LIBRARY coppie^f tl^e reffoning tpl^ici^ tioajs betuijc rtje aWJote of Crofraguell ano lloljn mnojc, m ii^a^oill coucemmgtfje maffe, in tlje rcarc of ^oD, a t|)oufanD fiue liunujeti) tl)« fcotr ano tiDo t?eare0. if 0? 9! protect tnto euerie man ti^at l^eatetft ti^e too^Dejs of ti^e p^opi^ecte of t]^i0 bofeet 9!f an^ ma ©all atjtie ijnto ti^efe ti^ingeiS:, dE^ou ftall abDe unto f^im tf^t plague03 ti^at are mtttm in i^i^ amp^inteD at ti^inhut^ h^ Robert M'hpimi^!, am are to Cotoe at W i^ottjs, at ^e netJ^er hoijo. Cum pnwtlegto* ittepnnteD bji (Beorge mmtav attt> Company l8l2. /4 fOftt ftnojc tnto m ttmtt , tDifteti^ gmce ISf^ ' mercte anii peace, from inge0 t^at liaue bene Done befo;je, %u f^^to Mn%t^ tl^t are to come , tl^at toe map unoemao ^ou to be <0oD0 « let ^ou DO et^er gooo o^ etull « tl^t toe tnai? Declare it* USa^ w^ii^ tt)o;rDe0, t|ie )3;»ipl^et Doetl^ a0 tt luere in modtase , prouoke 3lDolater0 , anD tl^e 3ntioletf to p:oDuce fo^ ti^em felueg, fome eutDent tefitmonied b^ t^e tDbic^ me nudbt be aSTureD » t|iat in tfiem toas! potoer , anD dpat t|iere reugion liaD ajpp;»)bation of €(oD. \ii^v^ tDlien t|>ei? coulD not do, ^e 10 bolD to p^ononce t^i0 fen>' tence: 115e^lD i?e are of notliing , anD ^our mahingi0of'9]r« .,. nothing, abomination l^tl) cpofen ^ou, 31n toljicj too?^ ''^ De0 tl^e p;rop|iet Damnet|) , boAe tl^e 3lDole0 $ t^e JlDo^^ later0* %^t 3lDole0, becaufe tne^ can Declare notliina to p;ioue ant! poluer 0? toertue to oe in tliem, to^ tl^e^Ho^ ttlD be t])o;^^ippeD a0 ^oD0. JSnD tlje l|Dolater0, becaufe from 4$oD0 moutl^ t^ei? coulD bung no afturance of titers BDDttlterat anD bfurpeD relidom 3f|f t^i0 reafoning of ^ |0;{opbet y i)aD fufficient ftrengtl^ in ^tfi! aige , to ^to t|e banttte of t^e3li)ole0« anD ^e p^^enetim foolil^nttf of fttclje a0 tDo;^ll^peD mm% t^en mai^ ^t goDlie tfiitf Da^ m^oCle aftureui? conciuDe againCl t^e great 3|Dole p%v fenteD b^ t^e )9apifle0 to be wo^ll^ippeD in tj^ere mafCe» otiD agoinii t^e patrons of tl^e fame ; tpat it anD t|)e? are t^i\ 214 batm, fooUl^, oDioug, ano aiwmtnable before 6oD* 3fltt brrauff tt ^t^ mo makrr^ t^n nier |iatj t|ie ^,Dolc0 a^ moiigegt t^r ^^rntilrfi : anD t?ft ^ti^ no grratrr potorr %n tftq? Ijati* 0ibnt it ^t^ bntf UJo:fl;tpprD as (Son Jim fflf. janD t^f^ bfcaufe , t|)n? UJo:ft:tppfD t^rrc oUmc tmagtnatton , anD tl^e tDo:kmanl^p of tytxt oU)n t)a{irs;« liitt^out ant? affuracf of ^oD 02 of ^10 iDo:D. 3if an^? t^tnk t^t 31 fpr afe mo2f Ubrrall^ , tljm 3! am able to p:ouf , let ^m ronfiDfr tobat maferrfi tbe 3[H>olr0 of tbe ^fntilfs ban , anD tobat mabfrs t^_ <0oD of bjeaD b^tb. ^no tbm (ft tbf potDfr of botbe be topart D , anD let me be rebubeD , if 31 fpeafe itot tbe treuttj, S^b^ p:opbet in Difcription of tbfrr banitied, malmb tbefe grie0, Cbe eanb bangetb foitb tpt tree , it groinetb b^ moiflour , anD natural tuacb^ ne0 , it 10 cutteD Doun bp ti^ b^nD of t^t bftoar. Si parte tbereof is burnt , a parte fprnt in bfe0 neceffapie to man , an otber parte tbofm to be maDe an 3lDole. 2Dfai0 i0 for* iWfD to t\^t licbnr of man 0: iooman , anD t^m m bp ano toio:fl:tppeD a0 a ^oD. 011 tbefe ano fome mo , fb^U toe finD to aftiti! I roncurre in ttjt mabing of t^is great ^oD of b:eaD. £^bf ^tat is fouje n anD nourifljeD in tbe eartb , tain , Deto , anD brat b:mg it to maturitie. SDb^ reaper 0; ffberer euttetb it Doune , tbe carte 02 fleD D2atof n b^ bo20 02 fome otber beaS , D2att)etb it to tbe bame , 02 to tbe bamjairD* Cbe tafber , 02 tbe foot of t^t or traDetb it out. SCbe fan Deliueretb it from tbe tbaff. S3be miliar, anD tbe milflone0 b^ t'i)t bflp of toinD 02 toatter , mabetb it to be meall. K^t fmitb mabetb tbe rnte0 , tbat giue0 to tbat ^D , ^i0 lentb ano b:raiD , licbnes anD fo2m. 2L^e fpne fubftanee of tbat 60D is nrtbcr ujood ♦golD , no2 filuer, but toatter f meal maDe i maner of a D2amocb. 3nD tben mufl t^t too<2bmen tabe gooD ^tnt to tbere banD. jfor if t^t f^2e be too bote , t^at ^oDS fbin mud be burnt , if tbe 5me0 be euill Dig|>t , ^is face toiUbe blecbeD if in mabing t^t rounDne0 , ^t ring be b2oben, rtjen mufl an ober 01 |>i0 frllotoes , receaue tijat bono2 to be maDe a ^oD , anD ^e aafeD 02 cracbeD mtferable caib , tbat one0 toa0 i bope to be maDe a ^oD , mufl be giuen to a babb^ to plar bint toitball anD ret i0 not all tbe Danger pafl , fo2 if tbere be not an ano^mtcD p2eifl ti> plav ^s parte arigbt, all tbe formar artificer0 i^m lofl tbere laboure, fo2 toitbout ^m tbat €^oD cannot be maDe : ^ea ^ if ^t baue not inten* tton to cofecrate, tbe falbioneD €^D remanetb breaD , ano fo fo cl>f bltttD jjfople commttt 3lDolatrie, Cljfft are t^e arttficer0 anD iw^bmen t!iat traueU in mafeing of t^is; ^oD : 31 t^mfe atf man^ in nomber, ag rtje J^;«>{)ljEt tmttt^ to l)aue trauelliD in inafeing of clje 3100;= feg, anu if tl)e jpoiper of bot^e D^albe compared, jl t|)inft the^ H^albe founo in all tbmgefi equall, fjccept tjat ti^e mn of b^eao t0 fubtect bnto mo Dangersf t|)nt torre t^e iDoles of tljc ^mttUesi, ^m mane tl)em» ii^m mato it, SDljep tDcre Deaf anD Dum it can not fpeab , Ijear no;^ fee* 515;ueflie in infinnitie, ttje^ tobolie aggre, ercejjt t^t (as 3(1 l^ue faiD) tl^e poo^t Son of bzeaD is mode miferable of all otljer IHjoles;, ifo? accoiDing to tljere matter to|iereof t^et? are maoe , tlje\? toill remame luttljout ro;iruptio ma^ nt? yitutts. I&ut ijiit^in one pear, t|)at at becometb of Cljnfteg na^ tural boDie^ bp mpracble , it flies to tbe b^auen againe, if t|)e papiflg teacb treulie , fo? lioftD fone foeuer t^t moufe tabeg bote , fo fone flietlj €}^ii1i aloap f lettetb btr 2"^^ tbe h^tm* 2i boll) anD puiCCant moufe , but a feble anD mi* ferable ^of i^et iDoto 31 alb a queflion , tobetljer Ija^ t^e p?eifl 0? t|>e moufe greater jpotoerf bp f^is iDo^Deg it t0 maDe a (3on^ bp btt^ teitb tt ceafett) to be a ^oD* 3Let tbem auife , ano tben anftoer* 31f anp tbinb that 3I ogbt not to mocb , t^at io^icb t^e toojlD fo long batj |)oU Den , ano great p^inceg pet Ijotoe in fo great benerati^ on* 31 anftjjer, tjat not onelie 31* but alfo all goolie ogbt not onelie to mocb , but alfo to curfe anu beteft, tubatroe^ uer is ttot Son , anu pet bfurpetb tbe name, potoer, ano fyini>^ of ^oD* Sinn alfo t^t toe o^t boti^e to mocb, gain 0ap, anb abfjo:;^, all religio obtrubeD to tije people, iait^ out affurance of Son f ^is luojo , tiauing netber reflect, to antiquitie, to multitube, to aurtioiitie, nor eflimatio, of tbem t^at mantean tije fame* %^t 31bole0 of tl^e «en^ tileg luere mo?e ancient , t^en is tbe 31bole in tbe maffe* SCbere too^lbipperg, mantenerg, anb patrong , toere mo in multituoe , greater in autbo?itie , ano mo?e ejfcellent before t^t iJOo^lD , t^ twt ims anp tl^at botoeo to ttiot «^ lit* ^f Ifloolf ^uD ^et frarcD not tije p:optjet ^(wpas to ntock 31»a« 42 ant irH rtjfin, ^ea, ll^arpUe to rebuke tljem, in tijefe ujo:^ tie0. SD^iev arc Dung baritiuarD UJtttj l^mc , ttjet? l^albc a%mcD, U)l)ofonier truflrtl) in a graum r«i3ge, ano ^. t|iat fai? to tl)c moltm vinage , re are our Sons. M ttje jlia* 44* makers of graue rn^Sf^ ^^e baine , tljere pleafing tljing r0 l^aU not p^offet ttjem* jfo: tljei? t|inn felues are UJit^ neCTesf, to tbere 3lDole0 , tfjat tjjet? netljer fe, no;t bnoerftao axx^ tbing , anu tt^mfo;t tl)t^ l^albe aH^ameb , ttrf)o tljnt (fa^etj) tje) l^all fo2ge a &oDi 0; a molten rmage tljat p^fitetl) notl)ingf beljolu all tl)ofe tljat are of tlje fellouj^ l|ip tljereof fljalbe ronfounueb , foj tbe iDOiknicn tljem felue0 are mm , let thent all be gatljereti togetfier , ano flanD bp, vtt tljer? fl^all feare anD oe confoubeD together, j^nb iuljen lie Ijattj full)? painteb foztb tljere banttie, lie conclttbetli* %fy^ haue not bnoerilanD , fo: ^ob i^tf) Mnb^ ^«t Iqj tljere e^ee, that tije^ can not fee, anb Ijartee, tljat m& anb ^^ fan not bnbertfanb , none confiberetlj in Ijisf Ijart, 31 inbura^ 1)a«f b;junt Ijalf of it , euen in tije fp^e, anb ^mt bafeen tton is b;jfab alfo bpon tlje toalles! tljereof 31 Ijaue rofleb tlelbe 1 ^ob0 ^ten it , anb 11^ 31 make t^e refibcbj tljereof an abomi^ tuft pu^ nation , D^ 31 boto to t^t flock of a treef fc. 2i:|)u0 , 31 nill^met ^V, iof f^f iJObJ ttjat tlje prophet boett triumplj againff fo;j idbo^ ^^ 31bolater0 , in mocking of tljere ntabne^, anb paintlg latere* fo^rt) ^^ i¥^^ banitie, Wlho tljen can iuftlie be offenbeb agamfl me 0: ant? otljer albeit bp all meane0 pofRble, toe let tbe blinb Ujo:lb fee, tlje banitie of t^t 3lbolef confix bering tljat br? it , tjatjj ttje glo?ie of ^ob bene mo?e ob^ fcureb, t^en euer it \ms hv anp 31bole in tlje eart^» ifo: to 3let the "^"^ ^^ "^^^^^ abfoltitUe giuen , tlje name , nature, poUj;^ iBapiflg ^) ^"^ ^^^' of ^ob, but to ttiat Jbole allone, 31fanp wnuber ^"^^ ^^ ^^^ &cripture0 of ^ob giue bnto t^jem patro;; cinie, etljer to beleue Clj2iffe0 naturall bobp to be tljere, after tlje lDo;jbe0 of confecration (ag thet? cal tljem) etljer t>et to beleue tljat Clj;jifl 31eru0 , in ljt0 lafl Supper, Un offer bnto ^ob bi^ ifatljer Ijis bobp anb blooD, bnber tljefo?me0 ofb:eabanbii3tne, Ije i& miferablie beceatub, foi tlje ^cri^tttre makettj no mention , of conuerfion 0^ tranfubflanciation of b:eab in Clj2ifle0 naturall bobie, but toitnefTetlj tljat b:eaD remanetlj b?eab , ^ea me, Urtjcn ^ the faitljfuU receaue tlje fame , ag t|e apoflle afltrmetlj in i^vLo? 10 ^^^ tpo?be0. Snije toeab tljat toe b;eak , i0 it not tlje co^ mwnication of Cb:iflefi bobief t^e cup of blifling Uj|)ic$ 1m f • toe bliffe , in it not tlje comunton of tlje blooD of €^ii1iti toe mani?t ^tt one b:eaD, antj one boDp, becaufe toe are all partafeerg of one b2eaD» 0nD after Ijc fa^etl) , a0 oft as; i?e , /r^, „ (ball eat of tljt0 bzeatj, ano Dunk of tlitg cu^ , i?e Ibeto tje * * * 3Lo:t)e0 Deatl) till be come* Jlet tberefore , a man trp tfim felf ano fo let i)im eat of tljis bjeao, anD Dunfe of tljis tup. fc» W^ tijefe too^Des; toe mar clearlie bnoerftanu, tobat tiujgement tbe ^poflle IjaD of tbe fubflace of tbat ^acra^ ment , euen in tf^t berie action of tlje fame» ^nD as touf cjims tljat fooUlb opinion, tijat Cb^ili 31efu0 DiD oflfer ffi& botjp bnto ^oD bi^ ifatber , bnuer ti^t fomts of bieao f loiint. fc» (toljicl) tl)e papifles! mafee tlje grounD of tljere malle) tobat fuffrage tbat etier it |)a* b^ man , of ^oD, no? of 1)10 too2D , it batl) none* Clie scripture Doetl) toit=^ ^^j, nes! tbat ^ot> tlje ifatljer gaue ^i& &one bnto tt^t too?lo, ^' ^* ^* Aat tbe toojlD misbt be faueo bv i^im , anD tbat 3cfwsf Cb;jiu DiD offer }^im felf ones bnto «SoD, fo2 tbe Deflructio ^^ of finne, anD fo: to tafee atoa^ tbe tinnesf of manp , but S^* tljat euer lie DiD offer Ijim felf bnDer tlje formes of b;eaD ^"'' ^^ anD ^int (a0 tlje papifies! alleDge) tbe Ijolt? ^oiJe Doet^ no tol^ere make mention* ^nD tjjerefoje tlje faitljfuU not onelv ma^ reiect it a0 tbe DiZeame anD inuention of man, but alfo are bouD to abljo? f Deteft it asf a Doctrine b«iip;l^t in bt? ^atan , to Deceaue fuc|)e ag Delvte not in the beritie of (&on , to tobofe moutb anD boice are tbe faitljfull onel^ bounD* m. €iuintrne ttjat great patron of tbe maffe, in t^i& fubfequent conference , aDDuceg fo: tlje probation of W affirmatiue , C^^ft 3|eCU0 DiD Offer {tavtt^f^t) ^^^^ tnto (0OD m famh in l^i^ laft Supper 1^10 ^f^g^ boD^ anD blooD^ iJUDer ti^e fo^mejs of bieaD anD matiue* tDine* ^* i?o: tbe p;jobation Ijereof , 3(1 fai? tie aDDucea tlje fact of ^elcbifebec tljat bwglit fojtb bzeaD anD is)im. m.^ ^. fc» Bttt^tofone be is albameDtbereof, anD boto bn^ * ^* able i^e is to pjoue rtjat tobirtj Ije aUeDgetb to be moile t^ ade to be p?oben , tlje Diligent reaDer ma^ ef]pt?» i?o: jjer^ ceauing Ijtm felf bnable euer to p:oue , tbat etljer Cljzifte ^^^ a>p 31efu0 o;j i?et ^elcliifeDec , DiD ntake an^ fucbe oblation, rtmnta 30 he f tlje fonD papiCe0 do imagine* m rinetlj ilraiglit ^fj^. * to ^s foitxts f lbaniele0 fcbift* ^ fatietlj s^. £luint\>nt, fu,^ 31 Jaue liurt mi? oton caufe, 31 toa0 carieD atoai? toitb f eal ^^ fc* 31t apperteaneD not bnto me to p.«>ue an^ rtjing, but ^* to DefenD mv articble0 a0 t^e^ are to;utten* 3|f m ^» 9^ iiiU \\ and ^ coUatetaOrs; tmU refolue me an Dout , (^ lotU 31 gme m^ iiojgnnmt^ lu^et^fr t)f og^ to p:oue, o? to De* ftno onel^. ^^ uout ig tp0, to^ct|i£r are $^» il^mnt?nefi( arttckleg nrceffarie to be beleuro to &aluatto« o;^ are tl^ei? fttc^e as toittiout Danger of Damnation » toe ma^ Dout of t|rem^ 3if toe map Dout of tljem anD not offenD (Sod, tljen affureDl^ 3 tliinfe tfjat sp» ^uinttme mai? holD tljem fb? treuti), til tljat ttje fal%aD of i^tnt be manifmlt? De clareD. 515ttt if tljet? be fuclje asi toe are bounD to beleue as a trenrtj of ^oD, anD an Doctrine neceflarte to Valuation, tijtn is $d* ^ttinttnte bounD to lliato to te ttjat ^oD ban; p;o^ nonceD tljem, anD not man* WO^ it Ije be not able to do, anD tbat in plaine anD ejqp^effeD too;De0 , t|jen mufl toe 3|o^* io» reiect ttiem as Deceauable, i falg, acco:Dig ag toe be tauc^ b|? our maifter €^iiii 31efu0 fat?mg : ^^ (^eip b^are m^ boice, but a Granger tljer toill not beare» 3if ^* ^» toiU not be reputeD an fal0 p;«»jjbet , $ one tljat teacbetfj Itefli in tl)e name of €^oD, anD fo eppone Ijim felf to ^oDs; bote Difpleafure , b^ niap propone no Doctrine to t^e Cljurc^ of ^OD, t^e affuranceuAereof, ^e b;?inaet|i not from t^e mout!) of <0oD» 31f ^. ix. toere b;mtoUng in t^e ftooleef. 0? b.:2agging of fenotolebge amogeif tbe pijilofop^ers , 31 toolD pacientlie ab^e , tijat be H^oulD affirme as; man^ paraDojces;, as pleafertj ^m. :)15ut m tl^e €^vt^ of ^oD to a6Krme t^t ^oD l)a^ fpofeen , ixf^m ^D bat|) not fpo^ ben , 0? Done tl)at to|jtc^ lie is not able to p:oue , bt? mg platne too;tD, tt)at l^e batii Done, fo to Do (31 fai?) tsi alto^ getfjer intollerable, anD therefore let i©, ^» fearclje ti^e &cripturefi, fo^ tlje p;iobation of Ijifli affirmatiue, or elfl! 31 toill en? al0 louD as! 31 can, tfiat l^e tjatb loft his! caufe, anD 10 conuicteD an manifefi lear: in tljat be liatp afKrmeD 31e^ fu0 to l^ue Done tljat, tobiclj no Scripture Doe* toit^ ne0 , tbat ^e W) bone* 3let all men tt}ttm;z tpt toill not fblloto lie0, Detefi ^e matte, till l^t it finD a grounD toit^in tbe boobe of ^oD, 30 31 am alTureD it neuer IW* j^nD tl^ (ball t^t reaDer mo?e ea^ f^Ue perceaue , bt? tlji0 confer rence tljat follotoetlj* HeaD anD tlien tuDge* v^- fit* letter* i€>ftn ftnojc 9! am mfb^meD , tl^at ?e ar Scum in t^i^ cunttie, to Cetfe MCputatio, lanD m Cpectal to mafe impitgnatton to 'cettane articftlejs qul^ilfe toat p^nun* ceD anu rel^ettteD be me to mt flocfe, in i&trftoC^ tnalD on fdnnar laH toeu (treulie 31 toiU not te^ fuCe DtCputation toit^ ?otD) Intt maift erniftlie ^ effectuouaie couattis ^e camin, toa it ma^ be to ^e gjUnit of da^oD^ and tt^al of vt txmt^, l^e a$i 3! l^atf, te reft of re mmifter^, qui^ilfe ^egf bene fteir, am culu i^aif nane* ^uf^airfott gif it pleija; f oto ^ijai Da^ hiU tiatejsf in on^ i^oujs of fl^a^boil f e plei0, p^ouiDanD altoate^ tljair be na conuo-^ catum palTanD xU rbj tn v% on ati^er f^t^e^ auljilfe i0 ane fufficient nomber, to beir toitne^ betuir b03 3 fal enter in reHoning tDitl^ foto, anD d^oD tnilling fall Def ent» vt faiDejs articMejJ be n ma- nifeft tDO?D of (0ot», and all gude relTon, a^ tl^r ar tonttin, and in fpecial te articMe concerning n melTe* ^e falbe fure ?e Ml reOlaif na iniurijj of me, noi mm fi^at me pertenijJ, mn na ft^de of molellation in tDo^d no? too^lr, bot familiar, fo^mall, and gentill reffoning, and tl^infe not rat ti0 i0 done lb? drifting of t^me , but be reffone am .pl^tbeit and fo^biddin be mv iLo?d of Caf^ fillijs, in name andbei^lf of ^e counfel, to enter in ni![t>nini toitlft loto , o? onr b^er to ll^ijaf re* turning in tt^t cuntrte, mWs^ command 3! Wt pmtiifk to tibtVy nott^tUfi ant) l^e cum not betuijc anD t^t CaiD hav^ 31 Mi Uicf^xzt mv p^omtjs to i^im tDitl^ hiiiitnct, quj^air^^oucl^ ^t, anD all t^^ ^erjs mat ^t ^oto ue^r^oujs 31 am ti^t ^e treuti^ cum to ane trrall but Dnfting of trme* aiis?e mat be Cute t^t 31 am bertat deCt?ou0 to \^i( mv JLo^D of Cafltlli^ (a0 mt cljeif anD b?ot]^er Hone) am> btJier^ mt b^et^er ^freinDejs^qui^omof 3! i^if cj^rge , to be aunito^is^ qul^irt^^tD gif it plei0 (lft)D ^t tttic^ ^i^ p^et of out teffo- ning, anD gif f e plet^ to accept tl^ijs conDicton, fenn me ?our piome^ under ?our l^nD tont, and 3 i^all fend ^otu tl^e fb^efaiD articfelejai to ai^rte on, to tl^ijS Dat tiii ^nfiy and tn tl^e meine tinte ?e mat PPUiDe to be audito?0 ftc a0 le pleijs^ co- fomt to ^e nomber aboue rel^eirf ed, and 3) ^t Itfee, and gtf ^e tDillnatDife enter inreffontng tDt^out couocation of ftta^tt$i^ ti^t f^ili tparld matfe, tt ijs bot perturbatio^tumultuation^and cummer tl^at n tti^^ bnder ti^e pretence of t^^e tretD fetting furtl^ of cl^oddejs tnojd:, and glo?te, and t]^i0 3 certifie lotxj , 3 tuill not enter in dif^ putation )a>ii^ lotu, gif ?e cum tDiC^ couocation, fo? 3 toil natDife be ^e inftrument of difcos^e, H[ "^ and alj5 it i0 not neceffar ?e cum tuitl^ conuoca- t^fof tion of ftrangerja; , be reffone ?e Ijaif mt JUnd of ma reo, Cafllllid piomeja; qui^ilft ijai Cufficient toarrand to i^n^tS? ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ VDiti^in Carricfe , and in n S no w^ meine ttme ?e plei^ toreflaif ane confutation of t«?« four fillogifme qul^ili^ 3 i^iC fend to toVt) tuiti^ ti^e Haird of Capnnton elder, and gif ?e defend ^e Ci^e attbteis fitft letter. 7 tl^e Tamin toeill, ?e at mair able to malt imtmS' nation to m^ne. flDftftirfteiDejef 3 require ?otti? andcoer in Wt , tDiti^ tt^i^ berar twitl^ Diligence ani^irti^tD 3| ntar CenD aiwa^ to mv loju of Cafl!lli0 ajai MD i0» ^nD ta fair f e t»eill, of Cro^ ragnell t^iis ^ndar, t3^e Cent of September. Crotrajuell t^t anftoet to t$e abbote^ 0ir0^ lettter* l^e treutl^ is^, tl^at ^e caufe of mv c6^ ming in ti^ef e prtejai toegf not of ^r^ pof e to f eaft Dif)mtation3 but 0mplie to piopone bnto ^e people iefujs oD^iift crufifieD^ to be ti^e onelie ^uiour of t^t H)ojld, and to teaci^ furfi^er , "mt^t are ^e fruiter ^t (S^D requiretj^ of t^t memberjs of f^i^ Dear Done* 9c. OBut l^earing ^t n i^D in oppen auDience p^laweD blatpi^emoujs articfeleis, mafeing p^^ we0togiue further Declaratio of certaneof ^e, C^ijs laft^onDat , ltfeeia)ife in oppen alTemblie^ 9! coulD not but of conlJcience, offer m^ f elf to be tour atnierfar in t^t cace* ^nh t^^ijaf far fo? ti)t caufe of m^ coming ?efterDav to IftirfioftimlD. ^i; €1^ anfteet to t^e aWbot* fitU letter* Ci^at re i^ue reauim DiCputation of fi^e mt- niUm (of tDl^ome fdme are tet p^efent) ^ coulD l^aue none, 3! l^arDlie beleue it^ tl^e contrary be^ ing affured to me b^ Diuerjsf of l^oneft report* Cliat n offer t»nto me familiar, fo^mall, anD gentill reaComng toitli m^ tol^ole l^art 91 accept S^e conDition* if or affureMfe m^ Lo?D (fd 31 ftfit vm br reafon of blooD and not of ofiOice) c^tDtng ^ t^atDlmg 91 btterlie al^o?, but fi^t vt reautre it to be f ecrete , 91 netlier f e mil cauf e Wt^ tliat Vt ftoulD require it , netl^er ret good refdn toftr t^^at 91 ftould grant it. gf re feare tumult a^r^ weter^^t i0 mo?e to be feared tDl^eremanr of euill mrnd l^aue a feto quiet and peceable men in jW^ere danger, t^entol^ere aiuft multitud mar gainftand biolence, if it be offered* flDf mr iLo^d of Ca0Hle0 p^omeis, 91 notljing dout a0 toucft^ ing mr ottJne perfcn, Un 91 ffand in t^t p^otec^ tion of tl^e aimigs^tie, to ttJl^om 9! render i^artlr ti^anftej3, tol^en f^i^ mercie and potuer boicce^ t^t ]^arte0 of men , to afliff tl^e cauf e of ^e iutt. ^CBut 91 tDonder toitl^ tol^at confcience re can require pnuat conference of ^of e articWe^ ^at re ^laue publicfelie proponed:* ge l^aue infected t^e eareja; of tl^e fimplef ge l^aue la^ounded t^fte f^avttfi of tl^e godlie, and re l^aue f pofeen blafpl^e^ mie in oppen audience* JLet rour otone confti^ ence note be iudge, if tee be bound to anft^er rou in t^t audience of 20. 0^ 40* of tiol^om ^e one l^alf are alreadie perfuaded in t^t treufi^, ^ ^e otl^er percl^ance fo addicted to rour erro?, tl^t tl^er tcill not be content, ^at li^t be cal^ led Ci^e annuer to t^t abbot, fira letter. leD lig^t, and uarcftneis, datcfene^. pf t^ be a paftoi 0$^ n Inag rour f elf to be :, ^e og^t to ftaue refpect to vout totiole flocft :, ^ea , to ^e infttm- tion of all tl^ofe , ^at are offended at ^our blaf^ pljemie0. 'Butnotn to grant bntorou^mo^e^e reatdn, i am content of ^e greatett nomber ap^ glinted b^ ^ou , p^ouided firil tl^at ^e place be^, ^. 3)O]^nej0i lairfe in ^ir , ttil^ic]^ ijs a place nune conuentent t^en anrftou^ tnfl^atboill* ^eco^ darlie, ^at jQoterjs and ^ribejj be appointed fai^ull^ to tafee and commit to regeiler in op ptn audience, boti^e rour reationejQi, and mvnt, t^at to tne ma^ af tneall auoid confufion ^ bame repeticion in fpeafting ajai fo^lojs ti^e diuerfitie of ruttmjs ttJl^icl^ mar arif e bv reafdn of obliuion, tol^atl^t]^ bene fpofee b^atl^erpartie* Cl^eda^ b^ von reauir ed, 3 can not feepe, b^ reafdn of m^ fo?mar p^omejs made to ti^e maiiler of fl^ajciajel, and bnto tlie Cll^urcl^e^ of iBiddifdall, and dPal^ lotoa^. Q5ut if n toil fend bnto me, ^onr articfc le0 before tl^e 1 5* of tt^i^ inftant , 3| ftal appoint ^e dar , \x)f)icf^ tv tl^e grace of (iDfod 9! (ball not fiaill* #f re fend rour articfilejai to tl^e bailliejs of air, it (balbe fuiicient diftl^rge Un im. and ^0 crauing tour anftoer, 3 l^artlie defire da^d if l^iiai good pleafure be, fd to molifie tour l^rt, ti^t n mat Prefer l^ijs eternal treu^, conteined and erp^effed in f^i^ i^olt tDO^d, to tour ottin p?e^ conceaued opinion, from air ^ijj 7. of ^ep^ tember. 1562. ini^ift. poured to command in all godline^. 3o^n Iknox tJ)e aftSotes tecons letter, toi^ereunto anftoer ij( maue b^ieflte to tuttit i^eaD of ^e Came* li^E^ fttw| 31 reffaueD ^out tonting, iti^tjs ntonuDar tl^^ toitnt of ^eptem^ [ber, ami conODereD t^ l^eidejj ti^irof, 'and fiirft oul^atr ?e fa^^, ?our cuming in t^ijai cuntrie, tuajai not to f eife Dif putation , but Oimplte to mopone bnto tl^e people, 3efuis Cifeift cructfien, to be ti^e onelr ^utour of ti^e tparlD, P^iCe be to (0oti, ti^t ttja^ na netxjingtis in i^i^ cuntrie, tn ?e ttiar bo?ne» 3Ic^n ftnojc* 3 greatlte tuntt, if euer €tni^ fefujj lajejs treu^ lie p^eacl^eo, bv a papifticall p^elat o? monfe. a^» Mhtint^e* ^ecom»lie, quliair ?e alleDge ti^at 3 p^lamen in oppen am»ience blafi^emou^ articfelejs (l^e iu ane euil iutige ti^t connentntie; o^ l^e l^natpe^) ti^n ]^D bene t^e to f otD to l^if called tftem blafp]^etttou03qu]^en?e]^tifenetlietti,teDtl^em, anD fufiScientlie confutateD ti^enr* 91(^n Iftnojc* 31 fm^ l^mti tl^em , and hereof 3| feateD not to P^onunce tl^em fuci^e ajs fi^e^ are. fl©. liuint^e. tZDl^iDlr , Qul^air f e alledge tl^t 3 womia becla^ ration of tl^e faiDe^ artwfelejs, on ^onDa^ latt I(t)ai3(, €i^e abbote^ ttcom Utttt. toa^, m^ pmitsi toais (ais mr i^anti Wt tPtU tettifie) to Do t^z iamin, .putHanD altoateistait l^aD hmt m conuocatton of ^tav^tt^ , aui^air^ ti^^otp tumultuatton anD cumer mtci^t fbllotD) and f tea tnajs 3! ejconeten of mr p^ontejs, m t^at, f e come t^aiv conuoteD tpttl^ I3. 0^ th icoit of ftrangerjai* Slol^n J&nojc* 3 lar tl^e nis^t before in fl^arJ^oil^ accompanieD tuttl^ feicnet: t^eir tuentte* appetantlte mair l^fie to f etft pertuttatton anu cumer , noi ti^t gjo^ie of d^oD* M^ 31 toaisf tm^i^ bett bt mv tm^ of CaCGtlU^ toi^tjj teturne in t^e cuntrie ,_a0 31 la)^it to fotx) of before, tot auo^= Ding of camera* iJf erDlie, gif 3! requireD Difputa^ tion of 3iol^n ULUlloc% anD aljs of mailler geo^ge l^a^ 5 gif ftia^ l^aD oci^t to fa^ to onv tpatftejsf fet furfe^ be me3 3! t^epo^t me to tl^e auDito?, anD aljs gif ttiar refuf eD m not , to tl^e t^me tl^a^ l^aD a* uifeD iioitft tl^e counfell anD tl^e hittl^im* 3Ioftn i^nojc* apaiOer geo^e ^av offereD bnto tow Difputa^ tion but ^e fleD tl^e barrajJ* #♦ :©uintrne* ^ut^ait ?e tav ?e can not perfaif qul^airfo^e 3 fdulD Def^efecreit Difputation^ Creulieiti^ not (ecreit , ti^at ijs in t^t p^ef ence of jrt» perCdnejai* iftui^ait ?e iav, ?e Dout not of m^ lo^D of ai:a03tl* lijsfp^meiE(,ajs(tuec]^ing?our atDinperftm^ Cteu^ lie apperanlie le refer al0 l^ill to biis^ p^omeis ajJ ?e ma^ , confiDering ?e come conuoteD toi^ 0c ane nomber of llrangeris ajs ijai aboue rei^eirfeD. •{< iiii Ci^e aW)ote0 itcom lettet* aitt\)ait ft tai^ , ?e QanD in t^t protection of ti^e aimid^tte ^ twa Doi0 all gutie cl^tftiane men ajj ?e, bot apperanlie ?e put aljai l^til in dD^DjJ l^anu^ 10 aj5 ?e mar 5 ti^t goiis accompanied in euerie place 3 quftaittumeuer ^e go toiti^ fie multitude, qul^iDder it be Un Deuotion , o? p^tection, m ta* tl^tt tumultuatio c^ti finaiwisi, fb? 31 fenatu not* Sjoi^n ittnojc* Pt Do toell to Cu^enti iuDgement #♦ £)uintrne. Ihtl^ir ?e tDonder toiti^ qui^at coOcience i can reouite p?iuat conference ( tteulie 3! i^if mon^ guue relldnijs mouanD me) fitft to auoiD tumul* tuation^, petturbation, anD cummer* gout reaftmejs ate a0 fflarlr to rour f elf e , ajs ^e S^ini( t^em* fl©* ;©uint^e* ^econnir, tl^t tee ma^ l^aif ane reUonaWe no- htt tt^t mar beir laiitne^ of baitl^ our patrte^, but damo? o? tumultuation* Ci^nDlr^ 3 am cer^ tane gif tue cum to tl^e iuft trrall of tl^e treutll^, C^ir man be conference of monr buifee^, cruftilfi can not be Done comoDiouar m public^ auDiece* attoure ittDilbe mair l^nDfum anD eafie fo^me, vm mifterijs not (ic crying out , a$ gif it Vcar in oppe auDience, Un gif yt bicto^ie coiift in clamor^ tn crpig out, 3! tnil quite rote p caufe but farDer pier 3 auD lit p^ife be to dD^D , 3! tnar qul^ifper m apc maner ais 3! toilbe jl^rD fufficientlie in t^t largeS 1^0 in all carried* 3fll9nMnojc* Ci^e aWstt^ Second letter. Cl^e larger f^ousi, t^t better Un t^t auDito^ $ me* ^ul^air le ca^ 31 f^ii infecteu tl^e earijs of tl^e fimple 31 l^aif tDounueD tl^e l^arte^ of tl^e goDlie, anti 3 i^aif fpol^en blafpl^emie in oppen atiDtece* 3 memell l^otio ?e fb??et ?our felf , ci^iDanti and ratUanD on t^ifi matter. 3!oftn; Mno%* Cl^e fpeaftins of t^e treutl^ 10 cj^tding bnto rou* a?. ;©mnt^ne. ConfiDering le faiD ane l^till afo^e, ?e Did abl^oi all cl^iDing anti railUng, bot nature pafli^ nurto? tmfi^ ?otD. 3oi^n J£inor» 31 tDill nether interci^ange 5 nature no? nurtoi \joiti^ VO^JOy fo? all tl^e p^offet^ of Crofraguelt ^. ;©umt^e. jflftnl^airfo^e 3 man beir tDitl^ lour babline anti banking ^ a^Dot^ ^^^ince^:, l^ear poi(X)eri0 !^^ teftrate^ ^ and mon^ l^unD^etlie^ better ntn % iSM^m ?e efteme me aja( ane b^ganD j^aOo?, Oa^anD , tl^at 31 aucl^t to l^atf refpect to m^ l^aill flocir* 3t 10 aueftion to me gif it be tl^e toeill of m^ flocl^ y to ma6 oppen Dtfputation in profound m^eriejJ concerning tl^e cl^nftiane religion, bot fit toill 3 not refute gif on^ man tDill mafe ivx^ pugnation, but conuocation of ^anger^, m tu« multuation , 3 l^if i^arD of public^ mf putation in icmWy bot not afb^e anebulgar and ruDemul tituDe of people. 3lo]^n J&nojc. Pt are not tl^en fd tceill Cene in t^t ancient to^i* ter0 ajs te b^. fl©* ^©uint^e. ^ui^air ?e Def^e me to cum to nifpute in ^. Wi^t atibote^ Second Ittttt* iotmejs feirfe of 2\x,n iitar i^e Cure 3! tDiU not «9TJ io25 UiCpute i©it]^ ?otD tl^air , ioi xmnv suue reffbmief, ^m mhii^i^ to lojnte , lajat ouer p^tjct , Ijot gif f e SntS ^^^^^ ^ conueme acco^umg to mv firtt to^iting, rrafrnt. 11 ^^^t reauie at all t^nie^, bpon titi^ na^ejaf tDaming, anD Ml itm rotp tl^e aiticfelejai tiiU Da^e0 afo?e to autCe toitl^* and Ca fiatr ^e tuetlL €>f Crotraguell tcitft Diligence , tl^e t^mtn Da^ ann Dait. fol^^nojc^ Ti^ijj letter Wsi none oti^ertDife anCtwered fb? tl^t t^e , but b^ appointing bnto l^im t^e place , acco^tng to f^i^ oioone DeC^e 3 albeit fi^t no reaOon could i^ue required ti^t of me. Cl^e €arle of CaiHlW letter. E-Jfter l^rtlie commendation^ fo?Camelrtil a^ 91 bnderUand ti^air us ane difputation ap- pointed betuir ^tD5 ^ ti^e abbote of Crofraguell m a^a^ill, fi^e jcrbiii. of ^ijs mOant, to i^t QUl^ilfe 3! am not toillmg tl^t onv of m^e mafe difputation toi^ ^otD, ejccept it cum of ?our oc^ cafioU:, Un 3 can not bnderftand ^t onr erudi< tion fall p^eid to ti^e auditor of tl^e famm , bot ratl^er contradiction and tumult, ^e qul^ilfe % iwald fould not be toi ?our pairt , l^e ajai 3! am tDilling to cauf e ^e ^Jbote of Crofraguel to di^ fift. ^0 to qul)afaeuer tl^t toil proffer tbem felf to p^ead^ ^e txm ti^o^, confbnn to tt^e confue^ tude Cl^e Catle of CaflElt0 letter, tuDe of tl^e realme , vm t»o ti^e imm toit^out impediment m 3! tt)?ait to ?otD of !jefo^e3 in our of mr rotDmejs, anti Defiteis 5oi» to to^tte me ane anftoer of tl^ijsi tDnting, and d^oD fteip ?otD^ flDf ^inct 31oftnej5 ci^apell tl^e xpiU of ^ep^ temljer, 1562* I5t ?out guDe freinD^ CalItUt0 tl^e anftoet to mp ilo^De of Caimiijef tt)?iting« fol^n l&nojc, l-ftetj^attlte commennation^of m^ |femtce tnto ^our lojDftip, ^our 1* letter Dated at p. 3|oi^ne)S ci^apell tlie %pxh of tl^ija: inftant^ receaued 3| in (agj^iltrie tl^e jcjrtj* of tl^e fame, ajai toncl^ing tl^e Dtfputation appointed^ ^e occaiton DtD p^o^ ceaD of tl^e abbote, ttil^o in oppen ^v^itntt of ri^e people, Did p^pone certaine articfeleja; 3 tDl^ereof ^e mofte part conteane tieceauable Doctrine, tDl^icl^e notti^elejs i^e pmnifeD not onel^ to tx- plaine 3 but alfd to manteane againft an^ t^at tuolD impugne ^e fame, 2H^ereof % \^m\% aD- uertif eD3 anD fo near in t^t countrie coulD Do no lt% tl^en offer m^ f elf aDuerfarr to t^t Doctrine, tD^icl^ % am alfureD flmlbe certaine Damnation, to all ^of e ^at toiti^t repentance Depart ^iis 83* « Ci^e anttjoer to ^e €atl of Canaiijei let* life:, infected toitti ti^e fame* and t^pon ti^t nuN tiue 9! trepareD to lairfeof tcalD , \xA^txt becaufe fi^e abbote compereD not, 3! p^eaci^eD, and after ^e feennon a femanD of ri^e aWbotejs pief enteD bnto me a letter, conteaning in effect, ti^at ajs i^e l^an required Difputation of tl^e otl^er minifterjs, fo DitJ ]^e of me , and DiD appoint bnto me , tl^at tiar eigj^t tjarej^ m fl©a0)oilL fll^t anf toer toe^, t^t to Difpute 3! itneje; l^rtlie content, but be^ caufe 9i i^au before appointed I ntaifler of fl^ar- toel to be in l^mfreijai tl^at fame Da^, 3! defired ti^e da^ to be prolonged , to mr returning from J9et]^efdaill, in ^i0 meane t^e b^ letters pall betuijc bj5 tl^e rrbiil* of ^ijs inftant iis appointed xx^it^ da^ be ti^e grace of (!5od 3! m^nd to feeap* iSet^er ^et in m^ iudgement i^ ti^ere an^ iuft feare of tumult , fb? ^e perfdne^ t^at (ball con- mm txjitl^ me , tDill p^ejei and feeap all quiets ne0, and of ^our losiftip 31 nothing dout but ^e toill tafie fucfte o?dour toi^ ^our freinde^ , tl^t bp tl^em ti^ere ©all no occafion of trouble be of^ f ered, and albeit ^t ^e erudicion ftal not per- chance be fucl^e m tl^e godlie tnold def^re, ^et % dout not botl^e t^e beritie and ti^e falf l^ead ©all appeare in tl^ere oicnne colo^is , albeit not to all, ^et to fuc^e a0 e^er l^ue earejs to i^ear | treuti^ plainly fpofien,o^ ere0 to difcernedarcfine^from 3if ^^ l\xSs)U and tl^erefo^e 3 toold moUe i^umblie re^ fXf If ^"^^^^ ^^ ^^"^ lo^dftip, ra^er to p^ouofee and en^ be tau curage ^our freind to ^e l^id difputation , tben mfloc. in an^ ntaner to ila^ l^im , fo? if ^our lo^dftip do ^^ ^ coCder d^at toi^il, ^t l^e oppenlie p^eacl^e? one tiding. Ci^e anmtx to ti^e tati oe cafllllt^ let* t^ing 5 and looe an oti^ei: ^ ^t tl^e i^avte^ of tt^t atcufe people are Diilract, ^ea, anu inflambeD one a* rmua^t gainft anofi^er, imt io(t>fbip ftoulD rati^er f eare ^^ ^' tumult anD trouble to enCeto ti^ereof , t^^en of ^* mutuall conference, in t#e auDtence of peceable anD auiet men* Ci^e ttomber ijj not great ti^at tj5 aumitted to l^ear, and ^erefo^e trouble (0 legi to be feared* f^leaf e ^our lo^dlbip to bnderSand ^at ^t beritie ogj^t to be to bjJ, mo^e deare tl^en our otone liuejsf, and ^erefo^e toe ma^ not leaue ^e mantenance of ^e Came , toi feare of t^at tDi^ereof ti^e i(betD t^ in t^t l^ande^ of (!5od , to tDftoCe protection % mofte l^rttie commit ^our io^dflDip* 1^ (Hg^iltrie in l^iil t^e fame l^oure four lo?d(bip0 letter tnej5 receaued* 1562* ^our0 lo^dOiipi^ to command in all godline^* letter anftoered bf mouti^* 9P* j^intf ne* €)]^n i&nojc 3 perCaif ti^e policie bfed be lotD and bti^erjai , to mafe mv atioin av mv partie* Cbe laft t^me ?e come — in i^ifi cuntrie 5 31 ttiajs perfuaded be ^ mr lord of Caaaii0 not to rancounter fotw , oj ^* Cifte abboteis tljnt» letter. eljSJ trettlte ?e CulD not i^aif paired tnmncoutereb a0 f e DID, bot le Mi3e affureD3! t^l 6eip Da^ anD riace in jS^a^lioill acco?Dtng to m^ tD^itmg, anD 31 tiaiC mr life , anD mv f eit loufe , nottoi^Oan^ Ding on^ tt)?iting t^at 10 cumin to me , fra m^ lo?D of €aWli$i, ti^erefb^e feeip ttv% anD ejccuf e ?otD not bpon m^ lLo?De of CaflEli^ touting, l^ctoio. nottDitl^ftanDing t^at 31 ftnatti it i^ pur^eft be ^t tjjat, lom; poitcie ^ to put me to ftj^ame , anD four f elf fenoL toaDuanfment^qul^ilfefallnotltin four pother, ttet twi ^airfb^e 31 alTure ? oto^, in tact 3! fDulD Do ^e to 2|^f min tJoit^ t^e l^ailTart of m^ l^f e , Do f e fifte li?!re ^7 tuiftout ercufe. anD fefair ? etrjeilt flDf Crofra* iDtne 5n g«ell t]^i0 jCjciiij* of September. 1562* attoure to^oD, g^at tj^airbe na conuocation bot confb^meto, ^^j four ttj^itmg, 0^ eljs tl^^e Ccoir at tfte maift, of tl^e mm! aul)ilfti$ tuentie to be auDito^iai on a^er f^De* Clie a6bote0 fourtletter, ap» fliuintpne. Ijfll^n »nor anD baiilliejs of air , ^ij5 p?ef ent 10 tillaDuertife foto ti^t 31 reffaueD tD^itittg anD creDit "mit^ ti^ijj gentle man, fra m^ JLo?d of Ca0!lli0, certifianD me ^at l)e toill ttip Dar ap-^ pointeD fm our Difputation 3 tl^irfo^e l^eip four p^omejs, anD p^eter na iouferie be m^ iLo?De of CaflElijaf tD^iting* anD ti^ijai fair f e tioeilL flDf Crotraguell ti^e rrb. of S>eptember. 1562. Ci^e antmtt to t^t abbotejs Court let* gioftn ittnojc* T€) nether of t^efe niti i anCttjer o^ertDrte, ^en br appointing tl^e Da^ 5 and p^omifing to fteap t^t iamt* foi 31 can pacientlie infttt toa* tone men to fpeafe tuantolie, confiuenng ^t % pan Cufficientlie anCtoereD mv JLm of CaflHlijJ in^t bei^alf . SiSmt oti^er letters are omitteD htcmtt t^tv toere of le$ importance*:, folloto t^e conDici^ ornef* Tl^e Da^ i^oure, conDicion^ and noml^er ag^ greiD bpon, Un tl^e coference betuijc maifter ^htinttne Mnnt^v abbote of CrofragueU^ and 3|o]^n Hxnojc miniUtt at CDintorgj^* Cf^e tja^ ijs ti^e jcjrtiiij of September* 1 5 6 2^ Cl^e place tl^e j^^oueftiis place of apa^boill , i^t l^oure to conuene ij5 at eijgftt l^oure^ before none, ^e rm fo^efaiD, ti^e nomber Un euerie part ftall ht fourtie perfdnejs, br ^ere ^ribejs ^ learned men, toi^ fo man^ mo ajs ti^e l^oug^e ntar goodly ftold, be ti^e figj^t of m^ Lord of CaOJlli^* and l^eirupon , botl^e ^e faid abbote and 31ol^n ftnor are tui^oltlie and fullrlie agreed* 3!n ^x>iu ne)5 ttJl^ereof t^e^ l^aue fubftriuedtl^efe p^efentis tDifi^ ^ere ftandesf* at fl^a^boill t^t jCjcbij* of ^eptentiber* 1562* Croltaguell fotiniinox I^e nomber receaueD tDtt^in ^e tm^ fmtieii^3 ant> td xtmnv befpue^ a^ plea? m mv )lo?D and f^i^ Creinnej5» 31oi^ itinojc adti^effeD l^tm to mafee piiblict piarer, tni^ereat t^e al^bote \x^t0 toit oSetmen at fi^e firft, but tDl^il tl^e CatD ^(A^n tDoUi in notDite be flawed , HJe and l^tjsf gaue audience , tol^i^ l^e* ing ended , tl^e aWbote Caid be mv feitft it ijJ toeil caid» and io aftttt^t i^e i^d tpty- 6en cettane too^e^, f^t comrnan ded one of l^ijs ^ribejs to read openly l^ij5 p?o^ teftationajstfbl' iotoet^* ^tit f ollotoe0 t^t toppit of t^t tellbmng qul^illt toeiai betuijc tl^ commmDato;^ of CrorragueU anD 3lol^ linoF in ^aijboile toncemtng t^e maSe « tn t|)e ^eare of €ioD» 1562^ (0rceautns t^e great pettut^bation con trouerae anD debeate 5 aul^ilfe 10 ftitteD ___ ijp laitlte tn all Ci^nften realme^s tb^fi^e cauf e of religion (l^ono^ble auDito^) anD al0 l3e^ tng rememb^eD of tl^e terrible fetence conteineD in fcripturejai totnarD all negligent pafto^jj in ^i0 DangeroujJ t^me* 31 t»aj5 conftra^neD m conttience nottoit^ftanDing mt great inl^abili* tie , aief it pleaf eD d^oD to f uppo^t m^ imperf ecti^ oneis to giue inC^uction to all tl^of e comitteD to tti^ cure , toitl^in mv MtH of Mrftof tcalD , ftoito tli^tv ftottlDe be able to be enarmeD againd all tDiclteD anD Decetfull p^eacl^er^ mf^iV^ gae^ about not fenotoing aui^erefra t^tv come, no^ b^ aul^at o^D^e. ^nD to t^t effect ^at our Deirlie^ beloueD flock mici^t i^aue hmz t^t tmt able to j^auebenetoarretnit^allfal^ totc^eD $ bngoDl^ Doctrine, ^mang otl^r i^Dlie leHonejs contei^ neD in mv ejcftojtation 3! inCerit certane ca^o- licft articMejs lining t^eir toarranD of tlie fcrip ture0 of almig^t^ da^oD, acco^ing to | Doctrine of ti^e i^alie ca^olicfte l^irit, anD burD^neDm^ confcitntt in t^t pretence of dDJoD t^t CattegJ ar* ticUt^ to bt gouiie 3 neceOane and tjcpentent to be beleueD br all gooD cl^ifttane men* Slol^n Sinojc bpon (lonDar tl&e aucl^t Da^ of ^ei^^ tember, came bnto t^e iaih MtU of J^irfeoftoalD, being certefteD ^at 3! migj^t not be p^ef ent, and a0 31 ^a^ enfo^med to mai^e impugnatto to m^ taiht^ arttcMejs laol^ere^^ongi^ 3| to^ote to f^im, certifying ti^at % ttJolu a®rm t^e Caine^ articlt* leu 3 and in fpeciall ^e articftle concerning ^e malTe againit i^im m aui^afoeuer pleaf e^ to maite tntpugnation tl^ere to bpo aucl^t da^ejs toaming^ ^e place beinaj in anv i^oujj of a^a^jo^le 3 t^e nmttiber tuentie on tit^tt i^ht^ tioitl^out an^ f ur^ ^er conuocation* ^l^o^tlie tpe being agreed b^ tr)?iting of t^e da^ l^our and place3 ctul^ilir tva^ ti^e 28. da^ of t^i0 inftant September* 3] am comen confb^me to m^ tonting to affirme ti^e faide^ articMe^ a0 tl^e^ are tcntten, beginning at ti^e articfele concerning t^e malTe* |^?otetting altDatejs ^at 31 come not to difpute an^ of mr articfele^ a^ nta* ter0offai^^religiondifputable3co(ideringt]fteir 10 o^d^e tal^en alreadie b^ t^t Mt^ of dBtod ( a^ ^^lojold fa^ ) be tl^e generall councellejs , deulie couened aul^ilfe rep^ef entjai t^e bniuerfal J&irfi of almig^tr dB^od to ttil^om it apperteinejs to tai^e o^d^e qul^enlioeuer queftion tiit^ Un maters con> ceming fai^ and religion 3 but according to t^t doctrine of ^. teeter and al0 ^. |^ule to ren> der m^ dett and duetie to all tl^t mQuireisi tl^er^ io^e : and after tl^t maner to edrpde gentle and fojtmall and ti^e aidbott of €tottasutlt 2 tmmll teaOimng of all ti^ae pltatt^, ais ma^ Uanh to ti^e glo^te of dD^oti anD tl^e inOructton of ^e mhittn* ^nt) to ti^e effect fo^efaiD ti^at toe mar come to formal reObmng, ajs totioatD ^e ar^ ticftle coceming tl^e malTe , 1 toil grounD me t* pon tl^e ^mpturejs of almig^tie (0oD :, to be m^ toarranti cofo^me to m^ fit^ cMtmatton^ qul^ltlr tnajs gatl^eteti tpon tfte p^ie^eao and oblation of flgelci^ifeDec : anti looa^ p^efentet lou in f eb^uare, and ais ?it i^ajs gotte no antoer , not^ tDifi^ftantJing ^at it tnajs of tdber auantitie f ejc^ tene 0^ 20 i^tejj* tm^tttm pleaf e ^ on to t^eceaue t]^i0 l^me confirmation ret ajs of before Un to be t^t htqinning^ of onr fo^mall teafoning 3 concer* ning ^e articftle of i^t malTe in ntaner a^ after folloia)e0» Cl^e ^^Mmeft ^ al0 ti^e apoftle ^» little affirmed our ^aluiour to be an pneft fo? euer, acco^ning to tl^e o?t»ure of apelci^ifetiec, QUi^a maDe oblation and Sacrifice of b^eaD and Mm bnto (Boh ajs tl^e ^ripture plainly teacl^^ e0 bj5 : notp toill 9! reafdn on ^10 maner^ IRead all t^e c^wangell tol^a pleafejs^ ]^e fall find in no place of tl^e d^uangel awftere our ^al* uiour bfe0 tl^e pne^ead of fl^elci^if edec , de* clarinj^ l^imf elf to be an pnett after t]^e o^do? of apelcl^if edec , but in tl^e latter Supper , aul^ere l^e made oblation of t^i^ p^ecioujs bodr ^ blude bnder ^e fo^me of b?ead and ^i)int p^efigurate br tl^e oblation of ^©elci^if edec : tl^en are toe cotttpelled to afKrme tl^at our ^uiour made oblation of f^i$i bodie ^ blude in i^t latter ^up^^ per 0^ el0 i^e \x^m not an p^ieft according to t^t at; br tiftem 5 ti^e ^ripture Doetl^ l^txjif e teftifie* ^ fat) 8 ^^^ ^^"^ ^^^ ata^ajs auD Cuci^e aj3( aDi^eareD to ^' ^* i^igf Doctrine , ]^lDen ajs monaerjs in ti^e e^ejs of ti^e inom>e p;ealle0, ann of ti^e multttutie* Ci^en jf re, 3» ^^jj 3eremie accufeD of treafdn, call in p^etone, I Kf 22 ^^^ DampneD to Deatl^* Cl^cn tpejs a^icljeajs o^ penl^ ilnfeen bpon tl^e moutti , anu \yixtfiv t^en DID none of tt}t true j^^i^etejs of dO^D escape ^e l^tteD anD cruel perfecutio of C^ofe tl^at cla^^ ttteD ti^e title anD auti^ie to rule in ti^e cS^urci^, Ci^efame ma]pbeCenein|Da^e0of9!eCu0Ci^nft: Un ftptD negligent anD carelei5 tpej5 tl^e tol^ole leuiticall o?Do? ( a feto ercepteD ) ti^efe too^DeiJ of our maimer 9!eCuj5 Clfeifte Do toitnejs* tt>o be WW.23. jj,^^ ^j^j ^nbejs anD J^l^rifejs l^ipocritejs^ fb| ?e fteaft tl^e feingDome of l^eauen before men : vt ttniv felue^ Do not enter, anD Cuci^e a^ toolD en> ter^etuffernot* 'But lai^ent^etrompet began to blotne in tf^t moutl^ of Siol^n tl^e "BaptM, am \xj^tn 3!ei:u0 Ci^ifte began to p^eaci^e ^ to mafte nto Diftiple^ fi)tn 3!ol^n DiD , tol^en fc^n calleD ' t^tm piogenie of biperjs anD Hefujs €i^iftt DiD ^i4ii^ terme ttiem blinDe guiDejaf, l^otu careful tnajai tl^e -. Hil^lerableti^enf 9!0eaCe to beef pteD» foremen ^^' * ![Dere ambalTaDourjs fenD to Jcfl^n to fenoinje by tDi^t autljo^itie ]^e maDe fucl^e innouation amo« ge ti^e people anD m ti^e religion of (£toD» Ci^en ^^' ^* \»ajs cl^iHe 9!efu0 tempteD tnit]^ ftarpe ^ fubtil #at.i^ queftionjJ/Cl^en laja^ lie accufeD Un t^eafeing of ^e traDicioejs of tll^e ancientjs* ^f^tn "wasi f)t cal leD Beeif ebub, anD in tfte enD Ije tioajai p^ocureD to be i^ngeD betuejc ttDo t^mtfi* anD bp tui^e Diligence *iinD t^e abbote of aotvmtlh 4 Diligence t»ej8 all tljijB! b^ogj^t to pajs :^ tuejai it not br ^em tiDi^o befee i^aD abuf eD t^e latu i blinded tl^e people ^ deceaued ti^e fimple , and bnder tl^e title and name of d^od i^ad Cett bp tlie deuil and all abomination to ring ouet men:" foi in place of d^odjs true la^o^fbipping tl^e^ l^ad erected a marftet , and filti^ie mercl^andnf e -^^^. 2* m t^t temple of ct^od* Cl^e eiection tDl^ereof did Co enrage tl^ofe dum mdt. 2»; dogiJ tl^at toiti^ an bar ti^ev began to barfte a* gainft 3Iefu?{ Ci^nile, and i^ijs mode i^olfome doc^ trine : and ti^at becauf e ti^e f eale of t^at great d^od, tl^eir bellie, did altogetl^er conCume and eat t^e up. Cl^ef e ti^ingesi tne ftnoidoe to be mode true^ and ti^erefo^e "wt ogi^t not to ttjoder albeit tl^e true tno^de of dB^od reteane t^t otun nature, and tl^at tl^e felf fame ^ing cl^ance note in our dareis tl^at i^eretofo^e l^at^ htm iuliv performed* ais (tn mv f elf 3! noticing dout but ti^e great per* turbation, controuerfie, and debate, laitlt ftirred bp in all 0iifttn realmejs , fm cauCe of religion, 10 ^e caufe t^at m^^Ho^de abbote i^atft bmt of lait da^eis troubled tn bnaccuilomed laubourejs* for if tt^e f uperfticion, idolatrie, pnde, baine glo* rie, ambition, tniu^ pofl[e0!oniE(, fuperfluou0 memu renter and ftlti^r lining bf ed ^ ntante^ned l^ere- fe ixify^a tofmt hv Cuci^e ajs clamet^e name and aut^o^itie ^^^/L of tlie Ci^urc]^ l^ad not bene openly rebufted and JS^icin a parte thereof in difprte of ^ati^an fup^elTed it pmm mav be t^ogj^t ^at m^ Horde in ^ij5 f^i^ impo^ tent age could l^aue contented i^im f elf toi^ ti^e telf t^me eaf e and cruietnejs ti^at in i^i^ ronger age anti better i^abilitie , t^t enio^eD osut ncto ^e tropet fountjcti^ uampnatio to all negligent paftois^ 3 and thereof 10 m^ iLo^De afrareD , anD ^erefo^e to uitcl^arge 1^10 conlttence Ifte tnil tafee t^e pame to inftruct lji0 flocfe , ^ to toarne tj^em to be toare of falis teacl^er^* 3\ tDill intermete all to ti^e beil part, if m^ Lo^Dejsf e^e be fiingle , f^t^ too^fee i0 gooD* TBut If ^e lioJ^t tl^at appe-^ s&u. 6 ret^ to be in l^im, and in f^i^ feet, be noticing but DarcfenejBi, i^otD great ©all tfte Darcfenejs hti mv Loiue 10 a clerft ^ netietft no interpreter of fucl^e places of Scripture* get for tl^e fimple ( 3 tar ) ^rri„ ^t tigj^tlie to teacl^ ^e aocft of ieCu^ Cl^rifte, jtnoto requiret^ riij^t inOitucion in Clj^ifteisi otnn Doc^ leDge 10 trine* for eljas a ?eale toitl^out fenotDledge t^ no- tequim tiding but ti^ecaufe Of Curlier blinDne0* pea, if mtl^T ^^ ^l^«^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^^ ignorant idolater *^ tafee bpon i^ini to teacl^e ^e ignorant people of log time brogftt bp in iDolatrie: neitl^er of botl^e can eltape condemnation Co long a^ tl^ev folloto t^t trame* ami tl^erefore it toil noticing tinbur^ Ding xnv tmhtfi contoence albeit tl^t after Ijiia; nes^igence and log CiXece l^e begin to err, to fucl^e a0 i^e tearmejs l^ij3 Oocfe, bctoar of faljs propi^etejaf. for it mar be tl^at l^im f elf be one of ti^at nober^ pea, percl^nce ti^e fallen ti^at ti^er i^aue i^rDe ^ii5 i^unDret]^ rear* for if f^t be a fate ^^ropi^et mutt. 13 t^t teacl^etl^ men to folloto llrange dD^Djs, ^at %m 14 propljeciejJ a lie in ti^e name of tfte LorDe , ami * (peafeet]^ to tl^e people tl^e Diuination and De^ Im. 1 8 ceat of fti0 oton l^rt , tftat cauf etl^ tl^e people to erre, anD leaue ^e olD pati^e^, anD to toalfee in anu t^t ahhott of CtoCraguelL 5 t^tpai^t of ti^e ttja^ ti^at t^ not tronen. Ci^at conmntlit tav to ti^em ti^at i^aue p^ouol^ed da^oti to angre* Cl^e lo^ue l^eati^ fpofeeit it* ge ftall l^aue peace* ^nti to all ti^at tjjalfe after tge luto of tl^ere otDn ftane^ai tl^ere ftal no euil cl^ance tn^ ^^ to ^ou* ^* 3!f finally , t^tv be faljs p^opi^etejs ^'^^*^^* tl^at be auariciou^ ano ftW}it Un aDuatage^ ^at fotue pilloue^ bnDer tl^e arme l^oille^ of tDicfeeD iil btter tl^e 06 a ttU, tear not tl^at m (clanDnng our Ituefii , t^ti^ so about^ to Deface ^e g;lo?tou0 gofpel of 3eCu0 OPtottte , ttii^ereof it t^^ pleafeD W tazuit to mafee bis mmiftetisi : anD in tt^t cace , let ti^em be affuteU:, ti^at ti^e Uejs ^f^itf^ tntti^out ftame ^ aflfurance, ttie^ cauaejai toomet out agatnft ijis, tDitl^ (ftame anD Double confucton tl^e^ (ftal iuft^ lie receaue againe in tl^ere otone bofdnie0. Jf m^ lo^De abbote alleDge^ ^at f^t accufetl^ not our liue^anD erternalconucrfation^but our Doc^ trine lajliiclj l^e temie^ faljj, tnicfeeD, anD bngoD^ lie, toe anttoer, ti^at ajs ti^at Doetij nune greiue b0, noi tl^e (JclanD?ing of our liue^, fD Doubt toe noticing, but ti^t f^t tl^at maDe t^ifi fauo^able .p^ me05 to afflicteD SJeruCalem in tl^cfe tDO^Dejs: ^f ail infitrument ^t 10 p^epareD againft tl^ee, jiap* M ^j j^p|. p^i^p^j; ^ an^ 0y0|*i0 touns, tfet ftal rife againll tl^ee in iuDgement, ^ou ©alt rigj^tlte conuict anD conDeme of impiette UXt Doubt not (9! far) but ti^e fame d^oD , toill in tl|ij3 our age, confbunD tl^e tounge^, ^t oppone tl^em f etuejs to W eternal beritie, td^tcl^ ij5 fi^e grouD, anD affurance of our Doctrine* anD fi^erefo^e ttje noticing feare to far, ti^at mv Hosie in i^t end ftal fpeaD no better ( if l^e contineto , in tl^t f^isi trreuerent railing) ti^en fuci^e ajs l^eretofb^e, l^ue blafpl^emeDf efu0 C]^ifte,anD f^i^ eternall beritie , to tl^ "wf^itf^ albeit (oi t^t pittmt , tt^tv tDilnotbefubiect,anD tl^tbecaufe ourperfdnejJ anD pretence tol^ome ctKiD mafeeti^ minifferis of ^e fame , are contemptible anD Def prf eD , ret in t^t enD 3 ^er (bal f eal, ^at in rebelling againC^ our aitD tf^t abbote of Crofragaell* 7 out: atimoniciottjs, tf)tv ^ttz ubtlliou^ to tl^e mouti^ of ?i,tovthuUt\)tmmptittt,ar0 to reduce to ftnotpleDge , ann bitto ti^e true pa- Oo? agatn:e3fuc]^e, a^ ti^^oug]^ bliuD ignorance, i^aue follotioeD tl^e inuentionjai^ anti D^eamejai of men:anti l^aue fogi^t iMict, remtOltott of ixnnt^, and recouciliatiou tnttli d^oD , bv otl^er meanesf tliett bv 9lefu0 Ci^nfte 3 auD b^ true faiti^ in i)i^ bloon* "But of tf^ifi point 3 3! ftnotne mp Lo^ue mofte Doubter, Co trit, tD^eti^er da^D l^ati^ Ceut b03 0? not f iJfor mr lo?tie fa^ejs tioe go about^ not fenotning iiDfterefro tue come 3 no^b^ttiliato^Do^^ "toe anftDer , tl^at in our coulJctence^ toe ftnotiDe3 and l^e l^tm Mf,^x)il beare b0 reco^n, t^at toe are not Centb^ ti^at momane anticl)nfte3 tD^ome i^e cailefl^ j^ope, not vtt from i^tjs carnal CarDinal^ Itfi, noi Dum loomed 'Bifcl^oppesc and tl^ereof ifloe reiorfe 3 "Being aflfured 3 fi^at ajai tne are not rent b^ Ci^^iaejsi mamfeft emmie m tl^e tattle, to an toe Cent b^ 3!eCu0 Ci^ifte i^im Celf, and t^at br fuci^e o^do?3 a^ dE^od l^ati^ euer feept 3 from fi^e htq^nnin^ , tul^en publtcfe corruption entered in tl)eC]^urc]^3braeu^3andimpietteoffucl|e3ajaJof duetie ogj^t to i^aue fedd ti^e flocfe3 and to i^aue reteaned tbe people bnder obedience of (iB!od3 af^ toel in religion3 ais in life and manerjs* Cl^e o^do? of (t^od ( 3! t^r ) i^a^ btnt in Cucl^e publicfe co?^ ruption03 toraiCe bpample3and objure mm, in tfte beginning of ti^ere bocacion , bufenotoen to t^^e "moiM ; to xtbuU tl^e manifeft defection of •B m Clie teffonmg bttuix f o« ftnojc t3^e people from (l5oD , to conutct tije pafto^js ot tftere format negjtaence^ fleutl^ , anD iDoIatne, ^ to p^nonce tl^em bniajo^tl^ie of ^ere officer* iKeg» 1 7 fo^ fd tnais l^eltajai rent m tl^e Darejs of ^l^ab, ^e-^ |fre.3s» remte in tl^e time of coemption, tnDer Jej^oia-- amo. 2, 1^^^^ ^^jj £etiec^iaj5* amo0 bntier Jeroboam, anD ti^e reft of tl^e ^^^opi^etjs , euerte one in fi^re ottjn t^me , anti after t^e fame o?t>ou? l^ati^ (l5oD raf eD tp i ^ef e our Da^ejai, fucl^e me^ aj5 mv Lo^D ^ l^ifi faction termed, jleretifte^j, ^l^ifmatifeejs ^uinglianis^ JLutl^erian^, J^ecoJampatiianjs, ^ Calumift0» €o p?oue tl^e J^e^ to be an antic]^ tfte 5 W tDftole glo^ie in tlje eartl^ , to be altoge^ tl^er repugnant , to ^e coDicion of OP^nfteis true wmifter0» Ci^e maffe to be (Dolatrie , ^ a ballarD (eruice of c^oti^ ^ea xmt corrupted tlie euer tcajs t^t ^>acrifice m | Darejs of tl^e j^^opi^ete^, ixH^t ^et ^e^ affirmed tl^em to be abominable before (!5oD» ^urgato^ie to be noticing but a p^epurjs, Cl^e defence of manner fretotll to do good 3 and auoide eutl, to be p damned l^erefie of ^elagiu^* Cl^e forbidding of mariage to anv eflate of men or tDoman^ to betide doctrine of 5^euill0* and ^e forbidding of meat for confcience Caife, to .p^ cead of ^e tame fbntaine* Ci^e erecting imager in C^rc^iejs , ^ in publics places of alTemblei^, to be againft tl^e ejrprelTed commandement of (doh. ^ra^er for ti^e dead, and bnto faincttfi^ to be tDorft done toiti^out faiti^, and ti^erefbre to be Mm. 'Briefly dEtod ftatl^ rafed bp men m ^efe our darejs, fd to difcouer ti^e turpitud and filfc^i^ ne)5 of tljat 'Babiloniane i^arlote, ti^at ^ir toerrie golden ant) tl^ abbote of Ctofmguell. 8 golDen cuppt , in t^t \3of^itf^pit Unnmtion W^ |iD btUnt , ij5 becottte abl^ominable to all iucf^t^ a0 truft fo? ti^e life euerlading* anti t^tv ftaue fure^et fett fo tel^ement a f^e in ti^e toerra^ grount) of l^ir glone , tl^at ijs , in t^it bfurpeD au* H^o^itie , t^at (De anD it, are botl^e lifie to burne, to tliere tttermofte confufion* ^ Lottie and l^iis companions feare no fucl^e ^^eatninges. tl^tv are but railing fenauejs v Difp^tfull^ fpeafe againft tliere l^olr motl^er ti^t Ci^urc^^ 31 i^aue alreatiie fain t^at tl^e piopl^ttt^ in t^tn Darejs toes enenfo retoartieD of ti^ofe, ti^at l^au ti^e tame t^tle ^ Dignitie, tl^at notuourauuerfaries clame* auD vtt tiiD tl^e^ not efcape tl^e plaqiat^ p^onou* ceD, ann in t^t fame confidence ilanD vce, reio^^ 6ng furti^er, ^at l^ottjfdeuer tl^e^ repine, fto^me and rage, nt i^tv tl^at are of dE^oti, l^ear bjat, fino- laie tl^e boice of Slefwjs €fni^t fpeafeing in bS l^iis tpeafe inllruments , and Do flie from S^at l^o^ri^ We l^arlote , and from l^ir fiilti^tttes , tDl^icl^ is to b0 a fufRcient adurance tl^at d^od l^atft f ent bs eb? tl^e cofbit of l^is cl^ofen* But m^ iLo^tie per* cliance requiret^ miracles, to p^oue our laugj^* full location* foi Co Doetl^ Oin^et piocuto? foj tl^e J^piftes* Co botfie 9! anftoer, ^at a treutl^ b^ it f elf toitljout miracles , lia^ fufficient iJre* g^ to p^oue ^e lau0ful bocation of tl^e teacl^^ ers tl^ereof , but miracles deilitute of treuti^, l^aue efftcacie to deceaue , but neuer to b^ng to (t5oD» 'But ti^is ty tl&e grace of d^ou ftalbe moie fullr entreated, in tl^e anftcer to dJin^etes que* ftiones ti^erebpon* and ret one tt)o?i) man %tav 1$ an before 31 mafte enD 3 to m^ lo^tie , ann bnto ti^e t^eft o{ tije l^pejs creatures* and it 10 i^i^i 911 tl^e^ tDill ihiDie to feeap t^em felueis, in tnmt f eHimattoit ^ let ti^em mutt call our location in Houbt , fo? tpe in cotTttnent tntll obtect to tl^em, tl^at from ti^c mofte to ti^e leail^ ti^ere 10 none a* mongjs! tl^em, laugj^full^ called, to Cerue tDitl^in tl^e Ci^urc]^ of d^oli* 'But all comit C^monte 5 all are i^eretrftejs^all receaue tl^e fptrit of Ite^^aiTdl lep^ofie of dO^ej^efi , and finally, being accuf ed in t^txt firft ordination, ti^er nei^er can giue gra« ce, noi benedictio to ti^e people of da^d, and ti^ijst h^ t^ttt oton latD 31 offer m^ Celf to p^oue, a^ e* uidentlie au mv Cordis iBiftl^opjs, aWbot0, ^ti^ oi$i, and tl^e reff of tl^at feet, are able to pK^ue ^e felue0, called to ecclefiiafticall function ( a^ tl^e^ terme it ) b^ tl^ere fatl^erjai bullet, and cofo^ma^ tionof^e#ope* 3!i©ondernotalrtil,^tmt Horde ©ould alledge, ^at 31 toeja; certified ti^at ^t mi0t not be preCent at ift^irfeof tnald, ^e da^ C^at firff 31 offt^ed mv Celf to reftff f^i^ taint and blaCp]^emouj5 articfele^^ 3i am able to proue tl^at b^ W prome^ f)t ^ad bond l^im f elf ofter ti^e onejs to be prefent* and alfd tl^at b^ famous gentle men t^at came^onda^ in t^e morning f^t tra^ required eiti^er to come and teacl^ according to l^ijai prome03 and Co to Cutter i^ijs doctrine in audi* tntt of Cuc^e a^ l^e named \^i^ otone ffoc]^ , to be tr^ed, or el0, to come and l^eare doctrine , ^ laoiti^ Cdbrietie andgentilnejs, to opponat i^i^pleafure. Cl^ef e ttDo i^adeisf ( 3 Car ) 3 am able to proue^ I5ut ttfat i Koeiai certified , ^ i^e could not be r t prefent anD tfte abbote of CroCtaguelle 9 pltttttt* ^* 3! ^tnfr it Qmlbe a^ i^tD to pmt, ais to p^oue t^t ^ticf^itti^tc , made ^dacMce i)f b^eaD, and tr)ine bnto (iE»oD« 'But m^ Ho^e ftaill^auelibertie oCme3 to alledge mCuci^e cafejai iK^l^t i^eaCe^ l^im^^Co Urns ajs j^iioi alienation Qial not jp^eiuDge ^e t)etitie3 no; sine patvoc^ie toa lie,mmatet}Jof religion, gitijsnotof greatimpoi* tance3 ^f^ttt^tt 3| \x^asi certified^ 0; not3 tl^t mt Ho^e conld not l^e p^efent, ajs i^e alledgeti^* 3 p^eCented m^ (elf at t^e da^ appointed* ^nd ^t 10 tdme aigument, tl^t a greatlie feared not m^ Ho^de^ pretence. W^t letters ti^t i^ue palled betuijc b03 togeti^er toit!^ Come anfttier^ ^ t^at 31 differed , Oialbe put in regifter before tl^e difpu^ tation* Cl^at men ma^ fee^ tl^e tol^ole p^^edingis of Ijo^e parties, and C^i^ mucl^e b^ i»iit, to tat JLo^deiai fir& option giuen itty in tont^ jQotD foiUfix^tt^ mv anVcott , to t^t reft > giuen at tl^t tiame infant br itiou^. B(0cauf e a perceaue , boti^e in rour p^tella-^ tion and articMe^ ^t n difpute not bpon tl^ef e mater03 ajs difputable , but aja; of ^jngjs al« readie concluded, b^ ti^e l&irlt, general couf elle05 and docto^iS : 91 mua fav Comtpi^at in t^t begins ning 5 i^oto f^rre 3! lajill admit of an^ of ttie fi^^ named* andof t]^ei&irfefira(31fa^)tftat31ac'^ ^^okz ftnotPledge it to be ti^e fpou0 of ci^nfte 3iefuji, ^ * ' builded bpon tt^t foundation of ti^e SpoSle^ and l^^et^ : id ^t intoi all doctrine , it i^eareti^ C tl9t twice of ti^e tpou0 onelte , ami an Granger, ft «rfL lo ^*^l ^^ ideate, acwDing to tl^e toojtDejsi of tmt ^^ ntattet OP^ttt aefujs* a^ ftejpe ideate m^ boice* 9C* ami tl^erefb^e if pan^ multitune^bndet tl^eti* tie of tl^e l&itfe , tDill obtniDe, bnto t^ , anr uoc* trine necelTar to tt beleueDto our f^luation,anD b^inget^ not foi tl^e fame , ^e ejct'^eis tioo^e of giefu^ €in^% m W SHJoftlejs, ^. men muft aper* Done me , al^og^ 3| acfinotnleDge it not to tt f ixix^ of dDkDD^ fo^ tl^e reatto fb^efaiD. ^nD bnto tfte generall counfellejs, 3! anftoer fi^e fame, to toit, tl^at f uci^e a0 1^^ bene gatl^ereD Duelie ^ in tl^e name of ciatoD, Un ejttirpatio of j^erefiejJ, toi^ mr tDi^ole l^rte 3 do reuerence* ^^^uiDed ah l(X)a^e0 , tl^t tfte Doctrine , fi^t tfte^ p^one to be beleueD :, l^aue ti^e appiid)ation of ^e piaine txjo^De of (I50D 3 0? el0 toi^ ^t ancient % mufi Cay , tl^t mo^e creDit 10 to be giuen to an man, ^gnin^ bringing Un f^mj ttie teftimonie of (15oD0 ^rip* too, ture03 ^zn to an generall counf ell, affirming a* n^ Doctrine toitliout ti^e feme* anD a0 coceminj tl^e auti^o^itie of tfte Docto?j5 (fb? tDl^ome 3! p^i^ te m^ (150D, ais fi^t 31 Do fo? all ti^em \x^9mt l^e iLet tije mafeetl^ potable inftrumentejs in f^i^ ftirfe ) 3| $c<«J« tl^infi mt Ho^De , toill binD me no ftraiter , tt^tn S^^JJ. l^e]^t]^DefwDtobebounD^imfelf,t]^ti0,t^t 8Son0 men be not receaueD, a0 (t5oD» anD tl^crefo^e b^eaft tDit]^ agUjStine 3 consent , tl^at tDl^tfdeuer i^t ^^^^* Docto^js propone, anD plainly confirme ti^e fame bF ti^t euiDent teftimonie of ti^e ^ripture^ , % am l^rtlie content to receaue t^t fame , but elief, C^t it be laugj^ul to me Moitff , Jerome to far, ttii^tfdeuer and d^e abbote of €tottasatlt i o lol^atCoeuer ifi aiintteli , tt)t^out ^e autl^o^itie of dM^fi pctiptmtfi 3 toi^ ^e Came facilttte it ma^ be teiecteD,a)S it iis affitmeD* ^nD tl^efe t^e aumitteD. ^ fb^^ 3 enter in DiCtmtatton* fl©» ;©ttint^ne» Cl^ait at hium l^eine^ qul^aitis^itl^ f am of^ fenDeD^ toittinjS tl^at t^e put))ofe t^e come fb?> mar so (bo^tlie to paSfe* Ci^atrfo^e p^efentliei tniU omitt. ^nd a^ ti^e occaCton tail feme of ti^e Doctourej^^^ counMlejat and oci^t elle^^ aul^ili^ijai ar not tjm^fiv conteneD in t^t ^mpturejaf* ann t^ifi muMit go to t^e putpof e* Slolijn J^nojc Pe ate not ignorant ( mv JLo^De) tl^at in euetie bifputation^ tl^e stounb og^ Co to be laiDe^ ^at | matet tiifputable , tn t^e quefhion 3 eitl^et come bnDet an petaite De^nicion 3 0^ el0 bnnet an fuf^ fiicient bifctiption : anb Cpeciall^ txib^n t^e que« Hion i03 SDe tjooce fimpUU ^JJ ijS , ^tffa» pf it pie* af e rout iLo^Dfci^ip to bef^ne t^e maffe30? nt fuf= ficientlie to bifttiue it3 3! tioill tafie occafiton of p tDl^icl^ 9! tl^infe bojong* ^nb if not , ttjen muU 3 ejcplaine m^ minbe 3 tui^at maffe it i03 tl^at 31 in> tenb to inqmng 3 anb i^aue calleb ibolattie 3 not tl^e hMti} inltitution of tl^e Ho^De 3Iefu03 "cof^ic^ f^t pat^ comanbeb to be bf eb in f^i^ ftitfe 3 to l^iji ^^ ^ gaincomig3 but t^^at tobicft i^ ctopen in3 into t^e S^^f Iiit]^ bifi[ble3 boiti^out all approbation of | b[)ortie not im of ct5ob» anb ti^ijs maffe3 9| ta^ 3 l^a^ a name 3 a pttgwag forme anb action 3 an opinion conceaueb of it3^iff^ anb an actor of ^e fame, ^m bnto ti^e bobole ^flmtre ^t^e3i tai^y ^tneiti^et^e name3ti^e forme anb Cl^e refTomt^bettttjc fo* ©nojc action , no^ t^t opinion , vm acto? , i^ue ti^ete a^nmnce of (m^ plaine \t)o^De« S&* jflhiintrne^ 910 to ^e Diffinicion o^ Description ^t 3I gaif tl^e iaft ?eir ^ 9! tnill ab^De at it ti^ijs ?eir ^ t^ 3 am not cumin in bCe of rfl , i iwn rft, ^nD a^ to f malfetl^tl^e tDilimpuns^o^an^manneismaire, f ea, and it toar ^e paipejs atoin melTe , 91 tDiU mantein na tiding but 3eCu0 Ci^iftess meffe, co* fbnne to mv articMe ais it ijs tcnttin ^ anD Diffi* nition conteneD in mv tntii^^ oui^iiP^ f^t i^eis taine on l^nD to impung« fol^ni&nojt* Sl0 31 can conceaue , mv fiofitsi emt^tx^ con^ teine^ ^e f^ta^tfiy i^t firft i^y a relation to t^ia iN)o6e ajss conteanins ti^e Difinicion of tl^e mafife^ iutmm ^^^ feconD a Declaration of f^isi Ho^Df^ipeis co« lunge fiancie* ^vd) t^t tl^irD :, an affirmation , ti^t j^ ijoiDfa. tuiiaffirmenomaile^butlmalleofjefujsc^a^ M^ ^ea^notifittnertl^epopejSfotDnemaire^antot^e i0 tmto fiirft 1 anftner* Cl^t i l^ue not reD W ^fiofijzs ^ifa^ U^iptfi boofte ( not ercufins ^ereintill m^ oton ^* negtigence) anD tl^erefbje it appearetl^ bnto me, tt^t ra^er l^i^ Ho^DQiip , IboulD cauf e t^z DifSU nition to be reD out of i^id boolte , vm to burDen me toi^ ^e Ceal^ng of it* ^^ cocemins f^ifi lo^ Qiipeis conSancie 3 f bef ea6 ^e eternal dB^^ to malte b0 all conOant ^ in l^i^ eternal beritie : fo^ inconOancie in t^t ttmi^y can not lacl^ inf^mie, anD great Danger* OBut to me it appeareti^> tl^at in no torf e it can i^rt^ ^e fame, no? conscience of ti^e gMit 3 u> conf elTe ^em f eluejs men , \xji^ am ti^e abbote of CMmguelL 1 1 bo^e ma^ erre^ ann alCo be occatiott ti^at oti^ergf erre* and ^et , tt»]^en ti^at ti^e Culler fenotDlenge commetl^ bnto tl^em , b^ tl^e fpirit of cI5oD , no ma ogj^t to impute bnto ti^em tnconftancie , albeit t^tv retreat ti^ere fo?mar erro?, aja; in uiueris i^ea* De0 Did tl^at learned ^uguttine^ QBut tl^e tftride l^ead Doetl^ mode tielite me3 to txjit, tl^at m^ lo?D l^tl^ affilrmeD tl^at l^e toill Defend no maiTe , but fi^e malTe of tl^e Ho^tie aefu^: tol^icft if ]^ij5 loid^ ^te ©ip tDill perfoime ( ajs mr good ftope ij$) tl^en 3| m^ offer dout not 3 but toe are on ^e laierra^ point of an cl^nftiane aggrement* foi ia)]^atfoeuer l^iis lo^d^ Cci^ip ftall p^oue to me , to be done hv t^e loide ieCuiS, tl^at , tDitl^out all contradiction , g (ball emb^ce« t^^ouiding tii^at f^i^ lo^d(bip alledge noting to be done, b^ 3|efu0 €i^iiftt, "col^icl^ Ijijai otKJne inftitution, lajitneCfetl^ not to be done* #*€iuint^e* 31 define ^e meCfe, agf concerning tl^e fubHance, and effect, to be tl^e Sacrifice and oblation, of tfte iLo?de0 bodie and blude, geuen and offered b^ ftim, in t^e latter Supper* ^nd tafeijs ti^e ^rip ture 3 to mv tDarrand , according to m^ articfele ais it i0 tontten* and toi tf^t ffrff confirmation of tl^e fame , grounders me bpon ti^e facrifice and oblation of a^elcj^ifedec* Co tl^e fecond, 31 tl^anfe 3o]^n i^nojc of l^ijs p^fe and pw^r of m^ com ffancie , and inl^femaner ioi cl^nffiane ci^eriteijaf faife 3 p^af e d^od toitl^ all m^ l^art , foi l^ijs indu* retneis and pertinacitie (gif ftoa be ti^at i^e be in tnoi ) and tnill toi© i^im 3 ttjat f^t be looilled to refuf e l^iss pertinacitie, ajai 31 fall do mr coffancie ^'5 C ii; Ci^e teObntng betutjc fo* finojc 8if 3! be in erro^ Co ti^e t^iD , to? auoitiing of cauillation^ 91 mein ti^at 91 tnill Defend no melTe aj5 concerning tl^e fubHance, tnftitution ^ effect, Ijot ti^t meffe onelie, qui^ilfe 10 tnOitut be 9!ef nsi 9!o]^nl&nor £>mittin8 to futtl^er confiDeration, ti)t anftcer to ^e Definition , to tl^e lad ttoo l^eaDejs 91 ffio^t* lie anftt)er-,t]^t 9i p^aifeD no conilancie^tot^t tpl^ic]^ ij3 m tl^e treu^» 5lnD a?i toucl^ing m^ otD^ en inDuteDne^, ttjj^eretDit^ m^ ilo^De f earned to burDen me, 9! plainlie p^tell before d^oD, fl^t if 91 fenetD m^ felf in etro^, m ^t cace,o? in anv ot^tv, tliat concerneti^ ti^e Doctrine of ^l^ uation : 91 ftoulD not be aftameD , publictlie to confeffe it* 'But t^t iaft parte of m^ Hosiers an^ (toer appeareC^ fdntparte to barie {in mv iuDge^ ment ) from f^ifi fomat affirmation , tcj^icl^ 91 too&e to be, tl^t l^i^ io$Q)ip toolD DefenD no^ ^ing in | malTe^tpl^ic]^ l^ tnajs not able to pjoue, to be ^e berrar inftitution of 91efn33 C^ide* anD ^erefo^e , muft 9! i^ue recourfe , bnto tl^e tb^mar Diuifion of t^t maffe : tofticl^ i0 in name, action, opinion, ^ atUn* anD l^umblie requiretll^ of fti0 lo^ftip, tl^t 1^ tnolD Opjnifie bnto me, if i^e tDOlD be cotent to p?oue tbe name to be gt* i^ if ntn br 9!ef u0 ooj^tte: t^t tol^ole action anD cere^ # be to monies from beginning, to t^e enD, to be tl^ 0^ SJS5* Dinanceofalmi^tied^oD* Cl^e opinion, tnll^i^ SX^ l^^beneconceaueD,taugj^,anDia[)?ittenofit, mm. fbjt to be aggre^e toitl^ t^e ^mptur^ of dftjD^ anD finallr^ if ^t ^e acto^, 1^^ W affurance of attD ti^e abbote of CtoCtagueW* 1 2 of (0ot)^ to Do ^at:, looi^ic]^ l^e ti^tre publtctlie p^-^ ajs tDiilmg ti^at tl^e treu^ cum to ane tr^all, 9! tDill not trifle^ tot U^oitiit geuejs fb? anftuer* ^ ^,^ 31 ttjrt begin at tf^t beft fira, cjuljilft 10 1 fubOance M'^'s anD effect* ^nD ajs to ti^e ceremoniejai , actm and name^ M Defend tl^em abuDantlie (d^oDtDdling) conform to mv atttcfele qul^en 3! cum tftairto* Sol^nltnojc* Cl^e cerettwniejs bfeD in i^t inalTe^anD tl^e opU nion conceaueD of tl^e Came , l^aue htm f^oMn fubffanciall pattejs tl^ereof, into tl^e conftience %a the of a great multitude* and ^erefo^e, og&t tl^e c6^ papeffg ftience of tl^e wa% and infitme^ firtt to be deli^ ^fj^^ uered from ti^at bondage* foi toi^at m^ Lo^de ttftixi affirmetl^ of tl^e malTe (to toit , t^at it i^ a Cacri^ o: not* fice) tl^ijs percl^ance ma^ be alfo alledged to apar^ teane to ^e rigp^t inftitution of 91efu0 €f)iiUt, in Umt tact, tDj^icl^ onejai ttieis ttjoid, botl^e of tl^ofe ceremonies, and tl^at damnable opinion, fl©* ;©uinttne* 31 am not cumin l^ir to mantein t^t opinionejs of me, but to defend I inftitution of 3Ie(u0 €f)ti% conform to mv article* 3!o]^n Mnojc* 3!t appearel^ to me nt againe , tl^t m^ Lo^de mw i^ ijs tDilling to defend no ^ing, but ti^t ttjerra^ J, ^^ inilitutio of Cl^ntt 3ttm* ^nd 31 i^aue alreadie Sa S affirmed, tl^at neitl^er tifte name of t|^e maflfe, tl^e mc %i ceremonies bf ed in tl^e Came, ti^e opinion concea- «wffr* ued of it , neither ^et tl^t potner , tDj^icl^ ^e ac- €iiii ranee of %tim Ci^nfte* a^^ ;©umt^e» 31 am icDilling to Def euD m^ Diffimtiott concern nitii tl^e meffe , ajs 31 l^aue DiffiineD it5 anD tafeejs 095 ioa» dEfoUDe^ tDO^H to m^ tDarrami3 and ajs to ti^e ce^ ag t^ remonie^ acto? and all t^t reft Ml Defend dStoD SfS^ tDillins to be agpeable tuiti^ dSJoDDejai laio^D all firar ti^^micftabunDantlie ajs t^e and place lai feme besinning 6rft at tl^e fubftance anD effect. 31o]^n ianojc. 31 anfteer , ti^ albeit in mv tuDgement , tl^e confctence of man, ogj^t firft to i^aue bene f ett at libettie, ^et looping C^at m^ Jlo^De totlbe cotent, according to i^iis p^ome^, ti^at tl^e name, ceremo* niejs , anD tl^e reft of fi^e acctDent^ of ^e mafte fuffer ti^e tr^al tv t^t tDo^De of (^D. % am con^ tent (bo^tlie to enter in tl^e boDie of tl^e mater* anD Deltreti^ tl^e Diftnttton to be refumeD* S©* flhtint^ne. , 3! p^omejs, befb^e ti^tjs i^ono^ble auDito?, to 15^. Def enD ti^at all coteneD in t^e action of tll^e melTe member to be aggreable tpttli dDfoDDe^ too^D, p^ouiDing ^ p?o' alttia^eis toe gang to t^e fubftance* "^^* W^t Difinition being refumeD* 3!o]^n fenojc antiuereD* ^our toDftip 10 not igno^nt , tl^at in euerte Diftnition, ti^ere ogi^t to be, 6enu0, tul^icli 31 tafee ^our lo^Dftip §ere mafeefi^ tl^iis term (^ mfifiwn) but becaufe ti^e term tjs generall , anD in V ^ripturejf of (I50D 10 Dtuerftr tafeen, t^ere* f^3 it ntuft be b^t to a certane l^inDe* foi m ti^e anD t^t aWbote of CtoCtaguell* 1 3 ti^e ^cnpture^ t^ere be i:acnficej5 called caeri&a. a3f«)^3teEa ti^at 10 , Of ti^attfeejs (liuin^. Cl^e ino?^ tifiicatton of our bonier, anu fi^e obentence fi^at utt q,iut to (0oti 3 in ti^e fame^ t0 alfo called ^a^ crifice* f^^a^er ^ inuocatton of tl^e name of d^od l^ati^ alfo ^e fame name "mitf^in t^e ^tiptixm. JLiberalitte totnarti tl^e poo^e, 10 alfofo temted* I5ut tl^ere 10 one ^crifice, toliicb i$i greateft, and 'mofte of all^ called, p^opiciaco^mm, \}ol^itf) ijai tl^at Sacrifice, tiol^ereb^ , fatif faction ij5 made to tl^e tuftice of ci^od , being offended at tlie fin-^ ne0 of man» ^c» $!to\jo 31 dettre of m^ Lo^d ^at l^e appoint bnto ^t malTe :, twl^icl^e of ti^ef e ^^ cnfiicejai bett pleaf etl^ l^im* fl^» ^uintvnt. ^nf^at le mein be tl^e Svacrifice , p^piciatojimn, P^ef entlie 31 ^iU not difpute^ I5ut 3! taft ti^e ia^ aitict bpon tl^e croce , to be tlje onelie Sacrifice of redemption , and ^e ^criftce of tlie malTe, to be t^t Sacrifice of comemo^tion, of €f)ii^fi deati^ and paOlon. 3!oi^ni&nojc» ^ofarre ajs 31 canconceaue of m^ Ho^degi an^ ftuer, t^t mafeetll^ no Sacrifice, p^tciato^ie, in^,i^^^^ tf)t meffe : tDl^icl^ ijs ^e cl^ief l^ead , lojl^ic]^ g in^ So cam tend to impung* fo^, a$i fo? ^e comemo^ation nom t^e of C]feiftej5 deatl^ and paflKon, tl^at 3 grant, and <^^* publictlie do confelTe , to be celeb^t in tt^t ti^t bfe of tlie Lo^dejs Supper, tDl^ici^ 3| denie tt^e melTe to be* ^. ^uint^e* 3!t i0 lour deutie according to fo^mall pwei== d^e reffbrnns bettrtjc ^o* ftnojc %t t^« ^^M 5 to impung mr toarmnD , qul^ilft 31 l^aue be i^if^ ci^oCen^ to Def emi m^ Dtffinttton be^ and articMe tingo? euenajsittjaitnnttm, SSt^tt. ioftnl&nojc. oge, i^^efting tfjat ti^i^ meMe i^ turn, tl^t tl^e ^mfice of ti^e tnalTe:, being Denied b^ me to be ^fixnm^ ^crifice ^^mimm fm ^e {innt^ of f quicfe notD tuD anti ti^e DeaD , acco^ing to tl^e opinion thereof oe to^. before conceaueD, l^atl^ no patron, at tl^i^s pjetett n not 9! P^eft d^at l^e l^ejBJ toin noticing of me m fit, ant) referred it, to blacft anD aul^ite, contened in our tonting* 3!ol^»nojc* % l^ue openlie HenieD ti^e malTe to be an ^ Arte* f^fif ^ p;?opictato2te fo? ti^e quicfe, ^» anD tl^e De* fence thereof i^ Denied* ^nn t^erefo^e 9! referre me bnto tl^e Came iuDgejai tll^at mr lii^t i^t^ clameD* flP* ;©uintvne« ^e ma^ Dent qul^t ?e pleijs, fb? all ti^t ?e De^ nt 3i tall not p^eCentlie to intpung, bot qul^ir 91 Wft on began ^ir toil 9j enD, ^at i0, to Defend fmeffe, confo?me to mr article* 9]Cri^n»no)c. ^(ng ti^t neiC^er ^e name , ^e action , tl^e tffi^inixm^ no? ttje acto? of fi^e maffe, can be Def en* DeD fm t^is p^efent, 9 tnolD jJaiDlr fenotue i»l^ 9i (boulD tmpung* 311 aboue rel^earf^D can be Def enDeD, anD Calbe DefenDeD ainD ti^t abbote of Croftasuell* 14 nefetiDet) ( d^otJttJilling ), and qul^air ?e are jlaiD jiud no to 6na^, qul^at ? e CoulD impung, apperanlie tl^at tiling (ottlD be m netx)ingi0 to ?otp, Co? 3] cettifie lotx) *^f p^ ?e CoulD tmpung mr toarrad alletigeu fo^ Defence ^V^ of m^ Diffinicion and atticfile^ m ff be vout tDatranti, ^e bnDerOand ti^e obla^ ^^^, ., tion mane in b^ean auD tuttte b^ fl^elcl^if edec, 3! ^iur gro plainly Denr, t^at fllpelcl^if etiec mane anv (MatU nm m 01 ^ctiUct, of b^ean ann txitne bnto do^oti^ anD Defirejai tl^e tejtt to be tuDge, fl0» Sittintvnt* it 10 ?our pairt to impung , and mvnt to ne^ fend, fo? a am ti^e defender, and Mbe d^odto* iiui. 3Io]^nifenojc» Can 31 impuna mo^e plane, ttjen tol^en 3| de^- nie rour ground? fl©» ;©uint^ne» 3! l^r ^e denying of tf)t ground igi na proper impugnation^ 31o]^nlfenojc* pour lo^dftip^ ground 10, tt^at fl^elcliifedec i^ t^e figure of ci^nfte, in tl^at, ^at fte did offer %tt mm bnto da^od b^ead and tDine, and fi^erefo^e ^ it be* »w^% l^oued 3!efujai Ci^^tfte to offer in f^i^ latter Cupper miims i^i$i bodie and blood , bnder t^t fotmt^ of b?ead grouno and tDine* 3! anftoer to ^our ground, vtt againe, w? ^^^ mt apelci^if edec offered nettlier b?ead noi laoine JSf^ bnto eme» fl©* fliuintrne* 3 talj tl^e tejrt to be m^ tcarrand and ground* 3o]^n ianojc* Ci^e tejct being red, ti^e 1 4» of (Bmtti^. Ci^ere 10 no mentis ntade of anv oblation of b^ead and tDine, made br apelcl^ifedec bnto (!5od, but one^ lie V a^elcl^ifedec being Mm of ^lem, b^og^t «m» 14* eb^^ biead and \xiint. and tl^at being piitft of t^e motte l^ie (15od, i^e bleffed ab^ai^am ajs t]^e tejrt beared toitnegf* and ti^erefo^e 3 far ti^at tbe tejrt, p^eueti^ not ^at an^ oblation of b^ead and anD ti^t abbote of €totmsatlt 1 5 anD ia)me, tuau maue bnto dB^oii b^ apelcl^iCeDec* %t no affirm tftat a^elci^tfetiec b^ocl^t futtl) noto If b^eaD ant» Mmt. 3! fpeir at ?otD to tol^at effects m^ m 3io]^nmnojc» ^»<^«^- W^ ^e neuolue upon me notiO:, tl^e pettone of an anCtuerer^ f eing tl^at te tefuf eti tour f elf of before tl^e fame:* 09* Ihiint^e* C|^i0 aul^ilfe \^t caller anf trjering , 10 niair .p^ perlie to be called impungnatton ixi ^i^ cace, in ^arcb ^at^fiinDtng^etejrttoferuenotl^mg fo? m^ pur^^ Sffili» pof e , 10 plaine impungnatton to mr pretence* bj mp anu ftoa are ?e cled ratlier tDiti^ tl^e perfonage lo^o- of ane impungnar, xm ane oefennar* 91oftn l^nojc* WX\zx^tx ti^at 31 tuUeane til^e perfonage of an impungner3 0? of an uefenner , % am not bound to anfttier, ttJ^at iaje0 Done ttJit^ ti^e b?eaD and ^smz^ after ^at it i»a0 b^ogi^t f o^ti^* 31t fuffif e^ to me fo? mt fo^mar purpofe ^ tl^t tl^ere tjs no mention made in tl^e tert ^ ti^at b?ead and \mz br fllpelcl^if edec tuajs offered bnto (0od» 03* ;i)uinttne* ii^tiic 31t r^ndeis to foto to p^eif :, ^at apelcl^ifedec 1^^^^ made no oblation of b^ead and \imt bnto da^od* SJ^^ "^ 9!o]^n J&nojc* ^uj» ^t f uffif e^ to me, ti^at in ^e tejct tl^ere i% no mention made ti^at apelci^ifedec, made an^ ob^ iation of b^ead and \mz bnto dO^od, a0 ^t before alledged, and ^a^laide foi tour ground* fl©* flJuinttne* 3^ it; Ci^e reflDontrtgtetuijc 3!o« ftnojc 31 iav tt^t tD0?t>ej5 of tl^e teirt ar plain tl^t a^el^ i^e if cl^ifeDec maiti oblation of b^eati anu toine bnto ^0 ^* (m> 5 anu Defirejai ?otp to tmp^eue tl^e Came be t^e tejct* 3Iol^ltnojc» fl^ inp^obation 10 alreaDie leDH* fo^infi^e tejft t^ere t^ no metion of oblation of b^eau and iDDine mane bnto (ie>oD» 9lnD ti^erefo^e 31 am com tent , tl^t tl^e tDl^ole too^lD iuDge , tD^etl^er tl^e ground be not fufficientlie inptonm oi not* fl©» ;©uintrne» fl^elcl^ifenec biocl^t furfl^ b^ead and ^jointy -.-- qul^ilft l^e m not ttiifi^out cauf e, and ?e denr rat Si's ^^^ *^^ft^ i^ ^w^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^ ^^^ 31 alledge, ftratmrg ergo, fb? fdme otl^et cauCe* ;©uftil6 gif ?e toil not, m M no^ can not ftatc p?ef entlie , 3! f^U do deligence ^ to cauCe t^e p^efent auditor bnderftand cleirl^, * tl^t ]^e \)mf^t tuvt^ b^ead and toine (oi t^t cauf e alledged be me* j^^ouiding tl^at gif ?e tuill not ftatD ti^e cauf e p?ef entlt, tl^at ?e Cal i^aue no pla^ cetoftatDitl^eirefter. 3p\^n i&nojc* 31 anftoer, ti^at i^e b^gj^t fo^tl^ b^ead ^ Moint^ tfte tejrt plainly affinnetft , and 3! i^aue alteadie granted. OBut tl^at i^e made oblatio of ti^e %me, becauCeti^e tejrt.ppo?tet^it not,3cannotgrat it ajs touting ti^e cauf e tDfterefo^e l^e b^gj^t it fo^ ^ (if place ftal be giuen to coniecto^js, and tl^at not grouded toitl^out great probabilities and all]o ^it^ f ufrage of fdme of tl^e ancients, to tnit, 3o^ fepl^usai ^ (S^r^fdftomO 3t ma^ be Caid tl^t a^el^ ci^if edec being an l^ing , b^g^t fb^ti^ bread and and ti^e abbote of Ctoftaguelle 1 6 tDine, to refreft ab^al^am and W ^erte foutot* o?0. 9lnti tl^tjs , fo^ vom i:attCfaction of ti^e cauf e, tof^V fte b^ogj^t fo^^ b^eaD auDtnine : euer ftill fticfting bpon tl^e principal orouti* Cl^t becauCe no mention 10 maue, t|^at ^elci^if eDec maDe ob^ lation of b?eat> ann toine bnto d^oD, 3| Den^ it, a$ of before. SClje pmnult of September, i s ^ 2» i^» ;€>uintvne» ifiDf 3|o]^n itnojc t^riwsijs aboue relieitfeD, 31 con^ ^. , ceaue tt»a l^iDejs in f pecial, ti^e ane i^, ti^at fl^el^ g^^rf^ cl^ifeDec main na oblatton bnto (tB^on 5 bot ]^e DiD brgmnf^ b?ing furtl^ tl^e b^eaD and \x>int, to refreft ^b^a* ngof tije ftam and l^ijs companies 31 t»itt anftuer bnto t^e ^^^^ laiDejS l^eiDejj fo?mallr5_and on tl^ijs maner^ -f irft craueu 31 "coil mafe impugnatio bnto ^e laft l^eiti aui^ir after tiiat it ijai tl^oci^t ti^at lie uiD refretft ab^al^am ann l^ijs "^ ly?*' companies 3!n ti^at tl^e tejct ij5 manif eft in n con^ gS trar, in fa far au tl^e tejct teftifiie^, tl^at ^ib^al^ant *^ * and i^ijJ company tear tefrelbeu be ti^e fpolie of tl^e enimtejs, anti toajs not tefreft eU;, no^ miftereD ^^ ^^ narefreftinoof flipelc^ifetiec^attl^airfb^eitijai ma-^ ^m^ nifeft ti^at fllpelci^ifeDec b^ocl^t fur^ b^eati and argumec \3omt bnto ane btl^er ef ect , mi to refrefl) ^b?a^ "^ "''^^^ ll^am and l^i^ compame. 31o]^n l&nojc* ^ Unmat p^oue, ti^atiS^elci^ifedec, DiD not offer b^ead and ttiine bnto (0OD3 llandet^ bpon ti^iis ground, tl^at tl^e tert mafeet^ mention of no maner oblation made ^ere bnto (M^ of b^ead and tDine. ^nd ti^erefb^e in a mater of Co great importance , darre not 31 afiOirme oblation to be ® iiii Cl^e teCToning betutr fo* ixnojc wane , ttJi^ill tliat tl^c i^olv dB^oft fiepe^ fidence* anftDer ami notD buto m^ Lo^tie0 argument , firft , 3 Si ^"^^^^ 3 tl^t ttiere 10 no contraDictton betuijc arotwift ^^^ ^^5 ab?a]^am and l^tjs company, tuere re* freftct) of tl^e Cpoolie^ of tliere emmiejs : antj 3* ij^liam anD W company imere refrcflieti of tl^e Itberalitte of ^tlcf^imtc. ^nD firfl 3 becauf e in tt^t t^me txjl^en aij^i^m ann 1^10 company re* ceaueD tliere nourtftement of tl^e fubftance of ^ere entmie^ , ti^ev toere out of ti^e p?efence of iS^tlcf^itt^tc : anD not returned bnto ti^ere cou* trie* OBut albeit tl^at ti^e^ l^aD btnt mtn in tl^e p^efence of fl^eld^tfedec , ntt^tv mtjftt l^ue bene nourtfteD , partite be 1^10 Itberalitte, anu partite be ti^ere otcn p^uifion* and tft^tdlr be- : xauCe ti^e tert Doetft not affirme ti^t ab^ai^m -anD fti03 iDer nourifted onel^ of ^e Cpotle* 3can not aDmtt m^ Lo^Dejs argument* #* j^utnt^ne* fm t^tiffaction of tl^e auDitoure , anh to cum quicfeUe to tl)e point toitliout Drifting of t^me 3 ^^^tDiUrefufereafontng^afterfcoolmaner^anDtDtll h SP ?tt to tl^e tejct^anD uepenDtl^airupon* i^nD on Sjt? maner l^aranD ( ^if onel^ t^^t, qui^tlfe ^e long men ]^e0 eattn) 3 inf err of tl^ijj tert, tJ^at it Doijs appeir^ f e and i^ manifeft^ tl^t tl^air rema* neu mair no? twa^s eitm , be ab^al^ anD W company, ftn ti)t p?ef ent» ^3li»itottrenft tot ti^ere remaneD Cubflance, W^icf) tDejs neitj^er eatin tm confumeD bv ^b^* l^m m^f^Ui company , but W^ Qialbe l^reof concluDeD* am tf^t abbote of CtoCmsueU. 1 7 concltttieDf 3! infer vat not onel^ t^air re^naneD fubflanct, bot ti^air remaned mefele matt (ubftance, no? a-- b^al^am and 1^10 company looajai able to conCume^ ?ea 5 and to gif ane great Deale atoa^, foi mf)V9 ab^al^am tioa^ btcto? of foure i^tngi^, qul^atr^ tl^^oucl^ f^t obteneu ane great fpol?e, ^ not onel^ of fonre , bot alfd f)t gat ti^e Cpol^e of btfter f^ue, ann gat all tl^airbtuer^anD meat^qui^atrtl^^oucl^ it ijai manif eft be ^e berrar plaine tert ti^at ^bia- l^am ann 1^10 company, bat) meftle mair meat mt tbe^ idciar able to confume , anD Vma mtllereD b^ tioi bi0 company na refreCcbing of apelcbifenec, confiDering be and f^i^ company ttia? bot ane meme nomber (a^ 31 taolD tav) fi^^e bunteetb ^ aucbtene* 3lobn i^nojc« Cbe bicto^te of ab^bam i^ in tbe tert tptcU fiieD , ajai alfd tbe nomber of tbe ttinge^ bainaue^ fted» ^ndtbat tbere remanedfwbftance^tea^me^ ftle ttto^e tben boajj Cpent , 91 do not denr* "But t^ifi \x>il not necefllarlte conclude, but tbat ^th cbif edec of btjai liberalttie b^Oj^t fo^tb b^ead and \x)int, to tbe purpof e fo^fatd: ajai be comecture, 10 mode probable* fm men of godltnejs and ciuttt boneftie, do not onelr (bam tbem f eluejs, liberal in tvxatot extreme nece0!tie,butalfd toil declair ^ere beneuolence tioitbout great neid , tea, and in greatett aboundance* fl©» ;tointtne* CBecaufe giobn !&nojc fpeafei^ of fubilance in^ Cl^e reffontng tttuix 3!o« fenojc Differentlte, 3 tuill Defire i^tm to Declatr I1151 opt* nton ^ conCo^me to tl^e teict , aui^iti^er ab^ai^m and f^ifi company, recouereD of ti^e nvnt i&ingij$ fpol?ei0 b^eaD atm tome , and ti^tt Cuftenance, oul^tlfe tvmlit 5 albeit tlje tejrt Do not p^po^t ti^e Came in plaint too^ueis^ fit can na man of iuDge^ ment tl^inft ttl^ertDif e , aj5 gi can gif ntanp l^un* httt^ ejcampleis in t^e ^tiptuvt^ , and ane in Cpeciatt ^ qul^it %tiu0 €1;^^^ our ilo^tie fpeafeijaf in W atDin p^rcr^, called tl^e pater matt, of da^-^ lit b^ead ^ aui^airinto ijs to be bnderftand all re-- quired bnto tl^e fuftentatton of man , albeit ^e tejrt hoi$i not ejcp^ea^ declair t^e Camin* 3!o]^ni&nojt:» 31 l^ue fpofeen of Cubftance in generall 5 fio in^^ flructed b^ fi^e plaine tert, tui^ic^ maliet]^ men* tion neitl^er of b^ead no? "ooint, in erp^effed too^ deiS3 otl^er no? of tl^t "wf^ici^ i^elcl^if edec b?ogftt (ot^. and bF all apperance^ ti^ere could not an^ great fto^e^ of b?ead and "looint be caried bacfe a^ gaine, tv ^b^aftam and ftigJ company, after ti^e bicto?ie of i^ijs enimiegf* ^01 plaine it ijs , ^t l^e b?o^t noticing bacft , tpl^icl^ tftev before did not carie atoa^ (i^nn f elf and f^i0 contpan^ onelr er* cepted ) "wt read ti^t t^tv tofee ^e p?a^ of ^ dom and dftnnojra, and caried "mitt) c^em ti^e Ktt t^n Cubilance, ^ea, ^ tl^e bictual^ tot^, i^ijs f ubllace* «J!J?g ^* ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ beginning ti^ere bic* wSSer tuallejs i^d bene great, ^et being fuc^e a compa* to m^ nv a0 toe ma^ iuflAxt fuppof e t^em to l^ue bene; lorn Bp and aliso being arriued "mi^in tl^ere ott)n college, 2»***^»« it ij5 not appearlg ^t great Soit tneis ref erued* aaut ann ti^e abbote of Ctotraguell* 1 8 "But l^ottifoeuei: it be, tW watet: ftanDing in co^ tecture, toe toil of neceflltte concluu no ^ing, f e^ ing^ ti^at d^e l^olie dK^oft ftati^ not ejcp^effeti it* ^0 toucl^ing mr iLo?tie0 allegation, of t!je Da^lie b^eaD* ^* 31 acfenotoleDge toitl^ tiijs loiDftl^ip ^at to be tl^e familiar pl^^f e of tl^e ^tipture, tftat bnner tl^e name of b^eaD , w comnionl^ ta* feen all tl^inges! neceflat fo^ tJ^e bCe of manejsi bo* Die, lifee aiS ti^efe, ifrange efunmti panem tuum, ic, ^* ^uinivnt* l^auanD confinemtion, ^at 30n Jftnojc, toalD catt in ant fufpicion in t^t l^atte^ of tl^e l^ono^a* ble awuito? ( faifanD W parDone ) be continual repetition of tl^i^ ttio^D coniecture, toe toil Do aja( (5or^ toill (siut b)ai grace , to tal^ tl^i^ policie out of t^e l^artejai of tl^e auDito^ , and ti^at b^ proper biftription of argumentjs of inferrence tn con* iecture, qul^airfo^e tl^e auDito^ Ml confiDer, tl^at ^air i0 Cum conieture^ and argumentejs of in-^ ferrece qul^ilfe necedarlie conclutieja! ant) fblloto* %tt m e0 bpon* anD ar calleu nottl^ele^ argumentejs of ifamrD coniecture tn inferrence , becauf e ti^e ane too^ue ^^^^^ ij5 not tJje oc^er , * no? Doijs not erp?ea^ concluD p7r ^St tl^e otl^er, ajs fo? ane familiar e;rample, ^irat, tription ergo ijtuit, a)a! 3! toalD fa^, l^e ainDeis trso f^t liut^* Jf Tf ^ IJui^irfo^e 31 infer tl^at tl^i^ conference of pf^^ m\m& (e,o?maneroffpeac]^,au]^airitij0ifaiDinfi^etert, iM^icije altl^air bictuallij5,neceirant inferri^b^eiDtoine, ^ "f^f^ and all li^er ti^ingijs erpedient to be eatin, cofi* S^' tiering ^air toajai great abounDance in t^t cite* 10 m^ii^ toar fpol^eit ajs no t^i^ pi^Mt , b^eaii bnto ti^e H^ungrie t^ b;eaD, and ftoa aui^tfum* € a Cl^e ttUbmng betttijc 3!o* ftnojT* mtt xtmv be inferteD of ti^e ant v^tty necefiOar^ lie vxav be inferred of ti^e titter* gioi^n i^nojc* ^it^trto 3 l^ue trauelled, to mafee Difference betuir ti^t^ t|iat man of neceffitie ijai bouD to be* leue 3 and ^t tol^ici^ ntan mar either beleue, tn not beleue 3 toiti^out an^ l^urt of confcience* mi^t dBtoH in erp?effeD txjo^Dejaf and fentencejs, 1^^ committed to ts tuitl^in tl^e S>cripturej8 ^ comanded tl^e fame to be beleued3 i^e requiretl^ of tja( tl^t necelTarlte toe beleue tl^e fame* isut tnl^re tl^ f pirit of d^od f^tt^ feeped (ilence 3 and l^ati^ not m plaine f entencejs 3 declared bnto bsi tt}t ttJill of (l5od our fatf^tt, t^txt mar ai ^tian fufpend ]^is5 ludgcment 3 tmtl^out l^urt of confci* ence, rea, and nto^e fure it i03 not bouldlie to aU fitmt, ti^at "cof^icf^ ifi feeped clof e3 br ti^e toifdome of (I5od : t^en t^t i©e ftould raftelie affirme anr ti^ing3tDitl^out ti^t ttiarrand of d^odjs too^de aiei \3ot are taugj^t hv t\)t admonition of ^uguiline* a^toucl^ing V diuerfitie of arguments* 1 fenoiaj boti^e t^e ftrengffl of tl^em, tftat are called ^mt^ farioCwiciuDmtta, and Of ti^ofe tDl^icl^e ffand in p^obabilitie 3 tol^]^ botftc 3i grant to i^aue t]^e 2C|ie ftrengtl^ in perfuafion : but tl^e faiti^ of ntan re* £5i^.f quiret^ a f urer ground3 tl^en anr argument tljat t^rtoo2o can be deduced from nature (to toit) it require^ of eon ^earing3 and fi^t l^earing of t^t "worn of d^od, rrwaUD acco^^tng to ti^e doctrine of tl^e apoffle* iUotu to mv Lo^dcjs argument 3 31 far it doetl^ not ne* ceOarlie conclude3 ti^t ^b^l^am and f^ifi fduldi* o?j5 toogj^t mo^e reddie meat^ fucl^e a0 b^ad and tone ann ti^t abbote of CtoCraguell* 1 9 toine bacfe from tl^ere btcto^ie , tl^en tl^er tcete able to fpenD , albeit tl^at ti^tv catten toit§ tl^em tli)t tD^ole fubiJance 3 ^ea , tfte inftole bictualle^ crjat ts of ^uom ant> d^omo^ra* ^» 'Becaufe tl^at in ttft^m tl^e to^nev Come xai^t ftaue bene lolTeD , in t^t g^ §£"^ iomer no Dout but mucl^e trjejs fpent ^ anD in tl)e J,^ btctone tl^e reft migj^ti^aue bene uifperCeDo? loft, ftn br all a^jpetance ab^ed^am l^ad fmal reflect to b?eaD ^ trine, mo?e tl^en to tl^at tDl^ic]^ mi^t j^^ ^^^ reafonablie Cufteane f)im am 1^10 company bnto tmtt tl^erereturne, ^ntiti^u^ from contecture toe ftal auum. cotinuallt pajai to cotecture, onlejs tl^at m^ Lo^D be able to p^oue, tl^at tl^e tejct afSrmetl^ m plane iDo^tie05 tl^at fucl^e fuperflouou^ abounDance of b?eaD ant> tjotne toejS biogj^t bacfe, bnto tfte time tl^at a^elcl^tf eDec met f)im ( ^ altl^ogl^ 1^10 Lo^ dftip be able fo to Do ais 3! am aftureD no man tjs able) ret ftal aHaja^ejai apelcl^ifeDec anti 1^10 libiralitie ftanD ftill bnconutcteD, ap* ;©umt^e, Co meit all tl^e l^etDe^ coteneD in Soljn l^nor, parttcfile aboue rel^earfen, notiojifi^ftantiinge appearanlie 3! am conftraineD to tl^e fame, Eit altDare^ in fauo^ijai of tl^e auDiture , 9! ^rtf So %tt the fcl^o^tlte to Cum fpeciall t^tiu^. ^nti ftrft aul^air moiffir fte mafeejs ane meine, ti^at 9! go bt naturall ref^ ^tiuoge fontis to perfuane , to tafte ti^e fufptcion of men iuftlr of me in tW W^y 3! ^V ann Do affirme, I 31 l^aue Done not in ^at cauf e aj5 fit, bot cofo^me to ti^e ^cripture^ alti^^ucl^, ^nD qul^air 3Io]^n JftnojcCpeafeijs ingeneral of meat^our contention i»agi fo? b?eaD anD \x^int , qui^ilfe 31 inf erreD ne* cellarlie of ti^e tejrt, ^nD Deftre^ i^im to iim me (0 iir Cl^e rtiliomng bttuix g!o» Inojc mt ttftonicf^oitUt , grounneD tpon tl^e ^tip ture 3 aui^aitfo^e ti^e pi^^Ce alleDgeD be me con^ cerning ti^e meat fal not indmt b^eati and tnine aCtceil ajai i^ijef pl^^fe concerning ti^e b^eati^be 1^10 opinion, tai^out txpit^ Scripture fall include all "kinu of btl^er meati^* giol^n i&nojc* 91 purge me airft , tliat 9! neitl&er Inituen m^ ilo^De :, tniti^ info^ntalitie , ntitt^tv vtt , tl^at l^ijat lo^Dftip, trauelletlft bv naturall reafdn onelie, to perCuaDe to man» Xut becauCe tl^e laoi^ole Hate of tl^e cauf e ( m 31 unDetftanD ) ftanDeti^ in t^ijs, tDfteti^er ti^at ab?a]^am and f^i^ tdulDio^js b^t bacfe againe, Cuperfluitie of b^ead ^ "wint 01 not, a i^aue DefireDtl^efame to bep^uenb^ti^e ejr:p^eC f eD tpo^ue* Cl^e pl^f e ij5 not mine onefe but 31 iLrt all ^^^ ^SP^ ^ttl^ ttt^ l^o^tie, bringing in t^t tamt wm iu. fitU^ ^nD notrj lui^r 3! ^in6 ti^at ab^ai^am, ann Mt it i^ijsf , b^t no Cuperfluitie of b^eaD anD \Joint mtm ijacfe againef tl^e reafon i^ , becaufe ti^e tert tio* mt mf ^^ plainlie affirme, tl^at bictualleis, htivht^ i^t mmu otfter Cubftance, toeis carieti atca^ b^ ti^e enimi^ e0» 'But ^at anv bictualle^, bef^Dejs tbe (ubftace toere b^oj^t baclr againe , tl^ere i^ no fpecifiica* tion* fl©» €Juint^ne» •Because 31 perceaue 3!o]^n Jftnojc , tioijaf not meit tl^e i^eiD of mv particfele qul^air 31 t>o marft ti^e conferrence3betuijc ti^e pl^jafeia! of ti^e^rip^ turej5 alleDged be bj5 baitl^ : aul^irin ( efter m^ tuDgement ) conQfte^ ti^e marci^i^ point of ^e purpose , 3!tDill trauell na furtHjer t^airin, not* tDitlftftanDing atm ti^e abbote of CtoCraguell* 20 "toiti^ilanDing tl^at 31 i^aue gtount) of ^e ^ttp^ ture abunnantlie* ^nu Ctca 31 toil go to ant b* Qer l^eiD, to alTure tl^e reader t^at ^tlcf^itmt tmf^t not furt^ b^eau ^ tuine^ to refreCti^ ab?a^ i^m ami ftiis company, 31 ^tl grounti me p^opet^ lie bpon ti^e tejct:, ann on ti^iis maner* Ci^e teict tavi^, P;KituUc 0: p;ofn;m0, aul^ilfi i^ in t^t (tngtt' lar nomber m, ane^perfon bnngand furtl^ b^eaD and toine:, qui^airfo^e neceffarlte it concludes l^e b^ocl^t not furtl^ b^eaD and yx^int to tefretti^ ane multitude, a^ ^ab^al^am and l^tjs company tioajsJ, mW!^ tt)a)ai not pofOtble to ane petCon to do:but onelie to maft Sacrifice confo^me to m^ htq^n^ nin^* giolin Mmx* mt^at 31 i^aue anftoeted, ti^e beneuolent rea- der (ball after judge, to tbe p^efent coniecture of m^ Lo^de, 3!_anftt)er tbat if fl©elc]^ifedec allone toitl^out al copan^ l^ad b^ogbt onel^ furtl^ Cd mu^ cbe b^ead ^ icoine, ajs l^e toe^ able goodly to carie> ^et ©al it not be necellarlie concluded ti^atti^ere* fo?e ^e b^gj^t it not fo^ti^ to gratifie^b^l^am, toi an ftttall portion mar oftent^mejs be tl^anfe^ full to manr, but m^ Lo^de appearetl^ to ftoote at tftat ground, toljicbe 31 ftaue not laid fo^ mi? pnncipal* and tberefo^e albeit "i^i^ lo^dftip dt^uVo \x>in it, nt mt fo^mar Urengtl^ lojere litle demi^ nifted (in mv iudgement )for onle^ l^ijas lo^dffiip, be able to ptont tv t^t plaine tpo^dejs of t^e tert ^at ti^e biead and ^3oint loier b^ogj^t fo^ti^ to be offered bnto ds^od, m^ pnncipall ground doeti^ ali^are^abrde* oaut | pi^iaCe of fi^e ^ripture, € an Ci^e f eflbmng Utnix f o» ftnojc and aljS tl^e o^tiinatie ntanete of Cpeafeing, Do* tt^ often t^mejs attribute to ti^e pnnctpall matty ^at tDl^icI^ at 1^10 conianDement , oi toil ijai Done, hv 1^10 feruanDejaf o? fubtectejs , toi^ereof 91 offer nt^ felf :, to ffiatp in ^riptureis, mo tefftmonieis tl^en one , toitft t^e ^^nD ret tl^i^ i$ not m^: cl^tef grounD , but tljijsJ 31 fpeaft itn ejcplaning of tl^e tejtt* : flP» dQuint^ne* i^i tj^e forniar petticfile 3! tnarfe Vma ijtint^ in fpeciall, qul^ilft Doijs not onel^ giue apperance for mv pretence, bot plamlie Dotjs conutct^a^ t^t goDlie anD ineffectionat reaDernia^cletrl^per* ceaue^ Cl^e firft l^eiD iiei,aut|air gjol^n J^nojr Dotjs allege ^at a^elc^ifeDec b?oclit furtl^ b^eaD anD ^coonfr ^^^^ ' ^^ refreft]^ ^b^al^am anD W tioerie com* i#t Si pante 3 qui^ilfe plainl;? Dtffert^ fra pi^ fpeafemg ft0 m^ p^ef ent^ fa^anD tl^at it \Da0 to gratifie ^brai^am lo^D foil. anD l^tjai company , qul^airinto tl^atr 10 fie mam* ^'^^ feff Dtffirence ajs it giue^ plaine perfuafion, f^i^ g;rounD in ti^i^ l^etD to be nocl^ti^* ^econDlr^ it 10 againff ti^e o^Dur of nature, to tl^inft ti^at onv ane man (lat be ane i&ing anD ane ^itiU) foulD b^ing tmt^ tl^t migj^t gratifie, lat be to refrefcl^ fie ane multituDe a^, ti^^e i^unD^etl) anD auci^* tene toerie perfdni0* gioi^n ftnojc* eni^at m^ Ho^Dejsf iuDgement Doetl^ nume in ti^e i^artis of ti^e auDiture, 31 remitt to tl^ere otcn iuDgement,but3lplainlraffirme:^atneifi^erin mv tDO^De, no? in m^ D^tment i^, t^ere an^ fucl^ repugnance oi Diffirence, a?j iufllie mar conuict me am i^t abbote of Crofraguell. 2 1 me to t^anz an mil grounD* if 0? in mv totmat iavin^t^ , mv too^De^ toere :, tl^at b^ probable coniecture, tl^e b^eaD ^ \x)int Wvt b^oigj^t fo^tl^ b^ a^elcl^iCeDec, to nintb ^b^al^am anh w "oDt- rte company aDiunotaMrme^tl^atl^eanDl^tjai ^te tDl^ole copanie toere tj^ereof tDl^oWie refrefteD* ^nD in ttt^ latter tco^De^^ 3! ^V^ ttiat albeit tl^ere l^an btm no moie b^ean ant> txiine^ tl^en apelcl^i* CeDec onel^ b^oj^t fo^tlj, ^et noeti^ it not tl^eteof neceHarlie conclude:, p ti^e fame "cottt not b^ogftt fo^tl^ 3 to gratifie ^b^aljam* 91n Mof^icl^ maner of f peac^, t]^ij0! terme gratifie, Doetl^ netl^et repung, no? ^et Differ, from tl^e terme refreft, otl^enuife, commonlie Doetl) in maner of fpeacl^ ^mu0 ano Species;, ti^at 10 to fa^, ti^e mo^e generall, anD tbe inf erlo^ foi in fofar ajs ab^l^am anu i^i^ com^ jjanv toere refrefteti bv ti^e b^eau ^ ^x>int (toere it neuer fo litle ) in fofar Doefi^ f^t bnng it fo^tl^, to gratifiie i^im* ptottfting^ plainly, tliat bntwil^ linglie 31 am compelled t^m to anftoer, ^nd ftuj5 endec^ tl^e fecond da^eis trauell^all inl^ole fpent to anftoer m^ lo^dejs ftifting* tCIl^ereto f^t W^ moued, becaufe l^e toejef not a^ ble to p?oue tl^at jO^elcl^if edec offered b?ead and iPDine bnto d^od , a^ ttiillinglie one^ l^e toolte to ptmt* ^* ;©uint^ne» ^^ doi)5 lloftn i&nojc, fa do 3 "mii^ all m^ l^art, remit me to fi^e iudgemente of tl^e auditor , in t^isi l^eid: and toill not report ti^e i^eidejs, of l^ijs fo^mar perticfele Un auoiding of pplijctnejJ* CBut no'w lopiU % conclude toiti^ ane argument Sinn t^0 beginnes; i©» ©umt^m tf^t tt^nn m^i tjauing mis argument ianttm in pajper Ujjifb lie cauffO to be reD* ^uf^atfutmt opinion ijai conceaueD of tl^e ^cip^^ turegJ of almici^tie d^oD^ liauanD na ejcp^ejes teili'^ monie no? apperance of tl^e fame^ 10 allutet:lie to ht tefufeu (a0 fa^i^ gioi^n ftnojc f^im Celf )♦ Xot CtJoa it i03 t3&at aoi^n Jftnojc atioin opinion3 conce* aueD tn contracten of ti^e Scripture, cocernin j ti^e banging fb^tl^ of b?eaD anD "mint, tv ^tUf^U tenec 3 to refrefcl^e 01 g^atifie ^b^i^am anD f^i^ toetie company 3 i^ not txpitUi^ conteneD in ^e ^ripture3 not f^t^ na apperance of ti^e famim t^ttttm itfblloioJigi \x)tiil, fi^at it iis allutetlie U t)i^ atnin iungement to be refufeD* flgoueD on goDlie leill ( i^ono^ble auDito? ) ti^at in tl^ijs Dangerous ttme3 t^t tnut^ fdulD cum to tr^al3 in fie manet:3 ajs tl^e conftience of (ic 3 a0 at pertutteD (fafar ajs im in oure fdber poffttiilitie) foulD tie eilablef eD3 and at auietne^: tioe fet futtft certane attitUt^ ( ajs plef en ct^on to gif bjs grace) bnto ^e ciu]^ilftij0i3 31o]^n Iftnojc tuife on i^anD to mafe impungnation : fpeciallt to tl^e atticfele concemingti^ettteire* ?^^i^ottte^ place beani) appointed and obferuei»3 31 conte to DefID m^ atticMeiS3 and in fpeciall m^ articftle concer* ning tl^e melTe* 9lnb according to tl^e famin3 tuift %tt m me p?opetlie to mv toarmnD 3 gtoundeD tpone amtS ^titjeistDO^D: tnto tl^e qnl^ilfe tt)armnD3 3io]^n tije p^ }^nox, ajj ?it ftejs maiD na impungnatton3 bot tje-- ^iftc& im^ ttte to Cullene and Defend ti^e name, tf}t ac- itttjge* to?3 tl^e ceremoniejs, ti)t opinion of men coceaued of snu t^e abbote of CtoCmgueW* 2 2 of tl^e melTe, ann gif it toejs ane Sacrifice ^^u timiit. 91 beanD "milit^i, tl^at toe fcl^o^tlie touUi go to tl^e grounD 3 and effect , auD fubftance of ti^e purpofe aui^attfo^e ttie come3 3i ffwoe be m^ articMe ano tnarrann , ais tl^e^ at Wttm : not refumnd to Defend , tf^t i^eiDe^aboue rel^ettfeD, a0 t^me and place foulu f erue» ^nD nottoitliaa* Ding tljat a ia)ai5 fufOicientlie grounDeD bpon (Bory^ tno^De, qul^ilfi 91 tuife to be mr tDatranD, ^^^ am tuifi IrftetDif e bpon me , fan aboue mv fta^ ttet nS bilitte, tl^e place anD petfdnage of ane Def enDen mnt nottl^ele^ tb^oucl^ occafion tl^at f erueD (ajs too^fe tonfm& \X)ill beir toitne?) 91 toasai codraineD to taft bpon 5?^ Jl. me ^e perfonage of ane petteimet , farre br mr fetuer i appetit, ?ea3 anD tl^e toeill of m^ caufe: anDaljs tijat ije hv t^t opinion of all fie ajs tnalD tl^e toeill of ti^e fe! S Camin, moneD on goDlie ?eill (asi(Bon be iuDge) S tl^at ti^e tmeti^ foulD cum to a tr^al^ to tf)t plea^ tutt of C0OD , anD mtifCaction of t^e i^ono?able f,^^ Himiun 3 91 beanD cleD tnitl^ tl^e perfonage of mme, ane impungnar, ejtp^e^ contrar to m^ m^nD^ fb? fie cauf egf ajai ar abone rel^eirf eD, 9! tnaiD impugn nation^ not be manlie imaginationi^^ bot be tl^e manif eft ttJO^De of (^m. ^nD tl^at t^it maner of ttjatejs, firfi to taft a\Da^ %(A^n Jftnojc conceaueD %ttvmx aipinim , ti^at apelcl^if eDec b^ocl^t futtl^ b^eaD ^ frnno^ tpine 3 to refrefcl^e 0^ gratifie ^b^l^am anD l^ijai i?«iw52c ttjerie compan^3 9! calleD to rememb^nce3 Ijoico tftat ti^e fpttl?ei!5 of n^nt Mn%i^, anD of certain citei0 103 toajs recouereD be ^^l^am, mW^^P mt% \^t anD W compant^, ^ajs fufKcientlie re* frefcj^eD^anDl^D rnencl^ to be refret^fteDon^ftpa •ffi; Cl^e rellbnmg tttuix 3iO» ftnojc tl^t t^ie^ miilereD not to be refrcfteD tnitl^ b^ein and toinc of a^elcJ^tf eDec* ^econtilie qul^it fo* ftnojc maiD queftion, tl^at t^tv l)aD not b^ead ^ la^im. % tetumen againe to tl^e tejrt, to tnertfie ^e famin. ;©u]^il6 Care03 and all tl^tnsijs^ ptrtc* nanD bnto nteat^ ginf erranti ti^at in tf}i^ pDnit^ toais conteneD ti?eaD ant) tomc^ confomte to ti^e l^^afe of t]^e^npture,quljair mention mriait} onelie of b^eat) , contenanD all ti^ingtjs necelTar toi manijs f uilentacton, l^e finDanti ti^i^ not Cuffi* ctent fatif faction* ^it ?eiD 3! not to nxanijs miagi nation , bot to ttie plaine tert , and grountieD me bpon tl^e too^tiejs of tf)t tert fa^anti* a^elcl^t* CeDec b^ocl^t furti^ b^eau and tnme* 31nferranD, i^to in ^t it toajsfpofee in tl^etifeiDpeilJonfingular, m m it tcajs againil t^t mmtz of nature , to tftinfi JLP' tl^t ane ma, foulDbnngfurtl^ (efpeciall^l^e tliat ipais ane l^ing anD ane pieift) to ta!i tl^at pamesi to bnng tutt^ b^ead attn toine, ti^at micj^t gratis fie (lat be to refreCci^) tifee l^un^et^ and auc^tene men«^eanDti^atinuin(iblepettuationj5,pioper^ lie gaftereD bpon tfte tejrt , could na toif e b^ing HBttt Dto gjoi^tx i^nojc :, to conf elTe ttiat tiding qul^ilfe appe* ISJfo^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ confbime to tl^e ^ripture^ of al* anmr to micl^ie dDiod, and all gude reflbn fte Could l^aue ot^flf. confeffed* Cl^en concluded 31 tioiti^ t^t ^vi^ i^ ttt tutt^y ajs 31 did begin, ais tav conclufion tnil beir ^^ tDitne^, ti^at l^e toald l^ue iuiJified f^i^ opinion Sfflconceiued of m ^ripture, c5fo?m to m ^"^in mringi0,betfte ejcp^ejj tno^d of d^od* andof mr libetalitie toil grant l^im ^it, gif l^e f^t^ anv ma-^ ner of apperance of tl^e famm, nottoitl^llanding fie Caid to me, i^e t»ald not gif me ane l^ir of W i^eid auD tfte abbote of Ctoftasuelt 2 3 fttiD^ gif a tdulD flatTD ti^ir (men fetter* ppjttftin^ Mty tl^at a ma^ an(:ia)er3 in tont, ijnto tpt format argument (becauCe aj5 3 pet^ cetue It tneja; btUnt cotwetueo in tont) 31 enter in fto^tlte tnto ti^e long DiOcourfe^ made hv m^ Hornet not tDiUing to anftoer enerie part ti^ere^^ of, but onelt to mucl^e, ajs mat appear to infiirme t^t tuft cauCe* and firft, tol^ere ti^at m^ Lo;De afKrmetl^ 3 tl^at i l^aue made no tmpungnation bnto f^i^ lo?DQ)tp0 arttcMe concerning ti^e nta^fe, 31 am content, t^at not onelie tl^ijoi l^ono^able au^ Dtence^but alCo ^e \3offoU eartl^ be tuDge, in t^at point* foi 31 l^ue plainlie r^tnitt^, tl^at etl^er ^e i^ff* ma^e, l^at^ approbation of tl^e piaine ttio^De of (l5oD 3 et^er in name 3 action 3 opinion ( to \Ditt iwntten of tfte maire3 tauci^t of t$e maKt, and in t^e conftience of men3 conceiueu of tl^e maffe) ^ anally tl^t ti^e acto? tl^erof 3 Un W bfurpeD potx)er3l^at1^ no greater a^urance of (5oh^ too^ nt^m^itl^ tJD^ole l^eaDejai being Denied to be Dif* puteD3 at t^t p^ef ent3 againft m^ fioi^tfi articftle and grounti 3 3i t)iD t^u0 reason : tl^at l^tis io^De^ tbip tt)e0 not able to p^ue tl^at Cl^nft 3lefu03 in i^i^ latter ^upper niD of^er l^ijai bodie and blooD Imto de^oD ]^i!S( f a^er3 bnDer ti^e formed of b^eaD ant) tpine. ^i$i lo^neftip talking for W proue3tl^e alleDgeo ^crifice of £lpelcl^ifeDec in b^eaD ann ix^int 3 offered bnto ctBtoD* 31 did l^etoif e Denr, ^at !9pelc]^ii: eoec Did at ti^t t^me (to toit in t^t presence of i^br^m) offer eti^er bread or \x^im t^ntoda^^tioi^ic]^ 1^^ bmt t^ttt tm darejsbr' iff ii; paff tn coiTtrouerac betuijc 1^10 lo^ueftip anD me» a l^auc altDa^e^ ticnieD , tliat ti^e i^olr ^pirtt, in an^ notable tn euiDent place of ^ripture Do^ etl^ affirme fucfte an facrifice to i^aue bene mane tv ^tU^iitUc bnto c0oD : ^ tDl^il ^ 31 DtD l^ear no place of ^rtpture aDDuceU:, fo? ti^e app^bati on ti^ereof, m^ Lottie DemanDami of me , ^^t tften a ti^ogi^t tre^ Done totti^ tl^e b^cad ^ tDine, 91 anftpereD , tl^at albeit , 3! tue^ not bounD to giue mv mngement3 bccaufe tl^at l^e tnejJ bound cona^ to p^e 1^10 affirmatiue (ajs ret 9) Ca^ i^e tj5 bouD) on: uj^ and tl^reof 3 toilbe content, ti^at f)i^ lo^natpe^ ^m.> *^^^ fauo^ble fretnDe^^ of beft tuugemet, ^ea, J mm ^^^^ ^j 1^^^ no^neftip pleafe , ti^e Lmt^ of ti^e ^eflton, be luDgejJ in tj^at point* 3 anftDered^a far, tl^at be comecture^ t^e b^ean anD toine tuere b^ogl^t fut:^ br apelcj^ifeDec , to refrefte ^b^a^^ i^am :, and j^issi toetie conipany eipon tnl^ic]^ oc* caOon, l^i0 lo^dftip (l^oto iulHie let all me iuDge) did cleit]^ ftim f elf againe , "mit^mt mv p^ocure^ ^?^J ment , toitft tl^e perfdnage of ane impungnar* ttb ixmt ^tin did adduce fucl^e tliinge^ , ajs bed pleaf ed of impof l^igj todftip, ttJi^ereto 3 did anftoet, ajs | tiol^ole f^, conference toill report, and ajs 3 fuppofe, fuffi* ^g*^ cientlie to mmt tiding obiected, ejtxept tl^at be* inft nl cauf e mr Lo^d did not touci^e tl^e ejcpofition al* turret ledgede bt me, bpon tl^e too^de^, fl^elcl^ifedec ^«ai ^^^"^ ^^^ ^^^"8 ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^"^ ( ^^ ^^^ ionei^. i^o^tie allcdgefi^) 3 differed to b^ing in ti^e com ttitifeig ference of ^cripturejs , to p?oue ^at it i0 an m^b^t tiling in ^ripture berrie commone, ^t ti^t ^ ^* tiding, t^at i0 done at t^e comand of anr not^e perfdne^ auD ^e al)bote of CtrofraguelL 24 ptttont , ijg attnbtttetj Dnto i^im Mf , alti^o^ it ht Done 5 be CeruanDejs 0? iuhitctt^ at i^tjs com^ manD , "wt^kf^ g Do notD thottlit* git 10 faiD in ^tiptmty t^at lUote DiD all tl^at dD^oD coman^ DeD f^im : auD plaine it ijs ^ tliat c!5oD cotnatiDeD l^tm to mafee tl^e arcfe, tD^icl^ laieis t tiuilDing ti^e ^^* ^» 7 Ml Cpace of a l^unD^etl^ ^earejs^ d^oD further co* mauDeD ftim to futtrift ti^e arcfe triitl^e all fe^ttDe of bictualless , tDl^tcl^ ti^e tejct amrmeti^ , tl^at i^e Did* |l3oia) if line ftal concluDe, ti^at iSoie allone cutteD euerie tree , 0oit allone DiD i^m euerie ttee^anD fofo^ti^: it appeateti^ to me t^at "mt ©al concluDe a great abfurDitie* Ci^e fame ijs euiDet - in ©auiD :, of tDl^ome mention 10 maDe , tl^at l^e Ijeing J^^l^et anD Mng^^ DeuiDeD to ti^e tDl^ole 2^m.6 people, ^ea, bnto ti^e tDl^ole multituDe of gjfrael, ^ea 5 botl^e to men anD tjjomen , an portion of tltai^, an portion of tleft, anD an portion of ttJine* af toe ©all t^im, tl^at ?^auiD DiD tl^ijsi tuifi^ i^i^ tfmn l^anD , tue flftall concluDe in mv appea* ranee,! format abfurDitte* Cl^e fame iis manifeff br man^ otl^er pli^afejs, n^, anD br our Da^lie maneroffpeafeing^^nDt^erefo^e^etajsofbefo^e. 3 tl^infe m^ Ho^De^ ejcpofition coact , in tl^at l^e tuill aDmit none to i^aue b^ogl^t fo^ti^ tl^e b^eaD anD tDine, but apelc^if eDec allone* iBut l^otxifo^ euer it be, itmouetl^ me noticing , fo^ bnto fucl^e trme, a0 tl^at m^ Lo^De , in plaine icDO^Dejsf p^o^ nounceD br ti^e i^olr dD^olle , p^oue tliat ja^elci^i^ f eDec , DiD offer bnto (0oD b^eaD anD toine : Ije l^a^ p^ouen noticing of tl^at , tDl^icl^ l^e toofi on l&anD to pjoue* ^nD tf)txtfm f greatlie feare, f iiif grountj, ht% 10 (d long in finding an intt ground \x)it^in cuiD fitiD tj^e ^tiptun, ti^at tl^e reft m tl^e end, be found SS' altogeti^er groundlejat^ at tl^e leafl trji^in f bofte in t^t Of (0od» and ti^erefo^e 3 def^e, a^ of before ^ to too^ of i^ear l^ijai lo^dftipejs piobation of tl^e pnncipaL ^^* ap. ;©uintrne* 31 am fdne ^at laue ar contrined on ^10 ma# ner, to d?tue t^me , atl^er parteiis in iuttifiication of W atiom cauf e : bot \x^m0 qutcMte to go to tiie marfeijs pointy ajs 31 i^aue euer done, conf o^me to mv articfele and to m^ txjarrand: and mafiijai ti^e l^aile tuarld to iudge , aul^iti^er it tis m^ deutte, efter fo^mall reffoning , to defend ti^e tatdejaf ar^ ticMe03 0? to p^ue, m to impung, ;©ul^air 31ol^n Iftnojr mafei^ ane meine :, tl^t 3 l^aue b^cj^t mv argumetjs 0? purpof e^ in Wt : qul^at 31 i^aue in JcDo^de Gi t»nt , 0? bti^ertoare^:, 31 praife d^od* Idot t^t true^ 10 5 according to m^ cuftome , 3| maid memo^ie, efter mv repof e, of fie l^eide^, au 31 t^ocf^, 3 txia0 able to i^aue bufine^ ado )Dit^ alt and ti^at 3 t»id be ti^e grace of (l5od onelr, not ti^at 3 am ettliamed to be learned toi^ on^ man d^at toil teacl^ me. and a^ to ti^e conclufio of l^iis particfele 3 qul^air l^e doijs maft meine, ^at 31 l^aue na groud of ti^e ^ripture tot ti)t meiTe ^ssamvt (^^ ft^ beleui0) \x>ili (t^od fall fruiJrat 1^10 txptc^ per^m tation in ti^at , and all btlier^. and a^ure^ mm mms tDiii dBfod iali luftifie tl^e meffe al0 fufiSctentlie, fcri^ confojme to m^ arttcWe, a0 i^e and all tl^e reft of ^ 1^10 opinion in cl^iftendome, falbe able to iuftifie be tmt^ ^ripture 3 o^ on^ btl^er meine , ti^at am ti^e abbote of CtoCragueiL 25 %tim €f)tiftt 10 ane iuManct icioitft tl^e if ati^et, i&omona. and ti^at It be not tl^ocl^t tl^at tfttr ar tDantotref'V^;' '"' \joo1u0, Ufee a0 tl^e mater CoulD not cum to pa^, «« bot tl^at a toalu trifle tfte mater : 31 tDill deC^^e giol^n J&nojc matft l^umblie ^ l^artlte fo? Cl^^iaejs j MU 3 lat b0 go Ccl^o^tUe tottl^out trifling to ti^e purpof e^ ant» lat lajarft beir tDitneu* ^nD Ctoa re^ auire03 to reCume m^ argument:, and Car tl^ereto Co^malie ajs effeirejs* I3ecaui: e t^at euerie man mufte giue accomp* te0 before (tE>oD, not onelr of l^ijS tt^o^ftejs, but alfo of fti0 txjo^DejJ anD tl^ogi^tis* 3 tcill mafte no fur^ tl^er pioteflation, tol^etl^er ^at 31 ftaue DefenDeu l^itl^erto mv oton opinion , ot a manifett treuti^, tn tDi^eti^er ti^at 3! i^aue impungneD an^ treut^ of d^oti, 01 a manif eft lie ( let i^i^ be faiD toitft reuerence of all perfonej5 3 fo? ti^e iuMt^ of tl^e cauf e ) leaning^ 3! ^V^ tl^e iuDgement to dBtoli : 31 Uv t^at^f^am in plaint termer iufllie oppung? neD boti^e ti^e giouoe^^ b^ogi^t fo^ti^ b^ m^ Lo^D, fo? defence of l^i^ articMe* ?o^ in plaine too^deief, 31 l^aue denied, tl^at 3efu0 €i^ii^t , into l^iu lat^ ter Supper 3 did mafie an^ Sacrifice of ^i^ bo^ die and blood, bnder ti^e fo^mejai of b?ead and )ixiinz 3 bnto dD^d W Ifati^er* and l^ettiife 31 i^aue dented 3 tliat !30elc]^if edec did offer bnto c5od3 b^^ad and "coint a^ of befb?e» \x)f^icf) grou* de^, becaufe m^ lo^de i^ath not i^iti^erto, puen, 31 mutt i^old tliem asa; impuhged and oppugned: euer tni^ill , 31 i^ear tl^e ground of apelcl^if edec, plainly p^ouen 3 br plaine ^ripture ( to toit ) Ci^e teffontng bctutr 3!o. l^nojc tljat the platne Scripture iav, that apclcl^tfeUcc 3ift m^ offereD tnto d^oti l^caD atiD tumc : oi t^at it tie J^^^"" of any plaine and eutDent ^tipture , piainlte 5S7„ i,f conuicteD, tl^at Co \^t DtD» i^ijs lo^Dfliip 3 ogj^t not pifaff0. to tiimft It ftrange , altl^og]^ 3 require to anftoer in Unit, to ttiat argument , tDl^icl^ l)i0_Lo?tjeftip Ijatft .pponDeD, conceaueD before, and coniitteD m 10)1% f 0? f uct) I tafie to be, tfte libertte of all f r e Dif putatiou^* tai^ofe lauboure ittoeiS^oM^^Sno^ tiling regards if 0? fo long aj5 dOtoD doeti^ mmider tn to m t, f pint ^ life, loit^ lutigement and j^abilt'- tie,gintenD {bv W fitace) til oppug,tl|at tol^icl^ in mv cofcience 3 ftolD to be Damnable iDolatrie* and ttJi^ere ftijs lo^dftip ftir^tft , tl^t l^e ija; aljai a^ ble to affirme tl^e made (\x))^x0 % impung) to be tl^e ordinance of cl^oti, a^ tl)at 3 0? anr of mv 0^ pinion , tja! able to pioue 3efujs Clinfte to be one fubttance toitl^ tlje jfatlier: \rjit]^ reuerece of 1^10 fffl^il?^ lo^Dftipejs perfdnage blood , and l^ono? , and iDiti^ tiSgr if tl^e reuerence ^ pacience , of tlie ttiftole audito?, i^t mafff 3 1:8^3 tl^t tlje alTercton ijs not onelie rafte, but f cij^m aift, jttofte dangerougi, r^a, and m a part blaf p^e- bteT'^ mou0, Ifo^, fouo compare t^t greatett mrfterie, ttinitic ^ea, ti^e indole alTurance of our redemptio^tDiti^ ^ to ti^t, ttJljicD a0 It l^ati^ bene bled, l^a^ no appjo^ ^X lotion of (0od0 tco^de ( fo^ ti^at 3 ftaue impugn ma. ned, and intendejs to impung ) can not lacft inU pition, of a lij^tlte efteaming of our redemption and to cut ti^e matter fto^t, t^e fo^mar quedion being decided (to tcit tol^itfter ti^at a^elcftif edec3 did offer bnto 6od b?ead and tume) 3 offer m^ felf^tioiti^out furtber delav, to p?oue, ti^t 3efu0 C!^?itte, anil ti^e abbote of Croftaguell; 26 €i^lifttji^ of one fubftance tpitl^ t\)tfat^ttt am tl^at b^ tl)e euiDent teftimontejai of c^otijS ^rip^ ture0» lanD tl>erefo?e ^et ais of befo^e3 31 ftumbl^ require t^i^ lo^Deftip :, to prepare l^im fo? ^ijas p?o^ bation of ti^e fo^mar 3 to t»itt ^ of ti^e oblation of apelcljifeuec* ap. liuint^ne* :©u]^air 3!oi^n i^nor Doi^ afiSnne, tl^at in plaine termijs, l^e f^t^ iuftlit impungeD, bait^ vt grouti^ ejs^ b^ocl^t furtl^ be me^ tot tiefece of mr articftleu* 91 anftcer, 31 uen^ tl^at i^e l^ejs maiD on^ impugn nation* ^nD ciu|^air l^e fa^e^^ tJiat in plaine tt)o?^ De03 l^e ]^e0 Denied, ti^at S^fn^a^ €l)iiftt , into l^igf latter S>upper , Din mafte on^ ^criftce of l^i^ boDie and bluDe, bnDer tl^e fb^me^ of b^eaD and tDine , bnto (0oD W if atljer : oi t^at apelcl^ife^ Dec DiD offer bnto dS^oD b^eaD anD toine, a^ of bt-- ipour tott* 3 anf tner:, tljat it i^ f)i^ Deutie to ntafe inu mxtm pugnation, to m^ affercion, conform to m^ tDar- {^ Jl ranD, fo? Denying, i^ na proper no? fufKcient im^ ^,3? It pugnation* ^nD qul^air i^e taw 3 tl&at becauf e nam 31 l^aue not IjiDDerto p^ouen ti^e faiDigf grouDijJ* ^ '>^^^ ^. 3 anftner, tftat it ij5 mv Deutie to DefenD anD }{^^' not to p?eif 3 confomi to m^ article , $ mv lajar^ i^eto fy^ ranD* ^nD qui^air i)t utw^ tvmt to anf t»er to « ts! not. m^ argument, ,pponeD ti^i^ Da^ in Wt, 3 ft^^l^ grant it bnto ^im* ^nDqul^air 3o]^nl&nor tan^. %^tn ^e rat mr aflfertio 10 not onel^ rafte, bot alfo maid omx^m 6angerouj5, ?ea, anD in ant pairt, blafpi^emouis* rourmr* 31 anf tcer, tliat quliair l^e ta^eja; , 3 am to rafte : 31 10)1)3! W moDeilne?^ in t^i^ famin , fie aj5 becu* 1)3 ane (inceir ci^nftiane , lifee ajs i^e tj5 recftneD to (0 i; Ci^e reffontng betuijc fo* ftnojc JSi iT blatp]^emouj5: tf^n l^ad bene t^me to liaue ca^ biafptif^ leu itlJlaCpi^emie^ qui^en i^e i^d p^ouen it m tjcin «we bfj Cufficientlte* and qui^atr i^e fa^eja; , it ijs danger ^^Z^ rouj5 5 tftatr 10 na Danger , it beand tnDerftanD, wttT ajsSiCav.anDtreuliemeinejsi* ifo?3Iammatrno? alTureD, tl^t SieCujai €i;)M our Lo^n, us ane Cub:' ^ot ag ftance tPifi^ tl^e -f a^er , ^ al^ tl^at f eCujs Cl^nft paptflf0 10 tl^e auti^o? and inftituto? of t!?e melTe^ ^nd iauf b. ^a doi0 not ane berttie , mafe impugnation to *" *^* aneb^er^ iBot in tfti^maner of Cpeafeing^gitciil platne m^ induftrie, giuen bnto me be tl^e grace of (I5od 3 tuilling to contract tfte toifdome and ^S^ p^dence of ti^e tnife and pzudct mcdicinar (fbi p^J toe are, and f ould be of reflon:, niedtcinarg( to tl^e faule) fb? l^e ajs ^t piudent medicinar , hoi^ ejcpell ane bennome or po^fdme 3 be contrapo^^ fdne. ^txja toald 31 erpel t^e damnable i^erifieis, mim of ti^e Caluiniflejs , JLuttierianjai , and aecolam^ teuf bur P^^^wjsf, agamft ^e blilTed ^crifice of vt meffe, (m if tijtsbe conference tDitl^ tl^e damnable l^erifiejj of ti^e bpifteD ^Irrianjs^qu]^ did alledge ten teftimonie^of ^^' Scripture fo? ane, geuand mair appearance, to ^ pltiiti^at Ci^nft lajais not ane Cubftance \x)xi^ tf^t father: no^ doijs ^e Caluinifle0 , Hutl^erianjs, and ^ecolampadianjs, to p;eif t]^at tbe melTe, i0 idolatrie : ajai 9! M fufficientlte tuftifie , a^ ma^ (land to i^t glo^ie of (lS»od, and toeil of m^ caufe* €0 ti^e latter pairt , qul^air l)e iavt^ , to cut tl^e mater Ccl^t, tlie fo^mar quellion brand decided (to ifloit qul^itlier ti^at flgelcl^if edec did offer b?eid and tDine bnto dDtod m not ) l^e offering ijim f elfe tXJljiti^OUt auD tfte abbote of CrofmgueW* 2 7 tottl^out Cartifter Dela^, to piout ^at aefujai Ci^nft 10 ane CuMance tntt]^ tlje fatf^tt. ^. 3! anCtoer to t^t l^tntier pairt of ti^iis part(cftle» g totjai of (ID^D 3 l^e anti all btl^eriai of f)isi opinion miftereti ate l^tle probation 0^ pettuafion , to i^t ane , ajai a t>o to tl^e bti^er , ajs 31 toalu fa^ , to beleue tlie ttieiTe, to be ti^e tnftttution of C^nft 3!eCu0, a0!J bo matr ntn alTureDlie beleue 3 Ci^?ifte to be ane tubilance lajiti^ tbe ifatber , anu Def^eis na p^o^ ^.,_. bation tl^ereof : bot falld^oD triillanti p?eif ^e ane 2 m^ be ti^e ^mpture ate ejtp^e^ , ajs i^e fall p^etf ^e uer able btl^er^ ^nn quljatr i^e l^uniblte i}tfm^ me , to to do* p^epair me fo? tl^e p^obatio of t^t fo?mar (to toit of tl^e oblation of #elc]^ifet»ec ) 31 l^umblie and l^artlie Def^^e golin Mnov^ ajsf l^e toill teftifie l^ijs f emo?, tliat tl^e treutl^ cum to ane tr^all^ and a^ l^e tt)il fatif fie tl^e ejcpectation of ti^e noble autii* to?3 t]^at l^e tuill mafe impugnation fo^mallie ac* co?Ding to f)i$ Deutie 3 to m^ laft at^gument anD conclufion* tlMi^tvt mv Ho^ti to bnburnen l^im felf of tl^at, icnl^icl^ bv all reaf:on3 l^e ogj^t to f utteane3 to "wiu to pjtoue 1^10 afKt:matiue3 br l^im felf proponed, « tavt^3 tl^at to Den^3 ij5 not p^operlie to impung^ foo^ip 3] anftt)et3 ^at in tl^at cace 3 it i0 motte proper* took to jfo? l^e tliat .pponetl^ fo? l^im f elf an affirmatiue3 p^"^ anp ]^i0 atiuettar uen^ing tl^e fame , 10 euer ftill ounol^' bouD to tfte probation ti^tvtot, am tfte atiuerfar ttje tm, ftat]^ euer ftill impungneti it 3 bnto be p^oue it3 an^ tiijat anu thereupon 31 tiefire iuDgement, Co tbe ^e- "^^^^ com, % M affitme tbat it i^ l^i?? lo^Dlbip^ Deutie, . <5 iif €]^e reffonms betuijc f o» fenojc to pmt 1^10 affirmattue^ tol^ereupo ftantietl^ tl^e tjictoitt of Ijijai tDJ^ole cauf e : i& tjs be me in plaint yjomt^ Den^eD* Co t^t tf^ir^, 3 tl^anfe i^iis lo^D^^ ana tijat ^ip l^itiit , and p^mtfeiS bnto l^tm an anftoer, Ijf ¥s againe m tn^it^tfti^ p^f ent conference being put rmmtn ^q ^^ fuffictent enD» Co tlje foutt. a^ mv p?ote^ ftaticn tDill tcitnejS3 3 fpeafi againll ti^e alfercto onelte, anti not againil ti^e perfone : tul^ici^e tet ( in mv iuDgement ) lacfeetl^ not fufptcion of tlje format tmm. ^oi l^otDtdeuer m^ Lo^D be per* CuatieD of ttie grounu anti affurance of ti^e melTe (tl^e alTurance tol^ereof 9! \^ut not ^et Ijarti) 31 mv f elf am fullv aiTureu , t^t ti^ere be mo tl^en ttn tl^ouCanD, tpliic]^ euiDentlie do ftnotoe , ti^e banitie and impiette of tl^t ntaffe, toj^ici^ 3 i^aue impungneD : loil^o nottftelejs , ntofte coniJantlte beleue 3ef u0 oo^nfte^ to be of one f ubftance "mii^ i^t jfa^er : ^ea, tl^at Do beleue , tDl^atfoeuer b^ ti^e ^riptureja; of (!5oD , can be p?ouen necefla* rie, for I faluatton of ntan* Cl^erefo^e tet agame, 3 iav, ^at to la^ in anv maner of equalitie3 tl^t XDj^ici^ i$i mode fure^ anD ti^at tDl^tci^ tnajs neuer tet plainlte p^ouen bv t^t ^crtpturejs of ©oD, to be ^e tnftttuttort of 3efu0 Ci^ntt: tj3 mo^e iu\> ita to tl^e crrme0 fo^efaiD , tl^en tl^at 3 can be Cubtect to an^ fufptcion of immoDellte tot m^ fb^ mar too8)e0» Co tfte blafpl^emie^ 3 anf ttier^ au before* 3mmeDiatlie to ti^e fert* l^otc ti^t euer m^ Lo^D bnDerftanDet]^ anD meaneti^ , t^t ftijJ lo?Dftip 10 alj3 able , to proue ti^e malTe to be ti^e inftitutto of 3efu0 C^nft:, aj3 3 am able to p^ie C^nft, to be one fubftance tDitlj ti^e ifati^er: 3 Qintt anti t^e abbote of CtotraguelL 2 8 ttiinft tl^at an great nomber totll ti^ittfe m^ lint)j5 affiniiatiott, terrie l^arD tobep^ouen^ anD3!tti^ Celf trJiU ftill continually uout^bnto tl^e t^me55l l^ear tl^e p^bation len, Co tl^e leuent^, aia; toucl^^ ing mi' lo^Dejs cowparifon of tlje meDiciner,anJ! of fttjs lo^ti(bip0 tntiuilrie, 2H^at tl^e pafto^js of | €^ut0 og^t to be 5 i^t ^ripture^ plainly Do tea^ bj5: but tol^at bniuercailie tl^e^ ^aue bene ^eCe nvnt ftunn^eti^ t^arejs brpail3 ^ifto^te^, tp perience , and tecent memone , liati^ taugj^t bjaf, ^ea^ and p^efentlie do teacl! bjs: to tj^egreat greif of all Ci^^ifltanitie* OTi^ete tftat 1^(0 lo^Dftip do- etl^ tnplaine termejs, conDentpnti^e Caluiniftejaf, JLutl^erianjai and ^ecolampaDianis, of i^eriCie : 3| t»olD l^aue reautreD of \^i& lo^Dftip Dela^ of time^ acco?Dtng to ftijs Def^^e of me , bnto tl^e t^me , ti^at ^ere cauf e ftaD bene f utficietlie trieD, in an latDfull, bniueriai counf ell, Deulte tntiicteD, ano conueneD* OBot twi^ere tl^at l^e compareti^ , tt^t Doctrine of ti^e fb^enameD , tDiti^ tl^e Damnable l^erefie, of ^rriuis: 91 loJolD Ivfeetoife l^aue lojifteD bnto ]^i0 toDlbip greater fo^efigi^t , in to graue a mater, -Jfo? ftoWoeuer ti^e arrianjs appeareD to abouD in teftimoniejs of ^cripture^, tuitftout all grounD, inDiilinctlie cogetteD (anD tl^at becaufe tt^tv maDe no Diffreence betuir tije ttoo natures^ ^^ ^^ in feCujai C^ntte, but DiD foolilblie app^pnat to io:De no t^e (^oDi^eaD , ti^t, tni^ic]^ DiD onelie aperteane jwff be. to tbe manlie nature ) vtt t^in^ % tftat m^ lo^D S^ ©all neuer be able, bv plaine S>cripture , to inv pung an^ ci^ief i^eaD, eti^er affirmeo , 0^ Den^eD, tn Doctrine of Caluatio b^ ^e fo^eCaiDeiai perfonia^ (0 Hi) €]^e teffonins httuix 3!o» l&m% ivfit ajs niD ti^e gonl^ anti learned in tf^ttt ajeis, t^e fb^eCaitiDatttitaWel^etiae* Cotlielaft, 3!ftaue alreaDie p^omifeli to anftoet , to m^ Lo^tie^ av-^ gutttf t in Wtt ant) ti^ereCbie ogftt not to be bur^ DeneD \Dit!j it notD^eCpeciallte becaufe it ijsiajttl^* out our format gtounD , and tioeti^ not p^perlie aperteane to ^e cauCe* ^nD vtt ti^erefo^e noto iaft Un conclufion, tftat toe Iftal not be compelled continually to repeat on t^ing, 3! ^tim mv lo?D acco^Ding to f^i$i Deutte, and reatdnof DiCputatt* ^tiv mi? on , to bnng fo^tl^ f^i^ probation of f^i^ Vwo tb^ io;r} m ntar grounDe^^ be me plainly Denied* a^r ^^^^ conference being ended , Un tW t^me, ScD m^ Jlo^de p^ef entlie did rife, fo? trouble of bodr, to me a and tften 3!olin l^nojc , did fto^tlie refume , ti^e ^^- p^incipall grounder* ^nd becauf e ti^e noble men i^eir alTembled , toere altogether deftitute of all .puifion, boti^e Un f^m and man^ ti^e faid loi^n, i^umblie required tl^e fb^efaid iLo^d, tl^at it ttiold pleaf e f)im to go to ^ir , tui^ere t^at better eafi* nientmigj^ be i^ad for all ettatejs^* mf^icf^ becauf e mv iLo?d btterlie refuf ed , tlje faid Softn deared iDi^en tftat ti^e faid conference (ftould be ended* ^ tmt did p^me^ , ti^at bpon licence pur=^ muthn t^fed, of ti^e liuenejsi maieftie, and ijer l^ono^^ Sue ble counf ell, tftat l^e t»old copeir in Cdinburgj^, fo Done and ^ere, in tl^ere p?ef ence, finift ti^e faid conf e-- S."S t*^w^* ^^^ fatd3!o]^n did p^me^, to trauel toiti^ SS tl^efecretcounf cl , tliat ti^e faid licence migi^t be ttt^mn obteined* and deared tlie fo^efaid lo^de , to do totme0» tfte l^e totft tfte €iuenej3 maieftie, toi^ereupon t^e faid SitAfn ^m%, toofe inttrumcntjs and do^ cument^* and tfte abbote of CtoCrajjuell* 29 Documents* at m concluaon of out reObmng, 3 ptf giol^n Ittnojc ane argument in \x>iit, ueOring l^im ^at \^t toalti iudifie l^ijai opintou be ejcp^ejs tefti^ ntottie of ^ripture , 0^ on^ apperance ti^ereof^ mul^mto ti^e CaiD %o^n reauired t^me to gtf anCtrier , anti ti^e t^me , micl^t natotfe feme, of eatDer reffoutng , fo? fie caufejs , m at comp^e-^ i^entieD in t^t caid Hoi^n l^nojc mitin^* and a^ totoard f^i^ Mm of me to atr, treulie it toaji I tiding ti^t 31 micJ^t not p^ef entlte , comodiouttr do* iBot al\Da^e0, 31 "will copeir before re ^ut^^ msi grace , and fie aja; ]^ir grace , plefijs to tafte to be audito^j5 , to defend ti^e f^tde^ articftless , and in f pecial t^e articftle concerning ti^e meffe, ag; ti^ar ar twntten, qui^en and au^air it be i^ir grace plefure, Ctoa tl^at ti^e ftabilitie of mv bodie toill feme on^ toif e ajs31ftopeto(0oditMl, toqui^ombepmfe gjtoieandi^o^ , no? toi mtVf antoer ntnhtf foit , fo tijatic aneD not tome to p;»tte mp tntec Sjetatto, ut tt ap^ perteneo tomp lo:U)to p;u)ue t^ttmh cJifeDec offerreo ttjatcan notmp Io2i> tm^ oerSano Crotraguell ^ %i)t anttoer to m^ Lo^tiejs latt argument, p^opomD b^ |)tm in ui^t^ tlje la0 Da^ cf m(]ptttatton* Sl^tje arsummt 10 1^^ ^attummtt opinim 3 (18 conceauel^ 0f tl^e ^tiptun^ of almici^t^ d^oD, l^auanD na tjcp^e^ teStmonte no? ap^ perance of t^t iamin : 10 mttlit to be refufeD ^ a^ ian^ loi^n iftnojc ftim Celt 'Bot fttia (t ijJ , ttiat fjC^n i^nojc atoin opinion cocea* ueD 0? contracted of ti^e ^ripture, concerning ^e l)?inging furti^ of IneaD anti "wint 5 be flpel* c^ifeuec, to refreft oi gratifte, ^imf^m and W icerie company, i)5 not ejcp^ea^ conteineD inti^t ^ripture , mi f^tfi na apperance of tl^e Camin, tftairfoie it follotrjija: toeil, ti^at it i^ alluterlie be i^i0 atDin iuDgement to be refuf eD. aol^nJ&nojc^ Pi 3 ftoulD grant bnto ^ou , mv lio^tie ^our tol^ole argument ,3! ©oulir but Declare m^ felf tgno^nt of ti^e art, anD bnm^nDful of m^ otone affirmation: but ^et l^d ^e p^ouen nothing of rour intent* Cl^e cl^ief queilion, and controuer* fie betuijc ^ou and me, ijJ not \xif^tt^tt tl^at m^ interpretation of tftat place ( toi^icl^ at rour m fiance and requeafi f gaue ) be tretu m not : but tDftetl^r tl^at apelcl^ifedec tlie figure of Clinfie, did offer bnto dD^od b?e^d ^ \)oint, tni^ici^e n ^^ne affirmed , and i^aue laid it to be tbe ground and cauf e y tni^r it bel^oued Ci^nfte Sefujsf , to baue made oblation and ^e abbote of CMraguelt ^o oblation of i^iis boDte and blood :, biiDer ti^e fo^m* 00 of b^eaD am \x^int , in f^i^ latter Supper* mi^icl) botbe 31 Den^eD* So tl^at it refe to ^ou to p^oue 5 ti^at a^elcljifeDec ti^e figure of €\ni^y Did of er bnto (0od b^ead and U)ine* ^. ^nd ap^ fjerteinejs not bnto me^ to p^e m^ opinion, noj interpretation* if or f uppofing tl^at mv opinion, coceaued of tftat place ttiere to be reiected (agJ v^ are neuer able to ptont it to be) nt ij5 rour af* firmatiue^neuer ti^ebetterprouen, for if re \Dill conclude : it tneis not b?oa3^t tott^ to refreft ^^ br^am (tul^iclS ret ijs not prouen) ergo it tceis brogl^t for^ to be offered bnto dD^od : babejai toill moc6 rou , and fend rou againe to rour logiclr* :i5ut tet mv Hord toit^ tour leaue 9! muft come nerar ton, and far, ti^at ti^e mm o? firtt part of rour argument ijs fate, and tt^at re faiar alledge bpon me, tl^at tDi^icli f neuer fpafe no? ment* Eead ti^e txji^ole conference betuir rou and me, and re (ball not find ti^at 31 l^aue fimplie afSr:^ med ti^at all opinion of man , conceaued of ti^e Scriptures, is btterlie to be reiected: onlejs t^e fame be prouen br ti^e manifett looorde of c^od* jfo? 31 am not ignorant tl^at fdme interpretatiojaJ ar tollerable, rea, and ntar be to tl^e edification of tl&e Cfturc^ , alti^ogj^ ^er do not fullr txpit^j t^t minde of tl&e l^olie (0ofie, in tftat place* "But 31 i^aue affirmed, and ret affirmed , ti^at netl^er tl^e au^oritie of tl^e Cl^urcl^, tl^e determination of tl^e counfell, nor tl^e opinion of il^e doctor, i^ to be receaued in matter)^ of faitl^ ,^ini^t doc^ trine concerning our faluation : onles tl^ fante Cl^e xtOmiui httuix fo, ftnojt be p^mxtn h^ tfte txpn^ ^^^ of (Bon. anD fl^et^ fmt mv ^ofb, ttJiti^ rour leaue, 3| muft Ca^^ ^at et^er tDilfull^ oi ete b^ Come ouerfigftt , re i^ue omtttetj boti^e m tfte matoj ^ in tfte mino;^ of ^ur argument:, tl^t \x)f^U^ ftoulD l^aue bene, p cauf e anD aifuranee of ^our conclufion* foi t^0 n og^t to l^aue reafoneD. ^atfdeuer opinion i0 conceaueD of ti^e ^ripture of almigj^tie d^oD^ concerning f^iti^ and tl^e Doctrine of ^luation> l^auing no ejcp^ejs tefttmonie of tl^e fame, 10 to be reiecteD* "But Co it ifi,,t^t 3!oj^n iftnojc otx)ne o-- pinion , concerning tl^e bnnjg;ing fintl^ of b^ead anu tDine b^ flpelcl^if etiec , i0 a matter concern ning fait]^ , anD ^e Doctrme of our ^luation. anD ttt l^tlft no teilimonie of d^oDjef erwelTeD icpo^De : tl^erefb^e it ijs to be reiecteD* gf on ^ijs maner ^e l^D reafoneD, m^ lo^D, (a0 of neceOi^ tie vt mutt Do , if vt conclude an^ tiding againtt me) 31 tDOlD f)mt immeDiatlte DenieD ti^e feconD part of ^ur argument , anD l^aue CaiD: ti^at to ftnotD m Define , tnftat tuejs Done tuit^ t^t b?eaD anD ^ine, b^g^t out b^ apelci^ifeDec , ijs no ar* ticfile of our beleue , nctl^er ^et i0 it a Doctrine, neceffarie to tl^e Valuation of man* foi nt^tt DiD ^Dam, i^bel, Setft, Cnojs, l^enoci^, #a* tl^ufalem, no? iljoie, beleue an^ fuci^e tiding, ne* tger ttt i0 tiiere Oinct ti^e Da^ejs of ^b^l^m, an^ co^nanDement giuen bv d^oD, to beleue fucl^e an articfele , ^ea , furttjer in t^t tnl^ole^ripturejs, tl^ere ij3 no mention maDe tol^at trjejs Done ttiitl^ tl^at b^eaD anD yx^im , anD t^ereCb^e it can be no ^rticMe of our beleue , ntn vtt no Doctrine con^ cerning am t^e abbote of €tottaintXV 3i cetmns our ^luation, and to f^atf^ ^m atgu^ tttent h^Un tf^z otune necfe* J^f 31 lift, m^ Lo^D to fwt a l^till ttite^ tou^ 3] migftt find fdme oc^ eafiion in tl^e f econD part of vom atqiammt Jfo? iKl^ere ^e afflinne tl^at mr opinion cocerninod^e Ringing fb^tl^ of tl^e b^eaD and Kx^int , br apel* (l^ifeDec, to refre(i) ^b^al^am and l^i^ companies 10 netl^er ejcp?ea^ conteineD in t^t lujo^D of d^oD, ne^er tet i^ati^ appearance of tl^e iamtx am tl^erefo^e btterlie it i^ to be reiected* iBoto m^ HoiDe giue me leane , to tnrne tl^ijs part of ^our argument in ^our oi»ne bofome , if % can, am tl^at fd 3 mar do, ti&uja; 31 reafdn^ lITI^e optmon conceaueD b^ m^ ilo^tie abbote , concerning b^eaD auD tioine, b^ogi^t fo^tl^ hv fllPelcl^if eoec to be offered bnto (0OD3 i^ not txpttHv conteined in dBtodjf ^ripturejs, t^erefoie it i0 btterlie to be reiected* iBetioarre m^ lo^de , tl^at n be not beaten toifl^ ^our ottin batton: fojt^en mud tlje ^ JJ? nrnlTe, vta, ^t belt part of tl^e t^ame. Mm bpon ^^ t^ii an tntmt ground , ti^at i)s$ to (a^ 3 bpon ^e opi« tiion of man , and leaning no alTurance of d^odiJ ejcp^elTed tuojtde* "But notu m^ JLo?de , mertnejf Cet afrde5 31i^umblie require ^ou, bv m^ pen^ajs 3 did b| mout]^ , ti^at depelie re confider , toit^ tDl^at cofcience before (ta^od, n dar afiSrme I doc^ trine tobei^oltome^tea^^neceO^rrtobebeleued, tioi^ereof >^ !^ ii; !*=•><:; >*:-v t Wit teObnittg ftetuf jc f o. Ump f e wet able to tmi no p^uf e out of ti^e mantfeft ))}0$ of (IB»oD. Cl^e f econD Da^ of our conference and Difputatton^ to^en 31 tioa^ coSraineD to am ftDer,^our freuole coiecturejs anDbanitte0:^wiR \m&t^ w^ 1^^3 ofter blotoen out tl^en mt^, toere, ti^t ^ur probation Qnndd be tio euiDent^ ^t tl^e 0one0 (boulD i^eare ^our p^obation^ anD I Dead tDalleieiQioulD fe ^e iuSne^ of tour caufe» 9 pacientlt Din ab^De (alti^ogp^ perchance toit^ S^e gretf of l^ne Yiitztiiam ) ^ef e tour toantone 1XiO$e05 and tl^K^gl^t tDttl^ mt f elf pamtrtunt mom tr0. fc. 'But tDi^at i^ notD p^DuceD and b^og]^ fb?ti^, ti^e txJo^lD mat f e* 3|t mat appeare tl^t te toere ftarD bef et, tuften fb? to auoiDe tl^e p?uf e of tour otDue afSrmatiue, te fleD to impugne, ^at tDl^tc]^ apperteanetl^ noticing to tl^e purpof e» if o? a0 3! tpe0 not bound to l^aue ibetoen bnto tou \xA^t 31 tl^og^t tx^t% Done "mi^ \^t b^eaD and toine^, b^oiftt fo^ti^ bt a^elcl^if eDec^ Id tuejJ 3| not bound to \mt DefeiTDeD^ nv^ mterwetationanD tuDsement of tl^at place: but bnto tou it altoaf ej5 aperteine^ (and if euer toe meit againebpon t^at l^eaD , it toilbe tet itx^gtXi to aperteine ta tou) to p^oue ^t Spelcl^if eDec5 DiD at ^at time ofer b^ead and \x^int bnto da^od^ tol^icl^ 31 am toell alTured, ti&at te are neuer able to do^btant teilimonie of d^odjJ too^de* and tl^erefb^e mu8 i^» 31 ^'^ ^ ti^e maflfe ftandetli groundle^* and ti^e greateft patrone ti^ereof* fo^ all ftijai (tcfter riding 1^ one0 lotte X^i% Uirrope^, tea , i^ altogefi^er Cet beftdeja; W f^il* 31^ ret tl^e common b^ute goefi^ 3 ti^t te mt lojde, tour flattereris , and collateralle^ anD ^e abbote of CtottasuelL ^2 collatetalle^ hm Steatite of ^our bictone 5 ob^ tetneD in Difputation againft Sol^n ittnojc, but i iDtll not beleue von to be Cd baine onlej5 a (ball ftnotue ti^e cettanitie br vonv o'mm i^anD Wt net all men notD tuDge bpon ^oi^at ground ti^e ^cnfUce of tbe maffe llantjetb* ^ft^ ftea* uenl^ if ati^er l^ati^ not planted tcttbin l^if^ ^ripturejs fuci^e a Doctrine* 31t fbllotuetl^ tl^erefo^e tl^at it ogl^t to be rooted out of all sod' lie menejs i^rtegf* tlieenb ,p 3ttip?intebat (^dinburi^ b^ mbtvt )leltp;euilr» Cump^iuilesio* JBeprinteD b? d^eorge BamCat a«D Compaw^ ifrom an ;©rtsin^ Cop^ in t|ie jauci^inlttfe Jlibrarp. I 8 I 2.