IsMied March 12, 1907. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. BULLETIN No. 95. A. D. MELVIN, CHIEF OF BUKBAU. . THE BACTERIOLYTIC POWER OF THE BLOOD SERUM OF HOGS. BY B. M. BOLTON, M. D., Bacteriologist, Biochemic Division, Bureau of Animal Industry. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1907. Issued March 12, 1907. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. BULLETIN No. 95. A. D. MELVIN, CHIEF OF BUREAU. THE BACTERIOLYTIC POWER OF THE BLOOD SERUM OF HOGS. BY B. M. BOLTON. M. D., Bacteriologist, Biochemic Division, Bureau of Animal Industry. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1907. BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. \ I' MIIVIV A**i*lnnt 1'liiff: \. M. I- \aiti s. TON. Chief Cl.rL I- 1 .. B. Joi M. KOK.XKT. chief; .1 VMK* A. KMKHV, a istant chief. /Ann/ I hn.t i,,n: Ki>. 11. WKK-TKI:, chief ; (' I'.. I. A SB, assistant chief. Iit*lcti'i Itirisinn: KICK I'. Si KIM* >M. chief . I". .. HOICK, as-ociati- .-Im-i; M..i!i!i- rnthul,H/icnl I)iri*',n,t: .!\V. II !< K MAN, chief. i <>f '/.>K>IIJ>I: I>. II. ll \s-4iM. chief. HiiiitSliitiiin: I-!. ('. S< IIHOKDKH. Hi]M-rmtcnf. .1 \MK> A. K.MKHY. . Mint-in."/-, liinn Isihnrnlnr'ii.*: T. M. I'HK K. chcini>t in chariM-of central laUmitor\ : A. K. (iltMIAM. K MTII Ho \i.l.A\Ii. ( '. II. SWAM.KH. WlI.I.IA.M I'.. SMITH. 1 \ IH^KK. CI.AKENJ-K T. N. MAIOII. I'IIILII- C\>IIKMAN. I'.. II. IM.KK.-OI.I , I'KTKK VAI.AKK, itssitiUiiit clu-mi-ts in Iminch laboratories. IliMj-rlinli rn Iit>f#ti,/,iti<>u.<<: Cliief of Division in charge: 1'.. M. I'>OI.TO\ ami ('. N. Mi HRYDE, Iwcterioloiri.^ts; \V. 15. NII.K-. in>|H-ctor in charp- of t'n-l I,, rimmt.*: K. \V. HIMWX, a^intant rhiMiiir-t in charge. ' l>i/,* A. MMKHY. chiMni>t; ( '. N M I'.i r<--lirnln.n of Tiih,r<;ilin >n,>l Mntl,-in: Chief of IMvision in charge: A. M. Wf>T ami II. .1. SIIOKK, ansistant ItacteriologiHts : \V. S. STAMTKH anl II. S. M- AIIKS. arista nt.-. 2 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY, Washington, D. C., December 27, 1906. SIR: I have the honor to transmit for publication the accompanj'ing paper entitled "The Bacteriolytic Power of the Blood Serum of Hogs," by B. M. Bolton, M. D., of the Biochemic Division of this Bureau. The experiments herein described were carried out with certain strains of the hog-cholera bacillus, and are a part of the general investigations concerning hog cholera which have been conducted for some years by the Biochemic Division. The subject of bacteriolysis has claimed much attention from bacteriologists in recent years, and Doctor Bolton's work is believed to be of interest on account of the light it throws upon the defensive mechanism of the animal bod} 7 in its fight against infectious diseases. I recommend that the paper be published in the bulletin series of this Bureau. Respectfully, A. D. MELVIN. Chief of Bureau. Hon. JAMES WILSON, Secretary of Agriculture. 3 CONTENTS. Introduction 7 Definition of sera used in experiments 8 Nature of the substance causing destruction of bacteria 9 Methods used in drawing blood, and description of cultures employed 14 The bactericidal potency of serum from the same hog at different times . . 15 Modifications which occur in the bactericidal power of serum upon standing . 19 Comparison of the bactericidal potency of the same serum for different strains of bacteria 21 The potency of serum from arterial blood compared with that from venous blood 22 Effects of heat upon the bactericidal power of hog serum 24 Effects of injecting cultures of B. cholerx suis upon the bacteriolytic power of hog serum for this organism Effects of dilution upon the bacteriolytic power of normal and immune serum. Dilution of normal serum Dilution of immune serum Summary of the dilution experiments General discussion Summary of the conditions affecting bacteriolysis The theory of complement diversion Conclusions Bibliography 5 ILLUSTRATIONS. Ki<;. 1. Illustration of tin- incrliunism uf hai-ti-rinly-i- aiversin of complement in niiililiit-.l immune serum 13 .".. Partial bacteriolysis arnl partial diversion of i-iiiii|>li-iiicnt in ililuifd iiiiiniiiic H-runi 13 4. DivenkMl Of Complement in ininnun' serum, not licatcl. ami without tin- ail- lit ion of foreign -otclicy of tile scrum. At other times it sccin- t' increase the potent \. but frequently it has :i very peculiar .lint, for in some cases tin- scrum after the injection (if tin- J'liilual will no lei kill any of tin- bacteria of tin- kind used to inject tin- :iniiii:il. l)iit on the dilutioiiof the serum \\ ith an inditierent fluid, -m-h a- -alt Dilution. it becomes strongly bactericidal for tin- bacteria of this kind. I'.ut this serum beha\cs like the serum from an uninociilated animal with other Imctrria than tho-r with which the animal is inoculated. Thus the M-riini from the blood of a rallit injected with typhoid l>acilli will often fail to kill the typhoid bacilli unless the serum i- givath diluted. but it will kill ju.-t a- many Asiatic-cholera spirilla tin it did before the animal was injected with the typhoid bacilli. 4 The peculiar behavior of the serum from an animal injected with a culture of bacteria, in it- failure to kill the species of bacteria with which the animal is inject, d unless it is diluted, is called the Ncisser- WechslxTg '* phenomenon, after the two investigators who first observed the reaction. DKKIXITION OF SERA ISKD IN KXI'KKI M KM -. The serum obtained from an animal which has been injected with bacteria is spoken of as immune serum in contradistinction to the serum from an uninociilated animal, which is called normal or fresh serum. Thus si-rum obtained from a hog injected with //. <-Iioh r;e, suls would be known as //. ,-//,,/, /, A-///.S- immune ho^ serum. So wherever immune serum is mentioned in the present paper it is to be understood that it refers to the serum obtained from an animal which has received at last one injection of bacteria, but not necessarily that the serum has either immunizing or germicidal pro|>ert ies. On the other hand, where normal or fresh serum is mentioned, it is to be understood to refer to serum obtained from an uninociilated animal. ^-ruiii loses in bactericidal potency on standing after being drawn from the animal: and the higher the temperature to which the serum i- e\j)osed the more rapid the loss of potency. It may remain jx>tent for several days or for even a week or more in the refrigerator. Imt if kept at body temperature it generally lo.-es all bactericidal properties in three or four hours. Heating at .".: or f)'> ('. for ten or tifteen minutes uUo robs the so nun of its bactericidal power, or rather this treatment of immune scrum suspends its bactericidal power, which is restored by the addition of a -mall amount of fresh scrum. This sus- pension of Iwctericidal power by heating at 55 or 56 C. u called inactivating the serum, and wherever inactivated serum is mentioned it is to IM- understood to refer to serum which has Ix-en treated in this \\ay. Inactivated serum to which fresh serum is added, and which has hail its bacteriolytic properties restored in this way, \a termed \ated scrum. HOW BACTERIA ARE DESTROYED. NATURE OF THE SUBSTANCE CAUSING DESTRUCTION OF BACTERIA. In regard to the nature of the substance or substances in the serum which cause the destruction of the bacteria which are introduced, there is some difference of opinion. Some authorities maintain with Buch- ner that there is only one substance, called by him " alexin," which causes bacteriolysis, while others and these appear to be in the major- ity maintain that there are two substances concerned. Those who hold to the former view regard the effect produced by standing or by heating as due to the weakening of the alexin, while those holding the latter view explain this effect by a modification of one of the two substances which they regard as necessary for bacteriolysis. All are not agreed, however, as to the nature of these two substances. Bordet 1>2>3 and the French school generally look upon the substance which is not modified by heat as a sensitizing agent merely, which acts upon the bacteria in such a manner as to make them susceptible to the destructive action of the other body to which the bacteriotytic prop- erties of the serum are directly due. Bordet borrows Buchner's term "alexin " for this active agent, and he gives to the other body the name "substance sensibilisatrice." According to the French school, then, bactericidal serum owes its power to two substances, called, respec- tively, substance sensibilisatrice and alexin. The former resists heating up to 75 C. or even somewhat higher temperatures for an hour or more, while the latter is destroyed by heating at 55 C. or higher in ten or fifteen minutes. Moreover, the substance sensibilisatrice accord- ing to this view is a specific substance in each case. The substance sensibilisatrice for one kind of bacterium sensitizes this one kind only, and while it can not of itself cause bacteriolysis, it nevertheless pro- duces certain changes in the bacteria. On the other hand, according to the view of Ehrlich and his school, this body, the thermostabile body, causes no change in the bacteria themselves, but serves merely as an intermediary, a binding link, serving to connect the bacteria to the active body the alexin of Bordet which according to this view is the active agent in bacteriolysis. To the two hypothetical bodies concerned in the process Ehrlich has given, at different times, differ- ent names. At first he called the thermostabile body "intermediary body," afterwards "immune bod\ r ," and finally "amboceptor." The last two designations are those now generally employed by the Ehrlich school for the body which corresponds, as is evident, to the substance sensibilisatrice of Bordet. To the other body, the alexin of the French school, Ehrlich has given variously the names "addiment" and "com- plement," the last being that now exclusivel}' employed. The torm intermediary body has been employed in a recent publication for the arnboceptors present in the normal serum in order to distinguish these 19500 No. 9507 2 10 HA. I 1KI..I.VTI. iMiWKK <>| i:|. ...... sKKl'M "I l!<" from iiiiiiiunc amboceptor-. or ambo. -, pi,.! > produced l\ injecting animal- with bacteria or their But among those who have accept.-. I mirror less completely the Khrlieh conception of the nature of the Inxlir-. . <>IK . i n.-d in )>: -i, ! -i olysts there is difference of opinion a- t tin- mode of a the addiment (complement) the character of ad i^e-iive ferment." (Jruhcr/ on the contrary, contends that the complement do.-> not art lik< :( ferment, and that it is erroneous to draw any analogy l-t \\een t Ill- complement and an enzym, since the complement is entirely u-ed up in bacteriolysis, whereas in the process of fermentation, as is well known, the ferment is not used up, hut may In- recovered after tin- action is ended, and used for the fermentation of other material. But whatever the exact mode of action may IM>, it is evident from what has just been said that both the Khrlieh and the IJordet -ehooU attribute Imcteriolytic action proper in normal serum to a >ultam-e easily changed by comparatively low temperatures, and called, respec- tively, complement and alexin by the two schools. To the other body concerned in bacteriolysis the amboceptor of Ehrlich and the substance sensibilisatrice of Bordet is assigned by the former the role of a binding link between the complement and the bacterium. while by the latter is assigned to it the property of a sensitizer, or of a mordant as in dyeing. In the one case the bacterial cell i> regarded as not at all injured or otherwise changed by the union with the arnbo- ceptor; in the other case it is the opinion of those holding thi> view that the cell is acted upon and changed by the sensihili.sttrice in such a way that the alexin can penetrate it. Bordet* summarizes the difference l>etween his theory and that of Ehrlich as follows: According to Khrlieh and Morgenroth the sjHvilic antibody (aensihilisatric.- > ]>la\> tin- !,!. of an actual intermediary (7.wiachenkor|H>r, amlxiceptor), a link of union attaching itaelf on the one haud to the cell, on the other to the alexin. In other words, the aheorption which tin- alexin undergoe** in the presence of the *-n-iti/i-<| cell i.- not due to an affinity nianifcfted hy the cell it-.-li to thix tuilistance. The absorption of the alexin is only indirect; the cell jin- itself to the intermediary gulwtance, which i- itself united chemically by its other |tole to the alexin. ( >ur idea of the phenomenon, which we feel we are justified in holding, i.- alto- p-ther different from thin. To us it seems that the Hengibilteatrice which uniu-.- with the cell modifies this in a way which permits it to abxorb the alexin apply in all details the phenomena of dyeinx to the matter at present under rn- ; \\.- nu-rely mean to draw a comparison which will serve to make our HOW BACTERIA ARE DESTROYED. 11 idea clearer. The hypothesis which we wish to bring out in relief is that in the presence of hemolytic serum, the cell becomes capable of absorbing directly the alexin by means of its own proper elective affinity, and that this power is due to a change caused by the sensibilisatrice. In other words, we do not believe that one is forced to admit, with Ehrlich and Morgenroth, that the sensibilisatrice itself com- bines with the alexin, and that this union is indispensable for the latter substance to attack the cell. Bordet furthermore states in the same connection that he agrees with Buchner in regarding the alexin for blood cells and for bacteria as identical that one and the same alexin may attack the most diverse cells; whereas Neisser and others of the Ehrlich school believe that alexins or complements are different in one and the same serum. While it is evident from the above that the terms amboceptor and sensibilisatrice are used to designate the same substance, it is scarcely correct to use them interchangeably, since they connote somewhat dif- ferent attributes in the body to which they refer. The same is true of the terms complement and alexin, though to a less degree. The following diagrams, obtained from various sources and modified to suit the purpose, will serve to illustrate the process of bacteriolysis according to the views of the Ehrlich school. Figure 1 represents in its simplest form the mechanism of bacteriolysis according to the Ehrlich hypothesis, and serves to illustrate the process suffi- ciently for the purposes of the present paper. In the diagram the bacteria are rep- resented b}- the parts marked 5, the am- boceptors by those marked , and the complements by those marked k. In No. 1 the bacterium, amboceptor, and complement are represented as just on the point of uniting. No. 2 represents the bacterium and the amboceptor united and the complement on the point of uniting with the unoccupied end of the amboceptor. No. 3 represents the process of uniting of bacterium, amboceptor, and complement completed; the bacterium in this case would undergo bacteriolysis. It should be borne in mind that according to this theory bacterioly- sis can take place only where the bacterium becomes united to an amboceptor which is itself united with a complement. A bacterium may become united with a free amboceptor i. e., an amboceptor which is not united with a complement but the bacterium in such a case does not undergo bacteriolysis unless a complement subsequently becomes attached to the amboceptor. The complement is incapable of uniting directly with a bacterium; it can do this only through the FIG. l. Illustration of the mechanism of bacteriolysis according to the Ehrlich hypothesis. 12 BACTKIUnl.VIlC I'nWKK <>K MU't-H -Mil M "I BOfl intervention >f tin- amboceptor. Hut when the complement linked t> tin- bacterium by mean- of tin- amhoceptor tin- l>a> i,-rjum become- broken ti|) into minute granule- and nit imately di-appear-. The twiiid- liy which t lu> ambocept< >r at tache- it-elf to the bacterium on ili'- one hand, and I the complement on the other, an- called hapto phor groups or haptophors (/<). and similarly thi- name i- given to the bond* of union of the bacteria and of the complement. The ambo eeptor thus has two haptophor-. one by mean-, of which it attache- it-elf to the bacterium, the cytophylie ha|)tophor, anhors capable of uniting with anil .ceptor in such a case, it can no longer cause bacteriolysis. This loss of the toxophor group is caused by heating, and it also occurs spontaneously in the -erum on standing. Bacteria subjected to the action of heated serum do not undergo bacteriolysis, but become fixed to the aml>oceptor8, and the amboceptors become united to the haptophor group of the complement which are left unaffected by the heating. It will thus be readily understood why bacteria treated with heated immune serum are subsequently protected from bacterioly-is even when indicated immune -erum or when indicated complement is added to them. The comple- mentophylic haptophor of the amboceptor is in such a ca-e already occupied by the haptophor- of the heated complement, which has in thi- way become deprived of its toxophor group. The amboceptors found in ordinary normal -erum are either all alike and in this case they u\\\-\ po---- atlinity for a great many dif- ferent kinds of bacteria or they must differ from one another; and in this case there inu.-t evidently be a great many specific aotbooepton, -ome titled for the hade-Holy .-is of one -pecie- of bacterium, -ome for otheis. This matter -eeni- not yet to have been settled. Hut it is certain that the injection of an animal with certain bacteria or their products causes the formation of a large number of specific amlio- ceptor-: that i- to -ay. of ainlxx'cptor- having affinity only for tin- kind of bacteria with which the animal is injected. Such injection- -eem not to increase the amount of complement. Complement is found normally in the serum, that of some animals |x>--e ing more than that of others. The horse- appear- to have a Ia:-L r e amount of complement in the serum. It is not yd -dtled whether the complement i- -peci tic that is, whether the complement for one kind of immune serum can unite with the aml>oceptor- of thi- HOW BACTERIA ARE DESTROYED. 13 FK;. 2. Diversion of complement in undiluted immune serum. serum only and not with the immune serum of a different sort or whether complements are general; though they seem for the most part not to be specific. The complement in the serum of horse's blood seems capable of reactivat- ing heated immune serum of various kinds. Still in some cases it would appear as if they were specific. With the explanation given above of the nature of amboceptors and com- plements, the phenomena which take place in im- mune serum become more or less satisfactorily ex- plicable. By means of the characteristics ascribed to these bodies it is possible to account for the peculiar behavior of immune serum stated above, consisting in the fact that such serum is frequently more potent when diluted than when it is undiluted. Neisser and Wechsberg were the first to observe" this phenomenon, and the theory which they advance to explain it the}* very appropri- ately call the theory of the diversion of complement. As the name implies, they attribute the lack of bacteriotysis in the undiluted immune serum to the turning aside of the complement from the bacteria, or rather from the amboceptors which are attached to the bacteria. They hold that this diversion is brought about by the free amboceptors themselves. In other words, where there are more amboceptors than there are complements present in a serum, a part of these attach themselves to the bacteria and a part to the complements. The accompanying diagram (fig. 2), taken from Neisser and Wechsberg, and modified to suit the present descrip- tion, shows two amboceptors a, at- tached to bacteria >, and four ambo- ceptors attached to complements k. Bacteriolysis is not possible in such a condition, because the complements have been diverted from the ambo- ceptors which are attached to the bac- teria. Bacteriolysis can take place only when the complement becomes attached to the bacterium through the medium of the amboceptor. Figure 3 is meant to show the same serum diluted with an equal amount of salt solution. In this case, with the same number of bacteria added, it is evident that one-half of them would be killed, as FIG. 3. Partial bacteriolysis and partial diversion of complement in diluted im- mune serum 14 HAITI Kh'I.VIH ToUlK <>K HI IMM >F U<(18. i- indicated ly tin- combination lietwecii Iwteria. amboceptdr. :m.l ^implement in No. I. Tin- other half ol tin- bacteria \\<.nl.| e\ i dently escape. the complement being dixcrted by tin 1 free ambo,-epi.r. us shoxxn I iy Nds. _' and H. Although these statement- iii regard id Uactei iolx -i- and I In- niechan- i-m probably involved are by no mean- e\haii-iix e. they \\ ill. perhap-. serve tin- purpd-e- df tin- present invcstigatidii and td explain the results hero obtained. It will !> noticed that r\pn -iiiirnt- lia\- i< .-n made with a view t> throuin^ additional li^ht npdii \\\n*.t> pha-< - .f Imctrriolysis already nicnlidiifd. a- they weiv di^rrved in hoo-\ l>lod -ennn, and it Wdidd appear that the re-id t". although diJferin^ in -dine in-tance- frolll those of dtlier dh>er\ er-. are neverthele -U-- i-eptiMe of interpretation in hannony with more or less linnl\ e-tal- lished hypothec -. METHODS USED IN DRAWING BLOOD, AND DESCRIPTION OF CULTURES EMPLOYED. The blood wa> drawn from healthy hojjs, or from liojrs injected with cultures of li. cholerw Unix, siibeiitaneously or intravenously. a> stated in each case, at various lengths of time before the drawing. It wa- obtained (1) by cutting off a piece of the tail and allowing the blood to tlow into sterili/ed tubes or tla>k>. (L'| by blei-ding from an artery in the ear, or (tt) by in-erting a canula into the carotid ai'terx <>] jugular vein. In some cases the blood wa- drawn from the carotid and from the jugular at the same operation. After drawing, the blood un- usually placed in the refrigerator to allow the serum to -eparate. but in a few ca-es it wa- u.-ed immediately after drawing. All the hogs used in the experiment- were in a perfectly healthy condition to start with. and. as far a- could le a-certained. had ne\ i been -ick. They weighed from S<> to 4<> pounds each. The cultures employed were obtained during the course of former exjM'riments. One of them, G. 1'. 4' ( ( ,^. had been repeatedly pa ed through guinea pigs; another, Crawford, had been carried along fora number of years on artificial media without passage through animals; the third, F. '20, had also been carried along for -everal years on arti- ficial media without animal passage. The-e culture- piv.-ented minor point- of difference from one another, but they were all quite typical for II. linl,r tint*. All of them give characteristic growths upon artiticial culture media with the usual fermentation reaction- <>f the u-. and the other features of H. cliolt-rtf #//*, both macroscopic and microscopic, though it is true that the Crawford strain grew more vigorously and gave larger and denser colonies than the other two, ind that the (. 1*. }>'.fJ .-train gave the least vigorous growth on arti- ticial media. Al-o. in the test* whi< h were made to determine the point, the (i. 1*. Jt.:-j -train was much more stronjrly pathogenic foi BACTERICIDAL POTENCY OF SERUM. 15 guinea pigs, rabbits, and hogs than the other two strains. The Craw- ford strain was the least virulent of the three. So the virulence of the three organisms was in inverse ratio to the vigor of growth upon artificial culture media. The culture of B. coli oommwtu was obtained in the course of former experiments from the feces of a normal hog. It showed no pathogenic properties. THE BACTERICIDAL POTENCY OF SEBUM FROM THE SAME HOG AT DIFFERENT TIMES. The bactericidal potency of the serum from the same hog on differ- ent days was tested by bleeding a hog at intervals of a few days, drawing off the serum after the blood had stood in the refrigerator for twenty-four hours or less, and distributing it into test tubes 1 c. c. into each tube then adding a definite, measured amount of a suspen- sion in salt solution of the bacteria to be tested. At the same time a tube of 1 c. c. of salt solution was inoculated with the same measured amount of bacterial suspension and plates made immediately to deter- mine the number of bacteria added. Plates were made from the serum tubes on the following day. The serum from 4 hogs was used in this experiment, the blood in all four experiments being drawn from the tail. The results will be found in the following tables: TABLE I. Bacteriolytic action of normal hog serum from the same animal at different drawings. Blood drawn from the tail. Hog No. 1783. Date. Time after drawing. No. of drawing of blood." Culture used to test bacteriolysis. Number of bacteria introduced per 1 c. c. Number of bacteria per 1 c. c. after 1 day. 1905. April 7 3 hours I G. P. 4692 4,620 79,800 7 do I B coli 5 880 30 800 9 do II G. P. 4692 30,800 48,300 9 .do II B. coli 7,000 11 1 day III G P 4692 4 160 9 800 11 do III B. coli 225 53 14 . . .do IV G. P. 4692 9,800 4,690 14 do IV B. coli 9,520 9,800 19 do v G. P. 4692 8,655 142,900 19 do ... . y B. coli 2,600 22 2 days VI G. P. 4692. 4,968 43,200 22 do VI B. coli 1,940 240 26 1 day VII G. P. 4692 1,800 1,220 26 do VII B. coli 2,800 16, 870 May 3 3 hours . . VIII G P. 4692 22,628 17, 510 3 do VIII B. coli 23,380 84 6 do IX G. P. 4692 B 1,004 5 do IX B. coli 869 2,594 u Roman numerals denote the serial numbers of the drawings of blood. As will be seen from Table I, the blood was drawn from hog 1733 on nine different days and tested simultaneously upon cultures of G. P. 4692 and on the culture of B. coli communis. In four of the draw- ings the serum apparently had no bacteriolytic power for the strain of B. choleras suis employed, while in four of them, although there was also no marked bacteriolysis, there was nevertheless no evidence of L6 BACTKKIOLYTK' I'oWKK "I I|.M,| S1-KTM EIOO8. in\ irivat iiHTi-a-e <>f tin- bacteria introduced. In tin- serum from one of the drawings tin- bacteria were reduced to one-half of the number introduced; this was the greate>t amount of potencx >hox\n iii :HI\ of the drawings. With the colon bacillus there \\a^ marked liacteriolysis in one draw- in jf, loss marked in four other drawing. und neither i IK nor decrease in one of the drawing, while in the other three draxx in;:- there was an increase of the Itacteria introduced. It is evident that the serum from this hog Allowed different degrees of potency or alienee of potency upon the different cca-ion- when the bld was drawn. T \III.K II. />'n, from tin- tail. liny .V". 1740. Date. Tlnif after drawing. No. of IrauiiiK ..n.i.Nni. Culture lined to tot Uu-tcrlolyria. Number of ImrU-ria Introdurcd per 1 <. c. Number of tmcteri* per 1 after 1 day. 190T>. H ln>iir> . . . I O. P. 4692. . . 4 1.750 do ... I H. n>li 975 8 g ii '. (' 4G9J. l .' . 1 276 8 ii //. ntti .. 771 70 9 ...fin... in , IV .< 102 1,296 10 IV li and on (i. P. 4>>t'J. It showed marked Imctericidal power for the B. cot! culture in three of the four drawings tested with this organism, but in one there was no decrease in the number of bacteria introduced. With the B. <-/,,>/ f -/';r Kin* culture it will be noticed from the table that the effect varied greatly with the different drawings. While there was no very marked decrease in any case, it is evident in general that the bacteria did not multiply abundantly in the serum in any case. It would seem as if growth had l>een inhibited by the serum, although active lacterioly-i> was lacking except in the serum from one drawing. TABLE III. Ikttirrioliitir miion of nttrinnl hoy emm from the mme animal i;r I ; 4 926 82 8 I H. mii . 1.778 14 9 II Q i 1 4692 102 166 .!,, II | R nil .... 1 970 390 10 III ,, |- |, , 1 010 1 9S2 10 III H rnli 3 110 40 11 .. do IV . 1 ; 848 50 12 V B. rnli 1,700 BACTERICIDAL POTENCY OF SERUM. 17 As Table III shows, the blood was drawn from hog 1741 on five different occasions. The serum from four of the drawings was tested upon the culture of B. coli, and it showed marked bacteriolytic prop- erties for this organism in all the tests. The serum from four of the drawings wasjtested upon the G. P. 4692 strain of B. cholerse, suix, but only* two of the drawings showed bacteriolytic properties for this organism. TABLE IV. Bacteriolytic action of normal hog serum from the mme animal at different drawings. Blood drawn from the tail. Hog No. 17 4% Date. Time after drawing. No. of drawing of blood. Culture used to test bacteriolysis. Number of bacteria in- troduced per 1 c.c. Number of bacteria per Ice. after 1 day. 1905. May 8 3 hours . . . I G. P. 4692 4 926 82 do ... I Ji coli 3 788 686 10 II G. P. 4692. 102 46 10 do II B coli 1 970 82 12 do III G. P. 4692 1 010 798 12 .do III B coli 3 110 30 11 .... do IV G P 4692 '848 50 13 do V B coli. 1 700 o 23 VI G. P. 4692 10,880 3,376 23 do VI Crawford 40 500 2 640 23 do VI F 26 19 040 18 280 24 VII G. P. 4692 1,682 24 do VII Crawford 1 808 180 24 do VII F 26 12 040 1 640 26 do VIII 320 o 26 . .. do. . VIII F 26 80 1 960 29 do IX F 26 1 740 4 480 29 IX Crawford 2,320 29 do .... IX G P 4692 1 920 960 June 5 s hour x F 26 2 840 26 640 5 do... X Crawford 3,380 180 5 do x G P 4692 1 380 4 420 In the experiments with the blood of hog 1742, as shown in Table IV, ten different drawings were made on separate days, and four of them tested on the culture of the colon bacillus, eight on culture G. P. 4602, five on culture Crawford, and five on culture F. 26. The colon bacillus was greatly diminished in all cases. In one case where 1,700 per 1 c. c. had been introduced into the serum all of them were destroyed, and in another test 3,000 out of 4,000, in round num- bers, were killed. The tests with the G. P. 4692 culture showed that the serum was bactericidal in seven tests out of eight. In one of these about 1,700 bacilli were introduced and all of them were killed. On the other hand, in the serum from one of the drawings there was an increase of the bacilli introduced. The tests with the Crawford culture showed that the serum from all of the drawings tested was actively bactericidal, but in some more than in others. In one of the drawings about 38,000 bacilli per 1 c. c. of serum were destroyed out of the 40,000 introduced. But in another case all were not destroyed although only 1,808 were introduced. 19500 .No. 95-07 3 18 BACTKKIoI.YTK POWE1 0* HI. ..... > -IKl\l 01 I ..... -. with culture F. _'' showed bacteriolysis in om* drawing; in another drawing there was no increase nor decrease of tin- bacteria introduced. In three drawings there was marked increase of the organisms introduced. That the bactericidal potency of the scnini of hogs -should vary :it different times. a- these refill- seem to indicate. should |>crliaps'not be a matter of surprise. Then- arc probably nmny circumstances which influence this property of the serum. A- i- stated eUe \\hrre in this paper, ihe chemical reaction of the serum has Ixvn found ly others to influence the lactericidal power, and doubtle^ there are other as yet oli-cure circuin.stances u hich raise or lower this p,\\er of the sei-uin. The nature of t>aeteriol\ -in- will he found discussed at some length helow in a different conne<-tion. and it would not seem at all improhaMe that there may he more of the-e nt one time than at another present in the blood serum. Indeed, the production of hacteriolysis in serum of the living animal seems to lx> easily Influenced one way or another, and it would not be unreasonable to regard them us \aryinjj from time to time under even slightly changing' conditions of the body. Trommsdorf " noticed that human sera derived from normal indi- viduals as well as from those suffering from various diseases \ a ry greatly in bacteriolytic j>ower. Petterson 15 found the same thing with chickens. Morgenroth and Sachs 1 " found great variation incytolytic power in serum of various sorts. Thu.s the serum from a horse at one drawing \\ as hemolytic for rabbits' corpuscles but not for those of guinea pigs; three days later the serum from the same horse was strongly hemo- lytic for guinea pigs' corpuscles, but only very slightly for rabbits' corpuscles; twenty-three days later the serum from this hor-e \\ as not hemolytic for guinea pigs' corpuscles, but strongly hemolytic for rabbits" corpuscles. It is therefore evident that the cytolytic power of serum is very variable. Not only does the blood from different individuals of the same species differ in this respect, but the serum from the same indi- vidual differs from time to time. This is prolmbly the case with all animals, and. as is apparent in the experiments with hogs, these are no exception to the rule. In regard to the above exjM'riiuents. while there is more or less variation between single tests, if one strain only of II. !,,, I, , considered, there seems t<> be a general tendency toward either active l>a. teriolysis or else inhibition of growth. MODIFICATIONS IN BACTERICIDAL POWER OF SERUM. 19 MODIFICATIONS WHICH OCCUR IN THE BACTERICIDAL POWER OF SERUM UPON STANDING. As has been previously stated, the blood was placed on ice in all cases where it was not at once used for making tests. In some cases the bactericidal properties of the serum were tested after the serum had stood for various lengths of time. The results of these tests, as will be seen from the accompanying tables, show in general that the bactericidal potency is retained in some cases for as long as nine days. Occasionally, however, the bactericidal power of the serum is dimin- ished by even two days' standing. TABLE V. Bacteriotytic action of normal hog serum after standing for various lengths of time in the refrigerator. Blood drawn from the tail, eighth drawing. Hog No. 174%- Date. Time after drawing. Culture used to test bacteriolysis. Number of bacteria introduced per 1 c. c. Number of bacteria per 1 c. c. after 1 day. 1905. May 20 June 2 May 26 June 2' V 3 hours Crawford 320 1,960 80 3,280 380 1,960 2,980 7 davs . do . 3 hours F. 26 "... 7 davs i The serum from the blood of hog 1742 at the eighth drawing, as is shown in Table V, was tested upon two of the organisms only, namely, Crawford and F. 26. For the Crawford culture the bacteri- cidal power of the serum was retained for seven days, whereas for the F. 26 culture the serum was bactericidal at the start and only inhibi- tory after seven days. TABLE Vf. Bacteriolytic action of normal hog serum after standing for various lengtlis of time in the refrigerator. Blood drawn from the tail, ninth drawing. Hog No. 1742. Date. Time after drawing. Culture used to test bacteriolysis. Number of bacteria introduced per 1 c. c. Number of bacteria per 1 c. c. after 1 day. 1905. May 29 June 3 May 29 June 3 May 29 June 3 3 hours F. 26... 1,740 1,220 2,320 1,060 1,920 700 4,480 1,180 960 1,100 5 days do 3 hours .. Crawford 5 days do 3 hours G. P 4692 5 davs ; do At the ninth drawing from hog 1742, as Table VI shows, the serum retained its bactericidal potency for the Crawford culture apparently unabated for five days, whereas for the other two organisms there was apparently more or less inhibition of growth, perhaps, both at the start and after five days, but no very marked bacteriolysis for either of them. I'll i BIOL1 I ic "F lfl.>"|. -i 1:1 M |, I'MII K VII. /.'./.7, -riitli/tn- 'i.Vi/.M ,,f i, HI-UK il liny *'nnn nfl, r 'l'ii,,l,i,. : //,* tun, in tin r<_lriii>rnti,r. ///<*.lnt 1749. lt. Jillir 7 N 9 19 1 7 1 19 J> 1 I 9 19 1 mi.' nft.-r .Iriiwin.- cultiitv IIM-.I i.. I.-M ttacterloljrvla. Nun. : n* Inir.. ,-,-r 1 . ( Nilin' Iwi t. iM-r 1 .lil.T I hour... 1 -U\ .... ! I / . M.760 M H a 700 Ml ' 1 4.430 : 2,000 - - . . M Ml ; H 11 .ln>- : M ! Imii'r Crawford -. 1 ,lnv N 200 .. 7 440 :'. -lax - , lltln\ to 1 tin i hour u. I 1 do ;> 2 davn '. "l:l\ ., 1 'l;tV. .1.. ' -V. 11 ilitVK ,1 oTh^ i-liiinn-t.-r -itrnitii- tlmt tlu-r<- w-rt' too many roloniiii (.. iinint. >iTiun from tho l)lood at the truth drawing from hor ITli'. :i- Table VII sliows. prcsci vrd it> hactcricidiil powt-r to a marked degree for tlu Crawford culture uj) to and including the >rcond day of stand- ing. It appeal^ to liave IMTM >oiuc\vhat more potmt on tho fourth than on the third day of ^tandiiiir. Imt tho dinVrenee in potency of the ^eruin on the-e t\\<> days i> hardly >uliicient. perhaps, to IK- of any great signiricance. For the other two strains there was at most inhi- bition shown in some of the tots. lut no decided baeterioly-U either before or after standing, except perhaps in the case of the F. L''> -train after t\.<> day-. But in the case of this organism the serum appeared to have been more |M>tent after -landing for three da\ - than it \\a- previou- to thi> time. TMII.K VIII. -- Itiiilrrinhftir ,i,-lii, i, <,j normal IK>N-rof bacteria p<-r I af l.-r 1 day. 1905. Jinn- U | hour . ... 1 | 2.SMO . . 16 1,000 1 INI 19 - 4. MO 22 in .1.1 \ - do ., .. 12 i hour ('rnwlord. .. ,. 400 16 I Ml 2*0 19 1.440 32C .V> 400 . 12 ' I' Ifl92 .. 800 19 do. 1 71" 22 do , .. iiarmctcr iii(nlRe> that then- were too many >l<>m<- lo count COMPARISON OF BACTERICIDAL POTENCY OF SERUM. 21 The serum from the blood of hog 1742 at the eleventh drawing, as shown in Table VIII, had marked bactericidal power for all three strains at the start, and this was retained for as long as seven days for the Crawford culture, whereas there was inhibition only for F. 26 after four days, and after this there was not even inhibition for this organism. The effect upon the G. P. 4692 culture was similar to that upon the F. 26 strain. TABLE IX. Bacteriolytic action of normal hog serum after standing for various lengths of time in the refrigerator. Blood drawn from the jugular rein, twelfth drawing. Hog No. 1742. Date. Time after drawing. Culture used to test bacteriolysis. Number of bacteria introduced per 1 c.c. Number of bacteria per 1 c.c. after 1 day. 1905. June 22 i hour Crawford 4 320 23 1 (lav . do 4,060 22 i hour F. 26 3,380 23 1 dav do 640 00 22 i hour . . G. P. 4692. 1,240 23 1 day do 340 00 a This character signifies that there were too many colonies to count. The serum from the blood of hog 1742 at the twelfth drawing (Table IX) was taken from the jugular vein, and it will be observed from the table that the serum showed no bacteriolytic power either at the start or on standing. In order to test whether the lack of bactericidal power was due in this case to the fact that the blood was drawn from the vein, experiments, which are hereinafter given (page 22), were made to compare the bactericidal power of arterial blood serum with that of venous blood serum. COMPARISON OF THE BACTERICIDAL POTENCY OF THE SERUM FOR DIFFERENT STRAINS OF BACTERIA. SAME If in the foregoing tables comparison is made between the results obtained with the same drawing of blood upon the various organisms, it will be seen that quite decided differences appear. Selecting the most striking contrasts, in one case there was a decided increase of the B. choleras, suis, culture G. P. 4692, while in the same blood 7,000 B. coli per 1 c. c. were all destroyed. It is true that in this case a great many more of B. choleras suis were introduced at the start than of B. coli, and this may have influenced the result some- what. But in another case where approximately the same number of organisms of the two kinds were introduced at the start there were veiy few of the B. choleras, suis, if any, destroyed, whereas nearly all of the B. coli were destroyed. In still another case there was a very great increase of B. choleras suis, while all of the B. coli were de- stroyed. In one case there was no notable increase of the B. choleras suis. while there was a decrease of the B. coli. 22 HACTKKH'I N I h POWKB OF HI..H,|. s|KI\| Ql BOOS. It is e\ ident, therefore. that tin- bactericidal pouer of hog >erum is different for tins strain of />'. ,!,,,/, n .-//. and for the II. ,,/;, \\\ go far as this rim In- determined l>\ tin- method- :it pre-.-nt in use. THE POTENCY OF SERUM FROM ARTERIAL BLOOD COMPARED WITH THAT FROM VENOUS BLOOD. As hereinlM'fon- staled. thr following experiment! were undertaken because of iln- iv-ull- .ilit.-iin.-d \\ith tin- -.-rum fnun tin- \en,.ii- M ..... 1 in tin experiment in which it appeared that there was neither inhibi- tory nor bactericidal power in the serum. In the experiments pre- vious to this one the blood was drawn from the tail, and was con-et|uently mainly arterial. It spurted from a severe. 1 artery when the tail was cut. In the experiments at present under consideration the blood was drawn from the carotid artery or from the jugular vein either at the same operation or on different occasion-. TABLK X. Itacteriolytic action of arterial nrrmn i-. 17.1.1) nt the Mine operation. T'nll, .//-./ nf liltMnl. Titt* inmle at intt'ri'al a Time- after drawing. Culture u..l in ti-t tiactcriulysls. NtlllllMTI'f ItwctcriH intnxtiioMl perlc.t-. NlllIllNTl |HT 1 1 .1,,J. AM. -rial M-niin. >( bacteria f. c. after \'. Hma 1 ilav F. 26... \,m m IM 1,480 420 . II- 9. IWO 900 60 1A.320 2,200 40 200 140 lino !] 100 ,,. 80 120 40 6.820 , , 140 J <\H\* <\<>. do. . . 1 (lav Crawfonl . . . J iln\ 1 .lav J duv 0. F.46W 9 djn do The serum from hog 17H3 at the tenth drawing, as shown in Table X, was taken at the same operation from the carotid artery and from the jugular vein. In the t<--N with the Crawford culture the serum from the arterial, as well as that from the venous blood, seem both to have |>o-^r>M-d considerable jx>tenry, and to have ] I it in about equal degree. They furthermore appear to have retained their potency, much or all of it. for nine days. For (i. P. 4'.'.'i > culture neither serum appears to have had strong bactericidal pouer in any They both -eem to have had some inhibitory jxjwer for thi^ organism both at the start and after nine days. For culture F. 26 there appear- to have leen no difference between the two kind- serum after having stood for one day, but the serum from the venou- bloo.l would seem to have retained it- potency upon -landing more tenacioii-lv than that from the arterial blood. ARTERIAL AND VENOUS BLOOD SERUM COMPARED. 23 TABLE XI. Baeteriolytic action of arterial strum compared with that of renous serum, both Kern from the same normal hog (No. 1733) at the game operation. Eleventh draw- ing of blood. Texts made at intervals after drawing. Time after drawing. Culture used to test bacteriolysis. Number of bacteria introduced per 1 c. K. Number of bacteria per 1 c. c. after 1 day. Arterial serum. Venous serum. 1 dav F. 26... 5,420 6,520 10,480 20,160 280 10,960 160 400 20,640 7,280 2, 520 2,960 21,240 00 220 27,680 8,960 2,600 10,860 360 580 60 3,300 3,340 1,360 2,320 2 days do r> davs 8,580 240 8,160 8,660 26,240 1,920 2,160 2,720 a oo 2,240 8 davs do 1 day Crawford 2 days 5 davs do 8 days . Idav G. P. 4692 2 days do 5 days do 8 davs do "This character signifies that there were too many colonies to count. The blood obtained at the eleventh drawing from hog 1733, as shown in Table XI, was drawn from the artery and from the vein at the same operation. There seems to have been a difference in the potency between the two kinds of serum for all three organisms. For the Crawford culture the serum from the arterial blood seems to have been quite strongly bactericidal at the start, but the serum from the venous blood was apparently not so. The tests made after the serum had stood for two days would indicate that both kinds of serum were potent. The serum from the venous blood in this case seems to have gained in potency upon standing, a result previously noted in the case of culture F. 26 with a different serum, but it seems necessary to conclude that an error of some kind must have crept in where such results are obtained, since they are at variance not only with the a priori probabilities of the case but also with the usual experience. On the whole, the results in this experiment seem to indicate for the Crawford culture a greater potency, or at least a retention of a greater amount of potency, on the part of the venous than of the arterial blood. For culture F. 26 in this experiment the arterial serum appeared less potent at the start and after eight days than the venous serum, but after standing five days it was more potent than the venous serum. Here again the serum seems to have gained potency on standing. For G. P. 4692 the stronger retention of potency of the venous serum as compared with the arterial is apparent in the tests made five days and eight days after drawing. No difference between the two sorts of serum is noticeable in the tests made with this organism one day and two days after drawing. The fact that blood through which a stream of CO 2 was conducted becomes more alkaline led Hamburger 9 to make tests of the compara- tive bactericidal potency of serum from ordinary blood and that from 24 i RIOL) 'I. r>\\ IK OP MI. -I 1:1 M "I Mood llin.nyli \\ In. h ( ( li:i.l In-.-n pa-xi-d. M- \\.-ll a- !' the difference in tlii- rexp-ci Itetueen arterial and venou- Uood. Mr found. in fa.-i. i h;ii serum from \enou> |I|IMH| and from l>l....:l through which CO, had (Missed is more potent than UterbU-blood serum. EFFECTS OF HEAT UPON THE BACTERICIDAL POWER OF HOO SERUM. A large number of (.>!- \\.-re made parallel with those above recorded to determine the effect of heat upon the gerwicidal power of hog serum, mid also to determine whether there i- anv difference lct\\ < -n the potency of the heated -crum for the different strains of It. cholerx SHIM upon which it was tested. The method employed in making the te-K consisted in immer-inir the tubes containing the serum up to the plugs in a water Imth which \\a^ kept by means of a thermoregulator exactly at the temperature to be tested. The results are shown in the following tables, from whieh it will be seen that the serum was subjected to temperatures of 51, 52, 53, and 54 C. for ten minutes and for thirty minutes at different times. Tests were also made at temperatures al>ove 54 C.. but these are not tabulated for the reason that they gave results similar to those at 54. TABI.R XII. Effect* <>f hi-nt n/xm the barlirinhilli- jtowtr of normal hog terum. Blood drawn from ll toil mul /.iir I >\n\~ .... 10 <1 >... ; liniir T .lm 17881... ITU XI .lo do ... .do do do do do .. I- MB... F. a; do d.. :.. ( 'raw ford 4.GX I'. H-'M) l.UUU 4.040 1,860 t,m 1 IKI .. i.., 16. 1'JO 1.740 8. WO TC.flOO 30. KX> I.IK) M,MO OB 400 :NI M 90 800 1.2HO OD ,, nog ,, no 1.100 io . ..nut It would appear from the results recorded in Table XII that heat- ing for ten minutes at 51 C. produced no etfert in the two tests which were made in this manner, one on the G. P. 4692 strain of B. chol- >: .>"/>. and the other on the colon culture. The same temperature for thirty minutes robbed the serum of much or all of its power in 8 of the 11 tests. EFFECTS OF HEAT UPON BACTERICIDAL POWER. 25 TABLE XIII. Effects of heat upon the bacteriolytic power of normal hog serum. Blood drawn from the tail. Temperature employed, 52 C. Date. Time after draw- ing. -9 No. of hog and drawing of blood. Culture used to test bacterio- lysis. Num- ber of bac- teria intro- duced per 1 c. c. Number of bacteria per 1 c. c. after 1 day. Length of exposure to heat. Arterial blood. Venous blood. Not heated. Heated. Not heated. Heated. 1905. June 28 July 12 1 day . . . 2 days . . 1733 X.. do .... F. 26 3,880 4,920 380 940 1,480 420 2,440 9,880 300 5, 420 6,520 2, 160 2,720 60 16, 320 2,200 40 200 140 9,760 8,160 100 10, 480 20, 160 2,620 2,960 1,540 15, 200 1,720 3,960 460 300 1,920 9,840 100 320 600 400 80 120 40 5,920 6,560 140 220 27, C80 3,300 3,340 10,720 3,360 a 30 25, 080 00 X 3,080 10,000 30 minutes. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 9 days do do 1 day do . Crawford 2 days . . do.... 9 days . . do 1 day .do G. P. 4692... 2 davs do.... do . do 1 day . . . 2 days . . 1 day 1733 XI ... do.... do.... F. 26 do G. P. 4692... 5,680 41,720 2, 240 (?) 14,880 2.440 2,180 2 days ' do "This character signifies that there were too many colonies to count. It will be seen from the above table that the effect of an exposure of thirty minutes showed a marked influence in some cases while in others it was apparently without effect. In these experiments the blood was drawn at the same operation from the carotid artery and from the jugular vein, and it would appear that the serum from the venous blood was somewhat more sensitive to the action of the heat than the serum from the arterial blood, if any conclusions are per- missible from the somewhat limited number of observations. In the arterial there was in only one case a marked difference between the potency of the heated and of the unheated serum out of the 12 cases in which it was tried. In the serum from the venous blood, on the other hand, there was a marked difference between the heated and the unheated serum in the 11 te^ts which were made. On the whole the effect of heating at 52 C. would appear to be uncertain; sometimes heating seems to have a marked effect upon the bactericidal power of the serum; at others it seems to lack this effect. 19500 No. 9507 4 BA< rKKlOLYTIC I'oXVKK <>K HI. -MMM "! HOGS. T \IIIK XIV. Kipi-ct* a f hull III>H tin Inn-It riot (///< fxmrr f iu>rnuil )nj *nnn. ilrnirii I'niiit lltr tail. 1'i-iii/n-riitnri- nni>l'irai-(i-Ma Intro Sum hartrrU nfli-r Sol \' "' XT 1 C. r. 1 da> l.i-IIL-t ' n- to 190ft. \|T I 1 .' i : . . v U. P. 4092... - , . , i , ... ; . .- 10 nn i 19 J davs ll.roli ', r IMW i ' - ; . ..: -i n 1 ... -"' <|,i H riili I 940 i 26 11 do 1.800 Do Mnv ;i hittip* . 1 1 ::. i. - 17 M do H.eoli 11 12 12 8 do do 1740 VI 1711 1 <;. r ii ^. P. 4692 Ml 1,700 450 1,840 .' -l 15,900 4 1 II Do Do Do. 1 10 do . 1T ",',!:::::: 17M III I'.'.'J . . li. -1, G. 4692 3,778 102 1,970 1,010 II 390 |,M 1 ! I 910 1.2X0 i :> Do. Do 10 . . .do . . . do 3,110 40 7" Do 11 12 1741 IV 1711 V ;.. 4692... Hi i Ml 1,700 MO 3.286 1.1M1 Do Do, 8 do 17 1'. 1 I . . ; i (092 4 925 Do. 8 do do I r 1" 1712 II . 1'. M Do 1" do j rrrf. 1 970 7:t4 U U 11 do do rum. do 171.' IV i 1'. ?J2 i. r i 1,010 :l. no 798 30 50 Mil 1.758 Do. Do u Julv 12 i VlHV ""III! 1742V 173:1X1 ' .. . It. f,tli r H 1,700 5 420 10.480 1,181 Do. 1 " minute*. u 12 13 u 13 -'day- 1 day J diiv 1 dy do do do do do do Crawford .... do (J. p. 1- 2,100 no 20 160 M 400 2,960 H -" 2! 440 2.180 Da Do, Do Do. 12 1 dav ... 17: XI'-.. I M 5. 120 13 12 13 '.'lav* 1 da\ Ida? .'.'. 2 ilny- do do do do r raw lord .... do (!. P. 469 1 .? 6.520 10. MO .. . M 41.720 2R.160 (T) Do Do Do "This i-luirartcr *i>riiit:rs (lint tln-n- \\-rr hm iimny t-nlonio in rouiil. * Arteiial I>I<>1 M-riiin. ' Venous M.H| MTtlll). A- -lin\vii Ity the results recorded in Tahlr XH". lie:itin<: at had tlie ftlect in most casos of jrreutly diminishing the liitctericidal power of the -enmi. though this is not to lie noted in all <-:i-e-. e\-.-n \\here the xeriim \\:i- exposed for thirty minute^. EFFECTS OF HEAT UPON BACTERICIDAL POWER. 27 TABLE XV. Effects of heat upon the bac'eriolytic power of normal liog serum, drawn from the tail. Temperature employed, 54 C. Blood Date. Time after drawing. No. of hog and drawing of blood. Culture used to test bacteriolysis. Number of bacteria in- troduced per 1 c. c. Number of bacteria perlc. c. after 1 day. Length of exposure to heat. Not heated. Heated. May 26 June 2 May 26 June 2 May 29 June 8 May 2'J June 3 May 29 June 3 5 6 7 8 9 19 5 6 7 8 9 19 5 6 7 8 9 19 May 23 23 23 24 24 24 3 hours 1742 VIII.. do Crawford . . . do F. 26 320 1,960 80 3, 280 1,740 1,220 2, 320 IOM 1,920 700 2,K40 2,240 3,440 2,200 1.360 4,040 8,380 5,200 7,440 3,500 2,640 1,440 1,380 3.C40 180 360 l.SSO 1,740 10, 8SO 40,500 19,040 1,682 1,808 12,040 380 1,960 2,980 4,480 1,180 960 1,100 26, 640 51,760 900 1,340 18, 280 a oo 180 120 760 3,160 1,380 oo 4,420 6, 320 3, 420 2,000 00 00 3.376 2,640 18,280 180 1,640 1,160 2,380 5,280 9, 360 13.600 1,180 '., 520 1,880 5,040 1,260 119,700 41,840 6,440 7,280 20,480 oo , 28,000 8, 320 13,000 4S,000 00 00 4,820 27, 760 00 17,960 00 00 13,180 58,800 00 2, 720 7,600 26, 320 10 minutes. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 30 minutes. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 7 days 3 hours 7 davs . do do . .. 3 hours 1742 TX do 5 days do . do 3 hours do Crawford do 5 days 3 hou rs do G. P. 4692. f> davs do do J hour 1742 X . F. 26 1 dav do do 2 days do 3 days do do... 4 days 14 davs do.. ... do do i hour do. Crawford do 1 dav do 2 days .do ... 3 davs .. .do . .. do 4 days . do.. do 14 days do do hour do 1 dav do G. P. 4692 do 2 days do 3 davs . ' do . . . do .do . . 4 days 14 days do ... do . .do 1742 VI do do do do ' dn Crawford F. 26 . 1742 VII G. P. 4692 do do do Crawford F. 26 a This character signifies that there were too many colonies to count. As is evident from the preceding table the effect of exposure for ten minutes at 54 C., as well as exposure for thirty minutes at the same temperature, is practically in all cases to weaken or suspend the bacteriolytic power of the serum. The few exceptions to be seen in the table are without significance in view of the many cases in which the serum lost in power. In summing up the results of heat upon the bacteriolytic power of normal hog serum it would seem evident that temperatures below 54 C. are uncertain in action for the lengths of time employed, but that 54 C. even for ten minutes serves quite uniformly to suspend or at least to weaken the bacteriolytic power of the blood serum. A num- ber of tests were made at 55 C. and 56 C., but as these did not show any results that were not to be expected from those at 54 C. it would seem superfluous to give them in detail. EFFECTS OF INJECTING CULTURES OF B. CHOLEILffi SUIS UPON THE BACTERIOLYTIC POWER OF HOG SERUM FOR THIS OR- GANISM. Very conflicting results have been obtained by various investiga- tors in regard to the effects produced upon the bacteriolytic power of blood serum by the injection of animals with cultures of bacteria. Some have failed to note any effect of such injections, either to in- BAOTJCBIOLTTIC -M:IM i ..... -. civa-e ..r .Iiinini-h till' haeteriolytic potency; other- ha\e found that lli> potcncN was diminished, others again that it wa- increased. I'n der the supposition that this discrepancy in iv-ult- was due pn-hap- to tin- te-ts having been made at different interval- of time after in jeetion. and that the serum taken from th- -aim- animal at dillen nt period- might exhibit dihVrence- in potenc\. <.r that it might at tain times he devoid of power, te-t- \\eiv made of -erum taken at various intervals after OM or more injection-. The re-uli- < ( f these experiment- are -nmmari/ed in the following table-. TMII.K \\'l. H'l'trrioli/tii- ftoinr of xt-runt fruiii tin . 17.', 1 1 I,. !,,,-> nn. Cnif..r.l jilt.-r lir-t in jit -ti< >M 1". K. ji; ! iln\ > ai'i.T s.'coti.l injection loilnv- ai'i.T third injortiim B.'forc injii-tinii 6.200 IL. :i '1 n - aft.T lir>t 11 800 '. il -i\ - afl.T MTiiinl i ii j 11 -lii Hi : MM '2 &W l. in i!av- after Hi inl inject inn fi,200 | j . h,. ltd on- inject inn :! .In \ x after tirvt injection 1,060 tu P.. in 12 WO ]>,, '.' i|n\ ~ alter NOOOO inject inn MO 1 nJO Di. 10 i\n\- after third injection 4,100 16,700 The results uiven in Table XVI were obtained with the serum from a hojr which was injected nt various intervals suhcutaneou-lv \\itha In-ef-broth suspension from an arar culture of the (i. 1*. ''.'_' -tmin. The lir-t injection was made with 5 c. c. of a su-pen-ion e(pii\alent in den.-ity to a twenty-four hour typhoid culture diluted about one- half. The second injection was made with 10 c. c. of a sii-jH-n-ion of about the same strength. The third injection was made with a -u- pen-ion con-isting of the entire growth in twenty-four hours of an a gar culture. Before each injection the blood was drawn from the tail of the animal and placed on ice for three days. After thi- the -erum \\a-
  • acteriolytic properties for cul- ture Crawford. INJECTIONS OF CULTURES OF B. CHOLERA 9UI8. 29 It is also possible only to surmise from the results with G. P. 4692 that the serum probably had at least inhibitory power for F. 26 before the animal was injected. It seems to have retained its inhibitory power after the first injections for this organism, but to have lost much in potency after the third injection. With culture G. P. 4692 the results seem to be more or less in accord with those obtained with F. 26, though it is true that three days after the first injection the serum exhibited very strong bactericidal power for G. P. 4692 stronger than for F. 26. Still the results can not be compared too closely in these two cases, since the number of bacteria introduced differed widely. TABLE XVII. Bacteriolytic power of serum from the same hog ( No. 1755} before and after injection with B. cholerse suis, culture F. 26. Culture used to test bacteriolysis. Time blood was drawn relative to injection. Number of bacteria introduced per 1 c. c. Number of bacteria per 1 c. c. after 1 day. Crawford Before injection .". Do 3 days after first injection 2,180 40 Do 9 days after second injection. ...... 240 Do 10 davs after third injection 5,200 F.26 Do Before injection 3 days after first injection 800 16,700 47,400 380 Do 9 days after second injection 7,600 11,880 Do 10 days after third injection 8,200 660 G. P. 4692 . . . Before injection Do 3 days after first injection 38,400 9,800 Do 9 davs after second injection 6,340 3,800 Do 10 days after third injection 4,100 11,200 The results of the experiments with the serum of hog 1755 are recorded in Table XVII. In this experiment the injections were made and the tests applied precisely as with hog 1754, except that culture F. 26 was used for injecting the animal instead of culture G. P. 4692. The concentration and amounts of culture were the same in both experi- ments, and the methods of procedure otherwise were the same. The serum from the hog before injection was tested upon the F. 26 strain only; after injection it was tested with all three. For the Crawford culture, as already stated, there was no test of the serum made before the injection of the animal. The tests made with this organism after each of the th'ree injections showed that the serum possessed considerable potency, and there seems no evidence that the injections were followed by diminution of potency for this organism. For F. 26 culture the serum seems to have had but little potency to start with before injection, but it seems rather to have gained than lost in potency for this organism after injection. For G. P. 4692 culture the results of the three tests are somewhat difficult of comparison, perhaps, but the serum after the third injection would appear to have been somewhat less potent than that after the second, and, also, after the first, if the difference in the initial doses in these two cases may be disregarded as a factor in determining the results. 80 HAiTKRInLYTH 1 I'oWKR 'K HI.ooH '. f/u*/rr:r i>ni/>, riill "/. ' Ciilmr.- tiM>d U> IWt baetoriolyrii. Time blood WM drawn n i.m\.- in mj.-.-n,,ii. Nutiitx-r <>( linrtrrin tinr--' per 1 \nnii il |MT ulii-r I'niw lunl . . llcliiro injection TOO lo Do :illiT tirM llijrrlloli Mill r -i mini iiiji-< tii.n I'" I'l" HO o Do III ililN" lllIiT tlllnl lllJiTtlnll . Ih-forv inji-rl inn after lirl mji-< linn M "">' Do .ifd-r M-.-IHI.I Injection In iln\ uftcr tliinl Injection ; m 8,200 ( , | \(Q> . . . Kcfnre injection Do 3 I|HVH niter llrt injection iij jjj &.MO tt <1a>' BfliT M'cnllil injection . Ml M Do 10 dv ufti-r thinl injection 4,100 - ... [n the experiment with tin- srnun of the Mood of ho^ 17.'.<;. the n-.nlt> <>f which :irc ^ivrn in Tahlr XVIII. the method of procedure u:i- the same ;i- with t he >rruiM of hoyfs 1 7. VI and 1755, just de-i-rilied. the only difference IMMIIJJ in the strain >t' oiyani>in employed. In the ca>e of hog 175G the Crawford Culture WM u>ed. and the .-ernin \\a- tested upon this organism only before injection and on all three -train> after the injections. With the Crawford culture the serum seems to have been unaf- fected ly the injections of the hog. It seems, at any rate, not to Inivc lt in potency, and from the result after the second injection, if any conclusion is justifiable, it seems possibly to have gained. With F. _'; it >eem- to have lo>t in potency, if the result obtained after the tirst injection is compared with those after the other two. With (i. 1*. 4t>'.'2 culture the serum seems to have lost in potency after the third injection, but it is uncertain whether it gained or l"-t after the lir>t two. TABLE XIX. llnrlrriiih/tit' f.ovrr of neritm from thf mint hoq ( A". 1798) brfarr erum of hog 1798, Table XIX. the animal wa^ given three intravenous injections of suspensions in beef broth from agar cultures of the F. '2K strain. The tirst one was made with a very dilute -u>pension. weaker than would correspond with a twenty-four hour In-ef-broth typhoid culture, and the other two injec- tion-, were made with -imilar. >ii>|>cn>Mons. It would appear from the results given in the table that the serum w.i- not actively bactericidal before the injection of the animal, but it seems to have had some inhibitory power. Ten days after the tirat INJECTIONS OF CULTURES OF B. CHOLERA SUIS. 31 injection there seems to have been no striking change. The serum was still inhibitory, but was neither markedly bactericidal nor can it be said to have been devoid of potency. But nine days after the second injection, and fourteen days after the third injection, the serum seems' to have lost greatly in the inhibitory power which it possessed, it would appear that in this case the injections had the effect of ulti- mately diminishing the power of the serum. TABLE XX. Bacteriolytic power of serum from the same hog (No. 1809) before and after injection with B. choleric suis, culture G. P. 4692. Culture used to test bacteriolysis. Time blood was drawn relative to injection. Number of bacteria introduced per 1 c. c. Number of bacteria per 1 c. c. after 1 day. F. 26... Before injection 5,920 5,900 Do 14 davs after injection ... 7,300 1,800 Crawford . Before injection . . 5,700 Do 14 davs after injection 13,000 56,600 G. P. 4692 Before injection 1,140 10.9CO Do 14 days after injection . 7,300 7,900 In the experiment given in Table XX the serum of hog 1809 was tested on the three different strains of B. choleras suis before the animal was injected and on the same cultures fourteen days after the hog had received subcutaneously about 5 c. c. of a dilute suspension from an agar culture of culture G. P. 4692. In the tests made with the serum upon the F. 26 strain there seems to have been a slight diminution of potency after the inoculation, but the difference in the numbers of bacteria surviving bacteriolysis in the serum from the hog before injection and those surviving after injection is not large enough to permit of very definite conclusions. The same may be said in regard to the organism with which the hog was injected culture G. P. 4692 but the results in this case are perhaps somewhat more significant. It would seem justifiable, however, to conclude that there was no marked increase nor decrease of bacteriolytic power for F. 26 culture or for G. P. 4692 produced by the injection. The result with Craw- ford seems to show plainly that the serum was less potent for this organism after injection than it was before. TABLE XXI. Bacteriolytic power of serum from the same hog (No. 1836) before and after injection ivith B. cholera suis, culture F. 26. Culture used to test bacteriolysis. Time blood was drawn relative to injection. Number of bacteria introduced per 1 c. c. Number of bacteria per 1 c. c. after 1 day. Crawford Before injection 32 200 a 3 840 Do 1 hour after injection 32, 200 a 5, 340 Do 3 davs after injection 1 560 F. 26 Before injection .. . . 30,400 a 247 800 Do 1 hour after injection 30,400 " x Do .. 3 davs after injection 5 000 G. P. 4692 Before injection 35 000 a 47 4CO Do 1 hour after injection 35,000 a 36, 600 Do 3 days after injection . 6 800 a Serum diluted in the proportion of 1.4. 6 This character signifies that there were too many colonies to count. HACTI i:i"i.i ii< i'"\\ i i; 01 BLOOD -i-:i:rjf OF li> In tln experiment with the >erum from tin- l>l>oeef-broth culture of the typhoid bacillus. Before injection the hog was hied to obtain -enim for testing the power of the normal serum. The amount of blood obtained before injection and that obtained one hour after injection wa> in-utlicient for the test to be made with the- quantity of serum usually employed, so the -enim was diluted in both of tlie-e ea-es with three pan- of physiological salt solution to one part of serum. There were no tests made with the undiluted -rum. With the Crawford culture the serum seems to have been quite potent before injection, and also one hour after injection, but three days after injection it appears in have been entirely devoid of bacter- iolytie power for this organism. With F. _' -the strain used to inject the animal the serum had only weak potency before injection, and if there was any effect pro- duced by the injection it was in the direction of weakening the potency of the serum for this organism. This apparent diminution of potency i> to be noted even in one hour after the injection, and is still more pronounced after three days. With the (i. P. 45t-J strain the serum was apparently inhibitory at the start before injection and one hour afterwards, but three days after injection it seems to have lost even the power to inhibit the growth of the organism. The results of this experiment seem to show that in this case the effect of injecting the hog was to suspend the bactericidal power of the serum for the homologous" organism a- well a- for the other -trains upon which it was tested. TABLE XXII. Baekrtobftfc powtr <>f serum from the Mine hog (,V. 18,59) before and after injection icith B. cholerx suit, culture (i, P. 4692. Culture used to test bacteriolysis. Time blood was drawn relative to injection. NiimlM-r "f bacteria in- troduced per 1 c. c. Number of bacteria per 1 c. c. after Iday. Before HIM rt ion 3 760 80 Do... *J hour* after injection ................. . . .. TI'.I ' i.,. Do 1 day alter injection ...................... .... i... M i"' Do F. 26. . . - niter Injection 600 \ .'.. I-.,.,, .i Do 'i hours alter injection . 1 020 HO DO :.:::...:: Do 1 day alt-r injection 2 da v<< after injection MO 840 ... ... .' . O. P. 46M... 2,840 . -v.i Do '_' Hour* niter injection | |.i 9.200 Dor... 1 lav niter inject ion 200 :.j .... Do 2 day* alter injection . ... 200 1 i"' Homnln((ou i the term now universally employe*) in denote the organism with which the animal in any given case Is Injected, aa In the present cmae. INJECTIONS OF CULTURES OF B. CHOLERA SUIS. 33 In the experiment given in Table XXII the animal hog 1859 was injected intravenously with 5 c. c. of a suspension of culture G. P. 4692. The suspension was made in beef broth from a 24-hour agar culture as usual, and was equivalent in density to a 24-hour beef-broth culture of the typhoid culture diluted with about equal amounts of broth. Tests were made of the potency of the serum from the blood of the animal before injection and after injection with all three strains of B. cholerse suis. Owing to the fact that the animal was killed in a moribund condition two days after injection, it was impossible to make tests with the serum from the blood later than the second day after injection. It would seem hardly necessary to discuss the results with the differ- ent organisms in detail, since they all appear to point to a lessening of the potency one and two days after injection. Before injection the serum from the blood seems to have been bactericidal for the Crawford strain only; still for the other strains it was at least inhibitory, whereas after injection it had lost much, if not all, even of its inhibitory power on the first and second day after injection, in the tests made two hours after injection the results appear somewhat discrepant; the serum seems to have lost potency for Crawford, and gained for F. 26; but, after all, the figures are perhaps not very significant in these cases. The results in this experiment may have been complicated by the fact that the animal from which the blood was drawn was suffering from acute infection with B. choleras suis at the time the blood was obtained. It may not be correct to regard this serum as immune in the sense in which this term is usually understood that is to say, serum from the blood of an animal given injection of bactei 'a and re- covered. Nevertheless, the results are perhaps not without interest, since they show certainly a very marked difference between the serum from the blood of the hog before injection and that from the blood after injection. TABLE XXIII. Bocteriolytic power of serum from the same hog (No. 1860) before and after injection with B. cholerse suis, culture F. 26. Culture used to test bacteriolysis. Time blood was drawn relative to injection. Number of bacteria in- troduced per 1 c. c. Number of bacteria per 1 c. c. after 1 day. Crawford Do Do Before injection 1 day after injection 2 days after injection 1,460 1,240 140 20 a go Do Do 3 days after injection 4 davs after injection 5,400 1,620 00 o F. 26 ... Before injection 2,100 80 Do Do 1 day after injection 2 days after injection 700 1 100 880 Do 3 days after injection 1 500 ao Do 4 davs after injection 2,260 5,580 Q. P. 4692 Do Before injection 1 day after injection . 10,200 4 100 17,400 60 Do Do Do 2 days after injection 3 days after injection 4 davs after injection . . 1,500 9,900 1 380 00 30 1,020 a This character signifies that there were too many colonies to count. 84 HAK m.nm -i ui'M m- IKKS. In the experiment recorded in Table \\lll. (lie animal IIOM- 1 \\lis injected fust \vilh about "J r. r. of a dilute sUs|M'l|sion of MM :ej:il iiltuiv in beef 'broth, but most of tin- material was injected meie|\ under the >kiii. as tin- attempt to strike a vein \va> not successful. Two lay> after the first injection a second injection of about I'..". < of H similar .suspension from the same M r: ij,, ,,f bacterium. in this all of the suspension, was int roduced into the vein. Two days after the second injection a third injection was made similar in all r>--\ to the second. The sii-peiisions for all three of the injections \ heated at '>~> < '. for thirty minutes. The blood was drawn from the animal In-fore injection and on the liiM. second, third, and fourth daja after the last injection. The results seem to le quite uniform for the .serum on the second and third days after the injections; on both days the serum showed apparently entire loss of bactericidal jnwer for all three organisms. On tl>e fourth day after the last injection the Beruin had apparently gained in potency, particularly for the Crawford stniin. The results obtained with the serum one day after the last injection are not very striking, but they perhaps permit of the conclu- sion that the serum had not lost in potency at least to any marked extent. AS previously stated, the results of the injection of animals with cultures or with the products of rrowth of bacteria have been most conflict intr in various hands in >,, far as the effect of >uch injections upon the bacteriolytic properties of the blood serum from the animal in test-tube experiments is concerned. 7 A numtier of investigators have found that the injection of an ani- mal with cultures or with the products of growth of certain bacteria increases the bactericidal power of the blood serum for the homologous organism. Others have found that there is no effect upon the bacteri- cidal potency of the serum produced by such injections, while still others have found diminution or complete lower for the homologous organism to follow the injections. Among others Neisser and Wechsberg 11 have found that the so-called immune >erum i. e., the serum from an animal which has received injections of certain Iwcteria no longer possesses bactericidal power for the homologous organism when the serum is undiluted. The results with the diluted serum will be discussed later. Huxton* has found that the serum from the blood of a normal rabbit is capable of destroying very lar-jv numbers of the typhoid and paratyphoid bacilli, but that after the rabbit has been injected with these organism.- it no longer kills any of the homologous strain. But while there is undoubtedly conflict in regard to the matter, the preponderance of evidence certainly seems to show that the >erum i< frequently, if not always, weakened in bactericidal power or com- pletely robbed of this power for the homologous organism by th - EFFECTS OF. DILUTION UPON BAOTERIOLYTIC POWER. 35 injections, and the results recorded above seem in many instances to bear out this result in the case of hogs injected with B. choleras, *'//'.. But it would also seem apparent that there is a tendency in some ca-f- to a restoration of the lost potency on further injection of the animal. These conclusions seem justifiable at least from the experiments \\ ith the F. 26 and the G. P. 4692 strains. The results with the Crawford strain differ somewhat in this respect from those with the other two strains, and this may be due to the fact, already mentioned, that this organism is of only feeble pathogenic potency. It seemed to be much more easily killed by the serum generally than the other two strains, and it probably also has less power than these to cause the reaction in the serum which is necessary for the production of immune serum as this is understood. The serum of hogs injected with this strain would consequently perhaps be expected to behave more like the serum from an uninoculated animal. In some cases the serum of the blood of hogs injected with the F. 26 or with the G. P. 4692 strain seemed to have retained bactericidal power for the Crawford strain after having lost it for the other two. The variations which have been already alluded to as occurring in the serum of animals from time to time, and which are due to causes as yet obscure, must be borne in mind in drawing conclusions from the results of experiments with the serum from animals injected with cultures. Of course it is impossible to determine in the present case the extent to which this spontaneous variation, as it is at present con- venient to call it, may have affected the results. In view of the many conflicting results with the serum of the blood both of normal and of injected animals, in so far as the bactericidal properties are concerned t/ it is evident that there are some obscure fac- tors in the process which the methods at present in use are incapa- ble of determining. If the blood serum from one and the same animal is found to be bactericidal at one time and not at another, where the animal is kept under apparently the same conditions, and if, further- more, the injection of cultures is found by certain observers to have no effect upon the bactericidal potency of the serum, by others to increase the potency, and by others again to lessen the potency, there must be gome very subtle factors which enter into the problem, else they would scarcely be overlooked by so many investigators. EFFECTS OF DILUTION UPON THE BACTERIOLYTIC POWER OF NORMAL AND IMMUNE SERUM. DILUTION OF NORMAL SERUM. The effects of dilution upon the bactericidal power of hog serum were tested in the manner usually employed in such cases. The method for obtaining the blood was to cut oft a piece of the tail and allow the blood to run into sterile test tubes or flasks, which were put into the i RIOL1 ii' r\vn: HI..M.M -i 1:1 M muss. refrigerator immediatelx . Tin- >ermn wa- !l a- -i><>n a- i: had -eparated. and 1 c.c. of i( \\ a ^ put into each of three tube... Yarioii- dilution-.. a> mentioned in tin- taMe>. were al>o prepared with ph\ )0 logical salt solution, and |>ortion> of these dilution-* \\eiv di-t riluited into te>t tube*, three tiil>r- from each dilution, each containing 1 In most casrs o. 1 or t'.o;, ,-.<-. of neutral. \ -pinni/cd U'ef broth was added to inMiiv>ullicient nutrient material for tin- bacteria which \\en- subsequently introduced. Tlii- \\a- done in conformity with the method ordinarily employed in such experiment-. Kach of the tul>e> was finally inoculated with a carefully niea-mvd amount, usually C.C., of a -u-penxi.n in phy-iolou-i-al salt solution from a recent agar culture. One -eiie-. each was inoculated with one of the three -train- of 11. /, r.i v//v. Inaddition to the tulx's of undiluted and of diluted xenim. three lulu's of physiologic*] salt solution with the addition of 0.05 c.c. of leef broth were also prepared in each ea-e. and inoculated at the same time as the serum tule-* with an amount of culture e^ual to that used for the .-erum tuljes. These tubes constituted the cheek-.. Immediately after the inoculation of the tubes, agar plates were made from each of the tubes of salt solution with carefully measured amounts, and after twenty-four hours at room temperature agar plates were made from all the tubes of a series from lnth the undiluted and diluted serum, and from the salt solution. In nearly all cases 0.05 c. c. was used for each plate. The colonies were counted after twenty-four or forty -eight hours in the incubator at body tiwnperature. TAKI.K X X I V. Bactcriolytie power of normal hog *tnun on tlilnlion. No. of hog. Culture used to test Lxu-terioljrrifc Number of tartfria Introduced per 1 c. c. Number of bacteria in serum after 24 hour*. Number .. i..,, teria in V.llltlOll. (MOoted. lMllltr.1 1 to 50. Dilut,-,! i to KM i.iiut.ii 1106,000. L7M 1W8 1809 M :- 1MO Crawford 840 2,620 840 S.400 6,700 :.._<> 1,140 32.200 30,400 ..,,.., : : 1,020 1,460 2.100 10.200 1.9HO 1,600 2,040 2,900 5,900 10,900 f>3,MO f> -:. HOO ' IT. Hi 2,900 3, WO M 17.4 10. Iilnt.-.l 1 to 100. DOvb ! It.. 1.000. m.fioo 37.200 1.160 : ,000 , 00 30, 4*0 ll.4il 808.000 ; . 1H7.600 ;. ,,-. ..; (00 61.400 OB OB OD B i;-. Ml -. . 445.200 F.26 O. P. 4492 Crawford F.26 O. P. 4092 Crawford . . . F. 28 O. P. 4M2 oThia <-h*rnrter kigniflea that thvre were too many colonien to count. * IMluted 1 to 4. EFFECTS OF DILUTION UPON BACTERIOLYTIC POWER. 37 The results given in Table XXIV show that the serum taken from a hog before injection i. e., normal serum as a rule, loses in potency upon dilution; that is to say, a given amount of the diluted serum kills actually fewer bacteria than the same amount of the undiluted serum. This was to be expected a priori and from the results of others with other organisms and with other animals. But the point which seems specially worthy of note, and which will be discussed in a different connection in this paper, is that the diminution of potency on dilution is not in proportion to the degree of dilution. Not only is this the case, but in at least 4 out of the 18 experiments given in the table there was apparently an actual increase of power on dilution. Those familiar with the subject will at once see the bearing of these results upon the difference between the bacteriolytic properties of normal serum upon the one hand and of immune serum on the other. As it is attempted to show below, the difference seems, after all, to be one of degree only, and not a difference of kind. In interpreting the above results it must of course be borne in mind that the number of bacteria found in the serum after twenty-four hours probably does not represent merely the bacteria which are not killed by the serum, but it represents in addition the number resulting from the multiplication of these after bacteriolysis has ceased. Thus, in the case of the serum from hog 1859, if 1 c. c. killed approximately 4,000 of the Crawford bacilli, 0.1 c. c. of the serum should evidently have killed 400 and have left 3,600 to multiply, unless in addition to the bactericidal power the serum also possessed inhibitory power for the bacteria which survived bacteriolysis. If the serum had exhausted its bacteriolytic power in ten or twelve hours and exerted no further influence after this time, there should have been in the 1 to 10 dilution after twenty-four hours a multiplication of the 3,600 bacilli left, resulting in some 4,000,000 or 5,000,000 even at the rate of only one generation an hour, as a simple calculation shows. But even if only one bacillus were left after twelve hours, there would result over 4,000 in twent\*-four hours, provided there were no hindrance to multiplication at the rate assumed above. It would seem, therefore, that either relatively more bacilli were destroyed by the diluted serum than by the undiluted, or that, aside from the bacteriolytic action, the diluted serum exerted an inhibitory effect in the experiment quoted; for at the end of twenty-four hours there were only about 1,000 bacilli in the 1 to 10 dilution instead of the 4,000 calculated as the minimum number possible under the supposition stated. The dilution of 1 to 1,000 in the same experiment should evidently have killed only 40 bacilli if it acted with the same relative intensity as the undiluted, i. e., if it possessed just one one-thousandth of the potency of the undiluted serum. Supposing that all bacteriolytic action ceased after fourteen hours, the 3,960 bacilli left alive increasing at the rate of one generation an hour would be represented by over 4,000,000 HAITI- :i:i"i vi 1- POWEfl "i iti.".|. -KUM ..i HOO8. bacilli ill ten Inuu^, when -a- as a matter of fact tin-re \\eiv --nly about :;-JJMN in this .liluti.'H aft, -r t\\ent\ four hour-. Tin- time at \\hich bactei io|\ -is i- exhausted in serum at room t.-in- p.-ratures \\as not detei mined, hut tests made at tin- end of three or four hour- showed that up to thi- tiuif there was little or no appreci- able effect Upon the number of bacteria introduced, -o that thcaltove a uiiiption that tin- proce-- i- exhausted in twelve or fourteen hours limy or may not be correct. Hut whether it i- or i- not. the relative etlcct of the various dilution-, would be shown ly assuming the \< 6BI to come to an end simultaneously and thi- i^ prohahly the c-ae at any time within the twenty four hours, the oliject of the ealcula- tioi. IMMIIJT merely to show that no delinite rule of proportion < oiild be oliM-rved, and that the diluted serum in all ea-e> d,-xt roved relatively more Kaeteria than the undiluted -.enim. While dilution of normal -erum eau-e^ a marked diminution in the haeterieidal power, it doe* not >eem to dimini-h it to the extent that would be exj)ected 11 priori. In other words, a dilution of 1 to 1< doe- not >eem to de-troy just one-t*nth the number of bacilli that the undiluted -fimn destroy-, but a much larger number than this, or at least if it does not destroy a larger number it prevents a> relatively rivat an inerea-e as that whi-h takes place in the undiluted serum. Still another method of compari>on which apjx'ars permi->il'le. and which leads to the same conclusion, is to calculate the number of bacteria which should result in a dilution of 1 to KM) if the same rela- tive increa-e took place as in the 1 to 1<> dilution; or to compare the relative increase in any of the dilutions with that in the undiluted serum in the experiment ^i\en above. For such a comparison it may lie assumed that the organisms which were not destroyed in fourteen hour- multiplied in the undiluted and in the dilated serum at the same rate, or at least that if the serum retarded multiplication this effect wa> more marked in the more concentrated serum than in the more dilute. It would s. Tin evident, then, that the relatively smaller number of bacteria in the diluted -eriiin can lie accounted for only on the >up- po-ition that the diluted serum retains more bacteriolytic power than would be exacted from the decree of potency shown by the un- diluted scrum, according to the simple rule of proportion. This point -eeins no t to have }x>en alluded to in the literature, but it would seem nevertheless not without significance perhaps, since it tends ap- parentlmto show that the difference U-tween normal serum on the one hand ana immune serum on the other is nierelv a diflerence of degree and not a difference of kind. The matter of the actual identity in the behavior of normal sera and of immune sera on dilution, in spite of the apparent difference shown by them, will be discussed more fully in u different connection below . where the attempt is made to -how that the law of complement diversion applies to normal serum as well as to immune scrum. EFFECTS OF DILUTION UPON BACTERIOLYTIC POWER. 39 DILUTION OF IMMUNE SERUM. The results obtained by tests made to determine the effect of dilution upon the bacteriolytic power of immune hog serum that is to say, of serum from hogs injected with cultures in the main agree with those observed in all recent investigations in this direction with the serum of other animals injected with t3 T phoid, paratyphoid, Asiatic cholera, and other bacteria. The behavior of the serum under such conditions is very peculiar ; it seems to be in conflict with all laws of proportion which are applicable to other chemical reagents, particularly in regard to germicidal substances in general. With ger- micidal substances in general, as it is hardly necessary to state, the more concentrated the germicide the more powerful the destructive power. A strong solution of carbolic acid is a more powerful germi- cide than a weaker solution. But not so with immune blood serum. Paradoxical as it ma} 7 seem, the bacteriolytic potency of the immune serum increases upon dilution. The undiluted immune serum may be weak or wanting in bactericidal properties, and yet become more and more potent upon dilution. In other words, 1 c. c. of undiluted immune serum may be found to kill few, if anj T , bacteria ; it may be found even to furnish a good nutrient medium in which the bacteria grow ; whereas 1 c. c. of a dilution consisting of 1 part of the same serum to 10 or 100 or 1,000 parts of dilute salt solution may be found to kill many hundred bacteria introduced into it. It goes without saying, of course, that there is a limit to this increase of potency upon dilution. Where the dilution goes beyond a certain point the potency becomes weakened. There is for each immune serum an optimum dilution for bacteriolysis, above and below which there is less and less potency. Thus, as will be seen in some of the experiments described below, the greatest potency in one case was in a dilution of 1 part of serum to 100 parts of salt solution. In the case of a dif- ferent serum the optimum dilution for bacteriolysis was 1 part of serum to 1,000 parts of salt solution. Buxton very appropriately speaks of the phenomenon just described as the formation of bacteriolytic zones, of which three may be recog- nized in every immune serum a pro-killing zone, a killing zone, and a post-killing zone. The action of the undiluted immune serum lies in the pro-killing zone, that of the optimum dilution lies in the killing zone; that of dilutions in which bacteriolysis becomes again weakened lies in the post-killing zone. Of course it is to be understood that these zones are not sharply marked off from one another, but that they grad- ually merge into each other. The pro-killing zone, for example, may extend over dilutions of several strengths, and the same is true of the killing and of the post-killing zones. Thus in some of the experiments given below there appeared to be no marked difference between the bactericidal power of the undiluted serum and the same serum diluted 40 BAOTERIOLYTIO I'-'WKK r 1 to lo<>; tin- pro-killing /one in these QMe* would I... - :l id |,, ,.\ti ml t<> the dilution- o| 1 t.> 1" or 1 to I '". The /one- a IT therefore spoken of a- longer or shorter, accordin whether they apply t<> many or to few dilution-. The jMViiliar behavior of immune serum ju-l de-ei -il.ed \\a- iii--t ol-erved l>\ Nei--er and Weehsberg," and is called tin- Neisser- \Yechsl>erg phenomenon. While it is true that tin- phenomenon was ol.-er\ed (j ui to frequently in immune hog serum, a- will be -ho\\n later. it was not as n<>til<> in sonic ca-e- a- it wa- in other-. :md moreover the three /ones varied in length, not only after the injee tion of ditTerent strain^ of II. ame strain in ditlernit hoj^s. It ha> already been shown that normal serum of hogs gains rela- tively in potency on dilution, and. as has just Keen Mated, immune -eimn al-o puns in potency. The two behave alike, and at mo-t then- is only a difference of degree between the amount of gain in either a-e. But even a difference of degree between tiie two sorts of serum i- not always noticed in the present experiments, for the normal serum acted in some cases just like immune serum. It wa- not only relatively more potent on dilution, but it killed actually more bacteria per 1 c. c. of serum in certain dilutions than in dilutions containing more of the serum. TABI.K XXV. /.'//. i/>n immune hoy nmtin UK <<;///.// //'/// / (liliilinii (//;iv Tinn- blood wan ilniun relative In injeetiini. Niimlier of bacteria inlnxlueed per 1 e. e. NiiintNTof luieteria in MTIIIII niter ?! Illlllpi. Number terin in elieckmll Dilution. * 00 :. 1 L.0001 UC 2,700? ' 200? I n.lililte.1. Hilllte.1 1 to IIP. iMhK <1 Diluted 1101,000. (twwfiinl .. F. ' ri' injection '2 IKIIIIN niter injeetioli 1 day after injceiion.. 2 days after Injection. a Thin ehnrnetcr xiKnlne* that then- were too many colonies to munt. An example of the difference often to be seen between the bac- tericidal power of the senim from a hog hefore and aft<>r injection with culture- of 11. ,-l,,l, // .v///X insofar as the .'tied of dilution is con- cerned, is given in Table XXV. The animal in this case was injected with a culture of the (J. I'. 4t'.:-j -train, and the blood was drawn before and at several interval.- after injection. Before the injection the serum from the blood of this hog showed inhibitory, but no l>ac- tericidal power for the organism with which tin' animal was injected. EFFECTS OF DILUTION UPON BACTERIOLYTIC POWER. 41 In this case there were 2,840 of these organisms introduced per 1 c. c. into the undiluted serum, and after twenty-four hours there were 3,800 per 1 c. c. present. In the dilution of 1 to 10 the same number of organisms introduced about doubled in number in twenty-four hours; in the dilution of 1 to 100 the s%me number of organisms increased about fivefold; in the 1 to 1,000 dilution there was a count- less increase. In the undiluted serum from the blood of the same hog two days after inoculation there was a sixty-two fold increase of the 200 bacilli per 1 c. c. which were introduced, while in the 1 to 10 dilu- tion with the same number of bacilli introduced there were only 140 alive after twenty-four hours, in the 1 to 100 dilution only 400, and in the 1 to 1,000 there were 1,600. In other words, the normal serum diminished in potency on dilution while the immune serum increased in potency on dilution. It should be noticed, however, that the dimi- nution of potency of the normal serum is an actual and not a relative decrease on dilution. In this case, as in others, the normal serum killed more bacteria, relatively, when it was diluted than it did when undiluted. TABLE XXVI. Effect of dilution upon immune hog serum as compared with the effect of dilution upon the normal serum. Hog 1798, injected urith culture F. 26. Culture used to test bacterio- lysis. Time blood was drawn relative to injection. Number of bacteria introduced per 1 c. c. Number of bacteria in serum after 24 hours. Number of bac- teria in check salt solution. Undiluted. Diluted Ito50. Diluted 1 to 500. Diluted 1 to 5,000. F. 26 Before injection 2,620 8,400 5,920 2,400 840 5,700 13,000 2,660 1,140 7,300 1,980 7,200 38,000 36,600 160 359,600 1,680 1,600 5,100 1,400 106, 400 38,400 686,800 26,400 400 6 12, 000 2,700 2,000 69,100 1,740 103,600 84,000 681,200 81,200 27,600 620,400 32,800 5,500 67,500 2,280 6,900 rt 00 6112,000 140 00 6175,000 5,200 26,600 boo Crawford . . G. P. 4C92.. 10 davs after first injec- tion. 9 days after second in- jection. 14 days after third in- jection. 10 days after first injec- tion. 9 days after second in- jection. 14 days after third in- jection. 10 days after first injec- tion. 9 days after second in- jection. 14 days after third in- jection. cc X 00 CO 73,000 CC This character signifies that there were too many colonies to count. 6Dilutions used were 1 to 10, I to 100, 1 to 1,000. That there is a difference in the behavior of the blood serum of dif- ferent hogs injected with the same strain of B. ckolerse suis is shown by comparing the results given in Table XXVI, hog 1798, with those shown in Table XXVII, hog 1860. Both of the animals were injected with culture F. 26. Before injection the blood of hog 1798 showed considerably more bacteriolytic power on dilution for the organism with which the animal was afterwards injected than the blood serum of hogs did in other cases, though, as has been seen, normal hog l-J I: \ I ) Kl-'I.N IK I'.'U IK "| ULoop -1 Kl M oK II- scrum frequently retains :i c.msider.ihle dcgr ,f potency upon dilu- tion. This serum ap|>ears to have possessed about an equal d< potency in all tin- dilutions which were tried, and to have Keen al>.ut as potent wlu'ii diluted :is it was when undiluted. Ten day- nl'tei in jection its behavior was v^ry peculiar, for it was apparently potent a- the nuriual serum when il \\a- undiluted and in the I to 'dilution, luit it had ls| potency in t he dilut ions of 1 to .".o ;md 1 to 500. Nine days after a second injection it had apparently lost in bactericidal potency, both when diluted and undiluted. Fourteen days after a third injection it seems to have gained in power in all strengths. If this is eoinj)ared with the behavior of the serum from the blood of hog IM'.H, Table XXVII, a hog also injected with the F. J'. -train, it will be noticed that there is a marked difference. TAHI.E XX VII. Efferi of dilution <) JSi',n, injfrl,8-^5S C. culture uned to teat Time l>looilntc> after injection. 1,100 OD I / 200.200 A4.400 :t 'lays after Injection. I ilays after injirtion. 1,000 i ' , L.OO / ft 30 2,860 6.900 IS. 600 o 2,100 2,4*) 10.800 < oThU character MKniiie* tliat there were too many colonies to count. 6 Dilution- 11-.. 1 W.TC 1 to :*i, I to. '-in, 1 to 5,000. In the experiment with the blood serum of hog I860, Table XXVII, the animal was injected on four successive days with <|tiite den-e MM- pen-ions, considerably denser than a twenty-four-hour culture >f typhoid. The >uspensi(, n^ \\ere heated for thirty minutes ; ( t ;,s ;,: ( '. Iwfore injection, and the injections were made intravenously. On each day before injection, and previous to any injection, blood was drawn from the tail of the animal, and after the separation of the serum this \\as used on the three strains of //. , }n>l< r;> .-///*. Doubtless the fact that the test- were made while the animal was being immu- ni/ed had some effect upon the results obtained, and for this reason they are different in some measure from those obtained in other experiments in which the serum was tested only after the animal had been immunized. The undiluted serum from this ho<_r before injection was quite strongly bactericidal for the Crawford and the F. _'', -trains, but it EFFECTS OF DILUTION UPON BACTERIOLYTIC POWER. 43 WHS at most mereh 7 inhibitory for the G. P. 4692 strain. After the second and third injections the serum seems to have lost all potency for all three organisms, at least when undiluted. But after the fourth injection the serum seems to have regained its potency both when undiluted and in certain of the dilutions. TABLE XXVIII. Effect of dilution upon immune hog serum as compared with the effect of dilution upon the normal serum. Hog 1885, injected with Crawford culture. Culture used to test bacterio- lysis. Time blood was drawn relative to injection. Number of bacteria introduced per 1 c. c. Number of bacteria in serum after 24 hours. Number of bac- teria in check salt solution. Undiluted. Diluted ItolO. Diluted 1 to 100. Diluted 1 to 1,000. Crawford . . F. 26. 1 hour after injection 1 day after injection. . 1 hour after injection 1 day after injection . . 1 hour after injection 1 day after injection. . 5,860 3,200 16,600 6,900 9,600 4,600 18,200 71,100 oo 31,000 3,600 5,200 110, 400 40,400 7,200 9t>,000 33.600 11,000 OO 28,000 10,700 a oo CO 00 00 00 00 00 oo 102,200 oo 00 1,280? G. P. 4692.. a This character signifies that there were too many colonies to count. In the experiment of which Table XXVIII gives the summary the hog was injected intravenously with a dilute suspension of the Craw- ford culture. Two injections of the organism were given on two con- secutive days, and blood was drawn from the animal one hour and twenty-four hours after the last injection. No blood was drawn before injection in this case; There seems to have been no difference between the behavior of the blood on dilution and that of ordinary normal blood on dilution. Omitting one or two unimportant discrepancies, the serum lost more and more in potency upon further and further dilution. TABLE XXIX. Effect of dilution upon Immune hog serum as compared with the effect of dilution upon the normal serun,. Hog 1809, injected with culture G. P. 4692. Culture used to test bacterio- lysis. Time blood was drawn relative to injection. Number of bacteria introduced per 1 c. c. Number of bacteria in serum after 24 hours. Number of bac- teria in checksalt solution. Undiluted. Diluted Ito60. Diluted 1 to 500. Diluted 1 to 5,000. F. 26 Before injection 5,920 2,400 ' 5,700 13,000 1,140 7,300 5,900 1,800 56, 600 10,900 7,900 109,200 l> 1<>8, 000 520 ft-1,000 2,880 &9.200 00 123,200 b 25, 900 oo b oe oo '< v> 60,800 b oo oo OO oo oo 73,000 OO Crawford . . G. P. 4692 .. 14 days after injection. Before injection 14 days after injection. Before injection 14 days after injection. a This character signifies that there were too many colonies to count, b Diluted in the proportion of 1 to 10, 1 to 100, 1 to 1,000. In the experiment summarized in Table XXIX the hog was injected subcutaneously with 5 c. c. of a suspension of G. P. 4692, but there seems to have been little if any effect produced upon the bacteriolytic power of the serum. It is true that with the Crawford strain there is some evidence of loss of potency in the undiluted serum, and of increased potency upon dilution in the serum after the injection of the animal, but the effects on the whole are not striking. 44 SKKI'M ,i TMUI \\\ /-on mi in unt hog itfrn in > ul ililittinn 11/1,11 lh> nnrmtll Hfritm. // Culture twclerlo K | 'I 1. I.H.I .i.,lniw n relative In injection. Number Intro |.er 1 c c Nmnherof Uicleriii IIIMTIIIII i, hour- tin In -alt 1 M.ll luted. IMI.ilMl Ito.V). i io 000 lMlule.1 Hi. la\ suit, r tir-t injection.. a d*v after M-comi injection 1 1 ilnv- after thinl Injection. Hi la\- after tint Injection. . .' il:i\ ai'icr ccoui injection 11 .lay* after thlnl injection. 10 day* after ilrst injection. 9 tUvK nfier M-cotnl injection 14 day* after thinl inj.-ctlon. 8.400 MO ton 1.1 in 7 BO ,.., ' 60 (1 1-11 ' -J" 3. .-WO 7!00 |9 MOO oo MM 640 19,000 :i 000 not of : 000 "I'.l -1l 0, 1 1 fc8,100 172.000 / I ,-. . n 7^600 '21.000 .. ., ] |I.T; o 78.000 "This cluirnctcr ^ik'iiilic- tliat there \\rn- I.... many coloni. 'Hilule.1 1 to 1(1. I to 1IKI. I to 1,000. The hog (1801) in (he experiment abown in Table XXX wa- injeeted on three different occasions with the Crawford organism. No te-t- were made of the serum before the inoculation of the animal, but there -ems little or no evidence of the reaction usually seen in the serum of animals injected with bacteria in the tests which were made after each injection. The serum in most of the test- showed !<>-- of bacteriolytic power on dilution, behaving in this respect like normal serum, ll i- true that with the homologous -train Crawford -the -enini ten after the first injection and fourteen day- after the third injection appeared to be somewhat more strongly bacteriolytic in the dilution of ltx>5,<>. respectively, than in the le diluted -erum: but on the whole the serum .seemed to act more like normal than like immune serum. TABI.K XXX I. KtJ'i-i-t <>f >Hlntii,n HJXHI innmine hog xerinn nx n.ii,j,,ij,illlte,l l>i iiinl 1 to 1. (111. Before injii-tfon oo m i M 00 (00 ... (00 ft. 000 a, ooo , ... ao 240 117,600 0| ... - I'- ll MM) ; . 000 OB 1 .1 Ml r 00 OB 30K.OOO 1". i 7 m OC '" OB ' 1 hour iifli-r iiiji-<-tloii .. Sdayx iifti-r injcctiini . Mfforr illjrctioll ' I' MW2.. 1 hour nfii-r injection .. - after injection. . . Before Injection 1 hour after injection . . Sdaynaftcrinji tion. . . IMlilteil in the |.ro|Nirtion of 1 | art of MTIIIII to :: of |-l.\ !..:. cu nl -nit solution. *>Thi chiinicier 'iuiiitli^ Hint there were !> iiiiiny colunjc* to count. In the experiment with the serum frly ." c.c. of a dilute beef-broth >u|>fn>ion of an ajjar culture of F. _'' -train. < )ne da\ after the first SUMMARY OF DILUTION EXPERIMENTS. 45 injection the animal was given a second injection of the same amount of the same strain. The blood was drawn before any injection was made, one hour after the first injection, and three days after the second injection. The results oDtained with the serum from the blood of this hog, at least in so far as the strains G. P. 4692 and Crawford are concerned, are in striking contrast with the results obtained with the serum from the blood of hog 1801 (Table XXX). In the case of hog 1836 the ani- mal was injected with a more virulent strain than was the case with hog 1836, and it is possible that this may have had some influence upon the results in the two cases. But aside from this the two sera must have had different potency originally, for even the normal serum of the blood of hog 1836, before the animal was injected, will be seen to have shown increase of potency upon dilution; the dilution of 1 to 10 was more potent than the dilution of 1 to 4. There was no test made of the undiluted normal serum for the reason that not enough of the blood was obtained to use for the purpose. This increase of potency on dilution of the normal serum of hog 1836 is to be seen particularly in the tests with the Crawford strain, in which the dilution of 1 to 4 showed 3,840 bacilli per 1 c. c. whereas the dilution of 1 to 10 showed only 320 bacilli after the same exposure one day in each case with the same number of organisms 32,200 per 1 c. c. introduced. This serum in other words seems to have behaved somewhat like immune serum to start with, and this behavior seems to have been intensified by the injections, as will be seen by examining the table. SUMMARY OF THE DILUTION EXPERIMENTS. On summing up the results of the experiments made with normal and immune hog serum on dilution, it will be noticed that the normal serum seems to differ greatty in its behavior in different cases; that while it sometimes shows marked diminution of potency upon dilution it sometimes shows increased potency on dilution. The immune hog serum also shows variation in behavior. But the results which would seem to be of especial interest are those in which the immune serum showed strong bacteriolytic power when undiluted, and lost in power on dilution in certain proportions, but gained potency upon further dilution. In these cases there appeared to be a combination of the behavior of normal and of immune serum, as this is usually stated to occur. As already stated above, the characteristic behavior of immune serum is said to consist of the formation of bacteriolytic zones. A typical immune serum reaction consists of a pro-killing zone, a killing zone, and a post-killing zone on dilution. In the pro-killing zone, represented by the undiluted immune serum, there is no bacteriolysis. In the killing zone, represented by one or more dilutions, there is I'. n\< IKUIOI.Y n< I-IIXVH: >K in. ...... NEBUM 01 HOO8. bacterioh -i-. In tin- p<>-t killing zone, represented by further dilu- tion than tin- killing /one. there is again lack of bacteriolysis. Bui in tin- re-ult- at pre-ent under con-iderat ion tin- serum showed a killing /one to begin within the undiluted serum, thus imitating to tin- extent the normal -erum. The peculiar behavior ju-t alluded to was to he >een in instances given in the preceding tallies. Perhaps the mo-i -trikm-_r example- are furni-hed by the lehavior of the immune >era from I 171'San.l l^iix ,.,,.,. Tablr \\IYi. I,, the-.- -era with the Crawford culture there wa- strong bacteriolysis shown in both ca-e- undiluted. The Ixos \\a.- still trough potent in the 1 to :> dilution, but the 17'.^ serum was much less potei-t in this dilution than when undiluted. lioth sera seem to have lo-t all potency when diluted in the proj>ortioii of I to 500. But the jx)int to be specially noted is that they both -.mi to have Lfained ^-really in the dilution of 1 to .".JUKI; particularly is this the case with the 17!* scrum. For the present it is merely nece ary to cull attention to the-e re>ult-: they will l>e taken up and discussed in another connection fur- ther along in the present pajx-r. GENERAL DISCUSSION. Judging from the results of the above experiments as a whole, it seems apparent that the blood serum of hojr- ha^ but feeble bactericiilal potency for K. cl>!< r;> A-///.V. at least for the more strongly pathogenic strains. This would naturally lead to the presumption that the known susceptibility of hogs to infection by intravenous injection was due to this cause, bat it doe- not -eem a- yet >ettled that the sii-cept ibilitv of an animal in general is in direct proportion to the want of bacteri- cidal power of its blood. In fact, in some instances, as is well known. quite the contrary has been shown to be the ea-e. Nuttall, Huchner. and many others have shown that rabbit serum in te-t tubes will kill large numbers of anthrax bacilli, and yet a comparatively small num- ber of these organisms introduced beneath the skin of a rabbit i- . r tainly fatal to the animal, (iuinea-pig serum, as recently >hown by Buxton,' may be expected to kill approximately I,OOU.erate- the di -ease-producing -ub-tance> the endotoxin- from the Ixxiies of the bacteria. GENERAL DISCUSSION. 47 Pfeiffer" was the first to give this name, endotoxins, to the poison- ous substances which are present in the bodies of the bacteria of certain species, and it is now quite generally the opinion that it is the liberation of these that brings about disease in infection with these bacteria. So long as bacteria of this kind remain intact, they are thought by those holding this view to be incapable of producing dis- ease. Mechanical injury and other harmful effects formerly attributed to the action of bacteria are now thought by many not to exist. The effects of inoculations of hogs with cultures of B. choleras suis, and the conclusions to be drawn from these experiments are on the whole in harmony with those derived from experiments with various bacteria injected into rabbits, guinea pigs, and other animals. Thus Loeffler and Abel 12 found that undiluted immune blood serum from dogs failed to protect guinea pigs from injections of virulent colon bacilli. Neisser and Wechsberg 14 obtained analogous results with immune rabbit serum in test tubes, the undiluted immune serum failing to destroy the bacteria of the kind used to produce the immune serum. Buxton,* as already quoted, found that the undiluted serum of rabbits injected with cultures of typhoid or paratyphoid bacilli behaved in a similar manner. It was to be expected, therefore, that the serum of hogs injected with cultures of B. cJiolerae suis would show loss of bacteriolytic power in undiluted serum. The behavior of the diluted serum will be considered below. In the foregoing experiments with the serum from the blood of hogs injected with cultures of B. cholerse suis, it appears that the efiect of the h'rst injection was sometimes, as stated, to deprive the undiluted serum of its power to kill B. cholerae suis. It is true that this behavior was frequently lacking. But if the results after several injections are examined, it will be found that the undiluted serum frequently regains its power. This is noticeable in a number of cases if not in all, and it perhaps accounts for the experience of so many observers that animals frequently die from injections of com- paratively small doses after having been treated with carefully graded amounts of culture. Thus Wolff 20 found that strong, healthy rabbits, instead of becoming more and more accustomed to injections of cultures, withstood these less and less readily, even without increasing the dose; that after remaining apparently unaffected by previous injections, they often die suddenly on the inoculation being repeated with the same sized dose. This supersensitiveness on repeated in- jections has often been observed in various animals and with various bacteria. It has also been met with in the course of the present experiments with hogs. In fact, it does not seem so difficult to grade the first dose so as to avoid killing the animal as It is to strike upon the proper subsequent doses. The return of bacteriolytic properties in the serum following further injection of animals may account for 48 BA< TKKH-I.VI K POWXB 'i BLOOD 9BBUN 01 H"< (hi- result, lli- lir-t injection- depriving the -ermn of the l.a.-tn i.|\ ti. DOWer Mkd thttt preventing the liberation ower it should U> injurious to the animal furni-hing it. It would appear paradoxical to lind that -mini obtained from an an! nial jMissessed the property of protecting other animal-, and, at the same time, not only failing to protect tin- animal furni-liin^ it. hut actually increasing the >u>ceptihility of this animal. Here again WoltF offers the explanation that it is a matter of dosage. If the numher of Imctoria injected into the animal furnishing the >ermn, or into the animal which has been ^iven a protective dose of the -erurn. i- not so large that on In'ing disintegrated the amount of toxin is >uf- ficiently large to cause disea-e. the animal escapes. There are appar- ent difficulties in the way of this explanation, but it is, perhaps, nevertheless not without weight. In this connection the results obtained by Elischer and Kentxler* on comparing the bactericidal power of unheated immune serum i. e., immune serum containing its own proper complement with the same serum heated and reactivated by the addition of fresh rabbit serum would seem to apply. The latter was found to be more potent than the former, and this would seem in a way to offer an explanation of the protective power of immune serum for an animal into which it is injected on the one hand and of the failure of such protective prop- erties of the same serum for the animal from which it was obtained on the other. Elischer and Kentzler interpret their results as indi- cating that immune serum contains an insufficient amount of com- plement for the full development of its bactericidal ]>ro]M>rties. So in other ca>e-. the amount of complement in immune serum may be insufficient to enable the serum to protect the animal from which it was obtained, while it would find sufficient complement in the serum of a fresh animal. To state this view briefly, the excess of aml>ocep- tors in immune serum finds the requisite amount of complement in the normal serum of uninfected animals. When the behavior of hog serum on dilution i> considered, the explanation afforded by the theory of complement diversion seems applicable, not only for the behavoirof immune >erum in which there was shown often to be increased bactericidal |>otency on dilution, but also in the case of normal serum, as it will be attempted to show. It will be recalled from the statement^ in regard to the theory of complement diversion given on page 1:5 that in accordance with the GENERAL DISCUSSION. 49 views of the Ehrlich school generally it is held by Neisser and Wechsberg, the originators of the theory, that bacteriolysis is due to the action of a substance called complement, which is present in normal and in immune serum, but that this substance can act on the bacteria only when it becomes united to these through the medium of certain bodies called amboceptors. The complements are held to be incapable of uniting directly with the bacteria. Now, according to the theory of complement diverson, if there are more amboceptors than complements present in any given serum, all the complements which are present unite with a corresponding number of amboceptors, and if any bacteria are introduced into the serum they unite with the free amboceptors in preference to uniting with those having comple- ments attached. In this way the complements become diverted from the bacteria by the excess of amboceptors. It will also be recalled that while there are amboceptors in normal serum, these become increased when the animal from which the serum is obtained is injected with bacteria. The amboceptors formed by these injections are specific; that is to say, an animal injected with B, choleras suis develops amboceptors in the serum which are capable of uniting with B. choleras suis only. Reference to figure 4 (page 51) will serve to elucidate whatever may be obscure in the above explanation of the theory of complement diversion. Bearing in mind that normal serum contains a relatively large amount of complement and a relatively small number of ambocep- tors, it is evident that by introducing normal serum into immune serum it is possible to increase the amount of complement without adding materially to the number amboceptors. In fact, by making a series of dilutions of immune serum and adding to each lot in the series a definite amount of normal serum, it is possible to obtain a set of dilu- tions containing various amounts of amboceptors and approximately the same amount of complement. Evidently if the immune serum is merely diluted and no normal serum is added, the complements present will be diluted in the same proportion as the amboceptors. If the amount of complement is kept constant in the way above described, by the addition of a constant amount of normal serum, it is evident that in some of the dilutions of the immune serum the ambo- ceptors will have enough or more than enough complements to com- bine with the amboceptors, and that in such cases the conditions necessary for bacteriolysis will be fulfilled the amboceptors with the complements attached will unite with the bacteria. In other words, the undiluted immune serum, having an excess of amboceptors over complements, fails to show bacteriolysis, while the diluted immune serum with complements added, having no excess of amboceptors over complements, causes bacteriolysis. f'H HA I I Kh'l.'i I l< I'.'WIIJ <>|. MI..i| -I i;i \| .., BOOB. Buxton' ha- raised the objection to tin- theory that it can account for those cases only in which the an:, unt of complement is kept . ,,u slant in the dilutions of immune serum, while the amboceptoi - alone re diminished. HA makes the point that in experiments such as arc recorded in the present pa;>er, in which amlioceptoj-s and comple- ments arc diluted to an equal extent, the theory of complement (Inci- sion is inapplicable; and >ince the prortion to the paucity of the free amboceptors, for, according to the theory, those bacteria which are not coupled to free amboceptors are liable to bacteriolysis by becoming attached to the amboceptor- complement combinations. In figure 4 it is attempted to show that comp.ement diversion may well account for those cases in which the complement is diluted in tin 1 same proportion as the amboceptors. This point could be more strikingly shown if a larger number of amboceptors and complements could be taken, and a much greater relative difference could l>e made in the diagram between the number of amlxxjeptors and of comple- ments, but for obvious reasons it is impracticable to do this. Thus, if it were feasible to show 100 amboceptors and 100,000 amboceptor- complement combinations in 1 c. c. of undiluted serum, it could be demonstrated that 100 bacteria introduced would all esea|>e bacterio- lysis in this serum, only 10 bacteria would escape in 1 c. c. of a dilu- tion of 1 to 10 of the same serum, only 1 bacterium would escape in 1 c. c. of a dilution of 1 to 100, and none would escape in 1 c. c. of a dilution of 1 to 1,000. In other words, theoretically in serum in which the above conditions prevailed, taking 1 c. c. in every case and intr<> ducing 100 bacteria, there would be no bacteriolysis in the undiluted serum, but complete bacteriolysis in the same serum in the 1 to 1,000 dilution. GENERAL DISCUSSION. 51 In figure 4 the amboceptors are represented by the parts marked #, the complements by the parts marked #, and the bacteria by the parts marked b. No. 1 is intended to represent the undiluted serum, and all except two of the amboceptors are shown as having diverted a corresponding number of complements, while the two amboceptors, which are not united to complements, and which represent the excess of these bodies over complements, are united to a corresponding num- ber of bacteria. Evidently in such a case there would be no bacte- riolysis, since all the complements have been diverted from the bacteria. In No. 2 half the amount of the serum, as in the first case FIG. 4. Diversion of complement in Immune serum, not heated, and \rithout the addition of foreign complement. that is to say, 1 c. c. of a 1 to 1 dilution is represented, with the same number of bacteria added as in the undiluted serum represented by No. 1. Under the conditions represented by No. 2 it is evident that one-half of the bacteria would be killed. In No. 3 is represented 1 c. c. of a dilution in which 0.25 c. c. of the original serum is contained. In this case all the bacteria would be killed, since there are no longer any free. amboceptors to unite with the bacteria, or, at any rate, there would not be enough of the amboceptors to divert the complement in all of the four portions into which it is assumed the serum is divided. If the amboceptors are to be regarded as chemical substances in solu- tion, then there would not be enough in &ny one of the four portions to cause diversion of the complement. If, on the other hand, the .'_' BAK HI IM'M "I MIN! amlo,-ept,.r- are l>>lie- in tin- >hirt -MX,., thru it i* e\ idmt that two of the four portion.- would show liict-i i>|\ -i- ,.f <>ne half f tin- la- teria, while the other two would -li>\\ ...mplrte ta<-teriol\ -i-. a inn ing uniform distribution of (lie amboceptors. In rithrr cast- the diluted scrum would be more powerfully bactericidal than the undi- luted serum. It will be observed that the complement is not k< pt at u constant amount in the dilutions represented by the diagram-, but that it is diluted simultaneously and to a like degree with the amlK>ceptors. I-'rom what has been said above it would appear that diven&n of complement seems a rea>oimble explanation of the phenomena whieh are observed in unheated un reactivated serum, and it therefore >emis to overcome Buxton's objection to the application of the theory to the phenomena observed under such condition-. It is aside from the purpose of the present article to try to meet in general objections to the theory of complementdiversion, or todi-cu-- this theory apart from whatever bearing it may have upon the pre-ent experiments; but incidentally the objection raised by Buxtonof bring- ing in accord with the theory of complement diversion the fact that Asiatic-cholera spirilla are killed about as readily by typhoid and para- typhoid immune serum as by normal serum may perhaps be overcome by consideration of the fact that the injection of an animal with any one kind of Imcterium probably has no effect upon the aml>oceptor- complement combinations for any other kinds of bacteria which are present in the serum of the animal undergoing inoculation. The effect is probably very sharply specific, even going so far in some cases as to affect different strains of the same organism, as is shown by the results of some of the experiments in the present paper. It seems not at all inconceivable, at least, that an animal injected with any Driven kind of bacterium might well be deprived of the power of killing the kind of bacterium with which it was injected, owing to the excessive pro- duction of specific amboceptors, without interfering with the ambo- ceptor-complement combinations for any other bacteria which may be originally present. In view of the very specific reaction which takes place on injecting an animal with bacterial cultures, there would really seem to be no good reason why immune serum should act differently from normal serum for any but the homologous organism. The amboceptors which are newly formed in consequence of the injections could not reasonably be supposed to have the power of depriving the amboceptors originally present of the complements to which they are attached. If it is true, as assumed, that in normal serum there are am boceptor-coniplement com- binations which will destroy D. cholera? #//*, and in the same serum aml)oceptor-complement combinations which destroy //. typhoawi, the injection of the animal with cultures of B. cholerxauis would evidently GENERAL DISCUSSION, 53 increase the amboceptors for this organism, and these newly formed amboceptors would have the power of uniting with any free comple- ment, but not with any complement already united to the B. typhoxux amboceptors. So that while the newly formed amboceptors would and probably do find free complements with which to unite, the} 7 could hardly be expected to tear loose the bonds between the original ambo- ceptors and complements. As has been pointed out by Neisser and Wechsberg in their experi- ments, the increase of bacteriolysis usually observed on the dilution of immune serum does not appear to be explicable by the conception of Bordet that the immune body the amboceptor is merely a sensitizing agent. For if the amboceptor were in reality merely a "substance sensibilisatrice " it is not likely that immune serum would be more active when dilute than when concentrated. At least it would be only reasonable to presume that a reagent possessing the properties ascribed to the sensibilisatrice by Bordet and his followers would lose rather than gain in power upon dilution, and that a given amount of the undiluted sensibilisatrice would be more potent than the same amount of the diluted substance, as is the case with other reagents. On the other hand, Ehrlich's conception of the amboceptor affords a satis- factory explanation of the behavior of immune serum upon dilution, as has been shown in the above discussion of the theory of complement diversion. The results obtained in the present investigation in which the bog serum appeared to increase in potency upon dilution seem best ex- plained by the theory of complement diversion. But in these experi- ments, as in all others of like nature, it would seem possible that the process of bacteriolysis or the failure of bacteriolysis may at least be complicated by the formation of antibacteriolysins on the injection of the hogs or by the presence of antilysins normally present in the serum. Opinions a re. divided upon the question as to whether there are such antilysins present in normal or in immune serum. But if there should be such antibodies present, it is reasonable to suppose that these would be weakened in power on diluting the serum, and that consequently such serum would be more potent when diluted than when undiluted, unless the lysins and antilysins should be diluted in like proportions. There seems to be no difference of opinion in regard to the develop- ment of qualities antagonistic to bacteriolysis in serum under certain circumstances, but the matter in dispute is whether this antagonistic property is due to special antilysins or whether it is due to the pres- ence of nonspecific, normal amboceptors or of superabundance of immune amboceptors which absorb the complement, and in this way prevent bacteriolysis. Pfeifl'er and Friedberger, 16 who were the first to detect this antago- 54 HMTKKI>M I I' P.'UIK <>K IU.""I> -I KIM Of H<<8. ni-tic action on the part ( normal scrum. hold that under certain cir- cumstances specific antilxxlies tire formed, which coinliiin> with the complement. In other word-, they regard the antih -in- a-anticom plements. Their 0zperime&tl < % t of triturating normal serum with bacteria ami centrifugali/.ing. I'lider -uch cir.-um-tance- the -iipernatani serum acquires the proj>erty of neutnili/ing the bacieri- lytic jxwer of immune serum. Thus normal scrum, which in it-e|f exerts noantihactcriolytic power, becomes EBtiDBCterfolytic for cholera immune scrum when it is triturated with cholera bacilli and centrifu- galixed or filtered through a bacteria-proof filter. Gay" attributes antilytic pn>i>erlics developed in this way to the formation of specific precipitines. He finds that only when then- i^ a specific precipitation is there any antilytic property shown by henio lytic sera, and since hemolysis and bacteriolysis are probably identical processes, the same statement would apply to the latter a- well as to the former. Gay's view has been called into question by Sachs, 11 who attribute- the antilytic properties of serum to normal, nonspecific amlnjceptors which he regards as acting as neutralizes of the complement. The only difference l>etween the explanation offered by Pfeiffer and Fried- bergeron the one hand and Sachs on the other is that while the former look upon the antilysins formed in their experiments as newly formed bodies derived in part from the bacteria, Sachs contends that the antagonistic bodies are present in the serum from the start. He states, at least, that this is the only point in which he take- i uc with Pfeiffer and Fricdlwrger on the matter of the formation of antily>in- for hemolytic scrum. Lipstein,"on comparing strongly agglutinating immune sera, found that while l>oth the specimens examined possessed equal agglutinating power only one of them showed the phenomenon of complement diver- sion that is to say, antibaetcriolytie properties. He was also unable to discover any constituent of the normal serum which showed diver- sion of complement, but on the contrary he found this phenomenon to take place in immune serum only. In other words, the antagonistic action of serum to Iwcteriolysis he attributes solely to the diversion of complement by the specific, immune amlxx-eptors. In spite of this conflict of authority, it would seem at least that the Neisser-Wechsberg phenomenon permits of easiest explanation by the theory of complement diversion. For if the failure of the undiluted immune serum to produce Iwicteriolysis were due to the presence of antilysins, it would U less potent upon diluting the serum, it is true, and consequently exert less power u|>on the Imcteriolysins when diluted than when undiluted, but the relative effect would remain the same. It is nevertheless prolmble that if Imcteriolysins are present in immune -enini they complicate the process. GENERAL DIWCUSSION. 55 While the theory of complement diversion seems to have been used by all investigators to explain the bacteriolytic phenomena of immune sera only, it would not seem inapplicable to those which take place in normal serum as well. The theory seems at least to explain the behavior of the normal serum of hogs upon dilution in the present investigation. Even in those cases where the normal serum showed diminution of potency on dilution, the diminution was not in direct proportion to the dilution, as has been previously noted; but on the contrary the diluted normal serum acts more powerfully, relatively, than the undiluted normal serum. This relatively greater potency of the diluted normal serum (>tr the undiluted may be accounted for by the theory of complement diversion, if it is assumed that there is an excess of amboceptors over complements in the normal serum of hogs to start with, as certain considerations will show. Difficulties in the way of the acceptance of the explanation just offered are of course very obvious. In the first place, normal serum generally has been found to contain an excess of complement over amboceptors; in fact, in adding normal serum to heated immune serum, this is done for the purpose of increasing the amount of com- plement without adding to the amboceptors. In heating immune serum it is the complement which is rendered for the time inactive, as it is called, and the addition of fresh serum reactivates the immune serum by means of the new complement contained. The addition of fresh serum to the heated t}^phoid immune serum of a rabbit reacti- vates the immune serum. On account of the large amount, or of the great number, of complements contained in the serum from the blood of a normal horse this can be used to reactivate several different kinds of immune sera. Then again, as stated above, in the process of im- munization, the newly formed amboceptors probably find free comple- ments with which to unite in the serum of the animal undergoing injection. While the force of these and of possibly other objections can not be denied, it would seem evident from the experiments herein reported that the only difference between the behavior of immune serum on the one hand and of normal serum on the other, upon dilution, was a difference of degree and not of kind. If this is true, the theory of complement diversion must be applicable to both or to neither. Evidently there are only three possibilities in regard to the relative number of amboceptors and of complements in an} 7 given serum either there is just the proper proportion of amboceptors to complements or there is an excess of the one or of the other of these. If the ambo- ceptors and complements are present in just the proper proportion, then there would be a simple relation between the undiluted and the diluted serum. The serum would become relatively and actually less and less potent in exact ratio to the extent of the dilution. If a given .">', BAt n Ki"< I-MWKR OF -BI.< ..... IKRDV "i- HOO8. number of bacteria were killed by 11 certain amount of tin- undiluted - ruin, a certain f motion of this numtier would be destroyed hy the same fraction of the serum. If tin- complement i" in BXOMt, evidently the same rule would hold: tin- free compleinents would neither help nor hinder the process. Hut if there were mi excess of ainboceptoifi, a part of the bacteria corresponding to the amount of tlii- excess would escape bacteriolysis, according to the theory of complen diversion. On dilution, however, there would le relatively more teria killed where there are free aml>oceptor present in the undilutrd serum, as already explained in the description of the Nei--er \Ve<-|isl>erg theory. Aft * . ^^ Since none of the experiments in the pre-ent investigation have IK in made to determine whether the serum from normal hog's blood con- tains free auilxx-eptors, and no experiments of the kind with hog's blood seem to have been so far reported, the matter must for the present l>e left undecided. But the as>imiption of such ti condition in the normal serum would seem necessary to account for the results obtained. A specific example taken from one of the experiments already described may serve to show the application of the theory of complement diversion to the phenomena observed on diluting normal hog sera in so far as the effect of dilution upon the bacterioly tic potency i- concerned. Into the undiluted serum from the blood of hog 1851>, and into each of the various dilutions, there were introduced before injection of the animal 3,760 bacilli of the Crawford strain per 1 c. c. of the serum. The number of bacilli surviving after twent3'-four hours in the undi- luted serum was 80 per 1 c. c. There are two conditions which may be assumed to exist in the serum, either of which would account for the escape of the 80 bacilli, disregarding for the present the fact -Ue- where discussed that there is a multiplication of the bacteria surviving Inicteriolysis and assuming that the 80 Imcteria in the present c*M represent merely those bacteria which escaped bacterioly>is. Hither there were not enough amlweptor-coinpleiiients for all the bacteria introduced in other words, then- were >o short of these or, if there were enough or more than enough aml>oceptor-coniplements. t lien- were also 80 free amlMn-eptors. Hither of these two conditions would account for the escape of the 80 bacteria in the experiment. A simple calculation from the result obtained on diluting the serum will show which of these conditions is most likely to have prevailed. If there had been a paucity of amboceptor-complenients if there had ln-en. in other words, just 3,680 of these instead of over H.7'.n. which was the number of bacteria added then a dilution of 1 part of the >ei um to 9 parts of salt solution should have killed only :'.',^ bacilli per 1 \\hen these were introduced; whereas, as a matter of fact, this dilu- tion killed :i,60o \trr 1 c. c. There would appear, therefore, no ground CONDITIONS AFFECTING BACTERIOLYSIS. 57 for assuming the failure of bacteriolysis in the immune serum to have been due to a paucity of amboceptor-complements in the undiluted serum. Suppose, now, that the other condition mentioned above existed in the serum, namely, that there was an excess of amboceptors over and above the amboceptor-complements, and that there were more ambo- ceptor-complements than the bacteria introduced. A simple calcula- tion will show that such a supposition will readily account for the results obtained in the diluted serum as compared with the results in the undiluted. If there were in the undiluted serum 26,000 ambocep- tor-complements and 80 free amboceptors per 1 c. c. then on dilution of 1 to 10 there would evidently be 2,600 amboceptor-complements and 8 free amboceptors per 1 c. c. of the diluted serum. Consequently 8 bacteria would escape bacteriolysis on account of being attached to the free amboceptors, but 2,600 would be destroyed. The above calculations are, of course, not intended to indicate pre- cisely the processes involved, for these are probably complicated by the multiplication of the surviving bacteria, as mentioned above. Still, even if such a complication is admitted, the probabilities in favor of the condition last named become even greater, as a moment's con- sideration will show. A further complication may also arise from the possibility, however remote, that the amboceptors and complements are not uniform!}" dis- tributed in the serum that while they may perhaps usually be so distributed, they may be found more abundantly in one part of the serum than in another. SUMMARY OF THE CONDITIONS AFFECTING BACTERIOLYSIS. The conditions under which bacteriolysis would take place, and those under which no bacteriolysis would take place in any given serum, may be summarized as follows: 1. Complete bacteriolysis could take place only where there were no free amboceptors and where there were at the same time a number of amboceptor-complements equal to or greater than the number of bacteria introduced. On dilution in a serum of this kind there would be a loss of bac- teriolytic power in proportion to the degree of dilution if the ambo- ceptor-complements were exactly equal in number to the bacteria introduced. If there were more amboceptor-complements originally in the undiluted serum than the bacteria introduced, then on dilution there would be relatively more bacteria destroyed. If the excess of amboceptor-complements is large enough, there could of course be enough present in the diluted serum to kill as many bacteria as were killed by the serum before dilution. '.^ BA TKKInM I I. POWJEB 'K IU."'I -MUM "I- II". J. Partial kwetoriolysift would follow when there were fewer ainbo ceptor- pn -cut in tin- -eruin than the bacteria int rod need ami when at the -ame I line there were any Rmbooeptor-OOOlpleineilt0 pre-ent. The extent of bacterioly-i- upon dilution would depend upon the number of amlxweptor-complemcnt- present originally. H. No hacterio|y-i- could take place if the free amboceptor- wen- e(|iial in number to the bacteria introduced, or if they were in cxce-.- of this number, either in the undiluted or the diluted -erum. Tin: im.i;i . ,i DMPI.KMKNT itivi:i;.-ioN. In spite of the serious difficulties alluded to it \\ould neverthele-- appear that the theon of coiiipleiuent diversion give- an insight into the proce-x of bacteriolysis OOCnring in normal serum in ><> far a- thi- i- allected by dilution in tho-e ca-e- at lea-t \\here the experiiu. ni - >how that the serum U actually or relal ively more potent upon dilution than when undiluted irrespective of the nature of the serum, whether thix ix normal or immune. But this would leave the result- obtained in certain other experiments still unexplained. It will be recalled that in certain experiments the M-riim was found to be bactericidal when undiluted, that it lost in bactericidal potency on dilution, but that it irained in potency upon further dilution. It is the.e result- which would he left unexplained by the theory of complement diver- sion as thus far dUcuxsed. One example of this behavior amon^ other- is to t>e seen in Table XXVI. in the serum of hog 1708, ten day- after the inoculation of the animal with the F. :.''. strain of 11. rJ,t,1eraB . I none of the tests there were introduced into the undiluted -ermn and into the various dilutions in round numbers .v>o Crawford bacilli. The result after twenty-four hour.- wa- that all the bacilli \\eiv de-t roved in the undiluted serum, while in the dilutions of 1 to ."><' and 1 to .".uo there \\a- an increa-e of about thirty-three fold and one hundredfold, respectively. Hut in the dilution of 1 to 5,(X>" there were only II" bacilli renmining. In other word-, the undiluted serum showed strongly bactericidal power, and the dilution of 1 to :..i'oo ;d-o showed considerable potency, while the dilution- bet ween the-e two showed at Ilio-t but feeble power. If this re-lilt is analyxed. it will be seen that the -erum appeared to act like normal serum at the -tart when undiluted and in the lir-t dilution-, but that on further dilution it appeared to act like immune serum. This siig- ~ that po ibly the normal ambyeeptor-comph-nient- per-i-t ing in tin- -erum may have been more potent than the immune amboceptor- formed in consequence of the injection, that the tir.-t eflect of dilution wa- to reduce the potency of the normal arnU.ceptor complement-, and that further dilution enabled the immune amlxjceptors to produce the phenomenon of complement diver-ion. This would le ijuite in accord with certain view- e\p|V ed elsewhere in this |Ml|>er to the ellect that THEORY OF COMPLEMENT DIVERSION. 59 the injections of cultures or their products while they cause the for- mation of new amboceptors leave the normal amboceptor- complements unaffected. In the above discussion it is assumed that the two bodies concerned the amboceptor and the complement of Ehrlich, the sensibilisatrice and the alexin of Bordet are capable of uniting and do actually unite independently of the presence of bacteria or of other cells. But Bordet 3 has recently published a series of investigations tending to show that the experiments of Ehrlich and Sachs 5 , which constitute the chief evidence in favor of this view, are capable of quite a different interpi-etation from this, and that this interpretation is in fact not justi- fiable from the results of the experiments which consisted in the demonstration of the fact, not denied by Bordet, that ox serum will produce cytolysis only when the serum has in it amboceptors and com- plements simultaneously. It is not possible, as in some other cases, to produce cytolysis by sensitizing cells with ox amboceptors that is, with heated ox serum and, after washing these sensitized cells, add- ing complement that is, fresh serum. Cytolysis with ox serum takes place only when the heated ox serum and some unheated fresh serum (horse serum was the kind used in the experiments) are employed at the same time. This is interpreted by Ehrlich and Sachs as showing that while the free amboceptors present in the ox serum will not unite with the cells they will and do so unite when the}' are previously attached to complements. But Bordet's results appear to show quite plainly that in this case the horse serum which was used as complement produces cytolysis quite independently of the ox serum, and that while cytolysis takes place more promptly when heated ox serum ox amboceptors are added, the ox serum is not necessaiy. Bordet therefore regards the experiments as showing- that the heated ox serum acted merely as an accelerator of cytolysis. Bordet summarizes his conclusions as follows: We see but one rational explanation of the peculiar action of ox serum that there exists in the serum a peculiar substance capable of resisting heat of 56 C. and which remains unaltered for many months in this heated serum. The substance is probably of an albuminous or colloid character, and does not adhere to the normal corpuscles, but is precipitated upon the corpuscles which are previously charged with sensibilisatrice and alexin. We believe that it is a veritable process of glueing of absorption depending upon molecular adhesion. In con- formity with the statements of Ehrlich and Sachs, experiments show that the corpuscles of guinea pigs become hemolyzed in a mixture of fresh horse serum and of ox serum, the latter having been heated to 56 C., while they resist hemoly- sis if they are first subjected to the action of the heated ox serum and have the horse serum added subsequently. But the interpretation offered by Ehrlich and Sachs, according to which the sensibilisatrice furnished by the ox serum does not unite with the corpuscles unless it (the sensibilisatrice) is previously connected with alexin derived from the horse serum is n(h correct. In the first place, the sensibilisatrice, which plays a preponderating and most essential role, is not contained in the ox i'l I HACTr Kl.'I.VHc 1'oUKR OF BI I' -I-.WM K H<" -.nun ut all, hut i- furni-hed by tin- scrum. ( 'on-eo.ncntly theft) > U-have lik- all ccnliari- : the of heinolysis in (jiutiti.m. The (teculiarity of ox serum consist* in the prewnce of a certain element which - ">ti ('.. ami also reeistw tanding, and is of the nature of a >lliil, doubt lew albuminoid, and which, furthermore, in al^irlKsl by curpuwlff which have IKT..III,- rharxi^l witli HHibilisatric- and aK-xin, but which remain^ fn-- in tin- presence of normal OOCjMMlflt OT Oi corpusrlrs imTt'ly sennit i/c. I i , cnrpn>cli-.- tn-atvd \\ith heated Heriun alunc. Tin* absorption of thi>rolloii| by corpuscle which have btfii tn-att-d with lx>th wnsihilisatrire and alcxin ha the effect of energetically aggluti- natiim them and of rendering them more siiM-eptible to liemoly.-i.- except unen ><-t forth al>ov is correct, and if tin- t\v<> lolir> conrrriH-d in cytolysis do not unite, then of cour-e the tlu-ory of complement diversion must fall, since it requires as the lir-t condition the union of amboceptors with complements. Never- theless, there appears to be as yet no other explanation of the phe- nomena observed on diluting immune serum, and. a^ an attempt ha* IXMMI made to show in the present paper, there seems to be no other explanation of the behavior of normal serum on dilution. CONCLUSIONS. In summarizing the results of the present investigations it is seen 1. That the bactericidal potency of the serum from the same hog varies from time to time. _'. That the serum from one and the same drawing differs in poteiu-y for different strains of /?. chnl,>rn> xuix. 3. That while the effect of standing is to weaken the potency, this tl. , t is more marked in some sj)ecimens of serum than in other- under the same condition-. 4. That the bactericidal power of the serum from the venous blood of hoefs is not ahvay* more potent than that from the arterial blood. 5. That heating the serum at about 54 C. for thirty minute*, inacti- vates the serum. 6. 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