UC-NRLF THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SALESMANSHIP BY WILLIAM WALKER ATKINSON Vi L. N. FOWLER & COMPANY 7, Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus London, E. C., England 1912 THE ELIZABETH TOWNE CO. HOLYOKE, MASS. Copyright 1912 By ELIZABETH TOWNE THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SALESMANSHIP CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. Psychology in Business 9 II. The Mind of the Salesman 28 III. The Mind of the Salesman (con- tinued) ...... 47 IV. The Mind of the Buyer 70 V. The Mind of the Buyer (contin- ued) 91 VI. The Pre- Approach .... ,. . .114 VII. The Psychology of Purchase 137 VIII. The Approach ..167 / IX. The Demonstration 193 X. The Closing . .,. 222 OHAPTEE I PSYCHOLOGY IN BUSINESS Uintil the last few years the mere mention of the word "psychology" in connection with business was apt to be greeted with a shrug of the shoulders, a significant raising of the eyebrows and a change of the subject. Psychology was a subject that savored of the class room, or else was thought to be somehow concerned with the soul, or possibly related to the abnormal phenomena generally classi- fied as ' ' psychic. " The average business man was apt to impatiently resent the introduction into business of class room topics, or specula- tion regarding the soul, or of theories and tales regarding clairvoyance, telepathy, or general "spookiness" for these were the things included in his concept of "psy- chology. ' ' But a change has come to the man in busi- ness. He has heard much of late years re- 9 10 SALESMANSHIP garding psychology in business affairs, and has read something on the subject. He un- derstands now that psychology means "the science of the mind" and is not necessarily the same as metaphysics or ' ' psychism. ' ' He has had brought home to him the fact that psy- chology plays a most important part in busi- ness, and that it is quite worth his while to acquaint himself with its fundamental prin- ciples. In fact, if he has thought sufficiently on the subject, he will have seen that the 'entire process of selling goods, personally, or by means of advertising or display, is essentially a mental process depending upon the state of mind induced in the purchaser, and that these states of mind are induced solely by reason of certain established principles of psy- phology. Whether the salesman, or advertiser, realizes this or not, he is employing psy- chological principles in attracting the atten- tion, arousing the interest, creating the desire, and moving the will of the purchaser of his jgoods. The best authorities on salesmanship and advertising now recognize this fact and em- phasize it in their writings. George French, PSYCHOLOGY IN BUSINESS 11 in Ms "Art and Science of Advertising" says regarding psychology in advertising: "So we can dismiss the weird word, and simply acknowledge that we can sell things to a manV more readily if we know the man. We can't personally know every man to whom we wish to sell goods. We must therefore consider if there are not certain ways of thinking and of acting which are common to all men, or to a large proportion of men. If we can discover the laws governing the action of men's minds^ we will know how to appeal to those men. We know how to appeal to Smith, because we know Smith. We know what will please Brown, be- cause we know Brown. We know how to get our way with Jones, because we know Jones. What the advertiser must know is how to get at Smith, Brown, and Jones without knowing any of them. While every man has his per- sonal peculiarities, and while every mind has its peculiar method of dealing with the facts of life, every man and every mind is con- trolled, in a large sense and to a great extent, by predilections and mind-workings which were established before he lived, and are operated in a manner separate from his per- 12 SALESMANSHIP sonality. Our minds are more automatic, more mechanical, than we are willing to ad- mit. That which we loosely call mind is largely the automatic expression of tendencies controlled by physical conditions wholly apart from conscious intellectual or moral motives or qualities. What those physical conditions are, and how the knowledge of what they are may be utilized by advertisers, forms the body of that new knowledge some like to call psy- chology, so far as it concerns advertising." Mr. French has well expressed the idea of the important part played in business by psy- chology. "What he says is, of course, as ap- plicable to personal salesmanship as to sales- manship through advertisements the same principles are present and operative in both cases. In order to bring to the mind of the reader the full idea of the operation of psychological principles in the sale of goods, we shall men- tion a few particular instances in which these principles have played a part. Each reader will be able to recollect many similar instances, once his attention is called to the matter. Prof. Halleck, a well known authority on PSYCHOLOGY IN BUSINESS 13 psychology says: "Business men say that the ability to gain the attention is often the secret of success in life. Enormous salaries are paid to persons who can write advertise- ments certain to catch the eye. A publisher said that he had sold only five thousand copies of an excellent work, merely because it had failed to catch the attention of many, and that twenty-five thousand copies could have been disposed of in the same time, if agents had forced them upon the notice of people. Druggists say that any kind of patent medi- cine can be sold, if it is so advertised as to strike the attention in a forcible manner. Business life has largely resolved itself into a battle to secure the attention of people. ' ' The same excellent authority says, regard- ing the effect of associated ideas: "An emi- nent philosopher has said that man is com- pletely at the mercy of the association of his ideas. Every new object is seen in the light of its associated ideas. * * * The principle of the association of ideas is sufficient to ac- count for the change in fashions. A woman in a southern city had a bonnet that she particu- larly admired, until she one day saw three 14 SALESMANSHIP negresses wearing precisely the same pattern. She never appeared again in that bonnet. When a style of dress becomes i common,' and is worn by the lower classes, it is discarded by the fashionable people. Fashions that are absolutely repulsive will often be adopted if they are introduced by popular or noted people. * * * A knowledge of the power of the association of ideas is of the utmost importance in business. One man has his store so planned that all its associations are pleasing, from the manner of the clerks to the fixtures and drapery. Another store brings up unpleasant associations. * * * When negligee hats first made their appear- ance, a shrewd hatter sent for a well-dressed and popular collegian and offered him his choice of the best hats in the store, if he would wear a negligee hat for three days. He ob- jected to making such an exhibition of himself, until he was flattered by the hatter's wager that the hats could, in this way, be made the fashion for the entire town. When the col- legian first put in his appearance on the campus with the hat, he was guyed for his oddity. Late in the afternoon, some of his PSYCHOLOGY IN BUSINESS 15 friends concluded that the hat looked so well that they would invest. On the following day large numbers reached the same conclusion. For some time after this the hatter found difficulty in keeping a sufficient supply in stock. Had an unpopular or poorly dressed man appeared first on the campus with that hat, the result would have been the reverse. The hat would have been the same, but the association of ideas would have differed. Some of the ladies of fashion in a large Euro- pean city selected on their own responsibility, without consulting the milliners, a cheap spring Manilla hat, which was very hand- some. The milliners found themselves with a high-priced stock for which there was no demand. They held a council, bought a large number of the cheap hats, and put them on the heads of all the female street sweepers and scavengers in the town. When the ladies of fashion went out the next day, they were amazed to see the very dregs of the city ar- rayed in headgear like their own. It was not very long before the result was what might have been expected. " In a previous work of the present writer, 16 SALESMANSHIP the following illustrations of the effect of psychological suggestion in advertising were used : The use of the "direct command" as the "ad. men" call it, is very common. People are positively told to do certain things in these advertisements. They are told to ' ' take home a cake of Hinky-dink's Soap tonight; your wife needs it ! " And they do it. Or they see a mammoth hand pointing down at them from a sign, and almost hear the corresponding mammoth voice as it says (in painted words) : "Say you! Smoke Honey-Dope Cigars; they 're the best ever ! ! ! " And, if you manage to reject the command the first time, you will probably yield at the repeated suggestion of the same thing being hurled at you at every corner and high fence, and "Honey-Dope" will be your favorite brand until some other suggestion catches you. Suggestion by au- thority and repetition, remember ; that's what does the business for you! They call this the "Direct Command" in the advertising schools. Then there are some other subtle forms of suggestion in advertising. You see staring from every bit of space, on billboard PSYCHOLOGY IN BUSINESS 17 and in newspapers and magazines : "Uwanta Cracker," or something of that sort and you usually wind up by acquiescing. And then you are constantly told that "Babies howl for Grandma Hankin's Infantile Soother," and then when you hear some baby howling you think of what you have been told they are howling for, and then you run and buy a bottle of "Grandma Hankin's." Then you are told that some cigar is "Generously Liberal" in size and quality; or that some kind of Cocoa is "Grateful and Befreshing"; or that some brand of soap is "99.999% Pure" ; etc., etc. Only last night I saw a new one -"Somebody's Whisky is Smooth," and every imbiber in the car was smacking his lips and thinking about the "smooth" feeling in his mouth and throat. It was smooth the idea, not the stuff, I mean. And some other whiskey man shows a picture of a glass, a bottle, some ice and a syphon of seltzer, with simply these words: "Oldboy's Highball- That 's all!" All of these things are sugges- tions, and some of them are very powerful ones, too, when constantly impressed upon the mind by repetition. * * * I have 18 SALESMANSHIP known dealers in Spring goods to force the season by filling their windows with their ad- vance stock. I have seen hat dealers start up the straw hat season by putting on a straw themselves, their clerks ditto, and then a few friends. The sprinkling of "straws" gave a suggestion to the street, and the straw hat season was opened. Dr. Herbert A. Parkyn, an authority on Suggestion, draws the following picture from life of a retail merchant who is suffering from the effect of adverse psychological influences resulting from his pessimistic mental atti- tude. The present writer can vouch for the accuracy of Dr. Parkyn 's picture, for he knows the original of the sketch. Dr. Parkyn says of the storekeeper: "He is the proprietor of a store in a neigh- boring city ; but such a store it almost gives me the blues to go into it ! His windows are dressed year in and year out with the same old signs, and there is nothing to give the store the cheerful appearance so essential to an up-to-date business establishment But the atmosphere of the place is only in keeping with the proprietor. When he started in busi- PSYCHOLOGY IN BUSINESS 19 ness thirty years ago he employed eight clerks, but his business has fallen off till he does all the work himself and is scarcely able now to pay rent, although competitors around him are increasing their business steadily every year. In the course of a fifteen minute 's conversation, the first time I met him, he told me all his troubles, which were many. Ac- cording to his story, everyone had been try- ing to get the better of him ever since he started in business ; his competitors resorted to unfair business methods ; his landlord was endeavoring to drive him out by raising his rent; he could not get an honest clerk in his store; an old man had not an equal chance with a young man; he could not understand why people he had catered to so faithfully should be so ungrateful or so fickle as to give their patronage to every upstart who went into business in the same line as his ; he sup- posed that he could work along, as he was doing, from morning till night without a holiday till he was driven to the poorhouse or died, and although he had been in the same stand for fifteen years there was not a single person he could call on if in need of a friend, 20 SALESMANSHIP etc. Although I have had occasion to visit him many times during business hours, I have never heard him address a cheerful or en- couraging remark to a customer. On the other hand he waited on them, not only with an air of indifference, but apparently as if he were doing them a favor by allowing them to trade at his store, while others who dropped in to ask permission to use his telephone or to en- quire about residents in the neighborhood were soon given to understand by his manner and answers that he considered them a nuisance and hoped they had not mistaken his store for an information bureau. I have purposely led him into other channels of conversation, with the same result ; everything was going to the dogs the city, the country, etc. No matter what was talked about, his remarks were sat- urated with pessimism. He was ready to blame everything and everyone for his con- dition, and when I ventured to suggest that much of his trouble was due to his attitude he was ready to show me to the door. If he would but cast his bread upon the waters for a few weeks by bestowing a smile here and a smile there, or a cheerful encouraging word PSYCHOLOGY IN BUSINESS 21 to this customer and that customer, he would certainly feel better for the giving, and they would return to him a thousand fold. If he would only assume that he is prosperous and proceed to give his store an air of prosperity, how much more attractive he could make his place look and how much more inviting it would be for customers ! If he would assume that every person that entered his store was his guest, whether he made a purchase or not, people would feel like returning to his store when they wanted anything in his line. I could suggest a hundred ways in which this man could employ suggestion and auto-sug- gestion to increase his business, to draw friends to him, instead of driving them away, and to make the world and himself better and happier while he lives in it." But, you may ask, what has all this to do with psychology in salesmanship what has the matter of advertising, store display, per- sonal manner, etc., to do with salesmanship? Just this much, that all these things are based on the same fundamental principles as is salesmanship, and that these fundamental principles are those of psychology. All that 22 SALESMANSHIP has been said refers to psychology all is the effect of psychology pure and simple. All depends upon the mental attitude, the sugges- tions offered, the mental states induced, the motive to the will all these outward things are merely the effects of inner mental states. J. W. Kennedy, in "Judicious Advertising" says: "Advertising is just salesmanship on paper ; a mere money-making means of selling goods rapidly. That * mysterious something' is just printed persuasion and its other name is ' selling conviction. ' Conviction can be im- parted at will by those few writers who have closely studied the thought processes by which conviction is induced. The mission of every ad. is to convert readers into buyers." Geo. Dyers, in the same journal says: "Adver- tising takes into account the sub-conscious im- pressions, the varying phases of suggestion and association as received through the eye, the psychology of the direct command, all worth earnest consideration, and seriously to be reckoned with, however we may balk at the terms. Seth Brown in ' ' Salesmanship ' 9 says : "To make advertising which will sell goods requires development of the human part of PSYCHOLOGY IN BUSINESS 23 the writer. He must realize the different forces which command Attention, Interest, Desire and Conviction. The buyer wants your goods because they will produce for him some definite effect or result. It is this result that the ad. man must keep in mind." "But," you may also say, "after all this i psychology' seems to be nothing else than what we have always known as * human na- ture' there is nothing new about this." Exactly so ! Psychology is the inner science of human nature. Human nature depends en- tirely upon psychological processes it is bound up with the activities of the mind. The study of human nature is the study of the minds of people. But whereas the study of human nature, as usually conducted, is a hap- hazard, hit-or-miss sort of undertaking, the study of the mind, according to the established principles of psychology, is of the nature of the study of science, and is pursued according to scientific methods. Particularly in its phase of Salesmanship does the study of human nature along the lines of psychology become a science. From the first to the last Salesmanship is a psycholog- 24 SALESMANSHIP ' "Heal subject. Every step in the process of a sale is a mental process. The mental attitude and mental expression of the salesman; the mental attitude and mental impression of the customer; the process of arousing the atten- tion, awakening curiosity or interest, creating desire, satisfying the reason, and moving the willall these are purely mental processes, and the study of them becomes a branch of the study of psychology. The display of goods on the counters, shelves, or windows of a store, or in the hands of the salesman on the road, must be based upon psychological principles. The argument of the salesman must not only be logical but must be so arranged and worded as to arouse certain feelings or faculties within the mind of the prospective buyer this is psychology. And finally, the closing of the sale, in which the object is to arouse the will of the buyer into final favorable action this also is psychology. From the entrance of the salesman to the final, closing of the' sale, each and every step is a psychological process. A sale is the action and reaction of mind upon mind, according to well established psycholog- ~ ical principles and rules. Salesmanship is PSYCHOLOGY IN BUSINESS 25 essentially a psychological science as all must admit who will give to the subject a logical consideration. To those who object to the term "psychology" because of its newness and unfamiliar sound, we do not care to urge the term. Let such cling to their old term of " human nature," remembering however that "human nature" is essentially mental. A dead man, a man asleep or; in a trance, or an idiot, manifests no "human nature" in the sense the word is generally used. A man must be alive, wide awake, and in possession of his senses, before he is able to manifest "human nature," and before his "human nature" may be appealed to according to the well known principles. "Human nature" cannot be divorced from psychology, try as we may. We do not for a moment wish to imply that Salesmanship is entirely dependent upon a knowledge of psychology. There are other factors concerned. For instance, the sales- man must possess a practical knowledge of his goods; of the seasons; of the trend of if ashion in relation to his line ; of the adaptabil- |ity of certain goods for certain sections. But, 26 SALESMANSHIP waiving for the moment the point that even these are concerned with the mind of people at the last, and admitting that they may be considered as independent of psychology, all of these points will avail nothing if the sales- man violates the psychological principles of the sale. Give such a man the best goods, of the best house, with a thorough knowledge of the requirements of the trade and the goods themselves, and send him forth to sell those goods. The result will be that his sales will fall below the mark of a man far less well equipped in other respects but who under- stands the psychology of salesmanship, either intuitively or else by conscious acquirement. Inasmuch as the essence of Salesmanship ^is the employment of the proper psychological principles, does it not seem imperative that the salesman should know something of the Mind of Man the instrument upon which he must play in plying his vocation? Should not -"Ehe salesman possess the same kind of knowl- edge of his instrument as does the musician, the mechanic, the artisan, the artist? What would be thought of one who would expect to become an expert swordsman without a knowl- PSYCHOLOGY IN BUSINESS 27 edge of the principles of fencing, or of one who would expect to become a boxer without mastering the established principle of boxing? The instruments of the salesman are his own mind and the mind of his customers. He should acquaint himself thoroughly with CHAPTER II THE MIND OF THE SALESMAN In the Psychology of Salesmanship there are two important elements, viz: (1) The Mind of the Salesman; and (2) the Mind of the Buyer. The proposition, or the goods to be sold, constitute the connecting link between the two Minds, or the common point upon which the two Minds must unite, blend, and come to agreement. The Sale itself is the result of the fusion and agreement of the two Minds- the product of the action and re- action between them. Let us now proceed to a consideration of the two important elements, the Two Minds involved in the process of Salesmanship. Beginning our consideration of the Mind of the Salesman, let us realize that upon his mind depends his character and personality. His character is composed of his individual mental qualities or attributes. His person- 28 MIND OF THE SALESMAN 29 ality is his customary outward expression of Ms character. Both character and personal- ity may be altered, changed and improved. And there is in each person a central some- thing which he calls "I," which is able to order and manifest these changes in his char- acter and personality. While it may be argued plausibly that a man is merely a com- posite of his characteristics and nothing more, nevertheless there is always in each the con- sciousness that in his real "I" there is a something which is above and behind char- acteristics, and which may regulate the latter. Without attempting to lead the reader into the maze of metaphysics, or the pitfalls of philosophy, we wish to impress upon him the fact that his mental being has for its inner- most centre of consciousness this mysterious "I," the nature of which no one has ever been able to determine, but which when fully real- ized imparts to one a strength and force un- dreamed of before. And it is well worth while for everyone seeking self-development and self-improve- ment to awaken to a clear realization of this "I" within him, to which every faculty, every 30 SALESMANSHIP quality, every characteristic is an instrument of expression and manifestation. The real "you" is not the characteristics or features of personality, which change from time to time, but a permanent, changeless, centre and back- ground of the changes of personality a something that endures through all changes, and which you simply know as "I." In the volume of this series, entitled "The New Psy- chology," in the chapter entitled "The Ego, or Self" we have spoken of this in detail. Further mention would be out of place in the present volume, but we may be pardoned for quoting the following from the said chapter, for we feel that a realization of this "I" is most important to each person who wishes to master his own mind, and to create his own personality. Here follows the quotation: "The consciousness of the 'I* is above! per- sonality -it is something inseparable from individuality. * * * The consciousness of the 'I* is an actual experience, just as much as is the consciousness of the page before you. * * * The whole subject of The New Psychology is bound up with this recog- nition of the 'I' it revolves around this *P MIND OF THE SALESMAN 31 as a wheel around its centre. We regard the mental faculties, powers, organs, qualities, and modes of expression, as merely instru- ments, tools, or channels of expression of this wonderful Something the Self, the pure Ego the 'I.' And this is the message of The New Psychology that You, the 'I,' have at your command a wonderful array of mental instruments, tools, machinery, which if prop- erly used will create for you any kind of per- sonality you may desire. You are the Master Workman who may make of yourself what you will. But before you can appreciate this truth before you can make it your own be- fore you can apply it you must enter into a recognition and realization of this wonderful 'I' that you are, to which body and senses, yea, even the mind itself, are but channels of expression. You are something more than body, or senses, or mind you are that won- derful Something, master of all these things, but of which you can say but one thing: 'I AM.'" But remember, always, that this realization of the Ego does not mean egotism, or self- conceit, or comparison of your character or 32 SALESMANSHIP personality with that of others. It is Egoism not Egotism and Egoism means simply the realization of this ' ' Master-Consciousness ' ' to which all other mental faculties are subordin- ate. If you want some other name for it, you may consider this "I" as the "Will of the will," for it is the very essence of will-power it is, so to speak, the Will conscious of itself. By means of the realization, you will find it far easier to cultivate the mental qualities in which you are deficient, and to restrain unde- sirable characteristics. The spirit of the idea may be gained by a careful understanding of the following from the pen of Charles F. Lummis: "I'm all right. I am bigger than anything that can happen to me. All these things are outside my door, and I've got the key!" The mental qualities most requisite to the Salesman may be stated as follows : 1. 'Self Respect. It is important to the Salesman that he cultivate the faculty of Self Bespect By this we do not mean egotism, conceit, superciliousness, imperiousness, hau- teur, snobbishness, etc., all of which are detri- mental qualities. Self Eespect, on the con- MIND OF THE SALESMAN 33 trary imparts the sense of true manhood or womanhood, self-reliance, dignity, courage and independence. It is the spirit of Black Hawk, the Indian chieftain, who, lifting his head said to Jackson: "I am a Man!" It is entirely opposed to the crawling, cringing "worm of the dust," mental attitude of Uriah Heep, s who was continually asserting how humble how very humble he was. Learn to look the world in the eyes without flinching. Throw off the fear of the crowd, and the im- pression that you are unworthy. Learn to be- lieve in yourself, and to respect yourself. Let your motto be ' ' I Can ; I Will ; I Dare ; I Do ! ' ' Self Eespeet is a sure antidote for the feel- ing of fear, e ur use of inferiority, and other negoiiv^ which sometimes op- press the Salesman when he is about to enter into the of some "big man." Ee- member that the num's personality is merely a mask, and that behind it is merely an "I" like your own no more, no less. Eemember that behind the "John Smith" part of you tlu same kind of "I" that exists b' viud ,gh Mucky-muck" part of him. Remember that you are Man approaching 34 SALESMANSHIP Man not a worm approaching a god. Be- mmber that just as Kipling says the: "The Colonel's lady and Judy O'Grady are sisters under their skin/ 9 so are you and the big man twin "IV beneath the covering of per- sonality, position, and outward appearance. By cultivating the realization of the "I," of which we have told you, you will acquire a new sense of Self Eespect which will render you immune from the feeling of bashfulness, in- feriority and fear in the presence of others. Unless a man respects himself, he cannot ex- pect others to respect him. He should build up his true individuality and respect it, being careful, always, not to get "side-tracked" by egotism, vanity and similar follies of person- ality. It is not your personality which is en- titled to respect, but your individuality, which is something far different. The personality belongs to the outer man, the individuality to the inner. One's physical carriage and attitude tends to react upon his own mental attitude as well as also impressing those in whose piesence he is. There is always an action and reaction between mind and body. Just as mental MIND OF THE SALESMAN 35 states take form in physical actions, so do physical actions react upon the mind and in- fluence mental states. Frown continually and you will feel cross; smile and you will feel cheerful. Carry yourself like a man, and you will feel like a man. Carl H. Pierce says re- garding the proper carriage of a salesman: "Bemember that you are asking no favors; that you have nothing to apologize for, and that you have every reason in the world to hold your head up high. And it is wonderful what this holding of the head will do in the way of increasing sales. "We have seen sales- men get entrance to the offices of Broadway buyers simply through the holding of the head straight up from the shoulders. The rule to follow is : Have your ear lobes directly over your shoulders, so that a plumb line hung from the ears describes the line of your body. Be sure not to carry the head either to the right or left but vertical. Many men make the. mis- take, especially when waiting for a prospect to finish some important piece of business, of leaning the he^d either to the right or left. This indicates weakness. A study of men dis- closes the fact that the strong men never tilt 36 SALESMANSHIP the head. Their heads sit perfectly straight on strong necks. Their shoulders, held easily yet firmly in correct position, are inspiring in their strength indicating poise. Every line of the body, in other words, denotes the thought of the bearer." So cultivate not only the inner sense of Self Bespect, but also the outward indications of that mental state. Thus do you secure the benefit of the action and reaction between body and mind. II. Poise. The salesman should cultivate Poise, which manifests in balance, tranquility and ease. Poise is that mental quality which maintains a natural balance between the vari- ous faculties, feelings, emotions and tenden- cies. It is the assertion of the "I" as the Master and controller of the mental states, feelings, and action. Poise enables one to correctly balance himself, mentally, instead of allowing his feelings or emotions to run away with him. Poise enables one to remain the Master of Himself, instead of "slopping over" on the one hand, or of "losing his nerve" on the other. Poise enables one to "keep himself well in hand." The man who MIND OF THE SALESMAN 37 has Poise indeed has Power, for he is never thrown off his balance, and consequently al- ways remains master of the situation. Did you ever hear of, or see, the Gyroscope? Well, it is a peculiar little mechanical contrivance consisting of a whirling wheel within a frame work, the peculiarity consisting of the ar- rangement and action of the wheel which by its motion always maintains its balance and equilibrium. No matter how the little ap- paratus is turned, it always maintains its- equilibrium. It is likely to play an important part in aerial navigation and mono-rail sys- tems of transportation, in the future. Well, here is the point be a Mental Gyro- scope. Cultivate the mental quality which acts automatically in the direction of keeping your balance and centre of mental gravity. This does not mean that you should be a prig, or a solemn-faced smug bore, with an assump- tion of supernatural dignity. On the con- trary, always be natural in manner and action. The point is to always maintain your balance, and mental control, instead of allowing your feelings or emotions to run away with you. Poise means Masterylack of it means 38 SALESMANSHIP Slavery. As Edward Carpenter says: "How rare indeed to meet a man! How common rather to discover a creature hounded on by tyrant thoughts (or cares, or desires), cower- ing, wincing under the lash or perchance priding himself to run merrily in obedience to a driver that rattles the reins and per- suades himself that he is free." Poise is the Mental Gyroscope keep it in good working order. III. Cheerfulness. The "bright, cheer- ful and happy" mental attitude, and the out- ward manifestation of the same, is a magnet of success to the salesman. The "grouch" is the negative pole of personality, and does more to repel people than almost any other quality. So much in demand is the cheerful demeanor and mental state, that people often give undue preference to those possessing it, and pass over a "grouchy" individual of merit in favor of the man of less merit but who possesses the "sunshine" in his person- ality. The "man with the southern exposure" is in demand. There is enough in the world to depress people without having gloom thrust MIND or THE SALESMAN 39 upon them by persons calling to sell goods. Well has the poet said : " Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone. For this sad old earth is in need of mirth ; It has troubles enough of its own. ftv The world prefers " Happy Jim" to "Gloomy Gus," and will bestow its favors upon the first while turning a cold shoulder to the second. The Human Wet Blanket is not a welcome guest, while the individual who manages to "let a little sunshine in" upon all occasions is always welcome. The optimistic and cheerful spirit creates for itself an atmos- phere which, perhaps unconsciously, diffuses itself in all places visited by the individual. Cheerfulness is contagious, and is a most valuable asset. We have known individuals whose sunny exteriors caused a relief in the tension on the part of those whom they visited. We have heard it said of such peo- ple: "I am always glad to see that fellow he brightens me up." This does not mean that one should endeavor to become a pro- fessional wit, a clown, or a comedian that is 40 SALESMANSHIP not the point. The idea underlying this mental state and attribute of personality is Cheerfulness, and a disposition to look on the bright side of things, and to manifest that mental state as the sun does its rays. Learn to radiate Cheerfulness. It is not so much a matter of saying things, as it is a matter of thinking them. A man's inner thoughts are reflected in his outward personality. So cultivate the inner Cheerfulness before you can hope to manifest its outer character- istics. There is nothing so pitiful, or which falls so flat, as a counterfeit Cheerfulness it is worse that the minstrel jokes of the last decade. To be cheerful one does not have to be a " funny man. "VThe atmosphere of true Cheerfulness can proceed only from within. The higher-class Japanese instruct their chil- dren to maintain a cheerful demeanor and a smiling face no matter what happens, even though the heart is breaking. They consider this the obligation of their caste, and regard it as most unworthy of the person, as well as insulting to others, to manifest any other demeanor or expression. Their theory, which forms a part of their wonderful code called MIND OF THE SALESMAN 41 "Bushido," is that it is an impertinence to obtrude one's grief, sorrow, misfortunes, or "grouch," upon others. They reserve for their own inner circle their sorrows and pains, and always present a cheerful and bright ap- pearance to others. The Salesman would do well to remember the "Bushido," -he needs it in his business. Avoid the * ' grouch ' ' mental state as you would a pestilence. Don't be a "knocker" for "knocks," like -chickens, come home to roost, bringing their chicks with them. IV- Politeness. Courtesy is a valuable asset to a Salesman. Not only this, but it is a trait characteristic of gentlemen in all walks of life, and is a duty toward oneself as well as toward others. By politeness and courtesy we do not mean the formal, artificial outward acts and remarks which are but the counter- feit of the real thing, but, instead, that re- spectful demeanor toward others which is the mark' of innate refinement and good-breeding. Courtesy and politeness do not necessarily consist of formal rules of etiquette, but of an inner sympathy and understanding of others which manifests in a courteous demeanor to- 42 SALESMANSHIP ward them. Everyone likes to be treated with appreciation and understanding and is will- ing to repay the same in like form. One does not need to be a raw "jollier" in order to be polite. Politeness true politeness comes from within, and it is almost impossible to imitate it successfully. Its spirit may be ex- pressed by the idea of trying to see the good in everyone and then acting toward the per- son as if his good were in plain evidence. Give to those with whom you come in con- tact the manner, attention and respect to which they would be entitled if they were actually manifesting the highest good within them. One of the best retail salesmen we ever knew attributed his success to his ability to "get on the customer's side of the counter," that is, to try to see the matter from the cus- tomer 's viewpoint. This led to a sympathetic understanding which was most valuable. If the Salesman can manage to put himself in the place of the customer, he may see things with a new light, and thus gain an under- standing of the customer which will enable him, the Salesman, to manifest a true polite- MIND OF THE SALESMAN 43 t ness toward his customers. But politeness and courtesy does not mean a groveling, cring- ing attitude of mind or demeanor. True politeness and courtesy must have as its back- ground and support, Self Respect. Allied to politeness is the quality called Tact, which is defined as the "peculiar skill or adroitness in doing or saying exactly that which is required by, or is suited to, the cir- cumstances ; nice perception or discernment." A little consideration will show that Tact must depend upon an understanding of the viewpoint and mental attitude of the other person, so that if one has the key to the one he may open the door of the other. An under- standing of the other person's position, and an application of the true spirit of politeness, will go a long way toward establishing the quality of tactfulness. Tact is a queer com- bination of Worldly Wisdom and the Golden Rule a mixture of the ability to seek into the other person's mind, and the ability to speak unto others as you would that others speak unto you, under the same circumstances. The trait called Adaptability, or the faculty of adjusting oneself to conditions, and to the per- 44 SALESMANSHIP sonality of others, also belongs to this cate- gory. Adaptability depends upon the ability to see the other person's position. As a writer says: " Those individuals who are out of harmony with their surroundings disap- pear to make room for those who are in har- mony with them." When the keynote of the understanding of the minds of others is found, the whole subject of true politeness, tact and adaptability is understood and may be ap- plied in practice. V. Human Nature. Closely allied to the subject of the preceding paragraphs, is that of Human Nature. A knowledge of Human Nature is very important to the Salesman. In order to understand the workings of the minds of others, one must not only under- stand the general psychological principles in- volved, but also the special manifestations of those principles. Nature tends to form classes and species, and the majority of peo- ple may be grouped into special classes de- pending upon their temperaments. An in- telligent study of The New Psychology and the general subject of Human Nature in works on Physiognomy, etc., will do much to start MIND OF THE SALESMAN 45 one well upon the road to an understanding of Human Nature. But, after all, the best knowledge comes only when the general prin- ciples are tested and applied under observa- tion in general experience. In this particular work we have much to say upon certain features of Human Nature in fact, as we have said, Human Nature is but Psychology. The following advice, from the pen of Prof. Fowler, the well known au- thority on Phrenology, is recommended to all Salesmen desirous of acquiring the faculty of understanding Human Nature : ' i Scan closely all the actions of men, with a view to ascertain their motives and mainsprings of action; look with a sharp eye at man, woman, child, all you meet, as if you would read them through; note particularly the expression of the eye, as if you would imbibe what it signifies; say to yourself: What faculty prompted this expression or that action; drink in the general looks, attitude, natural language, and manifestation of the man, and yield yourself to the impressions naturally made on you that is, study human nature 46 SALESMANSHIP both as a philosophy and as a sentiment, or as if being impressed thereby." A forthcoming volume of this series, to be entitled " Human Nature," will go into this subject in detail. CHAPTEE III THE MIND OF THE SALESMAN (CONTINUED) VI. Hope. The Salesman should cultivate the Optimistic Outlook upon Life. He should encourage the earnest expectation of the good things to come, and move forward to the re- alization thereof. Much of life success de- pends upon the mental attitude of, and the confident expectation of, a successful outcome. Earnest Desire, Confident Expectation, and Eesolute Action this is the threefold key of attainment. Thought manifests itself in ac- tion, and we grow in accordance with the mental pattern or mould we create for our- selves. If you will look around you you will find that the men who have succeeded, and who are succeeding, are those who have main- tained the hopeful mental attitude who have always looked forward to the star of hope even in the moments of the greatest trouble and temporary reverses. If a man loses his 47 48 SALESMANSHIP hope permanently he is defeated. Hope is the incentive which is always drawing man onward and upward. Hope backed by Will and Determination is almost invincible. Learn to look on the bright side of things, to believe in your ultimate success. Learn to look upward and forward heed the motto, "look aloft!" Cultivate the "rubber-ball spirit," by which you will be able to bounce higher up the harder you are thrown down. There is a subtle psychological law by the op- eration of which we tend to materialize our ideals. The "confident expectation" backed by actions will win out in the end. Hitch your wagon to the Star of Hope. VII. Enthusiasm. Very few people under- stand the true meaning of the word ' * enthusi- asm," although they may use it quite fre- quently in ordinary conversation. Enthusi- asm means far more than energy, activity, interest and hope it means the expression of the "soul" in mental and physical actions. The Greeks used the word as meaning "in- spiration; moved by the gods," from which arose the later meaning of "inspired by a superhuman or divine power." The modern MIND OF THE SALESMAN 49 usage is defined as: "Enkindled and kind- ling fervor of the soul ; ardent and imaginative zeal or interest; lively manifestation of joy or zeal;" etc. A person filled with enthusi- asm seems to move and act from the very centre of his being that part which we mean when we say "soul." There is a wonderful power in rightly directed enthusiasm, which serves not only to arouse within one his full powers, but also tends to impress others in the direction of mental contagion. Mental states are contagious, and enthusiasm is one of the most active of mental states. Enthusi- asm comes nearer to being " soul-power " than any other outward expression of mental states. It is allied to the soul-stirring impulse of music, poetry, and the drama. We can feel it in the words of a writer, speaker, orator, preacher, singer or poet. Enthusiasm may be analyzed as Inspired Interest. As Wal- ter D. Moody says: "It will be found that all men possessed of personal magnetism are very much in earnest. Their intense earnest- ness is magnetic. ' ' The best authorities agree that Enthusiasm is the active principle of what has been called Personal Magnetism. 50 SALESMANSHIP An old writer has well said: "All of us emit a sphere, aura, or halo, impregnated with the very essence of ourselves, sensitives know it, so do our dogs and other pets; so does a hungry lion or tiger; aye, even flies, snakes and insects, as we know to our 1 cost. Some of us are magnetic others not. Some of us are warm, attractive, love-inspiring and friend- ship-making, while others are cold, intellec- tual, thoughtful, reasoning, but not magnetic. Let a learned man of the latter type address an audience and it will soon tire of his in- tellectual discourse, and will manifest symp- toms of drowsiness. He talks at them, but not into them he makes them think, not feel, which is most tiresome to the majority of per- sons, and few speakers succeed who attempt to merely make people think they want to be made to feel. People will pay liberally to- be made to feel or laugh, while they will be- grudge a dime for instruction or talk that will make them think. Pitted against a learned man of the type mentioned above, let there be a half-educated, but very loving, ripe and mellow man, with but nine-tenths of the logic and erudition of the first man, yet such MIND OF THE SALESMAN 51 a man carries along his crowd with perfect ease, and everybody is wide-awake, treasur- ing up every good thing that falls from his lips. The reasons are palpable and plain. It is heart against head; soul against logic; and soul is bound to win every time." And as Newman says: "Deductions have no power of persuasion. The heart is commonly reached, not through the reason, but through the imagination, by means of direct impres- sions, by the testimony of facts and events, by history, by description. Persons influence us, looks subdue us, deeds inflame us." En- thusiasm imparts that peculiar quality that we call "life," which constitutes such an im- portant part in the personality of a salesman. Remember we have analyzed enthusiasm as inspired earnestness think over this an- alysis, and grasp its inner meaning. The very word "ENTHUSIASM" is inspiring visu- alize it and let it incite you to its expression when you feel "dead." The very thought of it is a stimulant ! VIIL Determination. The Salesman needs the quality of dogged determination, per- sistence, and " stick-to-itiveness. " This bull- 52 SALESMANSHIP dog quality must be developed. The "I Can and I Will ' ' spirit must be cultivated. Deter- mination is composed of several constituent faculties. First comes Combativeness or the quality of "tackling" obstacles. This is a marked quality in all strong characters. It manifests as courage, boldness, resistance, opposition, and disposition to combat opposi- tion rather than to yield to it. Allied to this faculty is another which bears the very inadequate name of Destructiveness, which expresses itself in the direction of breaking down barriers, pushing aside ob- stacles, making headway; pushing to the front; holding one's own; etc. It is the qual- ity of the man who makes his own paths and builds up his own trade. It is the "pioneer" faculty of the mind which clears away the ground, lays foundations and builds the first log-cabin. Then comes Continuity, the faculty which is well-defined as "stick-to-itiveness," which enables one to stick to his task until it is fin- ished. This faculty gives stability and stay- ing qualities, and enables/ a man to finish well. The lack of this quality often neutralizes the MIND OF THE SALESMAN 53 work of other good faculties, causing the per- son to "let go" too soon, and to thus lose the fruits of his labors. Finally, comes the faculty of Firmness, which gives to one the quality of tenacity, perseverance, fixity, decision and stability, accompanied by a certain "stubborn tend- ency" which holds the other faculties to- gether. A certain amount of this quality of "jackass courage" is needed in the mental make up of a Salesman. If a person is 'set' to a certain -extent it enables him to maintain his position without the constant wear and tear upon his will that is met with by those lacking it. This faculty prevents one from being "sidetracked," and enables him to "put his hand to the plow and look not backward. ' ' It holds the chisel of the will up against the metal of circumstances until the work is ac- complished. It enables one to be like the rock against which harmlessly beat the waves of opposition and competition. It enables one to see his object, and then to march straight to it, IX. Secretiveness. "We mention this quality, not because it is one which plays such 54 SALESMANSHIP an important part in the world of Salesman- ship, but because the tendency of the average Salesman is to talk too freely regarding mat- ters which should be kept to himself. This failing on the part of the Salesman is due to the free expression which his work necessi- tates. He should remember, however, that many a good plan has miscarried by reason of the tendency of the Salesman to "blab," or to "give away" his hopes, plans and ex- pectations. The Salesman should think thrice before speaking regarding any matter of of- fice or personal policy, plans, methods, or other things which he would not like his com- petitors to know. It is a safe rule, laid down by a very successful business man, that one should "Never speak of anything that he is not desirous of his principal competitor hear- ingfor hear it he will if one speaks of it." The world is full of the "little birds" who de- light in carrying tales the "walls have ears" with microphone, wirelesss telegraphic attach- ments. Be a diplomat in matters of the kind to which we have referred. A little thought should convince that if you yourself do not MIND OF THE SALESMAN" 55 respect your own secrets, you can not expect others to do so. X. Acquisitiveness. This faculty mani- fests as the desire for acquiring 1 things ; gain- ing; possessing; reaching out for; etc. It is often condemned by people, because of the unpleasant traits manifested by those in whom it is abnormally developed, as the miser, the "hog," and the "stingy" person. But it is not well to hastily condemn this faculty, for without it we would become desireless, spend- thrift, wasteful, without resources, and poor. The man who would succeed in any line of business must cultivate Acquisitiveness, if he is deficient in it. He must learn to want and earnestly desire the good things of life, and to reach out for them. He must desire to ac- cumulate something for himself, for by so doing he will work so that he will make a valu- able accumulating channel for his employers. Acquisitiveness is one of the animating princi pies of the business world, evade it though we may try to. It is hypocritical to deny this. The facts are too plain to be brushed aside or denied. As the writer has said in another work: "People are all after money every 56 SALESMANSHIP blessed mother's son and daughter of them in one way or another. What is the use of denying it. Some day we may have better economic conditions I pray to God that we may but until that time all of us must chase the nimble dollar to the best of our ability. For unless a man does this thing, then shall he not eat ; nor be clothed ; nor have shelter ; nor books ; nor music ; nor anything else that makes life worth living for one who thinks and feels. It seems to me the proper balance is preserved in the following statement: "While you're getting, get all you can but give the other fellow a chance." XI. Approbativeness. This is the quality which manifests in a desire for praise, flatter, approval, fame, etc. The average Salesman does not need to develop this faculty his temperament is very apt to make him have it too highly developed. It is all very well to feel a certain pleasure from the approval of others of work well done. But it is a decided weakness for one to be so sensitive to the opinions of others that they suffer from their disapproval, or from the lack of praise. He who is dependent upon the praise of the crowd, MIND o* 1 THE SALESMAN 57 or the approval of the mob is a fool, deserv- ing of pity. The crowd is fickle and tomorrow may turn on those whom they are praising to- day. Moreover there is always much secret envy and jealousy mixed with the praise of others. Did you ever notice how eagerly people re- late the slip-up or stumble of those whom they have been praising? Be not deceived by the plaudits of the crowd. Nor should you allow yourself to be deterred from a right course because of fear of blame. Learn to rely on what you, yourself, know to be right. "Be sure you're right, then go ahead." Learn to stand upon your own feet, and do not lean upon others. Shake the crowd off your heels mind your own business and let others do likewise. And look the world squarely in the eye while you are talking to it, too,. It will un- derstand you, if you do not truckle to it. But never cringe to it else it will rend you to pieces. "They say; what do they say; let i say!" "Do not worry about it your lY'cnds will not care, and your enemies will .cise anyway ; so what 's the use ? ' ' Say to y rself: "I am the Captain of my Soul." 58 SALESMANSHIP And remember Burton 's glorious words of freedom and courage : "Do what thy manhood bids thee do, from none but self expect applause ; He noblest lives and noblest dies who makes and keeps his self-made laws. All other Life is living Death, a world where none but Phantoms dwell. A breath, a wind, a sound, a voice, a tinkling of the Camel's bell." The difference between Egoism and Ego- tism consists largely of the difference between Self-Eespect and Approbativeness. Develop the first, and restrain the second if you wish to become an Individual. And the successful Salesman is always an Individual standing out from and above the crowd of the "mere persons " or "order- taker s." Be a Man, and not a human looking glass reflecting the ideas, opinions, and wishes of all those around you. Be creative, not imitative. Flattery is the food for apes, not for men. Personal Expression. While one's per- sonal expression in the direction of clothing, MIND OF THE SALESMAN 59 walk, voice, etc., can scarcely be called mental qualities, yet they must be considered as ex- pressions of mental qualities outward mani- festations of inward states. So true is this that people naturally judge one's character by these outward expressions. And, moreover, there is a subtle reaction of one's outward manifestations upon one's mental states. One's walk, carriage and demeanor influence one's mental attitude, as we may prove by changing these outward manifestations and noting our changed feelings. As someone has said: "The consciousness of being well dressed imparts a certain serenity and peace which even religion sometimes fails to give us." And, as for physical attitudes, etc., hear what several eminent psychologists tell us. Prof. Halleck says: "By inducing an expres- sion we can often cause its allied emotion." Prof. James says: "Whistling to keep up courage is no mere figure of speech. On the other hand, sit all day in a moping posture, sigh, and reply to everything with a dismal voice, and your melancholy lingers. There is no more valuable precept in moral education 60 SALESMANSHIP than this : If we wish to conquer undesirable emotional tendencies in ourselves we must as- siduously, and in the first instance cold-blood- edly, go through the outward movements, of those contrary dispositions which we wish to cultivate. Smooth the brow, brighten the eye, contract the dorsal rather than the ven- tral aspect of the frame, and speak in a major key, pass the genial compliment and your heart must indeed be frigid if it does not grad- ually thaw. ' J Dr. Woods Hutchinson says : " To what ex- tent muscular contractions condition emo- tions, as Prof. James has suggested, may be easily tested by a quaint and simple little ex- periment upon a group of the smallest volun- tary muscles of the body, those that move the eyeball. Choose some time when you are sit- ting quietly in your room, free from all dis- turbing thoughts and influences. Then stand up, and assuming an easy position, cast the eyes upward, and hold them in that position for thirty seconds. Instantly and involun- tarily you will be conscious of a tendency to- ward reverential, devotional, contemplative ideas and thoughts. Then turn the eyes side- MIND OF THE SALESMAN 61 ways, glancing directly to the right or to the left, through half-closed lids. Within thirty seconds images of suspicion, of uneasiness, or of dislike will rise unbidden to the mind. Turn the eyes on one side and slightly downward, and suggestions of jealousy or coquetry, will be apt to spring unbidden. Direct your gaze downward toward the floor, and you are likely to go off into a fit of reverie or abstraction." Maudsley says : i c The specific muscular action is not merely an exponent of passion, but truly an essential part of it. If we try while the features are fixed in the expression of one passion to call up in the mind a different one, we shall find it impossible to do so.' ' In view of the above statements, we may readily see the importance of cultivating those outward expressions which are co-related to desirable mental states or feelings. By so doing we arouse in our minds those particular states or feelings. And, moreover, we tend to impress others with the possession on our part of the co-related mental qualities. One's out- ward expression is a powerful instrument of suggestion to others, and people are uncon- sciously and instinctively affected by it, to our 62 SALESMANSHIP benefit or detriment. Let us therefore con- sider, briefly, the general principles under- lying personal expression along the lines in- dicated. Carriage and Walk. In the first part of the previous chapter, under the sub-head of ' ' Self- Bespect" we have given you the advice of a good authority concerning the proper car- riage. The key is: Carry yourself iin a manner showing your Self-Eespect, Poise, and Consideration of Others. Another authority gives the following directions for the correct position in standing: "(1) Heels together; (2) head up, with chin slightly drawn in rather than protruding ; (3) eyes front; (4) shoulders thrown back but not elevated; (5) chest ex- panded; (6) abdomen slightly drawn in, and not allowed to protrude; (7) arms dropped naturally to the sides, with the little fingers lightly touching the sides of the thigh. This may make you feel a little stiff and awkward at first, but, if you persevere, will soon estab- lish itself as second nature with you." Another authority says : ' ' The easiest way in which to acquire a correct carriage is to imagine that you are suspended from on high MIND OF THE SALESMAN. 63 with a line, the lowest end of the line being fastened to the lower end of your breast-bone. If you will stand and walk as if you are so suspended, the result will be that you will acquire an easy, graceful, gliding walk, and a correct carriage and natural position. ' ' An- other authority^ gives the following advice: ' ' The following method if observed in walking and standing, will impart a desirable physical poise and will keep you erect and in a graceful attitude while walking : Stand with your back toward the wall, with the heels, legs, hips, shoulders and back of head touching the wall, and with the chin slightly drawn in. Press up against the wall firmly. You will find yourself in an uncomfortable position, and one that is unnatural and incorrect. Then, keeping your heels to the wall, allow your body to swing forward into a natural position, being careful to keep the body firm in the same 'form,' avoiding relaxation, swinging yourself for- ward from the ankle joints alone. When you find that the correct poised, natural position has been attained, hold it, and march forward in what will be the natural, normal, well- balanced walking position. Practice thi re- 64 SALESMANSHIP peatedly, several times every day, until you have fully acquired the habit. " Shaking Hands. When you grasp an- other 's hand in the act of ' i shaking hands, ' ' do not do so in a listless, cold-blooded man- nerdo not extend to the other man a flabby, clammy, fish-like hand. But take hold of his hand as if you liked to do it throw interest ?.nto the proceeding. More^than this throw feeling into it. Throw into the hand-clasp the feeling: "I like you, and you like me." Then, when you draw your hand away, if possible let your fingers slide over the palm of his hand in a caressing manner, allowing his first finger to pass between your thumb and forefinger, close up in the crotch of the thumb. Practice this well, until you can perform it without think- ing of it. You will find merit in the method. Grasp the other person's hand "as if he were your best girl's millionaire father-in-law." Voice. The Salesman should cultivate a voice with expression in it. His voice should convey his belief in what he is saying, and his interest in the story. You will find it an aid in this direction if you will learn to visualize your thoughts that is, to make a mental pic- MIND OF THE SALESMAN 65 ture of the thing yon are saying. One can al- ways describe better that which they see be- fore them. In the degree that you can see your mental picture, so will be your degree of power in expressing it to another in words, and *so will be the degree of feeling in your tone. The voice should express the meaning of your thought rather than being merely the symbol of it. Try to say "Good Morning" as if you meant it then say it in the usual way. Do you see the difference? Throw your thought and feeling into your voice. Forget all about yourself and the other man and concentrate your thought and feeling into your voice. Many people make the mistake of "speak- ing with their muscles instead of with their nerves. " They throw muscular energy into their words, when they should use nervous energy, or thought-force. The former has but little effect on the mind of the other, while the second vibrates subtly and reaches the feelings of those addressed. Feel, when you wish to speak impressively, and your tones will reflect the same, and induce a similar feel- ing in others. It is a point worth remember- ing that one may "bring down" the voice of 66 SALESMANSHIP an excited person to one's own pitch, if the latter is firmly held at the customary pitch, in a firm manner. Not only does this " bring down" the other man's voice, but his feelings will also follow suit, and besides, you also manage to keep your own temper and poise. Never raise your voice because another raises his resist the tendency, and maintain your poise and power by so doing. This is worth remembering. The Eyes. Learn to look people in the eyes when you are speaking to them. Not in a staring manner, but firmly, politely and easily. This may be acquired with a little practice. Practice on yourself in the mirror if you pre- fer. A shifting, restless gaze produces a bad impression, while a firm, honest gaze will in- cline people in your favor. You will find that strong men men who influence others al- most always have a firm, strong gaze. It is worth practice, work and time, to acquire this personal trait. Clothes. A man is very often known by his clothes, or at least judged by them. The Sales- man should pay attention to this point of per- sonal expression, since it will count much for MIND OF THE SALESMAN 67 or against him. The first point to remember is that cleanliness is the first requisite in cloth- ing. Keep your clothes clean and well pressed. Particularly keep your linen clean, for nothing in the way of dress acts so much against a man as soiled linen. Another im- portant point is to keep the extremities well clad that is, the head, feet and hands. A soiled or worn hat; a soiled or frayed collar; an old, or unpolished pair of shoes; ragged sleeves or frayed cuffs these things are more easily noticed and count more against a man than a shabby suit. Better an old suit well brushed, with a good hat, shoes and clean cuffs than the reverse. One should always wear as good clothes as his means will permit, and such as will be in keeping with his occupation and position. The rule is to get as good material as possible, and cut reasonably within the prevailing style- but avoiding all extremes, or fanciful designs. A well-dressed business man should give neither tKe appearance of shabbiness nor of being " dressed-up." He should present the appearance of general neatness without at- tracting any special attention to his clothing. 68 SALESMANSHIP When a man's clothes specially attract one, that man is not well dressed, but either poorly dressed or over-dressed. The "happy mean" between the two extremes is to be sought after. Polonius' advice to his son is well worth mem- orizing: "Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, but not expressed in fancy; rich, not gaudy; for the apparel oft proclaims the man. ' ' Details of Appearance. Personal cleanli- ness and neatness are pre-requisites of the Salesman who wishes to produce a favorable impression. There is nothing that will so tend to prejudice the average business man against a new caller as the appearance of neglect of personal care. The body should be well- bathed ; the hair trimmed and neatly brushed ; the face cleanly shaven; the teeth well brushed; the nails clean; the shoes polished; the necktie and collar clean; the clothes brushed. Avoid the smell of liquor or tobacco on the breath, and eschew as fatal the odor of strong perfumery on the clothes or handker- chief. The yellow stains of the cigarette showing on the fingers, and the disgusting odor attaching to the cigarette habit, have lost MIND OF THE SALESMAN 69 many a man a favorable hearing. The cigar- ette is " taboo" to many me ! n who smoke other forms of tobacco. These things are in- stinctively recognized by the buyer as mani- festations of the mind of the salesman a part of his personality and very rightly so, for if the mind be kept above them they do not manifest. All these things go toward forming the impression which one person always makes upon another at the first meeting, and which have so much to do with securing a favorable notice during the Approach of the Salesman. CHAPTER IV THE MIND OF THE BUYER The second important element in a sale is the Mind of the Buyer. In the mind of the buyer is fought the battle of the sale. Within its boundaries are manifested the movements which win or lose the day. As a writer on the subject has said: "The buyer's brain is the board upon which the game is played. The faculties of the brain are the men. The sales- man moves or guides these faculties as he would chess men or checkers on a board. ' ' In order to understand the ground upon which your battle must be fought, and the mental elements which you must combat, persuade, move, push or attract, you must understand the various faculties of the mind, as well as the mind as a whole. Let us, therefore, con- sider the various mental faculties which are employed actively by a buyer in the mental process of a purchase. 70 MIND OF THE BUYER 71 I. 'Quality. In the first place, let us consider that which the phrenologists call "Quality," by which they express the various degrees of fineness or coarseness in a man's mental make-up which is usually indicated by his appearance and physical characteristics. This "quality" in a man is akin to what we call "class," "breeding," or "blood" in the higher animals. It is difficult to explain, but is universally recognized. At one extreme of "quality" we find those individuals who are fine-grained, refined, high-strung, intense, and inclined to be susceptible to emotional or senti- mental influence, poetry, music, etc., and are apt to be more or less impractical and out of harmony with the material world of men and affairs. At the other extreme we find those individuals who are coarse-grained, of coarse and unrefined tastes, animal, gross, unrefined, and generally ' ' swinish. ' J Between these two extremes we find many degrees in the scale. The outward physical signs of the person, such as the coarseness or fineness of his skin, hair, nails, ears and facial features, as well as his general form and characteristics, will usually give the careful observer the key to 72 SALESMANSHIP the degree of a man's "quality." It will be well for the Salesman to acquaint himself with these characteristics, for they throw much light on the general character of people. Next in order come what are called the Tem- peraments, by which term phrenologists desig- nate the general classes into which individuals fit. As a rule, however, an individual mani- fests the elements of several of the tempera- mentsthat is, they blend in him. The best phrenological authorities classify the tem- peraments as follows: (1) The Vital; (2) The Motive ; (3) The Mental ; the characteristics of which are described as follows : The Vital Temperament. This tempera- ment is indicated by a predominance of the purely physical or "animal" propensities. Those in whom it predominates are distin- guished by a round head, wide space between the corners of the eyes and the ears, side-head full, broad forehead (not necessarily high). They are generally fleshy with a "well-fed" appearance, inclined to be broad shouldered and deep chested and with a "bull neck" splendid animals, in fact. Their mental char- MIND OF THE BUYEB 73 acteristics are love of eating and drinking, and animal comforts ; impulsiveness, impetu- osity, heartiness, quick temper, zeal and ardor, often shrewd and cunning but without great depth, susceptible to flattery and appeal to selfish emotions and prejudices, and loving pleasure. They are generally selfish and grasping toward that which caters to their pleasure and physical welfare. Try to "get all that is coming to them," and yet at the same time tend toward conviviality and are desirous of being thought ' ' good fellows. ' ' Are usually excitable, and are easily thrown off their balance. Those in whom this tempera- ment is deficient manifest physical character- istics opposite to those above mentioned, and are more or less anaemic, or bloodless, and show a lack of vitality and physical well-being. Those in whom this temperament predomi- nates make good butchers, hotel-keepers, cap- tains, locomotive engineers, traders, poli- ticians, contractors, etc. Thej_are reached feelings rather than through their intellect. The Motive Temperament. This tempera- merit is indicated by a predominance of mus- 74 SALESMANSHIP cular strength, endurance, toughness, and powers of action. Those in whom it predomi- nates are distinguished by a general leanness and spareness; strongly marked and promi- nent features, usually with a large nose and high cheek bones; large and strong teeth; large joints and knucklesthe Abraham Lin- coln physical characteristics, in fact. Their mental characteristics are determination, per- sistence, combativeness, destructiveness, en- durance, thoroughness, management, execu- tive ability, creative power, stubbornness, powers of resistance, and often an indomitable spirit. Their emotions are not on the surface, but when once aroused are strong and per- sistent. They are slow to wrath, but are good fighters and will stay to the finish. They are generally canny and shrewd, instinctively. They are the active and persistent workers of the world. It is this temperament in one which supplies his motive power his ability and taste for work. Those in whom this tem- perament is deficient manifest physical char- acteristics opposite to those above mentioned, and accordingl^are^ averse tojrork or exer- tion of any kind. MIND OF THE BUYER 75 The Mental Temperament. This tempera- nicint is indicated by a predominance of nervous force, mental activity, reasoning power, imagination, and a brain development rather than bodily strength or physical ac- tivity. Those in whom it predominates are distinguished by a slight build, small bones and muscles, general fineness of structure, quick motions, signs of nervous energy, sharp features, thin lips, thin, finely shaped, and often pointed nose, high forehead, and ex- pressive eyes. Their mental characteristics are activity in reasoning processes, active im- agination, susceptibility to disturbance from uncongenial environment and distasteful com- pany, love of mental activity and often a dis- taste for physical activity, sensitiveness, ex- tremes of feeling and emotion, eager and en- thusiastic, and the general traits popularly designated as "temperamental." Those in whom this temperament is deficient manifest characteristics opposite to those above men- tioned, and are averse to mental activity. Blended Temperaments. Nearly every in- dividual possesses the three temperaments blended in various proportions and combine*- 76 SALESMANSHIP tions. In some, one temperament predomi- nates largely and gives us the distinctive char- acteristics of that class. But in others, often two temperaments will predominate, leaving the third scarcely manifest. In others, the three are so well blended and balanced that the individual is known as "well balanced" tem- peramentally this being considered the ideal condition. Prof. Fowler, one of the old authorities in phrenology, says of the blended tempera- ments : "Excessive Motive with deficient Men- tal gives power and sluggishness, so that the talents lie dormant. Excessive Vital gives physical power and enjoyment, but too little of the mental and moral, along with coarse- ness and animality. Excessive Mental con- fers too much mind for body, too much senti- mentalism and exquisiteness, along with greenhouse precocity. Whereas their equal balance gives an abundant supply of vital energy, physical stamina, and mental power and susceptibility. They may be compared to the several parts of a steamboat and its ap- purtenances. The Vital is the steampower; the Motive, the hulk or frame-work; the MIND OF THE BUYER 77 Mental, the freight and passengers. The Vital predominating, generates more animal energy than can well be worked off, and causes rest- lessness, excessive passion, and a pressure which endangers outbursts and overt actions ; predominant Motive gives too much frame or hulk ; moves slowly, and with weak Mental is too light freighted to secure the great ends of life; predominant Mental overloads, and en- dangers sinking ; but all equally balanced and powerful, carry great loads rapidly and well, and accomplish wonders. Such persons unite cool judgment with intense and well governed feelings ; great force of character and intellect with perfect consistency; scholarship with sound common sense ; far seeing sagacity with brilliancy ; and have the highest order of both physiology and mentality. ' ' The Salesman should thoroughly acquaint himself with the characteristics of each of the three temperaments, and should also learn to analyze them when found blended and in com- bination. An understanding of a man's tem- perament will often give one the key to his general character and disposition, which will be of the greatest advantage to the Salesman. 78 SALESMANSHIP Many students of human nature devote their entire attention to a study of the several facul- ties of the mind, ignoring the force and effect of the temperaments. We consider this to be a mistake, for a thorough knowledge of the temperaments gives one a general key to char- acter, and, as a fact, it is generally found that given a certain temperament or combination of the same, a good phrenologist will be able to indicate just what faculties are apt to be found in the ascendency in such a character. And as the average Salesman cannot spare the time to become an expert phrenologist, it will be seen that a correct knowledge of the tem- peraments gives him his best working knowl- edge of the subject of character reading. Let us now consider the various groups of mental faculties which are manifested by the buyer in his business, and which should,be un- derstood by the Salesman in order that he may successfully meet the impulses arising there- from in the mind of the buyer. Our considera- tion of these groups of faculties must neces- sarily be brief, but we shall include the essen- tial features, MIND OF THE BUYER 79 TJie Social Faculties. This group of facul- ties includes Amativeness or Sexuality; Con- jugality or Marital Inclination ; Parental Love or Love of Offspring; Friendship or Love of Companionship; Inhabitiveness or Love of Home. Phrenology teaches that this group of organs occupies the lower back portion of the head, giving the appearance of bulging be- hind the ears. Amativeness or Sexuality when highly developed causes one to be at the mercy of the attraction of the opposite sex. While normally developed it plays a worthy part in life, its excessive development manifests in licentiousness, and when deficient manifests in an aversion to the opposite sex or a cold- ness and reserve. Persons in whom this faculty is in excess will neglect business for sex attraction, and will allow themselves to be "sidetracked" by reason thereof. In selling a man of this kind, keep him away from this particular subject, or he will not give you his attention. Conjugality or Marital Inclination when highly developed causes one to be largely influenced by one's companion in marriage. A man of this kind will be largely governed by his wife's wishes, tastes and desires, conse- 80 SALESMANSHIP quently if his wife ' ' says so ' 9 the battle is won. Some men, however, while having Amative- ness largely developed, have but small Conju- gality, and if one love is not found satis- factory, another is substituted an "affinity" takes the wife 's place. Parental Love or Love of Offspring when highly developed causes one to idolize his children and to be capable of influence through them. Such men are prone to relate anecdotes regarding their children and to 1 bore listeners with recitals of infantile brightness and precocity. They generally have photographs of their children about their desks. An appeal to the interests of the chil- dren always reaches the attention and interest of these people. Friendship, or Love of Com- panionship, when highly developed causes one to seek society, form attachments of friend- ship, enjoy social pleasures, do favors for those whom they like, enjoy entertaining and being entertained. Such a man will be more apt to base his business dealings upon likes and acquaintance rather than upon reason or judgment, and are comparatively easily per- suaded by those whom they like. An appear- ance of sociability generally attracts them to MIND OF 'THE BUYER 81 those manifesting it. The quality of "good fellowship" appeals to this class. Inhabitive- ness or Love of Home when highly developed causes one to become attached to places, locali- ties and associations. Such a man will be full of patriotism, local pride and prejudice and provincialism. He will resent any apparent "slur" upon his locality, and will appreciate any favorable comment on his home place and locality. These people are like cats who are attached to places rather than to people. Their township is usually their idea of "my country." The Selfish Faculties. This group of facul- ties includes Vitativeness, or Love of Life; Combativeness, or Love of Opposing ; Destruc- tiveness, or Love of Breaking Through; All- mentiveness, or Love of Appetite; Bibative- ness, or Love of Drink; Acquisitiveness) or Love of Gain; Secretiveness, or Cunning; Cautiousness, or Prudence ; Approbativeness, or Love of Praise ; Self Esteem, or Self Re- liance. Phrenology teaches that this group of organs occupy the sides of the back part of the head. Vitativeness, or Love of Life, when highly developed causes one to manifest a de- 82 SALESMANSHIP termination to live, and a great fear of death. Anything promising increased health or long life will greatly attract these people, and any- thing arousing a fear of ill health or death will influence them greatly. These people are excellent customers for health appliances books on health, etc. Combativeness, or Love of Opposing, when highly developed causes one to desire a ' ' scrap " or an argument or de- bate. These people can best be handled by seemingly allowing them to win in argument, and then leading them to suggest the thing that the Salesman has had in his mind all the time. These people may be led, or coaxed, but never driven. With them it is always a case of " sugar catches more flies than vinegar," or of the hot sun causing the man to drop the cloak which the fierce north wind was unable to blow away from him. A man of this kind will be so pleased at beating another in an argument on a minor point, that he will forget the main point and will be in a humor to be persuaded. Always avoid a direct argument or dispute with these people on important points they will let their pride of combat obscure their judgment But they will be MIND OF THE BUYER 83 ready to bestow favors on those whom they believe they have worsted in argument. De- structiveness, or Love of Breaking Through, when highly developed causes one to take great pleasure in doing things in new ways ; in breaking precedents and defying authority, and in breaking down obstacles. If you can arouse this spirit in such a man, by showing him how he may do these things with your goods, he will fall in line. A man of this kind may be interested at once in any proposition whereby he may be enabled to do something in a novel way here to defy opposition or estab- lished custom or to break down opposing ob- stacles. The keynote of this faculty is: "Make Way." Alimentiveness, or Love of Appetite, when highly developed causes one to incline toward gluttony and gormandizing, and to place undue importance upon the pleasures of the table. A man of this kind ' ' lives to eat" instead of < ' eating to live, ' ' and may be reached through his weakest point his stomach. To such a man a good dinner is more convincing than a logical argument. Bibativeness, or Love of Drink, when highly developed causes one to manifest an inordi- 84 SALESMANSHIP nate taste for liquids of all kinds. In some cases, where alcoholic drinks are avoided by such people, they will run to excess in the di- rection of "soft drinks" such as ginger ale, soda water, etc. It does not follow that these people are fond of the effects of alcohol, the craving seemingly being for liquids in some form. Such people, if their appetites are not controlled, will let their taste for drinks run away with their judgment and reason. Acquisitiveness, or Love of Gain, when highly developed causes one to be very grasp- ing, avaricious, and often miserly. But, when not so highly developed, it causes one to mani- fest a keen trading instinct, and is a necessary factor in the mental make-up of the successful merchant. Those in whom it is highly devel- oped will be interested in any proposition which seems to them to promise gain or sav- ing. In selling such a man, the effort should be to keep the one point of profit or saving al- ways in evidence. In some cases this faculty, too highly developed and not counterbalanced by other faculties, will make a man "penny wise and pound-foolish," and will focus his mental gaze so closely on the nickel held close MIND OF THE BUYER 85 to his eye that he will not see the dollar a little further off. The " money talk" is the only one that will appeal to these people. Secreliveness, or Cunning, when highly de- veloped causes one to incline toward double- dealing, duplicity, trickery and deception. It is the "foxy" faculty, which, while useful to a certain degree, becomes undesirable when car- ried to excess. In dealing with a man of this kind, be on guard so far as accepting his state- ments at full value is concerned. Accept his statements ' ' with a grain of salt. ' 9 Those who wish to "fight the devil with his own fire" can reach these people by allowing them to think that they are overreaching or getting the best of the Salesman. The Salesman who is ap- parently defeated by these people, is very apt to have discounted their methods in advance, and has mapped out his line of retreat in ad- vance so that the defeat is really a victory. These people often will sacrifice a real ad- vantage concerning a big thing for the sake of tricking one out of a small advantage. To trick another causes them to feel a glow of righteous well-being and self-satisfaction, and makes them forget the main point in the deal. 86 SALESMANSHIP A small victory thus won acts on them like the good dinner to the Alimentive man, or flattery to the Approbative person. A faculty devel- oped to excess is always a weak point which can be used by others who understand it, Cautiousness, or Prudence, while an admir- able quality when normally developed, be- comes, when highly developed, an undesirable quality. When highly developed it causes one to be over-anxious, fearful, afraid to act, lia- ble to panic, etc. These people must be culti- vated carefully, and led to acquire confidence and trust. One should be very careful in deal- ing with these people not to cause suspicion or alarm. They should be treated with the ut- most fairness, and given full explanations of matters of which they are in doubt. As a rule they are very slow in giving confidence, but when they once place confidence in a person they are very apt to stick to him. Their very fearfulness acts to prevent their making changes when confidence is once secured. These people cannot be "rushed," as a rule- they require time in order to gain confidence. They are, however, subject to an occasional 6 ' rush ' ' by reason of their panicky disposition, MIND OF THE BUYER 87 if they can be made to fear that if they do not act some competitor will be given the chance, or that prices will advance if they do not order at once. These people mnst be handled care- fully, and the Salesman who masters their na- ture will be well repaid for his trouble and pains. Approbativeness, or Love of Praise, when highly developed causes one to be susceptible to flattery, desirous of praise, fond of * * show- ing off" and displaying himself, vain, sensi- tive to criticism, and generally egotistical and often pompous. This quality when highly de- veloped is a weakness and gives to an adver- sary a powerful lever to work. The Salesman, while secretly detesting this quality in a buyer, nevertheless finds it a very easy channel of ap- proach and weapon of success, when he once understands its characteristics. These peo- ple can be reached by an apparent ' ' falling in ' ' with their opinion of themselves, and a mani- festation of the proper respect in manner and words. These are the people to whom the "soft soap" is applied liberally, and who are carried away by an apparent appreciation of their own excellence. They will be willing to 88 SALESMANSHIP bestow all sorts of favors upon those who are sufficiently able to "understand" them, and to perceive the existence of those superlative qualities which the cruel, cold, unfeeling world has ignored. These are the people for whom the word "jolly" was invented, and who are ready to absorb the available world-supply of that article. Self Esteem, or Self Eeliance, is a very dif- ferent quality from that just described, al- though many people seem unable to make the distinction. Self Esteem when highly devel- oped causes one to appreciate one's powers and qualities, while not blinding oneself to one 's faults. It gives a sense of self-help, self- respect, self-reliance, dignity, complacency, and independence. Carried to an extreme it manifests as hauteur, superciliousness, im- periousness and tyranny. It is a characteris- tic of the majority of successful men who have made their own way by their own efforts. These people insist upon having their own way, and using their own minds they resent apparent influence or suggestions, and often deliberately turn down a proposition simply because they think that an effort is being made MIND OF THE BUYER 89 to force them into it. The best way to deal with these people is to frankly acknowledge their right to think for themselves, both in your manner, tone and actions and to pre- sent the proposition to them in an impersonal way, apparently leaving the whole matter to their own good judgment. A logical appeal appeals to them providing you do not make the mistake of pitting yourself against them as an opponent in argument. You may play the part of the lawyer to them, but remember al- ways they want to play the part of judge, and not that of the opposing counsel. If a matter be subtly suggested to them in such a way as to make them think that they have thought it themselves, they will favor it. Always give them a chance to think out the point them- selvesthey like it. One need not cringe to or flatter these people. All that is necessary is to maintain your own self-respect, but at the same time let them walk a little ahead of you, or stand just a little bit higher that is all they need to make them feel comfortable. They much prefer being a little higher or ahead of a strong man than a weakling it is more com- 90 SALESMANSHIP plimentary to them. They appreciate the one who forces them to use their heaviest guns but who finally allows them to claim the victory. CHAPTEE V THE MIND OF THE BUYER (CONTINUED) The Faculties of Application. This group consists of two qualities : that of Firmness, or Decision ; and that of Continuity, or Patience. These faculties, together with Self-Esteem, are located at the upper-back, or back-upper, part of the head. Firmness, or Decision, when highly devel- oped causes one to manifest stability, tenacity, fixedness of purpose, often reaching the point of obstinacy, mulishness and stubbornness. These people cannot be driven, or forced into anything. They are "mighty set" in their ways, and when they once take a position are very apt to stick to it " right or wrong. ' ' They are apt to fight to the last ditch for what they consider principle, and will hold on to the end in what they believe to be right. To attempt to drive them by force is to dash one's head against a stone wall. The only way to handle 91 92 SALESMANSHIP these people is to endeavor to get them inter- ested in your side of the case before they have "set" their minds and made np their opinion. If they have already been prejudiced against your case, the only way is to give up the fight from the front, and endeavor to present the matter from a different viewpoint, or angle, so that new points will be presented which take the matter out of the old category. These peo- ple will never give in unless they can say: "Oh, that of course alters the matter en- tirely ; ' ? or " Oh, well, that places it in a new light ; " or " That is an -entirely different prop- osition," etc. Leave them victors of the posi- tions upon which they are "set," and en- deavor to enlist their interest upon some new aspects, points, or principles you have at least an even chance of winning on the new point, whereas you have none whatever on the old one. If, however, you can fit your case to some of their established prejudices, for or against, you have won your battle, for their quality of stability will then be employed in your favor instead of against it. You will have to fit your case to their moulds cut your gar- ment according to their pattern. A stubborn MIND OF THE BUYER 93 and balky horse or mule can often be started in motion by turning its attention to a new thing such as putting a piece of twisted paper in its ear, adjusting its harness in a new way, etc. The same principle will work on stubborn men, "set" in their ways. Get their mind off the point in question, and they will be rational. Let them have their own way about their own points and then plan a flank or rear attack on them. You cannot batter down their stone-wall you must either soar over it, tunnel under it, or else go around it. Continuity, or Patience, when highly devel- oped causes one to "stick to" a thing once undertaken; to manifest patience and perse- verance, and to give up the mind to one thing to the exclusion of others. It is difficult to in- terest these people in new things they in- stinctively distrust the new idea or thing, and cling to the old. These people are very con- servative and dislike change. They can be dealt with best by avoiding shocking them with entirely new things, and by carefully at- taching the newer idea or thing to the old so that it seems a part of the latter. New things under old names do not disturb these people 94 SALESMANSHIP as much as old things under new names it is the form and name, rather than the substance with them. Old wine in new bottles they abhor but new wine in old bottles they will stand. Arguments based on " old established" things, or "good old-time" things, appeal to them. Things must be "respectable" "well-estab- lished," "standing the test of years," "no new-fangled notion," etc., to appeal to them. Beware of trying new and startling changes on them they will be prejudiced against you at once. Fall in with their ideals, and they will be excellent friends and steady customers. The words ' ' conservative ' ' and ' ' established ' 9 sound well to their ears. On the contrary, peo- ple in whom this faculty is deficient will in- cline toward new things because they are new. This faculty, either in excess or when deficient* strongly affects the judgment, and must be taken into consideration by the Salesman. The Religio-Moral Faculties. This group of faculties includes Conscientiousness, or Moral Principle; Hope or Optimism; Spirit- uality, or other- worldliness ; Veneration, or Eeverence ; and Benevolence, or Human Kind- MIND OF THE BUYER 95 ness. The organs manifesting these qualities are located in the front-top of the head. Conscientiousness, or Moral Principle, when highly developed gives one a high sense of right, justice, truth, virtue, and duty. In deal- ing with these people be particularly careful to make no misstatements, misrepresenta- tions, and exaggerations, but to adhere closely to the facts of the case. Avoid also any appearance of trickiness or sharp practice, stories of shrewd bargains, etc. These peo- ple become staunch, firm friends if dealt with as they deserve, but become prejudiced against people and houses whom they sus- pect of unfair dealings, or in whom they lose confidence. Their keynote -is "right's right" and you should adhere to it in all dealings with them. They are * ' the salt of the earth, ' ' and it is a pity that there are not more of them. It is true that sometimes this faculty seems to become perverted into phariseeism and hypoc- risybut, then, every good thing has its coun- terfeit, and the thing to do is to distinguish between the true and the false, here as else- where. Hope, or Optimism, when highly developed 96 SALESMANSHIP causes one to look on the bright side of things, expect favorable outcomes, look confidently forward, and expect much from the future. Its perversion manifests in visionary dreams and castle-building. These people are ame- nable to appeals to future success, bright pros- pects, cheerful outlook, and new undertakings which seem promising. They become enthusi- astic when propositions are properly pre- sented to them, and prefer to deal with Sales- men of similar mental characteristics. These people are natural " bulls" in business be- ware of posing as a " bear ' ' when dealing with them. They relish a good cheering, cheerful talk more than anything else. They are good people to deal with, particularly if the quality in question is balanced by caution and trained by experience. Spirituality, or Other-worldliness, when highly developed tends to cause one to live on mental heights above* the things of ordinary material existence; to trust to the "inner light;" to incline toward mysticism; and to experience a religious consciousness above the ordinary. When manifested in a lesser de- gree it is evidenced by the ordinary "relig- MIND OF THE BUYER 97 ious" feeling. Perverted, it manifests as su- perstition, credulity and "psychism." The people in whom this faculty is active seem to feel that business is a degrading necessity, and they are never thoroughly at home in it, unless the goods handled happen to be along the lines of their general inclination, as for instance, religious books, -etc. Consequently, their busi- ness traits and tastes arise from the other faculties, rather than from this particular one. However, they are easily prejudiced against one whom they imagine does not agree with them in their beliefs and convictions, and are apt to be swayed rather more by feeling, emo- tion and sentiment than by cool judgment and pure reason. They are usually strong in their likes and dislikes, and are susceptible to ap- peals to their imagination. Veneration, or Reverence, when highly developed causes one to manifest reverence and extreme respect to authority of all kinds. These people are usually good church members and law abiding citizens. In busi- ness, the faculty is apt to cause them to place great stress upon authority and ex- ample. If some large merchant has ordered 98 SALESMANSHIP certain goods, they will be impressed by his example. They regard testimonials and recommendations highly. In dealing with them one must avoid speaking lightly of any thing or person esteemed by them, for they will be quick to resent it. They are usually decidedly conventional, and aim to meet the full requirements of "respectabil- ity" and social customs. Benevolence, or Human Kindness, when highly developed causes- one to manifest sym- pathy, kindness, generosity, and philanthropy. These people are altruistic and always ready to do another a good turn. They are moved by their feelings rather than by their reason and judgment, and will often base their busi- ness transactions rather more upon friendli- ness and personal feeling than upon cold busi- ness judgment and policy. They are generous where their sympathies and feelings are in- terested, and are too often taken advantage of by selfish people who play on their unselfish natures. Too often are they considered ' ' easy, ' 9 and are imposed on accordingly. The personal equation of the Salesman plays an important part in dealing with these people. MIND OF THE BUYER 99 From these several groups of faculties arise many combinations of character in people. While it is true that there is almost infinite variety among people, nevertheless, it is true that there are a few general classes into which the majority of buyers may be fitted or grouped for convenience. Let us now consider some of the more common classes, and see how the faculties, in combination, manifest them- selves. The Argumentive Buyer. This man finds his greatest pleasure in arguing, combating and disputing with the Salesman argument for the sake of argument, not for the sake of truth or advantage. This trait arises from de- veloped Combativeness and Destructiveness. Do not take these people too seriously. Let them enjoy a victory over you on minor points, and then after yielding gracefully coax them along the main lines of the selling talk. At the best, they are arguing over terms, defini- tions, forms, etc. and not over facts. Let them make their own definitions, terms and forms and then take their order for the goods which you have fitted into their side of the argument. If, however, the argument is based upon true 100 SALESMANSHIP reasoning and with a legitimate intent, then reason, with him calmly and respectfully. The Conceited Buyer. This fellow is full of Approbativeness. We have told you about him elsewhere. Meet him on his own plane, and give him the particular bait indicated for his species he will rise to it. Appearing to defer to him, you may work in your arguments and selling talk without opposition. Prefac- ing your explanation with "As you know by your own experience ; ' ' or " as your own good judgment has decided;" etc., you may tell your story without much opposition. You must always let him feel that you realize that you are in the presence of a great man. The "Stone Wall" Buyer. This man has Self Esteem and Firmness largely developed. We have told you about him under those two headings. You must fly over, tunnel under, or walk around his stone wall of reserve and stubbornness. Let him keep his wall intact he likes it, and it would be a shame to deprive him of it. A little careful search will generally show that he has left his flanks, or his rear unguarded. He will not let you in the front door so go around to the kitchen MIND OF THE BuYEit 101 door, or the side-door of the sitting room they are not so well guarded. The Irritable Buyer. This is an unpleasant combination of Approbativeness and Combat- iveness, in connection with poor digestion and disordered nerves. Do not quarrel with him, and let his manner slide over you like water off a duck's back. Stick to your selling talk, and above everything keep cool, confi- dent, and speak in even tones. This course will tend to bring him down. If you show that you are not afraid of him, and cannot be made angry if your tones are firm yet under con- trol and not loud he will gradually come down to meet you. If you lose your own tem- per, you may as well walk out. Simply ig- nore his "grouch" deny it out of existence, as our New Thought friends would say. The "Rough Shod" Buyer. This man has large Destructiveness, and Self Esteem, and wants to run things himself. He will try to ride rough shod over you. Keep cool, even- tempered, self-possessed, and firm yet re- spectful. Do not let him ' ' rattle ' ' you. It is often more of a " bluff" than anything else. Keep on "sawing wood;" and do not be 102 SALESMANSHIP scared off. These people are often but "lath- and-plaster" instead of the iron and steel they appear to be at first sight. Keep firm and calm, is the keynote in dealing with them. The Cautious Buyer. This man generally has Cautiousness and Continuity well devel- oped, and Hope deficient. He is conservative and fearful. Avoid frightening him with ideas of "new" things or "experiments." If you are selling new things cr ideas, manage to blend them in with things with which he is familiar associate the new and unfamiliar with the old and familiar. And be conserva- tive and careful in your talk, do not give him the idea that you are a radical or a "new f angled idea ' ' man. To him, be an " old fash- ioned person." The Cunning Buyer. This fellow has large Secretiveness or Cunning he belongs to the fox tribe. He likes to scheme out things for himself, so if you will content yourself with giving him broad hints, accompanied by expressive glances, regarding what can be done with your goods, he will be apt to scheme out something in that direction, and thinking he has done it all himself, he will be pleased MIND OF THE BUYER 103 and interested. Let him know that you appre- ciate his shrewdness, particularly if he shows that his Approbativeness is well developed. But, if not, better let him think that he is de- ceiving you regarding his true nature. The majority of cunning people, however, take pride in it, and relish a little grim apprecia- tion of their quality. The Dignified Buyer. This man has large Self Esteem, and probably also large Appro- bativeness. In either case, let him play the part for which Nature has cast him, and you play yours. Your part is in recognizing and respecting his dignity, by your manner and tone. Whether the dignity be real or assumed, a recognition of and falling in with it is ap- preciated and relished. Imagine that you are in the presence of your revered great-grand- father, or the bishop, and the rest will be easy. We once knew of a jovial, but indiscreet, sales- man who lost a large sale to a buyer of this kind, by poking him in the ribs and calling him "old chap." The buyer barely escaped an attack of apoplexy the Salesman entirely escaped a sale. The "Mean" Buyer. This man is moved 104 SALESMANSHIP by Acquisitiveness. He is suspicious of you from the start, for he feels that you intend to get some money from him. Don't blame him -he's built that way. Instead, get his mind off the subject and on to another, by plunging in at once with the statement that you have something upon which Jie can make money, or something that will save him money. Em- phasize these points, and you will have aroused his curiosity. Then proceed along the same lines something to make money for him, or something to save money for him these are the only two arguments he can as- similate. The Intelligent Buyer. These people de- pend almost entirely upon reason and judg- ment. They are scarce. "When you meet one of them, drop all attempts to play upon weak points, prejudices or feelings, and confine yourself strictly to logical and rational state- ments, presentation of your proposition, and argument thereon. Do not attempt sophistry, argument from false premises, or other falla- cies. He will detect them at once, and will feel indignant, Talk straight from the shoul- MIND OF THE BUYER 105 der, and confine yourself to facts, figures, principles, and logic. So far we have dealt with the voluntary or outer mind of the buyer. Let us now consider his involuntary or inner mind. There are many other terms used by psychologists to designate these two phases of mind the im- portant fact is that there are two phases or planes of mind which are operative in a sale. Let us see how they work, rather than what they are, or what they are called. Discarding, for the time being, the current psychological theories and terminology, let us take a plain look at the facts of the case. A little consideration will show us that there are two parts to a man's mind or two phases of activity. In the first place, there is a part of one's mind which acts as does the mind of the higher animal, the savage, the child. That is, ' it acts upon impulse and without restraint of the will. Its attention is easily attracted, but held with difficulty unless the interest and curiosity is awakened. It is curious, fond of novelty, inquisitive, impulsive, easily per- suaded in certain directions, susceptible to impressions, amenable to suggestion, imita- 106 SALESMANSHIP tive, subject to panic, apt to "follow my leader," emotional, depending upon feeling rather than upon reason, subject to persua- sion and coaxing, and acting almost auto- matically in response to awakened desire. Let us think of this part of the mind as the inher- itance of the race from the past the instinct- ive mind the elemental mind of the race before Intellect mounted its throne. This part of the mind is possessed by every individual of the race. No matter how highly developed the individual may be, he has this part of the mind. No matter how much he may be in control of it, it is always there as a background and basis of his other kind of mind. The difference in the self-control of individuals depends almost altogether upon the other part of the mind, which we shall now consider the Voluntary Mind, in which the Intellect and Will are the predominant elements. The phase which we have just considered may be called the Involuntary Mind, in which Desire and Feeling are the predominant elements. The Voluntary Mind has come to man in the course of evolution. It is not nearly so highly developed in the majority of people, MIND OF THE BUYER 107 as one might at first suppose. The majority of the race have the Involuntary Mind pre- dominant, and are swayed more by feeling and desire than by intellect and will. Those in whom the Voluntary Mind is highly developed place the intellect over the feelings the will over the desires. They submit their feelings to the inspection and approval of their intel- lect, and hold their desires in check by their will. We are in the habit of thinking of will as a something which .acts but in the major- ity of instances it is found to be employed in checking action of the desires in holding back rather than in pushing forward. One of the chief duties of the developed will is that of inhibition, or restraint. And inhibition de- pends upon the decision of the judgment or intellect. The animal, savage, or child has but little power of this kind the average individ- ual has more than the child or savage but less than the developed individual the developed individual has better self-control, and subor- dinates his emotional desires and feelings to his judgment and will, by inhibition or re- straint. Every individual has both of these phases of mind the Involuntary and Volun- 108 SALESMANSHIP tary- the latter, however, being manifested in an infinite variety of degrees of develop- ment and power. Back of every Involun^- tary Mind is to be found the protecting Volun- tary Mind and likewise, back of every Voluntary Mind, no matter how strong it may be, there is ever the Involuntary Mind chafing under restraint and striving to escape its master's eye and express itself in its own way. And the master often relaxes its atten- tion, or gets tired of its strenuous task, and then 1 the hidden nature "plays while the cat's away. ' ' Perhaps the Salesman may be able to re- member this classification of the two phases of the mind, by picturing them as two part- ners engaged in business. The Salesman is trying to secure the trade of the firm. The one brother is an easy-going fellow, possess- ing curiosity and childish interest, capable of being "jollied," persuaded and coaxed, and apparently acting always from his mo- mentary desires and feelings, desirous of ap- pearing well in the eyes of others, and anxious to make a good impression, finding it easier to say "Yes," than "No "-easier o fall in MIND OF THE BUYER 109 with the wishes of others than to oppose them, being vain and complaisant. This partner's name is "Easyboy." The other partner is an entirely different sort of fellow. He is cold and calculating, manifesting very little feel- ing or emotion, submitting everything to his reason and judgment, not moved by prejudices for or against, driving a close bargain and re- senting attempts to coax or drive him. His name is "Hardf ellow." In the firm of "Easyboy and Hardf ello w, ' * the work is divided. "Easyboy" has much to do about the place, attending to many things for which his temperament specially fits him. ' l Hardf ellow, ' 9 however, does the buying, for experience has taught him that "Easyboy" is not fitted for the task, being too much under the sway of his feelings and being too easily influenced. "Easyboy" never could say "No," anyway but "Hardf ellow" finds it almost as hard to say "yes." So "Hard- fellow" does the buying, but "Easyboy" al- ways "hangs 'round" when a salesman is talking, for he is naturally inquisitive, and, being jealous, rather resents "Hardf ellow V authority in the matter. Sometimes he 110 SALESMANSHIP breaks in, and "Hardfellow" lets him have his say, and at times indulges him in minor purchases, for being a partner he must accord him some consideration in spite of the ar- rangement regarding duties. A strange thing is that "Easyboy" is possessed of the notion that he would make an ideal buyer, far bet- ter than "Hardfellow" in fact, and he loses no opportunity of manifesting his supposed quality, notwithstanding the fact that he usually makes a bungle of it. For "Hardfellow" is often so busy that he cannot give his full attention to the business of buying; then again he becomes tired and at such times his judgment is not so good, and he is apt to be influenced by "Easyboy" at such times ; and, again, he becomes interested in one feature of the purchase and overlooks the others at such times "Easyboy" "gets in his fine work," and takes a hand in the buying. The Salesmen who visit the firm are fully aware of this condition of affairs, and plan things so as to have "Easyboy" on hand and able to play his part. They can do any- thing with him, and the more he is in evidence the better are their chances. If he had his MIND OF THE BUYER 111 way he would buy corner lots in the moon, or gold-bricks minus the plating. He likes to say "Yes" when coaxed, jollied or led. But the Salesmen having a straight business prop- osition of merit get along well with "Hard- fellow, ' ' for he is reachable on such lines when logically presented and explained in a busi- ness way. Even such Salesmen, however, find "Basyboy" a valuable ally, for he often gets them a hearing when "Hardfellow" is busy or otherwise not disposed to listen. And so, they all find it an important question to get "Easyboy" on the scene at "Hardfellow's" elbow. Some claim to have discovered a method whereby they can "sidetrack" "HardfeUow" and get "Easyboy" to do the buying. And rumor even has it that there have been unscrupulous individuals who have happened around when "Hardfellow" was taking his siesta after a full dinner, and who then played upon "Easyboy's" weakness in a shameful manner. The firm deny these rumors, but there is an old gold brick holding back a door at the back part of the store ; and a big bundle of worthless shares in a nicely printed gold-mine and a deed for a quarter- 112 SALESMANSHIP section of the blue sky, in the safe so there may have been something in the tale, after all. Every mind is an "Easyboy and Hardf el- low" firm. Both partners are in evidence. In some cases "Easyboy" has far more sway and influence than his more capable partner ; in others they have equal authority; in a third, "Hardfellow" asserts his right and ability, and "Easyboy" has to take a back seat under protest. But the same principle is true of them all. And this fact is taken into consideration by men of the world who understand the true state of affairs. If anyone doubts this statement of psychological facts, let him analyze himself, and look back over his own experience. He will find that "Easy- boy" has played him many a sad trick in the past, and the "Hardfellow" has been "off his job" more than once. Then let him begin to analyze others with whom he comes in con- tacthe will see the same state of affairs existing there. And yet there is no mystery about the matter it is all in accordance with known psychological laws. Some writers on the subject of Salesmanship rather solemnly MIND OF THE BUYER 113 assure us that the "Easyboy" part of the mind is a "higher mind" but it is not. It belongs to the instinctive stage of mental de- velopment, rather than to the rational. It is an inheritance from the past that past in which men were moved entirely by feeling and emotion, before reason came to its present stage of development. If it is "higher" why is it a fact that the lower races and individ- uals manifest it to a greater extent than the higher ones? This part of the mind gives vitality and energy to one, but unless it be controlled by Intellect and Will it is apt to prove a curse. CHAPTEE VI THE FEE-APPROACH Nearly all teachers of or writers upon Salesmanship lay much stress upon what is called "The Pre- Approach, " by which term is indicated the preliminaries leading up to the Approach or Interview with the Buyer. What we have said under the head of ' ' The Mind of the Salesman" is really a part of the Pre- Approach, for it is in the nature of the preparation of the mind of the salesman for the interview with the buyer. But there is more than this to the Pre- Approach. The Pre- Approach is the mapping out of the cam- paign "organizing victory" it has been called. It is the accumulation of ammunition for the fight, and the laying out of the strat- egy. Macbain says: "The Pre- Approach is the groundwork upon which the salesman builds. It comprises all the information ob- tainable by him that will be of importance in 114 THE PRE-APPROACH 115 making his approach in selling the customer. A sale, in fact, resembles chimney- building, in which it takes more time for pre- liminary scaffold-making than it does to build the permanent structure once the scaf- fold is made. ' ' In the first place, an important part of the Pre-Approach is a correct and complete knowledge of your goods. Too many men rush to the Approach without knowing what they have to sell. It is not enough to know brands and prices one should know his goods from top to bottom, inside and outside, from the raw material to the finished article. He should feel perfectly at home with his goods, so that he may have full information regard- ing them on tap, and thus have his mind free for the strategy of the sale. A little close, earnest intelligent study of one's line of goods will not only supply one with an efficient weapon, but will also impart to him a sense of certainty and confidence that he cannot have otherwise. What would be thought of a teacher of natural history who did not under- stand animals? And yet many salesmen are equally as ignorant about their subject. 116 SALESMANSHIP The salesman should understand his goods so thoroughly that he could write a treatise on them, or demonstrate them before an audi- ence of experts or of persons entirely in ignor- ance of them the latter being probably the hardest task. He should be able to explain their particular virtues and characteristics to a man old in the same line, or to explain them simply and plainly to one who had never seen them or who was ignorant of their uses. We know of one salesman who was asked by his little boy to explain a cash register to him, and who complied with the request. He told us that he learned more about his cash regis- ter in the process of that explanation than he had acquired in even the process of the tech- nical demonstration in the "salesman's school ' J at the factory. It is not always policy for the salesman to air his knowledge of his goods to his customer such a course would generally bore the latter but he should know all about his goods, nevertheless. The man who knows his goods in this way plants his feet on the solid rock and cannot be swept away, while the man who builds on the shift- THE PRE-AppROACH 117 ing sand of " half -knowledge" is always in danger. But the more popular branch of the Pre- Ap- proach is the knowledge of the customer. Get as many points regarding the characteristics, habits, likes and dislikes of the customer as possible. Find out as much as you can about his trade, and manner of conducting his busi- ness, as well as his business history. Macbain says : ' ' There is really no information about a prospective customer that can be said to be valueless. On the other hand, a knowledge of one or two of the characteristics of the man to be approached may be considered sufficient, the ready intuition of the salesman being re- lied upon for the rest. It is assumed, of course, that a salesman will be able to call his man by name, pronouncing the name correctly upon the very first interview. This is the prime requisite, and the remaining knowledge should be grouped about this in the order of its importance." The data regarding your prospective cus- tomer is obtainable in many ways. Much of it you may obtain from your house if they have had previous dealings with him. Other sales- 118 SALESMANSHIP men will also add to the data, but one must be on the lookout here and not allow himself to be prejudiced against the customer, or fright- ened by adverse reports regarding his man* ner and characteristics coming from other salesmen. Pierce says : "It would seem that the good characteristics of the prospect are desirable to learn. But it is a conviction that by denying to one's self the unfavorable things said about your prospect, you will not accentuate the very qualities you hope to ob- viate. One attempt at a sale is recalled where the prospect was said to be 'the meanest man on earth.' Almost terrified by the de- scription, the salesman went at the prospect the wrong way; displeased him; lost the sale." Hotel clerks or better still, hotel proprie- tors are often very well informed regarding merchants in their town, and often valuable information may be obtained in this way, al- though the judgment and experience of the hotel people must be appraised before basing one's own opinion regarding the customer. Other customers may also be diplomatically pressed into service in obtaining information THE PRE-APPROACH 119 regarding their competitors, although allow- ance must always be made for the personal bias in such cases. It is a good idea for the salesman to make a record of these advance reports, so as to have them on file where he may refer to them when needed. Some sales- men have a card index devoted to this pur- pose, which they have found very useful. Another, and a very important point about the Pre- Approach is that of developing the proper Mental Attitude in yourself. You must get yourself right first, before you can get anything else right. Pierce says regard- ing this : "Someone has said that the greatest bane to selling goods is fear. As a matter of fact, the only thing you are afraid of is that you won't make the sale, get the check. But, if you waive this point, and say, 'Now, I don't care whether I get this sale or not. I do know this : I am honest, my goods are honest, and if this man does not want them there are plenty of men who do,' you will find the fear melting like the mist before sunshine. Fear cannot live in the presence of your smile, your confidence, your knowledge of the business and your industry." 120 SALESMANSHIP In this connection, re-read what we have said to you regarding the "I" and "Self-Re- spect" in the chapter entitled "The Mind of the Salesman." This chapter was written to cover just such cases as the one in question. If you can realize the "I" within you, your fear will disappear quickly. Eemember, ' ' there 's nothing to fear but Fear. 9 J Many successful salesmen state that they overcame their early fear and timidity by filling themselves with auto-suggestions that they were calling on the customer for the pur- pose of doing him a good turn that it was a good thing for the customer that the salesman was calling on him, although he did not know it and that he, the salesman must let noth- ing stand in the way of doing that good turn to the customer, etc. As ridiculous as this may appear to some, it will be found to work well in many cases. And it is based upon truth, too, for if the goods are right, and the prices are likewise, the salesman is doing the customer a good turn. And right here, let us impress upon you the necessity of working yourself up to the point of believing thoroughly in your own proposi- THE PKE- APPROACH 121 tion. You must get yourself into the state of mind in which, if you were in the customer's place, you would surely want to take advan- tage of it. You must convert yourself before you can expect to convert the customer. We know an ad. man who tells us that he never feels satisfied with an ad. that he is writing until he can make himself believe that he wants to buy the article himself. And he is right. And the salesman will do well to take a leaf from his book. Enthusiasm and belief are contagious. If you believe thoroughly in a thing, you run a much better chance of making others believe in it also, than if you feel otherwise. You must learn to sett to yourself first, then you may sell to the cus- tomer. W. C. Holman, in "Salesmanship," says: ' ' One cannot make others believe what he himself believes, unless he himself is an earnest believer. Dwight L. Moody swayed enormous audiences by the simple power of his own wonderful earnestness. No one could listen to Moody without saying: 'This man believes absolutely every word he is speak- ing. If he feels what he says so tremendously, 122 SALESMANSHIP there must be something in it.' If every sales- man realized how largely the attitude of the ' prospect' depended upon the salesman's own mental attitude, he would be as careful to get into the right frame of mind when he started out to approach a prospect as he would be to carry a sample case. It is a simple matter for him to do this. All that is necessary is for him to Hake account of stock' just before he starts out to enumerate to himself all the strong, convincing points in his proposition to consider the good high qualities of the goods he is selling run over in his mind the splendid characteristics of his house think of the great number of customers who have bought his product and of the supremely satisfying reasons why other customers should buy his goods. In other words, before a salesman starts to sell other men, he should sell himself. He should make this sale to himself at the beginning' of every day's work." The student should acquaint himself thor- oughly with the creative force of Suggestion and Auto-Suggestion in Character Building, and in producing and maintaining the proper THE PRE- APPROACH 123 Mental Attitude. The volume of this series entitled "Suggestion and Auto-Suggestion" gives both the theory, principles and methods of applying Auto-Suggestion in the direc- tions named. One need no longer be a slave of his Mental Attitude. On the contrary he may create and preserve the Mental Attitude he deems advisable and necessary at any time. Mr. W. C. Holman, one of the best of the inspirational writers on Salesmanship, gives the following interesting instance of the use of Auto-Suggestion by a salesman. He says : "One of the best salesmen the writer ever knew got up what he called his catechism. He used to put himself through it every morning before starting out. Oftentimes he repeated it aloud if he had the opportunity. The ques- tions he would repeat in a quiet tone, but the answers he would pronounce with all the earnestness of which he was capable. His catechism ran somewhat as follows: "Am I working for a good house? YES! "Has my house the reputation and pres- tige of being one of the best in its line! YES ! "Have we made hundreds of thousands of 124 SALESMAKSHIP sales like the sales I am going to make to- day? YE&! "Have we an enormous body of satisfied users? YES! "Am I selling the best goods of the kind made anywhere in the world? YES ! 6 ' Is the price I am asking a fair one ? YES ! "Do the men I am going to call on need the article I am selling? YES ! ' ' Do they realize that now ? NO ! "Is that the very reason I am going to call on them because at present they don't want my goods, and haven't yet bought them? YES! "Am I justified in asking a prospect's time and attention to present my proposition? BY ALL THE POWEBS, YES ! "Am I going to get into the office of every man that I call on, if there is any earthly way to do it? YES! "Am I going to sell every man I call on to- day? YOU BET I AM I" Eef erring to the above "catechism" of Mr. Holman, we would say that if a man would work himself up to the point of asking and answering these questions in earnest, and THE PRE-APPROACH 125 would carry the spirit thereof through the day, he would render himself almost invinc- ible. A spirit like that is the spirit of the Light Brigade, of Napoleon, of the Berserker Norseman who made a way for himself. Such a man would make opportunities, instead of begging for them. Such a man would be in- spired. This is Auto-Suggestion raised to the Nth Power. Try it you need it in your business ! The second phase of the Pre-Approach is that of obtaining an interview with the pros- pective customer, generally known as "the prospect. ' ' In many instances the salesman is able to secure the interview by simply walk- ing into the presence of the prospect, the latter being in full view in his store or office and no intermediary being present to inter- cept the approach. In such cases the second phase of the Pre-Approach is passed over, and the actual Approach is entered into at once. But in other cases, particularly in the large office buildings of the principal cities, tho prospect is found to be in his private office, I the salesman's advance is halted by a :k, or even an office boy, and there are cer- 126 SALESMANSHIP tain preliminaries to be gone through with before an interview may be obtained. In many cases, "big" men (or those who wish to be considered "big") surround themselves with so much formality and red-tape that it is quite a feat to run the gauntlet of the guardians of the inner temple, and much tact, diplomacy, presence of mind, and often strategy is re- quired of the Salesman in order that he may "get at his man." Macbain, in his work entitled "Selling," says of this stage: "Between the pre-ap- proach and the actual approach sometimes lies a trying time for the salesman. It is no un- common thing for a prospective customer to keep a salesman waiting, either outside the office door and out of sight, or inside and in the presence of the prospective buyer. This is known as 'breaking the salesman's nerve.' It is often done with the idea of deliberately making the salesman nervous and conse- quently unable to make such an approach as otherwise would be possible.. Perhaps one of the most common forms of this is seen when the prospective customer appears to be very busily interested in something at his desk and THE PBE-APPKOACH 127 allows the salesman to stand an indefinite length of time and then turns suddenly upon him. This is especially disconcerting to the young man, but the experienced salesman rec- ognizes it as an indication that either the man is very busy and actually hates to take his mind off his work, or that he is afraid of be- ing talked into something that he will later re- gret. The salesman consequently shapes his introduction accordingly and will in no wise be disconcerted by this attempt as it will en- able him to study carefully the outward char- acteristics of the man whom he is about to approach." In many cases this waiting is forced on the salesman by a prospect who also knows some- thing of the laws of psychology for such knowledge is not confined to the salesman by any means, the buyer having posted himself in many cases. In the game of checkers or draughts quite an important advantage ac- crues to the player securing what is technically known as "the move," which, however, is a very different thing from the "first play." There is in the psychology of the sale, or of the interview between two people of equal 128 SALESMANSHIP strength, a something which corresponds very closely with "the move" in checkers. This something gives a decided advantage to the person securing it, and it is worth striving for. This something is subtle and almost in- describable, although apparent to every one who has dealings with his fellow men. It seems to be a matter of mental balance and poise. The salesman, if he be well balanced and poised, is "positive" to the buyer, the lat- ter being in a listening, and therefore passive, attitude. So far the salesman has "the move," which however he may later lose if the prospect plays scientifically. Well, to get back to the "waiting" stage, the prospect by disturbing the salesman's poise, and "break- ing his nerve ' ' by keeping him waiting on the anxious bench in a state of suspense, often manages to get "the move" on him, unless he understands the psychology of the process and accordingly avoids it. Suspense is the most nerve-breaking mental state on the psycho- logical list, as all realize who have experi- enced it. Beware of losing "the move." An important factor in getting past the stockade of the outer office is the conscious- THE PRE-APPROACH 129 ness of Self Eespect and the realization of the "I" of which we have spoken. This mental attitude impresses itself upon those who guard the outer works, and serves to clear the way. As Pierce says : ' ' Bemember, you are asking no favors; that you have nothing to apologize for, and that you have every reason in the world for holding your head high. And it is wonderful what this holding up of the head will do in the way of increasing sales. We have seen salesmen get entrance to the offices of Broadway buyers simply through the holding of the head straight up from the shoulders." But it is the Mental Attitude back of the physical -expression that is the spirit of the thing don't forget this. The Mental Attitude and the physical ex- pression thereof instinctively influence the conduct of other people toward one. We may see the same thing illustrated in the attitude and action of the street boy toward dogs. Let some poor cur trot along with drooping ears, timid expression, meek eyes, and tail between his legs, and the urchin will be apt to kick him or throw a rock at his retreating form. Note the difference when the self-respecting 130 SALESMANSHIP dog, with spirit in him, trots past, looking the boy fearlessly in the eye and showing his sense of self-respect and power to back it up in every movement. That dog is treated ac- cordingly. There are certain people whose manner is such that they do not need to ask respect and consideration it is given them as a matter of right and privilege. People stand aside to give them room, and move up in street cars that they may have a seat. And it does not necessarily follow that the person to whom this respect is shown is a worthy in- dividual or a person of fine qualities he may be a confidence man or a swindler. But whatever he is, or may be, he has certain out- ward mannerisms and characteristics which enable him to "put up a good front" and which carry him through. At the back of it all will be found certain mental states which produce the genuine outward characteristics and manner in the case of genuine instances of persons possessing authority and high posi- tion, the confidence man merely presenting a passable counterfeit, being a good actor. It is often necessary for the salesman to send in a card to the inner office. It is well THE PRE- APPROACH 131 for him to have some cards, well engraved in the most approved manner, bearing simply his name: "Mr. John Jay Jones," with his business appearing thereon. If he is trav- elling from a large city, and is selling in smaller towns, he may have "New York," "Chicago," "Philadelphia," "Boston," etc., as the case may be in the corner of his card. If the name of his business appears on the card the prospect often goes over the matter of a possible sale, mentally, without the sales- man being present to present his case, and then may decline to grant an interview. The name, without the business, often arouses in- terest or curiosity and thus, instead of hin- dering, really aids in securing the interview. Eegarding the discussion of the business with anyone other than the prospect himself, the authorities differ. As a matter of fact it would seem to depend largely upon the par- ticular circumstances of each case, the nature of the articles to be sold, and the character and position of the subordinate in question. One set of authorities hold that it is very poor policy to tell your business to a subor- dinate, and that it is far better to tell him 132 SALESMANSHIP courteously but firmly that your business is of such a nature that you can discuss it only with the prospect in person. Otherwise, it is held that the subordinate will tell you that the matter in question has already been con- sidered by his principal, and that he is fully informed regarding the proposition, and has given orders that he is not to be disturbed further regarding it. The other set of authorities hold that in many cases the subordinate may be pressed into service, by treating him with great re- spect, and an apparent belief in his judgment and authority, winning his good-will and getting him interested in your proposition, and endeavoring to have him " speak about it" to his superior during the day. It is claimed that a subsequent call, the day fol- lowing, will often prove successful, as the subordinate will have paved the way for an interview and have actually done some work for you in the way of influence and selling talk. It is held that some salesmen have made permanent " friends in camp" of these subordinates who have been approached in this way. THE PRE-APPROACH 133 It would seera, however, as we have said, to depend much upon the particular circum- stances of the case. In some cases the subor- dinate is merely a "hold-off," or "break- water;" while in others he is a confidential employee whose opinion has weight with the prospect, and whose good-will and aid are well worth securing. In any event, however, it is well to gain the respect and good-will of those in the "outer court," for they can often do much in the way of helping or injuring your chances. "We have known cases in which sub- ordinates "queered" a salesman who had offended them; and we have known other cases in which the subordinate being pleased by the salesman "put him next." It is al- ways better to make a friend rather than an enemy from the office-boy upward on gen- eral principles. Many a fine warrior has been tripped up by a small pebble. Strong men have died from the bite of a mosquito. The following advice from J. F. Gillen, the Chicago manager of the Burroughs Adding Machine Company, is very much to the point. Mr. Gillen, in the magazine "Salesmanship," says: "A salesman who has not proved his 134 SALESMANSHIP mettle and who, unfortunately, is not sure of himself is likely to be overcome by a sense of his own insignificance on entering the private domain of the great man, rich man, or influential man, from whom he hopes to get an order. The very hum and rush of business in this boss's office are very awe- inspiring. The fact that there exists an iron- clad rule, designed to protect the boss against intrusion, forbidding the admittance of an uninvited salesman and the fact that the army of employees are bound by this rule to oppose the entrance of any such visitor combine to make an untried salesman morally certain of his powerlessness; to make him feel that he has no justifiable reason for pre- senting himself at all. Indeed he has none, if the awe which he feels for red-tape, rules, dignitaries, has made him lose sight of the at- tractions of his own proposition; has swal- lowed up his confidence in what he has to offer and his ability to enthuse the prospect in regard to it. * * * If you believe that your proposition will prove interesting 1 to the prospect and that he will profit by doing busi- ness with you, you have a right to feel that THE PRE-AppROAcH 135 the rule barring salesmen from his presence was not intended to bar you. Convince your- self of this and the stern negative of the in- formation clerk will not abash you. You will find yourself endowed with a courage and re- sourcefulness to cope with a slick secretary who gives glibly evasive replies when you try to find out whether Mr. Prospect is now in his office, whether he cannot see you at once, and what reason exists for supposing you could possibly tell your business to any subor- dinate in place of him. Once you are thus morally sure of your ground, the hardest part of the battle is won. * * * You can see the prospect and get speech with him, no mat- ter what obstacles intervene, if your nerve holds out and you use your brains." Eemember this, always: The Psychology of Salesmanship applies not only to work with the prospect, but also to work with those who bar the way to him. Subordinates have minds, faculties, feelings and strong and weak points of mentality they have their psychology just as their employer has his. It will pay you to make a careful study of their 136 SALESMANSHIP psychology it has its rules, laws and princi- ples. This is a point often overlooked by little salesmen, but fully recognized by the "big" ones. The short cut to the mind of many a prospect is directly through the mind of the man in the outer office. CHAPTER WI THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PURCHASE There are several stages or phases mani- fested by the buyer in the mental process which results in a purchase. "While it is diffi- cult to state a hard and fast rule regarding the same, because of the variety of tempera- ment, tendencies and mental habits possessed in several degrees by different individuals, still there are certain principles of feeling and thought manifested alike by each and every individual buyer, and a certain logical sequence is followed by all men in each and every original purchase. It follows, of course, that these principles, and this se- quence, will be found to be operative in each and every original purchase, whether that purchase be the result of an advertisement, display of goods, recommendation, or the efforts of a salesman. The principle is the same in each and every case, and the sequence 137 138 SALESMANSHIP of the mental states is the same in each and every instance. Let us now consider these several mental states in their usual sequence. The several mental states manifested by every buyer in an original purchase are given below in the order of sequence in which they are usually manifested: Involuntary Attention. First Impression. Curiosity. Associated Interest. Consideration.^ $/wfa^*fl Imagination. Inclination. Deliberation. - Decision. X. Action. We use the term "original purchase" in this connection in order to distinguish the original purchase from a repeated order or subsequent purchase of the same article, in which latter instance the mental process is far more simple and which consists merely in recognizing the inclination, or habit, and ordering the goods, without repeating the PSYCHOLOGY OF PURCHASE 139 original complex mental operation. Let us now proceed to a consideration of the several mental stages of the original purchase, in logical sequence: I. Involuntary Attention. This mental state is the elementary phase of attention. Attention is not a faculty of the mind, but is instead the focusing of the consciousness upon one object to the temporary exclusion of all other objects. It is a turning of the mind on an object. The object of attention may be either external, such as a person or thing ; or internal, such as a feeling, thought, memory, or idea. Attention may be either voluntary, that is, directed consciously by the will; or involuntary, that is, directed unconsciously and instinctively and apparently indepen- dently of the will. Voluntary attention is an acquired and developed power and is the at- tribute of the thinker, student and jntellec- tual individual in all walks of life. Voluntary attention, on the contrary, is but little more than a reflex action, or a nervous response to some stimulus. As Halleck says: "Many persons scarcely get beyond the reflex stage. Any chance stimulus will take their attention 140 SALESMANSHIP away from their studies or their business." Sir William Hamilton made a still finer dis- tinction, which is, however, generally over- looked by writers on the subject, but which is scientifically correct and which we shall fol- low in this book. He holds that there are three degrees or kinds of attention: (1) the reflex or involuntary, which is instinctive in nature; (2) that determined by desire or feeling, which partakes of both the involun- tary and voluntary nature, and which al- though partly instinctive may be resisted by the will under the influence of the judgment ; and (3) that determined by deliberate vo- lition in response to reason, as in study, scientific games, rational deliberation, etc. The first mental step of the purchase un- doubtedly consists of involuntary or reflex attention, such as is aroused by a sudden sound, sight, or other sensation. The degree of this involuntary attention depends upon the intensity, suddenness, novelty, or move- ment of the object to which it responds. All persons respond to the stimuli arousing this form of attention, but in different degrees de- pending upon the preoccupation or concen- PSYCHOLOGY OF PURCHASE 141 tration of the individual at the time. The striking or novel appearance of an advertise- ment; the window-display of goods; the ap- pearance of the salesman all these things instinctively arouse the involuntary atten- tion, and the buyer "turns his mind on" them. But this turning the mind on belongs to Hamilton's first class that of the in- stinctive response to the sight or sound, and not that aroused by desire or deliberate thought. It is the most elemental form of attention or mental effort, and to the sales- man means simply: "Well, I see you !" Some- times the prospect is so preoccupied or con- centrated on other things that he barely "sees" the salesman until an added stimulus is given by a direct remark. II. First Impression. This mental state is the hasty generalization resulting from the first impression of the object of attention the advertisement, suggestion, display of goods, or the Salesman depending in the last case upon the general appearance, action, manner, etc., as interpreted in the light of experience or association. In other words, the prospect forms a hasty general idea of 142 SALESMANSHIP the thing or person, either favorable or un- favorable, almost instinctively and uncon- sciously. The thing or person is associated or classed with others resembling it in the experience and memory of the prospect, and the result is either a good, bad or indifferent impression resulting from the suggestion of association. For this reason the ad. man and the window dresser endeavor to awaken favorable and pleasing associated memories and suggestions, and "puts his best foot foremost." The Salesman endeavors to do the same, and seeks to "put up a good front" in his Approach, in order to secure this valuable favorable first impression. People are influenced more than they will admit by these "first impressions," or sug- gestions, of appearance, manner, etc., and the man who understands psychology places great importance upon them. A favorable first impression smooths the way for the suc- cessful awakening of the later mental states. An unfavorable first impression, while it may be removed and remedied later, nevertheless is a handicap which the Salesman should avoid. PSYCHOLOGY OF PURCHASE 143 (Note: The mental process of the pur- chase now passes from the stage of involun- tary attention, to that of attention inspired by desire and feeling which partakes of both the voluntary and involuntary elements. The first two stages of this form of attention are known as Curiosity and Associated Interest, respectively. In some cases Curiosity pre- cedes, in others Associated Interest takes the lead, as we shall see. In other cases the mani- festation of the two is almost simultaneous.) III. Curiosity. This mental state is really a form of Interest, but is more ele^ mental than Associated Interest, being merely the interest of novelty. It is the strongest item of interest in the primitive races, in children, and in many adults of ele- mental development and habits of thought. Curiosity is the form of Interest which is almost instinctive, and which impels one to turn the attention to strange and novel things, All animals possess it to a marked degree, as trappers have found out to their profit. Monkeys possess it to an inordinate degree, and the less developed individuals of the human race also manifest it to a high 144 SALESMANSHIP degree. It is connected in some way with the primitive conditions of living things, and is probably a heritage from earlier and less se- cure conditions of living, where inquisitive- ness regarding new, novel and strange sights and sounds was a virtue and the only means of acquiring experience and education. At any rate, there is certainly in human nature- a decided instinctive tendency to explore the unknown and strange the attraction of the mysterious ; the lure of the secret things ; the tantalizing call of the puzzle ; the fascination of the riddle. The Salesman who can introduce some- thing in his opening talk that will arouse Curiosity in the prospect has done much to arouse his attention and interest. The street- corner fakir, and the "barker" for the amusement-park show, understand this prin- ciple in human nature, and appeal largely to it. They will blindfold a boy or girl, or will make strange motions or sounds, in order to arouse the curiosity of the crowd and to cause them to gather around- all this before the actual appeal to interest is made. In some buyers Curiosity precedes Associated PSYCHOLOGY OF PUECHASE 145 Interest the interest in the unknown and novel precedes the practical interest. In others the Associated Interest the practical interest inspired by experience and associa- tionprecedes Curiosity, the latter manifest- ing simply as inquisitiveness regarding the details of the object which has aroused Asso- ciated Interest. In other cases, Curiosity and Associated Interest are so blended and shaded into each other that they act almost as one and simultaneously. On the whole, though, Curiosity is more elemental and crude than Associated Interest, and may readily be distinguished in the majority of cases. IV. Associated Interest. This mental state is a higher form of interest than Curi- osity. It is a practical interest in things relat- ing to one's interests in life, his weal or woe, loves or hates, instead of being the mere interest in novelty of Curiosity. It is an ac- quired trait, while Curiosity is practically an instinctive trait. Acquired Interest devel- ops with character, occupation, and educa- tion, while Curiosity manifests strongly in the very beginnings of character, and before 146 SALESMANSHIP education. Acquired Interest is manifested more strongly in the man of affairs, educa- tion and experience, while Curiosity has its fullest flower in the monkey, savage, young child and uncultured adult. Eecognizing the relation between the two, it may be said that Curiosity is the root, and Associated Interest the flower. Associated Interest depends largely upon the principle of Association or Apperception, the latter being defined as ' ' that mental pro- cess by which the perceptions or ideas are brought into relation to our previous ideas and feelings, and thus are given a new clear- ness, meaning and application. " Apper- ception is the mental process by which objects and ideas presented to us are perceived and thought of by us in the light of our past ex- perience, temperament, tastes, likes and dis- likes, occupation, interest, prejudices, etc., instead of as they actually are. We see every- thing through the colored glasses of our own personality and character. Halleck says of Apperception: "A woman may apperceive a passing bird as an ornament to her bonnet; a fruit grower, as an insect killer; a poet, as PSYCHOLOGY or PURCHASE 147 a songster ; an artist, as a fine bit of coloring and form. The housewife may apperceive old rags as something to be thrown away ; a ragpicker, as something to be gathered up. A carpenter, a botanist, an ornithologist, a hunter, and a geologist walking through a forest would not see the same things." The familiar tale of the text-books illustrates this principle. It relates that a boy climbed up a tree in a forest and watched the passers- by, and listened to their conversation. The first man said: "What a fine stick of timber that tree would make." The boy answered: "Good morning, Mr. Carpenter." The sec- ond man said: "That is fine bark." The boy answered: "Good morning, Mr. Tan- ner. ' ' The third man said : " I'll bet there 's squirrels in that tree." The boy answered: "Good morning, Mr. Hunter." Each and every one of the men saw the tree in the light of his personal Apperception or Associated Interest, Psychologists designate by the term "the apperceptive mass" the accumulated pre- vious experiences, prejudices, temperament, inclination and desires which serve to modify 148 SALESMANSHIP the new perception or idea. The "apper- ceptive mass" is really the "character" or "human nature" of the individual. It necessarily differs in each individual, by reason of the great variety of experiences, temperament, education, etc., among indi- viduals. Upon a man 's ' ' apperceptive mass, ' ' or character, depends the nature and degree of his interest, and the objects which serve to inspire and excite it. It follows then that in order to arouse, in- duce and hold this Associated Interest of the prospect, the Salesman must present things, ideas or suggestions which will appeal directly to the imagination and feelings of the man before him, and which are associated with his desires, thoughts and habits. If we may be pardoned for the circular definition we would say that one's Associated Interest is aroused only by interesting things; and that the interesting things are those things which concern his interests. A man's inter- ests always interest him and his interests are usually those things which concern his advantage, success, personal well-being in short his pocketbook, social position, hobbies, PSYCHOLOGY OF PURCHASE 149 tastes, and satisfaction of his desires. There- fore the Salesman who can throw the mental spot-light on these interesting things, may secure and hold one's Associated Interest. Hence the psychology of the repeated state- ment: "I can save yon money;" "I can in- crease your sales;" "I can reduce your expenses ; " "I have something very choice ; ' ' or "I can give you a special advantage," etc. It may as well be conceded that business interest is selfish interest, and not altruistic. In order to interest a man in a business proposition he must be shown how it will benefit him in some way. He is not running a philanthropic institution, or a Salesman's Belief Fund, nor is he in business for his health he is -diere to make money, and in order to interest him you must show him something to his advantage. And the first appeal of Associated Interest is to his feel- ing of Self Interest. It must be in the nature