot-Buxton. Stories from old French romance. (Story of the Castle of Montauban.) Rent-day. Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. Rescue of the Princess Winsome (play). Johnston. Little Colonel's hero. Rescue from the elves. See Smith and the fairies. Revenge of the fawns. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Reward of industry. Bourhill and Drake. Fairy tales from South Africa. Reynard and Chanticleer. See Cock and the fox. III. Reynard and his adventures. See Why the bear has a stumpy tail. Reynard and the cock. See Cock and the fox. III. FAIRY TALES 215 Reynard and the fox-hunter. Johnson. Book of fairy-tale foxes. Reynard and the little birds. See Bird, the fox, and the dog. Reynard the fox. Darton. Wonder book of beasts. Reynard wants to taste horse-flesh. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Johnson. Book of fair>--tale foxes. (Reynard's ride.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Reynard's ride. See Reynard wants to taste horse-flesh. Rhoecus. Beckwith. In mythland. v. 2. Coe. Second book of stories. Firth. Stories of old Greece. See also Comatos and the bees; Love of the dryad. Rhys and Llywelyn. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Rich brother and the poor brother. Lang. Lilac fairy book. Rich dog and poor dog. Xordau. Dwarf's spectacles. Rich goose. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Rich man and the bundle of wood. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Rich man's guest (play). Lansing. Quaint old stories. Rich man's prayer. Success library, v. 3. Rich Peter the huckster. See Rich Peter the pedlar. Rich Peter the pedlar. Dasent. Popular tales from the Xorse. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. (Rich Peter the huckster.) See also Giant with the golden hair. Richard Coeur de Leon. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. (King Richard and Blondel.) Johonnot. Stories of the olden time. (King Richard Coeur de Leon in the Holy Land.) Herbertson. Heroic legends. (How the minstrel saved the king.) Mabie. Heroes and fairies. (Richard the Lion-hearted.) Mabie. Heroes every child should know. (Richard the Lion- hearted.) f r»- 1 Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of early England. (Story of Richard Lion-Heart.) Richest man. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Richman, Fairman and Humility. Winnington. Outlook fairy book. Riddle. I. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). (irimm. Household tales (Burt ed.). Lang. Green fairy book. Lang. Three dwarfs and other stories. See also Ridere of riddles. Riddle. H. .See (Edipus. Riddle of the Sphinx. See OLdipus. Ride on the wooden horse. See Enchanted horse. Ridere of riddles. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. See also Riddle L "Rikki-tikki-tavi." Kipling. Jungle book. Ring. Baring. Blue fairy book. 21G FAIRY TALES Ring and the veil. Byrne. Modern Greek fairy tales. Ring of Polycrates. Francillon. Gods and heroes. {In The Kingdom.) Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. Ringfinger. Underhill. Dwarfs' tailor and other fairy tales. Rip Van Winkle. I. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 6. Blaisdell. Child life. 5th reader. Lang, L. B. Strange story book. Mabie. Legends every child should know. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 5. Stone. Children's stories that never grow old. Tappan. Modern stories. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 8th reader. Welsh. Stories children love. See also Feast of lanterns; Karl Katz; Vision of Tsunu; Wood- man and the mountain fairies. Rip Van Winkle. H. See Miser of Takhoma. Ripple, the water sprite. Alcott. Flower fables. Alcott. Lulu's library, v. 2. Riquet of the tuft. See Riquet with the tuft. Riquet with the tuft. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Lansing. Fairy tales, v .2. Mulock. Fairy book. Perrault. Fairy tales. (Riquet of the tuft.) Perrault. Tales of Mother Goose, Perrault. Tales of passed times. Scudder. Children's book. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales (Warne ed.). Welsh. Fairy tales children love. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Rising in the north (poem). Lanier. Boy's Percy. Rival roosters. Stafford. Animal fables. River-fish and the sea-fish. i4isop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). River of gold. See King of the Golden River. Road. Richards. Golden windows. Road to fortune. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Roaring bull o' Bagbury. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Robber bridegroom. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed.). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). See also Mr. Fox; Sweetheart in the wood. Robber fox and the little red hen. See Little red hen H. Robe of Kemush. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Robert of Sicily. Bryant. Best stories to tell to children. Bryant. Stories to tell to children. See also Proud king. FAIRY TALES 217 Robert Scott and the gnomes. Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. Robert the evil. Baring-Gould. Old English fairy tales. Robin. See How the robin came. Robin and the salmon berry. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Robin and the turtle. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. Robin Goodfellow (poem). Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. (Pranks of Robin Goodfellow.) Lansing. Tales of old England. Rhys. Fairy gold. (poem). Rolfe. Fairy tales in prose and verse. (Merry pranks of Robin Goodfellow.) Robin Hood. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. (A story of Robin Hood.) Cowles. Art of story telling. (Robin Hood and Sir Richard- at-the-Lee.) Crommelin. Famous legends. Haaren. Ballads and tales. (Robin Hood and Little John.) Herbertson. Heroic legends. (With bow and arrow.) Lang. Book ot romance. Lang. Tales of romance, (poem). Lanier. Boy's Percy. (Robin Hood and Guy of Gisborne.) Mabie. Heroes and fairies. Mabie. Heroes every child should know. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. (Robin Hood and his merry men.) (poem). Scudder. Children's book. (Robin Hood and Allin a Dale; Robin Hood and the Bishop of Hereford.) Stebbins. 3d reader. Tappan. Old ballads in prose. Tappan. Stories of legendary heroes. (Robin Hood and the butcher: Robin Hood and the sorrowful knight.) Robin Redbreast. See How the robin came. Robin's Christmas. See Robin's Christmas song. Robin's Christmas song. *Baldwin. Second fairy reader. (W'ee Robin Redbreast.) Cowles. Art of story telling. (Robin's Christmas.) Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. (Marriage of Robin Redbreast and the wren.) Grierson. Scottish fairy book. (Wedding of Robin Redbreast and Jenny Wren.) Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. (Wee Robin's Christmas day.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (Wee Robin's \'iile- song.) Robin's return. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Robinsen. f iregory. Killartan wonder book. Rock elephant. Scudder. Seven little people. Roebuck hunt. Cary. Fairy legends of the French provinces. 218 FAIRY TALES Rogue and the herdsman, Lang. Crimson fairy book. Rogue and the simpleton. Tappan. P'olk stories and fables. Rogue's holiday. See Vagabonds. Roland. I. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr. Sweetheart Roland). (rrimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). (irimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Shepherd's flower). Roland. H. Baldwin. Hero tales told in school. (What hap- pened at Roncevaux.) Crommelin. Famous legends. Haaren. Ballads and tales. (Death of Roland.) Herbertson. Heroic legends. (Keeping of the passes.) Lang. Book of romance. Mabie. Heroes and fairies. Mabie. Heroes every child should know. Wilniot-Buxton. Stories from old French romance. Roleyboley and his comrades. English. Fairy stories and wonder tales. Rolf of Orkanas. Nyblom. Jolly Calle. RoUright stones, Legend of the. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Romulus and Remus. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. (How Rome was founded.) Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome. Haaren and Roland. Famous men of Rome. (Romulus.) Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. Roof of sausages. Tappan. Golden goose. See also Hansel and Grethel. Rooster telephone. Cocke. Bypaths in Dixie. Rooster, the cat, and the reap-hook. See Fortune seekers L Rope dance. See Rope dancer and his pupil. Rope dancer and his pupil, ^sop. Fables (Burt ed. Rope dance). (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Rory Macgillivray. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. Rory the robber. MacManus. In chimney corners. Rosanella. Lang. Green fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Rose and the ring. Jenks. Tales of fantasy. Rose-beauty. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. (Tears of pearl.) Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. Kunos. Turkish fairy tales. Stebbins. 3d reader. (Tears of pearl.) Rose-elf. See Elf of the rose. Rose from Homer's grave. Andersen. Best fairy tales. (Hen- derson tr. Rose from the grave of Homer.) Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Rose from the grave of Homer. See Rose from Homer's grave. Rose-leaf. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Rose-princess. Hume. Chronicles of fairyland. FAIRY TALES 219 Rose-tree. Jacobs. English fairy tales. See also Juniper tree. Rosebloom and Thornbloom. Brown, A. One-footed fairy. Rosebud. See Sleeping beauty. Roses and the sparrows. ■ See Neighboring families. Rosstrappe. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Roswal and Lillian. Harrison, C. C. Old-fashioned fairy book. Rosy's journey. Alcott. Lulu's library, v. L Rosy's stay-at-home parties. Harrison, C. C. Old-fashioned fairy book. Rover of the plain. Lang. Orange fairy book. Rubezahl. Lang. Brown fairy book. Lang. Three dwarfs, and other stories. Rubies, Origin of. Mabie. Folk tales every child should know. Ruby prince. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Ruby ring. Pyle, K. Counterpane fairy. Rumpelstiltskin. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Chisholm. In fairyland. Coussens. Child's book of stories. (Rumpelstiltskin; or. The miller's daughter.) Forty famous fairy tales. (Rumpelstiltzkin.) Grimm. Fair>' tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Gold-spinner). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed. Rumpelstiltsken). Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. (Rumpelstiltsken.) Lang. Blue fairy book. Lang. Cinderella and other fairy tales. (Rumpelstiltzkin.) Lansing. Fairy tales, v. L Mulock. Fairy book. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 3. (Rumpelstiltzkin.) Nursery tales. Perkins. Twenty best fairy tales. (Rumpelstiltzchen.) Scudder. Children's book. (Rumpelsteltzkin.) Singleton. Wild flower fairy book. Success library, v. 3. (Rumpelstiltzkin.) Welsh. Fairy tales children love. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. See also F"orest elemental; Girl who could spin gold from clay and long straw; Tom Tit Tot; Whippity-Stourie. Runaway cats. See Cat's elopement. Runaway watch. Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. Runaways. Eastman. Wigwam evenings. Runphast. English. Fairy stories and wonder tales. Ruse of the princess. Brown, J. Mermaid's gift. Rushen Coatie. See Rashin-Coatie. H. Rushy-coat. See Rashin-Coatie L Russet dog. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Rustem and Sohrab. See Sohrab and Rustem. Rustic and the nightingale. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Rusty key. liauff. Caravan tales. 220 FAIRY TALES Saaoud and his steed; or, Whittington in Arabia, Goddard. Fairy tales in other lands. Sabot of little Wolff. Alderman. Classics old and new. 3d reader. (Little Carl's Christmas.) Blaisdell. Child life. 5th reader. Dickinson and Skinner. Children's book of Christmas stories. (Little Wolff's wooden shoes.) Sacred milk of Koumongoe. Lang. Brown fairy book. Lang. Twelve huntsmen and other stories. Sacrifice to Kompira. Nixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. Sad experience of poor Pomposity. Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. Sad fate of Mr. Fox. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Saddle to rags. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. Tappan. Old ballads in prose. Sagacious monkey and the boar. Ozaki. Japanese fairy book. Sagacious snake. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Sage damsel. Polevoi. Russian fairy tales. See also Peasant's clever daughter. Said, Adventures of. Hauff. Caravan tales. (Golden whistle.) Hauff. Fair}' tales. Sailor man. Bryant. How to tell stories to children. Richards. Golden windows. Sailor's star. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 4th reader. St. Ailbe. See Wolf-mother of St. Ailbe. St. Anthony of Italy. Macdonnell. Italian fairy book. St. Athracta's stags (poem). Brown, A. F. Book of saints and friendly beasts. St. Berach. Brown, A. F. Book of saints and friendly beasts. (Wonders of Saint Berach.) St. Beuno and the curlew. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. St. Blaise and his beasts. Brown, A. F. Book of saints and triendly beasts. St. Brandan. Crommelin. Famous legends. (Unknown island.) Higginson. Tales of the enchanted islands of the Atlantic. (Voyage of St. Brandan.) St. Bridget and the King's wolf. Brown, A. F. Book of saints and friendly beasts. St. Christopher, Legend of (poem). Arnold and Gilbert. Step- ping stones to literature. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Gask. Folk tales from many lands. Herbertson. Heroic legends. (Quest of Offero.) Scudder. Book of legends. Wiltse. Kindergarten stories. FAIRY TALES 221 St. Collen and the King of Faery. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. St. Comgall and the mice. Brown, A. F. Book of saints and frientlK" beasts. St. Cuthbert's peace. Brown, A. F. Book of saints and friendly beasts. St. Denis. Crommelin. Famous legends. St. Elizabeth and the roses. Wiltse. Kindergarten stories. St. Elizabeth and the sick child. Wiltse. Kindergarten stories. St. Felix, Ballad of. Brown, A. F. Book of saints and friendly beasts. St. Francis and the Soldan. Peers. Saints in story. St. Francis of Assisi. Brown, A. F. Book of saints and friendly beasts. Keyes. Five senses. (What the birds heard from Francis.) Peers. Saints in story. (St. Francis preaches to the birds and tames the wolf of Gubbio.) St. Fronto's camels. Brown, A. F. Book of saints and friendly beasts. St. George and the dragon. Bailey and Lewis. For the chil- dren's hour. Herbertson. Heroic legends. Mabie. Heroes and fairies. (St. George.) Peers. Saints in story. Scudder. Book of legends. St. Gerasimus and the lion. Brown, A. F. Book of saints and friendly beasts. St. Giles and the deer, Ballad of. Brown, A. F. Book of samts and friendly beasts. St. Herve. Brown, A. F. Book of saints and friendly beasts. (Blind singer, Saint Herve.) St. Jerome and the lion. Peers. Saints in story. St. John's eve. Williams. Fairy tales from folklore. St. Kenelm, Story of. Hartland. English folk and fairy talcs. St. Keneth of the gulls. Brown, A. F. Book of saints and friendly beasts. St. Kentigern and the robin. Brown, A. F. Book of saints and friendly beasts. St. Launomar's cow. Brown, A. F. Book of saints and friendly beasts. St. Louis. Mabie. Heroes every child should know. St. Margaret and the dragon. Peers. Saints in story. St. Peter and the two women. Djurklo. Fairy tales from the Swedish. . St. Prisca, the child martyr. Brown, A. F. Book of saints and friendly beasts. St. Rigober't's dinner. Brown, A. F. Book of samts and friendly beasts. r, , e • A St. Werburgh and her goose. Brown, A. F. Book of saints and friendly beasts. St. Winifred's well. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Salad. .SVc Donkev cabbage. Salt fish and the eel. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. 222 FAIRY TALES Salt of life. Pylc, H. Twilight land. Samba the coward. Lang. Olive fairy book. Sambo and Jerry. Messer. Next time stories. Samodiva. Byrne. Modern Greek fairy tales. Samovar's story. Harrison, C. C. Bric-a-brac stories. Sanartia. Wardrop. Georgian fairy tales. Sand-hills, Story from the. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Antlerscn. Stories and tales (Author ed.). Sandal-wood necklace. See Chundun Rajah. Sandman. See Ole Luk Oie. Sanntraigh. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Sapient ass. See Old man and his ass. Sapphira and the flying pig. Edey. Six giants and a grififin. Satin surgeon. Lang. Olive fairy book. Saturn. Francillon. Gods and heroes. Satyr and the traveller, ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). yEsop. Fables (Jacobs. Man and Satyr). /Esop. Fables (Stickney). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Saucy Jesper. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. See also Golden goose; Hans who made the princess laugh; Magic swan. Sausage, The. See Three wishes. Saved. Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. Saved by a rose. Aunt Naomi. Jewish fairy tales and fables. Savitri — The faithful wife. Maud. Heroines of poetry. Saying of Socrates. See Socrates and his house. Scandal (play). Lansing. Quaint old stories. Scandinavian Jack the giant killer. Goddard. Fairy tales in other lands. Scar. Richards. Golden windows. Scar Face. See Little Scar Face. Schippeitaro. Lang. Violet fairy book. Ni.xon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. (Phantom cats.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Williston. Japanese fairy tales. (Shippeitaro.) Scorpion and the tortoise. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Scotcli hunting horn's story. Harrison, C. C. Bric-a-brac stories. Scrapefoot. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Three bears. Scullion who became a sculptor. See Canova, Antonio. Sculptor and the image. See Pygmalion and Galatea. Scylla and Charybdis. Carpenter. Long ago in Greece. (Sirens.) Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome. (Charybdis and Scylla.) Kupfer. Stories of long ago. (Sea god and a wicked enchan- tress.) Pratt. Myths of old Greece, v. 2. (Glaucus and Scylla.) FAIRY TALES 223 Scylla, daughter of Nisus. Kupfer. Stories of long ago. (Lock of purple hair, and what came of it.) Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. Sea and the rivers. ^-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Sea god and a wicked enchantress. See Scylla and Charybdis. Sea king's gift. Lang. Lilac fairy book. See also Fisherman and his wife. Sea-maiden. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Jacobs. Celtic fairj- tales. \\'iggin and Smith. Talcs of wonder. Sea, the fox, and the wolf. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Seal catcher. See Seal catcher and the merman. Seal catcher and the merman. Douglas. , Scottish fairy tales. (Seal catcher's adventure.) Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. (Seal catcher.) Seal catcher's adventure. See Seal catcher and the merman. Search for a friend. Ortoli. Evening tales. Search for a good child. Lindsay. Mother stories. Search for Norumbega. Higginson. Tales of the enchanted islands of the Atlantic. Second Calender. Arabian nights (Lang. Stor>' of the second Calender, son of a king). Arabian nights (Olcott. Story of the second royal mendicant.) Arabian nights (Townsend. History of the second Calender.) Second old man and the two black dogs. Arabian nights (Dodge ed.). Arabian nights (Lang. Story of the second old man and the two black dogs). Arabian nights (Townsend. Story of the second old man and the two black dogs). Jcnks. Tales of fantasy. Scudder. Children's book. (History of the second old man and the two black dogs). Second royal mendicant, Story of the. See Second Calender. Second sight. Welsh. Stories children love. Secret Empire. Nordau. Dwarf's spectacles. Secret of fire. Cooke. Nature myths and stories. I-'armer. Nature myths. Seed, Legend of the. See Proserpina. Seeing the world (play). Lansing. Quaint old stories. Selene's steeds. Stories of classic myths. {In Some mythological horses.) Selfish giant. Bailey. For the story-teller. Wilde. Fairy tales. Selfish sparrow and the houseless crows. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Frere. Old Deccan days. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also W'ooflpecker who was selfish. Semai-mai. Hourhill and Drake. Fairy tales from South Africa. Sennin the hermit. Coc and Christie. Story hour readers. '6r(\ book. 224 FAIRY TALES Sense of the weasel. Stafford. Animal fables. Sensible ass. .(Esop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Senta. Maud. Wagner's heroines. Septimus. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Serpent and the file. ^sop. Fables (Black ed. Viper and the file). ^sop. Fables (Burt ed. Viper and the file). iEsop. Fables (Jacobs). (poem). Success library, v. 3. (Viper and the file.) Serpent and the kettle. See Thor: Thor's fishing. Serpent and the man. ^^isop. Fables (Black ed.). yEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Serpent and the peasant. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. Serpent-czarevitch and his two wives. Bain. Cossack fairy tales. Serpent-peri and the magic mirror. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. (Snake-peri and the magic mirror.) Kunos. Turkish fairy tales. Serpent-wife. Bain. Cossack fairy tales. Serpent woman. Maud. Heroines of poGtry. Serpent's bride. Bourhill and Drake. Fairy tales from South Africa. Serpent's gift. See Melampus. Serra. Rhys. Fairy gold. Setuli ; or, King of the birds. Bourhill and Drake. Fairy tales from South Africa. Seven at one blow. See Brave little tailor. Seven boys and the monster. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Seven doves. Macdonell. Italian fairy book. Seven dwarfs. See Snowdrop. Seven families of the Lake Pipple-Popple. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Seven fathers in the house. See Father of the family. Seven fishers. Gregory. Kiltartan wonder book. Seven foals. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Lang. Red fairy book. Underbill. Dwarfs' tailor and other fairy tales. (Seven reindeer.) Seven golden peahens. Pyle, K. Fairy tales from many lands. See also Nine peahens and the golden apples. Seven-headed serpent. Lang. Three dwarfs and other stories. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Success library, v. 3. Seven-league boots. See Hop o' my thumb. Seven ravens. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Fairy tales (PauU tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed.). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Winnington. Outlook fairy book. FAIRY TALES 225 Seven reindeer. See Seven foals. Seven Simeons. See Seven Simons. Seven Simons, Story of the. Blumenthal. Folk tales from the Russian. (Seven Simeons.) Lang. Crimson fair}' book. Lang. Snow-queen and other stories. Seven sisters. See Pleiades. L Seven sleepers of Ephesus. Mabie. Legends every child should know. Scudder. Book of legends. Seven stars. See Pleiades. Seven stars of Pleiades. See Pleiades. Seven Swabians. W'iggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Seven voyages of Sinbad the sailor. See Sinbad the sailor, Story of. Shadow. L Andersen. Fair}- tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Shadow. IL Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. Shadow, in. Richards. Golden windows. Shadow canoe. Judd. Wigwam stories. Shadowland. Hume. Chrouicles of fairyland. Shadows. Macdonald. Light princess, and other fairy tales. Shah Jussuf. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fair}' tales. Shah Meram and Sultan Sade. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. Shaking-head. Curtin. Myths and folk-lore of Ireland. Sham prince. Hauff. Caravan tales. (False prince.) Lang. Crimson fairy book. (Story of the sham prince; or, The ambitious tailor.) Shan Ban and Ned Flynn. MacManus. In chimney corners. Sharing love and sorrow. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Shawneen. Gregory. Kiltartan wonder book. She was good for nothing. Andersen. Fair}' tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed. "Good for nothing"). Shee an Gannon and the Gruagach Gaire. Curtin. Myths and folklore of Ireland. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Sheep and the bramble. ^Csop. Fables (Burt ed.). Sheep and the dog. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Sheep and the pig. See Ram and the pig who went into the woods to live b\' themselves. Sheep and the pig that built the house. See Ram and the pig who went into the woods to li\-e by themselves. Sheep and the pig who set up house. See Ram and the pig who went into the woods to li\'e b\- themselves. Sheep and the pig who set up housekeeping. See Ram and the pig who went into the woods to live b>- themselves. Sheep-biter, i^^sop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. I*"ables (Burt ed.). Sheik Chilli. Lansing. Quaint old stories. 226 FAIRY TALES Shepherd and his dog (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Shepherd and the child of fortune. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. Shepherd and the dragon. Gask. Folk tales from many lands. Shepherd and the lion (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Shepherd and the nightingale. Success library, v. 3. Shepherd and the young wolf. ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Shepherd boy and the king. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (Little shepherd boy.) Shepherd boy and the wolf. See Boy who cried "W^olf." Shepherd judge. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. Shepherd pacha. See Shepherd pashaw. Shepherd pashaw. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. (Shepherd pacha.) Shepherd of Myddvai. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Shepherd Paul. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Shepherd turned merchant, ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Shepherd who won the king's /laughter by a single word. Cary. Fairy legends of the French provinces. Shepherdess and the chimney-sweep. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Scudder. Children's book. Shepherd's boy. See Boy who cried "Wolf." Shepherd's daughter. See Sweet Pea and Sweet William. Shepherd's dog and the wolf (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Shepherd's flower. See Roland. \. Shepherds of Salisbury Plain. Baring-Gould. Old English fairy tales. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. (Strange lives of two young princes.) Shepherd's son and the ogre. Douglas. Scottish fairy and folk tales. (Two shepherds.) Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. Shepherd's story of the bond of friendship. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Shifty lad, the widow's son. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Lang. Lilac fairy book. See also Jack the cunning thief. Shinansha; or, The south pointing carriage. Ozaki. Jap- anese fairy book. Shingebiss. See North wind and the duck. Shining princess. Story of. Bourhill and Drake. Fairy tales from South Africa. Ship and the sailors. .Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Ship that could sail over land and sea. Silver fairy book. See also Ashiepattle and his goodly crew. Shippeitaro. See Schippeitaro. FAIRY TALES 227 Shipwrecked man and the sea. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.)- Shirt-collar. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Wonder stories (.Author's ed. False collar). Lang. Golden mermaid and other stories. Lang. Pink fairy book. Shoemaker's apprentice. Grundtvig. F"airy tales from afar. Shoemaker's secret. Eggleston. Queer stories for boys and girls. Shoo Fly. Cocke. Bypaths in Dixie... Shooting of the Red Eagle. Zitkala-Sa. Old Indian legends. Shopboy and his cheese. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Shortshanks. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Lang. Red fairy book. (Minnikin.) Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. (Lillekort.) Short story. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. See also Box with something pretty in it; Tail. Shower of gold. See Star dollars. Shreds. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Shroud. See Child's grave. Sibyl. Haaren and Poland. Famous men of Rome. (The Tarquins.) Judd. Classic myths. (Lesson of the leaves.) Morris. Historical tales: Roman. (Books of the sibyl.) Sick kite. .Esop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Sick lion. L .E^sop. Fables (Black ed. Old lion). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). /Esop. Fables (Jacobs). Sick lion. H. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. Sick princess. Harrison, E. O. Prince Silverwings. Sick stag. .E^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). /Esop. Fables (Stickney). (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Sidi-Nouman. Arabian nights (Dodge ed. Syed Nouman.) Arabian nights (Lang). Arabian nights (Townsend). Ketcham. Oriental fairy tales. Scudder. Children's book. Siegfried. Baldwin. Hero tales told in school. Church. Heroes of chivalry and romance. Crommelin. Famous legends. (Sigurd.) Fortv famous fair\' tales. (Story of Sigurd.) Hall,' Mrs. A. \V. Icelandic fairy talcs. (Sigurd.) Lang. Red fairy book. (Sigurd.) Mabie. Heroes and fairies. Partridge. Story-telling in home and school. Making of the sword.) Tappan. Stories of legendary heroes. Sif's hair. See Dwarf's gifts. Sigurd. See Siegfried. Silence. See Dwarfs' tailor. Silent princess. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. Lang. Olive fairy book. 228 FAIRY TALES Sili go Dwt. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Silkworm and the spider. I. ^sop. F"ables (Burt ed.). (poem). Success library, v. 3. Silkworm and the spider. II. ^Esop. Fables. (Burt ed. Spider and the silkworm.) Silly jelly fish. See Monkey and the jelly-fish. Silly kid. See Kid and wolf. II. Silly Matt. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. See also Epaminondas and his auntie; Lazy Jack; Prudent Hans. Silly men and cunning wives. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. (Foolish men and scolding wives.) Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Silly Mutton. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales (Burt ed.). Silly old man (poem.) Lansing. Quaint old stories. Silly snake and his money. Young. Behind the dark pines. Silver cross (poem). Alexander. Hidden servants. Silver florin, Story of the. Hauff. Fairy tales. Silver Locks. See Three bears. Silver mountain. Baring. Blue rose fairy book. Silver party. Alcott. Lulu's library, v. 3. Silver penny. Jokai and others. Golden fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Silver porringer, Story of the. Harrison, C. C. Bric-a-brac stories. Silver shilling. Andersen. Fairy tales (PauU tr.). Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Field. Famous fairy tales. Silvercap, king of the frost fairies. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Sim Chung. See Dutiful daughter. Simeli-Mountain. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). See also AH Baba and the forty thieves. Simon and the Garuly. Eggleston. Queer stories for boys and girls. Simple-minded giant. Tappan. Golden goose. See also Jack the giant killler. Simpleton. I. Lang. Grey fairy book. See also How six traveled through the world. Simpleton. II. See Cinder youth. Simpleton and his little black hen. Pyle, H. Wonder clock. Sinbad the sailor. Story of. Arabian nights (Dodge ed.). Arabian nights (Lang. Seven voyages of Sinbad the sailor). Arabian nights (Olcott. Story of the seven voyages of Sinbad the sailor). Arabian nights (Townsend). Arabian nights (Wiggin and Smith. Story of Sinbad the voyager) . Blaisdell. Child life. 5th reader. (First, sixth and seventh voyages.) Favorite fairy tales. (Second voyage of Sinbad the sailor.) Jenks. Tales of fantasy. (Sinbad the sailor and the rocs.) Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. (Sinbad the sailor and the rocs.) FAIRY TALES 229 Sinbad the sailor, Story of — contimied. Ketcham. Oriental fairy tales. Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. (Second voyage of Sinbad the sailor.) Mabie. Heroes and fairies. (Second voyage of Sinbad the sailor.) Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 4. Scudder. Children's book. (First, second and fifth voyages.) Tappan. Stories from seven old favorites. Welsh. Stories children love. (Two stories of Sinbad the sailor. First and second voyages.) Unless otherwise specified, each reference contains the seven voyages of Sinbad the sailor. Since when Mister Blackbird wears red epaulets. Young. Behind the dark pines. Sing Li's fortune. Pitman. Chinese fairy stories. Sing-song of Old Man Kangaroo. Kipling. Just so stories. Singers. See Bremen town Musicians. Singer's lesson. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. Singh Rajah and the cunning little jackals. See Little jackals and the lion. Singing birds, Origin of. Grinnell. Birds of song and story. Singing bone. Grimm. Household talcs (Burt ed.). See also Binnorie; Blue lily; Three griffin's feathers; Three brothers. Singing leaves (poem). Alderman. Classics old and new. 4th reader. Singing-match. Harris. Little Mr. Thimblefinger. Singing sack. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Single lantern of Yamato. Xixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. Sir Andrew Barton (poem). Lanier. Boy's Percy. Sir Balin. Church. Heroes of chivalry and romance. Lang. Book of romance. Sir Bevis. Lang. Red romance book. (Sir Bevis the strong.) Wilmot- Buxton. Stories of early England. (Sir Bevis of Hampton.) Sir Bors and Sir Lionel. Tappan. Stories of legendar\- heroes. Sir Bumble. See Sir Buzz. Sir Buzz. Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. Lansing. Quaint old stories. (Sir Bumble.) Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Sir Cauline (poem). Lanier. Boy's Percy. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. Sir Cleges, Tale of. VVilmot-Buxlon. Stories of early England. Sir Eglamour. Harrison, C. C. Old-fashioned fair>' book. (Sir ICglamour and Crystabel.) Wilmoi-Buxton. Stories of early England. Sir Galahad. Alderman. Classics old and new. 3d reader. .Mabie. Herrxjs and fairies. Mabie. Heroes every child should know. 230 FAIRY TALES Sir Galahad — continued. MacGregor. Stories of King Arthur's knights. (Sir Galahad and the sacred cup.) See also Holy Grail. Sir Gammer Vans. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. (Pate of a little old woman.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Sir Gareth. Baldwin. Stories of the King. (Fellow fresh from the fields; Disdainful maiden.) Church. Heroes of chivalry and romance. Greene. King Arthur and his court. (Gareth and Lynette.) Herbertson. Heroic legends. (Beaumains, the knight of the kitchen.) Lang. Book of romance. (What Beaumains asked of the king.) Sir Gawain : Gawain and the green knight. Brooks, E. Won- der stories from the Mabinogion. Rhys. F"airy gold. (Green knight.) Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of early England. (Sir Gawayne and the green knight.) Sir Gawain: Marriage of Sir Gawain. Baldwin. Stories of the king. (Hideous lady.) (poem). Lanier. Boy's Percy. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. Pyle, K. Where the wind blows. Sir Geraint. Brooks, E. Wonder stories from the Mabinogion. (Geraint and Enid.) Clay. Stories of King Arthur and the Round Table. Lanier. Knightly legends of Wales. (Geraint the son of Erbin.) Sir Godfrey Macculloch. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Sir Greenhat. Grundtvig. Fairj' tales from afar. Sir Grey, Sir Graham, and Sir Greyskin. Baring-Gould. Old English fairy tales. Sir Isaac Newton and the apple. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. Sirlsumbras. Harrison, C. C. Old-fashioned fairy book. (Trials of Sir Isumbras.) Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of early England. (Story of Sir Isumbras.) Sir James Ramsay of Bamff, Tale of. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Sir Lancelot. Church. Heroes of chivalry and romance. Clay. Stories of King Arthur and the Round Table. (Sir Launcelot.) Higginson. Tales of the enchanted islands of the Atlantic. (Sir Launcelot of the lake.) Lang. Book of romance. (Lancelot and Guenevere.) Sir Lancelot: Lancelot and Elaine. Baldwin. Stories of the king. (Crimson sleeve; Lily rtiaid of Astolat.) Greene. King Arthur and his court. (Launcelot and Elaine.) Lang. Book of romance. (Fair maid of Astolat.) FAIRY TALES 231 Sir Lancelot: Lancelot and Elaine — continued. MacGregor. Stories of King Arthur's knights. Maud. Heroines of poetry. (Fair maid of Astolat.) Tappan. Stories of legendary heroes. Sir Launcelot. See Sir Lancelot. Sir One Long Body and Madame Thousand Feet. Griffis. Unmannerly tiger, and other Korean tales. Sir Owain and the lady of the fountain. Brooks, E. Wonder stories from the Mabinogion. (Lad\- and the fountain.) Clay. Stories of King Arthur and the Round Table. (Lady of the fountain.) Lang. Lilac fairy book. (Lady of the fountain.) Lanier. Knightly legends of Wales. (Lady of the fountain.) Tappan. Stories of legendary heroes. (Owain and the lady of the fountain.) Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of early England. Sir Owen and the dragons. Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. Sir Patrick Spens. Greenwood. Stories from famous ballads. Grierson. Children's tales from Scottish ballads, (poem). Lansing. Tales of old England, (poem). Scudder. Children's book. Sir Pellinore. Baldwin. Stories of the king. (Sir Griflct and Pellinore; In the Forest Perilous.) Sir Percival. Baldwin. Stories of the king. (Making of a knight.) Maud. Wagner's heroes. (Parsifal.) Sir Peredur. Brooks, E. Wonder stories from the Mabinogion. (Peredur, the son of Evrawc.) Clay. Stories of King Arthur and the Round Table. (Adven- tures of Sir Peredur.) Higginson. Tales of the enchanted islands of the Atlantic. (Castle of the active door.) Lanier. Knightly legends of Wales. (Peredur, the son of Exrawc.) Sir Philip Sidney and the cup of water. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. (Sir Piiilip Sidney.) Sir Richard Whittington and his cat. See Dick Whittington and his cat. Sir Ronan and the princess. Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. Sir Tristram. Clay. Stories of King Arthur and the Round Tal)lc. Maud. Wagner's heroines. (Isolda.) Sir Walter Raleigh. See Raleigh's cloak. Siren of La Fresnaye. Gary. Fairy legends of the French prov- inces. Sirens. Carpenter. Long ago in Greece. Sister and hrother. See Stag prince. Sister and half-sister. Gary. Fairy legends of the I'reiuh l>rovinces. Sister of the sun. I3aiky and Lewis. For the children's iiour. (Sun's sisters. AdajHed and conclusion omitted.) Lang. Brown fairy book. 232 FAIRY TALES Sisyphus. Cooke. Nature myths and stories. Six and four are ten. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Six comrades. See How six men travelled through the wide world. Six giants and a griffin. Edey. Six giants and a griffin. Six hungry beasts. See Fox and his five hungry comrades. Six little glow worms. Nordau. Dwarf's spectacles. Six sillies. Lang. Red fairy book. See also Three sillies. Six soldiers of fortune. See How six traveled through the world. Six swans. Forty famous fairy tales. (irimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Lang. Magic ring and other stories. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Mulock. Fairy book. Scudder. Children's book. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. See also Twelve brothers; Twelve wild ducks; Wild swans. Skadi. See How Skadi chose her husband. Skilful huntsman. Pyle, H. Pepper and salt. Skilful John. Car>'. Fairy legends of the French provinces. Skilful thief. Cary. Fairy legends of the French provinces. Skipper and Old Nick. Asbj6rnsen. Tales from the fjeld. Skipping shoes. Alcott. Lulu's library, v. L Skirnir. See Wooing of Gerd. Skrymir. See Thor: Thor and the frost giants. Sky bridge of birds. Griffis. LInmannerly tiger, and other Korean tales. Tappan. Myths from many lands. (Star-lovers.) See also Trials of two heavenly lovers, pt. 1. Slave who became a king. Aunt Naomi. Jewish fairy tales and fables. Slayer of the spotted calf. Nixon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. Slaying of Hallgerda's husbands. Lang. Red romance book. Slaying of the Tanuki. Lang. Pink fairy book. Sleeper awakened. See Abou Hassan. Sleeping beauty. Aunt Louisa's book of fairy tales. *Baldwin. Fairy reader. (Briar Rose.) Boy's and girl's fairy book. (Story of the sleeping beauty.) Burt. Story of the German Iliad. (Sleeping beauty in the wood.) Canton. Reign of King Herla. (Briar Rose.) Chisholm. In fairyland. Coe and Christie. Story hour readers. 3d book. [(Thorn Rose.) Coussens. Child's book of stories. Favorite fairy tales. (Sleeping beauty in the wood.) Forty famous fairy tales. (Sleeping beauty in the wood.) Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr. Briar Rose). Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr. Briar Rose). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household fairy tales (Burt ed. May Blossom). FAIRY TALES 233 Sleeping beauty — continued. Grimm. Household tales (Everj'man's ed. Briar Rose). Harris, A. \\ Favorites from fairyland. (Sleeping beauty in the woods.) Howard. Dick WTiittington and other stories. Hoxie. Kindergarten story book. (Briar Rose.) Jerrold. Big book of fair^- tales. (Briar Rose.) Johnson. Fir-tree fair^' book. Lang. Blue fairy book. Lang. Sleeping beauty in the wood and other stories. Lansing. Fairy tales, v. 2. Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Mabie. Heroes and fairies. (Sleeping beauty in the wood.) Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. (Rosebud.) Mother Goose rhymes, jingles and fairy tales (Altemus ed.). Mulock. Fairy book. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 2. (Sleeping beauty in the wood.) Nursery tales. Perkins. Twenty best fairy tales. Perrault. Fairy tales. Perrault. Tales of Mother Goose. (Sleeping beauty in the wood.) Perrault. Tales of passed times. Quiller-Couch. The sleeping beauty. Rhys. Fairy gold. Rolfe. Fair>' tales in prose and verse. (Sleeping beauty in the wood.) (poem). Rolfe. Fairy tales in prose and verse. Scudder. Book of folk stories. (Sleeping beauty in the wood.) Scudder. Children's book. (Sleeping beauty in the wood.) Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Singleton. Wild fiow-er fairy book. Stone. Children's stories that never grow old. Success library, v. 3. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. (Sleeping beauty in the wood.) Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. (Warne ed. Sleeping beauty in the wood.) Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 3d reader. (Sleeping princess.) Washburn. Old-fashioned tales. Welsh. Fairy tales children love. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. (Briar Rose.) Winning! on. Outlook fairy book. Lang and Valentine versions give a second part of the story which the others omit. Briar R(jsc is a simpler version of the same story, and is therefore included here. See also Ocean sleeping beauty. Sleeping beauty in the wood. See Sleeping beauty. Sleeping fox and the boy with a stone. See Lad and the fox. Sleeping princess. See Slecjjing heauly. 234 FAIRY TALES Sleepy Hollow, Legend of. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 7. Mabie. Legends ever^- child should know. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 5. Scudder. Book of legends. Sleepy story. Stebbins. 3d reader. See also Endless tale; Story without an end. Slice of tongue. Gask. Folk tales from many lands. Slip pine-root, grip fox-foot. See Slip root, catch Reynard's foot. Slip root, catch Reynard's foot. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. (Slip pine-root, grip fox-foot.) Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Johnson. Book of fairy-tale bears. (Bruin outwitted.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (How Reynard out- witted Bruin.) Slippers of Abou-Karem. Jokai and others. Golden fairy book. Sluggard. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Sly fox and sly fish. Aunt Naomi. Jewish fairy tales and fables. Small green caterpillar and the beautiful white butterfly. Story of. Harrison, E. In story land. Smallhead and the king's sons. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. See also Molly Whuppie. Smart young tiger. Partridge. Story telling in home and school. Smith and the devil. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. (Master smith.) See also Three wishes. IV. Smith and the fairies. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Grierson. Children's book of Celtic stories. Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. (Rescue from the eh'es.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Snail and the beaver. Pratt. Legends of the red children. Wade. Indian fairy tales. Snail and the bees. Davis. Chow-Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Snail and the rose-tree. Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.) Keyes. Five senses. Snail and the statue. iEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Snake and the sparrows. See Sparrows and the snake. Snake brother. Grinnell. Pawnee hero stories. Snake-peri and the magic mirror. See Serpent-peri and the magic mirror. Snake prince. Lang. Olive fairy book. Snake-woman and King Ali Mardan. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Sneezing Colossus. Griffis. Unmannerly tiger, and other Korean tales. Snow-daughter and the Fire-son. Lang. Three dwarfs, and other stories. Lang. Yellow fairy book. FAIRY TALES 235 Snow-Drop and the seven dwarfs. See Snow-White and the seven dwarfs. Snow-image. Blaisdell. Child life. 4th reader. Hawthorne. Little Daffydowndilly. Judson and Bender. Graded literature readers, v. 4. Mabie. Famous stories every child should know. See also Snowflake. I. Snow man. Anderson. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Fair>^ tales (Turpin). Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Lang. Golden mermaid and other stories. Lang. Pink fairy book. Snow man. IL Lindsay. Story garden. Snow-man's bride. Kennedy. New world fairy book. Snow queen. Andersen. F"airy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories (Riverside ed.). Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Chisholm. Enchanted land. Field. Famous fairy tales. Lang. Pink fairy book. Lang. Snow-queen and other stories. Success library', v. 3. Snow queen and the magic bees. Stewart. Once upon a time. Snow, the crow and the blood. MacManus. Donegal fairy stories. Snow-White. See Snowflake L Snow-White and Rose-Red. Blaisdell. Child life. 2d reader. Chisholm. In fairyland. — Coussens. Child's book of stories. Favorite fairy tales. Johnson. Book of fairy-tale bears. (Snow-White and Rose- Red and the big black bear). Lang. Blue fairy book. Lang. Little Red Riding-Hood, and other stories. Mulock. Fairy book. O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. Perkins. Twenty best fairy tales. Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Success library, v. 3. Welsh. Fairy tales children love. - Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Snow-White and the seven dwarfs. Aunt Louisa's book of fairy tales. (Little Snowdrop.) Baldwin. Second fairy reader. (Snowdrop.) Canton. Reign of King Herla. (Little Snow-White.) Chisholm. In fairyland. (Snow-Drop and the seven dw.irfs.) Coussens. (Child's book of stories. (Snowdrop.) Favorite fairy tales. (Little Snowdroji.) Forty famous fairy tales. (Snowflroj).) Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr. Snowdrop). 236 FAIRY TALES Snow- White and the seven dwarfs — coiitinued. Grimm. Household stories (Crane, tr. Little Snow-White). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Magic mirror). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed. Snowdrop). Harris, A. V. Favorites from fairyland. (Little Snowdrop.) Heller and Bates. Little Golden Hood. (Snowdrop.) Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. (Snowdrop.) Lang. Red fairy book. (Snowdrop.) Lansing. Fairy tales, v. 2. (Snowdrop.) Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. (Magic mirror.) Mabie. Heroes and fairies. (Magic mirror.) Mulock. Fairy book. (Little Snowdrop.) Pyle, K. Where the wind blows. (Magic mirror.) Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. (Snow-Drop.) See also Gold tree and silver tree. Snowbird and the water tiger. Compton. Snowbird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. Snowdrop. L Bailey and. Lewis. For the children's hour. Snowdrop. H. 5ee Snow-White and the seven dwarfs. • Snowdrop. HL Pratt. Fairyland of flowers. (Legend of the snowdrop.) Snowflake. L Gask. Folk tales from many lands. (Snow- White.) Lang. Golden mermaid and other stories. Lang. Pink fairy book. Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. (Little girl of snow.) O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. (Snye- gurka.) See also Snow image. Snowflake. H. Ingelow. Stories told to a child, v. 2. Snuff-box. Lang. Green fairy book. Lang. Pretty Goldilocks, and other stories. Snyegurka, See Snowflake. L So born, so die. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. See also Rats and their son-in-law. So-So. See Just as well. Soaring lark. Canton. Reign of King Herla. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr. Lady and the lion). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed. Lily and the lion). Sobbing pine. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Socrates and his friends. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Socrates and his house. Baldwin. Fifty famous st ories. (poem) . Success library, v. 3. (Saying of Socrates . ) Sodewa Bai. Frere. Old Deccan days. Sohrab and Rustem. Mabie. Legends every child should know Maud. Heroines of poetry. (A hero's mother.) Scudder. Book of legends. Tappan. Stories of legendary heroes. Soldier and his horses, ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Soldier and the dragon. Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. FAIRY TALES 237 Sole. Farmer. Nature myths. Grimm. Fair>' tales (Paull tr.). Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (Sole's mouth.) Wiltse. Folklore stories and proverbs. Sole's mouth. See Solei "Something." Andersen. Fairy tales (PauU tr.). Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Son-in-law. Eastman. Smoky Day's wigwam evenings. Eastman. Wigwam evenings. Son of Adam. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Son of seven mothers. See Son of seven queens. Son of seven queens. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. (Son of seven mothers.) Tappan. P oik stories and fables. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Son of the bright morning. See Perseus. Son of the fairy queen. Rhys. Fairy gold. Son of the King of Erin, and the giant of Loch Lein. See Yellow Lily. Son of the King of Ireland, and the daughter of the King of the Redcap, Tale of the. Grierson. Book of Celtic stories. Son of the soap seller. James. Cat and the mouse. Son of the strong man of the wood. Grierson. Book of Celtic stories. Son of the Thunder-god. See Child of the thunder. Son of the wolf-chief. Lang, L. B. Strange story book. Song in the heart (play). Stevenson. Plays in the home. Song of a fairy. Winnington. Outlook fairy book. Song of the fairy queen. Rhys. Fairy gold. Song of the ghost (poem). Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. Song sparrow. Story of the. Stewart. Once upon a time. Sons of the Conqueror, See William the Conqueror. Soothsayer. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. Soothsayer's son. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Sophie's secret. Alcott. Lulu's library, v. 3. Sorceress. .-Esop. F"ables (Burt ed.). Soria Moria castle. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far North. (Soria Maria's castle.) Dasent. Popular tales froni the Norse (Soria Maria's castle). Lang. Red fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Soria Maria's castle. See Soria Moria castle. Sorrow-singing. Hume. Chronicles of fairyland. Soul cages. Yeats. Irish fairy tales. Soul of the Samurai. Nixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairv tales. Soup from a sausage skewer. Andersen. Fairy tales (I aull tr.). Andersen. Wonder stories. (Soup made of a sausage stick.) Darton. Wonder book of beasts. (Soup on a sausage peg.) Soup made of a sausage stick. See Soup from a sausage skewer. Soup on a sausage peg. See Soup from a sausage skewer. 238 FAIRY TALES Sour and Civil. Browne. Granny's wonderful chair. South pointing carriage. See Shinansha. South Wind and the dandelion. See Prairie dandelion. South Wind, Legend of. See Prairie dandelion. Southernwood. Baring-Gould. Old English fairy tales. Sovereign of the mineral kingdom. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Sow and the bitch, ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). Sow and the cat. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Sow and the wolf. yEsop. Fables (Black ed.). iElsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Spaniel and the mastiff, ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Spanish cavalier, .^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Spanish tale. Fairy stories retold from the St. Nicholas. Sparrow and his four children. Grimm. Fairy tales (PauU tr.). Sparrow and the bush. Bain. Cossack fairy tales. Wiggin and Smith. F'airy ring. See also Cat and the mouse; Grain of corn; How the mouse got into his hole; Little Tuppen; Munachar and Manachar; Nanny who wouldn't go home to supper; Old woman and her pig- Sparrow and the crow. Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. (play). Lansing. Quaint old stories. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Sparrow and the hare, yfesop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Sparrow with the slit tongue. See Tongue-cut sparrow. Sparrows and the falcon. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Sparrows and the snake. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Snake and the sparrow.) Sparrow's revenge. Rouse. Talking thrush. Spectacles, ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Spectre dogs. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Speedwell, Legend of the. Pratt. Fairyland of flowers. Spell of the laughing raven. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Spendthrift and the swallow. yEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). ^sop. Fables (Stickney). Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Spendthrift merchant's son. See Golden mountain. Sphinx. See (Edipus. Spider and the bee. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Spider and the flea. Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Lady- bird and the fly). Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Death and burial of poor" hen-sparrow; Death of Chanti- cleer; Master Chanticleer and Dame Hen; Titty-mouse and Tatty-mouse. FAIRY TALES 239 Spider and the fly (poem). Norton. Heart of ocik books, v. 2. (poem). Scudder. Children's book. (poem). Tappan. Old-fashioned stories and poems. Spider and tlie silk-worm. See Silkworm and the spider. II. Spider woman's mistake. Nixon-Roulct. Indian folk tales. Spindle, shuttle and needle. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Forty famous fairy tales. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paul! tr.). Lang. Green fairy-book. Lang. Three dwarfs, and other stories. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Spinners. See Habetrot and Scantlie Mab. Spinning fairies. See Three spinning fairies. Spinning queen. Baldwin. Second fairy reader. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. (Idle maiden. In Captain John's travels.) Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. See also Three spinning fairies; Three little crones each with something big; Habetrot and Scantlie Mab.). Spinning wheel of stars. Farmer. Nature myths. Spirit boy. Nixon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. Spirit of Snow. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Spirit of the steppes. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Polevoi. Russian fairy tales. Spirits, seen and unseen. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Spokane Falls, Origin of. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Sportsman and the spaniel. yEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Spotty and Gosling. Darton. Wonder book of beasts. Sprig of holly. Stockton. Floating prince. Sprig of rosemary. Lang. Aladdin, and other stories. Lang. Pink fairy book. Sprightly tailor. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Spring beauty. See Old Winter Man and the Spring Maiden. Spring running. Kipling. Second jungle book. Spring song. Bakcwell. True fairy stories. Spring water. See Magic well. Springtime, Story of the. See Proserpina. Sprite of the mill-pond. See Nix in the pond. Squire Peter. See Lord Peter. Squire's bride. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Thorne-Thomsen. East o' the sun and west o' the moon. Squirrel and the horse (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Squirrel and the kingship. Stafford. Animal fables. Squirrel in service. .Esop. Fables (Stickney. Supplement). Squirrel's dream. Darton. Wonder book of beasts. Squirrel's secret. Stewart. Once upon a time. Sswanda the piper, Story of. Laboulaye. Fairy tales. Staff. Richards, (iolden windows. 240 FAIRY TALES Staff and fiddle. Pyle, H. Wonder clock. Stag. See Stag at the lake. Stag and the fawn. ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). ^-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Stag and the hedgehog. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. Stag and the lion. See Stag at the lake. Stag and the vine. ^^sop. Fables (Black ed. Hart and the vine). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Stag at the lake. /Esop. Fables. (Black ed. Stag looking into the water.) i-Esop. Fables (Burt ed. Stag looking into the pool). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed. Hart and the hunter). /Esop. Fables (Jacobs. Hart and the hunter). -(Esop. Fables (Stickney). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 2. Baldwin. Fairy tales and fables. (Deer.) Scudder. Children's book. (Stag and the lion.) Scudder. Fables and folk stories. (Stag and the lion.) Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Deer and the lion.) Stag in the ox-stall, ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). iE^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). .E^sop. Fables (Jacobs. Hart in the ox-stall). Stag looking into the pool. See Stag at the lake. Stag looking into the water. See Stag at the lake. Stag-prince. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fairy tales. (Sister and brother.) Kunos. Turkish fairy tales. Stag, the crow, and the jackal. Rouse. Talking thrush. Stan Bolovan. Lang. Violet fairy book. Underhill. Dwarfs' tailor and other fairy tales. (Steven Bolovan and the dragon.) Star and the lily. See Star maiden. Star beautiful. Pratt. Legends of the red children. Star child. Wilde. Fairy tales. Star dollars. Bryant. How to tell stories to children. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. (Shower of go^d.) Whittier. Child life in prose. Star-eyed Deirdre. See Deirdre. Star fairies. Harrison, E. O. Star fairies. Star gazer. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Star jewels. Brown, A. F. Star jewels and other wonders. Star-lovers. See Sky bridge of birds. Star maiden. Brooks. Stories of the red children. (Star that became a lily.) Coe and Christie. Story hour readers. 3d book. (Water lilies.) Compton. Snowbird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. FAIRY TALES 241 Star maiden — continued. Danielson. Story telling time. (Indian legend of the water- lily.) Farmer. Nature myths. (Water-lily.) Judd. Wigwam stories. (How the water lily came.) Mabie. Myths ever\- child should know. (Star and the lilv.) Tanner. Legends of the red man's forest. (Water-lil>-.) Pratt. Legends of the red children. (Lily-star.) Wade. Indian fairy tales. (Star and the lily.) Wilson, Mrs. L. L. W. Nature study reader. (Star and the lily.) Star that became a lily. See Star maiden. Star that never moves. Judd. Wigwam stories. Star wife. Kennedy. New world fairy book. Nixon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. Success library', v. 3. (Celestial sisters.) Wade. Indian fair>- tales. (Daughter of the stars.) Starlein and Silverling. Pyle, K. Counterpane fair>'. Stars. Richards. Golden windows. Stars in the sky. Grover. Folk-lore readers, v. L Jacobs. More English fairy tales. O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' stor\- tellers' book. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Stars, Stories of. See Alaka's eyes; Aurora, the white arch and the Great Bear; Callisto and Areas; Child's dream of a star; Dipper; Enchanted youth; Morning star. Legend of; Pleiades; Pole star; Sailor's star; Sky bridge of birds; Twin stars; Wan- dering star; also titles beginning with the word star. Starving of Mrs. Leghorn. See Mr. and Mrs. Leghorn. Statue and the birds. Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. Stavesacre fairies. Rhys. Fair>- gold. Steadfast tin-soldier. See Brave tin soldier. Steel cane. Lang. Olive fairy book. Steelpacha. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Step-mother. Pyle, H. Wonder clock. Steven Bolovan and the dragon. See Stan Bolovan. Stock im eisen. Mendel. Our little Austrian cousin. Stolen charm. Williston. Japanese fairy tales. 1st series. Stolen corn. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. *Haaren. Songs and stories. 2d reader. Stolen princess. Tappan. Golden goose. Stolen wine. See Odin and the mead. Stone and worm. /Esop. F"ables (Stickney. Supplement). Stone baby. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Stone breaker. See Stone cutter. Stone broth, ^sop. Fables (Stickney). See also Old woman and the tramj). Stone-cold heart. Field. Famous fairy tales. Haiiff. I air>- tales. 242 FAIRY TALES Stone cutter. Alderman. Classics old and new. 4th reader. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Lang. Snow-queen and other stories. Lyman. Story telling. Silver fairy book. (Stone-breaker.) Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. See also Peter the stone cutter. Stone in the cock's head. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Magic ring. Stone in the road. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 3. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Stone lion. Partridge. Story telling in home and school. Stone-moving song. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Stone of gratitude (play). Lansing. Quaint old stories. See also Bell of Atri. Stone of the wise men. See Philosopher's stone. Stone-patience and knife-patience. Kunos. Forty-four Turk- ish fairy tales. (Patience-stone and patience-knife.) Kunos. Turkish fairy tales. Stone-Shirt and the One-Two. Compton. Snowbird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. Stone statue. Djurklo. Fairy tales from the Swedish. Stones of five colours and the Empress Jokwa. Ozaki. Japa- nese fairy book. Stones of Plouhinec. Lang. Lilac fairy book. See also Thirst of the standing stones. Stonish giants. Kennedy. New world fairy book. Stool of fortune. Pyle, H. Twilight land. Stoor worm. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Williams. Fairy tales from folklore. Storehouse key in the distaff. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. See also Suitor. Stories about snakes. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Stork and the toad. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Storks. Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. \\'onder stories (Author's ed.). Blaisdell. Child life. 3d reader. Chisholm. In fairyland. Field. Famous fairy tales. Forty famous fairy tales. Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. Storks and the night owl. See Caliph Stork. Storm fiend. See Wind-demon. Storm moves the sign-boards. Andersen. Stories and tales. (Author's ed.). Storm swallows. Stewart. Once upon a time. Stormy fool. Kennedy. New world fairy book. FAIRY TALES 243 Story. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Story of, etc. See the first important word of the title. Story teller. Baldwin. Another fairy reader. Story- teller at fault. Jacobs. Celtic fairy tales. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Story- teller himself. See lagoo, the great story-teller. Story that Eskimos tell their children. See Bank swallows, Origin of. Story without an end. Whittier. Child life in prose. See also Endless tale; Sleepy story. Strange adventures of little Maia. See Thumbelina. Strange deeds of Kutoyis. Nixon-Roulct. Indian folk talcs. Strange godfather. Canton. Reign of King Herla. In some editions not indexed here, this story has the title Cod- father Death. Strange lives of two young princes. See Shepherds of Salisbury Plain. Strange otter. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Strange visitor. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Stranger. Richards. Golden windows. Straw ox. Bain. Cossack fairy tales. O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story teller's book. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Straw, the coal and the bean. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. (Why the bean wears a stripe down its back.) Blaisdell. Child life. 3d reader. Coe. First book of stories. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Field. Famous fairy tales. ^- Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed.). *Haaren. Songs and stories. 2d reader. Judson and Bender. Graded literature readers, v. 4. *Spaulding and Bryce. Aldine readers. 2d reader. (How the bean got its black seam.) Strong. All the year round, v. 3. Spring. Welsh. Stories children love. See also Tailor and the pea. Strawberry-girl. Harris. Little Mr. Thimblefinger. Strawberry thief. Underhill. Dwarfs' tailor, and other fairy tales. Stray cow. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Stream that ran away. Austin. Basket \voman. Street musicians. See Bremen town musicians. Striking a corpse candle. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. String of carts. /Esop. Fables (Stickney. Supplemeni). String of pearls, .\ndersen. Stories and talcs (Author's ed.). Strongarm. ICnglish. Fairy stories and wonder tales. Strong child. Richards. Golden windows. 244 FAIRY TALES Strong Frank. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Strong Jura. Wianington. Outlook fairy book. Strong man and the dwarf. W'ardrop. Georgian folk tales. Strong prince. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Strongest — who? or which? Harris. Little Mr. Thimble- finger. Stupid's cries. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. (Stupid's mistaken cries.) Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Stupid's mistaken cries. See Stupid's cries. Subjugation of the thunderbird. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Such women are. See All women are alike. Sugar pine. Austin. Basket woman. Suitor. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. See also Storehouse key in the distaff. Sultan of Casgar's purveyor. Arabian nights (Townsend. Stor>' told by the Sultan of Casgar's purveyor). Summer. Farmer. Nature myths. See also How summer came to the earth. Summer-gowk. Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Summer maker. See How summer came to the earth. Summer night in a Norwegian forest. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. Summer yellowbird, Legend of the. Grinnell. Birds of song and story. Sun. L See Giant with the golden hair. IL Sun. n. Bryne. Modern Greek fairy tales. Sun a prisoner. L Blaisdell. Child life. 3d reader. (Why the mole is blind.) Brooks. Stories of the red children. (Brave little mole.) Coe and Christie. Story hour readers. 3d book. (Gray mole and the Indian.) Cooke. Nature myths and stories. (Indian story of the mole.) Farmer. Nature myths. (Blind mole.) Nixon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. (Hunter who trapped the sun.) Pratt. Legends of the red children. Tanner. Legends from the red man's forest. (Why the mole is blind.) Sun a prisoner. II. Austin. Basket woman. (Little Tav-wots, and how he caught the sun in a snare.) Bryant. Best stories to tell to children. (Story of Little Tav- wots.) Bryant. How to tell stories to children. (Story of Little Tav- wots.) Wilson, G. L. Myths of the red children. (How the little rabbit snared the sun.) Sun a prisoner. HI. Farmer. Nature myths. (Why the sun travels slowly.) FAIRY TALES 245 Sun a prisoner. l\. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. (Why the sun travels rcgularh.) Compton. Snow bird and water-tiger, and other American Indian stories. (Fighting hare.) Sun and the moon. I. Judd. Wigwam stories. Sun and the moon. II. Pyle, K. Fair>- tales from many lands. Sun and the north wind. See Wind and the sun. Sun and the wind. See Wind and the sun. Sun-flower. See Clytie. Sun lady. See Little Surya Bai. Sun man and the moon (poem). Wilson, G. L. Myths of the red children. Sun, moon and stars. Farmer. Nature myths. Sun, moon, and wind go out to dinner. See Why all men love the moon. Sun, the moon, and the wind. See Why all men love the moon. Sunbeam and the captive. .^\ndersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr. Picture from the ramparts.) Andersen. Fair}- tales (Paull tr.) Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's cd. Picture from the castle ramparts). Sunchild. Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. (Sun's daughter.) Lang. Grey fair^' book. Lang. Invisible prince, and other stories. Sunken city. Stebbins. 3d reader. \'an Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 3d reader. Sunling. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Sun's daughter. See Sunchild. Sun's sisters. See Sister of the sun. Sunshine. See Little Sunshine. II. Sunshine and her brothers and sisters. Alcott. Lulu's library . V. 2. Sunshine stories. Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Keyes. Five senses. (Fortune's feather.) Suora Marianna (poem). Alexander. Hidden servants. Surya Bai. See Little Surya Bai. Susy's dream. Ketch um and Jorgcnsen. Kindergarten gems. Svend's exploits. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Swallow. See Why the swallow's tail is forked. Swallow and other birds. iEsop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Swallow and the crow. iCsop. Fables (Burt ed.). /Esop. F"ables (Jacobs). /Esop. Fables (Stickne>). Swallow and the little birds (poem). /Esop. Fables (Stickncy. Supplement). Swallow and the other birds. A^sop. Fables (Stickncy). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Swallow king's rewards. Allen. Korean talcs. (Hyung Bo and Xahl Ho; or, The swallow king's rewards.) Griffis. Unmannerly tiger, and other Korean tales. (King of the sparrows.) See also Two melons. 246 FAIRY TALES Swallowed court. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Swallows, Origin of. Farmer. Nature myths. Swan and the cook (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Swan and the crow. Rouse. Talking thrush. Swan and the linnet (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Swan and the paddy-bird. Rouse. Talking thrush. Swan-children of Lir. See Fate of the children of Lir. Swan maiden. Pyle, H. Wonder clock. Swan maidens. Cooke. Nature myths. Swan's nest. Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Swan's song. Bakewell. True fairy stories. Sweet Pea and Sweet William. Baring-Gould. Old English fairy tales. (Shepherd's daughter.) Williams. Fairy tales from folklore. Sweet porridge. See Wonderful porridge pot. Sweet soup. See Wonderful porridge pot. Sw^eet Water. Allen. Indian fairy tales. Sweetheart in the wood. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. See also Mr. Fox; Robber bridegroom. Sweetheart Roland. See Roland I. Swift runner. See Deer and the rabbit. Swiftest runners. Andersen. Fair\- tales (Paull tr. Racers). Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Swineherd. Andersen. Fair\- tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fair}- tales (Paull tr.). Chisholm. Enchanted land. Lang. Twelve huntsmen, and other stories. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Scudder. Children's book. Swiss clock's story. Alderman. Classics old and new. 3d reader. Harrison, C. C. Bric-a-brac stories. Sword-blade. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Sword Excalibur. See Arthur King: Sword Excalibur. Sword in the stone. See Arthur King: Coming of Arthur. Sword of Damocles. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Sword of might. Macdonell. Italian fairy tales. Sword of the assembled clouds of heaven. Ballard. Fairy tales from far Japan. Nixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. (Mirror of the sun-goddess; Sword of the clustering clouds of heaven.) Sword of the clustering clouds of heaven. See Sword of the assembled clouds of hea\en. Sword, the golden fowl, the golden lantern, and the golden harp. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Sworded falcon. Xixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. Sybilla, Myrtillo, and Furiosa. Harrison, C. C. Old-fashioned fairy book. Syed Nouman. See Sidi-Nouman. Syfaddon Lake. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. FAIRY TALES 24- Sylvain and Jocosa. Field. Famous fairy tales. Lang. Green fain- book. Welsh. Fairy tales children love. Wiggin and Smith. Alagic casements. Syrinx. See Pan. Tabby and the mice. Cowles. Art of story-telling. Jones. 2d reader. See also Three little pigs. Table, the ass and the stick. Field. Famous fairy tales. (Tailor's three sons.) Grimm. Fairj^ tales (Paull tr. Wishing table, the gold ass and the cudgel). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Tailor's three sons). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed. Wishing table, the gold ass and the cudgel). Jacobs. English fair>- tales. (Ass, the table and the stick.) Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. (Donkey, the table and the stick.) Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Winnington. Outlook fairy book. (Table, the donkey and the stick.) See also "Jump in mv sack!" Table, the donkey and the stick. See Table, the ass and the stick. Tail. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Box with something pretty in it; Short story. Tail of a mouse. Aspinvvall. Short stories for short people. Tail of the Baron's war-horse. Richards. Joyous story of Toto. Tail of the serpent, ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Tailor. Arabian Nights (Townsend. Story told by the tailor). Tailor and the hurricane. Gary. Fairy legends of the French provinces. Tailor and the pea. Ketchum and Jorgcnscn. Kindergarten gems. See also Straw, the coal, and the bean. Tailor and the three beasts. Bryant. Stories to tell to chihhcn. Tailor's daughter. Laboulaye. Fairytales. (Tailor's slor\. In Captain John's travels.) Laboulave. Last fairy tales. Tailor's story. See Tailor's daughter. Tailor's three sons. See Table, the ass and the stick. Tale of, etc. See the first important word of the title. 248 FAIRY TALES Taliesen. Brooks, E. Wonder stories from the Mabinogion. Higginson. Tales of the enchanted islands of the Atlantic. (Taliessin of the radiant brow.) Lanier. Knightly legends of Wales. Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of early England. Taliessin of the radiant brow. See Taliesen. Talisman of Solomon. Pyle, H. Twilight land. Talkative tortoise. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. (Tortoise and the geese.) Bowen. Second story reader. (Tortoise that would talk.) Bryant. Stories to tell to children. Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. Lang. Olive fairy book. (Fate of the turtle.) Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Geese and the tortoise.) Talking eggs. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Talking head of Donn-Bo. Graves. Irish fairy book. Talking-saddle. Harris. Little Mr. Thimblefinger. Talking thrush. Johnson. Fir-tree fairy book. (Ambitious thrush.) Rouse. Talking thrush. Talking tree. Macdonell. Italian fairy book. Talking tree, the singing bird and the golden water. Arabian nights (Wiggin and Smith). Talking turtle. I. James. Enchanted castle. Talking turtle. II. James. Magic bed. Tallapus and the cedar. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Tame lion. Nordau. Dwarf's spectacles. Taming the shrew. See Princess whom nobody could silence. Tamlane. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. (Young Tamlane.) Success library, v. 3. Tannhauser. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. (Legends of Tannhauser.) Maud. Wagner's heroes. Tantalus. Hutchinson. Golden porch. (Favorite of the gods.) Taper Tom. See Hans, who made the princess laugh. Tar-baby. See Wonderful tar-baby story. Taradiddles, Tale of. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Tarpeia. Bryant. Best stories to tell to children. Bryant. How to tell stories to children. Tattercoats. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Tatterhood. See Goat girl. Tau Kesuk. Allen. Indian fairy tales. Tea and the sage (poem). Success library, v. 3. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Tea pot. Andersen. Stories (Riverside ed.). Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Tears of pearl. See Rose-beauty. Tears of repentance (poem). Alexander. Hidden servants. Teenchy Duck. See Drakesbill and his friends. FAIRY TALES 249 Teeny-Tiny. Bailey. Firelight stories. (Teeny, tiny lady.) Coussens. Child's book of stories. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Mother Goose's nursery^ rhymes, tales and jingles (Warne ed.). Welsh. Stories children love. (Story of Teeny-Tiny.) Teeny, tiny lady. See Teeny-Tiny. Teeth and no- teeth. W'ardrop. Georgian folk tales. Teig O'Kane and the corpse. Veats. Irish fairy tales. See also Andrew Coffe\'. Tell, William. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. (Story of Wil- liam Tell.) Crommelin. Famous legends. Haaren. Ballads and tales. Herbertson. Heroic legends. (Archer of Schwitz.) Mabie. Heroes and fairies. Mabie. Heroes every child should know. Scudder. Book of legends. Tempest. See Prospero and Miranda. Temptations. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Tempted lady. Douglas. Scottish fair\- tales. Ten fairies. Bryant. Stories to tell to children. See also Charlotte and the ten dwarfs. Ten little dwarfs. See Charlotte and the ten dwarfs. Ten little Indians. Kennedy. New world fairy book. Ten sources. Gask. Folk tales from many lands. Ten virgins. Eastman. Wigwam evenings. Terrible bull, Story of the. Success library, v. 3. Terrible cyclone. Henderson. Sea yarns for boys. Terrible head. See Perseus. Thanksgiving. See Lame squirrel's Thanksgiving; Old Man Rab- bit's Thanksgiving. That is nothing to me. Welsh. Stories children love. Theology. Richards. Golden windows. There are better things than gold. See Midas. I. There is no fear for those with whom all women are in love. See Best wish. "There's a difference." See Conceited apple branch. Theseus. .Adams. Myths of old Greece. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. (Story of Theseus.) Baldwin. Old Greek stories. (Adventures of Theseus; Cruel tribute.) Beckwith. In mythland. v. 1. (Theseus the brave.) Burt and Ragozin. Herakles, and other heroes. Carf)enter. Long ago in Greece. (Theseus and the ring.) Church. Greek story and song. (Story of Theseus.) Cole. Heroes of the olden time. Francilion. Gods anfl heroes. Khampion of Athens.) Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome. Haaren and Poland. Famous men of C.reece. Hawthorne. Tanglewood tales. (Minotaur.) 250 FAIRY TALES Theseus — continued. Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. Kingsley. Heroes (Everyman's ed.). Kupfer. Stories of long ago. (Cruel king; Thread that saved many lives.) Partridge. Story telling in home and school. Pratt. Myths of Old Greece, v. 3. Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. Tappan. Myths from many lands. (Minotaur.) Thetis. See Peleus and the sea-king's daughter. Thiassi carries off Loki. See Iduna's apples. Thief and his master. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Thief and the boy. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). iEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Thief and the dog. ^Csop. Fables (Black ed.). ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Thief and the elephant. Davis and Chow-Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Thief and the innkeeper. .'Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Thief and the travelers (poem). Success library, v. 3. Thieves and the cock. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). ^-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Thinking only of myself. *Alderman. Classics old and new. 3d reader. Third Calender. Arabian nights (Lang. Story of the third Calender, son of a king). Arabian nights (Olcott. Stor>- of the third royal mendicant). Arabian nights (Townsend. History of the third Calender). Third fiddler's tale. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. Thirst of the standing stones. Canton. Reign of King Herla. See also Stones of Plouhinec. Thirsty pigeon, ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). yEsop. Fables (Stickney). Thirteenth son of the king of Erin. Curtin. Myths and folk- lore of Ireland. This is the lad who sold the pig. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Thistle, Story of the. Wilson, Mrs. L. L. W. Nature study reader. Thom and Willie. Douglas. Scottish fairy^ tales. Thomas Berennikov. Polevoi. Russian fair}- tales. Thomas the rhymer. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Grierson. Children's tales from Scottish ballads. Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. Thor. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. .5. Edmison. Stories from Norseland. (Thor outwits the dwarf Alvis.) Judd. Classic myths. (Thunder-god and his brother.) See also Geirrod: Geirrod and Thor; Dwarf's gifts. FAIRY TALES 251 Thor: Quest of the hammer. Bradish. Old Xorse stories. (Thryni.) Brown, A. F. In the days of giants. (Quest of the hammer.) Edmison. Stories from Norseland. (How Thor got his hammer back.) Foster and Cummings. Asgard stories. (How Thor lost his hammer.) Litchfield. Nine worlds. (Thor and Thrym.) ]klabie. Myths every child should know. (Quest of the hammer.) Mabie. Xorse stories. (How Thor found his hammer.) Pratt. Legends of Norseland. (Finding of the hammer.) Tappan. Myths from many lands. (Quest of the hammer.) Thor : Thor and Hrungnir. Bradish. Old Norse stories. (Thor's duel with Hrungnir.) Brown, A. F. In the days of giants. (Thor's duel.) Edmison. Stories from Norseland. (Thor and Hrungnir fight a duel.) Mabie. Norse stories. (How Thor fought the giant Hrungner.) Thor: Thor and the frost giants. Bradish. Old Norse stories. (Thor and Skrymir.) Brown, A. F. In the days of giants. (Thor's visit to the giants.) Edmison. Stories from the Norseland. (Giants fool Thor.) Foster and Cummings. Asgard stories. (Thor's wonderful journey.) Johonnot. Stories of the olden time. (Thor's visit to Jotun- heim.) Keary. Heroes of Asgard. (How Thor went to Jotunheim.) Litchfield. Nine worlds. (Thor and Skrymir.) Mabie. Norse stories. (Thor's wonderful journey.) Pratt. Legends of Norseland. (Thor and Skrymir; Thor and the Utgard-King.) Pyle, K. Where the wind blows. (Thor at Jotunheim.) Tappan. Myths from many lands. (Thor's adventures among the Joluns.) Thor: Thor's fishing. Bradish. Old Norse stories. (^Egir's feast.) Brown, A. F. In the days of giants. (Thor's fishing.) Edmison. Stories from Norseland. (Thor fishes for the Mid- gard serpent.) Foster and Cummings. Asgard stories, (^gir's feast.) Judd. Classic myths. (Thunder-god and his brother.) Keary. Heroes of Asgard. (Serpent and the kettle.) Litchfield. Nine worlds. (Thor's journey to get the kettle for /Egir. Mabie. Norse stories. (Thor goes a-fishing.) Pratt . Legends of Norseland. (Thor and the Midgard serpent.) Thorn rose. See Sleeping beauty. Thorny path of honor. Andersen. Stories and tales (.Authors ed.). Thor's dueL See Thor: Thor and Hrungiur. Thor's hammer. See Dwarf's gifts. 252 FAIRY TALES Thor's wonderful journey. See Thor: Thor and the frost giants. Thorstein. Hall, Mrs. A. W. Icelandic fairy tales. Three aunts. See Three little crones each with something big. I. Three bears. Adams. Folk-story and verse. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 2. Aunt Louisa's book of fair>' tales. Bailey. Firelight stories. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. Blaisdell. Child life. 2d reader. (Silver Locks.) Boston collection of kindergarten stories. *Bowen. Second story reader. (Little Golden Hair.) Bryant. Best stories to tell to children. (Story of the three bears.) Bryant. How to tell stories to children. Burke. Fairy tales. Chisholm. In fairy land. Coe. First book of stories. Coussens. Child's book of stories. (Goldilocks; or, The three bears.) Darton. Wonder book of beasts. Favorite fairy tales. Forty famous fairy tales. Golden goose, and the three bears. *Grover. Folk-lore readers, v. 1. Howard. Banbury cross stories. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. Johnson. Book of fairy-tale bears. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. Klingensmith. Household stories. Lang. Forty thieves, and other stories. Lang. Green fairy book. (Story of the three bears.) Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. May. Little Prudy's fairy book. (Goldilocks.) Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 2. Nurserj' tales. O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. (Story of the three bears; Goldenhair and the three bears.) O'Shea. Six nursery classics. (Story of the three Bears.) Rhys. Fairy gold. Scudder. Book of folk stories. Scudder. Children's book. Success library, v. 3. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Welsh. Stories children love. (Story of the three bears.) Wiltse. Folk lore stories. Wiltse. Kindergarten stories. FAIRY TALES 253 Three bears — continued. In English fair>- talcs and the Green fairy book Soulhc>'s text is followed exactly. In the other versions a little girl has been substituted for the old woman, and there are minor \-arialions. In Old old fair>- tales the story has been greatly changed and lengthened. See also Scrapefoot. Three billy goats gruff. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. (Three billy goats who went up into the hills to get fat.) n^S Bailey.""^ Firelight stories. 'I - Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. (Three goats named Bruse.) C L>'3> Coe. First book of stories. n^'S - Coussens. Child's book of stories. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Klingensmith. Household stories. (Three goats.) O 'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. Thorne-Thomsen. East o' the sun and west o' the moon. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. (Three goats named Bruse that went to the mountain-pasture to fatten.) *TreadwelI. Reading literature: primer. (Billy goats gruff.) \'an Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (Three goats.) Three black princesses. Cxrimm. Fairy tales (PauU tr.). Three brother beasts. Jokai and others. Golden fairy book. Singleton. Wild flower fairy book. Three brothers. I. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). *Haaren. Songs and stories. 2d reader. Lang. Pink fairy book. Lang. Snow-queen, and other stories. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Three brothers. II. Lang. Beauty and the beast, and other stories. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Three brothers. III. Gary. Fairy legends of the French Ijro\'inces. Three brothers. IV. Bain. Cossack fairy tales. See also Singing bone. Three brothers and the giant. Car\ . Fairy legends of the J-rench provinces. Three brothers and three sisters. B\ me. Modern Greek fairy tales. Three cakes. Bailey. For the story teller. Three Calendars, sons of kings and five ladies of Bagdad. Araijian nights (Lang. Story of the three Calenders). Arabian nights (Olcott. Story of the porter and the ladies of Bagdad and the three royal mendicants). Arabian nights (Townsend). Three children of fortune. 5ce I'ortune seekers. I. Three citrons. Laboulayc. Fairy book. Three cows. I. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. 254 FAIRY TALES Three cows. 11. See Bee, the harp, the mouse and the bum- clock. Three crowns. Graves. Irish fair>' book. Three crows. Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Three daughters of King O'Hara. Curtin. Myths and folk- lore of Ireland. Three daughters of the King of the East, and the son of a king in Erin. Curtin. M),ths and folklore of Ireland. Three dogs. 1. Lang. Beauty and the beast, and other stories. Lang. Green fairy book. Three dogs. II. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Underhill. Dwarfs' tailor, and other fairy tales. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Three dwarfs. See Three little men in the wood. Three eels. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. Three eggs. Gary. Fairy legends of the French provinces. Three farmers, Adventures of. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Three feathers. 1. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarden gems. (Dummling and the toad.) Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. See also Cherry the frog-bride. Three feathers. II. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. Three fish. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. Three fishes, Story of the. Bellamy. Wonder children. Three frogs. Alcott. Lulu's library, v. 1. Three gallant outlaws (poem). Lanier. Boy's Percy. (Adam Bell, Clym of the Clough and William of Cloudesly.) Macleod. Book of ballad stories. Three giants. Welsh. Stories children love. Three gifts. I. Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. See also Diamonds and toads. Three gifts. II. English. Fairy stories and wonder tales. Three gifts. 111. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Three girls who went to a boy's school. Davis and Chow- Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Three goats. See Three billy goats gruff. Three goats named Bruse. See Three billy goats gruff. Three goats named Bruse, that went to the mountain pasture to fatten. See Three billy goats gruff. Three golden apples. See Hercules and his labors. Three golden hairs. See Giant with the golden hair. 1. Three golden hairs of the old man Vsevede. See Giant with the golden hair. II. Three green men of Glen Nevis. Douglas. Scottish iaJirx tales (Burt ed.). Three griflBn's feathers. Macdonell. Italian fairy book. See also Singing bone. Three happy tailors. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. FAIRY TALES 255 Three heads of the well. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles (Warne ed.). Three ivor>' bobbins. See Bewitched huntsman. Three jumpers. See Leaping match. Three languages. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed.). See also Language of the birds. Three lemons. L Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. See also Three lemons. IL Three lemons. IL Gask. Folk tales from many lands. Jokai and others. Golden fairy book. Laboulaye. Fair>- tales. Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. See also Three lemons. L Three little Christmas trees that grew on the hill. O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' stor\- tellers' book. Three little crones each with something big. L Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. (Three aunts.) Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. (Three aunts.) Three little crones, each with something big. 11. Jcrrold. Reign of King Oberon. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Three little crones each with something big. 111. MacManus. In chimney corners. (Widow's daughter.) Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. (Widow's daughter.) Yeats. Irish fair>- and folk talcs. (Lazy beauty and her aunts.) Three little crones each with something big. I, II and III. See also Habetrot and Scantlic Mab; Spinning queen; Three spinning fairies. Three little eggs. Bourhill and Drake. Fairy tales from South Africa. Three little men in the wood. Forty famous fairy tales. (Three dwarfs.) Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household talcs (Burt ed.). Lang. Red fairj- book. (Three dwarfs.) Lang. Three dwarfs, and other stories. (Three dwarfs.) Xursers' talcs. (Three dwarfs.) Singleton. W'ildflower fairy book. Three little pigs. I. Aunt Louisa's book of fairy tales. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. *Bowen. Second story reader. Bryant. Best stories to tell to children. (Story of the three little pigs.) Bryant. How to tell stories to children. Chisholm. In fairy land. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Darton. Wonder Ijook of beasts. Forty famous fairy tales. *(irover. Folk-lore readers, v. 1. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. 256 FAIRY TALES Three little pigs — continued. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles (Warne ed.)- O'C.rady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. (Story of the three little pigs.) Three little pigs and Tom Thumb. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Three little pigs. II. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. (Three pigs.) Klingensmith. Household stories. (Three pigs.) Lang. Green fairy book. Lang. Pretty Goldilocks, and other stories. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (Three -ways to build a house.) Three little pigs. III. O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story- tellers' book. Three little pigs and the ogre. Pyle, H. Wonder clock. Three luck children. See Fortune-seekers. I. Three musicians. Lang. Beauty and the beast, and other stories. Lang. Green fairy book \\'iggin and Smith. Magic casements. Three orange peris. Kunos. Forty-four Turkish fair\' tales. Kunos. Turkish fairy tales. Three peasant maidens. Hall, Mrs. A. W. Icelandic fairy tales. Three pennies. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Three pigs. See Three little pigs. II. Three precepts. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. Three princes and their beasts. Lang. \'iolet fairj- book. Three princesses in the blue mountain. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Three princesses of Whiteland. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Lang. Red fairy book. Three princesses with glass hearts. Jokai and others. Golden fairy book. (Three sisters and their glass hearts.) Underhill. Dwarfs' tailor, and other fairy tales. Three questions. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles (Warne ed.). Welsh. Stories children love. Three rabbits. Bailey. Stories and rhymes for a child. Three remarks. Richards. Toto's merr\' winter. Three robes. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Lang. Golden mermaid, and other stories. Three sillies. Forty famous fairy tales. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Clever Alice; Six sillies. Three silver feathers. Harrison, C. C. Bric-a-brac stories. FAIRY TALES 257 Three singing leaves. See Prince Hatt under the earth. Three sisters and their glass hearts. See Three princesses with glass hearts. Three sisters and their stepmother. \A'ardrop. (ieorgian folk tales. Three sisters, Story of the. Arabian nights (Lang. Story of two sisters who were jealous of their younger sister). Arabian nights (Townsend). Three sisters trapped in a mountain. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. (Three sisters who were entrapped into a mountain.) Three sisters who were entrapped into a mountain. See Three sisters trapped in a mountain. Three sluggards. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Ever>'man's ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talcs of laughter. Three snake leaves, (irimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Two white snakes). Lang. Green fair\- book. Lang. Three dwarfs, and other stories. Three sneezes. Jcrrold. Reign of King Oberon. Three soldiers. Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. Three soldiers and the dwarf. See Nose-tree. Three sons. Gregory-. Kiltartan wonder book. Three sons of Hali, Story of the. Lang. Grey fairy book. Three spinners. See Three spinning fairies. Three spinning fairies. Coussens. Child's book of stories (Three spinners). Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr. Three spinsters). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Spinning fairies). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). (play). Stevenson. Plays in the home. (Three spinners.) See also Habetrot and Scantlic Mab; Three little crones each with something big; Spinning queen. Three spinsters. See Three spinning fairies. Three suitors. Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. Three swords. Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. Three tasks. Baldwin. Another fairy reader. Three tradesmen. .4->sop. Fables (Stickney). Three treasures of the giants. Lang. Orange fairy book. Three vases. ALsop. I'atjles (Burt ed.). Three ways to build a house, ^^-e Three little pigs. H. Three weavers. Johnston. Little Colonel at boarding school. Three wishes. L Alderman. Classics old and new. 'M reader. Fort>' famous fairy tales. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Johnson. P"ir-tree fairy book. Success library, v. 3. Welsh. I'airy tales children love. 258 FAIRY TALES Three wishes. II. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Three wishes. III. Djurklo. Swedish fairy tales. (Sausage.) Three wishes. IV. Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. See also Smith and the devil. Three wishes. V. Kennedy. New world fair>- book. Three wishes. VI. Scudder. Seven little people. Three wishes. VII. Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. Three wishes. \'III. Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. Three wishes. IX. Bellamy. Wonder children. (Story of the three wishes.) Three wonderful beggars, Story of. Lang. Violet fairy book. Pole\-oi. Russian fairy tales. (Marko the rich and Vasih- the luckless.) Three wonderful dresses. Bjrne. Modern Greek fairy tales. Three wonders of the world. Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. Three years without wages. Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Thresher and the ear of corn. ^Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Thrush and the swallow. ^Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Thrym. See Thor: Quest of the hammer. Thumbelina. Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr. Little Tiny). Andersen. Wonder stories. (Thumbling.) * Baldwin. Fairy reader. Boston collection of kindergarten stories (Little Thumb). Coussens. Child's book of stories. (Little Totty.) Field. Famous fairy tales. Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. (Thumbeline.) Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. (Thumbling.) Lang. Olive fairy book. (Strange adventure of little Maia.) Lang. Twelve huntsmen, and other stories. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Lansing. Fairy tales, v. 2. Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. (Little Tiny.) Welsh. Fairy tales children love. Thumbeline. See Thumbelina. Thumbikin. Dasent. Popular tales from the Xorse. Thumbkin. See Boots and his brothers. Thumbling. I. Grimm. Fair\' tales (Lucas tr. Tom Thumb). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr. Tom Thumb; Tom Thumb's travels). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Little Thumb). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed. Tom Thumb). Scudder. Book of folk stories. (Tom Thumb.) Scudder. Children's book. (Tom Thumb.) Scudder. Fables and folk stories. (Tom Thumb.) Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 4th reader. (Little Thumb.) Thumbling. 11. See Thumbelina. FAIRY TALES 259 Thumbling the dwarf and Thumbling the giant. See ^■o^lng giant. Thunder-bird. 1. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. (Origin of the Thunder-bird.) Thunder bird. 11. Farmer. Nature myths. Thunder-bird of the Dakotas. Judd. Wigwam stories. Thunder-god and his brother. See Thor: Thor's fishing. Thunderers. Kennedy. New world fairy book. Pratt. Legends of the red children. Ti-ke-wa-kush, the man who called the buffalo. Grinnell. Pawnee hero stories. Ti-tiriti-ti. Macdonell. Italian fairy book. Tide-jewels. Williams. Fair>' tales from folk lore. Tides. See Cause of tides; Crab that played with the sea; Crab and the moon. Tiger and the giraffe. W'iggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Tiger and the shadow. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Tiger gets his deserts. W'iggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Tiger lily, snap-dragon and elephant ear, Origin of the. Big- ham. Overheard in fairy land. Tiger on the Hudson. Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. Tiger, the Brahmin and the jackal. See Brahmin, the tiger and the jackal. Tiger, the fox and the hunters. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Tiger! Tiger! Kipliilg. Jungle book. Tiidu, the piper. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Tilly's Christmas. Judson and Bender. Graded literature readers. 4th reader. Timbertop and Betsian. English. Fair>' stories and wonder tales. Time and the kings of the elements. Chodzko. Fair\ talcs of the Slaw Timid Agnes. Harrison, C. C. Old-fashioned fairj- book. Tin rooster. Bowen. Second story reader. Tinder box. * Andersen. Best fairy tales (Henderson tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fair>' tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Forty famous fairy tales. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Welsh. Fair>- tales children love. Winnington. Outlook fairy book. See also Blue light. Ting-a-ling. Stockton. Ting-a-ling talcs. Ting-a-ling and the five magicians. Stockton, i mg- i-liiig talcs. Ting-a-ling's visit to Tur-i-li-ra. Stockton. Ting-aling talcs Tinkey. Fairy stories from St. Nicholas. Tinklebell. .'^lesser. Next night stories. 260 FAIRY TALES Tinsel and lightning. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Tintelle's mother. Kennedy. New world fairy book. Tiny Tim's Christmas dinner. See Cratchit's Christmas dinner. Tip- top, History of. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 4. Cowles. Art of story-telling. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. (Story of Tip Top). Tippy Toes, Adventures of. Bailey. Stories and rhvmes for a child. Tired of being a little girl. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Tit for tat. Bryant. Stories to tell to children. (Little jackal and the camel.) Coussens. Child's book of stories. Frere. Old Deccan days. O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Titans. Francillon. Gods and heroes (Saturn.) Hutchinson. Orpheus with his lute. (Coming of Zeus.) See also Prometheus. Tithonus. See Aurora and Tithonus. Titty Mouse and Tatty Mouse. ' Coussens. Child's book of stories. Forty famous fairy tales. *Haaren. Songs and stories. 2d reader. Howard. Banbury cross stories. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes and jingles (Warne ed.). O'Grady and Throop. Teachers' story tellers' book. Welsh. Stories children love. (Story of Titty Mouse and Tatty Mouse.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Death and burial of poor hen-sparrow; Death of Chanti- cleer; Spider and the flea. To your good health! Lang. Crimson fairy book. Lang. Magic ring, and other stories. Toad. L Andersen. Stories (Riverside ed.). Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Toad. n. Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. Toad and the boy. Zitkala-Sa. Old Indian legends. Toad and the may-fly. ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Toad-boy. Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. Toads and diamonds. See Diamonds and Toads. Toadstools, Origin of. Bigham. Overheard in fairy land. Toinette and the elves. Coolidge. Round dozen. Dickinson and Skinner. Children's book of Christmas stories. Tokgabi and his pranks. Griffis. . Unmannerly tiger, and other Korean tales. Tokgabi's menagerie, cats and dogs. See Why the dog and cat are enemies. H. FAIRY TALES 2G1 Toller's neighbors. Dascnt. Popular tales from the Xorse. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Tom goes down to sea. See Tom, the water baby. Tom Hickathrift. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles (Warne ed.). Rhys. Fairy gold. Tom, the water baby. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 4. (Water babies.) Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Blaisdell. Child life. 4th reader. Field. Famous fairy tales. (Water baby.) Judson and Bender. Graded literature readers, v. 4. (Tom goes down to sea.) Wiltse. Kingergarten stories. Tom Thumb. I. .-^dams. Folk-story and verse. Aunt Louisa's book of fairy tales. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. *Blaisdell. Child life. 2d reader. Chisholm. In fairy land. Coe. First book of stories. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Forty famous fairy tales. (History of Tom Thumb.) Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. (History of Tom Thumb.) Jacobs. English fairy tales. (History of Tom Thumb.) Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. Lansing. Tales of old England. Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Mabie. Heroes and fairies. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, tales and jingles (Warne cd.). Mother Goose rhymes, jingles and fairy tales (Altemus ed. History of Tom Thumb). Mulock. Fairy tales. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 2. (History of Tom Thumb.) O'Shea. Old world wonder stories. Perkins. Twenty best fairy tales. Rhys. Fairy gold. Rolfe. Fairy tales in prose and verse. Singleton. Wild flower fairy book. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Three little pigs and Tom Thumb. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales (Warne ed.). Welsh. Fairy tales children love. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. (History of Tom Thumit.; Willse. Hero folk of ancient Britain. Tom Thumb. H. .SVe Thumbling. Tom Thumb. HL See Hoj) o' my Thumb. Tom Tim Tot. See Tom Til Tot. Tom-tit and the bear. See Wn n and ilic bear. 262 FAIRY TALES Tom Tit Tot. Baldwin. Fairy tales. *Bowen. Second story reader. (Black thing.) Coussens. Child's book of stories. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Jacobs. English fairy tales. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Lansing. Quaint old stories. Mabie. Folk tales every child should know. (Tom Tim Tot.) Partridge. Story telling in home and school. (Nimmy Nimmv Not.) Rhys. Fairy gold. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Habetrot and Scantlie Mab; Rumpelstiltskin. Tom Totherhouse. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Tomorrow. Richards. Golden windows. Tongue-cut sparrow. Bailey and Lewis. For ike children's hour. Lang. Elf Maiden. (Sparrow with the slit tongue.) Lang. Pink fairy book. (Sparrow with the slit tongue.) Lyman. Story-telling. Ozaki. Japanese fairy tales. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. \\'iggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Williston. Japanese fairy tales. Tongues. .-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Tontlawald, Tale of the. Lang. Violet fairy book. Tony Bear at the peacock house. Danielson. Story telling time. Too many to marry. See Brazen brogues. Too much gold. See Midas. L Toomai of the elephants. Kipling. Jungle book. Top and ball. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Stories (Riverside ed. Lovers). Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed. Lovers). Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. Scudder. Children's book. (Lovers.) Top Off — Half Off — All Gone. See Cat and the mouse in partner- ship. Topknots and crockery hats. Griffis. Unmannerly tiger, and other Korean tales. Toreador's sword, Story of the. Harrison, C. C. Bric-a-brac stories. Torpedo that was lost. Henderson. Sea yarns for bo\s. Tortoise and the birds. See Foolish tortoise. Tortoise and the eagle. See Foolish tortoise. Tortoise and the geese. See Talkative tortoise. Tortoise and the hare. See Hare and the tortoise. Tortoise and a mischievous monkey, Tale of. Lang. Brown fairy book. Tortoise that would talk. See Talkative tortoise. Totem of the son of Yelth. Nixon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. Town mouse and the country mouse. See Country mouse and the town mouse. FAIRY TALES 2G3 Town-mouse and the fell-mouse. See Countn. mouse and the town mouse. Town musicians. See Bremen town musicians. Town of the snake girls. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk stories. Toy princess. Chisholm., Enchanted land. Trail of the far-off lodge. Xixon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. Trapping in the Happy Hunting Grounds. Judd. Wigwam stories. Traveler, .tsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Traveler and his dog. .^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Traveler and the tiger. W'iggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Traveler and the viper. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Traveler, the cook and the little old man. Richards. Jo\ous story of Toto. Travelers. ^-Esop. Fables (Black ed.). Travelers and the axe. iEsop. Fables (Burt ed. Two travelers). /Esop. F~ables (Stickney. Two travelers.) Lansing. Quaint old stories. (Travelers and the hatchet.) Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Stevenson. Plays for the home. (Travelers and the hatchet.) Welsh. Stories children love. (Two travelers.) Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Two travelers.) Travelers and the bear. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). .^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed. Bear in the woods). ^sop. Fables (Jacobs. Two fellows and the bear). ^F^sop. Fables (Stickney. Bear and the two travelers). Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Travelers and the crow. ^Esop. Fables (Black ed.). .^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Travelers and the hatchet. See Travelers and the axe. Travelers by the seaside. .-Esop. Fables ( Burt ed.). Traveling companion. Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (PauU tr.). Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Marshall. Fair^' tales of all nations. Singleton. Wild flower fairy book. See also Companion. Traveling musicians. See Bremen town musicians. Travels of a fox. Bailey. For the story teller. Baile\- and Lewis. For the children's hour. Johnson. f)ak-trec fairv book. Travels of Baron Munchausen. Scudder. Children's bo(jk. Tajjpan. Stories from seven old favorites. Welsh. Stories children love. (Tales from the travels of iiaron Munchausen.) Treasure seeker. Land. Crimson fair\' book. Lang. Snow-queen, and other stories. Treasure seeking. Thomas. Welsh fairy bn(jk. Tree and the reeds. See Oak and the reed. 264 FAIRY TALES Tree-bound. Ziikala-Sa. Old Indian legends. Tree in the city. Richards. Golden windows. Trees. Brown, A. F. Star jewels. Tremsin, the bird zhar, and Nastasia, the lovely maid of the sea. See Feather of the zhar bird. Trial. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. Trial of brides. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Trials of two heavenly lovers. Allen. Korean tales. (Ching Yuh and Kyain Oo; or, The trials of two heavenly lovers.) See also Sky bridge of birds. Tribes, Origin of the. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Tribulations of a cobbler. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Triptolemos. Beckwith. In mythland. v. 2. (Story of Ceres.) Burt and Ragozin. Herakles and other heroes. Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome. (Ceres and Triptole- mus.) Hutchinson. Orpheus with his lute. (/« Mother and the maid.) Trishka's caftan, .^sop. Fables (Stickney. Supplement). W'iggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Tristram. See Sir Tristram. Tritill, Litill, and the birds. Lang. Crimson fairy book. Trojan war. Adams. Myths of old Greece. (Fall of Troy.) Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 4. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. (Fall of Troy.) Church. Greek story and song. (Story of Troy; Strange story of the false Helen.) Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome. Haaren and Poland. Famous men of Greece. (Agamemnon.) Hutchinson. Golden porch (Builders of Troy). Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. (House of Agamemnon.) Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. (Sack of Troy.) Tappan. Stories from the classics. 5^6" a/50 Paris: Apple of discord ; Wooden horse. Troll's daughter. Lang. Aladdin, and other stories. Lang. Pink fairy book. Troll's hammer. Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Trolls in Hedale wood. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy tales. (Lads who met the trolls in the Hedale wood.) Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. Trooper and his horse, ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Troublesome visitors. See Herr Korbes. Trudel's siege. Alcott. Lulu's library, v. 3. True and false prince. Haaren. Ballads and tales. True and untrue. Dasent. Popular tales from the Xorse. True bride. Grimm. Fairy tales" (Paull tr.). Lang. Green fairy book. True history. Carpenter. Long ago in Greece. FAIRY TALES 265 Trumpeter taken prisoner. .Esop. Fables (Black ed.). .•Esop. Fables (,Burt ed.). ^•Esop. Fables Jacobs). Trus' or intrus.' Young. Behind the dark pines. Trusty John. See Faithful John. Truth, Story of. Bakewell. True fairy stories. Truthful little Persian. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 3. Truth's triumph. Frere. Old Deccan days. W'iggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Tsarevich Ivan and the harp that harped without a harper. Polevoi. Russian fairy tales. Tsarevna frog. See Frog queen. Tsarevna Loveliness-Inexhaustible. Polevoi. Russian fairy tales. Tudur ap Einion. Thomas. \\'elsh fairy book. Tula Oolah. Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. Tulip bed. Hartland. English folk and fain,' tales. See also Fragrant tulip bed. Tulman. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Tune that makes the tiger drowsy. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Tunny and the dolphin. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Turkey factor. Baring-Gould. Old English fairy tales. Turkey maiden. Wilson, G. L. Myths of the red children. Turkey queen. See Blondina Turkeys turning the tables. Howells. Christmas every day. Turned loaf. English. Fair>' stories and wonder tales. Turnip, (irimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Fair>' tales (Paull tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed. Man in the bag). Turtle and his bride. Lang. Brown fair> book. Lang. Elf maiden. Turtle-Dove, Sage-Cock and the witch. Compton. Snowbird and the water tiger, and other American Indian talcs. Turtle, the wolf and the hyena. Stafford. Animal fables. Twelve brothers. Forty famous fairy tales. Grimm. Fairy talcs (Paull tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed.). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Lang. Forty thieves, and other stories. Lang. Red fairy book. Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Mabie. Heroes and fairies. Welsh. Fairy talcs children love. See also Si.x swans; Twelve wild ducks; V\'ild swans. Twelve by the mail. See Mail-coach passengers. 266 FAIRY TALES Twelve dancing princesses. Chisholm. Enchanted land. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed. Dancing shoes). Lang. Red fairy book. Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. (Dancing shoes.) Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Twelve huntsmen. Chisholm. Enchanted land. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Bride's venture). Lang. Green fairy book. Lang. Twelve huntsmen, and other stories. Twelve idlers. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Twelve months. I. *Baldwin. Second fairy reader. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Farmer. Nature myths. Gask. Folk tales from many lands. (Four seasons.) Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. Laboulaye. Fairy book. Van Sickle and Scegmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. Welsh. Stories children love. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Twelvemonths. U. Canton. Reign of King Herla. (Little Snow-flake.) Twelve white peacocks. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Twelve wild ducks. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Dasent. Popular talcs from the Norse. Thorne-Thomsen. East o' the sun and west o' the moon. See also Six swans; Twelve brothers; Wild swans. Twelve wild geese. Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. Twigmuntus, Cowbelliantus, Perchnosius. Djurklo. Fairy tales from the Swedish. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Twin brothers. L Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Twin brothers. H. Lang. Grey fairy book. Lang. Invisible prince, and other stories. Twin brothers. See Two brothers. III. Twin stars. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. James. Alagic jaw bone. Twist-mouth family. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book. Twm of the fair lies. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Two baker boys. Stebbins. 3d reader. Two brothers. I. Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Two brothers. II. Chodzko. Fairy tales of the Slav. Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. (Brothers.) Two brothers. III. Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Twin brothers). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Two brothers. IV. Lang. Pink fairy book. Lang. Golden mermaid, and othe stories. Two brothers. V. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Two brothers. VI. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. Two brothers. VII. Gask. Folk tales from many lands. FAIRY TALES 207 Two brothers. MIL Xixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fain,- tales. Two brothers. IX. Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. Two brothers. X. See \'alentine and Orson. Two brothers and the old witch, ^ee Old hag's long leather bag. Two caskets. See Man's daughter and the woman's daughter. Two charms (poem). Rhys. Fair>- gold. Two countrymen. Ste\enson. Plays for the home. Two crabs. See Crab and his mother. Two daughters. Welsh. Stories children love. Two dogs. ^■Esop. Fables (Stickney. Supplement). Two fellows and the bear. See Travelers and the bear. Two foolish birds. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. See also Blackbird and the doves; Jay and the peacock; Vain jackdaw. Two foxes. I. ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Two foxes. II. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Two foxes and the hot rolls. Johnson. Book of fairy-tale foxes. See also Hare and the fox. Two friends. Mace. Home fairy tales. Two frogs. I. iEsop. Fables (Stickney). Two frogs. II. ^sop. Fables (Black ed.). •Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Grover. Folk-lore readers, v. 1. Two frogs. III. See Frog travelers. Two genies. Silver fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Two gifts. Gask. Folk tales from many lands. Two goats, i^sop. Fables (Stickney). Two in a sack. Lang. Violet fairy book. Two king's children. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Two little cooks. Bailey and Lewis. F"or the children's hour. Two lizards, ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Two losses. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. Two maidens. Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Two melons. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. See also Swallow king's rewards. Two millers. Underhill. Dwarfs' tailor, and other fairy tales. Two Moqui heroes. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Williams. Fairy tales from folklore. Two mothers and a child. Davis and Chow-Leung. Chinese fables anrl folk stories. Two mountains. Davis and Chow-Leung. Chinese fabks and folk stories. Two mules (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Two old soldiers. Blaisdell. Child life. 5lh reader. Two out of the knapsack. Polevoi. Russian fairy tales. Two packs. Scudder. Children's book. S<:udder. Fable and folk stories. Two paths. Lindsay. More mother stories. Two pots. See Earthen pot and the i)ot of brass. Two princes. Bain. Cossack fairy tales. 268 FAIRY TALES Two rabbits. J^sop. P'ables (Burt ed.). Two lats. .^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Two rats, the fox and the egg. See Rats, the fox and the egg. Two scythes. .-Esop. F"ables (Burt ed.). Two serving damsels. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Two shepherds. See Shepherd's son and the ogre. Two sisters. See Rakshas' palace. Two sisters who were jealous of their younger sister. See Three sisters, Story of the. Two soldiers. Cary. Fairy legends of the French provinces. Two soldiers and the robber. iEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Two sons of Ivan the soldier. Polevoi. Russian fairy tales. Two springs. ^-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Two step-sisters. See Alan's daughter and the woman's daughter. Two thieves. Wardrop. Georgian folk tales. Two thieves and the bear. iEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Two travelers. I. See Travelers and the axe. Two travelers. II. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. Two travelers and the oyster. .Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Two travelers of differing humors. iEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). Two wanderers. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Two ways. Richards. Golden windows. Two ways of telling a story. Ingelow. Stories told to a child, v. 1. Two weasels, Story of the. Nixon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. Two white snakes. See Three snake leaves. Two wild creatures at meals. Keyes. Five senses. Two wishes. Coolidge. Round dozen. Two young men and the restaurant keeper. Success library. \'. 3. Two young ploughmen. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. Twrch Trwyth. See Kilwch and Olwen. Tyr and the wolf. See Binding of the Fenris wolf. Tyrant who became a just ruler. Bidpai. Tortoise and the geese. See also How a bad king became a- good one. Tyrone, Legend of (poem). Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. u Udea and her seven brothers. Lang. Grey fairy book. Ugly duckling. * Andersen. Best fairy tales (Henderson tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Turpin ed.). Andersen. Stories (Riverside ed.). Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's ed.). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping st-ones to literature, v. 3. Bailey and Lewis. For the children's hour. *Baldwin. Fairy reader. Blaisdell. Child life. 2d reader. FAIRY TALES 2G9 Ugly duckling — contmued. Boston collection of kindergarten stories. *Bo\ven. Second story reader. Coe. First book of stories. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Favorite fair>- tales. Field. Famous fairy tales. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. Harris. Favorites from fairyland. Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. Klingensmith. Household stories. Lang. Orange fairy book. Mabie. Fairy tales everj' child should know. Mabie. Heroes and fairies. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 3. Perkins. Twenty best fairy tales. Scudder. Children's book. (play). Stevenson. Plays for the home. Stone. Children's stories that never grow old. Strong. All the year round, v. 4. Summer. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. W'hittier. Child life in prose. \\ iltse. Kindergarten stories. Ulysses. Adams. Myths of old Greece. (Wanderings of Ulysses; Homecoming of Ulysses.) Baldwin. Golden age. Carpenter. Long ago in Greece. (Odysseus and Leucothea.) Church. Greek story and song. Haaren and Poland. Famous men of Greece. (Adventures of Ulysses.) Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 3. (Adventures of Ulysses.) Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. (Adventures of Odysseus.) Pratt. Myths of Old Greece, v. 3. Storr. Half a hundred hero tales. Tappan. Stories from the classics. Ulysses and the bag of winds. Coe and Christie. Story hour readers. 3d book. (Bag of winds.) Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. (Bag of winds.) Judd. Classic myths. (Bag of winds.) Van Sickle and Seegmillcr. Riverside readers. 2d reader. Wilson, Mrs. L. L. W. Nature study reader. (Bag of winds.) Ulysses and Polyphemus. Johonnot. Stories of the olden linie. (Polyphemus.) Mabie. Myths every child should know. (Cyclops.) Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. (Curse of Polyphemus.) Pratt. Myths of old Greece, v. 3. (Polyphemus.) Scudder. Children's book. (Cyclops.) Ulysses at Circe's palace. Hawthorne. Tanglewood tales. (( ircc s palace.) Hyde. Favorite Greek myths. Pratt. Myths of Old Greece, v. 3. (Circe's iialace.) 270 FAIRY TALES Umbrellas, origin of. See Elf and the dormouse. Una and the Red Cross knight. Lang. Red. romance book. (How the Red Cross knight slew the dragon; Una and the lion.) Unambitious queen. Brown. One-footed fairy. Unanana and the elephant. Gibbon. Reign of King Cole. Uncle Curro and his cudgel. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Uncle lion. James. Man elephant. Uncle Rain and Brother Drouth. Van Sickle and Secgmiller. Riverside readers. 3d reader. Under the willow-tree. Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Anderson. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Underground workers. Lang. Violet fairy book. Undertakers. Kipling. Second jungle book. Underworld, Story of the. Bellamy. Wonder children. Undine. Mabie. Famous stories every child should know. Undutiful daughter. Baring-Gould. Old English fairy tales. Ungrateful children and the old father who went to school again. Bain. Cossack fairy tales. Ungrateful guest. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Ungrateful soldier. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Unhappy son. Brown, A. E. Tale of the red children. Unicorn. Silver fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Union gives strength. See Bundle of sticks. Unknown island. See St. Brandan. Unktomee and his bundle of songs. Eastman. Smoky Day's wigwam evenings. Eastman. Wigwam evenings. Unktomee and the elk. Eastman. Smoky Day's wigwam evenings. Eastman. Wigwam evenings. Unlooked-for prince. Lang. Grey fairy book. Unlucky Daniel. Bain. Cossack fairy tales. Unlucky John. Lang, L. B. All sorts of stories book. Unmannerly tiger. Grifhs. Unmannerly tiger, and other Korean tales. Unnatural mother. Bourhill and Drake. Fairy tales from South Africa. Unpalatable advice. Caballero. Spanish fairy tales. Unseen giant. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Unselfish moon. Farmer. Nature myths. Unsinkable pilot boat. Henderson. Sea yarns for boys. Upon a peak in Darien. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. Upsidedownians. Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. Urashima. See Uraschimataro and the turtle. Uraschima Taro, the fisher lad." See Uraschimataro and the turtle. Urashima, the fisher-boy. See Uraschimataro and the turtle. FAIRY TALES 271 Uraschinaataro and the turtle. Finnemore. Peeps at many lands. Japan. Johnson. Birch-tree fairy book. (Fisher-bo>'.) Lang. Pink fairy book. Lang. Snow-queen, and other stories. Marshall. Fair}- tales of all nations. (Japanese fisherman.) Nixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. (Princess of the sea.) Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 3. (Fisher-boy Urashima.) Ozaki. Japanese fairy book. (Uraschima Taro, the fisher lad.) Pyle. Where the wind blows. (Urashima.) Singleton. Wild flower fairy book. (Urashima, the fisher-boy.) Success library, v. 3. Williston. Japanese fairy tales. (Urashima.) Useful coal. Richards. Toto's merry winter. Useful little worm. Bailey. Stories and rhymes for a child. Usheen in the island of youth. See Last of the Feni. Utgard-king. See Thor: Thor and the frost giants. Vagabond. Baring. Blue rose fairy book. Vagabonds. Coussens. Child's book of stories. (Ragamuftins.) Grimm. Fairy tales. (Paull tr. Pack of vagabonds.) Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Grimm. Household talcs (Burt ed. Rogue's holiday). See also Chanticleer and Partlett, Adventures of; Cock and the hen in the nutwood; Herr Korbes. Vain jackdaw. JEsop. P^ables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). ^sop. Fables (Stickney). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Jackdaw with borrowed plumes.) See also Jay and the peacock; Two foolish birds. Valentine and Orson. Herbertson. Heroic legends. (Two brothers.) Jerrold. Big book of fairy tales. Macleod. Book of ballad stories. Scudder. Children's book. (History of Valentine and Orson.) Valentine. Old, old fairy tales. Valentine and Orson in Arabia. Goddard. Fairy tales in other lands. Valiant blackbird. Canton. Reign of King Herla. Rouse. Talking thrush. Sec also iJrakesbill and his friends. Valiant chanticleer. Djurklo. Fairy tales from the Swedish. Valiant chattee-maker. Frere. Old Deccan da>s. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. Valiant tailor. See Brave little tailor. , , r> • • Valiant Vickey, the brave weaver. Steel. I ales of the 1 unjab. Vampire and .St. Michael. Bain. Cossack fairy tales. 272 FAIRY TALES Vanemuine, god of song. See Voices of nature. Vardiello. Macdonell. Italian fairy book. Vasilisa the beauty. Dole. White duckling, and other stories. Pjle, K. Where the wind blows. (Vasilissa the fair.) Vasilisa with the Golden Tress and Ivan the Pea. Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. (Story of Vasilisa with the Golden Tress.) Vasilissa the fair. See Vasilisa the beauty. Veiled lady. Harrison, E. O. Prince Silverwings. Venus and the cat. ^sop. Fables (Jacobs. Cat-maiden). Carrick. Kitty cat tales. Verlioka. Polevoi. Russian fairy tales. Very bad boy, Story of a. Lang. Lilac fairy book. Very hot contest. Henderson. Sea yarns for boys. Vesper star. May. Little Prudy's fairy book. Vice and fortune, ^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). Vila in the golden castle. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. Vila of Muhlenburg. Houghton. Russian grandmother's won- der tales. Village quack. ^Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Viper and the file. See Serpent and the file. Virgilius the sorcerer. Lang. Beauty and the beast. Lang. Violet fairy book. Vision of Dante. Harrison, E. In story land. Vision of MacConglinney. Jacobs. More Celtic fairy tales. Vision of the last day. Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Vision of Tosonu. See Vision of Tsunu. Vision of Tsunu. Griffis. Unmannerly tiger, and other Korean tales. (Woodman and the mountain fairies.) Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. (Vision of Tosonu.) Tappan. Myths from many lands. See also Rip Van Winkle. Visit to the moon. See Daniel O'Rourke. Visiting ghost. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Vizier and the fly. Silver fairy book. Vizier that was punished. See Vizier who was punished. Vizier, the monkey, the lion and the serpent. Ortoli. Even- ing tales. Vizier who was punished. Arabian nights (Dodge ed. Vizier that was punished). Arabian nights (Lang. Story of the vizier who was punished). Arabian nights (Townsend. History of the vizier who was punished). Welsh. Fairy tales children love. (Vizier that was punished.) Voice of Death. Lang. Red fairy book. Voice of the bell. Griffis. Unmannerly tiger, and other Korean tales. Voices at the window. Bain. Cossack fairy tales. Voices of nature. Judd. Classic myths. Volund's revenge. Edmison. Stories from Norseland. FAIRY TALES 273 Vox Angelica and Lieblich Gedacht, Story of. Baring. Blue rose fairy book. Voyage of Maelduin (poem). Graves. Irish fairy book. (\'o\- age of Maeldune.) Higginson. Tales of the enchanted islands of the Atlantic. (.Maelduin's voyage.) Jacobs. Book of wonder voyages. Voyage of Ohthere. Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of early England. Voyage of the wee red cap. Dickinson and Skinner. Children's book of Christmas stories. Yeats. Irish fairy and folk tales. (Witches' excursion.) Vulcan. Francillon. Gods and heroes. (God of fire.) Guerber. M\ths of Greece and Rome. w Wagtail and the jackal. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Waits of Bremen. See Bremen town musicians. Wall Dad the simple-hearted. Lang. Brown fairy book. Walled garden. Richards. Golden windows. Walls of Sparta. Brown, E. V. Stories of childhood and nature. Walnut tree that wanted to bear tulips. Wiltse. Kinder- garten stories. Walrus tooth's story. Harrison, C. C. Bric-a-brac stories. Wampum-bird and the boy, Legend of the. Judd. Wigwam stories. Wandering Jew. Baring-Gould. Curious myths of the middle ages. Mabie. Legends ever>- child should know. Scuddcr. Book of legends. Wandering star. (Will-o-the-Wisp.) Brooks. Stories of the red children. Brown, A. F. Tales of the red children. Prat I. Legends of the red children. (Will-o'-thc-Wisp.) Wanderings of Arasmon. ("hisholni. In fairyland. Wanderings of Vicram Maharajah. Frere. Old Deccan days. Pvie, K. Where the wind blows. Wanton calf. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). yEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). War dance of the mice. Lummis. Pueblo Indian folk tales. War horse and ass. See Horse and ass. War of the wolf and the fox. Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. (Battle of the beasts.) Johnson. Book of fairy tales foxes. (Fox and the ol.l cat and dog.) Klingensmith. Household stories. Lang. Beauty and the beast, and other stories. Lang. Green fairy book. Warlike seven. Zitkala-'Sa. Old Indian legends. Warlock o' Oakwood. Gricrsnn. Cliildnn's tales from Scottish ballads. See also Michael Scott. 274 FAIRY TALES War party. Eastman. Smoky Day's wigwam evenings. Eastman. Wigwam evenings. Wars of Wa-Kee-Yan and Unk-Tay-Hee. Eastman. Smoky Day's wigwam evenings. Eastman. Wigwam evenings. Was it the first turtle? Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. Washington and the cherry tree. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. (George Washington and his hatchet.) Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. Washington and the colt. Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kinder- garten gems. (Mrs. Washington's horses.) Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 3d reader. (Story of Washington's boyhood.) Waste not, want not. Edgeworth. Waste not, want not, and other stories. Scudder. Children's book. Watch-tower between earth and Heaven. Houghton. Rus- sian grandmother's wonder tales. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. Watchman with a hundred eyes. See lo. Water babies. See Tom, the water baby. Water baby. I. See Aqua.; or. The water baby. Water baby. II. See Tom, the water baby. Water dolly. Van Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. Water fairy. See Nix in the pond. Water kelpie. May. Little Prudy's fairy book. Water lilies. See Star maiden. Water-lily. I. See Gold-spinners. Water-lily. IT. See Star maiden. Water-lily. III. Ingelow. Stories told to a child, v. 2. Water of life. I. Aunt Louisa's book of fairy tales. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Jerrold. Reign of King Oberon. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Water of life. II. Lang. Golden mermaid, and other stories. Lang. Pink fairy book. Water of life. III. Pyle, H. W'onder clock. Water of light. Baring-Gould. Crock o' gold- Water of Wearie's well. Tappan. Old ballads in prose. Water sprite. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Water-witch. Hume. Chronicles of fairyland. Water wolves. Kenned}-. New world fairy book. Waterfall which flowed sake. Nixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. (Enchanted waterfall.) ^ Williston. Japanese fairy tales.. 1st series. (Wood-cutter's sake.) Watt and the teakettle. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. (James Watt and the teakettle.) FAIRY TALES 275 Waupee, the white hawk. Tanner. Legends from the red man's forest. Wavilocks and the crab. Brown, A. F. Star jewels. Wax and the tallow candle (The). See Candles. Way of the world. I. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. (World's reward.) Asbjornsen. Tales from the fjeld. See also Brahmin, the tiger and the jackal; Man and the snake. Way of the world. II. See Brahmin, the tiger and the jackal. Wayland, the smith. Lang. Book of romance. Lang. Tales of romance. Wealthy suitor. L'nderhill. Dwarfs' tailor, and other fairv tales. Weasel and her husband. See Dame Weasel and her husband. Weasel in the granary (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Weather maiden. Molesworth. Fairies afield. Weaver's son and the giant of the White Hill. Curtin. Myths and folklore of Ireland. Web and a spider. See Arachne. Webster and the woodchuck, Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. Wedding guests. Richards. Golden windows. Wedding of Mrs. Fox. Grinmi. Fairy tales (Lucas tr. Mar- riage of Mrs. Re^-nard.) Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr. How Mrs. Fo.x married again). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Wedding of Widow Fox). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed. Mrs. Fox). Johnson. Book of fairy tale foxes. (How Mrs. Fox married again.) Wedding of Robin Redbreast and Jenny Wren. See Robin's Christmas song. Wedding of Widow Fox. See Wedding of .Mrs. Fox. Wee bannock. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. (Wee bunnock.) Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. See also Gingerbread man; Johnny cake; Pancake. Wee bunnock. See Wee bannock. Wee robin redbreast. See Robin's Christmas song. Wee robin's Christmas day. See Robin's Christmas song. Wee robin's Yule song. See Robin's Christmas song. Wee, wee man. I. See Little boy and big cow. Wee, wee man. II. (poem). Rhys. Fairy gold. (poem). Wilmington. Outlook fairy book. Wee, wee mannie. See Little boy and big cow. Wee, wee woman. Van Sickle and Secgmilkr. Riverside readirs. '2(\ re.'idcr. Weeng, the spirit of sleep. See Wecnk the skep-bringer and his warriors. 276 FAIRY TALES Weenk the sleep-bringer and his warriors. Judd. Wigwam stories. Tanner. Legends from the red man's forest. (W'eeng, the spirit of sleep ) Well done, ill paid. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far north. Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Well of St. Ludgvan. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. Well of the world's end. Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Jacobs. English fairy tales. See also Frog prince; Maiden and the frog. Were- wolf. 5e? Werewolf. II. Werewolf. I. Marshall. Fairy tales of all nations. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. (Werwolf.) Underhill. Dwarfs' tailor, and other fairy tales. (Wolf.) Werewolf. II. Macdonell. Italian fairy book. (Were-wolf.) Werwolf. See \\'erewo]f. I. W'estminster Abbey, Legends of. Peer. Saints in story. What a spider and a fly did. *Jones. 2d reader. What Beaumains asked of the king. See Sir Gareth. What came of picking flowers. Lang. Grey fairy book. Lang. Trusty John, and other stories. Success librar>'. v. 3. What employment our Lord gave to insects. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. What happened to the thistle. Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). What is a man? Rouse. Talking thrush. What Marget Rolant saw. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. What one can invent. Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). What shall baby's name be? Djurklo. Fair\- tales from the Swedish. See also Three Sillies. What the birds heard from Francis. See St. Francis of Assisi. What the birds said. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of wonder. W^hat the chairs said. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 3. What the children see in the moon. 5^e Moon, Story of. II. What the Christmas star sees. Bay. Danish fairy and folk tales. What the goodman does is always right. See "\^'hat the good- man does is sure to be right!" "What the goodman does is sure to be right!" Andersen. Fairy tales (Paull tr. What the old man does is always right.) Andersen. Fair>' tales (Turpin. What the old man does is always right). Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). (play). Lansing. Quaint old stories. (What the good man does is always right.) Scudder. Children's book, (play). Stevenson. Plays for the home. (What the goodman does is always right.) See also Dame Gudbrand. FAIRY TALES What the moon saw. *Andcrscn. Best fair^■ tales (HcndtTson tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fairy talcs (Paull tr.). Andersen. Fairy tales' (Turpin. Abridged.) Andersen. Stories (Riverside ed. 31st evening. Bear that played at soldiers). Blaisdell. Child life. 2d reader. (31st evening. Bear that played at soldiers.) Ketchum and Jorgensen. Kindergarten gems. (Moon and the boy. Abridged.) \'an Sickle and Seegmiller. Riverside readers. 4th reader. (31st evening. Bear that played at soldiers.) What the old man does is always right. See "What the good- man does is sure to be right!" What the rose did to the cypress. Lang. Aladdin, and other stories. Lang. Brown fairy book. What the snow man did. Dodge. Land of pluck. What the squirrel did for Richard. Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. What the stars foretold. Macdonell. Italian fairy book. What the tea-kettle said. Eggleston. Queer stories for bo>s and girls. What the whole family said. Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). What the Yen Tzi taught the hunter. Davis and Chow-Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. What was her name? Lyman. Story telling. Wheat-field. Richards. Golden windows. When Brother Rabbit was king. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. When Neil a-Mughan was tuk. MacManus. In chinmey corners. When the sky began to fall. See Chicken-Little. Where love is, there God is also. Lyman. Story telling. Tolstoi. Tales. Where Mister Snake's cunning failed him. Young. Behind the dark pines. Where the frogs came from. See Latona and the frogs. Where the morning star came from. See Morning star. Where to lay the blame. Pyle, H. Twilight land. Which is best. I'yie, H. Wonder clock. Which was the foolishest? Lang. Brown fair>' book. Which was the happiest? Andersen. Stories and talcs (Author s ed.). Whippity-Stourie. (irierson. Scottish fairy book. See also Rumi)clstiltskin. Whistle. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 4. Welsh. Stories rhildren love. White and the black bride. Crinim. Fairy tales (Paull tr.) White-barked pine. Austin. Basket w(jman. White bear. See Callisto and Areas. 278 FAIRY TALES White bird. Pyle, H. Wonder clock. White cat. Aulnoy. Fairy tales. Burke. Fairy tales. Carrick. Kitty cat tales. Chisholm. In fairy land. Coussens. Child's book of stories. Lang. Blue fairy book. Lang. Prince Darling, and other fairy stories. Lansing. Fairy tales, v. 2. Mabie. Fairy tales every child should know. Mabie. Heroes and fairies. Mulock. Fairy book. Nursery tales. Perkins. Twenty best fairy tales. Scudder. Book of folk stories. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Singleton. Goldenrod fairy book. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. Valentine. Old, old fairy tales (Warneed.). Welsh. Fairy tales children love. Wiggin and Smith. Fairy ring. See also Peter Humbug and the white cat; Miller's boy and his cat. White Cloud's visit to the Sun-prince. Compton. Snowbird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. White clover and Honey-bee. Hubbard. Chats with Color-kin. White doe. See Hind in the forest. White dove. I. Grundtvig. Fairy tales from afar. Lang. Aladdin, and other stories. Lang. Pink fairy book. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. White dove. II. Bourhill and Drake. Fairy tales from South Africa. White dove. III. Lindsay. More mother stories. White duck. Dole. White duckling, and other stories. (White duckling.) Lang. Magic ring, and other stories. Lang. Yellow fairy book. Polevoi. Russian fair}- tales. White duckling. See White duck. White Feather and the six giants. Wade. Indian fairy tales. White hare and the crocodiles. See Eighty-one brothers. White hares. See First rabbits. White Hawk, the lazy. Compton. Snowbird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. White-headed Zal. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories. White-horned, Tale of the. See Cattle raide of Cooley. White lady. Johnson. Elm-tree fairy book. White lady of Blenkinsopp. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. White mouse. Silver fairv book. FAIRY TALES 279 White palace. Harrison, E. O. Star fairies. White pet. Baldwin. Second fairj- reader. (Pet lamb.) Darton. Wonder book of beasts. Douglas. Scottish fairy tales. See also Bremen town .musicians; How Jack went to seek his fortune. White seal. Alderman. Classics old and new. 3d reader. Kipling. Jungle book. White ship. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. White slipper. Lang. Orange fair>' book. White snake. Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Household stories (Crane tr.). Lang. Green fairy book. Lang. Three dwarfs, and other stories. White spot of the kingfisher. See How the kingfisher got his ring and his ruffle. White stone canoe. See In the land of souls. White trout. Graves. Irish fairy book. Johnson. Fir-tree fair>- book. Yeats. Irish fairy^ tales. White wolf. Lang. Grey fairy book. Whiteling's war with Isegrim. Houghton. Russian grand- mother's wonder stories. See also Old Sultan. Whittington and his cat. See Dick Whittington and his cat. Whittington in Arabia. See Saaoud and his steed. Who is the strongest? *Spaulding and Bryce. Aldinc readers. 2d reader. Who killed Cock Robin? 5ee Cock Robin. Who killed the otter's babies? Bryant. Best stones to tell to children. Bryant. Stories to tell to children. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. _ r • i i Who married the princess? Macdonell. Italian fairy book. Who was the mightier? See Why the baby says "goo." Who will bell the cat? See Belling the cat. Why? Coussens. Child's book of stories. Welsh. Stories children love. , . , ,.r -, i i Why all men love the moon, Blaisdell. Child life. -M reader. (Sun, the moon and the wind.) Coe. Second book of stories. (How the sun, the moon and the wind went out to dinner.) Frere. Old Deccan days. (How the sun, the moon iini\ the wind went out to dinner.) Holbrook. Book of nature myths. , , • , Jacobs. Indian fairy tales. (Sun, moon and the win.l k" <>i't to dinner.) , ,,, , ,. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laiighlcr. (How the sun, tlu moon and the wind went out to dinner.) i • f • Why apples have stars within. Bigham. Ov.rluanI m lair>- iand. , Why bears are afraid of men. larmer. Nature my tns. 280 FAIRY TALES Why bears sleep all winter. See Why the bear sleeps all winter. Why Brer Buzzard likes the old way best. Young. Behind the dark pines. Why Brer Dog barks. Young. Behind the dark pines. Why Brer Fox did not get the goobers. Young. Behind the dark pines. Why Brer Possum and Brer Pig parted company. Young. Behind the dark pines. Why Brer Possum's tail is bare. Young. Behind the dark pines. Why Brer Rabbit wears a round-about. Young. Behind the dark pines. Why Brother Bear has no tail. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Mabie. Folk tales every child should know. Tappan. Folk stories and fables. See also Why the bear has a stumpy tail. Why cats hate rats. Farmer. Nature myths. Why chestnuts are in prison. Bigham. Overheard in fairyland. Why dandelions have wings. Bigham. Overheard in fairyland. Why Deunant has the front door in the back. Thomas. Welsh fairy book. Why flowers have bright colors. Bigham. Overheard in fairy- land. Why Gran'daddy Long-Legs knows about cows. Young. Behind the dark pines. Why Hassan became chief steward. Stebbins. 3d reader. Why heartleaves have pitchers. Bigham. Overheard in fairv- land. Why Miss Rabbit never got married. Young. Behind the dark pines. Why Mr. Billy-goat's tail is short. Harris. Little Mr. Thimble- finger. Why Mr. Cricket has elbows on his legs. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Why Mr. Dog is tame. Harris. Told by Uncle Remus. Why Mr. Dog runs Brother Rabbit. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Why Mister Frog is still a bachelor. Young. Behind the dark pines. Why Mr. Possum has no hair on his tail. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Why Mr. Possum loves peace. Harris. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Why nasturtiums have lines. Bigham. Overheard in fairyland. Why old king walrus went away from the mountaineer's country. Roberts. Flying plover. Why petunias are sticky. Bigham. Overheard in fairyland. Why pine trees have needles. Bigham. Overheard in fair> land. Why poppies make you sleep. Bigham. Overheard in fairyland. Why ravens croak. *Spaulding and Bryce. Aldine readers. 2d reader. FAIRY TALES 281 Why rivers have golden sands See Midas. I. Why roses have thorns Bigham. 0\-erheard in fairyland. Why some clover is red Hubbard. Chats with Color-kin. Why the alligator's back is rough. Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. Why the aspen leaves tremble. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Why the baby says " goo." Coe. Second book of stories. (Who was the mightier?) Wilson, G. L. Myths of the red children. Why the bat is blind. Chandler In the reign of coyote Why the bean wears a stripe down its back. See Straw, the coal and the bean. Why the bear has a stumpy tail. Bailey. Firelight stories. Coussens. Child 's book of stories. (Why the bear is stumpy- tailed.) Dasent. Popular tales from the Norse. (Why the bear is stumpy-tailed.) Farmer. Nature myths. (Bear's short tail.) Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Johnson. Book of fairy tale bears. (Reynard and his adven- tures.) Judd. Wigwam stories. (How the bear lost his tail.) Thorne-Thomsen. East o' the sun and west o' the moon. (Why the bear is stumpy-tailed.) Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. (Why the bear has a stump tail.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Why Brother Bear has no tail. Why the bear is stumpy-tailed. See Why the bear has a stunii:)y tail. Why the bear sleeps all winter. Bailey. Firelight stories. Cowles. Art of story telling. Farmer. Nature myths. (Why bears sleep all winter.) Van Sickle and Scegmiller. Riverside readers. 2d reader. Why the bee buzzes. Farmer. Nature myths. See also Why the swallow's tail is forked. Why the buzzard's head is bald. See Why the turkey-buzzard is bald-headed. Why the cat always falls upon her feet. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Tappan. lolk stories and fables. Why the cat came to man's house. Stafford. Animal fables. Why the chimes rang. Alden. Why the chimes rang. l)ickins■ a large fish.) Why the woodpecker's head is red. HI. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Why the wren flies close to the earth. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. See also King Wren. Why there are no snakes in Takhoma. Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. Why there is a hare in the moon. Holbrook. Book of nature nnths. Why there is a man in the moon. See Man in the moon. Why there is but one moon. Brown, A. E. Tales of the red children. Why there is only one southwest wind. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Why turkeys have red eyes. Wilson, G. L. Myths of the red children. Why violets have golden hearts. Bigham. Overheard in fairy- land. Wicked daughters-in-law. Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. Wicked hornet. Baldwin. Sampo. chap. 4. Wicked mother-in-law. Nixon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. Wicked prince. Andersen. Wonder stories (Author's cd.). Wicked wolverine. Lang. Brown fairy book. Widow and her friend. Success library, v. 3. Widow and her little maids. See Old woman and her maids. Widow and her son. Davis and Chow-Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Widow Wiggins' wonderful cat. Eggleston. Queer stories for boys and girls. Widows and the strangers. Ewing. Old fashioneil fairy tales. Widow's daughter. See Three little crones each with sonutliing big. HI. Widow's son. Asbjornsen. Folk and fairy talcs. Uasent. Popular tales from the Norse. Thorpe, ^'ulc-tide stories. Widow's two daughters. .SV^ Mother Holie. Wife of Auchtermuchty. Macleod. Book of l)all.i' of the winds. Wind's tale. Andersen. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Andersen. Fair\- tales (Paull tr. Stor>- of the wind). Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). WindmilL Andersen. Stories and tales (Author's ed.). Windows. Richards. Golden windows. Winkelried, Arnold. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. Winnedumah and Tinnemaha. Austin. Basket woman. Winner of Talking Bird. Xixon-Roulet. Indian folk tales. Winning of Olwen. See Kihvch and Olwen. Winter and Spring. See Old Winter Man and the Spring Maiden. Wisdom's wages and folly's pay. Pyle, H. Twilight land. Wise bird and the foolish bird. Harris. Nights with Incle Remus. Wise cockscomb. Darton. Wonder book of beasts. Wise crow. See Crow and the pitcher. Wise fairy, (poem). Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 3. Wise fools of Gotham. See Wise men of Gotham. Wise goat. Baldwin. Fairy tales and fables. Wise jackal. I. James. Enchanted castle. Wise jackal. II. James. Magic bed. Wise king and the bee. See King Solomon's answer. Wise men of Gotham. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories. (Three men of Gotham; Other wise men of Gotham.) P'orty famous fairy tales. Hartland. English folk and fairy tales. (Wise fools of ( .otham.) Jacobs. More English fairy tales. Johnson. Oak-tree fairy book, (play). Lansing. Quaint old stories. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. See also Cheeses that ran away; Crane in the wheatfield; I )ucon the foot-boy; Gotham men and the cuckoo; Hare tlial sent to "S'ork; Hiding of the church bell; Kettle thiit wcnild not walk; Little horse and its kind master; Lost legs; Men of Gotham and the cheeses; .Men of (i' reader. Wolf and his cub. Wiggin and Smith. Talkingbeasts. Wolf and his two dinners. Stafford. Animal fables. Wolf and the ass. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wolf and the cat. iEsop. Fables (Stickney. Supplement). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Wolf and the crane. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). ^'Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). ^•Esop. Fables. (Jacobs.). /Esop. Fables (Stickney.). FAIRY TALES 289 Wolf and the crane — continued. Arnold and Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature, v. 2. Scdder. Children's book. Sucudder. Fables and folk stories. *Spaulding and Brjce. Aldine readers. 2d reader. (Wolf and the stork.) W'iggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Wolf and the dog. See Dog and the wolf. Wolf and the fox. I. Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Wolf and the fox. II. .Csop. Fables (Burt ed.). (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Wolf and the goat. I. .Esop. Fables (Stickney). Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Wolf and the goat. II. Laboulaye. Last fairy tales. Wolf and the house-dog. See Dog and the wolf. Wolf and the kid. I. 5^^ Kid and the wolf. II. Wolf and the kid. II. .Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). *Spaulding and Bryce. Aldine readers. 2d reader. Wolf and the kid. III. .-Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wolf and the kid. IV. .Csop. Fables (Black ed.). Wolf and the lamb. I. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). iE^sop. Fables (Jacobs). ^sop. Fables (Stickney). Baldwin. Fairy tales and fables. Norton. Heart of oak books, v. 2. Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Wolf and the lamb. II. /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Wolf and the lean dog. (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Tilking boasts. Wolf and the Hon. ^Esop. P'ables (Burt ed.) Wolf and the man. *Baldwin. Fairy reader. r.rimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr.). C.rimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Boasting wolf). Wolf and the mastiff. See Dog and the wolf. Wolf and the seven goslings. See Wolf and the seven litik- kids. Wolf and the seven kids. See Wolf and the seven little kids. Wolf and the seven little goats. See Wolf and the seven little kids. Wolf and the seven little goslings. See Wolf and the s(\en litili- kids. Wolf and the seven little kids. .\uiU Louis;i's book of fairy tales, lilaisdell. Child life. 2(1 reader. (Wolf and tin- seven gos- lings.) 290 FAIRY TALES Wolf and the seven little kids — continued. Coussens. Child's book of stories. (Wolf and the seven young goslings.) Darton. Wonder book of beasts. (\A'olf and the seven gos- lings.) Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr. Wolf and the seven kids). Grimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr. Wolf and the seven young kids). Grimm. Household stories (Crane, tr. Wolf and the seven little goats). Grimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Wolf and the seven voung kids.) Johnson. Oak-tree book. (Wolf and the seven little goslings.) Mulock. Fairy book. (Wolf and the seven goslings.) Perkins. Twenty best fairy tales. (Wolf and the seven young goslings.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. (Wolf and the seven kids.) Wolf and the seven young goslings. See Wolf and the seven little kids. Wolf and the seven young kids. See Wolf and the seven little kids. Wolf and the sheep, .^sop. F"ables (Burt ed.). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Wolf and the shepherd. .'Esop. Fables (Stickney). Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Wolf and the shepherds. iEsop. Fables (Burt ed.). .■Esop. Fables (Stickney). Wolf and the stork. See Wolf and the crane. Wolf as a Roman. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. Wolf boy. Kennedy. New world fairy book. See also Boy and the wolves; Little wolf brother. Wolf in disguise, .^sop. Fables (Burt ed.). (poem). iEsop. Fables (Stickney. Supplement. Wolf turned shepherd), (poem). W^iggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Wolf turned shepherd.) Wolf in sheep's clothing, ^sop. Fables (Blacked.), .^sop. Fables (Burt ed.) .(Esop. Fables (Jacobs), ^sop. Fables (Stickney). Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Wolf-mother of Saint Ailbe. Brown, A. E. Book of saints and friendly beasts. Coe. Second book of stories. Wolf on his deathbed. Success library, v. 3. Wolf, the fox and the ape. ^Esop. " Fables (Black ed.). /Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). ..Esop. Fables (Stickney). Wolf, the goat and the kid. See Wolf, the she-goat and the kid. FAIRY TALES 291 Wolf, the she-goat and the kid. .Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). (poem). Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. (Wolf, the goat and the kid.) Wolf turned shepherd. See Wolf in disguise. Wolf! Wolf! See Shepherd's boy and the wolf. Wolf's butter. Stafford. Animal fables. See also Cat and the mouse in partnership. Wolves and the deer. Coe and Christie. Story reader. 3d book. Wolves and the sheep. ^-Esop. Fables (Black ed.). -•Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables. (Wolves, the dogs am! ilu- sheep.) Scudder. Children's book. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Wolves and the sick ass. /Esop. Fables (Black ed.). ^Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). Wolves, the dogs and the sheep. See Wolves and the sheep. Woman accuser. Polc\oi. Russian fair>' tales. Woman and her hen. See Woman and the fat hen. Woman and her maids. See Old woman and her maids. Woman and the fat hen. .^Esop. Fables (Burt ed.). /Esop. Fables (Stickney. Woman and her hen). Woman in the moon. Judd. Wigwam stories. Woman that was a great fool. Gregory. Kiltartan wonder book. Woman's wit. Pyle, H. Twilight land. Wonder child. See Longnose the dwarf. Wonderful artisan. See Daedalus and Icarus. Wonderful basket. Lang, L. B. Strange story book. Wonderful birch. Lang. Red fairy book. Wonderful cake. Graves. Irish fairy book. See also Johnny cake; Little red hen. I. Wonderful fiddler. See Wonderful musician. Wonderful flower. Thorpe. Vule-tide stories. Wonderful glass. Grimm. Household talcs (Burt ed.). Some editions of Grimm not indexed here use the title "God- father" for this stor>'. Wonderful hair. Mabie. Polk tales every child should know. Wonderful lamp. 6Ve Aladdin. Wonderful mallet. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Wonderful musician. Crrimm. Fairy tales (Paull tr. ). (irimni. Household stories (Crane tr.). (irimm. Household tales (Burt ed. Wonderful fiddkri. (irinim. Household tales (Everyman's ed.). Lang. Red fairy book. (Marvelous musician.) Wonderful plough. (Hbbon. Reign of King Cole. Wonderful porridge pot. Bailey and Lewis. For the childnii's hour. John.s of the world. I. Worme of Linton. Douglas. Scottish fair^- tales. Grierson. Scottish fairy book. Wound and the scar. Rouse. Talking thrush. Wounded eagle. See E^aglc and the arrow. Wounded lion. Lang. Pink fairy book. Wreath. Thorpe. Vulc-tide stories. Wrekin. Hartland. English folk and fairy talcs. (Origin of the Wrekin.) Wren. L Wiggin and Smith. Talking beasts. Wren. H. (poem). Wilson, G. L. Myths of the red children. Wren and the bear. Darton. Wonder book of beasts. (Tom- tit and the bear.) Grimm. Fairy tales (Lucas tr.). Grimm. Household tales (Everyman's ed. Tom-til and the bear). Johnson. Book of fairy-talc bears. (Bear and the wrens.) Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Wrestlers. Steel. Tales of the Punjab. Wuchowson the Wind Blower. Wilson, C. L. Mxthsnf die red chiMreii. Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester, Legend of. Peer. Saints in story. Wylie, Story of. Bryant. How id tell stories to thil0. Annals ol fairyland. See True annals of fairyland. The titles of books, a part only of whose contents has bei-n in(lvxe0. lairy tales for little readers. [cl894.1 Ainsworlh. $.30. 300 FAIRY TALES Burt, M. E. tStoiy of the German Iliad. 1895. Merrill, $.50. Burt, M. £. and Ragozin, Z. A. Herakles, the hero of Thebes and other heroes of the myth. 1900. Scribner, .1.50. Buxton, E. M. Wilmot- Sc W'ilmot-Buxton, E. M. Byrne, J. A. ]VIodern Greek fairy tales. cl906. Flanagan, $.40. Caballero, Fernan. Spanish fairy tales, n.d. Burt, $1.00. Canton, William. In the reign of King Herla. n.d. Button, $1.50. (True annals of fairyland.) Also in Everyman's library, $.35. Carpenter, E. J. Long ago in Greece. 1906. Little, $1.50. Carrick, A. V. L. Kitty-cat tales. cl907. Lothrop, $1.00. Gary, Alice and Phoebe. Poetical works. cl8tf)rics aiul wonder tales. c\s'.)i. Hurst, $.3.j. tOlrl'ia^liioncd fairy tales; Brothers of pity, and other talcs of beasts and men. n.d. 'Little. $1.00. 302 FAIRY TALES Fairy legends of the French provinces. See Gary, Mrs. M., tr. Fairy stories retold from the St. Nicholas. 1906. Century, $.65. Farmer, F. V., ed. Nature myths of many lands. cl910. Amer. Book Co., $.45. Favorite fairy tales, illus. by Peter Newell. cl907. Harper, $1.50. Fee, M. H., and others. tFirst year book. 1907. World Book. Co., $.42. Field, R. M. Famous fairy tales. cl902. vol. 3 of Young Folks librarj-, ed. bv T. B, Aldrich. Finnemore, John. tPeeps at many lands. Japan. 1907. Macm., $.55. Firth, E. M. Stories of old Greece. clS94. Heath, $.75. Forty famous fairy tales. 1912. Putnam, $1.00. Francillon, R. E. fGods and heroes; or. The Kingdom of Jupiter. 1895. Ginn, $.65. Frere, M. E. I. Old Deccan days; or, Hindoo fairy legends current in Southern India. 1868. Lippincott, o.p. Gallichan, Mrs. C. G. See Hartley, C. Gasquoine. Gask, Lilian. Folk tales from many lands, n.d. Crowell, $1.50. Gibbon, J. M. In the reign of King Cole. n.d. Button, $1.50. (True annals of fairyland.) Also in Everyman's library, $.35. Goddard, Julia. Fairy tales in other lands. cl892. Hurst, $.50. Golden fairy book. See Jokai and others. Golden goose, and The three bears. Illus. by L. Leslie Brooke, n.d. Warne, $2.00. Gould, S. Baring- See Baring-Gould, S. Graves, A. P., comp. ■flush fairy book. n.d. Stokes, $1.50. Greene, F. N. Legends of King Arthur and his court. cl901. Ginn, $.60. Greenwood, Grace. Stories from famous ballads. [1906.] Ginn, $.50. Gregory, A. P., Lady. Kiltartan wonder book. 1911. Button, $1.50. Grierson, E. W. Children's book of Celtic stories. 1908. Macm., $2.00. Children's tales from Scottish ballads. 1906. Macm., $2.00. Scottish fairy book. 1910. Stokes. $1.50. Griffis, W. E. Unmannerly tiger and other Korean tales. 1911. Crowell, $1.00. Grimm, J. L. C, and W. C. Fairy tales; tr. by Mrs. Edgar Lucas, with illus. by Arthur Rackham. n.d. Lippincott, $1.50. Fairy tales and household stories; tr. by Mrs. H. B. Paull and L. A. Wheatley. n.d. Warne, $1.50. Household fairy tales, n.d. Burt, $1.00. Household stories; tr. from the German by Lucy Crane and done into pictures bv Walter Crane. 1899. Macm., $1.50. Household tales; illus. by R. A. Bell. n.d. Button, $.35. (Every- man's library.) FAIRY TALES 303 Grinnell, Elizabeth and Joseph. tBirds of song and storv. 1901. Mumford, $1.00. Grinnell, G. B. tPawnee hero stories and folk tales. 1904. Scnbner, $1.75. Grover, E. O. tFolk lore readers. Book 1. 1905. Atkinson, S.30. Grundtvig, S. H. Fairy tales from afar; tr. from the Danish by Jane Mulley. 1910. Wessels, SI. 25. Guerber, H. A. tMyths of Greece and Rome. clS93. Amer. Book Co.. $1.50; $1.00. Haaren, J. H., comp. Ballads and tales: a 4th reader. 1905. Univ. Pub. Co., $.25. Songs and stories: a 2d reader. [1896.] Univ. Pub. Co., $.15. Haaren, J. H., and Poland, A. B. tFamous men of Greece. cl904. Amer. Book Co., $.50. t Famous men of Rome. 1904. Amer. Book Co., $.50. Hacklander, F. W. Enchanting and the enchanted. 1900. Lippincott, $./5. Hall, Mrs. A. W., ^r. ^ ,. . , , ^^ Icelandic fairv tales, n.d. Warne, $1.50. Also a Burt edition. ^1.00. Hall, M. F. and Gilman, M. L. tSiorv land: a second reader. cl901. Globe Book Co., $.36. Harris,' A. V. S. Favorites from fairyland. 1911. Harper, $.35. Harris, J. C. ^- tt u fLittle Mr. Thimblefinger and his queer country. 189o. Houghton, S2.00. Nights with Uncle Remus. cl883. Houghton, $1.50. tPlantation pageants. 1899. Houghton, $2.00. fTar-baby and other rhymes. 1905. Appleton, $2.00. Told by Uncle Remus, n.d. Doubleday, $2.00. fUncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. 1908. Appleton, $2.00. Harrison, C. C. (Mrs. Burton.) tBric-a-brac stories. cl885. Scribner, $1.50. Old fashioned fairy book. 1910. Scribner, $1.25. Harrison, E. O. Moon Princess. 1905. McClurg, $1.25. Prince Silverwings. 1903. McClurg, $1.25. Star fairies. 1903. McClurg, $1.25. Harrison, Elizabeth. In story land. n.d. Central Pub. Co., $1.25. Hartland, E. S. EnKlish fairy and folk tales. Scribner, imported, $1.50. Hartley, C. G., pseud. s, ^- Stories from the Greek legends, n.d. Lippincott, $1.2.). Hauff, Wilhelm. nnn i Caravan tales and some others; retold by J. G. Hornstein. [1914. j Stokes, $1.35. Fairy tales, tr. by P. S. Pinkerton. n.d. McKay, $.7o. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. , . . , ,. . . ti-iitle Daffydowndilly. n.d. HoughtOH, $.25. (Riverside lit. series.) Tanglewood tales, n.d. Houghton, $1.25. (Same in Riverside lit. series, $.40.) . ^. . , ,.^ Wonrier book. n.d. Houghton, $1.25. (Same in Riverside lit. -.rifs. iAO.) Heller, Mrs. T. E. and Bates, Lois. Little (roMf-n-Hootl and other fairy stories. 1909. Longmans, S.30. Henderson, W. J. Sea yarns for boys. 1907. Harper, $.00. 304 FAIRY TALES Herbertson, A. G. Heroic legends. 1908. Caldwell, S2.00. Higginson, T. W. fXales of the enchanted islands of the Atlantic. 1898. Macm., $1.50. History of little Goody Two-Shoes. 1904. Heath, $.20. Holbrook, Florence. Book of nature myths. cl902. Houghton, $.65. 'Round the year in myth and song. cl897. Amer. Book Co., $.60. Houghton, L. S. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. 1906. Scribner, $1.50. Howard, F. W., ed. Banbury cross stories. cl909. Merrill, $.25. Dick Whittington and other stories. 1909. Merrill, $.30. Howells, W. D. Christmas every day and other stories. 1908. Harper, $1.25. Hoxie, J. L. Kindergarten story book. 1906. Bradley, $.50. Hubbard, W, L. Chats with Color-kin. illus. by Donn P. Crane. 1909. [Chicago. Carroll Groff & Co. Press.] Hume, Fergus. Chronicles of fairyland. 1911. Lippincott, $1.50. Hutchinson, W. M. L. Golden porch: a book of Greek fairy tales. 1907. Longmans, $1.40. Orpheus with his lute. 1909. Longmans, $1.40. Hyde, L. S. Favorite Greek Myths. 1904. Heath, $.50. Ingelow, Jean. tStories told to a child. 2 v. 1881. Little, $2.50. Three fairy tales. 1901. Heath, $.20. Island stories retold from St. Nicholas. 1907. Century, $.65. Jacobs, Joseph, ed. Book of wonder voyages. 1896. Nutt, 5s; Macm., $1.50. Celtic fairv tales, n.d. Putnam, $1.25; Burt, $1.00. English fairv tales. cl904. Putnam, $1.25; Burt. $1.00. Indian fairy tales, n.d. Putnam, $1.75; Burt, $1.00. More Celtic fairv tales, n.d. Putnam, $1.25. More English fairy tales. 1911. Putnam, $1.25. James, Hartwell, ed. Cat and the mouse: a book of Persian fairy tales. cl906. Altemus, $.40. Enchanted castle: a book of fairy tales from flower land. cl906. Altemus, $.60. Jewelled sea: a book of Chinese fairy tales. cl906. Altemus, $.40. Magic bed: a book of East Indian fairy tales. cl906. Altemus, S. 40. Magic jaw bone: a book of fairy tales from the South Sea islands. cl906. Altemus, $.40. Man elephant: a book of African fairy tales. cl906. Altemus, $.40. Jenks, Tudor. Tales of fantasv. cl902. v. 4 of Young folks librarv, ed. bv T. B. Aldrich. Jerrold, W. C, ed. Big book of fairy tales. 1911. Caldwell, $2.50. fBig book of nursery rhymes. cl903. Button. $3.00. In the reign of King Oberon. n.d. Dutton, $1.50. (True annals of fairyland.) Also in Everyman's library, $.35. Johnson, Clifton, ed. Birch-tree fairy book. 1906. Little, S1..50. Book of fairy-tale bears. 1913. Houghton, $.75. Book of fairy-tale foxes. 1914. Houghton, $.75. FAIRY TALES 305 Johnson, Clifton — conlinued. Elm-tree t'airv book. 1909. Little, S1.50. Fir-tree fairv book. 1912. Little, $1.50. Oak-tree fairy book. 1905. Little, S1.50. Johnston, A. iF. • tGiant scissors, n.d. L. C. Page, SI. 25; $.50. tLittle Colonel at boarding school. 1903. L. C. Page, $1.50. tLittle Colonel in Arizona. 1904. L. C. Page, $1.50. fLittle Colonel's Christmas vacation, 1905. L. C. Page, $1.50. tLittle Colonel's hero. 1902. L. C. Page. $1.50. tLittle Colonel's house party. 1900. L. C. Page, $1.50. tMary Ware, the little Colonel's chum. 1908. L. C. Page, $1.50. Johonnot, James. tGrandfather's stories, n.d. Amer. Book Co., $.27. tStories of heroic deeds for boys and girls. Amer. Book Co., $.30. tStories of the olden time. n.d. Amer. Book Co., $.54. Jokai, Maurus and others. Golden fairy book. n.d. Burt, $1.00. Jones, L. H. tlones readers bv grades. cl903. Ginn. 1, $.30; 2, $.-35. Judd, M. C. tClassic mvths. clS94. Rand. $.35. •fWigwam stories told by North American Indians. 1906. Gnin. $.90. Judson, H. P. and Bender, I. C. tGraded literature readers: 4, 6. 7. cl900. Merrill, ea. $.50. Judson, K. B. tMvths and legends of the Pacific Northwest. 1910. McClurg, $1..50. Keary, Annie and Eliza. Heroes of Asgard. n.d. Macm., $.50. Kennedy, H. A. New world fairy book. 1904. Dutton, $2.00. Ketcham, Henry, ed. Oriental fairv tales, n.d. Burt, $1.00. Ketchum, A.'T., and Jorgensen, I. M. tKindcrgarten gems. clS90. Christian Pub. Co., $1.00. Keyes, A. M. tFive