THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES This l " TMTE on the last date stamped below I SOUTHERN BRANCH, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, " LIBRARY, LOS ANX^LLS, CALIF. BRITISH BASIDIOMYCETAE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C. F. CLAY, MANAGER LONDON : FETTEK LANE, E.G. 4 LONDON : H. K. LEWIS AND CO., LTD., 136, Gower Street, W.0. 1 LONDON : WHELDON AND WESLEY, LTD., 28, Essex Street, Strand, W.C. 2 NEW YORK : THE MACMILLAN CO. BOMBAY 1 CALCUTTA I MACMILLAN AND CO., LTD. MADRAS J TORONTO : THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, LTD. TOKYO : MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA ALL EIGHTS RESERVED British Basidiomycetae A HANDBOOK TO THE LARGER BRITISH FUNGI BY CARLETON REA, B.C.L., M.A. Hon. Member of the British Mycological Society and the Cryptogamic Society of Scotland, Membre titulaire de la Socie'te' Mycologique de France, etc. PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE BRITISH MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY CAMBRIDGE AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1922 49791 Published August 1, 1922 At AFTER thirty years of study of our British Basidiomycetae I have ventured to write this text-book at the request of many I mycological friends. The well-known classification of Fries is now insufficient for modern requirements and must be altered to embody the results obtained from a more detailed anatomical and microscopical examination of these plants. The present work is based chiefly on the excellent system set forth by N. Patouillard v in his Essai taxonomique sur les families et les genres des Hymeno- - 7 mycetes, published in 1900. Since this date several alterations and additions to this scheme have been made, due to the in- vestigations of the eminent mycologists J. Bresadola, E. A. Burt, . 5 H. Bourdot and A. Galzin, F. von Hoehnel and V. Litschauer, and - Rene Maire. My very best thanks are due to Mr J. Ramsbottom ^ for his invaluable technical advice and assistance in the prepara- tion of the manuscript and for kindly correcting the proof-sheets of this work, and to Miss E. M. Wakefield for valuable information \ respecting the Thelephoraceae. I am also very greatly indebted . I to Messrs A. D. Cotton, C. H. Grinling, A. A. Pearson and J. ^ Ramsbottom for obtaining the large subsidy for the publication of this work, to the generous contributors to the same, and to The Royal Society for a grant-in-aid of 10. CARLETON REA. Wth June, 1922. CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE v INTRODUCTION ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS . . . . xii KEY TO THE DIVISIONS AND GENERA OF BRITISH BASIDIOMYCETAE ... 1 TEXT 21 BIBLIOGRAPHY 746 INDEX . 755 IX INTRODUCTION FUNGI are non-chlorophyllous cryptogams reproduced by spores. In the larger fungi these spores are borne either to the exterior of a cell called the basidium or are contained within a sac-like cell called the ascus. Fungi with basidia constitute the BASIDIOMYCETAE, whilst those with asci are known as the ASCOMYCETAE. The present work deals only with the former group. The Basidiomycetae were, until quite recently, divided into two main groups, HYMENOMYCETAE and GASTEROMYCETAE : in the former the spores are freely exposed to the air at maturity, whilst in the latter they remain inclosed within the body of the fungus. The spores on germination either give rise to threads or hyphae (collectively known as the mycelium or spawn) or they produce secondary spores termed sporidiola which on germina- tion develop the mycelium. This mycelium constitutes the vegetative portion of the fungus and consists of septate hyphae, in some cases with lateral outgrowths known as clamp connections which arise near the septa and connect two adjacent cells. The mycelium is either filamentous or forms cord-like strands. At their extremities the hyphae give rise to other hyphae which terminate in basidia, sterile paraphyses which act as spacing elements and in some cases other sterile cells termed cystidia. These elements together constitute the hymenium and generally form a homogeneous layer but in some of the Gasteromycetae the basidia are irregularly distributed as in Scleroderma. The tissue between the hymenial layers is known as the trama. The basidium may consist either of a continuous cell, or be longitudinally divided, or transversely septate. It is usually surmounted at the apex by short stalks, the sterigmata, which bear the spores; some- times these are lateral or arise from the division of the transversely septate basidia: sometimes the spores are borne directly on the hyphae. In some genera long vesicular hyphae are present which traverse the tissue in various directions and these are often filled with a granular coloured or colourless latex. The vegetative hyphae constitute the main portion of the sporophore except in x INTRODUCTION the small effused forms. The hymenium may be spread over radiating gills or plates as in the mushroom, line the interior of tubes or pores as in Polyporus, cover teeth-like projections as in Hydnum, be immersed in a gelatinous mass as in Tremella, or be borne on variously shaped structures known as receptacles as in the Phalloids. The sporophore is of different shapes, e.g. globose as in puff- balls, sessile with outstretched flaps as in Stereum, erect, clavate, coralloid or dendroid as in Clavaria, or differentiated into dis- tinct stem, pileus or cap and hymenium-bearing surface as in the mushroom. When young the sporophore is often completely surrounded by a universal veil or membrane termed the volva which is ruptured by the growth of the stem and in many species portions or traces of this remain permanently at the base of the stem. A second membrane or partial veil consisting of either interwoven or arachnoid threads often protects the hymenial surface before it is mature and extends from the stem to the margin of the pileus : it either disappears completely or remains as a ring on the stem, or in appendiculate fragments at the margin of the pileus. The wall surrounding the Gasteromycetae is termed the peridium and consists of one, two, or more layers, the exoperidium to the exterior and the endoperidium to the interior. The peridium sometimes incloses separate hymenium- bearing bodies, the peridiola, which are either free, attached by a cord (funiculus) or form a compound structure. The contents of the peridium are collectively known as the gleba ; in addition to spores there are often certain threads, the capillitium, which arise either directly from the base, from the walls of the peridium or are attached to a denser central portion, the columdla. In some cases the external walls of the hyphae deliquesce and this gives a jelly-like consistency to the whole fungus as in Tremella, whilst in other cases the deliquescence is confined to certain areas and constitutes a valuable diagnostic feature. In the genus Coprinus the edge of the gill gradually undergoes a process of autodigestion which ensures the economical dispersion of the spores. The tramal plates of many Gasteromycetae finally dissolve and disappear. All fungi since they have no chlorophyll and are thus unable to form carbohydrates are either saprophytes obtaining their nourishment from dead organic matter or are INTRODUCTION xi parasites dependent on a living host. Sometimes the mycelium forms a somewhat dense stratum (stroma) on which the receptacle is seated or immersed; at other times it forms hard compact masses known as sclerotia which often lie dormant for a con- siderable length of time. In more recent classifications the BASIDIOMYCETAE are primarily divided into two main divisions, the HOMOBASIDIAE and the HETEROBASIDIAE. In the former, the basidium is an undivided cell usually clavate in shape: the spores on germina- tion give rise to a mycelium which reproduces the sporophore. In the latter, the basidia are either transversely, longitudinally, or vertically septate, or sometimes continuous, but the spores on germination give rise to sporidiola which germinate in their turn to form the mycelium which reproduces the fruit body. The HOMOBASIDIAE are divided into two main subdivisions based upon their parasitic or saprophytic habit. The parasitic forms constitute the subdivision EXOBASIDIINEAE, the sapro- phytic forms the subdivision EU-HOMOBASIDIINEAE. The latter are divided into the three orders Gasteromycetales, Agaricales and Aphyllophorales. The Gasteromycetales include the species having the hymenium still surrounded at maturity by a peridium: the Agaricales have the hymenium originally protected by a volva or a ring but at maturity fully exposed, whilst the Aphyllophorales have the hymenium exposed from the first. The HETEROBASIDIAE are divided into four orders according to the nature of the basidium, viz. Auriculariales, Tremellales, Tulasnellales and Calocerales. In the Auriculariales the basidia are transversely septate; in the Tremellales the basidia are longitudinally, cruciately divided; the Tulasnellales have simple basidia but the sterigmata are at first of such a wide diameter that they were formerly considered to be spores, whilst the Calocerales have cylindrical basidia terminated by two pointed, usually long, sterigmata. All these orders are in general sapro- phytic and have the hymenium fully exposed from the first but the Auriculariales include the three parasitic suborders Puc- ciniineae, Coleosporiineae and Ustilagineae which are not dealt with in the present work and one suborder the Ecchynineae which has the hymenium inclosed within a peridium at maturity. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS cm., centimetre. mm., millimetre. /x, one-thousandth part of a millimetre. P., Pileus. Pe., Peridium. B., Receptacle. st., stem. v.v., Living specimens seen by the author. KEY TO THE DIVISIONS AND GENERA OF BRITISH BASIDIOMYCETAE BASIDIOMYCETAE. L ^ "I HOMOBASIDIAE. II. Basidia longitudinally divided, trans- } versely septate, or simple; spores pro-!- HETEBOBASIDIAE. ducing sporidiola on germination J HOMOBASIDIAE. * EU-HOMOB ASIDIINE AE. Saprophytes. L GASTEROMYCETALES. 2. Hymenium at first covered by a volva, \ or a ring, becoming fully exposed at maturity, usually inferior, and spread V AGARICALES. over the surface of gills, fleshy pores, ! or a smooth surface ) 3. Hymenium exposed from the first, 'i APHYLLOPHORALES. or a smooth surface **EXOBASIDIINEAE. Parasites. 4. Hymenium effused, rarely consisting) of basidia only. Parasitic on leaves, j- EXOBASLDIALES. etc. (especially Ericaceae) ) HETEROBASIDIAE. CyHn l KEY TO GASTEROMYCETALES 2. Basidia longitudinally cruciatelyl divided, subglobose J 3. Basidia simple, subglobose, with 2-4 very thick stout sterigmata. Spores producing sporidiola on germination 4. Basidia simple, cylindrical, with j two long pointed sterigmata. Spores always becoming septate [ CALOCERALES. on germination, and producing sporidiola J HOMOBASIDIAE. * EU-HOMOBASIDIINEAE. GASTEROMYCETALES. I. Superficial. Peridium globose, with\ a middle gelatinous layer, at length ruptured, and exposing the gleba I PHALLINEAE. on a variously shaped receptacle, volvate at the base 1. Receptacle trellised, or irregu-1 larly branched above; gleba in-r CLATHRACEAE. ternal, or between the branches J 2. Receptacle hollow, cylindrical, orl p fusiform; gleba external } J II. Subterranean, rarely superficial.^ Peridium globose, simple, inde-[ TT Y MFNnr ASTRTNFAF hiscent; hymenium lining the cell-[ like cavities of the gleba ) 1. Tramal plates arising from radial,) TT basal, sterile hyphae } HYSTERANGIACEAE. e l HYMENOGASTRACEAE. LYC OPERDINEAE. LYCOPERDACEAE. III. Superficial. Peridium globose, or variously shaped, of two or more layers, dehiscing by an apical aperture, or by the gradual falling away of the upper pendial walls; hymenium lining the cell-like cavities of the gleba. Capillitium and sometimes a columella present Same characters as the suborder KEY TO GASTEROMYCETALES IV. Superficial, or growing on wood or; dung. Peridium campanulate, orj cup-shaped, of one to three layers, I inclosing lenticular peridiola, some- \ NIDULARIINEAE. times attached by a funiculus, and with or without a fugacious 1 epiphragm Same characters as the suborder NIDULARIACEAE. PLECTOBASIDIINEAE. (SCLERODERMINEAE.) V. Subterranean, or superficial. Peri- dium globose, or variously shaped, of one or more layers, sometimes prolonged into a stem-like base. Basidia irregularly scattered, some- times intermixed with sterile veins A. Gleba pulverulent when mature. (a) Gleba traversed by sterile veins. Capillitium rudimentary. Peridiuml ScLERODERMATACEAE . simple, rarely double J Capillitium well developed. Peri-1 CALOSTOMATACEAE . dmm highly differentiated J (b) Gleba without sterile veins. Peridium of two layers produced) TuLOSTOMATACEAB . below into a stem-like base Peridium of one layer, sessile,! seated on a ring-like mass of my-h GLISCHRODERMATACEAE. celium J B. Gleba slimy when mature SPHAEROBOLACEAE. CLATHRACEAE. Receptacle sessile, forming a hollow, globose lattice Clathrus. Receptacle stipitate, terminating in free arms, or) ^ ysurus branches J Receptacle stipitate, crowned by a disc from which) the arms radiate J PHALLACEAE. Gleba campanulate, adnate throughout to the re-'j Cynophallus. ceptacle / (Mutinus.) Gleba campanulate, reticulate, free, attached by the] apex to the receptacle J 12 4: KEY TO GASTEROMYCETALES HYSTERANGIACEAE. Peridium globose, separable. Gleba cartilaginous, or] mucilaginous, cavities at first empty / yste HYMENOGASTRACEAE. A. Peridium without external mycelial strands. Spores elliptical to fusiform, with a prominent) papilla; sterile base well developed J Spore globose, or broadly elliptical, echinulate, or verrucose. Tramal plates splitting, sterile base well de-) veloped } Tramal plates not splitting, no sterile base Hydnangium. B. Peridium with external mycelial strands; glebal ,->, . cavities at first hollow, spores elliptical, smooth J LYCOPERD ACE AE . A. Exoperidium consisting of a pseudo-parenchy- matous layer. 1. Capillitium threads attached to the peridium,1 or the columella, not consisting of a distinct stem \ Lycoperdon. and branches 2. Capillitium threads free, consisting of a distinct stem and pointed branches. Sterile base present Bovistella. Sterile base absent Bovista. B. Exoperidium consisting of a pseudo-parenchy- matous layer, and a fibrous layer, splitting open in a star-like manner. Endoperidium with many stems, and dehiscing! by many mouths / Endoperidium with a single stem, or sessile, } t and dehiscing by a single mouth J NlDULARIACEAE. Peridium subglobose, of one layer, without an epi-j phragm. Peridiola without a funiculus J Peridium cup-shaped, of two layers, with an epi-l phragm. Peridiola attached by a papilla to thej- Crucibulum. funiculus 1 Cf. Astraeus. KEY TO GASTEROMYCETALES 5 Peridium campanulate, or cylindrical, of three"! layers, with an epiphragm. Peridiola umbilicately \ Cyathus. attached to the funiculus SCLERODERMATACE AE . Subterranean. Peridium soft, fleshy, with branched"! mycelial strands springing from every part of the!- Melanogaster. exterior, not sharply separated from the gleba Superficial. Peridium leathery, or corky, of one or"! two layers, sharply separated from the pulverulent - Scleroderma. gleba J Superficial. Peridium membranaceous, distinctly"! . ,., separated from the gleba, which at maturity consists / ,p. * US ' CALOSTOMATACEAE. Endoperidium inserted at the base of the exoperi-j , dium, the latter splitting open in a star-like manner/ TULOSTOMATACEAE. A. Capillitium smooth. Endoperidium dehiscing by an apical aperture Tulostoma. Endoperidium dehiscing by the gradual falling) ^ , . away of the peridial walls from the base upwards/ B. Capillitium with ring-like, or spiral markings Battarrea. GrLISCHRODERMATACEAE. Same characters as the family Glischroderma. SPHAEROBOLACEAE. Same characters as the family Sphaerobolus. AGARICALES. I. Hymenium inseparable from the j AGA R ICINEAE . pileus, spread over the surface of gillsj II. Hymenium inseparable from the pileus, spread over the surface of CANTH AKELLINEAE. narrow, obtuse gills, or folds, or quite smooth III. Hymenium soft, separable from the! pileus, lining the inside of pores, orj- BOLETINEAE. pore-like gills KEY TO AGARICALES AGAEICINEAE. Same characters as the suborder AGARICACEAE. AGAKICACEAE. I. Receptacle fleshy, trama not vesiculose, nor traversed by lacticiferous vessels, not mem- branaceous, not rapidly putrescent, nor tough and woody. A. Pileus distinct, and easily separable from the * Without a ring, or a volva. Spores white Schulz&ria. Spores pink Pluteus. Spores green Glaucospora. Spores ochraceous Pluteolus. Spores purple, or fuscous Pilosace. **With a ring on the stem. Spores white, ring rarely fugacious, always] ,- . manifest in the adult stage J Spores white, ring very fugacious, not manifest") in the adult stage / Spores pink Annularia. Spores purple, or fuscous Psaliota. Spores black, or blackish fuscous Anellaria. ***With a volva at the base of the stem. Spores white Amanitopsis. Spores pink Volvaria. (Locellina. Spores ochraceous \(Acetabularia.) , (Clarkeinda. Spores purple, or fuscous {(Chitonia.) ****With a ring on the stem, and a volva at the base of the stem. Spores white Amanita. B. Pileus confluent and homogeneous with the fleshy stem. *With a membranaceous ring on the stem. Spores white ArmiUaria. KEY TO AGARICALES 7 Spores ferruginous, rough; general veil per-1 . sistent / Spores ochraceous, or ferruginous, generally) <: piw smooth; general veil none, or fugacious j L " Spores purple, or fuscous Stropharia. **With an arachnoid or filamentous general veil. 1. Veil forming an arachnoid, fugacious ring on) ~ . the stem. Spores ochraceous, or ferruginous / 2. Veil concrete with the epidermis of the pileus. Spores ochraceous, or ferruginous, elliptical,"^ ,. , smooth J Spores ochraceous, or ferruginous, irregular,) . -,-, ^ r Astrosvorina. angular, ecmnulate, or verrucose ***Gills sinuate. Spores white Tricholoma. Spores pink Entoloma. Spores ochraceous, or ferruginous Hebeloma. Spores purple, or fuscous Hypholoma. ****Gills decurrent, or adnato-decurrent by a tooth. Spores white; hymenium not waxy, nor) nr , pulverulent j l Spores white; hymenium pulverulent Laccaria. Spores white; hymenium waxy Hygrophorus. Spores pink Clitopilus. Spores ochraceous, or ferruginous Flammula. Spores greenish fuscous, or blackish; gills mu-| rih'd'us cilaginous / C. Pileus confluent with, but heterogeneous from, the cartilaginous stem. *Grills adnate, or sinuato-adnate. fMargin of pileus at first incurved, or exceeding the gills. Spores white CollyUa. Spores pink Leptonia. Spores ochraceous, or ferrugineus Naucoria. Spores purple, or fuscous Psilocybe Spores black, or blackish Panaeolus. KEY TO AGARICALES ff Margin of pileus straight, at first adpressed to the stem. Spores white Spores pink Spores ochraceous, or ferruginous Spores purple, or fuscous Spores black, or blackish **Gills decurrent. Spores white Spores pink Spores ochraceous, or ferruginous D . Pileus confluent with the excentric, or lateral stem, dimidiate, sessile, or resupinate. Spores white, gill edge entire Spores white, gill edge longitudinally split Spores pink Spores ochraceous. II. Receptacle fleshy, trama vesiculose and traversed by lacticiferous vessels. Spores white, or yellow. Latex watery, uncoloured Latex milk-white, or coloured, rarely like) serum ) III. Receptacle membranaceous, or fleshy mem- branaceous, fragile, rapidly putrescent, or shrivelling up. Spores ochraceous, or ferruginous Spores black, or blackish fuscous. Gills) auto-digested from below upwards / IV. Receptacle membranaceous, tough, reviving with moisture, not putrescent. Spores white. *Pileus with a thin, unspecialized cellular) pellicle > **Pileus with a thick, cellular pellicle. Cells of the pellicle upright, echinulate, or) Androsaceus. verrucose J (Marasmius p.p.) Cells of the pellicle decumbent, very long,) n // fibrillose I P Mycena. Nolanea. Galera. Psathyra. Psathyrdla. OmpMia. Ectilia. Tubaria. Pleurotus. Schizophyllum. Claudopus. Crepidotus. Russula. T Latanus ' Bolbitius. Coprinus. KEY TO AGARICALES 9 V. Eeceptacle coriaceous, fleshy coriaceous, or woody. Spores white. Pileus fleshy coriaceous, gills somewhat soft Panus. Pileus membranaceous coriaceous, gills j coriaceous, branched, obtuse J ero us ' Pileus coriaceous, or woody, pliant; gills] T ,. firm, often toothed CANTHARELLINEAE. Same characters as the suborder CANTHARELLACEAE. CANTHARELLACEAE. *Spores white. Receptacle fleshy, stipitate; gills simple.) N Ug Parasitic on other Agarics Receptacle fleshy, stipitate; gills forked Cantharellus. Receptacle fleshy, membranaceous, funnel-] shaped or umbilicate. Hymenium veined, [ Craterellus. or smooth Receptacle membranaceous, spathulate, or) j)ictyolus cup-shaped, pendant. Hymenium veined, [- (C J tharettusp ^) or smooth ) v **Spores ochraceous. Receptacle fleshy coriaceous, stipitate. \ Hymenium fold-like J BOLETINEAE. Same characters as the suborder BOLETACEAE. BOLETACEAE. 1. Hymenium spread over gills, which anasto-"! mose by veins, and form irregular pores, | .,, especially at the apex of the stem. Spores f white, ochraceous, or ferruginous J 2. Hymenium lining the inside of fleshy tubes. (Gyroporus. Spores white, or pale yellowish {(Boletus p.p.) . , (Tylopilus. S P reS P mk [(Boletus p.p.) 10 KEY TO APHYLLOPHORALES Spores purple ((Boletus p.p.) Spores blackish, or fuscous. Pileus) . ,. 7 vn Q ^ TTrUk ;w,^o+ Q oUc, f Strobilomyccs . Boletinus. covered with imbricate scales Spores ochraceous, ferruginous, or oliva- ceous. Tubes short, alveolar, decurrent Tubes very short, gyroso-plicate Tubes long Boletus. APHYLLOPHORALES. I. Receptacle pileate, stipitate, sessile, orl PO ROHYDNINEAE. resupinate; hymenium inferior J II. Receptacle erect, dendroid, coralloid,1 simple, or branched, never pileate; hy-V CLAVARIINEAE. menium more or less amphigenous I. POROHYDNINEAE. 1. Hymenium lining tubes coherent throughout their length, forming a layer distinct from the substance of the pileus, sometimes becoming torn POLYPORACEAE. into teeth, or gill-like plates, and sepa- rated by dissepiments sterile on the edge 2. Hymenium lining tubes, or covering"! gills, or teeth, homogeneous with the' substance of the pileus, not forming a distinct layer, sterile on the edge 3. Hymenium spread over veins, anasto-1 mosing pores, or quite smooth; edge of j- MERULIACEAE. veins or pores fertile 4. Hymenium inferior, lining free and! FlgTULINACEAE . separate tubes J 5. Hymenium spread over the surface of spines, granules, warts, or other pro- tuberances, or quite smooth, inter- vening spaces fertile. Receptacle fleshy, coriaceous, waxy, crustaceous, or floe- cose, rarely none HYDNACEAE. KEY TO APHYLLOPHORALES 11 Hymenium spread over a smooth, rugose, or ribbed surface, either resting upon an in- termediate layer of hyphae running longitu- dinally between it and the mycelium, or seated directly upon the mycelium THELEPHORACEAE. 7. Hymenium covering the whole of the in-") terior of cup-shaped, urceolate, or cylindrical j- CYPHELLACEAE. receptacles, smooth, or veined J POLYPORACEAE. Eeceptacle stipitate, or sessile, fleshy, cheesy,! or coriaceous. Tubes homogeneous, or hetero- 1 geneous, dissepiments entire, or toothed. Spores | white, or coloured J Eeceptacle stipitate, fleshy. Tubes becoming"] torn into teeth, or gill-like plates mosing at the base. Spores white Sistotrema. Receptacle sessile, hard, woody, or corky. Pileus\ often concentrically zoned, covered with a hard [ crust, or villose. Tubes homogeneous, or hetero- V Fomes. geneous, often stratose. Spores white, or coloured Receptacle stipitate, or sessile, corky. Pileus") covered with a rigid, laccate, shining crust. I ^ , Tubes often stratose. Spores coloured, oval,] ' truncate at the base Receptacle resupinate, membranaceous, soft,\ coriaceous, or corky. Tubes often inserted! p . directly on the mycelium, round, or angular, j Spores white, or coloured POLYSTICTACEAE. Receptacle sessile, thin, coriaceous, or mem-1 branaceous. Tubes homogeneous, developing j- Polystictus. from the centre outwards. Spores white Receptacle sessile, or resupinate, membrana-"! ceous, or coriaceous. Tubes alveolar, becoming j- Irpex. torn, or toothed. Spores white 12 KEY TO APHYLLOPHORALES Trametes. Receptacle sessile, corky, or coriaceous. Hyme-\ nium spread over gills, which anastomose at the! ^ . base, homogeneous with the substance of the pileus, \ and not forming a distinct layer. Spores white Receptacle sessile, corky. Tubes homogeneous withj the substance of the pileus, not forming a distinct layer, regular, round, or oblong. Spores white, rarely yellowish j Receptacle stipitate, or sessile, spongy, or corky.' Tubes homogeneous with the substance of the pileus, not forming a distinct layer, irregular, r Daedalea. sinuous, or labyrinthiform, often becoming torn, or toothed. Spores white. MERULIACEAE. Receptacle sessile, or resupinate, more or less gela-) tinous. Veins anastomosing to form irregular pores, j- Merulius. Spores white or coloured j Receptacle erect, or resupinate, waxy, firm. Veins) 7 radial. Spores white J Veins gill-j Plicatura. ) (Trogia.) Receptacle sessile, spongy coriaceous, like, crisped. Spores white Receptacle resupinate, waxy. Hymenium granular,! r . , or smooth. Spores coloured, smooth. No cystidia J L m P Like Coniophora, but with cystidia Coniophorella. FlSTULINACEAE. Same characters as the family Fistidina. HYDNACEAE. Receptacle none. Spines simple, cylindrical, acute, "j seated directly on the fugacious mycelium. Spores f Mticronetta. white Receptacle simple, or branched, stipitate, sessile, j or dimidiate, fleshy, coriaceous, or corky. Spines^ Hydnum. subulate. Spores white, or coloured Receptacle resupinate, or reflexed, membranaceous] ,, , , coriaceous. Spines subulate, apex hispid. Spores [ 7%*T* * n \ white, oval, or oblong. Cystidia present. m p - p '> KEY TO APHYLLOPHOEALES 13 Receptacle resupinate, thin, waxy, inseparable.^ Tubercles or spines obtuse, often deformed, ir- regularly scattered, or confluent. Spores white, r Radulum. or coloured. Cystidia none, cystidioles (sterile basidia) sometimes present Eeceptacle resupinate, thin, waxy. Spines thin, subulate, generally entire, distinct, or connate at the base. Spores white. Cystidia none, cys- tidioles very thin, or absent Receptacle resupinate, thin, membranaceous, pelliculose, or crustaceous. Tubercles or spines Ada. (Hydnum p.p.) Grandinia. obtuse, or pointed, entire. Spores white, or coloured. Cystidia none Receptacle resupinate, thin, membranaceous, \ waxy, crustaceous or mealy. Spines conical,! ~, ciliate, or penicillate at the apex. Spores white, t Cystidia present J Receptacle resupinate, subgelatinous. Spines very) ., minute, sterile. Spores white J l '" ia " Like Odontia, but spores coloured, smooth Hydnopsis. Receptacle resupinate, soft, floccose. Spines soft, \ conical, villose, fimbriate at the apex. Flesh [ coloured. Spores coloured, verrucose, or echinu- 1 late Receptacle pileate, stipitate, sessile, or resupinate, without a distinct pellicle, coriaceous. Hyme- nium smooth, granular, or faintly ribbed. Flesh coloured. Spores coloured, angular, echinulate, (Thelephorap.p.) or verrucose PJiylacteria. Receptacle resupinate, soft, floccose. Hymeniuml ~ ochnus granular, or smooth, floccose. Flesh coloured. > , J^ til \ Spores coloured, echinulate, or angular J Like Hypochnus, but spores violet, smooth Hypochnella. Receptacle resupinate, effused, flocculose-pulveru-'j lent, Hypochnus-like. Spores straw coloured, sub- v Jaapia. elliptical, hyaline-appendiculate J Receptacle resupinate, subgelatinous, then car-"| tilaginous. Hymenium smooth. Spores olive, V Aldrigea. elliptical, smooth J [Irregular abnormal growths the conidial forms) \ptijchoaaster 1 of Porohydnineae] / L y y 14 KEY TO APHYLLOPHORALES THELEPHOKACEAE. 1. Hymenium separated from the mycelium by an intermediate layer of hyphae. Receptacle erect, much branched, branches] flattened in a lamellar, or plate-like manner, > Sparassis. fleshy. Hymenium smooth. Spores white Receptacle simple, or branched, stipitate, ses-\ sile, effuso-reflexed, rarely resupinate, cori-l aceous. Hymenium smooth. Flesh pale. Spores i white. Cystidia hyaline J Like Stereum, but cystidia, or setae coloured.] Flesh coloured. Spores white, or coloured [Like Stereum, but hymenium smooth, granu-j lar, or faintly ribbed. Flesh coloured. Spores f [Phylacteria.] coloured, angular, echinulate, or verrucose] j Receptacle sessile, or produced behind into a-j stem-like base, coriaceous, or woody. Hy-l menium with fan-like folds, or radiating woody, [ branched ribs, or veins. Spores white J 2. Hymenium seated directly on the mycelium. Receptacle resupinate, waxy, or floccose. Hy-\ menium smooth, with scattered protuberances caused by the breaking through of fasciculate, \- Epithek. Stereum 1 Hymenochaete. Cladoderris. sterile, mycelial hyphae. Spores white. tidia Cys-l / Receptacle saucer-shaped with a free margin, \ or resupinate and adnate, floccose, or crusta- ceous, becoming coriaceous. Hymenium smooth, pulverulent, with much granular, or Y Aleurodiscus. crystalline matter. Spores white, large ; basidia large, sterile basidia or paraphyses moniliform, or racemose Receptacle resupinate, waxy, crustaceous, or floccose. Hymenium waxy, smooth, or tuber- cular, continuous, often cracked. Spores white, L Corticium 2 . rarely faintly coloured, smooth. No cystidia; sterile basidia (cystidioles) sometimes emergent/ Like C&rtirium but the hyphae and hymenium] r> f - traversed by long, cystidia-like bodies, whose I . , walls are never thickened, nor incrusted withj L, U ^-j- \ crystalline deposits (gloeocystidia) 1 Cf. Eichhriella. 2 Cf. Sebacina. KEY TO APHYLLOPHORALES 15 Eeceptacle incrusting, variously branched, \ lobed, or effused, fibrillosely floccose, soft. I Cristdla. Spores white, echinulate. Growing on fallen | (Thelephorap.p.) twigs, and mosses J [Receptacle resupinate, soft, floccose. Hy-^ menium granular, or smooth, floccose. Flesh I \Hypochnus. coloured. Spores coloured, echinulate, orj (Tomentdla.)] angular] / [Like Hypochnus, but spores violet, smooth] [Hypochnella.] [Receptacle resupinate, effused, flocculose-j pulverulent, Hypochnus-like. Spores straws [Jaapia.] coloured, subelliptical, hyaline-appendiculate] j [Receptacle resupinate, waxy. Hymenium] granular, or smooth. Spores coloured, smooth, f- [Coniophora.] No cystidia] Like Corticium, but with prominent, hyaline, or subhyaline cystidia in the hymenium or subhymenial tissues, which are generally L Peniophora. thick walled, or incrusted with crystalline de- posits. Spores white, rarely slightly coloured/ [Like Coniophora, but with cystidia] [Coniophorella.] CYPHELLACEAE. Receptacles sessile, scattered, crowded, or-. confluent, coriaceous-gelatinous. Hymenium Cytidia. smooth, becoming wrinkled, or veined. Spores f (Auriculariopsis.) white, or pale Receptacles stipitate, or sessile, scattered, or^i crowded, membranaceous, or waxy. Hyme- > Cyphella. nium smooth, or veined. Spores white J Receptacles sessile, seated on a superficial,^ felt-like, then floccose and fugacious myce-l , . Hum, gregarious, or fasciculate. Hymenium j smooth. Spores white Receptacles sessile, more or less crowded, dis-^j tinct, seated on, or immersed in an effused, I membranaceous, or floccose stroma. Spores j white Like Cyphella, but spores coloured, smooth,! or echinulate J 16 KEY TO APHYLLOPHORALES, ETC. II. CLAVARIINEAE. Same characters as the suborder CLAVARIACEAE. II. CLAVARIACEAE. Receptacle erect, simple, or branched, branches cylindrical, smooth, or longitu- dinally striate, fleshy, or subcoriaceous, Clavaria. generally putrescent. Spores white, or ochra- ceous, smooth, or rough. Growing on the ground, or on wood Receptacle erect, simple, very rarely branched,^ cylindrically-clavate, with a long, thin stem, often springing from a sclerotium, fleshy, >- Typhula waxy, or tough. Spores white. Growing on fallen twigs and dead leaves Receptacle erect, simple, very rarely forked,N club shaped, with a short, thick, glabrous, or I p / 77 villose stem, fleshy, or waxy. Spores white.] Growing on herbaceous plants J Receptacle filiform, simple, or branched, firm, j tough. Spores white. Growing on the ground, [ Pterula. or on wood j ** EXOB ASIDIINE AE. EXOBASIDIALES. Same characters as the order EXOB ASIDI ACE AE. EXOB ASIDI ACE AE. Mycelium vegetating in the interior of the) li ving host, and giving rise, on the exterior, j- Exobasidium. to basidia j HETEROBASIDIAE. AURICULARIALES. 1 Parasites, with, or without, probasidia PUCCINIINEAE 1 . COLEOSPORIINEAE 1 . USTILAGINEAE 1 . 2. Saprophytes, without probasidia (a) Hymenium fully exposed from the first AURICULARIINEAE. (6) Hymenium inclosed within a peridium ECCHYNINEAE. 1 Not dealt with in the present work. KEY TO ATJRICULARIALES 17 AURICULARIINEAE. Same characters as suborder AURICULABIACEAE. AURICUL ARI ACE AE . Receptacle effused, incrusting, membrana-\ ceous, soft, floccose. Hymenium smooth. Basidia more or less incurved, transversely ^ Helicobasidium. septate; sterigmata subulate, unilateral. Spores white Receptacle effused, or upright, thin, waxy, on gelatinous. Hymenium smooth. Basidia! , , cylindrical, straight, transversely septate.) Spores white J Receptacle dimidiate, cup-shaped, sessile, or substipitate, gelatinous coriaceous, then carti- laginous. Hymenium smooth, reticulate, or ribbed. Basidia cylindrical, transversely 3-septate. Spores white, cylindrical, or sub- reniform Receptacle erect, filiform, or subclavate. Hy- menium smooth. Basidia cylindrical, trans- versely 3-septate. Spores white Eocronartium. (Clavaria p.p. = Helicobasidium sec. Patouillard.) Receptacle erect, globose, stipitate. Hyme-\ nium consisting of branched threads ter- minated by a basidium. Basidia short, pear- > Stilbum. shaped, transversely 1 -septate. Spores white, elliptical. Growing on dead wood / ECCHYNINEAE. Same characters as suborder ECCHYNACEAE. ECCHYNACEAE. Peridium globose, stipitate, or substipitate, thin, fugacious. Threads of gleba bearing the basidia on their lower portion, either in tufts, or scattered. Basidia transversely 3-septate, bearing the spores either sessile, or on very I short sterigmata. Spores brown ' Ecchyna. 18 KEY TO TREMELLALES TREMELLACEAE. Tremella. Phaeotremella. Guepinia. TREMELLALES. Same characters as the order TREMELLACEAE. Receptacle foliaceous, brain-like, or tubercu- lar, gelatinous, soft, fertile over the whole surface, very rarely papillose, sometimes with an irregular nucleus formed by mineral con- cretions. Spores white, globose or elliptical. Growing on dead wood, rarely on the ground Like Tremella, but spores coloured Receptacle erect, ear-shaped, or spathulate \ substipitate, or sessile, gelatinous, firm. Hy-| menium inferior, smooth, or indistinctly veined. \ Spores white. Growing on the ground, or on rotten wood Receptacle cupulate, discoid, foliaceous, or effused, marginate, pendant, sterile on upper surface, gelatinous, soft, pellucid. Hymenium! .-,. inferior, smooth, reticulately veined, or foli- 1 aceous, often papillose. Spores white, allantoid. Growing on wood Receptacle dimidiate, substipitate, or sessile^ gelatinous. Hymenium with fertile spines or - Tremellodon. teeth. Spores white. Growing on wood Like Odontia, but with subgelatinous teeth, } and longitudinally septate basidia. Spores - white. Growing on dead wood Receptacle effused, incrusting, like Corticium,\ coriaceous, gelatinous, or waxy. Hymenium I smooth. Spores white. Growing on the ground, [ or on wood Like Sebacina, but hymenium possessing true) cystidia / Like Sebacina, but hymenium possessing) gloeocystidia filled with a coloured juice / Receptacle cup-shaped, or resupinate with the margin free, or reflexed, membranaceous, waxy, or coriaceous, soft. Hymenium smooth, rugu- lose, or tubercular. Spores white. Growing on dead branches Protodontia. Sebacina. (Thelephora and Corticium p.p.) Sebacina, subg. Heterochaetella. Sebacina, subg. Bourdotia. Eichleriella. KEY TO TULASNELLALES, CALOCERALES 19 TULASNELLACEAE. Tulasnella. CALOCERACEAE. TULASNELLALES. Same characters as the order TULASNELLACEAE. Receptacle effused, fleshy membranaceous, or gelatinous, then cartilaginous. Hymenium smooth, exposed from the first. Spores white, producing sporidiola on germination; sterig- mata very thick and stout. Growing on dead wood, and fallen pine needles CALOCEBALES. Same characters as the order CALOCERACEAE. Receptacle more or less tubercular, or cup->> shaped, entirely gelatinous. Hymenium I ^ smooth, or plicate. Spores white, simple,) a M ?/ 068 - septate, or muriform. Growing on dead wood] Receptacle cup-shaped, or lobed, stipitate, or\ substipitate, gelatinous, or cartilaginous ; stem | firm, indurated. Hymenium smooth. Spores Y Ditiola. white, elliptic-oblong, becoming 1-3-septate. Growing on dead wood / Receptacle erumpent, convex, then plane, \ sessile, gelatinous, or floccose. Hymenium smooth, becoming plicate. Spores yellowish, Y Femsjonia. oblong, becoming 8-10- , or more, septate. Growing on dead, rarely living, wood / Receptacle upright, cylindrical, apex globose,^ or elongate, stipitate, gelatinous, firm. Hy- menium smooth, or rugosely plicate, con- [- Dacryomitra. fined to the upper portion of the receptacle. Spores white. Growing on dead wood Receptacle upright, cylindrical, simple, on branched, gelatinous-coriaceous, cartilaginous! ^ , when dry. Hymenium smooth, amphigenous. j Spores white. Growing on wood / 22 CLATHRUS 21 BASIDIOMYCETAE. Fungi reproduced by spores borne on basidia. HOMOBASIDIAE. Basidia simple; spores on germination giving rise to a myc'elium. *EU-HOMOBASIDIINEAE. Saprophytes. GASTEROMYCETALES. Hymenium inclosed at maturity within a peridium. PHALLINEAE. Peridium globose, consisting of three layers, the middle one gelatin- ous, at length ruptured, with the lower portion forming a volva at the base. Gleba at length mucilaginous, consisting of labyrinthiform cells, attached to the variously shaped receptacle, and finally borne upwards. CLATHRACEAE. Receptacle trellised, or dividing into arms, or branches at the apex, sessile, or stipitate. Gleba internal, or between the arms or branches. Clathrus (Micheli) Pers. (K\eWpov, lattice.) Peridium globose, becoming torn into irregular lobes at the apex. Receptacle forming an obovate, or globose, hollow lattice, covered on the inside with the mucilaginous gleba. Basidia bearing 4-8, sessile, or subsessile, smooth, colourless, cylindrical spores. Growing on the ground. 1. C. ruber (Mich.) Pers. (= Clathrus cancellatus (Tourn.) Fr.) Rolland, Champ, t. 108, no. 245, as Clathrus cancellatus. Ruber, red. Volva 5-10 cm., white, globose, becoming torn into irregular lobes at the apex, attached at the base by a cord-like mycelium. Receptacle vermilion, or pinkish red, obovate, or globose, sessile, forming a hollow, pentagonal net-work, perforated in lattice-, or trellis-fashion, flattened on the outer surface, torn, and irregular on the inner side, and covered with olive brown mucus. Spores white, cylindrical, 5-6 x 2/>i. Smell extremely foetid. Woods, plantations, gardens and stoves. Sept. Nov. Rare, (v.v.) 22 LYSTJRUS. ASEROE Lysurus Fr. (\vrt9, loosing; ovpd, tail.) Peridium globose, becoming torn at the apex into irregular lobes. Receptacle stipitate, dividing at the apex into free arms, or lobes, distinct from the stem, bearing the mucilaginous gleba. Basidia with 4-6, sessile, or subsessile, cylindrical, or oblong, coloured spores. Growing on the ground. 2. L. australiensis Cke. & Mass. (= Lysurus borealis (Burt) P. Henn. 1 ) Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. n, t. 3. Australiensis, belonging to Australia. Volva 4-5 cm., white, globose, becoming torn above into irregular lobes, attached to the soil around the base by numerous white, cord- like mycelial strands. Receptacle 6x2 cm., whitish, cylindrical, attenuated at the base, hollow, cellular, dividing at the apex into six arms. Arms deep reddish brown, mucilaginous on the inside, 15-20 mm. long, 4-5 mm. wide at the base, attenuated at the apex, with a longitudinal groove down the centre and transversely ribbed, not cellular, differing in texture from the receptacle, erect, slightly incurved at the apex. Spores reddish brown, oblong elliptical, 3 x 1-5 fj,. Pasture where refuse of sacks had been emptied out, and amongst stable refuse. Sept. Nov. Rare, (v.v.) Aseroe La Billard. (acrr/pos, disgusting.) Peridium globose, becoming torn at the apex into irregular lobes. Receptacle stipitate, crowned at the apex by a disc, from which the arms radiate; arms covered with the gleba. Growing on the ground. 3. A. rubra La Billard. Engl. & Prantl. Nat. Pflanz. Fam. i**, t. 137, figs. A C. Rubra, red. Receptacle stipitate, red, or pale rose, sheathed by the volva at the base, pervious at the apex, which is expanded into a bright red disc, furnished at the margin with from five to eight bifid rays. Spores "hyaline, oblong, 6-10 x l'5-2ju." Petch. On soil brought from Australia. Rare. PHALLACEAE. Receptacle hollow, cylindrical, or fusiform, with, or without, a campanulate pileus at the apex. Gleba external. 1 Recorded as a distinct British species by Wakefield in Kew Bulletin of Miscel. Inf. no. 7 (1918), 231. CYNOPHALLUS. PHALLUS 23 Cynophallus (Fr.) Cda. (Mutinus Fr.) (KVCOV, dog; a\\6s, penis.) Peridium oval, or oblong, becoming split at the apex into two or three lobes. Receptacle hollow, cylindrical, or fusiform. Pileus apical, adnate, covered on the outside with the mucilaginous gleba. Basidia with 4-6, sessile, oblong, or cylindrical, pale yellowish spores. Growing on the ground. 4. C. caninus (Huds.) Fr. Sow. Engl. Fung. t. 330, as Phallus in- odorus. Caninus, pertaining to a dog. Volva 1-2 cm., white, or yellowish, oval, or oblong, splitting into two or three lobes at the apex, springing from a white, cord-like mycelium at the base. Receptacle 6-9 x 1 cm., white, or rosy, sub- fusiform, apex perforate or imperforate, hollow, cellular. Pileus red, 2 cm. long, adnate to the apex of the receptacle, acutely digitaliform, covered at first with green mucus. Spores pale yellowish, oblong, 3-5 x 2/*. Smell slight. Amongst dead leaves, and on old stumps, especially in mixed woods. June Dec. Common, (v.v.) 5. C. bambusinus (Zoll.) Rea. Engl. & Prantl. Nat. Pflanz. Fam. i**, t. 142, figs. G I, as Mutinus bambusinus Zoll. Bambusinus, pertaining to bamboos. Receptacle 10-12 x 1 cm., bright red, or pinkish, the upper half sporiferous and tapering into an acute point, purplish red, covered at first with green mucus. Spores cylindrical, 4 x 1-5/n. Smell very foetid. Probably introduced with plants from Java. Rare. Phallus (Micheli) Pers. (eaipa, a ball ; ySdXo?, a throw.) With the same characters as the family. 87. S. stellatus (Tode) Pers. Berk. Outl. Brit. Fung. t. 21, fig. 2. Stellatus, set with stars. Pe. 2 mm, high and broad, whitish, or pale yellow, globose, then oval, seated on an arachnoid mycelium, splitting above in a stellate manner into 6-8, acute teeth, tomentose, then smooth. Gleba at first whitish and transparent, then brown, broadly elliptical. Spores white, broadly elliptical, 10-11 x 5-6 ft. Crowded. On wood, twigs, sawdust, and leaves. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 88. S. dentatus (With.) W. G. Sm. (= Sphaerobolus stellatus (Tode) Pers. sec. Lloyd.) Dentatus, toothed. Pe. 1-5 mm., pale livid buff, to vinous brownish, pale brown, or brown, springing from scanty brownish mycelium, finely pilose with erect hairs, opening above in a 4 7-stellate manner, the rays clad with long, white hairs, which at first converge over the opening, white, ivory, white-greysih, or faint olive ivory inside, ejecting a reddish brown gleba. Scattered. Dead elder. Aug. Rare. SCHTJLZERIA 55 89. S. terrestris (A. & S. non Tode) W. G-. Sm. Brit. Basidiomyc. fig. 139. Terrestris, pertaining to the earth. Pe. -5-2 mm., saffron yellow, or sienna, at first hemispherical, urceolato-ventricose, seated on a dense tomentose subiculum of buff white, here and there brownish, mycelium. Gleba concolorous, solitary, spherical. Spores white, elliptic-oblong, 10-12 x 5-6/A. Crowded, in troops. Eotten wood, and running over leaves. March Nov. Rare. (v.v.) Thekbolus Tode = A genus of the Ascobolaceae. AGARICALES. Hymenium strictly defined from the first, covering the exterior of gills, or lining the interior of fleshy tubes, or pores, or spreading over a smooth surface; at first protected by the universal, or partial veil (the volva, or ring), then finally, at maturity, fully exposed. AGARICINEAE. Hymenium inseparable from the pileus and spread over the surface of gills radiating from a stem, or central point. Receptacle fleshy, membranaceous, or coriaceous, fragile, firm, or tough, putrescent, or not putrescent, reviving with moisture or not, and sometimes con- taining lacticiferous vessels; consisting of a pileus with, or without, a central or lateral stem, and sometimes with a volva or a ring, and broad gills acute at the margin. Growing on the ground, or on wood. AGARIC ACE AE. Same characters as the suborder. I. Receptacle fleshy, trama not vesiculose, nor traversed by lacti- ciferous vessels, not membranaceous, not rapidly putrescent, nor tough and woody. A. Pileus distinct, and easily separable from the fleshy stem. * Without a ring, or a volva. Spores white. Schulzeria Bres. (Stephan Schulzer.) Pileus fleshy, regular; margin at first incurved. Stem central. Gills free from the stem. Spores white, oval, or clavate, wall con- tinuous. Growing on the ground. 90. S. lycoperdoides Cke. & Massee. Lycoperdon eISo9, resembling a Lycoperdon. P. 3-4 cm., tan coloured, beset with darker pyramidal warts re- sembling those of some species of Lycoperdon, and often splitting at the 56 SCHULZEBIA. PLUTEUS base, convex, then expanded; margin appendiculate. St. 5 x 1 cm., whitish, equal, minutely fibrillose. Gills white, free, rather crowded. Flesh white, brownish under the cuticle. Spores white, oval, 5 x 4ju. Under cedars. Sept. Oct. Rare. 91. S. Grangei Eyre. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. n, t. 5. Grange Park, Hants. P. 2-5-4 cm., dark green, cracking into fibrous scales on a white ground, fleshy, convex, flatly umbonate. St. 5-6 cm. x 5-7 mm., brownish, squamose, squamules tipped with the same colour as the p., equal, base attenuated. Gills yellowish, free, broader in front, minutely denticulate. Flesh white, reddish in the stem. Spores white, club-shaped, 11-13 x 3-5 JJL, multi-guttulate. Caespitose. On soil among beech leaves. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) S. Eyrei Massee = Glaucospora Eyrei (Massee) Rea. Spores pink. Pluteus Fr. (Pluteus, a movable pent-house.) Pileus fleshy, regular. Stem central. Gills free from the stem, rounded behind. Spores pink, rarely pale yellowish, globose, sub- globose, or elliptical, wall continuous. Cystidia on edge of gills pear- shaped, or inflated clavate ; on the sides of the gill fusiform, or bottle- shaped, and hooked at the apex. Growing on wood, more rarely on the ground. *Cuticle of the pileus separating into fibrils or flocci. 92. P. cervinus (Schaeff.) Fr. Cervinus, pertaining to deer. P. 4-10 cm., fuliginous, becoming paler, and broken up into fibrils, or squamules, and often streaked, fleshy, somewhat fragile, campanu- late, then expanded, viscid. St. 7-10 cm. x 5-15 mm., white, covered with black fibrils, firm, equal, often bulbous at the base. Gills white, then flesh colour, free, rounded behind, crowded, ventricose, somewhat crenulated. Flesh white, soft. Spores pink, elliptical, 8-10 x 4-5/u,. Cystidia on gill edge pear-shaped, 25 x 22/x,, on gill surface fusiform, hooked at the apex, 55-75 x 15-18/4. On fallen trunks, stumps, sawdust heaps. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) var. Bullii Berk. Cke. Illus. no. 304, t. 357. Dr H. G. Bull of Hereford, the originator of the Woolhope Club fungus forays. P. 10-16 cm., pallid, disc darker, convex, then expanded and gibbous. St. 8-16 x 2-3 cm., pale brown, darkest at the swollen base, PLUTEUS 57 fibrillose. Gills white, then pink, free, rounded behind, very broad, crowded. Flesh white, thick. Spores elliptical, 7-8 x 5fi. Stumps and rotten wood. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. rigens Pers. Rigens, stiff. Differs from the type in the cinereous pileus, with black fibrils, or squamules, and the glabrous, somewhat shining stem. 93. P. eximius Saund. & Sm. Cke. Illus. no. 303, t. 302. Eximius, distinguished. P. 6-20 cm., rufescent umber, when young darker, and tinged with carmine round the margin, campanulate, then convex and expanded, viscid pellicle separable. St. 10-14 x 4 cm., pallid, at length becoming blackish, nearly equal, sulcate upwards, fibrillose. Gills white, then pale rose, becoming rufous when bruised, very broad, crowded, free, but very close to the stem. Flesh yellowish, cartilaginous. Spores pink, spherical, but somewhat irregular, 7 x 5 /A. On sawdust. Nov. Rare. 94. P. patricius Schulz. (= Pluteus cervinus (Schaeff.) Fr. sec. Quel.) Boud. Icon. t. 87. Patricius, noble. P. 6-15 cm., white, or greyish, disc covered with brown, hairy, pointed squamules, convex, then expanded, more or less silky; margin lobed, and often split. St. 5-15 x 1-3 cm., white, covered with small whitish squamules that become brownish at the base, equal. Gills white, then flesh colour, free, very broad. Flesh white, firm. Spores pink, elliptical, 5-8 x 3-5/A. On dead logs, stumps. June Sept. Un- common, (v.v.) 95. P. petasatus (Fr.) Karst. Cke. Illus. no. 305, t. 303. Trerao-o?, a travelling hat with a broad brim. P. 8-15 cm., whitish cinereous, at length somewhat date brown, disc fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, umbonate, viscid pellicle separable, at length striate to the middle, margin membranaceous. St. 10-20 x 1-1-5 cm., pallid, at length becoming tawny, rigid, fibril - losely-striate, attenuated upwards from the silky base. Gills white, then reddish, at length tawny at the edge, very broad, very crowded, drying up. Flesh white, soft. Spores pink, " broadly oval, 7-5-9 x 4-5- 5/A. Cystidia fusoid-bottle-shaped, 11-14/t broad, with a few hooks " Lange. On heaps of straw and dung, sawdust. Uncommon, (v.v.) 96. P. sororiata Karst. Soror, a sister. P. 3-6 cm., yellow, somewhat fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, floccosely-squamulose; margin somewhat striate, often repand. St. 6x1 cm., pallid, becoming yellowish, squamulose at the enlarged base. Gills flesh colour, margin at first yellow, rounded behind, free, crowded, 58 PLUTEUS oblong. Spores hyaline, or becoming very pale yellowish, broadly elliptical, 7-8 x 6/4. On burnt and rotten wood, and rotting branches. b. Oct. Uncommon. 97. P. umbrosus (Pers.) Fr. (= Entoloma nigrocinnamomeum Schulz. sec. Quel.) Boud. Icon. t. 88. Umbrosus, shady. P. 6-10 cm., umber, campanulate, then expanded, subumbonate, more or less rugulose, covered with adpressed fibrils, then squamulose; margin more or less lobed, ciliato-fimbriate. St. 5-10 x -5-3 cm., pale, covered with villose, brown squamules, base white, floccose. Gills white, then rosy,fuliginous-fimbriate at the margin, free, broad. Flesh white. Spores pink, elliptical, 6-7 x 4-5 //.. "Cystidia on edge fusoid bladder- shaped, 15-25 /A broad, content yellowish-brown" Lange. Smell of radish, taste slightly bitter. On stumps and fallen logs. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 98. P. ephebeus Fr. (=Pluteus villosus (Bull.) Quel.) , arrived at man's estate. P. 5-7 cm., violaceous bistre, fleshy, convex, then plane, at first villose, finally floccose. St. 3-4 cm. x 5-8 mm., white, base swollen, violaceous bistre, rigid, striate. Gills white, then rosy, free, very ventri- cose, margin unequal. Flesh white, brownish under the cuticle. Spores pink, globose, Qlfji, with a large central gutta. On rotten wood, and trunks. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) 99. P. argenteo-griseus Rea. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. v, t. 4. Argenteus, silvery; griseus, grey. P. 3-5-4-5 cm. wide, 2-5 cm. high, snow white, then becoming smoky grey, campanulate, obtusely umbonate, fioccosely-silky, atomate ; mar- gin splitting, exceeding the gills. St. 6-7 cm. x 5-6 mm., concolorous, curved, striate, base bulbous. Gills white, then pink, 11-12 mm. broad, free, ventricose, crowded. Flesh white. Spores pink, globose, or elliptical, 6 x 6/n, or 7-8 x 6/z, 1-many-guttulate. Cystidia none. Dead wood. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) 100. P. violarius Massee. Cke. Illus. no. 311, t. 518, fig. B. Violariiis, a dyer of violet colour. P. 1-5-2-5 cm., dark purple, darkest at the disc, hemispherical, then nearly plane, minutely velvety; margin undulate. St. 2-3 cm. x 2- 3mm., pale umber, sprinkled with delicate, black fibrils below, ivhitish above, attenuated upwards, silky. Gills whitish, then bright flesh colour, free, crowded, margin serrulate. Flesh grey, thickish. Spores pink, subglobose and apiculate, 5-6/i. On stumps, and rotten wood. Rare. PLUTETJS 59 101. P. salicinus (Pers.) Fr. Cke. lUus. no. 1157, t. 1169, fig. A. Salicinus, pertaining to a willow. P. 23 cm., bluish-grey, then cinereous, disc darker, slightly fleshy, convex, then plane, subnmbonate,flocculoso-rugulose. St. 3-5 cm. x 2- 6 mm., white-azure-blue, or sometimes becoming green, equal, often thicker at the base, fibrillose, fragile. Gills white, then rose-colour, free, ventricose. Flesh white, tinged with green. Spores pink, elliptical, 8-9 x 6-7 fj,, with a large central gutta. "Cystidia on edge inflated clavate, 16 18/A broad, on sides fusoid bottle-shaped, with hooks " Lange. On willow, and alder trunks and branches. Feb. Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. beryllus (Pers.) Fr. ftrjpv\\o<;, a jewel of sea-green colour. Differs from the type in the pileus being streaked with green, the ash-coloured rugose disc, and the whitish stem with greenish fibrils. On alder. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. floccosus Karst. Floccus, a flock of wool. Differs from the type in the floccosely squamulose pileus. Rare. 102. P. hispidulus Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 90, fig. 2. Hispidulus, somewhat hairy. P. 1-2 cm., grey, thin, convex, then plane, obtuse, silky, or slightly pilose; margin at length slightly striate. St. 3-4 cm. x 2-4 mm., silvery white, equal, fragile, curved-ascending. Gills white, then rose colour, free, broadest in front. Flesh white, grey under the pellicle of the pileus. Spores pink, globose, 6-7 p. "Cystidia inflated-club- shaped, 13-16/u, broad " Lange. On beech stumps, and rotten wood. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 103. P. peffltus (Pers.) Fr. Quel. Jur. et Vosg. t. 5, fig. 4. Pellitus, covered with skins. Entirely white. P. 2-5 cm., fleshy, convex, then plane, sub- umbonate, silky. St. 4-5 cm. x 4-6 mm., equal, slightly thickened at the base, shining, fragile. Gills white, then flesh colour, free, rounded behind, crowded, ventricose, margin slightly toothed. Flesh white, soft, thin. Spores pink, "broadly ovate, 6-7 x 4-5 //,. Cystidia on sides, subfusoid with hooks, on edge, inflated obtuse" Lange. On and near trunks. July Sept. Uncommon. var. punctillifer Quel. Punctillum, a little dot;fero, I bear.-* Differs from the type in the disc of the pileus being tinged fuscous and covered with minute umber scales, and in the base of the stem being covered with minute umber scales. Spores pink, globose, 6ft, 1-3-guttu- late. On the ground. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 60 PLUTEUS **P. pruinate, somewhat pulverulent. 104. P. nanus (Pers.) Fr. Cke. IUus. no. 309, t. 305, fig. A. vdvvo?, a dwarf. P. 1-5 cm., umber, sprinkled with fuscous, pulverulent sootiness, disc often darker, covered with veined, radiating, umber wrinkles, thin, convex, then flattened. St. 3-4 cm. x 2-4 mm., whitish, rigid, equal, or attenuated downwards, slightly striate. Gills white, then flesh colour, free, ventricose. Flesh white. Spores pink, broadly elliptical, 5- 6 x 4-5 /A, 1-guttulate. "Cystidia cylindric bladder-shaped" Lange. On fallen sticks, especially birch and beech, and on sawdust. May Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. lutescens Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 309, t. 305, fig. B. Lutescens, becoming yellow. Differs from the type in the stem and often the gills and flesh being yellow. Spores pink, globose, 5-6/x. On stumps. May Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. major Mass. Cke. Illus. no. 309, t. 305, fig. C. Major, larger. Differs from the type in being larger, with an even greyish pileus. Fallen sticks. Eare. 105. P. melanodon (Seer.) Fr. /te'Xa?, black; 6Sov<$, a tooth. P. 2-5 cm., dull yellow, thin, convex, then plane, conically umbo- nate, pulverulent; margin slightly striate. St. 6-7 cm. x 1-2 mm., yellowish brown, apex white, swollen base blackish, firm, polished. Gills whitish, tinged with rose colour, free, ventricose, margin black, denticu- late. Flesh white. Rotten wood in beech woods. Sept. Rare. 106. P. spilopus B. & Br. (= Pluteus spodopileus Sacc.) Cke. Illus. no. 310, t. 325. \ety, a vein; epa), I bear. P. 3-5 cm., umber, slightly fleshy, convex, then expanded, wrinkled with veins. St. 3-6 cm. x 56 mm., white, shining, some- what incurved; base swollen, floccose. Gills white, then flesh colour, free. Flesh white, fragile. Spores pink, subglobose, 5-9 x 5-8/>t, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "bladder-shaped on edge of gill, 30-40 x 15- 18ju, " Rick. On rotten wood, dead twigs, and sawdust. June Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 62 PLUTEUS. GLAUCOSPORA var. albo-farinosus Rea. Albus, white ; farinosus, mealy. Differs from the type in the white mealy apex of the stem. On rotten wood in woods. Oct. Rare, (v.v.) var. reticulatus Cke. = Pleurotus palmatus (Bull.) Quel. var. marginatus Quel. Quel. As. Fr. (1884), t. 8, fig. 4. Marginatus, bordered. Differs from the type in the chestnut brown peridium, and the bistre black, crenidate edge of the gills. 112. P. umbrinellus (Sommerf.) Fr. Umbrinellus, brownish. P. 15 mm., bistre, convex, tough; margin paler, fimbriate. St. 5-7 cm. x 3-4 mm., white, shining, tough, rooting. Gills white, then flesh colour, free. Spores "subglobose or elliptical 8-9 x 6-7 /u, or 7-8 x 6/x; cystidia 60-90 x 18-30/z, " Sacc. In coppices, and gardens. June Oct. Uncommon. Spores green. Glaucospora Rea 1 . (y\av/c6<;, green; cnropd, seed.) Pileus fleshy, regular; margin at first incurved. Gills free from the stem. Spores bluish green, elliptical, wall continuous. Growing on the ground. 113. G. Eyrei (Massee) Rea. (= Schulzeria Eyrei Massee.) Grevillea, xxn (1894), t. 185, fig. 1, as Schulzeria Eyrei Massee. Rev. W. L. W. Eyre, the ardent mycologist of Swarraton. P. 2-4 cm., pallid, disc ochraceous, minutely granular, campanu- late, then expanded and plane, broadly umbonate; margin incurved, and appendiculate with the membranaceous veil when young, often split, and revolute when old. St. 5 cm. x 2-3 mm., pallid, becoming ochraceous, flexuose, subequal, apex minutely mealy. Gills pale green, then deep bluish green, free, narrowed, thin. Flesh white, yellowish in the stem. Spores bluish green, elliptical, 4-5 x 2-5-3ju,. Under spruce firs, and in pastures. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) Spores ochraceous. Pluteolus Fr. (Pluteolus, a little pent-house.) Pileus fleshy, very thin, viscid ; margin at first straight, adpressed to the stem. Stem central, subcartilaginous. Gills free, rounded behind. Spores ochraceous, ferruginous, or ochraceous brown, ellip- tical, smooth. Cystidia obpyriform, or ventricose. Growing on wood. 1 The name Cfdoroapora proposed by Massee for this genus cannot stand, as Spegazzini had previously used it for a genus of the Peronosporaceae. PLUTEOLUS. PILOSACE 63 114. P. reticulatus (Pers.) Fr. (= Pluteolus aleuriatus Fr. sec. Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 516, t. 495. Reticulatus, netted. P. 4-5 cm., delicate bistre, becoming violaceous, fuscous, or livid grey, fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, umbonate when mature, subrepand, viscid at first, and covered with a network of anastomosing veins, becoming more even, or slightly pitted; margin slightly striate. St. 4-5 cm. x 4-6 mm., white, equal, fragile, fibrillose, the cuticle be- coming polished, even, subcartilaginous, apex mealy. Grills dingy cinnamon, distinctly free, ventricose, crowded, arid. Flesh white, thin. Spores ochraceous ferruginous, broadly elliptical, often slightly de- pressed on one side, 9-10 x 5-6^,, 2-4-guttulate. Cystidia obpyri- form, or ventricose and apiculate, 15 x 8/u,. Dead wood. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 115. P. aleuriatus Fr. (= Pluteolus reticulatus (Pers.) Fr. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 126, fig. 5. a\evpov, wheaten flour. P. 1-2-5 cm., bluish grey, livid, or rose colour, submembranaceous, conical, then convexo-plane, viscid, striate to the disc. St. 2-5- 4 cm. x 2-3 mm., white, slightly attenuated upwards, straight, or incurved, pulverulent. Gills saffron ochraceous, then cinnamon, free, ventricose, 2 mm. broad, thin. Flesh white, very thin. Spores ferru- ginous, oblong elliptical, 6-10 x 4/n, 1-guttulate. Rotten sticks, and stumps. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 116. P. Mulgravensis Massee & Crossl. Mulgravensis, belonging to the Mulgrave woods, near Whitby. P. 5-6 cm., grey, somewhat fleshy, convex, then expanded, um- bonate, flocculose, becoming broken up into squamules, striate. St. 4 cm. x 3-4 mm., whitish, subequal, base subclavate, smooth. Gills white, then cinnamon, free, crowded, broad. Spores ochraceous brown, elliptical, 9-10 x 4-5/A. On wood. Sept. Rare. Spores purple, or fuscous. Pilosace Fr. (7rtX,09, a cap; era/eo?, a shield.) Pileus fleshy, regular. Stem central, stout. Gills free from the stem. Spores bay purple, globose, smooth, with a germ-pore. Grow- ing on the ground. 117. P. Algeriensis Fr. in Quel. (\ = Stropharia epimyces (Peck) Atk. sec. Harper.) Algeriensis, Algerian. P. 10cm., snow white, then reddish, or bistre, fleshy, convex, then plane, smooth, shining like a kid glove. St. 4-5 x 4-5 cm., white, incrassated at the base, silky. Gills rosy flesh colour, then bistre 64 LEPIOTA violaceous, free, horizontal, narrow. Flesh white, compact, soft. Spores "bay purple, globose, 8/u," Quel. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. On the ground amongst ferns. Aug. Rare. **With a ring on the stem. Spores white. Lepiota (Pers.) Fr. (XeTTt?, a scale; out. Taste and smell pleasant. Edible. Heaths, pastures, and clearings in woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 126. L. nympharum Kalchbr. Kalchbr. Icon. t. 2, fig. 1. Nympha, a bride. P. 3-10 cm., white, covered with white, concentric, squarrulose, torn scales, that become somewhat ochraceous at their margin with age, disc ochraceous, campanulate, then conico-convex. St. 7-510 x -5- 1 cm., white, attenuated upwards, base bulbous, apex mealy. Ring LEPIOTA 67 white, distant. Gills white, remote from the stem, and separated by a cartilaginous collar, attenuated behind. Flesh white, becoming pink- ish under the cuticle of the pileus and at the base of the st. Spores white, subglobose, or elliptical, 7 x 6/i, or 7-10 x 6/x, with a large central gutta. Taste pleasant. Edible. Heaths and hedgerows. Oct. Dec. Uncommon, (v.v.) (b) Ring fixed, homogeneous with the universal veil which clothes the st.; apex of st. without a cartilaginous collar; p. torn into scales, or flocci. 127. L. acutesquamosa (Weinm.) Fr. (= Lepiota aspera (Pers.) Quel.) Holland, Champ. 1. 13, no. 20. Acutus, sharp; squamosa, scaled. P. 3-12 cm., pale ferruginous, covered with small, rigid, apiculate, fuscous, deciduous warts, which leave areolate scars, fleshy, hemispheri- cal, then expanded, convex, very obtuse, tomentose. St. 7-5-10 x 1- 2-5 cm., white, becoming ferruginous downwards with the fibrils and spirally arranged scales (the remains of the universal veil) attenuated upwards, base subbulbous. Ring white, becoming yellow, margin sprinkled with rust coloured warts on the underside, large, soft, pendu- lous from the apex of the stem. Gills white, free, very crowded, lanceolate, often branched. Flesh white, thick. Spores white, ellip- tical, or globose, 3-6 x 3-4/n. Cystidia " obovate-subrotund " Lange. Taste slightly bitter, smell strong. Woods, pastures, and bare soil. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 128. L. Friesii (Lasch) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1105, t. 941. Elias Fries, the prince of mycologists. P. 9-10 cm., ferruginous fuscous, covered with adpressed, tomentose, reddish brown scales, very fleshy, campanulate, then convex, soft. St. 8-11 x 1-5-2 cm., concolorous, cylindrical, or subbulbous, scaly at the base. Ring white, superior, pendulous. Gills white, linear, free, often veined, branched. Flesh white, becoming yellowish, thick at the disc. Spores white, elliptical, 7 x 3-4 p, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "on edge of gill vesiculose, 15-18 x 10-13/x," Rick. Smell strong, taste unpleasant. On bare soil in gardens, and in oak and beech woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 129. L. hispida (Lasch) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 14. Hispida, rough. P. 3-7 cm., fuscous umber, fleshy, soft, hemispherical, then ex- panded, umbonate, tomentose, then breaking up into thin, pointed, fugacious papillae, or scales. St. 7-5 x -5-1 cm.., fuscous umber, attenu- ated upwards, densely fioccosely scaly below the ring. Ring whitish, superior, membranaceous, reflexed, floccose. Gills white, remote from the stem, with a prominent collar encircling the stem, crowded, 52 68 LEPIOTA ventricose. Flesh white, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 6-7 x 4/x. Cystidia none. Smell of radish. Shady beech woods, and coniferous woods. Aug. Oct. Eare. (v.v.) 130. L. Badhami B. & Br. Boud. Icon. t. 11. Dr. C. D. Badham. Whole plant becoming saffron-red when touched or wounded, then finally blackish. P. 5-12 cm., greyish, campanulate, obtuse, at length expanded, often depressed and umbonate, hispid, with minute, vel- vety, fuliginous scales, but sometimes entirely fuliginous without any distinct scales. St. 5-18 cm. x 6-12 mm., white, silky, or floccoso- scaly, attenuated above, base bulbous. King white, firm, erect, and deflexed, more or less movable, often clothed with dingy granules on the outside. Gills white, remote from the stem. Flesh white, instantly becoming red when cut, and finally blackish. Spores white, elliptical, or pip-shaped, 6-7 x 3-4/x, 1-2-guttulate. Smell rather disagreeable. Under oaks, Spanish chestnuts, yews, and in hedgerows. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 131. L. meleagris (Sow.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 26, t. 26. Meleagris, a guinea-fowl. P. 2-5 cm., fawn colour, covered with minute blackish scales, fleshy, thin, ovate, or hemispherical, very obtuse, minutely tomentose and warty, then expanded, somewhat campanulate. St. 4-7-5 cm. x 5- 8 mm., concolorous, here and there tinged with yellow, minutely squamu- lose below the ring, fusiform, or attenuated upwards from the bulbous base. Ring white, often covered with minute blackish scales on the out- side, torn, very fugacious. Gills white, then rose colour, rarely lemon colour, becoming reddish by rubbing, remote from the stem and separated by a collar, rounded behind, sometimes connected, ventricose. Flesh turning red, as does the whole plant when dried. Spores "elliptical, 6-7 x 4/u," Massee. Taste not disagree- able. Plantations, hedgerows, hot beds, and spent tan. May Oct. Rare. 132. L. emplastnun Cke. & Massee. Cke. Illus. no. 1106, t. 1164. fj,7r\aa-rpov, a plaster. P. 5-7-5 cm., pallid, covered with a smooth, membranaceous, dark brown cuticle, which becomes broken up into large, persistent patches, convex, then expanded, silky below the cuticle. St. 7-5 x 1-1-5 cm., pallid, equal, base slightly thickened, more or less striate. Ring whitish, externally brown at the margin, rather distant, erect. Gills whitish, remote from the stem, crowded, narrowed behind. Flesh white, becoming pink, or reddish when cut. Spores white, elliptical, obliquely apiculate, 18-20 x 10-12^. Under trees. Oct. Rare. LEPIOTA 69 133. L. biornata B. & Br. Cke. Illus. no. 27, t. 37. Bis ornata, doubly adorned. P. 2-5-5 cm., white, or yellowish, sprinkled with scattered, minute, dark red scales, fleshy, convex, broadly campanulate. St. 10 cm. x 8 mm., whitish spotted with red, attenuated at the base, rooting. Eing white, spotted at the edge like the pileus, descending. Gills white, approximate, ventricose, 4 mm. broad. Flesh white, or yellow, reddish in the stem. Spores white, elliptical, 10 x 8/i. The whole plant becomes blackish when dry. Melon, and cucumber frames. July. Eare. 134. L. clypeolaria (Bull.) Fr. (= Lepiota metulaespora B. & Br. of many British authors.) Cke. Illus. no. 28, t. 27, as Lepiota hispida Lasch. Clypeus, a shield. P. 3-7-5 cm., very variable in colour, at first covered with a yellow, or 'brownish, dense felt, which breaks up into floccose, torn patches, fleshy, campanulate, then convex, and flattened, disc gibbous; margin ap- pendiculate with the remains of the ring. St. 6-8 cm. x 4-10 mm., concolorous, equal, or slightly thickened at the base, fragile, clothed with the same felt-like covering below the ring. Eing concolorous, floccose, fugacious. Gills white or becoming yellow, free, 6 mm. broad, soft, some- what crowded. Flesh white, floccose. Spores white, fusiform, 14- 15 x 6jLt, 1-many-guttulate. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Woods. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 135. L. clypeolarioides Eea (= Lepiota clypeolaria Auct. plur. non Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 29, t. 38, as Lepiota clypeolaria Bull. Clypeolaria etSo?, resembling L. clypeolaria. P. 35 cm., tan colour, covered with small, adpressed reddish brown scales and fibrils, fleshy, convex, obtusely umbonate, then plane and depressed. St. 7-5-10 cm. x 4-8 mm., concolorous, scaly below the ring, slightly attenuated upwards. Eing concolorous, narrow, distant. Gills white, becoming yellowish, free, crowded. Flesh white. Spores white, elliptical, 6-8 x 3-4/u,, or 8 x 5/x, 1-guttulate. Woods, and hedgerows. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 136. L. pratensis (Fr.) Eea. Pratensis, growing in meadows. P. 2-5 cm., yellowish tawny, disc darker, margin paler, convex, then expanded, obtusely umbonate, almost smooth. St. 6-7 cm. x 6-10 mm., yellowish, densely clothed with erect, white flocci up to the ring. Eing white, floccose, somewhat fugacious. Gills white, free, attenuated at both ends, crowded. Flesh white, brownish under the epidermis and at the base of the stem. Spores white, fusiform, 12-14 x 4-5/z, 1-2- guttulate. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Heaths, hillsides, and pastures. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 70 LEPIOTA 137. L. alba (Bres.) Sacc. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 16, fig. 1, as Lepiota clypeolaria Bull. var. alba Bres. Alba, white. P. 3-7 cm., whitish, becoming yellowish with age, fleshy, convex, then expanded, broadly umbonate, disc glabrous ; margin fibrillosely floc- culose, then squamulose. St. 4-6 cm. x 8-10 mm., white, somewhat fuscous at the base, equal, or attenuated downwards, white floccose and spotted below the ring, often forming a spurious second ring, finally becoming glabrous. Ring white, floccose and yellow on the outside, striate inside, distant, fugacious. Gills white, then ochraceous, free, crowded, 5-7 mm. broad. Flesh white, somewhat yellowish in the stem. Spores white, obovate-oblong, rounded at the one end, apiculate at the other, 11-14 x 6-7 p, 1-guttulate. Edible. Heaths, and hillsides. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 138. L. gracilis (Quel.) Rea. GracUis, slender. P. 2-3 cm., whitish, disc brown, becoming broken up into brownish or rufous squamules, convex, then plane, floccose; margin white, be- coming torn. St. 3-4 cm. x 3-5 mm., whitish, becoming discoloured, equal, smooth. Ring white, with a few scattered brownish squamules, median, silky, floccose, fugacious. Gills white, free, crowded. Flesh white, thin, floccose. Spores white, pip-shaped, or elliptical with an oblique basal apiculus, 9-11 x 5-6//,. Cystidia none. Under beeches. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 139. L. fulvella Rea. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. vi, t. 2, fig. 2. Fulvella, somewhat tawny. P. 3-5 cm., somewhat tawny, fleshy, convexo-campanulate, then expanded and subumbonate, covered with closely adpressed, darker squamules; margin thin. St. 3-6 cm. x 3-6 mm., concolorous, equal, or attenuated downwards, hollow, smooth. Ring whitish, inferior, fugacious. Gills pallid, then ochraceous, 4-6 mm. broad, free, rounded behind, crowded. Flesh whitish, watery. Spores white, oblong, angu- lar, truncate at the base, acute, or acutely angular at the apex, 9- 10 x 3-5-4 JJL, 1-2-guttulate; basidia clavate, 4-sterigmata. Cystidia subglobose, or pyriform, 14-18 x 8-12/z. Smell and taste none. Bare soil in woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) L. metulaespora B. & Br. The records of this as British are erroneous ; they should be referred to Lepiota clypeolaria (Bull.) Fr. as defined above. 140. L. helveola Bres. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. iv, t. 8. Helveola, pale yellowish. P. 1-5-3 cm., madder brown, somewhat fleshy, convex, then ex- panded, subumbonate, scaly. St. 2-4 cm. x 3-7 mm., concolorous, equal, fibrilloso-tomentose. Ring whitish, distant, fugacious. Gills LEPIOTA 71 creamy white, free, crowded, 4-5 mm. wide, ventricose, edge fimbriate. Flesh white, becoming reddish when dry. Spores white, elliptical, or subreniform, 6-10 x 4 6/i, granular. Poisonous. Amongst short grass. Sept. Oct. Rare, (v.v.) 141. L. felina (Pers.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1108, t. 943, fig. A. Felina, cat-like. P. 2-3 cm., whitish, covered with concentric, small, blackish bistre scales, disc blackish, convex, subumbonate. St. 3-5 cm. x 4-5 mm., white, often sprinkled with blackish bistre scales near the base, equal, or subbulbous. Ring white, often sprinkled with blackish bistre scales, superior, membranaceous, fugacious. Gills white, or yellowish, free, ventricose. Flesh white, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 8-9 x 4/x, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "on edge of gill clavate-vesiculose, 33-36 x 8- 10/o\i<;, a scale. P. 1-1-5 cm., white, covered with minute, concentric, dark grey, or blackish scales, conical, then plane; margin slightly striate. St. 2-2-5 cm. x 2 mm., white, curved, base minutely bulbous. Ring white, blackish on the under surface, distant, spreading. Gills white, free, 2 mm. broad, crowded, ventricose. Flesh white, very thin. Spores white, elliptical, 56 x 3 4/A, with a large central gutta. On coconut fibre in stoves, and on soil in pots. Aug. Rare, (v.v.) 143. L. nigromarginata Massee. Niger, black; marginata, margined. P. 3-5 cm., pale sienna-ochre, covered with small, concentric, umber scales, campanulate, soon expanded, subumbonate. St. 5-6 cm. x 3 mm., buff, peronate below the ring, attenuated upwards. Ring white, membranaceous, distant, persistent. Gills whitish, edge bordered with dark umber, free, broader in front, narrow. Flesh whitish, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 6-7 x 4/z, 1-guttulate. Amongst grass. Rare. 144. L. cristata (A. & S.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 31, t. 29. Cristata, crested. P. 27 cm., whitish, disc brown, covered with reddish brown scales, slightly fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, often umbonate, silky. St. 46 cm. x 3-8 mm., white, yellowish, or rufescent, equal, silky, fragile. Ring white, often tinged reddish, distant, membranaceous, narrow, fugacious. Gills white, free, very crowded, plane. Flesh white, often tinged reddish, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 6-8 x 3-4 p. Cystidia "on edge of gill bottle-shaped, 30-36 x 8-12/*" Rick. Smell strong, often of radish, taste unpleasant. Woods, pastures, and lawns. July Nov. Common, (v.v.) 72 LEPIOTA 145. L. castanea Quel. Quel. As. Fr. (1880), t. 8, fig. 1. Kaaravov, the chestnut tree. P. 1-3 cm., reddish brown, campanulate, often umbonate, tomentose, then shaggy. St. 34 cm. x 3-4 mm., white, becoming concolorous with the tawny fibrils, firm, base bulbous. Ring white, narrow, thin, mem- branaceous, silky, tawny on the outside, fugacious. Gills cream colour, often tinged reddish when old, free, ventricose. Flesh cream colour, be- coming reddish in the stem and occasionally in the pileus. Spores white, oblong elliptical, or projectile-shaped, often with a spine-like appendage on the one side, 10-11 x 3-5-4-5/A, 1-2-guttulate. Cystidia "hair- shaped, rather broad and obtuse " Lange. Smell pleasant. Poisonous. Woods, and roadsides. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) 146. L. scobinella Fr. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. vi, t. 7. Scobinella, fine sawdust. P. 3-6 cm., mouse grey, disc darker, convex, then plane, umbonate, pellicle breaking up into minute, separable, bistre scales; margin whitish, smooth, silky. St. 4-6 cm. x 4-7 mm., white, stuffed, equal, slightly attenuated at the apex and base, covered with white squamules that become tinged with bistre below the ring, striate above. Ring whitish, becoming tinged with bistre at the edge, membranaceous, superior, often fugacious. Gills white, becoming yellowish, 3-4 mm. wide, ventricose, free, crowded. Flesh white, often tinged with fulvous at the base of the stem, thick at the disc, very thin at the margin of the pileus, floccose. Spores white, elliptical, 6-7 x 3-4 /a, contents granular. Cystidia hyaline, clavato-cylindrical, 28-30 x 6/4, sparse. Woods and pastures. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 147. L. citrophylla B. & Br. Boud. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. ix (1893), t. n, fig. 1. /clrpov, lemon ; v\\ov, gill. P. 1-5-2 cm., lemon yellow, covered with rufous scales, convex, then expanded, obtuse, or broadly umbonate, at length depressed. St. 2-4 cm. x 2-4 mm., lemon yellow, equal, squamulose. Ring fugacious. Gills lemon yellow, free, rounded behind, or attenuated, minutely serrate. Flesh white, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 7-8 x 4ju,. On the ground. Oct. Rare. **P. not, or rarely squamulose, often granular, mealy or pruinose. (a) Ring superior, fixed, subpersistent ; universal veil adnate to the p. Collar wanting, or similar in texture to the flesh of the p. L. Vittadinii (Moretti) Fr. = L. Amanita Vittadinii (Moretti) Vitt. 148. L. naucina Fr. (= Lepiota pudica (Bull.) Quel; Psaliota cre- tacea Fr.) Rolland, Champ, t. 12, no. 17. Nucinus, nutty. P. 5-10 cm., white, often pinkish or yellowish, the thin cuticle breaking up into evanescent granules, fleshy, soft, globose, then ex- LEPIOTA 73 panded, gibbous, or obtusely umbonate. St. 4-8 x 1-1-5 cm., white, fibrillose, attenuated upwards from the swollen base. Ring white, membranaceous, superior, thick, fimbriate at the margin, often finally fugacious. Gills white, free, separated by a collar, ventricose, soft, crowded. Flesh white, thick. Spores white, broadly ovoid, 8- 9 x 5-5/i, with a large central gutta. " Cystidia club-shaped, 55 x 10- 11/x," Lange. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Pastures and gar- dens. July Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. leucothites (Vitt.) Fr. Vitt. Fung. Mang. t. 40. Xeu/eo?, white. Differs from the type in the p. breaking up into squamules especially near the margin, and in the gills becoming pink with age. Spores white, elliptical, 7-8 x 5/z, or 9 x 1p. Edible. Pastures and heaths. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 149. L. holosericea Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 34, t. 41. 0X09, wholly; (rrjpiKos, silky. P. 5-10 cm., white, or yellowish, fleshy, soft, convex, then expanded, obtuse, fibrillosely silky. St. 6-10 x 1-1-5 cm., whitish, soft, fragile, base bulbous, silky-fibrillose. Ring whitish, membranaceous, superior, large, soft, pendulous. Gills white, becoming cream colour, free, ventri- cose, broad, crowded. Flesh white, soft. Spores white, elliptical, 8-9 x 4-5/z. Edible. Bare ground in arable fields, hopyards, and gardens. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 150. L. erminea Fr. Cke. lUus. no. 32, t. 40. Erminea, white. Entirely white with the exception of the ochraceous disc of the p. P. 36 cm., campanulate, then flattened, slightly gibbous at the prominent disc, becoming fibrillosely silky towards the margin. St. 57-5 cm. x 36 mm., equal, very fragile, silky. Ring membranaceous, distant, narrow, at length torn and fugacious. Gills sinuate, then free, somewhat crowded. Spores white, oblong elliptical, 9-11 x 3 4jti. "Cystidia on edge of gill vesiculose-pyriform, 36-40 x 12-16ju," Rick. Smell and taste of radish. Roadsides, and hilly pastures. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.V.) 151. L. constricta (Fr.) Quel. (= Armillaria constricta Fr.) Fr. Icon, t. 18. Constricta, compressed. Entirely white, becoming ochraceous when bruised. P. 3-5 cm., fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, pruinose, then silky; margin at first involute, and villous. St. 4-5 cm. x 6-9 mm., equal, or thickened at the base, slightly rooting, fibrillose, or squamulose. Ring superior, . narrow, adhering obliquely, at length fugacious. Gills emarginate, then free, very crowded, unequal. Flesh compact. Spores white, elliptical, granular, 7-8 x 4-5/x. Smell of new meal. Pastures, 74 LEPIOTA especially where the grass is scorched by urine, and amongst short grass under conifers. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 152. L. cepaestipes (Sow.) Fr. (= Leucocoprinus cepaestipes (Sow.) Pat.) Gillet, Champ. Fr. t. 414. Cepa, onion; stipes, stem. Caespitose. P. 2-56 cm., white, or yellowish, covered with floccose, fugacious, yellowish scales, disc deeper coloured, umbonate, membra- naceous, obtusely conical, then campanulate ; margin striate. St. 7-5 10 cm. x 5-8 mm., white, attenuated upwards from the bulbous base, covered with fugacious, delicate flocci. Ring white, narrow, membra- naceous, separating-free, fugacious. Gills white, then flesh colour, free, at length remote, attenuated at both ends, 4 mm. broad, very crowded. Flesh white, then pinkish, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 6-7 x 4-5/i, 1-guttulate, wfth an apical germ-pore. Taste bitter. On tan in hot-houses, greenhouses, and in frames. March Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. cretacea (Bull.) Fr. Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. t. 333. Cretacea, chalk-like. Differs from the type in its chalk white colour and darker scales. Spores white, elliptical, 7-9 x 6-7 /A, 1-guttulate. Greenhouses, and on spent tan. May Sept. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 153. L. lutea (Bolt.) Quel. (= Agaricusflos sulfuris Schnitz.) Boud. Icon. t. 19. Lutea, yellow. Entirely sulphur colour. P. 14 cm., campanulate, thin, deeply striate, covered with concolorous flocci. St. 5-12 cm. x 3-4 mm., covered with concolorous flocci, apex smooth, base bulbous. Ring membranaceous. Gills free, remote, narrow. Flesh concolorous. Spores white, oval, 8-10 x 5-7 /x, with a large central gutta. On coconut fibre in greenhouses. Jan. Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 154. L. medioflava Boud. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. x (1894), 1. 1, fig. 1. Medius, middle ; flava, yellow. P. 2-3 cm., white, soon expanded, and depressed, umbo prominent, becoming light yellow, deeply striate, minutely tomentose. St. 4 7 cm. x 2-3 mm., white, minutely mealy above the ring, tomentose, often becoming light yellow at the bulbous base. Ring white, median, reflexed. Gills white, free, crowded, rounded behind. Flesh white, Spores white, ovate, obtuse, 5-6 x 3/n, 1-guttulate. On decaying coconut fibre, and soil in greenhouses. June Oct. Uncommon. 155. L. pseudo-licmophora Rea. (= Lepiotalicmophoraauct. non B. & Br. and Petch.) i/reuSffc, false; \LKfios, a winnowing fan; epo), I bear. P. 2-5-5 cm., lemon-yellow, sometimes wholly sulphur-white, mem- branaceous, plane, depressed, deeply sulcote up to the central disc, LEPIOTA 75 glabrous; margin crenate. St. 7-5-10 cm. x 2-3 mm., lemon-yellow, attenuated upwards, base tomentose. Eing median. Grills lemon- yellow, remote, narrow, 2 mm. broad, slightly arched, distant, inter- stices veined. Spores white, elliptical, 9-10 x 5 /A. In greenhouses. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 156. L. serena Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 57, t. 47, as Armillaria subcava Schum. fide Boudier. Serena, clear. P. 2-4 cm., white, becoming yellowish with age, fragile, campanulate, thin, expanded, becoming silky, margin slightly striate. St. 4-7 cm. x 4-5 mm., white, becoming greyish, equal, base subbulbous. Ring white, membranaceous, median, thin, narrow, erect, fugacious. Gills white, free, ventricose. Spores white, elliptical, 5-6 x 4/x, multi- guttulate. Amongst grass, and larch needles. Sept. Nov. Un- common, (v.v.) (b) Universal veil sheathing the st., at first extending continuously from the st. to the p., at length ruptured and forming an inferior ring. P. granular or warted, consisting chiefly of globose cells. L. pyrenaea Quel. = Pholiota aurea (Mattusch) Fr. fide R. Maire. 157. L. granulosa (Batsch) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 39, t. 18, upper figs. only. Granulosa, granular. P. 3-5 cm., ferruginous, or rusty-brown, becoming pale-hoary when dry, fleshy, convex then flattened, obtusely umbonate, furfuraceo- granular, often wrinkled; margin appendiculate with the veil. St. 59 cm. x 49 mm., white at the apex, covered below with fine, brownish granules, equal. Ring concolorous, membranaceous, inferior, torn. Gills whitish, or cream colour, slightly adnexed, or sinuato-adnate. Flesh yellowish, becoming reddish in the lower portion of the st. Spores white, elliptical, 7-8 x 5 /A. "Cystidia hair-shaped, acute, small, 2-3 /u, broad" Lange. Taste pleasant. Edible. Heaths, and hilly woods. July Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. rufescens B. & Br. Cke. Illus. no. 40, t. 213, upper figs. Rufescens, becoming reddish. Differs from the type in its smaller size, and the pure white p. and st. partially turning red with age or when bruised. Spores oval, 34 x 2/x,. Amongst beech leaves. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 158. L. amianthina (Scop.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 40, t. 213, lower figs. a/u'ai>T09, unspotted. P. 3-5 cm., ochraceous, somewhat fleshy, convex, then plane, sub- umbonate, furfuraceo-granulose, often wrinkled. St. 3-5 cm. x 4- 6 mm., whitish at the apex, covered with ochraceous granules below the equal. Ring concolorous, granular on the outside, inferior, 76 LEPIOTA fugacious. Gills cream colour, adnate, crowded. Flesh yellow. Spores white, elliptical, 4-5 x 3/i. Cystidia none. Taste pleasant. Edible. Coniferous woods, heaths, and lawns. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) var. Broadwoodiae B. & Br. Miss S. Broadwood. Differs from the type in the delicately tomentose p., and infiexed margin. Woods. Rare. var. alba Rene Maire. Alba, white. Differs from the type in being entirely white. Woods. Oct. Rare. (v.v.) 159. L. cinnabarina (A. & S.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 38, t. 43. fcivvdftapi, dragon's blood. P. 5-8 cm., cinnabar-colour, fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, granuloso-furfuraceous ; margin fimbriate. St. 4-7 x 1-2 cm., con- colorous, covered with reddish granules below the ring, subbulbous. Ring concolorous, thin, narrow, inferior, fugacious. Gills white, free, lanceo- late. Flesh ochraceous, reddish under the cuticle of the p. and st. Spores white, elliptical, obtuse, 4 x 2-5-3 p,, 1-guttulate. "Cystidia hair- shaped, acute" Lange. Taste pleasant. Edible. Coniferous woods. Sept. Oct. Rare, (v.v.) var. Terreyi B. & Br. Saund. & Sm. t. 35, figs. 1-5. Michael Terrey. P. 2-5-5 cm., bright tawny, somewhat hemispherical, pulverulent, roughened with minute warts. St. somewhat equal, often cylindrical, covered below the ring with furfuraceous scales of the same colour as the p. Ring at length torn into fragments. Gills white, remote, narrow, not branched. Spores white, elliptical, 5 x 4/i. Sandy ground. Rare. 160. L. carcharias (Pers.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 37, t. 42. tcdpxapos, sharp-pointed. P. 2-5 cm., flesh coloured, fleshy, convex, then plane, often umbonate, covered with minute granules. St. 3-6 cm. x 4-8 mm., concolorous, and covered with minute, pointed warts below the ring, apex white, sub- bulbous, or equal and attenuated upwards. Ring concolorous, covered on the outside with the same minute, pointed warts. Gills white, adnate. Flesh whitish, or ochraceous. Spores white, elliptical, obtuse, 4-5 x 2 3/A, 1-3-guttulate. Taste disagreeable, smell unpleasant. Coniferous woods, and amongst short grass. May Nov. Common, (v.v.) 161. L. rosea Rea. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. vi, t. 2, fig. 1. Rosea, rose colour. P. 2-3-5 cm., bright rose colour, somewhat fleshy, convex, then ex- panded, densely granular, or mealy, consisting of globose cells, 45- 50 fj. in diam. ; margin thin. St. 5-6 cm. x 3-5 mm., ivhitish, becoming LEPIOTA 77 concolorous, equal, hollow, smooth. Ring concolorous, membranace- ous, medial, narrow, soon fugacious. Gills whitish, then ochraceous, free, rounded behind, crowded, 45 mm. broad. Flesh whitish, be- coming reddish especially in the stem. Spores white, elliptical, 5 x 3ja, 1-guttulate; basidia clavate, with 4-sterigmata. Cystidia none. Bare soil in moist, shady woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 162. L. atrocrocea W. G. Sin. Ater, black; crocea, saffron. P. 3-4 cm., bright salmon orange, more or less covered with purple brown, almost black, granular fiocci, expanded, then slightly depressed. St. bright salmon orange, attenuated upwards, covered with salmon brown squamules. Ring fugacious. Gills salmon white, broadly adnate. Flesh salmon orange brown, thin. Oct. Rare. 163. L. haematosperma (Bull.) Boud. (= Lepiota echinata (Roth) Boud.) Boud. Icon. t. 12. alpa, blood; crTre/o/x-a, seed. P. 2-3-5 cm., blackish grey, more or less olivaceous, convex, then plane, very thin, fragile, finely granular', margin paler, appendiculate with the veil. St. 3^6 cm. x 2-3 mm., dark, becoming vinous, equal, or slightly bulbous, base covered with pulverulent, fugacious granules. Ring reddish, floccose, granular on the outside, inferior, fugacious. Gills blood red, free, ventricose, rounded behind. Flesh whitish, be- coming reddish under the epidermis and in the stem. Spores pale ochraceous in the mass, becoming reddish with age, elliptical, 45 x 3/A. Cystidia none. Smell strong. Hedgerows, gardens, and occasionally in woods. July Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 164. L. polysticta Berk. Cke. Illus. no. 41, t. 30. TroXu?, many; o-rt/cro?, spotted. P. 2-^5 cm., ochraceous, covered on the obtusely umbonate disc with minute red brown scales from the breaking up of the cuticle, fleshy, firm, tough, convex, then expanded ; margin often appendiculate with the veil. St. 3-5 cm. x 5-9 mm., white at the apex, densely clothed with reddish, ferruginous scales below the ring, equal, or attenuated down- wards. Ring concolorous, very narrow, inferior, very fugacious. Gills white, then yellowish, free, rounded before and behind, broad, ventri- cose, crowded. Flesh, whitish, slightly reddish under the epidermis of the st. and p. Spores white, sub-globose, 4 x 3jn, 1-4-guttulate. Open pastures, and amongst short grass in woods. Sept. Nov. Un- common, (v.v.) (c) Smaller, slender. P. dry, cuticle entire, not scaly nor granular. 165. L. parvannulata (Lasch) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 16, fig. 3. Parvus, small; annulata, ringed. P. 12 cm., white, becoming yellowish when dry, thin, ovato-cam- lulate, then plane, pruinose, then silky. St. 1-2 cm. x 2-3 mm., 78 LEPIOTA white, equal, fibrillose below the ring. Ring white, very small, distant, entire. Gills cream colour, free, crowded. Flesh white, very thin. Spores white, elliptical, 4-5 x 3/n. Cystidia none. Amongst mosses and short grass in woods, and pastures. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. (**) 166. L. sistrata Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 42, t. 85, fig. A. Sistrum, a rattle. P. 1-2 cm., whitish, becoming light yellowish, or flesh colour, disc often darker, slightly fleshy, campanulate, then expanded and obsoletely umbonate, pruinate with shining atoms, margin often appendiculate with the veil. St. 2*5-5 cm. x 1^4 mm., white, or flesh colour, equal, flbrillosely silky and pruinose below the ring. Ring concolorous, fibril- lose, fugacious. Gills white, free, reaching the stem, crowded, 4 mm. broad, ventricose. Flesh white, often pinkish in the stem, fragile. Spores white, elliptical, 3-4 x 1-5-2/i. On bare ground in woods, and by roadsides. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 167. L. seminuda (Lasch) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 43, t. 19, fig. a. Semi, half; nuda, naked. P. 12 cm., whitish, or flesh colour, becoming yellowish, very thin, campanulato-expanded, umbonate, at first covered with fugacious, floccose meal, margin appendiculate with the veil. St. 2-3 cm. x 1 2 mm., whitish, or flesh colour, equal, mealy below the ring. Ring con- colorous, mealy, torn, fugacious. Gills white, then cream colour, free, but reaching the st., thin, crowded, ventricose. Flesh white, often pinkish in the st. Spores white, elliptical, 4 x 2/x. Smell pleasant. Amongst moss in woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 168. L. Bucknallii B. & Br. (= Lepiota lilacina Quel.) Boud. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. ix (1893), t. n, as Lepiota lilacina Quel. Cedric Bucknall. P. 1-5-3 cm., white, fleshy, campanulate, then convex, minutely mealy, and becoming tinged with lilac. St. 5-7 cm. x 3-5 mm., white, gradually attenuated upwards, densely mealy, and becoming deep lilac below the ring with age or bruising. Ring concolorous, mealy, fuga- cious. Gills yellowish, free, not crowded. Flesh white, becoming deep lilac in the lower two-thirds of the st. Spores white, boat-shaped, 7-8 x 3/Lt, 3-guttulate. Smell strong of gas-tar. Amongst grass. Oct. Rare, (v.v.) 169. L. mesomorpha (Bull.) Fr. yLteo-o?, middle; fji,opij, form. P. 1 -5-2-5 cm., whitish, or yellowish flesh colour, umbo deeper coloured, slightly fleshy, very thin, campanulate, then expanded, at first pu- bescent, then becoming smooth, or minutely granular. St. 5-7-5 cm. LEPIOTA 79 x 2 mm., concolorous, slightly attenuated upwards, silky. Ring mem- branaceous, floccose, superior, entire, spreading, fugacious. Gills whitish, or cream colour, free, crowded, ventricose. Flesh white, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 6-8 x 3-4/u, guttulate. Woods. Sept. Nov. Uncommon. 170. L. ianthina Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 1112, t. 944, fig. A. Idv6ivov\\ov, a leaf. P. 2-3-5 cm., flesh colour, or ruddy, becoming pale, fleshy, campanu- late, then expanded, umbonate, fibrillose ; margin somewhat appendicu- late with the partial veil. St. 2-5-4 cm. x 2-3 mm., white, slightly attenuated from the thickened base, fibrillose. Ring superior, re- flexed, persistent. Gills rosy, then fuscous, free, crowded. Flesh pallid, thin at the margin. Spores reddish, elliptical, 5 x 3p. Frondose woods, and parks. Oct. Rare. P. haematosperma (Bull.) Fr. = Lepiota haematosperma (Bull.) Boud. P. echinata (Roth) Fr. = Lepiota haematosperma (Bull.) Boud. Spores black, or blackish fuscous. Anellaria Karst. (Anellus, a little ring.) Pileus fleshy, campanulate. Stem central. Ring membranaceous, persistent, or fugacious. Gills adnate, or often almost free. Spores black, or blackish fuscous, pip-shaped, or elliptical, smooth, with an apical germ-pore. Growing on dung, or on the ground. A. separata (Linn.) Karst. (= Panaeolus separatus (Linn.) Fr.) Cke. Illus. no. 623, t. 623, as Panaeolus separatus Fr. Separata, distinct. 92 ANELLARIA. AMANITOPSIS P. 2-6 cm., clay whitish, or yellowish, fleshy, ovato-campanulate, 2-5-4-5 cm. high, not expanding, obtuse, viscid, smooth, often wrinkled, or cracked when old; margin often appendiculate with the veil. St. 5-20 cm. x 4-8 mm., whitish, tense and straight, rigid, gradually attenuated upwards from the thickened base, striate under a lens, smooth. Ring white, membranaceous, distant, entire, narrow, persistent, often striate. Gills whitish, then cinereous black, adnate, but almost separating, ascending, 4-8 mm. broad, edge often whitish. Flesh whitish, yellowish under the cuticle, and towards the base of the st., thick at the disc. Spores black, pip-shaped, 16-20 x 10-12jM. Cystidia bottle-shaped, 30-40 x 8-1 4/x. x 5-8 ju, at apex. On dung, especially that of horse. Woods, fields, and gardens. April Dec. Common, (v.v.) 207. A. fimiputris (Bull.) Karst. (= Panaeolus fimiputris (Bull.) Fr.) Cke. Illus. no. 626, t. 626, as Panaeolus phaknarum Bull. Fimus, dung; putris, rotten. P. 23 cm., fuliginous-cinereous, or livid, fleshy, conical, then ex- panded, somewhat gibbous, viscid, smooth, generally beaded with the veil. St. 5-10 cm. x 2 mm., pallid, equal, smooth, girt with an annular zone above the middle. Gills livid blackish, adfixed. Flesh whitish, thin. Spores black, "elliptical, apiculate, 9-10 x 6/u," Massee. On dung. Fields, roadsides, and gardens. April Nov. Common, (v.v.) 208. A. scitula Massee. Cke. Illus. no. 625, t. 927, fig. B, as Panaeolus scitulus Massee. Scitula, pretty. P. 11-5 cm., dirty pale ochre, fleshy, campanulate, obtuse, smooth, viscid, margin exceeding the gills. St. 2-3 cm. x 1-2 mm., white, equal, shining, base peronate, sheath ending in a persistent ring below the middle of the st. Gills becoming ashy grey, speckled with the black spores, almost free, narrow, crowded. Flesh white, thin. Spores black, opaque, with a colourless hilum, elliptical, 12-13 x 4/x. On soil in a flower-pot. Eare. ***With a volva at the base of the stem. Spores white. Amanitopsis Roze. (Amanita, the genus; cn/rt?, like.) Pileus fleshy, regular. Stem central, fleshy. Volva membranaceous, free, lax, sheathing. Gills free, or adnate. Spores white, globose, sub- globose, oblong elliptic, smooth, continuous. Growing on the ground. 209. A. vaginata (Bull.) Roze. Gonn. & Rabenh. t. 7, fig. 1. Vagina, a sheath. P. 3-10 cm., livid, or mouse grey, covered with large, white, or grey, fugacious patches of the fragments of the volva, slightly fleshy, cam- AMANITOPSIS 93 panulate, then flattened, obtuse, slightly viscid at first; margin deeply striate. St. 12-15 x 1-1-5 cm., white, or grey, floccose, slightly attenuated upwards, surrounded at the base by a large, free, lax, often lobed, white, or grey membranaceous volva, often inclosing a ring-like mark around the stem. Gills white, or greyish, free, ventricose. Flesh white, thin. Spores globose, 10-12/i, with a large central gutta. Taste pleasant. Edible. Woods, heaths, and pastures. June Nov. Common, (v.v.) 210. A. fulva (Schaeff.) W. G. Sm. Boud. Icon. t. 7. Fulvus, tawny. P. 4-10 cm., tawny, disc deeper coloured, campanulate, then flattened, umbonate, slightly viscid, covered with a few, fugacious patches of the yellowish volva; margin striate. St. 7-20 x -5-1 cm., paler tawny, squamulose, base surrounded by the upright, lax, free yellowish, membranaceous volva. Gills white, tinged with yellow, free. Flesh white, yellow under the epidermis. Spores globose, 9-14/i, multi- guttulate. Taste pleasant. Edible. Woods, heaths, etc., especially under birch trees. May Nov. Common, (v.v.) 211. A. nivalis (Grev.) Rea. Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. t. 18. Nivalis, snow coloured. P. 5-9 cm., white, disc pale ochraceous, covered at first with the very fugacious, white fragments of the volva, campanulate, then convex and plane, or slightly umbonate; margin striate. St. 713 x 1 cm., white, the subbulbous base surrounded by a white, lax, free, membranaceous volva. Gills white, free, broader in front. Flesh white, thin. Spores oblong elliptic, 11-12 x 9/u,, with a large central gutta. Taste pleasant. Edible. Woods, and heaths. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 212. A. strangulata (Fr.) Roze. Boud. Icon. t. 9, as Amanitopsis inaurata (Seer.) Boud. Strangulata, choked. P. 8-15 cm., bright tawny, or tawny brown, covered with numerous large, grey, patches of the fragments of the volva, convex, then plane, slightly viscid; margin deeply striate. St. 12-30 x 3-4 cm., greyish white, stout, attenuated upwards, encircled by one to three greyish rings on the lower half the remnants of the friable volva which disintegrates at the base. Gills white, or tinged yellowish, adnate, crowded, ventricose. Flesh white, tinged slightly yellowish under the cuticle. Spores globose, 8-13 fi, multi-guttulate. Taste pleasant. Edible. Woods, and pastures, chiefly on the chalk and limestone. May Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 213. A. adnata (W. G. Sm.) Sacc. (= Amanita junquillea Quel.) Saund. & Sm. t. 20. Adnata, adnate. P. 6-7 cm., pale yellowish buff, covered with white, woolly patches of the volva, fleshy, very firm, convex, then expanded ; margin exceeding the gills. St. 5-10 x 1-5 cm., pale buff, fibrillose, base slightly swollen 94 AMANITOPSIS. VOLVARIA and covered by the adnate volva, which has only a small, free, lax margin, sometimes almost obsolete. Ring generally absent. Gills white, truly adnate, crowded. Flesh white, buff beneath the epidermis. Spores subglobose, 7-9 x 6-7 /A, with a large central gutta. Woods, and heaths. July Oct. Uncommon, (v.v. 1 ) Spores pink. Volvaria Fr. (Volvaria, having a volva, or wrapper.) Pileus fleshy, regular. Stem central. Volva membra naceous, free, sheathing. Gills free. Spores pink, elliptical, or subglobose, smooth, continuous. Growing on the ground, or on wood. *P. dry, silky, or fibrillose. 214. V. bombycina (SchaefT.) Fr. (= Volvaria Loveiana Berk. sec. Barb.) Bombycina, silky. P. 7-20 cm., white, becoming yellowish, fleshy, soft, globose, then campanulate and convex, subumbonate, silky, becoming squamuloso- villose, disc rarely becoming smooth. St. 7-15 x 1-2 cm., white, attenuated upwards, base bulbous, often curved. Volva whitish, be- coming discoloured, soon torn asunder, ample, 3-8 cm. broad, mem- branaceous, lax, laciniate, somewhat viscid, persistent. Gills white, then flesh colour, free, very crowded, ventricose, becoming toothed. Flesh white, becoming yellowish. Spores pink, elliptical, 6-7 x 4-5 /u,. Cystidia sparse, clavate, often slightly constricted near the apex, 5560 x 18//,. Smell and taste pleasant. On decayed wood, stumps and sawdust. June Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) 215. V. volvacea (Bull.) Fr. (= Volvaria Taylori Berk. sec. Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 294, t. 294. Volvacea, having a volva. P. 7-10 cm., cinereous, black-streaked with adpressed fibrils, cam- panulate, then expanded, obtuse. St. 512-5 x 1 cm., white, villose, somewhat equal. Volva whitish, fuscous at the apex, oval, membra- naceous, lax, often adpressed to the stem. Gills white, then flesh colour, free, ventricose. Flesh white, floccose. Spores pink, elliptical, 6-7 x 4-5/A, 1-guttulate. Gardens, in stoves, roadsides. July Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 216. V. Loveiana Berk. (= Volvaria plumulosa (Lasch) Quel.; Vol- varia hypopitys Fr. sec. Quel. ; Volvaria bombycina Schaeff. sec. Barb.) Berk. Outl. t. 7, fig. 2. Rev. R. T. Lowe P. 57 cm., tvhite, with a very slight shade of pink, or cinereous, sub- truncato-globose, then convex, or slightly expanded, beautifully silky; 1 At Sandringham, Norfolk, on the 30th October, 1899, specimens were found both with a well-defined membranaceous ring and without any trace of a ring. C. R. VOLVARIA 95 margin involute. St. 5 x -5-1 cm., pure white, bulbose, attenuated upwards, closely fbrillose, with a little matted, down, very juicy. Volva 'pure white, with a little downy prominence within round the base of the stem. Gills white, becoming gradually pale pink, free, broad in front, subdeliquescent. Flesh white, becoming yellowish. Spores pink, elliptical, 5-6 x 3-4/x, 1-guttulate. On Clitocybe nebularis (Batsch) Fr. Oct. Rare, (v.v.) 217. V. Taylori Berk. (= Vdvaria volvacea Bull. sec. Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 296, t. 296. M. A. Taylor. P. 2-5 cm., livid, conico-campanulate, obtuse, striato-rimose from the apex, thin; margin lobed, sinuate. St. 3-6 cm. x 3-5 mm., pallid, nearly equal, slightly bulbose at the base. Volva date-brown, lobed, somewhat lax, small. Gills rose colour, free, broad in front, very much attenuated behind, uneven, edge jloccose, white. Spores pink, elliptical, 7-8 x 5/Lt, 2-guttulate. Gardens. July Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 218. V. temperata B. & Br. Cke. Illus. no. 300, t. 300, upper fig. Temper ata, moderate. P. 6 mm., whitish, disc tinged tawny, convex, then expanded, umbo- nate, pulverulent, striate. St. 1 -5-2-5 cm. x 1-2 mm., whitish, pel- lucid. Volva white, ample. Gills pinkish, free. Spores pink, elliptical, 4 x 2-5 p. Greenhouses. Feb. Rare. **P. more or less viscid, smooth. 219. V. speciosa Fr. (= VolvariagloiocephalaDC.sec. Dumee.) Boud. Icon. t. 84. Speciosa, handsome. P. 7-13 cm., whitish, subumbonate disc grey, or umber, fleshy, glo- bose, then campanulate, at length plane, viscid. St. 10-20 x 12-5 cm., white, firm, slightly attenuated upwards, base white-villose when young. Volva white, membranaceous, bulbous, free, variously torn into loops, externally tomentose. Gills white, then flesh colour, free, ventricose. Flesh white, floccose. Spores pink, elliptical, 15-16 x 8-10 p, 1-2- guttulate. Cystidia " vesiculose-pyrif orm, 60-70 x 20-36 p, some- times pointed" Rick. Smell none, or somewhat strong. Edible sec. Maire. Dunghills, roadsides, and occasionally in woods. June Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 220. V. gloiocephala (DC.) Fr. (= Volvaria speciosa Fr. sec. Dumee.) Cke. Illus. no. 298, t. 298. 7X0*09, sticky; Kea\tj, head. P. 7-11 cm., fuliginous, fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, umbo- nate, glutinous', margin striate. St. 8-18 x 1-2 cm., white, becoming fuscous, or tawny, attenuated upwards, base subbulbose and villose. Volva whitish, grey, or fuscous, circularly split, lobed, villose, often adpressed to the stem. Gills white, then reddish, free, broad, especially in front, attenuated behind, margin slightly toothed. Flesh white, 96 VOLVARIA. LOCELLINA fuscous under the cuticle of the pileus. Spores pink, elliptical, 12 x 7fj,. Smell and taste unpleasant. Poisonous. On the ground. June Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 221. V. viperina Fr. 1 (= ^Volvaria cornea (Pico.) Quel.; Volvaria speciosa Fr. sec. Maire.) Viperina, of a snake. P. 3-4 cm., grey, or cinereous, fleshy, persistently conical, acute, viscid, silky shining when dry. St. white, equal, subflexuose. Volva thin, entire, closely sheathing. Gills tinged yellowish then flesh colour. Spores pink, "6-8 x 4-4-5/i" Herpell. 222. V. media (Schum.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 299, t. 299. Medius, middle. P. 3-5 cm., white, disc brownish, or yellowish, slightly fleshy, con- vexo-plane, obtuse, viscid, silky when dry and shining. St. 4-7 cm. x 4-6 mm., white, subbulbose, equal. Volva white, membranaceous, sheathing, lobed. Gills white, then rosy flesh colour, free, broad in front, attenuated behind. Flesh white. Spores pink, elliptical, 5-6 x 4/u,. Woods, and pastures. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 223. V. parvula (Weinm.) Fr. (= Volvaria pusilla (Pers.) Quel.) Boud. Icon. t. 86. Parvulus, very small. P. 1-3 cm., whitish, disc yellowish, slightly fleshy, conical, then cam- panulate, at length rather plane and umbonate, at first slightly viscid, soon dry silky. St. 2-5-4 cm. x 2-4 mm., white, equal, silky, base villose. Volva white, membranaceous, free, lobed, minutely tomentose on the outside. Gills white, then flesh colour, free, broad in front. Flesh white. Spores pink, elliptical, 5 x 3/n, 1-2-guttulate. Pastures, gardens, and woods. May Oct. Common, (v.v.) var. biloba Massee (= Volvaria parvula, forma B. Fries Monogr.). Bi, two; A,oy8o?, the lobe of the ear. Entirely white when young. P. conical, 6-8 mm. high, dry, some- times floccosely squamulose. St. 2-5 cm. x 1-2 mm., equal, pubescent. Volva bilobed, sheathing, externally adpressedly silky. Pastures. July Sept. Not uncommon, (v.v.) Spores ochraceous. Locellina GiU. (Acetabularia Berk.) (Locellus, a casket.) Pileus fleshy, regular. Stem central, thin. Volva membranaceous, sheathing. Gills free, or adnate. Spores ochraceous, or somewhat fuscous, oval, or oblong, smooth, continuous. Cystidia ventricose, pointed. Growing on the ground. 1 This is listed as British by Massee in his Eur. Fung. Fl. Agar. 120. LOCELLINA. CLARKEINDA. AMANITA 97 224. L. Alexandri Gillet. Alexandre. P. 2-3 cm., yellowish-tan, disc darker, convex, umbonate, viscid, pellicle easily separable; margin appendiculate with the cinnamon fibrils of the arachnoid veil. St. white, or whitish, equal, or slightly thickened at the base, flexuose, striate, covered with afibrillose, cinnamon veil up to 1-2 cm. of the apex. Volva white, or whitish, becoming reddish when handled, irregular, torn at the edge. Gills reddish fiesh colour, paler at the edge, adnato-decurrent, crowded. Flesh whitish. Spores "be- coming fuscous, oblong " Big. & Guill. Woods, at the base of beeches. Oct. Eare. 225. L. acetabulosa (Sow.) Sacc. (= Acetabularia acetabulosa Berk. ; Pluteus semibulbosus Lasch sec. Boud.) Sow. Eng. Fung. t. 303, as Agaricus acetabulosus Sow. Acetabulum, a vinegar cup. P. 2-3 cm., tan colour, convex; margin plicate, or deeply striate. St. 4-5 cm. x 3 mm., white, equal. Volva discoid, socket-like. Gills tawny, free, lanceolate, 3 mm. broad. Flesh very thin. River bank, near high-water mark. May. Rare. Spores purple, or fuscous. Clarkeinda O. Kuntz. (Chitonia Fr.) (C. B. Clarke, 'Ii/Soa\\6$, Phallus; etSovpa, purple. P. 3-6 cm., greyish bistre with a purplish tinge, campanulate, then expanded, moist; margin rarely slightly striate. St. 7-9 x 1 cm., white tinted with grey, base bulbous. Ring white, becoming fuscous, distant. Volva erect, white becoming fuscous. Gills white, adnexed, crowded, thin. Flesh white. Spores white, globose, 9/z, multi-guttu- late. Smell strong. Poisonous. Pine woods. July Oct. Uncommon. (v.v.) 230. A. lutea Otth. Lutea, yellow P. 4-7-5 cm., yellow, or yellowish ochre, conical, then expanded, viscid, disc papillose, usually with broad scattered scales; margin invo- lute, striate. St. 7-8 cm., bulbous, rather narrowed upwards. Ring white, thin. Volva membranaceous. Gills white, crowded. Woods. Rare. (6) Volva circumscissile, or fugacious. P. generally covered with fragments of the volva. 231. A. recutita Fr. Gonn. & Rabenh. i and n, t. 2, as Amanita Secretanii Rabenh. Recutita, circumcised. P. 6-9 cm., fuliginous, bistre, or brown, but without any tinge of purple, dry, convex, then plane, generally covered with fragments of the volva, silky. St. 8-10 x 1-5-3 cm., white, silky, attenuated up- wards, base bulbous. Ring white, distant. Volva greyish bistre, closely sheathing, ending abruptly. Gills white, adnexed with a decurrent line. Flesh white. Spores white, globose, 8-9 /x. Smell slightly foetid. Poisonous. Pine, and birch woods. July Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) A.junquillea Quel. = Amanitopsis adnata (W. G. Sm.) Sacc. 232. A. mappa (Batsch) Fr. (= Amanita citrina (Schaefl.) Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 4, t. 4. Mappa, a napkin. P. 6-9 cm., white, or becoming yellow, covered with patch-like frag- ments of the volva, slightly fleshy, dry, convexo-plane, obtuse, or depressed, orbicular. St. 5-8 x 1-1-5 cm., white, equal, base bulbous. Ring white, yellowish on the exterior, superior, soft, lax, minutely striate. Volva yellowish, or fuliginous, obtuse, the friable upper portion disappearing and leaving a distinct groove round the base of the st. Gills white, adnexed, crowded, narrow, edge often yellowish. Flesh white, yellowish under the cuticle. Spores white, subglobose, apiculate at the base, 8-10 x 7-9 fj,, with a large central gutta. Smell foetid. Poisonous. Woods, and heaths. July Oct. Common, (v.v.) 72 100 AMANITA var. citrina (Gonn. & Rabenh.) Eea. Gonn. & Kabenh. i and n, t. 4. Citrina, lemon yellow. P. 8-12 cm., bright yellow with white patches of the fragments of the volva, convex, obtuse. St. 10-12 x 2 cm., white, stout. Volva im- perfect. Spores white, "globose, waited, 6-7 /A" Massee. Rare. var. alba (Gillet) Rea. Cke. Illus. no. 3, t. 3. Alba, white. Differs from the type in being white, and then becoming discoloured. Woods. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) (c) Volva floccose, or friable. P. floccose, or verrucose with the fragments of the volva, rarely naked. 233. A. muscaria (Linn.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 5, t. 117. Musca, a fly. P. 10-20 cm., scarlet, or orange, covered with white, or yellowish fragments of the volva, fleshy, viscid, globose, then convex, and at length flattened; margin slightly striate when mature. St. 10-22 x 2-5 cm., white, or yellowish, firm, often torn into scales, apex striate, base bulbous, encircled by several concentric rings formed from the fragments of the volva. Ring white, yellowish on the exterior, superior, very soft, torn, somewhat striate. Gills white, rarely becoming yellow, free, but reaching the stem, crowded, thick, broader in front, minutely denticulate. Flesh white, yellow under the epidermis. Spores white, elliptical, apiculate, 8-10 x 6-7 //,. Taste mild. Poisonous. Birch, and coniferous woods, and under birches and conifers. July Dec. Common, (v.v.) var. regalis Fr. Regalis, royal. Differs from the type in the very glutinous, liver coloured p., and in the st. becoming light yellow internally. Beech woods. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. formosa Fr. Gonn. & Rabenh. i and n, t. 10, fig. 2. Formosa, handsome. Differs from the type in the lemon yellow p. covered with lax, mealy yellowish, fugacious fragments of the veil, and in the st. and ring often becoming yellow. Beech woods. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. umbrina Fr. Umbrina, umber. Differs from the type in being thinner, and more slender, and in the umber, or livid p., fuscous at the disc. Woods. Rare. var. paella (Batsch) Cda. Gonn. & Rabenh. i and n, t. 7, fig. 2. Puella, a girl. Differs from the type in its smaller size, and in the p. being destitute of any fragments of the volva. Woods. Rare, (v.v.) AMANITA 101 var. aureola (Kalchbr.) Quel. Kalchbr. Icon. t. 1, fig. 1. Aureola, golden. Differs from the type in the erect, membranaceous volva. Under birches. Uncommon, (v.v.) 234. A. rcmilii Kiel. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. xxm (1907), t. 1. Emile Boudier, the eminent French mycologist. P. 13-17 cm., yellowish butter colour, becoming tawny purplish, disc finally dark fuscous, covered with cream coloured fragments of the volva, fleshy, viscid, convex, then hemispherical, and finally expanded, and depressed; margin paler, finally striate. St. 12-20 x 1-5-3 cm., white, bulbous. Ring white, thick, especially at the margin, and covered with the fragments of the cream coloured volva, crenulate, torn. Volva friable, forming three to four concentric rings round the apex of the globose, rarely fusiform base of the stem. Gills whitish, or pale rose colour, attenuated or rounded near the stem, broad, somewhat crowded, edge denticulate, floccose. Flesh white, pale rose red under Spores white, subglobose, 9-10//,, 1-guttulate. Taste Poisonous. Deciduous woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. 235. A. solitaria (Bull.) Fr. (= Amanita strobiliformis (Vitt.) sec. Quel.) Boud. Icon. t. 3. Solitaria, lonely. P. 8-12 cm., white, then pearl grey, covered with moderately thick, angular, wart-like fragments of the volva, which are at first plate-like, floccose, white, and easily separable, then becoming greyish and hardened, very fleshy, moist, convex then expanded; margin appen- diculate with the veil. St. 10-20 x 3 cm., white, covered with thick, floccose, imbricate scales; base bulbous, prolonged into a root-like point. Ring cream colour, floccose, often torn, and finally disappearing, striate. Volva white, or greyish, very friable. Gills snow white, free, decurrent by a tooth, ventricose, minutely crenulate. Flesh white. Spores white, elliptical, 13-15 x 8-10/i. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Clearings in woods, and adjacent pastures. July Oct. Rare. (v.v.) 236. A. strobilifonnis (Paul.) Quel. Cke. Illus. no. 9, t. 277. Strobilus, a pine cone. P. 6-30 cm., grey, covered with very thick, somewhat separable, angular, pyramidal, wart-like, grey fragments of the volva, very fleshy, hemi- spherical, then plane. St. 15-22 x 3-5 cm., whitish, clothed with grey flocci; base bulbous, immersed in the soil and surrounded by two or three circles formed by the remains of the volva. Ring white, apical, torn, dependent, wide, striate. Volva greyish, friable. Gills white, free, decurrent by a tooth. Flesh white. Spores white, elliptical, 102 AMANITA 10-11 x 7/x. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Downs, and woods especially on the chalk. July Oct. Locally common, rare elsewhere. (v.v.) 237. A. aculeata Quel. Quel. Champ. Jur. et Vosg. i, t. 1, fig. 1, as Amanita strobiliformis Fr. Aculeata, prickly. P. 5-10 cm., white, becoming greyish, fleshy, convex, then plane, densely covered with erect, slender, pointed, angular, firm, adnate, whitish or greyish warts, that become tinged with bistre with age; margin white, smooth. St. 5-12 cm. x 2-5 cm., whitish, solid, equal, floc- cosely scaly; base bulbous, often attenuated downwards, surrounded by several concentric crenulate zones, the remains of the volva. Ring white, superior, thin, torn, striate, often becoming fugacious. Gills white, becoming yellowish with age, 5-15 mm. wide, sinuate behind, crowded. Flesh white, then tinged with yellow, thick, soft. Spores white, broadly elliptical, or subglobose, with a basal apiculus, 10-11 x 8-9 /x, contents granular. Smell and taste pleasant. Amongst beech leaves, in woods. Oct. Rare, (v.v.) 238. A. Vittadinii (Moretti) Vitt. (= Amanita umbella (Paul.) Quel.) Krombh. t. 27. Vittadini, an Italian mycologist. P. 6-12 cm., white, densely covered with small, erect, wart-like frag- ments of the volva, convex, then plane, silky. St. 15-20 x 2-2-5 cm., white, becoming tinged with greenish, floccosely scaly, base often some- what bulbous. Ring white, superior, large, flexuose, often double. Volva white, or grey, friable. Gills cream colour, finally becoming greenish, decurrent by a tooth, ventricose, thick. Flesh white, then tinged greenish. Spores white ("greenish" Quel.), elliptical, 6-9 x 6 /A. Smell and taste unpleasant. Poisonous. Downs, and woods on the chalk and limestone. July Oct. Rare, (v.v.) 239. A. echinocephala Vitt. Cke. Illus. no. 1102, t. 939, fide Boudier, as Amanita solitaria Bull. e^ti/o?, hedgehog; KoXt5, a scale; 0^9, the ear.) Pileus fleshy, regular. Stem central. Ring membranaceous, per- sistent, or fugacious, superior, or inferior. Gills adnate, or decurrent by a tooth. Spores ochraceous, or ferruginous, rarely fuscous, ellip- tical, oval, obovate, subreniform or oblong elliptical, generally smooth, continuous, or with a germ-pore. Cystidia variable. Growing on the ground, or on wood, often caespitose. I. Growing on the ground, not adnate to mosses, rarely caespitose. 263. P. aurea (Mattusch) Fr. (= Lepiota pyrenaea Quel. sec. Maire ; Pholiota spectabilis Fr. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 101. Aurea, golden. Entirely golden-tawny. P. 425 cm., fleshy, convex, obtuse, soft, at first velvety, then torn into innate, hairy squamules. St. 6-28 x 1- 3-5 cm., somewhat equal, becoming pale, sprinkled below the ring with 112 PHOLIOTA a separating, ferruginous scurf, apex flocculose. Ring membranaceous, externally flocculose and ferruginous-furfuraceous, internally golden- tawny, about 2-5 cm. distant from the p., properly inferior, but appearing to be medial, at first erect, then spreading, sometimes small, often however wide, laciniate. Gills pallid ferruginous, adnexed, then free, attenuated at both ends, ventricose, crowded, connected by veins. Flesh white, becoming yellow. Spores fuscous, elliptical, 9-10 x 4-5ju, 1-guttulate. Cystidia none. Subcaespitose. On the ground, and on sawdust heaps. Aug. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. Vahlii (Schum.) Fr. Fl. Dan. 1. 1498. M. Vahl in Flora Danica. Differs from the type in the smooth pileus, and somewhat free gills. var. Herefordiensis Renny. Cke. Illus. no. 374, t. 347. Herefordiensis, belonging to Hereford. Differs from the type in the granulate, tuberculate stem. 264. P. terrigena Fr. (= Pholiota Cookei Fr. sec. Massee.) Fr. Icon, t. 103, fig. 1. Terra, earth; yiyvo/jiat, to be born. P. 3-8 cm., dingy yellow, fleshy, convex, or lens-shaped, then flattened, obtuse, adpressedly silky with fibrils, fibrillosely scaly towards themargin. St. 4-5 cm. x 4-12 mm., concolorous, equal, fleshy-fibrous, covered withfloccose, squarrose squamules that become ferruginous. Ring thin, torn. Gills pallid light yellow, then olivaceous-ferruginous, adnate, decurrent with a tooth, scarcely crowded, 4 mm. broad. Flesh yellow. Spores ferruginous, "elliptical, 5-8 x 2-3 /x" Karst. Woods, hedge- rows, and old earthy stumps. Aug. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 265. P. erebia Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 377, t. 358. e/oe/So?, a place of nether darkness. P. 2-5 cm., lurid, or becoming ferruginous-lurid when moist, be- coming pale (ochraceous clay) when dry, slightly fleshy, convex, then flattened, almost viscid, rugulose; margin striate when dry. St. 2-5- 5 cm. x 36 mm., fuliginous, becoming pale, equal, often cohering at the base, fibrillose, striate. Ring membranaceous, white, becoming discoloured, sulcate, superior. Gills pallid, then dingy cinnamon, adnate, subdistant. Flesh pale brownish. Spores ferruginous, pip- shaped, 10-12 x 5-6/n, 1-2-guttulate. Woods, pastures, and heaths. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 266. P. ombrophila Fr. 0/4/8/305, a storm of rain; t\ov\\ov, a leaf. Differs from the type in the bright sulphur yellow gills. 271. P. praecox (Pers.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 381, t. 360. Praecox, early. P. 3-8 cm., whitish, then tan colour, becoming pale, fleshy, soft, con- vex, soon plane, obtuse, moist. St. 4-9 cm. x 6-10 mm., white, be- coming yellowish, equal, at first mealy with white flocci, then somewhat naked, base white floccose. Ring whitish, membranaceous, entire, reflexed, striate above. Gills whitish, then rust coloured, rounded- adnexed, 4-10 mm. broad, crowded. Flesh white, yellowish in the stem, soft. Spores ferruginous, oblong elliptical, 10-13 x 6-8/A, 1-guttulate. Cystidia sack-shaped, often slightly constricted towards the apex, 30-40 x 13-15/x. Taste sweet. "Edible," Quelet. Woods, pastures, and roadsides. May Oct. Common, (v.v.) var. minor (Batt.) Fr. Minor, smaller. Differs from the type in its smaller size (scarcely 2-5 cm. broad), and in the torn, appendiculate ring. Pastures. Uncommon, (v.v.) 272. P. sphaleromorpha (Bull.) Fr. o~(f>a\p6<;, deceptive; fxop(f>ij, form. P. 2-5 cm., light yellow, fleshy, thin, convexo-plane, obtuse. St. 7-10 cm. x 4-8 mm., yellowish, attenuated upwards, silky, base in- crassated, villose. Ring whitish, membranaceous, very thin, median, ample, spreading, lax, entire. Gills yellowish, then ferruginous-tan, PHOLIOTA 115 equally broad, truly decurrent, linear, 3 mm. broad. Flesh whitish, hygrophanous. Spores "almost colourless under the microscope, cylindrical-elliptical, 6-7 x 3-Afj,, smooth. Cystidia ventricose-fusi- form, 60-75 x 10-12/x." Kick. Leaf soil, heaths, and peat bogs. July Oct. Uncommon. II. Growing on wood, or epiphytal, most frequently caespitose. *P. naked not scaly, but here and there rimoso-rivulose. Gills pallid, then rufescent, or becoming fuscous. 273. P. radicosa (Bull.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 382, t. 361. Radicosus, having a root. P. 5-13 cm., clay-coloured, then spotted rufous, fleshy, convexo- plane, viscid, becoming dry. St. 7-5-24 x 1-2-5 cm., white, firm, thickened at the base and fusiform rooted, concentrically scaly below the ring, the floccose, erect scales becoming rufous, apex mealy, pruinose. Eing white, membranaceous, distant, rather erect, entire, scaly. Gills pallid, then rufescent ferruginous, rounded behind, somewhat free, very crowded, 6 mm. broad. Flesh whitish, moderately thick. Spores ochraceous, elliptical, 89 x 5/u,, "rough. Cystidia on edge of gill filamentous-clavate, 36-40 x 6-8/-1, thin walled " Rick. Smell plea- sant, like cherry laurel, or bitter almonds. Taste pleasant. Solitary or gregarious. Woods about stumps. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 274. P. pudica (Bull.) Fr. Pudica, modest. P. 5-10 cm., whitish, or slightly tawny, disc darker, globose, or oval, then convex, and expanded, obtuse, umbonate, dry. St. 3-6 cm. x 8- 10 mm., whitish, straight, or curved at the base, equal, or attenuated upwards, sometimes excentric, fibrous. Ring white, membranaceous, large, spreading, persistent. Gills whitish, then tawny, adnato-de- current,wide,ventricose. Spores " ferruginous 8 x 5-6 /A " Sacc. Often solitary. In woods on old trunks, at the base of trees, and on elder trunks. May Nov. Uncommon. 275. P. leochroma Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 384, t. 363. \ernv, a lion ; ^t. Sloe and hawthorn sticks. Oct. Nov. Rare. 122 PHOLIOTA 295. P. sublutea (El. Dan.) Fr. Sub, somewhat; lutea, yellow. P. 6-7-5 cm., yellow, fleshy, thin, expanded, umbonate, moist, covered with darker squamules', margin striate when moist. St. 10- 12 x -5-1 cm., yellow, base thickened. Ring narrow, spreading. Gills cinnamon, decurrent, crowded. Grassy ground. Oct. Rare. 296. P. phalerata Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 105, fig. 1. Phalerata, decorated. P. 5 cm., yellow, covered with superficial, fugacious, pale scales, fleshy, thin, convex, then plane, obtuse, moist; margin involute, appendiculate. St. 710 cm. x 6 mm., concolorous, base becoming ferruginous, equal, everywhere fibrillose, or fasciculately squamosely pilose, adpressedly flocculose above the ring. Ring white, distant, entire, reflexed. Gills yellow, then cinnamon, adnato-decurrent, 2 mm. broad, attenuated at the margin. Flesh concolorous. Spores " elliptical, 67 x 3 4/A, smooth. Cystidia on edge of gill fusiform-filamentous, 30-36 x 5-6 IJL " Rick. Pine woods, on twigs, pine needles, and the ground. Rare. 297. P. confragosa Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 105, figs. 2, 3. Confragosa, rough. P. 34 cm., brick-red, or cinnamon rufous when moist, tawny when dry, hygrophanous, slightly fleshy, convexo-plane, very obtuse, densely fiocculoso-furfuraceous, becoming smooth with age. St. 2-5 7-5 x 2-4 mm., pale ferruginous, fragile, equal, flexuose, or incurved, fibrillosely peronate with the veil, or naked, striate above the ring. Ring white, membranaceous, spreading, fibrillose, persistent, or fugacious, at length reflexed. Gills rufous, or cinnamon rufous, sometimes tinged with purple, adnate, scarcely decurrent, very thin, crowded, linear, 2 mm. broad, edge under a lens unequal, crenulate. Flesh concolorous, becoming pale. Spores "ferruginous, elliptic-oblong, 8 x 4jit" Massee. Subcaespitose. Beech, and fir trunks, and on old fallen elm. Oct. Uncommon. 298. P. mutabilis (Schaeff.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 402, t. 355. Mutabilis, changeable. P. 3-6 cm., cinnamon when moist, becoming pale when dry, hygro- phanous, slightly fleshy, convex, then flattened, commonly obtusely umbonate, sometimes depressed, sometimes squamulose when young. St. 4-8 x -5-1 cm., ferruginous blackish, or umber downwards, paler upwards, rigid, equal, or attenuated downwards, squarrosely scaly up to the ring. Ring concolorous, membranaceous, externally squamulose. Gills pallid, then cinnamon, adnato-decurrent, crowded, rather broad. Flesh white, tinged brownish under the cuticle of the p. and in tJie st. Spores deep ochraceous, elliptical, or subglobose, 7-8 x 4-5/i, 1-guttu- PHOLIOTA 123 late. Cystidia on edge of gill clavate, or cylindrical, flexuose, obtuse, 23-29 x 4 5 fj,. Caespitose. Stumps and trunks, especially Tilia cordata. April Dec. Common, (v.v.) 299. P. marginata (Batsch) Fr. Cke. lUus. no. 403, t. 372. Marginata, furnished with a border. P. 2-5 cm., honey coloured when moist, tan when dry, hygrophanous, slightly fleshy, convex, then expanded, obtuse, margin striate. St. 3-9 cm. x 2-8 mm., concolorous, equal, fibrillose, striate, but becoming fuscous, and commonly white velvety at the base. Ring pale yellow, membranaceous, distant, often cortinate and fugacious. Gills pallid, then darker cinnamon, adnate, crowded, thin, narrow. Flesh con- colorous, becoming paler. Spores deep ochraceous, fusiform-elliptical, 8-10 x 5jn, 1-2-guttulate, "almost punctate" Rick. Cystidia "ven- tricose-fusiform, 50-60 x 10-12jU " Rick. On twigs, and on the ground, especially in coniferous woods. Aug. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 300. P. sororia Karst. Sororia, sisterly. P. 2-5-4 cm., tawny cinnamon, convex, then expanded, slightly striate, squamulose. St. 5 cm. x 4-6 mm., concolorous, then paler, variegated with white squamules, equal, wavy, apex scurfy. Gills pallid, then cinnamon, sinuato-adnate, crowded. Spores 6-7 X 3-4 p. On chips, and twigs. Rare. 301. P. mustelina Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 404, t. 356. Mustelina, belonging to a weasel. P. 1-1-5 cm., yellow, ochraceous, slightly fleshy, campanulate, con- vex. St. 2-2-5 cm. x 1-2 mm., pallid, equal, base thickened and white villose, white mealy above the ring. Ring brown, membranaceous, re- flexed. Gills tawny cinnamon, adnate, subdistant, edge white, crenulate. Stumps, especially pine. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) 302. P. unicolor (Fl. Dan.) Fr. Unicolor, of one colour. P. 6-20 mm., bay brown, then ochraceous, hygrophanous, fleshy, campanulate, then convex, umbonate, at length striate. St. 3-4 cm. x 2 mm., concolorous, or bistre brown at the base, equal, apex mealy. Ring yellowish, membranaceous, thin, entire, distant, persistent. Gills pallid-ochrey, slightly adnexed, ventricose, broad, edge white. Flesh con- colorous, thin. Spores deep ochraceous, elliptical, 7-8 x 4-5 /^, 1-guttu- late, "almost punctate. Cystidia on edge of gill filamentous, ventri- cose at base, 50-60 x 8-10/x, apex 5/u, in diam." Rick. Trunks and branches of larch, and on the ground. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon. (v.v.) 124 PHOLIOTA. STROPHARIA III. Growing amongst mosses. Like ringed Galerae, hygrophanous. 303. P. pumila Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 105, fig. 4. Pumila, dwarf. P. 8-15 mm., ochraceous, somewhat fleshy for its size, campanulate, then hemispherical, obtuse. St. 2-5-4 cm. x 2-3 mm., concolorous, equal, lax. Ring distinct, floccoso-woven in the form of a zone like that of the Cortinarii. Gills pallid, wholly adnate, at first ascending, then plane, 4 6 mm. broad, almost triangular, crowded, stopping short of the acute margin. Flesh concolorous, thin, watery. Spores ferruginous, pip- shaped, 9 x 4-5jit. Amongst moss in pastures, on twigs, sawdust, and old walls. Aug. Jan. Common, (v.v.) 304. P. mycenoides Fr. (= Galera mycenoides (Fr.) Quel.) Boud. Icon. t. 102. Mycena, the genus Mycena; etSo?, shape. P. 1-2-5 cm.., ferruginous, disc darker, transparent when moist; be- coming tawny, or pale when dry, membranaceous, hygrophanous, striate, campanulate, soon hemispherical, somewhat obtuse. St. 4- 10 cm. x 1-3 mm., tawny ferruginous, darker than the pileus, filiform, apex furfur aceous, paler, then concolorous. Ring white, membranace- ous, entire, large, persistent. Gills yellowish, then ferruginous, adnate, with a small decurrent tooth, subdistant, at length plane. Flesh con- colorous, darker in the stem. Spores ferruginous, broadly elliptical, 10-11 x 6-7 /A, 1-3-guttulate. Amongst moss in pastures, bogs, and on lawns. Sept. Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 305. P. rufidula Kalchbr. Kalchbr. Icon. t. 37, fig. 3. Rufus, red. P. 6-10 mm., rufous brick-red, clay colour when dry, often becoming livid round the umbo, somewhat fleshy, convex, then somewhat plane, disc always depressed, white-fiocculose at the margin from the white veil, rarely appendiculate. St. 3-4 cm. x 2-3 mm., watery rufescent, sprinkled with white fugacious fibrils, floccose at the white base. Ring white, floccose, somewhat persistent, subapical, narrow, spreading, reflexed. Gills reddish, adnate, then decurrent, linear, branched, of different lengths, subdistant. Flesh concolorous. Spores ochraceous ferruginous, "8-10 x 4-6/u.," Massee. Pastures, and lawns. April. Rare. Spores purple, or fuscous. Stropharia Fr. (t. Heaths, pastures, and woods. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. lutescens Boud. Cke. Illus. no. 558, t. 535, as Stropharia coronilla Bull. sec. Boud. Lutescens, becoming yellow. Differs from the type in the yellow p. 128 STROPHABIA 316. S. squamosa (Pers.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 560, t. 553. Squamosa, scaly. P. 2-7-5 cm., brownish when moist, then becoming ochraceous, disc tawny, fleshy, hemispherical, then flattened, more frequently obtuse, or gibbous with an obsolete umbo, viscoso-pelliculose when moist, not viscid when dry, sprinkled with superficial, fugacious, piloso-fasciculate, concentric scales. St. 6-12-5 cm. x 4-6 mm., pallid, becoming ferru- ginous at the base, equal, tough, pulverulent above the ring, either squarrose withfibrillose reftexed scales, or covered over with dense, strigose down below the ring. Ring pallid, membranaceous, thin, distant. Gills cinereous, then blackish, edge white, adnate, ventricose, 10-12 mm. broad. Flesh pallid, often reddish when moist, thin, watery. Spores brownish purple, broadly elliptical, often depressed on one side, 14- 15 x 7-8 /i, with an apical germ-pore. Cystidia "on edge of gill, fila- mentous-clavate, 50-70 x 4-7 /A " Rick. In troops. Woods and heaths. Sept. Nov. Common, (v.v.) var. aurantiaca Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 562, t. 555, as Stropharia thrausta Kalchbr. var. aurantiaca. Aurantiaca, orange. Differs from the type in the orange, or brick-red p. Woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. thrausta (Kalchbr.) Cke. (= Stropharia luteo-nitens (Fl. Dan.) Fr. sec. Quel.) Kalchbr. Icon. t. 15, fig. 2. 6pavw, I break. Differs from the type in being more slender, and in the p. being soon denuded of its scales. Woods. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 317. S. Worthingtonii Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 563, t. 556. Worthington G-. Smith, the eminent mycologist. P. 2-3 cm., yellow, fleshy, campanulate, smooth, viscid?. St. 4 7 cm. x 1-2 mm., dark blue, flexuose, smooth. Ring incomplete, dis- tant. Gills brown cinnamon, adnate, broad. Flesh of p. pale sulphur yellow, pale bright blue in the St., thin. Spores brown, elliptical, 7 x 4/Li. Pastures and woods. Nov. Dec. Uncommon. **Growing on dung. Ring often incomplete. 318. 8. luteo-nitens (Fl. Dan.) Fr. Luteus, yellow; nitens, shining. P. 2-5-5 cm., yellow, fleshy, conico-hemispherical, umbonate, smooth, covered with pallid, superficial, fugacious squamules towards the margin, viscid when moist, shining when dry. St. 5 cm. x 4 mm., pallid, equal, somewhat firm, minutely silky fibrillose, apex pruinose. Ring white, distant, membranaceous, entire, spreading. Gills cinereous, becoming blackish, subadnate, truly ventricose, broad, plane. Flesh white, thin. Spores "at first violet, then olive yellow under the microscope, elliptical, STROPHARIA 129 15-19 x 9-1 1/i. Cystidia only on the edge of the gill filamentous- capitate, 25-27 x 3-6 fj," Rick. On dung in pastures. Sept. Un- common. 319. S. merdaria Fr. (= Psilocybe merdaria (Fr.) Rick.) Cke. Illus. no. 565, t. 537. Merdaria, of dung. P. 2-5 cm., somewhat cinnamon when moist, then yellow, and at length ochraceous, fleshy, obtusely campanulate, then convexo-plane, gibbous, smooth, pelliculose, moist, hygrophanous, slightly viscid; mar- gin thin, deflexed, even, at length somewhat striate. St. 57*5 cm. x 4-6 mm., straw white, tough, equal, subflexuose, stuffed with a pith, flocculosely villous, and slightly silky, dry, apex striate, base white villous. Ring concolorous, incomplete, torn, for the most part com- monly adhering to the margin of the p. Gills pallid, somewhat isabelline, at length brown fuscous, adnato-decurrent, plane, 6 mm. broad, very broad behind, somewhat crowded, soft, edge white. Flesh whitish, thick at the disc, sometimes fuscous in the st. when old. Spores black fuscous, broadly elliptical, 13-15 x 8-9 /A, with a large central gutta, and flattened germ-pore. Cystidia "on edge of gill cylindrical-fila- mentous, 25-30 x 3-5 jit" Rick. Gregarious, or subcaespitose. On horse dung. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. major Fr. (= Stropharia ventricosa Massee.) Fr. Icon. t. 130, fig. 3. Major, larger. Differs from the type in its much larger size and in the ventricose, rooting st. On horse dung. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 320. S. stercoraria Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 566, t. 538. Stercoraria, of dung. P. 2-3 cm., yellow, fleshy, hemispherical, then expanded, obtuse, orbicular, pelliculoso-viscid, smooth; margin sometimes striate. St. 7-10 cm. x 4-6 mm., yellow, equal, stuffed with a separable, fibrous pith, clothed below the ring with the viscid flocculose veil so that it appears as if smooth. Ring viscid, distant, thin, narrow, spreading, floccose. Gills white, then umber fuscous, or olivaceous fuscous, adnate, 4-8 mm. broad, very broad behind, somewhat crowded. Flesh pallid, thin at the margin. Spores fuscous purple, oblong elliptical, 18- 20 x 8-lOju,, with a flattened germ-pore. Cystidia "lanceolate, 50- 70 x 12-18/x " Rick. Quelet says that the st. often rises from a sclerotium. Dry dung. Pastures. May Nov. Common, (v.v.) 321. S. semiglobata (Batsch) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 567, t. 539. Semiglobata, hemispherical. P. 1-3 cm., light yellow, fleshy, hemispherical, very obtuse, smooth, viscid. St. 6-10 cm. x 2-3 mm., becoming yellow, apex paler, equal, tense and straight, smooth, smeared with the glutinous veil. Ring viscid, 130 STROPHARIA incomplete, distant, thin. Gills clouded with black, adnate, very broad, 8-10 mm., plane. Flesh pallid, thin. Spores fuscous purple, ellip- tical, 15-17 x 9-10/A. Cystidia only on edge of gill, filamentous, apex obtuse, 5-6/i in diam., base ventricose, 50-60 x 7-1 1/i. On dung, especially horse. Woods, and pastures. April Nov. Common, (v.v.) B. P. without a pellicle, but innato-fibrillose, not viscid. 322. S. caput-Medusae Fr. (= Hypholoma caput-Medusae (Fr.) Rick.) Cke. Illus. no. 568, t. 540. Caput, head; Medusa, a monster with snakes instead of hair. P. 3-7-5 cm., disc umber, paler, somewhat tan colour towards the margin, fleshy, ovate, then convexo-expanded, obtuse, or obtusely umbonate, dry, when young very densely, scaly-squarrose with the fuscous veil, soon becoming smooth especially at the disc, which becomes rimosely warty, or granulose; margin thin, splitting. St. 5-12 x 1- 1-5 cm., whitish, equally attenuated upwards, somewhat fragile, covered below the ring with fuscous, crowded, imbricate, squarrose scales, white mealy above. Ring white, superior, membranaceous, pendulous, margin very much swollen, floccose, fuscous. Gills clay white, then pale umber, fuscous spotted in appearance, adnate, ventricose, lanceolate, or semiovate, 4-6 mm. broad, not very crowded, fragile. Flesh pallid, thick at the disc. Spores fuscous purple, pip-shaped, 8-9 x 4/z, 1-guttulate. Cystidia " vesiculose-flask-shaped, 45-60 x 12-20 p, rounded above" Rick. Subcaespitose, or fasciculate. On and near pine stumps. Sept. Oct. Rare, (v.v.) 323. S. scobinacea Fr. (= Stropharia versicolor (With.) Quel., Hypho- loma scobinacea (Fr.) Rick.) Cke. Illus. no. 1179, t. 1189. Scobinacea, powdered. P. 3-5 cm., fuscous, disc livid, becoming yellow, circumference grey- violaceous, fleshy, hemispherical, then expanded, gibbous, slightly sul- cate, covered with crowded, adpressed, separating, fugacious, blackish squamules. St. 6-9 cm. x 6-8 mm., white, attenuated from the thickened base, fragile, fibrillose, apex mealy. Ring white, superior, fugacious. Gills whitish flesh colour, then purple, adnate, crowded, crenulated. Flesh whitish, pinkish when exposed to the air, thin. Spores brownish purple, elliptical, 7-8 x 3/u,. Caespitose. On and near stumps, especially ash. April Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) S. cotonea Quel. = Hypholoma lacrymabundum Fr. 324. S. Battarrae Fr. Quel. Jur. et Vosg. t. 22, fig. 4, as Stropharia aculeata Quel. J. A. Battarra, author of Fungorum Agri Ariminensis Historia. P. 57 cm., whitish, grey, fuscous, or olivaceous, fleshy, hemispherical, then plane, obtuse, covered with darker, adpressed, fibrillose scales, STROPHARIA 131 which are erect on the disc; margin appendiculate with the partial veil. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 5-6 mm., whitish, incurved, thickened at the base, covered below the ring with imbricate, erect, fibrillose, fuscous, or olivace- ous scales, which often become rufescent, apex proinose. Ring white, membranaceous, thin, fugacious. Gills white, then rosy, and at length fuscous, sinuato-adnate, crowded, edge white. Flesh white, thin, fragile. Spores "brownish purple, elliptical, lOju," Quel. Poplars, and poplar stumps. Rare. 325. S. Jerdonii B. & Br. Cke. Illus. no. 569, t. 541. A. Jerdon. P. 45 cm., ochraceous, brown when dry, fleshy, campanulate, obtuse, with a broad umbo, minutely rivulose, adorned with superficial, fuga- cious, white scales; cuticle not peeling off. St. 5-7 cm. x 4-6 mm., snow white, cylindrical, apex pulverulent, brownish with silky trans- verse scales below. Ring superior, deflexed. Gills pallid, then brown, adnate, sending a line down the st. but not truly decurrent, trans- versely striate. Flesh white, brownish towards the base of the st., thick at the disc. Spores dark brown, " 10 x 5/>t" Massee. Caespitose. Fir stumps. Sept. Nov. Rare. 326. S. spintrigera Fr. (= Hypholoma appendiculatum Bull. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 132, fig. 1. Spinther, a bracelet; gero, I wear. P. 210 cm., brownish, or pinkish tan, becoming pale, fleshy, fragile, ovate, then expanded, smooth, soft. St. 5-15 cm. x 4-10 mm., shining white, equal, or slightly ventricose, base often subbulbous, floccosely squamose, or fibrillose, apex naked. Ring white, very distant, thin, fugacious. Gills brownish fuscous, adnate, linear, 2-8 mm. wide, joined behind, subdeliquescent. Flesh white, thin, almost none at the margin. Spores fuscous cinereous, elliptical, 7-8 x 4-5/u,. Caespitose. On trunks and stumps. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 327. S. punctulata (Kalchbr.) Fr. (= Flammula gummosa (Lasch) Fr. sec. Quel.) Kalchbr. Icon. 1. 14, fig. 2, as Pholiota punctulata Kalchbr. Punctulata, minutely dotted. P. 2-5-3 cm., pallid, tinged slightly yellowish or fuscous, fleshy, con- vex, obtuse, disc somewhat depressed, dry, minutely squamulosely punctate from the veil, at length smooth; margin involute. St. 2-5- 5cm. x 4-6 mm., pallid, equal, or bulbous at the base, clothed below the ring with fibrillose, punctiform squamules, smooth above. Ring superior, or subapical, thin, formed of the fibrils of the veil brought together in a zone, fugacious. Gills pallid, then pale umber, sinuato- adnate, decurrent with a tooth, 46 mm. broad. Flesh becoming pale fuscous, tawny at the base of the st., thin. Spores fuscous. On buried chips. Sept. Oct. Rare. 132 STROPHARIA. CORTINABIUS 328. S. hypsipus Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 132, fig. 2. vtyl-Trovs, high-footed. P. 5-9 cm., livid fuscous when moist, pallid tan when dry, somewhat fleshy, campanulate, then convexo-plane, obtuse, smooth, hygrophan- ous', margin somewhat striate when moist. St. 715 cm. x 4-8 mm., white, fragile, equal, smooth. Ring white, membranaceous, median, distant, persistent. Gills white, then fuscous, adnate, at length sepa- rating, subdistant. Flesh white, very thin. Spores "brown, elliptical, 12-14 x 6-7 fj," Massee. Damp places amongst grass, sometimes on twigs. Oct. Rare. 329. S. cothurnata Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 132, fig. 3. KoBopvos, a high hunting boot. P. 12-5 cm., white, submembranaceous, convex, then plane, obtuse, smooth, silky smooth under a lens. St. 3-5 cm. x 2-3 mm., white, equal, sof t, fioccosely villose below the ring, smooth above. Ring white, median, narrow. Gills white, becoming fuscous, adnexed, ventricose, crowded. Flesh watery white, thin at the disc. Shady fir woods. Rare. S. lacrimabunda (Bull.) Quel. = Hypholoma velutinum (Pers.) Fr. S. pyrotricha (Holmsk.) Quel. = Hypholoma pyrotrichum (Holmsk.) Fr. **With an arachnoid or filamentous general veil. 1. Veil forming an arachnoid, fugacious ring on the stem. Spores ochraceous, or ferruginous. Cortinarius FT. (Cortina, a veil.) Pileus fleshy, regular. Veil arachnoid, distinct from the pellicle of the pileus, viscid, or dry. Stem central. Gills adnate, sinuate, sinu- ato-adnate, or decurrent, pulverulent with the spores at maturity. Spores ochraceous, citron yellow, golden, clay colour, cinnamon, ferruginous, tawny, or fuscous; oval, elliptical, pip-shaped, oblong elliptical, almond-shaped, or fusiform; smooth, verrucose, granular, aculeolate, or echinulate, continuous. Cystidia none on the surface of the gills (except 333), rarely on the edge. Growing on the ground, solitary, caespitose, or subcaespitose. 1. Phlegmacinm Fr. (\eyna, phlegm.) Veil viscid on the pileus, arachnoid, dry on the stem. CORTINARIUS 133 I. Partial veil superior, pendulous from the apex of the clavate, or subequal stem as an imperfect ring. *Gills pallid, then clay colour. 330. C. (Phleg.) triumphans Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 682, t. 692. Triumphans, triumphal. P. 6-12 cm., yellow with a tinge of brown or ochraceous when moist, yellow when dry, disc sometimes variegated with minute, adpressed, spot-like scales, margin brighter coloured, fleshy, convexo-plane, ob- tuse. St. 6-17 x 1-2-5 cm., yellowish white, adorned with tawny scales arranged in many circles, or rings, firm, attenuated upwards from the ovato-bulbous base, striate; partial veil superior, woven, somewhat ringed. Gills whitish, or inclining to very pale bluish grey, then clay colour, and somewhat cinnamon, emarginate, crowded, 6 mm. broad; edge toothed, white. Flesh whitish. Spores brown, punctate, elliptical, 9-10 x 4-5/A, 1-guttulate. Taste mild. Woods, heaths, and commons, generally under birches. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 331. C. (Phleg.) claricolor Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 141, fig. 2. Clarus, bright; color, colour. P. 7-12 cm., yellow, fleshy, convexo-plane, then depressed, veiled with superficial, silky-pruinose, villose down, at first everywhere, soon only round the margin, then smooth, and for the most part broken up into scales. St. 7-9 x 1-5-2 cm., white, or yellow, hard, clothed up to the superior cortina with fugacious, white, scaly flocci, or lax down, either short and bulbous, or elongated and conico-attenuated, or cylindrical. Gills whitish, then clay colour, emarginate, almost free, or adnate, crowded, edge toothed. Flesh white, compact. Spores brown, punctate, pip-shaped, 10-11 x 6-7 p. Taste pleasant. Woods, and heaths, under birches and conifers. Aug. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 332. C. (Phleg.) turmalis Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 684, t. 694. Turmalis, belonging to a troop. P. 5-9 cm., yellow-tan, disc often darker, compact, convex, then plane, very obtuse, when young veiled with pruinate, very fugacious, villose down, soon smooth, sometimes obsoletely piloso-virgate. St. 7-15 x 2-5 cm., shining white when dry, very hard, rigid, cylindrical, attenuated at the base, when young sheathed with a fugacious, white, woolly veil. Cortina entirely fibrillose, superior and persistent in the form of a ring, at length ferruginous with the spores. Gills white, then clay colour, adnexed, rounded, or emarginate, even decurrent with a tooth, crowded, serrated. Flesh white, soft. Spores ferruginous, palish fuscous under the microscope, elliptical, 8-9 x 5/z. Densely caespitose. Mixed woods, and especially amongst beech leaves. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. 134 COBTINARIUS 333. C. (Phleg.) crassus Fr. (= Hebeloma crassum (Fr.) Eick.) Fr. Icon, t. 142, fig. 1. Crassus, thick. P. 6-12 cm., dirty yellow, opaque, very fleshy, convexo-plane, very obtuse, disc depressed, somewhat viscid, the circumference broken up into innate fibrils. St. 5 x 2-5 cm., whitish, either truly bulbous, or stout and equal, fibrillose, apex white-mealy, base often white-tomen- tose. Cortina very delicate, fugacious. Gills pallid-clay colour, then clay colour, rounded behind, crowded, 6 mm. broad. Flesh becoming pallid, pouring out a watery juice when the stem is compressed. Spores "brownish, pale yellow under the microscope, punctate, sub- fusiform, 6-7 x 4ju. Cystidia very abundant, both on the surface and edge of the gill, cylindrical-fusiform, 40-75 x 6-9 /x," Eick. Smell strong. Moist woods, and grassy places. Aug. Oct. Uncommon. 334. C. (Phleg.) balteatus Fr. (= Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) nemo- rensis Fr. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 142, fig. 2. Balteatus, girdled. P. 7-10 cm., disc tawny-fuliginous, or date colour, beautiful violet, or lilac near the floccose margin (but this colour often disappears with age, or when the plant is dry), compact, flattened, very obtuse, disc depressed, often unequal, shining when dry, innately floccose, fibrillose, and shining towards the margin. St. 4-6 x 2-5-3 cm., whitish, stout, very compact, equal, or ovately bulbous, minutely velvety, and dingy above the fibrillose, adpressed, rusty veil, longitudinally striate, or reticulate below, but sometimes white tomentose. Gills pallid, then somewhat tan colour, emarginate, or rounded behind, or subde- current, rather crowded. Flesh white, compact. Spores ferruginous, pip-shaped, 8-10 x 4-5/i, multi-guttulate. Mixed woods, and amongst pine needles in pine woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. (v.v.) 335. C. (Phleg.) sebaceus Fr. Boud. Icon. t. 103. Sebum, tallow. P. 512 cm., whitish ochraceous, or deep ochraceous, convex, then campanulate, umbonate disc flattened, at first covered over with a whitish pruinose lustre ; margin appendiculate with the remains of the cortina. St. 7-18 x 1-2-5 cm., concolorous, or paler, stout, compact, often twisted and compressed, fusiform towards the fibrillose base. Cortina white, delicate, fugacious. Gills white, then cinnamon, paler near the margin, emarginate, adnate, connected by veins, 8 mm. wide, not crowded. Flesh white. Spores golden yellow, attenuated at the one end, oblong, 12-15 x 5-6/i,, multi-guttulate. Taste pleasant. Mixed woods. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) CORTINARIUS 135 336. C. (Phleg.) lustratus Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 688, t. 799. Lustratus, purified. Entirely whitish. P. 2-5-5 cm., equally fleshy, convex, then ex- panded, very obtuse. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 8-10 mm., equal, rarely attenu- ated at the base, covered with a few fibrils of the white cortina. Gills becoming slightly discoloured, rounded behind, almost free, very crowded, narrow. Flesh white, thick. Spores ochraceous. Amongst grass in sunny places. Oct. Rare. **Gills violaceous, or purplish, then cinnamon. 337. C. (Phleg.) crocolitus Quel. Grevillea, t. 127, fig. 1. Kpotcos, saffron; litus, daubed. P. 10 cm., bright yellow, disc sprinkled with tender, saffron fiocci, convex. St. 6-10 x 1 cm., white, then citron yellow, fragile, swollen at the base, fibrillose, apex silky, adorned with scales, or woolly zones below the membranaceous, very fragile ring. Cortina white, fugacious. Gills whitish lilac, then nankeen yellow, uncinate, uneven, edge white. Flesh white, then citron yellow, soft. Spores "citron yellow, granular, pruniform, 11-12 x 5-6 p" Bat. Taste becoming bitter. Woods, especially birch. Sept. Oct. Rare. 338. C. (Phleg.) varius (Schaeff.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 689, t. 698. Varius, changeable. P. 5-9 cm., bright ferruginous-tawny, or yellow tawny, compact, hemispherico-flattened, very obtuse; margin thin, at first incurved, appendiculate with the cortina. St. 48 x 2-3 cm., shining white, compact, adpressedly flocculose, the superior veil pendulous, base bulbous. Cortina white, silky. Gills violaceous-purplish, then ochraceous- cinnamon with the edge violaceous, emarginate, thin, somewhat crowded. Flesh white, firm. Spores ferruginous, warted, broadly elliptical, 8-10 x 6-8ju,, often apiculate at one end. Woods. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 339. C. (Phleg.) cyanopus (Seer.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 690, t. 699. KVCLVOS, dark blue; TTOU?, a foot. P. 5-8 cm., date-brown-livid, then tan, and opaque, fleshy when un- folded, flattened, obtuse, regular, dry in fine weather. St. 5-10 x 1- 2 cm., violaceous, becoming whitish, the apex remaining violaceous, firm, ventricose, base bulbous. Gills intensely violaceous, or pallid bluish- grey, soon becoming cinnamon, adnate, then emarginate, broad, 6- 10 mm. wide, not much crowded. Flesh violaceous at the apex of the stem, whitish elsewhere. Spores ferruginous, punctate, pip-shaped, 9-10 x 5-6 jLt. Woods and under oaks. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon. (v.v.) 136 CORTINARITTS 340. C. (Phleg.) variecolor (Pers.) Fr. Varie, diversely; color, colour. P. 8-15 cm., date-brown, then fulvous-reddish, disc darker, the tomen- tose margin violet, rarely entirely violet, convex, then expanded, obtuse. St. 5-8 x 2-5-3 cm., white with the apex becoming blue, or blue becoming whitish, hard, stout, base bulbous, diffused upwards into the p., at first villose, then fiocculose. Gills blue, then clay-cinnamon, emarginate, decurrent, somewhat arcuate, thin, 12 mm. wide, margin crenulate. Flesh violaceous, becoming whitish. Spores ferruginous, "almond- shaped, 15-18 x 8-9 /A, warted-rough" Rick. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Pine woods. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. nemorensis Fr. (= Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) balteatus Fr. sec. Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 692, t. 863. Nemorensis, belonging to a wood. P. 10-12-5 cm., bay-brown, then yellowish, margin violet, smooth, slightly viscid at first, soon dry, opaque, pilosely rivulose. St. 7-5 x 2-5 cm., bluish, becoming white, obclavate, not bulbous, nor villose, apex mealy. Gills rounded, subdecurrent. Flesh white, bluish at the peri- phery. Beech woods. Sept. Oct. (v.v.) 341. C. (Phleg.) largus Fr. Largus, large. P. 5-15 cm., sometimes violet when young, date-brown-tawny, fleshy, compact at the disc, thin at the circumference, convexo-flattened, very obtuse, only slightly viscid, adpressedly silky-fibrillose when dry, commonly rivuloso-squamulose, sometimes fibrillose towards the margin. St. 6-13 x 2-3 cm., white, tinted violaceous, equal, often curved and ascending, wholly fibrillose, apex pruinose. Cortina white, silky, thick, superior, pendulous. Gills bluish-grey-clay-colour, then cinnamon, adnate, or emarginate, crowded, 10-14 mm. broad, minutely denticulate. Flesh whitish-bluish-grey, becoming white when exposed to the air, that of the stem sometimes becoming bloody when bruised, wholly fibrous, firm. Spores ferruginous, pip-shaped, 10- 11 x 5-6/x, "rough" Rick. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Caes- pitose. Deciduous and pine woods. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon. (v.v.) 342. C. (Phleg.) Riederi (Weinm.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 694, t. 702. M. Rieder, of Petrograd. P. 5-7-5 cm., ochraceous, compact, campanulate, then expanded, umbonate, glutinous, shining when dry. St. 5-12-5 cm. x 5-12 mm., white, apex violaceous, or lilac, tawny fibrillose, clavate. Gills lilac, then cinnamon, adnate, rather thick, crowded. Flesh greyish- white, be- coming yellow under the cuticle. Spores ferruginous, "warted, almond- shaped, 15-17 x 8-10/Lt " Rick. Pine woods. Sept. Oct. Rare. CORTINARIUS 137 ***Gills yellow, cinnamon, or ferruginous. 343. C. (Phleg.) percomis Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 143, fig. 2. Percomis, very friendly. P. 5-7 cm., pale yellow, truly fleshy, compact, convex, obtuse. St. 6-8 x 1-2 cm., sulphur yellow, compact, firm, fusiform, or davate, fibrillose, apex pruinose. Cortina citron yellow. Gills sulphur yellow, becoming fulvous, broadly emarginate, crowded, 4-6 mm. wide. Flesh sulphur yellow, compact. Spores ferruginous in the mass, broadly elliptical, 12-14 x 8-9 /x, " warted-punctate " Rick. Smell pleasant, "like lavender" Quel, "like toilet vinegar" Peltereau. Taste pleasant. Edible. Pine woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. 344. C. (Phleg.) latus (Pers.) Fr. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 162. Latus, broad. P. 6-10 cm., tan colour, disc darker, fleshy, convex, then expanded, obtuse, slightly viscid, soon dry, fibrillose, then glabrous. St. 5- 7 x 1-5-2 cm., white, equal, base ovately bulbous, rarely emargi- nately bulbous, somewhat squamose, then fibrillose. Cortina white, superior, forming a ring, fugacious. Gills pallid, then clay cinnamon, emarginate, 6 mm. broad, crowded, distantly dentate. Flesh white. Spores ochraceous, punctate, minutely rough, oblong elliptical, 10- 13 x 6-7 /i. Taste pleasant. Gregarious, or subcaespitose. Coniferous woods. Oct. Rare. 345. C. (Phleg.) saginus Fr. Saginus, fattened. P. 10-12-5 cm., yellow, fleshy, plano-convex, irregular, repand. St. 7-5 x 2-5-3 cm., light yellowish, somewhat bulbous, fibrillose, apex naked. Cortina fibrillose, fugacious, not very conspicuous. Gills dingy-pallid, then cinnamon, truly decurrent, 8-10 mm. broad, attenu- ated at both ends, edge eroded. Flesh white, soft. Spores "pale yellow under the microscope, almond-shaped, 10-11 x 6-6-5 /n, warted-punctate" Rick. Gregarious, subcaespitose. Mountainous fir woods. Oct. Rare. 346. C. (Phleg.) russus Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 696, t. 751. Russus, red. P. 6-10 cm., unicolorous, rufous, fleshy, convex, then flattened, ob- tuse, innately fibrillose round the margin. St. 7-5 x 1-5-2 cm., pale white, attenuated upwards, often curved-ascending, soft, adpressedly fibrillose, apex delicately pruinose. Cortina concolorous, very tender, fugacious. Gills rufous-ferruginous, obtusely adnate, 8-10 mm. broad, crowded, connected by veins. Flesh whitish- flesh-colour, violaceous under the cuticle. Spores ferruginous, elliptical, 8-12 x 5-7 /z, " warted- punctate " Rick. Taste bitter, nauseous. Woods. Sept. Oct. Un- common, (v.v.) 138 COBTINABITJS ****Gills olivaceous. 347. C. (Phleg.) infractus (Pers.) Fr. (= Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) anfractus Fr. sec, Quelet et Bresadola.) Bres. Fung. Trid. 1. 163. Infractus, broken. P. 5-10 cm., olivaceous-fuliginous, becoming fulvous, fleshy, convex, then plane, streaked, often fuscous zoned near the undulate, broken margin. St. 3-7 x 1-3 cm., concolorous, ovato-clavate, or elongate and bulbous, adpressedly fibrillose, apex often violaceous. Gills oliva- ceous-fuliginous, then umber, crowded, or somewhat distant, broad, undulate, crisped. Flesh yellowish white, somewhat violaceous at the apex of the stem. Spores ferruginous in the mass, somewhat ochraceous under the microscope, subglobose, or broadly elliptical, 6-9 x 4-6 /z,, verrucose. Smell somewhat nauseous. Taste bitter. Woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 348. C. (Phleg.) praestans (Cordier) Sacc. (= Cortinarius (Phlegma- cium) anfractus Fr. sec. Berk., Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) Berkeleyi Cke., Cortinarius torvus Fr. sec. Kalchbr. and Quel.) Boud. Icon. t. 116, as Cortinarius torvus Fr. var. Berkeleyi Cke. Praestans, pre-eminent. P. 7 - 5-20 cm.., fuliginous, or brown, disc darker, often with a tinge of violet at the margin, at first inclosed in a whitish volva which breaks up in patches on the disc, convex, then expanded, shining when dry, very fleshy, sometimes radiately silky, becoming paler and rivulose with age. St. 10-20 x 3-6 cm., white, covered with the general veil, which is at first violaceous, then pale, often remaining appendiculate at the margin of the pileus, finally becoming ochraceous when old, base bulbous. Gills dingy olive, then cinnamon, adnate, slightly emarginate, broad, scarcely distant. Flesh pale ochraceous, darker under the pellicle of the pileus. Spores yellow-brown, fusiform, minutely verrucose, 15-16 x 8-9 /M. Forming large circles in woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) II. Bulb depressed, or turbinate, marginate. St. fleshy, fibrous; cortina commonly inferior, arising from the margin of the bulb. P. equally fleshy. Gills somewhat sinuate. *Gills whitish, then clay-coloured, or pale cinnamon. 349. C. (Phleg.) multiformis Fr. (= Cortinarius rapaceus Fr. sec. Quel., Cortinarius talus Fr. sec. Quel.) Boud. Icon. t. 104. Multiformis, many shaped. P. 47 cm., unicolorous, light yellow, clay yellow, tawny, etc., fleshy, convex, then flattened, very obtuse, at length depressed, very viscid, or somewhat dry, and sprinkled with the universal white veil. St. 5-12 x 1-1-5 cm., white, then yellowish, equal, or attenuated upwards, COBTINARIUS 139 often adpressedly fibrillose, with a somewhat marginate bulb. Cortina white, fibrillose, fugacious. Gills whitish, often tinged with violet, then clay colour, emarginate, free, or with a small decurrent tooth, very thin, crowded, edge serrulate. Flesh white, becoming yellowish at the base of the stem. Spores ochraceous-tawny, verrucose, elliptical, 10 x 6/1,. Taste mild. Woods, especially beech. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. flavescens (Cke.). Cke. Illus. no. 702, t. 709. Flavescens, becoming yellow. Differs from the type in the yellow gills, and yellowish flesh. 350. C. (Phleg.) napus (Fr.). Cke. Illus. no. 703, t. 710. Napus, turnip. P. 58 cm.., fuliginous, then date-brown-tawny, fleshy, convexo-plane, obtuse, glutinous, margin abruptly bent inwards. St. 5 x 1-2 cm., white, at length becoming yellow at the base, equal, ascending, firm, inserted in an obconic, acutely and obliquely marginate bulb. Gills whitish-fuliginous, emarginate, somewhat distant, broad, crisped. Flesh white, with a horny line at the base of the gills. Spores brownish, ellip- tical, 10 x 5/Lt. Pine woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 351. C. (Phleg.) allutus (Seer.) Fr. Cke. lUus. no. 704, t. 752. Allutus, washed. P. 2-3 cm., rufescent, fleshy, conical, then convex, finally expanded, and sometimes depressed, margin darker. St. 2-3 cm. x 3-4 mm., white, striate with reddish lines below, equal, apex mealy, viscid, base marginately bulbous. Gills whitish, then rufescent, adnate, rather crowded, edge crenulate. Flesh rufescent, thin. Pine woods. Oct. Rare. 352. C. (Phleg.) talus Fr. (= Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) multiformis Fr. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 145, fig. 2. Talus, the ankle bone. P. 4-8 cm. , of a yellowish dirty colour, becoming pale, margin somewhat olivaceous, yellowish, fleshy, thin, convexo-plane. St. 7'5 cm. x 12mm., pale, equal, cylindrical, base marginato-bulbous. Gills beautiful straw colour, or ochrey-pallid, emarginate, somewhat crowded. Flesh dingy pallid whitish, watery, with hyaline spots, and variegated with a horny line next the gills. Spores ferruginous, elliptical, 8-10 x 4-5 /A, 1-2- guttulate. Woods. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) **Gills violaceous, dark blue or purplish, at length cinnamon. 353. C. (Phleg.) glaucopus (Schaeff.) Fr. Cke. lUus. no. 706, t. 712. 7\au/co9, pale blue; TTOVS, a foot. P. 6-12 cm., dingy yellow, tan-tawny, or clay colour, very fleshy, compact, convex, then flattened, somewhat repand, often fioccoso-scaly 140 CORTINABIUS and marked with a raised fuscous zone round the split margin. St. 6-8 x 12 cm., pale azure-blue, becoming yellowish, firm, fibrillose, striate, base marginately bulbous. Gills azure-blue, then cinnamon, rounded behind, emarginate, crowded, sometimes crisped. Flesh white, or bluish, becoming yellowish. Spores ferruginous, minutely verrucose, broadly elliptical, 9-10 x 5-6/x, with a hyaline apiculus at the one end. Woods, and pastures. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 354. C. (Phleg.) calochrous (Pers.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 707, t. 713. Ka\6<:, beautiful; %p&>9, colour. P. 4-8 cm., tawny, yellow round the margin, compact, convex, then plane, obtuse, guttate, often stained with soil; margin involute, flexuose when expanded. St. 4-6 x 1-5-3 cm., yellowish, firm, equal, fibrillose, marginately bulbous, bulb very depressed. Cortina yellow ("amethyst" Quelet), marginal, fugacious. Gills dark blue-purple, then ferruginous, emarginate, crowded, serrated. Flesh white, firm. Spores ferruginous, elliptical, 10-11 x 6-7 /x, minutely punctate. Smell sometimes foetid. Taste mild, sometimes acrid. Pastures, and woods, especially beech. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 355. C. (Phleg.) caerulescens Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 709, t. 722. Caerulescens, becoming azure. P. 5-7 cm., blue-violaceous, becoming tinged with ochre especially on the disc, sometimes entirely yellow ochraceous, convex, then convexo- plane, sometimes finally a little depressed at the disc, fleshy, pellicle separable; margin incurved, pubescent, white, then expanded and vio- laceous. St. 4-6 x 1-1-5 cm., blue-violaceous, or violet-amethyst, cylin- drical, conical, fibrillosely silky, then becoming smooth, marginately bulbous, bulb white. Cortina violaceous. General veil fibrillose, viola- ceous, fugacious, little distinct from the cortina. Gills violet-amethyst, or blue-violaceous, becoming rust colour, edge remaining violet for a long time, broadly adnate, deeply emarginate, attenuated in front, rounded behind, wide, somewhat crowded. Flesh pale blue-violaceous, especially in the stem and under the pellicle of the p., becoming whitish, finally tinged with ochre where wounded. Spores ferruginous in the mass, yellow ochraceous under the microscope, elliptical, or somewhat almond-shaped, 12-14 x 7-5/u, or 6-6-5 x 5/z, compressed on the side, verrucose. Taste sweet, or slightly bitter. Woods, especially beech, and fir. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 356. C. (Phleg.) caesiocyaneus Britz. Cke. Illus. no. 708, t. 721, as Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) caerulescens Fr. Caesius, bluish grey; icvavos, dark blue. P. 5-10 cm., pale blue-violaceous, more or less washed with yellow ochre at the centre, fleshy, convex, then convexo-plane, more or less CORTINABIUS 141 radially streaked with innate fibrils, sometimes marked with loose, white patches, the remains of the volva. St. 5-8 cm. x 12-15 mm., bluish, then becoming pale, and finally whitish, attenuated upwards from the distinctly marginate, bulbous base, fibrillose; bulb white from the first, the margin often forming a ledge, or sheath. Cortina bluish, fugacious. Gills whitish, then bluish white, and finally clay colour and rust colour, narrowly adnate, slightly sinuate, or emarginate, thin, crowded, somewhat narrow. Flesh yellowish, whitish in the bulb, bluish in the stem. Spores ferruginous in the mass, yellowish brown under the microscope, almond-shaped, 10-12-5 x 5-6 /A (" 8-10 x 4-5 /A " Britz.), verrucose. Smell faint, like that of Cortinarius purpurascens. Taste pleasant. Fir woods. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 357. C. (Phleg.) purpurascens Fr. Cke. lUus. no. 710, t. 723. Purpurascens, becoming purple. P. 6-15 cm., bay brown, or date brown olivaceous, then tawny olivace- ous, fleshy, convex, obtuse, glutinous, opaque when dry, tiger-spotted, often depressed round the margin which is at first inflexed, then repand, and marked with a raised, violet fuscous zone. St. 5-9 x 1-5 3 cm., intensely pallid azure-blue, darker when touched, fibrillose, base bulbous, somewhat marginate. Gills azure-blue-clay, then cinnamon, violaceous purple when bruised, broadly emarginate, 6-12 mm. wide, crowded. Flesh azure-blue. Spores ferruginous, rough, elliptical, 9-11 x 5/Ji. Woods, and heaths. Sept. Nov. Common, (v.v.) var. subpurpurascens Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 712, t. 725. Subpurpurascens, becoming somewhat purple. Differs from the type in the thinner, somewhat virgate p., becoming pale, in the somewhat equal, bluish white, somewhat marginately bulbous stem only fibrillose at the base, in the pallid, then cinnamon gills be- coming somewhat purplish when rubbed, and in the flesh in young specimens becoming purplish when broken, and finally white. Woods. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) *** Gills ferruginous, tawny, or yellow. 358. C. (Phleg.) dibaphus Fr. Saund. & Sin. t. 10. St-/3a(o9, twice dyed. P. 5-10 cm., purplish, disc yellowish, and at length variegated with lilac, fleshy, convex, then plane, at length depressed, somewhat re- pand. St. 6-9 x 1-3 cm., yellow, shining purplish at the apex, fibril- lose, base marginato-bulbous. Gills purplish-ferruginous, adnate, slightly rounded, somewhat crowded, broad ("margin lilac" Quel.). Flesh white, then yellow, variegated under the pellicle with a violet line. Spores purplish brown, pip-shaped, 12-14 x 7-8/u, verrucose. Smell and taste mild. Beech, and oak woods. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, 142 CORTTNARITJS var. xanthophyllus Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 713, t. 753. fai>#o5, yellow; v\\ov, a leaf. Differs from the type in the yellow gills. Woods. Oct. Nov. Rare. (*.*) 359. C. (Phleg.) turbinatus (Bull.) Fr. Boud. Icon. t. 105. Turbo, a spinning- top. P. 5-13 cm., unicolorous, dingy yellow, or green, becoming pale, hygrophanous, opaque when dry, fleshy, convex, then flattened, obtuse, at length depressed, orbicular, covered with adpressed fibrils which are deeper coloured and somewhat squamulose at the disc. St. 57 x 2-3 cm., concolorous, or paler than the p., sometimes tinged with violet at the apex, equal, cylindrical, springing from a globoso- depressed, distinctly marginate, turbinate bulb. Gills pallid light yellow- ish, sometimes tinted with dark purple, then ferruginous, uncinately adnate, thin, crowded, broad. Flesh white, soft. Spores ferruginous, elliptical, 15 x 7-8 p ("8-10 x 5-6/i" Boud.), verrucose. Taste some- what bitter. Beech woods, and pastures. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. (v.v.) var. lutescens Eea. Lutescens, becoming yellow. Differs from the type in the bright yellow colour of the flesh. Woods, and pastures. Oct. Rare, (v.v.) 360. C. (Phleg.) corrosus Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 715, t. 715. Corrosus, gnawed to pieces. P. 5-8 cm., clay colour, becoming ferruginous, then pallid, fleshy, compact, expanded, umbilicate, opaque when dry, rivulose, fiocculose, only fugaciously viscid. St. 2-5-5 x 1-2-5 cm., white, cortinately- fibrillose, equal, base marginately bulbous. Gills somewhat ferruginous from the first, emarginate, or rounded behind, very crowded, narrow, 4 mm. wide, edge unequal. Flesh white, rarely zoned with violet. Pine woods. Sept. Rare. 361. C. (Phleg.) fulgens (A. & S.) Fr. Boud. Icon. t. 106. Fulgens, shining. P. 5-10 cm., orange-tawny, very fleshy, convexo-plane, obtuse, occasionally punctate as if with drops, at length silky-fibrillose, or squamulose. St. 5-10 x 1-5-2 cm., yellow, paler at the apex, equal, densely fibrillose with the yellow cortina which is viscid in wet weather; base acutely marginately bulbous, then depressed and oblique. Gills bright yellow, then tawny, or ferruginous with the spores, emarginate, 6-10 mm. broad, somewhat crowded. Flesh white-yellow, compact, then spongy and tan colour. Spores ferruginous, verrucose, pip-shaped, 11-12 x 6 p. Smell pleasant, "like fennel" Quel. Woods. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) CORTINARIUS 143 362. C. (Phleg.) fulmineus Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 717, t. 717. Fulmineus, pertaining to lightning. P. 4-8 cm., tawny, almost brown, margin orange, variegated with dense, irregular, agglutinated scales, very fleshy, at first hemispherical, and attached to the bulb, then convex, very viscid; margin involute. St. 25 x 11-5 cm., yellow, white cortinate at the apex, when young inclosed in the bulb, bulb very depressed, marginate, rooting, wider than the young p. Gills golden yellow, at length tawny, rounded, thin, very crowded. Flesh white, often yellow at the circumference or wholly yellowish. Spores ferruginous, elliptical, 13-14 x 7-8/A, verrucose. Deciduous woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 363. C. (Phleg.) orichalceus (Batsch) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 718, t. 754. o/36t'-%a\/co?, copper ore. P. 4-13 cm., reddish copper colour, disc darker, often spotted with scales, bluish green towards the margin, convex, then flattened, fleshy; margin incurved, pubescent, or white, then expanded and concolor- ous. St. 5-12 x 1-5-2 cm., pale greenish yellow, more or less covered with the fibrils of the cortina, fibrillosely silky, somewhat cylindrical, base marginately bulbous. Cortina whitish, or very light greenish yellow, then rust colour from the spores. General veil whitish, often becoming reddish copper colour, fibrillose, scarcely distinct from the cortina. Gills yellow tinted greenish, then olive, and finally olive rust colour, slightly adnate, sinuate, or emarginate, attenuated in front, slightly rounded behind, narrow, 4-6 mm. wide, thin. Flesh greenish yellow, then citron yellow under the pellicle of the pileus and in the base of the stem, finally becoming reddish brown in the bulb, with a strong bluish grey horny line at the base of the gills. Spores ferruginous, ellip- tical, or almond-shaped, 10-11 x 6-7 /x, verrucose. Smell strong, "of fennel" Quel. Coniferous woods, and under beeches. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 364. C. (Phleg.) elegantior Fr. Ekgantior, neater. P. 7-10 cm., tawny, often spotted with drops, fleshy, convex, then plane, margin split. St. 5-7 x 2-3 cm., becoming yellowish, stout, fibrillose, base marginately bulbous. Cortina pale. Gills egg-yellow, becoming olivaceous, sinuate, thin, crowded, serrulate. Flesh becoming yellow. "Spores sphaeroideo-ellipsoid, dark or yellowish (under the microscope), 11-14 x 7-8 ju, " Sacc. Woods. Oct. Eare. 365. C. (Phleg.) testaceus Cke. (= Cortinarius rufo-olivaceus Fr. sec. Maire.) Cke. Illus. no. 1188, 1. 1190. Testaceus, brick coloured. P. 7-10 cm., brick-red, rather vinous, becoming paler, fleshy, convex, then flattened, umbonate, or depressed. St. 7-9 x 1-5 cm., whitish 144 CORTINABIUS above, becoming rufous at the base, attenuated upwards, longitudinally, fibrously striate below; base submarginate, bulbous. Gills dusky cinnamon, adnate, a little emarginate behind, 6-10 mm. wide. Flesh rather flesh-colour, becoming ruddy at apex and base of stem. Spores elliptical, 9-11 x 5-6 /LI, rarely 16 x 8/x, narrowed at each end, verrucose. Woods, amongst leaves. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) ****Gills olivaceous. 366. C. (Phleg.) prasinus (Schaeff.) Fr. Boud. Icon. t. 107. Trpdo-ov, a leek. P. 5-8 cm., olivaceous, aeruginous, or tawny ferruginous, tiger-spotted as if scaly, convex, then plane and depressed at the centre, adpressedly fibrillose; margin involute. St. 5-8 x 1-2 cm., concolorous, equal, or slightly attenuated upwards, fibrillosely silky; base marginately bul- bous. Cortina whitish, or pallid-green. Gills yellow-olivaceous, or somewhat olivaceous, darker and cinereous olivaceous at the base, emarginate, undulate. Flesh dingy white, greenish white in the stem, olivaceous under the pellicle of the p. and at the base of the stem. Spores ferruginous in the mass, ochraceous under the microscope, elliptical, 12-15 x 6-8 /A, verrucose. Smell none, or "of sulphur" Quel. Taste mild. Beech woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 367. C. (Phleg.) atrovirens (Kalchbr.) Fr. Kalchbr. Icon. t. 19, fig. 3. Ater, black; virens, green. P. 510 cm., dark green, or olivaceous green, compact, convex, ob- tuse. St. 5-8 x 1-2 cm., yellow, firm, equal, fibrillose, except the sub- turbinate, marginate bulb. Gills sulphur colour, then greenish, at length cinnamon, adnate, 6-8 mm. broad, crowded. Flesh greenish yellow, then darker. Spores ferruginous, "elliptical, 10 x 6/4" Massee. Mycelium sulphur colour. Pine woods. Oct. Nov. Rare. 368. C. (Phleg.) scaums Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 721, t. 755. with projecting ankles. P. 5-10 cm., of a peculiar tawny fuliginous colour, more tawny when dry, tiger-spotted, fleshy, convex, then plane and depressed; margin thin, slightly striate when old. St. 6-8 cm. x 8-10 mm., azure-blue, or olivaceous, becoming white and also yellowish when old, attenuated up- wards, fibrillosely striate; base marginately bulbous, the bulb some- times evanescent. Cortina greenish, fibrillose. Gills purplish-olivace- ous, olivaceous, or fuliginous, attenuato-adnexed, rounded, 2-4 mm. broad, thin, very crowded. Flesh watery, thin, soft. Spores ferru- ginous, broadly elliptical, 10-11 x 6-7 \L, "punctate-rough" Eick. Taste mild. Woods, and bogs. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) CORTINARIUS 145 369. C. (Phleg.) herpeticus Fr. epTrerov, a creeping thing. P. 3-8 cm., olivaceous, then dirty tan colour, disc becoming pale, fleshy, convexo-plane, obtuse, somewhat spotted, slightly viscid. St. 5- 8x1 cm., pallid, firm, unequal, somewhat twisted, fibrillose; bulb napiform, marginate. Gills violet-umber, then fuliginous-olive, slightly emarginate, at first crowded, 46 mm. broad. Flesh of the pileus pale violet when young, then becoming dirty white. Spores "nearly almond- shaped, punctate-rough, 7-8 x 4-5 /A" Rick. Woods. Sept. Rare. III. Cortina simple, thin, fugacious, median, or inferior. St. at the first exserted, somewhat thin, rigid-elastic, externally subcartilaginous, polished, shining. P. thin, often hygrophanous. *Gills whitish, then clay coloured, or dirty cinnamon. 370. C. (Phleg.) cumatilis Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 146, fig. 2. KVfia, a wave. P. 48 cm., of a very charming violet, or purple violet, fleshy, convex, obtuse, often irregular. St. 5-10 x 1-1-5 cm., white, often curved, cortinate only at the apex, the universal veil (which serves as a pellicle of the p.) ruptured at the base, and adnate to it as a separable, agglu- tinated membrane of the same colour as the p. Gills white, then clay colour, attenuato-adnexed, almost free, crowded, narrow, 4-6 mm. broad, with a small decurrent tooth. Flesh white. Spores ferruginous, pip-shaped, 9-10 x 4-5//,, verrucose. Taste pleasant. Solitary, or subcaespitose. Fir woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 371. C. (Phleg.) serarius Fr. Serarius, living on whey. P. 7-10 cm., reddish-tan, fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, or broadly gibbous, viscid, opaque, appearing as if pruinately silky when dry. St. 10 x 1 cm., white, equal, entirely fibrillose, and soft, polished, shining. Cortina white, inferior, inconspicuous. Gills white, then clay colour, arcuately-adnate with a decurrent tooth, crowded, broad. Flesh white, with a hyaline line near the base of the gills. Spores "thin, fusiform, 7-8 x 3 /A, almost smooth" Rick. Mixed woods. Sept. Oct. Rare. 372. C. (Phleg.) emollitus Fr. Emollitus, softened. P. 5-8 cm., tawny, then ochraceous yellow, fleshy, globose, then cam- panulato-convex, finally plane, or deformed, often fibrillosely virgate, shining when dry; margin incurved, flexuose. St. 4-8 x 1-1-5 cm., white, becoming yellowish, equal, or attenuated downwards, often thickened at the apex, striate, or fibrillose, base sometimes thickened, often compressed, curved, or somewhat twisted. Cortina white, fu- gacious, often appendiculate from the margin of the p. Gills white, then ochraceous, adnate, or emarginate, somewhat distant, 10-12 mm. broad, fragile. Flesh white, very soft. Spores ferruginous, elliptical, B. B. B. 10 146 CORTINABIUS 6-7 x 4/u.. Taste very acrid. Often caespitose. Pastures, and woods, especially beech, and oak. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 373. C. (Phleg.) causticus Fr. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. xxvi, t. 5, figs. 1-4. tcava-Tircos, burning. P. 3-5 cm., ochraceous nankeen yellow, almost hemispherical, then convex, and plane, sometimes slightly umbonate, and finally slightly depressed at the centre, pellicle easily separable, at first covered with the white fibrils of the universal veil, soon white pruinose, silky to- wards the margin, only slightly viscid when young, soon dry and shining ; margin slightly incurved, then straight. St. 5-8 cm. x 3-5 mm., white, straight, or flexuose, firm, elastic, covered with the fibrillose veil, and slightly viscid when young, soon dry, very minutely pruinose at the apex; base equal, or somewhat bulbose, sometimes fusiform and slightly rooting. Cortina white, fugacious. Gills cream colour, then ochraceous rust, broadly adnate, slightly emarginate, diminishing in width towards the margin, slightly crowded. Flesh yellowish when young, becoming whitish when dry. Spores ferruginous in the mass, yellowish brown under the microscope, elliptical, 6-5-7'5 x 4/>i, apicu- late, very minutely verrucose. Smell rather strong. Taste of the cuticle of the pileus very bitter, of the flesh sweet, or very slightly bitter. Pine woods, and under conifers. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 374. C. (Phleg.) crystallinus Fr. Grevillea, t. 107, fig. 3. icpvaraXkivos, crystalline. P. 1-5-4 cm., shining silvery white towards the margin, disc watery- pallid, becoming altogether shining white when dry, fleshy, convex, then plane, hygrophanous. St. 5-7 cm. x 6-10 mm., whitish, then straw colour, fragile, equal, or attenuated at the base, fibrillose. Gills day colour, emarginate, thin, 6 mm. broad, crowded. Flesh white, thin. Spores clay colour, elliptical, 4-5 x 3/n, "7-8 x 4-5 /M, faintly punc- tate" Rick. Taste very acrid. Woods, especially beech. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 375. C. (Phleg.) decoloratus Fr. Cke. Illus. no 726, t. 729. Decoloratus, stained. P. 4-10 cm., day colour, disc darker, thin, equally fleshy, cam- panulate, then convex, obtuse, soft, soon dry, and fiocculose, corru- gated and stained when old. St. 5-10 cm. x 10-12 mm., silvery, equal, thickened at the base, sometimes attenuated downwards, fibrillose. Cortina white, fibrillose, inferior. Gills whitish, or bluish, then day colour and cinnamon, emarginate, adnate, or decurrent, not much crowded, 6 mm. broad. Flesh white, watery, soft. Spores pale ferru- ginous, pip-shaped, 11-12 x 5-6/i, verrucose. Taste slightly acrid. Woods, especially beech. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) CORTINARIUS 147 **Gills violaceous, purplisli, or flesh coloured. 376. C. (Phleg.) decolorans (Pers.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 727, t. 730. Decolorans, discolouring. P. 3-6 cm., persistently yellow, fleshy, convex, then flattened, some- what gibbous. St. 57 cm. x 6-10 mm., shining white, equal, attenu- ated downwards, or slightly thickened at the base. Cortina white, persistent, median. Gills purplish, then soon cinnamon, sinuato- adnexed, thin, crowded, 6 mm. broad. Flesh white, thin, firm. Spores pale ferruginous, subglobose, 7-8 x 7 ft; "almond-shaped, 10-12 x 5- 6/x, warted" Kick. Coniferous woods, and under birches. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 377. C. (Phleg.) porphyropus (A. & S.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 728, t. 731. Trop(f>vpeos, purple; TTOU?, foot. P. 3-8 cm., livid-light-yellowish, or day colour, fleshy, very thin at the margin, convexo-plane, obtuse, innately streaked. St. 5-10 cm. x 6-10 mm., violaceous-lilac, becoming pale, even whitish, but soon becoming violaceous-lilac when touched, fragile, somewhat bulbous, or rather equally attenuated from the thickened base, sometimes equal. Cortina violaceous-lilac, fibrillose, inferior. Gills purplish, then watery cinnamon, becoming purple again when touched, rounded, or emar- ginate, somewhat crowded, 4-10 mm. broad. Flesh of pileus whitish, soon becoming purple-lilac when broken, of stem purple-lilac becoming whitish. Spores pale ferruginous, pip-shaped, 10-11 x 6-7 //,, "slightly rough" Eick. Woods, especially beech. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. (v.v.) 378. C. (Phleg.) croceo-caeruleus (Pers.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 729, t. 732. Croceus, saffron; caeruleus, azure. P. 2-3 cm., lilac, or faintly violaceous, fleshy, thin, convex, then plane, obtuse, or gibbous. St. 5 cm. x 4-6 mm., whitish, fragile, somewhat equal, or attenuated downwards. Cortina white, fibrillose, fugacious. Gills lilac, then clay-saffron, attenuated, or broadly emar- ginate, with a small, very thin decurrent tooth, somewhat distant. Flesh pallid, lilac under the pellicle, watery. Spores ferruginous, pip- shaped, 6-8 x 4-5 fj,, punctate. Taste "bitter" Pers. Woods, especially under beeches, and hazels. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) ***Gills pure ochre, tawny, or ferruginous. 379. C. (Phleg.) coruscans Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 730, t. 733. Coruscans, glittering. P. 10 cm., yellow-ochraceous, often spotted tawny, fleshy, soon plane, regular, at length depressed, shining when dry. St. 7-15 x 1 cm., shining white, elastic, equal, apex enlarged, fibrillosely-striate. Cortina 102 148 CORTINARIUS white, fibrillose, fugacious. Gills bright ochraceous, decurrent by a tooth, thin, very narrow, 2-4 mm. wide, very crowded, linear. Flesh white, soft. Woods. Sept. Oct. Rare. 380. C. (Phleg.) papulosus Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 731, t. 718. Papulosus, having pimples. P. 6-9 cm., honey -tan colour, disc ferruginous, or fuscous, and here and there gibbous, fleshy, convex, obtuse, then plane, and at length depressed, the cuticle breaking up into minute, granular, fuscous patches when dry. St. 6-7 x 1-1-5 cm., white, firm, equal, or thickened at the base, densely fibrillose, apex naked. Cortina white, inferior, very fugacious. Gills pallid, soon ochraceous, at length very pale yellow cinnamon, adnato-decurrent, crowded, slightly joined behind, separa- ting from the stem when old, and connected by a spurious collar. Flesh white, thick at the disc, thin at the margin. Spores "sub- elliptical, 810 x 5 6/z,, very slightly punctate" Rick. Pine woods. Oct. Nov. Rare. var. major Fr. Major, larger. P. yellowish, ferruginous, margin much paler, glutinous, disc truly granular. St. at length coloured like the gills, attenuated from the base, filamentous from the inferior veil, apex cortinate. Gills slightly sinuate. 381. C. (Phleg.) vespertinus Fr. Vespertinus, pertaining to evening. P. 7-9 cm., yellowish ochraceous, disc egg-yellow, fleshy, convex, then plane, glutinous, wrinkled and folded at the margin. St. 5-7-5 x 1- 1-5 cm., shining white, firm, elastic, incrassated at the base, fibrillose. Cortina pallid, inferior, fugacious. Gills bright and intense fulvous- cinnamon, broadly emarginate, very broad, firm, little crowded, shining. Flesh white, firm. Spores "elliptical, 4r-5 x 34/x,, almost smooth" Rick. Deciduous woods. Oct. Rare. ****Gills olivaceous, fuliginous. 382. C. (Phleg.) olivascens (Batsch) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 147, fig. 2. Olivascens, becoming olivaceous. P. 3-5 cm., somewhat fuliginous, or bistre olivaceous, becoming pale, somewhat fleshy, convexo-plane, obtuse; margin substriate. St. 7- 9x1 cm., silvery, becoming pallid ("whitish lilac, then silvery at the apex, white in the middle and citron yellow at the base" Quel.), attenu- ated upwards, somewhat bulbose, fibrillose, striate. Gills olivaceous, or clay colour, then cinnamon, adnate, emarginate, thin, little crowded. Flesh paler ("violaceous, then reddish" Quel.), thin. Spores "tawny olivaceous, pruniform, 10-12 x 5'5-7/Lt, punctate" Bat. Taste acrid. Damp woods amongst Sphagna. Sept. Rare. CORTINARIUS 149 -. Myxaciuni I' r. (fjbv^a, mucus.) General veil glutinous. Stem viscid. Pileus slightly fleshy. fSt. floccoso-peronate, the flocci at first covered with gluten. 383. C. (Myx.) arvinaceus Fr. (= Cortinarius (Myxacium) mucosus (Bull.) Quel., (Myxacium) alutipes (Lasch) Fr. sec. Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 734, t. 739, as Cortinarius (Myxacium) mucosus Fr. Arvinaceus, greasy. P. 6-10 cm., orange-tawny, or reddish tan, fleshy, soft, convex, then soon flattened, at length reflexed and undulating, viscid, glistening when dry; margin slightly striate when in full vigour. St. 10-20 x 1- 1-5 cm., white, equal, silky-viscous. Cortina soon fibrillose, fugacious. Gills straw colour, then bright ochraceous, adnato-decurrent, very broad, 12-18 mm., somewhat distant, edge crenulate. Spores ochraceous, "fusiform, 15-17 x 8-9 /x, rough" Eick. Beech woods. Oct. Bare. 384. C. (Myx.) collinitus (Sow.) Fr. (= Cortinarius (Myxacium) muci- fluus Fr. sec. Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 735, t. 740, as Cortinarius (Myxacium) mucifluus Fr. Collinitus, besmeared. P. 6-11 cm., orange-tawny, fleshy, not compact, convex, with the margin bent inwards, then expanded, obtuse, covered with persistent orange-tawny gluten, shining when dry. St. 7-12 x 1-2-5 cm., violace- ous, white, or yellowish, firm, cylindrical, at length soft, covered with afloccose, glutinous veil, which is commonly broken up into concentric scales, near the apex the gluten is continuous with that of the p. and forms an entirely viscous, fugacious ring. Gills whitish-bluish- grey, or clay colour then cinnamon, adnate, somewhat crowded. Flesh whitish, brownish under the cuticle of the p. and at the base of the st. Spores ferruginous, pip-shaped, 10-11 x 6/x,, rough. Woods. July Nov. Common, (v.v.) 385. C. (Myx.) mucosus (Bull.) (= Cortinarius (Myxacium) alutipes (Lasch) Fr. and (Myxacium) arvinaceus Fr. sec. Quel.) Boud. Icon. t. 108. Mucosus, full of mucus. P. 4-10 cm., chestnut, fleshy, campanulato-convex, then expanded, covered with chestnut gluten, margin paler, striate. St. 5-15 x 2 cm., whitish ochre, or ochraceous, cylindrical, slightly attenuated at the base, fibrillosely tomentose. Cortina white, glutinous. Gills whitish, then cinnamon, adnate. Flesh whitish, tinged with chestnut under the cuticle of the p. and at the base of the st. Spores tawny, verrucose, lemon-shaped, 14-17 x 7-8/x. Pine woods. Aug. Oct. Not un- common, (v.v,) 150 CORTINARIUS 386. C. (Myx.) mucifluus Fr. (= Cortinarius (Myxacium) collinitus Sow. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 148, fig. 1. Mucus, mucus; \va), I boil over. P. 3-9 cm., livid-clay, tan when dry, opaque, thin, somewhat fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, at length reflexed and repand, smeared with separating, hyaline gluten; margin membranaceous, striate. St. white, or inclining to azure-Uue, spongy, attenuated downwards, viscid with the floccose-scaly fugacious veil. Gills clay colour, then watery cinnamon, adnate. Spores ferruginous, almond-shaped, granular, 12 x 7fji. Cystidia "on edge of gill, vesiculose, 30-45 x 18-30 /x" Kick. Pine woods. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 387. C. (Myx.) elatior Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 149, fig. 1. Elatior, taller. P. 6-12 cm., livid-light-yellow when moist, dingy ochraceous when dry, sometimes whitish, tan fuscous, date brown, violaceous brown, black, whitish round the margin, or grey with the margin violaceous, slightly fleshy only at the disc, cylindrical, or bullate, then campanulate, afterwards flattened and somewhat reflexed, disc above the stem obtuse, membranaceous and longitudinally plicato-wrinkled at the sides, fragile. St. 718 x 1-5 cm., violaceous, lilac, becoming white, com- monly attenuated at both ends, especially at the base, fibrillosely fioccose. Cortina concolorous, viscid, fugacious. Gills ochraceous, or lilac, then dark brown cinnamon, adnate, broad, connected by veins or wrinkled at the sides. Flesh whitish, or pale yellowish. Spores purplish-ferruginous, almond-shaped, 12-14 x 6/z, verrucose. Cystidia "on edge of gill vesiculose-pyriform, 36-45 x 21-28 ju," Rick. Woods. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 388. C. (Myx.) grallipes Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 738, t. 734. Grallae, stilts; pes, foot. P. 4-8 cm., ferruginous when moist, ochraceous tan when dry, opaque, almost membranaceous with the exception of the prominent, often acutely umbonate disc, campanulate, then flattened, hygrophanous, very viscid when wet. St. 10-15 cm. x 4-6 mm., yellowish tawny, ochraceous when dry, tough, equal, flexuose, fibroso-striate, viscid. Cortina pale, whitish brown, fugacious. Gills clay colour, then ferru- ginous, adnate with a decurrent tooth, 12 mm. broad, attenuated in front, crowded. Flesh white. Spores ferruginous, "7-8 x 4 5/x," Herpell. Caespitose. Mixed woods, and under oaks and poplars. Oct. Uncommon. 389. C. (Myx.) livido-ochraceus Berk. Cke. Illus. no. 739, t. 767. Lividus, livid; ochraceus, ochre. P. 2-5-5 cm., livid-ochre, somewhat membranaceous, convex, then plane, cuticle thick, subcartilaginous, margin very thin, often with CORTINARIUS 151 a few, indistinct fragments of the veil. St. 2-56 cm. x 7-10 mm., beautiful violet, ochraceous at the base, attenuated at both ends, some- what scaly, striate above the fugacious veil. Grills pale, then cinnamon, margin pale, somewhat adnexed, broad in front, moderately distant. Flesh yellowish, livid under the pellicle of the p. Spores ferruginous, elliptical, 8-10 x 5-6 /i, rough, 1-guttulate. Taste "like Ag. campes- tris " Berk. Woods. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) tfVeil entirely viscid, hence the st. is not floccoso-peronate, but only viscid, acquiring a varnished appearance when dry. *Gills whitish, then clay colour. 390. C. (Myx.) nitidus (Schaeff.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1189, t. 1191. Nitidus, shining. P. 4-12 cm., honey-coloured tan, at length whitish, disc tan colour, fleshy, convex, then expanded, gibbous, or almost obtuse, glutinous, when dry the cuticle often cracked in streaks, and appearing minutely fuscous punctate. St. 5-10 x 1-1-5 cm., pallid white and fibrillose when young, then becoming yellowish and naked, base clavate, often curved, tough, elastic, apex at first white-mealy. Cortina slightly fibrillose, fugacious. Gills whitish, soon clay colour, and finally watery cinnamon, truly decurrent, arcuate at first, crowded, narrow, 4 mm. wide. Flesh white. Spores light brown, "broadly pip-shaped, 10- 12 x 8ji" Cke. Subcaespitose. Beech woods. Sept. Oct. Rare. **Gills at first violaceous, dark blue, or reddish. 391. C. (Myx.) salor Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 150, fig. 1. 0-0X09, the high sea. P. 4-7 cm., grey, bright violaceous round the infiexed margin, at length of the same colour, obtusely conical, or parabolic, soon campanulate, and at length flattened, with a broad umbo on account of the fleshy disc, thin towards the circumference, thinly viscid, fibrillose towards the margin when dried. St. 4-8 x 1-1 -5 cm., white, covered up to the apex with the azure-blue glutinous veil when young, becoming pale when old, conico-attenuatedfrom the bulbous base, gradually elongated. Gills pale grey, with the edge violaceous, or bluish grey, then grey clay colour, or cinnamon, adnate, distant, 4-6 mm. broad. Flesh white, becoming yellow, or faintly azure-blue. Spores ferruginous, "subglobose, 8- 9 x 8n, granular" Rick. Woods. Oct. Rare. 392. C. (Myx.) delibutus Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 741, t. 743. Delibutus, besmeared. P. 3-7-5 cm., light yellowish, fleshy, thin, especially towards the margin, convex, then flattened, obtuse, at length somewhat depressed, viscid with hyaline gluten, slightly silky fibrillose when the gluten has 152 CORTINARIUS disappeared. St. 5-10 cm. x 6-8 mm., yellowish white, apex snow white, equally attenuated from the slightly bulbose base, or somewhat equal, elastic, viscid up to the white, scanty, fibrillose, fugacious cortins. Gills dark-blue, or violaceous dark-blue, then clay cinnamon, serrulated, pallid or often crisped at the edge, adnate, at length rounded, or slightly emarginate, more or less distant, 4-6 mm. broad. Flesh white. Spores pale ochraceous, "subglobose, 7 x 6-7 /LI, granular" Karst. Taste watery, then slightly pungent. Grassy, and damp places. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. elegans Massee. Elegans, neat. P. and st. very glabrous, yellow-viscid, shining when dry, only apex of stem white, flesh whitish-yellow, gills paler, more crowded. Grassy banks of streams. Sept. Oct. Rare. 393. C. (Myx.) fflibatus Fr. Illibatus, unimpaired. P. 2-5-5 cm., yellow, disc darker, slightly fleshy, campanulate, then convex, at length plane, subumbonate, pellicle viscid. St. 7'5 cm. x 4 mm., white, commonly with reddish dots upwards, slightly attenu- ated upwards, viscid. Cortina superior, fibrillose, very fugacious. Gills flesh-colour, then clay and cinnamon, adnato-decurrent, arcuate, 4 mm. broad, thin, crowded. Flesh white, very thin at the circum- ference. Spores cinnamon, elliptical, "15-16 x 6-7 //,, granular" Massee, "subglobose, 7-9 p, granular" Bat. Pine woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. ***Gills at first ochraceous, or cinnamon. 394. C. (Myx.) stillatitius Fr. Cke. lUus. no. 742, t. 831. Stillaticius, dripping. P. 4-6 cm., clothed with azure-blue gluten, fuscous-livid when the gluten separates in the form of drops, at length grey-white, slightly fleshy, convex, then plane, subumbonate; margin smooth. St. 5 7 cm. x 6-8 mm., sheathed with thick azure-blue gluten which is ex- tended into the cortina, very soft, equally attenuated. Gills dark cinnamon, emarginate, 6 mm. broad. Flesh watery, soft, hygrophan- ous. Spores ferruginous, "subglobose, 8 x 6/x, 1-guttulate" Sacc., "almond-shaped, 13-15 x 7-8 JM, rough. Cystidia on edge of gill, 30-40 x 12-20 /LI" Rick. Pastures, and amongst dead leaves. Oct. Uncommon. 395. C. (Myx.) vibratilis Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 743, t. 744. Vibratilis, quivering. P. 3-6 cm., yellow, golden when dry and very shining, fleshy at tlte disc, thin elsewhere, convexo-plane, obtuse, very glutinous. St. 4-6 cm. x 4-8 mm., shining white, conically attenuated, or ventricose, equal and flexuose amongst mosses, fragile, very soft. Cortina glutinous, often COBTINARIUS 153 forming a median ring. Gills pallid, then bright ochraceous cinnamon', rounded, emarginate, or decurrent by a tooth, crowded, thin. Flesh pallid. Spores ferruginous, elliptical, 6-7 x ip, "punctate" Rick. Smell strong, taste very bitter. Woods. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon. (v.v.) 396. C. (Myx.) pluvius Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 744, t. 769. Pluvius, rainy. P. 1-5-3 cm., pale yellow-tawny when moist, ochraceous tan and opaque when dry, slightly fleshy, somewhat globose, then convex, commonly gibbous, slightly pellucidly striate when more fully grown, hygrophanous, viscid, shining in rainy weather. St. 4-6 cm. x 4-6 mm., white, then yellow and concolorous, soft, equal, or slightly attenuated upwards, slightly viscid, silky. Cortina white, fibrillose, slightly viscid, soon fugacious. Gills light yellowish, or at the first whitish, then ochrace- ous, adnexed, separating, ventricose, crowded. Flesh pale yellowish, becoming white. Spores deep ochraceous, broadly elliptical, 9-10x7- 8/t, 1-guttulate. Taste watery, then acrid and pungent. Woods, especially pine. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 3. Inoloma Fr. (i9, fibre; \w/j,a, fringe.) Pileus equally fleshy, dry, at first fioccose, fibrillose, velvety, pubescent, or silky, then becoming somewhat smooth. Veil simple. *Gills at first white, or pallid. 397. C. (Ino.) opiums Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 151, fig. 1. Opimus, plump. P- 7-10 cm., tan colour, fleshy, very thick, very hard, convex, then plane, deformed, repand, everywhere covered with short tan coloured tomentum, then rimoso-rivulose ; margin involute, pruinose, white, often split. St. 2-5-5 x 2-5 cm., whitish, covered with the white fibrils of the veil, attenuated at the base and rooting. Gills whitish, then clay colour, emarginate, much narrower than the flesh of the p., somewhat crowded, flexuose. Flesh whitish, firm. Spores ochraceous, "sub- globose, 8-9 x 7-8 /A, warted" Rick. Smell and taste pleasant. Woods, especially conifers. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. fulvobrunneus Fr. Fulvus, tawny; brunneus, brown. P. tawny brown, undulated, thinner (margin thin), glabrous, rimoso- rivulose. St. 3-5 x 2-5 cm., attenuated downwards, fibrillosely striate. Gills very broad. 398. C. (Ino.) argutus Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 151, fig. 2. Argutus, pointed. P. 7-10 cm., clay ochraceous, or deep ochraceous, fleshy, broadly conico-campanulate, soon convex, somewhat gibbous, at length plane, 154 CORTINARIUS obtuse, fibrillosely silky, here and there minutely squamulose, becoming smooth with age, rather rimose, opaque. St. 6-10 x 2-3 cm., white, floccoso-squamulose, becoming smooth and yellowish, ovately bulbous, or ventricose at the base, often curved and prolonged below the bulb into a pointed root. Veil white, superior, simple, forming a ring when young, rarely noticeable when mature. Gills white, then clay colour, adnate, somewhat distant. Flesh very hard, white ("becoming red on exposure to the air " Quel.). Spores pale ferruginous, elliptical, 7 8x4/i, verrucose, "almond-shaped, 13-15x8-9 p, coarsely warted " Eick. Deciduous woods. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 399. C. (Ino.) turgidus Fr. Grevillea, t. 109, fig. 1. Turgidus, swollen. P. 5-10 cm., clay colour, silvery-shining when full grown, very fleshy, compact, convex, then plane, very obtuse, hoary, rarely sprinkled with shining atoms; margin silky and white when young. St. 4-6 x 2 cm., silvery white, stout, bulbous base much swollen, externally cartilaginous, elastic, longitudinally fibrillose under a lens, and split up into sub- reticulate cracks, often undulate. Cortina white, fibrillose, fugacious. Gills whitish, then clay colour, emarginate, crowded, 4 mm. broad, denticulate. Flesh whitish, tough. Spores ferruginous, pip-shaped, 7-9 x 4-5-6/x, 1-guttulate. Taste pleasant. Edible. Woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 400. C. (Ino.) argentatus (Pers.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 745, t. 745. Argentatus, silvered. P. 4-10 cm., silvery-shining, disc becoming pale, at first silky-lilac round the margin, then dun-coloured, fleshy, convexo-plane, at length broadly gibbous, silky. St. 8-10 x 1-5-2 cm., concolorous, attenuated from the thickened base. Gills pallid, then watery cinnamon, emar- ginate, crowded; edge slightly serrated, white. Flesh whitish, often with a bluish tinge. Spores ferruginous, pip-shaped, 8-9 x 5/A, punc- tate. Smell and taste pleasant. Woods. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon. (v.v.) var. pinetorum Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 746, t. 746. Pinetorum, of pine woods. Smaller. P. 5 cm., at first lilac and silky. St. 5 cm. Smell weak. Pine woods. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 401. C. (Ino.) fusco-tinctus Eea. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. v, t. 8. Fuscus, dark; tinctus, stained. P. 26 cm., pale ochraceous, becoming blood red immediately in places where touched, then fuscous especially around the margin, fleshy, con- vex, subgibbose, fibrillosely silky, disc floccosely squamulose under a CORTINARIUS 155 lens; margin at first involute, arachnoid with the veil. St. 6-10 cm. x 510 mm., concolorous, becoming reddish when touched, and soon fuscous, fusiform, often incurved at the base, solid, firm, apex minutely white pruinose. Cortina white, manifest, median, at length fugacious. Gills clay colour, then pale cinnamon, sinuato-adnate, attenuated in front, 4-6 mm. broad, crowded; edge white, unequal. Flesh white, unchangeable, compact, firm, with a grey horn colour line at the base of the gills. Spores ferruginous in the mass, pale ferruginous under the microscope, elliptical, 9-10 x 5/*, contents granular. Smell and taste none. The change of colour is present only in the cuticle of the p., and st. Oak woods. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) **Gills, as well as the st. and veil, violaceous. 402. C. (too.) violaceus (Linn.) Fr. Sverig. atl. Svamp. t. 58. Violaceus, violet. P. 7-15 cm., dark violaceous, sometimes purplish-violet, fleshy, con- vex, then flattened, regular, obtuse, villous, the innate persistent villous down for the most part rimoso-squamulose; margin at first involute. St. 6-10 x 1-5-2 cm., dark violaceous, stout, remarkably bulbous, at first tomentose, then fibrillose. Cortina azure-blue, woolly, then ferru- ginous with the spores. Gills dark, almost black violaceous, then coloured ferruginous with the spores and again violaceous when these are rubbed off, somewhat adnate, firm, distant, connected by veins, broader than the flesh of the pileus. Flesh blue, becoming white. Spores ferruginous, broadly elliptical, 11-13 x 7-8 /i, verrucose. Taste pleasant. Edible. Woods, especially under birch, and beech. Aug. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 403. C. (Ino.) cyanites Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 152, fig. 1. tcvavos, dark blue. P. 6-13 cm., dark blue, becoming azure-blue, or livid-fuscous, fleshy, soft, convex, then flattened, obtuse, silky. St. 7-13 x 1-2 cm., con- colorous, very bulbous, fibrillose. Cortina azure-blue, fibrillose. Gills deep dark blue, adnate, sinuate, crowded, thin, 6 mm. broad. Flesh blue, reddening on exposure to the air, and when compressed giving out a red juice. Spores pale ferruginous, elliptical, 9-10 x 4-5 jit, "warted" Rick. Woods. Sept. Oct. Rare, (v.v.) var. major Fr. Major, larger. Differs from the type in the compact stem, in the p. tardily becoming reddish, and in the somewhat distant, cinereous dark 404. C. (Ino.) muricinus Fr. Murex, a mollusc from which the Tyrian purple was obtained. P. 5-10 cm., violaceous, becoming reddish, fleshy, compact, convex, then plane, very obtuse, becoming smooth; margin fibrillose. St. 156 CORTINARITJS 3-10 x 1-5-2-5 cm., becoming violaceous, attenuated upwards from the bulbous base, villous. Gills purplish violet, at length reddish liver colour, emarginate, 12 mm. broad, somewhat crowded. Flesh paler, becoming bluish near the gills, spongy. Spores ferruginous, "almond- shaped, 13-15 x 7-8 /x, warted " Eick. Smell strong, peculiar. Fir, and larch woods. Oct. Uncommon. 405. C. (Ino.) alboviolaceus (Pers.) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 151, fig. 3. Albus, white; violaceus, violet. P. 5-7-5 cm., whitish violet, fleshy, convex, broadly umbonate, or rather gibbous, dry, beautifully innately silky, the fibrils longitudinally adpressed as in Inocybe geophylla. St. 5-10 x 1-2-5 cm., concolorous, becoming whitish, firm, clavato-bulbous, or conico-attenuated, white villous, fibrillose above with the cortina, and often zoned with the white veil at the middle. Gills greyish lilac, then grey-cinnamon, ad- nate, scarcely emarginate, 4-5 mm. broad, subdistant, subserrulate. Flesh azure blue white, juicy, thick at the disc. Spores ferruginous, oblong elliptical, 9-12 x 5-6/i, punctate. Woods, especially beech. Aug. Oct. Common, (v.v.) 406. C. (Ino.) malachius Fr. fiaXd^t], a mallow. P. 5-10 cm., pale lilac, then fuscous ferruginous, pale brick colour when dry, very fleshy, compact, convex, then expanded, obtuse, or slightly gibbous, hoary with minute, fasciculate down, or silky towards the margin. St. 7-12 x 2-5 cm., bluish lilac, becoming whitish, bulbous base slightly marginate, ventricose, or equal, often deformed, striate with violaceous fibrils, very rarely having a white membranaceous ring. Cortina violaceous, thin. Gills purple, becoming pale, at length watery ferruginous, emarginate, crowded. Flesh violaceous, becoming white, thick, watery, soft in the st. Spores ferruginous, pip-shaped, "10-12 x 6-7 jLt" Cke., "punctate" Rick. Pine, and fir woods. Sept. Rare. 407. C. (Ino.) camphoratus Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 152, fig. 2. Camphoratus, strong scented. P. 5-8 cm., lilac, becoming whitish, or yellowish, very fleshy, convex, then flattened, obtuse, silky, becoming smooth. St. 7-13 x 1-2-5 cm., bulbous, or obclavate, peronately woolly when young. Cortina blue, fibrillose. Gills intense azure blue, becoming purple, decurrent, or emarginate, arcuate, thin, crowded. Flesh blue, white at the base of the stem, thick. Spores ferruginous, "somewhat almond shape, 12- 14 x 7-8 n, granular" Cke. Smell foetid, exceedingly penetrating, like fenugreek, or curry-powder. Woods, especially pine. Sept. Rare. CORTINARIUS 157 408. C. (Ino.) hircinus (Bolt.) Fr. (= Cortinarius amethystinus (Schaefl.) Quel.) Bolt. Hist. Fung. t. 52. Hircinus, of a goat. P. 4-5 cm., violet, disc at length becoming ferruginous, fleshy, convex, obtusely gibbous, silky with adpressed, violet fibrils. St. 4-5 x 1-5 cm., violet, becoming pallid, yellowish at the bulbous base, cortinate. Gills violet, then cinnamon, emarginate, broad, thin, subdistant. Flesh dingy, becoming yellowish especially at the base of the st., thick. Spores ferruginous, "8-5-10 x 4-5-5-5/z, minutely verrucose" Maire. Smell strong like goats, or burnt horn. Pine woods. Sept. Rare. ***Gills or veil cinnamon, red, or ochraceous. 409. C. (Ino.) traganus Fr. (= Cortinarius amethystinus (SchaefL) Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 752, t. 757. rpdyos, a goat. P. 4-8 cm., lilac purplish, becoming pale and finally yellowish, very fleshy, convex, then flattened, obtuse, dry, silky, becoming smooth. St. 7-12 x 1-2-5 cm., violaceous, then whitish, spongy, attenuated up- wards, base villous, very bulbous, silky, then fibrillose. Cortina pallid violaceous, continuous with the silky covering of the p. Gills saffron- ochraceous, then cinnamon, emarginate, very broad, thick, distant, edge often somewhat crenate. Flesh yellowish, thick, deep saffron-ochraceous in the spongy st. Spores bright ferruginous, elliptical, 8-10 x 5-6 p, verrucose, 1-guttulate. Smell foetid like goats, or the larvae of Cossus. Pine woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. finitimus Weinm. Finitimus, nearly related. Differs from the type in the yellowish mottled flesh of the st., and the pleasant smell, like gum just beginning to ferment, or like camphor. 410. C. (Ino.) sufflus Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 152, fig. 3. Suillus, pertaining to swine. P. 710 cm., dingy, or pallid brick-red, fleshy, convex, obtuse, at length floccosely squamulose, silky towards the margin. St. 7-10 x 1- 2-5 cm., dingy pallid, clavato-bulbous, attenuated upwards, darker when touched, fibrillose, apex pale violaceous, fugacious, base white- woolly. Gills cinnamon, opaque, adnate, 10-12 mm. broad, subdis- tant, fragile, often veined at the base. Flesh dirty pale brick colour, especially in the st., thick at the disc, thin elsewhere. Spores "ellipsoid, obtuse at the ends, 10-12 x 6-8 fj," Sacc. Fir, and pine woods. Sept. Nov. Rare. 411. C. (Ino.) tophaceus Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 153, fig. 1. Tophus, tufa. P. 7-10 cm., golden tawny, opaque, fleshy, hemispherical, villosely squamulose, varying slightly silky, and shining. St. 5-10 x 1-5-2 cm., tawny, slightly attenuated upwards from the bulbous base, villosely squamulose, often twisted. Gills concolorous, then tawny cinnamon, 158 CORTINARIUS broadly emarginate, 12-15 mm. broad, distant. Flesh white, compact at the disc, thin at the margin, soft. Spores "roundish, 8-9 x 7 /LI, punctate" Eick. Subcaespitose, or solitary. Beech woods. Aug. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. redimitus Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 754, t. 773. Redimitus, bound round. Differs from the type in the thinner, obtusely umbonate, golden yellmc p. streaked with adpressed darker fibrils, the yellowish, fibrillosely striate st. slightly thickened at the base, and the light yellow gills adnate with a small decurrent tooth. Beech woods. Oct. Rare. 412. C. (Ino.) callisteus Fr. icd\\i%/>o9, pale; Xey/co?, white. P. 5-8 cm., pale white, or yellowish, disc ochraceous, fleshy, broadly campanulate, then expanded, and somewhat gibbous, slightly silky, becoming smooth. St. 4-7 cm. x 8-12 mm., white, firm, ventricose, naked. Cortina white, fibrillose. Gills clay colour, then ochraceous, sinuato-adnexed, then free, broader behind, 6 mm. broad, crowded. Flesh white, thick at the disc, firm. Spores pale ferruginous, broadly elliptical, 6-8 x 4-5/i, 1-guttulate. Taste bitter. Deciduous woods. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 421. C. (Dermo.) decumbens (Pers.) Fr. Grevillea, t. 127, fig. 3. Decumbens, lying down. P. 2'5-4 cm., white, or yellowish, fleshy, firm, convex, then plane, gibbous, then obtuse, silky-shining. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 5-6 mm., shining white, ascending, clavato-bulbous, smooth, apex mealy. Cortina white, silky. Gills white, then clay colour, at length ochre cinnamon, adnexed, 4 mm. broad, ventricose, crowded. Flesh white, firm. Spores ochrace- ous, "elliptical, 9-12 x 5-6 /i" Eick. Taste slightly bitter. Woods, and grassy places. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 422. C. (Dermo.) riculatus Fr. Rica, a head veil. P. 5-8 cm., honey colour, but only conspicuously so at the disc, else- where clothed with a very thin, floccose, adpressed silkiness, that makes it appear almost glabrous, fleshy, convexo-plane, slightly gibbous. St. 5-6 cm. x 5-6 mm., pallid, becoming white, thickened downwards, CORTINAEITJS 161 smooth. Cortina pallid, fibrillose. Gills clay colour, at length watery ferruginous, adnate, 4 mm. broad, somewhat crowded. Flesh pallid, fairly thick, spongy in the st. Spores "pale brown in the mass, oval, 8-11 x 6-7 /x " Herpell. Pine woods. Sept. Oct. Rare. 423. C. (Denno.) tabularis (Bull.) Fr. Tabula, a board. P. 48 cm., clay or fuscous clay colour, sometimes tawny, becoming pale, fleshy, convexo-plane, broadly gibbous, at length very flat, veiled at first with very thin, white flocci, which rarely in wet weather are col- lected in a zone at the margin, becoming smooth; margin silky. St. 5-8 cm. x 6-12 mm., white, becoming pale, tough, elastic, equal, or attenuated upwards, erect, either floccosely scaly, or smooth. Cortina white, fugacious. Gills whitish, then clay colour, subemarginate, 6 mm. broad, thin, crowded. Flesh white, thick. Spores ferruginous, pip- shaped, 9 x 6/z. Woods. Common, (v.v.) 424. C. (Denno.) camurus Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 154, fig. 1. Camurus, crooked. P. 5-8 cm., fuscous, often hoary, becoming pale, pallid yellowish, umbo deeper in colour, fleshy, campanulate, then convex, with a broad, obtuse, often oblique umbo, rimosely incised when dry. St. 4-8 cm. x 7-14 mm., white, equal, ascending, flexuose, or twisted, fibrillose, apex silvery-shining, very fragile. Gills grey clay colour, then watery cinnamon, and somewhat fuscous, adnate, or sinuate, 6 mm. broad, thin, crowded. Flesh white, fuscous under the cuticle when moist, thin at the margin, loose. Spores ferruginous, subglobose, 7 x 6/z, multi- guttulate. Smell unpleasant. Often caespitose. Woods, especially birch, and beech. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 425. C. (Denno.) diabolicus Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 765, t. 816, fig. B. 8iay3o\o9, the Devil. P. 2-5-7 cm., fuscous with a grey bloom, becoming smooth and fuscous yellow, fleshy, thin, convex, then plane, hemispherical, obtuse, or umbonate, dry, fragile, often splitting at the margin. St. 4-8 cm. x 4- 10 mm., pale, bluish grey at the apex, attenuated downwards, smooth. Cortina fugacious. Gills pale bluish grey, soon becoming white, at length clay colour, adnate, separating, subemarginate, 4-6 mm. broad, firm, somewhat crowded. Flesh whitish, thin. Spores "subglobose, 8- 10 x 7-8/z, punctate " Rick. Beech woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon. (v.v.) **Gills at first violaceous, becoming purple. 426. C. (Dermo.) azureus Fr. Quel. Jur. et. Vosg. t. 24, fig. 4. Azureus, sky blue. P. 3-6 cm., lilac, becoming hoary, then fuscous, and pallid, fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, silky-shining, atomate. St. 6-8 cm. x 8- B. B. B. 11 162 CORTINARIUS 10 mm., sky blue, becoming whitish, thickened at the base, fragile, silky, stria te, often twisted. Cortina concolorous. Gills bright bluish violet, slightly emarginate, then decurrent, rather crowded. Flesh white, bluish in the st., thick at the disc. Spores " subglobose, 7-10 x 7- 9 //,, punctate " Rick. Deciduous woods, especially beech. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 427. C. (Derrno.) caninus Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 768, t. 765. Caninus, belonging to a dog. P. 5-10 cm., fuscous brown, becoming bricJc-rufescent or tawny when dry, fleshy, firm, convex, then plane, obtuse, becoming smooth; margin at first whitish, silky. St. 7-12 cm. x 8-12 mm., pale white, apex violaceous, often ochraceous at the thickened, somewhat bulbous base, equal, fibrillose, elastic. Cortina forming a white, or fuscous zone near the apex of the st., fibrillose. Gills bluish grey, or purplish, then cinnamon, emarginate, 6-10 mm. broad, subdistant, thin. Flesh white, becoming yellowish, thick at the disc, soft. Spores ferruginous, elliptical, 9-10 x 6/j,, 1-guttulate. Taste mild. Edible. Deciduous woods, and heaths. Sept. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 428. C. (Denno.) anomalus Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 772, t. 776. a, not; o/u,aA.6i, minutely echinulate. Coni- ferous, and mixed woods. Sept. Oct. Rare. 461. C. (Tela.) scutulatus Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 158, fig. 2. Scutulatus, diamond- or lozenge-shaped. P. 2-5 cm., purple umber, or brick fuliginous, very hygrophanous, brick colour when dry, fleshy, ovato-globose, then campanulato-hemi- spherical, obtuse, sometimes umbonate, or umbilicate, white silky round the margin, then naked, rivulose in the form of innate squamules, sometimes lacunoso-wrinkled. St. 5-15 cm. x 4-12 mm., deep vio- laceous, at length becoming fuscous, cylindrical, or bulbous at the extreme base, white villous at the base, rigid, somewhat rooting, fibrillosely striate, veil sheathing and forming a white, narrow, mem- branaceous ring. Cortina white, floccose. Gills violaceous, then purple, at length cinnamon, adnate, rarely emarginate, 6 mm. broad, more or less distant, edge often white and serrate when young. Flesh violace- ous, firm, thick at the disc. Spores ferruginous, pip-shaped, 7-8 x 4//,, 1-multi-guttulate, "slightly punctate" Rick. Smell "strong, of radish, or of violets " Quel. Woods, and moist places. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 172 CORTINARIUS 462. C. (Tela.) evernius Fr. Luc. Champ, t. 191. ev-epvrjs, flourishing. P. 3-10 cm., purple bay brown, brick colour when dry, becoming isabelline-hoary when old, very hygrophanous, fleshy, conico-campanu- late, then flattened, obsoletely umbonate, adpressedly silky, then smooth, at length rimosely incised, and torn into fibrils, fragile. St. 7-15 x 1-1-5 cm., violaceous, becoming pale, equal, or attenuated down- wards, substriate, squamulose and obsoletely zoned with the white veil. Cortina white, fibrillose. Gills violaceous purple, becoming pale, then cinnamon, adnate, ventricose, very broad, 8-20 mm., distant. Flesh concolorous in the p., violaceous in the St., very thin at the margin. Spores ferruginous, elliptical, 7-8 x 5-6 (JL, 1-2-guttulate, "faintly warted " Eick. Smell like mushrooms. Deciduous, and pine woods, and damp places. Sept. Dec. Uncommon, (v.v.) 463. C. (Tela.) quadricolor (Scop.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 799, t. 867. Quadricolor, four coloured. P. 4-7-5 cm., pallid yellow, then somewhat tawny, shining when dry, fleshy, conical, then flattened, umbonate, smooth, at length spotted ; margin radiato-striate. St. 5-7-5 cm. x 4-6 mm., violaceous, becoming whitish, equal, flexuose, subrigid, fibrilloso-striate with the adpressed veil, which forms an oblique, fugacious, white ring. Cortina white, fibrillose. Gills dark violaceous, or purplish, then cinnamon, adnate, 6-8 mm. broad, distant, white- serrated at the edge. Flesh yellowish, thin. Spores ferruginous, broadly elliptical, 7-8 x 5/t, multi-guttu- late, "nearly spinulose " Rick. Woods, especially beech. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) ***St. and veil reddish or yellow. Gills tawny, or cinnamon, never violaceous, nor becoming brown. 464. C. (Tela.) armillatus Fr. (= Cortinarius haematochelis (Bull.) Fr.) Fr. Icon. t. 158, fig. 1. Armillatus, having a bracelet. P. 4-12 cm., red- or fuscous-brick colour, fleshy, cylindrical, then campanulate, at length flattened, often gibbous, smooth, then innately fibrillose, or squamulose; margin at first incurved. St. 6-15 x 1-2 cm., white, becoming brownish with age, equal, base bulbous, the red veil forming one to four distant, oblique cinnabar zones, striate when old, and reddish fibrillose at the base. Cortina reddish white, fibrillose. Gills pallid cinnamon, then dark ferruginous, almost bay brown, adnate, slightly rounded, very broad, 10-15 mm., distant. Flesh dingy pallid, isabelline in the St., thin at the margin. Spores pale ferruginous, elliptical, 9-10 x 5-6/x, multi-guttulate, minutely verrucose. Smell of radish, or none. Woods, and heaths. Aug. Oct. Common. (v.v.) COBTINARIUS 173 465. C. (Tela.) paragaudis Fr. Paragaudis, a border worked on a garment. P. 2-5-7-5 cm., bay, becoming tawny or yellowish tan colour when dry, fleshy, conical, then campanulate, and expanded, umbonate, often repand and torn on the surface, fragile. St. 7-15 x 1-1-5 cm., brick- red, becoming pale, reddish at the base, equal, or ventricose, curved and somewhat twisted, or undulate and flexuose, covered with reddish flocci, or squamules. Cortina whitish, fibrillose. Gills pale, then be- coming dark cinnamon, adnate, separating, ventricose, crowded, or subdistant, edge unequal. Flesh paler, thick at the disc. Spores "subelliptical, 8-10 x 4-5 /*, punctate" Rick. Damp places under pines. Sept. Oct. Rare. var. praestigiosus Fr. Praestigiosus, delusive. Differs from the type in the submembranaceous pileus being striate to the disc, in the thin stem, 2-3 mm. thick, and the tawny cinnamon, linear gills. Under pines, and amongst Scirpus caespitosus. Rare. 466. C. (Tela.) croceo-fulvus (DC.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1191, t. 1193. tcpo/cos, saffron ;fulvus, tawny. P. 510 cm., orange-tawny, fleshy, convex, then expanded, obtusely umbonate, or gibbous, smooth. St. 7-10 cm. x 6-18 mm., yellow, becoming reddish, equal, veil forming a rufous orange zone, apex pale. Gills becoming ferruginous, adnate, slightly sinuate, 6-8 mm. broad, rather distant. Flesh bright yellow. Spores obovate, 8-10 x 6/i, rough. Woods. Sept. Rare. 467. C. (Tela.) limonius Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 159, fig. 1. Limonius, lemon-yellow. P. 5-10 cm., tawny lemon yellow, ochraceous yellow and opaque when dry, very hygrophanous, fleshy, convexo-plane, obtuse, smooth when moist, rimosely incised when dry. St. 6-8 cm. x 12 mm., yellow, equal, base attenuated or thickened, and at length deep saffron, fioccosely scaly with the light yellow veil, which often forms a floccose ring at the apex. Gills yellow, or light yellow, at length tawny cinnamon, adnate, rarely emarginate, distant. Flesh concolorous, soft. Spores golden tawny, elliptical, 8-9 x 4-5/n, minutely echinulate. Smell slight of radish, or none. Coniferous woods. Sept. Oct. Tin common, (v.v.) 468. C. (Tela.) helvolus Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 802, t. 804, fig. B. Helvolus, pale yellow. P. 3-7-5 cm., dark tawny cinnamon, very pale yellow when dry, fleshy, convexo-plane, obtuse, or obtusely umbonate, smooth; margin incurved, at first cortinate. St. 5-20 cm. x 4-8 mm., concolorous, at length fuscous ferruginous, equal, either attenuated upwards, or at the base, fibrillose, girt above with an annular, narrow, oblique, 174 COBTINABIUS ferruginous, margined zone formed by the woven veil. Gills tawny, then dark cinnamon, very emarginate, 8 mm. broad, distant, thick, often veined at the base, opaque. Flesh tawny, firm, fuscous ferruginous in the st. Spores ferruginous, "elliptical, 9-10 x 5-6/Lt, verrucose " Rick. Woods, and wooded pastures. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. 469. C. (Tela.) hinnuleus (Sow.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 803, t. 805. Hinnuleus, a young stag. P. 3-6 cm., pallid tawny cinnamon, becoming pale, shining when dry, fleshy, campanulato-expanded, obtuse, or obtusely umbonate, some- times depressed at the disc, smooth ; margin at first silky and white. St. 2-5-10 cm. x 4-12 mm., dingy tawny, or fuscous, equal, or attenu- ated downwards, rigid, white-silky with the adpressed silky veil, and white-zoned above with the membranqceous, or fibrillose veil, which is often oblique, or fugacious. Gills ochraceous, then tawny ferruginous, more or less emarginato-adnexed, 8-10 mm. broad, distant, thin, often connected by veins. Flesh concolorous, often reddish in the st., thick at the disc, firm. Spores ferruginous, pip-shaped, 9-10 x 6-7 /A, granular. Smell strong, slightly of radish, or none. Taste mild, then slightly acrid. Woods, and heaths. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 470. C. (Tela.) gentilis Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 159, fig. 2. Gentilis, of the same race. P. 1-4 cm., tawny cinnamon, yellow when dry, very hygrophanous, fleshy, conico-expanded, then flattened, acutely umbonate, rimosely incised, often somewhat silky. St. 6-9 cm. x 2-8 mm., concolorous, equal, or attenuated at the base, often curved, fibrillose, veil forming one or more oblique, yellow annular zones, sometimes floccoso-scaly below the ring, base white tomentose. Gills yellow, then tawny cinna- mon, adnate, thick, very distant, often connected by veins. Flesh con- colorous, thin at the margin. Spores bright ochraceous, elliptical, or pip-shaped, 7-8 x 6/x, granular, 1-guttulate. Gregarious. Woods, especially pines, and heaths. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 471. C. (Tela.) helvelloides Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 159, fig. 3. Helvella, the genus Helvella; eZSo?, like. P. 1-3 cm., ferruginous, becoming tawny when dry, submembranaceous, convex, then flattened, umbonate, smooth, rarely fibrillose when young, substriate when moist, cracked and squarrose when more fully grown. St. 4-7-5 cm. x 2-4 mm., subferruginous, equal, very undulate and flexuose, apex white silky and glittering, veil forming a yellow, ring-like zone at the apex. Gills violaceous umber, then ferruginous, adnate, rather broad, very thick, very distant, edge white-fioccose. Flesh ferruginous in the St., very thin at the disc. Spores ferruginous, "elliptical, 9-10 x 5-5-5/Lt, verrucose" Rick. Moist woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) COBTINARITJS 175 472. C. (Tela.) rubellus Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 806, t. 835. Rubellus, reddish. P. 5-7-5 cm., rufous orange, darker at the umbo, fleshy, campanulate, then expanded. St. 7-10 x 1-1-5 cm., pale above, darker below, equal, or attenuated upwards, marked with concentric, dark ferruginous, fibrillose bands. Gills pale, then bright ferruginous red, adnate, sinuate, rather narrow, scarcely crowded. Flesh reddish ochre, thick at the disc. Spores ferruginous, pyriform, 8 x 5/x,, minutely rough. Swampy places. Sept. Oct. Rare. ****St. becoming fuscous, veil fuscous, or dirty, gills dark coloured. 473. C. (Tela.) bovinus Fr. (= Cortinarius brunneus (Pers.) Fr. sec Bar- bier.) Cke. Illus. no. 807, t. 822. Bovinus, pertaining to oxen. P. 6-12 cm., watery cinnamon, becoming tawny when dry, convex, then plane, obtuse, or gibbous, smooth, fragile, opaque, hygrophanous. St. 6-8 x 2-2-5 cm., dingy pallid, becoming fuscous cinnamon, very bulbous, veil forming a simple, interwoven fuscous zone, apex whitish. Gills cinnamon, becoming dark, adnexed, very broad, 12 mm., distant. Flesh pallid, watery, thick at the disc, spongy in the st. Spores pale ferruginous, elliptical, 9-13 x 6-7 /A, coarsely verrucose. Pine, and deciduous woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 474. C. (Tela.) nitrosus Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 808, t. 837. Nitrosus, full of natron. P. 5-7-5 cm., fawn colour, or tawny, disc darker and brownish, fleshy, obtuse, convex, then expanded, margin undulate, soon breaking up into minute, subconcentric darker scales. St. 5-8 x 1 cm., ochraceous, base darker, subequal, marked below with concentric darker squamose bands. Gills violet, then watery cinnamon, emarginate, rather broad, subdistant. Flesh pale brown, thin. Spores pale ferruginous, ellip- tical, 12 x 4jLt. Smell stinking, nitrous. Mixed woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. 475. C. (Tela.) brunneus (Pers.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 810, t. 854. Brunneus, brown. P. 5-10 cm., umber, dirty brick tan colour when dry, fleshy, cam- panulate, then expanded, disc obtusely umbonate, smooth, innately fibrillose towards the margin. St. 6-10 cm. x 8-12 mm., becoming fuscous, clavate, or attenuated upwards from the thickened base, elastic, covered with dense, minute white striae, veil dingy white, forming a brownish white, ring-like zone. Gills dark purple cinnamon, then brown, at length umber brown, adnate, then adnexed, 10-15 mm. broad, thick, distant, often transversely veined, broadest in the middle. Flesh pallid fuscous, thick only at the umbonate disc. Spores ferruginous, 176 CORTINARIUS broadly elliptical, 7-8 x 5-6/i, minutely verrucose. Woods, heaths, and swampy places. Sept. Oct. Common, (v.v.) 476. C. (Tela.) injucundus (Weinm.) Fr. (= Cortinarius brunneus (Pers.) Fr. sec. Barbier.) Cke. Illus. no. 809, t. 823. Injucundus, unpleasant. P. 6-10 cm., fuscous cinnamon, fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, fibrillose. St. 6-10 x 1-1-5 cm., concolorous, then tawny yellow, clavate, attenuated upwards, covered with fuscous fibrils, veil fuscous. Gills lilac tan, then cinnamon, emarginate, very broad, 8-10 mm. Flesh pale reddish, compact, firm. Spores ferruginous, elliptical, or pip- shaped, 10-11 x 5-6 p,, granular. Smell musty, or pleasant. Fir woods, and under conifers. Oct. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 477. C. (Tela.) brunneofulvus Fr. Brunneus, brown ;fulvus, tawny. P. 5-11 cm., tawny cinnamon, scarcely changing colour when dry, fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, obsoletely umbonate, smooth, minutely fibrilloso-virgate with innate addressed hairs under a lens, margin at first white, fibrillose. St. 710 x 1-2 cm., concolorous, or paler, attenuated upwards, fibrillosely striate, veil dingy white, forming a fugacious zone. Gills tawny cinnamon, opaque, adnate, very broad, 12-20 mm., subdistant, soft. Flesh pale tawny, thin. Spores ferru- ginous, elliptical, 7-8 x 4 5ju,, granular. Woods, heaths, and swampy places. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 478. C. (Tela.) glandicolor Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 812, t. 789. Glans, acorn; color, colour. P. 2-5 cm., brown, or cinnamon-brown, tan colour or isabelline when dry, submembranaceous, conical, then expanded, generally obtusely umbonate, soon glabrous; margin striate when moist, sprinkled with thin, short, white fibrils when dry. St. 7-12-5 cm. x 4-6 mm., con- colorous, at length date brown fuscous, equal, straight, sometimes undu- late, fibrillosely striate, veil forming a woven, white, distant, fugacious ring. Gills concolorous, or umber, adnate, rounded in front, very dis- tant, somewhat thick, up to 8 mm. broad. Flesh concolorous, very thin. Spores "tawny, elliptical, 9-10 x 5-6 /it, rough " Bataille. Pine woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. var. curtus Fr. Curtus, shortened. Differs from the type in the umbo of the p. becoming somewhat black, and in the short (2-5 cm.)flexuose st., peronate and zoned by the white veil. 479. C. (Tela.) punctatus (Pers.) Fr. Cke. lUus. no. 813, t. 855. Punctatus, dotted. P. 1-2 cm., hoary umber, becoming pale, tan colour when dry, sub- membranaceous, conico-convex, umbo scarcely prominent, smooth, CORTINARIUS 177 at length punctate. St. 5-7-5 cm. x 2-4 mm., yellow fuscous, equal, undulated, fibrillose; girt with a pallid fuscous zone from the fugacious veil. Gills brown cinnamon, adnate, very distant. Flesh yellowish, thin, firm. Spores ochraceous, "elliptical, 10-12 x 7-Sfi, punctate- warted" Rick. Smell strong. Pine, and beech woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. II. Gills narrow, thin, more or less crowded. P. thin. St. externally more rigid, subcartilaginous, often attenuated downwards. *St. whitish, pallid, not floccosely scaly. 480. C. (Tela.) trifonnis Fr. Cke. Ulus. no. 814, t. 790, as var. Schaefferi Fr. Triformis, three formed. P. 4-8 cm., fawn colour, brownish, or livid yellowish, then yellowish or honey colour, isabelline, or dingy tan when dry, very hygrophanous, fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, or slightly gibbous, superficially fibrillose, or becoming smooth, at length punctate-dotted, opaque. St. 7-5 cm. x 12 mm., pallid, subbulbous, fragile, rather smooth, ringed upwards with the woven veil, ring distant, white. Gills watery honey colour, then watery cinnamon, adnate, subemarginate, ventricose, 8 mm. broad, subdistant, often connected by veins. Flesh whitish, thin, spongy in the st. Spores ferruginous, " fusif orm-elliptical, 9- 10 x 4-5/x " Rick. Woods, especially beech. Oct. Uncommon. var. fusco-paUens Fr. Fuscus, dark; pollens, pale. Differs from the type in the fuscous, umbonate p. becoming pale, and in the narrow (2-4 mm.), watery white gills. Coniferous woods. var. melleo-pallens Fr. Melkus, honey colour; palkns, pale. Differs from the type in the moist, isabelline yellow p. becoming yellow, in the striate margin and the pallid yellowish, fragile st. Pine woods. 481. C. (Tela.) bifonnis Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 815, t. 869. Biformis, two formed. P. 3-8 cm., dark, or ferruginous brown, pale date brown and shining when dry, submembranaceous, conical, then campanulate, at length expanded, acutely umbonate, firm, smooth, rarely covered with fuga- cious fibrils. St. 5-10 cm. x 68 mm., paler than the p., attenuated downwards, distinctly striate, adpressedly fibrillose, firm. Ring white, distinct, oblique, interwoven, sometimes obsolete. Gills grey, then watery cinnamon, adnate, or emarginate, attenuated behind, connected by veins, 6 mm. broad, rather crowded, edge often crenulate. Flesh brownish, becoming pale, very thin except at the disc. Spores pale ferruginous, elliptical, 7-8 x 3-4|u,, minutely punctate. Pine, and mixed woods. Oct. Rare. B. B. B. 12 178 CORTINABIUS 482. C. (Tela.) fallax Quel. Grevillea, t. 128, fig. 6. Fallax, deceptive. P. 1-1-5 cm., yellow, then cream ochraceous, campanulato-convex. St. 4-5 cm. x 2 mm., whitish cream colour, flexuose, silky, lilac and satiny above the ring. Ring white, narrow, fugacious. Gills cream colour, then ochraceous, adnate, ventricose. Flesh white, thin. Spores straw colour, ovoid pruniform, 8/Lt, punctate. Woods. **St. inclining to violet. 483. C. (Tela.) periscelis Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 816, t, 838. 7Tpi(TK\i<;, a garter. P. 2-5 cm., lilac, tawny at the disc, violaceous at the margin, fleshy, hygrophanous, campanulate, then convex, umbonate, submembra- naceous, covered with white silky fibrils. St. 7-10 cm. x 4-8 mm., concolorous, becoming fuscous when dry, equal, straight, fibrillose, the fuscous veil forming several ^fibrillose zones, base white-villous. Gills pallid, then dark ferruginous, adnate, narrow, crowded. Flesh pale tawny, thin. Spores ferruginous, elliptical, 8- 9 x 4-5/x, 1-2-guttulate. Woods, bogs, and under beeches. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 484. C. (Tela.) flexipes Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 817, t. 824, fig. A. Flexus, bent; pes, foot. P. 1-3 cm., dark date-brown fuscous, or inclining to violaceous, be- coming pale, very pale yellow when dry, becoming tan when old, fleshy, at first conical and acute, then expanded and acutely umbonate, at length depressed round the umbo, hoary fibrillose, finally naked, torn when old. St. 6-10 cm. x 4 mm., pallid, violaceous throughout, or at the apex, equal, flexuose, fioccoso-scaly below the ring; ring white, woven, distinct. Gills purple, or umber violaceous, then cinnamon, adnate, subdistant, edge whitish. Flesh concolorous, thin. Spores tawny, pip-shaped, 6-7 x 4-5 /A, rough, 1-guttulate. Woods. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 485. C. (Tela.) flabellum Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 817, t. 824, fig. B. Flabellum, a small fan. P. 1-5-3 cm., olivaceous fuscous, tan when dry, submembranaceous, conical, then flattened, generally acutely umbonate, at first covered with white, superficial, separating scales, silky when dry, at length rimosely incised, torn into fibrils. St. 5-10 cm. x 2-4 mm., pallid, becoming violet at the apex, equal, undulated, flexuose, fioccosely scaly, Veil white, inferior, giving rise to the scales on the stem, terminating in a ring which is sometimes perfect and entire, sometimes woven and oblique, and sometimes wanting. Gills dark violaceous, then cinnamon, and at length ferruginous, adnate, linear, narrow, crowded. Flesh paler, very thin. Spores "elliptical, 8-9 x 5-6 /u, minutely punctate" Rick. COBTINARIUS 179 Smell strong, somewhat of radish. Gregarious. Woods, especially beech, and damp places. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. ***St. and p. tawny, ferruginous. 486. C. (Tela.) psammocephalus Fr. non Bull. Cke. Illus. no. 818, t. 839, fig. A. ^a//,yu,oa,se,fiocculose. Gills pallid, margin white, adnexed, rather distant, broadish. Flesh pallid. Spores pale, elliptical, 8-10 x 5-6 p. Cystidia ventricose, 55-65 x 12-16/it, some narrower, scattered. Shady places. Oct. Rare. 546. I. corydalina Quel. (= Inocybe pyriodora Fr. sec. Rene Maire.) Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. n, t. 4. Corydalis, the genus Corydalis. P. 3-6 cm., whitish, covered with bistre fibrils, green at the umbo, fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, umbonate. St. 3- 5 x -5-1 cm., whitish, curved, subbulbous, striate, pruinose. Gills whitish, then brown; edge fimbriate, white, adnate, emarginate, 5-7 mm. wide. Flesh white, becoming yellowish with age. Spores brown, elliptical, 7-9 x 4-5 /A . Cystidia fusiform, ventricose, 42-51 x 15-18/u,. Smell pleasant, like Corydalis cava. Deciduous woods. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 547. I. geophylla (Sow.) Fr. (= Inocybe geophila (Bull.) Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 440, t. 401. 777, earth; v\\ov, leaf. P. 1-5-3 cm., white, sometimes tinged yellow when old, somewhat fleshy, conical, then expanded, umbonate, silky, then fibrillose, often cracking. St. 4-8 cm. x 2-6 mm., white, equal, base slightly thickened, often flexuose, satiny, apex white-mealy. Gills whitish, then clay- fuscous, and earth colour, almost free, rather broad, ventricose, crowded. Flesh white. Spores ferruginous, elliptical, 7-10 x 4-5 /u,. Cystidia ven- tricose, 45-60 x 13-15//,, abundant. Smell earthy, taste slightly acrid. Woods, under trees, and hedgerows. July Dec. Common, (v.v.) INOCYBE 197 var. lilacina Fr. (= Inocybe geophylla (Sow.) Fr., var. violacea Pat.) Boud. Icon. t. 125. Lilacina, lilac colour. Differs from the type in the violet colour of the p., the yellow umbo, the paler violet stem, and the ochraceous yellow base. Woods. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) var. lateritia (Weinm.) Stev. Lateritia, made of bricks. Differs from the type in the brick-red p. var. fulva Pat. Fulva, tawny. Differs from the type in the rufous-ochre p., and the paler margin. 548. I. Whitei B. & Br. Cke. Illus. no. 444, t. 404, fig. A. Dr F. Buchanan White, a Scotch botanist. P. 1-5-2-5 cm., tawny, margin white, then wholly pale tawny, conical, then convex, and at length expanded, slightly viscid. St. 3-4 cm. x 3- 4 mm., shining white, then tawny, nearly equal, base slightly thickened. Gills shining white, then cinnamon, adnexed, crowded. Flesh white. Spores pale yellow-brown, obliquely elliptical, 9-11 x 4-5 p. Cystidia ventricose, or almost cylindrical, 50-60 x 16 20/ut, fairly abundant. Pine woods. Oct. Rare. 549. I. sindonia Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 438, t. 400. vtvocav, muslin. P. 3-5 cm., dingy white, or at length becoming yellow, fleshy, some- what thin, campanulate, then convex, gibbous, silky-velvety, becoming even, margin appendiculate when young with fibrils of the cortina. St. 5-7-5 cm. x 6 mm., white, stuffed with a separate pith that dis- appears, equal, at first slightly fibrillose with the evanescent, delicate cortina. Gills becoming whitish fuscous, attenuato-adnexed, linear- lanceolate, 2 mm. broad. Flesh white. Spores reddish brown, ellip- tical, 8-10 x 5-6/x. Cystidia ventricose, 50-60 x 12-16/4. Mixed woods, damp shady places. Sept. Oct. Rare. 550. I. descissa Fr. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 122, fig. 1. Descissa, split up. P. 2-3 cm., greyish white, disc somewhat fuscous, conico-campanu- late, then expanded and umbonate, silky, then fibrillosely split up, subsquamulose around the umbo. St. 3-5 cm. x 3-4 mm-, white, often slightly tinged with flesh colour, somewhat equal, white fibril- lose, apex white pruinose, veil white, evanescent. Gills white, then fuliginous, or fuliginous yellow, sinuato-adnexed, somewhat crowded, edge fimbriate. Flesh white, sometimes flesh colour in the stem. Spores yellow, subreniform, 9-10 x 5-6/n. Cystidia fusiform, ventricose, 55-70 x 14-20/x, thick walled, somewhat fuscous at the apex. Pine woods. Sept. Nov. Rare. 198 INOCYBE var. auricoma (Batsch) Fr. Auricoma, golden-haired. Smaller, and thinner than the type, p. becoming yellow, margin striate, gills adfixed, ventricose, whitish fuscous. Remarkably cracked. Woods, and burnt soil. 551. I. cervicolor (Pers.) Quel. Fr. Icon. t. 107, figs. 1, 2, as Inocybe Bongardii (Weinm.) Fr. Cervus, a deer; color, colour. P. 3-5 cm., pale brown, or fawn colour^ covered with brown, recurved firils, campanulate, thin. St. 4-10 cm. x 4-6 mm., whitish, fibrillose with brown, recurved filaments, firm, flexuose. Gills cream colour, then rusty brown, margin white, denticulate, emarginate, ventricose, thick. Flesh white, tinged purplish when cut. Spores brown, elongate pip- shaped, 10-12 x 6-7 /z. Cystidia cylindric-fusoid, 45-50 x 12-14/n, numerous. Smell strong, unpleasant, like a mouldy cask. Woods, and heaths. Aug. Oct. Common, (v.v.) 552. I. deglubens Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 420, t. 394. Deglubens, peeling off. P. 25 cm., date-brown-rufescent, then becoming yellow, slightly fleshy, convexo-plane, obtuse, or obtusely umbonate, adpressedly torn into fibrils, peeling off in darker, then separating fibrils. St. 4-7 cm. x 4-5 mm., pallid, equal, adpressedly fibrillose, apex slightly rough with brown points. Gills grey, then cinnamon, obtusely adnate, ventri- cose, somewhat distant. Flesh white. Spores pallid brown, pip-shaped, 8-10 x 5-6/i. Cystidia ventricose, 50-60 x 10-15//,, fairly abundant. Smell earthy. Pine woods. Aug. Sept. Rare. ffGills with an olive tinge. 553. I. abjecta Karst. Abjecta, mean. P. 1-3-5 cm., brownish, becoming ochraceous-brown when dry, every- where covered with white fibrils, disc with whitish, subsquarrose squa- mules, fleshy, subcampanulate, or convex, then expanded, sometimes umbonate. St. 2-5-4 cm. x 4-8 mm., pallid, everywhere covered with white, fibrous squamuks, equal, or fusiform, rather tough, flexuose, apex white-pruinose. Gills pale cinnamon-olive, adnate, ventricose in front, 6-7 mm. wide, rather distant, margin minutely flocculoso- crenulate at first. Flesh white. Spores ferruginous, pip-shaped, 14-16 x 6-7 /*, 1-guttulate. Cystidia ventricose, 50-65 x 13-16^,, scanty. Amongst sand. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 554. I. Godeyi Gillet. (= Agaricus (Inocybe) hiukus (Fr.) Kalchbr. and Cke. Illus. no. 427, t. 337.) Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. n, t. 8. Dr Godey, an eminent French mycologist. P. 3-5 cm., whitish at first, then more or less suffused with rose which is usually accompanied by an ochraceous tinge, fleshy, campanulate, INOCYBE 199 obtusely umbonate, silky-fibrillose, rimose. St. 4-6 cm. x 5-10 mm., concolorous, equal, often bulbous at the base, apex white-pruinose. Gills whitish, then dusky cinnamon, usually with an olive tinge, edge white, minutely flocculose, narrowed behind, adnexed, almost free, somewhat crowded. Flesh white, tinged with pink. Spores ferruginous, elliptical, slightly curved or subreniform, 7-8 x 4-5 p. Cystidia ventricose, 36-48 x 18-25/z, fairly numerous. Woods, and heaths. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 555. I. lucifuga Fr. Boud. Icon. t. 123. Lux, light ;fuga, avoiding. P. 2-7-5 cm., somewhat olivaceous, sometimes becoming pale, rarely fawn colour, fleshy, convexo-campanulate, then plane, more or less umbonate, longitudinally fibrillose, or covered with minute adpressed scales. St. 3-7 x 4-12 mm., pallid, equal, rigid, often flexuose, apex white-farinose. Gills whitish, then yellowish, and finally pure olivaceous, sinuate, ventricose, crowded, broad, crisped in large specimens. Flesh white, slightly coloured under the cuticle. Spores olivaceous, elliptical, 8-9 x 4-5/x,. Cystidia ventricose, 60-70 x 12-14/x, scattered. Smell strong, like radishes. Woods, roadsides, and under trees. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon. tinged violet. 556. I. violaceifolia Peck. Violaceus, of a violet colour ; folia, leaves. P. 1-1-5 cm., grey, convex, or almost plane, fibrillose, squamulose. St. 2-5 cm. x 3-4 mm., whitish, firm, slender, fibrillose. Gills pale violet, then brownish cinnamon, adnexed, crowded. Spores elliptical, 10 x 6ju. Cystidia ventricose, 50-60 x 12-16/*,, fairly abundant. Amongst moss. Sept. Kare. **Stem coloured. fGills brown, ochraceous, or cinnamon. 557. I. caesariata Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 437, t. 388. Caesariata, covered with hairs. P. 4 cm., tawny-dirty, or like a smooth sugared cake, fleshy, convex, then expanded, gibbous, repand, becoming silky-even, finally almost smooth at the disc, silky at the margin. St. 4 cm. x 6 mm., pallid, unequal, sometimes twisted, somewhat thickened at the base, pruinose. Gills whitish fuliginous, somewhat adnate, thin, crowded, ventricose. Spores reniform, 8-10 x 4-5/a. Cystidia narrowly ventricose, 70- 80 x 12-15 /LI, "often septate" Rick., fairly abundant. Smell dis- agreeable. Beech woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. fibrillosa Fr. (= Inocybe delecta Karst.) Fr. Icon. t. 109, fig. 3. Fibrillosa, full of fibrils. Differs from the type in the obsoletely umbonate, fibrillose, sometimes squamulose, ochraceous pileus becoming tawny, in the very ochraceous- 200 INOCYBE fibrittose stem, and the pallid ochraceous gills at length turning brown. Deciduous woods, especially beech. 558. I. obscura (Pers.) Fr. Obscura, dark. P. 1-5-2-5 cm., brown, more or less suffused with violet, somewhat fleshy, campanulato-convex, obtuse, or subumbonate, longitudinally fibrillose, disc scaly. St. 3-6 cm. x 4-6 mm., violaceous, becoming fuscous downwards, flexuose, fibrillose. Gills olivaceous, then brown, uncinato-adnexed, crowded, ventricose, edge often unequal. Flesh tinged bluish especially at the apex of the stem. Spores brownish, ellip- tical, 8-9 x 4jw,. Cystidia ventricose, 65-75 x 12-16/z, abundant. Smell strong, of radishes. Amongst pines, and in woods. July Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. rufa Pat. Rufus, red. Differs from the type in the reddish-brown, strongly umbonate p., the violet gills, and spores narrowed towards one end. 559. I. lacera Fr. Lacera, torn. P. 2-4 cm., brownish, then mouse colour, becoming pale, slightly fleshy, convex, then expanded, obtuse, or obtusely umbonate, at first adpressedly fibrillose, then rimosely scaly and squarrose. St. 3-7 cm. x 5-8 mm., paler than the p., covered with brown, fibrillose squamules, tough, equal, or attenuated at the base. Gills white flesh, then mouse colour, attenuato-adnexed, ventricose, broad. Flesh of stem reddish. Spores ferruginous, elliptical, 10-12 x 6-7 fj,. Cystidia ventricose, 56- 80 x 13-17jLt, numerous. Pine, and mixed woods. July Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 560. I. carpta (Scop.) Fr. Carpta, torn. P. 3-5 cm., tan colour, or dusky brown, convex, then flattened, usually at length more or less depressed at the disc, everywhere densely fibrillose and woolly. St. 3-5 x 1 cm., paler than the pileus, attenuated downwards, covered with a spreading, fibrillose woolliness like the p. Gills ochraceous, then brown fuscous, adnate, then free, ventricose, broad. Flesh pale ochraceous, becoming tinged with brown. Spores elliptical, 910 x 4-5/z,, 1 2-guttulate ; "angular, nearly trapezium shaped, 10-12 x 5-6/u, " Rick. Cystidia often slightly curved, ventri- cose, 60-70 x 13-15/i, abundant. Taste sweet, then bitter. Woods. Aug. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) 561. I. hystrix Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 106, fig. 1. Hystrix, porcupine. P. 4-9 cm., dull brown, or mouse colour, fleshy, firm, convex, then flattened, obtuse, or slightly gibbous, orbicular, squarrose with revolute, floccose scales, which are fibrilloso-adpressed towards the margin. St. 5-9 cm. x 6-10 mm., fuscous mouse colour, firm, equal, or attenu- INOCYBE 201 ated downwards, or subfusif orm, squarrose with revolute, crowded, floe- cose scales up to the sharply defined annular zone, apex pallid. Gills whitish, becoming fuscous, adnate, crowded, linear, margin white. Flesh white. Spores brown, pip-shaped, or wedge-shaped, 9-10 x 4- 5/z, 1-guttulate. Cystidia ventricose, 75-80 x 12-14/A, fairly abun- dant. Smell of new meal. Woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 562. I. incarnate Bres. (= Inocybe pyriodora (Pers.) Fr. sec. Rene Maire.) Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 53. Incarnata, made flesh colour. P. 5-8 cm., yellowish rufescent, or flesh colour, fleshy, convexo- campanulate, then expanded and gibbous, or broadly umbonate, fibrillose, then squamulose, margin villosely fimbriate. St. 6-8 cm. x 6-15 mm., rosy flesh colour, apex white, furfuraceous, attenuated downwards, somewhat rooting, somewhat fibrillose. Gills whitish, then cinereous-cinnamon, at length spotted with red, or from the first becoming red, sinuato-adnate, crowded, edge fimbriate. Flesh of pileus white, becoming deep red when broken, that of the stem red from the first. Spores yellowish-brown, broadly elliptical, 12-15 x 6-8/x. Cystidia fusoid, 50-65 x 15-18/z, apex brownish. Smell pleasant, like pears. Woods. June Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 563. I. nigrodisca Peck. Niger, black; discus, a quoit. P. 1-2 cm., blackish-brown, margin greyish, convex, then plane, or depressed, umbonate, very minutely fibrillose. St. 2-5-3-5 cm. long, red- dish brown, slender, firm, flexuose, minutely pruinosely downy. Gills greyish, then rusty-brown, sometimes tinged yellow, free, or subadnexed, rounded behind, crowded. Spores ferruginous, subelongate, 5-5- 6-5 x 4-5-5/z. Cystidia fairly abundant, ventricose, 45-55 x 12-16/z. Among moss and grass. Rare. 564. I. mutica Fr. Cke. lUus. no. 418, t. 382. Mutica, curtailed. P. 2-5-5 cm., whitish, or tinged yellowish with darker adpressed squamules, fleshy, convex, then plane, always very obtuse, at length subdepressed in the centre. St. 3-6 cm. x 5-8 mm., white straw colour, becoming somewhat fuscous, often attenuated downwards, sometimes enlarged at the base, fibrillose. Gills white, then slightly fuscous, adnate, or attenuated behind and becoming free, thin, crowded. Flesh white. Spores elliptical, 8-10 x 5/u., 1-guttulate. Cystidia fusoid, 51-80 x 12-15/u, abundant. Woods, and roadsides. Sept. Nov. Not common, (v.v.) 565. I. brunnea Quel. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. n, t. 9. Brunnea, brown. P. 3-5 cm., chestnut colour, fleshy, campanulate, umbonate, fibril- losely silky, then cracked. St. 3-6 cm. x 5-6 mm., concolorous, or 202 ENOCYBE paler, thickened at the base, apex white, pruinose, fibrillosely striate. Cortina concolorous, and fugacious. Gills cream colour, then umber, edge white, indented, emarginate, broadest in front, 5 mm. wide. Flesh white. Spores bistre, elliptical, 7-12 x 4-6/n. Cystidia ventricose, or fusoid, 50-55 x 12-15/1, fairly abundant. Woods, also amongst grass near pines. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 566. I. haemacta Berk. & Cke. (= Inocybe pyriodora (Pers.) Fr. sec. Rene Maire.) Cke. Illus. no. 410, t. 390. at f /iaro9, bloody. P. 2-5-5 cm , umber, margin pallid, often becoming stained with red, or verdigris, disc darker, subsquamose, fleshy, compact, obtuse, cam- panulate, then expanded, floccosely fibrillose. St. 4-5 cm. x 6-8 mm., whitish above, tinged verdigris-green at the base, and often higher up, scarcely fibrillose, nearly equal. Gills pallid, then dingy tan, adnate, slightly rounded behind. Flesh turning blood red when touched or wounded, verdigris at the base of the stem, and also often elsewhere. Spores reddish brown, elliptical, 8-9 x 5/i, 1-guttulate. Cystidia ventricose, 6678 x 14-16/z, fairly numerous. Lawns, and gardens. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. rubra Rea. Rubra, red. Differs from the type in the blood red colour of the p. and St., which is only tinged verdigris at the extreme base, although the flesh is tinged verdigris for some considerable distance upwards. Bare earth. Sept. Rare, (v.v.) 567. I. conformata Karst. Conformata, shaped. P. 1-3 cm., pale fuscous, or tinged rusty, convex, then expanded, umbonate, fibrillosely rimose, sometimes minutely, adpressedly, floc- cosely squamulose. St. 3-5 cm. x 3-6 mm., concolorous, apex at first tinged violet, equal, often flexuose, solid, minutely fibrillose. Gills pallid, then brownish, 4-5 mm. wide, adnexed, ventricose, somewhat crowded; margin white, fimbriate. Flesh white, brownish under the cuticle of the p., bluish at first in the stem, thick at the disc, very thin at the margin of the p., firm. Smell and taste none. Spores brownish in the mass, oblong elliptical, depressed on one side, 8-11 x 4-5/n. Cystidia hyaline, fusiform ventricose, apex muriculate, 65-75 x 15- 19/i. Under oaks in woods. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) 568. I. flocculosa Berk. (=Inocybe scabella (Fr.) Bres. sec. Bataille.) Cke. Illus. no. 416, t. 393. Flocculosa, woolly. P. 2'5 cm., brownish fawn colour, somewhat fleshy, convex, sub- campanulate, umbonate, silky squamulose, margin smoother, veil white, fibrillose, fugacious. St. 4cm. x 4mm., pale fawn, fibrillose, brown beneath the fibrillae, apex minutely squamuloso-pulverulent. Gills pale fawn, at length dull-ferruginous, rounded behind, adnate INOCYBE 203 but not broadly so, ventricose, margin white. Spores ferruginous, elliptical, 8-10 x 4-5/z. Cystidia 45-60 x lQ-12fi, abundant. Smell of new meal, but nauseous. Bare soil, and amongst grass. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) f fGills tinged olive. 569. I. dulcamara (A. & S.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 408, t. 582, fig. B. Dulcis, sweet; amara, bitter. P. 3-6 cm., olivaceous-fuscous, becoming paler, campanulato-convex,. then expanded and umbonate, ^occoso-scaZ?/, silky towards the margin. St. 4-6 cm. x 4 mm., paler than the pileus, equal, cortinato-fibrillose, adpressedly squamulose, apex mealy. Gills pallid, then olivaceous, arcuato-adfixed, ventricose, crowded. Flesh becoming yellowish white, thin. Spores brown, almost colourless under the microscope, ellip- tical, 7-9 x 4-5/i. Cystidia ventricose, 55-65 x 15-18/x, fairly abundant, "on edge of gill only " Rick. Taste slightly bitter. Pine, and mixed woods. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 570. I. relicina Fr. (= Astrosporina relicina (Fr.) Schroet.) Relicina, curled backwards. P. 1-5-3 cm., fuliginous, fleshy, thin, conical, then expanded, obtuse, everywhere scaly-squarrose with fasciculate down. St. 45 cm. x 4- 6 mm., fuliginous, apex paler, soft, equal, fioccoso-scaly, fibrillose. Gills yellow, then olivaceous, adnexed, crowded. Spores olive brown, pip-shaped, 10-12 x 7ju. Cystidia ventricose, 70-85 x 14-16/x, scattered, "only on edge of gill " Rick. Damp pine woods amongst Sphagnum, and in bogs. July Oct. Uncommon. 571. I. Bongardii (Weinm.) Massee. H. G. Bongard, a Russian botanist. P. 3-7 cm., whitish with a rufescent, or yellowish tinge, covered with darker fibrillose squamules, fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, ob- tusely umbonate. St. 5-8 cm. x 5-12 mm., concolorous, or slightly paler, equal, straight, or curved, tough, apex white-mealy. Gills whitish, then olive-cinnamon, arcuato-adnate, crowded, ventricose, edge white, eroded. Flesh, reddish. Spores cinnamon brown, yellow under the microscope, elliptical, 9 x 6/z, 1-guttulate. Cystidia ventri- cose, 50-65 x 12-16/4, scattered, "only on edge of gill, basidia with olive granular contents" Rick. Smell pleasant, like ripe pears. Woods and pastures. May Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) tttGiUs tinged violet. 572. I. cincinnata Fr. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 51, fig. 2. Cincinnata, with curled hair. P. 1-5-3-5 cm., mouse colour, or brownish chestnut, somewhat fleshy, convex, then expanded, obtuse, or obsoletely umbonate, disc 204 INOCYBE besprinkled with fioccose scales; margin fibrillose. St. 3-5 cm. x 2-3 mm., fuscous, apex tinged violet at first, then becoming pale, base subbulbose, fibrillosely-squamulose. Gills fuscous -violaceous, then cinnamon, ad- nexed, or attenuated behind, separating, ventricose, crowded. Flesh whitish, bluish at the apex of the stem. Spores brown, elliptical, 7- 8 x 4-5jLt, 1-2-guttulate. Cystidia subcylindrical, or ventricose, 60- 70 x 9-15/M, "sometimes filled with a dark juice" Rick., fairly abun- dant. Woods. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) II. No cystidia. *St. whitish, or pallid. fGills brownish, ochraceous, or cinnamon. 573. I. perlata Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 1162, t. 961. Perlata, very broad. P. 6-10 cm., ochraceous, longitudinally streaked with darker, fuscous fibrils, disc dark bistre nearly black, fleshy, convex, then expanded, broadly umbonate; margin incurved. St. 6-11 x 1-5 cm., pallid, darker below, straight, or curved, sometimes twisted, striate, equal, apex mealy. Gills pallid, then pale umber, adnexed, somewhat rounded behind, broad, margin whitish, irregular. Flesh dingy white. Spores reddish brown, elliptical, 10 x 6-7 /z, with a large central gutta. Woods, and under hornbeam. Aug. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) 574. I. perbrevis (Weinm.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 434, t. 519. Per-brevis, very short. P. 1-5 3 cm., fuscous, or rufous, becoming yellowish, somewhat fleshy, convex, then plane, obtusely umbonate, often depressed round the umbo, fibrillose, or squamulose ; margin fibrillose, often splitting. St. 2-2-5 cm. x 3-5 mm., pallid, somewhat attenuated downwards, white- fibrillose, apex pruinose, cortinate. Gills whitish, becoming fuscous, or clay colour, adnexed with a tooth, ventricose, rather distant. Flesh white. Spores brown, elliptic-oblong, 8-9 x 4-5-5/t, apiculate. "Cystidia only on edge of gill, basidia-like, 48-60 x 12-15/z " Rick. Woods, and shady places. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. 575. I. squarrosa Rea. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. v, t. 4. Squarrosa, rough with scales. P. 5-13 mm,, mouse grey with an ochraceous tinge, slightly fleshy, campanulate, or convex, covered with erect, revolute, floccose, darker grey scales especially at the disc, floccosely fibrillose elsewhere ; margin at first involute, white. St. 1-5-3 cm. x 1-2 mm., white with a pinkish tinge, apex pruinose, base white, subbulbose. Gills white, then brown- ish, adnato-sinuate, 2 mm. wide, edge white. Flesh white. Spores greenish-fuscous, elliptical, 9-10 x 5-6/z, 1-guttulate. Under willows and alders in a brick pit. July Aug. Uncommon, (v.v.) INOCYBE 205 576. I. vatricosa FT. Fr. Icon. t. 110, fig. 3. Vatricosa, with crooked feet. P. 1-7 cm., yellowish, becoming whitish with age, slightly fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, or umbonate, viscid when moist, shining when dry; margin obsoletely silky. St. 3-7 cm. x 3-10 mm., white, or greyish, equal, slightly thickened at the white villose base, often curved and contorted, white pulverulent. Gills white, then fuscous, adnexed, broadly emarginate, almost free, broad. Spores brownish, elliptical, 5-6 x 3-3-5^,. Woods, dead stumps, chips, and sawdust. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. **St. coloured. fGills brownish, ochraceous, or cinnamon. 577. I. Cookei Bres. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 121. Mordecai Cubitt Cooke, the eminent English mycologist. P. 3-5 cm., yellowish straw colour, becoming lurid yellowish, fleshy, conico-campanulate, then expanded and umbonate, margin at length revolute and split, silky-fibriUose, then rimose. St. 4-7 cm. x 5-7 mm., concolorous, equal, silky fibrillose, base marginately bulbose. Gills whitish cinereous, then yellowish cinnamon, attenuated behind, ad- nexed, crowded, somewhat ventricose, margin white, fimbriate. Flesh whitish straw colour. Spores ochraceous, subreniform, 8-10 x 5-5-5/z. Smell somewhat pleasant when young, becoming somewhat earthy. Fir woods. Sept. Uncommon. 578. I. mimica Massee. (= Inocybe adequata Britz. sec. Cke.) fjLifju/cd, a mimic. P. 6-8 cm., yellow-brown, everywhere covered with large, adpressed, slightly darker, fibrous scales, fleshy, campanulate, obtusely umbonate, fibrillose. St. 6-8 x 1 cm., paler than the p., equal, fibrillose. Gills yellow-brown, deeply sinuate, attached to the stem by a very narrow portion, broad. Flesh brownish. Spores brown, subcylindrical, 14- 16 x 6-8/x, with an oblique apiculus. Woods. Sept. Rare. 579. I. rhodiola Bres. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 200, as Inocybe frumen- tacea (Bull.) Bres. poSov, a rose. P. 4-8 cm., rufous-chestnut, or fuscous flesh colour, fleshy, campanu- late, then expanded and umbonate, fibrillosely cracked, centre even. St. 5-8 x 1-1-5 cm., vinous, fibrilloso-squamulose, becoming glabrous, apex pallid, subfloccose. Gills white, then yellowish umber, often spotted with brownish umber, sinuato-uncinate, almost free, crowded, edge fimbriate. Flesh white, vinous at the base of the stem. Spores yellowish, subreniform, 12-13 x 6-8/4, or 9-10 x 5-7 p, 1-2-guttulate. Cells on edge of gills, clavate, or subfusoid, 45-60 x 12-15ju,. Smell fruity. Woods, fields, and parks. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 206 INOCYBE 580. I. hirsute (Lasch) Fr. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 86, fig. 2. Hirsuta, bristly. P. 1-4 cm., fuscous, or ochraceous fuscous, disc sometimes tinged with green, slightly fleshy, conico-campanulate, then expanded, and acutely or obtusely umbonate, squarrose with fasciculato-pilose scales, margin fibrillose, fimbriate. St. 4-9 cm. x 2-6 mm., concolorous, base verdigris, somewhat equal, or somewhat thickened at the base, tough, fibrillose, apex white floccoso-scaly. Gills pallid, then fuscous cinnamon, adnate, crowded, narrow, edge whitish, fimbriate. Flesh pallid, be- coming faintly tinged with red on exposure to the air, greenish in the stem. Spores ochraceous, oblong pip-shaped, 9-11 x 4-5/x. Woods. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 581. I. calamistrata Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 106, fig. 2. Calamistrata, curled with the curling-iron. P. 2-5-6 cm., fuscous, slightly fleshy, campanulate, obtuse, margin at first bent inwards, often repand, at length flattened, everywhere squarrose-scaly, St. 4-9 cm. x 4-6 mm., concolorous, base dark azure blue, rigid, tough, equal, somewhat rooting, squarrose throughout with rigid, recurved scales. Gills white, then ferruginous, adnexed, separating, crowded, broad, edge whitish, somewhat serrated. Flesh reddish, azure blue at the base of the stem. Spores ochraceous, elliptical, 10- 11 x 6/i. Smell strong. Pine, and fir woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon. (v.v.) I. echinata (Roth) Cke. = Lepiota haematosperma (Bull.) Boud. tfGills tinged olive. 582. I. destricta Fr. Boud. Icon. t. 121. Destricta, stripped off. P. 4-8 cm., livid violet tinged brownish, fleshy, campanulate, covered longitudinally with darker fibrils, then torn into scales, rimosely cracked. St. 5-10 x 1-1-5 cm., concolorous, covered with darker fibrils, apex mealy. Gills olivaceous, uncinately adnate, narrow, 4 mm. wide. Flesh whitish violaceous, deeper coloured under the cuticle, reddish at the base of the stem. Spores olivaceous, often slightly curved, oblong, 11-13 x 5-5-7 p,, multi-guttulate. Cystidia none 1 . Woods, and under poplars. July Nov. Uncommon. 583. I. fastigiata (Schaefi.) Fr. (= Inocybe Curreyi Berk. sec. Massee.) Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 57. Fastigiata, having a gable. P. 3-7 cm., straw colour, yellow fuscous, sometimes fuscous brown, disc ochraceous, or livid-fulvous, fleshy, conico-campanulate, obtusely, or acutely umbonate, longitudinally fibrillose and cracked, rarely ad- pressedly scaly; margin sometimes lobed. St. 4-9 cm. x 4-8 mm., pallid, becoming fuscous, equal, slightly enlarged downwards, minutely fibrillose, often twisted with age. Gills yellow, then olivaceous, sinuato- 1 Massee and Ricken have a different plant in view as they describe cystidia. INOCYBE. ASTROSPORINA 207 free, ventricose, crowded. Flesh white. Spores brownish, pip-shaped, 7-10 x 4-5 /z, 1-guttulate. "Cystidia only on the edge of the gills, bottle-shaped-clavate, 50-60 x 1 5-20 /A " Rick. Woods, and pastures. June Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) III. Insufficiently described. 584. I. mamillaris Pass. 1 Mamilla, a teat. P. white, convex, mammillate, squamulose. St. white, hollow, equal, flexuose. Gills emarginato-adnexed. Spores smooth. 585. I. phaeocephala (?Bull.) Cke. Cke. lUus. no. 425, t. 396. aX?;, head. P. 5-10 cm., fuliginous, becoming brownish, subcampanulate, rarely flattened and umbonate, smooth. St 7-13 cm. x 8-14 mm., grey, with brownish lines, base white and swollen, naked. Gills yellowish bistre colour, free, semilunate, very broad. Spores bright ferruginous red, elliptical, 6 x 4/t. Pine, and mixed woods. Oct. Rare 586. I. schista Cke. & Sm. Cke. Illus. no. 423, t. 504. o^aro?, split. P. 5-7-5 cm., bay brown, obtusely campanulate, broadly subumbo- nate, cracking longitudinally, rather fibrillose. St. 5-8 x 1 cm., paler than the p., equal, twisted, solid. Gills rufescent, adnate with a decur- rent tooth, rather broad; edge pale, serrate. Lawns. May. Rare. /. subrimosa (Karst.) Sacc. = Astrosporina asterospora (Quel.) Rea. /. scabella (Fr.) Bres. = Inocybe flocculosa Berk. /. tricholoma (A. & S.) Fr. = Flammula tricholoma (A. & S.) Fr. 7. strigiceps Fr. = Flammula strigiceps Fr. 7. Curreyi Berk. = Inocybe fastigiata (SchaefL) Fr. 7. adequata Britz. = Inocybe mimica Massee. 7. lanuginosa Fr. sec. Bataille = Astrosporina sabuletorum (B. &Curt.) Rea. 7. violaceo-fusca Cke. & Massee = Cortinarius (Dennocybe) violaceo- fuscus (Cke. & Massee) Massee. 7. Trinii (Weinm.) Bres. = Inocybe Godeyi Gill. 7. hiulca (Fr.) Kalchbr. = Inocybe Godeyi GiU. Spores ochraceous, or ferruginous, irregular, angular, echinulate, or verrucose. Astrosporina Schroet. (aa-T^p, star; t, fairly abundant. Woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon. **Stem coloured. 594. A. asterospora (Quel.) Rea. (= Inocybe asterospora Quel., Ino- cybe subrimosa Sacc., Clypeus subrimosus Karst.) Cke. Illus. no. 430, t. 385, as Inocybe asterospora Quel. ao'Trip, star; , a leader. P. 512 cm., yellowish, disc darker, punctate with brown squamules, fleshy, ccnvexo-campanulate, then plane, sometimes broadly umbo- nate, somewhat viscid, soon dry. St. 57 x 1 cm., white, tinged with yellow in the middle, apex white mealy, base obclavate, or fusiform and somewhat rooting. Gills white with a yellow margin, often grey at the base, sometimes connected by veins, emarginate, crowded, broad. Flesh white, citron-yellow under the epidermis, thick. Spores white, subglobose, 5-6 x 4-5ju,, 1-guttulate. Taste somewhat bitter. Beech woods. Sept. Nov. Rare, (v.v.) 612. T. sejunctum (Sow.) Fr. Sow. Eng. Fung. t. 126. Sejunctum, separated. P. 7 -5-10 cm., light yellow, streaked with innate fuscous fibrils, con- vex, then expanded, gibbous, viscid in wet weather; margin yellowish, or white, villous, becoming torn. St. 6-12-5 x 1-5-2-5 cm., white, tinged with yellow, ventricose, then elongated, apex delicately squamu- lose. Gills shining white, sometimes tinged with yellow, emarginate, broad, subdistant. Flesh white, yellowish under the cuticle of the p. and in the St., fragile. Spores white, subglobose, 5-7 p. Smell of new meal. Taste slightly bitter. Mixed woods, especially oak, and pine. Sept. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 613. T. portentosum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 24, upper figs. Portentosum, monstrous. P. 7-5-12-5 cm., fuliginous, livid, sometimes violaceous, streaked with black, innate fibrils, fleshy, convexo-plane, subumbonate, unequal, repand, viscid. St. 7-5-15 x 2-5 cm., white, becoming tinged with sulphur-yellow, or greenish glaucous, equal, sometimes attenuate- 216 TRICHOLOMA rooted at the villous base, fibrillosely striate. Gills white, becoming straw colour, or glaucous, rounded, almost free, broad, distant. Flesh white, often tinged with yellow or greenish, very thin at the margin of the p., fragile. Spores white, elliptical, 4-5 x 3/n, 1-guttulate. Taste pleasant. Edible. Pine, and fir woods. Sept. Nov. Uncommon. (v.v.) 614. T. fucatum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 24, lower figs. Fucatum, painted. P. 5-10 cm., lurid yellow, or cinereous light yellow, variegated with bistre, tiger-like spots, disc darker, fleshy, convexo-plane, obtuse, often irregular, viscid, soon dry. St. 5-7-5 cm. x 8-12 mm., straw colour, streaked with fibrils that become blackish, apex white, pruinose, fragile, subequal. Gills whitish, deeply emarginate, 6-10 mm. broad, some- what crowded, fragile. Flesh yellowish, thin, fragile. Spores white, "subglobose, 5-6 x 5/u," Rick. Pine woods. Sept. Nov. Un- common. 615. T. quinquepartitum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 25. Quinque, five; partitum, divided. P. 5-7-5 cm., pallid light yellow, margin paler, fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, umbonate, repand, viscid, fragile. St. 6-10 cm. x 12- 15 mm., white, or whitish, equal, or attenuated upwards, striate. Gills white, emarginate, 12 mm. broad, not crowded. Flesh white, fragile, thin at the margin. Spores "5-6 x 3-4/u," Sacc. Taste mild. Pine woods. Oct. Nov. Rare. 616. T. resplendens Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 29, upper figs. Resplendens, shining brightly. Entirely shining white, becoming yellowish externally and internally. P. 5-10 cm., silvery shining when dry, often with hyaline spots, disc becoming yellow, fleshy, convex, then flattened, obtuse, viscid ; margin straight, thin. St. 5-7-5 cm. x 12-15 mm., equal, or subbulbous, sometimes curved, apex slightly flocculose. Gills emarginate, some- what crowded, 6-8 mm. broad, equally attenuated in front. Spores white, elliptical, 8 x 4/i. "Cystidia on edge of gill basidia-like, 30- 36 x 8-9/z" Rick. Smell pleasant, taste mild. Beech, and hazel woods. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 617. T. spermaticum (Paul.) Fr. (= Tricholoma columbetta Fr. sec. Quel.) Gillet, Hym. t. 62. (nreppa, semen. Entirely white. P. 4-9 cm., somewhat fleshy, convex, then flattened, obtuse, repand, viscid, shining when dry, and often becoming yellow- ish; margin involute. St. 5-9 x 1-5-2 cm., twisted. Gills emarginate, subdistant, eroded. Spores white, elliptical, 6-8 x 5-6/u, verrucose. Smell strong, taste unpleasant. Oak, and fir woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) TBICHOLOMA 217 (6) Gills changing colour, generally with reddish spots. T. colossum Fr. = Armillaria colossa (Fr.) Boud. 618. T. nictitans Fr. (= Tricholoma acerbum Bull. sec. Quel.) Hussey, Illus. Brit. Myc. n, t. 46. Nictitans, winking. P. 5-6 cm., brownish red, becoming yellow, disc darker, fleshy, convex, then flattened, obtuse, viscid. St. 7-5 cm. x 12 mm., pallid light yellow, equal, or attenuated upwards, base truncate, elastic, dry, apex squamulose. Gills light yellow, rufescent spotted when old, rounded adnexed, crowded, rather broad, subventricose. Flesh white, thin. Spores white, "elliptical, 7-8 x 5/i" Massee. Taste pleasant. Mixed woods. Sept. Oct. Rare. 619. T. ful vellum Fr. Fulvus, tawny. P. 2-5-8 cm., pale yellowish rufescent, or tan colour, fleshy, convex, then plane, viscid, disc darker, dotted wrinkled. St. 4-7-5 x 1 cm., whitish rufescent, fibrillose, apex naked. Gills white, then rufescent, rounded, then emarginate, crowded. Flesh often more or less yellow. Spores white, "subglobose, 4-5 /z" Massee. Beech woods. Oct. Nov. Rare. 620. T. aurantium (Schaeff.) Fr. (= Armillaria aurantia (Schaeff.) Fr. Hym. Eur.) Fr. Icon. t. 27, upper figs., as Armillaria aurantia Schaeff. Aurantium, orange coloured. P. 5-8 cm., rusty orange colour, disc often darker, fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, viscid, obsoletely innato-squamulose, or almost smooth. St. 6-8 x 1-1-5 cm., concolorous with concentric, orange scales, apex white, mealy, equal, or slightly attenuated upwards. Gills white, then tinged with rufous, emarginate, adnexed, crowded, 4 mm. broad. Flesh white, reddish in the st. Spores white, elliptical, 6- 7 x 4-5/i, 1-guttulate. Smell very pleasant. Taste bitter. Edible. Coniferous woods. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 621. T. fulvum (DC.) Fr. (= Tricholoma flavo-brunneum Fr. Hym. Eur.) Fr. Icon. t. 26, upper figs., as Tricholoma flavo-brunneum Fr. Fulvum, tawny. P. 7-5-15 cm., reddish brown, or rufous tawny with a darker disc, fleshy, conico-convex, then flattened, broadly gibbous, viscid, streaked with fibrils, or innately squamulose. St. 7-5-12-5 cm. x 12 mm., rufescent, or becoming fuscous, streaked with rufous fibrils, attenuated at both ends, equal only when smaller, viscid at first, apex naked. Gills light yellow, spotted rufous when old or touched, emarginate, decurrent by a tooth, crowded. Flesh white, sulphur-yellow in the stem. Spores white, elliptical, 5-6 x 3-4 /u, 1-guttulate; "basidia on edge of gill filled with yellowish juice" Rick. Smell of new meal, or rancid. Decidu- ous woods, and heaths under birches. Sept. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 218 TBICHOLOMA 622. T. albobrunneum (Pers.) Fr. (= Tricholoma striatum (Schaeff.) Quel.) Barla, Champ. Alp. Marit. t. 27, figs. 7-11. Albus, white; brunneum, brown. P. 7-5-10 cm., rich brown, or chestnut, fleshy, compact only at the papillose disc, campanulate, then hemispherical, viscid, streaked with innate fibrils; margin incurved, often wrinkled-crenate. St. 4-5 x 2-5- 4 cm., rufescent, constantly white at both ends, equal, dry, apex white mealy. Gills white, becoming pale, or rufescent, rounded emarginate, scarcely crowded, very broad, 6 mm. and more wide, firm. Flesh white, scissile. Spores white globose, or elliptical, 4-6 x 4/x, 1-guttulate. Taste mild. Edible. Coniferous woods. Sept. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 623. T. irregulare Karst. In, not; regulare, regular P. 10 cm., pale, tinged tawny rufous, convex, then expanded, very irregular, rather viscid, fibrillosely virgate. St. 6-9 x 1-5-3 cm., white, equal, curved, apex fiocculose. Gills white, then reddish, or spotted, emarginate. Flesh white. Spores white, subglobose, 3-4 x 2-3/it. Smell strong of meal. 624. T. ustale Fr. Gonnerm. & Rabenh. t. 14, fig. 2. Ustale, burnt. P. 3-8 cm., bay brown rufous, disc darker, fleshy, not compact, hemispherico-expanded, umbonate at first, soon plane, obtuse, viscid, smooth. St. 5-7 cm. x 12 mm., rufescent, apex whitish, equal, some- what rooted, dry, fibrillose, often rufous scaly downwards. Gills white, at length rufescent, emarginate, with a small decurrent tooth, crowded, rather broad. Flesh white, becoming reddish in places when broken. Spores white, subglobose, 5 x 4-5/x, 1-guttulate. Taste bitter. Pine woods, and under larches. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 625. T. pessundatum Fr. Holland, Champ, t. 21, no. 39. Pessundatum, ruined. P. 6-9 cm., bay brown, or rufescent, paler or whitish at the margin, compactly fleshy, convex, then expanded, very obtuse, granulate, or guttato-spotted, viscid. St. 5-7-5 x 2-5 cm., white, covered with small, brownish granules, bulbous at first, then somewhat equal. Gills white, then rufescent, deeply emarginate, somewhat free, crowded. Flesh white. Spores white, globose, 5/x, 1-guttulate. Smell of new meal, taste acid, and bitter. Edible. Fir woods, heaths, and pastures. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 626. T. stans Fr. (= Tricholoma striatum Schaeff. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 28, as Tricholoma pessundatum Fr. Stans, standing. P. 7-12 cm., rufescent, compact, convex, then flattened, smooth, viscid. St. 5-7-5 x 1-5-2 cm., whitish, tinged rufescent, squamulose, somewhat equal. Gills whitish, stained reddish on the margin, rounded behind, crowded. Flesh reddish under the cuticle. Spores white, TRICHOLOMA 219 elliptical, 7-8 x 5/z, 1-guttulate. Smell of new meal. Pine woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) T. russula (Schaeff.) Fr. = Hygrophorus rassula (Schaeff.) Quel. T.frumentaceum (Bull.) Fr. = Hygrophorus russula (Schaeff.) Quel. B. P. never viscid; torn into scales, or fibrillose. (a) Gills not changing colour. 627. T. rutilans (Schaeff.) Fr. Holland, Champ, t. 18, no. 32. Rutilans, becoming reddish. P. 520 cm., yellow, densely covered with granular, purplish downy scales, fleshy, campanulate, then convex and flattened, often umbo- nate. St. 6-9 x 1-2-5 cm., light yellow, besprinkled with purple, squamulose flocci, bulbous, then ventricose. Gills sulphur-yellow, sinuato-adnate, crowded, broad; margin thickened, obtuse, floccose. Flesh light yellow, golden when broken, soft, thick. Spores white, globose, or elliptical, 5-8 x 4-7 /i. Cystidia "on edge of gill, clavate, or clavate-capitate, rarely fusiform, 60-175 x 20-36/1," Kick. Taste mild. Poisonous. Stumps of conifers. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 628. T. variegatum (Scop.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1117, t. 642. Variegatum, variegated. P. 4-6 cm., yellowish, covered with purple-reddish flocci, slightly fleshy, fragile, convex, then flattened. St. 5-6 x -5 cm., yellowish, equal, curved, sometimes bulbous, rarely sprinkled with purple red- dish flocci, generally smooth. Gills light yellowish white, adnate, narrow, crowded, thin. Flesh pallid, yellowish in the st. Spores white, sub- globose, 7 x 6/i, with a large central gutta. On rotten wood, and pine stumps. June Oct. Rare, (v.v.) 629. T. decorum (Fr.) Quel. (= Pkurotus decorus Fr. Hym. Eur., Clitocybe decora Fr. Icon. t. 60, upper figs., Tricholoma rutilans (Schaeff.) Fr. sec. Dumee). Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. n, t. 10, as Pleurotus decorus Fr. Decorum, beautiful. P. 5-12 cm., yellow, covered with linear, bistre fibrils that become black with age, fleshy, brittle, convex, then expanded, or depressed, often excentric. St. 6-10 x 1-5-2 cm., concolorous, covered with fibrils that blacken with age, equal, slightly enlarged at the base, often twisted. Gills golden yellow, adnate, or sinuato-adnate, 5-10 mm. broad, crowded, often separating from the p. when old, edge uneven. Flesh pale yellow, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 6 x 4-5/tt, with a large central gutta. Taste bitter. Stumps of conifers. Sept. Oct. Un- , common, (v.v.) 630. T. centurio Kalchbr. (= Tricholoma molybdinum (Bull.) Quel., Clitocybe ampla Pers. sec. Quel.) Kalchbr. Icon. t. 4, fig. 2. Centurio, captain. P. 7-5-12-5 era., fuscous, then livid, acorn-shaped, then campanulate, 220 TRICHOLOMA strongly umbonate, at length expanded, and somewhat repand, cuticle breaking up into adpressed fibrils ; margin splitting. St. 7-10 x 5 cm., white, ventricose, obsolet ely fibrillose. Gills pallid, deeply emarginate, almost free, 6-8 mm. wide, scarcely crowded. Flesh white, thick. Spores white, globose, minute. Taste mild. Pine woods. Sept. Oct. Rare. 631. T. luridum (Schaeff.) Fr. Barla, Champ. Alp. Marit. t. 31, figs. 48. Luridum, lurid. P. 10 cm., lurid, becoming yellow cinereous, sometimes light yellow, disc darker, convex, then plane, obtuse, somewhat repand, irregularly shaped, dry, the cuticle breaking up into free, brown fibrils ; margin fimbriate. St. 5-7-5 x 1-2-5 cm., whitish or yellowish, unequal, fibril- lose. Gills whitish, or glaucous, then greyish, emarginate, broad, very crowded. Flesh whitish, soft, fibrous. Spores white, "elliptical, 12 x 7- 8/A, 1-guttulate" Bat. Smell of new meal. Taste mild. Fir woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. 632. T. guttatum (Schaeff.) Fr. (= Tricholoma amarum (A. & S.) Quel., Tricholoma gentianeum Quel.) Barla, Champ. Alp. Marit. t. 31, figs. 9-12. Guttatum, spotted. P. 7-5-12 cm., cinnamon, or pale yellowish, disc darker, fleshy, con- vex, then flattened, broken up into granular, or fioccose squamules ; margin involute at first, white fioccose, remotely sulcate. St. 5-8 x 1-5 cm., white, subequal, mealy. Gills snow-white, emarginate, de- current in the form of lines, very crowded. Flesh white. Spores white, elliptical, 4-6 x 3/n. Smell and taste bitter, somewhat acrid. Woods. Oct. Uncommon. 633. T. truncatum (Schaeff.) Quel. (= Hebeloma truncatum (Schaeff.) Fr.) Boud. Icon. t. 26. Truncatum, maimed. P. 5-10 cm., somewhat rufous, or yellowish tawny, convex, then de- pressed, undulato-repand, very irregular, smooth, then minutely floe- cose; margin whitish, or flesh colour, lobed, incurved, pruinose. St. 4-9cm. x S-\Om.m., white, equal, firm, pruinoselytomentose. Gillscmm colour, then flesh colour, emarginate with a tooth, narrow, often crisped, branched and anastomosing. Flesh white, firm. Spores yellowish in the mass, uncoloured under the microscope, elliptical, 5-8 x 3-4/it. Smell weak. Taste somewhat bitter. Edible. Fir, and deciduous woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 634. T. psammopum Kalchbr. Kalchbr. Icon. t. 3, fig. 2. ^, sand; TTOU?, foot. P. 3-5 cm., tawny brown, fleshy, campanulate, then convex, obtuse, or slightly umbonate, minutely fibrillosely squamulose, or smooth. St. 5-7 x 1-5 cm., concolorous, equal, or ventricose, attenuated at the base, TRICHOLOMA 221 granularly punctate from, the breaking up of the epidermis, apex white. Gills straw, or flesh colour, emarginate, adnate by a tooth, ventricose, subdistant, 4 mm. broad. Flesh white, or whitish, firm. Spores white, subglobose, 4-5 x 3-4/>i, 1-guttulate. Taste mild, then slightly bitter. Coniferous woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 635. T. amarum (A. & S.) Quel. (= Clitocybe amara Fr., Tricholoma guttatum Schaeff., and Tricholoma gentianeum Quel. sec. Quel.) Amarum, bitter. P. 5-8 cm., rufescent, or becoming fuscous, then becoming pale whitish, fleshy, pliant, convex, then flattened, obtuse, often unequal, and Tepaud,fibrittosely-silky, becoming smooth and rivulose; margin paler, or whitish, thin, involute at first, tomentose. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 12 mm., white, equal, attenuated at the white floccose base, tough, elastic, firm, tomentose, often striate. Gills white, adnato-decurrent, or sinuate, crowded, thin, 4 mm. broad. Flesh white, compact. Spores white, subglobose, 6 x 5/u., 1-guttulate. Smell pleasant. Taste very bitter. Woody places, and hedgerows. Sept. Nov. Uncommon. (v.v.) 636. T. opipamm (Fr.) Quel. (= Clitocybe opipara Fr.) FT. Icon. t. 49, upper figs., as Clitocybe opipara Fr. var. major Fr. Opiparum, splendid. P. 5-10 cm., yellowish flesh colour, pale yellow, or rosy flesh colour, very fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, delicately flocculose at first, then very smooth, shining. St. 4-7 x 1-2 cm., white, often becoming dis- coloured, firm, equal, or slightly attenuated at the base, smooth. Gills white, adnate, or adnato-decurrent, equally attenuated behind, crowded, 6-8 mm. broad, often connected by veins. Flesh white, com- pact. Spores white, elliptical, 7-8 x 3-4/u,, 1-guttulate. Smell and taste very pleasant. Edible. Mossy places under trees. Oct. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 637. T. columbetta Fr. (= Eypophyllum spermaticum Paul. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 29, lower figs. Columba, a pigeon. Entirely shining white, occasionally spotted with red or blue. P. 5-10 cm., disc sometimes greyish, fleshy, convex, then flattened, ob- tuse, flexuose, dry, at first smooth, then silky-fibrillose, becoming even, or squamulose; margin incurved, tomentose. St. 7-510 x 2-5 cm., equal, or unequal, sometimes attenuated at the base, often fibrillosely striate and tinged with bluish green towards the base. Gills somewhat emarginate, almost free, 4-6 mm. broad, often subserrulate. Flesh white, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 6-7 x 3-4/x, 1-guttulate. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Woods, and pastures. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 222 TRICHOLOMA 638. T. scalpturatum Fr. (= Tricholoma argyraceum (Bull.) Quel.) Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 151. Scalpturatum, engraved. P. 5-7*5 cm., whitish, or greyish, becoming fuscous with the adpressed scattered, floccose, umber, or rufescent scales, fleshy, conical, then con- vex and flattened, often umbonate, floccose when young; margin fibrillosely tomentose. St. 3-7 cm. x 8-12 mm., whitish, equal, either thickened, or attenuated at the base, firm, adpressedly fibrillose. Gills white, or greyish white, becoming yellow, or spotted with yellow, emar- ginate, almost free, crowded, ventricose. Flesh whitish, becoming cine- reous, thin, slightly firm. Spores white, elliptical, 5-7 x 3-4/x, 1 2-guttulate. Fir woods. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) (b) Gills rufescent, or becoming cinereous, edge often spotted red, or black. 639. T. imbricatum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 30. Imbricatum, covered with tiles. P. 7-5-10 cm., rufous umber, torn into squamules except at the disc, fleshy, broadly convex, then flattened, and obtuse, very dry; margin thin, at first inflexed, pubescent, then naked. St. 4-5 x 2-5 cm., brownish, ventricose, base either conico-bulbous, or attenuated, adpressedly fibrillose, apex white, mealy. Flesh white, often becoming discoloured, firm, compact, thick. Spores white, subglobose, 4-5 x 3-5/i, with a large central gutta. Taste pleasant. Edible. Coniferous woods. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 640. T. vaccinum (Pers.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 80, t. 60. Vaccinum, cow-like. P. 2-5-6 cm., rufous, torn up into floccose, squarrose, or when smaller, adpressed scales, fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, umbonate, dry; margin involute, very woolly, tomentose for a short distance on the p. over the base of the gills. St. 7-5-10 cm. x 8-16 mm., brownish, equal, thickened, or attenuated at the base, fibrillose, cortinote. Gills whitish, then spotted rufous, and at length rufescent, slightly sinuate, almost adnate, subdistant, 6-12 mm. broad. Flesh white, then reddish, firm, thick. Spores white, subglobose, 6-8 x 6-7 /A. Taste somewhat acrid. Coniferous woods. Aug. Oct. Common, (v.v.) T. immundum Berk. = Collybia fumosa (Pers.) Quel. 641. T. inodermeum Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1120, t. 945. t?, fibre; Sepyu.a, skin. P. 25 cm., fuscous becoming reddish, becoming torn up into fibrils, and variegated with radiating scales, slightly fleshy, conico-campanulate, acute, then rather convex and subumbonate. St. 7-8 cm. x 3-5 mm., whitish, becoming rufescent, firm, equal, scarcely fibrillose, apex white mealy. Gills white, becoming spotted red when touched, free, or slightly TRICHOLOMA 223 adnexed, very broad, strongly ventricose, almost semicircular, distant. Flesh white, slightly reddening, thin, fibrous in the stem. Spores white, elliptical, obtuse at both ends, more rarely with a basal apiculus, 7-9 x 4-5//,,3-4-guttulate. Coniferous woods. Aug. Oct. Rare, (v.v.) 642. T. unguentatum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 31, upper figs. Unguentatum, anointed. P. 5-10 cm., cinereous, or greyish brown, slightly fleshy, campanu- late, then expanded, umbonate, covered withfioccose, viscid squamules', margin at first inflexed, then spreading, smooth. St. 7-10 x 1-2-5 cm., grey, or white, equal, firm, laxly fibrillose. Gills dirty white, emarginate, crowded, very broad. Flesh white, firm. Pine woods. Sept. Rare. 643. T. gausapatum Fr. Barla, Champ. Alp. Marit. t. 35, figs. 1-4. yava-aTrrjs, a shaggy woollen cloth. P. 5-7-5 cm., cinereous grey, fleshy, somewhat thin, bullate, or ob- tusely campanulate, then expanded, repand, densely tomentose with superficial, separating, silky, adpressed fibrils ; margin white, incurved, woolly. St. 5-6 x 1 cm., shining white, equal, blunt, laxly fibrillose, cortinate. Gills grey, emarginate, free, crowded, 4 mm. broad, edge often uneven. Flesh white, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 6-7 x 4-5 p. Woods, and grassy places. Sept. Oct. Rare, (v.v.) 644. T. terreum (Schaeff.) Fr. (= Tricholoma triste (Scop.) Quel.) Terreum, earthy. P. 4-8 cm., fuscous, mouse grey, bistre, or blackish, slightly fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, repand when larger, often umbonate, villous, for the most part floccoso-scaly, sometimes broken up into dark innate, adpressed, fibrils ; margin inflexed, naked. St. 5-8 cm. x 8-12 mm., white, or grey, equal, fioccosely fibrillose, apex white pruinose. Gills white, becoming cinereous, emarginate, subdistant, 6 mm. broad, edge uneven. Flesh whitish grey, thin, soft, fragile, scissile. Spores white, broadly elliptical, 5-7 x 4-5ja, 1-guttulate. Taste slightly acid. Edible. Coniferous, and beech woods. Jan. Dec. Very common, (v.v.) var. atrosquamosum Chev. Cke. Illus. no. 85, t. 51. Ater, black; squama, a scale. Differs from the type in the small black squamules on the p. and in the apex of the stem having a few black squamulose points. Woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 645. T. argyraceum (Bull.) Fr. (= Tricholoma scalpturatum Fr. sec. Quel.) Barla, Champ. Alp. Marit. t. 36, figs. 14-18. apyvpos, silver. P. 5-7 cm., whitish, or pale grey, covered with grey scales and fibrils, disc darker, often speckled with yellow, or bistre, convex, then plane, 224 TRICHOLOMA subumbonate; margin white. St. 4-7 cm. x 8-12 mm., white,or greyish, equal, often covered with small, blackish scales. Gills whitish, often tinged with yellow, sinuato-adnate, crowded. Flesh greyish. Spores white, pip-shaped, or almond-shaped, 5-6 x 3-5-4/z, with a large central gutta. Beech, oak, and pine woods. Sept. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 646. T. chrysites (Jungh.) Gillet. ^pvcrLrr)^, like gold. P. 4-5 cm., brownish black, often stained yellowish, campanulate, then plane, umbonate, covered with floccose scales ; margin yellowish. St. 4-5 cm. x 8-12 mm., white, often tinged with yellow, equal, slightly fibrillose, base reddish. Gills white, stained yellowish, especially at the edge, sinuato-adnate. Flesh yellowish. Spores white, elliptical, 6-7 x 4 /*. Pine woods, and under pines. Sept. Oct. Not un- common, (v.v.) var.. virescens Wharton. Cke. Illus. no. 1118, t. 641, as Tricholoma argyraceum Fr . var . virescens Cke . Virescens, becoming green . Differs from the type in the p., St., and gills becoming greenish. Woods. Sept. 647. T. orirubens Quel. Quel. Jur. et Vosg. n, t. 1, fig. 2. Os, mouth; rubens, becoming reddish. P. 6-8 cm., grey, disc brownish black, fragile, convex, then plane, smooth and pruinose, then shaggy. St. 5-7 cm. x 8-12 mm., white, streaked with rose colour, more or less coloured blue, or greenish at the base, fusiform, fibrillose. Gills white, edge reddish, emarginate, distant, undulating. Flesh white. Spores white, elliptical, 8 x 6/i. Smell of new meal. Taste unpleasant. Woods. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon. (v.v.) 648. T. triste (Scop.) Fr. Triste, sad. P. 3-4 cm., dark grey, minutely scaly fibrillose, slightly fleshy, conico-campanulate, then convex and umbonate; margin involute, fibrillose, appendiculate with the white, arachnoid veil. St. 3-5 cm. x 5- 12 mm., white, with a fuscous ring-like mark, the remains of the arach- noid veil, floccose, then smooth. Gills whitish becoming cinereous, emarginato-adnexed, narrow, subdistant. Flesh whitish, thin. Spores white, subglobose, 3-4 x 3/x, with a large central gutta. Under beeches. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) T. ramentaceum (Bull.) Quel. = Armillaria ramentacea (Bull.) Fr. 649. T. murinaceum (Bull.) Fr. Murinaceum, like mice. P. 510 cm., blackish brown, covered with darker, longitudinal fibres, and cracked, fleshy, convex, broadly umbonate, or gibbous; margin dark, incurved, woolly. St. 5-7 x 2-5 cm., concolorous, longitudinally streaked with blackish fibrils, thickened at the base. Gills white, then grey, deeply sinuate, very broad, fragile, often undulated and blackish TRICHOLOMA 225 on the edge, distant. Flesh white, then greyish, thick. Spores white, elliptical, 6-8 x 4-5/n. Smell strong, unpleasant. Taste unpleasant. Mixed woods. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 650. T. squarrulosum Bres. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. n, t. 4. Squarrulosum, scaly. P. 4-8 cm., fuscous, densely covered with squarrose, blockish squamules, fleshy, convex, then expanded, dry; margin fibrillose, exceeding the gills. St. 4-5 cm. x 5-7 mm., concolorous, equal, or incrassated at the base, densely covered with blackish, fuscous squamules. Gills grey, becoming reddish when touched, sinuato-adnexed, almost free, 6-7 mm. broad, crowded. Flesh greyish, then white. Spores white, pip-shaped, 7-8 x 4-5/u,, with a large central gutta. In pine, and oak woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 651. T. horribile Rea. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. n, t. 7. Horribile, terrible. P. 10-12 cm., fuscous, and densely covered with dark fuscous squa- mules, that become squarrose with age especially on the disc, the p. becoming tinged with a pink background at maturity, fleshy, convex, then expanded; margin thin exceeding the gills. St. 8-9 x 2cm., white, smooth, incrassated at the base. Gills whitish, then pinkish, emarginate, very broad, 2 cm. wide, crowded, edge uneven. Flesh white, becoming pinkish, everywhere covered with fuscous spots, which on the interior of the p. suggest that its squamules have been riveted through the depth of the flesh. Spores white, globose, 5/t. Under beech trees. Oct. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) C. Cuticle of the p. rigid, punctate-granulate, or broken up into glabrous squamules when dry. (a) Gills white, or pallid, not spotted. 652. T. macrorhizum (Lasch) Fr. Kalchbr. Icon. t. 3, fig. 1, as Tricho- loma macrocephalum Schulz. pa/epos, long; pia, root. P. 20-30 cm., ochraceous, then darker, fleshy, compact, convex, then plane, depressed at the disc, at first smooth, then broken up in a tesselated manner. St. 1015 x 5-6 cm., whitish, ochraceous downwards, very minutely granular, ventricose, prolonged into a thick, blunt, white root, deeply sunk in the soil. Gills pallid, deeply emarginate, almost free, attenuated in front, scarcely crowded, 12-18 mm. broad. Flesh white, firm, becoming light yellow when broken. Spores white, "irregu- larly globose, Qfj, " Massee. Smell very unpleasant, corpse-like Taste unpleasant. Under oaks in pastures. Sept. Nov. Rare. 653. T.compactumFr. Fr. Icon. t. 35, upper figs. Compactum, compact. P. 7-15 cm., cinereous-livid, fleshy, convex, then plane, smooth, dry, glabrous. St. 3-5 x 3 cm., white, attenuated upwards, smooth, 15 226 TRICHOLOMA polished. Gills yellow, rounded, subdistant. Flesh white, spongy, compact, softer in the stem. Spores white, "elliptical, 6-7 p,, guttu- late " Quel. Woods. Rare. 654. T. cartilagineum Fr. non Bull. Fr. Icon. t. 33. Cartilagineum, cartilaginous. P. 5-7-5 cm., blackish, becoming black-dotted from the cuticle breaking up into minute granules, fleshy, rigid, convex then expanded, gibbous, undulated ; margin persistently incurved, pubescent at first. St. 2-5-5 x 2-5 cm., shining white, firm but fragile, equal, polished. Gills white, then pale grey, emarginato-sinuate, crowded, moderately thin, 4 mm. broad. Flesh white, not compact, somewhat fragile. Spores white, elliptical, 5-6 x 4/n, with a large central gutta. Grassy places in woods, pastures, and under pines. Aug. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 655. T. tenuiceps Cke. & Massee. Cke. Illus. no. 1121, t. 1166. Tennis, thin; caput, head. P. 5-8 CTO.., fuliginous, fleshy at the disc, convex, obtuse, or some- times slightly gibbous, dry, granular. St. 7-5 x 2-5 cm., ochraceous white, tough, slightly attenuated upwards, minutely granular, base abrupt, furnished with long, spreading, cord-like mycelium. Gills white, adnexed, rounded behind, attenuated in front, 4 mm. broad, ventri- cose. Flesh white, thin at the margin. Spores white, globose, 6-7 /x,. Amongst grass under trees. July. Uncommon. T. loricatum Fr. = Clitocybe cartilaginea (Bull.) Bres. 656. T. atrocinereum (Pers.) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 31, lower figs. Ater, black; cinereum, ash-coloured. P. 3-4 cm., cinereous, disc prominent, darker, fleshy, convexo-plane, smooth, dry, becoming rimosely incised and revolute at the margin. St. 5-7-5 cm. x 8 mm., whitish, equal, slightly striate with longitudi- nally adpressed fibrils, apex naked. Gills hyaline white, free, or decur- rent with a tooth, or arcuato-adnexed, somewhat ventricose, thin, crowded. Flesh hyaline when moist, hygrophanous, fragile. Spores white, elliptical, 10 x 6-7 /u,, minutely punctate. Smell of new meal. Grassy ground, and coniferous woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon. (v.v.) 657. T. cuneifolium Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 91, t. 52, fig. B. Cuneus, a wedge ; folium, a leaf. P. 1-2-5 cm., fuscous, or livid, then grey, slightly fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, at length depressed, pruinose. St. 2-5-4 cm. x 4- 6 mm., pallid, attenuated downwards, rarely equal, hollow, somewhat fibrillose, becoming smooth. Gills white, then greyish, ovate-wedge- shaped, very much attenuated behind, very broad in front, deeply sinuato-adnate, crowded, fragile, often connected by veins. Flesh TRICHOLOMA 227 white, or greyish, very thin. Spores white, subglobose, 5-6 x 5/u,, minutely punctate, 1-guttulate. Smell of new meal. Taste pleasant. Edible. Pastures, lawns, and heaths. Aug. Oct. Common, (v.v.) var. griseo-rimosum (Batsch) Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 92, t. 261, as var. cinereo-rimosum Batsch. Griseus, grey; rimosum, full of cracks. Differs from the type in its larger size, and the concentrically rimose p. Generally abundant with the type, (v.v.) 658. T. amplum (Pers.) Rea. (=Clitocybeampla(Peis.)FT.,Tricholoma molybdinum (Bull.) Quel., Tricholoma centurio Kalchbr. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 53, as Clitocybe ampla Pers. Amplum, large. P. 10-20 cm., dark bistre, disc reddish, becoming greyish, fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, gibbous, minutely streaked with fibrils. St. 9-14 x 1-5-2 cm., white, equal, thickened at the base, firm, fibrillosely striate, apex mealy. Gills greyish, or yellowish, sinuato- adnate, 10-12 mm. broad, subdistant, margin often toothed. Flesh white, compact. Spores white, pip-shaped, 9 x 6/>t, 1-guttulate. Caespitose. Woods. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) (b) Gills becoming reddish, or cinereous, or spotted. 659. T. saponaeeum Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 88. t. 91. Sapo, soap. P. 5-10 cm., fuscous livid, fleshy, convex, then flattened, obtuse, smooth, becoming cracked, and broken up into scales in dry weather, somewhat soapy when moist, margin thin, inflexed. St. 5-10 x 1-5- 2 cm., pallid, often becoming reddish, often unequal, curved, base attenuated, often rooting. Gills white with a glaucous tinge, becoming spotted with red, uncinato-emarginate, distant, thin. Flesh white, often becoming reddish, firm. Spores white, elliptical, 5-6 x 3-4/ti, 1-guttulate. Smell soapy. Deciduous, and pine woods. Aug. Nov. Very common, (v.v.) var. squamosum Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 89, t. 216, as var. "stipite squamuloso." Squamosum, scaly. Differs from the type in the st. being covered with darkish scales. Woods, (v.v.) var. sulphurinum Quel. Sulphurinum, sulphur coloured. Differs from the type in the canary yellow p. and the pale yellow st. and gills. Woods. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. atrovirens (Pers.) Quel. Ater, black; virens, becoming green. Differs from the type in the dark green p. covered with black squa- mules. Woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) T. crassifolium Berk. = Collybia crassifolia (Berk.) Bres. 152 228 TRICHOLOMA 660. T. sudum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 34, lower figs. Sudum, dry. P. 6-9 cm., greyish rufous, or brownish, fleshy, convexo-plane, then reflexed, obtuse, often rimosely squamulose; margin paler. St. 6 8 x 1-5 cm., whitish, tinged with reddish, slightly attenuated upwards, punctate with minute squamules, fibrillosely striate, apex dilated, base white floccose. Gills whitish, becoming reddish at the edge, deeply emarginate with a decurrent tooth, crowded. Flesh white, firm. Spores white, elliptical, 6 x 4/x, punctate. Grassy places in woods. Sept. Oct. Eare. 661. T. tumidum (Pers.) Fr. Barla, Champ. Alp. Marit. t. 39, figs. 1-5. Tumidum, swollen. P. 7-5-9 cm., cinereous-livid, disc darker, variegated with tiger-like spots, subcartilaginous, irregularly shaped, bullate, then undulated when expanded, at length rimosely incised, shining when dry; margin tlnn,lobed. St. 7-5 x 1-5-2 cm., shining white, equal, sometimes swollen, stout, striate, often attenuated and rooting at the base. Gills shining white, then cinereous rufescent, emarginate, 12 mm. broad, thicker at the base, subdistant. Flesh white, often tinged reddish in the St., firm, rigid. Spores white, elliptical, 6-7 x 4/A, granular. Smell slight, pleasant. Moist pine woods. Sept. Nov. Uncommon. var. Keithii Phill. & Plowr. Rev. Dr J. Keith. Differs from the type in the cinereo-rufescent p., the dirty white st., with brownish innate fibrils, becoming tinged with red especially near the base, and in often having a strong smell of new meal. Pine woods. Oct. 662. T. hordum Fr. Hordum, pregnant. P. 8 cm., grey, disc darker, soon cracking, and covered with minute, squarrose scales, slightly fleshy, campanulato-expanded, then plane, subumbonate, revolute, dry. St. 6-8 x 1-1-5 cm., whitish, or greyish, equal, striate. Gills white, becoming cinereous, emarginate, broad, subdistant. Flesh white, thin. Spores white, "subglobose, 10/x, with a large central gutta" Quel., "elliptical, 6-7 x 4-5 /u" Kick. Taste mild. Beech woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. 663. T. virgatum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 34, upper figs. Virgatum, striped. P. 5-10 cm., grey-cinereous, umbo often darker, fleshy, rigid, convex, then flattened, subumbonate, very dry, streaked with fine black innate fibrils, or black squamules', margin straight, naked. St. 7-5-10 x 1- 1-5 cm., whitish, or greyish, firm, equal, or tuberous at the very base, striate, sometimes squamulose. Gills white, then greyish, becoming hoary, broadly emarginate, 6-10 mm. broad, crowded. Flesh greyish white, becoming white in the st., thin. Spores white, broadly elliptical, 67 x 4 5/z, punctate. Cystidia "on edge of gill clavate, 45 x 10- !3fjL, filled with darkish juice " Rick. Taste very bitter when young, then mild. Mixed, and pine woods. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) TBICHOLOMA 229 664. T. elytroides (Scop.) Fr. eXvrpov, a cover; e'Sos, like. P. 6-9 cm., mouse grey, or brownish black, slightly fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, fragile, very dry, rough with crowded, erect minute granules, disc floccosely scaly, becoming hoary when old. St. 7- 8x 1-1 -5 cm., white, becoming cinereous, attenuated downwards, covered with erect, light grey fibrils. Gills cinereous, then pruinose, deeply emarginate, very broad, somewhat thick, fragile, veined at the base. Flesh white, sometimes becoming reddish, thick at the disc. Spores white, 6-7 x 4-5 /z, or "5-6 x 3-5-4 p. " Sacc. Smell weak, of new meal. Grassy places. Oct. Rare. 665. T. opicum Fr. Opicum, clownish. P. 2-5-3-5 cm., grey, or brownish grey, disc blackish, slightly fleshy, convex, then expanded, obtusely, or conically umbonate, at length split, revolute, very dry, smooth, then minutely squamulose; margin often white, or whitish. St. 47-5 x -5 cm., pallid, becoming cinereous, somewhat shining, equal, fibrillose, becoming smooth. Gills white, or slightly greyish, becoming hoary, broadly emarginate, ventricose, some- what thick, scarcely distant. Flesh greyish, very thin at the margin. Pine woods. Sept. Nov. Rare. D. P. at first slightly silky, soon becoming smooth, very dry. (a) Gills broad, rather thick, subdistant. 666. T. sulphureum (Bull.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 96, t. 62. Sulphureum, sulphur coloured. P. 4-8 cm., sulphur yellow, disc dingy, or rufescent, fleshy, globose, then convexo-plane, subumbonate, at length depressed, unequal, silky, becoming smooth. St. 5-11 x 1 cm., concolorous, equal, often curved, striate. Gills sulphur yellow, adfixed, narrowed behind, arcuato- emarginate, rather thick, distant. Flesh yellow. Spores white, ellip- tical, 9-10 x 4 5/x. Smell pleasant, of gas tar. Oak, and mixed woods. Sept. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 667. T. bufonium (Pers.) Fr. Kalchbr. Icon. t. 39, fig. 1. Bufo, a toad. P. 3-7 cm., umber, fuscous tan, or tawny, disc rufescent, fleshy, con- vexo-plane, subumbonate, silky, becoming smooth, rugulose. St. 4- 5 cm. x 8-14 mm., yellow, or tinged with red, equal, or attenuated at the base, fiocculose. Gills yellow tan, pallid, arcuato-subdecurrent, subdistant, margin often irregular. Flesh yellow. Spores white, elliptical, 7-8 x 5/x. Smell weak, of gas tar. Pine woods, and pastures. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 668. T. lascivum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 38, upper figs. Lascivum, wanton. P. 5-9 cm., pallid tan, disc darker, fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, at length somewhat depressed, delicately silky, then smooth, 230 TBICHOLOMA dry; margin at first involute. St. 7-5-11 x 1 cm., whitish, becoming discoloured, rigid, equal, fibrillose, apex white pruinose; base tomentose, white. Gills whitish, arcuato-adnexed, at length arcuato-decurrent, thin, crowded, broad. Flesh white, compact. Spores white, elliptical, 67 x 4 5/Lt. Smell very pleasant, like that of the flowers of Syringa vulgaris according to Quelet. Deciduous woods. Sept. Nov. Un- common, (v.v.) var. robustum Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 99, t. 217. Robustus, strong. Differs from the type in being more robust, in the p. being almost white, and in there being scarcely any perceptible odour. Pastures. May. 669. T. inamoenum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 38, lower figs. Inamoenum, unpleasant. P. 3-6 cm., dingy white, fleshy, convex, then flattened, subumbonate, very dry, slightly silky, then smooth, or cracked. St. 7-5-10 cm. x 6- 12 mm., white, firm, equal, pruinose, villous. Gills shining white, emarginate with a decurrent tooth, or adnato-decurrent, plane, rather thick, very broad, very distant. Flesh white, firm, thick at the disc. Spores white, elliptical, 9-10 x 6-7 /n, with a large central gutta. Cystidia "clavate, with a prominent point, 33-40 x 9-12/i" Eick. Smell "pleasant, like honeysuckle " Quelet. Fir woods. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. insigne Massee. Insignis, striking. Differs from the type in the decurrent gills. 670. T. interveniens Karst. Interveniens, intermediate. P. 8 cm., tan, becoming pale, fleshy, convexo-plane, then depressed, silky, then smooth, somewhat shining; margin involute, distantly rugulose. St. 11 x 1 cm., pallid, equal, fibrillose, apex pruinose, base tomentose, rooting. Gills becoming pale, arcuato-adnexed, crowded. Flesh watery. Spores white, oblong, attenuated at both ends, 6-7 x 2- 2-5/z. Smell almost none. Mixed woods. Sept. Rare. (6) Gills thin, crowded, narrow. Small, inodorous. 671. T. cerinum (Pers.) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 39, upper figs. Cerinum, wax coloured. P. 3-5 cm., dingy wax colour, or becoming fuscous, fleshy, convex, then flattened, obtuse, at length depressed, very opaque, very dry, silky, then smooth; margin often paler. St. 4-6 cm. x 4-8 mm., light yellow, often fuscous at the base, equal, fibrillosely striate. Gills dark yellow, or wax colour, sinuato-adnexed, separating, horizontal, plane, very thin, very crowded, 2 mm. broad. Flesh white, thin, firm. Spores white, "2-3x2-3/i" Rick. Taste becoming bitter. Fir woods. July Oct. Rare. TRICHOLOMA 231 672. T. fallax Peck. Fallax, deceptive. P. 2-5 cm., yellow, disc sometimes rufous, thin, convex, then ex- panded, rarely depressed at the centre, moist, smooth. St. 2-5 cm. x 3 mm., pale yellow, base sometimes narrowed. Gills white, then yellowish, adnexed, rounded behind, crowded. Flesh thin. Spores white, elliptical, 4-5 x 3/i. Under firs. Sept. Rare. 673. T. onychinum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 39, lower figs. Onychinum, yellowish marble colour. , P. 4-6 cm., dingy purple, or reddish bay, fleshy, convexo-plane and umbonate, then expanded and obtuse, very dry, opaque; margin paler, somewhat silky, narrowly incurved, striate. St. 4-6 cm. x 4- 8 mm., pallid, or yellow, apex becoming purple, then lilac, delicately fibrillosely silky, equal. Grills dark yellow, adnexed, then free, plane, horizontal, rounded behind, rather crowded, 24 mm. broad, unequal. Flesh white, becoming yellow, thin, firm. Spores white, ovoid, 4-5/u, punctate. Smell and taste pleasant. Under pines, and in fir woods. Sept. Oct. Rare. 674. T. ionides (Bull.) Fr. Boud. Icon. t. 24. iov, violet; eZSo?, like. P. 3-6 cm., deep violet, becoming paler, fleshy, campanulato-convex, then plane, often umbonate, becoming smooth; margin incurved, pruinose. St. 3-6 cm. x 7-12 mm., paler violet, elastic, attenuated downwards, or thickened at the base, fibrillosely striate. Gills white, becoming yellowish, emarginate with a decurrent tooth, crowded, thin, 6 mm. broad, edge uneven. Flesh white, tinted violet in the p., and at the base of the st. Spores white, elliptical, 5-6 x 3/x, 1-2-guttulate. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Moist woods, especially beech, and open pastures. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. pravum (Lasch) Fr. Pravum, deformed. Differs from the type in being smaller, thinner, and more fragile, and in its fuscous-reddish, fuscous-purple, lilac-reddish, or livid colour. Stoves. July. 675. T. persicolor Fr. Boud. Icon. t. 25. Persicum, peach ; color, colour. P. 1-2 cm., ochraceous reddish yellow, convex, then flattened, slightly umbonate, hygrophanous, smooth. St. 3-4 cm. x 3-6 mm., con- colorous, equal, smooth. Gills whitish, tinged slightly with the colour of the p., sinuate, narrow, not crowded. Flesh concolorous. Spores white, elliptical, 4-5 x 3-3-5 /x. Pastures. Sept. Rare, (v.v.) 676. T. carneum (Bull.) Fr. (= Tricholoma carneolum Fr. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 40, fig. 2, as Tricholoma paeonium. Carneum, flesh coloured. P. 2-3 cm., red, then flesh colour, becoming pale, and shining, thin, slightly fleshy, hemispherical, then convex and regular, obtuse, at 232 TRICHOLOMA length flattened and obtuse, often umbonate, smooth, dry. St. 2-5 cm. x 4-6 mm., flesh colour, becoming pale, attenuated downwards, tough, almost cartilaginous, rigid, apex somewhat pruinose. Gills shining white, rounded, somewhat free, horizontal, very crowded, wider at the base, 2-3 mm. broad. Flesh white, thin. Spores white, ellip- tical, 5-6 x 2-3jLt. Pastures, heaths, and downs. July Oct. Com- mon, (v.v.) T. carneolum Fr. = Tricholoma carneum (Bull.) Fr. 677. T. caelatum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 37, lower figs. Caelatum, engraved. P. 2-5-3 cm., fuscous, becoming pale grey when dry, slightly fleshy, convex, umbilicate, smooth, becoming flocculose and rimosely cracked. St. 2-5-3-5 cm. x 3-5 mm., concolorous, tough, elastic, equal, or slightly thickened at the pruinose apex. Gills dingy whitish, or grey, sinuato-adnate, with a small decurrent tooth, slightly arcuate, crowded. Flesh subfuscous, thin. Spores dingy white, elliptical, 8 x 4/i. Cystidia "subulate, 40-60 x 5-6 p, filled with olive yellow juice " Rick. Woods, and downs. Uncommon, (v.v.) E. P. fleshy, soft, fragile, spotted, or rivulose. Vernal, (a) GUIs whitish. 678. T. gambosum Fr. (= Tricholoma Georgii (L'Ecluse) Quel.) Barla, Champ. Alp. Marit. t. 41, figs. 1-7. Gamba, a hoof. P. 7-5-11 cm., ochraceous, or pale tan, fleshy, hemispherico-convex, then flattened, obtuse, undulated, repand, even, smooth, spotted as with drops, at length widely cracked; margin at first involute, tomentose. St. 5-10 x 1-3 cm., white, or ochraceous, firm, almost equal, often curved-ascending at the base; apex white, villous, striate from the decurrent tooth of the gills. Gills whitish, rounded, or emarginato- adnexed, with a subdecurrent tooth, sinuato-decurrent when old, ventricose, 4-6 mm. wide, crowded. Flesh white, thick, soft, fragile. Spores white, elliptical, 6-7 x 3-4/u,, 2-guttulate. Smell and taste strong, of new meal. Edible. Pastures, often forming large rings. April June. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 679. T. Georgii (Clus.) Fr. Barla, Champ. Alp. Marit. t. 41, figs. 8-11. Georgius, Saint George. P. 4-6 cm., ochraceous, then white, fleshy, convexo-plane, then somewhat repand, often gibbous, dry, slightly floccose; margin naked. St. 4-6 x 1-5-2 cm., whitish, or tinged yellowish, attenuated down- wards, fibrillose. Gills whitish, attenuato-adnexed, narrow, crowded. Flesh white, firm, thick. Spores white, elliptical, 56 x 3/j,. Taste and smell weak, of new meal. Edible. Woods, and open downs. April June. Not uncommon, (v.v.) TRICHOLOMA 233 680. T. albellum Fr. Barla, Champ. Alp. Marit. t. 41, figs. 12-17. Albellum, whitish. P. 6-7 cm., yellowish, then whitish, becoming greyish when dry, fleshy, conical, then convex, gibbous when expanded, moist, spotted as with scales; margin thin, naked. St. 5-8 x 1-1-5 cm., concolorous, fibrillosety striate, often incrassated at the base. Gills white, then cream colour, attenuato-adnexed, broad in front, very crowded. Flesh white, thick at the disc, soft, floccose. Spores white, elliptical, 5- 6 x 3/ji, 1-guttulate. Smell and taste weak, of new meal. Edible. Woods, and under yews. April June. Uncommon, (v.v.) 681. T. boreale Fr. (= Tricholoma irinum (Fr.) Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 41, upper figs. Boreale, northern. P. 57-5 cm., flesh colour, then whitish tan, fleshy, very variable in shape, convex, umbonate, unequal, often flexuose, smooth, cracked wlien dry, margin thin, involute, naked. St. 5-7-5 x 1 cm., paler than the p., attenuated downwards, often twisted and incurved, apex obso- letely pruinose. Gills whitish, emarginate with a decurrent tooth, thin, crowded. Flesh white, soft. Spores white, elliptical, 7-8 x 4 5/n. Smell of new meal. Grassy places in woods. June July. Uncommon. (v.v.) (b) Gills discoloured, rufescent, or smoky. 682. T. amethystinum (Scop.) Fr. non Quel. Amethystinum, amethyst colour. P. 3-5 cm., livid, spotted with azure blue, fleshy, convexo-plane, obtuse, repand, smooth, even, moist; margin paler, wrinkled. St. 35 x 11-5 cm., paler than the p., attenuated at the base. Gills white, then rufescent, subadnate, crowded. Spores white, "ovoid, 7/u, long " Sacc. Pine woods. Sept. Rare. T. tigrinum Fr. Icon, non Schaeff. = Hygrophorus camarophyllus (A. & S.) Fr. 683. T. pes-caprae Fr. (= Clitocybe conglobata (Vitt.) Bres.) Pes, foot; capra, she-goat. P. 5-10 cm., grey, becoming fuscous, variegated, fleshy, conical, then expanded, umbonate, unequal, rimosely incised; margin thin, naked. St. 6-7 x 1 cm., white, equal or attenuated downwards, naked. Gills white, becoming cinereous, emarginate, very broad, 12-15 mm., at length distant. Flesh thick at the disc. Spores white, " 6 x 4 " Sacc. Smell of new meal. Edible. Open places under oaks. Oct. Nov. Kare. var. multiforme (SchaefE.) Cke. Schaeff. Icon. t. 14. Multiforme, many shaped. Differs from the type in its smaller size, and in the irregular thinner p. Lawns. Nov. Rare. 234 TBICHOLOMA F. P. compact, then spongy, obtuse, even, smooth, moist, but not hygrophanous. (a) Gills not discoloured. 684. T. Schumacher! Fr. Christian Friedrich Schumacher. P. 5-8 cm., cinereous livid, disc darker, becoming paler and whitish, fleshy, convex, then flattened, obtuse, regular, smooth, moist; margin exceeding the gills, inflexed. St. 7-10 cm. x 10-12 mm., white, equal, villous and sometimes ventricoso-bulbous at the base, slightly striate, fibrous. Gills white, or cream colour, emarginate, very crowded, plane, 6-8 mm. broad. Flesh white, pinkish when broken, spongy, compact. Spores "elliptical, 9 x 6-7 /A, minutely punctate, glaucous" Quel. Taste mild. Woods, hot-houses. Sept. Oct. Rare. 685. T. amicum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 36, upper figs. Amicum, friendly. P. 5-9 cm., fuscous, disc sometimes darker, not becoming paler when dry, fleshy, convex, then expanded, gibbous, very regular, smooth. St. 7-9 x 1-5 cm., white, attenuated upwards from the subbulbous base, fibrillosely striate, elastic. Gills shining white, deeply emarginate, almost free, distant, 6-8 mm. broad. Flesh white, brownish under the cuticle, thick at the disc, rather soft. Spores "elliptical, 6 x 4/*" Massee. Pine woods. Sept. Oct. Rare. 686. T. circumtectum Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 1125, t. 1182. Circumtectum, covered round. P. 5-8 cm., olive, or dusky, disc tawny, fleshy, convex, very obtusely umbonate, or only obtuse, rarely becoming slightly depressed, crack- ing slightly when old; margin incurved, tomentose, wavy. St. 3- 4 x 1-2 cm., whitish, firm, obclavate, or sometimes attenuated down- wards, striate. Gills white, slightly sinuate, adnexed, 34 mm. broad, scarcely crowded. Flesh white, thick. Spores white, subglobose, 4-5 /u,. Taste pleasant. Bare ground under trees. Sept. Rare, (v.v.) 687. T. patulum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 37, upper figs. Patulum, spread out. P. 4-12 cm., pallid cinereous, fleshy, firm, convexo-plane, obtuse, often repand, smooth. St. 4-6 x 1-3 cm., white, firm, equal, some- what elastic, smooth. Gills whitish, emarginate, almost free, crowded, fairly narrow, 4 mm. broad, plane, somewhat veined at the sides. Flesh white, thin, not compact. Spores white, elliptical, 8-9 x 4-5/Lt. Woods and pastures. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 688. T. oreinum Fr. opeivos, hilly. P. 3-9 cm., fuscous livid, fuliginous grey, or light bistre, becoming darker, convex, slightly gibbous, then globose, and plane; margin at first incurved, prolonged into a narrow membrane along the edge of the gill. St. 5-7 cm. x 4-12 mm., white, rigid, fibrillosely striate, apex floccosely mealy, base bulbous. Gills white, rounded, then free, crowded, TBICHOLOMA 235 thin, 4-6 mm. broad. Flesh white, bistre under the cuticle. Spores white, elliptical, 7-9 x 5-6 JJL, minutely punctate. Cystidia lanceolate subulate, 25-30 x 4-6 /z, apex shaggy, 3/j, in diam. Taste pleasant. Edible. Heaths, and downs. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 689. T. album (SchaefE.) Fr. Album, white. Entirely white, or becoming yellowish at the disc. P. 5-12 cm., fleshy, convex, then flattened, becoming plane, obtuse, very dry, smooth; margin at first incurved, floccosely striate over the base of the gills. St. 7-8 x 1-1-5 cm., elastic, attenuated upwards, subbulbous, apex slightly mealy. Gills emarginate, somewhat crowded, 8 mm. broad. Flesh white, thick, not compact, fibrous in the stem. Spores white, broadly elliptical, 6 x 4-5 /*, 1-guttulate. Smell pleasant, taste bitter. Poisonous. Mixed woods. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. caesariatum Fr. Caesariatum, covered with hair. Differs from the type in being more slender, and in the silky fibrillose p. Shady beech woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. 690. T. leucocephalum Fr. Barla, Champ. Alp. Marit. t. 33, figs. 8-13. Xeu/co?, white; ice$a\ri, head. P. 3-6 cm., white, disc sometimes becoming ochraceous, fleshy, thin, tough, convexo-plane, obtuse, or often umbonate, moist, smooth, when young covered with shining whitish, adpressed silky, at length separating villous down; margin acute, spreading, smooth. St. 4- 6 cm. x 5-10 mm., white, subcartilaginous, polished, twisted, smooth, rooting at the attenuated base. Gills shining white, rounded-free, crowded, thin. Flesh watery, becoming whitish, thin, compact. Spores white, ovoid, 6-7 x 4-6/z, minutely echinulate, 1-guttulate. Smell pleasant, of new meal. Deciduous woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon. (b) GiUs discoloured. 691. T. acerbum (Bull.) Fr. (= Tricholoma nictitans Fr. sec. Quel.) Barla, Champ, t. 44, figs. 1-5. Acerbum, bitter. P. 7-12 cm., yellowish buff, becoming rufous at the disc, fleshy, con- vexo-expanded, smooth, moist; margin involute, viscid, tomentosely ribbed over the base of the gills. St. 5-9 x 2-3 cm., white, becoming yellowish, apex white, mealy, base generally bulbous, sometimes attenuated. Gills pallid, then rufescent, emarginate, crowded. Flesh white, compact, firm. Spores white, globose, 3-Afj,. Smell unpleasant, taste bitter. Edible. Woods and downs. Aug. Oct. Not un- common, (v.v.) 692. T. luteocitrinum Rea. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. in, t. 8. Luteus, yellow; citrinus, citron. P. 2-7 cm., bright yellow, fleshy, campanulate, then expanded and gibbous, floccose, soon breaking up into adpressed, small squamules, 236 TRICHOLOMA which become revolute and fibrillose with age ; margin citron yellow, involute. St. 6-7 x 1-2 cm., whitish, spotted with yellow, attenuated downwards. Gills whitish, becoming yellowish, sinuato-adnate, 4-5 mm. broad, somewhat crowded. Flesh whitish, citron yellow under the epi- dermis of the p., and dark yellow at the base of the stem. Spores white, elliptical, 6 x 4/x, 1-guttulate. Taste mild. Under larches. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 693. T. militate (Lasch) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 112, t. 169. Militare, soldier-like. P. 10-17 cm., reddish cinnamon, fleshy, gibbous, then plane, or depressed, compact, flexuous, rather smooth, viscid ; margin involute, white, floccose. St. 7-12 x 2-2-5 cm., pallid, becoming stained with red, fibrillosely striate, base subbulbous. Gills whitish, or reddish, then livid-spotted, emarginate, somewhat crowded, torn, margin eroded. Flesh white, brownish, under the cuticle of the p. and in the centre of the stem, thick, compact, firm. Spores white, elliptical, 4-5 x 3/A, 1-guttu- late. Smell very strong, taste unpleasant. Woods. Oct. Rare, (v.v.) 694. T. civile Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 42, upper figs. Civile, citizen-like. P. 69 cm., tawny yellow, becoming paler, disc darker, fleshy, fragile, convexo-plane, obtuse, very smooth, moist, pellicle separable. St. 5- 8 x 23 cm., whitish, fragile, attenuated upwards from the thickened base, fibrillose, or squamulose. Gills whitish, becoming yellowish, deeply emarginate, almost free, crowded, 6 mm. broad, very soft. Flesh whitish, soft, fragile, spongy. Spores white, elliptical, or pip-shaped, 5-6 x 3fji. Smell none, or like hay according to Barla. Taste sweet, then astringent, and bitter. Woods. Oct. Nov. Rare. 695. T. irinum Fr. (= Tricholoma boreale Fr. sec. Quel.) Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. rv, t. 8. ipivov, belonging to the Iris. P. 5-12 cm., pale flesh colour, fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, moist, glabrous, sometimes obscurely virgate ; margin white, incurved, pruinose. St. 6-12 x 2-3 cm., paler than the p., subbulbous, striate, apex whitish, pruinose. Gills pale ochre, becoming somewhat lurid with age, sinuato-adnate, narrow, 5-6 mm. broad, crowded. Flesh tinted pale pink, then white, firm, thick, compact. Spores dirty pink, or yellowish in the mass, hyaline, elliptical, or pip-shaped, 7-9 x 4-5/i, 1-guttulate. Smell very pleasant, like Iris, or Viola, according to Quelet. Taste mild. Edible. Pastures, and orchards. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 696. T. personatum Fr. (= Tricholoma amethystinum Quel. non Fr.) Cke. Illus. no. 113, t. 66. Personatum, masked. P. 6-15 cm., tan colour, fuscous, or whitish, very fleshy, thick, hemi- spherical, then convex and flattened, very obtuse, regular, at length TRICHOLOMA 237 also repand, smooth, moist in rainy weather, opaque when dry; margin white, involute at first, exceeding the gills, pruinose. St. 5-9 x 2-3 cm., whitish, covered with evanescent, Hue fibrils, equal, base often bulbous, firm, sometimes very short. Gills whitish, becoming discoloured, rounded, then free, broad, 10-15 mm., crowded. Flesh greyish when moist, white when dry, compact, then spongy-soft, thick. Spores white, elliptical, 7 x 5/z, 1-guttulate. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Forming large rings in pastures. Sept. Dec. Common. (v.v.) 697. T. saevum Gillet. Saevum, wild. P. 6-9 cm., pale tawny, or tan colour, sometimes tinted with violet, compact, fleshy, convex; margin incurved, exceeding the gills. St. 3-5 x 1-5-2 cm., lilac, or violaceous, apex paler, base white, slightly squamulose, equal. Gills dirty white, or yellowish white, emarginate, narrow, crowded. Flesh whitish, or slightly tinted with violet, thick, spongy. Spores white, elliptical, 7 x 5ju,. Woods, and pastures. Oct. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 698. T. glaucocanum Bres. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 2. yKavKos, bluish grey; canum, hoary. P. 6-9 cm., bluish grey, becoming hoary, fleshy, somewhat soft, con- vex, then expanded, smooth, moist; margin involute, floccosely pruinose. St. 4-5 x 1-5-2 cm., concolorous, becoming paler, base bulb- ous, fibrillosely-striate, apex subsquamulose. Gills greyish violet, be- coming hoary, emarginate, easily separating from the hymenophore, very crowded. Flesh pale bluish grey, soft, thick. Spores white, elliptical, 6-7 x 3/x, 1-guttulate. Smell strong of new meal. Taste pleasant. Edible. Coniferous, and beech woods on calcareous soil. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 699. T. nudum (Bull.) Fr. Berk. Outl. t. 4, fig. 7. Nudum, naked. P. 7-10 cm., entirely purple violaceous, or with the disc brownish, or tawny, becoming paler, fleshy, convexo-plane, then depressed, obtuse, even, moist; margin inflexed, thin, naked. St. 5-9 x 2 cm., violaceous, becoming pale, elastic, equal, apex mealy. Gills concolorous, becoming pale, rounded, then decurrent, crowded, narrow. Flesh tinged with violet, becoming whitish when dry, thick at the disc. Spores white, elliptical, 7 x 3-4/A, 1-guttulate. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Coniferous, and deciduous woods, rarely in pastures. Sept. Dec. Common, (v.v.) . var. inajus Cke. Majus, larger. Differs from the type in being larger, and more robust. Woods. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 238 TRICHOLOMA var. lilaceum Quel. Quel. Jur. et Vosg. t. 3, fig. 1, as Tricholoma sordidus Fr. Lilaceum, lilac colour. Differs from the type in its small size, and the blue violaceous colour of all its parts. Spores white, elliptical, 6 x 3ft, 1-guttulate. Woods, and pastures. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 700. T. cinerascens (Bull, non Fr.) Quel. (= Clitocybe fumosa Fr. sec. Quel.) Boud. Icon. t. 29. Cinerascens, becoming ash-colour. P. 4-10 cm., fuliginous fuscous, or livid, becoming grey when dry, fleshy, firm, convex, then plane, gibbous, sometimes slightly umbonate, either circinate and regular, or flexuose and undulated, smooth, some- what hygrophanous. St. 5-10 cm. x 8-16 mm., whitish, often stained with brown towards the base, cylindrical, or attenuated at the base, fibrillose, apex pruinose, often connate at the base, or branched. Gills greyish white, paler than the p., adnate, or emarginate, crowded. Flesh greyish, white when dry, thick at the disc, firm. Spores white, globose, 5-6/u-, punctate. Taste becoming bitter. Woods. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 701. T. panaeolum Fr. (= Tricholoma nimbatum (Batsch) Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 36, lower figs. iravalo\o<;, variegated. P. 510 cm., cinereous-fuliginous, becoming paler, pruinosely hoary, and spotted, fleshy, convex, then plane, or here and there depressed, obtuse, often repand and excentric; margin thin, involute, mealy. St. 3-7-5 x 1-2 cm., whitish-grey, fragile, equal, or attenuated at the base, fibrillosely striate. Gills white, then grey, or dingy rufescent, emarginate, or rounded, at length decurrent, very crowded, plane, 4 mm. broad. Flesh greyish, becoming whitish, with a horn colour line at the base of the gills, thick at the disc, soft. Spores dirty pink in the mass, elliptical, 4-5 x 3/i. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Form- ing large rings in pastures. Oct. Nov. Common, (v.v.) var. caespitosum Bres. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 153. Caespitosum, caespitose. Differs from the type in its caespitose habit, the mealy apex ofthest., and the narrower gills. Hilly pastures, and heaths. Oct. Uncommon. (v.v.) var. calceolum (Sterb.) Fr. Calceolus, a small shoe. Differs from the type in the deformed p., the naked, incised margin, the excentric, short, fusiform st. and the fuliginous gills. Under hazels. Oct. Rare. 702. T. cnista Fr. (? = Tricholoma melaleucum (Pers.) Fr. sec. Dumee.) Kvlcra, smell of burnt sacrifice. P. 58 cm., pale tan, or whitish, disc darker, fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, smooth, moist; margin incurved naked. St. 3-5 cm. x 8-10 mm., white, tough, equal, smooth. Gills white, pallid yellow TRICHOLOMA 239 when bruised, adnexed, rounded behind, inclined to separate from the p., transversely veined, crisped when dry. Flesh white, rather thick, soft. Spores white, elliptical, 7-10 x 4/x,, "roughish" Eick. Smell of cooked flesh. Amongst grass in open places. Sept. Oct. Rare. 703. T. duracinum Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 1126, t. 640. Durus, hard; acinum, berry. P. 5-7-5 cm., cinereous, fleshy, firm, convex, broadly umbonate, dry, smooth, shining; margin involute. St. 5-7-5 x 2-5-3 cm., paler than the p., or greyish white, attenuated upwards, striate below, apex reticulately squamose. Gills cinereous, emarginate, arcuate, narrow, 2-3 mm. broad, crowded. Flesh nearly white, thick, firm. Under cedars. Oct. Rare. G. P. thin, subumbonate, hygrophanous (Melanoleuca Pat.), (a) Gills whitish, unspotted. 704. T. grammopodium (Bull.) Fr. (=Tricholomamelaleucum (Pers.) Fr. sec.Dumee.) 118, t. 98. 7pa/i/z.7,aline; 7rou9,foot. P. 7-15 cm., pallid-livid, or fuscous rufous, whitish when dry, fleshy, campanulate, then convex, at length flattened, obtusely umbonate, smooth, moist pellicle separable. St. 7-10 x 1-1-5 cm., whitish, longi- tudinally striate with bistre, or brownish fibrils, elastic, equal, base thickened, firm. Gills whitish, becoming brownish, arcuato-adnate, or broadly, horizontally emarginate, often acute at both ends, very crowded, very many shorter gills, often branched behind. Flesh bistre when moist, becoming white when dry, thick at the disc, spongy. Spores white, elliptical, 7-8 x 4-6/4, punctate. Smell mouldy. Edible. Forming large rings in pastures and orchards, and solitary, on leaf mould, in deciduous woods. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 705. T. melaleucum (Pers.) Fr. (= Tricholoma arcuatum Fr. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 44, upper figs. ^eXat, rough. Taste pleasant. Edible. Lawns, and hilly pastures. Aug. Oct. Not un- common, (v.v.) 708. T. phaeopodium (Bull.) Quel. (= Tricholoma melaleucum (Pers.) Fr. sec. Dumee.) Barla, Champ. Alp. Marit. t. 46, fig. 16. t, shaggy at the apex" Rick. Smell of new meal. Edible. Woods, and pastures. April Oct. Un- common, (v.v.) var. blandum Berk. = Tricholoma melaleucum (Pers.) Fr. var. evectum Grove. Evectum, carried out. P. 7-59 cm., fuscous, becoming pale, plane, then depressed, or con- cave, smooth; margin entire, not striate. St. 7-5-8 cm. x 8mm., somewhat fuscous, incrassated at the apex, thickened at the base, fibrous, punctately squamulose, striate, apex white, pulverulent. Gills pale ochraceous, sinuate, crowded, thin, edge entire. Flesh pallid. Spores white, oval, 6-7 x 4-5|u,. Amongst heaps of leaves. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. 712. T. exscissum Fr. (= Tricholoma humile Pers. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 44, lower figs. Exscissum, torn out. P. 3-7 cm., mouse grey, or fuscous cinereous, becoming paler and often yellowish, slightly fleshy, campanulate, soon plane, with a pro- minent umbo, smooth. St. 2-5-5 cm, x 2-8 mm. white, then ochraceous, equal, polished. Gills white, emarginate, linear, narrow, 2-3 mm. B. B. B. 16 242 TRICHOLOMA broad, edge uneven. Flesh white, or yellowish, thin. Spores white, broadly elliptical, 10 x 6-7 /LI, punctate. Pastures. May Sept. Un- common, (v.v.) 713. T. subpulverulentum (Pers.) Fr. (= Tricholoma medium Paul. sec. Quel.) Hussey, Illus. Brit. Myc. n, t. 39. Sub, somewhat; pulverulentum, dusty. P. 4-8 cm., livid, becoming whitish with the innate pruina, fleshy, convex, then plane, or depressed; margin inflexed, exceeding the gills. St. 4-6 x 1 cm., concolorous, equal, smooth, substriate, apex obsoletely pruinate. Gills white, becoming darker, rounded, crowded, narrow. Flesh white, hygrophanous. Spores very pale ochraceous in the mass, elliptical, 6-7 x 4/z, minutely punctate. Often forming large rings in pastures, and woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) (b) Gills becoming violet, grey, or fuliginous. 714. T. sordidum (Schum.) 'Fr. Barla, Champ. Alp. Marit. t. 47, figs. 10-18. Sordidum, dirty. P. 3-8 cm., bistre, or livid-lilac, becoming fuscous and pale when old, somewhat fleshy, campanulato-convex, then plane, or depressed, sub- umbonate, often undulate, or excentric when old, smooth; margin often slightly striate at maturity. St. 4-6 x 1-2-5 cm., concolorous, flexuose, pliant, often thickened at the base, fibrillosely striate. Gills violaceous, becoming pale, or fuliginous, rounded, then sinuato-decur- rent, at length distant. Flesh grey, or tinged with lilac, thin. Spores pale ochraceous in the mass, elliptical, 7-8 x 4/x,. Taste mild. Edible. Pastures, hedgerows, and manure heaps. July Nov. Common, (v.v.) 715. T. paedidum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 46, upper figs. Paedidum, nasty. P. 3-5 cm., fuliginous mouse grey, somewhat fleshy, flaccid, cam- panulate, then convex, flattened, umbonate, at length depressed round the conico-prominent umbo, moist, radiately streaked with innate fibrils, becoming smooth. St. 2-5-4 cm. x 4-6 mm., dingy grey, subcarti- laginous, slightly bulbous at the base, substriate. Gills whitish, then grey, sinuate with a small decurrent tooth, narrow, crowded. Flesh becoming white, very thin, very tough. Spores white, "elliptic-fusi- form, 10-11 x 5-6/Li" Massee. Grassy places in woods. Aug. Eare. 716. T. lixivium Fr. (= Tricholoma arcuatum (Bull.) Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 45, lower figs. Lixivium, made into lye. P. 5-10 cm., cinereous fuscous, then umber, slightly fleshy, convex, then plane, umbonate (the umbo vanishing), sometimes sinuous, smooth; margin flattened, membranaceous, at length slightly striate. St. 58 x -5-2 cm., concolorous, at first white-fioccoso-pruinose, often flexuose, apex white, fragile. Gills grey, rounded-adnexed, truncato- free, distant, soft, 6 mm. broad, sometimes crisped, attenuated from TRICHOLOMA. ENTOLOMA 243 the stem towards the margin. Flesh white, thin at the margin. Spores white, elliptical, 5-6 x 3fj,, 1-guttulate. Pine woods, and under conifers. Oct. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 717. T. putidum Fr. Barla, Champ. Alp. Marit. t. 47, figs. 19-22. Putidum, stinking. P. 3-6 cm., greyish bistre, or olivaceous, becoming hoary when dry, often sprinkled with white silkiness, hygrophanous, slightly fleshy, hemispherical, umbonate, soft; margin straight. St. 4-9 x -5-1 cm., grey, equal, covered with a white, thin, evanescent pruina, fibrillosely striate, somewhat fragile. Gills cinereous, sinuato-adnate, ventricose, crowded, 4-6 mm. broad. Flesh bistre, thin. Spores white, pip-shaped, 9-11 x 4-5 p, with a large central gutta. Smell rancid, of new meal. Fir woods, and amongst pine needles. Oct. Dec. Uncommon, (v.v.) Spores pink. Entoloma Fr. (eVro9, within; \(Ofia, a fringe.) Pileus fleshy, regular, or irregular. Stem central, fibrous, or fleshy. Gills sinuate, sinuato-adnate, or adnexed. Spores pink, angular, globose, elliptical, or verrucose. Cystidia rarely present. Growing on the ground, very rarely on wood; solitary, gregarious, or caespitose. I. Pileus fleshy, smooth, moist or viscid. 718. E. sinuatum Fr. (= Entoloma lividum (Bull.) Fr. sec. Dumee.) Cke. Illus. no. 316, t. 310. Sinuatum, waved. P. 8-25 cm., becoming yellowish white, very fleshy, convex, then expanded, at first gibbous, then depressed; margin repand, sinuate. St. 7-18 x 2-5 cm., shining white, firm, equal, compact, fibrillose, then smooth. Gills pale yellowish-rufescent, emarginate, slightly ad- nexed, 12-18 mm. broad, crowded. Flesh white. Spores pink, angular, globose, 8-9 ju,. Smell strong, pleasant, almost like burnt sugar. Taste pleasant. Poisonous. Gregarious, in mixed woods. July Oct. Common, (v.v.) 719. E. lividum (Bull.) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 90, fig. 3. Lividus, livid. P. 7-15 cm., livid tan, becoming pale, fleshy, disc somewhat com- pact, convex, then plane, somewhat gibbous, silky, fibrillose under a lens. St. 7-8 x 2-5-3 cm., shining white, equal, slightly striate, apex pruinose. Gills whitish, then flesh colour, rounded, somewhat free, attenuated in front, 6-10 mm. broad, distant. Flesh white, brownish under the cuticle of the pileus. Spores pink, angular, elliptical, 9- 11 x 6-8 /x, 1-3-guttulate. Smell pleasant, of new meal, then becoming unpleasant. Taste pleasant. Poisonous. Woods, and pastures. April Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 162 244 ENTOLOMA var. roseum Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 318, t. 469. Roseum, rosy. Differs from the type in the rosy disc, and the whitish margin of the p. On logs. 720. E. prunuloides Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 91, fig. 1. Prunulus, the species prunulus', eZSo?, like. P. 5-7 cm., whitish, becoming yellow, or livid, fleshy, campanulate, then convex, at length flattened, subumbonate, viscid, finally longi- tudinally rimose; margin at length slightly striate. St. 6-8 cm. x 6- 8 mm., white, fibrous-fleshy, even, often slightly striate. Gills white, then flesh colour, somewhat free, emarginate, rarely rounded, slightly adnexed at first, 6-8 mm. broad, crowded, ventricose. Flesh white, yellowish in the centre of the stem. Spores pink, angular, 8-10 x 8ju,, 1-multi-guttulate. Smell strong, of new meal. In woods, and pastures. May Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) 721. E. porphyrophaeum Fr. (= Entoloma phaeocephalum (Bull.) Quel., Entoloma placenta Batsch sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 93, fig. 1. Tropffrvpa, purple; aiov, dusky. P. 4-10 cm., brownish bistre, becoming paler and mouse colour when dry, slightly fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, umbonate, cracking, minutely fibrillose. St. 5-7 cm. x 8-12 mm., greyish, streaked with violet or lilac fibrils, base subbulbose, white villose, attenuated up- wards. Gills greyish white, then reddish grey, truncate behind, almost free, ventricose, rather distant, 4-6 mm. broad. Flesh bluish, or brownish, becoming white. Spores pink, angular globose, 7-8 x 7/x, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "inflated, large, flask-shaped, occasionally with a roundish head" Lange. Woods, and pastures. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 722. E. repandum (Bull.) Fr. Bull. Champ, t. 423, fig. 2. Repandum, bent backwards. P. 2-5-5 cm., whitish, or ochraceous, fleshy, conical, then expanded, umbonate, striate with darker spots, somewhat silky when dry; margin incurved, lobed. St. 4 cm. x 5-6 mm., white, silky. Gills flesh colour, broader in front. Spores " substellate, 11 x 6/z, becoming yellow" Sacc. Smell of new meal. Pastures. June Oct. Eare. 723. E. erophilum Fr. rjp, spring ; L\ov, loving. P. 3-4 cm., brownish, or greyish, slightly fleshy, convex, then ex- panded, obtuse, venosely striate and virgate. St. 3-5 cm. x 4-8 mm., white, becoming greyish, equal, pruinose. Gills greyish, then flesh colour, rounded behind, adnate, wide. Flesh white, yellowish under the cuticle of the p. Spores pink, globose, 7-9 /A, 1-guttulate. Woods, and hilly pastures. May Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) ENTOLOMA 245 724. E. placenta (Batsch) Fr. (= Entoloma phaeocephalum (Bull.) Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 321, t. 314. Placenta, a flat cake. P. 4 cm., brown, fleshy, convex then flattened, umbonate, orbicular, moist when damp. St. 5-8 cm. x 4-6 mm., brown, wholly fibrous, equal, fibrilloso-striate. Gills whitish, then pallid flesh colour, emargi- nato-adnexed, crowded, rather thick. Flesh becoming pale, thin. Spores pink, globose, S/A. Taste becoming acrid. Hedgerows, and damp places. April Oct. Rare. 725. E. helodes Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 322, t. 339. eXo?, a marsh. P. 3-6 cm., varying cinereous, fuliginous, and at the same time becoming purple, slightly fleshy, convex, then rather plane, tough, umbonate, often depressed round the umbo, often as if variegated with tiger-spots; margin spreading, sometimes striate. St. 5-7-5 cm. x 6 mm., cinereous-fibrillose, becoming pallid cinereous, fragile, equal, or slightly thickened at the base, sometimes twisted. Gills white, then flesh colour, obtusely adnate, 6 mm. broad, subdistant. Flesh pallid, thin. Spores pink, subglobose, 10/z, coarsely warted. Smell of new meal, taste watery. Heathy pastures, and bogs. Sept. Oct. Un- common. 726. E. Batschianum Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 325, t. 326. A. J. G. C. Batsch, author of Elenchus Fungorum. P. 1-4 cm., dark fuscous, ox fuliginous black, slightly fleshy, viscid, shining when dry, slightly convex, scarcely umbonate, then depressed ; margin at first manifestly involute. St. 5-7-5 cm. x 4-10 mm., grey, moderately tough, wholly fibrous, equal, or attenuated at both ends, slightly striate with adpressed fibrils. Gills whitish, then cinereous, or -fuliginous, narrowed behind, wholly adnexed at the apex, crowded, becoming subdistant. Flesh yellowish. Spores pink, angular, sub- globose, 6-9 x 6-7 /x. On the ground, and among fir needles in damp places. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 727. E. Bloxamii Berk. (= Entoloma madidum (Fr.) Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 326, t. 327. Rev. A. Bloxam, a British mycologist. P. 2-10 cm., blackish-blue, compact, campanulate, very obtuse, somewhat lobed, moist, slightly silky. St. 3-8 cm. x 12-15 mm., concolorous, base white, obtuse, slightly attenuated upwards, fibrillose. Gills yellowish, then pale pink, attenuated behind, or slightly adnexed, moderately broad. Flesh white, bluish under the cuticle, very thick in the centre. Spores pink, subglobose, minutely warted, 8 9 jit. Heaths, and pastures. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. triste Boud. Boud. Icon. t. 92. Triste, gloomy. Differs from the type in its blackish grey slate colour. 246 ENTOLOMA 728. E. Parrahii Massee & Crossland. Naturalist, 1904, t. 1, figs. 1-4. John Farrah, F.L.S. P. 5-6 cm., blackish-blue, cylindrico- ovate, then campanulate and somewhat repand, umbonate, fibrilloso-silky; margin pallid. St. 6- 7 x 11-5 cm., concolorous, ventricose, base white. Grills salmon colour, sinuato-adnexed, broad, ventricose, somewhat distant. Spores pink, elliptical, smooth, 10 x 4 5/z. Cystidia cuspidate, ventricose, 50-60 x 12-15/A. Taste mild. Pastures. Sept. Uncommon. 729. E. ardosiacum (Bull.) Fr. (= Entoloma nitidum Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 327, t. 328. apSeiv, to water. P. 25 cm., steel-blue-fuscous, becoming blackish when young, and cinereous when older, slightly fleshy, campanulate, then convex, obtuse, often slightly depressed at the disc. St. 5-8 cm. x 4-6 mm., steel- blue, slightly attenuated upwards, easily splitting into fibres. Gills white, or grey, then flesh colour, free, broad, ventricose, attenuated behind, crowded, edge uneven. Flesh white, bluish under the cuticle of the p. Spores pink, angular, subglobose, 8-10 x 6-8/u, 1-guttulate. Moist meadows, and bogs. July Sept. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 730. E. madidum Fr. (= Entoloma Bloxamii Berk. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 91, fig. 3. Madidum, soaked. P. 2-6 cm., blackish violet when young, fuliginous when old, fleshy, campanulate, then convex, viscid in wet weather, shining when dry; margin inflexed, thin, slightly striate. St. 5-7-5 cm. x 4-10 mm. at the white base, x 4-6 mm. at the apex, violet, thickened in a clavate manner below, fleshy fibrous, surface fibrillose, apex naked. Gills greyish white, slightly adnexed, almost free, ventricose, watery, soft. Flesh white, darkish under the cuticle of the pileus. Spores pink, globose, angular, 6-8/A. Smell strong, somewhat like that of Russula foetens. In pastures, and amongst leaves. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 731. E. liquescens Cke. (= Psilocybe spadiceo-grisea (Schaeff.) Fr. sec. Boud.) Cke. Illus. no. 328, t. 581. Liquescens, dissolving. P. 5-6 cm., yellowish ochre, disc reddish brown, convex, then plane, broadly umbonate, margin thin, flexuose. St. 5-8 cm. x 4-8 mm., white, equal, flexible. Gills white, then pale dirty lilac, free, crowded, deliquescent. Flesh white, thin. Spores pink, subglobose, irregular, 7-8 fj,. On the ground under trees. April. 732. E. ameides B. & Br. Cke. Illus. no. 329, t. 341. d/4et8?79, gloomy. P. 2-5-6 cm., pale reddish grey, irregular, broadly campanulate, thin, gibbous, centre polished; margin white- flocculent, at length smooth, silky-shining, undulated. St. 3-4 cm. x 5-10 mm., whitish, ENTOLOMA 247 compressed, striate, fibrillose, apex flocculent, base villose. Gills greyish, then flesh colour, slightly adnexed, distant, wrinkled. Flesh becoming reddish. Spores pink, angular, oblong, 12-13 x 9ju,, 1-guttu- late. Smell a,t first unpleasant, like a mixture of orange-flower water and starch, or of burnt sugar. Pastures. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon. (v.v.) E.frumentaceum (Bull.) Berk. = Hygrophorus russula (Schaeff.) Quel. E. Cookei Kich. = Pleurotus palmatus (Bull.) Fr. II. P. absolutely dry, flocculose, or somewhat scaly. 733. E. Saundersii Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 331, t. 306. W. W. Saunders who collaborated with W. G. Smith in Myco- logical Illustrations. P. 4r-12 cm., white, becoming fuscous when old, fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, obtuse, or umbonate, repando-lobed, adpressedly tomentose. St. 3-10 x 1-1-5 cm., white, equal, silky-fibrous, apex furfur aceous. Gills reddish, slightly adnexed, often quite free, broad, distant. Flesh white, yellowish under the cuticle of the pileus. Spores pink, elliptical, 4-6 x 3-4 /x, 1-guttulate ("round, slightly angular, ll-13ju," Boud.). On the ground, river-sand, sawdust. June Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 734. E. fertile 'Berk. (= Entoloma lividum (Bull.) Fr. sec. Big. & Guill.) Cke. Illus. no. 332, t. 316. Fertile, fruitful. P. 10-15 cm., pinkish-buff, fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, pulverulento-squamulose. St. 6-12 x 2-3 cm., paler than the p., firm, fibrillose, subsquamulose, subcompressed, base subbulbose. Gills flesh colour, adnexed, nearly free. Flesh white, thickest at the disc. Smell pleasant, of new meal. Woods. Aug. Sept. Rare. 735. E. Rozei Quel. Quel. Soc. Bot. xxm, t. 2, fig. 2. E. Roze, the eminent French mycologist. P. 3 cm., pearl grey, lilac at the margin, thin, convex, umbonate, then plane, velvety with thin, very short, white hairs. St. 5-6 x -5 cm., white, somewhat silvery, silky-fibrillose, apex bistre. Gills white, then flesh colour, adnate, emarginate. Spores pink, angular, elliptical, 10/u,. Amongst Sphagnum, and under pines. July Oct. Uncommon. 736. E. jubatum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 92, fig. 1. Jubatum, having a mane. P. 3-8 cm., mouse colour, somewhat fleshy, campanulate, then ex- panded and flattened, umbonate, floccoso-scaly, or fibrillose. St. 5 12 cm. x 4-10 mm., concolorous, fleshy-fibrous, though rigid, fragile, equal, clothed with fuliginous fibrils. Gills dark fuliginous, then purple fuliginous, slightly adnexed, somewhat emarginate, easily separating, 248 ENTOLOMA crowded, ventricose. Flesh white, thin, easily scissile. Spores pink, angular, oblong, 10-12 x 7-8^,, multi-guttulate. Heaths, and pas- tures May Dec. Common, (v.v.) 737. E. resutum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 92, fig. 2. Resutum, ripped open. P. 2-3 cm., becoming fuscous, disc darker, slightly fleshy, convex, somewhat obtuse, densely floccoso- scaly, sometimes with darker ad- pressed scales, sometimes becoming even, longitudinally fibrillose. St. 47 cm. x 24 mm,, somewhat grey, wholly fibrous, soft, equal, polished, slightly striate. Gills grey, at first darker, adnexed, very ventricose, almost free, 4 mm. broad, rather crowded, rather thick. Spores pink, "irregular, globose-elliptical, angular, 9-12 x 7-8 p,, also subglobose, 7-10/x" Herpell. Woods, and pastures. Oct. Un- common. 738. E. griseocyaneum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 94, fig. 1. Griseus, grey; KVCLVOS, dark blue. P. 2-4 cm., grey, or inclining to lilac, thin, campanulate, then convex, obtuse, wholly floccoso-scaly '. St. 46 cm. x 46 mm., pallid, then be- coming azure-blue, sometimes white, fibrous, floccoso- fibrillose. Gills whitish, then flesh colour, adnexed, separating- free, ventricose. Flesh bluish, becoming white. Spores pink, angular, elliptical, 9-11 x 7-8 /it, 1-guttulate. Pastures, downs, and woods. June Oct. Not uncom- mon, (v.v.) var. roseum Maire. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. in, t. 11. Roseum, rosy. Differs from the type in the pink stem, and the pink pileus covered with darker scales. Downs, and pastures. Aug. Oct. Not un- common, (v.v.) 739. E. Wynnei B. & Br. Cke. Illus. no. 339, t. 329. Mrs Lloyd Wynne, of Coed Coch. P. 3-4 cm., fuliginous, convex, then' plane, more or less umbonate, often wavy, velvety, then squamulose; margin striate, often undulated. St. 35 cm. x 36 ram., fuliginous-azure-blue, often compressed; base cottony, white. Gills pallid, then flesh colour, almost free, 4 mm. broad, transversely ribbed, edge crenulate. Flesh white, very thin except at the disc. Spores "elliptic-oblong, apiculate, coarsely warted, 10-11 x 7-8 /x" Massee. Smell unpleasant, like bugs. Fir woods. Sept. Nov. Uncommon. 740. E. bulbigenum B. & Br. (= Entoloma Persoonianum Phill. & Plowr., Entoloma Persoonii Du Port.) Cke. Illus. no. 324, t. 315, as Entoloma Persoonianum Du Port. /3o\/3o9, a bulb; yiyvofMai, to be born. P. 1-4 cm., shining white, campanulate, or hemispherical, minutely tomentosely scaly. St. 6-8 cm. x 3-5 mm., whitish, equal, piloso- ENTOLOMA 249 squamulose, base bulbous, solid. Gills red flesh colour, slightly adnexed, 3-4 mm. broad. Flesh white, thin. Spores pink, angular, 15//,. Grassy places. Feb. Oct. Uncommon. 741. E. pulvereum Rea. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. n, t. 14. Pulvereum, dusty. P. 5-30 mm., fuliginous, thin, campanulate, then expanded and flattened, densely covered with very minute scales which are erect at the centre, striate at first; margin very slightly incurved. St. 2-5- 5 cm. x 23 mm., fuliginous, equal, densely velvety, covered when young with a reddish, rust coloured meal which becomes darker with age. Gills grey, at length dusted with the pinkish ferruginous spores, adnate with a minute sinus, veined, subdistant, exceeding the margin of the p. ; edge irregular, thick, pale or pinkish at first then deep rose colour. Spores pink, irregular, angular, 12-13 x 6/u,, 1-guttulate. Woods, and pastures. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 742. E. dichroum (Pers.) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 92, fig. 3. Siypovv, two coloured. P. 2-5-5 cm., violet, then livid mouse colour, somewhat fleshy, cam- panulate, then expanded and plane, obtusely umbonate, squamuloso- fibrillose. St. 3-5 cm. x 2-8 mm., blue, becoming paler at the base, wholly fibrous, fibrillosely-mealy, and sublacunose. Gills white, or pallid, then flesh colour, sinuato-adnexed, crowded, 2-3 mm. wide. Flesh white, tinged with blue. Spores pink, becoming fuscous, "longish, 9-11 x 6-7 p, with a few distinct angles" Rick. Woods, and hilly pastures. June Sept. Uncommon. E. sericellum Fr. = Leptonia sericeUa (Fr.) Quel. 743. E. Thomson!! B. & Br. Cke. Illus. no. 336, t. 374. Dr Thomson P. 2-5-3 cm., grey, convex, then expanded, more or less umbonate, tomentose, adorned with raised, radiating ribs, which form reticulations in the centre. St. 3-5 cm. x 4 mm., paler than the pileus, fibrillose, tomentose. Gills flesh colour, rounded behind, very slightly adnexed, 4 mm. broad, rather distant. Flesh mottled, thick at the umbo, thin elsewhere. Spores pink, elliptical, 6 x 3-5/x,. Amongst grass in plantations. Rare. III. P. thin, hygrophanous, rather silky when dry, often irregular and repand. 744. E. clypeatum (Linn.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 337, t. 319, as Entoloma clypeum Fr. Clipeatum, furnished with a shield. P. 5-8 cm., lurid when moist, grey when dry, variegated, or streaked with darker spots, or lines, fleshy, campanulate, then flattened, umbonate, fragile. St. 4-8 x -5-1-5 cm., whitish, becoming cinereous, 250 ENTOLOMA wholly fibrous, equal, fragile, longitudinally fibrillose, apex pulverulent. Gills whitish, or dingy, becoming red-pulverulent with the spores, rounded-adnexed, separating free, 4-8 mm. broad, ventricose, sub- distant, edge serrulate. Flesh dark, becoming white, thin. Spores pink, angular, globose, 7-9 or 89 x 6 ?//,, 1-guttulate. Taste some- what acid. Edible. Woods, gardens, pastures, and waste places. Caespitose, or solitary. April Oct. Common, (v.v.) 745. E. nigrocinnarnomeum Kalchbr. (= Pluteus umbrosus (Pers.) Fr. sec. Quel.) Kalchbr. Icon. t. 11, fig. 1. Niger, black; cinnamomeum, cinnamon. P. 5-7 cm., umber brown, becoming blackish, thin, tough, convex, then flattened and depressed round the somewhat prominent umbo, rather silky and shining; margin incurved, often splitting. St. 3- 4 cm. x 58 mm., grey, becoming tawny, fibrillose, often twisted. Gills reddish cinnamon, adnexed, rounded behind, soon seceding from the stem, 6-8 mm. broad, rather distant. Flesh darkish, becoming yellowish. Spores pink, angular, oblong, 11-13 x 7-8 /x, 1-guttulate. Smell pleasant, of new meal. Pastures, and heaths. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 746. E. rhodopolium Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 338, t. 342. p68ov, rose; Tro\iov, grey. P. 3-12 cm., fuscous, or livid, becoming pale, isabelline-livid, silky- shining when dry, slightly fleshy, campanulate, then expanded and subumbonate, or gibbous, at length somewhat plane, and sometimes depressed, fibrillose when young, then smooth ; margin bent inwards, and when larger undulated. St. 5-10 x -5-1-5 cm., white, equal, or attenuated upwards, slightly striate, apex white pruinose. Gills white, then rose colour, adnate, then separating, somewhat sinuate, flexuose. Flesh white, darkish under the cuticle of the p. Spores pink, angular, elliptical, 8-9 x 7-8/*, 1-guttulate. Smell like new meal, or burnt sugar, or none. Woods. May Oct. Common, (v.v.) 747. E. pluteoides Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 91, fig. 2. Pluteus, the genus Pluteus; etSopa, a fringe.) Pileus fleshy, regular, margin incurved. Stem central, fibrous, or fleshy. Gills sinuate, sinuato-adnate, or adnexed. Spores ochraceous, ferruginous, or fuscous, elliptical, pip-shaped, pruniform, almond- shaped, elliptic oblong, or fusiform, smooth, continuous. Cystidia present, or absent. Growing on the ground, solitary, caespitose, or subcaespitose. I. Furnished with a cortina from the manifest veil, by which the p. is often superficially silky round the margin. 755. H. mussivum Fr. (= Cortinarius percomis Fr. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. Ill, fig. 1. Musso, I mutter. P. 5-10 cm., yellow, sometimes darker, and brownish at the disc, fleshy, convex, then plane, unequal, very obtuse, viscid, smooth at HEBELOMA 253 first, then generally repand and broken up into squamules. St. 10- 13 x 2-5 cm., light yellow, equal, or ventricose, wholly fibrillose, apex pruinose. Veil fibrillose, very fugacious. Gills light yellow, then some- what ferruginous, emarginate, 6 mm. broad, arid, somewhat crowded. Flesh becoming yellow, compact, firm, very thick in the st. Spores ferruginous, "elliptical, 12 x 6ju," Massee. Smell weak, not un- pleasant. Coniferous woods. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 756. H. sinuosum Fr. (= Hebeloma senescens Batsch sec. Quel.) full of curves. P. 7-5-15 cm., never equalling the length of the st., pale yellow, or brick-red becoming pale, rarely clay colour, fleshy, irregular, convex, then plane, obtuse, smooth, viscid, soon dry, very sinuosely repand; margin whitish, membranaceous, inflexed, exceeding the gills, crenu- late, striate. St. 5-15 x 2-5-3-5 cm., white, equal, generally oblique at the very base, fibrillosely striate, apex at first fioccosely squamulose. Gills dirty white, then becoming ferruginous, slightly adnexed, broadly emarginate and appearing free and distant, but connected with the st. by a slender tooth, 6-12 mm. broad, dry, crowded, often undulate. Flesh white, thick, soft, somewhat fragile. Spores ferruginous, "almond-shaped-oval, 10-12 x 7-9 /z, slightly rough. Cystidia on edge of gill clavate, 50-60 x 7-9/x," Rick. Smell fruity. Coniferous woods. Aug. Rare. 757. H. fastibile Fr. Fr. Icon. t. Ill, fig. 2. Fastibile, disagreeable. P. 4-8 cm., pale yellowish tan, or becoming pale, fleshy, convexo- plane, obtuse, somewhat repand, smooth; margin involute, pubescent. St. 4-8 cm. x 6-12 mm., white, or pallid, fleshy fibrous, somewhat bulbous, often twisted, white silky and fibrillose, white scaly upwards. Cortina white, silky, often in the form of a ring. Gills pale-white, then dingy clay colour, very emarginate, rather broad, subdistant, edge whitish, distilling drops in rainy weather. Flesh white, compact. Spores earth colour, pale under the microscope, pip-shaped, 9-11 x 5- 6ju,, "punctate. Cystidia on edge of gill filamentous-clavate, 50- 75 x 6-9/x" Rick. Smell unpleasant, taste of radish, bitterish. Poisonous. Woods. July Nov. Common, (v.v.) var. album Fr. Album, white. Differs from the type in the long, equal stem, fibrillosely squamose at the apex, and in the distant gills. var. sulcatum Lindgr. Sulcatum, furrowed. Differs from the type in the sulcate, or rugose plicate margin of the p. var. elegans Massee. Elegans, nice. Differs from the type in the purple-brown p. 254 HEBELOMA 758. H. senescens (Batsch) B. & Br. (= Hebeloma sinuosum Fr. sec. Quel.) Senescens, becoming old. P. 5-10 cm., ochraceous tawny, convex, then flattened, slightly glutinous, delicately tomentose, margin white. St. 7-12-5 x 1-2-5 cm., fuscous downwards, apex shining white, tomentose, at first bulbous, attenuated upwards, covered with paler, transversely arranged squa- mules. Gills pallid, then cinnamon, adnexed, 4-5 mm. broad, crowded. Flesh white, thick at the disc. Spores pale ferruginous, pip-shaped, 8-9 x 5/x, with a large central gutta. Smell strong, acrid. Coniferous woods, and under conifers. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 759. H. glutinosum (Lindgr.) Fr. (= Flammula lenta (Pers.) Fr. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 112, fig. 1. Glutinosum, sticky. P. 5-9 cm., yellow white, disc darker, fleshy, convex, then plane, regular, obtuse, glutinous, slimy in wet weather, sprinkled with white, superficial, fugacious squamules. St. 7-9 x 1-1-5 cm., whitish, be- coming ferruginous downwards, firm, subbulbous, white squamulose, fibrillose, apex white mealy, base strigose. Partial veil manifest, fugacious. Gills pallid, then light yellowish, at length clay cinnamon, sinuato-adnate, subdecurrent, broad, crowded. Flesh whitish, be- coming light yellow, ferruginous in the st. especially towards the base, thick at the disc. Spores pale cinnamon, elliptical, 8 x 3-4 p,, 1-guttu- late, "punctate. Cystidia filamentous, 30-40 x 2-3 /x" Rick. Smell not unpleasant, taste mild. Woods, especially oak and beech. Sept. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 760. H. testaceum (Batsch) Fr. Cke. JQlus. no. 449, t. 408. Testaceum, brick red. P. 35 cm., brick pale, often ochraceous tan, or tan, somewhat opaque, whitish at the margin, fleshy, campanulato-convex, then flattened, regular, obtuse, smooth, obsoletely viscid, or dry. St. 3-7-5 cm. x 6- 8 mm., whitish, becoming somewhat tawny at the somewhat thickened, fibrillose base, somewhat fragile, apex white mealy. Cortina thin, fugacious. Gills pallid, then clay colour, subferruginous, attenuato-free, lanceolate, very thin, at first ascending, very crowded. Flesh whitish, then brownish, thin at the margin. Spores pale ferruginous, pip- shaped, 8-9 x 4-5-5 /x, multi-guttulate, "rough. Cystidia on edge filamentous-clavate, 40-60 x 6-10/u," Rick. Smell faint, of radish. Woods, and heaths. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 761. H. firmum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 112, fig. 3. Firmum, hard. P. 5-7 cm., brick-red, fleshy, convex, then plane, at length depressed, smooth, viscid. St. 5-8 cm. x 4-12 mm., whitish, brown and fibrillose at the base, firm, somewhat attenuated downwards, covered with white, fioccose squamules. Cortina white, fugacious. Gills whitish, then clay HEBELOMA 255 % colour and ferruginous, sinuate, thin, arid, crowded. Flesh whitish, then tawny. Spores "pale dirty colour under the microscope, sub- fusiform, 9-11 x 4-5 /x, minutely punctate. Cystidia only on the edge of the gill, filamentous-clavate, 36-40 x 3-5/x" Rick. Smell faint. Coniferous woods. Feb. Oct. Rare. 762. H. claviceps Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 451, t. 410. Clavus, a nail; caput, head. P. 2-4 cm., yellowish white, umbo darker, fleshy, convex, then ex- panded, umbonate, or gibbous, viscid, naked ("more or less scaly, and fibrillose" Gillet). St. 5-7 cm. x 4-6 mm., white, brownish at the base, equal, white mealy. Gills pallid, then ochraceous brownish, emarginate, arid, crowded. Flesh pale, yellowish under the cuticle of the p., thick at the disc. Spores "reddish under the microscope, almond-shaped, 10-12 x 6-7 ft, roughish. Cystidia on edge of gill remarkably long, filamentous-clavate, 75-90 x 6-12ju" Rick. Woods, especially beech. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. 763. H. punctatum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 113, fig. 1. Punctatum, dotted. P. 2-5 cm., tan colour, disc umber, becoming pale when dry, fleshy, convex, soon plane, disc obtuse, or gibbous, viscoso-papiUose, at length depressed at the centre; margin white, superficially silky with the fibril- lose veil. St. 5-10 cm. x 4-8 mm., pallid, equal, flexuose, dry, silky- fibrillose with the adpressed veil, apex white pruinose. Cortina white, fugacious. Gills pallid, then pale ferruginous, or brownish, arcuato- adnate, narrowed behind, slightly ventricose, narrow, 4-6 mm. broad, plane, crowded. Flesh white, thick at the disc. Spores " almond-shaped, 10-12 x 5-6 fjL, rough, with a thick membrane. Cystidia on edge of gill short, filamentous, 30-36 x 3-4^,, filled with yellow juice" Rick. Smell faint, not unpleasant. Gregarious. Pine woods. Sept. Un- common. 764. H. versipelle Fr. Versipelle, changeable in appearance. P. 2-5-8 cm., reddish tan, becoming pale at the disc, then dingy tan and opaque when old, fleshy, convexo-plane, obtuse, at first covered with a tenacious, glutinous pellicle, then becoming dry; margin at first covered with glued white-silky, villose down, then smooth. St. 5-8 cm. x 4-6 mm., white, becoming fuscous at the base, tough, equal, at first remarkably white-silky with the evident cortina, then longitudinally fibrillosely striate, and easily splitting up into fibres, white mealy above the ring formed by the cortina. Gills whitish, then clay cinnamon, rounded, arid, 6-10 mm. broad, crowded. Flesh whitish, becoming fuscous in the st. Spores pale ferruginous, elliptical, 8-12 x 6-7 /u,, 1-2-guttulate, rough. Smell faint, not unpleasant. Subcaespitose. Grassy places, and among fir needles. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 256 HEBELOMA 765. H. strophosum Fr. o-rpo^o?, a belt. P. 2-4 cm., bay, white and silky from the veil at the margin, fleshy, fragile, convex, then plane, subumbonate, viscid when wet, then dry. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 6 mm., whitish, at length becoming fuscous downwards, equal, fragile, often curved at the base, clothed with the white silky veil which forms an apical ring. Ring white, floccose, reflexed. Gills flesh colour, then clay colour, slightly adnexed, leaving a wide, bare space at the apex of the st., ventricose, 4-8 mm. broad, plane. Flesh watery white, thin at the margin. Spores pale cinnamon, elliptical, 8-9 x 5/x, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "only on the edge of the gill, clavate-filament- ous, 40-50 x 5-7 /x,, thin walled" Rick. Bare soil, and grassy places. Oct. Rare, (v.v.) 766. H. mesophaeum Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 452, t. 411. /ieo-o?, middle; fyaibv, dusky. P. 2-5-4 cm., pale yellowish, or becoming pale, disc date brown, fleshy, conical, then convex, then plane, or depressed and darker at the disc, viscid, smooth. St. 5-7-5 cm. x 4 mm., whitish, then ferruginous, tough, equal, fibrillose, base becoming fuscous, apex pruinose. Cortina manifest, thin, fugacious. Gills clay ferruginous, rounded, or emargi- nate, thin, plane, arid, crowded. Flesh greyish, becoming white, thin at the margin. Spores pale ferruginous, elliptical, 9-10 x 5-6/z, with a large central gutta, roughish. Cystidia on edge of gill, " clavate- filamentous, rarely fusiform-filamentous, 50-70 x 5-9 /x, thin walled" Rick. Smell faint, sometimes of radish. Taste acrid. Woods, especially coniferous woods, and charcoal heaps. Sept. Oct. Common, (v.v.) var. holophaeum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 113, fig. 3. 6X05, entirely; aiov, dusky. Differs from the type in the umbonate p. being entirely dark fuscous, in the st. becoming fuscous and subannulate with the cortinate veil, and in the gills being slightly sinuate. var. minus Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 453, t. 412. Minus, smaller. Differs from the type in its smaller size. Common along with the type, (v.v.) 767. H. subcollariatum B. & Br. Cke. Illus. no. 454, t. 506, as a var. Sub, somewhat; collariatum, having a collar. P. 2-5 cm., pallid, disc subfuscous, fleshy, convex, then more or less expanded, slightly glutinous, the floccose veil soon vanishing. St. 5 cm. x 4 mm., pale, brown at the base, often flexuose, pulverulent. Gills clay colour, edge shining white, very slightly rounded behind, broadly adnate, soon separating from the st. and forming a short inter- rupted collar, ventricose, 4-6 mm. broad. Spores pale, ferruginous, elliptical, 12-13 x 6/i, 1-guttulate. On naked soil. May Oct. Uncommon. HEBELOMA 257 II. P. smooth, at the first with no cortina. 768. H. sinapizans (Paul.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 455, t. 413. aLvairi, mustard. P. 7-5-20 cm., clay colour, disc sometimes pale yellowish, fleshy, con- vex, then plane, very obtuse, for the most part repand, often excentric, smooth, slightly viscid when fresh. St. 7-5-12-5 x 2-5 cm., white, rigid, equal, or fusiform rooted, fibrilloso-striate, apex white squamu- lose. Gills clay cinnamon, opaque, deeply emarginate, sometimes arcuato-decurrent, 610 mm. broad, crowded, fragile, arid. Flesh white, compact. Spores ferruginous, almond-shaped, 10-11 x 6/z. Smell strong, of radish. Woods, and under trees. Sept. Oct. Un- common, (v.v.) 769. H. crustuliniforme (Bull.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 456, t. 507. Crustulum, a small cake ; forma, shape. P. 5-10 cm., pale whitish tan, pale yellowish, or brick colour, disc deeper coloured, fleshy, convexo-plane, obtuse, or slightly gibbous, rarely repand, smooth, at first viscid. St. 47 x 1-2-5 cm., whitish, equal, or subbulbous, firm, apex white squamulose. Gills whitish, then clay colour, at length date brown, rounded-adnexed, almost adnate, narrow, linear, 2-4 mm. broad, crowded; edge unequal, guttate, dis- tilling watery drops in wet weather, spotted when dry. Flesh whitish, watery, thick. Spores ferruginous, elliptical, 10-12 x 5-6ju, rough. Cystidia " only on the edge of the gill, filamentous-capitate, sometimes also subventricose, 50-60 x 7-10/t, thin walled" Eick. Smell strong of radish, or like the flowers of the common laurel. Taste acrid. Poisonous. Woods, heaths, andpastures. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) var. minus Cke. (= Hebeloma hiemale Bres. sec. Big. & Guill.) Cke. Illus. no. 457, t. 414. Minus, smaller. Differs from the type in its smaller size, in the floccose edge of the gill and in its faint smell. Woods, and heaths. Oct. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 770. H. subsaponaceum Karst. Karst. Icon. t. 44. Sub, somewhat; sapo, soap. P. 3 cm., gilvous, then pallid, darker when dry, expanded, obtuse, naked, dry. St. 2-3 cm. x 3-4 mm., pale, becoming umber below when touched, equal, rather wavy, adpressedly fibrillose, apex rather mealy. Gills pale alutaceous, then ferruginous, adnate, 2mm. broad, crowded, dry. Spores oval oblong, 6-10 x 4-6/A. Smell strong, of soap. Fir, and mixed woods. Aug. Uncommon. 771. H. elatum (Batsch) Fr. Cke. 1165, t. 962. Elatum,tall. P. 2-5-8 cm., tan colour, becoming pale tan when dry, fleshy, convex, then flattened, obtuse, smooth, slightly viscid, opaque, margin very thin. St. 8-10 cm. x 8-12 mm., whitish, equal, cylindrical, tense and 17 258 HEBELOMA straight, twisted with spiral fibres, base with, an ovately, villose bulb when growing amongst fir leaves, adpressedly fibrillose, apex white mealy. Gills pale cinnamon, rounded, with a small decurrent tooth, 6 mm. broad, crowded. Flesh whitish, thick at the disc. Spores brownish ferruginous, elliptical, 8-10 x 5/x. Smell very strong of radish. Woods, especially coniferous woods, and heaths. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 772. H. longicaudum (Pers.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 458, t. 415. Longus, long; cauda, a tail. P. 4-12 cm., clay colour, becoming whitish, disc sometimes becoming fuscous, fleshy, convex, then expanded, umbonate, at length repand, smooth, viscid; margin whitish, pruinose. St. 8-11 x 1-2 cm., white, at length becoming tawny at the base, fragile, equal, or thickened at the base, obsoletely fibrillose, apex mealy. Gills white clay, then cinnamon, arcuato-adnate, 6 mm. broad, crowded, edge serrulate, somewhat dotted. Flesh white, soft, watery, thin at the margin. Spores tawny ochraceous, oblong elliptical, 11-12 x 6/i, minutely verrucose. Cystidia "on edge of gill long, filamentous-clavate, 60-90 x 6-8^" Eick. Smell faint, not unpleasant. Taste mild. Edible. Woods, especially coniferous woods. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 773. H. radicatum (Cke.) Maire. (= Hebeloma elatum Quel. non Batsch sec. Maire.) Cke. Illus. no. 459, t. 416, as Hebeloma longicaudum Fr. var. radicatum Cke. Radicatum, rooting. P. 3-10 cm., ochraceous fiesh colour, whitish at the margin, convex, gibbous, glutinous. St. 7-11 x -5-1 cm., white, becoming brownish, fusiform, rooting, soft, twisted, fibrillose, villose, mealy at the apex. Gills pale fiesh colour, then brownish, adnate by a tooth, undulate. Flesh white, thick, soft. Spores fuscous ferruginous, elliptical, 10 x 5/x. Smell of radish, or of honey, like that of Pholiota radicosa. Taste bitter. Caespitose. Coniferous woods. Sept. Rare, (v.v.) 774. H. lugens (Jungh.) Fr. Lugens, mourning. P. 4-7-5 cm., brown, becoming somewhat yellow, fleshy, convex, then plane, gibbous, often repand and irregular, smooth, subviscid. St. 4-7-5 cm. x 6-8 mm., white, shining, subbulbous, fibrillosely striate, apex white mealy. Gills pallid, then ferruginous, somewhat free, fragile, 4 mm. broad, edge crenulate, darker. Flesh white. Spores "10 x 6/x," Massee. Smell strong. In troops. Woods, especially beech. Sept. Oct. Rare. H. truncatum (Schaeff.) Fr. = Tricholoma truncatum (Schaeff.) Quel. 775. H. nudipes Fr. Kalchbr. Icon. t. 14, fig. 3. Nudus, naked; pes, foot. P. 4-7 cm., pale tan, or clay colour, fleshy, convex, then flattened, obtuse, unequal, smooth, slightly viscid, scarcely perceptibly streaked ; HEBELOMA 259 margin membranaceous, exceeding the gills. St. 5-8 cm. x 8-16 mm., white, equal, fibrillose at the base, smooth above, straight, or curved and ascending, pellicle separable. Gills tan colour, broadly emarginate, crowded, dry. Flesh watery, white when dry, compact at the disc, very thin at the margin. Spores fuscous, elliptical, 12 x Qfj,. Smell weak, not unpleasant. Taste mild. Edible. Woods. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 776. H. sacchariolens Quel. Quel. Soc. sc. n. de Rouen,- 1879, t. 1, fig. 2. Saccharum, sugar; olens, smelling. P. 2-6 cm., whitish, disc buff colour, but the whole surface deepens in colour with age, fleshy, campanulate, then convex, smooth, viscid. St. 4-5 x 1 cm., white, streaked with fawn fibrils below, attenuated above and at the base, striate, silky, apex pruinose. Gills whitish, then buff colour, and finally ferruginous, sinuato-adnate, 6-10 mm. broad, crenate, edge whitish. Flesh yellowish, or somewhat buff, thin at the margin. Spores deep ferruginous, almond-shaped, 10-11 x 7-8 /x, with a hyaline basal apiculus. Smell very peculiar and strong, like that of Entoloma ameides or "of burnt sugar, or orange fiowers" Quel. Woods, heaths, and pastures. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 777. H. nauseosum Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 1166, t. 963. vavoa\r), head. P. 4-7-5 cm., pale yellowish, or reddish, disc darker, margin at length ling black, fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, smooth. St. 5- cm. x 4-6 mm., whitish, attenuated downwards, striate with rufescent 172 260 HEBELOMA. HYPHOLOMA fibrils, becoming pale. Gills ferruginous, emarginate, broad, scarcely crowded. Flesh whitish, thin at the margin. Spores fuscous, ellip- tical, 9 x 5jit. "Smell of musk" Secretan. Mixed woods, and under firs, and pines. Oct. Nov. Rare. 780. H. diffractum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 114, fig. 1. Diffractum, broken in pieces. P. 3-5 cm., tan colour, fleshy, thin, convex, then plane, obtuse, smooth, somewhat dry, at length squamosely broken up. St. 2-5- 4 cm. x 6-8 mm., white, subfusiform, attenuated downwards, hollow, squamulose with white flocci above. Gills pallid, then ferruginous, emarginate, ventricose, broad, crowded, dry. Spores ferruginous, "10-12 x 4 5/x" Massee. Smell weak, unpleasant, somewhat of radish. Pine needles in woods. Sept. Rare. III. P. scarcely 2-5 cm. broad. Stature that of the Naucoriae. 781. H. magnimamma Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 114, fig. 2. Magnus, large; mamma, breast. P. 1-2-5 cm., brick colour, at length becoming pale yellowish, fleshy, convex, then plane, with a prominent, breast-shaped umbo, smooth, but becoming somewhat streaky towards the margin. St. 2-5-7 cm. x 23 mm., pale yellowish, becoming pale, equal, or flexuose, often substriate, fibrous, smooth. Gills pallid, then ferruginous, sinuato- adnate, 2-3 mm. broad, crowded. Flesh yellowish, tawny under the cuticle of the p., very thin at the margin. Spores pale ferruginous, broadly elliptical, 9-12 x 5-6 fj,, with a hyaline basal, or subbasal, apiculus, multi-guttulate. Pastures, under oaks, and apple trees. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) H. petiginosum Fr. = Astrosporina petiginosa (Fr.) Rea. Spores purple, or fuscous. Hypholoma Fr. (i>?7, a web; \a)/j,a, a fringe.) Pileus fleshy, regular, firm, or fragile. Stem central, fibrous, or fleshy. Gills sinuate, sinuato-adnate, or adnexed. Spores purple, fuscous, or cinereous purple; elliptical, subglobbse, pip-shaped, or reniform, smooth, rarely verrucose, with an apical germ-pore. Cystidia present, or absent. Growing on wood, more rarely on the ground, often densely caespitose, or fasciculate. *Colour of the tough, smooth, dry (except Hypholoma silaceum) p. bright, not hygrophanous. 782. H. silaceum (Pers.) Fr. (= Flammuloides sublateritia Schaeff. sec. Quel.) Silaceum, ochraceous. HYPHOLOMA 261 P. 6-8 cm., orange rufous, fleshy, convex, viscid; margin whitish, silky. St. 7-10 cm. x 6-8 mm., concolorous, bulbous, shining, fibril- loso-striate. Gills grey, then olivaceous, adnate, crowded. Spores pale purplish brown. Smell pleasant, of meal. Solitary, " caespitose from a common tuber" Secretan. Old pastures, and under firs. Aug. Nov. Eare. 783. H. sublateritium (Schaeff.) Fr. Holland, Champ, t. 73, no. 162. Sub, somewhat; lateritium, brick colour. P. 3-10 cm., tawny-brick-red, paler round the margin, fleshy, con- vexo-plane, obtuse, discoid, dry, covered with a superficial, somewhat silky, whitish cloudiness (arising from the veil), becoming smooth', margin often append iculate with the veil. St. 5-10 cm. x -15 mm., yellow, ferruginous downwards, firm, attenuated downwards, rarely equal, scaly-fibrillose, fibrils pallid. Cortina white, at length becoming black, superior. Gills dingy yellowish, and darker at the base, then fuliginous, at length inclining to olivaceous, adnate, sinuate, somewhat crowded. Flesh yellowish, ferruginous at the base of the st., compact. Spores fuscous purple, elliptical, 6-7 x 3-4/z,, 1-2-guttulate. Cystidia cylindric-clavate, or flask-shaped, apex obtuse, 6-7/z in diam., 35-50 x 10-15/x, on the edge of the gill, fusiform-capitate, 30-36 x 7-9 fji, contents yellow. Taste bitter. Poisonous. Subcaespitose. Woods, hedgerows, and old posts. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) var. Schaefferi B. & Br. Schaeff. Icon. t. 49, figs. 4-5. J. C. Schaefier. Differs from the type in its smaller size, in the light yellowish, conical, at length depressed, wrinkled p., and the narrow decurrent gills. Stumps. July Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. pomposum Fr. Pomposum, stately. Differs from the type in the thicker, almost entirely tawny p., the thick stem up to 2-5 cm. broad, becoming pale above, the membranaceous ring, and the gills at length becoming a beautiful olive. Stumps. July Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. squamosum Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 573, t. 558. Squamosum, scaly. Differs from the type in the p. being spotted with scales, especially towards the margin. Trunks. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 784. H. capnoides Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 133, fig. 1. KaTrvtoSrjs, smoky. P. 2-5-8 cm., ochraceous-yellowish, fleshy, convex, then flattened, obtuse, dry, smooth, often wrinkled, margin appendiculate with the veil. St. 5-7 cm. x 4-8 mm., pallid, becoming ferruginous under the surface covering when old, apex whitish, equal, often curved and flexu- ose, becoming silky-even, here and there striate. Cortina white, then 262 HYPHOLOMA becoming fuscous purple. Gills whitish, or bluish-grey, then purple, adnate, easily separating, rather broad, somewhat crowded. Flesh whitish, often somewhat ferruginous towards the base of the st. Spores pale fuscous, elliptical, 7-8 x 3-4//,, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "clavate, with a prominent point, 36-50 x 10-15/u," Eick. Smell and taste mild. Caespitose, or fasciculate. Coniferous stumps. April Dec. Common, (v.v.) 785. H. epixanthum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 133, fig. 2. eVtfai/#oi>, tawny. P. 5-7-5 cm., light yellow, or becoming pale, disc generally darker, fleshy, convexo-plane, obtuse, or gibbous, sometimes depressed at the disc, slightly silky, then becoming smooth; margin appendiculate with the veil. St. 7-14 cm. x 6-10 mm., yellow, pale ferruginous, or becoming fuscous below, equal, or attenuated from the thickened base, floccoso-fibrillose, apex pruinose. Cortina white, silky. Gills light yellowish white, or citron yellow, then cinereous, adnate, crowded. Flesh yellow, often ferruginous at the base of the st., thin at the mar- gin. Spores cinereous purple, broadly elliptical, 6 7 x 4/x, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "clavate, with a prominent point, 36-40 x 9-12 ju," Rick. Smell strong. Caespitose. Stumps in frondose, and coniferous woods, hedgerows, and parks. June Dec. Common, (v.v.) 786. H. elaeodes Fr. (= Flammuloides fascicularis Huds. sec. Quel.) eXaia, the olive-tree; etSoi. Smell and taste very sour. Rare. 264 HYPHOLOMA **P. naked, viscid. 792. H. incomptum Massee. Incomptum, unadorned. P. 7-5-10 cm., deep bay brown, orange-tawny when dry, campanulate, then expanded, broadly gibbous, viscid, silky when dry; margin usually flexuose. St. 6-7-5 cm. x 16 mm., pale above, dark ferruginous below, equal, covered with minute, spreading, ferruginous, fibrillose squamules, mixed with primrose yellow tomentum. Gills pallid, then deep olive, finally clouded with purple from the spores, adnate, slightly rounded behind, 3-4 mm. broad, crowded, thin. Flesh tawny, 2 mm. thick. Spores purplish, obliquely elliptical, 8 x 3-5/i. Stumps. Sept. Oct. Rare. 793. H. oedipus Cke. Cke. Elus. no. 579, t. 587, fig. A. oiSiTrovs, swollen footed. P. 12-5 cm., umber, or brownish olivaceous, paler, and subochraceous at the striate margin, which exceeds the gills, fleshy, turbinate, or hemi- spherical, then convex, glutinous, smooth, dull; margin at first ap- pendiculate with the veil. St. 3-5 cm. x 4-6 mm., pallid, tawny at the base, attenuated upwards from the bulbous base, apex pruinose, fibril- lose below the ring. Ring whitish, median, torn, fugacious. Gills whitish, then umber, broadly adnate, sometimes with a minute decur- rent tooth, plane, edge somewhat granular, or crenulate, often whitish. Flesh brownish, becoming white, thick at the disc. Spores dark brown, elliptical oblong, 9-10 x 5-6/t. Sticks, and dead leaves. Solitary, or caespitose. Feb. Rare. ***P. silky with innate fibrils, or streaked. 794. H. lacrymabundum Fr. non Quel. (= Stropharia cotonea QueL, Hypholoma storea Fr. var. caespitosum Cke., Hypholoma hypo- xanthum Phill. & Plowr., Hypholoma pseudostorea W. G. Sm.) Fr. Icon. t. 134, fig. 1. Lacrymabundum, weeping. P. 4-7-5 cm., whitish, becoming fuscous and pale round the margin, fleshy, convex, obtuse, piloso-scaly, the innate scales darker; margin appendiculate with the veil. St. 5-11 cm. x 6-12 mm., whitish, then fuscous whitish, slightly attenuated upwards from the somewhat thickened base, which is often yellowish, curved, fibrillosely scaly, apex smooth. Cortina white, separate, fibrillose. Gills whitish, then fuscous purple, adnate, 6 mm. broad, crowded, edge whitish, often distilling drops in wet weather. Flesh white, greyish when moist, soft. Spores fuscous purple, elliptical, 7-9 x 4-4-5/z. Cystidia cylindrical, or flask- shaped, base ventricose, apex obtuse, 5-6/x in diam., 28-40 x 8-18/z. Taste pleasant. Densely caespitose. On stumps, and on the ground. Beech, birch, and coniferous woods. Sept. Dec. Notuncommon. (v.v.) 795. H. pyiotrichum (Holmsk.) Fr. (= Stropharia pyrotricha(Holmsk.) Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 583, t. 564. irvp, fire; 0pi^ t hair. HYPHOLOMA 265 P. 5-10 cm., fiery tawny, fleshy, hemispherical, obtuse, then ex- panded, densely clothed with somewhat adpressed, tawny fibrils, which are here and there fasciculate in the form of scales. St. 5-7-5 cm. x 4- 15 mm., pallid, becoming tawny, equal, fibrillose, commonly squarrose with small, fiery tawny scales. Cortina tawny. Gills pallid, then be- coming brown, adnate, at length free, 10-12 mm. broad, somewhat crowded, edge white, flocculose. Flesh tawny, deeper coloured in the st., thin at the margin. Spores fuscous purple, pip-shaped, 10-11 x 6-5- 7fji. Cystidia clavate, 12-13^ in diam. at apex, 44-70 x 7-9/u,, con- tents often yellowish. Caespitose. Woods, and about roots of trees. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. egregium Massee. Egregium, distinguished. Differs from the type in the st. below the ring being covered with spreading, squarrose, whitish scales, and in the purple brown, broadly elliptical, or subglobose, apiculate spores, 6 x 4-5/x. Fasciculate, near to stumps. Fir woods. Oct. Rare. 796. H. velutinum (Pers.) Fr. (= Stropharia lacrimabunda (Bull.) Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 582, t. 563. Velutinum, velvety. P. 5-15 cm.j lurid, becoming tawny, then clay colour isabelline, hygrophanous, fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, at length ob- tusely umbonate, adpressedly, tomentosely fibrillose, becoming smooth ; margin appendiculate with the white veil. St. 5-12-5 cm. x 4-15 mm., dingy clay colour, equal, fragile, fibrillosely silky, apex tomentose above the veil. Cortina white, then black, woolly. Gill inclining to fuscous, then date brown fuscous, dotted black, adnexed, easily sepa- rating, 8-10 mm. broad, subdistant, edge white,fioccose, distilling watery, hyaline drops. Flesh pallid, very thin, fragile. Spores brownish purple, elliptical, 8-10 x 6-7 /x, verrucose, with an apical germ pore. Cystidia capitate-clavate, 50-60 x 12-15/x. Taste mild. Poisonous. Solitary, or in groups of two or three. Woods, pastures, roadsides, rarely on stumps. May Nov. Common, (v.v.) var. leiocephalum B. & Br. \etoa\,ij, head. Differs from the type in its smaller size, in the very rugose disc, and pallid p., smooth except at the fibrillose margin, and the pallid st., farinose at the apex. Densely caespitose. Old stumps, and in woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 797. H. melantinum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 134, fig. 2. /xeXa?, black; t?, a fibre. P. 2-6 cm., umber, then pale, fleshy, campanulato-convex, then plane, obtuse, covered with innate, adpressed, hairy, black squamules. St. 4-6 cm. x 4-12 mm., pallid, equal, or slightly attenuated up- wards, fibrillosely hispid with whitish, then fuscous fibrils. Cortina 266 HYPHOLOMA white, tender, fugacious. Gills pallid, then umber, adnexed, almost free, ventricose, crowded. Flesh white, very thin. Spores fuscous purple, reniform, 78 x 3-^/z, 1 2-guttulate. Cystidia "on surface of gill sparse, flask-shaped, on edge of gill vesiculose, 45-55 x 12- 15/i " Rick. Solitary. Base of birch, and elm trees. Parks. Sept. Rare, (v.v.) ****P. covered with floccose, superficial, fugacious scales. 798. H. cascum Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 584, t. 544. Cascum, old. P. 4-8 cm., livid grey, tan whitish when dry, fleshy, oval, then ex- panded, obtuse, covered when young with superficial, white, fugacious scales, then smooth, slightly wrinkled when dry, disc persistently even; margin appendiculate with the white, squamulose veil. St. 7-5-10 cm. x 4-6 mm,, white, equal, fragile, fibrillose, apex white- mealy. Gills grey, then black fuscous, rounded-adnexed, ventricose, 4-8 mm. broad, arid, fragile. Flesh white, thin. Spores purple, ellip- tical, 7-8 x 4-5/x. Cystidia "fusiform-pointed, 40-50 x 9-13/x, somewhat thick walled " Rick. Taste bitter. Coniferous woods, and pastures. July Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) H. punctulatum (Kalchbr.) Cke. = Stropharia punctulata (Kalchbr.) Fr. *****P. smooth, hygrophanous, margin appendiculate with the veil. 799. H. lanaripes Cke. (= Hypholoma appendiculatum Bull. sec. Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 585, t. 545. Lana, wool; pes, foot. P. 3-6 cm., pallid, fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, hygro- phanous, squamose with superficial scales arising from the breaking up of the cuticle', margin appendiculate with the fugacious veil. St. 5-7-5 cm. x 4 mm., white, equal, fragile, subfibrillose, base tomentose. Gills whitish, then purplish brown, reaching the st., crowded. Flesh pallid, thin. Soil in conservatories. Subcaespitose. June July. Uncommon. 800. H. Candolleanum Fr. Cke. lUus. no. 586, t. 546. Alphonse de Candolle. P. 5-10 cm., date brown, then white, disc ochraceous, fleshy acorn- shaped, then campanulate, soon convex, at length flattened, obtuse, unequal, smooth; margin appendiculate with the white, at length fuscous veil. St. 47-5 cm. x 4-8 mm., white, somewhat thickened at the base, fragile, fibrillose, apex striate. Gills violaceous, then fuscous cinnamon, edge at first whitish, rounded-adnexed, then separating, crowded. Flesh white, thin. Spores brownish violet, "elliptical, 8 x 4/Lt " Karst. Cystidia "only on edge of gill, subcylindrical or sub- ventricose, 30-45 x 9-10/z" Rick. Taste mild. Edible. In troops, or subcaespitose. Woods and stumps. April Nov. Common. HYPHOLOMA 267 801. H. appendiculatum (Bull.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 587, t. 547. Appendiculatum, having a small appendage. P. 58 cm., date brown, then tawny, ochrey pale when dry, fleshy - membranaceous, ovate, then expanded, at length flattened, obtuse, pruinose, sprinkled with a few, fugacious flecks, then smooth, slightly wrinkled when dry; margin appendiculate with the white, fugacious veil. St. 4-7-5 cm. x 4-6 mm., white, equal, fragile, fibrillose, apex pruinose. Gills white, then flesh colour, at length fuscous, subadnate, crowded. Flesh white, very thin. Spores fuscous purple, elliptical, 7-8 x 4-4-5ju,. Cystidia cylindrical, often slightly constricted below the apex, base subventricose, 35-45 x 10-13 p. Taste mild. Edible. In troops, or caespitose. Woods, hedgerows, and wood heaps. June Dec. Common, (v.v.) var. lanatum B. & Br. Lanatum, woolly. Differs from the type in being densely woolly when young, traces of the woolly coat remaining at the apex when the p. is expanded. var. flocculosum Boud. Boud. Icon. t. 137. Flocculosum, flocculose. Differs from the type in the white squamulose, longitudinally striate, or sulcate, somewhat lobed p., and the striate st. of ten flocculose. Woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 802. H. catarium Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1180, t. 1176. Catarium, belonging to a cat. P. 1-5-2-5 cm., ochraceous, then paler, fleshy membranaceous, hemi- spherical, then expanded, smooth, hygrophanous ; margin appendicu- late with the white veil. St. 2-5-4 cm. x 2-3 mm., white, rather shining, base incrassated and white floccose, apex striate. Gills white, then fuscous, adnate, narrow, rather crowded. Flesh white, thin. Spores fuscous purple, elliptic-oblong, 6 x 3//,. Gregarious, or sub- caespitose. Amongst grass in parks, and roadsides. Sept. Eare. 803. H. leucotephrum B. & Br. Cke. Illus. no. 588, t. 548. Xevtf09, white; re^pov, ash-coloured. P. 3-7 cm., dark grey, whitish when dry, fleshy, somewhat cam- panulate, then convexo-expanded, wrinkled; margin appendiculate with the white veil. St. 7-10 cm. x 6-10 mm., white, equal, attenu- ated at the base, silky-fibrillose downwards, apex striate, or sulcato- striate. Gills cinereous whitish, then grey, turning black, slightly adnate, 3-6 mm. broad. Flesh pallid, becoming white, thick at the disc. Spores cinereous purple, elliptical, 89 x 5/z. Cystidia "on edge of gill sub- cylindrical, constricted-capitate, 30-40 x 6-8 //," Rick. Caespitose. Base of ash trees, and amongst beech leaves, and pine needles. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 268 HYPHOLOMA 804. H. egenulum B. & Br. (= Hypholoma appendiculatum Bull. sec. Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 589, t. 605, fig. A. Egenulum, poor. P. 3-4 cm., watery white, snow white when dry, fleshy, hemispherical, then expanded, umbonate, smooth; margin finely striate, appendicu- late with the white veil. St. 4-5 cm. x 3 mm., white, attenuated up- wards, or nearly equal, minutely adpressedly scaly. Gills purplish timber, edge white, adnate, with a tooth, slightly ventricose, sub- distant. Flesh white, thick at the disc. Spores brown purple. Solitary. Amongst grass. May. Eare. 805. H. pilulaeforme (Bull.) Fr. (= Hypholoma hydrophilum Bull, sec. Quel.) Bull. Hist. Champ. Fr. t. 112. Pilula, a little ball;/orme, shaped. P. 1-2 cm., fuscous, dingy ochraceous when dry, submembranaceous, globose, then convexo-plane, obtuse, smooth; margin pale, striate, slightly appendiculate with the white veil. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 2 mm., white, equal, flexuose, often slightly thickened at the base. Cortina white, membranaceous, often forming a ring, fugacious. Gills white, then cinereous, at length fuscous, adnexed, easily separating, narrow, 2-3 mm. broad, thin, crowded. Flesh yellowish, thin. Spores cinereous purple, elliptical, 6-8 x 4//,. Densely caespitose. On stumps, and buried wood. Woods, and pastures. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 806. H. hydrophilum (Bull.) Fr. (= Bolbitius hydrophilus (Bull.) Fr. Hym. Eur.) Cke. Illus. no. 606, t. 610, as Psilocybe spadicea Fr. vSwp, water; (j)i\ov, loving. P. 3-6 cm., date brown when moist, tawny, or tan colour when dry, fleshy, globose, then convex and expanded, pruinose, striate near the margin when moist, wrinkled when dry; margin often undulate, appendiculate with the white, fugacious veil. St. 5-10 cm. x 4-8 mm., white, becoming somewhat ferruginous downwards, rigid, but fragile, equal, or attenuated slightly upwards, curved, fibrillose at the base. Gills whitish, then date brown fuscous, adnate, ventricose, crowded, often distilling hyaline drops. Flesh pallid, white when dry, very thin at the margin. Spores ferruginous purple, elliptical, 5-6 x 3-3-5/A, 1-2-guttulate. Cystidia cylindrical, ventricose, often constricted below the apex, apex obtuse, 8-9/z in diam., 25-28 x 12-14/z. Densely caespitose. Stumps in woods, and on sawdust. Aug. Dec. Common, (v.v.) H. fibrillosum (Pers.) Quel. = Psathyra fibrillosa (Pers.) Fr. H. nolitangere (Fr.) Quel. = Psathyra nolitangere Fr. H.fatuum (Fr.) Quel. = Psathyra fatua Fr. H. ammophilum (Mont.) Quel. = Psilocybe ammophila (Mont.) Fr. H. gossypinum (Bull.) Quel. = Psathyra gossypina (Bull.) Fr. HYPHOLOMA. CLITOCYBE 269 H. pennatum (Fr.) Quel. = Psathyra pennata Fr. H. semivestitum (B. & Br.) Quel. = Psathyra semivestita B. & Br. H. bifrons (Berk.) Big. & Guillem. = Psathyra bifrons Berk. H. Gordonii (B. & Br.) Big. & Guillem. = Psathyra Gordonii B. & Br. ****Gills decurrent, or adnato-decurrent by a tooth.. Spores white ; hymenium not waxy, nor pulverulent. Clitocybe Fr. (:\iT09, a slope; /cvftrj, head.) Pileus fleshy, regular, or irregular; margin incurved. Stem central, externally fibrous. Gills decurrent, rarely adnate, with an acute edge. Spores white, rarely yellowish, or greenish, elliptical, pip-shaped, globose, subglobose, or oblong; smooth, punctate, verrucose, or echinulate, continuous. Growing on the ground, rarely on wood, solitary, caespitose, or forming rings. A. P. fleshy, often pale and silky when dry, not hygrophanous. a. P. convex, then plane, or depressed, regular, obtuse. *P. cinereous, or fuscous. 807. C. nebularis (Batsch) Fr. Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. t. 9, as Agaricus turgidus. Nebularis, clouded. P. 7 -5-20 cm., fuliginous, or fuscous, then grey, fleshy, somewhat compact, convex, then plane, very obtuse, at length depressed at the disc, dry, at first pruinosely grey, becoming smooth, more rarely innately streaked, or shining when scorched by the sun. St. 7- 12 x 2-3 cm., whitish, thickened at the base, attenuated upwards, spongy, elastic, fibrillosely striate. Gills whitish, sometimes becoming yellow, shortly and equally decurrent, arcuate, very crowded, thin. Flesh white, thick. Spores white, elliptical, 7-8 x 3-4/i, 1-2-guttu- late. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Woods, heaths, and pastures. Aug. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 808. C. clavipes (Pers.) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 47, upper figs. Clavus, a nail; pes, foot. P. 46 cm., fuscous, fuliginous, cinereous-livid, whitish round the margin, very rarely wholly white, fleshy, slightly convex, soon plane, at length almost obconical, very obtuse, sometimes um- bonate, smooth. St. 4-6 x 1 cm., concolorous, conical, base bulbous, elastic, somewhat fibrillose. Gills white, sometimes yellowish, deeply decurrent, subdistant, flaccid, broad. Flesh cinereous, then white, lax, thin at the margin. Spores white, elliptical, 6-7 x 4-5/t, 1-guttulate. Smell faint, pleasant. Taste mild. Beech, and coniferous woods. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 270 CLITOCYBE 809. C. comitialis (Pers.) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 47, lower figs. Comitialis, belonging to the comitia. P. 25 cm., umber fuliginous, almost becoming black, fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, smooth, somewhat moist. St. 4-7 cm. x 6-15 mm., concolorous, equally attenuated upwards, elastic, smooth. Gills white, adnato-decurrent, horizontal, plane, crowded, thin. Flesh white, firm, compact. Spores white, elliptical, 6-7 x 4/u,, 1-guttulate. Pine woods. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 810. C. obscurata Cke. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. in, t. 5, fig. C. Obscurata, darkened. P. 5 cm., greyish umber, plane, then infundibuliform, moist, smooth. St. 3-4 cm. x 6-8 mm., concolorous, slightly attenuated downwards, sometimes substriate. Gills white, decurrent, rather distant. Spores white, siibelliptical, 3 x 1-5-2/n. Smell of meal. Amongst grass and dead leaves. Sept. Rare. 811. C. gangraenosa Fr. ydyypaiva, a gangrene. P. 4-8 cm., whitish, tinged with bistre, or livid, sometimes green, fleshy, convexo-plane, obtuse, white, pulverulent, then covered ivith brownish hairs especially at the margin, then naked, variegated, or streaked. St. 4-5 x 1 cm., white, subbulbous, soft, striate,, or slightly sulcate, curved, sometimes excentric. Gills dingy white, subdecurrent, arcuate, very crowded. Flesh white, becoming blackish or spotted with black. Spores white. Smell stinking, foetid. Woods, and larch planta- tions. Oct. Nov. Rare. var. nigrescens (Lasch) Cke. Nigrescens, becoming black. Differs from the type in its whitish colour, and rather sweet smell. Larch plantations. Rare. 812. C. polia Fr. (= Paxittus inornatus (Sow.) Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 48, fig. 1. TroXta, grey. P. 2-5 cm., grey, fleshy, convexo-plane, regular, smooth ; margin white, incurved. St. 39 x -5-1 cm., greyish white, equal, base sub- bulbous, smooth. Gills white, decurrent, very crowded, very narrow, 1 mm. broad. Flesh greyish, becoming white. Spores white, "6-8 x 3 4/u," Sacc. Caespitose. Woods. Sept. Oct. Rare. 813. C. inornata (Sow.) Fr. (== Paxillus inornatus (Sow.) Quel.) Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 155. Inornatus, unadorned. P. 4-8 cm., cinereous grey, then somewhat tan colour, fleshy, convex, then plane and depressed, sometimes slightly gibbous; margin at first involute, pubescent, striate with evanescent veins. St. 4-6 cm. x 8- 12 mm., concolorous, subequal, fibrillosely tomentose, base white, floe- cose. Gills concolorous, rounded behind, adnate, or adnato-decurrent, CLITOCYBE 271 crowded, easily separable from the hymenophore. Flesh whitish grey, thick at the disc. Spores white, oblong, apiculate at the base, 8-10 x 3^i. Smell rancid, taste insipid. Woods, and pastures. Oct. Nov. Rare. C. niinbata (Batsch) Quel. = Tricholoma panaeolum Fr. sec. Quel. 814. C. luscina Fr. Luscus, one-eyed. P. 2-5-6 cm., brown, then grey, fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, sometimes excentric, smooth, moist. St. 5 cm. x 4-6 mm., white, slightly attenuated downwards, entirely white pulverulent, or only so at the apex. Gills white-hyaline, decurrent, horizontal, straight, crowded, thin, 2-4 mm. broad. Flesh pallid, thin. Spores white. Pastures. Sept. Oct. Rare. 815. C. curtipes Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 48, fig. 5. Curtus, short; pes, foot. P. 2-7-5 cm.., fuscous, then pale and becoming whitish, fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, oblique, silky. St. 2-5 cm. x 4-6 mm., reddish fuscous, rigid, cartilaginous, attenuated downwards, somewhat fibrillose, apex white pruinose. Grills shining white, adnate, scarcely decurrent, very crowded, 2 mm. broad. Flesh white, firm. Spores white. Amongst grass. Sept. Oct. Rare. 816. C. hirneola Fr. Hirneola, a small jug. P. 1-2 cm., cinereous, or grey, becoming pale and hoary, slightly fleshy, plano-convex, then depressed in the centre and umbilicate, very smooth, shining, semi- viscid when fresh, the cuticle as if with a glued silkiness ; margin involute, very thin. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 2-3 mm., con- colorous, elastic, equal, flexuose, smooth, apex white pruinose. Gills whitish-grey, subdecurrent, crowded, thin, rather broad. Flesh white, often bistre when moist, thin. Spores dirty white in the mass, sub- globose, 4-5 x 4/A, multi-guttulate. Edible. Amongst grass, and leaves. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. undulata (Bull.) Fr. (= var. major Fr. Mon.) Undulata, waved. Differs from the type in its larger size, the p. being 3-4 cm., flattened, flexuose, subzonate, grey, becoming whitish. 817. C. zygophylla Cke. & Massee. Cke. Illus. no. 1137, t. 948. wyov, a yoke ; v\\ov, leaf. P. 5-10 cm., greyish when moist, pale ochraceous white when dry, fleshy, convex, then expanded, disc often slightly depressed, tough, flaccid, hygrophanous ; margin thin, involute at first, rugose, or plicate, as if pinched up at regular intervals. St. 5-6 x 1 cm., white, then pallid, equal, expanding into the p., smooth, base with a thin white tomentum. Gills cinereous, deeply decurrent, rather distant, 4 mm. broad, dis- tinctly connected by veins. Flesh white, greyish under the cuticle of the 272 CLITOCYBE p., thick at the disc, thin at the margin. Spores white, elliptical, 8-9 x 4/x, with a large central gutta. Amongst leaves. Oct. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) **P. violet, or rufescent. 818. C. cyanophaea Fr. Gonn. & Rabenh. Heft. 8-9, t. 17, fig. 3, as Tricholoma nudum. Kvavos, dark blue; aid, dusky. P. 7-10 cm., fuscous, becoming azure-blue, rather fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, smooth. St. 7-8 x 1-2 cm., bluish when young, attenuated upwards from the thickened base, apex abruptly white, smooth. Gills violet, then pale, deeply decurrent, crowded. Woods. Rare. var. Pengellei B. & Br. Cke. Illus. no. 131, t. 264. T. W. Pengelly, the geologist. Differs from the type in having the st. attenuated at the base. C. opipara Fr. = Tricholoma opiparum (Fr.) Quel. C. amara (A. & S.) Fr. = Tricholoma amarum (A. & S.) Quel. 819. C. socialis Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 49, lower figs. Socialis, sociable. P. 2-3 cm., reddish yellow, fleshy, convex, then expanded, acutely umbonate when young, smooth, dry. St. 2-3 cm. x 4-6 mm., reddish, ascending, fibrous, rooting base peronately hairy. Gills becoming yellow, plano-decurrent, scarcely crowded. Flesh white, thin. Spores white. Densely gregarious. Amongst pine needles. Sept. Oct. Rare. ***P. becoming yellow. 820. C. amarella (Pers.) Fr. (= Paxillus amarellus (Pers.) Quel., Clitopilus popinalis Fr. sec. Quel.) Amarella, bitterish. P. 45 cm., pale yellowish, or pallid fawn colour, fleshy, plane, firm, subumbonate, smooth. St. 5 cm. x 4-6 mm., concolorous, equal, tough, white villous at base. Gills pallid, somewhat shining, subdecurrent, crowded, here and there dichotomous. Spores white, "5-6 x 2-3 /i" Rick. Smell strong, like prussic acid, taste very bitter. Woods. Oct. Rare. 821. C. vernicosa Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 50, upper figs. Vernicosa, varnished. P. 5-6 cm., pale yellowish, shining, fleshy, convex, then flattened or piano-depressed, obtuse, sometimes infundibuliform, smooth, margin involute. St. 2-3 cm. x 6-8 mm., yellow, firm, tough, equal, smooth. Gills light yellow, adnato-decurrent, or deeply decurrent, equally attenuated behind, subdistant. Flesh whitish, firm. Spores white, "subglobose, 3-4 /*, nearly spinulose" Rick. Fir and larch woods. Sept. Oct. Rare. CLITOCYBE 273 822. C. venustissima Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 50, lower figs. Venustissima, most beautiful. P. 2-5 cm., rich orange-reddish, becoming pale, slightly fleshy, con- vex, then expanded, obtuse, or somewhat umbilicate, becoming slightly silky-even; margin even, in large specimens striate, and crenate, or toothed in a crisped manner. St. 3-4 cm. x 4-8 mm., reddish, equal, smooth, base often white villous. Gills concolorous, de- current, subdistant, 3 mm. broad, subarcuate. Flesh reddish, thin. Spores white, broadly elliptical, 11-16 x 8-10/A, multi-guttulate. Amongst fir and larch leaves. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 823. C. alutacea Cke. & Massee. Aluta, soft leather. P. 1-1-5 cm., tan colour, convex, then umbilicate, smooth; margin incurved. St. 3-4 cm. x 1-2 mm., pale, smooth. Gills paler than the p., decurrent, arcuate, narrow, crowded. Spores white, elliptical, 6 x 4)Lt. Amongst grass and moss. Sept. Uncommon. 824. C. subalutacea (Batsch) Fr. Barla, Champ. Alp. Marit. t. 50, figs. 10-15. Sub, somewhat; aluta, soft leather. P. 2-5-5 cm., pale tan, becoming whitish, fleshy, soft, tough, convex, then flattened, obsoletely umbonate, or depressed, smooth. St. 5- 8 cm. x 6-8 mm., reddish white, deeper coloured at the base, cylindrical, flexuose, firm, elastic, fibrillose, smooth. Gills pallid, adnate, then subdecurrent, distant, broad. Flesh whitish, soft, tough. Spores white, "subglobose, 3-4 x 3/u," Rick. Smell pleasant of anise, some- times disagreeable like rancid meal, sometimes obsolete. Woods, and under trees. Nov. Uncommon. 825. C. aurantiaca (Wulf.) Studer. (= Cantharellus aurantiacus (Wulf.) Fr.) Holland, Champ, t. 53, no. 117, as Cantharellus aurantiacus. Aurantiaca, orange coloured. P. 2-8 cm., orange-ochraceous, fleshy, soft, depressed, often excentric and undulated, subtomentose; margin involute. St. 5cm. x 6-8 mm., ochraceous, or bistre, somewhat incurved and unequal. Gills deep orange, decurrent, tense, straight, repeatedly dichotomous, crowded, often crisped at the base. Flesh yellowish, soft, thick at the disc. Spores elliptical, 6-7 x 4-5ju,, with a large central gutta. Taste unpleasant. Heaths, and woods, especially coniferous woods. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) var. albida (Gillet) Rea. Cke. Illus. no. 1057, 1. 1104, fig. B, as Cantha- rellus aurantiacus var. pallidus. Albida, whitish. Differs from the type in the white gills. Heaths, and woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. lactea (Quel.) Rea. Lactea, milk white. Differs from the type in being entirely white. Heaths, and coniferous woods. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 18 274 CUTOCYBE var. nigripes (Pers.) Rea. Niger, black; pes, foot. Differs from the type in the st. becoming black towards the base. Boggy places in woods, and on heaths. Sept. Nov. Common. (v.v.) 826. C. hypnorum (Brond.) Rea. Hypnum, moss. P. 3-4 cm., pale primrose yellow, sometimes verging on pale ochre, campanulato-convex, then expanded and slightly depressed ; margin incurved, minutely downy, the down sometimes collected in little fascicles. St. 23 cm. x 4-6 mm., yellow, sometimes darker than the p. at the base, often slightly flexuose, almost glabrous. Gills yellow, decurrent, branched, thin, somewhat crowded, edge acute. Flesh whitish, thin. Spores white, oblong, 7 x 4/z, with a minute apiculus. Sept. Uncommon. ****P. greenish. 827. C. odora (Bull.) Fr. (= Clitocybe viridis (Scop.) sec. Quel.) Barla, Champ. Alp. Marit. t. 51, figs. 10-15. Odora, fragrant. P. 5-9 cm., greenish, fleshy, convex, then flattened, obtuse, or obsoletely umbonate, then depressed; margin incurved, pubescent. St. 3-5 cm. x 6-8 mm., concolorous, somewhat cylindrical, flexuose, flocculoso-fibrillose, then smooth, white villous at the thickened base. Gills paler than the p., adnato-decurrent, subdistant, broader than the flesh of the p. Flesh dirty white, tough. Spores white, elliptical, 8 x 4-4-5/x, 1-2-guttulate. Smell pleasant, of anise. Taste pleasant. Edible. Deciduous woods. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 828. C. viridis (With.) Fr. (= Agaricus virens Scop. sec. Fr.) Barla, Champ. Alp. Marit. t. 51, figs. 1-9. Viridis, green. P. 3-6 cm., pale greenish blue, fleshy, convex, then expanded, obtuse, smooth ; margin naked. St. 3-8 cm. x 3-7 mm., whitish, firm, cylindrical, attenuated at the base, smooth. Gills white, with a tinge of greenish, adnato-decurrent, thin, crowded. Flesh white, thick at the disc, firm. Spores white, elliptical, 7-8 x 4-5/Lt, with a large central gutta. Smell and taste pleasant, of anise. Edible. Deciduous woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 829. C. Trogii Fr. (= Clitocybe subalutacea (Fr. non Batsch) Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 135, t. 102. Jacob Gabriel Trog, an eminent Swiss botanist. P. 68 cm., cinereous, then white, fleshy, compact, convex, then expanded, obtuse, smooth, opaque. St. 3-5 x 1 cm., white, thickened and villous at the base. Gills white, subdecurrent, crowded. Flesh whitish, thick at the disc, compact. Spores white. Smell very fragrant, spicy. Woods. Sept. Nov. Uncommon. CLITOCYBE 275 *****P. whitish, white, or becoming white. 830. C. rivulosa (Pers.) Fr. Barla, Champ. Alp. Marit. t. 51, figs. 16- 23. Rivulosa, rivulose. P. 2-5-5 cm.., flesh colour, becoming whitish, or rarely fuscous, slightly fleshy, convexo-plane, then depressed, undulato-lobed, repand, minutely tomentose, at length rivulosely-streaked', margin at first incurved, villous. St. 3-5 cm. x 4-8 mm., concolorous, tough, elastic, equal, somewhat fibrillose, minutely tomentose. Gills flesh colour, becoming whitish, adnate, then subdecurrent, obliquely acute behind, broad, somewhat crowded. Flesh white, soft, spongy. Spores white, elliptical, 4-6 x 2- 3/z, 1-guttulate. Smell and taste pleasant. Poisonous. Heaths, and pastures. Aug. Nov. Very common, (v.v.) var. Neptunea (Batsch) Fr. Neptune, god of the sea. Differs from the type in its smaller size. 831. C. cerussata Fr. (= Clitocybe tornata Fr. sec. Quel.) Barla, Champ. Alp. Marit. t. 51, figs. 24-28. Cerussata, painted with white-lead. Entirely white. P. 5-8 cm., with a white-lead appearance, fleshy, convex, then expanded, obtuse, or gibbous, smooth, at first fioccoso- fibrillose; margin involute, villous. St. 5-8 x -5-1 cm., fleshy -flbrous, elastic; base thickened, more or less white tomentose. Gills adnate. then slightly decurrent, very crowded, thin. Flesh white, soft, compact. Spores white, elliptical, 5-6 x 3-4/n. Taste and smell pleasant. Poisonous. Deciduous, and coniferous woods. April Oct. Not un- common, (v.v.) var. difformis (Schum.) Fr. Difformis, deformed. Caespitose, often gigantic. P. 5-18 cm., undulato-lobed, often at first sprinkled with flocci. St. 2-5 x 2-5 cm., sulcate, or longitudinally wrinkled. Gills at length pallid. Spores white, 4 x 3/u,. Rich ground, and gardens. Oct. Uncommon. var. obtexta (Lasch) Fr. Obtexta, covered. Differs from the type in its snow-white colour, the fibrillose texture of the subviscid p., the tomentose St., and the narrow gills. Heaps of leaves. Eare. 832. C. phyllophila Fr. Barla, Champ. Alp. Marit. t. 52, figs. 1-6. t" Rick. Woods, and hilly pastures. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) **P. coloured, or pallid, glabrous, moist in wet weather. 857. C. gilva Fr. (= Clitocybe subinvoluta Batsch sec. Quel.) Gilva, pale yellow. P. 410 cm., pale yellowish, fleshy, compact, convex, then depressed, very obtuse, smooth, dull, moist, polished and shining when dry, often spotted as with drops; margin very involute, swollen, villose. St. 2-5-5 x 1-2-5 cm., paler than the p., fleshy, subequal, smooth, base villous. Gills pallid, then ochraceous especially at the edge, decurrent, thin, narrow, arcuate, often branched and anastomosing. Flesh con- colorous, compact, at length fragile. Spores white, globose, 4 6/u, punctate. Pine woods. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 858. C. subinvoluta W. G. Sm. non Batsch. Saund. & Sm. t. 36. Subinvoluta, somewhat rolled in. P. 5-10 cm., creamy flesh colour, fleshy, convex, then plane, or depressed, gibbous, or umbonate, leathery, margin incurved. St. 5-10 x 1-5-2 cm., pinkish flesh colour, zoned with spots, attenuated upwards from the subbulbous base, fibrillose. Gills white, then yellowish, deeply decurrent, broad, rather crowded. Flesh buff-white, darker below, thick, firm. Spores white, pip-shaped, 6-7 x 4-5/n, 1-guttulate. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Pastures, and under firs. Oct. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) Ag. subinvolutus Batsch = Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Fr. var. sub- involutus (Batsch) W. G. Sm. CLITOCYBE 283 C. spinulosa Stev. & Sm. = Clitocybe subinvoluta W. G. Sm. "Saunders wrongly described the spores as echinulate " W. G. Sm. in litt. 859. C. geotropa (Bull.) Fr. Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. t. 41, as Agaricus gilvus. yf), earth; rpoTros, turned. P. 3-20 cm., tan flesh colour, very fleshy, convex, then piano-de- pressed, generally gibbous, very smooth, moist in wet weather, when young spotted as with drops, the spots vanishing with age; margin involute, thin, pubescent. St. 5-12 x 2-3 cm., white, becoming yellow, fleshy, slightly attenuated upwards, subfibrillose. Gills white, be- coming pale, deeply decurrent, 4-6 mm. broad, somewhat crowded. Flesh white, thick, firm. Spores white, subglobose, 5-7/1,. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Woods, and pastures, often forming large rings. Sept. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 860. C. splendens (Pers.) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 55, upper figs. Splendens, shining. P. 5-8 cm., pale yellowish,becoming yellow, somewhat fleshy, convex, then piano-depressed, at length infundibuliform, smooth, shining; margin reflexed, white, mealy. St. 4-5 x 1-2 cm., white, becoming light yellow, or ochraceous, equal, or attenuated upwards, elastic, smooth. Gills white, becoming light yellow, deeply decurrent, thin, crowded, often forked at the base. Flesh white, becoming concolorous, thin at the margin. Spores white, subglobose, 4-6 x 4-5/i, 1-guttu- late, punctate. Smell and taste pleasant. Woods. Sept. Nov. Un- common, (v.v.) 861. C. inversa (Scop.) Fr. Barla, Champ. Alp. Marit. t. 60, figs. 6-8. Inversa, inverted. P. 5-8 cm., brick colour, or liver-rufescent, fleshy, somewhat fragile, convexo-plane, obtuse, then infundibuliform and undulated, very smooth, moist when fresh, sloping towards the margin, sometimes excentric. St. 4-6 x 1-1-5 cm., whitish, compressed, cuticle rigid, somewhat rooted and white villous at base. Gills whitish, becoming reddish at the edge, decurrent, 3-4 mm. broad, crowded. Flesh of the same colour as the p. but paler, thin, rigid, fragile. Spores white, globose, 4jii, minutely echinulate, 1-guttulate. Smell and taste acid. Coniferous woods. Aug. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 862. C. flaccida (Sow.) Fr. Sow. Eng. Fung. t. 185. Flaccida, flabby. P. 5-8 cm., tawny ferruginous, shining, not becoming pale, slightly fleshy, tough, orbicular, flaccid especially when dry, umbilicate, then infundibuliform, smooth, rarelv rimuloso-squamulose ; margin spread- ing, slightly convex. St. 2-5-5 x -5-1 cm., rubiginous ferruginous, 284 CLITOCYBE elastic, tough, subequal, polished, base thickened and villous. Gills whitish, becoming yellow especially at the edge, deeply almost obconico- decurrent, very arcuate, very crowded, narrow, 1-2 mm. broad. Flesh pallid, thin, fragile when fresh, flaccid when dry. Spores white, globose, 3-4/x, minutely warted, 1-guttulate. Woods, and heaths, often forming rings. Sept. Dec. Common, (v.v.) var. lobata (Sow.) Cke. Sow. Eng. Fung. t. 186. Lobata, lobed. Differs from the type in its more caespitose habit, in the darker colour, the lobed, or contorted margin of the p., and the st. thickened upwards. Woods, and heaths. Sept. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 863. C. vermicularis Fr. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 49. Vermicular is, belonging to a little worm. P. 2-4 cm., deep flesh colour, then tan flesh colour, slightly fleshy, umbilicato-convex, then expanded and infundibuliform, undulato- lobed, smooth, moist, slightly hygrophanous ; margin involute, pruinosely tomentose. St. 3-5 cm. x 3-6 mm., whitish, equal, often compressed and curved, fibrillosely striate, apex mealy and often surrounded by a floccose zone, base white tomentose and arising from stout, palmately branched, strigose mycelia. Grills white, then cream colour, edge ochraceous, slightly decurrent, attenuated, or obtuse at the base, very crowded, easily separating from the hymenophore, thin. Flesh concolorous, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 5 x Sp. Smell slight, of new meal. Taste somewhat acid. Edible. Coniferous woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. 864. C. senilis Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 56, fig. 1. Sentiis, aged. P. 4-8 cm., dingy fuscous tan, or brown becoming paler, fleshy - membranaceous, flaccid, disc depressed, soon infundibuliform, smooth, concentrically cracked; margin spreading. St. 4-5 x -5-1 cm., whitish, equal, often ascending, smooth. Gills whitish, then concolorous with the p., deeply decurrent, linear, narrow, very crowded. Flesh white, thin, flaccid. Spores white, pip-shaped, 6 x 3-4/u,, 1-guttulate. Woods, and lawns. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) ***P. shining white. 865. C. catinus Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 51, fig. 4. Catinus, a bowl. P. 5-8 cm., white, becoming discoloured with age, fleshy, plane, then infundibuliform, always obtuse, smooth. St. 5-8 x -5-1 cm., white, elastic, tough; base thickened and tomentose. Gills white, de- current, straight, descending, broad, not much crowded. Flesh white, thin, flaccid. Spores white, pip-shaped, 45 x 3 /A, minutely punctate. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Woods, and among dead leaves. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) CLITOCYBE 285 866. C. tuba Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 164, t. 112. Tuba, a trumpet. Entirely white. P. 5-8 cm., fleshy, thin, convexo-plane, umbilicate, dead white when moist, shining whitish when dry, smooth, slightly silky when young. St. 2-55 cm. x 5-6 mm., very tough, equal, at length compressed, smooth. Gills becoming pale, deeply decurrent, horizontal, very crowded, 6 mm. broad. Spores white, elliptical, 45 x 2-3 fj,, "punctate" Quel. Smell none, or of new meal. Coniferous woods. Oct. Nov. Uncommon. 867. C. ericetorum (BuU.) Fr. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 113. Ericetorum, of heaths. P. 25 cm., shining white, becoming slightly yellowish with age, some- what fleshy, convex, then umbilicate and cup-shaped, smooth, at length striate; margin undulate, or lobed. St. 2 3 cm. x 4 5 mm., white, attenuated downwards, sometimes compressed, pubescent. Gills white, more or less decurrent, subdistant, often connected by veins. Flesh white, thin, firm. Spores white, oval, 4-5 x 2-5-3/A, sparsely and minutely rough. Smell pleasant, like Anthoxanthum odoratum. Taste somewhat acrid. Edible. Heaths, and lawns. Sept. Nov. Eather uncommon, (v.v.) B. P. fleshy-membranaceous, truly hygrophanous. B. P. thin, depressed, then cup-shaped. Colour dingy when moist. 868. C. cyathiformis (Bull.) Fr. KvaOo*;, a cup; forma, shape. P. 2-7 cm., fuscous cinereous, or dark bistre, becoming paler when dry, slightly fleshy, piano-depressed, then cup-shaped, often undu- lated, somewhat shining when moist, opaque when dry, very hygro- phanous; margin persistently incurved. St. 5-10 cm. x 6-9 mm., con- colorous, or paler, elastic, attenuated upwards, fibrillosely-reticulated, base white villous. Gills cinereous fuscous, adnate, or decurrent, connate at the base, distant, sometimes branched. Flesh concolorous, watery, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 10-11 x 5-6 /*, punctate. Smell pleasant, or none. Edible. Woods, pastures, rarely on rotten wood. Aug. Feb. Common, (v.v.) var. cinerascens (Batsch) Fr. (= Clitocybe cinerascens (Batsch) W. G. Sm.) Cinerascens, becoming ash-coloured. Differs from the type in its smaller size, in the plane then depressed p., and yellowish gills. Autumn. Uncommon. 869. C. expallens (Pers.) Fr. (= Clitocybe vibecina Fr. sec. Quel.) Expallens, becoming pale. P. 2-5 cm., cinereous fuscous, becoming whitish, at first sprinkled with white-silky dew, slightly fleshy, convexo-plane, obtuse, then plano-infundibuliform, somewhat zoned when dry; margin mem- 286 CLITOCYBE branaceous, striate, soon expanded. St. 4-7 cm. x 4-6 mm., whitish, tough, equal, smooth, apex white-silky. Gills greyish, decurrent, acute at both ends, thin, subdistant, soft. Flesh greyish, thin. Spores white, "broadly elliptical, 7-9 x 6-7 ft, smooth" Rick. Taste mild. Edible. Woods, and pastures. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 870. C. albo-cinerea Rea. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. iv, t. 8. Albus, white; cinerea, ash-coloured. P. 2-3 cm., cinereous fuscous, becoming pale, fleshy, convexo-um- bilicate, then expanded and cup-shaped, silky; margin involute. St. 5-6 cm. x 3-5 mm., white, equal, smooth, base white-tomentose. Gills white, decurrent, narrow, 1-2 mm. broad, crowded. Flesh white, thin, firm. Spores white, elliptical, 56 x 4/x,, minutely punctate. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Woods, and pastures. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 871. C. obbata Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 57, fig. 1. Obbata, a kind of cup. P. 2-3 cm., fuscous blackish, or cinereous, becoming very pale when dry, submembranaceous, convexo-plane, with a broadly umbilicate disc, smooth, striate to the middle. St. 4-5 cm. x 2-4 mm., fuscous cinereous, equal, often compressed, ascending, or flexuose, striate with white, base often subbulbous. Gills dark, cinereous, slightly decurrent, distant, broad. Flesh ochraceous, thin. Spores white, broadly elliptical, 9-10 x 6-7 /x. Taste mild. Edible. Woods, and pastures. Sept. Jan. Uncommon, (v.v.) 872. C. pruinosa (Lasch) Fr. (= Omphalia litua Fr. sec. Quel.) Pruinosa, rimy. P. 2-5-5 cm., brown, becoming cinereous, hygrophanous, fleshy- membranaceous, umbilicate, and covered with a lead-grey pruina, then broadly infundibuliform and smooth, sometimes squamulose. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 2-4 mm., concolorous, or paler, equal, often ascending, or curved, fibrillose. Gills white, then dingy, or bistre, decurrent, crowded, narrow, arcuate, then scythe-shaped. Flesh becoming cinere- ous, thin. Spores "6-8 x 2-4/x" ex Britz. in Sacc. (1915). Taste mild. Edible. Pine woods, and on rotten wood. Nov. Dec. Rare. 873. C. concava (Scop.) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 57, fig. 2. Concava, hollowed out. P. 3-5 cm., fuliginous, then cinereous, or hoary-clay, hygrophanous, slightly fleshy, very thin, flaccid, plano-convex, widely and deeply umbilicate, then wholly concave, the convexo-plane border undulated, smooth; margin even. St. 3-6 cm. x 3-8 mm., cinereous, tough, equal, smooth, base attenuated. Gills dark fuliginous, then greyish, decurrent, arcuate, very crowded, 2-4 mm. broad. Flesh pallid, tough, very thin. Spores "greenish, ovoid, 8-12 x 6-8/u," Sacc. Coni- ferous woods. Sept. Oct. Rare, (v.v.) CLITOCYBE 287 874. C. suaveolens (Schum.) Fr. (= Clitocybefragrans Sow. sec. Quel.) Suaveolens, sweet smelling. P. 2-3 cm., white when moist with the disc darker, becoming pure white when dry, fleshy, thin, convexo-plane, then depressed, often umbilicate and somewhat infundibuliform, discoid, smooth; margin pellucidly striate, at length reflexed. St. 4-5 cm. x 2-4 mm., white, becoming pinkish, elastic, base swollen and villous. Gills whitish, then discoloured, adnato-decurrent, crowded, thin. Flesh white, thin. Spores white, "elliptical, 6-7 x 3-4 /z" Kick. Smell very pleasant, of aniseed. Taste pleasant. Edible. Woods, especially coniferous. Sept. Dec. Uncommon. 875. C. brumalis Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 170, t. 114. Brumalis, pertaining to winter. P. 35 cm., livid when moist, becoming whitish, and at length yellowish when dry, disc generally darker, fleshy-membranaceous, convex, um- bilicate, reflexed at the circumference, then infundibuliform, often irregular and undulated, smooth. St. 3-6 cm. x 3-8 mm., greyish, then whitish, equal, or slightly thickened at the apex, at length com- pressed, somewhat incurved, smooth, elastic, base white- villous. Gills livid, becoming yellowish, or whitish, decurrent, arcuate, then descending, 2 mm. broad, crowded. Flesh whitish, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 5-6 x 3/i, 1-guttulate. Smell faint, pleasant. Taste pleasant. Edible. Woods, and pastures. Aug. Jan. Common, (v.v.) e. P. rather fleshy, convex then flattened, or depressed, polished. Colour dingy, or becoming pale. *Gills becoming cinereous. 876. C. orbiformis Fr. Orbiformis, round-shaped. P. 4-5 cm., greyish fuliginous, slightly fleshy, convexo-plane, very obtuse, orbicular, scarcely depressed, smooth, hygrophanous ; margin spreading, finally striate. St. 6-8 cm. x 8-10 mm., grey, attenuated upwards from the villous, thickened base, elastic, fibrillosely striate. Gills whitish, then greyish, adnate, subdecurrent, plane, horizontal, little crowded. Flesh thin. Spores white, ovoid, "6-7 x 3-4ju," Sacc. Pine woods. Sept. Nov. Kare. 877. C. metachroa (Fr.) Berk. /*era, change; %pa>9, colour of the skin. P. 2-8 cm., fuscous cinereous, then livid, whitish when dry, slightly fleshy, convex, and subumbonate, soon plane, or depressed; margin finally slightly striate. St. 3-4 cm. x 4-6 mm., grey, equal, often com- pressed, tough, cuticle horny, fibrous, apex white-mealy. Gills whitish cinereous, adnate, scarcely decurrent, crowded, linear, plane, thin. 288 CLITOCYBE Flesh greyish, becoming whitish, thin. Spores white, elliptical, or pip- shaped, 6 x 3/u,, 1-guttulate. Pine woods. Aug. Nov. Common. (v.v.) 878. C. incana Quel. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. iv, t. 5. Incana, hoary. P. 35 cm., mouse grey, margin white, convexo-plane, then depressed, hygrophanous, pruinose. St. 4-6 cm. x 4-6 mm., pearl grey, straight, or slightly curved, base white floccose. Gills greyish, becoming some- what ochraceous, decurrent with a tooth, 2-4 mm. broad. Flesh greyish, soft, thin. Spores white, globose, 3/j.. Amongst fir needles. Oct. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 879. C. pausiaca Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 58, fig. 2. Pausiaca, olive colour. P. 2-5-4 cm., cinereous, then olivaceous, becoming somewhat ochra- ceous when dry, fleshy, thin, convex, sometimes umbonate, then plane and depressed, hygrophanous, silky hoary when young, then smooth. St. 5-7 cm. x 3-6 mm., concolorous, tough, equal, striate, often un- dulated, apex white pruinose. Gills olivaceous, or brownish, obtusely adnate, very broad behind, very crowded, semicircular. Flesh ochra- ceous, thin. Spores white, globose, 3 4yn, 1-guttulate. Smell weak, frumentaceous. Pine woods. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 880. C. ditopus Fr. SITTOS, double; TTOU?, foot. P. 5-6 cm., cinereous, drying deep ochre from the centre outwards, somewhat fleshy, tough, convexo-plane, obtuse, then inverted, in- fundibuliform, and often undulato-lobed. St. 3-5 cm. x 5-15 mm., pale cinereous, compressed, equal, naked, often very white floccose at the basal half of the st. Gills dark cinereous, adnate, crowded, thin, at length turned upwards, and divergent in the lobes, often undulate. Flesh greyish, then white, thin. Spores white, globose, 3-4^. Smell strong, of new meal. Woods, and amongst dead leaves. Sept. Nov. Com- mon, (v.v.) **Gills whitish. 881. C. diatreta Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 173, t. 232. SiarprfTos, pierced through. P. 2-3 cm., flesh colour, then tan colour, slightly fleshy, tough, con- vex, regular, obtuse, then piano-depressed, often flexuose, becoming flaccid, smooth, hygrophanous; margin white, incurved, pruinose. St. 3-5 cm. x 4-8 mm., pallid, elastic, flexile, equal, round, smooth, villose at the base. Gills whitish flesh colour, then whitish, adnate, sharp pointed behind, decurrent with a tooth, 2 mm. broad, crowded. Flesh concolorous, becoming whitish, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 7-8 x Qfj,, often pointed at one end, 1-guttulate. Coniferous woods. Oct. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) CLITOCYBE 289 882. C. fragrans (Sow.) Fr. (= Clitocybe suaveokns (Schum.) Fr. sec. Quel.) Sow. Eng. Fung. t. 10. Fragrans, scented. P. 2-5 cm., watery pallid when moist, whitish when dry, of one colour, not darker at the disc, slightly fleshy, convex, then plane, or sub- depressed smooth ; margin slightly striate when moist. St. 5-7 cm. x 46 mm., concolorous, or yellowish, equal, elastic, smooth, apex obsoletely pruinose, base very often villous. Gills whitish, adnate, sharp-pointed behind, subdecurrent, rather crowded, broader than the flesh of the p. Flesh white, watery, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 6-7 x 4/i. Smell and taste very pleasant, of aniseed. Edible. Woods, and pastures. July Jan. Common, (v.v.) 883. C. angustissima (Lasch) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 59. Angustissima, very narrow. P. 3-5 cm., cream, or flesh coloured, shining whitish when dry, fleshy, thin, piano-depressed, smooth; margin spreading, slightly striate when old. St. 5-7 cm. x 2-3 mm., concolorous, often curved, or flexuose, internally fibrous, base sometimes pubescent. Gills white, subdecurrent, very crowded, narrow, thin. Flesh whitish, very thin, moderately firm. Spores white, elliptical, 3-4 x 2-3/z. Woods, and amongst leaves. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 884. C. obsoleta (Batsch) Fr. Obsoleta, worn out. P. 2-3 cm., grey, or cream colour, soon turning whitish, clay white when dry, sometimes inclining to flesh colour, somewhat fleshy, soft, convex, or gibbous, then plane, or depressed, hygrophanous, smooth. St. 5 cm. x 6-8 mm., whitish, elastic, tough, round, often compressed, equal, smooth, apex pruinose. Gills greyish, then whitish, obtusely adnate, almost rounded behind, then adnato-decurrent, broad, crowded. Flesh whitish, thin, soft. Spores white, elliptical, 7 x 4-5/z. Smell faint, pleasant. Coniferous woods, and amongst grass and leaves. Oct. Nov. Uncommon. . P. deformed, more or less squamulose. 885. C. ectypa Fr. (= Collybia ectypa (Fr.) QueL) Fr. Icon. t. 59, fig. 1. eTV7ro5, wrought in relief. P. 4-7-5 cm., dingy, or light yellow honey colour, then rufescent, or brownish, fleshy, somewhat thin, convex, then rather plane, or de- pressed, disc streaked with innate fibrils radiating from the centre, as if sprinkled with soot, or squamulose; margin very thin, striate. St. 5-10 x -5-1 cm., dingy light yellow, then olivaceous, becoming black at the often bulbous base, elastic, equal. Gills white, soon pale, then spotted rufous, somewhat mealy, adnate, or decurrent with a rather delicate tooth, distant, often connected by veins. Flesh pallid straw colour, thin at the margin. Spores white, elliptical, 9 x 6-7 p, 1-guttulate. Smell E. B. B. 19 290 CLITOCYBE. LACCARIA pleasant, of aniseed, at length, foetid. Meadows, damp places, and peat bogs. June Dec. Eare. C. Sadleri B. & Br. = Hypholoma fasciculate (Huds.) Fr. Spores white; hymenium pulverulent. Laccaria B. & Br. (Lac, a resinous excretion left by the lac insect.) Pileus fleshy, regular, or irregular. Stem central, externally fibrous. Gills adnate with a decurrent tooth, pulverulent. Spores white, glo- bose, or elliptical, echinulate, or verrucose. Growing on the ground, and on wood. 886. L. laccata (Scop.) B. & Br. (= Clitocybe laccata (Scop.) Fr.; CollyUa laccata (Scop.) Quel.) Cke. lUus. no. 179, t. 139, figs. coloured red, as Clitocybe laccata Scop. Lac, the exudation from the lac insect. P. 3-5 cm., rufous flesh colour when moist, ochraceous when dry, fleshy, convex, then rather plane, more or less umbilicato-depressed, dry, very hygrophanous, becoming pale in drying, the cuticle often breaking up into mealy squamules, or somewhat silky, sometimes un- dulato-crisped and irregularly shaped. St. 7-10 cm. x 6-10 mm., concolorous, tough, fibrous, equal, often flexuose, or twisted, fibrillose, base white villous. Gills flesh colour, then white mealy, adnate with a decurrent tooth, very broad, distant, plane, thick. Flesh concolorous, somewhat thin, firm in the st. Spores white, globose, 8-9 p, echinulate. Cystidia "on edge of gill clavate-vermiform, 50-60 x 9-12/t" Rick. Taste mild. Edible. Heaths, and woods. June Dec. Very common. (,*) var. proxima (Boud.) Maire. Boud. Icon. t. 60, as Laccaria proxima Boud. Proxima, very near. Differs from the type in its brighter colour, and the larger elliptical spores, 10-15 x 6-7/x,, minutely echinulate 1 . Heaths, and woods. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. amethystina (Vaill.) B. & Br. Amethystina, amethyst colour. Differs from the type in the whole of the plant, including the flesh t being of a beautiful deep violet colour, becoming paler when dry. Woods, and pastures. June Dec. Common, (v.v.) 887. L. tortilis (Bolt.) Boud. Boud. Icon. t. 59. Tortilis, twisted. P. 1-2-5 cm., pale rose, or slightly yellowish, striate to the deeper coloured disc, membranaceous, thin, convex, then plane and depressed ; 1 Both elliptical and globose spores have been found on the same plant. LACCABIA. HYGROPHORUS 291 margin often undulate. St. 1-2-5 cm. x 2-3 mm., reddish yellow, or pale, equal, or attenuated downwards, slightly fibrillose. Gills con- colorous, becoming white mealy, adnate, with a very slight tooth, broad, often connected by veins. Flesh, pinkish, very thin. Spores white, globose, 8-10/z, echinulate. Charcoal heaps, roadsides, and bare soil in woods. Aug. Sept. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 888. L. bella (Pers.) B. & Br. (= Clitocybe bella (Pers.) Fr. ; Collybia bella (Pers.) Quel.) Bella, lovely. P. 3-5 cm., dark yellow, or golden, sometimes rufescent, sprinkled with darker, or orange coloured squamules, becoming pale, somewhat fleshy, pliant, convex, then expanded, depressed at the disc, then undulato-repand. St. 5 cm. x 4-6 mm., bright yellow, or becoming yellow, tough, equal, fibrous, rivulose with the fibrils. Gills yellow, then rufescent and white mealy, adnate, then decurrent with a tooth, very broad, distant, connected by veins, sometimes branched. Spores white, subglobose, 7 x 5-7^,, minutely warted. Smell foetid. On decaying coniferous stumps. Sept. Rare. 889. L. nana Massee. Massee, Kew Bull. (1913), t. to face p. 195, figs. 17-20. vdvvos, dwarf. P. 1 cm., livid cinnamon, becoming paler, somewhat fleshy, hemi- spherical, then plane and concave, smooth; margin at first covered with white meal. St. 1 cm., white, fibrillose. Gills pale, at length white mealy, adnate, attenuated at the base, rather distant. Spores white, globose, 15-16//,, echinulate. Naked soil under trees. Spores white; hymenium waxy. Hygrophorus Fr. (7/905, moist; epo>, I bear.) Pileus fleshy, regular, viscid, or dry. Stem central, fleshy. Gills decurrent, or adnato-decurrent. Spores white, very rarely slightly coloured, elliptical, oval, globose, clavate, pip-shaped, or oblong- elliptical, smooth, continuous. Cystidia present, or absent. Growing on the ground, very rarely on wood. I. Universal veil viscid, with occasionally a floccose partial one, which is annular, or marginal. St. clothed with scales, or more frequently rough with dots above. Gills adnato-decurrent. *White, or yellowish white. 890. H. chrysodon Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 872, t. 885. Xpucro9, gold; oSou?, a tooth. P. 5-7 cm., white, or yellowish, covered with evanescent, yellow, floccose squamules, which are more permanent at the involute margin, 192 292 HYGROPHORUS convex, then plane, viscid. St. 5-7-5 x 1-1-5 cm., white, covered with minute, light yellow squamules, which form a zone at the apex. Gills white, somewhat yellowish at the edge, adnate, or decurrent, broad, dis- tant, sometimes crisped. Flesh white, sometimes reddish. Spores white, elliptical, 6-7 x 3p. Smell pleasant, taste mild. Edible. Oak, and beech woods. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. leucodon (A. & S.) Fr. Xev/co9, white; 0801;?, a tooth. Differs from the type in having white squamules. 891. H. eburneus (Bull.) Fr. Cke. lUus. no. 873, t. 886. Eburneus, ivory white. Entirely shining white, becoming yellowish with age. P. 3-10 cm., convexo-plane, somewhat repand, very glutinous, margin involute, at first pubescent. St. 3-8 x 1-1-5 cm., glutinous, rough at the apex with dots in the form of squamules, unequal. Gills decurrent, distant, veined at the base. Spores white, elliptical, 8 x 4/z. Smell not unpleasant, taste mild. Woods, and pastures. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 892. H. cossus (Sow.) Fr. Boud. Icon. t. 30. Cossus ligniperda, the Goat moth. P. 4-8 cm., white, disc ochraceous, convexo-plane, then expanded and depressed, umbonate, very viscid. St. 5-10 cm. x 5-12 mm., white, or becoming tinged with yellow, viscid, equal, or slightly attenu- ated at the base, furfuraceous and granular at the apex. Gills white, decurrent, distant, thick, connected by veins. Spores white, oval, 8-9 x 5-6/M, 1-guttulate. Smell strong, like that of the larva of Cossus ligniperda. Woods, and under conifers. Aug. Nov. Com- mon, (v.v.) 893. H. melizeus Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 165, fig. 3. fie\i, honey. Internally and externally becoming yellowish tan. P. 2-5-4 cm., disc fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, often repand, viscid ; margin thin, at first pubescent. St. 7-8 cm. x 6-10 mm., attenuated downwards, subfusiform, apex rough with innate, fioccose, white granules. Gills deeply decurrent, distant, connected by veins. "Spores elliptic- oblong, apiculate, creamy- white, 10 x 5 /A" Mass. & Crossl. Smell pleasant. Woods. Nov. Uncommon. 894. H. discoxanthus (Fr.) Rea. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. in, t. 3. &107CO9, disc; %av06$, yellow. P. 4-6 cm., white, then yellowish, deeper coloured at the centre, the extreme margin becoming brownish with age, viscid, convex, then expanded and revolute, disc depressed. St. 3-4 cm. x 6-12 mm., soon becoming reddish brown, apex white farinaceous, viscid, gradu- ally attenuated downwards, often curved. Gills white, then yellowish, HYGROPHORUS 293 edge turning reddish when bruised, and then finally reddish brown, especially towards the margin of the pileus. Flesh white, becoming red- dish in the stem. Spores white, pruniform, apiculate, 6-7 x 4/u,, 1-guttulate. Smell pleasant, like aniseed. Parks, and pastures. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 895. H. penarius Fr. Sverig. atl. Svamp. t. 48. Penarius, for provisions. P. 7-10 cm., white, then tan colour, opaque, umbonate, then obtuse, hemispherical, then flattened, generally dry, hard; margin at first involute, exceeding the gills, undulate when flattened. St. 4 cm. x 12 mm. at apex, pale white, often yellowish at the base, compact, hard, attenuated at the base into a fusiform root, ventricose to the neck, then attenuated upwards, or wholly fusiform-attenuated, smeared with tenacious easily dried slime, scabrous. Gills white, or tan, adnato- decurrent, distant, thick, 6-8 mm. broad, rigid, veined. Flesh white, compact, thick. Spores white, "ovate-spherical or ovate-oblong, 7-8 x 3-4/A" Sacc. Smell pleasant, taste sweet. Edible. Oak woods. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 896. H. pulverulentus B. & Br. Quel. Soc. sc. n. de Rouen (1879), t. 3, fig. 9. Pulverulentus, dusted. P. 8-18 mm., shining white, pulvinate, viscous; margin involute, tomentose. St. 18 x 2-4 mm., white, wholly powdered with rose- coloured meal, nearly equal, attenuated at the extreme base. Gills whitish, decurrent, thick, obtuse at the edge. Spores white, globose, 7/u,. Amongst pine leaves. Nov. Dec. Rare. **Reddish. 897. H. russula (Schaeff.) Quel. (- Tricholoma russula Fr.) Cke. Illus. no. 1116, t. 926, as Tricholoma russula Schaeff. Russula, reddish. P. 10-20 cm., flesh colour, or purplish with deeper coloured streaks, paler and whitish at the tomentose margin, viscid, gibbous, convexo- plane, then depressed. St. 6-12 x 1-2 cm., white, stained reddish, apex white, farinaceous. Gills whitish, then spotted with bright red, sinuate, or emarginate, thin, rather crowded. Flesh white. Spores white, elliptical, 7-8 x 4-5fi or 6-7 x 4-5/n, slightly depressed on one side, with a large central gutta. Taste sweet, or slightly bitter. In deciduous woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 898. H. erubescens Fr. (= Limacium rubescens (Pers.).) Cke. Illus. no. 876, t. 888. Erubescens, becoming red. P. 5-10 cm., whitish, spotted with rose, slightly viscid, gibbous, then convexo-plane. St. 5-8 x 2 cm., whitish stained reddish, tinged yellowish 294 HYGROPHORUS when bruised, or rubbed, equal, or attenuated at the base. Gills whitish, washed with flesh colour, decurrent, somewhat distant. Flesh yellowish. Spores white, elliptical, 8-11 x 6/x., with a large central gutta. Taste bitter, then sometimes slightly acrid. Coniferous woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 899. H. pudorinus Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 877, t. 911. Pudorinus, modest. P. 5-9 cm., bright reddish flesh colour, disc deeper coloured, convex, then depressed, viscid; margin white, pubescent. St. 5-8 x 1-5-3 cm., white, or flesh colour, firm, viscid; apex contracted, rough withfloccose granules. Gills white, flesh colour near the edge, adnate, wide, thick, often crisped. Flesh white, rose colour under the cuticle of the pileus. Spores white, elliptical, 67 x 4-5/z. Smell very pleasant, taste sweet. Edible. Coniferous woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 900. H. glutinifer Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 878, t. 889. Gluten, glne;fero, I bear. P. 59 cm., rufescent, whitish round the margin, convexo-expanded, thin with the exception of the gibbous disc, pellicle glutinous, disc wrinkled dotted. St. 7-10 x 1-1-5 cm., concolorous, apex white- squamulose, somewhat elastic, ventricose downwards, with a viscid veil. Gills shining white, or pale grey, arcuato-decurrent, rather thick. Spores white, clavate, 9-10 x 7/t, 3-guttulate. Taste mild. Woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 901. H. persicinus Beck. Persicinus, pertaining to a peach. P. 5 cm., peach colour, or somewhat orange, conical, then hemi- spherical, shining, even; margin incurved. St. 10 x 2cm., pale lilac-peach colour, base yellowish, constricted below the gills. Gills fuscescent, adnato-decurrent, edge very obtuse. Spores 15-20 x 5 6)ti. Amongst grass in woods. Rare. ***Tawny, or light yellow. 902. H. arbustivus Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 879, t. 896, fig. A. Arbustivus, belonging to plantations. P. 3-10 cm., slightly tawny-brick colour, paler round the pubescent margin, convexo-plane, obtuse, umbonate, somewhat repand, viscid, disc streaked with innate fibrils. St. 4-9 cm. x 6-15 mm., pale white, elastic, cylindrical, viscid, apex covered with white, free, mealy granules. Gills white, adnate, scarcely decurrent, distant, thick. Spores white, elliptical, 8 x 4-5/z, 2-guttulate. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Woods. Sept. Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) HYGROPHORUS 295 903. H. discoideus (Pers.) Fr. Gonn. & Rabenh. vm-ix, t. 10, fig. 4. Ster/eo9, disc; etSo?, like. P. 2-5-6 cm., pale yellowish inclining to pale, disc darker, somewhat ferruginous, campanulate, then plane, obtusely umbonate, very glutinous. St. 4-6 cm. x 6-10 mm., pale white, viscid, fiocculose, apex with white dots. Gills pale yellowish white, or flesh colour, adnate, decurrent, dis- tant, soft. Flesh under the cuticle of the umbo ferruginous, yellowish white, or flesh colour elsewhere. Spores white, elliptical, 6-9 x 5/x, 1-guttulate. Woods. Oct. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 904. H. aureus (Arrh.) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 166, fig. 2. Aureus, golden. P. 2-4 cm., bright golden yellow, becoming reddish, convex, then plane, glutinous. St. 46 cm. x 6 mm., becoming tawny, apex white pruinose above the glutinous, ring-like, fugacious, tawny-reddish veil. Gills white, or yellowish, adnato-decurrent, distant. Flesh white, or pale ochraceous. Spores white, elliptical, 8-10 x 5-6/z. Woods. Nov. Rare. 905. H. aromaticus (Sow.) Berk. Sow. Eng. Fung. t. 144. apcofjMTiKos, fragrant. P. 5-8 cm., cinnamon, convex, then expanded and plane, very fragile, glutinous, the gluten in drying sometimes contracting and forming raised, anastomosing ribs. St. 3-5 cm. x 4-8 mm., concolorous, sub-equal. Gills white, with a pink tinge, slightly decurrent, 2-3 mm. broad. Flesh bruising blackish. Smell spicy, taste like peppermint, acrid. Amongst grass. Rare. ****01ivaceous umber. H. latitabundus Britz. = Hygrophorus Clarkii (B. & Br.) W. G. Sm. 906. H. limacinus Fr. Saund. & Sm. t. 28. Limacinus, slimy. P. 46 cm., disc umber, then fuliginous, margin paler, convex, then plane, obtuse, viscid. St. 5-8 x 1-1-5 cm., white, greyish, or bistre, firm, ventricose, viscid, fiocculose, fibrilloso-striate, apex squamulose. Gills white inclining to cinereous, or yellowish, adnate, then decurrent, subdistant. Flesh firm, white. Spores white, elliptical, 12 x 8/x. Amongst leaves in woods. Oct. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 907. H. squamulosus Rea. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. iv, t. 6. Squamulosus, covered with little scales. P. 57 cm., yellow olivaceous, disc fuscous, convex, then expanded, subumbonate, glutinous, floccosely squamulose beneath the gluten, tomentose at the incurved margin over the base of the gills. St. 6- 8 x 1-52 cm., concolorous, apex white, mealy, equal, or enlarged downwards, glutinous. Gills white, 5-10 mm. wide, sinuato-adnate, 296 HYGROPHORUS margin irregular, somewhat crowded. Flesh whitish, becoming yellow- ish towards the lower half of the stem. Spores white, globose, 3-5-4 x 3-5/a. Smell and taste pleasant. Amongst short grass. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 908. H. olivaceo-albus Fr. Boud. Icon. t. 31. Olivaceus, olivaceous; albus, white. P. 3-10 cm., olivaceous-fuscous, becoming pale especially towards the margin, at first acorn-shaped, then expanded, umbonate, at length de- pressed round the umbo, glutinous and often forming tear-like drops at the margin, which becomes striate when old. St. 5-13 cm. x 6- 15 mm., white, sheathed with the squamulose, spotted, fuscous, viscid veil which terminates at the apex in the form of a ring, equal, or attenuated at the base, apex shining white. Gills white, or olivaceous from the gluten, decurrent, distant, broad, connected by veins at the base. Flesh white. Spores white, elliptical, 7-8 x 4-5/z, 2-guttulate. Woods, especially of conifers. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) var. obesus Bres. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 92. Obesus, stout. Differs from the type in having a thick, squat stem. Pine woods. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 909. H. hypothejus Fr. Boud. Icon. t. 32. VTTO, under; Oeiov, brimstone. P. 3-6 cm., at first covered with olivaceous gluten, cinereous when the gluten disappears, becoming pale and yellowish, orange, or rarely (when rotting) rufescent, convex, then depressed, obtuse, somewhat streaked. St. 5-10 cm. x 410 mm., whitish, becoming yellowish, equal, viscid, rarely spotted with the veil ; partial veil floccose, at the first cortinate and annular, soon fugacious. Gills pallid, soon yellow, sometimes flesh colour, decurrent, distant. Flesh white, then light yellow. Spores white, elliptic-oblong, 10-11 x 4-5jn, 1-many-guttulate. Woods, and heaths, under conifers. Sept. Jan. Common, (v.v.) var. expallens Boud. Boud. Icon. t. 33. Expallens, becoming pale. Differs from the type in its smaller size, paler colour, and decreased viscidity. Under pines. Nov. Jan. Uncommon, (v.v.) 910. H. cerasinus Berk. (= Hygrophorus agathosmus (Fr.) Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 884, t. 898. Cerasus Laurocerasus, the cherry laurel. P. 46 cm., pale umber, then grey, convex, broadly umbonate, often more or less undulate, sometimes depressed, viscid, shining when dry ; margin minutely tomentose. St. 2-5-8 x 1 cm., white, attenuated below, sometimes ventricose, punctato-squamulose above. Gills HYGBOPHOBUS 297 white, tinged with pink, decurrent, broad, sometimes forked, very distant. Spores white, elliptical, 8 x 4 /A. Smell like that of cherry laurel leaves. Fir woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) *****Fuscous cinereous, or livid. 911. H. fusco-albus Fr. Fuscus, dark; albus, white. P. 4-8 cm., fuscous, then cinereous, convexo-plane, then depressed, moderately firm, viscid ; margin white-floccose. St. 5-12 cm. x 8- 15 mm., white, equal, when dry white-floccose at the apex. Gills snow- white, decurrent, broad, rather thick. Flesh greyish white. Spores white, pip-shaped, 7-8 x 5/t, 1-guttulate. Woods, and amongst grass under conifers. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) 912. H. agathosmus Fr. (= Hygrophorus cerasinus Berk. sec. Quel.) Gonn. & Rabenh. vm-ix, t. 11, fig. 4. dya66s, good; 007477, scent. P. 4-7 cm., livid grey, unicolorous, dotted with minute, raised, crowded, viscid, pellucid, whitish papillae, convex, then plane, gibbous, viscid ; margin at first involute, villose, at length reflexed, and undu- lated. St. 512 cm. x 6-15 mm., white, equal, or slightly thickened downwards, somewhat fibrillosely striate, granularly farinose at the apex, the squamules at length becoming cinereous. Gills shining white, decurrent, distant, 6-8 mm. wide, soft, somewhat veined at the base. Flesh watery whitish, soft. Spores white, pip-shaped, 8-9 x 4 5/u.. Smell very pleasant. Coniferous woods. Sept. Nov. Not uncom- mon, (v.v.) 913. H. pustulatus (Pers.) Fr. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. in, t. 13. Pustulatus, blistered. P. 2-5 cm., livid grey, disc fuscous, broken up into papillae, convex, then expanded, umbonate, viscid. St. 3*5 4-5 cm. x 5-13 mm., white, rough with black points, equal, or fusiform. Gills white, sometimes glaucous, adnato-decurrent, 5-6 mm. wide, distant, soft. Spores white, ovoid pruniform, 8-9 x 5/x. Fir woods. Sept. Oct. Un- common, (v.v.) 914. H. mesotephrus B. & Br. /ieo-09, middle; Tempos, ash-coloured. P. 2-3 cm., white, disc brown, convex, somewhat hemispherical, viscid, striate, the extreme margin often remaining quite even. St. 5 cm. x 4-6 mm., white, often stained yellowish, flexuose, attenuated at the base, viscid, floccoso-granulated at the apex. Gills pure white, shortly decurrent, moderately broad, ventricose, rather distant. Flesh white, hygrophanous. Spores white, elliptical, somewhat pointed at the one end, 9 x 6/i. Woods. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 298 HYGROPHORT7S 915. H. livido-albus Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 888, t. 915. Lividus, livid; albus, white. P. 4-7 cm., livid, umbo bistre, with darker streaks, convex, viscid. St. 6-10 cm. x 6-10 mm., grey, becoming yellowish downwards, equal, or attenuated at the base, fibrillosely striate. Gills shining white, decurrent, distant. Flesh greyish when moist, white when dry, often tinged with yellow in the stem. Spores white, elliptical, 10-11 x 5-6 jit, multi-guttulate. Woods. Oct. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) II. Veil none. St. even, smooth, or fibrillose, not rough with dots. P. firm, opaque, moist in rainy weather, not viscous. Gills distant, arcuate. *Gills deeply, and at length obconically decurrent. 916. H. camarophyllus (A. & S.) Fr. (= Hygrophorus caprinus (Scop.) Fr.) Cke. Illus. no. 889, t. 916, as Hygrophorus caprinus Scop. tca^dpa, a vault; .*) 936. H. sciophanus Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 167, fig. 1. (TKid, shade; fyaivw, I appear. P. 1-4 cm., deep tawny, or brick colour, becoming paler when dry, opaque, hemispherical, then expanded, obtuse, slightly viscid, some- what fleshy; margin paler, striate. St. 3-7-5 cm. x 2-6 mm., tawny yellowish, or paler, equal, flexuose, viscid. Gills of the same colour as the pileus, or yellowish, attenuato-adnate, distant. Flesh yellowish, reddish near the cuticle. Spores white, elliptical, 8-9 x 4-5 /z. Amongst grass. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 937. H. sciophanoides Rea. Cke. Illus. no. 905, t. 937, fig. A, as Hygrophorus sciophanus Fr. Sciophanus, the species H. sciophanus; etSo9, like. P. 1-3 cm., rosy pink, campanulate, then expanded, striate to the disc, interstices paler, subumbonate, or papillate, membranaceous, fragile. St. 2-5 cm. x 2-3 mm., concolorous, equal, base white. Gills pale pink, uncinato-adnate, broadest in front. Flesh pale yellow, becoming white. Spores white, elliptical, 6-7 x 4/n. Heaths, and hilly pastures. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 304 HYGROPHORTJS 938. H. laetus (Pers.) Fr. (= Hygrophorus Houghtoni Berk. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 167, fig. 2. Laetus, cheerful. P. 2 3 cm., tawny, shining, convex, then flattened, obtuse, viscid; margin almost membranaceous and slightly pellucid-striate. St. 3'5-7*5 cm. x 4 mm., concolorous, apex externally and internally bluish green, equal, tough, viscid. Gills flesh colour, whitish, or fuli- ginous, subdecurrent, distant, thin, somewhat connected by veins. Flesh of the same colour as the pileus but paler. Spores white, elliptical, 7-9 x 4-5/Lt, 1-2-guttulate. Heaths, and hilly pastures. Sept. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 939. H. vitellinus Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 167, fig. 3. Vitellinus, of yolk of egg. P. 1-2-5 cm., citron-egg-yellow, becoming white when dry, very thin, convex, umbilicate, viscid; margin plicato-striate. St. 5 cm. x 2 mm., pallid light yellow, becoming white when dry, equal, flexuose, fragile. Gills yellow, then egg-yellow, deeply decurrent, subdistant. Spores white, broadly elliptical, with an apiculus at one end, 8-9 x 6jii, with a large central gutta. Woods, and pastures. Sept. Dec. Uncommon. 940. H. citrinus Rea. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. in, t. 11. Citrinus, lemon yellow. P. 1-2 cm., citron yellow, convex, then plane, viscid; margin striate. St. 1-2 cm. x 2-3 mm., citron yellow, apex white, base attenuated, viscid. Gills whitish citron yellow, adnato-decurrent, somewhat crowded, 2-3 mm. broad. Flesh concolorous. Spores white, elliptical, apiculate at the one end, 7-7-5 x 5/*, 1-guttulate. Roadsides, and hilly pastures. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 941. H. ceraceus (Wulf.) Fr. Boud. Icon. t. 39. Ceraceus, waxy. P. 2-4 cm., waxy-yellow, shining, viscid, convexo-plane, obtuse; margin slightly striate, pellucid. St. 3-5 cm. x 4 mm., concolorous, often unequal, flexuose, at length compressed, base attenuated, white. Gills yellow, adnato-decurrent, broad, connected by veins, almost tri- angular. Flesh concolorous. Spores white, elliptical, 6-8 x 4/x. Woods, and pastures. Sept. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 942. H. coccineus (Schaeff.) Fr. (= Hygrophorus miniatus (Scop.) Schroet.) Boud. Icon. t. 38. Coccineus, scarlet colour. P. 26 cm., bright scarlet, soon changing colour and becoming yellow- ish, convex, then plane, often unequal, obtuse, at first viscid. St. 5-7 cm. x 68 mm., concolorous, becoming yellowish, compressed, base always yellow. Gills purplish at the base, light yellow in the middle, glaucous at the edge, adnate, decurrent by a tooth, distant, broad, con- HYGROPHORUS 305 nected by veins, trama red. Flesh concolorous. Spores white, ellip- tical, 8-11 x 5-6 //,. Woods, and pastures. June Dec. Common. 943. H. miniatus Fr. (= Hygrophorus fiammans (Scop.) Schroet.) Cke. Illus. no. 910, t. 921, fig. A. Miniatus, coloured with red-lead. P. -5-2 cm., vermilion, then becoming pale, and opaque, convex, often umbonate, then umbilicate, glabrous, or squamulose. St. 3 5 cm. x 2-4 mm., vermilion, shining, equal, round. Gills yellow, or yellow-vermilion, adnate. Flesh reddish, then yellow. Spores white, elliptical, 6-7 x 4-5/A, 1-guttulate. Heaths, pastures, and peat bogs. June Oct. Common, (v.v.) 944. H. Reai Maire. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. in, t. 11. Carleton Eea. P. 1-5-2-5 cm., scarlet, fleshy, thin, convex-campanulate, then plane; margin orange yellow, or yellow, slightly striate when moist; no separable pellicle. St. 3-6 cm. x 2-3 mm., orange scarlet to yellow, base whitish, viscid, shining, somewhat tough. Gills flesh colour, then orange, edge whitish, then yellow, broadly adnate with a decurrent tooth, broad, thin, unequal. Flesh orange. Spores white, elliptical, apiculate, 7-8 x 3-5-4-5/u, 2-guttulate. Cystidia none. Taste bitter. In woods, and pastures. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 945. H. turundus Fr. Turunda, a kind of sacrificial cake. P. 1-2-5 cm., yellow, or tawny, variegated with cinereous-fuscous squamules, slightly fleshy, sometimes viscid at first, convex, then expanded, umbilicate, or depressed; margin often elegantly crenate. St. 3-5 cm. x 2-4 mm., tawny-reddish, rigid-fragile, attenuated at the base. Gills white, then cream colour, decurrent, narrow, 1-2 mm. wide, distant. Flesh yellowish, or reddish. Spores white, elliptical, 8-1 1x5- 6/x, 1-2-guttulate. Heaths, pastures, and peat-bogs. July Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. mollis B. & Br. Cke. Illus. no. 910, t. 921, fig. B. Mollis, soft. Golden. P. 12-18 mm., nearly plane, at length depressed, clad with soft, short, radiating hairs of the same colour. St. 2-5-3 cm. x 2-4 mm., equal. Gills whitish, decurrent, narrow, distant. Flesh yellow. Spores white, elliptical, 8 x 4/i. Woods, and pastures. July Oct. More common than the type, (v.v.) var. sphaerosporus Rea. crfyalpa, a ball; aiva), I appear. Entirely rich yellow, becoming pale, rarely scarlet, fragile. P. 3-5 cm., submembranaceous, convex, then plane and depressed, obtuse, orbicular, lobed, at length cracked, viscid, often striate. St. 3- 8 cm. x 4-8 mm., equal, often compressed, viscid, sometimes sulcate in the middle. Gills white, then sulphur yellow, emarginato-adnexed, very ventricose, thin, distant. Flesh yellow, deeper coloured under the cuticle. Spores white, broadly elliptical, 7-8 x 5-6/A. Taste mild. Edible. Pastures, heaths, and woods. July Nov. Common, (v.v.) 956. H. psittacinus (Schaeff.) Fr. Boud. Icon. t. 42. i/rtTTa/eo, I shine; ^)aX^, the head. P. 2-6 cm., yellowish white, or greyish, sparkling with atoms, whitish and rather silky when dry, campanulate, obtuse, sometimes umbonate, hygrophanous ; margin straight. St. 5-8 cm. x 3-8 mm., white, or greyish, somewhat equal, undulato-fibrous. Gills salmon colour, adnate, sometimes emarginate behind, 3-5 mm. broad, veined. Flesh whitish. Spores pink, angular, oblong, 9-12 x 6-9 /u,, 1-guttulate. Smell pleasant of new meal. Pastures. Aug. Sept. Uncommon. (9.9.) 972. C. Smithii Massee. Cke. Illus. no. 350, t. 599, as Clitopilus stilbo- cephalus Berk. var. Worthington G. Smith, the eminent mycologist. P. 2-4 cm., whitish, or with a dingy yellow tinge, soon becoming plane and orbicular, sometimes undulated, atomate. St. 5-7-5 cm. x 3 4 mm., pallid, with a reddish tinge below, tapering very slightly up- wards, undulated, base white, downy. Gills salmon colour, broadly adnate with a slight decurrent tooth, 4 mm. broad. Flesh white, rather thick except at the margin. Spores pink, globose, 4/A. Oct. Rare. CLITOPILUS. FLAMMULA 313 973, C. straminipes Massee. Cke. Ulus. no. 1159, t. 960. Stramen, straw; pes, foot. P. 3-5 cm., whitish, submembranaceous, fragile, at length expanded and depressed in the centre, shining. St. 5 cm. x 3 mm., straw colour below, sprinkled with white meal above, equal, often compressed. Gills whitish then rosy, shortly decurrent, scarcely crowded. Flesh white. Spores pink, angular, globose, 11 12/z % Amongst grass. Sept. Uncommon. Spores ochraceous, or ferruginous. Flammula Fr. (Gyninophilus (Karst.) Murr. sec. Maire.) (Flammula, a little flame.) Pileus fleshy, regular, viscid, or dry. Stem central, fleshy, or fibrous. Gills decurrent, or adnate with a decurrent tooth. Spores ochraceous, ferruginous, or fuscous, elliptical, oblong elliptical, globose, or navicu- lar; smooth, punctate, or verrucose; continuous, or with a germ-pore. Cystidia present, rarely none. Growing on the ground, or on wood; solitary, gregarious, fasciculate, or caespitose. I. Veil none; p. dry, most frequently squamulose. Spores ferruginous, in Flammula decipiens fuscous ferruginous. 974. P. gymnopodia (Bull.) Fr. (= Armillaria mellea (Vahl.) Fr. var. tabescens (Scop.) Rea sec. Quel.) yvpvos, naked; TTOVS, foot. Entirely dark ferruginous. P. 5-7-5 cm., fleshy, campanulato-con- vex, squamulose. St. 5-6 x 1 cm., becoming smooth, ascending equal. Gills deeply decurrent, arcuate, crowded. Caespitose. Pine sawdust, and on the ground. Sept. Oct. Rare. 975. F. Aldridgei Massee. (= Flammula veluticeps Cke. & Massee.) Miss Emily Aldridge. P. 2-5 cm., brick red with a tinge of orange, or tawny orange, fleshy, convex, then infundibuliform, with a subinvolute margin, minutely velvety. St. 7-10 cm. x 6-8 mm., concolorous, equal, flexuose, smooth, base with a white floccose mycelium. Gills golden yellow, then ferru- ginous-orange, deeply decurrent, lanceolate, 3 mm. broad, rather crowded. Spores ferruginous orange, elliptical, slightly apiculate at the base, 16 x 5/i. Gregarious. Amongst moss on the ground in woods. Sept. Rare. 976. F. vinosa (Bull.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 466, t. 437. Vinosa, full of wine. P. 2-4 cm., ferruginous fawn, fleshy, expanded, at length depressed, dry, delicately fiocculose. St. 2-3 cm. x 6mm., pale, firm, somewhat thickened at the base, delicately fiocculose. Gills ferruginous, decurrent, 314 FLAMMULA simple, narrow, crowded. Spores "pale brown, 5 /z long, ovate" Sacc. On the ground. Rare. F. paradoxa Kalchbr. = Paxillus paradoxus (Kalchbr.) Quel. F, Tammii Fr. = Paxillus paradoxus (Kalchbr.) Quel. 977. F. clitopila Cke. & Sin. Cke. lUus. no. 468, t. 500. K\I,TO<;, a slope; TrtXo?, cap. P. 2-55 cm., purplish brown, or madder brown, fleshy, convex, then expanded, disc depressed and umbilicate, smooth, dry. St. 5-7-5 x 1- 1*5 cm., fuliginous, ventricose, erect, with a few scattered fibrils to- wards the base. Gills pallid, or yellowish, slightly adnexed, ventricose, scarcely crowded. Flesh white, brown in the st., fairly thick. Spores brown, elliptical, 10 x 4jLi. Amongst firs. Nov. Rare. 978. P. purpurata Cke. & Massee. Cke. lUus. no. 1167, t. 964. Purpurata, clad in purple. P 2-5-5 cm., purple, or purple brown, fleshy, convex, then expanded, obtusely umbonate, clad with minute, floccose, concolorous scales, dry. St. 2-55 cm. x 46 mm., pallid above, purple below, equal, curved, ascending, apex smooth, granular dowmvards. Ring imperfect, fibril- lose. Gills lemon yellow, at length bright ferruginous, adnate, somewhat rounded behind, subdistant, narrow. Flesh purplish, yellow at the apex of the st., thick at the disc. Spores ferruginous, elliptical, 8 x 5/u.. Taste very bitter. Tree-fern stems. May. Rare. 979. F. floccifera B. & Br. Cke Illus. no. 467, t. 438, upper figs. Floccus, a flock of wool ; fero, I bear. P. 4r-5 cm., tawny, fleshy, convex, then expanded, sprinkled with snow-white fibrils, becoming somewhat zoned in drying. St. 3-4 cm. x 6 mm., white, attenuated downwards, silky scaly, apex furfura- ceous. Gills ferruginous, edge white, adnate, rounded behind, scarcely ventricose, moderately broad, wrinkled transversely. Flesh white, tawny at the edge, and beneath the cuticle of the p., umber in the st., fleshy at the disc. Spores ferruginous. Caespitose. On lime stumps. Oct. Rare. 980. F. decipiens W. G. Sm. Cke. Illus. no. 467, t. 438, lower figs. Decipiens, deceiving. P. 2-5-3 cm., rich brown, becoming pale, and almost white at the disc, fleshy, convex, very obtuse, or umbonate, at length sometimes de- pressed round the umbo, dry, minutely squamulose. St. 3-6 cm. x 4- 6 mm., rich tawny, attenuated downwards, often twisted, striate. Gills orange brown, decurrent, 4 mm. broad, crowded. Flesh golden yellow, bright brown at base of st., thick at the disc. Spores orange brown, elliptical, apiculate at the base, 6-7 x 4/i. Inclined to be fasciculate. Charcoal heaps, and burnt earth. June Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) FLAMMULA 315 981. F. nitens Cke. & Massee. Cke. Illus. no. 1168, t. 1154. Nitens, shining. P. 2-5 cm., dark purple brown, fleshy, hemispherical, convex, then expanded, obtuse, shining, dry, somewhat silky. St. 4-7-5 x 1 cm., flesh colour, or pale pinkish brown, equal, fibrillose, incurved. Gills pallid, then umber, adnate, 4-6 mm. broad, crowded. Flesh white, thin at the margin. Spores pale brown, almond-shaped, 10 x 5-7 /x. Caespitose. On the ground. Aug. Sept. Rare. II. P. covered with a continuous, somewhat separable, smooth, viscid pellicle ; cortina manifest fibrillose. Spores ferruginous, not tawny ; fuscous ferruginous in Flammula carbonaria. Gregarious, growing on the ground, rarely on wood. F. lenta (Pers.) Fr. = Hebeloma glutinosum (Lindgr.) Fr. 982. F. lubrica (Pers.) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 116, fig. 1. Lubrica, slimy. P. 5-10 cm., brick-red tawny, or bright cinnamon, sometimes pallid with the disc tawny, fleshy, convex, then flattened, obtuse, or slightly umbonate, sometimes depressed and repand, viscid, smooth, some- times spotted with glued down scales ; margin sometimes striate. St. 5-10 cm. x 6-10 mm., whitish, at length becoming fuscous, equal, or slightly attenuated upwards, dry, laxly fibrillose, base pubescent. Gills pallid, then clay colour, adnate, subdecurrent, 6 mm. broad, crowded. Flesh white, thick at the disc, tough. Spores pale rusty brown, "cylindrical-elliptical, nearly reniform, 5-6 x 3-3-5/u,, smooth. Cystidia lanceolate-fusiform, 50-65 x 12-18/*, contents at first yellowish" Rick. Smell scarcely strong. On and near trunks, and in pastures. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. 983. F. lupina Fr. Lupina, pertaining to a wolf. P. 7-10 cm., brown, tan fuscous, or tawny, fleshy, convex, obtuse, then piano-depressed, smooth, covered with a viscid, easily separable pellicle. St. 2-5 cm. x 12 mm., whitish at the apex, elsewhere ferru- ginous with dense adpressed fibrils, sometimes light yellowish, firm, thickened either upwards or downwards. Gills clay colour, or light yellowish, adnato-decurrent, broad, moderately crowded. Flesh white, becoming ferruginous in the St., soft. Spores "nearly elliptical- oval, 9-10 x 5-6//,, smooth, almost colourless under the microscope. Cystidia on edge of the gill ventricose-fusiform, with a long pointed clavate apex, 50-60 x 9-12 fj," Rick. Smell very strong or mild. Taste very bitter. Pastures. Aug. Oct. Uncommon. 984. F. mixta Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 474, t. 476. Mixta, mixed. P. 2-5-5 cm., dingy tan, fleshy, convexo-plane, obtuse, disc unequal, darker, rugulose, smooth; margin sloping, paler. St. 2-5-7-5 cm. x 6- 316 FLAMMULA 8 mm., whitish, equal, either short, ascending, curved, or elongated, flexuose, with lax, fuscous fibrils, clothed below with reflexed, rufous fuscous scales, base somewhat thickened. Cortina manifest, fibrillose. Gills white, then clay colour, subdecurrent, 6-8 mm. broad, somewhat crowded, unequal at the edge. Flesh watery, rather firm. Spores yellow brown, "almost almond-shaped, 12-15 x 6-7 /z, smooth. Cystidia flask-shaped-lanceolate, 50-60 x 13-15/u" Rick. Sub- caespitose. Pine and mixed woods. Aug. Nov. Rare. 985. F. juncina W. G. Sm. Cke. lUus. no. 472, t. 475. Juncina, pertaining to a rush. P. 3-4 cm., sulphury yellow, disc rich brown, fleshy, hemispherical, convex. St. 8-10 cm. x 4-6 mm., sulphur yellow, base tawny, attenu- ated downwards, clothed with a few fibres. Gills red brown, decur- rent, 46 mm. broad, very thin. Flesh sulphur whitish, brownish to- wards the base of the st., thin at the margin. Taste nauseous and disagreeable, somewhat bitter. Dead bulrushes in an old clay pit. Nov. Rare. 986. F. gummosa (Lasch) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 116, fig. 2. Gummosa, sticky. P. 3-6 cm., pallid light yellow, or becoming green, at length ferru- ginous with the spores, paler at the circumference, fleshy, regular, cam- panulate, then soon flattened, obtuse, or depressed, covered with a separable, viscid pellicle, sprinkled with superficial floccose scales, then smooth. St. 4-7-5 cm. x 4-6 mm., ferruginous, rubiginous at the base, paler upwards, equal, tense, straight, rigid, silky fibrillose. Gills pale yellowish white, then cinnamon, adnate, narrow, crowded. Flesh becoming yellow, thin. Spores yellow, elliptical, 5-7 x 3-4/z, smooth. Cystidia on the surface of the gill sparse, subulate-fusiform, 30- 40 x 7-8//,, on edge of the gill cylindrical, capitate, flexuose, apex 6-7 jit in diam., 40-45 x 4-5 /n. On and about old stumps, and in grassy places. Oct. Dec. Uncommon, (v.v.) 987. F. decussata Fr. (=Flammula carbonaria Fr. var. decussata Fr. sec. Quel.) Kalchbr. Icon. t. 15, fig. 1. Decussata, divided crosswise. P. 3-4 cm., crust colour, fleshy, convex, then plane, viscid, virgate with innate, radiating, darker fibrils; disc gibbous, darker. St. 3- 5 cm. x 4 mm., pallid above, elsewhere becoming fulvous, equal, ad- pressedly fibrillose. Cortina manifest. Gills yellowish, then clay colour, adnate, narrow, crowded. Flesh white, becoming yellowish under the separable pellicle. Spores "7-8 x 3/x" Sacc. Beech woods. Rare. 988. F. spumosa Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 116, fig. 3. Spumosa, full of foam. P. 3-5 cm., pallid light yellow, disc often darker, fleshy, convex, then plane, subumbonate, very viscid, pellicle separable, naked. St. 5- FLAMMULA 317 10 cm. x 4 mm., light yellow, or concolorous, sometimes olivaceous fuscous, attenuated downwards, more or less fibrillose, remarkably cortinate. Gills light yellow, then ferruginous, adnate, crowded. Flesh light yellow, becoming green, watery, thin. Spores pale ferruginous, bluntly elliptical, 8-9 x 4-5 //,, 2-guttulate. Cystidia "flask-shaped, 50-60 x 10-15/z, long-necked" Eick. Gregarious, or subcaespitose. Woods, especially fir, sawdust, pastures, and rarely on trunks. Sept. Dec. Rare, (v.v.) 989. F. carbonaria Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 475, t. 442 Carbonaria, pertaining to charcoal. P. 3-9 cm., tawny, fleshy, convex, then soon plane, and often de- pressed at the disc, smooth, viscid; margin incurved, often floccosely fimbriate. St. 2-5-11 cm. x 2-14 mm., pallid, often blacJcish at the base, rigid, equal, or slightly thickened upwards, fibrillosely-squamu- lose, the mycelium at the base often forming a pseudo-bulb with the soil. Cortina fibrillose, fugacious. Gills clay, then fuscous clay colour, adnate, rather broad, crowded. Flesh yellowish, firm, thin at the margin. Spores fuscous ferruginous, subelliptical, 6-7 x 4/z,, 1- guttulate. Cystidia flask shaped, apex obtuse, 4-6 /z in diam., 35-50 x 10-16/z. Densely gregarious. Charcoal heaps, and burnt earth. Aug. Dec. Common, (v.v.) III. Cuticle of the p. continuous, not distinct, nor separable, smooth (here and there with a superficial covering), moist, or a little viscid in wet weather. Cortina manifest, appendiculate. Spores not tawny, nor ochraceous. Caespitose, growing on wood. 990. F. filia Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 117, fig. 1. Filia, a daughter. P. 5-7 cm., pale yellow, disc rufescent, fleshy, convex, soon plane, moist, smooth. St. 7-515 cm. x 12 mm., pallid, base reddish, equal, or attenuated at the base, smooth. Veil terminated by an incomplete ring, fugacious. Gills white, then pallid, adnate, somewhat crowded. Flesh whitish, reddish in the St., thin. Spores "tawny orange, elliptic- fusiform, 10 x 5fi " Massee. Woods, and on logs. Oct. Rare. 991. F. fusus (Batsch) Fr. Fusus, a spindle. P. 5-9 cm., somewhat brick colour, fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, smooth, slightly viscid. St. 4-6 x 1-1-5 cm., pallid, firm, attenuated downwards in a fusiform manner, rooting, fibrillosely striate. Cortina manifest, appendiculate. Gills pallid, or light yellow, then ferruginous, sometimes becoming green grey, subdecurrent, not very crowded. Flesh pallid, becoming yellowish, compact, firm. Spores dingy ferruginous, subelliptical, 8-9 x 4-5 /LI. Cystidia "flask-shaped or clavate with a 318 FLAMMULA prominent point, 30-36 x 10-15/i, filled with olive yellow juice" Rick. Taste mild. Gregarious. On the ground, and on stumps. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. superba Massee. Cke. Illus. no. 478, t. 434. Superba, splendid. Differs from the type in the bright deep orange p. with darker disc, the pale orange st., the bright yellow gills, and the reddish tinge of the flesh. On the ground. Nov. Rare. 992. P. astragalina Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 117, fig. 2. aa-Tpaya\ivos, a goldfinch. P. 3-8 cm., blood saffron, or golden flesh colour, darker at the disc, pale at the circumference, fleshy, convex, or lens-shaped, then flattened, obtuse, somewhat moist in rainy weather, smooth, at first superficially- silky round the margin with the very thin, adpressed, whitish veil. St. 5-10 cm. x 4-6 mm., concolorous, or paler, equal, or attenuated down- wards, flexuose, floccosely fibrillose. Cortina white, manifest, appen- diculate. Gills pallid light yellow, concolorous with the p. at the base, adnate, broad, crowded, edge obtuse, flocculose when young. Flesh concolorous, becoming black when wounded, or bruised, firm. Spores pale ferruginous, broadly elliptical, 6 x 3-4/n, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "clavate-lanceolate, 50-75 x 12-15/u,, filled with olive brown juice" Rick. Taste bitter. Subcaespitose. Pine and fir stumps, and dead branches. Aug. Oct. Uncommon. 993. F. rubicundula Rea. Grevillea, xxn (1894), t. 185, fig. 2. Rubicundula, somewhat ruddy. P. 4-6 cm., yellow, then tinged with red, at length tawny orange, fleshy, convex, then plane, often splitting at the margin, viscid at first and innately fibrillose, soon becoming smooth ; margin at first veiled. St. 5-6 x 1-5-2-5 cm., whitish, then tinged with red and be- coming red at the base, equal, or attenuated downwards, fibrillose below the veil, apex white mealy. Veil white, then yellowish and at length reddening. Gills light ochre, then ferruginous, adnate with a sinus, or adnato-decurrent, often forming a ring-like zone at the apex of the st., often separating, 3-4 mm. broad, crowded; edge unequal, tinged red with age or when bruised. Flesh bright yellow, then lighter. Spores ferruginous, elliptical, 9-10 x 4-5/i, 1-2-guttulate. Taste acrid. The whole plant becoming reddish with age, or when touched. Woods, under scrub oak. July Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) 994. F. alnicola Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 480, t. 443. Alnus, alder; colo, I inhabit. P. 3-8 cm., yellow, at length becoming ferruginous, and sometimes green, fleshy, convex, then flattened, obtuse, slimy when moist, at first superficially fibrillose towards the margin. St. 4-9 cm. x 6- FLAMMULA 319 12 mm., yellow, becoming ferruginous, attenuato-rooting, sometimes subbulbous at the base, commonly curved, flexuose, fibrillose. Cor- tina concolorous, either fibrillose, or woven into an arachnoid veil. Gills dingy pallid, then ferruginous, somewhat adnate, broad, plane. Flesh concolorous, thick at the disc, not very compact. Spores ferru- ginous, elliptical, 9 x 4-5/x,, 1-2-guttulate. Cystidia flask-shaped, 40-50 x 7-15jt*. Taste bitter. Often fasciculate. On stumps, and trunks. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. salicicola Fr. Salix, willow; colo, I inhabit. Differs from the type in the glabrous, rarely at the first fioccosely squamulose, gibbous p., and the gills being at first yellowish pallid. On willow. Sept. Rare. 995. P. flavida (Schaeff.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 481, t. 444. Flavida, light yellowish. P. 2-5-12-5 cm., bright light yellow, fleshy, convex, then expanded, obtuse, smooth, moist, generally regular. St. 4-9 cm. x 6-10 mm., light yellow, becoming ferruginous towards the base, either attenuated, or thickened downwards, subflexuose, fibrillose. Cortina white, mani- fest, woven, adhering to the margin of the p., rarely almost forming a ring. Gills whitish, then light yellow, at length tawny ferruginous, adnate, not much crowded. Flesh white, becoming light yellow, thin at the margin. Spores ferruginous, broadly elliptical, 5-8 x 4/u,, 1-2-guttulate. Cystidia "clavate, 36-40 x 8-9 p., filled with golden yellow juice" Rick. Caespitose. On trunks, stumps, and buried wood. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 996. F. inaurata W. G. Sm. Cke. Illus. no. 482, t. 477. Inaurata, gilded. Entirely sulphur yellow. P. 2-3 cm., fleshy, convex, then expanded, moist, smooth, furnished with a distinct veil. St. 2-5-3-5 cm. x 4 mm., incurved, clothed with innate scales. Veil slight, fibrillose, fugitive. Gills pale yellowish clay colour, adnate with a decurrent tooth, broad. Flesh yellowish, ferruginous at base of the st. Taste mild. Single, or caespitose. Willows. Nov. Rare. 997. F. conissans Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 483, t. 445. KOVIS, dust. P. 1-7-5 cm., light yellowish tan, fleshy, hemispherico-expanded, obtuse, or umbilicate, moist, smooth. St. 5-8 cm. x 4-10 mm., be- coming light yellow white, equal, or attenuated downwards, often compressed, irregular, twisted, silky, base white- villose. Cortina white, silky-fibrillose, appendiculate. Gills whitish, then fuscous clay colour, adnate with a decurrent tooth, linear, 3-4 mm. broad, very crowded. Flesh white, or pale yellow, equal, 2 mm. thick. Spores dark ferruginous, elliptical, 8 x 4 /A. Cystidia "on edge of gill 320 FLAMMULA filamentous-clavate, subcapitate, or undulating, 3645 x 5-7 /u." Rick. Smell acid. Densely caespitose. Woods, dead stumps, and on willows. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 998. F. inopus Fr. (= Flammula fusus (Batsch) Fr. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 118, fig. 1. 45, a fibre; TTOV<}, foot. P. 3-10 cm., honey tan, or reddish tan, paler round the margin, fleshy, convex, then expanded, obtuse, slippery (almost viscid) when moist, and smooth when dry. St. 7-25 cm. x 2-10 mm., pallid, brick colour downwards, equal, or slightly enlarged before continuing into the long, tapering, rooting base, tough, flexuose, adpressedly fibril- lose. Cortina fugacious. Gills pale yellowish white, sometimes green, then becoming purplish, adnate, emarginate, 46 mm. broad, thin, crowded. Flesh concolorous, becoming whitish, ferruginous in the st., thin at the margin. Spores purple, broadly elliptical, 8 x 5/z, 1-guttulate. Soli- tary, or caespitose. Pine trunks, and stumps. May Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 999. P. apicrea Fr. (=Flammula alnicola Fr. var. salicicola Fr. sec. Quel.) Cke. Ulus. no. 485, t. 436. a-jrucpos, not bitter. P. 3-7-5 cm., dingy orange, or deep tawny, disc darker, fleshy, con- vex, then expanded and almost plane, gibbous, or obtusely umbonate, smooth, moist; margin often splitting. St. 5-10 cm. x 4-10 mm., pallid, ferruginous downwards, equal, or attenuated downwards, covered with ferruginous fibrils, somewhat striate. Gills ferruginous, shining, adnate, or sinuate, 45 mm. broad, thin, crowded, edge often uneven. Flesh yellow, tawny under the cuticle of the p., and ferruginous in the base of the st., thin at the margin. Spores ferruginous, elliptical, 8 x 5/i, 2-3-guttulate. Taste mild. Subcaespitose. Stumps, base of trees, and deal boards. Sept. Dec. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1000. F. carnosa Massee. Carnosa, fleshy. P. 2-3-5 cm., dull tawny orange, very fleshy, soon expanded, broadly gibbous, edge remaining more or less incurved for some time, even, smooth. St. 5-7-5 cm., concolorous, subequal, fibrous. Gills rust coloured, powdered with the spores, slightly decurrent, thin, some- what crowded. Flesh yellowish, compact, 1 cm. or more thick at the disc, thin at the extreme edge. Spores brown, elliptical, 7 x 5/x. Tufted in small clusters. On wood. Sept. Rare. 1001. F. azyma Fr. a 17105, unleavened. P. 2-3 cm., ferruginous, tan colour when dry, fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, smooth when in full vigour, becoming silky and rimosely squamulose when dry. St. 2-5-4 cm. x 4-6 mm., concolorous, or paler, firm, somewhat equal, often curved, or flexuose, slightly fibrillose, base white woolly. Cortina fugacious, sometimes forming a ring-like FLAMMULA 321 zone on the st. Gills yellowish, then ferruginous, broadly adnate, con- nected behind, 4 mm. broad, subdistant, edge whitish. Flesh yellowish, ferruginous under the cuticle of the p., and in the st., thin at the margin. Spores ferruginous, navicular, 8-9 x 5/Lt, 1 multi-guttulate, "sub- verrucose. Cystidia on edge of gill ventricose-subulate, 36-45 x 8- 9/i" Rick. Taste mild. Gregarious, or subcaespitose. On Tilia cordata, Pyrus Malus, and rotten wood. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) IV. P. scarcely pelliculose, flesh scissile, or torn above into scales, not viscid, at first somewhat hoary. Veil fibrillosely adpressed to the st., not furnished with an appendiculate cortina, almost none, or forming an annular zone on the st. Gills light yellow, or yellow, then tawny. Spores ochraceous, or tawny. Subcaespi- tose, always on conifers, or on the ground amongst conifer branches. 1002. P. penetrans Fr. Fr. Icon. 1. 118, fig. 2. Penetrans, penetrating. P. 5-8 cm., yellowish tawny, or golden, becoming pale and yellowish, fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, often irregular, dry, smooth, hoary under a lens when young. St. 5 cm. x 6-10 mm., pallid, or yellowish becoming pale, firm, somewhat equal, base white villous and often rooting, sometimes fusiform when on the ground, silky, striate with tawny fibrils. Cortina white, flocculose, submembranaceous, very fugacious. Gills whitish, then pale yellow, spotted tawny when old, adnate, emarginate, 4-6 mm. broad, crowded. Flesh whitish ("pale sulphur yellow" Quel.), thick at the disc. Spores ochraceous, ellip- tical, "8-9 x 4 5/x" Sacc. Taste bitter. Gregarious. Coniferous stumps, and humus. Oct. Uncommon. 1003. F. hybrida Fr. Hybrida, a mongrel. P. 4-5 cm., tawny cinnamon, then tawny orange, fleshy, hemi- spherical, with the margin involute, then expanded, obtuse, regular, well formed, smooth, moist. St. 5-7-5 cm. x 5-10 mm., becoming tawny, equal, or attenuated upwards, somewhat striate, apex often somewhat mealy, base white villous. Cortina white, at length coloured with the ferruginous spores, manifest, forming a ring at the apex of the st. Gills light yellow, then tawny, adnate, somewhat crowded. Flesh pallid, or yellow, moderately compact. Spores ferruginous, oblong- elliptical, 9 x 4 fj,, "roughish. Cystidia on edge of gill filamentous, subcapitate, 45-50 x 4-6 /A" Rick. Taste bitter. Growing in troops. On fir stumps, and fallen branches. Aug. Dec. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1004. F. sapinea Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 118, fig. 3. Sapinea, pertaining to a fir tree. P. 2-5-10 cm., golden tawny, opaque at the disc, paler and shining towards the margin, fleshy, hemispherical, then convexo-plane, very E. B. B. 21 322 FLAMMULA obtuse, dry, covered with thin, squamulose, adpressed fioccules, often rimosely scaly, with a few remnants of the yellowish cortina at the margin. St. 4-6 cm. x 4-12 mm., becoming yellow pallid, turning fuscous when bruised, irregularly shaped, often compressed, very fleshy, fibrous, sulcate, or lacunose, naked, often rooting at the base. Gills golden, at length tawny-cinnamon, adnate, plane, 8 mm. broad, crowded. Flesh becoming yellow, thick, firm, but at length soft, not scissile. Spores deep ochraceous, elliptical, 7-8 x 4-5 /*, "roughish. Cystidia ventricose-fusiform, 36 x 9/u" Rick. Smell strong, taste often bitter. Subcaespitose. Coniferous stumps, branches, and saw- dust. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) var. terrestris Fr. Terrestris, pertaining to the earth. Differs from the type in the long, fusiform st. Growing on coniferous humus. 1005. F. liquiritiae (Pers.) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 119, fig. 1. Liquiritia, liquorice. P. 2-5-7-5 cm., bay brown, or orange tawny, becoming pale, fleshy, convex, then flattened, subumbonate, very smooth, moist; margin at length flaccid, slightly striate. St. 4-5 cm. x 4-6 mm.* tawny, then ferruginous, attenuated upwards, often unequal, curved, striate, some- what naked, or obsoletely pruinose at the apex, base thickened and villose. Cortina none. Gills golden, then tawny, obtusely adnate, sometimes rounded, separating, 6 mm. broad, plane, crowded. Flesh yellow, yellow tawny in the st., thin, scissile. Spores ochraceous, "sub- elliptical, 8-9 x 5-6/Lt. Cystidia on edge of gill subcylindrical, slightly ventricose-capitate, 30-40 x 6-9 /u," Rick. Taste slightly bitter, then sweet like liquorice. Subcaespitose. Fir stumps, rarely pine. Oct. Uncommon. 1006. F. picrea Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 119, fig. 2. Triicpos, bitter. P. 2-3 cm., rufous, or bay brown cinnamon, becoming pale and tawny, fleshy, campanulate, then convex, obtuse, regular, smooth, rarely rimuloso-papillate, moist in rainy weather. St. 57-5 cm. x 2-4 mm., umber, slightly attenuated upwards, tense and straight, white-pul- verulent when young. Cortina none. Gills yellow, then ferruginous, adnate, or decurrent and separating, ascending, narrow, 1-2 mm. broad. Flesh concolorous, very thin, not easily scissile. Spores ferru- ginous, "elliptical, 8-10 x 5-6/x" Schroet. Taste acid. Caespitose. Pine stumps, and old deal boards. Sept. Dec. Uncommon, (v.v.) V. Furnished with a cortina. Cuticle of the p. slightly silky, dry, or at the first viscid. 1007. F. tricholoma (A. & S.) Fr. (= Paxillus tricholoma (A. & S.) Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 444, t. 404, fig. B, as Inocybe tricholoma A. & S. Qpi%, hair; Xo/xa, fringe. FLAMMULA 323 P. 1-4 cm., whitish, fleshy, orbicular, rather plane, depressed in the centre, fibrillose with white, adpressed, fugacious hairs, viscid when moist, shining when dry; margin fringed with strigose hairs. St. 2-5- 7-5 cm. x 4-5 mm., whitish, slightly attenuated upwards, fibrillosely scaly at the apex, often becoming reddish in places. Gills whitish, be- coming pallid fuscous, then clay fuscous, decurrent, 1-2 mm. broad, thin, crowded. Flesh white, thin at the margin. Spores pale ochraceous, globose, 3-5/A, minutely verrucose. Cystidia none. Woods. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1008. F. strigiceps Fr. (= Paxillus tricholoma (A. & S.) Quel.) Strix, a furrow; caput, head. P. 1-2 cm., obsoletely rufescent, slightly fleshy, convex, obtuse, then plane, dry, silky with long, strigose hairs; margin at first involute, fringed with long, defiexed ciliate hairs. St. 3-5 cm. x 4 mm., white, equal, firm, densely villose, especially when young. Gills whitish, becoming fuscous, adnato-decurrent, arcuate, crowded. Beech woods. Eare. 1009. F. helomorpha Fr. (= Paxillus helomorphus (Fr.) Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 120, fig. 4. ^Xoij, form. P. 13 cm., white, fleshy, convexo-plane, gibbous, or with a broad, obtuse, prominent umbo, often angular, viscid, becoming adpressedly fibrilloso-even when dry; margin thin, unequal, inflexed, naked. St. 2-3 cm. x 4-6 mm., whitish, equal, or not perceptibly attenuated from the base, sometimes enlarged upwards, ascending from the incurved base, adpressedly silky, or pruinose upwards under a lens, smooth. Gills whitish, scarcely clay colour, plano-decurrent, 1-2 mm. broad, very crowded. Flesh whitish, thick at the disc. Spores pale ochraceous, globose, 4-5/Lt, minutely verrucose. Fir woods. Oct. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1010. F. scamba Fr. (= Paxillus scambus (Fr.) Quel.) Fr. Icon. 1. 120, fig. 3. o-tfa/a/309, crooked. P. 1-4 cm., whitish, then clay white, fleshy, convex, then plane and depressed, sometimes umbonate, slightly silky, viscid in wet weather when young, soon becoming dry and opaque. St. 1-3 cm. x 2-3 mm., whitish, equal, curved ascending, fiocculose, or sprinkled with white mealy squamules, base pubescent, sometimes attenuated and becoming ferruginous downwards. Gills light yellow clay colour, adnate, or sub- decurrent, somewhat repand, crowded. Flesh yellowish, thin. Spores pale ferruginous, elliptical, 9 x 5/A. Pine woods, and on larch branches. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1011. F. ochrochlora Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 120, fig. 2. e3^poepa), I bear. P. 2-3 cm., pale dingy ochraceous, disc darker, slightly fleshy, cam- panulate, lax, with a small, acute, papillate umbo, then expanded and wavy, often depressed round the umbo, smooth, slightly striate; margin at first incurved. St. 6-10 cm. x 2-3 mm., purplish brown at the base, paler upwards, equal, smooth. Gills whitish, adnate, narrower in front, 3 mm. broad, thin, rather crowded. Flesh pinkish, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 9 x Ip. Gregarious. Peat bogs, and partly dried up Sphagnum swamps. Sept. Uncommon. 1047. C. ventricosa (BuU.) Fr. Bulliard, t. 411, fig. 1. Ventricosa, ventricose. P. 1-4 cm., tan, or isabelline, slightly fleshy, campanulato-convex, umbonate, smooth; margin slightly striate. St. 6-10 cm. x 2-3 mm., concolorous, or rufescent, base ventricose and attenuated into a long, slender, tapering root, smooth. Gills rufescent, arcuato-adfixed, ventri- cose, subdistant, undulate. Flesh white, thin. Spores white. Soli- tary, or gregarious. Woods. Oct. Uncommon. 1048. C. Stevensonii B. & Br. Cke. Illus. no. 199, t. 145, fig. B. Rev. John Stevenson, the eminent Scotch mycologist. P. 1-1-5 cm., pallid yellow, slightly fleshy, semi-ovate, obtuse, viscid, here and there spotted by the viscous matter. St. 3-5 cm. x 2 mm., slightly rufous, attenuated at the base into a somewhat long, thread-like root deeply immersed in the soil, fibrillose, pulverulent upwards. Gills white, adnate with a decurrent tooth, subventricose, very broad, dis- tant. Flesh white, reddish in the st., thin. Spores white, elliptical, 10-11 x 7-8 ju-. Old pastures. Aug. Rare. 1049. C. psathyroides Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 200, t. 266. Psathyra, the genus Psathrya', etSo?, like. Entirely ivory white. P. 2-5 cm. high, 18 mm. broad, slightly fleshy, campanulate, obtuse, rather viscid; margin regular, even. St. 7- 10 cm. x 3-4 mm., equal, straight, rather tough. Gills adnate with a decurrent tooth, very broad, 6-8 mm., triangular, subdistant. Flesh whitish, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 15 x 7/z. On the ground in woods. Oct. Rare. 336 COLLYBIA 1050. C. xanthopus Fr. %av06<;, yellow; TTOV<;, foot. P. 2-5-5 cm., tan, becoming pale, slightly fleshy, campanulato-convex, then expanded, lax, umbonate, smooth, dry; margin at length spread- ing, slightly striate. St. 6-10 cm. x 4-6 mm., tawny yellow, equal, tough, smooth, strigosely rooting at the base. Gills whitish, truncate behind, adnexed, then free, very broad, crowded, lax. Flesh white, yellowish under the cuticle of the p., rufous in the St., thin. Spores white, elliptical, 5 x 3jti, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "flask-shaped, 45-50 x 10- 15/x " Rick. On stumps, and amongst leaves, chiefly in pine woods. July Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1051. C. nitellina Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 65, figs. 1, 2. Nitellina, belonging to a dormouse. P. 1-5-4 cm., tawny, or brick tawny, becoming tan colour when dry, submembranaceous, convexo-plane, obtuse, often umbonate, elastic, flaccid, hygrophanous, smooth, polished, somewhat rugulose under a lens, pellucido-striate when moist. St. 2-5-7-5 cm. x 3-5 mm.., ferru- ginous tawny, becoming yellow when dry, equal, flexuose, cartilaginous, shining, polished, apex often pruinose, base white villous. Gills whitish, or citron yellow, then, flesh colour, adnate, very obtuse behind, broad, attenuated in front, somewhat crowded, often undulate. Flesh concolorous, thin. Spores "bright brownish red in the mass, yellowish under the microscope, elliptical, with a basal apiculus, 7-8 x 4-5/i, or sometimes 10 x 5//,, 1-many-guttulate, warted" Rene Maire. Smell strong, rancid, or "like melon" Quel. Taste mild. Edible. Forming rings on the ground in coniferous woods. May Oct. Uncommon. 1052. C. succinea Fr. Cke. Ulus. no. 203, t. 151, upper figs. Succinea, of amber. P. 2-5-5 cm., rufous, or brown fuscous, becoming pale, fleshy, thin, convex, then flattened, obtuse, at length depressed and unequal, rimosely split when dry, smooth. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 2-5 mm., rufescent, apex paler, equal, attenuated at the base, tough, smooth, shining, sometimes arising from nodules of compact mycelium. Gills cream colour, adnate, obtuse behind, very broad, rather thick, not much crowded, delicately toothed. Flesh reddish, thin. Spores white, pip- shaped, 7-8 x 4/n, depressed on one side, multi-guttulate. Cystidia none. Solitary or gregarious in coniferous woods and under conifers. May Aug. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1053. C. nummularia (Lam.) Fr. Cke. IUus. no. 203, t. 151, lower figs. Nummularia, like a coin. P. 1^4 cm., whitish, or very pale ochre, becoming white, tinged yellow at the umbilicate disc, slightly fleshy, convex, then plane, orbicular, then depressed round the obsolete umbo, hygrophanous, smooth. St. 3-5 cm. x 3-4 mm., whitish, attenuated downwards to the bulbous, tomentose COLLYBIA 337 base, curved, tough, smooth. Gills white, free, subdistant, narrow, minutely toothed. Flesh pallid, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 7x4- 5/i. In troops, in mixed woods. July Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) C. tenacella (Pers.) Fr. = Marasmius conigenus (Pers.) Karst. C. tenacella (Pers.) Fr. var. stolonifera (Jungh.) = Marasmius coni- genus (Pers.) Karst. 1054. C. planipes (Brig.) Fr. Planus, flat; pes, foot. P. 2-3 cm., bay, slightly fleshy, convexo-plane, orbicular, somewhat viscid, smooth; margin paler, crenate. St. 3cm. x 2-3 mm., con- colorous, equal, compressed, rooting. Gills whitish, free, ventricose. Spores white. Caespitose. Woods. Sept. Rare. **Gills narrow, crowded. 1055. C. acervata Fr. (= Collybia enjthropus (Pers.) Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 64, lower figs. Acervata, heaped up. P. 3-7 cm., reddish flesh colour, whitish when dry, slightly fleshy, convex, then flattened, obtuse, or at length gibbous ; margin at first involute, at length flattened and slightly striate. St. 5-10 cm. x 2- 5 mm., rufous, sometimes brown, rigid-fragile, slightly attenuated up- wards, rarely compressed, very smooth, base white-tomentose. Gills flesh colour, then whitish, adnexed, soon free, linear, narrow, plane, very crowded. Flesh pallid, reddish in the St., thin. Spores white, elliptical, 6-8 x 3-4/A. Caespitoso-fasciculate. Pine stumps. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) C. dryophila (Bull.) Fr. = Marasmius dryophilus (Bull.) Karst. C. dryophila (Bull.) Fr. var. funicularis Fr. = Marasmius dryophilus (Bull.) Karst. var. funicularis (Fr.) Rea. C. dryophila (Bull.) Fr. var. aurata Quel. = Marasmius dryophilus (Bull.) Karst. var. auratus (Quel.) Rea. C. dryophila (Bull.) Fr. var. oedipus Quel. = Marasmius dryophilus (Bull.) Karst. var. oedipus (Quel.) Rea. C. dryophila (Bull.) Fr. var. alvearis Cke. = Marasmius dryophilus (Bull.) Karst. var. alvearis (Cke.) Rea. C. dryophila (Bull.) Fr. var. aquosa (Bull.) Quel. = Marasmius dryo- philus (Bull.) Karst. var. aquosus (Bull.) Rea. 1056. C. extuberans (Batt.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 202, t. 146, as Collybia nitellina Fr. Extuberans, swelling out. P. 2-5 cm., rufous fuscous, bay brown, occasionally becoming pale, slightly fleshy, convex, then flattened, orbicular, at length depressed round the prominent umbo, smooth, slightly viscid when moist. St. 4-5 cm. x 3-5 mm., concolorous, or paler, equal, tense and straight, R. B. B. 22 338 OOLLYBIA smooth, shining, base attenuated and rooting. Gills white, then cream colour, somewhat free, reaching the st. with a small tooth, crowded, narrow, plane. Flesh reddish, becoming white, thin. Spores white, pip-shaped, 6 x 3/z, ("yellowish" Quel). Smell pleasant, or none. Edible. On the ground, and on trunks, in pastures, and coniferous woods. May Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) C. exsculpta Fr. = Marasmius exsculptus (Fr.) Rea. 1057. C. luteifolia Gillet. Luteus, yellow; folia, leaves. P. 3-5 cm., reddish, or cinnamon, becoming paler and white or whitish, slightly fleshy, convex, soon plane, smooth, glabrous; margin often lobed, irregular. St. 3-4 cm. x 2-3 mm., concolorous, equal, smooth. Gills sulphur yellow, free, rounded at the base, pointed at the margin, very crowded. Flesh white, reddish in the st. Taste pleasant. Woods, and parks. Rare. 1058. C. macilenta Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 66, fig. 1. Macilenta, lean. P. 1-2-5 cm., dark yellow, bright yellow at the margin, slightly fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, orbicular, smooth, dry. St. 4 cm. x 2- 3 mm., concolorous, or bright light yellow, becoming brownish at the fibrillose, rooting base, tough, cartilaginous, flexuose, smooth. Gills pure yellow, separating- free, narrow, linear, very crowded, very unequal. Flesh yellow, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 5-6 x 4^i. " Cystidia hair- shaped, subnodulose or wavy' ; Lange. Amongst pine needles. Autumn. Rare. C. clavus (Linn.) Fr. = Mycena clavus (Linn.) Rea. 1059. C. ocellata Fr. (= Collybia cirrhata (Schum.) Quel. var. ocel- lata (Fr.) Rene Maire.) Cke. lilus. no. 209, t. 147, middle figs. Ocellata, having little eyes. P. 1-2 cm., whitish, fuscous, rufous, or yellowish at the depressed, eye-like, umbonate disc, slightly fleshy, conico-convex, then plane, smooth ; margin crenulate. St. 3-5 cm. x 1-2 mm., white, becoming yellowish, or fuscous, equal, filiform, tough, smooth, often pruinose, base fibrillose and rooting. Gills white, adnate, at length separating, crowded, the alternate ones shorter. Flesh white, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 5 x 3/u.. Amongst mosses, and Jungermannia in woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1060. C. muscigena (Schum.) Fr. (= Mycena musdgena (Schum.) Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 209, t. 147, lowest figs. Muscus, moss; yiyvopai,, to be born. Entirely white. P. 3-6 mm., submembranaceous, pellucid, globoso- hemispherical, then flattened, obtuse, smooth, withering up. St. 3- 4 cm. x 1 mm., capillary, flexuose, flaccid, smooth, base attenuated, COLLYBIA 339 rooting. Grills adnate, linear, somewhat crowded, the alternate ones shorter. Flesh very thin. Spores white, elliptical, 10 x 6-7 /u, minutely echinulate. Amongst moss, and short grass. Aug. Oct. Uncommon. JW;.) C. ludia Fr. = Mycena lactea (Pers.) Fr. var. pithya (Pers.) Fr. B. Gills becoming cinereous. Hygrophanous. 8. P. fuscous, or becoming cinereous. *Gills crowded, rather narrow. 1061. C. rancida Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 210, t. 153, upper figs. Rancida, stinking. P. 2-5 cm., lead colour, or fuliginous, disc blackish, or fuscous, at first covered with a delicate, silky, white pruina, then becoming paler, slightly fleshy-cartilaginous, tough, convex, then plane, broadly and obtusely umbonate, smooth, viscid when very wet. St. 715 cm. x 4 6 mm., livid, becoming greyish, rigid, equal, tense and straight, smooth, attenuated at the base into a long, fusiform, villous root. Gills dark cinereous, somewhat pruinose, free, crowded, narrow, but ventricose. Flesh greyish, thin at the margin. Spores white, oblong elliptical, 9-10 x 4-5/x, 1-2-guttulate, minutely punctate. Smell like rancid meal. Woods, and hedgerows. Aug. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 1062. C. eustygia Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 1146, t. 1185. ev, truly; crrvyia, belonging to the nether world. P. 3-5 cm., dingy white, disc a little darker, shining when dry, fleshy, convex, then plane, sometimes depressed, sometimes wavy, smooth. St. 5-8 cm., white above, sprinkled with small punctate scales, darker below and often becoming sooty, attenuated downwards into a rooting base, often curved, somewhat longitudinally striate, or fibrous. Gills dark grey, rounded behind, adnexed, or almost free, rather broad, not crowded. Flesh white, thick at the disc. Spores white, globose, 4r-5fj,. Smell like rancid meal. The whole plant becoming black in drying. On the ground. Oct. Uncommon. 1063. C. coracina Fr. Kopa^, a raven. P. 24 cm., fuscous and shining, becoming grey and opaque when dry, somewhat fleshy-cartilaginous, convexo-expanded, umbonate, or de- pressed, often irregular and undulate, smooth, hygrophanous', margin sometimes wrinkled. St. 2-4 cm. x 4-8 mm., becoming fuscous, very cartilaginous, tough, rigid, at length fragile, often compressed, or twisted, apex mealy with white squamules, attenuated downwards to the swollen base. Gills whitish grey, obtusely adnate, separating-free, broad chiefly behind, scarcely crowded, distinct, then connected by veins. Flesh white, scissile, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 6-7 x 3-4/A, punctate, 1-guttulate ("greenish" Quel.). Smell strong of new meal. Grassy places, and fir plantations. Oct. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 222 340 COLLYBIA 1064. C. ozes Fr. ofa, I have a smell. P. 23 cm., grey-fuscous, becoming clay-fuscous, pallid when dry, slightly fleshy, convex, then plane, umbonate, hygrophanous, smooth; margin striate when moist. St. 611 cm. x 2 mm., fuliginous grey, equal, or scarcely attenuated from the base, lax, flexuose, fragile, slightly striate, containing a pith when young, apex white mealy. Gills fuliginous-olivaceous, adnate, subventricose, 4-6 mm. broad, crowded often veined. Spores white, "elliptical, 6-7 x 3-4/x, smooth. Cystidia none" Rick. Smell strong of new meal. On the ground and on pine needles. Feb. Rare. 1065. C. mephitica Fr. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. n, t. 14. Mephitis, a noxious exhalation from the ground. P. 1-5-4 cm., greyish ochre, becoming whitish, fleshy, convex, sub- umbonate, hygrophanous, smooth, dry, adpressedly and innately silky. St. 5-7 cm. x 2-5 mm., grey, filiform, equal, rigid, pruinosely velvety with white fiocci, base enlarged, covered with the white mycelium. Gills grey, obtusely adnate, separating from the St., attenuated in front, 47 mm. broad, crowded. Flesh yellowish, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 7-8 x 4/z. Smell strong of new meal. Amongst pine needles in woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1066. C. inolens Fr. Inolescens, growing in. P. 25 cm., livid, becoming pale tan and slightly silky when dry, but opaque, slightly fleshy, campanulato-convex, then plane, obtusely and broadly umbonate, hygrophanous, very smooth ; margin inflexed, then expanded, striate, undulate. St. 5-8 cm. x 2-8 mm., concolorous, be- coming pale when dry, rigid, equal, often compressed, undulated, apex white-squamulose, base white- strigose. Gills grey, adfixed, separating, somewhat free, linear, or slightly ventricose, 24 mm. broad. Flesh greyish, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 7 x 4 5/*, 1-guttulate. Smell of new meal. Pine woods, and under conifers. Sept. Nov. Un- common, (v.v.) 1067. C. plexipes Fr. (= Collybia retigera Bres. sec. Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 211, t. 154, lower figs. Plexus, twisted; pes, foot. P. 3-5 cm., blackish, whitish at the margin, becoming fuliginous livid, fleshy-membranaceous, campanulate, umbonate, somewhat wrinkled, slightly striate. St. 7-10 cm. x 2-4 mm., livid, cartilaginous, equal, covered with a network of silky-fibrils, slightly striate, base shortly, and bluntly rooted. Gills white, then glaucous, free, very much attenuated behind, ventricose, somewhat crowded. Spores white, elliptical, 8-9 x 5^. Woods, especially beech. Sept. Nov. Un- COLLYBIA 341 1068. C. atrata Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 212, t. 155, upper figs. Atrata, clothed in black. P. 2-4 cm., pitch-black and shining, becoming fuscous when dry, slightly fleshy, firm, piano-depressed at the disc, convex at the margin, orbicular, smooth, viscid when very wet. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 3-7 mm., fuscous, very cartilaginous, tough, equal, or thickened upwards, round, smooth. Gills whitish, then grey, becoming fuscous, adnate, scarcely decurrent, arcuate, then plane, rather broad, subdistant. Flesh fuscous, especially in the St., thin. Spores white, globose, 5/n, with a large central gutta. Smell none, or strong, and unpleasant. Charcoal heaps, and burnt soil. July Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1069. C. ambusta Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 212, t. 155, lower figs. Ambusta, scorched. P. 1-2-5 cm., fuscous, becoming greyish, submembranaceous, convex, then plane, at length depressed, umbonate with a minute papilla, smooth, becoming slightly striate. St. 2-3 cm., concolorous, cartila- ginous, tense, straight, pruinose when young. Gills pallid, becoming fuscous, adnate, with a decurrent tooth, lanceolate, plane, crowded. Flesh becoming whitish, thin. Spores white, globose, 5/x, very minutely warted, "4-5-angled" Rick. Burnt soil, and charcoal heaps. July Nov. Common, (v.v.) **Gills broad, rather distant. 1070. C. lacerata (Lasch) Berk. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 19. Lacerata, torn to pieces. P. 2-5 cm.., fuscous fuliginous, becoming pale, fleshy-membranaceous, campanulate, then convex and umbilicate, somewhat moist, streaked with fuscous lines; margin fimbriately torn, splitting with age. St. 4-7 cm. x 4-6 mm., pallid, equal, at length compressed, fibrillosely striate, firm, often twisted, apex floccoso-pruinose, base white-tomen- tose, somewhat rooting. Gills white-grey, rounded behind, adnate, broad, thick, somewhat crowded, or distant. Flesh greyish white, thin, firm. Spores white, subglobose, 6-7 /z, 1-guttulate, "sub-granu- lar" Rick. Caespitose. Fir woods, often on stumps. Autumn. Rare. 1071. C. murina (Batsch) Fr. Murina, of mice. P. 3-4 cm., fuscous brown, becoming pale, slightly fleshy, campanu- lato-convex, then expanded, obtuse, or umbilicate, slightly wrinkled, or very thinly squamulose, tough; margin at first involute. St. 5-8 cm. x 3-4 mm., white, becoming cinereous, equal, tense, straight, delicately fibrillose, apex flocculose when young, base pubescent. Gills white, becoming cinereous, attenuato-adnexed, very broad, almost obovate, rather thick, distant. Flesh greyish white, thin, tough. Spores white, " subfusiform-elliptical, 8-9 x 3-4/u," Rick. Woods, and under oaks. Oct. Uncommon. 342 COLLYBIA 1072. C. protracta Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 67, fig. 2. Protracta, drawn out. P. 2 cm., grey-fuscous, shining, submembranaceous, convexo-plane, disc depressed, often with a little central umbo; margin paler, striate. St. 15-16 cm. x 2-3 mm,, livid grey, very cartilaginous, tense, straight, smooth, attenuated at the base into a tapering, subterranean, strigosely fibrous root. Gills grey, delicately white-pruinose, adfixed, very ventri- cose, as if truncate behind, very broad, 6 mm., subdistant. Spores white, "elliptical, 7-9 x 5-6 /x," Bres. Mossy ground near stumps in fir woods. Aug. Nov. Rare. 1073. C. tesquorum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 70, .fig. 3. Tesqua, deserts. P. 6-10 mm., fuscous black, becoming pale, fleshy-membranaceous, slightly firm, convex, very obtuse, smooth. St. 2-4 cm. x 2 mm., fuscous, somewhat filiform, equal, flexuose, smooth, apex mealy. Gills cinereous fuscous, free, very ventricose, 4 mm. broad, subdistant. Flesh concolorous, thin. Spores white, broadly elliptical, 78 x 5-6jLt, echinulate. Waste ground, and open pastures. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1074. C. clusilis Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 215, t. 247, lower figs. Clusilis, easily closing. P. 1-3-5 cm., livid, becoming pale, grey clay colour when dry, sub- membranaceous, rather plane, disc depressed, or broadly umbilicate, very much sloped downwards towards the margin, smooth, soft, fragile; margin at first incurved, slightly striate when moist. St. 4 cm. x 2 mm., livid, cartilaginous, soft, flexile, equal, smooth, polished, stuffed with a white floccose pith. Gills white, becoming cream colour, adnate, plane, with a decurrent tooth, 4-8 mm. broad, in the form of a segment, somewhat crowded. Flesh white, thin at the margin. Spores white, elliptical, 8-9 x 4-5^,, with a large central gutta. Amongst moss and grass on heaths, and hillsides. Sept. Oct. Un- common, (v.v.) 1075. C. tylicolor Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 215, t. 247, upper figs. Tylus, a crustacean allied to the woodlouse; color, colour. P. 1-3 cm., grey cinereous, slightly fleshy, convex, then flattened, subumbonate, smooth, opaque. St. 2-5 cm. x 2 mm., grey, somewhat fragile, equal, whitish-pulverulent. Gills grey, paler than the p., free, broad, plane, distant, rather thick. Spores white, "oval, 5-5-6 x 3-3-5/Lt, minutely echinulate" Sacc. Deciduous woods amongst grass. Oct. Eare. Introduced species. 1076. C. Dorotheas Berk. Lady Dorothy Neville. P. 2-3 cm., dark brown, becoming paler, globose, then flatly hemi- spherical, at length expanded, slightly umbonate, finally de- pressed, radiately sulcate almost to the disc, granulated, covered with COLLYBIA. LEPTONIA 343 short, white bristles pointing in every direction when young; margin crenate. St. 5-6 cm. x 2 mm., brownish, white below, becoming white above and yellowish or rufous below, granulated, covered with white bristles, base with a minute disc-like swelling. Gills white, adnexed, slightly ventricose, connected behind, distant. Dead fern stems in a hot-house. Eare. 1077. C. caldarii Berk. Caldarium, a hot bath. P. 1215 mm., brown, hemispherical, umbonate, rugose. St. 45 cm. x 2 mm., paler, cartilaginous, smooth. Gills somewhat ash-coloured, adnato-decurrent, interstices veined near the margin. On Sphagnum in an orchid pot. Eare. Spores pink. Leptonia Fr. (Xe7TT09, thin.) Pileus slightly fleshy, regular; margin incurved. Stem central, cartilaginous. Gills adnate, sinuato-adnate, or adnexed. Spores pink, angular, elliptical, subglobose, or oblong; continuous. Cystidia rarely present. Growing on the ground, or on wood. *Gills whitish. P. slightly fleshy. 1078. L. placida Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 97, fig. 1. Placida, gentle. P. 2-3 cm., grey, becoming bluish, disc densely villose, blackish, fleshy membranaceous, campanulate, then convex, obtuse, squamulose with dark concentric scales and dark fuliginous black fibrils. St. 5-7-5 cm. x 2-6 mm., dark azure-blue, or black-blue, equal, very rigid; apex thick- ened, white pruinose and black-dotted. Gills whitish, then purplish, adnexed, very broad behind, plane crowded. Flesh brownish in the pileus, bluish in the stem. Spores pink, "angular, 7-12 x 6-7 /u," Herpell. On and near beech, and fir stumps. Sept. Oct. Eare. 1079. L. anatina (Lasch) Fr. Anatina, belonging to a duck. P. 3-4 cm., greyish fuscous, somewhat fleshy, conico-campanulate, broadly umbonate, longitudinally fibrillose and squamulose, often rimose. St. 3-4 cm. x 4-6 mm., blue, equal, or attenuated down wards, at first pruinose, then squamoso-fibrillose, apex smooth, base white- villose. Gills whitish, then flesh colour, adnexed, then separating, broad, ventricose. Flesh bluish, becoming whitish. Spores pink, angular, broadly elliptical, 10-11 x 9-10/u,, 1-2-guttulate. Heaths, and pastures. July Oct. Uncommon, (v v.) 1080. L. lappula Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 97, fig. 2. Lappa, a bur. P. 2-5-4 cm., grey, somewhat fleshy, hemispherical, convexo-plane, umbilicate, flocculoso-soft, then roughish with short erect fibrils, which 344 LEPTONIA become Hack and crowded on the disc. St. 4-5 cm. x 2-4 mm., fuscous lilac, or dark purple, equal, moderately tough, striate and black-dotted upwards under a lens, base white- villose. Gills whitish-grey, then pur- plish, adnate with a small tooth, then separating, plane, very broad, ovate, crowded. Flesh white. Spores pink, "angular, elliptical, 12/u," Quel. Amongst beech leaves. July Oct. Uncommon. 1081. L. Reaae Maire. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. in, t. 11. Mrs E. A. Rea, the artist who has made many original paintings of fungi. P. -5-1 cm., dark blackish blue, convex, then expanded, submem- branaceous disc fleshy, not, or only slightly hygrophanous, rarely umbonate or papillate at maturity; margin slightly incurved, then expanded and sometimes substriate. St. 2-3 cm. x 1-5 mm., deep blue, or blue black, then often vinous, equal, flexuose, wavy, shining, ob- soletely whitish mealy at the apex. Gills whitish then greyish-pink, broadly and deeply sinuate, narrowly adnate, then free, somewhat crowded, short, broad. Flesh vinous. Spores pink, obsoletely polygonal, subglobose, 8-10 x 7-8/4, including the apiculus, containing many oil drops. Pastures. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1082. L. lampropus Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 353, t. 331. Xa/ix7rpo9, bright; TTOI;?, foot. P. 13 cm., mouse colour, or steel-blue, then fuliginous-grey, some- what fleshy, convex, then expanded and depressed, becoming more or less squamulose. St. 2-5-4 cm. x 24 mm., becoming azure-blue, com- monly steel-blue-violaceous, cartilaginous. Gills whitish, then slightly rose colour, adnate, readily separating, then free, ventricose. Flesh bluish. Spores pink, angular, broadly elliptical, 9 x 7/z, 1-guttulate, with somewhat rounded angles. Heaths, and pastures. July Nov. Common, (v.v.) var. cyanulus (Lasch) Fr. icvavos, dark blue. Differs from the type in the more slender, membranaceous, blackish- blue, subumbilicate, fioccosely-villose p., the capillary, pruinose st., and the glaucous, then flesh colour, adnate, distant gills. On the ground near alders. 1083. L. aethiops Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 97, fig. 3. al6ioty, an Ethiop. P. 1-3 cm., black, then fuliginous, slightly fleshy, piano-depressed, streaked with fibrils, shining when dry. St. 4-5 cm. x 2 mm., fuscous blackish, black dotted upwards. Gills whitish, then purplish, adnexed, or adnate, linear, or ventricose. Flesh whitish. Spores pink, angular, 9-10 x 6/Lt, 1-guttulate. Woods, and heaths. Sept. Oct. Not un- common. (v.v.) LEPTONIA 345 1084. L. solstitialis Fr. Solstitialis, belonging to midsummer. P. 1-3 cm., becoming fuscous, slightly fleshy, at length depressed, papillate in the centre, slightly wrinkled, obsoletely innato-fibrillose. St. 2-3 cm. x 2-4 mm., smoke colour. Gills whitish, then flesh colour, emarginate, broad. Spores pink, angular, oblong, 10 x 7/u,, 1-guttu- late. Pastures, and amongst stones. Aug. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) **Gills at the first azure-blue, or slightly dark-blue. 1085. L. serrulata (Pers.) Fr. Serrula, a small saw. P. 1-3 cm., blackish-blue (shining when dry), fuliginous when old or in wet weather, and then slightly striate, slightly fleshy, convex, umbilicato-depressed, squamulose, or fibrillose. St. 2-3 cm. x 2-4 mm., paler than the p., cartilaginous, equal, apex black dotted, base white- woolly. Gills bluish-grey-whitish, then grey flesh colour, adnate, in the form of a segment, broad in the middle; edge black, serrulate. Flesh whitish. Spores pink, angular, 8-11 x 7/u,, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "pale grey, fasciculate, clavate, 11-12/x broad" Lange. Woods, and pastures. June Oct. Common, (v.v.) var. Berkeley! Maire. Cke. Illus. no. 355, t. 333, as Leptonia serrulata Fr. Rev. Miles Joseph Berkeley, the father of British mycology. P. 2-5-4 cm., whitish with a lilac tinge, umbilicate, slightly sprinkled with fibrils; margin vaulted. St. 7-10 cm. x 3mm., whitish with a lilac tinge, flexuose, smooth. Gills salmon colour, broad, adnate, little or not serrulate. Flesh whitish. Spores pink, angular, oblong, 11-12 x 6-7 IJL, 1-2-guttulate. Pastures. July Sept. Not uncommon (v.v.) var. laevipes Maire. Laevis, smooth ; pes, foot. Differs from the type in the smooth (not black dotted) apex of the stem. Woods, and pastures. July Sept. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1086. L. euchroa (Pers.) Fr. Boud. Icon. t. 98. e#%pcopa, pale green. P. 1 -5-3-5 cm., olivaceous, becoming paler, submembranaceous, cam- panulato-convex, then plane, fuscous fibrillose, subsquamulose, especi- ally at the darker, finally depressed disc. St. 3-6 cm. x 3-5 mm., greenish, apex yellowish, becoming deep blue or verdigris when bruised or handled, equal, slightly thickened at the white, tomentose base, hollow, fragile, smooth. Gills whitish, or very pale yellowish, then pink, 56 mm. wide, broadly adnate, subdistant. Flesh greenish, becoming deep blue or verdigris when bruised or pressed, thin. Taste and smell none. Spores pink, oblong, angular, 11-15 x 8-10/>t, multi-guttulate. Amongst short grass in woods and open downs. Sept. Oct. Un- common, (v.v.) 1091. L. sericella (Fr.) Quel. (= Entoloma sericellum Fr.) Cke. Illus. no. 335, t. 307, as Entoloma sericellum Fr. Sericus, silken. P. 1-5-3 cm., white, or becoming yellow white, somewhat fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, at length depressed, often unequal, silky, often squamulose ; margin inflexed, floccose. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 2-3 mm., white, then becoming pale, waxy, equal, fibrillose, at length somewhat polished, pellucid. Gills white, then flesh colour, at first adnate, even, decurrent with a tooth, then separating and somewhat emarginate, very broad, subdistant. Flesh white, thin. Spores pink, angular, LEPTONIA 347 oblong, 9-11 x 6-7/z,, 1-guttulate. Woods, and pastures. July Oct. Common, (v.v.) var. decurrens (Boud.) Kea. Boud. Icon. t. 94. Decurrens, running down. Differs from the type in the distinctly decurrent gills. Woods, pas- tures, and roadsides. July Sept. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. lutescens Fr. Lutescens, becoming yellow. Differs from the type in the yellowish, more regular, convex, even p., and almost adnate gills. var. sublutescens Henn. Sub, somewhat; lutescens, becoming yellow. Differs from the type in the white, silky-floccose p. becoming smooth and dingy yellow, and the white st. becoming yellowish. 1092. L. formosa Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 98, fig. 1. Formosa, beautiful. P. 2-3 cm., yellow wax colour, sprinkled over with minute fuscous squamules or fibrils, submembranaceous, slightly tough, convex, then plane, slightly umbilicate, striate. St. 4-5 cm. x 1-2 mm., yellow, car- tilaginous, equal, shining. Gills light-yellow-pallid, then flesh colour, adnate, decurrent with a tooth, subdistant. Spores pink, angular, oblong, 10 x 8/i,, 1-guttulate. Coniferous woods, and heaths. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. suavis (Lasch) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 360, t. 488. Suavis, pleasant. Differs from the type in the stem becoming blue. Amongst Equisetum. Sept. Bare. 1093. L. chloropolia Fr. (= Leptonia incana Fr. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 98, fig. 2. x\top6s, pale green; 7roXtot\oi\of, loving. P. 4-10 cm., brick red, paler at the margin, fleshy, convex, obtuse, smooth. St. 7-10 x 1 cm., concolorous but paler, fusiformly attenuated downwards, naked. Gills pallid, deeply decurrent, very narrow, edge crisped and dentate. On the ground, under old trees. Eare. 1147. P. helvola (Schaeff.) Massee. Schaeff. Icon. t. 210. Helvola, pale yellow. P. 2-4 cm., tawny ochraceous, disc darker, fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, obtuse, smooth, the cuticle often cracked into patches near the disc. St. 4-6 cm. x 3-4 mm., white, or tinged ochraceous, equal, fibrillose, often twisted ; base white, thickened, downy. Gills purplish umber, clouded, edge white, adnate, then separating from the st., broad, rather distant. Flesh pallid, thin at the margin. Spores "purplish brown, obliquely elliptical, ends pointed, 9-10 x 4-5 /A, warted" Massee. Amongst grass. Sept. Eare. 1148. P. ericaea (Pers.) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 136, fig. 1. epeiKt), heath. P. 2-4 cm., tawny ferruginous, tawny yellow, or date brown, fleshy, convex, then expanded, obtuse, slightly viscid when wet, dry and shining when dry. St. 7-10 cm. x 2-4 mm., paler than the p., be- coming yellowish, equal, tough, somewhat smooth, or silky. Gills pallid, becoming blackish, adnate, narrowed behind, 6-8 mm. broad, plane, edge whitish. Flesh yellow, thin. Spores fuliginous, broadly elliptical, 12-14 x 7-8 /LI. Cystidia "on surface of gill sparse, clavate with a prominent point, 30-36 x 9-10/i, contents yellowish, on edge of gill filamentous" Eick. Heaths, and damp pastures. May Oct. Common, (v.v.) 1149. P. subericaea Fr. (= Psilocybe ericaea (Pers.) Fr. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 136, fig. 2. Sub, somewhat; ericaea, the species P. ericaea P. 3-5 cm., tawny, fleshy, convex, then plane, smooth. St. 2-5-6 cm. x 2-5 mm., becoming yellow, equal, tough, smooth. Gills pallid, then fuscous purple, sinuato-adnate, 5-10 mm. broad. Flesh yellow, thin. Spores fuliginous purple, elliptical, or pip-shaped, 7-8 x 4/i. Heaths, and grassy places. June Sept. Common, (v.v.) PSILOCYBE 363 1150. P. uda (Pers.) Fr. (= Flammuloides uda (Pers.) Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 594, t. 569. Uda, moist. P. 1-2-5 cm., brick tawny, becoming pale, fleshy, convex, then flat- tened, often more or less umbonate, smooth, slightly wrinkled when old; margin often striate. St. 4 7-5 cm. x 2 4 mm., tawny ferrugi- nous, apex paler, equal, flexuose, fibrillose. Gills pallid, then becoming fuscous purple, adfixed, ventricose, 4-6 mm. broad, lax, plane, or convex. Flesh yellow, ferruginous towards the base of the st., thin. Spores purple, broadly elliptical, 8-11 x 5-6 /A, 1-2-guttulate. Cys- tidia "on the edge of the gill clavate-filamentous, 45-50 x 3-4/x" Rick. Swampy places and amongst Sphagna. Woods, and heaths. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. Polytrichi Fr. Polytrichum, a genus of mosses. Differs from the type in the p. being pallid yellow, becoming whitish especially at the margin, and at length plane and depressed, in the glabrous, pallid tawny st., and the whitish clouded gills at length be- coming decurrent, never becoming purple but often greenish. Amongst Polytricha. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. elongata (Pers.) Fr. Elongata, tall. Differs from the type in the submembranaceous p. being livid, or greenish yellow, and striate when moist, becoming yellowish when dry. Amongst Sphagna in mountain pine woods. 1151. P. canofaciens Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 595, t. 621. Canus, hoa,Ty,faciens, making. P. 2-4 cm., dark bay brown, disc ferruginous, fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, scarcely umbonate, clad everywhere as well as the st. with delicate, scattered, white hairs, which are soon evanescent at the apex; margin appendiculate with the white, fibrillose veil. St. 5-7-5 cm. x 4-6 mm., concolorous, base very dark, subequal. Gills dark umber, adnate, 6 mm. broad, ventricose. Flesh of the p. pallid, of the st. rufescent, gradually darker downwards, thick at the disc. Spores umber brown, elliptic oblong, 17 x 8, 10 x 4ju. Caespitose. Rotten straw, and rubbish. May. Rare. 1152. P. areolata (Klotzsch) Berk. Cke. Illus. no. 596, t. 570. Areolata, divided into small patches. P. 3-7-5 cm., ochraceous, or fuscous, fleshy, convex, minutely fibrillose, cuticle cracking into nearly equal, square patches, interstices and margin pale. St. 5-7-5 cm. x 4-6 mm., dirty white, equal, often thickened at the base, fibrillose. Gills umber, at length blackish, edge white and beaded with drops of moisture, adnate, 4-6 mm. broad. Flesh tinged brown, thick at the disc. Spores "blackish umber with a purple tinge, broadly almond-shaped, 12-13 x 8/u." Massee. Densely caespitose. On wood. Gardens. May Oct. Rare. 364 PSILOCYBB 1153. P. virescens (Cke. & Massee) Massee. Cke. Illus. no. 1182, t. 1177, as Psilocybe areolata Klot. var. Virescens, growing green. P. 3-5 cm., bright dark brown, fleshy, convex, obtuse, then ex- panded, minutely silky when young, the brown cuticle breaking up into persistent, angular patches, the interstices being clear pale green, becoming yellowish with age. St. 4-5 cm. x 6 mm., pale green, and strongly striate at the apex, ferruginous below, base snow-white, downy, equal, smooth, firm, straight, or slightly incurved. Grills pallid, then smoky purple, edge pale, adnexed, 6 mm. broad, rather crowded, soft. Flesh whitish, ferruginous towards the base of the St., thick at the disc. Spores sooty purple, elliptical, ends obtuse, 9 x 5/u. Solitary. On rotten chips, and stumps. Sept. Oct. Rare. 1154. P. agraria Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 137, fig. 1. Agraria, pertaining to land. P. 2-5-5 cm., white, becoming cinereous when dry, fleshy, convex, at length flattened and then often umbonate, smooth. St. 4-5 cm. x 2-4 mm., white, equal, smooth. Gills white, at length fuscous, obtusely adnate, linear. Flesh white, firm, not 2 mm. thick. Clay fields, and about the roots of decayed trees. Sept. Oct. Rare. 1155. P. chondrodenna B. & Br. Cke. Illus. no. 599, t. 606, fig. A. %6vSpo<;, grain; Sep/j,a, skin. P. 2-3 cm., dark dale brown, fleshy, campanulate, very smooth, cracked here and there in different directions; margin appendiculate with the woven, jagged veil. St. 4-5 cm. x 5-6 mm., paler than the p., subequal, fibrillose, base squamulose. Gills dark brown, edge white, adfixed, separating, ventricose. Flesh yellowish, ferruginous towards the base of the st., thick at the disc. Spores "purple black, elliptical, 6-7 x 3-3-5/z" Massee. Fir woods. Sept. Rare. 1156. P. scobicola B. & Br. Cke. Illus. no. 598, t. 607. Scobis, saw-dust; colo, I inhabit. P. 2-5-4 cm., white, fleshy, convex, umbilicate, smooth. St. 2-5- 4 cm. x 4 mm., whitish, subequal, or dilated at the apex, fibrillose. Gills brown with a red tinge, adnexed, broad. Flesh white, thin. Spores pale, elliptical, 8 x 5/A. On pine sawdust, and branches. Nov. Rare. **Gills plane, very broad behind, somewhat decurrent. (Deconica W. G. Sm.) 1157. P. ammophila (Dur. & Mont.) Fr. (= Hypholoma ammo- philum (Mont.) Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 599, t. 606, fig. B. a//,/iotA.o9, loving. P. 2-4 cm., reddish tan, becoming paler, fleshy, campanulate, then convex, and at length flattened, fibrillose. St. 4-5 cm. x 2-3 mm., PSILOCYBE 365 white, becoming yellowish except at the apex, equal, basal half clavate, densely covered with matted mycelium and sunk in the sand, sometimes fusiform and rooting, striate. Gills smoky, then bistre purple, sub- decurrent with a tooth, 4 mm. broad. Flesh white, yellowish at the base of the st., very thin at the margin. Spores purple, broadly ellip- tical, 11-12 x 7-8 /z. Sands on the sea shore. Aug. Oct. Not un- common, (v.v.) 1158. P. coprophila (Bull.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 600, t. 608, fig. A. /eoTTjOO?, dung; vat,va), I appear. P. 2-3 cm., white, here and there somewhat ochraceous, campanulate, obtuse, viscid, shining when dry, innately silky; margin appendiculate with the veil. St. 5-8 cm. x 2-4 mm., white, attenuated upwards, fibrillose, sprinkled with mealy particles, somewhat transversely un- dulated. Gills pallid grey flesh colour, then black, adnate, edge white. Flesh white, thin at the margin. Spores black, "red-brown under the microscope, elliptical, with a flattened germ-pore, 10-12 x 6-7 /*. Cystidia on edge of gill clavate-vesiculose, 30-36 x 9-lOju," Kick. Pastures. Aug. Rare. 1176. P. egregius Massee. Cke. Illus. no. 624, t. 624. Egregius, distinguished. P. 4-5 cm., bright orange brown, disc darker, fleshy, ovate-campanu- late, 6 cm. high, smooth, viscid when moist, with a trace of agglutinated down, slightly wrinkled when dry; margin exceeding the gills. St. 12-5 cm. x 12 mm., pale brown, duller than the p., slightly thickened at the base, fibrillose, readily splitting longitudinally, base white and cottony, apex smooth. Gills brownish black, with a tinge of purple at maturity, adnexed, ventricose, 12 mm. broad, thin, crowded, dry, not deliquescent; edge paler. Flesh ochraceous, thick at the disc. Spores brown, then blackish, oblong ovate, with a minute apiculus, 15-17 x 7-8/x,. Solitary. On the ground. Jan. Rare. 1177. P. phalaenamm Fr. d\cuva, a moth. P. 14 cm., clay white, fleshy, campanulato-convex, obtuse, viscid, smooth ; margin appendiculate with the fugacious veil. St. 6-10 cm. x 3-4 mm., pallid rufescent, equal, slightly firm, pruinose. Gills grey, then cinereous black, adnexed, broad. Flesh pallid, thin. Spores black, "elliptical, 10 x 6/n" Massee. On dung, especially cow. Rich pas- tures. July Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) **P. moist, opaque, bibulous, subflocculose when dry. 1178. P. retirugis Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 628, t. 627. Rete, a net; ruga, a wrinkle. P. 13 cm.., flesh tan colour, or pale grey, fleshy, globose, then hemi- spherical, often subumbonate, reticulate with raised ribs, atomate, opaque; margin appendiculate with the dentate, torn, fugacious veil. St. 5-9 cm. x 2-4 mm., flesh colour, becoming purple, equal, pruinose. Gills cinereous blackish, adfixed, ascending. Flesh thin. Spores black, "olive black under the microscope, nearly lemon-shaped, 12-14 x 8- PAN AEOLUS 371 9/M, smooth. Cystidia on edge of gill filamentous-clavate, 30-36 x 5- 6/z" Rick. On dung. Pastures, and parks. April Nov. Not un- common, (v.v.) 1179. P. sphinctrinus Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 629, t. 628. a-faytcTijp, a band. P. 1-3 cm., fuliginous, or fuliginous grey, livid when dry, hygro- phanous, fleshy, oval, then campanulate, 2-2-5 cm. high, never ex- panded, obtuse, always opaque, moist in rainy weather, somewhat silky when dry; margin crenate with the appendiculate, fugacious, white veil. St. 2*5 7-5 cm. x 2-4 mm., fuliginous grey, tense and straight, equal, fragile, pruinose, apex smooth. Gills cinereous blackish, adnate, ascending, crowded, edge often white. Flesh reddish, fairly thick. Spores black, globose-elliptical, 13-14 x 9-10/z, with a hyaline germ- pore at each end. Cystidia on the edge of the gill cylindrical, flexuose, apex obtuse, 4-5 p in diam., base often subventricose, 30-38 x 6-7 fj,. Rich pastures, and garden soil. April Nov. Common. (v.v.) ***P. dry, smooth, slightly shining, not zoned. 1180. P. campanulatus (Linn.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 630, t. 629. Campanulatus, bell-shaped. P. 13 cm., fuscous fuliginous, rufescent when dry, fleshy, campanu- late, at length convex, often umbonate, slightly viscid when moist, then somewhat shining, often excoriated when dry. St. 6-9 cm. x 2-4 mm., rufescent, whitish pruinose at first, equal, tense and straight, apex striate. Grills varying grey and black, adnate, ascending, crowded, edge often white, and distilling watery drops. Flesh reddish, thin. Spores black, almond-shaped, 10-12 x J-Sp,. Cystidia cylindrical, flexuose, apex obtuse, 4-6/z in diam., 35-40 x 7-9 /z. On dung, especially horse. Pastures, and gardens. June Nov. Common, (v.v.) 1181. P. papilionaceus (Bull.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 631, t. 630. Papilionaceus, like a butterfly. P. 2-4 cm., pallid, or pale grey, disc reddish, hemispherical, pruinose, rimosely cracked when dry. St. 2-5-7 cm. x 3-6 mm., whitish, equal, or attenuated downwards, apex white pulverulent. Gills blackish, broadly adnate, 6-15 mm. broad, at length plane, edge often white. Flesh pallid, then whitish, thick at the disc. Spores black, almond- shaped, 14-15 x 7-8 JM, with a large central gutta. Cystidia "on edge of gill clavate-capitate, 30-36 x 6-7 /A" Rick. On dung, and on the ground. Pastures, and woods. June Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1182. P. caliginosus (Jungh.) Fr. Cke. lUus. no. 632, t. 631, fig. A. Caliginosus, dark. P. 1-2 cm., brown, fleshy, campanulate, obtuse, smooth. St. 4-7 cm. x 2 mm., concolorous, equal, even, naked. Veil very thin, or obsolete. 242 372 PANAEOLUS Gills fuliginous black, slightly adnexed, ascending, lanceolate. Flesh thin. Spores "blackish, elliptical, 10 x 6-7 /A" Massee. Rich pas- tures, and lawns. Oct. Nov. Rare. ****P. dry, smooth, zoned round the margin. 1183. P. subbalteatus B. & Br. Cke. Illus. no. 632, t. 631, fig. B. Sub, somewhat; balteatus, belted. P. 25 cm., dull deep fawn colour, pallid when dry, hygrophanous, fleshy, convex, margin slightly incurved, then expanded, obtuse, or slightly umbonate, irregular, slightly wrinkled, marked near the margin with a dark, narrow zone. St. 5-8 cm. x 2 mm., red brown, equal, brittle, stringy, splitting longitudinally, marked with short white fibrils. Gills brownish, adnate, slightly ventricose, edge white, slightly toothed. Flesh brownish, thick at the disc. Spores "black, opaque, almost lemon-shaped, 13-14 x 8-9/A. Cystidia on edge of gill filamentous, with a brown apex, 36-45 x 6-7 /u," Rick. Caespitose. In a tare-field. Sept. Oct. Rare. 1184. P. acuminatus Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 633, t. 632, fig. A. Acuminatus, pointed. P. 1-5-2-5 cm., flesh tan colour, fleshy, conical, acuminate, smooth, shining, zoned with a blackish line round the margin which is at first crenulate. St. 2-5-7-5 cm. x 2-3 mm., pallid above, fuscous below, equal, pruinose, base thickened. Gills whitish, then blackish, adnexed, ventricose, broad. Flesh pallid, fuscous towards the base of the st., thin. Spores black, "opaque when mature, lemon-shaped, 12-15 x 8-10ju. Cystidia on edge of gill filamentous, 50-70 x 4-6 /x" Rick. On dung. Pastures, and roadsides. Oct. Nov. Rare. 1185. P. fimicola Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 633, t. 632, fig. B. Fimus, dung; colo, I inhabit. P. 1-2 cm., fuliginous grey, clay hoary when dry, fleshy, campanu- late, then convex, obtuse, smooth, opaque, marked round the margin with a narrow fuscous zone, and inside this with a white one. St. 5-10 crn. x 2 mm., becoming dingy pale, equal, soft-fragile, obsoletely slightly silky striate, apex white pruinose. Gills variegated grey and fuliginous, adnate, slightly rounded, somewhat ventricose, broad, almost semi-ovate, edge often white. Flesh grey white, thin. Spores brownish black, "nearly transparent, subelliptical, 11-12 x 7-8 p,, smooth. Cystidia on edge of gill, cylindrical-filamentous, rarely flask- shaped, 40-50 x 6-12/i" Rick. On dung. Rich pastures. April Oct. Uncommon. var. cinctnhis (Bolt.) Cke. Bolt. Hist. Fung. t. 152. Cinctulus, a little girdle. Differs from the type in the reddish cinnamon p. with broad brown PANAEOLUS. MYCENA 373 marginal zone, and the dingy brown st. On dunghills after rain. June July. Not found since the time of Bolton. P. caudatus (Fr.) Quel. = Psathyrella caudate Fr. P. atomatus (Fr.) Quel. = Psathyrella atomata Fr. tfMargin of pileus straight, at first adpressed to the stem. Spores white. Mycena Fr. (jiv/cr)*;, a fungus.) Pileus fleshy, or submembranaceous, regular; margin straight, never incurved. Stem central, cartilaginous. Gills adnate, or sinuato- adnate with a decurrent tooth. Spores white, elliptical, oval, globose, or oblong elliptical; smooth, punctate, or verrucose; continuous. Cystidia present, very rarely absent. Growing on the ground, or on wood; solitary, or caespitose. I. St. juiceless, base not dilated into a disc. Edge of gills darker, denticulate. 1186. M. pelianthina Fr. (= Mycena denticulata (Bolt.) Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 216, t. 156, fig. 1. 7T\iaivojjiai, to be livid. P. 2-4 cm., pale purple livid, becoming whitish when dry, diaphanous, fleshy, convex, obtuse, or obsoletely umbonate; margin striate. St. 5-8 cm. x 2-5 mm., concolorous, equal, sometimes incurved at the base, firm, apex fibrillosely striate. Gills dark violaceous, edge blackish violet, denticulate, truncato-adnexed, very sinuate, distant, very ele- gantly connected by a network of veins. Flesh whitish, somewhat yellow- ish under the pellicle of the p., thick at the disc. Spores white, elliptical, 67 x 3jii, 1-2-guttulate. Basidia clavate, with 4-sterigmata. Cys- tidia filled with a dark purplish juice or colourless, cylindric-fusiform, 60-100 x 10-12jLt. Smell of radish. Amongst dead leaves in woods, especially beech. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 1187. M. carneosanguinea Eea. Caro, flesh; sanguinea, blood-red. P. 2-5-3 cm., livid grey, disc tinging rufous, becoming paler, fleshy, convex, subumbonate, smooth. St. 4 cm. x 5-9 mm., grey, equal, base yellowish, incrassated, clad with short mycelial strands. Gills dull purplish brown, adnate, broad in front; edge denticulate, blood-red. Flesh of p. and apex of st. white, changing to blood-red. Spores white, elliptical, 4-5 x 2-3/x, 1-guttulate. Woods. Aug. Sept. Uncommon. (v.v.) 1188. M. marginella Fr. (= Mycena mirabilis Cke. & Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 1148, t. 951, fig. A, as Mycena mirabilis Cke. & Quel. Margo, a border. P. 6-8 mm., somewhat fuscous when young, fleshy, campanulate, umbo darker, smooth, slightly striate elsewhere and somewhat 374 MYCENA azure-blue-floccose. St. 6-7 cm. x 1-2 mm., azure-blue-floccose, equal, tomentosely rooting. Gills white, or cinereous, slightly adnexed, dis- tant; edge fringed with azure-blue, or red floccules. Flesh tinged with blue, thin at the margin. Spores white. Fir trunks amongst Hypnum cupressiforme. Aug. Sept. Uncommon. 1189. M. avenacea (Fr.) Schroet. Avenacea, oaten. P. 1-2-5 cm., dirty yellowish brown, disc often darker and obtusely umbonate, submembranaceous, campanulate, 1 cm. high, wrinkled when dry; margin striate. St. 5-6 cm. x 1-2 mm., yellowish brown, apex paler, equal, tough, shining, base white floccose. Gills dirty white, or greyish, slightly adnexed, fairly distant, 1-5-2 mm. broad; edge floccose, brown. Spores white, ovate ellipsoid, 9-11 x 5-6 /i. Cystidia filled with a brownish juice, flask-shaped, pointed above, sometimes branched, attenuated at base, 45-70 x 6-12 x 2-5-3/x at apex. Woods, hedgerows and wood stacks. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon. (9.9.) var. olivaceo-marginata (Massee) Rea. Cke. Ulus. no. 1153, t. 959, fig. A, as Mycena olivaceo-marginata Massee. Olivaceus, olive-coloured; marginata, bordered. Differs from the type in the smaller spores, 6-7 x 4-5 /i. Amongst short grass in pastures, hill sides, and hedgerows. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1190. M. aurantio-marginata Fr. Fl. Dan. t. 1292. Aurantius, orange; marginata, bordered. P. 1-2 cm., olivaceous-fuscous, or olivaceous tan, becoming paler, fleshy, campanulate, then convex, obtuse, or obsoletely umbonate, smooth; margin striate when moist. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 2-4 mm., yellow- ish, or greyish, firm, equal, smooth, base inflated ventricose, clothed with strigose yellow hairs. Gills grey, then greenish livid, very attenuato- adnexed, very ventricose, crowded, connected by veins ; edge orange, floccose. Flesh fuscous, becoming whitish, thick at the disc. Spores white, elliptical, or pip-shaped with a lateral apiculus, 6-8 x 4-5/i. Cystidia filled with a yellowish juice, broadly clavate, or bludgeon- shaped, coarsely verrucose, 30-34 x 12/z. Smell none, or strong. Grassy places in woods and amongst conifer needles. Aug. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1191. M. elegans (Pers.) Fr. Elegans, graceful. P. 10-12 mm., yellow fuscous, or light yellow livid, opaque, mem- branaceous, campanulate, more or less umbonate; margin saffron coloured, slightly sulcate. St. 5-6 cm. x 2 mm., deep, or light yellow, apex paler, rigid, tense and straight, equal, base attached to its sup- port by yellow bristling filaments. Gills greyish, adnate, decurrent with MYCENA 375 a tooth, linear, 2 mm. broad ; edge darker, saffron yellow. Flesh white, thin. Spores white, elliptical, with a basal, or subbasal apiculus, 8-9 x 4-5 JM. Cystidia "content dark yellow, obovate or bludgeon- shaped, prickly, warted, about 9-1 Ifj, broad" Lange. Coniferous woods. July Nov. Common, (v.v.) 1192. M. atro-marginata Fr. (= Mycena balanina Berk. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 78, fig. 3. Ater, black; marginata, bordered. P. 1-53 cm., cinereous-fuscous, or purplish fuscous, paler at the margin, very membranaceous, conical, then conico-campanulate, 1-5-3 cm. high, lax, deeply sulcate, smooth, slightly viscid when moist. St. 4-10 cm. x 2-4 mm., concolorous, apex paler, strict, very fragile, equal, or slightly attenuated upwards, sometimes twisted, sulcate', base rooting, white tomentose. Gills whitish grey, then flesh colour, slightly adnexed, attenuated behind, almost linear, narrow, 2-3 mm. broad, subdistant, often slightly connected by veins; edge black, very thin. Flesh white, purplish in the stem, thin. Spores white, oblong- elliptic, 10-12 x 7/x, with a large central gutta. Pine woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1193. M. balanina Berk. (= Mycena atro-marginata Fr. sec. Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 216, t. 156, fig. 2. fiaXavos, an acorn. P. 2-4 cm., ochraceous with a slight tinge of umber, fleshy membrana- ceous, convex, somewhat campanulate, obtusely umbonate, at length more or less expanded, minutely pulverulent, slightly rugulose, striate when moist. St. 6-7 cm. x 2-4 mm., white and pruinose above, deep sienna-brown below, attenuated downwards, flexuose, rigid, shining, quite smooth; base dark brown, villose. Gills pale, or whitish with a pinkish tinge, quite free, rounded, 3 mm. broad, connected by veins, edge fringed with dull purple spiculae, which are also sprinkled over the surface. On beech mast, and amongst oak leaves. 1194. M. rubro-marginata Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 78, fig. 4. Ruber, red; marginata, bordered. P. 12 cm., red-livid, or purple fuscous, becoming pale, sometimes almost white, hygrophanous, membranaceous, campanulate, obtuse, striate, smooth. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 2-3 mm., pallid livid, rigid-fragile, equal, often curved, smooth, base slightly thickened. Gills whitish, then grey, adnate, with a small decurrent tooth, distant; edge fuscous purple, then brown. Flesh whitish, thin. Spores white, boat-shaped, 12-13 x 3-4-5/z, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "claviform, pointed at the free end, 50-60 x 10-16/u, filled with brownish juice" Barbier; "with one or more sterigma-like projections on the top" Rick. Pine, and larch woods. July Nov. Common, (v.v.) 376 MYCENA var. fusco-purpurea (Lasch) Cke. Fuscus, brown; purpurea, purple. Differs from the type in the purple brown p., the finely striate st. villosely rooting at the base, and the eroded, brown edge of the gills. Willow trunks, and amongst dead leaves. Sept. Uncommon. 1195. M. strobilina Fr. o-rpo/StXtvo?, belonging to a pine cone. P. 6-12 mm., persistently scarlet, often paler at the circumference, membranaceous, conical, then campanulate, acutely umbonate, slightly striate, smooth, dry. St. 3-5 cm. x 1-2 mm., concolorous, slightly rigid, equal, smooth, base white strigose. Gills rosy red, adnate, de- current with a tooth, distant, alternate ; edge darker, deep blood colour. Flesh reddish, very thin at the margin. Spores white, elliptical, 7-9 x 4-4-5/A, 1-guttulate. Cystidia " on edge of gill elongate-vesicu- lose, 45-50 x 15-18/x" Rick. Gregarious. On pine needles, occa- sionally in beech woods. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1196. M. rosella Fr. (= Mycena rosea (Pers.) Sacc.) Rosella, somewhat rose-coloured. Rose colour, becoming pale. P. 7-10 mm., membranaceous, cam- panulate, then hemispherical, obtusely umbonate, slightly hygro- phanous, striate. St. 2-3-5 cm. x 1 mm., equal, soft, base white tomentose. Gills rose colour, adnate, with a tooth, subdistant, edge blackish purple. Flesh white, reddish in the st., very thin at the margin. Spores white, elliptical, 7-8 x 4/u,. Cystidia "obovate or bludgeon- shaped, 42 x 7-15ju,, occasionally the apex drawn out, somewhat bottle-neck-like, the free portion more or less warted, filled with a reddish or pinkish juice" Lange and Schroeter. On coniferous needles. June Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1197. M. atrovirens Rea. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. vi, t. 7. Ater, black; virens, green. P. 8 mm., blackish green, paler and whitish at the striate margin, bright green at the circumference, slightly fleshy, hemispherical, smooth, somewhat viscid on the disc at first. St. 3 cm. x 1 mm., cinereous, or greyish fuliginous, equal, smooth. Gills whitish, green and minutely toothed on the edge especially towards the margin of the p., adnate, 2 mm. broad, subdistant, attenuated in front. Flesh fuscous, thin. Smell and taste none. Spores white, elliptical, or pip-shaped, often with an oblique apiculus, 5-6 x 3/u,, minutely punctate; basidia clavate, 23-25 x 6-7 p,, with 4-sterigmata. Cystidia on edge of gill abundant, often fasciculate, slightly clavate, or cylindrical, 35-40 x 3-4 /A, flexuose, filled with a greenish juice, thin walled. Beech stumps. Oct. Rare, (v.v.) MYCENA 377 II. St. juiceless, base not dilated into a disc. Gills unicolorous, not changing colour. P. pure coloured, bright, not becoming fuscous, nor cinereous. 1198. M. pura (Pers.) Fr. (= M ycena pseudopura Cke.) Pura, clean. P. 28 cm., rose, purple, lilac, bluish-grey, or white, fleshy, cam- pamilate, then expanded, at length rather plane, sometimes um- bonate; margin striate. St. 3 10 cm. x 2-6 mm., concolorous, or whitish, tough, polished, equal, or attenuated upwards when larger, smooth, base white villose. Gills pallid, or whitish, adnate, broad, ventricose, connected by veins. Flesh white, thin at the margin. Spores white, elliptical, 6-9 x 3-5-4/n, 1-2-guttulate. Cystidia on gill edge only, hyaline, cylindrical, broadly fusiform, or bladder-like, obtuse, more rarely somewhat pointed, becoming larger with age, 4560 x 11-20 x 5-10/x, at apex. Smell and taste of radish. Poisonous. Woods and pastures. June Dec. Common, (v.v.) var. carnea Rea. Carnea, fleshy. Differs from the type in the fleshy, fibrillose st. Amongst oak and beech leaves in deciduous woods. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. multicolor Bres. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 114. MuUus, many; color, colour. P. 3-5-5 cm., bright greyish blue, umbo fulvous. St. 5-7 cm. x 4- 8 mm., rosy purple, base becoming yellowish, white tomentose. Gills grey. Spores white, elliptical, 5 x 3/i (7-9 x 4-5/A Bres.). Cystidia cylindrical, or ventricosely fusiform, rarely subclavate. Amongst leaves. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1199. M. zephirus Fr. (= Mycena spiripes (Schwartz) Sacc.) Fr. Icon. t. 78, fig. 6. Ze^vpo?, the west wind. P. 2-3 cm., livid reddish, whitish flesh colour, or greyish, disc occa- sionally becoming fuscous, diaphanous, submembranaceous, campanu- late, then convex, striate to the middle. St. 3-8 cm. x 2-4 mm., lilac, becoming rufescent, fragile, equal, or slightly attenuated upwards, slightly striate, at first clad with deciduous, white scales; base incurved, woolly. Gills white, or flesh coloured, adnate, subdecurrent with a small tooth, at length separating, broad, slightly connected by veins. Flesh pallid, thin at the margin. Spores white, pip-shaped, 7-9 x 4/u, 1-4-guttulate. Cystidia "obovate, globose, or clavate, 40-60 x 16- 25 ,u, crowned with 1-4-finger-like, often branched protuberances, sometimes only toothed" v. Hoehnel. Gregarious. Amongst fir needles, or decayed fir wood, and amongst dead leaves. Sept. Dec. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1200. M. Seynii Quel. Quel. Soc. bot. Fr. xxm, t. 2, fig. 9. M. de Seynes. P. 1-2 cm., rosy vinous, disc greyish, pellucid, very thin, campanu- 378 MYCENA late, then convex, silky. St. 35 cm. x 2 mm., hyaline white, be- coming purplish, often flattened, bristling with white hairs at the base. Gills rose, or lilac, adnate by a tooth, distant, reticulately con- nected by veins, firm. Spores white, punctate, elliptical, 7-13 [JL, barrel-shaped. Smell none, taste like turnips. Fasciculate. Pine cones. Sept. Oct. Rare. 1201. M. flavipes Quel. (= Mycena Renati Quel.) Quel. Jur. et Vosg. ii, t. 1, fig. 4. Flavus, light yellow; pes, foot. P. -5-2 cm., rosy pink, or violaceous, disc brownish, membranaceous, campanulate, striate, pellucid, smooth, wrinkled when dry. St. 25 cm. x 12 mm., yellow amber, pellucid, tough, curved, shining, villose base swollen. Gills white, then flesh colour, adnate with a tooth, distant, connected by veins. Flesh yellow in the st., very thin. Spores white, elliptical, 11-12 x 6-7 /*, punctate. Cystidia "only on the edge of the gill, very numerous, threadlike above, long and ventricose below, 26-35 x 10-lQp" v. Hoehnel. Smell faint, of radish. On fir branches, and stumps. June Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1202. M. clavus (Linn.) Rea. (= Mycena rubella Quel.) Boud. Icon. t. 68, as Mycena rubella Quel. Clavus, a nail. P. 512 mm., orange scarlet, disc often darker, fleshy, conico-convex, then plane, umbo acute, diaphanous, smooth; margin pale, striate. St. 2-4 cm. x 2 mm., white, hyaline, with a fugacious, rosy tint at the apex, equal, smooth, base woolly. Gills white, then rose colour, edge paler, adnexed. Flesh of p. red. of st. white, very thin. Spores white, elliptical, or pip-shaped, 6-7 x 3-4/z, multigranular. Cystidia "only on the edge of the gill, sparse, rigid and threadlike above, ventricose below, 28-32 x 10/x," v. Hoehnel. On twigs, leaves, and amongst mosses. Aug. Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1203. M. coccinea (Sow.) Quel. Coccinea, scarlet colour. P. 5-12 mm., rosy-red, somewhat orange, membranaceous, cam- panulate, striate; margin incurved, wrinkled. St. 2-3 cm. x 1 mm., rose colour, equal, smooth ; base subbulbose, white strigose. Gills rosy, emarginate. Flesh of p. red, whitish or yellowish in the st., very thin. Spores white, pip-shaped, or elliptical, with a basal apiculus, 8-10 x 5-6 /A. Cystidia hyaline, flask-shaped, ventricose, apex pointed, or obtuse, often constricted at about one-third of its length from the apex, 25-35 x 7-10 x 3-5/z at apex. On larch cones, twigs and needles. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1204. M. Adonis (Bull.) Fr. Adonis, son of Cinyras, king of Cyprus. P. 610 mm., rose-red, margin whitish, membranaceous, campanu- late, 6-8 mm. high, minutely and almost obsoletely papillate, smooth, pellucidly striate. St. 35 cm. x 1 mm., shining white, pellucid, fiexuose, MYCENA 379 equal, smooth; base swollen, strigose. Gills white, or flesh coloured, uncinato-adnexed, ascending, very thin, narrow, somewhat distant. Flesh of pileus red, of st. white, very thin. Spores white, elliptical, often with a basal apiculus, 7-8 x 4/u,, 1-3-guttulate. Basidia "2- spored. Cystidia awl-shaped-conical, long, pointed, up to 60 p," Lange. Woods and pastures. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1205. M. chlorantha Fr. (= Mycena wrens (Bull.) Quel.) Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. in, t. 7, as Mycena wrens (Bull.) Quel. %X&)/)05, grass green; avOos, flower. P. 10-15 mm., olive green, becoming paler, disc yellow, membrana- ceous, conico-campanulate, 4-8 mm. high, then expanded, obtuse, smooth, striate when moist. St. 2-5-10 cm. x 2-3 mm., bluish, transparent, firm, straight, smooth, base white villose. Gills white with a slight tinge of green, adnate, narrow, 2 mm. broad, subventri- cose, thin, crowded. Flesh bluish in the st. Spores white, elliptical, 8-9 x 5-6/n, 1-guttulate, white in the mass, greenish by transmitted light. Cystidia "only on the edge of the gill, rarely obtuse, obovate oblong, generally fusiform, conical or bluntly pointed at the apex, 27-35 x 9-15/i" v. Hoehnel. Woods, and hedgerows. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1206. M. lineata (BuU.) Fr. Lineata, striate. P. 6-15 mm., yellow, olivaceous, rarely whitish, generally becoming light yellow, very membranaceous, hood-shaped, then campanulate, obtuse, lineato-sulcate to the disc, smooth. St. 4-7 cm. x 2-3 mm., concolorous, equal, smooth, base white villose. Gills white, or pale cream, adnate, linear, 2-3 mm. broad, subdistant. Flesh yellowish at the disc, very thin at the margin. Spores white, pip-shaped, 7-8 x 4/u, or elliptical, often slightly depressed on one side, 9-12 x 5-6 /z, often 1-guttulate, punctate. Cystidia pyriform, setulose, 20-25/A in diam. Amongst moss. Woods, and pastures. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon. (v.v.) var. expallens Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 78, fig. 5. Expallens, becoming pale. P. 1-2 cm., pale yellow, campanulate, striate up to the disc. St. 5cm. x 1 mm., pallid; base white, downy. Gills white, linear, very narrow, rather distant. Amongst moss. 1207. M. farrea (Lasch) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 80, fig. 4, wrongly cited as t. 79, fig. 4, in the text 1 . Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. i, t. 2, fig. 1, surface cells of the pileus magnified. Farrea, mealy. P. 1-2 cm., whitish, or yellowish, often with a tinge of flesh colour, membranaceous, campanulate, then expanded, subumbonate, sulcate, covered with a shining pruina (" composed of globose, hollow bodies, 1 Plates 79 and 80 are interchanged in some copies of Fries' Icones. 380 MYCENA 40-50 fi " Plowright) ; margin light yellow, or flesh colour, becoming whitish when dry, at first floccose, crenulate. St. 5-7-5 cm. x 2-3 mm., white, somewhat fragile, equal, silky-striate, often somewhat rooting. Gills white, adnate, thin, somewhat crowded, connected by veins, often fimbriate. Flesh white, thick at the disc. Amongst moss and heather on heaths. Sept. Rare. 1208. M. luteo-alba (Bolt.) Fr. Luteus, yellow; alba, white. P. 6-10 mm., yellow, somewhat shining, not becoming pale, mem- branaceous, acutely campanulate, umbonate when expanded, slightly pellucidly striate, smooth. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 2 mm., canary yellow, or yellowish, equal, subflexuose, tough, smooth, base subfibrillose. Gills shining white, adnate, somewhat uncinate, at first joined behind, broad, alternate. Spores white, "elliptical, 6-8 x 3-5-4-5/u," Schroeter. Cystidia "scattered, conical, often crowned with threadlike pro- tuberances, 22-36 x 9-12/z, or slightly ventricose, conical, numerous, obtuse, 16-21 x 7-9/x," v. Hoehnel. Amongst moss. Pine woods. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1209. M. flavo-alba Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 80, fig. 5, wrongly cited as t. 79, fig. 5, in text. Flavus, light yellow; alba, white. P. 1-2 cm., ochraceous, light yellow-white, or wholly white, submem- branaceous, campanulate, then convex, at length flattened, um- bonate, smooth, often striate, scalloped when dry and rimosely split. St. 2-3 cm. x 2 mm., pellucidly white, or with a yellowish tinge, slightly rigid, fragile, tense and straight, equal, apex pruinose. Gills white, adnato-decurrent, soon separating-free, at length plane, ventricose, distant. Flesh white, thick at the disc. Spores white, elliptical, 6-8 x 3-4/x, 1-guttulate. Cystidia flask-shaped, apex subulate, 3-4/z in diam., ventricose at the base, 35-55 x 12-15/x. Pastures, heaths, and woods. July Dec. Common, (v.v.) 1210. M. chelidonia Fr. 1 (= Mycena pumila (Sow.) Quel.; Mycena raeborhiza (Lasch) Gill.) Fr. Icon. t. 83, fig. 4, as Mycena rae- borhiza Lasch. ^e\i8(av, a swallow. P. 1-2-5 cm., yellow flesh colour, or somewhat tawny, becoming paler flesh colour, or whitish at the margin, submembranaceous, campanu- late, conical, fragile, pruinose, pellucidly striate when moist, even when dry. St. 3-5 cm. x 2 mm., pallid, or becoming yellow, equal, tough, rooting, smooth, apex mealy, base villose. Gills whitish, becoming yellowish, or flesh colour, adnate, or somewhat free, subdistant, at length connected by veins. Flesh yellowish, thin at the margin. Spores white, elliptical, 3 x 1-5-2^, 1-guttulate ("subglobose, 6-8 /x, or 6-7 x 5-6/t" Gill.). Beech, and alder stumps. Oct. Rare, (v.v.) 1 Friea placed this species in the section having milk, or a coloured juice in the St., but this factor is so slight that the fungus is far better ranged in this position. MYCENA 381 1211. M. lactea (Pers.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 222, t. 159, bottom figs. Lactea, milk-white. Entirely white. P. 1-2 cm., membranaceous, campanulate, disc sometimes becoming light yellowish, subumbonate, striate when moist, even when dry, margin scalloped. St. 3-7 cm. x 1-2 mm., equal, flexile, smooth, base fibrillosely rooting. Gills adnate, ascending, narrow, crowded. Flesh white, very thin at the margin. Spores white, elliptical, 8-9 x 3-3'5/x,, 1-guttulate. Basidia with 2-sterigmata. Cystidia sparse, subulate, apex 3 /n in diam., base sub ventri cose, 35-40 x 9/i. Gregarious. On needles, and twigs. Coniferous woods. July Dec. Common, (v.v.) var. pithya (Pers.) Fr. (= Collybia India Fr. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 68, fig. 4, as Collybia India Fr. TTITVS, a pine, or fir tree. Snow white, drying up and becoming yellowish. P. 6-10 mm., be- coming almost plane, margin incurved. St. 2-2-5 cm. x 1-2 mm., pulverulent, base villose, subbulbous, villosely strigose. Gills somewJiat wide, distant. On coniferous needles and chips. Sept. Rare. var. pulchella Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 80, fig. 3, wrongly cited as t. 79, fig. 3, in text as Mycena lactea Pers. Pulchella, beautiful little. Differs from the type in the much thinner p., prominent umbo, and the gills broader at the base and subdistant. Caespitose. On wood. M. muscigena (Schum.) Quel. = Collybia muscigena (Schum.) Fr. 1212. M. gypsea Fr. 71^05, chalk. P. 12 cm., white, or yellowish, disc yellow, membranaceous, some- what fragile, conico-campanulate, umbonate, umbo not prominent, striate to the disc. St. 6-8 cm. x 1-2 mm., white, equal, or attenuated upwards, rigid, fragile, smooth, or pruinose, base villose. Gills shining white, adnate, broadest behind, equally attenuated to the margin. Spores white, elliptical, 8-10 x 4-5 p. Cystidia "obtusely conical, 30 x llfj,, or obtuse and broadly thread-shaped above, slightly conical below, 30-62 x 8-16/x" v. Hoehnel. Gregarious and caespitose. Amongst fragments of wood, and on trunks. June Nov. Uncommon. 1213. M. nivea Quel. Quel. Soc. bot. Fr. xxm, t. 2, fig. 1. Nivea, snow-white. Shining white, transparent. P. 15 mm., very thin, campanulate, never expanding, sulcate from the apex to the base, pruinose. St. 2-3 cm. x 1 mm., rigid, smooth, apex pruinose, base recurved, fbril- lose. Gills adnate, uncinate, narrow, distant. Spores pruniform, 10-12/A, granular. On twigs. Deciduous woods. M . galeropsis Fr. = Marasmius dryophilus (Bull.) Karst. var. oedipus (Quel.) Eea. 382 MYCENA III. St. firm, rigid, somewhat tough, juiceless, somewhat strigose and rooted at the base. Grills changing colour, white, then grey, or reddish, commonly at length connected by veins. P. not hygrophanous. Generally lignicolous and caespitose. M . cohaerens (A. & S.) Fr. = Marasmius cohaerens (A. & S.) Cke. 1214. M. prolifera (Sow.) Fr. Sow. Eng. Fung. t. 169. Proles, offspring ;fero, I bear. P. 1-2 cm., pallid, disc fuscous, fleshy, campanulato-expanded, broadly umbonate, dry, slightly striate; margin at length sulcate, or rimosely split, pale yellowish, or becoming fuscous tan. St. 5-8 cm. x 4-5 mm., pallid, apex greyish, base tawny bay, firm, rigid, smooth, shining, slightly striate, rooting, often proliferous. Gills white, then ochraceous, adnexed. Flesh pallid, thin. Spores white. Densely caespitose, glued together by villose down. Woods, and old logs in gardens. July Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1215. M. excisa (Lasch) Gillet. Excisa, cut out. P. 23 cm., brownish, rugulose, disc pallid fuscous, or greyish fuscous, membranaceous, campanulate, then convex, subumbonate, tough; margin paler, striate. St. 3-4 cm. x 3-4 mm., greyish brown, be- coming fuscous, apex paler, firm, tough, smooth, rooting. Gills paler than the p., hoary, somewhat free, very attenuated at the base, ventri- cose, connected by veins, very distant, thick. Flesh pallid, thick at the disc. Spores white, broadly elliptical, 9-11 x 7-8 /x. Basidia with 4-sterigmata. Cystidia subulate, filiform, or bottle-shaped, rarely furcate, base swollen, 20-30 x 10-15/Lt. Caespitose, rarely solitary. On trunks and stumps of pine. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1216. ML fagetorum (Fr.) Gillet. Fagetum, a beech wood. P. 1-2 cm., yellowish, pale livid, or fuliginous, membranaceous, campanulate, then convex, striate half way to the disc, smooth. St. 3-6 cm. x 3-4 mm., pallid, incurved, base villose, attached at right angles to the beech leaves. Gills white, or glaucous, attenuated at the base and attached to a collar. Spores white, "oblong elliptical, 9-5- 11 x 4-4-5/x. Cystidia few, small, insignificant, club, or pear-shaped, their not much protruding free portion set with short setae" Lange. Gregarious. On dead beech leaves. Sept. Nov. Notuncommon. (v.v.) 1217. M. Berkley! Massee. Cke. Illus. no. 224, t. 148, as Mycena excisa Lasch. The Rev. Miles Joseph Berkeley, the founder of British mycology. P. 3-7 cm., dingy brown, umbo darker, paler when dry, fleshy, cam- panulate, then more or less expanded, slightly umbonate, slightly and distantly striate to the umbo, hygrophanous. St. 8-13 cm. x 6- 8 mm., dingy brown with a purple tinge, almost equal, or slightly MYCENA 383 thickened below, more or less striate; base long, tapering, rooting. Gills tinged purplish, or flesh colour, broadly sinuate behind, and adnate with a decurrent tooth, ventricose, 4-6 mm. broad, rather distant, thin. Flesh of si. purplish. Spores white, elliptical, 5 x 3'5/x, with an oblique basal apiculus. Cystidia none. Solitary or sub- caespitose. On trunks. Mixed woods. Sept. Oct. Rare. 1218. M. psammicola B. & Br. Cke. lUus. no. 225, t. 186, upper figs. i/rayu,yu,o9, sand; colo, I inhabit. P. 49 mm., brown, becoming paler towards the margin, hygro- phanous, somewhat hemispherical, sprinkled with very minute par- ticles', margin striate. St. 1-2 cm. x 1 mm., white upwards, umber downwards, firm, rooting, wholly white pulverulent. Gills white, shortly adnate, sinuate behind, in the form of a segment. Smell strong, but not nitrous. Amongst moss on a sandbank. Sept. Eare. 1219. M. rugosa Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 225, t. 186, lower figs. Rugosa, wrinkled. P. 2-6 cm., cinereous, becoming pale, very tough, membranaceous, campanulate, then expanded, at length rather plane, somewhat obtuse, more or less corrugated, rugosely wrinkled, dry, striate at the circumference. St. 3-8 cm. x 3-4 mm., pallid, very cartilaginous, rigid, tough, straight, at length compressed, smooth, with a short, oblique, strigose root. Gills white, then grey, arcuato-adnate, with a decurrent tooth, united behind in a collar, broad, ventricose, con- nected by veins, edge sometimes serrulate. Flesh whitish, thick at the disc. Spores white, oblong elliptical, 9-11 x 6-7 ft, with a large central gutta. Basidia with 2-4-sterigmata. Cystidia hyaline, broadly clavate, or bludgeon-shaped, apex covered with short, simple, more rarely branched setae, 24-50 x 10-12/A. On stumps and old posts. July Dec. Common, (v.v.) 1220. M. sudora Fr. Sudor, sweat. P. 2-5 cm., whitish, or yellowish, diaphanous, submembranaceous, convex, umbonate, often irregular, striate, viscid. St. 611 cm. x 3-6 mm., concolorous, equal, firm, dry, smooth, rooting. Gills white, then flesh colour, obtusely adnate, broad, subdistant. Flesh white, thick at the disc. Spores white, broadly elliptical, 9-11 x 7-8 /A. Cystidia "small, little protruding, 24 x 8/z,, elliptical- vesiculose, mostly bluntly conical, somewhat ventricose below and often oblique" v. Hoehnel. On and near beech, and beech stumps. Aug. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1221. M. galericulata (Scop.) Fr. (= Mycena simillima Karst.) Galericulum, a cap. P. 2-5 cm., fuscous-livid, or changeable in colour, often becoming yellow, or rubiginous, sometimes white, submembranaceous, conico- campanulate, then expanded, striate to the umbo, dry, smooth. St. 384 MYCENA 5-12 cm. x 3-5 mm., concolorous, often becoming yellowish, or rubi- ginous, somewhat fragile, polished, often curved, smooth; base strigose, fusiform-rooted. Gills whitish, then flesh colour, adnate, decurrent with a tooth, sometimes connected by veins. Flesh greyish, very thin at the margin. Spores white, broadly elliptical, 10-11 x 6-8 /x, 1-guttu- late. Basidia generally with 2-sterigmata only. Cystidia hyaline, broadly clavate, or bludgeon-shaped covered with short setae, 15-40 x 9-12/1. Caespitose, the numerous stems often glued together with villose down at the base. On stumps, trunks, and pollards. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) var. calopus Fr. (= Mycena inclinata Fr. sec. Lange.) Fr. Icon. t. 80, fig. 2. /caXo?, beautiful; TTOU?, foot. Differs from the type in the fasciculate, fusiform chestnut coloured stem. "P. viscid, gills cinereous becoming whitish, spores ovate globose, 8 x 6/4" Sacc. On stumps. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1222. M. simillima Karst. Simillima, very like. P. livid, or dingy pattid, conico-campanulate, even, dry, glabrous. St. fragile, polished, even, glabrous, base curved, rooting. Gills white, very slightly tinged with rose, emarginato-decurrent, crowded. Tree stumps. Sept. Rare. 1223. M. polygramma (Bull.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 228, t. 223. ?roXv9, many; ypapfiij, a line. P. 2-5 cm., fuscous, cinereous, livid, or becoming light yellow, margin white when young, submembranaceous, conical, then campanulate, subumbonate, striate, smooth, rarely pruinose; margin often toothed. St. 610 cm. x 2-4 mm., silvery, livid, blue grey, or becoming azure blue, rigid, tense and straight, equal, longitudinally striato-sulcate, base strigose-rooted. Gills white, or pinkish, attenuated behind, un- cinate, subdistant, sometimes serrulate. Flesh greyish, very thin at the margin. Spores white, broadly elliptical, 9-12 x 6-8 p, 1-2- multi-guttulate. Basidia with 4-sterigmata. Cystidia hyaline, flask- shaped, base ventricose, apex prolonged and attenuated upwards, flexuose, simple or branched, 20-60 x 410 x 1 -5-3/1, at apex. Gre- garious or solitary . On stumps and twigs. Aug. Feb. Common, (v.v.) 1224. M. inclinata Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 234, t. 225, upper figs., as Mycena alcalina Fr. Inclinata, bent in. P. 2-3 cm., fuscous, livid fuscous, or bistre, submembranaceous, globose, then campanulate, obtuse, rarely gibbous, at length ex- panded and depressed at the apex, smooth, striate to the disc, shining when dry; margin at first white, exceeding the gills, delicately crenulate. St. 6-10 cm. x 2-4 mm., whitish, or brownish, becoming fulvous from the base upwards, slightly attenuated upwards, twisted, flexuose, apex incurved at first, somewhat tough when young, then fragile, pruinosely MYCENA 385 fibrillose, apex interruptedly striate; base rooting, villose. Gills whitish, greyish at the base, sometimes pinkish, adnate, crowded, at length soft. Flesh whitish, tawny in the st., thick at the disc. Spores white, subglobose, 8-10 x 6-8 /A, 1-guttulate; basidia with 4-sterigmata. Cystidia clavate, apex covered with short setae, 30-40 x 9-16/A. Smell somewhat alkaline. Densely caespitose on oak stumps, and at the base of posts. Aug. Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1225. M. parabolica Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 79, fig. 3, wrongly cited as t. 80, fig. 3, in the text. Parabolica, like a parabola. P. 25 cm., somewhat violaceous, disc black, margin whitish, or lilac, submembranaceous, at first erect and oval, then conical, never ex- panded, moist, somewhat shining when dry, smooth, striate to the disc. St. 5-8 cm. x 2-3 mm., whitish, or lilac, apex dark violaceous, tense and straight, not very rigid, white mealy when young, smooth, dry; base thickened, bearded-rooting. Gills white, greyish at the base, adnate, ascending, subdistant, rarely connected by veins. Spores white, elliptical, 7-8 x 5-6 /z. "Basidia 2-spored. Cystidia obovate, crowned with minute wart-like setae" Lange; "conical (not, or slightly ventricose), mostly sharp pointed, 40-60 x 10-20 /u," v. Hoehnel. Gregarious, or caespitose. On needles and rotten wood, in coniferous woods. Sept. Dec. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1226. M. tintinnabulum Fr. Fr. Icon, t 79, fig. 4, wrongly cited as t. 80, fig. 4, in the text. Tintinnabulum, a door bell. P. 2-3 cm., date brown, becoming pale, yellowish fuscous, azure blue, or whitish, submembranaceous, very tough, campanulato-convex, then plane, smooth, subviscid when moist. St. 2-3 cm. x 1-2 mm., pallid, very tough, smooth; base shortly white-strigose. Gills whitish, then cream, or flesh colour, adnate, decurrent with a tooth, horizontal, narrow, very thin and crowded. Spores white, "elliptical, 9-10 x 5-7 /x; basidia with 4-sterigmata. Cystidia on edge of gill subulate" Rick. For Mycena tintinnabulum Fr. sensu Schroet., v. Hoehnel and Lange give the following dimensions. Spores long-cylindrical, or ovate, 5-7 x 2-5-3jn. Cystidia vesiculose, obovate, subglobose, or cylindrical, often set with wart-like setae, 9-15/z across. Caespitose, or solitary. On fallen beech trunks. Oct. April. Uncommon. IV. St. fragile, dry, juiceless, fibrillose at the base, scarcely rooting, but not dilated nor inserted. P. hygrophanous. Gills changing colour, at length somewhat connected by veins. Usually strong scented, solitary and terrestrial, a few caespitose and lignicolous. 1227. M. atroalba (Bolt.) Fr. Bolt. Hist. Fung. t. 137. Ater, black; alba, white. P. 2-3 cm., bistre blackish, whitish at the margin, submembrana- ceous, conico-campanulate, obtuse, smooth; margin pellucidly striate. B, B. B. 25 386 MYCENA St. 7-10 cm. x 3-4 mm., pallid, apex dark and occasionally pruinose, tense and straight, shining, smooth, base with a hairy, bulbous, swollen root. Gills white, becoming glaucous, free, ventricose, crowded. Spores white, "oval, 12-14 x 7-8/u," Sacc. Cystidia "lanceolate-subulate, 75-105 x 15-20 /x" Rick. Solitary, or gregarious. Amongst moss. Mixed woods. July Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1228. M. dissiliens Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 81, fig. 2. Dissiliens, flying apart. P. 2-5 cm., cinereous-fuscous, margin whitish, submembranaceous, very fragile, acorn-shaped, then conico-campanulate, sulcate to the disc, pruinose; margin revolute. St. 4-5 cm. x 2-5 mm., cinereous, at- tenuated upwards from the strigose base, somewhat incurved, smooth, or pruinate, slightly striate under a lens, split and breaking up into revolute flaps when compressed or bent, often twisted. Gills whitish, or cinereous at the base, rounded behind, separating free, broader in front, soft, watery. Flesh white, greyish in the st., thin at the margin. Spores white, elliptical, 7-8 x 4-5 /z, multi-guttulate. Cystidia "glo- bose-ovate, 20/z, crowned with a few, short, finger-like protuber- ances " v. Hoehnel. Smell weak. Amongst grass in woods and heaths, and on trunks. July Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1229. M. atrocyanea (Batsch) Fr. (= Mycena nigricans Bres. sec. Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 231, t. 236, lower figs. Ater, black; cyanea, dark blue. P. 5-13 mm., fuscous, then azure-blue-grey, membranaceous, cam- panulato-convex, at length flattened, gibbous, with an irregularly shaped, somewhat angular, wrinkled, obtuse, fuscous blackish umbo, deeply sulcate to the umbo, sprinkled with a white, evanescent pruina. St. 3-5 cm. x 1-2 mm., dark blue-black, slightly attenuated from the subbulbous base, almost equal, rigid, fragile, smooth. Gills white, grey at the base, attenuat o-adnate, joined in a collar, ventricose, distant. Flesh greyish, thin. Spores white, oblong, often apiculate at one end, 10-12 x 6-7/u,. Cystidia subulate-fusiform, or cylindrical, apex acute, 2-3/x, in diam., 80-100 x 10-12/A. Amongst pine needles and on stumps. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1230. M. pullata Berk. & Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 232, t. 237. Pullus, dark coloured. P. 18 mm., dark brown with a tinge of purple, disc almost black, becoming paler, sometimes with a glaucous bloom, membranaceous, campanulate, obtusely umbonate, sulcato-striate to the middle. St. 7-5 cm. x 2 mm., concolorous; base thickened, whitish floccose, some- times rooting. Gills white, adnexed, rather broad, scarcely crowded. Spores white, elliptical, 6 x 3/i. Smell slightly nitrous. Amongst dead leaves. Oct. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) MYCENA 387 1231. M. cinerella Karst. Cke. Illus. no. 264, t. 210, upper figs., as Omphalia grisea Fr. sec. Lange. Cinerella, somewhat ash colour. P. 5-15 mm., grey, or pallid greyish, submembranaceous, campanu- late, entirely striate. St. 2-4 cm. x 1-2 mm., greyish white, equal, base fibrillose. Gills greyish white, broadly adnato-decurrent. Spores elliptical, 7-10 x 4-6 /A. Cystidia "ovate oblong, generally conical, ventricose below, apex obtusely conical, often rough, 50-60 x 12-16/u." v. Hoehnel; "globose, finely warted, not protruding" Pearson "in litt." Smell very strong, of meal. Woods, and pastures. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1232. M. paupercula Berk. (= Mycena metata Fr. sec. Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 231, t. 236, upper figs. Paupercula, poor. P. 2-5 mm., pale ochraceous white, becoming almost tawny with age, submembranaceous, obtusely conical, or hemispherical, minutely innato-fibrillose, sometimes translucidly striate. St. 1-2-5 cm. x 1 mm., white, curved, rooting, smooth; base thicker, villose. Gills white, at first free, then adnexed. Smell of new meal. Inside decayed stumps. July Sept. Uncommon. 1233. M. leptocephala (Pers.) Fr. Pers. Ic. et Desc. t. 12, fig. 4. Xe-TTTo?, thin; Kd\.ij, head. P. 1-2-5 cm., cinereous, submembranaceous, campanulato-expanded, repand, umbonate, fragile, sulcate, pruinose, opaque. St. 4-6 cm. x 2-3 mm., concolorous, equal, slightly striate, opaque, dry. Gills white cinereous, becoming white at the edge, emarginate, connected by veins. Flesh grey, thin at the margin. Spores white, elliptical, 6-9 x 3-4ju,, with a large central gutta. Cystidia "acute awl-shaped, somewhat fusiform, 60-70 x 10-14/u," Lange; "lanceolate, 60-100 x 10-18^" Rick. Smell nitrous. Solitary. On trunks, and on the ground, espe- cially in coniferous woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1234. M. alcalina Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 81, fig. 3. Alcalina, alkaline. P. 2-5 cm., cinereous, fuscous, date brown, inclining to olivaceous, often tinged with yellow or pink, submembranaceous, campanulate, obtusely umbonate, deeply striate when moist, shining when dry. St. 5-8 cm. x 2-4 mm., normally yellow, often cinereous, slightly firm, rigid, slippery when moist, shining when dry, smooth, base villose. Gills glaucous white, or dark cinereous, becoming white and sometimes brown at the edge, adnate, slightly ventricose, sometimes connected by veins, subdistant. Flesh whitish, thick at the disc. Spores white, broadly elliptical, 8-10 x 6-7 /A. Basidia with 4-sterigmata. Cystidia hyaline, flask-shaped, or fusiform, base often ventricose; apex pro- longed, obtuse or pointed, 35-45 x 10-18 x 4-5/x at apex. Smell strong, alkaline. Caespitose, rarely solitary. Coniferous stumps, trunks, and needles. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 252 388 MYCENA 1235. M. ammoniaca Fr. Cke. lUus. no. 235, t. 238, upper figs. Ammoniaca, ammoniacal. P. 1-5-2 cm., fuscous, becoming blackish, varying cinereous, disc fuscous blackish, paler round the striate margin, submembranaceous, acutely conical, papillate, then campanulate, naked, discoid, opaque. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 1-2 mm., whitish, slightly firm, equal, polished, dry, smooth; base rooting, strigose. Gills whitish, or grey, edge whitish, adnate, linear, distant. Flesh greyish in the p., becoming whitish, thin at the margin. Spores white, elliptical, 611 x 4-7 ju, often 1-2- guttulate. Cystidia hyaline, flask-shaped, ventricose at the base ; apex acute, obtuse or subglobose, 40-55 x 15-18 x 3-7 /x at apex. Smell strong, alkaline. In troops on coniferous needles, and amongst short grass. July Nov. Common, (v.v.) 1236. M. metata Fr. (= Mycena paupercula Berk. sec. Quel.) Metata, conical. P. 1-2 cm., cinereous and slightly striate when moist, opaque, whitish, and somewhat silky in appearance when dry, submembranaceous, hemispherico-campanulate, obtuse, then plane, disc papillate or somewhat umbilicate, very hygrophanous. St. 5-7-5 cm. x 1-2 mm., white, becoming cinereous, rarely yellowish, or flesh colour, soft-flaccid, equal, smooth, base white fibrillose. Gills whitish, or yellowish grey, adnate, linear, subdistant. Spores white, elliptical, 6-8 x 4-5/A, with a large central gutta. Cystidia "obovate or pyriform, 12-19/u, across, set with setulose warts" Lange; "spinulose, 30 x 12-15/>i" Rick.; "conical, ventricose, 20-50 x 12-16/u," v. Hoehnel. Smell faintly alkaline. In pastures, and amongst short grass. Sept. Nov. Com- mon, (v.v.) 1237. M. plicosa Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 81, fig. 4. Plicosa, folded. P. 1-5-3 cm., fuscous cinereous, opaque when dry, membranaceous, fragile, campanulate, then expanded, broadly and obtusely um- bonate, deeply lineato-sulcate, plicate with the distant furrows, often split. St. 2-5 cm. x 2-3 mm., grey, then fuscous, rigid but fragile, equal, smooth; base abrupt, white villose. Gills grey, at length whitish pruinose, adnate, thick, distant, connected by veins Spores oblong- elliptical, 9-1 1 x 4 5 fi, " minutely punctate " Quel. Cystidia "on edge of gill clavate, 40-45 x 12-18/x, with finger-like appendages" Rick. On bare soil in woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1238. ML cinerea Massee & Crossl. Cinerea, ash colour. Entirely grey. P. 1-5-2 cm., submembranaceous, subgibbous, or obtuse, soon expanded, paler and silky when dry; margin striate. St. 5-7 cm. x 2 mm., cylindrical, smooth; base white, downy. Gills adnate, subdistant, edge pale, mealy with the spores. Flesh greyish, MYCENA 389 thin. Spores white, elliptical, 8 x 5/x, 1-2-guttulate. Cystidia fusi- form. Smell of radishes. Pastures, and amongst short grass. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1239. M. peltata Fr. Peltata, having a shield. P. 1-5-3 cm., black fuscous when moist, grey when dry, membrana- ceous, convex, soon exactly plane, disc orbicular, even, fiat, rather umbilicate than umbonate; margin up-turned and becoming black when dry, very closely striate. St. 4-5 cm. x 2 mm., livid, equal, rigid, somewhat fragile, often flexuose, smooth. Gills grey, paler at the edge, adnate, with a small decurrent tooth, ventricose. Flesh greyish t thick at the disc. Spores white, elliptical, 8-10 x 4-6 /a. Cystidia "broadly lanceolate, 40 x 12-1 5 jit, sometimes slightly capitate" Rick. Smell none, or alkaline. Woods, and heaths. Aug. Oct. Uncommon. 1240. M. consimilis Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 1150, t. 1186. Consimilis, entirely similar. P. 2-5-3 cm., cinereous, umbo darker, membranaceous, conically campanulate, umbonate, striate to the middle, smooth, opaque; margin soon upturned, at length splitting. St. 23 cm. x 2 mm., paler than the p., attenuated upwards, often compressed below, rather rigid, dry, smooth. G-ills cinereous, adnexed, or nearly free, linear, 1-2 mm. broad, scarcely crowded. Flesh white, thick at the disc. Spores white. Amongst grass. Sept. Rare. 1241. M. aetites Fr. (= Mycena umbellifera (Schaefi.) Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 81, fig. 5. dertrj;?, the eagle-stone. P. 12 cm., fuscous grey, becoming pale, membranaceous, campanu- late, then convex, sulcate to the broad, obtuse, prominent umbo, hygro- phanous, smooth; extreme margin becoming black. St. 4-5 cm. x 2 mm., whitish, becoming fuscous downwards, shining, often com- pressed, unequal, fragile, smooth. Gills white, grey at the sides, adnate, subuncinate, thin, at first cohering in the form of a cottar, beautifully reticulated by veins, linear, subdistant. Spores white, elliptical, often with an oblique apiculus, 8-10 x 5-6/x. Cystidia hyaline, flask-shaped, ventricose at the base ; apex prolonged, acute, or obtuse, 25-50 x 6-8 x Ifj, at apex. Smell alkaline, or none. Taste bitterish, or obsolete. Amongst moss, and short grass in woods and upland pastures. June Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1242. M. stannea Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 82, fig. 2. Stannea, tin-colour. P. 34 cm., grey when moist, tin colour and silky shining when dry, hygrophanous, membranaceous, campanulate, then flattened, obso- letely umbonate, fragile, often rimose, smooth, pellucidly striate when moist. St. 5-8 cm. x 2-4 mm., grey, becoming pale, slightly rigid, 390 MYCENA not very fragile, sometimes compressed, smooth, shining. Gills whitish grey, adnate, with a small decurrent tooth, connected by veins, scarcely crowded. Flesh pallid, thin at the margin. Spores white, elliptical, 8-10 x 4-5/i. Cystidia " flask-shaped-fusif orm, 45-50 x 10-18 fj,, blunt, sometimes capitate" Eick. Smell, like fresh trout, or none. Amongst grass in woods. June Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1243. M. vitrea Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 82, fig. 1. Vitrea, glassy. Very fragile. P. 1-2-5 cm., fuscous, then livid or bluish grey, mem- branaceous, campanulate, obtuse, entirely lineato-striate, opaque, smooth, dry. St. 5-10 cm. x 1 mm., whitish, hyaline, equal, smooth, glistening, striate under a lens, base fibrillose. Gills whitish, adnate, linear, subdistant. Flesh fuscous in the p., very thin. Spores white, "oblong oval, 10 x 4-5 JLI. Cystidia nearly globose, with short spines in circles, 45 /z broad" v. Hoehnel. In woods amongst Sphagnum. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. 1244. M. tennis (Bolt.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 237, t. 160, lower figs. Tenuis, thin. Very fragile, caespitose, white. P. 1-2 cm., hyaline, or becoming fuscous white, very membranaceous, campanulato-convex, obtuse, lineato-striate, smooth; margin slight, beautifully fringed in a crenate manner, as if appendiculate with the fragments of the veil. St. 7-8 cm. x 1-2 mm., hyaline, base becoming yellowish, membranaceous, pellucid, tense and straight, smooth. Gills adnate, with a small decurrent tooth which is often obsolete, linear, rather thick, comparatively distant, soft. Spores white, subglobose, 4 x 3p,, with a large central gutta. Woods, and pastures. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) V. St. filiform, scarcely a line thick (and not more), flaccid, somewhat tough, rooting, dry, juiceless, commonly very long in proportion to the p. Gills paler at the edge and changing colour. Very slender, tense and straight, terrestrial, and amongst moss, inodorous, solitary. P. fuscous, becoming somewhat pale, not hygrophanous, in the last species orange. 1245. ML filopes (Bull.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 238, t. 161, upper figs. Filum, a thread; pes, foot. P. 1-1-5 cm., livid fuscous, or livid grey, rarely whitish, very mem- branaceous, conical then campanulate, obtuse, striate, dry, smooth. St. 7-9 cm. x 1-2 mm., livid, or becoming fuscous, filiform, tense and straight, flaccid, not very tough, equal, rooting with a long pilose tail, filled with a watery juice when in full vigour. Gills white, at length grey at the base, free, or only reaching the St., ventricose, or lanceolate, crowded. Flesh whitish, thin at the margin. Spores white, elliptical, MYCENA 391 8-10 x 4-5 //,. Basidia with 2-4-sterigmata. Cystidia on gill edge, hyaline, crowded, forming a compact layer, obovate, or pyriform, minutely setulose towards the apex, 20-48 x 16-32 /JL. Amongst dead leaves in deciduous woods, hedgerows and plantations. Aug. Jan. Common, (v.v.) 1246. M. amicta Fr. (= Mycena Iris Berk. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 82, fig. 3. Amicta, clothed. P. 6-12 mm., green, bluish grey, or livid, membranaceous, conico- campanulate, slightly pellucidly striate to the disc, covered with fuga- cious pruina. St. 6-8 cm. x 1-2 mm., livid, equal, flexile, covered with a delicate white pruina] base straight, or with a long tortuose root, smooth. Gills grey, edge paler, free, or only reaching the st., linear, narrow, crowded. Flesh fuscous, thin at the disc. Spores white, elliptical, 7-8 x 4-5 p,, 1-2-guttulate. Basidia with 2-sterigmata. Cystidia hyaline, flask-shaped, apex acutely conical, 20 x 6/z. Amongst mosses in woods, and pastures. Sept. Nov. Not un- common, (v.v.) 1247. M. Iris Berk. (= Mycena amicta Fr. sec. Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 238, t. 161, lower figs. Ipts, the rainbow. P. 10-15 mm., grey, becoming yellowish, membranaceous, hemi- spherical, obtuse, covered with blue, evanescent fibrils, viscid; margin denticulate. St. 4-9 cm. x 2-3 mm., grey, equal, covered with evan- escent blue fibrils, which are often only apparent at the base. Gills grey, edge becoming pale, free, or slightly adnexed, linear, edge some- times denticulate. Flesh greyish, thick at the disc. Spores white, elliptical, 6-8 x 3-4 /x. Cystidia "crowded, conical, threadlike, ob- tuse, 20 x 4-4-5 /i" v. Hoehnel. On fir stumps, and sticks. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. caerulea Rea. Caerulea, azure blue. Differs from the type in the pure blue colour of the p., in the absence of blue fibrillae on the p. and st., and in the white pulverulent apex of the st. Spores white, elliptical, with an oblique apiculus, 8-9 x 5/x. Inside a hollow tree. May. Rare, (v.v.) 1248. M. urania Fr. Ovpavia, the Heavenly One. P. 6-10 mm.-, dark blue, then becoming violaceous, and at length pallid lilac, rarely becoming fuscous, membranaceous, campanulate, then hemispherical, obtuse, striate, dry, smooth. St. 5-8 cm. x 1-2 mm., dark blue, then becoming somewhat azure blue, equal, flexile, flaccid, smooth, slightly rooting; base white floccose. Gills white, uncinato-adnate, thin. Amongst alder leaves, Jungermanniae, and twigs in damp woods. July Sept. Rare. 392 MYCENA 1249. M. plumbea Fr. (= Omphalia plumbea (Fr.) Rick.) Plumbea, lead colour. P. 1-3 cm., cinereous lead colour, covered with a white pruina, some- times bluish ash colour, membranaceous, convex, then plane, obtuse, sulcate. St. 7-10 cm. x 2 mm., becoming cinereous, equal, fragile, pulverulent, apex hyaline, base white strigose. Gills concolorous, adnate, horizontal. Flesh whitish, very thin at the margin. Spores white, elliptical, 10-11 x 5-6 p,, 2-multi-guttulate. Mossy pastures, and amongst leaves. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1250. M. debilis Fr. Quel. Jur. et Vosg. i, t. 14, fig. 6. Debilis, weak. P. 4-6 mm., whitish livid, or somewhat flesh colour, becoming fuscous, withered and corrugated when dry, membranaceous, very thin, cam- panulate, then convex, obtuse, striate when moist, even when dry, smooth. St. 5-10 cm. x 1 mm., concolorous, capillary-filiform, weak, lax, base fibrillose. Gills whitish, or concolorous, broadly adnate, rather broad, subdistant. Spores white, elliptical, 10-12 x 5/z. Cystidia "thin, lanceolate, 60-75 x 9-12/u,, much projecting and making the gills appear rough" Rick. Amongst dead leaves in woods, and hedge- rows. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1251. M. vitilis Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 240, 1. 189, fig. 2. Vitilis, plaited. P. 6-10 mm., fuscous, or livid, becoming pale, or whitish, membrana- ceous, conical, then campanulate, papillate, striate to the middle, dry, smooth. St. 7-15 cm. x 1-2 mm., livid, filiform, rooted, tense and straight, rigid, tough, easily flexile, smooth, shining. Gills whitish, or grey, edge becoming whitish, attenuato-adnate, ascending, linear, thin. Flesh white, very thin at the margin. Spores white, broadly elliptical, apiculate at base, 9-12 x 5-7 /A. Cystidia "very like those of Mycena polygramma, free portion hair-shaped, c. 10/x, long, 2p, broad, basal part slightly thickened" Lange. Amongst dead leaves in deciduous woods. Sept. Feb. Common, (v.v.) var. amsegetes Fr. Amsegetes, field by the roadside. Differs from the type in the obsoletely umbonate p., and the shorter, and thicker st. Meadows, and roadsides. 1252. M. collariata Fr. Collariata, possessing a collar. P. 1-2 cm., fuscous, becoming pale, often greyish white, becoming fuscous only at the disc, membranaceous, campanulate, then convex, subumbonate, striate, rigid when dry, smooth. St. 5 cm. x 1-2 mm., grey, becoming pale, filiform, tough, dry, smooth, slightly striate under a lens. Gills hoary-whitish, or obsoletely flesh colour, adnate, joined in a collar behind, thin, crowded. Spores white, "elliptical, 8-10 x MYCENA 393 4-6/i" Berk. Cystidia on gill edge "lanceolate subulate, 50-60 x 10-13/z" Rick. In woods, amongst grass, and on oak bark. Oct. Nov. Uncommon. 1253. M. speirea Fr. (= Omphalia speirea (Fr.) Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 78, fig. 2. tnrelpa, a coil. P. 4-10 mm., pallid cinereous, or whitish variegated with fuscous striae, umbo fuscous, membranaceous, conico-convex, then plane, at length depressed at the disc, smooth, sometimes pruinose. St. 5 cm. x 1 mm., white, base becoming fuscous and ending in a tail-like flbrillose root, tough, filiform, equal, smooth, shining. Gills shining white, adnate, then deeply decurrent, distant, the alternate ones shorter. Flesh white, thin at the margin. Spores white, "globose, 6/x, or broadly elliptical, 6-9 x 4-6/x. Cystidia numerous, cylindrical, conical, gene- rally sharp pointed, full of small oil globules, on the edge of the gill, 60 x 20/A, on the surface, 85 x 20jn, or cylindrical, conical, with protruding points, 40 x 20 /JL" v. Hoehnel. Woods, and mossy trunks. Aug. Oct. Uncommon. 1254. M. tenella Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 241, t. 190, middle figs. Tenella, rather tender. Entirely white, or livid flesh colour, caespitose. P. 5-12 mm., mem- branaceous, very tender, campanulato-convex, obtuse, pellucid; mar- gin slightly striate. St. 2 cm. x 1 mm., filiform, soft, smooth, base villose. Grills white, then flesh colour, uncinate, very thin, crowded. Flesh white, very thin. Spores white, elliptical, 8-9 x 4-5 p,, minutely punctate. Cystidia "on the edge, in several rows, globose, 16-23 /n, crowned with numerous, short spines" v. Hoehnel. On felled trunks, and twigs in wood heaps. Aug. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 1255. M. acicula (Schaeff.) Fr. (= Mycena coccinea (Scop.) Sacc.) Acicula, a small pin. P. 2-10 mm., vermilion-orange, membranaceous, campanulate, then convex, with a very small slightly fleshy unibo, striate, smooth, shining. St. 2-5 cm. x 1 mm., bright yellow, becoming pale, filiform, rooting, smooth, shining, apex somewhat pruinose, base villose. Gills yellow, becoming whitish at the edge, or wholly white, rounded-adnexed, almost free, comparatively broad, ventricose, somewhat ovate, distant, the alternate ones shorter. Flesh reddish in the p., very thin. Spores white, oblong-fusiform, 9-12 x 2-4/u,, attenuated at the base, 1- guttulate. Cystidia hyaline, flask-shaped, base ventricose or fusiform ; apex acute, obtuse, or subglobose; 25-30 x 8-12 x 2-4/x at apex. On dead leaves and twigs in woods and hedgerows. May Dec. Common, (v.v.) 394 MYCENA VI. St. and gills exuding a milky, usually coloured juice when broken. St. dry, rooting. 1256. M. hematopus (Pers.) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 83, fig. 1. alpa, blood; Troy?, foot. P. 2-4 cm., greyish, or white flesh colour with a purplish tinge, disc bistre, fleshy-membranaceous, conical, then campanulate, obtuse, smooth; margin denticulate, slightly striate. St. 5-10 cm. x 2-5 mm., white, greyish, flesh colour, or violaceous, becoming cinereous, rigid, fragile, recurved, white pruinose, becoming smooth, containing a blood-like juice, base strigose. Gills white, then flesh colour, or viola- ceous, adnate, often with a small decurrent tooth, the alternate ones shorter. Flesh turning blood red, thick at the disc. Spores white, broadly elliptical, 10 x 6/u, rounded at both ends, with a large central gutta. Cystidia "conical, sharp pointed, often ventricose below, 45 x 15/n, or rigid, long, threadlike and pointed above, ventricose below, 40-45 x 12/z, contents colourless, seldom reddish" v. Hoehnel. Caespitose. On trunks, and stumps, especially birch. Aug. Dec. Common, (v.v.) var. marginata Lange. Marginata, bordered. Differs from the type in the dark edge of the gills. Cystidia "drawn out to a sharp point, below the middle fusiformly inflated, 10-1 7 \L broad, their free portion 45 ju, long, contents pale brownish red " Lange. On stacked birch logs. Oct. Probably not uncommon, (v.v.) 1257. M. craenta Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 83, fig. 2. Cruenta, bloody. P. 6-20 mm., bay brown, or fuscous, then red, becoming pale, sub- membranaceous, conical, then campanulate, obtuse, striate, smooth. St. 5-8 cm. x 2 mm., paler than the p., slightly firm, tense and straight, smooth, containing a dark red juice, base villose-rooted. Gills whitish, or pinkish, adnate, linear, crowded. Flesh dark red, thin. Spores white, broadly elliptical, 9-10 x 6/n, with a large central gutta. Cystidia "on gill edge only, contents granular, 35 x 9 x 2/z at apex" v. Hoehnel. Generally solitary . Pine woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. (v.v.) 1258. M. sangninolenta (A. & S.) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 83, fig. 3. Sanguinolenta, bloody. P. 420 mm., pallid reddish, becoming fuscous, umbo and striae com- monly darker, very membranaceous, campanulato-convex, or hemi- spherical, papillate, smooth. St. 5-12-5 x 1-2 mm., pallid, flaccid, weak, almost capillary, moderately tough, smooth, containing a pale reddish juice, base subfibrillose. Gills whitish, or paler than the p., edge black purple, adnate, linear, subdistant, the alternate ones MYCENA 395 shorter. Flesh reddish, becoming whitish, very thin. Spores white, elliptical, pip-shaped, or pyriform, 8-9 x 4 6/i, 1-2-guttulate. Cys- tidia filled with a reddish juice, or colourless, flask-shaped, often pro- longed at the base; apex long, conical, pointed, 35-50 x 6-8 x 1-2-5/u, at apex. Gregarious or solitary. Amongst dead leaves in woods, especially coniferous woods, and in hedgerows. May Dec. Common. (v.v.) 1259. M. crocata (Schrad.) Fr. Croatia, saffron yellow. P. 1-2-5 cm., olivaceous, cinereous, or shining white, umbonate disc reddish, submembranaceous, conical, then campanulate, smooth; margin striate. St. 7-12-5 x 2-3 mm., saffron-Uood-colour, especially towards the rooting, creeping, fibrillose base, slightly attenuated up- wards, apex whitish, containing a saffron-blood juice that readily stains the rest of the fungus. Gills white, attenuato-adnexed, broader in front, subventricose, subdistant. Flesh saffron-blood-colour, yellow- ish in the centre of the St., thick at the disc. Spores white, broadly elliptical, or pip-shaped, 9-11 x 6-7 /n, punctate. Basidia with 4- sterigmata. Cystidia "club-shaped, or somewhat pyriform set with minute wart-like setae, apex occasionally with a hair-shaped appendix" Lange. On dead leaves, and twigs in woods, especially beech. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1260. M. galopus (Pers.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 244, t. 207. iyd\a, milk; TTOV?, foot. P. 615 mm., fuscous, or greyish, the indistinct umbo darker, mem- branaceous, conical, then campanulate, striate, smooth, or pruinose. St. 5-11 cm. x 1-2 mm., fuscous, or grey, apex white, firm, somewhat fragile, smooth or pruinose; base thickened, white villose and rooting, containing a milk white juice. Gills white, sometimes becoming glaucous, attenuated behind, slightly adnexed, broader towards the margin of the p. Flesh white, very thin. Spores white, oblong elliptic, 12-14 x 6-7 //,. Cystidia hyaline, subulate, fusiform; apex acute, simple or forked, 30-90 x 10-12 x 2-5-3|u. at apex. Amongst dead leaves, on twigs and stumps. Woods, hedgerows, and wood piles. July Jan. Common, (v.v.) var. alba Fl. Dan. Alba, white. Differs from the type in being entirely white. In woods amongst leaves. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. nigra Fl. Dan. (= Mycena leucogala Cke.) Cke. Illus. no. 1151, t. 653, as Mycena leucogala Cke. Nigra, black. Differs from the type in the dark colour of all its parts. In woods, on stumps, twigs, and leaves. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 396 MYCENA VII. St. juiceless, glutinous, or viscid. Gills at length decurrent with a tooth. 1261. M. epipterygia (Scop.) FT. Cke. Illus. no. 245, t. 208, upper figs. 67T4, upon; Trrepvyiov, a little wing. P. 1-3 cm., cinereous, grey, or yellow, becoming whitish, membrana- ceous, campanulate, then more or less expanded, striate, covered with a viscid, separable pellicle; margin often denticulate. St. 5-8 cm. x 1-2 mm., yellow, sometimes cinereous, pallid, or whitish, covered with a viscid separable pellicle, equal, tough, often flexuose ; base rooted, white fibrillose. Gills white, adnate with a decurrent tooth, straight, or slightly arcuate, little crowded. Flesh white, very thin. Spores white, oblong elliptic, 8-11 x 4-5 /x,, 1-guttulate. Cystidia only on gill edge, subglobose, 10-13/x, setulose, soon fugacious. "None" Lange. Smell none, or of rancid fat. Woods, pastures, and on leaves, and twigs. Aug. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 1262. M. viscosa (Seer.) R. Maire. Viscosa, viscid. P. 2-3 cm., whitish, pearl grey, then greyish brown, and finally reddish brown, hygrophanous, membranaceous, campanulate, then expanded, striate, covered with a viscid separable pellicle. St. 5-8 cm. x 1-2 mm., citron yellow, or golden, equal, viscid, apex whitish; base white fibrillose. Gills whitish, then greyish or flesh colour, adnate with a more or less decurrent tooth, slightly arcuate, narrow, little crowded. Flesh whitish, becoming reddish brown with age, thin. Spores white, shortly elliptic, 8-12 x 6-8/n, 1-multi-guttulate. Cystidia none. Smell of rancid fat. On needles, and rotten stumps in coniferous woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1263. M. epipterygioides Pearson. Epipterygia etSo?, like the species M. epipterygia. P. 1-2 cm., greenish yellow, disc darker, membranaceous, persistently hemispherical, depressed at the centre, viscid pellicle separable; margin striate, or sulcate, often crenate. St. 5-8 cm. x 1-2 mm., greenish, usually with reddish stains at the base, cylindrical, or com- pressed, hollow, viscid. Gills white, then delicate greenish yellow, adnate, with a decurrent tooth, subdistant, with intermediate shorter ones. Spores white, broadly elliptical, 9-10 x 7'5-8/x, contents granular. Basidia 30 x 6*5 /u,, with two prominent sterigmata. Cystidia on edge of gill brush-like; on gill face none. Damp places in pine woods. Oct. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 1264. M. plicato-crenata Fr. (= Mycena plicata (Schaefl.) Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 84, fig. 2. Plicata, folded; crenata, crenate. P. 6-10 mm., white, becoming yellow, membranaceous, conical, sub- umbonate, very sulcato-plicate, somewhat viscid ; margin crenate. St. 4 cm. x 1-2 mm., pallid reddish, filiform, smooth, viscid. Gills white, MYCENA 397 adnate, with a small decurrent tooth, narrow, attenuated behind, distant. Flesh ofst. light yellow. Spores white, elliptical, " 9-12 x 6/x" Sacc. Amongst moss on heaths, and in coniferous woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1265. M. clavicularis Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 84, fig. 1. Clavicula, a small key. P. 1-3 cm., whitish, or light yellowish, becoming fuscous, membrana- ceous, campanulate, then convex and umbonate, at length depressed, striate, dry. St. 58 cm. x 1-2 mm., whitish, or yellowish, equal, tough, smooth, slightly viscid, base fibrillose. Gills whitish, adnate, subdecurrent, often connected by veins. Flesh fuscous, very thin. Spores white, elliptical, 6 x 4//,, " cylindric-lanceolate, 10-12 x 3-4 jn. Cystidia on gill edge vesiculose-bottle-shaped, 30-36 x 9-11 jit, rarely lanceolate without a head" Rick. Woods, and damp places. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1266. M. pelliculosa Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 246, t. 191, upper figs. Pelliculosa, having a thin skin. P. 1-2-5 cm., fuscous, then grey, membranaceous, campanulate, then convex, obtuse, lineato- striate to the middle, covered with a viscid, separable pellicle. St. 2-6 cm. x 2-3 mm., white-livid, becoming fus- cous, viscid, rigid, tense and straight, smooth, apex somewhat thick- ened. Gills glaucous white, adnate, alternate, very distant, fold-like, joined in a collar behind, decurrent. Spores white, boat-shaped, 8-9 x 5-Q/jL, 2-guttulate. Cystidia "none" Rick. On heaths, and in heathy woods. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1267. M. vulgaris (Pers.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 246, t. 191, lower figs. Vulgaris, common. P. 6-10 mm., fuscous, or cinereous, sometimes whitish with the papilla fuscous, often rufescent when old, submembranaceous, cam- panulate, then convex, disc depressed, papillate, slightly striate, viscid pellicle separable. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 2 mm., cinereous, very viscid; base rooting and white strigose. Gills white, or grey, uncinato-adfixed, then decurrent, thin. Flesh whitish, thick at the disc. Spores white, elliptical, 6-9 x 3-4 /*, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "globose, 10-12/i, provided with numerous short, spiny, protuberances" v. Hoehnel. Gregarious. Coniferous woods. July Dec. Common, (v.v.) 1268. M. citrinella (Pers.) Fr. (= Mycena tenella (Batsch) Sacc.) Pers. Icon, et Desc. t. 11, fig. 3. Citrinella, lemon-coloured. P. 4-10 mm., lemon yellow, disc often darker, membranaceous, cam- panulate, then hemispherical and flattened, striate, slightly viscid. St. 2-3 cm. x 1 mm., lemon yellow, filiform, viscid when moist, base villose. Gills shining white, uncinate, moderately broad, distant. 398 MYCENA Flesh white, thin at the margin. Spores white, "broadly elliptical, 8-8-5 x Ip, or 6-8 x 4/u, (Britz.)" Sacc. Cystidia "filiform-clavate, or fusiform, 30-40 x 5-6 /u," Rick. Gregarious. On pine needles, and wood. Oct. Rare. var. Candida Fr. Candida, shining white. Differs from the type in being shining white, and becoming yellow when dry. 1269. M. rorida Fr. Quel. Jur. et Vosg. t. 4, fig. 4. Rorida, bedewed. Entirely white, or with a greyish tinge, but varying with the p. becoming yellow. P. 3-8 mm., membranaceous, conico-campanulate, then con- vex, dry, sulcate when moist, even when dry; margin crenate. St. 1-3 cm. x 1 mm., filiform, covered over with a thick, fluid, hyaline gluten, base inserted. Gills arcuate, decurrent, distant, the alternate ones shorter. Flesh whitish, very thin. Spores white, oblong-elliptic, 8-12 x 4-5 p. Cystidia "in dense, large groups, slightly conical, often somewhat ventricose, 18-25 x 6 9/x, or threadlike, obtuse, slightly ventricose, 22-25 x 6-7 /n" v. Hoehnel. On twigs, in woods, hedge- rows, and wood heaps. May Dec. Common, (v.v.) VIII. St. dry, rootless, the base naked, and dilated into a disc, or strigose and swollen into a little bulb. Tender, solitary, becoming flaccid. 1270. M. stylobates (Pera.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 248, t. 249, fig. A. a-TV\ot. On twigs, and dead herbaceous stems. Sept. Dec. Not uncommon. (v.v.) 1274. M. saccharifera B. & Br. Cke. Illus. no. 249, t. 192, top figs. Saccharon, sugar ',fero, I bear. Whitish, everywhere beset with shining granules. P. 4 mm., hemi- spherical. St. 4 x 1 mm., filiform, fixed at the base by a few flocci. Gills arcuato-decurrent, 8-9, very distant, rather thick, margin and surface granulated. Spores white, globose, 3p. On bramble, rose, furze, and nettle stalks. Nov. March. Uncommon. var. electica Bucknall. Cke. Illus. no. 248, t. 249, fig. C, as Mycena electica Bucknall. Electica, choice. Differs from the type in the sulcate p., and adnate gills. On dead furze, and sticks. 1275. M. pterigena Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 85, fig. 4. Trre/H?, a fern; yiyvofiai, I am born. Entirely rose colour. P. 2-6 mm., globose, then campanulate, 4 mm. high, very tender, pellucidly striate, obtuse, sometimes at length umbilicate. St. 1-7-5 cm. x 1 mm., tense and straight, or flexuose, smooth; base bulbous, white strigose. Gills adnate, broad, distant, edge darker. Flesh pinkish, very thin. Spores white, pip-shaped, 9-12 x 4-6 jn. Cystidia "ovate, or subglobular with numerous, minute, erect setae, contents pinkish" Lange. On dead leaves, and dead fern stems. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) IX. St. very thin, inserted (i.e. growing on other plants without a root, or tubercle, or flocci at the base), dry. Gills adnate, uncinate with a small decurrent tooth. Very tender, becoming flaccid as soon as the sun touches them. 400 MYCENA 1276. M. corticola (Schum.) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 85, fig. 2. Corticola, growing on bark. P. 4-10 mm., blackish, becoming azure blue, fuscous, or cinereous, thin, hemispherical, obtuse, at length slightly umbilicate, pellucid, sul- cate, sometimes flocculoso-pruinate. St. 1-3 cm. x 1 mm., paler than the p., sometimes furfuraceous and incurved. Gills paler than the p., adnate, with a small decurrent tooth, broad, somewhat ovate, distant. Flesh concolorous, very thin. Spores white, globose, 9-10/x. Cystidia "club-shaped, set with short warts and occasionally some few hair- shaped appendices" Lange; "on edge of gill clavate, 30-40 x 9-lOju,, without brush-like head " Eick. On living trunks of deciduous trees. June Jan. Common, (v.v.) 1277. M. hiemalis (Osbeck) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 85, fig. 1. Hiemalis, pertaining to winter. P. 3-7 mm., whitish, flesh colour, rufescent, rarely azure blue, or fuscous, membranaceous, campanulate, disc darker, slightly umbonate ; margin striate. St. 2-3 cm. x 1 mm., white, ascending, incurved, pubescent downwards. Gills whitish, or flesh colour, adnate, and un- cinate, narrow, linear. Flesh whitish, thin. Spores white, globose, 8-9jLt, or broadly elliptical, 10-12 x 8-10/x. Basidia with two long, curved sterigmata. Cystidia on gill edge only, hyaline, cylindrical; apex obtuse, or acute, 20-34 x 3-8 p. On trunks in woods. Sept. March. Common, (v.v.) 1278. M. codoniceps Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 1149, t. 952, fig. B. K(o8ci)v, a bell; caput, head. P. 1-2 mm., umber, submembranaceous, campanulate, scarcely ex- panding, 2-3 mm. high, sulcate, sprinkled with short, erect hairs. St. 4-10 x 1 mm., umber, apex whitish, attenuated downwards. Gills white, adnate, linear, not crowded. Spores white, elliptical, 5 x 2-5- 3/t. Gregarious. On tree-fern stems. June. Rare. 1279. M. setosa (Sow.) Fr. (= Mycena tenerrima Berk.; Mycena dis- copus Lev. sec. Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 251, t. 193, fig. 1. Setosa, bristly. Entirely white. P. 1-2 mm., very tender, often becoming fuscous, hemispherical, obtuse, smooth. St. 1-5-3 cm. x -5 mm., filiform, covered with distant spreading hairs. Gills distant. Spores white, pip- shaped, 7-8 x 3 4jii. Amongst dead leaves, especially beech. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1280. M. capillaris (Schum.) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 84, fig. 6. Capillaris, hair-like. Entirely white. P. -5-2 mm., very tender, but tough, like a small pin's head, then campanulate, rarely at length umbilicate, slightly striate when moist. St. 2-7 cm. x -5 mm., filiform, flexuose, flaccid, MYCENA. NOLANEA 401 base inserted, rarely girt with radiating fibrils, apex becoming fuscous. Gills adnate, /ew, broad, equal in length. Spores white, "obovate- lanceolate, 7-5-9 x 3-3-7/A, or 9-11 x 3-3-7 p. Cystidia crowded, obovate globular, set with wart-like setae " Lange. On dead leaves, especially beech. Sept. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 1281. M. juncicola Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 85, fig. 6. Juncus, a rush; colo, I inhabit. P. 2-3 mm., rufescent, or blood red, convex, striate, smooth. St. 12 x -5 mm., fuscous, filiform, inserted, smooth. Gills white, or yellow- ish white, adnate, distant. On dead rushes in bogs, and twigs. June July. Kare. Spores pink. Nolanea Fr. (Nola, a little bell.) Pileus fleshy, or submembranaceous, regular; margin straight, at first adpressed to the stem. Stem central, cartilaginous. Gills adnate, adnexed, or sinuato-adnate. Spores pink, angular, elliptical, or glo- bose, smooth, or rough, continuous. Growing on the ground, rarely on wood; solitary, or gregarious. *Gills grey or fuscous. P. dark coloured, hygrophanous. 1282. N. pascua (Pers.) Fr. Boud. Icon. t. 96. Pascua, of pasture. P. 28 cm., fuliginous when moist, hoary, or becoming pale fawn when dry, membranaceous, conical, then campanulate and more or less expanded, striate when moist, silky shining when dry St. 3-8 cm. x 2-6 mm., pallid fuliginous, or silvery tinged with smoke colour, equal, or compressed, soft, silky-fibrous, striate. Gills grey, or whitish-fuligi- nous, sprinkled with the rosy spores, very much attenuated behind, almost free, crowded, thin, ventricose, or rather broader and obtuse towards the margin. Flesh whitish, fuliginous when moist. Spores pink, angular, oblong, 10-13 x 7-8^. Woods, pastures, and road- sides. May Nov. Common, (v.v.) var. umbonata Quel. Quel. Jur. et Vosg. t. 6, fig. 5, as Nolanea mam- mosa Fr. Umbonata, having an umbo. Differs from the type in the umbonate, bay p., and fibrillosely striate, silvery st. Heaths, woods, and pastures. May Oct. Not uncommon. (v.v.) 1283. N. proletaria Fr. (= Nolanea staurospora Bres. sec. Quel.; Nolanea cetrata Schroet.) Boud. Icon. t. 95. Proletaria, poor. P. 1-5-4 cm., grey, disc umber and villose, submembranaceous, scissile, campanulate, then expanded, very obtuse, striate at the margin when moist. St. 4-10 cm. x 2-5 mm., fuliginous-grey, dirty white, or 402 NOLANEA pale yellow, equal, slightly thickened at the base, very fragile, fibrillose, striate. Gills fuliginous, then greyish, becoming rosy, separating, free, subdistant, watery. Flesh pale, deeper coloured at the periphery, very thin. Spores pink, very angular, generally subquadrangular or stellate, 10-11 x 8-10/ti. Basidia generally with 2-sterigmata only. Woods, and pastures. June Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1284. N. versatilis Fr. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. in, t. 12. Versatilis, variable. P. 2-5-5 cm., livid aeruginous, fuscous when dry, submembrana- ceous, convex, then expanded, obtuse, or obtusely umbonate, shining. St. 3-5 cm. x 2-4 mm., greyish white, with a silvery sheen when dry, rigid. Gills grey, then sprinkled with the rosy spores, adnate, ventri- cose, 3-4 mm. broad, widest in front. Flesh dark, fuscous. Spores pink, angular, oblong, 9-10 x 7/z,, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "abundant, clavate, 45-70 x 9-12jLt, with darkish olive, granular contents" Rick. Heaths, pastures, and lawns. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1285. N. Babingtonii Blox. Cke. Illus. no. 363, t. 377, upper figs. Professor C. C. Babington, the eminent botanist. P. 10-15 mm., cinereous, shining like silk, adorned with dark brown, fasciculate fibrils which are free at one end, conico-campanulate, disc rather squamulose. St. 2-5 cm. x 2 mm., clothed with dark brown down, equal, somewhat strigose, slightly wavy. Gills cinereous, darker at the base, adnate, ventricose, distant, glittering with little points. Spores pink, angular, elliptical, 7-9/i. Woods. Oct. Nov. Rare. 1286. N. araneosa Quel. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. in, t. 12. Araneosa, full of spiders' webs. P. 1-2 cm., dark grey, membranaceous, campanulate, fibrillosely silky. St. 3-5-4 cm. x 2 mm., grey, with a greyish fugacious cortina, fragile, fibrillose. Gills greyish-bistre, then dusted with the rosy spores, adnate, 2-3 mm. wide. Flesh dark, then yellowish. Spores pink, an- gular, often pentagonal, oblong, 13-16 x 8-9/n, 1-guttulate. Coni- ferous woods and under conifers. July Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1287. N. strigosissima Rea. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. vi, t. 7. Strigosissima, very rough haired. P. 4-8 mm. broad, 3-5 mm. high, reddish brown, or ferruginous, somewhat fleshy, conical, densely clothed with erect, reddish brown stri- gose hairs; hairs elongate, apex blunt, septate, 450-600 x 15-20 p; margin incurved. St. 1-5-2-5 cm. x 1 mm., concolorous, equal, slightly thickened at the base, densely clothed with similar hairs. Gills brown, becoming cinereous, pruinose with the spores, adnate, 1 mm. broad. NOLANEA 403 Mesh concolorous, becoming cinereous, thin, firm. Spores pink, oblong, angular, 15-17 x 7-8/j, often apiculate, 2-guttulate. Basidia pyri- form, or broadly clavate, 36-40 x 15-18/u,, with 4-sterigmata. Cys- tidia on edge of gill sparse, fusiform, or lanceolate, 60-70 x 10-12/z, ; apex acute, thin walled. Cells of the cuticle of the p. pyriform, 25/z in diam. Old pine logs. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1288. N. mammosa (Linn.) Fr. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 81. Mammosa, having large breasts. P. 2-8 cm., umber, or fuliginous when moist, isabelline-silky when dry, submembranaceous, conico-campanulate, papillate, striate. St. 5-15 cm. x 1-5-3 mm., fuliginous-livid, or yellowish grey, rigid, very cartilaginous, equal, sometimes compressed; apex thickened, white- mealy; base enlarged, white tomentose. Gills grey, then hoary-rose- colour, adnexed, separating-free, ventricose, subdistant. Flesh con- colorous. Spores pink, angular, oblong, 9-11 x 6-7 p, 1-guttulate. Smell none, or like rancid meal. Woods, pastures, and lawns. Feb. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1289. N. papUlata Bres. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 82, fig. 1. Papillata, having a nipple. P. 2-3 cm., fuscous bay, somewhat cinnamon when dry, submembrana- ceous, convexo-subcampanulate, then expanded, papillate, striate. St. 3-5 cm. x 2 mm., concolorous, shining, apex obsoletely white- mealy, base white-tomentose. Gills livid white, then fuscous flesh colour, sinuato-adnate, somewhat crowded. Flesh concolorous. Spores pink, angular, oblong, 8-11 x 6-7 /x, 1-guttulate. Smell none, or pleasant. Pastures, and lawns. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1290. N. juncea Fr. Juncea, like a rush. P. 1-5-2 cm., umber-fuliginous, then livid when dry, hygrophanous, submembranaceous, conical, then expanded, disc somewhat umbilicate and somewhat squamulose, radiately striate. St. 7-8 cm. x 12 mm., fuscous, then livid fuscous, cartilaginous, equal, round, or compressed. Gills grey, ascending, adnexed, separating, subdistant. Spores pink, "angular, globose, 11-13/n" Quel. In Sphagnum swamps, and in woods. Oct. Rare. var. cuspidata Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 99, fig. 2. Cuspidata, having a point. Differs from the type in the papillato-cuspidate pileus. 1291. N. fulvo-strigosa B. &. Br. Fulvus, tawny; strigosa, strigose. P. 18 mm., grey, conical, 12 mm. high, slightly wrinkled. St. 5 cm. x 2 mm., reddish, furfuraceo-squamulose, clothed at the base with rigid red hairs. Gills grey, adnate. Spores pink, 13 x 9/z. Woods. Sept. Rare. 262 404 NOLANEA **Gills becoming yellow, or rufescent. N. nigripes (Trog) Fr. = Naucoria Cucumis (Pers.) Fr. N. pisciodora (Ces.) Fr. = Naucoria Cucumis (Pers.) Fr. 1292. N. rufocarnea Berk. Cke. lUus. no. 364, t. 378, lower figs. Rufus, red; carnea, fleshy P. 23 cm., red-brown, submembranaceous, hemispherical, umbili- cate, indistinctly fibrilloso-squamulose; margin striate. St. 5-6 cm. x 2-3 mm., pale rufous, incurved at the slightly thickened base, minutely fibrillose under a lens, apex nearly white. Gills rose colour, adnate, ventricose, attenuated behind, slightly connected and traversed by veins. Flesh white. Spores pink, angular, broadly elliptical, or sub- globose, 8-9 x 7/z. Taste rather bitter. Heaths, and pastures. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1293. N. vinaceus (Scop.) Fr. Vinaceus, a grape-stone. P. 3-5 cm., rufescent, membranaceous, campanulato-convex, ob- tuse, slightly striate, shining. St. 5-7 cm. x 3-5 mm., yellow, smooth, glabrous, fistulose. Gills whitish, then flesh colour, adnate, or emar- ginate, distant, thin. Flesh ochraceous, thin. Spores "subglobose, 6-7/i, the angles scarcely prominent" Rick. Amongst moss in woods. Sept. Oct. Rare. 1294. N. icterina Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 99, fig. 4. t/crepo?, jaundice. P. 1-3 cm., light yellow green, more rarely yellowish honey colour, disc often fuscous, and here and there fuscous-squamulose, becoming pale when dry, hygrophanous, submembranaceous, campanulate, soon convex, obtuse, or papillate, often quite reflexed, pellucidly striate, sometimes sprinkled with superficial flocci, slightly silky when dry. St. 3-5 cm. x 2-6 mm., concolorous, or fuscous, rigid, white- mealy at the apex, equal, often compressed. Gills pallid, becoming saffron yellow when rotting, adnexed, separating, sometimes free and decurrent, ventricose, distant, sometimes connected by veins, even, crisped and anastomosing. Flesh yellowish in the pileus, white in the stem. Spores pink, angular, 10-12 x 7-8jii, 1-guttulate. Woods, and gardens. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1295. N. subglobosa (A. & S.) Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 1160, 1. 1170, fig. B. Sub, somewhat; globosa, spherical. P. 2 cm., yellowish, rather fleshy, hemispherical, rather viscid. St. 3-4 cm. x 2 mm., pale, equal, longitudinally striate. Gills ochraceous flesh-colour, nearly free, very broad, rhomboidal, convex. Flesh white, yellowish in the pileus. Spores pink, broadly elliptical, 9 x 7/i. On the ground. Sept. Oct. Rare. NOLANEA 405 ***Gills shining white, then rosy. P. hygrophanous. N. picea Kalchbr. = Naucoria Cucumis (Pers.) Fr. 1296. N. infula Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 100, fig. 1. Infula, a fillet. P. 1-4 cm., fawn, or fuliginous when damp, isabelline-livid when dry, shining in either state, membranaceous, pliant, conical, or campanu- late, often repand and irregularly shaped, centre at length depressed. St. 2-5-7-5 cm. x 2-3 mm., concolorous, cartilaginous, very tough, polished, striate, base white floccose with the mycelium. Gills shining white, then bright rose colour, adnexed, separating free, thin, narrow, very crowded. Flesh dark. Spores pink, angular, elliptical, 9 x 6/A, 1-guttulate. Charcoal heaps, lawns, and woods. Sept. Oct. Un- common, (v.v.) var. versiformis Fr. Versiformis, changing its shape. P. 12 mm., convex, then depressed or even infundibuliform, per- sistently papillate, very densely striate, silky-shining when dry. Burnt ground. ****Whitish. P. not hygrophanous. 1297. N. verecunda Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 99, fig. 5. Verecunda, modest. P. 1-2 cm., watery reddish, but very pallid, not changing colour when dry, submembranaceous, at first subumbonate, then rather obtuse, pellucidly striate to the middle when moist, obsoletely silky towards the fiocculose margin. St. 45 cm. x 24 mm., becoming pale, slightly firm, cartilaginous, splitting into fibrils when crushed, apex mealy. Gills whitish, watery, adnate, separating, rather thick, distant, distinct, ventricose, in the form of a segment, 4-6 mm. broad. Spores "10- 12 x 5-8 p" Massee. Densely gregarious, or growing in troops amongst grass in pastures. Sept. Uncommon. 1298. N. coelestina Fr. Fr. Icon. 1. 100, fig. 2. Coelestina, heavenly. P. 2-4 cm., dark azure-blue, rugged disc darker or blackish, membra- naceous, campanulate, then convex, obtuse, striate. St. 4 cm. x 1-2 mm., azure-blue-black, attenuated upwards, apex white pruinose. Gills hoary white, adnate, ventricose, very broad. Spores pink, angu- larly globose, 7-8 x 7/u,, rough. On old oak trunk, and in pine woods. Oct. Eare. 1299. N. exilis Fr. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. in, t. 12. Exilis, thin. P. 12-18 mm., livid bluish grey, disc darker, papillate, membrana- ceous, conical, then expanded, striate. St. 56 cm. x 2 mm., bluish green, filiform, sticky. Gills whitish, then flesh colour, adnexed, 2-3 mm. wide, somewhat crowded. Flesh bluish. Spores pink, angular, 8-10 x 6-7 IJL, 1-guttulate. Woods, and pastures. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. (v.v.) 406 NOLANEA. GALERA 1300. N. rubida Berk. Cke. Illus. no. 367, t. 340, lower figs. Rubida, reddish. P. 8 mm., white or greyish, at length with a pale ruddy tinge, mem- branaceous, convex, at length ura.loilica:te, finely silky. St. 3-4 x 1 mm., white, or greyish, thickest above, minutely silky. Gills whitish, then rose colour, adnate, broad, ventricose, attenuated behind, with fre- quently a more or less distinct tooth, sometimes subdecurrent. Spores pink, "elliptical, 4-5 x 3 /A, smooth. Cystidia none" Massee. Smell of new meal. Among grass in a conservatory. March Nov. Rare. 1301. N. rhodospora Br. & W. G. Sm. poSov, rose; cnropd, seed. P. 2-5 cm., sooty-fibrillose, or rufescent pilose. St. 3 cm. x 2 mm., white, subbulbous. Grills salmon or rose, sinuate or free. Spores pink. On earth, and wooden borders in stoves. May Sept. Rare. 1302. N. minuta Karst. Minuta, small. P. 11 '5 cm., pallid fuscous, paler when dry and shining, convex, sometimes umbilicate, striate up to the umbilicus. St. 3-5 cm. x 1*5 mm., pallid fuscous. Gills pallid, adnate. Spores pink, globose, angular, 7-9 p. On peaty soil in woods. Sept. Uncommon. Spores ochraceous, or ferruginous. Galera Fr. (Galerus, a cap.) Pileus fleshy, or submembranaceous ; margin straight, at first ad- pressed to the stem. Stem central, cartilaginous. Gills adnate, or adnexed. Spores ochraceous, cinnamon, or ferruginous, elliptical, prunif orm, or almond-shaped ; smooth ; with a germ-pore, rarely con- tinuous. Cystidia generally present. Growing on the ground. *P. conico-campanulate, hygrophanous, rather even, when dry dotted with soft particles; st. tense and straight; gills ascending, inserted at the top of the cone, somewhat crowded. Veil none. 1303. G. hapalaFr. (= Bolbitius apalus (Fr.) Quel.) Fr. Icon. 1. 127, fig. 1, as Galera apala Fr. a-7raXo9, tender. P. 1-6 cm., livid becoming pale, quite white and shining when dry, submembranaceous, conico-campanulate, then campanulate, obtuse, regular, smooth, hygrophanous. St. 10-15 cm. x 2-4 mm., shining white, rather fragile, slightly and equally attenuated upwards, very straight, clothed with dense, erect, white flocci, base sometimes sub- bulbous. Gills whitish, then bright ochraceous, adnexed, then free, very narrowly lanceolate, thin, crowded. Flesh concolorous, very thin. Spores tawny, pruniform, "12-14 x 7-8 /A" Sacc. Rich grassy places. Sept. Rare. GALERA 407 var. sphaerobasis v. Post. aipa, a globe; j3dt, stalk 3-4 x 3-4/i, base 18-20 x 15-18^" Rick. Coconut fibre trunks, and fallen leaves. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1314. G. spartea Fr. o-Tra/oro?, esparto grass. P. 5-12 mm., watery ferruginous, or cinnamon, tan when dry, hygrophanous, membranaceous, campanulato-convex, then expanded, obtuse, pellucidly striate when moist, smooth. St. pale tawny, date brown at the base, tense and straight, equal, smooth, polished, flexile, diaphanous. Gills darker than the p., wholly adnate, somewhat linear, then plane, crowded. Flesh concolorous, becoming paler, thin, very fragile. Spores ferruginous, "subelliptical, 6-8 x 3-4 /x, smooth. Cystidia stalked-capitate, base subglobose, 15 x 12-15/x, head 5-6 /i" Rick. Amongst moss on heaths, pastures, and on burnt soil. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1315. G. pygmaeoaffinis Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 128, fig. 1. Ajjinis, allied to Naucoria pygmaea. P. 2-4 cm., subfuscous, or honey colour, then tan, fleshy membrana- ceous, campanulate, then flattened, dry, delicately and under a lens conspicuously reticulato-wrinkled, almost rugged or minutely granular. St. 5-7-5 x 2 mm., shining white, fragile, equal, often striate and pruinose at the apex. Veil scarcely any. Gills clay-ochraceous, then ferruginous ochraceous, just reaching the st., almost free, thin, 410 GALERA crowded. Flesh concolorous, very thin at the margin. Spores pale ochraceous, "elliptical, with a flattened germ-pore, 15-18 x 8-12/n, smooth. Basidia 2-spored. Cystidia on edge of gill pyriform, apex prominent, stalked, small, capitate, stalk 3-4 x Iju,, head round, 3-4 fjL, base 9/t broad" Rick. Grassy places at the base of trees, heaths, thickets, and cucumber house. July Nov. Uncommon. **P. membranaceous, campanulate, striate, smooth, hygrophanous, even when dry, opaque, slightly silky; st. thin, lax, flexile; gills broadly and planely adnate, broad, somewhat denticulate ; cortina very fugacious. Slender, growing amongst moss. 1316. G. vittaeformis Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 522, t. 464, upper figs. Villa, a fillet ; forma, shape. P. 1-2-5 cm., date brown, tawny, or reddish, membranaceous, conical, then hemispherical, obtuse, rarely papillate, pellucid, disc even, smooth; margin striate, often delicately villose. St. 4-7-5 cm. x 1- 2 mm., rubiginous, opaque, equal, somewhat straight, smooth, or some- times pubescent or pruinose, slightly striate under a lens. Veil scarcely conspicuous. Gills watery cinnamon, then ferruginous, adnate, ventri- cose, subdistant. Flesh concolorous, very thin. Spores pale ferrugi- nous, "almond-shaped, 11-15 x 7-9 /A, rough. Cystidia lanceolate, 50-60 x 10-12 jit, with a long, blunt point" Rick. Amongst moss, and on burnt ground in pastures. May Nov. Uncommon. 1317. G. rubiginosa (Pers.) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 128, fig. 3, as var. major. Rubiginosa, rusty. P. 6-30 mm., cinnamon, or honey colour, tan colour when dry, hygrophanous, membranaceous, campanulate, obtuse, striate through- out, smooth. St. 5 cm. x 1-2 mm., bay brown, or dark ferruginous, equal, tough, flaccid, shining, smooth or pubescent under a lens. Gills ochraceous, adnate, ascending, rather broad, but almost linear. Flesh concolorous, becoming pale, thin. Spores ferruginous, elliptical, 10 x 5{j,. Woods, heaths, and pastures. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1318. G. hypnorum (Schrank) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 523, t. 465. Hypnum, a moss. P. 6-12 mm., ochraceous pale yellowish, or watery cinnamon, tan when dry, hygrophanous, membranaceous, campanulato-convex, often papillate at the umbo, or obtuse, Uneato-striate except at the disc, smooth. St. 5 cm. x 1-2 mm., slightly tawny, lemon yellow, or ochra- ceous, equal, fiexuose, lax, smooth, apex pruinose. Gills cinnamon tawny, adnate, broad, ventricose, distant, often connected by veins, edge fiocculose. Flesh yellowish, thin. Spores ferruginous, almond- shaped, 11-15 x 6-8 p.. Cystidia fusiform, ventricose, 50-65 x 15- 17 x 5-7 /i. at apex. Woods, heaths, and pastures. May Nov. Common, (v.v.) GALERA 411 var. bryonun (Pers.) Fr. Bryum, a moss. Differs from the type in its larger size, and rather horny papilla. Woods, heaths, and hedgerows. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. sphagnorum (Pers.) Fr. Sphagnum, a moss. Differs from the type in being twice or thrice as large, and in the long, subfibrillose tawny st. Bogs, and amongst Sphagna in woods. June Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1319. G. mniophila (Lasch) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 524, t. 466, upper figs. pviov, moss; epw, I bear. P. 2-3 cm., rufescent, becoming greyish towards the margin, sub- membranaceous, conico-campanulate, disc broad, obtuse, smooth, at length expanded and revolute; margin striate, at first appendiculate with the fugacious veil. St. 6-7-5 cm. x 2-3 mm., white, fragile, straight, PSATHYRELLA 421 equal, smooth, beaded with dew-like drops in wet weather. Gills palegrey, then livid black, adnate, ascending, narrow, linear, 2 mm. broad, crowded. Spores bay purple, "elliptical, 9-10 x 5 6/i, smooth, trans- parent brown. Cystidia on edge of gill subulate, 50-60 x 8-10/i" Rick. Caespitose. Gardens, and woods. Sept. Oct. Rare. **St. flexuose, pruinate at the apex. 1354. P. caudate Fr. (= Panaeolus caudatus (Fr.) Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 639, t. 637. Caudata, having a tail. P. 2-5 cm., date brown, tan colour obsoletely turning to flesh colour when dry, membranaceous, very tender, conical, then campanulate, at length flattened, smooth, disc subgibbous, even, otherwise pellucidly striate, dry, often splitting and subdeliquescent in wet weather. St 7 11 cm. x 3-4 mm., whitish, attenuated upwards from the thick- ened, rooting, fibrillose base, very fragile, curved, at length twisted, un- dulate, apex white pruinose. Gills grey, then cinereous black, adnate, 8mm. broad. Spores fuscous black, "elliptical, 13-17 x 8-9 /x, smooth, opaque. Cystidia on edge of gill, ventricose-fusiform, 30 40 x 9-10/i"Rick. In troops, or caespitose. Gardens, charcoal heaps, and stumps of a wooden pavement. May Dec. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1355. P. prona Fr. (== Psathyrella prona Fr. var. Smithii Massee.) Fr. Icon. t. 139, fig. 3. Prona, bending downwards. P. 5-12 mm., fuliginous, hoary when dry, hygrophanous, membrana- ceous, campanulate, then hemispherical, very obtuse, smooth, pel- lucidly striate, obsoletely silky-atomate and opaque when dry. St. 4 cm. x 1 mm., white, hyaline, becoming pale, equal, flexuose, lax, very smooth, apex pruinose. Gills greyish, then livid fuliginous, adnate, plane, subtriangular, 4 mm. broad, distant, edge often rose-coloured. Flesh yellowish, very thin. Spores very dead black, "elliptical, 12-16 x 7-8/Lt, smooth, opaque. Cystidia on edge ventricose-fusi- form, 40-60 x 8-10/u," Rick. Rich pastures, and in ruts of roads in woods. May Oct. Rare. 1356. P. empyreumatica B. & Br. Cke. Illus. no. 641, t. 657, fig. A. efwrvpos, burnt. P. 4 cm., rufous, then becoming pale, hygrophanous, membrana- ceous, expanded, atomate; margin crenate. St. 6 cm. x 3 mm., pallid, silky furfuraceous. Gills rufous, then brown purple, adnate, with a decurrent tooth, 4 mm. broad, thick, distant, connected by veins, edge pallid. Flesh concolorous, thin. Spores black. Smell strong. Wooden pavement. Oct. Rare. 1357. P. atomate Fr. (= Panaeolus atomatus (Fr.) Quel.) aro/A09, an atom. P. 1-3 cm., livid, or reddish, becoming pale tan or pale flesh colour 422 PSATHYRELLA. OMPHALIA when dry, hygrophanous, membranaceous, campanulate, obtuse, slightly striate, slightly wrinkled and without striae when dry, sprinkled with shining atoms. St. 4-7 cm. x 3-4 mm., white, equal, lax, fragile, slightly bent, apex white pulverulent. Gills whitish, then cinereous-blackish, adnate, broad, ventricose, slightly distant. Flesh pallid, thin. Spores black, elliptical, 11-15 x 6-8 ^t. Cystidia "fusiform, 40-50 x 8-10/*" Rick. Solitary, or gregarious. Woods, pastures, roadsides, and hedgerows. May Dec. Common, (v.v.) var. expolita Fr. Expolita, polished. Differs from the type in its smaller size, conical p., and undulate, smooth st. Woods, pastures and hedgerows. Sept. Oct. Not un- common, (v.v.) 1358. P. crenata (Lasch) Fr. (= Coprinus crenatus (Lasch) Eick.) Cke. Illus. no. 643, t. 847. Crenata, notched. P. 1-3 cm., ochraceous, or rufescent, then pale, hygrophanous, mem- branaceous, hemispherical, sulcate, atomate, crenate at the margin. St. 4-10 cm. x 2-4 mm., whitish, or brownish, fragile, equal, base thickened and villose, striate and mealy above. Gills yellowish fuscous, then blackish, adnate, sub ventricose. Flesh yellowish in the p., thin. Spores brownish black, elliptical, 9-12 x Q/JL. Cystidia "bottle- shaped, 50-150 x 22-33/i" Rick. Woods, pastures, roadsides, and amongst beech leaves. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1359. P. disseminata (Pers.) Fr. (= Coprinus disseminatus (Pers.) Quel.) Boud. Icon. t. 140. Disseminata, spread abroad. P. 1-2 cm., whitish, or yellowish, then becoming cinereous, commonly livid, disc becoming yellow, membranaceous, oval, then campanulate or convex, scurfy, then becoming smooth, deeply striate, sulcate. St. 2-56 cm. x 2 mm., white, fragile, often curved, lax, somewhat flexuose, slightly scurfy, then smooth, arising from a byssoid, white mycelium. Gills whitish, then blackish, adnate, linear, 2 mm. broad. Flesh white, yellowish at the disc, very thin. Spores black, pip-shaped, 9-10 x 5-6 /i. Cystidia " cylindrical- vesiculose, 60-75 x 8-12 /A" Rick. Densely crowded, or caespitose. Old stumps, and bare ground. April Nov. Common, (v.v.) **Gills decurrent. Spores white. Omphalia (Pers.) Fr. (o/io<;, a cup; etSo9, like. Shining white, becoming yellowish when dry. P. 8-50 mm., mem- branaceous, umbilicate, then infundibuliform, undulate, silky. St. 2-5 cm. x 1-3 mm., flexuose, villose; base white, tomentose. Gills decurrent, narrow, crowded, linear. Flesh white, thin at the margin. Spores white, boat-shaped, 8-9 x 5/u,, and 6 x 2-3/n, 1-guttulate. On bare soil and amongst leaves in woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon. (v.v.) B. Medium size; gills rather distant, narrow, attenuated at both ends. 1366. 0. chrysophylla Fr. (= Flammula chrysophylla (Fr.) Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 74, fig. 1. y^pva'6^, gold; v\Xov, leaf. P. 2-5 cm., yellow-fuscous when moist, tan-hoary or hoary whitish when dry, submembranaceous, at the first deeply umbilicate, flocculose, subsquamulose, the spreading border somewhat reflexed. St. 2-5- 5cm. x 4mm., golden egg-yellow, tough, equal, somewhat incurved; base villose, rooting. Gills golden egg-yellow, truly decurrent, distant, broad. Spores white, "pale yellow" Quel., "elliptical, 11-12 x 5/u,, smooth. Cystidia none" Rick. On pine sawdust, and stumps. Aug. Oct. Uncommon. 1367. 0. Allenii Rene Maire. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. in, t. 11. W. B. Allen, the mycologist of Benthall, Broseley, Shropshire. P. 1-2 cm., olive-greenish, whitish when dry, hygrophanous, convex, then plane, somewhat umbilicate, thin. St. 2-4 cm. x 2-5 mm., lemon- yellow, cylindrical, subcartilaginous ; base white, strigose. Gills lemon- yellow, decurrent, very narrow, somewhat thick, subdistant, unequal, more or less undulating, united by veins. Flesh yellow in the stem, greenish yellow in the pileus. Spores white, elliptical, 6-5-7-5 x 3-5- 4/u.. Cystidia none. Taste mild. On a stump of a deciduous tree. Sept. Rare, (v.v.) 1368. 0. Postii Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 74, fig. 2. H. von Post, the Swedish mycologist. P. 2-6 cm., bright orange, membranaceous, at first umbilicate, then depressed, convex, smooth, striate towards the margin. St. 5-8 cm. x OMPHALIA 425 2-4 mm., light yellow, becoming pale, equal, tense and straight, smooth. Gills whitish, deeply decurrent, 2 mm. broad, linear, arcuate, subdistant. Flesh concolorous, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 6-8 x 4-5/u,, 1-guttulate. Charcoal heaps, and boggy places. July Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. aurea Massee. Cke. Illus. no. 1151, t. 1152, fig. B, as Omphalia Postii Fr. Aurea, golden. P. 2-5-5 cm., golden-yellow, very regular, infundibuliform, margin drooping. St. 5cm. x 3-4 mm., concolorous; base white, tapering. Gills white, slightly decurrent, crowded. Spores white, elliptical, 7 x 3-5/z. On Sphagnum in swamps. Rare. 1369. 0. pyxidata (Bull.) Fr. (= Omphalia hepatica (Batsch) Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 254, t. 194, lower figs. Pyxidata, box-shaped. P. 2-3 cm., brick-rufescent, or rufous fuscous and radiato-striate when moist, becoming pale, opaque, flocculose or slightly silky when dry, membranaceous, pellucid, umbilicate, then infundibuliform. St. 2-5 cm. x 2 mm., pallid, then rufescent, tough, sometimes pruinose. Gills flesh colour, then pale yellowish, decurrent, subdistant, narrow. Flesh pallid, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 6-7 x 4-5/n, 1-guttulate. Amongst grass on lawns, and in woods. July Nov. Common, (v.v.) 1370. 0. leucophylla Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 73, fig. 4. \evfc6s, white; v\\ov, leaf. P. 2-3 cm., dark cinereous, submembranaceous, infundibuliform; margin reflexed, involute. St. 4 cm. x 2 mm., cinereous, slightly rigid. Gills shining white, decurrent, arcuate, subdistant. Spores white, elliptical, 6-7 x3-4/i. Woods, and pastures. April Oct. Uncommon. (v.v.) 1371. 0. telmatiaea Berk. & Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 256, t. 240. T\/j,aTiaio?, marshy. P. 2-6 cm., brown, then mouse-coloured, rather membranaceous, soon infundibuliform, silky, margin reflexed. St. 3-4 cm. x 3-6 mm., cinereous, compressed ; base white, tomentose. Gills pallid, decurrent, distant. Flesh brownish, thick at the disc. Spores white, "elliptical with an oblique apiculus, 7 x 4ju" Massee. On Sphagnum. Aug. Rare. 1372. 0. striaepilea Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 73, fig. 3. Strix, a furrow; pileus, a cap. P. 2-3 cm., livid fuscous, becoming pale-white when dry, submem- branaceous, convex, then flattened, umbilicate, the whole elegantly striate, smooth. St. 5 cm. x 2 mm., becoming fuscous, slightly tough, often flexuose. Gills whitish, slightly decurrent, somewhat crowded, 2-3 mm. broad. Flesh whitish, thin at the margin. Spores white, 426 OMPHALIA "globose, 7-8 /x, echinulate. Basidia with 2-sterigmata " Eick. Amongst moss, and leaves in woods. Oct. Nov. Not uncommon. (v.v.) 1373. 0. epichysium (Pers.) Fr. Pers. Icon. pict. t. 13, fig. 1. 7Ti^v(7i<;, a vessel for pouring out. P. 1-3 cm., cinereous-fuliginous and striate when moist, becoming pallid, silky, or fiocculosely-squamulose when dry, membranaceous, somewhat plane, umbilicate; margin somewhat reflexed. St. 2-5- 3 cm. x 2 mm., cinereous, tough, base white tomentose. Gills whitish cinereous, shortly plano-decurrent. Spores white, elliptical, 8-10 x 4-5ju. On rotten stumps, and logs. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1374. 0. sphagnicola Berk. (= Omphalia philonotis (Lasch) Quel.) Cke. Ulus. no. 257, t. 289, upper figs. Sphagnum, Sphagnum; colo, I inhabit. P. 2-5-4 cm., dirty pale-ochre, becoming darker, somewhat fleshy, moist, tough, infundibuliform, obscurely striate, minutely squamulose. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 2 mm., concolorous, somewhat crooked, apex minutely squamulose at first. Gills dirty ochraceous, decurrent, narrow, sub- distant, thick, edge flattish. Spores white, "elliptical, 6-9 x 3-5 //," Karst. On Sphagnum in bogs, and woods. May Sept. Uncommon. (v.v.) 1375. 0. philonotis (Lasch) Fr. (= Omphalia sphagnicola Berk. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 76, fig. 1. i\o<;, loving; i/ort?, wet. Cinereous-fuliginous, fragile. P. 1-3 cm., membranaceous, the whole deeply infundibuliform, hygrophanous,^occose when dry; margin erect. St. 4 cm. x 2 mm., sometimes attenuated upwards; base white, floccose. Gills deeply decurrent, subdistant, narrow, lanceolate. Flesh greyish, thin at the margin. Spores white, elliptical or pip-shaped, 7-8 x 4-5 fi. On Sphagnum in bogs and amongst short grass. May- Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1376. 0. oniscus Fr. (= Omphalia caespitosa Bolt. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 76, fig. 3. oviffKos, a wood-louse. P. 2-3 cm., dark cinereous, becoming pale, grey-hoary when dry, submembranaceous, flaccid, fragile when old, convexo-umbilicate, or infundibuliform, often irregular, undulato-flexuose or lobed, smooth; margin striate. St. 2-5-3 cm. x 2 mm., grey, somewhat firm, tough, sometimes compressed, curved. Gills cinereous, shortly decurrent, sub- distant. Flesh grey, thick at the disc. Spores white, elliptical, 7-8 x 4-5/Li, 1-guttulate. Woods, and boggy places. Oct. Dec. Uncom- mon, (v.v.) 1377. 0. Luffii Massee. John Luff. P. 2-3 cm., pattid, then white, convex, then depressed; margin up- turned at extreme edge. St. 2-3 cm. x 2 mm., pallid, thickened above, OMPHALIA 427 polished, often wavy. Gills pallid, decurrent, crowded. Flesh white, very thin. Spores white, elliptical, 5 x 3/u,. Smell fragrant, of anise. Amongst grass. Bare. 1378. 0. caespitosa (Bolt.) Cke. (= Omphalia oniscus Fr. sec. Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 258, t. 209, lower figs. Caespitosa, tufted. P. 1-2-5 cm., yellowish-white, opaque white when dry, submembrana- ceous, sulcate nearly to the disc, convex, subhemispherical, umbilicate ; margin crenate. St. 1-2 cm. x 3 mm., concolorous, generally curved, base subbulbose. Gills whitish, shortly decurrent, very broad, very distant, triangular. Spores white, "subglobose, 6 x 5/i" W. G. Sm. Moors, and on peat in sandy heaths. May Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1379. 0. glaucophylla (Lasch) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1153, t. 959, fig. B. yXavfcos, pale green; v\\ov, a leaf. P. 1 cm., mouse colour, becoming pale when dry, membranaceous, infundibuliform, plicato-striate, hygrophanous, slightly smooth. St. 10-15 x 2-3 mm., concolorous, firm. Gills olivaceous, decurrent, lan- ceolate, subdistant. Spores white, "nearly comma-shaped, 4-5 x 2ju," Rick. On the ground in woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1380. 0. rustica Fr. Cke. lUus. no. 1153, t. 959, fig. C. Rustica, belonging to the country. P. 1 cm., fuscous, then grey and striate when moist, becoming either fuscous, or silky and hoary when dry, membranaceous, umbilicate at the disc, otherwise convex. St. 10-15 x 1 mm., fuscous, then grey, polished, equal, often thickened upwards, base white, villose. Gills grey, decurrent, thick, subdistant, edge arcuate. Flesh white, thin at the margin. Spores white, elliptical, 8-10 x 4-5/u, often curved, 2- many-guttulate. Woods, and pastures. Aug. Oct. Common, (v.v.) 1381. 0. scyphifonnis Fr. crtcixfros, a cup;/orma, shape. Entirely snow-white. P. 5-20 mm., membranaceous, convex, then infundibuliform, pellucid ; margin striate, crenulate. St. 3-4 cm. x 2 mm., flexuose, apex thickened. Gills very decurrent, distant, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 8 x 4/>t, 1-guttulate. Flesh white, very thin at the margin. On bare ground, and amongst moss in deciduous woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1382. 0. alutacea Cke. & Massee. (= Clitocybe alutacea Cke. & Massee.) 1 Alutacea, like tanned leather. P. 10-15 mm., tan-coloured, membranaceous, convex, then um- bilicate; margin incurved. St. 3-4 cm. x 1-2 mm., rather paler than the pileus. Gills paler than the pileus, decurrent, narrow, crowded, arcuate. Spores white, elliptical, 6 x 4/>t. Amongst grass, and moss in woods. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1 By an oversight this species was described under Clitocybe (no. 823), but its correct position is here. 428 OMPHALIA C. Gills very distant, broad, generally thick. 1383. 0. atropuncta (Pers.) Quel. (= Eccilia atropuncta (Pers.) Fr.) Boud. Icon. t. 70. Ater, black; puncta, spotted. P. 1-1-5 cm., cinereous, or grey fuliginous, campanulate, then de- pressed and cup-shaped, often slightly squamulose. St. 2-4 cm. x 2-3 mm., blackish grey, apex paler, covered with Hack punctiform squamules, thickened upwards ; base pulverulent, white. Gills greyish flesh colour, decurrent, thick, narrow, distant. Flesh of pileus pale fuliginous, blackish towards the basal portion of the stem. Spores white or yellowish, subglobose, or angularly-globose, 4-5-5-5 x 4-5)u., 1- many-guttulate. Smell unpleasant. Woods, and heaths. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1384. 0. demissa Fr. (= Ag. rufulus B. & Br.) Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 35, fig. 1. Demissa, let down. P. 8-15 mm., fuscous-rufescent, submembranaceous, convex, then expanded, obtuse, at length umbilicate, striate when moist, subflocculose, obsoletely pruinose when dry; margin crenate. St. 1-5-3 cm. x 2-3 mm., liver-rufescent, becoming pale, shining, flexuose, base white tomentose. Gills becoming purple, often forked, thick, subdecurrent, becoming very broad behind, distant, interstices veiny. Flesh purple-vinous, becoming pale. Spores white, "ovoid, 10-12 x 6-8 p,, granular" Bres. In woods and waste places. Aug. Oct. Uncommon. 1385. 0. hepatica (Batsch) Fr. (= Omphalia pyxidata (Bull.) Fr. sec. Quel. ; Omphalia subhepatica (Batsch) Sacc.) Cke. Illus. no. 259, t. 250, fig. B. Hepatica, like liver. P. 1-4 cm., rufous-flesh-colour when moist, slightly tawny, or tan and somewhat shining when dry, coriaceo-membranaceous, tough, um- bilicato-convex, then infundibuliform, often undulato-lobed, smooth. St. 2-5 cm. x 2 mm., fuscous-flesh-colour, very tough, becoming com- pressed, broader and dilated at the apex, rarely white-pruinose. Gills whitish, becoming pale, deeply decurrent, distant, prominently con- nected by veins, narrow, linear, sometimes crisped. Spores white, elliptical, 5-8 x 4-5 p,. On lawns, and amongst short grass in woods. Sept. Dec. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1386. 0. muralis (Sow.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 259, t. 250, fig. C. Muralis, belonging to a wall. P. 820 mm., rufous brown, submembranaceous, tough, convex, umbilicate, then infundibuliform, radiato-striate, smooth; margin crenutate. St. 6-12 x 1-2 mm., concolorous, equal, smooth; base white, floccose. Gills pallid, or flesh colour, decurrent, distant. Flesh concolorous, thin. Spores white, elliptical, with, an oblique basal apiculus, 9-10 x 4'5-5/t. On old walls, sandy banks, and bare soil in woods. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) OMPHALIA 429 1387. 0. umbellifera (Linn.) Fr. (= Omphalia pseudoandrosacea Bull, sec. Quel.) Boud. Icon. t. 69. Umbellifera, umbel-bearing. P. 1-2 cm., grey, bistre, straw colour, whitish or ochraceous, becoming whitish, slightly fieshy-membranaceous, convex, then plane, broadly obconic, faintly umbilicate, rayed with darker striae; when dry silky, flocculose, rarely squamulose; margin infiexed at first, crenate. St. 2-5-3 cm. x 2 mm., concolorous, dilated towards the apex into thepileus, sometimes pubescent, base white villose. Gills white, then cream, or yellowish, decurrent, very broad behind, triangular, very distant, some- times dichotomous, connected by veins. Flesh pallid, thick at the disc. Spores white, elliptical, 7-9 x 4-5/i, 2-3-guttulate. Boggy ground in woods and on mountains, also on rotten wood. April Dec. Common, (v.v.) var. nivea Fl. Dan. Fl. Dan. t. 1015, fig. A. Nivea, snow white. Differs from the type in being entirely snow white. In bogs. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. citrina Quel. Citrina, citron yellow. Differs from the type in being glabrous, citron yellow, and pellucid. var. viridis Fl. Dan. Fl. Dan. t. 1672, fig. 1. Viridis, green. Differs from the type in being pubescent, and bluish, then greenish. Boggy ground, in woods and on hills. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. chrysoleuca (Pers.) Fr. (= var. abiegna B. & Br.) %puo-o5, gold; \eu/eo9, white. Differs from the type in being bright yellow then whitish. Growing on fir stumps. var. pallida Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 260, t. 271, top figs. Pallida, pallid. Differs from the type in being entirely pale grey. Bogs in woods. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. flava Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 260, t. 271, lowest figs. Flava, yellow. Differs from the type in the golden yellow p. and st. On mountains. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. pyrifonnis (Pers.) Fr. Pyriformis, pear-shaped. Differs from the type in being entirely dark umber. Rotten beech trunks and shady places. 1388. 0. myochroa (Fr.) Rea. nfc, mouse; %/3o>9, colour. P. 5-15 mm., reddish brown, or rufescent, becoming whitish with age, somewhat fleshy, convex, then plane, umbilicate, striate to the middle, margin crenulate. St. 1-2 cm. x 2-4 mm., whitish, apex rufescent; base white, strigose. Gills yellowish, narrow, furcate at the margin, 430 OMPHALIA arcuato-decurrent, distant. Flesh of pileus rufescent, yellowish in the stem. Spores white, broadly elliptical, 7-8 x 5-6 p, 1-2-guttulate. On rotten beech stumps. April Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1389. 0. velutina Quel. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. m, t. 3. Velwtina, velvety. P. 10-12 mm., greyish, or yellowish grey, convex, umbilicate, striate. St. 10-15 x 1-2 mm., concolorous, finely tomentose; base covered with the white mycelium, often subbulbose. Gills yellowish grey, narrow, 1-2 mm., arcuate, distant. Flesh dark grey. Spores white, ovoid pruniform, 10 x 6/x, 1-2-guttulate. Parks, heaths, and woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1390. 0. infumata B. & Br. Infumata, smoked. P. 4 mm., greenish, then smoky, obtuse. St. 2-5 cm. x 1-2 mm., yellow, base dilated, tomentose especially below. Gills yellow, decurrent, few, broad, distant. On bark amongst moss. Sept. Rare. 1391. 0. retosta Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 76, fig. 2. Retosta, scorched. Entirely umber. P. 1-3 cm., slightly fleshy, piano-depressed, polished when dry, smooth; margin convex, involute. St. 2-3 cm. x 2-4 mm., paler, tough, equal. Gills pallid umber, slightly decurrent, distant, attenuated at both ends and resembling a segment of a circle. Flesh concolorous. Spores white, globose, "5-6/t/" Sacc. Amongst dead leaves, and on lawns. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1392. 0. buccinalis (Sow.) Cke. Sow. Brit. Fung. t. 107. Buccinalis, trumpet-like. Entirely white. P. 5-10 mm., trumpet-shaped, plane, or depressed. St. 5-15 x 1-2 mm., expanding into the pileus. Gills deeply de- current, triquetrous, distant. Spores white. On twigs, etc. Common. 1393. 0. abhorrens B. & Br. Cke. Illus. no. 261, t. 272, fig. C. Abhorrens, disgusting. P. 1-1-5 emu, fuscous, then pale, umbilicate. St. 2 cm. x 1-2 mm., concolorous, apex thickened, sometimes pruinose when young, base white-tomentose. Gills pale, decurrent, distant, thick, narrow. Spores white. Smell very foetid, stercoraceous. Caespitose. On lawns under yews. Oct. Rare. 1394. 0. pseudoandrosacea (Bull.) Fr. (= Omphalia umbellifera (Linn.) Fr. sec. Quel.) ^et/8^5, false; androsacea, Androsaceus androsaceus. Entirely whitish, or grey. P. 8-15 mm., fleshy- membranaceous, convex, deeply umbilicate, at length infundibuliform, smooth, striato- plicate ; margin crenulate. St. 2-3 cm. x 1-2 mm. Gills deeply de- OMPHALIA 431 current, segment-like, distant. Spores white, elliptical, "6-7 x 3-4 p,, or 8-10 x 4-5 /x" Sacc. Amongst moss on lawns, and in short pas- tures. July Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1395. 0. griseo-pallida (Desm.) Fr. (= Omphalia griseola (Pers.) Quel.) Griseo, grey; pallida, pallid. P. 5-10 mm., fuscous-grey, then becoming hoary, slightly fleshy, con- vex, then plane, umbilicate, smooth, slightly shining; margin deflexed. St. 8-12 x 2 mm., fuscous, firm, equal, or thickened upwards, smooth. Gills concolorous when moist, darker when dry, decurrent, broader be- hind, distant, rather thick. Flesh fuscous, thin at the margin. Spores white, pip-shaped, or elliptical with an oblique basal apiculus, 9-11 x 6-7 fj,, 1-guttulate. On the ground, rubbish heaps, and mossy wall tops. Sept. Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1396. 0. albidopallens Karst. Albido, whitish; pallens, becoming pallid. P. 1 cm., hyaline white, or pallid, convex, orbicular, slightly um- bilicate, pellucidly striate. St. 3-4 cm. x 1-2 mm., pallid. Gills pallid, adnate, decurrent, crowded. Spores white, elliptical, 4-5 x 3ju,. Amongst moss. Aug. Sept. Rare. 0. bibula Quel. = Hygrophorus Wynniae B. & Br. 1397. 0. stellata Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 262, t. 241, bottom figs. Stellata, set with stars. Entirely white and diaphanous. P. 6-10 mm., membranaceous, convex, umbilicate, striate, smooth. St. 2-2-5 cm. x 1 mm., filiform, equal, fragile, the dilated base strigoso-radiate. Gills decurrent, distant, broad, thin. Spores white, "subglobose, irregular, 4-6 /z, or 6-8 x 3-5 p" Sacc. On twigs, dead wood, and herbaceous stems. Feb. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) II. P. at the first campanulate, margin straight, pressed to the stem. A. Gills broad, perfect, unequal. 1398. 0. campanella (Batsch) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 263, t. 273, top figs. Campanella, a little bell. P. 1-2 cm., yellow-ferruginous, hygrophanous, membranaceotfs, tough, campanulate, then soon convex, umbilicate, striate. St. 2-5- 3 cm. x 2 mm., date brown, horny, rigid, polished, attenuated, rooted^ apex paler; base tawny, strigose. Gills yellow, deeply decurrent, some- what crowded, prominently connected by veins. Spores white, elliptical, "8-9 x 3-4 IJL" Maire. Caespitose. On stumps of firs. Aug. Sept. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. badipus Fr. Badius, bay; TTOU?, foot. Differs from the type in the thickened base of the st. being clothed with ferruginous down. 432 OMPHALIA var. papillata Fr. Papillata, having a nipple. Differs from the type in the acutely conical p., and papillate um- bilicus. var. myriadea Kalchbr. fivpcdf, ten thousand. Differs from the type in being half the size, densely caespitose, and pale tawny in colour with gills pale brick-red with a fleshy tinge. 1399. 0. Kewensis Massee. Kewensis, belonging to Kew. P. 3-5 mm. high, ochraceous, becoming whitish, somewhat fleshy, cylindrically-campanulate, very smooth, deeply sulcate; margin crenate. St. 2-3 cm. x 1-2 mm., pale, round, more or less flexuose. Gills pale, subdecurrent, distant, membranaceous, edge entire. Spores white, elliptical, 7 x 5/x. Basidia subclavate, 28-32 x 6-7 /x. Gregarious on dead rhizomes in Filmy Fern House. Rare. 1400. 0. picta Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 77, fig. 4. Picta, painted. P. 4-8 mm.., fuscous, the umbilicate disc generally light yellow, deeply campanulate, 5-9 mm. high, striate, membranaceous; margin paler. St. 5-8 cm. x 12 mm., date brown, horny, rigid, smooth ; apex thickened, paler; inserted at the base and arising from a little, fuscous tawny, radiating membrane. Gills whitish, turning light yellow, adnate, subdecurrent, very broad (much broader than long), distant. Spores white, elliptical, "7-10 x 4/j, minutely echinulate" Sacc. On twigs, and rotten wood in mixed woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1401. 0. camptophylla Berk. (= Omphalia speirea (Fr.) Quel.; Mycena speirea Fr. sec. Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 264, t. 210, upper figs. Ara/i7TT09, bent; <$>v\\ov, a leaf. P. 12 mm., brown, with a grey margin, convexo-plane, deeply striate, smooth. St. 5-6 cm. x 1-2 mm., at first yellow, then pale above, rufescent below, subflexuose, somewhat rigid, minutely pubescent, base radiato-strigose. Gills white, at first adnate, nearly plane, then ascending and suddenly decurrent, subdistant. Spores white, ellip- tical, 8-10 x 6-8 /a. On twigs, and sticks. Aug. Oct. Uncommon. (v.v.) 1402. 0. umbratilis Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 77, fig. 3, as Omphalia umbratilis Fr. var. minor. Umbratilis, remaining in the shade. P. 1-3 cm., black-fuscous, or umber-fuscous, hoary when dry, sub- membranaceous, obtusely campanulate, then convex and umbilicate, smooth; margin substriate. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 2mm., fuscous-black, becoming greyish, tough, smooth. Gills becoming fuscous-white, adnato- decurrent, crowded, arcuate, broad, acute at both ends. Flesh con- colorous. Spores white, pip-shaped, 8-9 x 5/u,, 1-guttulate. In pas- tures, and roadsides. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) OMPHALIA 433 1403. 0. grisea Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 78, fig. 1. Grisea, grey. P. 1-2 cm., livid grey, then hoary, submembranaceous, campanu- late, then convex, subpapillate and at length slightly umbilicate, smooth, striate. St. 5-7 cm. x 2 mm., whitish-cinereous, slightly firm, smooth, shining, longitudinally brittle, apex slightly thickened, base white-floccose. Gills whitish-grey, shortly decurrent, distant, broad, rather thick. Spores white, elliptical, 6-9 x 4/t, 1-guttulate. Woods, and hedgerows. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1404. 0. fibula (Bull.) Fr. Quel. Jur. et Vosg. i, t. 4, fig. 3. Fibula, a pin. P. 4-20 mm., generally orange-yellow, becoming pale when dry, membranaceous, campanulate, then umbilicate, and finally infun- dibuliform, smooth, striate when moist. St. 3-4 cm. x 1-2 mm., con- colorous, bristle-like, weak, often pubescent under a lens. Gills whitish, or yellowish, deeply decurrent, broad, distant. Spores white, ellip- tical, 3-4 x 2jLt. Cystidia "on edge of gill sparse, subulate" Rick. Woods, pastures, heaths, and charcoal heaps. Jan. Dec. Common. (v.v.) var. nivalis Fl. Dan. (= var. Candida Sacc.) Fl. Dan. t. 1072, fig. 2. Nivalis, snowy. Differs from the type in the whitish, or yellowish p. and white, or tinged with orange yellow st. Amongst moss, and on charcoal heaps. July Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. Swartzii Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 75, fig. 4, as Omphalia setipes var. Fr. 0. Swartz. Differs from the type in the firmer, at length plane p. with umbilicate, fuscous disc, and in the whitish st. externally and internally violaceous at the apex. Spores white, elliptical, 4-5 x 2-5-3 /x. Cystidia fusiform, apex subcapitate, 8-9/z in diam., base ventricose, 50-55 x 12-14/a. Amongst moss, short grass, and on charcoal heaps. Aug. Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1405. 0. directa B. & Br. Directa, straight. White, very slender. P. 1-3 mm., nail-shaped, apex plane. St. 2-5 cm. x 1 mm., slightly rufous, filiform, ascending, clothed with long* hairs towards the base. Gills deeply decurrent. Spores white. On dead leaves. May Nov. Rare. 1406. 0. pseudo-directa W. G. Sm. Cke. lUus. no. 266, t. 251, upper figs., as Omphalia directa B. & Br. ^61/8779, false ; directa, Omphalia directa. P. 2 mm., white-pruinose. St. 12 mm. x 2//,, white, mealy-granular below, springing from a white, fioccose, evanescent disc or volva. Gills white, then saffron, few, adnate, pruinoso-sparkling. On Encephalartos cone. May. Rare. 434 OMPHALIA 1407. 0. Belliae Johnst. Cke. Illus. no. 266, t. 251, lower figs. The Misses Bell, of Coldstream. P. 12 mm., of a pale wood-brown hue, membranaceous, inverted, deeply cyathiform; margin waved, furrowed. St. 4 cm. x 2 mm., white, or very pale wood-brown above, dark brown towards the base, becoming paler when dry, then apparently mealy, erect, stiff, elastic; root slightly incrassated, bent, fixed by a dense cottony web. Gills dull chalky white, decurrent, 2 mm. wide, rather distant, thick, more or less undulated, wrinkled on the sides and in the interstices with flexuose veins, once or twice divided near the edge. Spores white, oblong. On dead stems of reed. Oct. Rare. 1408. 0. gracilis Quel. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. in, t. 2. Gfracilis, thin. Entirely snow-white. P. 3-8 mm., membranaceous, campanulate, papillate, striate, transparent. St. 20-30 x 1 mm., filiform, trans- parent, pruinose, base fibrillose. Gills 1 mm. wide, very decurrent, distant, thin. Spores white, oblong, or pip-shaped, 8 x 3-3-5/x,, 1-2- guttulate. On dead grass leaves, and twigs. Sept. Nov. Uncom- mon, (v.v.) 1409. 0. gracillima (Weinm.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 267, t. 252, top figs. Gracillima, very thin. Entirely snow-white. P. 4-6 mm., membranaceous, hemispherical, either minutely papillate, or umbilicate, fiocculose, striate; margin sulcate. St. 6-12 x 1 mm., bristle-like, inserted by afioccose base. Gills subdecurrent, broad, distant, thin, the alternate ones dimidiate. Spores white, oblong-elliptical, 11-12 x 4-5 /z. On twigs, dead herbaceous stems, and dead bramble stalks. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1410. 0. bullula (Brig.) Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 267, t. 252, middle figs. Bullula, a watery vesicle. Entirely shining white. P. 3-4 mm., membranaceous, hemispherical, diaphanous. St. 2 cm. x 1 mm., filiform. Gills arcuato-decurrent, very distant. Spores white. On twigs, and dead sticks. Sept. Oct. Rare. B. Gills fold-like, narrow. 1411. 0. integrella (Pers.) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 75, fig. 6. Integrella, entire. Entirely white. P. 3-6 mm., membranaceous, conical, then hemi- spherical, most frequently irregularly shaped, when flattened 12 mm. broad, umbilicate, pruinose, diaphanous; margin sulcate. St. 1-5- 2-5 cm. x 1-2 mm., pruinose, pellucid, slightly firm, with a small villose bulb at the base. Gills decurrent, narrow, fold-like, distant, often branched, commonly disappearing short of the margin of the pileus, OMPHALIA. ECCILIA 435 edge acute. Spores white, pip-shaped, 67 x 4 5/z, with a large central gutta. On twigs, and amongst leaves in woods, and hedgerows. May Nov. Common, (v.v.) 1412. 0. polyadelpha (Lasch) Fr. Cke. Ulus. no. 1088, t. 1137, fig. B, as Marasmius polyadelphus Lasch. 7roXua8eXoi, 1-3-guttulate. Taste pleasant, like mushrooms. Edible. On oaks, ash, willow, and walnut. Sept. Feb. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1435. P. spongiosus Fr. Spongiosus, spongy. P. 5-18 cm., at first whitish, tomentose with persisted, cinereous down, then becoming brownish and fibrillose with age, excentric, somewhat lateral, pulvinate; margin paler. St. 1-3 x 14 cm., white, becoming greyish, very excentric, incurved, tomentose, base abrupt. Ring white, soon torn, appendiculate at the margin of the p., fugacious. Gills whitish, becoming beautifully yellow when old and dried, 3 mm. broad on one side of the st., 20 mm. wide on the other, sinuato-adnexed, crowded. Flesh spongy, greyish marbled in the p., tinged yellowish in the st. Spores white, oblong, cylindrical, rounded, or sometimes pointed at one end, 12-14 x 4/z, 1-2-guttulate. On rotten beech, and mossy trunks. Oct. Nov. Rare, (v.v.) B. Veil none; gills sinuate, or obtusely adnate. 1436. P. ulmarius (Bull.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 271, t. 227. Ulmarius, belonging to elm. P. 6-20 cm., ochraceous becoming pale-livid, often marbled with round spots, convex, then plane, disc-shaped, compact, horizontal, often cracked in a tesselated manner, smooth. St. 5-11 x 1-5-4 cm., white, becoming tinged with yellow, firm, elastic, subexcentric, curved, ascending, base somewhat fusiform, or thickened and tomentose, often villose throughout. Gills pale ochraceous, or whitish emarginate, broad, somewhat crowded. Flesh white, tough. Spores white, globose, 5-6/x. Smell pleasant, or somewhat acid, taste pleasant. Edible. On trunks, especially elm. June Dec. Common, (v.v.) 1437. P. tessulatus (Bull.) Fr. Bull. Hist. Champ. Fr. t. 513, fig. 1. Tesselatus, checkered. P. 510 cm., grey, becoming pale tawny, convex, then plane, and in a form somewhat lateral, depressed behind, irregular, horizontal, variegated with round and hexagonal spots. St. 2-3 x 1-5 cm., white, compact, equal, or attenuated at the base, very excentric, curved- ascending, smooth. Gills white, or becoming yellow, sinuate behind, PLETJROTUS 443 thin, crowded. Flesh white, thick. Spores white, " obovate-globose, 5-5 x 4-5 /A" Sacc. Smell of new meal, taste pleasant. Edible. On trunks. Oct. Nov. Hare. P. decorus Fr. = Tricholoma decorum (Fr.) Quel. 1438. P. palmatus (Bull.) Fr. (= Pkurotus subpalmatus Fr. ; Pluteus reticulatus Cke.; Entoloma Cookei Rich.) Cke. Illus. no. 273, t. 255, as Pleurotus subpalmatus Fr. Palmatus, having the shape of a hand. Entirely more or less rufescent. P. 5-12 cm., of a beautiful orange- buff or nankeen colour, convex, then flattened, obtuse, imbricated and glued together, horizontal, more or less excentric, pruinose; margin involute, reticulato-corrugated. Cuticle gelatinous, thick, tough, diapha- nous, distilling limpid rufescent drops with an astringent taste. St. 3-7 x 1-1-5 cm., whitish, becoming rufescent, fibrilloso-striate, prui- nose, equal, curved-ascending. Gills paler than the pileus, joined in a collar behind, sinuate, connected by veins, broad, crowded. Flesh white, then tinged with red. Spores pink, or pale yellowish, globose, 4-6 /z, verrucose, 1-guttulate. Smell pleasant, taste bitter and acrid. Caespitose. On elm trunks, old posts and beams. Sept. Jan. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1439. P. craspedius Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 86, fig. 2. Kpda\rf, head. Differs from the type in the more compact p., the black disc becoming cinereous, and the white margin. 1443. P. circinatus Fr. (= Clitocybe circinata (Fr.) Quel.) Fr. Icon, t. 88, fig. 1. Circinatus, rounded. Entirely white. P. 6-9 cm., orbicular, horizontal, tough, convex, then plano-disc-shaped, obtuse, covered with a shining, whitish, slightly silky lustre. St. 3-8 cm. x 6-10 mm., elastic, central, or slightly ex- centric, generally straight, sometimes curved, bluntly or attenuato- rooted at the base. Gills adnate, slightly decurrent, crowded, broad. Flesh white, firm. Spores white, globose, 3-4/4. Smell pleasant. On beech, and brick stumps. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. C. Veil none; gills deeply decurrent; stem distinct, somewhat vertical. 1444. P. sapidus Schulz. (= Pleurotus cornucopiae (Paul.) Quel.) Kalchbr. Icon. t. 8, fig. 1. Sapidus, pleasant. P. 512 cm., white, or light yellow, becoming fuscous, or umber, ex- centric, lateral, subsessile, deformed, convex, disc depressed. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 6-16 mm., white, or pallid yellow, incrassated upwards and dilated in the pileus, often branched, curved, ascending, arising from a fleshy, bulbous, white base. Gills pallid, decurrent, rather distant, PLEUROTUS 445 broad. Flesh white. Spores white, oblong ovate, 7-8 x 4/i or 10- 12 x 4-5 p, lilac colour in the mass. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. On elm trunks. June Sept. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1445. P. pantoleucus Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 88, fig. 2. 7ra", snow. Entirely snow-white. P. 4-5 mm., very tender, lateral, then resu- pinate, orbicular, becoming reniform, villose; margin involute. St. 1-2 x -5 mm., villose, vanishing. Gills radiating, crowded, rather broad, sometimes with intermediate shorter ones. Spores white, pip-shaped, depressed on one side, 5-8 x 3p,, minutely verrucose. On twigs, dead leaves, and dung. Sept. Dec. Uncommon, (v.v.) Spores white, gill edge longitudinally split. Schizophyllum Fr. (, I split; aipa, a ball; V, winter; dvTivo<;, of ivory. P. 7-5 cm., fuscous-tan, paler at the margin, convexo-umbilicate ; margin undulated, exceeding the gills. St. 5-7-5 x 2-5 cm., shining white, obese, very hard. Gills white, spotted pale yellowish when touched, obtusely or sinuato-adnate, arcuate, somewhat crowded, thin, divided behind. Flesh of stem shining white. Spores "14 x 10 jit" Sacc. Woods. Sept. Rare. **Flesh becoming black. 1500. R. nigricans (Bull.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 970, t. 1015. Nigricans, becoming black. P. 5-20 cm., olivaceous-fuliginous, at length black, convex, then flattened and umbilicato-depressed, slightly viscid when moist, at length rimoso-squamulose. St. 3-7 x 2-5 cm., pallid, at length black, equal. Gills ochraceous, reddening when touched, rounded behind, slightly adnexed, thick, distant, wide. Flesh firm, white, becoming red on exposure to the air, and finally black. Spores white, globose, 8-9 /x, verrucose, with a large central gutta. Cystidia "only on edge of gill, vesiculose, then ventricose, pointed, 45-60 x 15-30 /x" Rick. Taste mild, then acrid. Woods. June Dec. Common, (v.v.) RUSSULA 459 1501. R. adusta (Pers.) Fr. (= Russula albo-nigra Krombh. sec. Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 972, t. 1051. Adusta, scorched. P. 8-15 cm., pallid, or whitish, becoming cinereous-fuliginous, con- vex, then depressed, and somewhat infundibuliform. St. 3-5 x 2- 3 cm., concolorous, obese. Gills white, then dingy, adnate, then de- current, thin, crowded, narrow. Flesh white, then brownish, and finally black. Spores white, globose, 8/z, verrucose. Cystidia "sparse, subu- late, 45-50 x 7/i" Rick. Taste mild. Woods. Aug. Nov. Com- mon, (v.v.) var. caerulescens Fr. Caerulescens, becoming blue. Differs from the type in the flesh becoming dark blue when cut or broken. Deciduous woods. Rare, (v.v.) var. albo-nigra (Krombh.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 971, t. 1016. Albus, white; nigra, black. Differs from the type in the white pileus becoming smoky near the margin, the stem fuscous from the first, and the flesh immediately be- coming black when broken. Cystidia "only on the edge of the gill, subulate-pointed, 75-90 x 9-10/x, filled with dark juice" Rick. Woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1502. R. densifolia (Seer.) Gill. Cke. Illus. no. 973, t. 1017. Densus, crowded ; folium, leaf. P. 7-10 cm., whitish, then dingy brown, and finally black, convex, then depressed, slightly viscid at first; margin elastic, villose, white. St. 3-5 x 1-2 cm., white, then concolorous, equal, pruinose. Gills white, becoming grey when touched, then dingy, and finally black, adnate, decurrent by a tooth, narrow, crowded, thin. Flesh white, becoming red when broken, and finally black. Spores white, globose, 7-8/z, echinu- late, 1-guttulate. Smell pleasant, taste slowly acrid. Woods. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1503. R. semicrema Fr. FT. Icon. t. 172, fig. 1. Semi,hali; crema, burnt. P. 6-11 cm., persistently white, convex then plane, disc umbilicate. St. 5-8 x 5-6 cm., white, becoming black, firm. Gills persistently white, decurrent, crowded, thin. Flesh of pileus persistently white, becoming black in the stem. Spores white, globose, 8-9/1,, verruculose. Taste mild. Woods. Aug. Sept. Rare. II. Pellicle of the pileus dry, adnate, rarely possessing cystidia, usually breaking up into fiocci, granules, or areolae. Margin rounded, never striate (except 1511), or involute. Gills with a very broad, rounded apex. Spores whitish cream-colour in mass. 1504. R. lactea (Pers.) Fr. Lactea, milk-white. P. 5-12 cm., milk-white, then tan-white, convex, then plane, often excentric, pruinose, appearing as if stippled under a lens, then 460 RUSSULA minutely cracked. St. 3-5 x 2-4 cm., white, equal, or ventricose, pruinose. Gills whitish cream colour, free, very broad, thick, distant, forked. Flesh white, compact. Spores very pale ochraceous, globose, 7-S/A, echinulate, 1-guttulate. Taste mild. Edible. Woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1505. R. incarnate Quel. Cke. Illus. no.^90, 1. 1071, as Russula lactea Pers. var. incarnata Quel. Incarnata, flesh-colour. P. 6-10 cm., white, tinged with rose, at length tan colour, convex, then depressed, minutely mealy, then cracked into areolae. St. 4-6 x 1-5- 2 cm., white, firm, pruinose. Gills whitish cream colour, adnate, broad, forked, rigid. Flesh white. Spores very pale ochraceous, globose, 8-lOju, echinulate, 1-guttulate. Taste mild. Edible. Woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1506. R. virescens (Schaeff.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 991, t. 1039. Virescens, green. P. 6-12 cm., deep or pallid green, globose, then expanded, at length depressed, often unequal, the flocculose cuticle broken up into patches, or warts. St. 5-10 x 23 cm., white, or whitish cream colour, firm, pruinose, subrivulose. Gills white, then whitish cream colour, free, or adnate, thick, somewhat crowded, sometimes forked. Flesh white, not very compact. Spores very pale ochraceous, globose, 6-8/A, verru- cose, 1-guttulate. Cystidia narrowly fusiform, apex obtuse, 2-3/u, in diam., 55-65 x 8-10/A. Taste mild. Edible. Woods. July Oct. Common, (v.v.) 1507. R. lepida Fr. (= Russula lepida Fr. var. pulcherrima Gillet.) Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 204. Lepida, charming. P. 5-10 cm., blood-red-rose, becoming pale, and somewhat tan-leather colour at the disc, convex, then expanded, rarely depressed, pruinose, appearing under a lens as if stippled, at length often rimoso-squamulose. St. 3-5-7 x 1-5-2 cm., white, often tinged with rose colour, especially on one side, or at the base, equal, or attenuated at the base, very firm. Gills whitish cream colour, the edge often minutely dentate and red, especially towards the margin of the pileus, rounded behind, or at- tenuate, rather thick, somewhat crowded, often forked, connected by veins. Flesh white, firm, cheesy. Spores very pale ochre in the mass, hyaline under the microscope, globose, 8-10/x, echinulate. Cystidia "cylindrical, rounded, 60-90 x 15/u." Rick. Smell pleasant. Taste pleasant, then very slowly acrid. Edible. Woods. Aug. Oct. Com- mon, (v.v.) var. alba Quel. Alba, white. Differs from the type in the pruinose, milk-white p. sometimes tinged with rose colour, and the white, mealy st. Woods. Aug. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) RUSSULA 461 1508. R. Linnaei Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 172, fig. 3. Carlos Linnaeus, the eminent Swedish botanist. P. 7-12 cm., unicolorous, dark purple, blood-red, or bright rose, opaque, not becoming pale, convex, then plane and depressed, some- times repand, dry, pruinose. St. 4-6 x 2-3 cm., blood-red, rarely white, somewhat ventricose, firm, spongy within, obsoletely fibrilloso- reticulate. Gills white, then ochraceous, adnate, subdecurrent, rather thick, broad, fragile, slightly connected by veins, not crowded, some- what anastomosing behind. Flesh white, compact, firm. Spores pale ochraceous, elliptically globose, echinulate, 8-11 x Sp,. Cystidia "on surface of gill sparse, cylindrical, pointed, 50-60 x 8-12 p" Rick. Taste mild. Woods. Oct. Rare. 1509. R. azurea Bres. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 24. Azurea, sky-blue. P. 3-6 cm., bright blue, margin sometimes lilac, becoming pale, con- vex, then plane or depressed, fleshy, soon dry, constantly minutely granular', margin scarcely striate in old age. St. 3--5 x 11-5 cm., white, ventricose, or attenuated at the base, somewhat rugulose, firm. Gills white, attenuato-adnate, crowded, equal, forked. Flesh white. Spores white, subglobose, 8-9 x S/A, verrucose. Cystidia fusiform, 60-70 x 12-13jn. Taste mild. Edible. Coniferous woods, and under conifers. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1510. R. olivacea (Schaeff.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1001, t. 1041. Olivacea, olivaceous. P. 612 cm., dingy purple, then olivaceous, or wholly fuscous-oliva- ceous, convex, then plane and depressed, fleshy, slightly silky and squamulose. St. 5-8 x 1-52 cm., rose colour, or pallid, firm, ventri- cose. Gills bright yellow, adnexed, wide, with shorter and forked ones intermixed, crowded. Flesh white, becoming yellowish. Spores pale ochraceous, globose, 10/x, punctate. Cystidia "subulate, 50-75 x 8-12/i," Rick. Taste mild. Edible. Fir woods. Aug. Uncommon. 1511. R. elegans Bres. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 25. Elegans, neat. P. 3-5 cm., bright rosy fiesh colour, soon becoming ochraceous at the circumference, convex, then somewhat depressed, fleshy, thin, viscid; everywhere densely granulate; margin tuberculosely striate when old. St. 3-5 x 1 cm., white, becoming ochraceous at the somewhat thickened base, rather rugulose. Gills whitish, becoming either wholly, or par- tially orange ochre, attenuated behind, adnexed, or slightly rounded, very crowded, equal, rarely furcate. Flesh white, becoming ochraceous with age. Spores whitish in the mass, pale greenish hyaline or yellowish under the microscope, globose, 8-10/z, strongly echinulate, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "sparse, subulate, 50 x 8-9 JJL" Rick. Taste acrid when old. Coniferous woods. Sept. Uncommon. 462 RUSSULA 1512. R. serotina Quel. Cke. lUus. no. 1003, t. 1042, lower figs. Serotina, late. P. 2-3 cm., violet, lilac, bistre, or olivaceous, margin lilac with the extreme edge white, globose, then plane, white pruinose at first. St. 2-3 cm. x 3-4 mm., white, minutely pubescent, equal. Gills white, then tinged yellowish, adnate, crowded. Flesh white. Spores pale ochraceous, globose, 7/x, echinulate. Taste acrid. Beech woods, and on old willow, and poplar stumps. Aug. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) III. Pellicle of the pileus viscid, separable at the margin and possess- ing cystidia. Margin subacute, rarely striate in old age. Flesh firm. Taste mild. Gills attenuated in front, often forked and un- equal. Spores verrucose, small, white in the mass. 1513. R. cyanoxantha (Schaeff.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1007, t. 1076. Kvavos, blue; ai>66<>, yellow. P. 5-15 cm., lilac, or purplish, then olivaceous green, disc commonly becoming pale, often yellowish, margin commonly becoming azure-blue, or livid-purple, convex, then plane and depressed, or infundibuliform, viscid, sometimes wrinkled, or streaked. St. 5-9 x 2-3 cm., white, rarely tinged with lilac, elastic, equal. Gills shining white, rounded be- hind, connected by veins, forked, broad, not much crowded. Flesh white, purple or reddish under the pellicle. Spores white, globose, 7-10/u,, verrucose. Cystidia abundant, conical, 70-80 x 7-8//,. Taste pleasant. Edible. June Nov. Common, (v.v.) 1514. R. fflacea Quel. Cke. Illus. no. 1004, t. 1054. Lilacea, lilac-coloured. P. 4-8 cm., violet, or lilac, often brownish, margin becoming whitish, convex, then depressed, thin, viscid ; margin striate, thin. St. 4-6 x 1-5-2 cm., white, often rosy at the base, corticate, fragile, apex pruinose, wrinkled-striate. Gills white, free, ventricose, connected by veins, often forked. Flesh white, violet under the pellicle. Spores white, sub- globose, 8-9 fj,, verrucose. Smell pleasant, of apple. Taste mild. Edible. Aug. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1515. R. citrina Gillet. Cke. Illus. no. 1031, t. 1078. Citrina, lemon yellow. P. 5-10 cm., bright citron yellow, colour usually uniform, sometimes paler at the margin, occasionally with a greenish tint, disc at length be- coming pale ochraceous, convex, then more or less depressed in the centre, slightly viscid, pellicle separable; margin thin, becoming tuberculosely striate with age. St. 5-8 x 1-1-5 cm., white, equal, or slightly attenuated at the base, striate. Gills white, slightly decurrent, forked at the base, and sometimes also near the middle, attenuated at both ends. Flesh white. Spores white, globose, 7-8/n, verrucose. RUSSULA jf 463 Cystidia abundant, conical, 50-60 x 7-8/4. Taste mild, becoming acrid. Woods, and heaths. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1516. R. fingibilis Britz. Cke. Illus. no. 1030, t. 1048. Fingibilis, imaginary. P. 5 cm., yellow, disc darker, convex, then plane or depressed, fleshy at the disc, viscid. St. 2-5-4 x 1 cm., white, equal, soft. Gills white, narrowed behind, almost free, rather crowded, unequal, thin. Flesh white. Spores white, broadly elliptical, 9x7/4, minutely echinulate. Taste mild. Amongst grass under trees. July. Un- common. 1517. R. furcata (Pers.) Fr. (= Russula bifida (Bull.) Schroet.) Barla, Champ. Nice, t. 16, figs. 1-9. Furcata, forked. P. 6-12 cm., green, becoming somewhat ochraceous at the disc with age, convex, then plane or depressed, sometimes infundibuliform, fleshy, viscid in wet weather, polished in dry weather; margin thin. St. 4-6 x 1-5-2 cm., white, equal, or attenuated downwards, firm. Gills shining white, sometimes becoming spotted with brown when old, attenuated at both ends, adnato-decurrent, forked from the base, more rarely higher up, somewhat distant, rather thick. Flesh white, brown- ish under the separable pellicle. Spores white, globose, 6-8/4, minutely verrucose, 1-guttulate. Cystidia clavate, 45-60 x 8-1 1 p. Taste mild, becoming slightly bitter when old especially in the gills. Woods, and lawns. Aug. Oct. Common, (v.v.) var. pictipes Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 979, t. 1086. Pictus. painted; pes, foot. Differs from the type in the slightly striate margin of the pileus, in the stem being rosy at the apex and tinted with green at the base, and in the rosy flesh beneath the cuticle of the pileus. Woods and under trees. Aug. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. ochroviridis Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 980, t. 1100. w^po?, pale yellow; viridis, green. Differs from the type in the paler greenish ochre pileus, the narrower gills, rugose stem, and fuliginous flesh when cut. Woods. Aug. 1518. R. mitisRea. Mitis, mild. P. 6-8 cm., disc yellowish, surrounded by purplish mouse colour, or pale rose and purple, becoming yellowish towards the circumference, convex, then piano-expanded and depressed, spongy but firm, viscid, pellicle easily separable; margin thin, pellucidly striate, tuberculate when old. St. 4-5 x 1-5 cm., white, attenuated downwards, rugulose. Gills white, then tinged faint straw colour, adnate, attenuated at both ends, branched from the base or higher up, scarcely any intermediate 464 RUSSULA ones, veined at the base. Flesh white, somewhat rust colour at the base of the stem, ochraceous under the pellicle. Spores white, globose, 6/u,, verrucose. Taste mild. Woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1519. R. heterophylla Fr. (= Russula livida (Pers.) Schroet.) Cke. Illus. no. 1010, t. 1045. erepo?, different; (f>v\\ov, leaf. P. 5-8 cm., greenish or yellowish brown, disc becoming ochraceous, very variable in colour but never becoming reddish or purple, fleshy, firm, convex, then plane and depressed; margin thin, sometimes densely but slightly striate. St. 2-5 x 1-5-2-5 cm., shining white, equal, or attenuated at the base, firm, delicately striate. Gills shining white, decurrent, very narrow, very crowded, thin, often forked. Flesh white. Spores white, globose, 6-7 /z, verrucose. Cystidia "on edge of gill filiform-clavate, often constricted and capitate, 50-60 x 7-9^" Rick. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Woods. July Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1520. R. galochroa Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1011, t. 1089. %/009, sallow; \evic6s, white. P. 3-9 cm., yellow, becoming pale, convex, then flattened or de- pressed, polished, viscid. St. 4-7 x 1-5-2 cm., white, becoming cinereous, firm, equal, sometimes enlarged at the base, slightly re- ticulately rugose. Gills white, becoming pale, rounded behind, free, broader in front, somewhat equal, fragile. Flesh white, yellowish under the pellicle. Spores white, globose, 8-11 /LI, echinulate. Smell pleasant, taste acrid. Cystidia conical, 55-70 x 8-10)Li. Beech, and coniferous woods. July Dec. Common, (v.v.) B, B. B. 30 466 RUSSULA var. claro-flava (Grove) Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 1198, t. 1196. Clarus, bright ;flavus, yellow. Differs from the type in the bright chrome-yellow pileus, and in the gills becoming pale lemon-yellow. Amongst grass in damp places. var. granulosa (Cke.) Rea. Cke. Illus. no. 1026, t. 1038. Granulosa, mealy. Differs from the type in the cuticle of the pileus and stem breaking up into minute granules, which are snow-white at the apex of the stem, fuscousbelow. Woods, and pastures. Aug. Sept. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1526. R. fellea Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 173, fig. 2. Fellea, full of gall. Entirely straw-colour. P. 3-9 cm., often with a deeper yellowish tinge, disc darker, thinly fleshy, convex, then plane, viscid; margin striate when old. St. 5-6 x 1-2-5 cm., equal. Gills exuding watery drops, then spotted with yellow, adnate, crowded, thin, narrow, forked, obsoletely connected by veins. Flesh whitish, then concolorous with the gills. Spores very pale ochraceous, globose, 8/x,, echinulate, 1-guttulate. Cystidia conical, 55-65 x 7-9/A. Taste very acrid and bitter. Beech woods. Aug. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 1527. R. subfoetens W. G. Smith. Cke. Illus. no. 1016, t. 1047. Sub, some what ;foetens, stinking. P. 4-8 cm., yellowish white, then ochraceous, especially on the disc, firm, rigid, convex, then plane or depressed, viscid; margin thin, translucid, tuberculately sulcate. St. 5-6 x 1-2-5 cm., white, becoming tinged with yellow, subequal, or attenuated at the base, firm. Gills white, becoming yellow, adnate, thick, distant, narrow, branched. Flesh white. Spores white, subglobose, 7-8 x 6-7 /A, echinulate. Smell somewhat disagreeable, taste slightly acrid. Grassy places, and on lawns under beeches. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) V. Pellicle of the pileus viscid, more or less separable, possessing numerous cystidia, purplish. Margin straight, acute, somewhat striate. Gills more or less unequal and forked, generally narrow and acutely attenuated in front, often adnate. Flesh firm. Taste acrid. Spores white cream, or ochraceous yellow in mass. 1528. R. sanguinea (Bull.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 981, t. 1019. Sanguinea, bloody. P. 5-9 cm., blood-red, or becoming pale round the spreading acute margin, fleshy, firm, convex, obtuse, then depressed and infundibuli- form, disc generally gibbous, polished, moist in damp weather. St. 410 x 1-2 cm., reddish, rarely white, at first contracted at the apex, then equal, firm, wrinkled striate, pruinose. Gills white, then cream colour, decurrent, rarely forked, crowded, narrow, connected by veins, RUSSULA 467 fragile. Flesh white, reddish under the cuticle, cheesy. Spores pale ochraceous, subglobose, 6-7 x Q/JL, echinulate, 1-guttulate. Cystidia conical, 55-65 x 10-12/x. Taste acrid. Woods especially pine. Aug. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1529. R. rosacea (Pers.) Fr. Rosacea, rosy. P. 4-10 cm., rosy flesh colour, varying in intensity, becoming whitish, variegated with darker spots when dry, convex, then plane and um- bilicate, or flexuose and incised, often irregular, compactly fleshy, firm, viscid', margin acute. St. 4-5 x 2 cm., white, or reddish, equal, or attenuated at the base, occasionally ventricose, pruinose. Gills white, often coloured reddish on the edge near the margin of the pileus, adnate, fairly broad, forked, edge unequal. Flesh white, reddish under the pellicle, cheesy. Spores white, globose, 8/n, echinulate, 1-guttulate. Taste acrid. Woods. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1530. R. drimeia Cke. (= Russula expallens Gill.) Cke. Illus. no. 988, t. 1023. Spifj,vs, pungent. P. 5-11 cm., bright purple to dark rose colour, becoming decoloured with age, convex, then expanded and more or less depressed, scarcely viscid when moist, opaque when dry, compact, firm; margin incurved, slightly striate when old. St. 5-10 x 1-3 cm., tinged with purple, equal, firm, sometimes rather mealy. Gills pale sulphur yellow, then deeper yellow, adnexed, scarcely crowded, narrow, furcate at the base. Flesh yellowish, then white, reddish under the cuticle of the p. and st. Spores pale ochraceous, subglobose, 8-9 x 8/i, verrucose, or slightly echinulate. Cystidia fusiform, 50-65 x 8-10jLt. Taste very acrid. Coniferous woods. Sept. Dec. Common, (v.v.) var. Queletii (Fr.) Bataille. Cke. lUus. no. 1019, t. 1028. Lucien Quelet, the eminent French mycologist. Differs from the type in the white or wax coloured gills which exud drops that on drying leave azure-blue-cinereous, or pallid olivaceous spots. Woods. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1531. R. rubra (Krombh.) Bres. (non Lam. et DC.). Fung. Trid. t. 203. Rubra, red. P. 4-10 cm., red, rosy or whitish at the margin, fleshy, convex then plane and depressed, dry, sometimes somewhat pruinose St. 3-5- 7 x 1-3 cm., white, often becoming somewhat cinereous with age, equal, often attenuated or incrassated at the base, rugulose. Gills white, then ochraceous, sinuato-adnexed, or rounded behind, crowded or some- what crowded, forked, connected by veins. Flesh white, rosy under the cuticle. Spores ochraceous, subglobose, 8-9 x 7-8^, verrucose or slightly echinulate. Cystidia clavate, 60-70 x 6-10/x,. Smell pleasant, taste very acrid. Deciduous woods. Aug. Oct. Notuncommon. (v.v.) 302 468 RUSSTJLA VI. Pellicle of the pileus viscid, generally separable, possessing numerous cystidia, red or purple. Margin rounded, generally striate. Flesh fragile. Taste acrid. Gills generally equal, fragile, rounded in front, free. Spores pure white, rarely cream- white in mass. 1532. R. fragilis (Pers.) Fr. Cke. lUus. no. 1028, t. 1091. Fragilis, brittle. P. 3-5 cm., flesh colour, or red, changing colour, convex, often um- bonate, then plane and depressed, very thin, fleshy only at the disc, slightly viscid; margin very thin, tuberculoso-striate. St. 4-5 x 1 cm., white, very fragile, pruinose, often slightly striate. Gills shining white, slightly adnexed, very thin, crowded, ventricose, all equal. Flesh white. Spores white, subglobose, 7-9 x 7-8/j,, echinulate, 1-guttulate. Cys- tidia "sparse, with a short lanceolate point, 60-70 x 10-12/i" Rick. Taste very acrid. Woods, and pastures. Aug. Dec. Common, (v.v.) var. nivea (Pers.) Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 1029, t. 1060, fig. B. Nivea, snow-white. Differs from the type in the white pileus. Woods. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. fallax (Schaeff.) Massee. Cke. Illus. no. 1023, t. 1059, as Russula fallax Schaeff. Fallax, deceptive. Differs from the type in the olivaceous disc of the pileus. Woods. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1533. R. violacea Quel. (= Agaricus fragilis violascens Seer.) Cke. Illus. no. 1029, t. 1060, fig. A, as Russula fragilis Fr. var. violacea Quel. Violacea, violet. P. 3-5 cm., bright violet, with a narrow whitish margin, often spotted with yellow, green, or olive, convex, then plane and depressed, thin, viscid, striate. St. 3-4 x -51 cm., white, fragile, striate, pruinose. Gills white, adnate, crowded, thin. Flesh white. Spores pale straw in the mass, globose, 8-9/Lt, verrucose. Smell "of laudanum" Quel. Taste very acrid. Woods. Aug. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 1534. R. emetica (Schaeff.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1021, t. 1030. efierifcrj, provoking sickness. P. 4-10 cm., rosy, then blood colour, tawny when old, sometimes be- coming yellow, and at length white, campanulate, then flattened, or depressed, polished, sometimes rugulose ; margin at length tubercularly sulcate. St. 3-7 x 1-1-5 cm., white, or reddish, rigid. Gills shining white, free, or adnate, broad, subdistant. Flesh white, reddish under the separable pellicle. Spores white, globose, 8/x,, echinulate, 1-guttu- late. Cystidia "lanceolate, 60-75 x 12-18/n, not very abundant" Eick. Taste very acrid. Beech woods, and under beeches. July Dec. Common, (v.v.) RUSSULA 469 var. Clusii Fr. Vitt. t. 38, fig. 1, as Agaricus emeticm. Clusius, one of the earliest illustrators of fungi. Differs from the type in the gills and flesh becoming yellow. Woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1535. R. luteo-tacta Eea. (= Russula sardonia Bres. non Fr.) Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 94, as Russula sardonia Fr. Luteus, yellow; tacta, touched. P. 4-7 cm., rosy, or blood-red, soon becoming whitish in places and spotted with yellow, convex, then plane and depressed, fleshy. St. 4-5 x 1-1-5 cm., white, or rosy, spotted with yellow, equal, rugose. Gills white, exuding watery drops in wet weather, then spotted with yellow, becoming yellowish when cut or bruised, adnate, crowded, some- what forked. Flesh white, tinged yellowish when cut or bruised, reddish under the cuticle. Spores white, globose, 6-8 /x, echinulate, 1-guttulate. Taste very acrid. Woods, and parks. Aug. Oct. Notuncommon. (v.v.) 1536. R. atropurpurea (Krombh.) Maire. (= Russula rubra Cke. non Fr.; Russula depallens Cke. an Fr.?; Russula purpurea Gill.; Russula Clusii Bataille, an Fr.? Maire.) Cke. Illus. no. 997, t. 1087. Ater, black; purpurea, purple. P. 5-9 cm., deep blood-red, almost black at the disc, and often yellowish at first at the margin, hemispherical, then convexo-plane, and finally depressed or infundibuliform, fleshy, firm, viscid, slightly rugosely wrinkled ; margin thin, hardly striate in old age, often exceeding the gills. St. 4-7 x 1-3 cm., white, unchangeable, or sometimes becoming slightly stained with ochraceous brown, sometimes rosy in the middle, base ochraceous, firm, somewhat equal, slightly rugoso-striate, apex pruinose. Gills white, then yellowish, sinuato-free, attenuated behind, broader in front, equal, rather crowded. Flesh whitish, either un- changeable, or becoming slightly stained with ochraceous brown, reddish purple under the cuticle. Spores pure white, subglobose, 9 x 8/x, verru- cose, 1-guttulate. Smell slight, pleasant. Taste either mild, or acrid. Woods, and under conifers. Aug. Oct. Common, (v.v.) var. depallens (Cke.) Maire. Cke. Illus. no. 985, t. 1021. Depallens, becoming pale. Differs from the type in the pileus soon loosing its colour, and in the stem and flesh becoming grey with age. Woods. Aug. Oct. Com- mon, (v.v.) VII. Pellicle of the pileus viscid, separable, possessing cystidia, variously coloured. Margin rounded, generally striate. Flesh fragile. Gills equal, fragile, rounded in front, free or somewhat free. Spores cream ochraceous, or yellow ochraceous in the mass (rarely whitish yellow in the mass but then the taste is mild, or only slightly acrid when young and the pileus is never red). 470 RUSSULA *Flesh becoming black, taste mild or slightly acrid when young. 1537. R. decolorans Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1039, t. 1079. Decolorans, discolouring. P. 5-10 cm., orange-red, then light yellow, and becoming pale, spherical, then expanded and depressed, remarkably regular, fleshy, viscid; margin thin, at length striate. St. 6-10 x 1-2 cm., white, be- coming cinereous, cylindrical, often rugoso- striate. Gills white, then yellowish, adnexed, often in pairs, thin, crowded, fragile. Flesh white, becoming cinereous when broken, especially in the stem, and more or less variegated with black spots when old. Spores ochraceous, elliptical, "11-13 x 8-9 /u," Maire, verrucose, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "sparse, subulate, 50-60 x 6-8 jit" Rick. Taste mild, then slightly acrid. Edible. Coniferous woods, and peat bogs. Aug. Sept. Uncommon. **Flesh not becoming black, taste mild, or somewhat acrid when young. 1538. R. Integra (Linn.) Bataille. Integra, entire. P. 8-12 cm., bay, brown, or olivaceous, becoming pale, convex, then plane, fleshy, firm, viscid; margin thin, becoming tuberculately striate. St. 9-10 x 2-3 cm., white, clavate, or ventricose, fragile, wrinkled- striate. Gills white, then mealy and ochraceous cream, free, very broad, connected by veins. Flesh white. Spores ochraceous cream in mass, subglobose, 8-10 x 7-9 /A, echinulate, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "clavate apex obtuse, 50-60 x 10-15/x" Rick. Smell pleasant, taste mild, then slightly acrid. Edible. Coniferous woods. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1539. R. Romellii Maire. (= Russula olivascens Quel. sec. Maire.) Cke. Illus. no. 1036, 1. 1034, no. 1037, 1. 1093, as Russula integra Linn. ; no. 1038, t. 1094, as Russula integra Linn. var. alba Cke. Lars Romell, the eminent Swedish mycologist. P. 8-15 cm., reddish, purple, violet, becoming olivaceous, isabelline, whitish, convex, then plane and more or less depressed, soft, fragile, viscid, disc often streaked with innate fibrils; margin rounded, often striate, rarely tuberculoso-striate. St. 6-9 x 1-5-2 cm., white, pruinose, becoming glabrous, somewhat cylindrical, wrinkled-striate, sometimes distinctly corticate. Gills white, at length light yellow, somewhat ochraceous-pulverulent with the spores, free or somewhat adnate, very broad, equal, somewhat distant, rarely forked, or unequal, more or less connected by veins. Flesh white, rarely slightly violaceous under the cuticle. Spores deep yellow ochre in the mass, yellow under the microscope, elliptical, 7-9 x 6-7 p, marked with anastomosing ridges and spines. Cystidia often with an appendage, 60-90 x 8-10/i. Smell weak, taste pleasant. Deciduous woods. June Nov. Common. RUSSULA 471 1540. R. erythropus (Fr.) Peltereau. epvdpbs, red; TTOV?, foot. P. 8-16 cm., dark blood-red, disc darker, decolouring very slightly with age, never tinted ochraceous or olivaceous, convex, then de- pressed, firm, dull, unpolished; margin slightly striate when old. St. 6-10 x 2-3 cm., rose-red, rarely rose-red on one side only, firm, equal. Gills white, then deep ochraceous, very broad, attenuated near the stem, rounded near the margin of the pileus. Spores ochraceous, globose, 8-10 x 8-9/i, echinulate. Taste pleasant. Edible. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1541. R. xerampelina (Schaefl.) Fr. (= Russula Barlae Cke. sec. Maire.) Cke. Illus. no. 1000, t. 1074, upper figs. ^pa/jLTreXivo^, of the colour of withered vine leaves. P. 6-12 cm., rosy purple, disc becoming pale, yellowish white, some- times inclining to olivaceous, convex, then flattened, at length de- pressed, fleshy, compact, without a distinct pellicle, slightly viscid at first, then very slightly rimulose, so that the cuticle under a lens is very thinly granular or punctate; margin spreading. St. 48 x 1-5-2-5 cm., white, or reddish, equal, or thickened at the base, firm. Gills whitish, then yellowish, adnexed, broader in front, forked behind, somewhat crowded. Flesh white, becoming brownish with age. Spores pale ochra- ceous, globose, 7-9 /A, echinulate. Cystidia obtusely conical, 68-78 x 10-12/x. Smell strong, when old like crab. Taste mild. Edible. Woods. July Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1542. R. cutifracta Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 992, t. 1024. Cutis, skin;/roca, broken. P. 7-12 cm., purple, green, or dull red, convex, then a little de- pressed in the centre, fleshy, firm, dry, pulverulent, dull, viscid in wet weather, opaque, cuticle sometimes cracking from the margin inwards into minute firmly adnate areolae. St. 6-8 x 2-5 cm., white, often slightly tinged with purple or rose on one side, nearly equal, or a little attenuated above, firm. Gills white, then cream, adnexed, or nearly free, narrowed behind, furcate, somewhat crowded, often tinted yellow on the cracks at the edge. Flesh white, tinged with purple under the cuticle. Spores ochraceous, globose, 10/u,, marked with anastomosing ridges and spines. Taste mild. Woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1543. R. grisea (Pers.) Bres. (= Russula palumbina Quel.) Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. in, t. 13. Grisea, grey. P. 6-9 cm., greyish lilac, or bluish grey, mixed with rose, yellow, or olive, then becoming greenish, convex, then expanded and depressed, fleshy, fragile, slightly viscid, shining when dry. St. 8-10 x 2-3 cm., white, fragile, rugoso-striate. Gills cream colour, with a tint of apricot fiesh colour, adnate, sometimes forked, broadest towards the margin. 472 BUSSULA Flesh white, lilac beneath the thin, separable pellicle. Spores ochra- ceous, elliptical, 8 x 7/x, echinulate. Taste mild, slightly acrid in the gills of young specimens. Cystidia "lanceolate, 60-90 x 10-15^i" Rick. Coniferous woods, and under conifers. Sept. Oct. Not un- common, (v.v.) 1544. R. graminicolor (Seer.) Quel. (= Russula aeruginea (Lindb.) Fr.) Fr. Icon. t. 173, fig. 3, as Russula aeruginea Lindb. Gramen, grass; color, colour. P. 5-14 cm., aeruginous-green, disc darker, slightly brownish bistre, convex, then plane and depressed, fleshy, fragile, pellicle separable ; margin paler, striate. St. 5-12 x 2-5-4 cm., white, firm, equal, or attenuated at the base, rugose. Gills white, then cream, sometimes spotted with brown when old, slightly adnexed, attenuated behind, broad in front, often connate two by two at the base. Flesh white, fragile. Spores cream colour in the mass, elliptical, 5-8 x 6- 7/n, echinu- late. Cystidia "abundant, lanceolate, 69-95 x 8-12/z, granular in the upper part" Rick. Taste acrid when young, then only in the gills when old. Under birches, and in pine woods. May Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1545. R. chamaeleontina Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1054, t. 1098. ^afjLai\ea)v, the chameleon. P. 2-5 4 cm., flesh colour, rosy blood-red, purplish lilac, then soon changing colour, becoming yellow at the disc, and at length wholly yelloir, soon plane, thinly fleshy, viscid, pellicle separable; margin slightly striate when old. St. 2-6 cm. x 6-8 mm., white, equal, pruinose, slightly striate, fragile. Gills light yellow, then darker yellow, more or less adnexed, thin, crowded, equal. Flesh white, fragile. Spores ochra- ceous, globose, 6-7 jit, verrucose, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "sparse, subu- late, 50-60 x 8-10/4 " Rick. Taste mild. Edible. Woods, and downs. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1546. R. roseipes (Seer.) Bres. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 40. Rosens, rosy; pes, foot. P. 4-7 cm., rosy flesh colour, rosy orange, or rosy with a tinge of ochre, at first with whitish spots, at length blanched, convex, then plane and depressed, fleshy, viscid, soon dry; margin thin, becoming some- what tuberculosely striate. St. 3-6 cm. x 8-15 mm., white, either en- tirely or here and there sprinkled with rosy meal, equal. Gills whitish, then ochraceous egg-yellow, edge often rosy, free, rounded and furcate behind, equal, or a few dimidiate, rather crowded, sometimes with an adnate tooth, ventricose, connected by veins. Flesh whitish, then becoming yellowish. Spores ochraceous, globose, 8-10/i, echinulate. Cystidia fusiform, 60 x 8/u,. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible Beech, and pine woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon. RUSSTJLA 473 ***Flesh not becoming black, taste distinctly acrid. 1547. R. veternosa Fr. Bres. Fung, manger, t. 75. Veternosa, languid. P. 5-8 cm., rose, or flesh colour, soon becoming pale, commonly whitish or yellowish at the disc, convex, then plane and depressed in the middle, slightly fleshy, viscid, pellicle adnate. St. 5-8 cm. x 12 mm., white, often tinged with rose towards the base, fragile, equal. Gills white, then bright yellow, adnate, narrowed behind, broader in front. Flesh white, soft. Spores ochraceous, subglobose, 7-8 x 6-7 p, echinulate. Cystidia "lanceolate, 45-70 x 9-15/n, shorter on the edge of the gill" Rick. Taste acrid. Woods, and heaths. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1548. R. nauseosa (Pers.) Fr. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 129. Nauseosa, nauseous. P. 3-5 cm., variable in colour, typically purplish at the disc, then livid, but becoming pale and often whitish, piano-gibbous, then de- pressed, viscid, laxly fleshy; margin submembranaceous, tuberculoso- sulcate. St. 2-3 cm. x 8 mm., white, becoming grey with age, fragile, slightly striate. Gills light yellow, then dingy ochraceous, adnexed, ventricose, somewhat distant. Flesh white. Spores yellow, subglobose, 7-10)Lt, verrucosely echinulate. Cystidia "fusiform, 50-55 x 10/z" Bres. Smell often unpleasant, taste mild, then acrid. Coniferous woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. var.flavida Cke. = Russula lutea (Huds.) Fr. 1549. R. puellaris Fr. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 64. Puellaris, girlish. P. 2-5-6 cm., livid purplish, becoming yellowish, disc brown, conic- ally convex, then flattened or depressed, membranaceous except at the disc, viscid, margin tuberculosely-striate. St. 4-5 cm. x 7- 10 mm., white, becoming yellowish, and stained brownish when touched, attenuated upwards, rugulose. Gills white, then pallid yellow, adnate, attenuated behind, thin, crowded. Flesh white, ochraceous at the base of the stem. Spores ochraceous, subglobose, 8-10 x 7-8 /z, echinulate, 1-guttulate. Cystidia abundant, conical, 50-65 x 9-11/n. Taste mild, then slightly acrid. Woods, and damp places. Aug. Oct. Common. (v.v.) var. intensior Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 1047, t. 1066. Intensior, deeper. Differs from the type in the darker, deep purple p., nearly black at the disc. 1550. R. nitida (Pers.) Fr. (= Russula nitida Fr. var. cuprea Cke.) Krombh. t. 66, figs. 1-3. Nitida, shining. P. 3-6 cm., bay-brown-purplish, disc darker, convex, then plane or slightly depressed, thin, viscid, shining when dry; margin striate, 474 RUSSULA somewhat tubercular. St. 5-7-5 x 1 cm., white, equal, or attenuated downwards, rigid, minutely wrinkled, pruinose. Gills pallid, then bright sulphur-yellow, adnexed, thin, crowded, equal. Flesh white. Spores ochraceous, elliptical or globose, 7-9 x 7 jit, echinulate, 1- guttulate. Cystidia conical, 60-70 x 10-12^. Smell none, or some- what unpleasant. Taste mild, then acrid. Woods. July Oct. Not un- common, (v.v.) var. pulchralis (Britz.) Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 1044, t. 1095, fig. A, as Russula pulchralis Britz. Pulchralis, beautiful. P. 4^8 cm., ochraceous, centre spotted with red or purple, convex, then flattened and depressed, thin, viscid ; margin thin, deeply striate and often split. St. 5-6 x 1-2 cm., white, fragile, equal, ventricose, or thickened at the base. Gills whitish, then ochraceous yellow, broad, distant, rather thick. Flesh white. Spores ochraceous, subglobose, 9 x 8fji, echinulate. Taste mild. Woods. July Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1551. R. maculata Quel. Quel. Soc. bot. Fr. (1877), t. 5, fig. 8. Maculata, spotted. P. 5-9 cm., pale reddish flesh colour, then decoloured yellow or ivory white, spotted with purple or brown, convex, then plane, thick, firm, viscid; margin undulate, generally remaining red. St. 3-4 x 1-1-5 cm., white, rarely tinged with rose, at last spotted with red or bistre, firm, polished, reticulately striate. Gills pale sulphur, then yellow apricot or pink, attenuato-adnate, forked. Flesh white, fragile. Spores citron- yellow, subglobose, 10/t, echinulate. Smell pleasant, like apple, or sweet-briar. Taste mild, then acrid. Edible. Woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1552. R. ochracea (A. & S.) Fr. Richon et Roze, t. 43, figs. 17-20. 0)^/309, pale yellow. P. 6-7 cm., ochraceous, with a tinge of yellow, disc usually becoming darker, convex, then plane or depressed, soft, viscid; margin thin, sulcate. St. 3-4 x 1-1-5 cm., ochraceous, rarely white, equal, or thick- ened at the base, striate. Gills concolorous, slightly adnexed, broad, scarcely crowded. Flesh ochraceous. Spores ochraceous, globose, 9-lOjit, verrucose, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "cylindrical, 50-60 x 7-8 /it, rounded above" Rick. Taste mild, or slightly acrid. Pine, and mixed woods. Aug. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) VIII. Pellicle of the pileus viscid, separable, destitute of cystidia. Margin rounded, generally striate. Flesh fragile. Taste mild, rarely acrid. Gills equal, or subequal, rounded in front, somewhat free. Spores whitish cream to yellow ochre, rarely pure white. 1553. R. alutacea (Pers.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1048, t. 1096. Alutacea, like tanned leather. P. 5-18 cm., purple, or blood-red, tinted with olive, green, or bistre, RUSSULA 475 sometimes entirely olivaceous, convex, then plane or depressed, fleshy, rigid, slightly viscid, pellicle separable, soon dry; margin thin, at length tuberculosely striate. St. 5-12 x 2-5 cm., white, generally reddish at the apex or on one side, sometimes yellowish at the base, firm, equal. Gills pallid light yellow, soon becoming ochraceous egg-yellow, at first free, thick, very broad, equal, somewhat distant. Flesh white, firm, becoming soft with age. Spores deep ochre yellow in the mass, yellow under the microscope, subglobose, 10 x Qfj,, verrucose, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "sparse, cylindrical-fusiform, 60-75 x 8-10 ja" Rick. Taste pleasant, nutty. Edible. Woods, especially beech. July Oct. Com- mon, (v.v.) var. purpurata Bres. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 96. Purpurata, clad in purple. Differs from the type in the light purple p. and st. Coniferous woods. Aug. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. olivascens (Fr.) Rea. Fr. Icon. t. 172, fig. 2, as Russula olivascens Pers. Olivascens, becoming olive coloured. P. 6-10 cm., olivaceous, becoming yellowish at the disc, convex, then expanded and umbilicate, fleshy, rigid. St. 3-7 x 1-5-2 cm., white, firm, equal. Gills cream colour, then yellowish, slightly adnexed, nar- rowed behind, broader in front, nearly equal, rarely forked. Flesh white. Spores deep ochraceous, globose, 9-10/x, echinulate. Taste mild, then slightly acrid. Woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1554. R. aurata (With.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1041, t. 1080. Aurata, golden. P. 5-9 cm., varying lemon-yellow, orange or red, disc darker, convex, then plane, or depressed, fleshy, rigid, viscid in wet weather; margin thin, slightly striate when old. St. 5-9 x 1-5 cm., white, tinged with lemon yellow especially towards the base, equal, or attenuated down- wards, firm, obsoletely striate. Gills whitish, inclining to light yellow, vivid lemon-yellow at the edge, rounded, free, equal, connected by veins, sometimes forked behind. Flesh lemon-yeilow under the separable pellicle, yellowish, then white below. Spores ochraceous, globose, 8-9 p, marked with ridges and spines, 1-guttulate. Cystidia on edge of gill abundant, cylindrical-fusiform, 55-70 x 8-12/*, apex obtuse, contents yellowish. Smell pleasant. Taste mild, or very slowly acrid. Edible. Woods. June Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1555. R. fusca Quel. Cke. Illus. no. 1000, t. 1074, bottom fig., as Russula xerampelina Schaeff. Fusca, dark. P. 6-8 cm., ochraceous brown, speckled, darker at the disc, convex, then infundibuliform, fleshy, viscid. St. 4-6 x 2 cm., milk-white, rigid, at length slightly wrinkled. Gills milk-white, then ochraceous 476 RTJSSULA cream, or yellow wax colour, sinuate, adnate by a tooth, forked, con- nected by veins. Flesh white-cream, firm. Spores white-cream colour in the mass, elliptical, 9/x,. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Coni- ferous woods, and under conifers. Sept. Rare. 1556. R. vesca Fr. (= Russula rosea (Schaeff.) Quel.) Sverig. atl. Svamp. t. 63. Vescor, I feed. P. 2-11 cm., red flesh colour, disc darker, fleshy, firm, convex, then piano-depressed, slightly wrinkled with veins, viscid ; margin at length spreading. St. 2-8 x 1-3 cm., shining white, often foxed with age, equal, often attenuated downwards, rugosely striate. Gills whitish, adnate, rather narrow, thin, crowded, connected by veins. Flesh white, foxing when cut or bruised. Spores white, globose, 8 9//,, echinulate. Cystidia flask-shaped, apex elongate, obtuse, 2'5-3/z in diam., 35-60 x 8-10/i. Smell none, or unpleasant like crab. Taste mild. Edible. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) var. Duportii (Phill.) Massee. Cke. lUus. no. 1003, t. 1042, fig. A, as Russula Duportii Phill. Rev. Canon J. M. Du Port, an enthusiastic mycologist. P. 4-6-5 cm., disc rufous or flesh red, obtuse margin bluish, compact, fleshy, firm, convexo-plane, then depressed, dry. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 10-16 mm., white, minutely striate. Gills white, rounded behind, broad, distant. Flesh turning reddish brown when cut. Spores white, globose, 9ju,, echinulate. Smell of crab. Woods. Sept. 1557. R. Barlae Quel. 1 Quel. As. Fr. (1883), t. 6, fig. 12. J. B. Barla, the eminent mycologist of Nice. P. 6-9 cm., yellow apricot, or bright nankeen yellow, tinged with orange passing into rosy flesh colour, convex, then plane, or infundibuliform, compact, slightly viscid, cuticle separable, often cracked. St. 4-5 x 1-1-5 cm., cream colour, then streaked with bistre, firm, wrinkled striate, silky pruinose. Gills cream colour, then saffron yellow with a tinge of rosy flesh colour, sinuate, free. Flesh white. Spores cream colour, globose, 9/n, verrucose. Smell pleasant, like melilot ("mousse de Corse" Barla). Mountainous woods. Summer. 1558. R. punctata (Gill.) Maire. (= Russula amoena Quel. sec. Maire; Russula punctata Gill. var. leucopus Cke.) Gillot et Lucand, Catal. Champ. Autan, t. 2, fig. 3, as Russula amoena Quel. Punctata, dotted. P. 3-8 cm., rose, purple, purple-violaceous, lilac, often more or less mixed with olive green or yellowish green, sometimes entirely greenish olive, yellowish green, or yellow citron colour, fleshy, convex, then plane, 1 This is recorded as British by M. C. Cooke in Handbook?of British Fungi, Ed. n, p. 335, but his diagnosis is referred by Rene Maire in Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. xxvn (1910), 172 to Russula xerampelina Fr. RUSSULA 477 sometimes slightly depressed, either viscid, or dry, granularly mealy, often punctate with deeper coloured granules ; margin sometimes some- what sulcate when old. St. 3-5 x -5-1-5 cm., rose, purple, purple- violaceous, often partially or quite white, equal, or obconic, pruinosely mealy, sometimes rugosely stria te. Gills whitish cream, tJien cream colour, adnate, or subadnate, edge sometimes purple, or purplish- violaceous andfloccose, either throughout its length or near the margin of the pileus only, thin, crowded, often forked at the base. Flesh white, sometimes reddish near the cuticle of the pileus. Spores whitish cream in the mass, somewhat hyaline under the microscope, elliptical, 7-5-9 x 7-8/z, verrucose, subreticulate. Gystidia rather rare, fusi- form, or subclavate, sometimes with a short and broad appendage at the apex, 90-130 x 13-15/u. Smell slight, or very pleasant. Taste mild. Edible. Coniferous woods. July Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. violeipes (Quel.) Maire. Quel. Ass. Fr. (1897), 450, pro forma R. citrinae. Violeus, violet; pes, foot. Differs from the type in the citron yellow p. sometimes tinted lilac, and the lilac, or white tinged with lilac stem. Coniferous woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1559. R. carnicolor Bres. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 128, as Russula lilacea Quel. var. carnicolor Bres. Caro, flesh; color, colour. P. 3-7 cm., flesh colour, disc fuscous livid, then concolorous, fleshy, convex, then plane and depressed, viscid; margin at length slightly tuberculately striate. St. 4-5 cm. x 6-12 mm., white, base sometimes rosy, equal, subpruinose, somewhat rugulose. Gills shining white, rounded behind, adnexed, forked, somewhat distant. Flesh white. Spores white, subglobose, 6-8/x, echinulate. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1560. R. mustelina Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 976, 1. 1018. Mustelina, pertaining to a weasel. P. 5-10 cm., bright brown, or dingy yellowish, convex, then plane and depressed, fleshy, firm, dry; margin at first incurved, minutely tomentose, then straight. St. 4-6 x 1-5-2-5 cm., white, equal, some- what rugose. Gills white, then cream colour, rounded behind, adnexed, broad in front, connected by veins. Flesh white, ochraceous at the margin. Spores ochraceous cream in the mass, hyaline under the microscope, subglobose, 7-8/u,, verrucose, 1-guttulate. Taste pleasant. Edible. Woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1561. R. caerulea Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 987, t. 1052. Caerulea, azure-blue. P. 5-8 cm., bright purple, or bluish purple, darker or sometimes brownish at the umbonate disc, convex, then expanded, or somewhat 478 RUSSULA. LACTARIUS depressed, umbonate, polished ; margin thin, at length slightly striate with age. St. 5-11 x 12-5 cm., white, equal, firm. Gills yellowish, adnate, equal, rounded at the apex. Flesh white, brownish, or pur- plish under the cuticle. Spores pale ochraceous, globose, 9-lOju, echinu- late. Taste mild. Coniferous woods, and under conifers. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1562. R. lutea (Huds.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1051, t. 1082. Lutea, golden yellow. P. 2-5 cm., yellow, at length becoming pale, and occasionally wholly white, convex, then plane, or piano-depressed, thin, viscid; margin sometimes obsoletely striate when old. St. 2-4 cm. x 6-8 mm., white, equal, fragile. Gills ochraceous egg-yellow, somewhat free, connected by veins, crowded, equal, thin. Flesh white. Spores ochraceous, globose, 8-9 p., echinulate. Cystidia "clavate, 45-50 x 10-12/z, with a blunt apex" Rick. Smell pleasant, like apricots. Taste mild. Edible. Woods, and lawns. July Nov. Common, (v.v.) var. armeniaca (Cke.) Rea. Cke. Illus. no. 1045, t. 1064, as Russula armeniaca Cke. Armeniaca, of Armenia, the native country of the apricot. Differs from the type only in the rich apricot colour of the pileus. Woods, and lawns. July Oct. Common, (v.v.) var. vitellina (Pers.) Bataille. Cke. Illus. no. 1052, t. 1102, fig. B, as Russula vitellina (Pers.) Fr. Vitellina, egg-yellow. Differs from the type in the egg-yellow colour, and tuberculately striate margin of the pileus, the distant, saffron yellow gills, and the strong unpleasant smell. Coniferous woods, and under conifers. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) R. Turci Bres. 1 Latex milk-white, or coloured, rarely like serum. Lactarius Fr. (Lac, milk.) Pileus fleshy, regular. Stem central, rarely excentric, fleshy. Gills adnate, or decurrent, somewhat rigid, milky, acute at the edge. Spores white, or yellowish, rarely pinkish in the mass; globose, sub- globose, or elliptical, echinulate, verrucose, punctate, or reticulate; continuous. Cystidia present, or absent. Growing on the ground, more rarely on wood; solitary, or caespitose. 1 Bres. refers Cke.'s Illus. no. 1199, t. 1147, Russula nauseosa Fr. to this species. There is no other British record of its occurrence. LACTARIUS 479 I. St. central. Gills unchangeable, naked, not changing colour and not pruinose. Milk at the first white, (commonly) acrid. *P. viscid when moist, margin at first involute, tomentose. 1563. L. scrobiculatus (Scop.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 922, t. 971. Scrobiculatus, pitted. P. 10-30 cm., yellow, becoming pale, zoned, or zoneless, convex, um- bilicate, at length infundibuliform, very viscid when moist, covered with agglutinated down; margin bearded when young. St. 4r-8 x 2-5-5 cm., light yellow, pitted with darker yellow broad roundish spots, incrassated upwards, somewhat viscid, base pubescent. Gills whitish, or flesh colour, decurrent, crowded, thin. Flesh whitish, becoming yellow when broken. Milk white, soon sulphur-yellow when exposed to the air. Spores light yellow, subglobose, 9 x 7-8 /A, echinulate, 1- guttulate. Taste very acrid. Under birches, and in coniferous woods- Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1564. L. torminosus (Schaeff.) Fr. Cke. lUus. no. 923, t. 972. Torminosus, griping. P. 4-12 cm., pallid flesh colour, or strawberry colour, sometimes pale ochraceous, or white, convex, then depressed, at length infundibuli- form, viscid when moist, zoned; margin white fibrillosely bearded. St. 6-9 x 1-5-2-5 cm., pale flesh colour, equal or attenuated downwards, sometimes pitted, delicately tomentose, then smooth. Gills paler than the pileus, adnato-decurrent, thin. Flesh pallid. Milk white, acrid. Spores white, subglobose, 8-9 x 7/z, echinulate, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "sparse, subulate, 50-60 x Sfi" Rick. Mixed woods, and heaths. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 1565. L. cilicioides Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 924, t. 973. KtXiKiov, goat's-hair cloth; etSo?, like. P. 5-15 cm., flesh colour inclining to fuscous, convex, then flattened and depressed in the centre, viscid, tomentose, margin white flbrillosely woolly. St. 5-7-5 x 2-5 cm., pale flesh colour, becoming yellowish, equal, pruinato-silky under a lens. Gills white, becoming yellowish, decurrent, crowded, branched. Flesh white, then yellow. Milk white, or light yellow, acrid. Spores elliptical, 8-10 x 6-7 /A, minutely echinu- late. Cystidia "subulate-lanceolate, 30-40 x 7-9 /A" Rick. Pine woods. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. intermedius (Krombh.) B. & Br. Krombh. t. 58, figs. 11-13. Intermedius, intermediate. P. 10-14 cm., ochraceous yellow, infundibuliform, viscid, margin tomentose. St. 3-5 x 2 cm., yellowish, becoming tinged with rufous, covered with spot-like depressions. Gills lurid whitish, subdecurrent, broad. Flesh white, then yellowish. Milk white, then yellowish, acrid. 480 LACTARIUS Spores elliptical, 810 x 6 8ju,, minutely echinulate, 1-guttulate. Woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1566. L. lateritioroseus Karst. Lateritius, brick-red; roseus, rosy. P. 6-9 cm., flesh colour, or 'brick-red with a rosy tinge, becoming pale, convexo-umbilicate, then depressed and somewhat infundibuliform, wavy, often unequal, disc broken up into minute granule-like squamules, scales larger towards the margin and eventually disappearing. St. 6-8 x 1-5 cm., concolorous, or paler, unequal, incrassated at the base, curved, or flexuose, very slightly flocculose. Gills pinkish, becoming yellowish, decurrent, rather distant, often furcate and connected by veins. Milk white, acrid. Spores white, subglobose, 8-9 x 6-8ju, echinulate, 1-guttulate. Woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. 1567. L. turpis (Weimn.) Fr. (= Lactarius plumbeus (Bull.) Quel. ; Lactarius necator (Pers.) Schroet.) Cke. Illus. no. 925, t. 987. Turpis, ugly. P. 6-30 cm., olivaceous inclining to umber, sometimes tawny towards the margin, at length entirely inclining to umber, convex, then plane, disc-shaped, or umbilicate, at length depressed, sometimes somewhat zoned, tomentose, viscid; margin at first villose, olivaceous light yellow, at length densely rivuloso-sulcate. St. 4-8 x 1-2-5 cm., pallid, or dark olivaceous, apex ochraceous whitish, equal, or attenuated down- wards, often viscid and pitted. Gills white straw colour, spotted fus- cous when broken or bruised, adnato-decurrent, much crowded, forked. Flesh white. Milk white, acrid. Spores white, globose, 6-7 /A, echinulate, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "subulate, 60-75 x 6-8 /A" Rick. Edible. Woods, heaths, and roadsides, especially under birches. Aug. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 1568. L. controversus (Pers.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 926, t. 1003. Contra, over against; versus, turned. P. 6-30 cm., whitish, becoming reddish with blood-coloured spots and zones especially towards the margin, convex, broadly umbilicate, then somewhat infundibuliform, oblique, viscid in wet weather; margin acute, involute, more or less villose. St. 2-6 x 2-4 cm., white becoming concolorous, attenuated downwards, apex pruinose. Gills pallid-white- flesh-colour, decurrent, thin, very crowded. Flesh pallid, reddish under the cuticle. Milk white, acrid. Spores white, or tinged rosy, subglobose, 8 x 6-7 /i, verrucose, 1-guttulate. Smell pleasant, taste acrid. Woods, and pastures, especially under poplars. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1569. L. pubescens Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 927, t. 974. Pubescens, becoming pubescent. P. 4-6 cm., whitish, passing into flesh colour, rather plane, depressed in the centre, then broadly infundibuliform, shining; margin flbrilloso- LACTARIUS 481 pubescent. St. 2-4 x 1-2 cm., flesh colour, then white, attenuated downwards, often compressed, pruinato-pubescent when young. Gills pallid, slightly flesh-coloured, adnate, or slightly decurrent, crowded, narrower than the flesh of the pileus. Flesh white, pinkish under the cuticle. Milk white, acrid. Spores white, globose, 7-8/z, echinulate, 1-guttulate. Taste very acrid. Woods, heaths, and pas- tures, especially under birches. Sept. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 1570. L. aspideus Fr. (= Lactarius uvidus Fr. sec. Quel.) ao-Tri?, a round shield; e'So?, like. Entirely straw-colour, sometimes tinged with lilac. P. 5-10 cm., con- vex, then slightly depressed, viscid; margin incurved, tomentose and white, becoming smooth. St. 5-8 x 1 cm., equal, viscid. Gills adnate. Flesh white, then lilac. Milk white, then lilac, acrid ("sweet" W. G. Sm. and Massee). Spores white, subglobose, 10 x 9/i, verrucose. Taste acrid. Damp meadows, and moist places. Sept. Uncommon. **P. viscid when moist, pelliculose, margin naked. 1571. L. insulsus Fr. (= Lactarius zonarius (Bull.) Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 929, t. 975. Insulsus, insipid. P. 5-15 cm., yellowish-brick-colour, zoned, deeply umbilicate, at length infundibuliform, pellicle somewhat separable, viscid. St. 4 x 2-5, rarely 7-8 x 1-5 cm., white, becoming pallid, often pitted- spotted. Gills whitish, becoming pale and tinged with flesh colour, de- current, very crowded, for ked, often crisped and anastomosing. Flesh pallid, somewhat zoned under the pellicle. Milk white, acrid. Spores yellow, subglobose, 10 x 8p,, echinulate. Cystidia none. Smell pleasant, taste acrid. Mixed woods, and pastures. Aug. Oct. Com- mon, (v.v.) 1572. L. zonarius (Bull.) Fr. (= Lactarius insulsus Fr. sec. Quel.) Zonarius, zoned. P. 510 cm., pallid orange, or pale yellowish to deeper yellow, convex, becoming plane then depressed, somewhat umbilicate, pellicle adnate, viscid, beautifully zoned most frequently towards the margin, at length minutely ruguloso-flocculose at first only at the circum- ference margin thin, long involute, naked. St. 5-8 x 1-1-5 cm., equal, or 2-5 x 1 cm. attenuated downwards, white, then yellowish, pale upwards, firm, elastic. Gills whitish, at length dingy yellowish, becoming dingy or even somewhat aeruginous when bruised, rounded- adnate, or adnato-decurrent, arcuate, thin, narrow, somewhat crowded. Flesh white, compact. Milk white, acrid. Spores whitish, globose, 9 x 8/1,, echinulate. Cystidia "sparse, subulate" Rick. Smell strong, taste very acrid. Woods, and grassy places. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) B. B. B. 31 482 LACTARIUS 1573. L. utilis (Weinm.) Fr. (= Lactarius pallidus (Pers.) Fr. sec. Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 930, t. 1084. Utilis, useful. P. 12-20 cm., tan colour, pale dull ochre, or livid, convex, then plane, obtuse, at length infundibuliform, humid, often cracked at maturity. St. 5-8 x 2-5 cm., concolorous or darker, fragile, longitu- dinally striate. Gills pallid, adnate, crowded. Milk white, somewhat acrid. Woods. Sept. Oct. Rare. 1574. L. blennius Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 931, t. 988. /SXew/05, mucous matter. P. 4-11 cm., pallid olivaceous or aeruginous-grey, piano-depressed, glutinous, often concentrically guttate, or somewhat zoned ; margin at first incurved and slightly downy, then naked. St. 4-5 x 1-1-5 cm., pallid olive, or pallid grey, viscid, equal, or attenuated downwards. Gills white, becoming cinereous when wounded, subdecurrent. Flesh white, becoming grey. Milk white, then grey, acrid. Spores white, elliptical, 8 x 6-7 fi, verrucose. Cystidia "sparse, fusiform-subulate, 60-75 x 8-10/a" Rick. Taste slowly acrid. Woods, especially beech. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) var. viridis (Schrad.) Quel. Viridis, green. Differs from the type in its bright green slightly olivaceous pileus. Beech woods. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1575. L. lividus Lamb. Lividus, livid. P. pale livid, disc fuscescent, convex, then plane or depressed, not distinctly zoned, viscid (?). St. livid, curved. Gills pale livid, subdecurrent, crowded. Milk white, acrid. Woods. Oct. Rare. 1576. L. fluens Boud. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. in, t. 12. Fluens, lax. P. 510 cm., blackish olive, either somewhat zoned, or zoneless and unicolorous, but always paler ochraceous towards the margin, convex, scarcely flattened with age, rough, granularly punctate on the epidermis, viscid, not glutinous. St. 5-8 x 1-2 cm., greyish ochre, becoming brown when bruised, somewhat viscid, unequal, attenuated at the base. Gills ochraceous, then cinereous ochraceous, adnate, or subdecurrent. Flesh white, brown when bruised. Milk plentiful when wounded like Lac- tarius volemus, white, then brownish, at first mild, then acrid and bitter. Spores white, round or oval, 7-8 x 6/u., "10-11 x 7-8/i" Boud., echinulate, netted. Sometimes caespitose. Amongst grass under beeches. Sept. Oct. IJncommon. (v.v.) 1577. L. hysginus Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 932, t. 989. vo-ywov, a vegetable dye of scarlet colour. P. 6-10 cm., reddish flesh colour, or reddish brown, umbilicate, be- coming plane, viscid, often zoned and spotted ; margin thin, inflexed. LACTARIUS 483 St. 3-10 x 1-5-2-5 cm., ochraceous cream, or flesh colour, here and there pitted or somewhat spotted with rose, apex constricted, attenuated at the base, pruinose. Gills white, then light yellow-ochraceous, adnato- decurrent, thin, crowded, branched. Flesh white, then yellowish, red- dish under the cuticle of the p. and st. Milk white, slowly acrid. Spores pale ochre, globose, 7/x, echinulate, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "subulate, 60-75 x 8-9 /z" Kick. Taste very acrid. Woods. Aug. Nov. Un- common, (v.v.) 1578. L. trivialis Fr. Cke. Ulus. no. 933, t. 976. Trivialis, common. P. 6-17 cm., at first dark lurid, becoming pale when full grown, pallid yellowish, tan-flesh-colour, convex, then soon depressed, at length in- fundibuliform, viscid; margin involute, at length only the pellicle in- flexed. St. 2-5-15 x 2-5 cm., paler than the pileus, slippery. Gills whitish, becoming pale, subdecurrent, rather broad, somewhat thin, crowded. Flesh white. Milk white, sometimes becoming yellow, acrid. Spores ochraceous, globose, 6 8ju,, echinulate, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "subulate, 60-75 x 9-1 1/z" Rick. Taste acrid. Coniferous woods, and heaths. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1579. L. circellatus Fr. Cke. Ulus. no. 934, t. 990. Circellatus, ringed. P. 5-10 cm., rufous inclining to fuscous in wet weather, becoming pale, variegated with darker zones, umbilicato-convex, then becoming plane, depressed in the centre, often repand when older, very viscid in wet weather. St. 4-5 x 1-1-5 cm., pale, equal, or attenuated at the base, tough. Gills whitish then becoming yellow, subdecurrent with a tooth, horizontal, very thin and crowded, narrow, often forked. Flesh white, cheesy. Milk white, acrid. Spores ochraceous, globose, 7-8/z, echinulate. Taste very acrid. Woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1580. L. uvidus Fr. (= Lactarius aspideus Fr. sec. Quel. ; Lactarius fiavidus Boud. sec. Quel.; Lactarius violascens (Otto) Fr. sec. Bataille.) Cke. Illus. no. 935, t. 991. Uvidus, moist. P. 3-10 cm., hoary whitish, grey flesh-colour-livid, becoming fuscous, somewhat thin, convex, plane, then depressed, viscid; margin at first involute, very soon almost straight. St. 4-9 cm. x 12-18 mm., whitish, becoming light yellow, sometimes with yellow ferruginous spots, equal, viscid, sometimes pitted. Gills shining white to dead white, spotted with lilac when wounded, sometimes yellowish, or ochraceous ferruginous or tinged with pallid brick colour, adnate and subde- current, arcuate, thin, crowded, very unequal, here and there branched and anastomosing by veins. Flesh white, lilac when broken. Milk white, then lilac, acrid. Spores pale ochraceous, broadly elliptical, 10-12 x 8-9 fji, echinulate. Cystidia "subulate, pointed, 50-75 x6- 10 ju. " Rick. Smell nauseous, or aromatic, taste slowly acrid. Woods, and heaths. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 312 484 LACTABIUS 1581. L. flavidus Boud. (= Lactarius uvidus Fr. sec. Quel.) Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. iv, t. 9. Flavidus, yellowish. P. 5-10 cm., pale citron, or sulphur yellow, becoming stained with violet on injury or rubbing, convex, then expanded and slightly de- pressed at the centre, which often remains umbonate. St. 3-8 x 1-2 cm., white, or yellowish, soon stained with violet on handling or other injury, more or less attenuated at the base. Gills yellowish, bruising violet on injury, adnato-decurrent, narrow, crowded. Flesh white, becoming quickly violet on exposure to the air. Milk white, then violet, acrid. Spores white, ovoid, 9-10 x 8-9 ju,, verrucose, reticulate, 1-guttulate. Taste mild, then acrid. Woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. (v.v.) ***P. without a pellicle, hence absolutely dry, most frequently unpolished. 1582. L. flexuosus Fr. Flexuosus, full of turns. P. 5-10 cm., lead-grey, or violet-grey, becoming pale, zoned, or zone- less, convex, becoming plane, depressed, somewhat repand, dry, some- what shining, then rivuloso-scaly, OTfloccose; margin incurved, velvety, and whitish. St. 5-9 x 1-5-2-5 cm., pallid grey, apex whitish, base somewhat yellowish, obese, or equally attenuated downwards, often lacunose or pitted, delicately pubescent. Gills light yellowish, at length becoming whitish-flesh-colour, adnate, thick, distant, branched. Flesh white, cheesy, hard. Milk white, very acrid. Spores pale ochraceous, globose, 6-7 jn, verrucose. Cystidia "thin, clavate, 50-80 x 7-8/z," Rick. Taste very acrid. Pine, and beech woods. July Oct. Un- common, (v.v.) var. roseozonatus Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 169, fig. 3. Rosens, rose-colour; zonatus, zoned. Differs from the type in the rose colour, or rosy violet pileus marked with darker zones. Pine woods. Sept. Rare. 1583. L. pyrogatas (Bull.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 937, t. 993. Trvp, fire; 70X0, milk. P. 5-10 cm., cinereous-grey, at length becoming dingy yellow, firm, convex, becoming plane, depressed, somewhat zoned, delicately grumose under a lens, moist in wet weather; margin soon spreading. St. 4- 6 cm. x 6-12 mm., pallid white, sometimes dingy, often attenuated downwards, grumoso-tubercular under a lens. Gills light yellow-wax- colour, the colour rich inclining to ochraceous or flesh colour, adnato- decurrent, thin, somewhat distant. Flesh white, greyish near the pileus. Milk white, very acrid. Spores pale ochraceous, subglobose, 7 8/x, echinulate. Cystidia "only on the edge of the gill, 45-70 x 7-8 /t, obtuse" Rick. Taste very acrid. Woods, and pastures. Aug. Dec. Common, (v.v.) LACTARIUS 485 1584. L. squalidus (Krombh.) Fr. Krombh. t. 40, figs. 23-25. Squalidus, dirty. P. 2-5-9 cm., pale greyish olive, or lurid, margin sprinkled with saffron-yellow dots, convexo-plane, umbilicate. St. 5-8 cm. x 5- 10 mm., white, or concolorous, equal, firm. Gills becoming yellow, narrow, adnate. Flesh white. Milk whitish, sweet. Spores white, globose, 6-10ju,,echinulate. Amongst moss in damp woods. Oct. Rare. 1585. L. capsicum Schulz. Kalchbr. Icon. t. 26, fig. 1. Capsicum, red pepper. P. 510 cm., chestnut colour, darker at the closely involute margin, compact, pulvinate, dry. St. 3-9 x 2-5 cm., whitish, rufous striate, apex fulvous, subequal, or incrassated upwards. Gills fulvous, some- what orange colour, adnato-decurrent, crowded, anastomosing at the base, 3-4 mm. wide. Flesh yellow, becoming fuscous on exposure to the air. Milk white, very acrid. Spores globose, 6/n, rough. Under birches. Sept. Rare. 1586. L. chrysorheus Fr. (= Lactarius theiogalus (Bull.) Quel.) Cke. Ulus. no. 940, t. 984. xpv, sweet; ocr^r}, scent. P. 2-7 cm., grey, brick colour, fuscous, most frequently passing into violet, convex, becoming somewhat plane, acutely papillate, then de- pressed, the papilla vanishing, delicately innato-squamulose, or un- polished, opaque. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 4-8 mm., light yellowish, becoming tawny when bruised, sometimes silvery-whitish, especially at the apex, somewhat equal, pubescent. Gills straw colour, then tawny-flesh-colour, or somewhat ochraceous, adnato-decurrent, arcuate becoming plane, thin, often branched, crowded. Flesh white, then slightly tinged with the external colour. Milk white, rarely greenish, mild, then slightly acrid. Spores pale ochraceous, globose, 7-9 /j,, echinulate, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "subulate, 69-70 x 7-9 /A" Rick. Smell very pleasant, aromatic, taste mild. Edible. Woods. Aug. Nov. Common. (v.v.) 492 LACTABIUS var. flexuosus Massee. Cke. Illus. no. 958, t. 1011, as type. Flexuosus, full of turns. Differs from the type in the silky, umbilicate, flexuose, more or less zoned pileus. Woods. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1608. L. lignyotus Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 171, fig. 1. \iyvfa, smoke. P. 4-8 cm., fuliginous umber, elastic-fragile, convexo-plane, some- what depressed; margin at first incurved, then depressed, acutely- umbonate, plicately-rugulose, or wrinkled sulcate, pruinosely velvety. St. 7-12 x 1-5-2 cm., concolorous, base paler, becoming whitish, fragile, corticate, constricted and plicate at the apex, pruinosely velvety. Gills snow-white, then whitish ochre, reddish when wounded, rounded behind and adnate, then subdecurrent, thin, rather crowded. Flesh white, then slowly becoming reddish, ochraceous, or ferruginous. Milk watery white, becoming reddish, or saffron colour, sparse, sweet. Spores ochraceous, globose, 9/n, strongly echinulate, 1-guttulate. Taste pleasant. Under fir, and beeches. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1609. L. fuliginosus Fr. (= Laciarius azonites (Bull.) Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 959, t. 996. Fuliginosus, sooty. P. 3-10 cm., tan whitish, sprinkled with innate, fuliginous pruina, coffee and milk colour, finely velvety, then somewhat rugulose, soapy livid, fawn brick colour, the disc sometimes at last brown, convex, then somewhat repand and depressed; margin at first inflexed, then soon spreading. St. 48 cm. x 610 mm., dead white to shining white, then dingy, tan, somewhat rufescent-brick-colour, fuliginous, somewhat equal, sometimes rugulose. Gills white, at length light yellow ochraceous, rounded adnexed, then decurrent, somewhat thin, somewhat distant, branched, connected by veins, the intermediate ones at length crisped. Flesh and milk white, then rose colour, and at length saffron yellow. Spores ochraceous, globose, 9-10/z, echinulate. Cystidia "sparse, subulate " Rick. Taste mild, then slightly acrid. Woods, and pastures. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 1610. L.picinusFr. Cke. Illus. no. 960, t. 997. Picinus, pitch-black. P. 4-8 cm., umber, or blackish umber, convex becoming plane, urn- donate, orbicular, at first everywhere villose, somewhat velvety, then becoming smooth. St. 5-8 x 1-1-5 cm., paler than the pileus, equal, pruinose. Gills ochraceous, adnate, thin, very crowded, straight. Flesh pallid, becoming reddish on exposure to the air. Milk white, acrid. Spores ochraceous, globose, 7-10/a, echinulate and ribbed. Taste acrid. Coniferous woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1611. L. retisporus Massee. Rete, a net; a-iropd, seed. P. 5-9 cm., dark smoky-brown, convex, then plane, disc depressed, minutely velvety, radially rugose from disc to margin. St. 3-5 x LACTARIUS 493 1-5 cm., paler than ike pileus, equal. Gills pale ochraceous with darker spots, deeply sinuate and slightly adnexed, subdistant. Flesh dingy yellow, becoming reddish brown when cut. Milk white, then brown, sweet, becoming very thick and tenacious. Spores colourless, globose, with raised bands forming a network. Under beeches. Oct. Rare. 1612. L. lilacinus (Lasch) Fr. Boud. Icon. t. 53. Lilacinus, lilac-coloured. P. 3-8 cm., rosy lilac, covered with a concolorous tomentum, often spinulose when young, plane, then depressed, papillate, sometimes very obsoletely zoned. St. 3-8 cm. x 5-12 mm., paler and more ochraceous than the pileus, equal, somewhat rugulose, apex white- mealy. Gills ochraceous, rarely tinted rosy lilac, adnato-decurrent, narrow. Flesh rosy white, acrid. Milk white, acrid, plentiful. Spores white, globose, or oval, 7-10/z, verrucose, reticulated. Cystidia "fusi- form, 60-75 x 7-9 ju," Rick. Taste acrid. Woods, and damp places. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1613. L. spinosulus Quel. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. n, t. 11. Spinosulus, full of little spines. P. 2-4 cm., brick red, or rosy lilac, convex, acutely umbonate, then depressed, covered with minute erect spines, especially towards the margin, zoned and spotted. St. 3-4 cm. x 4-8 mm., concolorous, rugu- lose, granular. Gills yellowish flesh colour, then yellowish, decurrent, narrow. Flesh paler. Milk white, slowly acrid. Spores pale ochraceous, globose, 7-8/it, echinulate. Taste slightly acrid. Woods. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. violaceus Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 961, t. 998, fig. B. Violaceus, violet. Differs from the type in the rosy-violet p., the incurved margin, and the pale st. On the ground. Sept. ***P. polished, smooth. 1614. L. volemus Fr. (= Lactarius lactifluus (Schaeff.) Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 962, t. 999. Volema pira, a species of large pear. P. 5-12 cm., rufous tawny, golden, becoming pale, compact, rigid, obtuse, paler at the margin, plano-convex, at length depressed and rimoso-rivulose; margin at first incurved. St. 6-10 x 1-5-3 cm., con- colorous, somewhat equal, or attenuated upwards, obese, hard, pruinose. Gills white to yellowish, adnato-decurrent, thin, crowded, becoming dingy when wounded. Flesh white, becoming brownish on exposure to the air. Milk white, sweet, plentiful, rarely becoming yelloiv. Spores very pale ochraceous, globose, 5-6 /A, verrucose. Cystidia "very abun- dant, subulate-fusiform, 60-100 x 8-9 /A, very undulating and thick walled "Rick. Smell and taste very pleasant. Edible. Woods. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 494 LACTABIUS 1615. L. ichoratus (Batsch) Fr. Cke. lUus. no. 963, t. 1000. t'%&>/3, serum. P. 5-10 cm., tawny-brick-colour, disc often brown, brick colour and zoned, piano-depressed, often unequal, excentric, occasionally repand, opaque, thin, obtuse. St. 4-7-5 cm. x 6-10 mm., tawny, then rufescent, equal, or fusiform below. Gills white, then ochraceous, adnate, de- current with a tooth, scarcely crowded. Flesh pallid, becoming brownish on exposure to the air. Milk white, sweet. Spores ochraceous, elliptical, 8-10 x 6-7 /x, echinulate. Cystidia "sparse, subulate, 50 x 5-6 /u," Rick. Smell strong, taste pleasant. Woods. Oct. 1616. L. serifluus (DC.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 964, t. 1012. Serum, lymph ; fluus, flowing. P. 2-5-6 cm., brown tawny, plane, then depressed, sometimes slightly umbonate, somewhat flexuose ; margin inflexed. St. 3-4 cm. x 4-10 mm., concolorous, or paler, somewhat incurved, base often strigose with tawny hairs. Gills yellowish flesh colour, then reddish, adnate, decurrent with a tooth. Flesh reddish tawny. Milk watery, insipid, scanty. Spores pale ochraceous, globose, 6-7 JM, echinulate, 1-guttulate. Cystidia " vesiculose-pyrif orm, then vesiculose-flask- shaped, 30 x 14-20 /u," Rick. Smell unpleasant, like bugs. Woods, and boggy places. July Dec. Common, (v.v.) 1617. L. mitissimus Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 965, t. 1001. Mitissimus, very mild. P. 3-8 cm., golden tawny, convex, papillate, depressed, papilla often vanishing, somewhat slippery when moist. St. 2-5-8 cm. x 8-12 mm., concolorous. Gills a little paler than the pileus, often stained with minute rufous spots, adnato-decurrent, somewhat arcuate, thin, crowded. Flesh pallid. Milk white, plentiful, mild, then somewhat bitterish. Spores pale ochraceous, elliptical, 8-9 x 6-7 /u, verrucose, 1-guttulate. Cystidia "sparse, subulate, 45-50 x 5-6/x" Rick. Taste slightly acrid. Edible. Woods. Aug. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 1618. L. subdulcis (Pers.) FT. Sub, somewhat; dulcis, sweet. P. 3-8 cm., rufescent, not becoming pale, papillate, at length de- pressed. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 4-10 mm., concolorous, equal, somewhat pruinose. Gills paler, adnate, crowded, fragile. Flesh rufescent. Milk white, somewhat mild. Spores pale ochraceous, globose, 9-10/u, echinu- late. Cystidia "sparse, subulate, 50-60 x 8-10 fj," Rick. Taste some- what bitterish. Edible. Woods. July Dec. Common, (v.v.) var. concavus Fr. Concavus, hollowed out. Differs from the type in the rufous bay colour of all its parts recalling Lactarius rufus, the inflexed margin of the pileus, the smooth stem, the LACTARIUS 495 very pruinose gills, and the constant mild taste. Damp places in woods. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. sphagneti Fr. Sphagnetum, a Sphagnum swamp. Differs from the type in the obtuse, red bay pileus shining as if varnished, and the crenate, inflexed margin. 1619. L. camphoratus (Bull.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 967, 1. 1013, fig A. Camphor atus, strong scented. P. 2-5-6 cm., brown-brick-red, convex, then depressed, sometimes somewhat zoned. St. 2-3 cm. x 4-6 mm., concolorous, somewhat un- dulated. Gills yellowish-brick-colour, adnate, crowded. Flesh reddish. Milk white, mild, watery. Spores ochraceous, globose, 8-9 JJL, echinu- late. Smell strong, like Melilot when dried. Taste pleasant. Woods, especially conifers. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) var. Terrei (B. & Br.) Cke. Michael Terrey. Differs from the type in the corrugated pileus, and the swollen base of the stem clad with orange down. 1620. L. subumbonatus Lindgr. (= Lactarius cimicarius (Batsch) Quel. ; Lactarius rubescens (Bres.) Bataille.) Cke. Illus. no. 968, t. 986, fig. A. Sub, rather; umbonatus, umbonate. P. 2-3 cm., dark cinnamon colour, convex, then depressed, rather umbonate, rugose, punctate. St. 2-5-3 cm. x 3 mm., concolorous, attenuated at the base. Gills rufous flesh colour, adnate. Flesh grey, then yellowish. Milk white, watery, mild. Spores white, subglobose, 5-6/n, rough. Smell foetid when old, taste mild. Woods. Sept. 1621. L. cimicarius (Batsch) Cke. (= Lactarius subumbonatus (Lindgr.) Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 967, t. 1013, fig. B. Cimex, a bug. P. 2-6 cm., dark bay brown, convex, then depressed, or infundibuli- form; margin often waved and lobed. St. 4-6 cm. x 4-14 mm., paler than the pileus, equal. Gills dingy ochraceous with a red tinge, slightly decurrent. Flesh tinged brownish. Milk white, acrid. Spores white, globose, 9 x 7-8/A, verrucose, 1-guttulate. Smell strong, like bugs. Taste acrid. Woods. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1622. L. obnubilus (Lasch) Fr. Boud. Icon. t. 55. Obnubilus, overclouded, dark. P. 2-6 cm., brown fuliginous, darker at the disc, paler at the striate margin, convex, at first papillate, then umbilicate, slightly viscid. St. 3-7 cm. x 6-9 mm., paler than the pileus, equal, slightly rugulose, covered with concolorous hairs at the base. Gills yellowish, adnato- decurrent, crowded. Flesh reddish. Milk white, rather acrid. Spores pale ochraceous, subglobose, 7-9 x 7-8/x, verrucose, 1-guttulate. 496 LACTABIUS. BOLBITIUS Taste somewhat bitter. Pine woods, and under alders. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. crenatus Massee. Crenatus, notched. Differs from the type in the coarsely sulcate margin of the pileus. Fir woods. 1623. L. tabidus Fr. Boud. Icon. t. 57. Tabidus, wasting away. P. 1-5 cm., pale brick colour, then tan, becoming paler, submembrana- ceous, somewhat plane, acutely papillately umbonate, at length expanded and somewhat depressed, somewhat rugulose; margin pellucidly striate. St. 2i cm. x 4 mm., concolorous, equal, or attenuated upwards, white tomentose at base. Gills concolorous but paler, adnato-decur- rent, flaccid, narrow, somewhat distant. Flesh concolorous. Milk white, sweet, then slightly acrid, scanty. Spores white, globose, or oval, 10-12 x 7-10/A, verrucose, 1-guttulate. Taste pleasant, then slightly acrid. Woods, and under willows and alders. Sept. Uncommon. 1624. L. minimus W. G. Sm. Cke. Illus. no. 968, t. 986, fig. B. Minimus, smallest. P. 6-15 mm., pallid clay colour, pulvinate, rounded, or slightly um- bonate; margin incurved. St. 6 x 2mm., concolorous, generally ex- centric. Gills pallid, slightly decurrent, arcuate, distant. Milk white, mild, abundant. Spores white, globose, 3-4/A, echinulate. Woods, and pastures. Oct. Uncommon. IV. St. excentric, or lateral. Growing on trunks. 1625. L. obliquus Fr. Obliquus, slanting. Entirely white, becoming yellowish. P. 5 cm., thin, plane, then de- pressed, oblique, zoned with grey, lobed, silky. St. 2-5 cm. x 4 mm., rather excentric, curved. Gills very slightly decurrent, crowded, narrow. Flesh whitish. Milk white, slightly acrid. Spores white, glo- bose, 6/x, echinulate. Smell pleasant. Caespitose. On trunks of beech, and on banks. Oct. Uncommon. III. Receptacle membranaceous, or fleshy membranaceous, fragile, rapidly putrescent, or shrivelling up. Spores ochraceous, or ferruginous. Bolbitius Fr. (/3o\/SiToi/, dung, especially cow dung.) Pileus membranaceous, regular. Stem central, not confluent with the pileus. Gills free, or slightly adnate, acute at the edge. Spores ochraceous, ferruginous, fuscous, or salmon colour; elliptical, elliptic- oblong, or almond-shaped; smooth; with an apical germ-pore. Cys- tidia present, or absent. Growing on dung, and on rich soil. BOLBITIUS 497 B. hydrophilus (Bull.) Fr. = Hypholoma hydrophilum (Bull.) Fr. 1626. B. vitellinus (Pers.) Fr. Kalchbr. Icon. t. 19, fig. 2. Vitellus, the yolk of an egg. P. 2-4 cm., egg yellow, submembranaceous, deeply campanulate, then expanding and convex, viscid, smooth, then furrowed and splitting at the margin. St. 6-11 cm. x 2-4 mm., cream colour, attenuated up- wards from the subbulbous base, covered with white, fugacious, mealy fiocci. Gills ochraceous, then somewhat ferruginous, free, attenuated at both ends, thin, crowded. Flesh yellowish, thick at the disc. Spores ferruginous, yellow under the microscope, broadly elliptical, 12-14 x 7-8jU, often truncate at the one end. On horse dung, dung heaps, and amongst grass. May Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. olivaceus Gillet. Olivaceus, olivaceous. Differs from the type in its olivaceous colour. Horse dung. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1627. B. Boltonii (Pers.) Fr. James Bolton of Halifax, the author of " An History of Fungusses." P. 2-4 cm., yellow, becoming pale, disc darker, fleshy, conical, or convex, then plane and depressed at the disc, viscid, smooth, becoming sulcate and splitting at the membranaceous margin, finally withering and becoming like paper. St. 5-8 cm. x 4-6 mm., yellowish, equal, attenuated at the base, often twisted, fiocculose with the fugacious cortina, which sometimes forms a ring-like zone. Gills light yellow, then livid fuscous, slightly adnate. Flesh yellowish, especially in the St., very thin. Spores fuscous ferruginous, broadly elliptical, or pip-shaped, 12-13 x 7-8/x. On dung, and manured soil. May Oct. Uncommon. (v.v.) 1628. B. flavidus (Bolt.) Massee. Cke. Illus. no. 677, t. 689, as Bol- bitius Boltoni Fr. Flavidus, yellowish. P. 2-5-5 cm., pale yellow, glutinous, conical, then expanded, disc usually slightly elevated; margin striate, and usually splitting. St. 5-6 cm. x 4-6 mm., yellow, slightly thinner upwards. Veil very fugacious, white, leaving no mark on the st. Gills white, then yellow, at length dusky brown, almost or quite free, 4 mm. broad. Flesh yellow in the st. Spores brown, elliptical, 10 x 6/n. The whole plant deli- quescing. Dung-hills, and rotten cloth in woods. June Aug. Un- common, (v.v.) 1629. B. grandiusculus Cke. & Massee. Cke. Illus. no. 1187, t. 1159. Grandiusculus, pretty well grown up. P. 3-5 cm., pale yellow, disc rufous, submembranaceous, campanu- late, then expanded, smooth; margin slightly striate. St. 7-5-10 cm. x 6 mm., white, gradually attenuated upwards, straight, smooth. B. B. B. 32 498 BOLBITIUS Gills pale, then rusty ochraceous, quite free, attenuated behind, 2 mm. broad, linear, crowded. Flesh white, very thin. Spores rusty, elliptic- oblong, 15 x 5-6/Li. Amongst grass. Sept. Rare. 1630. B. fragilis (Linn.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 679, t. 720, fig. A. Fragilis, fragile. P. 1-5-2-5 cm., light yellow, then becoming pale, submembranaceous, pellucid, conical, then expanded, subumbonate, smooth, viscid; margin striate, often crenulated. St. 5-7-5 cm. x 2-4 mm., yellow, very fragile, attenuated upwards, naked, smooth. Gills yellow, then pale cinnamon, attenuato-adnexed, almost free, ventricose, 2-4 mm. broad. Flesh yellowish, thin at the disc. Spores ferruginous, almond-shaped, 10-11 x 6-7 p.. Cystidia "vesiculose, 30-36 x 12-20/z" Rick. The whole plant rapidly withering. Roadsides, road-scrapings, horse dung, and pastures. April Nov. Common, (v.v.) 1631. B. affinis Massee. Affinis, related. P. 12 cm., yellowish tawny, whitish when dry, campanulate, then expanded, umbonate, glabrous, dry; margin striate. St. 4-7. cm., white, attenuated upwards from a marginate bulb, shining. Gills yellowish tawny, adnexed, narrow. Spores 8 x 6/x,. Rare. 1632. B. titubans (Bull.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 680, t. 690. Titubans, tottering. P. 2-4 cm., light yellow at the disc, paler and becoming greyish at the margin, membranaceous, very tender, ovato-campanulate, then flat- tened and split, diaphanous, slightly viscid, striate; margin plicate. St. 5-7-5 cm. x 1-2 mm., white, equal, very fragile, shining, some- times mealy. Gills ochraceous, or purplish, then fuscous flesh colour, or ferruginous, adnexed, or free, 2-3 mm. broad. Flesh whitish, scarcely any except at the disc. Spores deep ochraceous, broadly ellip- tical, 11-15 x 8-9 /n, with a hyaline apical germ-pore. Rich pastures, gardens, and roadsides. May Oct. Common, (v.v.) 1633. B. apicalis W. G. Sm. Cke. Illus. no. 679, t. 720, fig. B. Apex, the top of a thing, P. 8-15 cm., brown, disc ochraceous bounded by a darker line, mem- branaceous, conical, 18 mm. high, obsoletely umbonate, striate, then plicate to the apical disc, splitting at the margin. St. 5-6 cm. x 2 mm., white, attenuated upwards from the thickened base, striate, minutely pruinose under a lens. Gills brown, free, at first pressed to the stem, ventricose, 3 mm. broad. Flesh white, thick at the disc. Spores brown, elliptical, 9 x 6-7 /x. Pastures. June. Rare. 1634. B. rivulosus B. & Br. Cke. Illus. no. 678, t. 928, fig. B. Rivulosus, rivulose. P. 23 cm., tan colour, campanulate, striate, rivulose. St. 7 cm. x 4-6 mm., white, attenuated upwards, smooth. Gills cinnamon, BOLBITIUS. COPRINUS 499 slightly adnexed, narrowed behind, 3 mm. broad, rather distant. Flesh white, rather thick at the disc. Spores ferruginous, elliptic- oblong, 10-12 x 6-7 fj,. Earth in an orchid house. July. Rare. 1635. B. niveus Massee. Cke. Illus. no. 1186, t. 1160, as Bolbitius conocephalus Bull. Niveus, snow white. P. 2-3 cm., pure white, fleshy, campanulate, obtusely umbonate, smooth, slightly viscid ; margin striate. St. 7-9 cm. x 3-4 mm., pure white, gradually attenuated upwards from the clavato-bulbous base, rather tough, shining. Gills pallid, then salmon colour, free, narrowed behind, 2 mm. broad, broadest in front, subdistant. Flesh white, thick at the disc. Spores salmon colour, elliptical, 18 x 9-10/Lt. Earth in palm house. Rare. 1636. B. tener Berk. Cke. Illus. no. 681, t. 691. Tener, tender. P. 7-15 mm., white, yellowish white, or flesh colour, then whitish, very delicate, conical, elongated, 8-25 mm. high, moist, smooth. St. 47 cm. x 2 mm., white, base bulbous or slightly thickened. Gills salmon colour, nearly free, attenuated behind, narrow, not crowded. Flesh white, very thin. Spores "salmon colour, elliptical, 15-16 x 8-10/x" Massee. Lawns, and rich pastures. May Sept. Uncommon. (v.v.) Spores black, or blackish fuscous. Gills auto-digested from below upwards. Coprinus (Pers.) Fr. (KOTTpos, dung.) Pileus fleshy, or membranaceous, regular. Stem central, confluent, or distinct from the pileus, with or without a ring or volva. Gills free, adnate, or attached to a collar, very thin, parallel-sided, or subparallel-sided, and auto-digested from below upwards. Spores black, violet black, chocolate, or fuscous ; oval, elliptical, subglobose, angularly subglobose, pip-shaped, almond-shaped, or cordiform, smooth, very rarely echinulate; with an apical germ-pore. Cystidia usually large, rarely absent. Growing on the ground, on dung, and on wood. Solitary, or caespitose. I. Gills covered above with a fleshy or membranaceous cuticle, hence the p. does not open into furrows along the gills but becomes torn and re volute. *Furnished with a ring arising from the volva ; the cuticle torn into scales. 1637. C. comatus (Fl. Dan.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 644, t. 658. Comatus, hairy. P. 4-6 cm., white, becoming pinkish at the margin and finally black, 322 500 COPRINUS fleshy, cylindrical, 5-15 cm. high, then campanulate, the continuous cuticle soon separating into adpressed, shaggy scales, the scales becoming ochraceous at their apices, disc deep ochraceous, remaining persistently entire, at length striate; margin often torn and unequal. St. 12- 25 x 12 cm., white, then dingy or lilac white, attenuated upwards from the bulbous, rooting base, fibrillose, silky, shining. King white, membranaceous, thin, torn, movable, fugacious. Gills white, then pink, at length black and deliquescent, free, separate from the st., linear, 6-10 mm. broad. Flesh white, thick at the disc. Spores black, ellip- tical, often with a lateral apiculus, 11-13 x 6-7 /x. Cystidia vesicu- lose, 50-65 x 20-30/A. Taste mild. Edible. Woods, pastures, road- sides, especially ground made up with night soil. April Dec. Com- mon, (v.v.) var. ovatus (Schaeff.) Quel. Schaeff. Icon. t. 7. Ovatus, egg-shaped. Differs from the type only in its smaller size and the ovate p. var. clavatus (Batt.) Quel. Schaeff. Icon. t. 8. Clavatus, club-shaped. Differs from the type in the elongate elliptical p., the rootless st., the shaggy volva-like ring, and the gills never becoming pink. 1638. C. umbrinus Cke. & Massee. Umbrinus, umber. P. 2-5-4-5 cm., dark umber, fleshy, conico-hemispherical, then almost plane, finally splitting at the margin and revolute, coarsely sulcate up to the disc, universal veil generally remaining as a large white patch at the apex, elsewhere covered with scattered, snow white, fioccose scales. St. 10-15 cm. x 6-8 mm., dark umber, slightly and gradually at- tenuated upwards from the bulbous, slightly rooting base, polished, shining. Volva persistently white, sheathing the base of the st., and free and reflexed about 2 cm. from the base. Gills becoming black, edge persistently white, free, distant from the st., 3 mm. broad, thin, crowded. Flesh umber, exceedingly thin. Spores sooty-black, elliptic- oblong, obliquely apiculate, 17-18 x 9/u. Cystidia absent. Manured ground. Aug. Rare. 1639. C. sterquilinus Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 646, t. 660. Sterguilinum, a dung-pit. P. 2-5 cm., white, then silvery grey, disc tinged fuscous, submem- branaceous, ovato-conical, then campanulate, scarcely expanded, obtuse, fragile, deeply sulcate, the furrows forked, silky-villose, disc squarrose with divergent, imbricated scales', margin at length split. St. 8-15 cm. x 6-8 mm., white, attenuated upwards, fragile, fibrillose, base bulbous, becoming blackish when touched. Ring white, membrana- ceous, narrow, near the base and volva-like. Gills white, then pink, and at length purplish umber, free, slightly ventricose, 5-6 mm. broad. Flesh greyish, then whitish, very thin. Spores black, broadly elliptical, COPRINUS 501 14-23 x 9-14/u,. Cystidia "on edge of gill vesiculose, filled with a reddish juice" Rick. Dung-heaps, and gardens. July Sept. Un- common, (v.v.) 1640. C. oblectus (Bolt.) Fr. Bolt. Hist. Fung. t. 142. OUectus, delightful. P. 3-5 cm., whitish, then bright flesh colour, at length black, mem- branaceous, cylindrical, then conico-campanulate, covered with white silky scales, sulcate nearly up to the disc. St. 8-12 cm. x 5-6 mm., white, slightly attenuated upwards, soft, silky. Volva brownish on the outside, white on the inside, large, free, spreading, up to 6 mm. broad. Gills becoming blackish, with a tinge of flesh colour, free, linear. Flesh white, thin. Spores black, elliptic-oblong, with an oblique basal point, 16 x 8-9 /z. Newly made dung-hills. Aug. Nov. Rare. (v.v.) 1641. C. squamosus Morg. Journ. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist, vi, t. 8. Squamosus, scaly. P. 2-8 cm., cinereous, covered with reddish brown scales, submem- branaceous, ovoid, 2-3 cm. high, then expanded, at length splitting and revolute. St. 6-15 cm. x 6-12 mm., white, equal, often attenuated at the base, covered with reddish brown scales below the ring, smooth above. Ring distant, narrow, fugacious. Gills white, then reddish brown, and finally black, free, ventricose. Flesh brownish under the cuticle, white elsewhere, thin. Spores black, boat-shaped, 9-10 x 5/i. Caespitose. Base of trunks, elms, and old palings. Sept. Oct. Un- common, (v.v.) **Somewhat ringed, but not with a volva. P. dotted, or spotted with minute, innate squamules. 1642. C. atramentarius (Bull.) Fr. (= Coprinus 'fuscescens (Schaeff.) Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 648, t. 662. Atramentarius, inky. P. 5-8 cm., lurid fuliginous, becoming hoary with adpressed, silky lustre, fleshy, ovate, obtuse, wholly longitudinally and deeply sulcate and ribbed, soft to the touch, minutely mealy, repand-unequal at the margin, disc often squamulose, slightly adpressedly silky at the sides. St. 7-20 cm. x 8-18 mm., white, at first ventricose, fusiform, attenuated shortly downwards, and for a greater distance upwards, furrowed, then elongato-attenuated upwards, firm, longitudinally fibrillose, apex smooth, base often with a few tawny squamules. Ring white, basal, very fugacious. Gills whitish, then brown-black, quite free, ventricose, 10-15 mm. broad, edge flocculose. Flesh fuliginous, scissile. Spores black, elliptical, 9-10 x 5ju,, 1-multi-guttulate. Cystidia cylindric- saccate, 50-120 x 25-37 ju,. Taste mild. Edible. Caespitose rarely solitary. Woods, pastures, and gardens, almost always connected with buried wood. May Dec. Common, (v.v.) 502 COPBINUS var. soboliferus (Fr.) Rea. Cke. Illus. no. 649, t. 848. Soboles, offshoot ;fero, I bear. Differs from the type in the truncate, more squamulose p., and in the stems arising from a common tuberous base. Base of stumps, rotten palings, and in hot-houses. May Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1643. C. fuscescens (Schaeff.) Fr. (= Coprinus atramentarius (Bull.) Fr. sec. Quel.) Fuscescens, becoming fuscous. P. 5 7 '5 cm., whitish, or greyish, disc becoming fuscous, or rufescent, submembranaceous, globose, then ovate and expanded, at length revolute when deliquescent, at first covered with a somewhat mealy pruina, then smooth, or rimosely squamulose on the disc, obtuse. St. 4-7'5 cm. x 46 mm., white, equal, fragile, slightly silky under a lens, at first obsoletely ringed towards the base. Gills white, then umber, free, very broad, semi-ovate. Flesh fuscous in the p. and base of st., thick at the disc. Spores fuscous black, "elliptical, apiculate, 10 x 6/z" Massee. Caespitose. Elm stumps, rotten wood, wood in cellars. May Dec. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. rimoso-squamosus Cke. Cke. Illus. no. 651, t. 664. Rimosus, cracked; squamosus, scaly. Differs from the type only in the p. becoming cracked into angular patches. Hardly worthy of a varietal name. About stumps. Oct. Uncommon. ***Universal veil floccose, at first continuous, then broken up into superficial scales which form patches on the p. 1644. C. picaceus (Bull.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 652, t. 665. Picaceus, appertaining to a magpie. P. 5-10 cm., fuliginous black, variegated with broad, unequal, super- ficial, separating, white scales, from the breaking up of the universal woven veil, striate. St. 10-25 cm. x 6-12 mm., white, attenuated up- wards from the bulbous base, fragile, smooth. Gills white, then pinkish, at length black, free, ventricose, 8-12 mm. broad. Flesh brownish under the cuticle of the p., pallid elsewhere, thick only at the disc. Spores black, broadly elliptical, with a basal apiculus, 14-18 x 8-12/x; "basidia pyriform, 30-45 x 15-17/n. Cystidia conical-cylindrical, 100-150 x 30-50 ju," Rick. Said to be poisonous. Smell none, or foetid. Frondose woods, especially beech, and roadsides. Sept. Dec. Rather uncommon, (v.v.) 1645. C. aphthosus Fr. a, I plough. P. 5-7-5 cm., umber, submembranaceous, campanulate, then ex- panded, deeply sulcate up to the darker, usually wrinkled disc, sprinkled with large micaceous particles, revolute in decay. St. 10-15 cm. x 46 mm., snow white, attenuated upwards from the slightly bulbous COPRINUS 507 base, silky. Gills deep rich brown, then black, attached, then seceding and becoming free, narrow, attenuated at both ends. Flesh brownish, thin. Spores 15 x IQ-llju. Solitary, or clustered. Hollow trees, rich ground, and manure heaps. May Aug. Uncommon. 1660. C. radians (Desm.) Fr. Radians, radiant. P. 2-3 cm., yellow tawny, becoming pale, membranaceous, ovate, then campanulate and expanded, micaceous, disc granular, silicate; margin striate. St. 2-4: cm. x 48 mm., white, slightly attenuated upwards from the swollen base, and arising from a dense mass of tawny mycelium, the Ozonium of old authors. Gills white, then violaceous black, adnate, linear, 3-4 mm. broad. Flesh white, tawny under the cuticle of the p. and in the St., thin at the margin. Spores black, elliptic fusiform, 9-10 x 4 5fj,, 1-2-guttulate, with a hyaline germ- pore at each end. Caespitose. On stumps, especially elm, old stacked logs, and plaster walls. April Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1661. C. papillatus (Batsch) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 663, t. 676, fig. B. Papillatus, having a nipple. P. 4-15 mm., fuscous, disc darker, membranaceous, ovate, then campanulate, at length flattened and revolute, torn, striate, scurfy, beset with minute warts, which are more crowded on the disc. St. 2- 3 cm. x 2 mm., hyaline-pellucid, equal, smooth except at the base. Gills blackish, then black, tree, few. Spores "brownish black, angu- larly oval, 7-8 x 6-7 /i. Cystidia vesiculose" Rick. On the ground, and on dung. Pastures, and gardens. June Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. oxygenus Fr. ou5, sharp; 761/09, race. Differs from the type in the whitish p., inclining to grey, slightly fiocculose as well as the st. 1662. C. Patoufflardii Quel. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. in, t. 8. N. Patouillard, the eminent French mycologist. P. 5-20 mm., ashy -grey, disc yellowish, rough with minute reddish granules, membranaceous, conico-campanulate, then expanded, pli- cato-sulcate up to the disc at maturity. St. 1-4 cm. x 2 mm., white, fragile, slightly attenuated upwards, smooth. Gills cream colour, then black, free, attached to a collar, 2 mm. broad, distant. Flesh white, reddish at the disc and base of the st., very thin. Spores black, with a hyaline apiculus, angularly globose, 6-7 /A. Spent tea leaves. July. Uncommon, (v.v.) ******P. smooth, without floccose, or micaceous squamules. Veil none. 1663. C. alternatus (Schum.) Fr. Alternatus, alternate. P. 3-4 cm., chalky-pallid, disc pale umber, fleshy, hemispherical, discoid, smooth, striped with alternately broad and narrow striae. St. 508 COPRINUS 7-10 x 4-6 mm., whitish, attenuated upwards from the thickened base, smooth. Gills cinereous, then black, adnate, linear. Flesh thin. Spores "black, broadly pip-shaped, 10 x 6-7 /u." Massee. Subcaespi- tose. On the ground. Rare. 1664. C. erythrocephalus (Lev.) Fr. (= Coprinus oblectus (Bolt.) Fr. sec. Quel.) Lev. Ann. sc. nat. (1841), t. 14, fig. 3. epvdpos, red; Kea\ri, head. P. 1 cm., reddish vermilion, at length grey, membranaceous, conico- campanulate, 1 cm. high, smooth, striate. St. 2-3 cm., paler than the p., naked. Gills fuscous, then black, slightly adnexed, crowded. Gregarious. On limed soil. Spring. Rare. 1665. C. deliquescens (Bull.) Fr. Deliquescens, melting away. P. 5-10 cm., livid fuliginous, membranaceous, ovato-campanulate, then expanded, smooth, disc papillate with minute points, never split, but revolute and striate, the striae broad but not deep. St. 7-10 cm. x 4-8 mm., shining white, equally attenuated upwards, corticate, smooth. Gills clay colour, then lurid blackish, free, at length remote from the st., flexuose, very narrow, only 1 mm. broad, very crowded. Flesh thin. Spores black, "elliptical, 8 x 5/t, obliquely apiculate" Massee. Sub- caespitose. On trunks, stumps, and heaps of leaves. Aug. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1666. C. digitalis (Batsch) Fr. Digitalis, belonging to the finger. P. 2-3 cm., whitish, or straw coloured, disc often darker, becoming oli- vaceous livid or yellowish cinereous, submembranaceous, fragile, ovate, then campanulate, 2-3 cm. high, quite smooth and naked, moist, striate, except at the even disc. St. 2-5-12-5 cm. x 2-3 mm., shining white, equal, somewhat fiexuose, smooth, corticate, fragile, base villose. Gills whitish brown, then black, somewhat free, reaching the st., ventricose; edge white, micaceous. Spores "brown, elliptical, 8-9 x 5/n" Rick. Caespitose. Damp places in woods, and pastures. Sept. Oct. Un- common. 1667. C. congregates (Bull.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 667, t. 679. Congregatus, collected into a flock. P. 1-2 cm., pale ochraceous, membranaceous, cylindrical, then cam- panulate, 1-5-2 cm. high, viscid, smooth; margin striate, split when expanded. St. 2-3 cm. x 2 mm., white, equal, smooth. Gills white, then black, reaching the st., linear. Flesh white, yellowish at the disc, very thin. Densely caespitose. Woods, roadsides, and gardens. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1668. C. tardus Karst. Cke. Illus. no. 666, t. 719. Tardus, late. P. 2-5-5 cm., bright brown, becoming pale ochraceous tan, fleshy, fragile, ovate, then campanulate, 2-5-5 cm. high, sulcate, or deeply COPRINUS 509 striate, smooth, rather dry. St. 10-15 cm. x 4 mm., whitish, equal, somewhat flexuose, slightly downy, apex minutely striate. Gills whitish, then tinged with brown, at length black. Flesh whitish, thin at the margin. Spores blackish brown, elliptical, or sometimes subangular, 12-15 x 7-9/A. Cystidia "vesiculose, very large, conically flask- shaped, up to 24/A broad" Lange. Caespitose. Naked soil. Oct. Rare. C. hydrophorus (Bull.) Quel. = Psathyrella hydrophora (Bull.) Fr. II. P. very thin, without a pellicle, at length opening into furrows along the back of the gills, and becoming plicato-sulcate. St. thin, fistulose. Gills melting away into very thin lines. *St. annulate, or volvate. 1669. C. dilectus Fr. (= Coprinus oblectus (Bolt.) Fr. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 140, fig. 2. Dilectus, beloved. P. 12*5 cm., whitish, then rosy, at length reddish, submembrana- ceous, campanulate, obtuse, floccosely mealy, at length split, revolute, and naked. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 24 mm., whitish, attenuated downwards, sprinkled with red fibrils. Volva reduced to whitish, spreading, fuga- cious squamules at the base. Gills white, then reddish fuscous, at length black, free, somewhat lanceolate, crowded. Flesh white, reddish at the disc, very thin at the margin. Spores black, elliptical, 10 x 6/u.. Cys- tidia "ovate, vesiculose, average breadth 23/i" Lange. On the ground. Burnt ground in beech woods, and bare soil. Nov. Rare. (v.v.) 1670. C. ephemeroides (BuU.) Fr. BuU. Hist. Champ. Fr. t. 582, fig. 1. ea\rj, head. P. 12-15 mm., ashy grey, or slate colour, disc brown, submembra- naceous, cylindrical, 18 mm- high, then cylindrico-campanulate, sprinkled with adpressed, or patent, pointed scales; margin slightly striate. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 4 mm., dirty white, attenuated upwards, clothed with short cottony down, and with longer, sometimes defiexed, loose fibres, base strigose. Gills at length black, quite free, linear, 1- 2 mm. broad. Flesh whitish, thin at the margin. Spores black, "broadly elliptical, or obliquely pip-shaped, 11-15 x 7-9 /x" Massee. Subcaespitose. Putrid dung. March Sept. Rare. 1679. C. nycthemerus Fr. Bull. Hist. Champ. Fr. t. 542, fig. D, as Agaricus ephemerus. vv%0ijfj,epov, a day and night. P. 8-15 mm., grey, disc fuscous, or tawny, very tender, cylindrico- conical, 12-15 mm. high, soon opening into furrows and flattened, furfuraceo-fiocculose, at length naked and forked-striate. St. 4 cm. x 1-2 mm., whitish cream colour, becoming pale white, equal, flaccid, smooth, base slightly bulbous. Gills ochraceous cream colour, then brownish black, free, at length remote, narrow, linear. Spores "brownish black, pruniform ovoid, 10/x," Quel. Subcaespitose. On dung. Pas- tures, and gardens. July Oct. Uncommon. 1680. C. cordisporus Gibbs. Lange, Dansk. Bot. Ark. bind 2, no. 3, t. 1, fig. g. Cor, the heart; (nropd, seed. P. 3-9 mm., whitish, or pallid ochraceous, disc sprinkled with tawny, furfuraceous papillae, membranaceous, cylindric-ovate, 3-8 mm. high, 512 COPBINUS then expanded, at length upturned, plicato-sulcate, splitting along the backs of the gills; margin crenate. St. 2-3 cm. x 1-2 mm., whitish-hyaline, glabrous, equal, base slightly thickened and densely strigose-squamulose. Gills pale, then blackish, free, ending close to the st., rather narrow, 25-30 in number in the larger pilei; intermediate shorter ones few or none. Flesh whitish, very thin. Spores dark brown-purple, laterally compressed, front view obtusely cordate, 9-10/u, diameter, side view elliptical, 9-11 x 5-6/n. Cystidia cylindric- fusiform, 50 x lOp,. On cow, horse, sheep, and rabbit dung. April Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1681. C. radiatus (Bolt.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 671, t. 683, fig. A. Radiatus, beaming. P. 2-6 mm,, dingy yellowish, or greyish, disc darker, often rufescent, very tender, membranaceous, clavate, then campanulate, soon opening into furrows, flattened, radiato-plicate, pellucid, covered with cinereous down, soon naked. St. 5-25 x 1 mm., hyaline, equal, often pruinose when young, becoming smooth, base silky and villose. Gills whitish, then pallid blackish, free, few, distant. Flesh white, very thin. Spores black, elliptical, 7-8 x 4-5/4. In troops. Cow, and horse dung. Woods, and pastures. May Nov. Common, (v.v.) 1682. C. Spraguei Berk. & Curt. Cke. Illus. no. 671, t. 683, fig. B. Charles J. Sprague. P. 1-2 cm., greyish, disc tawny, very tender, membranaceous, conical, then campanulate, at length expanded and revolute, tomen- tose, plicate; margin coarsely striate. St. 3 4 cm. x 1-2 mm., pale cinnamon, equal, smooth. Gills white, then blackish, free, few, dis- tant, narrow. Flesh whitish, tawny at the disc, very thin. Spores black, "elliptical, slightly curved, 10 x 5/z" Massee. Gardens. July. Rare. 1683. C. urticaecola (B. & Br.) Buller. Cke. Illus. no. 622, t. 596, fig. B, as Psathyra urticaecola B. & Br. Urtica, nettle; colo, I inhabit. P. 46 mm., chalky white, spherical, then hemispherical, becoming revolute and radially split, beset with numerous, small, white scales, composed of matted hyphae. St. 1-5-2 cm. x 2 mm., white, at- tenuated upwards, smooth, hollow, base floccose. Gills white, then chocolate, ventricose, 1-5 mm. wide, very thin. Spores chocolate, oval, 7 x 4/Li; basidia dimorphic. Cystidia cylindrical-oval, firmly fixed by both ends. Nettle roots, sticks, dead leaves and grass haulms. June Aug. Uncommon. 1684. C. platypus Berk. Cke. Illus. no. 675, t. 687, fig. B. 7T\aTi><;, broad; rroixf, foot. P. 4-6 mm., white, then ochraceous flocculose, campanulate, convex, COPRINUS 513 then expanded. St. 6-8 x 1 mm., whitish, flattened and discoid at the base, smooth. Gills becoming black, free, narrow, distant. Flesh white, thin. Spores "blackish, 8 x 6 /A" Massee. On dead stems of Phalaris arundinacea, and on Palm stems in conservatories. Oct. Rare, (v.v.) 1685. C. Spegazzinii Karat. C. Spegazzini, the South American mycologist. P. 3 cm., greyish, cylindrical, or oval, 2 cm. high, then expanding and splitting up to the disc, at first with a cobweb-like covering, and even, soon naked and grooved. St. 6-7 cm., white, thickened below and rooting, adpressedly silky. Gills free. Flesh very thin. Spores elliptical, 9-14 x 5-6/A. On soil in a plant pot. Rare. ***P. micaceous or furfuraceous. Gills commonly adnate to the apex of the st., which (in some species) is dilated into a ring or collar. Ringless. 1686. C. domesticus (Pers.) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 140, fig. 3. Domesticus, pertaining to the house. P. 3-6 cm., fuliginous, disc date brown, submembranaceous, ovate, then campanulate, furfuraceo-squamulose, then opening into furrows, and flattened, undulato-sulcate, disc obtuse, even. St. 5-7-5 cm. x 2-6 mm., white, slightly firm, attenuated upwards, adpressedly silky, then polished. Gills white, then flesh colour, at length fuscous blackish, adnexed, linear, 2 mm. broad. Flesh white, fuliginous in the p., thin. Spores black, elliptical, 9-10 x 5-6 jn. Cystidia "only on edge of gill, globular, about 5/n broad, with or without a 5-16/u, long, 5-6 /z broad, appendix" Lange. Often caespitose. On damp carpets, in cellars, on old walls, and in gardens. April Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1687. C. stercorarius Fr. Stercorarius, belonging to dung. P. 2-3 cm., whitish, very tender, membranaceous, ovate, then cam- panulate, at length expanded, pellucid, covered with dense, micaceous, somewhat persistent, shining white meal; margin striate. St. 4-5 cm. x 2 mm., shining white, fragile, attenuated upwards from the thickened base, pruinose, becoming smooth, often springing from a darkish sclerotium. Gills white, soon black, adnexed, attenuated behind, ven- tricose, 1-2 mm. broad. Flesh white, greyish at the disc, very thin. Spores black, broadly elliptical, or subglobose, 7-10 x 7-8 /A. Cystidia "vesiculose-clavate, 50-75 x 30-40 /A" Rick. Rich soil, dung, road- sides. May Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1688. C. tuberosus Quel. (= Coprinus stercorarius Fr. sec. Lange.) Quel. Soc. bot. xxv, t. 3, fig. 2. Tuberosus, having a swelling. P. 3-5 mm., white, then greyish, membranaceous, elliptical, then campanulate, finely striate, covered with hyaline, warted, granular vesicles, the remains of the universal veil. St. 24 cm. x 1 mm., white > 514 COPRINUS hyaline, equal, flexuose, silky, villose, springing from a small, Hawkish brown sclerotium. Gills white, then purplish black, free, narrow, edge micaceous. Flesh very thin. Spores black, elliptical, 12/z. On dung, and decaying vegetable matter. Pastures. May Dec. Uncommon. 1689. C. stellaris Quel. Quel. Soc. bot. xxiv, t. 5, fig. 6. Stellaris, starry. P. 1-2 mm., snow white, then greyish, ovate, then campanulate, striate, at length split in a star-like manner, crowned with minute, pellucid vesicles, the remains of the universal veil. St. 1-2 cm. x 1 mm., hyaline, velvety with long, silky white hairs. Gills greyish, then brown, adnate, narrow. Spores for a long time hyaline, then brownish bistre, elliptical, 8p. Fox, cow, and human dung. Caves, and pastures. April July. Rare. 1690. C. Friesii Quel. Quel. Jur. et Vosg. i, t. 23, fig. 5. Elias Fries, the eminent Swedish mycologist. P. 1-1-5 cm., snow white, then striate and violaceous at the margin, at length grey, ovate elliptical, then revolute, floccosely mealy. St. 5-20 x 1 mm., white, equal, pulverulent, base surrounded by a floccose collar. Gills white, then violaceous, at length brownish black, free, narrow, crowded. Flesh white, very thin. Spores brownish black, angularly globose, 8-10-5 x 6-7-5/1. Dead grass stems. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1691. C. tigrinellus Boud. Boud. Icon. t. 139. Tigrinettus, spotted like a tiger. P. 1 cm., snow white, covered with small, scattered, blackish flocci, especially at the disc, becoming rosy towards the striate margin and at length greyish, oblong, then slightly campanulate, at length revolute at the margin, pulverulent. St. 2-3 cm. x 1-2 mm., white, equal, smooth ; base somewhat marginately bulbous, velvety, and often with blackish flocci like the p. Gills white, then brownish, free, narrow. Flesh white, thin. Spores brownish black, fuliginous under the microscope, broadly elliptical, 11 x 7fj,. Dead leaves of Carex riparia, Carex paludosa, more rarely of Iris Pseudacorus. July Aug. Uncommon. 1692. C. Gibbsii Massee & Crossland. Thomas Gibbs, a Yorkshire mycologist. P. -5 mm., pale ochraceous, disc darker, hemispherical, then ex- panded, striate, smooth, minutely atomate. St. 4-7 mm., white, pellu- cid, smooth, attached by a few white strands of mycelium. Gills adnate, 57 in number. Spores purplish brown, subcircular, com- pressed, 8-9 fj, in diameter, 5/u. thick. Cystidia pyriform. Horse, and sheep dung. Nov. Uncommon. COPRINUS 515 1693. C. ephemeras (Bull.) Fr. Cke. IUus. no. 673, t. 685, fig. B. etXo9, loving. P. 2-4 cm., bay-brown-rufous, yellow, ochraceous, or white, becoming pale, slightly fleshy, tough, convexo-plane, obtuse, disc generally de- pressed. St. 4-7 cm. x 2-4 mm., whitish, becoming yellow, or rufescent, cartilaginous, somewhat rooting. Gills white, or becoming pale, some- what free, crowded, narrow. Flesh white, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 5-6 x 3-4/Lt. Woods, pastures, and hedgerows. May Nov. Com- mon, (v.v.) var. fonicularis (Fr.) Rea. (= Collybia dryophila (Bull.) Fr. var. funicularis Fr.) Funiculus, a slender rope. Larger than the type, caespitose. St. lax, decumbent, villose at the base. Gills sulphur-yellow. Spores white, elliptical, 6 x 3jn. Woods, and pastures. May Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. auratus (Quel.) Rea. (= Collybia dryophila (Bull.) Fr. var. aurata Quel.) Auratus, golden. MARASMIUS 525 P. golden yellow. St. bright yellow. Gills cream colour. Woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. oedipus (Quel.) Eea. (= Collybia dryophila (Bull.) Fr. var. oedipus Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 80, fig. 1, as Mycena galeropsis Fr. oiSiTrovs, swollen footed. Pale yellow amber. St. bulbous, vesiculosely swollen at the base. Gills cream colour. In Sphagnum bogs. May Sept. Not uncommon. (v.v.) var. alvearis (Cke.) Rea. (= Collybia dryophila (Bull.) Fr. var. al- vearis Cke.) Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. in, t. 5, fig. B, as Collybia dryophila Bull. var. alvearis Cke. Alveare, a bee-hive. P. 7-5 cm., dome-shaped, resembling the old straw bee-hive. St. 1 cm. at the base, rufescent. Amongst dead leaves. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. aquosus (Bull.) Rea. (= Collybia aquosa (Bull.) Fr.) Fr. Icon. t. 66, fig. 2, as Collybia aquosa (Bull.) Fr. Aquosus, watery. Pale tan, becoming white. P. hygrophanous; margin striate. Spores elliptical, 5-6 x 3-4/i, 1-guttulate. Amongst moss in woods, and on heaths. May Oct. Common, (v.v.) 1728. M. exsculptus (Fr.) Rea. (= Collybia exsculpta Fr. ; Collybia dryophila (Bull.) Fr. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 66, fig. 3, as Collybia exsculpta Fr. Exsculptus, cut out. P. 2-5-5 cm., tawny brown, or sulphur yellow, slightly fleshy, tough, convex, then expanded and umbilicate, unchangeable. St. 2-3 cm. x 3-4 mm., bright sulphur yellow, cartilaginous, incurved, base some- times enlarged. Gills bright sulphur yellow, somewhat free (decurrent with a small tooth), arcuate, linear, very crowded, narrow. Flesh rufous. Spores white, 6-5-7 x 3-3-75/u.. Taste strong, mushroom-like. Edible. Gregarious. On old pine stumps, and in coniferous woods. May Oct. Uncommon. c. St. abrupt, often furnished with a floccose tubercle at the base. Gills adnate, or subdecurrent. *Stem very smooth, and shining upwards, base simple. 1729. M. Vaillantii (Pers.) Fr. Cke. lUus. no. 1080, t. 1126, fig. A. Sebastian VaiUant. P. 10-15 mm., whitish, somewhat membranaceous, pliant, convex, soon flattened and depressed at the disc, plicato-rugose. St. 2-3 cm. x 1-2 mm., date-brown, bright, shining, thickened and paler upwards, here and there obsoletely pruinate; base inserted, naked, blackish. Gills white, adnate, somewhat decurrent on account of their triangular form, broad, distant, distinct, simple. Spores white, oblong, 10-13 x 3-4/x. On twigs, leaves, and grass stems in woods. Sept. Oct. Un- common, (v.v.) 526 MARASMIUS 1730. M. angulatus (Batsch) B. & Br. (= Marasmius graminum Lib. sec. Quel.) Pers. Myc. Eur. m, t. 26, figs. 3, 4. Angulatus, angled. P. 1-1-5 cm., fuscous whitish, somewhat membranaceous, hemi- spherical, then flattened, at length plicato-angular. St. 2-3 cm. x 1 mm., rufescent grey, thickened at both ends, base hairy. Gills whitish, distant. Spores white, elliptical, 7 x 4/A. On grass, submerged rushes, roots, on sandhills. Aug. Uncommon. 1731. M. languidus (Lasch) Fr. Languidus, weak. P. 10-12 mm., white, inclining to flesh colour, or light yellow, slightly fleshy, convex, then expanded and unibilicate, fiocculose, rugoso- sulcate; margin involute. St. 2-3 cm. x 1-2 mm., pallid, becoming fuscous, thickened upwards, base generally white villose. Gills white, adnate, then decurrent, distant, connected by veins, narrow. Spores white, elliptical, 8/z, minutely punctate. On dead leaves of grass, twigs, and dead herbaceous stems in woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon. 1732. M. rubricatus (B. & Br.) Massee. Cke. Illus. no. 496, t. 509, fig. C, as Naucoria rubricata B. & Br. Rubricatus, coloured red. P. 6-10 mm., whitish, then tinged with red or buff, convex, then plane. St. 6-12 x 1 mm., tan colour, incurved, and sprinkled with delicate mealy granules at the base and about half way up. Gills white, then brownish, adnexed, narrowed in front. Spores "colourless, pyriform, 6 x 3/i" Massee. Dead twigs, and brambles. Sept. Oct. Rare. **St. velvety, or pruinate, base subtuberculose. 1733. M. foetidus (Sow.) Fr. Boud. Icon. t. 73. Foetidus, stinking. P. 1*5 4 cm., bay-brown-tawny, membranaceous, somewhat pellucid, pliant, convex, then expanded, at length umbilicate, striato-plicate. St. 24 cm. x 12 mm., date brown, becoming blackish, everywhere vel- vety, horny, attenuated downwards, abrupt, or sometimes inserted with a very small floccose tubercle at the base. Gills yellowish rufescent, adnate, or subdecurrent, distant, connected by veins. Flesh yellowish, becoming blackish in the stem. Spores white, elliptical-oblong, or tear-drop-shaped, 9-12 x 4-6/n, 1-guttulate. Smell strong, very foetid. Dead twigs, and rotten branches in woods, and hedgerows. Aug. Jan. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1734. M. inodorus Pat. Inodorus, without smell. P. 1-2 cm., reddish brown, membranaceous, convex, then expanded, covered with adpressed silky down. St. 1-2 cm. x 1-2 mm., blackish red, apex pale, rigid, entirely covered with a white pruinosity consisting of hyaline, short, flexuose hairs. Gills white, adnate, unequal, some- MARASMIUS 527 what crowded. Flesh white, blackish in the stem. Spores white, pip- shaped, guttulate. On tree trunks. Sept. Oct. Rare. 1735. M. xerotoides von Post. Fr. Icon. t. 174, fig. 3. Xerotus, the genus Xerotus, etSo?, like. P. 4-8 mm., fuscous-umber and striate when moist, becoming pale fuscous grey and somewhat undulate when dry, submembranaceous, convex, obtuse, soon expanded and umbilicate; margin involute. St. 10-14 x 1 mm., grey or cinereous-fuscous, velvety; base swollen, and strigose. Gills whitish, becoming cinereous, broadly adnate, subde- current, distant, intermixed with shorter ones. Spores white, "ellip- tical, 5 x 3p," Massee. On sandy soil in woods. Rare. 1736. M. lagopinus von Post. Xa76?, brother. P. 6-12 mm., pale yellowish, becoming pale, margin whitish, fleshy- menibranaceous, convex, hemispherical, then expanded and depressed, or umbilicate, sulcately striate, pruinose under a lens. St. 1-1-5 cm. x 5-1 mm., concolorous, somewhat darker at the base, somewhat mealy but becoming smooth, equal, undulate. Gills white, adnate, or sub- decurrent, broad, distant, margin fimbriate. Spores white, oblong, 10-12 x 2-5/x. On trunks, and branches in coniferous woods. Sept. Dec. Uncommon, (v.v.) Fr. Insignis, striking. Differs from the type in the whitish, thinner pileus, and the more distant, separating, pallid umber gills with tumid veins. On fir twigs. 1738. M. ramealis (BuU.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1082, t. 1127, fig. B. Ramus, a branch. P. 6-15 mm., white, disc rufescent, somewhat fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, or depressed, slightly wrinkled, minutely silky under a lens. St. 6-10 x 1-2 mm., whitish, base rufescent, tubercular when young, often incurved, mealy, squamulosely hairy under a lens. Gills white, adnate, connected behind, slightly distant, narrow. Spores white, elliptical, 8-10 x 3-4ja, minutely punctate. On dead twigs, branches, and bramble stems in woods, hedgerows, and wood stacks. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 528 MABASMITTS 1739. M. Candidas (Bolt.) Fr. Boud. Icon. t. 75. Candidus, shining white. P. 3-15 mm., white, hemispherical, then plane, or slightly depressed, pellucid, submembranaceous, at length wrinkled, sulcate. St. 5-15 x 1-2 mm., white, incurved, delicately pruinose; base floccose, at length becoming fuscous. Gills white, adnexed, ventricose, distant. Flesh white. Spores white, pip-shaped, 9 x 3/z, multi-guttulate. On pine branches, and twigs. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1740. M. sclerotipes Bres. (= CollyUa cirrhata recent, auct. non Fr. sec. Bres.) Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 11, fig. 1. a-/c\rjp6Tr)epw, I bear. P. 24 mm., pale bay brown, with distant darker radiating lines, very thin, convex, then plane, umbilicate, wrinkled when dry. St. 1-2 cm. x -5 mm., paler than the pileus, equal. Gills whitish, adnexed, narrow, alternate ones shorter. Spores white, "subglobose, 3/u," Massee. On fallen twigs. Aug. Rare. 1761. A. saccharinus (Batsch) Rea. (= Marasmius saccharinus (Batsch) Fr.) Cke. Illus. no. 1087, t. 1136, fig. C, as Marasmius saccharinus Batsch. Saccharum, sugar. P. 25 mm., snow white, membranaceous, convex, subpapillate, sul- cate, and plicate. St. 1-5-2-5 cm. x -5 mm., white, reddish at the bulbose base, pruinose, villose under a lens. Gills whitish, broadly adnate, narrow, thick, very distant, reticulato-united. Spores white, "ovoid lanceolate, 12/i, guttulate" Quel., "elliptical, 5 x 3/i" Massee. On dead twigs, and leaves. Aug. Rare. 1762. A. epiphyllus (Fr.) Pat. (= Marasmius epiphyllus Fr.) 7ri, upon; v\\ov, a leaf. P. 4-10 mm., milk white, membranaceous, very thin, convex, then plane, at length umbilicate, smooth, at length plicato-rugose. St. 1- 2-5 cm. x 1 mm., date brown, apex whitish, somewhat horny, equal, velvety under a lens. Gills white, adnate, few, very distant, entire, veined, branched. Spores white, "oval-oblong, 5-6 /x,, minutely aculeo- late" Quel., "3 x 2/z" Cke. On dead leaves, twigs, etc. Sept. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 534 ANDROSACEUS. CRINIPELLIS. PANTJS 1763. A. epiphylloides Rea. (= Marasmius epiphyllus Fr. sec. Lange. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. in, t. 14. Epiphyllus, the species A. epiphyllus; etSot, very thick walled" Rick. Beech stumps. May. Uncommon, (v.v.) **St. definitely lateral. 1769. P. stipticus (Bull.) Fr. (= Panus far inaceus Schum. sec. Quel.) crruTTTiKO"?, astringent. P. 14 cm., cinnamon, becoming pale, thin, elastic, reniform, some- times infundibuliform and lobed, pruinose, the cuticle breaking up into furfuraceous scales. St. 5-20 x 2-3 mm., pale, coriaceous, dilated at the apex, ascending, pruinose. Gills ochraceous, or cinnamon, ending determinately, thin, very narrow, crowded, connected by veins. Flesh concolorous. Spores white, elliptical, 4-5 x 2-2-5/i. Cystidia "on 536 PANUS. XEROTUS edge of gill lanceolate, clavate at first, 30 x 15ju,, then 40-70 x 7- 8ju," Rick. Taste very astringent. Poisonous. On dead stumps, and fallen branches. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) var. farinaceus (Schum.) Rea. Farinaceus, mealy. Differs from the type in the cuticle of the pileus breaking up into whitish-bluish-grey scurf. Trunks, and fir branches. Oct. Dec. Un- common, (v.v.) var. albido-tomentosus (Cke. & Massee) Rea. Cke. lUus. no. 1097, t. 1144, fig. B, as Panus farinaceus Fr. Albidus, whitish; tomentosus, hairy. Differs from the type in the pileus being densely clothed with a short, whitish, velvety tomentum. Trunks. Uncommon. ***P. resupinate, sessile, or extended behind. 1770. P. patellaris Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 176, fig. 3. Patellaris, like a little dish. P. 10-15 mm., pallid externally, viscid, furfuraceo-villose, resupinate, coriaceous, orbicular, piano-cup- shaped, adnate by the sessile vertex; the free margin involute, villose, white. Gills dark ochraceous, con- current in a central point, crowded. Flesh ochraceous. Spores white, "elliptical, 8 ju," Quel. On beech, and cherry branches. Oct. March. Uncommon. 1771. P. Stevensonii B. & Br. Rev. John Stevenson, the eminent Scotch mycologist. P. olivaceous-light-yellow, spathulate. St. golden, dilated upwards, convex, slightly hispid. Gills narrow, entire. Flesh greenish-yellow. On oak. Sept. Oct. Rare. Pileus membranaceous-coriaceous, gills coriaceous, branched, obtuse. Xerotus Fr. (1^/309, dry; ofc, an ear.) Pileus membranaceous-coriaceous, regular. Stem central, confluent with the pileus. Gills coriaceous, broadly plicaeform, dichotomous, edge entire, obtuse. Spores white, elliptical, irregular. Growing on the ground. 1772. X. degener Fr. (= Cantharellus carbonarius (A. & S.) Fr. sec. Quel.) Degener, degenerate. P. l'5-4 cm., date-brown-grey when moist, grey when dry, somewhat zoned, coriaceo-membranaceous, very thin, but very tough, plano- infundibuliform, striate when moist, flocculose when dry. St. 4-20 x 2 mm., fuscous, somewhat white-velvety, very tough, equal. Gills LENTINUS 537 whitish-grey, decurrent, few, very distant, when properly developed thin, rather broad, edge acute, flaccid. Spores white, "elliptical, irregular, 8-12 x 4-6 /u," Berk. On bare gravelly soil, and in peat mosses. Jan. Very rare. Pileus coriaceous, or woody, pliant; gills firm, often toothed. Lentinus Fr. (Lentus, pliant, or tough.) Pileus coriaceous, pliant, more or less irregular, stipitate, or sessile. Stem when present, central, excentric, or lateral, confluent with the pileus. Gills tough, adnate, or decurrent, often toothed at the edge. Spores white, elliptical, pip-shaped, oblong cylindrical, or globose; smooth, or echinulate, continuous. Cystidia present, or absent. Growing on wood, rarely on the ground; solitary, or caespitose. I. P. nearly entire. St. distinct. *P. scaly, more or less manifestly veiled. 1773. L. tigrinus (Bull.) Fr. (= Lentinus Dunalii DC. sec. Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 1089, t. 1138. Tigrinus, spotted like a tiger. P. 3-8 cm., white, or cream colour, variegated with somewhat ad- pressed, brownish, or blackish, fibrillose squamules, fleshy-coriaceous, thin, commonly orbicular and central, convex, then infundibulif orm ; margin often split when dry. St. 3-5 x -5-1-5 cm., whitish, becoming fuscous at the base, very hard, often attenuated downwards and rooting, minutely squamulose, furnished at the apex with an entire, reflexed, fugacious ring. Gills white, then yellowish, decurrent, narrow, crowded, serrate. Flesh white, fuscous at base of stem. Spores white, pip-shaped, 7-9 x 3//,, 1^3-guttulate. Smell strong, acid. On oak, ash, willow, and poplar stumps, and on railway sleepers. April Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. Dunalii (DC.) Fr. Berk. Outl. t. 15, fig. 2. Dunal. Differs from the type in the evanescent, adpressed spot-like scales of the pileus, the subsilky stem, and the scarcely manifest veil. On willows, and poplars. Rare. 1774. L. lepideus Fr. (= Lentinus squamosus (Schaeff.) Quel.) XeTrt?, a scale. P. 5-10 cm., pallid ochraceous, variegated with darker, adpressed, spot-like scales sometimes becoming rufescent, fleshy, very compact, firm, irregular, commonly excentric, convex, then plane, or depressed, sometimes broken up into cracks. St. 2-8 x 1-3 cm., whitish, covered with tomentose scales that become rufescent, apex smooth, base woody, sometimes rooting, at the first furnished with a cortina towards the apex. 538 LENTINUS Gills whitish, or yellowish, sinuate, decurrent by a tooth, broad, trans- versely striate, serrate. Flesh white, pliant. Spores white, elliptical, 10-11 x 5ju,, 1-3-guttulate. Cystidia none. Smell pleasant. On pine stumps, railway sleepers and paving blocks. March Oct. Not un- common, (v.v.) var. contiguus Fr. Contiguus, neighbouring. Differs from the type in being entirely white and destitute of scales both on the pileus and stem. **P. villose, or pulverulent. 1775. L. leontopodius Schulz. Kalchbr. Icon. t. 28. Xeav, a lion; TTOV<;, foot. P. 7-20 cm., tan-clay-colour, rather darker towards the margin, fleshy, compact, tough, irregular, very excentric, or almost lateral, broadly umbilicate; margin arched and bent downwards, more or less lobed, distinctly tomentose. St. 7-10 x 2-5-3 cm., pale chestnut, blackish downwards, curved and ascending, hard, tough, subequal, pulveru- lently furfur aceous, or tomentose. Gills pale reddish ochraceous, deeply decurrent, especially on the lower side of the stem, 6-8 mm. wide, connected by veins, wrinkled at the sides; edge serrated, darker. Flesh white. Spores white, "cylindrical, obliquely apiculate, 12-15/M long" Massee. Smell very pleasant. Taste sweet, pleasant. On de- cayed willow. Sept. Oct. Eare. 1776. L. pulverulentus (Scop.) Fr. Pulverukntus, dusty. P. yellow, mealy with white dust, fleshy-pliant, convex. St. mealy with white dust, elongated, stout, equal, rigid. Gills white, slightly toothed. Trunks. Caespitose. Oct. Rare 1 . 1777. L. adhaerens (A. & S.) Fr. (= Lentinus resinaceus Trog sec. Quel.) Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 131. Adhaerens, sticking to. P. 8-13 cm., lurid whitish, then hazel, becoming fuscous, fleshy pliant, somewhat irregular, convexo-subcampanulate, then depressed and infundibuliform, pulverulently villose, covered with a resinous, amber coloured gluten. St. 2-5 cm. x 5-12 mm., concolorous, covered with a resinous gluten, rooting, subequal, pulverulently tomentose. Gills white, then yellowish, sinuato-decurrent, somewhat crowded; edge serrate, glutinous. Flesh white. Spores white, "oblong cylindrical, 7-10 x 2-5-3 ft" Bres. Smell pleasant, fragrant. Taste somewhat bitter and astringent. Coniferous woods. Autumn Spring. Rare. 1 Berkeley and Broome describe P. 5 cm., fuliginous, at first infundibuliform then lateral, flabelliform, floccoso-pulverulent with little umber particles. St. 7-5 cm. at length smooth. Gills pallid, deeply decurrent, thick, edge crenulate but not torn. LENTINUS 539 1778. L. suffrutescens (Brot.) Fr. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. xvi (1900), t. 3 and 4. Suffrutescens, arborescent. P. 4-8 cm., whitish cream colour, fleshy, compact, conical, convex, umbonate, disc covered with reddish brown squamules, then depressed and infundibuliform; margin often revolute. St. 7-11 cm. x 7-9 mm., concolorous, covered with reddish brown scales (which sometimes pro- ject) in the lower half or up to the sulcate apex, equal, or more or less bulbose at the base, slightly incurved, strongly flexuose, or twisted in abnormal specimens. Gills white, then yellowish, deeply decurrent, . crowded, serrate. Flesh white. Spores white, elliptic cylindrical, 7-5 x 2-5/i. Squared wood in cellars. Nov. Feb. Rare, (v.v.) ***P. smooth. 1779. L. umbellatus Fr. Umbellatus, like a sunshade. Very much branched, fleshy coriaceous, tough. Pileoli very numerous, 1-5-2-5 cm., becoming yellowish cinereous, entire, umbilicate. St. 5-9 cm. x 3-8 mm., white, caespitosely connate at the base, branched, each branch giving rise to a separate p., sulcate. Gills white, deeply decurrent, very narrow, I mm., minutely serrated, crowded. Flesh white. Spores white, globose, 4-5 ju,, with a large central gutta. Smell and taste pleasant. Old stumps. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1780. L. cochleatus (Pers.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1093, t. 1142, fig. A. /eo^Xta?, a snail with a spiral shell. P. 2-5-9 cm., flesh colour, becoming pale, somewhat tan, fleshy pliant, thin, commonly excentric, imbricated, very unequal, somewhat lobed or contorted, sometimes plane, sometimes infundibulif orm-umbilicate. St. 3-9 x -51-5 cm., flesh colour, rufous fuscous downwards, firm, sometimes central, sometimes wholly lateral, sulcate, often connate at the base. Gills white flesh colour, decurrent, crowded, serrated. Flesh pinkish. Spores white, globose, 5-6/z, with a large central gutta. Cystidia none. Smell very pleasant, of anise, or tonquin bean. Taste mild. Edible. Stumps. July Nov. Common, (v.v.) II. Dimidiate, sessile, or furnished with a sublateral stem. 1781. L. scoticus B. & Br. Cke. Illus. no. 1094, t. 1143. Scoticus, Scottish. P. 14 cm., pallid, then brownish, hygrophanous, umbilicate, some- times infundibuliform, at length flattened; extremely variable in form, either quite stemless and reniform, or variously stipitate, lobed at the margin and sinuate, or plicate. St. -5-5 cm. x 2-3 mm., darker, cylindrical, pulverulent, springing from a brown, fibrillose mycelium. Gills pallid, decurrent when the stem is developed, rather distant, strongly toothed, and irregularly torn. Spores white, elliptical, 5-6 x 4/u,. On decayed Ulex, birch, and spruce. Nov. Jan. Rare. (v.v.) 540 LENTINUS 1782. L. fimbriatus Currey. Cke. Illus. no. 1095, t. 1148, fig. A. Fimbriatus, fringed. P. 1-2-5 cm., fawn colour, covered with darker floccose scales, some- what dimidiate, subcoriaceous, thin, depressed, sometimes very much so and almost cyathiform; margin slightly involute, almost strigose. St. 4-6 x 23 mm., concolorous with the gills, or paler, lateral, rough with somewhat refiexed scales; apex with a delicate, white, fimbriate collar or fringe when young. Gills pale brown, descending, irregularly serrated and torn at the margin. On a stump standing in a pond. Sept. Kare. 1783. L. vulpinus (Sow.) Fr. (= Lentinus castoreus Fr. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 176, fig. 1. Vulpinus, foxy. Sessile, many times imbricated. Pilei tan, fleshy, very pliant, reni- form-conchate, very convex ; margin deflexed and almost perpendicular, hence concave beneath; surface wholly peculiar, with raised longi- tudinal ribs, which are broken up into scales or fibrous teeth towards the thin, incurved, fuscescent margin, hence entirely rough and corrugated, velvety tomentose, and white-warty behind. Gills whitish, then reddish, extended to the base, broad, crowded, torn into teeth. Flesh white. Spores white, "somewhat needle-shaped, 9-10 x 1-5/t" Rick. Smell none or strong of field mint. Trunks, and stumps. March Oct. Rare. 1784. L. auricula Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 175, fig. 2. Auricula, the ear. White, becoming tinged with yellow when old, caespitosely imbricate. P. 2-4 cm., fleshy-coriaceous, ear-shaped, dimidiate, oblong, ascending, sessile, cucullately-revolute beneath. Gills very narrow, 1 mm. wide, very closely crenulately-serrated, decurrent to the base, and separate. Flesh white. Spores white, globose, 3-4(4, with a large central gutta. Lime stumps. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1785. L. flabelliformis (Bolt.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1095, t. 1148, fig. B. Flabelliformis, fan-shaped. Subsessile. P. 2-3 cm., pallid fawn colour, membranaceous, pliant, reniform, plane, even; margin fimbriato-t oot hed. St. commonly rudi- mentary, 4-6 mm. long. Gills whitish, or pallid, broad, somewhat distant, rather thick, torn into teeth at the edge. Spores white, "cylindrical, 8-9 x 2-2-5/x" Rick, "minutely echinulate" Quel. On stumps. Feb. Rare. CANTHARELLINEAE. Hymenium inseparable from the pileus, spread over the surface of narrow, obtuse veins, gills, or folds, or quite smooth. \ .*' CANTHARELLACEAE. Same characters as the suborder. NYCTALIS. CANTHARELLUS 541 *Spores white. Keceptacle fleshy, stipitate; gills simple. Parasitic on other Agarics. Nyctalis Fr. (vv, night.) Pileus fleshy, regular. Stem central, fleshy, confluent with the pileus. Gills adnate, or decurrent, thick, soft, edge obtuse. Spores white, elliptical, smooth. Chlamydospores often present. Growing on other Agarics, more rarely on the ground. 1786. N. parasitica (Bull.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1068, t. 1113. Parasitica, parasitic. P. 1-5-3 cm., whitish fuscous, then becoming pale whitish, somewhat fleshy, conico-campanulate, then convex, plane, and obtuse, or obso- letely umbonate, unequal, pellicle persistent, pruinose, grey. St. 2-5-6 cm. x 2-4 mm., white, straight, or curved, equal, or slightly attenuated upwards, pubescent, bristling with hairs at the base. Gills white, becoming fuscous, adnate, thick, distant, with alternate shorter ones intermixed, at length contorted and anastomosing. Flesh dark grey. Spores white, elliptical, 5-7 x 3-4 ju,. Smell like Polyporus squamosus. On dead Russula adusta, Russula foetens, Russula chloroides and Lactarius velkreus. Aug. Dec. Common. (v.v.) 1787. N. asterophora Fr. aa-r^p, a star; (frepw, I bear. P. 1-1-5 cm., white, then fawn colour from the large stellate chlamydo- spores, 15-20 /x, fleshy, conical, then hemispherical, fioccoso-pulveru- lent. St. 1-2 cm. x 2-4 mm., white, then fuscous, equal, often twisted, pruinose. Gills white, then dingy, adnate, distant, thick, tense and straight, somewhat forked, often wanting. Flesh dark grey. Spores white, "elliptical, 6 x 4 /A" Kick. On dead Russula nigricans. July Nov. Common, (v.v.) N. caliginosa W. G. Sm. = ? a diseased state of some Clitocybe. Trogia Fr. = Plicatura Peck. Eeceptacle fleshy, stipitate; gills forked. Cantharellus Adans. (icavdapos, a drinking cup.) Pileus fleshy, regular, excentric, or lobed. Stem central, confluent with the pileus. Gills decurrent, thick, branched. Spores white, rarely pale ochraceous in the mass, elliptical, oval, or pip-shaped, smooth; basidia with 4-8-sterigmata. Cystidia present, or absent. Growing on the ground. 542 CANTHARELLUS *P. and solid st. fleshy. 1788. C. cibarius Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1055, t. 1103. Cibarius, pertaining to food. Entirely egg-yellow. P. 5-10 cm., convex, turbinate, then plane or somewhat depressed, repand; margin often lobed. St. 4-7 x 2-4 cm., attenuated downwards. Gills decurrent, fold-like, thick, distant, branched, often anastomosing. Flesh yellowish, drying whitish, firm. Spores white, elliptical, 10 x 8 p., multi-guttulate ; basidia with 5-6- sterigmata. Smell pleasant, like that of apricots. Taste mild. Edible. Woods. July Dec. Common, (v.v.) var. albus Fr. Albus, white. Differs from the type in being entirely white, or here and there tinged with pink. Woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. rafipes Gillet. Cke. lUus. no. 1056, t. 1131. Rufus, red; pes, foot. Differs from the type in the rufous base of the stem. Woods. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. ramosus Schulz. Kalchbr. Icon. t. 27, fig. 4. Ramosus, branched. Differs from the type in the branched stem, and in the pileoli be- coming finally infundibuliform. Woods. Sept. Rare, (v.v.) 1789. C. amethysteus Quel. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. m, t. 12. dpeOva-Tos, amethyst. P. 5-10 cm., egg-yellow, covered with a lilac down either in zones, or more especially at the margin, fleshy, firm, turbinate, then plane and somewhat depressed ; margin often scalloped. St. 3-4 x 2-5-3 cm., egg-yellow, obconic, attenuated downwards. Gills egg-yellow, vein-like, branched, thick. Flesh white, then yellowish. Spores white, oval, 10 x 5-6 p,, filled with granular protoplasm. Smell and taste pleasant. Beech woods. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1790. C. Friesii Quel. Quel. Jur. et Vosg. i, t. 23, fig. 2. Elias Fries, the eminent Swedish mycologist. P. 2-4 cm., orange, soon becoming ochraceous, convex, then de- pressed, thin, villose; margin scalloped. St. 2-4 cm. x 2-4 mm., yellow, pruinose, base white villose. Gills yellow, flesh colour, or orange, decurrent, fold-like, narrow, branched. Flesh white, yellowish under the cuticle. Spores pale ochre in the mass, hyaline under the micro- scope, elliptical, 6-7 x 3-4/n, 1-guttulate. Taste somewhat sour. Edible. Beech woods. Aug. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) C. aurantiacus (Wulf .) Fr. = Clitocybe aurantiaca (Wulf .) Studer. C hypnorum Brond. = Clitocybe hypnorum (Brond.) Rea. CANTHARELLTTS 543 1791. C. Brownii B. & Br. (= Naucoria pediades Fr. sec. Pat., a monstrous form described as a Ptychella.) Cke. Illus. no. 1058, t. 1106, fig. A. J. Brown. Entirely ochraceous white, or cream coloured. P. 10-15 mm., thin, convex, subumbonate, obscurely silky. St. 4-5 cm. x 1-2 mm., tough, nearly equal, somewhat furfuraceous, furnished with a little white, fibrillose mycelium at the base, which sometimes forms a small earthy ball. Gills fold-like, obtusely decurrent, rather distant, linear, very narrow, sometimes forked. Hymenium nearly white. Spores white, broadly elliptical, 7 x 5-6/x,. Amongst grass. Autumn. Rare. 1792. C. carbonarius (A. & S.) Fr. (= Xerotus degener Fr. sec. Quel.; Cantharellus radicosus (B. & Br.) Fr.) Cke. Illus. no. 1059, t. 1105. Carbonarius, pertaining to charcoal P. 1-6 cm., date brown, then black, umbilicate, or infundibuliform, coriaceous, minutely squamulose\ margin lobed. St. 3 6 cm. x 3- 10 mm., paler than the pileus, rooting, striate, sometimes branched. Gills white, then glaucous, or grey, decurrent, straight, narrow. Flesh whitish. Spores white, elliptical, 9-10 x 5-6/x, 2-3-guttulate. Cys- tidia fusiform, apex acute, 3-4/u, in diam., 95-120 x 13-14/z, very thick walled, upper portion incrusted. Charcoal heaps, and burnt ground. July Dec. Common, (v.v.) 1793. C. umbonatus (Gmel.) Fr. Umbonatus, umbonate. P. 1-5-4 cm., cinereous blackish, convex, umbonate, at length de- pressed, flocculosely- silky; margin incurved, white. St. 5-8 cm. x 7- 10 mm., concolorous, base white floccose, elastic, equal. Gills shining white, decurrent, thin, straight, crowded, repeatedly dichotomous. Flesh white, often becoming red when wounded. Spores white, pip-shaped, 8-9 x 3^-4 fj,, 1-guttulate. Cystidia none. Woods, and heaths. April Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1794. C. albidus Fr. Albidus, whitish. P. 1-2-5 cm., whitish, inclining to yellowish, or rufescent, convex, umbilicate, thin, lobed, slightly villose. St. 2-4 cm. x 4-8 mm., white, rarely yellowish, tough, flexuose. Gills white, then yellowish, decurrent, crowded, repeatedly dichotomous. Flesh white, yellowish under the cuticle. Spores white, elliptical, 6-7 x 4-5/a, 1-guttulate. Cystidia none. Taste mild. Edible. Woods, and pastures. Sept. Oct. Un- common, (v.v.) **P. submembranaceous ; st. tubular, polished. 1795. C. tubaefonnis Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1061, t. 1108. Tuba, a trumpet ; forma, shape. P. 2-6 cm., fuscous when moist, becoming pale when dry, fleshy- membranaceous, infundibuliform, deeply umbilicate, repand and lobed, 544 CANTHARELLTJS flocculose. St. 3-7 cm. x 3-8 mm., orange-tawny, at length compressed and lacunose. Gills yellow, then pruinose and greyish, fold-like, de- current, thick, distant, branched. Spores white, elliptical, 8-10 x 6/n. Woods. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) var. lutescens (Bull.) Fr. Lutescens, becoming yellowish. Differs from the type in the convexo-umbilicate, somewhat regular and rather even pileus, in the more equal stem, attenuated upwards and in the dichotomous gills being less divided. Woods. Sept. Oct. Un- common, (v.v.) 1796. C. infondibuliformis (Scop.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1062, t. 1109. Infundibulum, a funnel ; forma, shape. P. 25 cm., yellowish-cinereous, or fuliginous when moist, becoming pale when dry, submembranaceous, umbilicate, then infundibuliform, here and there pervious to the base, rugose, fibrillose. St. 4-8 cm. x 4-6 mm., light yellow, base somewhat thickened. Gills light yellowish, then pruinose and grey, fold-like, decurrent, thick, distant, branched, anastomosing. Spores white, broadly elliptical, or subglobose, 7-9 x 7 p. Woods. July Jan. Common, (v.v.) var. subramosus Bres. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 97. Sub, somewhat; ramosus, branched. Differs from the type in the somewhat branched stems. Woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1797. C. lutescens (Pers.) Fr. (= Craterellus lutescens (Pers.) Fr. Hym. Eur.) Pers. Myc. Eur. n, t. 13, fig. 1, as Merulius xanthopus. Lutescens, becoming yellowish. P. 2-10 cm., fuscous, submembranaceous, tubaeform, soon pervious, undulated, flocculose. St. 5-10 x 1 cm., golden yellow, attenuated at the base, undulate. Gills yellow, inclining to reddish, or orange, fold- like, thin, flexuose, anastomosing. Flesh yellowish, deeper at the periphery. Spores white, elliptical, 10-12 x 6-7 -5 p. Smell strong, spirituous. Mountainous fir woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1798. C. cinereus (Pers.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1063, t. 1110, fig. A. Cinereus, colour of ashes. P. 2-5 cm., hoary fuliginous, becoming whitish, submembranaceous, infundibuliform, often pervious to the base of the stem, vittoso-squamu- lose. St. 3-8 cm. x 4-8 mm., concolorous, then blackish, attenuated downwards, curved, fibrillosely-striate. Gills cinereous, then whitish pruinose, fold-like, decurrent, thick, distant, connected by veins, slightly branched. Flesh blackish Spores white, elliptical, 7 x 5 /A. Smell pleasant, "like the Mirabelle plum" Quel. Woods. Sept. Nov Uncommon, (v.v.) CANTHARELLUS 545 1799. C. leucophaeus Nouel. Cke. lUus. no. 1064, t. 1111, fig. A. \evfcos, white; aiov\\ov, a leaf.) Pileus fleshy coriaceous, irregular. Stem central, confluent with the pileus. Hymenium fold-like, thick, decurrent. Spores ochraceous, elliptical, or fusiform, smooth. Cystidia none. Growing on the ground. 1812. N. clavatum (Pers.) Pat. (= Craterellus clavatus (Pers.) Fr.) Krombh. t. 45, figs. 13-17, as Cantharellus clavatus. Clavatum, club-shaped. P. 3-15 cm., lilac, or rose colour, then flesh colour, and finally ochra- ceous, fleshy, turbinate, truncate, or depressed, flexuose, attenuated into the solid stem. St. 1-5 x 1-3 cm., whitish lilac, or amethyst, then pale, occasionally branched, obconic. Hymenium purplish, then concolorous, fold-like, thick, reticulated, reticulations anastomosing, decurrent. Spores ochraceous, elliptical, or fusiform, 10-12 x 4-5 fi, 1-2-guttulate. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Mountainous fir woods ; the British record is beech woods. June Oct. Rare, (v.v.) BOLETINEAE. Hymenium soft, separable from the pileus, and lining the inside of pores, or pore-like gills. BOLETACEAE. Same characters as the suborder. 1. Hymenium spread over gills, which anastomose by veins, and form irregular pores, especially at the apex of the stem. Spores white, ochraceous, or ferruginous. Paxillus Fr. (Paxillus, a small stake.) Pileus fleshy, regular, excentric, dimidiate, or resupinate. Stem central, excentric, lateral, or none, confluent with the pileus. Gills decurrent, soft, almost mucilaginous, separable, often anastomosing. Spores white, ochraceous, reddish, or ferruginous; elliptical, pip- shaped, or globose, smooth. Cystidia present, or absent. Growing on the ground, or on wood. PAXILLUS 549 I. P. entire, central. Spores dirty white, only in P. panaeolus with a tendency to ferruginous. 1813. P. giganteus (Sow.) Fr. (= Clitocybe gigantea (Sow.) Quel.) Cke. Illus. no. 150, t. 106, as Clitocybe gigantea Sow. 7/vpa, purple; alpa, a ball; K^a\rj, head. P. 10-20 cm., ochraceous yellow, deeper coloured at the centre, and sometimes tinged with brown, globose, viscid; margin light yellow, ap- pendiculate with fragments of the ring. St. 4-6 x 3-4 cm., tawny yellow, becoming darker, furrowed. Ring yellowish, membranaceous, shaggy, usually fugacious. Tubes bright yellow, becoming tawny or brownish with age, short, decurrent; orifice of pores round, or angular. Flesh light yellow, bluish under the cuticle, very thick, soft, watery. Spores olivaceous, fusiform, 8-10 x 3-4/z, 2-guttulate. On the ground, and on rotten sawdust. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. (v.v.) 1841. B. luteus (Linn.) Fr. Holland, Champ, t. 78, no. 174. Luteus, yellow. P. 4-14 cm., fuscous with the dark separating gluten, becoming paler, convex, gibbous, then pulvinate. St. 5-10 x 2-3 cm., whitish, be- coming fuscous below the ring, apex light yellow and granular, equal, firm. Ring cream colour, becoming fuscous, membranaceous, large. Tubes yellow, adnate; orifice of pores yellow, round. Flesh whitish, or yellowish, thick, soft. Spores yellowish brown, elliptic-fusiform, 8-10 x 3-3-5/>i, 1-3-guttulate. Taste pleasant. Edible. Coniferous woods, and under conifers. June Dec. Common, (v.v.) 1842. B. elegans (Schum.) Fr. Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. 1. 183, as Boletus luteus. Elegans, nice. P. 4-10 cm., golden, or inclining to ferruginous, convexo-plane, viscid. St. 5-7 x 1-5-2 cm., golden, then rufescent, firm, unequal, apex reticulate with granules. Ring cream colour, often torn and fugacious. Tubes golden-sulphur-yellow, decurrent; orifice of pores angular. Flesh light yellowish, soft. Spores yellowish, oblong elliptic, 8-9 x 3-3-5^,, 2-4-guttulate. Taste pleasant. Edible. Coniferous woods, and under conifers. May Dec. Common, (v.v.) BOLETUS 559 var. flavus (With.) Eea. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 132, as Boletus flavus With. Flavus, light yellow. Differs from the type in the adnate tubes, the larger orifice of the greyish yellow pores, and the paler flesh which is rosy when broken. Coniferous woods. Aug. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. pulchellus (Fr.) Rea. Fr. Icon. t. 178, fig. 1, as Boletus pulchellus Fr. Pulchellus, beautiful little. Differs from the type in its smaller size, 3-4 cm. broad, its short, smooth, yellow St., its less viscid, greenish yellow p., its narrow, linear ring and its rosy flesh. Coniferous woods. July Sept. Rare, (v.v.) 1843. B. flavidus Fr. Krombh. t. 4, figs. 35-37. Flavidus, light yellow. P. 2-5 cm., livid light yellowish, campanulate, umbonate, then plane and gibbous, viscid, radiately wrinkled. St. 5-7-5 x 4-6 mm., whitish tinged with yellow, subequal, tough, mealy, sometimes striate, apex sprinkled with fugacious glandules; base white, cottony. Ring gela- tinous, greenish white, thin, narrow; margin floccose, viscid. Tubes dirty light yellow, decurrent ; orifice of pores large, angular, compound. Flesh yellowish, reddish on exposure to the air, thin, firm. Spores "subhyaline, elongato-ellipsoid, straight, 8-10 x 3-5-4 /z" Karst. Taste pleasant. Pine woods. July Oct. Uncommon. **Pores white, grey, or green. Spores brownish. 1844. B. viscidus (Linn.) Fr. (= Boletus laricinus Berk. sec. Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 178, fig. 3. Viscidus, viscid. P. 5-10 cm., dirty white with livid stains, or dingy yellowish, cam- panulato-convex, pulvinate, viscid, floccose, rugose. St. 5-9 x 1- 1-5 cm., white, becoming yellow or greyish, equal, or thickened at the base, viscid, floccose, apex reticulate. Ring white, membranaceous, large, thin, often torn. Tubes white, then greyish or tinged greenish, adnate, subdecurrent ; orifice of pores large, unequal, compound, often toothed. Flesh white, watery, soft. Spores brownish, oblong elliptical, 11-13 x 4-5/n, multi-guttulate. Taste pleasant. Edible. Woods, especially under larches. May Dec. Common, (v.v.) 2. St. exannulate. *Pores yellowish, yellow, golden, or orange; spores yellow. P. never white. 1845. B. collinitus Fr. Lucand, Champ, t. 240. Collinitus, besmeared. P. 56 cm., chestnut, becoming pale when the fuscous gluten separates, and veined with brown, convex, pulvinate. St. 5-7-5 x 1-5-2-5 cm., 560 BOLETUS white, becoming fuscous, firm, attenuated downwards, somewhat re- ticulated with adpressed squamules. Tubes pallid, then yellow, adnate, elongated; orifice of pores divided into two, rather large. Flesh white, brownish under the adnate cuticle of the p., firm. Spores "8-10 x 4ju," Guill. Taste pleasant. Edible. Pine woods. Nov. Bare. 1846. B. granulatus (Linn.) Fr. Eolland, Champ, t. 78, no. 175. Granulatus, granulated. P. 4-8 cm., fuscous ferruginous, becoming yellowish when the gluten disappears, convexo-expanded, smooth. St. 5-8 x 1-2 cm., light yellowish, subequal, often attenuated upwards, dotted with granules upwards', base white, cottony. Tubes sulphur yellow, adnate, short; orifice of pores at first dripping with white milk, granulated when the milk dries, simple, subcircular. Flesh light yellowish under the separable pellicle of the p., soft. Spores yellow ferruginous, oblong elliptical, 8-10 x 3-4/z, 2-guttulate. Taste pleasant. Edible. Gregarious. Coni- ferous woods, and under pines. May Dec. Common, (v.v.) 1847. B. tenuipes (Cke.) Massee. Tennis, thin; pes, foot. P. 2-55 cm., yellowish brown, or gilvous, convex, then almost plane, viscid, streaked with minute fibrils when dry. St. 5-8 cm. x 6-8 mm., yellow, attenuated at the base, smooth. Tubes yellowish, adnate, short- ened round the st., about 6 mm. long; orifice of pores rather large, angular. Flesh white, rosy under the cuticle of the p., thick. Spores pale yellow, fusiform, 10 x 3/i. Taste mild. Edible. Woods, and heaths. July Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1848. B. badius Fr. Rostk. Bol. t. 5. Badius, bay-brown. P. 3-15 cm., bay-brown-tawny, hemispherical, pulvinate, viscid, then pubescent, often shining when dry. St. 6-10 x 2-3 cm., paler, subequal, sometimes attenuated upwards, sometimes downwards, brown pruinate. Tubes cream, or citron yellow, turning immediately bluish green when touched, adnate, or sinuato-depressed, long; orifice of pores angular, rather large. Flesh yellowish, becoming azure blue, then somewhat brownish, thick, soft. Spores light yellow, oblong fusi- form, 13-15 x 4-5-6jLt, 1-multi-guttulate. Taste pleasant. Edible. Woods, especially coniferous woods. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 1849. B. paludosus Massee. Paludosus, marshy. P. 7-5-10 cm., bright rufous brown, paler when dry, slightly convex, then quite plane, slightly viscid, smooth. St. 7-5-12-5 x 1-1-5 cm., rather paler than the p., equal, smooth, base attenuated. Tubes yellow, then olive green, adnate, or subdecurrent, short, about 4mm. long; orifice of pores large, angular, compound. Flesh with a very pale tinge of brown, firm, thin. Spores olive, elongato-fusiform, 16 x 4/x. Gre- garious. Bogs, amongst Sphagnum. Sept. Rare. BOLETUS 561 1850. B. rutilus Fr. Rutilus, red, inclining to golden yellow. P. 5-7-5 cm., rufescent brick colour, pulvinate, viscid, smooth. St. 4 cm. x 6-8 mm., sulphur above, red below, equal, smooth, firm. Tubes sulphur yellow, opaque, adnate, sinuato-depressed; orifice of pores minute, regular. Flesh of st. somewhat ochraceous, almost becoming black when broken. Smell strong. Oak woods. Oct. Eare. 1851. B. aurantiporus Howse. Aurantius, orange; 77-0/309, pore. P. 5-6 cm., fulvous ferruginous, then pale gilvous, convex, then ex- panded, adpressedly squamulose, viscid. St. 4-7-5 x 1-1-5 cm., yellow, equal, beautifully reticulated with yellow and red. Tubes golden yellow, then orange, turning red when bruised, deeply decurrent; orifice of pores broad, angular. Flesh yellowish, often tinged reddish, thin at the margin, firm. Spores yellow, oblong elliptical, or subfusiform, 9-10 x 4-5/x, 1-4-guttulate. Smell and taste pleasant. Coniferous woods, and under yew trees. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) **Pores becoming olive, bistre olive, brown olive, or olive rust or rust colour; tubes short; spores concolorous. P. sometimes white. 1852. B. bovinus (Linn.) Fr. Krombh. t. 75, figs. 1-6. Bovinus, pertaining to oxen. P. 5-10 cm., pale reddish yellow, dull orange yellow, or deep buff, hemispherical, then convex, smooth, viscid; margin white, often tomentose. St. 5-10 x 1 cm., concolorous, or paler, equal, smooth, base whitish. Tubes grey light yellow, becoming ferruginous, subde- current, at first very shallow like those of Merulius lacrymans, then elongating with age; orifice of pores compound, toothed. Flesh yellow- ish-flesh colour, reddish in the st., soft. Spores yellow, or olivaceous, oblong fusiform, 8-10 x 3-3-5 ju., 1-multi-guttulate. Taste pleasant. Edible. Gregarious, or subcaespitose. Woods and heaths, especially near pines. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 1853. B. piperatus (Bull.) Fr. Rostk. Bol. t. 6, Piperatus, peppery. P. 210 cm., cinnamon, or yellow to pale yellowish, convexo-plane, smooth, slightly viscid. St. 4-12 x -5-1-5 cm., concolorous, fragile, equal, or attenuated at the base, containing yellow milk at the base, and springing from a yellow mycelium. Tubes ferruginous, decurrent; orifice of pores large, angular, often toothed. Flesh sulphur yellow, tinged reddish in the p., soft. Spores brownish, oblong elliptic, &-10 x 3-4 p,, 1-3-guttulate. Taste very acrid, or peppery. Woods, and heaths. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) B. P. dry, rarely moist when wet, tomentose, silky, pruinose, powdery, or granular, sometimes squamulose. Pores yellowish, or yellow, rarely slightly olivaceous or red. Flesh yellow, rarely cream, or white. Spores yellow, rarely tawny bistre. 562 BOLETUS 1854. B. variegatus (Swartz) Fr. Rostk. Bol. t. 16. Variegatus, variegated. P. 6-12-5 cm., dark yellow, or ochraceous, sprinkled tvith fasciculate- hairy, superficial, brown squamules, convex, then plane, obtuse, slightly moist; margin acute, at first flocculose. St. 5-8 x 1-2-5 cm., dark yellow, or straw colour, sometimes reddish, firm, equal, base white. Tubes brown, or yellow olive, then cinnamon, adnate; orifice of pores round. Flesh yellow becoming here and there azure blue. Spores green- ish ochre, oblong elliptic, 9-10 x 3-4/z,. Smell unpleasant, "of chlorine" Quel. Coniferous woods, heaths, and moorlands. July Nov. Common, (v.v.) 1855. B. sulphureus Fr. Quel. As. fr. (1887), t. 9. Sulphur eus, sulphur-yellow. P. 5-10 cm., sulphur yellow, compact, convex, then plane, silky- tomentose with innate flocci. St. 410 x 1-5 cm., sulphur yellow, at length becoming dingy ferruginous, firm, ventricose, smooth, springing from a golden, woolly mycelium. Tubes sulphur yellow, becoming spotted ferruginous, and at length becoming green, adnate, short, 2-4 mm. long ; orifice of pores minute, compound. Flesh yellow, becoming greenish, or azure blue when broken, but golden when exposed to the air, here and there reddish under the tubes, firm. Spores light yellow, elliptical, 6-7 x 3/it, 1-guttulate. Caespitose. Pine sawdust, and twigs. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1856. B. chrysenteron (Bull.) Fr. Eolland, Champ, t. 80, no. 180. %pucrot, 1-4-guttulate. Taste mild. Edible. Woods, heaths, and pastures. May Dec. Common, (v.v.) var. nanus Massee. vdvvos, a dwarf. Differs from the type in its smaller size, in the flesh becoming red when cut and in the elongated, narrow, sinuous, or gyrose orifice of the pores. Parks, gardens, and pastures. Aug. Sept. Not uncommon. (v.v.) 1857. B. sanguineus (With.) Quel. non Fr. Sanguineus, blood red. P. 2-7 cm., blood red, or brightish crimson, disc becoming brownish, hemispherical, convex, then plane, firm, opaque, dry, rough under a BOLETUS 563 lens; margin almost even. St. 2-5-6-5 x 1-2 cm., yellowish, streaked or blotched with dilute crimson, or brownish, slightly bulbous at the base, and with traces of long reticulations at the apex. Tubes golden yellow, or dullish yellow, becoming bluish or greenish when bruised, and finally orange, adnate, or slightly depressed round the st., 4-7 mm. long ; orifice of pores angular, medium in size. Flesh yellow, then rosy, "becoming bluish when cut or broken" Perceval, soft. Spores "15-18/A, guttulate" Quel. Taste somewhat acid. Woods, and pas- tures. July Sept. Rare. 1858. B. subtomentosus (Linn.) Fr. Holland, Champ, t. 80, no. 181. Sub, somewhat; tomentosus, downy. P. 3-10 cm., more or less deep brownish olivaceous, convex, then pulvinato-expanded, soft, dry, villoso-tomentose, sometimes cracked into patches with the interstices yellow. St. 5-12 x 1-2 cm., yellowish, usually streaked with red, attenuated downwards, sulcately ribbed, the taivny ribs sometimes anastomosing, rough with dots under a lens. Tubes golden sulphur yellow, adnate; orifice of pores large, angular. Flesh white, or yellowish, rust colour under the cuticle of the p., soft. Spores pale yellow, oblong elliptical, 12-14 x 5/u,. Taste mild. Edible. Woods, heaths, and pastures. July Dec. Common, (v.v.) var. radicans (Krombh.) Massee. Krombh. t. 48, figs. 1-6. Radicans, rooting. Differs from the type in the usually undulated, bright yellowish olive green p., the st. whitish below, yellow and strongly grooved above and the tubes greenish-olive at maturity. Woods. var. striaepes (Seer.) Quel. Stria, a line ; pes, foot. Differs from the type in the bistre olive, silky p., and the yellow stem with thin bistre ribs, brownish red at the base. Woods. Oct. Rare. var. marginalis Boud. Boud. Icon. t. 142 Marginalis, bordered. Differs from the type in being more slender, in the fuliginous p. being bordered with a pale, tomentose zone at the margin, in the longer almost smooth st., and in the narrower pores. Woods. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1859. B. cruentus Vent. Venturi, t. 43, figs. 3 and 4. Cruentus, bloody. P. 7-10 cm., olivaceous with a reddish tinge, becoming instantly red where bruised, convex, then plane, soft, minutely tomentose. St. 5 8 x 2-5-4 cm., yellow with reddish markings, gradually attenuated up- wards from the incrassated, rooting base, minutely fiocculose. Tubes pale yellowish olive, sinuato-free, long; orifice of pores yellowish, minute, subangular. Flesh yellow, becoming red when cut, thick, firm. Spores "pale olive, elliptic-fusiform, 14-16 x 5 /A" Massee, 1-guttu- late. Smell strong. Under beeches. Aug. 362 564 BOLETUS 1860. B. spadiceus (Schaeff.) Fr. Krombh. t. 36, figs. 19, 20, as Boletus tomentosus Krombh. Spadiceus, date brown. P. 5-10 cm., date brown, opaque, convex, then pulvinato-expanded, dry, tomentose, then widely cracked. St. 5-8 x 1-5-2-5 cm., yellow, becoming fuscous, fiocculoso-furfuraceous, firm, with anastomosing, thin, tawny ribs. Tubes golden sulphur yellow, adnate ; orifice of pores wide, round, toothed. Flesh white, yellowish in the St., and fuscous reddish under the cuticle of the p. Spores yellow, "10-12/A, 2-4-guttulate " Quel. Woods. July Nov. Uncommon. 1861. B. Rostkovii Fr. Rostk. Bol. t. 18, as Boletus lividus Bull. Dr Friedrich Wilhelm Theophilus Rostkovius. P. 7-5-10 cm., dingy olive brown, or rufous, convex, or almost plane, very minutely tomentose, often areolately cracked, interstices pale. St. 2-5-5 x 2-5 cm., pale reddish yellow, obconic, tapering almost to a point at the base. Tubes pale yellow green, adnate, about 12 mm. long; orifice of pores irregularly angular, compound. Flesh white, becoming tinged red when cut, with here and there a shade of blue. Spores "pale olive, elongato-fusoid, 20 x 5/n" Massee, 2-guttulate. Under beeches. Aug. Rare. 1862. B. radicans (Pers.) Fr. Radicans, rooting. P. 6-8 cm., olivaceous cinereous, then pale yellowish, convex, pul- vinate, dry, subtomentose ; margin thin, incurved. St. 7-10 x 1-5- 2-5 cm., light yellow, attenuato-rooted, fiocculose with reddish pruina, naked and dark when touched, firm. Tubes lemon yellow, becoming greenish or bluish when touched, adnate; orifice of tubes unequal, large, angular. Flesh pale lemon yellow, becoming immediately deep blue on exposure to the air, soft, watery. Spores yellow, oblong fusiform, 13-14 x 4-5/u, 1-2-guttulate. Taste bitter. Woods, and hedgerows. July Sept. Rare, (v.v.) 1863. B. rubinus W. G. Sm. W. G-. Sm. in Journ. Bot. (1868), t. 75, figs. 1-4. Rubinus, ruby coloured. P. 4-8 cm., yellow fuscous, pulvinato-gibbous, then plane, dry, sub- tomentose, slightly cracked. St. 5-7-5 x 2 cm., yellow, smeared with crimson, equal, or attenuated downwards. Tubes wholly carmine, sub- decurrent, short at first; orifice of pores medium size, compound. Flesh yellow, becoming whitish when dry in the p. Spores pale, oval, 6 x 4-5/M. Woods, roadsides, and under oaks. Aug. Sept. Un- common, (v.v.) 1864. B. versicolor Rostk. Boud. Icon. t. 143. Versicolor, of various colours. P. 2-7 cm., blood red, or deep rose-pink, becoming tawny at the disc, or all over with age, convex, then plane, minutely tomentose, rarely BOLETUS 565 cracked. St. 4-8 cm. x 6-12 mm., yellow, rose-red in the middle and at the base, becoming blue when rubbed, equal, often attenuated at the base, slightly viscid in wet weather, minutely granular, or pruinose. Tubes yellow, becoming blue when touched, adnate, decurrent by a tooth; orifice of pores fairly large, angular. Flesh yellow, reddish at the base of the st., turning blue when cut especially near the tubes, soft. Spores yellow, or olivaceous, oblong fusiform, 9-10 x 4-5 p,, 1-2- guttulate. Woods, pastures, and roadsides. Aug. Oct. Not un- common, (v.v.) 1865. B. parasiticus (Bull.) Fr. Boud. Icon. t. 145. Parasiticus, parasitic. P. 28 cm., dingy yellow, or tawny, and more or less brown, convex, then plane, minutely tomentose, dry, often cracked in a tessellated manner. St. 3-7 x 12 cm., yellow, or paler than the p., equal, at- tenuated at the base, rigid, incurved, slightly fibrillose, apex mealy. Tubes yellow, then vinous, decurrent, short ; orifice of pores compound, of medium size, round or angular. Flesh yellow, often becoming reddish in the st., firm. Spores deep olivaceous, fusiform, 12-15 x 4-5/u., 1- guttulate. Parasitic on Scleroderma aurantium and S. verrucosum. Woods, and heaths. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1866. B. pruinatus Fr. Pruinatus, covered with hoar-frost. P. 5-6 cm., purplish bay brown, covered with a whitish, or greyish bloom, convex, then plane, rigid, dry. St. 510 x -51 '5 cm., variegated yellow and reddish, equal, or ventricose, firm, smooth. Tubes light yellow, adnate; orifice of pores small, slightly angular. Flesh yellow, red under the cuticle of the p., turning bluish and reddish, firm. Spores olivaceous, pip-shaped, 9-10 x 4jn, 1-guttulate. Amongst grass in woods, and parks. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1867. B. pusio Howse, ex B. & Br. Pusio, a little boy. P. reddish buff, hemispherical, pulvinate, pulverulent. St. dull yellowish white, white above, becoming blackish, slightly thickened down- wards, plicate, pulverulent. Tubes dull sulphur white. 1868. B. purpurascens Rostk. Rostk. Bol. t. 8. Purpurascens, becoming purple. P. 6-16 cm., bay purple, convex, then plane, smooth, dry. St. 3- 5 x 1-5-2 cm., deep purple red, firm, attenuated downwards to the rooting base, smooth. Tubes dingy yellow, adnate, 12-15 mm. long, becoming greenish when touched; orifice of pores small. Flesh dirty whitish with darker streaks, reddish under the cuticle of the p., thick, compact. Spores brownish grey, subfusiform, 10 x 5/z. Woods, especially pine. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. 566 BOLETUS II. Pores small, round, equal; tubes free, or sinuate, sometimes adnate, long, connate. P. dry, smooth, or tomentose, rarely viscid or moist in wet weather. St. thick, smooth, tomentose, or floccose, often ribbed or reticulate. Spores yellow, ochraceous, or olivaceous, rarely brown, or white, elliptic fusiform. Generally large in size and thick. A. St. fibrillosely fleshy, generally firm, thick, ovoid at first; either covered with a network of white, straw-coloured, yellow, or red veins, or minutely punctate, or granular, rarely smooth. Pores small, round, white, or coloured; tubes concolorous, free, or sinuate, rarely adnate. Flesh generally firm, white, or coloured, changing colour or not, but never becoming black. Generally large in size. fFlesh white, or yellow, unchangeable, sometimes reddish or vinous rosy under the cuticle, tasty, often fragrant. Pores white, cream, or yellow, sometimes becoming greenish with age, never becoming blue or green when touched. St. with a white, straw-coloured, or brownish cream network, sometimes smooth, rarely floccose, or reddish. 1869. B. regius Krombh. Krombh. t. 7. Regius, royal. P. 712-5 cm., bright rose-pink, reddish purple, or olivaceous, convex, pulvinate, dry, smooth, or minutely tomentose. St. 5-9 x 3-5 cm., pale yellow, becoming purplish at the base, reticulate. Tubes golden yellow, almost free, short; orifice of pores small, subangular. Flesh pale yellow, very thick. Spores "pale yellow, elongate fusiform, 16 x 5fj," Massee. Taste pleasant. Edible. Gregarious. Woods, and open places. Aug. Oct. Uncommon. 1870. B. edulis (Bull.) Fr. Holland, Champ, t. 81, no. 182. Edulis, eatable. P. 10-20 cm., bay, brown, fuliginous, or bistre, rarely ivhite, the margin often white, convex, pulvinate, smooth, often rugose, somewhat viscid in wet weather. St. 10-15 x 3-6 cm., pallid fuscous, delicately reticu- lated, equal, or attenuated upwards from the bulbous base. Tubes white, then yellow, and finally greenish, somewhat free, long; orifice of pores small, round. Flesh white, often faintly tinged reddish under the cuticle of the p., compact, then softer, thick. Spores yellow, fusiform, 13-16 x 4-4-5/z, 1-3-guttulate. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Woods, especially beech. June Nov. Common, (v.v.) var. laevipes Massee. Laevis, smooth; pes, foot. Differs from the type in the absence of reticulations on the perfectly even, white, or faint buff st. Woods. Aug. Oct. Common, (v.v.) var. bulbosus (Bull.) Big. & Guill. (= Boletus crassus Massee.) Bulbosus, bulbous. Differs from the type in the bulbous st. often exceeding, or equalling in width the diameter of the p., in the flesh becoming pale primrose yellow, BOLETUS 567 in the smaller spores, and in the strong acid smell. This variety is a condition of the type brought about by the attack of a parasitic Hypomyces. Woods. July Nov. Common, (v.v.) 1871. B. pinicola (Vitt.) Eea. (= ? Boletus fusco-ruber Quel.) Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. iv, t. 6. Pinus, pine ; colo, I inhabit. P. 9-20 cm., rich chestnut colour, bordered by a narrow white line at the margin, convex, slightly viscid when moist, then dry andfioccose. St. 9-15 x 4-5 cm., concolorous, subbulbous, rugose, slightly reticu- late. Tubes greenish, adnate, 15-20 mm. long, ventricose; orifice of pores round, or angular, 1 mm. broad. Flesh white, reddish under the cuticle of the p., thick. Spores olivaceous, fusiform, 15-18 x 4-5/i, 1-3-guttulate. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Coniferous woods. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1872. B. reticulatus (Schaeff.) Boud. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. iv, t. 5. Reticulatus, netted. P. 8-15 cm., ochraceous yellow, or greyish fawn, convex, finely tomen- tose, often cracked in dry weather. St. 6-9 x 4-6 cm., concolorous, or paler, slightly constricted at the base, reticulated to the base. Tubes greenish yellow, free, or almost free, fairly long; orifice of pores round, small, 1 mm. across. Flesh white, slightly coloured under the cuticle of the p. and at the base of the tubes, firm, thick. Spores olivaceous, oblong fusiform, 13-18 x 4-5/i, 1-3-guttulate. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Deciduous woods. May Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1873. B. aestivalis (Paul.) Fr. Hussey, Illus. Brit. Myc. n, t. 25. Aestivalis, pertaining to summer. P. 10-20 cm., whitish, bistre cream, or reddish, convex, pulvinate, somewhat repand, smooth, then granular in dry weather. St. 8-11 x 56 cm., light yellow, ovoid, bulbous, smooth, or minutely reticulate. Tubes yellow, or greyish, somewhat free, long; orifice of pores small, round, equal. Flesh yellow, white above, reddish at the base of the St., thick. Spores yellow, oblong fusiform, or oblong elliptical, 12-14 x 4-5ft, 1-2-guttulate. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Woods, and heaths. June Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1874. B. aereus (Bull.) Fr. Krombh. t. 36, figs. 1-7. Aereus, made of copper. P. 6-9 cm., olivaceous fuscous, somewhat blackish, hemispherical, then convex, pulvinate, minutely pubescent, or villose. St. 7-9 x 2'5 3-5 cm., yellowish, becoming fuscous downwards, beautifully re- ticulate. Tubes white, then sulphur yellow, somewhat free; orifice of pores minute, round, or angular. Flesh white, reddish under the cuticle of the p. and st., and reddish purple when the surface of the p. has been eaten by slugs, firm, compact. Spores yellow, oblong elliptical, or 568 BOLETUS oblong fusiform, 12-15 x 4/u,, 2-3-guttulate. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1875. B. carnosus Rostk. Rostk. Bol. t. 14. Carnosus, fleshy. P. 10-12 cm., fuscous, or bay brown, pulvinate, convex, glabrous. St. 6-7 x 2-3 cm., yellow, streaked with reddish brown, subequal, firm, substriate. Tubes dark yellow, sinuato-adnate, long; orifice of pores dark yellow, large, angular. Flesh pallid, dirty yellowish. Woods. Sept. Oct. Rare. 1876. B. vaccinus Fr. Fr. Sverig. atl. Svamp. t. 51. Vacci nus, pertaining to a cow. P. 5-10 cm., chestnut, convex, then expanded, minutely tomentose, margin obtuse. St. 5-8 x 1-2 cm., concolorous, or paler than the p., bulbous, or attenuated downwards, smooth; base becoming tawny, lacunose. Tubes white, then light yellow, free ; orifice of pores round or subangular, small. Flesh whitish, reddish under the cuticle of the p., firm. Spores yellow, oblong fusiform, 1214 x 4 5/ii. Taste mild. Edible. Subcaespitose. Woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1877. B. impolitus Fr. Fr. Sverig. atl. Svamp. t. 42. Impolitus, unpolished. P. 8-20 cm., pale yellow brown, or tawny brown, convex, then more or less expanded, flocculose, at length granuloso-rivulose, sometimes cracking into areolae. St. 6-9 x 3-5 cm., yellow, often tinged with brownish red when full grown and forming a ring-like zone at the apex, equal, or subbulbous, pubescent. Tubes pale lemon yellow, then tinged with olivaceous green, free, or slightly adnate, depressed near the st. ; orifice of pores small, round. Flesh whitish yellow, pale yellow under the cuticle of the p., thick. Spores olivaceous, oblong-fusiform, 16-17 x 5-6/A. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Woods. June Oct. Un- common, (v.v.) 1878. B. candicans Fr. Candicans, shining- white. P. 8-12 cm., whitish, or pale tan colour, convex, then expanded, subtomentose, becoming smooth. St. 8-10 x 3-4-5 cm., concolorous, delicately reticulated, ventricose, or bulbous. Tubes lemon yellow, ad- nate, or sinuate, long; orifice of pores white, then lemon yellow, roundish. Flesh white, becoming blue when broken, and then whitish, thick. Spores dark olivaceous, oblong-fusiform, blunt at the one end, 13-14 x 4/i, 1-guttulate. Taste mild. Woods, and under trees. June Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1879. B. fragrans Vitt. Fragrans, scented. P. 6-9 cm.., fuscous umber, pulvinate, repand, subtomentose; margin incurved. St. 7-9 x 3-4 cm., variegated yellowish and red, stout, ven- tricose, often fusiform at the base and ovato-bulbous, even. Tubes BOLETUS 569 yellow, sinuato-free, fairly long; orifice of pores yellow, round. Flesh yellow, either unchangeable, or becoming greenish, at length becoming reddish, especially at the base of the st. and under the cuticle. Spores dark olivaceous, oblong-fusiform, 10-11 x 4-5 /JL, 2-3-guttulate. Taste mild, smell pleasant. Edible. Woods, and under oaks. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1880. B. rubiginosus Fr. Rubiginosus, rusty. P. 5-12-5 cm., reddish brown, pulvinate, or convex, soft, pubescent, soon becoming very glabrous, dry; margin acutely incurved, then patent. St. 5-8 x 2-5-3 cm., whitish, then yellowish, becoming slightly greyish or yellowish olive when bruised, attenuated upwards, gla- brous, very distinctly reticulated. Tubes white, adnate, short; orifice of pores white, angular, unequal. Flesh white, unchangeable, thick, spongy. Spores "colourless, elongato-fusiform, 12 x 4/z" Massee. Beech woods. Sept. Oct. Rare. ffFlesh generally yellow, changing colour on exposure to the air, often immediately turning bluish, or greenish, sometimes poisonous, or bitter. Pores more or less yellowish, yellow, orange, or red, im- mediately tinged blue, green or black when touched. St. reticulately veined, or punctate, rarely smooth, generally red, at least in part. *Pores at first cream, lemon yellow, or yellow, rarely finally becoming reddish. St. reticulate with white, or yellow veins, sometimes flesh colour or punctate on the veins. Flesh often bitter. 1881. B. appendiculatus (Schaefi.) Fr. Rostk. Bol. t. 26, as Boletus radicans Pers. Appendiculatus, with a small appendage. P. 5-15 cm., brown, bright bay, or fuscous brick colour, convex, pulvinate, then expanded, subtomentose. St. 6-9 x 2-5 cm., sulphur yellow, ventricose, rooting, apex minutely reticulate with white veins, often tinged rosy towards the base. Tubes sulphur yellow, becoming greenish when touched, adnate; orifice of pores round, small. Flesh yellow, becoming blue on exposure to the air, tinged with rose at the base of the st., compact, firm. Spores light yellow, oblong elliptic, 9-11 x 4jit, 1-3-guttulate. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1882. B. variecolor B. & Br. B. & Br. no. 1020, t. 13, fig. 3. Variecolor, with diverse colours. P. 4-6 cm., olivaceous, convex, subtomentose; margin involute. St. 5-8 x 2 cm., yellowish downwards, rufescent and delicately pubescent upwards, bulbous, attenuated upwards, apex reticulated. Tubes yellow, free ; orifice of pores minute. Flesh pale, here and there inclining to yellow and partially marbled, dark purple under the cuticle of the p. 570 BOLETUS Spores pale olive, elliptic fusiform, slightly oblique, 10 x 4jn. Woods. Aug. Sept. Uncommon. 1883. B. calopus Fr. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. xxxiv (1918), t. 2. tca\6$, beautiful; Troy?, foot P. 6-15 cm., olivaceous, globose, then convex, pulvinate, sub- tomentose. St. 7-10 x 23 cm., scarlet throughout, or at the apex, apex often yellow, conical, then subequal, reticulated with white, or flesh coloured veins. Tubes yellow, becoming bright green, adnate', orifice of pores minute, angular, becoming spotted with greenish blue. Flesh yellow, becoming blue on exposure to the air, compact. Spores oliva- ceous, 10-14 x 4//,, 1-3-guttulate. Said to be poisonous. Woods, especially coniferous woods. July Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1884. B. olivaceus (Schaeff.) Fr. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. xxxiv (1918), t. 1. Olivaceus, olivaceous in colour. P. 3-8 cm., olivaceous fuscous, convex, pruinose, becoming smooth; margin at first inflexed. St. 5-8 x 2-3 cm., red, or pale citron yellow, yellowish at the apex and reticulate with white veins, punctate with rose red at the base, firm, clavate, bulbous, or fusiform. Tubes light yellow, then olivaceous, adnate ; orifice of pores minute, round, unequal. Flesh cream colour, becoming blue on exposure to the air, firm. Spores ellip- tical, "17/u, long, 2-5-guttulate " Quel. Woods, especially beech. Aug. Sept. Uncommon. 1885. B. pachypus Fr. 7ra%u9, thick; 7701/9, foot. P. 10-20 cm., fuscous, then pallid tan, convex, pulvinate, sub- tomentose; margin at first incurved, exceeding the tubes. St. 5-12-5 x 3-5 cm., variegated light yellow and red, often wholly intensely blood red, often with a rosy purple zone at the apex of the st., firm, ovato-bulbous, then elongated, equal, reticulated with white veins. Tubes light yellow, then somewhat green, free, somewhat elongated, shortened round the st. ; orifice of pores round, becoming spotted with green, or blue. Flesh yellow, then azure blue when exposed to the air, becoming reddish at the base of the st., compact, thick. Spores olivaceous, oblong elliptic, 9-12 x 4jLt. Said to be poisonous. Woods, especially pine. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1886. B. albidus (Roques) Quel. Roques, Champ, com. et ven. t. 8, fig. 2. Albidus, whitish. P. 6-9 cm., whitish, with a slight greenish tinge, convex, subtomen- tose. St. 6-7 x 3-4 cm., pale citron yellow, ventricose, finely reticu- lated with veins, which become brownish on handling. Tubes pale citron yellow, adnate; orifice of pores round, small. Flesh cream colour, or pale citron, becoming blue when cut or broken. Spores deep ochre, boat-shaped, 10-11 x 4-5 /A, 1-2-guttulate. Woods, and pas- tures. July Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) BOLETUS 571 **Pores at first red, or orange, rarely yellow. St. reticulated with red veins, often punctate with red, rarely white, or yellow. 1887. B. satanas Lenz. (= Boletus tuberosus (Bull.) Quel.) Krombh. Icon. t. 38, figs. 1-6, as Boletus sanguineus Pers. Sarams, the Devil. P. 9-20 cm., at first more or less tinged with red, then becoming brownish, and finally whitish, globose, then convex, pulvinate, some- what viscid, smooth. St. 7-10 x 5-6 cm., dingy yellow, reticulated with blood red veins, ovato-ventricose. Tubes yellow, free; orifice of pores yellow, then rubiginous, and finally orange, round, minute. Flesh white, then cream colour, becoming bluish or greenish on exposure to the air, reddish in the st., thick, firm. Spores olivaceous, oblong elliptic, 11-13 x 4-5 /u,, 2-3-guttulate. Taste mild. Woods, and heaths. July Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1888. B. luridus (Schaeff.) Fr. Holland, Champ, t. 85, no. 189. Luridus, lurid in colour. P. 5-20 cm., umber olivaceous, or fuliginous, hemispherical, convex, then plane, tomentose. St. 5-15 x 3-6 cm., yellow, reticulated with blood red veins, equal, or incrassated at the base. Tubes yellow, at length becoming green, free ; orifice of pores at first vermilion, then orange, round, small. Flesh yellow, becoming immediately deep indigo on exposure to the air, and then again yellow, reddish at the base of the tubes and at the base of the st., thick, compact. Spores yellowish, oblong fusiform, or oblong elliptical, 12-13 x 4/x, 2-3-guttulate. Taste pleasant. Edible. Woods, especially deciduous woods, heaths, and pastures. May Dec. Common, (v.v.) 1889. B. erythropus (Pers.) Quel. pv0po$, red; iroifc, foot. P. 10-15 cm,, brown, or bay, often tawny rufescent, convex, minutely pubescent. St. 5-12 x 2-4 cm., yellow, punctate with red, ventricose, minutely tomentose. Tubes yellow, free ; orifice of pores dark blood red, round, or subangular. Flesh yellow, becoming deep indigo in the p. and upper part of the st. on exposure to the air, blood red in the rest of the st., yellow at the base of the tubes, thick, compact. Spores yellow, fusiform, 12-13 x 4/t, 2-3-guttulate. Taste pleasant. Woods, especially coni- ferous woods. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1890. B. purpureus Fr. Fr. Sverig. atl. Svamp. t. 41. Purpureus, purple. P. 7-12 cm., purplish red, or violet, rarely brownish, hemispherical, pulvinate, somewhat velvety, opaque, dry. St. 6-11 x 2-3 cm., yellow, reticulate with purple veins and dots, and often dotted on the veins, equal, attenuated at the base. Tubes light yellow, becoming greenish, somewhat free; orifice of pores purple orange, round, minute. Flesh yellow, be- coming bluish on exposure to the air when young and reddish at the base 572 BOLETUS of the st., compact. Spores olivaceous, oblong-fusiform, 11-12 x 5- 6ju,, 2-4-guttulate. Woods, and pastures. June Oct. Uncommon. (v.v.) 1891. B. Queletii Schulzer, var. rubicundus Eene Maire. (= Boletus purpureus Fr. (forma) Massee, Brit. Fung. Fl. i, 290.) Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. xxvi, 195, t. v, figs. 5-6. Rubicundus, ruddy. P. 5-16 cm., reddish purple, or reddish brown, hemispherical, then convex, pruinose, then subtomentose; margin at first involute, pruinose and flesh colour. St. 7-10 x 2-3 cm., yellow straw colour, then pale ochraceous, densely punctate with red and dark purple at the base, more or less bulbous and fusiform, slightly rooting. Tubes yellowish, then pure yellow, becoming blue and finally black when touched, free, sinuate ; orifice of pores greyish orange, then purple orange or saffron colour, small, round, or slightly irregular. Flesh yellow, becoming blue and finally blackish, reddish purple at the base of the st. Spores oliva- ceous, elliptical-oblong, 8-10 x 4-5 /A, 1-3-guttulate. Taste pleasant. Calcareous woods. Uncommon. B. St.fibrilloselyfieshy, generally fioccosely squamulose and mucronate, rarely rugosely or reticulately ribbed. Pores white, or whitish, rarely yellow. Tubes concolorous, free, or sinuate, rarely adnate. Flesh generally white, and soft, often becoming bistre colour on exposure to the air, then becoming black. Large or medium in size. 1892. B. duriusculus Schulz. Boud. Icon. t. 150. Duriusculus, somewhat hard. P. 5-15 cm., grey fuliginous, or grey bistre, convex, minutely tomen- tose, viscid in wet weather, often areolately cracked when dry. St. 10-20 x 1-5-4 cm., white, densely striate and black punctate, the striae often anastomosing in a reticulate manner, often spotted greenish at the attenuated, or incrassated base, very firm, equal, or subventricose. Tubes dirty white, somewhat free, fairly long; orifice of pores minute, round, or subangular. Flesh white, becoming reddish on exposure to the air especially in the p. and apex of the st., then becoming blackish, very firm. Spores fuliginous in the mass, pale under the microscope, oblong fusiform, 13-15 x 4-5-6/x, 2-multi-guttulate. Taste pleasant. Edible. Woods, heaths, and pastures, especially under poplars. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1893. B. versipellis Fr. (= Boletus rufus (Schaeff .) Quel. ; Boletus aurantiacus Bull. sec. Quel.) Holland, Champ, t. 87, no. 193, as Boletus aurantiacus. Versipellis, changeable in appearance. P. 5-15 cm., rufous, hemispherical, pulvinate, dry, tomentose, then scaly, and becoming even ; margin often appendiculate with the remains of the membranaceous, fugacious veil. St. 8-12 x 3-5 cm., whitish, BOLETUS 573 covered with rufous or greyish, mucronate flocci, attenuated upwards, often tinged greenish when eaten by slugs or snails. Tubes dingy white, free, long; orifice of pores often grey or blackish at first, minute, round. Flesh white, often greenish near the cuticle of the stem, thick, compact. Spores ochraceous, oblong fusiform, 16-18 x 5-7 p, 1-4-guttulate. Smell and taste pleasant. Edible. Woods, heaths, and pastures. July Nov. Common, (v.v.) 1894. B. scaber (Bull.) Fr. (= Boletus nigrescens Roze & Rich. sec. Quel.) Rolland, Champ, t. 87, no. 192. Scaber, rough. P. 5-20 cm., ochraceous fuliginous, greyish bistre, or brownish bistre, hemispherical, pulvinate, smooth, viscid when moist, at length rugu- lose, or rivulose ; margin at first furnished with a cortina. St. 7-20 x 24 cm., whitish, or greyish, rough with fibrous scales that become blackish with age, often greenish or bluish especially towards the base when eaten by slugs or snails, attenuated upwards. Tubes white, then dingy, free, long; orifice of pores minute, round. Flesh white, watery, soft. Spores ochraceous, oblong fusiform, 1618 x 5 6-5/z, multi-guttulate. Taste pleasant. Edible. May Dec. Common, (v.v.) var. niveus Fr. Rostk. Bol. t. 48, as Boletus holopus Rostk. Niveus, snow-white. Differs from the type in the white p. becoming greenish grey at the disc, and in the white granularly punctate st. which becomes greenish grey at the base. Spores pale ochraceous, oblong fusiform, 14-16 x 5/n, multi-guttulate. Deciduous woods. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1895. B. nigrescens Roze & Rich. (= Boletus scaber (Bull.) Fr. sec. Quel.) Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. m, t. 20. Nigrescens, becoming black. P. 4-12 cm., yellowish, convex, tomentose, cracking with age. St. 6-11 x 2-4: cm., yellowish, dotted with grey scales, ventricose, attenuated at both ends, striate. Tubes white, soon becoming bright yellow, free; orifice of pores small, -5 mm. across, round, or oblong, unequal. Flesh yellowish white, becoming red on exposure to the air, and finally dark brown. Spores olivaceous, fusiform, 12-16 x 5-6/u, 1-3-guttulate. Taste pleasant. Edible. Deciduous woods. July Sept. Uncommon. (v.v.) 1896. B. rugosus Fr. Rostk. Bol. t. 41. Rugosus, wrinkled. P. 5-6 cm., bay, or brown, convex, pulvinate, dry, smooth. St. 7-12 x 2-3 cm., whitish, or ochraceous, attenuated upwards from the subbulbous base, longitudinally ribbed; ribs dark, anastomosing, or reticulate. Tubes whitish, then ochraceous, free ; orifice of pores small, round. Flesh white, reddish under the cuticle of the p., compact. Spores olivaceous, fusiform, 9-10 x 3-4/z. Taste mild. Edible. Woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 574 POLYPORUS APHYLLOPHORALES. Hymenium indefinite, increasing by centrifugal growth, fully ex- posed from the first, amphigenous, or unilateral, lining the interior of pores, covering the surface of teeth, tubercles or anastomosing gills, or forming a smooth surface. I. POROHYDNINEAE. Receptacle pileate, stipitate, sessile, or resupinate; hymenium inferior. 1. POLYPORACEAE. Hymenium lining tubes coherent throughout their length, forming a layer distinct from the substance of the pileus, sometimes becoming torn into teeth, or gill-like plates, and separated by dissepiments sterile on the edge. Polyporas (Micheli) Fr. (TToXu?, many; 770^09, a pore.) Pileus fleshy, cheesy, coriaceous or corky, often at length becoming hard with age; entire, lobed, excentric, or dimidiate, simple, or branched. Stem central, lateral, or none, simple or branched. Tubes homogeneous, or heterogeneous, long, or short; orifice of pores round, angular, entire, torn, or toothed. Flesh white, or coloured. Spores white, or coloured, elliptical, pip-shaped, globose, subglobose, pruni- form, oblong, or elliptic fusiform; smooth, punctate, or verrucose. Cystidia present, or absent, hyaline, or coloured. Annual, or perennial. Growing on wood, or on the ground ; solitary, caespitose, imbricate, or connate at the base. A. Stipitate, or caespitose. I. P. thin, hemispherical, generally depressed, cup-shaped. St. thin, fibrillosely corky. Flesh coloured. Tubes homogeneous, short; pores polygonal, or rounded, tawny or brown. Spores hyaline, or yellowish. Cystidia coloured, or wanting. Terrestrial. Perennial. *P. tomentose, or velvety. Cystidia coloured. 1897. P. tomentosus Fr. Kalchbr. Icon. t. 38, fig. 1, as Polyporus Kalchbrenneri FT. Tomentosus, woolly. P. 5-10 cm., tawny ferruginous, nankeen yellow, or yellowish cinna- mon, convex, then plane and cyathiform, leathery, zoned, radiately rugose, clothed with tawny ferruginous hairs ; margin thin. St. 2-5 cm. x 4-8 mm., fuscous umber, becoming blackish, subequal, firm, pulverulent, or tomentose, sometimes a mere base or central point. Tubes greyish, becoming fuscous, adnate, 1 mm. long; orifice of pores grey, glistening, POLYPORUS 575 minute, entire. Flesh fuscous umber, 2 mm. thick, firm. Spores hyaline, " oblong pruniform, 9-10 x 2-5-3 fj," Sacc. Cystidia coloured, abundant. Coniferous woods. Sept. Oct. Rare. **P. silky, or glossy. Cystidia wanting. 1898. P. Montagnei Fr. (= Polystictus cinnamomeus (Jacq.) Sacc. sec. Lloyd.) Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. n, t. 11, as Polystictus Montagnei Fr. J. F. C. Montagne, the eminent French mycologist. P. 3-8 cm., ferruginous, cyathiform, irregular, uneven, zoneless, tomentose, becoming smooth; margin thin. St. 2-3 cm. x 5-9 mm., concolorous, unequal, pubescent. Tubes yellowish white, then ferrugi- nous, short, decurrent; orifice of pores large, round, obtuse, entire. Flesh ferruginous, somewhat corky, thick. Spores hyaline, ovoid pruniform, 5-6 x 4-5^,, punctate. Woods, and heaths. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1899. P. cinnamomeus (Jacq.) Sacc. Lloyd, Myc. Notes, Polyporoid Issue, no. 1, fig. 200. Cinnamomeus, cinnamon. P. 2-3 cm., bright cinnamon, piano-depressed, then subinfundibuli- form, somewhat corky, flaccid, velvety becoming glabrous, silky, shining, at first with darker fuscous zones, then becoming tawny, and zoneless. St. 3-4 cm. x 4-5 mm., concolorous, attenuated at the base, or somewhat bulbous, velvety. Tubes fuscous cinnamon, becoming tawny when dry, adnate, 12-5 mm. long; orifice of pores greyish, somewhat large, pentagonal, or hexagonal. Flesh concolorous, spongy. Spores yellowish, broadly elliptical, with an oblique apiculus, 67 x 4- 5/x. Smell unpleasant. Under trees, and burnt places. Oct. Rare, (v.v.) 1900. P. perennis (Linn.) Fr. Rolland, Champ, t. 89, no. 197. Perennis, perennial. P. 3-8 cm., cinnamon, then date brown, often becoming whitish with age, hemispherical, plane, or cyathiform, coriaceous, tough, thin, zoned, velvety, becoming smooth; margin fimbriate, then entire. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 3-8 mm., tawny, or concolorous, attenuated upwards, often bulbous at the base, velvety, firm. Tubes tawny, decurrent, 2-3 mm. long; orifice of pores silvery, becoming tawny, minute, an- gular, acute, then torn. Flesh tawny, fibrillosely leathery, tough. Spores hyaline, elliptical, 8-9 x 4-5/z, 1-guttulate. Charcoal heaps, and about stumps. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) II. P. thin, hemispherical, or excentric, firm, squamulose, villose, or smooth. St. generally thin, corky, rarely branched, sometimes black at the base. Flesh leathery, white. Tubes heterogeneous', pores round, or polygonal, small, white. Spores hyaline. Perennial. Growing on wood. 576 POLYPORUS *P. at first villose, or squamulose. 1901. P. brumalis (Pers.) Fr. Brumalis, pertaining to winter. P. 2-10 cm., fuliginous, becoming pale and tan colour with age, convex, then plane, more or less umbilicate, fleshy pliant, then coria- ceous, villose, or squamulose, becoming smooth; margin fimbriato- ciliate, or velvety. St. 1-5-5 cm. x 4-8 mm., concolorous, velvety, or squamulose. Tubes white, decurrent, 1 mm. long; orifice of pores white, becoming yellowish, round, angular, or oblong, small, toothed. Flesh whitish, very firm, thin at the margin. Spores white, oblong, often curved, 6-8 x 2-3/>t, 1-2-guttulate. Dead branches, and twigs in woods, and wood heaps. Sept. May. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1902. P. arcularius (Batsch) FT. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. n, t. 16. Arcula, a casket. P. 13 cm., fuscous, becoming yellow with age, convex, subumbilicate, pliant, then coriaceous, at first covered with fuscous squamules, then becoming smooth and ochraceous; margin strigose. St. 1-2-5 cm. x 1-2 mm., greyish fuscous, or bistre, subsquamulose, becoming smooth. Tubes whitish, adnato-decurrent, 1-2 mm. long; orifice of pores white, becoming tawny, oblong, rhomboidal, thin, rather large, entire. Flesh white, thin, leathery. Spores white, globose, 3/x. Dead twigs, and branches in woods, and shrubberies. Sept. May. Uncommon, (v.v.) 1903. P. lentus Berk. Berk. Outl. t. 16, fig. 1. (? = tubarius Quel.) Lentus, pliant. P. 2-5-5 cm., reddish brown, becoming ochraceous, convex, umbili- cate, thin, tough, furfuraceo-squamulose, becoming smooth. St. 1- 2-5 cm. x 4-9 mm., concolorous, central, or excentric, straight, or curved, hispid, or furfur 'aceous, often covered with pores to the base. Tubes white, decurrent, 2-3 mm. long; orifice of tubes white, large, angular, irregular. Flesh white, leathery, tough. Spores "white, elliptic fusiform, 12 x 4-5 /A" Massee. Dead roots, fallen branches, and gorse stems. April Sept. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 1904. P. melanopus (Swartz) Fr. /LteXa?, black; TTOI;?, foot. P. 3-10 cm., white, then yellowish fuscous or greyish bistre, convexo- plane and umbilicate, then infundibuliform, fleshy pliant, at first minutely fiocculose, or pruinose. St. 2-4 cm. x 6-10 mm., dark brown, bistre, or black, gradually incrassated upwards, or thickened down- wards, excentric, minutely velvety. Tubes white, decurrent, -5-1 mm. long; orifice of pores white, minute, round, fimbriate under a lens. Flesh white, thick, soft. Spores white, oblong, or pip-shaped, 7-8 x 3/n, 1-guttulate. Smell often pleasant. Dead pine roots, and branches in woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) POLYPORTJS 577 **P. and st. glabrous. St. often black at the base. 1905. P. fuscidulus (Schrad.) Fr. Fuscidulus, somewhat dark. P. 2-5-6 cm., fuscous yellowish, convexo-plane, fleshy, pliant, sub- coriaceous, smooth. St. 2-5-5 cm. x 4 mm., fuscous, then yellow, equal, or thickened at both ends, smooth. Tubes yellowish, adnate, 7mm. long; orifice of pores yellowish, subangular, quite entire, minute. Flesh yellowish white, thin, tough. Spores "hyaline, elliptic- oblong, 5-6 x 2 /Li" Massee. On twigs, and chips of wood. Sept. Feb. Eare. 1906. P. leptocephalus (Jacq.) Fr. \eirr 6^, thin; Kea\rf, head. P. 2-3 cm., pale, then fawn colour, convexo-plane, pliant, then coriaceous, thin, smooth ; margin rather wavy. St. 12-5 cm. x 3 4 mm., pallid, smooth. Tubes whitish, adnate; orifice of pores whitish, round, minute, obtuse. Flesh white, leathery. Spores "hyaline, oblong pruniform, 8 /it, guttulate" Quel. On stumps, and dead birch trunks in woods. Oct. March. Rare. 1907. P. nummularius (Bull.) Quel. Rostk. Polyp, t. 12. Nummularius, like money. P. 1-2-5 cm., whitish cream colour, then ochraceous and becoming whitish, convexo-plane, hemispherical, rarely umbonate, thin, smooth. St. 1-2 cm. x 3-5 mm., blackish bistre, whitish cream at the apex, equal, or attenuated downwards, firm, piuinose. Tubes white, then yellowish, decurrent, 1-2 mm. long; orifice of pores white, then straw colour, minute, round, ciliate under a lens. Flesh white, hard, woody. Spores white, oblong, 7-9 x 2-5-3 /x, 1-2-guttulate, sometimes curved. Dead twigs, and branches in woods, and wood heaps. Aug. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 1908. P. picipes Fr. Pers. Icon, pictae rar. fung. t. rv, fig. 1, as Boletus infundibulis. Pix, pitch ; pes, foot. P. 5-10 cm., pallid, then chestnut, or pale yellowish livid and chestnut at the disc, cyathiform, or depressed at the disc or behind, fleshy coriaceous, then rigid, smooth; margin scalloped. St. 2-7 x -5-2 cm., brownish bistre, or olivaceous, punctate with black up to the pores, excentric, or lateral, pruinosely velvety, becoming smooth, firm. Tubes white, then yellowish, decurrent, 1-5 mm. long; orifice of pores white, then yellowish, or pinkish, very small, round. Flesh white, tough. Spores hyaline, pruniform, 7-8 x 4//,, 1-guttulate. Smell pleasant. On pollarded willows, and stumps. July Dec. Common, (v.v.) 1909. P. varius Fr. (= Polyporus cakeolus (BuU.) Quel. ; Polyporus efegrya<;, a giant. P. 10-80 cm., date brown, at first pale, then brownish yellow, disc at length black, densely imbricated, dimidiate, very broad, flaccid, sub- zoned, rivulose, depressed behind, cuticle breaking up into granules or fibrillose squamules. St. 3-10 x 2-5 cm., whitish, connato-branched from a common tubercle, sometimes wanting. Tubes whitish, decur- rent, 1-2 mm. long; orifice of pores whitish, becoming fuliginous and black when touched or rubbed, round, or angular, minute. Flesh white, becoming black, tough, subcoriaceous. Spores white, globose, 4-5 /A, with a large central gutta. Smell sour. Taste unpleasant. Forming dense masses at the base of beeches, oaks, elms, chestnuts, and robinias. July Jan. Common, (v.v.) 1928. P. acanthoides (Bull.) Fr. aicavdos, acanthus; etSos, like. P. 590 cm., ferruginous, or pale chestnut, densely imbricated, in- fundibulif orm, inciso-dimidiate, subzoned, longitudinally rugose, thin. St. white, then rufescent, connato-branched. Tubes white, then rufescent, short; orifice of pores white, then rufescent, lamelloso-sinuate, thin, toothed. Flesh faintly rufous, thin, 4-6 mm. thick, pliant, then coriaceous. Spores white, "subglobose, 4 x 3/u," Massee. In dense clusters on trunks, roots, and buried wood. Sept. Rare. 1929. P. alligatus Fr. (= Polyporus imberbis (Bull.) Quel.) Alligatus, bound up. P. 2-5-8 cm., tan isabelline, imbricated, unequal, very variable, irregularly club-shaped, or variously expanded, dilated, often circular in outline, undulate, villose, sessile. Tubes white, short; orifice of pores white, minute, readily stopped up with flocci. Flesh paler, rigid, fibrous. Spores "pale, elliptical, 6 x 7/u," Massee. On roots, often wrapping round stipules and grasses. Sept. Rare. 1930. P. heteroclitus (Bolt.) Fr. Bolt. Hist. Fung. t. 164, as Boletus heteroclitus Bolt. erepo/eXtTo?, leaning to one side. P. 6 cm., orange, sessile, flat, expanded on all sides from a radical tubercle, lobed, villose. Tubes golden yellow, short; orifice of pores yellow, becoming brownish, irregular, and elongate. On the ground under oaks. Jan. Rare. P. salignus Fr. = Daedalea saligna Fr. B. Sessile. VI. P. with a rigid crust, often resinous. Tubes heterogeneous, separable ; pores round, rarely polygonal. Spores white, or slightly coloured. Cystidia coloured, or none. Annual. Growing on wood. 584 POLYPORUS 1931. P. betulinus (Bull.) Fr. Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. t. 229. Betula, birch. P. 7-30 cm., pale, becoming brownish with age and often mottled, roundish, or reniform, attached by a narrow, bossy base which some- times forms a short stalk; pellicle smooth, thin, separating; margin very obtuse, sterile. Tubes white, 2-8 mm. long, often separating; orifice of pores white, becoming darker, minute, round. Flesh white, soft, then corky. Spores white, oblong, 5-7 x 2/x, often curved. Birch, rarely beech. Common, (v.v.) 1932. P. quercinus (Schrad.) Fr. Boud. Icon. t. 154. Quercus, oak. P. 7-15 x 5-12 cm., pale tan, or tinged with red, and becoming reddish when bruised or with age, tongue-shaped, convexo-plane, narrowed behind into a thick horizontal stem, at first floccoso-granular, or minutely squamulose, becoming smooth; margin obtuse, sometimes lobed. Tubes whitish, 4 mm. long; orifice of pores whitish, or yellowish, becoming reddish when bruised, and finally concolorous, minute, round. Flesh whitish, lemon yellow under the cuticle and at the base of the tubes, often pinkish elsewhere when young, especially in the stem, 1-5 2-5 cm. thick, floccose, soft, then hardened. Spores white, often yellowish, oblong, 10-12 x 4-5/Li, slightly granular inside. Taste very bitter. Oaks, and oak logs. May Dec. Rare, (v.v.) 1933. P. dryadeus (Pers.) Fr. Bull. Hist. Champ. Fr. t. 458. fy>0api<;, eyelash; a-rofia, mouth. P. 1-5 cm., snow white, very thin; mycelium arachnoid, somewhat mealy. Pores white, small, dissepiments thin; orifice of pores ciliato- dentate. Spores white, elliptical, 4-5 x 3/A. Dead wood, and fallen branches. April Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 2037. P. subgelatinosa B. & Br. Subgelatinosa, somewhat gelatinous. P. 4 cm., pallid, becoming black, subgelatinous, orbicular, forming little pulvinate patches, tomentose at first; margin raised, obtuse. Pores delicate grey, very shallow, angular, acute, entire. Spores "colourless, broadly elliptical, 4 x 2-5-3 p" Massee. Parasitic on Poly par us amorphus. Rare. 2038. P. terrestris (DC.) Fr. Terrestris, pertaining to the land. P. 2-10 cm., white, effused, very thin, spider-web-flaxy, rather tender, fugacious. Pores white, then rufescent, central, extremely small, very shallow, round, or angular, becoming torn. Spores white, subglobose, 4-5 x 4/a, 1-guttulate. Naked soil, and rotten wood. May Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 608 POBIA. POLYSTICTUS 2039. P. bathypora (Kostk.) Massee. Kostk. Polyp, iv, t. 59, as Polyporus bathyporus Rostk. ftadvs, deep; TTO/DO?, a pore. P. 7-8 cm., white, effused; margin thin, byssoid. Pores white, be- coming brownish, rather large, cup-shaped, toothed, sometimes stra- tose. Dead oak, and beech branches. Rare. 2. POLYSTICTACEAE. Hymenium lining tubes, or covering gills, or teeth, homogeneous with the substance of the pileus, not forming a distinct layer, sterile on the edge. Polystictus Fr. (7roi\vo'TiKTo<;, with many punctures.) Pileus coriaceous, membranaceous, or somewhat spongy, dimidiate, sessile, surface often zoned. Tubes homogeneous, developing from the centre outwards. Spores white, elliptical, pruniform, oblong, or oblong-elliptical; smooth, or punctate. Cystidia sparse, or none. Annual. Growing on wood, often imbricate. 2040. P. hirsutus (Wulf.) Fr. Hirsutus, hairy. P. 38 cm., whitish, often brownish or tawny at the margin, some- times becoming blackish with age, dimidiate, convexo-plane, often im- bricate, shaggy with rigid hairs, furrowed with concentric and con- colorous zones. Tubes whitish, short; orifice of pores whitish, becoming brownish or yellow, round, or angular, obtuse. Flesh whitish, thin, very coriaceous, soft. Spores white, oblong elliptical, 6-7 x 2-5-3/x. Trunks, and stumps. June March. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 2041. P. velutinus Fr. Velutinus, velvety. P. 25 cm., white, becoming yellowish or greyish, dimidiate, plane on both sides, minutely velvety, or pubescent, with obscure, slightly darker zones; margin thin, acute. Tubes white, or yellowish, very short; orifice of pores concolorous, round, minute. Flesh whitish, thin, corky coriaceous, then rigid. Spores white, oblong elliptical, 6-8 x 2-2-5/i. Birch, beech, and willow trunks, and stumps. Sept. Dec. Uncom- mon, (v.v.) 2042. P. zonatus Fr. tyvr), a belt. P. 3-8 cm., pale tan colour, margin becoming whitish, dimidiate, convex, tuberculose and gibbous behind, villose, or pruinose, opaque, somewhat zoned with ochraceous and grey bands. Tubes whitish, short ; orifice of pores whitish, becoming ochraceous bistre, small, round, or angular, obtuse. Flesh whitish, corky, rather thick. Spores white, elliptical, 5-6 x 3-4/t. Elms, birches, and poplar trunks, and stumps. June Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) POLYSTICTTJS 609 2043. P. versicolor (Linn.) Fr. Hussey, lUus. Brit. Myc, i, t. 24. Versicolor, of various colours. P. 2-8 cm., variously coloured, dimidiate, orbicular, often imbricate, depressed behind, becoming plane, velvety, or pubescent, marked with concentric, smooth, shining, satiny zones of various colours. Tubes white, very short; orifice of pores whitish, becoming yellowish, small, round, becoming torn and irregular. Flesh whitish, thin, coriaceous. Spores white, oblong, 6-9 x 3/A. Trunks, stumps, twigs, pales, and branches. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) var. fuscatus Fr. Fuscatus, dusky. Differs from the type in the fuscous, zoneless or obscurely zoned p. and the torn yellow pores. Twigs, and fallen branches. Jan. Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. nigricans Lasch. Nigricans, becoming black. Differs from the type in the greyish black p. with black zones, and the smoke grey pores. Stumps, and branches. Jan. Dec. Not uncommon. (v.v.) 2044. P. stereoides Fr. (= Trametes mollis (Sommerf.) Fr. sec. Bres.) Fr. Icon. t. 187, fig. 3, as Polyporus stereoides Fr. Stereum, the genus Stereum; etSo?, like. P. 2-3 cm., greyish fuscous, becoming black, effuso-reflexed, reni- f orm, imbricate, pubescent, then glabrous, with concolorous, depressed, narrow zones, scarcely 1 mm. thick. Tubes white, short; orifice of pores white, medium sized, obtuse, deformed, and daedalioid. Flesh yellowish, thin, rigid, coriaceous. Spores white, "elliptical, 9/u," Quel., "oblong, 9-12 x 3-5-4 /A" Romell. Trunks, and stumps of Abies and deciduous trees. Aug. Oct. Rare. 2045. P. fibula Fr. Sow. Eng. Fung. t. 387, fig. 8. Fibula, a buckle. P. 1-3 cm., whitish, or greyish, becoming yellowish, reniform, or orbicular, adnate behind, or affixed by the centre, velvety hairy, often radiato-rugose ; margin entire, acute. Tubes white, very short; orifice of pores whitish, becoming yellowish, small, round, absent at the margin. Flesh whitish, soft, tough, coriaceous. Spores "ovate, in- ternally granular, externally punctato-roughened, hyaline, 810 x 5-6 \L or 7-9 x 2-3 /A, cylindrical, curved, rarely straight" Bres. Elm stumps, oak branches, and worked wood. Oct. Jan. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2046. P. gossypinus (Lev.) Massee. (= Daedalea gossypina (Lev.) Quel.) Gossypium, the cotton plant. P. 3-10 cm., white, effuso-reflexed, becoming plane, tomentose. Tubes white, 2-4 mm. long; orifice of pores greyish, labyrinthiform, then angular, rather large, denticulate. Flesh white, thin, coriaceous. Spores 39 610 POLYSTICTUS. IRPEX white, "pruniform, 6(4, punctate" Quel. Trunks, fallen branches, and furze stems. Jan. Rare. 2047. P. ravidus Fr. Sow. Eng. Fung. t. 367, as Boletus heteroclitus. Ravidus, greyish. P. 10-13 cm., becoming dirty yellow, applanate, effused at the base, imbricate, with rugoso-villose, zone-like markings near the margin. Tubes whitish, short; orifice of pores becoming yellowish, unequal, torn. Flesh white, corky coriaceous, tough. "Spores hyaline, yellow in the mass, cylindrical, slightly curved, 6-8 x 3/x" Sacc. Old willow stumps. Rare. 2048. P. abietinus (Dicks.) Fr. (= Irpex violaceus (Pers.) Quel.) Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. t. 226, as Polyporus abietinus. Abies, fir. P. 2-5-8 cm., cinereous white, effuso-reflexed, dimidiate, sometimes resupinate, imbricate, villose, obsoletely zoned. Tubes violaceous, be- coming pale, -5-1 mm. long; orifice of pores concolorous, unequal, torn. Flesh tinged brownish or purplish, thin, coriaceous. Spores white, oblong, 3-4 x 2-2-5/A, curved, 2-3-guttulate. Trunks, and fallen branches of conifers, rarely on beeches. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) Irpex Fr. (Irpex, a harrow.) Pileus corky coriaceous, or membranaceous, dimidiate, or resupi- nate, sessile. Tubes homogeneous, alveolar at first, then becoming torn into teeth, or plates. Flesh white, or coloured. Spores white, elliptical, oval, globose, cylindrical, or elliptic-oblong ; smooth, or punctate. Cystidia present, or absent. Growing on wood, rarely on the ground. I. Pendulous with the p. extended behind. 2049. I. pendulus (A. & S.) Fr. Pendulus, hanging down. P. 2-5-4 cm., pale yellow, margin white, effused, more or less circular, extended behind, pendulous, free above, plicate, adpressedly squamuloso-pilose, or slightly rugulose. Teeth shining white, 2 mm. long, in irregular rows, large, incised. Flesh concolorous, membra- naceous, elastic, very thin. Spores white, "3-5 x 1-5-2 /n" Karst. Pine, and larch sticks. Rare. II. Sessile, or effuso-reflexed, marginate. 2050. I. fusco violaceus Fr. (= Irpex violaceus (Pers.) Quel. ; Poly- stictus abietinus (Dicks.) Fr. sec. Quel.) Fuscus, dark; violaceus, violet. P. 5-8 cm., white, becoming greyish, or hoary, dimidiate, effuso- reflexed, often imbricate and confluent, zoned, silky. Teeth fuscous IRPEX 611 violaceous, in rows in the form of plates, incised at the apex. Flesh white, corky coriaceous, firm. Spores white, "elliptical, cylindrical, curved, 9-10/A 5 ' Quel., "3-5 x Ijti," Karst. Coniferous trunks, and branches, rarely beech. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2051. I. lacteus Fr. Lacteus, milk white. P. 3-5 cm., white, effused, shortly reflexed, or dimidiate, some- times imbricate, villose, concentrically sulcate ; margin byssoid. Teeth milk white, subulate, or compressed, toothed, thin. Flesh white, coriaceous, thin. Spores white, "ovoid, globose, punctate, 5jii" Quel., "4-5 x 2-3 /z" Karst. Birch, fir, pine, beech, and mountain ash. Oct. Dec. Uncommon, (v.v.) III. Resupinate. 2052. I. hypogaeus Fuck. vTroyaios, under the earth. R. 10-11 cm., white, then pale yellowish, or dark brown, widely effused ; margin determinate. Teeth concolorous, 2-7 mm. long, irre- gular, sublabyrinthiform, lax, variable in size, straight, incised, base usually compressed, thin. Flesh white, or yellowish, byssoid. In- crusting pine leaves, twigs, grass, earth, pebbles. Oct. Rare. 2053. I. Johnstonii Berk. Dr George Johnston. R. 2-5-5 cm., white, resupinate, effused, separable; margin reflexed, naked. Teeth white, arranged in rows, 2-3 mm. long, compressed, un- equal, crowded. Flesh white, coriaceo-membranaceous. Dead beech. Rare. 2054. I. Candidas (Ehrenb.) Fr. Candidus, shining white. R. 3-5 cm., snow white, broadly effused, separable, thin, arachnoid; margin byssoid. Teeth snow white, subulate, or compressed, toothed, thin. Flesh white, membranaceous, floccose. Dead pine wood. Feb. Rare, (v.v.) 2055. I. spathulatus (Schrad.) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 194, fig. 3. cnraQii, a broad blade. R. 510 cm., shining white, becoming yellowish when dry, effused, adnate, inseparable ; margin byssoid. Teeth white, becoming yellowish, 36 mm. long, spathulate, compressed, equal, entire, reticulato-con- nected with obsolete veins. Flesh white, membranaceous, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 4-5 x 2-3/u,. Dead coniferous branches. Oct. Dec. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2056. I. obliquus (Schrad.) Fr. Obliguus, slanting. R. 5-20 cm., white, then yellowish, or wood colour, broadly effused, adnate; margin byssoid. Teeth concolorous, 2-6 mm. long, at first very pore-like, then becoming compressed, incised, or torn, oblique, lamellar at the base. Flesh whitish, crustaceous, thin. Spores white, elliptical, 392 612 IRPEX. LENZITES 4-5 x 3-3-5/x, 1-guttulate. Stumps, dead branches, and leaves. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 2057. I. deformis Fr. Deformis, misshapen. R. 5-15 cm., whitish, effused, adnate; margin byssoid, pubescent. Teeth concolorous, 2-4 mm. long, subulate, arising from a minutely porous base, somewhat digitato-incised, and often torn into shreds almost to the base. Flesh concolorous, crustaceous, thin. Spores white, "ovoid, punctate, 10/i" Quel. Oak branches, and cherry. Sept. Feb. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2058. I. carneus Fr. (= Phlebia merismoides Fr. sec. Quel.) Carneus, flesh colour. R. 2-5-7-5 cm., reddish, effused, adnate. Teeth concolorous, subu- late, obtuse, entire, united at the base. Flesh cartilaginous, gela- tinous, thin. Wood, and bark. Sept. Oct. Rare. Fr. (Harold Othmar Lenz, a German botanist.) Pileus corky, or coriaceous, dimidiate, or resupinate, sessile. Gills coriaceous, often anastomosing at the base, homogeneous with the sub- stance of the pileus, and not forming a distinct layer. Flesh white, or coloured. Spores white, elliptical, subglobose, cylindrical, or oblong- elliptical, smooth. Cystidia sparse, or none. Growing on wood ; often imbricate. *Growing on wood of deciduous trees. 2059. L. betulina (Linn.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1100, t. 1145, fig. A. Betulina, of the birch. P. 2-5-10 cm., whitish grey, becoming pale, corky coriaceous, firm, rigid, dimidiate, sessile, becoming plane, sometimes resupinate, tomen- tose, commonly obsoletely zoned, zones sometimes darker. Gills dingy white, reaching the base, straight, simple, or branched, often anasto- mosing, edge acute. Flesh white, floccose. Spores white, "globose or elliptic-spheric, 5-6/u" Karst. On stumps, trunks, posts, and rails, especially birch. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 2060. L. flaccida (Bull.) Fr. Flaccida, flabby. P. 10-^30 cm., whitish, then dingy, with quite concolorous zones, coriaceous, thin, scarcely 2 mm. thick, unequal, dimidiate, sessile, easily bent, strigosely hairy. Gills shining white, becoming pale, thick, firm, straight, very broad, simple, or branched at the base, with shorter ones intermixed. Spores "white, 12/u," Quel. On beech stumps. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) LENZITES. TRAMETES 613 var. variegata (Fr.) Cost. & Dufour. Variegata, with diverse colours. Differs from the type in the silky, velvety zones and white flesh. On fallen logs of beech and birch. Sept. March. Not uncommon, (v.v.) L. cinerea (Fr.) Quel. = Daedalea cinerea Fr. L. quercina (Linn.) Quel. = Daedalea quercina (Linn.) Fr. **Growing on coniferous wood. 2061. L. saepiaria (Wulf.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1101, t. 1146, fig. A. Saepes, a fence. P. 3-8 cm., yellow tawny, then date brown with a yellow tawny margin, becoming black when old, dimidiate, lateral, corky coriaceous, hard, convex, becoming plane, sometimes orbicular, more frequently extended longitudinally, sometimes resupinate, zoned, strigosely to- mentose, at length squamulose and pitted. Gills yellowish, becoming umber, extended to the base, very rigid, firm, branched, more or less anastomosing, 2-4 mm. broad, edge entire, or slightly toothed. Flesh tawny. Spores white, cylindrical, curved, 10 x 3-4/z. Coniferous stumps, branches, and worked wood. Jan. Dec. Notuncommon. (v.v.) 2062. L. abietina (Bull.) Fr. Cke. Illus. no. 1101, t. 1146, fig. B. Abies, a fir tree. P. umber-tomentose, then becoming smooth, effuso-reflexed, often lengthened out to 30 x 1 cm., sometimes resupinate, hoary, coria- ceous, thin, and comparatively soft. Gills yellowish red, becoming glaucous with dense pruina, decurrent in the effused base, distant, simple, unequal, here and there torn into teeth. Flesh concolorous, very thin. Spores white, oblong elliptical, 10 x 4/A, apiculate at the one end. Dressed fir wood. Oct. Rare. 2063. L. heteromorpha Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 177, fig. 3. erep6fjiopi. Dead wood, and on the ground. July Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. Guillemotii Boud. Boud. Icon. t. 165. Jules Guillemot. Differs from the type in the well developed, dimidiate, imbricate pilei. Worked wood. June Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. puiverulentus (Fr.) Quel. (= Merulius pulverulentus Fr.) Pulverulentus, full of dust. Differs from the type in being membranaceous, becoming even, zoned, MEBULIUS 623 arid, gradually decaying from the centre to the margin, and in the folds being reticulated to the margin. Rare. 2103. M. aureus Fr. Fl. Dan. t. 2027, fig. 2. Aureus, golden. R. 2-5-5 cm., golden yellow, resupinate, effused, or effuso-reflexed, easily separable; margin concolorous, thin, villose. Folds golden yellow, ochraceous orange to russet when dried, plicato-porous, gyroso-crisped. Flesh membranaceous, soft, thin. Spores "yellowish in mass, cylin- dric, 3-4-5 x 1-5-2/i. Cystidia none. Hyphae loosely interwoven, nodose-septate, 2-5-4/x in diam." Burt. Pine wood, leaves, and cones. Oct. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) ft Resupinate. 2104. M. terrestris (Peck) Burt. (= Merulius lacrymans var. terrestris Peck, non Ferry.) Terrestris, pertaining to the earth. R. 3-10 cm., bright ferruginous, drying amber brown, resupinate, widely effused, membranaceous; margin whitish. Folds concolorous, gyrose, with intermediate, shallow, labyrinthiform depressions. Flesh yellowish, membranaceous, thin. Spores brownish in the mass, yellow under the microscope, broadly elliptical, with often a basal apiculus, 7-9 x 4-5-6 ju.. "Basal hyphae loosely interwoven, thick walled, rigid, 4-5-6 IJL in diam., nodose-septate, aniline-yellow under the microscope; subhymenial hyphae thin walled, often collapsed, 3fi in diam. Cys- tidia none" Burt. On bare soil. July Oct. Rare, (v.v.) 2105. M. papyraceus Fr. Trairvpos, the paper reed. R. 5-20 cm., umber ferruginous, resupinate, widely effused, dry, glabrous; margin paler. Folds concolorous, reticulato-porous ; pores equal, dilated. Flesh of the consistence of paper, tough. Spores ferru- ginous, elliptical, 8-10 x 6-7 p,, 1-2-guttulate. Old beams amongst grass. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2106. M. squalidus Fr. Squalidus, dirty. R. 7-30 cm., hyaline flesh colour, resupinate, effused, loosely adnate, adpressedly fibrillose and becoming cinereous on the underside, smooth; margin white, membranaceous. Folds flesh colour, becoming suboliva- ceous, sinuoso-porous. Flesh membranaceous, soft, loose, watery. Spores ferruginous. Hornbeam posts, and worked wood. Feb. Rare. 2107. M. himantioides Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 193, fig. 1. t/tta?, leather thong; etSo9, like. R. 2-5 cm., lilac, becoming raw umber when dried, resupinate, effused, separable, fibrillosely silky beneath; margin whitish, byssoid. Folds dingy yellow, then subolivaceous, porous, then gyrose. Flesh very soft, silky, thin. Spores "honey yellow under the microscope, 624 MERULIUS. PHLEBIA elliptical, 9-10 x 6/*. Basal hyphae narrow, few, honey yellow, up to 6-7 /A in diam., not incrusted; subhymenial hyphae, loosely inter- woven, hyaline, 4ju, in diam." Burt. Dead conifer and cherry wood. Sept. Dec. Rare. 2108. M. fugax Fr. (= Merulius molluscus Fr. sec. Burt; Merulius laeticolor Berk. sec. Romell.) - Fr. Icon. t. 193, fig. 2, as Merulius molluscus Fr. Fugax, fleeting. R. 3-10 cm., white, or yellowish, resupinate, effused ; margin whitish, byssoid. Folds flesh colour, drying cream colour, pinkish buff, with or without a tinge of orange, or dark brown, gyroso-plicate. Flesh mem- branaceous, very soft, thin. Spores yellowish, or hyaline, broadly elliptical, 4-5 x 3-4/i. Cystidia none. "Hyphae loosely interwoven, long-celled, nodose-septate, 3-4/z in diam., sparingly and coarsely granule-incrusted towards the substratum" Burt. Coniferous wood, and branches. Sept. Feb. Uncommon, (v.v.) M. molluscus Fr. = Merulius fugax Fr. 2109. M. pinastri (Fr.) Burt. (= Hydnum pinastri Fr. ; Hydnum sordi- dum Weinm. sec. Burt.) Pinastri, of pines. R. 2-20 cm., pinnard yellow, then olive ochre, becoming darker, and finally Dresden brown to raw-umber, resupinate, effused, loosely at- tached to the substratum, whitish and tomentose beneath ; mycelium often reddish, or deep brownish vinaceous; margin whitish, 01 flesh pink. Hymenium for a long time smooth, at length raised in shallow folds forming irregular, angular pores, or reticulations, -5-1-5 mm. in diam., or prolonged into subulate, or Irpex-like teeth. Spores pale ochraceous in the mass, yellow brown, broadly ovoid to subglobose, 5-7 x 4-5 \L, Cystidia none. Hyphae hyaline, 2-5/A in diam., loosely interwoven, nodose-septate. Pine wood and leaves, and cedar chips. Sept. Nov. Rare. Phlebia Fr. (epa>, I bear.) Receptacle fleshy, waxy, subcoriaceous, or membranaceous, re- supinate, effused. Hymenium smooth, subundulate tubercular, or granular. Spores coloured, elliptical, navicular, or subfusiform, smooth. Cystidia none. Growing on wood, or on the ground. 2117. C. puteana (Schum.) Karst. (= Corticium (Coniophora) putea- num (Schum.) Fr.; Coniophora cerebella Pers.) Puteana, pertaining to a well. R. 4-20 cm., light yellowish pallid, at length fuscous olivaceous, broadly effused, roundish, separable; margin white, mucedinous. Hymenium fuscous olivaceous, even, subundulate, or gyrose, often subtubercular, pulverulent. Flesh whitish, membranaceous, rather thick. Spores fuscous olivaceous, or ferruginous, broadly elliptical, obtuse, or pointed at one end, 11-13 x 7-8 ft. Hyphae hyaline, 4-7 /M in diam., densely interwoven. Stumps, felled trees, logs and worked wood. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 2118. C. arida Fr. (= Corticium (Coniophora) aridum Fr. ; Coniophora Cookei Massee.) Fr. Icon. 1 199, fig. 1. Arida, dry. R. 3-20 cm., sulphur yellow, then umber inclining to ferruginous, effused, adnate, continuous; margin paler, or whitish, byssoid. Hyme- nium concolorous, even. Flesh whitish, membranaceous, thin. Spores olivaceous, elliptical, obtuse, or pointed at one end, 9-12 x 6-7 /u. Hyphae hyaline, 2-3/x in diam., loosely interwoven, thin walled. Stumps, felled trees, logs, and worked wood, especially of conifers. Jan. Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 2119. C. laxa (Fr.) Quel. (= Corticium (Coniophora) laxum Fr.) Laxa, loose. R. 5-10 cm., white, then ferruginous, effused, adhering laxly, arach- noid beneath; margin white, byssoid. Hymenium pallid, then ochra- CONIOPHORA 627 ceous ferruginous, papillose, pulverulent. Flesh whitish, membrana- ceous, floccose, loose. Spores deep rusty purple, or ferruginous in the mass, elliptical, 10-11 x 6-7 JLI; basidia with 2-4-sterigmata. Bark, twigs, lichens and moss. Nov. Jan. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2120. C. Bourdotii Bres. L'abbe H. Bourdot, the eminent French mycologist. R. 2-10 cm., whitish, then umber and fuscous, broadly effused, adnate; margin white, delicately fimbriate. Hymenium umber, even. Flesh pale, soft, loose. Spores brown, navicular, or subfusiform, 17-23 x 6-9/A. Bark, and fallen branches. Sept. Oct. Kare. (v.v.) 2121. C. pulverulenta (Lev.) Massee. Pulverulenta, dusty. R. 4-18 cm., rusty brown, broadly effused, dry; margin whitish byssoid, thin. Hymenium concolorous, or dark brown, pulverulent, even entire. Flesh thin. Spores "yellow brown, elliptical, 14-15 x 9-10/i" Massee. Wood. Rare. 2122. C. membranacea (DC.) Massee. Sow. Eng. Fung. t. 214, as Auricularia pulverulenta Sow. Membranacea, having a skin. R. 530 cm., pallid, then dirty pale ferruginous, broadly effused, subrotund, fragile, separable; margin yellowish, minutely fibrillose. Hymenium concolorous, minutely pulverulent. Flesh thin. Spores "yellow brown, elliptical, 10-15 x 5-6 /z" Massee. Wood, walls, paper, etc. Rare. 2123. C. incrustans Massee. Incrustans, covering with a coat. R. 3-15 cm., pale ochraceous, or dirty white, effused, indeterminate, inseparable. Hymenium concolorous, compact, waxy, pulverulent. Flesh thin. Spores "very pale ochraceous, elliptical, 15-17 x 8-10/j," Massee. Running over leaves, twigs, etc. Rare. 2124. C. stabularis Fr. Stabularis, pertaining to a stall. R. 3-10 cm., white, then vinous fuscous, effused, flaxy; margin white, byssoid. Hymenium concolorous, white pruinose, the tubercles col- lapsing. Flesh soft, floccose, thin, smell foetid. Fir wood. Rare. 2125. C. subdealbata (B. & Br.) Massee. (= Corticium subdealbatum B. & Br.) Sub, somewhat; dealbata, whitewashed. R. 4-12 cm., ochraceous olive, effused, determinate. Hymenium concolorous, often with paler barren patches, pulverulent. Flesh thin. Spores "ochraceous, elliptical, with a minute basal apiculus, 11-12 x 7-8 /x" Massee. Pine bark, and wood. Dec. Rare. 2126. C. Berkeley! Massee. Rev. Miles Joseph Berkeley, the father of British mycology. R. 310 cm., yellow brown, becoming purplish with age, effused, determinate; margin sometimes minutely byssoid. Hymenium 402 628 CONIOPHORA. CONIOPHORELLA concolorous, becoming much cracked. Flesh thick, silky, compact. Spores " yellow brown, elliptical, with a minute basal apiculus, 1 1-12 x 6-7 /z" Massee. Decorticated wood. Rare. 2127. C. ochracea Massee. Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour, xxv, t. 47, fig. 13. 0)^/065, pale. R. 4-12 cm., whitish, then ochraceous, very broadly effused, in- separable, usually indeterminate. Hymenium concolorous, pulveru- lent. Flesh yellowish, membranaceous, thin. Spores "yellowish, sub- globose, 8 x 6 7 fj,', subhymenial hyphae pale yellow, very thick, up to 18/x in diam." Massee. Inside elm bark. July. Rare. 2128. C. sulphurea (Fr.) Massee. (= Corticium sulphureum Fr.) Sulphur ea, brimstone colour. R. 3-13 cm., bright sulphur yellow, broadly effused, adnate; margin bright sulphur yellow, fibrillosely byssoid, and running out in cord-like radiating strands. Hymenium concolorous, brownish yellow on the fertile portions, often imperfect, waxy, cracking when dry. Flesh spongy, fibrillose, thick. Spores "brownish yellow, broadly elliptical, 11-12 x 8-10/x" Massee. Wood, bark, and leaves. Oct. Jan. Rare. var. ochroidea (Berk.) Massee. 0)^/969, pale; elSos, form. Differs from the type in the pale ochraceous hymenium, and the larger olive spores, elliptical, with a minute apiculus at the base, 16-18 x 9-10/i. Wood, and bark. Rare. C. sulfurea (Pers.) Quel. = Hypochnus fumosus Fr. Coniophorella Karsten. (Coniophorella, diminutive of Coniophora.) Like Coniophora, but with long, cylindrical, cystidia. 2129. C. umbrina (A. & S.) Bres. (= Corticium (Coniophora) um- brinum (A. & S.) Fr.) Umbrina, umber. R. 3-8 cm., umber, effused, not easily separable, villose beneath', margin concolorous, narrow, radiating. Hymenium concolorous, or ferruginous, even, sometimes granular, tomentose, setulose. Flesh brownish, soft, loose, fairly thick. Spores umber, elliptical, or pip- shaped, 9-13 x 5-8/z. Cystidia concolorous, cylindrical, 90-170 x 9-12/x, sometimes incrusted, obtuse, septate. Hyphae brownish, 3-6/u, in diam., loosely interwoven. Wood, branches, and twigs. Sept. May. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 2130. C. olivacea (Fr.) Karst. (= Corticium (Hypochnus) olivaceum Fr.) Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. vi, figs, in text, p. 73. Olivacea, olive coloured. R. 4-30 cm., distinctly olive when fresh, drying to a colour varying CONIOPHORELLA. FISTULINA. MUCRONELLA 629 between Saccardo's olive, huffy citrine and Isabella colour, thinly effused, following the inequalities of the matrix, adnate ; margin whitish, very thin. Hymenium concolorous, tomentose, setulose. Flesh brownish, loose, thin. Spores olivaceous, or yellow brown, elliptical, flattened on one side, obtuse, or pointed at the one end, 9-13 x 4-8 fi; basidia elongated, tapering gradually downwards, 40-80 x 7-8 /x, with. 4 curved sterigmata, 5-8 /x, long. Cystidia brownish, paler and blunt at the apex, 160-290 x 12-18/u, projecting about 75-130/t, many- septate, slightly constricted at the septa. Basal hyphae clear dark brown, 4-7 /j, in diam., branched, frequently septate with, clamp con- nections. Nov. Jan. Uncommon, (v.v.) C. byssoidea (Pers.) Bres. = Peniophora byssoidea (Pers.) v. Hoehn. & Litsch. 4. FlSTULINACEAE. Hymenium inferior, lining free and separate tubes. Pistulina (Bull.) Fr. (Fistulina, a little pipe.) Pileus fleshy, subgelatinous in the upper layer, stipitate, or sessile. Stem lateral, or none. Tubes at first papillose, then cylindrical, dis- tinct and free from each other. Spores coloured, elliptical, smooth. Conidia present in the tissues. Growing on wood. 2131. F. hepatica (Huds.) Fr. Berk. Outl. t. 17, fig. 1. r)TraTiKo<;, belonging to the liver. P. 5-30 cm., blood red, pale purplish red, liver colour, or chocolate, becoming blackish, roundish, dimidiate, or subspathulate, sessile, or stipitate, rough, thick, fleshy, viscid. St. when present, 3-7 x 2- 4 cm., concolorous, punctate. Tubes pallid, becoming reddish, separate', orifice of tubes pale, round. Flesh reddish, marbled like beet root, fibrous, distilling a red pellucid juice, 2-3 cm. thick. Spores pink, subglobose, 4-5-5 x 4/A, with a large central gutta. Taste somewhat acrid, especially when young. Edible. On trunks of trees, oak, ash, walnut, willow, beech, sweet chestnut, hornbeam, elm. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 5. HYDNACEAE. Hymenium spread over the surface of spines, granules, warts, or other protuberances, or quite a smooth surface, with the intervening spaces fertile. Receptacle fleshy, coriaceous, waxy, crustaceous, or floccose, rarely none. Mucronella Fr. (Mucronella, a little sharp point.) Receptacle none, consisting of a floccose, fugacious mycelium. Spines simple, cylindrical, subulate, acute, scattered, or fasciculate, 630 MUCRONELLA. HYDNTJM and then more or less connate at the base. Spores white, oblong, or subglobose, smooth, or punctate; basidia with 1-4-sterigmata. Cys- tidia present. Growing on wood. 2132. M. calva (A. & S.) Fr. Calva, bald. Spines white, then pale, 1-3 mm. long, scattered, rigid, thin. Spores white, "oblong, hardly depressed, 4-6 x 3/x. Hyphae thin walled, 3-6 p, emerging in a sterile bundle" Bourd. & Galz. Rotten pine stumps. Sept. Oct. Rare. 2133. M. aggregate Fr. Aggregate, clustered. R. '5-2 cm., white, then pale, subiculum absent, or occasional. Teeth subulate, short, free, arranged in groups. Spores hyaline, elliptical, 4-6 x 2-5-4 /A; basidia cylindrical or clavate, 10-20 x 3-5-5 /A. Hyphae 2-4 ju, in diam., thin walled, clamp connections sparse. Very old rotten logs. Oct. Rare. Hydnum (Linn.) Fr. (vSvov, the old name for truffles.) Receptacle fleshy, coriaceous, or corky, simple, or branched, pileate, or coralloid, stipitate, or sessile. Stem central, lateral, or none. Spines subulate, acute, distinct at the base. Flesh white, or coloured. Spores white, or coloured, elliptical, oval, globose, subglobose, or angularly globose, smooth, granular, verrucose, or echinulate ; basidia with 2-5- sterigmata. Cystidia present, or absent. Micro- and macro-conidia present in some species. Growing on the ground, or on wood. I. St. central. A. P. fleshy. *Spores white. 2134. H. repandum (Linn.) Fr. Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. t. 44. Repandum, bent backwards. P. 5-15 cm., pale buff flesh colour, or subrufescent, convex, somewJiat repand, often irregular and excentric, smooth, or minutely floccose and pruinose, firm; margin often lobed. St. 3-12 x 1-5-4 cm., white, or pallid, ochraceous at the base, irregularly shaped. Spines white, then flesh colour, 4-8 mm. long, decurrent, unequal, conical, entire, rarely bifid, or tubular, brittle. Flesh white, firm, fragile, thick. Spores white, subglobose, apiculate, 6-7 x 5-6/M. Smell pleasant. Taste bitter. Edible. Woods. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) var. album Quel. Album, white. Differs from the type in the milk white pileus. Woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) HYDNUM 631 var. rufescens (Pers.) Fr. Bolt. Hist. Fung. t. 88, as Hydnum re- pandum. Rufescens, becoming reddish. Differs from the type in being rufescent, in the smaller size of all its parts, the non-decurrent spines and the slightly larger spores, 8-10/z,. Woods. Aug. Nov. Common, (v.v.) 2135. H. fuligineo-album Schmidt. Boud. Icon. t. 168. Fuligineus, sooty; album, white. P. 5-15 cm., whitish, tinged rosy, or somewhat fuscous towards the margin, convex, then expanded and depressed, often finally infundi- buliform, repand, wavy, rather silky, smooth, disc often with darker scales, or spots; margin at first involute. St. 45 x 1-1 -5 cm., whitish rosy, or concolorous and slightly fuscous at the base, central, or ex- centric, subequal, or attenuated at the base, subsquamulose, or gla- brous. Spines white, becoming rosy reddish, slightly fuscous at the base, 6-8 mm. long, decurrent, subulate, or compressed, crowded. Flesh white, rosy when broken, thick, firm. Spores "white, verrucose, sub- reticulate, globose, 3-5 /A " Boud. Smell strong, unpleasant, "of liquorice" Quel. Taste somewhat pleasant. Coniferous woods, and adjoining pastures. Sept. Oct. Rare. 2136. H. fragile Fr. Fragile, brittle. P. 430 cm., pallid, soon cinereous, or brick rufescent, convex, then plane and depressed, pubescent at first, becoming smooth, often zoned towards the margin, and minutely squamulose, or wrinkled; margin undulate, lobed. St. 4-8 x 1-5-10 cm., pallid, becoming rufescent or cinereous, often incrassated at the base, unequal, smooth. Spines whitish, then grey, 4-8 mm. long, scarcely decurrent, subulate, slender, fragile. Flesh grey, or reddish, soft, thick, firm, sometimes zoned. Spores white, subangularly globose, 3-4/x, 1-guttulate. Pine woods, and moors. Sept. Nov. Rare, but occasionally abundant, (v.v.) 2137. H. molle Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 2, upper figs. Molle, soft. P. 6-11 cm., white, becoming greyish or tinged with chocolate, convex, then umbilicate, or irregularly depressed, often wavy, covered with a dense tomentose coat. St. 4-5 x 2 cm., white, then grey, equal, conical, glabrous. Spines white, then grey, 6-8 mm. long, decurrent, acuminate, thin, crowded. Flesh white, becoming yellowish when broken, soft, thick. Spores white, "globose, with a basal apiculus, 7 /A" Massee. Taste pleasant. Edible. Coniferous woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. **Spores coloured. 2138. H. imbricatum (Linn.) Fr. Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. t. 71. Imbricatum, covered with tiles. P. 7-50 cm., umber, convex, then plane, often subumbilicate, and finally infundibuliform, fioccose, tessulato-scaly. St. 2-5-7-5 x 2-5- 632 HYDNUM 5 cm., whitish, or concolorous, firm, smooth. Spines cinereous white, 10-12 mm. long, decurrent, subulate, thin. Flesh pale, then huffish or reddish, thick, firm, sometimes zoned. Spores reddish brown, verru- cose, oval or globose, 5-6 x 5p,, 1-guttulate. Taste bitter. Edible. Coniferous woods. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 2139. H. squamosum (Schaeff.) Fr. Schaeff. Icon. t. 273. Squamosum, scaly. P. 3-8 cm., rufous fuscous, convex, gibbous, then irregular and de- pressed, smooth, breaking up into irregular, fibrillose, chestnut coloured scales. St. 3-4 x 1-1-5 fj,, white, attenuated downwards, smooth. Spines greyish fuscous, apex whitish, thin. Flesh whitish, thick, firm. Spores "yellowish tawny, subglobose, 7/z, granular" Quel. Taste pleasant. Edible. Coniferous woods. Sept. Oct. Rare. 2140. H. scabrosum Fr. Scabrosum, rough. P. 34 cm., umber ferruginous, turbinate, then plane, very convex beneath, tomentose, then rough with fasciculate flocci, which form minute crowded scales. St. 2-5 x 2-5 cm., cinereous, blackish at the base, attenuated downwards, round, or compressed, dotted with the rudimentary decurrent spines. Spines fuscous ferruginous, apex whitish, 8 mm. long, decurrent, subulate, equal, crowded. Flesh white, becoming blackish at the base of the stem, very thick, firm. Spores reddish brown, verrucose, globose, 4-5/u,. Pine woods. Sept. Rare. (v.v.) 2141. H. laevigatum (Swartz) Fr. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 138. Laevigatum, made smooth. P. 513 cm., greyish umber, at first often tinged with fuscous purple, somewhat irregular, convex, then plane, or depressed, smooth, then breaking up into minute squamules; margin incurved, pubescent. St. 4-6 x 2-3 cm., greyish, or lilac colour, often excentric, subequal, somewhat glabrous. Spines umber fuscous, apex whitish, 1-2-5 cm. long, decurrent, large. Flesh whitish grey, pale lilac purple when young and broken, thick, compact. Spores "somewhat fuscous, angularly globose, tuberculose, 6-7 x 4-5/x" Bres. Taste somewhat bitter. Smell strong, unpleasant, " d'immortelle sauvage when dried" Quel. Edible. Pine woods. Aug. Nov. Rare. 2142. H. acre Quel. Quel. Soc. bot. (1877), no. 36, t. 6, fig. 1. Acre, sharp. P. 10-12 cm., light yellow, then olivaceous, or bistre, plane, shaggy, velvety. St. 3 x 2 cm., cream olivaceous, oval, often branched, villose. Spines white, then brown, apex light yellow, decurrent, thin. Flesh light yellow, watery. Spores light yellow, spinulose, 6/u,. Taste very pungent, bitter and peppery. Poisonous. Pine, and chestnut woods, and sandy places. Rare. HYDNTJM 633 2143. H. infundibulum (Swartz) Fr. (= Hydnum fusipes Pers. sec. Quel.) Pers. Myc. Eur. u, t. 20, figs. 4-6, as Hydnum fusipes Pers. Infundibulum, a funnel. P. 5-20 cm., brown, infundibuliform, lobed, unequal, smooth. St. 5-7-5 x 2-5 cm., white, then reddish or brownish, constricted at the base, unequal, smooth. Spines white, then bay or brown, decurrent. Flesh white, fleshy, fibrous, firm. Pine woods. Sept. Bare. H. fusipes Pers. = Hydnum infundibulum (Swartz) Fr. B. P. corky, or coriaceous, tough. *Spores white. 2144. H. cinereum (Bull.) Fr. Cinereum, ash colour. P. 5-9 cm., white, becoming greyish and tinged with lilac or chocolate, convex, umbilicate. repand, at length often infundibuliform, minutely tomentose, or pubescent; margin thin. St. 2-3 x -5 cm., white, then grey, attenuated at the base, often branched, firm, glabrous. Spines white, then grey, 1-2 mm. long, decurrent, thin. Flesh whitish, be- coming ferruginous, corky, thin. Spores white, "6/i, granular" Quel. Coniferous woods. Sept. Oct. Rare, (v.v.) 2145. H. nigrum Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 5, lower figs. Nigrum, black. P. 2-10 cm., whitish, soon becoming azure-blue-black with the margin whitish, club-shaped, then turbinate, at length flattened, piano-de- pressed, tubercular, tomentose, sometimes zoned. St. 2-3 x -5- 1-5 cm., black, equal, often rooting at the base, unequal, thickened at the tomentose base. Spines white, then grey, 2 mm. long, subulate, thin. Flesh black, corky rigid. Spores white, minutely verrucose, sub- globose, 4/n. Often connate. Coniferous woods. Sept. Nov. Not un- common, (v.v.) 2146. H. graveolens (Delast.) Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 6, upper figs. Graveolens, strong smelling. P. 25 cm., bistre becoming black, then cinereous with the margin whitish, hemispherical, sinuate, often depressed at the centre, thin, soft, rugose, silky. St. 1-5-3 cm. x 1-3 mm., fuscous black, thickened at the apex, tough, equal, smooth. Spines white, then grey, -5-1 mm. long, decurrent, thin. Flesh concolorous, or paler, coriaceous, rigid, thin. Spores white, echinulate, globose, 3-4/x, 1-guttulate. Smell strong of Fenugreek, or tincture of Belladonna. Often connate. Coni- ferous woods. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2147. H. melaleucum Fr. Schaeff. Icon. t. 272, as Hydnum pullum Schaeff. /ie\a/j,a\o<;, uneven. R. 4-6 cm., pallid light yellow, effused. Spines concolorous, granular, 646 ODONTIA then stipitate and obtusely divided upwards, tough. Flesh concolo- rous, gelatinous, thin. Spores "globose, shortly pedicellate" Massee. Inside of very rotten oak tree. March. Rare. 2188. 0. aurea (Fr.) Quel. (= Hydnum aureum Fr.) Aurea, golden. R. 5-13 cm., golden, at first nodular, then confluent and irregu- larly effused, adnate, mealy; margin white, becoming violet when dry, radiately strigose. Spines concolorous, apex white, 2 mm. long, seta- ceous, subulate, equal, entire, crowded. Flesh concolorous, subcartilagi- nous, thin. Spores white, "muriculate, subglobose, 4-5 JLI" Massee. Mycelium penetrating the wood, and forming a yellow flesh colour circumscribing zone. Dead branches. Dec. Rare. **Membranaceous, floccose, or mealy. 2189. 0. stipata (Fr.) Quel. (= Hydnum stipatum Fr.) Fr. Icon. t. 194, fig. 2, as Hydnum stipatum Fr. Stipata, crowded. R. 3-8 cm., white, then isabelline, or light yellowish, very widely effused, flocculoso-furfuraceous ; margin similar, sterile, sometimes swollen and tomentose, rarely membranaceous and silky. Spines white, then concolorous, granular, becoming subulate and pointed, minutely toothed, thin, crowded, soft. Flesh concolorous, floccose, thin. Spores white, "oblong, 3-4-6-5 x 2-5-3-4/i; basidia 9-18 x 3-4-6/z, with 2-4 straight sterigmata, 3/n long. Cystidia firm, 2-4/z in diam., emerging in tufts. Hyphae thin walled, 1-5-3-5 /A in diam., with clamp connections, intermixed with yellowish, firm, thick walled hyphae which become coloured with eosin" Bourd. & Galz. Stumps and fallen branches of deciduous trees. Jan. Dec. Not uncommon. (v.v.) 2190- 0. barba-Jovis (With.) Fr. Sow. Eng. Fung. t. 328, as Hydnum barba-Jovis. Barba, beard; Jovis, of Jupiter. R. 5-20 cm., white, then yellowish, effused, slightly adnate, floccose; margin narrow, byssoid, pubescent. Spines concolorous, 12 mm. long, subulate, with one or many very thin points, more or less bristly on the sides, sometimes with an orange fringe at the apex. Flesh con- colorous, floccose, membranaceous, loose. Spores white, " oboval, or subglobose, obliquely attenuated, or apiculate at the base, 4-7 x 3-5-4-5 ju,, often 1-guttulate; basidia 15-24-30 x 4-6/it. Cystidia cylindrical, or narrowly clavate, 60-600 x 4-5-7 /i, generally fascicu- late (often poorly differentiated, with thin walls, 1-2-septate), thick walled at the base, with a narrow channel insensibly enlarged upwards where the walls become thinner. Hyphae thin walled, or scarcely thickened, 2-5-4/i in diam., with clamp connections, and coloured by eosin" Bourd. & Galz. Wood, and branches of conifers. July Jan. Uncommon, (v.v.) ODONTIA 647 2191. 0. limonicolor (B. & Br.) Quel. (= Hydnum limonicolor B. & Br.) Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 11, fig. 2, as Hydnum Bresadolae Quel. Limonicolor, lemon colour. R. 3-7 cm., bright lemon yellow, widely and irregularly effused, adnate; margin white, floccose. Spines concolorous, becoming golden when dry, acute, rough on the sides, or somewhat incised, crowded, often oblique. Flesh whitish, floccose, thin. Spores white, "echinu- late, globose, 3/z" Bres. Pine leaves, and larch trunks. Oct. Rare. 2192. 0. plumosa (Duby) Rea. (= Hydnum plumosum Duby.) Plumosa, feathery. R. 4-5 cm., snow white, resupinate, tomentose. Spines white, 2 mm. or more long, slender, minutely feathered near the apex, usually crowded. Flesh white, floccose, very delicate. Spores white, "globose, 4-5 JM" Massee. Dead wood, and bark, etc. Rare. 2193. 0. Stevensonii (B. & Br.) Rea. (= Hydnum Stevensonii B. & Br.) Rev. John Stevenson, the eminent Scotch mycologist. R. 3-8 cm., white, effused, mealy beneath; margin byssoid, or pul- verulent. Spines white, 2-3 mm. long, cylindrical, obtuse, or trun- cate, sometimes compressed, more or less confluent at the base, pul- verulent at the apex, somewhat crowded. Flesh concolorous, floccose, very thin. Spores "white, subglobose, apiculate, 3-4 ju," Massee. Dead wood, leaves, and mosses. March. Rare. 2194. 0. bicolor (A. & S.) Bres. (= Hydnum bicolor (A. & S.) Fr.; Grandinia mucida Fr. of British authors sec. Wakef . ; Hydnum subtile Fr.) Bi-color, two-coloured. R. 5-20 cm., white, or whitish, becoming glaucous, then tan colour, widely effused, subtomentose, soft, pruinose, waxy, often cracked at the base of the spines; margin indeterminate, or whitish pruinose. Spines concolorous, apex often brownish red, small, granular, minutely villose, obtuse. Flesh concolorous, floccose, soft. Spores white, "ob- long, scarcely depressed on the side, 4-5-7 x 2-75-4 p,; basidia 10- 24 x 3-5 /i, with 2-4-sterigmata, 4-5/1- long. Cystidia with a globose head, 8-15/x, in diam., thin walled, contents becoming yellowish, and often crowned by radiate twin crystals. Hyphae of the subiculum 2 3/A in diam., in the axis of the spines amber coloured, fasciculate, agglutinated together by a resinous substance, and ending at the apex of the spines in an oil coloured tuft" Bourd. & Galz. Firs, and brambles. Oct. March. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 2195. 0. papillosa (Fr.) Bres. (= Grandinia papillosa Fr.) Papillosa, having nipples. R. 2-5-5 cm., milk white, or yellowish, effused, separating when entire, very much cracked; margin white, very thin, pubescent, or 648 ODONTIA pruinose. Spines concolorous, granular, subhemispherical, equal, be- coming subulate, thin, small, very crowded. Flesh concolorous, mem- branaceous, floccose, firm. Spores white, "oblong, subcylindrical, de- pressed on the side, 4-5-6 x 2-2-75 ju,; basidia 10-20 x 3-4-5/u., with 2-4-sterigmata, 3-4-5 /x long, accompanied by subulate, sterile basidia, sometimes capped with oxalate, and with numerous smooth, or rough paraphysis-like hyphae forming a tuft at the apex of the spines. Hyphae with walls slightly thickened, firm, with clamp connections; subhymenial hyphae denser, 3 4-5/A in diam." Bourd. & Galz. Fallen oak, beech, and fir branches. July Nov. Rare. 2196. 0. arguta (Fr.) Quel. (= Hydnum argutum Fr. ; ? Radulum tomentosum Fr. sec. Bourd. & Galz.) Arguta, sharp. R. 3-6 cm., white, then yellowish, effused, tomentose, or minutely pubescent, slightly adnate, finally minutely cracked; margin similar, or floccose. Spines white, then ochraceous, 1-2 mm. long, granular, pubescent, then cylindrical, or subulate, sometimes connate at the base, apex penicillate. Flesh concolorous, floccose, firm, thin. Spores white, "oboval, 4-6 x 3-5/A, often 1-guttulate; basidia 10-15-18 x 3-4-6/i. Cystidia fusiform, or capitate, crowned, or not, by an oil globule, 7-9 /A in diam. Hyphae thin walled, or slightly thickened, 2-4 p. in diam., with clamp connections" Bourd. & Galz. Trunks, stumps, and fallen branches. Sept. Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. alutacea (Fr.) Bourd. & Galz. (= Hydnum alutaceum Fr.) Alutacea, tanned leather. Differs from the type in its deeper ochraceous tan colour, and the stouter spines. Pines. Aug. Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 2197. 0. spathulata (Schwein.) Rea. (= Hydnum spathulatum (Schwein.) Fr.) a\r), head. E. 2-5 cm. high, 1-3 cm. broad, somewhat ferruginous, becoming fuscous, apex whitish, fimbriate, divided down to the stem into flaps which are dilated upwards, or into irregular branched erect branches, pubescent. St. -5-1-5 cm. x 1-2 mm., concolorous, simple, equal, villose. Hymenium even. Flesh concolorous, coriaceous, soft. Spores purplish in the mass, pale umber under the microscope, echinulate, globose, or broadly elliptical, 6-8x6ju,, 1-2-guttulate. Woods. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 2214. P. clavularis (Fr.) Big. & Guill. (= Thelephora clavularis Fr.) Fr. Icon. t. 196, fig. 3, as Thelephora clavularis Fr. Clavularis, a little nail. R. 2-5-4 cm. high, 1-3 cm. broad, rufous fuscous, apex whitish, acute, divided down to the st. into round, attenuate, even, delicately pruinose branches. St. -5-1-5 cm. x 1-3 mm., concolorous, base some- what tuberous. Flesh concolorous, coriaceous, soft. Spores reddish purple in the mass, echinulate, subglobose, 6-7 x 6/z,. Woods. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) **P. more or less infundibuliform, cup-shaped, or flabelliform, often splitting into lobes, or divisions. 2215. P. caryophyllea (Schaefl.) Pat. (= Thekphora caryophylka (Schaeff.) Fr.) Schaeff. Icon. t. 325, as Helvetia caryophyllea Schaeff. icdpvov, a nut; $>v\\ov, a leaf. R. 1-5-4 cm. high, 1-5-5 cm. broad, fuscous purple, becoming wood brown when dried, infundibuliform, cup-shaped; margin lobed, or PHYLACTERIA 653 incised, often broken up into wedge-shaped, imbricate branches, or segments, fibrillosely torn, often radiately rugose, or striate, obsoletely zoned when moist. St. -5-1 cm. x 2-3 mm., concolorous, simple, or branched, equal, villose. Hymenium inferior, even. Flesh concolorous, or paler, subcoriaceous. Spores purple in the mass, pale umber under the microscope, verrucose, globose, 6-7 /A. Woods, especially under conifers. Aug. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) II. Dimidiate, horizontal, subsessile, or effuso-reflexed. 2216. P. intybacea (Pers.) Pat. (= Thelephora intybacea (Pers.) Fr.) Bull. Champ. Fr. t. 278, as Thelephora intybacea. evrvftov, chicory. R. 2 4 cm., whitish, then rufous ferruginous, at length fuliginous', margin whitish fimbriate at first, then concolorous, dimidiate, con- fluent, imbricate, fibrous, the fibrils often agglutinated into adpressed, adnate squamules; margin dilated. St. short, sublateral, often con- fluent. Hymenium concolorous, inferior, papillose. Flesh firm, fibril- lose, 1 mm. thick. Spores deep ochraceous, verrucosely echinulate, subglobose, or elliptical, 7-9 x 6-7 /it, with a large central gutta. Caespitose. Pine wood, and bare soil. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2217. P. terrestris (Ehrh.) Big. & Quill. (= Thelephora terrestris (Ehrh.) Fr. ; Thelephora laciniata (Pers.) Fr.) Holland, Champ, t. 101, no. 224. Terrestris, pertaining to the earth. R. 35 cm., ferruginous fuscous, or fuscous, often becoming black with age, dimidiate, sessile, or effuso-reflexed, laterally confluent, often imbricate, fibrillosely scaly, strigose ; margin fimbriate, laciniate. Hymenium/wscows, or pale fawn, inferior, papillose. Flesh concolorous, coriaceous, fibrillose, soft, 1 mm. thick. Spores fuscous, verrucose, angularly globose, 8-9 x 6-8/x. Woods, and heaths. July Dec. Common, (v.v.) P. biennis (Fr.) Big. & Guill. = Hypochnus umbrinus (Fr.) Quel. 2218. P. atra (Weinm.) Rea. (= Thelephora atra Weinm.) Atra, black. P. 58 cm., black, becoming fuliginous, imbricate, arising from a tuberous base, deformed, somewhat lobed, sessile, attenuated at the base; margin at first white, fimbriate. Hymenium black, white pruinose, smooth, setulose. Caespitose. Dead logs. Rare. 2219. P. mollissima (Pers.) Rea. (= Thelephora mollissima (Pers.) Fr.; Phylacteria spiculosa (Fr.) Bourd. & Maire.) Berk. Outl. Brit. Fung. t. 17, fig. 5, as Thelephora mollissima. Mollissima, very soft. R. 2-4 cm., whitish, becoming brownish, broadly effused, con- tinuous, or effuso-reflexed, forming flaps, subtomentose. Hymenium 654 PHYLACTERIA. HYPOCHNUS fuscous purple, inferior, smooth, even. Flesh concolorous, soft, thin. Spores brownish purple, warted, subglobose, 7-8/n. Woods. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) III. Resupinate, and incrusting. 2220. P. spiculosa (Fr.) Bourd. & Maire. (=Thelephora spiculosa (Fr.) Burt.) Pers. Syn. Fung. t. 3, fig. 16, as Merisma penicillatum. Spiculosa, having little sharp points. R. 2-15 cm., fuscous purple, whitish at the apex of the spicules, effused, incrusting; margin ramoso-spiculose, tips penicillate. Hy- menium concolorous, even or slightly rugose. Flesh floccose, 1 mm. thick. Spores umber, echinulate, irregularly globose, or elliptical, 7-9 x 6-7 /i. Running over twigs, and dead leaves. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) Hypochnus (Fr.) Karst. (= Tomentella (Pers.) Pat.). (UTTO, under; ^1/009, fine down.) Receptacle floccose, or felt-like, resupinate, effused. Hymenium smooth, or papillose. Flesh coloured, soft, loose. Spores coloured, rough, verrucose, or echinulate ; globose, subglobose, elliptical, ovoid, or angular; basidia sometimes in scattered clusters, with 2 4-sterig- mata. Growing on wood, mosses, or on the ground. 2221. H. ferrugineus (Pers.) Fr. Ferrugineus, iron rust colour. R. 2-6 cm., ferruginous, effused, adnate, often suborbicular, dry, tomentose, hypochnoid. Hymenium concolorous, "Sudan-brown" when dry. Flesh concolorous, loose, thin. Spores concolorous, echinu- late, subglobose, 7-lOju., with numerous hyaline spines. Basal hyphae, 5-8/x. wide, septa with clamp connections. Decaying wood, and bark of deciduous trees. Sept. Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 2222. H. umbrinus (Fr.) Quel. (= Thekphora Uennis Fr.) Umbrinus, umber. R. 3-10 cm., brown, with more or less of a vinaceous tint (varying from drab to fuscous and " Chaetura-drab " of Ridgway), effused, soft, separable; subiculum warm sepia, villose. Hymenium concolorous, membranaceous, compact. Flesh concolorous, dense. Spores fuscous, or dark brown, aculeate, or coarsely verrucose, globose, or subglobose, 6-8 JJL, or 6-8 x 5-7 p,; basidia brownish, clavate, with 4-sterigmata. Hyphae brown, thick walled, 4-5/n in diam., septate, without clamp connections. Dead wood. Oct. Feb. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2223. H. fuscus (Pers.) Fr. (= Corticium fuscum (Pers.) Fr.) Fuscus, dark. R. 2-10 cm., subfuscous, cinnamon, or brown, somewhat vinaceous HYPOCHNUS 655 in colour, effused, separable. Hymenium concolorous, loose. Flesh concolorous, membranaceous, loose, thin. Spores reddish brown, echinulate, subglobose, or broadly elliptical, 7-8 x 5-6 /z. Hyphae with numerous clamp connections, 5-6 fj, in diam. Eotten wood, and fallen branches. Sept. June. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 2224. H. subfuscus Karst. Subfuscus, somewhat dark. R. 1-4 cm., dark purplish brown, between Ridgway's "Natal Brown" and "Bone Brown" effused; margin concolorous. Hymenium con- colorous, pulverulent, mould-like. Spores sepia, aculeate, globose, 8-9 /A without the hyaline spines, spines acute, 1-2 /u, long; basidia clavate, 10-12/z in diam., with 24 curved sterigmata. Subhymenial hyphae pale, 5-7 /z in diam. Basal hyphae brown, 7-8/z in diam., thick walled, straight, with branches at right angles, sometimes slightly incrusted, with clamp connections. Bark of fallen logs. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2225. H. granulosus (Peck) Burt. (= Grandinia tabacina Cke. & Ell.) Burt, Theleph. of North Am. vi, Hypochnus, text-fig, p. 219. Granulosus, granular. R. 2-4 x 1-2 cm., sepia, effused, thin, membranaceous, granular, separable; margin somewhat radiate, concolorous. Spores concolorous with the hyphae, aculeate, angular-subglobose, the body about 6/z in diam. Flesh concolorous or paler, loose. Hyphae yellowish under the microscope, loosely interwoven, 2-5-4/u, in diam., thin walled, occasion- ally with clamp connections, forming near the substratum some rope-like mycelial strands up to 15/z in diam. Pine sticks and rotten bark and wood of frondose trees. Aug. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2226. H. puniceus (A. & S.) Sacc. (= Corticium (Hypochnus) puni- ceum (A. & S.) Fr.) Puniceus, reddish. R. 1-3 cm., dull red, vaguely effused, mould-like; margin similar. Hymenium concolorous, minutely granular, loose and pulverulent under a lens. Flesh pale, fibrillose, loose, very thin. Spores dull red- dish, with short spines, subglobose, 8-9-5/z, 7-5-8/z without the spines ; basidia clavate, 40-50 x 8/z, with 2-4 stout curved sterigmata, 58 x 2-5-3/Li. Subhymenial hyphae hyaline, or pale coloured, 3'5- 5/x, wavy, much branched, with clamp connections. Decorticated pine-wood. July Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2227. H. isabellinus Fr. (= Corticium isabellinum Fr.) Fr. Obs. Myc. n, t. 6, fig. 3. Isabellinus, dirty yellowish. R. 5-10 cm., pale "Isabella colour" of Ridgway, or deep olive buff to dark olive buff, effused, adnate, inseparable, tomentose', margin con- colorous, thinner. Hymenium concolorous, loose, pulverulent. Flesh concolorous, loose, thin. Spores isabelline, echinulate, globose, 7-9 /x 656 HYPOCHNUS without the spines. Hyphae concolorous, thick walled, branched at right angles, 8-14/z in diam., without clamp connections. Rotten wood, and bark. Sept. Rare, (v.v.) 2228. H. cyaneus Wakef. KVCLVOS, dark blue. R. 1-3 cm., deep dull violaceous blue, through "Eton blue" to glaucous green, becoming dull greyish green or yellow in parts when dried, effused, easily separable, tomentose; margin concolorous, arachnoid. Hymenium concolorous, floccose. Flesh concolorous, paler, thin. Spores dull bluish, minutely and sparsely aculeate, elliptical, depressed on one side, 5-8 x 4/u,; basidia hyaline, elongate-clavate, 30-40 x 1p, with 2-4-sterigmata. Basal hyphae slightly tinged bluish, 1-3/i in diam., here and there incrusted, without clamp connections. Potas- sium hydrate solution takes away the colour of the spores but turns the other parts greenish when fresh; when dried, the hyphae and spores become a dull violet colour. Wet rotten coniferous logs. Oct. Rare. 2229. H. cinerascens Karst. Cinerascens, becoming ash colour. R. 23 cm., drab grey, to pale drab, indefinitely effused, adnate, separable; margin concolorous, or whitish. Hymenium concolorous, loose. Flesh very thin, loose. Spores grey-brown, with minute spines, angularly subglobose, 6-7 x 5-6 /a; basidia hyaline, cylindric-clavate, 40 x 6 fji, with 2 4-sterigmata. Subhy menial and basal hyphae hyaline, 3-4 p, in diam., much branched, frequently septate with clamp connections. Bark. Sept. Uncommon. 2230. H.caesius(Pers.) Wakef. (=Thekphora caesia (Pers.)Fr.) Pers. Obs. i, t. 3, fig. 6, as Corticium caesium. Caesius, bluish grey. R. 3-10 cm., cinereous-bluish-grey, or brownish bistre, effused, sub- orbicular, determinate, tomentose. Hymenium concolorous, becoming paler, even, minutely pubescent. Flesh brownish, soft, thin. Spores hyaline, then lilac bistre, and finally brownish, spinulose, subglobose, 7-8/x. Wood, twigs, mosses, and on the ground. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 2231. H. botryoides (Schwein.) Burt. /3oTput, with a large central gutta. Caespitose. Woods. Sept. Dec. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2248. S. undulatum (Fr.) Massee 1 . (- Thelephora undulata Fr.) Undulatum, waved. R. 13 cm., whitish, then tan, depressed, plano-infundibuliform, minutely fibrillose; margin entire, undulate. St. 1-3 x -5-1 cm., whitish, equal, villose. Hymenium pale tan, ribbed, setulose under a lens. Flesh concolorous, subcoriaceous, firm. Spores white, "broadly pip-shaped, 10 x 6/t" Massee. On the ground. Oct. Rare. 2249. S. tuberosum (Grev.) Massee. (= Thelephora tuberosa (Grev.) Fr.) Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. t. 178, as Merisma tuberosum Grev. Tuberosum, tuberous. R. 1-2 cm., grey, or with a slight brownish tinge, infundibuliform, broken up into narrow, compressed segments almost to the base of the st., segments acute, or obtuse at the apex. St. -5-2-5 cm. x 2-4 mm., concolorous, subcylindrical, obscurely furrowed or lacunose, base bulbous. Hymenium concolorous, inferior, smooth. Flesh subcoria- ceous, thin. Spores white, "elliptical, 7-8 x 5ju," Massee. Bare soil. Sept. Nov. Rare. 1 "The record in England is an error of determination" sec. Lloyd, Synopsis Stipitate Stereums, p. 20. STERETJM 663 II. R. dimidiate, sessile, or resupinate and effuso-reflexed, marginate. *Hymenium bleeding when touched. 2250. S. spadiceum Fr. (= Stereum gausapatum Fr. ; Stereum cristu- latum Quel. ; Stereum quercinum Potter.) Holland, Champ, t. 102, no. 227. Spadiceum, date brown. R. 5-10 cm., greyish, brownish, or subferruginous, margin often white at first, effuso-reflexed, or subdimidiate, often imbricated, confluent, villose or hirsute; margin obtuse, often lobed. Hymenium /MSCOWS, or bistre, bleeding wJien fresh if cut or bruised, becoming snuff brown or more or less darker and discoloured with age, smooth, or wrinkled. Flesh whitish in the middle stratum, coriaceous, soft. Spores white, ellip- tical, 7-8 x 4r-5/i. Cystidia none. Lacticiferous hyphae, red, "coloured, 75-120 x 5ju, very numerous" Burt. Stumps, and fallen branches, especially oak, and ash. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 2251. S. rugosum (Pers.) Fr. Rugosum, wrinkled. R. 2-20 cm., pinkish buff, base paler, widely effused, or shortly reflexed, obtusely marginate, silky, then glabrous, and at length con- centrically furrowed, radially pitted and weathering grey. Hymenium pinkish buff to drab-grey, bleeding if bruised when fresh, pruinose. Flesh whitish, becoming discoloured, coriaceous, rigid, "intermediate layer bordered on the upper side by a dense golden zone and on the lower side by a two-many-zoned hymenial layer 120-1 200 /z thick, hyphae of intermediate layer 2-5-3/z in diam." Burt. Spores white, oblong, incurved, 10-12 x 4-5/u,. Cystidia none. Lacticiferous hyphae red, "dark coloured, very numerous, 3-6 /x in diam." Burt. Stumps, trunks, logs, and fallen branches of frondose trees. Jan. Dec. Com- mon, (v.v.) 2252. S. sanguinolentum (A. & S.) Fr. Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. t. 225, as Thelephora sanguinolenta A. & S. Sanguinolentum, full of blood. R. 1-8 cm., pallid, white at the thin, acute margin, effused, often circular, becoming confluent, then reflexed, adpressedly villose, or silky, substriate. Hymenium cinereous, then fuscous, bleeding when wounded, even, smooth, becoming cracked when dry. Flesh whitish, coriaceous, thin, "intermediate layer bordered on the upper side by a narrow, dense golden zone, and composed of densely arranged hyaline hyphae, 3/z in diam." Burt. Spores white, cylindrical, slightly curved, 8-9 x 3-4jii. Cystidia none. Lacticiferous hyphae red, "coloured, 3-4 /A, usually numerous" Burt. Dead stumps, and branches, especially of conifers. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 664 STERETJM **Hymenium yellow, or grey. 2253. S. hirsutum (Willd.) Fr. Berk. Outl. Brit. Fung. t. 17, fig. 7. Hirsutum, hairy. R. 2-10 cm., pallid, yellowish, or greyish, margin yellow, widely effused, then reflexed, sometimes entirely resupinate, strigosely hairy, subzoned; margin obtuse. Hymenium bright ochraceous, pinkish, or tan colour, sometimes becoming grey, even, smooth. Flesh yellowish, coriaceous, firm, tough, "intermediate layer bordered next to the hairy covering by a very dense, narrow, golden zone, composed of densely and longitudinally arranged hyaline hyphae, 3-4)U, in diam., some of which in the subhymenium are thick walled, up to 5-6 /x in. diam., and very rarely have golden brown contents as seen between the basidia" Burt. Spores white, elliptical, incurved, 6-8 x 3-4 p.. Cys- tidia none. Stumps, trunks, logs, posts, and fallen branches. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) var. subcostatum (Karst.) Massee. (= Corticium subcostatum (Karst.) Bourd. & Galz.) Subcostatum, somewhat ribbed. Differs from the type in its vaguely costate, or rugose hymenium. Fallen branches. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) var. luteocitrinum Sacc. Luteus, yellow; citrinum, lemon yellow. Differs from the type in the golden yellow margin, and dark coloured p. Stumps. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2254. S. ochroleucum Fr. &>%po?> pale; Xeu/co?, white. R. 3-5 cm., whitish cream, then greyish tan colour, orbicular, effuso- reflexed, confluent, then free, often entirely resupinate, villose, or strigose, zoned. Hymenium pale ochre, smooth, cracked when dry. Flesh pale, floccose, thin, "hyphae about 2-5/x. in diam., granule- incrusted and interwoven throughout the thickness of the pileus" Burt. Spores white, elliptical or subglobose, 4-5-5 x 3p,. Dead wood and bark. Jan. March. Uncommon, (v.v.) ***Hymenium purple, lilac, or brown. 2255. S. purpureum (Pers.) Fr. (= Stereum vorticosum Fr. sec. Burt.) Hussey, Illus. Brit. Myc. i, t. 20. Purpureum, purple. R. 2-8 cm., whitish, pallid, or greyish, effuso-reflexed, more or less imbricate, sometimes entirely resupinate, zoned, villosely tomentose', margin entire, sometimes crisped or lobed. Hymenium lilac, or purplish, even, smooth. Flesh whitish, coriaceous-soft, somewhat thick. Spores white, oblong, or oboval, apiculate at one end, 6-8 x 3-4ju,. Hymenial cystidia none, subhymenial cystidia vesiculose, 15- 30 x 12-25/A. Dead branches, and felled trunks, especially birch, beech, elm, and poplar. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) STEBEUM 665 var. atro-marginatum W. G. Sm. Sow. Eng. Fung. t. 412, fig. 1, as Auricularia elegans Sow. Ater, black; marginatum, bordered. Differs from the type in the narrow, black zone near the white margin of the p. Dead branches. Sept. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2256. S. ragosiusculum Berk. & Curt. (= Stereum purpureum (Pers.) auct. pi.) Rugosiusculum, somewhat wrinkled. R. 2-6 cm., cartridge-buff to cinnamon buff when dry, more or less broadly reflexed, rarely resupinate, tomentose, spongy, sometimes with projecting hairs collapsed together into a plane or wrinkled surface; margin entire. Hymenium vinaceous-buff to fawn colour when dry, even. Flesh whitish, coriaceous-soft, fairly thick. Spores white, elliptical, incurved, 5-7 x 3-4 p. Hymenial cystidia cylindrical, thin walled, 4ju in diam., subhymenial cystidia vesiculose, 1530 x 10-20/u,. Logs and stumps of frondose trees. Jan. Dec. Common. (v.v.) 2257. S. conchatum Fr. Koyxy, a mussel shell. R. 430 mm., dirty yellowish, effuso-reflexed, then shell-shaped, subimbricate, rugose, glabrous, obscurely zoned, somewhat crisped. Hymenium fuscous, smooth. Flesh coriaceous, thin. Fir. Rare. 2258. S. bicolor (Pers.) Fr. (= Stereum fuscum (Schrad.) Quel.) Fr. Icon. t. 197, fig. 2. Bicolor, two coloured. R. 1-5 cm., snuff-brown to bistre when dry, sometimes resupinate, generally becoming conchate-reflexed, often imbricate, villose, be- coming glabrous, somewhat concentrically sulcate. Hymenium white, then cream colour to pallid mouse grey when dry, even, smooth. Flesh submembranaceous, soft, spongy, "composed of longitudinally and loosely interwoven hyphae, 3/t in diam., coloured towards the upper surface, hyaline towards the hymenium. Spores hyaline, 3- 4-5 x 2-3 fi. Gloeocystidia hyaline, flexuose, 20-60 x 5-7 /A" Burt. Rotting frondose limbs and sometimes on pine. April Dec. Rare. III. Effused, resupinate, margin scarcely, or not at all free. *Hymenium stratose. 2259. S. frustulosum (Pers.) Fr. Frustulosum, full of pieces. R. 2-5 mm., date-brown-blackish, resupinate, tuberculose, crowded as if confluent, and then broken up into frustules, sometimes growing outward from the place of attachment and narrowly reflexed, or with a free margin all round, concentrically sulcate, glabrous. Hymenium pinkish buff to whitish, convex, pruinose, stratose. Flesh woody, thick. Spores "hyaline, oboval, 5-6 x 3-3-5/x. Paraphyses bottle-brush, or aculeate, numerous" Burt. Oak logs and stumps. Rare. 666 STEREUM 2260. S. stratosum B. & Br. Stratosum, stratose. R. 5-10 cm., bright ochraceous white, becoming yellowish, effused, smooth, here and there wrinkled. Flesh pallid, stratose, strata at length broken up. Rare. **Hymenium pubescent, velvety. 2261. S. Chailletii (Pers.) Fr. D. Chaillet. R. 215 cm., somewhat fawn colour, or brownish, broadly effused, resupinate the first year, then becoming stratose, and at length pileate, pilei sometimes well developed, tomentose, more or less concentrically sulcate; margin entire. Hymenium pale ferruginous, or fawn colour, pubescent, velvety. Flesh pallid, coriaceous, fairly thick, "composed of somewhat longitudinally and not densely interwoven hyphae, 3 4-5/A in diarn., some of which are hyaline, thin walled, and with deeply staining protoplasm, and many thick walled, stiff, giving their colour to the fructification and curving into the hymenium where they terminate in cystidia" Burt. Spores "hyaline, elliptical, in- equilateral, 6-7-5 x 3-4ja. Cystidia yellowish, rough, fusiform, cylin- drical, 50-120 x 4-5 //,, or in old stratose plants, 45-60 x 5-7 ju," Bres. Felled fir trunk. Oct. Dec. Rare, (v.v.) S. disciforme (DC.) Fr. = Aleurodiscus discifonnis (DC.) Pat. ***Hymenium pruinose. 2262. S. abietimun (Pers.) Fr. Abietinum, of firs. R. 2-8 cm., burnt umber, resupinate, effused, rarely reflexed, tomen- tose, obscurely zonate, tuberculate or uneven. Hymenium light drab to cinereous or glaucous, pruinose. Flesh coloured, coriaceous-spongy, thick, "intermediate layer composed of longitudinally arranged, inter- woven, coloured hyphae, 3-3-5/z in diam., bordered on its outer side by a darker, denser zone which connects with the tomentose covering ; hymenial layer becoming zonate and containing numerous, coloured, cystidia. Spores hyaline, flattened on one side, 9-13 x 4-5 p,. Cystidia coloured, cylindric, obtuse, even, rough walled or more or less in- crusted, 90-150 x 6-8^, protruding up to 60/x" Burt. Pine and Abies trunks and logs. Rare. 2263. S. Pini Fr. Pini, of pines. R. 1-4 mm., fuscous, then Benzo-brown, resupinate, adnate, at first orbicular, then confluent, and again broken up into bullate tubercles, smooth beneath; margin fimbriate, lobed. Hymenium purple flesh colour, becoming fuscous, pruinose. Flesh coriaceous-cartilaginous, rigid, thin at the margin, "intermediate layer bordered on each side by a narrow, coloured zone, and composed of longitudinally arranged, STEREUM. HYMENOCHAETE 667 densely interwoven, hyaline hyphae with walls gelatinously modified, the subhymenium olivaceous-coloured. Spores hyaline, curved, 5-6 x 2-2-5/u. Cystidia hyaline, incrusted, 24 x 8/i, sometimes very sparse. Gloeocystidia hyaline, fusoid, or irregular, 30-40 x 10-15/i, sparse" Burt. Pine bark. Nov. Eare. 2264. S. rufum Fr. (= Stereum rufomarginatum (Pers.) Quel.; British records of this plant = Eichleriella spinulosa (Berk. & Curt.) Burt, sec. Wakef.) Burt, The Thelephoraceae of North America, xn, Stereum, p. 121, text-fig. 11. Rufum, red. R. 2-4 mm., vinaceous~brown to hematite red, erumpent, tuberculi- form, then somewhat round, marginate, smooth beneath. Hymenium vinaceous-brown, often greyish pruinose, becoming coarsely wrinkled. Flesh coriaceous-fleshy, firm, fairly thick, "composed of ascending loosely interwoven, incrusted, hyaline hyphae, 4^4-5 fj, in diam. over the incrustation. Spores white, oblong, curved, 6-8 x 1-5-2 /A. Cys- tidia none. Gloeocystidia hyaline, flexuose, 50-90 x 7-10/i, scattered, not protruding" Burt. Poplar. Sept. March. Uncommon. S. acerinum (Pers.) Fr. = Aleurodiscus acerinus (Pers.) von Hoehn. & Litsch. Hymenochaete Lev. (= Stereum (Pers.) Massee p.p.). (vfirjv, a membrane; %atT/7, long flowing hair.) Receptacle coriaceous, firm, sessile, effuso-reflexed, or resupinate. Hymenium inferior, with an intermediate layer, setulose, or velvety, even, rarely granular. Spores white, or coloured, elliptical, oval, sub- globose, oblong, fusoid, or cylindrical ellipsoid; smooth. Cystidia or setae present, coloured. Perennial. Growing on wood. I. Sessile, effused, free and reflexed. 2265. H. rubiginosa (Dicks.) Lev. (= Stereum rubiginosum (Schrad.) Fr.) Sow. Brit. Fung. t. 26, as Auricularia ferruginea. Rubiginosa, rusty. R. 3-15 cm., rubiginous, or brownish rust colour, margin ochraceous tawny, effused, reflexed, sometimes entirely resupinate, separable, rigid, somewhat fasciate, concentrically sulcate, velvety, becoming smooth and date brown. Hymenium ferruginous, or bistre, setulose, subcolliculose. Flesh tawny ferruginous, coriaceous, firm, intermediate layer "composed of longitudinally arranged, coloured hyphae, 2-5^t in diam., and bordered above by a narrow, dense, dark zone" Burt. Spores white, elliptical, 4-6 x 2-3/u,. Setae coloured, crowded, acutely conical, slightly curved, 50-70 x 5-7 />t. Stumps, branches and logs of frondose trees. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 668 HYMENOCHAETE 2266. H. tabacina (Sow.) Lev. (= Stereum tabacinum (Sow.) Fr.; Stereum avellanum Fr. in part; Hymenochaete avellana (Fr.) Cke.) Sow. Brit. Fung. t. 25, as Auricularia tabacina Sow. Tabacina, tobacco colour. R. 330 cm., subferruginous, becoming brown, margin golden, effused, reflexed, often imbricate, sometimes entirely resupinate, silky, at length, becoming smooth. Hymenium paler, snuff brown, or sepia, setulose, often deeply cracked into a series of radial anastomosing cracks when resupinate. Flesh golden, coriaceous, flaccid, thin, inter- mediate layer composed of "longitudinally arranged, orange-yellow hyphae, 2-5 3^ in diam., bordered on each side by a narrow, dark, dense zone" Burt. Spores white, oblong, often curved, 4-6 x 1-5-2 fj,. Setae coloured, conico-acuminate, 70-100 x 8-12/z. Stumps, trunks, and logs, especially of frondose trees. Sept. March. Not uncommon. (v.v.) H. avellana (Fr.) Cke. = Hymenochaete tabacina (Sow.) Lev. 2267. H. Boltonii (Fr.) Cke. (= Corticium Boltonii Fr.) James Bolton, author of "An History of Fungusses growing about Halifax." R. 34 cm., white to ochre, or pale lavender, zoned brown, or black, effused; margin shortly reflexed, villose. Hymenium white to pale brown, becoming ferruginous fuscous, or dark red, setulose. Setae "clavate, attenuated at the base, 70-80 x 10-1 Ifj,, smaller in re- supinate forms " Cke. Bird cherry. Feb. Rare. II. Resupinate. A. Hymenium simple. f Setae acuminate. *Spores white. 2268. H. nigrescens Cke. Nigrescens, becoming black. R. 2-5 5 cm., fuscous, becoming black, peltate, subcircular, solitary, or gregarious, sometimes confluent, adnate; margin sometimes free and slightly reflexed, smooth and greyish beneath. Hymenium brown, then blackish, or blackish umber, setulose, often cracked. Flesh rigid. Spores "white, elliptical, 10 x 5/z. Setae blackish, conical, 80-140 x 10-12 ft" Massee. Dry wood. May. 2269. H. Stevensonii B. & Br. (= Stereum rufo-hispidum Stev.) Rev. John Stevenson, the eminent Scotch mycologist. R. 24 cm., pale fawn colour, effused, adnate ; margin abrupt, some- times a little thickened, and raised. Hymenium livid, or greyish pink, with a tinge of lilac when dry, setulose. Flesh rigid. Spores white, "elliptic fusoid, 6-7 x 3-4/1,. Setae (rufous), rigid, 20-40 x 8-10/*" Massee. Bark of yew. Sept. April. Rare, (v.v.) HYMENOCHAETE 669 2270. H. leonina Berk. & Curt. XeW, a lion. R. 2-10 cm., orange ferruginous, drying tawny olive to "Brussels- brown" entirely resupinate, widely effused, separable; margin tomen- tose. Hymenium concolorous, setulose, unequal. Flesh concolorous, coriaceous, loose, "composed of a compact setigerous layer 50-75 [i thick, with setae starting at different levels within it, and of a broad supporting hyphal layer, 100 600/z thick, composed of loosely inter- woven, rather longitudinally arranged hyphae, 3/u, in diam., stiff, coloured like the fructification; in fully developed, thick fructifica- tions the hyphal layer is divided, parallel with the substratum, ~by a narrow, dark zone" Burt. Spores white, elliptical, "5-6 x 3-3-5/z. Setae conical, tapering from the base to the apex, 60-80 x 7-9 p,, emerging up to 50 /A " Burt. Dead wood and holly. Rare. 2271. H. fuliginosa (Pers.) Lev. (? = Hymenochaete fuliginosa (Pers.) Bres.) Fuliginosa, sooty. R. 4 5 cm., obscure smoky brown, effused, closely adnate; margin yellowish rust, often very much broken up into patches, and almost indeterminate. Hymenium umber with rust, or purple tinge, densely or sparsely setulose, appearing almost smooth under a lens, some- times minutely cracked, and brighter in colour. Flesh coriaceous, compact. Spores white, "subglobose, 5 x 4/n. Setae brown, often clear purple by transmitted light, 30-50 x 6-8 p," Massee. Wood, and decorticated branches. Sept. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2272. H. Mougeotii (Fr.) Cke. (= Corticium Mougeotii Fr.) Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. iv, t. 9. J. B. Mougeot, part author of "Stirpes cryptogamicae Vogeso- rhenanae." R. 5-20 mm., rusty brown, reddish brown at the margin, effuso- reflexed, closely adnate, minutely tomentose; margin silky. Hy- menium deep red, tubercular, or granular, pruinosely pubescent, setu- lose. Flesh concolorous, or paler, waxy, then rigid. Spores white, cylindrically ellipsoid, or oblong, 5-7 x 2ja. Setae red, apex hyaline and white, gradually attenuated upwards, 30-60 x 5-8/A. Dead branches of Picea excelsa. Aug. Sept. Rare, (v.v.) 2273. H. comigata (Fr.) Lev. (= Corticium corrugatum Fr.) Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. t. 234, as Thelephora Padi Pers. Corrugata, wrinkled. R. 5-20 cm., pallid cinnamon, widely effused, closely adnate, when dry, cracked, into small polygonal areas, about 1-3 to a mm., sometimes grumous ; margin thin, sometimes paler. Hymenium cinna- mon brown to bistre and "Rood's brown," sometimes weathering to mouse grey, setulose. Flesh concolorous, or paler, firm, "composed of densely interwoven hyphae, 3/x, in diam., coloured like the fructification" Burt. Spores white, allantoid, 4-5-7 x l-5-2ju,. Setae brown, cylin- 670 HYMENOCHAETE. CLADODEBRIS drical, acute, 55-75 x 7-12/A. Dead wood and branches. Jan. Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) **Spores coloured. 2274. H. croceo-ferruginea Massee. Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour. 27, t. v, figs. 9, a, b, c. Croceus, saffron yellow ; ferruginea, iron rust colour. R. 58 cm., orange ferruginous to brownish, broadly effused, closely adnate; margin byssoid or indeterminate. Hymenium concolorous, very minutely setulose, cracked when dry. Flesh crustaceous, very thin. Spores "olive, subglobose, 7 x 6 /A. Setae cylindrical, base very much swollen, 70-100 x 30-35 /z" Massee. Dead stems of Rosa canina. Rare. ft Setae subclavate, sometimes rough. 2275. H. crassa (Lev.) Berk. Lev. Voy. Bonite, t. 139, fig. 1 B, as Thelephora crassa Lev. Crassa, thick. R. 2-5-11 cm., pale rufous, resupinate, effused, minutely velvety; margin thickened, at length free. Hymenium rufous, unequal, setu- lose. Flesh coriaceous, soft, spongy. Spores white, "cylindric- ellipsoid, 7-8 x 4^,. Setae subclavate, often rough at the apex, 70-130 x 7-14/i" Massee. Trunks. Rare. H. abietina (Pers.) Massee = Stereum abietinum (Pers.) Fr. B. Hymenium stratose. 2276. H. cinnamomea (Pers.) Bres. (= Corticium cinnamomeum (Pers.) Fr.) Cinnamomea, cinnamon colour. R. 3-7 cm., cinnamon brown, or auburn, resupinate, widely effused, adnate, velvety; margin paler, floccose. Hymenium cinnamon-brown, drying antique brown to "Brussels-brown," setulose, stratose. Flesh con- colorous, thick, loose, "stratose, ranging up to 6 strata, each com- posed of a setigerous layer 30-45 fj, broad, and of a hyphal layer of equal or greater breadth, with hyphae coloured like the fructifica- tion, loosely interwoven, 3/x, in diam." Burt. Spores white, cylin- dric-ellipsoid, curved, 5-6 x 2-2-5/u,. Setae mahogany colour, apex paler, tapering upwards into an acute point, 70-100 x 5-6 /A. " Basidia clavate, 10-12 x 3-5/t, with 4-sterigmata, intermingled with long, cylindrical, blunt, paraphyses, brown below, more or less hyaline above, 4/x in diam." Wakef . Bark, decaying wood and fallen branches of frondose and coniferous trees. Sept. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) Cladoderris Pers. (/e\o8o, misshapen. R. 3-15 mm., white, becoming pallid, cup-shaped, then flattened, scattered, or confluent, externally white tomentose, and hairs incrusted with calcium oxalate; margin free, incurved. Hymenium orange, or buff pink, becoming paler, especially at the margin and subolivaceous when dried, even, continuous, pulverulent. Flesh pale, subcoriaceous, pliant, dense. Spores white, minutely echinulate, spines hyaline, sub- globose, 20-30 x 17-25/t, the membrane colours blue with iodine; "basidia 100-150 x 15-24 /z, with 2-4 subulate, curved sterigmata, 20-30 x 4-5 jit. Paraphyses or sterile basidia torulose, 4-lOju, in diam. Hyphae rather thick walled, 3-6 /A in diam., basal hyphae slightly coloured, often incrusted with calcium oxalate" Bourd. & Galz. Silver fir, and larch. Aug. Jan. Uncommon, (v.v.) II. Resupinate, effused, margin never reflexed. 2281. A. acerinus (Pers.) von Hoehn. & Litsch. (= Stereum acerinum (Pers.) Fr.) Acerinus, pertaining to maples. R. 3-10 mm., white, irregularly effused, scattered, resupinate, crus- taceous, adnate; margin abrupt. Hymenium white, mealy, then smooth, and finally cracked. Flesh white, chalky, containing numerous crystals of calcium oxalate, compact, thin. Spores white, "ovoid, elliptical, 10-15 x 6-11 p,, scarcely coloured by iodine; basidia 36- 50-60 x 6-9-14 ju,, with 2-4-sterigmata, 6-7^, long. Paraphyses or sterile basidia branched, pointed, or capped by 1-2-globules. Hyphae very much branched, -75-1-5^ in diam." Bourd. & Galz. Maple, and sycamore. Dec. Rare. Corticium (Pers.). (Cortex, bark.) Receptacle waxy, crustaceous, or floccose, resupinate, effused. Hymenium smooth, or tubercular, waxy, continuous, often cracked. Spores white, very rarely coloured, ovate, elliptical, globose, oboval, pip-shaped, pyriform, boat-shaped, almond-shaped, subtriangular, cylindrical, cylindric ellipsoid, oblong, or sausage-shaped; smooth, rarely granular; basidia with 2-4-6-8-sterigmata, forming a homo- geneous hymenium, sometimes accompanied with sterile basidia (cystidioles). Cystidia none. Growing on wood, more rarely on leaves, or on the ground. CORTICIUM 673 I. Hymenium homogeneous, regular, consisting only of basidia. Hyphae distinct, or indistinct, with or without clamp connections at the septa, but never having abnormally large clamp connections, or becoming tuber osely swollen at the septa. 1. Receptacle membranaceous ; trama fibrillose, or tomentose, hyphae always distinct; hymenium fairly thick. 2282. C. caeruleum (Schrad.) Fr. Sow. Eng. Fung. t. 350, as Auricu- laria phosphorea Sow. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. rv, t. 3, fig. 26. Caeruleum, dark blue. R. 2-15 cm., beautiful azure blue, somewhat round, broadly effused, adnate, at first tomentose; margin whitish, or azure blue, byssoid. Hymenium concolorous, paler when dry, papillose. Flesh bluish under the hymenium, waxy, floccose, loose. Spores white, ovate-elliptical, 7-9 x 4-6 yu; "basidia 30-48 x 6-7-5/n, with 2-4-sterigmata. Hyphae thin-, or slightly thick- walled, 3-4-5/A in diam., with clamp connections, loose, blue in the subhymenial layer" Bourd. & Galz. Dead wood, branches, sticks, and twigs, in woods, and hedgerows. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 2283. C. laeve (Pers.) Quel. (= Corticium evolvens Fr.) Fr. Icon. t. 198, fig. 1, as Corticium radiosum~Fi. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. iv, t. 3, figs. 23-24. Laeve, smooth. R. 2-20 cm., white, cream colour, flesh colour, or tan, effused, en- tirely adnate, or forming distinct, reflexed, strigose pileoli; margin white, silky, radiating, or becoming obtuse, reflexed. Hymenium cream colour, then pinkish ochre, or livid to brownish when old ; pale buff with a pinkish tinge or lilac tinge when dry, smooth, waxy, more or less undulate, sometimes coarsely tuberculate, and rarely Radulum- like, usually much cracked in an areolate manner when dry. Flesh pale, floccose, loose. Spores white, pyriform, or pip-shaped, usually slightly incurved at the base, 9-12 x 6-7-5 jit, often slightly punctate; "basidia 25-40-90 x 5-5-9 /u, with 2-4-sterigmata. Hyphae thin walled, hyaline, 2-3-6/u. in diam., with clamp connections, parallel at the base, then ascending in a loose trama" Bourd. & Galz. Trunks, logs, and fallen branches. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 2284. C. roseum (Pers.) Fr. (= Corticium roseolum Massee sec. Wakef . in litt.) Roseum, rose-coloured. R. 2-12 cm., rose colour, effused, adnate; margin white, byssoid, fringed. Hymenium rose pink, becoming pallid, or pale ochraceous with a pink tinge when dry, pruinose, at length rimosely cracked. Flesh pale, floccose, loose. Spores "white, sometimes tinged rosy, oboval, 8-12-16-5 x 6-9-10/z; basidia at first bladder-shaped, sunk in the simple, or branched paraphysoid hyphae, then normal, 28- 45 x 6-10/Lt, with 2-4 curved sterigmata, 6-8/1, long. Hyphae with K. B. B. 43 674 COBTICIUM slightly thickened walls, 2-4-5/t in diam." Bourd. & Galz. Dead wood, and fallen branches. Oct. April. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 2285. C. bombycinum (Sommerf.) Bres. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. vi, text-figs, p. 139. Bombycinum, silky. R. 2-5 cm., white, then cream colour, or pale alutaceous, effused, separable, smooth, or slightly rough; margin pubescent, floccose, rarely fibrillose. Hymenium concolorous, smooth, or rough, pulveru- lent under a lens. Flesh membranaceous, fairly thick, floccose. Spores white, broadly elliptical, or ovate, somewhat irregular, 9-12 x G-Sfi, 1-guttulate; basidia cylindrical, 21-34-45 x 4-6-9 p, with 2^-sterig- mata, 6-8/u, long. Hyphae rather thick walled', 4-6/x in diam., branched, frequently septate, with clamp connections. Trunks of living pollarded willows. Oct. Jan. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2286. C. vellereum Ellis & Cragin. (= Corticium chlamydosporium Burt; Corticium Bresadolae Bourd.) Vellereum, woolly. R. 2-10 cm., white, cream, or tinged buff pink, widely effused, ad- nate; margin white, silky, radiating. Hymenium waxy-white, cream, or tinged buff pink, not changing when dried, smooth, pulverulent. Flesh concolorous, or pale, waxy, floccose, loose, thick. Spores white, subglobose, or broadly elliptical, apiculate at the base, 5-6 x 5p, or 5-9 x 5-7-5/i, 1-guttulate; basidia 18-30-54 x 5-7-5/n, with 2-4 curved sterigmata, 3-5 /u, long. Basal hyphae very loosely interwoven, sparingly branched, thin walled, 2-7 ft in diam., with clamp con- nections. On bark, and felled elm trunks. Nov. Feb. Not un- common, (v.v.) 2. Receptacle fleshy-membranaceous, then rigid and fragile, thick, often reflexed, and Stereum-like. Hymenium tuberculose and radially crested. 2287. C. subcostatum (Karst.) Bourd. & Galz. (= Stereum subcostatum Karst. ; Radulum pendulum Fr. sec. Bourd. & Galz.) Quel. Ass. Fr. (1882), t. xi, fig. 16, as Stereum album Quel. Sub, somewhat; costatum, ribbed. R. 3-12 cm., cream, or cream chamois colour, resupinate, or reflexed, villose, or strigose on the outside; margin torn, fibrillose, or ciliate. Hymenium concolorous, becoming chamois, pinkish, or reddish when dried, tubercular in the centre, radially rugose, and wrinkled towards the margin, finally deeply cracked. Flesh white, fleshy membrana- ceous, then firm, fibrillose, brittle. Spores white, "oblong sub- cylindric, slightly depressed on the side, 56-8-5 x 2-75-4ft, contents homogeneous; basidia 12-25-45 x 3-4- 7 ft, with 2-4 straight sterig- mata, 4-4-5/x long. Hyphae thin walled, 2-4ju in diam., with clamp connections" Bourd. & Galz. Dead branches of alder, birch, and pine. Oct. Jan. Uncommon, (v.v.) COBTICIUM 675 3. Receptacle waxy-membranaceous. Hyphae thin walled, distinct, soon agglutinated and collapsed. 2288. C. lacteum Fr. Lacteum, milk white. R. 5-15 cm., milk white, effused, pruinose, laxly fibrillose beneath; margin fibrillose. Hymenium deeper coloured, waxy, often rugulose, or reticulately veined like a Merulius when moist. Flesh whitish, membranaceous, waxy, thin. Spores white, "oboval, 4-5-7 x 2-5-6 /z, 1-2-guttulate, or contents granular; basidia 20-36 x 4-6 fj,, with 2-4 straight sterigmata, 5-6 JJL long. Hyphae thin walled, subhymenial, 2-5-3ju- in diam., the basal 5-8/jt in diam., with rather infrequent clamp connections" Bourd. & Galz. Trunks and fallen branches. Oct. Feb. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2289. C. Wakefieldiae Bres. Miss E. M. Wakefield, the well-known Kew mycologist. R. 2-6 cm., whitish, then isabelline, broadly effused ; margin pallid, pruinose, subfimbriate. Hymenium concolorous, smooth, at length widely cracked. Flesh membranaceous, soft. Mycelium white, prui- nose. Spores hyaline, 6-8 x 5-6 p; basidia collapsed forming an in- distinct layer. Hyphae very distinct, 4-7-9 /u, in diam., septate with clamp connections. Ground and wood. Rare. 2290. C. fuciforme (Berk.) Wakef. (= Isaria fuciformis Berk.; Hy- pochnus fuciformis McAlp.) 0o?, sea-weed ; forma, shape. R. 1-5 cm., pale, or bright rose colour, effused, incrusting, forming small patches here and there. Hymenium concolorous, smooth. Flesh concolorous, subgelatinous, thin. Spores white, pip-shaped, depressed on one side, apiculate, 11-12-5 x 5-6 /A; basidia slightly tinged pink, clavate, 5-5-7 /z in diam., with 2-4 stout curved sterigmata. Hyphae tinged pink, with clamp connections, thin walled and rather vacuolate, 2-4/x in diam. Leaves and stalks of grasses. Aug. Uncommon, (v.v) 4. Receptacle pelliculose, or arachnoid, slightly adnate to the sub- stratum. Trama loose, consisting of thin walled, distinct hyphae, 2-6/A in diam. Basidia with 2-4-sterigmata. 2291. C. Galzinii Bourd. A. Galzin. R. 3-10 cm., whitish, with a more or less glaucous, or yellowish green tint, effused, forming a delicate pellicle, loosely adherent to the sub- stratum, smooth, or porous ; margin byssoid. Hymenium concolorous, loose, and pulverulent under a lens. Flesh whitish, membranaceous, arachnoid. Spores white, obovate, or narrowly cylindrical, pointed at the base, 2^4 x 1-1 -5 /x; basidia borne in dense tufts, "candelabra" fashion, 7-9-14 x 3-4/A, with 2-4 straight sterigmata, 3-4/A long. Basal hyphae thin walled, 2-5 /A in diam., loosely interwoven, septate, 432 676 CORTICITJM with clamp connections. Conifer wood, cones, and on birch. Sept. March. Uncommon. 2292. C. arachnoideum Berk. (= Corticium centrifugum (Lev.) Bres.) apd'xvriy a spider's web; eZo9, like. R. 2-18 cm.>, white, greenish white, or greyish, effused, subadnate, arachnoid, more rarely continuous; margin delicately byssoid or arachnoid. Hymenium concolorous, loose, rarely continuous. Flesh concolorous, floccose, very thin. Spores white, oblong, obliquely apicu- late at the base, 5-7 x 3-4 p, "often cohering in 2-4; basidia clavate, 9-15-27 x 3-4-7 ft, with 2-4-sterigmata, 4-6/z long. Basal hyphae regular, thin- or slightly thick-walled, clamp connections sparse, 3-8 /A in diam.; subhymenial hyphae 2-3-5/x. in diam." Bourd. & Galz. Stumps, logs, and fallen branches. Oct. March. Not un- common, (v.v.) 2293. C. coprophilum Wakef. /COTT/OO?, dung; $1X09, loving. R. 1-2 cm., greyish white, effused, arachnoid, easily separable. Hymenium concolorous, pulverulent. Flesh whitish, filamentous, very thin. Spores white, subglobose, apiculate at the base, 4/x, 1-guttulate; basidia with 3-6-sterigmata, 15-25 x 6/x, with 3-6 curved sterigmata, 2-5/z. long. Basal hyphae 3-5-4/z in diam., scarcely nodose-septate. Horse dung and surrounding grass culms. July Aug. Uncommon. 2294. C. microsporum (Karst.) Bourd. & Galz. fjuicpo<$, small; (nropd, seed. R. 3-6 cm., milk white, or cream colour, irregularly effused, pellicu- lose; margin white, pruinose, or fibrillose. Hymenium cream, with sometimes a faint pinkish tinge, often imperfect, or cracked. Flesh white, delicate, very thin, fragile. Spores white, subglobose, 2/z, or 3 x 2/x, often with a small oil drop; basidia 12-15(-18) x 3-4(-5)/^t, with 2-4 straight sterigmata, 3-4/u, long. Basal hyphae 3-5^t, with clamp connections, sometimes incrusted with crystals. Stumps and branches. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. 2295. C. croceum (Kunze) Bres. (= Sporotrichum croceum Kunze & Schmidt; Corticium sulphureum Fr.) rcpo/cos, saffron. R. 1-4 cm., white, becoming yellowish, effused, arachnoid, then sub- membranaceous, separable when fresh, adnate when dry; margin white or lemon yellow, arachnoid, running out into the bright yellow or saffron coloured, branched strands of the rhizomorphoid mycelium. Hymenium concolorous, pruinose or mealy. Flesh concolorous, arach- noid, thin. Spores white, "subglobose or ovoid, 2-75-3-5 x 2-5-3 ;u; basidia 12-17 x 3-4-5/Lt. Hyphae thin walled, 2-3/x in diam., often verrucose or rough with small crystals" Bourd. & Galz. Fallen sticks, etc. Oct. Jan. "Not uncommon" Berk. CORTICIUM 677 2296. C. atrovirens Fr. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. in, t. 16. Ater, black; virens, green. R. 2-6 cm., Hue, greenish blue, or dark greenish, irregularly effused, floccoso-fibrillose, or arachnoid, seated on a concolorous, profuse, mycelium. Hymenium paler, or tinged with yellow, submembrana- ceous. Flesh concolorous, arachnoid, thin. Spores greenish, or bluish, subglobose, 3-5-4/x, in diam. ; basidia clavate, 18-20 x 5-6 fj,, with 2-4-sterigmata, 3-4|u, long. Hyphae greenish blue, 2-4/u, in diam., thin walled, without clamp connections. Bark and fallen branches. Sept. Dec. Uncommon, (v.v.) 5. Receptacle dry, subpelliculose, crustaceous, or pruinose, adnate. Basidia truncate at the apex, with 4-6, or 6-8-sterigmata. 2297. C. niveo-cremeum von Hoehn. & Litsch. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. vi, text-figs, p. 71. Niveus, snow white ; cremeum, cream colour. R. 25 cm., greyish white to cream colour, effused, indeterminate, closely adnate, dry. Hymenium concolorous, waxy, slightly granular in places, very minutely and abundantly cracked when dry, giving a characteristic appearance under a lens, the cracks being bridged by numerous, fine, byssoid strands of the subiculum. Flesh concolorous, byssoid, very thin. Spores white, cylindric-ellipsoid, or slightly in- curved and boat-shaped, 6-7 x 3-4 /A, occasional spores up to 10 x 5/z; basidia 12-18(-30) x 4-5-7 /x, truncate above, with 4-6-8 straight sterigmata, 4-5jU, long. Basal hyphae thin walled, 4-5/A in diam., in- distinct, branched, septate, with clamp connections. Rotten wood. Nov. Jan. Uncommon, (v.v.) 6. Receptacle dry, chalky, or pubescent, adnate. Trama distinct. Basidia with 2-4-sterigmata. 2298. C. Sambuci (Pers.) Fr. (= Corticium serum (Pers.) Quel.; Peniophora Chrysanthemi Plowr. sec. Wakef. in litt.) Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. t. 242, as Thelephora Sambuci Pers. Sambuci, of elder. R. 218 cm., pure snow white, or chalk white, becoming yellowish when dried, effused, subinnate, incrusting, chalky, collapsing and more or less powdery when dry. Hymenium concolorous, granular, pruinose. Flesh white, crustaceous, very thin. Spores white, broadly elliptical, appearing almost globose under a low magnification, with a small lateral apiculus, 3-6 x 3-5 p, often 1-guttulate; basidia 15-22 x 3'5-5-5jii, accompanied by fusoid sterile basidia (cystidioles) often expanded into a knob at the apex, and incrusted with tiny crystals. Hyphae thin walled, 2-3-5(-4-5)|u, in diam., loosely interwoven, with clamp connections, and sometimes with scattered minute crystals adhering to the outer walls. Stumps, rotten branches, logs and old herbaceous stems. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 678 CORTICIUM 2299. C. trigonospermum Bres. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. iv, t. 3, figs. 3-5. Tpiywvos, triangular; a-jrep^a, seed. R. 25 cm., chalk white, or becoming slightly tinged with cream colour, irregularly effused, chalky, pulverulent; margin arachnoid, fugacious. Hymenium concolorous, granular, or mealy under a lens. Flesh white, crustaceous, thin, loose, fragile. Spores white, subtriangular, angles rounded viewed laterally, in profile more or less elliptical, flattened on the inner side, and swollen towards the base on the outer side, 4-5-6 /u,; basidia 16-25 x 4-6 /n, with 2-4 straight sterigmata, 2-3-5 p long. Basal hyphae thin walled, 2-5-4/A in diam., with clamp con- nections, and sometimes slightly incrusted with minute crystals. Pine bark and on the ground. Sept. Nov. Rare. 7. Hymenium consisting of more or less crowded, granular tufts, seated on an arachnoid subiculum. Mould-like rather than pellicu- lose, or submembranaceous. Hyphae yellowish, 6-15/i in diam., branching at right angles. Basidia large, in clusters. *Hyphae without clamp connections. 2300. C. vagum Berk. & Curt. (== Corticium vagum Berk. & Curt. var. Solani Burt; Hypochnus Solani Prill. & Del.; Corticium Solani Prill. & Del.; Corticium botryosum Bres.; Rhizoctonia Solani Kiihn.) Vagum, wandering. R. 5-15 cm., pale olive buff to cream colour, effused, arachnoid, thin, perforate membrane more or less separable. Hymenium concolorous, smooth. Flesh brownish, or hyaline, arachnoid, filamentous, loose. Spores white, "elliptic oblong, or navicular, flattened on one side, 8-14 x 4-6 /x; basidia not forming a compact hymenium, 10-20 x 7 '51 1//., with 4-6-sterigmata, 6 10/z long, more or less swollen towards the basidium. Basal hyphae slightly brownish, hyaline elsewhere, 6-10/z in diam., branches smaller, not incrusted, septate, without clamp connections" Burt. Bark, wood, herbaceous plants, and bare soil. Jan. Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) C. botryosum Bres. = Corticium vagum Berk. & Curt. 2301. C. flavescens (Bon.) Massee. (= Hypochnus fiavescens Bon.) Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. vi, text-figs, p. 318. Flavescens, becoming yellow. R. 3-10 cm., whitish to dirty buff, irregularly effused, thin, pulveru- lent, with the habit of C. vagum. Hymenium concolorous, loose. Flesh hyaline, or yellowish, filamentous, loose. Spores yellowish, somewhat lemon-shaped, apiculate at either end, flattened on the inner side, 15-17 x 7-9 fji (mostly 15 x 8/z). Basidia oblong, or clavate, 20-30 x 12-13/it, with 2-4 curved sterigmata, 8/u, long. Basal hyphae hyaline, or yellowish, septate, without clamp connections, branched at right angles, loosely interwoven. Rotten wood. Feb. Uncommon, (v.v.) CORTICIUM 679 **Hyphae with stout clamp connections at the septa. 2302. C. subcoronatum von Hoehn. & Litsch. Sub, somewhat; coronatum, crowned. R. 3-10 cm., white, then cream colour, ochraceous, or pale greenish, tinged with brown when bruised, effused, arachnoid, or slightly mem- branaceous, loosely adnate; margin similar, or minutely reticulated. Hymenium concolorous, loose. Flesh pale, or yellowish, arachnoid, filamentous, loose. Spores white, "almond-shaped, or subnavicular, rarely fusiform, 5-9 x 2-5-4-5/A; basidia 12-18-30 x 5-9 p, with 4-6- sterigmata, 3-5/z long. Hyphae thin walled, 4-14jn in diam., with numerous, stout clamp connections " Bourd. & Galz. Rotten wood, and fallen branches. Sept. March. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 8. Receptacle waxy, dry. Trama indistinct. Spores clavate, fusiform, almond-shaped, or boat-shaped. G-enerally growing on dead, her- baceous plants. 2303. C. aurora Berk. Aurora, the dawn. R. 3-5 cm., rose colour, becoming pallid, effused, adnate, indeter- minate, waxy, then subpruinose. Hymenium concolorous, waxy, smooth. Flesh spongy, very thin. Spores white, "subclavate, at- tenuated at the base, generally slightly curved, 12-16 x 3-4-5/i, 2-3- guttulate; basidia 24-36 x 12-16/A, with 4 straight sterigmata, 4/z, long" Bourd. & Galz. Dead leaves of Carex, and stems of Juncus. Feb. Rare. 2304. C. Pearsonii Bourd. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. vn, text-fig, i. p. 51. A. A. Pearson, the well-known British mycologist. R. 2-10 cm., greyish, adnate, hiding in the crevices of rotten wood. Hymenium concolorous, soon furfuraceous and granular, always beauti- fully reticulated with white crustaceous lines when dry, consisting of basidia and equally long sterile hyphae. Flesh very thin, 20-50/u, thick. Spores hyaline, narrowly clavate, laterally depressed, or sub- arcuate, 4-5-6 x l-5-2(-2-5)/u,; basidia obovate, 9-15 x 5-6 fju, with 2-4-sterigmata, up to 6/i long and at length curved. Hyphae hyaline, closely interwoven, rarely distinct, 2-2-5ju, in diam., thin walled, clamp connections sparse. Cracks of a rotten pine trunk. Sept. Oct. Rare. 9. Receptacle waxy, delicate, closely adnate. 2305. C. confluens Fr. (? = Radulum molare Fr. sec. Bourd. & Galz.) Confiuens, running together. R. 18 cm., whitish, effused, indeterminate, agglutinated', margin white, mealy. Hymenium hyaline, white when dry, smooth. Flesh whitish, submembranaceous, thin, loose. Spores white, broadly ellip- tical, or subglobose, 8-10 x 8-9 /z, with a large central gutta, or con- tents granular or cloudy; "basidia 20-50-80 x 6-12 /A, with 2-4- 680 CORTICIUM sterigmata, 5-9/u, long. Hyphae thin walled, 2-3-5/x in diam., with scattered clamp connections; superior hyphae dense, flexuose, co- herent and collapsing" Bourd. & Galz. Stumps, and fallen branches. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 2306. C. lividmn (Pers.) Fr. (= Grandinia ocellata Fr. sec. Bres.) Lividum, black and blue. R. 213 cm., bluish grey, hyaline grey, then tinged reddish, or bluish, widely effused, agglutinated; margin similar, or white fimbriate and fugacious. Hymeniurn concolorous, subviscid when moist, pruinose, smooth, tubercular, or radiately wrinkled. Flesh paler, subgelatinous, then horny, dense. Spores white, oblong elliptical, 3-5-5 x 2-3/z,, or "elongate oblong, depressed on one side, 4-5 x 1-5-1-75/z,; basidia 15-25-34 x 3-4-5/-1, with 2-4 straight sterigmata, 3fi long. Basal hyphae thick walled, gelatinous, 3-5/u, in diam., clamp connections rare; superior hyphae 2-3 /u, in diam., rarely distinct" Bourd. & Galz. Dead birch, and elm. Oct. June. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2307. C. seriate Fr. Seriale, in series. R. 5-10 cm., pale tan, isabelline, or greenish, becoming ochraceous, tawny, brick red, chocolate, greenish cinereous, or bluish vinous, more rarely livid brown when dry, longitudinally effused, agglutinated, often in series, waxy, rarely shining when dry; margin white, narrow, pubescent. Hymenium concolorous, smooth, or papillose, pruinose, very much cracked when dry. Flesh waxy, rigid, dense. Spores white, "narrowly oblong, depressed on the side, 4-7 x 2-5-3 /i; basidia 15- 21 x 3-4-5/*, without cystidioles, or 12-27-40 x 3-4-5/n, with 2-4 straight sterigmata, 5-7 /x long, and accompanied with numerous fusiform, or subulate cystidioles, 3-4-5/u, in diam., and projecting 10-35 /it. Hyphae more or less agglutinated, with walls thin or slightly thickened, 2-5 /a in diam., with clamp connections" Bourd. & Galz. Pine wood. Rare. 2308. C. ochraceum (Fr.) Bres. Bres. Fung. Trid. t. 170, fig. 1. 0)^/309, pale. R. 3-10 cm., pale, or cream colour, then ochraceous, broadly effused, very adnate, waxy; margin white, pruinose, soon similar. Hymenium concolorous, papillose or tubercular, very much cracked when dry. Flesh white, waxy, then firm, agglutinated, thick. Spores white, elliptical, apiculate at the base, 5-6 x 3-4 /u,; "basidia 30-45 x 4-7 p, with 2-4 straight sterigmata, 3-^4/x, long. Hyphae with thin or slightly thick- ened walls, 3-3-5 fj. in diam., agglutinated, distinct only at the base" Bourd. & Galz. Conifer trunks, and logs. Sept. Oct. Uncommon. (v.v.) CORTICIUM 681 II. Hymenium homogeneous, regular, consisting of basidia only. Hyphae occasionally septate, with either normal clamp con- nections, or with clamp connections two to three times larger than the normal, and tuberosely swollen at the septa. Growing in humus and on very decayed wood and rubbish. 2309. C. confine Bourd. & Galz. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. iv, t. 3, figs. 12-14. Confine, nearly related. R. 310 cm., snow white, becoming yellowish, superficially like Gran- dinia farinacea, widely effused, arachnoid ; margin white, byssoid, somewhat radiating, gradually attenuated. Hymenium white, be- coming cream colour, or ochraceous, granular, like a Grandinia, granules waxy, crowded when fresh, shrinking away from one another, and revealing the white subiculum when dry. Flesh white, fibrillose, loose. Spores white, sub globose, pointed at the base, 3-4 x 2-3 p, usually 1-guttulate; basidia 9-15 x 3-5 /A, with 2-4 straight, or slightly curved sterigmata, 2-4ju, long. Basal hyphae 2-4/A in diam., with clamp connections, and often swollen at the septa. Mycelium often forming fine branching cord-like strands beneath the bark. Rotten wood, bark, and twigs. Jan. Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) III. Hymenium heterogeneous, irregular, consisting of basidia origina- ting at the base of the trama, and surrounded by sterile, undiffer- entiated, mycelial branches. 2310. C. comedens (Nees) Fr. (= Vuilleminia comedens (Nees) R. Maire; Radulum botrytes Fr. sec. Quel. ; ? Corticium Carlylei Massee sec. Wakef. in litt.) Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. iv, t. 3, fig. 25. Comedens, eating away. R. 1-13 cm., flesh colour, or dingy lilac, becoming pale, erumpent, effused, innate, growing under the bark, inseparable, slightly viscid when moist. Hymenium concolorous, smooth, even. Flesh paler, subgelatinous, then rigid, firm. Spores white, sausage-shaped, curved, 15-22 x 6-7 jit, 2-4-guttulate. "Basidia scattered, very long, 9-12/u,in diam., with 2-4 curved sterigmata, 8-10 x 3^" Bourd. & Galz. Dead branches, and felled trunks, especially oak. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) IV. Doubtful British species insufficiently described. 2311. C. nigrescens (Schrad.) Fr. (? = Radulum aterrimum Fr. sec. Quel.; Corticium comedens (Nees) Fr. discoloured sec. Wakef. in litt.) Nigrescens, becoming black. R. 2-7-5 cm., yellowish, erumpent, effused, interrupted, agglutinated, inseparable; margin indeterminate. Hymenium yellowish, becoming blackish, spuriously papillose, waxy, pruinose. Flesh waxy, very thin. Spores white, " cyh'ndric-oblong, obtuse at both ends, curved, 18-20 x 5-6 ju," Massee. Dead oak and beech branches, growing beneath the bark. Rare. 682 CORTICIUM 2312. C. populinum (Sommerf.) Fr. Populinum, pertaining to poplars. R. 1-3 cm., cinereous ferruginous, effused, tubercular, soon confluent, at length involute, marginate, white tomentose beneath. Hymenium ferruginous, uneven. Flesh soft, thin. Spores "white, subglobose, 7-8 /JL" Massee. Poplars. Rare. 2313. C. foetidum B. & Br. Massee, Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour, xxvn, t. 6, fig. 3. Foetidum, stinking. R. 630 mm., white, then ochraceous, effused, crustaceous, arachnoid beneath. Hymenium concolorous, smooth. Flesh crustaceous, thin. Spores white, "elliptical, 7 x 4/x," Massee. Smell very foetid when fresh. Sawdust. Rare. 2314. C. flaveolum Massee. Flaveolum, yellowish. R. 5-7-5 cm., clear pale primrose yellow, effused, loosely attached to the matrix; margin determinate. Hymenium concolorous, smooth. Flesh membranaceous, thin. Spores white, cylindric-eUipsoid, obtuse at both ends, 7 x 5/n. Trunk of tree fern in a conservatory. Rare. 2315. C. anthochroum (Pers.) Fr. (= Hypochnus anthochrous (Pers.) Quel.) avdos, a flower; %/3o>9, colour. R. 315 cm., bright rose colour, or brick red, becoming pale, broadly effused; margin white, byssoid, pruinose. Hymenium concolorous, waxy, sometimes cracked when dry, usually sterile and minutely velvety. Flesh membranaceous, very thin. Spores white, "elliptical, 11-13 x 8-9 p" Massee, "ovoid, globose, 5/u, with a large central gutta" Quel. Sycamore and birch sticks. Feb. Rare. 2316. C. molle Fr. Molk, soft. R. 2-9 cm., pale, or flesh colour, more or less spotted with red, effused, subrotund, easily separable, villose underneath; margin naked. Hy- menium concolorous, waxy, papillose, cracked when dry. Flesh mem- branaceous, floccose, loose, soft, thick. Spores white, "cylindric ellipsoid, obtuse at both ends, 7 x 5/u," Massee. Pine trunks and bark. Rare. 2317. C. strigosum (Pers.) W. G. Sm. var. filamentosum W. G. Sm. (= Peniophora byssoidea (Pers.) von Hoehn. & Litsch. sec: Wakef. in litt.) Strigosum, lean. R. web-like, filamentous, string-like, dull yellowish, externally pul- verulent. Amaryllis. C. echinosporum Ellis = Hypochnus echinosporus (Ellis) Burt. C. sulphureum (Pers.) Bres. = Hypochnus t'umosus Fr. C. amorphum (Pers.) Fr. = Aleurodiscus amorphus (Pers.) Rabenh. C. evolvens Fr. = Corticium laeve (Pers.) Quel. C. Typhae (Pers.) Fr. = Epithele Typhae (Pers.) Pat. CORTICIUM 683 C.fastidiosum (Fr.) Bourd. & Galz. = Cristella cristata (Pers.) Pat. C. salicinum Fr. = Cytidia rutilans (Pers.) Quel. C. citrinum (Pers.) Fr. = Corticium (Gloeocystidium) radiosum (Fr.) Rea. C. lacunosum B. & Br. = Peniophora byssoidea (Pers.) von Hoehn. & Litsch. C. flocculentum Fr. = Cytidia flocculenta (Fr.) von Hoehn. & Litsch. C. scutellare Berk. & Curt. "The British specimen so named by Berk. is different from the type " Wakef . in litt. C. roseolum Massee = Corticium roseum (Pers.) Fr. sec. Wakef. in litt. C. punctulatum Cke. = Corticium (Gloeocystidium) albostramineum (Bres.) Bourd. & Galz. C. subalutaceum Karst. = Peniophora subalutacea (Karst.) von Hoehn. & Litsch. C. (Coniophora) byssoideum (Pers.) Fr. = Peniophora byssoidea (Pers.) von Hoehn. & Litsch. C. sanguineum Fr. = Peniophora sanguinea (Fr.) Bres. C. velutinum (DC.) Fr. = Peniophora velutina (DC.) Cke. C. puberum Fr. = Peniophora pubera (Fr.) Sacc. C. Roumeguerii Bres. = Peniophora Molleriana (Bres.) Sacc. C. giganteum Fr. = Peniophora gigantea (Fr.) Massee. C. incarnatum (Pers.) Fr. = Peniophora incarnata (Pers.) Cke. C. nudum Fr. = Peniophora nuda (Fr.) Bres. C. maculaeforme Fr. = Peniophora nuda (Fr.) Bres. var. maculae- fonnis (Fr.) von Hoehn. & Litsch. C. wolaceo-lividum (Sommerf.) Fr. = Peniophora violaceo-livida (Sommerf.) Bres. ex Bourd. & Galz. C. Lycii (Pers.) Cke. = Peniophora caesia (Bres.) Bourd. & Galz. C. cinereum Fr. = Peniophora cinerea (Fr.) Cke. C. laevigatum Fr. = Peniophora laevigata (Fr.) Massee. C. quercinum (Pers.) Fr. = Peniophora quercina (Pers.) Cke. C. limitatum Fr. = Peniophora limitata (Fr.) Cke. C. subdealbatum B. & Br. = Coniophora subdealbata (B. & Br.) Massee. C. Carlylei Massee = ? C. comedens (Nees) Fr. sec. Wakef. in litt. C. sphaerosporum (R. Maire) von Hoehn. & Litsch. = Hypochnus sphaerosporus R. Maire. C. submutabile von Hoehn. & Litsch. = Hypochnus submutabilis (von Hoehn. & Litsch.) Rea. Subgen. Gloeocystidium Karst. (7X0*09, sticky; KVO-TK, bladder.) Differs from Corticium in possessing gloeocystidia, generally im- mersed in the tissue, which resemble cystidia, but their walls are never thickened, nor incrusted with crystalline deposits. 684 CORTICITTM *Spores turning blue with iodine. 2318. C. (Gloeo.) porosum Berk. & Curt. (= Gloeocystidium stra- mineum Bres.) Tropo?, a pore. R. 1-8 cm., white, then cream colour, or straw colour, effused, adnate ; margin white, narrow, pruinose, or reticulately porous. Hymenium concolorous, smooth. Flesh concolorous, subgelatinous, firm, dense. Spores white, elliptical, 4r-7 x 2-4/u,, generally 2-guttulate, the mem- brane turning deep violet blue with iodine ; basidia 12-18-28 x 3 6/u,, with 2-4-sterigmata, 3-4//, long. Gloeocystidia abundant, tapering to an obtuse, narrow apex, 15-150 x 6 14ju,, sometimes bifurcate, contents granular, yellowish, then resinous. Hyphae coherent, T5- 3fj, in diam. Fallen branches, and decorticated wood. Jan. Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) **Spores not turning blue with iodine. 2319. C. (Gloeo.) polygonium (Pers.) Fr. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. iv, t. 3, figs. 21-22. TToXvycoviov, with many angles. R. 3-80 mm.., flesh colour, or lilac, erumpent in small cushions, then confluent, and effused, very adnate, pruinose; margin white, or flesh colour, narrow, pruinose. Hymenium concolorous, often reddish when dried, pruinose, soft. Flesh pale, subgrumous, waxy, then hard, and firm. Spores white, cylindrical, slightly curved, with a lateral apiculus, 8-13 x 3-4 /LI; basidia 45-55 x 6-8 fi. Gloeocystidia in- cluded, forming balloon-like, pear-shaped, or subglobose vesicular swellings, 20-30 ju. in diam. Basal hyphae hyaline, rather thick walled, 3-6ju, in diam., with clamp connections. Dead branches, especially poplar. Jan. Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 2320. C. (Gloeo.) roseo-cremeum Bres. Roseus, rose colour; cremeum, cream colour. R. 3-5 cm., pallid pink, or dull reddish when bruised, effused, waxy; margin white, pruinose, or pubescent. Hymenium concolorous, smooth, or minutely porous, minutely atomate under a lens. Flesh pale, waxy membranaceous, soft. Spores white, cylindrical, straight, the inner side flattened, 8-11 x 3-4/x; basidia 22-45 x 4-7 /i, with 2-4-sterig- mata, 4-7 //, long. Paraphyses long, slender, blunt at the apex, 2-3 /A in diam. Gloeocystidia, when present, completely immersed in the tissue, cylindrical, wavy, 30-90 x 5-9/i, contents pale yellowish. Basal hyphae thin walled, 2-5-7 /x in diam., with occasional clamp connections. Rotten wood. Oct. Dec. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2321. C. (Gloeo.) praetermissum (Karst.) Bres. (= Peniophora praeter- missa Karst. ; Corticium tenue Pat.) Praetermissum, passed over. R. 1-6 cm., pure white, then yellowish, or greenish, widely effused, adnate, smooth; margin very thin, indeterminate, somewhat porous CORTICIUM 685 under a lens. Hymenium concolorous, becoming cream colour with age, or when dried. Flesh pale, waxy, soft, loose. Spores white, elliptical to cylindric ellipsoid, slightly curved, or flattened on the one side, 7-12 x 3-5-6-5/Li; basidia 18-38 x 6-11/t, with 2-4 rather straight sterigmata, 4-5 x 1/i. Gloeocystidia cylindrical, subfusiform, or ven- tricose, 21-150 x 4-5-21/u, contents hyaline, or pale yellowish. Basal hyphae loosely interwoven, much branched, 2-5-7 /A in diam., with clamp connections. Bark, and fallen branches. Jan. Dec. Common. (v.v.) 2322. C. (Gloeo.) lactescens Berk. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. rv, t. 3, figs. 6-8. Lactescens, turning to milk. R. 1-20 cm., whitish, or flesh colour, widely effused, agglutinated, adnate ; margin white, narrow, byssoid, pubescent. Hymenium white, then cream, tan, flesh colour, or greenish, and finally brownish pink, smooth, pruinose, cracked when dry. Flesh pale, waxy, fibrillose, rather thick, giving out a watery, milk white juice when wounded. Spores white, broadly elliptical, obtuse at both ends, with a lateral apiculus, 5-9 x 4-6 /A, contents densely granular; basidia 20-40 x 5-8/z. Gloeocystidia cylindrical, sometimes swollen at the base, 80- 600 x 4-9 fM, contents oily, and granular. Basal hyphae coherent, 1/u- in diam., other hyphae 1-3 /A in diam. Smell like that of Lactarius quietus. Dead oak, ash, and willow trunks, and branches. Sept. Feb. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 2323. C. (Gloeo.) radiosum (Fr.) Rea. (= Gloeocystidium alutaceum (Schrad.) Bourd. & Galz.; Corticium citrinum (Pers.) Fr. sec. Bres.) Radiosum, radiant. R. 3-10 cm., milk white, becoming yellowish, widely effused, closely adnate, waxy; margin white, broad, fibrillose, silky, radiating. Hy- menium milk white, or bright yellow when fresh, becoming cream, tan, or dingy ochraceous, very smooth. Flesh white, waxy, fibrillose, thin. Spores white, "subglobose, shortly apiculate at the base, 4-7 x 4-6 /x, sometimes rough; basidia 35-60 x 5-9 /*, with 2-4 straight sterigmata, 4-6^, long. Gloeocystidia very thin- walled and hyaline, oboval, fusiform, or prolonged into a neck, often constricted in the middle, 60-150 x 8-27 /A, contents hyaline, not granular. Hyphae thin walled, 2-3 jit in diam., soon collapsing" Bourd. & Galz. Rotten wood. Oct. Feb. Uncommon. 2324. C. (Gloeo.) albostramineum (Bres.) Bourd. & Galz. (= Hy- pochnus albostramineus Bres. ; Corticium punctulatum Cke. sec. Wakef. in litt.) Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. rv, t. 3, figs. 9-11. Albus, white; stramineum, straw colour. R. 3-6 cm., whitish, then deep cream or pale straw colour, widely effused, separable; margin similar, indeterminate, subreticulate, or 686 COBTICIUM. CRISTELLA fibrillose, thin. Hymenium concolorous, rather loose, pulverulent under a lens. Flesh whitish, floccose, loose, rather thick. Spores white, broadly elliptical, or subglobose, 7-9 x 6-8/u,, contents granular, thick walled ("finely granular, or rough, becoming smooth" Bourd. & Galz.); basidia 25-35-60 x 5-9 /x, with 2-4 slightly curved sterig- mata, 6-12/x long. Gloeocystidia erect, cylindrical, elongate, 45- 120 x 6-9 p, thin walled, contents staining rather deeply. Basal hyphae interwoven, 5-6//, in diam., much branched, with numerous clamp connections. Bark, fallen branches, especially pine. Sept. April. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 2325. C. (Gloeo.) coroniferum von Hoehn. & Litsch. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. vi, text-figs, p. 140. Corona, a crown ',fero, I bear. R. 3-5 cm., pure white, then cream, effused, easily separable as a delicate pellicle; margin indeterminate, gradually thinning out to a cobweb-like film. Hymenium concolorous, pulverulent. Flesh very thin, fragile. Spores white, narrowly elliptical, with an oblique basal apiculus, 4-5-6-8 x 2-3-5 /z; basidia cylindric-clavate, wavy, 3-5-4/u, in diam., when mature elongated and projecting from the hymenium, apex truncate, sterigmata 4-8, in British specimens usually 4, rather long. Gloeocystidia rare, sometimes wanting, cylindrical, obtuse, very thin walled, 45-50 x 5-6/z, contents more or less yellowish. Basal hyphae frequently septate, with clamp connections, 4-5 /u. in diam. Bark, and rotten wood, often spreading on to the surrounding soil. Sept. Jan. Uncommon. Gloeocystidium croceo-tingens Wakef. sec. Bres. in Ann. Mycol. xviu (1920), 48 = Sebacina (Bourdotia) Eyrei Wakef. Cristella Pat. (-Thelephora (Ehrh.) Fr. p.p.) (Cristella, a little crest.) Receptacle waxy, firm, effused, incrusting. Hymenium smooth, or tubercular. Spores white, ovoid, or oboval, echinulate; basidia cla- vate, with 2-4-sterigmata. Cystidia none. Growing on the ground, on wood, mosses, or dead herbaceous stems. 2326. C. cristata (Pers.) Pat. (= Thelephora fastidiosa (Pers.) Fr. ; Corticium fastidiosum (Fr.) Bourd. & Galz.) Pat. Essai tax. des Hymen, fig. 28. Cristata, crested. R. 5-30 cm., white, chalky in appearance, then becoming yellowish, widely effused, incrusting, shapeless, or forming irregular, flattened, confluent, lobed, or subulate branches, fringed, or laciniate at the apex. Hymenium concolorous, papillose, granular, or reticulately veined. Flesh white, fibrillosely floccose, thin. Spores white, echinulate, ovoid, or obovate, 5-9 x 3-5 /it; basidia clavate, 20-25 x 5-6 /M, with 2-4 slightly bent sterigmata, 4-6 /A long. Hyphae very thin walled, 1-5- PENIOPHORA 687 4-5/A in diam., sparingly septate, with clamp connections, and some- times swollen up to 6-12/x, in diam., often incrusted with crystals. Smell unpleasant, or slight, of garlic when quite fresh. On the ground, and running over sticks, dead leaves, twigs and herbaceous stems. Jan. Dec. Uncommon, (v.v.) Peniophora Cke. (Trrjviov, a shuttle; <^epa), I bear.) Eeceptacle waxy, coriaceous, cartilaginous, membranaceous, sub- membranaceous, floccose, or filamentous; resupinate, effused. Hy- menium waxy, floccose, or pulverulent; smooth, rarely tubercular. Spores white, rarely pink, or yellowish, elliptical, subelliptical, glo- bose, subglobose, oboval, clavate, subcylindrical, fusiform, oblong, needle-shaped, or sausage-shaped; smooth; basidia with 2-4-sterig- mata, sometimes accompanied by cystidioles. Cystidia hyaline, rarely coloured, fusiform, oboval, elliptical, subglobose, subulate, conical, acicular, filiform, cylindrical, clavate or capitate, sometimes septate, and with clamp connections, smooth, or incrusted with crystalline granules, generally thick walled, sometimes thin walled and then projecting, not immersed in the tissue. Growing on wood, more rarely on leaves, or on the ground. 1. Cystidia cylindrical, or conical, thick walled, not incrusted ex- ternally with crystalline deposits, often divided at the base into several roots. In Peniophora Aegerita and its allies the walls of the cystidia are more or less rugose, the central canal is narrow and not enlarged at the apex, and the trama is poor or indistinct. In Peniophora glebulosa and its allies the cystidia are very thick walled, vitreous, with a capillary canal always more or less abruptly dilated at the apex and with thinner walls. 2327. P. Aegerita von Hoehn. & Litsch. Beit, zur Kennt. der Cort. in Sitzungsber. der k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Wien, Math.-Nat. Kl. Bd. cxvi (1907), 813, and reprint 75, text-fig. 7. Aegerita, a genus of fungi, with which this species is always associated. R. 1-5 cm., white to alutaceous, effused, adnate. Hymenium con- color ous, finely bristling with the cystidia under a lens, and porous. Flesh white, submembranaceous, very thin. Spores white, broadly ellip- tical, or subglobose, 6-9 x 5-6 ju,, 1-guttulate; basidia clavate, 24- 30 x 7-8 //,, with 2-4 straight sterigmata, 4-6 /A long. Cystidia arising from the basal hyphae, cylindrical, or slightly swollen below, apex blunt, 42-100 x 6-12//,, thick walled, rugose throughout their length. Hyphae thin walled, 3-4-5ju, in diam., soon collapsing. Rotten sticks, and fallen branches, generally in association with Aegerita Candida Pers. Sept. April. Uncommon, (v.v.) 688 PENIOPHORA 2328. P. glebulosa (Fr.) Bres. (= Thelephora calcea Fr. var. gkbulosa Fr.) Bres. Fung. Trid. n, 1. 170, fig. 2. Gkbulosa, full of little clods. R. 2-5 cm., cream colour, dirty white, or greyish, effused, closely adnate ; margin mealy, or similar. Hymenium concolorous, pubescent with the cystidia, cracked into small irregular areas when dry. Flesh pale, membranaceous, floccose, rather thick, dense. Spores white, narrowly cylindrical, curved, 7-9-5 x 1-5-2 /LI; basidia 5-15 x 3-4 /A, with 4-sterigmata, about 4/A long. Cystidia cylindrical to conical, 70-160 x 6-1 2 /a, obtuse, or pointed, sometimes subventricose at the base, often forked below, some sunken, and some projecting 90 p, above the hymenium, springing from the basal hyphae, thick walled, smooth, or slightly incrusted in the upper portion. Hyphae thin walled, 1 3/x in diam., very closely interwoven and scarcely distinct. Wood, and bark. Jan. Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. subulata Bourd. & Galz. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. vi, text-figs. p. 72. Subulata, awl-shaped. Differs from the type in the hymenium not cracking into small irregular areas when dry, and in the more acute, or subulate cystidia. On wood. Nov. Jan. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2329. P. accedens Bourd. & Galz. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. vi, text- figs, p. 140. Accedens, approaching. R. 12 cm., whitish, or greyish, irregularly effused, spot-like, filmy. Hymenium concolorous, becoming cracked when dry, setulose, glisten- ing with the cystidia under a lens. Flesh very thin, scarcely per- ceptible. Spores white, elliptical, with a lateral apiculus, 4-5 x 3- 3-5/>i, often 1-guttulate; basidia 9-15 x 4-4-5/Li, with 2 4-sterigmata, 3-3-5/x, long. Cystidia filiform, or linear, 50-60 x 4/u,, dilated at the apex into a globose head, 10-11 {j, in diam., thick walled. Hyphae in- distinct, 1-5-2/Lt in diam. Rotten wood. Nov. Dec. Rare, (v.v.) 2330. P. subalutacea (Karst.) von Hoehn. & Litsch. (= Corticium subalutaceum Karst.) Sub, somewhat ; alutacea, tanned leather. R. 2-5 cm., dirty white, or greyish, with a slight ochraceous tinge, widely effused, adnate; margin very narrow, pruinose, or similar. Hymenium concolorous, loose, rather rough under a lens, with slight, irregularly scattered thickenings of the tissue (hardly granules). Spores white, narrowly cylindrical, slightly curved, 5-9 x 1-5-2-5/n; basidia 10-24 x 3-5/i, with 2-4 straight sterigmata, 4-5/x- long. Cys- tidia cylindrical, slightly attenuated at the base, 95-150 x 5-7 p, pro- jecting 60 IJL or more above the hymenium, smooth, thin walled and thinner at the rounded apex, often 1-2-septate. Basal hyphae much branched, wavy, rather rigid, thick walled, 2-3/n in diam., with clamp connections. Wood, and fallen branches of conifers. Sept. Oct. Un- PENIOPHOBA 689 2. Trama always distinct. Cystidia long, arising from the basal hyphae and more or less similar, narrowly clavate, fusiform, or swollen into a ball at the apex or at the septa, often septate with, or without, clamp connections. The membranes are readily stained by a weak alkaline solution of eosin. Spores subglobose, oboval, or fusiform. 2331. P. pallidula Bres. ex Bourd. & Galz. (= Gonatobotrys pallidula Bres.) Beit, zur Kennt. der Cort. in Sitzungsber. der k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Wien, Math.-Nat. Kl. Bd. cxvi (1907), 827, and reprint 89, text-fig. 12, as Gloeocystidium oleosum von Hoehn. & Litsch. Pallidula, palish. R. 1-6 cm., pallid, yellowish cream colour, or clay, regularly effused, or interrupted, Hypochnus-like ; margin similar, rarely pruinose. Hy- menium concolorous, pubescent, often granular, unequal. Flesh pale, filamentous, very thin. Spores white, oval, or subglobose, apiculate at the base, 4-6 x 3-4 /z, often with a large central gutta; basidia 12-21 x 4jM, with 2-4-sterigmata, 3-4/z, long. Cystidia cylindrical, 40-120 x 4-6ju, 1-4-septate, often constricted at the septa, or swollen, often incrusted. Hyphae thin walled, 2-4ju, in diam., with scattered clamp connections. Rotten wood, dead branches, and fallen leaves. Oct. March. Common, (v.v.) 2332. P. detritica Bourd. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. vi, text-figs, p. 319. Detritica, worn down. R. 1-2 cm., pure white, effused, with scattered granules suggesting a Grandinia. Hymenium concolorous, not continuous, appearing farinaceous under a lens. Flesh very thin, floccose, membranaceous. Spores white, broadly elliptical, or obovate, 5-6 x 4jn, 1-guttulate; basidia 12-15-24 x 4-4-5/i, with 2-4-sterigmata, 3-4^, long. Cystidia cylindrical, or narrowly club-shaped, apex obtuse, 70-90 x 5-6 /z, smooth, thin walled. Hyphae 2-4/x in diam., thin walled, septate, with clamp connections. Rotten wood. Feb. Rare. 2333. P. sphaerospora von Hoehn. & Litsch. Beit, zur Kennt. der Cort. in Sitzungsber. der k. Akad. d. Wissensch, Wien, Math.- Nat. Kl. Bd. cxv (1906), 1600, and reprint 52, text-fig. 5. (ralpa, a ball; cnropd, seed. R. 1-5 cm., chalk white, broadly effused, firmly attached to the sub- stratum, -15--30 mm. thick. Hymenium concolorous, smooth, or papillate, waxy when fresh, not cracked when dry; margin indeter- minate. Flesh concolorous, membranaceous, thin. Spores hyaline, globose, apiculate, 4-7 p,, smooth, 1-guttulate; basidia clavate, 25- 35 x 6-8 /A, with 4 long, subulate sterigmata. Cystidia abundant, cylindrical, apex usually narrowed, 35-85 x 5-8/z, thin walled, pro- jecting 10-40^1 above the hymenium. Hyphae 4-5 ft in diam., smooth, K. B. B. 44 690 PENIOPHORA thin walled, subnodulose, often anastomosing, with frequent clamp con- nections. Naked ground and fallen stick, probably alder. Nov. Rare. 2334. P. byssoidea (Pers.) von Hoehn. & Litsch. (= Corticium (Conio- phora) byssoideum (Pers.) Fr.; Coniophorella byssoidea (Pers.) Bres.; Corticium lacunosum B. & Br. ; Peniophora tomentella Bres.) ySuo-cro?, fine flax; et8o?, like. R. 1-6 cm., ochrey white, drying cream colour, to ''Naples yellow," widely effused, dry, arachnoid, separable; margin whitish, byssoid. Hymenium concolorous, even, tomentose, or pulverulent. Flesh yellowish, floccose, loose. Spores yellowish, sometimes nearly hyaline under the microscope, broadly elliptical, or pip-shaped, 4-4-5 x 2-5- 3-5/u,; basidia 12-25 x 4-5-5 /n, with 2-4-sterigmata, 2-5-3 /u, long. Cystidia yellowish, cylindrical, or narrowly fusiform, tapering, sharp pointed, 60-90 x 3-6 fj,, projecting 20-75/u. above the hymenium, thin walled, or slightly thickened, 1-4-septate, generally with clamp con- nections. Hyphae yellowish, thin walled, 2-5-4 /x, in diam., very loosely interwoven, with clamp connections. Rotten wood, fallen twigs, and leaves, especially in conifer woods. Sept. April. Notuncommon. (v.v.) 2335. P. longispora (Pat.) von Hoehn. & Litsch. (== Hypochnus longi- sporus Pat.) Longus, long; o-Tropa, seed. R. 2-5 cm., whitish yellow, widely effused, thin, pubescent, then consisting of a membrane incompletely felted, scarcely adnate. Spores white, "fusiform, or acicular, straight, or slightly flexuose, 12-18 x 1-3 fj,, multi-guttulate ; basidia 1224 x 4-5 /x. Cystidia needle-shaped, sometimes bulbous at the base, 60-75 x 2-5-6/x, fairly thick walled, rough with crystals, projecting 30-45)u,. Hyphae rigid, 2-5-4^, in diam., walls slightly thickened, often verrucose, with clamp con- nections" Bourd. & Galz. Rotten, moist wood in cool places. Spring Winter. Rare. 3. Receptacle pelliculose, or membranaceous ; subiculum soft, more or less thick, fibrillose, and forming long, branched, rhizomorphoid strands. 2336. P. sanguinea (Fr.) Bres. (= Corticium sanguineum Fr.) Fr. Icon. t. 198, fig. 2, as Corticium sanguineum Fr. and Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. iv, t. 3, figs. 18-20. Sanguinea, blood coloured. R. 2-30 cm., blood red, effused, loosely adnate, arachnoid beneath ; margin blood red, byssoid, or fibrillose, running out, and connected with the spreading strands of the blood red, rhizomorphoid mycelium. Hymenium creamy white, or tinged with pink, rarely red, smooth, be- coming slightly cracked when dry. Flesh concolorous, membrana- ceous, floccose, loose, containing a red juice. Spores white, sub- elliptical, often with a curved apiculus, 5-6 x 2-4 /u; basidia 16-40 x 4-7 /LI. Cystidia sparse, cylindrical-fusiform, pointed, 40-60 x 4-7 p, PENIOPHORA 691 thin walled, smooth, rarely slightly incrusted. Basal hyphae with slightly thickened walls, 3-9 /i in diam., with rather few clamp con- nections ; subhymenial hyphae 3-4 /j. in diam. Dead wood, and fallen branches, especially of conifers. Jan. Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 2337. P. leprosa Bourd. & Galz. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. vi, text-figs, p. 318. Leprosa, rough. R. 1-3 cm., white, then ochraceous, irregularly effused, crustaceous; margin white, indeterminate, occasionally prolonged into white rhizo- morphic strands. Hymenium pinkish ochraceous, somewhat cracked when dry, rough with cystidia under a lens. Flesh somewhat thick, fragile. Spores white, elliptical, 4-6 x 2-5-3 /A. Basidia inconspicuous, about 4/i in diam. Cystidia very rough, cylindrical to subfusiform, frequently occurring in clusters, so as to give an Odontia-like appear- ance, occasionally branched near the apex, 60-90 x 8-14/7,. Basal hyphae 3-4(-7)/u,, often strongly incrusted with crystals, clamp con- nections rare. Dead bark. April. Rare. 4. Receptacle membranaceous, fairly thick, easily separable when fresh. Cystidia often little differentiated from the cystidioles (sterile basidia) of Corticium, or scattered and unequally distributed. 2338. P. cremea Bres. Bres. Fung. Trid. n, t. 73, fig. 2, as Corticium (Peniophora) cremeum Bres. Cremea, cream colour. R. 2-6 cm., white, cream to ochraceous, broadly effused, separable; margin white, arachnoid, then similar. Hymenium concolorous, smooth, or here and there slightly tubercular, velvety, widely cracked when dry. Flesh white, membranaceous, soft, thin. Spores white, oblong, or cylindric ellipsoid, slightly curved, 4-8 x 2-4 jn; basidia 20-50 or more x 7/u, with 2-4-sterigmata, 3-4 p long. Cystidia cylindrical, or slightly elongated fusiform, tapering very gradually from the base to the blunt apex, 70-120 x 5-9 fj,, very thin walled, smooth, or slightly incrusted at the apex with easily detached crystals, usually projecting up to 60 jj, ; sometimes thicker walled, embedded cystidia are present, shorter than the projecting ones, fusiform, much incrusted, 40-60 x 9-10/i. Subhymenial hyphae loosely interwoven, much branched, rather rigid, thick walled, constricted at the septa so as to appear somewhat jointed, with no clamp connections, 5-6 fi in diam. Bark, and fallen branches. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) var. Alleseheri (Bres.) Wakef. Bres. Fung. Trid. n, t. 72, as Corticium (Peniophora) Alleseheri Bres. A. Allescher. Differs from the type in its thicker subiculum, more sharply differen- tiated from the hymenium, and containing numerous, short, rough, thick walled cystidia. Bark. Jan. Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 442 692 PENIOPHORA 2339. P. laevis (Fr.) Burt. Laevis, smooth. E. 1-3 cm., white, then cream coloured, broadly effused, not closely adnate; margin radiately fibrillose. Hymenium concolorous, more or less cracked when dry. Flesh concolorous, membranaceous, thin. Spores hyaline, elliptical oblong, 4-5-6 x 2-5-3-5^,, 1-guttulate; basidia very variable, 20-36 x 3-6/u, (most frequently 35 x 4-5/u), with 2-4-sterigmata, 4-6 />(, long. Cystidia fusoid, 40-90 x 4-7 /z, with- out incrustation, x 6-llja with incrustation, walls thin or slightly thickened. Hyphae regular with few, or no, clamp connections, thin walled; subhymenial hyphae 3-4 /A in diam.; basal hyphae up to 7-8/x, in diam. Birch bark. Nov. Eare. 2340. P. velutina (DC.) Cke. (= Corticium velutinum (DC.) Fr. ; Peniophora scotica Massee.) Grevillea, vm, t. 125, no. 15. Velutina, velvety. E. 3-15 cm., white, or whitish, broadly effused, adnate ; margin white, or flesh colour, running out into long, branching strands. Hy- menium concolorous, becoming flesh colour, or reddish when dried, minutely velvety. Flesh concolorous, soft, loose, fairly thick. Spores white, oblong, elliptical, apiculate at the base, 4-8 x 2-5-5 /A; basidia "20-32-50 x 4-7 ju. Cystidia fusiform, 30-140 x 6-9 p, generally thick walled, smooth, or incrusted with oxalate crystals (18/z in diam.), immersed in the tissue, or projecting. Basal hyphae more or less thick walled, 4-lOju, in diam., with few clamp connections; sub- hymenial hyphae thin walled, 3-4 //, in diam., soon collapsing" Bourd. & Galz. Wood, and fallen branches. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 2341. P. setigera (Fr.) Bres. (= Kneiffia setigera Fr.) Pat. Essai tax. des Hymen, fig. 45, as Corticium setigerum (Fr.) Karst. Setigera, having bristles. E. 2-10 cm., white, yellowish when dry, broadly effused, or indeter- minate, closely adnate, incrusting. Hymenium concolorous, papillose, beset with scattered, or fasciculate hyaline bristles, often very much cracked. Flesh concolorous, floccose, loose, thin. Spores white, "sub- cylindrical, slightly curved, 8-11-16 x 3-4-6 /i, contents granular, or 1-multi-guttulate; basidia 21-45 x 4-8 /i, with 7-8-sterigmata. Cys- tidia cylindrical, 75-250 x 7-15/x,, septate, with, or without, clamp connections, often incrusted with crystalline granules, immersed, or projecting. Basal hyphae distinct, thin walled, 2-4-8 /x, in diam., with clamp connections, medial and subhymenial hyphae soon collapsing, 2-3/t in diam." Bourd. & Galz. Dead wood, and fallen branches. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 5. Eeceptacle waxy, very adnate, pubescent, hispid, or guttulate under a lens. Cystidia abundant, strongly incrusted with crystalline granules. PENIOPHORA 693 2342. P.pubera(Fr.)Sacc. (=Corticiumpuberum~FT.) Bres. Fung. Trid. n, 1. 145, fig. 1, as Corticium puberum Fr. Pubera, grown up. R. 2-8 cm., white, becoming dirty yellowish, broadly effused, closely adnate, indeterminate ; margin mealy, soon similar. Hymenium con- color ous, smooth., at first velvety, then setulose, finally widely cracked. Flesh concolorous, waxy, thin. Spores white, subcylindrical, depressed on one side, 7-9 x 4-5 p; basidia "18-25-60 x 4-6 /A. Cystidia fusi- form or elongate conical, pointed, 30-90-150 x 6-12-35/j, thick walled, with separable incrustations. Basal hyphae sparse, thick walled, 4-6 /A in diam. ; medial and upper hyphae vertical, thin walled, 2-4 //, in diam., little distinct, with rare clamp connections" Bourd. & Galz. Dead wood. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2343. P. Molleriana (Bres.) Sacc. (= Corticium Roumeguerii Bres.) Bres. Fung. Trid. n, 1. 144, fig. 1, as Corticium Roumeguerii Bres. A. F. Holler. R. 1-6 cm., cream to bright biscuit colour, broadly effused, closely adnate; margin white, abrupt, or narrow, and pruinose. Hymenium concolorous, smooth, dry, opaque, almost farinaceous, cracked when dry. Flesh whitish, waxy, soft, then rigid, porcelain-like, brittle. Spores white, elliptical, 3-5-5 x 2-2-5 JM; basidia clavate, 12-20-30 x 4 5/x, with 2-4 straight sterigmata, 2-4 x -5ju.. Cystidia very abun- dant, mostly immersed in the tissue, fusiform, or conical, apex acute, 60-70 x 10/i, thick walled, much incrusted in the upper portion. Hyphae closely agglutinated, scarcely distinct, 2-2-5/A in diam. Fallen logs. May. Rare, (v.v.) 2344. P. hydnoides Cke. & Massee. (= Peniophora crystallina von Hoehn. & Litsch. ; Odontia conspersa Bres. ; Peniophora rimosa Cke. and Peniophora terrestris Massee sec. Wakef. in litt.) Massee, Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour, xxv, t. 47, figs. 15-16. vSvov, the genus Hydnum', elSos, like. R. 5-13 cm., whitish, or greyish, broadly effused, subinnate, inde- terminate, closely adnate, waxy, hyaline. Hymenium grey, often be- coming somewhat cream coloured, setulose, and finally cracked. Flesh thin, filamentous. Spores white, broadly elliptical, or subcylindrical, more or less depressed on one side, 4-5 x 1-5-2/Lt. Basidia clavate, 8-14 x 3-4jLt, with 4 straight sterigmata, 4-5 /x long. Cystidia hyaline, subconical, or fusiform, aggregated in clusters, 60-120 x 10-12^t, thick walled, strongly incrusted. Basal hyphae indistinct. Bark, and fallen branches. Sept. June. Common, (v.v.) 2345. P. gigantea (Fr.) Massee. (= Corticium giganteum Fr.; Penio- phora Crosslandii Massee sec. Wakef. in litt.) Fr. Icon. t. 197, fig. 3, as Corticium giganteum Fr. v\\ov, a leaf; e\\a, the hollow of the ear.) Receptacle waxy, membranaceous, or subgelatinous, cup-shaped, or urceolate, stipitate, sessile, or pendulous. Hymenium smooth, rugulose, or veined. Spores white, elliptical, obovate, globose, pruni- form, subpyriform, ovate, clavate or pip-shaped, smooth; basidia clavate, with 2-4-sterigmata. Cystidia rarely present. Growing on wood, bark, herbaceous stems, and mosses; scattered, or gregarious. 2359. C. griseo-pallida Weinm. Griseus, grey; pallida, pale. R. 2-4 mm., pallid grey, globose, then campanulate, sessile, fioccose externally. Hymenium concolorous, rugose. Flesh greyish, soft, thin. Spores "white, oboval, acuminate at the base, 6-7 x 4-4-5 ju,; basidia 18-30 x 5-7 /A. Hyphae thin walled, 3-8/A in diam., without clamp connections" Bourd. & Galz. Stumps, twigs, elm, and elder bark, and mosses. Dec. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2360. C. fulva Berk. & Rav. Fulva, tawny. R. 2 mm., brown tawny, cup-shaped, mouth defiexed, sessile, ex- ternally tomentose with long, brown, aseptate, thick walled, often curved hairs. Hymenium concolorous, even. Flesh thin, membrana- ceous. Spores white, "elliptical, 16-17 x 8/^t" Massee. Scattered, or in little clusters. Dead bark. Jan. Rare. 2361. C. alboviolascens (A. & S.) Karst. (= Cyphella Curreyi B. & Br.) A. & S. Consp. Fung. t. 8, fig. 4, as Peziza alboviolascens A. & S. Albus, white ; violascens, becoming violet. R. 1-5 mm., white, cup-shaped, globose, sessile, or subsessile, often proliferous, densely white villose, hairs rough. Hymenium pallid, or violaceous, smooth. Flesh whitish, thin, firm. Spores white, broadly elliptical, somewhat inequilateral, 14-15 x lOju,; basidia 60-75 x 6- 16/A. Wood, bark, and twigs. Sept. June. Not uncommon, (v.v.) CYPHELLA 699 2362. C. Bloxamii B. & Phill. Rev. A. Bloxam, the well-known mycologist. R. 1-2 mm., white, turbinate, crenato-lobed, scattered, floccose. Hymenium becoming light yellow. Flesh membranaceous. Spores white, "elliptical, 7-8 x 6ju," Massee. Furze. March April. Rare. 2363. C. cyclas Cke. & Phill. K vK\d<;, round. R. 10-12 mm., whitish, conchiform, dimidiate, attached on one side, pendulous, clad with flexuose hairs. Hymenium very pale rose colour, even. Dead wood. Rare. 2364. C. stuppea B. & Br. a-rvTrr), tow. R. 1 mm., brownish, becoming white, erumpent, pezizaeform, sessile, externally coarsely hispid. Hymenium fuscous. Broom. March. Rare. 2365. C. brunnea Phill. Brunnea, brown. R. 8 mm. high, 5 mm. across, dirty brown, cupulate, mouth oblique, sessile, scattered, or crowded, clothed near the margin with grey pruina; margin incurved, lacerated. Hymenium discoloured brown, smooth. Flesh paler, subgelatinous. Spores white, globose, 5-6 //,. Elder bark, and wood. Rare. 2366. C. cernua (Schum.) Massee. Schum. Fl. Dan. t. 1970, fig. 3, as Peziza cernua Schum. Cernua, looking downwards. R. 5-6 mm. high, pale primrose yellow, obliquely campanulate, con- tracted into an elongated equal stem, glabrous. Hymenium concolorous. Flesh thin. Spores white, subglobose, with a basal apiculus, 10 x 8-9yii. Elder bark. Rare. 2367. C. lacera (Pers.) Fr. A. & S. Consp. Fung. t. 1, fig. 5, as Peziza membranacea A. & S. Lacera, torn to pieces. R. 2-6 mm. high, 2-3 mm. broad, whitish, or yellow, cup-shaped, stipitate from the vertex being extended, pendulous, then torn into many clefts, slightly striate above with dense black fibrils, becoming cinereous blackish on the outside, and down the stem. Hymenium whitish, then grey, slightly wrinkled. Flesh membranaceous, thin. Spores white, "subglobose, 7 x 6ju" Massee, "pruniform, 10-12/z" Quel. Dead twigs. Rare. 2368. C. capula (Holmsk.) Fr. Holmsk. Nov. Act. Hafn. i, 286, fig. 7, as Peziza capula Holmsk. Capula, a small bowl with handle. R. 4-6 mm. high, 5-8 mm. broad, whitish, becoming greyish and finally blackish, campanulate, transparent; margin sinuate. St. 2 mm., concolorous, filiform, flexuose, pubescent and white at the base. Hymenium whitish, pruinose, even, then wrinkled. Flesh whitish, membranaceous, thin. Spores white, broadly elliptical, 6-7 x 5-6 p, with a large central gutta; basidia 20-30 x 5-7 p., with 2-4-sterigmata, 700 CYPHELLA 4-4-5/u, long. Hyphae thin walled, 2-8/z cohering. Dead herbaceous stems. Sept. June. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. flavescens Pat. Flavescens, becoming yellow. Differs from the type in its yellowish, or brownish colour. Dead herbaceous stem. Sept. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 2369. C. Pimii Phill. Greenwood Pirn, an Irish mycologist. R. 4 mm. high, 2 mm. broad, white, or very pale yellow, cup-shaped, erect, or pendent, pubescent ; margin somewhat incised. St. concolorous, rather slender, crooked, enlarged upwards. Hymenium concolorous, smooth. Spores white, subpyriform, 7-10 x 4/z ; basidia cylindraceo- clavate, with 2-4-sterigmata. Dead herbaceous stems in water. Feb. Rare. 2370. C. cuticulosa (Dicks.) Berk. Dicks. PL Crypt. Brit. t. 9, fig. 11, as Peziza cuticulosa Dicks. Cuticulosa, having a skin. R. 2-4 mm. high, white, diaphanous, at first oblong or digitaliform, then cup-shaped, elongated into a stem, smooth externally. Spores white, oval, 6-8 x 4-5/t. Dead grass stems. Oct. Feb. Rare. 2371. C. pallida Rabenh. Pallida, pale. R. -5-2 mm., pallid, cup-shaped, orbicular, sessile, sometimes pro- liferous, at length irregularly lobed, plane, tomentose, or slightly hispid. Hymenium pallid ochraceous, at length wrinkled. Old stems of Clematis vitalba. Nov. April. Rare. 2372. C. vfflosa (Pers.) Karst. Sow. Eng. Fung. t. 389, fig. 1, as Peziza sessilis Sow. Villosa, hairy. R. -5-1 mm., white, globose, sessile, gregarious, contracted when dry, externally white villose; hairs subfusiform, subulate, pointed, 4-12/x in diam., rough. Hymenium white, concave, even. Flesh white, membranaceous, thin. Spores white, ovoid, narrower at the apex, broadest at the base, 10-15 x 6-10/u,; basidia 40-80 x 7-12/u, with 2-4 straight sterigmata. Stems of herbaceous plants and branches. Oct. June. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. stenospora Bourd. & G-alz. crrev6<>, narrow; (nropd, seed. Differs from the type in the narrow oblong spores, attenuated a little obliquely at the base, 8-10 x 3-4/z, the smaller basidia 15-18 x 6-8/x, and the narrower hairs 3-4/u, in diam. Dead fronds of Lastraea Filix- mas and Athyrium Filix-foemina. Oct. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2373. C. dochmiospora B. & Br. 80^109, aslant; (nropd, seed. R. -5-1 mm., snow white, cup-shaped, sessile, minutely villose. Spores white, oblique, ovate, rather acute, 14-17/u. Stems of her- baceous plants. Oct. Rare. CYPHELLA. SOLENIA 701 2374. C. Berkeley! Massee. (= Cyphella griseo-pallida (Weinm.) Berk.) Rev. Miles Joseph Berkeley, the father of English mycology. R. 1-2 mm., reddish grey, globose, then expanding and becoming campanulate, sessile, minutely pilose. Hymenium concolorous, even. Spores white, elliptical, 7 x 5/z. Dead Carex paniculata. Rare. 2375. C. Goldbachii Weinm. Cda. in Sturm, Deutschl. Fl. in, t. 63, as Chaetocypha variabilis Cda. Carl Ludwig Goldbach. R. 2-4 mm. high, 2 mm. broad, white, cup-shaped, or campanulate, sessile, pitcher-shaped-concave, lobed, externally villose. Hymenium pallid, or cream colour, even. Spores white, "globose, 7 8/x" Massee, "broadly elliptical, 4 x 2-3 p" Karst. Dead leaves of Aira caespi- tosa and Carex paniculata. Feb. Rare. 2376. C. lactea Bres. Bres. Fung. Trid. i, t. 67, fig. 2. Lactea, milk white. R. -5-1 mm. high and wide, snow white, cup-shaped, sessile, tomen- tose on the outside with shining, white, clavate hairs, 5-6 /A in diam. ; margin entire, ciliate. Hymenium becoming cream colour, even. Flesh white, membranaceous, thin. Spores white, ovate-clavate, 9-13 x 3-5-5 /A, 3-4-guttulate; basidia 36-45 x 7-10/n, with 2-4 straight sterigmata, 5-6 /x, long. Dead leaves of Aira caespitosa. June. Un- common, (v.v.) 2377. C. muscigena (Pers.) Fr. Pers. Myc. Eur. i, t. 7, fig. 6, as Thelephora vulgaris Pers. a. Candida Pers. Muscus, moss; genus, birth. R. 3-12 mm., shining white, dimidiate, spathulate, becoming plane, sessile, or stipitate, externally minutely tomentose. St. concolorous, fili- form. Hymenium white, slightly wrinkled. Flesh white, membrana- ceous, soft. Spores white, pip-shaped, or broadly obovate and apicu- late at the attenuated base, 9-10 x 6/4, with a large central gutta. Polytrichum, and other large mosses. Sept. March. Not uncommon. (v.v.) 2378. C. catilla W. G. Sm. Stevenson, British Fung, n, p. 284, fig. 89. Catillus, a small bowl. R. 18mm., grey, expanded, often imbricate; margin crisped, un- dulate. Hymenium grey, veined. Flesh submembranaceous. Moss, and dead leaves. Nov. Rare. Solenia (Hoffm.). (eXA,a, the hollow of the ear.) Receptacle waxy, fleshy, or membranaceous ; cup-shaped, or urceo- late, sessile, pendulous. Hymenium smooth, rugulose, or wrinkled. Spores coloured, elliptical, or subglobose; smooth, punctate, verru- cose, or echinulate; basidia with 2-4-sterigmata. Growing on wood, or on mosses. 2387. P. ochroleuca (B. & Br.) Eea. (= Cyphella ochroleuca B. & Br.) &>Xpo?, pale; A,eu09, white. R. 2-3 mm., ochrey white, cup-shaped, sessile, villose above; margin at length split. Hymenium pale ochre, brighter than the receptacle, even. Flesh membranaceous. Spores "very pale ochraceous, elliptical, 6 x 4/i," Massee. Dead bramble stems. July Oct. Rare. 2388. P. fraxinicola (B. & Br.) Rea. (= Cyphella fraxinicola B. & Br.) Fraxinus, ash; colo, I inhabit. R. -25-'2 mm., snow-white, orbicular, sessile, scattered, or gre- garious, externally shortly villose. Hymenium light yellow, becoming fuscous with the spores, proliferous. Spores "pale olive, elliptical, 6 x 4/x" Massee. Ash bark. Dec. Feb. Rare. 2389. P. fuscospora (Curr. ex Cke.) Rea. (= Cyphella fuscospora Curr. ex Cke.) Fuscus, dark ; a-Tropd, seed. R. -25 2 mm., white, tomentose; margin connivent. Hymenium becoming yellow. Spores fuscous, subglobose, punctulate. Bark. Rare. 2390. P. galeata (Schum.) Bres. (= Cyphella galeata (Schum.) Fr.) Fl. Dan. t. 2027, fig. 1. Galeata, covered with a helmet. R. 2-5 mm., whitish, or grey when moist, becoming snow white when dry, then rufescent; cup-shaped, then dimidiate, helmet-shaped, sessile, even; margin quite entire. Hymenium at length rufescent, slightly wrinkled. Flesh whitish, membranaceous, soft. Spores tawny, rough or verrucose, subglobose, 8 10/z; basidia 18-30 x 7-9 p, with 4 curved sterigmata, 5-6 x 2-2-5/n. Hyphae very thin walled, 2-5/i, with clamp connections. Mosses. Nov. Dec. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2391. P. muscicola (Fr.) Rea. (= Cyphella muscicola Fr.) Fl. Dan. t. 2083, fig. 2. Muscus, moss; colo, I inhabit. R. 25 mm., whitish, or cinereous, persistently cup-shaped, some- times irregular, nodding, externally slightly fibrilloso-striate; margin slightly downy, repand, torn. Hymenium white, then grey, even, then rugulose. Spores pinkish, or pale brown, subglobose, 8-lOju.. Mosses. Nov. May. Uncommon, (v.v.) II. CLAVARIINEAE. Receptacle erect, dendroid, coralloid, simple, or branched, never pileate. Hymenium more or less amphigenous. CLAVAKIACEAE. Same characters as the suborder. CLAVABIA 705 Clavaria (Vaill.) Fr. (Clava, a club.) Receptacle fleshy, or subcoriaceous, erect, branched, or simple and clavate, smooth, or longitudinally striate. Hymenium even, amphi- genous, absent in the stem-like portion of the simple clubs. Spores white, or ochraceous, rarely reddish ochre or brownish; elliptical, globose, subglobose, oboval, pip-shaped, pyriform, almond-shaped, reniform, oblong, oblong elliptical, or subfusiform; smooth, punctate, or verrucose ; basidia with 2-4-sterigmata. Cystidia none. Putrescent. Growing on the ground, or on wood ; solitary, gregarious, caespitose, or caespitoso-connate. I. Branched. A. Spores white, slightly coloured in no. 2402; basidia often with 2-sterigmata. *Growing on the ground. 2392. C. coralloides (Linn.) Fr. (? = Clavaria cristata (Holmsk.) Fr. sec. Cotton & Wakef.) Sow. Eng. Fung, t. 278. KopdXkiov, coral; eZ8ot in diam., subparenchymatous in transverse section" Cotton & Wakef. Taste pleasant. Edible. Woods, Sept. Oct. Un- common, (v.v.) 2412. C. aurea (Schaeff.) Fr. Schaefl. Icon. 287. Aurea, golden. R. 5-10 cm. high, 10-20 cm. broad, egg yellow, or somewhat tawny; trunk 24 x 15 cm., whitish at the base, concolorous above, base some- what bulbous, divided into numerous, erect, stout branches. Branches tense, straight, dichotomous, round, flattened ; apices paler, toothed, or incised. Flesh white, yellowish near the cuticle, tough, elastic. Spores ochraceous in the mass, oblong, or subfusiform, often obliquely apicu- late, 9-12 x 3-4/z, 1-3-guttulate. Taste pleasant. Edible. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2413. C. rufescens (Schaeff.) Fr. Rufescens, becoming red. R. 7-9 cm. high, 3-6 cm. broad, branchlets all blood red, becoming paler; trunk 4-5 x 2-3 cm., whitish at the base, becoming yellow up- wards, divided into numerous erect branches. Branches erect, sub- compressed; apices dentate, or forked. Flesh whitish, reddish at the apex of the branches, tough. Spores ochraceous. Woods. Sept. Oct. Rare, (v.v.) 2414. C. fonnosa (Pers.) Fr. Pers. Icon, et Descr. t. 3, fig. 6. Formosa, handsome. R. 6-9 cm. high, 7-30 cm. broad, orange rose colour, or pinkish ochraceous; trunk 3-4 x 2-5-6 cm., whitish at the base, becoming rosy CLAVARIA 711 yellow upwards, very much branched. Branches erect, elongate, crowded; apices lemon yellow, forked, simple, or toothed. Flesh whitish in the trunk, subconcolorous elsewhere, tough, elastic. Spores ochraceous in the mass, oblong elliptical, with a basal, or lateral apiculus, 9-11 x 5-6 /JL, usually 1-guttulate, "becoming finally sub- verrucose" Bourd. & Galz.; "basidia not conspicuous, 30-40 x 6-8 /i, with 4 erect sterigmata. Hyphae frequently septate, loosely inter- woven in the centre, 6-8(-10)/x, wide, occasionally swollen up to 14/z at the septa, more slender, and more closely interwoven towards the margin, subparenchymatous in transverse section. A few latex hyphae present" Cotton & Wakef. Smell pleasant. Taste agreeable. Edible. Woods. July Oct. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 2415. C. Broomei Cotton & Wakef. C. E. Broome, the well-known mycologist. R. 58 cm. high, 2-4 cm. broad, ochraceous orange, tips darker orange, turning brown easily on bruising, base white, or pinkish; trunk short, not swollen, white, becoming pinkish on bruising, somewhat branched, rooting base small. Branches irregular, or subdichotomous, slight below, more frequent above, axils not rounded, cylindrical, or flattened, short, solid, fairly erect, smooth, or the larger branches much wrinkled, tips flattened. Flesh white, becoming vinous later especially below, solid. Spores deep ochraceous, or even orange in the mass, fusiform, or pip-shaped, markedly aculeate, 14-20 x 6-8/i (average 15-16 x 6-7 /z); basidia not conspicuous, 40-50 x 8-9 ^t, with 2-sterigmata, contents granular. Internal structure composed of fine filaments, densely packed, slightly interwoven, 3-6 //, in diam., with vesicular ends, 10-12/4 in diam., not pseudoparenchymatous in transverse section; large crystals in abundance in the tissue. Smell slight, not pleasant. Taste bitter. Woods. Sept. Oct. Un- common. 2416. C. spinulosa (Pers.) Fr. Pers. Obs. n, t. 3, fig. 1. Spinulosa, with little spines, R. 5-8 cm. high, 3-6 cm. broad, somewhat cinnamon, brownish amber; trunk 2-4 x 23 cm., pallid, becoming yellowish, very much branched. Branches elongate, crowded, tense and straight; apices concolorous, forked, simple or toothed. Flesh white, firm, tough. Spores ochraceous, elliptical, or oboval, incurved and apiculate at the base, 8-9 x 4-5/z. Woods, and heaths. Sept. Jan. Not un- common, (v.v.) 2417. C. abietina (Pers.) Fr. Abietina, pertaining to firs. R. 2-5-7-5 cm. high, 3-6 cm. broad, ochraceous, becoming greenish when bruised or weathered; trunk 12-5 cm. x 8-15 mm., white tomen- 712 CLAVARIA tose, very much branched. Branches erect, crowded, longitudinally wrinkled when dry, apices often becoming tinged with green, forked, toothed, acute. Flesh greenish, especially at the base, firm, tough. Spores ochraceous, pip-shaped, with a basal apiculus, 6-7 x 3-4/u,, 1-guttulate, "becoming verrucose" Bourd. & Galz.; "basidia small, 35-40 x 7-8/i, contents uniform, finely granular, with 4 erect sterig- mata. Hyphae filamentous, loosely interwoven, 4 10/z (average 5-7 p,), slightly septate" Cotton & Wakef. Taste bitter. Edible. Coniferous woods. Aug. Dec. Common. 2418. C. Invalii Cotton & Wakef. Inval near Haslemere, Surrey. R. 45 cm. high, deep ochre, forming dense, compact, almost spherical tufts ; trunks more or less distinct, short, often woolly, with white, or yellowish rooting strands, irregularly and frequently branched, axils acute. Branches slender, short, uneven, cylindrical, erect, smooth, solid ; apices attenuated, pointed. Flesh white. Spores yellow, pip-shaped, slightly incurved at the base, echinulate, 7-9 x 4/z (average 8 x 4/u.); basidia conspicuous, 30-40 x 7-9 /A, contents finely granular, with 4 erect sterigmata. Internal structure of irre- gular, wavy, filamentous hyphae, 5-10/u, in diam., loosely interwoven, and running equally in each direction. Smell slightly pungent. Taste faint, hardly bitter. Amongst leaves in thick plantations of spruce, larch, etc. Uncommon. 2419. C. flaccida Fr. Fr. Icon. t. 199, fig. 4. Flaccida, flabby. R. 3-10 cm. high, 3-4 cm. across, ochraceous, or somewhat tawny; trunk 2-3 x 1-5-2 cm. or almost none, concolorous, very much branched, flaccid. Branches erect, crowded, even, apices acute, simple, or forked, converging. Flesh whitish, yellowish upwards, elastic, firm. Spores very pale ochraceous, elliptical, 6-7 x 3/x, 1- guttulate, "minutely verrucose" Bourd. & Galz.; "basidia small, conspicuous, 30 x 7-9 /M, contents finely granular, with 4-sterigmata. Hyphae loosely interwoven, slightly septate, 7-10/x in diam., not parenchymatous in transverse section, and more densely arranged towards the periphery" Cotton & Wakef. Woods, and heaths. Sept. Dec. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2420. C. condensata Fr. Condensata, pressed close together. R. 5-10 cm. high, 3-4 cm. across, tan rufescent; trunk 1-2 cm. x 5-10 mm., ochraceous cream, or whitish at the base, divided into numerous branches almost to the base. Branches yellow, tense and straight, erect, crowded in a parallel manner, apices fastigiate, twice or thrice toothed. Flesh white, deep yellow upwards, firm, tough. Spores ochraceous, elliptic oblong, depressed on the side, 8-9 x 4/A, 2-3-guttulate. Woods, and heaths. Aug. Oct. Uncommon, (v.v.) CLAVARIA 713 2421. C. palmata (Pers.) FT. Palmata, palmate. E. 5-6 cm. high, 3-4 cm. broad, tan, or tawny, becoming paler; trunk thin, very much branched almost from the base. Branches bifur- cate, flattened, thin, erect, palmately branched, apices forked, or toothed. Flesh pale, firm. Spores pale ochraceous, minutely punctate, oblong elliptical, 6-7 x 3-4 p, usually 1-guttulate. Smell very pleasant. Coniferous woods. Dec. Rare, (v.v.) 2422. C. crocea (Pers.) Fr. Kpoicos, saffron. R. 1-1-5 cm. high, saffron yellow, stem pallid, thin, naked. Branches and branchlets similar, somewhat forked. Spores " ochraceous, ellip- tical, 6-7 x 3-4/z," Massee. Waste ground, downs, gardens, on peat. Sept. Feb. Rare. 2423. C. grisea (Pers.) Fr. (= Clavaria cinerea (Bull.) Fr. sec. Cotton.) Grisea, grey. R. 3-7-5 cm. high, fuliginous cinereous; trunk 4 x 2-5 cm., whitish. Branches 7-5 cm. long, attenuated, somewhat wrinkled; branchlets un- equal, obtuse. Flesh firm. Spores "reddish ochre in the mass, slightly brownish, and with a yellowish gutta under the microscope, oboval, 10-12 x 7-7-5^" Bourd. & Galz. Woods. Sept. Oct. Rare. 2424. C. fuliginea Pers. Fuliginea, sooty. R. 5-7-5 cm. high, 5 cm. broad, cinereous, becoming rufescent, very much branched; stem thin; larger branches thick, compressed, lateral rather incomplete; branchlets subfastigiate, short, acute. Spores ochraceous, globose, with an apiculus, 10//,. Ground. Rare. **Growing on wood. 2425. C. stricta (Pers.) Fr. Berk. Outl. Brit. Fung. t. 18, fig. 5. Stricta, close. R. 5-10 cm. high, 3-8 cm. across, pallid yellow, becoming fuscous when bruised; trunk 1-3 x 1 cm., whitish at the base, concolorous up- wards, very much branched. Branches tense and straight; crowded, adpressed; apices acute, or toothed. Flesh white, firm, tough. Spores pale ochraceous, pip-shaped, with a basal, or lateral apiculus, 6-9 x 4-5 /x; "basidia distinct, 30-40 x 7-9 fi, contents granular, with 4 erect sterigmata. Hyphae interwoven, 4-10/x in diam., not parenchy- matous in transverse section, central hyphae rather thick walled" Cotton & Wakef . Rotten stumps, and buried wood. Aug. Jan. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. alba Cotton. Alba, white. Differs from the type in its creamy white colour. On the ground, amongst fallen leaves, etc. Rare. 714 CLAVARIA 2426. C. crispula Fr. Crispula, with little curls. R. 2-5-7-5 high, tan, then ochraceous, very much branched; trunk thin, with villose rootlets. Branches flexuose, multifid, divaricate. Spores "pale yellow, elliptical, 5x3^" Massee. Base of trunks, ash, and elder. Oct. Dec. Rare. II. Simple. A. Tufted, or caespitose at the base. *Purple, or reddish. 2427. C. purpurea (Miiller) Fr. Fl. Dan. t. 837, fig. 2. Purpurea, purple. R. 7-12 cm. high, 1-2 mm. thick, purple, purple grey, purplish brown, or dark chocolate, white villose at the base, fusiform, compressed, hollow ("solid" Cotton), flexuose, acute. Spores white, "oval, 7-8 x 4-5 /i, contents granular; basidia small, 25-30 x 7-8, guttulate, with 4 erect sterigmata. Hyphae irregular, cells 50-60 x 3-5 \JL, or x 7-9 /u, towards the centre, pseudoparenchymatous in transverse section" Cotton & Wakef. Fragile. Caespitose. Grassy places, and under conifers. Aug. Oct. Rare. C. rufa Fl. Dan. = Clavaria inaequalis (Mtiller) FT. sec. Cotton. 2428. C. rosea (Dalman) Fr. Rosea, rose colour. R. 2-5 cm. high, rose colour, whitish at the attenuated base, fusiform, apex acute, rarely toothed, or bifid, cylindrical, or somewhat com- pressed, sometimes becoming yellowish at the apex. Flesh whitish, stuffed, brittle. Spores white, subglobose, with a distinct basal apiculus, 6-6-5 x 5/n; basidia clavate, 22-37 x 7-10/u, with 4-sterig- mata. "Hyphae irregular, 7-12/t in diam., frequently septate, semi- parenchymatous in transverse section; crystals sometimes present" Cotton & Wakef. Caespitose. Pastures. Sept. Oct. Rare, (v.v.) **Yellow. 2429. C. fusifonnis (Sow.) Fr. Sow. Eng. Fung. t. 234. Fusus, a spindle ; forma, shape. R. 5-14 cm. high, yellow, elongate-fusiform, attenuated at both ends, smooth, often with a central furrow, apex acute, rarely toothed, becoming hollow. Flesh concolorous, paler upwards, somewhat firm. Spores white, or tinged with yellow, globose, minutely apiculate at the base, 6-8 p, with a large central gutta; "basidia hyaline, 35-40 x 6 8/x, with 4 slightly curved sterigmata. Hyphae more or less inter- woven, 4-6 fj, in diam., walls sometimes rough, occasionally with dark yellow contents" Cotton & Wakef. Taste bitter. Caespitoso-connate. Woods, and pastures. July Dec. Common, (v.v.) CLAVABIA 715 var. ceranoides (Pers.) W. G. Sm. Sow. Eng. Fung. t. 235. Krjpos, wax; etSo?, like. Differs from the type in the blunter, often divided apices of the clubs becoming brown. Woods, and pastures. Sept. Oct. Not uncommon. (v.v.) 2430. C. luteo-alba Rea. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. n, t. 3 Luteus, orange yellow; alba, white. R. 45 cm. high, 2-3 mm. thick, deep rich yellow, or apricot colour, becoming pale ochraceous when dried, apex white, cylindrical, or slightly compressed, gradually attenuated downwards to the base, blunt, or acute, stuffed. Flesh orange yellow, or concolorous, floqcose. Spores white, pip-shaped, or ovoid, 5-8 x 3-4 /u,; basidia 25-30 x 5-7 //,, con- tents slightly granular, with 4-sterigmata. Hyphae 5- 6 p in diam., containing orange coloured granules. Taste "like tallow" Cotton. Fasciculate, or scattered. Woods, pastures, and heaths. Aug. Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 2431. C. inaequalis (Miiller) Quel. Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. t. 37, as Clavariafragilis. Inaequalis, unequal. R. 2-5-6 cm., golden yellow, sulphur coloured at the base, simple, or forked, apex acute, stuffed. Flesh pale yellow. Spores white, " ovoid, globose, apiculate, 7-9 x 6-8 /x" Bourd. & Galz. Woods, pastures, and heaths. Aug. Nov. Uncommon, (v.v.) 2432. C. dissipabilis Britzl. (= Clavaria similis Boud. & Pat. ; Clavaria inaequalis (Miiller) Fr. sec. Cotton.) Britzl. Hymen. Siidb. fig. 28. Dissipabilis, dispersed. R. 3-6 cm. high, 2-3 mm. thick, yellow, to orange yellow, fragile, elongato-clavate, tapering downwards, or cylindrical, obtuse, rarely subacute, smooth, or furrowed, stuffed. Flesh white or yellowish, floccose. Spores white, or tinged with yellow, acutely warted, sub- globose, 5-6 /A, with a large central gutta; "basidia conspicuous, clavate, yellowish, 30-40 x 6-8/x,, with 4 more or less erect sterig- mata" Cotton & Wakef. Solitary, or in small clusters. Woods, pas- tures, and heaths. Aug. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 2433. C. per similis Cotton. Per similis, very like. R. 3-5 cm. high, 2-3 mm. thick, orange yellow, to orange, becoming dark orange when dried, cylindrical, or subcompressed, apex usually acute. Flesh pale, floccose. Spores white, subglobose-oblong, with a conspicuous oblique apiculus, 5-6 x 4ju,, guttulate; basidia 30-35 x 7-8/A, contents granular, with 4-sterigmata. Hyphae loosely packed, running longitudinally, 3-6 /u, in diam., not pseudoparenchymatous in transverse section. Isolated, or fasciculate. Amongst short grass. Woods, and pastures. Not uncommon. 716 CLAVARIA 2434. C. argillacea (Pers.) Fr. (= Clavaria ericetorum Pers.) Boud. Icon. t. 175, as Clavaria ericetorum Pers. ArgiUacea, clay colour. R. 3-8 cm. high, 4-8 mm. broad, whitish yellow, or citron yellow, simple, elongate, attenuated at the base and shining, very rarely bifurcate, compressed, with one or two longitudinal channels, apex obtuse, or truncate, stuSed, fragile. Flesh concolorous, floccose. Spores white, reniform, or oblong and depressed on one side, 10 x 5 6/t, with granular contents; "basidia conspicuous, 70 p long, with 4 sterigmata, contents granular. Internal structure almost pseudoparenchymatous in transverse section even when old, cells regular, 10-14/x in diam., with small, narrow filaments (4-5 fi in diam.) between; segments 50-70 /LI, long towards the margin, but up to 200-300 \L in the centre " Cotton & Wakef. Solitary, or in tufts of two or three. Heaths, and hillsides. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 2435. C. straminea Cotton. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. m, t. 11, erro- neously lettered Clavaria persimilis Cotton. Straminea, straw colour. R. 3-5 cm. high, 3-4 mm. thick, straw-coloured, becoming brownish with age or when handled, simple, cylindrical, or somewhat com- pressed, smooth, apex usually acute. Stem usually very distinct, cinna- mon yellow, stuffed, brittle. Flesh somewhat darker than the hymenium. Spores white, globose, with a minute basal apiculus, granular, 5-7 /LI; basidia 40-60 x 7-9 p, with 4-sterigmata, contents granular. Internal structure pseudoparenchymatous in transverse section. Isolated, or caespitose. Amongst short grass, lawns, and pastures. Sept. Oct. Rare, (v.v.) 2436. C. Michelii Rea. P. A. Micheli, an early illustrator of fungi. R. 47 cm. high, 1-2 mm. thick, yellow, white at the base, cylindrical, hollow, apex acute, very fragile. Flesh yellowish, white at the base. Spores white, subglobose, 3 x 2/n. Fasciculate. Amongst grass under a cherry tree. Sept. Rare, (v.v.) ***White, rarely yellow. 2437. C. vermicularis Fr. Vermicularis, pertaining to worms. R. 6-12 cm. high, 3-5 mm. broad, shining white, elongate fusiform, attenuated at both ends, compressed, with a longitudinal channel down the middle, often twisted, hollow, apex acute, often becoming brownish when weathered, very brittle. Flesh white, fragile. Spores white, ellip- tical, with a basal apiculus, 5-7 x 3-4 /LI, with a large central gutta; "basidia small, 30 x 6-7 /x, with 4-sterigmata. Hyphae parallel, septate, with rather long cells, pseudoparenchymatous in transverse section, central cells 10-15/z in diam., with smaller cells intermixed" CLAVARIA 717 Cotton & Wakef. Taste pleasant, like cheese straws when cooked. Edible. Densely caespitose. Amongst long grass in woods, and pas- tures. May Nov. Common, (v.v.) 2438. C. fragilis (Holmsk.) Fr. (= Clavaria vermicularis Fr. sec. Cotton.) Fragilis, brittle. R. 5-6 cm. high, 2-3 mm. thick, white, or yellow, simple, cylindrical, slightly attenuated downwards, apex subobtuse, or slightly pointed, stuffed, becoming hollow, fragile. Flesh white, or slightly yellowish, loose. Spores white, broadly elliptical, 89 x 5 6/z, with granular contents. Edible. Fasciculate. Heaths, and pastures, rarely in woods. Aug. Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) ****Fuliginous, or blackish. 2439. C. striata (Pers.) Fr. Pers. Icon, et Descr. t. 3, fig. 5. Striata, furrowed. R. 3-5 cm. high, 3-4 mm. wide, sub/uliginous, cylindrical, at- tenuated at the apex and base, extreme base white, somewhat twisted, here and there longitudinally striate, compressed, apex subobtuse, stuffed, then hollow. Flesh white, loose. Spores white, subglobose, with a basal apiculus, 3-4 x 2-3/i. Amongst grass under beeches. Sept. Rare. 2440. C. fumosa (Pers.) Fr. Krombh. t. 53, fig. 18. Fumosa, smoky. R. 5-14 cm. high, 3-7 mm. thick, fuliginous, cylindrical, or in- crassated at the apex, straight, subcompressed, hollow, somewhat fragile. Flesh white, loose. Spores white, elliptical, somewhat pointed towards the base, 6-7 x 4/u,, contents granular; "basidia incon- spicuous, 35 x 6-7 \L, with 24 short sterigmata. Hyphae parallel, with short, cylindrical cells, 30-50 x 10-15/z, pseudoparenchymatous in transverse section" Cotton & Wakef. Densely caespitose. Amongst grass in pastures, and on lawns, rarely in woods. Aug. Oct. Un- common, (v.v.) B. Clubs distinct at the base. *Yellow, ochraceous, or tawny, often becoming rufescent. 2441. C. pistillaris (Linn.) Fr. Rolland, Champ, t. 104, no. 235. Pistillaris, like a pestle. R. 7-30 cm. high, 2-5 cm. broad, light yellow, then rufescent, finally dingy brown, obovate-clavate, obtuse, pruinose, stuffed. Flesh white, floccose, firm. Spores white, or tinged yellowish, pip-shaped, or elliptic-oblong with a lateral apiculus, 12-13 x 7-8/i, often 1-guttu- late; "basidia about 70 fi long, with 2-4-sterigmata " Cotton & Wakef. Edible. Woods. Sept. Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 718 CLAVARIA 2442. C. ligula (Schaeff.) Fr. Ligula, a little tongue. R. 3-6 cm. high, 1-1-5 cm. broad, yellowish, then pallid rufescent, elongato-clavate, obtuse, base villose, white, stuffed. Flesh white, floccose, loose. Spores white, elliptical, often with a lateral apiculus, 10 x 5 6 fj,, contents granular; "basidia conspicuous, 40 x 6 8/u,, with 4-sterigmata" Cotton & Wakef. Edible. Woods. Aug. Oct. Un- common, (v.v.) 2443. C. contorta (Holmsk.) Fr. (= Clavaria fistulosa (Holmsk.) Fr. sec. von Hoehn. and Bourd. & Galz.) Boud. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. xxxin, t. 1, fig. 5. Contorta, twisted. R. -5-2 cm. high, 2-6 mm. thick, watery yellowish, often tinged with brown, erumpent, simple, sometimes spathulate, somewhat twisted, wrinkled, obtuse, compressed, stuffed. Flesh yellowish, floccose, loose. Spores white, almond-shaped, 12-14 x 9 /A, contents granular, "fusi- form, 1518 x 7 9/x," Boud.; "basidia rather large, very distinct, 50 x 10/i, contents minutely granular, with 4-sterigmata. Internal structure in longitudinal section of long cells, 10-15^i in diam., with narrower elements on either side; latex tubes present" Cotton , I shine.) Receptacle erect, globose, stipitate. Hymenium consisting of branched threads terminated by a basidium. Basidia short, pear- shaped, transversely 1-septate. Spores white, elliptical. Growing on dead wood. 2484. S. vulgare (Tode) Juel. Tode, Fung. Mecklenb. t. 2, fig. 16. Vulgare, common. R. 1-2 mm. high, white, then yellowish, globose. St. concolorous, becoming thinner upwards, fibrous, smooth. Spores white, "ellip- tical, hyaline, 8 x 5-6 /n" Massee. Rotten wood, oak cupules, etc. Sept. Nov. Common, (v.v.) ECCHYNA. TREMELLA 729 ECCHYNINEAE. Hymenium inclosed within a peridium. ECCHYNACEAE. Same characters as suborder. Ecchyna Fr. (eK'xyvw, I pour out.) Peridium fibrillose, subglobose, stipitate, or substipitate, thin, fuga- cious. Gleba threads radiating, branched, flexuose at the ends. Basidia cylindrical, straight, or curved, transversely 3-septate ; bearing sessile, or very short pedicellate spores; scattered, or in tufts on the lower portions of the threads. Spores fawn colour, elliptical, or subglobose, smooth, producing sporidiola on germination. Growing on wood. 2485. E. faginea (B. & Br.) Fr. (= Pilacre faginea B. & Br.; Pilacre Petersii Berk. & Curt. 1 ) B. & Br. Ann. Nat. Hist. no. 380, 1. 11, fig. 5, as Pilacre faginea. Faginea, pertaining to beech. P. 3-6 mm. high, 1-3 mm. across, whitish, or fawn colour, forming a globose head, smooth, then pulverulent. St. concolorous, or be- coming block with age. Flesh fawn colour, floccose, loose. Spores fawn colour, elliptical, or subglobose, depressed or umbilicate on the one side, 5-6 x 4-5 /u,; basidia cylindrical, 3-septate. Hyphae concolorous, 3-4 /A in diam., with numerous clamp connections. Beech, ash, horn- beam, and holly. Sept. Jan. Not uncommon. TREMELLALES. Basidia subglobose, longitudinally, or vertically, cruciately divided into 24 parts. Spores producing sporidiola or a mycelium on germina- tion. TBEMELLACEAE. Same characters as the order. Tremella (Dill.) Fr. (Tremo, I tremble.) Receptacle gelatinous, or waxy, soft; foliaceous, brain-like, or tubercular. Hymenium spread over the whole surface, very rarely papillate. Basidia amphigenous, superficial, or immersed. Conidia on the same receptacle, preceding, or accompanying the spores. Spores white, rarely yellowish, globose, subglobose, oval, elliptical, 1 Bayliss- Elliott and Grove hazard the opinion that both these species are only conidial forms of Boeder ia pallida Sacc., but the transversely septate basidia, and frequent clamp connections of the hyphae seem to disprove this conclusion. 730 TREMELLA or pyriform; smooth, or punctate; producing sporidiola on germina- tion, or tufts of conidia, that bud in a yeast-like manner. Hyphae filamentous, thin, gelatinous, sometimes inclosing mineral concretions, which form an irregular central nucleus. Growing on wood, rarely on the ground. I. Foliaceous, divided up into lobes, and variously twisted. 2486. T. fimbriata (Pers.) Fr. Bull. Hist. Champ. Fr. t. 272, as Tre- mella verticalis. Fimbriata, fringed. R. 5-7'5 cm. high and broad, olivaceous, inclining to black, erect, corrugated; lobes flaccid, incised at the margin, undulato-fimbriate. Flesh gelatinous, very soft. Spores white, " subpyrif orm " Massee, "5-7 /x long" Moll. Caespitose. Darkening water when soaked in it, and staining the fingers black. Dead branches, especially alder. Nov. Feb. Rare. 2487. T. frondosa Fr. Bull. Hist. Champ. Fr. t. 499, fig. T, as Tre- mella quercina. Frondosa, leafy. R. 10-12 cm., yellow inclining to pale, or pale pinkish yellow, spathu- late, or tongue-shaped, large, even, plicate at the base; lobes gyroso- undulated. Flesh concolorous, gelatinous, thin, except at the base. Spores white, subglobose, apiculate at the base, 8-10/z, 1-2-guttu- late. Caespitose. Stumps, and fallen branches, especially oak. July Dec. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 2488. T. foliacea (Pers.) Fr. non Bref. Bres. Fung. Trid. n, t. 209, fig. 1. Foliacea, leafy. R. 3-10 cm., cinnamon flesh colour, rarely deep brown, or tinged umber violaceous, very much lobed and waved, segments thin, springing from a plicate base. Flesh paler, gelatinous, subdiaphanous. Spores white, minutely punctate, globose, 5-7 /LI; basidia 15-16 x 10-14/A. Hyphae 1-4/x in diam. Caespitose. Coniferous stumps, and branches, more rarely on deciduous trees. July Nov. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 2489. T. lutescens Pers. Pers. Icon, et Descr. t. 8, fig. 9. Lutescens, becoming yellow. R. 13 cm., yellowish, tubercular, then undulato-gyrose, lobes entire, naked. Flesh yellowish, gelatinous, subdeliquescent, pellucid. Spores white, "oval elliptic, 10-16 x 7-10/u, 1-pluri-guttulate ; basidia ovoid, 19-25 x 17-18/i. Hyphae 1-3/x in diam." Bourd. & Galz. Stumps, and fallen branches. Aug. May. Common, (v.v.) II. Brain-like, with obtuse, and twisted veins. 2490. T. mesenterica (Retz.) Fr. Rolland, Champ, t. 105, no. 237. /iet. Hyphae 1-2 /u, in diam." Bourd. & Galz. Dead broom branches. Oct. Rare. 2500. T. clavata (Pers.) Berk. (? = the conidial form of Coryne sar- coides (Jacq.) Tul.) Pers. Icon. Pict. t. 10, fig. 2. Clavata, club-shaped. R. 2-5 cm. high, 4 mm. broad, reddish flesh colour, becoming black at the base, club-shaped, solitary, simple, slightly twisted. Stumps. Rare. T. sarcoides Sm. = Coryne sarcoides (Jacq.) Tul. T.foliicola Fuck. ? = Hypocrea rufa (Pers.) Fr. sec. W. G. Sm. V. With a firm, hard nucleus. 2501. T. encephala (Willd.) Quel. (= Naematelia encephala (Willd.) Fr.) Willd. Bot. Mag. I, t. 4, fig. 14, as Tremella encephala Willd. eV, in; e$a\7, head. R. 1-3 cm., pallid flesh colour, pulvinate, subsessile, diaphanous, plicato-rugose, white pruinose, rooting. Nucleus white, large, hard. TREMELLA. PHAEOTREMELLA. GTJEPINIA 733 Spores white, "pear-shaped, or subglobose, 12-16 x 10/x, or 9-10//," Karst. Solitary, or clustered. Conifer branches. Sept. March. Not uncommon, (v.v.) 2502. T. rubiformis (Fr.) Quel. (= Naematelia rubiformis FT.) Corda, Icon, i, fig. 299, A. Rubus, blackberry ; forma, shape. R. 4-5 mm., yellow, hemispherical, subsessile, gyroso-tuberculose. Nucleus small. Dead branches, twigs, and moss. Oct. Rare. 2503. T. virescens (Schum.) Quel. (= Naematelia virescens Cda. sec. Fr.) Corda, Icon, in, t. 6, fig. 90, as Naematelia virescens Cda. Virescens, becoming green. R. 5-6 mm., greenish, suborbicular, sessile, depressed, gyroso- tubercular. Flesh subgelatinous. Spores white, "elliptical, apiculate, 18 x 11/i " Massee. Rotten wood, furze, ivy. Jan. Dec. Not un- common, (v.v.) Phaeotremella Rea. (t. Hyphae 2-4^ in diam." Bourd. & Galz. Fallen branches, and worked wood. Jan. Dec. Common, (v.v.) 2544. C. corticalis Fr. Corticalis, pertaining to the bark. R. 1-2 mm. high, pallid flesh colour, clubs awl-shaped, somewhat distinct, erumpent. Flesh pellucid, soft. Caespitose. Dead bark. Dec. Jan. Rare. ***Simple, distinct. 2545. C. stricta Fr. Stricta, rigid. R. 10-25 mm. high, yellow, clubs solitary, simple, elongate; base white villose, blunt. Spores "club-shaped, acute downwards, 9-12 x 4-5 /u,, hyaline, slenderly septate in the middle, not constricted" Sacc. Decorticated wood. Sept. April. Not uncommon, (v.v.) var. epiphylla Fr. eiri, upon;