IM iMtff C? ITT^ ]v\v •ivnar so IVfl ,j.OF-CAllfOfcfc FOIVTHE FALLEN AND OTHER POEMS "BY LAURENCE BINYON FOKTHE FALLEN AND OTHER POEMS — BY LAURENCE BINYON HODDER. &D STOUGHTONLONDON ".£98 arft azoioe M hi Jbngland mourns for Tier dead across "the sea.* 1 FOR. THE FALLEN AND OTHER POEMS -^BY LAURENCE BINYON HODDER. &D STOUGHTON LONDON PR, Loo3> 5s 7 ontents :- For the Fallen, Tne Fourth of August, To Women . 858204 FOR. THE FALLEN r sit all grow not old , as we that are left grow old : -Age sliall not wear y them , nor the years condemn . -r\t the going down of the sun and. in tKe morning We will remember them. For tKe Fallen lhey mingle not with their laughing comrades again ; Ihejr sit no more at familiar tables of home ; lhey^ have no lot in our labour of the <3a>r-time; lhejr sleep heyond EntflaruTs foam* lo the innermost Heart of their own land, they are known xVs the stars areltnown to the Night.** S"'. ::: \SS --Mi - For the Fallen Jjvxt where our desires are and our liopes profound, lelt as a. well - spring that is "hidden from si glit, lo the innermost Heart of their own land thejr are known -As the stars arelotown to the Night; For the Fallen ^\s the stars that shall be bright when we are dust«> JVloving in marches upon the heavenly plain, J\s> the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness., lo the end., to the end, thejr remain. THE FOURTH OF AUGUST 6f Now in. thy splendour go "before us , Spirit of England. ' The Fourth, of August N ow in thy splendour go teforeus, Spirit of England, ardent- eyed, Enkindle tliis dear eartk that tore lis, lntkeliour of peril purified. The Fourth of August Ihe cares Ave hugged drop out of vision, Uur Hearts with deeper thoughts dilate* We step from days of sour division Into the grandeur of our fate . ror us the glorious dead have striven, lhey tattled that we might he free . We to their living cause are given; We arm for men that are to he . The Fourth of August Among the nations nobliest chartered, llngland recalls her heritage . In her is that which is not bartered, Which force can neither quell nor cage. Tor her immortal stars are burning; With her, the hope thafs never done, Ihe seed that's in the Spring's returning, Ihe very- flower that seeks the sun. The FoxirtK off August ohe fights the fraud that feeds desire on JLies. in a lust to enslave or hill, lhe barren creed of blood and iron, Vampire of Europe^s wasted will • • • Jlndure, O Earth! and thou, awaken, lurgedhjrthis dreadful winnowing -fan, KJ wronged «,untameable n unshaken doul of divinely suffering man, To AVbmen our hearts are lifted up, your lie arts Xnat have foreknown tne latter price . Your liearts turn upward like a flame Uf splendour and of sacrifice . To Women Tor you., you too, to battle go, .Not witH the inarching drums and cheers JDut in the watch of solitude JKn^i through the Loundless night of fears . To Women bwift, swifter than those hawks of war, lhose threatening wings that pulse ihe air , JTar as the varcward ranhs are set, You are gone hefore them , you are there ! To Women _jc\ncL not a snot comes Wind, with death And not a stab of steel is pressed Jllome , out invisibly it tore -/\nd entered first a woman^s breast. lo break. , tut not to fail ! To AVbmen .Amid tke thunder of iKe ^uns , llie lightnings of ike lance and sword Your Tnope , your dread , your throbbing pride. , Your infinite passion is outpoured To AX^bmen irom kearts tkat are as one kigli lie art ^Withholding nauglit from doom, and tale IJixrriingly offered, up,— to bleed, lo tear , to treat , tut not to rail ! * f 3> 5 /^~ > ■■ " <£ K r^+\ S °= N /0%\ S r» 'hnii.v/, i HDftAnv. ii^ %>HAwn-iwv s JfWHVH ^ WlAINn.]^