Ps UC-NRLF ^C Ifl 7Tb , CO I 8 SECOND EDITION. THE PITH AND HARROW OF THE Closing and Coming Centuiy AND RELATED POSITION OF Freehasonry and Jesuitry. Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1899, by the T. P. C!o., in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, B.C. Entered at Stationer's Hall, London, in the year 1899, by the T, P. Co. All rights reserved. The author has no pecuniary interest in this publication. The proceeds are devoted to Brotherhood Humanitarian work. This Pamphlet is supplied, postpaid, at the following prices: Single Copies $0.15 8 Copies for 1.00 In lots of 100 or over, per hundred, . . 10.00 Published and sold by The T. P. Co., 144 MADISON A}£Eu, ^^^^gJiCXtK, V THE PITH AND MARROW OF THE CLOSING AND COMING CENTURY AND RELATED POSITION OF Free Masonry and Jesuitry^ CCUSTOMED to measuring eternity by the tick of the watch, the fact escapes notice that the time period measurements of weeks, months, years and centuries, are not accidents, not senseless arbitrary divisions of time, but that they are the results of, and in harmony with Uni- versal Law, which fact becomes more and more one-pointed as our range of consciousness expands. It is evident, even to a careless observer, that all persons, things and events are related and interdependent; those who carefully follow and correlate series of events covering long periods find remarkable relationships and results. The merchant, as the year draws near its close, interrupts or disturbs the ordinary progress of his business, to settle old matters and to close his books, preparatory to entering the new year, and its unknown, broadening possibilities, with a clear understanding of his resources and abilities. Likewise, on the broader fields of community, national, race and world life, are found corresponding and related cyclic disturbances, adjustments, progression or retrogression, depending upon the balance showing on the credit side of Right Action, or on the debit side of Wrong Doing. Truth expressed in commercial terms is best understood to-day. Glance over the world's history by centuries, and near the close of each will be found the culmination of a more or less widespread and important series of events, all related, in that they have a common trend and purpose. Leaving the proving of this statement to those who care to investigate, we turn our attention to the present, to find the world facing — that, in fact, it is now in the midst of — events and culminations, the importance of which have not been equalled in many centuries, probably not within the period of recorded history. If this statement appears extreme, a comparative examination of present signs and ruling conditions points to its early demonstration. Individual life and conditions constitute the basis and ruling factor in community, national and world life; if the individual units are contented and happy, the world is at peace ; if unsettled and disturbed, then commerce is in a chaotic state, nations are suspicious and stand prepared to fly at each other's throats. 43234g •;•'••••••• •••-crtOgiNG AND COMING CENTURY. Looking backward, we find periods of disturbance, frequently involving nations, even changing the political conditions and map of a continent, as in Napoleon's time; but to-day the whole world is in a condition of unrest and uncertainty, which, perceptibly affecting every human condition and mind, focalizes and emphasizes itself in every organized body; in nations, religious organizations, industrial, commercial and financial trusts and labor unions; — none are exempt ; all stand, the world over, as classified, separate, more or less compact and antagonistic units, anxiously expectant of the impending unknown, ready to act, or already engaged, offensively or defensively, in what they in the main consider self-preservation. But is this general mustering of forces in reality for the purpose of em- phasizing and perpetuating the reign of selfishness, separateness, intolerance and craft? Underneath the seeming, is there not a deeper, truer, more intelli- gent force at work, moulding and shaping conditions and events for the com- mon good, stirring into action, and bringing into of>en battle array the good and evil qualities, the life and death forces embodied in man's higher and lower natures, preparatory to their locking horns in the death struggle for the final mastery, with the fate of humanity as the stake ? Let us seek answers in the signs of the times : First, as indicating in the individual, then in powerful organized bodies — the larger personalities. Every man' who will honestly examine himself, will find both the good and the evil qualities in his own nature emphasized, awake and arrayed against each other, contending for the mastery. He finds himself unusually interested in, and taking sides for or against wrong and injustice in matters foreign to his personal interests and customary observation. His power to discern the right is unusually clear and forceful. Again, as though to give all opportunity, matters of frequent occurrence, and, as the world goes, of seeming unimportance, suddenly spring into universal prominence ; are discussed throughout the civilized world in private and public, in the press and pulpit ; in fact, the whole world discusses and intelligently takes sides for or against the principles involved, and in so doing each person enlists and throws his influence on the side of Right or Wrong. The world has so divided and arrayed itself over the case of Captain Drey- fus, that brave man, who, in his apparently hopeless but superb battle for the principles of Justice and Liberty, fought against a corrupt combination, a sense- less and corrupt court, an apathetic people, and in so doing suffered many mar- tyrdoms. But this was not the complete, nor the main result following this case. Such an exhibition of brutal inhumanity, palpable and hideous injustice, based on and sustained by the grossest falsehood, perjury, vile calumny and attempted murder, — all in the name of Justice, — has irretrievably disgraced a great coun- try, appalled all honest men, and notified the world that Justice was foully murdered and can no longer be found in her courts. It did more than this! It brought into the blazing light and scrutiny of an aroused world-wide public. V FREE MASONRY AND JESUITRY. 3 the hidden, subtle and evil organized force, which stands charged with and is responsible for that crime, and it will never again be able to conceal its intol- erance, bigotry, and persecution, — its work of mental thralldom and spiritual death, under cover of piety and care for the spiritual welfare of humanity as God's vicegerent. The time has come when, courts of Justice failing, circumstances and cofir- ditions, as relentless witnesses for the Higher Law, will compel justice, and irretrievably expose and ruin the hiding culprits, be they individuals, secular or religious organizations. At last the spiritual eye of humanity is open, — ^the eye which sees the Truth standing emphasized and more clearly revealed by calumny, denial, or apparently friendly criticism- and commendation with a But, insinuating impar- tiality, or claimed disinterestedness in matters which are known to, and deeply interest every intelligent human being. So the Great Law, Intelligence, or God — ^name it as you like, has taken the martyrdom of this brave but obscure man, one of a persecuted people, who, in just return, control the world's idol — and elevated him as a symbol of a great Principle, which this world of men have championed or antagonized by the mental attitude they have taken towards the Dreyfus case. The same principle was the basis, thinly veiled, behind our conflict with Spain. In that war identically the same forces of light and darkness were con- tending for mastery. The American people in entering upon the war — purely for the cause of humanity, the first instance in recorded history — were im- pelled by the same law which used Dreyfus. Largely unconscious of their high guidance and mission, they none the less promptly and effectively arrayed them- selves — leading the nations — as the exponents and champions of right, en- lightenment, progress, and physical, mental and spiritual freedom, as opposed to this subtle, organized force, which, from love of power, has always pros- tituted its immense strength by standing as the main block in the way of mental and spiritual health, freedom and progress in the Western World. We were not combating Spain as a nation or people, but as the ancient champion of this most intelligent, but selfishly directed force, which was har- bored as the dominating power in her individual, national, material and spiritual life. Spain finally obtained the natural and legitimate fruitage of her work of oppression, tyranny, and destruction, in national decay, humiliation, and defeat. Like Dreyfus, this naturally noble people suffered, when as an outer cov- ering, they were rent asunder, that the real destroying force should be exposed, as a warning to other men and nations. Here it is pertinent to inquire if we as a people, or as a government, have learned, or even discovered, this vital lesson of our unfinished war. When we find this same ill-guiding force, virtually and practically in control of our affairs and army in the Philippines — else our returning warriors, and all other than official reports are unintelligent and wholly false — then the reason becomes apparent for the constant contact with our Government, and the seemingly dis- interested counsels of eminent exponents of the power which persecuted Drey- 4 CLOSING AND COMING CENTURY. fus, destroyed Spain, and is now seeking to perpetuate itself in control of the Philippines. Would not this be a convenient and undisturbing method for this force to ingratiate and make itself useful to our good, but — let us hope — innocent- minded official heads, in order that its advocates may the more easily and un- observed tighten their already powerful but concealed grasp on our political life and government? If any intelligent, non-partisan person does not agree with these suggestive statements and questions, he is challenged, for the sake of our beloved country and freedom, to make a quiet and thorough investigation, and conviction will result. It will be found that the original insurrection of the Filippinos was not against Spanish rule, as such, but against the force in question acting through the Spanish rule, which made the life of a naturally free and not unintelligent people unbearable, although both were one in religious faith. As the United States was led into assuming Spain's position, we are de- fending, and the Filippinos are through us, combating the same enemy, force and rule against which they first rebelled. Our position in this respect is at least anomalous and difficult to under- stand, except from one point of view. Eastern Asia is uneasily turning in its long repose, disturbed at the loud knocking of selfish nations and rapacious commerce. The lovers of freedom in the great slave continent are, as they view the question, planting and defending the flag of liberty against foreign aggression and domination. With the past history and relations of the nations in Europe, divided as they are into numerous fortified and fully armed hostile camps, all alert and disturbed by expectant fear of the pregnant unknown, this African camp-fire can easily ignite the ready fires of all Europe, and through them, the whole world, completing the change of its map, already begun by the United States battling in the main for Right and Progress. The insular "Monroe Doctrine" is already swallowed up in the broader world interests in which we have suddenly and unexpectedly taken a unique and leading part. A gigantic figure has loomed above the horizon of the nineteenth century, one humane foot placed on the Antilles, guarding the waters which command the approaches to the great American Continental Canal which he must build ; the other, unconsciously held impending in the world''s atmosphere while harking to humanity's cry, unexpectedly planted on the threshold of Asia's unexplored storehouse of material, mental and spiritual wealth. Incidentally he shelters and protects the Americas — the great impassable Continental Divide separat- ing Europe from the teeming East. He stands expectant and superb in his undeveloped strength — this young giant Colossus of modern times — calmly facing the ancients and the pregnant future with sublime trust in himself and in the Cause of Right and Humanity which he has championed before the FREE MASONRY AND JESUITRY. 5 whole world. He is the symbol of the higher part or soul of humanity in action; the torch-bearer of Truth, Light and Liberation to the discouraged and downrtrodden. When the surprise and compounded admiration-fear commendation of the older nations settles into conviction that their selfish, dominating influence and commercial supremacy is in jeopardy, we shall require that divinely inspired wisdom and courage which go hand in hand with intelligent right action. With pure motive and high principle as our main-spring and guide, our passage through the Red Sea of selfishness into the Promised Land of Uni- versal Brotherhood will be safe and glorious; but destruction is certain if we, off guard, permit the subtle wrecking intelligence of the past and present cen- turies to creep in, and whisper evil counsel into the ears of our helmsman. While this feeling of unrest and uncertainty regarding the impending future consciously affects all individual and national life and conditions, we find money — ^the life blood of present material life — gathering in a few vast aggregations or trusts, so organized and efficiently commanded as to be more powerful than the government itself in controlling the products, industries and transportation of the entire country; in fact, some of these stand to-day as a block to the legislation absolutely required for the building and peaceable gov- ernment control of an Isthmus Canal; and this, in face of the perfectly appar- ent fact, that the early completion of such a water-way is a vital necessity to our national well-being and safety, if not to our very life. We stand responsible for the defence of our long double coast lines, our new island possessions commanding the Caribbean Sea, and stretched across the Pacific Ocean dominating its northern waters, and the South American coasts, which are virtually under our protection as against foreign aggression. With a completed canal all our water responsibilities zvould he safeguarded and met with practically one-half the naval artnament and its incident expense, as compared with what will be imperative, lacking a canal. Quick concentra- tion in cither ocean would forestall and defeat slow and difficult combinations enforced by passage by the Cape. In face of these patent facts, and the disturbed, jealous and prepared con- dition of the nations, can zve longer safely or economically indulge in the ego- tistical dream of our fancied ability to instantly do what at best requires years to accomplish? Shall we as a people permit any power among ourselves or on earth, to even delay tJiis workf The danger from trusts is more important, imminent and threatening, in the direction of their unlimited legislative purchasing power, than from any material increase in cost of living, or lack of profit, or loss bv investors in their multi-watered stocks. At this crucial periodi, when the retarded evolutionary progress of human- ity can spring forward, carrying it into its long-lost heritage of spiritual con- sciousness and divine knowledge, every intelligently honest man must satisfy himself regarding his own standing ground. In that safe position, he will use his God-given perceiving and thinking faculties, to himself analyze, judge and 6 CLOSING AND COMING CENTURY. accept or reject old and new beliefs, ideas, presentations and men, as he deems best. Thus growing mentally and spiritually strong he will discover error and falsehood, discern and follow Truth and become its efficient and courageous agent in dispelling ignorance and opposing intolerance, bigotry and selfishness. Men once aroused to a realization of this divine common-sense will com- prehend and enforce the self-evident truth that Intelligence must and will rule —by devious methods if forced by ignorance to indirection, but honestly and for the good of all, when direct and responsible. This is in the nature of things. It cannot be overcome nor long subverted, except at the expense of true progress and civilization. These will be quickly swallowed up and lost in a maelstrom of anarchy and barbarism, into which a society, nation or world, ruled by its ignorant element, will inevitably lapse; and the intelligent are re- sponsible if this element gains control. They have permitted, or perhaps tem- porizingly encouraged, the cry of ignorance — "Equality" — when all nature, especially man, proves it utterly false and impossible. Are there two blades of grass or two men in the world just alike and equal in every respect? Equality is a fatal fallacy, instituted and sustained by ignorance, char- latanism, political irresponsibility and corruption. Intelligence declares and maintains Fraternity and Community of Interest in Degree; that all would find comfort and happiness in working for the com- mon good ; in fact, that these proper desires and ambitions can be realized in no other way ; that a paternal form of government has in the past, and must again, satisfy these good citizenship desires and ambitions; that if America and the balance of the world intends to save itself, we must arouse and stimulate in- dividual thinking and intelligence, to guide and control material and spiritual life, else it will be dominated by antagonistic and destructive forces and men. Then if we find ourselves, our commerce and industries in the control of combinations or trusts which dominate the government, or our political and religious interests threatened, we shall be sufficiently intelligent and common- sensed as a people, to examine and understand the reverse side of our national seal, and possibly recognize that the ancient God-sent Constitution' of a rapidly evolving nation must be correspondingly developed, or it will for a time hamper national growth, and then become inoperative and a menace to public safety, even in its inability to protect its worshippers, or permit their government to protect itself against secular or religious combinations. Then we shall be suffi- ciently awake, and wise enough to evolve our Constitution abreast of conditions, reform our Government onto a non-partisan, unselfish basis, and absorb any or all selfish combinations or trusts into one vast trust, owned and operated for the common good, by a Government made directly responsible to the people. These conclusions are especially true and applicable to a nation, whose ability, strength and resources are to itself as yet unknown quantities. An intelligent people, to permanently remain free and self-governing, must itself and through its Government, stand ready and sufficiently courageous to change old things and methods to meet advanced conditions; to observe, an- FREE MASONRY AND JESUITRY. 7 alyze, wisely direct and lead all natural, and to control and neutralize all ille- gitimate developments. To-day whoever or whatever is consciously or unconsciously working for self, is working against the broad principle of Brotherhood, or the Common Good, as emphasized in the teachings of Christ, Buddha and all humanity's saviors; such are, consciously or otherwise, under the influence of that most secret body which absolutely controls and works through a vast, materially- spiritual, homogeneous and one-purposed organization, millions of whose mem- bers, unconscious of its inner dominating force, are perfectly honest, capable and patriotic citizens, who, in all conflicts save one, would make their public duties paramount. But in the event of active opposition to the inner controlling body's plans of religious conquest and aggrandizement ; to again combine Church and State under priest rule, inciting this mass to religious zeal, and with the additional powerful incentive of gaining both spiritual and political dominion, following a successful issue from the contest ; — what in such event would be the natural, logical and inevitable action of many millions of otherwise good and public- spirited citizens ? Even the Sovereign Pontiff himself is already subject to the will of the Jesuits, as his recent unwilling submission to their demands proves. The danger is not so much from the exoteric organization, as such, but is it not imminent on the lines indicated? Have these persistent, crafty men ceased to live and work? Have they at this crucial time abandoned their long-cher- ished purpose to rule the western hemisphere? Looking about the world, do we find evidences of the workings of this inner controlling body — the working out of a plan of the nature indicated ? The innocently blind, careless and unobserving may see no danger ; but those who have eyes to see, who analyze, look behind and underneath, discover the selfish plans and subtle workings of this evil-directed, highly intelligent, crafty, hidden body, which has ever sought power, wealth and aggrandizement for itself, at the expense and ultimate ruin of the people or nation it permanently controlled. If this statement requires proof the following examples will serve the un- prejudiced seeker: Spain, once proud, haughty, powerful — the dominating power in Europe — championed and accepted priest-craft rule. As the direct result, this noble people stands as a nation humiliated, bankrupt, powerless and disgraced. The other European nations who are largely or entirely dominated by the same priest power, are rapidly approaching the same fate. The horrible crime against Dreyfus, plainly revealed this hidden power in control of the French army through its General Staff; these officers, direct- ing the most powerful arm of the Government, false to every thing and condi- tion, utterly demoralized, unpatriotic and venal, and this in the face of the fact that the safety and very life of the nation were thereby placed in extremest jeopardy. What must be the character of the influence which could so change Frenchmen and cause them to forget their country and their honor? Note who are now making protest against officials of France, for looking 8 CLOSING AND COMING CENTURY. to Masonry for counsel and aid in their endeavor to remedy this lamenta,ble condition and safeguard the nation ! Why do experienced, honest, efficient men turn from one, and to the other when in dire trouble? Cuba rose in insurrection, preferring to destroy itself in manly battle, rather than longer submit to the slower but more certain process of material, mental and spiritual degradation, ruin and death, which she saw was inevitable under the priest rule from which she had suffered for centuries. Behind the Cubans' heaven-inspired effort stood Cuban Masons, holding to the common religion, but above it, planning, laboring and fighting for material and spiritual liberty, as did Masons in our own American Revolution. The Philippine insurrection was not against Spanish rule, as such, but against open, flagrant and corrupt priest rule. In their trouble, native Masons of the same religious belief, performed the same high service as did the Cubans. Until the Central and South American States threw off direct and domi- nating priest rule in secular and state affairs, the trend of their fate was the same as that of Cuba. Ireland, with its depleted, poverty-stricken and ignorant, though naturally intelligent, peasantry, is an example of the degrading effect of the same con- trolling influence. All these examples are self-evident illustrations of the universally fatal re- sults following Jesuitical rule. Holding these illuminated examples in mind, they may incite well-meaning, humane and patriotic humanity to search among northern nations for projec- tions and ramifications of the same general plan which has ensnared their south- ern neighbors. On the American Continents to-day, every large centre of population is wholly or in the main absolutely dominated by a political master, whose main- spring of action is largely regulated by direct or indirect Jesuitical manipula- tion, and the same is true of labor organizations, if the names of their officers are correctly given. This Master, especially in the United States, is already sufficiently aggressive and powerful to menacingly suggest, and frequently to dictate to States, and to strongly influence the National Government. What force is behind the persistent endeavor to destroy our public school system — the cradle and foundation of mental and spiritual intelligence and freedom? Is it the same force which, working to destroy our public schools, labors incessantly to establish parochial schools in their place, supported at pub- lic expense? The relationship is too close to admit of separate parentage and cradling. The same force is active in Germany, and is tentatively but secretly invad- ing Sweden. Old, tried and experienced generals in the regular service, — men in whom our army and the whole country have absolute confidence, — have either been held inactive, or recalled after short and successful command, while obscure corners have been explored in search of more obscure men to command our for- eign armies. Our army in the Philippines is under the command of such a FREE MASONRY AND JESUITRY. 9 discovery. He owes allegiance to, and has hamperingly surrounded himself with, priest-craft, against which the Filippinos originally rebelled. Reports of responsible soldiers, officers, business and professional men, and even trust- worthy government officials, furnish the perfectly reliable basis for this state- ment. We are now delegating a Bishop to assist our beleaguered General in un- raveling our tangled skein of Filippino yam. What influence is being exerted upon our Government? Is it blind, or is it looking ahead with self-interested vision? Are we as a j>eople blind, or only careless and criminally innocent and trusting ? But why question and seek proof when the object and purpose is openly avowed and enforced wherever and whenever possible, as the following ex- amples show ? ^ j/^ One of our eminent and able American bishops, in recent speeches delivered X (in Europe, plainly stated that "the day is not far distant when England djxd ) Vihe United States will be under Catholic control." During our Spanish and Philippine wars the same prelate, ably assisted by another, has been busily engaged at Washington. Spanish clerics recently petitioned the Queen for a restoration of the In- quisition. Another prelate is publicly emphasizing the patriotism of Catholic Ameri- cans displayed in our Revolutionary struggle, in the Secession war and in our present conflict. Why this emphasizing of Catholic over Protestant patriots, who at least fought and suffered equally? What is the underneath force which is already separating and classifying American citizenship through religious preferment? Have we as a people already been separated on this powerful and subtle line by those whose personal and church ambitions would be thus served? These are facts and presentations which deeply interest and involve every true American — in fact, every human being, whether Pro-test-ant, Catholic or non-Conformant to any creed, for "a house — or the temple of humanity — divided against itself cannot stand." Their common blood, gladly poured on our towering altar of Liberty, has sanctified our sacred common soil and country ; together they must protect and preserve it intact, against physical or religious dismemberment, to go down into the ages as the world's Refuge from tyranny and intolerance; as Human- ity's Beacon Light of Enlightenment, Tolerance and Mental and Spiritual Lib- erty, Freedom and Brotherhood. Thus it came to us from the Fathers, and so must and will our sacred heritage be passed on inviolate, so long as stern, true men tread American soil. The completed examples of priest rule, and its pregnant endeavors as cited, reveal a widespread plan and purpose to gain control in the Western Hemisphere, and merge Church and State under the dominion of this Jesuitical oligarchy. These are vital facts and presentations which cannot be set aside, nor ex- lo CLOSING AND COMING CENTURY. plained away. They in themselves constitute a Supreme Court of Divine Judgment. In view of what its past accomplishments have been, and its present her- culean preparatory efforts, these examples should serve as God's warning and command to all intelligent lovers of progress, liberty and humanity, regardless of differences in creeds or races, to rally in defense of the highest interests of our common humanity, against the insidious, hidden and open aggressions of this focalized force of evil in the Western World, now mustered on the vis- ible and invisible planes of action, to perpetuate and expand its mental and spir- itual thralldom of man. The Jesuit order is the wedge point of bigotry and intolerance, as main factors in gaining temporal and spiritual dominion, and as such it must be recognized, met and subdued, if humanity is to progress. With this Jesuitical force already arrayed and attacking Right, Justice and Progress along the whole front of human affairs, what is to oppose it? What universal, compact, organized force is to be found, based on the broad foundation of a Common Brotherhood, ruled by Love, Charity and Justice; its members sworn to propagate Right, Truth and Enlightenment ; a force which can stay this actively offensive power of evil, and ultimately defeat, lead and force its disintegrated component parts into lines of unselfish action ? To do this saving work for humanity requires earnest, substantial men and women, who have evolved from the separate, and therefore weak, secular and religious bodies sufficient intelligence, to draw them together on occasions, into one separate and more highly evolved body, to act for the common good and safety. Looking into the dim past, we find in ancient Egypt — the historic cradle of wisdom, the beneficent rule of "Divine Kings" — men inspired by unselfish love and guardianship for all that lived. Their "rule and guide" was the basic, fundamental and eternal law, embodied in their inherited "Wisdom-Religion," or Free Masonry. Carried from Egypt into India, it overran into Greece, and formed the basic pillars upon which the superb material and spiritual civilizations of these countries were reared ; forming the basis of the Old and New Testaments, its spiritual light became to the world obscured, and the material or operative side emphasized in sublime architecture, as the various religious orders claiming foundation on these "inspired books" lost sight of the spiritual, in their antag- onisms, persecutions and devastating contests for secular power. The "Dark Age" results of these fanatical wars had plunged the civilized world in nether darkness, where it would have sunk and disappeared, save for Masonry. Its pure light, kept burning in the hearts of the faithful through the dark- ening centuries, was flashed upon the night of Europe by Masonry's chivalric Knights, who saved the fanatical, murderous followers of their Christ from self-destruction, by uniting them in the Crusade "to rescue the Holy Sepulchre" from the Moslems. FREE MASONRY AND JESUITRY. it In doing this Master's work they consciously and intelligently utiHzed this destructive force, to serve the double purpose of saving Christian Europe from self-destruction, and from being overrun and destroyed by Moslem hordes. Thus Masonry saved the world from a fatal return plunge into barbarism in the Dark Material Ages, when the evil forces now focalized in Jesuitry dominated. The Crusades having demonstrated the controlling power of Masonry, the "holders of the key to Heaven" turned upon the Saviors of Humanity and by orders of the "Holy Church" persecuted, imprisoned, tortured and foully mur- dered thousands of these noble, chivalrous knights; confiscated their property, destroyed their strongholds and priceless libraries and scattered their follow- ers in a futile attempt to destroy the Order. The Jesuitical element, which incarnated in Masonry to control, after" failing to destroy it, did to an extent change the ritualism in 1707; but failing in its second purpose, it was forced out, and a remnant is now found in secret control of certain small and powerless occult (so-called) semi-masonic bodies, ^^which teach and practice the black arts in this nineteenth century. But for what purpose do a few sentinel-spies of this old enemy of Masonry conceal themselves in its inner body and heart to-day f Are Masons also blind and asleep f The vital light of Truth has always flamed too strongly in Masonry for adverse winds to extinguish; its own inherent purity and strength, when stirred into action, purges and throws off from the body the festering impuri- ties, which gather in separate dark pools of claimed Masonic origin, to be re- absorbed into the mass and disappear through nature's divine alchemic process of purification. Masons planned, precipitated and successfully prosecuted our American Revolution against tyranny and oppression; our beloved, God-inspiring, sym- bolic flag, and our publicity undeciphered seal are of Masonic origin, design and tracing. In the present century Masonry is again, unconsciously, at the front, as yet in disconnected detachments, defending humanity against tyranny, bigotry and intolerance. For years previous to the breaking out of war between Greece and Turkey, Greek Masonry had gradually aroused a strong and healthy feeling of Re- stored Nationality in the Greek people, after centuries of depression and hope- lessness under Turkish domination. In order to still further arouse and incite this growing feeling for a strong Greek national life, the Masons put arms in the hands of the people and precipitated the war, believing that even under defeat, their country would be benefited by sooner realizing her ambition to regain her ancient position as a power among the nations. Centuries of priest rule in Cuba had held that beautiful and fertile island practically undeveloped, and its naturally bright and intelligent population, ren- dered hopeless of material comfort and progress, was rapidly sinking into mental and spiritual apathy and death. 12 CLOSING AND COMING CENTURY. Under these formidable and almost hopeless conditions, working in secret under bane of the church — which ever seeks to destroy whatever fails to min- ister to its material advancement — were patriotic Masons, who, true to their Masonic heritage, held its dimmed light in this dark place, planning and arous- ing a hopeless people to battle for their spiritual liberty. To Cuban Masons Cuba owes her freedom. The inner history of the insurrection against priest rule in the Philippines is practically the same as that of Cuba. This statement may surprise many Masons, who do not know that the inner ruling factor among aH Nature-people has been Masonry during all the ages, and is to-day. If this suggests to the shallow mind the idea that Savagery is Masonry, deeper thinkers may quite pertinently ask, which in fact is savage and which civilized, the so-called savage fighting defensively to save his lands and very life, or his attacking ruthless, so-called civilized, murderous robber? The few white Masons who, as men and Masons, have proved themselves worthy of admission into the inner savage Masonic tribe governing-coMncils, have found ample reason for praying God to speedily inject the there discovered "rule and guide" of the savage governing class, into the private and public life of all civilized people and Masons. When white men prove themselves trustzuorthy, they will find a mine of mental and spiritual knowledge and wisdom preserved for them by their darker- skinned brothers, if they do not sooner succeed in utterly destroying these scattered remnants of the most ancient and once mighty civilized races, who have ever held the purest Masonry as their inner guiding light, even against the white man's polluting touch. As warriors, strategists and orators, they to-day instruct the white man, while they do sincere and intelligent reverence to the "Great Spirit," who, ever present, speaks to them in His and their common Nature language ; in the song of birds, the flowers and forest giant, the laughing brook, the sweeping river and mighty deep, the vitalizing breeze and raging tempest, the vibrant heaven- resounding thunder, the lightning flash of His quick glance, the heavenward pointing mountain peaks, the moon and sparkling jeweled dome, in the mighty, blazing, fructifying sun, as symbol of His all-observing, loving eye, and glow- ing heart. In presence of such a reality, and such a language, these wise and noble- minded, broadly spiritual brothers, hold themselves above the white man's belief in a personally owned, silent and remote God. French Masons, aroused by the Jesuitically incited crime against Dreyfus, are responding to the call, and are aiding France to safeguard herself, and right the fatal wrongs committed by her Jesuitical army staff. In Sweden, Masonry stands, and to an extent in Germany, as a block to Jesuit aggression. The same will prove true in England, if Masonry's Royal Grand Master there will arouse himself, and follow in the footsteps of Sweden's King, and Mexico's warrior-statesman President. FREE MASONRY AND JESUITRY. 13 Since the killing blow to Jesuit rule in Spain, her long-waiting, patient, but powerful Masons, are infusing a new life into her awaking northern prov- inces, in an effort to arouse and rescue the Spanish people. Many of the South American States have Masons at the helm, and they should have grown too wise from past experience, to ever again trust their old false pilots on the commander's bridge. In Canada, the apparent controlling force is on the side of retrogression, and her Masons should change the current in her naturally strong and liberal atmosphere. The United States is the "Arch Stone," the Coveted Prise, possession of which, at this time, largely decides the destiny of humanity for centuries. Proof of this is at hand on every side ; in the advanced leading and unique position we have taken among the nations within the past eighteen months in defense of "needy brothers;" in our evident destiny if we do right; hut stronger proof than any other one thing, is the thoroughly awake condition and extreme effort now being put forth to secure Catholic control. Under these vital conditions, how do we find American Masons, placed by the law of succession as joint heirs to Masonry's past noble deeds and glory in the service of humanity ? They should be and are, numerically and otherwise — if they will awake — the controlling factor in the executive and legislative de- partments of our government ; but, apparently unconscious of the mighty mean- ing of this time and its events ; unobservant of the advanced positions already taken and held against the Jesuits by detached and unsupported bodies of Masons, preparatory to the coming universal conflict ; unconscious of the vital position they themselves occupy in relation to the times, conditions and events ; ignorant, forgetful or careless of the divine mission of Masonry, the leading part it has well acted in the past spiritual-material history of the world ; of the commanding position it holds to-day along the whole front; the half-uncon- scious, impatient waiting of the better element in humanity for right and trusty leadership, that it may spring to the defense of Right and Truth; failing to recognize or even observe these plainly presented things, conditions, compelling opportunities and sacred duties, our official Masons act as ordinary men, with- out concentrated purpose, and even allow themselves to be influenced and guided by the Generals of Masonry's fully aroused, alert, concentrated and ready foe. The same is true of the Masonic order as a whole, notwithstanding the forceful thought-suggesting fact, that everywhere throughout the whole world, among all nations, races and people, civilized or so-called savage, formal Ma- sonry is active beyond precedent — even rampant — among the best and most intelligent classes. "O God, my God ! arousd the; Widow's Sons" to intelligent, concentrated action against the forces of evil now epitomized in Jesuitry, the ancient foe of Masonry, and the common enemy of the best in humanity. By such concentration of Masonic "Thought" constantly directed against ^'Jesuitry" expressed in private and public life a Bloodless Revolution of the 14 CLOSING AND COMING CENTURY. World will be accomplished, and Humanity, with a higher, grander conception of life, its possibilities and purposes, will be lifted onto the higher plane of conscious, self-responsible action, to move on to its higher evolution in peace, harmony and love, a true and Universal Masonic Brotherhood. Without such concentrated thought and action, the world — Masonry still dominating and responsible — must wade through a sea of blood, but to finally emerge depleted, exhausted, thrown far backward in its evolution, the remnant purified and made wiser, to again climb back over the long and more slippery, blood-washed slope. Such is Masonry's Inevitable Choice and Work, else its past record and present position are meaningless and absurd. Masons who fail to recognize our present position and consequent responsi- bilities, are not keen observers of the great law of Cause and Effect which governs even their individual lives, and has brought Masonry into controlling position at this vital epoch. The cyclic operation of this great Universal Law has again brought the cumulative results and forces of Fifty Centuries — good and evil — face to fa.ce for final combat under the white Hag of Masonry and the black Hag of Jesuitry. The lost and tangled threads of past individual, national and race life and epochs are bound up in the present, presenting themselves to be untangled and staged for the final drama of the world's evolution. This gigantic nature-combination of time, humanity, conditions and events, is by no possibility simply a senseless happening or accident. Even vast, man-directed combinations are forerunners of vast and far-reaching re- sults; but when nature combines or focalizes the active visible and invisible forces of the centuries and their pregnant results, the physical, mental and spir- itual map of the world will be changed, either for the weal or woe of humanity. It is these stupendous facts which constitute this a vital epoch. As the moving panorama of events shows, the old Director of the dark forces is already alert and consciously on the field, directing the strategy, and placing the forces as they consciously or unconsciously, in evil thought or action, report for assignment. At this vital moment, opposed to its old enemy, Masonry stands inertly in place, all unconscious of the Impending Crisis, and the commanding and victorious part it must assume in this final conflict, else the "Light of the World," which has ever been its sacred charge, will be quenched in the dark- ness of returned barbarism and spiritual death. Do Masons doubt these presentations and deductions ? Do they doubt the divine origin, mission and past accomplishments of Masonry? If so, they are making a fatal error. Let them follow and analyze the statements and claims herein made, and they will surely bring themselves face to face with their duty as the present Saviors of Humanity; then they can perform or shirk it intelli- gently and with the full sense of their responsibility. Is Masonry sufficiently homogeneous, powerful, divinely human and cour- ageous, to manfully assume the high duty to which it is now called by the voice FREE MASONRY AND JESUITRY. 15 of Humanity and of God, speaking through His law-conditioned events ; upon what foundation does it rest ; what are its origin and antecedents ; what does it teach and hold as right practice ? This thoroughly organized, univer'sal, homogeneous body is composed, as it has ever been, of the most enlightened, broad-minded, progressive, tolerant, broadly patriotic, brotherly men of all nations, races and creeds, who, rising above these minor geographical, climatic and selfish differences, meet each other on the "level" of a common origin, life and destiny, and the "square" of right action as embodied in the "Golden Rule ;" meeting, living and parting as broth- ers, holding the common purpose to Uplift Humanity; a body inherently gov- erned by Charity, Equity and Love, held as ever conscious, active principles in the daily life of man; reverence for the great "Universal Architect" expressed through constant, glad and intelligent conformity to His law, the key to which is concealed in their divine Symbology, to be found and used for the common good by those who prove themselves "Worthy and Well Qualified." From the earliest history of pre-historic man, Masons have stood bound to practice, teach and disseminate knowledge of universal law, enlightenment and truth among all that live; to carry humanity's path-illuminating light; to work for man's liberation from his own lower nature or devil, from ignorance, bigotry and mental and spiritual thralldom;'to work as conscious, eternally liv- ing divine souls, from time to time occupying and using physical bodies as instruments, through which to effect their divine purpose of mutual evolution and final redemption from selfishness, through conscious unity in a common evolving brotherhood of all that lives and is. Upon its broad, basic and eternally enduring foundation principles, all re- ligions and philosophies which have ever engaged the thought of man, have walled in a portion, and reared thereon their isolated creed and thought-limit- ing structures, forgetting that truth is limitless and universal. While to an extent the members of this all-compassing body, like the com- paratively weak, because creed-separated and antagonistic religious organiza- tions, have lost sight of their great mission, its broad and all-embracing funda- mental principles remain as a living spiritual force, which consciously elevates and ennobles the thought and action of every member. In peculiar and significant relationship to the evident developing plan, is observed the fact that at this crucial time men of all creeds, peoples, nations and races, civilized and uncivilized, imbued with the divine principles of Brotherhood or Masonry, stand at the helm of the world's affairs, sustained and reinforced in right action by the honest intelligence and substantial worth resident in all nations. With such a divinely reared and all-embracing organization, success is assured, if the members but awake and perform their sacred duty in combat- ing, while holding themselves free from the subtle influences of the old Enemy of Masonry, an enemy which has made the selfish thralldom of men's minds its main object, and the control or destruction of Freemasonry (its principal op- ponent) the main, secret, and at times open, purpose of its effort for centuries. i6 CLOSING AND COMING CENTURY. /^ Thousands of Freemasonr}j's stanchest advocates, men whose voices were I ever heard promulgating its all-embracing, divine principles, who could not be I silenced by fear, calumny, persecution or imprisonment, have found silence and \ death at the hands of its relentless foe, in hideous tortures, secret graves and \horrible dungeons. \ Summing up the situation, we find as a result of the general unrest and disturbance, that the world has been sufficiently aroused by emphasized wrong and injustice, to cause humanity to array itself for or against Principle ; that right and justice have prevailed in the preliminary skirmishes and tentative battles; that the results have been to uncover hypocrisy and deception, and force into the open the now concentrated evil forces which have heretofore worked in the shadows, through sophistry, intrigue, calumny, persecution, insti- gated devastation and death. It is evident that Jesuitr}' and Masonry, leading the opposing forces of evil and good, are again in battle array; that the Irrepressible Conflict is on, and that all these things and conditions exist and must be met. How can this be done in a way, not only to prevent disaster, but to bring about harmony, true success for all, and utilize the measureless forces now in evidence, for the general progress and a mighty universal uplifting of humanity, such as the centuries have not witnessed? With strong, alert minds, and unselfish, wise and broadly courageous concerted action for the common good, on the part of Masons, and the few conscientious leaders of men and nations, this now focalized Endeavor and Purpose of the Ages can easily become a fact, and the reign of selfishness and error be swallowed up in the rule of Equity, Brotherliness and Peace. Intelligent consideration of developing conditions and events reveal them as advanced manoeuvers in a gigantic contest now on between these universal forces of Good and Evil, the former unwittingly holding many, and dangerous- ly threatening the disputed strategic points. Faith in the already apparent Divine Guidance and results evolves into conviction, on discovering that thus far. Right and Justice have prevailed over Inhumanity, Tyranny, Craft and Injustice. The Signs of the Times clearly indicate the dominant control of a high- purposed intelligence, force or law, which in recent turnings of the serpent's sting upon itself, has demonstrated its intent and ability to control and turn to good every situation, condition and thing having its basis in selfishness, ignorance and intolerance. To enable this spiritual force to become fully operative requires only that true-hearted men and women everywhere stand alert and at their posts, ready for the impelling of the higher law. The individual and collective duty and opportunity of Masons, and all right-minded men and women, is clear and unmistakable. At all previous, and by comparison, minor epochs in the world's history. Masonry has sprung to the succor of jeopardized humanity and become its savior. FREE MASONRY AND JESUITRY. 17 Now, at this Supreme Crisis in the world's history — unless the general disturbance and conflict are meaningless — the universal, all-embracing forces of Good and Evil are aroused, and have already locked horns in the final gigantic life and death struggle; the evolution of the entire human race is at stake, either upward into a higher, truer, nobler condition of an unselfish common brotherhood, governed by equity and love, or its present barbarously civilized, degrading selfishness and lust, bearing their legitimate fruit of speedy de- generacy, and humanity lapsing into the second stage of a universal uncivilized barbarism; at this momentous crisis, Masonry must and will arouse its hoary slumbering spiritual giant strength, and go forth as the Great Master's chosen primeval agent, to do victorious battle against embodied evil, now focalized in its old, persistent and relentless Jesuitical enemy. Then will our Divinely Instituted Primeval Order regain its forgotten glory of the "Golden Age," and under restored Masonry's benign rule, the efl^ulgence of that dimly remembered Age will again warm the heart, and illuminate the mind of humanity, to bring in the reign of "Peace and Good Will among Men." My Brothers, this is not a Utopian dream, but a Living Fact, the mate- rialization of which is easily within our power, if we arouse ourselves and act as true men and Masons. I appeal, not to the Unintelligently Educated and the Ignorant — the unsafe extremities of humanity — but to the Great Common People of all nations and races, with whom intelligence, tolerance, discernment, stern kindness, robust energy, mutual helpfulness and common sense find welcome and congenial bivouac, and through whom these manly, God-like attributes find freest and most helpful expression. I beg of you ! I plead with you ! Brothers of the great Universal "Masonic" Brotherhood, awake, examine and analyze our vitalized God-given symbology ; the present pregnant conditions and events, and you will become convinced, and be moved to act for the sake of the Humanity which our negligence of Masonic Duty has orphanized. Find God in Duty, and Heaven in its faithful, fearless performance. Rameses. NoTie This. The Vatican organ, Osservatore Romano, recently pub- lished this editorial note: "Patience and clemency have been carried too far. Catholics must now trust in the God of Armies. The Free Masons are terrified at the possibility of war between England and the Transvaal. But England cannot give way without covering herself with ridicule. Can it be that this war is providen- tial? Will Protestantism be exhausted by it? Has the great transformation of the world begun when the Church will accomplish a new conversion of the Gentiles? Let us have courage, determination and faith in God, who is now and ever the God of Armies." SECOND EDITION. TH Fr UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. APR 30 1823 4Aug52FA MAY j7 1 ,RROW REC'D LD APR24B5-1PM AUGl 1952L80V 2 1196584 mtary yo^^^^ .t>^^ JW^ x-^ ^/ceti // REC'D j JEC15'65-KM SUITRY. UOAN DEPT. 20?rt-l,'22 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 1111792 RECEiveo FED 2 1082 Rfct'D JAN a mi vmM.^^ -lEmrTi§9fr ^ ^' uEtr^^ LD 2]A-60ot-2,'67 nia4isio)476r. General Library University of California Berkeley