UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES SECRET MEMOIRS O F ROBERT, COUNT DE PARADES, A FRENCH S P T. NON INOPIA HOMINUM, SED DESIDIA, NEGLIGENTIA ET 1NSCJENTIA PR2BCIPIENTIHM. Taeitut. SECRET MEMOIRS OF ROBERT, COUNT DE PARADES, WRITTEN BY HIMSELF, ON COMING OUT OF THE BASTILK. Serving to fupply fome important FACTS for the Hiftory of the late War; AND CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OF HIS SUCCESSFUL TRANSACTIONS, AS A SPT IN ENGLAND, WITH THE REAL CAUSES OF THE FAILURE OF THE EVER MEMORABLE EXPEDITION AGAINST PLYMOUTH, In 1779. LONDON, PRINTED FOR R. BALDWIN, PATER-NOSTER ROW. MDCCXCI. AD VERTI SEMENT TRANSLATOR. A LTHOUGH it is not mentioned how v *** the original memoirs were obtained, nor where, nor by whom they were pub- *' limed -, yet there are many reafons to be- SE lieve they contain matters of faft. The plain and unftudied ftyle in which they are written, every where expreffive of the au- thor's emotions, as they arofe at the time, may be confidered as affording an internal co evidence of their authenticity. But a ftronger ^ proof may be drawn from the account given * of the Combined and Englifti fleets, many of ^ the operations of which are of public no- toriety ; and with regard to the private tranfa&ions of the author, fome of them have been confirmed by gentlemen of pro- bity, who perfonally knew the truth of what j| our author relates on thefe heads. We have, 't therefore, deemed it a duty to offer a tranfla- b tion 30127? tion to the public ; for, by bringing to light a part of the fecret correfpondence, which was kept up between this country and France during the laft war, and which narrowly miffed of producing the moft feri- ous confequences, it was thought it would prove interefting to every Englishman ; and by expofing, as it does, the negligence of fome in office, and the corruption of others, during that period, might render govern- ment more watchful on fimilar occafions. The divifion into chapters, which is adopted in the original, has been difregard- cd in the tranflation ; becaufe it feemed quite unnecefTary in a narrative not very long, and no where interrupted ; fome mi- nute and tedious details which are by no means eflential to the narration, nor interefl> ing to an Englishman, have likewife been retrenched ; and, laftly, care has been taken, to leave out many names of men, mips, and other things, published by the French edi- tors, left they might point out particular perfons as abettors of this enterprifing Spy ; and thereby charge them with a criminality, i which, which, notwithftanding the general proba- bility of the author's flory, ought not to be done upon fuch evidence. Some expreffions, which feemed todeferve the reader's particular notice, have been put in italics. b 2 ADVER' AD V ERTISEMENT FRENCH EDITORS. OUR only motive for publijhing thefe memoirs, of which a great many writ fen copies have gone abroad^ is to make the world acquainted with that extraordinary man who is the author of them. We have, therefore, thought proper to fupprefs the names of many perfons therein concerned, as they might, otherwife, have com- plained of having their fecrets divulged. We lave made no alteration in the Jlyle ofthefc memoirs. 7/4 lay them before the public, juft as they were prefented to the king. It was in confequence of reading them, that Marjhal de Cajlries, at that time minifter of the marine de- partment, interejled himfelf to get Count de Parades releafed, and to have the remainder of his accounts fettled. Count de Parades died at St. Domingo, in the prime of life. ADVER- ADVERTISEMENT AUTHOR. NATURE having given me a fpirit of enterprife, attended with great fenfi- bility, I foon endeavoured to diffipate the obfcurity, that hid, even from myfelf, the authors of my being. I was eager to ac- quire a name, when I learnt from a refpect- able friend that I had one*; and I was anxi- ous to prove by my conduft, that I was worthy of it. Therefore, as foon as I be- gan to reflect, honour and fortune were the only objects of my attention; and I con- ceived the beft way of acquiring them, was to undertake things evidently hazardous, but which, in cafe of fuccefs, would gain me the rewards I fought. The manner in which I commenced my career had fafficient eclat to create envy, and of courfe enemies. * Some fuppofe that M. de Parades was a defcendant of the fa- mily of Paraded in Spain ; others that he was an illegitimate child of a Count de Parades, a Spanifh grandee, who died in the French fervice ; but moft people are of opinion, that he was only the foil f a paftry-cook at Fallburg. I have [ * ] I have been confined under a fufpicion of having betrayed the interefts of the ftate, when, in truth, I had formed the befl plans for its advantage. My innocence has been proved, and I have been fet at liberty; but as the proceedings againft me were of fuch a nature as not to be publicly known, I now purpofe to lay before government, the man- ner in which I executed the commiffion that I wns charged with by the then minif- ter ; the many opportunities which occur- red to me of making my own fortune (all which I was allowed to take advantage of) in the courfe of the whole tranfaclion - f and, laftly, the fums of money I received from the minifter, and what I paid on the king's account, upon the bufinefs with which I was trufted ; and from this ilatement will be feen the propriety of my demands upon his majeily. It will be perceived, that thefe memoirs are not the work of a lettered man, nor the fruits of much ftudy or reflection. I have reprefented with iimplicity facts relating to myfelf ; being perfuaded that truth mould be the only recommendation of what I have written. LETTER LETTER TO THE KIN SIRE, 'VT'OU have juft beftowed upon your people the bleffings of peace, and added new luftre to your reign . In that war which you have fo glorioufly terminated, I was employed to promote the fuccefs of your arms, and I was found worthy of the favours of your Majefty; but calumny has made me pay very dearly for them. My enemies have prevailed upon you, by mifrepre- fentations, to deprive me of my liber- ty ; and have fubjecled to the fufpi- cion of treachery towards you, Sire, * This letter was written in 1783. one one, who, after having exhaufled in your fervice the greateft part of his fortune, would willingly have fhed the laft drop of his blood in the fame caufe. Thefe memoirs will furnim your Majefty with an account of my tranfaftions and of my difgrace ; and there refides in your Majefty 's breaft that juftice which is naturally look- ed for, by SI R E, The moft humble, And the moft refpe&ful of all Your faithful fubje&s and fervants, COUNT de PARADES. A SHORT ACCOUNT o r Mr PROCEEDINGS, From the Firft of JANUARY, 1778, to the PEACE in 1782. AF T E R a refidence of four years in foreign countries, I came to Paris in the beginning of 1778. France was then making thofe preparations, which indicated an approaching war with Eng- land. I had long had an inclination to enter into the fervice of government ; but it was rather too late for me to engage in that line of life, in the ufual way, as I was 25 years old. I thought that the prc- fent time might be a favourable opportunity for a more rapid promotion, and I was lenfible that all my for- tune would depend upon my manner of firft letting out. After having well examined every thing, and con- fidered how far my fortune would enable me to B go, go, I fixed upon the plan of vifiting England, in order to acquire a complete knowledge of that king- dom, of its fea and land forces, of its fortified towns and ports, and thereby to lay the foundation of my future advancement. Accordingly I put this plan into execution. I repaired to England in the beginning of February j I vifited the principal towns of that kingdom $ in- quired into, and made memorandums of every thing of importance. Furnifhed with thefe obfervations, I returned to France about the middle of March. I drew up a fhort account of my journey, which I gave to M. de Sartine, and explained to him, at the fame time, my motives for having undertaken this expedition. The minifter approved of my zeal, promifed me he would give an account of it to the king, and required a few days to look over my papers. When I had the honour to fee him again, he told me he was pleafed with them, but that he wiflied to have a more minute defcription of what they contained. In confequence of this, he charged me to go again into England, to ob- ferve more accurately every port and fortified place, to take exact plans, and draw up defcriptions , to fubjoin feparate ftatements of the Englifh navy, of the number of men of war fitted out, the number of t 3 ] of thofe in commiffion, and of thofe upon the flocks ; of the dock-yards if poffible, and in general of every thing that related to the marine department. I left Verfailles, and came immediately to Eng- land. I went over all the places I had feen before, took an exaft lift of all the men of war, frigates, and other veflels ; I vifited the dock-yards with the moft fcrupulous attention, and brought back to the mi- nifter a fatisfactory account of every thing concern- ing which he wanted to be informed. M. de Sartine exprefied his fatisfa&ion at the fuccefs of my journey, and promifed to lay my ac- count of it before the king. I waited upon him three days afterwards, when he afked me if I thought it poffible to get faithful agents in the different ports of England, to give a daily account of what was going on. I told him I thought it might be done. He afked me, in the next place, if there was a poffibility of procuring, on an emergency, an Englifh veflel for his Majefly's fervice, to watch the motions of the Englifh fleets, and to convey immediate intelligence to Breft, or any other place. I replied that I thought even this was poffible, pro- vided a fufficierit fum of money was allowed. B 2 In [ 4 ] In confequcncc of this, he ordered me to return to England, to make the proper arrangements there, to fecure a correfpondence in cafe of war, and to know what would be the amount of the ex- pences on the firft fetting out, and alfo how much would be afterwards required, in order to keep up the fame eftablifhment. He moreover ordered the fum of 25,000 livres to be paid me immediately, as a reimburfement of the expences which I had in- curred in the courfe of the two former journeys. On my return to England, I imparted to a friend there, fome of the motives which brought me back, and requefted his afliftance. He refufed it, from fear of the bad confequences that might refult from it, to him and his bufinefs j but he di- rected me to a perfon who would anfwer my pur- pofes. With regard to himfelf, he made me pro- mife never to fay any thing more about it, nor to mention his narrie in any way whatever. I went to the perlbn he had pointed out -to me ; and at the third vifit, under pretence of dif- ferent matters of bufmefs, I brought him at laft to the fubject I wifhed -, after which we explained our- Telves more fully, and foon came to an agree- ment. He ( 5 ) He engaged to procure me all that I afked, if I would pay him immediately a certain fum of money, and give him, befides, a hundred pounds fterling every month. This being fettled, he recommended me to two Portuguefe Jews, who were let into the fecret, and with whom I left London, to take a third tour, more important, and much more hazardous than the two former. By the affiftance of my guides, and the letters they had, I formed an acquaintance in every fea port, with fome officer in the marine department, in order to render my correfpondence more gene- ral. They all engaged to fend me once or twice a week, an exac~b journal of what parted in the port in which they were employed, as well as of the orders they might receive ; each making his own terms according as his ambition led him. It is proper that I fhould here relate what hap- pened to me at Plymouth on this third tour. We got there at midnight, and though I had had no reft for many days, I did not go to bed, that, at the break of day, I might be able to reconnoitre th? fort, which I had not fufHciently examined in my former journies, B 3 I took I took with me a man that I met with upon the key, and got to the fort a quarter of an hour after the gates were open. . I patted the two firft fentinels without interruption j when I got upon the parade, I turned upon the left, to mount the dope which leads to the ramparts. I firft of all, went over every part of the fortifications which command the country; I then fat down upon the faliant angle of the baftion, on the right fide of the harbour, where 1 drew the fketches I wanted. An hour afterwards as I was going to the left baftion ; and as I palled along the curtain (it is necefiary to notice, that there was not a fingle fentinel all round the ram- parts) I was obferved by the fentinel before the guard-houfe, who, furprifed at feeing two ftrangers walking upon the rampart fo early in the morning, went and called out the guard. The ferjeant came directly to me with two fuzileers. I found it ne- cefiary to be bold on this occafion, accord- ingly I went down to meet him as if my walk was over. We met at the bottom of the fiope. He afked me, What bufinefs I had in the fort ; and faid I ought to know that nobody was allowed to come there. I anfwered, that being a ftranger, I did not know that ; but that the perfon who brought me, fhould have told me of it, fince, liv- ing in the town, he ought to have been acquainted with the regulations. Seize this r offal, faid the fer- jeant, t 7 J jeant, and take him to the guard-houfe. ^he fol- diers feized my guide by the collar, and carried him off. I immediately took ten guineas from my pocket, and offered them to the ferjeant ; and faid, Let the poor fellow go, if he has done wrong, it was certainly without knowing it. He accepted the mo- ney, and faid to the foldiers, Turn him out, and don't let him come in any more ; then addreffing himfelf to me in a milder tone of voice, Perhaps, Sir, you. wijh to fee the fort, faid he, / am ready to attend you ; I will juft go and leave my firelock in the guard-houfe, and come back in a moment. As I did not place much confidence in what he faid, I put my papers into the mouth of one of the cannons, which I pretended to be examining (there were twelve pieces of ordnance mounted on the parade). However I need not have fufpected him, for he came back, and went with me fe- veral times round the fort, and took me down to the batteries which defend the entrance of the har- bour, and which are the fineft I ever faw. I obferved that the walls before the batteries, for the fpace of fourteen yards, were only raifed three, four, and five feet high above the rocks upon which they (land j that thefe rocks, which are very rugged and broken, flope towards the fea in a de- clivity of about one foot in every yard - t fo that it was a ftiore fufficientjy favourable to land men B 4 upon, upon, to fcalc the walls, and take poffcflion of the batteries. I obferved, befides, that the great gate of the fort, which leads to the batteries, and through which five men might walk a breaft, was made of planks only two inches thick, and that it was fel- dom fhut. 1 difcovered under the faliant angle of the left baftion, a poftern-gate, through which there was a fubterraneous paflage to the fort (this pafiage, as I afterwards found, is an eafy defcent without fteps). I took notice, alfo, that the tenaille of the curtain joined the revetement of the body of the fort j that it was only twelve feet high, and its platform was made ufe of for a garden, to which there was a communication under the curtain, fecured only by a flight door j that from the tenaille to the top of the revetement, was only twelve feet, which circum- ftance made the paflage by thefe fteps a more con- venient communication, whether that Ihould be thought better than entering by the gates, or whe- ther it fhould be determined to make ufe of both at the fame time. The water being lower at the end of my furvey, I had the fatisfa&ion to fee that great boats might land [ 9 1 land at low water, upon a fandy bottom, and that it would be very eafy for men to get up to the batteries, by means of the rocks, which the waves had nearly rubbed into fteps. After having made all my obfervations, I was fhewn out of the fort, which I had entered at feven in the morning, and did not quit till four in the afternoon. The ferjeant accompanied me to the inn, where I gave him two guineas more for his trouble. On taking leave of me, he protefted he ihould be at my difpofal ever afterwards. I muft re- mark, that I took my papers out of the cannon, as loon as I perceived that I was in no fort of danger (it will be feen afterwards, how ufeful this man was to me, and how faithfully he ferved me). I found my two Jews very uneafy about me, and Very much alarmed at fo long a flay. As foon as we had completed the important objeclr, which 'brought us to Plymouth, we went back to London. My principal agent had not been lefs active than myfelf, he had found a captain of a fhip, unem- ployed, difTatisfied with government, and loaded with debts, who was prevailed upon to enter into my fchemes, in confequence of the emolument he would receive from being appointed commander of the fhip, which the French Minifter wanted to procure. As f 10 ] As I was not authorifed to enter into any fixed agreement, I told him, that I could only receive his propofals, which were the following : f A privateering vefTel muft be purchafed, which I will man with 75 failors, or more if neceffary; all the prizes I fhall take from the Americans ftiall be- long to me, the French government fliall pay me 800 pounds fterling a month, to defray the expences of* the crew, and to compenfate me for the rifk I fhall runs the articles agreed upon to continue in force for one year, and a fecurity to be given; a confi- dential perfon to be put on board my fhip, whofe directions I fhall be bound to follow in all my pro- ceedings ; I fhall conform entirely to the orders of the French miniflry ; I fhall expect to be paid the fame, whether I happen to be in any of the ports of England, or out at fea ; if war fhould be declared between France and England, the terms of the agree- ment fhall remain the fame, and whatever prizes I take from the French, fhall be divided amongft the fhip's crew; if, contrary to the promife given, I fhould happen to be taken by a French vefTel, and fhould be kept a prifoner in France, rthcy fhall be bound to make me amends in the fum of 6000 pounds flerling, to be paid in London; but if I am releafed with my whole crew, they fliall make good to me, in addition to the ftanding agreement, all the lofTes I mayfuftain." The [ II ] The only difficulty in thefe propofals, was what related to the prizes. I told him that the French Miniftry would never agree to that claufe. He re- plied, that as he fhould be always guided by their or- ders, it would be a great chance, if he fhould ever fall in with any of their veflels; but if that fhould hap- pen, he thought he could not avoid taking them ; for otherwife, he fhould be obliged to let his crew into the fecret, which would inevitably bring him into very great danger; that, neverthelefs, he would ma- nage matters as well as he could. I did not think proper to infill upon this point any longer, and therefore I prepared to go back to Paris, after hav- ing taken an account as near as I could guefs, of the requifite expences for every month; which, includ- ing the fhip, the agents in the different ports, the pay- ment of a mefTenger from every port to London (as we were afraid to truft to the conveyance by the poft) and from London to Calais, amounted to about 30,000 livres (1250!. fterling). . On my return to Verfailles, I delivered into the hands of M. de Sartine, an exad account of all thefe particulars; he made no objection to the ex- pences, but pofitively refufed to confent' to the capturing of veflels. He ordered me to return to London immediately, to conclude the different ne- gotiations ; and, at the fame time, furnifhed me 5 with witH 60,000 livres, with a promife of more when- ever required. He moreover ordered me to fSurehafe a veffeJ, and I immediately returned to England, where I found my captain had met with a fhipof 14 guns, which was juft come out of dock. I gave 3j5Ool. fterling for it; they named it the . I af- terwards fettled the remainder of the bufmefs on the the following terms : To the Captain, for himfelf, his offi- cers, and crew of 75 men or 70 at leafti including pay, victualling, and other ex- pences, inftead of eight hundred pounds a p Qun dsjierL month, the reduced fum of 750 To the principal Agent in London, who had the care of receiving the Meflengers 100 To the Agent at Portfmouth 60 Ditto at Plymouth 60 Ditto at Chatham 40 Salaries for four Meflengers, at fifteen guineas a month each 6b Pofting expences from Plymouth and Portfmouth to London, per month 50 Four journies a month, from London to Calais - 25 Hiring of two packet-boats, per month 12 Renting a houfe in London, my own ex- pences for living, travelling^ &c. 100 [ J There were befides two Meflfengers eftablilhed between Calais and Paris, who were to have 600 livres a year, befides the expences of pofting. Things being thus fettled, I got a charter-party figned before notaries in London, in which all the former conditions were fpecified, excepting that, in- ftead of the orders of the French Miniftry, my Cap- tain was to proceed according to my directions and thofe of my agents, to any port of Europe or Ame- rica, to which I fhould chufe to fend him, whether the fh-ip was loaded with goods or not, &c. I thought this precaution neceflary, as a falvo, in cafe any fufpicion Hiould arife, efpecially as this agree- ment was made before hoftilities were commenced between France and England. After this, I returned to Paris, without lols of time, to procure the fum of money I wanted, and to report to the minifter what I had done. He gave me a draft for 7000 pounds llerling, after which I fet out again for London, conformably to his orders, to haften the fitting out of the fhip. On my re- turn, my captain told me, that he was intimately ac- quainted with a certain perfon who belonged to the miniilry, and if I would let him concert fome plans with him, he would be anfwerable for the fuccefs of them. [ 14 I them. I advifed him to make the trial, he did fo, and fuceeeded ; and in return for 150 pounds fterling which this perfon afked per month, and which I confented to give, he undertook to fend me a copy of all the orders received at the Admiralty, and alfoofall thofe that fhould be iffued from it. My name was never mentioned in this tran faction, and I veryfeldom fawthis perfon. To avoid being betrayed, he never put any thing in writing himfelf, but agreed, that the captain fhould wait upon him every day, and read over, and even tranfcribe all the papers, that he fhould lay upon a particular part of hisdefk; which was regularly done all die time that J continued in the fervice of France. When my captain was at fea, Mr. , formerly governor of , took upon himfelf the management of this bufinefs, dividing the profits with the captain. He alfo did our bufinefs in London, when we were abfent. The firft intelligence I received from this perfon was that orders had been fent to Plymouth, for fit- ing out twelve fhips of the line, which were to fail for America, under the command of Admiral Byron. Thefe orders had been hTued for fome time, but the deftination of this fquadron had been kept fo fecret, that no body knew any thing about it. I received this intelligence forty days before the fquadron fquadron fet fail; I immediately difpatched it by a courier to M. de Sartine, and alfo informed him how much they were advanced in their preparations, and which was the day fixed upon for weighing an*- chor. The Englifh Miniftry having received informa- tion, that twenty-five French men of war had fet fail from Breft, were apprehenfive that it was with a defign to attack Byron's fquadron ; accordingly or- ders were difpatched to Admiral Keppel, to leave Portfmouth with all the fhips he could collect there, which amounted to twenty; to go in queft of the French Fleet, watch their motions, and divert their attention, without however coming to an engage- ment; and by thefe manoeuvres to give Byron's fquadron an opportunity of getting out of port. He was farther enjoined, not to lofe fight of the French fleet, till Byron was fairly out at fea, when he was to return again to Portfmouth, and continue his armament. I added to this intelligence, every cir- cumftance that could tend to confirm the truth of it, namely, that Admiral Byron had taken onboard provifions for feven months, with; a large fupply of mafts and rigging, and his full complement of men; whilft Admiral Keppel, on the contrary, was to go out with twenty fhips, of which, the beft equipped amongft them, would not have fo many as 600 men, nor nor provifions for more than twenty days. I could fpeak with certainty refpecting thefe two fquadrons, as I had a lift of every thing that was put on board each fhip. The whole of this intelligence, was conveyed a fecond time to the French Miniftry, twenty days be- fore the Englifh fleet fet fail j at which time, finding it a good opportunity, I went over to Verfailles. Here I gave an account to M. de Sartine of the new engagements I had made j he approved of them, and even told me, I might promife the perfon a penfion from the king, of 600 livres if he proved faithful*. After Admiral Keppel had left Portfmouth, in compliance with the orders which he had received, and gone in fearch of the French fleet, he fell in with it at the mouth of the channels as he was ab- folutely forbid to come to an engagement, he took care to keep at a proper diftance from it. The two fleets remained feveral days within light of each other. The Count d'Orvilliers made no prepara- tions for an attack, being afraid of having thirty- two inftead of twenty Ihips againft him, and being miftruftful of the intelligence I had fent. Whilft * This penfion was paid for a year, but was (topped at the time I was put in the Baftiie. 4 the [ 17-3 the two fleets were watching each other's motions, Admiral Byron pafTed behind the French fleet, and got out to Tea -, and as foon as he found himfelf out of danger, he difpatched a frigate to inform Admiral Keppel of it j who, therefore, returned to Portf- mouth to complete his armament, bringing in with him two French Frigates (the Licorne and the Pal- las} which were captured in confequence of ven- turing to reconnoitre him too nearly. This miftruft was the .caufe why one of the two fleets was not beaten, and why Admiral Byron wafc not prevented from proceeding accprding to his def- tination. This fault was difcovered too late to be re- trieved. It was orie of the firft that had been com- mitted during this war, and in its effects it proved to be one of the molt fatal. There was another almoft as bad, viz. the ordering of Count d'Eftaing to fail from Toulon with his twelve fhips j whereas, if he had gone from Br-eft, he would have got to Ame- rica a month before the Englilh. I (lopped only .two days at Verfailles, after which I came back to London. I found my fhip quite fitted out, and took the command of her, as.. I did .not chufe to trull to any body elfe; I failed from the Thames to Spithead y where I caft anchor by the fide ofthe English fquadroru C In [ i8 ] In the mean time, the Eaft India Company hav- ing received intelligence, by means of a frigate, which was difpatched before them, of the arrival of their whole fleet; orders were fent to Admiral Keppel, to fail from Portfmouth as faft as poffible, in order to join this fleet, to convoy it into port, and to avoid coming to action, unlefs abfolutely neceffary in its defence. At the fame time, dif- patches were fent to the Eaft India fleet, to warn it of the danger which threatened it, with directions to keep out at fea, till Keppel fhould join it, and fe- cure its coming in. I conveyed this intelligence to Verfailles and to Breft, by fpeedy meflengers. It was alfo fent to Count D'Orvilliers, by means of veflels, which were kept in readinefs for this purpofe. Keppel fet fail from Portfmouth the loth of July, with twenty-five fhips of the line, and was joined by three others as he pafled by Plymouth. I followed him, and kept fight of him till the 1 9th, when I tacked about to the weft, to meet with the French .fleet. On the i ift, being in the latitude 49 degrees 50 minutes, and about 30 leagues to the weft of the Scilly iflands, I difcovered the French fleet. As I could not come up to the admiral, on account of the fqually weather, which had done me fome da- mage [ '9 ] mage, I gave my papers to one of the frigates. The wind blew fo ftrong from the north- weft, that I could not help being driven upon the Englifh fleet. The French fleet was in like manner, obliged to quit its ftation ; and was driven towards the mouth of the channel where it fell in with Keppel, who made no other manoeuvres, but fuch as might enable him to fail near the wind, for the fake of allowing the Eaft India Company's fleet, which the wind had alfo brought near them, to pafs to the leeward j but on the 27th, when the two fleets came very near to each other, Count D'Orvilliers gave the fignal for an attack, which brought on a general engagement, that continued fome part of the day, after which the two fleets feparated*. On the morning of the 28th, the Eaft India Com- pany's fleet paffed over the place of the engagement, and entered the channel in fight of fome French men of war that had been feparated from the reft, the day before the action. In all probability this fleet would have been taken, if the French fquadron, * There was a confufiori in the French line, owing to a miftake in the fignals; otherwife, in all probability, it would have been a glorious day for Us, as Count D'Orvilliers manoeuvres were very judicious. Ca or [ so ] or even a part of it, had kept out at fea twenty-four hours longer*. I put into Breft after the fleet, to repair the da- mages I had fuftained from the ftormy weather. I kfc that place again on the 2d of Auguft, and came to anchor at Plymouth ; where I found a part of the Engliili fquadron had retired. The feafon being now pretty far advanced, I en- deavoured to employ my time uJcfuUy in devifing the ,beft methods for attacking the different ports of England. I began with Plymouth, and drew a very minute plan of it, and of its different harbours and roads, which I founded carefully. I took down me- morandums of the fame, and then directed my at- tention to an object of more importance. I had a trufly perfon, who gave me an exact account of all that palled in the port; but; this was all the bufmefs I employed him in. I did not think him capable of aflifting in any great undertaking, and was afraid * Count D'Orvilliers was of this opinion, but as he was pre- vailed upon to fuffer fo many of the (hips, one after the other, to ge into port in order to refit, he found himfelf at laft almoft entirely alone. He therefore thought it beft to follow them, and accord- ingly gave up the purfuit of the Eaft India fleet. It is fomewhat remarkable, that two-thirds of thefe mips might have been refitted at fea in four hours time, as was afterwards proved when.they came into harbour. Of [ 21 J of letting him into the fecret of all my fchemes, led he Hiould be terrified at them. 1 bethought myfelf of the ferjeant of the fort, who had been of fuchfervice to me on my third tour, as a more pro- per perfbn to lecond my views. As I did not know his name, nor any perfon, to whom I might apply for it, none of my people being acquainted with him; I could not fall upon any other method, but to walk backwards and forwards in the fort till I I fhould meet with him; which I did on the third day. I went up and fpoke to him, and he feemed very glad to fee me. I told him, I had a fhip lying in the harbour and begged him to come and pay me a vifit (he had too much reafon to be fatisfied with our firft meeting to neglect a fecond). I gave him the name of the fhip, and we parted. The next morn- ing he came on board , and after I had regaled him well, and had made him a prefent of fix bottles of brandy, which he took away with him, he pro- mifed to come to me again the next day. I had been equally afraid to truft my Captain with 'the new fchemes that I meditated, as I did not think him daring enough to co-operate with me ; therefore, as I could not talk on this fubjedt before him, when the ferjeant came to me the next day, I went on Ihore with him, under pretence of taking a C 3 walk walk. I left the failors to look after the boat and we walked off. After a fhort introduction, I talked to him about his uncomfortable fituation, and offered to make his fortune, if he would ferye me faithfully. He told me, I had behaved fo handfomely the firft time he faw me, that he had been determined ever afterwards to be at my fervice. I faid, that what I wanted him to do for me, was rather a delicate matter, and he would perhaps be alarmed at it, but that with prudence a,nd good management, the danger might be avoided. He replied, that he was ready to do any thing that would oblige me, and that it would not be his fault if he did not change his fituation for the better. Hav- ing now brought him to the point I wanted, I ex- plained rnyfelf fully to him, and let him know that my plan was to contrive how Plymouth might be thrown into the hands of the French. He faid, he had entertained fome fufpicions of the kind the firft time he faw me, from the manner in which I had paid him, but that he was terrified at the greatnefs of the danger. I did not give him time to reflect; here are fifty guineas for you, faid I, befides what you fhall afterwards have; the fame fum ihall be pa\d to you every month, and 10,000 guineas if the enterprise fucceeds. He had not a word to fay againft [ 23 ] againft fuch an argument. / am entirely at your for-* . vice 3 Sir } and ready to do whatever you bid me; only tell me how I muft proceed. Such was his anfwer. I do not want any thing done for the prefent, faid I ; this is a fcheme which requires a good deal of thought, before it can be put into execution; it is enough for me, that you are in the fort ready to ferve on any occafion. I then afked him, if he was ac- quainted with the perfon who had the care of the fignals, and with the gate-keeper ; he faid he was, but little acquainted with the former, but that the latter was his friend. Then faid I, fee and make lure of him, for we fhall perhaps ftand in need of him : geV" acquainted alfo with the keeper of the fignals, and give me an account of the whole when I come again. I then told him, I was going away in three days time, and enjoined him fecrecy ; we af- terwards returned on board the Ihip, from whence 1 fent him back to Plymouth. My views did not flop here. It was doubtful whether the ferjeant would be able to bring over the keeper of the fignals, who might otherwife give the alarm. I therefore thought of remedying this incon- venience, by making myfelf mailer of the firft fignal of the coaft, which in that cafe, would be made to an- fwer as I fhould direct. I had on board an Italian failor, called Thomas, whom I had attached to my C 4 interdl intereft by kind treatment. I had put his fidelity to the teft for fome time paft. I had often had an incli- nation to let him into my fecrets ; the prefent occafion determined me to do fo. Thomas, faid I, I want to have at my difpofal the keeper of the firft fignals on the coaft; you muft leave the Ihip and go to him j I will furnifh you with money, and you fhall propofe to live with him j if he gives his confent, you fhall make yourfclf well acquainted with the fignals, in order that you may be able to fupply his place, on emergency. If he be a weak man, and in low cir- cumftances, you may bring him over ; but if other- wife, you will eafily contrive to get him out of the way, at the time he might do us mifchie I lent him off with thefe directions, and thirty guineas in his pocket. When he returned on board two days afterwards, he told me, that having gone to the fignal keeper as a deferter of a fhip, and begged him to conceal him in his houfe, he conferred, upon promife of being well paid j after which he left him under pretence of going to Ply mouth/ to change his failor's clothes, and buy fome others. He added, that as this fignal keeper was in poor circumftances, he thought there would be no difficulty in bribing him ; but that at all events, 1 might rely upon him, and that he would get rid of him whenever I had a mind. This flation being at at a confiderable diftance, one might remain there twelve days, or a fortnight, without being noticed by any body. Upon telling him that we might eafily contrive to get rid of the fignal-keeper, if he could not be brought to comply, he thought that I meant to have him killed, and therefore he offered himfelf for this fervice. This was very far from being my intention ; my defign being only to have him laid hold of by my people, and carried to France, or to keep him on board my fhip as long as there fhould be occafion ; which is what I have done in feveral cafes. Having fettled thefe matters, and put every thing In a proper train, I weighed anchor, and proceeded for Portfmouth. However, I did not fail directly there, but fpent fome time, firfl in reconnoitring and found- ing the harbours and roads of Start -'point and Tor&ay, and the anchoring places all along the coaft as far as the Needles ; fo that I became thoroughly acquainted with them. I then went and anchored beforeTarmoufb, a fmall town in the JJIe of Wight > within the Needles. On examining this port, I found that it was only de- fended by a battery of eight pieces of ordnance up- on the fhore, and that there was no garrifon. Even at high water none but fmall veffels could come up, and at low water the ihore is dry to a confiderable diftance diftance from the town. I remained at anchor here for two days. I had often pafTed before Hurft Caftle y a fortrefs built upon a rock ftanding in the fea, and which confifts of a formidable battery that defends the en- trance of the Needles. I had not yet had an oppor- tunity of engaging any body there to afi\ft me in my plans. As there were fome foldiers there, though their number was inconfiderable, I did not think *it would be fafe to repeat the fame experi- ments I had tried at Plymouth j I therefore altered my mode of proceeding, and refolved to deceive both my own people and the garrilbn, by making both fubfervient to the execution of a fcheme which I had in my head. It was as follows : I told my captain that as I was fatisfied with his fervices, I would put him and the crew in a way of making a good deal of money ; that for this purpofe we muft have a landing place upon the coall, and get fome people on whom we could depend to co-operate with us. I obferved that Hurft Caftle feemed pro- per for favouring my plans, and that we muft go there together, in order to try if we could concert the proper meafures. Upon his enquiring what they were, I faid that I had in my poflefiion above fifty cafks of brandy, a quantity of wines, and other ftores, ftores, which fhould be put on board my fhip, and be brought and depofited there ; I told him that he fhould have all the profits j that he muft fee and fettle matters with the garrifon of the fort, in fuch a manner that they fhould be ready to receive, in the night time, all the goods we fhould bring. The captain, who always liftened with delight whenever any profpeft of gain was held out to him, came into my plan. We went to the fort, and without much ceremony, made our propofals to an officer of the garrifon. He called together fome others, and ftated to them, that a fmuggling veflel (for I had called my fhip fuch) propofed to depofit her cargo in the fort, and to divide the profits with them j that the goods would never be left longer than four days, which was the time that would be required for fending advice to the merchants, who were to take them away. This was eafily fettled. It was agreed that they fhould be paid four guineas in ready money, for every calk of wine or brandy that fhould be left with them, and fo in proportion for other goods. 4-fter this point was fettled, we determined upon the fignals by which my veffel fhould be known. It was farther agreed upon, that I fhould never come but in the night time, and at high water, when they would be prepared to receive me. I left them, faying it would not be long before they would fee me again. On On my return to Yarmouth, I weighed anchor and went to Cowes, where I had been told there was a fmall fbrtrefs. I found it to be a battery of eight piqces of cannon, planted in the form of a horfe fhoe, with only a woman there, who ferved as a keeper of this fharn fortrefs. There were fixty militia- men in the town. Cowes harbour, though fmall, is not a bad one ; it will admit of very large men of war to anchor in, and at the time we were there, they were building a 64 gun fhip. J went from thence to Newport, the capital of the ifiand, a fmall unfortified town, about fix miles from the feaj there were 250 foldiers there, which, together with the two batteries and the fixty militia- men juft mentioned in the town of Cowes, made up the whole force of the ifland. . After having remained two days in this harbour, I went to Spithead, and anchored in the midft of the Englifh fleet, that I might examine Portf- mouth. When I had compleated my plans, I de- termined to go to France, and give an account of what I had done to the minifter*. * I take no notice of my furvey of Portsmouth, as that would lead me into long and tedious defcriptions ; fuffice it to fay, that this, as well as the other Englifh ports, were examined with the fame care as Plymouth. I had I had on board feven large cafks of brandy, and about twelve of wine, that I had taken in at Breft, with which I meant to put to the teft my friends at Hunt Caftle ; accordingly I failed round the ifland, and appeared there again fix days after I had left it. I made the fignals agreed upon, and they were anfwered. In the mean time I tack- ed about to fea, till night came on. About ten o'clock, a little before high water, I came in and anchored near the fort, and went afhore in one of the boats, whilft they loaded the long boat. In Ids than two hours, twelve cafks were conveyed into the fort, where I followed with fome of my men. After drinking a glafs together, we parted. I repeated this experiment three times afterwards with the fame fuccefs ; and my failors, who en- tered the fort, always out-numbered the garrifon. After having thus difpofed matters to infure the fuccefs of any attempts, we might think of, to fur- prife the enemy, I fleered for France, landed near Havre de Grace, and went from thence to Ver* failles, having ordered my Fnip to go and wait for me in the Thames. I delivered into M. de Sar- tine's hands the memorandums I had made of all my proceedings, and he gave an account of them to the king, who gracionfly prefented me with a com- mifiion of captain of horfe, dated the 3 ift of Auguft,and i alfo [ 30 ] alfo with a penfion of ten thoufand livres, the pa- tent for which I have by me *. The minifter approved of all my proceedings, and provided for the cncreafmg expences, which amounted to three hundred pounds fterling per month. As I had agreed with all my agents for a whole year, I begged M de Sartine to fupply me, at once, with the fum total of the expences ; re- prefenting to him that by that means I ftiould be able to make a good deal of money by different fpeculations in trade, which would not interfere with my principal bufinefs, and would ferve to con- ceal the motives of certain meafures which I was obliged to tranfacl: openly. He confented to what I afked, and accordingly ordered me to be paid the fuqn of 14,000 pounds fterling, which was pretty nearly the balance of the whole expences he had fix- ed for the year. He afterwards inftru&ed me how to proceed with my agents, and mentioned what he wanted to know of the fecrets of the cabinet ; after which I returned to London, where 1 arrived on the 1 2th of September. My firft care was to fee how each of my agents went on. At Plymouth I found the fignal and gate- keepers in my intereft, and I allotted them twenty- * I only received this penfion for the firft four months, and no more of it was paid me ever afterwards. five [ 3' ] five pounds fterling a month. My man Thomas was appointed to the care of the firft fignal on the coaft j it was left entirely to him, and he gave me a particular defcription of all the fignals. The ferjeant afiured me that in cafe of attack, he would take upon him to anfwer for the great gate, which leads to the batteries, being open, as well as the poftern-gate at the angle of the baftion, through which the troops might pafs one after the other j that moreover he would nail up all the cannons, as I had hinted to him. I paid each of them what they were to receive, and prepared to go to Briftol, and from thence to Ireland. Before I fet out, I heard that eight merchant vef- fels, which had been taken from the French, were to be fold by auftion, and that a good deal might be got by purchafmg them. I directed my princi- pal agent to buy them for me in his name*; and I then fet out for Briftol and Ireland. I vifited the different ports of this kingdom where the tranfports * They were bought for me at the fnm of aaool. fterling, and were afterwards fent to London, under the care of my failors. Government, who were at that time in want of mips, purchafed them for the fum of 6400!. fterling. No Englifhman could have tranfacled this bufinefs with fuch fuc- eefs, for he would have been obliged to have had the mips infured, and could not have got a fufficicnt number of failors. I gained by this tranfaction a hundred and five thoufand livres. afiembled, aflembled, and I perceived that all of them were equally open to be attacked j I took a particular account of them, and lent it to M. de Sartine. I returned afterwards to London, to fuperintend the different tranfa<5tions. I was taken ill there, and laid up for about a month, probably in confequence of the fatigues I had undergone for a twelvemonth pail. It was in the courie of this expedition, that I had an opportunity of being of ufe to Mr. , a marine officer, in the following manner : He had been fent over to England on a fecret affair by M. de Sartine. While he was at Ply- mouth, fome people who had known him as a pri- foner during the laft war, recollected him again j and upon his going from thence to another port, they fent people after him to keep an eye upon him. Whiift he was making his obfervations, he perceiv- ed that he was watched, and accordingly with- drew; when he heard them fay, He is a French ffy, m officer of the marine. As foon as he came to the inn where he lodged, he went up flairs into his room, and heard the mob cry out, He is ajpy y well take him and have him hanged. As the landlord would not fuffer them to come into his houfe to feize him, they were obliged to go to the magiftrates for a war- rant. This took up fome time, and at twelve o'clock at night he was ftill at liberty. About this hour C 33 ] hour I got to the inn where the tranfaftion happen- ed, aad was a little furprifed that they were not gone to bed. The landlord, who was a friend of mine, took me afide, and in a few words told me the whole affair. I went immediately to the har- bour, and ordered a veffel that I had there to loofe anchor, and to get ready for failing. I ordered them at the fame time to fend the boat on Ihore; and then returned to the inn, and went up (lairs to the French officer, who was in great anxiety. I bid him muffle himfelf up in my cloak and follow me, which he did without hefitation. We made our way out without being noticed by any body, on account of the obftruction at the door; from my carriage, which I had ordered to remain there on purpofe. I took him on board my fhip, which was juft on the point of failing. The next day we got to Calais, where I learnt his name and his rank. He acknowledged that he was indebted to me for his life. Two days afterwards 1 came back again to the fame port, and found they were quite puzzled to know how the French officer had made his efcape. I thought it my duty to fave, at my own peril, a countryman, whofe diftrefled fitua- tion I knew, and whom I fuppofed to have been fent on fome fecret bufmefs by the minifter. At different times, I got fhipped off above 300 French failprs or officers, who had made their efcape from D prifon, [ 34 ] prifon, and fupplied them with as much money as they had occafion for, without ever applying to government, or any perfon, for reimburfement. Upon finding that three hundred fail of merchant fhips had rendezvouzed in the Downs, I informed the miniiler of it, adding the place to which they were bound, the courfe they were to fleer, and the numbers of their convoy. I alfo fent him word that if he thought proper, I would fet out two days before the fleet, and convey intelligence to Breft, provided he would have a fquadron there ready to intercept it j which he complied with. : After we had got beyond Portland, there came on fuch a terrible fquall, that the Ruflel, a 74 gun ihip, ran foul of the London of 50, which wa iplit in two, and went down inftantly j however, about 45 of the crew were faved. Two frigates, and another veflel, were difmafted, and obliged to put back into Portfmouth. My Ihip had her main maft broken, her fails torn away, and was driven out to fea. On the 31 ft, when I approached the coaft for the purpofe of flickering myfelf from the ftormy weather, which ftill continued, we were furprifed by one of the moft dreadful gufts of wind ever known in the memory of man, by which our fhip was driven alhore, and ftruck. Half of [ 35 3 our crew perifhed*; above fixty veflels fliared the fame fate, in this unfortunate night. I fent my captain to London, with all the men that were faved. When I got there myfelf, the firft thing I fet about, was the purchafing of another fhip, which was the , mounting ten guns, for which I gave 2500!. fterlingi, I fent M. de Sartine word of the misfortune which had happened to me, and of the new purchafe that I had made. He remitted me 4000!. ilerling to make good my lofles, I lhall now give a ftatement of the monies I re- ceived from government, during the year 1778, as alfo of the expences which I had been at, to the i ft of January, 1779; together with the ftate of my own finances at this period. * The head of our fhip ftruck on the fends, and remained fixed in that lituation ; ten failors were thrown over board by the fhock ; twenty-two others, who attempted to fave themfelves in the boat, were loft in confequence of overloading it. I remained with the reft of the crew, clinging to the fore-part of the fhip, till the next day, when fome people were able to come to our affiftance. The fhip was mattered to pieces foon after we quitted it. I loft by this ac- cident 32 men, and about 6ool. fterling, which I had on board. D a A general [ 36 ] A general recapitulation of the f urns of money paid by government, from the month of April, 1778, to the \ft of January, 1779, 'viz. French livres, The firft Turn of money which I received from M. de Sartine, and which I have not mentioned before, amounting to 5000 -The fecond, at the time of my third jour- ney to England, amounting to 25,000 The third, amounting to -*~ 6000 The fourth, viz. 7000!. fterling, or 168,000 The fifth, being the balance of the ex- pences for the whole year, paid at once by the minifter, viz. 14,000!. fterling, or 33^,000 Laftly, the 4000!. fterling, remitted me in London, for making good the loftes I had fuffered by the ihip wreck . 96,000 Sum total of receipts, 28,750!, fterl. or 690,000 Ageneral t 37 ] A general recapitulation of the money laid out on the King's account, during the year 1778, to the ift of January, 1779, w ' 2r * French Hires. Expences incurred during the three journies in England, including the fums of mo- ney advanced to the different agents, at the time of fettling the agreements with them, travelling expences, &c. all which were approved at the time by M. de Sartine, amounting to 65,000 The fum given for the , my firfl fhip, viz. 3500!. flerling, or 84,000 The expences amounted, according to our firft calculation, to 1257!. flerling per month ; there was an addition to them of 300!. flerling the next month, which raifed them to 1557!. flerling -, the whole amounting, at the monthly rate of 37,368 livres, for feven months, begin- ning from the firfl of June 1778, to. 261,576 Goods, and nearly 6ool. flerling, loft on board the , my firft fhip, at the time of the fhipwreck, amounting in all to 15,000 Purchafe of the , my fecond fhip, viz. 2500!. flerling, or 60,000 Carried over, 485,576 [ 38 ] French livres. Brought over, 485,576 Sums paid to the two Calais meffengers for feven months wages, at the rate of 600 livres a year for each, amounting to 1,700 Travelling expences to Verfailles and to Breft, from the i ft of June 4,poq To two horfes killed and one injured by the mefiengers 2,000 To fixty guineas, of which a meflenger was^ robbed as he was carrying it to pay one .of the agents ^ 1,440 Sum total of difburfements, viz. \ "20,57 il. I os. fterling, or J 493>7 ^ Which being deducted from the fum total of the money received, viz. 28,750!. fterling, or 690,000 There remained to me in hand, due to the king's account, on the ift of Ja- nuary, 1779, the fnm of 8178!. i os. fterling, or 196,284 ProgreJ/ive C 39 3 Progreffive ftatement of my own finances, and of the means which I employed to improve them. French livres, By the purchafe which I made of the fix fhips at Plymouth, for the fum of 2,200!. fterling, and which were after- wards fold in the Thames for 6,400!, fterling, I gained 4,200!. fterling, or 105,600 I had fhares in fix privateers, which were fitted out in the Thames at the fame time with my firft fhip. Each of thefe fhares coft me 400!. fterling, amount- ing in the whole to 2,400!. fterling. Two of thefe privateers were taken after they had each made a rich prize j the four others took feven prizes, amongft which were two fhips belonging to the French Eaft-India Company. By all thefe prizes, added together, after deducting the original coft of the fhares, I gained the fum of 10,200!. fterling, or 244,809 I had exchanged 1 8,000 louis d'ors for the fame number of guineas, in France ; and as the exchange upon each guinea was 26 fous (i3d.) in my favour at London, I gained in the whole loool. fterling, or - 24,000 Carried over, [ 40 3 French I'rvret Brought over, 373>4OO I received as conditional premiums of in- furance (in cafe of capture by the Eng- lilh) upon fix Ihips belonging to the French Eafl-India Company, the fum of 3000!. fterling, at the rate of 500!. for each j four of them were taken and brought into England. I returned the money which I had received upon the two others, and there remained a ba- lance in my favour of 2,000!. fterling, or* 48,000 A fhip, called the Iwo Sifttrs, of 400 tons burden, valued at 20,000!. fterling, which was known to have been out at fea for three months, and fuppofed to be loft, was offered to be infured at 60 per cent. I was therefore tempted to take a concern in it. This bufmefs dwelt upon my mind the whole night, and in my dream I thought I faw the vefTel arrive : in the morning, what had occurred to me in my fleep, tempted me Carried over, 421,400 * They had received in England an account of the names and value as nearly as could be, of all the French Eaft-lndia Company's veflels. It was alfo known that they were near home ; all the pri- Tateers which hoped to make prizes of them, infured them againft reprifals, and thofe who took no prizes, received back their pre- ' [ 4' ] French I'mres, Brought over, 421,400 to take the whole infurance upon my- felf. I received for it 1 2,oool. fterling. The fliip came home five days after- wards, fo that in confequence of rifking the lofs of 1 92,000 livres. I gained 288,000 I had infured fix months fuccefiively, the my firft fhip, valued at 4,000!. fter- ling at the rate of five per cent, every month; this infurance coft me 1,200!. fterling ; when my fhip was loft, there came to me 4,000!. fterling, by which after deducing what I had paid, I gained a profit of 2,800!. fterling, or 67,200 As I was informed of the taking of the ifland of Dominica, before it was known in London, I had an opportunity of gain- ing in the funds 2,000!. fterling, or 48,000 Sum total of my profits, made as before ftated 34,400!. fterling, or 825,600 I lent out 250,000 livres on bonds. A iliort time afterwards, I purchafed a houfe at Paris for 70,000 livres, I fpent about 50,000 livres in fur- nifhing it, and in buying horfes. Independent of the money belonging to government, I kept in hand [ 4* ] hand 18,750!. flerling, or 450,000 livres to make farther fpeculations, as I had hitherto fucceeded fo well. At different times I had given in to M. de Sar~ tine, a ftatement of the feveral fums of money I had gained, together with the means which I had made ufe of to acquire them. He was always fo good as to exprefs his approbation. So great an increafe of fortune in fo fhort a time, might not have been believed, if I had not pointed out the manner in which it was made. I may add, that if my only object had been to acquire wealth, I could eafily have doubled my fortune in the moft fair and jujltfiabk manner; and that I omitted many opportunities of engaging in very benefi- cial affairs/ left they fhould have interfered with the more important concerns, with which I was charged by government : the fpeculations I did make, were quite accidental, and fuch as I could undertake without much trouble. * In order to prove what I advance, I fliall give a particular account of one occurrence, which held out to me a gain of 600,000 livres (25,000!. ftcding). I have now by me all M. de Sartine's letters, which confirm the truth of it, and it will be feen from what [ 43 ] what confcientious motives I declined to take ad- vantage of it. The a Ihip of 600 tons, and 32 guns, had been fent into the Levant by a com- pany of Englifh merchants, to be freighted with filks and other Afiatic commodities. She corn- pleated her lading in the European ports, and had proceeded to Port Mahon, where ftie waited a con- voy to England, but in vain, as no Englifh man of war arrived during the five months that Ihe remained there. The freighters of the Ihip being aware of the great injury they would fuffer from her long delay, and concluding that moft of the goods would be fpoilt by being kept fo long in the fummer time in a warm climate, had recourfe to a fraud, by which they expected to make as much money as if the fhip had really arrived at home, with all her cargo in good condition, viz. they were to infure upon bills of lading amounting to double the value of the cargo, and afterwards to caufe her to be taken by the French in order to conceal their villany. Accordingly they applied to an infurance com- pany in London, and entered the cargo at the value of 2,000,000 of livres (83,333!. 6s. 8d.) which, to- gether with the premium, that they likewife in- fured, amounted to 2,500,000 livres. They im- mediately fent advice to the captain of the Ihip, who had himfelf a confiderable lhare in the cargo, to [ 44 ]. to fail from Minorca and to proceed to England, with fecret inilruftions to let himfelf be taken. The freighters of the fhip, having received informa- tion that two men of war, the and the were fitting out at Toulon, and that they were to join the fleet at Breft, calculated fo nicely the time for the failing of the , that Ihe left Port Mahon almoftatthe fame time that the two French (hips failed from Toulon, and manoeuvered fo well, that fhe was taken before fhe got to the Streights. In the mean while, a few days after the infurance had been made in London, one of the partners in the infurance-company, got intelligence of the real value of the ,whofe cargo amounted to only i , 1 00,000 livres, which added to the value of the fliip, might amount to about 1,200,000 livres (50,000!. ilerl.) he was likewife informed of the fchemc to get the veffel taken, and of the orders which had been feist for this purpofe to Minorca; but the matter was without remedy, for if the was taken, they could not, in that cafe, profccute the freighters for want of fubftantial proofs againft them. I had pretty large concerns with this infurance- company, fo that I was well known to them. They therefore applied to me to get them out of the fcrape, and offered in cafe the fhould be taken, to i give [ 4$ 1 give me 1,800,000 French livres, provided I would engage to bring her to them, with every thing on board untouched. The defign of the infurance- company, was to revenge themfelves of the fraud, or at leaft to leffen their lofies. Indeed, if the was taken by the French without the infurers be- ing able to prove for certain, the ftate of the cargo, as happens in fimilar cafes, they would then be obliged tq pay the freighters 2,500,000 livres (104,166!. 135. 4d.) whilft, on the other hand, if the fliip was brought home, with all its cargo un- touched, the freighters in that cafe would have no claims upon the company, and the infurers in- ftead of paying 2,500,000 livres, would only have to pay 1,800,000 livres, which would be a faving to them of 700,000 livres. In confequence of this, the infurers put into my hands an exa<5t ftatement of the amount of the 's cargo. I accepted the propofal, and we en- tered into an agreement, that, provided I fhould fucceed in bringing the fhip into England, after fhc was taken, they fhould pay me the fum above men- tioned. 1 thought this a matter of fufficient confequence, for a journey from London to Verfailles; where I gave an account to M. de Sartine of the bufmefs, and [ 46 ] and offered in cafe the fhip fliould be taken, to de 1 - pofite the fum of 1,200,000 livres in payment, both of the third which belonged to the king, and qf the two thirds to be divided amongft the captors, provided the minifter would caufe the fhip to be delivered up to me, to bring her to England. M. de Sartine had too much confidence in me, to think that I would deceive him with regard to her real value; he readily came into my plan, by which 1 was likely to gain 600,000 livres without any lofs to the king, or to the crew of the two fhips that might take her; he even was at the trouble to in- form the captains of the two fhips of my propofals. About a fortnight afterwards, the minifter re- ceived advice that the fhip in queftion was taken by the , and brought into Malaga. He fent me advice of it, and told me to depofite my money at the hofpital of Toulon, and that he would after- wards fend an order from the king to get the vef- fei releafed, together with a paflport to carry her fafe to England. I had not fo much money in my pofieffion, but I got enough remitted to me from London, to complete the fum. In the mean time, M. de Sartine received an anfwer to the letter he had fent, dating that the crew of one of the ftiips accepted my offers, but that thofe of the other re- fufed them, alledging, that the prize was worth above two [ 47 ] two millions of French livres. No doubt the cap- tain of the prize fhip was confuked about this va- luation j it was his intereft to prevent the fhip from being returned to England, becaufe he had a ihare in the profits arifmg from the fraud ; he therefore perfuaded the French officers that Ihe was worth twice as much as I had offered. M. de Sartine who few the matter in its proper light, was upon the point of interpofmg his authority to fettle the affair, which he might have done with the more propriety, as he was entitled in the king's name, to one- third of the profits arifmg from the capture, and as the crew of one of the Ihips had agreed to our firft valuation for their third, but I forefaw the dif- content which this would infallibly excite arnongft the crew of the other fhip, and I was afraid they would accufe the miniiler of having injured them for my advantage. I therefore took the liberty to tell him of this, and gave up the matter entirely. However, the crew had no reafon to be fatisfied with their own conduct ; for about a month after- wards, when the goods were taken out of the fhip in order to be fold, moft of them were found to be fo fpoiled, that they did not fell for 500,000 livres (20,833!. 6s. 8d.) and that upon credit. Thus the crew loft 800,000 livres (33,333!. 6s. 8d.) ready money; I miffed the opportunity of gaining 600,000 livres, and the infurance company in Lon- don [ 48 J don loft all. Laftly, the Minifter in order to put me in a way of ferving myfelf, whilft I ferved the king, granted me a very unufual favour, which was paflports for two Englilh veflels, by means of which I Ihould be enabled to carry on trade without any rifk. I ihall here fbbjoin a copy of the letter dated Verfailles, the 3oth of July 1778, which he did me the honour to write to me on this fubjedt. " I acquaint you, Sir, that his Majefty is dif- poied to grant yon, according to, your requeft, the paflports for the two Englilh veffels, which may load at one or more Englilh ports, to go to the French colonies, or to any of our ports in the Me- diterranean. As it is neceiTary that the paflports Ihould contain the names of the captains and vef- fels, and the number of men on board, and how many tons burden, you will be fo good as to fend me thefe particulars, that 1 may get the paflports made out." I have the honour to be &c. (Signed) DE SARTINE. It may eafily be conceived what immenfe advan- tages I might have derived from fuch an act of favour if I had chofen to make ufe of it during the war; but that would have required more attention than the bufmefs which I had to tranfact for the king (whom I thought entitled to the preference) permitted t 49 ] permitted me to give; and luckily for me, fortune threw in my way readier methods, and fuch as were adequate to my ambitious views. At the end of January 1779, I left the Thames with the intention of joining a fleet of merchant- men, which were waiting for a convoy in the Downs; but as they were not yet ready to fail, I went and an- chored at Spithead. The whole Englifh fleet were laying there at anchor, in no order. The trial of Admiral Keppel which happened foon afterwards, encreafed a kind of defertion of the fhips, as the principal officers were upon the court-martial; I got in at night and anchored in the midft of the fleet, without exciting the leaft fufpicion. This circum- flance, put into my head a fcheme, which I haftened to communicate to the minifter; and therefore failed to France. I propofed to him to fit out two fire fhips at B reft, with all expedition, which I would bring into Portfmouth along with my fhip as two prizes; thatwhilft I entered with one of thefe fire- fhips by Spithead, the other fhould pafs by the Needles^ and get in during the night at the turn of the tide ; that the fleet fhould be fet on fire at each end at the fame time, which would infallibly con- fume the whole. I added, that the leaft that could happen to thofe fhips that fhould not be burnt, E -would [ 50 ] vrould be their running a-ground; fmce it being in the middle of the night, they could only cut their cables, and then they would be wrecked before they could unfurl their fails to manage the fhips as the anchorage at Spithead was narrow, and would not admit of their being either carried out by the tide, or failing out in the night without danger. I engaged to take the direction of one of the fire- fhipsj and my captain agreed to take charge of the other, upon condition that he fhould be paid 25,000!. fterling, and have a penfion fettled upon him by the king, of 1 2,000 livres, to be paid in France, where he was afterwards to live. I moreover pro- pofed to the minifter to get another veflel fitted out with 200 foldiers to land, under convoy of two fri- gates and a man of war, and take pofTeffion at the fame jjime of the fortrefs of Hurft-Caftle, which commands the paflage of the Needles. * M. de Sartine approved of the fcheme, and fent orders to Breft, for fitting out two large 'fire-fhips. He ordered me to conceit the necefiary arrange- ments for facilitating the taking of Plymouth by furprife, in cafe they Ihould be inclined to make die attempt, at the fame time, that they were pro- ceeding againft the Englifti fleet. He confirmed the promifes that I had made to my captain, and fome [ 5- ] fome officers, who were not to receive their re- wards but in cafe of fuccefs. I returned and embarked near Havre, where my fhip was waiting for me. She had been loaded with brandy in my abfence, according to my di- rections. I appeared the next day at the entrance of the Needles, and in the evening I unloaded all the goods I had on board, in the fort, with as little fuf- picion, and as mucheafe, as! had done before. The whole merchant fleet that had rendezvouzed in the Downs, together with that of the Eaft India Company, being upon the point of failing, I fent intelligence of it to M. de Sartine, who ordered a fquadron to be in readinefs at Breft, to intercept it. In the mean time I was called up to London, by a very difagreeable occurrence. I had loaded with goods for Breft, a Spanifh. veffel of 200 tons bur- den; I was to freight her for three months at the rate of a lool. fterling per month; the captain had bound himfelf by the charter-party, to touch at all the ports that I chofe to fend him to, in the courfe of his voyage from London to Spain, on being paid three louis-dors a day, for every time he fhould put into harbour. I commiffioned a banker in London, upon whom I thought I could rely, to fee the cargo E 2 com- compleated. She was loaded with forty tons of beer, forty tons of copper, and the reft in lead: every ton of copper put on board, coft me 2000 livres ; the king paid at Breft about 5000 livres for it ; fo that upon the forty tons, I Ihould have gained a profit of 1 20,000 livres (5000!.) It was a good fpeculation, but attended with rifk, fmce there then was a prohibition, under a very heavy penalty, againft exporting from England Iheet- copper for the purpofe of ftieathing fhips, which flill continues. I was obliged to tell my banker and the Spanifh captain, where the fnip was in- tended to go. The lading was put on board, whilft I was out upon my laft journey to Paris. On my return to Portfmouth, I received advice from the Admiralty , that the Spanilh captain had told them, that the fhip was freighted for Breft. His obje<5t in this information was to get the cargo forfeited, and come in for a iliare of it. The perlbn at the Admiralty who was in my intereft, fent an ex- prefs to me, to come up to London immediately, in order to avert the danger which threatened me. Very luckily, I loft no time, for if I had ftaid a day longer, I Ihouid have been too late. I applied to my banker, who had fhipped the goods (he was to go fhares in the profits arifing from the cheat, as I afterwards found) I offered to let the bills of lad- ing go under his name, or to fell him the goods. He [ 53 ] He preferred this laft propofal, upon terms very difadvantageous to me , but as there was no time to lofe, I complied wilh every thing he chofe j I loft 25,000 livres upon the original cofl, and I was be- fides forced to pay all the expences of unloading and moving the goods, together with the freight of the vefiel, the fame as if fhe had gone her voyage. I loft by this adventure about 2000 louis dors, in- ftead of gaining 6000, which I fhould have done, if I had not had to deal with a couple of knaves. A few days after I received another check, which occafioned me lefs lofs, but more alarm. When I went from Portfmouth to London, I had ordered my captain to go and wait for me at Margate^ where I was to join him again j he went there, and the day that I arrived, I found him upon fhore, with fome people belonging to the fhip, who had come to meet me. It was night and we all fiept on ihore. About two o'clock in the morning, I was awakened by the captain, who entered my room, in his fhirt, with a candle in his hand, and came up to my bed, faying to me in a low voice : Count ^ we are undone, there is a Jiate-meJJeriger In my room y who is juft arrived, be is writing Jomething, find will appre- hend you in a minute. I am arrefted, Jee here are my guards. What, faid I, we are betrayed then ? It mujl 3 be [ 54 ] le Jo, faid he : I got cut of bed to drefs myfelf, frightened, as was natural in fuch a fituation. Per- haps, there is a chance of getting out of this fcrape, faid the captain, 1 know the ftate-mejfengcr, he is a great friend of the governor's Stop a moment ', while 1 go and Jpeak to him. In two minutes, he came back to tell me, that it 'was in my power tojave us both, that the me/finger demanded a thoujaud pounds fterling, that he would then fay that he had miffed us, and that we were got out tofea, at the time he arrived. A thoujand pounds, faid I, hejhallhave the money, and immediately put into his hands two bank notes, of 500!. each; in confequence of which the meflenger went away. We immediately drefled ourfelves, and, without lofs of time, repaired to the fhip. Be- fides this, I was obliged to give a few guineas to the pilot, in order to prevail upon him to weigh an- chor, as it was night*. A couple of days after- wards, we anchored in the Downs. I thought ic would be bed to put out to fea ; but my captain * All forts of fhips and vefiels whatever, are obliged to take up a pilot, when they enter the Thames, or go from London ; from the moment he gets on board, he is mafter, if he has a mind to flop, the captain has it not in his power to force him to go on; he has half a guinea for every foot of water which the veflel draws ; if the fliip is wrecked, or me fuffers any injury, the company of pilots is refponfible, which is the reafon, why they very feldom fail in the river during the night. infiftcd I 55 ] infifted upon flaying with the fleet there, affuring me that we had nothing more to fear *. The fleet of merchant fhips having received or- ders to depart, I fet fail, and got to the mouth of the channel, twenty-four hours before them. I fell in off Ufhant with a fleet of French merchantmen, coming from St. Domingo, part of which were fleering to Havre and St. Malo, whither they were bound: there came on a dead calm here, which kfted for three days. The force of the current drove down upon me two of thefe fhips, each 500 tons burden. I hailed them, and warned them of the danger they were in, advifing them to tack about and put into B reft. I fpoke to five of them in this manner, one after the other; they anfwered they would follow my advice, and the reft of the fleet iliould do fo alfo. I flrove as much as I could to get into Breft, during the calm, but I found it irn- poflible, notwithflanding the lightnefs of my fhip. This was a lucky circumftance for the French vef- * He was very fure of it, for it was orjy a trick which he had played to rob me of the money. One of his friends was the pretended ftate-mefTenger, as I was informed two months after- wards by a nephew of his, whom he had ufed ill, and who, to be revenged of him, came and told me of the fraud, in which he had borne a part. I never once fpoke to his uncle about it, being afraid, that when he found hiinfelf detected, he would be induced to play me fome worfe tricks. E 4 fcls, t 56 ] fels, for when the calm was over, inflead of follow- ing my advice, they failed for the channel. ' I was fo vexed at their bad conduct, that I fired a broad fide upon each, which forced them to change their courfe. Two amongft them, of 500 tons bur- then, that had got farther up the channel than the reft, ran a-ground in attempting to fave thein- felves. I wounded fome of their men, and forced the others to enter Breft, by the paiTage du Four. In pafiing before Berthaume, I fell in with two frigates as they v/ere coming out of the Gullet. I threw out the fignal for fpeaking. They laid to, and faid they were fent out in purfuit of a privateer, that committed great ravages on their coafc. Upon telling them that I was the privateer they were in purfuit of, they caft anchor. After I had brought my (hip into the harbour, I went to Count d'Or- villiers to inform him of the failing of the Englilh fleet of merchantmen, of the courfe they were to fteer, and of the different places of rendezvous. He fent out a fquadron of fix men of war and feveral frigates to cruife in the latitude in which the Eng- lilh convoy, were to leave the fleet under their care. Information was received about a fortnight after- wards, that whilft the fquadron from Breft, was cruifing in the latitude above mentioned 5 the fleet of t 57 1 of Englifh merchantmen pafled fo near them at ten o'clock at night, as to difcover by their lights who they were ; in confequence of which, they crowded fail and changed their courfe. In the morning, at the break of day, the French fquadron defcried three fhips lagging behind, which they took, and learnt from them that they were a part of a large fleet of merchantmen, which were only convoyed by a fingle man of war. If the French fquadron had got there two hours later in the evening, or the Englifh fleet two hours fooner, they would proba- bly have been all taken 5 but no body was to blame for this. I fhall now return to what relates to myfelf. I was on board an Englifh privateer, well armed and manned with failors, who were determined to rifk every thing to make a bold ftroke. Five or fix merchant fhips, were a fine fight to them. It would have been an eafy matter for me to have manned three of them, and to have ranfomed the reft, as the Englifli fleet was fo near that I could not fail of falling in with it in four hours time. During the courfe of a week that I continued in the midfl of thefe fhips, I came up to two of them, fpoke a long time with them, by which they per- ceived my crew were Englifh. They confeffed that if I had ordered them to ftrike, they would have have done it without making any refiftance. I had letters of marque, and could therefore have made prizes of thefe fhips ; but I prevailed upon my crew to let them go, upon promifmg each of them ten pounds fterling, as foon as we fhould get into Breft. Some of them, however, were not fatisfied with this, but my captain fhewed great firmnefs on this occafion, threatening to knock the firft man on the head who fhould make any difturbance about it, which made them quiet. I did not feel comfortable all the time we were within fight of one another ; the captain and the crew might eafily have changed their mind, and I am to this day quite at a lofs to know how he could refift the temptation of taking thefe ihips, which, upon an average, were worth 500,000 French livres a piece. He might the more eafily have done this, as he knew that I fhould not dare to take any fort of revenge upon him in England, and that he would have enriched himfelf in this way without danger $ but he was faithful to his engage- ments, and my apprehenfions were ufelefs. I had on board my fhip nine French iilors y taken from the Carnatic, a veffel belonging to the French Eaft- India Company, which anchored by the fide of me in the Thames. Thefe nine fai- lors, [ 59 I lors, amongft whom were the matter and the mate, appeared to me to be courageous people,! therefore told them of my apprehenfions refpefting the behaviour of the crew, and propofed to arm them fecretly, to which they confented j and with the help of a dag- ger, a cutlafs, and a brace of piftols, with which they were furnifhed, they would have difabled a part of my crew from fighting, if they had attempted to mutiny, and the reft would then have fubmitted from fear j but all thefe precautions were unnecel- fary, as they all remained in fubjeftion. Immediately after I had anchored in Breft har- bour, the Admiral gave out orders, that no body fhould come aboard my fliip. At the fame time I forbid my people to quit her on any pretence what- ever. I fupplied the crew with as much frefh pro- vifions as they wanted, for the whole month they continued in the harbour. I moreover divided amongft them, as a reward for their good beha- viour, a gratuity of 8 ool. fterling, viz. ten. pounds to every failor, and the remainder to the officers. Two days after my arrival I fet out from Breft to go to Verfailles, in compliance with the orders which I had received from the minifter. I inform- ed him of every occurrence, and in confequence of the manner in which he fpoke of me to the king, his majefty was pleafed to grant me a penfion of 6000 [ 60 ] 6000 livres. I here fubjoin a copy of the letter which the minifter did me the honour to write o.n this fubject, on the 4th of April, 1779. " S I R, " I have laid before the king an .account of the fervices you have hitherto rendered to government, and his majefty is pleafed with the ardent and in- defatigable zeal which you have difplayed, and of which he trufts you will continue with unabated ar- dour, to give additional proofs. In order to fur- nifh you with the means for fo doing, and to give you at the fame time a teftimony of his fatisfaction, his majefty has juft granted you a penfion of 6000 livres a year, beginning from the ill of January in the prefent year ; which lhall be paid to you, cither wholly out of the marine department, or at leaft part of it, and the remainder from the department for foreign affairs. It is with pleafure that I ac- quaint you with this inftance of his majefty's favour, which I am perfuaded will iacreafe your attach- ment to his fervice. I have the honour tcrbe, &c. (Signed) DE SARTINE." My account of the ftate of the different ports and harbours, and the method of attacking them, which I pointed out, having been examined before a board [ 61 ] board of minifters, it was there determined that if matters were fuch as T had reprefented, it would be for the intereft of the ftate to carry my meafures into execution, and to take advantage of the ene- my's negligence ; but as I had mentioned feveral extraordinary circumftances which they could not readily credit, they refolved, at the fame time that they accepted my propofal, to appoint an officer on whom they thought they could depend, to go over with me to England, to examine into the truth of what I had related, and to fet me right in any par- ticulars in which I might have been miftaken. The perfon appointed was M. de B , an engineer in the army, who was in confequence ordered to re- pair to court. When this officer came, I went with him to the minifter for the war department, where he was in- formed of the commifiion on which they wanted to employ him. Prince de Montbarey told him, that if he would confent to go, he Ihould be re- warded with the Crofs of St. Louis, be promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, and have a pen- fion of 4000 livres (i661. 135. 4d.) fettled upon him ; and he promifed, if we fhould execute our commifiion fatisfactorily, that he would raife me to the rank of colonel, make me a knight of St. Louis, and give me a penfion. He made ufe of thefe expreflions, exprefiions, " I am authorifed by the king to pro- mife you thefe favours ; fuch are the intentions of his majefty, which 1 am commanded to make known to you." M. de B required twenty-four hours to con- fider upon the dangers of the undertaking, arid at laft determined to engage in it. The minifies af- ter having put into his hands fome written direc- tions, made him a prefent of 12,000 livres (500!.) which was immediately paid him ; after which we fet out for Breft. The very day we got there we embarked in my fhip, and failed without delay. As M. de B wifhed to make his firft obferva- tions at Plymouth, we (leered for this port, and got there the following day, in company with a vef- fel from America, which anchored in the Sound along with us, by the fide of the guard-fhip. As misfortune would have it, my crew were all drunk at the time of anchoring, which had like to have occafioned fome very ferious confequences. . The guard-fhip having hailed us to know the name of the fhip, and where we came from, my captain, who was intoxicated, gave an infolent anfwer. The captain of the guardfhip was gone to fleep at the Dock. The lieutenant, who commanded in his place, being offended at this anfwer, ordered out i his his long boat, and boarded us with 25 armed men. We were fitting quietly at fupper when he entered the cabin with a part of his men, and in an impe- rious tone, infifted upon knowing to whom the fhip belonged, and who it was that had given fuch an infolent anfwer. M. de B being quite frightened, ran out upon deck, and hid himfelf amongft the failors. My captain, quite confufed at feeing the fhip board- ed in this manner, anfwered imprudently, It belongs to this gentleman, pointing to me. Both myfelf and M. de B were dreffed like common failors. The lieutenant, furprifed-to fee me in fuch a drefs, aflced me if it was true that the fhip was mine ; I anfwered yes, in French. He was Hill more afto- nifhed to fee the captain difconcerted. He faid it was his duty to arreft us, and to take me, as the owner of the fhip, to the Dock. In crofling the deck, to go down into the long boat, I paffed by M. de B , fhook him by the hand, and gave him a hundred guineas, which I had in my pocket. I fpoke to two failors, on' whom I could depend, to take care of him, and carry him off, if poffible, the next day ; after which I quitted my fhip. About i o'clock in the morning, as we were near the Dock, I alked the lieucenant if he knew knew Mr. *. I know but little of him my- ielf, faid hej but the captain of the frigate is inti- mately acquainted with him. Since that is the cafe, faid I, we will call upon him. When we got to the Dock, I was taken to the Navy-office, where we afked for Mr. j they defired me to walk into the parlour, with my guards, and wait while he got up. tie was rather furprifed to fee me, but without lofing prefence of mind, he in- quired into the reafons of my being arrefted, and then faid to the officer in a firm tone of voice, you are to blame for having molefted this gentleman ; you may go back on board your fhip again, and withdraw the foldiers immediately from the floopf. He afterwards took me a part, and I told him the whole affair. He perceived that we were in an aukward fituation ; and left me to write to M. de Sartine, to acquaint him of the danger which threat- ened us ; I alfo wrote to my principal agent in London, to put him upon his guard. Thefe dif- patches were given to one of my couriers, who Tet out without delay. Whilft I was engaged in writing, my agent went for the captain of the frigate, with whom he rc- * A perfon in office, my correfpondent. f 1 think it neceflary to mention, that the foldiers who accom- panied me, were by at the time. turned turned about four o'clock in the morning, and upon giving him a draft for 1 500!. fterling, upon my banker in London, he went on board his Ihip, and withdrew the twenty men, who had been left to guard the , my fliip. He had all his re- colleftion about him on this occafion, and in order to prevent any fufpicion refpefting the agreement we had juft made, he informed my captain, who was on board the frigate, of the manner in which we had fettled the bufmefs, and bid him go immedi- ately and clear our veflel of every thing which could give rife to fufpicion ; in confequence of which, as foon as he got to her, he threw all the calks of bran- dy and wine overboard, to prevent people from difcovering where the veflel came from. About nine o'clock in the morning, I went back to my fhip, and found M. de B in the hold, covered up in his hammock, in which he had hid- den himfelf all the night ; we embraced one another moft cordially. I ordered them to try and get as many of the calks as they could out of the water again j feveral of them were picked up not damaged amongft the rocks on the Ihore ; the reft were ftaved. They brought them into Plymouth, together with two bags, con- taining four hundred pieces of cambrick, andfome F other [ 66 ] other goods, which, in confequence of giving them fome money, the cuftom-houfe officers carried up into the town. M. de B and I changed our drefs, and afterwards went to Plymouth to take pof- fefiion of an apartment which had been engaged for us there. The failors, who had been left on board our fhip, thinking they had got a fure prize, laid hands upon every thing they could carry off. I complained of this treatment, and in order to make it appear that things were done in the regular train, the lieu- tenant was fined ten guineas for the damages. M. de B employed himfelf for the three firft days in reconnoitering the fort, which he exa- mined within fide and without, and afterwards the different harbours and roads. On the fourth day, on our return from the Dock, at fix o'clock in the evening, we found at the door of the houfe where we lodged, fix foldiers and a coach. This was no pleafing fight, but we could not avoid going in. We found in the parlour a perfon in command at the Dock, to whom our landlord introduced us. He received us without getting up from his chair. I thought this a bad omen at firft ; but it was only the effect of an indifpofition, which prevented him from ftirririg. " I have heard, Sir," faid he, " that " you [ 6? J " you have been here three days j I am come to " pay my refpects and offer my fervice to you. I tc thought I fhould have had the honour of feeing " you at my houfe in the Dock ; perhaps the or- " ders there are not to admit any foreigners, have tc prevented you j but we will fet afide this difficul- " ty in your cafe, and I hope you will come and fee " me $ I will entertain you in the bell manner I can," I was fo much furprifed at what he faid, that I was hardly able to make him an anfwer; I recovered myfelf however enough to tell him how fenfible I was of the honour he did me, and that if it had not been for thofe orders (which however I knew no- thing of) I fhould moft certainly have fatisfied the defire I had of paying my refpeds to him, and of forming an acquaintance with a perfon of fuch great merit ; and that fince he permitted me to have that honour, I fhould wait upon him the next time I came. After exchanging many compliments, we began to talk upon different fubjects. The con- verfation turned of courfe upon the ftate of the fort j I afked him if there was a ftrong garrifon, and if it was well provided with provifions and ammuni- tion. He anfwered all thefe quellions without the leaft referve.