STACK ANNEX YA1077100 D INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY CONFERENCE LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS, PRINTED BOOKS > . AND EXAMPLES OF BOOKBINDING EXHIBITED TO THE OX THE OCCASION OF THEIR VISIT TO HAIGH HALL ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY PRESS MDCCCXCVII Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN SECOND INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY CONFERENCE LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS, PRINTED BOOKS AND EXAMPLES OF BOOKBINDING EXHIBITED TO THE AMERICAN LIBRARIANS ON THE OCCASION OF THEIR VISIT TO HAIGH HALL ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY PRESS MDCCCXCVII ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY PRESS. LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS, PRINTED BOOKS AND EXAMPLES OF BOOKBINDING. GREEK MANUSCRIPTS. 1- VITVE Sanctorum et Martyrum ; Graced. Folio, on vellum. About A.D. 975. 2. EVANGELIA IV., Graece, cum Canone Eusebii. Small 4to, on vellum. Saec. XL Written in a very clear hand, the Canon of Eusebius within elegant borders, illuminated in gold and colours, the heading of each Gospel in letters of gold, within elaborately illuminated ornaments, nume- rous capitals in gold ; adorned with three large miniatures of St. Matthew, St. Mark, and St. John, executed in colours on a gold ground. 3. EVANGELIA IV., Graece. Folio, on vellum. About A.D. 1060. 4. EVANGELISTARIUM, Graece. Folio, on vellum. About A.D. 1060. 5. OFFICIUM ECCLESIASTIC UM pertotum Annum secun- dum usum Ecclesiae Graecae, Graece cum notis musicis. Folio, on vellum. Saec. XL 6. EVANGELIA IV., Graece. 8vo, on vellum. About AJX IIOO. Written probably by Paul, the Monk, who has inscribed at the end of St. Luke six lines of verse, which appear to be in the same hand as the rest of the book. , 7. EVANGELIA IV., Graecd. Sm. 4to, on vellum. About A.D. 1175. 1077100 LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS 8. PSALTERIUM, Graece. Sm. 410, on vellum. About A.D. 1 200. 9. ST. JOHN DAMASCENE. Dialectica et Expositio Fidei Orthodoxae, Graece. 4to, on vellum. Saec. xii.-xm. With numerous diagrams and a full-length drawing of the author. LATIN MANUSCRIPTS. 10. LEGAL INSTRUMENT OF DONATION FROM JOHAN- NES, the Primicerius, or Captain of a company of soldiers, to the Church of Ravenna. Written on papyrus, 5 ft. 4 in. long by n in. broad. Imperfect at be- ginning, and undated; but written probably about A.D. 580 600, at Ravenna. The last portion contained the exact terms of donation, but as the in- strument is referred to by the donor just before making his cross for signature, and by each of the witnesses, it is plain that it was meant to be the " irrevocabilem donationis niece usufructuariie paginam sex unciarum principalium in Integra totitis substantite mece ". The language is a very corrupt style of Latin ; the hand- writing cursive Roman. One of the most curious features of this document (palaeographically speaking) is the subscription by one of the witnesses, a Greek, Marines Chrysokatalaktis, who has written his testimony in Latin but in Greek characters (excepting that he uses the Latin n for the Greek v occasionally, and the Latin u for the Greek /8 sometimes). It is a contribution to our knowledge of old Latin pronunciation, for we find that he writes ovtm (that is, week, not wyke) for the Latin hnic, and that he writes Queer for fecit, in which latter word the irregularity of his vowels does not invalidate the proof that the letter c was still pronounced k (not s, nor ch) at the end of the sixth century after Christ. 11. BENEDICTIO CEREI. Roll, on vellum, 5 ft. ii| in. long by 8 in. broad. Saec. IX. The blessing of the Paschal candle, a rite beginning with " Exultet," by which word this class of manuscript is frequently called. *The illuminations represent the Passion and Resurrection, and the music in neumes accompany the text. AND PRINTED BOOKS. 12. ST. CYPRIAN, Bishop of Carthage. Epistolae et opuscula. Folio, on vellum, Saec. Vll.-vill. In rude Merovingian characters, often mixed with uncial letters. One of the oldest MSS., still in existence, of this Father of the Church. 13. HOMILIES on the Gospels appointed for the several Saints' days of the year. Small folio, on vellum. About 750-800. Written in large rude Carlovingian characters, with a mixture of uncials and capitals. The homilies are by St. Fulgentius, Bede, etc. Belonged originally to the Abbey of Luxeuil. 14. EVANGELIA IV., Latine, cum Praefatione Beati Hieronymi. Small Fol., on vellum. About 850. The illumination prefixed to St. Mark's Gospel is a fine specimen of the Carlovingian art. The writing includes a great variety of characters, uncial, rustic, capital, etc. The numerical figures are according to the Roman system. Initials in gold. 15. EVANGELIA IV., Latine, cum Canone S. Eusebii. 4to, on vellum. Saec. IX. With illuminations representing the four Evangelists and their symbols, and headings in letters of gold. A note states that the codex was used by St. Anscharius (ob. 865), and was afterwards preserved as a relic in the church at Bremen. 16. S. COLUMBANUS. Vita scripta ab ejusdem discipulo (Jona Hiberno). 4to, on vellum. Saec. IX. Written in the purest Carlovingian character. Some Latin words written with accents like neumes. 17. ST. GREGORY THE GREAT. Moralia in Job. Folio, on vellum. Saec. IX. Written in Spain, and containing numerous glosses. The illuminated capitals are very quaint, being for the most part distorted human figures. LIST OF MANUSCEIPTS 18. SMARAGDUS. Explications in Regulam Sancti Benedicti. Folio, on vellum. Saec. IX. Written by a Spanish scribe in visi-gothic letters of a singular form. In three different inks, the body of the work being in black with the headings in red, and the text of the rule in green, or vice versa. Interlaced rustic capitals. 19. EvANGELIA IV., Latine. 4to, on vellum. Saec. X. Written and illuminated for the Emperor Otto the Great, whose portrait is painted on small medallions with inscriptions round them. The illuminations prefixed to each of the Gospels and the borders of the Canon of Eusebius have been surmised to be by an Italian hand and executed at St. Gallen. 20. LECTIONARIUM. Small 4to, on vellum. About 930. With illuminations. Written by Ruoftus, Abbot of Priim, a monastery on the Moselle, who flourished about the year A.D. 930. 21. EVANGELIA IV., Latine. 4to, on vellum. Saec. x.-xi. Belonged in the year 1314 to the church of St. Mary, in Walbeck, of which church the " Statuta et Consuetudines " are written on the blank leaves of the volume. With drawings of the Evangelists and initial letters illuminated. 22. BEDA. In Novum Testamentum Tractatus. Folio, on vellum. Saec. X.-XI. Written in double cols., and with many initial letters illuminated. Also miniatures of saints. 23. CANTICA ECCLESIASTICA pro Dominicis et Festis cum Notis musicis. 4to, on vellum. Saec. X.-XI. The music is written without staves, in the notation called ttettnics. 24. JoSEPHUS. Judaicae antiquitatis libri XX. Belli vero Judaici cum Romanis libri VII. Large folio, on vellum. Saec. x.-xi. In double cols. , headings in rustic uncials, and with numerous illumi- nated capitals, some filling nearly the entire column. AND PRINTED BOOKS. 25. BROCARDUS. Magnum Volumen Canonum. Folio, on vellum. Saec. xi. With illuminated initials. 26. EPISTOL^ S. PAULI cum Glossis. Small folio, on vellum. Saec. XI. Written in the character used in Europe before the introduction of the angular gothic, with illuminated initials in gold and colours. 27. ST. BERNARD. Sermones de Nativitate Domini, de S. Stephano, etc. Folio, on vellum. Saec. Xl.-xil. With illuminated initials representing animals in grotesque attitudes. 28. ST. BEATUS (vulgarly called San Biecco, Abbot of Valcavado near Saldano in Castilla la Vieja, died A.D. 798). [Commentarius in Apocalypsim.] At end : Explicit Codex Apocalipsis duodenario ecclesiarurn numero ita duodenario ordine librorum incisione distinctio. Incipit explanatio Danielis prophete ab auctore b'i joh'i (S. Hieronymo). In I vol., royal folio, on vellum, circa 1150. With no miniatures, all very large, many of them nearly 14 inches by 6 inches in dimension, and some larger still, painted on grounds of deep and vivid colour including a circular Map of the World. Written in North Spain (Old Castile or Aragon). 29. CASSIODORUS. Expositio digesta Psalmorum. Large folio, on vellum. Saec. XII. Written by a Spanish scribe named Cumanxius ; with numerous orna- mental initials of interlaced work, some of which bear a striking resemblance to the decorative work of the early Celtic School. SO. PSALTERIUM. Folio, on vellum. Saec. XII. Written by a German scribe, and ornamented with pen and ink draw- ings of animals, historiated capitals, and 34 miniatures of the life of Christ in gold and colours. LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS 31. BIBLIA, continens Vetus et Novum Testamentum. 4to, on vellum. Saec. xin. With historiated capitals, etc. Formerly belonged to the Abbey of Saint-Acheul, and to the Duchesse de Berry. 32. BIBLIA LATINA, cum Indice Nominum. Folio, on vellum. Saec. XIII. With historiated initials illuminated in gold and colours. 33. BIBLE. The Old and New Testament, illustrated by a series of Miniatures and Extracts. On vellum, in the form of a roll, 30 ft. long, 2 ft. 6 in. wide. About I3th century. 34. MlSSALE. Sarum use. Folio, on vellum. About 1228-1256. Inscribed: " Memoriale Henrici de Cicestria canonici Exon. precij. Ixs.". Preceding the Canon are eight full-page illuminations, in one of which is introduced a kneeling figure of Canon Henry of Chichester. 35. CHORALE et Hymnarium Ecclesiae, cum Notis musicis. Large folio, on vellum. Saec. xin. Written in very large missal characters, and adorned with drawings and illuminated capitals. From the Church of Santa Cecilia in Trastevere at Rome. 36. PSALTERIUM. Small folio, on vellum. Written in Paris about A.D. 1260. With five pages filled with miniatures, and historiated capitals at the commencement of each Psalm. It was probably written by the same person who executed the manuscripts given by St. Louis to the Sainte Chapelle. Belonged at one time to Jeanne de Navarre, Queen Consort of Henry IV., King of England, whose autograph is on one of the blank leaves. 37. PSALTERIUM. Folio, on vellum. Saec. xin. With historiated initials in gold and colours. AND PRINTED BOOKS. 38. APOCALYPSE. Historia Sancti Joannis Evangelistae necnon ejusdem Visiones Apocalypticae. Small folio, on vellum. Saec. XIV. (cir. 1350). Composed of 24 leaves, containing 96 miniatures, accompanied by ex- planatory legends, in red or black ink. An admirable production of the Flemish School. 39. SPECULUM humanae salvationis. Folio, on vellum. Saec. xiv. With rudely painted illuminations. 40. BIBLIA PAUPERUM. Folio, on paper. About A.D. 1400. A series of very rude pen and ink drawings illustrating Bible history. 41. VIRGIL. /Erjeis. Small folio, on vellum. Dated 1404 " de mense Januar. per me B.D.Corsinus ". Of Italian execution, with the arms of the Corsini family emblazoned at foot of the first page. 42. NICOLAS DE LYRA. Postilla super libros Veteris Testamenti. 3 vols. Folio, on vellum. 1407. Presented to a member of the Malatesta family. Italian School ; with many illuminations. 43. ARMORIAL GENERAL. Arms and Heraldry. Folio, on vellum. 1416. Written by an officer of arms, a native of the Province of Beyra, in Portugal, whilst he was attending the Council of Constance. With 236 coats of arms and flags with heraldic bearings emblazoned. 44. PRECES PRIVATVE. 4to, on vellum. 1430-1450. With many illuminations, executed in Germany about the middle of the 15th century. 8 LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS 45. CASSIANUS. Collationes cum Patribus Egyptiis Habitue. Super libero Arbitrio Determinatio. De Insti- tutis Patrum et de octo principalibus Vitiis. Folio, on vellum. Saec. XV. Written in Italy, and having the numerous capitals illuminated in gold and colours. 46. PROLIANUS. Compendium Astrologic-e et Astrono- miae. 4to, on vellum. About 1477. Written and illuminated by an Italian scribe. The first page is surrounded by an interlaced border, with birds and amorini introduced. 47. PRECES et Officia Varia. Sm. 4to, on vellum, exe- cuted at Bruges in 1487. Enriched with 30 miniatures and 36 borders, besides other decorations. The artist by whom this volume was decorated with miniatures appears to have been Nicolas de Coutre, one of the Guild of Illuminators of Bruges. 48. HOR/E. Small folio, on vellum. Executed for Jacques Galliot de Gourdon de Genouillac, Grand-Ecuyer de France, and Grand-Maitre d'Artillerie under Francis I., 1495-1500. Illuminated probably in the South of France by an artist of the school of Jean Foucquet. 49. MISSALE ROMAN UM. 6 vols., folio, of which the first and second are exhibited. On vellum. Executed for Cardinal Pompeo Colonna, 1510-17. The tradition handed down by the family was that the large full-page illuminations were executed by Raphael, about the year 1517, when the owner was made a cardinal, and there is no doubt that, if not actually by his hand, the work was done by his followers under his supervision. In all probability we may say that the large miniatures are painted by Timoteo Viti, and the illuminations and arabesques by Litti di Filippo de' Corbizi. AND FEINTED BOOKS. 50. HOR/E B. M. Virginis. 32010 (256) ff., on vellum. 1 6th century. With illuminations. Belonged to Mary, Queen of Scots, and contains some of her writing on ff. 113 and 124. 51. MICHAEL SCOTT. Magica. Instructio pro discipulis seu Amatoribus Artis Magicae. 4to, on vellum. Saec. XVI. In Arabic, followed by the Latin translation. Written in red, green and black ink. 52. MS. ON LEATHER. Roll, 32 in. long by 4^ in. wide. Spanish-American. (?) Probably the work of an Indian convert to Christianity, written in peculiar Latin and de- scribing a Local Fight, a Drawing of which is given at the foot. Circa 1500-1530. 53. MS. ON LEATHER. Roll, 36 in. long by 9 in. wide. Spanish-American. (?) An Exercise in Arithmetic in bar- barous Latin, with a very strange system of notation. Circa 1500-1530. 54. MS. ON LEATHER. Roll, 10 in. square. Spanish- American. (?) Apparently a Letter or Communication. Circa 1500-1530. ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. 55. YORKSHIRE AND NORTH OF ENGLAND AR- MORIAL, called " Stacey Grindle Roll ". On vellum. About 1350. With the arms of sovereigns, nobles and barons emblazoned, and the name and description of each coat written above. 10 LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS 56. GOSPELS IN ENGLISH. The Gospels of the Lord Jhesu Christ, Luk, John, Mathew, Mark. Englished by John de Wycliffe, ad scribit A.D. 1380. 4to, on vellum. This Manuscript was presented to Queen Elizabeth, on her accession to the throne, by Francis Newport, who, for the sake of his religion, had been compelled to fly during the reign of Queen Mary. There is prefixed to it a long letter written by him to the Queen. 57. COOKERY. A Form of Cury, by the Master Cook of Richard the Second. I2mo, on vellum. 1380-1390. Black and red ink. 194 receipts. Different from " Pegges Forme of Cury ". 58. LYDGATE. Siege of Troy. Folio, on vellum. About 1420. With illuminated borders and 70 miniatures. At the beginning is a picture of the author presenting his work to King Henry V. At the end are the arms of William Carent, of Carent's Court, in the Isle of Purbeck, born 1344, and living in 1422, for whom the book was probably written. 59. BOCCACCIO. The Fall of Princes. Translated into English by John Lydgate. Folio, on vellum. About 1425- Written in double cols., with borders and capital letters illuminated in gold and colours. 60. ROBERT GLOVER, Somerset Herald. Armorial of English Peers. 4to, on vellum. 1582. With 67 coats emblazoned, each of which has a full page, the names and titles being written on the pages facing. Prepared for, and given to, Frederick II., King of Denmark. 61. SIR DAVID LINDSAY II., of the Mount, Lord Lyon King of Arms. Armorial of Scottish Nobles and Barons. Folio, on paper. About 1604. With 284 coats of arms emblazoned. AND PRINTED BOOKS. 11 62. MINUTES of Evidence and Actes of Commissioners for the Government of the Borders. Appointed by King James I. Written by Joseph Pennington. Folio, on paper. 1605-6. 63. EDM. SKORY. A Description of all the Islands of the Canaries . . . besides the history of their first inhabit- ants, called the Guanches. A description of the Islands of Azores. 4to, on paper. About 1610. Both works are believed to be unpublished. The first contains the results of Skory's investigations during a residence in the Canaries; the treatise on the Azores is a compilation from other books. 64. JOHN PHILIPOTT, Somerset Herald. Armorial of English Peers. Folio, on vellum. 1635. With 66 coats emblazoned, two on each page, the names and titles written above each coat. Prepared for, and given to, Charles Ludovic, Elector Palatine, at the direction of his mother, the Queen of Bohemia. 65. REGICIDES. Volume containing a Collection of Letters and Documents signed by the Judges of King Charles I. and other eminent men of the Commonwealth. Folio, on vellum and paper. 1646-59. 66. JAMES, yth EARL OF DERBY. Autograph Letter to a Leader of the Rebels refusing to deliver up the Isle of Man. Folio, on paper. Circa 1650. 67. OLIVER CROMWELL. Pass permitting Sir Roger Bradshaigh to proceed freely from London to Haigh. Folio, on paper. 1651. 12 LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS 68. DR. SAMUEL JOHNSON. The Original Round Robin presented to Dr. Johnson, requesting him to write the Epitaph of Goldsmith in English, rather than in Latin. Folio, on paper. 1776. Signed by Ed. Gibbon, Jos. Warton, Edm. Burke, Tho. Franklin, A. Chamier, G. Colman, W. Vachell, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Sir W. Forbes, Thomas Barnard, R. B. Sheridan, and P. Metcalfe. One of the signatories, Thos. Barnard, afterwards Bishop of Limerick, was the father-in-law of Lady Anne Lindsay, the writer of " Auld Robin Gray," and it was through her that this interesting document came into the library at Haigh Hall. 69. LADY ANNE BARNARD. Memoirs. 4to, on paper. 1813-25. The volume shown is opened at the place where the authoress has written her celebrated song " Auld Robin Gray ". 70. LADY ANNE BARNARD. Memoirs. Folio, on paper. One of the volumes of the copy which was illustrated with portraits, etc., by the authoress. FRENCH MANUSCRIPTS. 71. BIBLE HISTORIES. 4to, on vellum. About A.D. 1250. A series of full-page paintings on a background of burnished gold, re- presenting scenes from the Book of Genesis. The descriptions are written in French above and below the miniatures. Executed in the South of France. 72. LANCELOT DEL LAC. On reverse of folio 181 : " Mais a tant fenist chi endroit maistre gautiers map son liure de lancelot del lac, si omence a parler du saint graal . . . Chi c5menche li liures du saint graal ". On obverse of 212 : " Chi omenche li liures des mors artus, gauain t tous les autres Dpaignons de la taule reonde I toute la fins ". 2 vols. Large folio, on vellum, circa A.D. 1300. With 72 interesting miniatures, and numerous illuminated initials. AND PRINTED BOOKS. 73. ROMAN DE LA ROSE. 4to, on vellum. 1323. Written for, and presented to, Christina de Lindesay, Dame de Coucy, shortly after her husband died. A volume of the greatest personal interest to the present owner. Christina de Lindesay was the daughter of Sir William Lindsay, of Lamberton, and his heiress^ The house of Lamberton was one of the three branches of the family of Lindsay, founded by the three sons of William de Lindsay, of Crawford, High Justiciary under William the Lion. 74. VIE ET PASSION DE NOSTRE SEIGNEUR JESUS CHRIST. Prieres a la Vierge en Rime Franchise, avec d'autres pieces en prose. Small folio, on vellum. About A.D. 1350. Written on 53 leaves, of which 24 are ornamented with 26 paintings of Our Lord's Passion, all executed in Grisaille, the aureoles only being depicted with gold, in the style subsequently adopted in the Block Books. 75. JEAN DE COURCY, Chevalier Normand. Chroniques. Large folio, on vellum. A.D. 1420. With borders and initial letters illuminated in gold and colours. 76. LA REGIME DE SANTE, fait pour entretenir lomme en bonne disposicion. Folio, on vellum. Saec. XV. The first page has an illuminated border and a miniature of the author presenting his book to the patient, and at the foot of the page a coat of arms. 77. PIERRE DESCELIERS, Priest of Arcques. Mappe- monde, 8 ft. 2 in. x 4 ft. ij in. On vellum. 1546. Executed by order of Henri II., King of France, at Arcques, near Dieppe, and showing the extent of geographical knowledge in the year 1546. It was formerly in the possession of Jomard, wha reproduced it in his Atlas. 78. MATHIEU HERBELIN. Gdnealogie, Epitaphes et Armoiries de tous les Contes et Contesses de Dreux et de Braynne. Folio, on vellum. Saec. xvi. With 126 coats of arms emblazoned, and initial letters illuminated in gold and colours. LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS 79. R. P. CHRISTOPHER BUTKENS. Histoire Genea- logique de la Maison de Home. Folio, partly on paper, partly vellum, signed and dated 1630. Written by Butkens, and dedicated to Ambrose O. de Home. 118 portraits painted on vellum. All the coats of arms properly em- blazoned in metals and tinctures. The manuscript has been continued by another hand to about 1680. It has not been published. ITALIAN MANUSCRIPTS. 80. PETRARCA. Rime. Can^oni distese del chiarissimo Poeta Dante Allighieri di Firenze. Folio, on vellum. Saec. XIV. One of the most important manuscripts of the two poets, written during the life-time of Petrarch, or immediately after his death, tor Lorenzo, the son of Carlo degli Strozzi (a member of one of the noblest families of Florence), by Paul the Scribe, as appears by the colophon. With large initial letters, and three illuminated borders, containing portraits of the poets and their inamoratas, executed in the finest style of Florentine art at that period, with the arms oi the Strozzi emblazoned in the bottom compartment of the first two. 81. DANTE. La Divina Commedia. Folio, on paper. Saec. xv. In double cols. With the Credo and other poems at the end. 82. SAN GIOVANNI CLIMACO. Incomincia il libro di Sancto Giovanni Climaco della fuga del mondo et della Sancta Scala. Folio, on vellum. Saec. XV. The first page is painted with an allegorical representation of the world, and the means of escape from its perils and follies. A space enclosed within a wall is supposed to represent the world, and here are men and women engaged in its occupations and vanities- In the centre is a painter at his easel, a company of people dance to a tabret and pipe, etc., but one man is seen apparently paying toll to St. Peter. Just outside the gate a woman dons a religious habit, which is handed to her by an angel. A flight of steps leads to the gate of heaven, where a nun is being received by a heavenly spirit. A richly-illuminated border surrounds the whole page, the Heavenly Father in the act of blessing being represented at the top. The binding of this volume is remarkable as an example of the style known as "cuir bouilli". AND FEINTED BOOKS. 15 83. MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS. Narratione del stato della Regina di Scotia . . . nella quele si contengono le persecutioni, travagli et prigionia di essa Regina. . . . 4to, on paper. About 1580. Manuscript letter from Francesco Marcaldi to his friend Antonio Piacentino. 84. PoRTOLANO, including the coasts of Europe, Asia Minor and North Africa. Roll, 3 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. 9 in., on vellum, 1567. Ornamented with coloured figures of potentates, representations of cities, and flags with armorial bearings. With inscription " Jacobus maiolus condam vescontis fecit hanc cartam Genue anno domini 1567, die xx Februarij ". 85. BOLOGNA. Insegni dei Signori Giudici et Consoli che amministrato Giustizia nella Corte et Tribunale della Universita dei Mercanti della Citta di Bologna. Folio, on vellum, 1576-1632. With 558 coats of arms, besides plan and view of Bologna, and many other paintings by Bernardino Sangiovani. SPANISH MANUSCRIPT. 86. DlEGO CARCERES. Artezilla dela lengua Otomi. Sm. 4to, on paper. About A.D. 1580. In gothic handwriting. The first grammar composed in the Otomi language. CELTIC MANUSCRIPTS. 87. THE ROLL OF FEILIMID OLAMH NA GAEL. Con- cerning the early history of the Gaelic Race, the Gael Sciot Iber, extending over a period of about 260 years. On vellum. (?) Saec. XIV. 16 LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS 88. MATERIA MEDICA. Treatise on Materia Medica Mineral, Vegetable and Animal. 4to, on vellum. Saec. XV. Important as supplying certain lacuna; in a similar MS. in the British Museum. 89. KEATING. History of Ireland. In Irish. Folio, on paper, 1715. ICELANDIC MANUSCRIPT. 90. RYMBEGLA. Contains : I. A Computistic Treatise dealing with the art of verifying dates. II. A Treatise on Church Ceremonies. III. A Treatise on Physiognomy. IV. A Calendar. V. A Table for showing on what day Easter fell from 1140-1671. 8x6 cm., on vellum. About A.D. 1400. ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS. EGYPTIAN MANUSCRIPTS. 91. SOLAR LITANY, representing the passage of the Sun through one of the hours of the night. 3 ft. 2| in x 9! in., on papyrus. About the 2Oth or 2ist dynasty, B.C. I2OO-IOOO. 92. BOOK OF THE DEAD. Portion of the Ritual so called. Roll, in a frame, on papyrus, 2ist or 22nd dynasty, B.C. 1 100-800. Large vignettes, with text, in cursive hieratic. 93. BOOK OF THE DEAD. Portion of the Ritual so called. Roll, on papyrus, Ptolemaic period, about B.C. 300- 100. Vignettes, with text, in hieratic. AND PRINTED BOOKS. 17 COPTIC MANUSCRIPTS. 94. ST. LUKE'S GOSPEL. Fragment in Sahidic or Thebaic, containing ch. iii. 8 vi. 36. Folio, on vellum. Saec. vi. 95. ST. PAUL'S EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. Frag- ment in Sahidic, containing ch. ii. 8 vi. 16. Folio, on vellum. Ssec. VII. 96. ST. LUKE'S GOSPEL. Fragment in Sahidic or Thebaic, containing ch. xvii. 18 xix. 40. Folio, on vellum. About A.D. 800. 97. FOUR GOSPELS. In Coptic. Folio, on paper. A.D. 1484. With rude pictures of the Apostles and of the administration of the Eucharist. An important text in a perfect state of preservation. SYRIAC MANUSCRIPTS. 98. FOUR GOSPELS. In the original Peshito or "simple" version. 4to, on vellum. About A.D. 550. Written in large bold Estranghelo letters of the most archaic character. 99. NEW TESTAMENT. The Gospels of the Peshito version, and the remaining books of the Heraclean version. 4to, on vellum. About A.D. 1000. Remarkable as being the only complete Syriac New Testament of any antiquity in any library in Europe. The Apocalypse in the Heraclean version is not found in any other known MS. 100. OCTOECHUS. Book of the Eight Tones. The Dominical Hymnal and Antiphonal of the Orthodox Syrian Church. Small folio, on paper. A.D. 1456. Written in the square so-called Nestorian character, a slight modifica- tion of the old Estranghelo. 2 18 LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS 101. MEN^5UM. Offices of the Saints 1 and other Festival days for the month of August. Folio, on paper. A.D. 1 502. Written in the so-called Nestorian character. 102. OLD TESTAMENT. Portions, comprising Macca- bees, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Wisdom, Esther, Susanna, Epistles of Jeremiah and Baruch. Folio, on paper. About A.D. 1550. Written in the Estranghelo characters used by the Nestorians. 103. OLD TESTAMENT. Portions, comprising Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Psalms, and some Apocrypha. 4to, on paper. A.D. 1727. Facsimile of a MS. (probably of the ninth century), which had been carried to China in the time of Chingiz Khan. On Chinese paper, and copied by a Chinese hand. HEBREW MANUSCRIPTS. 104. NACHMANIDES. Bl 'ur 'al ha Torah. Cabbalistic Commentary on the Pentateuch. Folio, on vellum. About A.D. 1470-80. Written in Italy ; with illuminated borders of graceful interlaced work and miniatures. 1O6. MEGILLAH ESTHER. Scroll of the Book of Esther. Written on 10 skins of vellum. Saec. xv. With many curious illustrations and ornamental borders. 106. SEPHER TORAH. Scroll of the Law of Moses. Saec. xv. Written on many goat-skins in Spain. 107. SEPHER TORAH. Scroll of the Law of Moses. Saec. xv. Written on many skins of vellum in Germany. 108. SEPHER TORAH. Scroll of the Law of Moses. ? Saec. xvii. Written on 45 skins of vellum. AND PRINTED BOOKS. 19 SAMARITAN MANUSCRIPTS. 1O9. PENTATEUCH. 410, on vellum. A.D. 1211. Written in bold majuscular characters for public liturgical use. HO. PENTATEUCH. 410, on vellum, A.D. 1328. Written in double cols., one containing the Hebrew text and the other an Arabic version. 111. CALENDARIUM SAMARITANUM MAGNUM. Folio, on paper. Saec. xvill. Astronomical Calendar of the Samaritans made to correspond with the Muhammedan Calendar. Besides the Calendar, this MS. con- tains much that is of the greatest possible interest relating to the Samaritans, inter alia, an account of the most ancient Pentateuch preserved at Nablus. The writer gives certain unmistakable indi- cations by which it can be identified. 112. LITURGIA SAMARITANA. Ritual for the Feast of Unleavened Bread. 4to, on paper. Saec. xvill. ARABIC MANUSCRIPTS. 113. AL KUR'AN. Fragment on vellum, 50 ff., 5 lines to the page, very large Cufic characters. 210 x 295 mm. oblong. About A.D. 750. From Surah 43 v. 15 to 45 v. 5. 114. AL KUR'AN. Fragment on vellum, 27 ff., in very large Cufic characters. 5 lines to the page. 230 x 320 mm. oblong. About A.D. 750. 115. AL KUR'AN. Fragment on vellum, 115 leaves, in Cufic characters, containing Sura 66, v. ii,to Sura 108 (Juz' xxix. and xxx.), 7 lines to the page. 220 x 130 mm. About A.D. 800. With gilt ornamentation at the beginning of each Sura. Probably written in Baghdad in the time of Harun ar-Rashld. 20 LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS 116. AL KUR'AN. Fragment on vellum, 2 fif., small Cufic characters, n lines to the page. 127 x 197 mm. oblong. About A.D. 850. 117. AL KUR'AN. Fragment on vellum, 117 ff., in gold letters, large Cufic characters, 5 lines to the page. 205 x 160 mm. About A.D. 1000. 118. AL KUR'AN. In later Cufic characters, on Bomby- cine paper; wanting a few leaves at the end. 235 x 185 mm. About A.D. 1000-1050. 119. FOUR GOSPELS. 265 x 180 mm., on paper. Saec. XII. Differs from any of the published editions in very many places. 120. AL KUR'AN. Fragment containing the i ith Surah and part of the I2th. 370 X 272 mm. 45 fif., beautifully written. About A.D. 1200. 121. AL HARIRI. Al Maqamat ul Hariri. The " Belles Assemblies " of Hariri. Folio, on paper. About A.H. 615-20. A.D. 1218-1223. Written in the Naskhi character of Baghdad. Remarkable for its age, and the numerous rude but curious illuminations. 122. NEW TESTAMENT. Portions, comprising Acts and the Epistles of St. Paul. 235 x 165 mm., on paper. About A.D. 1250-1300. An ancient version made from the Syriac Peshito in the 8th century. 123. AL KUR'AN. i8th Juz'. 230 x 170 mm., on paper. About A.D. 1450. Written in letters of gold, five lines to the page. AND PRINTED BOOKS. 21 124. ALF LAILA. The Arabian Nights. (Nights, 255-54 1 -) 285 X 200 mm., on paper. About A.D. 1500. With rude coloured drawings. Probably one of the most ancient ex- tant texts of the book. 125. AL KUR'AN. Fragment containing the 2nd Surah, verses 136-25 3. 305 X 215 mm. In gold letters, 5 lines to the page. About A.D. 1500. 126. AL KUR'AN. On Bombycine paper, 467 ff., large Naskhi characters, 10 lines to the page. 860 x 540 mm. About A.D. 1501. 127. AL KUR'AN. Transcribed by Mustafa Ibn Nasuh al Lasiki. 250 x 175 mm. A.H. 910, A.D. 1504. 128. AL KUR'AN. 370 x 250 mm., on paper. About A.D. 1525. With ornamentation of a Persian character. 129. AL KAZWlNi. 'Ajaibu 1 Buldan. The Marvels of (many) Regions. 226 x 135 mm., on paper. A.H. 960, A.D. 1582. Contains a very curious map showing the world as known to Kazwini, horn Andalns in the West to Sin (China) in the East, and from Rus in the North to the mountains of the Moon in the South. 130. AL FlRUZABADl. Kitabu 1 Kamusi 1 Muhlt wa 1 Kabusi 1 waslt. The Embracing Ocean and the Central Model. 310 x 200 mm., on paper. A.H. 1010, A.D. 1601. A famous lexicon. Elegantly written, with gold ornaments. 131. KALILAH WA DIMNAH. Bidpai's Fables. 290 X 200 mm., on paper. A.H. 1083, A.D. 1672. With rude but spirited drawings. 22 LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS 132. AL BusiRL Al Kasida Burda. The Poem (named) Burda (the Cloak). 365 X 240 mm. Folded as a screen, on paper. A.H. 1094, A.D. 1682. Illuminated. 133. AL KUR'AN. A roll 60 mm. wide, fantastically written. No date, about 1750. 134. AL KUR'AN. A roll 77 mm. wide, of the same character as the last. No date, about 1750. 135. HAJI KHALIFA. Kasfu z Zunun 'an asami 1 Kutub wa 1 Funun. The Clearing-away of doubts from the names of Books and Sciences. 310 x 190 mm., on paper. A.H. 1170. A.D. 1756. The revised, corrected, and augmented edition of this well-known bibliographical work, made by Ibrahim bin 'All Arabatji Basi, which was finished the very year of the transcription of this MS. ETHIOPIC MANUSCRIPTS. 136. ACTS OF ST. GEORGE. 4to, on vellum. About A.D. 1300. Executed in the best style of Ethiopic calligraphy. 137. ENOCH, Job, IV. Kings. 4to, on vellum. Saec. XIV. A Biblical manuscript of unusually early date in this language. 138. ENUMERATION of the Towns which the King of Kings gave to the Holy Michael. Folio, on vellum. Saec. xvn. A fragment, with a characteristic illumination of large size. 139. HISTORY OF THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL. 4to, on vellum. Saec. XVII. With illuminations illustrative of the text. AND PRINTED BOOKS. 23 140. PENTATEUCH, Joshua, Judges, Ruth. 4to, on vellum. A.D. 1679. An important text, as it is written with great care, evidently for use in public worship. 141. FOUR GOSPELS. 4to, on vellum. Saec. xvm. A late, but fine example of calligraphy. SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 142. BHAGAVATA PURANA. A roll, 45 ft. 7 in. x 4^ in. About A.D. 1650. With 48 illuminations. Written in a very minute character. 143. TARKABHASHABHAVAPRAKAS"A. On logic. 64 palm leaves, i8| in. x i| in. About A.D. 1725. 144. PEVA-NAGARI GHITA. The Life of Krishna. i6mo, on paper. About A.D. 1775. With 101 miniatures. 145. BHAGAVATA PURANA. A long roll, on paper. About 1780. Written in minute characters, and illuminated. PALI MANUSCRIPT. 146. KAMMAVACHA. Buddhist Ordination Manual, in Pali. 14 palm leaves, 21 in. x 3f in. Written in the square Pali character, which is not used in writing any other work but the Kammavacha. PANJABI MANUSCRIPT. 147. 'ADI GRANTH. The Religious Code of the Sikhs. Oblong folio, on paper. About A.D. 1650. Written in the Panjabi language and the Gurumukhi character. 24 LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS HINDUSTANI MANUSCRIPTS. 148. BHAGAVAT PURANA. Translated into Hindustani. Sm. folio, on paper. About 1700. With 146 miniatures of subjects from Indian mythology. 149. RAG-MALA. Books of the Rags. Mythological History of the Origin of the Modes in Music. Folio, on paper. Saec. xviri. With pictures, symbolical and allegorical, which exhibit the life oi each musical god with his goddess consort. 150. DJANDAK u LURK. The Romance of Djandak and his Mistress Lurk. 8vo, on paper. About 1750. With upwards of 200 miniatures. MARATHI MANUSCRIPT. 151. ADI PARVA. The First Section of the Sanskrit Epic, the Mahabharata, in Marathi. Oblong folio, on paper. About A.D. 1780. With rude drawings. SINGHALESE MANUSCRIPTS. 152. PANSIYAPANAS-J^TAKAPOTA. Book of the 550 Birth-stories. The Singhalese Translation of the Pali Jataka-atthakatha. On 1267 palm leaves. 28 x 2 in. 153. POjAWALlYA. On Buddha's Life and Doctrines. On 436 palm leaves. 21x2 in. About 1725. 154. BOOK OF CHARMS. On 10 palm leaves. io x 2 in. The leaves sewn together at alternate sides. With curious figures of gods, demons, etc. AND PRINTED BOOKS. 25 155. MAHAVANSA. History of Ceylon. On 38 palm leaves. 14^ x 2\ in. With carved ivory covers. 156-16O. INDIAN DRAWINGS. A selection of five volumes of specimens of penmanship and coloured draw- ings by Indian and Persian artists. PARSI MANUSCRIPTS. 161. YASNA SADAH. The Avesta text of the Yasna or Book of Sacrifice. 8vo, on paper. About A.D. 1725. Part of the Parsi Scriptures usually called the Zand-avesta. 162. RIVAYAT-I PARS?. Persian Rivayat, or Religious Tradition. 4to, on paper, A.D. 1737-68. The Rivayats are replies written or dictated by Iranian priests to questions sent from India. They deal with all the difficult details in the religious practices of the Parsis. ARMENIAN MANUSCRIPTS. 163. EVANGELIA QUATUOR, Armenice. 4to, on vel- lum. Saec. IX. A very fine example of the uncial character. 164. ACTS AND EPISTLES. 4to, on vellum. Saec. XIIL Written in the Polorkir character of medium size. 165. EVANGELIA QUATUOR, Armenice. Folio, on paper. A.D. 1313. With many full-page illuminations probably by a Georgian artist. 166. ALEXANDER THE GREAT. The Marvels of the Life of Alexander of Macedon. 4to, on vellum. 1544. With illuminations ; written in the Polorkir characters of medium size. 26 LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS 167. CHARAGNOTZ. The Book of Charagans or Hymns. 8vo, on vellum. About A.D. 1650. Written in small Polorkir, with many miniatures, initial letters and other ornaments. PERSIAN MANUSCRIPTS. 168. KALILA WA DIMNA. Fables of Bidpai. 224 x 146 mm., on paper, A.H. 616, A.D. 1219. Written in Nasxi characters, and is one of the earliest Persian manu- scripts in existence. 169. HAKIM SANA'I OF ^AZNA. Hadlkatu 1 Hakl| l688 - AND PRINTED BOOKS. 71 540. BY PARLIAMENT. Proclaiming William and Maiy of Orange to be King and Queen of England, etc. I3th Feb., 1688-9. 541. Her Majesty's Declaration at the first Sitting of Her Privy Council. 8th March, 1701-2. AMERICA. 542. For settling the Plantation of Virginia. I3th May, 1625. 543. Against taking Emigrants or Provisions to New England without License, ist May, 1638. 544. For Encouragement of Planters in His Majesty's Island of Jamaica. 1/ Dec., 1661. 545. Touching the planters in the Island of St. Chris- tophers. 22nd Dec., 1671. 546. BY THE PRIVY COUNCIL. Regulations for hiring servants for His Majesty's Plantations in America. 26th March, 1686. BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. 547. For Reformation of Church Matters. Bishops to meet. 24th Oct., 1603. 548. Authorising the Book of Common Prayer. 5th March, 1603-4. 549. Confirming the Book of Common Prayer. i6th July, 1604. 72 LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS BOOKS AND PRINTING. 550. Against import of Latin Books first printed at Oxford or Cambridge, ist April, 1625. 551. Suppressing two Sermons preached by Dr. R. Main waring. 24th June, 1628. 552. Suppressing the book " Appello Caesarem," by the Bishop of Chichester. I7th Jan., 1628-9. 553. Against importing or buying any foreign edition of" Mare Clausum," the King's book. I5th April, 1636. 554. Against import of Books reprinted beyond seas, ist May, 1636. 555. Against the book, " An Introduction to a Devout Life," by Nicolas Oakes, and that the same be burnt. I4th May, 1637. 556. Suppressing two books written by John Milton, etc. 1 3th Aug., 1660. 557. BY THE LORDS. That the "Solemn League & Covenant" be burnt by the Hand of the Common Hang- man on the 22nd of May. 2Oth May, 1661. 558. For reprinting and publishing the book, " God and the King". 5th Dec., 1662. 559. To the Stationers' Company, that nothing be pub- lished without the name of the Printer. 22nd Aug., 1679. 560. Against the " Short History of the Convention," a scandalous libel. 100 reward for Author or Printer. 7th May, 1689. AND PRINTED BOOKS. 73 GREAT FIRE OF LONDON. 561. For relief of Sufferers in the Great Fire (2nd, 3rd, 4th Sept.). 5th Sept., 1666. 562. For a proper supply of Provisions to the London Markets. 6th Sept., 1666. 563. BY THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON. For the rebuilding London. Wren and Hooke to make a Survey. zoth Oct., 1666. 564. BY THE LORD MAYOR. Declaring the names of what are to be known as " Streets of note ". 2ist March, 1666-7. 565. BY THE LORD MAYOR. For rebuilding London and widening the principal streets. 2Qth April, 1667. GUNPOWDER PLOT. 566. For Apprehension of T. Percy. 5th Nov., 1605. 567. For Apprehension of Catesby, Rookwood, Winter, and others. 7th Nov., 1605. 568. 1000 Reward for Percy. 8th Nov., 1605. 569. For Apprehension of Winter and Littleton. i8th Nov., 1605. 570. Authorising Sheriffs to act outside the boun- daries of their own Counties. iQth Nov., 1605 571. For Apprehension of Gerard and others. I5th Jan., 1605-6. 572. To Appease a Rumour of Accident to the King. 22nd March, 1605-6. 5* 74 LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS POPISH PLOT. 573. For discovery of the Murderers of Sir Edmonbury Godfrey. 500 reward. 2Oth Oct., 1678. 574. Another on the same subject. 24th Oct., 1678. 575. For a General Fast. (Commencement of " Popish Plot".) 25th Oct., 1678. 576. ,200 Reward for the Murderer of John Powell of London. 22nd Nov., 1678. 577. For further discovery of the Plot. .200 Reward for information. 27th Nov., 1678. 578. For Apprehension of Evars, Gaven, and others (Jesuit traitors). i$th Jan., 1678-9. RYE HOUSE PLOT. 579. For Apprehension of Colonel Rumsey and others. 23rd June, 1683. MONMOUTH'S REBELLION. 580. For taking James, Duke of Monmouth, Lord Gray, and others. 28th June, 1683. 581. BY THE PRIVY COUNCIL OF SCOTLAND. For taking James, Duke of Buccleuch (Monmouth). (Edin- burgh), 4th July, 1683. 582. Declaring the Duke of Monmouth and Lord Gray to be Traitors. I3th June, 1685. AND PRINTED BOOKS. 75- 583. Offering 5000 Reward for the Person of the Duke of Monmouth. i6th June, 1685. 584. Copy of Monmouth's Letter to Lord Albermarle,. assuming the title of King. [2oth June], 1685. 585. Account of the Taking of the Duke of Mon- mouth, 8th July. [loth July], 1685. 586. For a Public Thanksgiving for Victory over Rebels (at Sedgemoor). nth July, 1685. BIRTH OF PRINCE JAMES ("THE OLD PRETENDER"). 587. Public Thanksgiving to be kept for the Queen being with Child (I5th and 23rd of Jan.). 23rd Dec., 1687. 588. Thanksgiving for the Birth of a Son to the Queen, loth June, 1688. REWARDS OFFERED FOR THE STUART PRINCES. 589. BY THE LORDS JUSTICES OF IRELAND. Against the Duke of Berwick and others by name. .1000 Reward, nth Nov., 1697. 590. The Pretender (James III.), being about to Invade this country, is declared a Traitor. 6th March, 1707-8. 591. To apprehend James Ogilvie of Boyn, landed from the French Fleet. .300 reward. 22nd March,. 1707-8. 76 LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS AND PRINTED BOOKS. 592. BY THE PRIVY COUNCIL OF SCOTLAND. For apprehension of the Person styling himself James III. 25th March, 1708. 593. $ooo reward offered for the Pretender in case he should land. 2ist June, 1714. 594. BY THE LORDS JUSTICES OF ENGLAND. Ordering the payment of .100,000 to any person who shall seize and secure the Pretender in case he shall land, or attempt to land, in any of His Majesty's Dominions. I5th Sept., 1714. REWARDS OFFERED FOR TRAITORS AND HIGHWAYMEN. 595. .100 reward for Colonel Blood and Lockier, Traitors. 8th Aug., 1667. 596. For Apprehension of certain Robbers (among others, Claude Duval), 20 reward, ipth Nov., 1669. AND PRINTED BOOKS. 73 GREAT FIRE OF LONDON. 561. For relief of Sufferers in the Great Fire (2nd, 3rd, 4th Sept.). 5th Sept., 1666. 562. For a proper supply of Provisions to the London Markets. 6th Sept., 1666. 563. BY THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON. For the rebuilding London. Wren and Hooke to make a Survey. 10th Oct., 1666. 564. BY THE LORD MAYOR. Declaring the names of what are to be known as " Streets of note ". 2ist March, 1666-7. 565. BY THE LORD MAYOR. For rebuilding London and widening the principal streets. 2pth April, 1667. GUNPOWDER PLOT. 566. For Apprehension of T. Percy. 5th Nov., 1605. 567. For Apprehension of Catesby, Rookwood, Winter, and others. 7th Nov., 1605. 568. 1000 Reward for Percy. 8th Nov., 1605. 569. For Apprehension of Winter and Littleton. i8th Nov., 1605. 570. Authorising Sheriffs to act outside the boun- daries of their own Counties. ipth Nov., 1605 571. For Apprehension of G^rd and others. I5th Jan., 1605-6. 572. To Appease a Rumour of Accident to the King. 22nd March, 1605-6. 5* 74 LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS POPISH PLOT. 573. For discovery of the Murderers of Sir Edmonbury Godfrey. 500 reward. 2Oth Oct., 1678. 574. Another on the same subject. 24th Oct., 1678. 575. For a General Fast. (Commencement of " Popish Plot".) 25th Oct., 1678. 576. 200 Reward for the Murderer of John Powell of London. 22nd Nov., 1678. 577. For further discovery of the Plot. 200 Reward for information. 27th Nov., 1678. 578. For Apprehension of Evars, Gaven, and others (Jesuit traitors). I5th Jan., 1678-9. RYE HOUSE PLOT. 579. For Apprehension of Colonel Rumsey and others. 23rd June, 1683. MONMOUTH'S REBELLION. 580. For taking James, Duke of Monmouth, Lord Gray, and others. 28th June, 1683. 581. Bv THE PRIVY COUNCIL OF SCOTLAND. For taking James, Duke of Buccleuch (Monmouth). (Edin- burgh), 4th July, 1683. 582. Declaring the Duke of Monmouth and Lord Gray to be Traitors. I3th June, 1685. AND PRINTED BOOKS. 583. Offering 5000 Reward for the Person of the Duke of Monmouth. :6th June, 1685. 584. Copy of Monmouth's Letter to Lord Albermarle,. assuming the title of King. [2Oth June], 1685. 585. Account of the Taking of the Duke of Mon- mouth, 8th July. [loth July], 1685. 586. For a Public Thanksgiving for Victory over Rebels (at Sedgemoor). i ith July, 1685. BIRTH OF PRINCE JAMES ("THE OLD PRETENDER"). 587. Public Thanksgiving to be kept for the Queen being with Child (i5th and 23rd of Jan.). 2$rd Dec., 1687. 588. Thanksgiving for the Birth of a Son to the Queen, loth June, 1688. REWARDS OFFERED FOR THE STUART PRINCES. 589. BY THE LORDS JUSTICES OF IRELAND. Against the Duke of Berwick and others by name. ^1000 Reward, nth Nov., 1697. 590. The Pretender (James III.), being about to Invade this country, is declared a Traitor. 6th March, 1707-8. 591. To apprehend James Ogilvie of Boyn, landed from the French Fleet. 300 reward. 22nd March, 1707-8. 76 LIST OF MANUSCEIPTS AND PRINTED BOOKS. 592. BY THE PRIVY COUNCIL OF SCOTLAND. For apprehension of the Person styling himself James III. 25th March, 1708. 593. .5000 reward offered for the Pretender in case he should land. 2ist June, 1714. 594. BY THE LORDS JUSTICES OF ENGLAND. Ordering the payment of ; 100,000 to any person who shall seize and secure the Pretender in case he shall land, or attempt to land, in any of His Majesty's Dominions. I5th Sept., 1714. REWARDS OFFERED FOR TRAITORS AND HIGHWAYMEN. 595. .100 reward for Colonel Blood and Lockier, Traitors. 8th Aug., 1667. 596. For Apprehension of certain Robbers (among others, Claude Duval), 20 reward. iQth Nov., 1669. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOR Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. A 000 062 023 7 SEP 1 2 A96 2 Form L9-Series 444