LIBRARY OF THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF" PACIFIC THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. ^Accession ^..9.T.9. Class SOLOMON'S SOM: TKANSLATED AND EXPLAINED, IN THREE PAETS. I. THE MANUDUCTION. II. THE VERSION, m. THE SUPPLEMENT. BY LEONARD WITHINGTON, SENIOR PASTOR OF THE FIRST CHURCH IN NEWBURT, MASS. " V A UN1V ovdev. BOSTON: J. E. TILTON AND COMPANY, 161 WASHINGTON STREET. 18 61. ~ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1861, by LEONARD WITHINGTON, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. University Press, Cambridge : Stereotyped and Printed by Welch, Bigelow, & Co. PREFACE. EVERY new book to be profitable asks a certain degree of attention. But a reader is not always disposed to give a new book much attention ; and indeed it must be allowed, on the strictest doctrine of chances and probabilities, that as an hundred are to one, so is the chance against the new claimant. However, here is a new book that humbly solicits attention ; and let the reader remember, if it should not prove profitable, unless he gives it the requisite attention, the fault may not be wholly mine. _8459L CONTENTS. PART I. THE MANUDUCTION. PAGE I. THE DESIGN 1 THE DESIGN (CONTINUED) 17 ADVERSE AUTHORITY 20 II. PLACES IN SCRIPTURE WHERE DIVINE LOVE ASSUMES THE FORM OF AN EROTIC SIMILITUDE . . 31 THE UNITY 40 III. AMATORY DEVOTION LN HEATHEN LITERATURE AND IN THE CHURCH SINCE THE DAYS OF THE APOSTLES 50 HAPPINESS 70 IV. DIVINE LOVE AN INTELLECTUAL AND INFORMING PASSION 95 " V. THE DRAMATIC ELEMENT IN INTERPRETING THE BIBLE 133 - PARTICULAR APPLICATION 145 THE USE OF THE IMAGINATION . . . . 166 VI. THE DOUBLE SENSE 171 - VII. METAPHYSICS 187 EXEMPLIFICATION 205 THE EXAMPLE OF THE SACRED WRITERS . . 209 PART II. THE VERSION 223 THE GOLDEN SONG OF SOLOMON .... 228 PART III. THE SUPPLEMENT 277 THE CLAIM AND THE PROOF 304 THE CANON . 313 PAET I. THE MANUDUCTION THE MANUDUCTION. THE DESIGN. ONE of the first requisites to the understanding of this mystic Song is to see the author's design, "In every work, regard the writer's end." The Bible is too often considered by the iieologist as a book of frag- ments, having no moral unity, no single design, no divine design ; and this injustice to the whole necessi- tates a greater injustice to all the parts, nay, a want of perception of their import, or beauty. Every part of an arch rests on the key-stone. The history of the king- dom of God may be considered as one great drama, terminating in the triumph of grace over sin, and good over evil. " Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his peo- ple, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes ; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain ; for the former things are passed away." No book has suffered more than this Song from the i w84591 A 2 THE MANUDUCTION. want of seeing the design. There is a twofold want. First, a want of seeing the design of the whole work of revelation ; and secondly, a want of seeing the design of this particular book, and its harmony with the whole. Let us then point out, first, its probable HISTORIC ORIGIN ; and this may help us to the moral design. That the book was written by Solomon, I shall as- sume ; for there is no end to that destructive criticism which whispers suspicions of a later origin. Even the Pentateuch itself has not escaped the daring innova- tors ; and Aramseanisms, or later forms of Hebrew, are found in the earliest books of the Bible. The neolo- gists prove that nothing is or can be ancient. I must be allowed to say, without depreciating any man's Oriental learning, that I cannot conceive of a degree of familiarity with any of these languages, which have been dead for many centuries, which can justify a critic in such bold censures as they undertake to pronounee.* * Dr. Noyes, after giving several instances of alleged Aramaeanism, comes to this very judicious conclusion : " From these and other instances, Gesenius, De Wette, and Umbreit have referred the Book of Job to the time of the captivity, a period assigned to it by Le Clerc, Warburton, Heath, Garnet, and Rabbi Jochanan, among the older critics. But from the few remains of Hebrew literature that have come down to us, and our imper- fect acquaintance with the history of language, it follows that it is by no means certain that the words and forms above mentioned may not have been in use in some parts of Judasa before the time of the captivity. $, as a prefix, occurs in the Book of Judges. See vi. 17." Preface to Job. THE MANUDUCTION. O They cut here and slash there, until the whole forest of antiquity is levelled to the ground. Indeed, I can- not conceive of any language, which is not vernacular, being so critically known to a man as to justify him in upsetting all tradition, and saying he finds modern- isms in every page. Dr. Bentley, in his dissertation on the Epistles of Phalaris, speaks very modestly of the modernisms he discovers in those Epistles, and places the chief evidence of their forgery on the anachronisms which he everywhere discovers. Besides, suppose there are real Aramaeisms, is recency of authorship the only way in which they can be accounted for ? We are told in the sacred history, that Solomon " spake three thou- sand proverbs, and his songs were a thousand and five," (1 Kings iv. 32,) and why may not this be one of them ? Who more likely to produce it, than he of whom it is said, there came of " all people to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all the kings of the earth, which had heard of his wisdom"? There is no end to this learned scepticism ; and truth would always be found by these sagacious divers, were she always certain to conceal herself in the bottom of a well. They are sure to miss her when she is on the surface. Nor can I possibly agree with those who regard this book as a COLLECTION of songs. The remarks of Rosen- miiller are on this point excellent. " That this book," he says, " contains one connected song, was never ques- tioned until Richard Simon called it into doubt, by 4 THE MANUDUCTION. saying it was a collection of various minor poems by various authors ; and since his day the same hypothesis has been adopted by distinguished critics ; the book, according to these critics, is a collection of amatory songs, having no unity but the common subject, like the Book of Psalms, or the Book of Proverbs." But. as Rosenmiiller says, there is no vestige in the book of this variety, nulla tamen tumultuariae congestionis vestigia. It is everywhere a continued dialogue of the same speakers, in the same style, on the same subject. The unity is complete ; and the man who finds this variety must do as a man who breaks a glass vase, and then complains that he only finds a collection of frag- ments. The only plausibility that such a theory can have must arise from a peculiarity which pervades all Hebrew poetry ; namely, the rapid transitions by which a primitive people leave the reader to supply the inter- stices of their thoughts. The transition of such writers is always rapid ; and if every break indicates a new subject and a new author, there is no end to the va- riety which bad taste and daring speculation may every- where find. Following these ancient, simple writers is not like walking in the gravelled paths of a garden, trodden down by art and consolidated by the roller, but like walking over the glaciers of the Alps, where you must leap many a chasm, and where you are an unskilful traveller if the first interruption stops your way. The frost in these haggard regions will not im- itate the nicety of an artist in his studio. THE MANUDUCTION. 5 The want of tact in discerning the difference be- tween a rapid transition (such as constitutes the char- acter and beauty of primitive poetry) has led Rosen- miiller himself, in that beautiful break in the nineteenth Psalm, ver. 7, to find a new subject. " Mihi tamen ea carminis pars, quae inde a versus et decurrit, parum apte cum reliqua videtur cohaerere. Ea vero in utraque rerum et verborum est dissimilitude, ut nullus dubitem, duo diversa carmina, aut certe diversoruin carmiiiuni particulas, quorum unum virtu tern Jehovae ex opificio coelorum mire relucentem, alterum legum divinarum praestantiam et excellentiam celebraret, casu vel consilio in hoc uno esse conjuncta, quae proinde a nobis erunt sejungenda." But surely there never was a more beau- tiful unity than this Psalm presents, or a more beau- tiful transition. How natural that the works of God should suggest the clearer revelation of his Word, and that the same ode should present the harmony of both ! That this book should be regarded as a collection of fragments, is one of the most baseless visions that ever entered a mind darkened by its own ingenuity. Never was there a book that had greater unity. It is all about the same pair, Solomon and Solomitis. The style is the same ; the subject is the same ; and the whole impression is unique. The fragments must be made by the fragmentary mind that reads it. The best way to discover the moral design of this 6 THE MANUDUCTTON. book is to consider its historical origin. We must en- deavor to state to ourselves the circumstances under which its design was suggested and its form arose. It is pretty clear that most of the Psalms, and many of the prophecies, had an occasional and temporary appli- cation ; and that the local event was an interpreter to the ultimate design. The analogy of one to the other was often very striking and instructive. Now this principle, sanctioned by so many examples, we pro- pose to apply in explaining the design of this difficult poem. We know from the sacred history, that Solomon, in his high glory, made affinity, not only with equal kings, as the king of Egypt, but also with the rural chiefs and sheiks of the tribes around him. We are told expressly (1 Kings xi.) : " But King Solomon loved many strange women " (i. e. foreigners), " together with the daughter of Pharaoh, women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, and Hittites ; of the nations concerning which the Lord said unto the chil- dren of Israel, Ye shall not go in to them, neither shall they come in unto you ; for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods. Solomon clave unto these in love." Now we must remember that all these na- tions, except the Zidonians, were pastoral and rural nations, very much below the Israelites in the scale of civilization in the golden days of Solomon. I cannot think that the bride in this song is Pharaoh's daugh- THE MANUDUCTION. 7 ter, though Lowth and other learned critics have coun- tenanced this opinion. The Solomeith or Solomitis of this Song is everywhere a rural lass, having that mixture of rusticity and refinement which marks the daughter of some sheik, just such qualities as would now characterize an Arab princess. " How beautiful are thy feet with shoes, prince's daughter! " (vii. 1.) " I am black, but comely ; " that is, a handsome bru- nette, (i. 5.) " I am the rose of Sharon," i. e. a mod- est autumnal flower, and u the lily of the valley," i. e. a beautiful flower growing in a humble place, (ii. 1.) She sleeps under the trees ; " our bed is green ; the beams of our house are cedar, and our rafters are fir." (i. 16, 17.) She is made keeper of a vineyard, and fol- lows a flock, and the more polished daughters of Jeru- salem are jealous of her ; in a word, she speaks like a polished, rural lass. Now if we put the hints of his- tory and of the book together, we may come to the conclusion that Solomon, in spreading his peaceful empire, made affinity with some of the Arab tribes around him. He did it from a partial wish of spreading the Hebrew empire and religion through the vicinity. He did not aim to conquer by war, but by affinity ; he wished to cement a glorious empire ; it is true, that afterwards his idolatrous wives turned away his heart ; but such, probably, was not his first intention. Noth : ing is more natural than that, when we mix too much expediency in our designs to spread religion, the evil 8 THE MANUDUCTION. should eat out the good. I suppose Solomon might have a mixed motive ; it was one of those cases where his own wisdom might deceive him ; his folly was not the folly of a fool, and I cannot imagine any other reason for his vast number of wives and concubines. " And he had seven hundred wives, princesses," (mark the word !) " and three hundred concubines : and his wives turned away his heart. For it came to pass when Solomon was old," (mark again,) "that his wives turned away his heart after other gods ; and his heart was not perfect " (mark again) " with the Lord his God, as was the heart of David his father. For Solomon went after Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Zidonians, and after Milcom, the abomination of the Ammonites. And Solomon did evil in the sight of the Lord, and went not fully after the Lord, as did David his father. Then did Solomon build up an high place for Che- mosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is be- fore Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the children of Ammon. And likewise did he for all his strange wives, which burnt incense and sacrificed unto their gods." (1 Kings xi. 3-8.) Several things may be here noticed. First, the vast number of his wives, be- yond all the purposes of sensuality, one thousand ! and I fancy some of them found their houses more of the convent than the seraglio. No doubt the purpose was to prepare the way for a splendid kingdom. Sec- ondly, it will be noticed that the seven hundred wives THE MANUDUCTION. 9 were princesses ; now the very number shows they did not belong to great kingdoms, like Egypt ; they must have been princesses in the little tribes around Pales- tine. Thirdly, it will be noticed that Solomon is not totally condemned : " They turned away his heart ; it came to pass when Solomon was old, that his wives," &c. " He went not fully after the Lord, like David his father ; " "his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God,"