BOOK AND TABbC OP THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID 1894 BOOK HP TflBLE OF SIRES CO IMTA I IM I IM ALL TROTTERS WITH RECORDS OF 2:30 OR BETTER, ALL PACERS WITH RECORDS OF 2:30 OR BETTER, ALL SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS AND THEIR PERFORMERS, WORLD'S RECORDS, BIG MONEY-WINNERS, WINNING SIRES, CPIAMPION TROTTERS AND PACERS, UP TO THE CLOSE OF COIN/lF^IL-ED BY W. H. GOCHER, Editor of THE AMERICAN S FO RT IV! AIM PUBLISHED BY COMPIL.BE. /- CLEVELAND, O., 1894. L/ Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1895 by W. H. GOCHER, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D, C. PART I. 2:30 Trotters Page 9 2:30 Pacers Page 153 Big Money Winners Page 198 Winning Sires Page 199 PART II. Sires of 2 :30 Performers Page 1 Errata Page 83 World's Records Page 84 The Champions Page 88 ILLUSTRATIONS. Andrews, W Part I Opposite Page 152 Sever, R Part II. Opposite Page 65 Either, E Part 1 .\.Opposite Page 104 Bowerman, G Part 1 Opposite Page 184 Bowerman, M Part I Opposite Page Ie5 Curry, G Part II Opposite Page 81 Curtis, R Part I Opposite Page 25 Davis, C Part II Opposite Page 80 Dickerson, J Part II Opposite Page 1 Doble, B Part I Opposite Page 40 Doble, F Part I Opposite Page 73 Dunbar, T Part I Opposite Page 153 Fuller, G Part II Opposite Page 32 Geers, E Part I Opposite Page 88 Golden, J Part II Opposite Page 16 Ijams, W Part I Opposite Page 9 Johnston, P Part I Opposite Page 8 Jones, M Part Keyes, F Part Laird, M Part Laird, W Part McDowell, A Part I Opposite Page McHenry, M Part I Opposite Page Maloney, W Part I Opposite Page 41 Marvin, C Part I Opposite Page 24 Pennock, A Part II Opposite Page 17 Sanders, M Part I Opposite Page 137 Saunders, G Part II Opposite Page 64 Shank, P Part 1 Opposite Page 89 Smith, W Part I Opposite Page 57 Splan, J Part I Opposite Page 72 Starr, G Part II.. Opposite Page 33 Stinson, R Part II Opposite Page 48 Thayer, J Part I Opposite Page 200 Thompson, C Part I Opposite Page 121 Turner, J Part I Opposite Page 120 Wilson, R ...Part II Opposite Page 49 I Opposite Title Page I Opposite Page 105 I Opposite Page 168 I Opposite Page 169 P R E F AC A work of this character requires but little introduction. Each page tells its own story, as it is a history of the best performances made by trotters and pacers to harness from the earliest time up to the close of 1894. In it will be found all of the 2 :30 trotters, all of the 2 :30 pacers and all stallions that have sired 2 :30 performers, together with their performers under them. In the 2 :30 list of trotters and pacers the color, age, sex, sire and dam, as well as sire of dam is given where known. In placing this work before the public my aim has been to con- dense matters so that the price of the book would not be exorbitant. Of late years many have avoided a publication of this character from the fact that the composition bill was so high and because there is such a limited field, as is the case with all class publications. Should this book, however, meet with the approval of the public, it will be followed at the close of 1895 with one that will be much more complete and also contain more statistical matter. That there are errors in this 2 :30 Book is not denied. Absolute correctness is impossible in a work of this magnitude. Those who have handled statistical matter know that the trip from-the copy hook to the press is a very hazardous one, and that even the most careful proof readiqg will not detect all errors. Individual knowledge of horses will bring such faults to light and information of their existence will be thankfully received. By referring to the book it will also be found that there are a great many horses whose ages are not given, from the fact that they are not registered. Many of their pedigrees are also incomplete. Information on either of those points will be very acceptable. In other words, I want the assistance of every one on the turf papers, and every one who has occasion to consult these pages, to help in mak- ing this book more complete than it is at present. Turf writers, of all others, have occasion to refer to such a work frequently, and the more accurate it is the more acceptable it will be to them. The basis of records used are those accepted by the National Trotting Association and the American Trotting Association. In other words, the records that appear here are the ones that each horse would be expected to start under should his owner decide to campaign him. This has made a number of changes in the performers credited to a few stallions, and has also made several changes in the table of champions. In making the announcement of this book through the press I stated that it would be a work of about three hundred pages, Now that it is completed, I find that it contains three hundred and thirty-four pages. This includes the illustrations, which have not been folioed. There are, however, two hundred and ninety-six pages of printed matter. CT,T;VET,ANT>, Onto, DECEMBER 31, 1894. W. M. GOCMER. P. P. JOHNSTON, LEXTNGTON, KY. President of National Trotting Association. W. P. IJAMS, TEREE HAUTE, IND. President of American Trotting Association. PART 1. THE 2:30 TROTTERS. The following are all of Ihe horses that have made records of 2:30 or better to harness to the close of 1894. A A., b s, 1890, by Almont Aber- deenRinglet, by Ringgold 2:26 A. A. A., b in, 1891, by Azinoor .Abbess, by Mohawk Chief ........ 2:25 Aaron S., br s, 188, by California Lambert 2:29 Abanteeo, b m, 1889, by Anteeo Abbotine, by Abbotsford 2:17% Abbadonne b m, 1889, by Wiikes Boy Lulu Patchen, by Tom Patchen 2:23*4 Abbie, b m, by Hambletonian Prince 2:29% Abbiedeen, b m, 1888, by Aberdeen Kate Thompson, by Ericsson 2 :29i4 Abbottsford, b s, 1872, by Woodford Mainbrino Columbia 2:19% Abbottsford Jr., br s, 188 by Ab- bottsford, dam by American Boy... 2:2o Abby, b m, 1877, by George Wiikes Mattie Wilder, by American Clay.. 2:26 A. B. C., br g, 1883, by Warwick Boy Capitola by Bay Billy 2:29% A. B. C., b s, '1886 by Chief Molly A., by Romeo 2:28 A. B. C., blk g, by Jim Crow, dam by Dick Edwards 2:24% Abdallah (Goldsmith's), b s, 1863, by Volunteer Martha, by Abdallah 2:30 Abdallah Boy, b s, 1870, by Abdallah Messenger Motto by Corbeau .... 2:24}4 Abdallah Clay, blk' s, 1884, by Lake- land Abdallah Kitty Clay, by Strader's Cassius M. Clay Jr 2:29V4 Abdallah Medium, b s, 1882, by Happy Medium Lady Reynolds, by Jackson's Sir Archy 2:27 J /4 Abdamed Allen Jr., b s, 1885, by Abdamed Allen Kit 2:26% Abdol, blk s, 1883, by Grand Moor- Black Bess 2:28 Abe Downing, b s, 1875, by Joe Downing, dam by Harrison 2:20% Abe Edgington, gr g, 186, by Stock- bridge Chief Jr. Dooley Mare 2:23% Abe G., b g, (ringer?) 2:20% Abel, b g, 1877, by Messenger Chief- Lucy, by Vermont 2:24^4 Abel Muscovite, b g, 1891, by Mus- covite 2:29% Abercrombie, ch s, 1886, by Am- bassadorFearless, by Western Fearnaught 2:2 Abe Smith, b g, 1885, by Artemas, dam by Combination 2:24% Aberdeen Wiikes, ch m, 1884, by Wil- kie Collins Aberdalo, by Aberdeen. 2:26 Abner F., b g, 1876, by Dr. Maxwell Nancy Fenn 2:24*4 Abnet, b m, 1892, by Ambassador Emblem, by Empire 2:29^ Abraham L., b g, by Naham, dam by Red Buck 2 :18 Abram, br g, 1885, by Goldeinar Mary Foss 2:25 Absolute, blk s, 1884, by Dictator Ida Elliott, by Allie West 2:30 Accident, ch s, 188. by Alexander H. Sherman 2 :_!U% Acclamation, b s, 1889, by Elector Ollie Ray, by Reliance 2:24% A. C. K., ch g, 1889, by Michigan Boy Queen, by Prince Albert 2 :29% Acme Girl, b m, 18, by Almont Ford 2:29V4 Acolyte, b s, 1884, by Onward Lady Alice, by Almont 2 :21 Action, ch m, 1888, by Onward Sa- hara, by Challenger 2:28 Actor, b g, 1888, by Richwood Queen Patcheu, by Mambrino Patchen Jr. 2-26V4 Actress, b m, 1882, by Knickerbocker, dam by Edsall's Hambletonian 2:26% Actress, ch m, 188, by Triceps... 2-28yI Actress, blk m, 1885, by Star Wiikes Lizzie C., by Star Hambletonian. . 2:27^4 Ada, br m, 1886, by Alcantara Ad- miration, by Administrator 2'28 JL /4 Ada, b m, 1878, by Sir Denton Sweetheart, by Magna Charta 2-291,4 Ada, gr m. 1885, by Fairy Gift- Nelly's daughter, by Live Oak 2-29% Ada B., b m, by Bourbon Wiikes Morette, by St. Elmo . 2-26i/> Ada D., blk m, 1881, by Elial G.- Belle Wilson, by Lovely's Priam. 2-2144 Ada De Clare, b m, 1886, by Lord Russell Aida, by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian 2-261/4 Adah Look, ch m, 1887, by Look, d'am by Gen. Stark 2-OV A Adair, b g, 1879, by Electioneer- Addie Lee, by Culver's Black Hawk 2-171/4 Ad Alene, blk m, 1891, by Coeur d Alene Lakeland Queen, bv Lake- land Abdallah * 2-26 Adalia, br m, 1876, by St.' 'ciair Addie Lee,, by Culver's Black Hawk 2:27 Ada M.. b m. 1879. by Corsair Rhine- hart Mare, by Muzzy Morgan .. 2-29% Adam Index, b g, 1886, by Index Jr., dam by Nero > .2914 Oda P., b m, 188. by Bloodmont. . . .' 2-251/2 Ada Paul, ch m, 1875, by Stone's Red Buck Maggie Morgan, by Young's Morgan 2:26 Adbel, b s, 1893. by Advertiser- Beautiful Bells, by The Moor 2-23 Addie C., b m. 1881, by Rysesuke Miss Wilson, by Blue Bull, pacing 2:29 2:30 Addie De, ch m. 1887. by Nutwood- Adelaide, by Phi] Sheridan 2:25% Addie E., ch m, 1883, by Algona Lady Stewart, by A. T. Stewart... 2:19 Addie E. C., b m. 1872, by Burger- Fearless, by Bellbrino 2:28% Addie Fitz B.. b m. 1890. by Charley B.-Addie E. B., by Charley B.... 2:26^4 Addie G., b m, 1877, by Young Volun- 10 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. teer ., 2:28^4 I Addle Hayes, gr m, 1885, by Judge Hayes Laura Swigert 2:19V4 Addie L., b m, 1882, by Warwick Boy -Belle F 2:18V 4 ; Addie L., b m, by Alcantara 2:24% i Addie Lee H, b in, 1886, by Election- eer Addie Lee, by Culver's Black j Addi? Pathfinder,' ' blk' 'm,"i882,' ' by Pathfinder Woodbury Mare, by Vanguard 2:25 Addison Lambert, b s, 1872, by Dan- iel Lambert Black Kate, by Addi- son 2 :27 Adelaide b m, 1878, by Milwaukee Minne 'B., by Bay Mambriuo 2:18 Adelaide, b m, 1866, by Phil Sheri- danChestnut Nelly, by Sam Hous- ton 2:19% | Adelaide, br m, by Alcalde Jr 2:30 Adelaide, b m, by Armagh 2:29% Adelaide M., ch m, 1884, by Jack Morrill Lady, by Foster Knox .... 2:30 Adelaide McGregor, b m, 1889, by Bonnie McGregor Adelaide, by Mil- waukee 2:15V2 i Adelaide Simmons, b m, 1890, by Sim- mons Adelaide, by Milwaukee 2:l4y.j ] Adele Clark, b m, 1870, by Ledger Hunn Mare, by Stephen A. Douglass 2:25% Adele Gould, ch m, 1876, by Jay Gould Emeline, by Henry B. Patchen 2:19 Adele Maloney, gr m. 1881, by Ala- modeLaurie, by Norman Jr 2:24 j Adelene, ch m, 1884, by Robert Whaley Oceana Tip, by Oceana Chief 2:26% i Adelia, b m, 1892, by Wilton 2:25% Adfield, b s, 1884, by Bostick's Al- mont Jr. Vanity, by Enfield 2:22% Adino, b s, 1889, by Simmons Hat- tie Ethan, by Ethan Wilkes 2:30 ; Adjuster b s, 1877, by Administrator Silverheels, by Kentucky Chief. . 2:26 : Adjutant, b s, 188, by St. Just 2:29% A. D. McGregor, ch s, 1885. by Mc- Gregor Boy Jenny B 2 :28 Administrator, br s, 1863, by Rys- dyk's Hambletonian Dolly Halstead, by Mambrino Chief; died 1892 2:29% Administrator Wilkes, ch s, 1884, by Wilkie Collins Annie Stevens, by Administrator 2:25\4 Admore, b s, 1886, by Advent Ken- tucky Girl, by Edward G 2:26 Adora, b m, 1885, by Jerome Eddy Sionara, by George Wilkes 2:28% Adra Belle, g m, 1889, by Almont Boy dam by Blackwood 2:17% Adrian, b s, 1879, by Reliance Adri- ana, by Skenandoah 2:26% Advance, b s, 1889, by Electioneer Lady Amanda, by imp. Hurrah 2:22% Advance, b s, 1883, by Onward Mist, by King Rene 2:22% Advance Jr., b s, by Advance 2:28 Adventurer, b s, 1887, by Alcyone- Advantage 2:27% Advertiser, br s, 1888, by Electioneer Lula Wilkes, by George Wilkes. . 2:15V4 Advisor, b s, 1886, by Supervisor Phelida, by Embassador 2:29'/4 Advolo, b s, 1889, by Ignis Fatuus Baby Hazlett, by Amboy 2:26% Aegon, b s, 1887, by Nutwood Alpha, by Alcantara 2:1814 Aeleta, bl m, foaled about 1879 2:20% brino Fan, by Huguely Pilot 2:29% Aemulus, br s, 1869, by Mambrino Pilot Black Bess", by Shoreham Black Hawk, died 1894 2:25 Aeolian, ch s, 1891, by Nutwood- Alpha, by Alcantara 2:28% Aerolite, ch m, by Sortie 2:25'/4 A. G., b g, 1880, by Black Bonner Lady Bonester. by Hunting's Tippoo 2:27% A. H. F., b g, 18, by Patchen 2:26 Agate Wellington, ch m, 1888, by Lord Wellington Agate, by Mam- brino Abdallah 2 :27 Agatha, b m, 1890, by Autumn- Blanche, by Highland Douglas 2:24% Aggie, b m, by Lotus 2:19% Agitator, b s, 1880, by Gov. Sprague Hoosier Girl, by Blue Bull 2:28% Agnes, b m, by Pasacas 2 :29% Agnes Huntington, bl m, 188, by Simmons 2 :2S% .68 M., ch m, 1883, by Othello Carrie S., by Jay Gould 232% A. H. 0., b g, pedigree not traced... 2:26% Ah There, b s, 1888, by Electioneer Lizzie, by Wildidle 2:18V 4 Aileen Almont, b m, 1876, by Harn- lin's Almont Jr. Puss Mcllvaine, by Rattler 2:25% Ailse Medium, br m, 1882, by Happy Medium Ailse, by Corbeau 2:27% Aimee, gr m, 1877, by Bayard Miss Jones 2 :30 A. J., dn g, by Beaumont 2:29 Ajax, b s, 1864, by Hambletonian Whipple Asheat, by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian 2:29 Alabama, ch m, 1887, by McGurdy's Hambletonian Eaneline, by Bos- tick's Almont Jr 2:15 Alabaster, gr s, 1886, by Aberdeen- Medusa, by Almot, died 1891 2:15 Alacine, b s, 1885, by King Rene- Girl, by Homer 2:29% Aladdin, b s, 1876, by Jay Gould- Lady Shipley, by Price's St. Law- rence 2 :zo l /i> Alaiedon, b s, by Greenback Nellie O., by Star Hambletonian 2:27% Alameda Maid, ch m, 186, by Whip- pie's Hambletonian Mary Taylor, by Biggart's Rattler 2:27% Alamito, ro s, 1889, by Eagle Bird Aurania, by Gen. Washington 2:13% Alamo, b m,'18S9, by Steinway Inex, by Sweepstakes 2:29% Alar, br m, 1889, by Alcantara Myrah, by Knickerbocker 2:11 Alar Clay Jr., b s, 1880, by Alar Clay-Flora 2:29% Alaris (Milford C.), b g, 1884, by Vol- unteer Star Old Shake, by Shakes- peare Jr 2:21% Alarm Bells, b s, 1891, by Bow Bells, dam by Robber Boy 2:29% Alarmist, b s, 1889, by Autocrat- Helena, by Reporter 2:21V 4 Alaska, br s 1878, by Electioneer Lucy, by Washington 2 :2U Alaska, b g, 1877, by Boston Boy Hambletonian Jerry Knight Mare, by Garibaldi 2:2o Alaska, br m, 1882, by Alcyone We- nonah, by Curtis' Hambletonian 2:27'/ 4 Al B., blk g, 1884, by Simmons Stokesie, by George Wilkes 2:28% Alban, b s, 1881, by Gen. Benton Lady Morgan, by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian 2:24 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 11 Albani, ch m, 1886, by Hermit Mis- sissippi Maid, by Anglo Saxoii ..... Albany, eh m, 1888, by Hanilin's Al- mont Jr.-Jenny Bate, by Cuyler... Albany Boy, b s, 1885, by Smuggler Jr. Nelly Grow, by Mambrino Eagle Albemarle, gr g, 1868, by Tom Hunter, dam by Wadsworth's Blucher ...... Albert, blk g, 186, pedigi-ee not traced. Bought out of a sale stable Albert, b s, 1888, by Alcryon Nelly O.. by Louis Napoleon ............ Albert Bretwood, b s, 1891, by Bret- wood ............................. Alberta France, b g, 1878, by George Wilkes Alley, by Hambletonian... Albert M., b s, 188 by Favorite Wilkes ............................ Albert S.. br s, 1888, by Wilkes Boy Windom Belle, by Mambrino Foster. Albert S.. blk s, by George Sprague.. Albert S., gr g ...................... Albert T., ch g, 1888, by Albert W. Tobin mare, by Whipple's Hamble- tonian ............................ Albert W., b s, 1878, by Electioneeer Sister, by John Nelson ........... Albion, br g, pedigree not traced.... Albion, br g, 1883, by Bostick's Al- mont Jr. Mattie C., b v Trouble..., Albion, b s, 1883, by Gen. Benton Amy, by Messenger Duroc ........ Albion, b s, 1886, by Wilkes Boy Ad- miration, by Administrator ........ Albion, br g, by Winooski ............ Albion Medium, b s, 1885, by Happy Medium The Witch, by Alinont ____ Albright, b s, 1891 ................... Alb:ina, b m, 1887, by Albrino Hip- penheimer, by Volunteer ..... ^_. . . . . Aicagetta, gr m, 1885, by Alcantara- Lady Daggett, by Logiie horse, died 1888 .............................. Alcaide, gr g, 1878, by Alroy Nelly M., by Joe Hooker ................ Alcander, ch s, 1884, by Alcantara- Cleopatra, by Abdallah. Prince ...... Alcandre, blk s, 1883, by Alcyone Lady Carr, by American Clay ....... Alcantara, b s, 1876, by George Wilkes Alma Mater, by Mambrino Patchen .......................... Alcantarus, blk s, 1889, by Alcantara G.we Medium, by Happy Medium Alcantine. b s, 1886, by Alcantara- Net Medium, by Happy Medium ____ Al Carroll, gr s, 188, by Alcryon.. Aleavala, b g, 1880, by Alcantara- Leah, by Blue Bull ................. Alcazar, b s, 1883, by Sultan Min- nehaha, by Bald Chief .............. Alcazar, blk s, 1883, by Alcantara Galatea, by Fearnaught ............ Alcazar Belle, ch in, 1888, by Alcazar Kate Russell, by Mambrino Russell Alerdalie, b m, 188, by Sir Walter Jr. Comee's Sister, by Daniel Lam- bert .............................. Alchemist, b s, 1882, by Almont Willetta, by Strader's Cassius M. Clay Jr ............................ Alcolyte, br s, 1886, by Onward God- iva, by Bgmont ................... Alcona Jr., b s, 1881, by Alcona Ma- donna, by Strader's Cassius M. Clay Jr ............................ Al Cooper, b g, by Kenelin .......... Alcryon, gr s, 1882, by Alcyone Lady 2:21% 2:30 2:23 2:19 2:24% 2:29:4 2:26% 2:20% 2:29^4 2:30 2:3o .2:26>a 2:19% 2:20 2:29% 2:25% 2:25Vu 2:27% 2:30 2:23 2 :27 2:25 2:28% 2:20'/i 2:2G% 2:23 2:20'/4 2:29 2:24% 2:29 2:20y 2 2:21% 2:241/4 2:30 2:30 2:27'/4 2:19 2:2814 Blanche, by Privateer ............. 2:15 Alcyona, b m, 1883, by Alcyone Cut- ter, by Coaster" .................... 2 :29 Alcyone, br s, 1877, by George Wilkes Alma Mater, by Mambrino Patchen 2:27 Alcyone Belle, ch m, 188, by Alcyone 2:29% Alcyone Jr., ch s, 1887, by Alcyone- Lady Garfield, by Young Jupiter.. 2:18% Alcyonium, b s, 1886, by Alcyone Sister, by Almont ................ 2:24% Alcyrene. blk s, 1888, by Alcyone- Serene, by Nutwood .............. 2:28% Alcyrene, blk m, 188, by Alcyone. . 2:27% Alcy Wilkes, b s, 1883, by Alcyone- Daisy, by Stanhope's Blood Hawk. . 2:16 Aleck B., b g, 1882, by Electioneer Alvaretta, by George Lancaster ... 2:24% Aldeana b m, 1882, by Electioneer Eliza Dolph, by Wildidle .......... 2:25 Alden, br s, 1883, by Alden Gold- smithJenny, by Swigert .......... 2:26 Aldiue, br m, 1873, by Almont Mother Hubbard, by Johnston's Toronto ... 2:19% Alejandri, blk m, 1886. by Dexter Prince Princess, by Nutwood ...... 2:15% Alencon, ch s, 1885, by Lord Russell Alice West, by Almont ........... 2:23% Alert, b g, 1879, by Ensign Outlaw, by Martin's Eclipse ............... 2:18% Alex, b g. 1883, by Alexander ........ 2:26 Alexander, b s, 1868, by Goldsmith's Abdallah Bay Fanny, by Bell- founder ........................... 2:28% Alexander, blk s, 1874, by Ben Patchen Jenny Martin, by Canada Jack ................................ 2:19 Alexander, b g, 187, by Happy Med- tcheu. by Bull Alexander, br s, 1877, by Robinson- iumMary Patcheu. b Bully King. 2:26% , , , Robinson- Nelly Williams, by Copperbottom. . . 2:25 Alexander Button, b s, 1877, by Alexander Lady Button, by Napa Rattler .............................. 2:26% Alexander Button Jr., br s, 1886, by Alexander Button Kate Kearney, by John Nelson .................. 2 :26% Alexander D., b g, 188, by Williams' Idol Bell Wilson, by Lovely's Priam ................................ 2:20 Alexander McCord, b g, 1883, by Glad- iator .............................. 2 :29% Alexander S., rn g, 1873, by Silli- man Morgan ..................... 2 :28% Alexander Stewart, ch g. 18, breed- ing unknown ....................... 2:29% Alex C., b g, 1887, by Alert Crymble Mare, by Marksman ............... 2:21 Alex C., b s, 1890, by Belmont Chief. . 2:28% Alexie Sherman, b m, 1890, by Sher- man, dam by Messenger Duroc.... 2:25% Alexis b s, 1885, by Prince Ali Nelly ................................. 2:21- A Alfonso, br s, 1886, by Baron Wilkes Alma Mater, by Mambrino Patchen ............................. 2:29% Alfred, b s, 1887, by Hambletonian Gem Lady Riehelieu, by Richelieu. 2:2b Alfred, b s, 1880, by Gen. Benton Alice, by Almont ................. 2:25 Alfred, b g, 187 by Cloud Mam- brino ............................. ... Alfred G., b s, 1885, by Anteeo Rosa B., by Speculation .................. 2:19% Alfred S., b g, 1873, by Elmo Nora Marshall, by Union ............... 2:16% Alfretta, b m, 1876, by Mambrino Gift Blondie ........................ 2:26% Alf Taylor br s, 1887, by Capt. Cook Jewel, by Blood Chief Jr ..... 2:24% 12 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Algath, b m, 1879, by Cuyler Harold- iue, by Harold 2:23 Algeria Belle, b ni, 1891, by Algeria Wilkes. dam by Metropolitan 2:28y 2 Algiers, br s, 1882, by Atlantic- Amanda B., by Hero of Thorndale. 2:29% Algoma gr in, 1883, by Alpine Lottie Edwards, by C. J. Wells 2:19% Algoniah, cli s, 1888, by Strathmore Carnation, by Hambrino Star 2:29% Algonquin, br e, 1885, by George O. Xell 2 :29% Algonquin, b g, by Hamlin's Almont Jr 2:18 1 /4 Aigy, ch s, 1889, by Nutwood Alpha, by Alcantara 2:19)4 Alhambra, b g, 1880, by Alcantara- Maggie Young, by Honest Allen... 2:20 Alhambra G., b s, 1889, by Lord Well- ingtonCora, by Sterling 2:24y 2 All, blk s 1888, by Palmetto Mag- gie Graves, by Mambrino King.... 2:29% Alicante, b m, 1884, by Alcantara- Lady Tighe, by Felter's Hamble- tonian 2:20% Alice, b m, by Colonna 2:26% Alice, b m, 188, by Allie Gaines 2:26% Alice, b m, 1868, by Abraham Townsend Mare, by Ethan Allen... 2:28 Alice, b m, 1869, by Mario Jr. El- hanchee 2:29 Alice Addison, gr m, 1874, by Al- mont Alice Drake, by Alexander's Norman 2:28% Alice Black, b m, 1886, by Jersey Wilkes Alice Blackwood, by Black- wood 2:29% Alice Blackwood, b m, 1874. by Blackwood Emeline, by Henry B. Patchen 2:29% Alice Burlew, b m, 1888, by Charley B. Ladv Cramer, by Tremont 2:22% Alice C., b m, 1884, by Stillson Tip, by Tip Cranston 2:27 Alice E., br m, 1888, by Martine Lady Beatrice by McMahon 2:29% Alice Eddy, b m, 188, by Aragon 2:25 Alice Ensign, b m, by Ensign 2:23 Alice G., b m, by Juggler Boy 2:29% Alice K., br m. 1884 by Gen Stan- ton dam by Black Diamond 2:30 Alice Leyburn, br m, 1891, by Baron Wilkes Mamie by Star Almont ... 2:29% Alice Russell, b m, 188 by Alley Russell 2:26% Alice M., b m. 1877, by Kilpatrick Fanny, by Madison's Red Jacket.. 2:28 Alice Medium b m, 1873, by Happy Medium Fiddler's Daughter, by Fiddler 2:29% Alice Peyton (Lady Stevens), b m. 1880, by Blue Bull Myra Shaw, by Tom Lang 2 :27% Alice Simmons, blk m, 1801. by Sim- monsPatty Cooper by Black Doe. 2:30 Alice Stoner, b m, 1875. by Strath- moreNed 2:24V: Alice Tyler, b m, 1875. by Hero of Thorndale Peri, by Edwin Forrest 2:30 Alice West, blk m, 1873, by Almont Young Kate, by McDonald's Mam- brino Chief 2:26 Alice Wilkes, b m, 1885, by Alcantara Maddie Karr, by Administrator. . . 2:17^ Alice Wilkes b m, 188, by George Wilkes Jr. Jennie W., by Brown Harry 2:23!, Alicia, b m. 1881, by George Wilkes Alma Mater, by Mambrino Patchen 2:30 Aline, b m, 1884, by Almont Boy- Bessie Enfield, by Enfleld Jr 2-14% Alix, b m, 1888. by Patronage At- lanta, by Attorney 2:0394 Alkali, b g, by Virgil 2:29% A. L. Keinpland, ch s, 1890, by Guy Wilkes Manon, by Nutwood 2:26% Allandorf, ch s, 1882. by Onward- Alma Mater, by Mambrino Patchen 2:19% Allan Roy, gr g, 1877, by Patchen Vernon Ellen Roy 2:17% Allegheny Boy, ro s, 1874, by Wood's Hambletoiiian 2 :27% Allegro, br s, 1878 by Swigert Miss Richards, by Goldsmith's Abdallah. 2:30 Allegro, blk m, 1887, by Almont Wiikes 2:18% Allen, ro g, 188 2:29y a Allen b s, 1880, by Star Ethan- Nelly, by David Hill 2:30 Allen, b g, 186 2:28% Allen B., ch s, 1888, by Brussels- Flora Belle, by Schuyler Coif ax 2:20% Allen Boy, b g, 1880, by Jay Gould.. 2:28% Allen Boy, br s, 1886 by Almont M. Nelly Nick, by Iron Duke 2:27% Allen H., ch g, 1882, by Ned Patchen Black Bees 2:25% Allen Kinney, b s, 188 by C. F. Clay, dam by Lyle Wilkes 2:24% Allen Line, rn g, 188 by Eagle Bird 2:27% Allen's Best, b s, 1884, by William H. Allen Maggie Mar, by Ajax.... 2:28% Allen Sprague, b g, by Gov. Sprague, dam by McConnell's Magna Charta. 2:30 Allen Wilkes, b s, 1885, by Abdallah Wilkes Brown Nelly 2:29 Allen Wilkes ro s, 188, by Jay Bird Biddy Donovan, by Honest Allen. 2:24y 4 Allerio, b s, 1886, by Jay Bird- Susie Shoemaker, by Tremont 2:22 Allerton, br s, 1886, by Jay Bird Guesie Wilkes, by Mambrino Boy.. 2:00% Alleta, blk m. 1888, by William H. Vanderbilt Kate Berry, by Yankee Dan 2:26%. Alley, b g, 1868, by Volunteer, dam by New York Black Hawk 2:19 Alley Bonner, b g, 1879, by Startle- Bessie Forrest, by Edwin Forrest. . 2:23% Alley K., b g. 1881. by Deucalion- Emblem by Minchin's Tom Moore. . 2:29 1 / 2 Alley W., b g, 187, by Western Fear- naught-Cal, by Caledonia Chief... 2:22V t Allibel, b m, 1891, by St Bel Alicia Wilkes, by Guy Wilkes 2:l!>'.' l . Allie Ambassador, b m. 1886, by Wirt's Almont, dam by Ambassador. 2:27 Allie B., br m by Memento Wilke-.. 2:30 Allie Gee, b s,' by Allie Wilkes 2:2fH/ t Allie Gee. b g, 188 by Allie Gaines 2:22% Allie Graham, br g, by Allie GainevS. 2:29% Allie J.. b m, 1890, by Mohawk Gift- Lady Holland, by Holland 2:26 Allie * K., gr m 1889, by Badger Sprague Pet '. 2:26% Allie Medium, b m. 1889, by Country Medium A nnice, by Alroy 2:30 Allie Rosebud, b m, 1887, by Happy Medium Allie Gano, by Almont . . . 2:28% Allie Sloper, ch m, 1889, by Elector- Calypso, by Steinway 2:28 Allie Swift b m. 1891. by Artemas... 2:27 Allie West, blk s. 1870. by Almont Fanny, by Mambrino Chief 2:25 Allie Wilkes, b s. 1882, by Red Wilkes THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 13 Alex, by Allie West .............. Allie Wilkes, ch m, 188, by Red Prince ............................... Allimore, blk m, 1887. by Altarnore Lizzie H., by Hinkstou Boy ...... Allo, br s, 1881, by Altoona Nelly . . . Allorita (Lena H.), ch m, 188 by Altoona Nelly ...................... All Monarch, ch s, 1888, by Alinonarch Lady Bostwick by Prince of Wales ........... .' .................... All Right, b s, 1891, by Gogebic . . . All Right Jr., b s, by All Right ..... All So, b s, 1884, by Blackwood Jr. So So, by George Wilkes ......... Alma, blk m, 1886, by Almont M. Barrett mare ..................... Alma, br m, 1872, by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian Glara, by American Star. Alma, b m, 1883, by Electioneer Alvaretta, by George Lancaster.... Alma Alto, b m, 1891, by Palo Alto.. Almambro, br s, 1881, by Alar Clay Nigger, by Stanhope's Mambrino Pilot Jr. ... ........ . .............. Almarch, ch s, 1883, by Almonarch. . Almater, ch m, 1884, by Hambrino Alma Mater, by Mambrino Patchen. Almira Highwood, b m, 1891, by High- woodSally Cossack, by Don Cos- sack .............................. Almo, b s, 1880, by Hamdallah Topsy, by Alexander .......... ' ____ Almonarch', b s, 1875, by Almont Hi, by Asteroid ....................... Alrnonette, b in, 1881, by Altamont Favorite, by Post's Hambletonian. . Almonition, blk s, 1888, by Alcona Pansy, by Strader's Cassi'us M. Clay Almont, b g, 1877, by Alburn Lutie Ware, by Stanhope's Blood Hawk. . Almont, b g, pedigree not traced.... Almont, br g, 18, by Morris' Al- mont ............................. Almouta, b m, 1884, by Tilton. Al- mont Susie ....................... Almont Aberdeen, b s, 1884, by Aber- deenBrightness, by Almoiit ....... Almont Brunswick b s, 1881, by Al- mont Chief Affliction, by Duke of Brunswick ........................ Almont Eagle, br s, 1872, by Almont Mag Ferguson, by Mambrino Chief Almont General, b g, 1879, by Ham- lin's Almont Jr. Mrs. Pratt, by Niagara Champion ................ Almont Gift, b s, 1878, by Almont Chief Shoo Fly, by Hall's Mohawk Almont Gift Jr., b s, 188, by Al- mont Gift ......................... Almont Hambletonian, gr s, 1884, by Romulus Delusion, by Almont ..... Almontine, b m, 188, by King Al- mont ........................ .. ____ Almont Jr. (Bostick's), b s, 1871, by Almont Belle Forrest, by Edwin Forrest ........................... Almont Jr. (Hamlin's), b s, 1872 by Almont Maggie Gaines, by Blood's Black Ha Almont King, br s. 1885, by Al West Nelly Lee, by Mambrino Gay ...... Almont M., b s, 187 by Bostick'e Almont Jr. Dutch mare, by Ver- mont Boy Almont Maid, ch m Withers Winona, Mori-ill 1885, by Gen. by Winthrop Almont Medium, b s, 1882, by Happy" 2:15 Medium Lady Chiles, by Almont... Almont Patchen, b s, by Hamliu's 2:28 Almont Jr. Kit, by Hamlin Patchen Almont Star, b s, 1881, by Almont 2:29% Blanche Star, by Oonklin's Ameri- 2:22% can Star ." Almont Star, b s, 1885, by Almont 2:16% Pilot Stan Maid, by Magnolia Almont Wagoner, b s, 1884, by Al- mont Chief Kit Patchen, by Wild 2:19Vis Wagoner !.... 2:21 Almont Wilkes, br s, 1883, by Wilkle 2:29i/2 Collins Almontress, by Hamlin's Al- mont Jr 2:20% Alonzo Hayward, gr e, 187, by Billy Hayward-M'liss 2:28% Alpha, blk m, 1880, by Alcantara- Jessie Pepper, by Mambrino Chief. . 2:28% Alpha, ch m, 1887, by Pilot Champion Nell, by Hatfield's Jake Weaver... 2:28% Alpha, b g, 1872, by Whalebone Knox, 2:30 dam by Sanborn horse Alpha, b g, by Armagh Alpheus, b s, 1880, by Mambrino 2:28% Wilkes Rose, by Majon Mono 2:30 Alphington, b s, 1886, by Pilot Med- iumNell Buckman, by Masterlode. . 2:24% Alpine, b s, 1886, by Hambrino Gwendolen, by Harold Al Q. Chase, b g, 1888, by Onslaught 2:23% Dolly Carter, by Hambletonian Bashaw 2:30 Al R., b g, 1879, by Frank Nichols- Flora, by Coomb's Black Hawk 2:24% Alrich, blk s, 1890, by Altus Na- mouna, by A. W. Richmond 2:29% Alroy, b g, 1879, by Peacemaker- Mason Girl, by Arabian Chief 2:21% Aisle, ch m, 1882, by Kentucky Prince Beatrice, by Rysdyk's Hambleto- 2 :17Vi nian 2:28% Alspur, b s, 1887, by Don Carlos- Alice, by Mambrino Dudley . , 2:25 Alta, blk m, 1886. by Allie Gaines Malinda Weeks, by Star of the West 2:25 Alta, br m, 1872, by Almont Lady by Bourbon Chief' 2:22% Alta, b m, 1880, by Altamont Maud by Mike Alta, b m, pedigree not traced.. 2:25-4 Alta A., b g, 1883, by Altamont, dam by Autocrat ' 2:27 Alta Boy, b s, 1887, by Billy Wilkes Flocee, by Louis Napoleon Alta May, b m. 1887, by Herschel 2:24'/ 2 Trapeze, by Tramp Alta May, b m, 1891, by Auctioneer 2:27% Marie, by Greenbacks (dead) Altamont, b s, 1875, by Almont Sue 2:29% Ford, by Brown Chief Altamont, b g, 188, by Almont Star 2:23% Birthday, by Daniel Lambert . o 1-.I/ A1 ??. mu ^& te m ' 1883 b y Harold 2:lt)% Alice West, by Almont . . . Altao, b s, 1886, by Altamont Sally M., by Oregon Pathfinder . 2:29 Alta Patchen, ch s, 1885, by Seneca Patchen Nelly Daniels, by Seneca Chief 2:26 Altar, ch s, 1881. by Abdalbrino^-' I Laureta, by Daniel Lambert.. 2:20% i Altaree, b m, 1891, by Alturas . | Alta Reina, b m, 1890, by Atto Rex Jay, by Jim Hawkins 2:30 Alta Rose, b m, 188 by Highlawn Altena, blk m, 1884, by Altamont- Sleepy Kate, by Mike 2:20 Althaia, b m, 1890, by Altamont Venetia, by Almont 2:1814 2:29% 2:2894 2:25 2:29% 2:20 2:30 2:23% 2:25% 2:29% 2:21% 2:25 2:10% 2:30 2:24% 2:27% 2:30 2:22y 4 2:29 2:21 2:17% 2:23% 2:23Va 2:29% 2:29% 2:2t3% 2:27 2:28% 2:26% 2;29% 2:30 2:16 2:24% 2:16V 4 2:30 2:27 2:28% 2:26% 2:27% 14 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Althard, b m, 1888, by St. Gothard Alicia, by Harold 2:28% Althea, b m, 1886, by Ben Franklin Susie Hiker, by Blackstone 2:24% Altissimo, blk g, 1890, by Grandissimo Kate, by Toronto Chief Jr 2:25% Altitude, b s 2:27% Altitude, b s, 1872, by Almont Molly, by Oantrell's Sir Archy 2:28 Altivo, b e, 1890, by Electioneer Dame Winnie, by Planet 2:18/2 Alto, dn s, 1884, by Antar Lowville, by Green Mountain Boy 2:26% Altogether, gr g, 1885, by Hamlin's Almont Jr. Kitty Stack, by Ste- phen A. Douglas 2:19 ! /4 Alton Boy, ro s, 186, by Honest Allen 2:29% Altoona, b m, 188 , by Menelaus (pacing 2:16%) 2:22% Altoneer, br e, 1891, by Sphinx Pilotena Wilkes, by Pilot Wilkes.. 2:25 Altus, b s, 1885, by Alcantara Gos- sip, by Mambrino Patchen 2:25'/4 Alvan, b s, 1883, by Bostick's Almont Jr. Vanity, by Enfleld 2:26% Alvary, b s, 1887, by Alvarado Vic- toria, by Stockbrldge 2:30 Alvin, ch s, 1885, by Orpheus Nancy, by Toronto Chief Jr 2:11 Alvira, b m, 1876, by Stillson Fanny, by Harry Clay 2:29% Alviso, br g, by Brown Jug 2:20 Alzippa, ch g, 1885, by Alroy Goldie, by Rifleman 2:14% Amani, blk m, 1889, by Wilton Alma Mater, by Mambrino 'Patchen 2:28% Amaranth, ch s, 188, by Ambassador 2:27V4 Amazon, ch m, 1886, by Ambassador- Bishop mare, by Mohawk Jackson. . 2:29% Ambassador, blk e, 1875, by George Wilkes Lady Carr, by American Clay 221% Amber, b s, 1871, by Clear Grit- Jenny Jinks, by Royal Revenge 2: 2514 Amber, b m, 1888, by Nelson Nellie Rampart, by Rampart 2:2i Amber F., ch s, 188, by Amber 2:30 Amberlou, gr m, 1888, by 'Black Hawk McGregor Polka, by Pocahontas Boy 2:27% Amberlyte, br s, 1889, by Acolyte Louella, by Amber 2 :30 Ambler, b g, 1871, by Wood's Ham- bletonian 2:30 Amboy, ch g, 1884, by Heptagon- Lady Burchard, by Rysdyk s Ham- bletbnian 2:13% Amboy, ch s, 1865, by Green's Ba- shawFan, by Spread Eagle 2:26 Ambrosial, b s, 1889, by Tom Pugh Miss Harrington, by Regulato'r 2:17% Amboies, b s, 1892, by Altheus Hat- tie R., by Andy Johnson 2:26% Ameer, b s, 1890, by Nephew Amer- ica, by Ryedyk's Hambletonian. .. . 2:27 Amelia, ch m, by Rustic Petaluma. . 2:22% Amelia C., b m, 1876, by Dexter- Bradford, dam by Volunteer 2:19% Amelia Rives, blk m, 1886, by King Richard Wanda 2:27% Amender, b s, 1884, by Meander ~rady Anna, by Woodford Mam- ftrtno .. 2:25% America, blk s, 1886, by Kentucky Prince Alma, by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian 2:23V2 American Girl, b nr 1862, by Amos' Cassius M. Clay Jr. (dead) 2:16y 2 American Jay, ro s, 1888, by Eagle Bird Our Mary, by Lelays 2:24% Ameiican Lad, b s. 1885, by Ethan Wilkes Rarity, by Messenger Ba- shaw (pacing 2 :17%) 2 :26% Amherst Boy, b s, 1887, by Elyria, dam by American Boy 2:24% Arrigo, b s, 1885, by Electioneer Nadine, by Wiididle (died 1892).... 2:16% Arnorel, blk m, 1889, by St. Bel Adonai, by Dictator 2:26 Amoskeag, ch s, 1887, by Ambassador Maud 2:28 Amurath, b s, 1887, by Sultan Smug- gler Girl, by Smuggler 2:2o Amy, b m, 1865, by Volunteer Belle Brandon, by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian (dead) 2:20% Amy Arney, b m, 1887, by Montgom- eryGoalie, by Rob Roy 2:22% Amy B., b m 186, by Frank Dunn- Daisy Dean, by Black Jack (dead). 2:24% Amy King, ch m, 1879, by Mambriuo King Belle Clay, by Kentucky Clay 2:22% Amy Lee, ch m, 1882, by Bay Star- Nell, by Scott's Hiatoga 2:14 Ana, blk m, 1882, by Kentucky Prince Starbeam by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian 2:28% Ancient Order Boy, ch g, 186, by Gen. Morgan, dam by a son of Brown's Bellf ounder 2 :27 Andante, ch s, 1882, by Bostick's Almont Jr. Mary M., by Bas.singer Anderson, b g, 188, by Baron West. Anderson Wilkes, b m, 1884, by On- ward Magnet, by Strathmore Andrew Allison, b s, 1886, by An- dante Kate K., by Trouble Andrew O., b g, 1884, by Harlan Bess, by Robert Whaley Andes, g s, 1885, by Clay Cuyler Elsie Wilkes, by George Wilkes... Andy Cutter, gr g, 1888, by Cyclone Gray Maid, by Major Downing. . Andy Ensign, b s 1891, by Ensign- Linda, by Supervisor 2 :26% Andy K., b g, 18&-, by Barkis 2:25% Andy Mershon, gr s, 1870, by Curtis' Hambletonian Lucy Mershou, by Kavauaugh's Grey Eagle 2:25% Andy Pogue, b s, 1887, by Harry Pull- ingSarah, by Coriander 2:29% Angelina, b m, 1886, by Wilkes Boy- Molly, by Kentucky Clay 2:12 Angus blk s, 188 by Wilkes Boy. 2:20% Anita, br m, 1887, by Baron Wilkes Mary F., by Mambrino Boy 2:29% Anita, br m, 1886, by Le Grand- Hannah Price, by Arthurton 2:25% Anita, gr m, 1886, by Rockwood Jr. Lucy, by Vermont 2:23% Angelica, ch m 188, by Young Ful- lerton 2:25% Angelus, ch g, 1891, by Whitby Winnif red, by Brennan 2 :23% Anglin, b g, 1876, by George Wi Ikes- Betty Brown, by Mambrino Patchen 2:27% Anna B., gr m, 1887, by Dirkee V. Lucy, by Petoskey 2:27 Annabel b m, by Herschel, dam by Star Hambletoniau 2:29% Annabelle, ch m, 1888, by Dawn Pacheco, by Hubbard 2:27% Annabel -Lee, ch m, lbov>, by Aber- deenBetty Martin, by Mambrino Time 2:26 Anna C., b m, by Hambletonian THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Tranby Irnogene Annacander, ch m, 1888, by Alcan- der Leona Anna K. b in, 1887, by Haw Patch- Ella B., by Alclrich Morgan Anna Kuowlton (Annie), ch m, 1877, Broken Leg Zulu Z., by Daniel Lambert Anna M., blk m, by Tom Allen Anna Mace, gr m, 1889, by Robert Mc- Gregor Ma ttie H., by Blue Bull... Anna May, b m, 1885. by Delmonico Sprague Nelly, by Jiggler Anna May, b m, by Deimonico Sprague Annette, ch m, 1887, by King Rene- Lady Pride, by Hamlet Jr Annette, b in, 1874, by Sentinel Min- nie, by Kentucky Clay Annie, b m, pedigree not traced... Annie B., b m, 1887, by Abdallah Mambrino Clip, by Hainlet Den- mark Annie Bennett, ch m, by Bayoime Prince, dam by Royal Fearnaught. . Annie Boone, b m, 188. by Daniel Boone Annie C., b m, 188, by Commander. Annie C., gr m, by Melrose Annie C., b m, 188-;-, by C. M. Clay Jr., dam by Mambrino Black Hawk. Annie Collins, br m, 1862, by Paul Jones Morgan Belle (dead) Annie D., b m, 1884, by Port Leonard Dolly, by Wilson's Capt. Walker. . Annie E., b m, 1886, by Tilton Al- mont Nippy, by Henry Belmont. . . Annie G., br m, 1870, by Dictator. Annie Laurie, by Harris' Hamble- tonian (dead) Annie H. (Susie Walton), b m, 1884, by Gen. George H. Thomas Edge- field Girl, by Enfleld Annie Hazen, ch m, 188. by Rob- ert McGregor, dam by Onward Annie K., gr m, by Happy Medium, dam by Mercer Patchen Annie L., ro m, 1890, by Prince Or- loff, dam by son of Harold Annie Laurie, b m, 1877, by Echo- Black Swan, by California Ten Brpeck ! Annie Laurie, ch m. 1878, by Daniel Lambert Never Mind, by a son of Young Moscow Annie Lou, b m, by Daniel Lambert- Brown Nelly, by a son of Vermont Black Hawk Annie McGregor, b m, 1890, by Rob- ert McGregor Annette, by Young Jim Annie Only, ch m, by George H. Hazzard Annie Ossian b m, 188, by Ossian.. Annie P., b m, 1887, by Patchen Vol- unteerKitty C., by Landmark Annie Page, b m, 1872, by Daniel Lam- bertFanny Jackson, by Stonewall Jackson Annie Pixley, b m, 188. by Stock- ing Chief Annie Rooney, b m, 1884 by Spring- field Kate '. Annie S., ch m, 1877, by Almont Blanche Star, by Conklin's American Star Annie Stevens, b m, 1887, by Ken- tucky Prince Lady Horton, by 2:27% 2:28% | 2:28% 2:27% 2:30 2:29% 2:27% 2:27% 2:27% 2:29 2:29% 2:25)4 2:27% 2:23% 2:29% 2:23 2:28 2:20 2:22% 2:28% 2:29% 2:30 2:27% 2:30 2:24 2:27% 2:25 2:25% 2:2714 2:29% 2:241/4 2:26% Sweepstakes -:18y Anteeo Jr., b s, 1884, by Anteeo Lady Signal, by Signal 2:2.">Vi Anteeo Richmond, gr s, 1888, by An- teen Queen, by A. W. Richmond . . 2 :24*4 Antella, b m, 1890, by Ansel Gara- phelia, by Gen. Benton 2 :2GV> Antelope, ch s. 1880, by Nutwood- Fanny, by Jerseyman 2:23% Anteeoyne, b s, 1890, by Anteeo Anna Lotta, by Red Wilkes 2:23 Anterose, b m, 1888, by Anteros Ruby F., by Harry B 2:25 Antevolo, br s, 1881, by Electioneer Columbine by A. W. Richmond 2:19y> Anthelia, b m, 1890, by Anteeo Wilksie G., by Robert McGregor.. 2:18 Antlnous, b s, 1882, by Electioneer American Girl, by Toronto Sontag. . 2:28% Antioch, br s, 1889, by Antevoio Fanny, by Mambrino Wilkes 2:21% Antonina, b m 1888, by Antonio- Kitty Morgan, by 'Sam Purdy 2:26% Antonio, b s, 1880, by Messenger Du- roc Green Mountain Maid, by Harry Clay 2:28% Anvil, b s, 1889, by Manville Ance, by Amber 2:23% Aparka, b s, 1887, by Onward Lizzie K., by Magic 2:22 Apex b s, 1882, by Prompter Mary, by *. . 2:26 Apollo Wilkes, b s, 1883, by Alcantara Kit, by Gov. Banks 2:28% Appanoose, b s, 1885, by Egbert- Hope, by Magic 2:26% Aquarius, ch s, 1882, by Pancoast Doris, by Cuyler 2:26 A. R., b g 1881, by Gold Leaf Jack- son 2:27% Ara, ch m, 1883, by Masterlode Fanny, by Magna Charta 2:2914 Arab, b g, 1878, by Arthurton Lady Hamilton 2:15 Arabella, b m, 1887, by Arabesque- Nell, by Scott's Hiatoga 2:26% Arabesque, b s 1882, by King Rene Alco, by Princeps 2:29% Arago, br s, 1885, by Steele Jenny 1(5 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Patchen, by Tom Patchen 2-22% Arasene, b m, 1887, by Arabesque Fantine, by Altorf , . 2-28vi Aravant, b s, 1887, by Arabesque Maggie Miller by Auditor 2:2' Arbiter, blk s, 1878, by Administra- torAlma Mater, by Mambrino Patchen 2 '22% Arbogast, b g, 1879, by Jack Shep- pard 2-29^ Arbutus, blk g, 1882, by Electioneer Amy, by Messenger Duroc 2:26'/> Arcadian, blk s, 1883 by Egbert Yaura, by Almont ..." 2 -23% Archbishop, ch s, 1886, by Wood- ward's Ethan Allen Jr. Nutshell, by Nutwood 2-19^ Archie, b s, 1870, by GaribaldiLady Mischief 2 -24^ Archie B., ch g, by Thought 2:18% Archie Sherman, b e, 1888, by Sher- man Maggie, by Mambrino Howard 2:29% A-chlight, blk s, 1886, by Rampart- Gypsy, by Robert R, Morris . . . 2:19% Arctic, gr s, 188 by Aristos 2:24 Arctic B., b s, 1885, by Squire Tal- mage Belle, by Stephen A. Douglas 2:17% Arden, br s, 1884, by Detractor Music, by Goldenbow 2:29-% Ardent, b s, 1890, by Alcazar Nelly D by Echo . 2:30 Ardoch 2*26 Areida, ch m, 1884, by -Favorite Wilkes Aria O., by Neill Robinson. . 2:26 Arena, b s, 1890, by Alcantara Mar- tense, by Gen. Knox 2:15% Argent, b s, 1882, by Sterling Madam Buckner, by Tom Hal 2-24 1 2 Argentine, ch g, 1882, by Sweepstakes Lady Deyo, by Hasbrook's Black Hawk 2-2V/4 Argo, br g, 1885, by Jerome Eddy- Alice White, by Walker's Denmark 2:25% Argo A., b s, 1882, by Wood's Ham- bletonian May, by Dandy 2:28 Argomont, ch s, 188 by Argomont. . 2:29% Argonaut, b s, 1873, by Fearnaught... 2:23% Argonaut, br g, 187, by Wood's Hambletonian Hackett Mare 2 :23}i Arguile, b s, 1887, by Alcantara Miss Alice, by Squire Talmage 2:25 Aria, b m, 1891, by Bernal Ashby, by Gen. Benton 2:16% Arfal, b s, 1890, by Wildnut Nina, by Piedmont 2:27% Ariana, b m, by Ansel Rebecca, by Gen. Benton 2 :26 Arias, b g, 1888, by Mambrino Clark Adele Wilkes, by Abdallah Wilkes.. 2:29% Arion, b e, 1889, by Electioneer Ma- nette, by Nutwood 2:07% Aristall, b s, 1891, by Energy 2:25% Aristides, b s, 1886, by Red Wilkes Monie West, by Almont 2:20% Aristomont, b g, 1882, by Aristos Al- monia, by Almont 2:27% Aristos, b s, 1870, by Daniel Lambert Fanny Jackson, by Stonewall Jackson 2:27% Aristotle, br s, 1885, by Aristos Lady Herbert, by Waltham 2:22% Arlene Wilkes, ch m, 1888, by Ham- bletonian Wilkes Lady Beach, by St. Lawrence 2 :224 2:26 2:29V4 2:25 2:12% I 2:22% I 2:27^ I Aurora, ch m, 18, by Hambletonian Wilkes Aurora, ch m, 1866, by John Nelson Lamott Mare Aurora Prince, b s, 1887, by Florida M. Gabrella, by Wite's Trojan Australia, gr s, 1885, by Alecto Alice Drake, by Alexander's Norman Australia, b s, 1884, by Austerlitz Sadie R., by Scorcher Autograph, b s, 1883, by Alcantara- Flaxy, by Kentucky Clay Autrain, b m, 1889, by Princeton, dam by Glenview Autumn Queen, br m, 1879, by Volun- teerBrownie Clay, by Harry Clay. Avalon, b s, 1885, by Marlborough Gypsey Murray, by Fortune Avana, b m, 1890, by Squire Talrnage Ida T., by Harkaway Avelloni, ch s, 1888, by Maximus Bloom, by Ashland Avena, b m, 1886, by Black's Ham- bletonian Molly Warner, by Mam brino Bruce Avena, ch m, 1894 Belle Stanton, br m, 1887, by Gen. Stanton Jenny, by Gilderoy 2:24^, Belle Strickland ch m, 1860, by Mer- row Horse Welch Mare, by With- erell Messenger (dead) 2:26 Belle Thorne, b m, 1886, by Haw- thorne Gail McMahon, by McMahon 2:27 Belletone, b m, 1892, by Bellman, dam by Othello 2:30 Bellette, b m, 1892, by Bellman, dam bv Laucewood 2:24V4 Belle Truitt, gr m, 1885, by Hazel Bashaw Hale Mare, by Telegraph 2:25^2 Belle Truxton, blk m. 1889, by Trux- ton Miss Preston, by Prince Orloff 2:30 Belle Underbill, b m, 1884, by Walter Lewis Flora, by John Bull 2:26'/4 Belle Unrue, b m. 1884, by Ajax Jennie, by Blue Bull 2:29 J /i Belle Ure b m, 1888, by Hambrino Fashion,' by Curtis' Hambletonian. . 2:19V 2 Belle Vara, b m, 1887, by Vatican- Nell, by Estill Eric 2:08% Bellevue Wilkes, ch s, 1887, by Rea Wilkes Lady Oassell, by Shelby Chief 2:27% Belle W., blk m, 1885, by Selkirk- Juno, by Sawdust 2-1914 Belle W.. b m, 188 by Highland Chief 2:291,4 Belle Weriie. b m 2:29' X 4 Belle Whitney, gr m, 18S7, by White- line Hotspur Girl, by Hotspur Jr.. 2-30 Belle Wilkes, b m. 1885. by Young Wilkes Belle of Johnson, by Narra- gansett 2:28% Belle Wilson, ch m, 1876, by Blue Bull Kate Jennings, by St. Law- rence II ." 2 -23% Belle Wilson, gr m, 1886, by Jim Wil- son, dam by Thomas A. Scott 2:2o Belle Wilson, b m, 187 by Mam- brino Bruce Miss Wilson 2:24*4 Belle Wilson, ch m, 1880, by Georgt> Wood 2:28% Belle Wythe, b m, 1882, by Toronto Patcheu Lady Lightfoot, by Flax- tail 2:27y 2 Bellini, br s, 1887 by Artillery- Merry Clay, by Harry Clay 2:13y; Bellman, b s, 1886, by Indiaman Lulu F., by Ericsson 2:14% Bellman, b s, 1888, by St. Bel Daisy D., by Goldstone 2:28% Bellona, br ru, 1889 by Brown Wilkes Lottie D., by Homer 2:29V4 Belle Peters, b s, 1885, by Sterling Boy, dam by American Clay 2:29 Bellton, b s, 1888, by Belden Boy Mollle Miner, by Steinbok 2:24% Bell Town, br e, 1888. by St. Bel- Rosa Blackwood, by Blackwood. .. .2:20V4 Bellwether, ch s, 1888, by Viking- Christine, by Wood's Hambletonian 2:19*4 Bellwood, b m, 1887, by Nutgrove Lady Gay, by Volunteer Star 2:30 Belmout, b g. 1882, by Belmont Dolly 2:28& Belmont Prince, b s, 1888, by Wax- fordMaggie Shea, by Jefferson Prince 2:iT : /4 Bel Onward, blk m, 1889, by St. Bel Hildegarde, by Onward 2:23 Belva B., b m, 188, by Artemas... 2:20*4 Belva May, ch m 188, by St. Glair. . 2:29V4 Ben All, b g, 187 by George M. Patchen Jr 2:22 Ben Anna, b g, by a Dreunon horse. . 2:29 Ben B., b g, 1885, by Ridge wood- Jess, by Young Warrior 2:17*& Ben Bolt, dn g, 1884, by Giltedge Trouble, by Gus Henry 2:27*/ 2 Ben Butler, b g, 2:29 Ben Buxton, b g, 188^-, by Bartholo- mew Wilkes, dam by Roily Seymour 2:26% Ben Cole, b g, 1884, by Ben Lomond Jr. Molly Cole, by Cardinal 2:23% Ben Corbitt, b s, 1888, by William Corbitt Jessie M., by A. W. Rich- mond 2-21 Ben Davis ch g, 1885, by Great Tom Lena 2-19y* Ben Downs, b g, 1889, by Allie Wilkes Madge, by Case's Dave Hill 2:29*4 Ben Duroc, br g, by Duroc . 2:26*,4 Benedicta, gr m, 1889, by Waterloo- Young Nelly Haynes, by Harry Wise 2:29*4 Benediction, ch s, 1887 by Benefactor Abutillon, by Belmont 2:27*A Benefactor, ch s, 1882, by Egbert- Mary, by Woodford Mambrino 2:28 Benefactor, b s, 1884, by Gen. Benton Frolic, by Harry Clay 2:29% Ben Flagler, gr g. 186, by Niagara Chief (dead) 2:26y> Ben Franklin, ch s, 1873, by Daniel Lambert Black Kate, by Addison.. 2-29 Ben Gage, b g, 187, by Swigert 2:30 Ben Gaines, b g, 188, by Allie Gaines, dam by Star of the West. . . 2:27>4 Ben H.. b g, 1887, by McOurdy's Hambletonian Jr. Old Gal 2 :16^ Ben H., b s, 1888, by Star Ethan Merse, by Isham Morgan 2:30 Ben H., b g, 1890, by Elyria, dam by Hotspur Jr 2:25*4 Ben Haden, ch s, 1885, by Robert Burns Irene, by Almont Rattler 2:30 Ben Hulett, b s, 1882, by Louis Napo- 22 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. leon Mattie Hulett, by Bay Middle- ton .............................. 2:26y 4 Ben Hur, b s, 188-, by Elial G ....... 2:29% Ben Hur, b s, 1884, by Hambrino Pearl, by Hero of Thqrudale ........ 2:24 Beu Hur, ch g, by Jeft'e sou Prince- Bobbie, by Bacon's Ethan Allen ____ 2:29v4 Ben Hur, ch g, 1888, by Howard's Champion, darn by Golddust ........ 2 :'2i^ Ben K., br g, 1881, by Ozark, dam by Abdallah Boy ..................... 2:27% Ben Kiuney, b g, 1888, by Black's Hambletonian ................... 2:21% Ben Lambert, oh g, 1883, by Daniel Lambert Lady Malcomb ............ 2 :2T Ben Lomond Jr., ch s, 1877, by Ben Lomond, dani by Morgan Sunipter (dead) ............................ 2:27 Ben McOlellau, ch g, by Drew Horse (dead) ............................ 2:30 Ben Morrill, br s, 1868, by Wlnthrop MoiTill, dam by Golurnbus. . .^ ...... 2:27 Benny B., ch g 1888, by Butler's Ba- shaw Alfarata, by Somonauk ...... : Benny O., 1> g, 1888, by Indianapolis Jr. Clipper, by Albert .............. 2:22% Benoni, 1> s, 1886. by Pretender- Sport, by Onward'. ..." ............. 2 :22Vi Ben-no-nie, b s, 1884, by Joe Gavin Napoleon Maid, by Louis Napoleon. . 2:25 Ben S., b g, 1886, tfy Intliamau, dam by Haihpton ..................... 2:25 Ben Smith, gr g, 186, by Young Columb'us, aBOSt'lty Vermont Hamble- tonian ........................... 2:2T Ben Star, b g, 1876. by Tom Hazzard Dolly Buxton, by John Richards Jr^tpirCtng record 2:19%) (dead) ____ 2:21% Beuteer, b g, 1SS6, by Kentucky Vol- unteerBen Bay, b'y Ben Lomond Jr. 2:30 Ben ton, b a-, 18Sa, by Gen Benton America, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 2:20% Bentoneer, b s, 1885, by Gen. Benton Guess, by Electioneer ............ 2:28"'/i> Benton M., ch s, 1888, by~ - Gov. Benton Sadie M., by Dauntless ............. 2:10V4 Bentou Wilkes, b-s, 1889, by Alcone Jessie Benton, by Jim Scott ........ 2:22 Ben V., b s, 1886, by Red Wilkes Rena C., by Messenger Chief ....... 2:29% Ben Wallace, b g, 1886, by Hamenger Nettie, by Mambrino Pilot Jr ..... 2:19vi Ben Williams, b g, 18 (linger?), by Iron Dnke? ....................... 2:2V4 Ben Wi-kes, blk g, 188, by Defender, dam by Motion ................... 2 :26 Ben Wright, br s, 1879, by Royal Fearnaught Mag Peterson, by Mas- terlode ........................... 2:30 Benzoni, b s, 1891, by St. Bel Beulah West, by Abdallah West ........... 2:30 Berceto, eh s, 1890, by Antevolo Nelly Rose, by Sacramento ......... 2:29 Bergen, b g, 1877, by Messenger Duroc Belle of Richmond, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian ........... 2:26% Berkshire Belle, b m, 1886, by Alcyone Belle Brasfield, by Viley's Cripple. 2:22% Be:imuda, bl s, 1883. by Banker Pat- tie Patchen, by Mambrino Patchen. 2:20^4 Bermuda Boy, ro s, 1889, by Bermuda Baby Mine, by Stonewall Jackson. 2:20-)4 Bermuda Girl, br m, 1892, by Ber- mudaAnnie McKee, by Red Wilkes 2:21V 4 Bermuda Chief, b s, 188 by C. F. Clay-^Juanita, by Messenger Chief.. 2:29^4 Berna Dotte, b s, 1890, by Wilton- Mary Morn, by Hambrino .......... 2:29 ; / 2 Bernal, b s, 188 1 -, by Electioneer Re- becca, by Gen. Benton 2:17 Bernice Medium, blk m, 1891, by Riley Medium 2:27% Berry, bl s, 188, by Delmarch 2:26'/ 4 Bert B., ch g, 1881, by Dan Brown- Flora S., by Zero 2:29% Bertha, b m,' 1884, by Egmout Polka Dot, by Senator Madden 2:29% Bertha, ch m, 1877, by Blue Bull- Kit, by Wolf Cockspur 2:23% Bertha, br m, 1879 by Hambletonian Downing Belle Clay, by Strader's Cassius M. Clay Jr 2:27 Vi Bertha C., ch m, 188, by Warlock.... 2:29% Bertha C., ch m, 187, pedigree not traced 2:30 Bertha D., blk m, 1890, by Duraugo, dam by Fairy Gift 2 :22% Eertha Clay, bl m, 1874, by Henry Clay Jr. Rosekranz, by Edwin For- rest 2:30 Eerthard, b m, 1880, by St. Gothard-- Grace Bertram, by New Jersey 2 :29 Bertha S., b m, 1878, by Bonnie Bay Belle of Cayuga, by Post's Ham- bletonian Prince " 2:29% Bertie, gr m, 1867, by Blue Bull, dam by Tom Orowder. . . '. 2:27 Bertie Girl, b m, 1889, by Jay Bird- Kate, by Abdalbrino 2:23% Bertie M., gr m, 188, by Iowa Chief. 2:27% Bertie R., b m, 1888, by Wilkomont Red, by Red Eagle 2:15';4 Bertie Sprague, b m, 188, by Gov. Sprague 2 :24 Bertnot, br g, 188 by Billy Wilkes.. 2:29% Bert Oliver, b s, 1889, by Ashland Wilkes lone Wilkes, by Red Wilkes 2:19% Eertrace, b m, 1871, by Rysdyk Polly Barber, by Bully King 2:27% Bertrace Patchen, br m, 1885, by Sen- eca Patchen Bertrace, by Rysdyk. . 2:29 Bertrina, br m, 1885, by Jerome Eddy Miss Bryant, by Mambrino Patchen ' 2:23 Bert Sheldon, br g, 187, by War- wick Boy Cole, by Priestinan 2:29 : / 4 Eert Sheldon Jr., blk g, 1883, by War- wick Boy Cole, by Priestmai 2:16% Burwick, b g, 188, by Ned Wilkes, dam by Lambert Chief 2:30 Berwick Boy, gr g, 1884, by Pilot Medium Sparta Girl (dead) 2:24% Beeor, b g, 1877, by Bartholomew Wilkes Puss Cook, by Mambrino Clay 2:28% Bees, ch m, 1887, by Elmo Miss Mor- rill, by Winthrop Morrill 2:29% Bessie, ch m, 1876, by Blue Bull Os- burn 2:17% Bessie br m, 1875, by Marmadiike Fanny 2:2(>% Bessie, b m. 1881, by Ben Franklin- Gypsy, by Bay Lambert 2:20% Bessie Allen, b m, 1888, by Dresden- Fanny Parvin, by Green's Bashaw.. 2:2U% Bessie Bell, g m, by Green's St. Bel- Belle D, by Dempsey's Belmout 2:29% Bessie Benton, ch m, 1888, by Gov. Benton Dolly Varden. by Clarence 2:2(5% Bessie Burton, b m, 1885, by Nut- woodMotto, by Cuyler 2:22% Bessie C., ch m, 1881, by Red Wilkes Belle, by Stockbridge Duke 2:30 Bessie C., bl m, claimed to be Old Maid, by Monogram 2:29% Bessie Cecil, br m, 1888. by Gulvallis Lucy Cecil, by Driftwood 2:29% Bessie Chimes, b m, 1889 by 'Jhirnes THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 23 dam by Hamlin's Almont Jr.. ..... Bessie D., b m, 188, by Aberdeen. . Bessie F., br. m, 1886, by Athlete- Lady Graves (dead) .......... ...... Bessie G., br m, 1878 by Almont Boy Bird, by Stansifer's Clay .......... Bessie H., b m, 188 by Abraham.. Bessie Jordan, b m, 1891, by Gam- betta Lucy's Last, by Danville Wilkee ............................ Bessie M., b m, 187 by Messenger Chief Lady Elgin ................ Bessie P., bl m, 1884, by Lumps Net- tie Howell, by Ashland Chief ...... Bessie B., b m, 188, by Webb's Hambletonian Bashaw ............ Bessie R., b m, 188, by France ---- Bessie S,, b m, 1884, by Prince Albert, dam by Vick's Ethan Allen Jr ..... Bessie S., b m, 188, by Clayford.. Bessie Sheridan, bl m. 1879, by Phil Sheridan Puss .................... Bessie Thorne br m, 188, by Haw- 2:27% 2:20 2:2o% 2:30 2:29% 2:29% 2:25% 2:29% 2:26 2:23Va thorneBessie Sedgwiek Daniels y Joe Bessie Trego ch m, 1889, by Trego Preston Mare, by Frankfort Chief. . Bessie W., ch m, 188, by Como ...... Bessie Wilkes, bl m, 1886, by Sealskin Wilkee lette, by Mambrino Patchen Bessie Wilkes, b m, 1884 by Young Wilkes Bessie, by Bristol .......... Bessie Wilkes, b m, 1886, by Wilkes Boy Lucy Thorn, by Mambrino Thorne ............................ Bessie Wilkes, b m, 1889, by Major Fowler Ella Wilkes. by Red Wilkes Bessie Wilkeswood, ch m, 1889, u> Wilkeswood Silkie A., by Golden Bow .............................. Best Way bl g, 1891, by Prince Red Claypso, by Steinway ............. . Bethel, b m, 1885, by Beauclerc Nelly K. by Black Ranger .............. Bethlehem King, br a, 1887, by The King Lena Gist, by Almont Senti- nel ............................. .. .. Bethlehem Star, b s, 1882, by Volun- teer Star Grey Eaglet, by Dick Hambletouian ..................... Betina, b m, 188 , by Egbert ....... Bet Madison, b m, 1891, by James Madison Betsy Trotwood, by Ab- bottsford ......................... Betsey Ann, ch m, 187, by Hoag- land Horse, dam by Marshall Chief Betsey Baker, b m, 1879, by Dictator Mother Hubbard, by Johnston's Toronto ........................... Betsy Belle, b m, 1890, by Belmont Betsy Baker, by Dictator ........... Betsey Braun, bl m, 1881, by Master- lode Minnie, by Winthrop Mori-ill.. Betsy Britton, br m, 1888. by Egotist Crepon, by Princeps . '. Betsy O., b m, by Mohawk Hamble- tonian ............................ Betsy Cotton, rn, in, 1886, by Jay Bird Flora Pilot .............. ____ Betsy Trotwood, bl m 1883, by Atlan- tic ................................ Betterman, ch g, 188, by Betterton Betty, b m, 1887, by Dictator Chief- Annie by Nelson's Onward ........ Betty B., b m, 1878. by Enfield Jr. Midnight by Crim's Black Hawk .. Betty Battle, b m, 188 by Jessie James ......................... . . . 2:22% 2:26V 2 2:28-}i 2:24 2:29% 2:29'% 2:24% 2:20 2:29% 2:16% 2:24% 2:20 2:29 l / 2:30 2:22% 2:30 2:28% 2:21% 2:20% 2:25% 2:16% 2:26% 2:27*4 2.28% 2:29% 2:28% Betty Jones, b m, 1880, by Abdallah Mambrino Charlotte, by John Bright Betty K., ch m, 1881. by Mambrino Lexington Nelly Betty King, b m, 1890, by Bettertou Mambrino Beauty, by Mambrino King Betty Mac, ch m, 188, by Abdallah Mambrino Beulah. b m, 188, by La Crosse.... Beulah, b m 188, by Onawa Beulah, ro m, 1880 by William Rysdyk Curiosity, by Enquirer Beulah, b m, 1882, by Gen. Knox Lucia by Jay Gould '. Beulah C., ch m, 1891, by Badger Clay, dam by Gov. Wilkes (dead) (pacing record 2:28%) Beuzetta, b m, 1891, by Onward Be u- l?h, by Harold Beverly, br, s, 1890, by Sable Wilkes Huntress, by Arthurtcn Beiwilder, b g by Baywood Bezant, b s, 1885, by Chichester Bicara, by Harold Bezant Rule, b s, 1889, by Bezant- Kate Kelly, by Backman's Idol B. F. Solon, br s, 188, by Glenalen B. G. gr m, 188 by Plumstone B. G.,' b m, 188, by Puritan Biwabic, b s, 1892, by Bezant Bianca, b m, 1889. by Hampshire- Echo, by Don J. Robinson Bianca, b m, 1888, by Brown Wilkes Nicotera, by Nugget (dead) Bickford, dn g, 186-, by Black Chief dam by Gen. Taylor Biddy B., b m, 188 by Amboy Biddy Boru, bl m., 1882, by Iowa Star Railroad Maid, by Bonner Biddy Donovan, b m, 1887, by Allie Wilkes Kit, by Yankee Dan (dead) Bifty Duck, b m, 1889, by Bezant- Bay Duck, by Guide Big Ben, b s, 188, by Confederate Chief Maid of Beverly, by Jupiter Abdallah Big Bone, gr g, 188, by Gambetta . . Big Brown Jug, br g, 1885, by Referee Lilly, by Doble Big Charley, b g, 1884. by St. James Cynthiana, by Goldsmith Boy Big F., b g, 1883, by Broken Leg- Myers Mare Big Fanny, br m, 1879, by John E. Rysdyk Mag, by Davis' Black Hawk Morgan Big Fellow, br g, 1865 by Edward Everett Big Four, ch g, by Hambletonian Mambrino Big Fox, b s, 1889, by Onslaught Kapiolani, by Mainspring Big Frank, b g, 1880, by Sultan- Gibson Mare Big Ike, gr g. 1873, by Nick Wall- Daisy Looker Big Jim, b g, 1881, by Gen. Benton, Dame Winnie, by Planet Big John, b g, 187, by Pilot Duroc Big Lize, b m, 1873. by George M. Patchen Jr. Long island Maid, by a son of Long Island Black Hawk. . Big Me., b s, 1886, by McMahon Molly Good, by Blue Bull Big Rock, b g, by Little Rock Big Soap, b g 1870. by Honesty 2:19% 2:23% 2:29 2.26% 2:26 ~ 2:29% 2:19% 2:24% 2:2Sy a 2:21% 2:28% 2:23% 2 29% 2:23% 2:16% 2:26% 2:23y a 2:26% 2:22y 2 2:30 2:29% 2:23% 2:24% 2:24% :25% :29% 2:25- 2 24 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Betty ............................. Bijou, b m, 188 by Fred Arnold . . Bijou, br g, 1878, by Abdullah Messen- gerMcNeil Mare, by Farmer's Glory ............................. Bill Cody, br s, 1886 by Sprague Fanny Bright, by John Bright ---- Bill Ed, b g, 186, by Gen. Washing- ton (dead) ........................ Bill Granger, b g, 1888, by Hainble- tonian Wilkes Linnie, by Tom Hun- ter ................................ Bill Lindsay, gr g, 1889, by Vasco Albino, by Albion ................. Bill Thunder, b g, 1864, by Robin Clay Betsey Thunder, by Alexander's Abdallah, (dead) .................. Bill, of Expense, b g, 188, by Ham- bletonian's Last .................. Billy, ch g 185, pedigree not traced (dead) ........................... Billy, br g, 1871, by Victor Denmark Kate Bradley, by Clifton Pilot. . Billy, bl g, 188, by Durango ...... Billy A., b g, 1884 by Bay Tom Jr. Fidele, by Gibson's Tom Hal ..... Billy Acker, b g, 1881, by Squire Tal- mage Sally Fox, by Seniours' Davy Crocket ........................... Billy Allen, b g, 188, by Bacon's Ethan Allen ...................... Billy B, b g, 188, pedigree not traced Billy B., gr g, 1883, by Artemas Blue Mare, by Combination ........ Billy B, b s, 1887, by Little Billly Belle Harris, by Billy Cook ...... Billy Bachelor, br g, 1883, by Buck- eye Chief ....................... Billy Barefoot, bl g, 1866, by King Herod, dam by Young Green Moun- tain Morgan (dead) . T ..... . ......... Billy Barr, dn g, 185, by 'Ethan Al- len (dead) ......................... Billy Bashaw, ch s. 1881, by Golden Star Jenny, by Black Flying cloud Billy Bashaw, bl g, 188, by Harry Bashaw ........................... Billy Bell, b g, by Red Wilkes-Lucy 2:23 2:24 Billy D., b g, 187, by Daniel Lam- bert Capt. Moore's Mary, by Ma- zeppa Billy D., blk g, pedigree and history not recorded Billy Day too, b g, 187, by Archy Mambrino, dam by Black Hawk 2d Billy Dolan, u g. 188, by Golden Seal Billy Dow, b g, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) Billy F., b g, 1887, by Morgrnont ... Billy F., b g, 188, by Daudy Boy . . . Billy F., br g, 1881, by Mike Logan . . Billy Ford ch g, 187, by Blondin O'Brien Mare Billy Freer, gr g, 1879, by Western 2:2 ! Fearnaught Grey Nell i Billy G., b g, 188, by Brilliant Gold- 2:27% S dust Ryastraw t Billy G., b g, 1886, by Hotspur Chief- 2-80 i Winnie i Billy Guines. br g, 1885, by Allie 2 :29i4 Gaines Fan 2:23% Billy H., br g 188, by Dick Execu- tor 2:131/4 Billy H., b g, 1885, by Don Pedro dam by Donerail i Billy H., br g, 1884, by Mambrino Dick Dolly 2 24%; 2:27 2 27% i 2:23% i 2:19y 4 2:21% 2:26 2:26i 2:27i 2:27 2:27 2-221, 2:24i 2:28^ 2:26i 2:24i 2:17} 2:27i 2:23 2:28 2:27} 2:29^ 2:28y 2 by Royal George lly Billy Beverly, bl g, 188 by Jerry Jule ............................... Billy Bird, ro s, 1887, by Jay Bird- Emma G., by Almont ............. Billy Blackburn, b g, 188, by Joe Blackburn ........................ Billy Bolton, br g, 188, by Almont Pilot .............................. Billy Boy, b g, 187, by Mambrino Temple Mary Harney, by St. Lawrence Jr .................. Billy Burr, b g, 187, by Walkili Chief ............................. Billy Burton, b g, 1883, by Gypsy Boy Lady Burdett ................... Billy Button, b g, 188 by Alexander Button ........................... Billy Button, ch g. 1876. by Baird's Hambletonian Prince Logan Maid, by Page's Logan Billy C.. b g, 188 by Volley dl dam . Billy C., b g, by Middletown Jr. by Gen Benton .................... Billy Cramer, b s, 1886, by Egmont Hattie M., by Flaxtail ............. Billy D, b g, by Tarantalus ......... Billy D.. b g. 187. by Squire Tal- mage Lucy Pilot, by Roscoe Jr. ... Billy D., b g, 188, by Tempest ..... 2:23% 2:29% 2:28% 2:25% 2:21 2:26i/4 2:26% 2:15% 2:26^4 2:29% 2:25V4 2:27 2:18y 4 2:23'/ 4 '2:2 2:28'v 2:27^ 2:19 2:28i/ 2:21'* 2:25 2:26v, 2:2S7< 2:30 2:27 * CHARLES MARVIN, MEADVILLE, PA. (THE MAN IN GRAY.) Marvin cut the world's record for trotters to 2 :08H with Sunol, the world's record for trotting stallions to 2 :15J4 with Smug- gler and 2 :08% with Palo Alto, and the two- year-old record for trotters to 2 :10%. R. CURTIS, GREENDALE, KY. (THE STUDENT.) The young man who was out with Pamlico 2 :10, David R. 2:10 1 / 4 and Miss Nelson 2:12%. THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 25 Billy Q. (Columbus), b g, 1875, by BayardFlora, by Blanco ......... Billy B., b s, 188, by Billy Stranger.. Billy B., gr g, 188, by Young Volun- R.Y 'b' g, ' 1873', ' by ciay Pilot- Fanny, by Seely's American Star... Billy Ray, ro g, 186, by Wood's Hambletonian (dead) ............. Billy Red, b s, 1889, by Red Wilkes Columbia, by Dlxon ............... Billy Rysdyk, bl s, 1878, by William Rysdyk-Lady Annie, by Henry B. Patchen ......................... Billy S., b g, 1874, by Regulus, dam by Tillott's Hambletonian ............ Billy Shedd, b s, 188 by J. R. Shedd Billy Terrill, b g, 1880, by W. P. Max- wellBirdie Clay, by Tei-rill's Clay. Billy Thomas ...................... Billy Thomas, gr g, 1888, by Kellar Thomas Double Lick, by Mambrino Templar Jr ....................... Billy Thornhill, b s, 1884, by Beverly Wilkes Emily, by George Wilkes.. Billy Tompkins, b s, 1883, by Gen. George H. Thomas Ella, by Enfleld Billy W., gr g, ..................... Billy W., br g, 188, by Antar ...... Billy Warren, b g, 188, by Albe/t. .. Billv White, gr g, 187, by Maury Chief .............................. Billy Wilkes, br s, 1880, by Harry Wilkes Dora Seldon, by Clark Chief Billy Wilkes, b g, 1882, by Georgia Wilkes Miller Mare .............. Billy Wilton, bl s, 1889, by Wilton Patchen Lass, by Mambrino Patchen Billy Woods, ro s, 1884, by Wood's Hambletonian Fan .............. Billy Worthington, gr s, 1883, by Roger Hanson Rushville Maid, by Blue Bull ......................... Billy Young, bl s, 188. by Joe Younii'. Bion, br s, 1890, by Gen. Beverly Lu- laneer, by Piedmont .............. Bird, br m, 1882, by Starlight Tops.v, by Frank Forrester ............... Bird Allevton. ch m, 1889, by Allerton Bird, by Mambrino Royal ........ Pird Button, gr s, 188, by Alexander Button Lettie, by John Nelson . . . . Birdseye. ch HI, 1889, by Fred Queen. Birdie, b m, 1888, by Egotist Ber- nice, by Harold ................... Birdie, b" m, 1884, by Whirlwind Chief Splinter, by Beat tie's Norman.... Birdie, bl m, 1886, by Sidney Annie G.. by McClellau Duke ............ Birdie C, b in, 1872, by Garibaldi- Minnie. by Edward Everett ....... Birdie Kgmont, br m, 1884, by Egmont Coly Stone:-, by Black Timoleon.. Birdie Ensign, b m, 188 , by Ensign. Bird McGregor, ro s, 1887, by Jay Bird Cross-patch, by Robert Mc- Gregor ........................... Bishop Dudley, ch s, 1889, by Egotist Belle Dudley, by Belmont ....... Bishop He-o. b s, 1883, by Bishop Lida Kendall, by Hero of Thorndale. Bismarck, gr g. 188, by Joe Gavin. . Bismarck, gr g, 1886, by Young Joe. . . Bismarck, ch s. 1873, by Index Lady Weeks, by Williamson's Belmont... Bismarck, ch s, 1884, by Hlrsch Bel- mont ............................ Bismarck Monroe, b s, 1885, by Victor Bismarck Miss Monroe, 'by Jim Monroe 2 :25 2:2992 Biemont, b s, 1885, by Victon Bis- 2:29 l /4 i marck Ducky Almont, by Almont.. 2:18%. Bismuth, b s, 188, by Bourbon 2:24% Wilkes Spot, by Westwood 2:30- Bismuth, br m, 188, by Ellerelie 2:25% Wilkes 2:23% Either, b s, 1892, by Kremlin Kan- 2:23% taka, by Bay State 2:28% Bitter Root, b s, 1890, by Lord Byron 2:28% 'Easel, by Commodore Belmont.... 2:25 Black Amble, bl g, 1881, by Joe Irving Flakey, by Gen. Knox 2:26 i / 4 2:27 & Black Beauty, blk m, 188, by Heath- wood 2:24 2:2S' M Black Bess, blk m, 188, by Edict... 2:Sl> 2:30 Black Bass, gr m, 1888, by Monroe Chief Bessie, by Gibraltar 2:29% 2:2S'/4 Black Bess, blk m, 188, by Edict 2:30 2:2:v, Black Bess, bl m, 187. by St. Elino.. 2:30 Black Bess, bl m, 1888, by Wellington Strathliene 2d, by Strathmore 2:22% 2:23 Black Bess, bl in, 188, by Algardia.. 2:26'/ 4 Black Bird, bl m, 188, pedigree not 2:24^2 traced Blackbird, bl s, 1862. by Simpson's 2:24% Blackbird Jane Smith, by Capt. 2:25% Lightfoot (dead) 2:22 2:25% Black Captain, bl s, 1881, by Mazeppa 2:24'/2 Fillie Lawrence, by Robert Bonner 2:2y% Black Cloud, bl s, 1872, by Ashland 2:281/2 Chief Mrs. Cluke, by Pilot Walker. 2:17'/ 4 Black Cloud Jr., bl g, 1876, by Black 2:29% Cloud Nelly Neff 2:25 Black Diamond, bl g, 1878, by Pe- 2:20U gasus Lady Taylor, by Stockbridge Chief 2:19% 2:20 Black Diamond, bl g. 1889, by Scott- Lady Kale, by Black Damon 2:18% 2:20% Black Diamond, bl s, 1879, by Gen. Lee Black Bess, by Enterprise 2 :29% I Black Diamond, bl m, 1877, by Dicta- 2:27V4 tor Puss Prall, by Mark Time 2:29% 2:20/4 Black Dick, bl g, 188, breeding un- known 2:27',4 2:24% Black Douglass, bl g, 184, by Henry Clay (dead) 2 :30 2:22 Black Frank, bl g, 1860, by Frank- Becky (dead) 2:28Vi 2:29% Black 'Frank, bl g, 186, by Pony Frank (dead) 2:30 2:29% Black Frank (Frank), bl g, 186, by 2 :29y. Wild Wagoner 2 :24V 2 Black Frank, bl s, 188- by Mam- 2 :27% brino Swigert 2:2714 Black George, bl g, 188, breeding 2.28/2 unknown 2:30 Black Hal, blk s, 188, by Onslaught. 2:29vi 2:28 Black Hawk, bl g. 1880, by Orphan Boy Dolly R., by Billy R 2:20,4 2:2Sv-( Black Hawk McGregor, g" s. 1883, by Robert McGregor Lizzie Drew, by 2:29 Grey Eagle (Blind Eagle) 2:28 2:25% Black Ide, bl m, 1882, by Cyclone- Madam Beatty, by Monroe Chief... 2:17 1 Black Jack, bl g. 1882, by Sweep- 2:23% stakes Emma, by Wilkins Micawber 2 -.2214 Black Jim, bl g, 188, by Reconstmc- 2:27 tion 2:29% Black Joe. bl s, 1883, by Black Frank 2:24% Mag Kern, by Nichols' Teinnest. . . 2:29% 2:28 Black Joe, bl s, 1886, by Altitude 2:26% Lottie Lee, by Herman I). Patchen. . 2:271 g, 187. by Ward's Mambrino Chief Brandy 2: Blackstone Belle, bl m. isrrfi. by Whalebone 2 : Black Storm, blk s. 18X6. by Simmons Molly Wood, by West wood 2: Black S'wan. bl m. 186, by Pratt's David Hill 2 : Black Tom, bl g, 187, pedigree un- known 2 ; Black Vic, blk s, 188, by Vitruvian. . 2: Black Victor, bl s, 1882, by Alcan- taraVictory, by Administrator.... 2: Black Wilkes, bl s. 1886, by Bay Wilkes Big Mary, by Blue Bull 2 Black Wilkes, bl s, 1883, by George Wilkes Fanny Bell, by Confederate Chief 2 Blackwood, bl s, 1879. by Rock wood- Fisher Mare, by Bi'.ly Jackson horse 2 Blackwood Belle, bl in. 1886. by Phil- lips' Blackwood. dam by Horace Greely 2 Blackwood Jr.. bl s, 1871. by Black- wood Belle Sheridan, by Blood's Black Hawk (dead) 2 Blackwood Prince, bl s. 1873, by Blackwood Voluntary, by Volunteer 2 Blaine. b g. issl, by Hamlin's Al- mont Jr. Louisa. by Hanilin Patchen 2 Blaine. bl g, 187 by Oregon Path- finderKate 2 Blake, b s, 187, pedigree rot traced. 2 Blake, b 8. 1890, by Nutwood Rosa Wilkes. by George Wilkes 2 Blameless, b m, 1887. by Black's Hambletonian TOdna Spragne. bv Gov. Rprague 2 P.lanalco, b s, 1887. by Artemas , Patsey, by Whirlwind r.lanohard, b g. 187. by Daniel Lam- bert Whalebone, by Carter's Co- li mbus Blanche, bik m. 1872. bv Draco Sofe. by Canada < 'hief ' \ Blanche, b m. 1876. by Grey Mc- Clellau Bihler Mare, by John Nel- son Blanche, b m. LS7- -. by Little East- ern Clara, by Coming's C. M. Clay Blanche,' blk' in. 'ilSO .' liv 'Rail' splitter Lucy Beacon (dead) Blanche, blk m, 1884, by Star Ham- bletonian Peg * Blanche, b m, 188. by Independence. Blanche Amory. b m.'1872, bv Clark Chief Crop, by Pilot Jr Blanche B., b m, 1888, by Gen. Oa 4 --* Fancy Blanche Brown, b m, 1880. by Don Clay, darn by Gaines' Denmark Blanche Clemonp, ro in, 1877. bv llv- land Roan Pony, by Reuben. '...'.. Blanche G:*ant, gr in. 1885, by Gen. Grant Lady Messenger ' Blanche H blk in. 1875, by Blue Bull 'Flora Temple Jr., by Grav's Tom Hal '........ Blanche Morrison, b m, 188, by Har- rv ( 'lay Lucy ' Blanche N, ch m, 1890, by Nutwood- Blanche I... by William L Blanche 1'.. br m, 1882, by Hull Gypsy Girl, by Black Chief' Blanche R.. ch m. 1885. by Achilles - SLsu-i Mix. by Fearnnught Jr Blautoii, ch N, 189O. by Simmons -An- Carey, by Pacing Abdallah Blarney, b s, 1881. by Jay Gould-- Uuby Allen, by Ethan Allen Ilauvelt. b s, 1887, by Deucalion Em- blem, by Tom Moo e Biazeberry, br m. 1886, by Roseberry Nelly, by Wallace's Crusader B. L. C., b g. 1SS . by Norwood, dam by Mambrino Blitzen Blew, ch g, 1887. by Seneca Patchen Nettie Burlew. by King's champion.. I'iic.8, b m, 1876. by Bayard Dolly Hazard, by Sam Hazard Plitzen, b s,' 18*8, by Betmont Oeala, by Cuyler Blitzen Jr.. blk s, 1879. by Mambrino lUtzen Queen, by G: lines' Conster- nation Blonde, gr m, 1859, by Grey Messen- gerBlonde, by Abdallah (dead) Blondie, ch s. 1886. by Leniont Mol- ly, by Frank Chapman Blondin, ch s. 1886, by Premier Maud < )'Neill. by Fel ton's" Slippery Rhmdine. ch in. 186, by George Wilkes Flaxy, by Kentucky Clay... Blontoniau. ch m. 1888, by McCurdy's Hambletonian, dam by Kentucky Chief Bloom Boy. br g, 1886, by Darlington Roxy. by Billy .' Bloonineld, b s, 1884. by Billy Wilkes Rysdyk Maid, by Hambletonian .. Blossom, blk in, 18,86. by Pennypaek - Lady Miller. b\- Adjuster Blossom, br m. 1886, by Paganini Zittella, by Lakeland; Abdallah Blucher. blk g. 1882, by Rnshville Xemo -a. by Lakeland Abdallah ]',!ue Bell, 'b m, 1889. by Chimes-- 2:25% 2:25'/ 4 2:25% 2:30 2:30 2:29% 2:26 2:20 2:30 2:2614 2:27^, 2:257i 2:20 2:28% 2:20% 2:18 ! / 2 2:28'/i 2:27 2:21% 2:27% 2:29 V4 2:29vi 2:19V^ 2:28% 2:24% 2 '22 2:28% 2:17% 2:20 2:2G'.i THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Goldie, b\- Mambriuo King Blue Bell, V-h m, 187 by Blue Bull, dam by Bennett's Red Oak Blue Bell, b in, 188, by Tramp Blue Bell, ch m, by Overseer Blue Bells, blk m, 1887, by Quarter- iiiasrer Bel.e Medium, by Fairview Chief '. iUue Blood, b s, 1888, by Baron Wilkes Mary A. Whitney, by Volun- teer Blue Brig, br s, 1888, by Brignoli Wilkes Lady Schoneld, by Blue Bull Blue Bull (Grove's), blk s, 1878, by Blue Bui! Myra Shaw, by Tom Lang (dead) Blue Charley, gr g, 1884, by Wapsie nger, bv Panic Fanny Muu _ ... Blue Cloud, ro g, Ib76, by Ashland Chief Belle Clay, by American Clay 2:27 Bluecoast, br s. 1887, by Pancoast Young Maid of Erin, by Blue Bull.. 2:29vi Blue Dawn, ro s, 1888, by Jay Bird- Widow's Mite, by Wave! and Chief . . 2:21y y Blue Dick, ro s, 1883, by Pretender- Fanny, by Dougherty's Rob Roy.... 2:30 Blue Grass Hambletoniau, b s. 1883. by Victor Bismarck Hamletta, by Hamlet 2:l',/74 Blue Grass Maid, br m. 1884, by Dic- tator, dam by Long Island Bashaw. . 2:30 Blue Jav, ro g, 187, by Ben Lomond Emma, by Tom Hal .' 2:29^ Blue Jay, ro s, 1887, by Jay Bird, dam by son of Honest Allen 2:29% Blue John, ro g, 1884, by Young Rolfe 2:26 : /i : Bluelight. gr g, 188 , pedigree not traced 2:26V* Blue Mare, ro m. 186, by AVood's Hambletonian Betts (dead) 2:23 Blue Knight, ch g. 1890, by Happy Day, dam by Blue Bull 2:2:'. Blue Prince, blk s, 188, by Blue Blood ' 2:2G Blue Queen, br m, 18S9, by Blue Blood Jessie 2 :2DVi Blue Stem, b s, 1889. by Damo Nancy B., by Uichinont 2:28 Blue Wing, ro in. 1883. by Jay Bird- Ella Clay, by Springfield 2:29% Bluewood. dn s, 1886, by Tom Kirk- wood Belle Hamilton, by Hamble- hawk 2 :21V:2 Boabdil. blk s. 1890, by Bermuda- Carrie Mack, by Champ Ferguson. .. 2:23 ! /4 Boaz, b s, 1884, by Onward Ruth, by Pasacas 2 :17J/jj Bob, ch g, 1832, by Rob Roy Mc- GregorKate, by Little Johnny.... 2:30 Bob, b g, 188, pedigree not traced.. 2:26% Bob Acres, ch g, 1876, by Honest Al- len Caro Nomo, by Rysdyk's Ham- bietonian 2:28Va Bob Allen, ch s, 188, bv Judge Sal- islm-.-y ..." 2:27%, Bob Burdette, b s, 187, by Ensign- Lady Stowe, by a son of Henry Clay '. 2:30 Bob ' Curtis, br s, 1887, by Bob Storague Bird, by Billy Shaker 2:23!4 Bob Ford b g, 188, by Rocky Ford.. 2:28'/4 Bob Henderson, gr g, 1883, bv Sacra- mentoBelle 2 :29 J i Bob Johnson, b g, 187 . by Hero of Thorndale . 2 :28Vi Bob's Jug. br g. 1877, by George Wilkes Amiability, by Honest Allen 2:22% Bob M.. b g, 1882, by O i Bob Mason Jr., b s, 188, by Bob 2:30 Mason, dam by luca ." 2:30 Bob Pinkerton, br g, 1880, by Polonius Zelipha, by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian Bob Sprague. b s, 1877, by Gov. Sprague Kitty Lyons, by Honest Abe Bob Swigert, b s, 1885. by Swigert- Merrimac, by Richard's Bellfounder. Bobby Howard, b s, 1886, by Circu- latorLady Frankfort, by Frankfort Chief 2:20W Bodine. b g, 1865, by Volunteer, dam by Harry Clay 2:22 Bogardus, b g, 1886, by Lebed, dam by Stephen A. Douglas 2:27 Bohemian, b m, 1887, by Onward- Kansas, bv William Rysdyk Bohemian Boy, b g, 1888, by Pilot Medium, dam by Beby Horse Bolly Lewis, b g. 185, by Seely's American Star (dead) Bomba. br m. 1884, by Beverly Wilkes Jenny, by Messenger Duroc Bon Accord, b s, 1885, by Dictator Mazourka, by Administrator Bon Ami, b m, 1889, by Nugget Thorndale Princess, by Thorndale. . Bonanza, ch s. 1883, by Arthurton Sister, by John Nelson Bon Bon, b in, 1886, by Fieldinont Ellen Belle, by Mambrino Patchen . . Bon Bon. b m, 1884, by Simmons- Bonnie Wiikes. by George Wilkes. . . Boneset, blk g, 1891. by Don Marvin- Nelly Ely, by Alpheus Bonesetter, b s, 1870, by Brooks- Jenny, by Stump tlie Dealer (dead). . Bonhomme, b m, 1887, by Red Wilkes Venus Almont, by Star Almont. . . . Boniface, b s, 1880, by Altorf Wyan- dot Queen, by Greever's Mambrino Chief ' Boniface, blk, 188, by Baron Wilkes, dam by Happy Medium Bonita. b m, 1879, by Electioneer Mayfly, by St. Clair Bon Mot, b m, 1886. by Baron Wilkes Mary A. Whitney, by Volunteer. .. Bonner, ch g. 1867, by Star of Cats- kill, dam by Skenandoah Bonner Boy, 'b g, 1868, by Gill's Ver- mont Bonner N. B., b s, 1888, by Daly- Nancy, by Gen. McClellan Bonner Steele, g:- g. 188, by Steele. . Honnibel, b m, 1890, by Azmoo/ Bon- nie, by Gen. Benton Bonnie, br m. 1879, by Gen. Benton America, by Rysdyk's Hambleton- ian Bonnie A., b m, 1887, by Stanley Bon Doon, by Legal Tender Jr Bonnie Annie, b m, 1883, by Rooker Blink Bonnie, by New York Black Hawk 2 :30 2:24'* 2:20y 2 2:30 2:11% 2 :29'/4 2:26 2:23% 2:2V 2:29 r >i 2:26 2:22% 2:29^ 2:23 2:23 2:17 2:30 2:25^ Bonnie Dean, gr s, 1889, by Aberdeen Bonnie Belle, by Almont 2:30 Bonnie Donne, b m, 1886, by Rooker Blink Bonnie, by New York Black Hawk 2:29-'/i Bonnie F.. gr e, 1889. by Willie Mc- Mahon Cricket, by Gr'undy 2:26 Bonnie G., br m. 188, by Regulator. . 2:28 Bonnie Josie. ch m. 1887. by Bonny- castle Josie Logan, by Joe Logan.. 2:24V a TBE 2:30 TROTTERS. Bonnie L., ch g, 1876. by Charley B. Juliet, by Cayuga Star ............ Bonnie McGregor, b s, 1879, by .Robert McGregor Fanny, by Reconstruc- tion ............................ Bonnie M. George, br s, 1880, by William H. Vanderbilt Brown Nib, by Lovejoy's Flying Cloud .......... Bonnie Mack, b s, 1886, by Bonnie McGi-egor Malviua, by Fear-naught Spy .............................. Bonnie Medium, blk in ............... Bonnie Nutwood, b s, 1887, by Nut- wood Bonnie Wilkes, by George Wilkes .............. ..... ...... . Bonnie Phallas, b s, 1888, by Phallus- Bonnie Doon, by Aberdeen .......... Bonnie S., br s, 1892, by Bonnie Mc- Gregor ........................... Bonnie Wilkes, ro m, 188, by Adrian Wilkes .................... Bonnie Wilkes, br m, 1876, by George Wilkes Betty Viley, by Bob John- son .............................. Bonnie Wilmore, b s, 1886, by Wil- more Molly R., by imp. Bonnie Scotland .......................... Bonny Bon, br m, 188, by Director, dam. by Geoiige Wilkes ............. Pon Ton, br s, 1886, by Richwood Louisiana ........................ Bon Ton, br m, 1890, by Wilton- Belle Bowen. by Richelieu .......... Boodle, b s, 1886, by Stranger Bride, by Jay Gould ..................... Boone Wilson, gr s, 1887, by Jim Wil- son. dam by Daniel Boone (pacing Booth-Barrett, br s, 1890, by Ross S., dam by Sultan ..................... Borden, ' ch s, 1885, by Cuyler Si- lence, by Alexander's Abdullah ..... Borden, ch g, 1884, by Mansfield Coralic. by llysdyk's Hambletoniau.. Border Wilkes, b s, 188, by Jay Bird Lizzie Mills, by Homer .......... Boreal, b s, 1892, by Bow Bells Rosy Morn, by Alcantara ............... Borneo, b s, 1889, by Sphinx Judea, by Mambrino Archy ... ............ Booque Bouita, b iu. 18Sr>. by Thomas K. Susie W ...................... Boss, b g, JSS , l>y Gladiator, dam by Consternation ..................... Boss H., b g, 187, by Bmulus, darn by Seely's American Star .......... Boston, b g, 1873, by Daniel Lambert Flyaway, by Patrick Henry ...... Boston, b g, 188 by Don Wilke-... Boston, ch s, 188, by Orient Hattie Lewis, by Forrest Chief .......... Boston Davis, blk g, 1874, by Atlan- tic Chief Fly, by Black Flying Cloud ............................ Boston Girl, b m, 1877, by Gideon Stickney, by Gen. Sheiman ........ Boston Globe, ch s. 1886, by Red Wilkes Lizzie H., by Star Almont.. Boulanger. blk s, 1886, by Mambrino Startle Kate West, by Enterprise Bovncer. b m. 1891, by Hummer Musette, bv Mambriuo Patchen . . . Bourbon Russell, b s, 1884, by ..lam- brino Russell Steinet.te, by Stein- wav .............................. Bourbon AVilkes Jr. ch s. 18SO. by Bourbon Wilkes Ashurst marc, by Black Prince ...................... Bow Bells, b s 1887. by Electioneer Beautiful Bells, by The Moor . . Bowman, b s, 1881, by Mambrino Paris Belle B., by Green's Bashaw Boxwood, ch s, 188. by Hull Boy Blue, rn g. 1889, 'by Grove's Blue Bull, dam Topsy, by Blue Bull Boy Blue, blk s, 1889, by Chimes- Bobolink, by Mambrino King Boyer, blk s. 1888, by Rumor Bijou, by Gen. Kuox Bozeman, b s, 188. by Marnbrino King, dam by Hainan's Almout Jr. Bracelet, b m, 1879, by Auditor Olio, by Dick Hambletouian Brad, b g, pedigree not traced Bradford b s, 188, by Fugleman Mollie McGregor, by Robert Mc- Gregor Bradstreet, b s, 1887, by Banker-- Fanny D., by Star Almont Bradtmoor, br s, 1888, by Fallis Ethel H., by Sultan Bramblette, b m, 1891, by Marvin . . . Braudoline, b s, 1886, by Brown Wilkes Abbess, by Wedgewood . . Brandy Boy, b g, 1876, by Admiral Patchen Jr. Flower, by Delaware Mingo Bran Slack, b g. 188, by Mambrino Hanuis ' Brantford, b g. 1882, by Little Billy . . Brava, b m, 1885, by Baron Wilkes Mary A. Whitney, by Volunteer . . . Bravado, br s, 1887, by Kentucky Wilkes Alicia, by Messenger Du- roc Braxton b s, 18, by Onward Brazil, b s, 1888, by Jorunalist Fan- tine, by Altorf Brazilian, b s, 1889, by Brown Wilkes Olive, by Lakeland Abdallah .... Breadwinner, b s. 1887, by Paucoast - Nelly L., by George Wilkes Break O'Day, blk m, 1890, by Dark- night Clarion, by Rumor Breastplate, b s, 1884, by Haw- thorne Ryan Mare, by McCrack- en's Black Hawk Breeze, b g 1867, by Rysdyk's Ham- bletontan Kate, by Bellaire (dead) Breeze Medium, b m. 1876, by Happy Medium Net. by Frank Brenda, b m, 1886, by Nelson Blise, by Fearnaught Jr. lirewster, br s 1879, by Hotspur Chief Fashion, by Toronto Chief . . Brewster F., br g, 1886, by BrewsU-r Flash by Marmaduke Brian Born, b g, 1880, by Iowa Star- Railroad Maid, by Homier Bric-a-Brac, gr m. 1889, by Alcazar- Blanche T., by Nephew Bridal Bells, b m, 1889. by Bell Boy- Trousseau, by Nutwood r.ridal Gift, br m, 1888, by Ambassa- dor-Silver Gift, by Grand Sentinel r.rigadirr, (Doty's) b g, 18'S5, by Briga- dierMaud D., by Challenge Brigadier, b s. 1873, by Happy Med- ium Lady Turner, by Frank Pierce : ! Brightma'rck.' b e,' '1887.' by Victor' Bis- marck Lulu Bright, by John Bright. 2:30 I Brightmont, b s. 1888, by Montagu Brightness, by Pearsall P.righton. ch g. 1S7.'>. by Lippincott's 2:VJ ; i -Jack Stewart Lucy Krighton. b s. issi>. by Brougham 2:271/4 i 2:13'/i 2:30 ! 2;27% 2:291,4 2:29 2:30 2:15% 2:29 & 2:14i/ a 2:29% 2:29% 2:2841. 2:19V4 2:20i/ 2 2:29% 2:21% 2:29V a 2:254i 2:23 2:20% 2:25% 2:30 2:26 2:23i/4 2:25^4 2:17 2:25 2:231/3 2:17% 2:2744 iilffc 2:28^ 2:201/4 2:2744 >-21K', 2:16V 2 2:30 2:16^4 2:24' 7 4 2:29/4 2:23Vi 2:24 2:25',',. 2:24 2:24% 2:27=^ 2:28/j 2:21', 2:24% THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Flip, by Ti I'.oy Bright Kattler, br s, 1880, by John Bright Roxie. by Alexander's Nor- man Brightwood, b s, 1884, by Cromwell Topsey Morgan Brignolia, br s. 1855, by Marubrino Chief Sally Woodfdid (dead) Brignolia, 1> s. 1883, by Brigadier Princess Brigntili Wilki-s, br s, 1883. by George Wilkes Patsey, b-y Brignoli Brilliant, blk s, 1881, by Swigert Annie Goldsmith, by Volunteer Brilliant, b m. 1883 by Electioneer Bright Eyes, by General Ben ton . . Brilliautiue, b in, 1885. by Nutwood Crepon, by Princeps BriuMld, b m, 1880, by Viking-- Daisy Wilkes, by Mambrlno Wilkes Brii.ker Sprague, br s, 1882, by Gover- nor Sprague Lizzie Blinker, by Brinker's Drennon Brieeom. b g, Bristol Bill, gr g, 186, pedigree not traced idead) Bristol Girl, b m, 187, by Jim Ervin, dam by Capt. Walker Brittle Silver, b g, 1881, by H iuidallah -Belle S., by Star of the West ... Broadway, b s, 1881, by Robert Smith Volunteer Maid, by Volunteer .... Brocade, ch H. 18S5, by Tramp ;$\\r- rie, by Captain Brogan. ch s, 1885, by Rolf Duke Lady, by Australian H Bromo, br, s, 1886 by Brougham- Belle of Clarence, by Finch's St. Lawrence Bionco, b g, l^S , by Defiance Bronze, b in, 1878, by Morgan Messen- ger Jr. Kate, by Christie's Black- snnke Brookie, b m 1S84. by Knickerbocker -Belle Archer, by Fred Pierson Brooklawn. b s. 1888. by Chesterwood Constance, by Hamlet - Brooklyn, br g. 1887, by Lawrence- Lillian Brooks by Pilot Hutchinson Brookside b g. IS' 8, by West Chester Brookside Flora, br m. 1871, by Ham- let Broomal, b s, 1888. by Stranger- Brooch, by Jay Gould Brother Dan. ch g, 1882, by Joe Bas- sett Gary Mare, by Swetting's Ned Forrest Brother G.. b s. 1887. by Sentinel Wilkes Sister G., by Mambrino Boy Brother Jim. b s, 1887, by Intrigue- Minnie, by Windsor Brother Jonathan, T> g. 1802. by Pot- ter Horse, dam by Beattie'e Nor- man (dead) Bourbon Belle gr m. 188, by Bour- bon Prince ' Brown, br s, 1884, by Combat Gaunt- lette, by Dictator Brown Bess, br m. 1885. bv Culpepper Allen Black Bess, by Cox's Stump the Dealer Brown Billy, br g, 187. by Corbeau Brown Cedar br s. 1887. by Red Ce- darPolly Duck, by Guid<> Brown Daisy, br m, 1886. by Iron Duke, Jr., dam by Filken's Morgan Brown Dick, br g, 1888, by St. Cloud Maud R., by Escort 2:23% 2:19% 2:20% 2:29% 2:29% 2:14% 2:17% 2:23 2:29% 2:28 2:28 2:29 2:28% 2:25*4 2 -29V., 2:28 2:26 2:20% 2:21% 2:29 l /i ' 2:28 'A 2:24 2:26 2:29 2:15 2:23%. 2:25 Vi 2:22 : /4 2:24 2:26';4 2:18% 2:25% 2:29 2:22 2:25 2 :12 Brown Dick, br g, 1866. pedigree not traced (dead) ..................... 2 :24y a Brown Dick, br g, 1871, by Anthony Wavne Lucy Mason, by Vermont Hero ...... . ....................... 2:29% Brown Dick, br g, 1849, by son of Selly's American Star, (dead) ...... 2 :25V4 Brown Domm. br s, 1890 by Brown Wilkes Nellie Lambert ' ........... 2:29% Brownie, b g, 188 by Wilkes ...... 2:24% Brown Jim, b g, 18S5. by Con Lettie Miller, by Honest John ............ 2:22% Brown Jim, br s, 1884 by Voltaire, dtm by Lexington Chief ........... 2:27% Brown Joe, br g. 1880, by Buck ..... 2:29% Brown Lace br m. 1889. by Volmer Point Lace, by King Rene ........ 2:28% Bio WE mark, br s, 1883, by Victor Bismarck Lucy Palchen, by Mam- brino Boy ......................... 2:24 Brown Mat, br m, 188, by Maxim us 2:29% Brown Richmond, br s 188, by Brown Chief ...................... 2:28% Bicvu Russell, br s. 1891, by Ken- tucky Russell La Maecotte, by Rob- ert McGregor ................... Brown Silk, br m. 1887. by Baron Wilkes Nanny Etticoat, by Bell- Avuod .................... ...... 2 :22'' 2 Brown Thorne, br g 188 by Haw- thorne ........................... Burcstone. br g, 188 , by Freestone Brown Velvet, br s, 1889, by Vatican Terrell Mare, by Tommy Wilkes.. 2:2S% Brown Wilkes, br s, 1876. by George Wilkes Jenny Irving, by Henry B. Patcben ........................... 2:21% Bruce, b g, 18S4, by Blf-ck's Hamble- tonian Mitt by Yeiser'e Norman . . 2:27% Bruce King, blk 8, 1886, by Th? King Bertha, by imp. Saxon ........... 2:28% Bruno, b s, 1S89, by Junio Dolly, by Mozart ........................ 2:19 Bruno, br g, 1861, by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian Kate, by Bellaire ..... 2:2:)'.'. E-ULsvIck, b s, 1885. by Walkill Prince Bonnie Lass, by Blue Bull.. 2:25 Brushy John, blk, g, 186, by Rappa- hannock, dam by Owen Dale (dead) 2:27 Brutus Girl, blk, m, 188. by Shef- field's Andrew Jackson ......... . 2:21% Bryan Girl, b m, 1887, by Glen Miller Emma, by German Boy (dead) . . 2:20% Bryan McGregor, ch s, 1883, by Rob- ert McGregor Thora, by Hambrino 2:23% Brysou, br s, 1890, by Simmons Lena, by Bramolefs Clark Chief Jr. 2:20% Bub McLaughlin, b g, 1882, by Charles Dickens Rikert Mare, ............. 2:29 Buccleuch, blk, s, 1884. by Scott's Thomas Lady Strong, bv Mambrino Patchen .......................... Bucephalus, ch g 1879, by Niagara Chief Lady T., by Champion ---- Bucephalus, ro s, 1877. by Wood's Hambletonian Beauty, by Fish's Bertrand ......................... 2 :30 Buck McGregor blk s, by Robert Mc- Gregor ...... . ..................... 2:29% Buck Morgan, ch g, 188, by Buckeye Bayard Morgan, by Blind Tom ____ 2:20% Buckshot, gr g, 1885. by Pilot Medium Alice Thornton, by Shelby Chief.. 2:20'/ t Buckskin Dick, b g, '1879, by Byerly Abdallah Flora, by Downy's Royal George ....... .................... 2:23% Bucyrus b g, 1892. by Wilton NutgaH by Nutwood .....' ............ ! . . . 2 :'23-v ( THE 2:30 TROTTERS Bud Kwin.u. ch s. 1S91 by Gregnr. tiam bv Fleetfoot Budd Flax, ch g 1880, by Flaxmont Julia, by Frank Buddinger. ch s. 1X80. by Butler's P,a- shaw Petal, by Oolpora! Bud L., blk 8, 1889, by Don L. Jo- hanna, by Maxim Buffalo Bill, ro g, 187, by Limber Bill Buffingtou. b s, 1892, by Sable Wilkes Annie G., by Le Grand Bullet, b s, 1887. by Lumps RenV. by Mambriuo Chief Jr Bullion, ch s, 187. by Blue Bull- Kate, by Archie Light foot Bully Brooks, b g 1801. by Dirigo One Eye, bv Whitney Horse Bulwer, ch g, 1877, by Blue Bull, dam by So 'rel Tom Bulwer, br g, 188, by Buccaneer. . . . Bumps, blk s, 1887, by Lumps Lorina, by King Rene Bunnie G., b m, 188, by Elial G Morley Girl, by Commonwealth Burdetta, blk m, 1885, by Kentucky Ruler Belle Chase, by Long Island Baehaw Burglar, b s, 1879, by Auditor Pant a-- lette, bv Princeps Burleigh, br s, 1888, by Cheltou Maid of Racine, by Surfeit Bu -lesque, ch s, 1884. by Hambrino Roan Fanny, by Mainbrino King... Burns, b s, 1870, by Kirkwood Kate, by Mainbrino Eclipse Burns McGregor, b s, 1887, by Robert McGregor Birdie J.. by Young Jim (dead) Burt, b g., 1884, by Bonnie McGregor, dam by Romulus Burt G., b g, 1887, by Prince L. Griffin Mare, by Dick Linderman. . . Busbey, b g, 1873, by George Wilkes Dame Tansey, by Daniel Lam- bert Bush, blk in, 1886, by Alcyone Lady Garfleld, by Young Jupiter Burshnell Chief, b g, 1885, by Mam- briuo Messenger Smick Mare liushwacker, b s, 186, by ,K>e Hooker dam by Jupiter Business, b g, 186, by Gossip Jones.. Butte, b g, 1883 by Red Wilkes Naunearle, by Messenger Chief Buttercup, dn in, 1878, by Belmont Topsey, by St. Elmo Butterfly, br in, 1879, by Young Jim Tansey, by George Wilkes Butterscotch, br g, 1876, by Panic- Maid of the Mist, by Cummings' Davy Crocket Button, b g, 1883, by Polonius Dubois Buzz, b g, 1868. bv Toronto Chief- Lady Fulton, by Stubtail (dead).... Buzz Medium, b m 1873, by Happy Medium Rockefeller Mare, by Non- pareil ! Byron, ch s, 186, by Royal George- O'Brien Mare (dead) , Byron Sherman, b s, 1880, by Saturn- Kitty Clyde, by Pasacas Byron Smith, b s, 1882, by Reporter Jessie, by Roberts' Royal George. . C. A. B., ch g, 188, pedigree not traced ('abash, ch s. 1880. by Bashtine ( -achuca. by Eugene Cad, ch s. 1X83. by Bfiyonne Prince 2:241* 2:24 2:29% 2:29'/ 2 2:20Vi 233% 2:2SVi| 2:2oi4 j 2:30 | 2*, 2:26Va \ 2:25% ' 2:29Wj 2:14Vi ; 2:29% I 2:29^ 2:28 2:29% ; 2:28 2:19% 2:20 2:26 2:28 '/, Emma K., by Bu ger (dead) ......... Cadnionia, blk m, 1887, by Cadmus Hambletoniau Hosier, by George Rolfe ............................. Cadmus Hambletonian, br s, 1880. by Squire Talmage Lena, by Clay Cadmus ........................... Cadmus Jr., blk s. 1SSS, by Cadmus Hambletonian Day tona, by Trouble Cad Wade, b m. 1XX4. by New York- May Day, by Pacing Abdallah. . . . Caesar, b g, 1885, by Norwood Chief Kit. b\- Col. Walter ............... Caesar, b s, 1870, by Caesar ........ Caesar, b g, 188, pedigree not traced Cairo, b g, 187 , by Chieftain ...... Calamus, b m, 1872 by Swigert Mer- rimac, by Richards' Bellfounder ____ Calwell Maid, b m, 188, pedigree not traced ............................ Caledonia Chief, ch s, 1865, by Howe's Royal George Jule, by Coates' Eclipse (dead) ..................... Caluouii, b s, 1885, by Pilot Medium Topsy, by Bay Middleton ........ . Calhoim. b g. 188, by Sam 1'urdy ____ California Damsel, ch m, 1852, by An- drew Jackson Jr. (dead) .......... California Lambert, b s. 188.'}, by Ben Franklin Maud, by Daniel Lambert .......................... Calinda, ch m, 1884, by Harold Claytona, by American Clay .... Cal. Kotch, b s, 188, by California- Mary, by Bloomfield .............. Oallahan Maid (Chicago Maidj, ch in, 1872, by Revenge Illinois Maid, by Black Donald ............. . ...... *. Called Back, ch g. 1884, by Mark Field Daisy, by Revenge '. ........ Callie K., b m, 188, by Kirby's Cad- mus, dam by Hambletonian Pilot... Calliopsis, b in, 188 , by Montgomery Callino, b e, 1890, by Wikirino, dam by Itooker ........................ Callisto. b s, 1880, by Alcantara An- nie Page, by Daniel Lambert ...... Calnia:-, b g, '1889, by Bourbon Chief. dam by March's Boliver .......... ( alvo, b s, 1888, by Rumor Cigarette. by Gen. Washington .............. Cambria Wilkes, br ,s. 1884, bv Clav Wilkes Nubia, by Harold .". ...... Cambridge Girl, ch m. 188, by Ben Franklin .......................... Cameo, ch m, 1888, by Ameuder Camptown, by Messenger Duroc.... Cnmilla, b m,' 1887, by Indiaman Lulu F., by Ericsson .............. Canaille, b m, 1880, by Happy Medium Bess, by Volunteer ................ Camille, b m, 1882, by Monmouth B. . . Cainilie, b m, 1888, by Harbinger- 2 :29% 2:20 2:20 2:23' H 2:29 2:29 ; /4 2:20 2:24'4 2:29'4 2:24% 2:2'.)'^ 2:24^. 2:25 2:27 : 4 2:30 2:2U'^, 2:20V> 2:20'^ 2:22 2:29 3 /i 2 -.291/4 2:28% 2:28'/4 2:24V* Abbie B., by Hambletonian Knox. .. Camlet, eh g, 188, by Andante Canunie L., b m, 1885, by Harold Pera, by Belmont 2:20V* Cam'ors, blk g, 1864, by Gen. Knox. . . Camors, b g, 1871, bv Dirigo 2:25^ Canary BJrd, ro m^ 1888, by Jay Bird 2:24^ 2:20'/ u 2:21 2:19% I 2:28 2:29% j 2:29V4 I 2:27', ClJJdJ.,7 AJU V*, J.VJ AJJ, J-Uilee, b g. isxx. by Reveille Capitalist, b s. 1888 by Hai>py Med- ium Etona. by Almont Capitana. blk s, 1.^89. by Young Wilkes Mill Girl, by Jay Gould Capitola, b m, 1862, pedigree not traced (deadj Capitola', b m, 1878. by Colonua Flora Capitola, b m. 1880. by Ensign Peorla Belle, by Partridge's Star of the West . .' Capitola, blk m. 1S72, by Gilb/eta Knox Bridgham Mare, by Young Buiidy Capitola Fisk. b m, 1890, by Dictator Almont Ladv Fink, by Masterlo-le. . Capoul, br s. 1874. by Sentinel Rosa Clay, bv American Clay Cappie Woodline, b m, 1892, by Wood- line Venture, by Voltaire Caprice, b m. 1.888. by Kentucky Wilkes Betty Adams, by Almont... Caprivi, br s. " 1887, by Woodbrino Belle Blackwood. by Biackwood Capson, ch s, 1886, by Baldman's idol Susan, by Guide '. Captain, b s. 186 , by Billy Dentou Seward Mare by De Kay's Bell- founder (dead) .' Captain, b g, 1879, by Tom Patcheu, dam by Keene's Brandywine Captain, b g (same as Deck, 2:29 1 /&, and Prince E.. 2<30) Captain, gr g, 1878, by Kansa Rat- tler, dam by Robert Bonner Capt. Ben. b g. 1870. by King Philip Borden Capt. Bowman, ch s. 1887, by Ned Wilkes- Kathrine. by Daniel Lam- bert ." Captain Crouch, ch s, 188. by Gen. Smith ' Capt. Douds. eh g. 187. by Bishop.. Capt. Edwards, b s. 1884. by Dick Edwards Nellv Grant, by Como Chief '. '. Capt. Emmons, ch g. 1871. by Conti- nentalNelly, by Tiger Morgan... Captain F., b g. 188 by American Star Capt. Gill, br g, ixo--, pedigree not traced (dead) Capt. Hamner. ch g. 1882. by Albion- Molly, by Grey Norman Captain Hare, b' s, 1XM7, by Col. Hare Orphan, by Captain ." Capt. Herod, ch s, 1870, by Old Ring- ham Capt. Jack, b g, 186. by Fisher Patchen, dam by Black Douglass... Capt. Jenks, ch g, 186, pedigree not traced 1 Capt. Lee. b s. 18X7, by Mambriuo Startle Indianapolis Maid, by In- dianapolis Capt. Lewis, ch g, 187. by Spink. dam by Wallace's Phenomenon (apt. Lyons, b s. 1882, by Sweepstakes Maggie, by Edward Everett Captain Mac, b s, 1887, by Nutwood Rapidan. by Dictator Captain Macey. b s. 1890, by Macey Thorn'.eaf. by Hero of Thorndale. . Capt. O. (8:111 Diego, pacing 2:21i. bg 188 by Victor '. . Captain Rette:-. br s, 1888, by Ketter Lady H., by Joe Young i, eh 2:28 2:28^ 2:14^i 2:28 2:2oV4 2:28 2:21^ 2:28 : /2 2:24 2:27 2:2*% 2:25 i 2:27% ! I 2:25%; 2:19k | 2:29% | 2:30 i 2:30 2:25 2:25% 2:26 2:30 2:25 2:20/4 2:17'/4 '29 Capt. Seth, ch s, 1882, by Tramp- Black Sally, by Barnard's Muscatine ('apt. Smith, gr g. 18<> , by Fenian Chief Minnie Ralston . . . ." Capt. Smith, br g, 1876. by Locomo- tive Maid of Clay, by Henry Clay. . Captain Tom. b s, 1889. by Col. Tom Maggie H., by Magna Charts.. ... Captain Wade, gr g, 1888, by Reveille Oaprana. by Daniel L-ambert Capt. Wall-ridge, b s, 1890, by Arsaces Ruth Meditmi, by Happy Medium. . captain Wat tens, br s, 1883, by Judge Folger Mary S.. bv James R. Reese Captain White, fell s, 1890, by John G. Jane Mosley. by Mambriuo Patch- en Captain Wilkes. br s, 1887, by Allie AVilkes Jenny Redwood, by Red- wood Capt. Wilkes, b s. 1888, by Hamble- tonian Wilkes or Gov. Hayes Mag- gie M., by Magua Charta Captor, gr g. 188, by Capri Cam Mia, b m, 1888, by Electioneer Bicara, by Harold . i Canbolic. b g. 187, by Logan Jr., dam by Bashaw Jr Cardinal, b s. 188. by Redneld Cardinal, gr g. 185, by Cardinal (dead) Careless Boy, b g. I860, by Brandy- wine (dead) Carilla, b m. 1887, by Nugget Cas- carilla, by Shelby Chief Carillon, b s, 1890. by Chimes - Charmer, by Mambrino King Carl, ch g. 1878. by Hidalgo-Lot ta Swigart. by Edenborough Ca-1, b g. 1885, by Chevron Daisy Golddust Carl G., gr g, 188, by French's Ba- shaw Carldon, ch s, 1888, by Don Carlos- Lizzie Smith, by Scott's Thomas Oarleton. br s, 1885, by Mambrino King Barbara, by Kentucky Prince Oarleton Chief, b ,s, 1885. by Gen. Washington Nettie Hambletonlan, by Aberdeen Carlisle, ch ,*. 18X4, by Piedmont-- Idabelle, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian Carlisle McGregor, blk s. 1884, by Fer- gus McGregor Bird, by Frank Bird. Caryl Carrie, gr g. 1891, by Hamble- tonian Mambrino. dam by Confed- erate Chief Carlos, ch s. 1886, by Don Carlos - Clara Dudley, by Mambrino Dudley Carlotta, ch m, 188. by Bob Lee . . . Carlotta, ch m, 1885, by Aristos Emma Abbott, by Broken Leg Carl S.. b g ....'. Carl Redwood, b g, 188. by Red- wood, dam by Detective Patchen... Carnieucita, b m. 1890, by C. F. Clay Messenger Princess, by Messenger Clay Gannello. br s, 1891, by Sidney Pansy by Berlin Carrie, gr m, 1881, by George Wilkes Bashaw Belle, by Green's Bashaw Carrie, b m. 1867, by Volunteer, dam by Siy'a American Star .... 2:2r,< /4 2:26v4 2:27 2:28% 2:29 2:26^ 2:30 2:18U 2:25V-j 2:: 10 2:28 ) '>'2i 2:27'/ i 2:2:5% 2:.-!0 2:27-}.i 2:10^4 2:21V 4 . 2:25 2:27 2:26 2 :30 2:27Vi; 2:21)4 2:29% 2:24% THE 2.30 TROTTERS. Carrie B., blk in, 1885, by Mambriuo Swigert Minnie, by Ivauhoe 2:20% Carrie Belle, b m. 1879, by Com. Bel- mout Pocahontas, by Conscript.... 2:23V> Carrie C., br m, 1881, by Electioneer Maid of Clay, by Henry Clay Carrio F., br m, 187, by Erwin Davis Carrie H., ch in, 1877, by Western Fearnaught, dam by Col. Moyers. . Carrie K., gr in, 1869, by Grey Eagle (Blind Eagle) Carrie L., ch m, 1885, by Judge Cra- ven-Belle, by Frampton's Wood. .. . Carrie M., b in. 1887, by Dispatch- Miss Herrington, by Star Hamiiie- toniau 2 :26 j Carrie Medium, b m, 187, by Happy Medium Jr 2:27U Carrie N., b m, 18-J8, by Young Wo- ful, dam by Hector 2:27 Carrie R.. b m, 1882, by Jay Gould Enieline. by Henry B. Patchen Carrie Strawu, br in, 1885, by Strawu Minnie K., by Little Mose 2:27'/ 2 Carrie T.., br m, 1879. by Dom Pedro Mince 2 :2<> l / t Carrie W.. b m. 1887, by Royalty- Gypsy, by Nat Lexington 2:2G'/4 ' Carrie Walton, b m. 1883, by Gov. Spragne Lida Lewis, by Sentinel... 2:2..'.,. Carrie Wilkes, br m, 1883, by Alcyone Josephine, by Mambrino Starlight.. 2:28 Carrimont, b s, 188 2 :3i > Carroll Wilkes b s, 1887, by Ashlanu Wilkes Dinah, by Little Chief 2:25'4 Carter, blk s, 1892, by Simmons Pattie by Black Doc 2:29% Carthage, b w, 1886. by Onward- Madge, by Bayard Jr 2 :29% Cartridge, blk s, 18SG. by Eidridge Lady Stout, by Mambrino Patobeu (dead) 2:14'-., Carver b g. 1879, by Volunteer Wo- burn Maid, by AVobnrn 2:27'/ t Cascarilla, b m, 1877, bv Shell) v CUief Missie, by Brignoli " '. 2 :25W, Cash, b s, 1887, by Olinedo Wilkes - Rosa, by Ira Wilkes 2 :26'4 Cash Item, b g, 1889, by Harold- Lottie McGregor by Robert Mc- Gregor 2:2.t'4 Cassidy, b s, 1884, by Steinway Nour- mahal. by Simpson's Blickbrd 2:30 Caseie, b m, 188, breeding unknown 2:28% Cassie, ch m, 188 by Si Iney 2:28U, Caseie B., ch m, 1883 by Ben Frank- linClam, by Columbus Cassius Prince, ch s, 1867, by Bal- lard's Cassius M. Clay Jr., dam by Walker Horse Castalia, b m. 1883, by Jav Bird Podie. by George Wilkes Castianira. b m 1874. by Berbrino- Saluda. by Alexander's Abdallah. . . . Castle Boy. b g, 1864, by Gooding'fl Champion Castleton. b g, 187, by Chesbronsfh . Ca-stor, ch s, 1888. by White Lino Chief Ixidy Hamlet Catalpa. ch s. 1884, by Toronto Patch- enMary Beachland. by Marion. . , . Catapult, b m, 1886, by Wilkie Collins dam by a son of Long Island Black Hawk : Catchfly, b m. 1876. by Administrator Cachuca, by Almont Catherine, b m'. 188. by Candidate- Daisy Gardner, by T-Tawkeye 2:29'-i ! 2:29% i 2 '21 2:21 I'nthenne, b in 1ST."., by McDonald Chief Heel and Toe Fanny, by John Innis Catherine Leyburn, ch m, 1886. by On- wardMamie, by Star Almout Cato Boy, b g, 1886, by Oshkosh Black Frank, by Hod Gregory Catskill Girl, blk m, 1867, by Ivos- suth dam by Nonpariel (dead) CattaraguB chief, b g. 185, by Hough and Ready Caution, b s. 1888, by Electioneer Barnes, by VThipple's Hambletonian Cay wood, ch g, by Van Helinoiit, dam by Ledo Cavalier, blk s, 18X9. by Civilization Lady Stillson by Stlllson C. B. Kendall, b s. 1SS . by Lam- bertUK '. Ca/iqne Jr., ch s. ls^ . by ('azique.. C. C., b g. '1887. by Calumet, dam by Mambrino Time C. C., b s, 1886, by Evermond Pet Allen by Ethan Allen C. C. K., blk K. 1881, by Almont Eclipse Maggie, by Oen. Lyons ... C. E. A., b ir. 18s--. said to be by Mambrino Billy Cebolla. b s. isss. b.\>\St ranger Ca- tawka. by Jay Gould Cecie Lewis, ch m 1887. by Penrose Carrie, by Black Eagle Cecil, gr g, 188, pedigree not traced. Cecile. br m. ISS.'}. ' by Cyclone- Madam Beatty. by Monroe Chief. . Cecilian. b s. 18S9. by Electioneer Cecil, by Gen. Benton Cecilian. b s. 1889. by Gambetta AVilkes Jennie C., by Nutwood Cecilian Prince, b -s 1889, by C. F. Clay Sarah C.. by Metropolitan ... Cecil M.. ch m. 18'M. bv Tnsrarora S -a King Cecil Wilkee, blk^ m. 1889, by Gam- betta Wilkes Cedric, b g. 188. by Jefferson Prince Cedarwood, b s, 1885, by Nutwood- Four Lines, by Blackwood Oelaya, ch m. 1891, by Allandorf Sister Wilkes, by George Wilkes.. Celerity, br m, 1888. by Kentucky Wilkes Alzairle by Strader's Cas- sius M. Clay Jr Celerrima, b m. 1888, by Happy Med- ium Esquimaux, by Aberdeen Cenateur, b g, 188, by Pasacas Centella, b m. 1872, by Sam Kirk wood Lady Washington by Sacklowie. . . Centlivre Wilkes, b s. 1890. by Wayne Wilkes Clara Blackwood, by Blue Bull Centre, gr g, 1880, by Sultan Belle- vue Maid, by Acker's Idol Centurion, blk g, 1876, by Black Pilot Cephas, blk s. 1886. by Fairy Gift- Tola, bv Mambrino Patchen Cephas, "b g. 1887. by Cyril Molly Matchless, by Matchless . . . . , Ceresco, b s. 1886. by Chief Medium Gyp, by Magna Charta Cervik b's, 1891. by Sphinx Nellie Mac, by Tecumseh Chadron. ch s, 1886. by Attorney Jessie S., by George L Challenger Chief, b s. 1885. by Chal- lengerRosa Chief, by T). Monroe. .. Champagne, gr g. 100, by Edwin For- 2:28 2:17i/ 2 2:19V / 2 2:15 2 :21% 2:25 2:14',, 2:29V. 2:2SVj 2:27 2:16 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 33 res t Grey Goose, by Nottingham's Norman * 2 :.'10 Champion, ch g, 188, by Gooding's Champion, dam by Magna Charta. . 2:26% Champion Jr.. br s, 186, by Marn- briiio Champion, dam by Eureka... 2:24 Champion (Jirl. br m. LSS . by Good- ing's Champion 2:28 Champion Medium, b s, 1882. by Happy Medium Tamora, by Almont Champion Morrill, br s, 1867, by Ver- mont Ranger, dam by Vermont Champion II (dead) Champion Wilkes, b g. 1878, by Bar- ney Wilke-v Eueonstance. by Blue Bull O. F. B., gr g O. F. Clay, b s, 1881, by Caliban- Soprano, by Strathmore Chance, ch g, 1870, Blue Bull Molly, by Pete Guffin Chance, ch g, 1882. by Royal Fear- naught Nance, by Western Chief Jr. Chance, b g. 1889, by Mohican Folly, by Hambletonian Tranby Chancert, gr s, 1891, by Pilot Med- ium Lucy Montgomery, by Mont- gomery (dead) ". Chancellor, ch s, 1884. by Bismarck Lucy, by George B. Patchen Jr Chancewood, b s, 1887 by Nutwood- Lucia, by Hambletonian Chandler, b s, 1881, by Louis Na- poleonBelle Isle, by Young Dic- tator Chandos, ch s. 1879. by Strathmore Arline, by Almont Chantilly. br ru, 1886 by Nephew- Hazel Green Chanter, b g. 1880, by Cuyler Au- gusta, by Rysdyk's Bellfonnder Chantward. br s, 1890, by Shadeland Onward Saxtena, by Enchanter Charity, b m, 1888, by Bob Link Zoa, by Dauntless Charlemagne, b s, 18S8, by Gambetta Wiikes Martha, by Rothschild . . . Charles A., blk g. 1878, bv Leighton Horse Nelly Edgerly Charles Anderson, ch g, 188, by Wilkes Chief ..'...... Charles B. b g, 188, bv Bav Middlo- ton ' * .....'.. Charles C., br g Charles Derby, br s, 1885, by Stein- wayKatie G., by Electioneer Charles Dickens, gr g. 188, by Dic- . tator Charles Dorsey, b g, 188, bv Green Boy " ". Charles E. Loew, blk s 185. by George M. Patchen, dam by Dutch- man (dead) ' Charles F.. b s. 1889, bv Seth P. Nettie Smith, by Ozark' Charles F. Iseminger, b g. 1884, by Othello Charles H.. br s, 1882, by Old Charley Fly 2 :21% Charles Hen son, gr g 187. pedigree not traced \ 2:25 Charles Hilton, b g, 1879. by Louis Na- poleonDolly Bryant, by Ned 2:17% Charles H. Hoyt. b s, 1889, by New- mont Reel, by Blue Bull 2:21% Charles James, b g. 1889, by Le Grand Hannah Price, by Arthrir- tou ' 2:22% 2:28% 2:18 2:20% 2:23% 2:13% 2:29'/i 2:16 2 :2"> 2:28 2:28% 2:20'/4 2:20% 2:21 2:27% 2:27 'A 2:22% 2:24% 2:29y 4 2:20V a I 2:25^ 2:20% 2:19% Charles P. 188, by Gamaleon 2:1JJV* Charles M., b s, 1888, by Subscriber. . 2:29% Charles R., b g, 188, by Edgar Wilkes 2:29% Charles R., br g, 1868, by Gilbreth Knox, dam by Witherell Messenger. 2:27 Charles Reade, ch s, 1886, by Wood- ard's Ethan Allen Jr. Princess Dag- mar, by Daniel Lambert 2:24% Charleston, ch s. 1884, by Bourbon Wilkes Mary Thomas, by Abdallah Mambrino 2 :12V* Charles W., gr g, 1872, by Honest Dan Lasher Mare, by Millman's Bellfounder 2:29% Charles W. Wooley, b g, 1868 by Crazy Nick Molly, by Morgan Mes- senger 2 :22 '/> Charles Z., gr g, 188, by Legal Ten- der Jr 2:28% < Charley, b g, 188, pedigree not traced 2:26% Charley Anderson, ch g, 188, by Wilkes Chief ?! 2:22% Charley B., b s, 1869, by King's Cham- pionOld Jane, by Magnum Bonum. 2:25 Charley B., ch g, 186, by Chicka- mauga 2:30 Charley Baldwin, blk s, 1883, by Iowa Chief, dam by American Eagle .... 2:23% Charley Boy, ch g, 187, by I. J., dam by Vermonter (dead) 2:25% Cha.'ley Burch, b s, 1885, by Artemas Kate, by Blue Bull 2:23vi Charley C., gr g, 1882, by Sam Purdy Bessie O'Malley, by Davis O'Mal- ley .* 2 :13% Charley C., b g, 187, by Woodard's Ethan Allen 2:28% Charley C., b g, by Accidental 2:29% Charley C., br g, 188, by Brown Jug Nellie O., by Napa Rattler Charley Champlin (Home Rule), b g. 1874, by Messenger Duroc Mary Hulse, by Seely's American Sta .-... 2:21% Charley D., b s, 188 by Henry Clay 2:29% Charley D., b g, 187 pedigree not traced Charley D., ch g, 188, pedigree not traced 2 :28'/i Charley Douglas, b g, 187, by Tom. 2:30 ( 'barley Downing, ro g, 1886, by Ham- bletonian Downing Nancy Carney, by Carney's Sam Hazard " Charley Ellis, b s. 1888, by William Rysdyk Miss Steel, by Oceana Chief Charley Ford, gr g, 187 by Cheney's Grey Eagle Sadie M Charley G., m g, 188, breeding un- known Charley Gibson, gr g, 1877, by Brown Douglas Lady Grey, bv Blue Dick. . Charley Giibird, ch g, *by Gibbin's Sprague Waterloo, by Coleman's Abdallah J Charley Green, b g. 186, by Careless Charley Green, ch g, 1884, by Praetor Nob, by Gen. Stark Charley H., b g, 188 pedigree not traced Charley H., b traced g, 1888, pedigree not Charley H., g g, 188 by Sam Purdy, dam by Davis' O'Malley Charley H.. br s, 1888, by Pompadour Laura, by Rodolph Charley Hogan, b g. 1876, by Virgo Hambletoniau Seybolt Charley Hood, b g. 187, by Pearsall. 2:29% 2:27 ! /i 2:10% 2:24% 2:21% 2:29% 2:26% 2:1!)% 2:23% 2:29% 2:20% 2:22% 2:18% 2:29>' a 34 THE 2:30 TKOTTERS. Charley K.. b g. 1882. by Oak Hill Fenton Mare Charley K., b g, 188. by Dictator... Charley Kaile, b g, 1885, by Sweep- stakes Oceola. by Middletown. . . . Charley M., eh g, 187. pedigree not " 2:25) b g, .188. 1 Charley Mac. ch g. 1868 ."by Holsbird's traced (pacing record Charley M., b g, 188. by Dictator Chazey Maid, b in. 1S7S. by ChM/.cy Patclien Checkmate, b s. 18S5. by Competitor- Miss Egbert, by Egbert Cheerful Charlie, b g, bv Broadway. .. Chelsea I)., ch g, 1883. by Index. Ethan Allen Stone Mare, by North American Charley Mitchell, br g. 1882, by All- right Jenny, by Gen. Williams.... Charlie Moore, b g, 188, by Nut- hunter Charley 1'.. gr ic. 1882, by Gov. Spraguo Martha, by Rothschild (pacing 2:lli4) Charley It., ch sr. ISM. by Madrid- Speed, by War Dance Charley K., b g. 188. by Gen. Wilkes Charley Ray. ch s. 1883, by B<-n Franklin Ray Mare Charley Rolf, ch g. 1,SS . bv Bay Rolf ! Charley Ross, blk s, 1884. by John A. Kasson Pet It Charley S., b g, 187 , by Snowstorm.. Charley Shepherd, b g, 188, by Batch Charley Sprague, gr g. 1885, by Gov. Sprague Jr. Lady Jane, by Brady's Bellfounder Charley Sta-tle, blk g, 188, by Startle Hambletonian Charley T., ch g, 187 , petligree not traced Charley Thome, gr g. 187. by John Green Fanny Hopkins, by Young Otsego Charley Tipton, b g, 188, pedigree not traced Charley Van. ch g. 1877, by Strang's Joker Lady Purely Charley West, ch s. 1876. by Allit West Clayette, by Strader's Caesius M. Clay Ji- ' Charley Wheeler, ch g. 1801. by B!it- xen Sally Allen Charley Wilkes, b s. 1882, by Red Wilkes Kate Bradley, by Clifton Pilot Charlie Rolfe, b g, 188 by Bay Rolfe Charmer, blk m. 188, by Burns' Black Cloud Lady Knox, by Gen. Knox Charmion, b m, 1889, by Spectator- Lady Lisle, by Ensign Charming Chimes, blk s. 181)1. b> Chimes, dam by Mambrino King. .. . Chartamount, b s, 1887. by Trouble- Lady Powers, by Magna Charta < 'hatterton, ch s, 1885. by Crittenden Sally Southworth, by Mambrino Patchen Charter, b m, 1888. by Onward Hecla. by Strathmo"e Chastelard, b s. 1884, by King Rene- Sally Wilkes, by George Wilkes Chatsworth. br 8, 1889, by Dictator Virgie Wilkes, by George Wilkes Chattel, b g, 1887, by Chatham Nelly K.. by Black Ranger Chauncy M. Bedle, b g. 1871, by Gooding's Champion Chauncy H., br g. 187- by Robert Bonner 2:2914 2:28 2:2t< 2:28 2:29% Cheltenham, b s, 1884, 'by Oxmoor Hildegarde. by Harry Clay Cherokee, b s, 1884, by Jefferson Mambrino Cumberland, by McFer- ran Cuyler Cherokee, gr g, 1888, by Pilot Medium Minnie Medium, by Happy Medium (dead) 2:20U Chester b g, 1866, by Hambletonian Julia Machree. by Seely's American Star *. 2:27 Chester, ch g. 1867, by Patrick Henry Molly 2 :28H Chester, br K, 1888, by Wilkes Spirit Jr. Delilah, by Black Jake 2:17'4 Chester A., ch g. 188. breeding un- known 2 :.' >O Chester 'Allen, b g. 1885, by Mohawk Hambletonian Wyandotte Maid, by Robert Fillingham Jr 2:22*4 Chester F.. ch g, 1875, by Mercu y Mary Ann. by Magnolia 2:30 Chester Morris, ro g, 188 . by Mount Morris 2:27^ ( hestnut 2 :24V4 Chestnut Boy, ch s. 1875, by Bnrtrrr- -- Lady, by Addisou 2:28^ Chestnut Hill, b s, 1872, by Strath- more Polly Barber, bv Bullv King (dead) ' ' Chestnut Wilkes. ch s. 1S.S5. by R;.l Wllkea Fanny D.. by Sta- Alniunt.. Chestnut Wilkes, ch m, 1884. by Fa- vorite Wilkes Kate Downing, by Joe Downing 2 iL'!) 1 '- Chet Wl'kes. IV s, 188, by Alcantara Prince '. 2:25 Chetwood. gr 8. 1884. by Ohichester Vanity Fair, by Alexander's Abdal- lah 2:27 Chevalier, br g, 1882, by Chevalier- Barbara, by Green's Bashaw 2:27 Chevalier Ensign, b s, 1889, by En- signLady, by Chevalier 2:20^4 Chevalita, ch m, 188, by Extra- Frosty 2:25% Cheyenne, b s. 1885. by Nutbourne Jeanette, by Messenger Duroc 2:14'4 O. H. H., b g. 1883. by Chosroes Long Mary, by Derby's Bashaw 2:27U Chicadee, blk s. 1885, by Mambrino Boy Satinet te, by Sentinel 2:29 Chicago, b g, 1-859. "by Ole Bull (dead). 2:24''., Chicago Jack, b g, 185. by Sherman Black Hawk 'dead) Chichester, b s. 1881, by Hsu-old Rosebush, bv Woodford Mambrino, . Chick Bills, b'g, 1888, by Black Mack. dam by Star Hambletonian. . . ._ 2:2

u;, Christine, ro m, 1870. by Wood's Hambletonian Lydia. by Foxhunter 2:29 1 4 Chub, ro g, 1870, by Knox Boy. dam by Lewiston Boy 2:27 Church Belle, b m, 1880. by Onward-- Carbon, by Cazique 2:27V Cicero, br s, 1877, by Swlgert Me^ dora, by Bayard 2:26V4 Cicercne. b s, 1887, by Cyclone Lady Hamlet, by Hamlet 2:12% Cigarette, ro g, 1888, by Col. Ham- brick Age^ by Long's Hambleton- ian ' 2:2aV4 Cimarron, ch s, 1881, by Companion- Nannie Beechler, by Lightning 2:27*4 Cinderella, blk m, 1888, by Teak ftlackwood Lady Clark, by George Clark 2:22 Circuit, ch s. 1888, by Onward Belle Thome, by Hero of Thorndale 2:27 Circulator, ch s 1877, by Forrest Golddust, dam by Comet Morgan ... 2:27% Citizen, b s. 18x7. by Happy Medium Patsey F.. by Mambriuo Patchen 2:21% Civilian, ro s. 1S88, bv Civilization- Minnie, by Gouhl Clay 2:21 Civilian, b a, 188, by* Lucifer 2:20 Civiltine, b m. 1800. by Civil tea Hon. dam by Old Lei . .. 2:17U 2:20% 2:28% 2:27% rivil.teaTlou. blk s, 1882, by J. 11. Welsh- Shirley, by Powell's Flying Cloud Claimant, ch s, 18&>. by Red Wilkes Alice, by Mambrino Patchen .... Clan Alpine, b s Clainnont, blk m, 1884, by Almont Pilot Carrie Tanner by Norwood . . Clara, ch in, 1880, by Leland Aralon. by Young Woful 2:21 Clara, b m. 185, by Young Sports- man (dead) 2 :27 Clara Belle, b m, 1870, by Maeterlode Ida Mills, by Fisk's Mambrino Chief Jr 2:20 v Clara C., b m, 188. by Alcantara.. 2:24 Clara Cleveland, ch m, 187, by Am- boy Dolly Grey, by Youug Gleucoe 2:2.5 Clara D., b m, 1888, by Belmont, dam by Cuyler 2:14% Clara G., b m, 186, by Son of Miles Horse Zella by Isman Horse 2:26 Clara J., ch m, 1870, by Black Dia- mond, dam by Whalebone 2:2S Clara J., b m, 1886. by Landmark Tip, by Star of the Union 2:2? ; J 4 Clara K.. b m. 188. by Clarion Chief 2:17Va Clara M., br in. 1874 by Jack Shep- pard Lady Walker.' by Fearnaught 2:20 l /4 Clara Madison, b m, 1801, by Madison Jennie Sullivan, by Gen. Lyons . . . Clara Morris, ch in. 1878. by Daniel Lambert Clara, by Ethan Allen ... 2:20V4 Clara P., b m, 1888. by Mambrino Wilkes Cora, bv Corsican 2:2!>V> Clara P., ch m, 1883. by Spink Nelly. by Champion King 2:17 Clara T.. b m, 187, by Red Wi Ikes- Kentucky Belle, by Harold 2:2-8'.;. Clara Wilkes, b m, 1884. by Onward- Fisher, by American Clay 2:17 Clara Wilkes, b m. 180O, by On- slaughtClara B.. by Almout Rat- tler 2 :2*i,.j CUaa Wilkes, b m, 1887, by Pilot Wilkes Wild Rose, by New York . . 2:2su,4 Clara Z., gr. m, 188 by Capri, dam by A. W. Richmond 2:20-\ Clarence, blk s, 1882. by Pluto Lady Star, by Goldsmith's Star _:30 Clarence, b g, 1881, by Pilot Medium 2:24% Clarence, ch g, 185, pedigree not traced (dead) 2:27>i Clarence E., br g. 188, by Gooding'e Champion 2 -."0 Clarence Girl, ch m, 1885, by Broug- hamBelle of Clarence, by 'Finch's i St. Lawrence I Clarence H., br s. 188 by Ajax ; Clarence R., blk g, 187. pedigree not traced Caret, b m. 1801. by C. F'. Clay. dam by Metropolitan Clprice, b m, 1884, by Ilamllu's Al- mont Jr. Daisy, by Harolin Patchen (dead) Clarion, br m, 1887, by Ansel Conso- lation, by Dictator ." Clarkia. b m, 1870. by Administrator Miss Coons by Clark Chief Clark S., gr jr, 187. by Edward Everett Jane Murray Classic, b m, 1888, by Acolyte-Mis- tress, by Hamlin's Almont Jr. ... Class Leader, gr g, 1881, by Warwick Boy Tackey, by tMlot Jr. ... Classmate, br g. 188, by Lumps, dam bv Ashland Chief 2:1 > ; 2:24% 2:20Vi THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Claude, g g, 1887, breeding unknown ClKtana b x, 188, by Daly, dam by Gen. McClellan Clatina, b m, 1887, by ClayMelissa, by Mohawk Chief Claudia, b in 1882, by Sir Walkill- Merry Maid, by Abdallah Prince . . Claudius, b s, 1886, by Landmark- Lady Lambert, by Daniel Lambert llaudius traced Claudius, ch g t. by D; , 188, pedigree not Claudius b e, 1886, by Fairy Gift- May Day, by Harrison Chief Claudius, ch g, 188, by Hanable- touian Tranby Claudius, b s, 188, by Artemus Ciaus Almont, b g, 1888, by Sautu Claus Belh- Bjron, by Bowman's Clark chief Clay, br s, 1879, by Electioneer Maid of Clay, by Henry Clay C'ayberta, br m, 188G, by Egbert .Arnie Clay, by Tom Clay Clay Cross, b e, 188, by Koyal Wind- sorBelle of Happy Medium Clay Davis, ch s, 187, by Cassius M. Clay Jr Clay Duke, b s, 1883. by Alcona Met- amora, by Duke of Orange Jr Clay Duroc, b s, 188, by Glen Du- 10C Clay France, b s, 188, by France . . . Clay Forrest, ch s, 1884, by Clay Davis, dam by Edwin Forrest Clay Herr br s, 1886, by Dr. Herr- Mattie Clay, by Whip Clay Clay King, br e, 1884, by King Clay Amy, by Volunteer Clavmore. b g, 1880, by King day- Time Enough, by Mambri 10 Time . . Clayola, b m, 1885, by Allie Clay- Jessica, by Bellwood Clay one b s, 1891, by Clay Nelly Stout, ' by Mambrino Time Clayton, b ,, 1886, by Perduro Molly Clay, by Neely's Henry Clay Clayton, b g, 1882, by Harry day- Star Maid, by Jupiter Abdallah .... Clayton Krtsnll, br s, 1S76, by Major Edsall, darn by Andy Johnson Glaytonia, ch m, 1884, by Hamble- 'onlan Downing Belle Clay, by Strader's Casslufi M Clay Jr Claytonian ch s, 1883, by Hambie- tonlan Downing Belle Clay, by Strader's Cassius M. Clay Jr. ... Claytonian, b ni, 187, by Haven's Harry Clay Jr Clayton Lee, br s, 1888, by C. F. Clay Frescott Belle by Rysdyk Clay Toska, b s, 188 by King Toska Cleaimont, ch h, 188, by McGinnis Cleg? Wright, br e, 1888. by Aristos Jenny V., by Almout Eagle Clematis gr m, 1889, by Barkis Bes- sie Benton, by Major Benton Clementine, b in, 1888. by C. F. Clay Delilah, by Administrator Clementine, b m, by Addison Jr, dam by Young Emigrant (dead) Clemmie G., ch m, 1877, by Magic- Ned ', Clemmie G II, ch m, 1888, by Post Boy, dam by Phillips Blackwood . . Olendon, blk s, 1834. by Crittendeu, dam by Richelieu Cleo. b m, 1888, by Gambetta Sue Harden, by Thomas K 2: 20 * -2 Cleo, b m, 187!). by Badger Bird Grant, by Gim Grant 2:21 2:27% | Cleon, b g, 1882, by Heptagon Nelly Hoyt by Norwood ^'22 2:28% Cleopatra, blk m 1890. by Dark Night Florine, by Administrator .. 2'2!/, 2 29 Cleora, blk m, 1875, by Menelaus Thornleaf, by Mambrino Patehen .. 2:ls% 2:2-j Clermont, ch g, 1873, by Almout Jean Wood, by Melbourne Jr. (lead) 2:29'/i 2:21',+ Cleta Wiikes, b m. 188, by Wilkes 2:29% ; Cleveland,' b s', 'lS83,' by' Ziieaadi 'Gold- dust Rosa, by Mambrino Reliance 2:29% 2:21% Cieveliiod ch s, 188, by Sir Walter. 2 2GV> 2:29% Cleveland b g, 1869, by Hughes' Ed- \* in Forrest Mary Elmore, by Mam- brunello 2 :28% 2:26% Cleveland Boy, b g, 188, by Lothair Jr v ..- 2:23 2:25 Cleveland Boy ch g, 1886, by Hara- bletonian Tranby Belva, by Wil- 2:30 Ham's Blu? Bull 2 .2'J)4 Cleveland S., b s, 1884. by Mont- gomery Topsy, by Tippoo Saib (pacing record 2:11%) 2:24 2:28% Client, br s, 1887. by Climate Matt, by Gill's Vermont r 2:24 2:29 Clifton, ch g, 1882, by Signet Eliza Jane, by Morgan Rattler Jr 2:27 2.30 Clifton Bell, b s, 1883, by Electioneer 2:26y 2 Olarabell, by Abdallah Star (dead) 2:24% Clifton Bov, b g, 1869, by Joe (dead) 2:23 2:24% , Clifton Boy br g, 1872, by Major Win- field Lady Irwin, by George Wilkes 2:30 2:16% ; Clifton Boy, br s, 1877, by Squire Tal- mage Nelly Draco by Draco 2:20% 2:27% Clifford K., blk m, 1890, by Norwood Wilkes Goldie T., by Washington 2:17% . Jr 2:29% Climatize, b s. 1886. by Climate Car- 2:21% [ rie Pachen, by Mambrino Patcheu.. 2:24"*i i Cling, b g, 188 by Grey Jim 2:29% 2:27%; Clingstone, b s, 1880, by Star Harn- bletonian-Fly 2:30 2:20% Clingstone, b g, 1875, by Rysdyk Gretchen, by Cho.sroes 2:14 2:19 Clingstone, 2d. b s, 1,884, by Rysdyk Gretcbeu, by Chosroes 2:29% 2:22% Clinker Jr., b s, 1883. by Clinker- Bird 2:24 , Clinton Wilkes, b s, 188, by Red 2:2 M/a Wilkes 2:26 Clio Wilkee blk m, 1888. by Guy Wilkes Directress, by Director 2:30 2:27% Cllj.per, b g, 187- , by Lex '. 2:23% Clipper, ch g, 1887, bv Melville Chief 2:27% Stockard Mare . . . '. 2-.24V* I C. L K., ch g, 188. by Gov. Benton 2:29% 2:24% Clochette, ch m, 1885, by Chester 2:26% Chief Abdaline, by Goldsmith's 2:28 Abdallah 2:17% Clonmore, b e, 1882, by Connaught . 2:29 Hopeless, by Hermes 2:21 Clontarf, b s, 1885. by Nutbourne 2:21% Duroc Cuyler, by Messenger Duroc 2:22 Clorine, ch in 1888, by C. F. Clay 2:29 1; Lady Pepper, by Onward 2:18% Clotilda, ch m, 1887, by Argonaut 2:21 Clotyde, by Almont 2 :28% Clover, b g, 186. by Hindoo 2:25% 2:15% Clover Leaf, b s, 1S89. by C. F. Clay Lassie, by Kentucky Prince 2:21% 2:18% C M. P.. blk g. 188, by Junior .. 2:26% ! Ccalburg. br g. 1886, by Com. Wilkes 2-.20 | Coalburg Kit, by Oakwood 2:30 Coast Boy. blk s 1885, by Bourbon 2:1'.tu, Wilkos Alaatress. by Coaster 2:2i THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Coister, b e, 1870, by Caliban Sal, by Canada Chief Coaticook Boy, b s, 188, by Page's Hambletonian C. O. B., b g, 188, by Mainbritonian Cobee, cli g, 188 pedigree not traced Cobdellah, ch m. 188, by Cobden Cobden, ch s, 1874, by Daniel Lam- bertClara, by Ethan Allen (dead) . . Cobden, II., ch g, 188, by Cobdeu.. Cobwebs, ch g, 1888, by Whips Molly Cobb, by Gen. Benton Cocoon, blk m, 1887, by Cyclone- Fanny Conner, by Bourbon VV likes . . 0. O. D., ch g, 1888, by Simmons Miss Linder, by Triumvir Code, b s, 1879, by Dictator Crop, by Pilot Ji- Cceur d'Alene, b e, 1887, by Dexter Bradford Belle H., by Williamson's Belrnoiit Cobansey Boy, b g, 188, by Messen- ger Chief Jr Coincident, b ui, 1801, by Calabar- Daphne, by Kentucky Prince Colbourue, gr g, 186 , pedigree not traced (dead) Coldeu Belle, b m, 1884, by Hamlin's Almont Jr. Nell, by son of imp. Lapidist (dead) Coleridge, b s, 1888, by C. F. Clay- Susie Wilkes, by lied Wilkes (pac- ing 2:00%) Collmwood, b s, 1887, by Mambrino Startle Sarah C., by Metropolitan.. Colma, gr m, 1880, by Electioneer Sontag Mohawk, by Mohawk Chief.. Colonel, blk g, 1800, pedigree not traced Colonel, blk s, 1884, by Riley's Ad- ministrator, dam by Ellington Boy. . Col. Arthur Wilkes, gr s, 188, by Mambrino Wilkes Col. B., blk g, 188 'ol. Barnes, ch g, 186 , by King's Champion Col. Bismarck, b s, 1883, by Victor Bisnia ck Lucy Thornton, by Amer- ican Clay . . t Colonel Briggs,- br is, 1885, by Haruble- ton Bessie, by Floramour Col. BuLitt, b s, 1887, by Squire Tal- mage Black Ma ia, by Bosiick's Al- mout Jr Col. Burr, ch s, 1887, by King Will- iamLouie T., by Greenback Col. Colgrove, b g, 188, by Jim Hill. Col. Crockett, b s, 187s. by Ripple Belle Green, by Green's Bashaw. . . . Col. Crownbie, b s, 1888, bv A.caude Kitty, by Billy Bow Leg ('ol. Dawes, b g, 187 , pedigree not traced Col. Dickey, b s, 1880, by 1'ilot Med- ium Mady L., by Honest Dick Col. Dorsey, b s, 1885, by Conner's Almont Betsey, by Golddust Col. Egbert, b s, 1881, by Egbert Maisie, by Shelby Chief Col. H., ch h, 1800, by Don McGregor Queen, by Bonnie Scotland,. Col. Hawkins, br s, 1877, by Echo- Thetis, by Morgan Black Hawk Comet Col. Hickman, gr s, 188, by Nevada.. Col. Kip, b s, 1883. by Kenwood- Agnes, by Hamlet Col. Kip. blk s. 1S84. by Aristos 2:261,4 ; 2:26*. | 2:20V 4 | 2:27% ' 2:20% 2:28 : ;i 2:24 2:12 2:15 2:30 | 2:22V4 ' 2:19 Vs. ' 2:20 2:30 2:20V4 2:23% 2:21k 2:25^4 2:27 2:20V2 2:29% 2:29% 2:28% 2:24 2:22 2:1SV4 23% 2:24% 2:10% 2:25 2:30 ! 2:22% l : 25'/i 2:20X 4 Laura 2 :24V4 Col. K. K., br s, 188, by Bay Rose Addie E., by Algona 2:22^4 Col. Kuser, br s, 1800, by Stranger- Inez, by Jay Gould 2:16% Col. Lament,' b s, 1886, by Bostick's Almont Jr. Grand Duchess, by Mambrino Patchen 2:2644 Col. Lewis, gr g, 1870, by Rifleman... 2:18% Col. Lillard, b s, 1884, by Jay Bird- Kitty, by Durant 2:25% Col. McNasser, ch g, 1886, by Star- lightLady Dexter, by Whipple'e, Hambletonian 2:19 Col. Matson, blk s, 188, by Chance.. 2:27 Col. May, br g, 1885, by May Boy- Fanny Bicknell, by imp. Hercules... 2:17 Col. Moss, ch g, 1885, by Mambriuo Russell Hattie Fuller, by Strath- more 2 :27% Col. Moulton, ch e, 1861, by Daniel Lambert Jenny, by Bigelow Horse (dead) 2:28% Col. Neal, b s, 1883, by Squire Tal- mage Lizzie, by Clark's Mohawk Jr. 2:25% Col. Nuttingham, br s, 1888, by Nut- tingham Lou, by Western Fear- naught 2:22% Col. usgood, b s, 1887, by Wilkes Kitty Almout, by Constellation 2:18% Col. Owen, br g, 1887, by Spink's Clark Chief Topsey, by Confederate Chief 2:15% Col. P., b s, 1887, by Paramount- Flora, by Gifford Allen 2:24i/4 Col. Pike, b g, 1860, by Young Cas- sius (dead) 2:29% Col. Pitt, b s, 1889, by Wilkes Hesperia, by Constellation 2:19U Col. Russell, b g, 1865, by Louis Napo- leon (dead) 2:25% Col. Simmons, b s, 1887, by Simmons Lena, by Bramblett's Clark Chief Jr 2:22% Col. Sterling, b s, 1883, by Sterling Meigs, by Robert Fillingham Jr 2:28% Col. Stevens, b g, 1888, by Adminis- tratorCoquette, by American Clay.. 2:28% Col. Taylor, b g. 188, by Thomas K.. 2:21% Col. Tom, b s, 1884, by Lumps Lulu Morton, by Whip Clay 2:22 Col. Walker, b g, 1881, by St. Cloud- Minnie, by Gould Clay 2:24i/ 4 Col. Wood, b g, 1878, by Billy Patter- eonFlora Andrews, by Gooding's Champion 2:21 V* Col. Young, b s, 1885, by Young Jim Emily, by George Wilkes 2:23J/ 4 Col. Young, br s. 1887. by Joe Young Delia, by Sam Balch 2:29% Colonia, ch g, 188 , by Flaherty's Fearnaught 2:24-i/ t Colored Girl, blk m, 1881, by Victor Knight Beauty, by Trophy 2:J. r % Colored Man, blk s, 1887, by Celadon Kate Lee. by Harold 2:2-i Colossus, b g, 187 (ringer?) 2:2t' Columbia, b m, 1879, by Dixon. dam by Robert Bonner - ::'.0 Columbia Chief, blk s, 186. by Mam b*ino Black Hawk Lady Jackson. by Kemble Jackson (dead) 2:28V 4 Columbus Hambletonian, b s, 1873, by A jax Orphan Girl, by Young Co- lumbus - :2G Columbus S., b s, 1889, by McDonald Chief Fanny Rose, by Vick'e Ethan Allen Jr. . . .' 2:27% Colvina Spragne, blk m. 188ft. by Giv. THE 2:30 TROTTERS Sprague Lady Colvin, l>y Richard's Bellrounder C.:mal, blk s, 1888, by Mii(iymion -Ro- <'ocu, by Onward Comanche, b s. 1891, by Antonio- Reality, by Princeps . . Comanche. b s. 188(5, by Mambrino King Mink, by liamlin' I'atchen. . .. Combine, gr in, 188, bv Combina- tion * Combination, b s, 188, by Don Carlos Combination, gr s, 188, by Hainble- tonian Knox. dam by Black Flying ( !loud Combination, b s, 1883, by Egmont Alice, by Frankfort Chief Cume Along, b in, 188 Ccmee, b g, 1866, by Daniel Lambert, by Hiawatha Comedy, b s, 1888, by Epaulet Amy Wen two :'.th, by Dean Sage . . . Comet, b s, 1880, by St. Bel Maud Wilkes, by Red Wilkes Comet, gr g. 1880, by Gen. Stanton Girl of the Period,' by Pel ham Tar- tar Comet, ch g, 388 Comet Medium, b s, 1886, by Rupert Medium Daisy Golddust, by Sam Golddust Comfort, K. m, 1889, by Gambetta Mary V., by King Rene Commander, b s, 1877, by Blue Bull- Nelly Grey. by Miller's Daw Crocket .".'... '. Commercial Girl, b m, 188, by Com- mercial Traveller ' Commodore, b g^ 186, by Young Post Boy, dam by Edward Everett (dead). Commodore, b g, 188, by Prospect . . . !' mniodore, ch g, 188, pedigree not traced Com. Nutt, b g, 185, by Grantham t hief (dead) " Com. Perry, b s, 1866, by Nonpareil- Dolly (dead) Com. Porter, b s, 1887, by Nutwood- Rachel Ray, by Overstreet Wilkes... Com. Vanderbilt, b s, 1856. by Young Columbus, dam by Clinton Horse (dead) Commonwealth, br s, 1867, by 1'hi) Sheridan Madam Tiernan. by ST. Lawrence (dead) .... Commonwealth, br g. 1886. by Dread Bonnie (pacing record 2:18' ' \ C..MIO, -h s. 1H78. )>v Elmo Juno, bv Pat Malloy .' , Commotion, b g, 1881, by Electioneer Sontag Dixie, by Toronto Sontag. . Company, b g. 1880, by Kentucky Prince Harriett*, by Messenger Duroc (dead) Compeer,' ch g, 1878, by Kentucky Prince Jeannete. by Blackwood .... Competine, b s. 1879, by Corsair- Bird B.. by Pip McNair (Jonipwood. b s, 1884, by Compeer- Fashion, by Blackwood Comrade, b s, 1885, by Coriander Isa- bel, by Robert McGregor ( -oinrade. b g, 188 Comra4e, 1) s. 1889, by Stamboul Victoria, by Electioneer Concentrator, b s, 1889, by Sweep- stakesBelle Brown, by Joe Brown Conclave, b s. 1883, by King Rene Kirty Clyde, by Alcalde. Concord, b s, 18S7. by Harry Wilkes Kitty Cuyler. by < nyler. ,' Conde, ch g. IS*-, by Abbottsford- Katy Tricks, by Colonel Conductor, gr s, 1887. by Electioneer 2:18V4 2:26^ 2:18% 2:27 2:241.4 2:30 2 :2U 2:27% 2:J3 2:23^ 2:2(4 2:30 2:24 ! /> 2:29 O .'>J 2:281/1 2:24-% - :30 '2 ::!'( 2:28 2:28 2:24 2:30 2:1314 2:29 Sontag Mohawk, by Mohawk Chief. 2-U Confederate Maid, b m, 187, by Con- federate Chief ->-2 Confederate Medium, gr s isP. "bv Rebel Medium ......?...'. Confederate Star, b , 1885, by Spink's Clark Chief Lady Star," by sir Henry 1 Confidence, gr s, 185. by Columbus, dam by Barney Henry (dead). . . . Confidence, ch g, 186 --, by Gillis Horse (dead) Congress, b s, 1884, by Egbert Ciceroni, by Cyclone ...'..... Conkling, b s, 1887, by Nelson Fanny, by Gen. McCIellan ". Coiiley, b s, 1887, by Barnev Wilkes Rena C ." Conn, b s, 188, by Inca Connaught, br s, 1879, by Wedge- woodConsuela, by Harold Connemara, b s, 187. by Brown's Volunteer, dam by Don Juan Connor, blk s, 1889, by C. F. Clay- Bessie V., by William Welch. . ..... Consolation, en s, 1888, by Charley B. Dolly, by Star of Catskill Constance, ch m, 18^0, by Aurora- Lady Sherman, by Williams' Bel- founder Constantine.' b m. 1884. by Egbert . . Constantine. b s, 1887. by Wilkee Boy Kincora, by Mambrino Patchen Consul, ch s, 1881, by Saturn Rou- lette, by Sentinel Consul Chief, blk s, 1S87, bv Consul Annie R. '. ' Content, b m, 1885, by Tramp Tip, by Green's Bashaw Contento, ch g, 1890, by Happy Prince Cassie, by Kentucky Clay Jr Conte ROS.SO. b s. 1885, by Ellwood Medium Wertlawaya, by Lobed.... Contester Wilkes, ch s. 188. bv Vic- tor Wilkes ...'. Contractor, br g 188, by Sultan Madame Harding, by Overland Conundrum, b s, 1886, by Barkis- Maggie Colbnrn Convoy, gr g, 1873. by Woodford Mambrino Vanity Fatr, by Alexan- der's Abdallah O-i-way. br g, 1886, by Win. H. Van- derbilt Kate Berry by Yankee Dan Oooley. blk. g, 185, by Daniel Booue (dead) Cooloo. b g. 1862. by St. Lawrence-- Madam Sheridan, by Post Boy Coon Hollow, ch g. 1886. by Bea Wright Nance, by Western Clay Jr. Copeland, b g, 187. by Cromwdl Hutchinson Mare Coppennont. b s. 1883, by Egrnont-- Lucy ". Coqceta blk m, 1882, by Altamont-- Tecora. by Strader's Cassias M. Clay Jr. . .' Coquette, ch m, 186, by Jack Haw- kin's Jr ' Coquette, b in, 1885, by E!ecti' leer- Liua K . by Don Victor Cora, b in. 1ST -, by Charles Douglas 2:22% 2.20 2:241/4 2:2S)V t 2:22 2:29% 2:22 2:253,4 2:26 2.30 2:23% 2:30 2:3<> 2:30 2:28% 2:29% THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Cora, b in, 1887. by H&nilin'js Almont Jr. Coralinc. by Almouarch 2:26 Cora Belie, b m, 1878, by Joe Gavin Owosso Belle, by Louis Napoleon .. 2:29% Cora Bflmout gr in, 1872. by Belraout Miss Russell, by Pilot Jr 2:24% Cora C., b in, 1880, by Coriander ... 2:28% Cora F., gr m, 186, by Brown Harry Cora, by French Tiger 2:28 Cora F., b in. 18^5, by Kentucky rrii e Topsey, by Walkill Chief . . 2:20% Ccral. b in, 1887, by Electioneer Columbine, by A. W. Richmond 2:18% CoraJiie, gr m, 1890, by Coralloid Mocr K B.. by Banker Rothschild.. 2:2i'4 Coiahoid. blk s, 1886, by Simmons, Coral by Clark Chief 2:13% Coral Queen, b m, 1891, by Covalloid 2:28% Cora McGregor, ch m, 1885, by Fergus McGregor Coranda, by Coriander . . Cora R., b m, 188 by Crazy Nick Jr " 2:25% Cora R., b m. 188 by Kent 2:19% Cora Riggs, b m. 1884, by Bourbon Wilkes En ; ma. by Westwood 2:28% Cora Ashwood. ch m, 188, by wt od, dam by Tatter sail 2:21% Cora Sterling, blk m, by St3rling Boy 2:26% Cora S., b m. 1886, by Elector .... 2:l.H Corrie, br m. 1886. by Bolv >ir-L~>da, by Nobby 2'2^ 1 -. Coitoz. br B. 188. by Madrid ..'.'.'. 2:30 Cosher, b s, 1881, by C-ipoul Lola, Administrator 2:30 Cossart, b m, 188 2:29% Cottage Girl, ch m. 1870, by Main- briuo Star Lady Franklin 2:29*/- Cottonette, b m, 1880, by Western Chief Cotton Picker, by Red Buck 2:25 Cottonwood Chief ch g, 1887, by Jay- wood 2 :21H4 Cottouwood Chief ch s 1879, by Clark Chief Jr ' 2:29 Counsellor, b s, 1881. by Onward- Crop, by Pilot Jr 2:21*4 Counsellor, (Sabin's) b s, 1887, by Counsellor- -Julia, by Chickamauga 2:2U% Count Folsio, b s, by Onward Viola, by King lie tie 2 :26% Countess Eve b m, 188, by iiorval 2:29Vi Countess, br in, 1889, *>y Count \Vai- demar Mat tie S.. by Lumps 2:27 Count Robert, b s, 1888, by Robert MdGrqgor Christine', 1)y 'Monte Chrieto 2 :!.;$% Country Boy, br g, 1882, by Reg-ilia - -Belie, by Danville Boy 2:23% Counterfeit b m, 1886, by Greenback Madge, by Trophy 2:30 Country Medium, b .s, 1884, by Happy Medium- Country Maiden, by Coun- try Gentleman . . . 2:25*4 Count Widdemar, b s, 18S4. by King Rene Evadne. by Long Island Ba- shaw 2 :2 > 1 /.. Coupon, blk c, 1892. by Director Chief, dam by Phallas 2:26*4 C( upon, dn g, 1875. by High Jack- Nig, by Nigger Dick 2:26% Courier, b s. 1887. bv Crittendeu Til- lie C., by Jay Bird 2:15 Courtland, b ;-s. 1882, by Kentucky Prince Ha rriette, by Messenger Du- roc 2:24y t Covey b s, 1883, by Steinway Katy G., by Electioneer 2:25 Cow Boy, br g. 187, , Harper 2:30 Coxcomb, ch s. 18.88, by Madri Miriam, by Egbert 2:25% Coxsackie King, oh ir, issi:. i>\ Young Jupiter 2:29i/ 4 Coxette. blk m. 1863, by Black Ba- shaw.' dam by Star Gazer 2:19 C. P. C., b P. 188, pedigree not traced 2:28^ C. P. R., b g, 188, by All Right .... Cranston, b g, 1884. by Sweepstake-- Miss Eager, by Post Boy 2 :27% Crayon b e, 1887, by Cuyler Dainty, by Contractor 2 :2'.)Vi Credo, b m, 1891, by Jersey Wilk-s . 2:29% Creel, br s, 1890, by C. F. Clay Springway. by Harkaway 2:29% Cremonia, b in. 1883, by Ansonii Cream by Messenger Duroc 2:28 Crepe McNett b m. 18S6, by Turk- Nelly 2.2x14 Crescent b m. 1884. by Belmont Chinchilla's dam. by ' Alexander's Norman 2 :25% Crescent, b m. 1888. bv Favorite Wilkes Seabolt, by Waeker 2 :25 Crescendo, ch s. 1883, by Mambrino Dudley Mayer* ne, by Wedge wood (dead) 2:24 Cressoii, b s. 1885. by Hambrino Emma, by Belmont 2:2iV Crete, ch in. 1885, by Dictator Chief, dam by Daniel Lambert 2:27% Crete, br m, 1888 by Onmore Belle 40 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. of Dubnciue, by Minbriuo Boy ... Cricket, b ui, 1878, by Selkirk Nelly WooJmansee by St. Lawrence ..... Criterion, blk in, 1884, by Crittenden Mamie, by Star Alinont ......... . . . Crimrose, b s, 1800, by Gamaleon Hebe, by Guide ............... Crome, b g, 188, by Motion Lucy, by Foote's Black Hawk .......... Grotf-iran, b g, 1885, by Mrdrid Mary, by Mambrlno Hatcher ....... Grown Imperial b s, 1873, by Imper- ial Lady Bryant by Brignoli ...... Crownmont, b g, 188 by Monteilo.. Crown Point, cli s, 1870, by Specula- tionYoung Martha, by George M. Patchen Jr ....................... Crown Prince, ch g, 1886, by Dexter Prince-Clara by Chieftain ......... Crown Prince, gr g, 1862, by Logan's Messenger Lady Messenger, by Warrior (dead) .................... Croxie, b m, 1872, by Clark Chief- Molly Whitefoot by Little Priam .. Cruiser, b g, 1880, by Coaster Polly, by John Dillard .................. Crusader, b g, 1878, by Dauntless- Sally Hall, by Young America ..... Crysolite, ch m, 1890. by Acolyte Allanah by Red Wilkes .......... C. T. L., ch g, 1880. by Gen. Withers Lady Gilbreth, by Gilbreth Knox Cuba, b g, 187, by George Wilkes, dam by Gen. Knox ............... Cuba b m, 188, by Bonnie Doon .. Cubic, b g, 1883, by ^Electioneer Cuba, by imp. Australian ........ Cubit, br s, 3882, by Caliban Camlet, by Hamlet ....................... Cuckoo, 1878, by Frank Wolford- Jenny, by Corbeau ............... Cuckoo, b in, 188. by Cunard Jr. ... Cudahy, b s. 1890, by Ailandorf Nora Mapes by Furor ............. Cumberland, blk g, 188, by Maple- hurst ............................ Cunard, b s, 1885, by Virgo Ham- bletonian Slybolt, by Wacker .. ,. Cunard. b g, 3873, by Von Moltke, dam by Gen. Knox ...... ^ ...... Cunard Jr. ch s, 1881. by Cunard Pot Morris, by Young Hiram Drew ..... Cupid, b s, 1885, by Sidney Venus. by Capt. Webster ................. Curfew, b s, 1889 by Chimes-Mabel L., by Victor ..." ................... Curio, b m. 1890. by Alcantara Cigar- ette, by Gen. Washington ......... Currie D, b m, by Happy Medium, dam by Almont ................... Currier, b g, 1885. by McVeigh Weeks' Mar-e. by Mudget Horse.... Currito. b s. 1887, by Idol Gift Star Maid, by Jupiter Abdallah ......... f!i:rror Boll, b m. 1883, by Belmont Bertha, by Harold ..... " ............ Cuthbert, b s. 1881, by Cuyler Marcia S., by Williams' Mambrino. . Cuthbert H., b s, 188, by Cuthbert.. Cuylercoast, b s, 1886, by Pancoast Hilda, by Cuyler ...... '. ............ Cut Glass, b m, 1891, by Onward- Crystal, by Crittenden ............. C. V. B.. b s, 1884, by Ensign, dnm by Gen. Fletcher ................... C. W. S., b s, 188, by Abbottsford Muldoon. by George M. Patchen ____ Cy clone, blk s. 1876, by Caliban- 2:29% 2:20% 2:26 2.26 2:27% 2:24% 2:24 2:17% 2:25 2:19% 2:231,4 2:2'.)% 2:27%; 2:23% i 2:25% 2:28 2:19% 2-2] 2:21% 2:26% 2:30 2:28*4 2 :1S 2:2.", 2 :-<> 2:27 2:17% 2:2!)% 2:23% 2:21% 2:10% 2:17 2:15% 2:26'/.i Camlet, by Hamlet Cyclone, blk g, 1S7-, by Godfrey Patchen Cyclone, ch g, 188--, by Toronto Chief Jr Cyclone, blk g, 1884, by Tony Ensign Sorrel Nelly Cyclone, br g, 18, by Brigadier Cyclone, ch g, 188, by WMpple's Hambletoniaii Cyclone Jr., b g, 1885, by Hawthorne Lizzie Patchen, by Bully King Cyclone Wilkes, ro g, 1886, by Cyclone Ella Wilkes, by Favorite Wilkes.. clops, b s, 187^ by Marshal Ney Cyc K itty Puss, by Frank Pierce Jr ____ Cypress, ch s, 1881, by Kentucky Prince Lady Hilton, by Sentinel.... Cypress. 1) s, 1882, by Cyclops Fanny Fern, by Worden's George M. Patchen Jr ........................ Cypress, b m, 1881. by Strathinore Aspinola, by Belmout .............. Cyprus K., blk s, 1881, by Nutwood- Belle, by Jack Hobo ts ............. Cythera, ch m, 1890, Ivy Jersey Wilkes Huma, by Connanght ............ Czar, ch s, 1889, by Russia Bon Doou, by Legal Tender Jr .......... Czarina, b in, 1882, by Egbert Dolly, by Mambrino Chief .............. Dacia, br m, 1868, by Woodford Mam- brino Dahlia, by Pilot Jr .......... Drciana, blk m, 1873, by Harold Dacia, by Woodford Mambrino ..... Daconis, b' s, 1886, by No:nvood Star- Lady Grace, by Hamlet ............ Daddy K., b g, 1888, by Wellington- Molly, by Kentucky Prince Jr. (dead) . . .......... *. .............. Dagheetan. b s,- 1890, by Stamboul Alta Belle, by Electioneer .......... Dahlia Wilkes," b m, 18S , by Almont Wilkes, dam by Abdallah Chief ..... Daily News, b s. 188. by Sagerser.. Dainty, b m. 1879. by Dictator Vic. , . . by Mambriuo Chief . gr Dahlia, by Pilot Jr Daireen. in, 1881, by Harold " Daisy, ch m, 1885, by Tecnmseh Daisy, by Mambrino Abdallah ...... Daisy, b ui, 188, by Wellington ..... Daisy, g m, 1891, by Conundrum ...... Daisy, b:< m, 188 by Miltonian ...... Daisy B., dr m, 1887, by Iowa Harold Blue ., , , Maud, by Hiatoga Jr Daisy Blackwood, br m, 1879, by Bull Daisy Burns, b m, 1857, by Skenan- doah, dam by Harden Horse (dead).. Daisy C., b m, 1882, by Mountain Boy Smith Mare, by Darkle ........ Daisy C., b m, 1887, by Hambletonlaa Bashaw Warfielcl Mare, by Green's Bashaw ........................... Daisy D., b m, 1882, by Parmenus Lady, by Pat Maloy ................ Daisydale, b m, 1872, by Thorndale Daisy, by Washington (dead) ....... Daisy Dean, br m, 1876, by Damon. . . Daisy Deo, ch in, 188, by 'Sigma Nu Fanny, by Truesdale's Abdallah J:-. . Daisy Drew, b m, 1880. by Horace . . . Daisy Eyebright. b m. 1876, by Kirk- wood Quackenbush Mare, by Voor- hees' Abdallah Chief ............... Daisy G.. ch m, 1888, by Norwood Chief Kit, by Col. Walter .......... Daisy Gardner, br m, 1875. by Hawk- 2:23% 2:30 2:27% 2:25 2:20% 2:26% 2:27 2:23% 2:27 2:18U 2:30 2:22% 2:17% 2:20% 2:12% 2:21 2:29% 2:27% 2:24 2:28% 2:25% 2:24% 2:25 2:26% 2:21% 2:23% 2:2S' '. 2 :-S 2:2S 2:29% 2:20% 2:29% 2: 22i 4 2:19% 2:29' 4 BUDD DOBLE, CHICAGO, ILL. (THE FIELD MARSHAL). Doble placed the world's record for trotters at 2 :1 Dexter, at 2 :14 with Goldsmith Maid and 2:04 with Nancy Hanks. nth J * * * i W. MALONEY, KALAMAZOO, MICH. The Canadian boy that conditioned and drove Danconrt when he won The Horseman Stake at Detroit in 1894. THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 41 eye Peerless, by Deiianee Daisy G-arfield, b m, 18SO, by Garfleld Osborn Mare, by Reconstruction. .. Daisy Hamilton, b m, 1874, by Black- atone Lady Hamilton (dead) Daisy Hartshorn, ch m, 1878, by Aberdeen Eineline, by Henry B. Patchen : Daisy J., b m, 1867, pedigree not traced Daisy J.. ch in, 1886, by Golden Wing Lucy Daisy Kelly, b m, 188, by Don J. Robinson Daisy Kenmore, ch in, 1885, by Ken- more Little Wonder Daisy L., b m, 188, by Lawrence Diiisy Lambert, ch m, 1885, Toy Motion Dolly, by DeLong's Ethan Allen.. Daisy M., b m, 188, by Morris' Al- mout Daisy Mac Daisy N, ch m, 188, by Nutwood Daisy P., b m, 188 by Gov. Sey- mour Daisy Queen, gr m, 1883, by Sir Wal- ter Scott Kitty Scott, by Jim Scott. Daisy R., br m, 1881, by Lexington Chief Kate Daisy Rolfe, b m. 1881, by Young Rolfe Gretchen, by Gideon Daisy S., ch m, 187, by Tilton Al- niont, dam by Rattler (dead) Daisy W., blk m, 188, by Onawa Daisy Ward, b m, 188', by Ward's Lambert 2:24% 2:27 2:241/4 2:29^4 2:25% 2:2774 2:23% ! 2:25 2:25 Dance-, b s, 1>-M>, by Alarm -Omaha Maid, by Fisk's Maiubriuo Chief Jr.. Dancourt, blk s, 1890, by Ambassador Lowland Girl, by Legal Tender Jr. Dan Cupid, b s, 1888, by Barney Wilkess Aster more, by Strathmore. . Dan Donaldson, ch g, 187, by Bon- nie Scotland Dandy, b g, 1884, by Atlantic Fancy, by Blazing Star Dandy (See Tayloreou). Dandy, b s, 1887, by Karatus Flora, by Novelty Dandy Boy, br s, 1881, by Almout Rattler Nelly Tole, by Baker Horse Dandy Boy, br g Dandy Boy, b g, 187 Dandy C., b g, 1886, by Almont Chief Joqua, by Glenn's Hambletoniau. . Dandy Dan, ch e, 1886, by Attorney Topsy, by J. L. Dandy Jim, gr g, 1 Caprara, by Daniel Lambert 2:22k 2:241/2 ! 2:23% 2:25% Daisy Wilkes, br m, 1880, by George Wilkes Daisy Dean, by Gov. Clark.. Daisy Wood, b m, 1891, by Silkwood. . Dakorna, b m, 1886, by De Soto Con- cord Maid, by Hamlet Dakota Maid, ch m, 187, pedigree not traced Dallie Wilkes, gr m, 1886, by Red Wilkes Ida, by Alta Dalphia D., gr m, 1889, by Nutwood Dalphine, by Harold Damania, ch g, 1887, by Nutmeg- Maud K., by Mambrino Sultan Daly, b s, 1883, by Gen. Benton Dolly, by Electioneer Dame Trot, blk m, 1870, by Messen- ger Duroc Green Mountain Maid, by Harry Clay Damon, br s, 1869, by Palmer Bogus- Old Grey, by Grey Eclipse Damosella, b m. 188, by Nelson- Flora S, by Gideon Dan, ch g, 1874, by Bay Billy (Wild Willie) *. Dan, ch g, 188, pedig.-ee not traced. Dan, br s, 1880, by Flaxtail Wild Wolf Dan, b g, 188 by Electioneer Dana Wilkes, b s, 188, by Victor Wilkes Dan B., b g, 188. pedigree not traced.. Dan Backman, b s, 1884, by Charles Backman Thalia, by Bashaw Mes- senger ". .., Dan Bailey, b g, 188, by J. W. Bailey Dan Berry, ch g, 188, by Gua-antee Dan Brown, b g, 188, by Anteeo Miss Brown, by Brown's Volunteer. . Danbry, b s. 1884, by Catch Colt- Maggie B., by Menelaus Dan Bryant, ch g. 186, by Plow Boy, dam by Rappahannock (dead) . . 2:30 2:27 2:27% 2:26% 2:14 2:29% ! 2:22% | 2:15 2:22 2:23% 2:25 2:25V 4 2:24% 2:30 2:26% 2:29% 2:20% 2:22% 2:2SV 2 2:2o% 2:24% 2:30 2:24 1885, by Young Jim Dandy L., b s, 188, by Albington Dandy L., ch g, 188, by Antar Jr. ... Dandy R., b g, 188 by Bay Billy. . . . Dandy R., b s, 188, by Alley Russell Dandy Salisbury, ch s, 1889, by Judge Salisbury Belle A., by Shelby Chief. Dandy Sprague, b s, 188, by Ashland Sprague, dam by Blue Bull Dandy Time J:-., b s, 1889, by Dandy Time Fly Warwick, by Warwick. . . Dandy Whitestockings, ch g, 1879, by Rocket Jr. Magga Dandy Wilkes, b g, 1888, by Wilkes- mont, dam by Black Frank Dandy Wilkes, blk s, 1885, by Am- bassadorKentucky Whip, by Tiger Whip " Dandy Wilkes, br g, 1886, by Star Wilkes Nelly R., by Esperango. 2:25% 2:16% 2:00% 2:24% 2:14% 2:29-% 2:29 2:30 2:10% 2:20% 2:24% 2:25 2:25 2:27% 2:28% 2:23% Danforth, b g, 188, by Dauntless Danger, b g, 1883, by Oddfellow- Fanny G Danger, b g, 188, by Nil Desper- andum Dan H., b g, 1881, by Grantham Chief Dan H., b s, 1890, by Brod Walnut- Peach Blossom, by Bruce Dan Howell, b g, 1864, by Young Highlander, dam by Brown's Bell- founder (dead) Daniel Boone, gr g, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) Daniel Lambert, ch s, 1879, by Aurora Lady Sherman, by Milliman's Bell- founder Daniel the Prophet, b g, 1870, by Red Eagle Flora, by Napoleon Daniel Webster, b g. 1873, by Amer- ican Ethan Nora Welsh, by Toronto Chief J- Dan Jenkins, gr s, 1879, by Joe Brown Ann B., by Chalmer's Jupi- ter (dead) Dan Jennings, b g, 1884, by Luke Brodhead, dam by Aaron Penning- ton Dan L., ch g, 188, by Sherman Dan Mace, b g, 1885, by Dunham Ab- dallah Hannah D., by Erie Abdal- lah Dan Mace, ch g, 1855, pedigree not traced (dead) Dan Mack, b g, 188, by Mammont. . . Dan Miller, ch g, 1884. by Daniel Lambert Lucy Miller, by 'Adminis- trator (dead) 2:26'/t 2:27 2 :25% 2 :29V- 2:28 2:27 2:29% 2:28 2:25 2:26% 2:23 2:30 2:27% 2:23V t 42 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Dannomura, blk s, 1SS3, by Kermyoud Lady Anna, by Woodford Mam- Dan K,' b s,' 'l88^-', bjr'ban 'B. .' '. '.'. '. '. .' ! 2i2% Dan Neville, b s. 1887, by Hamdallah -Esther, by Silas Wright 2:28 Dan O. en g, 188 by Edwin Pilot. . 2:25% Dan Phallamont, ch s, 1888, by 1'hal- lamont Lady Miles, by Me Almont.. 2:24Va Dan S., blk g,'1885, by Young Almont. 2:20 Dan S., ro g, 1879, by Wood's Ham- bletonian Nancy S., by a son of . Black Hawk 2:24% Dan Smith, b g, 187-, by Reporter, dam by Trustee 2:21% Dan Veiox, br g, 188. by Black Prince 2:16% Danville WilVes, b s, 1879, by Lyle Wilkes Flora, by Skedaddle 2:27 Dan Voorliees, b s, 1880, by Daunt- lessBay Bessie, by Tom Hunter 2:30 Dan Vorhees, ch s. 186, by Gen. McClellan Fisher Mare (dead)_ 2:23% Dan Voorhees, ch s, 0.877, by Black Frank Turdey Mare 2:30 Dan Wilkes, gr g, 188, by Mambrmo Dan Wilson,' blk g,' 188, by Dan Lo- ^ <;m 2:23% Dai l:ne, b m, 1889. by Onward- Lady Alice, by Almont 2:25 Daphne, b m, J8S">, by Col. Hambrick Belle Monroe by Nick Monroe ... 2:16% Dora H., b m,' 1891 2:26 Tarlee, gr g, 188, by Almouarch . .. 2:23% Darby b g. 188, pedigree not traced 2:30 Darby, b g. 1872. by Delmonico- lilack, by Cox's Stump the Dealer 2:16% Darkness, blk m, 1877 by Mountain Boy Fanny Walker .2:21% Darkey Wilkes, blk B, 188, by Billy Wilkes, dam b.y Rock Island Bashaw 2:28% Dark Mglit, b in, 1886, ly Fieldmont Night, by Herod 2:25% Darkwood, blk s, 1887, by Right On- wardLilly Pepper, by Pepper 2:27% Darling, b g, 188 ,_by DanJMitchell. . 2:24V 2 Darlington, b s, 1882, by Wellington Boadicea, by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian 2:18% Darwinna br m, 1887, by Meredith Filgate, by Milliman's eBllfounder (dead) 2:23% Dashwool, b s, 1888, by Sentinel Wilkes Nutwood Queen, by Nut- wood 2:22 Dash wood, blk s, 1889, by Simmons 2:30 D. A. T., ch g, 1880, by Dorsey Gold- dustMontgomery Mare, by Smith's Emperor 2:23% Dauntess, br m, 1885 by Dauntless, dam by Tramp 2:28% Dauntless, (Parkis Abdallah) b s, 186. by Taggart's Abdallah 2:26% Dauntless, L., ch g, 1888, by Daunt lees Jr. Black Mag 2:20% Dave Cook, b g, 1890, by Valdemeer 2:24% Dave Cox, b g, 188, by Eagle Bird, dam by Hambletonian Mambrino.. 2:29% Daveiiant. gr s, 1879, by Belmont Dahlia, by Pilot Jr 2:26% Dave Highland, ch s, 1890, by Thistle 2:30 Don D'Loid, b g. 1890. by Conalold 2:26 Dave Palmer, gr g, 188--, by Buch's Patchen (dead) 2:26% Davo Salisbury, ch s, 188, by Judge Salisbury 2:29/ Dave Wilson, b g, 1886, by Hamlet- Fanny 2 :24% Dave Young, ch g, 187 by Stephen A Douglas :. . . 2:28 David B., b g, 188, by Forrest Prince, dam by Baird's Hamble- tonian Prince 2:28 David B., ch g, 1889, by Young Jim- Rosa Clay by American Clay 2:10% David C., b g, 1872, by Case's Dave Hill Miss Heath, by Young Napol- eon 2:25 David H., b g, 1888, by Young Wilkes Rosetta, by Pickering 2:29% David Jones, b g, 188, by Pearsall.. 2:17'/i David L., blk g, 187, by Fuller Wilkes Fields Mare, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 2:19% David P., b g, 188 1 . by Almont Re- venge 2:24^4 David R., br g, 187 by Swigert Kate, by Blue Bull 2:29% David Wallace, ch s. 187, by Man- brino Pilot 2:28 Davy 15., b g, 188, by Davenant. . 2:27% Davis Boy, blk g 188-- 2:29% Davy Crockett, ch g, 188, by Gold- dust Chief 2:29% Dawn, ch s, 1881. by NutAvood Countess, by Whipple's Hamble- tonian 2:18% Dawnland b g, 188, by Dauntless.. 2:30 Dawn R., br s, 1887, by Alcantara- Dainty, by Dictator 2:22% Dawson, b g, 1884, by Manslield Louie, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 2:19/t Dayball, ch g, 1885, by Banker Rothschild Daisy 2:80 Daybreak, ch s, 188 by Green Boy 2:25% Day Dream, ch m, 1879. by Cuyler Lucia, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian.. 2:21% Daylight, 'br g, 1887, by Eros Crazy 2:27% Daylight, b g, 1888, by Chief of Echo 2:21% Daylight, b e, 1885, by Gen. Benton Ameriquita, by Electioneer 2:26% Daylight b g, 1884, by Starlight Boadicea, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 2:19% Dayton Belle, ch m, 187, by Blue Bull Dayton Belle, by Hall's Mo- hawk Jr 2:29% Dazzle, b m, 1887, by Slander- Daphne, by Jay Gould 2:29% D. C. b s, 1884, by Dictator Jane Carlisle, by Antar 2:23 D. C S.. b g, 1874, by Joe Elmo- Alice Drye, by May's Sir Wallace. . 2:22%. Deacon, ch g, 1884, by Jefferson Prince 2:28 Deadwood, br s, 188, pedigree not traced 2:28% Dean Wilkes, b m, 1885 by Sherman Wilkes Saucy Dean, by Paladine .. 2:25% Dearest, b m, 188, by Thomas K... 2:26% De Barry, b g, 1879, by Nil Desperan- dum Susie, by Happy Medium .. 2:1.")% Deborah b m, 188, by Sable Wilkes, dam by Le Grande 2:21% Deceit, br g, 1869, by Jean Baptiste, (dead) 2:30 Decider, br s, 1885, by Detractor, dam by Lire Oak 2:29% Deceiver, br g, 188, by Ethan Allen 2d 2:29% Deceiver, blk g, 188, by Rampart 2:30 Deception, gr g, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) 2:22V 2 Deck Wright, b g, 1869, by Hinsdaie Horse -Doll Wicks, by Young North THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Briton ideadj Decorah, b s, 1884, by Mambrino Patehen Hattie Allen, by George Wilkes Decorum, ch g, 1890, by Victor Wilkes, dam by Blitzen Jr Decorator, ro s, 1882. by Masterlode Pet Ferguson, by Mingo Chief Defender, blk s, 1877. by George Flying Wilkes Mist, by Ward's Cloud Defiance, br s, 1880, by William Rys- dyk Begum, by Alcalde Defiance, br g, 186, by Chieftain (pacing 2 :17%) (dead) Delavan, gr s, 1887, by Pilot Medium Belle Paddock, by Magna Charta Delaware, ch g, ' 186, by Morgan Black Hawk Fanny, by Gen. Taylor Delaware, b s, 1886, by Chestnut Joe Merry Lass, by liysdyk's Hainble- tonian Delaware Medium, b ,s, 1882, by Hap- py Medium Dolly, by Richelieu . . . Delbert, br s, 1891, by Ganialeon Al- tama, by Attorney Delcho, b s. 1885, by Oneco Dolly, by Edward Delectus blk, e , 1887, by Dictator Patchen, by Mambrmo Patchen Delegate, b g, 1880, by Dictator- Bertha, by Blackwood Delegate, br s, 1884, by Dictator- Fanny H., by Red Wilkes Delegate, b s, 1888, by Harnliii's Al- rnoiit Jr. Toy, by Hamlin Patchen Delegate, b g, 1887, by Decorate Molly P., by Chester Delhi, b g, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) Delia Shipp, b m, 188, by Major Landers Dell, br g, 1886, by Rowdy Boy- Dolly Delia, b m, 1884, by Little Dan Delia Delia McGee, ch m, 1886, by Walkill Prince Kate McGee, by Blue Bull. . Dell Brown, br s, 1888, by Boston Wilkes Venus, by Abdamed Allen Del Mar, b s, 1887, by Electioneer Sontag Dixie, by Toronto Sontag. . Delmarch, b e, 1884, by Hambrino Ella G., by George Wilkes Delmas, ch s 1886, by Almoon Queen Delmont, b g, 1884, by Howe's Mc- GregorBelle, by Young Defiance . . Delmont b s, 1891, by Delmarch, dam by Royal Chief Del Monte, br g, 1879 by Fire Fly- Susan De Long, br s. 1891, by Gambetta Wilkes Miss Moulton, by Nutwood Del Paso, ro e, 1885, by Dexter Prince Daisy D., by Electioneer Delph, b g, 1888, by King Almont Beck, by Hutchinson Chief (pacing record 2:24%) Del Ray, ch s, 1886, by Clay Duke- Madonna, by Strader's Caseiue M. Clay Jr Del Sur, blk s, 1876, by The Moor Gretchen, by Mambrino Pilot Dembert. b s, 188, by Wabash, dam by Egbert Democrat, b g, 188, by Sam Harris Democrat, b g, 1882, by Kisbar Kate Demonstrator, b s, 188. bv Walkill 2:26% 2:28% 2:22% 2:2t> 2:27*4 2:24 2:25% 2:28 2:30 2:21 2:2a& 2:18% 2:27% 2:19% 2:29*4 2:20% 2:21 2:27 2:28 2:28- 2:29%i 2:16% 2:11% 2:25% I 2:30 2:18% 2:2iy 2 2:30 2:24% 2:24% j 2:24 | 2:30 iltlt Prince 2:30 Dennis Ryan, br e, 1880, by Berlin Latiy Washington, by American Boy j r 2'2D Denmark, blk g, lbU4, by Country *' Boy, dam by Hawkeye (dead) 2:30 Dennis, biK s, 188, by Dennis Ryan 2:27% Dennis, b g, 188, by Fairholm 2:24% DeuuiU H., be, 188, by Ben Frank- lin 2:28 Dennis P., b s, 1884, by Abdailah Woodford Hannah by Volunteer. . 2:29*4 Deposit, ch s, 1888, by Madrid- Gleaner, by Onward 2 :29% Deputy, b s, 1884, by Echo, Marie Rose, by Inca 2:19% Derby, b g, 1859, by Rough and Ready, dam by Wilcox's Dragon (deaa> 2:25% Derby Princess blk in, 1S92, by Charlts Derby Princess, by Ad- ministrator 2:25 Deronda, b m, 188, by Strathmore, dam by Kentucky Prince 2:27*4 Desdeniona, b m, 1876, by Old Joe- Toss, by Louis Napoleon 2:27 De Soto, ch s. 188, by Ranchero, dam by Country Gentleman 2:24 Despardo, b g, 18 by ~ Richard's Elector 2 :29% Despatch, (Windsor) ro g, 1872, by Lewiston Boy Nelly, by Berry Horse 2-^4*4 Desperation, b s, 1887, by Nil Despeiv andum Lizzie, by Goldsmith's Ab- dailah 2:30 Despot, ro s, 1878, by Dictator Spray by Bay Munson 2'29 Deesie Wingate, b m, 1884, by On- wardDora, by Bayard Jr 2:28 Deucalion, b s, 1867, by Rysdyk's Haimbletonian Trusty, by Maril- borough 2-22 Deuxmillion, ch s, 1885, by Deucalion Blanche B., by Holabird's Ethan Allen 2 -29V, DeWitt C., b g, 1884, by Doncaster- Lulu, by Erie Abdailah 2 -29V. De Wulff ch g, 1886, by Henry Gil- bert Lida Bliss, by Toronto Patchen 2:21*/, Dexter, b s, 1886, by Mambrino Jester 2:27 Dexter, br g, 1858, by Milliman's Bellfoupder, dam by Sumpter 2-27 Dexter, br g, 1858, by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian Clara, by Seely's Ameri- can Star (dead) 2-17*4 Dexter, b g, 188 by Peter Blair!!!! 2:25 Dexter, b g, 186, by Volunteer, dam by Seely's American Star (dead) 2-27 Dexter C., b g, 188 by Dick Ed- wards .' 2:24% Dexter H., b g, 187, by Banker Messenger, dam by King Faro 2:29*4 Dexter L., gr g, 188, by Abdamed Allen 2-25 Dexter Princess, b m, 1887, by Dexter Prince Queen Wilkes, by Mambrino Wilkes 2:24*4 Deyo. b s, 188, by Dauntless 2:24 D. G. B., br g. 188, by Stillson 2:29*4 Diadem, b s. 1886. by Diadem Nancy, by Col. Ellsworth 2:25*/ 4 Diamond, blk g, 1890, by Forrest Bis- marck 2:24*4 Diamond, blk s. 1874, by Wild Bashaw Debra. by Wapsie 2:28 Diamond.' b g. 1R83. by Vandergriff THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 44 Colt Mayfly Divunou 2 :15y Diamond, ch g, 188, pedigree not traced 2:30 Diamund Joe, b g, 1886, by Maple- hurst dam by Young Cabell 2:18 Diana, b m, 1887, by Claimant Josie H., by Talleyrand 2:29^ Diana, ch. m, 188, by Harbinger... 2:24 l /a Diatonic, br s, 1883, by Fairy Gift- Nelly, by Gage's Logan 2:27 1 / 4 D. I. G., b g 188, by Tauutou 2:28y 2 Dickard, ch g, 1873, by Daniel Lam- bert Doane Mare, by Young Colum- bus 2:25Vi Dick, b g, 1882, by Major Benton Topsey, by Bacon's Ethan Allen 2:2G>i Dick, b g, 1887, by William H. Van- derbilt 2:29 Dick Brown br g, 188 , pedigree not traced 2:29^4 Dick C., b g, 1887, by St. Cloud-Nelly 2:30 Dick Dimple, b g, 1886, by Peoria Flora 2:30 Dick Eddy, b s, 1886, by Jerome Eddy Daisy, by Index 2:2iy 2 Dick Flaherty, ch g, 188 by Fear- naught (?) 2:2.9i/i Dick French, ch g, 188, by Little Hamilton 2:19y 2 Dick Garrett, b g, 1877, by Tramp- Sylvia 2:2'Jv4 Dick H., b g, 1884, by Hunt's Blue Bull Hunt Mare 2:29 1 / Dick Hardin, b s. 1888, by Shawmut Beauty, by Dictator 2:29 Dick Hartford, br s, 1885, by Bay Dick Belle Hartford, by Hartford Hambletonian 2:25 Dick Jamison, b g, 186, by Joe Down- ing (dead) 2:26 Dick Jay, b g, 187, by Gen. Mc- Clellan Jr. (?) 2:30 Dick Johnson, br g, 187 , by Swigert, dam by Phelps' Bellfounder 2:29% Dick Mitchell, b g, 188-, by Gov. Stantoii 2:28V4 Dick Moore, ch g, 1871. by Belmont Mary, by Monmouth Eclipse (dead)! . 2:22^ Dick Organ, blk g, 1873, by Commo- doreCampbell, by Tom Hal 2:24 1 /4 Dick Richmond, gr .s 1882, by A. W. Richmond Belle, by Ben Wade .... 2:20 Dick Roach, gr g, 188, by Port Leon- ard 2:24^ Dick Smith, ch g, 1883, by Luke Brod- head Calaway Maid by Rfickaway. 2:17 Dick Stauffer, ch g, '188, by Blue Bull 2:201/4 Dick Swiveller, b g, 1870, by Walkill Chief Madam Swiveller, by Henry Clay Jr 2:18 Dick Taylor, gr g, 1869, by Bob Bid- lake .....:. 2:24v4 Dick Wilkes, b g, 188, by Sentinel Wilkee. dam by son of Lexington. . 2:30 Dick AVIlls. b g. 188. by Wilkes- onian. dam by Indian Chief (pacing 2:16V,1 2:25% Dick Wood, blk g 188--, by Elial G. . . 2:26y a Dick Richmond, br s, 1888, by Pre- tender Namouna, by A. W. Rich- mond 2:27y 2 Dictator, b g, 1869, by Goldsmith's Abdallah Fanny, by Blood Royal. . . 2:27 Dictator (Huckleberry), blk g, 1864, by Comet (dead) 2:22V4 Dictator, ch g. 1883. by Rooker Big Bird, by John E Rysdyk 2:27y 4 Dictator Chief, b s, 1882, by Dic- tator Judy , by Plato Dictator G., br s 1885, by Prince Dictator Fanny Play, by Toronto. . Dictator Prince, b s, 1889, by Dicta- tor Vinelaud, by Kentucky Prince. Dictator Sidney, b s, 188, by Sidney, dam by Dictator Dictionary, b s, 1884, by Dictator- San Waw. by Administrator Dictum, br' s, 1888, by Dictator Al- mont Hetty, by Frank Moscow. ... Diddie, b m, 188, by Brown Mark- Fanny Dido, b m ; 1885, by Judge Gould Russie, by Joe Young Die Vernon, rn m, 1888. by Jay Bird Young Winnie, by Woodford Mam- brino Digma, b s, 1889, by Rumor Daisy, by Socrates Diligent, b s, 1883, by Dictator Jane Carlisle, by Antar Dillard Alexander, br s, 1883. by Alex- ander Moonbeam, by John Dillard. . Dillernan, b m, 188, by Eros, dam by Grenadier Dinah, blk m, 188, by Norway Knox Fanny Patchen, by Tom Patchen . . Dinah, b m, 1887. by Israel Scofield Mare, by Scofleld Nelson Dinah, rn m, 1865, by Young Flying Cloud Dinah, by Vermont Hamble- tonian Dinah, b m, 1882, by Little Billy, dam by Ontario Dinah Cossack, b m, 18, by Don Cossack Dinnie, b ni 1880, by Rochester- Miss Coons,' by Clark Chief Dio, b g, 1870, by Gen. Sherman- Fanny, by Ethan Allen (dead) Diplomacy, b m, 1885, by Don Cos- >uck Luella, by Hero of Thorndaie. Direct blk s, 1885, by Blrestor Echo'ra, by Echo (pacing record 2:06) Directa, blk m, 1886, by Director Alida. by Admiral Direct Line, b s, 1889, by Director Lida W., by Nutwood Director, blk s. 1877. by Dictator- Dolly, by Mainbrino Chief Director's Flower, b m, 1891, by Di- rectorSunflower, by Elmo Director's Jus;, blk s, 1885, by Di- rectorLizzie, by John Netherland. . Directress, br m, 1886, by Director- Aloha, by A. W. Richmond Directum. blk s, 1889, by Director- Stem Winder, by Venture Dirego. br s, 1888, by Principe, dam by Belmont Dirigo, br s, 1856, by Drew Horse (dead) Dirigo. b g, 186, by Foxhunter, dam by St. Clair Disputant, b s, 1886, by Harold- Debutante, by Belmont Distaff, ch m, 1888 by King William Tricotrin. by Stillson Dixie, b m, 1887, by Allegro, dam by Eureka Dixie, gr m. 1858, by Pilot Jr. Jenny Lind. by Bellfounder (dead) Dixie Spi-ague, b m, 1877. by Gov. Sprague Dixie, by Pilot Jr Dixie V.. br g. 1880, by Dixie Wickie. bv Green's Bashaw 2:21% l':3o '2:2'. : ;, 2:25 2:30 2:25y 4 2:20^ 2:271/4 2.J25V4 2:_!X;, 2:30 2:26 2:28V 2;21% 2:30 2:27i/l, 2:25% 2:25 2:30 2:27 2:18y4 2:28 2:20 2:17 2:20 2:29& 2:28% 2:051/1, 2:18y 2 2:29 2:27 2:18 2:28U 2:26)4 2:30 2:25Vi THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 45 D K. W. (See Monte Christo.) D Monroe, b s, 187. by Jim Mon- roeBetty, by Duvall's Mambrlno. . D N T., ch g, 1880 by Masterlode Kate Hunter, r Cronin, b s, 1889, by Brown Frank Lady Gray, by Hambletonian Chief Dr. Day, b s, 1886, by Seneca Patchen Lady Hamblet, by Administrator. . Doctor E.. br s, 1886. by Hambletonian Downing Roda, by Morgan Mes- senger I >r. Dix, br g 188 Dr. Forest, ch g, 188, by Forest Mambrino Dr. Frank, rn g, 1877, by George Hall Kit. by Gen. Taylor Dr. Franklin Jr.. blk s, 188- by Dr. Franklin, dam by Hamet ~... Dr. French, b s, 1888, by Fred S. \Vilkes Dr. Fritts b g, 1889, by Garnet AVilke* Daisy Durtor II., rn s, 1889, by Mambrino Dick Fanny, by Bashaw Pilot Doctor Hooker, b s, 1890, by Vatican -Mary Ann, by White's Hanible- T.oniau Dr. Kidd, blk g. 188, by Count Wilkes dam by Vindcx Dr. Lewis ch g, 1871. by Marshal Chief . ..' Dr. McFarland. b g, 1883, by Sterling, lam by Robert Fillingham Jr Dr. Miller, b g, 1878, by Young Volun- teer Dollv .....--. Dr. Morland, b s, 188, by Lewis Na- puleon Dr. Xorman, b g. 1877. by Col. Moore Bay Liz. by McDonald's Hiatoga. . Dr. Puff, b s, 1892, by Bay Bird- Polly Puff .....: Dr. S., ch s, 1888. by Altitude Molly. by Allegro Dr. Sheppard. b s. 1S7.~>. bv Blue Bull -Bird !..... Dr. Smith, gr g, 1879, by Gov. Mor- rill Dixie Dr. Sparks b s, 18-87, by Cyclone- Lilly, by Monroe Chief Doctor T.. b g, 188, by Duquesno- Kit. by Young Toronto Dr Tilton. b g. 1885, by Twilight- Lady Tilton, by Abdallah Mambrino Doctor C.. b g. 188. by Clnyforrt... Dodger, ch s 1886. by Arminius City Girl . :28% :27% :28 :26 :28% :30 80. J :29% :27% :26 :21H4 :18% :27% :27 2:221,4 2:27% 2:26 2:2T, 2:28 241/2 24 21% 27V- 28% in% ;29 20 Vt 2:18 DoilgevillK. b g. 1888, by Oberliu ('(Miiitry Girl, by Country Boy 2:14V4 Dohrmari, br s, 1890, by Abbottsford Eureka Belle, by Dexter Bradford 2:27 Dollikans, g in, 18, by Robei-t Mc- Gregor 2:26% Dolly, br m, 1884, by Mambrino Dia- mondMaggie, by Live Oak 2:25 Dolly, b m, 186, by Frank 2:30 Dolly B., b m, 1884, by Austerlitz Ro'xy St. Law.-ence, by Charter Oak 2:27% Dolly B., b m, 188, by Alaric 2:21% Dolly C., b m, 1888, by Gen. Stanton Lady Collins, by St. Lawrence (dead)' '. 2:19 Dolly Davis, ch m, 1871, by Almont Annie Eastiu, by Morgan Rattler... 2:29 Dolly H., b m, 1888, by Abdallah Hambletonian, dam by Lord Earl- ington 2:201,4 Dolly H., b m, 188, by Kennebeck Knox 2:25V4 Dolly M., b m, 1888, by Copper Duke 2:23^4 Dolly Rene, b in. 1886, by King Rene Florine, by Administrator 2:29 Dolly S., dn m, 188, by Bolton Sprague 2:25% Dolly Withers, b m, 1887, by Aber- deenAnnabel, by George Wilkes... 2:29% Domestic, b s, 1880, by Volunteer Godiva, by Godfrey Patchen (dead). . 2:20% Domineer, b s, 1887, by Red Wilkes Lizzie H., by Star Almont 2:18*4 Dom Pedro, ch g, 1872, by Blue Bull. 2:27 Don, b s, 188, by Almont Ledo 2:193$ Don, b g, 188, pedigree not traced. . 2:22y 4 Don, gr g, 1870, by Aker's Idol Mary Weaver, by Black Hawk Vermont.. 2:22% Donala, blk s, 188 2:20^4 Donald, b g, 1875, by Dictator Bur ch Mare, by Brown Pilot 2 :27 Donald, blk s, 1886, by George Wilkes Jr. Sonora 2:19% Donald McKay, gr g, 1885, by Allegro r-Minnie, by Hari-odsburg Boy 2:22% Don Anteros, br s, 1890, by Anteros Bonnie Bee, by Harry B 2:30 Don Aristos, blk 's, 1885, by Aristos Jr. Dessie Lotta, by Haw Patch 2:29% Don C. b g, 1886, by Don Carlos Bryn Maur Maid, by Gen. Lee 2:18*4 Don Carlos, b s, 1880, by Cuyle? Clay Lady Abdallah, by Alexander's Ab- dallah 2:23 Don Carlos, gr g, 1877, by Highland Grey Polly Daly, by Eel 2:28-4 Doncaster, b s, 1880, by Com. Belmont Virginia, by Mambrino Champion. . 2:28'/4 Don Cossack, b s, 1876, by August Belmont Laytham Lass, by Alex- ander's Abdallah (dead} 2 :28 Don Cossack, b s, 1887, by Tubal Cain Kate Wilson 2:30 Don Cossack Jr., br s, 1887, by Don Cossack Etta May, by Charley Hammet 2:30 Don Donnan, b s, 1888, by Dictator Wilkes Maggie Berne, by Totoway 2:29% Don Elipha, b g, 186, pedigree not traced 2:30 Don Felix, b s. 1884. by Electioneer Adelaide, by Black Donald 2:27'/4 Don H., ch R, '188 by Tramp Jr 2:30 Don Gotha-d, b s, 1884, by St. Gothard Crescent, by Contractor. . 2:27 Don Governor, ch g, 188 2:27% Don L., b s, 188. by Fieldmont Nut- meg Maid, by Thomas Jefferson 2:28% Don L.. br s, 188 . by Col Tom 2:23% THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Don Lowell, b s. ISSS, by Don Marvin. dam bv Brigadier Don Marvin, br s. 1SS1, by Fallis Cora, by Don Victor Don McGregor, ch -s. ISSIl. by Koborl McGreiro- Flora !/<>sllo. by Florida. Don MitV. br s. ISSri. by Diamoml Yol- uutee-- Aland \ .. by Vest's Uashaw. Don Monteith. b s, '1885, by Elec- tioneer Mamie, by Imp. I lercnles. . Donii-i, br m, 188, by Nelson Flora T. , by Gideon .' Donna' Inez, br in. ISS , by Sinbad, dam by Success Donovan, b ir. ISSt. by Uon Wicks. dam by Black Blncher Don 1'edro, b s. ISS , by Inkerman.. Don Pedro, br s. IS7.V by Knicker- bocker Pet, by Mulvev Clay Don Pedro, br s. 'ISS -. by Toilet Don Pedro, br *, 1SS7. by Tallett Myst ic. by Ambassador Don, br s. 1SS2. by Har-y Pulling Nelly Dncher, by Service's Hamblet. Milan Don Quixote, ^r jr, 187, pedigree not traced Don Kleardo. b s, 1SS7, by Belmont Lulu, by Harold Don S.. b -r. 1SS7. by Nestor Dolly. by Eastman's Flylnpr Cloud Don Tomas. blk ir. 1SS1, by Del Sur Vashti. by Mambrino Patchen .... Don Wllkes'. br s. 1SS7. by Ked Wllkes Princess, by Mambrino Pet Don Wilkes. br *. ISS,-?, by Alcyone Gossip, by Tattler Donzella, b m. 18. by Bros Do-a. br in. 1S71. by Corbean Chief . . Dora, b m. 1S70. by Gibraltar Nelly. by Black Warrior Dora, b in. 1SS1, by Fairy Gift Julia. Dora Cossack, b m. 1SS<>. by Don Cos- sack -Dora H. by Forrest Golddust Dora H.. b in. 1SOL by Forest Duke Molly Patterson, by Dr. Herr Do~a Mav. blk m, 1888. by Dictator Chief Dora M.. by Youne Rolfe... Dora Thome, b in. 1885, by Draco Medium Snip, bv Uomulns ' Dora W.. b m. 188!>. by Tllrsch Bel- mont Kosebud. bv Almont Dorfmark. b s, 1880, by Allandorf Jenny Bismarck, by Victor Bismarck Dorcas Pratt, b m. 1800. b\- Btamboul Almee, by Del Snr . . Doric, br s.' ISST. bv Santa Clans - Doris, by Jav Gould DorK b m. 1887. by Kent- Cla"k Mare, bv Don Giovanni Dorkinsr. b m. ISS . bv He-mi t Dot. blk m. 1S8 . bv Administrator LIU. by Dean Swift Dot. b -J5 2:29 2:80 2:28^ J:'J'.)'., 2:26^ 2:21 - 2:21 0.0-1 j Doubtful, srr pr. 186. pedigree not t-aced (dead) Donchka. I) m. ls!M>, by Moni.iue. by Fallis . . . '. IVuirlas. .urr ir. IS7 , by ( Ingtou Doujrlass. b ir. iss . by Charley P. Douglass, b w . ISS . by Bgbert Douglass Almont, b s. ISS , by A Hie Gaines ! Douglass Girl, br in. ISM. by Ste- phen A. Douglass Minnie, by Ham- tin Patchen Dia.-o, blk s, IS,-,:;, by Y.MIIII; Morrill, dam by Joseph Hoyt Horse (dead).. Draco Prince, blk S, 1MJO by Draco Lady Draco, by a son ' of Hill's K.aok Hawk (dead) . ... Dread, br ir. 1st! . by .lini Monroe (dead) Dreadnaugnt, cii u. istjo pedigree not' traced '. Drcsdi. b s. IS, by st. Vincent dam b.\ Atlantic '. Din (Norwood), br -, L850, by Rys- dyk's Hambieionian Jenny \\it- wood. by Sultan . . . Driver, b . IstVS. by Volunteer' - Sllvortall. by Seeiy's Anicri.-an Star (dead) Drum Major, -r ir, ISS , by Vomig'jYm Drummer u<>y. b i:. is<> , i.\- .loim \v. Oonlej Dryden; b s, 1SS7. by Bartholomew Wilkiv- -Dnranna. bv DurangO ... Duane. b s. issr>. by 'Deucalion Belle D., by Daniel Lambert Dubec. b jr. 1SS|. by Sultan Ladv Dey, by California Dexter ' Duchess, b in. 1SS(>. by Strathmo o - Lady HamhM. by Hamlet Duchess, b m. ISSS, by Sidney Vounsr Countess, by Sam Patchen ' . Duchess, irr m, ISS . by Pilot Almont Duchess Iviissell. b m. lSS. r > b v Mam- brino Kussell Duchess May. by Kysdyk's Hamblel (Milan (dead) Duchess Wilkes. b in. ISS I, by Fav- orite Wilkos Lady .letTorso'n. bv Clark Chief Jr. . . '. Duck. l)lk m. 187. by Scoff's Hla- tOga Jenny Lind, by .lohn Stanley. Dud Bonum. br s. 1SST>. by Mai'n- brlno Dudley Pet, by Mulvey Clay Dude, h s. 188. by Dentist..'.. Dude, b r. 1S77, by Jay Gould Mary. by Goo rue M. Patchen (pacinsr reo- o-d 2:28) ... Dude IT., blk p. 1870. podiirree nor traced Dudley, b jr. 188 Dudley Oleott. ch s. 1S.SS. by Albert W. Cecilia, by Poscora Hayward.. Duellion. b s. 1.S84, by Deucalion F.stella TF. by Daniel Lambert Dukes, b p. by F:-ank Ellis White Rose, by Winfleld Scott Duke, b 'j*. 1867. bv Duke of York (demtt .' Duke, ch sr. 1881, by Iron Duke l\in nv, by Lakeland Abdallah Duke, blk s, 1SS . by Hambletonian Bashaw Duke of Kent, ch s. 1SS.". bv Ajax Kitty Johnson, by Harry B Duke of Wellimrton. b sr. 1880. by We'Iiiiirtou Younar Daisy, by Strido- away Dnnbar. br s. ISSS. by Gen. Hancock - Verbena, by Messenger Dnroc 2:24% 2:27^ 2&0 2:20% 2:80 2:27% 2:27 :.. 2 :2G 1 , 2:29^ 2:20 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 47 2:1 174, 2:2<% 2:2d% : 2:22% Dundee, br s, 1876, by Jay Gould Meta, by Mambriiio Pilot .......... r : &,, Dundee, 6lk s, 188- by Clifton ..... 2:27% Dunnette, b m, 1884, by Kienzi-Kate Gano, by Garrard Chief ......... 2:22% Duplex, b g, 188, by Woodward's Ethan Allen, dam by Daniel Lam- k er t .............................. - :2o Dupree, blk s, 1888, by Rumor Daisy, by Socrates ................... Duquesne, ch s, 1875, by TIppoo Ba- shawWild Rose, by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian (dead) .................. Durado, blk m, by Clay King, dam by Mambrino Time .............. Durango, br s, 1877, by Strader's Casshis M. Clay Jr.-Mattie West, by Almont ........................ Durango Belle, br m 1888, by Dur- augo Gazelle, by Lofty .......... Durango Maid, br m, 1883, by Dur- ango Polka Dot, by Senator Mad- den ............................... Duroc, br s, 1869, by Banker Messen- ge:-> Lady Parker, by Young Amen- can ............................... Duroc Gothard, br s, 1887, by St. Gothard Maggie Duroc, by Messen- ger Du-.-oc ........................ Duroc Maid, ch m, 1875, by Messenger Duroc Fanny Sleight, by Ethan Allen ............................. Duroc Wilkes, blk s, 1884, by Sher- man Wilkes Duroc Pet, by Messen- ger Duroc ........................ Duroc Wilkes. ch s. 1SS8. by Garnet Wi'kes- Molly Duroc, by Iowa Duroc ..................... ......... Duster, ch g, 188, by Cuuard Jr., dam by Live Oak ................. Duster Wilkes blk s, 1886, by Young Wilkes Nelly ....................... Dusty Heels, ch m. 1888, by Rush- vllle Bulla Mare .................. . . Diusty Miller, ro m, 1882, by Triceps. . Dutchess Boy, br g, 187, pedigree not traced .................... < ..... Dutch Girl rn m, 1874, by Ab- dallah Boy Flora, by Black Doug- Dutfh"Girl',"gr"inV 'i858, by Dusty Miller (dead) ....................... Dutch Girl, gr m. 1877. by Silvertail Wild Jin, by Wild Tom .......... Dutchman, gr g, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) ........................ Dwight S. ch g, 1886, by Mohawk Chief Topsey ....................... Dwyer, ch e, 1888, by Diplomat- Maggie Twain, by Mark Twain ---- Dynamite, br g, 1887. by Teak Black- wotxl Jr. Ida. by Bob .............. Dynamite, b s, 1882, by Hambletonian Downing Maude, by Mambrino Patchen Jr .......................... Dynamite, blk g 1884, by Ben Frank- linBess, by Blackstone .......... Dynamite, blk g, 18, by "Gavlota. . . Eager, b s, 1889, by Aristocrat Kath- leen, by Pilot Jr ........ .......... Eagle Bird, ro s, 1882, by Jay Bird Tansey, by George Wilkes ........ Eagle Lake, b m. 188-, by Walkill Prince ............................... Eagle Pass, b g, 1891, by Haskew Winnie Lee. by Abdallah West ..... Eagle Pass, rn g 1892, by Eagle Bird Bell, by Uncle ' Gyp ...'...... ....... 2:26% 2:29% 2:29% 2:2,8% 2:18%, 2:21> 4 2:271/4 2 :27% 2:20% 2:29% 2:29'/2 2:27 2:30 2:26'/4 2:27% 2:30 2:28 2:20-% 2:29V> 2:28 2:21 2:27% 2:2!)% '1 :2:U a Eagle I'iunie, gr g, 1874, by Bayard- Speed, by Thomas Jefferson 2:29% Earl, b s 1880, by Princeps Juno, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 2:23% Earl, ch g, 187, by Revenue 2:20y^ Earl Baltic, b s, 1887, by Baron Wilkes Alpha Russell, by Mam- brino Russell 2:2o% Earl Beimont, b s, 1888, by Belmout Betsy Baker, by Dictator 2:2b l /-> Earldom, b s 1887, by Mambrino Startle Bell', by Stockbridge Duke.. 2:30 Earl Finch, b g, 188-, by Robin- son's Blue Bull 2:26% Earlie, blk s, 188, by Guy Wilkes.. 2:2 Ebony Job, blk g, 1885. by Melrose Ingraham mare 2:28% Ebony Spink, blk s, 1884, by Spink Fanny, by Greyhound 2:29% Ebony Wilkes. blk s, 1886, by Adrian Wilkes Lady Patchen 2 :19% Ebony Wilkes blk s, 1883. by Am- bassadorNettie E., by Joe Hooker 2:29% Echo br g. 187, by Regulus 2:28% Echo Medium, b g, 188<>, by Starin Medium Winesap. by Van Dyke.. 2:21% Echo Chief, ch s, 1877. by Octibbeha Lady Bounce, by Orr's Mambrino 2:21% Echo Del Paso, b g, 188, pedigree not traced 2:28% Echora, br m, 1872, by Echo Young Mare, by Jack Hawkins 2:23% oh m, 18SS. by Guy Wilkes THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Maiioii, by Nutwood ............. Eclipse, b g, 1876, by Edward Ev- erettDolly Vardeu, by imp. Eclipse Economy, b m, 1884, by Echo Lady Berkey. by Muldooii ................. Ecru, b m. 1886, by Nephew Ritch- elders, by Messenger Chief ........ Ecru, dn IB, 1880, by Belmont Top- eey, by St. Elmo ................... Ed, b g, 188, by Erwin Davis Ed Biggs, br s 188, by Brigadier... 188 by ig Ed Clarkson, b s, 1886, by Idol Wilkes Maud X., by Mainbrino Pet Jr Ed Cook ch g, 188, by Warwick Boy Maggie Boy Ion, by Mercury ...... Ed Davis, b g, 188, by Counsellor.. Eddie B., br g 1885, by Plato Jr. Fanny ............................... Eddie G., b g, 188, by Jefferson Prince ............. ................ Eddie Hayes, blk s, 1888, by Charles Caff rey Eva, by Tippoo Bashaw.. Eddie Medium, b g, 1878, by Happy Medium Lizzie Lee by Edwin Booth ................ " ................ Eddie Wilkes, blk g, 187, by Com- monwealthLady Wilkes, by Jimmy Rattler ..................... * ........ Eddy, b s, 188, by Damo ........... Eddy Sherman, b s, 1889. by Sher- manAlma Eddy, by Jerome Eddy. . Ed Eaton gr g. 185, by White Ghost Fanny Phelps (dead) ............. Edelweiss, b m. 1880, by Colouna Eliza, by Hartman Horse ......... Edenia, ch m, '1888. by Endymion Empress, by Abdallah Mainbrino... Ed Fay, b g, 188. by CbriMmin Patchen. dam by Whipple's Hamblo- tonian . .............................. Edgar, b g. 188 . by Egbert ...... Edgar, ch g, 187,' by Col. WinfieM Molly McWhorter, by Young Dan- iel Webster ............ ............ Edgar A., b g, 1882. by Collins' Den- mark, dam by Collins' Denmark .... Edgardo, b s, 1885 by Rumor Lucia, by Jay Gould ...................... Edgar Dudley, b s. 1887, by Ion Heir- ess, by Administrator .............. Edgar Herr, b e, 188 , by Edgar Wilkes . . .................. " ....... Edgar Moody, b s. 18S8. by Moody Durango Maid by Durango ../... Edgar P.. b s, 1889, by Nutbreaker Lady Kate Sprague, by Gov. Spragve Edgar W.. b g, 188, by Manchester . . Edgar Wilkes. b s, 1885, bv Ethan Wilkes Callie T.. by Kentucky Prince ............................... Edged! ff, b g. 1875. by Baybrino Moll, by Ward Horse .................... Edgehill. br s. 1R78. by Dictator Sue, by Thorndale ....................... Edgemark. b s. 1885. by Victor Bis- marck Kdgewater Belle, by Edge- water ................................ Edgerton. b s. 1885. by Blackwood Enterprise, by Onward ............. Ed Getchel, br g, 1860, bv Winthrop Morrill ....... .. ......... i .......... .. Edge-wood, rn g 1885. by Tom Rogers Little One. by Corbeau ........ Edgewood. br g. 1878, by Black Ran- gerDoll ............................. F.dewood. b g. 187 . Ijv Aberdeen. .. TCd Graham, b g. 18,9 . by Gen. George 2:2o : ;4 2:24-^ 2:30 2:30 2:27^ 2:26 2:28% 2:20% 2:24i/2 2:24V; 2:29% 2:27% 2:23*2 2:29'4 2:23'/i 2:19% 2:28 2:30 2:30 2; 23 Vi 2:13'4 2:17% 2:20',-; 2:21'.; 2:24 : >i 2:24'/ t 2:27 2:2r% 2:16 2:26V 2 2:27 2:21 2: 27V, H. Thomas, dam by Mambrino Cloud Edifice, b s, 1888, by Jerome Eddy Verney, by Haw Patch Edina, br m, 1885, by Jerome Eddy- Dolly Bryant, by Regular Edison, b g, 1878, by Gen. Knox May Bug, by Aberdeen Edith, b m, 1878, by Happy Medium Black Bess by Black O.scar Edith Almont, b m, 18S2, by King Al- niont Mary Ann, by Magnolia .... Edith F., b m, 188 by Stephen A.. Douglass Edith Gard, b m, 188, by Shade- land Onward Edith H., gr m, 1888 by Deucalion I'atti, by Nutbourne Edith N. b m, 1891, by Durango, dam by Laclede Edith R., b m, 1883, by Monaco Au- gusta Schuyler, by Aberdeen Edith Sprague, gr m, 188 by Geoige Sprague Kitty Bines ' Edith V.. b m, 1888, by Little Ben- Laura G., by Flying Duke Editor, b g, 1880, by Princeps Duroc Maid, by Messenger Duroc Edleen, gr m, 188 by Jerome Eddy. Ed Mack, br g, 1880, by Hambleton- ian George Flora, by Johnny Slasher Ed Marsh, b g. 188 . by Reliance... Edmonita, b m, 1878, by Dictator Wingate. by Blackwood Edmore, b s, 1881, by Louis Napoleon Fanny Mapes, by Alexander's Ab- da'.lah Edna, ro m. 186, by a son of Wis- consin Tiger Mary Barden, by Hob- kirk's Sir Henry Jr. (dead) Edmund Burke, b s. 1882, by Solicitor Monette, by Bonnie Boy ........ Edna C.. br m. 1880. by Warwick Boy Fanny Talmage, by Squire Ta!- mage Edna M., b m, 1888. by Egbert Grace G., by Petoskey Edna W.. b m, 1887, by Broucrham Belle of Cla-ence, by Finch's St. Lawrence Ed Sutherland, b s. 1884. by Egbert- Lizzie Winn. by Ericsson Ed Turner, ch s'. 1887, by Crittenden Jotlie, by Gibson's P,;W Pilot Edw:ird, ch g, 1872, by Masterlode Dolly Edward, b g, 1884. by Volney Daisy . Edw.-ird B., ch g. 1878. by Blue Hull- Jenny Curtis, by Morgan Messenger Edward K.. br g, 1880, by Knox Nelly Walker, by Mohawk Chief Edwardo. b , 1890, by Epaulet Eilith G.. by Young Volunteer Edwin H.. ch' s. 1879. by Alert Sten- cil, by Stillson Ed White, b g. 1803, by Jim Scott (dead) .' Ed Wilder, ch g, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) Ed Wilkes. blk g, 1885. by Bartholo- -Bell Lindsey, by Gir- 2:24',4 2:21 2:22% 2:26% 2:28V 3 2:27% 2:12% 2:27% 2:17/i 2:15% 2:24 2:2r, 1/3 2:27% 2:2614 2:2:5'.', 2:30 2:20Vi 2:30 2:26 2:29 2:29V 2 2:171/4 ?-19 2-.21V4. 2:26Vv 2:2314 2:26% 2:27'/i 2:27 2:30 by Young mew Wilke? :ird Stockbrldge Ed Wilkes. b- s. 1882. Wilkes Flora Bush Edwin, oh g 188. by Gooding'8 Ohamplon Fannv Edwin A., b R. 1872. by Gooding's fhiimpion Miss Prat), br Henry Glnv 2:24^ THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Edwin B., blk g, 1871, pedigree not traced Edwin C., cli g, 1880, by Guy ler Bon- nie, by Field's Royal 'George Edwin Clay, ch. g, 188, by Harry Clay Edwin Forrest, b g, 1S71, by Ned Forrest Fanny Monday, by Smiling Tom Edwin Q., ch g, 1879, by Chicago Vol- unteer Edwin Thorne, ch g, 1873, by Thorn- la'.e Lady Lightfoot, by Ashland.. Edwyne, b m. 18S6. by Bonnie Wilkes Trixey, by Louis Napoleon (dead) Effie, b m, 1874, by Almont Bazaar, by Kentucky Chief Effie B., gr m, 1878, by Otego Chief, dam by Flying Cloud EfTie Deans, b m, 186, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian Molly, by Long Island Black Hawk Effie M., ch m, 1892, by Androla Effie Payne, b m, 1880, by Mam- brino Payne Flora, by Deacon Effie Rene, b ru, 1887, by Dictator Musetta, by King Rene Effie Thornton, ch m, 1884, by Ab- dullah Mambrino Millie, by ~>orton Hanibletonian Effie Wilkes, ch m, 1889, by J. II. Shedd Berlinda, by Hero of Thorn- dale E.ualite, ch s, 1881, by Egbert Stock- bridge Belle, by Stockbridge Chief Egdalia, b m, 1886, by Egbert Sue, By Thomdale '. Egbertime. ch s, 1885. by Egbert- Nettie Time, by Mambrino Time (pacing record, 2 :10%) Etfdale, ch s, 1888, by Egbert Sue, by Thorndale Egg Hot, b s, 1888, by Egbert Laura, by Billy Adams 2:18 Egg Nog, br s, 1886, by Egbert- F gg Blackwood, by Blackwood ng I 7, b Eggnog, b m, 1887, by Egbert Lucille, Eglantine, b m, 1887, by Egbert, dam by Mambrino Howard ............. Ecrmont, blk g, 1881, by Egbert- Annie, by Cottrill Morgan ......... Egmont Cnief, br e, 1882, by Egmont Lady Frankfort, by Frankfort Chief ............................. Ego, b s, 1880. by Chief Justice Al- maid. by Almore .................. Egotist, b s, 1885, by Electioneer Sprite, by Belmoni ................ Egthorne. b? s, 1882, by Egbert Sue, by Thorndale ...................... Egwood. b s, 1885. by Egbert Lucille Blackwood. by 31ajkwood ......... Egyptienne. blk m, 1S85, by Mambrino King Bay Hambletonian, by Rys- dyk's Hambletonian ............... Eiffel T. Wilkes, srr s, 188 by Mes- senger Wilkes. dam by Blue Bull.. Eilers, b s, 1888, by Onslaught- Betty, by Iowa Almont ........... E. J. S.. b m. 1887, by Strait's Super- iorOld Knox . . .................. Elaine, br m, 1874, by Messenger Du'-oc Green Mountain Maid, by Harry Clay ...................... Elastic, br e, 1887, by Mambrino Ab- dallah Stelleta, by Sterling ....... Elastic Stnreh. b g.' 1RSO. hy Dirk Loonier ............... . 2:27 2:25% 2 ::>!)% 2:2514 2:20% 2:20 2:20% 2:29% 2:18% 2:27Vi 2:27% 2:24% 2:25 2 :25 2:21% | 2:24%, 2:24% > 2:22V-> 2.12V, ! 2; 13% j 2:18 2:24i.i 2:29Vi 2:2fii/> , 2 :20 2:21Vi 2 :24 Elata, b m, 188 by Enright liiiMV'. E3 Banecia, blk s, 1888, by Alcyone- Remembrance, by George Wilkes.. 2: 20% Elbert, ch s. 1888, by Egbert Dicta- tor Belle, by Dictator 2:20% El Benton, b s, 1888, by Electioneer Nellie Benton, by G'en. Benton.. 2:28% Blbertie. b e. 1885, by Egbert- Amanda, by Blackwood 2:27% Elbert K., b g, 1887, by McKean Minnie S 2:28V 4 El Capitan, b s, 1882, by Nutwood- Nelly, by Eastman's Black Hawk. 2:20 El Capitau. b s, 1883, by Thorndale Gem, by Superb 2:24 Elcho. gr m, 1880. by Daniel Boone Alice Dunn, by Famum Horse 2:27'/4 Elda B., b m, 1880, by Wood's Ham- bletonian May, by Dandy 2:20% Elden, br m, 1889, by Nephew- Eleanor, by Electioneer 2:11>V Eldine, b m, 188, by Muscatine 2:20% Eldine, b m, 1885, by Haw Patch Rozelle, by P. H. Baker 2:2Sy. 2 Eldora, b m, 1890, by Elsmere Redowa, by Redwood 2 :23 Eldredge, ch g, 1889, by Sprague Myrtle, by Green's Edward 2:23% Eleanor Malloy, ch in, 1888, by Mc- Curdy's Hambletonian Nelly Bly, by Conductor Jr 2:29% Elect, b e, 188, by Richard's Elector 2:26 Electant, b s, 1890, by Electioneer Mano, by Piedmont 2:27 Electee, gr s, 188, by Anteeo Maud Medium, by Milton Medium 2:29% Elect Cossack, b s, 1889, by Don Cos- sack Electa, by Electioneer 2:29\ 4 Election, b s, 1885, by Electioneer May Queen, by Alexander's Norman 2:28% Election, blk m, 1891, by Ambassa- dorCeleste, by Electioneer 2:2G'/4 Election Bel, br s, 1888, by St. Bel Corinne, by Starmont 2:22% Electioneer (Bowman's), b s, 1891, by Campbell's Electioneer 2:26% Electioneer (Campbell's), b s, 1886, by Electioneer Edith Carr, by Clark Chief ; 2:17% Electmont, blk s, 1890, by Chimes- Cologne, by Mambrino King 2:22% Elect Moore, b s, 1887, by Elect- Feny, by Bonner 2 :27 Elector, b s, 1880, by Electioneer Lady Babcock, by Whipple's Haru- bletouian (dead) 2:21^4 Elector (Richard's), blk s, 1881, by Electioneer Juniata, by St. Clair. . . 2:25 Elector H., blk s, 1885, by Agile- Dolly H., by Western Fearhaught. . . 2:25 Elector Jr., b s, by Richard's Elector.. 2:29% Electra, b m, 188, by Richard's Elector Moore Maid, by The Moor. 2:18% Elects, b m. 1882. by Charley B. Mag Schenck, by Lodi 2:25V- Electress, b m, 1886, by Richard's Elector Sugar Plum, by Lodi 2:27 l /4 Electress, b m. 1888. by Electioneer Lora. by Piedmont 2:30 Electric Coin b s, 1886, by Elec- tioneer Cecilina, by Gen. Benton... 2:I8 1 4 Electric, b m, 1881, by Satellite, dam by Perue's Hambletonian 2:r;0 Electric, b g, 187, by Edward Ever- ettFlora, by Jupiter 2 :20 Elect:-ician, b s. 1884. by Electioneer Rebecca, by Gen. Benton 2:L V P4 Electricity, 'b m, 188, by Nitrogen... 2:30 Eleftrieity. br . 1884. by Electioneer 50 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Midnight, by Pilot Jr 2:17% I Electric King, b s, 1887, by Election- eerMamie C., by imp. Hercules... 2:24 Electrina, b m, 1888, by Richard's Elector Stemwinder. by Venture... 2:20 Hlectrix, b m, 1887, by Electioneer Lady Russell, by Ha -old 2:28V2 Electro Bell, b m, 1890, by Electro- typePreamble, by Pancoast 2:27% Eleetrobenton. b s. 1889, by Election- eer Nettie Benton, by (Jen. Benton. 2:24 1 /2 Electroid, b s, 1890, by Eros Ros.-i Bonheur, by Brwin Davis 2:.">0 Electryon, b s, 1886, by Electioneer Lina K., by Don Victor 2:24-% Electuary, b s. 1887, by Electioneer Maria, by Don Victor 2:27 Electwood, b e, 1886, by Electioneev Amrah, by Nutwood 2 :30 ! Elegance, ch s, 1889, by Sidney Dell Foster, by A. W. Richmond 2:"<> Elena, b m, 1888, by Capoul Barbara, by Egbert 2:24% I Elevator, b s, 188 by Sim's Clark Chief ' 2:22% i Elflnwood. ch s, 1889, by Nutwood Amora, by Attorney 2:15' / i Elfrida, b m, 1890, by Candidate- Gladness, by Nutwood 2:13% Elgin, b g, 188, by Lothair Jr 2:24^ Elgin, b g, 188, by Locomotive 2:27 Elgin Girl, blk m 2:27 J /4 Eli, br g, 1885, by Black Hawk Harry Pickle . Mi, b g, 1880, by Lothai-, dam by Kth'in. Allen Eli, dn g, 1877, by a Gypsy horse- Belle of Clarence, by Finch's St. Lawrence Eli. b g, 1882, by Signal Worten Mare Eli, ch g, 188, by Melrose, dam by Wright Horse Eli Almont. ch g. 1885, by Almont Pilot Flash, by Orlando Elina. blk m, '1885, by Messenger Duroc Green Mountain Maid, by Harry Clay Elista, blk m, 1883. by Messenger Duroc G'.'een Mountain Maid, by Harry Clay Elita Russell, b m, 1888, by Lord Rus- sell Elite, by Messenger Duroc Elite, b m, 1887, by Messenger Chief Laura Thompson, by Dictator Elixir, cr g. 1886, by Elyria. dam by son of Stranger Bliza Jane, b m, 1886, by Thomas K. McKenna Mare Eliza T., b m, 188, by Vitruvian .... Elkhorn. b s. 1887. by Onward Long Lane by Long Island Patchen . . . Klkln. ch s. 1886. by Abdallah Mam- brino, dam by Berkley's American Clay * Elkmont. ch g, 188, by Bostick's Almont Jr Elko, br m, 1885. by Lumps Katie C., by Mambrino Patchen Ella, b m, 1884. by Electioneer Lady Ellen, by Carr's Mambrino . . Ella, b m. 1885. by Melrose Belle Hammond, by Honest Dan 2:28'/i Ella B., b m. 188 by Guy Miller . . . 2:26/4 Ella Belmont, b m, 1888, by Belmont Ella Clay by American Clay 2 :24% Ella Clay, b m. 1882. hy Wllsrus Clay 2:23 '4 Ella Clay, b m. 1869. by American Clny, dam by Mambrino ('hi< i f 2:281,4 2:30 ; 2:18% I 2:20 | 2:22% ! 2:28 2:20%! 2:29% j 2:30 2:22% 2:26^s 2:19% 2:28% 2:22(4 2:30 2:17 2:29 (dead) Ella D., b m. 1887, by Azim Maud Walker Ella Doe, ch m, 1871, by Daniel Lam- bert Stickuose, by Cook's Colum- bus Ella E., gr m, 188, by Chicago Vol- unteer Ella E., b m, 1882 by Prince Elma- Coaley ' ; Ella Earl, br in, 1872. by Almont Suse, by John C. Breckinridgc Ella Elwood, b m, 1860, pedigree not traced (dead) Ella Lewis, b in, 1869, by Vermont- Kate McDonough Ella M.. b m, 188, by Richard's Elector Ella M., b m 188--. pedigree not traced Ella May. b m, 1891. by Nephew Tlieora, by Goodiug's Champion . . . Ella Madden, b m, 1868, by RysdykV Hambletouian Lady Vail, by Drew's Hambletonian *. Ella AIcGee. br m, 1887, by Elevator Valdue, by Vallive Ella Norwood, b m. 1878. by Norwood Lady Winfield, by Edward Everett Ello O., blk m, 1887, by Declaration Nelly Draco, by Draco Ella O. K., b in, 1887, by Wilkes Boy Daisy, by Daubigne '. Ellard. b s, 1888, by Charley Wilkes Daisy, by Fearless Ella Rene, b m. 1889, by Chastelard Anita, by Stockbridge Ella Vertner, b m. 1889, by Epaulet Ella Medium, by Happy Medium Ella W., b m, 188 HI la Wilkes, ro m. 1884. by Favorite Wilkes Betty Hijgins, by Joe Downing Ella Wilson, bin, 1866, by Blue Bull- Fanny Benson, by Jerry EHa Woodline, br m, 1891, by Wood- line Venture, by Voltaire Ella Wright, b m, 1863, by Trojan, dam by Hercules p]llemac, b m, 188, by Alvan Ellen Cooper, b m, 1877, by Star of C.atskill Nelly Haytaes, by Vol- unteer Klleneer. b m, 1888, by Electioneer Lady Ellen, by Carr's Mambrino.. Ellen Mayhew, blk m, 1886, by Direc- torLady Earnest, by Speculation. . Ellerslie Wilkes, blk s, 1880. by George Wilkes Aileen, by Mam- brino Boy Ellington D., gr s, 1884, by Ellington Boy Lady D.. by Norman D Ellis, b g, 1886, by Zack Chandler- Kit Ellis Medium, b s, 188, by Frank Ellis Elloree, ch m, 1890. by Axtell Flora McGregor, by Robert McGregor . . Elma, b m, 1891, by Quaker Boy- Lady Motor, by Mambrino Motor . . . Elma Sontag, b m, 1890, by Elec- tioneer Sontag Dixie, by Toronto Sontag El Mahdi, ch s. 1885, by Onward- Lady Bunker, by Mambrino Patchen Elmbrook. ro s. 1885. by Hamble- tonian Chief Pet Knox, by Gil- breth Knox 2:27% 2:25 2:22 t 2:2f, 2:2;) 2:2'< 2:288 2:25% 2:29 '4 .2:229$ 2:24 2:21) 2:09% 2:25 2:19'.. 2:29 2:29 2:25. THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 51 Elmer, br g, 1875, by Gooding's Cham- pion Belle, by Kysdyk's Hamble- tonian 2:22%; Elmer Wilkes, ch s, 1883, by Favorite Wilkes Alma, by Almont Rattler. . 2:28 Elmo, ch s, 186, by Wise's Mohawk 2:27 Elmo, b s, 1876, by St. Elmo Jenny, by Tiger 2:27% Elmo Echo, br s, 1889, by Stoughton J. Fletcher Alma, by Elmore 2:30 Elmo Maid, b m, 1885, by Joe Elmo- Nelly, by Doherty Horse 2:23 l /4 : El Monte, gr g, 1882, by Echo Light- foot, by Hubbard 2:29 Elmore Everett, b g, 185, by An- drew Jackson Falka (dead) 2:30 Elmwood Chief, br g, 1875, by Black Ranger Doll 2:13% Eloise, blk m, 1886, by Kentucky L*rince Camille, by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian 2:15 El Pastore, b s, 188, by Waterford 2:29 El Kami, ch g, 1801, by Wiidnut Nellie Ben ton, by Gen. Benton .... 2:29% E L. Robinson, b s, 1889, by Epaulet 'Lizzie M., by Thomas Jefferson... 2:17% Eliza S., b m, 188, by Alcantara Jr. Kataline, by Friday McCracken . . 2:16% \ Elsie, ch m, 1887, by Regent Maud, by Black Ranger 2:26%! Elsie B.. br m, 1884, by Springstein's Bashaw 2:29% i Elsie Good, ch m, 1871, by Blue Bull Molly Patterson, by Alexander's Abdallah 2:22% Elsie Groff, ro m, 1874, by Danville (dead) .-2:25 Elsie Harris, blk m, 1889, by Scarlet Wilkes Miss Limestone, by Lime- stone 2:25V 2 Elsie Manager, gr m, 1886, by Sample Josie Ferris, by Altorf 2:30 Elsie S., ch m, 1888, by DuBois' Su- perior-Ruth 2:21% Elsie Sprague, ch m, 1885, by Rounds' Sprague Lady Rodman, by Bel- niont 2:18% Elsie Wilkes, gr m, 1890. by Thome AVilkes Eleie. by Greenwood 2:24% Elsie Wood, blk in. 1885, by John E. Wood, dam by Kentucky Whip... 2:30 Elsie Y., br in, 1876, bv Whirlwind- Maud * 2:29% Elsinore. ch s, 1888, by Jersey Wilkes Lottie Patchen, by Mambrino Patcheu 2 :25 Elton, br s. 1890, by Egotist Spring Time, by Nutwood 2:21 El Trebizond, br e, 1887, by Stam- bond Ell wood, by A. W. Richmond 2:26% Elvira, blk m, 1880, by Ouyler Mary Mambrino, by Mambrino Patchen (dead) 2:18% Elwina, b m, 1890, by Electioneer Esther, by Express 2:27% Elwood, b g, 188 by Alaric 2:30 Elwood. br g, 1889, by Kentucky Wilkes Melinda. by Oxmoor 2:26V4 Elwood Medium, b s. 1874, by Happy Medium Blanche, by Hopkins' Ab- dallah 2:24% Elyria ch s. 1882. by Mambrino King Maggie Marshall, by Bradford's Telegraph 2:25% Elyrina, b m. 1887. by Elyria Minnie Hicks, by Garibaldi 2-20% Ely See. br 8. 1888. by Talarera Maud E.. by McMahon 2:27% Emaline, b m, 1884, by Electioneer Emma Robson, by Woodburn Emaline K., ch m, 1885, by Redden's Lancewood Jr. Magna Embassador, blk s, 1880, by Ambassa- dorJulia Anderson, by Highland Morgan Embassy, b m, 1885, by Ambassador- Jenny, by Robert Fillingham Jr. . . . Emblem, ch e, 1886, by Ambassador- Nettle, by Mambrino Patchen Jr. . . Emeline K., ch m, 188, by Lance- wood Jr Emerald, b g, 187, pedigree not traced Emerald, gr g, 187, pedigree not traced Emerson King, blk s, 1887, by Mam- brino King Mandrake, by Bla<-k- wood Chief Emily, b m, 1888, by Judge Hayes- Alice, by Menelaus Emin Bey, b s, 1888, by Guy Wilkes Tempest, by Sultan Eminence, b m, 1884, by Empire Soprano, by Strathmore Emma Armstrong, ch m, 1884, by Starmont Belle Hines, by Hylas . . Emma B., gr m, 1872, by Bayard, dam by Brown Harry Emma B., ch m, 1883, by Highland Grey Kathrina, by Daniel Lam- bert Emma B., b m, 188, by Sherman s Hambletonian Little Mag, by Lit- tle Woeful Emma B., br m, 188, by Hamble- tonian Bashaw Emma Balch, ch m, 1885, by Nabob- Jenny Lind, by Saxe Emma Carroll, b m, 188, by Charley Ross Emma B., br m, 187, by Tom Moore Emma E., b m, 1881, by Jim Fisk Nelly, by Magna Charta Emmaetta, b in, 1887, by Autioch Volunteer Maid, by Volunteer Emma G., ch m, 1881, by Elmo- Lilly Shear, by Whipple's Hamble- tonian (dead) Emma Hayes, gr m, 1886, by Alaric Lucy, by Grey Eagle Emma J., b m, 188, by Platte Emma Nutwood, b m. 1880, by Nut- woodLady Emma, by McCracken's Black Hawk Emma R., b m, 1887. by Electioneer Emma Robson, by Woodburu .... Emma T.. b m. 1887, by Socrates- Patsy Labor, by Abdallah Pilot Emma Temple, b m. 1883, by Jackson Temple Lizzie R., by Emigrant (dead) Emma Westland, b m. 1892, by West- land Emma W., b m. 1881. by Boxer Emma Wilkes. b m. 188. by Wilke- sonian, dam by King William Emmett, blk g, 187. by Mambrino Time Nelly, by Ashland Chief Emmett, gr g, 188, pedigree not traced Emmett, B., b g. 1877, by Strath- more Miss Spaulding, by Spauld- ing's Abdallah Emmet B.. blk s. 1887, by Ellerslie Wilkes Minnie A., by Younj? Jim. . Emmons. b g, 188, by Forest Prince 2:21% 2:27% 2:29 2:24>% 2:30 2:27% 2::JO 2:21% 2:18& 2:28% 9-99 2:29% 2:26% 2:20% 2:27 2:29 2:19% 2:29 2:27% 2:24 2:27; 4 2:24 2:28-14 2:29i/4 2:25% 2:23% 2:29% 2:30 2:281,:', 2:29V, 52 THE 2:30 TROTTERS Emoh'ta. 1) in. 1SS7, bv Sealskin Wilkefl Rosedale, by Aluiont Pilot 2:24V4 Emory, b g, 1887, by Ethan Wilkes, flam by Jt'eavine 2 :30 Emperor, blk s, 1865, by Newman Horse, dam by Lewiston Boy (dead) 2:29 1 4 Emperor, b g, 1860, by Rollins Horse (dead) 2 ::io Emperor Wilkes, b s, 1886, by Wil- liam L., Pilot Anna, by Pilot Jr... I2:l20 ! i Emperor AVilliam. b s, 1867, by Gen. Knox Lady Hoi Its 2 :27U Empire Wilkes, b s, 1882. by George Wilkes Jane Moseley, by Mambrino Patehen 2 ;29'4 Empress, b m, 1852, pedigree not traced (dead) 2 :30 Empress, ch m, 1875, by Whipple's Hambletonian Katy Tricks, by Col- onel 2:24. Empress, br m. 1878, by Flaxtail Lady Narley, by Marion 2:25)% Empress, ch m,1870, by Panic Coot Mare, by York.shire Whig 2:30 Emulation, ch m, 1882. by Onward- Santa Clans, by Magic 2:21 Enchantress, b m, 1874, by Happy Medium Kitty Clover, by Hero .... 2:26% E. N. Cook, ch s, 1887. by Wilkie Col- lins-Nelly F. by Mohican 2:26' / 4 Encore, blk m, 1883, by Kentucky Pi-ince Maggie Duroc, by Messen- ger Duroc .' 2:24Vi Endeavor, -b s, 1889. by Counsellor Evermine, by Evermond 2:29ij Enderby, b s, 1887, by Victoria Electra. by King Philip 2:2!)% Endymion, blk s, 1879, by Dictator- Annie Eastin. bv Morgan Rattler... 2:23 ! /4 Energy, b s. 1886, by Onward Fan- chon, by Hamlin's Almont Jr 2:24-/4 Enfield, b s. 1868. by Rysdyk's Ilam- bletonian Julia Machree (dead) 2:29 F.nfln, b- m, 1890. by Baron Wilkes E fie, by Enfleld 2:28Vi. Enigma, blk m, 1889, by Shermont Little Maggie, by Victor 2:2] Enigma, b m, 1864, by Alcalde Leila, by Downing's Vermont 2:2G Erjola, ch m, 1883, by R. F. Galloway, dam by Hoagland's Sam 2:21V2 Enright, b s, 1885, by Nutwood La Gracie, by Cuvler 2:18 1 /4 Ensign, b s, 1873, by Enchanter Oneta, by Volunteer 2:28'-'. Environ, br in. 1886, by Envoy Belle Green, by Green's Bashaw 2:20'X. Envoy, br s, 1871, by Gen. Hatch- Dolly, by Iowa 2:28 Eola. ch m, 188 . by King Clay 2:24% Eoline. b m, 1890, by Anteeo- -Myriad. by Strange? '. ". 2 :1 4 r >4 Epaulet, b s. 1880. by Auditor Panta- lette, by Princeps 2-10 Eph, ch g, 1881, by Zachariah Lady Carpenter, bv Rysdyk's Hambleton- ian (dead) 2:24% Ephraim, br g, 188. by Dauntless... 2:29% Epithet, b m, 1880, by Princeps Fau tress, by Hamlet 2-29% Epitaph, b m! 188 . by Billy Slanton. 2:30 Equinox, br s. 1882, by Strader's Cas- sia M. Clay Jr. -Sally M.. by Al- mont 2:27 1 ,4 Equivalent, b s. 1890, by Reserve Fund Misdeal, by Sherman Wilkes.. 2: f) 9U ' Erelufi. blk g, 1873. by Scott's Hiatoga Fanny Moore, by Salsbu"^ S-im... 2:28' ( Erector, br . 1.S8S. by Director- Millie D., by Mambrino Gift. . Erena, gr m, 1886, by Alcyone Es- telle, by Clark Chief. . ....... Ergot, b m, 1888, by Wilkeswood-Pet,' by Haw Patch Eric, b g. 1872, by Ericsson jenny Bryan, by John Dillard. . Erica, blk m, 1889, by William L. Ca^ta, by Egbert Erie Girl, b m, 1883, by Lord Almont Erie Maid, by Star Hambletonian.. Erin, b g, 188, by Dexter Prince Erin, b s, 1880, by Belmont Eventide, by Woodford Mambrino Erma, blk in. 1886, by Director Ma- liss, by Werner's Rattle:- Ermine, blk m, 1886, by Plymouth Fan, by Hugeley's IMlot Erminic. b m, 1886, by Gen. Washing- ton Brenia, by Socrates Ernest B., b g, 1SSJ). bv Harnbleton- iau's Last Zilla, by Trojan Jr Ernestine, b m, 188, by Byerly Ab- dallah ' Ernest Maltravers, b g, 1879, by Hap- py Medium Priceless, by Volunteer. E-nest Wilkmont, b s, 1888, by Bob Link Fanny H., by Ira Wilkes Ernest Wilton, blk s, 188, by Wilton Ernsie, b m, 1891, by Wilkes Boy Einsiedora, by Sir Walter Eros, gr g, 1881, by Haw Patch-- Diane, by P. H. Baker Eros, br s, 1879, by Electioneer Son- tag Mohawk, by Mohawk Chief Eros, br s, 1883, by Onward Alva, by Administrator Ersilla,' ch rn, 1886, by Simmons- Beck Bedford, by Brown Ericsson. . Ervin, b g, 1883, by Jim Ervin Sally, by Thomas A. Scott Esca, b g, 1881, by Lexington P.ov... Escalanti, blk s, 1883, by Pathfinder Jr. Molly Nixon, by Post Boy Frank . . . ' '. Escape, b m, 1884, by Victor Bis- marck Miss Buchanan, by Clark Chief Escort, br s, 188, by Guide Eskimo, br s, 1889, by G -een lander Pittie Sing, by Electioneer Esmeraldo, b m, 1889, by Hambrinn - Erma, by Belmont Esmeralda, ch m, 1884, by Rattler Jr. Esmond, blk s, 1887, by Nutwood Trix Esmond, by Ericsson Esperanza, b rn, 1888, by Phallamont Mattie, by Dave Bonner Esperto Rex! b s, 1891, by Piedmont Extra, by Electioneer Essex, br g, 1868, pedigree not traced. Essex, ch s, 1883; by Aristos Nelly, by Black Diamond Essex Jr., b s, 1888, by Essex Ham- bletonian Essex Maid, b m, 1860, by Wild Wag- oner (dead) : Estabrook, b g, 1885, by Alcantara Rosetta, by Strader's Cassius M. Clay Jr Estelle, b m, 1883. by Zilcaadi Gold- dustFlorence, by Comet Jr : Estelle, ch in. 1888, bv Sta- Almottt. : Estelle, b m, 1884, by Nutwood- Starling, by Cuyler : Etelka, br m, 1883, by Hamliii's Al- mont Jr. Ursula, by Lagow E. T. H.. b s, 2888. bv Victor i\\n- marek Minnie King, by Mambrino THE 2:30 TROTTERS. E\a, gr m, 1879, by George H. Low.. 2:23-4 King : ' v;{ ' k ~ ' Eva Clay, b m, i88- by Fire Clay 2 :24 % Ethan Alien b s, 1849, by Black Evaline Wilkes, b m, 1887, by Olm- H an r V de b s '1889" by Ethan' Wilkes stead's Young Wilkes-Flaxie Fear- ^ ^ Rita Patchen, by Mambriuo Patch- Evanfeline', 'b' m,' 'i888,"by'b'irector ~ en VOQ- ' Ur iJA^art " Faunv H., bv Red Wilkes (dead). . .. 2:11-;* Ethan McGregor b s, 188o, by Rober ** u y , -y Florida (dead). 2:25V-i McGregor Akers Pet, bj ri ^ ^.^ gJJ T ' ^ m 188 _! f y Almont Med- Et^r*:- m, *# by Blue Bui^Gus S ; ^ E ^.^n%8^: ( bf Pasacas-Neliy \ & ch S; ^ PV -ought; ; E * a , n^Char r . .^ . ^ 2*> B cfM^Bonnie/Mj; ' ^feft ^^ ^ s(ar Wiikes ^ FSSBST^. ?8 e 86.' by y igber b t^ ^ -Maggie AVest, by Sta, Hambleton- ^^ gie Lee, by Blackwood . . . v ' /a Eva Wiikes,' ' b' mi 188- by Guy Ethel Dowues, blk m 1890, by Wilkes-Libbie B., by Winthrop. . . . 2:2o-> (i Boodle, dam by >,utwood.... ....... 2.24^ vvu^ , ^ ^ Ethel H., ch m, 18S5, by Beaumont- Wilkes-Lady Landesdown, by Stand- Fanny, by Allen Sontag. . . ..... . . **" , Bearer 2:28VJ Ethel Lambert, chm 1&80 by Col. E "J a b r m, 187O, by Black Dutchman Harrv Lambert Bessie Snow i.-Jj4 _phr>nhp ... 2:27 Ethel Mack, b m 1887, by Anteeo- Evening StaV, blkm'.' 1881,' by Coinmo- Lou Milton, by Milton .Medium. . . . 2.21V. **g feelmont-Twilight, by Dictator 2:2iJ Ethel Medium, b m, 187, by Happy ^ Eventide, blk s, 1884. by Egbert Net- Medium :--A- m '^'i:' tie Time, by Mambrino Time ^^^Uh Ethel T\, blk TU, 188, by Gamb a 2>9Q1 ^ Everett Ray, b g, 186, by Edward Ethelw 6 yn' b ' m ' 1887, by vVedgewood Everett* Wiikes,' 'ch' s,' 'l88-, ' by B'OU '- Ethelberta, by Harold . --^/i. bon \yjikes -'-^ Ethelyn Fai/laun, b m, 1891, by *air- Evergood br s' 188 , by Evermoud... 2:24' /t liv.u Medium ._._...... ^v-,...^-.; ::J 2 - J ^ E vermond, b s, 1881, by Harold- Eventide, by Woodford Mambriuo (dead) 2 :- J '*V4 Ewing, b g, 187, by Primus Lady Bt.ll..- -b s, 1883,-by King Kene- ^Kf^-f^S^&f:". $$& EgfSmf lllTiiy Afcauiara-Moiiy; \ &&> ^LS&iSSSS?^ MlK by Vindex ; 'I'm': ; ' ' o^v Excellence, b s, 1885, by Mambriuo IS 'fcS.V^ li T S?vy - S-^ iUaSWe . eP '. . ty . ^"^.^ 2:10% ES^Vm.-l^byDoug.asV-i-ady ^ Exception,- *__,, ^P^ - 2;26fe JgS^^harlS m-; ISsi^y 'Red ; ^S^^^ASrt^rSi? 2:24% K^ff^'risic srssspiB* ; ; 1/i ^S v $ 2:241/< E^i2 rr:: b fEuci^,aa y ^ -5gffi\^MSS 2;1 .v, Bu^^ r^'bT^e^^Seina *^ , ^ fT'i^-. pedigree not ^ Victoria, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 2:28V a jJJ b ' g' 'l882,' by' Eiectioneer- S-^^ti^e^ ;; 2 , ; -S?SSfes -v. ^SiSawSSX^g- ^ Vy-sfa^utU :- i :;i ^l^^^imp*^ !*; r^sssSS ' dijeoi; - Grey - ** ^^yUSneV ^^r^? 2:25Vi ' F^Sy S, V nff^V Hysdy^ " ETa b m 18&-! byfeizier 2:29',i Hambletonian. dam by Green's Boll- "&* lffi4 by Amboy -; I :! 1 ! y '.. b5 ^ A { ^*rm--K-*t^i Evil br m V 2 :29& ' Blanche T. . by Nephew .' 2 :2b Eva b m.'ises: by Gooding's Cham- Fairest, ch s. 1883. ^ M^Curdy s pton- Kitty, by Seely's American Hamb'etonian-Georgie GoMdust, by tar . . . i^oVi : Messenger Golddust (dead) 2. la Eva b' in," 1879, "by* Sultan Minne- Fnirhavpn. b s. 1R89 bv Wilton ha'ha. bv Stevens' Bald Chief 2:23V 2 Lady France, by Red Wilkes 2:19V4 54 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Fairlawn M.vlhun, b s, JSS2, by Happy Me. limn Tolona, by S tra- der's CasshiM M. Clay Jr 2:25*4 Fairmont, cli g, 1871, by Wild .Billy, dam by a Black Hawk horse 2:29 1 /> Fairplains, cli s, 1888, by Stoughtou J. Fletcher Belle of Fairfleld, by Toronto Chief 2:26% Fairport, ch g, 1885, by Burridge Horse, dam by S. A. Douglass 2:29 Fair Rosamond, b m, 1886, by Pen- nantBeatrice, by Manibrino Ab- dullah 2:30 Fairy Gift, b s, 1876, by Hero of Thorndale Fairy Belle, by Belmont 2:30 Faith, blk m, 1887, by Cadmus Wilkes Zoa, by Dauntless 2:21 Faith, b in, 188 -, by Dictator Chief 2:27% Falcon Jr., b s, 188G, by Falcon Dauntless Maid by Dauntless 2:21% Falfa, ch m, 1891, by Allerton Cy- prus, by Strathmore 2:20 Falka, b m, 187, by Woodard's Kthan Allen Old Poll 2:29% Falkland, b s, 1886, by Happy Me- dium Toto, by Priuceps 2:23% Fallacy, br g 1889, by Fallis Beauty, by Mambriiio Wilkes 2:17% Fallis, b s, 1878, by Electioneer Felicia, by Messenger Duroc 2:23 Falmon, b g, 188-, by Fallis 2:23% Falmouth Boy, ch g, 1865, by Potter Horse, dam by Witherell Messenger (dead) 2:29 % Famous Girl, b m, 1883, by Clifford. . 2:26% Fanchon br m, 1888, by Montello Fashion, by AValkill Chief 2:26y a Fanchon, b m, 1886, by Hamdallah Flora, by De Graff's Alexander . . . 2:19% Fancy, ch m, 187, pedigree not traced 2:30 Fancy, ch m, 1874, by Middletown Nelly Horton, by Horton Clay 2:24% Fancy Bess ch m, 1885, by Olmedo Wilkes Fiirt, by Arlington Den- mark 2:27>i Fancy Day, b m, 1873, by Alcalde- Die Veraon, by Kentucky Clay 2:30 Fannette, ch m, 1885, by Erelong Acco, by Blue Bull 2:29& Fanny, ch in, 187, by Hutjjhiuson Morrill Miss Tucker 2 :27 Fanny ch m 186, by Flying Banner (dead) 2:29 Fanny b m, 188, by Major Ringgold 2:29^4 Fanny A., b m, 1882, by Vermont Ab- dallah Philly, by Black Dutchman 2:29 Fanny A., b m, 188, by Abdamed Allen 2:26% Fanny Allen, b m, 1855, by Ethan Allen-Cherub by Abdallah (dead).. 2:28% Fanny B., br m, 1880, by Lambert Chief Hannah, by Lapham Horse . . 2:29% Fanny B., blk m, 188, by Spurgeon Flora 2:27% Fanny Belmont, ch m, 1881, by Bel- mont Fanny Lyons, by Scott's Hia- toga 2:2514 Fanny Brunswick, 188 by Bruns- wick Chief .' 2:29t/j Fanny Burroughs, b m, 1876, by Ash- land Dolly Burroughs (dead) 2:27'/i I Fanny C., gr m, 188 , by Venango Chief 2:27% Fanny Cope, b m, 1880, by Climax- Bessie 2:28% I Fanny D. ro m, 1883, by Mansfield Medium ' . 2:28% ' Funny D., gr in. iss . by Anteeo ... 2:26 Fanny Fairbanks, b m, 188, by Hambletonian I'rince \ 2:30 Fanny G., br m, 1889, by Simmons Caresa, by Triumvir 2:22% Fanny Jefferson, br m, 1870. by Thomas Jefferson ' 2 :29 Fanny K., b m, 1885, by Masterlode Linna, by Magna Charta 2:30 Fanny Lee, b m, 1857, by Ethan Allen Dolly Miriam, by North Horse (dead) 2:29^ Farny M., blk m. 187,' by Phil Sheri- danLady Mains 2 :29',4 Fanny Mark, br m, 1890, by Victor Bismarck Fanny York, by New York 2:29% Fanny Miller, b m, 1885, by Harry Hamilton Gertie Good, by Pacing Abdallah . 2:22% Fanny Otis, b m, 1865 by Post Boy (dead) 2:28% Fanny Raymond, br m, 1865, by American Ethan, dam by Long Tor- iiado (dead) 2:80 Fanny Robinson, b m, 186, by Blood Chief Sarah Robinson, by Alexan- der's Norman 2:2014 Fanny S., ch m, 2:28% Fanny S.. br m, 1888, by Mandarin- Lady Fisher 2:29^4 Fanny Swope, b m, 1886, by Florida Roan Fanny, by Mambrino King. . 2:19% Fanny T., b m, 1888, by Montgomery Mendon Girl, by Lexington Chief Jr . 2:28'/, Fanny W., b m, 1881, by Hardy Horse 2:25% Fanny Wilcox, b m 1885, by Jerome Eddy Evemont, by Piedmont 2:13 Fanny Wilkes, b m, 188, by Mam- brino Wilkes 2:30 Fanny Wilkes, br m, 1877, by George Wilkes Bazaar, by Kentucky Chief 2:2614 Fanny Witherspoon, ch m, 1874, by Almont Lizzie Witherspoon, by Gough's Wagner 2:16^4 Fantasia, b m, 1881, by Ranchero Lady Kate 2:25 Fantasy, b m, 1890, by Chimes Homora, by Alinonarch 2:06 Fantine. blk m, 1879, by Westchester Fantine. by Island Chief 2:26 Farandole b g, 1883, by King Rene-- Carrie, by Volunteer 2:27 Farce, b m, 1878, by Princeps Roma, by Golddust Fargo, blk g Farmer, b s, 1885, by Tramp Sally L., by Wier's Shakespeare 2:2914 Farmer Boy. gr g, 186, by Young Co- lumbusDolly, by Morse Horse . . 2:28 Farmer Boy, ch g, 188, by Th.>mas Jefferson Addle Carpenter, by Fly- ing Cloud Jr. (dead) 2:19% Farmer Boy, b s, 1886, by Ed R. Be Bay Dell 2:27V 4 Farmer Maid, b in 1866. by Wilson's Onpt Walker Miss Hundley, by Eclipse Tecumseh 2:28% Faro, b g. 187, by Mambrino Gift Kitty, by Bay Norman 2:23% Fa* oination, b g, 1887. by Flatbush Abdallah Flirt, by Windsor 2:1614 Fashion b m. 1886. by Swigert Lady Clare, by Volunteer 2:29 Fashion, b m. 1872. by Clark's Mo- hawk Jr., dam by Surprise 2:23% Fashion Maid, b m. 188R. by Fashion THE 2:30 TROTTERS. oo Laurie, by Aluieut Pilot ... 2:24% Fatbourp, b s. 1.889, by Acolyte-- Flower" Girl, by Bourbon Wilkes.... 2:2oV4 Faugh-a-ballagh, b g, 186, pedigree not traced :;:: 2:2G Pauntleroy, ch s, 188, by Albino- Alice, by Daniel Boone 2:2oVi Fauntine ch m, 1888, by Robert Burns Medley by Summit 2:29% Faust, g g, 1886, by Frorida Claire, by Bayard 2 :18 /i Faustina, blk m., 1875, by Phil Sheri- dan dam by Canada Grey Eagle .. 2:28y t Faust'ino, b s, 1888, by Sidney-Fans- Una, by Crown Point s. 2:14% Favonia, b m, 1879 by Wedge wood Fadette. by Alexander's Abdallah (dead) 2:15 Fa^ora, blk m, 1890, by St. Bel-- Meroni, by Mambrino King 2:23!'4 Ffcvora, b s, 1887, by Patchen Wilk>s Bessie Gilpin, by John Gilpin 2:12% Favorita, b m. 1879, >>y -Qworga "mikes Press Forward, by Albion 2:2o% Favtrile, blk m, 188, by Baabaw Prince 2:30 Favorite, ch m, 186, by Senator ... 2:30 Fayorite Girl, b m, 188, by Favorite Wilkes Idol Girl, by Akers' Idol.. 2:2814' Favorite Wilkes, b s. 1877, by George Wllkfie Fattottte, by Alexander's Abdallah 2:24% i Favor Wilkes, b s, 1887, by Favorite Wilkes Bald Mare, by Jim Monroe 2:20'/ t j Fi\*u, ro m, 1887, by Buckeye Ham- bletonian Celery Girl, by Kilbuck Tom 2:30 Fay, b g, 1879, by Electioneer Mary, by St. Clair 2:25 ord 2:20%) 2:27i/i Fern Slip, ch m, 188, by Red Fern. . 2:27% Ferris, blk s, 188, pedigree not traced 2:26 l / 2 Ferrous, b s, 1886, by The King Leda, by Aberdeen 2:28 F. H., ch g, 1879, by Almont Eclipse Clytie, by Gen. Lyons 2:29% Fiction, b m, 1881, by Argyle Fie- tion, by Princeps 2:24% Fides, ch g, 1877. by Gen. Stanton- Fidelia, by Black Bear (dead) 2:22*4 Fides Stanton, ch s, 1886, by Gen. Stanton Capitola, by Brown Duug- 2:15 Fielder, br s, 1891, by Barmaid-Fanny Field, by Ajax 2:209* Filbert, gr g, 186, by Chandler J. Wells (dead) 2:28 Figet, b m, 188, by Toronto Patch- en 2:26% Fillmore. ch g, 1881, by Alcantara- Pinafore, by Strathmore 2:29% I Fillmore, ch s, 1890, by Palo Alto- Miss Gift, by Gen. Benton 2:21% ! Fin Fan, b m, 1885, by Gen. Brock- Madam Herr, by Mambrino Patcheu 2:25% i Fire Clay, br s, 1885, by Shawmut Mercedes, by Cuyler 2:30 ! First Bell, br g, 1888, by St. Bel- Florence J., by Bigaroon 2:28 1/4 First Born, blk m, 1890, by Volunteer Swigert Gypsy Sprague, by Bol- ton's Spragne 2:2i)V4 First Call, b g, 1879, by Athlete- Lady Blucher, by Richards' Beil- founder 2:20V 4 First Love, b m, 1878, by Happy Med- iumMary A. Whitney, by Volun- teer 2:22% Fay Gordon, b m, 1891, by Walsing- | Fitzgerald b g, 187, by Young Co- ham >:A% lumbus Dolly Root, by son of Hill's F. D... b _g_, 1878, by Emery Fear- _ Black Hawk * . . b g, naught-Moily L tint," by Victor 2:24% Fearless, b m. 1857, by Meeker Horse (dead) 2:28 Fearnaught. b g, 1882, by Straight Flush Emily, by Volunteer Boy . . 2:17% Fearnaught, br s, 1868, by Canadian Black Hawk Bellaire 2:29 Fearnaught, ch s, 1859, by Morrill Jennjf, (by 'Sitesve French Horse (dead) 2:23Vi P em-naught Jr. ch s, 1865 by Fear- ni Fellis Parma 2:26% Femme Sole, b m, 1881, by Princeps Duroc Maid, by Messenger Duroc. . . 2:20 Ferd S.. b g,' 187 by Godfrey Patchen Lady Hicks 2:27^ Ferguson Wilkes, br s. 1886, bv Pre- tenderRosalie Wilkes, by George Wilkes 2:2.- Fergustine. b s, 1886. by Fergus Mc- GregorLady De MOSK (pacing roo- Black Hawk 2:30 Fitzsimmonis, ch g, 188, by Dexter Prince Lady Fracture 2:20 Five Points, b g, 1884. by Jay Bird- Flora Lambert, by Daniel Lambert. 2:29% Five Points, br s. 1884, by McCurdy's Hambletonian Flora Ewing, by Bas- singer 2:19 Five Points, br s, 1886, by Mambrino Boy Nannette, by Strathmore 2:30 Flare, b m, 188, by C. F. Clay, dam by Jay Bird 2:20% Flash, blk m, 1878, by Bonesetter Jenny Prewitt, by Sir Alfred 2:10% Flashy, blk m, 1890, by Duke of Glen- lake Kit, by Commander 2:211/4 Flavilla, ch m, 1886, by Baird's Ham- bletonian Prince Daisy 2:24% Flaxmont, ch s, 1883, by Egmont Daisy 2:26% Flax Seed, b s, 1887, by Egmont Daisy 2:29 Fleet, blk m, 1887, by Sidney Flight, by Buccaneer 2 :18% Fle'etboy, blk s, 1890, by Sidney Flight, by Buccaneer. . . 1 2:24% Fleet Medium, b g, 187, by Happy Medium Jessie Cooper, by Legal Tender 2:29V 4 Fleet Wilkes, blk m, 188, by Butler Wilkes 2:28% Fleetwood, ch g, 188, pedigree not traced 2:27% Fleetwood, blk g, 188, by Phil Sher- idan Jr ; 2:2714 Fleetwood, b g. 1868, by Happv Med- ium, dam by Vernol's Black Hawk.. 2:29 56 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Fieetwoud. c-h g, !sr>;]. by Winthrop Morrill, dam by Withered Messen- ger 2:29 Eleetwood Messenger, b g, 187, by Morgan Messenger J 2:27 J /t> Fleety Golddust, gr in, 186, by Gold- dust Fanny, by Jelni Morgan (dead) 2:20 Fleety L., b g, 1884, by Clark Chief Maud, by M. L. Cummings 2:30 Fleety Patchen, ch m, 1880, by Sen- eca Patcheu Maggie, by Andy Johnson '. 2:2'j: A i Fleety Wilkoswood, b m, 1888, by Wilkeswood Queen 2:28 Fleta, b m, 188, pedigree not traced. 2:30 Fleta. br m, 1866, by Gen Hatch Dolly, by Iowa 2:28 Fleta West, br m, 1887. by Charley West Champion Kate, by Good- win's Champion 2:30 Flight, br m, 1878, by Buccaneer- Prairie Bird, by Flax tail 2 :_'. Fli -t, b in, 1884, by Gilt Edge 2:30 Flirt, ch m, 1867, by Champion King, dam by Bradley's St. Lawrence.... 2:2SV4 Flode Holdeu, ch m, 1881, by Jim Monroe Miss Hollen, by Blue Bull. 2:29/4 Flora, ch m, 1876, by Von Mo'-tke Frances, by Happy Medium '2:'2~j'/-2 Flight, b m, 1888. by Hamdallah-Lil, by Star of the West 2:24 Flora, br m, 1886, by Dan Rice Frost Mare, by Red Jacket 2:20% Flora B., b m, 1883, by Havoc Belle B., by Green's Bashaw 2:30 Flora B., b in, 1885, by son of Johnson Hambletonian Old Duck, by Con- quest 2:20'/t Flora B., ch m, 188, by Whippleton.. 2:27 Flora B., b m 2 :2--.i..j Flora B., b m, 1871, by Curtis' Ham- bletonian Nicola, by Underwood's Reveille 2 :24'/> Flora Belle, b m, 188, by St. Bel Sleighner Mare 2:20V, Flo-a Belle, ch m, 1866, by Abe Lin- colnOld Sorrel, by Staple's Rattler 2:27 l /4 Flora Belle, b m. 1874, by Young Mambrino Chief Bird, by Camden.. 2:29'/t Flora Belle, b m, 1883, by Alcona Fontana, by Almont 2:25 Flora Belle, ch m, 1870, by Prince- Black Hawk Belle 2:29% Flora Belle, b m, 1864, by Uwharie Kit (dead) 2:22-14 Flora C., b m, 1880, by Abdallah Tranby Bessie Brown, by Bird 2:29Vj Flora D.. ch m, 187, by Black Dutch- man 2:29'>4 Flom F., b m. 187 by Clear Grit- Lady Blanche 2:24V4 Flora G., br m, 1881. by Altoona Susie, by Conway's Patchen 2:25 Flora Huff, b m, 1878, by Daniel Lam- bert Whalebone, by Carter's Co- lumbus 2:29v4 Flora Jefferson, b m, 187, by Thomas Jefferson 2:28% Flora L., b m 2:27 Flora L., b m, 1880, by Jack Cook- Hilda 2:29 Flora M., b m, 188, by Richards' Elector 2:16 Flora Mack, b m, 188 by Bi:iy Kitchen 2:29% Flora Miner, br m, 1875, pedigree not traced 2:29Vi Flora O.. ch m, 18S5, by Jesse Lam- bertQueen, by Penny pack Flora P., ch m, 1877, Tby Mambrino Sample Dolly Varden. by Hiatoira Johnny Flora S., ro m, 188 by ' Dextor Prince Flora S., blk m 1887, by"phil"Fo'-- tune. dam by Washington Flora Shepherd, ch m, 186, by Gen! McClel'.an Jenny Shepherd, by Will- iamson's Belinont Flora Temple, b m, 1S45J by "Bogus Hunter Madam Temple (dead) . ... Flora Wilkes, br m, 188, by Olniedo Wilkes Flora Windsor, b in, 1S7O, by Wind- sor Atkinson Mare, by Empire.,. Florence, ch in, 1873. by Highland Grey-Polly Daly, by 'Ed Brown Ho-se Florence B., b m, 1890, by Gilroy Florence C.. ch m, 188, by Ajax. dam by Blue Bull Florence D., br m, 1887, by Burl Frankie, by McAfee's Drennon Florence D., ch m, 1879, by Jay Gould Lady Shipley, by Price's St. Lawrence " Florence Dillard, b m. 1886, by Mon- acoLucy, by Jewell Florence Elmore, b m, 1882, by George Wilkes Victoria, by Akers' Idol Florence M., ch m, 1877, by Blue Bull Fanny (dead) '. Florence Palmer, ch m. 1887, by Al- cyoneHelen, by Charley B Florence 11., ch m, 1881, by Nutwood Irene, by Erwin Davis Florence S., b m, 1891, by Alcrayon Lady May, by Marshall Ney Florence S., b m 1884, by Barkis, dam by Smith's Morgan Florence Sultan, b in, 188 by Sul- tanFlorence M., by Blue Bu.l Florestine, ch m, 1884, by Rocheste - Miss Fritz, by John Dillard Florida, blk m. 1887, by Montana Wilkes Albertha, by Dalgamo Florida Monarch, b s, 1883, by Flor- ida Sontag, by Richards' Bellfouu- der Florinda. gr m, 1887, by Pilot Med- ium Queen Middletown, by Bay Middletown '. Flossie, blk m, 188, pedigree not traced Flossie, b m, 1885. by Belmont Jes- sie, by Ashland Chief Flossie G., ch m, 1878, by Antar Fancy, by Iceberg Flossie M., blk m, 1883, by Onawa Lady Va:*ney, by Goodwin Hain- bletonian Floyd B., b g, 188, pedigree not traced Flossie Bezant, ch m. 1891, by Bezant Peon, by Nero Flossie R., br m, 1881, by Record's Black Hawk, dam by Dan Flosswood, ro m. 1888. by Look Tresswood, by Wood's Hambletonian Flossy, rn m, 1885, by Victor Floyd B., b g, 188, pedigree not traced Flury, b m, 188. by Judge Hayes. . . Flutter, b m, 1887, by Epaulet Buza Medium, by Happy Medmm Fly. blk m, 1885, by The King-Lady Flanagan 2:27^ 2:19% 2:231,4 2:23V< 2:25*6 2:29 2:28Vi 2:22>/4 2:29Vj 2:2C>y 4 2:23V 4 2:17^4 2:29fc 2:2GVi 2:30 2:18 V4 2:29V; 2:22 2:27'/4 2: 19V, 2:28 2:2(>n > > i M. E. McHENRY, FEEPOBT/lLL. (THE DEMON DRIVER.) Last season McHenry placed the world's record for pacing stallions at 2 :03% with John R. Gentry, and in 1893 he drove May Mar- shall in 2 :08J4, the world's record for pacing mares. W. K. SMITH, TIFFIX, OHIO. An Ohio boy that placed the half-mile track race record at 2:1 with Kitty Bayard. THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Fly, br m, by Electricity Mecca, by Mohawk Chief . . . 2:29% Fly-a-Way, blk m, 1886, by Joe Mack Fanny Poor ^ :^y /* F. O. Batch, b;- s, 188, pedigree not traced 2:29% Focus R., blk s, 1885, by Adrian Wilkes Maud 2:2% Foggy, b g, 1884, by Alcantara Thalmier Mare, by Hamlet 2:27% Folly, b m, 1885, by Happy Medium- Oriole, by Strader's Cassius M. Clay Jr..: 2:1514 Folly, blk m, 188, by All Right 2:27 Forest Boy, ch g, 1884, by Forest Mambrino Dell, by Tempest 2:16^4 Forest Boy, b g, 188, by Walker Merrill 2:20% Fcrest King, b g, 1870, by j.ouest Dan, dam by Wildair 2 27 Forest King, b s, 1S8 , by Arcadian 2:29% Fciest King, b e, 1879, by Woodford Knox Dolly 2:30 F& Fox ch g, 2:30 Fox, b g, 186, by Peacock (dead).-. 2:30 Foxhunter, ch g 1888, by Foxwood Mattie C., by Trouble 2-30 Foxie, ch m, 1883, by Mansfield- Heiress, by Alexander's Abdallah. . 2:28% Foxie V., ch m. 1870, by King Herod, dam by Green Mountain 2:23% Foxtuont. b s, 1S1M), by Egmont Fox's Baby, by Gage's Logan 2:27% Foxwood, ch s, 1884 by Nutwood- Lady Foxie, by Daniel Lambert 2:24% Foxy Lambert, b s, 188, by Daniel Lambert ir 2 :29% France, b s, 1881, by France's Alex- anderMolly P., by George Wilkes 2:26 i Franceps. b s. 1884, by France Gos- sip, by Princeps 2:24% i Frances, gr m. 1866, by Harry W. Genet Miss Bean ......2:27 Frances O., b m, 1882, pedigree not traced Frances C., b m, 188, by Lotus . . . Frances M., b m, 188. by Motor Frances P., ch in, 188, by Sir Nut- woodFlorence, by Oxmoor Frank, b g 186, pedigree not traced Frank, b g, 1876, by Abraham Root, by Green Mountain Boy Frank, b in, 1867, by Colton Horse, dam by Westf all Horse (dead) Frank, blk g, 1867, by Young Oneida Frank, b g, 187. (ringer?) Frank Allen, b s, 188, by Greenwood Frank Allison, b s, 1868, by Ather- ton's Blackbird Lucy Pope, by Har- ris' Morgan Frank B., br s, 1887, by Coligne Molly by Eugene Casserly Frank B., blk g, 3885, by William M., Topsey, by Ripton Frank B., br g, 1884, by Bog Oak- Belle, by Stephen A. Douglas Fiank Bellows, b s, 1889, by Herschcl Bessie Turner, by Harry Turner Frank Brown, b g, 188, pedigree not tiaced Frank Buford, b B, 1883, by Bostick's Almont Jr. Sleepy Lize, by Pat Ma- lone Frank C., blk g Frank C., b g, 1878, by Mambriuo Pilot Lilly Murray Frank Dana b g, 1880, i>y Aristos . . . Frank Davis, b g, 186, pedigree not tn ced Frank E., ch g, 1883, by Abdailah Ha nabletonian Daisy, by Gifford Black Hawk Jr Frank Ellis, b s, 1871, by Happy Med- iumDutch Girl, by Edwin For- rest Frank Ellis ,b s. 1879, by Hermes- Jane Early by Stranger Frank Irwin, b s, 1891, by Goodwood Jr., dam by Flaxuiout Frank F., b g, 1887, by Emperor Wil- liam, dam by John Bright Frank F., b g, 1887. by Sir Folko Dolly Frank Ferguson, br g, 186, by Billy Glenn, dam by Romulus (dead) . . . Frank Fisk, ro g, 1869, by Bertraad Black Hawk (dead) Frank Forrester, b g, 1841, by Ab- dallah (dead) Frank Forrester, b s, 1872, by Marks- man Strayer, by Hiagota 2d Frankfort, blk s, 1886, by Pratender Lizzie K., by Magic Frank G., b g, 1876, by Sweepstakes Sally Downs, by Edward Everett Frank H., b g, 188, by Highland Giey Frank H.. b s, 188, by Laclede Frank H., b s, 1882, by Ben Frank- lin, dam by Gen. Sheridan Frank Hill, b s, 1888, by Edga Hill- Belle, by Ledger Frank Hull, br g, 1874. by Touch- sone Jessie J., by Main Sweep- stakes Frankie H.. ch m, 1880, by Spink (dead) Frank J., dn g, 186, pedigree not traced Frank Jooes, b s, 188, by Prince Charles . 2:30 2:28V4 2:224 2:28% 2:19% 2:27% 2:20 2:28% 2:30 2:30 2:23% 2:17% 2:22 2:25% 2:20 2:30 2:27 2 2:'JO 2:29% 2 26% 2:29% 2:29% 2:26% 2:20% 2:26 2:29 2:30 2:27% 2:27% 2:27% 2:21% 2:25% 2:27% 2:18% 2:27 2 27J , 2:2:5% 2:19% 58 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Frank K., blk g, 168 by Stephen A Douglas ........................ Frank Kernan, b g, 186, pedigree not traced ........................ Frank Kober, br s. 1887, by Gat Van Frank L., blk s, 1889, by Senciuei Wilkee Patty Haydon. by Mam- triao Foster ..................... Frank L., b g, 188, by Donny Brook ........................ Fienk L., blk g, 1884, by Beaufort, dam by Black Ilalpli ............. Frank Landers, b g, 1871, by Sad- dling Buck Roany, by Copperbot- tom Jr .......................... Franklin, b g, 188, by Gen. Reno. . Franklin, br g, 188, by Goldleaf .. Franklin, blk g, 1884. by Tobe Jr.~ Fanny Farmer, by American Farmer Frank M., blk g. 1877, by Sweep- stakes-Beauty .................... Frank M. t ch s, 1888, by Phantom- Belle Hulbut ...................... Frank M., ch g, 1884, by Priam, dam by Gen. Dana ..................... Frank McCune, ch g, 187-, by Wil- liam Miner Miller Mare, by King Frank McDonald, b g, 1888, by C. L. Martin ............................ Frank McGregor (Joe S.) b g, 1880, by Robert McGregor-rSusie Thorne, by North Star Matnbrino .......... Frank McMahon, b g, 1885, by Mc- Mahon Susie Bostwick, by Aroo- Frank MMdleton, " ch" g, " 1876,' by Bay Middleton Betsey Allen, by King's Champion ............... Frank Moscow, ch g, 1871, by Frank Moscow Draper Mare . . ---- Frank Munson, ch g, 1868, by Para- gonFanny, by Zimmermau s J Mi- Frank Nelson,* blk V/isS ,' by Flying Dutchman ................... ;"," Frank O'Neil, br g, 1881, by Whipple- ton Flight, by Gilparic ....... . . . . . Frank P., ch g. 1883, by Black Harp Fan .............. .............. Frank P., b g, 188 by Merchant.. Frank P., blk s, 1882, by Darwin- Nelly, by Sims' Morgan .......... Frank Palmer, b g, 186, pedigree not traced ........................ Frank Patchen ch g, 1875, by Seneca Patchen Maggie, by Andy Johnson Frank Potts ch g, 188, by Bonnie Boy .............................. Frank P. Porter, b s, 1884, by Egbert Puss, by Brown Chief ........... Frank Quirk, ro g, 1884, by Defiance Donegan Mare .................. Frank R., b g 187 by Blaok Dutch- man, dm by John B. Patchen ..... Frank Reeves, b g, 186, by Ske- daddle, dam b-F Black Hawk ..... Frank S. (Red Jim), b g, 1874, by Ab- dallah Pilot Lucy Lee, by Alexan- der's Norman ..................... Frank S., ch g, 1880, by Taylor Horse Frank S., br g, 1884, by Dr. Franklin Canada Belle, by Don Alonzo ............................ Frank S., b g, 188, by St. Gothard. Frank S., ch tr, 188, by Madrid Min- nie, by Redwood .................. 2:28 2:26% 2:28 2.141/a 2:23 2:27% 2-18% 2:19% 2:27% 2:19% 2:29% 2:27 2:1714 2:25% 2:26% 2:24% 2:80 2:20% 2:27% 2:25 2:29V 2 2:29 2:19% 2:28 2:25 2:26% 2:24% 2:30 2:23% 2:23% 2:25% 2:22 2:29% 2:30 Frank Sprague, br g, 1880, by GOT. Sprague Minnie Crawford, by Gold- smith's Abdallah Frank T., br g, 1880, by Hill's Duroc Belle Brandon Frank Walkill, b s, 188, by Sir Wai- kill :.... Frank Wilkes, br g, 1882, by George Wilkes Jr. Houghton Mare Frank Wood, b g, 186 by Volun- teer Kipp Mare, by Leievre's Star. Frantic, b s, 1886, by Strathmore Serene, by Sentinel Fraulein, ro m, 188 by Autograph- Miss Stewart, by Grey Norman Frazee, ch g, 1881, by Brussels Jenny, by Coulter's Davy Crocket Frazier, b s, 1887, by Zilcaadi Gold- dustNelly, by Shelbyville Chief... Freckles, gr s, 1889, by Wilton- Grey Diana, by Administrator Fred, b g, by Polouius, dam by Guy Miller Fred, ch g, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) Fred, b g, 187, pedigree not traced. . Fred, b g, 187, by Democrat, dam by Rysdyk's Hambletouiau Fred B., br g, 187, by Tyler's Black Hawk Fred B., br g, 1886, by Reveille, dam by Black Squirrel Freda C., b m, 1891, by Princeer Fred C., b g, 188, " pedigree not traced Fred Casey, ch g, 1870. by Fessenden Fanny Allen, by Bacon's Ethan Allen Fred Crocker, b g, 1878, by Election- eer Melinche, by St. Glair Fred D., b g, 1881, pedigree not traced Fred D., gr g, 188, pedigree not traced Fred Douglas, ch s, 1873, by Green's Bashaw Nancy Bell, by Gale's Morgan (dead) Fred Douglas, blk g, 1872, by Black Fraank Boggy, by Billy Case (dead) Fred Drake, b s, 1882, by Joe Gavin Minnie Drake, by Louis Napoleon. . Freddy, b g, 1888, by Alert Flora, by New Jersey Volunteer Freddy B., b s, 188, by Strathlan.. Freddy C., b g, 188, by Ferguson, dam by Volunteer f Freddy J., b g, 1880, by Sterling- Miss Saltsman, by Houser's Hiatoga Fred E., br g, 188, pedigree not traced Fred Ensign, b g, 188, by Sir Folko. Frederica, blk m, 1881, by Almonarch Jenny Lind, by Young Sir Walter. Frederick L., br s, 1888, by Herschel Lady Dingman, by Favorite Wilkes. Fred Folger, b g, 1881, by Kentucky Prince Flora Gardiner, by Seely's American Star Fred G., ch g, 188, by Indicator. . . . Fred Golddust, ch s, 1875, by Fancy Golddust, dam by Donerail Fred H., gr g, 188 by Rebel Hardee Fred Hambleton ch s, 1881, by Ham- bletonian Mambrino Springfield Maid, by Lakeland Abdallah Fred Hooper, b g, 186, by Royal Re- venge (dead) Fred Hull, br g. 1878, by Hull, dam by McClure's Hambletonian Fred Judson. gr g, 188, by George 2:29 2:23% 2:24% 2:27% 2:24 2:22V 4 2:29% 2:29% 2:27% 2:30 2:28 2:30 2:28% 2:30 2:28% 2:16% 2:30 2:29% 2:23% 2:25% 2:29% 2:30 2:20% 2:24% 2:26% 2:24V 4 2:29% 2:26% 2:26% 2:26% 2:26% 2:20Vi 2:29V* 2:20V4 2:30 2:27% 2:20% 2:26 2:23 2:29% THE 2:30 TROTTERS. L. Napoleon Fred K., br s, 1884, by Shenuan Med- iumPolly ,, .-. Fred Lothair, ro a, 1877, by Lothair Mary Ann Fred M., blk g, 1883, by Daniel Boone Snip, by Knox Boy Fred Mae. b g, 188, by Golden Fred McGregor, b s, 1880, by Robert McGregor Belle W., by Romulus... Fred McGregor, b s, 1887, by Robert McGregor Lilla, by Mambrino Eagle Fred Medium, b g, 187, by Happy Medium > Fred Neil, b g, 1878, by Bay Tom- Mary Neil, by Luke Fred Nelson, b g, 188, by O. F. C. . . Fred O., b g, 188, by Alinont Eagle. Fredonia, ch g 1887, by Black Cloud, dam by Hainbletonian Hunter Fred S. Wilkes, ro s, 1887, by Hector Wilkes Tillie, by Tattler Chief Fred Wilkes, b g, 1888, by Wilkes Randall Mare, by Nelson's Onward.. Fred Wilkes, b s, 1883, by Red Wilkes Black Princess, by Mambrino Patchen Fred Wilkes, blk s, 188, by The King Fred wilkes, b s, 188, by Bourbon Wilkes Fred Wilkes, b s, 188, by Conn's Harry Wilkes Free, b m, 1888, by St. Bel Nelly Y., by Stephen G Free Coinage, b g, 188, by Abbotts- fordAgnes, by Jim Lick Freedom, b s, 1889, by Sable Wilkes Laura Drew, by Artnurton Freeland, b g, 1891, by Alfonso Net Medium, by Happy Medium Freedom b g, 188, by Maxim Chi- cago Maid Freeman, blk g, 1872, by Macedonian Freeman, b g, by Hambletonian Knox Freestone, b g, 1883, by Capt. Web- ster, dam by Owen Dale Freestone, b g, 1877, by Republic- Fanny Dodge, by Dodge's St. Law- rence Freestone, b e, 1881, by Gatling Gretchen, by Chosroes. ." Free Trade, blk g, 1883, by Young Wilkes Kitty, by Sorrel Tom Free Trade, b g, 1882, by Smuggler Gift Prudence, by Plato Fremont, br g, 1880, by Almont Eclipse Celia O., by Taggart's Ab- dallah Fremont, ch s, 1886, by Almont Star- Bonny Doon, by Beaufort Frenaldo, br s, 188, by Rinaldo French Girl, ch m, 188, pedigree not traced Frenchman, b g, 1885, by McDonald's Frenchman Jingle French Plate, br s, 1888, by Wedge- woodMary B., by Alcalde Frenzie L., b m, 1890, by Bay Ethan- Daisy L., by Dr. Herr Frenzy, gr m, 1887, by Florida Pa- tience, by Young Jim Friday, ch g, 1878, by Blind Tom Friday Jr., gr g. 1886, by Blind Tom, dam by Tom Telegraph Friendship, b g, 188, pedigree not traced Frisco, blk e, 1890, by Quartermaster Lady Schofleld, by Tippoo Saib 2:28% 2:24% 2:29% 2:28% 2:24% 2:29% 2:30 2:23% 2:24% 2:24V 2 2:29'/ 3 2:21Va 2:1J% 2:17% 2:26% 2:25 2:26 2:21% 2:25 2:18% 2:20% 2:17% "2:28% 2:29 2:29% 2:29 "2:25 2:25i/ a 2:29% 2:24% 2:30 2:27% 2:28 2:24% 2:26% 2:20% 2:27V4 2:27% 2:28 2:27% Fritz, b g, 187, by Bay Richmond.. 2:27Va Fritz, b g, 1882, by St. Gothard Fan, by Ralph 2:29Vi Frontier, b s, 1891, by Pioneer Clay- May B., by Western Fearnaught. .. . 2:29% Frou-Frou, ch m, 1890, by Sidney- Flirt, by Buccaneer 2:22 Fugleman, b s, 1881, by Princeps Miss Fanny, by Hamlet 2:28% Fugleman, b g, 1882, by High Private Lady Forrest, by Edwin Forrest.. 2:27% Fugle, b m, 1880, by King Rene Fuga, by George Wilkes "(dead) 2:19V4 Fulano, ch s, 1889, by El Mahdi Bay Hambletonian, by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian 2:22% Fulda, b m, 1886, by Hambrino Mabel, by Middletown 2:19% Full Prince, b g, 1887, by Young Ful- lerton Lida, by Hambletonian Prince 2:23% Fulton Maid, b m, 1871, by Cla> Pilot Old Bashaw, by Green's Ba- shaw 2:29^ Furniture Boy, b g, 1883, by Polonius Nelly, by Major Edsall 2:224 2:26/i ; 2:28% ! 2:16>2 2:12% 2:22%: 2:23%i 2:19% 2:21 2:28% 2:20 2:2814 2:27-^4 2:24% 2:12 2:20 2:23l 2:2JV 2 ! 2:29 G. H. F., b g, 1889, by Falcon-Gip- eey, by Beaufort Gibber, b g, 188, by Gibraltar Gibraltar, b s, 1872, by Echo (dead) . . Gideon, b g, 188 Gift Jr., b s. 1874, by Mambrino Gift Little Dolly, by Young Bonnie Scot- land Gift O'Neer, ch s, 1880,- by Spluux- Lizzette, by Mambrino Gift (dead) . . Gilbert, b s, 1891, by Gniubonito Mabel, by Messenger Chief Gilbirds Sprague, blk s, 1876, by Gov. Sprague Bohemian Girl, by Sir Qharles . . . Gilbreth Knox, blk s, 1862, by'Ge'u.' Knox Cahill Mare (dead) Gilbreth Maid, blk m, 1871, by Gil- breth Knox Kate, by Ivanhoe Gilfillan, b s, 1888, " by Gambetta Wilkes Jeannie C., by Nutwood . . . Gill Boyle, b B, 1887, by Gambetta Wilkes Gondula. bv Princeps Gillette, blk g, 1886; by Cyclone- Madam Beatty, by Monroe Chief . . . Gillig, br s, 1885, by Aristos Alice, by Pearsall Gilmore, b g, 1883, by Hamliu's Al- mont J:-. Long Mary (dead) Gilpatrick, b s, 188, by Junio, dam by Gilpatrick Gilroy, blk s, 1876, by Messenger Duroc Lady Finch, by Harry Clay. Gimcrack, ch s. 1884, by Mambrino King Hyaciuthe, by Hamlin's Al- mont Jr Giovanna, ch s, 1889, by Red Wilkes Lady Withers, by Aberdeen Gipsy, b m, 1875, by Wiuthrop Merrill Jr .Gipsy A., blk m, 1882, by Star of the West Pet, by Derbyshire's Flying Cloud Gipsy Boy, blk s, 187, by Stonewall Jackson Fanny Bashaw, by Green's Bashaw Gipsy Belle, "blk m, 188, by Atlantic. Gipsy Girl, blk m, 1883, by Junius Flora, by King William Gipsy Girl (Sally Howard), b m, 1880, by Aaron Pennington Calaway Maid,, by Rockaway Gipsy Maid, b m, 188, by Chicago Volunteer Gipsy Patchen. blk m, 1885, by Fred Forrest Perkins Mare Gipsy Queen, b m, 1877, by Gen. Ben- ton Clara, by Coming's Cassius M. Clay Jr Gipsy Queen, b m, 1888, by Bomont Ella, by Enfield Gipsy Queen, ch m, 1883, by Rush- ville Bulla Mare Girard, b g, 1S8 , by Louisville Girflue, gr g, 1885. by Pilot Medium Ida, by Golden Dawn Gladiator, b g. 1875, by Blue Bull, dam Kit, by Cockspur Gladiator Jr., blk g, 1880, by Tom Patchen Molly, by Kentucky Clay. . Gladstone, b s, 1884, by Harabrino Fashion, by Curtis' Hambletonian.. Gladstone, blk g. 1887, by Wilmont Kate Gilmo'-e, by Tom BIngham.... Gladys, b m. 188. by Jersey Prince. . Gladys, br m, 1891, by Inveterate- May, by Charles G. Hayes Gladys, ch m, 1879, by RoyaJ_ Fear- t Kit 2:25% 2:28 2:25% 2:17% 2:22 2:23% 2:30 2:26% 2:22',4 2:19% 2:26% 2:22% 2:22% 2:27% 2:28% 2:28% 2:23% 2:29% naught- Harris, bv Knott'c THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Magnum Bonum Ulalys, b m, 1882, by Baird's Haui- bletonian Prince Belle Stringer, by Walkill Chief Gladys, blk ui, 1881, by McMahon Orphan Girl, by West Wind Gladys Sprague, br m, 1887, by Badge:- Sprague Glamis, gr g, 1875, by Godfrey Patch- en Kitty Clyde, by Dark Lantern. Glamour, br s, 1883, by Strathlan Molly, by Thurmau's Columbus.... Glassware Girl, b m, 188, by Judge Advocate, dam by Gen. Knox (dead) Glaucus, blk s, 1887, by Whippleton Maud, by Paris Glaucus, b g, 188, by Haven, darn by Don Juan Glenarm, b s, 1878, by Constellation Skip, by Gideon Glenarma, b m, 1890, by Gleuarm, dam by Brown Harry Glendale, b g, 1872, by Mambrino Wagner Rosedale, by Barker's Ed- win Forrest Glendine, ch s, 1886, by Judge Salis- buryTempest, by Sultan Glengarry (Uncle Abe), br g, 1865, by Winthrop Morvill (dead) Glen Mary, ch m, 1887, by Nutwood- Tipsy, by Alcalde Glenkiller, gr s, 1876, by White Line, dam by Alexander's Abdallah (dead) Glenmore, b s, 1887, by Havoc Elva, by Christopher H Glenny, b g. 188, by Kent Glenview Belle, b m, 1886, by Nut- wood Melrose, by George Wilkes . . . Gien Wilkes, b s, 1887, by Wilkes Boy Kitty Tranby, by Mambrino Tranby Glenwood, b s, 1888, by Nutwood- Jemima, by Scotland Boy (pacing record 2:13^4) Glenwood, ch e, 1875, by Wapsie Bradshaw Mare, by Mambrino Patchen Glenwood, br g, 1887, by Glencue, dam by Silvertail Glenwood Belle, b m, 188, by Monte- zuma, dam by Ridgewood Glenwood Prince, b g, 1885, by Wal- kill Prince Lady McCounell, by Pocahontas Boy . Glide, ch s, 1871, b v Perkins' Morriil Sleepy, by North Morriil Glimmer, b m, 1887, by Wilkes Lady Crosby, by Gideon Glitter, ch m, 1887, by Golden Bow-- F -ankie, by Franklin Globard b s, 1887, by Belmont Georgie, by George Wilkes Globe, b g, 1881, by Hamlin's Almont Jr. Kate Patchen, by Hamlin Patchen Gloriana, b m, 188, by Puzzler Gloster. b s, 1883, by Tempest Caro- mel, by Com. Belmont Gloster, b g, 1866, by Voluntee:- Black Bess, by Stockbridge Chief (dead) Gloucester, b g, 187, by Highland Boy Glycera, b m, 1886, by Onward ita- venna, by Prlnceps '. Goblin, b s, 188, by Wilton Godelia. b m, 1883, by Aberdeen Ino, by Ericsson Godelia, b m, 188, by Harold Jr 2:23 Gold Coin, br g, 188, by Goldstone. 2:21% Godwin, br s, 1890, by Inheritance Mamie Porter, by New York 2:29% 2:28 Gognac, b s, 1891, by Pilot Medium Intrigue, by Princeps 2 :27 2:30 Goldbaden, br g, 1886, by Weisbadeu Goldy, by Rolla Golddust Jr 2:25V* 2:19V 4 Gold Bar, b s, 1888, by Goldemar Belle Earlington, by Lord Earliugton 2:20% 2:22J* Gold Bond, b m, 188, by Reserve Fund 2:28 2:26% Gold Boy, ch g, 1887, by Charley B. Dolly, by Star of Catskill 2:23V 4 2:19'/4 Gold Charm, ch g, 188, by Elmo . . . 2:25% Golddust, ch s 2:21% 2:30 Golddust Prince, b s, 1882, by Star Bashaw Rose C., by Sleepy Fred .. 2:2-iyj 2:25',i Gold Edge, b s, 1888, by Sherman's Hambletonian Pettie, by George 2:23% Wilkes 2:2GV4 Golden, ch s, 1882, by Royal Lambert 2:26Vi Nelly Bates, by Daniel Lambert.. 2:2UVi Golden Belle, ch m, 188, by Gen. Grant Fly, by Gage's Logan" 2:30 2:20% Goldenbow, ch s, 1871, by Satellite- Romper, by Volunteer . 2:27% 2:20 Golden Boy, b s, 1886, by Grand Sen- tinel Jr. Kit Pringle, by Young 2:27 Cobham 2:23% Golden Eagle, ch s, 1881, by Satellite 2:25% Romper, by Volunteer 2:28% Golden Gem, ch s, 1888, by Amender 2:18 Ruby Duroc, by Messenger Duroc. 2:24 Golden Girl, gr m, 1873, by King's 2:23^4 Champion . . ." 2:25',, 2:29% Golden Girl, b m, 1875, by Goldenbow Roxy, by Sterling's Eclipse 2:2S 1 /a 2:20% Golden Link, ch s, 1887, by Almoneer Crescent, by Satellite 2:30 Goldenrod, br s, 1890, by Prospect 2:25 Madam Killgove, by Foster 2:29k Golden Rod. ch g, 188, by Alcyone Annie Eastin, by Morgan Rattler. . 2:19 , 4 2:29% Golden Russet, ch g, 1888, breeding unknown 2:29' / ; t Golden Slippers, b m, 1884, by E'.ec- 2:27% tioneer Miss Knox, by Knox 2:30 Golden Sprague, ch s, 1884, by George 2:27 Sprague-Snip ' 2:18% Golden Wing, ch s, 1882, by Satellite 2:29V 4 Belle T., by Mambrino Champion.. 2:24^ Goldflnder, ch s, 1874, by John Lam- bert 2:2H' i 2:21 Goldgetter, ch e. 1889, by Bonrbon Wilkes Pressie Harold, by Prescott 2:2G'/i 2:24 Goldie, ch g, by Eden Golddust 2:2:H' t Goldie May, b m, 1886, by Almoo>- 2:23% Daisy, by Prospect 2:30 Gold King, b g, 188. by Clear Grit.. 2:29-- 2:22 7 i Gold Lace, br m, 1887, by Epaulet- Harmony Maid, by Happy Medium. 2:30 2:1UV4 Gold Leaf, ch g, 18G , pedigree not traced (dead) 2:28 t Gold Leaf, br s, 1883, by Nugget 2:14% Maple Leaf, by New York 2:16' ., 2:2oV4 Gold Leaf Maid, b m, 188, by Al- mont Chief Allle S., by -an 2:26 Allen Jr 2:24' 1 Goldman, ch s, 1887, by Allandorf Minnie, by Young Jim 2:29U 2:17 Goldmont, b s, 18S4, by Mammont Lady Golddust, by Brilliant Gold- 2:23i,4 dust 2:23'.. Gold Note, b g, 1868, by Contraband 2:20% Fanny Hayes, by Jack Hayes 2:2r> 2:26V2 ! Gold Plate, b m, 1888. by Fairy Gift Nickel Plate, by Belmont 2:23'/-> 2:U1& Gold Point, br s. '1889, bv St. Bel- 2:20',; Nubin. by Harold ' 2r29% 64 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Gold Ring, ch s, 1884, by Eden Gold- dust Nelly Ingereoll, by Fearnaught Gift 2:12Vi Goldsmith Maid, b m, 1857. by Alex- ander's Abdallah Old Ab, by Ab- dallah (dead) 2:14 Gold Star, ch s, 1885, by Mambriuo Patchen Golden Lake, by Lakeland Abdullah 2:2'J% Goldstone, ch e, 1881, by Masterlode Chicago Belle, by Sterling 2:27Vi Goldzil, ch e, 1891, by Zilcaadi Gold- dustVictoria, by Jefferson Maiii- briao 2:30 Golita, br m, 1888, by Guy Wilkes Cora, by Buccaneer 2 :27!4 Gondola, b m, 1883, by Belmont Betsey Baker, by Dictator 2:25& Gonzales McGregor, b g, 1885, by Norton McGregor Cora 2:1G',4 Good-bye, b s, 1884, by Egbert Circe, by Bell Morgan 2:19V4 Good Gift, blk s, 1881, by Fairy Gift- Restless, by Kentucky Clay 2:28 Good Morning, b m, 1873, by Harold- Lady Limp, by Toronto 2:28J/ 2 Good Time, ch s. 1886, by Mark Time Maggie O., by Felter's Ham- bietonian 2:18 -Goodwin Jr., br s, 1886, by Good- win Hambletonian Stella, by Brown Chief 2:27& Goodwood Jr., ch s, 188, by Good- woodKitty Morrill, by Young Mer- rill 2:23Vi Go On, ch g, 1884, by Jimmy Gift Tenney Draper by Albert Draper. 2:28% Gordon Sim, b g,' 1888, by Uncle Sim Lady May Goesiper, b s, 1885, by Simmons- Lady Bryan, by Smuggler 2:14% Gordon, b g, 1883, by Sorrento Belle of Pawlett, by Warr Hulett 2:2614 Go Some, b m, 188. by Happy Thought 2:26!4 Gotell, b m, 1882, by Axtell Godelia, by Aberdeen 2:29Vi Gotham, ch s, 1884, by Nutwood Bden Lassie, by Golddust 2:29# Gothatum, b s, 1886, by Dictatum Ruby Gothard. by St. Gothard.... 2:29Vi Governor, gr g, 187, by Green's Ba- shawLady McNalr 2:24 Governor, gr s, 187, pedigree not traced 2:28 Governor, b g, 1866, by Clark Chief- Ware Mare, by Canada Chief (dead) 2:30 Gov. Benton, ch s, 1882, by Major Benton River Lily, by Gen. Benton 2:22*4 Governor D., blk s, 1881, by Swigert Dolly Dutton, by Black Douglass. . 2:21 Gov. P., b s, 1888, by Royalty M- frida, by Stocking Chief 2:21 Gov. Hendee, ch s, 1886, by Duke of Brunswick Whirlcloud, by Jay Gould 2:23 Gov. Hill b g, 1881, by Star Edmund Old Maid 2:18^4 Gov. Hill, b g, 1885, by Gov. Benton Lady P., by Buell's Pathfinder... 2:25y a Governor Hogg, b s, 1891, by Obstacle Star Maid, by Bethlehem's Star.. 2:30 Gov. Plaisted, br g, 1876. by Grey Dan Daisy, by a son of Drew horse 2:29/4 Gov. Powell, blk s, 1888, by Col Ham- brick Biff Mary, by D. Monroe 2:25 Governor Riddle, gr g, 188, by Nor- man Medium Puss Barber, by Tiger Morcran 2:23 Gov. Rusk, b g, 1888, by Phallas Ghangelet, by Volunteer Gov. St. John, ch s, 1880, by Amboy Crazy Jane, by Little Snip Printer Gov. Sprague, blk s, 1871, by Rhode Island Belle Brandon, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian (dead) Gov. Sprague Jr., br s, 1887, by John B. Sprague Molly Scammon, byRob- inson horse Gov. Stanford, ch g, 186. by John Nelson Gov. Stanford, b s, 1885, by Elec- tioneerBarnes, by Whlpple'e Ham- bletonian Gov. Strong, b s, 1889, by Dr. Strong Julia Wilkes, by Governor Wilkes. Gov. Wood, ch s 1879, by Amboy Bird, by Billy Shaker Grace, br m, 1886, by Redwood Kitty Dean, by Gideon Grace, b m, 1869, by Knickerbocker Lady Denton, by Seely's American Star Grace, ch m. 1888, by Sidney Mar- guerite, by Speculation Grace, gr m, 186, by Lexington- Jenny, by Sorrel John Richards (dead) Grace B., gr m, 188, by Detractor. Grace Bertram, ch m, 186 by New Jersey, dam by Marshal Ney ' Grace Darling, b m, 188, by Alburn. Grace Darling, b in, 1880, by Grand Sentinel Molly Bawn, by Sir Henry Graceful, b m. 1880, by Happy Med- iumLady Grace, by Hamlet Grace Gothard, b m, 1884, by St. Goth- ard Grace Bertram, by New Jersey Grace Hasting, ch m, 1888, by Bay- onne Prince Kate K., by Burger.. Grace Lee, b m 1885, by Electioneer Addle Lee, by Culver's Black Hawk Grace Medium, blk m, 1887, by Ad- ministrator Jr. Pattie, by Happy Medium Grace Napoleon, b m, 1885, by Louis Napoleon Kate Wilson, by Scott's Hiatoga Grace Simmons, blk m, 1889, by Sim- mons, dam by Pacing Abdallah Grace Thome, b m, 188 t by Eg- thorne * Grace W., br m, 1884, by Blackwood Mambrino Lucy Woodruff, by Hi- ram Woodruff Grace Walker, b m, 3886. by Royal Fearnaught Miss Johnson, by Beau- mont Grace Wilkes, rn m, 188, by Adrian Wilkes Gracewood, blk m, 1887, by Nutwood La Gracie, by Cuyler Gracie, b m 1878, by Landmark .... Gracie Almont, blk m, 1886, by Al- mont Mambrino Fashion Gracie B., b m, 1882, by Blackwood Jr. Littfefleld, by Enfield Gracie S., ch m, 1882, by Speculation Jenny, by Bull Pup Gracie V. ch m, 1887, by Crittenden Lula D., by Woodford Abdallah. . Grafton, ch g, 1879, by Almont Boy- Lucy B., by Canadian Mohawk .... Grafton, ch g, 1868, by Waxy Gyp, by Kavanaugh's Gray Eagle Oranby, b s 1882, by Princeps Hamito, by Hamlet 2:27% 2:30 2:27^ 2:21 2:21 2:29 2:26* 2:27 2:29 2:27%, .2:26 2:29 2:26'/j 2:26 2:23V4 '2:20 2:24 2:29 Vi 2:14V a 2:19y 3 2:28% 2:23^ 2:17% 2:27^ 2:27 2:30 2:22% 2:22 2:30 2:20V4 2:22*4 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 65 Gram O., b g, 188, by Hambleton- ian's Last, dain by Torn Wonder.. 2:23% Grand Central, b g, 1882, by Hins- dale Horse, dam by Bacon'g Ethan Allen 2:30 Grandee, b g, 1885, by Le Grand Norma, by Arthurton 2:23% Grandee, ch s, 1884, by Grenadier- Flora 2:29% Grandee, b g, 1888, by Hamlin's Al- mont Jr. Majorie. by Kentucky Prince Grand Duchess, b m, 1858, by Hand- ley's Hiatoga Johnson Mare, by John Richards (dead) 2:26% Grand Duke, b g, 1877, by Shelby Chief Molly 2:29% Grand George, ch s, 1889, by Hamble- tonian Wilkes, dam by Magna Charta (pacing grecord 2:20%) 2:24% Grand Isle, b g 1884, by Winooski -Leona ' 2:24,4 Grandissimo, b s, 1886, by Le Grand Norma, by Arthurton 2:23% Grandly, blk s, 1888, by Gambetta Wilkee-Effie Faulkner, by Abdal- brino 2:23% Grandmont, br s, 1882, by Almont Badoura. by Strader's Cassius M. Clay Jr 2:25% Grand R., b g, 188, by Hamlin's Al- mont Jr 2:24% Grand Turk, b s, 1889, by Connaught Lurline, by Mambrino Patchen... 2:29% Grand Sentinel, b s, 1873, by Sentinel Maid of Lexington, by Mambrino Pilot (dead) 2:27% Grand Sentinel Jr. b s, 1887. by Grand Sentinel Lucy K., by Daunt- less 2:30 Granger B., ch g, 1881, by Hamble- hawk Kitty Haldeman 2:30 Granieta, br m, 1888, by Rockefeller Maud L., by Messenger Knox ... 2:25% Granite, gr g, 187, by Major Grant Nelly 2:24% Grannette b m, 1889, by Granby Maggie C., by St. Mark 2:21% Granny, b m, 1881, by Abdallah Hambletonian Black Bess, by Ketchuni Hoise 2:28 Grant Sherman, b s, 1887, by Sher- manKatie C., by Mambrino Patchen 2:29 Graesee, b s 2:25% Granville, ch g. 1868, by American Clay Lady Abdallah, by Alexan- der's Abdallah 2:26 Grasshopper, ro g, 1882, by Princeps Brocade, by Volunteer 2:29% Grateful, ch g, 1867, by Brown Horse, dam by Crawford Horse (dead) ... 2:28% Grateful, gr s, 1888. by Gen. Wilkes Oxford Lass, by Mambrino Ledger 2:30 Grattan, blk s, 1887, by Wilkes Boy Anna Alrnont, by Bostlck's Almont Jr 2:13 Grata, b K, 1882, by Bourbon Wilkes Kate Henderson, by Cazique 2:17% Gravel, br 8. 1886, by Haw Patch Hortense, 'by Tramp 2:29% Graves, ch g, 187, by Whipple's Hambletonian Rose Austin 2:19 Graydon, gr s, 1887, by Hambrino Zephyr, by Mambrino Patchen .... 2:17Vi Grayfleld, gr g, 1887, by Greenfield . . 2:17% Great Stakes b s. 1RS7. by Billy Thornhill Sweetstakes. by Sweep- stakes 2:24% Great Eastern, b g, 1869, by Walkill Chief Harnrnil Mare, by Riley's Consternation (dead) 2:18 Great Eastern, b g, 1885, by Sweep- stakesAnnie Hough, by Kentucky Prince 2:23% Great Western, blk g, 1870, by Su- perb 2:29 Green B., b g, 188, by Abdalbrino, dam by Cornwall 2:29% Greenbacks, b s. 1882, by Pdnceps Lorette, by Rysdyk's Hambletoaian 2:23% Green Boy, b s, 1877. by Johu Green Unis Green, by Green's Hamble- tonian 2:27% Green Bird, b g, 188 , by Lucas Brodhetul 2:24% Greeubiiar, b s, 1888. by Gambetta Wilkes -Nutwood Belle, by Nutwood 2:22% Greenbush Star, b s, 1883. by Green- bushMabel, by Byron 2:25% Greenceps, b g, 1888, by Greenbacks, dam by Trophy 2:18% Green Boy Jr. rn g, 188, by Green Boy 2:28% Green Charley, blk g, 186, by Crpen's Bashaw 2:264 Greenfield Girl, g m, 188 by Jim Wileon 2:29% Green. Girl, b in, 1879, by Artamus Brigham, by Jay Gould 2:21% Greenlauder Boy, br s, 1887, by Greenlander Aurelia, by Election- eer 2:21% Greenlander Girl, blk m, 1890, by Greenlaader Aurelia, by Election- eer 2:21 Greenleaf, b s. 1887, by Gold Leaf, dam by Case's Dave Hill 2:22% Greenleaf br g, 1886, by Simmons- Nelly Monroe, by Jim Monroe 2:10% Greenlight, b g, 1884, by Signal Tannie 2:24% Greenlander, 1S82, by Princeps Juno, by Rysdyk's Hambletoniau 2:12 Green Mountain Boy, b s 1873, by Thomas Jefferson Belle 2:28% Green Mountain Maid, ch m, 1845, by Harris' Hambletonian (dead) 2:28% Green River, b s, 1887, by Principe- Maria, by Marabout 2 :22% Greenway, br s, 1888, by Greenlander Aurelia, by Electioneer 2:25 Greenwood b s, 1886, by Greenbacks, dam by Butler Horse 2:20 Greenwood, br g, 188, by Fergus McGregor 2:29 Greenwood, b g, 188, by Jay wood.. 2:30 Greenwood, ch g, 187, by Goodwood Shoo Fly. by Young Morrill 2:30 Greenwood Belle, b m, 1885, by Cali- banGreenwood Maid, by Strath- more 2:29% Greever, br a, 1889, by Picco Queen Sprague, by George Sprague 2:23>4 Gregorian ch s, 1888, by Prince George Beltina. by Mansfield 2:30 Gregory, br g, 1884, by Bishop Ethel, by Contractor 2:30 Grenadier, b g, 188, by Messenger Wilkes Modjeska, by Redwood .... Gretchen Gretchen. b m, 1886. by Schuyler Nelly, by George D. Patchen 2:lGVi Gretna, b m, 1884, by Mambrino Dud- ley Bodil. by Peacemaker 2:22t Grex, blk s, 1888, by Gambetta 66 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Wilkes Walie Sprague, by Gov. Grey Bashaw, gr s, 188, by Charley Bashaw Grey Belle, gr m, 188, by Anteeo. . Grey Bill, gr g, 1869, by Brandywine, dam by State of Maine (dead) Grey Charley, gr g, 186, pedig-ee not traced (dead) Grey Chief, gr g, 1808, by Louis Na- poleon Grey Cloud, gr s, 1871, by Blue Grass Grey Cloud, gr s, 188, by Gilt Edge Comet, by Rattler Grey Cloud, gr s, 1885, by Reveille- Maud G., by Rex Hiatoga .... Grey Dan, gr g, 187, pedigree not traced Grey Dave, gr g, 1878, by Hotspur Chief-Miss Mason Grey Dawn, gr g, 1888, by Major White Belle, by Volga Jim Grey Dawn, gr m, 1889, by Startle- Daybreak, by Harold Grey Duke, gr g, 1874, by Hall Colt. Grey Eddy, gr g, 186, by Blue Colt. . G?ey Eddy, gr g, 184:-, by Morse Horse (dead) Grey Hawk, gr g, 1853, by Hawkeye, dam by Black Archy (dead) Grey Jack, gr g, 1860, by John Carrier Madam Huutley (dead) Grey Jim, gr g, 188o, by Strawn Grey Nell, by Hurst & Thornton's Abdallah ..'. Greylight, gr g, 1882, by Starlight- Young Daisy, by Strideaway Grey Mack, gr g, 1860, by Black Hawk Hero (dead) Grey Ned, gr g, 1882, by Goodhue's Patchen Grey Prince, gr g, 188, pedigree not traced Grey Salem, gr g, 187, pedigree net traced Greystone, g* g, 1881, by Altitude- Lady Miller, by Creeper Grey Swigert, gr g, 1886, by Mainbri- no Swigert Molly Greywood, gr s, 188, by Jim Mul- renna Griffin, b s, 1883, by Messenger Duroc Gimp, by Princeps Grimsby Gi":l, b m, 1886, by Hager's Staaton Greg, by Winfleld Scott.. Griselda, b m, 188, by Gambetta Wilkes Lady Yeiser, by Garrard Chief Grit, b s, 1886, by Onward Griselda, by William Rysdyk Grosis, b s, 1889, by Grosjean Min- nie Benton, by Gen. Bent on Grosjean, blk s, 1883, by Belmont Sue Dudley, by Edwin Forrest .... Grover, br g, 1885, by Ed Kimble Blaze, by Frank Reynolds Grover C., ch s, 1884, by Gilt Edge Berneda Grover C., b s, 1888, by Sarcenett Lizzie H., by Ralston Grover C., b g, 1884, by Altar, dam by Britton Grover Clay, b s, by Electioneer Maggie Novfolk, by Norfolk Grover Cleveland, b g, 1884, by Red- wood, dam by Sherwood Grover Cleveland, b g, 1880, by Bunco Lady Woods, by Monte Grover Cleveland, "b s, 1883. by St. 2:20 by Gula Arnaud Ontario, by W'atchman .... 2 :30 2:28 ! Grover Wilkes, dn g, 188, by New- ton's Allie Wilkes 2:30 2:30 G. T. Pilot, dn g, 1868, by McDonough 2:27 -Jarod 2:24 Guard, b s, by Guide Lady King, by 2:30 i Hambletonian King 2:27 I Guard, b m, 1891, by Clay King 2:29 Hannah D., by Abdalbrino 2:28% Guardian, b g, 188, by Epaulet 2:24*4 2:24% Guardsman, b s, 1885. by Alcyone - 2:2316 Qui Vive, by Sentinel .'. 2:23^ Guelph, br s, 1882, by Princeps 2:29%! Merry, by Messenger Duroc 2:16V ! Guelph Jr., br s, 1887. by Guelph 2:25 Trumpeter, by Honesty 2:20% Guess, b g, 1885, by Landmark, dam 2:30 by Palmer Bogus 2:16V 4 Guess Not, br m, 187 , by Baird's 2:22Vi Hambletonian Prince Maxwell mare 2:27Va Guido, gr g, 188, by Ensign 2:21Vi Guiado, b s, 1889, by Pistachio- Primrose, by Alexander's Abdallah. 2:30 Guide, br s, 1885, by Director Imo- gene, by Norwood 2:16^4 Guilford Dudley, gr s, 1890, by Egotist Belle Dudley, by Belmont 2 :30 Guinea, blk m, 1881, by Egbert Norma, by Alexander's Norman 2:29 Guitar, b m, 1882, by Princeps Trio, by Volunteer 2 :29% ula, ch m, 1885, by Royal Fear- naught, dam by Tom Hunter 2:27!* Gus, b s, 186, by Millman's Bell- founderJenny Noyes 2 :26% Gurney, ch g, 1885. by Kentucky Prince Lady Horton, by Sweep- stakes 2:28% Gus Fellows, b g, 188, by Charles Caffrey 2:29V* Gussie Leonard, b m, 1890, by George Simmons Jessie Miller, by Magic.. 2:29'/4 Gussie M., b m, 1889, by Moody- Stockings, by Young Amboy 2:22V4 2:24 j Gussie T., b m, 1881, by Paragon- Anna Long 2 :'26V& 2:2SVa Gus Spreckles, b s, 1879, by Specula- tion Jenny, by Blue Pup 2 :30 2:2014 Gus Voltz, b s, 1887, by Phallas Grace Murray 2:29% 2:27 i Gus Wilkes. b g, 1880, by Mambriuo Wilkes Fancy, by Bonner 2:22 2:2014 i Guy, blk g. 1880, by Kentucky Prince Flora Gardiner, by Seely's Amer- 2:20% I lean Star * 2:09% Guy, ch s, 1889, by Robert Rysdyk Red Rose, by Jester D 2:15Vt Guy Lambert, b s, 188, by Sir Thomas 2:22 2:29% Guyon, b s, 1882, by Princeps Roma, by Golddust 2:30 Guy Princeton, br s, 1887, by Prince- tonWait-a-bit, by Basil Duke 2:28V 4 2:24% ; Guy Rene, br s, 188, by Guy Dar- rell 2:25 2:28 '/ a Guy Sheridan, br s, 1885, by Chas. Caffrey Nelly Wooly, by Yeoman.. 2:22^ 2:30 Guy Vernon, gr s, 188^-, by Guy Wilkes, dam by Patchen Vernon 2:28 2:26 >/4 Guy Wilkes, b s, 1879. by George Wilkes Lady Bunker, by Mambriuo 2:30 Patchen 2:15^ Gyp, gr m, 188 by Trouble, dam 2 :23 Vi by Jim Sherwood . . ." 2 :26>i , Guvon. b s. 1882, by Princeps Roma, 2:18% ; by Golddust 2:27'* Gvwv Maid, b m. 188. by Chicago 2:24 Volunteer 2:24V 4 frvpsv Earl, ch m. 1S1V\ l>y Earl. dftlD 2:29% 2:27 2:30 2:28% 2:28% 2:22 2:10* 2:25 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 67 by Leland 2:19% Gypsy H., b m, 188-, by Sam Sharply 2:29V* Gypsy K., ch m, 188, by Billy Knox 2:29^ G. W. Howe, b s, 1891, by King Will- iam L. Envie, by Phallamont 2:25% Hackberry, b s, 1886, by Ha-old Alice Maud, by Belmont (dead) 2:25& Hades, blk m, 1880, by Leland Ara- Ion, by Young Woful 2:2<% ; Hagar, b m, 1887, by Nutwood Hilda, by Cuyler 2:26 Ha Ha, br s, 1880, by Nephew Ryan Mare, by McCalkins' Black HaAvk... 2:224* Haidee B., ch m. 1888, by Charles G. Hayes Silent Friend, by Menelaus.. 2:26 Hailstorm, b g, 1888, by Anteeo Jr. Star, by Geo. M. Patchen Jr 2:30 Haldane. b s, 1883, by Mambrino Rus- sell Brownie, by' Daniel Lambert (dead) 2:26% Haley, b s, 1889, by Nelson Grey- nose, by Fearnaught 2:18% Halifax, b s, 1888, by West Egbert Flora Payne, by John F. Payne 2:2o% Hal J., b s, 188, by Limber Jim 2:29 Hallie, ch m, 1887, by Harbinger, dam by Monte Christo 2:20 Hallie B., b m, 1882, by Alcyone Elenora, by American Clay 2:26% Hallie Harris, ch m, 1890, by Combi- nation Miss Attorney, by Attorney. 2:23% Hallidan, br g, 188, by Haldane 2:28 Hallington, b s, 1889, by Haldane Lilly Lexington, by Lexington Star 2:30 Hall Terrell, b g, 186, pedigree not traced 2:28% Halo, b s, 1887, by Haldane Cora C., by Buckingham 2:27 Hal Pointer, ch s, 1891, by Luke Brodhead, dam by Cottontail 2:18*4 ; Halvan, gr g, 1889, by Haldane ShenaVan, by Daniel Lambert 2:22% Hambleton, br s, 1875, by Florida- Lady Woodhull, by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian 2:26'4 Hambletonian (McCurdy's), ch s, 1874, by Harold Belle, by Mambrino Chief (dead) 2:26% Hambletonian (Worley's), ch s, 1880, by Squire Talmage Fanny Rolfe, by Tom Rolfe 2:28% Hambletonian (Bailey's), b s, 1886, by Thomas K., dam by Mambrino Priam 2:29& Hambletonian Bashaw, b s, 1870, by Green's Bashaw Lady Byron, by Gage's Logan 2:21 vi Hambletonian Bashaw, b s, 1876, by Fellers' Hambletonian Lady Dutch, by Hermit 2:29% Hambletonian, b s, 1873. by Master- lode Lady Emma, by Canada Cham- pion 2:29 Hambletonian Knox, br s, 1873, by Gilbreth Knox, dam by Gideon 2:28 Hambletonian Mambrino, b s, 1871, by Curtis' Hambletonian Topsy 2:21Vi Hambletonian's Last, br s, 1876. by Rysdyk's Hambletonian Lady Rus- sell, by Seely's American Star 2:25Vi Hambrino, b s, 1869, by Edward Ever- ett Mambrina, by Mambrino Chief. 2:21*4 Hambrino Belle, b m, 1874, by Ham- brino Sally Neal, by Mambrino Chief 2:25% Hambrino Pilot, blk s, 1885, by Ham- brino Forest Queen, by Mambrino Pilot 2:2% Hambrino Prince, b g, 188, by Ham- brino 2:26 Hamdallah, b s, 1879, by Hambrino Linda, by Alexander's Abdallah 2:23 Hampden Girl, b m, 188, by Banquo. 2:27% Hamdallah (Aiken's), b s, 1884, by Hamdallah Flora, by DeGraff's Al- exander (dead) 2:24% Hamdallah Star b s, 1885, by Ham- dallah Lady Gregor 2d, by Star of the West 2:23 Ham Jr., b s, 188, by Ham 2:24Vi, Hamletta, blk m. 1882, by Bourbon Wilkes Lady Hamlet, by Hamlet. . 2:27% Hammond, b s, 1881, by Tom Scott- Jury, by Hambletonian Bashaw 2:26y 2 Ham Morrison, b g, 187, by Master- lode 2:30 Hamoun, blk 8, 1886, by Watchmaker Nell, by Pilot Knox 2:28%. Hamperion, b s, 186, by Rsydyk's Hambletonian Fanny 2 :29% Hampshire, b s, 1885, by Woodford Wilkes Rosilla. by Swigert 2:22% Haruiock, br g, 18S9, by Hambletuuian Mambrino Da?sy James, by Rock- wood , 2:21 Hancock, b g 187, by Hambletonian Jr. Young Martha, by George M. Patchen Jr. 2:1!9 Hai cock Wilkes, b s, 1884, by Georgia Wilkes-Daisy 2:29%, Handicap, gr g, 1ST, by Stephen A. Douglas Howard Mare 2:22 Hannah D., b m, 186, by Magua Charta 2:22W Hannen, b g. 188 , by St. Arnaud.. 2:29y 4 Hannah Dustin, b m, 188, by Elial G., dam by Dutton Horse 2:29% Hannibal Jr. gr g, 18S3. Vy Hannibal Molly AVelsh, by Paul Jones 2:27y 4 Hannis. ch s, 1870. by Mambrino Pilot Lady Stuart (dead) 2:17% Hannis Jr., ch s 1883, by Hannis May Queen, by Creeper 2:2614 Happiness, b m, 1886, by Happy Med- iumBrightness, by Almont 2:29>i ' Happy ch s, 1889, by Happy Prince Viola, by Vermont Abdallah 2:27% Happy gr m, 1870, by Mazeppg - Cinderella 2:27 Happy Bee, br m, 1887. by Happy Russell Beeswing, by Kent 2:15% Happy Courier, b s. 1888, by Happy Medium Lady Chiles, by Almont.. 2:16-% Happy Damsel, ro m, 1888, by Happy Medium Maggie Keene, by Mam- brino Hatcher 2:26% Happy Day, gr s, 1886 by Happy Medium Eye See, by Nutwood 2:29% ; Happy Doctor, b g, 188, by Happy Home 2:21% Happy Earl, b s, 1890, by Happy Rue- . Happy ' George, b s, 1891. by Happy Russell Lady Washington, by Gen. Washington 2:24% Happy Girl, ro m, 1880, by Happy Medium Berks County Maid 2:27% i Happy Glen, b s, 1890. by Union Med- ium Capicola, by Royal Medium.. 2:30 i Happy Go Lucky, b s, 1885. by Happy Thought, dam by Wanderer 2:2v I Happy Gothard, b s. 1884. by St. Gothard Mignon Medium, by Happy Medium . '.......... 2:29% THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Happy Home, b g, 1884, by Happy Thought, dam by Palmer's Noraian 2:24% Happy Jack, ch g, 186, by Andrew Jackson Jr., dam by Seely's Ameri- can Star 2:30 Happy Jack 2:28 Happy Lady, br m. 1889, by Happy Russell Lady Washington, by Geu. Washington 2:16% Happy Maid, b m, 1877, by Happy Medium Rosa Bonheur 2:30 Happy Man, b g, 188, by Master- lode 2:27% Happy Minnie b m, 1890, by Happy Russell Minnie Rifle, by Arbuckle's Rifle 2:17% Happy Pilot b s, 1888, by Pilot Med- iumLady Corrigan, by Milwaukee 2:22% Happy Princess, b m, 1876, by Happy Medium Black Bess, by Black Os- car 2:23*4 Happy Promise, b s, 1888. by Happy Medium Bonny Belle, by Almont.. 2:13% Happy Thought, b s, 1872, by Happy Medium Lady Duval, by Strader's Cassius M. Clay Jr 2:22% Huppy Traveler, b s, 1873, by Baird's Hiamlbleto-Bian Prince Lady Lar- kins, by Little Jack 2:27% ; Happy Volunteer, b e, 1885, by Volun- teerMolly Medium, by Happy Med- ium Jr 2:27% i Happy Wanderer, br s, 1884, by Hap- py Medium Cornelia O., by Ohio Volunteer 2:20Va Hardiman, b g, 188 by Knicker- bocker, dam by Panic 2:28*4 Hardshell, br g, 1887, by Com. Wilkes Molly C., by Contractor 2:28 . Hard Tack, b g, 1891, by Joe Humph- reye Sue Crockette 2:26% Hardwood blk s", 1875, by Blackwood Jr. Irene, by McKimmen's Colum- bus 2:24% Harkaway, b s, 1880, by Strathmore Wait-a-bit, by Basil Duke 2:28*4 Harmonia, b m, 1885, by Memory- Bliss, by Western Chief 2:25% j Harold Jr. ch s, 3885. by Harold- Maiden, by Belmont 2:25 Harold Chief, b s, 1884, by Harold- Lady Jane, by Banker Rothschild . . 2:24% ' Haroldine, b m, 1888, by Harold Jr. Bertha, by Almont Rattler 2:23*4 Haroldson. b s, 1884, by Prescott- Queen, by Walker Horse 2:25% Harold M., b g, 188, by Dr. Frank- lin 2:2714' Harrie, blk m, 1886, by Blial G., - Kate Claxton, by Joslyn Horse .... 2:28% Harriet, b m 1886, by The King- Lady Harmond, by Democrat 2 :28% Harrietta, br m, 1888, by Anyone Harriet Clay, by Harry Clay 2:09% Harrison, b s, 1886, by Ottawa Chief Mary Wood, by Richard Wheelock (pacing record 2:19%) 2 :18V4 Harrison b g, 1882, by Harrison Chief Fanny, by Joe Downing (dead) 2:26% Harrop's Tom, b g. 1877, by Almont Prince Maggie Lyons, by Gen. Lyons 2:26V a Harry, b g, 1871, by Happy Medium 2:26 Harry, blk g, 188. pedigree not traced 2:28 Harry, b g, 188-, pedigree not trs wd '< ^t Harry Admire, b s, 188, by Bay Henry 2-26 Harry Almont, br g, 188 by Almont Eclipse 2-24/4 Harry Arlington, gr s, 1871, by Prince Albert Mac, by Price's St. Law- rence 2 :29 1 /4 Harry Arthur, b g, 1882, by Toronto Cbief Jr. Nelly Traveler, by Tom Traveler 2:25% Harry B., b g, 188, by Alniouarch. . 2:29V a Harry Bacchus, ch g, 1886, by VVUkie Collius Almontress, by Hamlm'e Almont Jr 2:23% Harry Baldwin, br s, 1885, by Reveille Roxy, by Cook's Bulrush Morgan 2:24% Harry Belmont, b g, 1884, by Ken- tucky Belmont Jennie Clute. by Louis Napoleon 2:29 Harry C., br g, 1875, by Taylor's Red Buck ..;..... 2:21 Harry C., bik g, 1886, by Green Boy Nora C., by New York 2:15 Harry Cardh>!, b g, 1881. by Cardi- nalKate 2:27>/4 Harry Chief, b s, IB83 by Harrison Chief Peg, by Green Walker Mor- gan 2:30 Harry Clay, blk s, 1853. by Neave's Cassius M. Clay Jr. Fan. by imp. Bellfounder (dead) 2:29 Harry Clay, blk g, 1871. by Strader's Cassuis M. Clay Jr. Zephyr 2:23% Harry O. Midnight, blk g. 1881. by Mambrino Patchen, dam by Har- rodsburg Boy 2:20Va Harry Conklin, b g, 187 by Superb 2:26 Harry D., b g, 1885, by Black Cloud Pony Mare 2:27 Harry D., b g, 1879, by Mott's Inde- pendent 2:2;)& Harry Eddy b g, 188, by Jerome Eddy 2:29% Harry Ensign, br s, 1884, by Ensign -Capitola 2:19% Harry G., b g, 188, by James A. Garfleld 2:19% Harry Gilbert, ch g, 1866, by Jupiter (dead) 2:24 Harry Gould, b s, 1885, by Jay Gould Hester, by Young Jim 2:28% Harry H., br g, 188, by Sweep- stakes 2:23% Harry Harley, b g, 1863, by Young Columbus McGee Mare, by Barney Henry (dead) 2:25% Harry Hill, ch g, 188, by Edge Hill 2:25V4 Harry Howe, b g, 1883, by Swigert Amanda by Western Chief 2:27 Harry Hylas, ch s, 1882, by Hylae Belle Garfleld 2:26<4 Harry K., blk s, 1887, by Consul- Maud K., by Saturn 2:22 Harry L., br g, 188, by Gold King 2:28% Harry Laird, b g. 1879. by Legal Ten- der Jr. Rushville Maid, by Blue Bull 2:29V4 Harry Lambert, b s, 1885, by Ward's Lambert St. Mary, by Tattersall.. 2:22 Harry Lee, b g, 187, by Legal Ten- Harry ' Magee,' ' b ' g. ' 'l886,' ' by Gen. Magee Belle, by Gooding's Cham- pion 2:27*4 Harry McGregor, b g. 1881, by Martin McGregor-Martin Mare 2:28 Harry McNair, ro g, 188. ly Al- leghany Boy 2:18 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Harry Medium, b g, 1884, by Happy Medium Dolly Varden, by Bob Lee 2:2i l / 2 i Harry Mills, br g, 1875, by Sweep- stakes Taglioni, by Eureka . . . . . . . . 2:25% | Harry Mitchell, b g, 186-, by Foster's St Lawrence . ... J^s-y* Harry Noble, b s, 1885, by Frank Noble-yStell Storms, by Mambrino ^ Hambletonian ' I....... 2 :23% ' Harry P., blk g, 188-, by Paecarel (dead) 2 :2 ^ Harry P., b g, 1886, by Bay Middle- ton, dam by Magiia Charta 2:29% Harry Parker, blk g, 1876. by Post's Hambletonian Prince, dam by Tom McRabbie (dead) 2:2o Harry Pelham, gr g, 1876, by Thomas Jefferson Lady Jane, by Ryedyk's Hauibietouian 2:^dv*j Harry Pennington, b s, 188. by Aaron Penniugton Jr., dam by Brandt's Messenger Golddust Harry Phallamont, b g, 1887, by Phal- aamont Toptsey Harry Phelps, b s, 188, by Crumley Hiatoga (pacing 2:22%) Harry Pulling, b s, 1875 by Meuelaus Bird, by Smith's Ethan Allen Harry Reid, ch s, 1883, by Corbin Ba- shawDolly, by Warrior Harry Roberts, b g, 187, pedigree not traced Harry S., gr s, 1884, by Backman'e Idol Sebois, by Orange Duroc Harry Sherman, ch s, 1886, by Alex- ander H. Sherman Lady Vidette, by Vidette Boy Harry Spanker, b g, 1865, by Gen. Knox Lady Gay Spanker, by French Tiger (dead) Harry Strideaway, blk g. 1882, by Strideaway Molly, by Continental Harry T., br g, 1890, by Pelletier Zella, by Byron Harry T., ch g, 188, by Knick Wilkes Harry Velox, b g. 187 by Velox Ariosa Harry W., b g, 1881, by Edgewater Bertie Amos, by Blue Bull Harry W., ch g, 188, by The Mar- ' quis Harry Wade, b s, 1886. by Reveille Idalia, by Strathmore Harry W. Genet, b s, 186, by God- frey Patchen Lady Danvers, by Rocky Mountain (dead) Harry Wilkes, b g, 1876, by George Wilkes Molly "Walker, by i^Capt. Walker .' Harry Wilkes, b g, 1888, by Fitzger- Nimrod Harry Winchester, b e, 18S9, by stamboul Jessie Ballard, Archie Hambletonian Harry Y., ch g Hartford, b s, 1880, by Harold- Judith, by Mambrino Chief Hartford, blk s, 1882, by Peacock- Kate Patchen, by Hamlin Patchen Hartland, b g. 188, by Hartland Harvest Queen, b m, 1863, by Rys- dyk's Hambletonian, dam by Seely's American Star Harvey, gr g, 1876, by Tom Hunter- Cypher, by Magna Charta ....;... 2:15% 2:30 2:27% 2:29% 2:24 2:20 2:27% 2:25 2:30 2:24' /4 2:28% : 2:24%' 2:24%; 2:27'/i \ 2:19 2:25^1 2:13% ! 2:29^4 Harvey, b g, 1885, by Kentucky Vol- unteerLucy, by Kentucky Chief. . . Harvey Russell, b s, 188, by Har- binger Harvey Wilkes, b g, 188, by Red Wilkes " Hasdrubal, gr g, 1885, by Dillingham Fanny, by Paragon Hastings, b g, 1877, by Clarion Chief, dam by Tippoo Chief Hat Sprague, b g, 188, by Sprague.. Hathaway, b m, 188, by Regalia Hattie, ch m, 1862, by Trojan (dead) . . Hattie, b m, 1872, by Dixon Fan, by Sackett's Hambletonian Hattie Arnold (Lady Daniels), b m, 187, pedigree not traced Hattie B., b m, 1886, by Alexander Button, dam by Don Hattie Belle, b m, 1887, by Brown Wilkes Policy, by Harold Hattie D., b m, 1886, by Electioneer Maple, by Nutwood Hattie H., br m, 1884, by Alleghany Boy Hall Mare, by Young Consul.. Hattie Hawthorne, b m, 1870, by Sen- tinelChristy Morgan, by Hunter Lexington (dead) Hattie Hull, ch m, 1886, by Hull Hattie Spa:-ks, by Sweepstakes Hattie K., b m, 1886, by Phallas Dutch Girl, by Abdallah Boy Hattie L., ch m, 188, by Tom Hal. . Hattie L., ch m, 1885, by Motion- Lady Grey Hattie S., ch m, 1886, by Alar Clay Jr. Nina S., by Bay Middleton o m, 1877, pedigree not 2:26*4 2:27 Hattie T., ro traced ............................ Hattie Woodward, b in, 1871, by Aberdeen ........................ Haviland, b g, 1869, by Mountain Chief, dam by Bundy Horse ........ Havilla, b m, 1888, by Earl Daisy Eyebright, by Kirkwood ........... Hawthorne, ch s, 1883, by Black A*> thur Lady Miller, by Creeper ....... Hawwood, ch s, 1888, by Woodnut Fanny, by Adniur . . . . '. ............ Haydon, b g, 1885, by Ogden's Ham- bietonian Mambrino Daceue, by Duncan's Black Hawk .............. Hazel, br g, 1886, by Clay Aurora, by John Nelson ...... ................ Hazel, br m, 188, by Indianapolis Chief ............................ Hazel, br m. 1890, by Royal Fear- naught Emo. by Masterlode ........ Hazel, b m, i886, by Wilkee Daisy Rolfe, by Young Rolfe .............. Hazel O., b m, 188, by Count Folsio. Hazel Dell, b m, 1889, by Stranger- Hazel, by Jay Gould ............... Hazel King, ch s, 1887, by King Monte Mario Sisson Mare, by Black Dan .............................. Hazel Klrke, b m, 1879, by Brigadier Fancy, by Jim Brown ............. Hazel Maid, b m, 1886, by Charles G. Hayes Toney. by Coupon 2:22% ! Haze! N., b s, i886, by Decatur Chief Alloa, by Abdallah Mambrino ..... 2:30 Hazel Thome, br s, 1882, by Fairy 2:29% Gift Hawthorne Belle, by Lexing- ton Hambletonian ................ i Hazel Wilkes, ch m, 1885, by Guy 2:29% ; Wilkes Blanche, by Arthurton ---- i Hazel Wilkee, b m, 188. by Wayne 2:24% I Wilkes . .......................... 2:21 2:20% 2:20% 2:27% 2:28% 2:20 2:20% 2:30 2:20%. 2:26 2:20% 2:25% 2:26% 2:26% 2:23% 2:30 2:24% 2:27* 2:25% 2:16% 2:29% 2:15% 2:29% 2:20% 2:20% 2:30 2:2tf% 2:28 2:29% 2:30 2:28% 2:30 2:24% 2:21% 2:24 2:20% 2:26 2:20% 2:11% 2:21% THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Hazelwood, b in, 1891, by Atwood, dam by Dr. Talmage 2:-UVi Hazor, gr g, 180, by Young America (dead) 2:27 H. B., blk g, 1887, by Winship Jr.~ Lady Hackett 2:18% Colt, dam by Holland's Ethan Allen 2:25Vi Hellas, b s, 18S8, by Phallas Helen, by Nutwood 2 :24% Helmsman, b s, 1887, by Pilot Med- ium Lady Gerster, by Western Pathfinder 2:28% Henderson, ch g, 187 by Strath- more Brignola, by Brignoli 2 '27& H. B." Lambert, ch g, 188, by Tom Lambert 2:30 H. B. M., b g, 1887, by Belladonna ! Hendryr, gr g, 1882, by Dauntless- Lake Mare, by Bay Billy 2:29% Fan, by Comet .... .. , W i-u^ MW . 10 ^ A, .so i Henrico blk Bf 1889( by p a tchen H. B. Winship, blk s, 1876, by Aris- tos Willful, by Col. Moulton 2:20k H. C., b g, 188, by Wellington, dam by King Faro 2:22 H. C. Hill, b g, 1860, a catch colt by a grey pacer ., 2:25'/j ;. Clay, ch g, 188, by Grey Eagle, son of Walker Morrill 2:28-4 H. C. T.,b s, 1887, by King Almont Black Bess, by Frank Wolford 2:17V4 Header, ch g, 186, pedigree not traced 2:28 Headlight, ch g. 187, by Scott's Hia- toga-Miss Woods, by Flying Hia- o toga 2 :30 Headlight, b g, 188- ." 2:27& Headlight, ch s, 1883, by S. B. La- mont Belle Brandon 2:26% Headlight, ch m, 188, by DeLong's Ethan Allen 2:29V 4 Hebron, b s, 1883, by Pdnceps Flor- ence, by Volunteer 2:30 Heckothrift, br s, 1884, by Hermes- Katie Middleton, by Mambrino Patchen 2:29 Hector, b g, 187, by Otego Chief 2:23 Hector, gr g, 187, pedigree not traced 2:25^4 Hedgethorne, b s, 1889, by Haw- thorneElla Boggs, by Tilton Al- mont 2:27 Heir-at-Law, blk s, 1888, by Mam- brino King i Estabella, by Alcantara. 2:12 Heiress, b m, 1885, by Woodford Wilkes Hambletonian Maid, by Charles Backman 2 :27 Helen, ch m, 1877, by Baird's Ham- bletonian Prince Faith Derrick ./-2:28 Helena, b m, 1889, by Ben Franklin Maggie Myers, by Phil Sheridan... 2:20*74 Helena, b m, 1889, by Electioneer Lady Ellen, by Carr's Mambrino. ... 2:21 Helena B., gr in, 188, by Coun'a Harry Wilkes 2:27 Helene, ch m, 187, by Baird'a Ham- bletonian Prince Maxwell Mare. ... 2:21 Helen G., b m, 1883, by Ensign Maid, by Norcross Horse 2:28Vi Helen Goodson, b m, 1886, by Good- eonNelly Crichton, by Crichto* Jr. 2:25 Helen H., b m, 1886, by Earl Meta, by Thorndale .... ......... ....... 2:30 blk B Wilkes Jenny West, by Allie West. 2:15 Henrietta, b m, 1883, by Mambrino King Bay Hambletonian, by Rys- dyk*s Hambletonian 2:17 Henrietta G., ch m, 1887, by Elyria Maud, by Star Hambletonian 2:19V4 Henry C., ch e , 1886, by Midas Mag- gie V., by Revenue Jr 2:26Vi Hen Helen Houghton, b m, 1878, by Happy Medium-^Molly Sheppard, by Jack Sheppard 2:29Vi Helen K., b m, 1890, by Patron Wed- ding Bell, by Nutwood 2:224*, Helen Leyburn, b m, 1890, by Onward Mamie, by Star Almont 2:14 Helen Luce, b m, 1882, by Robert Bonner Jr. Glimpse, by Coupon 2:26^ Helen M., gr m, 1887, by Cobden St. Lawrence Maid, by Laundry Horse (pacing 2:17) 2:27 Helen M., b m, 1889, by Sherman- Liza Jane, by Goodlng's Champion.. 2:29U Helen R., b m, 1880, by Pickett-Flor- ence, by Quinton's Magnet 2:27V4 Helen Wilkes, b m, 1877, by Carlton :enry, b g, 188 by Bassett's Blue Bull 2:30 i Henry, b g, 186, pedigree n9t traced 2:2iH4 1 Henry, b g, 185 , by Canadian Lion (dead) 2:27^4 Henry, b g, 1861, by Harry Lathrop Flora (dead) 2:20V* Henry Arnold, b g, 1883. by Pyeatt's Brown Henry Mattie J., by Miller's Frenchman 2:28V4 Henry Bruce, b s, 188, by Onward.. 2:26V a Henry Colby, blk g, 188, by Charles G. Hayes . . 2:27ft Henry Esmond, br g, 1883, by Gov. Sprague Minnie Crawford, by Gold- smith's Abdallah 2:30 Henry G., b g, 1889, by Harold- Molly Friend 2:28 Henry G., ch s, 1887, by Albert Mack Mary B. . . . 2:28 Henry Grady, b g, 188, by Barney Wilkes 2:28 Henry H., b g, 188 pedigree not traced 2:27% Henry L., b g, 188, by Tony En- sign ........ ' 2:29U Henry L., ch g, 188, by Mohawk Hambletoniau 2:29'/i Henry Middleton, b s, 1878, by Bay Middleton Maggie Adams, by Hoi- comb Horse 2:26/4 Henry O., b g, 1879, by Resolute- Doll, by Kemble Jackson 2:25\ 4 Henry R., br g, 1884, by Gen. Stan- tonKitty Hudson, by Frank Por- ter. . 2:25V4 Henry W., b g, 188 by Reveille 2:29& Hera, b m. 1889, by Mambrino Wilkes Kitty, by Conductor 2:23 Heresy, b m, 1881, by Hermes Jes- sie Douglas, by Stephen A. Douglas. 2:27 HerkimerT b s, 188. . . 2:29% Herman H.. br g, 1879, by Embassa- dor Felicity, by Enchanter 2:21V* Herman Nutwood, blk s, 1887, by Nut- wood Hermia, by Woodford Mam- brino 2:22^ Hermes, br s, 1871, by Harold Her- mosa, by Edwin Forrest 2:27^ Hermetic, b s, 1886, by Ira Wilkes Lady Gift, by Hambletonian Gift... 2:23V4 Hernani, b s, 188, by Electioneer Gypsy, by Paul's Abdallah 2:29% Hero, ch s, 1882, by Stoner Boy- Fanny, by Blue Bull 2:28 Herod, blk s, 1866, by King Herod Hilliard, by Green Mountain Boy.. 2:24% Heros, br s, "1890, by Eros-Cyrene, by Cyrus R Hersey, br s, 1874, by Macedonian THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 71 Elect, by Young Jupiter. . . . ........ 2:25% HerBhon, b s, 1887, by Herschel-Lady Star, by Squire Talmage ............ Z^a^, llerzog, ch g, 1886, by Strathmore- Mambrino, dam by Bebey's St. Law- rence .................. * ' /4 Hiatoga" Chief, "ch g, 1883, by King Patclien, darn by Tyrone. ........... 2.22W Hickory, b s, 1869, by Goldsmith's Abdallah Dollabella, by Richards' Bellfounder . ...................... 2-30 Hickorywood', ' blk ' s, ' 1891*. by* 'Nor- wood Jet, by liavenswood ......... t'-tv Hidalgo, b g, 1882, by Sultan-Hunt- by EreChef % Hideaway b s,' 1882, by Almont Ford | Venus, by Hiatoga Chief .......... 2.2d% , Highland Boy, gr g, 1883, by Edge- water Carol, by Democrat ......... 2:28 W Highland Boy, b s, 1885, by Laclede Hazel, by Durango ................ ^ : d Highland Boy, gr s 1887, by Highland Grey-Rosa, by Honest Dan Jr ... 2:2^4 Highland Girl, b m, 1885, by O. A. O. Darkness, by Highland Jr ........ 2:29% Highland Grey, gr s, 186-, by Darkey Grey, by Vermont Hambletoman 2:28 Highland Lassie, gr m, 188 . by Young Highland Grey Blitzen, by Thorndale Prince .................. 2:20% Highland Lass, br m, 1887, by Sidney -Young Highland Mary, by Arthur- ton ............................... ITI Highland Maid, ch m, 1875, by Poca- hontas Boy Hippy, by Blue Bull . . .2-2914 Highland Maid, b m, 1847, by Saltram -Roxana. by Hickory (dead) ..... 2:27 Highland Mary, b m, 1871, by Poca- hcntas Boy-Bridget, by Blue Bull. . 2:26 Highland Sidney, blk s, 1890, by Sid- rey Highland Lass, by Buccaneer 2:29% Highland Stranger, b s, 187 by Mambrino Patchen Highland Win- field, by Edward Everett .......... 2 -.2514 Highland Tom, br g, 1882, by Hod Gregor Cedar Mountain Maid, by Mambrino Royal ................... 2:24 Highland Wilkes, b s, 1886, by Bali- kla\a Forrest Queen, by Egmont .. 2:25 Higtland Win b m, 1873, by Ashland Young Highland Maid, by Ethan Allen f.... ................... g. ... 2:26 Fighmont, b g, 1885, by Piidn-.ont- Juliet, by Mohawk Chief ......... 2:2914 High Mucky Muck, gr. s, 188, pedi- gree not traced .................... 2:2914 Hightide, ch m, 188 by Harold, dam by Almont .................. 2:30 Hlghwood, b s, 1887, by Nutwood Dalphine, by Harold .............. 2:21% Hilarlta, b m, 1887, by Alban Miss Shelton, by Electioneer ............ 2:2914 HUbert gr s, 1884, by Egbert Head- ley Mare, by Alexander's Norman.. 2:28% Hilda, ch m, 1887, by Hambrino Pilot Rosa Wilkes, by George Wilkes ................... ., ........ 2:29% Hilda, b m ,188 by Balrd's Ham- bletonian Prince, dam by son of Benedict's Pathfinder .............. 2:29% Hilda, ch m. 1887, by Nelson Elsie, bv Fearnaught Jr 2:2854 Hilda S., b m, 1891, by Stamboul Hinda, by Guy Wilkes 2:19% Hildeburn, b s, 1889, by Cheltenham Brunheilde, by Ryedyk's Hainble- tonian 2:18 Hilberry, ch s, 1888, ly Nutmeg- Hickory Nell, by T. J. Scott (dead) 2:27% Hillcrest, br s, 1884. by Volunteer Ablet, by Pacing Abdallah 2:29 Hilldale, br s, 1888, by Edge Hill Amanda B., by Hero of Thorndale.. 2:29% Hillsdale, b s, 1890, by Antinous Nettie Nutwood, by Nutwood 2:17% Hiuda Rose, br m, 18880, by Election- eerBeautiful Bells, by The Moor. . 2:19% Hinda W., br m, 1887, by Greenbusii King Maud L., by Mambrino Mor- gan 2:20 Hinder Wilkes, ch s, 1883, by Red Wilkes Lady Almont, by Almont .. 2:20|4 Hindoo, blk g, 188 2:2J Hippia, b m, 1889, by Favorite Wilkes LaRosa, by Blackwood 2:21% Hippona, gr m, 188, by Grey Dan, dam by Tempest (dead) 2:27% Hiram Miller, blk g. 1878, by Tom Kirnball 2:22% Hiram Woodruff, br g, 186, by Phil Sheridan Polly, by Canada Grey Eagle 2:25 Hixie McGregor, ch m, 1887, by Rob- ert McGregor Lady Willis, by Squire Talmage 2:28% H. L. J., br m. 1885 by Almont Star -Dolly Rogers ...'. 2:27% H. M. Stanley, gr g, 1890, by Fla- herty's Fearnaught Nelly, by Old Bill 2:19% H. M. Strong, ch g, 1874, by Bay Mid- dleton Kitty Manny, by King's Champion 2:25% Hogarth, blk s. 1873, by Messeager Duroc Hattie Hogan, by Harry _ Clay (dead) 2:26 Hokeland, br s, 1884, by Dundee Bnnette, by Lord Baltimore 2:19 Holcomb, br g, 1887, by Holstein Jenny Lind, by King Patchen ...... 2:27 Holden Davis, b g 188, by Allie West 2:24% Holland, b s, 1882, by Onward Pattie Williams by Haywood 2:29% Hollander, b s, 1886, by Hamlin's Al- mont Jr. Myrtle, by Wood's Ham- bletonian 2:30 Hollister, b s, 1887, by Hamlin's Al- mont Jr. Miranda, by Mambrino Patchen 2:21 Holly, ch g, 1885, by Kentucky- Pacific Maid 2:28% Holmdel, b s, 1885. by Hermes True Love, by Peacemaker 2:18% Holstein. b s, 1882, by Indianapolis- Belle Brasfleld, by Viley's Cripple. . . 2:2G I Home Brewed, b g, 188, by Tremont 2:24% Home Maid, ch m. 1877, by Royal Fearnaught Nance, by Western Chief Jr. 2:25% Homer, br g, 1883, by Heraies Min- nie H., by Gen. Knox 2:22% H<,mer Wilkes, gr g. 1885, by Mam- brino Wilkes, dam by Gen. Lyons . . 2:29% Hcmer Wilkes, b o. 1888 by Wi'kes Boy Hallie, by Homei 2:28 Hcmfetake, b g, 1881, by Gibraltar- Kate, by Volunteer 2.14% 72 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Homestead, b s, 1SSG, by Nutwood- Precept, by Pancoast .............. Homewood, ch 8 1878, by Hamble- tonian Tranby Belle Wurman, by Fred Pier&on ..................... Horest Billy, b g, I6 , by Given Mountain Morgan Beach Mare, by .Astelot Morgan (dead) ............ Honest Billy, ch g, 1886, by Tom Jtfferson Nelly Young, by Little Hamilton ......................... Honest Byerly, b s, 1887, by Byerly Abdallah Nina K., by Honesty ---- Honest Clay, br s, 1889, by C. F. Clay Cbance, by Tom Stamps .... Honest Dutchman, ch s. 1802, by Grey Messenger, dam by Bellfounder (deadj .......................... Honest George, b g, 1385, by Albert- Fanny Crow Jer .................. Hoiiettt Harry, ro g, 1869, by Win- throp Morrlll ..................... Honest Jake, b g, .188, by Honest John ............................. Honest Joe. b g, 188, by Fred Boone Honest Lyon, ch g, 1870, by Gen. Lyons ............................. Honest Tommy, blk g, 18& , by Dud- ley Buck ......................... Honesty, ch s, 1877, by Priam West- ern Girl, by Chieftain ............. Honey B.. b m, 1881, by Charley B., Flora Andrews, by Gooding's Cham- pion .............................. Honey Dew, br m, 1889, by St. Bel- Lonely, by Volunteer ........ ^ ..... B.cneywood b m, 1890, by St. Bel Shelbourne Maid, by Holibird's Ethan Allen ..................... Hoodwink, b m, 1881, by Hermes Oharmis, by Belmont (dead) ...... Hooka, b m, 1886, by Messenger Chief Minerva, by Strathmore ......... Hoosier Girl, blk m, 1873, by Blue Bull Kate, by Darley Arabian ..... Hope, ch g, 186, by Telegraph ..... , 1866, by Godfrey Hopeful, gr g, Kate, by Bridgham Horse Patchen (dead) Hopemont. br m, 1877, by Ool. Cross Miss Robinson ................... Horicon, br g, 1881, by Hoepodar Mary, by Darkey ................. Hornell Wilkes, b s, 1886, by Red Wilkes Laura, by Capt. Sykes ____ Hornet, ch m, 1880, by Goodiug's Champion Fanny ................. Hornpipe, blk e. 1883, by Banker Jeannette, by Mambrino Howard . . Hortense, b m, 1890, by Quartermas- ter Saratoga, by Grand Sentinel. . Hortense, b m, 188, by Judge Advo- cate .............................. Horton. b g, 1883, by Polonius Mag- gie Horton by Major Edsall Jr. . . Hot Shot, ch g, 188, by Deucalion.. Hotspur, b g, 1861, by Ethan Allen, dam by True John (dead) ......... Hotspur Chief b s, 1871, by Hotspur (dead) ............................ Hotspur Girl, b m, 1878, by Hotspur Jr. Flora ............ . ............ Hotspur King b s, 1883, by Hotspur Houri, b m, 1884, by Onward Jessie Turner, by Mambrino Patchen ..... Howard, b s, 1887, by Vermont Ab- dallah Vernet, by Edward Everett 2:30 2:23% 2:20% 2:27% 2:29% 2:26% .2:14% 2:22% 2:27 2: 2:30 2:26% 2:25% 2:25% 2:29% 2:19% 2:25 2:30 2:25% 2:28 2:14^4 2:28 2:19V4 2:27% 2:29% 2:22% 2:21% 2:26% 2:25% 2:21/4 2:24 2:29 2:29V4 2:27% 2:17 2:20 Howard, b g, 187, by George "Wilkns Lady Adams, by Amos' Cussius M. Howtrd Jay.' 'ro' g, ' 1876', ' by ' W Jod's Hf mbletonian Emma Montour bv Seneca Chief * Howard L., ro g, 1887, by Monarch Jr. Tii-ey B., by Black Pilot Howard Medium, b s, 188, by Sax- ony .' Howard S., b s, 1888, by Western Boy Smith Mare Howell, b s. 1880, by Haidane Shena V^n, by Daniel Lambert (pacing record 2:24i4) H. P. E., br g, 188- by Gen. Garfleld H. R. C., b g, 18?* , by Independence, dam by Swigert Hudson, b g, 187, by Tippo Hudson, b g, 1881, by Kinlock Flora Hugh G., blk g, 1S8 , by Governor D. Hugh McLaughlin, b s, 1873, by Aber- deenLady Ham (dead) Hugh Patrick, gr g, 187, pedigree not traced Hugo, b g, 1889, by Hope So, dam by Coa&ter Hugo, b s, 1887, by Electioneer Hglpanate, by Planet Hugo H., blk g, 1885, by Hugo Prince, dam by Bonnie Scotland Huguely, b s, 1889, by Vatican Edna O., by Hogan's Mambrino Hulbert, br s, 1888, by Sherman's Hambletonian Alice G., by Allie West Hulda. b in. 1888, by Guy Wilkes Jenny, by Bull Pup Huldy B., ch m, 1886. by Ben Frank- lin Topsey, by Green Mountain Banner ,. Humbert, b g. 1878, by Bona Fide Belle of Paylet, by Warr Hulett Humboldt, b g, 187, by Stockton Chief, dam by Parish's Davy Crocket Humbolt Maid, b m, 18!.)1, by Wald- stein Humbug, gr g. 188, by Billy *Knox, dam by Major Goldsmith Hundley, ch s, 1887, by Harkaway- -- Burton Mare, by Peavine Hunter, ch g, 1867, by Black Dutch- man, dam by Walters' son of Sala- din (dead) Hunter, br g, 1878. by Jerry Ladd Hunter, gr g. 1877, by Banker Roths- child, dam by Glencoe Hunter Rye, b g, 1884, by Orange Blossom Carrie, by Andy Johnson Huntress, ch m, 1878, by Admiral- Black Flora, by Black Prince Huntress, b m, 1864. by Volunteer- Lady Sears, by Seely's American Star (dead) Huntsman, b s, 1887, by Heptagon- Big Head Mary, by Virgo Hamble- tonian Huon, b s, "1879, by Hainlin's Alniont Jr. Polly, by Hamlln Patchen Hurlingham, br s 1887, by Wilkee- dale Loretta, by Bostick's Almont Jr Hurly Burly, ch s. 1886, by Rumor Lucia, by Jay Gould Huron Boy. t-h g, 1885, by Pasaeas Jenny Bell Hurricane, gr s, 1877, by Ringwood Maggie Mitchell, by Phil Sheridan . . . 2:2114 2:20% 2:19V4 2:28% 2:26V4 2:25y 4 2:2114 2:29 2:27 2:28 2:23 2:22% 2:27% 2:25% 2:24 2:17% 2:08% 2:21% 2:28% 2:20 2:27 2:20% 2:29 2:25% 2:23 & 2:28 2:20% 2:30 2:28^4 2:19% 2:1614 2:16V4 2:29Vi JOHN SPLAN, GLENVILLE, OHIO. (THE ORATOR.) Splan cut the world's record for trotters to 2:13J4 with Rarus, and the world's record for pacers to 2 :06J4 with Johnston. FRANK DOBLE, EI.YEIA, OHIO. The momber of the Doble family that marked Gertrude 2:12 and Peveril 2:141/3. THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Huseholt, br s, 188, by Reno Defi- ance 2:25 Hussar, b s, 188, by Sweepstakes- Lady Power 2:29V a Hussar, b s, 1886. by Jersey Wilkes Lady Swiveler, by Walkill Chief 2:18% Hustler, ch g, 188, by Haldane Lady Pearl, oy Abraham (pacing rec- ord 2 :27V 2 ) 2:20%; Hustler, b s. 1890, by Hummer Mu- sette, by Mambrino Patchen 2:20% ! Hustler, ch g, 188, by Rustler 2:29V4 j Huxham, ch s, 1887, by Nest Egg Hagar, by Woodford Mambrino Jr.. 2:18% Hyacinthe, b m, 188, by Pasacas... 2:20% H. W. Beecher, blk s, 1872, by Phil Sheridan Lady Clement 2:28'/4 ! Hydrogen, b s, 188 , by Nitrogen. .. . 2:27% Hylas, ch s, 1869, by Alcalde Santa Maria, by Pilot Jr 2:24% ; Hylas Boy, b g, 1884, by Hylas, dam by Indian Chief. ... 2:23 Hylas Maid, b m, 1880, by Hylas, dam by Robert Bonner 2:29% : Hyperion, ch s, 1886, by Piedmont- Mamie, by Hambletonian Jr 2:21% i Hyson, b s," 188, by Hyperion 2:26 : /j H. Z. Leonard, b s, 1878, by Du- Bois's Hambletonian Prince Leon- ard Maid, by New York Boy 2:30 j lago, b g, 188, by Tempest Etulogy, by Commodore Belmont 2:15 lanthe, b m, 1887, by Bostick's Al- mont Jr Littlefield, by Enfield 2:16 Ibis, b m, 1884. by Princeps Lorette, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 2:19% Ice Cream, dn g, 188, by Swigert Chief 2:26 Ichi Ban, b s, 1883, by Belmont Primrose, by Alexander's Abdallah.. 2 :29 ! /i Ida, gr m, 1875, by Belmont Molly Quick, by Scott's Blue Bull Ida A., b m, 188, by Princeer Ida B., ch m, 188, by Ashland Chief Ida B., b m, 188, by George Brooks, dam by Key's Miller Ida Belle, b m, 1880, by Maj. Miller Lady Konkle, by Wood's Hamble- tonian Ida O., b m, 188, pedigree not traced Ida D br m, 1883, by Maxim Nut- meg Maid, by Thomas Jefferson Ida D., ch m, 188--, by Doncaster Idah, br m, 1892, by Sidney Juno, by Buccaneer Ida H., br m, 1876, pedigree not traced Ida K., b m, 1891, by Robert Mc- Gregor IdjLho Patchen, b s, 187, by Henry BT Patchen Kate Wallen, by Lusby (dead) 2:26% Ida May, br m, 1885, by Hawthorne- Baron Tempest, by Chieftain 2:28 Ida Norwood, b m, 1881, by Norwood Arabian Girl, by Arabian Chief... 2:26% Ida P. J., br m, 1882, by Dread- Fanny Castleman, by Punch 2 :29Vi Ida S., b m, 188, by Indiaman 2:24% ; Ida T., b m, 188, by Dauntless- Lady Tramp, by Tramp 2:25 Ida T., b m, 188, by Wagner Ba- shaw 2:27 Idavan, b s, 1885, by Earl Meta, by Thorndale 2:19% Idia, b m, 1891, by Duquesne 2:30 Ideal, b m, 1889, by Onward Idyl, by Challenger 2:29& 2:29> 3 2:25 2:25% ! 2:17U 2:23 2:27% ; 2:17% ! 2:30 2:30 2:30 Idelia, b m, 1886, by Electioneer Clarabel, by Abdallah Star 2:30 Idleweise, b m. 1889, by Idolater- Lady Rownd, by Square Dealer 2:24V4 Idle May, b m, 1885, by Electioneer May, by Wildidle 2:27'i Idle Thought, b m, 188, by Happy Thought , . 2 :29% Idlewild, blk m, 1878, by Glenair Lady Henkley, by Bartiett's Black Hawk (dead) 2:29>/4 Idler, rn m, 188, by Raymond Abbie, by Onderdonk 2-28 Idol, ch m, 1857, by Bob Ridley- Friendship, by Gossip Jones 2:27 Idol, br in, 1869, by Stephen A. Doug- lass, dam by Seely's Black Hawk... 2:23 Idol, b s, 1887, by Gambetta Molly, by St. Elmo 2:27 1 4 Idolater, ch s, 1884, by Backman's Idol Nelly B., by Brougham 2:28% Idolf b s, 1885, by Backman's Idol- Molly Jackson, by Stonewall Jack- son 2:13% Idol Gift, blk s, 1881, by Aker's Idol- Lady McKenny. by Sweepstakes.... 2:24 Idol Jackson, blk s, 1886, by Back- man's Idol Mary Jackson, by Stone- wall Jackson 2-27% Idol Stone, b g, 188, by Backman's Idol 2 ' > 9 1 Ignaro, b s, 1884, by Princeps Olio, by Dick Hambletonian ,. 2-25V-, Ignia Fatuus, b s, 1884, by Editor- Lulu Wilkes, by George Wilkes 2:20v 2 I. Jay S., ch s, 1883, by Tramp De- laucy, by Green's Bashaw 2:2 j*i Ike Shultz, b g, 187, by Vosburg Kitty Bu -son, by Rainbow 2:30 Ike Wilkes, b g, 1887, by Grand Wilkes Fanny, by Blue Bull 2:17'* Illinois Egbert b g, LS82, by Egbert- Hippy, by Bowman's Clark Chief... 2:10'.. lima Cossack, b m, 1888, by Don Cos- sackTrue Blue, by Blue Bull 2:21% Uton, b s, 1885, by Tempest Bonetta, by Commodore Belmont 2'2S ] ^ Image b m, 1890, by Delrnarch Bright Light, by Autocrat Jr 2-19 Imitato", b s, 1881, by Delineator 2:23% Immense, ch g, 1890, by Stockwell Alice W. by Black Chief 2:25',.. Imogene, b m, 1884, by Princeps Ozone, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian.. 2:22 Imogene, blk m, 1890, by Inmaus dam by Shooting Star 2:2<;% Impetuous, blk m, 1892, by Dictator- Ethel wyn, by Harold 2 :ir> U Ina, b m, 188, by Ridgeway 2:254 Ina G., bm, 1875, by Blue Bull 2:24% Inca, br s, 1872, by Woodford Mam- brino Gretchen, by Mambrino Pilot. 2:27 Inca Jr., ch s, 1881, by Inca Black Hawk Belle 2 :2D ! /> Incas, br s, 1884, by Inca May Day, by Ballard's Cassius M. Clay Jr... 2:14V-> Incense, b m, 1885, by Young Jim- India, by Happy Traveler 2:17 r > 4 Independence, gr s. 1871, by Gen Knox Skip, by Gideon 2 :2U 4 Independence, b s, 1873, by Young Hindoo Fanny Fern, by Tom How- ard 2:23U Independence, blk g, 188, by Edward Everett 2 :19Vi Independence B., br s, 1885, by Thun- der Dumpty, by Mambrino Thatch- er 2:29% Independent, ch s, 1889, by Lincoln 74 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Dolly K 2:28% ! Index, b 8, 1877, by James R. Reese Rosa Belle, by Bacon's Ethan Allen. 2:21 Index, b s, 188 by Dexter Prince, j dam by Abbottsford 2:2/4 i Inglewood, b s, 1884, by Onward Mary, by Wilkes Booth 2:24 Ingomar, ro g, 1874, dam by Wood s Hambletonian .. 2:2914 Ingot, br s, 1884, by Nugget-Maple Leaf, by New York 2:2o% Inis Wilkes, gr m, 188, by Lumps, dam by Administrator 2 :29 Inlaid, ch g, 1880, by Belmont or son of Lexington Mosa, by Woodford ( ^ / Mambrino 2:2oVa Imuan, b s, 188, by Strathmore, dam by Gov. Sprague 2:30 Ino, b m, 1873, by Cheney's Grey Eagle Dolly 2:21% Ino, ro m, 1885, by Wood's Hamble- toniau 2:19% Instant, b m, 1885, by Startle Integ- rity, by Belmont A" " Y ' 2:14/4 Integrity, br s, 1886, by Capoul Gauntiette, by Dictator. .......... .. 2:27/4 Interior Boy, b s, 188, by Interior.. 2:29'/ 4 Interval, b m, 1890, by Norval Aral, by Amber 2:2o'/i Inventor, b s, 1884, by Dauntless Lady Washington, by Republic 2:2o< Investigator, b s, 1888, by Recorder Grace Woodard, by Dictator. ....... 2:19% Inveterate, b s, 1886, by Woodford Wilkes Rosilla, by Swigert 2:29-4 Invincible (Cory's), b 6, 1889, by In- vincible-Ida C., by Rufus O 2:27 Invincible, b s, 1884, by Prmceps Duroc Maid, by Messenger Duroc. .. 2:19-} 4 Io, ch m, 1886, by McCurdy's Ham- bletonian Lulu, by Golddust. ...... 2:13 Iodine, br g, 1881, by Aker's Idol- Phinny Mare 2:29% lola, b m, 187- by Peter-Iola, by Wright's Rattler 2:29% lolantne, b m, 1879, by Victor The Countess, by Drew 2:30 lona, blk m, 1882, by Alcyone- Jessie Pepper, by Mambrino Chief. ....... 2:17% lona tor m, 1888, by Combat Daley, by Dictator 2:27 lona, ro m, 188, pedigree not traced. 2:29% lona S., ch m, 1886, by Albrino Nixie B., by Daniel Boone 2:17% lone, b m, 1885, by Alcyone Lotta, by Alburn 2:27 Ionia, gr m, 1873, by Shuuganunga Cinderella 7 2:29% lora, b m, 1890, by Ira Daisy Hay- ward, by Poscora Hayward 2:28 l /> Iowa Harold, b g, 1880, by Harold- Iowa Maid 2:25% Ira, b s, 1884, by Piedmont Irene, by Mohawk Chief 2:24va Ira, b g, 1884, by Hinsdale Horse, dam by Harris' Mambrino Chief Jr . . 2 :27 Ira Gaines, b g, 1886, by Allie Gaines Lucy Bird,. by Abdallah Bird 2:13',; Iral N., b m, 1888, by Muucie 2:24% Ira M., gr s, 1878, by Blue Bull Nelly Miller, by Coulter's Daw Crocket .'.2:30 Ira Wilkes, b s, 1876, by George Wilkes Nelly B., by Harry B. Patchen (pacing 2:22%) 2:28 Ira Wilkes, b g" 188, by Mambrino Wilkes 2:29% Irene, b m. 1886, by Star Wilkes Iiena 2:16% Irene, blk m, 1885, by Alcantara lola, by Administrator 2:23% Irene, gr in, 1871, by Dusty Miller- Minnie., by Vanderver's Abdallah . . 2:20V 2 Irene, I m, 1S<0, by Idolater Bassie, by Dear-on 2:30 Irene Crocker, gr m, 1890, by Will Crocker Irene 2 :20 Irene White, blk m, 1884, by Principe 2:25% Irene Wilkee, blk m, 1SS7, by Frank Wilkes Jenny, by Pilot 2.27 1 A Iris b m, 1877, by Mambrino Star lady Dolphus, by Dolphus 2:29% Irish Lad, b g, 1872, by Aberdeen Catherine 2:23% Irish Pullett. b m. 1884 by Phil Sher- idan Jr. Estella B., ' 2:28 Irl N., b s, 1888, by Nuncio Minnie, by Gill's Vermont" 2:27% Irrna C., gr m, 1884, by Jim AVilson Fanny, by Pocahontas Boy 2 :23 J / 4 Irina H . b m, 1888, by Onward Lulu. by Harold 2:29% Iron Age, ro g, 1871, by Jules Jurgt-'it- sen Miss Hastings, by Drew 2:19% Iron Bar, gr s, 1890, by Temple Bar Camelia, by Old Bodo 2:24% Iron Duke, Jr. b s, 1880, by Iron Duke Maggie by Mambrino Chief 2:25 Iron Kins b gr, 1S6 , pedigree not traced 2:30 Ironwood, gr g, 1882, by Jim Wilson 2:23 1 /4 Ironwood, b g, 2:27 ! Iron Worker, b s, 1888, by M imbrino King Topaz by Strathmore 2 :29% i Irvington, br s, 188, by Mambrino King 2:29 ! Iroquois, b g, 188 by Hurricane .. 2:25 Isaac, b g, 1878, by George Wilkes Fanny, by Charles E. Loew 2 :25% Isaac d, gr g. 1880, by Athlete- Oriole, by Orient 2:2% 4 Isabella, b m, 1876, by Dictator Miss Roberge 2:2v\ Isa Belle, br m, 1888, by Jay Bird Kate, by Prince Almont 2:1<% I. S. French, ch g, 1888. by Pilot Al- mont 2:12 ^ Island Wilkes, gr s, 1888. by Red THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 75 Wiikes Minnie Patcheu, by Mam- brino Patcheu 2:13% Islam, b s, 1889, by Sphinx Maggie Hubbard, by Magna Charta 2:26 Isreal, b s, 1884, by Rampart Jessica, by Bellwood 2:19% Iseaquena, br m, 1881, by Pancoast Laythain Lass, by Alexander's Ab- daiiali 2:21V4 Item, b s, 1882, by Artillery Godiva, by Auditor 2:26 L / 4 Ithuriel, b s, 1888 by Red Wilkes Topsey, by Strathmore 2:29% Ivauhoe, b s, 1883, by Amber Lysan- der Maid, by Lysander 2:27% Ivica, b s, 1884, by DeGraff's Alexan- derGenoa, by Cuyler 2:24% Ivo b s, 1887, by Electioneer Vic- toria, by Don Victor 2:26 Ivy E., b m, 1887, by Electioneer Ivy, by Don Victor 2:29% Ivy Medium, b m, 188, by Prince Medium 2:24% Ivy Princess, ch m, 1886, by Jersey Prince Fanny Fern by Wood's Hambletonian ' 2:30 I. York, b g, 188, by Gen. Thomas 2:29% 1. X. L., b g, 1883, by Walker Merrill Sesesh, by Atkins' Trustee 2:25% Jack, br g, 188, by A. W. Richmond 2:26 Jack, b g 188 by Aristos 2:29% Jack, gr g, 1883, by Pilot Medium- Carrie Russell, by Magna Charta... 2:11% Jack B., br g, 188, by Annapolis Hippitaca, by Hermes 2:28% , Jack Barry, b g, 186, pedigree not traced 2:29 Jack Cade b s, 1885, by Coriander- Judith, by Robert McGregor 2:26% Jack Clark, blk g, 1884, by Antar Yankee, by Ace of Diamonds 2:27% Jackdaw, br s, 1888, by Jay Bird- Biddy McGregor, by Robert Mc- Gregor 2:28% Jack Dawson, bik s, 1888, by Director - Favorita, by George Wilkes ... 2 :30 Jack Draper, b g, 186, by Humbiru 2:27 Jack Heyden, b g 187, pedigree not traced '. 2:23% Jack Lewis, b g, 185, by Clifton Pilot (dead) 2:28% Jack On'utt, ch s, 1887, by Nantucket -Euclid Maid , " 2:26 Jack Raleigh, br g, 188, by Black- stone Prince Waldo Mare, by Sher- man Horse 2:23% Jack Riley, b s, 1888, by Dan Mc- GregorSunset, by Solferino 2:25% Jack Roth ro g. 188, pedigree not traced 2 :28% Jack Sailor, br g, 1874, by Sweep- stakes Fanny D., by Black Morgan 2:25% Jack Sheppard, b s, 1887 by Ander- son Wilkes 2 :14% Jack Sheppard Jr. b g, 1879, by Jack Sheppard Baby, by Ethan Allen . . 2 :29% Jack Slade, ch s, 1885, by Prince Mon- roeDaisy, by Stockbridge Chief. . 2:29% Jackson, b s, 1865, by Fine Cut 2:27 Jacksonian, b s, 1887, by Longstride Kate Tiffany, by Monarch 2:22% Jacksonian, b g, 1889, by Autograph Miss Fanny Jackson, by Bav Lam- bert . . ; 2.10% Jacksonian. br 3, 1889. by Schuyler Colfax Lady Jackson, by Mohawk Jackson 2 :22% Jacksonville Boy. b g. ISf . pedigree not traced ....................... Jack Splan, b 6, 1870, by Almout Jecny Martin, by Star Denmark . . . Jack Spratt, b g, 188, by Tinder . . Jack Spratt, b g, 1888, by Hamble- tonian Wilkes Water Lily, by Magna Charta .................... Jack Spratt. br g, 3875, by Tom Palchen Fowler .................. Jack the Ripper, b g, 188, pedigree not traced ........................ Jack. Wiman, b g, 1888, by Harold- mont, dain by G libretti Knox ..... Jaco, blk s, 1888, by Patchen Wilfcss by Mambrino Lida Patchen, Patchen .......................... Jacobin b s, 1885, by Princeps Lulu Wilkes, by George Wilkes ......... Jadie Allen, b m, 188 , by Petoskey, dam by Freeman ................. J. A. K., ch g, 188, pedigree not traced ............................ Jake, b s, 1884, by Messenger Chief- Sal Swope by Bourbon Chief ...... J Alba, b g. 188, by Glen Knox . . . Jalisco, b s, 1882, by Durango Purl, by Haw Patch ..................... James, ch g. 188, pedigree not traced ............................ James A. Garfield, blk g, 188, pedi- gree not traced ................... James D., b g, 188, by Mambrino Pilot .............................. James D., ch g, 1886 by Clay Abdal- iah Field Mare .................. James D. McMann, b g, 186. by George M. Patch en Jr. (dead) ---- James P., b g, 1883, by Reporter- Jessie by Roberts' Royal George . . James G., ch s, 1881, by Royal Chief Sunbeam, by Alhambra .......... James G. Blaine, blk g, 1866, by Messenger Hunter L-ally Mare, by Call Horse ........................ James II. , b g, 1873, by Amboy, dam by Finch's St. Lawrence ......... James H. b g, 1876, by Gladiator- Fanny Collier, by Collier .......... James H., b s, 1887, by Nil Deeper- andum Maggie, by Thorndale ..... James Halfpenny, b g, 1875, by Blue Bull, dam by Pearsall .............. James H. Burke, blk g, 186, by Tip- poo (dead) ........................ James Howell Jr. br g. 1866, by Rys- dyk's Hambletonian-^Jessie Sayre, by Harry Clay (dead) .............. James L., b g, 1887, by Dexter Prince, dam by Tom Veruon James M., b g, : Lady Haskins, by Haskins Horse 1885, by Landmark James Madison, b s, 1884, by Anteeo Lucy Patchen. by George M. Patchen Jr James Morrison, b g, 188, by Gov. Sprague James P., b s, 1887, by Princeps Gracie Van Cott, by Jay Gould Jane L., br m, 1879, by Hamble- tonian Mambrino Molly Welsh, by Paul Jones Jane R., b m. 1879, by Alden Gold- smith Medora, by Bayard Janesville. b g, 186, by Robert Ful* ton. dam by Gen. McClellan Janet, br m, 188, by Black Rolfe. . Janet, b m. 1886, by Bourbon Boy- Lady Wellington, by Wellington . . 2:26 2:26?i 2:27(| 2:23% 2:22% 2:27% 2:20% 2:29 2:23% 2:17% 2:22 2:29% 2:19% 2:26% 2:29y 4 2:23% 2:30 2:28% 2:22% 2:20 2:28% 2:21% 2:21 2:28% 2:29% 2:27% 2:24 2:16% 2:21% 2:17% 2:25% 2:19% 2:26% 2:27% 76 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Janie (Opal), b m, 1870, by Jay Gould Ruby Allen, by Ethan Allen 2:21*4 Janifer, br m, 1883, by Red Wilkes Stella O'Neal, by Pacing Abdallah 2:22 Jasper, b g, 1881,. by Altimont 2 :25*4 Jasper, b g, 1875, by Jasson 2:26Va Jaunita b m, 1887, by Sultan Beulah, by Harold 2:29 Jay Bird, b m, 1975, by Kent Molly, by Warchester 2:30 Jay Oaldwell, b s, 1887, by Hamdal- lah Molly, by Oliver Goldsmith.... 2:22% Jay Cook, blk g, 1869. by Joe Hooker Spy, by Sweet Owen (dead) 2:27 Jay-Eye-See, blk g, 1878, by Dictator Midnight, by Pilot Jr. (pacing record 2:06%) 2:10 Jayfoot, ro s, 1888, by Jay Bird Fleety, by Baywood 2:28 Jay Gould, b s. 1864, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian Lady Sanford, by Seely's American Star (dead) 2:2iy 2 Jayhawk, b s, 1888, by Jaywood Grenadine, by Grenadier 2:29% Jaw Hawker, ro e, 1890, by Jay Bird Sorrento, by Grand Sentinel 2:14% Jay See Bee, b s 1886, by Paramount Molly B., by Panic 2 :28V> Jay See Ell, blk s, 1891, by Round's Sprague 2 :24# Jay TJ. See, ch s, 1883, by Vermont Abdallah 2:25% J. B., b g, 1880, by Dick Turpin- Lady Belle by Emigrant 2:24^ 2 J. B. C., b m, 188 by Strait's Su- perior : 2:27% | J. B. Richardson, b g, 1877. by George Wilkes Tullahoma, by Al- mont 2 :16% J. B. S., br g, 188 by White's Ethan Allen, dam by Black Ralph 2:29% J. B. S.. b g, 1882, by Allie Gaines Belle S., by Star of the West 2:19!4 J. B. Thomas, b g, 1874. by Sterling Lady Hooker, by Defiance 2:18 1 X> J. O., b g, 188-, by Oshkosk 2:29% J. C. (Frederick) b g, 1882 by Winne- bacro Chief Kit .' 2:20 J. D. O., gr g, 1883, by Roscoe C. Lady Bromley 2:30 J. D. Creighton, blk s., 1890, by C. F. Clay Gambettina, by Gambetta Wilkes J._D. L., br g, 1886, by Mambrino " ig, dam by Stephen A. Jeanette, b ra, 1886. by The King 2:25 '/a King, dam by Stephen A^Doiiglas. . 2:29V4 2:29% Jenny, by Young Columbus Jean Look, b m, 188, by Look 2:30 Jeannette, b m, 1882, by Don Cossack Lotta, by Bashaw Drury 2:26V4 Jeannie, b m. 1877, by Abraham Old Sorrel, by Breed Horse 2:27 ? 4- Jeannie C., b m, 1884, by Nutwood- Delilah, by Administrator 2:22 Jean Valjean, b g, 1883, by Critten- den Fantine, by Alcalde 2:14 Jean Wilkes, b m, 1884, by Red Wilkes Belle Brino, by Hambrino. . 2:27 1 /4 Jean Wilkes, b m, 1889, by Guy Wilkes Rosalie, by Sultan 2:24% Jean Wilkes, b m, 1888, by Young Wilkes Jeanette, by Messenger Du- roc .' 2:29'4 Jeff Davis, b s, 188, by Wedgewood. 2:27% Jeff Davis, br g, 1884. by Atlantic- Doxy Morgan, by Red Lion 2:17'/4 Jeffersonian. b g, 1889. by Ajax Fanny, by Gray's Tom Hal 2:27 Jefferson Wilkes, blk s, 1891, by Al- cone .......................... 2-26 Jeffie Lee, ch m, 1887, by Red Pilot' dam by Cramer ....... 9-22 Jeff Smith, b g, 1881, by Ohio-Doll,' by Manchester Tuckahoe (pacing rec- ord 2:29%) ............ ...... 2-2744 Jeff Wilkes, b g, 1879, by George Wilkes Lady Adams, by Amos' Cas- sius M. Clay Jr ........ , 2-'Wi Jellyby, b s, 1885, by Walsiughainr- Nonie, by Golddust ................ Jenny, b m. 1865, by Red Eagle Topsy Reamy, by Patalaska (dead).. Jenny, ch m, 1871, by Dandy Nich- ette, by Guest Horse ............... Jenny, b m, 1881, by Richwood Han- nah, by Don J. Robinson ............ Jenny B., b m, 1882, by Blue Bull- Lady Hassin ..................... Jenny B., gr m, 1880, by Dan Brown- Jenny Lind, by Tucker's Good Ike.. Jenny Bell, b m, 188, pedigree not traced .......................... Jenny C., b m, 1884, by Kent Sorrell Lambert, by Daniel Lambert ........ Jenny D., blk m, 1887, by Lake Erie Nelly, by Star of Ulster ............ Jenny Hill blk m, 188, by Egthorne Jenny Holton, b m, 1868, by .may Bacchus ......................... Jenny June, br in, 188, by Motor... Jenny K., b m, 1887, by Phallas Dutch Girl, by Abdallah Boy ....... Jenny Ki:-k, ch m, 1877, pedigree not traced ........................... Jenny L., gr m, 1869, by Terhune Horse Emma, by Grey Messenger (dead) ........................... Jenny M., ch m, 1880, by Joe Hooper Hull Mare, by Von Moltke ........ Jenny M., br m ...................... Jenny Q., gr m, 1890, by Gen Wilkes Miss Barlow, by Dr. Keene ........ Jenny It., b m, 188, by Como ....... Jenny Rolfe, b m, 188, by Young Rolfe, dam by Summerset Knox ____ Jenny R., blk m, 188, by Warwick Boy .................. ' ........... Jenny Sprague, ch m, 1882, by Rounds' Sprague Kit, by Gage's Logan ........................... Jenny Star, br m, 1885, by Master- lode Star Maid, by Magnolia ....... Jenny Thombs, b m, 1887, by Senator Jenny, by Corbin Bashaw ......... Jenny W., br m, 1870, by Brown Harry Blackbird, by Black Hawk. . Jenny Wilkes, b m, 1885, by Coronet Kitty Morgan, by Bartlett Morgan. . Jc-nny Wilkes, b m, 1887, by Wood- ford Wilkes China Wilkes, by Adrian Wilkes .................... Jenny Wren, b m, 188, by Coligue... Jenny Wynne, br m, 188 , by Wade Hampton ......................... Jeremiah, b g^ 1879, by William Welch Lady Gregory, by Corbeau.. Jericho (Everett), b g, 1867, by Henry Clay Jenny, by Grinnell's Cham- pion (dead) ...................... Jerome, b g, 188, pedigree not traced ............................ Jerome, b g, 1880, by Caesar ......... Jerome, b g, 1870, by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian Fanny Fiske, by Young Almack 2:20 2:22V4 2-21H4 2:18% 2-29^ 2:24 2 -28U 2-24% 2:26V a 2:29% 2:22'/4, 2:l'jy 4 2:15-4 2:27% 2:27% 2:29 2:30 2:26% 2:27va 2:28% 2:15% 2:24% 2:2r>Va 2:30 2:25'/-2 2:25% 2:26% 2:30 2:29 2:26 Jerome, b g, 1873, by Hamilton Blonde, by Ashland . . '. ............. 2:27 2 :25% THE 2:30 TROTTERS. I i Jerome, ch g, 180--, by Keokuk 2:27 Jerome Eddy, b s, 1875, by Louis Na- poleon Fanny Mapes, by Alexan- der's Abdullah 2:16% Jerome Turner, b B, 1879, by Byerly Abdallah Nettie, by Gray's Tom Hal 2:15/2 Jerry, b g, 1888, by Garnet AVilkes Hazel, by Iowa Duroc 2:2i J /4 Jerry, b g, 188, by Henry B. Patch- en 2 :28% Jerry Alrnont, blk g, 1882, by Almon- tonian, dam by Ericsson 2:2b'/4 Jerry L., gr g, 1879, by Stonewall Jackson Jr., dam by Bayard 2:13% Jerry M., b g, 1885, by Bright Clay Dolly 2 :60 Jerry W., ch g, 188, by Hannis 2:22% Jerry Wilkes, b s, 1888. by Wilkes Spirit Jr.-Jessie 230 Jersey Boy, b g, 1870, by Young Vol- unteer Libby, by Gen. Taylor 2:21' /4 Jersey Belle, blk in, 188, by Jersey Wilkes, dam by Star of the West... 2:lS ! / a Jerseynian, br s, 1885, by Jersey Prince Lulu K., by Goldsmith's Star 2:23% Jersey Prince, ch s, 1879, by Ken- tucky Prince Erneline, by Henry B. Patchen (dead) 2:27V4 Jersey Wood, b s, 1885, by Jersey Billy Patterson 2:27% ee not traced. 2:2t>'/ 4 gr g, 1, y eucalion 2:21 Jesse Hammond, b g, 1880, by Signal Jenny Amos, by Middleton's Gold- dust 2:23% Jesse Hanson, b g, 1884, by Roger Hanson-Nelly Mac, by Blue Vein. .. 2:13% Jesse James, ch g, 1883, by Don J. Robinson Black Mora 2:29% Jessie A cli in, 1874, by Veruol's Black Hawk 2:21 Jessie, br in, 188, by Dexter Prince Lady Fracture 2:22 Jessie B., ch s, 1885, by Gen. Grant- Lady McBeth 2:24 Jessie B., b m, 1880, by Don J. Robin- sonNovice 2d, by Fisk's Manibrino Chief Jr 2:24% Jessie Ballard, b m, 1877, by Archie Hambletonian 2:23 Jessie G., b m, 1889, by Civilization.. 2:24% Jessie Clark, b m, 1889, by Norwood Star Lady Sutherland, by Clark Chief " 2:27% Jessie D., ch m, 1888, by Elyria Kate, by White Line 2:10% Jessie Dixon, b m, 1872, by Main- brino Patchen 2:28% Jessie Fly, br m, 1886, by Swigert Lady Lambert, by Mambrino Medley 2:29% Jessie Gaines, br m, 1883, by Allie Gaines, dam by Shakespeare 2:15% Jessie Gould, b m, 1881, by Jay Gould Dolsey, by Shaeffer Pony.' 2:29% Jessie Hayes, b m, 1868, by Ned For- rest, dam by Highlander 2:24 Jessie Hood, b m, 188, by W. H. Cassidy " 2:23-% Jessie K., b m, 1885, by Landmark- Nelly, by Haskins Horse 2:26% Jessie Maud, gr m, 1870, by Regulus Quakeress, by Washington 2 :29 Jessie McCorkle, ch m, 1889, by Amboy Lilly, by Amber (dead) 2:15 Jessie Sheridan, b m, 1888. by Elial G. Jr. Chestnut Fan, by Phil Sheri- dan 2:21% Jessie Wales, blk m, 1859, by West's Ajax (dead) '. Jessie Wilkes, b m, 1886, by Pilot Wilkes Notre Dame, by Hurst and Thornton's Abdallah (dead) Jessie Wilkes, br m, 1888, by Algeria Wilkes Alice G., by Black Knight.. Jettie, blk m, 1890, by Bonnie Boy- Lady Cooper, by Andrew Jackson. . Jewell, ch g, 1882, by Clayton Edsall Fanny Crawford Jewell, br g. 1875, by Buckingham- Kate Coe, by Rhode Island .. Jewell, ch g, 1882, by Clayton Edsall- Fanny Crawford Jewel C., b m, 1887, by Kentucky Ruler Hazel Kirke, by St. Almo (dead) Jewel Wilkes, b m, 1887, by Woodford Wilkes Pearl, by Ashland Patchen. Jewett, blk g, 1876, by Allie West- Heel and Toe Fanny (pacing record 2:14) .. Jewmont, b s, 1888, by King Almont Jewel, by Gill's Vermont J. G. Morrill, ch g, 1872, by Winthrop Morrill, dam by Eaton Horse J. H. McCormick, ch g, 187, by Wag- ner Bashaw Lucy, by Flaxtail J. H. S., ch g, 188, by Naubic Jilt, ch m, 1854, by Allegheny Chief- Jenny Lind (dead) Jim, ro g, 1874, by Daniel Lambert- Pacing Kate Jim, gr g, 1882, by Billy Norfolk- Irene Jim, b g, 188, by Electioneer Jim Alone, ch s. 188, by Eolus Jim Anderson, b g, 1879, by Robert McGregor Nelly Jim Elaine, b g, 1884, by Dundee Ora, by McKinney Jim Elaine, b s, 1891, by Eastwood.. Jimbone, ch g, 188, by Bonesetter. . Jim Bowman, b g, 187, by a son of Ericsson Jim Burns, br g, 188, by Belmont Chief f. Jim Burns, blk g, 1889, by Temper- ance Flora, by Harrington Hunter Jim C., b g, 1885, by Jim Swigert Darkness Jim Orandall, dn g, 187, pedigree not traced Jim Crow, blk s, 188, by Abbotts- ford, dam by Lumps Jim Dean, gr s, 1888, by Dr. Spurr May, by Bayard Jim Deyo, ch g, 188, by, S. J. Fletcher Jim Dunn, ro g, 1885, by Mambrino Startle Flora, by Lanigan Jim Early, ch g, 1875, by Fitzsim- mons' Champion Nelly Early, by Pilgrim Eclipse Jim F., b s, 1886, by Int-igue Min- nie, by Windsor Jim Fuller, b g, 1880, by Golden Bow Maggie, by Fletcher Jim Golden, blk g, 1880, by Alaric Jenny Ross Jim Graham, b g. 1883, by Harry Franklin Patterson Girl Jim Irving, b g, 1863, by Wilson's Snowstorm Lear Mare, by Sir Will- iam (dead) Jim Knox, ch s, 188 Jim L.. ch s, 1881, by Dan Voorhees Gracie B., by Uncle Sam 2:30 2:28% 2:19>/4 2:18% 2:27% 2:24% 2:29% 2:21% 2:28% 2:20 2:30 2:29 2:29 2:30 2:28% 2:23Va 2:22V 2 2:27% 2:2afi 2:25% 2:30 2:30 2:29-% 2:26 2:24% 2:25% 2:22% 2:30 2:23% 2:29% 2:29 2:20V 4 2:22',; 2:26 2:19% 2:30 2:20% 2:23 2:20% 2:20 78 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Jim Lane, b g, 187, by Dauntless- Kitty Hunter, by Harrington's Hunter .' 2:29% Jim Leach, b g, 1879, by Inca Molly, by Sacramento 2:28%; Jim Matt, b g, 1884, by Young Jim, dam by American Clay 2:28% Jimmy G., b g, 188, pedigree not traced 2:29% Jimmy C., b g, 1879, by Col. M., Fanny Griffinstein 2:23% ; Jimmy Puzzler, b s. 187 by Whirl- wind Jr 2:30 Jimmy Steward, b g, 187 by Daniel Lambert 2:24% Jimmy Temple, blk g, 1882, by George Wilkee Lady Patchen, by Mambrino Patchen (pacing record 2:23%) 2:22y ? Jim Nutwood, b g. 188, by Cornelius 2:21 % Jim Raven, blk g, 186, by Star of the West (dead) 2:30 Jim Riddle, ch s, 1887, by Pilot Wilkes Emma Armstrong, by Star- mont 2:25% Jim Savery, b g 1892, by Blitzen.. 2:29%' Jim Schriber, gr s, 1872, by Rhode Island Dutch Girl, by Dusty Miller 2:21% Jim Smith, b s, 1886, by L. J. Sutton Hattie B., by Don J. Robinson .. 2:22% Jim Sneaks, b g, 188, by McLeod Molly Graydon, by Green's Ba- shaw '. 2 :23'/a Jim Star, gr s, 1882, by Star of the West Emma, by Flying Gypsy . . 2 :29 Jim Ward, b g, 1871, by Young Co- lumbusBlack Star, by Darkey 2:23% Jim Wilkes, b g, 1885, by Young Jim Anna P., by Stockbridge Chief Jr. 2:19y4 Jim Wilkes, blk s, 188 by Young Jim Kate Scott, by Clark Chief. . . . 2:15% ! Jim Young, b s, 1886, by Young Jim- Cricket, by Mambrino Abdallah .. 2:26%i Jingles, b s, 1886, by Baron Wilkes Lamberta, by Daniel Lambert .... 2:28% Jingo Jim, br g, 188, by Bemis' Black Cloud 2:26% J. Irving C., b g, 188, pedigree not traced .. 2:27% J. J. Audubon, ch s, 1887. by Alcyone Dolly Pomeroy, by Highland Grey 2:19 ; J. J. Bradley, b g, 186, pedigree not traced 2:25% J. J Douglas, br g, 1880, by Mam- brino St. Lawrence dam by Geta- way ' 2:20'/2 J. M., b g, 188, by Cornell, dam by Lothair Jr 2:22% J. M. B., b s, 1882, by Selenite Cap- iola 2:26% i J. M. D., b g 188, by Harry Ham- ilton, dam by Little Oak 2:13% ! J. M. G., gr g, 188, by Whiteline . . 2:20 j J. M. K.. gr' g. 1888, by Jet Nelly Grey, by Jack Splan 2:18 J M. T., b g, 188. pedigree not traced 2:22% Joan, b m. 1880, by Waveland Chief, dam by Joe 2:30 Jockey, b g, 188 by Powers Ham- bletonian 2:3O J. O., blk g, .. 2:27% J. O. C. gr g 2:25 J. O. D.', ch m. 1889. by Earl 2:30 Joe, ch g, 188, by Tom Hunter .... 2:30 Joe. ch s. 18 i Joe M., br g 1882, by Joe Cool Dolly M ' 2:2D/ 2 J Joe Mark, b s. 1887, by Victor Bis- marck Miss Monroe, by Jim Monroe 2:23 t .' i i Joe MoLaujrhlin, b g. 1885, by Red Luke Dolly, by Duroc 2:26V 2 Joe Moreland. b s, 1881. by Woodburn Lottie Loe by Herman' D. Patchen 2:22 i Joe Petti t. b er. 1868, by Ashland Belle of Fairflolrl. by Toronto Chief 2:30 Joe Pv.. br ft. by Kirk' 2:17% .Toe R.. Lambert, oh g. (rinirer) 2:30 Joe Ray, b g, 188, pedigree not traced' 2:30 Joe Rhea, b g, 187 , pedigree not traced 2:23 Joe Ripley, b g. 1SG8, by Sa win's Hamblotonian. dam by Black Arrow 2:25 Toe S., b g, 1869. "by Daniel Lambert 2:30 Joe S., flii s. 1883. by Oeole Mary McMolly . .... 2:30 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 79 Joe Thorndale, b e, 1882. by Young Thorndale 2:30 Joetta Wilkes, b m, 1889, by Wood- ford Wilkes Kate Griffith, by Alden Goldsmith 2:29% Joe Udell, b g, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) 2:30 Joe W., b g, 1887, by Stanton Jr. Fanny, by Brant 2:26!4 Joe Wilkes, br s, 1885, by Alcantara Kit by Belmont Hambletonian.. 2:30 Joe Wonder, b g, 1885, by Bonuie Richards-Bay Doll 2:17% Joe You See, b s, 1885, by Joe Young Lucy, by Antar 2:17% Joe Young, blk s, 1876, by Star of the West Lady Gregory, by Green's Ba- shaw 2:19% John A., b g, 188, pedigree not traced 2:29% , Tohn A. Logan, b g 188, by Major Ringgold (pacing record 2:26%) 2:30 John A. Logan, b g, 1884, by Tornado M. Kitty M.. by Mosher's Clay 2:25 ; John B., b g, 1869 pedigree not traced 2:27 John Bascomb, b s, 1880, by Wilkie Collins Josephine, by Wood's Ham- bletonian 2:25 John Bury, b g, 1891, by Antinous, dam by George M. Patchen Jr 2:22 John Carter, b s, 1887 by Regulator- Dolly Fritts, by Marshall Chief ... 2:30 John C. Shelly, b s, 1884, by Haw- thorneOld Tempest, by Morgan llattler 2:29% John Cody Jr., b g, 188, by Sir Wal- lace 2:29% John D., gr g 1884, by Royals ton Canadian Girl 2:28% John D., b g, 188, by Dr. Downing. . 2:30 John D., b g, 1874, by Messenger Duroc Lady Kate, by Keuible Jack- son 2:23% John Dickson, b s, 1882, by Monarch Jr. Jessie Dixon, by Mambrino Patchen , 2:28 John Dotldridge, gr g, 188, by John A. Allen 2:23% John E., ro g, 1868, by Clark Chief, dam by Alexander's Abdallah 2:28% John E., gr s, 1887, by Moody Lady Olmetead, by Young Wilkes 2:29% John F. b s, 1880, by Seneca Prince Bandy Heyl 2:30 John F., b g, 1883, by Mohawk Ham- bletonian 2:30 John Ferguson, b g, 1880, by Forest Mambrino Lady Scott, by Winfleld Scott 2:25% John Fero (Western Boy), b g, 1862, pedigree not traced 2:27% John F. Phelps Jr., b s, 1873, by Al- mont Sue Monday, by Conscript ... 2:26 John G., gr g. 188-, 2:29% John Goldsmith, br s, 1866, by Volun- teerIda, by Marlborough 2:28% John Grant, gr g, 187. pedigree not traced 2:25% John G. Carlisle, b s, 1890, by Norval Mete, by Idol Patchen 2:20 John H., b g, 186, by Black Ba- shaw, dam by Morgan Hunter . . . . 2:20 John Hall, b g, 187. by Daniel Lam- bert, dam by American Ethan 2:24% John Hall blk g, 1869, by Gen. How- ard ....' 2:25 John Head, gr g. 1885. by St. Elmo.. 2:26V 2 John Henry, ch g. 1880. by Pilot Mam- brino Sada Belle, by Stark's Mor- gan 2:26 ',.', John I., b s, 188, by Aristos 2:26% John I Cook, g g, 186, by Star of the West Fanny Jewett 2:29% John L., b s, 188, by Hermit 2:27% John L., b g, 1874, by Marshall's Patchen Kate, by Daniel Webster 2:29% John L., b s, 1886, by Bourbon Wilkes Elsie by Westwood 2:19% John L., ch s, 1887, by Al West- Fanny Barge 2:29% John L., b g, 1887, by Landmark, dam by Bett's St Lawrence 2:291,1 John Love, b g, 1872, by Billy Denton Trusty, by Marlborough 2:28% John McDougall, b g. 187, by Bay Billy f. 2:29 John Merrill, b g, 188, pedigree not traced 2:28% John Mitchell, b g, 1884, by C. W. Mitchell Pearsall Mare, by Pearsall 2:26',; John Morgan, ch g, 1854, by Pilot Jr. Croppy, by Medoc (dead) 2:24 John Merrill, b g, 1874, by Winthrop Morrill 2:27% John Murphy, b g, 188, by Clipper 2:28 ',4 John M., b g, 187, (ringer.) 2:29% John M., ch g, 1881, by Greenback . . 2:27% John W. ch g, 188, by Appleby. . 2:29% Johnny A., ro g, 1886, by Ben Lomond Jr. Fidele, by Gibson's Tom Hal . . 2:22% Johnny B., gr g, 1881, by St. Omer Moss Rose, by Man Eater 2:27% Johnnie B., b g, 188, by Handy B. Cora B., by Artemas 2:25% Johnny Boggs, b s, 1887. by King of the West Maggie Gift, by Mam- brino Gift ^ 2:23 Johnny Bull, b g, 1886, by Jim Wilson Daisy Boone, by Daniel Boone ... 2:27 Johnny H., b g, 187, pedigree not traced 2:30 Johnny Hayward, gr g. 188. by Pos- cora Hayward Mabel, by The Moor 2:26 Johnny Golddust, br g, 1886, by Thompson's Golddust Fanny, by Toronto Chief Jr 2:17 Johnny Gordon, ch g, 1869, by Toron- to Chief Jr.. dam by St. Lawrence. . 2:25% Johnny Knott, br cr 1883, by Mohawk Hambletonian Flora Belle 2:22 Johnny R., ch s, 1886, by Egmont Daisy 2:25% Johnny Skelton, g g, 188-, by Mil- ton Medium 2:3< Johnny Wilkes, b s, 188, by Wilkes. 2:27% John R., b g, 187 by Aker's Idol- Kate Smith, by Spaulding's Abdal- John R., blk g, 187, pedigree not traced 2:25% John R. Wise, ch g, 1878, by Ham- bletonian Tranby Lizzie Brown, by Belmont 2:23% John S., blk g, 1884, by Jersey Prince Ladv Augusta, by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian ............... 2:21% John S., g g 2:29% John S., dn g, 1886, pedigree not traced 2:29% John S. Clark, ch g, 1873, by Thomas Jefferson Annie, by Scott's Hiatoga 2:10% John S. Heald, br g, 1868. by Whale- bone Knox Cooney, by Stewart Morgan 2:27% Johnson, br g, 1885, by Sto"m Lady Washington 2 :27 80 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. John Stewart, b g, 186 by Tom Wonder Park Mare, by Harris' Hambletonian (dead) .............. 2 -30 John Taylor, b g, 1869, pedigree not traced (dead) ..................... 2 :25 John Thomas, b s, 1885, by Egmont Phallas Maid, by Phallas. .. f ...... 2-28% John Virgin, ch g, 1870, by Dirigo... -29 .John W., b g, 1877, by Knight Chance Mare, by Morgan Black Hawk ................ 2-23-i J ohn W. b g, 1881, by 'Messenger Duroc Astraea, by Asteroid ....... 2:24*4 John W., b g, 1883, by John Went- worth Bay Jenny, by Colonel.. ,. 2 -17^ John W., b g, 188-V by Senator N.. 2 29% W. Oonley, b S) 1862, by Tom j Josie J., b m, 1887, by Edge Hill Diamond Maid, by Diamond! . . .2-21% | Josie King, blk m 1884, by The King Kincora by Mambrino Patchen... 2'29 1 ,4 Jo " rdan Wilkes, b s. 1886, by Jersey ^^^IK^ *& <^ 2:20% Jo: Wonder, dam by Abdallah ...... 2-24 John W. Hall, ch g, 1866, by Inde- pendence, dam by Monarch..' ,. 2-25 J bn Wilkes, blk s, 188-, by Young VY11KC6 *,,. ^ "27 Joker, b s, 1886, by Johnston's' Gen' Lee Jr. Lady Guy, by Prescott's Sambo .............. . 2 -20 Joker, br g, 186, by Parris ; Hamb'iel toman Gleason Mare, by Andrus' Hambletonian ......... 2-2V> Joker, b m, 1890, by Aladdin. .'.'.'.'." Jolly Wilkes, b s, 188, by Bartholo- mew Wilkes - Puss Patchen, by Patchen Chief ........... 2-30 J ker H. br g, 1888, by Maplewood Chief Blaze, by Magna Charta Jr. .. 2:30 Jokton, b s, 1892, by Lord Jenkiiison. . 2-24% Joiiesyille, b s, 1886, by Haroldson- ' ** Olivia, by Woodburn Pilot ......... 2'29' ! i Joseph, b g, 1871, by Blue Bull-Jo- sephine ........................ 2-29i,i Joseph A., b g, 1870, by Sackett's Hambletonian ............... 2-24 -Josephine, blk m, 1880, by Kentucky Prince Madam Felter, by Happy Medium ............... . 2-?4V, Josephine, b m, 188, by Rienzi, darn by Magic ...................... 2-24X4 Josephine, blk m, 1888, by C. F. Clay Maud, by Bell Brino ............ .2 :20Vi Josephine, blk m, 188, by Secretary. 2:28% Josephine, b m, 187. by Green's Ba- shaw Seely, by Cassius ........... 2-30 Josephine, b m. 1884, by Castillian, dam by Yorkshire Lexington ...... 2:39^4 Josephine S., blk m, 1874, by Guy Miller Swartz, by Ethan Allen ..... 2:24V- Joseph R., br g, 188 ................ 2:28^ Joseph See, b g, 1884, by Egmont Jessie Farwell, by Bell Clay ........ 2:27Vi Jo&ephus ch g, 1873, by Green's Ba- shaw Simmons Mare ............. 2:19% Jose S., g.r m, 1878, by Landmark ..... 2:22v Josh Billings, ch g, 186, by Mott's Independent Scofield Mare ........ 2:29% Josh Morse, blk g, 1880, by Wilson's Messenger Duroc Nelly, by Henry clay ........ ......... ::..: ....... . 2:2014 Josie A., b m, 188 ................ 2'23 1 ^ Josie B., br m, 1888, by Lew Wann Bess, by Fred Douglas ............. 2:17% Josie B., ch m, 188, by Watchmaker. 2:2SV4 Jcsie Bates, blk m, 1880,by Almout Prince Josie. by King William ..... 2:27^4 Jcsie Campbell, b m, 1880. by Dom Pedro Kitty Mori-Ill, by Winthrop Morrill ........................... 2:29V4 Josie Chimes, b m, 1890, by Chimes- Josephine, by Mercury ............ 2 :29V4 Josie D., ch m, 1879, by Charley Wicker Miss Brown .............. 2 :?>0 J. P., b g, 1883, by Louis R. Flo : a Belle by Black Horse.... 2-26V4 J \?' S ^?' br %> 1873 J bv Robert R. Morris Brown Bess, by Billy 2-2014 j J. Q., blk g, 1880, by Kentucky Prince I T J Kitt y Clyde, by Skinner's Joe.. 2:17^ i J. R. (Joslyn), br g, 1886, by Elector Topsey, by a son of St. Lawrence 2-20 ' \ n hed '. b s ' 1882 ' b y Red Wilkes Belle Ericsson, by Ericsson 2:19li J. S., b e, 1885, by J. W. South- J. T., blk g li-, by MeFose. :..'.'::; 2-24? Jube, b g, 1887, by Stillman-Zolia by Confederate Chief 2-26 Jubilant, b s, 1885, by Princeps Humming Bird, by George Wilkes.. 2-22 Jubilee, b s, 1872, by Satellite En- chantress, bj Volunteer 2:30 Jubilee, ch m, 188, by Melbourne King 2:2514 Jubilee, gr s, 1885, by Princeps Olio, by Dick Hambletonian , . 2-26 Jubilee de Jarnette, b s, 1883 by Jubilee Lambert Lady de Jarnette, by Indian Chief 2 -29Va Jubilee Lambert, br s, 1863, by Daniel Lambert Harvey Mare, bv Taft Horse " 2-25 Jubilee Lambert Jr., b s, 1882 by Jubilee Lambert, dam by Joe Down- ing 2-27U Judd Boy, gr g, 1880, by Marlborough Kit, by Bajardo (dead) 2.-29V4 Judd's Baby, ch m, 1885, by Roscoe Conkling Daisy, by Greenleaf's Ba- shaw 2 -19^4 Judean, b s, 1885, by Princeps Hamite, by Hamlet 2 :29% Judge Austin, gr g, 188, by Mc- Curdy's Hambletouian Jr 2:12V4 Judge Brown, br s, 1889, by Brown- Addle Hayes, by Judge Hayes 2:29V4 Judge Conway, gr g, 1888, by Con- way Finey, by Searcher J:- 2:28V4 Judge Davis, b g, 1876, by Joe Brown Lady Sherman, by Millman's Bell- founder 2 :18% Judge Fisher, ch s, 1888, by Linkwood Chief Linkwood Maid, by Tripoli! an Chief 2:14 Judge Fullerton, ch g, 186, by Ed- ward Everett (dead) 2:18 Judge G., ch s, 1888, by Sidney, dam by Ly nwood 2 :21V4 Judge Hampton, br g, 188, by Frank Hampton 2:27% Judge Hawes, b g, 187, by Jim Mon- roe Laura Logan, by American Clay 2:24 Judge Keeler, blk s, 1888, by St. Ar- naud Mabel L., by Victor 2:2Hi Judge Lindeey, b g, 1880, by Bostick's Almont Jr., dam by Clifton Pilot... 2:21V4 Judge MoCue, b s, 188, by Douglas- Lady McCue, by Kent 2:25^ Judge Parsons, b g, 1876, by Power's Hambletonian Miss Doty, by Sweet Owen (dead) 2:23^ THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 81 Judge Pollard, ch g, 1871, by Brown's Tom Crowder Judge Purple, b g, 1880, by Sir Wal- klll Mohawk Dixie, by Mohawk Chief Judge Rider, b s, 1886, by Billy Wilkes Miss Bemis, by Mambrino Patchen Judge Rysdyk, br B, 1883, by Judge James Lucy Plumb, by Rysdyk Judge Wilkes, ch s, 1885, by Bourbon Wilkes Leona Patchen, by Mam- brino Patchen Judgment, b:- g, 1870, by Black Mllo, dam by Morgan Rattler Jndy, gr m, 188 Jud Wilkes, b s, 188, by Ira Wilkes Champion Maid, by Champion Messenger Juggler Boy, b s, 1883, by Jubilee * Lambert Hattie, by Smuggler Julia O., b m, 187 by Phil Sheri- dan Sherllne, by Johnny Heanan... Julia C., gr m, 187, pedigree not traced Julia Coulter, br m, 1889, by Wilkes Boy Birdie, by Egbert Julia D., ch m, 188, by Robert Ful- ton Julia G., b m, 188, by Daly, dam by Gray McClellan Julia H., ch m, 1883, by Monaco- Kitty Merchant Julia Jackson, b m, 1885, by Mam- brino Startle Kate Stanhope, by King Rene Julia L., b m, 188, by Landmark Julia M., b m, 188, by Clifton's Kent Violetta, by Young Morrill Juliana, blk m, 1886, by Patchen Wilkes Jenny West, by Allie West. Julian, b s, 1883, by Mambrino Boy, ' dam by Surprise Julia O., br m Julietta, gr m, 1886, by Fieldmont Cropear, by Pilot Duroc Jumbo Wilkes, ch s, 1888, by Victor Wilkes Daisy, by General She-man. June Bug, b m^ 1889, by Chimes- Lady Bug, by Hamlin's Almont Jr.. June France, b m, 1885. by France- Kit Hoy t Junelight. b s, 188, by Vatican, dam by Lexington Hambletonian Junemont. ch s, 1883, by Tremont Fanny Carey, by Jack Rosey Jungfrau, ch m, 1888, by Matterhorn Jontile, by Hambletonian Prince Junio, b s, 1882, by Electioneer Nel- ly, by Granger Junius, blk s, 1879, by Dictator Con- stine. by Conductor Juno Wilkes, ch m, 1889, by Victor Wilkes Nelly Lambert, by Daniel Lambert Juno Withers, ch m, 188, by Gen. Withers Jr., Jupiter, b s, 1887. by Stillman Net- tie S., by Raples' Hiram Woodruff. . Jupiter Jr., blk s, 188, by Jupiter Abdallah, dam by St. Lawrence Jura, b s, 188, by Billy Wilkes Jura, ch m, 1881, by Sir Walkill Middletown Belle, by Middletown. .. Juror, b s, 1885, by Pilot Mambrino Florence, by Volunteer Justina, b m, 188, by Baymont (dead) Justin M. li m, 1879, by Hamlin's Al- 2:29% 2:28% 2:26 2:26 i 2:20% 2:2G% ' 2:24% 2:29 2:27 I 2:23V4 ' 2:29 I 2:27 2:27 | 2:23^' 2:20%' 2:26% 2:30 ! 2:30 i 2:24k| 2:21 Vi ! 2:22%! 2:29% ' 2:29% 2:29V4 ! mont Jr. Black Golddust, by Ham- lin 2:20 Justinette, b m, 188, by George W. Shakespeare 2:28% Justinian, b s, 1882, by Solicitor Capitola, by Knickerbocker 2:27 2-28 Jrst_ Right, ch g, 188-^, by Haldane. ;. . 2:25% J. V. C., ch g Right, ch g, 188, by J. W. Gould, ch g, 1874, by Jay Gould Idol, by Bob Ridley J. W. O., b g, 1889, by Princeps Bromide, by Volunteer J. W. South, b s, 1880, by Princeps Roxie, by Melbourne Jr J. W. Tedford, gr g, 1882, by Ensign- Peg, by Bill Shaker J W. Thomas, ch g, 1874, by Scott's Thomas Belle W., by Herr's Black Hawk J. Y. G., b g, 1883, by Harvester Kadijah, br m, 1886, by Red Wilkes Our Mary, by Lelaps Kaffir, b s, 1887, by Alcazar Flower Girl, by Arthurton Kaiser, br s, 1882, by George Wilkes Fair Lady, by Dictator Kalula, b m, 188, by Constellation. . Kansas Boy, b s, 1884, by Tendoy Prairie Queen, by General MiClellan Kapolina, g m, 188, by Little Billy Kansas Chief, b g, 186, by Young Josephus Ella, by Young Copperbot- tom (dead) Kansas Wilkes, b s, 1881, by Georgf* Wilkes Puritana, by Almont Kaota, blk m, 188 by Sir Knight (pacing 2:15%) Kat-1 K., blk g, 1889, by Prophet Wilkes Jenny R., by Pilot Medium Kate, blk m, 1887, by Woodbridge Jr. Dolly Ahart, by Capt. Goodwin.. Kasper. b s, 1887, by Kensett Orphan Queen, by Lakeland Abdal- lah Kate, ch m, 1877, by Morrill Drew, dam by Grey Fearnaught Kate Agnew, gr m, 1883, by Hamble- tonian Chrisman Nelly, by Oakland Boy Kate B., b m, 1886, by Lucas Brod- head Dutch Kate by Jimmie Kate Bennett, ro m, 1868, by Blue Bull Jane Oliver, by Gen. Taylor.. Kate Bradley, b m, 1892, by Axtell Ola Moore by Onward Kate C., ch m, 1879, by Cuyler Ash- land Kate, by Ashland Chief Kate C., ch m, 188, by Gilbirds Sprague Kate C., b m 1885, by Phoenix Lady Forrester, by Field's Royal George Kate Caffrey, blk m. 1887, by Charles Gaffrey Eva, by Tippoo Bashaw... Kate Campbell, b m, 1862, by un- named horse, claimed to be a son of Bthan Allen, dam by Blind Tucka- hoe (dead) Kate Castleton. ch m, 1885, by Kel- ly's Ethan Allen Athol, by Ashland Kate Clark, b m, 1881, by Thomas Jefferson Lady Goldsmith, by Rys- dyk's Hambletonian Kate Cloud, blk m, 1881, by Harry Clay Kate, by St. Lawrence Kate Cuyler. b m, 1887. by Cuyler Kate Middleton, by Mambrino Patchen 2:28V4 2:28 2:29^4 2:19% 2:27% 2:2414 2:28% 2:29% 2:22 | 2:27% j 2:29 2:27% I 2:30 * 2:23 ! 2:22 to 2:26'/4 i 2:24% j 2:25 ! 2:29% 2-21% 2:30 2:28 2:28% 2:22% 2:27% 2:29V4 2:28% 2:26 2:29% 2:30 2:27% 2:27% 2:24 2:18% 2:25% 2:26% 2:29% 2:26% 2:26 82 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Kate Dillard, ch m, 1885, by Hamen- ger, dam by John Dillard Kate Ethan, b m, 1887, by Ethan VVilkes Kate Westwood, by West- wood Kate Ewing, br m, 1879, by Berlin- Lady Washington, by American Boy Jr Kate F., b m, 1885, by Fugleman-- Katie Bashaw, by Rinaldo Kate Hall, ch m, 1870, by Blue Bull Little Nell, by Proud American Jr. Kate Ham, b m, 1888, by Glen Miller Rilee, by Hotspur Jr Kate Hamilton, b m, 1888, by Ravens- wood Laura Wilson, by Smuggler , 1878, b: " Kate Isler, gr m 3be - , , r . . ,. Jf Munsey, darn by Rel Kate Jordan, br m, 187, pedigree not traced Kate Keener, br m, 1880, by Messen- ger Golddust Fanny Keener Kate McCall, gr m. 1874, by Blue Bull Carol, by Democrat Kate O'Brien, b m, 188 Kate Owen, b m, 1877, by Lee's Ed- win Forrest Kate Phallamont, b m, 1887, by Phal- lamont Flora McVeane Kate Preston blk m, 1878, by Pacing Pilot Lizzie Kate Rowell. b m, 1880, by Byeriy Abdallah Lou Rowell, by Louis Na- poleon Kate Sparks, blk m, 1888, by Mam- brino Diamond Lizzie, by Jubilee Lambert Kate Sprague, br m, 1875, by Gov. Sprague Fan by Lance Kate Taylor, b m, 1872, by Aberdeen Emeline, by Harry B. Patchen . . Kate Thomas, rn m, 188, by G. C. Kate V., br m, 1888, by Heptagon- Cripple, by Orange County Kate Wilton, b m, 1888, by Wilton- Kate Wilkes, by George Wilkes .... Katharina, b m, 1873, by Flying Hia- toga Kit Alfred, by King Alfred . . . Katherine, b m, 188, by Jerome Eddy . . Katherine S., ro m, 1883, by Messen- ger Chief Forest Maid by Forest Vermont ' Kathleen, b m, 1887, by Stranger- Carmen, by Socrates Katie B., b m, 1879, by Lord Nelson Nelly, by Fowler Brandy Katie B., b m, 1876, by Legal Tender Rody, by Copperbottom Jr Katie Cahill, b m, 1884, by Ogden's Hambletonian Mambrino Lilly Ca- hill, by Albert Dudley Katie Drew, blk m, 1885, by Castelar Lona G., by Crozier Katie Earl, ch m, 1888 by Earl-Kit- ty Wilkes, by Red Wilkes (dead) . . . Katie Jackson, b m, 1873, by Almont Fanny, by Iron's Cadmus Katie L., b m, 1884, by True Bred- Pacing Bessie, by Victor Bismarck Katie Lee, br m, 1884, by Rockwood Lady Kisbar. by Kisbar Katie, b m, 188, by Knight Tem- plar Katie M., ch m. 1879, by George M. Van Norte Lilly, by Daniel Lam- bert Knti Mack, b m. 1889, by Robert Mc- Gregor Celia, by Sealskin Wilkes . . 2:22^ Katie Middleton, ch m, 1873, by Mam- brino Patchen Flora, by Alexan- der's Abdallah (dead) 2:25 Katie R., b m. 188 by Landmark, dam by Bacon's Ethan Allen Katie S., blk m, 188, by Director 2:21% Alpha Medium Katie Wood, b m, 1884, by John E. 2:16% Wood Anna, by Hambletonian Downing 2:24i/2 Katisha, br m, 1886, by Ben Frank- linPixie by Pratt's Rifleman 2:28y 2 Katrina, b m, 1889, by Conn's Harry Wilkes Elsie V., by Sir Charles . . . 2:30 Katrina Bel, blk m, 1892, by St. Bel Katrina, by Nephew 2:22% Kay S., ro m, 1889, by Spectator Fly, 2 :28% Kebir,' b' s,' 'l889.' by' Alcazar Yerb a Santa, by Santa Glaus 2:29~;4 Keeler, b s, 1884, by King Rene- Ada Wilkes, by George Wilkes 2:23 Keeler, br s, 1884, by Dictator Sally 2:80 Fox, by Senour's Davy Crockett . . Keene Jim, ro g, 1873, by Lookout 2:26% Laura Fair, by Rattler Keepsake, b s, 188, by Black Ralph 2:17% Keewaydin, br s, 1889, by Brown Wilkfs I He wild by Nugget 2:27^ Keller Thomas, gr s. 1885, by Pilot Duroc Ida T., by Dictator Keller V., ch s, 188-, by Abdallah 2:29% Mambrino Josie, by Gen. Wayne . . : KeMe, b g, 1872, by Iron Duke Mc- Whorter Mare 2:19 Kemble Maid, br m, 1878, by John Goldsmith, dam by Harry Clay .... 2:18 Kendall, b s, 188 by Kent, dam by Daniel Lambert 2:23% Keney, ch g, 187, pedigree not 2:24i/ 2 traced ...... Kenilworth, br g, 187, by Woodford 2:23 Abdallah Mary, by Wilkes Booth (dead) 2:27 Kenmar. b s. 1889, by Goldemar Sally Brass, ' by Florida 2:30 Kenneth, b g. 1883, by Kentucky Prince Mary A., by Messenger Du- 2:29% roc Kenneth, b s, 1886, by Kensett Princeton Belle, by Woodlawn .... 2:17% Kenneth, blk s, 1884, by Strathlau Kate Cooper, by Joe Cooper 2:25% Keno, b g, 188 'by Greenbacks . Keno, b g, 1873, by Magic Ladv, bv 2:22% Black Jeff Keno F., ch g. 1883, by Mohawk 2:28% Hambletonian Fan Kensett F., b m, 1878 by Kensett Dolly 2:261/2 Kensett Maid, rh m, 1881. by Ken- sett, dam by Pomp Shafer Horse. . 2:28 I Kenton Belle, blk m, 1879, by Den- mark Jr. Coaly W., by Rino Welf . . 2:161/2 Kentuckian, ch 's, 1871. by Balsora Nonesuch, by Brignoli 2:25% Kentucky Bird, br s, 1887. by Jay Bird Kate Clay, by Kentucky Clay 2:23% (dead) f...* Kentucky Blanche, b m, 1879. by Kon- 2:29% tucky Prince Blanche by Railsplit- ter 2:30 Kentucky Boy, b a, 1883. by Victor Bismarck Bourbon Girl, by McDon- ald's Mambrino Chief . . . .' ... 2:2o'/, | TContnckv Dictator, br s. 1882 hv THo- tntor Xettle Time, bv TM"aM 2:11)% 2:23 2:2iy 2 2:19% 2:26y 2 2:26% 2:25% 2:26% 2:29% 2:28% 2:13% 2:29 2:19% 2:29% 2:28% 2:12% 2:21% 2:23% 2:28% 2:20y 2 2:18% 2:29i/o 2:28 '4 2:28 2:2:>'/2 2 :24% 2:23^ 2:17 2:22" t 2:30 2:30 2:27% 2:26 2:28 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Time 2:29% Kenucky Girl, b m, 1874, by Edward G. Kitty Clover by Tom Hal 2:28% Kentucky Hambletoniau, b 8, 1883, by Victor Bismarck-Jenny Wallace, by Joe Downing (dead) 2:27 Kentucky Jim, b s, 1883, by Black Diamond, dam by Bailey's Star Den- irark . 2:28 Kentucky Lew, b s, 1890, by Wilkes Boy Aimie Almont. by Bostick's Almont Jr 2:24% Kentucky Ruler, b s, 1S81, by Egbert Lady Almont, by Almont (dead).. 2:29 Kentucky Russell, ch s, 18-85, by Mambrino Russell Annie Steele, by Fearnaught 2:18% Kentucky Star, b g. 1864, by Volun- teer Star-Sally Hamlet, by Pwacock Kentucky Union, ch m, 1889, by Aber- deenKentucky Central, by Balsora 2:11% Kentucky Wilkes, br s, 1874, by George Wilkes Minna, by Red Jacket 2:2iy 4 Kenwood, b g 1885, by Fairy Gift.. 2:17 Keokee, ch LU, 1884, by Ambassador Fearless, bv Western Fearnaught 2:20% Kepler, b s, 1884, by Kensett Prince- ton Belle, by Woodlawn 2:29% Kent, b s, 1890, by Sable Wilkes Ma- cola, by Le Grand 2:28 Kerneer, b s, 1888, by Electioneer Frolic, by Harry Clay 2:23% Kerwin, b s, 1887, by Slander Cigar- ette, by Gen. Washington 2:20% Kesterson b s, 188, by Seth P. Jessie Hunter, by Mambrino George. 2:27 Ketch, blk g, 1882, by unknown sire Kate Wright, by Abraham 2:18% Keturah, ch m, 1885, by Keneett Golden Era, by Countersign 2:30 Keystone, b s, 1883, by Guarantee Black Mare 2:28% Key West, ch s 186, pedigree not traced .' 2:28% Keywood, ch s. 1886, by Onward- Mary K., by Ericsson 2:21 Khedive, b s, 1884 by Landseer Lady Orion, by Orion 2:24% Kiki. b g, 186, by Henry B. Patchen (dead) 2:28 Kilburn Jim, b s. 1865, by Wood's Hambletonian, dam a Canadian Mare (dead) 2:23 Kildee, b m. 1883. by Happy Med- iumSally Clay, by American Clay 2:29% Killona. b m. 1892. by King Wilkes Chenille, by Crittenden 2:20 Kilrain, b e, 1886. by Hawthorne March Forth, by Whipple's Hamble- tonian 2:23% King, blk s, 188, by The King, dam by Bob Sprague 2 :28% King Almont. b s, 1874. by Almont .Tennv. by Crockett's Arabian 2:21*4 King Bird, ro g. 1884.. by Jay Bird B"-mii" 2:27% Kineholt. h e 18S7. by The King Al>rli-i. bv Young Jim .., 2:27% King Cardinal, ch s, 1885. by Cardinal Pilot Queen, by Hylns. .' 2:26Vi King Charles, b s. 1883. bv Sir Charles Lady D'A-chy, by Robert R. Morris 2:22V4 King Charles, blk s, 1883. by Pocahon- tas Boy Rapalee. bv Seneca Chief. . 2:29% King Chester, b s. 1887. hv Prnirie Kins- Lady Prince, by Tlamhleton- ian Prince 2:19' / 4 King Clifton, gr g, 1881, by Volante Lady Naylor 2:22 King D., b s, 188, by Red Wilkes. . . 2:29V4 King Darlington, b s, 1887, by King Wilkes Marguerite, by Kentucky Prince (dead) 2:16 King Fo:-est, b g, 188 -, by Forest Mambrino, dam by Mat Cameron... 2-21% King Gaines, b s, 1887, by King of the West Victoria Gaines, by Allie Gaines ". 2:29% King Goldemar, b s, 1891, by Pelletier 2:25% King Gillig. ch s, 1892, by Gillig, dam by Aristoe 2:26% King G'olddust, b s, 1890, by Indi- cator, dam by Special Hambletonian 2:30 King Grover, br s, 1886, by Herod- Dolly, by Andrew Burnham 2:28% King Harry, b s, 1889, by Red King Beulah S., by Sweepstakes 2:22 King Herod, ch s, 1887, by Fayette Chief Siloam, by Capt. B:xx>ks 2:16% K'ng Holliday. b s, 1887, by Holliday Ada May. by Maxie Cobb 2:22% King Mavibrino, b s, :'8S8 , by Ham- brino 2:30 King Midas, br g. 187. by Woodford Pilot, dam by Whirlwind 2:28',i Kingmoor, b s. 1888. by Enrlymion Josie Wilkes, by George Wilkes 2:28!4 Kincr Nasir, b s. 1889, by Ambassador Envie, by Phallamont 2:2i 1 /4 King of the Ring, ch g. 1889, by Sil- ver King Knight Hawk, by Briga- dier "... 2:23U King of the West, b s, 1879. by Ham- da'llah Belle S.. by Star of the West 2:27 King of Wales, b s, 1883, by Mam- brino King Miss Burton, by Gov- erno- 2:30 King Orry, ch s. 1887, by Alcona Clay Pansy, by Strader's Cassius M. Clay Jr 2:21% King Patchen, br s. 1887, by The King Hatcher, by Mambrino Hatch- er 2:101,4 King Patchen. ch s. 1883. by Mam- brino King Kitty Patchen, by Ham- lln Patchen 2:23% King Philip, ch s. 1876. by Mambrino King Lady Rothschild, by Mam- brino Patchen 2:26& King Philip, b s. 1870. by Jay Gould- Factory Girl, by Rysdyk's, Hamble- tonian 2:21 King Piedmont, b s, 1888. by Pied- montDaisy D., by Electioneer 2:30 Kincr P-inceps. b s. 1888, by Count Frineeps Lady Almont, by Almont Lightning ...! 2:23'/i King Rex. br s. 1887. by King Rene- Molly, by Sweepstakes 2 :23% King Rock, b s. 1882. by Alden Gold- smith Fanny Dunlap, by Black Rock * ....: 2:30 Kinsr Russell b s. 1886. by Lord Rus- sellMist, by King Rene 2:2<>U Kiusrshnry. b g. 1883, by Kentucky Clay Jr. '. 2:28',i Kingsley. b g, 187 by Wilkins Mi- pflwher Lady Be'lfounder, by Rys- dyk's Bellfounder '. 2:2(T"i King Sprncrue. blk s. 1882, by Gov. Sprague Molly Whitefoot, by Little Priam ' 2:12 King Star, blk s. 188. hy Startle- Venus, by Jupiter '. 2:20% 84 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Kingston, b g, 188, by Ed Ellis ..... 2:18% King Sultan, b s, 1890, by Sultan- Kitty Wilkes, by Red Wilkes ....... 2:23 King Walkili, br s, 1886, by Sir Wal- kill _ Lady Brownell, by American Ethan ........................... 2:24% King Warlock, ch s, 1890, by Warlock Lady G., by Oorbin Bashaw ......... 2:24% King Wilkes, b s, 188, by Ready Money, dam by King Tom .......... 2:2o% King Wilkes, b s, 1876, by George Wilkes Missie, by Brignoli ........ 2:22% King William, blk g, 1877, by King William Lizzie Abdallah, by Pacing Abdallah ........................ 2:20% Kingwood, br s. 1886, by Kentucky Dictator Burch wood, by Blackwood 2:17' 4 K 4 neman, ch g, 1880, by Stranger- Jenny, by Young Country Boy (pac- ing record 2:1T ................ 2:2314 Kinsman Boy, b g. 1870, by Case's Dave Hill Lady Trumbull, by Ver- mont Trotter ......... < .......... 2:28% Kioto, b s, 1883, by Marmion Gold- dust Mischief, by Volunteer ...... 2:20% Klowa, b s, 1888, by Midas Jessie P., by Administrator ................. 2:29% Klrkwood, br a, 1860, by Green's Ba- shawMadam Kirkwood, by Young Green Mountain Morg.-m (dead) ..... 2:24 Kisbar, b s, 1873,' by llysdyk's Ham- bletonian Lady Fallis, by iSeely's American Star (dead) .............. 2:27% Kismet,-b s, 1882, by Sultan Sauce- box, by Samson (dead) ........... 2:25% Kitchen Belle, b m, 1885, by King Alrnont Jane Hubbell, by Roland .. 2:21% Kitty B., br m. 1888, by Volunteer Swigert Trojan Maid, by Barley- corn ................................ Kitty B., b m, 188, by Nutgold.... Kitty B., b m, 188, by Sidney ....... Kit Baker, b m, 188 , by Meander. . 2:27% 2:29% 2:29% I 2:24V ? | j Kit Clover, b g, 187 pedigree not traced . .. ............................ 2:23% Kit Curry, br m, 1880, by Mambrino Bruce Kate Curry, by Dave High- lander .......... . ................... 2:18% Kitefoot, b in, 1878, by Landmark- Lucy, by Rough and Ready ...... 2:17% Kitewood, ch m, 1886, by Brent- wood . ........ . ...................... 2:23 Kit Sanford. b m, 1873, by Wood's TTambletonian Polly Den ton, by Billy Denton 2d ................... 2:21% Kit Webber, b in, 1891. by Fast Mail 2:30 Kitty, b m, 1870, by Billy Bowlegs Eddy Mare, by Byington's Young St. Lawrence ...................... 2:30 Kitty Abbott, b m, 1874, by Abbott Lady Franklin, by Eureka ........ 2:26% Kitty Almont, blk m, 1880, by Tilton Alruont ............................. 2:22% Kitty B., br m, 1880. by Magna Chief Kicking Kate ..................... 2:27'/4 Kitty B.. br m, 1883, by Silverheels Brown Pet ....................... 2:29% Kitty B.. b m, 1885, by Sweet Meats Pauline, by Rolnnd .............. 2:25%. Kitty B.. ch 'm, 1881 by Rego ..... 2:29% I Kitty Bates, gr m, 1868, by Jim Mon- roe Popcorn ........................ 2:19 Kitty Bayard, gr m. 1885. by Bayard Del', 'by Billy Campbell .......... 2:12'/4 Kitty P.urch. ch m. 1S7 . by George B.' MfClellan Kitty Burch ...... 2:24'/i Kitty C.. b m, 1877, by Dauntless- Lady Welch, by Jupiter .......... 2:30 Kitty C., ch ru, 1882, by Attorney- Helen, by Green's Bashaw '. . . 2:30 Kitty Can, blk m, 188, by Elial G . 2:30 Kitty Clyde, b m, 187 by Sam Kirk- woodMolly 2:29% Kitty Clyde b m, 1886, by Phallamont Lady Coakley, by Wagner Gold- dust 2:28% Kitty Clyde, br m, 1873, by Reed's Splendor Jenny, by McMahon's Bos- ton 2:30 Kitty Cook, b m, 1869, by Abraham, dam by Ethan Allen 2:26 Kitty Cook, blk m, 188, by son of Godfrey Patchen 2:28% Kitty D., br m, 1861, by Rattler Tuck- ahoe Mary Hup, by Consul (dead). . 2:26% Kitty Edsall, rn m, 1882, by Clayton Edsall Cheney Mare, by Fortune.. 2:28% Kitty Fisher, b m, 1874, by Glenn's Hambletonian 2:29*4 Kitty Frazier, br m, 188 , by Peace- makerKitty Frazier 2:21% Kitty Greenlander, b m. 1890, by Greenlander Kitty Hetzel, by Het- zel's Hambletonian 2:23% Kitty Grey, gr m, 1881, by Grey Bill -Kate Wilson . 2:29% KiUy Ham, br m. 18^ by Hamble- tonian Mambrino Kitty Lewis, by Silver Duke 2:26 Kitty Hayes, b m. 1884. by Judge Hayes Laura Swigert, by Swigert. 2:25% Kitty Hiatoga. b m, 1885, by Harry Phelps Bawley, by Blanco 2:18% Kitty Hooker, b m, 1886, by Egbert Laura, by Joe Hooker 2:29% Kitty Hudson, ch m. 188, by Hud- son, dam by Ironwood 2:25 Kitty Ives, gr m, 1872. by Dolan (Canadian) Kinkora, by Alger Horse 2:28% Kitty Kilburn, gr m, 1877, by Kilburn Jim Jr. Belle by Honest John... 2:21 Kitty L., b m, 188. by Paddy Ma gee 2:27V 4 Kitty Lynch, br m, 187 by Mill- iman's Bellfounder, dam by Morgan Sumpter 2:26% Kitty Mills, b m, 188, by Horry Mills 2:28% Kitty Morris, b m, 1872, by Lon Mor- ris 2:30 Kitty M Patchen. b m, 1878, by George' D. Patchen, dam by Sir Henry 2:30 Kitty Patchen, ch m, 187. by Jeb Stuart Lady Jones, by Hefling's Hiatoga 2:21% Kitty Silver, ch m, 1876, by Mambrino Patchen Silk Ribbon, by Joe Won- der 2:27% Kitty Story, b m. 188, by Everett Clay, dam by Roland 2:22% Kitty Van, b m. 1876. by Walker Mor- rili Belle Hastings, by Magna Charta 2:24 Kitty Vera b m. 1887, by Tnlavera Kittie Lisk. by Seneca Chief... 2:23% Kitty Waite. br m, 188, pedigree not traced 2:26% Kittv Wiikes. b m. 1877, by George Wilkes Gilbert Mare, by Clifton Pilot 2:30 Kitty Wood, rn m. 1871. by Wood's Hambletonian Fame, by Cham-y Moore Horse 2:24% Klamath. b g, 18S5. Morookus Bob, by Ophir 2:13 Klnto. br s. 1890. by Pluto Belle King, by Mambrino King 2:28% THE 2:30 TROTTER^. 85 Medum . , Daisy Dean, by Magna Charta... Knight, br s, 1888, by Woodford Wilkes China Wilkes, by Adrian Knightmare'/b'inj'isSS, by Sir Knight Lady Austin, by Envoy ..... / Knightmont, ch s, 1889, by Sir Knight Actress, by Alroy .......... . ..... Knighthood, b s, 1885, by Aberdeen Ophir, by Alamo .................. Knight Templar, br s, 1884, by Eg- bertLaura, by Billy Adams ....... Knita, b m, 188, by Sir Knight ..... Knotty Boy, blk g, 188 by Clay.... Knotwood, b s, 1883, by Monaco- Annie Birch, by Almont ........... Knox, blk s, 1875, by Gen. Knox Clemontine, by Logan ....... . ..... Knox Boy, br e, 1868, by Gen. Knox Juniata ...................... Knoxie Magnet, blk m, 188, by Mag- Knoxie* Walker,' ro 'm, 188^-,' 'by Jay Bird ............................. Koaline, b m. 1888, by Montgomery- Volga, by Sobol ................... Kokomis, b s, 1886, by Victor Bis- marck, dam by Goldsmith's Abdal- lah ............................... Kolena, b m, 1890, by Kokomis Laura Hatcher, by Mambrino Hatch- er ............................... Konantz, b s, 1881, by Lyle Wilkes Lady Gregory, by Corbeau .......... Konie, ch m, 1889, by Konantz Orna, by Woodford Mambrino Jr ......... Konovalinka, ch s, 188, by Chestnut Wilkes ........................... K. P., b g, 1881, by Young Padlock- Mohawk Belle, by Mohawk Jackson Kratz, b s, 1890, by Cyclone Neoma C., by Twilight .................... Kremlin, b s, 1887, by Lo:-d Russell- Eventide, by Woodford Mambrino . . Kris Kringle, b s, 1883, by Santa Glaus Toto, by Princeps ......... La Bessa ........................... La Bel, br s, 1SS8, by St. Bel Ella Jackson, by Hamlin's Almont Jr. . . La Belle, ch m, 1892, by Sidney- Anna Belle, by Dawn ........... Lace Dealer, b s, 1880, by Smuggler Tullahoma, by Almont .......... La Crosse Jr., b s, 1890. by La Crosse Lady Alcy. b m, 1892, by Alcyo Annie Rooney, by Lolhair ....... Lady Alert, ch m, 1878. by Mambriuo Lance Queena, by Sampson ....... Lady Alice b m, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) ..................... Lady Almont. b m, 1885 by John Burdine Ruby, by Mingo Chief . . Lady Anderson, b m, 1889, by Ander- son Wilkes Bird, by Edge water. . Lady B., ch m, 188> . by Springtime Lady B., ro m. 1885, by Clark Chief Puss, by Vinco .................. Lady B.. ch m, 188. by Goldemar. . Lady Augusta, b m, 1857, by Rys- dyk's Hambletonian (dead) ........ Ladv B.. ch m. 188, by Warwick Boy Lady Babcock, b m, 188, by Happy Medium Jr ........................ Lady Banker, b m, 1865, bv Rysdyk's Hambletonian Banker Mare, by Boston (dead) . . . ". ................. 2:24% 2:29% 2:28% 2:12y 2 2:24 2:29V 2 2:27 2:23% 2:24% 2:29 2:29% 2:23% 2:30 2:2514 2:16 2:22% 2:28 2:28% 2:25 2:29v4 2:21% 2:OT';i 2:28% 2:24V4 2:27 2:16 2:25 2:19% 2:19 2:24% 2:29% 2:27% 2:28% 2:25% 2:22'/4 2:27 2:30 2:23% 2:30 2:23 Lady Barefoot, br m, 1877, by Kent Dolly, by Ballard's Cassius M. Clay Jr. .. 2:26% Ladv Beach, blk m, 1885, by Altamont Hollywood, by Hambletonian Mam- brino 2:20% Lai Lady Blesoington, b m, 1868, by Mid- dletown Jenny Hawkins, by Seely's American Star 2:28 Lady Bomont, b m, 1891, by Bomont. 2:29% Lady Bonner, b m, 1875, by Honest Allen Ledger Girl, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 2:24% Lady Brooks, b m, 1873, by Whit- comb's Feamaught, dam by Big- ler's Bashaw 2:25% Lady Bug, blk m, 188, by Green Boy 2:24V4 Lfr Bug, b m, 1881, by Burton Lucy White, by Young Toronto' Chief .. 2:22< / 4 Lady Bullion, b m, 1884, by Pilot Medium Hattie Iloyer, by Bullion 2:10% Lady Burton, b m, 1887, by Col. Bur- ton 2:28 Lady Byron, blk m. 1861, by Royal Geo.ige, dam by Sir Lovell (dead).. 2:28 Lady Clare, ch m, 1888, by Elyria Lou, by Mambrino Sterley 2:18% Lady Capom, b m, 1879, by Capoul Nelly 2:2S Lady Clark, ro m, 1874, by Clark's Mohawk Jr. Fanny Cox, by Kos- euth 2:27 Lady Collins, b m, 188, by Good- win's Hambletonian 2:30 Lady Connaught, b m, 1888, by Con- naught, dam by Boston 2:30 Lady Crossan, b m, 187, by Sus- sex Chief 2:28 Lady Daggett, gr m, 1867, by Logue Horse Lady Johnson (dead) 2:26 Lady Dahiman, b m, 1865, by Robert Bonner Miss Seeley, by a son of Hill's Black Hawk 2:28 Lady Daphne, blk m, 1888, by Alta- mont Nell, by Duroc Prince 2:21% Lady Dawson, b m, 1876, by Jay Gould Daisy Burns, by Skenandoah 2:28 Lady De Jarnette, b m, 1874, by In- dian Chief Belle, by Lytton's Warfield '. 2:28 Lady Dinsmore, b m, 186, pedigree not traced 2:30 Lady Don, b m, 187, by Don A. ... 2:29% Lady Douglas, b m, 188, by Arling- ton 2:24% Lady Douglas, b m, 1865, by Vermont Hero Sal by Dicky 2:30 Lady Douglass, ch m, 1884, by Clay- ton Edsall Stebbin's Mare, by a son of Stephen A. Douglass 2 :2S>% Lady Egmont, b m, 1887, by Egmont Chief Nelly S., by Wichita 2:30 Lady Elgin, b m, 1876, by Legal Tender Jr. Nelly, by Blue Bull 2:25% Lady Ellen, b m, 1875, by Carr's Mam- brino Ida May Jr., by Owen Dale. 2:29% Lady Emma, blk m, 1883 by Alcan- tara Advantage, by Administrator 2:23% Lady Emma, ch m. 1855, by Jupiter 86 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Empress, by Abdallah (dead) 2:26 ! /i Lady Emma, ch ni, 18(36, by Canada (Jliampion. duun by imp. Consterna- tion (dead) 2:28 Lady Escott, ch in, 1881, by Arthur- ton Young Lady Vernon, by David Hill 2:26V& Lady Ethel, br in, 1887, by Baron Wilkes Princess Ethel, by Volun- teer 2:24"M Lady Euclid, b m, 1885, by Euclid- Maud, by Keene George 2 :25 Lady F., gr m, 1878, pedigree noi traced 2:20% Lady Fairlawn, b in, 1889, by Fair- lawn Medium lolanthe, by Oceanic Chief 2:28Vi Lady Fargo, b m, 188, by Happy Medium 2:24V4 Lady Fern, b m, 1890, by Red Fern... 2:2UVt Lady Fay, ro m, 188, pedigree not traced 2:29/ a Lady Finch, b m, 1880, by Star Patchen Polly, by Winalow Horse. 2:30 Lady Finch, br m, 188, by Jim Fincli 2:27^ Lady Fox, ch m, 1863, by Druvy's Ethan Allen Lady Partington 2:30 Lady Foxie ch m, 1869, by Daniel Lambert Foxie, by Breed Horse.. 2:24V* Lady Franklin, b m, 188, by Ben Franklin, dam by Brown Hurry-... -:25>i Lady Franklin (Carrie), ro m, 1847, pedigree not traced (deadj 2:29% Lady G., b m, 1890, by Antonelle... 2:29'/ 4 Lady Garfield, b m, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) 2:23'/a Lady Gay, ch m, 1885, by Sir Walter Lady Alinont, by Abdallah Mam- brino 2:27V4 Lady Gilbert, gr m. 189, by Red Wilkee Annie B., by Hambletonian Mambrino 2:25V 4 Lady Governor, b m, 188, by Gold- smith '. 2:25 Lady Griswold, gr m, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) 2:29 Lady Griswold, blk m, 188 by Mid- night 2:30 Lady Groesbeck, gr m, 1869, by Star of the West Old Fly (dead) 2:25V& Lady Grosvenor, b m, 1885, by Gros- venor Lady Nutwood, by Nutwood 2:27 Lady H., gr m, 1868, by Manchester Tuckahoe 2:27 Lady Hamilton, gr m, 1859, by Toron- to Chief Kate King, by Sir Tatton (dead) 2:30 Lady Hamilton, b m, 1884, by Ralston Sally H., by Weedman's Dexter. . 2:25% Lady Hamilton, b m, 188, by Gen. Hatch 2:24V4 Lady Hannie, b m, 1885. by Hannis Miss Trotwood, by Enfleld 2:25 Lady Hare, ch m, 188, by Col. Hare 2:16% Lady Hassan, b m, 1885, by Mambrino Hassan Lady Penrose, by Moscow Jr 2:30 Lady Havoc, b m, 1882 by Havoc- Kit 2:23 Lady Helen, ch m, 1879, by Wood- burn Chief Princess, by American Clay 2:22 Lady Hendryx, br m, 1880, by Daunt- less, dam by Tom Hunter 2:30 Lady Houk, b m, 1887, by Ambassa- dorFlora West by Scott's Hiatoga 2:29'/a Lady Hughes, b m, 1860, by Jupiter, dam by Webber's Tom Thumb (dead) 2:30 Lady I., b m, 1882, by Billy Norfolk 2:21) Lady Idol, b m, 1887, by Idol Wilkes Net Star, by Spencer's Vicar of Wakefleld 2:25 Lady Independence, blk in, 1872 by Black Dutchman Fanny, by Voor- hees' Abdallah Chief 2:29^4 Lady J., b m, 1889, by Darknight Belle Oakwood, by Black's Ham- bletonian (pacing record 2:20) 2:30 Lady Jane, b m, 1885, by Mambrino Swigert, dam by Bismarck 2:17*4 Lady Jane, b m 184, pedigree not traced (dead) 2 :30 Lady Jefferson, blk m, 188, by Thomas Jefferson 2:22^4 Lady Jerauld, b m, 1878, by Billy Denton Jr. Bay Golddust, by Gold- dust 2:241/4 Lady Juno, blk m, 1890, by Quarter- master Electa, by Electioneer 2:.">0 Lady Jupiter, ch in, 1874, by Jupiter 2:30 Lady K., ch m, 1885, by Hunter- Virginia Kemper, by Woodmausee'e Tuckahoe 2:30 Lady K., b m, 1873, by Gen. George H. Thomas Lady Crane, by Fazoi- etta 2:29V& Lady Kate Sprague, b m, 1879, by Gov. Sprague Bonnie Smyle 2:27*4 Lady Kelso, gr m. 1872, by Belmout Diana, by Pilot Jr 2:29 Lady Kensett, b m, 1878, by Kenseit Prouty 2:21*4 Lady Kerns, b m, 1876, by Ainboy, dam by Blacknose 2:29ya Lady Kildeer, b m, 1862, by Blacic Dutcheman. dam by Sterling's May Day (dead) 2:28 Lady Lightfoot, b m, 1888, by Almon- eer Weasel 2:28& Lady Lannon, br m, 188, by Auster- litz 2:2o'/a Lady Lear, gr m, 1872, by Morgan Horse Wiley, by Nelson 2:24/2 Lady Lemmon, b m, 1872. by Knicker- bocker Leinmon Mare, by Paul Clif- ford 2:27 Lady Linda, ch m, 1879, by Haven Star Kate 2:26 Lady Lockwcod. b m, 1853, by Neave's Cassius M. Clay, dam by Rediker s A'exander W., (dead) 2:25 Lady Low, ch m, 1869 by Justin Morgan 2:28 Lady Loye, b m, 1879, by Confederate Chief, dam by Ethan Allen 2:23% Lady Lumber, blk m, 1870, by Lum- ber, by Iron Duke 2:291,4 Lady M., ch m, 1878. by Dick Preble Sabin Mare, by St. Lawrence (Thunderbolt) 2:24 Lady M., b m, 1878, by Hamlet Nell, by Conant's Black Hawk 2:23 Lady M., gr m, 1870. by Vermont Hero Loveland, by Night Hawk 2:30 Lady M., br m, 1885, by Indiamaii Daisy, by Volunteer 2:21 Lady M., gr m, 1886, by Billy H. Blister, by Brister Horse 2:21V* Lady M.. b m, 188, by Black's Ham- bletonian 2:23!4 Lady Ma-?, b m, 1878, by Mapletcn Susan, by Wheeler's St. Lawronce 2:29*/ Lady Mac, b m, 1885, by Lemont Codicil, by Administrator 2:23Va Lady Mac, b in 1S78, by Mambriuo THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 87 King dain by Mambrino Pilot 2:25 1 / Lady Mac, b in, 1868, by Whirlwind Madonna ^ : ^ Lady Mac, b m, 186, pedigree not traced * :< >v Lady Mack, b m, 1884, by Chisinore Lady Mac 2 :2o V2 Lady McCune, br m, 1882, by Mait- kind, darn by Babeock Horse 2:28% Lady McFatridge, b m, 1868, by Woodford Mambrino Bayadere, by Bay Chief (dead) 2:29 Lady McGregor, b m, 1887, by Robert McGregor Leda, by Aberdeen 2:2o'/$j Lady McGregor, br m, 1888. by Gil- niau Me Gregor Lady Almont, by Royal Almont - 2:30 Lady McKeeu b m, 188, by Mohi- can, dam by'Dr. Herr 2:29% Lady Majolica, b m, 1878, by Dicta- tor Lyd, by Brown Chief 2:25 Lady Marie, b m, 1876, by Windsor, dam by Voorhees' Abdallah Chief. . 2:29 Lady Martin, ch m, 1878, by Davis' Honest Allen Lady Ling, by Tag- gart's Abdallah 2:29 1 X> Lady Martin, b m, 187, by Downing Abdallah 2:23 Lady Mascotte, b in, 1882, by Red Wilkes Belle, by Alcalde 2:25% Lfldv Maud, br m, 1882, by Rockwood Lady Clark, by Kisbar 2:23V a Lady Maud, br in, 1867, by Gen. Knox Fanny, by Sabek 2:18% Lady Maxim, b m, 1885, by Maxim- Lady Graves, by Smuggler 2:20% Lady 'Mills, b m, 1871, by Ohosroes, dam by Othello 2:24% Lady Monroe, gr m, 1870, by Jim Monroe, dam by Bald Stockings 2:20V4 Lady Monroe, b m, 1884, by Sagerser Lucy, by Old Morg 2:29 Ladymont, b m, 1889, by King Al- moiit Baughman Girl, by Messenger Chief 2:28% Lady Moore, br m, 1870, bv Peace- makerNelly Moore, by Westchester 2:25 Lady Morrison, b m, 1867, by Volun- teerStella, by Seely's American Star 2:27% Lady Moscow, br m, 183, pedigree not traced (dead) 2:30 Lady Nelson, ch m, 1886, by Nelson, dam by son of Emperor William 2:21% Lady Nutwood, fo m, 1891, by Nut- wood Francis Medium, by Happy Medium 2:25% Lad v O., br m, 188, by T. O. M. Baby 2:24 Lady O., gr in, 1884, by Young Prince -Nell 2:28% Lady of Lyons, b m, 1882, by Argyle Miss Lyons, by Blue Grass 2:21% Lady Onward, b m, 188, by Game Onward 2:28 Lady Pasemore, ch m, 188, by Peter Pinder 2:2.V/^ Lady Peek, ch m, 1885, by Star Duke, dam by State Rights 2:26 Lady Potter, gr m, 1891, by Young Fullerton Mary, by Harry Long... 2:27 Lady Powell, b m, 1888, by Hope So, dam by Annapolis 2:25% Lady Preston, ch in, 1877, by Dr. Herr Kitty Preston, by Mambrino Pilot Jr 2:30 Lady Prewitt, br m, 1871, by Clark Chief Lady Wallenstein, by Lex- ington .......................... Lady Pritchard, ch m, 1868, by Green Mountain Banner Pritchard Mare, bv Flying Morgan .................. Lady Red, b m, 1891, by Glenelg ..... Lady Redwood, br m, 1885, by Red- woodBelle ..................... Lady Reid, b m, 188, by Corbin Ba- Lady RJchaVds! W \n,' 1880,' 'by* Bu- cephalus Etta Knox, by Roan Prince ........ ................... Lady Richards, b m, 1886, by Swigert Ladv Star, by Goldsmith's Star... Lady Richwood, b m, 1876, by Rich- wood Oriana, by Ericsson ......... Lady Robert, br m, 1890, by Robert L. Mira, by Ajax ................... Lrdy Rooker, b m, 188, by Rooker. . Lady Rolfe, b m, 1874, by Tom Rolfe , Nelly, by Montezuma (pacing rec- :23) ord 2: Lady Ross, b m, 1860, by Vergennes Black Hawk, dam by Neave's Cas- sius M. Clay Jr .................... Lady Rowena, ch m, 188 by George Lady Russet, ch m, 1891, by Joe You See Lady Homer, by Homer ....... Lady Sampson, b m, 1872, by Dolph- us, dam by a Copperbottom horse. .. Lady Sargeant, b m, 1873, by Good- ing's Champion Lady Allen ....... Lady Savage, b m, 188, by Hinkston Boy ............................. Lady Scud, b m, 186, by Edward Everett .......................... Lady Shannon, gr m, 1845, by Har- ris' Hambletouian (dead) ........... Lady Shepard, b m, 1884, by Scobey's Feamaught Molly Allen, by Wood- ard's Ethan Allen Jr ............... Lady Sheridan, b m, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) .................. Lady Sherman, br m, 1874, by Gen. Stiernxan, dam by Darkey ........... Lady Snell, b m. 1865, by Godfrey Patchen Lady Stevens, by Biggart's Rattler (dead) . . . ., ................ Lady Spanke:-, b m, 1878, by Wide Awake Swift, by Richard's Colt... Lady Spencer, b m, 1888, by Idol Wilkes Lizzie Howes, by Harrison Chief ............................ Lady Star, b m, 186, by Sir Henry.. Lady Stillman, blk m, 1879, by Hiram WoodruffDolly, by Trojan Jr ...... Lady Stout, ch m, 1871, by Mambrino Patchen Puss Prall, by Mark Time Lady Suffolk, gr m, 1833, by Engineer, dam by Don Quixote (dead) ......... Lady Sutton, blk m, 1880, by Dash- wood Sutton .................... Lady Sutton, br m, 1839, by Morgan Eagle (dead) ...................... Lady Tessa, ch m, 1883, by Alcantara Miss Bluff, by Wilkins Micawber. Ladv Thistle, b m, 1878, by Pineapple Fanny, by Volunteer ............. Lady Thompson, gr m, 1886, by Sim- monsLady Humphrey, by Victor. . Lady Thorn, b m, 1856, by Mambrino Chief Rhodes Mare, by 'Gkino (dead) Lady Thorne, b m, 1873, by Darlbay Sally Messenger, by Starlight (dead). Lady Thornton, b m, 1871, by Mapes Horse, dam by Edsall'a Jupiter ..... Lady Tighe, b m, 1874. by Felter's Hambletonian Spider Legs ........ 2:3U 2:21 2:24i/4 2:27 2:28% 2:26% 2:211/4 2:29'/ 2 2:17% 2:20% 2:22% 2:29% 2:30 2:28')4 2:25 2:29% 2:23% 2:28% 2:28% 2:25% 2:23'/ 4 2:26% 2:27 2:24 2:29% 2:29 2:29% 2:29% 2:30 2:27% 2:27% 2:23% 2:18% 2:25 2:26% 2:29 88 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Lady Triceps, b m, 1878, by Triceps Goodwin Mare, by Dolan (Cana- dian) 2:28 Lady Turpin, blk m, 1869, by Bell Morgan Nonesuch, by Brignoli (dead) 2:23 Lady Ulster, b m, 1885, by Clay Ham- bletonian Maggie S., by Gallagher's Prince of Orange 2:20 Lady Underbill, br m, 188 by Mike Logan 2:29Va Lady Upton, b m, 1870, by Gen Grant (Canadian) Nancy, by American Eagle 2:29 Lady Van, b m, 1887, by George Steck Reubie Newman, by Magic 2:28 Lady Vernon, gr m, 1845, pedigree not traced (dead) 2:29^ Lady Voorhees, ch m, 1870, by Man- chester Tuckahoe 2:23Vi Lady Walker, br m, 188, by Captain Walker Jr., dam by Flaco 2:30 Lady W., b m, 188 by Weisbaden.. 2:18% Lady Warren, b m, 188, by Royal Fearnaught 2:29% Lady Washington, b m, 188, by On- slaught 2:25% Lady Washington, b m, 1887, by Prin- ceps Ella, by Enfield 2:24% Lady Watson, blk m, 188, by Sim Watson 2:20% Lady Weeks, ch m, 1884, by Dow S. Dolly Stover, by Honest Dan 2:25^ Ladywell, b m, 1886, by Electioneer Lady Lowell, by Shootz's St. Clair. 2:10V a Lady Wellington, blk m, 1882, by Victor Fanny Crafts 2:25!i Lady Whitefoot, b m, 1881, by Will- iam M. Rysdyk Nelly, by Matthews' Black Hawk 2:18% Lady Whitman, b m, 1861, by Seely's American Star Nance, by Durland'e Young Messenger Duroc 2 :30 Lady Wilkes, blk m, 1889, by Ellers- lie Wilkes Lady Eclipse, by Abdal- lah Eclipse 2:lGy a Lady Wilkes, b m, 1882, by Bed Wilkes Grey Nelly, by John Dillard 2:29% Lady Williams, br m, 1886, by Lumps Betty, by Red Chief 2:29% Lady Williams, ch m. 1867. by Par- son's Horse Logan Maid, by Page's Logan 2:2S ; /i Lady Wilson, b m, 188, by Wild Wagoner 2:29% Lady Wilton, br m, 1888, by Wilton Lemonade, by Kentucky Prince Jr. 2:21U Lady Winehip. br m, 1881, by H. B. Winship Daisy, by Black Ralph.... 2:23V 2 Lady Wonder, ch m, 1878, by Little Wonder Pet, by Whitehall Jr 2:25 Lady Wonder, ch m, 188, by Fergus McGregor Nell, by Manhattan 2:23& Lady Woodhull, b m, 1879, By Corn- wallWarwick Star 2:29ii Lady Woodruff, b in, 1851, by Wash- ington, darn by Gen. Coffee (dead).. 2:29 La Ferine, b e, 1889, by Garnet Wilkes Daisy Wilson, by Lucknow Jr 2:23Vji La France, br s, 1891, by France 2:26Vi La Grange, blk g, 1879, by Sultan Georgiana, by Overland 2:23'/ La Grippe, b m, 1886, by Lumps- Black, By Protos 2:17% La Haute,' b m, 1891, by Re-Election Elite, by Messenger Duroc 2:24^ Lah-da-dato, b m, 1876, by Ferdinand O. Laconia 2:26 Lakeside Norval, b s, 1889, by Nor- yal Mattie, by Rysdyk's Harnble- tonian Lakewood *b e, 1889, by Norwood- Jet, by Ravenswood Lakewood Maid, b m, 1882, by Wilke- sonian Mirabeth, by Woodfo -d Mambrino Lakewood Prince, b s, 1884, by Wilke- sonian Mirabeth, by Woodford Mambrino (dead) Lakoto, br s, 1886, by Bourbon Wilkes Ella Ellis, by Westwood Lallah Wilkes, blk m, 1889, by Sable Wilkes Susie Hunter, by Arthurton Lamar, br g, 1881, by Baker Pilot- Kate Lamartine, b s, 1886, by Egbert An- nie, by Cottrill Morgan... Lambert B., b s, 1884, by Daniel Lambert Lotta B., by Messenger Chief Lammermoor, b g, 1884, by Rumor- Lucia, by Jay Gould La Mode, ch s, 1887, by Nan tucket, dam by Almont Smith Lament, b s, 1883, by Redwood Nelly F., by Coupon Lamp, ch g, 1884, by Lively Nelly, by Hickory Boy . . . '. Lanark, blk s, 1885, by Egbert Kitty Gibson, by Alcalde Lancelot, b s. 1887, by Messenger I Mi- roc Green Mountain Maid, by Har- ry Clay Lancet, blk g, 1849, by Vermont Black Hawk Old Squaw, by Lee Boo (dead) ;.. Lancewood, ch g, 1875, by Lance- woodKate, by Young Napoleon... Landmark, ch g, 187, pedigree not traced Landmark Maid, gr m, 188. by Land- mark Lysander Maid, by Lysander. Langton, ch s. 1887, by Alfred Laura C., by Electioneer Langtrey, br in, 1882, by Administra- torFanny Osborne, by Volunteer. . Lanie-, b s, 1890, by St. Just Dora, 2:15 2:23 2:20 2: 13 ft 2:27)4 2:26 2:24V* 2:27VJ, 2:22Vi 2:23 2:20 2:19 2:26 2:23 2:27^ 2:29vi 1886, by Mansfield Anderson by Bayard Jr Langford, b g, Medium Laomi, b m, 188, by Wilkes La Oscaletta, br m, 1874, by Dictator Lady Ketchum, by imp. Osirus... La Petite Bel. blk m, 1801, by St. Bel Pet Cub, by Administrator Laprairie Girl, br m, 1880. by Ben Mori-ill Laporte, ch g, J885, by Jappo, dam by Slasher Laputa, ch s, 1888, by Royal Fear- naught Maggie Roys, by Shurtz Magna Larco, gr s, 188, by A. W. Rich- mond, dam by Overland Largesse, b m, 1874. by Scott's Thomas Fanny Howard, by Woful Larkin, b g. 1871, by Young Woful Lady Forrester, by Field's Royal George Larry, b g, 1883, by Beaufort Aiken Mare Larry, b g, 1883, by Tangle Larry Boy, br g, 1880, by Stockholm Leary Girl Larry C.. b s, 1892, by Ponce De Leon Lasella, b m, 1887, by Grand Sentinel Governess, by George Sprague . . . 2:27 2:28!i 2:29% 2:28^ 2:29V 4 2:26V4 2:27% 2:28 2:25 2:30 2:29V 2 2:2'/j 2:20 ED. GEERS, BUFFALO, N. Y. (THE SILENT MAN FROM TENNESSEE.) In 1894 Geers placed the world's record for pacers at 2 :0l l /z with Robert J., and gave Fantasy a four-year- old record of 2:06. P. SHANK, LITCHFIELD, OHIO. An Ohio product that was out last year with Eloise 2 :15. In 1895 he will wear the colors of the Two-Minute Stock Farm. THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 89 Lasis, b m, 1884, by Champion Sisal, by Harold 2:20% Lassie, b 111, 1887, by Masterlode Ester, by Fisk's Belmont 2:30 Last Chance, b g, 1892, by Regal Wilkes, dam by Arthurton 2:2614 Last Chance, b m. 1885, by Victor Bis- marck Dicta, by Dictator 2:2&%, Lath, blk s, 1881, by Gypsy Boy- Lady Burdett 2:29^4 Latitude, b s, 1886, by Walsingham Easel, by Princeps 2:15 Laundry Girl, br m, 1889, by King Rene Good Morning, by Harold ... 2:23'/4 La Tosca, b m, 1888, by Madrid- Fantasy, by Onward Laura b m, 188, by Bearer Laura* B., b m, 1887, by Prairie Star lone, by Wapsie 2:27% Laura B., b in. 188, by Willie Schep- per 2:27 Laurabel, ch in, 1885, by Belmont Laura, by Joe Hooker 2:27% Laura C., b m, 1881, by El3Ctioneer Fanny Lewis, by imp. Buckden ... 2:29% Laura E., b m, 1881, by Swigert Blucheretta, by Richard's Bell- founder 2:28 Laura F., blk m, 188, by Bostick's Almont Jr. Black Maid, by Black- wood Jr 2:19% Laura M., b m, 1874, by Washing- tonLaurel 2 :27 Laura McGregor, ch m, 1888, by Rob- ert McGregor Laura Forrest, by Forrest Golddust 2:22 Laura R., b m, 1885, by Electioneer Ladj- Farmer, by Leachmen'.s Lex- ington 2:211/4 Laura S., ch m, 188, by Starmont Jr. 2:23% Laura Williams, gr m, 1870, by Hola- bird's Ethan Allen Stone Mare, by North American 2:24>a Laura Z., br m. 1886, by Alexander Button Black Dolly 2:18 1 /4 Lauretta, b m, 1891, by Patchen Wilkes Dinnie, by Rochester 2:30 Lavender, b m, 1887, by Alcantara Modjeska, by Royal Fearnaught ... 2:28V4 Lavina, b m, 1889, by Woodford Wilkes Pearl, by Ashland Patchen 2:28 Lavoca, b m, 188, by Anderson Wilkes 2:22>4 Lawrence, br s. 1882, by Dr. Frank- linMiss Morrill, by Mori-ill Cham- pion 2 -25 'A- L. B. R., b g, 188, pedigree not traced 2-29% Lea. ch m, 1890, by Sidney Venus, by Capt. Webster 2:2 i 1 ^ Leap Year, b m, 1888, by Tempest- Eulogy, by Com. Belmont 2:26-"l Leek, br g, 1887, by Elector 2:29 Leckwood, b s, 1886. by John E. Wood Bessie Lee, by Siberian 2:28% Le Count, b s, 1880, by S\\ eepstakes Maggie, by Edward Everett 2-29 L. D., b s, 188-, by South Jersey Patchen, dam by American Jack- son 2-2514 Leda, b m, 1871, by Aoerdeen Pattie W., by Brandywine 2:25% Leda Wood, br m. 1879, by Black- woodFanny Goldsmith, by' Edward Everett 2-30 Lee, ch g, 188, by Gen. Lee Sister, by Gen. Taylor 2'17ld Lee Forester, b g. 1886, by Kentucky Belmont, dam by Halsey's Ham- bletonian Lee Hope, br s, 1882, by Kentucky Maud Lee M., gr g, 188, by Osier Horse Lee R., b g, 1879, by Mountain Bird- Maggie, by Snip Printer Lee Russell, b s, 1888, by Lord Rus- sell Myra, by Electioneer Leesee, br m, 1887, by Quartermaster Nelly Lee W., b g, 187 by Bourbon Blue -May Fly ........ Legacy, br m, 1888, by St. Bel- Lonely by Volunteer Legal R., b g. 1876, by Legal Tender Jr. Betty Hudson, by Frank Legal Tender, b g, 187, by Legal Tender Liza Boston, by Boston . . . Legal Test, b s, 1886, by Electioneer Maria, by Don Victor Le Grand, b g. 188, by Le Grand- Henrietta, by Bell Alta Leicester, ch e, 1884, by Deucalion- Lady Winship, by H. B. Winship. . Leighton, gr g, 188, by Jay Bird . . Leiah H., b m, 1880, by Homer- Lady Sentinel, by Sentinel Lelaud, b g, 188, by Senator Leland Medium, br s, 1887, by Fair- lawn Medium Kit Ackman, by Judge Leland Loland Stanford, b s, 1884, by Strath- more Chum, by Duke's Norman . . . Lelawah, blk m, 1885, by Ambassador Bird, by Orr.'s Flying Cloud Lem, b s. 187, by Orange County Clara, by Tom Thumb Lemonce, b m, 1890, by Wilton- Lemonade, by Kentucky Prince Jr. Lemonade, b m, 1879, by Kentucky Prince Jr. Susie Melbourne, by Mel- bourne Jr L'Empress, blk m, 188, by L'Ein- peror Belle Stevens by Stevens' Bald Chief '. L'Empereur, b s, 1883, by Alcyone- Fair Lady, by Dictator 2:22 ,. 2:26 2:28',, 2:23v-. 2:23 , 2:30 2:30 2:27y t 2:29% 2:171,4 2:24 2:24i/.. 2:29?: 2:23Vi 2:24U 2:29i- 2:27y_. 2:18-. 2:27' /t 2:20^ 2:25 2:30 Drew Girl, by Winthrop Lena Holly, ro m. 1889, by Direcor Steinola, by Steinway Lena Miller, ch m, 1885, by Onward- Long Lane, by Long Island Patchen Lena Sprague, blk m, 1883, by Gov. Sprague Helene, by Administrator Lena Swallow, b m, 1877, by Blue Bull, dam by Aachy Lightfoot Lena V., b m. 188, by William H. Vanderbilt Lenawee, br s, 1884, by Sickle Ham- bletonian Fanny Patchen, by Fisk's Mambrino Patchen Jr Lena Wilkes, b m, 1883, by Barney Wilkes Gin Burner, by Frank Al- len Lenity, b m, 1885 by Hiram Wood- ruff Jessie, by George M. Patchen Jr Lenmar, b s, 1882, by Admar Le- nore, by Gladiator Lenore Moody, blk m, 1888, by Moody Lauretta, by Durango Lenox, br s, 1888, by Quartermaster Lorna. by Enfield Lent, b s, 1886. by Electioneer 2:18-}.; 2:26i t 2:2:)' 2:19 2:2SU 2:22 : /t 2:29' i 2:20', 2:16! i 2:26',-.. 2:22% 90 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 2:26> 2 2:22'/ 3 2:30 2:30 2:22V 4 2:28 Lizzie, by Wildidle Leu, b g, 1884, by Pluto Miss Sibley, bv Swigert, in, 1890, by Rockefeller Mudeua, by Messenger Wilkes Leola, b m, 1888, by Quartermaster Nelly Leon, gr g, 1886 by A. W. Richmond Nelly, by Grant Leona, ch m 1887, by Almoon Daisy, by Bob Woodring Leon Boy. ch g, 1877, by Spriug- ville Chief Fanny Greeley, by Peter Jones 2 :29% | Leone, ch m, 1891, by Lancelot Nida, by Monon 2:28',4 \ Leon H., blk s, 1888, by Young Wilkes Nettie Hawkins, by Belvl- dere 2:29'/i i Leonor, 1) m, 1884. by Dashwood Geraldine, by Echo 2:24 ; Leontine, b m, 1874, by Hamlet Bet, by Clark Chief 2:23-4 j Leopard Bob, ch g, 1889, by Little Wonder Bess Sparks, by Parsons' Abdallah 2:28 ! Leopard Rose, sp m, 1882. by Kilbuck Tom Flora Green, by Thorpe's Guerney 2 :15Vi Leo Wilkes, b s, 1889, by Brown Wilkes Maggie Monroe, by Monaco 2:25 l ,i Leo Wilkes, br s, 1885, by Guy Vv'ilkes Sable, by The Moor 2:29% Leroy, b g, 1881. by Trample 2:29 14 Leroy, ch g, 188, pedigree not traced 2:29;, Leroy, blk s, 1887, by Joe Young ... 2:2-3-4 Lesa Wilkes, br m, 1890, by Guy Wilkes Hannah Price, by Arthurton 2:11^ Leslie Boy, br s, 188, pedigree not traced 2:26 1 / 2 Le Simmons, b s, 1888, by Simmons- Clara, by Strathmore 2 :2G Leta Howe, b m, 1886, by Balaklava Lelia S., by Sweepstakes 2:27% Letcher, gr s, 1888, by Director-Alice Grey, by iSignal 2:18% Letell, ch s, 188, by Axtell Amy Lee, by Bay Star 2:20& Letta C., ch m, 1886, by Walkill Prince Kitty Wilson, by Blue Bull 2:10 t Letter B., b m, 188, by Ward B.- Browu Irish, by Judge McKinley... 2:27 1 /. Lettie D., gr m 2:28/j Letitia, b m, 1885 by Louis Napoleon Maud, by Garibaldi 2:27Vi Lettie Watterson, gr m, 188, by Jim Schriber 2:21% Levi Aristos, br s, 1882, by Aristos Lady Snip, by William Tell 2:2Gy' 2 Lewand, br g, 1884, by Legal Tender Jr. Luan, by Sovereign Gleucoe . . 2 :25% Lewellyn, ch s, 1887, by Aberdeen Selina, by Strader's Cassius M. Clay Jr 2:10i-i Lewe S., ch s, 188 by McCurdy's Hambletouian 2 :26% Lewinski, b g, 186, by Mambrino Messenger (dead) 2 :25Vi Lewis, blk g, 188, by Brown llolf 2:28% Lewis K., ch s, 1880, by Mammont Lady Powers, by Davis' Boston . . 2:23 Lew Ives, b g, 186, by Bacon's Ethan Allen, dam by Studtail 2:28 Lew Pettae, b g, 1860, by Benson Horse (dead) 2:29 Lew Sayers, ro g, 185 by Neave's Cassius M. Clay Jr. (dead) 2:2*% Lew Scott, b g, 186, by Scott's Hia- toga (dead) ........................ Lew Wanu, br s, 1883, by Egmont Lady Samson, by Rover ............ Lew Wallace, blk s, 188 by Gold stone ........................... Lexington, br s, 1883, by King Philip Diana Patchen, by Mambrino Patchen .................... -. ..... Lexington Belle, b m, 1888, by Lexing- ton Chief Jr. May Hamilton, by Little Hamilton ...... ........... Lexington Boy, b s, 1884, by Egbert- Dixie, by Richelieu ...... ... 7 ...... Lexington Chief, sp g, 188, by Aris- tos Dolly Varden (pacing record 2:2:] 2:2J% Lexington King, b s, 1888, by Hunter Chief Daisy T., by Governor Hayes Libby S., TO m, 187, by Walker's Corbeau Dolly, by Dreunou (dead). Liberty Bell, b s, 1890, by Bell Boy Prenx, by Pancoast (dead) .......... Liberty Boy, b ., 1881, by Ainboy Kate ............................. Libretto, br s, 1887, by Mambrino Swigert Fannie Harris Cutle:-, by Grey Major ...................... License, ch g, 1S59, pedigree nut traced (dead,) ..................... Lida Bassett, b m. 1873, by Forest King Belle, by Alcalde ........... Lida D., b m, 188, by Brilliant Gold- dust .............................. Lida Picton, l>r m, 180, pedigree not traced (dead) ..................... Lida Wilkes, b m, 1888, by Young Wilkes Lida, by Hambletonian Prince .......................... Lifemark, b s, 1890, by Gipsy M., by Eclair ................ Lightfoot, b g, by Bostick's AlniouL Jr ................................ Light Hall, ro s, 1888, by Vatican- Nell, by Estill Eric ................ Lightning b m, 1887, by Alcantara- Portia, by Startle ................. Lightning Maid, blk m, 1880, by Al- mont Lightning Gritsette, by Draco. Lightwood, b m, 1886, by Nutwood- Belle Lightning, by Lightning ...... Likewise, br s, 1889, by Gideon Chief Nelly Boone, by Daniel Boone. . . . Lilac, br m, 1889, by Clay Lizzie Miller, by St. Clair ................ Lillian, ch m, 1870, by Almont Lilly Shields, by Cadmus ................ Lillian 1)., br m, 1881, by Wilgus Ciay, dam by Edwards' Cadmus.... Lillian Smith,' ch m, 1888, by Clay Duke, dam by B ightwood ......... Lillian Wilkes, br m, 1886, by Guy Wilkes Flora, by Langford ......... Lillis H., b m, 1885, by Chesterfield Kate ............................ Lilly, ch in, 186, pedigree not traced*- Lilly B., b m, 1885, by Foster Palmer. Lilly C., blk m, 1880, by Dr. Herr Mattie Clay, by Whip 'Clay ........ Lilly Dale, b m, 1877, by Alden Gold- smithQueen of Meadow Lawn, by Goldsmith's Abdallah ............. Lilly Dale, b m, 188, by Conductor.. Lilly H., b m, 1886, by Nutwood- Lottie, by Sentinel ................ Lilly Irwin, b m, 1876, by Virgo Ham- bletonian Lady Huggins, by Vol- unteer ........................... Lilly J., blk m, 1875, by Bayard 2:24% 2:23 2:30 2:2*14 2:30 2:26 2:20Va 2:24V 3 2:27'/ a 2:29V 2 2:20Vi 2:30 2:25% 2:11 2:27 '/ 2:25% 2:17Va 2:2914 2:2,'J 2:30 2:29 2:17% 2:23% 2:26V-j 2:28V 4 2:21% 2:25U 2:27'/2 2:29 2:30 THE 2:30 TROTIEKS. 1)1 Speed, by Thus. Jefte-.'sou 2:20% Lilly Kahn, b in, 188, by Star of the V\ est 2:27% Lilly Langtry, b m, 1877, by Mambrino Hanible Ionian cream Mare, by Sen- eca Chief 2:23'/4 Lilly McCarthy, ch m, 188, by Dick Flaherty Mollie McCarthy 2:30 Lilly Mack, b in, 1886, by Auctioneer Johnny Ole Sue 2:24^ i Lilly Moreland, b m, 1888, by Red \Vilkes-Neva, by Squire Talinage.. 2:26% ' Lilly Cj., ch m, 1890, by Key wood Kittle S., by Dispatch 2:29'/4 | Lilly Rysdyk, ro m, 1882, by William Rysdyk Curiosity, by Enquirer 2:25% ! Lilly Shields, ch m, 186, uy King's Cadmus Jane Shields, by Snow- storm (Canadian) (dead) 2:29% ! Lilly D., g m, 188 -, by Giltedge 2:28 '74 ' Lilly Stanley, br in, 1881, by Whipple- ton Dolly McMann 2:17% Limouero, b s, 1891, by Piedmont Lulaneer, by Electioneer- 2:15% Limber Jim, b g, 188, by Alhambra. 2:30 Lime Bullard, b g, 187 2:30 Limestone, b g, 1884, by The King- Curd Mare, by Marshall 2:19|/a Liuda, b m, 1882, by Volunteer Boy- Lady Franklin, by Eureka 2:29% j Linda Fister, br m, 1888, by Gam- betta Wiikes Bess Wiikes, by Har- ry Wiikes 2:27% Linda Sprague, b m, 1881, by Gov. Sprague Mary Coleman, by Grey's Mambrino Chief 2:17% Linden Wiikes, b s, 188, by Wood- ford Wiikes 2:25 Lindie, br s, 1886, by Pretender Meta, by Idol Patchen 2:20^4 Linkwood, br s, 1886, by Walsingham Ermine, by Princeps 2:2% Linkwood Chief, ch s, 1883, by Han- nis Myrtle, by Norman D 2:18% Linkwood Maid, ch m, 1883, by Tri- politan Chief Mrs. Rhoades 2:20 Llnmont, b s, 1886, by Almont Med- iumLivonia, by Almont 2:23% Linnet, br m, 1888, by Electioneer Lizzie Whips, by Enquirer 2:29% Linnette, b m, 1883, by Onward Josie Sellers, by Mambrino Time 2 :29 1 4 < Linnette, dn m, 1886, by Reveille- Nelly, by Jones Acuff 2:28Vi Linnie, b m, 1885, by Egbert Mary Cap, by Mambrino Time 2:25 Linwood, b m, 1880, by Mercury Stroud Mare 2:30 Lion Moscow, ch s, 1890, by Musco- vite Epiph a nie Girl ; . . 2:21U Lisette, b m, 1887, by Laclede Myrtle Her:-, by Dr. Herr (dead) 2:22/i Liska, b m, 1889, by Electioneer Lizzie, by Wildidle , . 2:2SU Lissa, dn m, 1888, by Patchen Wiikes Lady Shaw, by Rochester 2:16 ">4 Lister, b g, 187, by Almont Mother Hubbard, by Johnston's Toronto... 2:25^4 Litchfleld, ch s, 1887, by Mansfield- Heiress, by Alexander's Abdallah... 2:29>>4 Litta, b m, 1885, by Haw Patch Mat- tie, by Bourbon Chief Jr 2:22 Little Albert, ch g, 1884, by Albert W. Star Mare, by Roach's Ameri- can Star 2:10 Little Belle, b m, 1885, by Chestnut Hill Jr. Fanny C., by Black Dia- mond 2:22% Little Belmoiit, b i;. 1*85, by Gratz's Edwin Forrest Molly Gordon 2:30 Little Ben, blk g, 187, by Ben Mor- rill 2:28Vi Little Betz, ro m, 1888, by John W. Daniel Betz Springer, by Captain.. 2:23% Little Billy, b s, 1874, by Clear Grit- Molly, by Thorn burn's Royal George (dead) 2:23)4 Little Billy, b g, 188, by Antar 2:21% Little Billy, b g, by VWlliani Irvin.... 2:30 Little Crocker, b g, 1890, by Will Crocker Lady iiica, by Inca 2 :30 Little Crow, blk s, 18V 1, by Recon- structionDolly Wright, by Sher- man Black Hawk .2 :28 1 / 4 Little D., spt g 2:2iy 4 Little Datey, br m, 17S>, by French's Bashaw Kate, by Magna of Avon. 2:20V4 Little Dan, b g, 188, by Star Ethan.. 2:liM/4 Little Dan, b g, 188, by Biackwood Chief 2:21% Little Dick, b g, 1884, by The Banker, dam by Ohio 2:29 1 /i Little Dick, ch g, 1874, by Holabird's Ethan Allen Josie, by Goldd/op (dead) 2:24% Little Ethan, b g, 1886, by Ashley's Ethan Allen, dam by Holabird's Ethan Allen 2:19% Little Eva, b m, 1879, by Post's Hain- bletonian Prince Kit, by Joe Bates. 2:20% Little Frank, ch g, 186, pedigree not traced 2:30 Little Frank, b g, 1883, by Ira Wiikes Idlewild 2-25 Little Frank, b g, 1880, by Swan- brough's Hambletonian Prince 2:30 Little Frank, b g 2:27% Little Frank, b g, 1882, by Autocrat. . 2:24"*t Little Fred, b g, 1860, by Dii-igo (dead) 2:26% Little Fred, blk s, 1882, by Star of the West Dolly 2:30 Little Fred, b g, 187, pedigree not traced 2:30 Little Fred, b g, 186, by Eastman Morgan Frederica, bv Simpson's Blackbird 2:20 Little Gem, b g, 187, by Henry B. Patchen 2:29 i /a Little George, ch g, 188, by Hurst & Thornton's Abdallah 2:25% Little George, br g, 188, by Morgan Wiikes 2:27'A Little Gift, b s, 188, by Fairy Gift.. 2:29% Little Gipsy, b m, 186-, by_ Gray's Tom Hal 2:22 Little Goldie, ch g, 1881, by Little Frank Dolly G., by Golden Bow... 2:27 Little Harry, ch g, 1878, by Young Banner, dam by Bal lard's Cassius M. Olay Jr Little Harry, br s, 1885, by Potter's Hambletonian Nelly, by Leo 2:29 l /4 Little Ida, b m, 188, by Kentucky Prince 2:29V4 Little Jake, ro g, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) 2:30 Little Jersey, ch g, 1885, by Jersey Prince Fanchon, by Ajax 2:29% Little Jim, b g, 188, by Wildbrino.. 2:23% Little Joe, br g, 1876, by Bob Hunter, dam by Fitzsimmons' St. Lawrence. 2:21% Little Joe. blk s, 1875, by Joe Bates. . 2:25'/4 Little Johnny, b g, 188, by High- land Jr 2:30 Little Kahn, ch m, 188, by Salamon 2:27% Little Leo, blk g, 188, by Leo 2:26% Little Longfellow, ch g, 186, by Fly- ing Morgan (dead) 2 :29% 92 THE 2:30 TROTTERS Little Mac, b s, 188, by Stone's Elec- tion. .......................... 2-28 Little Mack, br s, 1867, by McKim- min's Columbus Old Fly . . . 2-28^^ Little Mack, b g, 188-, by Harry Plummer ..................... 2-29% Little Mack Jr, b s, 188, by Little Mack ...................... - 2 '27V> Little Mag, b m, 188, by Prince '6r- loff ............................... 2:26 Little Mary, ch m, 1868, by Billy Mustapha ..................... 2'25 Little Mat, b g, 1880, by Iron Duke- Maggie Anderson, by Rourke's Cad- mus ............................. 2 :28% Little Maud, b m, 188, by Patchen. . 2'2G^ Little Mike, b g, 188 ..... ^ ........ 2:24 Little Mike, ch s, 1887, by Champion Prince Nelly, by Gen. Burnside ____ 2:23 1 /2 Little Miss, b m. 1876, by Goldsmith's Abdallah Old Lady, by Oapt. Walk- er ............................... 2:26% Little Nancy, rn m, 188, by Henry C., dam by Macbeth ................ 2-29 Little Ned, ch g, 1875, by Hotspur Jr. Nell Johnson .................... 2:29U Little Ned, br g, 1884, by Hampton- Nelly Green, by Green's Bashaw. . . 2:29 1 / 4 Little Nell, b m, 1881, by Jefferson Prince Musa, by Hugo .......... , . 2:19V4 Little Nell, blk m, 1882, by Romulus , , , Polly Perkins, by Blue Bull Little Rock, b g, 1884, by Bullet (pac- 2:29V 2 ing record 2:26) ' . .". ~ . . . 2:20 ttle Sam, ch g, 186, by Hall Horse Concord Girl (dead) 2:28 Little Sioux, b g, 1873. by Monitor- Eugenia, by Ben Roodhouse 2:22% Little Snap, gr g, 1890, by Kellar Thomas Maud M., by Crazy Nick Jr : 2:17% Little Sport, gr g, 1884, "by Happy Thought, dam by Palmer's Norman. 2:25% Little Tobe, b s, 188. by Pamlico... 2:19V4 Little Thome, b g, 1879, by Dauntless Nannie Thome, by Hamlet 2:23 1 /4 Little Tommy, b g, 187 by Black- wood Jr 2:27V4 Little Walter, b g, 187, by Clarion Chief 2:29'4 Little Witch, ch m, 1884, by Ben Franklin Grey Bessie, by Wood- stock ". 2:29 Little Witch, gr m, 188, by Director, dam by Capt. Hanford 2:27 Little Wonder, gr g, 1885, by George B. Swan Nellie Hackett, by Whalen's Grey Eagle 2:24% Little Wonder, ch g, 188 by Star Ethan 2:24y 2 Little Wonder, ch s 1872, by Blue Bull Polly, by Sovereign Glencoe . . 2:30 Little Wonder, b s, 187, by Tom Wonder, dam by May Day 2:30 Little Wonder, ch g, 1879, by Chip- muckMag, by William's Magua Charta 2:27% Liva, b m, 188, by Patchen Wilkes Rosa, by Rochester 2:25% Live Oak Girl, b m, 188, by Dead- wood 2:22% Lizzie 2d, b m. 1874. by Trouble Lizzie Craig, by Paragon Morgan. . 2:23% Lizzie Chapin, ch m, 188, by Em- peror William 2:30 L zzette. ch m, by Chestnut Joe 2:25 Lizzie P., ch m, 1875, by Windsor, dam by St. Charles 2:27% F b in, 1887, by Elector, dam by Duke McClellan 2-16U Lizzie Gibson, b in. 1884, by "Gen.' Stauton Mattie, by Major Macon (dead) 2-29^ Lizzie H., b m, 1884. by Winooski- ' Lady Walkill, by Walkill Chief .... 2-24V4 Lizzie H., b m, 1883, by Don Robin- sonNovice, by Fisk's Mambrino Chief Jr 2 -27V Lizzie H., b m, 1881, by ' Orange County Bessie, by Middletown ., ,. 2:28% Lizzie Harold, b m, 1887, by Manetho Belle Mambrino, by Ashland Chief 2-28% Lizzie K., ch m, 1882, by Deucalion- Emblem, by Minchin's Tom Moore. . 2:26% Lizzie L., blk m, 1886, by Thomas Carlyle Clytie, by Young Cham- pion 2 -27^4 Lizzie Lansing, b m. 1889, by Prince- tonMaud Stonestreet, by Conn's Harry Wilkes 2-22% Lizzie M., b m, 1873, by Thomas Jef- fersonQueen Pin by Legal Tender (dead) 2:20% Lizzie M., b m, 1885, by Nutwood Lucina, by Cuyler 2:24 Lizzie O., b m, 188 by St. Gothard 2:27% Lizzie O'Brien, ch m, 187, pedigree not traced 2 :23% Lizzie R., br m, 1877, by Mambrino Boy Ella, by Cripple 2 :23yi Lizzie S., br m, 1885, by Iowa Chief Blanche 2-22^ Lizzie S.. b m, 1883, by Honest Dick -Kit 2:30 Lizzie S., blk m, 1886, by Wildfire -Kit 2:22v 4 Lizzie S., b m, 1880, by Wild Wagon- er, dam by Foote'e Bellfounder. . 2:27% Lizzie Wilkes, blk m, 1880 by George Wilkes Laura, by Joe Hooker 2 :22%, L. L. C., b g, 188 pedigree not traced 2 :28y4 L. L. D., b s, 1889, by Woodford Wilkes China Wilkes, by Adrian Wilkes 2:24V4 L. M. Wing, b s, 1887, by Glenview Clayette. by O. B. Gould 2:26vi Loafer, ro g, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) 2:24% Loafer P., b g, 188.- by Inspector . . 2:24V4 Lobasco, b s, 1886, by Egmont Fleta Maid, by Gen. Hatch (dead) 2:10% Lobelia, ch m, 1887, by Alcazir Malla, by Sir Walkill 2:24% Lock Boy, br g, 188, by Dorsey Gold- dust ..v 2:22V4 Lockheart, b s. 1886, by Nutwood- Rapidan, by Dictator 2:13 Locomotive, ch g-, 1887, by itBen Wright Clara Lincoln, by Mister- lode 2:2!)% Lodina, b in, 18^9 bv California- Belle of Lodi, by Antar 2:27% Logan ch s, 1860, by Wadleigh'e Logan 2:28 Logan B., br g, 1883. by Winernan'e Logan Madam Jenne, by Green's Bashaw .. 2:22% Logan Chief, blk s, 1878, by I. J. Fanny by Vermonter 2:23 1 /i Logan Grant, ch s, 1881. by Gen. Grant Olive Logan, by Sage's Lo- gan 2:2 Lohengrin, b g, 1882, by Echo Vixen, by George M. Patchen Jr 2:27 '4 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 93 Lola, ro m, 186- -, by Kenyon's Kemble Jackson Jr 2:30 Lula Anderson, b m, 188, by Wood- burn llambletonian 2:29^ Lola D., b m, 1881 by Copperbot- tom Horse Nettie, by Flying Bird.. 2:29% Lottie T., b m, 1872, by Vermont 2:28% 2:24V 2 2:23% 2:28 Nance, _by Red Fox J, b g, Loiupoc, b g, 188, by Dan Rice ---- Lona Guffin, b in, 1876, by Blue Bull Queen Guffin, by Pete Guffin ..... Lonely Medium, b m, 188, by Shan- non Medium ..................... Star, b s, 1890, by Memento Wilkes-^Golden Measure, by Golden Bow .............................. Londema Wilkes, b m, 1891, by Ash- land Wilkes ................ ---- London, ch g, 1876, by Mambriuo Patchen Beckey, by Edwin Forrest Longfellow, ch g, 1877, by Whipple's Hambletoniari Reviere ........ ... Longfellow Whip, br s, 1877, by Ken- tucky Whip Bessie Brown, by Bird Longford, b g, 1881, by Chosroes Long Mary, by Derby's Bashaw . . . Long John, b g, '1884, by Mambriuo Templar Jr. Nelly H .............. Lon M., blk g, 1879, by Bonnie Scot- land Fanny Lee ................. Lonsbury, b g, 188, by Pickering . . . Lookaway, b s, 1888, by Look Rosa- lind, by Harry Clay ............... Lookout, b g, 1881, by Arab, or Stan- ford ..... . ......................... Lookout, b g, 1873, by Gen. Light- foot Shoo Fly, by Rising Sun . . . Loraneer, b m, 1890, by Electioneer Lora, by Piedmont ................ Lora J., gr m, 1885, by Gloster, dam by Fred .......................... Lord Brino, blk e, 1889, by Wood- brino Flirtilla, by Ballard ......... Lord Byron, b s, 1885, by Gen. Ben- ton May Day, by Wissahickon ..... Lord Caffrey, blk s, 1887. by Charles Oaffrey Patsy, by Brougham .... Lord Clinton, blk g, 1885,, by Denning Allen Fanny .................... Lord Nelson, b s, 1882, by Wellington Miss McLeod, by Holbert Colt . . Lord Nelson, b s, 188 - by Bashaw. . Lord Palm, b s. 1886, by Mambrino , by Thoiras '"f- Startle Lady Palm, Lord Shelburne, b s. 1890, by Home- steadSister, by Holabird's Ethan Allen ......... '. .................. Lord Stanley, br s, 1889, by Nephew Snsette, by Electioneer .......... Lorella, b m, 1888, by Jerome Eddy- Nanny Payne, by Homer ......... Lorena. blk m. 1887, by Jim Mulvenna Elmorene, by Elmo .............. Loretta, ch m 1881, by Strathmore Ella, by Cripple .................. Lorotta. b ?n, 187, pedigree not traced ........................... Loretta B., b m, 188, by Greenbacks Loretta -F.. b m, 1877. by Hamlet- Lady Grayson, by Col. Grayson.. Lorita. ch m. 1883 by Piedmont- Lady Lowell, by Shootz's St. Clair Lorna Doone, b m, 1884, by Hambrino Star Vexation, by Belmont Prince. . Lorody. ch s. 1884. by Harold Nata, by Woodford Mambrino ........... Los Angeles, fc , 1891 by Woodlark 2:29% 2:26% 2:20%: 2:24%; 2:20 l / 4 2:20% ; 2:28% : 2:30 ! 2:28% 2:22% 2:25 2:28% 2:26 b J Q ^o n Juan . . ...... Lucy B., b m, 188, by Gipsy Boy ____ *. by Alexander But- a, wbii,: 2:27K pie's Hambletonian-Lady Hibbard 2:26% Lou White ch g, 1883, by Raven GolddUSt Nelly ................... 2:zlyi Lou Wilkes, blk m 1880, by Sable Wilkes-Hmda Wilkes, by Guy Wllkee ........................... 2 :19% Lovelace, br s, 1891, by Egotist Cre- pon, by Princeps . . . . ... .......... 2 :20 Lovell, blk s, 1886, by Walsingham Lo-ette, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. 2:26k Lowland Girl, b m, 1877, by Legal Tender Jr. Fanny, by Blue Bull.... 2:19'/ 2 Lowland Mary, ro m, 187o, by Conk- lin's American Star, dam by George M. Patchen ....................... 2:25 Loyaleer, b s, 1887, by Woolsey Lady Dooley, by McCrackin's Black Hawk 2:?>0 Loyalty, b m, 1880, by Harry Vane Belle Thorn, by Strader's Cassius M. Clay Jr ........................ 2 :2T L. R., 1> g, 1885, by Coriander-Mi- nerva. by Fisher's Mohawk ......... 2:27/4 Luby, ch s, 1886, by Post Boy, dam by Kentucky Prince ................. 2:20 Lucca, b m, 1866, by De Long's Ethan Allen^-Boston Queen, by Thurston's Black Hawk ...................... 2:30 Lucetta, b m, 1886, by Victor Bis- marck Lady Wilkes, by Bourbon Wilkes .......................... 2:22U Lucilla, br m, 1880, by Nephew Lu- cinda, by Gen. McC!ellan ........... 2:28 ; /4 Lucille, b m, 1869, by Exchequer Fanny ............ .' ............. 2:21 Lucille, ch m, 188, by Pasacas ...... 2:29V4 Lucille, blk m, 188 , by Dexter Prince 2:26 Lucille Golddust. b m, 1866, by Gold- dust, dam by Bald Hornet (dead)... 2:1CU Lucille's Baby, b m, 1880, by Prin- ceps Lucille Golddust. by Golddust 2:20% Lucina, b~ m, 1884, by Sorrento Mary, by Darkey ................. 2:29^ Luckv B., br s, 1889, by Prompter Josie N. bv Bedouin ............... 2:20V 7 > Lucky Baldwin, b g, 188 by Scott's Chief ............................ 2:22 Luckv Baldwin, ch g, 188 by Seneca Patchen ........ .................. 2:24 Luckv Boy, b g. 1S82. by Highland CBiief Vousie, bv Sontinel ......... 2:29 tain Mran Lucy CoSpf?, g'r m,' 1886/ by porite Wilkf^ _ T nr-v Afnnvp hv ^tprlino- LuTvFTem^ch m ^ bv Pefvine -Lizzie Brinke.-, by Brinker's Dren- non ..... Lucy Fry. b m, 1876, by 'Blue' Bul'l Kitty Bates, by Jim Monroe (dead) . . L ucy H., b m, 188, by Henry F ..... Lucy Hayes, ch m, 1886, by Scotch Prince Stella ...... Lucy K., ch m, 1886. b v Guilford Boy Silver Belle, by King Patchen.... Lucy M., cr m, 1882, by Louis R ..... Lucy Macey. b m, 1884, by Macey Reddy, by Alleghany Boy ........... Lucy May, b m, 1886, 'by Havoc Elva, by Christopher H ................. Lucyneer, b m, 1888, by Electioneer Lucy . . .............. Lucy P., br m, 1882, by Henry S. Polly ....................... ' ...... Lucy Page, gr m, 187, by Rex Hla- toga ............................. Lucy Pancoast, ch m, 1888. by Pan- coast Lucia, by Jay Gould ......... Lucy R., blk m| 188, pedigree not traced .......................... Lucy R., b m, 1886, by Sultan Lady Mackay, by Silverthreads .......... Lucy W., blk m, 1881, by Ambassador Julia Anderson, by Highland Mor- gan ............................. Lucy W., b m. 188, by Arthur Wilkes, dam by Singleton. .' ......... Lucy W., b m. 1888. bv Chief Med- ium. dam by Magna Charta ........ Lucy Walter, b m, 1879, by Sir Wal- ter Senorita. by Sentinel ......... Luella, b m. 1875. by Chickamauga Dart, by Trojan .................. Luella Cilly, b m, 188, by Montgom- e-y ............................. Lugano, b s, 1889, by Rumor Lucia, by Jay Gould (dead) ...... ......... Lula, br m. 1864, by Alexander's Nor- man Kate Crocket, by imp. Hooton (dead) ........................... Lula B., b m 1885, by Botterton- Kate, by Gladiator ................ 2:20% 2-23% 2:23\4 2:20 2:18Vi 2:26% 2:20/i 2:30 2:25y 4 2:22 _ I o.o - f 2:20% 2:25 2-29% 2:25% 2:20% 2:2GV4 2:17 2-27 2:27Vi 2:29'/4 2:29 . 2:27'4 2:18Vi 2:25Vi 2:28% 2:27Vi 2:29 2:21% 2 :30 2:21% THE 2:30 TROTTERS Lula F.. b m, 187, by Ericsson- Mary Messenger, by Downing's Bay Messenger 2:29 Lnia Hambletonian, b m, 1877, by Mc- Curdy's Hambletonian Sue McCurdy 2:27 Lulie C.. b m, 1885, by Nutwood- Lottie, by Sentinel 2:16'/ 2 Lulo, blk m, 188, by Atlantic, dam by St. Omer 2:27Vi Lulu, b m, 188, by Bayoune Prince, dam by Blue Medium 2:26V 4 Lulu B.. b m, 1885, by Bassett M. Luciuda, by Haw Patch 2:24'/4 Lulu B., b m, 1880, by Louis Napo- leon Libbie , 2:29-/4 Lulu C., b m, 1889, by Alcona -Mother Taylor, by Gen. Taylor 2:29% Lulu F., b m, 188, by Christmas 2:25 Lulu H., gr m, 1874, by Quaker Gen- eral Vickey Mare Lulu Judd, blk m, 1878, by Royal Duke Moscow Belle, by Field's Royal George 2:20/ 2 Lulu Wilkes, b m, 1890, by Onward- Lulu Harold, by Harold 2:22% Lump, blk s, 188, by Ruby 2:26'/-2 Lumps, br s, 1875, by George Wilkes Mother Lumps, by Pearsall 2:21 Lulu P., b m, 1889, by Sankey 2:29% Lulu Stanton, b m, 188, by Gen. Stanton 2 :19!4 Lumpson, br s, 188, by Lumps 2:29-V<> Luuipwood, b s, 1890, by Cedarwood Absinthe, by Lumps 2:21% Luna, b m, 1887, by Phallamont, dam by Tyler's Patchen 2 :21% Luner, b m, 188, by Beamer 2:29',4 Lunette, b m, 1885, by Lumps Lady K., by Gen. George H. Thomas 2:25% Lurline, blk m, 188 Prince. .. by Dexter Lurline, br m, 1888. by Paramount- Flash, by Hambletonian Bashaw 2:17U Lustre, b s, 1888, by Fallis Patti, by Nutwood 2:23V> Luzelle, b m, 1890, by Patron Rachel Ray, by Overstreet Wilkes Ltfzerne, b g, 1879, by Gen. Washing- tonMartha Nutwood, by Hamlet . . Lycurgus, b e, 1884, by Aberdeen Zoette, by Almont Prince Lycurgus, br s. 188. by Lumps 2:1014 Lydi, blk m, 1890, by Joe You See- Idyl, by Chadwick Lydia C., b m, 1886, by Bay Rose- Lofty, by Algona '. Lydia Thompson, b m, 1861, by Wild Wagoner, dam by Saladin ..'. Lyman, dn g, 1871, by Bay Chief, dam by Canadian Redbuck Lynde, ch m, 188, pedigree not traced Lyndon, ch s, 1884, by Egbert Nelly Stout, by Mambrino Time Lyndon Boy, blk g, 1884, by Black Morrill Rundel Mare Lynne Bel, blk s, 1890, by St. Bel vashti, by Bayonne Prince Lynette, b m. 1887, by Lynwood Lady Belle, by Skenandoah Lynn Sprague, blk m, 188$, by Gover- nor Sprague Windom Belle, by Mambrino Foster Ljnn W., blk g, 1879, by Sponseller Tuckahoe Topsy. by Rollman Horse Lynwood. jrr s, 1879. by Clinker Belton Maid, br Stuart Lindley Lynwood. b s. 1890, by Guy Wilkes, dnm by Sultan Jr 2:25 2:30 2:27 2:2Gi4 2:25^ 2:2914 2:29% 2:26U 2:27^4 2:22V 2 2:28 2:211,4 2:20% 2:20V, Lynnwood, b s, 1889, by Look Flirt, by Baird's Hambletonian Prince.... Lynx, br g, 1885, by Lexington Chief Jr. (dead) ........................ Lyra, blk m 1877, by Antenor Morn- ing Star, by Peacemaker ........... Lyric, b m, 1891, by Launcelot Lyre, oy Arthurton ..................... Lysander Boy, ch g, 1870, by Lysan- der, dam by Wine Creek Black Hawk ............................ McCurdy Jr., blk s, 188, by Mc- Curdy 's Hambletonian ............. Mab, blk m, 1885, by Defiance QUCQII, by Republic ....................... Mabel A., ch m, 1881, by Attorney- Sally, by Tramp .................. Mabel C., b m, 188, by Gloster ..... Mabel F., gr m, 1880, by Monahaii's Patchen Blue Bell, by Harry Blufic. Mabel H., b m, 1888, 'by Alexander Button Winnie, by Dietz's St. Clair. Mabel H., ch m, 1879, by Col. West- Nelly Gray, by White Mountain Jr. . Mabel H., blk 'm, 188 by Lambert Chief ............................ Mabel M., b m, 1882, by Athlete ...... Mabel Mack, b m, 1885, by Sweep- stakes Lady Bowman, by Star Mambriuo ....................... Mabel Mack, blk m, 188, by son of Gen. Knox ....................... Mabel Parmeter, br m, 1883, by Ham- bletonian Gift ............. " ....... Mabel R., br m, 1883. by Deceive Old Frankie, by Trojan ........... Mabelle, ch m, 1890, by Betterton Queen Sweepstakes, by Sweepstakes Mabel S., b m, 1881, by Landmark, dam by Niagara Champion .......... Mabel W. f br m, 188, by Thought. . Maby, b m, 1889, by Oxford, Boy- Lady May, by Marshal Ney ........ Mac Ivor, br s, 1889, by Harry Plum- mer Trixey, by Deucalion ......... Mac, dn g, 1885, by Giltedge Bell Fall 2:271,4 2:28 2:28% 2:26V 4 2:20% 2:30 2:21 2:23' t 2:25U 2:29% 2: 17 '4 2:20 2:22v4 2:30 Mack, br g, 1843, by Morgan Caesar, dam by Bush Messenger ............ Mack, b s, 1885, by Thought To psey, by Billy Ring .............. Macleay,'blk s, 1889, by Sable Wilkes Mamie Comet, by Nutwood (pacing McClelland Stewart, b g, 188, by Di- rector McAlister, b g, 1883, by Black's Ham- bletonian Katie James, by Waterloo McAllister, b -s, 1885, by Egbert- Laura, by Billy Adams McOeady. blk s, 1882, by Arnold Mattie Stockbridge, by Stockbridge Chief Jr ?.:..: McCullough, ch s, 1887, by Robert McGregor Laura, by Joe Hooker . . . Mac D., ch s, 1883, by Robert Mc- GregorGipsy McDoel (Sedalia Boy), ch g, 188, by Fred Pony McDuff, b g, 1885, by Fergus Mc- GregorJudy O'Can, by Evan Dhu. . McDuff, b g, 1887, by Flying Hiatoga Jr McEiree, b g, 188, by Martine McEwen. ch s, 1885, by McCurdy's Hambletonian Mary M.. by Bass- inger McFarlnnd. br s. 1881. by Charle< Caff rev Eva, by Tippo Bashaw . . 2:25 2:29% 2:29-, 2:27% 2:25V-j <> '[. 2:27^ 2:16U 2:27 2:26^ 2:28 2:20'^ 2:2214 2:29^ 2:24S 2:27 2:29% 2:30 2:30 2:1514 2:23 2:22% 2:24V.i 2:18*4 2:29^4 96 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. McGinty, br e, 1889, by Inveterate- Nelly, by John A. Rawlins 2:29*4 McGinty, b g, 188, by Jim Mul- venna 2 :26 McGinty 2:20% McGlynn, br g, 188, by Bishop 2:25 McGregor (Hood's), ch s, 1888, by Robert McGregor Sally Denmark, by Star Denmark 2:26% McGregor Boy, ch s, 1880, by Robert McGregor Lydda by Romulus 2:29% McGregor Time, ch s, 1888, by Rob- ert McGregor Ollie Stout, by Maiu- brino Time 2:30 McGregor Wilkes, b s, 1887, by Rob- ert McGregor Dewey Eve, by George Wilkes 2:27% .McGregor Wilkes, ch e, 1887, by Rob- ert McGregor Alice Wilkes, by Red AVilkes 2:21 McGuire, b s, 1888, by Egbert Sue Monday, by Tattler Jr 2:29V 2 Mclntosh, b s, 1885, by Mountain Boy Sister Cawley, by Northrup's Rat- tler 2:27 m, 1875, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian Nancy Whitman! by Seely's American Star 2:2.W t Mad Eye, oh s, 1886. by France's Allie Wilkes Mog. bv Sir Henry 2:26' '. Mndero D.. b m. 1882 bv Case's Dave Hill Kate C.. hy Tonne: Waxoy ... 2:.>0 Madgo Fnllerton. b m. 1SS -'. by Young Fnllerton Lucy, by Big Daii 2-30 Madge Hatton, br m, 1885, by Glen- coe Jr. May Waddle 2:17V A Madge Wilkes, ch m, 1890, by Victor Wilkes Nelly Lambert, by Daniel Lambert 2 -21% Madison, b e, 1887, by Leland Young Gypsy, by Mambrino Pilot 2:24 Madison Chief, b s, 1888, by Madison Wilkes Fanny Mambrino, by Har- ris' Mambrino Chief 2 -21% Madison Wilkes, b s, 1878, by George Wilkes Minna, by Red Jacket 2:24% Madras, b g, 188 by Madrid 2:25% Mad River Belle, b m, 188 by Kins of Bel air ; 2-29% Madwood, b s, 1887, by Nutwood- Ella Madden, by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian 2:20% Maestro, blk s, 1889, by Rumor- Bangle, by Slander 2 :29% Magdalene, b m, 1890, by Bermuda- Maggie C., by Hailstorm 2:20 Magdallah, ch m. 1873, by Primus Maud by Mambrino Rattler 2-23% Magenta, b m, 1870, by Woodford Mambrino Madge, by Alexander's Abdallah 2:24% Maggie, ch m, 1891, by Jerome Heath Maggie, by Edmoie 2:29% Maggie, b m, 188, by Dexter Prince 2:20 Maggie B., blk m., 1880 ty Shelby"- ville Chief Buck, by Red Buck .... 2:20 Maggie B., b m, 1885, by White Line Jr. lanthe, by Ocoana Chief 2:26 Maggie Briggs, b m, 1869, by Ameri- can Clay Jenny Morgan, by Sebas- tapol 2:27 Maggie C., b m, 187, by Whipple's Hambletonian, dam by Eldred 2:25 Maggie C., b m, 18SO, by Joe Hooper Pattie, by Bush's Messenger 2:27% Maggie C., ch m, 1879. by St. Almo Puss, by Jehu Morgan 2:29% Maggie O., br m, 188, by Gen. Stan- ton 2:29% Maggie Campbell, br m, 188, by Pamlico 2:25% Maggie Dot, b m. 188, by Tornado 2:24% Maggie E., b m, 1880, by Nutwood- May, by George M. Patchen Jr. ... 2: 19 % Maggie F.. b m, 1876 by Menelaus Molly King, by Yorkshire Lexington 2:27 Maggie F., b m, 1873, by Newry Flora 2:26 Magscie F.. b m, 1882, by Young Jim Molly, by Young Diamond 2:22-4 Maggie 'G. Middleton, b m, 1879 by Bay Middleton Gyp, by Magna Charta '. ' 2:20% Maggie H., gr m. 1876, by Iron Duke Jordan, by Stonewall 2:28!4 Maggie H., b m, 188 by Nero 2:27% Maggie H., b m, 2:24 Maergie H. b m, 1885. by Barney Wilkes-Alice '. 2:28% Maggie K.. br m. 1874. by Brown Chief Doll Burger, by Myer's Fox- hunter 2:29% Maggie K. b m. 188, by Deceiver. . 2:26 Mficpio Kevin, b m, 1879, by Star of the Wost Kir Kevin, by Wadding- ton's Snmpson 2:25% Maereie Knox, ch m. 1877. by Oceans Chief Molly iiawn. by Sir Henry .. 2:2l'i Alnsr^'o T/imbert. br m, 1876, by Daniel Lambert Brown Fanny, by Young Bla. k Hawk 2:25% THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Maggie Lew.?, blk m, 1887, .by Siraiigei- Irene Fell, by Mambrmo Abdullah Maggie M., bik m, 1869. by Patrick Henry, dam. by Prince Moscow...* Maggie M., b m, 1881, by Jehu Hrignt Maggie May, b IB, 1881, by Volunteer lazzie it., by Emigrant Maggie Miker, br m, 1878. by Harry Kuox, daiu by Bay State Maggie Miner, br in, 188, by Audi- tor Maggie Mitchell, br in, 1882, by C. W. Mitchell Pearsall Mare, by Pearsaii (dead) Maggie Monroe, b m, 1885. by Monaco --.tunny Monroe, by Jim Monroe,. Maggie Mori-ill, ch m. 1876, by Cnaney B.--Maggie Lee Maggie N., ch in, 1886, by Cupid Docii Maggie S., b in, 187 by Roland Maggie S., blk in, ISO, peuigree not traced (dead) Maggie S., b m, 188!), by Shawmut Maggie H., by Homer Maggie Sherman, ch m, 1888, by Alexander H. Sherman Bernice, by Sm.iser's Mohawk Maggie's Last, b m, 188, Pappalee iviuggle Maggie bprague, b m, 1889, by Boltou Sprague Kittle, by Young Wofui.. Maggie Sultan, br in, 1687, by Sultan Maggie Prescott. by Jim Monroe .. Maggie i., b m, 1884, by St. Charles Maggie 2d, by Tom Patchen Maggie u'ilkeewond, b m, 1888, by \\ iikeswood Maggie, by Magna Oharta Maggie Wilton, b in, 1891, by Wilton, dam by Homer Maggie Wilton, b in, 1887, by Wilton Aiaggie Prescot, by Jim Monroe . . Maggie VNright, ch m, 1885, by Silas Wright Maggie Gift, by Mainbrino Gift Magic, bik g, 1874, by Jim Fisk, dam by Sam Slick Magic Wilkes, b s, 1885, by Onward Santa Claus, by Magic Magua Medium, br s, 1889, by Chief Medium Gyp, by Magna Charta . . Magna Sphinx, b s, 1890, by Sphinx Belva Ann. by Magna Charta Magua Wilkes, b g, 1880, by George M iikes Molly, by Magna Chartu.. Magnet, b s, 1875, by Magnolia Mis- cnief, by Alexander's Abdallaa (dead) Maguetta, b m, 1888, by Cornelian- Magnet, by Strathmore Magnolia, b m, 1887, by Haw Patch Mag, by Bourbon Chief Jr Magnolia, gr g, 186, by Magnolia. . Magnoma, blk m, 1886, by Alhainbra Chief Nettie Forrest by Forrest King Maliala, blk m, 1887, by Cyclone- Madam Beatty, by Monroe Chief Mahaska, b s, 1887, by Advance- Bay Sally, by Corsair Mahlon, blk s, 1888, by Alcantara- Blanche Jefferson, by Thomas Jef- ferson Mahogany b s, 1889, by Bayonne Pri nee Sandal, by Jay Gould Mali met. b e, 18&-, by Mambrino 2:28*4 2:27^3 2:28y 4 2:29y a 2:29 2:21* 2:20* 2:29* 2:16% 2:80 2:26V6 2:29 '2:16* 2:29* 2:29^ 2:30 Clay Jr., dam by son of Planet . . Mahomet, b g, 158, by Consteiia- tiou ............................. Maiden, b rn, 1884, by Electioneer May Queen by Alexander's JSormau Maid of Monti, b m, 1871, by Comet- Monti ........................... Maid of Oaks, ch m, 1880, by Duke McClellau Oregon Nell .......... Maid of the VViiderness, br in, 1888, by Sherman Aristos Silvertail, by Had- win Horse ....................... Maidstoue, b m, 188, by John B. 2:20 Majella, b m, 1886; by Counsellor- Alcalde Ma jester, b e, 188, by Sterling .... Majolica, b g, 1876, by Startle Jessie KirK, by uiark Chief Major, gr g, 1876. by Gen. I'utnam Kate, by Flying Cloud Jr Major, b s, 1888, by Don McGregor, dam by Fleetf oot Major, b g, 188, pedigree not traced Major, ch s, 1890, by Golf's Mohawk, dam by Gould Clay Major Brown, br g, 188, by Philos- opher Major Brown, b s, 1886, by Tennessee Yv iikes Aline, by Aiiie West Major Hiwing, b s 189, by Strath- moreMies Kirksey, by Mambrino Le Grand Major F., b g, 1883, by Jersey i'riuce Jessie, by Henry B. Patciieii . . . Major Lacey, b s, 1887," by Mugadore Lucy, by Flaxtail Major Mapes, b s, 1888, by Bonnie Vv ilkes Aora Mapes, by Furor .... Maj. A., ch g, 1880, by Maj. Edsall. . Maj. Allen, ch g, 1864, by Frank Al- Maj. Biiford, *gr*g,' "l884] ' by ' Charles Caffrey Lady Belle, by Tip Crans- ton Maj. Edsall, b s, 1859, by Alexander's Abdallah, diam by Harris' Haiuble- tonian (dead) .....' Maj. Flowers, ch g, 1884, by Bourbon Wilkes, dam by Caliban Maj. King, ch g, 186, by Careless (dead.) Maj. Lord, dii g, 1870, by Edward Everett Phoenix Mare Maj. Lynn, ch g, 1881, by Young Ba- shawSnow Flake Maj. iioot, br g, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) Maj. Roes, br s, 1890, by Anteros Blanche H., by Blue Bull Maj. S.. b g, 188, by Kuick WLkes. . Maj. S., b g, 186, pedigree not traced Maj. Thome, blk s, 1886, by Haw- thorneOld Tempest, by Morgan Rattler I Maj. Ulrich, b g, 188, by Vermont Aodailali 2:30 Malabar, b e, 1884, by -Wedgewood- _ .,__. i Kitty Abbott, by Abbott ^:1J% | Malacca (Caivie B.), br in, 1875, by Elial G. Country Maid, by Hinsdale 2:25 Horse Malachi, b s, 1886, by Monaco Dolly Varden, by Daniel Lambert 2:13% ! Malheur, b s. 1888, by Altamont Belle Price, by Doble 2:12* | Malvina, b m, 1874, by Fearnanght I Spy 2:25% 2:30 2:29 2:24 2:15 2:24% 2:11 2:28 2:28^4 2:30 2-2514 2-29Vi y * 2-2434 ^ 4 o.oo 2:22 2:28 2:27 2:18* 2:30 2:80 2:29% 2:27^4 2:21Va 2:09y 4 2:2614 2:24* 2:28^, 2:2i> 2:21* 2:30 2:23% 2:23* 2:27 2:24* 2:29* 2:29 2:30 2:24* 2: 21 * 2:29 2:27 2:21* THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Mambrinette, b in. 1S7G, by Mambrino Gift Lady Alice, by Mambrino Chorister '. Mambriuo (Graham's), blk s, 1882, by Mambrino Bashaw Kitty Clay, by Kentucky Clay Mamb ino Archy, br s, 1876, by Main- brino.Boy, dam by John Dillard Mambrino Belle, dn m, 188, by Mambrino Chief Jr Mambrino Boy, blk s, 1868, by Mam- brino Patchen Roving Nelly, by Strader's Cassius M. Clay Jr. (dead) Mambrino Clay Jr., br s, 1875, by Mambrino Clay Lousch, by Search- er Mamb.ino Diamond, blk s, 1873, by Mambrino Patchen Lucy, by Stra- der's Cassius M. Clay Jr Mambrino Dick, br s, 1879, by Mam- brino Time Scottish Maid, by imp. Bonnie Scotland Mambrino Dudley, b s, 1874, by Woodford Mambriuo Sue Dudley, by Edwin Forrest Mambrino General, br g, 186, by Fisk's Mambrino Chief J:-. Black Sal Mambrino George, b s, 1871, by Fisk's Mambrino Chief Jr. Bay Wi- ley, by Royal George Mambrino Gift, ch s, 1866, by Mam- brino Pilot Waterwitch, by Pilot Jr. (dead) Mambrino Girl, b m, 1883, by Victor Bismarck Lady Mambrino, by Walker's Mambrino Mambrino Jefferson, br s, 188, by Thomas Jefferson Mambrino Kate, gr m, 1869, by Mam- brino Patchen, dam by State of Maine Mambrino Lambert, ch g, 1881, by Merry Boy Shadow, by Daniel Lam- bert Mambrino Lumps, b s, 188, by Lumps Mambrino Maid, ch m, 1880, by Chief Hetty, by Case's Frank Moscow.. Mambrino Maid, b m, 1885, by Mam- brino Startle Winnie Wilkes, by Red Wilkes Mambrino Maud, blk m, 1884, by Mamb vino Duke Daisy C Mambrino Medium, b s, 1885, by Hap- py Medium Kate Keene, by Mam- brino Champion Mambrino Patchen (Flack's), blk s, 188. by Mambrino Tuckahoe Mambrino Payne, b s, 1884, by King Mambrino Katy B., by John F. Payne Mambrino Prince, br s, 1885, by Jef- ferson Prince Mambrino Lizzie, by Harris' Mambrino Chief Jr Mamb-ino Queen, ch m, 1889, by Ely- ria Schaible Girl, by Bobby Mambrino Queen, b m, 1884, by Nob- byBeauty, by Sim's Prophet Mambrino Sotham, blk , 1874. by Mambrino Gift, dam by Young Black Hawk. .., \ Mrmbrino Sparkle, b m. 1878. by Fisk's Mambrino Chief Jr. Kate Sparkle, by Sparkle (dead) Mambrino Star (Leggatt's), b s, 1862, by Mambrino Chief Lady Fairfleld, by Red Buck (dead) Mamb-ino Startle, blk s. 1884. by 2:27!4 i 2:24 : } 4 2:23 I ! 2:26% 2:25 2:26 2:24 2:10% 2:25% 2:30 ! ! 2:20 i 2:30 I \ 2:30 ! 2:24 ! 2:29% 2:2814 2:29fc 2:15V4 2:28% 2:28% i 2:30 2:22 2:13% 2:26 ] / 2:26% 2:17 2-'>S l / 1 Mambriuo Startle Maggie, by Black Flying Cloud ..................... Mambriuo Swift, ch m, 1800, by Ely- ria Schaible Girl, by Bobby ..... Mambrino Swigert, blk s, 1876, by Swigert-Jenny Hamilton, by Lake- land Abdallah .................... Mambrino Thorn, br s, 1885, by Gen. Washington Cuba, by Mambrino Pi- lot ....T ......... . : ............... Mambrino Wilkes, gr s, 1875, by George Wilkes Hattie Fitch, by Williams' Mambrino ........ . ____ Mambritonian, b s, 1883, by Belmont Sonnet, by Bourbon Chief ......... Mamet, b s, 188 ..... ............... Mamie, b m, 1885, by Mercury Mam- brino Rose, by Mambrino Joker. . . . Mamie, b m, 1878, by Blue Bull Sil- verella ........................... Mamie A., b m. 1884, by Landmark, dam bv Clear Grit .................. Mamie Allen, b m, 188-, by Wilker- son .............................. Mamie C., gr m, 1886, by Barkis Flora, by Bacon's Ethan Allen ...... Mamie Case, b in. 1886, by Jalisco - Bird, by Fetter Home ............. Mamie Comet, ch m, 1880, by Nut- woodBlack Betty, by Sportsman.. Mamie D., b m. 1887, by Woful Belle, by Oysterman ............. Mamie Griffin, b m, 188, by Reavis' Blackbird ....................... Mamie Haywood, b m, 188, by Mar- quette ........................... Mamie J., ch m, 188, by Ben Wrisht Mamie M.. br m, 1877, by Crittenden Lucy Marshall, by Clark's Daniel Boone .......................... Mamie Phillips, ch in, 1885, by Ham- bletonian Downing Mattie, by Red- wood ............................ Mamie Strike, blk m, 188 by Strike Mamie Tyler, b m, 1884. by Squire Talmage Belle Maxwell, by Cla-k's Mohawk Jr ...................... Mamie W., b m, 1882, by Pickpocket Hattie .......................... Mamie W., ch m, 188. by Hannis.. . Mamie Woods, ro m, 1884, by Wood's Hambletonian Mary Ann, by Mag- nolia ............................ Manawa, br s, 1888. by Mambrino Yorick Adele Tyler, by Chester. . . . Manchester C., b s, 1887, by Madison Smith Toney, by Hamdallah ....... Mandame. ch m. 1884, by Mambrino King Sally Griffin, by Crosby's son of Field's Royal George ......... Mandolin, ch g. 188 ..... . ........... Manille. ch m, 1887, by Whips MoCa. by Almont ...................... Manipulator, b s, 1886 by Nutwood- Gladys, by Hetzel's Hambletoui.m . . Maiming, b's. 188. by Elial G ....... Manning (Col. Bradshaw). b g. 18.,. by Messenger Clay Jewell, by Gi'l's Vermont .. ...................... Man on. b m. 1877, bv Nutwood Addle, by Hasbrouck's Hambleton- ian Chief ....................... Mnnisfield, ch s, 1876. by Messenger Pairoc Green Mountain Maid, by Harry Clay ....................... Mnnvilie. b s. 1886. by Meamle" Norma. by Scutari ................. Mnnxnnita, 'b m. 1882. bv Electioneer Mayflower, by St. Clair .......... 2:26^4 2:26V 4 2:80 2:2:1% 2:28% 2:20% 2:27% 2:2S'/4 2:2114 2:25 2:30 2:28',4 2:28 2:23% 2:26V4 2:20% 2:29% 2:28% 2:22% 2:28 2:26:4 2 '27'/i 2:27% 2:20% 2:20*4 2:24% 2:21 2:26 2:2f> 2:1 ft THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Maralia. ch m, 1883, by Gen. Benton Maybell, by Electioneer 2:24 14 Maraquita, b rn, 1886, by Eros Ida, by Chieftain 2:30 Marble, b m, 1891, by King Clay 2:23yi Marble Chief, b s, 1891, by Madison Wilkes Fannie Mambrino, by Fisk's Mambrino Chief Jr 2:29% March, gr s, 1884, by Climax Belle Brandon 2:25"& Manchester, b e, 1886, by Chichester Mara, by Black Rat 2:29 Marchioness, b m, 1891, by Sidmore Kitty Irvingtou, by Dawn 2:29 March Onward, b s, 188, by Onward. 2:28 ; /a Marcus, b s, 1884, by Sorrento Win- some, by Messenger Duroc 2 :29 l ,i Marcus, b g, 188 by Navarre 2:21 Marcus, g: 1 g, 1882, by Administrator Emily C. (dead) 2:29'/ 4 Marcus "Daly, ch s, 188 by Satin- wood 2:2214- Marea, ch m, 1888, by Hambrino Ella G., by George Wilkes 2:22 Marengo Chief, b s, 1884, by Maxwell Sadie B., by Orange Duroc 2:30 Margaret, ch m, 1891, by Capoul Grace B., by Strode;- 2:20 Margaret, b m, 1880, by Sultan May Sproule, by The Moor 2:28 Margaret J.," ch m, 188, by Gomo... 2:24rVa Margaret C., b m, 188 by William L.-Mochilles. by Achilles 2:10% Margaret Knox, blk m, 188, by Nor- way Knox, dam by Daniel Lambert. 2:2314 Margaret L., b m, 1890, by TJLlc Wilkes Mattie B.. by Bonner Boy.. 2:16% Margaret M., b m, 1887, by Pickpocket Lady Hittinger, by Cheuery's Grey Eagle 2:19 Margaret S., b m, 1886, by Director- May Day, by Ballard's Cassius M. Clay Jr 2:12^ i Margaret W., ch m, 1889, by C. F. Clay Emma T., by GOT. Sprague... 2:25Vi Ma 'garet Worth., b m, 188, by Alex- ander Button 2:17 l /i Margrave, ro s, 1890, by Baron Wilkes Spanish Maiden, by Happy Med- ium 2:15i/j Marguerite, b rn, 188, by Dexter Dictator 2:20V4 Marguerite, b m, 1868, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian Kate Smith 2:29 i Maria Legacy, blk m, 1882, by Legacy Jessie Sheridan, by Phil Sheridan. 2:22 1 /4 Ma-ie Ansel, br m, 188, by Ansel... 2:25 ! Marie B., b m, 188, by Oberlin 2:30 Marie D., gr m, 1892, bv Patron Cleo- patra, by War Call. .' 2:25^4 Marie M., ch m, 1886, by Spartacus Jenny Wood 2:1914 Marie Wilkee, b m, 1888,- by Woodford Wilkes Lucille, by Western Chief. .. 2:30 Marin. b s, 1875, by Quinn's Patchen Fay Ma-e 2:22Vis Marin 'Jr., gr g, 188 by Marin Sil- ver, by Silverthreads 2:13 Marion, ch g, 186, by Jamison's Tom Crowder 2:23\< 2 Marion, ch g, 187, (ringer?) 2:30 Marion, b m, 1883. by Piedmont Lady Morgan, by Rysdyk's Hambletoniau. 2:26% Marionette, b e, 188 by Mlddletown, dam by Blackwood Jr 2:2714 Marion H., b m, 187, pedigree not traced 2:30 Marion IT., b m. 1888. by Prince Al- dine Fanny IT., by Danbry Horse. . 2:24 1 1 Marion Messenger, b ni, 1891, by Ely- ria, darn by son of Stranger H:oi Marion Wilk'es, oh s, 1888, by Garnet Wilkes Lady Rock, by Iowa Duroc 2:17 '.; Marion Wilkes, b s, 1890, by Red Lam- bert 2:22% Mark B., ch g, 1879, by David Bonner Black Kate, by Andrew Jackson. . 2:28 : . 4 Mark Field Jr., b s, 1890, by Mark Field Daisy, by Revenge 2:29^ Ma-k Medium, b g, 1887, by Almont Medium Rene G., by Alcona 2:1G< 4 Mark Monroe, b s, 1883, by Victor Bismarck Maggie Monroe, by Jim Monroe 2:25V 2 Mark P., br s, 1887, by Du-ango Chief Lady Y., by Gipsy Boy 2:25 : U Mark Sirius, ch s, 1887, by Sirius Louisa R., by Blue Bull 2:13 Marksman Maid, 1> m, 1881, by Marks- manFanny, by Ben Abdallah 2:21! 4 Mark Time, br s, 1878, by Robert Mc- Gregor Lloyd, by Glancev's Morgan 2:19 Mark W., b g, 188^-, by Mark Monroe. 2:28'% Marquetta 2:23 :> i Marquette, b s, 1886, by Victor Bis- marckIda, by Favorite Wilkes 2:20 Marquis, blk s, 1878, by Clay Abdal- lah Fly by Spaulding's Abdallah... 2:2fr% Marquis, b g, 1881, by The Marquis, dam. by Mambrino Gift 2 :ll>',i Marquis of Eden, b s, 1889, by Prince- tonBell Almont, by Abdallah Mam- brino 2:2:r'., Marron. ch g, 1886, by Gold Beater Annie Wilson, by Henry Wilson ... 2:U> ; '4 Mars, b g, 1881, by Administrator Watersprite, by Belmont 2 :2v :, Mars, ch s 1874. by Gen. Sherman- Jenny, by Superb 2 -27' ', Marshal B., br s, 1877, by Chadwic-k Lady Tartar, by Pelham Tartar 2:26 ! /> Marshall Maid, b m. 1884, by Dom Pedro Folly, by Thalaba 2:23i<, Marshal T., ch s, 187. by George Sherwood Kit. by Rook Miranda . . 2:20 Marston C., b s. 1891, by Peidmont Maiden, by Electioneer 2:l9vj. Martha, b m, 187. by Prosper 2:30 Martha H., ch m. 1888, by Egmont Dora Belle, by Hartford Hamb'.o- tonian 2 :2o''j Martha Washington, ch m, 1870 by Blucher ."....2:2014 Martha Wilkeg, b m. 1883, by Alcyone Ella, by Clark Chief 2:08 Martie G., b m, 188, by India man 2:2s Martin B., b s, 1S89, by Alvardo Leon Maid, by Springville Chief. . 2:30 Martin K., ch g, 188, by Hannibal. . 2:1RV, Martin M.. b g. 188 .*. 2:29', Martyr, blk s. 1887, by Rumor Mig- non, by Gen Knox 2:22H Marvel, b g. 1876, by Messenger Chief Kit Dunn 2:2* Marvel, ch s, 1888, by Fordstan Frankie Eaton by Whipple's Ham- bletonian 2:24 ! i Marvel, b g, 18, by Mainbrino Pilot Jr. Kate O'Brien 2:21'- .', Marvel, b g, 1887, by Adjuster Mam - brino Girl, by Pennvpack 2:1S ! ; Marvelous, b s, 1889, by Woodbrino Aetna, by Belmont 2:2. Marvin, b s. 1886. by Electioneer- Bright Eyes, by Gen. Benton 2:23<<, Marwood. ch R, 1888. by Atwood unurn T>rander. by Glendale L'^O 100 THE 2:30 TROTTERS Marsy, b in, 185, by George M. Patchen, dam by Saladiu (dead) . . Mary, b m, 1890, by MacUuliuinmore, dain by Aladdin Mary, b m, 1888, by tSt. Just Dolly, by Hamlet Mary A., b m, 1886, by Altaniont Daisy A., by Kisbar Mary Anderson, b in, 188, by Hain- iin'b Alinout Jr. Mmo, by Wood's Hambletonian Mary Anderson, cli m,1884, by Light- wood Molly Hal, by Moore's Tom Hal . . Mary Ann, b in, 1879, by Bay State Grand Duchess, by Handiey's Hia- toga Mary A. Whitney, b in, 1867, by Vol- unteerPeggy fc>iender (dead) Mary B., br m, 1878, by Alcalde- Mary Weaver, by Black Hawk Ver- mont Mary B., b in, 188 Mary Best, ch m, 1890, by Guy Wilkes Montrose, by Sultan Mary Brown, b m. 1885, by Egbert- Annie Brown, by Ashland Chief . . Mary C., br m, 1884, by Wagner Ba- shaw Puss Cunningham, by Green's Bashaw Mary C., br m, 1880, by Wilson Horse Maggie Day Mary Caldwell, b m, 1888, by Wilkes Boy Lulu Patchen, by Tom Patchen Mary Cecil, b m, 1884, by Thomas K. Fanny, by Thornton's Abdullah . . Mary Grit, blk m, 188, by Roomer (pacing record 2 :19) Mary Davis, b m, 186, by Werner's Rattler Mary Rotan Mary Ferguson, b m, 1888, by Gran- by Mary Hanford, b m, 1887. by Chosroes Mary Long, by Bashaw Mary G., b m, 188, by Almonarch, dam by Stephen A. Douglas Mary Karr, br m, 1884, by Gov. Sprague Maddie Karr, by Adminis- trator A Mary Kent, br m, 1881, by Kent Burbank Mare, by Gen. Grant.... Mary Lee, blk m, 1887, by George O. Koxie Belle, by Squire Talmage (ilead) Mary Lou, ch m, 1885, by Tom Ben- ton Brown Jenny, by McCracken's David Hill Jr Mary Maderia, ch m 1889, by Strath- roy Mattie Lake, by Pacing Abdal- lah Mary Magdalene, ch m, 1890, by Du Bois' Superior Magdalene, by Magnet Mary Marshall, b m, 1885, by Billy Wilkes Bennie Sydner, by Mam- brino Abdallah Mary Me, b m, 188, by Lumps, dam by Lexington Chief Mary O., ch m, 1885, by Brown Jug Betsey, by Budd Doble Mary Powell, blk m, 1880, by De Witt Clay, dam by Young Cardinal Mary R., ch m, 1885, by McCurdy's Hambletonian Maggie Mary Russell, gr m, 1871. by Joe Brown Kate Odell, by Burt's Young Bellfounder Mary S.. br m, 1882, by Barney 2:28 2:20Vi 2:24^4 2:30 2:26 2:28% 2:28 2:29 2:29% 2:12% 2:29% 2:30 2:24x2 2:20 2:22% 2:23% 2:26^4 2:29% 2:28% 2:24 2:28!/ 2 2:29y a 2:17 2:27^/4 2:27% 2:12% 2:18% 2:29^4 2:22% 2:24% 2:23% Wilkes Gin Burner, by Frank Al- len 2-28 Mary S., ch m, 1881, by Alcantara Lady Carr, by American Clay ... 2:28 Mary Spillman, b m, 1883, by Rolling Wave 2:30 Mary Sprague, br m, 1879, by Gov. Sprague Little Ellen, by Gold- smith's Abdallah 2 21 Mary W., br m, 1883, by Gov. Sprague Dora Dun ton, by Smuggler 2:29% Mary Wilkes, b m, 1885 by Tennessee Wilkes Mcdjeska, by'Enfield 2:19 Mascot, ch m, 1884, by Triceps Kit 2:24% Mascot, b s, 1887, by Stamboul Min- nebaha, by Steven's Bald Chief (dead) 2:25% Mascot Bob, ro g, 1882, by Col. Howe Pet, by Pacing Joe 2:2 Maud, b m, 1866. by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian Starlight, by Seely's American Star 2:29% Maud, b m, 1881, by Young Napoleon Minnie RJfel, by Arbuckle's Rat- tler 2:181/2 Maud, b m, 188. by C. V. B 2:29y 4 Maud, br m, 1883, by Othello Betsy 2:29y 2 Maud, ch m, 1882. by Aurora Lady Sherman, by Milliman's Bellfounder 2:27 Maud, blk m, 1884, by McDonald Chief Puss, by Gen Taylor 2:20% Maud ch m, 188, by Hiram 2:30 Maud,' ch m, 188, by Hotspur Jr 2:29Vi Maud, ch m, 1882, by Abdallah Duroc Nancy 2:291,4 Maud, b m, 188 by George Sprague 2:28*4 Maud A., b m, 188, by Embassador, dam by Billy Green (pacing record 2:28%) 2:29% Maud A., b m, 1877, by By sdyk Jes- sie, by Roebuck 2:26% Maud A., br m, 1886, by Pyramid- Judith B.. by Lord Almont 2:1 Maud A., 188, 2:2 Maud Almeda, gr m, 188 by Gaviofci 2:24 Maud Archibald, br m, 1881, by Glen- wood 2 :27% Mau<] B.. Hi m. 18.9. by Dow S 2:28'/> Maud B., ch m, 1884 by Charley B. Doll .' 2:23& Maud B., b m, 188, by Barkis 2:20% Maud Banks, ch m, 18&- , by Dictator Chief Empress, by Sterling 2:27^, Maud C., blk m, 1889, by Binderton Nita, by Atlantic 2:15% Maud C., ch m, 1886, by California Nutwood Zola, by Steinway .... Maud C., b m, 1882, by Sir Charles- Bessie, by Southerner Maud C., b m, 1883, by Alexander Button Gipsy, Maud G., b m, Maud Clay, gr Lou, by Pilot Duroc 2:24 Maud Cook, b m, 187, by Iron Duke. 2:30 Maud Cooper, rn-.xn, 188 2:28% Maud D., b in, 1881, by Burns, dain by Tippoo Saib 2:29V 3 .Maud D., ch m, 188, by Clarion Chief Nelly, by States Rattler 2:29% Maud D. N., b in. 1889, by Hamdal- lah Esther, by Silas Wright 2:25 Maud E., b m, 1885, by Clifford 2:22% Maudee, b m, 1887, by Anteeo Maud, by Nutwood 2:24% Maud F., b m, 1882, by Troy Maud Oarlin, by Hugo 2:25% Maud F., b m, 1882, by Oneida Chief Babe 2:30 Maud Fowler, b m, 1888, by Anteeo Eveline, by Nutwood 2:21% Maud G., b m, 188, by Woodman, dam by Atlantic 2:28% Maud Greenwood, br m, 188, by Gen. Knox 2:26% Maud H., b m, 188 by Jay Bird. ... 2:26 Maud H., br m, 1883, by Duroc Volun- teerLady Hamilton 2:21)% Maud H., ch m, 1883, by Carr's Mam brino Flora, by Dan Voorhees 2:24 Maud H., ch m, 188, by Landmark, dam not traced 2:29% Maud Halbert, b m, 188, by Halbert 2:30 Maud Haywood, b m, 1890, by Garn- betta Wilkes, dam by Almont 2:24% Maud Howe, ch m, 1883, by Bashaw Hambletonian Kate P. 2:27% Maudie Belle, b m, 1882, by Wood's Hambletonian Helen V., by Enfield. 2:29% Maud J., b m, 1886, by Winfield Scott. 2:25% ! Maud J 2:25% ! Maud Knox, ch m, 1882, by Winthrop Knox 2:27 i Maud L., b m, 188, by Seaside 2:29% ! Maud L., b:- m, 1880, by Grey Dan, dam by a son of Hiram Drew 2:30 Maudlen. b m, 1883, by Harold Nutu- la, by Belmont 2:25% Maud Lightfoot, ch m, 188, by Prince Almont 2 :25 '/ i Maud M., ro m. 1884, by Crazy Nick Jr. Dolly Elder, by Young Prince Albert 2.:28 i Maud M., b m, 188, by Abdallah Hambletonian 2:20% Maud M., br m, 1888, by Janus Fi-olic, by Dick 2:2?, Maud M., b m, 1881, by Little Hamil- ton 2:2*% Maud M 2:25 Maud M., br m, 187, pedigree not traced 2:30 < Maud M., br m, 188, by Anteeo 2:20% Maud M., ch m, 188. by Gift Jr 2:30 Maud Mace, br m, 1885, by Dan Mace Maud, by Quaker General 2:27V 4 Maud Macey, ch m, 1871, by Joe 102 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Hooker Jenny Martin, by Siar Lieu- mark Maud Medium, br in, 188, by Chief Medium Maud Medium, b m, 188 Maud Menill, blk m, 1888, by Ante- ro'.o Belle A., by Tilton Almont... Maud Messenger, b m, 1877, by Mes- senger Chief Eliza Jane, by Gentle Breeze Maud Muller, gr m, 1873, by Coupon Chesley, by John Robinson Maud Muller, ch m, 1882, by Locker- bie Bessie Turner, by Kentucky Traveler Maud P., b m, 1891, by Idaho Patchen Maud N., br m, 188, by Col. Crock- ett Maud Patchen, b in, 1887, by Idaho Patchen Maud W. W. W., by Gen. Keno Maud It., ro m, 1879, by Cunard Maud S., br m, 188, by Oapt. Jinks. Maud S., ch m, 1874, by Harold Miss Russell, by Pilot Jr Maud Singleton, b m, 1885, by Single- ton Lettie, by Wayland Forrest... Maud S. M., b m, 1887, by Pedo Fanny M., by Louder' s Printer Maud Stillson, ch m, 1880, by Still- son Maud T., b in, 3877, by Hainlin's Al- mont Jr. Fanny Fern, by Sover- eign Jr Maud V., ch m, 1887, by Nutmeg- Maggie W., by Richmond Boy Maud W., ch m, 1891, by Epicure, dam by Hotspur Jr Maud White, ch m, 1886, by Little Ben Nelly, by a son of Cub Maud Wright, b m, 1889, by Silas Wright Fanny Newton, by Allie Gaines Maud W. W. W., blk m, 1875, by Gen. Reno, dam by Bidwell's Rattler Maud Y., bm,'1889, by Dexter Prince Nelly Nelson, by John Nelson Maud Z., rn m, 188 Maumejan, b g, 1885, by Messenger Chief Edna D., by Dr. Almont Maurice S., b g, 188, by Coupon, dam by Col. Heywood Mauston, b s, 1886, by Rysdyk Helen McGregor, by Robert McGregor Max, b g, 188, by Black Ben, dam by Don Juan Max, gr g, 1887, by Pilot Medium- Kit Reese, by Billy D Max, ch g, 188, by Young America. . Maxey, ch s, 1885, by Ben Franklin- Kitty Cook, by General Sherman... Maxie, b e, 188, by Joe Hooper Maxie B., b s, 188, by Ashland Wilkes Maxie Oobb, b g, 1881, by Donny- brook, dam by Rocket Maxie Cobb. b s, 1875, by Happy Med- ium Lady Jenkins, by Black Jack (dead)../. Maxie Cobb Jr., b s, 1881, by Maxie Cobb Wheeler Mare, by Brown Dick Maxie McGregor, blk g, 1886, by I'.m McGregor Jessie Grant, by Gen. Grant Max O'Rell. b g, 1884, by Altitude Jule. by Slasher Max T.. blk g, 1M)1, by I'iloton. dam by Nopt uno 2:27% 2:28 2:18 2:29% 2:26% 2:26% 2:30 2:08% ' 2:28Vi | 2:22 | 2:29% i 2:19% I 2:26%! 2:22 | 2:15% | 2:23 y 4 i 2:29% 2:26% 2:23% 2:25% 2:24% 2:20% 2:28% 2:30 2:27% 2:28% 2:25V4 2:28% 2:28% j 2:24% i 2:20 (/ . Maxwell, gr s, 1882, by William Tell. 2:28 '4 May, ch m, 1873, by Jordan's Young Moscow Belle Windflower, by Windflower May B., blk m, 188, by Altoona, dam by Wapsie May B., l>r m, 188, by Sir Knight. . . May Be b m, 1883, by Ben Franklin Pedunk, by Vermont Volunteer May Bee, br m, 1889, by Happy Rus- sellBeeswing, by Kent May Belle, b m, 1892, by Phallainont Daisy Maid, by Hickory May Bird, blk m, 1868, by George Wilkes, dam by John C. Fremont. . May Bird, b m, 1867, by Jirnmie Kate Smith, by Cady's Champion May Bird, b m, 1877, by Blue Bull Fmley, by Bou.bon Chief May Bird, b m, 1886, by Jay Bird- Maud B., by Seneca Chief May Boy, b s, 1878, by Whipple's Hambletonian Harvest Queen, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian May Breaker, ch m, 1889, by Nut- breaker May H., by Chicago Vol- unteer May Brino, ch m, 18S7, by Dall Brino Mayflower May Clark, ch m, 1873, pedigree not traced May Coukling, b m, 1885, by Roscoe Conkling Sally Mills, by Moore's Orange Chief May Day, br m, 1877, by Dread Kitty Whaien, by Fenian Chief May Day, b m, 1870, by Ballard's Cas- sius M. Clay Jr. Kate, by Hiram Drew.. May Day, b m, 1890, by Abdallah Mambrino Mignon, by Messenger Chief May Day, b m, 1888, by Dominion- Idol Belle, by Akers Idol May Douglass, gr m, 1885, by Fred Douglass Badger Girl, by Black Flying Cloud May Eddy, b m, 1887, by Jerome Eddy Flora Hebel, by Young Dick Tay- lor (pacing record 2:22%) (dead) May F., b m, 188 by Gen. Stiautou, dam by Young Cadmus May F., gr m, 187, by Adirondack.. Mayflower, b m, 187, by Mambrino Pilot Mayflower, br m 1881, by Walkill Mayflower, by Victor Bismarck Mayflower, b m, 1891, by Young Jim, dam by Robt. McGregor Mayflower, b m, 1889, by Israel- Lucy, by All Right May Gould, b m, 1874, by Jay Gould Columbia, by Draco May H., ch m, 1876, by Chicago Vol- unteer, dam by Plow Boy Mayhill, br m, 1887, by Edge Hill- Maywood, by Blackwood (pacing 2:17%) May Homer, b m, 1889, by Homer Hannie, by Jerome Eddy May Howard, gr m, 1865, by Capt. Hanford McCormick Ma-e May King, b s, 1886, by Electioneer May Queen, by Alexander's Norman May McGregor, ch m, 188, by Bonnie McGregor May Mitchel, gr m, 1884, by Pasacas Maid of the Mist, by Oonklin's 2:30 2:30 2:2i 2:2o 2:29% 2:21 2:21% 2:23 2:21-% 2:23% 2:17% 2:20'/2 2:29% 2:28 2:23% 2:30 2:24V4 2:27 2:15% 2:25% 2:30 2:30 2:27V4 2:21% 2:29V 4 2:28 2:24V 4 2:201,4 2:19 2:18% 2:24 2:20 2:30 American Star THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 103 Maymout. b m, 1882, by Treniont I Medium, b g, Kitty Robinson, by Frank Moscow. 2:23% traced May Morgan, b m, 1888, by Onward Rachel Russell, by Woodford Ab- dallah 2:19% May Morning, b m, 1871, by Daniel Lambert May Queen, by Ethan Al- len " 2:30 May Not, b g, 188, by Judge Advo- cate 2:2i!4 Mayonne, b m, 188, (ringer?) 2:30 May Queen, b m, 1853, by May Day (dead).... 2:2G May Queen, b m, 1868, by Alexan- der's Norman Jenny, by Crockett's Arabian 2:20 May Queen, b m, 1883, by Haiubleton Wai-wick Star 2:27 May Queen, ch m, 188--, by Ben Franklin 2:29% May Queen, gr m, 188, by Duroc. .. 2:28^4 May Queen, b m, 1878, by Western Fearnaught Maggie Crofoot, by Mugmi of Avon. . . . 2:29% May Quesne, b m, 1888, by Duquesne Lottie, by Albu-.-n 2:21 May II., b m, 1882, by Charley B. Lucy 2:2914 May Rose, b m, 1886, by Indiaman Magnet 2:26% Maytell, b m, 1891, by Axtell Delta, by Nutwood 2 :24 May Thorne, b m, 1874, by Thorn- dale Sunbeam, by Jupiter 2:24% May Virginia 2:24^/4 Maud B., ch m, 1884, by Charley B. Doll 2:24V4 Maud B., b m, 188, by Barkis 2:29V4 Maud Banks, ch m, 188, by Dictator Chief Empress, by Sterling 2:27% May Wilkes, b m, 1884, by louug Wilkes Kit, by Star of Catskill.... 2:26Vij May Williams, b m, 1881, by Cham- Sion Prince Ida, by Mott's Indepen- ent 2:26V4 Maywood, blk in. 1880, by Gov. Sprague Lady Byron, by Royal George 2:20 Mazie McGregor, ch m, 1885, by Rob- ert McGregor Belle Far well, by Ladd's Ethan Allen 2:28 Mazoinania, ch g, 1867, by Gen. Mor- ganOld Belle, by Brown's Bell- founder 2:20Vi Mazssintiue, ch g, 1887, by Fitzger- ald's Enterprise Palena, by Strath- more 2 :29V4 Mazzone, b s, 1885, by Gen. Han- cockVerbena, by Messenger Duroc 2:29% M. C., oh m, 188, by Deceive 2:27 M. C. S., b s, 1890, by Billy Mont- Kitty Midnight, by Charley B 2:30 Meade, ch m, 188 by Rattler 2:25 Meander, b s, 1879. by Belmont Minerva, by Pilot Jr 2:26% Mecca, b g, 1880, by Jay Gould- Martha Nutwood, by Hamlet 2:28 Mechanicsville, b s, 1891 by Myrtle- ton Sally Wilkes, by Baron Wilkes 2:28*4 Meda. ch m. 188, by Harold 2:25 Medajfci, b m. 188, by Combat, dam by Dictator 2 :27i4 Mediator, b s, 1886, by Happy Med- ium Abdalletta, by Strader's Cas- sius M. Clay Jr 2:25% Medina, b g, 188, breeding not traced 2:27 Medio. b s. 1890 by Pilot Medium- Lady Epicure, by Epicure 2:14% 188, pedigree not Medium Boy, b s, 1888, by Shennan i Jessie B., by Knicker- 185 , pedigree not Mediuru- bocker Medoc, gr g, traced (dead) Medonias, gr s, 1885, by Pilot Med- iumMercedes, by Masterlode Medora, b m, 1882, by Gov. Sprague Olivia, by Ashland Chief Medora, blk m, 1884, by Bourbon Wilkes, dam by American Clay . . Medora, br m, 1882, by Young Rolfe Knox Girl, by Gen. Knox (dead) . . Medora, b m, 1888, by Gambettu Wilkes Mary Bruce, by Von Arnim Megibben, oh s, 1886. by Simmons- Big Six, by Hambrino M'liss, b m, 1884, by Commander Little Lassie M'liss, blk m, 1885, by Simmons- Dolly Hazard, by Sam Hazard.... Melissa, blk m, 1884, by Nutwood Eudora, by Guyler Mella G., gr m, 1881, by Dr. Herr Lady Gist, by George Bell Melophene, br m, 1891, by Quarter- master Mattie C. , by Trouble .... Me rose, br g, 1879, by Sultan, dam by California Ten Broeck Melrose, b s, 1874, by Victor Bis- Marck Cinderella, by Mambrino Pilot . . . .: Melrose, b s, 1883. by Monaco Lady Alice, by Mambrino Chorister (dead) Melton, b s, 1885, by Frank Noble- Mary Safford, by Combat Melvar, ch s, 1888, by Fordstan Frankie Eaton, by Whipple's Ham- bletonian Memento, b m, 1884, by Electioneer Mamie, by Hambletonian Jr Memento Wilkes, b s, 1884, by Red Wilkes Ducky Almont, by Almont (dead) Memona, ch m, 1886, by Aberdeen- - Senorita, by Coaster Mendicant, br g, 188, by Monaco. . Menlo, b s. 1879, by Nutwood, dam by imp. Hercules Menlo Belle, b m, 1887, by Menlo San Mateo Belle, by Speculation . . . Menlo Fallis, b s, 188, by Fallis Mentor, gr s, 1884. by Middletown Ethics, by Princeps Mercurius, gr s, 1887, by Kensett Delusion, by Almont Merle Moore, b m, 1886, by Victor Bismarck Maud by Lightwood.. Merlin, b s, 1883, by Phallas Mila C., by Blue Bull Mermaid, b m, 1884, by Von Moltke Skip, by Gideon Merman, b s, 1890, by McEwen Myrtis, by Tennessee Wilkes Merodock, ch s, 1887, by Matterhorn Mosa, by Woodford Mambrino.... Merrilies. ch m, 1881, by Dr. Herr Dolly, by Dusty Miller Merren. b g, 1891, by Lucky Cross, dam by Favorite Wilkes Merriment, ch m, 1877, by Happy Thought Lady Morgan, by Rys- dyk's Hambletonian Merry Bird, br s, 188, by Jay Bird, dam by Norman Jr Merry Christmas, b s, 1885. by Santa 2:27 2:29i4 2:28% 2:30 2:29% 2:27% 2:20% 2:19Vi 2:28 2:21% 2:27 '4 2:2:, 2:22% 2:28 2:27 2:2j% 2:29% 2:30 2:24% 2:2414 2:28V4 2:21% 2:30 2 :27% 2:27 2:14V4 2 :27',4 2:26*4 2:16 2:22Y A 2:2814 2:2SV t 2:2(1% 2:1014 104 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Glaus Easter Medium, by Happy Medium 2:27 Merry Thought, b m, 1879, by Happy Medium Four Lines, by Black- wood ....2:22i4 Mertis Wilkes, ch m, 1888, by Ash- land Wilkes Daisy 2:29% Mertzy, b m, 1891, by C, F. Clay, dam by Red Wilkes 2:2*1-4 Merula, b s, 1887, by Frank Noble- Manila, by Joe Gavin 2:29% Merva K., gr m, 1880, by Mambrmo Bo y_Grey Fan, by Grey Hawk Jr. 2:27% Merzalla, b m, 188, by W. H. Max- wellLady Annie, by Cazenovia Star 2:291,4 MesquJte, br m, 1892. by Lancelot Malvasia by Lord Russell 2:29% Messenger 'Knox, gr s, 1866, by Gen. Knox, dam by Prince " 2:30 Messenger Wilkes, b s, 1883, by Red WUkes Rena a, by) Messenger Chief 2:28 Metal, b m, 1886, by Referee Silver- foil, by Jackson's Flying Cloud ... 2:27Vi Metamora, b s, 1886, by Jerome Eddy Madeleine, by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian 2:19% Meteor, blk s, 188, by Commodore Belmont 2:28% Meteora, ch m, 1888, by Tennessee Wilkes Aline, by Allie West 2:20% Metropolis, br g, 188, pedigree not traced (dead) 2:30 Metzger. gr g, 1889, by Moody, dam by Peacock 2:21 Metta, b m, 2:24^ Miami Chief, b e, 1885. by Squire Tal- mage Lena, by Clay Cadmus (Joe Hooker) 2:28 Michael, b g, 1883, by Herod Queen West, by Ware Colt 2:28% Michael O'Harra, b g, 188 pedigree not traced 2:25% Michael, b g, 188 by Lexington Chief Jr. 2:291,4 Michigan Jim, br s, 1888, by Dictator Almont Jess, by Hambletonian George 2:20V 4 Michigan Prince, blk s, 1884, by Young Wilkes Fanny Easier, by Nighthawk 2:26-% Middlesex, ch g, 1872. by Seneca hief Nelly Litchfleld, by .Grey- hound 2:24 Middletown Jr., ch s, 1875, by Middle- townNelly Warner, by Andrew Jackson 2:27*4 Middleway, b g, 1884, by Bay Middle- ton Ida Mills, by Fisk's Mambrino Chief Jr. 2:21 2:19% 2:18 2:27% 2:20% 2:22y 4 2:28"^ 2:20% 2 ;27% 2:29% 2:29% E. EITHER, PITTSFIELD, MASS. Either placed the world's record for trotters at 2:10 with Jay- Eye-See, the world's record for stallions at 2 :13% with Phallas, and at 2 :072 with Kremlin. FRED KEYES, RANDALL, O. Keyes was for a number of years identified with the Elyria family. He is now at the Forest City Farm and was out last year with Hyannis 2 :11M- J THE 2:30 TROTTERS 105 hill Laura R., by Electioneer. ...... 2:29% , Minnie B., ch m, 1881, by Charley B. Belle, by Seneca Chief 2:29% Minnie B., b m, 1887, by John Wilkes. 2:30 . Minnie Brown, b m, 1889, by Pilot Medium Sunbeam, by Grand Senti- nel 2:20U I Minnie O., b m, 1877, by Jack Shep- pard Lady Cummings, by Taggarrs Abdallah . 2:25',* | Minnie Clay, b m, 1886, by King Ash- land Beck, by McDowning 2:27% Minnie D., b m, 1875, by Nonpareil- Black Kit. .... 2:23% Minnie Dale, b m, 1883, by Hero of Thorndale Maggie Fred, by Raven. 2:29% Minnie G., m m, 1888, by Jay Bird- Betsey Higgins, by Strathmore 2:19% Minnie Grey, gr m, 1881, by Harry Morgan B loss, by Jacques Cartier. . 2:30 Minnie Keene, gr m, 1881, by Young Jim Miss Weeks, by Joe Downing. . 2:21% j Minnie L., ch m, 1884, by Emery Fearnaught Molly Lunt, by Victor. 2:20% I Minnie L., gr m, 188 " 2:27 Minnie Lee, b m, 188, breeding not traced .- 2:29% Minnie May, b m, 188, by Mark Twain 2:29% Minnie Maxfield, b m, 1865, by Char- ley . 2:2SVi Minnie Moak, b m, 1885, by Mohawk Hambletonian Flora, by Baskins Horse 2:28% Minnie Monroe, b m, 1888, by Mark Monroe Minnie, by Whirlwind Chief 2:25% Minnie Moore, b m, 188, by Toronto Chief Jr., dam by Clarion Chief. ... 2:27% Minnie Moulton, blk m, 1875, by Lam- bert Chief Jenny, by Drew Horse.. 2:27'/4 Minnie O., b m, 1884, by Young Volun- teer 2:21iA Minnie P., b m, 188, by Port Leon- ard 2:19-, Minnie R., b m, 1872, by John C. Breckinridge (pacing record 2: 161/2)-. 2:19 Minnie ~R., dn m, 188, by Rescue (pacing record 2:20%) 2:25 Minnie Shaffer, b m, 188, by Hani- bletonian Bashaw 2:30 Minnie's Almont, br s, 188, by Al- mooit Sentinel 2:2S'4 Minnie Warren, ch m, 1875, by Night Hawk 2 :27v^ Minnie Whitestone, blk m, 1885, by Little Rock Nancy 2:24'/ 4 Minnie Wilkes, b m, 188, by In- vader 2 :30 Minnie Wilkes, b m, 1886, by King Wilkes Ma, by Little Ben 2:17 Minnola, b m, 1890, by Earl Lady Wedgewood, by Wedgewood 2:24 ! 4 Minot, b g, 1880, by Rochester Es- telle Eastin, by Mambrino Patchen. 2:26/, Minting, b s. 1891, by Kllerslie Wilkes, da,m by Abe-deen 2:29'4 Minnetto, br s, 1889, by Epaulet, dam. by Administrator 2:27 J /j Mira, b m. 1883. by Roy Executor- Adeline, by Antar 2:28% Minta Linder, blk m, 1890, by Jersey Wilkes 2:22-% Mintur Wilkes 2:30 Mira Startle, b m, 1885, by Mambriuo Startle Fleetwood, by Lyle Wilkes. 2:21% Mischief, b m, 1885, ' by Mambrino Wilkes Kitty Ooram, by Col Gross. 2:17% Mischief, br 1 m, 1889, by Brown Jug Flora, by Ford's Belmont 2:22% Misdeal, b s, 1888, by Midas jUiwuup, by Caishmian 2:20% Misfortune, gr m, 187, by Chancel- lor Black Hawk 2:21% Miss Albert, b m, 1889, by Albert W. Young Woodbine, by Electioneer. . 2:2oi4 Miss AJice, b m, 1884, by Alcantara Thorndale Maid, by Thorndale 2:13% Miss Carroll, b m, 1890, by Santa Claus, dam by Mambrino Pilot Miss Oawley, br m, 1879, by Jack Lambert Madam Cawley, by Broughton Horse 2 :23>^ Miss Cecil, b m, 1890, by Gambetta Wilkes Jeannie C., by Nutwood. .. 2:21% Miss Clay, g m, 1890, by Clay 2:29)4 Miss Cleveland, b m, 1887, by Aytoua Ole Mammy 2 :17% Missi Edith, b m, 1888, by Midas- Maggie V., by Revenue Jr 2:19 Miss Egbert, b m, 1885, by Egbert- Miss Patchen, by Mambrino Patchen 2:29% Miss Fanny Jackson, b m, 1880, by Bay Lambert Fanny Jackson, by Stonewall Jackson 2:30 Miss Foxie, b m, 1887, by Inca Lady Foxie, by Daniel Lambert 2:22 Miss Fullerton, b m, 188, by Young Fullerton 2:19% Miss Grace, b m 1888, by Ambassa- dorGrace Darling, by Grand Sen- tinel Miss Grant, br m, 1891, by Round's Sprague 2:27% Miss Harper, b m, 188, by Harper.. 2:29% Miss Hoke, b m, 1888 by Osrick Kate Hoke, by Ned Patchen 2:29% Miss Hunter, br m, 188, by Intrigue Idia, by Dutchman 2:21% Miss Huon, b m, 1886, by Huon Dolly Dutton. by McCIellan 2:24% Miss Ida, b m, 1887. by Linkwood Chief Sunbeam, by Backman's Idol 2:27% Miss Kent, b m, 1887, by Alcamont Rowenn, by Black Hawk Traveler. 2:25 Miss Kate, b m, 1892, by Direct Fannie K.. by Redwood. 2 -24% Miss Kirkman. b m, 1888, by Wedge- wood Queenie, by Enfleld Jr 2:17 Miss Ledo. br m. 1885, by Ledo Nell, by Black Sultan 2:29 Miss Legacy, b m:, 1872. by Legacy Manr A., by Dusty Miller 2:24% Missi Leland. b m, 1879, by Leland Rose-ma, by Young- America 2:25% Miss Lida. b m. 1889, by King Clay- Moll v C., by Contractor. 2- 10% Miss McCurdy. b m,. 1884, by McCur- dy's Hambletonian Dot, by Black- wood Jr .. 2-2S ;{ l Miss McGregor, b m. 1889. by Robe-t McGregor Morgan Belle, by Ad- ministrator 2:19% Mifis McLain. b m. 1889. by Gregor McGregor Hattie Woodruff, by Hiram Woodruff . . 2:23% Miss Majolica, b m. 1884. by Startle Jeissie Kirk, by Clark Chief 2:24i,o Miss Maud 2:28 " Miss Mnv. b m. 1887 hy Hidalgo- Edith Beloit, by Beloit. '. . . 2:27% Mtes Millpr. b m. 187, by Mono- gramBerkshire Girl ". 2:29''l Miss Monroe, b m, 1S85, by Mon-oe Chief Aloha, by A. W. Richmond. . 2:27% Miss Murray, gr m, 1878. by Doty's Union Grey Kate, by Lent's Mes- senger 2:28% Miss Xaude, b m. 1SSO. by Electioneer IOC THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Nadine, by Wildidle Miss Nelson, b m, 1889, by Norfolk Lassiter Miss Patchen, b m, 1888, by Link- wood Chief Lady Patchen Miss Olive, ch m, 188, by Mam- brino King Miss Pilot, blk m, 188, by Sealskin Wilkes Sally J., by Administrator. . Miss O'Neil, b m, 188, by Brignoli W Mies Q., b m, 1886, by Wilkesonian Nell, by Abdallah Mambrino (dead). Miss Rachel (Skylark), blk m, 1890, by Bourbon Wilkes Lark, by Abdallah Mambrino Miss Redmon, b m, 1881, by Huuvuon Wilkes Becky Bird 2d, by West- wood Miss Simmoms, ch m, 1885, by Sim- mons Alberta, by Red Norman (dead) Miss Sontag. eh m, 1879, by Victor Mohawk Sontag Dixie, by Toronto Sontag Miss Strathmore, b m, 1888, by Strath- more Miss Kirksey, by Mambrino Legrand Miss Superior, gr m, 1890, by James' Superior, dam by Winfleld Scott Miss Thompson, br m, 1885, by Too- dies Jr. Primrose, by Hetzel's Hambletonian Miss Van S. ch m, 1887, by Simmons Lizzie Martin Miss Vida, b m, 188, by Red Jacket Miss Wilkes, br in, 1885, by Kaiser- Nonpareil, by Morrill Champion Miss Wilkes, b m, 1876, by George Wilkes Gilbert Mare, by Clifton Miss Wifton/br'm,' 188*9', by Wii ton- Miss Lane, by Mambrino Patchen... Miss Woodford, b m, 1882, by Black- wood Jr. Lizzie Anderson, by Clark Miss 6 Woodford, "b " in,' ' 188,' ' by Boulder Miss Zura Belle, br m, 1891, by St. Bel Zura, by Osman Miss Woolsey, b m. 1889, by Queechy Dolly Pomeroy, by Highland Gray . Mist b m, 1879, by King Rene Snow- bird, by Steele's Snowstorm Mista, b m, 1887, by Alcazar Lady Dey, by California Dexter. Mistake, b m, 1883, by Marshal Kleber Lady Yeiser, by Garnard Chief Mistletoe, blk m, 1875, by Mambrino Patchen Josie Railey, by Gen. George H. Thomas Misty Morning, b m, 1880, by Marks- manMorning Mist, by Aker's Idol. Mitchell, blk s, 188 Mite, b m, 1891, by Delmarch Bright- Mizfe Douglas's', 'b' in,' 188^-', 'by Doug- lass Lady Hooker, by Ericsson..... M. J. Henderson, b g, 1887, by Land- markKit, by Lysander Mocking Bird, ch m, 1884, by Mam- brino King Mabel A., by Toronto Mode?. br r 's','i880' by 'Lexington' Chief Jr. Fanny Buck, by Flushing Boy . . Modesty, b m, 1869, by Tom Wonder Wells' Star, by Seely's American Star Modesty, blk m, 1886, by Pascarel 2 :20% 2:12% 2:25 2:27% 2:30 2:28% 2:2!)'-., 2:20 2:23% 2:28 2:21.)% 2:23 2:20% 2:27% 2:28% 2:29% 2:29 2:25 2:23% 2:27% 2:26% 2:22% 2:29% 2:29 2:29% 2:30 2:21 2:28% 2:27V4 2:23V4 2:20V 4 2:30 2:26% Fancy H ......................... Modesty, b m, 1891, by Count Folsio. Modie H., ch g. 1874, by Bayard Colie, by Footed Clay .............. Modjeska, b m, 1876, by Advance- Gipsy, by Clark's Black Hawk ..... Modoc, ch g, 1866, by Tornado, dam by Powers' Morgan Rattler ......... Modoc, gr g, 187, by Morgan Hunter Modoc, ch g, 187, by Aberdeen ..... Modred, b e, 188, by Lumps Isa- bella, by Wedgewood ...... . . ...... Mogul, b g, 1884, by Middletown Lady Shamrock, by Shamrock, ...... Mogul, b g, 1888, by Baymont Maud. by Black Ranger .................... Mohawk Blondi, b s, 1884, by Hall's Mohawk Jr. Lady Washington, by J. H. Welsh ..... .' ............. ..... Mogul, b g, 1888. by Baymont Maud, by Black Ranger .................. Mohawk Chief, ch s, 1869, by Hall's Mohawk Jr. Mary Bostvvick ..." ____ Mohawk (McCue's), ch s, 1881, by Mo- hawk Island Lady Richardson ____ Mohawk Gift, ch s, 1874, by Hail's Mohawk Jr. Sis James, by Camp- bell's His toga .................... Mohawk Jr. (Clark's), b e, 1866, by Mohawk Moselle, by Robinson's BoHfounder ...... ............... Mohawk Jr., (Hall's) b s, 1865, by Mo- liawk Lady Weaver .............. Mohawk Kate, b m, 1875, by Hall's Mohawk Jr. Lady Wheeler, by Fly- ing Hiatoga ....................... Mohawk Mr-Gregor, ch s, 1884. by Robert McGregor Minerva, by Fish- er's Mohawk ..................... Mohawk Prince, b g, 187, by The Commodore ....................... Molde, b m, 1891 ................... Molino, ch g, 188, by Belmont ...... Molly, b m, 1859 by Dolphus (dead) Molly, b m, 1863, by Magna Charta Fox Cline, by Young Florizel (dead) Molly, blk in, 1867, by Monro Cham- pion, dam by Way Horse (dead).... Molly B., b m, 1873, by Duke of Sara- togaJenny ..................... Molly B., b m, 1883, by Hamdallah Maud, by Altitude ............... Molly B., b m, 1877 by Fearnaught Gift, dam by Charles' Royal George Molly B., b m, 1885, by Sovereign Katy P ........................ Molly 'B., br m, 1885. by Willie Schep- per Black Suse, by Lovelace's Black Hawk ..................... Molly Bell, b m, by Consternation.. Molly C., b m, 1884, by Marnmont Nelly, by Prince Billett ........... Molly C., ch m, 1887, by Young Dirigo Daisy, by Daniel Boone ......... Dolly D., b m, 188 by Goldenbow Molly Drew, ch m, 1874, by Winthrop Fanny Fern, by Jack Hawkins .. Molly G., blk m, 188 by Charles Caffrey ......................... Molly G., b m, 188, by Pickett, dam by St. Charles ............... .... Molly G., gr m, 1881 by Eclipse Clay Grey Dolly, by Ranger ........... Molly Green, br m, 188, by Pontiac Molly H., ch m, 188 by Young De- tective .......................... Molly Harris, blk m, 187, by Couch's Bashaw .......................... 2:30 2:29*4 2:29% 2:29>4 2:25 2:25 2:19% 2:29% 2:19-4 2:16V4 2:24% 2:22% 2:30 2:29y 2 2 21% 2:25 2 :26 2 :26% 2:29% 2:30 2:20^4 2:23% 2:26 2:27 2:28 2:20% 2:29<4 2:26^4 2:29^4 2:25 ' THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 107 pie Moil: Molly J., b m, 188, by Hambletonian Tranby 2:19% Molly K., b ra, 188, breeding not traced 2:29->i Molly K., ch m, 1884, by Bashaw Hambletonian Katie P. ... 2:29% Molly Kistler, b m, 1875. by Blue Bull Moss Rose, by Man Eater 2:2iy Molly Long, br in, 1876, by Mambrino Champion Kate Learner, by Beam- er's Hiatoga 2:29% Molly Me, b m, 1885 by Long Branch Fan, by Steer's Indian Chief 2:13% Molly Middleton, b m, 3872, by Bay Middleton Betsey Allen, by King's Champion 2:25% Molly Mitchell, gr m, 1881, by Ken- nebec, dam by British Hunter 2:20% Molly Merrill, b m, 1872 by Walker Morrill Molly ' 2:28% Molly Morris, ch m, 186, pedigree not traced 2 :22 Molly Morton, gr m, 1883, by Banker Rothschild Lady Forrester, by Field's Royal George 2:30 Molly O'Connor, br m, 1880, by Swi- gert 2:25% "tolly Patten, blk m. 1886, by Whip- pleton Napa, by Naubuc 2:29% lolly S., g m, 188, by Daniel Lam- bert 2:24% Molly S. Lightfoot, b m, 1886, by Richmond Crane Mare 2 :21i/i Molly Sprague, ch m, 1888, by George Sprague Perlie Cardinal, by Wilkes Booth 2:16i/2 Molly Stanton, b m, 1882, by Gen. Stauton 2:29% Molly T., b m, 1887, by Dr. Talmage Blanche, by Cardinal 2:29 l /4 Molly Talbert, ch m, 1878, by Mam- brino Gift Kitty Talbert 2:29% Molly Wilkes, b m, 1882, by Young Jim Augusta, by Allie West 2:22% Molly Work, blk m, 1888, by Combina- tionPatch Work, by Haw Patch.. 2:24% Moloch, br g, 1892, by Warlock, dam by Strathmore 2:26% Moloch, blk s, 1888, by Stranger- Mystery, by Socrates 2 :17 Molsey, b m, 1863, by Whiteside's Black Hawk Moll by Dallas .... 2:21% Mona, b m, 1886, by Jay Gould Mol- ly B., 2:29 Mona Lka, blk m, 1888, by Monroe Chief, dam by Reavis' Blackbird. . 2:21 Monadock, b s, 188, by Allandorf Mosella 2:29% Moiia B., b m, 1888. by Monon Princess Annie, by Kentucky Prince 2:28% Monaco, b s, 1889, by Electioneer Mano, by Piedmont 2:19% Monarch, br g, 188, by Brown Frank 2:25% Monarch, b g 1869, by Woodburn Victress, by Belmont 2:28% Monarch, b s, 188. by Mambrino Jackson 2:25% Monarch Jr., ro s, 1866, pedigree not traced 2:24% Monarch Rule, b m, 1869. by Monarch -Young Bob Rule, by St. Lawrence 2:24% Monbars, br s. 1889, by Bagl-i Bird- Lady Maud, by Gen. Knox (pacing record 2:16%) 2:11% Mondace, b g, 1882, by Ringgold Fanny Whetstone, by Tobe Drum 2:27% Monette, blk m, 1887, by Monon Doska, by Woodford Mambrino . . Money hunter, b s, 1883, by Fleeting Ray Money Maid, b in, 1888, by 'Money- makerLady 0., by Canada Black Hawk Moneymaker, br s, 187, by a son "of Young Columbus (dead) Monie, b m, 188 by Baird's Ham- bletonian Prince, dam by Victor Monitor, gr g, 1876, by Strathmore^ Martha Myers, by Benton's Diomed Monitor Chippie, b m, 1886, by Moni- torBay Dixie, by Coleman's Abdal- lah Monk, ch g, 1888, by Gift Jr. Miss Stanley, by Snap Dragon Monk, blk s, 1888, by Seneca Patchen The Nun, by Gatlin Monocacy, b s, 1887, by King Wilkes Vivandier, by Volunteer Monocrat, b s, 1887, by Monitor Prince Bay Dixie, by Coleman's Abdallah Jr. (dead) Monogram, blk m, 1878, pedigree not traced . . . . , Monologue, b m, 1888, by Monroe Chief Susie, by Ayers' Mambrino Wilkes Monopolist, b s, 1878, by Jupiter Abdallah Undine, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian Morning Glory, b m, 188, by Rich- ard's Elector Monroe, ch s, 1867, by Iron Duke- Young -Saline, by Guy Miller Monroe, b s, 188, by Monroe Chief Lady Tlffany by Gibraltar Monroe Chief, br s, 1870, by Jim Monroe Madam Powell, by Bay Chief ....; Monroe Prince, br 8, 1886, by Monroe Chief, dam by Buccaneer Monroe Wilkes, b g, 1883, by Barthol- omew Wilkes Nelly R., by Jim Monroe Montague, b g, 188, by Russel's Hambletonian Mont, b s, 188 Monta Lee, b m, 1888, by Montaigne Nancy Lee, by Almont Chief Montana, blk s, 188, by Montana Wilkes Alberta Montana, b s, 1890. by Sidney Hat- tie, by Commodore Belmont Montclalr, b s, 1884, by Montello, dam by James. Bludso Monte Carlo, b s, 1881, by Monaco Bicara, by Harold Monte Christo, gr g, 1882. by Malta- Kate Prasch, by Grey Eagle (Blind Eagle) Monte Christo, b s, 1887, by Baymont Kate, by Oapt. Thompson Monte Christo, ch g, 188, by Jubilee Kit, by Monogram Monte K., ch g, 188, by John W. Norton Nigger Monteo, b s, 1887, by Montgomery Minnie S., by Pasacas Monte Phlster, b g, 1884, by Jot O., Belle B., by Hero of Thorndale Monterey, b s, 1886, by Electioneer Minx, by Don Victor Monto Vista, ch s, 1885, by Nutwood Totsey, by Mambrino Transport. . Monte West, br g, 1882, by West- 2:14% 2:25% 2:21% 2:29 2:29% 2:29% 2:27 2:30 2:28% 2:19% 2:27% 2:29% 2:29% 2:27 2:27y 2 2:29% 2:18% 2:29 2:17% 2:29% 2:24 2:30 2:27% 2:19 2:27% 2:29% 2:29 2:29% 2:18% 2:20% 2:24% 2:29 2:25% 2:28% 108 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. mont 2:25% Montgomery, b s, 1878, by Inheritor Bazarr, by Kentucky Chief (dead) 2:21% Montgomery Boy, ch g, 1875, by Sweepstakes Mag, by Smith's Henry Clay 2:28% Montreal Girl, b m, 1871, by Tiger. . 2:30 Mont Rose, b m, 1888, by Electioneer Rosemont, by Piedmont 2:18 Montrose, b s, 1882, by Dartmouth, dam by McAllister Horse 2 :26% Moody, gr s 1874, by Swigert Moll, by Ward Horse 2:18% Moody, b g, 1881, by Moody Fanny Bond, by McComrnon's Magna Gharta 2:18 Moonlight, b m, 1879, by Richmond, dam by Toledo 2:25% Moonstone, b m, 1888, by Sultan- Montana Maid, by George Wilkes . . 2:28% Moorzouk, b s, 1890, by Sidney Sul- tan Queen, by Sultan 2:26 Moose, b g, 187, by Washburn Horse Morrisey Mare 2 :19% Moquette, br m, 1889, by Wilton Spirea, by Stillson 2 :30 Moquette, ch m, 1889, by Belmont Mosa, by Woodford Mambrino 2:27*4 Moquette, b s, 1888, by Wilton Betsy and I, by Ericsson 2:10 Morea, b m, 1882, by Electioneer Maria Pilot, by Mambrino Pilot ... Morefleld, b s, 1881 by Richwood Fanny Cox, by Kossuth 2:29^4 Morelein, b s, 1886, by Monte Carlo Nora Wilkes, by Lyle Wilkes 2:25% Morelight, b g, 1883, by Starlight- Violet, by Volunteer (dead) 2:28 Morelight. b s, 1885, by Twilight- Lady Oarr, by American Clay 2:30 Morgan Ethan, b s, 1880, by Ameri- can Ethan Dolly Perry, by Orange County Morgan 2 :29y> Morgan Wheeler, br g, 188 by Pal- adine 2:29% Morgan Wilkes, blk e, 1889, by Bour- bon Wilkes Fern by Rebel 2:27 Morgwood, b s, 188 1 -, by Atwood 2:29% Morning, gr m, 1869, by Mambrino Pilot Granite, by John Plowman.. 2:30 Morning Glory, b s, 188, by Harry B 2:30 Morning Star, b s, 188, by Valde- meer 2:27 Moro, blk m, 1883, by Pasha Adele, by Messenger Duroc 2 :25 Moiccco, b g, 1875. by Jarnes R. Reese Patchen Maid, by Henry B. PAtchen 2:30 Morris, br g, 186, by Ed Sherman 2:29 Morris H., br s, 188 by Hero 2:26% Morris H., br s, 1882, by Lowell Chief Myrtle, by Wood's Hamble- tonian 2:22% Morrisey, ch g, 1857, by Black War- rior * ; 2:26% Mortimer, br s, 1884 by Electioneer Marti, by Whipple's Hamble- tonian 2:27 Morton, ch g, 188, by Wilkes Spirit Nelly Brown, by Kentucky 2:29% Moscova, ch m. 1883, by Belmont Mosa. by Woodford Mambrino .. 2:28% Moscow, b g, 183, pedigree not traced (dead) 2:28% Moscow, br g, 188 2:28% Moscow, gr g, 1881, by Privateer Goldie, by Hendric Hudson 2 ^e 1 ^, Moscow, blk g, 180 , pedigree not traced (dead) Moses, gr g, 1889. by Nutbreaker Maid of Windsor, by Peaviue Moses 8., b s. 1S85, by Hawthorne Ityan Mare, by McGracken's Biack HaAvk Moss Rose, ch m, 1880, by Vitalis . . Motion, ch s, 1873, by Daniel Lam- bertNever Mind, by a son of Young Moscow (dead) Motion Golddust, b g, 1884, by Gold- dust Jr. Ella Leonard, by Judge Leonard Motor, b s, 1884, by Onward Griselda, by William Rysdyk Motor, b s, 1882, by Colonna Emma, by Tippoo Sultan Jr Mott, b g, 188, by Ulster Prince, dam by Edsall's Hambletonian Mott Medium, b g 187 , by Happy Medium Belle Veruon, by Gen Mott . Motto, b g, 188 by Col Bruce Mouche Guise, gr i Mountain Boy, b g, r m, 188-, g, 1860, by Edward Everett, d'arn by Gridley's Roe- buck (dead) , Mountaineer, b s, 1884, by Young Rolfe Ink, by Louis Napoleon Mountain Girl, b m, 1877, pedigree not traced Mountain Maid, br m, 1858, by Morrill (dead) Mountain Maid, b m, 188, by An- teeo, dam by Nutwood Mountain Quail, b m 1871, by Weige Mount Airy, b s, 1887, by Walsing- ham Belle, by Volunteer Mount Hood, br s, 1885, by Eros- Alice, by Almont Mount Morris, ro s, 1882, by Smug- glerChristine, by Wood's Harnble- tonian Mount Vernon, b s, 1881, by Nutwood Daisy, by Chieftain Mount Vernon, ch s, 1878, by Cham- pion Knox Moxie, br g, 1887, by Opal M. R., br g, 188, by Raven Gold- dustNelly Dean, by Major Buck M. R., b g, 1871 by Jupiter Molly B., by Mambrino Black Hawk Muchado, b s, 1889, by Judge Salis- buryLady Simmons, by Simmons Mudrona, ( br * m, 1888, by Baron Wilkes Mudra, by Sentinel Muggins, ch m, 1887. by Elyria Mny Lady, by Alexander's Norman Muggins, b m, 188, by Embassador Muggins, b m, 188, by Haro Mulatto, br s. 1883, by Aberdeen- Nig, by Mambrino P+chen Multiform br s, 1887, by Pero Maria, by Guide Murtha, b m, 1887, by Stamboul Posey, by Flsxtail Muscovite, ch s, 1885, by Nutwood- Roma "Victoria, by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian Musette, gr m, 1886, by Lew Scott- Linda, by Star Mambrino Musette b m, 187 -, by Almont Mag Cooper, by Ashland Music, ch m, 1867, by MIddletown, dam by Roe's Fiddler Music, b m, 187, pedigree not traced Mustache, br s, 1883, by Sweepstakes 2:28% 2:24% 2:19% 2:30 2:29 2:28% 2:29% 2:27V 4 2:25% o 2:28 2:28^4 2:20% 2:23% 2:27% 2:27% 2:22^4 2:25^ 2:191/4 2:22% 2:19% 2:15^4 2:26 2:24y 4 2:19% 2:28 2:20% 2:26 2:28% 2:25 2:20y 4 2:22 2:28 2:18 2:18 2:17% 2:29^4 2:21Vo 2:29% THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 109 Mag, by Smith's Henry Clay .... Mustapha, ch e, 1889, by Guy Wilkes Lalla Rookh, by Grand Moor ... Musty, ch. g, 188- by Hambletonian Prince ........ .................. Muta Wilkes, b m, 1888, by Guy Wilkee Montrose, by Sultan ---- . . M. W., ch g, 184, by Billy Hensly Bat ........................ M. Y. D. Colt, ch m, 1877. by Daniel Lambert Fanny Jackson, by Stone wall Jackson ..................... My Charley, ch ts, 188 , by Motor.. My My, b m, 1885, by Bros Nettie Walker, by Mohawk Chief ........ Myra Simmons, b m, 1890, by Sim- mons Nelly West, by Allie West Myriad, b m, 1885, by Stranger Myra, by Gen. Knox ............ Myritte Thome, br m, 1890, by Grandiesimo Belle Thome, by Hawthorne ................ * ...... Myron McHenry, ch s, 1888, by Ash- land Wilkes Dame Wood, lumbus, dam by Hopkin's Abdullah (defcd) .......................... Myrtella G., ch m, 1879, by Blue Bull Myra Shaw, by Tom Lang ...... Myrtle, b m, 1876, by Louis Napoleon Nelly Hulick, by Fisk's Mambrino Chief Jr .......................... Myrtle B., b m, 1884, by George Chief Lady Wonder .................... Myrtle Peak, b m, 1887, by Wilke- fconian- -Kitty Kimbrough, by Kim- brough's Abdallah ................ Myrtle, b m, 187, by King's Cham- pionOld Jane, by Magnum Bonum Myrtle, ro m, 1872, by Flying Cloud - Lottie Moon ..................... Myrtle, gr m, 1882, by Warwick Boy Kit, by Kilpatrick ............. Myrtle, br m, 1888, by Anteso Luella, by Nutwood, .............. Myrtle, ro m, 1886, by Oxford Boy. . Myrtle Boy, blk s, 1891, by Myrtleton Bertha James, by Dictator ...... Myrtle N., b m, 1890, by Alburn- Kitty it,.,, by Honest Irishman ... Myrtle R., b m, 1886, by Monaco- Lucy, by Trascan ................ Myrtle S., b m, 1886, by Charley Wicker, dam by William M. Rys- dyk's ............................ Myrtle T., blk m, 1888, by Grand Moor Gyp, by Devoy'.s Vermont . . Myrtle Twig, b m, 1890, by Myrtle- ton Vado, by Cyclops ............ Myrtlewood, b s, 1883, by Wedge- wood Myrtle, by King's Champion Mystery, b s, 1876, by Magic Ned .. Mystery, b m. 1888, by Phallas Mystic, by Nutwood ............... Mystery, b s. 188 by Milwaukee Jr. Nelly B., by Stockholm .......... Mystic, b g, 186, by Reliance ..... Nabby G., br m, 1876, by Hamble- tonian Bashaw ................... Nabocklish. blk g, 1853, by Rising- Sun (dead) .......................... Nabob, b g, 1887, by Willet Adele Tyler, by Chester ................. Naboth, b s, 1888, by Walsingham Tinsel Maid, by Messenger Duroc. . Nadji, br m, 1886, by Earl Frankie, by McAfee's Drennon ......... 2:30 2:23 2 :26 % 2:11 2:201/4 SiSir** 2:21 2:2544 2:20% 2 :28% 2:20 ; } 2:18% 2:24% 2. :28 2:22% 2:22% 2 :29';i 2:25% 2:26% 2:28% i 2:19%j 2:30 ! 2:25 1 /> i 2:20% 2:15% 2:28% 2:27% 2:28% 2:25V4 2:25% 2:21% 2 :26/> 2:22 " 2 :30 2:29^ 2:30 2:19% 2:28 Nadjy, b m, 1887, by Stamboul Lady Graves, by Nutwood 2:26 Nadjy, ch m, 188, by Declaration.. 2:28 Naiad King, b s, 1888, by Recorder Naiad Queen, by Gooding's Cham- pion 2:23 Naiad Queen, b m, 1875, by Good- ing's Champion Tackey, by Pi- lot Jr 2:20% Nailor, b s, 1886, by Sultan Nelly, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 2 :29 Namouna, b m, 1873, by Pelham Tar- tarKit Jackson 2:28% Naiia, b m, 1891, Rockefeller Mo- dena, by Messenger Wilkes 2:29Va Nana, b m, 188, pedigree not traced 2:24% Nancy, ch m, 1872, by Daniel Lam- bertMay Day, by Miles Standish.. 2:23% Nancy B., br m, 188, by Wade Hampton 2:29% Nancy Carr, br m 1888, by Kenny Wilkes Miza Jane, by Girrard Chief 2:25 Nancy H., br m, 188, by Japan . . . 2:24% Nancy Hackett, rn m, 187, by Wood's Hambletonian Hackett Mare 2:20 Nancy Hackett, rn m, 1886, by Alle- gheny Boy Quibble, by Solicitor ... 2:29 Nat Howe, b g, 188, by Ben Frank- lin , 2:28% Nancy Haas, b m, 188, by Jim Swi- gert 2:29% Nancy Hanks, br m, 1886, by Happy Medium Nancy Lee, by Dictator.. 2:04 Nrncy K., br m, 188, by King Will- iam 2:29% Nancy Rice, b m, 1891, by Alcantara- Belle Medium, by Happy Medium. . 2:25 Nancy S., b m, 188, by Wood's Ham- bletonian , ... 2:27 Nancy Time, b in, 188, by Phillip's Blue Bull 2:29% Nancy V., br m, 1887, by Mambrino Bashaw Nelly Elmo, by St. Elmo... 2:24% Nancy W., b m, 1889, by Patron Lo- crine, by Duke of Brunswick 2:26% Nankeen, ch s, 1888, by Mambriton- ian Nancy, by Jones' Independence 2:28 Nannie K., b m, 1880, by Deucalion- Emblem, by Minchin's Tom Moore.. 2:27% Nanny B., b m, 1878, by Daubigne Miss Christian, by Darnaby's Bay Messenger 2:27 Nanny Talbott, eh m, 1877, by Strath- moreKitty Morgan, by Joe Down- ing Jr 2:29% Nannie Wilson, blk m, 1890, by Sim- monsAlga, by Indianapolis 2:28 1 /j Nantilla J., blk m, 1883, by Rockwood Old Fly, by Fly-by-Night 2:30 Natila, b m, 188, by Goldmine, dam by Arnold ". 2:25% Naomi, b m, 1888, by Indian Hill- Juno, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian... 2:25 Napoleon Belle, br m, 1881, by Am- bassador 2:27% Narcua, b g, 1890, by Messenger Wilkes, dam by Hampton 2:25% Narka, b m, 1888, by Messenger Wilkes Tribon. Mare, by Hampton. 2:29 Narka, b m, 1885, by Young Jim-Lu- cille Goldduet, by Golddust 2:27'A Narragansett, br g, 188 , by Narra- gansett '. 2:23% Nashville, gr g, 1885, by Chesterfield Jenny, by Carlisle 2:28 Nat Bruen, ch s, 188, by Egmont. .. 2:21% Natchez, b g, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) 2:30 110 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Nathalie, eh m, 1888, by Jersey Wilkes Nemea, by Nutwood Nathalie, ch m, 1890, by Simmons Katy Eastman, by Enfield Nathan, blk g, 1877, by Empire Frisky, by Mahew Nathan Wilkes, b m, 188-, by Red Wilkes, dam by Monroe Chief. . Natila, b m, 188, by Goldemar National, b s, 1887, by Wellington- Agues, by Aberdeen Native SA to s, 1889, by" Sable Wilkes Blanche, by Arthur-ton... Native Son, br s, 1890, by Waldstein Gertrude, by The Moor Native State, b s, 188-, by a eon of Electioneer Naughty Clara, b m, 1890,"by "Young Jim Miss Mamie, by Contractor.., Naumkeag, br e, 188, by Lexington. Navarro, b s, 1887, by Nutmont Nelly G., by Electioneer Nayidad, b g, 1886, by Whips Lady Thorne Jr., by Williams' Mamb ino Navy Wilkes, blk s, 1886, by Black Ambassador Black Hawk Beauty by Champlain John Neal Whitbeck, blk g, 1883, by Black Bashaw Dot, by Gen. Knox Ned, b g, 187 by Overland Ned Biddle, b g, 187. 2:17 2:28k 2:29i/4 2:25% 2:2.') fc, 2:20^4 2:26% 2:29% 2:27% 2:28^4 2:28 2:22 2:22% 2:27 2 :29 V4 2:25 2:29% 2:26 | 2:28%j 2:25% | 2:28% ! 2:21%! 2:25 2:27% 2:26 2:30 2:23 :29% Ned Allen, ch g, 188, by Rex Patch- en Neddie D., b g, 188, by R. F. 'Gallo- way Ned Forrest, blk g 1864, by Keene's Brandywine (dead) Ned Forrest, ch g, 187 by 'Reavis'' Blackbird Ned Hastings, b s, 187 by Taggart's Abdallah Ned Lock, dh s, 188, pedigree" not traced ...*.. b s, 1868, by Taggart's Needham's Wn'i'pp'le, ' blk 's, 1891, ' by Steve Whipple Young Flora Hill, by Chieftain Neernut, b s, 1892, by Albert W Clyte 2d, by Nutwood Nehushta, b m, 1885, by Stamboul Neluska. by Sultan Nekima, dn g, 188, by Hailstorm. '. . Nell' b m, 1872, by Thomas Jefferson Rose Terry, by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian 2'27 Nelia, b m, 1871, by Camden Denmark 2 -24 1 / Nell blk m, 187 pedigree not traced 2:29'/4 Nellette, br m, 1887, by Grand Senti- nelNellie G., by Brentham 2:26yo Nelly, b m, 1886, by Oberon Nelly, by Glencoe .. 2-23Vi Nelly, blk m, 188-, by Little Hamil- ton 2-28 Nelly, b m, 1871, by Green's Hambie- tonian Holcomb Mare, by Young Morrill ' 2'30 Nelly, b m, 1879, by Baird's Hamble- tonian Prince Kit, by Victor 2:29 ! A Nelly, b m, 188, by Oberon 2:271/4 Nelly A., b m, 1891, by Wilkes Boy Wilksie G., by Robert McGregor... 2:16<4 Nelly Aldine, blk m, 1889, by Wilkes i^? 7 "?^ 816 KIng ' by The King. ..... 2:2114 Nelly Alfred, b m, 188. by Alfred G. 2:271.', Nelly Allison, br m. 1883,' by Forest Hiatoga Black Polly 2 -191/4 Nelly B., br m, 1876, by Gooding's Champion Nelly, by Henry Clay Jr. 2:29U Nelly Barrett, blk m, 1882, by John Sherman-Cloud, by' Black linger 2-'> Nelly Benton, b m, 1880, by Gen. Beu- XT to . n Norma, by Alexander's Norman 2-30 Nelly Blackwing, blk m, 188 by Al- mont M 2->ty ' N ffii B #' K b m ' i^.' by 'Advance^ ' Molly C., by Gov. Scott. . 2-' J ,O Nelly Bly b m, 1886, by Middletown AT M ~ lack r4 to bv Andrew Jackson 2-23VG Nelly Bryant, b m, 1872, by Palmer's Norman Lady Bryant, by Robinson Morse 2- < >~t, Nelly Burns, b m, 187 ,"by"Miiiil man's Bellfounder-Lucy Foster, by James W. Foster.., y o.o-. N SterSf te m> 188 *' by D ' a ^l"Web'- fersou Ida Shepper,' by Mo t?s In- dependent 2-7V Nelly C., br m, 188-, by Grimalkin Molly H., by Rothschild 2-30 Nelly C. b m, 1883, by Wattle's Little Grant Bay Ann 2-29% Nelly C., ch m, 1883, by Ben Butler Duster, by a son of Cassius M. Clay 9">5i>:> Nelly G., ch m, 1883, by St. Aimo- " Kate McCann 2-29^4 Nelly G., b m, 188 by Kearsarge. . 2:28?! Nelly G., blk m, 1885, by Ira Wilkes Molly, by Espie's St. Lawrence. . 2:24 Nelly Gamwell, b m, 188, by Elial G 2-30 Nelly Grant, oh m, 1874, by Major Grant Madam Mauk, by Frank Pierce Jr 2-281,4 Nelly Gray, gr m, 188, pedigree not traced 2-29% Nelly Gray, gr m, 1883. by Ned Patchen Dolly, by Patrick Henry. 2:20 Nelly Gray, gr m, 187, by Young Oassius 2-2614 Nelly H., b m, 1882, by Raven Gold- dust 2:24% Nelly H., blk m, 1884, by Ambassador Lady Greer. by Joe Curry 2:28% Nelly Hardwood, b m, 1885, by Hard- woodLucy 2:18% Nelly Holcomb, gr m, 1853, by Adams' American, dam by Harris' Hamble- tonian (dead) 2:28 Nelly Howard, br m, 1886, by Gen. Stanton Nelly T.. by Fulton 2:18% Nelly Irwin, b m, 186, by Middle- town, dam by Bay Abdallah (dead). 2:25 Nelly J., b m, 1890, by George J. Black R.ose, by Revolution 2:29% Nelly K.,"b m, 1879, by Young Wash- THE 2:30 TROTTERS. ill tenaw Chief ........................ Nelly L., b m, 1878 by George Wilkes Lady Oaks, by Gill's Vermont ---- Nelly Loyd, b m, 1885, by Elgin Boy Jenny Roberson, by Pilot Duroc. Nelly M., b m 1877, by Daniel Boone Page Mare, by Page's Gen. Sher- man ................................. Nelly M., gr m, 188, by Barkis- Maggie Colburn, by Coeur De Lion Jr ............................. Nelly M., b m ....................... Nelly McGee, b m, 188, by Spring- brook ................................ Nelly McGregor, b m, 1882. by Mc- Gregor Chief Nelly Weeks Jr., by Captain ............................. Nelly McGregor, ch m, 1887, by Rob- ert McGregor Minnie Brown, by Dictator ............................. Nelly Mason, b m, 1887, by Onward Rachel Russell, by Woodford Ab- dallah ............................... Nelly N., blk m, 188, by Alcyoniuin Topsy Knox ...................... Nelly O'Neill, b m, 1884, by Petoskey Fannv, by Iron's Cadmus ........ Nelly Orioff, b m, 1886, by Prince Or- loff Fanny Bashaw, by Bashaw Jr. Nelly P., b m, 1883. by Meeker Harn- bletonian Sprague Mare, by Amer- ican Eagle ......................... Nelly Patchen, b m, 187, by Alex- anderJenny Shepherd, by Will- iamson's Belmont .................. Nelly R., ch m, 1881, by Red Cloud Nell, by Cole's Black Hawk ..... Nelly R., b m, 188, by Santa Glaus Helena, by Lancewood .......... Nelly R., b m, 187 by Gen. McClel- lan Jr. Susie Rose, by Sam Mc- Clelland .......................... Nellie R., b m, 1876, by Stephen A. Douglas .......................... Nellie R., blk m, 1891, by Don Felix, dam by St. Elmo ................... Nelly Rose, b in, 1872, by Heni-y B. Patchen ............................. Nelly Rose, ch m, 1878, by Sacra- mer to Nelly Walworth, by Toronto Patchen ............................ Nelly S., b m, 188 by Jersey Wilkes Nelly S., blk m, 1867, by Commander, dam by Ross' Tom Crowder ..... Nelly S., b in, 1889. by Jim Wilson Maud, by New Jersey Volunteer. Nelly S., b m, 1884, by Pickett (pac- ing 2:16%) ......... . ........ ..... Nellie Shank, b m, 1890 by Dr. Tal- mage Annie Penn, by Simmons... Nelly Sherman, blk m, 1881, by John Sherman Nichols Mare ........... Nelly Stillson, b m, 1882, by Stillson Nelly, by Hiatoga Chief ........ Nelly T., b m. 188, by Mambrino Morgan .............................. Nelly T., b m, 188, by Hambrino.. Nelly V., b m, 187- pedigree not traced .................... i ......... Nelly W., gr m, 1884, by Rolla Gold- dust Belle, by Norman Temple ____ Nelly W., b m, 1886, by Sweepstakes Nelly W., blk m ..................... Nelly W., ch m, 188 , by Woolsey Nelly Reynolds, by Inca ......... Nelly Walton, b m, 1865, by Jules Jurgensen Nelly, by Defiance (dead) Nelly Webster, br m, 1865, by Amer- 2:29% 1 lean Ethan Colonel's dam, by Big- gart's Rattler (dead) 2:23% Nelly Wilkes, b m, 188, by Red Wilkes 2:22% Wilkes Belle, by Kimbrough's Ab- dallah | Nelly Wilson, b m, 1885, by Baird's 2:28% Hambletonian Prince Nelly, by Vic- tor Nelly Woodruff, gr m,'1871, by Rooker 2:27% Nelly Woods, ch m, 188 by Emer- 2:28% i son Golddust Topsy Nelson, b e, 1882, by Young Rolfe Gretchen, by Gideon 2:30 2:26% 2:14 2:14 2:25% 2:22% 2:26% 2:281/2 2:27'/4 2:28 2:17% 2:22% 2:26% 2:30 2:25%! 2:28% ! 2:23% 2:23% | 2:21%! 2-29% 2:29% 2:24 2:29y 2 . 2:20% i 2:20% 2:14% 2:23% : 2,-29% ' 2:17% ] 2:26V 2 Nelson, ch g, 1883, by Sir Walkill Floretta, by Messenger Duroc Nelson D., b g, 188, by Lord Nel- son Nelson Jr., b s, 188, by Nelson.... Nemesis, b m, 1883, by Nutwood- Four Lines, by Blackwood Nemo, br g, 1884, by Ed Barton Uarda, by Buckeye Chief Nemo, b g, 186, by John Nelson (dead) Nemo, br s, 1884. by Clay Nettie Benton, by Gen. Benton Nemoline, blk m, 1890, by Jersey Wilkes Nemesis, by Nutwood .... Nenox, br g, 1888, by Nephew Miss Knox, by Knox Neome, b g, 186. by Post Boy Frank Fanny Snyder, by Dave (dead) . . Neponset, b s, 1887, by Nutwood- Maud S. T., by Gov. Sprague Neponset, b s, 188, by Alcyone- Betsey Bump, by Stockholm Nerea, ch m, 1867, by John Nelson- Sally Taylor, by Gen. Taylor (dead) Neri Newcome, b s, 1883, by Star mont Gipsy, by Young Belshazzar. Nerissa, b m, 1886. by Pennant Aller, by Almont Nero, b s, 1888, by Valley Chief, dam by Darkey Nest Egg, ch s, 1881, by Amboy Molly Merrell, by Kentucky Chief. Nestor, ch s, 1880, by Pasacas Celia, by Knowles' Stranger Nestor, b s, 1880, by Alden Gold- smithHarriet, by Swigert Nestor, b g, 188 . . Nestwood, b mont by McAlmont Neta Medium, b m, 1874, by Happy Medium Sally, by Yankee Tricks.. Neta Pine, br m, 1881, by American Ethan Dolly Perry, by Orange County Morgan Nettie, ch m, 1882, by Blue Bull Jr. Kate, by Col. Ellsworth Nettie, b m, 1866, by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian County House Mare, by Seely's American Star (dead) Nettie, blk m, 188, by Atlantic Chief Nettie, b m, 1885, by The King- Nelly, by Kirkwood Nettie, dn m, 188. by Ben Harrison Nettie B., br m 1887, by Ansel Net- tie Benton, by Gen Benton Nettie B., b m, 1883, by Jim Erdn Kate, by Pilot Duroc Nettie B., br m, 1884, by Keystone- Blanche C. Arthurs, by Kentucky Burr Nettie Burlew, b m, 1869. by King's Champion Nipper, by George M. g, 1886, by Nestor Jes- c 2:28% 2:18% 2:28% 2:30 2:30 2:28% 2:09 2:24% 2:26% 2:26% 2:28 2:21% 2:30 2:26% 2:13% 2:27% 2:24 2:24% 2:24% 2:23% 2:28% 2:21% 2:25y Mainbrino Boy 2:24 2:28 2:30 2:25% 2:26% 2:20% 2:28* 2:27 2:22% 2:25i 2:29' 2:17^2 i 2:29% j 2:23% | 2:30 | 2:23% | 2:27 2:23 2:20'/ t ! 2:29% ' 2:28 2:29i/ 2 ! 2:27i/ 2 I 2:30 2:30 2:14% 2:29% 2:25 2:23% 2:29% 2:26'/4 2:27 2:20% 2:22 2:17% 2:29% 2:1 HI/, New York Dictator, b s, 1882, by New York Ida T., by Dictator .... 2-2QVj. N. H. R., br g, 1884, by Gov. Sprague ' Lizzie Lewie, by Ericsson 2-23% Niblo, br s, 1888, by Walsingham Mies Fanny, by Hamlet 2-27Vi Nicholas, blk s, 188, by Victor Patchen, dam by Silver Boy ... ,. 2:29% Nickel, b g, 187, by Oak Hill 2-21 Nickle D., br g, 1889, by Elyria, dam by Gen. Hayes 2:2944 Nickel Plate, b g, 188, by Bay Tom Jr 2-22 Nickel Plate, br s, 1881, by Swigert Rosabel, by Goldsmith's Abdallah 2:20% Mickel Plate, b g, 1883, by Hotspur Jr. Molly, by Joe Hooker 2:25% Nick L., b g, 188, by Inauguration 2:25% Nicola, br s, 1890, by Guardsman, dam by John Dillard 2:23% Nicollet, b in, 1887, by Epicure- Daisy, by Hotspur Jr 2:30 Mcolet Boy, br s, 1888, by Page's Hnmbletouiun Black Kate, by Mi- gantic Boy 2:29% Nickwa, b g, 188 2-29% Nigger Baby, blk g 1870, by Yankee ander Shoofly 2 :22% Nigger Baby, blk g, 1870, by Yankee Bill, darn by Drew Horse 2:27% Ni?iitingale, ch m, 1885, by Mam- brino King Minnequa Maid, by Wood's Hambletonian^ 2:10% Nightingale, blk m, 1884, by Osgood's Patchen Mabel, by Mambrino How- ard 2:10% Nightingale, b m, 1869, by Ericsson- Heiress, by Alexander's Abdallah. . 2:28% Nighttime, gr g, 187, by Rustic, dam by Sawyer's Stockbrtdge Chief 2:29% Nil Desperandum, b e, 1871, by Bel- mont Lady McKinney 2:24 Niles Beauty, b m. 1885, by Ulster Chief Puss by Skenandoah 2:19 Nilee Jr., b g, 188 by C. A. Niles.. 2:27y 2 Nimbus, b s, 1884, by Ben Franklin Lady Mills, by Broken Leg 2:26% Nimrod, ch g, 188, pedigree not traced ..2:26% Nina C., b m, 1881, by Little Hamil- tonDolly 2:26% Nina Cobb, b m, 188-, by Maxle Cobb Jr 2:25 Nina De, ch m, 1885, by Nutwood- Adelaide, by Phil Sheridan 2:26y a Nina Diusmore, b m, 1887, by Ham- dallah Lady Gregor Jr., by Star of the West 2:23% Nina K., b m, 1878, by Honesty Bay Pet, by Black Hawk Champion 2:28% Nina Medium, br m, 1887, by Riley Medium Amorette, by Blackwood Jr 2:14 Ninette, ch m, 1878, by Gen. Benton 2:28 Nino, b g, 187 pedigree not traced 2:27 Nino, gr m, 1875, by Deucalion Nelly, by Billy Denton 2:30 Nira Belle, b m, 1875, by a son of Ethan Allen 2:29 Nita Pancoust, b m. 1888, by Pan- coaet Benita, by Electioneer 2:24% Nix blk m, 18S7. by Norwood Wilkes -Nan F., by J H. Welch 2:22% Nixon br g. 187, by Elial G.. Jonas Mme. by a son of Tom Jefferson.. 2:26% Nixon, b s, 188. by Abd.illah WiMcos 2:237 a N. J. Fuller, br P. 1874, by HInsdale Hoi so Doll Wicks, by Young North THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 113 Briton ........................... Nobby br g, 1870, by Nobby Fanny Rawlings, by May's Sir Wallace. . . Noble Harold, b s, 1883, by Harold Wilna, by Rulmont .............. Noblemout, b s, 1887, by Frank Noble Tremona, by Tremont ........... Noblesse, b s, 1887, by Dictator Fuga, by George Wilkes .......... Nobody's Claim, blk s, 1384, by AI- mont l^lot Pet, by Erie ........... N. O. D., b g, 1884, by Ben Frank- linTrinket Girl, by Jubilee Lam- bert ............................. Nogero, b g, 1886, by Kingston Betty No Hurry, b g, 188, by Harry Clay Nomad, b g, 1883, by A. Whitney, by Volunteer , by Smuggler Mary Nominator, b s, 1887, by Stranger- Sapphire, by Jay Gould ........... Nominee, b g, 1888, by Rescue Molly Wilson, by Sirrocco .............. Nominee, b s, 1885, by Stranger- Sapphire, by Jay Gould ........... Nona Downing, b m, 1887, by Patter- son's Joe Downing Jr. Flora L., by Sandy ......................... Nona Y., b m, 1881, by Admiral- Black Flora, by Black Prince ____ None Better, b m, 1886, by Allandorf Bashaw Belle, by Green's Bashaw Nonesuch, b g, 1879, by Netherland Lady Shire, by Comus ........... Nonesuch, oh m, 1862. by Daniel Lam- bertJenny, by Bigelow Horse.... Noonday, br s, 1883, by Wedgewood Noontide, by Harold .............. Noontide, gr m, 1874. by Harold- Midnight, b v Pilot Jr .............. No.-a, ch m, 188 , by Walkill Nelly. . Nora, ch m, 1873, by Springville Chief McAleese Mare, by Parker's Black Hawk ....................... Nora B., ch m, 1889. by Betterton Sunmyside, by Richelieu ......... Norn U, ch m. 188, by Del Sur ..... Nora G., b m, 1878, by Ahue Beatrice Nora Lee, b m, 1874, by Woodford Mambrino Young Portia, by Mam- brino Chief ....................... Norn Lee, br m, 188, by Penny Pack Nora Temple, b m, 1877, by Belmont Bland Temple, by Lexington ...... Norhawk, br m, 1888, by Norval Son- tag Mohawk, by Mohawk Chief ____ Norman, gr g, by Whipple's Hamble- tonian Lady Suffolk, by Harry Bel- rnont .............................. Norman Medium, gr s, 1881, by Happy Medium Alice Drake, by Alexan- der's Norman ..................... Nornette, ch m, 1888, by Norway Katana. by Rochester ............. NoiTick, b g, 188, by Richwood ..... Norrie. ch s, 1887, by Ansel Norm a, by Alexander's Norman ........... Norris N.. br g, 1884, by Gilt Edge Coleta, by Odin Bell .............. Norseman, br s, 1884, by Dean Sage- Bertha Duroc, by Messenger Duroc. North Ann, ch m, 1881, by Antar Belle Sanderson, by Brigand ....... Norther, b s, 1889. by Onward Ellen Prewitt, by Ashland Chief ....... Northlight, b s, 1886, by Twilight Sally Western, by Empire .......... North Star Mambrino, b s, 1860. by Mambrino Chief, dam by Davy Crocket (dead) .................... 2:26^ 2:18% 2:29% 2:29% 2:24 2:26 2:30 2:28% 2:30 2:29% 2:17'/i 2:25 2:17'/i 2:20% 2:25 2:23% 2:30 2:25% 2:30 2:20% 2:27% 2:17% 2:22 2:25% 2:29 1 /i 2:29Vi 2:27Vi 2:15% 2:28% 2:20 2:30 2:29% 2:22'/4 2:201; 2:30 2:25% 2:15V4 2:28 2:20% Northwest, b s, 1885, by Egmont Tot, by Dictator (pacing 2:15) 2:22% Norval, b s, 1882, lay Electioneer- Norma, by Alexander's Norman 2:14% Norvalson, br s, 1889, by Norval Trustie, by Messenger Duroc 2:28% Novia, ch m, 1887, by Robert Mc- GregorDuenna, by Woodford Mam- brino ! 2:27& Norvadlne, b s, 1891, by Norval, dam by Onward 2:25% Norvin G., br s, 1891, by Norval Con- go, by Blackwood 2 :20% Norway, ch g, 1885, by Gen. Grant- Columbia Maid, by Columbia Chief. 2:29% Norway Knox, blk s, 1879, by Phil Sheridan Jr 2:29% Norwood Haimibletonian, b s, 1884, by McCurdy's Hambletonian-Lula Gold- dust, by Messenger Golddust 2:22\4 Nosegay, b m, 1886. by Gen. Washing- tonNaomi, by Socrates 2:16% Notre Dame, b m, 1890, by Robert Mc- GregorChristine, by Hambrino 2:23% No Trouble, b g, 1886, by Waterloo- Nell, by Star of Catskill . 2:21V4 Novelett, b m, 1890, by Norval No- rilla, by Tennessee Wilkes 2:29i/i Novelist, b m, 1889, by Norval Elsie, by Gen. Benton 2:27 Novelty, b e, 1878, by Graphic Maid of Mount - View, by Woodward's Ethan Allen Jr 2:29 Novelty, ch m, 1875, by Gooding'n Champion Minnie, by King's Cham- pion 2 :2-3% Novelty, br m, 1881 by New York- Polly, by Clark's Tom Hal 2:28% Novi, b g, 1880, by Highland Gold- dust 2:29V4 Novice, b e, 1888, by Walsingfham Silica, by Princeps 2:26% Noya, b m, 1885, by Kentucky Prince Prolific, by Electioneer 2:24 N. T. H., b g, 1885, by Pilot Mam- brino Molly, by Shelby Chief 2:17% Nubbin, b g, 1884, by Herod Jr. Maud, by Prince 2:17% Nubia, b g, 1889, by SoudanEmma Anderson, by Wapsle 2:24% Nubbin W., blk s, 188, by Sim- monette Mulatto Girt. . 2:26i4 Nuggett, ch s, 1878, by Wedgewood Minerva, by Pilot Jr 2:26% Nugetta, ch m, 1889, by Nugget- Belle Lambert, by Godfrey Patchen. 2:24V4 Nugget Jr., ch e, 1886. by Nugget Marchesa, by Woodford Mamb:ino. 2:28 Number Seven, b g, 1885, by Favorite Wilkes Bettie. by Joe Downing 2:20% Numero, ch s, 1884, by Nugget Ves- per Bell, by Belmont 2:27 Numidian, b s, 1881 by Almont or Happy Medium Susan Brady, by Strader's Oassius M. Clay Jr 2:25% Nuncio, b s, 1883, by Nutwood Star- ling, by Guyler 2:23^4 Nutallee, ch m, 1886, by Nutwood- Dot, by Bird 2:29 Nutant, b s, 1888, by Nutmeg Juno, by Administrator 2:20% Nutbreaker, b s, 1883, by Nutwood- Bonny Doon. by Aberdeen 2:21% Nutbrown Maid, br m, 1888, by C. F. Clay Margarita, by Lightheart 2:28% Nutcoast, b s, 1886, by Nutwood Au- gustine, by Pancoast 2:19 Nutgall, b g. 1877, by Nutwood Wild Rose, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian . . . 2:2i> 114 THE 2:30 TROTTEES. Nuthunter, b s, 1884, by Nutwood- Fanny, by Scott's Thomas Nutiand, b s 1883, by Nutwood Nelly Locke, by Kremer's Rainbow Nutling, b s, 1885, by Nutwood Queen West, by Ware Colt Nut Maid, Ch m, 1888, by Nutbreaker Annie Sprague, by George Sprague Nutmeg, ch s, 1883, by Nutwood Co- quette, by American Clay Nutmont, b s, 1882. by Nutbourne Strabo, by Knickerbocker Nutmont, ch s, 1884, by Almont Nut- shell, by Nutwood Nutpick, b s, 1888, by Nutbreaker Lady W., by Tramp Nutrition, blk s, 1885, by Nutwood Beckey, by Edwin Forrest Nutshell, b m, 1889, by Bayonne Prince Nutmeg, by Nutbourne Nuttalite, b m, 1887, by Nutbourne, dam by Backman's Idol Nutting King, ch s. 1883, by Mam- brino King Nutting Mare Nutwith. b s, 1887, by Nutwood Vir- ginia Maid, by Sam Purdy Nutwood, ch s, 1870, by Belmont Mies Russell, by Pilot Jr Nutwood Chieftain, ch s, 1886, by Nutwood Bettie G., by Red Chief.. Nutwood Jr., ch g, 187. by Nutwood Nutwood Prince, b s, 1886, by Nut- woodSister Ruth, by Jim Monroe . . Nutwood Wilkes, ch s, 1888, by Guy Wilkes Lida W., by Nutwood Nyanza, b m, 1889, by Quartermaster Kitty Lambert, by Daniel Lambert Nyanza, b m, 1889, by Robert Mc- Gregor Tel os, by Almont Nymphia, blk m, 1879. by Mambrino Patchen Fairy Belle, by Belmont (dead) O. A. Hickok, b g, 186, pedigree not traced Oakbourne, eh s. 1889, by Gold Leaf Ohloe, by New York Oakdale Dot, blk g, 188, by Wan- derer '. Oakhurst, b s, 1884, by Victor Bis- marck Abby, by Bassett's Abdal- lah Oakland Ba-on, b s, 1892, by Baron Wilkes Lady Mackey, by Silver- threads .. Oakland Maid, gr m, 1868, by Specula- tionLady Vernon Oakleaf, ch s, 1887, by Gold Leaf Chloe, by New York Oak Leaf, b g, 1887, by Boltou Sprague Fanny Belle Oakley Maid, ch' m, 1889, by Russia- Jenny, by Ajax Oaknut, ch s, 1885, by Dawn Miss Brown, by Brown's Volunteer Oakville Maid, blk m, 188, by Whip- pleton Oakwood, b s, 1889, by Cadmus Ham- bletonian Queen Mab, by Black- wood Jr Oakwood, b s, 188. by Twilight.... Oasis, b m, 1885, by Onward Mis- tress, by Hamlin's Almont Jr Obediah, br s, 1888, by Obe-lin Mambrino Betty, by Mambrino Chor- ister Oberlln Boy, ch s, 1887. by Elyria iy Star of the West. . . 2:30 2:29 2:29% 2:16 2:221,4 2:22% 2:25-% 2:24% 2:27% 2:26-% 2:19% 2:19V4 2:18% 2:29V4 2:23% ! 2:19 i 2:30 ! 2:15% 2:26^ ! 2:30 | 2:27% ' (dead) Observer, ch g, 1868, by Revenge Ocala, b m, 1885, by Ouyle:- Nora Norman, by Blackwood Occident, br g, 1863, by Doc Mater Oocidentis (dead) Oceana Chief, ch 's, 1863, by Aldrich Colt Octavia, blk m, 1877, by Goldenbow Allie Davis, by Joe Davis Octavius, b s, 1881, by Oxmoor Oc- tavia, by Ryisdyk's Hainbletonian. . . Octo, b g, 1888, by Jerome Eddy Miss Koch, by Homer Ogle Boy, b s, 188, by Lord Harold.. Odessa, blk m, 1886, by Adrian Wilkes Nelly, by Dewey Horse Oddity, b m, 1889, by Princeps Jeza Belle, by Pilot Mambrino Odin, blk'g, 1890, by Out-Cross Ofellus, b s, 1889, by Ellei-slie Wilkes Victor Maid, by Sir Walkill Ogdensburg, ch e, 1885, by Mambrino Pafcchen Variety, by Orange Blos- som Ohio Boy, b g, traced Ohio Maid, br m, 1877, by Orr's Fly- ing Cloud Maggie Oima, b g, 1885, by Onward Clio, by Christian's Edwin Forrest O. K., b s, 1887, by Walkill Prince Gu'ssie G., bv Blue Bull 2:26 2:14% 2:22 2:28 2:24 2:24^ 2:26 2:241,4 2:29 2:29',1> 2:25 Gyp, by O'Blennis, b g 186, pedigree not 1841, by Abdallah O. K., b s, 1891, by Walsingham ..... O. K., b g, 188, by B:x>wumout ..... Okalona, blk m, 1881, by Warwick Boy Brown Kate, by Virginia ..... Olaf, blk g, 1878, by Waveland Chief Jenny Bryan, by John Dillard. ... Olaf, b g, 1885, by Mambrino King. . . Old Crow, ch s, 1885, by Onward Meta, by Idol Patchen (dead) ....... Old Judge, ch g, 1874, by Mambriuo Pilot Jr. Nannie Hedges, by Ned Hawkins ......................... Old Nick, b g, 1878, by Electioneer Stockton Maid, by Chieftain ....... Old Put, br g, 1859, by Clarion- Kate Fay, by Mambrino Messenger (dead) ............................ Old Sport, dn g, 188, pedig.-ee not traced ............................ Olga, b m, 1887, by Alcantara ........ Olive, b m, 188, pedigree not traced. Olive Branch, br m, 1882. by Bonnie Bay Musette, by Ohio Volunteer. .. Olive K., br m, 188, by McFar land's Hambletonlan .................... Oliver, br g, 188, by Adrian Wilkes. Oliver, ro g, 187 .pedigree not traced Oliver C., b g, 1887; by Dexter Prince Lady ............ '. .............. Oliver K., b g, 1880, by King Wilkes Bessie Turner, by Virginia ....... Oliver Twist, b g, 188, by Graduate. Oliver Ross, br s, 1885, by Charley Rose ............................. Oliver W., b s, 1884, by Wagner Ba- shawPuss Cunningham, by Green's Basibaw ....................... .... Oliver West, br s, 1885, by Great Western Snip, by Magna Charta . . . Olivette, b m, 1885, by Rescue May Queen, by Dr. Herr. '. .............. Olivette, b m, 1877, by Black Sultan Jr., dam by Cobb's Brandy wine ..... Olivette, b m ....................... Olivette, ch m, 1883, by Leon Gilkey 2:30 2:24U 2:23 2:10% 2:23 2:29V 4 2:20% 2:19% 2:30 2:29% 2:30 2:29V4 2:23 2:28% 2:27% 2:29% 2:25% |;p 2:27% 2:22 2:22 2:29% 2:23 2:27 2:1C44 2:29% 2:30 2:24 2:25% :28 1 ,4 :24*4 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 115 Mare, by Knapp's Hero 2:28% Olivette, br m, 1879, by Whipple's Hambletonian Belle, by Eas ton's Dave Hill 2:24 Olivia, b m, 188, by Melrose Lam- bert, by Daniel Lambert 2:29'/i Olivia, b ni, 1887, by Hambrino Cambria, by Middletown Chief 2:24 Ollie, b m, 1882, by Strathmore Ma- rina, by Norman Jr 2:24 Ollie B., b m, 1886, by Valiant, dam by Fortune 2:24Vi Ollie Drake, b s, 1884, by Joe Gavin- Minnie Drake, by Louis Napoleon. .. 2:25 Ollie K., br m, 1890, by King Wilkes Chesella, by Chichester 2:17%' Ollie Wilkes, b m, 1884, by Favorite Wilkes Miss, by Jim Monroe 2:16V* j Olmedo Wilkes, b s, 1882, by Onward Alma, by Almont 2 :2GV4 j Olney Wilkes, b s, 1888, by Olmedo Wilkes Jenmont, by Tremont 2:25 '/I Omar, b s, 1881, by Oapoul Mary Mason, by Ericsson 2:25Vj Onmia, b s, 1888, by Adrian Wilkes Dolly, by John F. Payne 2:20% Ouawa, blk s, 1873, by Goodwin Ham- tletonian Bessie, by Sammy Bluch- er 2:2214 Onawa Jr., b s, 1885, by Onawa Pruie E 2:30 O'Neill, ch s, 188 by Andes 2:20 Oneco, b s, 1881, by Altamont Belle Price, by Doble 2:29% Oneida, b m, 1889. by Florida Lady Ham, toy Hambvino 2:17 Oneta, b m, 1890, by S'hadeland On- ward Alta E., by Enchanter 2:23 Oney, b g, 1884, by Mambrino King Oney Mare, by Damon 2:19- / i Onida, b m, 1887, by Sweepstakes Tressie, by Chester Chief 2:29 ',4 Onie Sprague, br m, 1884, by George Sprague Fanny Play, by Toronto. . . 2:26 Onequa, b m, 1891, by Keeler, dam by J. 11. Shedd 2:11^ Onslaught, b s, 1883, by Onward- Sally Johnson, by Bell Morgan (dead) 2:28% Onset, b s, 188, by Onslaught 2:2(5% On Time, b m, 1886, by Konantz Mink, by Contractor 2:25Vi On Time, ch s, 1887, by Onward- Maud, by Mambrino Time 2:20% On Time, b g, 1891, by Polonius Du- Bois Mare 2:29 j Onward, oh g, 188, by Clematis 2:30 : Onward, b s, 1875, by George Wilkes Dolly, by Mambrino Chief 2:25Vi i Onward, b g, 188, by Riley's Dean.. 2:29Vi Onward, br g, 1875, by Knickerbocker Vivandiere, by Reserve 2:20V.i Onward Boy, b s, 1887, by Onward- Alice S., by Almont Boy 2:30 Onward Fewell, blk g, 188, by El Mahdi 2:27'/4 Onward Jr., b s, 1886, by Onward Zeler Wilkes 2:29% Opal, ca m. 1883, by Hen-y S. Sol- taire, by Judge Evans 2:30 Opal Patch en, b g, 1885, by Seneca Pate-hen 2:29% Ophelia, b m, 1881, by Durango Emma S., by Indian Chief 2:30 Ophir, blk m, 1886. by Simmons Miss Smalley, by Indianapolis (dead) 2:28% Optimist, b s, 1886, by Hamb ino Erma, by Belmont 2:28% Optimist, ch g, 1884, by Tennessee Wilkes Ada Brungard, by Black Hawk Rattler ..................... 2:27 Opus, b m, 1889, by Prineeps Jolly, by Pilot Mambrino ................. 2:30 Ora, br m, 1889, by Sprague Golddust Mamie, by Blue Bull ____ . ........ 2:16 1 ^ Orange Bloom, ch m 1879, by Orange Blossom Sally Miller, by Rossman Horse ........................... 2:25& Orange Blossom, b & 1867, by Middle- townNelly Post, by Seely's Ameri- can Sta? .......................... 2:26% Orange Blossom, b g, 1883, by Victor Bismarck Kitty Coons, by Adminis- trator ........................... 2:26% Orange Boy, b g, 1878, by Orange Blossom Racola, by Rysdyk's Harn- bletonian ......................... 2:18% Orange Bud, b s, 1877, by Middietown Nelly Post, by Seely's American Star ............................ 2:21^ Orange Chief, b s, 1887, by Orange Blossom Josie Bowman, by Bow- man's Clark Chief ................. 2:16V4 Orange Girl, b m, 1871, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian Dolly Mills, by See- ly's American Star ................ 2 :2O Orangelander, br e, 1888, by Green- lander Orange Girl, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. ................... 2:22^ Orange Leaf, b s, 1881, by Orange Blossom Queen May, by Creeper... 2:29'/i Crania, b m, 1889, by Indian Hill Gabrino, by George Wilkes ......... 2:22 Ora to?, b s, '1886, by Dictator Ethel- wyn, by Harold ................... 2:24 Oreide, ro s, 1889, by Osman Pa- yonia, by Peacock. . . . .............. 2:26V4. Oiiana, b m, 1877, by Rochester, dam by Black Hawk Flyaway ........... 2:25 Orianna, ch m, 1888, by Onward Romona, by Harold ................ 2:17% Orianna, b m, 1880, by Red Wilkes Anna, by Bourbon Chief ............ 2:27 J /4 Orient, b g, 1868, by Mambrino Patch- enKate .......................... 2:24 Orient, b m, 1887, by Gov. Paine Olga, by Challenger ............... 2:2714 Oiient, ch m 1875, by Ouyler Eden Lassie, by Golddust ............... 2:30 Orinoco, b e, 1886, by Simmons Miss Wilson, by Sterling ................ 2 :19% Oriole, dn m, 1886, by Dr. Hen- Mat- tie E., by Creole ................... 2:29^4 Oriole, blk m, 1890, by Thistle Ori- ole, by Monroe Chief ............... 2:20 Orlando, ch g, 1888, by Cypress Ma- tilda, by Jupiter ................... 2:23^ Qrmond, t> s. 1882, by Happy Medium Queen Lizzie, by Mambrino Chief. 2:27 ! /a Oro Fino, b m, 1885, by Eros Ma- nette, by Nutwood ................ 2:1S Orono Boy, blk g, 1887, by Island Chief ............................ 2:21 Vi Oro Wilkes, blk s, 1890, by Sable Wilkes Ellen Mayhew, by Director. 2:11 Orphan Boy, blk s, 1880, by Stillson Nettie E., by Joe Hooker ........... 2:22% 2-22% Oxfoid Chief, b s, 1884, by Chief-Kit, by Wild Irishman ..... Oxide, blk s. 1887, by Rumor- Odo, by Gen. Knox ................... 2:29Vo Pebst, b g, 1889, by Pilot Medium, dam by Oady's Champion .......... 2:21 Packer, b B, 1879, by Sweepstakes- Lady Rockafellow, by Harry Clay.. 2:23% Packet, ch g, 1890, by i'actol-is ..... 2:27 Pacifica, b m, 1889, by Electioneer Bicara, by Harold . .. .............. 2-30 Pacolet, b s, 1889, by Phallas-Lady Rolfe, by Tom Rolfe ............ 2-29% Pactolus, b s, 1887, by Patronage Buda, by Tramp .......... ,. 2-12% Paddy Collins, blk g, 187, by Capt. Bogardus ..... .................. 2-29% Paeony, b m, 1884, by Happy Med- iumKentucky Central, by Balsora 2:22 Pagan, blk s, 1880, by Wedgewood Primrose, by Alexander's Abdallah 2:30 Paladin, ch s, 188, by Hawthorne March Fourth, by Whipple's Ham- bletonian ........................ 2:29^ Palatina, sp m, 1883, by Milton Med- ium Snowflake, by Snowstorm .. 2:22% Palatine, blk m, 1891, by Palo Alto- Elaine, by Messenger Duroc ....... 2:18 Pailas, b m, 1885, by Gen. Stanton Roxy, by Caledonia Chief ........ 2:26% Palermo ........................... 2-24% Pall Mall, br s, 188, by Pancoast... 2:22% Palm, b g, 1887, by Messenger Wilkes Jenny Allen .................... 2 :28% Palma, ch g, 1869, by Matchless, dam by Seal's Horse .................. 2:22% Palo Alto, blk s, 188, by Barks- Maggie Colburn, by Coeur De Lion Jr ................................ 2-2o% Palo Alto, b s, 1882, by Electioneer Dame Winnie, by Planet (dead).. 2:08% Palo Alto Belle, b s, 1886 by Elec- tioneerBeautiful Bells,' by The Moor ............................ 2 :22% Palo Chief, b s, 1890, by Benefit.... 2:30 Pama, b s, 188, by Woodford Pilot 2:30 Paloma Prince, b s, 188, by Dexter Prince Bessie Miller, by Gen. Mc- Olellan ........................... 2:17^ Panama, b s, 1885, by Jay Gould- Pandora, by Clark Chief .......... 2:24y 2 Pamlico, b s, 1885, by Meander- Birthday, by Daniel Lambert (dead) 2:10 Pan, ch s, 1885, by Pancoast Midge, by Beluiont ..................... 2:28% Pancoast, b s, 1877, by Woodford Mambrino Bicara, by Harold (d^ad) 2 '21% Panel a re, b s. 1888, by Pancoast Lady Clara by Young Morrill ...... 223% Pandetta, b m. 1891, by Pandect - Wanatah, by Wedgewood ......... 2:29% Pandora, br m, 188 by Ichi Ban . . 2:30 Pandora, b m, 18S7, by Planter Sally Burrell, by Autocrat .............. 2:27 Pangold, ch s, 1887, by Pancoast Anthem, by Cuyler .............. 2:24% Panic, b g, 1853, by Sherman Black Hawk, dam by Harris' Hamble- toniaa (dead) .................. 2:28 Panic, b m, 188 . by Hannis ...... 2:21^ Pankey John, ch s, 1881, by Capt. Pankey Suse ................. ..2:28% Panstone, b s, 1889, by Plumstone Bessie, by Pancoast ............... 2:19% THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 117 Pansy, b m, 1887, by Hamlin's Al- mont Jr. Barbara, by Kentucky Prince '. 2:17% Pansy, blk m, 1881,, by Berlin Lady Hubbard by Benicia Boy 2:24% Pansy, br'm, 188 by Mink Chloe, by New York 2:28% Pansy Blossom, b m, 1887, by Glen- coe Wilkes Jessie, by Cilley Horse 2:23 Pansy Blossom, br m, 1890, by Albert W. Pansy by Berlin 2:28% Pansy McGregor, ch m, 1892, by Fer- gus McGregor Cora, by Coriander. . 2:17% Pantomime, b m, 1890, by Arthurton Iota, by Princeps 2:21% Paola, b s, 1887 by Electioneer Dame Winnie, by Planet 2:25% Paragon, b g, 1887, by Storm King Canace, by Lord Coke 2:13% Paragon, b s, 1884, by Deceive Waldo Mare, by Gray's Hamble- tonian 2:27% | Parana, b m, 1874, by Mambriuo Hambletonian Belle of Cayuga, by Post's Hambletonian Prince (dead) 2:19% | Parapet, b s, 1888, by Harold Mary Belle, by Belmont 2:21 Parker Jr., b g, 188, pedigree not traced 2:29%! Paris, b s, 1881, by Mohican Merry Lass, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian.. 2:29% Parkside b s, 1888, by Clay Uiuta, by Gen. Benton 2:22% | Parkwood, ch s, 1888, by Nutwood- Irene Wood, by Combat 2:2C'/a Parnell, ch s, 1885, by Enfleld-Ida Elliot, by Allie West 2:23 Parnell, b s, 1885, by Aberdeen- Betty Brown, by Mambrino Patchen 2:29 Parole, b s, 1889, by Patron Rachel Ray, by Overstreet Wilkes 2:16 Parone, br s, 1883, by Almont Rattler Pavonia, by Peacock 2:25% Parrott, b g. 1873, by Vermont Clough, by Lumox 2:26 Parthenia, b m, 188, by Dexter Prince 2 :27% Parthenia Pedro, b m, 188, by Dom Pedro 2:29% Parthenon, b s, 1884, by Aberdeen- Maggie Dunn, by Bourbon Chief. . 2:27% Pasadena Belle, br m.. 188, by Nav- igator 2-18 Pascal, blk g, 188, by Pascolett . ,. 2:27% Pasha, b s, 1882, by Echo Young Fashion, by Correct 2:27% Passenger, b s, 1887, by Red Wilkes Susie Patchen by Mambrino Patchen 2:30 Pastime, gr s, 1888, by Lord Rus-- sell Noonday, by St. Elmo (dead) 2:27% i Pastoral, br m, 1888, by Acolyte- Cathedral, by George Wilkes .'. ..2:30 Pat, br g, 1882, by Thomas A. Scott Betts, by Legal Tender 2:26% ! Pat, b g, 1885, by Fortunotus 2:29% Patch, b ,g, \1873, by , ; Detective Patchen, dam by Draco Prince . . 2-29% Patchen, ch g, 1869, by King's Patchen Old Jane by Wigwam (dead) 2:18% Patchen (Gidding's), ch s, 1884, by Seneca Patchen Fanny G., by Mambrino Hambletonian 2:27% ! Patchen, b s, 187 pedigree not traced 2 :28% Patchen Maid, ch m, 1875, by Henry B. Patchen Maggie 2:30 Patchen Medium, b s, 1884. by Happy Medium Mainbrino Maid, by Mam- brino Patchen Patchen Wilkes, blk s, 1882, by George Wilkes Kitty Patchen, by Mambrino Patchen Patchen Wilkes Maid, br m, 1888, by Patchen Wilkes Daisy B., by Ad- ministrator Patchmore, b s, 1886, by Byerly Ab- dallah Colon, by Strathmore Pat Dempsey, blk g, 1878, by Roman Chief, dam by Benedict's Path- finder Pat Donoven, b s, 1888, by Newton's Allie Wilkes Kit, by Yankee Dan. . Pat Downing, b s, 1885, by Abe Downing Dagmar, by Mambrino Abdallah Patenter, br s, 1887, by Pancoast Tot, by Dictator Pat Farrel, b g, 188, pedigree not traced Pathfinder Jr., br s, 1877 by Buell's Pathfinder Maggie, by Golddust. . Pat Hunt, ch g, 186, by Tecumseh, dam by Doc (dead) Patience, blk m, 1879, by Gen. Knox Sappho, by Jay Gould Patience, b m, 1880, by Strathmore Grey Fan, by Selim Patience, b m, 1886, by Alcyone Con- stance, by Aurora Patience, ch m, 1885, by Hull Wel- come, by Iron Duke Pat L., b s, 1892, by Republican . Pat McCann, blk g, 1871, by Sir George Pat McGinty, br s, 188 by Indianap Pat My Boy, ro g, 1887, by Hinder Wilkee Bird, by Black Prince Jr.. . Patoka Boy, b g, 1891, by Patoka Patola, blk m, 1886, by Altitude- Julia, by Star of the West Pat Quinn, br g, 1879, by Modoc Chief-Flora . . . Patrician, b s, 1873, by Thomas Jef- fersonSylph, by Dunbaxton . Patrick H., Pat Ring, b g, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) Patriot, b e, 1888, by Phallas Clarinda, by Nutwood Patron, br s, 1882, by Pancoast Beatrice, by Cuyler Patroness, b m, 1887, by Patronage Flirt, by Gen. Hatch ~. Patroness, b m, 1888, by Patron Ab- bess, by Wedgewood Patroon, b s, 1889, by Patron Souve- nir, by Harold Patsy Curtis, br s, 1888, by Ever- mon.l Bessie Curtis, by Mainbrino St Lawrence Patti, b m, 1879, by Jay Gould Thornetta, by Gen. Knox Patti, gr m, 1886, by Director, dam by Bayswater Pattie, b m, 188, by Clay Chief Pattie Coopor. blk m. 1881, by Black Doc Lucy Marshall, by Clark's Daniel Boone Pattie Moore, b m. 188, by The King Pattie P., b m, 1878, by Ricbmont. . . Pattie R., ch m, 188 by Bronze Paul, gr g, 1883, lv\ Messenger Duroc -/Tittania. by Golddust Jr Paul B., b g, 188 2:20% 2:29% 2:22% 2:24 2:29% 2:27% 2:13 2:27% 2:29% 2:27% 2:25 2:28% 2:26% 2:18% 2:27% 2:28% 2:23% 2:18% 2:30 2:19V4 2:25% 2:26% 2:27% 2:28 2:24 2:14% 2:26% 2:27V> 2:23% 2:16% 2:24 2:2V 2:29% 2:30 2:30 2:27 2:20% 118 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Paul Hacke, gr g, 187, by Strath- more Ingoma, by Aker's Idol 2:24% Pauline, ro m, 1883, by Gov. Sprague Lida Lewis, by Sentinel 2 :27% | Pauline, gr m. 1888, by Electrotype- Kitty Earl, by Earl 2:26 ! Pauline, ch m, 1890, by Planter, dam by Rockwood 2:29%; Pauline C., blk m, 1888, by Rolla Golddust 2:29 ! Pauline H., b m, 1888, by Kidnapper Nickel Mare (pacing 2:17%) 2:24 ; Pauline Lambert, b m, 1880, by Dan- iel Lambert Pauline, by Lily's Shakespeare 2 :29 ! Paul Pinkham, b e, 1887, by L. P. Thompson Lydia Pinkham, by St. Regis 2:24 Pawling, ch s, 1891, by Colonel Kip- Merriment, by Happy Thought 2:21% Pawnee, b s," 1889, by Stamboul Minnehaha, by Stevens' Bald Chief. . 2:26% Pawnee, b g, 1882, by Jim Wilson- Legal, by Legal Tender 2:21% Peaceful, blk m, 187, by Gen Knox (dead). 2:26 Peach, b g, 1878, by Bismarck Lizzie Mott, by Gen. Mott 2:27% Peace Blow, br g, 1878, by South Jer- sey Patchen 2:29% Pearl, b m, 187, by Gentle Breeze- Jane, by Gill's Vermont 2:30 Pearl, b m, 187, by Regulus Cora F., by Brown Harry 2:23% Pearl, b m, 1880, by Ooleman's Abdal- lah Jr. Missouri Girl, by Dr. Morey's Lath 2:30 Pearl, gr m, 188, by Star Ethan 2:25% Pearl Belle, b m, 1892, by Bermuda- Pearl Pinkerton, by Thomas K 2:26 Pearl O., rn m s 188, by Alexander Dumas 2:30 Pearl Fisher, b m, 1886, by Altamont, dam by Kisbar 2:18% Pearl McGregor, ch m, 1888, by Rob- ert McGregor Maud B., by Seneca Chief 2:23% Pearl Medium, b m, 1883, by Happy Medium Pearl, by Gentle Breeze... 2:24 Pearl P., br m, 188, by Aladdin 2:29% Pearl Wilkes, br m. 188, by Wilkes Spi-it Jr. Giddy Ann 2:22% Pearl Winship, b m, 1886, by Legal Tender Jr. Nelly Me., by Blue Vein 2:23% Pearwood, b s, 1888, by Patronage Zora, by Backman's Idol 2:25 Pedlar, br s, 1887, by Electioneer Penelope, by Mohawk Chief 2:23% Ped ro, gr Pad g, 1870, by Grey Jim, dam by Paddock's Black Hawk 2:25% Pedro L., gr g, 1884, by Bassett M. Suse, by Tom Hunter 2:18 Peek-a-Boo, ro g, 1882, by Blue Boy- Sully, by Green's Bashaw 2:27 Peeler, b s, 1890, by Patron, dam by Swigert 2:27 Peep O'Day, ch g, 1887, by Dawn- Emma Steitz, by Mountain Boy.... 2:21 Peerless Ben, ch s, 1886, by Ben Franklin Dolly Spooner, by Hola- blrd's Ethan Allen 2:26'4 Pegasus, br s, 1881, by Harold Pera, by Belmont 2:30 Peko, b m, 1889, by Electioneer Pen- elope, by Mohawk Chief 2:24 Peleg, b s, 1890, by Reno Defiance- Lucy Q., by McKinney Horse (pacing 2:15%)..... 2:23% Pelerine, b m, 1889, by Madrid Blythesome, by Onward 2:19 Pelham, b g, 1837, pedigree not traced (dead). . . . . . . . . .". . . 2:28 Pemberton, br g, 1872, by Fearnaught Jr. Fanny, by Dirigo 2:29% Pembroke, ro s, 1887, by Sherman's Hambletonian Nancy Dillard, by John Dillard 2:27% Pembroke, b s, 188 by Jay Bii'd.... 2:28% Pence, br s, 1885, by Rienzi Lady Pence, by Almont Forrest 2:24% Penelope, dn m, 1871, by Kleckuer's Kern-ble Jackson 2:27 Penelope, b m, 188, by Hinder Wilkes 2:27V2 Penelope b m, 1890, by Quartermas- terBohemia, by Rumor 2:29% Penelope, b m, 1891, by McEwen Elnora, by Tennessee Wilkes 2/.20% Pendelum, b g, 1892, by Panclare 2:< Penhorn, b s, 1887, by Stranger Bes- sie, by Shelby Chief 2:24% Penistau, b g, 1880, by Administrator Princess Medium, by Happy Med- ium 2:28% Pennant, b s, 1880, by Abe Downing Louisa Duvall, by Harold 2:15 Penryn, br s, 1889, by Kentucky Wilkes Felice, by Mambrino Dud- ley .' 2:18% Pequa Princess, ch m, 188, by Pequa Prince 2:27% Pequot, br s, 1880, by Piedmont Lady Duval, by Strader's Cassius M. Clay Jr....... 2:26 Peralto, ch g, 187, by Baird's Ham- bletonian Prince Logan Maid, by Page's Logan 2:26% Perlette, ch m, 188 by Juror 2:22% Perduro, blk s, 1881, by Durango Maggie Wells, by Wadsworth Tuch- aiioe 2:29% Perduro K., b g, 1887, by Perduro Fan Stark 2:19% Perhaps, b s, 1883, by Hambletonian Tranby Easter, by Gen. Geo. H. Thomas 2:30 Pericles, ch s, 1881, by Mambrino Patcben (Fancy, by Curtis Clay.... 2:30 Perihelion, b s, 1880, by Admiral- Black Flora, by Black Prince 2:25 Periwinkle b m, 1891, by Ponce de Leon Rowena, by B'lack Hawk Traveler 2:28% Perkins, ch s, 188, by C. F. Clay.... 2:29% Pero, b s, 1883, by Backman's Idol- Cora Jackson, by Stonewall Jackson 2:25 Perplexed, ch m, 1879, by Locksmith Early Rose, by Godfrey Patchen. . 2:24% Persica, b m, 1883, bv Belmont Nec- tarine, by William Welch 2:'38% Persimmons, br s, 1885, by Simmons Nona B., by Administrator 2:29% Peru, gr s, 1889, by Sphinx Pilot Belle, by Pilot Medium 2:29 ! / 9 Pet, b g, 188, by Black Ethan 2:19% Pet, gr m, 188, by Orphan Boy 2:25 Pet Davis, gr m, 1888, by Grit Davis Maud T., by Tuckahoe 2:19% Pete, b g, 187, pedigree not traced. 2:28 Pete Ourran, b g, 188, by Chicago Volunteer 2:28% Pete Lindley, ch g, 1881, by Royal Fear-naught Lindley Mare, by Fisk's Mambrino Chief Jr 2:27% Peter Cooper, br g 2:21% Peter Hardwood, br s, 1886, by Hard- woodEugenia, by Louis Napoleon. 2:20 Peter K.. Ch g, 1880, by Royal Fear- THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 119 naught Kitty, by Magma Charta 2:2944 Peter R., gr g, 188, pedigree not traced 2:28% Peter W., b g, 1887, by Roscoe Hat- tie Barnum, by son of Gladiator... 2:24% Peter Whetstone, b g, 1884, by Mc- Quaid's Sprague Fashion, by Norme 2:29\i Petitioner, b s, 1887, by Sherman's Hambletonian Nannie Dillard, by John Dillard 2:26& Petrolia, b s, 1886, by Red Wilkes Belle Newman, by Long Boy 2:27% Pet Thorne, b m, 1887, by Hawthorne Lady Pet, by Reuben 2:29 Peveril, ch s, 1889, by Elyria Jennj D., by Tom Hunter 2:14% Pew House, ch g, 1889, by Mohawk Gift Lady, by ^tar Hambletonian. . 2:30 Phialen, blk g, 188, by Montello, dam by Billy Ring 2:22% Plain Dick, b g, 188 by South Side, dam by Duke 2:29 Phallamiss, b m, 1888, by Phallamont Athena, by Mack Almont 2:29% Phallamont B'oy, b s, 1887, by Phalla mont Pocahontas Girl, by Pocahon- tas Boy 2:18 Phailamont Chief, b s, 1887, by Phal- lamont Athena, by Mack Almont. .. 2:30 Phallamont Girl, b m, 1885, by Phal- lajaont Pocahontas Girl, by Poca- hontas Boy 2:27% Phallamont Sprague, b s, 1890, by Phallamont Carrie Dexter, byJBilly Sprague 2:27*4 Phallamont Swigert, b g, 1889, by Phallamont Mattie, by Dave Boii- ner 2:28 Phallas, b s, 1877, by Dictator Betsy Trotwood, by Clark Chief 2:13% Phallene, b m, 1885, by Phallamontr- Maud McK., by Richard 2:30 Phantom, b m. 1889, by Alcazar Ap- parition, by Sir Walkill 2.24% Phantom, b s, 1886, by Strathmore Princess Ethel, by Volunteer 2:29V t Phay. b s, 1888, by Burdette Mar- gery D., by Broken Leg 2:27% P. H. Chapin, b s, 1885, by Ohapin Egmout Fanny Parvin, by Green's Bashaw 2-29*4, Pheon, gr m. 1882, by Jim Ervin Oropea-, by Pilot Duroc 2:24 Phil, b g, 186, pedigree not traced.. 2:23*4 Phil Casweli, ch g, 188, by Whale- bone '. 2:28 Phil Dougherty, ch g, 186, by Frank Pierce Jr. (dead) '. 2:26 Phil Dwyer, b g, 1871, by Island Chief Peerless, by Defiance 2:29V4 Philip H., b s, 188 by Red Bird 2:27% Phillis, b s, 1888, by Masterlode- Gomet, by Lexington Chief Jr Phil Mack, b g, 188, by Phil Sheri- dan Jr Phillis, b g, 188, by Pickering Phil O., b g, 188, by Jim Swigert. . . Philosee, b m, 1881, by Polonius Philosee, by Warlock Phil Sheridan, br s, 1862, by Young Columbus Black Fly, by a son of Tippoo (dead) 2:26% Phil Sheridan, gr g, 1866, by Creeper Lady Alice (dead) 2:26% Phil Sheridan J-., blk s, 1877, by Phil Sheridan Estelle B " 2:28% Phil Thompson, gr g, 1878. by Red Wilkes Grey Nelly, by John Dil- lard 2:16% 2:30 2:29% 2:2rvl 2:25% 2:22^ Phil W., ch g, 1885, by Great Western Nettie H 2:21 Phoebe Wilkes, br m, 1885, by Ham- bletonian Wilkes Dolly Smith, by Fisk's Mambrino Chief 'Jr 2:OS 1 /i, Phurah, b s, 1884, by St. Gothard Jessie D., by Niagara Chief 2:30 Phyllis, br DOL 1874, by Phil Sheri- danNelly Wagner, by Tom Sayers (dead) 2:15% Phyllis Tee, b m, 1890. by Ashland Wilkea Nelly Carson, by Pea vine. . . 2:23*4 Fickard, b g, 1874, by Abdallah Pilot Lady Bowman, by Bourbon Chief 2:18*4 Pickering, b s, 1872, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian Lady Fallte, by Seely's American Star 2:30 Pickett, ch g, 1887, by Pickett Amanda, by Goldsmith Chief 2:16% Pickpania, b m, 1884, by Pickpocket- Lady, by Panic 2:14% Pickwick, br g, 1869, by Backinan's Idol Lady Brown, by Seely's Amer- ican Star 2:29% Pickwick, b g, 1876, by Hatch Horse, dam by Young Ethan Allen 2:27% Piedmont, ch s, 1871, by Almont Mag Ferguson, by Mambrino Chief (dead) 2:17Vi Piletta, gr m, 1889, by Pilot Medium Maggie, by Hambletonian- Charta 2:14% Pilgrim, br s, 1885, by Coriander Abdallah Duchess, by Silver Duke 2:2414 Pilgrim, br s, 1889, by Acolyte- Cathedral, by George Wilkes 2:20% Pilgrimage, b s, 1882, by Egbert- April Fool, by Norwood 2:30 Pilot, blk g, 1850, by Pilot Jr. (dead) 2:25% Pilot, b g, 1886, by Middletown Jr. Jessie, by David Bonner 2:22% Pilot, (Lee's) gr s, 1887, by Pilot Med- ium Mady L., by Honest Dick 2:12% Pilot Boy, b g, 187, by Kilmore 2:27% Pilot Boy gr g, 1878, by Edward H. Tackey, by Pilot Jr 2:20 Pilot Glaus, blk s, 188, by Santa Glaus 2:26 l / 4 Piloteen, b m, 1892, by Pilot Med- iumMidget, by Orion 2 :28*/> Pilot H., gr g, 1886, by Pilot Medium Gypsy, by Tom Hunter Jr 2:29*/> Pilot Knox, b s, 1875, by Black Pilot Nancy Knox, by Gol. Ellsworth (pacing 2:20%) 2:19% Pilot Lemont, ch s, 1887, by Lemont Mellia Mack, by Deadshot 2:21% Pilot Maid, b m, 1887, by Black Pilot- Alice, by Harry W. Genet.. 2:21% Pilot Middleton, gr s, 1884, by Pilot Medium Topsy*. by Bay Middle- ton 2:26% Pilot Jr., blk s, 1688. by Black Pilot, dam by Constellation 2:21 Piloton, br s, 1878, by Middletown Forest Queen, by Mambrino Pilot. . 2:30 Pilot R., b g, 187, by Black Knight, dam by Grey Wallace 2:21% Pilot R. Jr., b g, 187, pedigree not traced 2:30 Pilot Temple, b s, 1859, by Pilot Jr. Madam Temple (dead) 2:24% Pilot W., gr s, 1884, by Pilot Duroc Kitty Wilson, by Blue Bull 2:24*4, Pilot W., gr g, 1885, by Pilot Medium Maggie 2:24 Pink, ch m, 1882, by Inca Fairy Queen, by Echo 2:23% Pip, blk s, 1890, by Durango Pyro- 120 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. gellic, by Fairy Gift 2:28 Pisgah, br m, 1886, by Jacksonville Rhode Island Etta May, by Char- ley Hammet 2:30 Pitt Kellogg, b e, 1887, by Chester Chief Alice, by Brown's Toronto Chief Jr 2:27% Pittsburg Wilkes, b g, 188, by Wilkesonian 2:16% Pixley, b m, 1885, by Jay Gould- Lotto, by Gen. Washington 2:08% Pixie, ch g, 188, by Black Pilot .... 2:29% Placida, b m, 188, by Swigert 2:30 Piano Boy, b g, 1878, by Panic or Revenge 2:21% Piano Prince, ch s, 188, by Walter V., 2:28% Planter Boy, b. g, 186, by Redbird (dead) Plato, ch g, 1887, by Chance Bell- founder Girl, by Milliman's Bell- founder 2:29*4 Play Boy, ch g, 188, by McCurdy's Hambletonian Maggie 2:18% Play Boy, b g, 1884, by Hainlin's Al- mont Jr. Play Girl, by Mambrino Patchen 2:18% Pleasanton, b s, 188, by Richard's Elector 2:29% Playful, ch m, 1890, by Play Boy, dam by Pluto 2:2694 Pluck, blk g, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) 2:29% Plumed Knight, blk g, 1876, by Mike Logan Betsy Slasher, by Wilehire Horse 2:26% Plush, b m, 1881, by Masterlode Velveteen, by Joe Printer 2:19% Plutone, br s, 1887, by Wilkie Collins Maggie Patchen, by Pluto 2:23% Pluto Wilkes, ch m, 1884, by Wilkie Collins Maggie Patchen, by Pluto.. 2:26% Plutrusse, ch m, 1889, by Pluto Min- nie Bell Jewett, by Duke of Lexing- ton 2:30 Plympton, b s, 1886, by Beaumont- Souvenir, by Harold 2:30 Poco, g m, 188, by Pluto 2:29% Pneumatic, ch s, 1890, by Egmont June Bug, by Wineman's Logan.. 2:29% Pocahontas, b m, 1859, by Ethan Al- len Pocahontas, by Iron's Cadmus 2:26% Pocahontas Prince, blk s, 1884, by Pooahontnb Boy Faro Queen (pac- ing 2:19%) 2:20% Poco ^.ernpo, ro s, 1883, by Happy Medium Bonny Belle, by Almont . . 2:23% Poem, b s,, 1885,by Gen Washington Sonnet, by Jay Gould 2:13% Podgis Stanton b s, 188, by Gen. Stanton ' 2:23% Point Breeze, b g, 185, pedigree not traced (dead) 2:28% Pointer, ch s, 1883, by Pancoast Midge, by Belmont (dead) 2:26% Polka Dot, ch m, 1877, by Pocahontas Boy Itushviile Maid, by Blue Bull 2:28 Polk Laffoon, b g, 1883, by Principe- Rep ton Belle, by Marabout 2:21% Polly, ch m, 188 by Oakland Boy . . 2:29 Polly B., br m, 1873, by Toronto Ab- dallah Fanny Green, by Montauk 2:28% Polly Nelson, gr m, 1886, by Nelson- Lena Boone, by Daniel Boone 2:30 Polly Stanton, ch m, 1887, by Gen. Stanton Girl of the Period, by Pel- ham Tartar 2:23% Pomona, b s, 1885, by Electioneer Pearl, by George Lancaster . Pomona, ch m, 1886, by Hambrino Fashion, by Curtis' Hambletonian Pomp, b g, 188 by Gen. Lee, dam by Royal Tanner Pompey, ch g, 186, pedigree not traced Ponce de Leon, blk s, 1887, by Pan- coast Elvira, by Cuyler Pond Lily, b m, 187, by George M Patchen Jr Poneto, ch s, 188, by Strathmore Lotah, by Haw Patch Pontiac Chief, ch s, 1886, by Golden Bow Lowry Pontoon, ch s, 1888, by Patronage- Dolly Brighton, by Tramp .... Pohtoosuc, dn s, 1880, by Ambassa- dorLady Hamilton, by Flying Hia- toga . . Porcellain, b s, 1888, by Alcantara lima, by Smuggler Portia, ch m, 1875, by Startle Lady Pettee, by Pettee's son of Toronto Chief Portugue Printz, blk s, 1881, by'l.' ii! Singer Portugue, by Old Joe Poscora Hayward, gr s, 1874, by Billy Hayward Poscora Maid, by Leon- ard's Poscora Poser, b g, 188, by Pure Gold- Polly, by Shaefer Pony Position, b m, 1888, by Acolyte- Santa Glaus, by Magic Poseell, br g, 1887, by Land Pilot Topsy, by Virginia Ben Post Boy, ch s, 1872, by Magic Ned (dead) Potens, ch g, 188, pedigree' not traced Poughkeepsie, br g, 1884, by Stock- holm Powers, br g, 1869, by Volunteer- Jenny, by Seely's American Star . . Praetor, ch s, 1872, by Messenger Duroc, dam by Vandal Prairie Belle, b m, 188, by Gen. Stanton, dam by Phil Sheridan .... Prairie Boy, b s, 188, by Lucas Brodhead Prairie Chief, br s. 1882, by Rural Chief Nicey, by Rifleman Prairie King, b s, 1877, by Chester Clhief Jenny Clay, 'by Houston's Harry Clay Prairie Star, b s, 1880, by Johnny Hawkins Lightning Bug, by Satel- lite Pratt, br g, 186, by Strideaway (dead) Praytell, b m, 1892, by Axtell Jane Look, by Look Precieuse, b m, 1891, by Stamboula Devotee, by Pancoast Precocious, b m, 1886, by Almont Rattler Pavonia, by Peacock Predicate, b s. 188, by Princeps Arlena, by Baird's Hambletonian Prince Prelude, br m, 1887, by Billy Wilkes Miss Nettie, by Mambrino Gift . . Prelude, b m, 1887, by Onward- Laura S., by Almont Prelude, b m 1888, by Robert Mc- Gregor Normls, by John Bnrdine Premier, b s, 1884, by Hambrino Belle, by Alcade Prescctt, b g, 1889, by Primiiont, dam 2:28% 2:25 2:30 2:29 2:13 2:29% 2:25% 2:16% 2:30 2:29% 2:23% 2:29% 2:29% 2:23V 2 2:26% 2:22% 2:16% 2:23 2:18% 2:29% 2:21 2:23% 2:28 2:27 2:23% 2:27 2:28 2:29% 2:25 2:29 2:23% 2:25% 2:28% 2:29 2:29% JOHN E. TUENER. AMBLER, PA, (THE GENERAL.) ' Give me races and few records, as I want the money and have no craving for honors." has been the motto of John E. Turner through life. i C. THOMPSON. INDEPENDENCE. IOWA. One of the cleverest of Westorn drivers. He brought out Manager 2 :06% and Keno F. 2 :17. THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 121 bj Phil Sheridan '2 :l7 Prescott, ch g, 1882, by Knox A u- netta, by Messenger Duroc '2:'21\-> Present, b g, 1882, by Young Rolfe, dam by Whalebone Knox 2:23% Presquile, b s, 1889, by Norfolk, dam by Mambrino King 2:29% Presto, b s, 1887, by Gen. Washing- ton Gilda, by Jay Gould (dead) ... 2:19y 2 Preston, du g, 186, by George Wash- ington (dead) 2:28% Preston, b s, 1888, by Wilkes Boy Katherine, by Shelby Chief 2:27% Preston Wilkes, blk g, 1876, by Wilkes Spirit Glencoe Maid 2:29y 3 Pretty Belie, b m, 1884, by Messen- ger Chief Sorrel Belle, by Bay Dick (dead) 2:22% Pretty Boy, br s, 1880, by Mambrino Patehen Dixie, by Mokhladi 2:29% Pricemont, b s, 1885, by Altamont Belle Price, by Doble 2:26 Pride, b m, 1888, by Aquarius Aggie G., by Trauipaway 2:18 Pride of Idaho, br s. 1884, by Har- perBrown Jug, by Green's Bashaw 2:29% Prime, br m, 1888, by Primo Dolly Smith, by Fisk's Mambrino Chief Jr. 2:21% Primmont, b s, 1884, by Belmont Electric, by Princeps 2:21% Primrose, b s, 188, by Melrose May Day 2:29% Primus, ch g, 1888, by Wilkie Russell 2:29 Prince, blk g, ' 1885, by Appleby Ann M., by Nimrod Tom 2:18% Prince b g, 1882, by Swanbrough's Hambletonian Prince Kate 2:26% Prince, b g, 1846, by Long Island Black Hawk (dead) 2:24% Prince, ch g, 1860, by Jupiter Abdal- lah Van Wyek Mare (dead) 2:27 Prince, b g, 188, pedigree not traced. 2:28% Prince, ro g, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) 2:27% Prince, b g, 1875 by Baird's Hamble- tonian Prince Baird, by Superb 2:23 Prince, blk ven Ea Prince, b g, 188, by Waxford 2: Prince, ch g, 1882, by Lysander Harry's Daughter, by Harry Clay Jr. 2:20% Prince, b s, 188, by Beaufort, dam by Black Ralph 2:27% Prince, b g, 188, pedigree not traced 2:30 Prince, blk g, 188, by Belmont Prince 2:30 Prince A., b g, 1886, by Swanbrough's Hambletonian Prince 2:26% Prince A., br g, 1880, by Major Miller Jenny 2 :22% Prince A., b g, 1884, by Backman's Idol, dam by Orange Duroc 2:19% Prince A. G., ch s, 1887, by Princep- ter Byron Girl, by Byron 2:29% Prince Albert, b g, 1888, by Hamilton 2:28% Prince Albert, b g, 1882, ' by Golden Bow, dam by Western Fearnaught. . 2:25% Prince Albert, b s, 1885, by Strath- more Patchienie, by Mambrino Patehen 2:26 Prince Allen, ch s, 1859, by Honest Allen, dam by Green Mountain Eagle (dead) 2:26% Prince Allen, b g, 1865, by Vick's Ethan Allen Jenny Lind (dead) 2:27 Prince Allerton, b s, 1891, by Allerton 2:28% , per ce, blk g, 187, by Royal Re- ngeLady, by McKerson's Grey gle Prince Almont, gr g, 1885, by Ham- lin's Almont Jr ". 2:27 Pilnce Arthur, b g, 1873, by Volun- teer 2-29 Prince Arthur, b g, 187, by Western Fearnaught 2:18 Prince Axtell, b s, 1891, by Axtell Athmaid, by Athlete 2:28% Prince B., ch g, 188, by Senator 2:26'/ 4 Prince B., b g, 1880, by Brilliant- Maud, by son of George M. Patohen Jr Q -24% Prince Belmont, b s, 1886, by Prin- cipeJenny Belle, by Belmont 2:29% Prince Boy, b g, 1883, by Black Tom. Bay Nell, by Clarion Chief 2:27% Prince Brino, ch s, 1884, by Mambrino Barker Polly Hopkins, by Mam- brino Star 2:29% Prince Daniels, b g, 1887, by Dexter Prince, dam by Joe Daniels , . 2:22/ Prince Dexter, blk g, 1887, by Dexter Prince Cole Mare, by Western. Boy 2:19 Prince Dudley, b s, 1887. by Princeps Belle Dudley, by Belmont (dead).. 2:29% Prince Eddy, b s, 188, by Jerome Eddy 2-29% Prince Edsall blk s, 1888, by Prince- tonLady Edsall, by Westwood. . , . 2:18% Prince Edward, b s, 188, by King Rene Smyrna, by Japhet 2:20 Prince Egbert, .b s, 1886, by Egbert- Ella, by Clark Chief. ...... .f 2:28% Prince Eugene, b s, 1887, by Bayonne Prince Dolly Star, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian ^ . 2 '27% Prince Eugene, b g, 1884, by Bourbon Wilkes, dam by Edwin Forrest Jr.. 2-28%' Prince Fearnaught, blk s, by Fear- naught Jr., dam by Col King 2:23% Prince G., b g, 188 pedigree not traced 2:28 Prince Gould 2 24 1 4 Prince H., b g, 1885. by Haw Patch- Mag, by Tom Hunter 2:17% Prince H., b g, 188, by Marsh Young Bird 2-29 Prince H., b g, 188-, by Sweepstakes 2:26% Prince Harbinger, b g, 188 by Har- binger, dam by Von Moltke 2-30 Prince Henry, blk g, 1883, by Lothair Chief Maestro, by Rifleman 2-23% Prince Herschel, b e, 1889, by Her- schel Hibernia, by Princeps 2-13 Prince Hogarth, blk s, 1885, by Ken- tucky Prince Hattie Hogan, by Harry Clay. . 2-27% Prince Imperial, b> s, 1879, by Gen. Stanton Dolly, by Prince of Wales. 2:27% Prince Karl, b s, 1886, by Command- erKatie, by Regalia. .' 2:26% Prince Karl, gr s, 1888, by Gambetta Wilkes Lady Haseltine, by Mam- brino Startle " . 2:30 Prince L., b s, 1882, by Bourbon Wilkes Daisy Monroe, by Monroe Chief 2-21% Prince Lavalard, gr s, 188, by Lava- lard Young Daisy, by Strideaway. .. 2:29% Piimce M., b g, 1884, by Lucas Brod- head, dam by Coldwater Chief 2:16% Prince M. b g, 1884, by Swan- brough's Hambletonian Prince. .... 2:29>4 Prince McMahon, blk g, 1883, by Mc- Mahon 2'21 j Prince Medium, br s, 1882, by Happy Medium Pensora, by Strader's Cas- sius M. Clay Jr 2:26 122 THE 2:30 TROTTERS Prince Medium, b s, 1886, by Paris Medium Lady Patchen, by Bully King ............................. Prince Middleton, b g, 1877, by Kay MMdleton Crosley, by Prince Charles 2d ....................... Prince Miller, br s, 1887, by Maj. Miller Starine, by Deucalion ...... Prince N., b g, 188. by Princeton... PrincenJo, br g, 1890, by Princeps Olympia, by Oxniooc rince Ner Prince Nero Prince Nutwood, b s, 1885, by Nut- wood Empress, by Draco ......... Princlonia, b m, 188, by Prince Edward .......................... Princeppa Belmont, b in, 1890, by Belmont Hesione, by Princeps ..... Prince R., b g, 188 ................. Prince Regent, ch s, 1885, by Mam- brino King Estabella, by Alcantara (dead)..... ..................... Prince S., b g, 1885, by Volunteer Swi- gert Kit, by Gray Eagle (Blind Eagle ....................... ..... Prince S., br g, 188, by ^oinping Prince .......................... Prince S., br g ...................... Princeps Jr., Elk s, 188, by Priuceps Princess, blk m, 1870, by Dictator- Flora ............................ Princess, b m, 1846, by Andrus' Ham- bletonian feaiah ^\ilcox Mare, by Burdick's Engineer (dead) ......... Princess, b in, 188. by Black Morgan Princess, gr m, 1888, by Woolsey Oakland Maid, by Speculation ---- Princess, b m, 1881, by Baird's Ham- bletonian Prince Kitty B., by Ed- ward Everett ...................... Princess, b m, 1878, by Hemlock- Queen of Trumps, by Continental.. Princess, ch m, 1875, by Tramp Barnford Mare, by Green's Bashaw Princess, ch m, 1878, by Masterlode Kate Hunter, by Pierce Horse... Princess Belle, br m, 1890, by Bell Koy Musetta, by King Rene ...... Princess Clara, b m, 1892, by Prince George Reality, by Princeps ...... Princess Eboli, ch m, 1889, by Don Carlos Lizzie Thomas, by Wedge- wood ................................ Princess M., ch m. 188, by Merri- worth, dam by Ethan Allen ...... Princess M., b m, 187, pedigree not Princess Maid, b in. 1890, by Dresden Trice Maid Kighter, by Victor Bis- marck ............................... I-riiice Kene. 1) n. 3889, by King Rene -Amy ....... ....... .... ...... . ...... Princess Orlotr, b in. 1887, by Prince Oiioff Lucy, by Frank Pierce Jr.. Princes.; K<>v;il. br m, 1890, by Chimes Estabella, by Alcantara ......... Princeton, b g. 5876. by Honest Abe Lady Johnson, by Tornado ...... Princeton, br s, 1881. by Princeps Reina Victovua, by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian ............................ Princeton, b g, 3889. by Alcazar Echo Belle, by Echo ............. Prince T.. ch s. 188, by George o. Boscabel ........................... Princeton Boy. ch g, 18ft. by Ver- mont Hero (dead) ................ Prince AVilkes. ch g. 1*^1. by Rod 2:29^ 2:20V 2:20% 2:30 2:30 2:29V4 2:26 2:28*4 2:30 2:28 2:16V2 2:20V4 2:22Vi 2:25U 2:26V4 2:29 2:30 2:28 2 :19% 2:27y a 2:30 2:29/ 2 2:29^ 2:24% 2:26'^ 2:24y 2 2:26"V4 2:30 2:22V4 2:23% 2:291/4 2:20 2:27 2:19% 2:29% Wilkes Rose Chief, by Brown Chief 2-14%. Prince Wilkes, b g, 1887, by Red Wilkes 2-20W Princewood, b g, 188, by Lakewood Prince 2:21U Princewood, blk s, 1888, by Princeps Jet, by Raveuswood 2:18}4 Princewood, blk g, 1889, by Dexter Prince Hattie B., by Hawthorn^, (dead) 2:16 Principe, b e, 1880, by Princepe Nan- nie Dixon, by Velox 2:24V-s Prlnsondan, ch s, 1888, by Man> britonian Ellen M., by Baird's Ham- bletonian Prince 2:20 1 /. Prior, b s, 1888, by Primmont Emma Clay, by American Clay 2:20V, Priscilla, blk m, 1888, by William Rysdyk Jessie Downs, by Holmes' Wandering Jew 2 :29< i Pritchard, ch g, 187, pedigree not traced , 2:24/i Private Joe, ch g, 188 , by Golddust Lambert 2:29 ft Prize, b s, 1882, by Piloteer Glasseye 2:22% Problem, b g, 1881, by Kentucky Prince Mary A., by Messenger Du- roc * 2:18 Procrastination, br s, 1884, by Chal- lengerBelle, by Woodford Abdallah 2:29V t Proctor, b g, 186, by Harris' Mam- brino Chief Jr. (dead) 2:23 Proetor W., b s, 1889, by Jim Wilkes Alice Hook, by Goldsmith Star. . 2:26y a Prodigal, b s, 1886, by Pancoast Beatrice, by Cuyler 2:16 Proem, b m, 1884, by Dictator Lady Holloway, by Hollo way's Denmark 2:28(4 Professor, b g, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) 2:27% Prohibit, br s, 1885, by Woodford Pilot Van, by Baker's Hambleton- ian 2:25i/j Prohibition, b s, 1885, by Petoskey Lulu Parrish, by Alrnoore 2:27V t Promoter, b s. 1888, by Acolyte Mu- sette, by Ohio Volunteer 2:19 Prose, b s, 1888, by Gen. Washington Sonnet, by Jay Gould 2 :27^4 Prospect, br s, 1886, by Reno Defiance, dam by Sir Den ton 2:18% Prospect, ch s, 1886, by Dominion- Penelope, by Album 2 :27 Vi Prospect Maid, br m, 1874, by George Wilkes Xeilsson, by Mambriuo Pi- lot ' 2:23V4 Prospect Simmons, ch g, 1890, by Sim- monsMaud A., by Almont Hoy 2:23% Prosperity, blk s, 1887, by Lelnnd-- Integrity, by Belmont -' :'2',\ Prosper Merimee, b s. 1x77. by Fritz Anticipation, by Clav Pilot Prospero, blk g, 1869, by Messenger Duroc Green Mountain Maid, by Harry Clay (dead) 2:20 Prosperous, b s. 1XX7. by Vucher Ida Oharta. by Masma Chartsv 2:29-% Protection, b g. 1x80, by Ernest Molly, by Gray Eaglo . ..' 2:19% Protien, b in. 1888, by Glenwold Portia, by Startle ....' 2:15Va Proteine, br m, 1871, by Blackwood Sally Chorister, by Mambrino Chor- ister ' (dead) '. 2:18 Proth. 1) in. . by Onward Lady Allen 2:29% P. R. T.. br g. 188 2:2Sy, Prue, b m, 1889, by Pure Wilkes THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 123 Lilly day, by Kensington 2:21% Psyche, ch m, 1888, by Declaration- Bessie Clay, by Strader's Cassuis M. day Jr 2:24% Psyche, dh m, 1889, by Wilkes Gold- dust Beauty, by Lowell's Gold- dust 2:15^4 Puck, blk g, 188 by Taooma Har- mony, by Middletown 2:17} 4 Puella, b in, 1887, by Post Boy Ella, by <3ripple .' 2:29 | Puella, ch m, 1878, by Harold Mary Bell, by Belmont 2:20 ! Punchellino, br g, 1887, by Kentucky Prince, dam by Sweepstakes 2:28 Pure Wilkes, b s, 1886, by Red Wilkes Purity, by BrignoU 2 :17% Puritan, b g, 1886, by Steele Har- mony, by Smuggler 2: IS 1 /* Puritan, h" g, 1878, by Champion D:-ew Belie Knox, by Gilbreth Knox 2:30 Puritan, blk g, 1889, by Sable Wilkes Jane E. by Milliinan's Bellfounder. 2:29% Purity, oh m, 1864. by Blue Bull Susan Loder, by Daniel Boone 2:30 Purity, br m, 1884, by Royal Almont Kate 2:28 Purity Wilkes, b m, 1887, by King Wilkes Purity, by Middletown 2:15% Puzzle, br s, 188'9, by Phallas Lizzie W., by Swigert 2:30 Pygmalion, b s, 188, by Jay Gould.. 2:25% Pythias, ch s, 1883, by" King Rene Romona, by Harold 2:2894 Qu Allan, b s, 188, by Champion Medium 2:20 Quaker Boy, b s, 1888, by Ohio Knick- erbocker Lady B., by Bayard 2:24 Quaker Boy, b g, 185, pedigree not traced (dead) 2:28% Quaker Boy, eh g, 1887, by Cashier Miimehaha, by Star of the West ... 2:30 Quaker Girl, br m, 1870, by Hail- storm^-Fanny H., by Independence. . 2:30 Quality, b m,' 1889, by Electioneer- McCa, by Almont 2 :25 ! /2 Quarryville Boy, br g, 188, by Mes- senger Chief, dam by Red Wilkes.. 2:26 Quarter-main, b s, 1888, by Quarter- master Patcheu Maid, by Marn- brino Patchen 2 :27% Quartermardh, b e, 188, by Quarter- master, dam by Sir Walter 2:19 14 Quarterniam, b s, 1888, by Quarter- master Patcheu Maid, by Mani- brino Patohen 2 :27% Quartermaster, br s, 1883, by Alcyone Qui Vive, by Sentinel 2 :21l 4 Quarteretretch, br s, 1888, by Quarter- masterLady Schofield, by Tippoo Saib * 2:15 Quartette, b g, 1880, by Richwood Coronet, by Almont 2:22% Quay, b s, 1887, by Beaumont Nelly Green, by Billy Green 2:28 l /a Queechee Maid, br m, 186, by Bal- lard's Cassius M. Clay, dam bv Morse Horse .". 2:25 Queechy, b s, 1886, by Alcyone Myra B., by Joe Brown 2:14V4 Queen, b m, 188, by Nelson, dam by Old Abe 2:19% Queen Alfred, b m, 1891, by Alfred G. Alls Star, by Jay Bird '. 2:lS'/4 Queen Allah, ch m, 1891, by Almon- arch Flit, by Leader Jr 2:21Vi Oueen Almo-nt, b m, 188 , bv King Almont 2:27% Queen Ann, b m, 188, by State of Maine 2:28 Queen Anne, gr m, 1885, by Totoway Queen 2:25 Queen Anne, dh in, 1885, by Alcantara Princess 2:30 Queen day, br m, 1886, by King Clay Irene, by Dusty Miller 2:28 Queen Esther, b m s 1888, by Viking- Ada W., by Gideon 2:29% Queen Fearnaught, b m, 1886, by Al- cantara Modjeska, by Royal Fear- naught 2:25% Queen H., b m, 1889, by Hanover, dam by Atlantic 2:29% Queen Garrett, b m, 1891, by Garrett. 2:30 Queen Mab, gr m, 1877, by Daniel Lambert " 2:29^4 Queen Mab, b m, 188 2:24% Queen Mark, b m. 1889, by Victor Bismarck Big Six, by Hambrino. . . 2:27 Queen Nutwood, b m, 1889, by King Nutwood Mattie Windsor, by Wind- sor 2 :27Vi Queen of Cedars b m, 1889, by Epau- letPrincess Medium, by Happy Medium 2 20% Queen of Scotts, ch m, 1889, by Scott Chief Minnie Wilson, by Spring- field 2 :28 Queen, of tihe West, gr m, 1860, by Pilot Jr., Nelly, by Young Turk (dead) 2:26V4 Queen of Upland, b m, 1887, by Epaulet Audacity, by Happy Med- ium 2:22Vi Queen Susie, b m, 1889, by King Wilkes Vinette, by Belmont 2:29% Queensware, blk m, 1888, by Wedge- woodElvira, by Cuyler 2:25 Queen T., b m, 1885, by Monitor- Katie Belle, by Peacemaker Jr 2:26'/4 Queen Tempo, gr m, 1890, by Poco Tempo Jenny A., by Lepanto 2:28V4 Queen Wilkes, 'blk m, 1879. by George Wilkes Lady Ethan, bv Ethan Allen 2:23% Queen Wilkes, br m, lfi86. by Jay Bird Jessica, by George Wilkes 2:26'/> Quickstep b in, 1889, by Pilot Med- ium Tnxey, by Louis' Napoleon... 2:27 Quilisine, b g, 188, by Judge Bald- win 2:22% Quilp. b s, 188, by Boston Wilkes.. 2:27% Quinine S., b s, 1884, by Abdallh Mambrino Ella Hopkins, by Octo- roon 2:28% Quiver, b g, 188, by Indus 2:29% Quiz, b m, 1890, by Wilklemont Corida, by Bono. Fide 2:231/4 Rabb Wilkes, b s, 1889, by Memento Wilkes Golden Rule, by Golden Bow 2:26 Rabe, ch g, 1883. by Strader Susie, by Green's Bashaw 2 :24 Rachel, br m, 187, by Woodford Mambrino Princess Ann, by Alex- ander's Abdallah '. 2:26% Rachel, ch m, 1891, by Warlock 2:25V 4 Rachel B., b m. 1884, by Chester Chief Mattie H. by Deucalion 2:18Vi Rachel B., blk m. 1876. by Allie West Molly, by Williams' Mambrino.... 2:28% Racer, b g, 1888, by Reveille Nanny Talbot, by Strathmore 2:19 ! /4 Racine, gr g, 1886, by Pilot Medium, dam by Mamb-ino Bruce 2:14 Racine, b a. 1884, by Swigert Lady Belle, by Richard's Bellfoainder 2:30 Rjicket, br g, 1883, by Cylburn Meta, 124 THE 2:30 TROTTERS bj Mambrino Pilot Radius, g g, 188, by Tangent Bag Baby, b g, 188, by Hambie- toniaix Downing Rainbow, b s, 1891, by Silver Bow, dam by Reliance Rajah, br s, 1883, by Sultan Kitty Wilkes, by George Wilkes Ralph Vfalkes, ch s, 1889, by _.__ Wilkes Mary Mays, by Mambriuo Patchen Red Ramon, b g Remona, blk m, 188, by Elevator . . . Ramona, br m, 1886, by Pilot Wilkeo Neat, by New York Ramona. b m, 1886, by Alcyoue Rachel, by Woodford Mambrino Ramona, b m, 1884, by Coftlaud Wilkes Wingate, by Blackwood. . . . Ramona, br m, 1888, by Whitney- Empress, by Kensett Ramoiia Wilkes, b m, 1886, by Brown Wilkes Lady Whitelaw, by Mam- brino Clay . .' R&mpart Jr., b s, 188, by Rampart, dam by Constellation Ranchero, ch s, 1877, by Clark Chief Jr. Mary Eagle, by American Clay. B-andall, dh g, 186, by Chauncey Goodrich (dead) Range/, b g, 1886, by Nil Desperan- dum Eugenia, by Thorndale Range- H., br g, 1886, by Typhoon- Fan, by Richmond Boy Raola, br m, 1889, by Greenlander Brilliant, by Electioneer Rapid Ann, sp m, 187 pedigree not traced Rapid Transit, b g, 1889, b y Auto- graphMiss McGree, by "C. W. Mitchell Rapid Transit, b s, 1889, by Onward Monette, by Bonnie Bay Rare Ben, b s, 1885, by Ben Franklin Dolly Spooner, by Holadird's Ethan Allen Ra;-e John, blk g, 1889, by Rare Ben, dam by Wheeler Horse Rarely, gr g, 1875, by Ericsson, Miss Weeks, by Joe Downing Rare Ripe, b g, 1877, by Autocrat- Turner Mare Rarus, b g, 1867, by Conklin's Ab- dallah Nancy Awful, by Telegraph (dead) Rashleigh, ch s, 1887, by Inglewood Pat Rattle Bones, b g, 1885, by Sterling- May D., by Joe David Rattler, ro s, 188, pedigree not traced Rattler (Rowley's), ch s, 1877, by Allard Horse Raven, blk s, 1883, by Ogden's Ham- bletonian Mambrino Melissa, by Ouyler Raven, blk s, 1886, by Cyclone Kate Westwood, by Westwood Raven, blk m, 1884, by Alinont Raven Queen Raven Boy, blk s, 1888, by Mam- brino Duke Polly, by Ajax Jr Raven Sprague, blk g, 1883, by Rounds' Sprague Betsy King, by Menelaus Jr Raven Wilkes, blk s, 188, by Lyle Wilkes Raven Wilkes, blk s, 1888, by Guy Wilfces Lady Maud, by Rockwood. . 2:30 2:28& 2:22^ 2:24% 2:29V4 2:06% 2:23 2:29% 2:26^ 2:16 2:281,4 2:16% 2:27',4 2:24i/ a 2:23^ 2:27 2:281/4 2:30 2:lSVi 2:26 2:18'/ a 2:24'^ 2:19V4 2:131/4 2:28V 4 2:28 2:30 2:25'/4 2:26% 2:29% 2:27% 2:2994 2:29!/ 2 2:151/2 Ray, b g, 188, by Epicure Ray C.,l> g, 188, by Antar . Kay T^v Id> m v lh75 ' b y Ja Emeline, by Henry B. Patches Ray Jackson, b s, 1883, by Whirlwind Chief Lady Austin, by Envoy . , Raymon, b s, 1885, by Simmons Lady Raymond, by Carlisle Raymond, b s, 188, by Rex Patchen. Raymond Wilkes, ch s, 1888, by Ray- mondKitty Clover, by Captain.... Rayometta, b m, 188, by Anteeo Debonair-e Razor B., b g, 187, by Robert Whaley R.. B., b {* 1877, by Wood's Hamble- tonian^Fanny S., by Watkius Horse R. C., ch g, 188, by Black Bonner. . R. D. F., b g, 1884, by Aristos Em- press, by Bay Lester Readington Prince, b s, 1886, by Bayonne Prince Belle Medium, by Happy Medium Ready Boy, gr s, 1884, by Arnold Pearly Rothschild, by Rothscihild. . . Reality, b m, 1881, by Reliance- Ernestine, by Mambrino Rattler.... Reality ch s, 1885, by Pretender- Etta Mambrino, by Henry Mam- brino Realization, b s, 1884, by Great Hopes Speedy Fanny, by Black's Ham- bletonian Reaume, br g, 188, by Chandler Rebel Medium, gr s, 1885, by Happy Medium Bonny Belle, by Alinout. .. Reciprocity, b s, 188, by Strait's Superior Rectitude, b s, 1884, by King Rene Virgie Wilkes, by George Wilkes. . Redalia, b m, 1890, by Red Wiikes Ethel, by Commodore Belmunt. . . Red Baron, br s, 1887, by Baron Wilkes Lady Wilkes, by Red Wilkes Red Belle, ch m, 188, by Red Cloud Red Bells, ch s, 188 by Red- mond C Red Bird, ch m, 1883, by Weisbaden Bay Red Bird, b g, 1851, by Red Bird (dead) Red Bird, b g, 1875, by Chenery's Gray Eagle Dolly Red Bird, ch m, 1890, by Red Fern Laura, by McCurdy's Hamble- tonian Red Brook, b s, 1886, by Meadow Brook Fanny, by Col Hambrick (dead) '. Red Buck, br g, 1879, by Dr. Herr Rhoda Red Buck, by Red Buck. . Red Bud, ch s, 1891, by Red Fern, dam by Brown Dick Jr Red Cedar, ch g, 1887, by McCurdys Hambletonian Red Cherry, b m, 1889, by Red Wilkes Madam Herr, by Mambriuo Patchen Red Cloud, b g, 1860, by Legal Ten- der (dead) Red Clover, b s, 1886, by Principe- Maria, by Marabout Red Cross, b g, 186, by Night Hawk (dead) Red Cross, ch s, 1873, by Brigand- Fanny, by Dole's Young Magna Charta 2:29 2:29^ 2:27', ,* 2:26 2:27 2:25 2:28k 2:21i 4 2:22^ 2:19V4 2:26 2:26-% 2:29$ 2:23V4 2:26% 2:28 2:29 2:29 2:25^4 2:30 2:2714 2:17 2:22 2:29^4 2:14y 2 2:28% 2:22^ 2:18 2:26% 2:26% 2:2U/ 2 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Red Davis, ch g, 188 2:24*4 Bed Dick, ch g, 1866, by Gen. Mor- ganSally, by Hiatoga (Old Togue) (dead) 2:28 Reddie Clay, b m, 1892, by Red Wilkes Jennie Clay, by Harry Clay 2:28*4 Red Duke, ch s, 1882, by Duke of Brunswick Whirlcloud, by Jay Gould 2:30 j Reddy, b s, 1890, by Prairie Star lone, by Wapsie 2:29% j Red Express, b s, 1892, by Right On- ward 2:22% i Red Fern, ch s, 1885, by McOnrdy's Hambletonian Fernvale, by Enfleld 2:27% j Red Flame, ch g, 188, by Bed Buck dam by Davy Crockett 2:25*4 ! Red Flame Jr., ch s, 188, by Red Flame, dam by Blue Bull 2:24y 4 ! Red Girl, b m, 188 by Red Wilkes 2:23% Bed Hawk, b s, 1884, by Red Wilkes -Judy, by Plato 2:28%' Red Heart, b s, 1889, by Red Wilkes Sweetheart, by Sultan 2:19 i Red Hot, ch s, 1888 ,by Red Wilkes Clayola, by Strader's Cassius M. Clay Jr 2:26*4 Red Ink, ch g, 1889, by Col. Lillard Nelly Smith, by Almont Pilot 2:22*4 Red Knight, ch s, 1886, by Sir Knight Lady Hatch, by Gen. Hatch 2 :2 I Red Lake, b s, 1890, by Red King, dam by Sweepstakes 2:24% i Red Lambert, b s, 1886, by Red W T ilkes Lady Lambert, by Daniel Lambert 2-28%! Red Lassie, b m, 1886, by Red Wilkes Lady Willis, by Squire Talmage.. 2:20 Red Leaf, b s, 1889, by C. F. Clay- Lady Heart, by Red Wilkes 2:28 ! Red Leaf, b s. 1887, by Reveille Maple Leaf, by New York 2:29*4 Red Light, b g, 1883, by Signal 2:27*4 l Red Line, b s, 1886, by Red Wilkes Molly Bawn, by Smuggler 2:15 I Red Line, b g, 187, pedigree not traced 2:25*4 i Red Line, ch g, 188, by Hidalgo 2:24%i Red Line, b g, 188, by Bourbon Wilkes 2-27 Red Mack, ch s, 1886, by Red Wilkes Lizzie, by Harrodsburg Boy 2:27%! Bed Mark, b s, 1888. by Victor Bis- marckLucille Miller, by Miller's Hambletonian 2-26%! Redmont, b s, 1884, by Atlantic Red- bird, by Blue Bull 2:21 Red Nutwood, ch s, 1885, by Nut- woodBessie, by temptation 2:27% Red Oak, b g, 187 pedigree not traced 2-28*4' Red Oak. b s, 1890. by Redwood- Vic- tress, by Victor Patchen 2:21 Red of Waranoke, b s, 1890, by Hor- nell Wilkes Fifine, by Aberdeen... 2 -22% Redondo, b s, 1888, by Stamboul Dido, by Scott's Hiatoga 2 '23 ' Red Queen, b in. 1886, by Red Wilkes Arnica by Almont 2 -27% Red Rover, ch s, 1886, by Bourbon Wilkes Mary Turner, by Westwood 2:28% Red Shnwmwt, b s, 1889, by Shawmut Kate Mitchell, by Red Wilkes.. 2:25% Red Star, b s, 1887, by Red Wilkes Fanny Clay, by Union Olav 2:23 Redstone, b s, 1886, by Red Wilkes Kate M., by Prince Albert 2:26% Red Tom, ch g, 188, 2:27% Redwald, b e, 1885, by Lord Bus- sell Primrose, by Alexander's Ab- dallah Red Wedge, b s, 1889, by Red Wilkes TJ1 va, by Wedge wood Redweed, ch g, 1888, by John O'Rourke Fanny, by Dr. Syntax 2:29Uj Red Wilkes (Kitchel's), b s, 1889, by Red Wilkes Mambrino June, by Mambrino Patchen 2:19*4 Red Wilton, b s, 188, by Wilton... 2:29^ Red Wing, b s, 1885, by Red Wilkes Elenora, by American Clay 2:29'4 Red Wing Maid, b m, 188, by a son of Gen. Knox 2:29*4 Redwood, b s, 1885, by Anteeo Lo Milton, by Milton Medium Redwood, ch e, 1880, by Nutwood- Alice R., by Naubuc 8:27 Redwood Wilkes, ch s, 1886. by France's Allie Wilkes Jenny Bed- wood, by Redwood 2:28*4 Reed Wilkes, b s, 1889, by Red Wilkes Nelly Crow, by Mambrino Eagle. . 2:25*4 Re-Elect, b s, 1886, by Elect Lizzie, by Nephew 2:28 Re-Election, gr s, 1888, by Electioneer Lady Russell, by Harold 2:27*4 Reference, br g, 1881, by Referee Modjeska, by Enfleld 2:18 Regal Wilkes, b s, 1887, by Guy Wilkes Margaret, by Sultan 2:11% Regie, b s, 188, by King Rene Cay, by Ward's Flying Cloud 2:26*4 Regina, br m, 1880, by Electioneer Accident, by Elmo 2:18% Reginald, b s, 1887, by Mambrino Dix Dot, by Mambrino Jet 2:30 Regret, ch m, 188, by Lord Welling- ton 2:15*4 Regmont, b m, 1887, by Tremont Dolly D., by Regulator 2:29*4 Rego, blk s, 188, by Duraugo, dam by Regalia 2:23 Regulator, ch g, 1881, by Rooker Jet 2:27% Reina, blk m, 1885, by St. Arnaud Mabel L., by Victor 2:1214 Reina B., b m, 1884, by Abdallah Mam- brino-Jane, by Frank Wolford 2:28% Beindeer, blk g, 1848, pedigree not traced (dead) .2:29 Reita U., b m, 1890, by Senator Up- degraff Molly TL, by Almont Pilot. 2:25% Reliance, b s, 1874, by Alexander- Maud, by Mambrino Rattler 2:22% Remsen, b s, 1885, by Mansfield Vel- vet, by Volunteer 2:24*4 Rena, b m, 1883, by Alhambra Helen De Long 2:26*4 Rena, ch m, 1884, by Ralston Bally, by Bashaw Drury 2:25 Rena N., gr m, 1886, bv Hamdallah Nelly Gray, by De Graff's Alexan- der 2 :22 Rena Rolfe, b m, 1888, by Revenue- Daisy Rolfe. by Blackwood Jr. ... 2:19% Rene, b s, 1880, by King Rene Effie, by Regular 2:26 Renie Silver, br s, 1886. by King Rene Mary Blackwood, by Black- wood Jr 2:24*4 Renne, gr m, 188. by King Rene 2:29*4 Reno, b g, 1887, by Boniface Crazy Jane, by Crazy Jack 2:23% Reno, ch s, 188, by Captain 2:27 Reno Defiance, br s, 1877. by Louie Napoleon Mambrino Princess, by 126 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. * Fisk's Mambriuo Chief Jr 2:29% Reno's Baby, br s, 1887, by Reno De- fianceLucy Q., by McKinney Horse 2:25% Kensselaer Wilkes, b s, 1889, by Al- cantara Nena, by Nutwood 2:18% Repetition, b s, 1885, by Red Wilkes Nannie Dillard, by John Dtllard. . 2:19% Repetition Jr., b e, 188, by Repeti- tion 2:26 Reporter, ch g, 188, by Richwood.. 2:29% Republican, b s, 1887, by Almont Wilkes, dam by Coaster 2:19% Resemble, b m, 1887, by Earl Wan- nie Minor, by Pilot Mambrino 2:29% Resolute, b g, 1870, by Swigert Bay Fanny, by Richards' Bellfounder. . 2:27% Resolute, ch g, 188, by Aristos Fanny D., by^De Long's Ethan Allen 2:245% Resolute, rn s, 1885, by Lothair Jr. Kitty Lambert 2:26% Resolution, b s, 1887, by Rampart Kate 2:28% Result, b s, 1868, by Jupiter Abdallah Compromise, by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian 2:25 Retta, br m, 1880, by Whipple Betty, by Clark Chief 2:28% Rettie, b m, 188 by Envoy 2:27y 2 Reveille, b s, 1875, by New York- Fleet, by Kearsarge 2 :21% Reveille, b g, 1888, by Quartermaster Roll Call, by High Private 2:27% Revel, b s, 1888, by Reveille Folle Farine, by Strathinore 2:29% Revenge, blk g, 1878, by Patchen Chief Jr. Wilsonia 2 :24% Revenue, b s, 1876, by Smuggler May Morning, by Daniel Lambert 2:22% Reve So, b in, 1886, by Revenue So So, by George Wilkes 2:28^ Review, blk g, 1881, by Adjutant, dam by Saracen Chief 2:29% Review, b m, 1879, by Joe Elmo 2:28% Revolver, ch g, 188, by Don Carlos- Devotee, by Pancoast 2:29% Revolt, b s, 188!). by Reveille I va Dea, by Clark Chief Jr 2:19 Reward J., ch s. 1887, by Bourbon Wilkea Lark, by Abdallah Mam- brino (pacing 2:10%) 2:29 Rex, b g, 1880, by Sweepstakes Nelly, by Volunteer 2:24% Rex, b g, 1884, by Anteeo Accident, by Elmo 2:22% Rex, b g, 1879. by Orion Mary Belle, by Breckinridge 2:22% Rex, br g, 1877, by Earthquake Kit O'Neil. by Sumner Hazen 2:22V> Rex, blk g, 1877, by Rex Patchen, dam by Hiram Drew 2:28 Rex Americas, b s, 1890, by Onward Gleam, by Dictator 2:11% Rexford, b s, 1883, by Electioneer Rebecca, by Gen. Benton 2:24 Rexford, br g, 188, by Starlight... 2:30 Rex M.. b g, 1884, by Somonauk Bird M., by Stoneman 2:26% Rex Patchen, b s, 1866, by Godfrey Patchen 2:30 Rex Patchen, b B, 1882, by Seneca Patchen Maggie, by Seneca Chief. 2:29% R. F. C., b g, 187 by Darlbay Caimes. by John Dillard 2:23% Rhahemes, b m. 188. by Earl Helen Walker, by Pilot Marabrino 2:30 Rhode Island, br s, 1857, by White- hallMag Taylor, by Davy Crockett (dead) 2:23% Rhoderick Dhu, blk s, 1886, by Mam- brino Boy Cricket, by Cuyler 2-20 Rialto, b g, 188, * 2-30 Ricetta, b m, 1885, by Odd Fellow- Buttercup 2 % 2*>% Richard, ch g, 187, by Red Wilkew, dam by Rattler 2-30 Richard, ch g, 1867, by Blue Bull, dam by Pete Guffin 2:21 Richard Almont, b s, 1890, by Almont Medium Lady Onyx, by Onyx 2:28% Richard E., b g, 188, pedigree not traced 2 :27% Richard E., b g, 1874, by Swigert Fanny, by Rhodes' Blood Royal Jr. 2:28% Richard H., b g, 1883, by Hayner's Pathfinder Jenny, by Gray Fear- naught 2:30 Richard Lambert, ch s, 188, by Ben Franklin 2 :-5 : } 4 Richard Wilkes, b g, 1876, by George Wilkes Miss Montague, by Wilson's Snowstorm 2:26% Richbrowu, br s, 1886. by Defiance- Brown Kate, by Brown Chief 2:22% Richelieu, b g, 188 by Reno De- fiance 2:23% Richelieu, gr g, 1886, by A. W. Rjcn- inond Ventura Belle, by Ventura.. 2:29% Richmond, blk g, 1871, by Gen. Lyons Smith Mare 2:26 Richmond Jr., b g, 1883; by A. W. Richmond 2:15 Richwood, b s, 1883, by Mambrino Patchen Sally Fox, by Seuiour's Davy Crockett 2 :27 Richwood, b s, 1880, by Squire Tal- mage Lady Clay, by Strader's Cae- sius M. Clay Jr 2:24% Richwood, b g, 187, pedigree not traced 2:27 i Ricliwood Boy, b g, 188, by Billy Hinsley .' 2:29% ! Rideau Belle, b m, 1886, by George Wood Belle, by Glenell 2:23^ ! Rickreal, ch g, 188, by Rockwood.. 2:29' Rienzi, b g, 1872, by Erie Abdallah 2:25% Rienza Alrnont, br g, 1886, by Almont Pilot Kit 2:28 Rifle, blk g, 1890, by Elyria, dam by Star Wilkes 2:18% ! Rifleman, br g, 1878, by Rifleman, dam by son of George M. Patchen 2:27% Rigmarole, b g, 188, by Prince Or- loff 2:29-4 1 Rigolette. b m, 1874, by Exchequer- Belle Gentry 2:22 Riley, b g, 1872, by Enoch 2:30 ! Riley S 1 ., br s, 1891, by Riley Med- ium 2:21% Rinaldo. b s. 1883, by Mambrino Dud- ley Wanatah, by Wedgewood ... 2:27' 4 ' Rinaldo, blk s, 18S4, by Reveille- Lady Tennis, by Mambrino Patchen 2:27 i Rinconada, b g, 1886, by Eros Ac- cident, by Elmo 2:17 ; Rintoul, br s, 1884, by Mambriuo Dudley Alicia, by Messenger Du- roc 2:24% ' Ripple P., blk g, 188, by Simmons Jr. 2:26% I Rio Alto, b s, 1891, by Palo Alto- Elsie, by Gen. Benton 2:16% ! Ripon Boy, br s, 1863, by Ira Allen, dam by Wiley's Blucher (dead) 2:25 : - Ripple, br m, 1881, by Hill's Duroc Onoto, by Volunteer 2:17% Ripple, ch m, 1886, by Crit Davis- Lady Claire, by Risdon 2:20'^ THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 1*27 llippk't, b m, 1889, by Phallas Rip- ple, by Hill's Duroc Rip Hap, br g, 1869, by Mambrino Brave, dam by a Copperbottom horse Ripton, b s, 1889, by Ben Harrison Betsey, by Sycamore Ripton. b g, 1870, by American; Boy, dam by Seely's American Star Ripsee. b s, 1889, by J. R. Shedd Misa Logan, by Gage's Logan Rival, gr s, 186, by Whiteside's Black Hawk, dam by Black Hawk (Consternation) Riverbend, b s, 1885, by Belmomt Sea Gull, by Strathmore River Side, b s, 1887, by Cadmus Hambletonian Daisy Dayton, by Rysdyk's Bellfounder Riverside, b s, 188, by Red Wilkes. . Rizpah. b m, 1889, by Haroldmont Lily Bowei*s, by Louis Napoleotni. . . . R. M. Lewis, b g, 1880, by Brown Harry, dam by Black Pilot R. M. Wilkes, gr g, 1882, by Mam b.iino Wilkes Lady Davis, by Kear- sarge ' Roach-mane, ch g, 1878, by the Scotia Horse, dam by Tebo Horse Roadster, b a, 1886, by Rex Patchen Novelette, by George Wilkes Jr... Roan Boy, rn g, 188, by Eastlight Strathanna, by Strathmore Roanoke, b s 18"80, by Lysander Chief Hammil Mare, by Riley's Conster- nation Roanoke Maid, br m, 1882, by Roan- oke Roanoke Maid, b m, 185, pedigree not t \aced (dead) Robbie P., b s, 1886, by Charles Caf- frey Nanny, by Long Island Chief. Robbing, ro s, 188, by Black Walnut Robbins, br g, 188 by Swigert Robert, b g, 1880, by Antar Dark Dale, by Bale Robert A., b g, 188, by Tasoo Robert A., b g, 1889, by Hartford Re- gardless, by William M. Rysdyk. . . . Robert B., ch s, 1884, by Squire Tal- mage Lida J Robert Baso, blk s, 188, by Diatonic Robe.-t Bell, b s, 1892, by St. Bel Neocile, by Robert McGregor Robert Bonner Jr., b s, 1881, by Van- dergrif t Robert B. Thomas, ch g, 186, by Prince Allen (dead) Robert Burns, Ch s, 1873, by Green's Basnaw Dolly Weed, by Lamson's Iowa Chief..'. Robert H., b g, 187, pedigree not traced Robe-t H., br g, 188, by Robert Ful- ton Robert L.. b g. 1885, by Sierra Boy, dam by Tom Atchinson Robert L., b g, 188. by Wellington. . Robert L., blk s, 1884. by Haw Patch 2:26 2:30 2:26 2:30 2:30 2:29^ 2:20 : k 2:24V 4 2:29 2:25Vi 2:27^ 2:30 2:25V 4 2:30 2:22'* 2:30 2:121,4 2:21% 2:29V4 2:25Y 4 2:29% 2:29^ 2:29Va 2:29i /4 2:30 2:25 2:30 2:21 2:28 Nora Shy, by Mambrino Patchen.. 2:26',4 Robert L., b s. 1880. by Artemas. . , . 2:29% Robert Lee, blk g, 187. by Ridley Honse Molly Stone, by Root Horse. 2:23% Robert Lee, blk s, 1890. by Alcantara Meg Merillies, by Electioneer 2:18% Robe-t McGregor, ch s, 1871, by Mai. Edsa 11 Nancy Whitman, by Seely's American Star 2:17\4 Robert McGregor Jr.. ch s, 1888, by Robert McGregor Dayton, by Dic- tator Robert Medium, b s, 1878, by Happy Medium Sally, by Yankee Tricks. .. Robert M. Taylor, blk s, 1884, by Al- cantara Cora M., by Air Lin Robert R., b g. Robert Ransom, br s, 1887, by Gani- betta Black Maria, by Strader's C. M. Clay Jr Robert Ryan, b s, 1886, by Goldsmith Pilot Lassie, by Aladdin Robert Rysdyk, br s, 1881, by William Rysdyk Queen B.. by Kearsarge .... Robert S., b s, 1887, by Pero Bird, by Guide Robert T. McGregor, b e, 1886, by Silver King Kit, by Young Tucka- hoe Robert Wilkes, blk s, 1885, by Bour- bon Wilkes, dam by Trojan Robin, gr g, 1874. by Euneld Mary Weaver, by Black Hawk Vermont. . Robin, b s, 1891, by Axtell Ozone, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian Robinson D., b s, 1881, by Daniel Boone Gurney Mare Rob Roy, b g, 1886, by Aubrey Doc- tor Rob Roy, b g, 188, by Crawford Prince Rockbridge, b s, 1884, by Nutwood Rapidan, by Dictator Rockbuim, ch g, 188, by Woodburn Pilot Rockefeller, b s, 18"84, by Electioneer Edith Carr, by Clark Chief Rocket, blk g, 1879, by Knox Boy Rocket, br g, 188, by Capt. Webb. . . Rocket, b s, 1878, by Blue Bull Kitty Patterson, by Dick Consternation. . . Rocket, gr g, 1876, by Clematis Rockingham, gr g, 1845, pedigree not traced (dead) ., Rock Island Maid, b m, 187, pedi- gree not traced Rocknight, ch s, 1885, by Beaumont- Girl Rocko, b , 1891, by Sphinx Non-a D., by Louis Napoleon Rockton, b g, 187, by Highland Beauty Rockwell Boy, b g, 188, pedigree not traced Rockwood, b g, 1886, by Treewood Lady Hustler, by La Rock's Ben Franklin Rocky Mountain Tom, gr g, 187, ped- igree not traced Rodney J., b g. 188, by Auctioneer. . Roger, b g, 1885, by Gordon Windsor, dam by Will's Patchen Roger, b g, 188, by Black's Harry Clay Roge- 1 Hanson, gr s, 1873, by Alta Lualaba, by Berkley's Edwin For- rest Roger K., b s, 1886, by Attorney Roxy, by Brougham Roland, br s, 1872, by Crown Chief- Dolly Roleo. b s, 1890, by Nephew Oamnia, by Norway Rolfe K., blk g, 188, by Black Rolfe. Ro'la. ch g, 1879, by Shelby Chief Kate ." RoEa, b g, 1879, by Clark Chief Jr. ... Rolla Golddust. br g, 1860, by Gold- dust, dam by Bartlett's Mohawk 2:30 2:29 2:23i 2:30 2:28 2:29V 4 2:24Vi 2:24V a 2:28 2:17% 2:29 ; )4 2:26^4 2:29 2:19^4 2:29'/4 2:30 2:28 2:25y a 2:30 2:29'/i 2:2D'/4 2:25Va 2:24% 2.25^4 2:2144 2:2814 2:24V4 2:28Va 2:26V4 2:28 o.oo 2:29'/3 2:24^ 2:2* 128 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Chief (dead) Rolla Ryan, gr g, 188, by Wade Hampton. Roman, b s, 1889, by ArmaghMary M., by Pennypack 2:29 Romance, br m, 1873, by Princeps Roma, by Golddust 2:29% Romancer, b s, 1887, by Happy Med- iumLizzie Downs, by Magic 2:28% Rome, b g, 1881, by Wheelock Lucy Lowry, by McMurtrie Horse 2:29k Romeo, b s, 1874, by Menelaus Dolly Martin, by Defiance 2:29'4 Romeo, b g, 1884, by Ringgold Matt, by Coat's Black Bagle 2:19% Romero, gr s, 1877, by A. W. Rich- mond Gretchen, by Mambrino Pilot 2:19% Rcmola, b m, 1889, by Belton Ella, by Bashaw Jr 2:2014 Romulus, b g, 1883, by Judge Advo- cateDiamond, by King Drew 2:2414 ! Romulus, b g, ISS-^ by Edgewood 2:28% i Rosa, b m 2:29% ! Rosa B., b m, 1882, by Charley B. Lady Allen, by Philip Allen 2:26% i Rosa C., b m^ 1883, by Dauntless- Lady Grey, by Tom Hunter 2:22 Rosa Gothard, b m, 1882, by St. Gothard Mignon Medium, by Happy Medium 2:25 Rosa K., b m, 188, breeding not traced 2;29% Rosalind, b m> 1865, by Alexander's Abdallalh Burch Mare, by Brown Pilot 2:21% Rosalind, gr m^ 187, pedigree not traced 2:29% Rosalind Wilkes, b m, 1882, by Conn's Harry Wilkes Cigarette, by Zilcaa- di Golddust 2:14% Rosamond, b m, 1889, by Fairy Gift- Amy, by Climax 2:27% Rosa Pease, b m, 187, by Jack Rosie 2:27 Rosa S., b m, 1890, by "C. F. Clay, dam by Almont 2:2414 i Rosa Wilkes, b m, 187, by George Wilkes Black Jane, by Mambrino Patdhen 2:18% Roscoe, br s. 1876, by Rescue Roany, by Oopperbottom Jr 2:30 Roscoe C., gr s, 1880, by Highland Grey Polly Daly, by Ed Brown Horse 2:26%' Roscoe Conkling, br s, 1878, by Gov. Sprague Bertie, by Blue Bull 2:30 Rose, blk m, 1879, by Wellington Jeanette, by Blackwood 2 :29% Rose, b m, '1887, by Bashaw Chief- Helen Medium, by Happy Medium. 2:18% Rose Almont, b m, 1885, by Almont Star Mary Lawrence, by Wood- wa:id's Ethan Allen 2:30 Roseberry, ch s, 1887, by Charley B. Nelly Rose, by Henry B. Patchen.. 2:24V 2 Roseberry, b s, 1880, by Strathmore, dam by McConnelTs Mambrino (dead) 2:15% Rose Copeland, b m, 188, by Charles Caffrey 2:29 1 /4 Rose Croix, b s, 1885, by Laclede Gulnare, by Duffy Horse 2:28% Rose Filkln, br m, 1886, by Melrose Lambent, by Daniel Lambert 2:22 Rose L., eh m, 188, by Olympus 2:27% Rose Leaf, br m, 1890, by Gold Leaf- Florence B., by Atlantic 2:14% Itoseline, br m, 1889, by lied Wilki-s Susie Patcheu, by Mainbrinu Re se Medium', ' b m', ' isV ,' 'by ' HaimV Medium Clara Jones, by Mambrino Rosemont,' ch in,' issi' by Almont Pilot Nannie Hedges, by Ned Hawkins. Rose of Washington, gr m, 1866, by Green's Bashaw Lady McNair, by a son of Bush Messenger . . . Rose S., ch m, 188- by C. F. Clay, dam by Almont Rose Standish, b m, 187, by Cor- beau, dam by Tom Hale ... Rose Turner, b m, 1889, by Jerome Turneiv-Lakewood Maid, by Wilke- sonlan Rosewald, gr s, 188, by A. W. Richmond Rosewood, blk m, 1870, by Blackwood' Tennessee, by Frazier's Mambriuo Rosewood, br &, 1873, by Creole Rose Swader, by Gardner's Red Buck Rosewood, b m, 188-^, by Redwood.. Re fie wood, blk m., 188, by Mecca... Rosita, b m, 1888, by Stamboul Nelly May, by Electioneer Rosita, ch m, 1881, by Balsora None- such, by Brignoli . ." Rosiyn, b s, 1886, by Robert Mc- GregorHope, by Magic lloss, sp s, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) Ross, b s, 1888, by Mikagan Flight, by Harnbletonian Downing Rpss S., b s, 1881, by Nutwood, dam by State of Maine (dead) Rostoko, blk s, 1887, by Brown Wilkes Dominica, by Harold Roswall, b s, 1885, by Hambrino Pearl, by Hero of Thorndale Rosy Mac, b m, 1882, by Alexander Button Young Rosedale, by Saw- yer's Messenger Rosy Thorne, ch m, 187 , by Thoru- dale Dolly Thorne, by Foxhunter. . Rockwood, b m, 1892 Rowdy, ch g, 187, by Kickapoo .... Rowena, b m, 1877, by George Wilkes Capitola, by Jeff Moore- Rowena, b m, 1890, by Azmoor Emma Robson, by Woodbarn Rowena Sprague, blk m. 1882, by Gov. Sprague Minnie Crawford, by Gold- smith's Abdallah Rowland, ch s, 1886, by Time Med- ium Clayala, by Strader's Oassius M. Clay Jr Rowood, ch s, 1888, by Nutwood Resa, by Romulus Roxane, b m, 1888, by Robert Mc- GregorI. O., by Red Wilkes Roxiana, blk m, 1891, by Ambassador Roxie McGregor, by Robert Mc- Gregor Roxie Lee, ch m, 1881, by Bay Star- Nell, by Scott's Hiatoga Roxie M., blk m, 1875, by Jack Fow- ler Roxy McGregor, ch m, 1879, by Rob- ert McGregor Roxy, by Romulus . . Roy, ch g, 1882, by Royal Fearnaught Winning Ways, by Masterlode . . . Roy, b g, 1882, by Carlos Neilson, by Star of the West Roy, br g, 1887, by Harkaway Kate loawardg, by Bay Dick 2:26% 2:23% 2:21% 2:21% 2:29 2:15% 2:20% 2:27 2:28% 2:25% 2:28'* 2:27% 2:26'/4 2:15 2:29% 2:28% 2:19V4 2:2414 2:2414 2:20% 2:27% 2:261/4. 2:27% 2:24% 2:17 2:27% 2:24% 2:29% 2:16% 2:25% 2:26% 2:28% 2:20% 2:2114 2:30 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 129 RoyaL ch g, 1879, by Royal Fear- nanght Fanny Harris, by Kidder's Morgan - Royal Ambassador, b s, 1888, by Am- bassadorBelle M., by Empire Royal Bounce, b g, 187, by Blue Bull Clarionette, by Volunteer Jr. Royal David, ch s, 188, by Kanka- kee Royal Duke, b s, 188, by Florida, dam by Night Hawk Royal George, gr g, 186, by Wil- liam H. RJpley (dead) Royal Guard, b s, 1890, by Beecher Fanny Crowder Royal John, gr g, 186, by Wood- stock, dam by Putnam Morgan Royal King, ch g, 1883, by Mambrino King Polly, by Hamlin Patchen. . . . Royal Ki&bar, b s, 1882, by Kisbar, dam by Garrison's Pathfinder Royalmont, ch s, 1880, by Bostick's Almont Jr. Louisiana Royal Phallas, blk s, 1886, by Prince Phallas Blonde, by Woodward's Ethan Allen Royal Prince, ch s, 188, by Dexter Prince Ida W., by Abbottsford Royal Red, b s, 1886, by Red Wilkes Christine, by Strathmore Royal Rysdyk, br s, 1884, by Rysdyk Gypsy Maid, by Crown Imperial . . Royalty, b s, 1876, by Swigert Bay Fanny, by Richard's Bellfounder. . Royal Wilton, blk s, 188, by Wilton Mary Sprague, by Gov. Sprague.. Royal Wilkes, br s. 1887, by Lumps- Lucy, by Royal George Roy B., blk g, 1886, by Gilroy Lady Loomis, by Claybrino R,oy K., b g, 1889. by Ethan Wilkes, dam by Grand Sentinel Roy McGregor, ch s, 1887, by Ben McGregor Belle Farwell Roy Rex, b g, 1887, by Atto Rex, dam by Wapsie Roy Princeton, b s, 1892, by Prince- ton, dam by Westwood Roywood, ch B, 1889, by Neatwood Aldina, by Alroy R. P., b g. 1874, ry Happy Medium- Sunflower, by Bartholomew's Amer- ican Star Jr. II. R. H., ro g, 1871, by Emulus Nelly Gray, by Gov. Banks Rubinstein, b s, 188, by Durang) Belle Bowen, by Richelieu Ruberta, b m, 1889, by Bermuda Rena G., by Messenger Chief Ruby, b m, 188, pedigree not traced Ruby, b m, 188, by Clinton Ruby, b m, 1889, by Independence Minnie Ruby, b m, 1880, by Sultan Fleet- wing, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian . . Ruby, b s, 1886, by Red Wilkes Docia Payne, by Almont Ruby, b m, 188.1, by Mnsterlode Gypsy, by Resolute Ruby, b m, 1887, by St. Arnaud Mabel L., by Victor Ttnby Maeldin, ch m, 1885, by Pre- tenderQueen B.. by Kearsarge. . . . Ruby Wilkes, b s, 1885. by Young Jim Jennv Daniel, by Rysdyk Ruby Wilkes, b m, 1889, by Memento Wilkes Ruby Queen Rufus. br g, 1872. by Bacon's Ethan Allen Lady Fulton, by Stubtail .... Ruf us, b s, 1877, by Sir Henry Bumor, blk s, 1879, by Tattler Mar- tense Maid, by Jackson's Flying Cloud Rupert Gillig, b s, 1889, by Gillig Cecil, by Waltham Ruprecht, b s, 1891, by Favorite Wilkes Kate Sprague, )by; GOT. Sprague Eiu-ik, br s. 1888, by Lord Russell- Primrose, by Alexander's Abdallak Rusenole, b m, 1888, by Electioneer Rebecca, by Gen. Benton Russell, b g, 188, pedigree not traced Russell, gr g, 1867, by Blue Bull (dead) Russ Ellis, b g, 1873, by Bacon's Ethan Allen Russellmont, b s, 1888, by Lord Rue- sell Yolande, by Belmont Russell R., b g, 188 by Thomas K. -Molly ...... ...f Russia, gr m, 1883, by Harold Miss Russell, by Pilot Jr Russia, ch s, 1883, by Nutwood Reina Victoria, by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian Russian Spy, b g, 1871, by Murphy's Royal George (dead) Russia White, ch g, 1889, by Russia, dam by Blue Bull Rustic, gr s, 186, by Whipple's Hambletonian Lady Suffolk, by Harry Belmont , Rustic, blk s, 1885, by Wildair Lydia, by Aristos Rustic Lady, b m, 188 by Mam- brino Rule Rustic Maid, b m, 1888, by Mam- brino Russell Maud Righter, by Victor Bismarck Rustique, b m, 1888, by Electioneer Miss Russell, by Pilot Jr Rusty, b m, 188, by Aristos Ruth, b m, 188, by President Gar- field (?) Ruth H.. b m, 1889, by Laelede Durango Queen, by Durango (pac- ing 2:22) Ruth M., g m, 1891, by Alastor Kit Harris, by Young American Ruth Nutwood, b m, 1885, by Nut- woodSister Ruth, by Jim Monroe. . Rnth S., b m, 1877, by Jim Fisk, dam by Grey Eagle Ruth Wilkes, ch m. 1888, by Victor Wilkes Nelly Lambert, by Daniel Lambert Rutledge, b g, 1867, by Conqueror, dam by Cassius M. Clay (dead) ... Rutledge, gr g, 1883, by Onward Estelle, by Clark Chief R. W. S., blk g, 188, by Ben Frank- lin Fleda, by Ridler Ryland T., b g, 1886, by Ledger Jr. May, by TJlverston Rysdyk Maid, b m, 1872, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian Flora, by Benedict's Pathfinder Ryswood, b s, 1884, by Bell wood- Lucy Plumb, by Ilysdyk Sabina, br m, 1889, by Sable Wilkes Eva, by LeGrand Sabledale, b m. 1890, by Sable Wilkes Viven. T>y Nutwood SableOiurst, blk s, 1890, by Sable 2:29 2:24% 2:20 2:21% B:24y a 2:23 2:30 2:25% 2:26 2:27% 2:14% 2:28 2:29% 2:26y a 2:29% 2:80 2:27 2:30 2:27y 3 2:28% 2:24% 2:29% 2:24% 2:29% 2:80 2:27% 2:29% 2:07% 2:24% 2:16 2:15y 2 2:18y a 130 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Wilkee-Gina Wilkes, by Guy Wilkes 2:25 Sablennt, br s, 1892. by Sable Wilktts Auntie, by Dawn 2:22(4 Sable Wilkes. blk s, 1884, by Guy Wilkes-Sable, by The Moor 2:18 Saca/.a. b s, 188, by Robert Mc- Gregor, dam by Banker 2:29-% Sacramento, br s, 188 , by Monroe Chief, dam by Gen. Reno 2:20% Sacramento Girl, b m, 1888, by Alca- zar-Viola, by Flaxtail 2 :30 Sadie, br m, 1885, by Mambrino Bov W r est Union Girl 2:29% Sadie Allen, b m, 1888, by Kentucky Jewel Lady Jane, by American Ethan Sadie B., blk m, 188, by Ashtabula Sadie Belle, ch m, 1872, by Odin Bell -Molly, by Sebastapol lie G., - ' Sadie G., blk m, 188 pedigree not traced Sadie H., b m, 1865, by Price's St. Lawrence (dead) Sadie Hasson, ch m, 1889, by New- ton ' Allie Wilkes Mabel, by Mauu- brino Howard Sadie Howe, b in. 1S69, by Mam- brunello Sadie L.. b m, 1883, by Young Rolfe Gretchen, by Gideon Sadie M., b m, 1886, by Prince Orloff Fossil, by Princeps Sadie Moor, blk m, 189ft, by Grand Moor, dam by Poscora Hay ward. . Sadie S., gr m, by Pequawket Kate Dudley, by Bayard Sagasta, ch s, 1885, by Nutwood Ver- bena, by Princeps Sagwa, ch m 1884, by Ben Atwood Ohestmit Girl, by Alroy St. Albans, blk g, 1876, by Monmouth Pate-hen Black Lady; by Daniel Boone St. Arnaud. b s, 1876, by Cuyler Emma Arteburn, by Mambrino Patchen St. Auhi n, br s. 1890, by St. Bel Chantilly, by Nephew St. Bel, blk s. 1882, by Electioneer Beftntlful Bells, by The Moor (dead) St. Charles, ep g, 1868, by Grey Eagle (Blind Eye), dam by Dandy Jim . . Sr. CloTid, b g, 1873, by Conklin's American Star, dam by Bay Rich- mond St. Olond, b s, 1876. by Swis?ert Flora Lambert, by Spaulding'e Ab- dallah St. Cloud Jr., b s. 1887, by St. Cloud Susie T.. by Trumpeter Golddust St. Oroix. b , 1888, by Wilkes 7ulah, by Gideon St Oroix. b m. 1891. by St. Bel- Ton^, by Will Crocker St. Oroix Jr., b s. 1S91, by St. Croix, dam by Fred Bonne St. Denis, b g. 1877, bv Blue Bull Little Marg, by Gray's Tom Hal.. St. TOlmo. br s. 1860, by Alexander's Abdallah (dead) ! St. TJlmo, gr g, 1865. by Brown Harry ^Jackson Mare, by French Tiger (dead) St. "Rl-no. br g. 1S7S. by Royal Fear- m^e;ht Lucy TJncoln, by Master- lode ' St. ?Tmo, br g. 1S79, by Frank Tuck- ahoe 2:29% 2:24Vt 2:24 2:27^ 2:30 2:26V4 2:26 2:26y4 2:16V4 2:29% 2:28% 2:29i/ 2 2:27% 2:20% 2:29V4 2:28% 2:24% 2:28 2:21 2:23% 2:26% 2:14% 2:28% 2:30 2:23% 2:30 2:29% 2:16% 2:22% St. Elmo, br s, 1879, by Duke Alexis Nelly 8:25% St. Felix, br e, 1891, by St. Bel Beulah West, by Abdallah West.. 2:25% St. Gothard, b s, 1876, by George Wilkes Zora, by American Clay.. 2:27 St. Helena, b m, 186, by Gen. Mc- Clellan (dead) 2:27% St. Ives, b s, 1886, by Harbinger- Red Rose, by Gideon 2:29% St. Jacob, b g, 1878, by Hiram Drew 2:27 St. James, b g, 1866, by Gooding's Champion (dead) 2:23 ! ,4 St. James, b g, 188, by son of Good- ing's Champion 2:26V4 St. James, b g, 188, 2:2t>V 2 St. Joe, br g, 188-, by Winthrop Knox 2:18 St. Joe, b g, 1886, by Juuio Emma, by Luceonia 2 :26 St. Jonathan, br s. 1889, by Ken- tucky Dictator Fanny Goldsmith, by Edward Everett (pacing 2:22%.. 2:1*21 1 St. Juiien, b s, 1S . by Gen. Wilke* 2:2i>% St. Juiien, b g, 3869, by Volunteer- Flora, by Harry Clay 2 :!Ui St. Lambert, ch a, 1879, by Bay Star -Lady Douglas, by Bourban Chief 2:29',4 St. Lawivmv. b g, 1881, by Grey Dan 2:23i St. Lewis, b s. 1888, by St. Nicholas -Trinket G.. by Harry Glenn 2:19 Si. Lookout, b s, 1889, by Sultan- Kitty Wilkes, by Red Wilkes 2:26 St. Louis, b g, 187, by Colossus Mambrino 2 :-~> St. Louis Maid, br ffl, 1885, by Rysdyk Chief-nJenny Crews, by Aleck Douglas 12 :24' > St. Michael Boy, b g, 188 2:28 Sr. Minx, blk s, 1892, by St. Bel Miux, by Mambrino Patchen 2:20% St. Patrick Jr., b s, 1888, by St. Pat- rickYoung Mountain Maid, by Long Island Patchen 2 :28% St. Regis, b s, 1R86, by St Arnaud Mabel L., by Victor 2:29% St. Remo, b g, 1870, by Volunteer- Flora, by Harry Clay 2:28% St. Simon, br s,' 1889.' by Winfleld Scott Raven, by Highland 2:L ) 4 1 4 St. Valentine, br s, 1881. by West- wood Laura Logan, by American Clay St. Vincent, b s, 1884, by Wilkes Boy Aileen, by Mambrino Boy Salando. b g. 188, by Hemando .... Salinas Maid, b m, 188, by Junio Mamie V., by Carr's Mambrino .... Sallie, br m, 188, by Jim Lambert Sallie Cossack, b m, 1884, by Don Cossack Almonia, by Almont Sallie Simmons, blk m. 1890, by Sim- monsSally Adams, by John Bur- dine Sally B.. dn m, 1883. by Young Jim- Lady Dun, by Million's Copperbot- tom ('lead) Sally Benton, gr in. 1880, by Gen. Benton Son tag Mohawk, by Mo- hawk Chief Sally C., ch m, 188, by McCurdy's Hambletonian Sally G., ch m. 188. by Dan G Sally Graham, b m, 1886. by Nutwood Mattie Graham, by Harold Sallie K., b m, 188 by Jim Brister Sally Ranger, blk m, 1887, by John Sherman Cloud, by Black Ranger. . 2:13% 2:20)1 2:30 2:30 2:13% 2:'2(> 2:18% 2:20% 2:29% 2:2* THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 131 Sally Scott, b m, 187, by Magna Charta Molly Pitcher, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 2:28% Sally Vajan, b m. 1884, by Danville Wilkes Carrie, by May's Sir Wal- lace 2:28 Salute, b s, 1891, by Overstreet Wilkes 2:26% Sam, gr g, 188, by Sherman Morgan Sam B.Y br *g' 1880, 'by Pompey Smash Shield's Mare, by King's Cadmus 2:26% Sam Bassett, ch e, 1887, by Elyria Shoo Fly, by Young: Tippoo Sultan 2:22% Sam Browne, ch g, 188, by Haw- thorne 2:29 Sam Curtis, b g, 1866, by Winthrop Morrill, dam by Eaton Horse 2:28 | Same Kind, b m, 1887, by Virgo Ham- bletonian Clochette, by Jubilee Lambert - 2:25% i Sam Estes, b g, 1891, by Aberdeen.. 2:27% I Sam F.. ro g, 187, by Wood's Ham- bletonian 2:26% ! Sam Harris, b e, 1881, by Bostick's Almont Jr. Louisiana 2:29V t j Sam Hick^on, br g, 1886, by Sam Purdy Black Kate 2 :30 i Sam Hill, b s, 188 by Wilkes Spirit Jr. Lady Hill, by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian 2:20^4 Sam Hill, ch s, 1886, by Invader Minnehaha, by Abdallah Hamble- tonian 2:30 Sam Lakeland, b g, 188, by Lake- land Abdallah Judea, by Marnbrino Archy 2:28t/-> ! Sam Medium, b s, 1892, by Prince Medium 2:30 \ Samovar, b m, 1886, by King Rene- Carrie, by Volunteer 2:28% Sam P., ch g, 188, pedigree not traced 2:29% i Sam Purdy, b s, 1866. by George M. Patchen Jr. Whisky Jane (dead).. 2:20% I Samuel A., b s, 1885, by Grand Sen- tinelEvelyn, by Egbert 2:27% j Samuel G., b s, 1888, by Simcoe Wilkes Carrie G., by Almont Pilot 2:29 ! Sam Webber, b g, 188, by Warwick Boy, dam by Chenery's Grey Eagle 2:2o 1 /4 ; Sam Weller, b s, 1888. by Charley B. Princess Clay, by Baird's Hamble- touian Prince 2:26% 1 Sam West, b g, 186, by Davy Crocket (dead) 2:29 ' Sam Wilkes ,b s, 1884, by Barney Wilkes Gin Burner, by Frank Al- len 2:29V2 ! Sanborn, b s, 1883, by Gen. Washing- tonScotland Maid, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 2 :26% | San Bruno, b g, 186 , by George M. M. Patchen Jr. (dead) 2:25 l / 2 San Carlos, ch g, 188, by Brown Jug 2:27'/ 2 Sancho, b s, 1875, by Knox Boy, dam by Gen. Knox , . . . 2:29 S. & B. blk e, 1887, by Lumps Bes- sie D., by Justin Morgan (dead) .. 2:26% Sanders, ch g, 1888, by Sidney Ellen Roy 2:2614 San Diego, ch g, 188, pedigree not traced 2:23% San Gabriel, b s, 1884, by Sultan Minnehaha. by Stevens' Bald Chief 2:29% San Malo, b s, 1886, by Nugget Zelinda Wilkes, by George Wilkes.. 8:2614 San Mateo, b m, 1881, by Santa Claus Dolly Patchen, by George M. Patchen Jr 2:284 Sau Pedro, blk g. 1885, by Del Sur, dam by Keating Horse (pacing 2:10%) 2:14% Saniiie G., gr m. 1872, by Almont-- Wiltona, by Mokhladi 2:27 Sans Souci, cb m, 1891, by Sidney- Miss Roy, by Buccaneer 2:28'4 Santa Belle, b m, 1890, by St. Bel- Sis Nutwood, by Nutwood 2:23 Santa Clara, b in. 1887, by Tlobb Wilkes Gypsy M., by Eclair 2:20 Santa Claus, b s, 1874, by Strath- more Lady Thorne Jr., by Wil- liams' Mambrino 2:17% Santa Gertrudes, br s, 1890, by C. F. Clay Winnie Wilkes, by Red Wilkes 2:29% Santie, br s, 1887, by Santa Claus Gettie Greatman, by Othello 2:25 Sappho, ch m, 1883. by Aberdeen Sally M., by Almont ' 2:30 Sappho, ch m. 1887, by Robert Mc- GregorPauline, by Ashland Chief. 2:15% Sarah Ann, gr m, 188, by Johnny Wonder (pacing 2:23%) 2:27 Sarah B., b m, 187 by Little Jack. . 2:29% Sarah B., b m, 1880, by Almonarch Charlotte Jones, by Kester's Royal George 2:20% Sarah B., gr m, 1881, by Planet Miss Jackson 2:30 Sarah O., b m, 188, by Pisitachio 2:22'/i Sarah Coin, b m v 188, by Wilkes Spirit 2:29Vi Sarah G., b m, 1888, by C. F. Clay Sophie D., by Lyle Wilkes 2:18% Saran Gilbirds, blk m, 1885, by Gil- birds Sprague Jule O., by Blue Dick...... 2:23% Sarah Jane, b m, 188, by Edgar Wilkes . .-:.. ..... 2:24% Sarah L., b m, 1880, by Index Rose Bud, bv Young Wilkes 2:26 Sara(h Shelton, ch m, 1890, by Bed- ford Princess Clay, by American Clay , 2:28'4 Saranac, blk s, 1885, by Gen. Wash- ingtonSappho, by Jay Gould 2:25'/ t Saratoga, b g, 187, pedigree not traced 2:30 Sarcanett, b s, 1883, by King Rene Gossamer, by Princeps 2:16Vi Sardis Ensign, b s, 1887, by Ensign- Lucy L., by I. J 2:30 Sargeant, b s, 188, by Stanford Bel- mont 2:29% Sargent, gr g, 1884, pedigree not traced 2:28 Sargent, b s, 188 , by Almont Eclipse. 2:26'/4 Sarge-nt, b g, 187 by Tariff 2:29i,4 Sargent, gr g, 188, pedig-ee not traced 1:29 Sargent, b s, 1889. by Alcantara Vo- lante. by Messenger Duroc 2:27% Sartwell. b g, 1889, by Sensation- Lady Yeoman s, by Rochester 2:28% Sati'la. br m, 1885, by Almont Rattler Lady Warneld, by Green's Bashaw 2:24 Satin Slippers, blk m, 1891, t>y De- lancy Satin, by Mambrino Alaham- bra.. 2:24% Saturn L.. b g, 188, bv Echo 2:28Vi Sauveur, b g, 1878, by Happy Medium Lydia Montague, by Tipnoo Bashaw 2:29Vi Savoyard, b s, 1888, by King Rene THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Annriet, by Ouyler ................. Sexon, ch g, 1883, by Abdallah Wilkes Snowflake, by Kentucky Prince... l Scandinavian, blk g, 187, by Ver- mont Black Hawk Jr .............. School Boy, b g, 188 by Oassady Dolly, by Bay Fisherman ........... School Mann, ch m, 1885, by Olympus Princess, by Cobbler .............. Schuyball, b g, 1874, by Gooding's Champion Belle, by Thompson's Flying Cloud. . . .................. Schuyler, b s, 1872, by Seneca Chief Highland Maid, by Goleman's Amer- ican Star ......................... Sciola, b m, 18ft, by Hanshaw Horse (dead). .......................... Sciota Belle, br m, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) ..................... Scipio, b s, 1882, by Redwood Nell, by Coupon ........................ Scotia, b m, 1882, by Sacramento- Nelly Walworth, by Toronto Patch- en .............................. 2:21% Scotlaind, blk g, 1869, by imp. Bonnie Scotland Waterwitch, by Pilot Jr. (dead) ........................... Scotland Maid, b m, 1866, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian Trusty, by Marlbor- ough ............................. Scotsman, ch s. 1886, by Milo Alfret- ta, by Mambrino. Gift ............... Scott, b g, 188, by Gen. Sherman. .. Scott, oh s, 1884, by Egbert Birdie Tramp, by Tramp .................. Scott A&hton, b g, 1885, by Hampton Flora Elmo, by St. Elmo. 2:23 2:22% 2:27 2:26% 2:20 2:26% 2:2fr 2:23'A 2:2S 2:26% Scott B., b g, 1881, by Jim Scott- Belle, by Flying Hiatoga Scott Chief, b s, 1879, by Egmont Lou Scott, by Dey's Woodford Scott Newman, ch g, 187 , by Henr> Ball Colt, dam by Whirlwind Scott's Chief, b g, 186, by Edwin Fo:Teet Lady Rice, by Whitehall.. Scott's Thomas, b s, 187, by Gen. George H. Thomas Lady Rice, by Whitehall Scourine, br m, 1892, by Wilton Mamde, by Star Almont Scramble, br g, 1883, by Antenor Jr. Columbia, by Kenyon's Columbus. Scranton Belle, br m, 188, by Bis- muth Screwdriver, ro g, 1875, by Tibbett's Patchen Stockb-idge Mare, by Mack S. D. O., b g, 1879, by Almont Eclipse Ptmchard Mare Sea Foam, gr m. 1863, by Young Co- lumbus, dam by Harris' Hamble- tonian Sea Girl, br m, 1888, by Wilton- Julia Patchen, by Mambrino Patchen Sea King, ch s, 1886, by Melbourne King Bertha, bv Daniel Laonbert. . Sealskin Wilkes, br s. 1881, by George Wilkes Woburn Maid, by Woburn. . Seaside, b m, 1888, by Hecton Wilkes Alice, by Jacinto Seamstress, br m. 1885, by Alcantara Senorita, by Sentinel Secret, gr g, 188, by Blackwood Jr. . Secret, gr m, 1890, by Secretary Pas- time, by Rustic Secret, b m, 1877, by Strathmore Amanda, by Waxy Secure, b s, 1891, by Pelletier Secure, br s, 1885, by Mambrino Patch- en Bashaw Belle, by Green's Ba- 2:22% 2:28% 2:27% 2:24% 2:26% 2:25% 2:29% 2:28 2:27% 2:23 2:21 2:23% 2:22% I 2:18'4 | 2:241, I 2:25-% 2:24% 2:18% 2:18% 2:29% if, 2:16% 2:26 2:30 2:26% 2:20'/ 2 2:29% shaw Sedina, oh m 1887, by Sidney Star, by George M. Patchen Jr See, ch s, 1887, by Claimant Fannie C., by Roscoe Jr Seersucker, b m, 1888, by The Seer Reglin, by Redwood Selah Ohesterwood, b m, 188, by Ohesterwood Selene, b m, 1878, by Grand Sentinel Shadow, by Octoroon Selim Mambrino, b s, 1888, by Dau- bigne Peggy Murry, by Cayuga Chief Sellne, b g, 188, by Leon Selkirk, br s, 1867 (dead) Sellita, br m, 188, by Artillery Senator, dn g, 188, by St. Cloud Senator, b s, 1883. by Echo Senator Jones Mare, bv Winthrop Morrill. .. Senator, b g, 188, by Porter Stanton Senator, b g, 1876, by Robert R. Mor- risWisely Mare, by Napper Senator A., gr s. 1888, by Tramp Panic Dolly Wonder Senator Boy,' cih s, 188, by Senator Rose Senator Conkling, b s, 1885, by Roecoe Conkling May Queen Senator K., gr g, 188, by Spink's Cla-k Chief Senator L., be, 1888, by Dexter Prince Fannv Bayswater, by Bayswater. . Senator L., ch s, 188, by Renshaw. . Senator Maid, ch m, 1878, by Hi Miller Hattie Brown, by Dan Brown Senator N., b s, 1881, by Wapsie Bradshaw Mare, by MambriBo Patchen Senator Rose, b s, 1887, by Sultan Georgiana, by Overland Senator Updegraff, b s, 1884, by Sim- monsMadam TTpdegraff, by Flying Hiatoga Seamstress, b m, 1887, by Mambriton- i an Flora Temple, by Bettsinger Horse Seneca Bismarck, b s. 1884, by Victor Bismarck Patchen Maid, by Patch- en Chief Seneca Maid, ch m, 188, by John Adams Seneca Prince, blk s. 1888, by Bay- onne Prince Pond Lily, by Seneca Chief Sensation, gii g, 1881, by Peacock Morey Mare Sensation, b g. 1865. by Dixon's Ethan Allen, dam by Indian Chief (dead).. 2:22% Sensation, b e, 1882, by Rochester Bstelle Eastin, by Mainbrino Patch- en 2:29% Sf ntinel, b s. 1863, by Rvsdyk's Ham- bletonian Lady Patriot, by Young Patriot (dead) 2:29% Sentinel, b s, 1885, by Alraiont Senti- nel Mattie. by Bauta's Shakespeare 2:29% Sentinel Wilkes, b s. 1883. by Red Wilkes Sentinette, by Sentinel 2:20% Sentry, b g, 1880, by Grand Sentinel- Jenny, by Niffht Hawk 2:25 Serena, ch m, 1887, by Sidney Blonde, by Elmo... 2:29% Serpolet. b m, 1887. by King Rene- Belle Hewett, by Belmont 2:30 Seth Thomas, b er, 1880. by Hamdallah Bello S., by Star of the West 2:25% Setting Sun, ch g, 1889, by Billy Haf- 2:30 2:28% 2:29% 2:30 2:27% 2:29% 2:28% 2:20% 2:29% 2:23% 2:30 2:21% 2:26% 2:26% 2:13% 2:24^4 2:12% 2:23% 2:23*4 2:25% 2:30 2:25 2:18 2:27% 2:22 2:22% 2:22% 2:2514 2:22 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 133 g, 188, by flower, by Ansel Seymour Belle, b in, 1878, by Commo- dore Lucy, by Curtis' Sam Hazzard Shadeland Acme, b m, 1888, by Wilkes Nutwood Annabel Lee, by Satellite Sbadeland Almeda, b m, 188V by Wilkes Nutwood Criteiia, by Criter- ion Shadeland Baron, cih s, 1887, by On- ward Mattie Whitney, by Beecher. . Shadeland Bellewood, ch in, 1886, by Nutwood Shadeland Leona, by Sa- Shadeland 'Delinonia, 'b' m, 1883, by Young Jim Sue, by Ericss^ .... Shadeland Laniont, b s, 1889, by Wilkes Nutwood Heroine, by Shadeland Hero Shadeland Leona, b m, 1882, by Sa- telliteJulia Patchen, by Mambnno Patchen Shadeland Onward, br s, 1883, by On- wardNettie Time, by Mambriuo Time Shadow, b g, 188 , by Addison Lainr bert Shadow, b g, 1868, by Gen Lightfoot. . Shadows, b m, 1892, by Nighthawk Little Princess, by Kentucky Prince Shakespeare, br s, 186, by Honest Allen (dead) Shemdallah, b s, 188, by Hamdallah Shamrock, gr g, 1872, by Samson- Bessie Maitland, by Tom Wonder.. Shamrock, br g, 187, by Gayo Lady Emma, by Potter's Clay Shamrock, blk g. 1884, by Buccaneer Fern Leaf, by Flaxtail Sbandon Belle, gr m, 188, by Black Republican Sharper, ch e, 1882, by Bourbon Wi.kes Lucy Sharp, by Joe Down- ing Sharpnese, b m, 188 by Hatto Shaw Jehan, b g, 1890, by Aegon Betsy Allen, by Thompson's Ethan Allen Sha\\mut. b s, 1877, by Harry Clay Heroine, by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian She, b m, 188--, by Abbottsford Shea Wilkes, b s, 1889, by Alcyone- Maggie Shea, by Jefferson Prince. . Sheba's Queen, b m, 188, by Epaulet Sheeny, b g, 1886, by Arthurton Vixen, by Nutwoorl Sheik, b g, 1884, by The King- Sheila, by Kimbrough'e Abdallah . Shelby Maid, gr m, 1880, by Shelby Chief Gray Bird Shellbark, blk g, 1884, by Royal Fear- naught, dam by Tom Hunter Shellmont, b s, 1888, by Egmont Zula Maid, by Zula Hambletonian. . Sheperd Boy, gr g, 1868, by Wood- ward's Ethan Allen Shepherd Knapp Jr., b g, 1861, by Shepherd F. Knapp, dam by Royal Oak (rlead) Stwfcldine, b s, 1888, by Alex. H. Sherman Kephart Mare, by Shakes- peare Jr Sherbet, br s, 1888, by Sherman, darn by Etcole Sheridan, b g, 187. by Edward Everett, dam by Eureka 2:29% 2:24% 2:2S% 2:27% 2:27% 2:25% 2:15 2:29V4 2:28% 2:18% 2:25 2:28 2:28 2:30 2:25% 2:28 2:26% 2:25 2:21V4 2:19V4 2:29 2:26 2:14% i 2:241,4 I 2:26y 4 | 2:29% j .2:291/3 2:29 2:29% | 2:24% 21231/2 2:27% ; 2:29% ' 2:20 2:20Vi 2:27% 2:29V4 2:28% 2:29 2:30 2:18y 2 1:'24% 2:27 2:2514 2:18 2:28 2:26% 2:27% 2:29% 2:29% 134 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Priam (dead) 2:24% Silas Skinner, blk s, 1885, by Alcona Jr. Foutaua, by Almout 2:17 Silas Wright, b s, 1875, by DeGraff's Alexander Divorce, by Gov. Wright 2:23% Silena. F., blk m, 1890, by Nutwood Kate F., by Mambrino Boy 2:20 Silent Brook, br s, 1890, by Dark Night Jenny Clay, by Harry Clay. . 2:16% Silicon, br m, 1890, by Wilton-Sil- houette, by Hambriuo 2:13% Silk \VJvet, br m. 1888, by Wilton- Kate Messenger, by Messenger Chief 2:26 Silky B., ch g, 186, by Tornado 2:30 Silurian, b m, 1892, by Wilton Sil- houette, by Hambriuo 2:25% Silver Bee, ch s, 1891, by Silver Bow Belle Me, by Ensign Golddust Jr. 2:27% Silver Bell, b m, 1886, by Harbinger- Isabel, by Happy Medium 2:21% Silver Bow, b e, 1887, by Robert Mc- GregorSadie, by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian 2 :16 Silver Cloud, gr s, 1883, by Fisk's Mambriuo Chief Jr. Maggie Roys, by Shurtz Magua 2:22% Silver Edge, b m, 1889, by Sherman's Hambletouian, dam by George Wilkes 2:23% Silverdale, b s, 1888, by Walkill Prince Cassandra, by Cuyler 2:25% Silver Duke, gr s, 1868, by Iron Duke Dandy, by Young Engineer 2 :28% Silver King, ch s, 1881, by Mambrino King, dam by Iron Duke 2:26% Silver King, gr g, 1879, by vSfcrath- more Maggie T., by St. Lawrence Horse 2:28% Silver King, ro s, 1877, by Robert Mc- GregorFanny 2 :30 Silver Lace, b m, 1888, by Silver Chimes Kitty Lambert, by Daniel Lambert 2:28 Silver Leaf, gr m. 1880, by Menelaus Mary C., by Ladd's Ethan Allen 2:23 Silver Maid, b m, 1885, by Silver Tail Nell 2:30 Silvernale, br s, 1880, by Swigert Nelly Silvernale, by Gipson's Black Hawk 2 :2~. Silverone, b m, 1882, by Alcyone Sil- verlock, by Mambrino Time 2:19% Silver? Ore, gr g, 1890, by St. Bel Ritch elders, by Messenger Chief ... 2:19> Silver Plate, gr s, 1889, by Silver Cloud Lady Graham, by Lexington < :hief Jr. 2:17% Silver Sides, gr g, 1856, by Chester Lion, dam by Hassan (dead) 2:22 Silver Spray, ch s, 1887, by Guy Wilkes Blanche, by Arthurton 2:28 Silver Spray, gr s, 1886, by Backman's Idol Hannah A., by Hamblehawk 2:27% Silver Star, gr s, 1888, by Silver Cloud LUOJF. H., by Lexington Chief Jr 2:30 Silver Star, blk g, 1885, by Edsall Star Raven, by Highland 2:10'/4 Silver Street, b m, 1886, by Nelson- Shore's Mare, by Somerset Knox.. 2:19% Silverthorne, b s, 1887, by Allandorf Silver Lake, by Lakeland Abdallah 2:19V 2 Silverton, gr g, 188, ty Bertrand ... 2:27 l /4 :Silvorton, b g, 1875, by Blue Bull Silverella 2:20'/4 Silvertone, blk in. is<>o, by Wilton .Silvorlook, by ManVbrin.. Time. . . 2:30 Silver Wilkes b s, 188G, by Adrian Wilkes Fanny Whitney, by Brig- ham 2-25 Silver Wilkes, b s, 188, by Fayette Wilkes Silver Lake, by Lakeland, Abdallah 2:26% Silver Wing, ch s, 1887, by Robert McGregor Silver Tip, by Mike Mc- Cool 2:lft> Silver Wood, gr g, 1887, by Ryswood Orean, by Gen.. Ouster 2:21 Silvia, ch m, 1891, by Edgewood Blanche, by Vauderbiit 2:28 Simbrino, ch e, 1888, by Simmons- Mag, by Hambriuo 2:22*4 Sim Brown, b g, 1885, by Strath- more Dinah, by Forest King 2:26% Simmocolon, ch s, 1885, by Simmons Colon, by Strathmore 2:13% Simmonette, blk m, 1888, by Simmons Boy Li da F., by Bob Monroe 2:17% Simmons, blk s, 1879, by Gorge Wilke.s Black Jane, by Mambrino Patchen 2 :2S Simoda, br g, 1887, by Simrnone- Ella Arnold, by Mambrino Clay ... 2:28 Simon Bolivar, ch g, f . . . 2:25% Simon Taylor, b s, 188, by Cadmus Hambletonian 2:25 Sftnon, ch g, 186, by a son of Ethan Allen (dead) 2:30 Sim Watson Jr., blk s, 1888, by Sim Watson Maud B., by Whirlwind.. 2:21% Sinbad, b g, 187, by Jersey Star ... 2:29% Sinbad, gr s, 1878, by Strader's Gas- si us M. Clay Jr. Mediusa, by Almont 2:29% Sinda, b m, 188, by a son of Happy Medium 2:29% Sineus, b s, 1886, by Lord Russell- Primrose, by Alexander's Abdallah 2:2714 Sir Albert, b s, 1886, by Mambriuo Startle Winnie Wilkes, by Red Wilkes 2:20% Sir Albin, b g, 1881, by Durango Gulnare, by Duffy Horse 2 :29V^ Sir Arthur, b g, 1882, by Goodson Daisy, by Clay Trustee 2:25M Sir Bell, b s, 1886, by Eyle Wilkes- Lovely, by Enfleld 2:20*1 Sir Blossom, ch s, 1885, by Orange Blossom Queen Bess, bv Backman's Idol .* 2:29<4 Sir Credit, b s. 1890, by McKinney Lady I., by Billy Norfolk 2:25% Sir Gay, ch g, 1881, by Billy Wilson Mag 2:26% Sir Gird, b s, 188, by Woolsey Laurette 2:26% Sir Gotlmrd, b s, 1S86, by St. Gothard Berry, by Auditor 2:29% Sir Guy, b g, 1876, by The Moor- Madam Ferguson, by Stormy John 2:28% Sirius, b s, 1889, by Garnet Fanny Duroc, by Iowa Duroc 2 :19V4 Sir Joe, b g, 188, 2:24y 4 Sir Knight, b s, 1881, by Gr.ind Sen- tinelShadow, by Octoroon 2 :23% Sir Lauucelot, b s, 1881, by Egmont Bainter Mare 2:27 Sirocco Belle, ch in, 188, by Sirocco 2:27% Sirock, b g, 188, by Coronet Mrs. Adams 2:19% Sir Outcross, b s, 18SS. by Electioneer Sarah, by Shannon 2:28 Sir Roger, ch g, 1876, by Lexington (rolddust Inez, by Vallandingham 2:23% Sir Thomas. 1) 8. lxs4. bv Lambertus Ladv HorluTt. bv Walthair . ,. 2:21 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 135 Sir Vaughn, ch s, 1887, by Captain IXarline, by Romulus 2:29% Sir Waiter, b g, 1848, by Abdallah Jen, by King's Belifounder (dead).. 2:27 Sir Walter, ch s, 1873, by Aberdeen Lady VV infield, by Edward Everett 2:24*4 Sir Wa Sprite, by Beluiont 2:28% Slippery Ben, b g, 188-, by Field- mont 2:29% Slippery Dick, b g, 1871, by Mazeppa. 2:30 Slippery Tom, blk s, 188, by island Chief.. ..VT . 2:25% Slow Go, gr g, 1805, by Sharatack Jr. (dead) 2:18% Sly dhubby, b g, 188, by Jim Wil- son , 2:24% Small Hopes, br g, 1866, by llysdyk's Hambletonian (dead) 2:26'/u Smock W.. b s, 188, by Alburn 2:28 Smith O'Brien, b s, 1875, by Sweei, stakes House Mare, by Young Co- lumbus 2:29y4 Smilax 2:264 S. Montgomery, ch g, 1881, by Manor mont Lady Montgomery, by Flint's Morgan 2 :25% Snuuggile, b g, 1880, by Smuggler- Nelly Stevens, by Curtis' Hamble- tonian 2:24 Smuggler, br s, 1866, by Blanco (dead) 2:15>4 Smugglers Daughter, b m, 1876, by Smuggler Molly D., by Mambriuo Chief ! 2:2474 Smuggler Wilkes, gr s, 1889, by Allie Wilkes Lady Haj __ ./alter Jr., ch s, 1882, by Sir Wal- terKate Clark, by American, Clay 2:18Vi Sir Wilkes. b s, 188, by Sable Wilkes 2 :29 Sir William Wallace, b s, 1864, by jiobinson Horse (dead) 2:27V. Sisal, b m, 1880, by Harold Sapan, by Socrates 2:23% Siseon Girl, blk m, 186, by Mc- Cracken's Black Hawk Muggins, by Kelty Messenger 2 :28% Sister, br m, 1879, by Admiral- Black Flora, by Black Prince (dead) 2:19i/4 Sister, b m, 1880, by Holabird's Ethan Allen Brownell Mare, by Browney's Ethan Allen 2 :25>4 Sister Barefoot, b m, 1883, by Kent- Dolly Lambert, by Daniel Lambert 2:25 Sister Ethel, b m, 1890, by Jay Bird, dam by Young Jim 2 :19^4 Sister Lou, blk m, 1891, by Durango Venie, by Haw Patch 2 :29V4 . . Sister V., b m, 1885, by Sidney Wilfies Lady Hayes, by Lace Deal- Nettie Lambert, by John Nelson . . . 2:18% er .2:22^ Silver Wilkes, ro m, 1876, by Geoa-ge I Snake, blk g, 1885, by Edi Kimble Wilkes-Cherokee Girl 2:22% | Dolly 2:30 Sitra Wilkes, b m, 188 by Knight Snap, b m, 18 < 7, Wilkes..... 2:28 Siva, ch m, 1889, by Guy Wilkes Sable Hay ward, by Poscora Hay- ward 2 :13 : )4 Sixty-Six, b g, 1888, by Chimes Jer- sey Lily, by Hambletonian Downing 2:15'/4 S. J., cdi g, 188, pedigree not traced. 2:1 6'^ S. J. B., ch g, 188, pedigree not traced 2:27% S. J. Fletdher, b s, 1877 by Hamble- tonian Tranby Pierce Mare, by Jos- lyn Horse 2:23% Skinkle Hambletouian, b s, 1879, by Tattler Daisy Burns, by Skenaudoah 2 :2S% Sleepy Bill, br g, 186 , pedigree not traced (dead) 2 :2C Sleepy Chief, b g, 1879, by Confeder- ate Chief 2 :27&4 Sleepy Dan, ch g, 1880, by Grand Duke Winch Mare 2:29'/4 Sleepy George, b g, 188, by George Sprague Jr 2:19'/4 Sleepy Jim, b g, 188, by Duke Patchen 2:30 Sleepy Joe, br g, 1873, by Joe John- sonObscurity 2 :19v4 Sleepy John, b g, 1860, pedigree not traced (dead) 2 :24 : -'> Sleepy Ned, blk g, 1885, by Hamlin Patchen, dam by Fi-ed Pierson 2:2C 1 /4 Sleepy Ned, b g, 1886, by Hannibal Jessie 2:2214 Sleepy Tom, b g, 1870, by Blazing Star, dam by imp. Champion 2:28% Slick Nelson, b s, ISP by Strathrnore Madam K., by Marshal Ney Jr 2:30 Snip Clay, b g* 188, by Alar Clay. .. 2:25=j4 Snip Nose, b m, 1888, by Cyclone Nancy Wilkes, by Favorite Wilkes. . 2:24'/4 Snow Ball, g:- g, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) -. . . . -. 2:27% Snow Ball, b g, 188, by Star Ham- bletonian, dam by Lightwood 2:19% Snowden. b: g, 1885, by Strathiniore Topsey. by Williams r Mambrino 2:16'/ 4 Sobol, br s, 1883, by Caesar Sendaj, by Lion of Canada 2:27%. Socrates, ro g, 1874, by Socrates Belle of Augusta., bv Young Indian Chief ........ 2:27v4 Socratist. 1> s, 1884, by Socrates- Belle Clay, by Kentucky Clay 2:26 Sol, dh s, 1886, by Nutwood Sun- shine, by Golddust: 2 :30 Solano Chief, ch g, 188, by Carr's Mambrino Chief Jr i 2 :29'4 Soldle.% ft g, 188, by Socrates Lady Ethan, by Ethan A'llen 2:2.S',4 Solferino, br s, 1885, by Grand Senti- nel Patch en Girl, by Mambiino Patdhen 2:2GV-j Solita, br m, 1887, by Eros Accident, by Elmo 2:27 Solo, b m, 1877. by Strathmore Ab- besis, by Albion 2:28% So Long, gr g, 1882, by Erelong Dalpnine, by Harold 2:13'4 Somerset, ch g, 1889, by Sorrento Im- pression, by Mambino Battler 2:2~V4 Sonnet, b m, 1883, by Bentonian Sontag Dixie, bv Toronto Sontag... 2:24Vj Sonnet, clh e, 1886, by Grand Sentinel Nelly Clark, by Black Flying Cloud 2:30 Sonoma, gr m, 1885, by Electioneer Sontag Mohawk, by Mohaw^ Chief. 2:28 Sontag Clay, ch m, 1880, by Seth War- ner-Jennie Pratt, by Strader's Cas- sius M. Clay Jr 2:24 Slick Nelson, b s, 188, by Nelson 2:27% Sonticus, b s, 1887, by Belmont Sou- Sligo, b g, 1870. by Honest Dan 2 :30 net, by Bourbon Cihief 2 :27 Slight, b m, 1886, by Electioneer i Sooner, b g. 186, by Haanble toman 136 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Rattler, daim by Murry's Cayuga Chtef ." 2:24 i Sophia Temple, br m, 1869, by Rat- tler, dam by a son of Gannon's , WhiD 2:2< Sorceress, b m, 1889, by Witchcraft- I Adele S., by Kentucky Prince 2:21 ',4 j Sorrel Dan, oh g, 1879, by Diadenv- I Blackbird 2 :22>4 j Sorrel Dapper, ch g, 1858, by King's Champion (dead) ......... 2:2S'/ 2 Soi-el Kate, ch m, 188, by Mambrino Tim* 2:29& Sorrel Ned, ch g, 187- by Flying Cloud 2:25^4 So So, b m, 1875, by George Wilkes Little Ida, by Edwin Forrest 2:17% Soto, b m, 1885, by Abdallaih Mam- briho-^Tane, by Frank Wolford 2:20V4 Soudan, b s, 1883, by Happy Medium Maria Sturgess, by Almont 2:2o Soudam. br g, 1883, by Combat Maud- ette, by Gapoul 2:18'/j, Soudan, blk s, 1884, by Sultan Lady Babeoek, by Whlpple's Hambleton- ian 2:2i% Soupy, ch e, 1884, by Gen. Hatch- Belle Green, by Green's Bashaw 2:23^4 Sour Mash, b s, 1881, by Bed Wilkes Brown Mary, by Bourbon Chief... 2:24% South Jersey Patchen Jr., b B, 1879, by South Jersey Patchen Lucy 2:14% Southward, b s, 1887, by Onward- Admiration, by Mambrino Patchen. 2:28% Spanislh Maiden, ro m, 1886, by Happy Medium Maggie Keene, by Mam- brino Hatcher 2:29; 4 Spartan, b g, 1880, by Strathmore Allfi, by Almont. 2:24^ Sparx, b s, 1889, by Jersey Wilkes Blanche, by Egbert 2 :24% Spectator, b s, 1884, by Dictator Hattie Hogan, by Administrator 2:28 Speculation, gr s, 1885, by Mambrino Messenger Mambrino Belle, by Mambrino Charta 2:25 Speedaway, gr s, 1885, by Brook Nanette, by Hambrino 2:24!4 Speedress, b m, 1877, by King Philip . Nell, by Tenbrook 2:2oV 4 Spencer Grl, rn g, 1889, by Ashman Savona Girl, by Wood's Hambleton- ian * 2:30 Speedwell, g g, 188 by Stede, dam y Mambrino Wilkes 2:26W Spencer Wilkes, b s, 1887, by Idol Wilkes Molly Walker, by Captain Walker f 2:28% Sphinx, b s, 1883, by Electioneer Sprite, by Belmont 2:20% Spider, ro g, 187, pedigree not traced 2:30 Spinella, b m, 1875, by Louis Napo- leon Scotia, by Dennison (dead) 2:21& Spinaway, blk 'm, 1891, by Clay *Myrtle Herr, by Dr. Herr 2:29 1 /2 Spirea, ch m, 1886, by Autograph Princess 2:24% Split Second, b m, 1891. by Happy Heir Bird, by Harry Thorndale 2:28 Split Ears, ch s. 1885. by Star Ethan- Marie, bv Young Columbus 2:29U Spofford, blk g, 1880, by Kentucky Prince, dam by Dispatch 2:18% Spokane, b s- 1888, by Stranger Speedaway, by Socrates 2:26 Spo~t, gr s, 1884, by Piedmont Son- ^ag Mohawk, by Mohawk Chief Spotted Beauty,' wh g,' 187,' by ' Ma- ' zeppa. ........................... Spotted Colt, sp g, 1862, by Hough's Hambletonian Spotted Mare (dead) 2:25% Spotted Sam, sp s, 1878, by Wood's Hambletonian Spotted Moll, by Wallace's- Phenomenon (pacing 2:25%) ........................... 2:29->i Sprague (Round's), 'br s, 1879, by Gov. Sprague Davis Maid, by Mambrino Prince ....... . ................... 2:24% Sprague Gol' / 4 Sprague Pilot, blk s, 1878, by Gov. Sprague Lady Temple, by Pilot Temple ........................... 2:24 Sprague Superb, b e, 1885, by Wilmar Nelly, by Black Diamond ......... 2:20% Sprague Winship, br s. 1885, by Wi.l- ma>-Stella, by H. B. Winship ...... 2:2914 Spray, b m, 1887, by Princeton Lady Edsall, by Westwood ............... 2:28Vi Spray, Oh m, 1888, by Simmons Pat- terson Mare, by Patterson's Trustee 2:28V,j Spreckles, b s, 1889, by Epaulet Charm, by Santa Glaus ............. 2:30 Springcroft, blk s, 1887, by Alcyone Hebe, by Emulus ................. 2:Jb 7 i Springdale, ch g, 188 ............. . . 2:24% Spring Day, b m, 1888, by O. F. Clay-Saratoga, by New York ...... 2:26% Sp-y, b g, 1882, by Gen. Beaton- Sprite, by Belmont ............. .... 2:28-k Spm-geon. br s, 1880, by Charley B.- Jenny, by Freehold Bashaw ........ 2:21%. Spurrier Boy, ch g. 1881, by Brussels Sally Beaver, by Coulter's Davy Crocket ................... Spy, ch s,' 1887, 'by Allandorf Style, ' 188-,' by 'McEwen. . . . 2:25% S S. br g. 1883, by Kentucky Volun- teer-Matilda, by Springville Chief. 2:2C% S. S. Ellswoith, ch g, 187- by Andy Tohnson .................. Stamboul,'b's,"l882, by Sultana-Fleet- wing; by Rysdyk's Hambletonian... 2:0i% sSina/br m, \888, by Patron-Cle- ora B. by Elial G ............ 2 - 26 ^ Stammont b s, 1890 by Stamboul- Zorava by Guy Wilkes ............. 2.2U?4 StISnat' b 7 s, y !888 by Stamboul- Young Signal, by Arthurton. . ...... 2.2o% Stanford, f s. WKtJP* Piedmont- Irene, by Mohawk Chief ...... >' 2 - 26 ^ Stanfoi'd/b s, 1885 by Clay-Flora, by Whipple's Hambletonian. .... .... 2.29y 4 Stanhope, b s, 1889, by Red Wilkes- Venus Almont. by Star Almont ..... 2:25% Stanley, b g, 1884, by Dartmouth ..... 2.29 1 * Stanley, b g, 1885, by Venture Boone, dam bv Matchless ................. : -- 1 b g, 188-, pedigree not ' b s, 'l883.' by Vaient'ine S^i- Kewanna, 2.2 Stanza, blk s. 1887 .by Strangei-on- fl3S*- Fashion, by Long Island taTb k 'g',' 1871,' i>V 'Aberde^n- by Carpenter's American Star A. McDOWELL, SAN FKANCISCO, CAL. In 1894 McDowell placed the world's record for trotters at 2 :03% with Alix and the world's record for two-year-old pacers at 2 :()7% with Directly. MILLARD SANDERS, PLEASANTON, CAL. Millard Sanders drove the following yearlings to world's records : Frou Frou 2:25}, Fausta (p) 2:22%, Rosedale (p) 2:22. He also marked the pacer W. Wood 2:07 and drove the trotter Guy in 2:10%. TBE 2:30 TROTTERS. 137 Star, dh g, 186, by Gonklin's Amer- ican Star 2:30 Star Alcyone, b s, 1887, by Alcyone Olivette 2:24Vi Star Allen, blk m, 1884, by Frank Allen Goddess of Liberty, by Phil Sheridan 2:26% Star B.. b g, 1885, by Dom Pedro- Cora Collins, by Ned Forrest 2:2G'/ 3 Star Bashaw, blk s, 1885, by Star of of the West Bonnie Boon, by Ba- shaw Drury 2:24k Star Bashaw, oh s, 1884, by Wapsie Gasw, by Abdallah Star 2:27 Star Chief, b g, 188, pedigree not traced 2:30 Star Duroc, b:- s, 1874, by Messenger Duroc Lori Hard, Mare, by Seely's American Star 2:25% Star Gazer, b g, 1878, by Tom F. Patcihen 2 :26 ! /4 Star Girl, b m, 188, by Star Lam- bert .' 2:29V 2 Star Hambletonian, br s, 1875, by Fel- te:-'s Hambletonian Belle Pitts, by American Boy 2:2894 Star Hawk, ch s, 1887, by Star of the WestH-Betula, by Romulus 2:17v4 Starin Medium, b s, 1880, by Happy Medium Lady Eninia, by Niagara Champion 2 :2GVi Star King, dn g, 187 by George M. Patchen Jr 2:22 Starletta, blk m, 1881, by Starlight- Highland Mary, by Seely's Ameri- can Star ." 2:21Vi Sty rlight, ch g, 1878, by Cyclone- Modesty. 2:2844 Starlight, br m, 1889, by Electioneer Sallie Benton, by Gen. Benton 2:15>; Star Lily, ch m, 1884, by President Garf eld Star Queen, by Star Ham- bletonian 2:20 Star Line, gr s, 1886, by White Line Belle Parsons, by Star Hambleton- ian 2:27 Star Line, br s, 1885, by White Line Lady Star, by Star Hambletonian 2:29 ; } 4 Starling, ch s, 188, by Banks 2.27k Sta-.i Medium, b s, 188, by Rupert Medium 2:28% Star Medium, gr s, 188, by Pilot Medium :2CJi Star Medium, b m, 1889, by Union Medium Alpha, by Atlantic 2:29 54 Star Moak, b s, 1888, by Mohawk Hambletonian Peggy Corrigan, by Jackson 2 :20% Star Monarch, br s, 1879, by Almon- arch Charlotte Jones, . by Raster's Royal George 2:23% Starmont, blk s, 188, by Hamlin's Almont Jr 2 :28% Star of the West, blk s, 1860, by Fly- ing Cloud Gney Fanny, by Eureka (dead) 2:26% Star of the West Jr., blk s, 1876, by Star of the West Lady Douglas, by Black Douglas 2:29% Star Princeps, b s, 1889, by Princeps Maybird, by Abdallaih Bird 2:16% Startle, b s, 1887. by Mambrino Star- tle Ham lettie. by 'Hamlet 2:25 Startle, blk s, 1870, by the Andrews Horse, dam by Witherell Messenger 2:26% Star W., b m, 1879, by Concord Fan. 2:27% State Senator, blk g, 188, by Fleet's Hambletonian Princess 2;2G Stathard, b m, 1886, by St. Gothard Stacy, by Strathmore 2-27W. Stealaway, b m, 188 , by Blial G 2:28V, Steineer b s, 1887, by Steiuway Katy G., by Electioneer 2:29i /4 Steinway, b s, 1876, by Strathmore Abbess, by Albion. . . '. 2 -25% Stella, b m, 1879, by Electioneer Lady Rhodes, by Gen. Taylor 2:30 Stella, gr m, 188 by Abdallah Glen- coe Fanny Ramsey, by Hogan's Henry 2 -9 Stella, br m, 1892, by Geo. Washing- ton, dam by McDonald Chief 2:30 Stella, br m, 1885, by Shawmut Lady Bleano.% by Walkill Chief 2:21 Stella Belnwnt, b m, 1887, by Bel- mont Lida Goldsmith, by Gold- smith's Abdallah ,. 2:19 Stella Blake, br m, 1871, by Pequaw- ket Rosa B., by Morgan Trotter... 2:25'/4 Stella C., ch m, 187, by Aberdeen- Maud 2-27^4 Stella C., br m, 1885, by Director- Speculation Maid, by Speculation... 2:26 Stella H., br m, 1885, by Hambleton- ian Mambrino Stewart Mare 2- 9 9% Stella Magnet, b m, 1884, by Magnet Leadville Girl, by Pilot Duooc 2:24% Stellaria, b m, 1891, by Lancaster- Sun Maid, by Belmont 2-26% Stemwinder, b g, 1884, by Altainont Amanda, by Scamperdown ''5 J /4 Stephanie, b m, 1882, by Meander- Ruby Duroc, by Messenger Duroc. . . 2-2' :>1 / 4 Stephanus. b s, 1871, by Bajardo Nancy, by Morgan Hunter 2'2S ] /4 Stephen G., b g, 1874. by Knicker- bockerSunbeam, by Volunteer 2:20% Stephen M., b g, 1872, by American Sta- Jr. Miss Cadmus, by Long Isl- and 2 -28% Stephen R.. oh g, 1884. by Gen Thomas Dolly Russell, by Mazpppa 2:20'/ 4 Sterling Wilkes, ch g, 188 by Bour- bon Wilkes Lucy Moore, by Ster- ling 2-23% Sternberg. hlk s. 1888. by Wilkes' Boy Fanny Allen, bv Black Allen 2:151,4 Stet Brino. ch s, 1888, by Hambrino Jewess, by Woodford Mambrino 2:26Vi Steve, br g, 188, by Steve Whipnle, dami by Nephew 2'10'i Steve Maxwell, gr g, 1867,' 'by' '6ie Bull Jr. (dead) 2-21% Steve Whipple. br s. 1884. by Ha'n> b'etonian Ch-isman Twist, by Whipple's Hambletonian 2*12 St^vie. blk g. 1880, by Kentucky Prince-CamiHe, by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian 2-10 Stevie H., blk g, 188 , by Washing^ ton '. 2-22'i Stewart, gr s. 1888, by Pilot Medium- Mercedes, by Masterlode .2-25 Stewart Mac. ch s, 1878. bv Blue Bull Fanny Mac. by Night Shade 2:29 Stewart Maloney. b g, 1866, by Charles E. Loew (dead) 2-27 Stickfast, b g. 1882, by Duke of Craw- fordDora Houston, by Sam Hous- ton Jr 2'27 Stonecutter, b er, 1877. by Enfield Grey Fanny, by Pilot Jr.'. . . , . 2-28^ Stone- Boy. ch g, 188. by Mambrino Russel Vivette, by Strathmore 2:26'/t Str.neride-e, br s, '188, by Happy Thought 2-21V4 Stonewall, oh g. 187, by Frank Pierce 3d, dam by Moscow. 2:24% 138 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Stonewall, br s, 1889, by Egotist- Dixie Sprague, by GOT. SpragUC 2:2 1 / Stonewall, b s, 1881, by Jim Hill- Lena 2:2S 1 /i Storm, b ni, 1867, by Miadletou Gieen Mountain Maid, by Harry Clay (dead) 2:20% Storm, b s, 1887, by Du:>ango De- borah, by Squire Taimage 2:24 Stormer, b s, 1872, by Surprise Nel- ly 2:29% Stormer, b g, 1890, by Storm King- Fanny W., by Mereditlh 2:26V4 Storm King, b s, 1882, by Happy Med- ium Topsy Taylor, by Alexander's Norman 2:25% Stornaway, b s, 1884, by Chiohester Naiad, uy Belmont 2 :19 Story Teller, b m, 188, by Peter Story 2 :27% Story's Clay, b 6. 188, by Everett Clay, dani by Stillson 2:18% Strader H., be, 1886, by Squire Tal- niage Lucy H., by Napoleon 2:09ya Straugemore, blk s, 1879, by Columbia Chief Topsy, by Black Donald 2:29% Stranger, b g, 187, pedigree not traced 2 :30 Stranger, gr g, 1876, by Selim Kitty MclK>nakL by McDonald's Mambrino Chief 2:23 Stranger, gr g, 187 , by Mambrino Hanibletonian Grey Mary, by Trav- eler 2:23% Stranger, eh g, 1872, by Alta Sally. . 2:29 Stranger, gr g, 1849, by Eaton Ho.-se (dead) 2:30 Stranger, b s, 1885, by Tilton Almont Jessie, by Whipple's Hanibleton- ian 2:17 Stranger, ch g, 188, by Sir John Dean 2:25% Stranger Boy, br s, 188 , by Stranger, dam by Squire Talmage 2:29Vi Strangler, b s, 1887, by Stranger* Kate, by Allen Book. . . '. 2:26^4 Strategist, ch s, 1883, by Grand Sen- tinel Peru Belle, by Ranger 2:22 Stratford, b e, 1883, by Strathmore Young Winnie, by Woodford Mam- brino .' 2:28% Strathbridge, ch s, 1885, by Grand Sentinel Soprano, by Sti-athmore (dead) 2:28V 4 Strathalan, b s, 1887, by Strathmoiv Lady Waxy, by Beal's Waxy 2:2i'/4 Strathlan, b s, 18"74, by Strathmore Shackleford, by Aker's Idol 2:21% Strathboy, b s, 1886, by Strathmore Esmeralda^ by Hanibrino Star 2:22Vi Strathmove, b g, 1855, pedigree not traced (dead) 2:30 Stiathmore Abdallah, b s, 1885, by Strathmore Kate Abdallah, by Goldsmith's Abdallah 2:28 Strathway, oh s, 1885, by Stein way- Countess, by Whipple's Hambleton- ian 2:19 Strathwood, b e, 1881, by Strathmore Betty Blackwood. by Blackwood. . 2:25'^ Strephon, b g, 1888, by Kentucky Wilkes Melinda, by Oxmoor 2:26V 2 Strideaway, br g, 1861, pedig.-ee not traced 2:2bV 2 Strogoff, b s, 1884, by Grand Sentinel Molly, by Grey Fearnaught 2:24V t Strontia, gr g. 188, by Sam Purdy Madge, by Zirkle'e Engineer 2:14*4 Stuart, b g, 1880, by Strathmore Car- rie Clay, by Coaster 2-25 Student, c!h g, 188, by Socrates Hattie Woodward, by Aberdeen 2:21'y4 Success, b s, 1888, by Onward Minnie Walker, by Harry Wilkes 2:26';4 Success, b g, 188, pedigree not traced 2:30 Sucker Maid, gr m, 1868, by llocka- way, dam by Rob Roy 2:29Vi Sue Gillig, b m, 1888, by Gillig Cecil, by Waltham .' 2:25'/ 4 Sue Grundy, br m, 187, by Getaway Old Kate 2:25Va Suisnn, b m, 1884, by Electioneer Susie, by George M. Patchen Jr 2:18 & Suito , br s, 1884, by Blackwood Sue, by Thorndale 2:21 Sulfonal, b s, 1887, by Nutwood Ful- ton Maid, by Clay Pilot 2:lt>% Sultan, br e, 1875, by The Moor Sul- tana, by Delnionico (dead) 2 :24 SU.UMI, blk g. 1887, by Administrator 2:28% Sultana, b m, 1882, by Sir Walkill Free Love, by Biackwood 2:29% Sultandin, ch s, 188 by Sultan 2:29y a Sulwood, b s, 1885, by Sultan Lady Graves, by Nutwood 2:20 Summer Queen, ch m, 188, by Joe You See 2:29% Summit, br s, 1886, by Oberlin Cora, by Cottril Morgan 2:29% Summit Chief, b s, 1888, by Elliott Wilkes Toga, by Country Boy ... 2:21& Sumpter, b g, 1881, by Grand Sentinel Pet, by Chadwick 2:25% Sunalto, b s, 188, by Sunolo, dam by Washtenaw Chief 2:26>i Sunbeam, ch m, 1889, by Ambassador Mambrino Maid, by Chief 2:28 Sunbeam, br m, 1890. by Quartermas- terMagnolia, by Middletown 2:28 Sunbeam, b m, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) 2 :30 Sunflower, ch m, 1882, by Elmo- Ella Kellogg, by Chieftain 2:24 Sunlight, gr s, 1885, by Tasco Julia, by White Cloud 2:27 Sunlight, b s, 1886, by Bartholomew Wilkes Our Mary, by Roup's Amer- ican Boy 2:29V a Sunnyeide, blk m, 185, pedigree not traced (dead) 2:30 Sunol, b m, 1886, by Electioneer Waxana, by Gen. Benton 2:08% Sunrise, br g, 1882, by Abbottsford Belle, by Signal 2:24% Sunrise, br m, 1889, by Brazilian- Sunday, by Young Volunteer 2:28^ Sunrise Patchen, b s, 1883. by Seneca Patchen Lady Monmouth, by Win- throp Morrill, Jr 2:19 1 4 Sunrise Prince, b s, 18R9. by Hillside Prince Jessica, by Monaco 2:13'4 Sunset, b s. 1885, by Anteeo Nelly, by King Philip 2:20% Sunset Patchen, br s, 1885. by Senpc-a Patches Lqrly Monmouth. bv Wiu- throp Morrill,' Jr. (pacing 2:18%) 2:23% Sunshade Patchen. b s, 1888, by Sen- e^a Patch ^n Lady Monmouth by Winthrop Morrill. Jr 2:28 Sunshine, ch s, 1872, by Curtis' Hara- bletonian Kate, bv Kentucky Clay 2:29^ Sunehino. ch g, 1878. by Tramp- Flaxy, by Green's Bahnw 2:29% Superintendent b s. 1887, by A!mont Wilkes Dazzle, by Happy Medium 2:22 Superior, ch s, 1881, by Egbert THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 139 Mary, by Woodford Mambrlno ... Superior, b s, 1880, by Warwick Boy Brown Kate, by Virginia Superior Wilkee, ch s, 1888, by Hec- tor Wllkes Lady Trojan, by Troj in Surah, b s, 1889, by Rochester Lady Carmen, by Neely's Henry Clay . . Surprise, b m, 1889, by Aberdeen- Jenny W., by Almont Surprise, blk m, 187, by Tom Knox.. Surprise, gr g, 185, by Harry Clay, dam by Boanerges (dead) Surprise, ch s, 1884, by McGregor Chief Dolly, by Sam .'Kirkwood Surprise, gr m, 1876, by Grey Dan, dam by Black Sultan Surprise Franklin, ch s, 1887, by Ben Franklin Lady May, by Black- stone Susan B., br m, 1878, by Mark Anthony Susan Nipper, b m, 187, pedigree not traced Susette, b m, 1883, by Electioneer Susie, by George M. Patchen Jr. . . Susette, b m, 1886, by Onward Josie Sellers, by Mambrino Time Susie, ch m. 1862, by Hampshire Boy, dam by Wildair (dead) Susie, b m, 1883, by Addison Lambert, dam by DeLong's Ethan Allan . . . Susie, ch m, 1872, by George M. Patchen Jr. Santa Glaus, by Owen Dale (dead) Susie B., b m, 188, by Clinker Dol- ly, by Searcher Susie Collins, br m, 1884, by Volun- teerMadeleine, by Goldsmith's Ab- dallah Susie D., b m, 1876, by Middletown Nelly Holly, by Ed Holly (dead) Susie G., br m, 1884. by Alcalde Jr. Susie II., ch m, 1885, by Macon Blanche, by Harold Mambrino . . . Susie H.. b m, 188 by Duroc, dam dam by Kenyon Columbus Susie Mac. br m. 1882, by Nicotine Thorndale Princess, by Thorn- dale Susie Owen, br m, 1877. by Daniel Boone Gretchen, by Gideon Susie Parker, b m, 1864, by Henry B. A Patchen, dam by jAbdallah (dead) Susie S., ch m, 1881, by Harnble- tottian Marcbrino Bellfouider Maid, by Milliman's Bellfoi" Susie S., b m, 1884, by Hylas Lady Byron, by Byrcn Susie T., blk m, 188, by Bostick's Almont .Tr Sr-yie T., ro m., 18S1, bv Gov Sprague Morning Dawn, 'by Ma- rengo Susie W., blk m, 187$, by Comet- Doll Wattens Sussex, blk g, 187, by Star, dam by Rxsdjk's Hambletonian Sut, blk e. 1888. by Sut Lovingood Pet-rites, by Fearnar.ght Sutherland, b s, 1887, by Grand Sen- tinel-Empress, by Abdallah Mam- brino Sutton. ch s, 1888. by Epaulet Daisy Maid, by Mambrino Boy Suzerain, b . 1884, by Grand Sen- tinelShadow, bv Octoroon S. V. White, b s, 1891, by Alexander 2:17% 2:18% 2:24% 2:29y 2 2:29Vi 2:29% 2:26 2:23% 2:28% 2:29% 2:29% 2:30 2:23i/ 2 2:26% 2:21 2:26 2:26% 2:26% 2:20% 2:29\4 2:26% 2:291/4 2:27% 2:29 2:26 2:25% 2:18 2:15% 2:2314 2:28% 2:26V 2 2:30 2:28% 2:2414 2:2614 2:20% tDuuiaa Topsy White, by Little Ben 2:29% Swanock, b s, 1887, by Advance Johnetta, by Honest John 2:20 Swanton Boy, br g, 1880. by Jiminy Elaine Bird, by McKesson'e Grey Eagle 2:23% Swanton Boy, br s, 1886, by Star Ethan Daisy Dean, by Young Rip 2:27% S. W. Bennett, b s, 1885, by Pilot Medium Belle B., by Masterlode . . 2:19% S. W. a, b g, 1879, by Artemas- Lady Bellfounder, by Powhattan.. 2:27 Sweepstakes, b g, 1875, by Kentucky Prince Juno, by Conklin'e Ameri- can Star 2:24% Sweetbriar, gr m, 1870, by Eugene Casserly Peanuts, by George M. Patchen Jr 2 :26% Sweetbriar, ch m, 188, by Favorite Wi Ikes Sally Wood, by Westwood 2:17% Sweet Child, b m, 1891, by April Fool, dam a Texas mare 2:29%, 'Sweetheart, br m, 1878, by Sultan Minnehaha, by Stevens' Bald Chief 2-22% Sweetheart, b m, 1884, by Masterlode Irish Girl, by Tarn O'Shanter ... 2:29% Sweet Home, ch m, 187, by Milli- man's Bellfounder 2:30 Sweetness, b m, 1878, by Pequawket 2:26% Sweetness, b m, 1871, by Volunteer- Lady Merritt, by Edward Everett.. 2:21*4 Sweetness, b m, 1874, by Young Vol- unteer Fustey, by John Shylock (dead) 2:22%, Sweet Rose, b m, 1891, by Electioneer Rosemont, by Piedmont 2:25% Sweetwater, b m, 1889, by Stamboul 2:26 S. W. G., b g, 188, by William H. Vanderbilt 2 '26% Swigert Bellfounder, b s, 188, by Swigert Lady, by Bay Dick 2:25% Swigert Jr., b s, 1875, by Swigert Pauline, by Mambrino Rattler .. ,. 2:22% Swigert K., br e, 1889, by Swigert Ltidy Belle, by Richard's Bell- f ovpc'er 2 :25% Syenite, ro g, 187, by Waveland Cbief Nancy Dillard, by John Dil- lard 2:29% Sylvanite, ch m, 1891, by Delraarch . . 2:26 Sylva C., b m, 1891, by Sphinx Coast Girl, by Coaster 2:29% Sylvan, b rn, 1885, by Petoskey Sally, by Monroe Chief 2:28% Sylvan, b s, 1884, by Nutwood Nora Lee, by Woodford Mambrino 2 :23% Sylvan Glen, b s, 1883, by Duke of Glenlake Beatrice, by Moro 2:30 Sylvester K., b g, 1885, by Lambertus Young Pocahontas, by Stride way. . 2:17% Sylvia, b m, 1887, by Stranger Sybil, by Jay Gould 2:29% Sylvia, ch m, 1883, by Middletown Jr. Black Kate by Andrew Jack- son 2:27% Sylvia M., gr m, 1878, by Baird's HajmbletonJan ' Prince Faifch Der- rick . 2:25% Syndicate, b m, 1878, by Erin Chief 2:2o% T. A., b g, 1868, by Sentinel 2:26 Tackey, gr m, 1859. by Pilot Jr. Jenny Lind, by Bellfounder (dead). . 2:20 Tacks, blk s. 1885, by Egbert Jen- ette, by Mambrino Howard 2:24% Tacony, ro g, 1844, by Sportsman (dead) 2:27 Tague O'Ragan, b g, 1887, by Black's 140 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Hambletonian 2:27% Tainter, br g, 1878, by Eclair-Nelly Wildwood, by Matchless ........... T. A. K., b g, 1875, by Gilroy ...... Takina, b m, 1881, by Strathmore Belle ............................ Talavera, b s, 1881, by Happy Med- iumKate, by Alhoit ............ Talisman, b s, 1885, by Princeps Dolly, by Billy Booker ........... Tall Leon, b B, 1890, by Tallmage Lady Leon, by Leon .............. Tamarack, gr g, 187, by Jim Haw- kins ............................ Tamerlane, blk s, 1889, by Aristos Empress ......................... Tarn O'Shanter, blk g, 188, by Charley B ...................... Tandy, b s, 1884, by Robber Boy- Sister, by Strathmore ............. Tanner Boy, gr g, 186, by Edward Everett .......................... Tansy D., b m, 188, by Stephen A. Douglas .......................... Tansy G., ch m, 188, by Ajax ..... Tanhauser, br g, 188, by Billy R. . . Tarantella, br m, 1890, by Axtell Gladys, by McMahon ............. Tariff, blk g, 1883, by Young Wilkes Nelly, by Robert Whaley ........ Tariff, b s, 1874, by Clarion Chief- Lillian, by Favorite ............... Tariff J., br s, 1883, by Tariff, dam by Champion ..................... Tartar, b g, 1884, by St. Louis Mary, by Milwaukee ............... ..... Tartar, br g, 1849, by Wild Deer (dead) ............................ Tattler, b s, 1868, by Pilot Jr. Telltale, by Telamon '(dead) ...... Taurus, br s, 1885, by Kackman'e Idol Clifton Girl, by Stonewall Jackson Tavernie", b s, 1887, by Pilot Wilkes Sid Offutt Mare, by Almont ....... Taylor, b g, 188, by Tom Scott ..... Taylor, ro g, 1872, by Johnny B ...... Taylorson, gr g, 1885, by Sweepstakes Snowball, by Potter s Clay ...... Teakwoorl, b s, 1890. by Nutwood- Lady Bashaw, by Mambrino Boy . . Teaser, b g, 1883, by Johnny Repp . . . Tecoma, b e, 1884, by Alecto Sally Jenkins, by General Knox ......... Tecumseh, ch Gift Lady Night Haw Hawk ............................. Teddy Look, ch g, 188, by Look ____ Ted McMahon, b g, 1882, by McMahon Daisy, by Hambletonian Chief ---- Telegraph Girl, ch m, 1880, by Harry Arlington Nelly, by Winchester. . . Telephone, ro g, 1877, by Wood's Hamibletonian Miss Roberts, by Young Andrew Jackson ............ Telephone, b s. 1882, by Empire Lark, by Abdallah Mambrino ...... Tellie, br g, 1883. by Abdallah J- ..... Tempest, ch m,, 1880, by Sunshine Nelly . ....... ...... .... ............ Tempest, b m, 1883. by Hawthorne Brown Tempest, by Ohieftain ---- Tempest, blk g, by Tempest Jr ...... Tempest, ch g. 1876, by Millman's Bell founder Firefly, by Walnut Bark .............................. Tempest, gr m, 187, by Ledger Tillie Fee, by Cook's Bulrush Mor- gan ............................... 1876, by Mambrino k, by Night 2:26 2:28% 2:30 2:30 2:30 2:29% 2:28i/ 2 2:29 2:28% 2:2834 2:22i/ 2 2:29 2.30 2:22^ 2:2iy 2 2:20% 2:20% 2:26 2:26% 2:28% 2:26 2:30 2:26J/2 2:28V4 2:26i4 2-.27V4 2:30 2:29 2:19V4 2:28 2:28Vi 2:28 2:29% 2:22% 2:15% 2:25i/ 1 2:27% 2:19 2:22',i 2:29 Temple, b s, 1874, by Harold Bland Temple, by Lexington (dead) . Temple Bar, blk s, 1886, by Egbert- Nettie Time, by Mambrino Time. ... Templeinore, ch e, 1887. by Theseus Delancy Tramp, by Tramp Templeton, b s, 1885, by Warlock P:-inces Royal, by Happy Medium (dead) '. Tempter, b e, 1889, by St. Bel Nora Temple, by Belmont Templette, b g, 1889, by Epaulet- Kitty Temple, by Rysdyk Tennessee, blk m, 1861, by Commodore Dairy Maid, by Vermont Black Hawk Tennessee Wilkes, b s, 1880, by George Wilkes Lizzie Hayden, by Peavine Tennie C., blk m, 1890, by Major H.. . Tennyson, ch g, 188, by Thompson's Golddust Tennyson, b s, 1885, by Tremont Lady Wilkes, by George WT.kes Terragon, b g, 1886, by Tauton Barker Mare, by Bald Chief Tentabit, gr s, 1888, by Pilot Medium Minnie Hoag, by Bay Middteton. . . Texas Bill, gr g, 187, pedigree not traced Texas Jack, ch g, 187 by Blue Bull. Texas Joe, b s, 188, by Texas Jack. . Texas Rooker, br s, 188, by Texas Jack, dam by Rooker ' T. G., ch g. 1878, by Young's Ham- bletonian Prince, dam by Bilow Horse Thad. b g, 1879, by Hambletonian Tranby Thalberg, b g, 1878, by Mambrino Ex- celsiorGeorgia Mack, by Cady's Champion Thalia, b m, 1885, by Col. Hambrick Miss Watson, by Billy Lewis Thapsin, blk g, 1880. by Berlin Lady Hubbard, by Benicia Boy The Bamke-, ch s. 1874, by Mambrino Patchen Lute Boyd, by Joe Down- ing The Bull, b s, 1885, by Thomas Jeffer- son Shepparcless, by Jack Sheppard The Colonel, b g, 1884, by White's Pete Nell The Conqueror, ch s, 1890, by Egotist Arlotta, by Harold The Corporal, b s. 188, by Baird's Hambletonian Prince .....' The Item, b g. 1881, by Gov. Sprague Molly Walker, by Captain Walker The Jewess, b m, 1871. by Mambrino Patchen Lettia, by Joe Downing. . The Judge, b s, 188, by Round's 2:30 2:17% 2:29% 2:25% 2:24% 2:29^4 2:27 2:26% 2:25% 2:27 'A 2:23 2:29i4 2:26% The King, blk s, 1874, by George Wilkes Jewel, by Gill's Vermont. . Thelnm, b m, 1891', by Thorr Helen, by Kentucky Prince ............... Theme, ch g. 1890, by Ben Harrison- Dolly Smith, by Fisk's Mambino Chief Jr ........................... Themis, b m, 1885. by Achilles- Young Sontag, by Volunteer ........ Theodore, br s, 1885, by Reverie Maole Leaf, by New York (pacing 2:29*4 2:26 2:29Vi 2:20 2:24% 2:211/4 2:29% 2:30 2:26% 2:15% 2:28V 2 2:25V4 2:26 2:22% The Raven, blk s, 1886, by Elial G. Maud, by Victor .................. The Raven, blk m, 1890, by Clay 2:29 2:291/4 2:25 2:2614 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 141 King Annabel Lee, by Aberdeen.. 2:20 Theresa, br m, 1887, by Nelson Lady, by Gen. Knox 2:25% The Seer, b s, 1885, by Gen. Benton Odette, by Electioneer 2:15% Thetis, b m, 1885, by Mambrino Wilkes Serena, by Vedder's Cad- mus ' 2:16Vi The Turk, b s. 1887, by Sultan Ida Elliott, by A 1 lie West 2:30 The-ese Phallamout, b m, 1887, by Phallamont Mollie Bradley, by Mil- waukee 2:29^4 Theresa Sprague, b m, 1878, by Gov. Sprague Bohemian Girl, by Almont 2:25 1 / Thompson, ch s, 185)0, by Boodle, dam by Jim Mnlvenna 2:21V4 Thompson, blk g, 188, by Redwood Boone, dam by Howe's Bismarck... 2:27% Thornburg, b g, 1877, by Judge Advo- cateLady Reno, by Gen. Grant 2:21% Thorndale, 'b s, 1865, by Alexander's Abdallah Dolly, by Mambrino Chief (dead) 2:22',i Thorndale F., b g, 1881, by Thorodale Chief Lady Durgin, by Walter Allen 2:30 Thorndale Jr.. b s, 1885, by Hero of Thorndale Wild Maid, by Young Matchless 2:30 Thorndale Maid, b m, 1877, by Thorn- dale Country Maid, by 'Country Gentleman 2:30 Thorndelia, gr m, 1881, by Thorndale Chief Maggie Wayne 2:27>4 Thornden, b s, 1887, by Crittenden Mary K., by Hero of Thorndale 2:30 Thornless. b g, 1878, by Dauntless- Nannie Thome, by Hamlet 2:15% Thornley, b s. 1889, by Rumor Thorn- leaf, by Jay Gould 2:29*4 Thornton, b g, 1885. by Alcantara Tho:iidale Maid by Thorndale 2:26V4 Thorntonian b s, 1888, by Egthome Kit F., by William M 2:30 Thorn Rose, ch m, 1888, by Nil Des- peramdum Rosy Thorne, by Thorn- dale " 2:26% Thorn Wilkes, b s, 1887, by Hector Wilkes Smuggler Belle, by Smug- - gler 2:28V 3 Thornwood, b g, 188 2:29% Thornwood. ch s. 1887, by Hawthorne March Fourth, by Whipple's Ham- bletonian 2:19V4 Throe Tips, ch s, 1887, by Sam Purdy Virginia Girl, by Hetzel's Ham- blotonian 2-251A Thursday, blk m, 188, by Noonday. . 2:25 Thurston, b s, 1889, by Sir Archie 2:29% Tickle Me, blk s, 1889, by O. F. Clay, dam by Lyle Wilkes . .' ............. Tietam, b s, 188, by Anteeo Eva- line, by Nutwood .................. Ticonic, ch g, 1875, by Milwaukee- Lady Dexter, by Black Flying Cloud TickO' Tanic, b m, 1890 ............. Tid Jefferson, blk m, 1880, by Alex- ander Jefferson Jenny, by Pilot. . . . Tilford, b s, 1883, by Bourbon Wilkes Julia, by Gibson's John Dillard Jr. Tillie B., b m ........................ Tillie Green, ch m, 188 by Mam- brino King ........................ Tillie Macey, b m, 188 by Macey, dam by Hero of Thorndale ......... Tillie S., b:- m, 1886, by Pasacas Hatch Mare, by Patchen .......... Tilton, br g, 188, by Constellation. . . Tilton Almont, b s, 1872, by Almont, dam by Clark Chief (dead) .......... Tilton B., b g, 188 by Tilton Al- mont, dam by John Nelson ......... Tim O., b g, 188, by Graham's Mam- brino ........... .' ................. Time Medium, b s, 1880, by Happy Medium Decorah, by Mambrino Time ............................. Tim Kane, br s, 1890, by Judge Trum- ble Brown Nell ................... Timothy, b g, 187 by Hindoo ....... Tina F., b m, 1888, by Tamarisk ..... Tinker, b g, 188, by Blckford Forrest Tinker, b s, 1880, by Geo -ge M. Patch- en Jr., dam by Uncle Tom ......... Tinnie B., br m, 1875, by Black Pilot Oooney, by Stewart Morgan ........ Tin Plate, 'br s, 1891, by Durango- Nickle Plate, by Belmorit .......... Tiny, b g, 1880, by Solicitor Red Bird, by Harold .................. Tiny, br m, 1889, by Electioneer Telie, by Gen. Benton ............. Tiny B., 'b m, 1886, by Charley B. Pauline, by Prince Imperial ...... Tiny Moore, b m, 1891, by Judge Tranby Minnie H., by Legal Ten- der Jr ............... .' ............. Tiny Rogers, b m, 1886, by Prairie Star lone, by Wapsie ............. Tioga Belle, b m, 188, by Hiatoga Chief .......................... ... Tipple, b m, 1884 by Echo Hatha- way Mare, by Wnipple's Hamble- tonian ............................. Tippo Tib. b g, 1880, by Reliance, dam by Mambrino Rattler ......... Tipseco, b s, 1884, by Louis Napoleon, dam by Garibaldi 1 ................. Tipton Boy, b g, 1881, by Gypsy Chief Whelan Mare, by George S. Patcihen ........................... Tip Tyler, blk s, 1888, by Wilton- Lady Simmons, by Honest Allen ____ Tirzan, b m. 1877, by Swige-.-t Lady, by White Stockings ............... Tirziah, ch an, 1888, by Penrose Dinah, by Little Crow ............. Title Clear, ch m, 188, by Great Hopes ............................ Titania, ch m, 1878, by Aberdeen- Bonnie Lassie, by O. J. Wells ...... Tito, b s, 1887, by Egbert Laura, by Billy Adams ....................... T. J. Potter, gr g, 187, pedigree not traced ............................ To'csin. ch s, 1879. by Almont Jenny Martin, by Star Denmark .......... Toinetibe, b' m, 1884, by Onward 2:28 2:19 2:26^ 2:28^ 2:27Va 2:17% 2:24V a 2:27 2:26 1 /4 2:27V a 2:24^. 2:26 2:24% 2:23Vi 2:27V 2 2:21*4 2:26& 2:25 2:25% 2:28 2:27*4 2:26 2:2914 2:21*6 2:29^4 2:30 2:29& 2:16vi 2:26 2:24*4 2:22 2:30 2:26 2:30 2:27 2:27 2:29% 2:22% 142 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Sally B., by Lever ................ Token, b in, 1888, by Onward Alarm, by Alinont ........................ Tola, gr m, 1873, by Sailton Nelly Grey ... ..... ..... ................ Tola, b s, 1889, by Vatican--- Gallie C., by Peavlne ........................ Tolu Maid, br m, 1871, by Red Bird. . Toman, dh g, 1890, by Edgardo, dam by Olympus- ....................... Tom Allen, blk g, 1874, by Honest Allen Lucy Smith, by Brignoli ..... Tom Arden, b g, 1885, by Rues Den- mark .............................. Toon Bailey, b g, 188, by Sam, B., dam by Tom Oi-owder. . . '. .......... Tom Baird, b s, 188, pedigree not traced ............................ Tom Barry, b g, 187, by Warwick Boy, dam by Tattler Jr ............ Tom Bayard, b g, 187, pedigree not. traced ............................ Tom B. Patchen, br s, 1871, by Chur- cMU Horse, dam by Benson Horse. Tom Britton, be g, 1805, by Mam- brunelio (dead) .................... Tom Brown, eh g, 1870, by Adam's Bald Chief, dam by Sam Slick ...... Toon Cameron, gr g, 1872, by Scott's Hia toga Old Pac, by Paeoiet ...... Tom Carpenter; b g, 1883, by Thomas Jefferson Shepperdess, by Jack Shepperd .......................... Tom Corwin, b s, 1880, by Smuggler Lily Shields*, by King's Cadmus.. Tom Covington, blk s, 1883, by Limber Jim Old Kate ........ ............ Tom Dixon, b s, 188, by Princeps. .. Tom Drew, b s, 188, by Young Dir- igo Wild BLid, by Patchen, Boy. . . . Tom Bdran ........................ Tom H., b s, 188, by Tom Scott. . . . Tom Hook, b s, 1889, by Cyclone Nan Brown, by Col. Hainbrick .......... Tom H., b g, 188, by Tom Scott ____ Tom Hull, b g, pedigree not traced. . Tom Jacobs, b g, 1885, by Clark's Hanib^etonian ..................... lorn Judge, b g, 1888, by Melrose Molly Clark, by Holabird's Ethan Allen ............................. Tom Hamilton, b g, 1885, by Ham- ilton ...................... * ....... Tom Hendricks, gr g, 1873, by Tom Hunter ........................... Tom Hendricks, b g, 1868, by Tom Rolfe Black Sal, by Copperbottom . Tom, b g, 186, by Jersey Star Betsy Baker (dead) ......... Tom King, b e, 1883, by Daniel Boone Dolly Bidwell ................... Tom Kirkwood, bl s, 1874, by Green's Bashaw Nancy Bell, by Gales' Mor- gan ............................. Tom Knox. ch s, 1883, by Telephone Topsy, by Currier Horse ......... Tom Mackey, br g, 1886, by Hotspur Chief Belle Herman, by Hermes... Tom Malloy, bl g, 187, by Phil Sher- idan .............................. Tom Medium, b s, 188, by Riley Medium Queen, by Harris ........ Tern Medley, b g, 187 pedigree not traced ............................ Tom Miller, ch s. 1889, by Williams Pearl K., by Egmont ............ Tom Moore, b s, 1868, by Jupiter Abdallah Nelly Moore ............ 2:30 Tom Murray, b g, 1883, by Chester Chief Murray Mare, by Nanny 2 :14% i Horse Tom Scott, g g, 188, by Nutwood. 2:29% Tommy, b g, 1879, by Aberdeen- Jenny Baker 2;21% , Tommy B., b g, 1875, by Caledonian 2:23!4 i Chief Kitty, by James' Toronto Chief Jr 2:12*4 Tommy B., b g, 188, by Hotspur Jr. Tommy Dodd, ro g, by Alexander, 2 :22 dam by Mystery I Tommy G., b g, 1887, by Queen's 2:1614! Phallas Clara G., by Brilliant Gold- dust . 2:2S'/ 4 2:28 2:2014 2:27V 2 2:27-4 2:26 i 2:27% i 2:23% ' 2:23y 2 | 2:25 2:28Vi i 2:24^ 2:27Vi I 2.28% i 2:27hen Lady Ayres, by Redmon's Abdallah 2:28% Turner Boy, b s, 1889, by Dick 144 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Wilkes Kate, by lard Stockdale's Dil- Tuscarora, b s, 1890, by Antonio- Reality, by Princeps Twang, b g, 185, by Handley's Hia- toga, dam by Young Eclipse Twang, b s, 1886. by Alcyone Twin- kle, by Knickerbocker Twiggs, b g, 1887, by Judge Rysdyk Jess, by Beckwith Horse Twilight, b m, 1883, by Pocohontas Boy Champion Belle, by King's Champion Twilight, gr g, 1884, by Arnold Grey Mag, by Mike McCool Twilight, gr m, 186, by Washington Jackson (dead) Twinebinder, br g, 1880, by Panic Twinkle, ch m, 1889, by Egmont May Powell, by Major Powell Twinkle, br m, 1887, by Dictator- Flora Wilkes, by George Wilkes Twist, ro m, 1886, by Jay Bird Tas- sell. by Rathlin (dead) Tybalt, 'blk s, 1885, by Altamont Nelly Kaihler, by Mike Tycho, b s, 1885, by Jerome Eddy- Clay Thorne, by Hiram Tyler, ro g, 187, pedigree not traced Tyler Wilkes, br s, 188, by Wild Wilkes Typhoon, br s, 1879, by Narragansett Ellen Swigert. by Swigert Typhoon, b m 1886, by Lord Russell- Storm, by Middletown Tyranus, blk s, 1889, by Young Wilkes Rosetta, by Pickering (pacing 2:22V 4 ) .........* Tyrant Chief, b s, 1883, by Tyrant- Nelly, by Young Woful Tyringham. b s, 1883, by Alcantara Volante, by Messenger Duroc Tyrolean, gr s, 1884, by Pilot Medium Mary Courts, by Bay Middleton.. Ulee Wilkes, bl& nf, 1888, by Guy Wilkes Sable, by The Moor Ulva, gr m, 1879, by Wedgewood Tulip, by Alexander's Abdallan Umber, br s, 1881, by William Rysdyk Begum, by Alcalde Umbria, b m, 1886, by Pennant Mam- brino Maud, by Mambrino Paris Una, b m, 1874, by Almont Mangos- tine, by imp. Mango Una Wilkes, b m, 1886, by Guy Wilkes Blanche, by Arthurton Una Young, b m, 1885, by Gen. Stan- tonJenny, by Grantham Chief Uncas, b g, 188, by Onsight Uncle Dave, sp g, 187, by Indepen- dent Uncle Henry, br s, 1889, by Bolton Sprague Black Rose, by Swigert Uncle Josh, ro s, 1890, oy Arsaces Nydia Sprague, by Governor Sprague Uncle Sam, b s, 1888, by Louis Napo- leonSeldom, by Durango Uncle Tom, ro g, 1889, by Sphinx- May C., by Dunbarton Union Medium, b s, 1885, by Happy Medium Camilla, by Strader's Cas- sius M. day Jr Union Wilkes, gr s, 188, by Mam- brino Wilkes Unkamet, ch s, 1890, by Lancelot Rusina, by Belmont Unknown, ch g, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) U. N. O., ch g, 1877. by Carenaught. 2:211,4 2:22% 2:28% 2:18% 2:24% 2:28^4 2:20% 2:27 2:29V4 2:27V4 2:25'/4 2:26 2:27>/4 2:28V4 2:28V 2 2:29% 2:28V 4 2:28 2:21V4 2:26% 2:29% 2:20% | 2:23 2:27 2:25V4 2:25V4 2:27^4 2:15 2:29%j 2:22% j 2:26% 2:29% 2:20% 2:22 2:18V4 Unolala, b m, 1871. by Volunteer- Flora, by Harry Clay (dead) . Up-and-Up, b g, ' 187, pedigree not traced Upright Wilkes, blk s, 1888, by Honor Miss Hay don, by Mambrino Foster Urbana Belle, b m, 1S78, by J. H Welsh Mary Belle, bv Breckinridge Useful, b g, 188, by Gambetta Ursula, b m, 1889 by Onward Maud, by Mambrino Time Utell, b s, 1887, by Square Dealer- Romping Girl, by Mambrino Royal U. Tell, br g, 1886, by Star Etlhan. *. . Utella, blk m, 1888, by Charley B. Wilkes dam by Miller Horse Utility, b m, 1885, by Electioneer Consolation, by Dictator Vadel, b m, 1887, by Vasco Delmo- netto, by Delmouico Val, b s, 188, by Vasco Lee, by Magic Valeour, ch s, 1882, by . King Rene- Marietta, by Mambrino Hedgeford. Valdemeer, b s, 1880, by Harold Vassal", by Belmont Valensin, ch s, 1883, by Crown Point Netty Lambert, by John Nelson. . Valentine, br g, 1880, by Kentucky Clay Jr. Queen Valentine, gr m, 1883, by Georgia Wilkes Valentine Chief, blk s, 188, by Val- entine Swigert Maggie, by Monroe Chief Valentine Sprague, blk s, 1884, by Gilbird's Sprague Fleda, by Grant's Hambletonian .' Valletta, br m, 1887, by Dresden- Nelly Wilson, by Onward Valiant, b s, 1871, by Enchanter Lorena, by Volunteer Valissa, b m, 1887, by Vasco Chess, by Magic Valkyr, b m, 1882, by Volunteer Star Susie, by Corbeau Valley Boy, b g, 1876, by Aberdeen- Flora, by Plow Boy Valley Chief, gr s, 187, by Phil Sher- idan, dam by Ben Bolt Valley Girl, b m, 1870, by Walkill Chief Madam Swiveller, by Henry Clay Jr Vallev Girl, dh m, 1889, by Valdameer Ella Steele, by Dan Underwood. . . Valley Queen, b m, 1891, by Sphinx- Mascot, by Red Wilkes Valse, b in, 1889, by Onward Cachuca, by Almont Vanadis, ch s, 1886, by Star of the West Fringa, by Almont Rattler. . Van Buren Wilkes, blk s, 1885, by Young Wilkes Fanny Easier, by Night Hawk Vancor, b g, 188 Vandeen. b s, 1889. by Clay Cuyler Dolly Dean, by Forest Mambrino. . . Vanderlynn, b g, 1874, by George M. Patchen Jr. Lady Scully, by Joseph Van Duke, b s, 1880, by Ryse Duke Indian Maid, by Saturn 2:18% Vanessa, b m, 1888, by Aberdeen Belle Donna, by Peavine 2:29% Van Helmont, blk s, 1884, by Har- bingerLady, by Gen. Knox 2:22V4i Vanity, b m, 1889. by Valdemeer Add'ie Wilkes, by Idol Wilkes 2:23 Vanity Fair, b g, 1867, by Albion 2:2-1% Van Robin, oh g, 1891, by Vatican. . . . 2:22i/ 4 2:28 2:14% 2:20V4 2:22Vi 2:28% 2:24% 2:29% 2:2CVi 2:20% 2:20% 2:18 2:28 2:28 2:23 2:22 2:18% 2:29% 2:29Vi 2:23 2:28'/4 2:19 2:19% 2:24% 2:25 2:30 2:29% 2:28% 2:30 2:26% 2:21% 2:23% 2:20% 2:21 2:30 2:26 2:19% 2:22 2:244 2:19Vi THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 145 Vanquish, blk s, 1889, by Hambleton- ian Mambrino Natilla J., by Rock- wood 2:19 Van Tassel, b s, 1884, by Crittenden Princess Alice, by Ashland Chief. 2:28V 2 Van Troinp, b s, 1884, by Badger Boy Springfield Maid, by Lakeland Abdallah 2:29 Vashto, b s, 1886, by Ambassador Jenny, by Robert Fillingham J" 2:27% Vassar, b s, 1889, by Vatican Nell, by Bstill Eric (pacing 2:07) 2:21% Vatican, b s, 1879, by Belmont Vara, by Ryedyk's Hambletonian 2:29% Vatican, ch s, 1887, by Acolyte- Santa Glaus, by Magic 2:18 Veda, b m, 1887, by Electioneer Isma, by Gen. Benton 2:26V4 Vega, blk s, 1887, by Woodb"ino Blackstone Belle, by Blackstone 2:15% Velmar, b s, 1887, by Robert Mc- Gregor, Credulity, by Belmont.... 2:28% Velocity, b g 2:26 Velox, b m, 1875, by Knickerbocker, dam by Rysdvk's Hambletonian.... 2:30 Velvet, ch s, 1886, by Tramp Bracket, by Peacock 2:28 Velvet, blk m, 1888, by Brown Wilkes Helmet, by Nutwood 2:22% Vendetta, blk m, 1886, by Black Cloud El-Pe-Nice, by Parisian 2:28% Vendetta, b s, 1888, by Reveille Kitty Morgan, by Joe Downing Jr. 2:20% Vonita Wilkes, b m, 188, by Guy Wilkes San Mateo Maid, by Spec- ulation 2:13 Venture, b s, 1887, by Jerome Eddy- Maggie Burns, by Green Mountain Chief ...: 2:30 Venture, ch s, 1864, by California Belmont Miss Mostyn, by American Boy Jr. (dead) 2:27% Vera, b m, 1886, by Kentucky Vol- unteerLady Graves, by Smuggler. 2:25 Vera, b m, 1886, by Geo -ge O. Roxie Bee, by Squire Talmage 2 :29% Vera. b m, 1886, by Hamdallah Dolly 2d, by Abdallah Bird 2:22% Vera, br m, 1889, by Stamboul Garred, by Junius 2:18% Vera, b m, 1889, by Viking Mar- quette, by Bona Fide 2:25% Vera. b m, 188, by Young Harry Clay 2:26% Verdi, b s. 1890, by Rumot> Cymbal, by Gen. Knox 2:25'/ 2 Verdict, b s, 188, by Hamlin's Almont Jr 2:27% Veritas, b g, 1884, by Mark Field Bay Dell, by Advance 2:16% Verlinda B., gr m, 188, by Orion, dam by Mambrino Columbus 2:20 Vermont, dh g, 1887. by Beaumont>- Verdant, by Billy Green 2:29 yd Vernet. b g, 188, by Red Eagle, dam by Wright's Rattler 2:27% Vernette, b m, 1881, by Manchester- Ella Madden, by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian 2:23% Vernmont, ch s, 1886, by Flaxmont Fancy, by Bill 2:29 Vernon. gr s, 1885. by May Boy Lucy Vernon. by Speculation 2:26V4 Vernwood, gr s, 1889. by Wilkeswood Verney, by Haw Patch 2:26 Verona, ro m, 1883, by Picket Berks County Maid 2 -21% Verona ' Wilkes, b m, 1886, by Guy Wilkes Glen Ellen, by Arthurton.. 2:27 Veronica, b m, 1884, by Alcona' Fontana, by Almont 2:29 Versailles Girl, b m, 1870, by Stephen A. Douglas, dam by Tippoo 2:25% Vertex, b g 2 :21% Vesolia, b m, 1886, by Stamboul Inez, by The Moor 2:29% Vespasian, b s, 1882. by Hull Bon- nie Bessie, by Backman's Abdallah Star 2:24% Vesta, bl m, 1885, by Monaco- Country Girl, by Blazing Star 2:27% Vesta, dh m, 188, by Guy Wilkes Annie G., by Dan Voorhis 2:30 Vestabula, b s, 1890, by Pilot Medi- um, dam by Olmedo Wilkes 2:25 Vesta Medium, gr m, 1886, by Pilot Medium Vesta, by McFerran .... 2:29% Vic H., br m, 1884, by Reavis' Black- birdEllen Swigert, by Swigert ... 2:12% Vichmont, ch g, 188, by Olympus... 2:30 Vic Hunter, b m, 188, by Gen. Thomas 2:23% Victor, ro g, 1888, by Garnet Wilkes Darkness, by Reconstruction .... 2:29% Victor, br s, 1871, by Gen. Knox Kate 2:23 Victor b g, 188 2:24% Victor, b g, 1877. by Rysdyk Dolly by Phenomenon 2:21% Victor, br s, 188 by Echo 2:22 Victor, br s, 1870, by Young Darkey- Fanny Norton, by Vermont Morgan. 2:29% Victor B., br s, " 1883, by Alaric Daisy, by Coon Horse 2:20 Victor Clay, b g, 1879, by Victor Mo- hawkLady Clay, by Clark's Pay- master 2 :26% Victor Duroc, ch g, 1878, by Victor Mohawk Annetta, by Messenger Duroc 2:28 Victor E., br g, 188 by H. W. Beecher 2:28% Victor Hambrino, b s. 1885, by Victor Bismarck Beauty, by Hambrino .. 2:20 Victor Hugo, ch s, 1889, by Seneca Patchen Carrie P., by Spink 2:23% Victoria, ch m, 1878, pedigree not traced 2:30 Victoria McGregor, ch m, 1887, by Robert McGregor Victoria, by Dic- tator 2:19% Victoria Wilkes, b m, 1885, by On- wnrd Victoria, bv Dictator ...... 2:19% Victor ^., b g, 188, pedigree not traced 2 :29'/4 Victor Sprague, b s, 1881, by George Sprague Sylvia, by Swigert 2:29% Victor Sprague. ch ., 1890, by Sprague Adelaide, by Tendoy 2:26% Victor V., ch s, 1889, by Deacon- Pauline by Darby 2:29% Victor Wilkes, b s, 188, by Victor Bismarck 2:29% Victor Wilkes, gr g, 188, by Young Wilkes Dolly, by Little Giant .... 2:26% Victory, b s, 1881. bv Alden Gold- smith Jannette. by Swierert 2:24% Victress, b m, 1888, by Brown Vic- toria, by Dictator 2:28% VirlnMa, bv m. 1883. by Abdallah Wilkes Visette by Voltaire 2:23% Vida, b g. 188, by Viking, dam by Ben Morrill 2:23% Virla Wilkes. ch m. 1888. by Guy Wilkes Vixen, bv Nutwood 2-18% Vidette. b m, 1882, by Scott's Dave 146 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Hill Jr. Black Beauty, by David Hill Jr 2:23% Viking, ch s, 1881, by Belmont Waterwitch, by Pilot Jr. (dead) ... 2:19% Vilette, b m, 1878, by Volunteer Jr. Lady Hill by Davis' Tom Kim- ball ' 2:22% Village Girl, ch m, 1866, by Canadian Black Hawk Desjardiu 2:28 Villiers, br s, 1891, by Norval Ca- thedral, by Gen. Wilkes 2:27% Vina Belle, br m, 1889, by Nephew Flushing Belle, by Dictator 2:15% Vinco, b s, 1885, by Kentucky Bel- mont Ally, by Lewis' Stone Plover 2:30 Vincent Cromwell, br s, 1880, by Gov. Sprague, dam by Administrator ... 2:30 Vindex, oh g, 1885, by Mark Field- Bay Dell, by Advance 2:29% Vinmont, b s;, 1889, by Altamont Venetia, by Almont 2:29 Viola, br m, 186, by Morgan Prince, dam by King George (dead) 2:28 Viola Clay, b m, 1884, by Volunteer Clay Mary Norwood, by Norwood.. 2:24% Viola Medium, b m, 1886, by Happy Medium Topsy Taylor, by Alexan- der's Norman, 2 :25 Violin, b g, 1878, byWilliam Welch May, by Blue Bull 2:25% Virgin, ch m, 1887, by Allandorf Virgie R., by Crittenden 2:28% Virginia Evans, bl m, 1885, by Ken- tucky Wilkes Lady Thornton, by Mapes Horse 2:15% Virginius, b s, 1886, by Phallamout Theresa Lambert, by Daniel Lam- bert 2:19% Virus, b s, 188 by Vatican 2:29% Visalia, b m, 1891, by Iris Scratch Loppy 2:20 Viscount, bl s, 1883, by Adminis- trator Lydia Montague, by Tippoo Bashaw 2 :28 Vision, b m, 1868, Ed.^all Clay Lady Hopkins, by Bolivar 2:26% Vivandiere, br m, 1870, by Sentinel, dam by Young Engineer 2:2V/' 2 Vivian, b m, 1885, by Homer Clara G., by Beecher 2:27% Vivian, br m, 1889, by Golden Bow Frankie, by Franklin 2 :22 Vivid C., b g, 187, by Schuyler Col- fax Vivid, by John C. Fremont ... 2:28V4 Vladimir, ch g, 1870,' by Woodburn Pilot Princess, by Honest Allen ... 2:28% Volatile, bl m, 1883, by Chicago Vol- unteerLady Rysdyk, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 2 :27% Volbrino H., b s, 188- by Hannibal Eastlake, by Volunteer 2:26% Voleta, b m, 1884, by Abdallah Wilkes Volette, by Voltaire 2:23 Vol'ery, b s, 188. by Woodbrino... 2:21% Volmer, br s, 1879, by Gambetta Ulster Queen, by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian 2:24% Volney. b g. 1868. by Volunteer.-Dolly Martin, by Defiance 2 :23 Volney, ch g, 188, by Lakeside 2:24 Volney, br g. 1884, by Voltaire Nelly, Jt>y Alden Goldsmith 2:26% Volney True Blue, b g 2 :27 Volta, ch . 1889, by Benton Gold Bug. by Enfield 2:19 Voltaire, br e, 1868. bv Tattler Young Portia, by Mambrino Chief (dead) 2:20% Volunteer, br s, 1871, by Gen. Dana Novato Damsel, by Nova to Chief. . 2:27 Volunteer, b g, 1881, by Toronto Chief Jr. Polly, by Touchstone... 2:25% Volunteer Chief, b g, 1878, by Volun- teerJosephine, by Morrill 2:29% Volunteer D., gr g, 188, by Diplomat, dam by Chicago Volunteer 2:27 Volunteer Maid, b m, 1867. by Vol- unteerFanny, by Drew Horse 2:27 Volunteer Prince, b g, 188, by Virgo 2:26% Volusia, b m, 1884, by Antar Admin- istratrix, by Administrator 2:20% Von Arnim, b s, 1874, by Sentinel- Mary Short, by Blood's Black Hawk 2:19% Von R., b s, 1886, by Von Arnim Sister, by Swigert 2:29% Von Suar, b s, 1886, by Bonnie Bay- Moonshine, by Mambrino Hamble- tonian 2:27V4 Voodoo, b s, 1888, by Stamboul Eva, by Sultan 2:271/2 Vortex, b g, 1887, by Walker Mor- rill 2:21% Voucher, br g, 1881, by Nephew- Fanny Traherne, by Patchen Ver- non 2:22 Voyager, br m, 1890, by Norval Sa- hara, by Challenger 2:30 Vrowsky. b s. 1887. by Red Wilkes Nelly, by Hainbrmo 2:18%. V. R. S., b m^ 1877, by a swn of Fearnaught 2 :29% Vulcan, bl g. 186. by Green Moun- tain Banner, dam by Vermont Hambletonian (dead) 2:25 Vyzant, b s. 1888, by Bezant Viola Duch, by Guide 2:17y 4 Wabash, ch s, 1885, by Red Wilkes Lottie Patchen, bv Mambrino Patchen 2:20 Waco, b s. 1886. by Erelong Joy, by George Wilkes 2:16% Wade Hampton, ch g, 1873, by Am- boy Lizzie Pollock 2:29% Wagner Bashaw, br s. 186 , by Green's Bashaw Mayflower, by Champion 2:25% WiilMner. b g. 1878, by Lexington Chief Jr. Jenny, by Fisk's Mam- brino Chief Jr 2:24% Waldo McGregor, b s, 1885, bv Rob Rov McGregor Kate, by Thomp- son's Black Hawk 2:29 Waldstein, br s, 1885. by Director- Nelly W., by Electioneer 2:22% Walker H., b g. 16. by Peter G. Snarkle, by Sparkle 2:26% Walkill Boy, b g, 1882. by Sir WM!- jcjil Sexta, by Dexter Mohawk (dead) 2:24 Wallace, b g, 1873, by Gen Knox Jr. Merrymaker, by Witherell Messenger ' 2:2n% Wallace, bl g, 187 bv Grey Comet. 2:22% WaPace G., ch g. 1882, by Plumas Princess . . 2:23% WaMula, bl nu 1886, by Altamont Ophelia Chiles, by Almont 2:2H% Wnlnnt. b ST. 1875. bv Florin Tte- M^f. by Afessen^ov HainWetonlan. . 2:19i/4 Walter. ' clh g, 187 pedigree not traced . '. 2:20% Walter, er jr. 18S4. npdigrno no<- traced 2:20% Walter A br g. IBS 5 ?, bv William A. Alien Dolly, by Fparnanjzrht 2:25% Wnlter r!.. b . ' 1879. by Moscow- Lady Singleton, by Silverheels 2:26% THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 147 Walter D., ch g, 188-, by Palmer Horse 2: ^ 5 Walter Drake, b s, 1880, by Joe Gavin Myrtle, by Louis Napoleon.. 2:23% Walter E., b g, 1884, by Patchen Mambrino Old Morgan, by a son of Wagner ^ :1 " Walter Herr, ch g, 1885, by Sir Wai- ter Sophie, by Lelaps 2: ^ Walter J b g, 188, by Keninore.. 2:28% Walter K., b g, 188 pedigree not traced 2:29% Walter King, blk s, 188 by Wilton Lady Larabee, by Howard Mam- brino 2 :24% Walter Mac, ch s, 1884, by Hamble- tonian Don Clipper 2 :22% Walter O., br g, 187 by Blackstone 2:30 Walter R., blk s, 188, by Dr. Henry 2:25% Walton Boy, gr s, 1881, by Welling- tonEve, by Edward Everett 2:20% Walton Boy, gr s, 1891, by Disputant Santa Glaus Maid, by Santa Claus 2:27% Waltz, ch m, 188, by Anderson Wilkes 2:291,4 Wanda, br m, 1889, by Ridgewood Fly, by Wide Awake Golddust 2:25% Wanda, b m, 1886, by Piedmont TJnis, by Electioneer 2:22y 2 Wanda, b m, 1885, by Eros Accident, by Elmo 2:14% Waneta, b m, 1889, by Shadeland Onward Mocly S., 2:29% Waneta, blk m, 188, by C. F. Clay, dam by G-ambetta Wilkes 2:28^4 Wanetah, b m, 1885, by Panic 2:181/4 Wanita, b m, 1890, by Montaigne Grey Princess, by Triumvir 2:29% Wanita, ro m. 1885, by Aberdeen- Wyoming Belle, by Lowe's Pilot . . 2:20'/ 2 Wannainaker, br s, 1886, by Charles Caffrey Julia, by Happy Medium.. 2:29% Wapokisco, gr s, 1886, by Pilot Med- iumCassia, by Bay Middleton 2:26 Wapsie B., blk m, 1883, by Wapsie Nelly, by Lander's Red Buck 2:29 Warcliff, b s, 1885, by Warlock Elfreda, by Elwood Medium 2G% Warder, ch's, 1883, by Belmont Waterwitch, by Pilot Jr 2:29% I Ward Medium,, b g, 187, by Happy Medium Betty Ward, by Kossuth . . 2 :25% Wardship, b s, 1889, by Warlock Josie Wilkes, by George Wilkes 2:23% Wardwell, b g, 1883, by Hamlin's Al- mont Jr. Grace, by Hailstorm (pac- ing 2:16%) 2:14% I Warlock, b s. 1885, by Whips Nelly Walker, by Tho ^ndale 2:24 Warrant, b g. 1886, by Combat West- wood, by Egbert 2:21% Warren, b s, 1884, by Aristos Nelly, by Black Diamond 2 :20% Warren E,, b s, 188, by Sir Walki'.l Miss Virgo, by Virgo Hanibleton- ian .' 2:30 Warren Guy, b s, 1892, by Princeer Lady Emery, by Monte Carlo 2:25 Warren McG-egor, oh s, 1888, by Rob- ert McGregor Oriena, by Egbert... 2:20-% Warren- P., ch g, 188, by William H. Allen 2:2G Warrior, b g, 1871, by Indian Chief- Kitty Clover, by Glave's Rockaway 2:2G Warwick, b s, 185, by Ethan Allen (dead) 2:29% Warwick Medium, b s, 188, by Al- mont Medium 2:21% Warwick Medium, b s, 188 by Mil- ton Medium ...................... Warwitch, b m, 1889, by Warlock- Badinage, by Madrid (pacing 2:25%)- Waterfowl, b s, 1882, by Abbottsford Lady Softly, by Speculation ..... Water Lilly, b m, 1888, by Sphinx Kate Talbert, by Mambrino Gift ... Waterloo, b s, 1882, by Belmont Waterwitch, by Pilot Jr ........... Waterloo Girl, blk m, 1888, by Adrian Wilkes Nettie Highly, by Hamble- tonian Eclipse ..................... Watchword, br s, 1885, by Nil Des- peiiandum Daisy Dale, by Thorn- dale .............................. Watson, b s, 1885, by Wilton Lost Heiress, by Woodburn Pilot ....... Watt, eh g, 1880, by Lysander Dor- lisca, by Rockefellow Horse ...... Wat Wat, blk g, 188, pedigree not traced .......................... Waueo, br &, 1885, by AbdalLah Wilkes Nannie Marders, by Clark Chief . . Wauseon, ro s, 1884, by Vacher Veruey, by Haw Patch ............ Wave ____ ' .......................... Waveland, br s, 1882, by Waveland Chief Dolly H.. by Royal Revenge. Wavelet, b m, 1879, by Belmont Waterwitch, by Pilot J:- ........... Wavelet, b ni, 1885, by Piedmont- Wave, by Electioneer ............. Wawona, b m, 1885, by Bourbon Wilkes Lark, by Abdallah Mam- brino ............................. Wax, blk g, 188, by Waxford ....... Waxford, br s, 1878, by Hemlock- Julia .............................. Wayland, b s, 1881, by Falcon (dead). Way laud W., b s, 188, by Arthur Wilkes Lettie, by Waylaiid Forrest Waymart, b s, 1883, by Happy Med- ium Patsy F., by Mambrino Patch- en (dead) ......................... Wayne Chief, b s, 1889, by Wayne Wilkes Cornelia B., by Blue Bull. . Wayne Wilson, ch s, 1883, by Stoner Boy Fai.y, by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian ............................ Wayside, ch in, 1885, by Ottawa Chief Minnie, by Compeer ............. W. B. b g, 188, by Ansonia ........ W. B. H., ch g, 1882, by Pacing Ab- dallah .!....:. ..................... W. C. B., b g, 1885, by Victor Mag- gie H., by Aubrey Horse ........... W E., b g, 188 ................... Weasel, oh g, 188, by Scotch Prince Weaver Boy, b g, 188 , by Fortune Fanny Greeley, by Peter Jones.... Webber, br g, 1868, by Como Chief- Kitty Hodges, by McKeuzie Morgan Wedea K., b s, 1891, by Atwood ..... Wedgewood, br s, 1871, by Belmont Woodbine, by Woodford ......... Wee Wee, b m, 1885, by Pilot Mam- brino Pet, by Bostick's Almont Jr. . Wehina, ch m,, 1887, by W r oolsey Wilhelmina, by Messenger Duroc... Welbeck, br s, 1891, by Electricity Lula Wilkes, by George Wilkes ____ Welcome, b s, 1869, by Arthur Wilkes Lettie, by Wayland Forrest ...... Wellesley Boy, b g, 1869, by Godfrey r-itehpn fr mid) ................... Wellington King, ch s, 1888, by Lord Wellington Duchess of Iowa, by Ryse Duke ....................... 2:27% 2:18% 2:27 2:19% 2:20 2 :27% 2:24% 2:20% 2 :25 2:22 2:24% 2:2b% 2:24% 2:28 2:19% 2:24 2:26% 2:25V 2 2:12% 2:25 2:21% 2 :29% 2:28% 2:26V 2 2:29% 2:28% 2:28 2:26% 2:19 2:23 2:26% 2:24% 2:27% 2:26% 2:27% 148 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. Wells Fargo, ch g, 1880, by George M. Patdhen Ji\, dain by Gen. Taylor... 2:18% \Ventworth, b g, 1880, by Abdallali Pilot . ........ 2:29% Werther, b s, 1886, by Red Wilkes Belle Brino, by Hambrino 2:20% Wesley Boy, ch g, 188, bv Charley B. 2:2674 Wesley R., b g, 188 2:26'/ 2 Westbrook, blk s, 1887, by Patchen Wilkes La Belle, by Joe Young 2:23 Westcihetster Girl, blk m, 187, by Peter Story 2:26% West Egbert, b s, 1881, by Egbert- April Fool, by Smith's Norwood 2:29^ Western, b g, 186, by Stephen A. Douglas (dead) 2:30 Western, ch g, 187, by Tramp Dex- terMiss Ray, by Dalley Horse 2:25% Western Belle, b in, 1876, by Comet- Blackbird, by Simpson's Blackbird (dead) 2:24% Western Boy, b s, 1882, by Empire- Jose, by Joe Downing 2:20% Western Girl, b m, 1859, by Richard's Bellfounder Fanny, by Wild Harry 2:27 Western New York, b g, 1862, by Nonpareil Kate, by Bluoher (dead). 2:29 Western Pathfinder, b s, 1878, by Buell's Pathfinder Flora, by Fisk's Mambrino Chief Jr 2:28 Western Wilkes, b s, 1886, by Senti- nel Wilkes Lilly, by Surprise 2:29% Westfall, ch s, 1888, by Pretender- Sport, by Onward 2:29V4 Westfall, dn s, 1887, by Adrian Wilkes Orphia, by Orphan. 2:29% Westfield, Ch g, 186, by Whipple's Hamibletonian (dead) 2:26% Westland, br s, 1885, by Ool. West Knox Girl, by Gen. Knox 2:29% West Liberty, ch s, 1869, by Wapsie (dead)...... ....! 2:28 Westmont, b s, 1877, by Col. West- Fanny, by Mambrino Sherman 2:24 Westover, b g, 1875, by Marshal Ney Kate Lawrence, by Price's St. Lawrence 2:26'/i Westward, gr s, 1886, by Onward- Helen D., by Amben 2:29*4 West Wilkes, blk s, 1886, by Sim- monsNelly West, by Allie West... 2:22V4 West Wilkes', blk s, 188, by Norman Wilkes...... 2:27 W. H.. blk s, 1888, by Fred Forest, dam by General Taylor 2:24 1 /4 W. H. Oawddy, b s. 1884, by Young Jim Molly, by Rothschild 2:29% What Ho, gr g, 188 by A. W. Rich- mond 2:25% Whalebone, b g, 186, pedigree not traced (dead) 2:29 Whalebone, b g, 1878, by Walkill Dolly Hoyt, by Seely's American Star 2:23% Whalebone, br s, 1892, by Sable Wi'kep Anita, bv La Grand 2:24 W. H. Bailey, b g, 1885, by Vidette Boy Jr., dam by Delmonico (dead).. 2:20Vi Whoatland Onward, oh s, 1887, by On- ward Thi-d Lute, by Antar 2:16V4 Whips, b s, 1880, by Electioneer Lizzie Whips, by Enquirer (dp?ul)... 2:27% Whipsaw, b g, 187 by Red Wilkes, dam bv Corbeau (pacing 2:26 1 / 4).... 2:27% Whirlwind, b g, 1876, by Zilcaadi Golddust Molly Beale, by Cotton- picker " 2:24 Whirlwind, b s, 1888, by Glencoe Wilkes Katie Morgan, by Robert Allen Whist, b g, 1885, by Motion Dr. Por- ter Mare, by Mambrino Patchen... White Cloud, gr g, 186, by Joe Brown White Flag, b m, 188, pedigree not traced Whitefoot, b s, 1887, b v Alcyone Ad- die H. by Ashland Chief White Line, gr s, 1869, by Strong- Horse (dead) White Oak, ch g, 1875, by George M. Patchen Jr. Flora, by Black War- rior ". White Oak, b g, 1884, by Pasacas, dam by Napoleon Jr Whltesboro Chief, br s, 1878, by Roman Chief, dam by Henderson's Pathfinder White Socks, ch g, 1880, by Alcantara Dixie, by Rattler White Stockings, b g, 1867, by Black- well's HambletO'nian Seaserpent Laura, by Seaserpent White Stockings, b g, 187, pedigree not traced Whitewater Chief, br s, 1884. by A HP- gro Topsy '. White Wings, ch g, 1887, by Monte- zuma Flaxy, by Kentucky Clay Whizz Wilkes, blk s, 188- by Al- cyone, dam by Dirego W. H. Ker:-, b s. 1887, by Ethan Wilkes Lucy Patchen, by Mam- brino Patchen W. H. Nichols, br s, 1882, by Black- wood Chief Miranda, by Mambrino Patchen W. H. P., br g, 1887, by Riddle's Hambletonian^-Hettie C., by Draco (dead) W. H. Taylor, ch g, 1857, by Crawford Horse, dam by Witherell Messen- ger (dead) Why Not, gr m, 1890, by Hambrino Zephyr, by Mamb/ino Patchen Wick, b g, 187 by Justin Morgan- Moonbeam, by John Dillard Wick C., br s, 1885, by Egbert Jane Carlisle, by Antar Widow Bedott, ro m, 1875, by Bashaw Drury Widow Machree, ch m, 1851, by Seely's American Star Duryea Mare, by Pintler's Bo'.ivar (dead Wilbur, b g, 1890, by Hurly Burly. . . . Wilbur Chief, b s, 1886, by Ottawa Chief Clay Queen, by Ensign Wilbur F.. blk g, 187 by Hinsdale Horse Tate Mare (dead) Wildair, b g, 1869, by John Morgan Pocahontas, by Portsmoutlh Wild Bee, b m, 1888, by Piedmont Wildflower, by Electioneer Wild Bill, br g, Wilbooka, b m, 1890, by Wilkes Boy, dam by Allen Brook Wildbrino, br s, 1885, by Hambrino Molly, by Wildwood Wild Crocus, br m. 1891, by Wildbrino Wilder Boy, b g, 188, by Stranger. . Wildey, br s, 188, by Waveband Chief Dolly H., by Royal Revenge.. Wildflower, b m, 1879, by Electioneer Mayflower, by St. Clair Wild Idol, blk g, 1885, by Vero Fly, by Gen. Butler Wild Lily, b m, 1872, by Daniel Lam- bertWhalebone, by Carter's Colum- 2:26% 2:18% 2:25% 2:28% 2:22% 2:30 2:30 2:24% 2:28% 2:20% 2:21 2:16 2:25 2:24% 2:29% 2:28 2:23% 2:27Vi 2:29Vi 2:20% 2:26% 2:24Vi 2:29% 2:29 2:19% 2:21 2:24% 2:23 2:29 2:28% 2:19% 2:19% 2:25% 2:29y Rescue Dolly VaHen, by Harris' Henry Clay Will-o-the-Wisp, ch g, 1882, by Dean Swift Gypsy, by Power's French Lion Willow, b in, 188?>. by De Soto Georgia, by Hambletonian Wilkos. . Wilmiar, b s, 1875, by Rhode Island Belle Brandon, by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian , Wilmarch, br e, 1890, by Wilton- Pearl, by Homer Wilson, b g, 1876, by George Wilkes Miss Coons, by Clark Chief. . . Wilstar, ch s. 1889, by Robert Mc- Gregor Wilka Monroe, by Bourbon Wilkes Wilto, b s. 1889, by Wilton Molly, hv Edgewater Wilton, b s, 1880, by George Wilkes Alley, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian.. Wilton Jr., b g, 188 by Wilton.... Wlltonette, br m, 1889. bv Wilton- Lillian D., by Wilsus Clay . . Wiltonian. br e. 18S9, by Wilton Neta, by Bonnie Bay Wimbledon, b s, 1883, by Belmont Water Lily, by Hero of Thorndale Winchester, br s. 1890. by Wilton, dam by Mambrino Patchen . . . Winder, b sr, 187, by Buckshot . Windsor. H., b g. 1879, bv Windsor, dam by Selin (pacing 2:22i/ 2 ) 2:12% 2:29% 2:28% 2:20y a 2:22% 2:18 2:30 2:28 l / 2 2:30 2:28 2:29% 2:25% 2:26 2:24% 2:27 2:27% 2:29% 2-28 2:281/6 2:25 2:29y 4 2:17% 2:16% 2:23V 2 2:22y 2 2:19% 2:25 2:24 2:28% 2:29% 2:19% 2:29% Windsor, M., b g, 1878, by Windsor- Lady Dutchman, by Black Dutch- man 2:20% Wine^hade, br s, 1882, by Indiaman Minnie Forrest, by Forest King.. 2:23% Winifred, gr s, 1886, by Williams' Idol Lady Teaser 2:24% Winks, b s, 1889, by C. F. Clay* Mora, by William L 2:20% Winnebago, b g, 1878, by Oshkosh Lady Conklin, by Conklin's Ameri- can Star 2 :24% Winnie Davis, b m, 1889, by Bourbon Boy Fanny, by Robert Lee 2 :25 Winnie H., b m, 1886, by War Eagle Peg, by Grey Jim 2:18% Winnie W., dn m, 1886, by Fortuuatus Molly Morgan 2:22 Winnie Wick, blk m, 1876, by Swigert - Lady ];c-lle, by Richard's Bell- fouLder 2:24% Winnie Wilkes, blk m, 1382, by Ira Wilkes : 2:28% Wir.nie Wilkes, br m, 188 publican 2:28% Winnie Winsome, b m, 188, by Vero 2:22% Winnifred. b m, 1885, by George B. McClellan I,ady Pi-its, by Black Chief 2:26^, Winona, ch m, 1881 by Jefferson Prince Fanny, by Gen. Sheridan.. 2:21% Wlusome, br m, 1885, by Egbert Maisie, by Shelby Chief 2:28% Winston, b s, 1887, by Wilkes Boy- Nell, by Balsora 2:25 Wineure, br m, 188. by Sherman... 2:25% Winter-set, b s, 1886, by Brown Wilkes Marietta, by Mario 2:24% Winthrop Morrill Jr., blk s, 1864, by Metacomet, dam by Calvin 2:27 Winthrop Pilot, br s, 188, by Port- land Pilot 2 :27 Wintergreen, b m, 1890, by Brown Wilkes Marietta, by Mario 2:24% Wirt Dexter, b g, 1886, by Colby Swige:-t Dido, by son of Peck Horse 2 :30 Wisdom, b s, 1888, by Mambrino King Homora, by Almonarch 2:27 Wistful, br m, 1890, by Wedge wood Lady Almont, by Bostick's Almont Jr 2:13!A Witch Hazel, blk m, 1888, by Brown Wilkes Molly Kurd, by Atlantic... 2:21J/i Wizz, b g, 1869, by Roscoe Lady Fulton, by Stubtail 2 :23% W. K., b g, 187, by Chosroes 2:21% W. K. Thomas, gr g, 1860, by Osceola Spider (dead) 2:26 W. M., br g, 188, pedigree not traced) 2:29 r A W. M. Mallory, b g, 186, by Orange County 2-30 Wolfo -d Z., b g. 186, by Capt. Beau- montNelly Rhodes (dead) 2:22 Wonder, b s, by Millman's Bell- founder ' 2:27% Wonder, dn g, 1883, by Wapsie Fanny Munger. by Panic 2:21>/i Wonder, gr g. 1882, by Bell's Ham- bleto-nian May West 2:22% Woodard and Harbison, ch g, 1879, by Mambrino Joe Flora, by Redmon's Abdallaih 2:27% Woodbird, ch s, 1885, by Nutwood- Fanny, by Bird '. 2:27 Woodbind, eh m, 1891, by Russia, dam by Jay Bird 2:25% Wood Boy, b s, 1889. by Nutwood- Carrie, by George Wilkes 2:25 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. 151 Woodbrino, b s, 1883, by Nutwood- Malaga, by Woodford Mambrino ---- Woodburn Boy, cih g, 1880, by Wood- burn Pilot, dam by Smith's Morgan. Woodbury Thome, b g, 1880, by Har- old Thome Lodi Maid, by William M. Kysdyk ....................... Woodchuck, b g, 186, by Fisk's Mambrino Chief Jr ............... Woodfurd Chief, b s, 1872, by C.ark Chief Virginia, by Billy Townes (dead) ..... f ............... .. ..... Woodford Mambrino, br s, 1863, by Mainbrino Chief Woodbine, by Woodford (dead) ................. Woodford Pilot, br s, 1873, by Wood- ford Mam briii oBruna, by Pilot Jr.. Woodford Pilot Jr., b s," 1886, by Woodford Pilot Kate, by Star Deu mark ............................ Woodlark, b m, 1887, by Woodcraft Geraldina, by Glemdew ............ Woodlawn, oh s, 1888, by Pickett Patchenette, by Edwin Booth ...... Woodiine, b s, 1888, by Nutwood- Four Lines, by Black-wood ......... Wooduote. b s, 1888, by Wedgewood Minuet, by Harold ................. Woodnut, ch s, 1882, by Nutwood AuiUe, by Hasbrouk's Harubletonian Chief ............................ Wuodside Prince, br s, 1890, by Haw Patch Jennie, by Jupiter .......... Woodstock, ch s, 1889, by Robert Mc- GregorKitty Golden, by Onwa.xl... Wood Talniage, b s, 1888, by Squire Talmage Belle, by Westwood ...... Woodstock Belle, b m, 1886, by Chica go Volunteer .................... Wood Wilkes, b g, 1886, by Lyle Wilkes Flora, by Skedaddle ........ Woodwine, b m, 188, by Quarter- master ........................... Woolly Jim, b g, 1877, by Blood Chief Jenny Martin, by Canada Jack. .. . Wormwood, b g, 187, by Nutwood- Nelly Parker, by Skenendpah ....... W. 1. Alien, gr g, 186, b'y Pearsall (dead) ........................... W. Van, br g, 1881, by Bellwood Flora, by Benedict's Pathfinder ..... W. W., blk s, 188, by Tilton Al- mont ................ " ............. Wyaudot, ch e, 1885, by Ambassador- Lily bloom, by Daniel Lambert (dead) Wyaudotte, b s, 1885, by Artemas Fanny, by Baker Boy (dead) ........ Wyatt, blk g, 1888, by Cuyler Tot- sey, by Mainbrino Transport ........ Wyoming, b s, 1887, by Egalite Sal- ly L., by Harry Wilkes ............ Wzmakh, gr s. 1887, by Wistrel Sanika, by Zarez ....... ". ........... X. L., b s, 1890, by Emperor Wilkes Molly Sp -ague, by Gov. Sprague ... X. Y. Z., oh g, 1879, by Bristow oh g, Drupilla, by Prophet Yankee H., ch g, 1883, by Jim Schriber Lilly H ....... .. Yankee Luck, *b g, 1888, by Black- s'- me Jr. Pike Mare, by Holabird's Ethan Allen ...................... Yankee Sam, dn g, 1870, pedigree not t -aced ........................... Yaqui. ch s, 1890, by Yataghan, dam by Kentucky Prince ............... Yarmouth, b s, 1888, by Sandwich Yuba, by Harold ..... ." ............ Yazoo, ch s, 1881, by Harold Yo- 2:25 i / a 2:27% 2:25% 2:30 2:22y 4 2:21% 2:23% 2:27% 2:20% 2:22% 2:19 2:28 2:16% 2:24% 2:17% 2:30 - 2:29% 2:25 2:28% 2:29% 2:25 2:29 2:24% 2:29% 2:19-^ 2 :24% 2:27 2:30 2:27% 2 :20% 2:29% 2:23 2:27 2:28% 2:25% lande, by Belmont Yellow Dock, ch m, 1875, by Clark's Mohawk Jr., dam by Iowa Copper- bottom Yellow Jacket, du g, 1887, by Brown Frank YeJlow Ochre, dn s, 1884, by Wapsie Topsy, by Panic Yellow Yam, b s 1389, by Parisian- Lou, by Mambrinfr Yorker, b g, 1882, by Frank Ellis- Anna Hough, by Kentucky Priaca.. York State, b g, 186, by Gooding's Champion (dead) Ycrktown Belle, b m, 1883, by Young Volunteer Molly Patchen, by Arab Young Ambassador, b s, 1881, by Am- Young Bruno, br g, 1864, by Rysdyk's Hi mbietODian Kate, by Bellaire (3ead) Young Buchanan, b s, 1868, by Bu- chanaan 2d, dam by Hiram Drew Yoi ng Columbus Jr., br s. 1871, by Young Columbus Dolly, by Morse Horse Young Dauntless, b s. 1889, by Daunt- lessCalamity, ty Billy Whalcy . . Young Frank, ch g, 1881, by Royal Fearnaught, dam by Fisk's Mam- biino Chief Jr Young Fullerton, ch s, 1875, by Ed- ward Everett Flora, by Jupiter . . . Young Gypsy Boy b s, 1885, by Gypsy Boy Net, by Ripple Young Leland, b s, 1886, by Leland Young Gypsy, by Mambriao Pilot . . Young Magna, b g, 1865, by Magna Charta Young Morrisey, blk g, 1874, by Mor- rison Hepsey Jane, by Foreigner . . Young Netherland, b s, 1886, by Neth- erland Pineo, by Black Prince Young Pilot, ch s, 1887, by Black Pilot Nancy Knox, by Col. Ells- worth Young Rattler, br g, 186, by Oregon Pathfinder Young Rolfe, b s, 1876, by Tom Rolfe Judith, by Draco (dead) Young Royal George, b g, 185 , pedi- gree not traced (dead) Young Sentinel, b s, 186, by Senti- nelFanny, by Seely'e American Star Young Smuggler, b s, 1876, by Smug- gler Parepa Rosa, by Andrew Jack- son Young Stockbridge, b s, 1882, by Stockbridge Chief Jr. Alice, by Manchester Tuckahoe Young Sweepstakes, b s, 1880, by Sweepstakes Lady Rockafellow, by Harry Clay (dead), Young Vermonter br g, 1879, by Wai- kill Chief 2d, Black Fawn, by Ring Horse Young Voltaire, b s, 1884, by Voltaire Lotta, by Alburn Young Watchmaker, blk s, 1885, by Watchmaker Gypsy, by Constella- tion Young Wildidle, ch g. 188, by Elec- tioneer, dam by Wildidle Young Wilkes, blk s, 1868, by George Wilkes Jane Brown, by Prince of Wales Yuba, b m, 1882 by Harold Yolande, 2:27% 2:20% 2:29% 2:28% 2:30 2:24% 2:23% 2:20% 2:24% 2:22% 2:29% 2:30 2:26y a 2:30 2:20% 2:28% 2:27% 2:29 2:28% 2:29 2:22% 2:30 2:21% 2:30 2:26 2:29% 2:27 2:30 2:30 2:30 2:30 2:25 2:28% 152 THE 2:30 TROTTERS. by Belmont 2:24% Yuoa Soils, blk s, 1889, by Swigert Petaluma, by Alhambra 2:29% Yucatan b m, 188, by Freshman.. 2:30 Tula, b m, 1887, by Rounds' Sprague Hazel Belle, by John Bright 2:27y 2 Yuletide, ch m, 1885, by Lord Russell Yolande, by Belmont 2:28% Yulo, b s, 1891, by George Simmons.. 2:30 Yum Yum, b m, 1884, by Ferguson Lady McKenney, by Sweepstakes. . 2:29% Za Za, b s, 1888, by Jay Bird Ida, by Little Ben 2:27% Zahn, gr g, 187, by Dauntless Sally Hall, by Young America 2:23% ZebWee, b g. 1891, by William M., dain by The Baron 2:29% Zebu, b s, 1887. by Regent Zingera, by Almont Rattler 2:29% Zeeliin g, 186 Ace of Diamonds, b s, 1882, by Honest John Fly Ace of Diamonds, b g, 186, (dead) . . . Acmon, ch s, 1887, by Nutwood lona, by Alcyone (dead) Acrobat, b s, 1886, by Sterling- Madam Buckner. 2:20 2:26 2:iOVJ 2:23 2:22 bletonian Allie A., ch g, 1887, by France's Allie Wilkes Allie C., dh s, 1887, by Hambletonian Tranby Lucy Jordan Allie Cresco, blk m, 188, by Cresco. . Allie L., b s, 1889, by Lockerbie Allie Wilkes, b g. 1891, by Petoskey.. Allison, b m, 1884, by Pilot Medium Prairie Girl, by Landseer Almont Basthaw, blk s, 188, by Al- mont Raven Almont Patchen, br s, by Juanito Gladys, by Gladiator Allmyown, br s, 1887, by Alcyone- Recompense, by Aristos Almabel, b m, 1888, by St. Bel Al- mona, by Almont Almary, dh s, 1889, by Alcazar Mary Ann, by Bay State Almo Jay, b s, 1888, by Altoona Susie, by Conway's Patchen Almont, b s, 188, by Morris' Almont Alois, cih m, 188. by Alroy Alpha Hunter, b m, 188, by Deacon Hunter Alphonso Wilkes, b s, 1892, by Petos- key Redlight, by Headlight Also Jr., b 0, 188 by Also Altana, b s, 188, by Almont Raven. . Alta Wilkes, b s, 188 by Petoskey. Alti, b B, 1887, by Phillip's Blue Bull Lucy Alto, dh g, 188, by Kilbuck Tom Alton L,, blk g, 188 by Atlantic, dam by Mazep Altoona, b m, (trotting 2:22% Alturas, br s, 1888, by Harold Lula Patdhen, by Mambrino Abdallah. . Alvan Swift, br s, 1887, by Alvan Alvin Green, b g, 188, by St. James Mattie S., by Smuggler Ambulator, b s, 1892, by Ambassador Regalo. by St-athmore Amelia, ch m, 1889, by Albe-rt W. by Menelaus Cecelia, by Poscora Hay ward 2:16y 2 Amelia S., rn m, 188, by Henry American Boy, b s, 1878, by Pooahou- 2:10% tas Boy Dolly Yetter by Little Joe 2:25 American Boy Jr., b s, 1884, by Amer- ican Boy Molly, by Lgal Tender.. 2:2.">% American Girl, b m, 188, by Amer- ican Soy 2:21V 4 American Lad, b , 1885, by Ethan Wilkes Rarity, by Messenger Ba- 2-21% fihaw (trotting 2:20y 2 ) 2-27 American Lady, b m, 188, by Amer- ican Boy 2 -17 Americus, b g, 186 Amorita, b m, 1883, by Gibson's Tom 2-2-> Hal Jr. Annie, by Jameson's John 2-27 Dillard Jr Amos J., 2:20V4 Amy L., b m, 1887, by Bluffton L. Snap 2:21 Amphion, blk s, 188, by Candidate.. An A'Alene, b m, 1891, by Goer 2-14V4 D'Aleue, dam by Chance 2:28% Anderson, A . L., ch h, 1886, by Tom Corwin Nelly Morgan 2:12 Anderson Bell, blk s, 1890, by Uell Boy Criterion, by Grittenden (dead) Anderson Chief, b s, 188 by Bonny 2 -I6y 2 Doon 2:25Vo Andrew J. Polk, ch g, 1840 (dead).. ' Andy, b g, 188 by Dash wood Andy Melon, br g, 185, (dead) 2:22% Andy Wilkes, b s, 1S87, by Onward- Bess Wilkes, by Harry Wilkes 2:20 Anerone, b m, 1891, by Strath way Angelina, b m, 188, by Leggett's 2:13 Black Wilkes 2: 19% Angle D., b m, 1889, by Mikagan 2:H)i/2 Kit, by Tom Belair 2:18!* Annapolis, b m, 1892, by Instructor. . Anna C., br m, 188, by Commander 2:24y Stranger's Sister, by Mambrino Hambletonian 2:12 Anna J., ch m, 187, by Hamlet Annetta C., b m, 188, by Ajax 2:35 Annie B., br m, 188 by Onward Annie Becker, b m, 188 2 :24y 2 Annie Boyd, b m, 186, Annie Dickinson, b m, 1886, by 2:17^ Lumps Jessie Wilkes, by George Wilkes 2:23'/ Annie Embassador, blk m, 1890, by Embassador 2:19 Annie Boone, b m, 188, by Daniel 2:29 Boone . 2:25 Annie C., b m, 1885, by California Nutwood Annie Titus, by Echo 2:26'/ a Annie E., br m, 1888, by Detractor- Music, by Brigham 2:25 Annie Rhea, b m, 188 by Clipper 2:30 Brooks, dam by Bostwick's Almont 2:27% Jr 2:28% Annie Rooney, ch m, 1890, by Strath- way Jewel, by Gen. McClellan . . . 2:liy a Annie Turner, ch m, 188 by Gen. 2:21 Turner Antedote, b s, 1891, by Anteros 2:23^2 Miss Wilson, by Blue Bull Antoinette, br m, 188, by Valient . . 2:16% A. P., b g, 188 by Accidental I Apple Jack, b g, 188, 2:12y a Apple Jack, b s, 1887, by Ajax Fan- 2:11% I ny N., by Kimo Arabian Wilkes, rn s, 188, by Black 2:23 Victor Arbor Wilkes, b s, 188, by Penrose 2:2iy 2 Archie, b g. 188 by Dexter Prince, dam by Chieftain 2:2iy a 2:25% 2:20 2:20% 2:17% 2:24% 2:24% 2:14% 2:23% 2:21% 2:24% 2:29% 2:24% 2:20% 2:27% 2:26% 2:20 2:25y a 2:18y a 2:29 2:16% 2:11% 2:25 THE 2:30 PACERS. 155 Aral, g s, 1877, by Ghenery'a Eagle Katie, by Hampton 2:29^ Archie C., b g, 187 by Hinsdale Horse, dam by Stephen A. Douglass 2:30 Architect, b s. 188, by Bullet 2:23% Arch White, gr g, 188 2:19% Arctic, blk s, 1884, by Atlantic- Golden Girl, by Blue Bull 2:21% Arcturus, b m, 1891, by Artillery Orauge Girl, by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian 2 :25 Ardock, br g, 188, 2:24% Argosy, b s. 188, by Atlantic, darn by St. Orner 2:25 Argot Wilkes, b s, 18S6, by Tennessee Wilkes Sally Ward, by Bennett Chapman 2:14% Argyle, gr g. 187, by Baker Horse Mary Hal, by Tom Hal 2:14% Arkalou, ch s, 1890, by Kankakee Susie Mac, by Lyle Wilkes 2:16 Arlington, b s, 1888, by France's Ai- lie Wilkes Maggie D., by Dave Hill Jr 2 :23% Arnold Boy, ch s, 188, by Ajax 2:18% Arpansa, ch in, 1888, by Pancoast Arabelle, by Aristos (trotting 2:30) 2:23% Arrow, b g, 1883, by A W. Richmond Crichton's First, by Crichton 2:13% Ashton, b g, 1887, by El Capitan Grey Nell, by Dan Voorhees 2:17Va Ashton Boy, b s, 188, by Hunter.. 2:26 Ashby, blk g, 188, by Wagner Ba shaw 2 :26% Athlo, ch s, 1885, by Dunraven Sun- flower, by Alexander's Abdallah.... 2:25 Atlanta, br g, 1883, by Atlantic- Fanny 2:22*/ 2 Atlantic Gem, b s, 188, by Atlantic 2:28% Atlantic Gift, br s, 188, by Atlantic 2:17V 2 Atlantic King, blk s, 1887, by Atlan- tic-Carrie Blackwood, by Blue Bull 2:09% Atlas, ch s, 188, by Alroy Nelly M., by Joe Hooker 2:28* Atmont, b s, 188, by Atwood, dam by Starmont 2:28% Attas, b m, 1890, by Wildbrino 2:23':' Attorney Jr., ch s, 1885, by Attorney- Dolly, by Iowa 2 :12 Attraction, b m, 1885, by Onward Little Fortune, by Scott's Thomas 2:28% Attractive, b s, 1885. by Alcantara- Jane Loonier, by Dick Loomer 2:18% Augusta, ch m, 188 2:29% j Aureliau, b g, 188, by Riley Med- ium 2 :29% Aven, b m, 188-, by Edgewood 2:24y 2 Axtell, b s, 188 by Thompson's Golddust 2:16% ' A. W. Thorne, br s, 188, by Haw- thorneJenny, by Jim Fisk 2:29V 2 Babette, b m, 1890. by Sir John Net- tie Rose, by Wiuneld Scott (trot- ting 2:22%, 2:14% Baby Boy, b g, 188 by Finality.. 2:20y 2 Baby Girl, ch m, 188, by Ring- wood 2:26% Baby Wilkes, ch m, 1891, by Tommy Wilkes 2:24 Bacillus, ch g, 1887. by Star Ham- bletonian, dam by Printer Jr 2:23% Bacon, b g, 1885, by Ajax Polka, by Pocahontas Boy 2:23 Bacon, b s, 1885. by Ajax Polka, by Pocohontas Boy 2:23 Badge, br g, 188. by Silas Wright 2:13% Bald Chief, b g. 188 2:20% Badger, b s. 186, by Kerr's Bashaw 2:29 Bald Eagle, ch s, 1886, by Hoosier Tom, dam by Blue John . 2-22*4 Bald Hornet, ch s, 187 by Neave's' Old Bald Hornet ! 2 -21 S a i ! R " ,Vr g ' 188 ~ b ^ Bal1 Reckless 2:'2o% Balsora Wilkes, ch g, 1881 by Wilkle Collins Laura Bassett, by Baisora 2:17% Bandella, b s, 188 by Maximus 2:24% Banner Boy, rn g, 187 2 :20% Banner AViikes, b e, 1889, by Brown Wilkes Lizzie C., by Star Hamble- tonian 2 -20% Barbara Riddle, br m, 1889, by Reno Defiance, dam by McKinney Horse 2:22% Barb Wire, ch g, 188, by Naainau.. 2-24% Barb Wire, b g, 188, by Hartford, dam by Empire Bellfounder 2:24% Barney, b g, 187 2:27% Barney 2:23 Barney, b g, 188, by Barney Wilkes 2:O8% Barney A., ch g, 188, by Chicago Volunteer Carlotta, by Fearnaught Jr I..: *.. 2:27 Barney C., b g , 188, by States- man 2:21% Barney Crossin, b g, 188 , by Jos. Broils, dam by Gibson's Tom Hal.. 2:29% Barney G., b g, 188, by Capt. Wil- liamson, dam by Scott's Hiatogo.. 2:29^ Barney Horn, b g, 1883, by Nephew Ritchelders, by Messenger Chief 2:23% Baron Bel, blk s, 1890, by St. Bel Batrina, by Baron Wilkes 2:11% Barondale, br s, 1890, by Baron Wilkes Nathalie, by Nutwood 2:11% Baronial, b s, 1886, by Baron Wilkes Sunset, by Strathmore (dead) 2:29% Barrington Wilkes, br s, 1885, by Wilkes Spirit Jr. Mercer Mare 2:25 Bas-Bleu Wilkes, b m, 1885, by Geor- gia Wilkes Mag Wood, by Blue Bull 2:18% Bashaw Fred, br g, 1881, by Bashaw Bolly Bessie, by Selim 2:17 Btshford, b s, 1888, by Brown Wilkes Edna Wiikes, by Ethan Wilkes . . . 2:22% Bastion, b s, 188 , by Tennessee Wilkes 2:27Va Bawley, b g, 188, by King Pharoah. 2:15 Bayard Wilkes, b s, 1885, by Alcantara Ba-xjena, by Bayard 2 :13% Bay Baron, b s, 1887, by Baron Wilkes Carrie Wilkes, by George Wilkes 2:24% Bay Billy, b g, 188 2:29Va Bay Billy, b g, 187 2:14 Bay Charley, b a, 1880, by Green Mountain Morgan City Pet, by Oop- perbottom *Ho:-se 2:23% Bay Dan, b g. 1883, by Stanley, dam Bull . by Blue Bay Diamond, b Bav Fly, b m, 1 Grit Bay George, b g, 188. - *, 1886. 2:23% 1880, by Milo 2:23Va by Booth's Clear 2:23% 20% Bay Hal, b s, 1886, by Brown Hal- Yellow Mag, by Thompson's Slasher 2:20% Bay Henry, b s, 188, by Bnown Henry 2:23 Bay Jim, b g, 187 2:21% Bay Leaf, b m. 1884. by Quilna Chief Bessie B., by Stillso-n 2:24% Bay Lucy, b m, 186 2:30 Bay Pilot, b s, 188, by Red Pilot. . . . 2:21^ Bay Rob, b g, 18, (dead) 2:25 Bay Sally, b m., 1866, by Tom Crowder -Jane 2:20 Bay Tom, b s, 1869 (dead) 2:23 Bay Tom, b g, 186 2:26 156 THE 2:30 PACERS. Baywood, b s, 188 by Woodnut Graves' Mare, by Echo ............ Baywood, b s, 188, by Flying Cloud Bay Tom Jr., b s, 1879, by Bay Tom. . B. B., ro g, 1883, by Hale's Veto Jr. Fanny Govington, by John ...... Becke-, b g, 1887, by Oohannet Becca, by St. Elmo ............... Beecher Boy, blk s, 188, by Beecher Beechnut, b s, 1885, by Louis Napo- leonJenny Lewis, by Joe Gavin ---- Bee Line, b s, 1887, by Elevator Lul a Wilkes, by Red Wilkes ............ Be Jax, oh s, 1888, by Ajax Goidie, by Miller's Blue Bull .............. Bell Boy, b g. 1884, by Rochester- Belle Clay, by American Clay ...... Belle, oh m, 1891, by Melbourne King Hattie, by All Right ............. Belle Acton, b m, 1891, by Shadeland Onward Lottie P., by Blue Bull Jr. Belle B., b m, 188, by Richard Sco- bell ............................... Belle Bayard, gr m, 1888, by Bayard, dam by Joe Larkin ............... Belle Burton, b m, 188, by Edgar Wilkes Belle Herr, by Dr. Herr ____ Belle Button, br m, 1885", by Alexander Buttons- Flora, by Dietz's St. Glair. Belle Galley, b m, 1892, by Robert Ryan ............................. Belle Chase, br m, 188, by Robinson D ................................. Belle D., b m, 188, by De Long's Ethan Allen, dam by Rollin Bur- chard Horse ....................... Belden Boy, b s, 1883, by Brownwood Winona, by Blue Bull ............ Belle DurDand, tf m, 1886, by Mike Snyder Gipsey A., by Frank Pilot. Belle Girl, oJi m, 1882, by Harold Peita. by Belmont ................ Belle Hamill, b m, 188 by Scott's Hiatoga ........................... Belle J., br m, 1888, by Brook Snapp Belle M., b m, 188, by Willoughby. . . Belle Mahone, ro m, 1889, by Sea Foam Bird ....................... Belle McGee, b m, 188, by Richard ScobeH Modock ................... Belle Meade, b m, 1892, bv Charleston Belle Moody, b m, 188 ,'by Moody.. Belle Morse, gr m, 187, by Cald- well's Grey Diamond Jane Oliver, by Gen. Taylor .................... Belle N., oh m, 188, by Red Dick. . . . Belle Nira, b m, 188, by Brick Wilkes, dam by Captain Jack ...... Belle Noble, b" m, 1891, by Harry Noble ............................. Belle of Kentucky, b m, 188 ....... Belle Pedro, br m, 188 .............. Belle Potter, b m, 188, by Chester- wood ............................. Belle R., rn m, 188 ................ Belle Shackett, oh m^ 1876, by Abra- hamClover Fed, by De Long's Ethan Allen (trotting 2:27ya) ........ Belle Simmons, br m, 1887, by Better- ton^-Della, by Hero of Thorndale. . Bellvue Maid, b m, by Jim Fisk ..... Bellevue Wilkes, ch s, 1887, by Red Wilkes Lady Tassell, by Shelby Chief (trotting 2:27%) .............. Belle W., blk m, 188, by George H. D ................ T ............. Belle West, b m, 188, by Double Stroke ............................ Belle Wilkes, b m, 188, by Don 2:14% 2:28 2:30 2:24^ 2:27* 2 :23V<, 2:19 L /4 2:14Vi 2:20& 2:15 2:1GV* 2:19V4 2:26 l /i 2:19 2:18% 2:27-V 2 2 :24!/4 2:29'/i, 2:19V4 2:24 2:26V4 2:12'/ 2 2:19% 2:10'/4 2:24^ 2:28Va 2:29 2:29*4 2:27^ 2:2-444 2:16 2:27V9 Black Henry, blk g, 187 2:27% Black Hunter, blk s, 188, 2r29% Black Jack, blk g, 186 2:29% Black Morgan, blk er. 187 2-27' B'.ack Ne'l, b'k m. 188 by Hard Ta k 2:28 Black Rover, blk s, 188 by Pre- tender, dam, by Bourbon Wilkes.. 2:21 Blacksie, blk m. 1886, by Patchen Wilkes Betsey, by Draco 2:20 Black Shy, blk g, 185, (dead) 9> 30 Black Tom, blk g, 188 2:23% Black Yitulis, blk s, 1889, by Vitu- lis Jr 2:25 Black Weasel, blk g, 187. by Long- fellow 2:27% Black Wilkes. blk s. 1882. by Am- bassadorBird, by Hiatoga 2:24% Black York, blk g, 188, by Tem- pest, Jr ,.". ' 2:18% Blairwood, b s. 1889. by Wedgewood Pink, by Chieftain. .' 2:15% Blanche, 'b m, 1881. bv Middletown, Jr. Lady Bailey, by Bacon's Ethan Allen Jr 2:20% Blanche, gr m, 188, by Round's Sprague 2 :24% Blanche Louise, b m. 1888, by Ren Wi'kes Mis=ie. by Westwood 2:10 Blanche M., b m. 188, 2:23% Blinky Morgan, g g, 188, by Pilot Wilkes 2:26% Blizzard, b s, 188, by Sandy Short Gipsey McGregor, by Robert Mc- Gregor 2:12% Blonde, ch g, 1884, by Brunswick Chief Kit by Kansas Duke 2:14% Blonde Wilkes, ch s, 1888, by Guy Wilkes Blonde, by Arthurton 2:22V4 Blue Wing, br m, 1883, by Pluto- Bay Fanny, by Richard's Bell- founder 2:27 Blondie, ch s, 1886, by Lemont Molly, by Frank Chapman (trotting 2:24y 2 ) 2:15 B ue Bell, ro m, 188, by Sea Foam. 2-19% Blue Bell, ro m, 1883, by Sea Foam. . 2:17 Blue Bell, br m, 188 by Christie's Bull 2:291/2 Blue Bob, gr g, 188, by Blue Brit- ton 2:23 Blue Dick, g g, 188, by George Washington 2 :30 Blue Hal, ro s, 1890, by Gibson's Tom Hal, Jr. Tiny, by Blue Ball 2:23 Blue Note, rn g, 1884, by Legal Note Belle 2:221,4 Blue Ridge, rn s, 188 by Gold Boy, dam by Pointer's Slasher 2:20 Blue Sign b g, 1887, by Ensign- Polly Hopkins 2:08%, Bob, blk m, 188 by Young Abner 2:23% Boadicea, ch m, 18, by Good Luck. 2:28% Bob, blk g, 188 2:15 Bobby Burns, b s, 1888. by Gen. Wilkes -Dixie, by Dictator 2:19% Bob Cotton, b g, 188, by Little Grant 2:29% Bob Ingersoll, blk g, 188. by Legal Tender Jr. Bolly, by Capt. Walker. 2:26% Bob Ingersoll, ro g, 188. by Frank M 2:23% Bob Taylor, ro g, 1885, by Gibson's Tom Hal, Jr. Jennie, by EnfieM. . 2:18% Bob Volunteer, b g, 1888, by Sun- rise Patchen-- 1'earfrace, by Rvsdyke. 2:19% Bokara, b s, 1890, by Alcantara- Siren, by Nutwood 2:20 Bob R.. b g 188, by Woodburn Pilot ' 2:29% Bonair, Jr.. h s. IS*--, by Bonuir 2:26% Bonaventure, 1) 8. 18S(J. 1>y Indianapo- lis Susan Ann, by Balsora 2:18 Boncher, b s, 188, by William L 2:26 Bonnie B., b s. 1887. by Orion- Nelly V., by Bouuer 2:18% Bonnie B., b g, 1887, by Happy Trav- eler Merrimac, by Wilder 2:19% Bonnie Bel!, blk m. 1887, by Adiron- dackDaisy James 2:24% Bonnie Belle, b m, 1890, by Bonnie Boy Ardelle. by Rochester 2:17% Bonnie Belle, br *m, 188, by Black- hawk Paragon 2:20 Bonnie Boy, b g, 188, by Brown Henry Lady Shellbark, by Corbeau 2:29% Bonnie Wilkes Jr.. blk m, 1886, by Adrian Wilkes Princess, by Ara- bian Golddust 2:241* Bonnie Wilson, b s, 188, by Jim Wilson 2:26% Boodler, br s. 1887, by Madrid- Sahara, by Challenger 2:26 Boone Wilson, gr s, 1887, by Jim Wil- sonNelly Boone, by Daniel Boone (trotting 2:20%) 2:13 Bonus, b s, 188-=;, by Morgan Ethan.. 2:29% Bo Peep, b g, bv Raven 2:16'/i Boswell Jr., ch s, 1883, by Boswell- THE 2:30 PACERS. 159 Maude, by Bertrand Black Hawk.. 2:39 Bou-.'bon Patchen, ch s, 1889, by Bour- bon Wilkes Carrie Patchen, by Mambriuo Patchen 2:09 Bourbon Sneak, b m, 1891, by Bour- bon Prince Sneak, by Sam Hazzard 2:21& Bovee K., b s, 189<), by Royalton Old Queen, by Jack 2:15% Boy B., b g, 188 2:28 Brae, gr m, 188, by Tom Hal Jr., dam by John Dillard 2:25*4 Bracelet, b g, 1882, by Nephew Rit.chelders, by Messenger Chief ... 2:21 Bradburn, b g, 1886, by Mohican Nantaska, by Hamlin's Almont Jr.. 2:24 Branchwood, b g, 1885, by Woodbum Hambletonian Belle 2 :25 Brandywine, gr g, 188, by Roscoe Boy ." 2:291,4 Branolia, b m, 1889, by Brown Wilkes Julia H., by Monaco 2:22 Brant Arnold, blk g, 188, by Arnold. 2:29>/4 Breastplate, b g, 188, by Rosedale, dam by Monroe Chief 2 :20 Brennan, gr s, 1891, by Gambetta Wilkes, dam by Mambrino Startle. . . 2:16'/4 Brent Wells, ch g, 188, by Bedford. . 2:19% Brewery Boy, b g, 187 2:29 Bridget, b m, 188 by Emery's Caffrey Bright Hope, blk s, 1887, by Hype-ion, dam by Surplus 2 :25 Bright Light, b s, 187, 2:29 Brig-lit Pat, b g, 188, by Red Mark, dam by Pat Malone 2:23 l /i Brighton Boy, b g, 1883, by Hamble- tonian Morgan 2:22% Brighton Girl, b m, 188, by Victor Napoleon 2 :21Vi Bright Regent, ch s, 1891, by Prince Regent Bright Eyes, by Blackwood Chief 2:2CVi Brightwood, b g, 188, by Abraham Pritehard Mare, by Flying Morgan. 2:19Vi Bulliantine, dn m, 1887, by Brilliant Smut, by Prompter 2:17V* Briwdja, b m, 1889, by Mambrino Davis Molly, by son of Red Buck. 2:15V* Brino Tricks, b s, 1888, by Mambriuo Wilkes Sally Tricks, by Patchen Vernon 2 :18^a Broadwell, b s, 1890, by Splendor, daia by Young Wilkes 2:21^ Brookneld, b s, 1891, by Redfield, dam by Mai-tin's Tom Brown 2:22 BrootoaRte, gr s, 1891, by Martin's Tom Hal Lucirida, by Henry Clay. 2:liy 2 Brooks, ch s, 1889, by Nettle Keenan Minnie M., by Planeroid 2:ir>Vi Brother Geers, br g, 1882, by O'd ' Hank 2 -29% Brown Al, br g, 1889, by Aladdin Mattie Logan, by Dick Turpin 2:24% Brown Frank, br g, 1885, by Tom Hal Jr. Nelly 2:161/4. Brown George, br g, 188 , . 2:21% B:x)wn Hal, br s, 1879, by Gibson's Tom Hal Lizzie, by John Nether- land 2:12U Brown Hal Jr., blk s, 1888, by Brown Hal Midnight, by Crim's Black Hawk 2 '17!4 Brownie, br g, 1887, by Roulette- Blue, by Billy Hazzard 2:22% Brown Jim, br g, 188, by Lace Dealer, dam by Atlantic 2:26% Brown Nell, br m, 1883, by Stock- holmGray Nell, by Hercules 2:23 Brown Sam, ; g, 188 by Whistle Jacket Buck Dickerson, ch g, 188, by Jack Fowler Buckeye Girl, b m, 188, by Dill Green. Horse, darn by Sam Patch . . Buck Franklin, b s, 1891, by Ben Franklin Echo, by Enfleld Buckner, b m, 1887, by Earuheart's Brooks Molly, by son of Stackpole. . Buckshot, blk g, 188 by Levi Aris- tos Buckskin, dn s, 187. Bud 'Crooke, b s, i860, by George Wilkea-Lizzie Brinkne::, by Brink- ner's Drennon Bud Dille, br s, 188, by Kin lock Budd Doble, b g, 1883, by Indianapolis Kate, by Stocking Chief Budd Doble, b g, 188 , by Clay Ab- dallah Dot, by Alrnore Bud Onward, b g, 1885, by Onward- Maria Buid Weiser, br g, 188 Buffalo Girl, b m, 1873, by Pocahontas Boy Kit Freeman, by Gray's Tom Hal Bugher, b g, 187 Bunco Jr., b g, 188, by Bunco Deli- lah .' Bullmont, gr g, 1887, by Blue Skin- Lady Almont, by Almont Pasha . Burback, b s, 1891, by Red. Wilkes Burdette, b s, 1886, by Alcantara- Minnie, by Broken Leg BurkhoMer, b g, 188 Burley F., b g, 188, by Legal Ten- der J:" Buster, rn s, 188, by Sam. Purdy .... Butoher Boy, citt s, 188 , by Poca- hontas Boy ." Butler Chief, b s, 1888, by Reveille- Lady, by Kansas Wilkes Byrl C., br m, 1890, by Victov Patch- 2:2914 2:25H 2:27 2:28^ 2:27 2:22V4 2:30 2:16 2:29Vi 2:21V a 2:26V 2:27% 2:25 en. Ccesar, b* g, 1885, by Steinway Olita, by Nutwood Cairn, b s, 1890, by Antecos Govern- ess, by Gov. Sprague Calera, b m, 1890, by MciEwen Cuy- lera, by Ouyler Callie S., br m, 1889, by Mambrino Logan Delphine, by Wade Hampton Calvin C., b g, 188, by Hainbletouian Down Calyce, blk in, 1888, by Endymion Opponent, by Madrid Cama K., gr m, 188, by Boe Oak Josie, by Mambrino Bruce (dead) . . . Cambridge Cambridge Boy, oh s, 188, by Amer- ican Boy Cambridge Girl, ch m, 188, by Amer- ican Boy Oemille, b m, 188 Candidate, en s, 1H84, by Pocaliontas Boy Caneland Wilkes, b s, 1887, by Young Jim Augusta, by Allie West Gannon Ball, br s, 1886, by Red Jacket Jip Cantab, ch g, 188, by Sphinx Home Maid, by Royal Fearnaught Can Tell,'br m, 188 by Grove's Blue Bull Jr Capital, b s, 188, by Byron Capitola. ch m, 186 , Capeiheaf, blk B, 188 by Confederate Chief Capt. Dan, b g, 187 2:23^4 2:28 2:29^ 2:2314 2:25 2:18 2:11V4 2:28 Vi 2:29% 2:12 2:1914 2:li=U 2:25 2:2114 % 2:24 160 THE 2:30 PACEKS Capt. Hunter, br s, 188, by Clear Grit 2-1 S2-& & ^ Vfe ^ Old %d Buck 2':2^ Capt. John, b s, 188TL by Don Wilkes Molly, by Dillard Dudley Gapt. Kinney, b g, 184, (dead) Capt. Mack, blk s, 188,' by Gu'thbert. Capt. Payne, ch s, 188 by Black Gapt. llhorne, ' b ' V, 1888', ' by ' Haw- thorneJune Second, by Beii Frank- lin Oapt. Turney, b g, 188, by a sou 'of Dictator Oapt. Walker, ch s, 186. . . .".'.' Capt Wood, g s, 188, by Wilkeswood Carbonate, m s, 1892, by Superior- Maggie H., by Iron Duke Careless, b g, 1879, by Spring Hi'li Victoria Almont, by Almont Carmel, b s, 188, by Bourbon Chief Jr. 2:21', 2:24% 2:25X4 2:20 2:19% 2:27 2:27% 2:16)4 2:09 :30 Carrie H., b m, 188, by Edgewood..' 2 : 29U Carrie L., b m, 188 2 : 29vt Carrie M., b m, 1887, by Dispatch- Miss Herrington, by Star Harnble- toinian/ '21V Carrie Onward, b m, 1889, by On/ward Carrie B., by Blue Bull. ,. 2'18V 4 Carrie Strathmore, b m, 188 by St-jatihmore Carrie Blackwood, by Blue Bull J 2-17V4 Carrie T., b m, 188, by Signal.....' 2 : 20% Carrie W., b m, 188, by Royalty Oarro, b g 1886, by Erie Wilkes- Celia, by Black Henry 2-?4% Ga *b B y. b g, 188 , by Wayne Wilkes 2-27Vi Cashier, gr s, 188, by Nelson .'.'.'.''.'.' 2:25% Cashier Jr.. b g, lS8Q, by Qashier- Pattie Dodd 2-'>4V Oaasie, b m, 1887, by Tennessee ' Wilkes Jenny, by Bnfield.. .. 2-12% Catherine H., r m, 188, by Ju^ge Advocate 2 -27-% Cato, b g, 188, by Guilford Boy .'.'.'.'.' 2:23% Cayuga Maid, b m, 184-, (dead) . 2:28 C. C., blk s, 188 by Butler. ..... >-28 Cebx>n, b s, 1888, by Bel voir Minnie Russell by Mambrino Russell 2:17V4 -Cecelia, b m, 1892, by Iris Scratch by Loppy ; \ 2:23% Cedar Rapids, b s, 1892, by Mam- brino Payne 2 :24 Cedar Snag, b g, 188, by Locomotive 2:25% Centerville Maid, b m, 185, (dead).. 2:25V-2 Chamois, ch s, 1888, by Champlain Royalty, by Almont 2:16Vi Champion, br g, 188 2:30 I Champy, b? g, 188 2:24'/ 8 Chan, b m, 1886, by Ghandos Mid- night, by Red Cloud 2:17% ' Change, b g, 187 2:11 Chapman, oh g, 1881, by St. Omer 2:11 Chapman, b g, 188, by Western Charland, b s, 188 Charles L., ch g, 1885, by Ashley's Ethan Allen, dam by Earthquake. . . 2:19% i Charles P 2 :27% Charles S., b g, by Red Joe 2:21% Charley, blk g, 188 2:27 Charley B., ch g, 188, by Dan Brown 2:18V 4 Ohailey B. Wilkes, br s, 188, by Charley B 2:2S Charley Brown, gr g, 187 2:22 Charley O., b g, 188, by Brussels... 2:24 Charley C., ch s, 188, by Piedmont GBloomfield Maid, by Hambletonian Jr 2:18% Fred Lothai:. ....... Charles H. Hoyt, b s, 1889, bV mont-Reel, by Blue Buil (trotting ^^7Z) .... , .... 2:19% i.... 2:22J/j ..... 2:29%; Chaney E., dn g, 188--, by Old Sambo Cuurley Evans, ro g. 18t> , (dead).. Chaney F., b g, 187 by Cloud Mam- brino ....................... Charley Ford, ch g, 1888,"by' Dexter 1 rmce Nellie, by Corsica ........ Charley Footer, rn g, 187, by Joe Blister ............ " 2 '15^ 2 : 25 2 : 2HA 2-28 2-12U. 2-29V Charley G.','bg, 188-, by'Gen.'stantou 2:29% Charley Hicks, b g, 188-, by Iowa Mambrino 2 -28V Charley M., ch g, 188 Charley M., gr s, 188-,..'.'.'!!.' ' 2 : 2oS Charley M., blk g, 188, . 2 : 28Vi Charley M.. ch g, 188 ^Vo Charley Miller b g, 1888, by George Meek, dam, by Simm's Edwin For- rest 2-2U4 Charley Mozee, b g, 1886, by Wood- mont Lizzie, by Daniel Payne 2:20% Charley P., gr g, 1882, by Gov. bprague Martha, by Rothschild (trotting 2:25%) U-llli Charley P., g g, 188- by Kiibuck Tom *> -191,4 Charley P., ch g, 188, .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' " 2 ; 18% Charley Pegg, b g, 188- 2 :27Va Charley R., ch s, 188-, by Pilot Champion 2 -25% Charley Stillson, b g, 1886, by Still- sonNell, by Bob Ridley 2:20i4 Charley Wilkes, b s, 1889, by Red- field Top-sy, by Commander (dead) 2-18 Charm, ch s, 1882, by Leroy Bessie. . 2:24% Charton, ch s, 188 by Charleston 2:10% Chase, b g, 188 by Billy Green 2:23V A Ghattie G.. b g, 188, by Hamble- tonian Chief 2 -2914 Chautauqua Prince, gr s, 188, by Si i. bad " > '>$% Cheerful Alcy, ch g, 188, by Clay Wilkes May Wilkes, by 'Young Wilkes * 2 :15'4 Cheerful Charlie, b g, 188. by Broad- way, dam by Gen. Knox . . .'. , . 2:28% Chehaiis, blk s 1890, by Altamout Tecora, by Strader's Oassius M. Clay Jr 2:L'4% Chepita, rn m, 188, by Hamble- tonian Messenger 2:25 1 /4 Cherokee Prince," ch s, 1887, by Dex- ter Prince Brownie, by Capt.' Lewis 2:22% Cherry, b g, 188, by Hambletonian Mambrino 2 :27 J4 Chester Boy, gr s, 188-. by Joe Hail 2:30 Chestnut Bird, ch s, 188, by Chest- nut Wilkes 2 :24% Chestnut Day. ch g. 187. by Tain O'Shanter Meg Merrilles, by Mam- brino Eclipse 2:29'/i Chestnut Hal. ch s. IRS , by Tom Hal 2:27 Chestnut Star, oh s, 1876, by Arnold's Redbuck Flora Voss, bv Sleepy Abe .' '. 2-22 Chester C.. b g, 188, by Chester A. 2:24'4 THE 2:30 PACERS. 161 Chesterfield, ch g, 1885, by Strath- more Jr., dam by Whipple Chico, b g, 188, by Gov. Boj more Jr., dam by Whipple Jhico, b g, 188, by Gov. Boggs Chief, b g, 187, by Blood Chief . . . Chief Justice, b s," 188, by Clark Chieftain, dam by Enchanter Chief Scott, b s, 1890, by Egemont Lucy J., by J. J Chieftain, b g, 186, (dead) Chief Thome, b s, 1888, by Haw- thorneDaisy, by Chieftain Chimes C., gr g, 1882, by Daniel Boone Chimes E., gr g, 1882, by Chimes- Eugenia, by Louis Napoleon (trot- ting 2:28%) China Girl, m m, 187, by Mayhew Knox, dam by imp. Airfield Choral, b m, 1891, by C. F. Clay- Lady Pepper, by Onward Chris Smith, ch g, 1885, by Guy Wilkes Lucy, (dead) Christn Queen, t> m, 1888, by Monte Christo Mary by Standard Bearer Chrornette, ch' m, 188, by Chester- wood Chronometer, b s. 18S2, by Abe Down- ing Dagmar by Mambrino Abdal- lah '. Chronos, b s, 1884, by Alcantara Clytie, by Knickerbocker Clbolo, b s, 1890, by Charles Derby Addie Ash, bv Indianapolis Cigarette, b m, 1889. by Madrid Dis- taff, by Onward Cinch, ch s, 188, by Phurah Cisco Queen, blk m, 18, by Volun- teer Swigert Clara C.. b m, 188, by Alcantara. . Clara H., blk m, 1875, by Phil For- tune Myra Leon Clara J., b m, 1888, by Rattler Brooks Mamie W., by George Gordon .... Claremont, blk g. 188, by Gold King Sleepy Jane Clatawa, blk s. 188 by Alwood, dam by Milliman's Bellfounder Claude Duvnl, br s, 188 Claybcmrne. b s, 1889 by C. F. Clay Ada Byron, by Enfieid Clayhoi'tas, ch s, 1890. by Poc.ihon- tas Boy, dam by Buckley's Chief. . Clay Jax, b s. 1SSS. by \ja\- B"l!e, by Jim Clay .... Clayaon. b s. 188, by Allie Clay, dam by Lord Nelson Claytina, b m. 1888, by Clay, dam by Mohawk Chief ' Clear Grit, blk g. 1885. by Egmont Jenny Balfour, by Black Timoleon . Cleopatra, b m, 188 , by Aroostook Boy. dam by Wing Dan Cleveland, b g. 1S79, by Sweepstakes, dam by Slglar's American Star.... Cleveland, ch g. 188 . by Al West.. Cleveland S.. b p. 1884, by Montgom- ery Topsy, by Tippoo Sttib (trot- ting 2:24) ..! Clifton Boy, b s. 188 by Alhamar . Clinker, blk s. 1S72 Clint Kiff. oh s. 1885. by Bald Hornet Lady Fink, by Bob Sprag'ie .... Clito. b g, 188 ."hv Gov. Stanford.. Clopton. ch g, 1884. by Beaconsfiekl WMtelass, by Reekie^ Cloud R.. br g. 187 Coast Boy. blk R. 1S85. by Bourbon Wilkos- Albnlross. by Coaster ! Coastman, br s, 1888, by Bourbon. 2:11*4! Wilkes Albatross, by Coaster 2:21% Cobdellah, ch m, 188, by Cobden .. 2 :24% Cobdeu Boy, b g 188, by Cobden . . . Cobden Jr., ch s, 188, by Cobden . . 2:22% I Cock Robin, b g. 188, by Pound's Golddust, dam by Sim Booker 2:28% Cognac, br s, 1883, by Madrid Lady 2:28% ; Shanahan, by McGregor's Warrior Cohannet, b s, 1876, by Bay State 2:20 ! Grand Duchess, by Hanley's Hia- toga 2:23 I Coitt, ch g, 188, I Colbert, ch s. 18SS, by On ward --Queen B., by Kearsarge 2:15 2:29y 2 i 2:15 2:14% | 2:11% ! ^ 2:15% 2:12% j 2:13% I 2:18% ! 2:26 i 2:23 2:24 2:24% 2:17% 2:21% 2:23y 2 2:19% 2:11% 2:11% ; 2:25 2:25 2:19% 2:19% ! 2:21)% :11% :21% " 2:11 2 2:16% 2:24% 2:24% 2:2;V, 2:10Vo Coldwater Billy, gr g, 185, (dead) . . Coleridge, b s, 1888, by C. F. Clay- Susie Wilkes, by Red Wilkes (trot- ting 2:23%) Colette, 1? m, 1885, by Indianapolis Abdallah Belle, by Pacing Abdal- lah Colletta, b m, 1889, by Nutbreaker Sleet, by Bourbon Wilkes Collossus. b s, 188, by Colona Sil- via Blair, by Gridley's Red Buck . . Colon, br s, 188 , by Silas Wright Lotta, by Allie Gaines Colonel, b g, 187 Col. B., b g, 188 ,' by Cromwell Col Bruce, b s, 1880, by Mambrino Bruce Col. Forest, b s, 1885, by Forest Hal . . Colonel H., ch g, 188, by Wood's Hardee Col. Hardee, rn s, 18, by Hardee. . Col. Louis, b s, 1884, by Louis Napo- leonBashaw Maid, by Young Ba- shaw .. . . . . Col. Matson, rn g, 187, by Chader's Red Buck Col. Matson. b g, 1889, by Chance Prudic Allen, by Clark Chief Jr. . . Col. Taylor, br s, 188 Col. Thornton, b s, 1887. by Onward Milly, by Norton Hanibletonian . . . Como, ch s. 1890. by Sphinx Silkey, by Daniel Lambert Columbus Girl, ch m, 187, by Ar- nold's Red Buck Combination, b s, 1891, by Duplex. . Combination, gr s, 1889, by Garnet Wilkes, flam by Wagner Bashaw,. Combination George, ch g, 188 , .... Comet, gr g. 187---, Comet, gr m. 187, Comet, ch jn. 1SSV. hy Kilbnck Tom Flossie, by Pennypack Comet, ch g, 188. by B!aek Dan.. Comet Allen, gr s, 188, Commodore, b g. 185 , (dead) .... Commodore, 'blk g, 188 - Common Pleas, b /, Country Girl, gr m, 188 2-^2V, Country Girl, b m, 188, by High- lend Lnd 2:15% Country Girl, b m, 188 , by Volan- teer Jr 2 -211/2 Courier, b s. 188, by John Burdine. . 2-29 Cousin Joe, b g, 1885, by Del Sur 2:21V, Crafty, b s, 1888. by Kentucky Wilkes Argo, by Electioneer . . . .'. 2-13^, Crnigshead, br g, 188. by Athlete Oh My, by Haroldcus 2-30 Crappy, ch g, 188. by Rocky Moun- tain 2:30 Crawford, b s. 1884. by Favorite Wilkes Ca-rie Patchen, by Mam- brnm Patchen Mead) '. 2:07% Creedo. b m 188, by Jersey Wilkes 2:20% Creeping Kate, b m, 188, 2:30 Creole, br m, 186 , 2-30 Creole, br s. 1886, by Prompter- Grace, by Buccaneer 2:15 rn>8cont. b g. 188. by Cresco, dmn by Capt. Webster 2'23V.i Cricket, rn m. 188 , bv Sea Foam *>-30 Cricket, b m, 1884, by Steinway. dam by Dolphin 2-10 Crlnket, b in. 1391. by Jim Wilson.. . 2-25 Critmorp. ch g. 1880, by "Mttenden Pin ;i fore, by Stvathmo're 2:21U Critt ch g. 188. by Stninway Lady Wattle, by Abbo'ttsford ...'... 2:24% Crown Point, wht g, 187, 2-26 Cuth Cromwell Jr., b s, 188, by Cromwell 2:25 Crusader, b s, 1887, by Littie Pete C. Black Fiddle, by 'Reynolds' Cru- sader 4 2:23% Crystal, b m, 188, by Happy Med- ium, dan* by Almont 2:29 O. T. B., g g, 188, by Butle- 2:29^4 Cuckoo, blk s, 1888, by Ambaissador Evelyn, by Egbert 2:16% Oullen, br s, 188, by Gen. Hancock.. 2:25 Cute, b m, 1891, by Lord Eldon, dain by Jersey Wilkes 2:21% ier, b s, 1881, by Strathmoce Pony, by Alexander's Abdallah 2:24% C. W, G., gr g, 188, by Adonis, dam by St. Glair 2,:18% O. W. L., b g, 1882, by Rattler Lucy . 2:25 Cyclone, b s, 188, by Telegraph 2:11% Cyclone, b g, 188 2:29'/ 4 Cyclone, oh g, 188, by Toronto Chief Jr 2:271,4 Gylex, oh s, 188 by Ne'son 2:24%, Cyrus, b g, 188, by Capt. Webster.. 2:14% Cyrus V., b s, 1887, by Advance Nel- ly Mays, by Stranger 2:22% Daily News, b g, 188, by Franklin.. 2:20 Daisy, rn m, 188, by Pharon 2:27*4 Daisy B., rn m, 188, by Richa:-d Scoble 2:21i,i Daisy B., g m, 188, by Gray Eagle.. 2:29% Daisy B., b m, 188, by Mambrino Startle 2:18% Daisy O., gr m, 188, by Jim Wilson. 2:17% Daisy O., b m, 188, by Mambrino Wilkes 2:26% Daisy O., b m, 188, by Princeton... 2:22 Daley C., blk m, 188, by Wilder Wilkes 2:22 Daisy D., blk m, 1887, by Bob Lee- Brownie, by Foster's St. Lawrence 2:23% Daisy Dean, b m, 188, by Major Edsall 2:26 Daisy Dean, b m, 188, by Tom Jack- son 2:18% Daisy de Spain, g m, 188, by King Pharoah 2:12 Daisy E., ch m, 188, by Will Go, diam by Warwick Boy 2 :24% Daisy Holmes, b m, 188 , by Pilot Duroc Jr 2:28% Daisy L., br m, 188, by Messenger Duroc 2:29% Daisy M., oh m, 188, by Johnson's Baslhaw 2:30 Daisy Mack, b rn, 188, by Am e -lean Boy 2:25 Daisy Me, b m,, 188. by Mount Ver- fnon, diam by Gen. McClellan 2:24 Daisy Norwood, b m, 1887, by Pilot, dam by Gen. Grant 2:23% Daisy Rolfe, b m, 188 by Winslow Boy 2:30 Daisy S., b m, 188 by Hiatoga Jim. 2:16% Daisy S., blk m,, 188 by Phil Sheri- dan Jr 2:23% Daisy Scott, b m, 187 2:27% Daisy V., b m, 1883. by Pocahontas Boy Ella Wright, by Trojan 2:23% Daisy Webb, b m, 1880, by Almon- arcih Webb Mare, by O. J.' WeKs. . . 2:28'/4 Daisy Woods, dn m. i88 , by Ro-scoe Jr. Nellie, by Rainbow. . . ". . . 2:26% Dale, b s, 1890, by Good Luck, dam by Blue Bull ' 2:21% Dallas, ch. g, 1883, by Almont Boy- Ravenna, by Black Hawk Traveler. . 2:11% Dallas (Kiseell's), ch s, 188, by In- diana Ohief . 2:10% Dallas H., rn g, 188 by Charlie THE 2:30 PACERS. 163 Brister Dallgetty, b g, 188, by Thorndale. . . Daraiania, ch g, 187, by Gladiator... Dan, b g, 188, Dan Coukling, b s, 188, by Roscoe Conkling. . . . .* Dan D., b g, 1878, by Diadem Miss Woods, by Hollingshead's Sambo... Dandy, b g, 188, by Lord Cook (dead) Dandy, b g, 188, by Rocky Moun- tain Dandy B., gr g, 188, Dandy Boy, ch g, 1876, by Blue Bull- Mary Baker, by Poeahontas Boy. . . . Dandy Boy, blk g, 188, by Legal Tender Jr Dandy Boy, blk s, 188, Dandy Brown, br g, 188, by Tom Brown Jr Dandy Eastmout, b g, 188, by Allie Clay Topsy, by Fearless Dandy O., b s, 1888, by Dall Brino Mayflower Dandy It., b s, 188 Daniel Boone, dn g, 188, by Hylas 2:20V4 2:28 2:18V4 | 2:15 2:30 ! 2:231,4 2:22V, 2:23V4 2:23V4 2:23Vi 2:26Vi Jr. 2:20% 2:30 j 2:21^ 2:2V4| 2:25% 2:23 Daniel O., b g, 188, by Daniel Boone Dan Mahoney, ro e, 185, (dead) Daniel S., oh g, 187 Daniel Webster, ch g, 184, (dead) . . . Dan Miller, ch g, 184-, (dead) Dan 'Mitchell, b s, 1886, by Regulator Dolly Fritts, by Marshal Chief Dan Murphy, br s, 188, by Young Jim, dam by George Wilkes Danness, ch g, 188, by Rockaway. . . Dan R., ch s, 1882, by Smuggler Fan- ny, by Brahan's Copperbottom Dan Rice, b g, 187 ,. by Signal Dan Itice, rn g, 184, (dead) Dan Kip-ley, b s, 188, by William H. Ripley Dan Robinson, ch g," 1890, by Nut- hurst, dam by Abdallaih Mambrino . . Dan Tucker, b s, 1885, by George P. Tucker Belle Danube, b g, 188, by Ghickamauga Dart, by Trojan Dan Voo.ihees, gr g, 186, (dead) Dan AVebstor. I) g, 187 , Daphne, b m, 188, by Aurora Darklight, b m, 188, by Twilight Darling, b m, 188 Dartford, b s, 1886, by Captain Lyons Jenny Martin, by Star Denmark. . Dartmouth, blk s, 1885, by Dictator Almaid, by Almont Daughter, b m, 1886, by Reliance Dauntless Bess, b in, 1882, by Dock. . 2:21% Dave, b g, 186 , (dead) " Dave Boy, br s, 1891, by Gilley Dave It., gr g, 188, by Luey Horse. . Dave R., gr g, 188, by Leroy Horse. David Coppe-neld, blk g, 1884, by Belle, by Frampton's Wood 2:17 Deacon, b g, 1886, by Ben Bolt Bee- tle Lincoln, by Justin Morgan (dead) 2:20 Debrino, b g, 188, by Detractor 2:17% Deck Wright, eh s, 1887, by Quilna Chief Kate G., by Blue Bull 2:18Vi Decoy, b s, 1802, t>y Detective Pet, by son of Dan Voorhees 2:30 Defiance, br g, 186, by Chieftain (trotting 2:24) 2:17% De Jarnette, b s, 1883, by Indianap- olisBelle, by Litton's WarfieM 2:17 De Kalb, b g, 188, by Eisman Delaware Boy, b g, 188 DeOgiardo, b s, 1886, by Egbert Illi- nois, by Contractor 2:28 Delight, b s, 188, by Good Luck 2:29V 2 Delineator, b s, 1882, by Dictator Maisie, by Shelby Chief 2:18 Delia S., oh m, 1800, by Thistle 2:21 Delia Sherman, clh m, 188, by Ash- land Wilkes 2:21Va Dell Wind, b s, 1SS , by Del Sur Imogeue, by Norwood 2:25 Del Norte, blk s, 1888, by Altamont Tecora, by Strader's Gas si us M. Clay Jr 2:14Va Delph, b g, 1888, by King Almont by Hutchison Chief (trotting 2:23Va 2:19y 4 2:1944 2:20V 2:28 2:24% 2:25'/4 2:10% 2:25% 2:30 2:22V4 2:28% 2:20^ 2-0/2 Quilna Chief Jennie Curtis, by Mor- gan Messenger David S., b g, 188, by Dr. Herr Lady Benton, by S.tockbridge Chief. . David Wilkes, blk g, 1878, by Almont Eclipse Lady Simmons, by George Wilkes Davy B., gr g, 188, by Davenant Davy Crockett, blk s, 188, by Illi- nois Chief Davy Crockett, blk g, 187, by Legal Tender Jr Dawson Lake, ch m, 1891, by Nut- breaker Day Star, b s, 1886, by Chestnut Star 2:16 2:29V* 2:32i/i 2:23 2:20 2:24'/4 2:20y4 2:27V 2 ) 2:24% Delta, b s, 1890, by Patalka Hattie, by Heptagon 2:21V4 Demand, b g, 188, by Diplomat 2:29 Dempsey, b s, 188, by Tribute 2:16^ Den Ledyard, ch s, 188, by Me Cur- dy 's Hambletonian 2:20 Dennie B., b m, 188, by Ethan Wilkes " 2:24V 4 Dennison Wilkes, b s, 188, by Star Wilkes 2:26^4 Densmore, br s, 1889, by Bayonne Prince Lillian C., by Warwick Boy. 2:23% De Soto Belle, b m, 188, by Burns' De Soto 2:18% Despot, ro s, 1878, by Dictator Spray, by Bay Munson (trotting 2:29) 2:24y 2 Detractor, blk s, 1877, by Gossip- Evening Rose, by Black "Dutchman. 2:26^2 Dexter, b g, 1885, by George Nichols Mare, by Louis Napoleon 2:24 Dexter, ch g, 187, by Woodard's Ethan Allen 2:29 ! Dexter Power, ch s, 1887, by Major Doke Molly, by Champion 2:24*4 i Dexter TQxo me, b s, 1888, by Dexter Prince Clyde, by Hawthorne 2:23 i Diablo, oh s, 1889, by Charles Derby Bertha, by Alcantara 2:09>4 : Dial, rn g, 188 , by Barbarian 2:28'/4 I Diamond, blk s. 188, by Joe l j ond... 2:l!2 : Dicer, oh s, 188, by Hoosier Tom ... 2 :30 1 Dick, gr g, 188, by Ira N 2:29'/4 Dick B., b g, 1885, by Alhamar Li tta, by Bayard , 2:18Va Dick B., b g, 188, by Stonewall Jackson 2:21 V4 Dick O.. b g, 188, by Gloster 2:18% i Dick Fitzgerald, br s, 188, by Blial G., diain by Hercules 2:24V4 1 Dick H., b- s, 1887, by American Boy Daisy, by Gen. Putnam ." . 2:18 i Dick Hal, b s, 188, by Tom Hal. . . . 2:23V 4 : Dick Kitchen, b g, 188, by Wyoming Chief 2:271/6 Dick Mason, b g, 188, by Nuthunter 2:14i/, ! Dick Pennell, oh g, 188, by Baywood 2:14V 2 Dick R., b g, 188, by William H. Vanderbilt 2:27^ Dick Smith, b g, ISSj, by Prince Im- 164 THE 2:30 PACERS. perlalMaggie, by Cliarles Douglas. 2:19^ Dick Thorn, b g, 1S3 ............... 2:2(3% Dick Trumpet, b g, 188 ............. 2:17 Dick Vail, blk g, 1888, by Detractor Night, by Swigert ..... ' ............ 2:141/4 Dick West, blk g, 188 by Col. West. 2:29^ Dick Wills, b g, 188 by Wilkesonian, dam by Indian Chief (trotting 2:25V-t) 2:16% Dick Wilkes, b g, 188, by Young Wilkes ........................... 2:23% Dido, b m, 1876, by Scott's Hiatoga Columbia, by Young Colu.mbus ...... 2:23% Diaah, b m, 188, by Flaco .......... 2:25Vi Direct, blk s, 1885, by Director Echo'a, by Edho (trotting 2:18%) ____ 2:05% Direction, blk s, 1887, by Director- Lulu Wilkee, by George Wilkes ..... 2:10% Directrix, blk m, 1890, by Director- Lady Wattles, by Abbottsford ...... 2:20V a Directly, blk s, 1892, by Direct- Mabel, by Naubuc .................. Dlrego Jim, b g, 188 ................ Dirigo Maid, b m, 188, by Dirigo... Divan, blk s, 1889, by Patchen Wilkes Betsy, by Draco ............... <. . 2:15 Dixie, gr m, 187 ................... 2:29% Dixie Van, b s, 188 by Pa:is ....... 2:24% Doc, b g, 188, by William Corbett. .. 2:27% Doc Christie, b s, 1888, by Anteros Thomette, by Happy Medium ...... 2:21 Doc H., br g, 1887, by Clarion Chief. . 2:19% Doc Snyder, b g. 187 by Wild Tom. 2:27'/4 Doc Speiry, br g, 1889, by Altamont Kitty Kfeba?, by Young Kisbar ..... 2:09 Dr. A., oh g, 188, by Ahue, dam by Hunter's Lexington ............... 2 :24V4 Dr. Dix, br s, 188, by Albrino. dain by Daniel Boone ................... 2 :30 Dr. Elmo, b g, 188, by St. Blmo .... 2 :22 Dr. G., b g, 188 by Pacing Abdal- lafa, .............................. 2:25V4 Dr. H., gr g, 188, by Hazel Bashaw. 2:^2% Dr. H., b g, 188 . by Tom Hal Jr. ... 2:14% Dr. Haile.l) s, 1888, by Guy K. Lady Kahn, by Bushwhacker ............ 2:15Vi Dr. J. ( b g, 1885, by Allie West, dam by Mamb-ino Forrest ............... 2 :13$i Dr. Keeley. b g. 1891, by Almout King Nel y, by Whip Horse ........ 2:24 Dr. Keely, blk s, 188, by Mambrino Diamond ........................ Dr. L., gr g, 188, by Blew's Hiatoga Dr. M., br g, 1882, by King Mambrino Jenny D ........................ 2 :13Vi Dr. Miller, rn g .................... 2:25 Dr. Miller, eh s, 188, b\- McCurdy's Hamble toman, dam by Gibson's Tom Hal ......................... Dr. M.. br ff. 188, by Brown Prince Dr. Mac. b g, 188, by Elberon ...... Dr. Merit Him. b s*. 188. bv Mait- 2:21 2:23% 2:16 2:28'4 I>r. Perkins, b s. 188, by Louis Na poleon .... ...................... - :2t>'/t. Dr Snv'ier. h s. 188 by Dunnosne --rnisa Pair-lien. by Patchen Chief.. 2:17% 1>r. Su-ift, cli e, 188". by Bay wood American Girl, by Yonnsr America. . 2:13 Dr. W., br tr. 1876.' by Robert Flllinsr- Ifin Jr. Bolly Pinters, by Crim's Sam Peters ........................ 2:24V 2 Iv Vt>st. br z. 1878. by Contractor S.r:c. by Thorndale ................ 2:17% Dr. Wood, ch s. 188. by Mambrino Wilkea .............. '. ........... 2:29% Dr Wood, ch s. 188, by Chester . . 2:20% Po'Vl Poot err . 1886. by Paneoast P.ellp Dnd'.ov, bv Belmont . .. 2:18 Dolce, b m, 188, by Diplomat- Nelly, by Mark Twain Dolly Brown, br in, 188, by Daii Brown Dolly Franklin, ch in, 188, by Gen. Franklin Dolly M., br m, 188 Dolly Quinn, b m, 188, by Land- mark Dolly Spanker, b m, 184 (dead) . . Dolly Spanker, blk m, 1891, by Jim Wilkes Lucy Douglass, by True Boy Dolly T., ch m, 188, Dolly W., b m, 1888, by Reno De- fianceMolly W Domino, rn m, 188, by Masker Gip- sey, by Gibson's Tom Hal Domino, g s, 188, by Masker Stella, by Sweepstakes Donald, b g, 188, by Embassador . . Donald H., b g, 188, by Darwin, dam by Goldtiust Don Angus, b / 2 Elspeth, b m, 1891, by Peddlar Lula M., by Dauntless 2:27Vi Elva Medium, b m, 1883, by Draco Medium Dinah, by Jupiter. 2:18% Eiyton, b s, 1889, by Martine Nelly Harris, by Seneca Chief 2:22 Ember, b m, 1885, by Slander Dawn, by Gen. Knox 2 :20% Emerson, ch g, 1885, by Elial G. Em- press, by Phil Sheridan 2:22% Emma, ch m, 185, (dead) 2:20 Emma, b m, 1882, by Egbert Rosa Monroe, by Jim Monroe 2:iG 1 4 Emma B., ch m, 187 2:27*4 Emma L., b m, 188, by Victor Bis- marck 2:21V4 Emmia Nolan, b m, 1889, by Imprint- Annie Hall, by George Hall 2:24% Emma Wilkes, blk m, 1891, by Adrian Wilkes, dam by Athlete 2:19V 4 Emick Wilson, gr g, 1890, by Jim Wil- son Jr. Brina Chief, by Bob Emick 2:23% Emily Hal, b m, 188, by King Hal. . 2:25V 4 p:m Pierce, gr s, 1888, by Bayard Zade, by Hiatoga Prince 2:23 ',4 Empress, b m, 188, by Ensign- Fanny, by Honesty 2:2SV4 Empress Wilkes, b m, 188, by On- ward 2:25% Engineer, g:- s, 188, by Locomotive. 2:17% E. P. O., ch g, 1889, by Gen. Garfield, dam by Sir Harry 2 :24& Era Chimes, b s, 1885, by Chimes Gulnare, by Mambrino King 2:19% Eric, b g, 188, by Elector Beauty, by Chieftain 2:17 Ernestine, oh m, 1881, by Red Wilkes, dam by Bonner Boy 2 :24 Erratta. b m, 18S , by Ernst Stigma, by Stillson 2:29% Ervin M., br s, 1885, by Lothair Jr.. . 2:20V4 Eskbert, b 9, 188 , by Egbert 2:21% Estella, b m, 187, by Scott's Hiatoga 2:23'/4 Ethan Boy, b g, 188, by Star Ethan 2:24% Ethan Rolfe, b g, 188, by eon of Young Rolfe 2:30 Ethel, ch m, 188, ' 2:28 Ethel, b m, 188, by Byerly Boy 2:24% Ethel A., gr m, 1891, by Adrian Wilkes, dam by Gen. Jackson 2:10 Ethel B., b m, 1887, by George O. Lawson Mare 2 :18 Etta B., gr m, 188, by Great Tom (trotting 2:25%) 2:17 Etta C., b m, 187, by Hampshire Boy, dam by Henry Clay 2:29i/ 4 Eucilire Boy, b g, 188, by American Boy 2 -29V4 Eugenia, blk m, 1885, by Alcantara- Lady Gonklin, by Strathmore 2:19*4 Euphony, _gr m, 1889, by Byerly Ab- 79 e> 1 "* JMJtW| u-y j_j c^i 1 J ,ZUJ- .Bertie, by Blue Bull 2:23% Eva, b m, 188 by Karatas 2:18V 4 Eva Harold, b m, 188, by Scott's Hiatoga Jr 2:21% Evangeline, b m, 188, by Kilbuck Tom 2-30 Eva Wilkes, b m, 1887, by Dumas Campmeeting Maid, by Howe's Bis- marck 2 :19% Evelyn, b m, '188, by Robinson D... 2:23y 4 Everett G., ch g, 187, by Ensley's Blue Bull Barker Mare 2:28'/4 Everett M., ch s, 1889, by Little Won- derBird, by Tom Brown 2:19% Everway, b m, 188 by Evermond. 2:22% Evonward, b s, 188, by Onward, dam by George Wilkes 2:28% E. W. H. br g, 188, by Graftonian. 2:23'/ 4 E. W. S., ch g, 188-, by Woodford Knox 2:23% Excellence blk s, 1890, by Satrap Hiudale Lassie, by Hiudale 2:25 Excelsior, ro g, 188', pedigree not traced 2:23V 4 Exchange Boy, blk s, 188, by Ross Wilkes . 2:30 Eximus, br s, 188 by The King- Belle Sprague, by Gov. Spvague. . . . 2:23V4 Expert Prince, blk s, 1886, by Egbert Madam Headley, by Edwin Forrest 2:13V Express, b m, 187, by Calhoun Coly 2:24^4 Eyelight, b s, 188, bv Artemas 2:19'/ 4 Ezra A., b g, 188, by Montebello 2:27Va Failnot, br s, 1889, by St. Bel Alino- 11 a, by Almont 2 : 16% Fairmount, b g, 187 by Niagara... 2:22% Fallon, b g, 187, 2 :28 Falrose, b s, 1887, by Fallis Roseleaf, by Buccaneer 2:19 Famous, b g, 187, 2:30 Fanny, b m,, 188, by Major Ringgold 2:29k Famny B., b m, 188, by Prince Albert 2:27 Fanny B., b m, 188 2 :21V 4 Fanny Blair, b m, 188, by Peter Blair 2:20 Fanny O., b m, 187, by Bayard, dam by Ohio Clay 2:24% Fanny C., br m, 187 , by Sleepy Dutchman 2:24% Fsnny Ellsler, gr m, 183, (dead) . . 2:27% Famiv Fenn. b m, 186 (dead) 2:28% Fanny Golddust, ch m, 187, by Zil- caadi Golddust 2:25V4 Fanny K., b m, 188-, by Dan Morse. . 2:28^4 Fanny L., b m, 188, by Mountain Boy Maud (dead) 2:18% Fanny M., b m, 187, by Hunter Boy Dougherty Mare, by Tuckakoe ... 2 :29V4 Fanny Rush, b m, 1888, by Brod Wal- nut, dam by Paul Jones Jr 2:19 Fanny S., Oh m, 188, by Wilkes Golddust 2:23y.i Fanny Wilkes, b m, 1884, by Coronet Lucy Lockwood, by Stephan A. Douglas 2:1994 Fargo, b g, 188, by Star Wilkes 2:22% Farmer Miles, blk s, 1882, by Dr. Herr Idol, by Idler 2:22 Farnhi*m's Wilkes, b s, 188, by Oha-ley Wilkes 2:22% Fascination, b s, 188, by Broadway 2:20% Fastwell, b s, 1886, by Hambrino BE2-.30 PACERS. 167 Rosa Da-tie bv Middletown ...... 2:2% Hi,'l890. by Sidney-Fans- % _ Fedalma; ch 'm,' 1880' 'by Greystone- Amorita by Hambrino ............ FedSra br m, 1885, by Tom Brown Jr. dam by Young Nigger Dick .... Felipe, ch s, 1887, by Egbert-Rosa Monroe, by Jim Monroe ......... Felix, ro g, 1874, by Dictator-Lady Farlow, by Gray's Tom Hal. . . ..... Ferd Keyt, b s, 188, by Bismarck... Fergustine. b s, 1886 by Fergus Me- G-ezor Lady De Moss ............ Fern Cliff, gr m, 188-, by Elgin Boy Ferndale, blk m, 1890, by Simmo- colon-Fern Leaf, by Flaxtail ...... Feura br m, 1891, by Allerton ...... Fidol. b s, 1887, by Backman's Idol- Molly Jackson, by Stonewall Jack- son ** FieldmonV, blk s, 1887, by Young Alarm, dam by Saturn .. .......... Fife, br m, 188, by Slander ........ Findley, blk g, 188-, by Oorbm Ba- , Finni?an,"gr g, 188, by Joe Hooker. Fisherman, b g, 186-, pedigree not t:iaced (dead) ...................... Flash, b g, 188 .................... Flask, b"s, 1889, by Rumor Flageolet, by Gen. Knox .................... Flavilo, b s, 188 ......... . . ........ Flavorita, b m, 188, by Elevator.. Flax Hal, b m, 188, by Duplex.... Fieetfoot, ch m, 1886, by Booth's Clear Grit ......................... Fieetfoot, br m, 186, (dead) ...... Fleety H., oh m, 188, by Bay Tom j r ....................... Flitterfoot, ch s, 186. (dead) ..... Flora b m, 186, by Chieftain (dead) Flora' A., gr m, 188-, by J. W ....... Flora B., b m, 188 by Brussels ..... Flora B., b m, 188, by Ayre's Mam- b:lno Wilkee ...................... Flora Belle, blk m, 1876, by White Cloud ............................. Flora Belle, b m, 188, by Dick Taylor . . .......................... Floral Boy, b s. 1889, by American Boy Fanny T., by Telegraph Jr... Flora C., rn m., 1890, by Kirby's Cad- mus Hambletonian ................ Flora C.. b m, 188. by Jumbo ---- Flora Hill, b m, 188 by Capt. Walker .............................. Flora Little, br m, 1883, by Gen. Lee Dolly St. Lawrence, by Charter Oak . ................................. Flora M., b m. 188, ................. Flora Mask, blk m, 1882, by John Cole ................................. Flora Silver, ch m, 1889. by Pat Sil- ver Topsy Knox .................. Flora Temple, b m, 1880, by Long- strider Lady ....................... Flora W., gr'm. 1882, by Tom Won- der Jr. Jennie, by Tom Won- der Jr ............ ................... 2.1o 2.2o 2:24% |p 2:18% 2 .20% 2:24 2:16/2 2:28 2:19 2:17% 2 "20 2:20 2:21 2:27 2:16 2:2-"> 2:24% 2:23% 2:12 2:25 2:25% 2:24% 2:30 2:25% 2:26% 2:22% 2:13% 2:22% 2:17V4 2:25 2:26 2:24% 2:23 2:30 2:27% 2:25 2:18% 2:24% Flora Wilkes, b m. 1875, by George Wilkes Gray Fanny, by i- 2 . 19 ^ Florence,' ch m, 188, .. 2 :23% Florence G., br m, 188- by Clear (j-.-it Nelly *xo Florence J., 'gr m, 1885, by Gray Harry "/a Florette, ' 'blk in, 1890, by Adrian Wilkes Flora, by Sir Alfred 2:24% Floss, blk m, 188 by George M. Patchen Jr ~. : 78$ Flossy, rn m, 188, by Smuggler... 2:A>% Flo-sey L., blk m, 1885, by Regalia- Belle, by Danville Boy ............. 2:23 Flossy Reed, b m, 188-, by Mambrmo Abdallah Bird, by Ansel 2:2614 Flowing Tide, ch m, 1888, by Albert W. Uarda, by Echo 2:14% Flying Hiatoga Jr., b s, 188-, by Fly- ing Hiatoga, dam by Rodney 2:23% Flying Jib, b g, 1884, by Algona- Middletown Mare, by Middletown 2:04 Flying Morgan, ch g, 188- by Star Ethan 2:28% Flying Prince, b g, 188 by Prince Pulaski Jr 2:24% F. M. B. A., rn g, 188, by Heel Hazel 2:22 Foggy, b g, 1884, by Alcantara Thal- imer Mare, by Hamlet (trotting 2:27%) 2:13% Forest Wilkes, b s, 1885, by Bourbon Wilkes Florence C., by Forest Clay 2:15 Fortuna, b m, 184, by Jay Gould- Pandora, by Clark Chief 2:19% Fortune, b g, 188 by Acuff 2 :29% Fox, b g, 188, by Reavis' Black- bird .7 2:21% Foxglove, ch m, 1890, by Nutwood- Four Lines, by Blackwood 2 :24% Foxhound, b s, 1890. by Alfred G., dam by Hinder Wilkee 2:26% Frank, ch g, 188, by Capt. Web- ster 2:20 Frank, blk g. 1*81, by Dr. Herr Topsy, by Idler 2:21% Frank A., gr g, 188 , 'by Rex Hia- toga 2:22 Frank Agan, b g, 1890, by Mikagan Flora 2:10% Frank B., b g, 1887, by Clark's Ham- bletonian Bird B., by Stockbridge Chief Jr 2:18 Frank Bogash, b s, 1892, by Atlantic King, dam by Almont Patchen... 2:26% Frank Burgess, b e, 1887, by Peace- makerClothesline, by Melrose ... 2 :20% Frank Champ, blk g, 187. by Allie West-Molly Whitefoot, by Little Priam 2:16% Frank Dortch, gr g, 1884, by Loco- motiveMolly Lumsden, by Gib- son's John Dillard Jr 2:15% Frank E., b g, 1884, by Messenger Chief Lucy Pope, by Telegraph .. 2:19*4 Frank F., b g, 188 2:19% Frank F., b g. 188, by Red Buck.. 2:30 Frank F., b g, 188, by Lexington Chief Jr. . 2:21% Frank Finch, b g 188, by Windsor, dam by Empire 2:24V4 Frank G., b g, 188 2:30 Frank H., b g, 188, by Black Prince 2:26 Frank H., ch s. 1877. by Squire Tal- mage Lucy Farrie, by Tom Crowder 2:22% Frank Hanson, g s, 188, by Roger Hanson 2:23% 168 THE 2:30 PACERS. Fraiikie C., br g, 188, by Morgan.. 2:20 Frankie D. b 111, 188, by Smith's Mambrino Chief Jr 2:24% Frankie Folsom, b m, 188 by Upde- graff 2:28% Frank J., b g, 188. by Tom Allen.. 2:19% Frank Logan, b s, 1885, by Sprague Belle Shandon, by Rothschild 2:25 Frank M., rn s, 188, by Charlie Bris- ter 2:271/3 Frank Nevins, b g, 188, by Hoosier Dick . 2:30 Frank Oxnian, blk g, 188, by Scrugg's Eland 2:17 Frank P., b s, 1885, by Walkill Jr.. 2:17% Frank Pierce, ch g, 184, (dead) 2 :23% Frank R., blk g, 188, by Indianapolis 2:28 Frank Russell, b s, 1887, by Alley Rue- sell Eyerie, by Winchip 2:25 Frank S., ch g, 188, by Silvertail. 2:22i/ 2 Frank Smith, ch s, 188, by Hiatoga Chief 2:23% Frank T., 2:20% Frank Taylor, b g, 188 by Mohican 2:23% Frank W., b g, 188, by Denver Wilkes 2:26% Frank W., dn g, 1877, by Bishop Berk- ley 2:21% Frank W., br g, 187 2:24% Frank Wilson, gr s, 188, by Jim Wil- son 2:22V 2 Frank Wood, blk e, 188, by Wedge- wood Lady Allen, by Frank Allen. 2:25y 2 Fraro, b s, 1885, by Jerome Eddy Hiatoga Maid, by Scott's Hiatoga.. 2:28% Fred, br g, 188 2:26% Fred, b g, 1879, by Hambletouian Horse Jenny, by Country Boy. . . 2:27 Fred Ackerman, b g, 187, by Wash- ington, dam by Signal 2:23 Fred Ager, ch e, 1886, by Greenback Tad, by Melnott 2:24% Fred Arthur, b s, 1884, by Belmont Gipsy, by Blue Bull 2:12% Fred Douglass, b s, 188 by Phil.. 2:17% Frederick, gr g, 187 2:22% Fred Gibbs, b g, 188 2:26% Fred H., b g, by Stanway's Crowder 2:17% Fred Holcomb, b g, 1883, by Stock- holmLady Patchen, by Bush's Patchen 2:23 Fred Hooper, rn g, 188, by Mon- arch Jr 2:21% Fred Jams, b g, 187, by Champion . . 2 :30 Fred Johnson, gr g, 184, (dead) .. 2:27% Fred K., blk g, 1888, by ghadeland Onward Signet, by Satenite 2:09% Fred M., blk g, 188, by Daniel Boone 2 :26Vi Fred Mason, b g, 188, by Bob Mason 2:13% Fred Mills, rn g, 1879, by Nathan Mills Babe, by Stonewall Jackson 2:21% Fred Ross, b g. 187, 2:22 Fred S., b g, 1881. by Lexington Chief Flora, by Gardner's Red Buck.... 2:16 Fred Smuggler, b g, 188, by Glad- iatorMerry 2:22 Fred V., ch g, 1879 by Clay Pilot- Miss Nancy f 2 Fred W.. ch g, 188. by Bay Chief. .2:17 Fred Wilson, gr g, 188, by Dan Wil- son 2:21% Fred Wormley, b g, 186 (dead) .... 2:29 Free Coinage, gr s. 1890, by Stein way Nelly E., by Elmo 2:11% Free Trade, b g, 188 by McMul- len's Mohawk 2:25'/ 3 Freeland, b s 1887, by Bald Hornet Cal Stebbins, by Rambler. . Freuchy. br in, 1885, by Baron Wilkes Weiss Frencliy, ch m. 188 by Bay Etiian'. French y, b g, 188, by Royal George Fresno Prince, bik s, 1889, by Bayoune Prince Lizzie, by Blackwood Friendly Dan, rn g, 188 Fritz, gr g, 187 Fritz, ch g, 187 Frolique, oh m, 1884, by Egbert Rena Bimlett. by Alexander's Nor- inan Fuller, b g, 1876, by Clear Grit- Dolly, by Niagara Champion Fuller ton D., blk s, 1878, by Regalia Kate F.. by Bourbon Chief ... . Gaiters, b g, 188, by Steele's Walkill Galileo Rex. br s, 1888, by Billy Say re Dewey Eve, by George Wilkes.., Gallietta, blk rn, 1889, by Gambetta Wilkes Nectar, by Nutwood... Gambier, blk s, 1887, by Gambetta Wilkes Lady Palm, by Thomas Jefferson Gambolier, b s, 1887, by Gambetta Wilkes Attie Belle, by Messenger Chief Gambrel, b s, 1887, by Gambetta Wilkes Bellneld, by Enfield Gammon blk s, 188, by Gambetta Wilkes Fib, by Enfield Gamrose, b s, 1890, by Gambetta Wilkes Red Rose, by Red Wilkes Ganymede, ch g, 188, by Ajax.... Garrett, b s, 188, by Maryland Vol- unteer Gaslight, br g, 1885, by Ajax Fanny, by Baker Boy Gasper, b s, 188, by Egbert Rose Monroe, by Jim Monroe (dead) . . . Gawain, gr s, 188, by Gambetta Wilk'es Eye See, by Nutwood Gay Widow, b m, 188, by son of Denver Wilkes Gazette, b s, 1887, by Onward Siren, by Dictator (trotting 2:23%) G. D., gr m, 1890, by Frank Almont Nettie Gem., b m, 1875, by Tom R>> u. i Interest, br s, 1886, by Onward Lit- tle Fortune, by Scott's Thomas.... Intreped, b g, 1888, by Hainan's Al- mont Jr. Quadroon, by Sherman.. lola Wilkes, ch m, 1887, by Willie Wilkes Lucy Index, by Index Inez, b m, 1891 Innocent Sam, b g, 187, lona, b m, 188, by Black Pat I. K., b s, 188 Ira Band ,b g, 188, by Jay wood .... Ira C., b g, 188, by Brussells Ira King, b s, 1888, by Ira Wilkes, dam by Marshall Chief Iras, b m, 188, by Vere de Vere Annie Bashaw z:iy^ Ira Wilkes, br s, 1876, by George Wilkes Nelly B., by Harry B. Patcben (trotting 2:28) 2:22% Irene, blk m, 1886, by Dexter Prince Black Dolly, by Morse's Longfel- low 2:25 ! Irene, b m., 1886, by Star Wilkes Irena , 2:11%! Irene B., b m, 188, by Stillson 2:23%! Irene L., b m, 188, by Equinox 2:24% i Irish Boy, ch g, 1883, by Billy H., dam by Flying Morgan 2:20 ! Irish Moll, blk m, 186- 2:28% ! lamity, by Mambrino Pilot (dead) . . Jack (Conlisk's), rn g, 185, (dead).. Jack, blk g, 187-, Jack Ayers, b g, 188, by Jack Rapid Jack Bowers, b g, 1885, by Kilbuck Tom Flora, by Bethel Jack Evans, br g, 186, (dead) Jack Curry, ^r g, 188, by Traveler, dam by Rainbow Jack Hart, ch g, 1876, by American Boy Shoo Fly, by Young Tlppoo Sultan Jack Jewett, b s, 1885, by Winnebago Chief Lulu Belle, by Black Jack.. Jack Rapid, gr s, 1871, by Jack Rapid Bourbon Maid, by imp. Glencoe . . Jack Rapid, Jr., gr g, 188, by Jack Rapid Jack Shiel, b s, 1887, by Ross Wilkes Brown Sue Jack the Ripper, b g, 188; by Sy- ler's Almont Pilot Jack the Ripper, b g, 188, by Pat Jack the Ripper, blk s, 1886, by Texas Jack ST. Kinney Rooker, by Kenney Jack Thome, blk g, 1887, by Edsall Thorne Jack W., ch g, 188, Jacob M., b g, 188, , 2:27 2:24M 2:29% 2:11% 2:27 2:21% 2:23% 2:13% 2:25 2:29% 2:21% 2:21 yl 2:18% iiisu 2:29% 2:26 2:27 2:16% Irma, b m, 1885, by Nutwood Mag- gie Medium, by Happy Medium... 2:18Vi Irina C., gr m, 1884, by Jim Wilson- Fanny, by Pocahontas Boy 2:18 Iron Quill, b s, 1892, by Kankakee . . 2:22% Iron wood, b g, 188, by Wedgewood 2:26V4 Isa B., b m, 1888, by Vasco-Sadie Roe, by Magic Lsabelle, ch in, 188, by Subscriber (dead) Island Belle, ch m, 1884, by Volenvent Islander, b s, 188, by Legacy Ithuriel, b s, 1888, by Red Wilkes Topsy, by Strathmore (trotting Ivolo,"b* m,' 1891', by An tevo'lo Salinas Belle, by Vermont Ivorine, blk m, 1884, by Black Charley Jack, b g, 188 by Almont M. Laura T., by Greenback Jack, b g, 188, by Harkaway Ca- James D., gr g, 188, by Hamlin's Almont Jr James K. Polk, ch g, 183, (dead).. Janey, blk m, 1890, by Alcantara- Zoe, by Gen. Knox Janey Woody, ch m, 188, by Red Buck Jap, br g, 188, by Robert Rysdyk.. . Jarenta, D m, 1891, by Bonnie Boy. .. . Jasey, b s, 188 2:24%i Jay, g g, by Gen. Sprague i Jay and See, blk g, 188, by Black 2:19Vi! Oak Jay Eye See, blk g, 1878, by Dictator Midnight, by Pilot Jr. (trotting 2:10) ^ 2:06% Jay Girl, ch m, 1888, by Ben Adhem -Pet 2:21% Jay Gould Jr., ch s, 188, by Jay Gould 2:29% Jaywood, ch s, 1885, by Nutwood- Lady Blanche, by Privateer 2:29^ J B., b g, 188, by Albert S. Patchen 2:26% j: C., sp g, 188- 2:25 J. C C., ch g, 188, by Legal Ten- der Jr 2:16 J. C. R., b g. 188 by Harkaway.. 2:29 J. D. K.. blk g, 188 2:29% Jeff Davis, gr g, 1882, sire unknown^ Jenny Harwell 2:23 Jeff Davis, br g, 186-, (dead) 2:25% Jeff Smith, b g, 1881, by Ohio Doll, by Manchester Tuckahoe (trotting 2:27%) 2:29% Jenny Brown, gr m, 1887, by Joe Brown 2d 2:25 Jenny Hall, b m, 188, by George Hall 2:29% Jenny J., b m, 1881. by Daniel Booue Dinah, by Monogram Jenny K., b m, 187, by Blue Bull.. Jenny Lind, br m, 1881, by Long- strider Lady 2:17 Jenny Lind, b m, 1886, by Capt. Jack, dam by Anglo Saxon 2 :23% Jenny Lind, ch m, 186, by Scott's Hiatoga (dead) 2:28 2:29% 2:21V a 2:18 2:22 174 THE 2:30 PACERS. Jenny McCoy, b in. 1889, by Magnet- Lou, by Corbin Bashaw 2:22 Jenny Rolfe, ch r~ . 188 225% Jennie S., ch m, 188, 2:30 Jenny Scott, b m, 1883, by- Winfield Scott, ....-.- 2:29% Jenny W., br in, 188, by France's Allie Wilkes 2:26i/ 2 Jenny Wren, blk m, 1885, by Hail- stormJessie, by Republic ..-2:17% Jerome Taylor, ch s, 1888, by St. Jerome Red Wing, by Bay Diamond 2:21% Jerry, 186, (dead) ; 2:30 Jerry Yetman, b g, 188, by Happy Medium 2:27% Jersey Boy, blk g, 1874, by Paul J< ries Jr. Colie 2:22% Jersey Girl, dn m, 1887, by Legal Note Belle Sanford 2:20 Jess, br s, 188, by Fullerton D 2:30 Jessamine, blk m, 192, 2:30 Jesse, gr g, 188, by Archy 2:27% Jesse H.. ch g, 1880, by Highland Chief Belle, by Young Waxey 2:18% Jessie C., ch m, 188, by Western Fearuaught 2 :29% Jessie Green, blk m, 188, 2:26 Jessie Wilkes, b m, 188, by Imprint Little Jet, by Legal Tender Jr... 2:28% Jessie M., b m, 188, 2:29 Jessie L., b m, 1888. by Tasco Daisy, by Gen Putnam 2:12% Jessie R.,'br m, 188, by Bob Lee ... 2:21 Jewell, b g, 188, by Petoskey 2:10% Jewell, g m, 188, by Sefton, dam by Tom Hunter Jr. 2:21% Jewett, blk g, 1876, by Allie West- Heel and Toe Fanny, by John Innis (trotting 2:20) 2:14 Jewetta Strathmore, b m, 1891, by Strathmore, dam by Ellerslie Wilkes 2:21% J. F., b .g, 188- 2:29% J. P. B. b s, 1893, by Charles Derby Bertha, by Alcantara 2:26 1 / J. F. G., br g, 188. by Wapsie.... 2:25} J. F. R., ch s, 188, by Round's Sprague J. H. K., b s, 1891, by Wayward J. H. L., blk s, 1887, by Idol Wilkes Kattie .Cromwell, by ; Harrison Chief 2:08% Jim Burns, b g, 188, by Belmont Chief 2:24% Jim Elaine, blk s, 1885, by Legal Star Victoria, by Jeffrie's Sam Hazard 2:25 Jim Elaine, gr g, 187.9, by Jim Wil- son-Kit , 2:25 Jim Brown, ch g, 186, 2:17% Jim Carr, ch g, 188. by Newsboy ..2:22 Jim Clinker, b g, 1885, by Clinker- Molly Me, by Hickory Boy 2:21% Jim Corbett, b g, 188, by George L. Napoleon 2:23% Jim Corbett, b g, 1888, by Alaric Al- mont West Mare, by Graftonian .. 2:19% Jim Crow, br s, 187, by Manchester Snip, by Kentucky Boy 2:17% Jim F., blk g, 188, by Killan Horse 2:27% Jim Finch, ch s, 1884, by Young Jim Madam Finch by Mauprat's Dren- non '. -. 2:25 Jim Friel, ro g, 1883, by Tom Hal Jr. Lucy, by Van Dorn 2:20% Jim Jewell, b g, 187, by Aberdeen, dam by Seely's American Star 2:19'% Jim Knox, ch s. 188, bv Palmer Knox ...'. 2:29-% 2:18% ! 2:24%j Jim McOue, b e, 186, by St Clair (dead) ,.. .:.... 2:30 Jim Mears, g g, 188 by Brown Hal 2:23% Jimmy B., b g, 188, by Cromwell... 2:16 Jimmy Mac, b g, 188, by Caldwell Horse 2:21% Jimmy Patterson, b g, 188, 2:24% Jimmy Tempest, gr s, 188, by Tem- pest Jr 2:29 : /a Jim Quay, b g, 188, by Lord Harold 2:24% Jimmy Temple, blk ,g, 188, by George Wilkes Lady Patchen, by Mambrino Patchen (trotting 2:22%) Jim Wilson, b g, 188- by Swigert- Lady Wilson, by Blue Bull ........ Jim Wilson Jr., gr g, 1885, by Fisk's Jim Wilson-<)alender Mare Jingler, b s 188, by Grandee J I. R., br s, 1884, by Larry W. Black Betty, by Midiight 2:24% J. J. br g, 188, by France 2:28% J. J. C,, b g, 188, by Hambletouian Mambrino 2:23% J. K., br g, 188, by Brown Henry- Lady Shellbark, by Corbeau 2:16% J. K., b g, 188, by Messenger Chief Jr 2:28 J. M. C., b s, 1892, by Coke Chief, dam by Dominion 2 :24% Joco, br s, 1889, by Dunton Wilkes Jean Wilkes, by Adrian Wilkes... 2:18% Jocko, blk g, 1883, by Mambrino King Grandmother, by Hamlin's Al- niont Jr 2:16% Joe B., blk g, 188, 2:26 Joe B., b g, 188, by Legal Tender Jr Joe B., blk g, 188, by Orra Drew Joe Beppo, b s, 1892, by Joe You See Joe Bluffer, b s, 1882, by Wilkesonian Kitty, by Washington Hambleton- ian. 2:29% Joe Bowers, ch g, 188, 2:26% Joe Bowers Jr. b g, 188, by Joe Bowers 2:18 Joe Braden, ch g, 187 , by Foster's Bull Gopher Lulu Braden, by Car- ter's Traveler t 2:15% Joe Brister, rn s, 187, by Jim Bris- ter, dam by Scott's Hiatoga 2:25% Joe Brister Jr., gr g, 188, by Joe Brister 2:24 Joe Brister Jr., rn . ! Lilly C., gr m, 1SS4, by Steinway Bloomfield Maid, by Hambletonian Jr 2:20% Lilly M.. b m, 188, by Hartford.. . 2:24 Lily You, b m, 188 by Adrian Wilkes 2:25% Limber Jack, b g, 187, by Gray's Tom Hal 2:18% Limber Jim, blk s, 188 by Rich- mond Chief 2:30 Limber Jim, ch g. 185, (dead) 2:20 Limber Jim, b s, 188, by Adjutant 2:25% Lincoln, ch g, 187, by Tempest Jr. 2:23% Linda, b m, 1892, by Frank Buford, dam by Denmark 2:22% Linda Gale, b m, 1888, by Chastelard Pallas, by Sheldon's Jupiter 2:19 LinMon, b s, 1<^ -, by Aritetos 2:27 Linden, b s, 1886, by Madison Wilkes Lady Maud, by Young Trustee ... 2:15, Linewood, ch m, 1890, by Nutalwood 2:21 Linkwood Patehen, b g, 1875, by Linkwood Chief Lady Patehen Little Actor, b g, 188-, Little Baby, b m, 188, by Shaker Boy Dolly Smith, by Flying Hia- toga 2:27% Little Barefoot, b m, 188, by Repe- titionLady Barefoot, by Kent ... 2:27% Little Black, gr m, 188. 2:29y 4 Little Brown Jug, br g, 1875, by Gib- son'* Tom Hal Lizzie, by John Netherland ...2:11% Little Chief, blk g, 188, by Daniel Boone . . 2:21 % Little Cyclone, gr g, 1884, ........ 2:28% Little Dick, b g, 188 by Hay ward Hazzard 2:23 Little Dan, ch g, 188 by Eiial G., dam by Red Cloud 2:21% Little Dan, blk g, 188, by Whirl- wind Jr 2:28 Little Doc, b g. 188 by Little Johnny Jenny Wells, by Jark Haw- kins 2:25 Little Doubtful, b m. 188. by Nut- 2 :29% Little Eil, gr . g 187. 2:2514 Little Em, b m, 1878, by Billy Groeu 2:22 2:13% 2:21% 2:27 to 2:19% 2:13 2:24 2:28 2:24ft 2:20% 2:18% 2:23% 2:22% 2:27% 2:22 2:12 2:16% 2:14 2:20 2:23% 2:30 2:29% 2:24% 2:23% 2:23% 2:21% 2:19% 2:22 2:23% 2:23% 2:16 2:24 2:17% THE 2:30 PACERS. 179 Old Wiley, by Battler Tuckahoe.. 2:18% Little Frank, br s, 188, ........... 2:30 Little Frank, br s, 1884, by Ashland Clay Flora S8rl54 Little Fred, ch g, 188-, by Phillips' . Blue Bull 2:23% Little George, rn g, 188, by Cephas 2:29% Little Hank, b s, 1888, by Golonna Maid, by Broiley 2:24% .ittle Hope, br g, 188, by Tempest Jr., dam by Blue Bull Little Ida, b m, 1880, ...... Little Jay, rn e, 188 by Jay Bird. . Little Jack, b g, 188, by Abdallah Mambrino .. 2:26% Little Jeff, b g, 188-, by H. W. Beecher 2:23*4 Little Jenny, blk m, 187 2:26% Little Joe, blk g, 188 by Ira Wilk-s, dam by Marshall Chief 2:15% Little Joe, b g, 188, by Schmidlap's Get-a-way Lucy 2 :23% Little Joe, br s, 188 by Red Buck 2:29% Little John, b g, 188, by Bassett M.. 2:30 Little John, blk g, 188, . . 2:30 Little Johnny, b g, 188, by Oshkosh 2:19% Little Jimmy, ch g, 188, by Graves' Mohawk Chief 2:30 Little Joker, b s, 1884, by Charley Foster Dolly, by Bays water ...... 2:19% Little Joker, ch g, 188, by Forest Hal 2:16% Little Lulu, ro m, 1882 by Sea Foam Promise Lady 2:23% Little M., b m, 1890, by Wildbrino. . 2:22 Little Mac, b s, 188, 2:28V 2 Little Mac, br g, 1877, by Kentucky Dan 2:13% Little Maid, b m, 188, by Rockwood Pocohontas 2:26 Little Pat, b g, 188, by Captain Walker 2:27% Little Pete, ch g, 188, by Button's Dave Hill 2:22% Little Pitt, b g, 188, by Lapidist Chief 2:13% Little Rhea, br g, 188, by Jim Fisk.. 2:27% Little Rich, b g, 188 2:26 Little Rocket, b g, 188 2:21% Little Rube, ch g, 188, by Mohawk.. 2:25 Little Sain, b g, 1885 2:29% Little Sam, b s, 188, by Aristos Jr. . 2:22% Little Sam, ch g, 1892, by Alcyone Jr., dam by Wilkes Spirit Jr 2:29% Little Tony, ch g, 187, by Blackbird Gonier 2:29% Little Willie, sp s, 1876, by King Fharoah Dolly 2 :23V4 Little Wonder, ch g, by son of Blue Bull 2:0% Little Wonder, ch s, 188, by John F. Payne 2:26% Livia, b m, 1885, by Orton Helen, by Ry sdyk's Hambletonian 2 :22% Lizzie, b m, 188. by Brown Hal 2:27 Lizzie H., b m, 188, by Brown Hal Jr ' 2:23% Lizzie H., cto m, 1886, by Longstrider Dove, by Gamden Denmark 2:22 Lizzie Hunter, ch m, 1887, by Nan- tucket Mattie, by Almont Smith. . . 2:22 Lizzie Mack, b m, 1890, by Warrior Jr 2:14% Lizziemont, b m, 1884. by Jerome Eddy Evemont, by Piedmont 2:16% Lizzie N., b m, 1878, by Wilkesmont.. 2:21% Lizzie Wonder, gr m, 187. by Toin Wonder Dolly Sawyer, by Black Prince... ...... . . ..................... Lloyd, gr s, 1887, by Conway Sun- sihine, by Atlantic ................. Loafer, gr g, 188, by Typhoon ...... Lochinvar, blk s, 188, by Clipper Brooks .......... ..... ............ Loohinvar, b g, 188, by Socrates..... Lock Boy, blk g, 188, by son. of Old Darkey Logan, gr g, 188, by White Cloud. . . Logan F., b g, 188, b Logan K., blk 188, by Woodford Boy g, 188--, by Logan Ghief ............. . ................ Lolla B., blk m, 1890, by Jim Long- Maggie T ______ _____ .... ............ Lone Jack, br g, 187 ----- . . . . ........ Lon G.. b g, 188, by Bald Hornet. . . Longfellow, ch g, 186, by Red Bill (dead)...! ....................... Longitude, b s, 1886, by Osman Gal- ita, by Adirondack ----- ............. Long Shot, g s, 1886, by Walsingham Dulce, by Belmont ............... Long Taw, gr g, 188, by Newsboy. . . Long Wilkes, b s, 1888, by Petoskey, dam by Vindex .................... Longworth, br s. 1885, by Sidney G:tay Dale, by American Boy Jr ---- Lora, ch m, 1888, by Royal Fear- naught, dam by Manchester ........ Lord Clayton, br s, 1890, by C. F. Clay Lady Palm, by Thomas Jeffer- son ...... , ........................ Lord Egbert, dh s, 1890. by Lord Rus- sell, dam by Egbert (dead) ......... 2:20% 2:19% 2:14% 2:30 2:26 2:26% .2:27% 2:24% 2:19 2:21% 2:19% 2:18 2:25% 2:23 2:23 2:19 2:14% 2:24% 2:30 Lord Ferguson, br s, 1887, by Fergu- sonLady Ethan, by Ethan Allen... 2:19vi Lord Tennyson, ch g, 188, by On- ward King, dam by. Daniel Lambert 2:24% Lorene, blk m, 1878, by CoL West- Fancy Downing, by Joe Downing. . . Lorine, ch m, 188, by Tasco Lota, blk m, 1886, by Singleton Evan- gehne, by Ophir Lothair Boy, b g, 1884, by Lothair Jr. Lotta, blk m, 187 ................. Lottie K., gr m, 1877, by Blue Bull Jr Lottie Loraine, b m 1890, by Gambet- ta Wilkes Lady Yeiser, by Garrard Chief ....................... ..... . Lottie M., gr m, 1884, by Grey Harry Lottie Stevens ................ . Lottie P., b in> 1876. by Blue Bull Jr. Fanny, by Prond American Jr. . . . Lottie Rocket, ch m, 1886, by Red- mont Blue Kitty, by St. Omer. . . . Lottie S., blk m, 1890, by Duroc Boy, dam by Arnold's Red Buck ......... Lottie Wright, br m, 188, by Silas Wright. ....... .7! ..... ' ......... Louisa, ro m, 186, (dead) ........... Louis M., b g, 188 .......... ......... Loui P., b g, 188 .................. Loupe, blk s, 188, by John Seven- oaks Lallah Rouke, by Echo ....... Lou Shaffer, oh m, 188, by Chipper Brooks ......... . ................. Lower Stoner, ro g, 188, by Strath- more Kate Dillard, by John Dillard Low-mark, b s, 188, by Waymart Peggy, by Haywood ............... Luciaxi) W., be, 188, by Viceroy- Puss, by Frank .................... Lucille,- ch m, 188, by Elgin Boy, dam by Kentucky Chief ---- ........ Lucille, b m, 1885, by AVedgewood Pauline, by SDiakespeare ............ Lucille H., b m, 1889, .by Socrates 2:29 . 2:19 2:25% 2:25 2:10% 2:20% 2:17% 2:18% 2:25 2:2?% 2:29% 2:19% 2:26% 2:20% 2:30 2:21 2:10% 2:28% 2:24% 2:14% 180 THE 2:30 PACERS. Motto, bj St. Mark Lucille a, g m, 188 , by Duplex, dam by King Hal Lucky Boy, b , 188, by American Bosy ^.. Lucra, b m, 188, by William L Lucy, gr m, 187. (dead) Lucy B., br m, 1881, by Legacy Lucy G., b m, 188, by Robert B Lucy D., gr m, 1887 Lucy Dumas, br m, 1888, by Dumas Vinewood, by Ironwood Lucy J., dm m, 188, by Hawpatch. . . Lucy K., cb m, 1886, by Rattler Brooks, dam by Roscoe Lucy L., b m, 1889. by Gen. McGlel- lan Jr. 'Mag, by Alexander Lucy M., ro m, 188. by Appleby Lucy Pan, ch m, 1889, by Pan Lucy, by Blue Bull Lvcy Smith, dh m, 188, by Bay Chief Jr.7! . Luella, b m, 1884, by Legal Tender Jr. Flaxy Luella Shawhan, blk m, 1892, by Ar- rowwood, dam by Anteros Lula, b m, 188 Lula, b m, 188, by Ellwood Lulu G., ch m, 1886, by Consul- Grace Lulu Me., b m, 188, by McCurdy 'e Haantoletonian Lulu McCurdy, b m, 1886, by Bay- wood Belle R., by Wonder .. Lulu N. b m, 188 , by Reveille Jenny R., by Mohawf Cfolef Lutie Strathmore, oh m, 188, by Stratihmore, dam by Champ Fergu- son Lydia Allen, b m, 188, by Platt Al- len Lydia Wilkes, b m, 1886, by Red Wilkee Aileen, by Mambrino Boy.. Lyle, br s, 188, by Anoka, dam by Swigert Lyttteton, b g, 187, by King Pharoaih Mabel Flood, oh m, 1886, by Pocahon- tas Abdall ah Jenny F., by Mercury. Mabel P., b m, 188, by Bourbon bon Wilkes Mabel Sharpe, oh m, 1888, by Sharper Lady Elliot, by Ryedyk Mac, b g, 1887, breeding unknown Macbeth, b e, 1891, by Alexander Du- mas Macleay, blk s, 1889, by Sable Wilkes Mamie Comet, by Nutwood (trot- ting 2:22%) . Mack, b g, 188, by Almont M Macklin, b s, 1889, by Onward Lottie Wall, by Strathmore McAmber, b g, 188, by Fergus Mc- 2:21 2:14 2: % 2:12 ! MoKinley, b g, 188, by Wilkeamont. 2:24*4 ! Mac H., dh g, 188 2:23 2:15% ! Macey, b s, 1880, by George Wilkes Belle Clay, by Kentucky Clay 2:29% Machette. b m, 1889, by Brown Hal. . 2:21% Mack Noble, b s, 188 by Frank No- ble 2:28 Madel, b e, 188 by Medonius 2:18vi Madge D., ch m, 188, by Tempest. . . 2:23Va Madge Medium, b m, 188, by Draco Medium Fanny, by Black Dutchman (dead) 2:21% Madge Miller, b m, 1883, by Young Wilkes Kit. by Creeper 2:20% Madge W., br m, 188, by Mamaluke. 2?25Vi Mage, b g, 188 2:30 Maggie, b m, 188, by Niles 2:28 Maggie A., b m, 1887, by Attorney- Mat 2:16 2:27% | 2:21V4 I 2:22%! 2:23^| 2:17 i 2:28%! attie, by Carenot Maggie Almont, b m, 1884, by Almont Pilot Ma 2:25 Gharta 2:18 2:23 2:21 2:29% 2:16^ 2:25 I 2:24% | 2:15% ; 2:30 | 2:17% McBride, b , 1889, by Rumor Myra, by Gen. Knox .................... McCleery, b g, 188 , by Smith's Mam- brino Chief Jr ...... . ..... ......... MoClintock, b g, 188, by Bay Chief. McCurdy Jr.. b s, 188, by McOurdy's Haxnibletonian ................. >.. McDorton, ch g, 188, . . ............ McDowell, b s, 1885, by Triton-Molly, by St. Elmo ....................... McFadden, b g, 188 ................ McGinty, b s, 1890, by Delineator ..... McGinty, Wilkes . ..... ..... McKinley, b s, 1889, Mgfct, by Starlight blk s, 188, by Woodford ... ........... by Alto Dav- * 2:20% j 2:19 ! 2:17Vi 2:23'/a 2:18% 2:30 2:29/4 2:26& 2:28% 2:22% 2:17*4 2:18% 2:20V4 2:21% 2:28*4 2:25 2:26% 2:15% 2:2* 2:20% 2:24% 2:27% 2:14% 2:27Vi _ie, Maggie H., b m, Maggie H., blk m, 1885, by Legal Ten- der Jr. Miss Davidson, by Pocahon- tas Boy 2:25 Maggie H., b m, 188, by Irish George 2:22% Maggie H., g m, 188, by son of Bay Billy 2:30 Maggie H., b m, 188, by Schuyler Oolfax... 2:27% Maggie J., blk m, 188, by Hylas.... 2:14ty Maggie May, ro m, 1879, by Sea Foam 2:24% Maggie McDowell, b m, 1887, by Sid- neyLady Hannaih, by Arthurton. .. 2:21% Maggie Mitchell, gr m, 188, by Blue Maggie' MitcbeU,' 'gr nV, 'i88^-','by Blue ^ Duster Maggie N., b m, 188, by Oolfax Maggie R., b m, 188, by Tom Scott. . Maggie R., b m, 1884, by KilbuckTom Topsy, by Bethel Maggie T., b m, 1887, by Nihilist Fanny Magna Monte, b s, 1886, by Douglas Almont. dam by Sovereign Magnet, b g, 188. by Smuggler Magoozler, gr g. 185, (dead) Magoth, b m, 188 by St. Gothard . . . Magown, blk g, 188, by Brown Wilkea f Maid of Rocky Run, b m, 188, by George Forrest Major Clelland, dh s, 188, by Artist "wilkes Major Hal,' br* s", 'l , by Brown Hal Major Haim, b s, 1886, by Hambrino. . Major Kyle, b g, 188 Major Lambert, br s, 1889, by Cali- fornia Lambert Fifty, by Haw- thorne Major P., b g, 188, by Bay Tom Major Wilkes, b s, 1883. by Young Jim ^Catharine, by Blue Bull Major Wolfe, b s, 1889, by Bourbon Wilkes Late Rose, by Happy Med- Major' Wonder.' 'i>' g,' 1885,* by ' Major Bdisall Jr. Brigham Mallrine (Walling's) Mamibrino Hannis, b g, 1883, by Han- nia Dolly, by Preston's Patrick Henry 2:16% Mambrino Prince, br g, 188, by Mam- brino Abdallah Lena Bolton, by An- sel 2:23V4 Mamie Gift, oh m, 188, by Pilot Gift 2:29% Mamie Golddust, b m, 1891, by Sprague Golddust Mamie, by Blue 2:30 2:14% THE 2:30 PACERS. 181 Bull. Mamie L., b m, 188, by Bay Tom. . . Mamie Wllkee, b m, 188, by Sir Wilkes Manager, gr s, 1888, by Nutwood- Carrie Viikes, by George Wilkes. ... Mandan, b & 188, by PatcShen Vol- unteer Mando. b g, 188 Mandolin, eh g, 188. by Tramp Manette, b m, 18St', ny Guelph Daisy, by Steven's Uwharie Manilla Girl, b m, 188, by Arte- mas Manson E., b g, 1888, by Tattler Jr. Mapeline, b m, 188 Mf.plewood, cli s, 1884, by Ajax Belle, by High Jack Marchioness, b m, 188, by Cali- fornia, dam by Pilot Medium Marendes, gr s, 188, by Walker Moi rill Henry Mart-, by Sherman Morgan Jr Margaret M., ch m, 188, by Oneida Mcrgtry H., b m, 1891, by Warfare- Sally Adams, by John Burdine.... Maria Theresa, b m, 188, by Ham- bletonian Gem Marie Scott, b m, 18G , by Scott's Hiatoga Jenny Lind, by John Stan- ley Marietta Wllkes, ch m, 1892, by Don Pizarro, dam by Nutwood Marion, b g, 1887, by Gen. Marion- Kit, by Plying Cloud Marion Mills, b m, 188, by Harry Mills !..... Maritana, b g, 1886, by Kentucky Vol- unteerMarie, by Long Island Patchen Marjie G., ch m, 1887, by Albatross Markland, b s, 1884, by Victor Bis- marckSally Dudley, by Standard Bearer Marksmaid, b m, 1891, by Marks- man Mark Wakefield, b g, 188, by Joe Elmo Marlowe, b g, 1878, by Standard Bearer Puss Kenny, by Kenny's Eclipse Marr, b s 1891, by Roy Wilkes ..... Mars Pointer, b g, 188, by Masker. . Martha H., b m, 1889, by Gambetta Wilkes Kitty Kimbrough, by Kim- brough's Abdallah Martin Box, b g, 188, by Clipper.. Martin M., b g, 188, ....... Marvin, ch g, 1885, by Scriba Boy^ Maggie, by Jefferson Prince Mary Anderson, b m, 188 Mary B., g m, 188, by Frank Al- mont Mary Centlivre, b m, 188, by R. '6! Brown Carrie Blackwood, ,by Blue Bull f 4 Mary Grit, blk m, by Rohmer (trot- ting 2:23%) Mary J., ch m, 1889, by Bay Tom Jr. Forestola, by Bostick's Almont Mary Lou'/b'mj 1886,' 'by Petos'key Susie King, by Mambrino King... Mary W^st, blk m, 1887, by Patchen Wilke* Jenny West, by Allie West Mascot, >> g, 1885, by Deceive Mies Delmore Mascot, b s, 188. by Jot C 2:26% 2:24 2:29% 2:00% 2:2-") 2:29^4 2:15% 2:24 2:24% 2:24% 2:29% 2:25 2:27% 2:17% 2:25% 2:26y 2 2:23% 2:24 2:17% 2:21% 2:21% 2:20% 2:20 2:1814 2:21 2:29% 2:15 2:26 2:27% 2:18% 2:17y 2 2:28% 2:20i/ 2 2:29 2:23 2:12 2:19 2:18% 2:19% 2:21% 2:04 2:28 14 Masoa B., blk g, 188, Matt T., b g, 188, by Twilight . . . Matt Wall, b g, 1891, by Hazel Heel Matterhorn, b s, 1883, by Nutwood Malmaieon, by Alexander's Abdal- lah Mattie B., br m, 188, by Alexander Button Mattie Bond, br m, 187, by Tom Hal Mattie G., b m, 188, Mattie Grahaai, br m, 188, by Pilot Almont Madeline, by Tom Crowder (dead) Mattie Harle, g m, 187, Mattie Hunter, ch m, 1872, by Prince Pulaski Lettie, by Driver (dead) . Mattie J., ro in, 188, by TJltimus. . Mattie K M b m, 188, by Sir Charles Mattie Warren, ch m, 1890, by Jay- woodRuth, by Bald Hornet .^ . . . Maud A., b m, 188, by Embassador, dam by Billy Green (trotting 2:29%) Maud A., b m ,187, by St. Nicholas, dam by son of Royal George Maud Ad.iir, b m, 1884, by Floramour Belle Maud B., b m, 188, by Capt. Davis Maud B., ch m. 1886, by King Lega- cyZephyr Maud C., b m, 188, by Architect. . Maud Clay, ch m, 188, by Charley Clay, dam by Satellite Maude, b m, 1877, by Bertrand Black Hawk Selby Mare, by Hamilton Chief Maud Elenah, ch m, 188, by Harry Knox Maud F., b m, 188, by Critic .!.'.'!. Maud H., br m, 1885, by Harold- Lady Faulkner, by Hoffman's Mountain Boy Maud K., br m, 188 Maud L., gr m, 188 by Lapadiet Chief Maud M., b m, 1888, by Adrian Wilkes Wilkes Flash, by Alfred Maud M., b m, 188-*, Maud M., gr m, 188, by Cheatham Maud Mac, br m, 188, by Mount Morris Maud McGregor, b m, 1886, by Cant. McGregor Maud Muller, ro m, 188, by Atlantic Maud Neff, ro m, 1880, by Sea Foam Maud P., ch m, 1885, by Pepper's Pharaoh Birdie Clay, by Little Arthur Maud P., gr m, 1885, by Frank A. Finney Mare Maud Z., rn m, 188, Maumee, b m, 188, by The Baron.. Mauprat, blk s, 1887, by Egbert- Jessie Blackwood, by Blackwood . . . Maurice MuHens, b g, 188, by Vol- unteer Duroc Max, b g, 188, by Agitator Maxey B., b s, 1890, by Ashland Wilkes Carrie B., by Burger (trot- ting 2:28%) .!........ Maxie B., b g, 188, by Billy Cobb, dam by Magna Charta Maxie B., b g, 188, Maxwell Star, blk g. 1886, by Rey- nold's John Morgan Florence, by Tom Gregory May Be, br m. 188. by Elector- Maggie Mitchell, by Hero Hamble- 2:30 2:20 ; < 2:27} 2:16% 2:26% 2:27% 2:22% 2:21 2:25V 4 2:12% 2:19 2:25% 2:19% 2:28% 2:26% 2: IS 2:29% 2:20 2:26% 2:23% 2:20 2:19V 4 2:24% 2:20% 2:29% 2:24% 2:15% 2:26% 2:21 2:30 2:20% 2:25 2:19 2:15% 2:29% 2:28% 2:20 2:23% 2:24% 182 THE 2:30 PACER$. tonian 2:2o% May D., br m, 188, 2:21% May Eddy, b m, 1887, by Jerome Eddy Flora Hebel, by Young Dick Taylor (trotting 2:25%) (dead)....,. 2:22% Mayflower, b m, 188, by Dave Bonner 2:23% Mayflower, b m, 188, by Allen Stonay 2:25% Mayhlll, b m, 1887, by Edgehill May- wood, by Blackwood (trotting 2:19) 2:17% May Marshall, b m, 1887, by Billy Wilkes Bennie Sydner, by Mam- brino Abdallah 2:08% May Murphy^ b m, 188, by Hibbard Wilkes .. 2:29% May Temple, blk m, 1882, by Prince Imperial Star of Birmingham, by Magnolia 2:30 Maywood, b m, 1S7 , by Limber Bill Molly White, by Sadding Buck 2:27% Me O'dell, ch g, 188 by Silver Heel 2:28V 2 Mecca, b s, 1884, by Nutwood Hya- cinthe, by Volunteer 2:19% M. Compton, b g, 188, by Baker Ba- shaw 2:20% Meacham, b g, 188, by Lexington Chief Jr. 2:20 Mechanic Girl, gr m, 188, by Le Blanc Horse (dead) 2:24% Medeoyone, b s, 188, by Alcy one- Rose Medium ,by Happy Medium. . 2:25 Mediator, blk s, 1888, by Grand Reg- ent Ailsie, by Happy Medium 2:30 Medley, b s, 188, by Claimant 2:23% Melson, b s, 1891, by Token P 2:28% Melwood, rn g, 188, 2:29^4 Menegain, ch in, 188, by Menelaus Jr . 2:15 Mentor Maid, ch m, 1890, by St. Omer 2:27% Mephisto, ch s, 1890, by Sidney, dam by Guy Wilkes 2:21% Mercurius, b s, 1886, by Olmedo Wilkes Belladonna, by Woodlawn 2:22% Mercury, ch s, 1886, by Summit Bird, by Basbaw Webb 2:24% Mercury, b s, 188, by Sidney Juno, by Buccaneer 2:21 Merit, b g. 1H8 , by Regalia 2:23 Merit, blk m, 1887, by Dictator Jr. Lady Turner, by Harry Turner 2:18% Merrill, br g, 1882, by Dakota Flora 2:21% Merrill, ch s, 188, by Nelson, dam by Watchmaker 2 :24% Merrimark, b m, 1890, by Prince Bis- marckMaggie Shrader, by Shrader 2:18% Merry Boy, b g, 188, by Sutton D. 2:24% Merry Chimes, b s, 1888, by Chimes Hypatia, by Blackwood Chief 2:08% Merry Legs, b m, 188, by Stride- away Mike, b g, 188 .................... Mike, ch g, 188-, by Frenchman .... Mike Logan Jr., b s, 188, by Mike Logan .................... . ....... Mike Wilkes, b g, 1875, by George Wilkes Nelly B., by Harry B. Patchen (trotting 2:26%) (dead) ____ I Milan, b s, 188 by Victor Bismarck Milk Shake, gr g, 188, .... ..... .V. Milkmaid, ch m, 188 by Gen. Tur- Mertie, ch m, 1882, by Flying Indian Messina Boy, b g, 188, by Walkill Gypsy Michi -higan Mattie. b m, 1883, by Pilot Medium Prairie Girl, by Landseer Midget, b m, 188, by Emmet Clay.. Midland Maid, br m,' 188-, by Carl- ton Dolly Midnight, blk g, 188, by Warwick Boy Midnight, blk s, 1885, by Nigger Boy Starlight Midnight Bell, b m, 188-. by Harry Green Mikado, b g, 1886, by Maxim-Cicada, by Clermont 2:16% 2:2iy a 2:29i4 2:17% 2:26*4 2:1:5 2:13 2 :2o 2:15% 2:29 2:22% 2:30 2:18 ntr 2:27% Mill Lady, b m, 1891, by Count Wilkes- Mill Girl, by Jay Gould (trotting 2:26\4) filler Boy, b g, 188, by Hoosier Tom Miller Warti, b c, 1888, by Bourbon Wilkes Daisy K., by Kitchen's Telegraph 2:16% Millie A., b m, 188. by Goldbar 2:25' Milo, gr g. 188, by George Milo.. 2:27% Mink, b g, 188, 2:22 Minnehaha, b m, 1892, by Mark Sirius, dam by Blue Bull 2:27^i Minnie, b m, 1889, by" Edgehill- -Nilcs, by Lc c'ger 2:29V Minnie, b m, 188, by Sweep 2:29% Miiinie A., blk m, 1886, l-y Clinker- Bally 2 ,K>Vi Minnieator, b m, 1887, by Delineator Lucy, by Estell Eric 2:25% Minnie Barb, b m, 188, by Mam- biii o Logan 2.26 Mirage Bell., blk m 188, by Mam- brino Davis '. .' 2:24V4 Minnie C., b in, 188, by Wilksonian 2:29% Minnie C., b m, 1886, by Indiana Boy Lucy . .... 2:20 Minnie Cassell, b m, 1884, by Dicta- tor Creta by Sam BroarMus ... jj'10'4 Minnie F. f b in, 1887, by Bob Patter- son iJrey M< lly, by George Gordon 2:23^4 Minnie G., g m, 188. by Stillson Jr. 2:27% Minnie H., br m 1887, by Legal Ten- der Jr. -Minaie V.. by Joe Jefferson 2:24% Minnie Hanks, b m, 188 by Dr. Herr 2:29 Minnie Higgins, b m, 188. by Billy 2:16% Minnie Holden, b in, 188, by Rattler Brooks, dam by Locomotive 2:15i/> Minnie Irene, ch m, 1891, by Tecum- seh 2 :2,"> Minnie K., b m, 1880, by Billv Cone- Bird * 2:18% Minnie L., blk m, 188, by Gen. Lee 2:24 Minnie L., gr m, 188, by Rex Hia- toga 2:21>% Minnie M.. b m. 1884, by Wapsie Fanny, by Panic 2:24*4 Minnie May, b ra, 188, by Aristo- crat 2:27% Minnie Martin, b m, 188, by Jim Wilson 2:24% Minnie P., b m, 188-, 2:16% Minnie Palmer, rn m, 187 by Tem- pest Jr 2:30 Minnie R., br m, 187 by J. C, Breckinridge (trotting 2:19) 2:16% Minnie R., dn m, 188 by Rescue (trotting 2:25) 2:20% Minnie R.. br m, 1887, by George Gift-Nell 2:24Vi Minnie Roberts, b m, 1889, by Wag- ner Bashaw 2:22% Minnie T., b m, 188, by Tramp Panic 2:30 Vfinnte Taylor, b m. 188, by Clipper 2:30 Minnie V., b m, 188- 2:24% THE 2:30 PACERS. 183 Minnie Wilkes. br m, 1884, by Ira Wilkes, dam by Mamibrino .Excelsior Minnie Young, b m, 188, by Almont Chief Min Young, ch g, 1886, by Harry Green Fanny E. f by Scott's Ilia- toga Miss Annie, blk m, 1886, by Mambrino Hippie Mies Bruce, ch in, 1882, by Ben Bruce Old Queen, by Black Harry Clay. . Miss Chai'ley Jo John, ch in, 188, by Tramp Belle, by Granite State.... Miss Gopeland, gr m, 188, by Almont Star Miss Grull, b in, 188, by Gooding's Champion Miss Oumskey, b in, 188, by Einbas- sador, dam by Harry Scott Miss Garneld, b m, 1888, by Garneld Nell, by Whalebone Miss Miamie, b m, 188 Miss Maybee, br m. 188, by Miner's Pilot...... Miss McGinty, dn m, 188, by Maple- wood Chief Miss Mouser, b m, 187 Miss Pawley, ro m, 188, by Bay Hawk Miss Quickly, oh m, 1892, by Fergus McGregor Miss Ridgeway, ro m, 188, by Loch- invar Miss Williams, b na, 1891, by Will- iams, dam by Oapoul Miss Woodford, b m, 1889, by Sam Purdy, dam by Orange Bud. ....... Mistake, rn m, 187 Mistrea, br m, 188, by Stratford Misty Morning, b m, 1887, by Acci- dentalFanny. ... Misty Morning, ch g, 188, by George Hall Mite, b m, 1891, by Prinmont M. K., dn g, 188, by Gi^ey Eagle M. L. Hare, b s, 188, by Hambrino. Modern Belle, b m, 1890, by Elyria Polly wog, by PilotWilkes Molly Allen, blk m, 1889, by Mam- brino Wilkes Lady Allen, by Tick's Ethan Allen Jr Molly B., b m, 188 Molly B., b m, 188, by Beecher Molly Brown, b m, 188 Molly Clark, b m, 188, by Bacon's Ethan Allen Molly Cooper, ch in, 188 Molly F., ro m, 1886, by Monarch Jr. Rosa F., by Don J. Robinson Molly Gibson, b m, 188, by Strata- gem ' Molly Hayden, rn m, 188, bv Blue Duster * Molly Hooper, b m, 1887, by Carver- Lady Peck, by Black Bashaw Molly L., br m, 187, by Ballard's C. M. Clay Jr., dam by Morse Horse. . . Molly Malloy, b m, 1886, by Red Wilkes Hugueley, by John Dillard. Molly McCauIly, b on, 188, by Elec- tor Molly Pitcher, b m, 188, by Thorn- dale Chief.. .... Molly S. oh m, 188, by Oxford Boy. Molly Slimmer, b m, 1891, by Pilot Medium Mona, b m, 1887, by Jay Gould Jr. Louise H., by Hamliin's Almont Jr.. Monabel, br s, 1891. by St. Bel Al- 2:24V4 2:20 2:2914 2:25V 4 2:26 2:22'/4 2:21% 2:29V 4 2:29^ 2:24 2:25 2:21Vt 2:24V 4 2:29% 2:16^4 2:19Vi 2:29V t 2:23(J 2:24y 4 2:25^4 inona, by Almont . '. . . .' Monadel, br s, 1889, by Monon Adele, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian (dead): . Monbars, blk s, 1889, by Eagle Bi*l Lady Maud, by Gen. Kuox (trotting 2:11%).... Monita, blk m, 1887, by Patchen Wilkes Honda, by Wedgewood. Monk, b a, 188 , Monkey Roll a, b g, 188, by Tempest 2:19% 2:19 2:20% 2:25 2:29V4 2:28% 2:26% 2:24 2:25 2:23% 2:27*4 2:24% 2:26% 2:20 2:16^4 2:23y 4 2:27% 2:23% Jr. Monkey Wonder, ch s, 1888, by Major Wonder Monogram, b s, 1886, by Red Pilot-^ Willie, by Gibson's John Dillard Jr. Monreo, b s, 188, by Tennessee Wilkes Mom-eve, b g, 188 , pedigree not traced , Monroe Brister, b s, 1883, by Red Dick Jane, by Curtis Horse Monroe &, b s, 1885, by Monroe Chief Lurline, by Belle Alta Monset, blk s, 188 Montaigne, ch s, 1883, by Bourbon Wilkes Mary Thomas, by Abdallah Mambrino (dead) Montana Wilkes, br s, 1883, by Red Wilkes Eva, by Lumber Mont Blanc, b in, 188, by Matter- horn Monte, blk g, 188, by Abdallah Prince Lady Stow, by Putnam Horse Monte, b s, 188, by Monte Ohristo, dam by (George Wilkes Monte (Jlhrisfco, b g, 188--, by Little Wonder Orphan Lass , Momteg, br s, 188, by Almont Raven, Topsey, by Brougham Montezuma, br s, 1880, by Alcantara Winona, by Curtis' Hambletonian.. Montgomery Wilson, gr g, 188, by Jim Wilson Montrose, ch g, 188, by McGurdy's Hambletonian Ellen Moonstone, blk m, 1889, by Mamibrino King Clarice, by Hamlm's Almont 2:18 2:18% 2:16% 2:19V4 2:23% 2:15% 2:29V4 2:20Vi 2:26V* 2:19y 4 2:20 2:20 2:29 2:27V 4 2:17 2:30 2:26^4 Jr. Mordloa, b m, 188, by Messenger Wilkes Mo jeska, by Enfleld ........ Moiiena, b m, 1888, by Tennessee Wilkes Lizzie Moore, by Gibson's Tom Hal ......................... Morganthaler, rn g, 188, by Van Morgan .......................... Moscow, gr m, 1886, by Red Oak- Shoo Fly, by Legal Tender ......... Motion Jr., ch s, 188, by Motion ____ Motto, b s, 1883, by Maxim Miss Herr, by Mambrino Patchen ........ Mountain Boy, b g, 188, by Blazing Star ....... .............. ..... . . . . Mountain Maid, br m> 188--, by Han- nis ......... . .................... Mountain Pink, b m, 1888, by Ellerslie Wilkes Kit, by ifdgewater ........ Mountain Queen, b m, 188, by Bel- voir ............................. Moxie, b g, 188, by Warwick Boy. . Moxie, b e, 188, by Barnes' Dictator Chief ............................. Moxie Hiatoga, b s, 1885, by Proc- lamation Kitty Foster, by Old Gur- ney ............................. Moyer, dh g. 188. by El Mafcdi ...... Mczanetta, b m, 188 ................ Muggins, b g, 188 ................... Muggins, b s, 1884, by Strathmore, 2:18% 2:29% 2:29% 2:27 2:09% 2:20% 2:24 2:29% 2:20 2:24% 2:20 2-27 2:15V4 2:24% 2:27V4 2:25 2:23 2:28 2:26% 184 THE 2:30 PACERS. by Norman Jr 2:25 Mugwump, b g, 188, by Ensign 2:21% Mugwump, br g, 1885, by Pilot Chief. 2:20% Mutual, b m. 188, by American Boy. 2:29% 2:21'/4 2:25 2:25 2:25% 2:29% 2:17% 2:22 2:16 2:26% 2:24% 2:28 2:27% 2:23% 2:26 2:23% 2:25 2:28 2:18% 2:17% 2:23% 2:24% 2:26% 2:30 2:24% 2:30 2:19% 2:12% ,.. My rune t, b m, 188 . by Diplomat Myrtle S., b m, 1882, by Billy Cone- Lulu, by Green Mountain Morgan. . . Nada, b m, 1890, by King Medium Weta Nana, b m, 188 Naoucy Harkaway, b m, 188. by Harkaway Nancy Time, c$h, m, 188, by Phillip's Blue Bull Nannie B., b m, 1889, by Keno De- fianceLucy Q., by McKinney Horse Nannie W., b m, 188, by Red Wilkes, dam by Venture. . Nannie Ward, b m, 1888, by McCur- dy's Hambletonian Daisy, by Look- out . ... Natalie Wilkes, b m, 1889, by lied Wilkes Rosalie Wilkes, by George Wilkes Nate O.,b g, 1884, by Nathan Mills- Lady Elite, by Bucklin's Champion Black Hawk Nathan P., b g, 188, by Theron Natie, ch g, 188, by Job C Naughty Girl, b m, 188ft, by On- naught Fannie Stranger, by Chest- nut Tom Neatbud, b s, 1887, by Neatwood Rosebud, by Sweepstakes Ned, b g, 188-....... Ned, gr s, 186, (dead) Ned, b g, 186-, (dead). Ned B., b g, 188, by Ned Warfleld Hattie. by Simm's Clark Chief Jr. . Neddie H., b g, 1884, by Messenger Chief, dam by Gill's Vermont Ned Forrester, ch g, 187, by Young Forrester Ned H., b g, 188, by Gen. Grant Ned Hanlon, blk g, 188, by Kim- ball Morgan Ned Hull, gr g, 188, by Hull Ned M., ch g, 1882, by Billy Hib- bard Polly, by Richner's Hamble- tonian Ned Rawlin, b g, 188, by Greenback Ned V., b s, 1884, by Detractor Silkey, by Rushviile Ned Winslow, blk g, 1881, by Tom Benton Brown Jenny, by David Hill Jr Neernut, b s. 1891 Nelly, b m, 188, by Abdamed Allen. Nelly B., gr m, 1878, by Pocahontas Boy Lady McGee, by Blue Bull Nelly B., ro m, 188, by Old John Nelly B., b m, 1884, by Notable- Jenny Nelly B., ch m, 188 Nelly B., b m, 188, by Ernest Nelly B., b m, 188, by William. Rys- dyk Jr Nelly C. r b m, 188, by Garret Wilkes Nelly Davis, b m, 1868, by Kremer's Rainbow Nelly P., b m, 1888, by Anteros Sharlie, by Roger Hanson (trotting 2:25) Nelly G., ch m, 188, by McCurdy... Nelly G., b m, 188, by Montgomery. . Nelly Gray, gr in, 186, by Gray Eagle (dead) 2:21 2:23 2:14% 2:2$ 2:16% 2:29-% 2:24% 2:24% 2:13% 2:27-4 2:26% 2:24 Nelly Gray, g m, 188, by Conway. . Nelly Green, eh m, 188, by Wilkie Collins Nelly H., b m, 188 Nelly Hastings, b m, 188, by Nd Hastings Nelly I., br m, 188, by Booth Nelly June, gr m, 1880, by Highland Gray, Belle Hammond, by Honest Dan Nelly M., ch m, 188, by Butler's Bashaw Nelly M., br m, 188, by Mohawk Chief Nelly Mayo, b m, 1885, by Pocahon- tas Abdallah Jenny F., by Mer- cury Nelly Mambrino, b m, 1887, by Mere- dith Mambrinette, by Kentucky Prince Jr Nelly McCrory, b m, 1889, by Legal Tender Jr.-Lucy, by Tobe Jr Nelly Neal, b m, 1890, by Agricola. . . Nelly O., br m, 188 by Henry Mam- brino Nelly O., ch m, 1884, by Bald Chief Jr. Bernice, by Hailstorm.. Nelly R., b m, 188- Nelly R., br m, 187 Nellie R., blk m, 188 by Walkill Jr.. Nelly S., g m, 188, by Bayonue Prince Mary O., by Harry Wood. . . Nelly S., b m, 1884, by Pickett (trot- ting 2:21%) Nelly Seal, blk m, 188 Nelly Shaw, dn m, 187 Nelly Sprague, b m, 188, by Alexan- der Spiague Nelly Tasca, rn m, 188, by Tasco. . Nelly Turner, b m, 1887, by Hunt's Blue Bull Molly, by High Jack.... Nelly W., b m 188, by Raven Wilkes Nelly Y., b m, 188, by Hamlin's Almont Jr Nelson Allen, blk s, 1891, by Nelson, dam by Hugenot ... Nels Randall, ch s, 188, by Poca- hontas Sam Nettie, b m, 188, by Bright Light. Nettie O., b m, 188, by Moonstone- Maggie, by Fields' Royal George. . Nettie D., b m, 188, by Patchen Volunteer Nettie E. Hontas, ch m, 188, by Harry Hontas Flora E., by Scott's Hiatoga Nettie Field, b in, 1887, by Fairy Gift Nettie, by Volunteer Nettie Green, cr m, 188, by Billy Green Kitty Scott, by Scott's Hia- toga Nettie Hoppin, ch m, 187, by Long- strider, dam by Smoke Boy Nettie Swan, b m, 188, by Acci- dental Nettie Wilkes, ch m, 188, by Adrian Wilkes Nettle Keenan, b s, 188, by George Gordon Old Crow Nettlewood. b s, 1890, by Merchant Gloria, by Almont Pilot Nevada, b s, 1877, by Gen. Reno Mary.sville Queen, by Signal Nevins' First, b e, 1884, by Nevins Polka, by Pocahontas Boy 2:2i* 2:22 2:27% 2:15 2:24% 2:15!<-> 2:29% 2:30 2:18>4 2:18% 2:26% 2:23% 2:13% 2:22% 2:17% 2:25% 2:22% Newcastle, ch g, 1888, by Kentucky Dolly, by Niagara Cham- 2:23% 2:27% 2:25% 2:2Hi 2:20-% 2:22% 2:23% 2:24% 2:29% 2:23 2:25 2:20 2:29 2:19% 2:26% 2:23 2:24% 2:19 Prince1 G. BOWERMAN, LEXINGTON, KY. When Silicon placed the race record for two-year-olds at 2: George Bowerman was up behind the winner. M. BOWERMAN, LEXINGTON, KY. M. Bowerman cut the four-year-old trotting record to 2:10 with Mcquette. THE 2:30 PACERS. 185 pion (dead) ....2:29*4 New Dominion, cli s, 188, by Do- minion 2:24*4 New Era, ch g, 1890. by Hamble- tonian Wilkes 2:13 New Hope, blk g, 187 2:16 Newkirk, b g, by Clinker 2:25*/a New Medium, b s, 188 by Happy Medium, dain by Strader's Cassius M. Clay Jr 2:30 Newsboy, dn g. 1886, by Brentwood Lemons, by Dan Allen 2:12% News Boy, b s, 1885, by Oscar, or Bverlv Abdallah Nettie, by Gray's Tom "Hal 2:22Vi Ni'-oll, gr g, 188, by John Bell, dam by Gibson's Toin Hal 2:19*4 Nicholas B., gr s, 188, by Ohio Knickerbocker 2:19V 2 Nicolette, bJk s, 1887. by Adrian Wilkes Edwina, by BlackAVOOd ... 2:20*4 Nidia, b m, 1890, by Wayne Wilkes Carrie E.. by Aliuout Pilot 2:13*4 Nigger, b g, 187 2:30 Nigger Baby, blk g, 188 2:21*4 Nigger Boy, blk g. 1887, by Black Prince Jr., dam by L. C. Lee 2:19*4 Nigger Boy, blk g. 186 (dead) 2:25% Nightingale, ch m, 18S3, by Alcan- tara Neoscaletta, by Daniel Lam- bert 2:13y 2 Nimrod, ch tf, 186. by Missouri Chief, dam by Williamson's Belmont 2:19% Nina, br m. 1880, by Eclaire 2:22>/ 4 Nina W., ch m, 1886, by J. W. Bailey Maud W., by George Miller 2:25 Nodine, b K. 1884, by Peacemaker- Lady Burgett 2:19% Noil Parole, gr m, 1888, by American Boy Maud L., by Gray Charley.. 2:18*4 Noonday, b g, 187 2:27 No Other Kid. b g, 188. by Illinois Chief 2:28Vi N. Q. Lancewood, ch m, 188, by Fleetwood 2:25*4 Nora L., b m, 188, by Norwood Sta" 2:29*/ 4 Nora Marks, b m, 1886. by Rounds' Sprague Vellin Danville, by Dan- ville Boy 2:23*4 Nora T. , 'gr m. 188, 2 :25% Nordeck. b g. 188, by Basset t M... 2:30 Ncrristown, b g, 188-, 2:24*4 Northwest, b s, 1885, by Egmont Tot, by Dictator (trotting 2:22*/ 2 ) 2:15 Notion, b s, 1889, by St. Bel Rit- chelders, by Messenger Chief 2:16 No Trouble, b m, 1884, by Dick Tur- piu 2:21V 4 Novice, ch m 1890, by Tennessee Wilkes Ida Elliott, by Harold 2:24*4 Nox, b m, 1887. by Nutwood Four Lines, by Blackwood 2 :25y 4 Noxall, b s, 188-. by Roseberry 2:18 Nutcoal, ch s, 1886, by Nutwood Bessie, by Temptation 2 :24 Nutford, ch s. 1886. by Abbottsford Annie Nutwood, by Nutwood 2:15 Nuthurst, ch s, 1886. by Nutwood Enterprise, by Onward 2 :12 Nutmage, b g, 188, by Blind Bashaw 2:24)1,4 Nutmeg, b m. 1886, 'by Riehwood Sheila, by Dauntless 2:27*4 Nutpan. br s, 1887, by Nutwood Issa- quena, by Pancoast 2:19*4 Nutpine, ch s, 1887, by Nutwood- Maggie Wilkes. by George Wilkes 2:15*4 Nutro 4 Ole Bull, b g, 188, by Denmark 2:26^ Ollie Belle, b m, 187, by Tempest Jr 2:23*/2 Oliver C., b g, 188, by Maryborough 2:26% Oliver E., gr g, 188 2:29 Olivette, br m, 188 by Director .. 2:28i/ 2 Olivette, c(h m, 188 , 'by Johnny Mac.. 2:29 Omega, rri m, 188, by Walker Mor- rill 2:22y a Onie D., b m, 1881, by Warwick Boy Tackey, by Happy Medium 2 :20 Online, b s, 181JO, by Shadeland On- wardAngelina, by Chester Chief 2:04 Ontario, blk g, 188 2:29*A Ontonian, b s, 1889, by Shadeland Onward Angelina, by Cheste ' Chief (dead) 2:07*/ 2 Onward, blk g, 186, by Chieftain (dead) 2:24% Onward Boy, b s, 1887, by Prodigal Bessie B., by Blanco Abdallah 2:24*4 Onyx, blk s, 188, by Vaientine Swigert 2-20-% Ophelia, gr m, 188, by Alfred 2:16*/ 4 Opulence, blk s, 188, by Ferguson Lady McKinney, by Sweepstakes 2:29*4 Oran C., gr g, 1887, by Orion Jenny Ross, by Crook'.s Corbeau , . 2 -22% Original Package, b g, 188 . Orland, ro g, 188S, by Upright Top- sy, by Nephew Jr . 2 :23*4 Orley Wiikes, br s, 188 by Seal- skin Wilkes 2:27 Orphan Alice, b m, 188 , by Mam- briuo Rescue 2 :27*4 Orienta, b in, 188, by Aberdeen 2:28 Orllnda Richmond, b m, 188, by A. W. Richmond, darn by Ulster Chief. 2:15 Orphan Boy, b g, 188, by Walker Merrill 2 -24*4 Orphan Boy, b s, 1888, by George Steck Doska, by Bald Stockings... 2:18 Oscar, b g, 188, by De So to 2:26*4 Osceola, bl g, 1880, by Blue Vein Pol- ly, by Cadmus 2:18 Otta Neely, b m, 188, by Ottawa Chief 2:28 Otis M., b s, 188, by Triceps 2:20*4 Otto, b g, 188 by Onawa 2:23*4 Otto W., b s, 1887, by Dall Brino Bessie B., by Teeter's Horse 2:13*4 Ouida, b m, 188, 2:24 Our Boy, b g, 188, by Vernon Boy- Black Bess, by Wapsie 2:17*4 Our Dick, b g, 188, by Gibraltar ... 2:10V 4 Our Dick, b g, 188. by Redwood.... 2:22% Our Nora, bl m, 188, by Alamosa 186 THE 2:30 PACERS. Trevena mare 2:17 Out of Sight, b g, 188 2:19> 4 Overbrook, b g, 188 2:24^4 Ovid, b s, 188, by Hamlin's Almont Jr. Silk, by Alcantara 2:15V 2 Oxygen, eh g, 187, by Simpson's Capt. Walker 2:30 Pacing Phallas, blk g, 188, by Sha.'k 2:22 Palmetto, br s, 188G, by Brown Hal- Maggie, by Enterprise 2:12% Palo Alto Chimes, b s, 1888, by Chimes Velvet, by Mambrino King. 2:17V$ Panic, b s, 188, by Algiers 2:28^ Panama Maid, ch m, 1890, by Pan- amaRed Girl 2:20 Pansy Blossom, gr m, 1889, by Gen. Wilkee, dam by Harrodsburg Boy.. 2:12 Pansy L., gr m, 1888, by Pan Nelly Conner, by Legal Tender, Jr 2:23Va Paola, ch m, 1888, by Frank Logan- Fanny Logan, by Litt'.e Logan 2:20 Pappoose, b m, 1886, by Ultinms, dain by Gill's Vermont 2:18V4 Parker, b s, 1883, by Alcantara- Marie, by Blackstone 2:28% Parker, ch g, 188, by Wilson, dam by Daniel Lambert 2:19V a Passmont, br s, 1885, by Pasacas Piccola, by Harvester 2:18V 4 Pascal, b g, 188, by Victor, dam by California Brock. .: 2:21% Pat, b g, 188 2:24 & Patasco, br s, 1887, by Brown Hal- Yellow Mag, by Pointer's Slashe:-.. 2:24% Pat Bruen, dh g, 1880, by Ajax Fash- ion, by Millett Horse 2:24 Patchen T.. b g, 1877, by Shadow- Nelly Bell, by Hole-in-the-Day 2:24^4. Pat Delaney, b g, 1890, by Anderson Wilkes Steinlet, by Steinway (dead). 2:18Va Pat Harold, b s, 1884, by De Soto Maggie Patton, by Masterlode 2:21 Pat Heron, b g, 188, by Pharon, dam dam by Honest John 2:17Vi Pat Legg, bl g, 1886, by Mambriuo Redmon 2:25 Pat Murphy, br g, 188 by Palmetto Molly Murphy, by Dodson's Davy Crockett 2:20 Pat O'Brien, br s, 188, by Billy Davis 2:21' M Patoche, b m, 1890, by Princeps*, dam by George Wilkes 2:2~Vi Patrick Henry, br s, 188, by Ajax, dam by Harold 2:20% Patrick's Pacer, b g, 188, by Sha- ron Benton 2:21% Patrol, b g, 188, by Constellation.. 2:14^ 2 Patsey Clinker, gr g, 1877, by Cha-.'ley Nellie 2:20 Pateey K., b g, 1885, by Highlander Boy Sue, by Red Eye 2:22V* Patti, b s, 188, 2:22 Pattie Belle, b m, 1891, by Don Pi- zarro, dam by Messenger Chief 2:23 Pattie D., ch m., 188, by Ultimus. . 2:12V4 Pattie West, b m, 1884, by Al West Patti Dodd 2:17 Paul, ch g, 188, by Bald Hornet- Lucy 2 :09'/ 2 Paul Clifford, b s, 188, by Tennes- see Wilkes 2:20% Pauline H., b m, 1888, by Kidnapper Nicol Mare (trotting 2:24) 2:17V 2 Paul M., b g, 1884, by Manchester- Mary, by Louis Napoleon 2:2414 Payne Stone, b g, 188 by Judge Salisbury 2 :25V4 Payrock, b g, 188, by Diplomat dam by St. Nicholas '2 -28 1 A Peacock, gr s, 1878, by Whipple's Hambletoniau Jane McLane bv Budd Doble \ 2-2S4 Pearl, wh m, 187- 2 : 2? Pearl, b m, 188, by Pomeroy Nell Morgan, by Judge Advocate 2:19*4 Pearl L., ch m, 188, by Elgin Boy. .. 2:23 Pearl Logan, b m, 188, by Mam- brino Logan 2 -2GV Pearl R b m, 1883, by Lucas Brod- head Maud Medium, by Happy Medium - Pedro, b g, 188- '.'. 2 ; 2ff Peerless, b m, 188, by Equity Wilkes 2:13 Peleg, b s, 1890, by Reno Defiance- Lucy, by McKenuey Horse (trotting 2:23^4) 2'12'd Pendleton, b g, 188, by Hainble- tonian Downing 2'9V Pfcrine, b m, 188O, by Paul Jones' Jr.! 2:24'A Perkins, ch s, 188, by C. F. Clay- Miss Brewer, by Red Wilkes ., . 2-2UV.1 Peruvian Bitters, b g, 1879, by Elec- tioneerNellie Walker , by Thorn- dale or eon of Edwin For jest . , . 2-2314 Pet, ro g, 184-, (dead) 2:lb Peter Cooper, br g, 188, by Steele's Walkill, dam by Golddrop 2-'>V. Peter Piper, b g 1886, by Nantucket Puss Miller, by Sir Walter 2:14V4 Peter T., b g, 18S-, by Fisk's Mam- brino Chief Jr 2-9 Peter V., b s, 188-, by Longs tride!- .'.' 2U6V6 Phantom, b m, 188-, by Steele's Wal- kill, dam by .Billy Bowlegs 2:26V 2 Fbaron, b s, 1887, by Pharos, dam by Antenor 2-16%. Pharos, b s, 1883, by Phallas Hoosier Girl, by B.ue Bull ., ,. 2-lV> Phenom, rn s, 1892, by Director- Maud B., by Red Wilkes 2-21% Phenol, g:- m, 188, by Jersey "W i.Jies Adelina, by Egbert 2:10% Phil F:-eiler, rn g, 188, by Copper- bottom 2-^6^1 Phillis, b s, 1888, by Masterlode Comet, by Lexington Chief Jr 2 > 17 1 4 Phillis Wilkes, b m, 1889, by Bal- mont Wilkes Jessie H., by Stephen A. Douglass 2:20Vi Phillios, b g, 188-, by Pickering, dam by Nelson's Onward . 2-27% Phylie, b s, 1889, by Pat:on Bessie Turner, by Virginius 2-19' M Pickaway, ch g, 188, by Red Joe 2:164i Pierpont Girl, blk m, 188, by At- lantic 2 -24% Pierron, ch g, 1890, by Iliad, dam by Onward 2'15 Pilatoga, ch s, 1886, by Bayard- Jenny, by Scott's Hiatoga . 2:20^4 Pilot Bird, b m, 1886, by Pilot Knox Lil Williams, by Kohinoor . . , . 2-22% Pilot Gift, br s, 1883, by Fairy Gift- Pussy 2:15^ Pilot Knox, br s, 1875, by Black Pilot Nancy Knox, by Col. Ellsworth (trotting 2:19-%) 2 :20V 2 Pilot Wilkes, b s, 1880, by Geo :ge Wilkes Grace, by Pilot Jr 2:23 Pine Level, gr g, 188, 2:22^4 Pinewood, b s, 1890, by Artemas Mamie F., by Joe Jefferson 2:20 Piquant, b g, 188, by Sea Bird 2:291/4 IMstachio, ch s, 1886, by Belmont Miss Russell, by Pilot Jr 2:29V4 Pixley Boy, br s, 1884, by Pocahontas THE 2:30 PACERS. 187 Sam Bird, by George Bell 2:12 P. J., b g, 1892, by President Wilkes. 2:23%, Play Fair, b s, 188, by Olinedo Wilkes 2:24% Plaza, gr s. 1887, by Tennessee Dic- tatorClaire, by Bayard 2:22^4 Plow Girl, blk m, 188, by Black Sain 2:26% Plunger, b g, 188, by Gibson's Tom Hal . 2:27 Plunkett, b g, 1887, by Strathearn Fly, by Buiger 2:13% Plus, b s, 1880, by Happy Heir- Lady West, by Col. West 2:29% Plush, ch m, 1880, by Don J. Ilobinson Stella P., by Magna Charta 2:23% Pluto ch g 188, by Bob Patterson. . 2:26% Plutowood, b s, 181)0, by Pluto Mollie It., by Recorder 2 :29% Poca Eagle, b s, 1885, by Pocahontas Sam Molly Coshow 2:21% Pccahontas, ch m, 1847, " by Iron's Cadmus, dam by Big Shakespeare (dead) 2:17% Pccahontas, ch m, 187, by Little Washington, dam by St. Clair 2:22% Pocalhontas Pilnce, blk e, 1884, by Pocahontas Boy Faro Queeu (trot- ting 2:20%) ". 2:19v4 Pocahontas Sam, ch s, 1879, by Pocahontas Boy Fanny, by Blue Bull 2:27%. Pointer (Kissel's), b g, 1886, by Ha venswood Molly, by Mohawk.... 2:10% Polka Hot, b s, 188 by Elgin Boy. . . 2:2SV 2 Polly Ann, rn m, 186, (dead) 2:26% Folly T., br m, 188, by lied Bird.. 2:21'/i Pomona, b s, 1887, by Albion Pansy, by He-Echo 2:lo Pomp, ch g, 1881, by Dick Pearl, by Platte Allen 2:17% Pomp A., br g, 1881, by Mohawk 2:24^ Pompey Jones, gr g, 186, (dead) 2:28/2 Po Po Lo, br s, 188, by Albert Lea, dam by Florida 2:20 Posey Golden, br g, 188, by son of Golddust (dead) 2:11)% Prairie Bird, b m. 1867, by Flaxtail Fashion, by John Baptiste (dead). 2:28% Prairie Girl, b m, 1891, by Grey Harry 2 :20 Prairie Lily, b m, 1891, by Adrian Wilkes, dam by Hamdallah 2:19-4 Prairie Maid, b m, 1884, by Mam- ruonteer Prairie Girl, by Brougham 2:30 President, blk s, 1880, by Swigert Patsey Lee, by Rock 2:23% President Wilkes, b s, 1885, by Ash- land Wilkes Oaltha Robertson, by Al West (dead) 2:19% Pressley M., gr g, 188, by Benson... 2:21% P.-estoria Wilkes, ch m, 188, by An- derson Wilkes 2:22V<- Pretension, b s, 1888, by Pretender- Meg Rodman 2:24% Priest, br g, 188, 2:29% Prima Donna, ch m, 1887, by Better- ton Dame Tansey, by Daniel Lam- bert 2:09% Prim Wallace, b m, 1890, by William Wallace Rachel 2:27% Prince S., b g, 188, 2:22% Prince, rn g, 188, 2:28 Prince, b s, 188, by Fremont 2:23V4 Prince, br g, 187, by Missouri Chief dam by Williamson's Belmont 2:23% Prince, blk g, 188 2 :30 Prince Albei-t, b g, 188, by Hamil- ton 2:28% Prince Alcander, ch s, 1889, by Al- cander Rhea, by Winooski 2:17% Prince Alcyone, b g, 188, by Alcyone 2:15^a Prince Alniout, b s, 1889, by Almout Meuiuni yueen of the West by George M. Patchen Jr 2:13% Prince B., blk g, 188, by B.ack Republican 2:29% Prince Breunan, b g, 188 2:23 Prince C., b s, 188, by Cutler 2:27% Prince Columbia, br s, 1881, by Prince Pulaski, dam by Granberry'^ Slasher 2:20 Prince Edict Jr., ch e, 1886, by Edict Bell, by High Jack 2:22 Prince Echo, ch s, 1882, by Cloud Mambrino Lucy, by Pacing Togue. 2:14% Prince E.wood, ch s, 1890, by Grey- stone Juno, by Hambrino 2:22% Prince Erie, b s, 1886, by Erie Wilkes Katie C., by Mambrino Patcheu. . 2:29% P.dnce Farlic, b s, 1886, by Kentucky Prince Maggie Duroc, by Messen- ger Duroc 2:30 Prince Frederick, b s, 1883, by Lang- ley's Valentine Nancy Wise 2:21% Prince Gift, b g, 188, by Hamble- touian Gift 2:27% Prince Gould, ch g, 188, 2:26% Prince Hal, br s, 1883, by Brown Hal Jenny, by Prince Pulaski 2:1614 Prince Hal, b s, 188, by King Hal. 2:29% Prince M., b g, 188, by Hotspur Jr., dam by Scott's Hiatoga 2:21% Prince Mac, ch g, 188, by Logan iiambletouian Jessie Mac 2 :19>4 Prince Nutwood, b*k s, 1891, by Dex- ter Prince Luella, by Nutwood 2:21$i Prince Orange, b s, 1884, by Orange Blossom gueen Bess, by Backman's Idol 2:25 Prince Pilot, b s, 188, by Prince Pu- laski 2:22% Prince S., b g, 188 2:29% Princess, b m, 187 2:27 Princess, ch in, 1892, by Prince, dam by son of Mambrino Howard 2:17*4 Princess, b m, 1874, by Pocahontas Boy Lady McGee, by Blue Bull .. 2:19V4 Princess Alice, blk m, 1886, by Dex- ter Prince, dam by Gen. McCleliau. 2:16 Princess Alice, gr m, 1890, by Evan Lewis Frances, by Merit 2:23 Princess Euialia, b m, 1892, by Em peror Wilkes 2:18% Princess H., br m, 188, by Fleet's Hambletonian 2:23% Prince T., rn g, 188, by Climont. .. 2:13% Princeton R., b s, 1890, by Sphinx.. 2:25^ Printer Boy, b g, 188, by Independ- ence 2:29% Proctor, b s, 1887, by Pancoast Si.ence. by Alexander's Abdaliah. . 2:17 Procul, blk s, 1889, by Embassador Kit, by Black Ambassador 2:30 Promise, b g, 188, by Black Wilkes 2:25& Pronto, blk s, 1887, by Pancoast Mercedita, by Cuyler 2:24 Pronto, br g, 187, by George Fletcher Snow, by Canadian Lion 2:17% Prophet Wilkes, b s, 1882, by" George Wilkes Mollie, by Kentucky Clay.. 2:21% Prussian Boy, b g, 1889, by Gen. Ben- ton Prussian Maid, by Signal 2:20% Prussian Maid, b m, 186, by Signal Lady Jasper 2 :19 Psyche, sp m, 1884, by Bayard- Arabian Girl, by Carnac 2:19% P. T. Barnum, b g, 188, by Jim Wil- son 2:22 188 THE 2:30 PACERS. Pull Back, b g, 188 *y Undo Ned Topsey, by Bethel Puritan, br g, 187, by Alnaont Quaker Boy, b s, 188, by Whaleboue, dam by Kelly Horse Quaker K., ch g, 188, by Wayne W ilsou Nettle, by Col. Howe Queen, b ui, 188 , by Coniniau'der. . . . Queen Esther, b m, 1886, by Ajax, Miss Frost, by Bedford Queen Gothard, b m, 1886, by St. Gothard Mignon Medium, by Happy Medi um Queen McGregor, ch m, 188, by Don McGregor Queen of the West, dn ni, 186, (dead) Queen Stantou, b m, 188, by Gen. Stanton Quicksilver, ch s, 188, by Silver- mine, dam by Hotspur Jr Quiz, br in, 1891, by Robin Hood Q. It. Z., ch s, 188, by Ed Suther- land Racquet, blk g, 188, ...... Rahleta, blk m, 1888, by Gambetta Wilkes Bellfield, by Entield Rally Wilkes, b s, 1887, by Allie Wilkei^-Bessie Davis Ralph D., b s, 188, by Allen Sou- tag Rambling Dick, b g, 188, by Joe Colemaii Raritaua Boy, g g, 188, Rat, b g, 188, Rattler, b g, 188, by Al West Rattler, b g, 1886, by St. Mark Rattler Brooks, ch s, 1878, by Earu- heart's Brooks, dam by Pat Maloue Rattling Dan, b g, 187, Rattling Jim, b g, 187, by Yellow Rattling Jim,' b' g,' ' iS6^-',' by' Flying Hiatoga, (dead) ; Ravelli, br 6, 1883, by Hermes Jessie Morrill, by Winthrop Morrill Raven, blk m, 1877, by Alcantara- Rachel B., by Allie West Raven Boy, blk g, 1878, by Pocahontas Boy Tina Wilson, by Legal Tender. Raven T., blk s, 1877, by Bay Tom Jr.-Kate McCrory, by Coleman's Traveler Raymond, b g, 188, by George B Razor Blade, b g, 188 by Heny B. . Razzle Dazzle, b g, 1889, by Prince Medium Worm Mare Reality, b g, 1886, by Polonious, dam by Middletown Reavis, b s, 1888, by Monroe Chief- Belle S Rebellion, b g, 1875, by Locomotive Ruby, by Gen. Hardee Red Bell, ch s, 1885. by Red Wilkes Heatherbelle, by Anthony Wayne. . Rebus, b g, 1886. by Chesterwood Roxy, by Miller's Hambletonian . . . . Recall, rn' s, 188 by Reveille Red Bandana, b s, 1888, by Almont Wilkes Dazzle, by Happy Medium.. . Red Bud, b s, 1883, by Red Wilkes Kate Blackwood, by Blackwood J:\ . Red Cloud, ch g, 188, by Rainbow.. . lied Cloud, b g, 188 ," by Golddust.. Red Davis, ch g. 188, . .' Redfleld, b s, 1884, by Red Wilkes Loretta, by Enfield Red Grant, dh s, 1890, by Red Blos- 2:261/4 2:16 2:14% 2:22% 2:19% 2:27 2:14% 2:13 2:18 2:26% 2:17% 2:22% 2:20/4 2:21% 2:20% 2:26% 2:27% 2:28% 2:27% 2:22/ a 2:19% 2:23% 2:25% 2:28 2:23% 2:20% 2:11% 2:15% 2:22% 2:19% 2:22 2:20% 2:20% 2:25 2:11% 2:12% 2:26V 2 2:14% 2:24% 2:U)V t 2:2:,% 2:18 2:19% som Nelly Grant, by Pacing Ab- dallah 2:27y Red Hal, b s, 1887, by Martin's Tom Hal Lucinda, by Henry Clay 2:13% Red Hawk, b g, 188, 2:20% Red Hornet, ch s, 188 by Bald Hornet 2:23% Red Lady, b m, 1889, by Red Wilkes Severn, by Grand Sentinel 2:16}i Redleaf, ch m, 188, by Charm 2.28% Red Leaf, b m, 188 by Elgin Boy. . . 2:26% Redmon C., ch s, 1887, by Joe Thorn- dale, dam by Highlander 2:30 Red Rock, b s, 188, by Kilbuck Tom 2:25% Red Rover, b g, 188, by Al West... 2:25 % Red Rover, b g, 188, by Redfleld . . . 2:24%, Redskin, ch g, 1887, by Royal Jim- Fanny, by Kirkpatrick's Buck 2:17% Red Sta:% ch s, 188, bv Chestnut Star 2:20 Red Star, b m, 188, 'by Kale's Red Buck 2:23% Red Thorn, b g, 188, by Rescue 2:15% Red Wing, ch s, 1889, by Music- Kitty, by Flying Mohawk 2:13% Redwood, ch g, 188--, by Red Buck.. 2:22% Redwood, ch g, 188 by Ringwood. . . 2:28% Reflector, b s, 1887, by Duplex, dam by Norfolk 2:07% Reform, rn g, 188, by Prince Co- lumbia 2:26 Regardless, b g, by Dewitt's Norman 2:16% Regulator, b s, 188, by Indianapolis Lady Forrest 2:25 Reil Rooker, gr s, 188, by Rooker.. 2:28% Reno Clipper, b: s, 1890, by Reno Defiance Lady Clipper, by Clipper Jr 2:20% Reno M., blk g, 1891, by Reno's Baby. 2:2O Reno's Baby, br s, 1887, by Reno De- fiance Lucy Q., by McKinney Horse (trotting 2:25%) 2:14 Renvoi, br s, 1892, by Game Onward. 2:21% Reserve Fund, ch s, 1885, by Nutwood Lizzie Wilkes. by George Wilkes.. 2:26 Retainer, b g. 188 2:24% Retla Boy, ch s, 1888, by Kirno Molly, by Blue Vein 2:19% Reuben, b g, 188. by Barnes' Dic- tato:-i Chief, dam by Reuben 2:20'/o Reuben W., b g, 188, by Clark COiieftaiii ." 2:16% Revenue, br g, 1885, by Reveille 2:29% Reward J., ch s, 1887, by Bourbon Wilkes Lark, by Abdalla'h Mambrino (trotting 2:29) 2 :10% Rex King, gr s, 1887, by Rex Hia- toga Maud L., by Gold King 2:25 Rex Princeton, bs, 188, by Princeton 2:23% Rhea, gr m, 188, by Judge Advocate 2:17%" Rhinehart, gr s, 188 by Monroe S. . 2:24% Rhinestone, b s, 1890, by Dunton Wilkes 2 :25 R. H. W., ch g, 188, by Almont.... 2:25% Richard, b g. 188, by Majo- Ringgold 2:16% Richard B., b g, 188 by Black John 2:25% Jay, b ' Wilkes Jean Richard Ja s. 1888,' by Dictator Wilkes, by Adrian Wilkes ............................ 2:17% Richard Wilkes. br . 1886, by Clay Wilkes- Kate, by Palm's Kennebeck 2:25 Rich Ball, jyr g, 1SH ............... 2:2i>% Itichba'.l. b g. 1876, by King Pharaoh Genevra ......................... 2 :12% Richmond, b s, 188, by Richwood... 2:27% Rifle Bull.' 1) jr. 188 . bv Bullet ...... 2:14 Riley, br g, 188 by "Howard's Cop- perbottom ......................... 2:19% Riley Medium, br s. 1881, by Happy .Medium Maud K.. by Manibriuo THE 2:30 PACERS. 189 Patchen 2 :10 l / 2 Riot, b m. 1888, by Kentucky Wilkes -llacket, by Egbert 2:27 Rip Rap, br g, 187 2:29 Rlnaldo, b s, 188, by Onslaught 2:14% Ring Rose, b m, 188 by Penrose 2:14%, Rita, b m, 1888, by Idler Maggie, by Overland 2:15% Rita S., ch m, 188, by Corbin Ba- shaw 2 :24% Road Master, gr g, 1882, by Red Jacket-Jip 2 :22 Roadmaster, b s, 1884, by Hanible-^ tonian Downing Kitty Traveler, by Young London Traveler 2 :26% Roanoke, rn g, 184, by Old Pilot (dead) .' 2:26 Roan Rattler, rn g, 188, by Jim Brister 2:28 Roan Wilkes, ro s, 1890, by Tennessee Wilkes Salnda, by Cooper's Jug... 2:11% Robby B., b g, 187 2:27% Robert B., b s, 188 by Anderson Wilkes 2:20 Robert Bonner, b g, 188, by Robert Bonner Jr 2:24% Robert O., b g, 188, by Thorndale Idol 2:13% Robert Blsmere, br s, 1880, by Sammy J. Daisy P., by Souionauk 2:25 Robert J.', b g, 1888, by Hartford Geraldine, by Jay Gould 2:01 % Robert R., b g, 188, by Banner Boy. 2:30 Robert Red, b s, 1889, by Red Wilkes Sally B -aiss, by George Wilkes 2:20% Robert Russell, b s, 1889, by Alley Russell Molly Brown, by Nether- land 2 :13% Robin, b g, 188, by Cognac 2:29W Robin, b s, 1887, by Vatican Mary Ann, by White's Hambletonian. .. 2:20% Robiua, blk m, 1891, by Bonnie Buy, dam by Regular . . 2 '27% Robin Boy, g g, 1889, by Almont Boy 2:26% Robin E., ch g, 188, by Lysander. 2:27% Rocea, b g, 1880, by Ringgold Fanny Whetstone, by Tobe Drum 2:24 Rockaway. ch s, 1886, by Gold Mine- Jessie W., by Colonel 2:18V. Rockaway, g-.i m, 188 by Red Buck.. 2:26% Reckbottom, b s, 188, by Rockdate Young Julia, by Allen 2:16v-s Rockdale, b s, 1877, by George Gor- donDane, by Mogul 2:29% Rocker, b g, 1887, by Hambletonian Wilkee, dam by Lexington Chief.. 2:11 Rocket, b g, 188, by Gilt Edge 2:24% Rocket, b g, 188. by Old Rocket.. 2:28% Rocket, 188 by Blue Bull Jr 2:21% Racket, b g, 187, by Greeley Mam- brino, by Cripple 2:29% Rockmore, b g, 188, by Strathmore Jane Eyre, by Messenger Duroc. . . 2:20% Rock Wilkes, oh s, 1889, by Pilot Wilkes, dam by Bald Stockings 2.20% Rocky Ford, b g, 1876, by Rooker Dolly 2:18% Rocky H.,_ J) s , 188-, 2:24% Rocky P.. ch s. 1890. by Clay Ab- dallah Jr. Dot, by Almore 2:12Vo Rocky Road, b g, 188 2-29U Rodman, blk g, 188. bv Dick Benton 2:26% Rocktown, gr g, 188, by White Cloud 2*25 Roger, br g, 188, by Roger Hanson. 2:23U Roernab. b g, 188- by Dauntless... 2:27% Rokeby, hr s, 1891, by Director- Lilly Stanley, by Whippleton 2:13% Roland Wilkes. br s. 188 by Brown Wilkes 2:28% Rolfewood, b s, 188, by Black wood. Jr 2:20% Rollo, b g, 1888, by Jersey Wilkes.. 2:2lVi RoJo, gr g, 1890, by Jerome Eddy- Gray Betsey, by Mambrino Patehen 2:28% Romulus, b g, 188, by Edgemark. . 2:29% Rory O'More, ch s, 1886, by Judge Salisbury Lizzie, by A. W. Rich- mond 2 :17% Rosa B., ch m, 1880, by Bob Inger- soll, dam by Wkite Cloud 2:17% Rosaae, blk m, 188 2:24%, Rosa Lee, b in, 1891, by Duplex ... 2:27% Roisco, br g, 188, by M^ntezuma.. 2:12% Roscoe, ch g, 188, by Brewer 2 :24% Rosebud, b m, 188, by Viking, dam by Sunshine 2:25 Rosebug, b s, 1883, by Strathiuore Parepa Rosa, by Robert Lee 2:15 Rosedaie, b s, 1892, by Sidney Rose- leaf, by Buccaneer 2:22 Rose Ley burn, b m, 1887, by Onward Mamie, by Star Almont 2:15% Roseiuau, b s, 1884, by Belniout Sea Gull, by Strathmore 2 :18% Rosemary, rn in, 1889, by Bermuda French Lawn, by Administrator... 2:20-% Rasencrantz, b e, 1888, by Bro\va Wilkes Miss Lewis, by Nuggett.. 2:27% Rosewater, rn s, 1888, by Allegheny Boy Rose Clay, by Marlborough. . 2:13% Rosewood, b s, 1888, by W T edgewood Fanny, by Scott's Thomas 2:22 Rosie C., br m, 1883, by Duroc Prince Frankie, by Oregon Pathfinder. . 2:16 Rosita A., ch m, 188, by Adrian 2:14% Rostrever, gr g, 187, by Colter's Davy Crockett 2:23 Rouge Boy, b g, 188, by Ecorse... 2:30 Rowdy, b s, 188, by All Right.... 2:28 Rowdy Boy, blk g, 1871, by Bull Pup 2:13% Rowdy Boy, blk g, 1872, by Beu Snatcher Jr. Nance, by Cockspur. . 2:13% Rowdy Joe, rn g, 1888, by Telegraph Dutch 2:08 Rowdy Knox, ch g, 188, by Eastern Boy 2:201/4. Roxie, b m, 188, by Warrior 2:27% Roxie, b m, 188, by Tom Moore, dam by Young Andy Johnson 2 :29% Roxie, ch g, 188, by Brown Hal... 2:20 Roxie C., br s, 188 by Darlbey... 2:30 Roxie L., blk g, 188, by Diadem.. 2:25% Royalton, b s, 1882, by Royalty- Jenny V 2:18% Royal Belle, blk m, 1883, by Royal Fearnaught, dam by Marshall Chief 2:23% Royal Jim, blk s, 188, by Pocahou- tas Sam 2:26% Royal Sid, ch s, 1892, by Roy Wilkes, dfl rn by Sidney Roy Golddust. ch g, 188, by Thomp- son's Golddust Roy H., in s, 1S:>1. by Engineer (d:ad) 2:18% Roy Hill, b g. 188, by Chestnut Hill 2:29% Roy K., b s, 188, by Ethan Wilkes. . 2:28 Roy L., g g, 188-, by Boston Wilkes. 2:29% Roy S., b g, 1886, by Frank Box Kit 2:23% Roy Wilkes, br s, 1883, by Adrian Wilkes-Flora 2:06% Rozinanta. b m, 1886, by Kentucky Ruler Topsy 2:23% Rube Burrows, b g, 1885, by Moore's ciippr Laura M., by Clipper Brooks 2:20% Rubinstein, b s, 1890, by Baron 2:24% 2:30 190 THE 2:30 PACERS. Wilkes Ollilipa, by Aristos 2:08 Ruby Mac, ch m, 1885, by George M. Patchen Jr. Lady Goldsmith, by Volunteer 2:2iy 2 Ruby Messenger, b m, 188, by Mes- senger Chief 2:23 Rufe Wiikes, b g, 188, by Star Wilkes 2:28y 4 Rufe Wikon, blk g, 188, by Brown Golddust 2:24% Rupee, br s, 1887, by Guy Wilkes Sable Hayward, by Poscora Hay- ward 2:11 Rupert, ch s, 188, by Corbin Bashaw Psyche, by George Miller 2:23% Rushmont, ch s, 188, by Almont M.. 2:23% Ruskin Wilkes, br s, 1884, by Sher- man Wilkes Lady Clay, by Black Harry Clay 2:17 Russell (Miller's), b s, 1881, by Col. H. S Russell Molly Vestal, by Dragon 2:24= Russell B., br s, 1890, by Alley Rus- sell Be.ssie B., by Teeter's Horse. 2:15 Russell Chief, ch s, 1885, by Mam- brino Russell Bessie, by Strath- more 2:22% Russell T., blk g, 188, by Russell.. 2:1914 Ruth H., b m, 1889, by Laclede Du- rango Queen, by Durango (trotting 2:24V 2 ) 2:22 Sabatia, b m, 1884, by Taunton Barker Mare, by Bay Chief 2:1SV4 Sable Gift, b s, 1890, by Gift Jr. niian, by Stauslfer's Woful 2:13^4 Saboya, b s, 1886, by Nugget Ida, by Little Harry Clay 2:19% Sadie Burns, b m, 187, by Billy Green 2:29% Sadie Gray, gr m, 1890, by. Simmons. . 2:2!)% Sadie H., b m, 1885, by Bourbon Wilkes 2:20^4 Sagwa, g g, by Montgomery 2:29% Sagwa, br g. 188 2:29% Sagwa, ch g, 188, by Rattler 2:24 Sailor Boy, rn g, 1876, by Smuggler Jr. Laura, by Rowe Horse 2:17'4 Sailor Boy 2:30 Sailor Wilkes, b g, 188 by Star Wilkes Lizzie C., by Star Hamble- tonian 2:25% St. Catharine, gr m, 1885, by Sir Peter Sunflower, by Prince Elmo. 2:22 1 / St. Cloud, b g, 188 by Kentucky Prince 2:27 St. Croix, b s, 188, by Guelph 2:18% St. Francis, blk s, 1888, by Sigma Nu Francis, by Admi-.tal 2:23<4 St. John, gr g, 188, 2:20 St. Jonathan, br s, 1888, by Kentucky Dictator Fanny Goldsmith, by Ed- ward Everett (trotting 2:22*4) 2:22 si St. Nick, b s, 188. by St. Nicholas.. 2:27*4 St. Omer. g^ s, 1873, by Blue Bull- Black Snake, by Legal Tender 2:28% St. Patrick, gr g, by Dall Brino 2:29% St. Patrick, b s, 1884, by Volunteer- Young Saline, by Guy 'Miller 2:14% Saladin, br s, by Sultan EKa Lewis, by Vermont 2:05% Salisbury 2:20Vi SaUy B., blk m, 1873, by Dow's Green Mountain Morgan 2 - 23 Sallie Bronston. blk m, 1891, by Gambetta Wilkes West on, by Mar- shal Kleber 2:17% Sally C.. gr m, 187, by Senator 2:17 Sally Clinke -, b m, 1885, by Clinker Dolly, by Searcher 2:13 Sally Ranger, blk m, 1887, by John. Sherman, dam by Black Ranger. . . . Sally Walker, b m, 188, by Hylas... Salol, br g, 1887, by Winnebago Chief Sam, b g, 188 Sam, gr g, 188, Sam Hall, b s, 188, by George Hall . Sam Jones, b g, 187, by Thomp- son's Traveler, dam by Cato^s Washington Sam Keith, b s, 1884, by Egbert- Molly Lyncli, by Ulind Morrill Sam Lewis, b s, 187 by Echo Bessie Taylor, by St. Clair Sam N., b g, 188. by Dauntless Sample, b g, 188, Sam Sha-.-p, b g, 187 by Gloster Kate, by Pooahontas Boy, -*. ^-j */J J- irUCUUlSllUClO' JJVJT . Sam Slick, b g, 185 (dead) Sam Weller, ch g, 188, by A Sancho, rn g, 188 , Advance . . Sancho, b s, 1886, by Pocahontas Boy Matlock, by Grey Dionied Sand Boy, eh g, 188, by Strathmore A:-line, by Almout San Diego, b g, 188, by Victor Sandy, ch g, 188, by Sperry's West- mont Sandy Mack, b s, 188, by Captain Modhier Sandy Morris Jr., ch s, 188 by Sandy Morris Seiwly Wilkes b s, 1890, bv Crawford. SanfordL., ch g, 188, by'Dick Glider Sanger, b g, 188, by King Sprague.. Sange --field, b s, 1889, by Roman Chief San Jose, b g, 188, by Santa Claus. . Sankey, gr g, 1884, by Sandy Lake, dam by St. Omer Sankey, clh g, 188 San Pedro, blk g, 1885, by Del Sur, dam by Keating Horse (trotting Santa Rita, ' br' m', ' isSSJ ' by 'sidiiey Titania, by Buccaneer Sarah Ann, gr m, 188, by Johnny Wonder (trotting 2:27) Sa:iah Jane, b m, 188, by Edgar Wilkes Sateen, b m, 1886, by Alroy Kit, by Virgil Saturn, rn g, 188. Saturday Night, en g, 188, Sawtelle, ch g, 1886, by Baywood Daisy Y., by Captain Jack S. B., b g, 188, by Knight Errant. Scarlet Wilkes, b s, 1884, by Red Wilkes Tipsey, by Alcalde School Boy, ch s, 188, by Meander. School Boy, gr g, 188 Sciota Girl, br m 188, by Ambas- sador Hattie Thomas, by Hiatoga Jim Sclavonic, gr s. 1891, by King Wilkes Miss Russell, by Pilot Jr Scott Smith, b s, 1888, by Gen. Han- cock, dam by Blue Bull Scratch, b g, 188, bv Glencoe Jr Sea Bird, ch s, 1887,* by Lord Russell Naiad, by Belmont Seafoam J:-., ro s, 188, by Major Doke Seal, b g, 1888, by Notary Hiatoga Maid, by Patterson Horse Sealskin, blk s, 186, (dead) Sea Shell, ch m, 1889, by Lord Rus- sellWavelet, by Belmont Second, b m, 188, Secret, b m, 1888, by Sigma Nu 2:18% 2:24% 2:25 2:2814 2:30 2:26 2:28 2:27V4 2:29% 2:20 2:25 2:19% 2:10% 2:24y 4 2:23% 2:24% 2:28 2:30 2:29V* 2:17% 2:24%* 2-27% 2:22% 2:2(3% 2:15% 2:2314 2:17>4 2:20 2:22% 2:22% THE 2:30 PACERS. 191 See Saw, br s, 1885, by Lucas Brod- head Dutch Kate, by Jimmle Selim, b s, 188, by Nelson Se.ina D.. b m, 188, Senator, b g, 188 by Hyronamus. .. Senator Bell, ch g, 188, by Strath- more Heather Bell , by Anthony Wayne Senator Mills, b e, 188, by Dauntless Seneca See, b s, 1889, by Little Gift- Molly, by Lucas' Red Buck Seraph, br m 1S85, by Blackwood Rosalie Wilkes, by George Wilkes (dead) Seventy-six, b g, 188-% by Black Frank Lady B Seymour, b g, 188, by Guy Wilkes Early Bird, by Plimel S. G. A., b g, 1886, by Colouna Fleet, by Mack Shackelford, ro g, 186 (dead) Shaeler, b e, 1886, by Grand Sentinel Silver Tail, by Leon Shaker, b g, 187, (dead) Shaker, b g, 1884, by Shaker Boy Shamrock, br s, 188, by Chieftain.. Shamrock, br s, 188, by Don Juan. . Shamrock, br g, 187, by Volunteer- Molly, by Magna Charta Shaver, b s, 188 Sbawano Girl, b m, 1888, by Sir Archie Kate, by Cleveland's Patch- en Shawhan, b g, 1886, by Twilight, dam by Mambrino Downing Shellbark, b g, 188 by Hubbell Horse Sheriff, gr g. 1886, by Richard Scobell Bennett Mare, by Johnny B Sherman, b g, 185, (dead) Sherman, b g, 1887, by Tom Corwin. . Sherman A-istos, b s, 188, by Aristos Sherman Franklin, b s, 188, by Ben Franklin Sherwood, gr e, 1886, by Barkis- Flip, -by Glencoe Golda ting 2: Shiloh, b s, 1884, by Pilot Duroc Nelly, by Kramer's Rainbow Shoo Fly Gyp, gr s, 188, by Shoo Fly Shylock, b s, 1891, by Nutmau Ella Jackson, by Hamlin's Almont Jr. . . . Sibyl, b m > 188, by Handsome Harry Sidmont, b s, 1891, by Sidney Fern- leaf, by Flaxtail Sidmoor, b m, 1891, by Sidney, dam by The Moor Sidney, b s, 1881, by Santa Glaus- Sweetness, by Volunteer Sidwood, b s, 188, by Sidney Sigma Chi, b s, 1891, by Fairy Gift- Daisy Blonde, by Percy James Sigma Nu, b e, 1884, by Bourbon Wilkes Lark, by Abdallah Mam- brino (trotting 2:29%) Silas, gr g, 186, (dead) Silkwood. blk s, 1886, by Blackwood Mambrino Lucy Woodruff, by Hi- ram Woodruff Silky, ch m, 188, by Dawn Silver Bar, gr s, 188, by Silver Cloud Silver Buck, ch g, 188, by Red Buck Silver Bell, rn s, 1889, by St. Bel- Lady Gift, by Mamb -ino Gift Silver Bill, gr g, 188 by Burr Oaks. Silver Cloud Jr., gr s, 1887, by Silver Cloud Fanny, by MaranteUe's Hero Silver Dick, b g, 1888, by Silverheels 2:26 2:2J% 2:26% 2:25 2:24% 2:29 2:28% 2:16 2:17% 2:20% 2:23% 2:20% encoe Golddust (trot- 2:27% 2:28 2:21% 2:10 2:26 2:27 2:28% 2:29 2:28 2:22% 2:20 2:10% 2:17% 2:19% 2:16 2:25 2:07 2:26 2:24% 2:29% 2:29% 2:20% 2:10% Jr. Dolly, by Hague 2:13 Silverette, gr m, 1S&-, by Silver Chief 2:23% Silver Heel, gr g, 188, by Clipper Jr. 2:27% Silver King, ch s, 188. ly Smuggler. 2:2U% Silvermaker, g g, 18&-, by Silver Cloud, dam by Peacemaker 2:27% Silver One, ch s, 188, by Steele 2:28 Silver Spray, gr g, 188, by Wood- pecker. ..' 2:29% Silvertail, rn m, 184, (dead) 2:26% Silvertail, gr g, 188, by Tempest Jr. 2:16% Silver Thorn, ch s, 18^ , by George L. 2:26% Silverthread, gr g, 1878, by Royal Fearmaught, dam by Tom Hunter.. 2:15% Silvei-threads, g m, 188, by Norman Medium. ........ 2:19 Simcoe, b s, 186, by Captain Fisher (dead) 2:26 Simeta, b m, 1890, by Simmocolon . Santa Rita, by Sidney 2:23% Simmie, b g, 1886, by George Spauld- ing.... ..... 2:16% Simmons, b g, 1888, by Belladonna, dam by Royal Lambert 2:14% Sinful, dn m, 188. by Tom Allen 2:28% Singer, b g, 188, by 'Longfellow 2:13% Sir Archy, b s, 1880, by Altitude- Sally, by Major 2:16% Siretta, b m, 1889, by Sirocco Min- nie S., by Larry W 2:25% Sir Edward, rn s, 188, by Sea Foam 2:23% Sir Edwin Arnold, ch s, by Captain Cook Lady Wilkes, by Red Wilkes.. 2:17% Sir Ha-ry Wilkes, blk s, 1890, by Conn's Harry Wilkes, dam by Sir Charles Sir John v ch e, 188, by Clear Grit . . Sir Maxwell, br s, 1888, by Ira Wilkes 'Irene, by Regulator Sir Rea, b g, 188, by Almonace Tat- tler Sir Thornton, b e, 1886, by Reveille- Kate C., by Young Waxy (dead). .. . Sir Wilkes, br s, 1880, by George Wilkes, dam by Len Rogers Six Forty, b s, 188, by Lex Skewball, b g, 188, Skip, br m, 1886, by Donny brook Skylark, br g, 188, by Dirigo, dam by French Tiger Slasher, dn s, 1887, by Messenger- Carrie, by Highlander Sleepy Bill, gr g, 186, (dead) L gr g, Sleepy Bill, b g,' 186,' (dead) Sleepy Dave, br g, 188, by Peter Everett Sleepy David, rn g, 186, (dead) Sleepy Frank, b g, 188, by Pocahon- tas Boy Jr Sleepy Fred, ch g, 187, Sleepy George, b g, 187, by Belinont Bill Sleepy John, b g, 187 Sleepy Rover, ch g, 188 , by Billy Toronto Sleepy Tom, dn g, 186, Sleepy Tom, ch g, 1868, by Tom Rolfe, dam by Sam Hazzard (dead) Sleepy Tom, b g, 188, by Golddust Jr. ! Sleepy Tom, b s, 188, by Tom Hal Jr. Belle H., by Old Dick Slipper, b m, 1883, by Hambletoriian Wilkes Daisy, by Macintosh Slumber, b s, 188, by Harold Re- pose, by Conway Smart Aleck, ch g, 188 Smilax. ch m, 188, by Sidney, dam by Buccaneer 2:16 2:26 2:23 2:24% 2:20% 2:24% 2:25 2:25 2:18% 2:22 2:18% 2:30 2:22% 2:28% 2:29% 2:24% 2:28 2:15 2:30 2:25 2:27% 2:12% 2:25 2:23% 2:28 2:13% 2:25 2:21% 192 THE 2:30 PACERS. Smiler Colfax, br g, 1884, by Sehuyler Oolfax Lady Jackson, by Mohawk Jackson . Smith, br s, 1888, by Peoria Alice Sp/ague, by Gov. Sprague Smuggler, b g, 188, by Bay Tom "jr.'. Smuggler Boy, b s, 188, by Smuggler Jr Smuggler Wilkes, g s, 188, by France's Allie Wilkes Sneak, br m, 188 by Sam Hazzard (dead) Snicklefritz, b g, 188, by Gladiator. .' Snow Bird, gr m, 1884, by Simmons- Snow Drop, by Daniel Lambert. . Seeks, ch s, 1889, by Rockdale-Mary, by John Dillard Jr Soda AVater, b g, 188-, by Brown Hal Solarion, br s, 1890, by Alcandre Balm, by Administrator Soldier, gr g, 1888, by Warrior Jr. Nelly, by Bob Johnson Jr ........ Sol Miller, ch s, 188, by Col West- Dolly, by Niagara Champion ....... Solo, ch g, 188, by Ole Bull ......... Sorosis, gr m, 188, by Barkis ....... Sor.-el Billy, ch g, 186, by Scott's Hiatoga ......................... Sorrel Dan, oh g, 187 by Kale's Red Buck ............................ Sorrel Dan, ch g, 1886, by Command- er, dam by Graham's Abdallah ...... Sorrel Frank, ch g, 186, ............ Sorrel George, ch g, 188, by Capt. Webb ............ ; . ............... Sorrel John, ch g, 188, by Sam B . . Soubrette, br m, 188, by 'Subscriber. Sparkler, b g, 188, by Woodford Ab- dallah Lady Dodd, by Prince Pu- laski Spartan, b g, 188, by Spartan ...... Spaulding, b s, 188, by Judge Salis- bury ............... '. ............ Speed Waxy, br g, 188, by John Casson ........................... Speedy, br m, 188 by Whip ........ Speers, b s, 1886, by Dr. Speers Phantom Footsteps, by Joe Tucker. . Spencer King ...................... Spider, b m, 1880, by Lexington Chief Spider, b' in,' 187, ' by 'Phil, ' dam' by Smith's Hambletonian ............. Sphinxetta, b m, 1891, by Sphinx Kate Talbert, by Mambrino Gift ____ Spotted Sam, sp s, 1878, by Ward's Hambletonian Spotted Moll, by Wallace's Phenomenon ............ Sprague, dh s, 188, by Round's Sprague .......................... Sprague Wilkes, b s^ 1886, by Tommy Wilkes Lizzie Sprague, by Gov. Sprague (dead) ................... S. R., ch g, 188, by Almonardh ..... Stanley, b s, 1883, by Valentine Swig- ert Kewanna, by Trojan Jr. (trot- ting 2:27) ................... ..... Stanley P., blk g, 188 ............. Stanton Maid, b in, 188, by Gen. Stanton, dam by Brown Douglas. . . . Stanwix, b g, 188. by Hambletonian Mambrino ........................ Star Guinea, gr s, 1884, by Allie Gaines Fanny King, by Star of the West ....... ' ..................... Star Henry, ch s, 1876, by Andy John- son John Weed Mare, by Sir Henry Sta- Plex, b s, 1889, by Duplex Daisy, by Red Pilot ................ 2:16% 2:13^ 2:21)% 2:28 2:22V 4 2:25 2:29% 2:22 2:14-% 2:21% 2:281/4 2:23 2:1 /4; Tom Parker, br g, 185, (dead) 2:30 Tompat, b g, 188 2:24% Tom Porter, b g, 1885, by Lumps- Kitty Kimbrough, by Kimbrough's Abdallah 2:24 Tom Rogers, ch g, 188, by Ned For- rest 2:29% Tom Shirley, b g, 1890, by Maximus Myrtle, by Nutwood 2:20% Tom Smelzy, gr g, 188, by Grey Harry 2:18% Tom Smiley, ch g, 184, (dead) 2:30 Tom Webster, b s, 1889, by Bay Tom Lucy by Cranberry Slasher 2:11% Tom West, b s, 1885, by Kilbuck Tom Jenny M., by Frank Forrester 2:23% Toney, ro g, 188, by Richard Sco- bell Modoc 2:24% Tonsorial, b m, 1888, by Penrose Belle Pay ton, by Panic 2:23% Tontine, b g, 188, 2:26 Tony Boy, b s. 1886, by Judge Craven Fanny, by Limber Bill 2:20V> Tony H., b g, 188, by Swigert 2:26% Tony H., b s, 188, by Kimball 2:15% Tony Monarch, ch g, 188, by Hi Monarch 2:26% Tony R., b s, 188, by Hambletonian Downing 2:26y 2 Tony Wilcox, ch g, 188, by Better- ton, dam by Black Damon 2:13% Toomey, b s; 1890. by Balmont Wilkes Empress, by Panic 2:26% To Order, blk s, 1890, by Thistle- Maude, by Bertrand Black Hawk . . 2:12% Tootsie D., ch m, 188, by Jubilee, dam by Young St. Lawrence 2:21 Topsey, blk m, 187 2:25% Topsev D., ch m, 188, by Locust Tempest 2:24% Topsey F., b m, 188 r by Frederick 2:22 Tot Macey, b m, 1889, by Macey Onetonto, by Pocohontas Boy 2:26% Touchet, b m, 1891, by Almont, dam by Strader's C. M. Clay Jr 2:15 Touch Me Not, ch m, 188, by Pocu- hontas Sam 2 :13% Touchstone, b g, 1890, by Forest Wilkes Delia, by Roscoe 2:19% Tough 1 End, b g, 188--, by Daniel Boone 2 :2'VK Toxie R.. b s, 188, by Ignaro 2:16 Track Wilkes, b .s. 188 by Ira Wilkes 2-27 Trader, o s, 3892, by Trade Wind- Jennie J., by McCurdy's Hamble- tonian Jr 2:25 Trafford, ch s, 1887, by Red Wilkes Missie, by Westwood (trotting 2:27%) 2:23% Transfer, b g, 188, by Enfleld Fanny Blackwood, by Blackwood.. 2:27% Travilla, ch m, 1877, by Tramp- Black Sally, by Barnard's Musca- tine 2:24% Treasure, b s, 1884, by Aberdeen La- dora, by Strader's Oassius M. Clay Jr 2:1814 Treet, ch s, 188 2:27 Trego, ch s, 1883, by Egmont Ribbon, by Black Hawk Jr 2:16% Trenton Girl, ch m, 188, by Kilbuck Tom 2:26% Trevor, ch s, 1888, by Gogebic Rose Shipman, by Blue Bull 2:25 T. R. Fox, ch g, 188, 2:16 Trixie P., br m, 1883, by Baiardo Jr.. 2:27% Trixy, b m, 188, by Judge Trumbull. 2:25 Trixy Hal, dh m, 188, by Tom Hal. . 2:19% True, b g, 1883, by Rocket Fanny 2d, by Magna Charta Boy 2:23% Trump, b s, 1887, by Adrian Wilkes Colletta, by King Cole 2:21 Tru-o, b g, 188, by Hamlet, dam by Red Squirrel . . 2:22% Try Me, gr m, 188, by Try Me On, dam by Gen. Jackson 2 :27 Tucker B., b g, 187 2:30 Turco, b s, 1889, by Brie Wilkes Celia, by Black Henry 2:12 Turk, gr g, 1886, by Johnson's Sam- Mayday 2:18% Turk, b g, 188, by Tennessee Wilkes. 2:19% Turk Franklin, b g, 1879, by Prospect Daisy 2:lfi% Twilight, blk s, 188 by Conn's Har- ry AVilkes 2:28 Twister, blk g, 187, by Bull Pup. ... 2:29% Two Strike, gr g. 188, by Ferguson. . 2:10% Tyranus, blk g, 1889, by Young Wilkes Rosetta, by Pickering (trotting 2:21%) 2:22V4 Tyrone, ch g. 188. 2:29 Uca Wan, ch g, 188, by Chestnut Fearnaught 2:26% Ulster Belle, ro m, 1878, by Holabird's Ethan Allen Molly, by Roe's Abdal- lah Ohief 2:17^4 Una Forrest, ch m. 1887, by Rock- wall Success Kit Malone, by Helm- stutte-.-'s Morgan '. 2:20 Uncle Eb, gr g, 187, 2:24Vi Uncle George, ch s, 188, by Bald Hornet 2:30 Uncle Jack, b g, 1880, by Glencoe Jr. Kate Willcoxson 2:16'/4 Uncle Jack, b g, 188 2:17% Uncle Ned, ro g, 187 , by John Had- ley Fanner .' 2:23}i Uncle Sile, ch g, 1880, by Star Harold Black Belle, by Aroostook Boy... 2:25 Uncle Tom, gr s, 188, by Brown Chief 2:25% Unknown, ch g. 183, (dead) 2:23 Uranus, br s. 1889, by Herschel Lady Dingman, by Favorite Wilkes 2:17% Valid, b s. 1890, by Pelletier Lady Goldsmith, by Alden Goldsmith 2:17% Valley, gr m, '1889, by Pilot Medium Allie Tho-nton, by Shelby Ohief. . 2:19% Valley Ohief Jr., gr g, 188, by Valley Chief I.. 2:24V4 Van Cott. b g, 188, by Polonius 2:20% THE 2:30 PACERS. 195 Vandal Wilkes, br s, 1882, by Gov. Sprague Vandalia Wilkes, by Geo. Wilkes , Vanzant, blk g, 188, by Red Buck. . Vanzant, b g. 187 Vasco, b g, 187, Vassar, rn s, 1889, by Vatican Nell, by Estill Eric (trotting 2:21%) Vasto, b a, 188, by Vasco Chess, by Magic Velocipede, b g. 186, (dead) Velox, en g, 188, Veni, b g, 188, by Valentine, dam by Idol Wilkes Venture, oh s, 1887, by Bald Hornet- Peggy G., by Haywood Venture, ch s, 188, by Cunard Jr Venturer, br g, 188, by Mcllobert's Venture Vera Capel, blk m, 1889, by Wilton- Cricket, by Mambrino Abdallah Venue V., ch m, 1889, by De Leon- Snap, by Colonna Vestigie, b s, 1891, by Valentine Veta, b m, 1891, by Dunton Wilkes, darn by Blue Bull Viceroy (Snider'e), b s, 1885, by Vi- ceroyMolly, by Legal Tender Victor, gr g, 188-, Victor, gr g, 187, Victor, g:* g, 1888, by Pilot Medium, dam by Greenback Victorine, b m, 1886, by Ferguson- May Hudson, by Gen. George H. Thomas Victor Mazzone, br s, 1891, by Gen. Hancock Lorena, by Strathmoce. . . Victory, b g, 188, Vidette, b m, 188, by Alexander But- tonViola, by Flaxtail Vigor, br s, 1887, by Sterling Olive, by Prompter Vinette, b m, 1886, by Ethan Wilkes Kate, by Peavine. ... Vinnie, b m, 1886, by Oshkosh Boy.. . Viola, b m, 188, by San Gabriel Violet, blk m, 188, by Legal Tender Jr. Susan, by Nigger Dick Virgie K., b g, 188 by Herschel Virginia, ch m, 1880, by Young Frenchman Dexter, by Tom Crow- der Vitelio, br s, 1885, by Legal Tender Jr. Rushville Maid, by Blue Bull... Vixen, b m, 188, by Idol Boy Vogeine, dn g, 187 , Volk, b g, 188, by Vanzant Laura, by Jack Shephard Vollula, b m, 1888, by Kentucky Vol- unteer Marie Wilkes, by George Wilkes Voneta, br m, 188, by Bona Fide Vonmore, b s, 188 by Ashmore Waif, b m, 1887, by ' Nutwood Con- quest, by Princeps Wait-a-Little, b g, 188, W T ait-a-While, blk g, 1888, by Black Ed Wake-Up-Jake, br g, 187 Waldo J., b g, 1890, by Bob Mason, dam by A. W. Richmond Walker, b 6. 1885, by Prompter Flash, by Bgmont Walnut Boy, br s, 1887, by Ferguson May Hudson, by Gen. George H. Thomas Walnut Bud, b m, 1888, by Brod Wal- nut Topsy, by Bethel Horse Walte:' Roberts, gr g, 188 2:21 2:29 2:29 2:26% 2:07 2:lGVa 2:27V 4 2:27 2:24% 2:09% 2:23Va 2:26V 2 2:10% 2:18% 2:15% 2:17% 2:20 2:20% 2:28 2:23% 2:20 j 2:21% j 9 .03 , ! Walter D. t b g, 188 Walter D., dn g, 188, by Jim Wilson Walter D., b g, 188, by Sir Walter Walter ' Wilke's, ' b V, ' is 8 ',' by Wiikes .' Walter Wilton, b s, 1885, by Wilton- Samara, by Strathmore Wanderer, br g, 188, Wanlta Proctor, b m, 1891, by For- tunatus Ida Advent, by Advent. . . . W apple, ch g, 188, by Brigadier. . . . Wapsie Boy, b s, 188, Wapsie L., dn s, 188, by Wapsie... Warburton, b s, 188, by Wilkes Boy Annie Almont, by Bostick's Al- mont Jr Wardwell, b g, 1883, by Hamlin's Al- mont Jr. Grace, by Hailstorm (trot- ting 2:14%) Warren Daily, ch s, 187 Warren H., b g, 188, by Hinkston Boy Warrina, b m, 1885, by Algona Mid- 2:18% 2:lLi/4 2:13 2:2) Wilkes Nutwood, eh s, 1883, by Nut- wood Lizzie AVilkes, by George W r ilkes Wilkesota, br m, 1890, by Adrian Wilkes Wllkie Knox, br s, 1888, by Barney Wilkes Nettie, by Gen. Knox Wllkie Russell, b s, 1885, by Mam- brino Russell Carrie Wilkes, by George Wilkes Wlllard M., b g, 188. by Mambrino Smuggle:" Pet, by Kremer's Rain- bow Willard Russell, br s, 188, by Wilkie Russell Willena, b m, 188 Willett W T ilkes, gr m, 188C, by Ethan Wilkes William Arthur, rn g, 188 William G., b g, 187, William B., b g, 188, William Holliday, b s, 188, by High- lander William J., b g, 1885, by Elgin Boy- Miss Jones, by Blue Vein William M. Purdy, b g, 188, by Fair- view, dam by Prince Pulaski William M. Singerly, gr g, 1882, by Ahue G -ey Sallie William Newman, b g, 188 William Penn, blk s, 188 by Toney R William R., gr s, 188, by Frank Oheatham Georgia, by Munsey.... William Red, b s, 188, by Red Wilkes William Sidney, b s. 1892, by Sidney Ivy, by Buccaneer William V., b s, 188, by American Boy 2:30 2:27 2:22 2:28 2:24% 2:25V4 2:10^4 2:15 2:14 2:15 2:21V 2 2:22' /4 2:29',4 2:22y 2 2:27Vi 2:29% 2:26!/ 2 2:26^ 2:24V* 2:15 2:27 2:25 2:1,9 William Wallace, b s, 1884, by Mam- brino King Gertrude, by Jay Gould Jr. ..*.. ....*. ...... ...... Wi.liam Wallace Scribner, br s, 1889, by William Wallace Rebecca ____ Willie B., b- g, 188, by Mambriuo Rescue .......................... Willie F., blk g, 187 by Woodford Knox .............. Willie R., b g, 188 ..... .".'.'.'.'.' AVillink, b s, 188, by Hamlin's Al- mont Jr .......................... Will Kerr, b g, 1888, by Ethan Wilkes Harrison Girl, by Harrison Chief. . Wilsihire, b g, 188 by Woodford Ab- dallah Nina Monroe, by Jim Monroe Wilson, b s, 1888, by William Clay. . . . Winder, ch g, 1867, by Denmark- Dolly, by Whitehall ............... Windsor H., b g, 1879, by Windso:-, dam by Selim (trotting 2:25%) ...... Windsorina, b m, 188. by Voucher , , . Mattie Windsor, by Windsor infield b g, 1891, by Mambri oldMaggie S., by Spartan Jr ...... Mambriuo Har- 2:2214 2:2G& 2:20 2:274 2:17% 2:30 2:07Va 2:26<* 2:12y 4 2:21 2:22 Vi 2:22 Wiuola, b m, 1891, by Favorite Wilkes Loua, by Gen. Benton.... Wlnslow, b g, 188 ............... Winslow Wilkes, br s, 188S, by Black Wilkes Alitle, by Almont ......... Wire Nail, b s, 1890, by Clay Mor- giana, by Gen. Benton ............ Wisconsin Chief, gr g, 184, (dead) . . Wisconsin King, blk g, 188 by Wis- consin ............................... W. L., b s, 188, by Atlantic ..... Wolverton, b s, 1886, by Gen. Han- cock Garnet, by Mambrino Star. Wonder, gr g, 186, (dead) ......... Wonderful, b g, 187 by Legal Ten- der Jr. Bally, by Cockspur ...... Woodberry, br s, 1889, by Beech Nut Teal, by Hawpatch ............. Woodford (La Due's), b s, 1888, by Woodford Wilkes Adelaide, by Ham- dallah ............................... Woodie, ch g, 188, by Woodford Knox ................................ Woodland Maid, gr m, 188 by Will- iam M., dam by Dictator ........... Woodmont, ch g, 1881, by Pasacas Brilliantine, by Louis Napoleon ---- W r oodmont, ch g, 188 , by Hamlin's Almont Jr .......................... Woodshed, ch s, 1888, by J. R. Shedd Triumph, by McGregor Chief ---- W. R. W., ch g, 188, (dead) ...... W. W. Foote, blk g, 1892, by Stein- wayMaggie McGregor, by Robert McGregor ........................... W. Wood, b g, 1888, by Steinway Ramona, by Anteeo ................. W. W. P., ch g, 1886, by Ben Lomond Jr. Bonner Maid, by Martinet. . . . Wyandotte Chief, gr g, 186, (dead). Yankee Girl, blk m, 188, by Arkan- saw Traveler ....................... Yankee Sam, dn g, 186, (dead) ...... Yeiser Boy, blk s. 1886, by Mambrino Startle Nelly Benton, by Morrison Yellow Aeh, ch g, 188, by Charles M. Fanny Everett, by Bonney Knox Yellow Creek, b m, 188, ............ Yisidella, ch m. 1890, by George Sim- mons, dam by Hambrino .......... Yolo Maid, b m, 1885. by Alexander Button Molly, by Dietz's St. Clair. York O., br g, 188, by Hall's Mo- hawk ................................ 2:22 2:26y a 2:09% 2:29^ 2:27 2:11 2:19^, 2:26Vi 2:25^ 2:26 2:16Vi 2:29^4 2:30 2:22% 2:13^4 2:22 2:07 2:10% 2:30 2:22i/i 2:29^4 2:24^ 2:23% 2:24% 2:12 2:271/4 THE 2:30 PACERS. 197 York Wilkee, b s, 188, by New York Dictator 2:25 Young America, br g. 184--, by Ver- mont Black Hawk (dead) 2:23 Young Bonair, b s, 1886, by Bonair Molly J>ou 2:21 Younger Bull, b g, 188 by Bob Pat- te-son 2:29 ; 4 You Tell, ch g, 1888, by Opal 2:19% Zadia. blk m, 1886, by Clay Wilkcs Nellie Grant, by Pacing Abdallah. 2:29% Zaida K., ch m, 188, by Alamo- Blonde, by Live Oak 2:30 Zaney Wilkejs^blk s, 1887, by Clay Wilkes Nellie Grant, by Pacing Ab- dallah (dead) 2-23',* Zandora, ch m, 188, by Steele's Walklll 2:22% Zeliah H., b m, 188 by Gift Jr., dam by Schuyler Golf ax 2 :26 Ze'lete, b s, 188, by Dpaulet 2:25*6 Zelpha Burns, b m. 188, by Penrose 2:15% Zero, blk m, 1887. by Alcantara- Gertie Cook, by Gray Eagle 2:20 Ziglar, ch s. 1888, by Pocahontas Sam Molly Kiger 2:13Vi Zingerelli, b m, 188, by Greenlander 2:27 Zip M., b m, 188 by Meriton 2:20% Zora Zar, br m, 1889, by Alcazar Ledo, by Cohannet (trotting 2:24%). . 2:24*4 THE MONEY WINNERS. The following are the Trotters and Pacers that have won $5,000 or over in 1892, 1893 and 1894. 1892. TROTTERS. Nancy Hanks, by Happy Medium $33,000 00 Muta Wilkes, by Guy Wilkes 14,925 00 Nightingale, by Osgood's Patchen 14,750 00 Directum, by Director 12,657 50 Silicon, by Wilton 12,27000 Nightingale, by Mambrino King. . 9,500 00 Martha Wiikes, by Alcyone 8,800 00 Belleiiower, by Electioneer 8,315 00 Beile Vara, by Vatican 7,250 00 Alvin, by Orpheus 7,05000 Trevilliau, by Young Jim 6,85000 Kentucky Union, by Aberdeen . . . 6,600 00 Geneva, by Leland 6,00000 Kremlin, by Lord Russell 5,75000 Grace Napoleon, by Louis Napoleon 5,375 00 Greeuleaf, by Simmons 5,35000 Oro Wilkes, by Sable Wilkes. ..... 5,200 00 1893. PAGERS. Guy, by Shiloh $16,25000 Flying Jib, by Algona 14,875 00 Hal Pointer, by Tom Hal 9,500 00 Robert J., by Hartford 5,300 00 Direct, by Director 5,000 00 1893. TROTTERS. Nancy Hanks, by Happy Medium.. $17,552 Oo Walter E., by Patchen Mambrino. 15,100 00 Oro Wilkes, by Sable Wilkes. . . . 13,900 00 Harrietta, by Alcyone '. . 13,875 00 Pixley, by Jay Gould 10,950 00 Directum, by Director 10,000 00 Nellie A., by Wilkes Boy 9, 58* ) 00 Alix, by Patronage 9,45000 Courier, by Crittenden 9,341 66 Nightingale, by Mambrino King. . 9,150 00 Margrave, by Baron Wilkes 9,000 00 Director's Flower, by Director... 8,65000 Double Cross, by Sable Wilkes 7,950 00 Phoebe Wilkes, by Hambletonian Wilkes 6,90000 Bellini, by Artillery 6,825 00 Fantasy, by Chimes 6,45000 Ellard, by Charlie Wilkes 6,375 00 Miss Lida, by King Clay 6,160 00 Ryland T., by Ledger Jr 6,00000 Pamlico, by Meander 5,775 00 Muta Wilkes, by Guy Wilkes 5,750 00 Arion, by Electioneer 5,500 00 Peveril, by Eiyria 5,10000 Hulda, by Guy Wilkes 5,00000 Corinne, by Robert McGregor 5,000 00 Fannie Wilcox, by Jerome Eddy 5,000 00 1893. PACERS. May Marshall, by Billy Wilkes.. $7,45000 Hal Pointer, by Tom Hal 7,15000 Hal Dillard, by Brown Hal 5,775 00 Mascot, by Deceive 5,375 00 Hal Braden, by Brown Hal 5,055 00 1894. TROTTERS. Beuzetta, by Onward $22,880 00 Mary Best, by Guy Wilkes 21,050 00 Nellie A., by Wilkes Boy 17,390 00 B. B. P., by Pilot Medium 13,762 50 Silicon, by Wilton 12,22500 Directum, by Director 11,500 00 Alar, by Alcantara 11,250 00 Alix, by Patronage ^ 10,50000 Azote, by Whips 10,22500 Dancourt, by Ambassador 9,80000 Sallie Simmons, by Simmons 9,30000 Ballona, by Stranger 8.64500 Cobwebs, by Whips 7,90000 Red Bud, by Red Fern 7,60000 Wistful, by Wedgewood 7,16375 Expressive, by Electioneer 7,10000 Nightingale, bv Mambrino King. . 6,950 00 Trevillian, by Young Jim 6,900 00 J. M. D., by Handsome Harry 6,800 00 Onoqua, by Keeler 6.775 00 Newcastle, by Cornelian 6,75000 Rex Americus, by Onward 6,475 00 Altivo, by Electioneer 5,232 50 Phoebe Wilkes, by Hambletonian Wilkes 5,05000 Ralph Wilkes, by Red Wilkes 5,000 00 Boreal, by Bow Bells 5,00000 1894. PACERS. Robert J., by Hartford $29,87500 Joe Patchen, by Patchen Wilkes. . 17,350 00 Rubinstein, by Baron Wilkes 6.800 00 Clayhontas, by Pocahontas Boy. . 6,530 00 Hal Braden, by Brown Hal 5,75000 Online, by Sh^deland Onward... 5,02500 THE WINNING SIRES. The following are the stallions whose get won $10,000 or over in 1892, 1893 and 1894. 1892. WINNING SIRES. Happy Medium Guy Wilkes Director Alcyone Wilton Mambrino King Electioneer Young Jim Pilot Medium Simmons SMloh Alcantara 10,082 Onward lb,(Ml Nutwood 1 ?'?J? Robert McGregor lo,117 Algona 14,87o Osgood's Patchen 14,750 Aberdeen 14,3b< Tom Hal 13,595 Baron Wilkes 13,207 Dexter Prince 12,010 Red Wilkes 12,717 Hamlin's Almont Jr 12,617 Louis Napoleon 11.542 Chimes 10,937 Cyclone 10.805 Egbert 10,380 Sable Wilkes 10,280 1893. Director . $35,047 50 i Sable Wilkes 32,555 00 i Alcyone 27,045 50 i Happy Medium 23,231 75 i Guy Wilkes 22,36250! Robert McGregor 20,694 00 I Wilkes Boy 20,08250) Alcantara 19,58700 Mambrino King 18,185 25 ! Nutwood 18,06925 Pilot Medium 17,70445 Baron Wilkes 16.81650 Patchen Mambrino 15,100 00 Jay Bird 14.75505 Young Jim 14,40750 Electioneer 13,91250 50 ,-><> 00 50 75 2-> 50 2o 00 50 00 25 25 50 00| 00 ooi 50i 25 i 50 ! 25 82 50 50 50 00 OOj 62 i Elyr ia 13,627 39 Red W T ilkes 13.53615 B?own Hal 13,49500 Hamlin's Almont Jr 13.39375 Bourbon Wilkes 13,02375 Simmons 13,01300 Gen. Stanton 12,88700 Dexter Prince 12.49000 Tom Hal 12.065 00 Jay Gould 11,92500 Onward 11.80550 Atlantic 11,35975 Chimes 11,30000 Hambletonian Wilkes 10,892 50 Gambetta Wilkes 10,09050 1894. Onward $52,521 91 Alcantara 36,070 40 Hartford 30,05000 Guy Wilkes 29,55250 Pilot Medium 28,198 75 Wilton 28,198 75 Baron Wilkes 26.73375 Electioneer 24,37250 Simmons 24,343 75 Wilkes Boy 23,45375 Director 22,18000 Young Jim 19,43250 Sidney 18,77825 Whips 18,59250 Altamont 18,51259 Patchen Wilkes 18.28750 Mambriuo King 17,02175 Red Wilkes 16,196 00 Bourbon Wilkes 16,193 50 Sable Wilkes 16,11750 Favorite Wilkes 14,97750 Ambassador 13,852 50 Stranger 13.74000 Brown Hal 12,27000 Robert McGregor 11.994 75 Chimes 11,732 25 Jay Bird 11,65500 Adrian Wilkes 11,50500 Gambetta Wilkes 10.99250 Nutwood 10.91000 Patronage 10.618 75 Dexter Prince 10,42000 Wedgewood 10,25875 JOE THAYJ&R, .LEXINGTON, The popular Kentucky reinsman who was up behind Trevillian when he trotted in 2 :10M, 2 :08M, 2 :09M, the three fastest consecu- tive heats ever placed to the credit of a stallion. JOHN DICKERSON, SAN MATEO, CAT,. Indiana's crack reinsman. He marked Arion 2 :07%, Pixley 2 :08J4, Ellard2:09M, etc, PART 2. SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. The following are the sires of 2:30 trotters and pacers up to the clos of 1894. Aaron Pennington by Tip- perary. Bee 2:24* Gypsy Girl 2:22 Aaron Pennington, Jr., by Aaron Pennington. Harry Pennington .... 2 :15% Abbott by Tattler. . Kitty Abbott 2:26% Abbottsford by Woodford Mambrino. Abbottsford, Jr 2 :27 Conde 2:19* C. W.S 2:26* Dohrman 2:27 Free Coinage 2:18* Jim Crow 2 :23% Lucy Abbott 2:23% She 2:14i/ 2 Sunrise... 2:24% Waterford 2:27 Nutford, p 2:15 Abby by Abbottsford. Genevra 2 :20 Abdalbrino by Woodford Mambrino. Altar 2:16* Barney Clay 2:28 Green B 2:29* Abdallah by Mambrino. Frank Forrester 2 :30 O'Blennis 2:30 Sir Walter 2:27 Ben Higdon, p 2:27 Abdallah (Alexander's), by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Goldsmith Maid 2:14 Major Edaall 2:29 Rosalind 2;21% St. Elmo 2:30 Thorndale 2 :22* Abdallah (Hurst and Thorn- ton's) by Alexander's Ab- dallah. Little George 2 :25% Abdallah (Taggart's), by Farmer's Beauty. Dauntless 2:26% Ned Hastings 2 :28% Ned Wallace 2:25 Abdallah (Goldsmith's), by Volunteer. Alexander 2:28% Dictator 2:27 Hickory 2:27% Little Miss 2 :26% Abdallah (Darling's). Abdallah, p 2:26 Abdallah (Conklin's), un- traced. Rarus 2:13* Abdallah, Jr. (Truesdale's), by Erie Abdallah. ! GeorgeA 2:21% Abdallah, Jr. (Coleman's), by Alexander's Abdallah. Forsee 2:27 Pearl 2:30 AbbieH..p 2:2654 Abdallab, Jr. Abdallah Girl, p 2 :19 Abdallah Jr., by Abdallah Messenger. Tellie... 2:25* Abdallah Boy by Goldsmith's Abdallah. Dutch Girl 2:27% Abdallah Bruce by Bruceton. Abdallah (Grant's), p. 2:10% Abdallah Duroc by Messen- ger Duroc. Maud ..2:29* Abdallah Glencoe by Joe Abdallah. Stella 2:29 Abdallah Hambletonian by Hickory. Dolly H 2:20* Frank E 2:29% Granny 2:28 MaudM 2:20* Abdallah Mambrino by Al- mont. Aeleta 2:29% Annie B 2:29% Betty Jones 2 :19% Betty Mac 2:29 Effie Thornton 2:30 Elkin 2:22* GenevaS 2:19* KellerV 2:21% MattieH ...2:11* May Day 2:24* QuinineS 2:28* RenaB 2:28% Soto,bm 2:20* Hickory B., p 2:30 Little Jack, p 2:26* Abdallah Messenger by Alex- ander's Abdallah. Abdallah Boy 2:24* Abdallah Messenger by Jup- iter Abdallah. Bijou 2:24% Abdallah Pilot by Alexan- der's Abdallah. FrankS 2:25% Pickard 2 :18* Wentworth 2:29% Abdallah Prince by Young America. Monte, p 2:26* Abdallah Thome by Mam- brino Patchen. EastfrBoy 2:30 Abdallah Tranby by Stra- der's Cassius M.Clay, Jr. FloraC 2:29% Abdallah West by Allie West. Wilkin 2:27% AbdallahWilkesbyGeo.Wilk's Allen Wilkes 2:29 Nixon 2:28% Saxon ...2:22% Vidalia 2:23* Voleta 2:23 Wauco 2:25 KateC.,p 2:18% Lady Lee, p 2:24% Wauco.p 2:14% Abdallah Woodford by Wood- ford Mambrino. DenaisP 2:29* Abdamed Allen by Wood- ward's Ethan Allen. Abdamed Allen, Jr. ... 2 :26% DexterL 2:25 Dot L 2:21 Fanny A 2:26* Nellie.p 2:24* Abe Downing by JoeDowning. Pat Downing 2:13 Pennant 2:15 Chronometer, p 2 :15% Hastings Boy. p 2 :15 Abe Lincoln by Young Colum- bus. Flora Belle 2:27* Aberdeen by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Abbiedeen 2:29* Abbie V 2:16% Alabaster 2:15 Almont Aberdeen 2 :22% Annabel Lee 2:26 Augusta Schuyler 2 :26 Bannockburn 2 :29% Bay Tom 2:29* Bessie D ..2:20 Bonny Deen 2:30 Corena 2:24* Daisy Hartshorn 2 :24% Dolly Withers 2 :29% Edgewood 2:25* Godelia 2:19% Hattie Woodward .... 2 :15% Hugh McLaughlin . . . . 2 :23 Irish Lad 2:23* Kate Taylor 2:23% Kentucky Union 2:11% Knighthood 2 :29% Leda 2:25% Lewellyn 2 :19* Lycurgus 2:15% Matrimony 2 :23% Memona 2:24* Modoc 2:19% Mulatto 2:22 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Parnell 2:29 Parthenon 2 :27*4 Sam Estes 2 :27V4 Sappho 2 :30 Sir Walter 2:2454 Star 2:25*4 StellaC ; 2:27*4 Surprise 2:29*4 Titania 2:27 Tommy 2:30 Valley Boy 2 :24*4 Vanessa. 2:26 Wanita 2:20y 2 Billy T., p 2:30 Jim Jewell, p 2:19*4 Orienta, p 2:28 Treasure, p 2:18*4 Abraham by Daniel Lambert. Alice 2:28 Belle of Albany 2 :29*4 Belle Shacket. 2:27*4 Bessie H 2:25% Frank 2:19 1 / 2 Jennie 2:27*4 Kitty Cook 2:26 1 / 2 Belle Shacket, p 2 :27% Brightwood, p 2 :19*4 Lady Pearl, p 2:28*4 Absolute by Dictator. Albrazia, p 2 :24 Accidental, untraced. Charley C 2:29*4 A.P.,p 2:17^ Misty Morning, p 2 :24*4 Nettie Sloan, p 2:29 Sunlight, p 2:24% Achilles by Mambrino Pat- chen. Barney F 2:29*4 Achilles by Carenought. Blanche R 2:28^ Themis 2:25 Acolyte by Onward. Amberlyte 2:30 Classic 2:27!/ 2 Crissolyte 2 :27*4 Faubourg 2:25*4 Pastoral 2:30 Pilgrim 2;20% Position 2:22*4 Promoter 2:19 Sidney C., 2:30 Vatican 2:18 Addison Jr. by Addison. Clementine.... 2:21 Addison Lambert by Daniel Lambert. Shadow 2:25 Susie 2:26 Addie Stuart, p 2 :20*4 Adirondack by Bona Fide. Bonnie Belle, p 2 :24*4 Adjuster by Administrator. Marvel 2:18*4 Otto J 2:19*4 Alexander Boy, p 2 :18*4 Limber Jim, p 2:25% Max, p 2:27 Adjutant by Administrator. George L 2:24 1 / 2 Review 2:29*4 Black Crook, p 2 :26 George S., p 2:17% Henry S., p 2:17% Admar by Admiral. Lenmar 2:16*4 Administrator by Rysdyk's Hambletoniau. Adjuster 2:26 Arbiter 2:22% Catchfly 2:18*4 Clarjda 2:27 Col. Stevens 2 :28*4 Dot 2:22*4 Executor 2:24*4 Langtrey 2 :26* McMahon 2:21 Marcus 2:29*4 Mars 2:28V 2 Penistan 2 :28*4 Sultan 2:28*4 Viscount 2:28 Administrator (Riley's) by Administrator. Colonel 2:29*4 Administrator Jr. by Admin- istrator. Grace Medium 2 :29*4 Admiral by Volunteer. Huntress 2 ;28 Nona Y 2:25 Perihelion 2:25 Sister 2:19*4 Admiral Patchen Jr. by Ad miral Patchen. Brandy Boy 2:20*4 Adonis. C. W. G., p 2:18% Adrian by Whipple's Hamble- tonian. Rosita. p 2:14% Adrian Wilkes by George Wilkes. Babe Wilkes 2:30 Bonnie Wilkes 2:15% Ebony Wilkes 2:19% FocusR 2:27*4 Grace Wilkes 2:17% Mav Verden 2 :26*4 Midnight 2:23*4 Odessa 2:29!/ 2 Oliver 2:29 1 / 2 Omnia 2:29% Silver Wilkes 2:25 Waterloo Girl 2 :\9y 2 Westfall 2:29% Wilkes Maid 2:27*4 Bonnie Wilkes Jr., p.. 2:24*4 Ethel A., p 2:10 Emma Wilkes, p 2:19*4 Florette, p 2:24 1 / 2 Lillian, p 2:14*4 Lil Yon.p 2:26% Maud M.,p 2:15*4 Nettie Wilkes, p 2:19*4 Necollite, p 2:26*4 Prairie Lily, p 2 :19*4 Roy Wilkes, p 2 :G6Y 2 Trump, p.. 2:21 Waterloo Boy, p 2 ;14% Wealthy, p 2:27*4 Wilkesota, p 2:25*4 Adrola. Effie M 2:29% Advance by Volunteer. Mahaska 2:25 Modjeska... 2;29*4 Advance by Onward. Advance Jr 2:28 Nelly Bly 2:30 Swanock 2:20 Cyrus V.,p 2:22*4 Lady. I., p 2:26*4 SamWeller, p 2:27*4 Advent by Strathmore. Admore 2:26 Admore.p 2:24 Advertiser by Electioneer. Adbell 2:23 Aegon by Nutwood. Shaw Jenan 2:29 JLmulus by Mambrino Pilot. Boss H 2:25*4 R.R.H 2:23*4 Agile by Dictator. Elector H 2:25 Agricola byGambettaWilkes. Nelly Neal, p 2:26*4 Ahue by Rodford's Ahue. NoraG 2:25% Dr. A.,p 2:24*4 William M.Singerly,p2:16H Ajax by Rysdyk's Hambleton- ian. Belle Unrue 2 :29*4 ClarenceH 2:24*% Columbus Hambl'ian 2 :26 Duke of Kent 2 :29H Jeffersonian 2:27 Florence C 2:29 Fred 2:29*4 Tansy G 2:30 Applejack, p 2:18 Bacon, p 2:23 AnettaC.,p 2:23% Arnold Boy. p 2:18% Be Jax,p 2:14*4 Big Wonder, p 2 :25 Clay Jax, p 2:25 Ganymede, p 2 :25 Gaslight.p 2:23 I.N.,p 2:17*4 Maplewood, p 2 :25 PatBruen.p 2:24 Patrick Henry, p 2 :26% Queen Esther, p 2 :27 Ajax by Slocumb Horse. Jessie Wales 2:30 Aladdin by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Joker 2:24 Pearl P 2:29*4 Brown Al, p 2:24*4 Hamden, p 2:23*4 John Kenny, p 2 :23 Alamode by Daniel Webster. Adele Maloney 2 :24 Alamo by Almont. Zaida K 2:30 Alamosa by Alamo. Our Nora, p 2:17 Alar Cly by Almont. Alar Clay Jr Almambro :*4 Snip Clay 2:25% Alar Clay Jr. by Alar Clay. HattieS 2:16% Alaric by Cuyler. Emma Hayes 2:24 Alaric by Richwood. Victor B 2:20 Alaric by Arcturus. Elwood 2:30 Alaric by Almont. Jim Golden 2:30 Alaric Almont by Almont. Jim Corbett, p 2 :19*4 Alarm by Walkill Chief. Dancer 2:25*4 Alaska by Electioneer. LenaH. 2:29% Alastor by Almont. RuthN 2:29*4 Alban by Gen. Benton, SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Hilarita 2:29)4 Seylax 2:24)4 Albam. Albena.p ...2:26 Albatross by Floramonr. MarjieC.,P :.'.2:20 Albert by Pilot Duroc. Honest George 2:14*4 Albert by Algiers. Billy Warren 2:24*4 Albert Lee by Florida. PoPoLo, p ...:. 2:20 Albert W. by Electioneer. Albert T 2:19)4 Arthur Dodge 2 :20V4 Dudley Olcott 2:18)4 Little Albert 2:10 Miss Albert 2:25)4 Neernut 2:26 Pansy Blossom 2 :28*4 William Albert 2 :20)4 Amelia, p 2:21*4 Flowing Tide, p 2 :14% High Tide 2:17*4 Albert Mack by McGregor Chief. Henry G 2:28 Albert S. Patchen. J.B.,p 2:26i/ 2 Albion by Peters' Halcorn. Vanity Fair 2:24*4 Albion by Gen. Benton. Pomona, p 2 :15 Albion by Highland Boy. Capt. Hamner 2 :30 Gen. Smith 2:20 Albrino by Almont. Albrina 2:27 Fauntleroy 2 :23)4 lonaS 2:17)4 Dr. Dix.p 2:30 Elsmere, p 2 :29*4 Alburn by Almont. Almont 2:17*4 Grace Darling 2 :26*4 Myrtle N 2:20*4 Smock W 2:28 . Alcalde by Mambrino Chief. Enigma 2:26 Fancy Day 2:30 Hylas 2:24*4 MaryB 2:29 Alcalde Jr. by Alcalde. Adelaide 2:30 SusieG 2:26% Alcamont by Bostick'sAlmont Jr. Miss Kent 2:25 Alcander by Alcantara. Annacander 2 :28% Col. Crombie 2 :26J4 Prince Alcander, p... 2:17)4 Whistle,p 2:lli4 Whisper, p 2 :26)4 Alcandre by Alcyone. Solarion, p 2:23*4 Alcantara by George Wilkes. Ada 2:28)4 AddieL 2:24% Alar 2:11 Alcagetta 2:25 Alcander 2:20*4 Alcantaras 2:20)4 Alcantine 2:29*4 Alcavala 2:29 Alcazar 2:24*4 Alhambra ,...2:20 Alicante 2:20)4 Alice Wilkes 2:17*4 Alpha 2:23*4 Altus.... 2:25)4 Apollo Wilkes ..2:28% Arena 2:15*4 Arguile 2:25 Autograph 2:16 l / Black Victor 2:26*4 Callisto 2 :26*4 Curio ...2:25 Daun R 2:22% Estabrook 2 :29% Etta 2:28 Etiquette ..2 :28*4 FiUmore 2:29*4 Foggy 2:27*4 GeorgiaH 2:17*4 Irene 2:23% Joe Wilkes 2:30 Lady Emma 2 :28*4 Lady Tessa 2:27)4 Lavender 2:28)4 Mahlon... '."'.!2:13% Mary S 2:28 Mink 2:22% Miss Alice 2 :13*4 Nancy Rice 2:25 Olga 2:26)4 Porcelain 2:23% Queen Anne 2:30 Queen Fearnaught...2:25*i Rensselser Wilkes ....2:18)4 Robert Lee 2:18*4 Robert M. Taylor 2 :23*4 Sargent 2:27*4 Seamstress 2:26 Thornton 2 :26)4 Tryingham 2 :29*4 White Socks 2 :20*4 Willis A... 2:24% Wilkimont... 2:27% Wilkes Bee 2:27)4 Wilkesdale 2 :29 Alcedo,p 2:23)4 Alcinta, p 2 :16% Allegro, p 2:19)4 Allen Lowe, p 2:12 Attractive, p 2 :18*4 Bayard Wilkes, p 2 :13% Burdette, p 2 :21*4 Bokhara, p 2:20 Chronos, p 2:12 1 / 2 Clara C. p 2:24 El Capitan, p 2 :20*4 Eugenie, p 2:19% Foggy, p 2:13)4 Gold Beater, p 2 :20*4 Hamlin, p 2:26)4 Hattie P. p 2:27*4 Janey, p 2 :16*4 ..2:16 ..2:23)4 ..2:20 ,.2:29% .2:13*4 Jed Davis, p Lady Hamilton, p Lady Lee, p Mpntezuma, p Nightingale, p Parker, p, 2 :28*4 Raven, p 2:11)4 TillieB. p 2:21*4 Zero, p ... 2:29 Alcantara Jr. by Alcantara. Eliza 8 2:16*4 Alcantara Prince by Alcan- tara. Chet Wilkes ...2:25 Alcazar by Sultan. Ardent 2:30 Bric-A-Brac 2 :28 J4 Kaffir 2:29% Kebir ...2:28)4 Mista i .2:29 Princeton 2 :29% Sacramento Girl ...... 2 :30 Alcazar by Alcantara. Alcazar Belle 2 :24)4 Lobelia 2:24*4 Phantom 2 :24% Zora Zar, p 2:24% Almary, p 2:23*i Zora Zar, p 2:24)4 Alcona by Almont. Alcona Jr 2:19 Almonition 2 :24% Clay Duke 2:29 Flora Belle 2:25 LuluC 2:29% Veronica 2:29 Alcona Clay by Alcona. KingOrry 2:21*4 Alcona Jr. by Alcona. Silas Skinner 2:17 Graceful George, p . . .2 :23 Alcone by Alcyone. Benton Wilkes 2 :22 Jefferson Wilkes 2 :26 Shea Wilkes 2:24% Alcryon by Alcyone. Albert 2:29)4 Alcyo by Alcyone. LadyAlcy 2:19 Alcyone by George Wilkes. Adventurer 2 :27*4 Alaska 2:27)4 Alcandre 2:26% Alcryon 2:15 Alcyona 2:29 Alcyone Belle 2:29% Alcyonium 2 :24)4 Alcyone Jr ..2:18% Alcy Wilkes 2:16 Alcyrene 2:27% Alcyrene 2:28% Ber* shire Belle 2:22*4 Bush 2:14)4 Carrie Wilkes 2 :28 Don Wilkes 2:24% Eastview 2:23% El Banecia 2 :20)4 Erena 2:19% Florence Palmer 2 :29*4 Geraldine 2:21 Golden Rod 2 :19% Guardsman 2 :23*4 Hallie B 2:26% Harrietta ...2:09% lona 2:17*4 lone 2:27 J. J. Audubon 2:19 L'Empereur 2 :25 McKinney 2:11)4 Martha Wilkes 2:08 Neponset 2:24)4 Patience 2:27*4 Quartermaster 2 :21)4 Queechy 2 :14)4 Ramona 2:16 Silverone 2:19% Springcroft 2 :26% Star Alcyone 2:24)4 Turner 2:23)4 Twang 2:18*4 Whitefoot 2:22% Whizz Wilkes 2:29)4 Alcyo, p 2:11 Allmyown, p 2:24% Jones Ordway, p 2:16% SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Medeoyone, p 2 :25 Prince Alcyone, p .... 2 :15*4 Alcyone Jr. by Alcyone. Little Sim, p 2:29*4 Alcy Wilkes by Alcyone. Cheerful Alcy, p 2 : Alcrayon by Alcyone. Florences 2:2354 Alcryon by Alcyone. Albert 2:2954 Al Carroll 2:24*4 Alcyonium by Alcyone. Nelly N 2:2554 Alden Goldsmith by Volun- teer. Alden 2:26 JaneR 2:26K King Rock 2:30 Lilly Dale 2:25*4 Nestor 2:30 Victory 2:24% Aldrich Colt by Nero. Oceana Chief 2:23 Alecto by Almont. Australia 2:30 Tecoma 2 :19*4 Alert by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian. Alex C 2:21 Freddy 2:24*4 EdwinH 2:27*4 Alexander by George M. Patcheu Jr. Alex 2:26 Alexander Button 2:26 1 / 2 Nelly Patchen 2:2754 Reliance 2 :22*4 Tommy Dodd 2:24 Alexander (De Graff's) by Goldsmith's Abdallah. Ivica 2:24*4 Silas Wright 2:2354 Alexander (France's) by Ben Patchen. Dillard Alexander . . . . 2 :30 France 2:26 Alexander Button by Alexan- der. Alexander Button Jr. 2:26% Billy Button 2:27 Gen. Logan 2:2354 Bird Button 2:29% Hattie B 2:20% Laura Z 2:1&54 Lucy B 2:17*2 Mabel H 2:1754 Margaret Worth 2 :1754 Maud C 2:28*4 Rosie Mac 2:20% Belle Button, p 2 :18*4 MattieB.,p 2:26% Thomas Ryder, p 2 :1354 Vidette.p 2:16 YoloMaid,p 2:12 Alexander Dumas by Dumas. Pearl C 2:30 S. V. White 2:29% Jubilo.p 2:2854 Mac Beth,p 2:30 Alexander H. Sherman by Backman's Idol. Accident 2:26*4 Harry Sherman 2:25 Maggie Sherman 2 :1654 Sheraldine 2:2954 Alexander Jefferson by Thos. Jefferson. Belle Jefferson 2 :30 Tid Jefferson 2 :27*4 Alexander Norman. Kentucky Tom, p 2 :26*4 Alfonso by Baron Wilkes. Freeland 2:17% Alfred by Gen. Benton. Langton 2:21% Alfred by Charles Backman. Ophelia, p 2:16*4 Ali red G. by Anteeo. Nellie Alfred 2 :27*4 Queen Alfred 2:1854 Foxhound, p 2:2654 Algardia. Black Bess 2:2654 Algeria Wilkes by Alcyone. Algeria Belle 2:28*4 Jessie Wilkes 2 :1934 Hugar, p 2:21 Algiers by Atlantic. Panic, p 2:2854 Algona by Almont. ' AddieE 2:19 Flying Jib, p 2:04 Warrina.p 2:25 Alhamar by Almont Chief. Clifton Boy, p 2:21*4 DickB., p 2:18*4 Alhambra by Middletown. Limber Jim 2 :30 Lottie 2:2654 Rena 2:2654 Alhambra byLegal Tender Jr. Kansas Jack, p 2:20 Alhambra Chief by Almont Chief. Magnoma 2 :30 Allahoe. JoeFifer, p 2:2754 Allandorf by Onward. Gelaya 2:17*4 Cudahy 2:21 Dorfmark 2:2154 Goldman 2 :29*4 Monadock 2:29% None Better 2 :23% Silverthorne 2 : 19*4 Spy 2:27*4 Virgin 2:29*4 Strong Boy, p 2:12 Allan Stonay. Mayflower, p 2:25*4 Allard Horse, pedigree un- known. Rattler (Rowley's) ... 2 :25*4 Alleghany Boy by Wood's Hambletonian. Harry McNair 2:18 Hattie H 2:26*4 Nancy Hacket 2 :29 Rosewater, p 2 :1354 Alleghany Chief by Sir Solo- mon. Jilt..... 2:28*4 Allegro by Swigert. Whitelaw Chief 2:25 LeoS., p 2:22 Allen Sontag by Ethan Allen. Ralph D.,p 2:26% Allerton by Jay Bird. Bird Allerton 2:29*4 Falfa 2:20 Prince Allerton. ...... 2 :28% Feura, p 2:28 Allegro by Ethan Allen. Dixie 2:26% Monald McKay 2:22*4 Alley Russell by Mambrino Russell. Alice Russell 2:2654 Dandy R 2:275-4 George Russell 223*4 Billy Russell, p 2 :1954 Frank Russell, p. ...2:25 Robert Russell, p ...2:13*4 RuesellB.,p 2:15 Allie Clay by Almont. Clayola 2:21 54 Clayson, p 2 :25 Dandy Eastmont, p. . . 2 :26*4 Allie Gaines by Almont. Alice 2:26*4 Allie Gee 2:22V 4 Allie Graham 2 :29 J 4 Alta 2:17*4 Ben Gaines 2:275* Billy Gaines ' 2:23 Douglas Almont 2 :29 Ira Gaines 2 :1354 J.B.S 2:1954 Jessie Gaines 2:15*4 Joe Gaines 2:25 LallaRookh, p 2:20% Star Gaines, p 2:20*4 Allie West by Col. West. Dr. J.,p 2:13% Allie West by Almont. Charley West 2:27 Hold en Davis 2 :24*4 Jewett 2:20 RachelB 2:28 J / 2 Charley Friel, p 2:15% Frank Champ, p 2 :16& Jewett. p 2:14 Allie Wilkes (France's) by Red Wilkes. Allie Gee 2:2934 Ben Downs 2 :29*4 Capt. Wilkes 2:25% Mad Eye 2:29*4 Redwood Wilkes 2 :284 Smuggler Wilkes. .... 2 :22*4 Allie A., p 2:20 Arlington, p 2:2354 Gilman,p 2:21*4 Jenny W., p 2:26*4 Allie Wilkes (Newton's) by Geo. Wilkes. Biddy Donovan 2 :27 Grover Wilkes 2 :30 Loughran W 2 :17% Pat Donovan 2 :27% Sadie Hasson 2:2654 Bessie H., p 2:22% Joe Wilkes, p 2:19% Rally Wilkes, p 2 :20*4 All Right by Taggert s Ab- dallah. All Right Jr 2:29*4 C.P.R 2:26'/ 2 Charley Mitchell 2:28?4 George Lee 2:23*4 Folly 2:2754 Rowdy,p 2:28 Almanace Tattler by Alma- nace, SirRae, p 2:24*4 Almouarch by Almont. Almarch 2:30 Allmonarch 2 :19 l / 2 Darbee 2:23% Frederica 2:2054 Harry B 2:29*4 MaryG 2:27k Queen Allah 2:2154 SJRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. SarahB 2:20% Star Monarch 2 :234 Daisy Webb, p 2 :28H June Bug, p 2:15*4 Edith D., p ..2:26 Elmonarch, p 2 :15}4 S.R.,p.., 2:13*4 Almoneer by Young Jim. Golden Link 2:30 Lady Lightfoot 2:284 Almont by Alexander's Ab- dallah. Alchemist 2:30 Aldine 2:19*4 Alice Addison 2 :284 Alice West 2:26 Allie West 2:25 Almonarch 2 :24% Almont Eagle 2 :27 Almont Jr.(Bostick's)2:29 Almont Jr.(Hamlin's)2:26 Almont Star 2:28% Alta 2:23*4 Altamont 2:26% Altitude 2:28 Annie S 2:26% Atlantic 2:21 Clermont 2:29% Dolly Davis Early Rose Effie Ella Earl. Fanny Witherspoon 2:29 .2-2(84 .2:27*4 .2:25 .2:16M Grandmont 2:254 Jack Splan 2 :26% John F. Phelps Jr.. ..2:26 Katie Jackson 2 :25% KingAlmout 2:21*4 Lillian 2:23 Lister 2:25*4 Musette 2:29*4 Nutmont 2:224 Piedmont 2:17*4 Sannie G 2:27 Tilton Almont 2:26 Tocsin 2:22% Una 2:27H Puritan, p 2:16 R.H.W.,p 2:254 Westmont, p 2 :13% Almont (Archer's) by Almont. Female Pirate, p 2 :174 Almont (Wirt's) by Almont. Allie Ambassador 2:27 Almont (Center's) by Bos- tick's Almont Jr. Col. Dorsey 2:25 Almont (Morris') by Almont. Almont 2:25 DaisyM 2:25 Almont, p 2:29 GroverC.,p... 2:20 Harry Lynn, p 2 :19H Almont Jr. (Bostick's) by Almont. Adfleld 2:224 Albion 2:25*4 AlmontM 2:30 Alvan 2:254 Andante 2:204 Annie W 2:20 B. B. Custer 2:224 Beaumont 2 :284 Col. Lament 2 :26*4 Elkmont 2:30 Frank Buford 2:20 lanthe 2:16 Judge Lindsey 2:21*4 Laura F 2:194 Lightfoot 2:30 Louisa Almont 2:25 Royalmont 2:29*4 Sam Harris.., 2:29*4 SusieT 2:23*4 Almont Jr. (Hamlin's) by Al- mont. Aileen Almont 2 :25*4 Albany 2:30 Algonquin 2 :18*4 Almont General 2:244 Almont Patchen 2:29*4 Altogether 2:19*4 Belle Hamlin 2 :12% Elaine 2:274 Clarice 2:294 Colden Belle 2:20*4 Cora 2:26 Delegate 2 :21 *4 Etelka 2:21fc Gilmore 2:21*4 Globe 2:14% Grandee 2:274 Hollander 2:30 Hollister 2:21 Huon 2:28*4 Justina 2:20 Lucretia 2 :20 Mary Anderson 2 :27*4 Maud T 2:19*4 Pansy 2:17% Play Boy 2:184 Prince Almont 2 :27 Starmont 2 :284 Touchstone 2:30 Verdict 2:27% Wardwell 2:14*4 Actor,p.. 2:22*4 Dustmont, p 2:264 Glendennis, p 2 :17*4 Gracie,p 2:21*4 Grandmother, p 2 :20% J.S.U.,p 2:22 Lackawanna, p 2 :24*4 Intrepid, p 2 :26*4 James D., p 2:26 Nelly Y., p 2:254 Ovid, p 2:154 Wardwell, p 2:16*4 Willink, p 2:30 Woodmont, p 2 :234 Almont (Ramer's). Judge A.,p 2:20 Almont Aberdeen by Aber- deen. A. A 2:26 Aileen, p 2:21 Almont Boy (Jenkin's) by Al- mont. Bessie G 2:254 Grafton 2:204 Almont Boy (Paschall's) by Bostick's Almont Jr. Adra Belle 2:174 Aline 2:144 Dr. Almont 2:21% Dallas, p 2:114 Gil Curry, p 2 :114 Hal Clay, p 2:24*4 Robin Boy,p 2:26% Almont Chief by Almont. Almont Brunswick. ... 2 :25*4 Almont Gift 2:27*4 Almont Wagoner 2 :294 Dandy C 2:21% Gold Leaf Maid . 2 :24 *4 Minnie Young, p 2 :28 Almont Eagle. Fred O 2:294 Almont Eclipse by Almont. C.C.K 2:24 F. H 2:294 Fremont 2:30 Harry Almont 2:24*4 Sargent 2:26*4 S.D. C 2:25% David Wilkes, p 2 :224 Almont Ford by Hamlin's Al- mont Jr. Acme Girl 2 -29*4 Hideaway 2:23% Almont Gift by Almont Chief Earlmont 2:21 Jmont King by Al West. Dr. Keely,p 2:24 Almont Ledo by Gen. Withers Belle B 2:254 Don 2:19% Almont Lightning by Almont Lightning Maid 2:274 Almont M. by Bostick's Al- mont Jr. Allen Boy 2:27*4 Alma 2:284 Nelly Blackwing 2 :29*4 Jack,p 2:22 Mack,p 2:26*4 Rushmont.p 2:22% Almont Mambrino by Almont Gracie Almont 2 :30 Almont Medium by Happy Medium. EvaT 2:264 Lynmont 2 :234 Mark Medium 2 :164 Richard Almont 2 :284 Warwick Medium 2:21*4 Prince Almont, p 2 :134 Almont Patchen by Juanito. Laura M., p 2:134 Almontonian by Almont. Jerry Almont 2 :26*4 Almont Pilot by Almont. Billy Bolton 2:15*4 Clairmont 2:28% Eli Almont 2:224 Nobody's Claim 2:26 Rienzi Almont 2 :28 Rosemont 2:234 Maggie Almont, p. .. .2:18 Almont Pilot by Almont. Almont Star 2:25 Almont Pilot (Sayler's). J ack the Ripper, p. . . 2 :26*4 Almont Prince by Almont. Harrop's Tom 2:264 Almont Prince by Almont. Josie Bates 2:27 1 4 Almont Rattler by Almont Dandy Boy 2:29% Orphia 2:274 Parone 2:25*4 Precocious 2 :29 Satilla 2:24 Almont Raven by Almont. Raven 2:27% Almont Bashaw, p...2:12 Altana,p 2:27^4 Monteg. p 2:294 Almont Revenge. David P 2:244 Almont Sentinel by Sentinel. Sentinel 2:29*4 Almont Smith by Almont. Katie Howard, p 2 :19% SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Almont Star by Almont. Altamont .2 :29% Fremont 2 :29*4 H.L. J 2:27*4 Louise Kellogg 2 :27 l / 2 Miss Copelaud, p 2:2554 Rose Almont 2:30 Almont Wilkes by Almont. Republican 2 :19*4 Superintendent 2 :22 Red Bandana, p 2 :14*s Almont Wilkes by Wilkie Col- lins. Allegro 2:18*4 Dahlia Wilkes 2 :24*/ 2 Almoon by Algona. Delmas 2:25% Leona 2:28 Almoor by New York. Goldie May 2:30 Almore by Almont. Belle Mora 2:28 Alonzo Hayward by Billy Hayward. Gladys.p 2:29*/ 2 Alpine by Almont. Algoma 2:19% Alpine by Edward Everett. LpuiseN 2:20*4 Alpington by Pilot Medium. Dandy L 2:29*4 Alroy by Almont. Alcaide 2:28*4 Albertha 2:22*/ 2 Alzippa 2:14H NellyF 2:28% Alois, p 2:25 Atlas.p 2:28*4 Harry H.,p 2:23*4 Sateen, p^ 2:28 Also by Blackwood Jr. AlsoJr 2:30 Alta by American Clay. Roger Hanson 2 :28*4 Stranger .2:29 Altamont by Almont Almonette 2 :29*4 Alta 2:23*4 Alta A 2:29*4 Altao 2:16 Altena 2:26*4 Althaia 2:27*4 Canemah 2:19% Coqueta 2:30 Georgie Woodthorpe. 2:19*4 Lady Beach 2:26 1 / 2 Lady Daphne 2:21*4 Malheur 2:27 McMinnville Maid.... 2:22 Mary A 2:30 Oneco 2:29% Pearl Fisher 2:18*4 Pricemont 2:26 Stem winder 2:25*4 Truemont 2:21*4 Tybalt 2:2754 Vinmont 2:29 Wallula 2:2954 Altawood, p 2:24*4 Chehalis.p 2:24*4 DelNorte, p 2:14 1 / 2 Doc Sperry , p 2 K)9 EllaT., p 2:12 Klickitat Maid.p 2:19 Touchet, p 2:15 Altamore. Allimore 2:29% Altar by Abdalbrino. GroverC... 2:30 Altimont by Almont. Jasper 2:25*4 Altitude by Almont. Black Joe.. 2:2754 Doctor S 2:2954 Greystone 2 :28*4 MaxO'Rell 2:24% Patola 2:19*4 SirArchy.p 2:16*4 Altheus by Onward, Amboies 2 :26*4 Alto by Indianapolis. McKinley,p 2:20*/ 2 Altoona by Almont, Allo 2:22*/ 2 Allorita 2:16% MayB 2:30 FloraG 2:25 AlmoJay, p 2:19 Altorf by Almont. Boniface 2 :26*4 Alturas by Harold. Altaree 2:30 Altus by Alcantara. Alrich 2:30 Alvan by Bostick's Almont Jr Ellemac 2:27 Alvan Swift, p 2 :11% Aldeban, p 2:21 Alvarado by Knickerbocker. Alvary 2:30 Martin B 2:30 Al West by Almont. Almont King 2:2954 JohnL 2:29*4 Lou Gates 2:2954 Dr. J 2:28 Cleveland, p 2 :29*4 Laura T., p 2:09% Pattie West, p 2:17 Red Rover, p 2 :25*4 Rattler, p ...2:22*4 Al West Jr. by Al West. Odessa Clipper, p 2 :23% Alwood by Almont. JoeKinney 2:26*4 Clatawa, p 2:23V4 Ambassador by George Wil- kes. Abercrombie 2 :2U4 Abnet 2:29*4 Amaranth 2:27*4 Amazon 2:29% Amoskeag 2:23 Bandoline.. 2:23 Belle of Navarre 2 :28*4 Bridal Gift 2:28*4 Corinne 2 :24*4 Dandy Wilkes 2 :23% Dancourt 2:16*4 Ebony Wilkes 2 :29% Election 2:26*4 Embassador 2:25 Embassy 2:21% Emblem 2:27*4 Exarch 2 :23*4 Gen.Alger 2:24 Keokee 2:20*/ 2 KingNasir 2:21*4 LadyHouk 2:29*/ 2 Lilawah 2 :29*4 Lucy W 2:25*4 Miss Grace 2:29% Napoleon Belle 2 :27*4 Nelly H 2:28*4 Pontoosuc 2:29% Royal Ambassador. ..2:26% Roxiana '2:25*4 Sunbeam 2:28 Vashto 2:27*4 Wyandot. 2:19*4 Young Embassador. . .2 :24% Ambulator, p 2:21*4 Black Ambassador, p. 2 :25 Black Wilkes, p 2 :24V 4 Cuckoo, p 2:16*4 Georgia Wilkes, p .... 2 :29*4 HyWilkes,p 2:20 Lady Wilkins, p 2:15*4 Sciota Girl, p. 2:15*4 Amber by Clear Grit. AmberF 2:30 Ivanhoe 2:27*4 John Duncan, p 2:25 Amboy by Green s Bashaw. Atlas 2:29*4 Clara Cleveland 2 :23 Corbin Bashaw 2 :26% Gov. St. John 2:27*4 Gov. Wood 2:29 James H 2:21*4 Lady Kerns 2:29 1 / 2 Liberty Boy 2:27 Nest Egg 2:29% Wade Hampton 2 :29*4 Amboy ^Hazlett's) by Amboy. Biddie B 2:26*4 Eva 2:26% Jessie McCorkle 2:15 Amender by Meander. Cameo 2:28*4 Golden Gem 2:24 America by Kentucky Prince. Siam 2:26*4 American by Whitehall. Nelly Holcomb 2:28 American Boy by JohnGilpin Ripton 2:26 American Boy by Star Ham- bletonian. Lucy C 2:30 William G 2:25*4 GracieL.,p 2:24*4 JackHart.p 2:23*4 American Boy by Pocahontas Boy. American Boy Jr., p.. 2:20 American Girl, p, 2:20*4 American Lady, p .... 2 :24% Billy Stewart, p 2:18% Cambridge Boy, p.... 2:18 Cambridge Girl, p .... 2 :11*4 Daisy Mack, p 2:25 DickH.,p .....2:18 Euchre Boy, p 2:2954 Floral Boy,p 2:17*4 George B., p 2:26/4 LenaF.,p, 2:27*4 Non Parole, p 2:18V 4 Lucky Boy, p 2:21 Mutual, p 2:21k Tasco, p 2:21% William V.,p 2:21 American Clay by Strader's CassiusM. Clay Jr. Ella Clay 2:27*4 Granville 2:26 Maggie Briggs 2:27 American Emperor by Bridges' Emperor. Dot 2:29% American Emperor Jr. by American Emperor. Lottie K 2:27 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. American Ethan by Ethan Allen. Daniel Webster 2 :29 54 Fanny Raymond 2 :30 George H. Mitchell. ..2:26 Mattie C 2:25% Morgan Ethan 2:29% Nelly Webster 2:28% NetaPine 2:29*4 American Star (Conklin's) by Seely's American Star. Lowland Mary 2 :25 St. Cloud 2:21 Star 2:30 American Star Jr. by Seely's American Star. Stephen M 2:28% American Star (Seely's) by American Star. Bolly Lewis 2:29% Lady Whitman 2 :30 Newburg 2:30 Widow Machree 2:29 Amurath by Suite n. Handalier, p 2:25 Andante by Bostick's Almont Andrew Allison 2 :22% Camlet 2:20% Anderson Wilkes by Onward. Jack Sheppard 2 :14% Lacova 2:2254 Lady Anderson 2 :2854 Laomi 2:2454 Waltz 2:2954 Effie Powers, p 2 :10% Harlow,p. 2:27% Lady Anderson, p . . . .2 :24% Lavogue, p 2 :23 PatDelaney 2:18% Prestoria Wilkes p. ..222*4 Robert B.,p 2:20 Andes by Clay Cuyler. O'Neill 2:29 Andrew Jackson, untraced. Elmore Everett 2 :30 Andrew Jackson Jr. by Long Island Black Hawk. California Damsel.. ..2:24% Happy Jack 2:30 Andrew Jackson (Sheffield's), untraced. Brutus Girl 2:21% Androws Horse by Crawford Horse (Canadian). Startle 2:26% Andy Johnson by Henry Clay. Belle S 2:281/2 Joe Hooker 2:30 S.S.Ellsworth 2:29 Sir Henry, p 2:22*4 Star Henry ,p 2 :28% Annapolis by Woodford Mam- brino. JackD 2:28 1 / 2 Anoka by Egraont. Lyle,p 2:21 % Ansel by Electioneer. Anselma 2:29% Answer 2:1454 Antella 2:26% Ariana 2:26 Clarion 2:25% Maria Ansel 2:25 Nettie B 2:20% Norris 2:2254 Ansonia by Jay Gould. Cremonia 2:28 W.B 2:2954 An tar by Almont. Alto 2:26% Billy W 2:25% FlossieG 2:1854 Jack Clark 2:2754 Little Billy 2:21 % North Ann 2 :25% Ray C 2:29 Robert 2:2554 Volusia 2:20% Bergletta, p 2 :28% Antar Jr. by Antar. Dandy L.,p 2:2954 Anteeo by Electioneer. Abanteeo 2:17*4 Alfred G 2:19% Antarees 2:27*4 Anteeo Jr 2:2554 Anteeo Richmond .... 2 :2454 Anteeoyne 2:23 Anthelia 2 :18 Dan Brown 2 :24% Electee 2:29*4 Eoline 2:14% Ethel Mack 2:24*4 Fanny D 2:26 G.andM 2:29% Gray Belle 2:27 James Madison 2:17% Maudee 2:2854 Maud Fowler 2:21% MaudM 2:20% Myrtle 2:19% Mountain Maid 2 :22J4 Rayonetta 2:27 Redwood 2:21% Rex 2:22% Sunset 2:29% Tietam 2:19 Anteeo Jr. by Anteeo. Hailstorm 2:30 Antenor by Messenger Duroc. Lyra 2:28% McKenzie 2:2554 Antenor Jr. by Antenor. Scramble 2:22% Antioch by Daniel Boone. Emmaetta 2:29 Antonio by Messenger Duroc. Antonina 2:26% Comanche 2:27% Tuscarora 2 :22% Anteros by Electioneer. Anterose 2:25 Don Anteros 2 :30 Major Ross 2:2454 NellieF 2:25 Antidote, p 2:27 Cairn, p 2:2354 Doc Christie, p 2:21 Dudley, p 2:14% NellyF.p 2:1354 Antevolo by Electioneer. Antioch 2 :2154 Berceto 2:29 Maud Merrill 2:18 Consolation, p 2 :17 Ivolo, p 2:25% LetaMay, p 2:23% Anthony Wayne by Andy Johnon. Brown Dick 2:2954 Antinous by Electioneer. Hillsdale 2:17% John Bury 2:22 Antonilli by Cardinal. LadyG 2:2954 Appl JoJ >leby by Antar. fbhn W 2:2954 Prince 2:18% Lucy M. p 2:2354 April Fool by Administrator. Sweet Child 2 :29% Aquarius by Pancoast. Pride 2:18 Arabesque by King Rene. Arabelle 2:26% Aarasene 2:2854 Aravant 2:2454 Aragon by Madrid. Alice Eddy 2:25 Arcadian by Egbert. Forest King 2:29% Genie L 2:25% Arbiter by Administrator. Artamesa 2:29% Archie Hambletonian by Sen- tinel. Jessie Ballard 2:25 Archie Mambrino, pedigree not traced. Billy Dayton 2:27% Architect by Princeps. MaudC.,p 2:26% Argamont. Argamont 2:29% Argonaut Woodburn by Pilot. Clotilda 2:2854 Indiana Boy 2:29% Leo 2:2454 Argyle by Cuyler. Fiction 2:2454 Lady of Lyons 2:21% Aristocrat by Dictator. Eager 2:28 Minnie May, p 2 :22% Aristos by Daniel Lambert. Arctic 2:24 Aristomont 2 :27% Aristotle 2:22% Aristos Chief 2 :30 Carlotta 2:26 Clegg Wright 2:29 Col. Kip 2:2454 Essex 2:29 Frank Dana 2 :29% Gillig 2:23% H.B. Winship 2:205 Jack 2:2954 JohnI 2:26*4 Levi Aristos 2 :26% Lexington Chief 2 :30 B.D.F 2:2154 Tamerlane..... 2:29 Rusty 2:2454 Warren 2:20% G.H. K.p 2:21 Lexington Chief, p. . .2 :2054 Linden, p 2:26% Sherman Aristos, p . . .2 :29 Aristos Jr. by Aristos. Don Aristos 2 :29% Treadway 2:24% Lady Vivian, p 2 :1754 Lady Sam, p 2:22% Arkansaw Traveler. Yankee Girl, p 2 :22J4 Arlington by A . Lady Douglas 2:2454 Arminms by Reveler. Dodger 2:18 Armagh hy Aberdeen. Adelaide 2:29% Alpha 2:21% Roman 2:29 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Arnold by Goldsmith's Abdal- lah. McCready 2:29% Ready Boy 2:2334 Twilight 2:20 1 /z Brant Arnold, p 2 :2934 Arostook Boy. Cleopatra, p 2 :29* Arrowwood by Nutwood. Luella Shawhan, p . . ..2 :23 Arsaces by Alcyone. Capt. Walbridge 2:1834 E. W. L 2:25 1 / 2 Uncle Josh 2 : 20* Artemas by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Allie Swift 2:27 Abe Smith 2:24% Artemas B 2:25% Belva B 2:2034 Billy B 2:2334 Blanalco 2:2934 Belle Girl 2:25* Charley Burch 2 :23* Claudius 2 :29% Green Girl 2:2134 RobertL 2:29% S. W.C 2:27 Wyandotte 2 :2434 Eylight, p 2:1934 Handy B 2:16% Manilla Girl, p 2:2434 Pinewood, p 2:20 Tom Edison, p 2:21* Arthur S. by Oceana Chief. Turk 2:27 Arthur Wilkes byGov.Wilkes. Annie Wilkes 2:24* Lady A., p 2:2334 Arthur Wilkes by GuyWilkes. Lucy W 2:283/2 Wayland W 2:12* Welcome 2:27 l / 2 Arthurton by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Arab 2:15 Bonanza 2:29 1 / 2 Joe Arthurton . . '. 2 :20* Lady Escott 2 :26y 2 Pantomime 2:2134 Sheeny 2:29% Artillery by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Armory 2:29% Artilla 2:20 Bellini 2:1334 Item 2:2634 Selleta 2:23* Arcturus, p 2:25 Artist Wilkes by Red Wilkes. Maj.Clelland 2:20* Ashland by Mambrino Chief. Fanny Burroughs 2:2734 Highland Win 2:26 JoePettit 2:30 Ashland Almont by Almont. BelleA 2:30 Ashland Boy by Fergus Mc- Gregor. Ashland Girl 2:2234 Ashland Chief by Mambrino Chief. Ashland Kate 2:29% Black Cloud 2:1734 Blue Cloud 2:27 Ashland Clay by Curtis' Clay. GeorgieM., p 2:16* Little Frank, p 2:1934 Ashland Sprague by Gov. Sprague. Dandy Sprague 2 :25 Red Ashland Wilkes. BertOliver 2.1934 Carroll W T ilkes 2:2534 Laudema Wilkes 2 :28* Maxie B 2:28* Mortis Wilkes 2:2934 Myron McHenry 2:18* Phyllis Tee 2:2334 Wilkecho 2:30 Bide-a-Wee, p 2:25 Delia Sherman, p 2;21* John R . Gentry, p .... 2 :03% Maxey B, p 2:23* President Wilkes, p. .2:19* Ashman by Sherman. Spencer Girl 2:30 Ashtabula by Atlantic. Sadie B 2:2434 Ashwood by Wedgewood. Cora Ashwood 2 :21% Athlete by Almont. Athlete Jr 2:2934 Athlete Rex 2:2834 Athlot 2:>434 Aubrey 2:27 Bessie F 2:29* First Call 2:2034 Isaac G 2:26% Mabel M 2:30 Craighead, p 2:27 Atlantic by Almont. Atlanta Meleager .... 2 :26* Algiers 2:29% Atlantic General 2 :25 Atlantic Jr 2:2134 Betsy Trotwood 2:26* Dandy 2:14% Gypsy Belle 2:25* Jeff Davis 2:1734 Lulo 2:27* Redmont 2:21 Alton L., p 2:23* Arctic, p 2:2134 Argosy, p 2 :25 Atlantic Gem, p 2 :2834 Atlantic Gift, p 2 :28y 2 Atlantic King, p 2:09% MaudMuller, p 2:25 Pierpont Girl, p 2 :24% W.L.,p 2:19* Atlantic (Bard's) by Almont. Atlanta, p 2:22* Atlantic Chief by Stevens' Bald Chief. Boston Davis 2 :26* Nettle 2:29* Atlantic King by Atlantic. Frank Bogash, p 2 :26% Atto Rex by Attorney. AltaReina 2:27 Roy Rex 2:28% Attorney by Harold. Atto Rex 2:21% Chadron 2:27 Dandy Dan 2:2434 KittyC 2-30 MabelA 2:2334 Roger K 2:2634 Attorney Jr., p 2:12 Gov- Lucas, p 2:24% Maggie A.,p 2:25 Atwood by Green's Bashaw. Sagwa 2:27% Atwood by Nutwood. Estella Atwood 2 :2934 Hazelwood 2 :29H Marwood 2:30 Morgwood 2:29* WedenK 2: 9 634 Almont, p 2 :28* Aubrey by Athlete. Rob Roy 2:29% Zero 2:18* Auctioneer by Alcantara. AltaMay 2:28* Auctioneer. Rodney J 2:2134 Auctioneer Johnnie by George M. Patchen. Lilly Mack 2:2434 Auditor by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian. Bracelet 2:25 Burglar 2:2434 Epaulet 2:19 August Bel' out by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Astral 2:18 Don Cossack 2:28 Aurora by Daniel Lambert. Constance 2 :2134 Daniel Lambert 2:28 Maud 2:27 Daphne, p 2:29* Austerlitz by August Belmont Australia 2:26% Dolly B 2:27* Lady Lannon 2 :25* Autocrat by Volunteer. Rare Ripe 2:1934 Autocrat by George M. Pat- chen. Little Frank 2:24% Autocrat by Havoc. Alarmist 2:2134 Autograph by Alcantara. Fraulein 2:29* Jacksonian 2 :19% Rapid Transit 2:2934 Spirea 2:2434 Autumn by Time Medium. Agatha 2:24* Avalon by Marlborough. 2:29* A. W. Richmond by Simpson's Blackbird. Dick Richmond 2:20 Jack 2:26 Larco 2:28 Leon 2:2234 Richelieu 2:2934 Richmond Jr 2:15 Romero 2:19* Rosewald 2:29* What Ho 2:2534 Arrow p 2:1334 Ellwood. p 2:17% Orlinda Richmond, p. 2:15 Axtell by William L. Axinite 2:17* Axle 2:15% Axtella 2:2934 Axtellite 2:27V 4 Axtelloid 2:2934 Axworthy 2:28% SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Prince Axtell 2 :2S*4 Robin 2:28 Tarantelle 2:21*4 Aytoun by King Rene. Miss Cleveland ...;... .2 :17*4 Azim by Almont Pasha. Ella D 2:28*4 Azmoor by Electioneer. A.A.A 2:25 Azmon 2:23*4 Bonnibel 2:17% Rowena 2:17 Bacon by Ajax. Tom Ogden, p 2 :12*4 Badger by Kerr's Bashaw. Cleo 2:21 Badger Boy by Hambletonian Mambrino. VanTromp 2:29 BadgerBoy by RossmanHorse Gen. Howard 2:26*4 Badger Clay by Charles Hel- burn. BeulahC 2:27 Beulah C., P 2 :28*4 Badger Sprague by Gov. oprague. Allie ie K 2:261/2 Gladys' Sprague 2 :19*4 Baffle by Alar Clay. GipseyM., P 2:25 Bajardo by Stephen A. Doug- las. Stephanus 2:28*4 Bajardo Jr. by Bajardo. TrixieP., p 2:27*4 Baker Pilot by Pilot Mam- brino. Lamar 2 :24*4 Balaklava by Onward. Highland Wilkes 2:25 LetaHowe 2:27% Bald Chief by Alexander's Bay Chief. Tom Brown 2:27 1 /2 Bald Chief Jr. by Adams' Bald Chief. Nelly O.. p 2:13*4 Bald Hornet (Nave's) by Sul- tan. Bald Hornet, p 2:21 Bald Hornet by Robinson's Bald Hornet. Clint Kiff, p 2:16% Freeland, p 2:19*4 Hornet Girl, p 2:30 Guy C.,p 2:14*4 Lon G.,p 2:21*4 Paul, p 2:09*4 Red Hornet, p 2 :23* Uncle George, p 2 :26*4 Venture, p 2 :09*4 Balmont Wilkes by Wilkie Collins, Phillis Wilkes, p 2 :20*4 Toomey, p 2:26*4 Ball R. Lilly Bush, p 2:29*4 Balsora by Alexander's Ab- dallah. Kentackian 2:27* Rosita 2:26*4 Banker by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian. Bermuda 2:20*4 Bradstreet 2 :27*4 Hornpipe 2 :22% Banker Messenger by Rys- dyk's Hambletonian. Dexter H 2:29*4 Ducoc 2:26*4 Banner Boy by De Long's Ethan Allen. Robert R., p 2:30 Banker Rothschild by Roths- child. Dayball 2:30 Hunter 2:2354 Molly Morton 2:30 Banquo by Daniel Boone. Hampton Girl, p 2 :27 1 / 2 Banks by Ambassador, Starling, p 2 :27*4 Barbarian. Guide, p 2:28 V4 Barkis by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian. Athlete 2:21 Andy K 2:25 Banknola 2:26*4 Clematis 2:21*4 Conundrum 2 :25 Ms Florence S 2:?51i Mamie C 2:28*4 Nelly M 2:27*4 Palo Alto 2:25*4 Sherwood 2 :22*4 Sorosis, p 2:27*4 Barney Monroe by Jim Mon- roe Joe Barney 2 :26 Barney Wilkes by Red Wilkes Wilkie Knox, p 2 :10*4 Barney Wilkes by Geo.Wilkes Ba ney Wilkes Jr 2 .-28*4 Champion Wilkes .... 2 :22*4 Conley 2:25 Dan Cupid 2 :09*4 Henry Grady 2:28 Lena Wilkes 2 -29*4 Maggie H 2:28*4 Mary S 2:28 Mattie Wilkes 2:2J% Sam Wilkes 2:29*4 Barney, p 2:08% Baronial by Baron Wilkes. Bellronial 2 :29*4 Fielder 2:25% Baron West by Col. West. Anderson 2 :29% Barnhart by Jay Bird. Barnetta 2:27% Baron Wilkes by Geo. Wilkes Alice Leyburn 2 :21*4 Alfonso 2:29% Anita 2:29% Baron Brown 2:26*4 Baron Crisp z :24 Baron Posey 2 :21*4 Baron Jean 2:30 Barolite ...2:21*4 Baronmore 2:17*4 Baron Rodgers 2 :17*4 Baron Russell 2:24% Baronet 2:11*4 Blue Blood 2 :22% Bon Mot 2:25* Boniface 2:29% Brava 2:14*4 Brown Silk 2 :22*4 Earl Baltic 2 :25*4 Enfin 2:28* Euroclydon 2 :25 Jingles 2:28% Lady Ethel 2:24% Margrave 2 :15*4 Madrona 2:26 Oakland Baron 2 :14*4 Red Baron 2:29*4 Baronial, p 2:29*4 Barondale, p 2:11*4 Bay Baron, p 2:19% Frenchy, p 2:22*4 Nydia Wilkes, p 2:12% Rubinstein, p 2:08 Barony by Simmons. Cantella Wilkes 2 :25*4 Bartholomew Wilkes by Geo. Wilkes. BenBuxton 2:26% Besor 2:28*4 Dryden 2:20 Ed Wilkes 2:28*4 Geneva Wilkes 2 :22*4 Jolly Wilkes 2:20 Monroe Wilkes 2 :17*4 Sunlight 2:29*4 Whitcomb Riley, p . . .2:14*4 Bashaw by Vernol's Black Hawk. Amboy 2:26 Bashaw (Butler's) ....2:28*4 Bashaw Jr 2:24% Fred Douglas 2 :20*4 Gen. Lee 2:26*4 Governor 2 :24 Green Charley 2.26*4 Hambleto'an Bashaw.2 :2l*4 Josephine 2:30 Josephus 2:19% Kirkwood 2:24 Otho 2:22*4 Robert Burns 2:20 Rose of Washington . . 2 :21fc Tom Kirkwood 2:29*4 Wagner Bashaw. 2:25% WildOats 2:29*4 Julia L ,p 2:28 Bashaw (Johnson's). Daisy M.,p 2:20 Bashaw. Lord Nelson 2:29*4 Bashaw by Green's Bashaw. Benny B 2:24 Buddinger 2:24 Gardner H 2:25*4 Ben Jack, p 2:29 Nolly M.. p.. 2:15*4 Bashaw (Springsteen's) by Green's Bashaw. ElsieB 2:29*4 Bashaw (Couch's) , untraced. Molly Harris 2 :25*4 Bashaw (French's) by Black Bashaw, Carl G 2:27% Little Daisy 2 :20*4 Bashaw Bill. Billy the Kid, p 2 :28 Bashaw Bolly by Chester. Bashaw Fred 2:17 Bashaw Chief by Paystreak. Rose 2:18*4 Bashaw Drury by Green's Bashaw. 'Widow Bedott 2:29% Bashaw Hambletonian by Romulus. Maud Howe 2:27*4 Molly K 2:29*4 Bashaw, Jr. Henry H., p 2:23*4 10 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Bashaw Pilot by Pilot Tem- ple. Louis S .............. 2:26% Bashaw Prince. Favorite .............. 2 :30 Bashtine by Bashaw, Jr. A. W. Fawcett ...... 2 :26% Cabash ................ 2:27% Bassett M. by Masterlode. Pedro L ............... 2:18 LuluB ............. 2-24 Little John, p ........ 2:30 Nordeck.p ............ 2:30 Bayard by Pilot, Jr. Aimee .................. 2:30 Billy Q ................ 2:29% Bliss ................... 2:21% Eagle Plume .......... 2 :29% Emma B .............. 2:22 Kitty Bayard ......... 2 :12% Lilly J ................ 2:25% Modie H .............. 2:29% Belle Bayard, p ....... 2:26% Em Pierce, p .......... 2 :23% Fanny C, p ............. 2:24% Gray Bayard, p ........ 2 :24% Pilatoga, p. ........... 2:20% Psyche, p ............... 2:19% Bayard Wilkes by Alcan- tara. Alfred, p .............. 2:24% Bay Billy, untraced. Dan ................... 2:25% Bay Billy by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Dandy R ............. 2 :27% John McDougall ...... 2 :29 Bay Bird by Jay Bird. Dr. Puff ................. 2:29 Baybrino by Swigert. Edgecliff ........ . ..... 2:27 Bay Chief by Louis Napoleon. Lyman .............. 2 :25% Bay Chief by Richelieu. FredW ................ 2:17% McClintock ....... ..... 2 :20% Bey Chief Jr. by Bay Chief. Lucy Smith, p ........ 2:28% Bay Dick by Addison. Dick Hartford ........ 2 :?5 Bay Ethan by Ethan Wilkes. Frenzie L ............. 2:20% Frenchy, p ............ 2:28% Bay Henry. Harry Admire ......... 2:26 Bay Lambert by Daniel Lam- bert. Miss Fanny Jackson . . 2 :30 Bay Middleton by Middle- town. Belle Middleton ...... 2 :27% Charles B ........... 2 :24% Frank Middleton ...... 2:20% Harry P .............. 2:29% Henry Middleton ..... 2 :26% H. M. Strong .......... 2:25% Maggie G. Middleton 2 :2Q% MattieD .............. 2:25% Middleway ............ 2:22% Molly Middleton ...... 2 :25% Prince Middleton ..... 2 :20% Baymont by Alden Goldsmith Justina ................ 2:25 Monte Christo ......... 2 :29% Mogul ................. 2:16% Jordan, p ............. 2:11% Juriet.p ............... 2:26% Bayonne Brince by Kentucky Prince. Annie Bennett 2 : 26% Black Prince 2:26% Cad 2:27% Grace Hastings 2 :24 Lulu 2:26% Mahogany 2:12% Nutshell 2:27% Readington Prince ... 2 :22% Seneca Prince. 2 :25% Densmore, p 2:23% EllaA.,p 2:24% Fresno Prince, p 2 :17% Nellie S.,p 2:22% Bay Richmond by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Fritz 2:27% Bay Rolfe by Young Rolfe. Charley Rolfe 2 :29% Bay Rose by Sultan. Col. K.R 2:22% LydaC 2:27 Bay Star by Daniel Lambert. Amy Lee 2:14 RoxieLee 2:26% St. Lambert 2:29% Bay State by Jay Gould. Mary Ann 2 :28% Cohannet, p 2 :17% Kantoka, p 2:27% Bay Tom (Harding's), by Knight's Snow Heels. LeeH.,p 2:13 Bay Tom. Fred Neil 2:24% Bay Tom, Jr., p 2:30 MajorP.,p 2:30 Mamie L., p 2:24 Tom Howard, p 2 :29% Tom Webster, p 2:11% Bay Tom, Jr. by Bay Tom. Billy A 2:13% Nickel Plate 2:22 Duplex, p 2:17% ElkTom.p 2:19 FleetyH M p 2:25% GrandView, p .2:21% John ny Woods, p 2 :21 Mary J., p 2:18% Raven T., p 2:22% Smuggler, p 2:29% Bay Wilkes by George Wilkes. Black Wilkes 2 :29% Baywood by Blackwood. Lulu McCurdy , p 2 :14% Baywood by Nutwood. Dr. Swift, p 2:13 Baywood (Barnes') by Phil- lip's Blackwood. Bewilder 2:28% Dick Pennell, p 2 :14 H Sawtelle.p 2:17% Beacoasfield by Fayette Den- mark. Clopton, p 2 :24% Bearce Horse byHorner Horse Belle Smith 2:29 Beauclerc by Princeps. Bethel 2:16% Beaufort by Woodward's Ethan Allen Jr. Beaufort Girl 2:27% Frank L 2:27% Larry 2:23% Prince 2:27% Beaumont by Belmont. A.J 2:38 Ethel H 2:20 Plympton 2:29 Quay 2:28% Vermont 2 :2S^ Rocknight 2 :29% Beaver by Hermes. Laura 2 :28% Beecher by Blue Grass. Mike 2:28 Royal Guard 2: 30 Beecher Boy, p 2:27% Molly B., p 2:29% Beechnut by Louis Napoleon. Woodberry, p 2 :26 Bee Line. Grasshopper, p 2 :21 Bedford by Strathmore. Sarah Shelton 2 -28% Brent Wells, p 2:19% Belden Boy by Brownwood. Bellton 2 :24% Belladonna by Ambassador. H.B.M 2:29% Simmons, p 2:14% Bell Boy by Electioneer. Beauty Bells 2-294 Bridal Bells 2 :22% Corner Bell 2 :23 Liberty Bell 2:24 Princess Belle 2 :23% Anderson Bell 2 :20% Bellfounder (Milliman's) by American Bellfounder. B. B 2-21% Bellflower 2 :28% Dexter 2:27 Gus 2:26% Kitty Lynch 2:26% Nelly Burns 2:25 Sweet Home 2 :30 Tempest 2 :29 Wonder 2:27% Bellfounder (Richard's) by Hungerford's Blucher. Western Girl 2 :27 Belgium by Onward. Belgia 2:26% Bellman by Indiaman. Baltimore 2 :30 Belfry 2:24% Belltone 2:30 Bellette 2:24% Bell Morgan by Cottrill Mor- gan. LadyTurpin 2:23 Bellwood by Belmont. Ryswood 2:16 W.Van 2:24% Belmont by Alexander's Ab- dallah. Belmont 2:28*4 Betsey Belle 2:28% Blitzen 2:27% Buttercup 2:28 ClaraD 2:14% Christine 2:25% Cora Belmont 2 :24% Crescent 2:25% Currer Bell 2 :29% Davenant 2:26% Dick Moore 2 :22% Don Ricardo 2 :21 % Ecru 2:27% Earl Belmont 2 :25% Ella Belmont 2:26% Erin 2:24% Fanny Belmont 2 :25% Flossie 2:30 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 11 George Willis 2 :29* Globard...., 2:19* Gondola 2 :25* Grosjean 2:24% IchiBan 2:29* Ida 2:29*4 Lady Kelso 2:29 Laurabel 2 :27% Mambritonian 2 :2G* Meander 2 :26*i Molino 2:27* Moquette 2:27 * Moscova 2:2854 Newmont 2 :29% Nil Desperandum 2 :24 Nora Temple 2:27* Nutwood 2 :18% Persica 2 :18*4 Primmont 2:21* Princippie Belruont . . 2 :30 Riverbend 2 :24*4 SteUa Belmont 2:19 Sonticus 2:27 Tremont 2 :28*4 Vatican 2 :29* Viking 2:19* Warder .....2:29* Waterloo 2:19* Wavelet 2:24*4 Wedgewood 2:19 Wimbledon 2:29% Belton, p 2:17* Don Ricardo, p 2 :21 Fred Arthur, p 2 :12* King Jim, p 2:20*4 Roseman, p 2 :18% Pistachio,p 2 :29* Belmont (Williamson's) by American Boy. Venture 2:27* Belmont (Fisk's) by Irish Foxhunter. BeUeH 2:24* Belle of Shelby 2 :28% Belmont Boy. Big John,p 2:28 Belmont Chief by Belmont. Alex. C 2:28* Jim Burns 2 :24*4 Belton by Belmont. Romola 2:20* Belvidere by Belmont. Bartboldi 2:30 Belvoir by Belmont. Corrie 2:28*4 Cebron, p 2:17* Mountain Queen, p . . . 2 :24*4 Wickopee, p 2:17*4 Ben Adhem by Ben Franklin. Jay Girl 2:21* Ben Atwood by Green's Ba- shaw, Sagwa 2:27 % Ben Bolt by Phillips. Deacon, p 2 :20 Gov. Foraker, p 2 :24% Ben Bruce by Corbeau. Miss Bruce, p 2:20 Ben Butler by Knickerbocker, Nelly C 2:25* Ben Easton by Louis Napo- leon. Ben's Misfit, p 2:19* Benefactor by Egbert. Benediction 2 :27* Benefactor Jr. (p) 2 :18* Benefit by Gen. Benton. Palo Chief 2:20 Ben Franklin by Daniel Lam- bert. Althea .2:24*4 Belle Franklin 2 :28* Belle Girl .....2:28% Cambridge Girl California Lambert ..2:27 CassieB 2:29% Charley Ray 2:29 Dennis H 2:28 Dynamite 2:20% Frank H 2:27*4 George C 2 :28* Helena ..2:26* HuldyB 2:21% Katisha 2:26% Little Witch 2:29 Maxey 2:30 May Be 2:24 May Queen 2:29*4 McMyatt 2:25*4 Nat Howe 2:28*4 Nimbus 2:26* N.O.D 2:30 Orwell 2:24 Peerless Ben 2 :26* Rare Ben 2:26 Richard Lambert, ... 2 :25% R. W. S. Surprise Franklin.. Ben Adhem, p Buck Franklin, p.. . Henry C., p .2:29* .2:26* .2:21* .2:16*4 .2:22* Henry U. G. O. Taylor, p 2 :15* Sherman Franklin, p. 2:28 Ben Harrison by Squire Tal- mage. Ripton 2:30 Theme 2:29* Ben Harrison by Allie Gaines. BenAllie.p 2:21 Ben Lomond by Trojan. Ben Lomond Jr 2 :27 Ben Lomond Jr. by Farming's Ben Lomond. Blue Jay 2:29*4 JohnnyA 2:22% Ben Lomond Jr. by Ben Lo- mond. Ben Cole 2:23% W.W. P.,p 2:10% Ben MeGregor by Robert Mc- Gregor. Maxie McGregor 2 :28% Roy McGregor 2 :26 Ben Morrill by Winthrop Mor- rill. Black Morrill 2:23 Blacksmith Boy 2:28* La Prairie Girl 2 :29* Little Ben 2 :28* Ben S.,p 2:29* Ben Patchen by Burlington. Alexander 2 :19 Harry Hall, p 2:29*4 Ben Snatcher, Jr. by Ben Snatcher. Rowdy Boy 2 :13% Ben Wicks by Hinsdale Horse Donovan 2:27* Benson Horse by Crawford Horse. LewPettee 2:29 Benton by Gen. Benton. Volta 2:19 Bentonian by Gen. Benton. Sonnet 2:24*4 Benson. PressleyM.,p ....2:21* Ben Wright by Royal Fear- naught. Coon Hallow 2 :28*4 Locomotive 2 :29* Mamie J ..2:28*4 Berbrino by Mambrino Pat- chen. Castianira 2 :29% Berlin by Reavis' Blackbird. Denis Ryan 2:29 KateEwing 2:21* Pansy 2:24** Thapsin 2:21* Bermuda by Banker. Baron Brown 2:24*4 Bermuda Boy 2 :20% Bermuda Girl 2 :21* Boabdil 2:23* Magdalene 2:20 Pearl Belle 2:26 Ruberta 2 :29* Rosemary, p 2:20% Bernal by Electioneer. Aria 2:16% Bertrand by Jupiter Star. Silverton 2:27* Bertrand Black Hawk by Champlain. Frank Fvsk 2:29 Maude, p 2:20 Bessemer by Thomas Jeffer- son. Ted,p 2:24*4 Bessemer by Voltaire. BeSure.p 2:14 Betterton by George Wilkes . Betterman 2 :27* BettieKing 2:26* George St. Clair 2 :15* LuluB 2:20 Mabelle 2:25*4 Nora B 2:17*4 Belle Simmons 2 :17% George St, Clair, p... 2:22*4 Prima Donna 2 :09* Tony Wilcox, p 2 :13% Beverly Wilkes by George Wilkes. Billy Thornhill 2:24*4 Bomba 2:29% Bezant by Chichester. Azant 2:27*4 Bayzant 2:26* Belinda 2:21*4 Bezant Rule 2:30 BiftyDuck 2:25 Biwabic 2:28*4 Flossie Bezant 2 :25* Vysant 2:27* Billy by Gentry's Denmark. Minnie Higgins 2 :16*4 Billy Bacchus by Aldrich's Bacchus. Jennie Holton 2 :22* Billy Bashaw by John Bull. Factory Boy 2:20* Billy Bowlegs by Young Co- lumbus. Kitty 2:30 Billy Cone by Flying Morgan. Minnie K M p 2:18% MyrtieS., p 2:25 Billy Davis by Blue Bull. Billy C..P 2:20 Henry Dexter, p 2 :24* Pat O'Brien, p 2 :21* 12 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Sunset, p 2:15% Billy Denton by Rysdyk's H amble ton ia i . Captain 2:28 John Love 2:28*/ Billy Denton, Jr., by Billy Denton. Lady Jerauld 2:24*4 Billy Glenn, p, by John C. Breckinridge. Frank Ferguson 2 :26 Billy Green, by Scott's Hia- toga. Billy Burns, p 2 :24% Billy Scott, p 2 :21*4 Billy Warren, p 2:29*4 Chase, p 2:23*4 Judge Kail, p 2:24 Little Em, p 2:18*/ 2 Nettie Green, p 2:25 Sadie Burns, p 2 :29& Billy H. by Charley Brister. Lady M 2:21*4 Billy H. by Scott's Hiatoga. Irish Boy 2:20 Billy Hartshorn. Lady Harrison, p 2:28*4 Billy Hay ward by George M. Patchen, Jr. Alonzo Hayward 2:30 'Poscora Hayward 2:23*/ Setting Sun 2:29*4 Killy Hinsley by Blue Bull. M. W 2:20*4 Rich wood Boy 2 :29*4 Billy Hibbard by Marshall Chief. NedM., p 2:24*4 Billy Kitchen. Flora Mack 2:29% Billy Knox by Wood's Ham- bletonian. Gypsy K 2:25*4 Humbug 2:21*4 Billy Mont by Gifford. M. C. S 2:30 Billy Mustapha. Little Mary 2:25 Billy Norfolk by Norfolk. Jim 2:22V4 Lady 1 2:29 Billy Patterson by King's Champion. Col. Wood, p 2:21*4 Billy Sayre by Young Jim. Galileo Rex, p 2:12% Billy Sherman by Jesse Stowe. Sherman Bashaw 2:28 Billy Sprague by Gov. Sprague. Badger State 2:30 SilasF 2:29% Swift Bird, p 2 :26*4 Billy Stranger. BillyR 2:29*4 Billy Stanton by Gen. Stanton. Epitaph 2:30 Gee Whiz 2:30 Billy Tbornhill by Beverly Wilkes. Great Stakes 2:24*4 Minnie B...*. 2:29% Billy Toronto Eddie B. p..... 2:17H .Sleepy Rover 2:30 Billy Wilkes by Harry Wilkes. Alta Boy 2:26 l /2 Bertnot 2:25% Bloomfield 2:27*4 Darkey Wilkes 2 :28*/ s Judge Rider 2:20 Jura 2:22*4 Mary Marshall 2 :12% Prelude 2:25% Jo Jett, p 2:14*4 May Marshall, p 2 :08*4 Billy Wilson by Blue Bull. Sir Gay 2:26*/ 2 Binderton by Belmont. Maud C 2:15*4 Bird. Birdmont 2:22% Bishop by Tom Allen. Capt. Douds 2 :27% Bishop by Princeps. Belle H 2:26*4 Bishop Hero 2:26 Gregory 2:30 McGlynn 2:25 Bishop Berkely by Lance. Frank W. p 2:21*4 Bismark by John B. Stockton. Peach 2:27*4 Bismark by Index. Chancellor 2:16 Hazel H.p 2:12*4 Bismark by David Hill. LadyMarkam, p 2:17% Bismuth byRysdyk'sHamble- tonian. Scranton Belle 2 :18*4 Bivouac by Onward, Judge West, p 2:23% Black Ambassador by Am- bassador. Bad Actor 2:21*4 Navy Wilkes 2:27 Syndicate, p 2 :19*4 Black Arthur by Altitude. Hawthorne 2 :29*4 Black Bashaw by Young Sleepy Davy. Cozette 2:19 JohnH 2:20 Neal Whitbeck 2:22*4 Black Bassinger by Legal Tender. Bassinger Boy 2:23 Black Ben by Ben Franklin. Wax ...2:24% Blackbird by Camden. Blackbird 2:22 Blackbird (Reavis') by Simp- son's Blackbird. Mamie Griffin 2 :20% Ned Forrest 2 :25*/ a Vic H 2:12*4 Fox, p 2:21% Blackbird, (Atherton's) by Cassius. Frank Allison 2 :28*4 Black Bont er by David Bon- ner. A.G 2:27*4 R.C 2:28*4 Black Chief by Copperbot- tom. Bickford 2:29*4 Black Cloud by Ashland Chief. Black Cloud Jr 2:25 Fredonia HarryD 2:27 Mild Cloud 2:28 Vendetta 2 :28*4 George Cloud, p 2 :19*4 Black Cloud(Bemis')by Mam- brino Patchen. Charmer 2:27 Jingo Jim 2 :26Vi Black Dan. Comet, p 2:24*4 Black Diamond by Clermont Kentucky Jim 2:28 Black Diamond. ClaraJ 2:28 Black Dick. Black Dick, p 2:11 Black Doc by Dr. Herr. Pattie Cooper 2 :30 Black Douglas by Clay Cad- mus. Barney Clay 2:29*/ 2 Billy Holmes 2:27 Black Dutchman by Doble's Black Bashaw. Eve 2:27 Flora D 2:29V 4 Frank R 2:23% Hunter 2:29 Lady Independence.. 2:29*4 Lady Kildeer 2:28 Black Ed. Wait-a- While, p 2:17% Black Ethan. Pet 2:19% Black Flying Cloud by Hill's Black Hawk. Badger Girl 2:22% Black Frank by Bull Pup. Fred Douglas 2:24*4 Black Frank by Mitchell'* Black Hawk Morgan. Black Joe 2:29% DanVoorhees 2:30 Black Harp by Peavine. FrankP 2:19*4 Black Harry Olay by Doty's Harry Clay. Bateman 2:22*4 Roger 2:24*4 Black Hawk (Vermont) by Sherman Morgan. Belle of Saratoga 2:29 Ethan Allen 2:26% Lancet 2:27% Young America, p 2:23 Black Hawk (Long Island) by Andrew Jackson. Prince 2:24% Black Hawk by Vermont Black Hawk. SissonGirl 2:28% Black Hawk (Whitesides') by Canada Black Hawk. Molsey 2:21% Rival 2:30 Black Hawk (Canadian). Fearnaught 2:28 Village Girl 2:28 Black Hawk (Record's) by Champion Black Hawk. Flossie R 2:27*4 King, (p) 2:30 Black Hawk (Vernol's) by Long Island Black Hawk. Jessie 2:21 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. -Black Hawk (Tyler's) by Gen. Stark. FredB 2:28% Black Hawk. Howell, p 2:18% Black Hawk Hero by Vermont Black Hawk. Grey Mack 2:25% Black Hawk Harry by Light- Eli 00 .' 2:29% Black Hawk McGregor bv Robert McGregor. Amberlou 2:2754 Gen. Wiles 2:15 Black Bird, p 2:28% Black Hawk Messenger by Morgan Messenger. Larry C., p 2:19% Black Hawk Morgan. Lilly Banks, p 2:22 Black John Richard B., p 2:25% Black Knight, p by Dave High- lander. Pilot R 2:21% Black Mack by Mansfield. Chick Bills 2:2654 Black Milo by Cornish Morrill Judgment 2:2654 Black Morgan. Princess 2:28 Black Morrill by Vermont Ranger. Lyndon Boy 2:2654 Black Oak. Jay and See, p 2:30 Black Pat, lona, p 2:27% Black Pilot by All Right. Pilot Jr 2:21 Black Pilot by Roscoe. Centurion 2:2754 Pilot Knox 2:19% Pilot Maid 2:2154 Pixie 2:29% Tinnie B 2:27 % Young Pilot 2:2254 Pilot Knox, p 2 :205 Black Prince by Dictator. Dan Velox 2:16% Frank H., (p) 2:26 Black Prince Jr. by Black Prince. NfrgerBoy, p 2:1954 Black Ralph by Wicker's Fly- ing Cloud. George D. Sherman . . . .2:2954 Black Ralph, by David Hill. Belle Spencer 2 :2654 Keepsake Killarney, p Black Ranger. Edgewood Elmwood Chief ... Black Republican. John A. Logan John A- Logan, p . . . Prince B.,p Black Rolfe. Janet 2:24% Rolfe K 2:29% Blackstone by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Daisy Hamilton 2 :28% Walter 2:30 Hiram H ,p 2:23% Blackstone Jr. by Blackstone. Yankee Luck 2:23 Blackstone Prince by Black- stone. Jack Raleigh 2:23% Black Sam Plow Girl, p 2:2654 Black Sultan Jr. by Black Sultan. Olivette -....2:2854 Black Tom. Prince Boy 2:2754 Black Victor by Alcantara. Bay Victor 2:30 Arabian Wilkes, p 2:2854 Harry Victor, p 2:^0 Black Walnut by Administra- tor. Robbins 2:21% Secret 2:30 Black Wilkes by George Wilkes. Bay Wilkes 2:25% New Fashion 2:25 Angelina p 2:1654 Promise, p 2:2554 Winslow Wilkes, p 2:09% Blackwood by Alexander's Nor man. Alice Blackwood 2:27 Black wood Jr 2:22% Blackwood Prince 2:2354 Edgerton 2:26% Leda Wood 2:30 Milton Blackwood 2 : 2654 Proteine 2:18 Rosewood 2:27 Suitor 2:21 Wildwood 2:30 Seraph, p 2:29 Blackwood (Phillips') by Black- wood. Blackwood Belle 2:30 Blackwood Chief by Blackwood. Little Dan 2:21% Toy 2:27% W.H. Nichols 2:2354 Blackwood Jr. by Blackwood. All So 2:2054 ^GracieB 2:22% Hardwood 2:24% Little Tommy 2:27}* Miss Woodford 2:23% Secret 2:30 Rolfewood, p 2:20% Blackwood Mambrino by Protos. Baywood 2:29% Grace W 2:2154 Silkwood, p 2:07 Blanco by Iron's Cadmus. Smuggler .2:1554 Blanco Abdallah by Erie Ab- dallah. Judge M, p. 2:26% Bland by Auditor. Harry Brooks, p 2:24% Blazing Star by Henry Clay. Sleepy Tom 2:28% Mountain, Boy, p 2:27 Tom Cooper, p 2:26% Blind Bashaw. Nutmace.p 2:2954 Blind Tom, untraced. Friday 2:2754 Friday Jr 2:2954 Thomas C 2:2654 Blind Tom. Lottie E 2:29% Blitzen by Belmont. Charley Wheeler 2:19% Jim Savory 2:2954 Blondin by Clark's Mohawk Jr. Billy Kord 2:26K Blood Chief by Blood's Black Hawk. Fanny Robinson 2 :2054 Woolly Jim 2:29% Chief, p 2:24% Blood t hief Jr. by Blood Chief. Joe Hal 2:30 Bloodmont by Olympus. Ada P 2:25% Bloomfield by Billy Wilkes. JoeFifer 2:18 Blucher by Ball's Black Eagle. Martha Washington . . .2:2054 Blackstone 2:2154 Blue Bayard by Bayard. Bessie R., p 2:21% Blue Boy, by Blue Buck. Peek-a-Boo 2=27 Blue Blood by Kentucky Prince. Blue Prince 2:26 True Blue 2:30 Blue Queen 2:2954 Blue Britton Blue Bob, p 2:23 Blue Bull (Wilson's) by Pru- den's Blue Bull. Alice Peyton 2:27% Beauty 2:28 Belle Wilson 2:23% Bertha 2:235i Bertie 2:27 Bessie 2:17% Blanche H 2:2654 Blue Bell 2:2654 Blue Bull (Grove's) .... 2 :2654 Boy 2:29% Bullion 2:28 Bulwer 2:23 Chance 2:20% Commander 2:2654 Daisy Blackwood ... .2:2954 Dayton Belle 2:29% Dick Stauffer 2:^054 Dr Sheppard 2:2954 Dom Pedro 2:27 Edward B 2:26% Ula Wilson 2:30 Elsie Good 2:22% Ethel 2:23 Florence M 2:2254 Gen. Russ 2:2954 Gladiator 2:2254 Hoosier Girl 2:25% InaG 2:24% IraM 2:30 James Halfpenny 2:2954 Joseph 2:29J4 Kate Bennett 2:2954 Kate Hall 2:24% Kate McCall 2:23 Lena Swallow 2:19 Little Wonder 2:30 Lona Guffin 2:23% Lucy Fry 2:20% Mamie 2:2154 Mattie H 2:27% May Bird 2:23 Mila C 2:26% Molly Kistler 2:27% MyrtellaG 2:28 Otto K 2:2454 ' Purity 2:30 Richard 2:21 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Rocket 2:28 Koyal Bounce 2:19 Russell 2:26 Silver-ton 2:20*4 St. Denis 2:23*4 St. Omer.'p ....2:28% Stewart Mac 2:29 Texas Jack 2:29*4 True Blue 2:25 Will Cody Zoe B :.... Billy V., P 2: Dandy Boy, p ....2:22 Georgetown, p 2 : 1 Hattie Shawhan, p 2:24 Jenny K., p 2: Jim Blaine, p 2:25 Mountain Boy, p 2:27 Rose Shipmau, p 2:23*4 Stonewall, p 2:28 Blue Bull (Christy's) by Blue Bull. Blue Bell, p 2:29% Blue Bull (Baesett's) by Blue Bull. Henry . . Jenny B 2:30 2:29% Blue Bull (Phillips') by Blue Bull Alice M,p 2:21*4 Alti, p 2:11% Little Fred, p 2:23*4 Nancy Time, p 2:29*4 Blue Bull (Hunt's) by Blue Bull. J'ickH 2:29 1 4 Nelly Turner, p . . 2 :23% Blue Bull (Robinson's). Earl Finch 2:26% Blue Bull Jr. (Grove's) by Blue Bull. Boy Blue 2:23*4 Nettie 2:19 Can Tell, p 2:25 Lottie K., p 2:25 Lottie P., p 2:17% Rocket, p 2:21*4 Blue Colt. Gray Eddy 2:27 Blue Duster. Maggie Mitchell, p 2:27*4 Blue Hal. Maggie Mitchell, (p) . . .2:24*4 Blue Skin by Blue Bull. Bullmout,p 2:12*4 Blue Grass by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Grey Cloud 2:23% Blue Vein by Blue Bull. Country Girl, p 2:16^ Osceola.p 2:18 Bluffton L. by Royal Lambert. Amy L.,p 2:21*4 Hustler, p 2:15% Bob Buzzard. King Heiro.p 2:27% Bob Didlake by Mambrino Chief. Dick Taylor 2:24*4 Bob Hal by Gibson's Tom Hal Ellft'S. p 2:20 Bob Ingersoll by John Bonair. Humming Bird, p 2:22 John Bonar, p 2:30 RosaB., p 2:17*4 Bob Hunter by Grey Messenger. Little Joe... 2:21% Billy M.,p 2:19% .2:25% .2:29% '.'2:'29% Bob Lee. Carlotta, p 2:29*4 Daisy D., p. ........ . .2:23*4 Bob Link by Belmont. Charity 2:29*4 Ernest Wilkmont 2:29*4 Bob Mason 2:27*4 by Echo. Bob Mason Jr 2:27* Fred Mason, p 2:13 Waldo J., p 2: Bob Patterson by Emerald. Minnie F., p 2:23*4 Pluto, p 2:26% Younger Bull, p 2:29% Bob Ridley by Tom Crowder. Idol 2:27 Bob Ridley Jr. Belva Lockwood, p 2:17*4 Bob Sprague by Gov. Sprague. Bob Curtis 2:23*4 Bogus Hunter by Kentucky Hunter. Flora Temple 2:19K Bog Oak by Alexander's Nor- man. Frank B 2:17* Cama K., p 2:23*4 Bolton Sprague by Gov. Sprague. Dolly S Maggie Sprague . Oak Leaf Uncle Henry Bomont by Belmont Gipsy Queen 2 :22*4 Lady Bomont 2:29*4 Bona Fide by Rysdyk's Uam- bletonian. Gene 2:30 Humbert 2:28 Shillaly 2:21 Willie J 2:27 Voneta, p 2:24% Bonair by Strader's Cassius M. Clay Jr. Bonair Jr.,p 2:2*^ Young Bonair, p 2:21 Bonesetter by Brooks. Hash 2:19% Jimbone 2:29% Boniface by Altorf. Reno 2:23% Bonnie Bay by Sweepstakes. Bertha S 2:29*4 Olive Branch 2:27% VonSuar 2:27*4 Bonnie Boy by Patchen Wilkes. Frank Potts 2:30 Jettie 2:18% Bonnie Belle, p 2:17*4 Jarenta, p 2:27*4 Robina, p :.... 2:27*4 Bonnie Clay by Bonnie Glen- coe. Juliet, p 2:14% SudieClay, p 2:29*4 Bonnie Doon by Blue Bull. Cuba 2:25% Anderson Chief, p 2:27% Bonnie McGregor by Robert McGregor. Adelaide McGregor.... 2:15% Bonnie Mack 2:20*4 BonnieS 2:29 Burt 2:26% EthelB 2:16% May McGregor 2:30 .2:19 Bonnie Richards by Swigert. Joe Wonder 2:17*4 Bonnie Scotland by Bonnie Scotland. Lon M 2:30 Bonnie Scotland by lago. Scotland .....2:22% Bonnie Scotland, untraced. Black Jug 2:27*4 Bonnie Wilkes by Bourbon Wilkes. Edwyne 2:30 Major Mapes 2 :29% Townsend Chief 2 :27% Bonnycastle by Belmont. Bonnie Josie 2:24% Boodle by Stranger. Ethel Downs 2:24% Thompson 2:21*4 Boston Boy by Dover Boy. George Miller 2:30 Boston Boy Hambletonian by New York. Alaska 2:25 Boston Wilkes by George Wilkes. Dell Brown Quilt Tony Hill Roy L., p Bos ell by Alvnont. Boswell Jr., p Boulder. Alice W.,p 2:27 Bourbon Blue by Alexander's Bay Chief. Lee W 2:23*4 Bourbon Boy bj T Strathmore. Janet ." 2:27 1 4 Winnie Davis 2:25 Bourbon Chief by Mambrino Chief. Calmar 2:22 Bourbon Chief Jr. by Bourbon Wilkes. Carmel, p 2:30 Bourbon Prince by Bourbon Wilkes. Bourbon Belle .2:26% Bourbon Sneak, p 2:21*4 Bourbon Wilkes by Geo. Wilkes. Ada B 2:26% Bay Wilkes 2:26% Bismuth 2:30 Bourbon Wilkes Jr.... 2: 12*4 Charleston 2:12*4 Coast Boy 2:21 CoraRiggs 2:28% Everett Wilkes 2:30 Forest Wilkes 2:24*4 Fred Wilkes 2:26 Goldgetter 2:26*4 Gratz 2:17% Hamletta 2:27% JohnL 2:19*4 Jurfge Wilkes -2:20% Lakoto 2:2T% Maj Flowers 2:21*4 Medora 2:27K Miss Rachel 2:20 MissRedmon 2:23% Morgan Wilkes 2:27 Prince Eugene 2:28*4 Prince L 2:22*4 Red Line 2:27 Red Rover 2:28% Reward 2:29 Robert Wilkes 2:24*4 vSIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 15 ..2:28*4 .2:15 ,.2:17*4 ..2: UK ..2:16% ..2:27*4 Sharper 2 : 19*4 Sigma Nu 2:29*4 Sterling Wilkes 2:23% Tilford 2:17% Wawona 2:19% Wilkiemont 2:28 Willamore 2:25 Abdallah Wilkes, p.... 2:14 Billy Frazier, p 2:21*4 Bourbon Patchen, p 2 :09 Coast Boy, p 2:10% Coastman, p 2 :08% Elmer E., p Forest Wilkes, p. Mabel P., p Major Wolf, p... Miller Ward, p . Montaigne, p . . . Reward J., p 2:10*4- Sadie H., p 2:20*4 Sigma Nu, p 2:17% Tilman, p 2:29*4 Bow Bells by Electioneer. Alarm Bells 2:29% Boreal 2:17*4 Bowery Boy. J- R- L., p 2:21*4 Boxer by Jefferson Prince. Emma W 2:25% Brandywine (Keene's) by Cobb's Brandy wine. Ned Forrest 2:28% Brandywine by Brandywine. Careless Boy 2:28 Grey Bill 2:30 Brazilian by Skeptic. Sunrise 2:28% Brentham by Lex Loci. Nelly G...: 2:20 Brentwood by Blue Grass. Kitewood 2:23 Newsboy, p 2:12*4 Brewer. Roscoe.p 2:24% Brewster by Hotspur Chief. Brewster F 2:24% Brick Wilkes by Alcantara. Belle Nira, p '2:24*4 H. J. Rockwell, p 2:12*4 Bretwood by Nutwood. Albert Bretwood 2:26% Brigadier by Happy Medium. Balance All 2:29% Brignolia 2:29*4 Brigadier (Doty's) 2:29*4 Cyclone 2:26% Ed Biggs 2:28% Hazel Kirke 2:24 George Wapple, p 2:25 Brigand by Mambrino Chief. Red Cross 2:21% Bright Clay by John Bright. Jerry M 2:30 Bright Light, Gyp, p 2:26*4 NetJieD , p....; 2:27*4 Tascott, p 2:26% Watcheye, p 2:19 Brignoli W. Miss Cecil 2:28% Brignoli Wilkes by Geo.Wilkes. Blue Brig 2:21% Brilliant by Sterling. Brilliantine, p 2:17*4 Brilliant by Young Morrill. Prince B 2:24% Brilliant Golddust by Golddust. BillyG 2:17% LidaD 2:24% Brinker Sprague by Governor Spras,ue. Gen. Sprague 2:26*4 Bristow by Mambrino Patchen. X.Y.Z .2:29% Broadway by Robert Smith. Cheerful Charley, p. . . .2:28*4 Broadway. Fascination, p 2 :20% Brod Walnut by Lucas Brod- head. DanH 2:25% Fanny Rush, p 2:19 Walnut Bud. p 2:16*4 Broken-Leg by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Anna Knowlton ... .2:27*4 BigF 2:16% Bronze. PattieR 2:29% Brook by Bayard. Speedaway 2:24*4 Belle J., p 2:12% Bessie H., p 2:19% Brookie Forest. Jo He, p 2:12% Brookmont by Behnont. WilliamR 2:28*4 Brooks, p, by Stone's Pilot. Bonesetter 2:19 Brooks (Earnhart's). Buckner, p 2:15% Rattler Brooks, p 2:23*4 Bronx Jr. by Bronx. Billy Steinman ... 2:21% Brougham by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Bromo 2:26 Brighton 2:28% Clarence Girl 2:26*4 Edna W 2:29 Geuevieve 2:26% Brown by Combat. Judge Brown 2:29*4 Victress 2:28*4 Judge Case, p 2:17*4 Brown Chief bv Mambrino Chief. Maggie K 2:29*4 1 ^ncle Tom, p 2:25% Brown Douglas by Pelham Tartar. Charley Gibson 2 :21% Brown Frank by Marshal Ney. Dr. Cronin 2:27% Monarch 2:25*4 Yellow Jacket 2 :29*4 Brown Hal, by Gibson's Tom Hal. Bay Hal. p 2:20*4 B. H. D, p 2:20% Brown Hal Jr., p 2:17*4 Grapeshot, p 2:18 Hal Braden, p 2:07*4 Hal Carter, p 2:22*4 Hal Dillard. p 2:04% Hal Parker, p 2:13% HalPulaski, p 2:18% Jim Mears, p 2:23*4 Laurel, p 2:10% Lizzie, p 2:27 Machette, p 2:21% Major Hal, p 2:29*1 Palmetto, p 2:12% Patasco.p 2:24% Prince Hal, p. 2:16*4 Roxie, p 2:20 Soda Water, p... Star Pointer, p. . Storm, p Susie Brown, p. . Brown Harry by Black Hawk. Cora F Jenny W 2:30 StElmo.: 2:29)4 Brown Henry by Corbeau. R. M.Lewis.... 2:29 Bay Henry, p 2:23 Bonnie Boy, p .2:29*4 J. K., p 2:16% Kate Collins, p 2:ii6 Brown Horse. Grateful 2:28% Brown Golddust. Rufe Wilson, p 2:24% Brown Jug by Nutwood. Alviso 2:20 Charley C 2=14*4 Mary 2:29*4 Mischief 2:22*4 Susie Carlos 2:27% Susie K.,p 2:27% Brown Kimble by Ed Kirnble. Black Cloud 2:23% Brownmark by Victor Brown- mark. Diddie 2:25*4 Brownmont by Almont. 0. K 2:29*4 Brown Tingham. Tom Hughes, p 2:27% Brown Wilkes by George Wilkes. Aroon 2:27% Barderah 2:26% Bellona 2:29*4 Blanca 2:19*4 Brandoline 2:28% Brazilian 2:24*4 Brown Donna 2:29*4 Hattie Belle 2:25% Keewaydin 2:28*4 Leo Wilkes 2:24*4 Ramona Wilkes 2:29*4 Rostoko 2:24*4 Velveu] 2:23% Wintergreen 2 :24% Winterset 2:24% Witch Hazel 2 :21*4 Zenas 2:27% Banner Wilkes, p 2 : 20*4 Bashford, p 2:22*4 Branolia, p 2:22 Lady Wilkes, p 2:24% Magown, p 2:27*4 Roland Wilkes, p 2:28% Rosencrantz, p 2:27% Brownwood by Swigert. BeldenBoy, p 2:29*4 Bruce. KittyC.,p 2:14 Brunswick Chief by Duke of Brunswick. Fanny Brunswick 2:29% Blonde 2:14*4 Brussells by Blue Bull. Allen B 2:20*4 Frazee 2:29% Spurrier Boy 2:30 Charley C., p 2:24 IraC.,p 2:26% Buccaneer by Iowa Chief. Bulwer ....2:26% Flight 2:29 16 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Shamrock 2:25 Bucephalus by Wood's Hamble- tonian L*dy Richards 2:26% Bucephalus. Washington, p 2:21% Buchanan 2d by Buchanan. Young Buchanan 2:29% Buck by Whitehall. Brown Joe 2:29% Buckeye Bayard by Bayard . Buck Morgan 2:29% Lady Hamlet, p 2:24% Buckeye Chief by Provincial Chief. Billy Bachelor 2:21% Buckeye Hambletonian by Buckeye Chief. Pawn 2:30 Buckingham by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Jewell 2:24% Buckshot. Winder 2:29% Budd Doble by George M. Pat- chen Jr. Barney B 2:27% Bullet, George 2:27% Rifle Ball, p 2:14 Bullion by Blue Bull. Barberine 2:27% Bull Pup by Old Pilot. Rowdy Boy.p 2:13% Burger by Boston Boy. Addie E. C 2:28% Billy Mack 2:19 Chestnut Boy 2:28% Bunco, by Bownan's Clark Chief. Grover Cleveland 2:24 Bunco Jr., p 2:12% Burdette by Tramp. Phax 2:27% Burns by Kirk wood. MaudD t ...2:29% Burton by Seneca Chief- Lady Bug 2:22% Burridge Horse by Dr. Pann- ley. Fairport 2:29 Burr Oaks. Silver Bill, p 2:26^ Busy Boy by Gen. Knox. Tommy Tosser 2 :30 Butler by Red Wilkes. Fleet Wilkes, p 2:29% II. R. II.. p 2:24* Byerly Abdallah by Mambrino Patchen. Buckskin Dick 2:23% Ernestine 2:30 Honest Byerly. . . Jerome Turner KateRowell. Patchmore . Euphony, p. ...2:24% ....2:15% ','.'.'. 2 :'24 4 2:23% iphc Byerly Boy 'by Byerly Abdal- lah. Ethel,p 2:24% Byron by Field's Royal George. Ottawa Chief 2:25 Capital, p 2:26% Cadmus (Iron's) by Cadmus. Pocahontas, p 2:17% Cadmus (King's) by Pioneer. Lilly Shields 2:29% Cadmus (Kirby's). Callie K 2:30 Cadmus 1 Iambi eto n i a n by Squire Talmage. Cadmonia 2:25 Cadmus Jr ....2:26 Oakwood 2:2i% Riverside 2:'29% Simon Taylor 2:2o FloraC., p 2:21% Cadmus Wilkes by Young Wilkes. Faith 2:21 Caesar by Bayard. Caesar 2:29 Caesar by Caesar. Sobol 2:27 Cafferty Horse by Dr. Farm! Joe D 2:27% Grover S.,p 2:14% Calabar by Guy Wilkes. Coincident 2: '20 Calamity Dick by Maxie Cobb McKee 2:30 Whirley.p 2:22% Caldwell Horse. Jimmy Mack, p 2:21% Caledonia Chief by Howe's Roy- al George Tartar Chief, p 2:25% Tommy B 2:25 Calhoun by Aker's Idol. Express, p 2:24% Caliban by Mambrino Pilot. C. F. Clay 2:18 Coaster Cubit 2:27 Cyclone 2: 5 Greenwood Belle 2:29% Nettie Mac 2:28% California by Sultan. CalKotch 2:30 Lodina 2:27% Marchioness, p 2:27% California Lambert by Ben Franklin. AaronS 2:29 Major Lambert, p.. .. 2:19% California Nutwood by Nutwood Maud C 2:15 AberH.p 2:27% Annie C., p 2:21% Calumet by Banker. C C 2:16% Camden Denmark by Denmark. Nelia 2:24% Canada Champion by Canadian Moscow. Lady Emma 2:28 Candidate by Electioneer. Catherine 2:23% Elfrida 2:13% Candidate by Slander. Amphion, p 2:24% Canadian Lion. Henry 2:27% C. A. Niles by Brougham. DocM 2:28% Niles Jr 2:27% Canonicus by Hinsdale Chief Dasher 2:25% Joe 2:19 Can tale ver by Abdalbrino. HylieT.,p 2:12% Capoul by Sentinel. Cosher 2:30 Elena 2:24% Integrity 2:27% Lady Capoul 2:28 Margaret 2:20 Omar 2:25% Ovid 2:18% Zulu 2:29% Capri by Jim Lick. Captor 2:26% Clara Z 2:26% Captain (Emery's). Bridget, p 2:27% Captain by Billy Denton. Reno 2:27 Toronto Maid 2:28^ Sir Vaughn 2:29% Capt. Beaumont by Wilson's Henry Clay WolfordZ 2:22 Capt. Bogardus by Blue Bull. Paddy Collins 2:29% Sunrise, p 2 :20% Capt. Cook by Favorite Wilkes. A If Taylor 2:24"4 Sir Edwin Arnold, p.. . .2:17% Captain Davis. Maud B.,p 2:29% Capt. Gay Jr. Bessie M.,p 2:16% Capt. Hanford by Gen. Taylor. May Howard 2:24 Captain Jack by Red Buck. Jenny Lind, p 2:23K Capt. Lyons by Sweepstakes. Dartford,p 2:22% Captain McGregor by Robert McGregor. Maud McGregor, p 2:20% Captain M osier. Sandy Mack, p 2:28 Captain Pankey by Green's Bashiw. Pankey John 2:28% Joe, p 2:22% Captain Seth by Tramp. Silver Seth 2:25*2 Captain Sligart Jr. by Captain Sligart. Birdie, p 2:24% Captain Walker. Little Pat, p 2:27% Capt. Walker (Wilson's) by Ben Hard in. Farmer Maid 2:28% Captain Walker Jr. by Captain Walker. Lady Walker 2:30 Capt. Webb by Sunshine. Rocket 2:30 Sorrel G. ,rge. p 2:21 % Capt Webster by Williamson's Belmont. Freestone 2:29 Cyrus, p '2:14% Frank, p 2:20 Capt. Williamson. BarneyG .p 2:29% Cardinal b, Almont. Harry C 'inal 2:27% King Cai .inal 2:2*i% Ohio Boy, p 2:24% Cardinal. Cardinal 2:30 Careless by Roe's Abdallah Charley Green 2:26% Maj. King 2:30 Carcnaught by Fearnaught. U. N. 2:21% V. J. GOLDEN, MEDFORD, MASS. The popular New England reiusmanJsvho marked Ralph Wilkes 2:06% at Nashville. :/ift fr A. C. PEN NOCK, GLENVILLE, OHIO. In 1893 Pennock drove Ortine to a two-year-old race record of 2 :22i4 at Nashville, and in 1894 he gave Mambrino Queen a race record of 2 :13|^. SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 17 .2:22 .2:30 .2:24% .2:15% Chief- Carl eton by Gen. Geo. II. Thomas. Midland Maid p 2:21% Carleton Colt by Don Fulano. Helen Wilkes 2:25% Carlos by Crittenden. Roy 2:30 Carver by Onward- Molly Hooper, p . Cash by Lance. Ida A ,p Cashier by Banker. Quaker Boy Cashier Jr , p CasBier by Capoul. Hard Cash, p Cassady by Overton's tain. School Boy 2:26% Cassius M. Clay by Henry Clay. George M. Patchen . . . .2:23% Cassius M. Clay Jr. (Neave's) by Cassius M. Clay. George Cobley 2:27 Harry Clay 2:29 Lady Lock wood 2 :25 Lew Sayres 2:28% Cassias M. Clay Jr. (Amos') by Cassius M. Clay. American (iirl 2:16% Cassius M. Clay Jr. (Strader's) by Cassius M Clay. Annie C 2:23% Durango 2:23% Equinox 2:27V4 Harry Clay 2:23% Sinbad 2:29% Molly L, p 2:2tiJ$ Cassius M. Clay Jr. (Ballard's) by Cassius M. Clay. Cassius Prince 2:29 May Day 2:30 Queechee Maid 2:25 Queechee Maid, p 2:26% Castelar by Ajax. Katie Drew 2:28 Castilian by Gov. Sprague. Josephine 2:19% Catawba. Jofic B., p 2:14% Cazique by Aker's Idol. Cazique 2:27% Cedarwood by Nutwood. Lumpwood 2:21% Celadon by Triton. Colored Man 2:23 Centennial by Saturn. Gen. Garfield, p 2:24% Cephas. Little George, p 2:2*M C.F. Clay by Caliban. Allen Kinney 2:2-1% Bermuda Chief 2 :29% Carmencita 2:27% Cecilian Prince 2 :30 Clayton Lee 2:24% Claret 2:29% Clementine 2:29% Clorine 2:18^ Clover Leaf 2:21% Coleridge 2:23% Connor 2 :13% C eel 2:29% Flare 2:26% Honest Clay 2:29% J. D. Creighton 2:25% Josephine 2:29% Margaret W 2:25% Mertz 2:24% Nut Brown Maid 2 :28% Perkins 2:29% Red Leaf 2:28 KosaS 2:21% Santa Gertrudes 2:29% Sarah C 2:18% Spring Day 2:26% Tickle Me 2:28 Tony Boy 2:26 Wanetah 2:21% Winks 2:20% Choral, p 2:15 Claybourne, p 2:11% Coleridge, p 2:OH^ 1 ord Clayton, p 2:24% Chadwick by Robert Bonner. Marshal B 2:26% Challenge by Sherman Black Hawk. Doty 2:21 Challenger by Almont. Challenger Chief 2:16 Procrastination 2 :29% Trumpeter ... 2 :20% Champion (King's) by Cham- pion. Charley B 2:25 Col. Barnes 2:28% George B. Daniels 2 :24 Golden Girl 2:25% 2:25% 2:24 2:27 2:28% Myrtle Nettie Burlew Newsboy Sorrel 1'apper. Champion (Gooding's) by King's Champion. Castle Boy 2:21 Champion 2:26% Champion Girl 2:28 Chauncy M. Bedle 2:30 Clarence E 2:30 Edwin 2:29% Edwin A 2:24% Elmer 2:22% Eva 2:25% Hornet 2:29% Lady Sargent 2:27% Naiad Queen 9 ^nix- Nelly B Novelty St. James Schuyball York State Miss Kruett, p . Champion (Fitzsimmons') King's Champion. Jim Early 2:22% Champion (Canadian). Joe H.,p 2:21% Champion Drew by Gen. Burn- side. Puritan 2:30 Champion (Howard's) by Good- ing's Champion. Benllur 2:24% Champion King by King's Champion. Flirt 2:28% Champion Knox by Bismarck. Blacksmith 2:30 Mount Vernon 2 :26 Leonard, p 2:23% Champion Medium by Happy Medium. Qu Allan 2:20 2:23! _ 2:23% 2:26% 2:23% 2 :26 by Champion Prince by King's Champion. Little Mike 2:23% May Williams 2:26M Champion Wilkes. Oklahoma, p 2:28 Champlain by Daniel Lambert. Happy Girl 2:23% Chamois, p 2:16% Chance by Strathmore. Col.Matson 2:27 Chance by Rockwood. Pluto 2:29% Chancellor Black Hawk by Mitchell's Black Hawk. Misfortune 2:21% Chandler J. Wells by Royal George. Filbert 2:28 Chandos by btrathmore. Chan, p 2:17^ Chapin Egmont by Egmont. P. II. Chapin 2:29*4 Charles Backman by Rysdyk's Hambletoninn. Backman Maid 2 : 25% Dan Backman 2:22% Charles Caffrey by Gen. Knox. Billy Hustler 2:27 Eddy Hayes 2:23% Guy Sheridan 2:22% Kate Caffrey 2:18% Lord Caffrey 2 :21% Louis P 2:29^ McKarland 2:29% Major Buford 2 :28% Molly G 2:28 Nelly Cobb 2:20M Kobbie P 2:12% Rose Copeland 2 :29J4 Wanamaker 2 :29J4 Giles Noyes, p 2:24% Gumbo, p ....2:29% Charles Derby by Steinway. Derby Princess 2 :25 Cebolo, p 2:13^ Diablo, p .2:09% J. F. B.,p 2:26% Charles Dickens by Superb. Bub McLaughlin 2:29 Charles Douglas by Royal George. Cora 2:29^ Charles E. Loew by George M. Patchen. Stewart Maloney 2:27 Charles G. Hayes by Tramp. Ilaidee B 2:26 Hazel Maid .2:5 Henry Colby 2:5 Elsie B fl > Charles M. by Prescott. S. X. Boy, r 2:H Yellow Ash, p 2:24} _ Charleston by Bourbon Wilkes. Belle Meade, p 2:28% Charton, p 2:16% Wheeler F., p 2:12% Charley by Washtenaw Chief. Minnie Maxfield 2:28% Charley Patsey Clinker, p 2:20 Charley. Harry K,p 2:16% Charley B. by King's Champion. AddieFiizB 2:26% A-lice Burlew 2:22% Bonnie L 2:27% 18 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Consolation 2:29 Electra 2:25% Douglass 2:27*4 Gold Boy 2:23*4 Gus Fellows 2:29*4 Honey B 2;25*4 Maggie Morrill 2:29*4 MaudB 2:24*4 May K 2:29*4 Minnie B 2:2tf*4 Bosa B 2:26% Roseberry 2:26% Shylock 2:29% Spurgeon 2:21% Tain O'dhanter 2 :28% Tiny B 2:21% "Topsey 2:29*4 Wesley Boy 2:26% Charley B. Wilkes, p. . .2:28 Charley Bashaw. Gray Bashaw 2:30 Charley Brister. Dallas H , P 2:29% Frank M. P 2:27% Charley B. Wilkes by Charley B. Utella 2:26*4 Charley Clay. Maud Clay, p 2:23*4 Charley Foster by Billy Green. Little Joker, p 2:19% Charley Ross by Smuggler. Emma Carroll 2 :27 Oliver Ross 2:30 Charley West by Allie West. FletaWest 2:30 Charley Wicker by Daniel Lambert. Josie D 2:30 Myrtle S 2:28*4 Charley Wilkes by Red Wilkes. Arrival 2:24% Elkrd 2:09% Farnum's Wilkes, p.... 2:22% Charm. Kitty M.,p 2:25 Redieaf. p 2:28*4 Chastelard by King Rene. Ella Rene 2:25 Linda Gale, p 2:19 Chatham by Cwyler. Chattel 2:29* Chatterbox by Victor Bismarck. Josie B., p 2:13*4 Chatterton by Crittenden. Nelly Chatterton 2:29*4 Chauncey Goodrich by Marshall Chief. Randall 2:24% Chazey Patchen. Chazey Maid 2:28 Cheatham. MaudM.,p 2:21 Cheltenham by Oxmoor. Hildeburn 2:18 Chelton by Princeps. Burleigh 2:28% Cherokee Chief by Almont Eagle. Oxford 2:25*4 Chesbrough. Castleton 2:21 Chester. Dr. Wood, p 2:20% Chester Chief by Rysdyk'a Hambletonian. Clochette 2:17*4 Oxford Chief 2:22% Pitt Kellogg 2:27*4 Prairie King 2:23% Rachel B 2:18*4 Tom Murray 2:24*4 Chesterfield by Enfield. Nashville 2:28 Chesterfield by Hetzel's Ham- bletonian. Lillis H 2:23% Chester Lion. Silver-sides 2:22 Chesterwood by Nutwood. Brooklawn 2:28*4 Selah Chesterwood... .2:27*^ Belle Potter, p 2:29% Chromette, p 2:24 Rebus,p 2:12% Chestnut Fearnaught. YucaWan, p 2:26*4 Chestnut Hill by Strathmore Roy Hill, p 2:29% Chestnut Hill Jr. by Chestnut Hill. Little Bell 2:22* Chestnut Joe by Murphy's Royal George. Baby 2:29% Deleware 2:29*4 Lizzette 2:25 Chestnut Star by Arnold's Red Buck. Day Star, p 2:17 Grey Star, p 2:29% Red Star, p 2:20 Chestnut Wilkes by Red Wilkes. Konvalinka 2:25 Chestnut Bird, p 2 :24% Chevalier by Kearsarge. Chevalier 2:27 Chevron by Banker Messenger. Carl 2:30 Chicago Volunteer by Volunteer. Edwin Q Ella E Gypsy Maid May H Volatile Woodstock Belle... Pete Curran . p 2:'28* Barney A., p 2:25? Chichester by Harold. Bezant 2:21% Chetwood 2:27 Marchester 2:29 Stornaway 2:19 Chickamauga by Vermont Boy. Charley B 2:30 Luella 2:21% Danube p 2:25% Chief by Fisk's Mambrino Chief Indiana Belle 2:24*4 Mambrino Maid 2:29% Chief by Atlantic Chief. A.B. C 2:28 Chief Justice by Satellite. Ego 2:24% Chief Medium by Happy Med- ium. Cresco 2:29^ Lucy W 2:27*4 Magna Medium 2:24% Maud Medium 2:28 Chief of Echo by Echo. Daylight 2:21% Chieftain by Hiatoga. Cairo 2:26 Defiance 2:24 2:17% 2:30 2:24% 2:21*4 Defiance, p Flora, p _____ Onward, p Chieftain. Shamrock, p Chimes by Swigert. Chimes E Chimes E., p Chimes by Electioneer. Beautiful Chimes ... Bessie Chimes ......... 2:27 Blue Bell .............. 2: Boy Blue .............. 2:25*4 Carillon ............... 2:27*4 Charming Chimes ...... 2:18% Chide ............... 2:26*4 Chimes Boy ............ 2:17*4 Chimesbrino .......... 2 :28% Chimes Girl ........... 2:26 Curfew .............. 2:24*4 Electmont ............. 2:22*4 Fantasy ............... 2:06 June Bug .............. 2:29*4 Josie Chimes ........... 2:29*4 Midnight Chimes ...... 2:16*4 Princess Royal ......... 2:20 Sixty-Six .............. 2:15*4 Ed Easton, p ........... 2:09% Era Chimes, p .......... 2:19% Merry Chimes, p ....... 2:08% Palo A Ito Chimes, p .... 2 : 17% Tanny Bug, p .......... 2:17% Chismore by Administrator. Beauty .......... ..... 2:29% Lady Mack .......... 2:25% Chosroes by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian. C. H. H ................ 2:27*4 Lady Mills ............ 2:24% Longford .............. 2:20V 2 M ary Hanford ........ 2 :28% W. K .................. 2:21*4 Chrisman Patcben. Ed Fay ................ 2:28% Churchill by Favorite Wilkes. A. B.C., p ............. 2:23*4 Churchill Horse by Young Black Hawk. Tom H. Patchen ....... 2:27*4 Circulator by Forrest Golddust. Bobby Howard ........ 2 :30 Civilization by J. H. Welch. Cavalier ............... 2:27% Civilian ............... 2:21 Oiviltine ............... 2:17% Jessie C .............. 2:24% Claimant by Red Wilkes. Diana ................. 2:29*4 See .................... 2:29*4 Medley.p .............. 2:23% Clarion by Naugatuck. Old Put ................ 2:30 Clarion Chief by Tippoo Chief. Clara K ................ 2:17% Hastings ............... 2:28% Little Walter ...... ....2:29*4 MaudD ................ 2:29*4 Tariff .................. 2:20% DocH.,p ............. 2:19*4 Grover S., p ............ 2:27% Clark Chief by Mambrino Chief. Blanche Amory ........ 2 :2 Croxie ................. 2:19*4 Governor .............. 2 :30 JohnE ................. 2:28% Lady Prewitt .......... 2:30 Woodford Chief ........ 2:22*4 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 19 Clark Chief (Spink's) by Con- federate Chief. Col. Owen 2:15% Confederate Star 2 : 28 Fleety L 2:30 Senator K 2:24)4 Clark Chief (Sim's) by Clark Chief. Elevator 2:22% LadyB 2:22)4 Clark Chief Jr. by Clark Chief. Cotton wood Chief 2:29 Ranchero 2:21% Holla 2:24 Tony Newell 2:19% Clark Chieftain by Clark Chief. Lottie W 2:21 Reuben W 2:16*4 Chief Justice, p 2:22*4 Clay by Electioneer. Clatina 2:18)4 Clayone 2:27)4 Hazel 2:28 Knotty Boy . . . : 2:24% Miss Clay 2:29% Nemo 2:26% Parkside 2:22% Spinaway 2:29^ Stanford 2:29*4 Algetta.p 2:24% Claytina, p 2:19% Count Clay, p 2:27*4 Wire Nail, p 2:29^ Clay Abdallah by Strader's Cassiu M. Clay Jr. James D 2:30 Marquis 2:26% Budd Doble, p 2:19*4 Clay Abdallah Jr. by Clay Ab- dallah. Rocky P., p 2:12% Clay Cadmus by Neave's Cas- sius M. Clay Jr. Maud 2:29% Clay Cuyler by Cuyler. Andes 2:27% Vandeen 2:30 Clay Davis by Strader's Cassius M. Clay Jr. Clay Forest 2:24*4 Kid Davis, p 2:27*4 Clay Duke by Alcona. Dell Ray 2:21% Lillian Smith 2:29 Clayford by Harry Clay. Belle A 2:29*4 Bessie S 2:26 Dr. C 2:26% Clay Hambletonian by Mapes Hor-e. Lady Ulster .. 2:20 day King by King Clay. Durado 2:27% Guard 2:28% The Raven 2:26 Clay Pilot by Neave's Cassius M. Clay Jr. Billy R 2:25% Fulton Maid 2 :29*4 FredV.,p 2:22% Claythorne. Harry Clay, p 2:26% Clayton Edsall by Maj. Edsall. Jewel 2:27*4 Kitty Edsall .. 2:28% Lady Douglass... 2:29% Clay Wilkes by George Wilkes. Cambria Wilkes 2:29*4 Richard Wilkes, p 2:25 Zadiap 2:29*4 Zaney \Vilkes p 2 :23% Clear Grit by imp. Lapidist. Amber 2:25% Flora F 2:24*4 Gold King 2:29% Little Billy 2:23% Billy M., p..... 2:19% Capt. Hunter, p 2:1% Florence G.,p 2:18 Fuller,p 2:13% Sir John, p 2:26 Clear Grit (Booth's) by Clear Grit. Bay Fly, p 2:23*4 Fleetfoot, p 2:12 Clematis by rtobert Bonner. Kocket 2:2614 Clifford by Bay Eagle. Famous Girl 2:26% MaudE 2:22% Clifton Boy by Squire Talmage. Johnny Smoker, p 2:29% Clifton Pilot by Old Pilot. Jack Lewis 2:28% Climate by Contractor. Climatize 2:24% Client 2:24 Climax by Almont. Fanny Cope 2:28% March 2:25% Ottawa Maid 2:28)4 Climont. Prince T., p 2:13*4 Clintun by Fulton. Gertie B., p 2:15% Clinker. Clinker Jr 2:24 Lynwood 2:20* Susie B 2:26K HargusH.,p 2:29*4 He's-a-Seed, p 2:25% Jim Clinker, p 2:21% Lawnwood, p 2:25* Minnie A., p 2:19*4 Newkirk, p 2:2o* Sally Clinker, p 2:13 SusieB.,p 2:20% What's Wanted, p 2:3U Clipper. John Murphy 2:28*4 Clipper by Ked Buck Jr. ..2:1314 ..2:17^ ...2:30 Clipper 2:27% hen B.,p ........... Martin Box, p ....... Minnie Taylor, p. ... Clipper (Moore's) by Brooks. Rube Burrows, p ....... 2:22^ Clipper Jr. Silver Heel, p Clipper Brooks by Brooks Annie Rhea, (p) ........ 2:14% Lochinvar,p .......... 2:20* Lou Shaffer, p .......... 2:30 C. L. Martin by Wilkesonian. Frank Me Donald ...... 2 :26* Cloud Mambrino by Dan Under- bill. Alfred ................. 2:26% Billy Lamberson ....... 2:2814 Cloud Mambrino by Cloud Mambrino. Charley F. p ........... 2:28 Prince Echo, p ........ 2 :14*6 Coaster by Caliban. Cruiser ................ 2:28*4 Lady Rooker, p . . ..... 2:25*3 Cobden by Daniel Lambert. Helen M 2:27 Cobden 2d 2:24 Cobdella, (p) 2:26*3 Cobden Boy, p 2:28)4 Cobden Jr.. p 2:15 Ellen M.,p 2:17 Coeur D'Alene by Dexter Brad- ford. AdMene 2:26 An A'Lene, p 2:29% Cognac by Raymond. Robin p 2:29)4 Cohannet (p) by Bay State. Becker p 2:24*3 Lantana. p 2:25*4 Coke Chief by Wilton. J. M. C.. p 2:24)4 Colby Swigert by Swigert. Wirt Dexter 2:30 Col Kisman. DeKalb.p 2:23*3 Coligne by Echo. Jenny Wren 2 :25)4 Frank B 2:30 Col. Bonner by Independent. Cornelia 2:21*4 Col. Bruce by Mambrino Bruce. Motto 2:28 Lady Oaks, p 2:19*3 Col. Crockett by Ripple. MaudN *, . ..2:26*4 Col. Cross by Draco. Hopemont 2:28 Col Ellsworth by Gen. Knox. ArthurT 2:27 Col. Hambrick by Dictator. Cigarette 2:23*4 Daphne 2:16*4 Gallilee 2:26% Gov. Powell 2:25 Gentile 2:30 Thalia 2:24% Colonel Hare by Attorney. CaptainHare 2:25 Lady Hare 2:16% Col. Harry Lambert by Daniel Lambert. Ethel Lambert 2:29% Col. Howe by Blue Bull Mascot Bob 2:29*4 Col H. S. Russell by Blanco. Russell, (Miller's) p.... 2:24 Colonel Kip by Kenwood. Pawling 2:21*4 Col. Lillard by Jay Bird. Red Ink 2:22*4 Colonel M. Jimmy C 2:23% Col. Moore by Rocky Mountain Chief. Dr. Norman 2:19% Harry B.,p 2:19% Col. Tom by Lumps. Captain Tom 2:26% DonL 2:23% Col. Walker. TomG.,p 2:29)4 Col West by Almont. Mabel H 2:26 Westmont 2:24 Lorene.p 2:15*4 Sol. Miller, p 2:19 Col. West by Egbert. Westland 2:29% Dick West, p 2:29*4 Col. Wilkes by George Wilkes. Coon Hollow, p 2:23% 20 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Harry Wilkes. p ........ 2:23 Col. Winfield by Edw. Everett. Edgar .................. 2:30 Colonna by Belmont. Alice ................... 2:26^ Capitola ................ 2:24^4 Edelweiss .............. 2:30 Motor ................ 2:27M Colossus, p ............. 2:27/4 Little Hank p ......... 2:24*4 S.G. A.,p .............. 2:17% Colossus Mambrino by Colossus. St. Louis ............... 2:25 Columbia Chief by Mambrino Black Hawk. Strangemore ........... 2:29% Columbus. Confidence ............ 2:28 Columbus (Young) by Colum- bus. Arthur ............... 2:27% Ben Smith ............. 2:27 Com. Vanderbilt ....... '2:25 Farmer Boy ........... 2:28 Fitzgerald ............. 2:30 Harry Harley ......... 2:25% Jim Ward ........... 2:28% Myron Perry .......... 2:24} Phil Sheridan ......... 2:26% Sea Foam .............. 2:24% Young Columbus Jr.... 2:30 Columbus (McKimmin's) by Brown's Bellfounder. Little Mac ............. 2:28% Comae by Kentucky Prince. Showeress ............. 2:27^4 Combat by Hero of Thorndale. Brown ............... 2:18% lona .................. 2:27 Medah ................. 2:27M Soudan ................ 2:18*4 Warrant ............. 2:21*4 Williams ............... 2:20^ Combination by Dictator. Molly \Vork ............ 2:24% Combination by Egmont. Hallie Harris .......... 2:23% Comet by Williams Horse. Maid of Monti ......... 2:28 Susie W ............. 2:26% Western Belle ........ 2:24% Comet. Dictator ............... 2:22*4 Commander by Blue Bull. NellieS ............... 2:23% Bernica,p ............. 2:30 Henry F. p ............ 2:20*4 Sorrel Dan, p .......... 2:18^4 Commander by Dictator ...... Annie C ............... 2:28% M'liss ................. 2:21% Prince Karl ......... 2:26 Anna, p Laura Belle, p Queen, p Commodore by Boston Tennessee Commodore by Botts' dore. Dick Organ ............ 2:2454 Seymour Belle ......... 2:19% Commodore Belmont by Bel- mont. Carrie Belle ............ 2:23% Doncaster .............. 2:28*4 Evening Star ........... 2:29 Gale ................... 2:27% Geranium ..... ....... 2:28% 2:21*4 2:27% 2:19*4 2:27 Commo- Meteor 2:28% Commodore Wilkes by Geo. Wilkes. Coalburgh 2:30 Hardshell 2:28 Commonwealth by Phil Sher- idan. Eddie Wilkes 2:23*4 Como by Ballard's C, M. Clay Jr. Margaret J 2:24*4 Como Chief by Appleby's Chieftain. Webber 2:28 Companion by Gen. Knox. Cimarron 2 :27*4 Lasis 2:20% Compeer by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Compwood 2 :29 Competitor by Onward. Checkmate 2:29 Comus by Lucas Brodhead- Harry C., p. 2:151/2 Con by Corsair. Brown Jim 2 :22*4 Concord by Lexington. Star W 2:27% Conductor by Gen. Knox. Skipaway 2:29% Lilydale 2:27*4 Confederate Chief by Clark Chief. Big Ben 2:28*4 Confederate Maid . . . . 2 :29*4 Lady Love 2 :23y 2 Slepy Chief 2 :27*4 William Arthur 2 :19*4 Cap Sheaf, p 2:21*4 Confidence by Sewall's Phil Sheridan. Lady Sheridan, p 2 :15*4 Conflict by Madrid. Contest, p 2:21 Confusion by Electioneer. Conaslee, p 2:26*4 Connaught by Wedgewood. Clonmore 2=21 Grand Turk 2 :29*4 Lady Connaught 2:30 Alice L., p 2:25% Naughty Girl, p 2 :23*4 Wickcliffe, p 2:20 Conqueror by Ed. Holly. Ru ledge 2:30 Constellation by Almont. Glenarm 2 :23*4 Kalula 2:28*4 Mahomet 2 :28V4 Tilton 2:24*4 Illusion, p 2:24*4 Patrol, p 2:14*4 Consternation. Molly Bell 2:30 Consul bv Saturn. Consul Chief 2:26 Harry K 2:22 LuluG.,p 2:16*4 Continental by Baron'sEthan Allen. Capt. Emmons 2 :19*4 Contraband. Gold Note 2:25 Contractor by Ajax. Dr. West 2:17*4 Conundrum by Barkis. Daisy 2:28 Con way by Wedgewood. Judge Conway 2 :28*4 Lloyd, p 2:19*4 Nell Gray, p 2:25*4 Cope Chief by Wilton. J. M. C..p 2:24ii Copperbottom . Billy Fleming, p . . . . 2 :25*4 Copperbottom (Comb's) . DupeF., p 2:14*4 Copper Duke by Monroe. Dolly M 2:23*4 Coralloid by Simmons. Coraline 2:26*4 Coral Queen 2 :28*4 DonO'Loid 2:26 Corbeau by Black Corbeau. Brown Billy 2:29 Rose Standish 2:29 Billy Boyce, p 2:19 Billy 8., p 2:14*4 John Maloney, p 2 :24*4 Corbeau (Walker's) by Cor- beau Chief. LibbyS 2:1934 Corbeau Chief by Corbeau. Dora 2:26*4 Corbin Bashaw by Amboy. Belle Corbin 2:23% Harry Reid 2:24 Lady Reid 2:28* Findley, p 2:20 Rita 8., p 2:24% Rupert,* 2:23*4 Cornell by Gen. Washington. J.M 2:22*4 Coriander by Iron Duke. Bicky Sharp 2 :23*4 Comrade 2:27 Coriander Maid 2:29V4 Cora C 2:28% Jack Cade 2:26*4 L. R 2:27^ Nigger Baby 2:22*4 Pilgrim 2:24*4 Turk 2:17H Cora.p 2:25 Cornwall by Florida. Lady Woodhull 2 :29& Coronet by George Wilkes. George K 2:29*4 Jenny Wilkes 2:25 l / 2 Sirock 2:19% Corneto, p 2 :18*4 Fanny Wilkes, p 2 :19% Cornelius by Nutwood. Jim Nutwood 2:21J4 William Tell 2:18 Cornelian by Princeps. Cornelius M 2:30 Magnetta 2:21*4 Newcastle 2:14% Corsair by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian. AdaM 2:29*4 Competine 2:29*4 Cortland Wilkes by George Wilkes. Ramona 2:28*4 Wilkie Wonder 2 :28*/ 2 Cosmopolitan by Landseer. Will D 2:26*4 Counsellor by Onward, Ed Davis 2:24k Endeavor 2:29*4 Counsellor (Sabin's) .2:26*4 Majella 2:29 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 21 Count Folsio by Onward. Hazel 2:30 Modesty 2:29*4 Count Louis by Louis Na- poleon. ArthurT 2:29 Count Princeos by Prin- ceps. King Princeps 2 :23*4 (Country Boy by Prince Charles. Denmark 2:30 Country Medium by Happy Medium. Allie Medium 2:30 Count Waldemar by King Rene. Countess 2:27 Count Wilkes by George Wilkes. Dr. Kidd 2:24*4 Georgette 2:27 Mill Lady 2:26*4 Mill Lady, p 2:30 Coupon by Gen. Knox. Maud Muller 2:29% MauriceS 2:231/2 Crawford by Favorite Wilkes Lady Crawford, p.... 2:27 Sandy Wilkes , p 2 :29*4 Crawford Horse. W. H. Taylor 2:29*4 Crawford Prince. Rob Roy 2:26*4 Crazy Nick by Kremer's Rainbow. Charles W. Wooley. ..2:22*6 Crazy Nick Jr. by Crazy Nick Cora R 2:25% Maud M 2:28 William E 2 :19*4 Creeper by Peck Horse. Phil Sheridan 2:26*4 Creole by John Randolph. Joe S 2:30 Rosewood 2:28*4 Cresco by Strathmore. Allie Cresco, p 2 :19*4 Betty M.,p 2:20 Crescent, p 2 :23*4 Cripple (Viley's) by Ward's Flying Cloud. Belle Brasfield 2:20 Crit Davis by Crittenden. P.-t Davis 2:19*4 Ripple 2:20*4 Crittendon by Strader's Cas- sius M. Clay. Chatterton 2:18 Clendon 2:26 Courier 2 :15 Criterion 2 :29% Ed Turner 2:17*4 Gracie V 2 :30 JeanValjean 2:14 MamieM 2:2i*4 Thornden 2:30 Van Tassel 2 :28*4 Alice Crittenden, p... 2:16*4 Critmore, p 2:21*4 Cromwell by Landseer. Auction 2:29*4 Baby S 2:24*4 Brightwood 2:29*4 Copeland 2 :30 Col. B..p 2:30 Cromwell Jr. , p 2 :25 Jimmy B.,p 2:16 Crowder (Stanway's). FredH..p 2:17*4 Crown Chief by Milford Mam- brino. Roland 2:28 Crown Point by Speculation. Valensin 2:22 Crown Prince by Mambrino Patchen. Belleflower 2 :21*4 Crozier. Eva 2:29*4 Crumley Hiatoga. Harry Phelps 2 :27*4 Harry Phelps, p 2 :22*4 Culpepper Allen. Brown Bess 2:25*4 Cunard by Von Moltke. Cunard Jr 2:28*4 Maud R 2:27 Cunard Jr. by Cunard. Cuckoo 2:19% Duster 2:27 Venture, p 2 23*4 Cupid by King Herod. Maggie N 2:16% Cuthbert by Cuylcr. Cuthbert H 2:21*4 Capt. Mack.p 2:25% Cutler. Prince C. p 2:27*4 Cuyler by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian. Algath 2:23 Belle Isle 2:28*4 Borden 2:24% Chanter 2:20% Crayon 2:29*4 Cuthbert 2 :23% Day Dream 2 :21% EdwinC 2:21*4 Elvira 2:18*4 Kate C 2:27*4 Kati Cuyler ?:6 Ocala 2:23 Orient 2:30 St. Arnaud 2:29*4 Wyatt 2:27 Cuyler Clay by Cuyler. Don Carlos 2:23 C. V. B. by Ensign. Maud 2:29*4 C. W. Mitchell Billy Mitchell '2:28% John Mitchell 2 :26*4 Maggie Mitchell 2:21*4 Cyclone by Young America Starlight 2:28*4 Cyclone by Caliban. Andy Cutter 2 :19*4 Annorean 2:26*4 Black Ide 2:17 Cecile 2:28% Cicerone 2:12*4 Cocoon .". 2 :15 Cyclone Wilkes 2 :23*4 Dr. Sparks 2:12*4 Gillette 2:11*4 Hurricane 2:25*4 Kratz 2:21*4 Mahala 2:19% Raven 2:29% Snip Nose 2:24*4 Tom Hook 2:2'.*4 Hesaville, p .'..2:28*4 Laura W., p 2:30 Cyclops by Marshal Ney. Cypress 2:30 Cylburn by Aberdeen. Racket 2:30 Cypress by Kentucky Prince. Orlando 2 :23*4 Cyril by Glenarm. Cephas 2:14*4 Dakota by Swigert. Merrill, p 2:21*4 Dall Brino by Halbrino. May Brino 2:26*4 DandyO. p 2:11 Otto W.p 2:13*4 St. Patrick, p 2 :29% Daly by General Benton. BonnerN. B 2:17 Clatawa 2:27*4 JuliaD 2:23*4 Damo by Jerome Eddy. Blue Stem 2:28 Eddy 2:22*4 Dan B. DanN Dan Brown. BertB 2:29*4 JennyB 2:24 Charley B. p 2:18*4 Dolly Brown, p 2 :16*4 Dandy by Long Island Black Hawk. Jenny 2:29*4 Dandy Boy by Almont Rat- tler. Billy F 2:24*4 Dandy Time by Mark Time. Dandy Time Jr 2:25 Dan G. Harry Hornet, p 2 :21*4 Dan G. by Pratt's Mohawk. Sally B 2:29*4 Gray Ben, p 2 :15% LillieB.,p 2:29*4 Daniel Boone by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Annie Boone 2:25*4 Echo 2:27*4 FredM 2:28*4 Nelly M 2:28*J Robinson D 2:17% Susie Owen 2:26 Tom King 2:28 Annie Boone, p 2 :25*4 Daniel C. p 2:30 FredM. p 2:26*4 Jenny J. p 2:18*4 Little Wing, p 2 :21*4 * Tough End, p 2 :29V4 Daniel Boone by Tom Crow- der. Copley 2:26 Daniel Boone by Kremer's Rainbow. Chimes C. p 2:23 Daniel Lambert by Ethan Allen. Addison Lambert 2 :27 Annie Lou 2 :30 Annie Laurie 2:27% Annie Page 2:27*4 Aristos 2:27% Baby Lambert 2 :27*4 Ben Franklin 2:29 Ben Lambert 2:27 BillyD 2:26 Blanchard 2 :25*4 Boston 2:27% Clara Morris 2 :29*i 22 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 4 Leontine, p 2:19 1 / 2 Madge Medium, p.... 2:21% Dread by Commonwealth, Commonwealth 2 :23*4 IdaP J 2:29*4 May Day 2:23% Common Pleas, p 2 :24*4 Commonwealth, p 2:18*4 Dresden by Administrator, Bessie Allen 2:2654 Valita 2:23 John C 2:22!4 Dresden Prince by Kentuky Prince. Princess Maid 2-22*4 Drew Horse. Gen. McClellan 2:29 Dirigo 2:29 Dubuque by Nutwood. Idea 2:30 Dudley Buck by Winthrop Morrill. Honest Tommy 2 :26% Duke Alexis. St. Elmo 2:25*4 Dnke of Brunswick by Rys- dyk's Hambletonian. Gov. Hendee 2:23 Red Duke 2:30 William Wallace ...2:29% Duke of Crawford by Satel- lite. Stickfast 2:27 Duke of Glen Lake by Mam- brino Abdfcllah. Charles H 2:21*4 Flashy 2:21*4 SvlvaaGlen 2:30 Duke McCiellan by Gen. Mc- Clellan. Maid of Oaks 2:23 Duke of Saratoga by Young Woful. Molly B 2:28 Duke of York by Duke of York. Duke 2:26/2 Duke Patchen by Duke of Brunswick. Sleepy Tom 2:30 Dumas by Onward. Alexander Dumas, p.. 2:15*4 Dud Davis p 2:29*4 Eva Wilkes, p 2:19 l / 2 Lucv Dumas, p 2 :16 Tommy Wilkes, p 2 :28*4 Dunbartonby Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Benzine, p 2:24*4 Dundee by Jay Gould. Hokeland 2:19 Jim Blaine 2:30 Dunham Abdallah by Erie Abdallah. Dan Mace 2:23 Dun raven by Cuyler. Athlo,p 2:25 Dun ton Wilkes byGeo. Wilkea. Joco.p 2:18 l / 2 KiesaLp 2:26*4 Rhinestone, p 2:25 Veta, p 2:171/2 Duplex by Bay Tom Jr. Combination, p 2 :23% Complex, p 2 :14*4 Flax Hal.p 2:23*4 Lucille S., p *:15% Reflector, p 2:07% Rosa Lee.p 2:23% StarPlex.p 2:12* Duquesne by Tippoo Bashaw. Dr.T 2:27% May Quesne 2:21 Dr. Snyder, p 2:17*4 Durango by Strader's Cassius M. i lay Jr. Bertha D 2:22*4 Billy 2:23% Durango Belle 2 :22% Durango Maid 2 :28*4 EdithN 2:27 l / 2 Garfield 2:29*4 Jalisco 2:19*4 Ophelia 2 30 Perduro 2:' 9*4 Pipp 2:'8 Rubinstein 2:29 Rego 2:23 SirAlbin 2:29*4 Sister Lou 2:29*4 Storm 2:24 Tin Plate .2:26 Durango Chief by Durango. MarkP 2:25% Durant by Janson. Harry Brown, p 2 :21*4 Duroc by Banker Messenger. BenDuroc 2:26*4 FrankT 2:23*4 May Queen 2:28 1 4 Ripple 2 17*4 Susie H 2:27% Duroc Boy by Duroc. Lottie S., p 2:25 Duroc Prince by Messenger - Duroc. Rosie C.,p 2:16 Duroc Volunteer by Messen- ger Duroc. MaudH 2:29*4 Duster. Hood,p 2:17 Dusty Miller by Canada Grey Eagle. Dutch Girl 2 :29*4 Irene 2:20*4 Eagle Bird by Jay Bird. Allan Line 2 :27*4 Alaroito 2:13% Dave Cox 2:29*4 American Jay 2 :24% Dr. Barch 2:30 Moubars 2-11% Ea gle Pass 2 :28*4 Eagle Princess, p 2 :17% Monbars, p 2 :16% Earl by Princeps. Earline 2 :24*4 Earlite 2-29% Earl's Lad 2:25*4 Earl's Laddy 2 :24*4 Earl's Lassie 2 :30 Florence D 2 :28*4 Gypsy Earl 2:19* Havilla. 2:29*4 Helen H 2 30 Idavan 2:19*4 j.O. D 2:30 Katie Earl 2:16*4 Minnola 2:24*4 Nadji 2:28 Nelly Earl 2:29*4 RfS9mble 2:29*4 Rhademes 2:30 Earl Van Dora by Thomp- son's Traveller. Cora Mack.p 2:22% Earnest by Volunteer. Protection 2 :19*4 Nelly B 2:16% Earthquake by North Star. Rex 2:22*4 Eastlight by Mambrino Patchen. feoanBoy 2:25*4 Eastman Morgan by Green Mountain Morgan(Hale's) Little Fred 2 :20 Eastwood by Eastlight. Jim Blaine 2:30 Eaton Horse by Avery Horse. Stranger 2:30 Ebony by Green's BasLaw. Baby Bashaw 2:30 Echo by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian, Aunie Laurie 2:30 Belle Echo 2:20 Bob Mason 2:27* Col. Hawkins 2 :29*4 Deputy 2:19*4 Echora 2:23*4 Economy 2:30 El Monte 2:29 Gibraltar 2:22*4 Lohengrin 2 :27*4 Bashaw 2:27*4 Senator 2:2154 Tippie 2:16*4 Victor 2:22 Costello, p 2:24*4 Sam Lewis, p 2:25 Eclair by Gen. Knox. Tainter .2:26 Eclair Jr, p. 2:19 Nina, p 2:22* Eclipse Clay by Strader's Cas- sius M. Clay Jr. Molly G 2:29*4 Ecorse. Rouge Boy, p 2 :30 Ed. Barton by Shelden Mes- senger. Nemo 2:29*4 Ed. Ellis. Kingston 2:18*4 Eden Golddust by Golddust. Goldie... 2:2* *4 Gold Ring 2:12*4 Edgardo by Rumor. Tomah 2:12*4 EdgarWilkes by EthanWilkes Charles R 2:29*4 Edgar Herr 2:29*4 Sarah Jane 2:24% Belle Barton, p 2:19*4 DennieB., p 2:24*4 26 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Edgehill by Dictator. Frank Hill 2:18% Harry Hill 2:25*4 Hilldale 2:29*4 Josie J 2:21% Mayhill 2:19 Billy P., p .2:29^ Mayhill, p 2:17*4' Minnie, p 2:29*4 Edgemark byVictorBismarck Lifemark 2:26*4 Silvia 2:28 Romulus, p 2:28*4 Edgewater by Curtis' Ham- bletonian. Harry W 2:27*4 Highland Boy 2:28*4 Edgewood by Nutwood. Wild Olive 2:27% Romulus ....2:284 Avan,p 2:244 Carrie H., p 2:19*4 Edict by Dictator. Black Bess 2:30 Prince Edict Jr., p . . .2 :22 Editor by Princeps. Ignis Fatuus 2 :204 Ed Kimble by Almont Grover 2:284 Snakes 2:30 Ed R. Be by Tramp. Farmer Boy 2:27*4 Edsall Clay by Harry Clay. \ision 2:26*4 Edsall Star by Major Edsall. Lou Edsall 2:26 Silver Star 2:16*4 Ed Sutherland by Egbert. Q. R. Z.,p 2:22*4 Edward Everett by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Big Fellow 2:234 Clark 8 2:27 *4 Eclipse 2:24 4 Electric 2:20 Everett Ray 2:25 Hambiino .,2:21*4 Independence 2 :19*4 Judge Fullerton 2 :18 LadyScudd 2:29*4 Maj. Lord 2:23% Mountain Boy 2:20% Sheridan 2:20% Tanner Boy 2 :224 Young Fullerton 2 :20% Edward Everett Jr. by Ed- ward Everett. JohnA.,p 2:29!/ 2 Edward G. by John Dillard. Kentucky Girl 2:29*4 Edward H. by Gooding's Champion. Pilot Boy.. 2:20 Edwin Forrest by Young Bay Kentucky Hunter. Billy Hoskins 2:26*4 Champagne 2:30 Edwin Forrest (Fisher's) by Edwin Forrest. Scott'sChief 2:23 Edwin Forrest (Hughes') by Edwin Forrest, Cleveland 2:28*4 Edwin Forrest (Lee's) by Ed- win Forrest. Kate Owen 2:26*4 Edwin Forrest (Gratz's) by Edwin Forrest. Little Belmont 2:30 Ed Sherman by Gen. Sher- man. Morris 2:29 Egalite by Egbert. Gertrude 2:26 Wyoming 2 :30 Egbert by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian. Appanoose 2 :264 Arcadian 2:234 Armand 2 :23 Barney Egbert 2 :274 Benefactor 2:28 Betina 2:29*4 Clayberta 2:30 Col. Egbert 2:30 Congress 2 :21 Constantine 2 :284 Czarina 2:21 Douglas 2:18*4 Edgar 2:30 Ed Sutherland 2 :294 Edna M 2:26 Egalite 2:20 1 / 2 Egbertime 2 :184 Egdale 2:27*4 Egg Hot 2:27% Egg Nog 2:254 Eggrog 2:24i/ 2 Eglantine 2:25 Egmont 2 :214 Egthorne 2:124 Egwood 2 :184 Elbert 2:26*4 Elbertie 2:274 Ethelbert 2 :?74 Eventime 2:29% Frank P. Porter 2 :274 Goodbye 2:19% Guinea 2:29 Hilbert 2:28*4 Illinois Egbert 2 :16*4 Kentucky Ruler 2 :29 Kitty Hooker 2 :29*4 Knight Templar 2 :27 Lamartine 2:274 Lanark 2:294 Lexington Boy 2 :23 Linnie 2:25 Lyndon 2:29% McAllister 2:27 McGuire -...., 2:294 Mary Brown 2 :294 Miss Egbert -2 :29% Pilgrimage 2:30 Prince Egbert 2 :294 Scott 2:26% Superior 2:17*4 Tacks 2:24% Temple Bar 2:17% Tito 2:27 West Egbert 2:29*4 WickC 2:24*4 Winsome 2 :28% Billy Egbert, p 2:29*4 Count Kilrush, p 2 :27 Delgardo, p 2:28 Edwin, p 2:224 Egberta, p 2:29*4 Egbertime 2 :16% Eglon, p 2:14% Egroe,p 2:18*4 Emma.p 2:16*4 Eskbert, p 2:214 Expert Prince, p 2 :13*4 Felipe, p 2:25 Frolique,p 2:244 Gasper, p 2:30 Guesswork, p 2 :14*4 Kentucky Ruler, p .... 2 :24 Mauprat, p 2 :20 Sam Keith, p 2 :24% Egmont by Belmont. Bashawmont 2 :224 Bertha 2 :29*4 Billy Cramer 2 :26*> 4 Birdie Egroont 2:29 Combination . . . : 2 :184 Coppermont 2 :30 Egmont Chief 2 :24*4 Flaxmont 2:26% Flaxseed 2 :29 Foxmont 2:27*4 Johnny R 2:25*4 John Thomas 2 :28% Joseph See 2:27% Lew Wann 2:26% Lobasco 2:10% Martha H 2:254 Nat Bruen 2 :21*4 Northwest 2 :224 Pneumatic 2 :29% Scott Chief 2:2> Shellmont 2 :24*4 Sir Lancelot 2:27 Twinkle 2:27*4 Wildmont 2:27 ZoeK 2:30 Billy Sample, p 2:20 ClearGrit.p 2:19*4 Chief Scott, p 2 :28*4 Northwest, p 2 :15 Trego, p 2:164 Egmont Chief by Egmont. Lady Egmont 2 :30 Egotist by Electioneer. Betsey Britton 2 :20% Birdie 2:27% Bishop Dudley 2:27 Dramatist 2:294 Elton 2:21 Genevieve 2 :29% Guilford Dudley 2:30 Lovelace 2 :20 Mildred 2:29% Stonewall 2:274 The Conqueror 2 :154 Zenith 2:28% Egthorne by Egbert. Grace Thome 2 :28% Thorntonian 2 :30 Jenny Hill 2:29*4 El Capitan by Nutwood. Ashton,p 2:174 Don ance, p 2 :13*4 Eldridge by Edward Everett. Cartridge 2:144 Elect by Electioneer. Elect, Moore 2 :27 Re-Elect 2 :28 Electioneer byRysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Adair 2:17*4 Addle Lee 2:23% Advance 2:224 Advertiser 2:15*^ Ah There 2:18*4 Albert W 2:20 Aldeana 2:25 Alaska 2:29 Aleck B 2:24% Alma 2:284 Altivo 2:184 \migo 2:16% SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 27 Ansel 2:20 Anteeo 2:16*4 Antevolo 2:19 L / Antinous 2 :28 1 A Arbutus 2:26i/2 Arion 2:07% Arol 2:24 Azmoor 2:20*4 Athena 2 :25*4 BellBird 2:22 Bell Boy 2:1934 Belle Electro 2 :30 Belle Electric 2 :29*4 Belleflower 2:12% Belle Monte 2 :2234 Bernal 2:17 Bonita 2:18 1 / 2 Bow Bells 2:1934 Brilliant 2:23 Candidate 2 :26V4 CaraMia 2:29 l / 2 Carrie C 2:24 Caution 2:25 1 / 2 Cecilian 2:22 Clay 2;25 Clinton Bell. 2 :24!/ 2 Colma... 2:2534 Commotion 2 :30 Conductor 2 :18% Coquette 2:29 1 / 2 Coral 2:18*4 Cubic 2:28>/ 2 Dan 2:26% Del Mar 2:16% Don Felix 2:2734 Don Monteith 2 :29% Egotist 2:22*/2 Electant 2:27 Electioneer 2:28*4 Electioneer(C'mpb'ls)2 :17% Elector 2:2134 Elector 2:25 Electrician 2 :2334 Electricity 2 :17% ElBenton 2:23% Electress 2 :30 Electric Coin 2 :1834 Electric King 2:24 Electrobenton 2 :24*4 Electrix 2:28*4 Electwood 2:30 Electryon 2:24% Ella 2:29 Electuary 2 :27 Elleneer 2:21*/ 2 Elma Sontag 2 :29 Elwina 2:2734 Emaline 2 :27*4 Emma R 2 :28% Eros 2:29*4 Expedition 2 :15% Express 2:21 Expressive 2 :12*4 Fallis 2:23 Fay 2:25 Fowler Boy..: 2:26 Fred Crocker 2 :2534 Gen Wellington 2:30 Gertrude Russell 2:2314 Golden Slippers 2 :30 Gov. Stanford 2:21 Grace Lee 2:2934 Grover Clay 2:2334 Hattie D 2 :26% Helena.j .2:21 Hernam 2:29% HindaRose 2:19*4 Hugo 2:27*4 Idplia 2:30 Idle May 2:27 1 / 2 Ivo 2:26 IvyE 2:29i/ 2 Junio 2:22 Jim 2:27^4 Kerner 2:23% Ladywell 2:16*4 Laura C 2:2934 Laura R 2:2134 Legal Test 2:29% Lent 2:26 1 / 2 Linnet ,..2:29y 2 Liska 2:2834 Loraneer 2 :26*4 Lot Slocum 2:1734 Lucyneer. 2 :27 Maiden 2:23 Manzanita 2:16 Marvin 2:23*4 May King 2:20 Memento 2 :2534 Minet 2:27*4 Miss Naude 2 :29*4 Monterey 2 :25*4 Monaco 2:19*4 Mont Rose 2:18 Morea 2:2434 Mortimer 2 :27 Norval 2:14% Old Nick 2:23 Pacifica 2:30 Palo Alto 2:08% Palo Alto Belle 2 :22 V 2 Paola 2:25i/2 Pedlar 2:23% Peko !.2:22 Pomona 2:2834 Quality 2:25*4 Re-Election 2:2734 Rexford 2:24 Regina 2:18*4 Rustique 2 :18*4 Rockefeller 2 :29*4 Ru&anole 2:23 St. Bel 2:24y 2 SirOutcross 2:28 Slight 2:28*4 Sonoma 2:28 Sphinx 2:20*4 Starlight 2:15% Stella 2:30 Suisun 2:18 1 / 2 Sunol 2:0834 Susette 2:23*4 Sweet Rose 2 :25% Tiny 2:2834 Truman 2:12 Utility 2:20% Veda 2:26fc Whips 2:2754 Wildflower 2:21 Wild May 2:30 Young Wildidle 2:25 Peruvian Bitters, p. ..2:29*4 Electioneer (Campbell's) by Eleetioneer. Electioneer(B'wm'n'e)2 :?6*4 Symboleer, p 2:11 Elector (Richard's) by Elec- tioneer. Acclamation 2:24% Allie Sloper 2:28 CoraS 2:1934 Despardo 2 :29i/ 2 Elect 2:26 Elector Jr 2:29fc Electress 2:2734 Electra 2:18% Electrina 2 :20 EllaM 2:28% FloraM 2:16 J. R 2:20 Leek 2:29 Lizzie F 2:16i4 NettieC 2:28 Pleasanton .2 :29V4 Eric, p 2:17 L. A. Dick, p 2:25 MayBe.p 2:2634 Elector (Morrow's) by Elec- tioneer. Molly McCaulley.p... 2:16% Edwin C. p 2:15 Electricity by Electioneer. Fly 2:2934 Welbeck 2 :24V4- Electrotype by Electioneer. Electro Bell 2:27% Pauline 2:26 Elevator. Ella McGee 2:2934 Ramona 2 :29%. Wild Rose.... 2:28 Bee Line, p 2:19*4 Flavorita, p 2 ;24% Laura Bell, p 2 :2934 The Dude 2:13*4 Elgin Boy by Pocahontas Boy Nelly Lloyd 2:22i/ a Easter Girl, p 2 :25% Edwin O. p 2:20 Ferncliff, p 2:24 Harry B. p 2:2734 Harry Jones, p 2 :1834 LilyB. p 2:21i/2 Lucille, p 2:24 1 / 2 Pearl L. p 2:23 Polka Hot, p 2:27*4 Redleaf, p 2:26i/ 2 William J . p 2:2634 Elial G. by Aberdeen. AdaD , 2:21i/ 2 BenHur 2:29% Bunnie G 2 :23% Dick Wood 2:27y e Hannah Dustin 2 :29% Harrie 2:28& Joe 2:2934 Kitty Can 2:30 Malacca 2:24*4 Manning 2:24*4 Nelly Gamwell 2:30 Nixon 2:26% Stealaway 2:2834 The Raven 2:19*4 Dick Fitzgerald, p 2 :24 1 A Emerson, p 2:22*4 Little Dan, p 2:2134 Elial G. Jr. by Elial G. Jessie Sheridan 2 :21% Ellerslie Wilkes by George Wilkes. Bismuth 2:2334 Emmet B 2:28*4 Lady Wilkes 2:16*4 Minting 2:2934 Ofellus 2:23 Mountain Pink, p 2 :1534 Ellington Boy by Amboy. Ellington D 2 :26% Elliott Wilkes by Forward. Summit Chief 2:2134 28 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Ellwood. Lula.p 2:29% El Mahdi by Onward. Fulano 2:22 1 /> Onward Fewell 2 :27*4 Moyer, p 2:18*4 Elmo by Mohawk. Alfreds 2:16*4 Como 2:26% EmmaG 2:27*4 Overman 2:19 1 4 Sunflower 2:24 Elma, p 2:24 L. C. Lee, p. 2:15 Elmo by St. Elmo. Bess 2:29*4 Gold Charm 2:25*4 Elsmere bv Albrino. Eldora 2:23 Elwood Medium by Happy Medium. Conte Rosso 2:22 Elyria by Mambrino King. Amherst Boy 2 :24V4 BenH 2:25*4 Elixir 2:22*4 Elyrina 2:20*4 Gertrude 2:12 Henrietta G 2 :19*4 Jessie D 2:19*4 Joe Gales 2:29*4 Lady Clare 2:18% Marion Messenger 2:30 Muggins 2:20V4 Mambrino Queen 2 :13*4 Mambrino Swift 2 :26M Nickle D 2:29*4 O berlin Boy 2 :27*4 Ortine 2:22*4 Peveril 2:l< 1 / 2 Rifle 2:18*4 SamBassett 2:22*4 Modern Belle, p 2 :26*4 Emerson Golddust by Gold- dust. Nelly Woods 2 :28 l / 2 Embassador by Ambassador. Maud A 2:29*4 Trixey 2:30 Annift Embassador, p 2:25 Billy Wilson, p 2:26*4 Donald, p 2:30 Green Wilkes, p 2 :22*4 Maud A., p 2:28*4 Miss Cumskey, p 2:22*4 Procul.p 2:30 Embassador by Satelite. HermanH 2 21*4 Muggins 2 :25 Emery Fearnaught by Paul's Fearnaught Jr. F. D 2:24i/ 2 MinnieL 2:20*4 Emperor Wilkes by William L. X.L ':20!4 Princess Solatia, p.. .2:18*4 Emperor William by Gen. Knox. Frank F 2:26*4 Empire byMambrinoPatchen. Eminence 2 :18% Telephone 2 :15*4 Western Boy 2 :29*i Empire by Gen. Knox. Nathan 2:29*4 Enchanter by Administrator. Ensign 2:28*4 Valiant 2:28*4 Endymion by Dictator. Comal 2:26 Edenia 2-13*4 Kingmoor 2:28*4 Calyce 2:29* Energy by Onward. Aristall 2:25% Enfield by Kysdyk's Hamble- tonian. Parnell..... 2:23 Robin 2:24*4 Stonecutter 2 :28% Tosa 2:19*4 Ed Geers, p 2 :26*4 Transfer, p 2 :27*4 Enfield Jr. by Enfield. Betty B 2:29*4 Engineer. RqyH.,p 2:18% Engineer 2d by Engineer. Lady Suffolk 2 :29*4 Enoch by Ethan Allen, Riley 2:30 Enright by Nutwood. Elata 2:24*4 Ensign by Enchanter. Alert 2:24 Alice Ensign 2 :23 Andy Ensign 2 :26*4 Belle M 2:30 Bertie Ensign 2 :25*4 Bob Burdette 2:30 Capitoia 2:24*4 Chevalier Ensign 2 :29% C. V. B 2:151/2 Ensign 2 :25*4 Guido 2:21*4 Harry Ensign 2:19% HelenG 2:28*4 J. W. Tedford 2 :19% Sardis Ensign 2:30 Shiloh 2:30 Alice Ensign, p 2:25 Blue Sign, p 2 :08*4 Empress, p 2:28% Mugwump, p 2 :21*4 Envoy by Gen. Hatch. Environ 2:26 1 /2 Rettie 2:27*4 Eolus. Jim Alone 2:29*4 Epaulet by Auditor. Comedy 2:23*4 Ella Vertner 2 :19*4 Edwardo 2:26*4 E. L. Robinson 2:17% Flutter 2:26% Gold Lace 2:30 Guardian 2:24*4 Minuetto 2:27*4 Oadan 2:20 Queen of Cedars 2 :20% Queen of Upland 2 :22*4 Shebas Queen 2:26*4 Spreckles 2:30 Sultan 2:28* Templette 2:29*4 Zilette, p 2:25*4 Epicure by Princeps. Maud W 2:26*4 Nicollet 2:30 Ray 2:28 Equinox by Strader's Cassius M. Clay Jr. Irene L. p 2 24*4 Equity Wilkes by George Wilkes. Peerless, p 2:13*4 Erelong by Belmont. Fannette 2:29% So Long 2:13^ Waco 2:16*4 Zoda 2:29*4 Ericsson by Mambrino Chief. Belle 2:28*4 Doble 2:28 Eric 2:28*4 LuluF 2:29 Nightingale 2:28% Rarely -2:24*4 Erie Abdallah by Rose's Ab- dallah Chief. Rienzi 2:25*4 Abdallah Boy, p 2:22*4 Erie Chief by Erie Abdallah. Hideaway 2:28*4 Erie Wilkes by George Wilkes. Carro.p 2:24% Prince Erie, p 2 :29*4 Turco. p 2:12 Erin Chief by Howe's Royal George. Syndicate 2:25% Ernest by Volunteer. Protection 2:19*4 Erratta, p 2 :29 l / 2 Nelly B.p 2:16% Eros by Electioneer. Daylight 2:27% DonZella 2:29% Eclectroid 2:30 Heros 2:26*4 Maraquita 2:30 Mount Mood 2:23% My My 2:25% OroFino 2:18 Rinconada 2:17 Solita 2:27 Wanda 2:14% Willeraa ^:26 Erwin Davis by Shenandoah. CarrieF 2:27% Ed 2:26 Estill Eric by Ericson. Mattie Scott 2:25 Ethan Allen by Vermont Black Hawk. Billy Barr 2:23% Fanny Allen 2 :28V4 Fanny Lee 2:29*4 Hotspur 2:24 Pocahontas 2:26% Warwick 2:29 1 / 2 Parnell, p 2:29V4 Ethan Allen by Bacon's Ethan Allen. Baldwin 2:24U Billy Allen 2:27 George R 2:27*4 Lew Ives 2 :28 Rufus ...2:29 Russ Ellis 2:27*4 Molly Clark, p 2 :26% Ethan Alien (Dixou's) by Ethan Allen. Sensation 2 :22*4 Ethan Allen (Woodward's) by Ethan Allen. Archbishop 2:18*4 Aulinda 2:25 Charles Reade 2:24*4 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 29 Charle C 2:28* Duplex 2:25% Falka 2:29% Shepherd Boy 2:23% Tuna 2:18% Dexter, p 2:29 Eckford 2:25% Ethan Allan (Holabird's) by Ethan Allen. Charley Mac 2:25 Laura Williams 2 :24% Little Dick 2:24% Sister 2:25% Edson Allen, p 2 :17% Ulster Belle, p 2 :17% Ethan Allen (Drury's), by Black Hawk. Fady Fox 2:30 Ethan Allen (DeLong's) by Ethan Allen. Arthur 2:26% Headlight 2:29% Lucca 2:30 Belle D., p 2:24% Ethan Allen (Ashley's), by Holabird's Ethan Allen. Little Ethan 2 :24 % Allen Maid, p 2:16% Charles L., p 2:19% Harry H., p 2:29% Ethan Allen (White's), by Holabird's Ethan Allen. J.B.S 2:29% Ethan Allen (Kelley's), by Vick's Ethan Allen, Jr. Kate Castleton 2 :26% Ethan Allen, Jr., (Vick's), by Ethan Allen. Prince Allen 2 :27 Ethan Allen, Jr. (Holland's), by Ethan Allen. Barney Kelley 2 :25 Ethan Allen 2d. Deceiver 2 :29% Ethan Wilkes by George Wilkes. American Lad 2 :26% Edgar Wilkes 2:24% Emory 2:30 Ethan K 2:27% Eva Wilkes 2 :28% Kate Ethan 2:25 Roy K 2:29% W. H.Kerr 2:28 Zeeland 2:24 American Lad, p 2 :17% Edna Wilkes, p 2-29% Roy K.,p 2:28 Vinet*.e,p 2:09% Willett Wilkes, p 2 :22% Will Kerr, p 2:075/2 Euclid by Glenview. Euchre 2:30 Euclare 2:29*4 Lady Euclid 2:25 Eugene Casserly by Gen. Tay- lor. Sweetbriar 2 :26% Everett Clay by Harry Clay. Story's Clay 2 :18% Kitty Story 2:22% Evan Lewis by Geo. Sprague. Princess Alice, p 2 :23 Evermond by Harold. C. C 2:30 Evergood 2 :24% Patsy Curtis 2:16% Everway, p 2:14% Exchequer by Revenue. Lucille 2:21 Rigolette 2:22 Executor by Administrator. Trixter 2:25% Extra by Lockwood. Chevalita 2 :25% Fairholm by Aberdeen. Dennis 2:24% Fairlawn Medium by Happy Medium. Ethelyn Fairlawn .... 2 :29% Lady Fairiawn 2:28% Leland Medium 2 :23% Fairy Gift by Hero of Thorn- Ada...' 2:29% Cephas 2:25 Claudius 2:29% Diatonic 2:27% Dora 2:30 George Gift 2:29% Good Gift 2:28 Hazel Thome 2 :29% Kenwood 2:17 Little Gift 2:29% Rosamond 2 :27% Gold Plate, p 2:23% Hoodoo, p 2 :18% Nettie Field, p 2:23 Pilot Gift, p 2 :15% Sigma Chi, p. .. 2:25 Fairview by Glenview. William M. Purdy, p . . 2 :26% Falcon by Young Hambie- tonian. Falcon, Jr 2:21% Wayland 2 :25% Falcon by Messenger Duroc. G.H.F 2:25% Fallis. Bradtmoor 2 :26% Don Marvin 2 :22% Fallacy 2:17% Falmon 2:23% Lustre 2:23* Menlo Fallis 2:27% Falrose. p 2:19 Fancy Golddust by Dorsey's Golddust. Fred Golddust 2 :27% Fashion by Stranger. Fashion Maid 2 :24% Fast Mail by Nutwood. Kate Weber 2:30 Favorite Wilkes by George Wilkes. Albert M 2:29% Areida 2:26 ...2:29% ....2:25 Chestnut Wilkes.. Crescent Duchess Wilkes... Ella Wilkes... ...2:26% Elmer Wilkes 2 :28 Favorite Girl 2 :28% Favor Wilkes 2 :29% Hippia 221% Lucy Cooper 2 :30 Nelly Wilkes 2:28% Number Seven 2 :20% Ollie Wilkes 2:16% Ruprecht 2:24% Sweetbriar 2 :17% Wilkerson 2 :29% Crawford, p 2 :07 % Ulster County Belle,p.2 :21% Winola,p 2:22 Fayette Chief by Mambrino erod ........... 2 :16% Fayette Wilkes by George Wilkes. Silver Wilkes .......... 2 :26% Fearnaughtby Young Morrill. Argonaut .............. 2:23% Fearnaught Jr ........ 2 :26 Galatea ................ 2:24% Fearnaught by Black Hawk (Canadian) Lady Shepherd ........ 2 :28% Fearnaught (Whitcomb's) by Fearnaught. Lady Brooks .......... 2 :29% Fearnaught (Flaherty's). Colonia ................. 2:24% Dick Flaherty ......... 2 :29% H.M.Stanley .......... 2:19% Fearnaught Gift by Western Fearnaught. MollyB ................ 2:29% Fearnaught Jr. by Fear- naught. Pemberton ........... 2:29% Prince Fearnaught. ..2 :23% Benny, p ............... 2:18% Fearnaught Spy by Robin- son's Black Spy. Malvina ............... 2:21% Feegee by Harold. Feather Edge ......... 2:18 Fenian Chief by Canadian Grey Eagle. Capt. Smith ........... 2:28% Ferdinand C. by Conductor. Lah-de-Dah ........... 2:26 Fergus McGregor by Robert McGregor. Ashland Boy ........... 2 :28% Billy McGregor ........ 2 :28% Carlisle M cGregor ____ 2 :29% Cora McGregor ....... 2:23% Greenwood ............ 2:29 Lady Wonder ......... 2 :23% McDuff ................ 2:23 Pansy McGregor ...... 2 :17% Fergustine, p ......... 2 :20% McAnder, p ............ 2 :22% Miss Quickley, p ...... 2 :24% Ferguson by George Wilkes. Belle Ferguson ........ 2 :28% Freddy C .............. 2:26% Indo Wilkes ........... 2:29 Yum Yum ............. 2:29% Lena Willetts, p ...... 2 :14 Lord Ferguson, p ..... 2 :19% Opulence, p ........... 2 :29% Two Strike, p ......... 2:10% Victorine, p ........... 2 :20 Walnut Boy, p ........ 2 :11% Fessenden by Andrew Jackson Fred Casey ............ 2:23% Fieldmont by Almont, Dark Night ............ 2 :25% Bon Bon ............... 2:29% Don L ................. 2:28% Julietta ............... 2:21% Tom Tucker .......... 2 :29% William Gill .......... 2:29 Finality. Baby Boy, p ........... 2 :20% Fitzgerald's Enterprise by Red Wilkes. Harry Wilkes ......... 2:29% 30 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Mazz'ntine 2:2934 Fire Clay by Shawmut. Eva Clay 2:24 Maud Clay 2:24 Fine Cut by John C. Fremont Jackson 2:27% Firefly by Daniel Lambert, pel Monte 2:2154 Fisher Patchen. Capt. Jack 2:26 Fiasco. Dinah, p 2:25*4 Flatbush Abdallah by Jupiter Abdallh. Fascination 2 :1634 Flaxmont by Egmout. Budd Flax 2:24% Vernmont 2:29 Flaxtail. Dan 2:30 Empress 2:29% Prairie Bird, p 2:2834 Fleance by Marmaduke. Arlington 2:24% Fleeting Ray by North Mor- rill. Money Hunter 2:2534 Fleetwood. N. Q. Laocewood, p.. 2:2534 Floramour by Florida. Albatross, p 2 :16% Maud Adair, p 2:18 Florida by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian. EvaM 2:2534 Fanny Swope 2:1934 Faust 2:1834 Florida Monarch 2:1734 Fortune 2:22 Frenzy 2:2734 Hambleton 2:2634 Lotta 2:24% Oneida 2:17 Orphan Lass 2:24% Royal Duke 2:293/2 Walnut 2:1934 William V 2:30 Florida M. by Florida. Aurora Prince 2 :16% Flying Banner by Black Ban- ner. Fanny 2:29 Flying Cloud by Vermont Black Hawk. Star of the West 2 :26% Flying Cloud, kit Cloud, p 2:2634 Flying Cloud (Orr's) by Ver- mont Black Hawk. Ohio Maid 2:29% Flying Cloud (Corben's) by Black Flying Cloud. Baywood, p 2:28 Judge Lynch, p 2 :22 Flying Cloud by Flying Cloud Myrtle; 2:2634 Flying Cloud. Sorrell Ned 2 :2534 Frank Nelson 2 :28% Flying Dutchman. George G., p 2:17 Flying Hiatoga by Handley's Hiatoga. Kathrina 2:30 Flying Hiatoga Jr., p.2:2334 Rattling Jim, p 2:2334 Flying Hiatoga Jr. by Flying Hiatoga. McDuff 2 :22% Flying Morgan. Little Longfellow.... 2:2934 Flying Morgan by Laflin Morse. Traveler 2:2754 Forbes by Iron Duke. Milkmaid 2 :22% Fordstan by Electioneer. Melvar 2:22 Forest Duke by Dictator Chief. DoraH 2:2034 Forest Hal by Looney's Tom Hal, Col. Forest, p 2:18 Little Joker, p 2 :1634 Forest Hiatoga by Flying Hiatoga. Nellie Allison 2:1934 Forest King by Mambrino Patchen. Forest Queen 2 :2934 Lida Bassett 2 :20% Forest Mambrino by Mam- brino Patchen. Dr. Forest 2:2234 Forest Boy 2:1634 Howard H 2:2934 John Ferguson 2 :2534 King Forest 2:2134 Forest Prince by Baird's Hambletonian Prince. DavidB 2:28 Emmons 2:2934 Forrest Bismarck by Victor Bismarck. Diamond 2:2434 Forrest Glencoe by Edwin Forrest. Wildbriar, p 2:22% Forrest Golddust by Dorsey's Golddust. Circulator 2:2734 Forest Wilkes by Bourbon Wilkes. Gold Coin, p 2:25 Touchstone, p 2:1934 Fortunatus by Almont. Pat 2:2934 Winnie W 2:22 Wanita Proctor, p . . . . 2 :24 Forsee by Coleman's Abdal- lah, Jr. William L 2:2934 Fortune by Superb. Weaver Boy 2 :28% Forward by George Wilkes, Tristan.. 2:22% Foster Palmer by Gideon. Lilly B 2:2834 Foxhunter. Dirigo 2:27 Foxhunter (Potter's), by Fox- hunter. Lottie 2:2954 Foxwood by Nutwood. Fox Hunter 2:30 France by France's Alexan- der. BessieR 2:2534 Clay France 2 :26% Franceps 2:24% June France 2:29% La France 2 :2634 Gov. France, p 2 :24% Jay Jay, p 2:28 1 4 Frank by Prendergast's St. Lawrence. Black Frank 2 :28\i Dolly 2:30 Frank A. by Rex Hiatoga. Maud P., p 2:1434 Frank Allen by Ethan Allen. Major Allen 2 :243i Zephyr 2:30 Frank Allen by Ethan Allen. Star Allen 2:26% Frank Almont by Bostick's Almont, Jr. G.D., p 2:21 Mary B.,p 2:23 Frank Box. RoyS.,p 2:23% Frank Buford by Bostick's Almont, Jr. Linda, p 2:22% Frank Cheatham by Andrews' Horse. William R., p 2:15 Frank Eaton by Robert Whaley. Kate Eaton, p 2:16 Frank Dunn by Winnebago. AmyB 2:2434 Frank Ellis by Happy Med- ium. Dukes 2:25 Ellis Medium 2 :24 Yorker 2:2434 Frank Hampton by Volun- teer. Judge Hampton 2:27% Frank Logan by Little Logan Paola.p 2:ZO Franklin by Ben Franklin. Lady Franklin 2 :25% Frank M. Bob Iiigereoll, p 2 :2334 Frank Moscow by Fisk's Mos- cow. Frank Moscow 2 :27% Frank Nichols by Night Hawk. Al R 2:27% Frank Noble by Louis Na- poleon. Corisco 2:21 Harry Noble 2 :17% Melton 2:30 Merula 2:29% Noblemont 2 :29% Billy Gault, p 2:20 Mack Noble, p 2 :28% Frank Pierce, Jr. by Frank Pierce. Phil Daugherty 2:26 Frank Pierce 3d by Frank Pierce Jr. Stonewall 2 :24% Frank Tuckahoe by Tucka- hoe. St. Elmo 2:2234 Frank Wilkes by George Wilkes, Jr. Irene Wilkes 2:2734 Frank Wolford by Telegraph. Cuckoo 2:28 Fred by Highland Chief. McDoel 2:15% Fred. Birdseye 2:29% SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 31 Fred Boone by Daniel Boone. Honest Joe 2:24* Fred Douglas by Green's Ba- shaw. May Douglas 2 :\^A Frederick by Satellite. TopseyF..p 2:22 Fred Drennon by Drennon. Lady Drennon, p 2:26V4 Fred Forest by Forest King. Gypsy Patchen 2 :30 W. H 2:24* Fred S. Wilkes by Hector Wilkes. Dr. French 2:23* Freeland by Bald Hornet. Lady Hornet, p 2:24 Freeman by Woodford Ab- dallah. Belle Freeman 2 :18* Freestone by Gatling. Brownstone 2:28*4 French Bashaw by Black Ba- shaw. Little Daisy 2:20* Frenchman (McDonald's) by Flying Frenchman. Frenchman 2 :24% Fritz by Harold. Prosper Merimee 2:24* Fugleman by Princeps, Bradford 2:17% Kate F 2:16* Fuller Wilkes by George Wilkes. David L 2:19 1 / 2 Fullerton D. Jess.p 2:30 Gamaleon by Gambetta Wilkes. Charles P 2 :18* Delbert 2:21 Crimrose 2 :29V4 Gambert 2;27% Gambetta by Volunteer.' Bessie Jordan 2 :25* Comfort 2 :27*4 Cleo 2:19*4 Gentry 2:30 . Idol 2:27*4 Robert Ransom 2 :29% Useful 2:22* Volmer 2:24* Gambetta Wilkes by George Wilkes. Cecelian 2:19* Cecil Wilkes 2:25 Charlemagne 2 :27*4 Galena 2:28*4 De Long 2:30 Ethel T .- 2:29V, Gamaleon 2 '25* Gamarza 2 :27*4 Gambonito 2 :19* Gambruno 2:29 l / 2 Gambryon 2:19* Gammer ....2:23* Gam Byron 2:26* Gascoigne 2:24% Gen. Boyle 2 :24* Genteel 2:29% George Condit 2:29* Georgie Lee 2 :12% Gill Boyle 2:27* Grandley 2:23% Gilfillan 2 :26!/j Greenbriar 2:22*4 Grex 2:28 Griselda 2:29* Linda Fister 2:27*4 Miss Cecil 2:21*4 Medora 2:19* Prince Karl 2:30 Wilkes Worthington..2:23* Alice Wilkes, p 2 :19 Alietta, p 2:30 Brennan, p 2:16* Don Lorenzo, p 2:17% Don Pizarro, p 2 :14% Gallietta,p 2:16% Gambier, p 2:19 Gambolier, p 2:21*4 Glen Athol, p 2:29* Goethe, p 2:19*4 Gamrose, p 2:19% Gannon, p 2 :18 Gambrel.p 2:10*4 Gawain.p 2:18* Gowan,p 2:22*4 Guerita, p 2:13 Guinette.p 2:10 Gusto, p 2:19* Lottie Loraine, p 2 :10*4 Martha H., p. .. 2:18* Rahleta.p 2:21* Sally Bronston, p 2 :17*4 Weed Wilkes, p 2:14* Gambonito by Gambetta Wilkes. Gilbert 2:28*4 Game Onward by Onward. Lady Onward 2 :28 Bernice, p 2:23 Edramon.p 2:21*4 Renvoi, p 2 :21*4 Ganymede by Princeps. Dr. Caton 2:18*4 Garfield by Clear Grit. Miss Garfield, p 2:21% Garfield by Durango. Daisy Garfield 2 :27 Garibaldi by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Birdie C 2:28* Garibaldi by Duroc Messen- ger. Archie 2:24* Belle Oakley 2:24* Garland by Twilight. Garland M 2:29* Garnet Wilkes by Onward. Duroc Wilkes 2 :18% Jerry 2:27* LaFerme 2:23% Marion Wilkes 2 :17* Sirius 2:19* Victor 2:29*4 Combination, p 2 :25 GarnetWilkes by Ambassador Dr. Fritte 2:25 Garrard Chief by Mambrino Chief. Basil Duke 2:28* Garrett by Maryland Volun- teer. Queen Garrett 2 :30 Garrett Wilkes. Nettie C., p 2:24* Gatling by Rysdyk. Freestone 2 :25*4 Gat Van Wagner by Jehu. Frank Kober 2:28 Gaviota by Electioneer. Dynamite 2 :29*4 MaudElmeda '....2:24 Gayo. Shamrock 2:26*4 Gazette by Onward. Aileen, p 2:19* G. C. by Onward. Kate Thomas 2 :24*4 Gen. Benton by Jim Scott Alban 2:24 Albion '..2:26*4 Alfred 2:25 Benefactor 2:29% Benton 2:20% Benton Boy 2 :17* Bentoneer 2 :28*4 Big Jim 2:23*4 Bonnie 2:25 Daly 2:15 Daylight 2:26% George H 2:26* Gypsy Queen 2 :26* Lord Byron 2:17 Maralia 2:24* Millard 2:28 Nelly Benton 2:30 Ninette 2:28 Sally Benton 2 :17% Spry 2:28% The Seer 2:15% Benton Boy, p 2 :16% Prussian Boy, p. 2:26* Gen. Beverly by Benefit. Bion 2:24% Gen. Brock by Rooker. Fin Fan 2:25* Gen. Banks 2:29*4 Glenara, p 2 :22* Gen. Dana by Wood's Ham- bletonian. Volunteer 2:27 Gen. Franklin by Ben Frank- lin. Dolly Franklin, p 2 :29* Gen. George H. Thomas by Mambrino Messenger. Annie H 2:20 Billy Thompkins ..... .2 :29* Ed Graham 2 :24* EuluLee 2:29*4 George 2 :29*4 LadyK 2:29*4 Scott's Thomas 2 :21 Gen. Garfield. H.P.E 2:25* E. P. O. p 2:24* Gen. Grant by Gen. Withers. NedH.p 2:24* Gen. Grant by Wapsie. Blanche Grant 2 :25% Golden Belle 2:30 JessieB 2:24 Logan Grant 2:29 Norway 2:29% Shiloh 2 :23% Kate Long, p 2:30 Gen Grant by Draco. Eureka 2:23 Gen. Grant (Canadian) . Lady Upton 2:29 Gen. Hancock by George Wilkes. Dnnbar 2:26% Gettysburg 2:29 Mazone 2:29% Cullen, p 2:25 Halo.p 2:18*4 Happy Girl, p 2 :26* JoeRowell,p 2:23*4 32 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Leverone, p 2:16 Scott Smith, p 2:28*4 Victor Mazzone, p . . . . 2 :21 l / 2 Wolverton, p 2 :26*4 Gen. Hardee by George Washington. Gen. Hardee 2:2754 BillyJ.p 2:26*4 George Gordon, p 2 :27% Lena H. p 2:22 Steel Nail, p 2:25 Thunder, p 2:22*4 Gen. Hatch byStrader's Cas- sius M. Clay Jr. Envoy 2:28 Fleta 2:28 Soupy 2:23*4 Gen. Howard by Badger Boy. John Hall 2:25 Gen. Knox by Vermont Hero. Beulah 2:19% Camors 2:19% Eastern Boy 2 :29% Edison 2:27% Emperor William 2 :27% Gilbreth Knox 2 :26% Harry Spanker 2:30 Independence 2 :21*4 Knox 2:29% Knox Boy 2 :23% Lady Maud 2 :18*4 Maud Greenwood.... . 2:26*4 Messenger Knox 2 :30 Patience 2:28% Peaceful 2:26 Victor 2:23 Gen. Knox Jr. by Gen. Knox. Wallace 2;29*4 Gfn. Lee by Black Sultan. Black Diamond 2 :29% Flora Little, p 2:23 General Lee. Minnie L. p 2:24 Gen. Lee by George M. Patchen Jr. Lee 2:17*4 General Lee by Lee. Pomp 2:30 Gen. Lee Jr. (Johnson's). Joker 2:20 Gen. Light! oot by Gen. Knox. Lookout 2:2814 Shadow 2:28 Gen. Logan by Crompton Lambert. Lady Logan, p 2:24*4 Gee. Lyons by Morrill. Belle Dean 2:30 Honest Lyon 2 :30 Richmond 2:26 Gen. McClellan by North Star. Dan Voorhees 2 :23*4 Flora Shepherd 2:30 St. Helena 2:27% Gen. McClellan Jr. by Gen. McClellan. Dick Jay ..2:30 Nelly R 2:17*4 Lucy L. p 2:22 l / 2 Gen. Magee by Andy John- son. Henry Magee 2:17*4 Gen. Marion by New Jersey Volunteer. Marion, p 2:21*4 Gen. Morgan by Paul Jones. Ancient Order Boy ... .2 :27 Mazomanie 2:20*4 Red Dick 2:C8 Green Oats by Tramp. BlancheB 2:20 Gen. Putnam by Rolla. Major 2:24% Gen. Reno by Tyler's Black Hawk. Franklin 2:19% MaudW.W. W 2:23*4 Nevada, p 2:24% Gen Sherman by Young Columbus. Dio 2:30 Lady Sherman 2 :25% Mars 2:27*4 Scott 2:?4% Gen. Smith by Albion. Capt. Crouch 2:25 Gen. Sprague by Gov. Sprague. Jay, p 2:28% Gen. Stanton by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Alice K 2:30 Belle Stanton 2 :24% Comet 2:24*4 DollyC 2:19 Fides 2:22*4 Fides Stanton 2 :15 Geraldine 2:28 l / 2 Henry R 2:25 1 / 2 Lulu Stanton 2 :19*4 Lizzie Gibson 2 :i9*4 Maggie C 2:29% MayF 2 30 Molly Stanton 2 :26*4 Nelly Howard 2:18% NettieT 2:22*4 Pallas 2:26*4 Polly Stanton 2 :23*4 Pogis Stanton 2 :23% Prairie Beile 2:23*4 Prince Imuerial 2 :27% Stanton Chief 2 :27% Una Young 2 :29*4 Charley P., p 2:29% Queen Stanton, p 2 :18 Stanton Maid, p 2:23 Gen. Thomas by Fisk's Mam- brino Chief Jr. I.York 2:29% Stephen R 2:29*4 Vic Hunter 2:23*4 Gen. Turner by Harold. Annie Turner, p 2 :30 Milkmaid, p 2:27*4 Gen. Washington by Gen. Knox. Carlton Chief 2 :21*4 Erminie 2:30 Gen. Benham 2 :28*4 Luzerne 2:27*4 Mambrino Thorn 2 :25% Nose Gay 2:16*/ 2 Ox Eye 2 :28*/ 2 Poem \ 2:13 1 / 2 Presto 2:19 Prope 2:27*4 Sanborn 2 :26*/ 2 Saranac 2:23 Stella 2:30 TheWasser 2:30 Gen Washington by Peck Horse. Bill Ed... 2:28 Gen. Wilkes by George Wilkes. Charley R 2:27% Grateful 2:30 JennyQ 2:30 St. Julien 2:29% Willabald 2:29% Bobby Burns, p 2 :19*4 Gen. Blackford, p 2 :24*4 Pansy Blossom, p.... 2:12 Gen. Withers by Almont. AlmoutMaid 2:26 C.T.L 2:23*4 Gentle Breeze by Whirlwind. Pearl 2:30 George. Lady Rowena 2 :29% George. Dexter, p 2 :24 George B. Raymond, p 2 :19*4 George Brick. Albright,p 2:21 George B. McClellan by Bully King. Kitty Burch 2:24*4 Winnifred 2:26*4 George Brooks. Ida B 2:17*4 George B. Swan. Little Wonder 2 :24*4 G.'orge Chief by Milwaukee. Myrtlo B 2:22% George D. Patchen by Seneca Patchen. Kitty M. Patchen 2 :30 George Fletcher by Albany Boy. Pronto, p 2:17*4 George Gift by Fairy Gift. Minnie R., p 2 :24*4 George Gordon by Gen. Har- dee. Nettie Keenan 2 :26% Rockdale i :29*4 George Hall by Blue Bull. Dr. Frank 2:27% Jenny Hall, p 2:23*4 Misty Morning, p 2 ;25*4 Sam Hall, p 2:28% Toby.p 2:29*4 George H. Low by Florida. Eva 2:23*4 George H. D. by Lakeland Abdallah. Belle W.,p 2:26 George J. by Pasha. NellyJ 2:29% George K. by Fisk's Mam- brino Chief Jr. George W, 2:24% Sherman 2 :22% George L. Napoleon by Louis Napoleon. Fred Judson 2 :29*4 Jim Corbett, p 2 :23% Silver Thorne, p 2 :26% George Miller by Amboy. Billy Miller 2:26*4 George Milo by Louis Napo- leon. Louis C 2:28% Milo, p 2:27% George M- Patchen by Cas- sius M. ("lay. Charles E Lowe 2 :25% George M. Patchen.... 2:27 GEORGE FULLER, NASHVILLE, TENN. (UNCLE GEORGE.) An Ohio boy of the old Buckeye stock. Years touch him as lightly as humming birds' wings. While at Glenview he gave Patron a three-year-old world's record of 2:19 1 / and Elvira a four-year-old world's record of 2 :18}4 GEORGE STAKE, TEKRE HAUTE, IND. Starr placed the world's race record for teams at 2 :15H with Rose Leaf and Sallie Simmons at Columbus, Ohio, in 1894. SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 33 Lucy 2:18% Mary... 2:28 George M, Patchen Jr. (Cali- fornia Patchen) by Geo. M. Patchen. Ben AH 2:22 BigLize 2:24% James D. McMann.. ..2:28% Pond Lily 2:29*4 SamPurdy 2:20% San Bruno 2:25*4 Star King 2:22 Susie 2:26*4 Tinker 2:28 Vanderlynn 2 :21 Wells Fargo 2:18% Floss, p 2:28% RubyMac,p 2:2l 1 / 3 George M. Patchen Jr. (Wil- son's) by George M. Patchen. Easy Billy 2:29*4 George M. Patchen Jr. (Me Crea's) by George M.- Patchen. White Oak 2:30 George M. Van Norte by Mam- brino Pilot. Katie M 2:25% George O. by Lakeland Ab- dallah. Algonquin 2:29% Mary Lee 2 :29*4 Prince T 2:29*4 Vera 2:29*4 Ethel B., p 2:18 Henry O, p 2:20*4 George P. Tucker by Charles Caffrey. Dan Tucker 2:16% George Sherwood. MarshaliT 2:29 George Simmons by Simmons. Gussie Leonard 2 :29% Yulo 2:30 Ysi Delia, p 2:24% George Spalding by Mc- Kimmin's Columbus. Simmie, p 2:16% George Sprague by Governor Alberts 2:30 Edith Sprague 2 :15% Golden Sprague 2 :18% Maud 2:28% Molly Sprague 2 :16*4 Onie Sprague 2:26 Victor Sprague 2 :29% William B 2:26 Allesandro,p 2:18 John Sprague, p 2 :22% George Stanton by General Stanton. Dick Mitchell 2:27% George Steck by Strathmore. Lady Van 2:28 Charley Miller, p 2:21% Orphan Boy, p 2 :18 George Washington by Ethan Allen. Douglas 2:25 Preston 2 :28*4 Blue Dick, p 2:30 George Washington. Harry Van,p 2:22% George Wilkes by Eysdyk's Hambletonian. Abby 2:26 Albert France 2 :20% Alcantara 2:23 Alcyone 2:27 Alicia 2:30 Ambassador 2:21% Anglin 2:27% Baron Wilkes 2 :18 Black Wilkes 2:28*4 Blondine 2:24% Bob's Jug 2:ii2% Bonnie W ilkes 2 :29y z Brignoli Wilkes ,2 :14*4 Brown Wilkes 2:21% Busbey 2:29* Carrie 2:29% Cuba 2:27% Daisy Wilkes 2 :30 Defender 2:26 Early Dawn 2:21 1 / 2 Ellerslie Wilkes 2 :22*4 Empire Wilkes 2 :29% Fanny Wilkes 2:26*4 Favorita 2 :25*4 Favorite Wilkes 2 :24 1 / 2 Florence Elmore 2 :26% Gambetta Wilkes 2 :19% Gen. Wilkes 2:21% Georgiana 2:26% Guy Wilkes 2:15% Harry Wilkes 2:13*4 Howard 2 :27% Ira Wilkes 2:28 Isaac 2:25% J.B, Richardson 2:16% Jeff Wilkes 2 :29% Jimmy Temple 2 :22*4 Joe Bunker 2:19% Kaiser 2:28*4 Kansas Wilkes 2.30 Kentucky Wilkes 2:21% King Wilkes 2:22% Kitty Wilkes 2:30 Lizzie Wilkes 2:22% Lumps 2 :21 Madison Wilkes 2:24% Magna Wilkes 2 :23* Mambrino Wilkes .... 2 :28% May Bird 2:21 Mike Wilkes 2:26*4 Miss Wilkes 2:29 NellyL 2:23% Onward 2:25% Patchen Wilkes 2 :29*4 Prospect Maid 2 :23% Queen Wilkes 2:23% Richard Wilkes 2 :26% Rosa Wilkes 2:18% Rowena 2:24*4 St. Gothard .....2:27 Sealskin Wilkes 2 :29% Sherman 2 :23*4 Simmons 2:28 Sister Wilkes 2:22* So So 2:17% Tennessee Wilkes 2 :27 The King, 2:29% Tom Rogers 2:20 Wilkes Boy 2:24*4 Willie Wilkes 2 :28 Wilson 2:16% Wilton 2:19% Young Wilkes 2:28% Bud Crooke, p 2 :15*4 Flora Wilkes, p 2:19*4 Honesty, p 2:22 Ira Wilkes, p 2:22% Jimmy Temple, p 2 :23% Macey, p 2:29*4 Mike Wilkes, p 2:15% Sir Wilkes, p 2:24% Pilot Wilkes, p 2 :23 Prophet Wilkes, p.... 2:21% Wilcox.p 2:16 George Wilkes Jr. by George Wilkes. Alice Wilkes 2:23% Donald 2:19*4 Frank Wilkes 2 :27% George Wood by George Effner. Belle Wilson 2:28% Rideau Belle 2:23*4 Georgia Wilkes by George Wilkes. Billy Wilkes 2:20% Hancock Wilkes 2 :29% Valentine 2:18*4 Bas-Blue W ilkes, p .... 2 :18% George W. Shakespeare. Justinette 2 :28*4 German Boy by Waverly. German Girl 2 :27% Getaway by Gossip Jones. George R 2:27% SueGrundy 2:25*4 Getaway (Schmidlap's). Little Joe, p 2:23*4 Gibraltar by Echo. Dora 2:29 Gibber 2:29% Homestake 2:14% Lottie G 2 :25*4 Our Dick., p 2:10% Gideon by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian. Badoura 2 :26% Bay 2:27*4 Boston Girl 2:25% Ezra L ..2:21% Gideon Chief by Gideon. Likewise 2:17*4 Gift Jr. by Mambrino Gift. Monk 2:30 Sable Gift, p 2:13% ZeliahH.,p 2:26 Gilbirds Sprague by Gov. Sprague. Charley Gilbirds 2 :29% Joe Gilbirds 2 :29*4 Kate C 2:27*4 Sarah Gilbirds . . .... 2 :23*4 Valentine Sprague. ... 2 :29% Gilbreth Knox by Gen. Knox. Capitola 2:22*4 Charles R 2:27 Gilbreth Maid 2 :25*4 Hambletonian Knox.. 2:28 Lothair 2:20*4 Gilley. Dave Boy, p 2;29*4 Gillig by Aristos. KingGillig 2:26*4 Rupert Gillig 2:21% SueGillig 2:25% Gillis Horse by Tornado. Confidence 2:26 Gilman McGregor by Robert McGregor. Lady McGregor 2 :30 Gilroy by Johnny White. T. A.K 2:28*4 Florences 2:25% Gilroy by Messenger Duroc. RoyB 2;24% Gilt Edge by Lyman. Ben Bolt 2:27*4 34 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Flirt ................... 2:30 GroverC .............. 2:30 Lily D ................ 2:2854 Mac ................... 2:2654 Norris N .............. 2:2054 Rocket, p ............. 2 3A 1 A Gilt Edge by White Cloud. Grey Cloud ............ 2 :29% Gipsey Boy by Stonewall Jackson. Billy Burton .......... 2 :25*4 Lath .................. 2:2954 LucyB ................ 2:22 Young Gipsy Boy ..... 2 :28*4 Gipsey Chief by Simmon's Seneca Chief. TiptonBoy ............ 2:2454 Gladiator by George M. Pat- chen Jr. Boss James H .............. 2:21 Daminia, p ............ 2 :2654 Snickel fritz, p ........ 2 :29*i Gladiator by Smuggler. Fred Smuggler, p ..... 2 :22 y Mes Idlewild ............... 2:2954 Glenair by Messenger Duroc. Glenalen by Ben Franklin. B. F. Solon ............ 2 :2454 Glenarm by Constellation. Glenarma .............. 2:2854 Glendale.p ............ 2:2654 Glencoe Golddust by Dorsey's Golddust. George W. Davis ..... 2 :2654 Glencoe Jr. Madge Hatton ........ 2 :1754 Lady Pendleton,p ____ 2:2354 Scratch, p ............. 2 :28% Uncle Jack, p ......... 2 :16*4 Glencoe Wilkes by Alcantara. George A .............. 2:29 Pansy Blossom ........ 2 :23 Whirlwind ............ 2 :26% Jubilee Wilkes, p ..... 2 :17*4 Glencue by Glenarme. Glenwood ............. 2 :27 Glendale by Glenn's Hamble- touian. Mattie Hunter ........ 2 :30 Glen Knox. Jalba .................. 2:2954 Glen Duroe by Messenger Duroc. Clay Duroc ............ 2:30 Glenelg by Baymont. Lady Bed ............. 2:2454 Glen Miller by White Line. Bryan Girl ............ 2:2654 Kate Ham ............. 2:28*4 Kate Ham, p .......... 2:2454 Glenview by Belmont. Euclid ................ 2:28*4 L. M. Wing ........... 2:26*4 Easter Girl, p ......... 2:2714 Glenwold by Nutwood. Protien ................ 2:15* Glenwood by Wapsie. Maud Archibald ...... 2 :2754 Gloster by Blue Bull. AddieC.,p ............ 2:20 DickC.,p ............. 2:18% Sam Sharp, p ......... 2:26 Gloster by Phil Sheridan. Lora J ................ 2:19*4 MabelC... , .......... 2:2554 Godfrey Patchen by George M. Patchen. Cyclone 2:30 FerdS 2:27*4 George H 2:25 Glamis 2:2254 Harry W. Genet 2 :25H Hopeful 2:14% LadySnell 2:2354 Rex Patchen 2 :30 WellesleyBoy 2:2654 Gogebic by Red Wilkes. All Right 2:21 Trevor.p. 2:25 Goldbeater by Alcantara. Marion 2:19% George K, p 2:1854 Gold Boy by Gibson's Tom Hal. Ada,p 2:13% Blue Ridge, p 2:20 Gen. Ewell, p, 2:23% Golddust (Dorsey's) by Ver- mont Morgan. Fleety Golddust 2 :20 Indicator 2 :2354 Lucille Golddust 2 :1654 Rolla Golddust 2:25 Golddust. Red Cloud, p 2:2554 Golddust (McCracken's) by McCracken'sBlack Hawk. Artist 2:2654 Golddust Dorsey's Gold- dust. Motion Golddust 2 :28*4 Sleepy Tom, p 2:25 Golddust (Thompson's). Johnny Golddust 2:17 Axtell,p 2:1654 Roy Golddust, p 2 :30 Tennyson, p 2:25% Goldemar by Princeps. Abram 2:25 Gold Bar 2:20% Kenmar 2:29*4- LadyB 2:27 Natila 2:251/2 King Goldemar, p .... 2 :25% Golden by Royal Lambert. Fred Mac 2:2454 Goldenbow by Satellite. Glitter 2:22% Golden Girl 2:28*4 Jim Fuller 2:19 1 / 2 Octavia 2:2954 MollyD 2:26 Pontiac Chief 2:1654 Prince Albert 2:25% Vivian 2:22 Golden Prince, p 2 :18% Golden Seal by Satellite. Billy Dolan. 2:27 Golden Star by Bashaw Mes- senger. Billy Bashaw 2:29*4 Gold King by Allie Gaines. Henry L 2:28% Bessie B, p 2:2154 Claremont, p 2 :2154 Harry Gold King, p. ..2:27% Lady Claremont, p . . 2 :2454 Lila King,p 2:22*4 Golden Wing by Satellite. DaisyJ 2:2454 Gold Leaf by Nugget. Greenleaf 2:22*4 Franklin 2:27% Oakbourne 2:27*4 Oakleaf 2:28 Rose Leaf 2:14% Goldleaf Jackson by Andrew Jackson Jr. A.R 2:27*4 Goldmine by Aristos. Natella.. 2:2554 Rockaway, p 2:1754 Goldsmith Pilot by Alden Goldsmith. Robert Ryan 2:21 Goodluck. Boadicia, p 2:2854 Delight, p 2:29*4 Glidess, p 2:2654 Good Luck by Seymour's Davy Crocket. Dale.p 2:21*3 Goodson by Smuggler. Goodwin, Jr 2:27*4 Helen Goodson 2 :25 Sir Arthur 2:25*4 Goldstone by Masterlode. Lew Wallace 2:23*4 Goodwin Hambletonian by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Goodwin, Jr 2:29% Lady Collins 2:30 Onawa 2:2254 Goodwood by Woodf ord Mam- brino. Greenwood 2:30 Goodwood, Jr 2 :2354 Goodwood, Jr. by Goodwood. Frank Irwin 2:2954 Gordon Windsor by Windsor. Roger 2:2854 Gossip by Tattler. Detractor, p 2:26*4 Gossip,Jr.,p 2:1354 Gossiper by Simmons. Gazelle 2:16*4 Ketcham, p 2:17 Gossip Jones by Yanosdal's Whip. Business 2:28 Gov. Benton by Gen. Benton. Gov. Hill 2:25*4 Governor Benton by Major Benton. Benton M 2:1654 Bessie Benton 2 :26% C.L.K 2:2954 Governor Boggs. Chico,p 2:21H Governor D. Hugh G 2:28 Gov. Morrill by Knox Mor- D" Smith 2:26*4 Gov. Paine. Orient 2:2754 Gov. Sprague by Rhode Isl- and. Agitator 2:28*4 Allen Sprague 2:30 Bertie Sprague 2:24 Brinker Sprague 2 :28 Bob Sprague 2:24% Carrie Walton 2 :23*4 Charley P 2:25*4 Colvina Sprague 2 :19% Dixie Sprague 2 :2554 Frank Sprague 2 :29 Gilbirds Sprague 2:21% Henry Esmond 2 :30 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 35 James Morrison 2:25*4 Kate Sprague 2 :18 King Sprague 2 :12 Lady Kate Sprague . . .2 :27* Linda Sprague 2 :17*4 Lou Sprague 2 :27*4 Lynn Sprague 2 :28 Mary Karr 2.24 Mary Sprague 2 :21 MaryW 2:^9% Maywood 2:20 Medora 2:29% N.H.R 2:23* Pauline 2:27* Roscoe Conkling 2 :30 Eowena Sprague 2 :27* Sprague (Round's) . . .2 :24*4 Sprague Golddust.. ..2:15* Sprague Pilot 2 :24 SusieT 2:28* The Item 2:25* Theresa Sprague 2 :25* Vincent Cromwell . . . . 2 :30 Billy Sprague, p 2 :2S Charley P., p 2:11* Vandal Wilkes, p 2:24 Gov. Sprague, Jr. by Gov. Sprague. Charley Sprague 2 :28% Gov. Stanford by Electioneer. Clito.p 2:24* Gov. Wilkes by Geo. Wilkes. Lieut. Wilkes, p 2 :23*4 Graduate. Oliver Twist 2 :29*4 Granby by Princeps. Granette 2:21* Mary Ferguson 2 :29*4 Grand Duke by Iron Duke. Sleepy Dan 2:29* Grandison. Ella Graham, p 2 :29*4 Grandissimo by Le Grand. Altissimo 2:25* Myrtle Thome 2: 20% Topsey 2:27 Grand Moor by The Moor. Abdal 2:28 MyrtleT 2:27* Sadie Moor 2:29*4 Grand Regent. Mediator, p 2:30 Grand Sentinel by Sentinel. Grace Darling 2 :26 Grand Sentinel, Jr . . . . 2 :30 Lasella 2:20 Nellette 2:26*4 Samuel A 2 :27*4 Selene 2:29% Sentry 2:25 Shaefer 2:23* Signo Vinces 2 :27* Sir Knight 2:23% Solferino 2 :26*4 Sonnet 2:30 Strategist 2:22 Strathbridge 2 :28* Strogoff 2 :24* Sumpter 2:25* Sutherland 2 :24* Suzerain 2:29 Tosca 2:19* Shaefer, p 2:23* Grand Sentinel Jr. by Grand Sentinel. Golden Boy 2:23*4 Grand Wilkes Wilkes. by Lyle Ike Wilkes ............ 2:17* Grantham Chief by Royal George. Commodore Nut ...... 2 :29 DanH ................. 2:26*4 Door Knob, p .......... 2:21 Graphic by Mambrino Pat- chen. Novelty .............. 2:29 Great Hope by Happy Med- ium. Realization ........... 2 :26% Title Clear ............ 2:30 Great Tom by Pathfinder. Ben Davis ............. 2:19*4 Etta B ................. 2 :25*4 Etta B. p ............. 2:17 Great Western by Master- lode. Oliver West ........... 2:25% PhilW ................ 2:21 Greenback by Blue Bull. Alaiedon .............. 2:27* Counterfeit ........... 2:30 JohnM ................ 2:27V4 Fred Ager, p .......... 2 :24*4 NedRawlin, p ........ 2:30 Greenbacks by Princeps. Bassora ............... 2:22* Choice ................ 2:24i/ 2 Greenceps ............. 2 :lfc*4 Greenwood ............ 2:20 Keno .................. 2:24* Loretta B ............. 2:28 Mason ................. 2:27*4 Green Boy by John Green. Charles Dorsey ....... 2 :20*4 Daybreak ............. 2:25*4 Green Boy Jr .......... 2:28* HarryC ............... 2:15 Lady Bug ............. 2:24* Greenbush by Woodbnry, Green bush Star ....... 2 :25*4 Greenbush King by Green- bush. HindaW .............. 2:26 Greybush, p ........... 2 :30 Judge B. p ............ 2:15% Greenfield by Black's Ham- bletonian. Grayfield .............. 2:17*4 Greenlander by Princeps. Esquimo ............... 2:18% Greenlander Boy ...... 2 :2t % Greenlander Girl ..... 2:21 Greenway ............. 2:25 Kitty Greenlander .... 2 :23*4 Louisville ............. 2 :19% Orangelander ......... 2 :22* OtaUic ................ 2 :24V4 Raola ................. 2:28* ZingereUi, p .......... 2:27 Green Mountain Banner by Black Banner. Lady Pritchard ....... 2 :21 Vulcan ................ 2:25 Green Mountain Morgan. Bay Charley, p ........ 2 :23% Green Mountain Morgan by Ethan Allen. Honest Billy .......... 2:29* Green Mountain Morgan (Dow's) Sally B.p ............. 2:23 Greenwood. Frank Allen ........... 2:30 Gregor McGregor by Robert McGregor. Miss McLain 2 :28*4 Grenedier by Princeps. Grandee 2:29*4 Grey Bill. Kitty Grey 2:29* Grey Comet. Wallace 2:22* Grey Dan by Gideon. Gov. Plaisted 2:29* Hippona 2:27% MaudL 2:30 St. Lawrence 2:23* Surprise 2 :28*4 1:16* rpn Grey Duke. Billy Russe. p 2:1 Grey Eagle by Vermont Black Hawk. Carrie K 2:30 St. Charles 2:26 Grey Eagle. Daisy B. p 2:29* Grey Eagle (McKesson's) by Coman's Grey Eagle. Charley Ford 2:16% Grey Eagle (Chenery's) . Ino 2:21* Red Bird 2:27* Aral, p 2:25*4 Grey Eagle by Young Mountain Eagle. New Berlin Girl 2:29*4 Grey Harry by Old Tempest. Billy the Twister, p . . 2 :18* Black Diamond, p 2 :16 Florence J. p 2:24*4 Prairie Girl, p 2:20 Grey Jim byMorgan Tally-Ho riing.... 2:29* Pedro .2:25* Grey McClellan by Gen, Mc- Clellan. Blanche 2:25*4 Grey Messenger (Hoagland's) by a son of Sherman Mor- Blonde 2:29*4 Honest Dutchman ... .2 :26*4 Grey Messenger by Black Hawk. Tom Walter 2:29 Greystone by Nutwood. Fedalma, p 2:22* Prince Elwood 2 :22% Griffard by Lepine Horse. Balmoral Boy 2:29*4 Grimalkin by Princeps. NellyC 2:30 Grosjean by Belmont. Grosis 2:25* Grosvenor by Administrator. Lady Grosvenor 2 :27 Guarantee by Tom Patchen. Dan Berry 2:26*4 Keystone 2:28* Guardsman by Alcyone. Nicola 2:23* Guelph by Princeps. GuelphJr 2:26% Manette.p 2:24 St.Croix, p 2:18% Guide by Swigert. Escort 2:23 Guard 2:27 Zig 2:25 36 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Guiderock, p 2 :29 Guilford Boy by Dauntless. LucyK 2:25i/ 2 Cato, p 2:23% Gulvallis by Conn's Harry Wilkes. Bessie Cecil 2 :29% Lucy K 2:30 Guy Darrell by King Kene. Guy Rene 2:25 Guy K by Guy Wilkes. Dr. Haile. p 2:15% Guy Miller (Sayre's) by Guy Miller. Blackstone . ^ 2 :23% EllaB .T. 2:26% sephine S 2 :24% Guy Wilkes by GPO. Wilkps. A. L. Kempland 2:26% Arthur Wilkes 2 :28% Atalanta Wilkes 2 :29% Auntie Wilkes 2 :22% Clio Wilkes 2:30 Earlie 2:27% Eclipse 2:25% EminBey 2:2i% Etta Wilkes 2 :25% Gulita 2:27% Guy Vernon 2:28 Hazel Wilkes 2:11% Hulda 2:08 1 / 2 Jean Wilkes 2:24% Leo Wilkes...... 2:29% Lesa Wilkes 2 :11% Lillian Wilkes 2:17% Linwood 2:20% Mary Best 2:12% May Wilkes 2:24% Millie Wilkes 2:26 Mustaph 2:23 Muta Wilkes 2:11 Nutwood Wilkes 2 :19 Raven Wilkes 2:15*4 Regal Wilkes 2 :11% Sable Wilkes 2:18 Silver Spray 2:28 Siva 2:13% Ulee Wilkes 2:23 Una Wilkes 2:15 Venita Wilkes 2:13 Verona Wilkes 2 :27 Vesta 2:30 Vida Wilkes 2:18% Alannah, p 2:11% Blonde Wilkes, p 2 :22% Chris Smith, p 2 :14% Rupee, p 2:11 Seymour Wilkes. p... .2 :16 Hailstorm by Mambrino Pat- chen Neckima 2:23 Quaker Girl 2:30 Jenny Wren, p 2:17% Halbert by Egbert. Maud Halbert 2:30 Haldane by Mambrino Rus- sell. Haldan 2:22% Hallidan 2:28 Hallington 2:30 Halo 2:27 Howell 2:26% Hustler 2:20% Just Right 2:25% Howell, p 2:24% Hustler, p 2:27% Hall Colt by Bajardo. Grey Duke 2:29% Hall Horse by Marshall Chief. Little Sam 2:29 Ham (Culler's) by Baird's Hambletonian Prince. Topaz 2:18% Hamblehawk by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Granger B 2:30 Tom Tinker 2:30 Hambleton by Florida. Col. Briggs 2:22 May Queen 2:27 Hambletonian (Harris') by Bishop's Hambletonian. Green MountainMaid.2:28% Lady Shannon 2 :28H Hero,p 2:20% Hambletonian (Green's) by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Nelly 2:30 Hambletonian (Black's) by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Avena 2:22% Ben Kinney 2:21% Blameless 2:19% Bruce 2:27% LadyM 2:23% McAllister 2:24% Tasrue O'Ragan 2 :27% Hambletonian (Curtis') by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Andy Mershon 2 :25% Flora B 2:24% Hambletonian Mam- brino 2:21% Sunshine 2:29% Hambletonian (Rysdyk's) by Abdallah. Administrator 2 :29% Alma 2:28% Artillery 2:21% Astoria 2:29% Bella 2:22 Breeze 2:24 Bruno 2:29% Chester 2:27 Deucalion 2:22 Dexter 2:17% Drift 2:29% Effie Deans 2:25% Ella Madden 2:25% Enfield 2:29 Factory Girl 2:29*4 Gazelle.... 2:21 George Wilkes ....2:22 Hambletonian's Last. 2:25% Hamperion 2 :29% Harvest Queen 2 :29% James Howell Jr 2 :24 Jay Gould 2:21% Jerome 2:27 Kisbar 2:27% Lady Augusta 2 :30 Lady Banker 2:23 Lottery 2:27 Lottie 2:28 Madeline 2:23% Marguerite 2:29 Mattie 2:22% Maud 2:29% Nettie 2:18 Orange Girl 2:20 Pickering 2:30 RysdykMaid 2:24% Scotland Maid 2 :28 l / s Sentinel 2:29% Small Hopes 2:26% Young Bruno 2:22% Hambletonian (Wood's) by Alexander's Abdallah. Allegheny Boy 2:27% Ambler........ 2:30 ArgoH 2:28 Argonaut 2:23% Billy Ray 2:23% Billy Wood 2 :20% Blue Mare 2:23 Bucephalus 2:30 Chrystine 2:29% DanS 2:24% Elda B 2:20% Howard Jay 2 :12% Ino 2:19% Kilburn Jim 2:23 KitSanford 2:21% Kitty Wood 2:24% Mamie Wood 2:20 MaudieBelle 2:29% Nancy Hackett 2 :20 NancyS 2:27 R.B 2:29% Sam F 2:26% Spotted Sam 2:29% Telephone 2 :22% Spotted Sam, p 2 :25% Hambletonian (Whipple's) by Guy Miller. Ajax 2:29 Alameda Maid 2:27% Cyclone 2:26% Empress 2:24 Graves 2:19 Lady Blanchard 2 :26% Longfellow 2:24% Lou Whipple 2:26% MaggieC 2:25 May Boy 2:23% Norman 2:28% Olivette 2:24 Rustic 2:30 Westfleld 2:26% Peacock,p 2:23% Hambletonion (Felter's) by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. HambletouianBashaw2 :29% Lady Tighe 2:29 Lucy 2:26% Star Hambletonian ... 2 :23% Hambletonian (Parris') by Harris' Hambletoniap. Joker 2:22% Hambletonian (McCurdy's) by Harold. Alabama 2:15 Blontonian 2:22 Eleanor Malloy 2 :29% Fairest 2:18 Five Points 2:19 Io 2:13 LeweS 2:26% Lula Hambletonian.. 2:27 Macaroon 2:21% McEwen 2:18% McVale 2:29 MaryR 2:24% MissMcCurdy 2:28% Norwood Hambleton- ian 2:22% Play Boy 2:18% Red Cedar 2:28% Red Fern 2:27% Sally C 2:18% William Elkin 2:27% SIKES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 37 Alice McCurdy, p 2 :2454 Den Ledyard, p 2:20 Dr. Miller, p 2:21 LulaMc, p 2:25 McCurdy Jr., p 2 :21*4 Montrose, p 2 :2454 Nannie Ward, p 2:16 Hambletonian (Sackett's) by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Joseoh A 2:24 Hambletonian (Glenn's) by Volunteer. Kitty Fisher 2:2954 Hambletonian (Powers'; by Kobert Bonner. Jockey 2:?0 Judge Parsons 2:23*4 Hambletonian (Sherman's)by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Emma B 2:2954 Gold Edge 2:2654 Hulbert 2:17 1 / 2 Pembroke 2:2754 Petitioner 2 :26M Silver Edge 2:2354 Hambletonian (Andrus') by Judson's Hambletonian. Princess 2:30 Hambletonian (Hough's) by Andrus' Hambletonian. Spotted Colt 2 :25*4 Hambletonian (Bell's) by Blue Grass. Wonder 2:22 1 / 2 Hambletonian (Blackwell's) . Whitestockings 2:21 Hambletonian (Clark's) b y Miller's Hambletonian. Frank B.,p 2:18 Hambletonian (Sawin's). Joe Ripley 2:25 Hambletonian (Clark's) by Duke of Brunswick. Tom Jacobs 2:21 Ben Morgan, p 2:1754 Hambletonian (Frederick's). Tod Crook, p 2:14*4 Hambletonian (Fleet's) b y Goldsmith. State Senator 2 :26 Princess H., p 2:2354 Hambletonian (Page's) b y Edward Everett. Coaticook Boy 2 :2654 Nicolet Boy 2:29% Hambletonian Bashaw b y Green's Bashaw. Duke 2:25H EmmaB 2:2954 Nabby G 2:30 Hambletonian Bashaw b y Felter's Hambletonian. Bessie R 2:29*4 Daisy C 2:23% Hambletonian Chief by Mid- dletown. Elmbrook 2:26% GeorgeO 2:24% ChattieC., p 2:2954 Hambletonian Chief by Thome's Hambletonian. Don Donaldo, p 2 :24*4 Hambletonian Chrisman by Whipple's Hambletonian, Kate Acrnew 2:28 l / 2 Steve Whipple 2:12 Hambletonian Don by Ches- ter Dewey. Walter Mac ........... 2:22^ CaJvinC., p ........... 2:28 Hambletonian Downing by Miller's Hambletonian. Bertha ................ 2:2754 Charley Downing ..... 2 :. 954 Claytonia ............. 2:2454 Claytonian ............ 2:2754 Doctor E .............. 2:28 Dynamite .............. 2 :2^% Mamie Phillips ....... 2 :28 Rag Baby ............. 2:2254 Alert, p Roadmaster, p ........ 2 :26*4 Hambletonian Gem by Rys- dyk's Hambletonian. Alfred ................. 2:26 Maria Theresa, p ..... 2:23 1 / 2 Hambletonian Geo r g e by Masterlode. Ed. Mack .............. 2:2654 George K .............. 2:22 George S., p ........... 2 :1954 Hambletonian Gift by Mas- terlode. Mabel Parmeter ...... 2 :29y 2 Prince Gift, p ......... 2 :2754 Hambletonian Jr. by Whip- pie's Hambletonian. Hancock ............... 2:29 Hambletonian Jr(McCurdy's) by McCurdy's Hamble- tonian. BenH ................. 2:16*4 Judge Austin .......... 2 :1254 Hambletonian K n o z by Gideon. Combination .......... 2 :2954 Freeman .............. 2:2954 Hambletonian Mam b r i n o (Montgomery's) by Curtis' Hambletonian. Big Four ........ . ..... 2:2654 Haydon ................ 2 :26V4 Katie Cahill .......... 2:26i/ 2 Raven ................. 2:26% Wild Rake ............ 2:22% Billy McCracken, p. ..2:24% J. J.C.,p .............. 2:23% Hambletonian Mambrino (De Lashmntt's) by Menelaus. Caryl Came .......... 2:25 Fred flambleton ...... 2 :26 Hamrock .............. 2:^1 Hilda .................. 2:2954 Jane L ................ 2:19*4 Kitty Ham ............ 2:26 Stella H ............... 2:29% SusieS ................ 2:18 Vanquish .............. 2:19 Cherry, p .............. 2:27% King Priam, p ........ 2 :29 Stanwix, p ............ 2:29% Hambletonian Messenger. Chepeta.p ............ 2:25*4 Hambletonian Pilot by Guy Miller. Signet ................ 2:2654 Hambletonian Prince by Vol- unteer. Harry Parker ......... 2:25 Little Eva ............ 2:20*4 T.G ................... 2:26 Hambletonian Prince (Ba- ird'st by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Abbie 2:29*4 Baldy 2:2954 Billy Button 2:i854 Corona 2:24 1 /6 Fanny Fairbanks 2 :30 Flavilla 2:24*4 Forest Prince 2 :1754 Gladys 2:28 Guess Not 2 :27*4 Happy Traveler 2 :27*4 Helen 2:28 Helene 2:21 Monie 2:2954 Musty 2:26*4 Nelly 2:2954 Nelly Wilson 2:30 Peralto 2:26*4 Prince 2:23 Princess 2 :2754 Sylvia M 2:25*4 The Corporal 2 :28*/6 Trilly Willy 2:25*/ 2 Tom Ellis, p. 2 :2654 Hambletonian Prince (Swan- brough's) by Menelaus. Little Frank 2:30 Prince 2:2654 PrinceA 2:2654 PrinceM 2:2954 Hambl>tonian Prince (Du- Bois') by Administrator. H.Z.Leonard 2:30 Hambletonian Rattler by Mambrino Rattler. Sooner 2:24 Hambletonian's Last by Rys- dyk's Hambletonian. Bill of Expense 2 :27*4 Ernest 2:27 *4 GramC 2:23% Thorndale Prince, p.. 2:21 Hambletonian Tranby by Ed- ward Everett. AnnaC 2:27*4 Claudius 2:2154 Cleveland Boy 2 :29% Homewood 2:2354 John R. Wise 2:2354 Molly J 2:19% Perhaps 2:30 S. J. Fletcher 2:23*4 Thad 2:2954 AllieC.,p 2:13 Eclipse Tranby, p 2 :2954 Templeton, p 2 :2954 Tony R. , p 2 :26*4 Whalebone, p 2 :18*4 Hambletonian Wilkes by George Wilkes. Arlene Wilkes 2 :22*4 Aurora 2:25 Bill Granger 2:26 Grand George 2 :24*4 Jack Spratt 2 :23*4 Phoebe Wilkes 2 :0854 William Wilkes 2 :30 Grand George, p 2 :20*4 Golden W.,p 2:29*4 Guarantee,? 2:23 New Era, p 2:13 Rocker, p.- 2:11 Slipper, p 2:28 Tammany Wilkes, p . . 2 :24J4 Hambrino by Edward Everett Almater 2:28 2:30 ...2:30 38 SIKES OF 2:3.0 PERFORMERS. Belle Ure 2:19*4 BenHur 2:24 Burlesque 2:22*4 Cresson 2:21% Christine 2:25% Delmarch 2:11% Esmerelda 2:30 Fulda 2:19*4 Gladstone 2:28*4 Graydon 2:17*4 Hambrino BeUe 2:25% Hambrino PUot 2 :29% Hambrino Prince 2:26 Hamdallah. 2 :'43 King Mambrino 2 :30 Marea 2:22 Nelly T 2:26*4 Olivia 2:24 Optimist 2:28% Pomona 2:25 Premier 2:29% Roswall 2:24*4 Stet Brino 2 :26% Why Not 2:20% Wildbrino 2:19% Wilkesbrino 2:23 Drelincourt, p 2:1754 Fastwell.p 2:24% Hambrino Boy.p 2 :24*4 Major Ham, p 2 :25 M. L. Hare, p 2:19 Tekla, p 2:26*4 Hambrino (Scott's) by Ham- brino. Tommy Brown, p 2:11% Hambrino Pilot by Ham- brino. Hilda 2:29*4 Hambrino Star by Masterlode Lorna Doone 2 :24*4 Hamdallah by Hamlet. Almo... 2:30 Brittle Silver 2 :25% DanNeville 2:28 Fanchon 2:19*4 Flight 2:24 Hamdallah (Aiken's) .2 :24% Hamdallah Star 2:23 Jay Caldwell 2 :22*4 King of the West 2:27 MaudD.N 2:25 Minnie A 2:29*4 Molly B 2:26% Nina Dinsmore 2:23*4 RenaN 2:22 Seth Thomas 2:25*4 Shemdallah 2 :25% Vera 2:22*4 Abdallah (Stiles') p. ..2:23 LibbeasL.p 2:13*4 Hamenger by Auditor. Ben Wallace 2:19*4 KateDillard 2:22% L. B. Curtis, p 2 :22% Hamilton by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Jerome 2 :25% Tom Hamilton 2 :21 % Han ilton by Mambritonian. Prince Albert, p 2 :28*4 Hamlet by Volunteer. A. V. Pantlind 2:20 Brookside Flora 2 :29 Lady M 2:23 Leontine 2:23*4 LorettaF -.2:18% Anna J. p 2:29% Truro, p 2:22% Hamlet by Hamlet. Dave Wilson 2:24% Hamliu Patchen by George M. Patchen. Sleepy Ned 2:26*4 Hampshire by Woodford Wilkes. Bianca 2:29*4 Hampshire Boy by Heming- way Horse. Susie 2:21 EttaC.p 2:29*4 Hampton by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Scott Ashton 2 :25% Hampton by Smuggler. LittleNed 2:29*4 Handy B. by Artemas. Johnnie B 2:25*4 Handsome Harry. Sibyl, p 2:23*4 Hannibal by De Lashmutt's HambletonianMambrino. Hannibal Jr 2 :27*4 VolbrinoH 2:26*4 Hannibal by Woodford Mam- brino. Martin K 2:18*4 Sleepy Ned 2:22*4 Hannis by Mambrino Pilot. Artburetta 2 :29*4 Hannis Jr 2:26*4 Jerry W 2:22*4 Lady Hannis 2:25 Linkwood Chief 2:18% Mamie W 2:30 Panic 2:21 Hannis Jr. p 2:17*4 Mambrino Hannis, p. 2:16% Mountain Maid, p 2:27*4 Whitby,p 2:18*4 Hanover by Brougham. Queen H 2:29% Hanshaw Horse by Irwin's Blind Tuckahoe. Sciola 2:23*4 Happy Chief. Happy, p 2:27% Happy Day by Happy Med- ium. Blue Night 2:23 Harry B. p 2:20% Happy Heir by Happy Med- ium. Split Second 2:28 Plus, p 2:29% White Socks, p 2:19% Happy Home by Happy Thought. Happy Doctor 2 :21% Happy Medium by Rysdyk's Hambletoniau. Abdallah Medium . . . . 2 :27*4 Ailse Medium 2 :27% Albion Medium 2:30 Alexander 2:26*4 Alice Medium 2 :29*4 Allie Rosebud 2 :28*4 Almont Medium 2 :18*4 Annie K 2:28% Ashland Prince 2 :26% Baron Luff 2:27 Belle Medium 2:20 Breeze Medium ....... 2 :22*4 Brigadier 2:21*4 Buzz Medium 2*0*4 Capitalist 2 :29% Camille 2:20*4 Celerrima 2:15 Champion Medium . . .2 :22*4 Chief Med ium 2 :24% Citizen 2:21*4 Country Medium 2:25*4 CarrieD 2:26 Delaware Medium 2:30 Eddie Medium 2 :29*4 Edith 2:22*4 Elwood Medium 2:24% Enchantress 2:26% Ernest Maltravers 2 :22% Ethel Medium 2:25% Fairlawn Medium 2:25*4 Falkland 2:23% First Love 2:22% Fleet Medium 2 :29*4 Fleetwood 2:29 Folly 2:15*4 Frank Ellis 2-26*4 Fred Medium .2 :23*4 Graceful 2:23*4 Happiness 2:29*4 Happy Courier 2:16% Happy Damsel 2 :26% Happy Day 2:29% Happy Girl 2:27% Happy Maid 2:30 Happy Princess 2:23*4 Happy Promise 2:16% Happy Thought 2 :22% Happy Wanderer 2 :20% Harry 2:26 Harry Medium 2: 21% Helen Houghton 2 :29*4 Kildee 2:29% Lady Fargo .2:24*4 Mambrino Medium.. .2:28% Master Medium 2 :29% MaxieCobb 2:13*4 Mediator 2 :25% Merry Thought 2 :22*4 Millionaire 2:z4% Milton Medium 2 :25% Mott Medium 2 :29*4 Nancy Hanks 2.04 Neta Medium 2 :22% Normau Medium 2:20 Ormond 2:27% Paeony 2:22 Patchen Medium 2 :29% Pearl Medium 2 :24 Poco Tempo....: 2:23% Prince Medium 2 :26 Rebel Medium 2 :23*4 Robert Medium 2 :29 Romancer 2:28% Rose Medium 2 :26% R.P 2:22*4 Sauveur 2:29*4 Soudan 2 :25 Spaiish Maiden 2:29% Starin Medium 2:26*4 Storm King 2:25% Talavera 2:30 Time Medium 2:27% Union Medium 2:18% Viola Medium 2:25 Ward Medium 2 :25*4 Waymart 2:27*4 Crystal,p 2:29 Eddy C.,p 2:20 Jerry Yetman. p 2:27% King Medium, p 2 :20 Late Rose, p 2:23*4 New Medium, p 2:30 Riley Medium, p 2 :10% SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 39 Happy Medium (Mickey's) by Happj Gen. Mack.. 2:29% tappy Medium. Happy Medium, Jr. by Happy Medium. Carrie Medium 2:2754 Lady Babcock 2:30 Happy Prince by Bayonne Prince. Contento 2:2954 Happy 2:27% Happy Russell by Manabrino Russell. Happy Bee 2:15% Happy Earl 2:29% Happy George 2 :24% Happy Lady 2:16% Happy Minnie 2:17% May Bee 2:25 Happy Thought by Happy Ethel '. 2:19% Go Some 2:2654 Happy Go Lucky 2 :29 Happy Home 2 :2454 Idle Thought 2 :29% Little Sport 2:25^4 Merriment 2 :26% Stoneridge 2:2154 Happy Traveler by St. Elmo. Bonnie B., p 2:19% Happy Union by Woodbury. Golden Girl, p 2 :25 Harbinger by Almont. Ansel W 2:29% Camille 2:24% Diana 2 :24 % Hallie 2:20 Harvey Russell 2 :29% St. ives 2:2954 Silver Belle 2:21% Prince Harbinger 2 :30 Van Helmont 2 :26% Hardee (Burton's) by Gen. Hardee. Col. Hardee, p 2 :2954 IdaS., p 2:15% Hard Tack. Black Nell, p 2:28 Hardwood by Black wood, Jr. Nelly Hardwood 2 :18% Peter Hardwood 2 :20 Hardy Horse. Fanny W 2:25 1 / 2 Harkaway by Stephen A. Douglass. Tom Miller, p 2:2554 Harkaway by Wilkins Micaw- ber. Hundley 2:20% Roy 2:26% Gertie Harkaway, p.. 2:26% Jack.p 2:1054 J.C.R.,p 2:29 Nancy Harkaway, p.. 2:1954 Harlan by Dauntless. Andrew C 2:2654 Harlequin by Hampton. Joe L., p 2:15 Haro by Harold. Muggins 2:2054 Harold by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian. Altamura 2:30 Calinda 2:2654 CammieL 2:21 Cash Item 2:2954 Chicheater 2:2554 CoraS. 2:25% Daciana 2:27% Daireen 2:21% Disputant 2:18 Evermond 2 :245i Gen. Turner 2:26% Good Morning 2 :28% Hackberry 2:2554 Hambletonian (Mc- Curdy's) 2:26% Harold Chief 2:2454 Harold, Jr 2:2454 Hartford 2:2254 HenryG 2:28 Hermes 2:27% High Tide 2:30 Iowa Harold 2 :25% Lorody 2:24% Mattie Graham 2:21% Maudlen 2:25% MaudS 2:08% Meda 2:25 Neva 2:30 Noble Harold 2:29% Noontide.... 2:20% Parapet 2:21 Pegasus 2:30 Puella 2:29 Russia 2:28 Sisal 2:2354 Temple 2:30 Valdemeer 2:28 Yazoo 2:27% Yuba 2:24% Zulu 2:29% Alturus, p 2:12% Belle Girl, p 2:24 Gen. Turner, p 2 :25% Hermit 2:16% MaudH.,p 2:20% Slumber, p 2 :1354 Harold C. by West Liberty. Bashaw Bill 2:26 Harold C. by Harold. George Mack, p 2: 1954 Harold, Jr. by Harold. Godelia 2:2954 Haroldine 2:2354 Haroldmont by Harold. Hettiemont 2 :16% Rizpah 2:2454 Haroldmont by Harbinger. JackWiman 2:2054 Harold Patchen by Harold. Aunt Delilah 2 :12% Haroldson by Harold. Jonesville 2:29% Sterling, p 2:11% Harold Thorne by Heptagon. Woodbury Thorne .... 2 :2554 Harper by Harold. Belle Harper 2 :2954 Harper by Green's Bashaw. Pride of Idaho 2:29% Harrison Chief by Clark Chief. George L 2:26% Harrison 2:2654 HarryChief 2:30 Harry Arlington by Prince Telegraph Girl 2 :29% Harry B. by Blue Bull. JohnT.,p 2:15 Harry Clay by Neave's Cas- sius M. Clay, Jr. Clayton 2:19 Edwin Clay 2:29% No Hurry 2:30 Shawmut 2 :2& Surprise 2:2$ Harry Clay by Joe Hooker. Blanche Morrison 2 :27% Harry Clay Jr. by Harry Clay. Billy Bunker, p 2:195 Harry Clay Jr. (Haven's). Claytonian 2:2754 Harry F. by Compeer. Tempest N., p 2 :1954 Harry Franklin by Bergen. Jim Graham 2 :26% Harry Goldburg. Tommy H., p 2:2154 Harry Golddust. Goldmine, p 2:17 Harry Green by Hiatoga. Midnight Bell, p 2 :2654 Min Young, p 2:16% Harry Hamilton by Knicker- bocker. J.M.D 2:1354 Harry Hamilton. Fanny Miller 2 :22% Harry Hontas by Pocahontas Boy. Gertie K., p 2:25% Nettie E. Hontas, p.... 2:29% Harry Hoyer by Pilot Cham- pion. Gladstone, p 2:19% Harry Knox by Gen. Knoz Jr. Billy 1 2:29% Maggie Miller 2 :26% MaudElenah, p 2:1954 Harry Lathrop by Blood's Black Hawk. Henry 2:2054 Harry Mills by Milwaukee. ..2:21V4 Royal Marion Mills, p. Harry Morgan by Harry. Minnie Grey 2:30 Harry Noble by Frank Noble. Belle Noble, p 2:16 Harry Phelps by Cromwell Hiatoga. Kitty Hiatoga 2:18% Harry Plummer by Harry Clay. Little Mack 2:29% Maclvor 2:27 Harry Pulling by Menelaus. AndyPogue 2:2954 Don Pulling 2:30 Gen. Buford 2:24 Harry Scott. Judge Black, p 2:28% Harry Vane by Smuggler. Loyalty 2:27 Harry W. Genet by Godfrey Patchen. Frances 2:27 Harry Wilkes (Conn's), by George Wilkes. Bonnie Wilkes 2 :2954 Concord 2:29% Fred Wilkes 2:21% Helena B 2:27 Kathrina 2:25% Rosaline Wilkes 2 :14% Sir Harry Wilkes, p...2:16 Twilight,p 2:28 Harry Wilkes (Letcher's) by George Wilkes. Billy Wilkes 2:29% 40 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Harry Wilson by Jim Wilson. Harry K., p 2:2354 Hartford by Harold. RobertA 2:2954 BarbWire.p 2:24% LilyM., p 2:24 Robert J M p 2:01 J/ 2 Hartland. Hartland 2:29*/ 3 Harvester by Daniel Lam- bert. J. Y. G 2:2454 Haskew by Monte Christo. Eagle Pass 2:29% Hatch Horse by Woodburn Pilot. Pickwick 2:275/ 2 Haven Star by Conklin's American Star. Lady Linda 2:26 Havoc by Thorndale. Flora B 2:30 Glenmore 2:2354 Lady Havoc 2:23 Lucy May 2:17 Hawkeye by Rice Graves. Daisy Gardiner 2 :2854 Hawkeye. Grey Hawk 2:28% Haw Patch by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. AnnaK 2:28% Eldine 2:28*4 Eros 2:29 Gravel 2:29% Litta 2:22 Magnolia 2:0954 PrinceH 2:17% RobertL 2:2654 Woodside Prince 2 :24% Teaser D., p 2:30 LucyJ.,p 2:27 l / 2 Hawthorne by Maine Ham- bletonian. Belle Thorne 2:27 Hawthorne by Nutwood. Bay Thorn 2:23}/ 2 Breastplate 2 :23*4 Bessie Thorne 2 :22*4 Brown Thorne 2 :28 Hedgethorne 2 :27 Ida May 2:28 John C. Shelly 2:29% Kilrain 2:22% Maj. Thorne 2:30 Moses 8 2:19*4 Paladin 2 :2d l /s Pet Thorne 2:29 Sam Browne 2 :29*4 Tempest 2:19 Thornwood 2:1954 A. W. Thorne, p 2:29*4 Cp Thorne, p 2:18*4 Chief Thorne, p 2:20 Hawthorne (Ladd's) byThorn- dale. Cyclone Jr. 2:27 Hayward Hazzard. Little Dick, p..; 2:23 Haywood. Henrietta, p 2:2454 Hazel Bashaw by Bashaw, Jr. Belle Truitt 2 :25V4 Doctor H., p 2:22*4 Hazel Heel. F.M.B.A.,p 2.22 Matt Wall, p 2:27*4 H. B. Winship by Aristos. Lady Winship 2 :23*4 Headlight by Blue Bull. Billy Golden, p 2:21 Heathwood by Nutwood. Black Beauty 2 :24 Hector Wilkes by George Wilkes. Fred S. Wilkes 2 :11% Thorn Wilkes 2:28!/ 2 Seaside 2:18V4 Superior Wilkes 2 :24% Helmont by Mammont. Caywood 2:1954 Hemlock by Belmont. Princess 2:30 Waxford 2:26*4 Henry. Amelia S., p 2:25% Henry B. Razor Blade, p 2 :2254 Henry Bell Colt by Cuyler. Scott Newman 2:27*4 Henry B. Patchen by George M. Patchen. Idaho Patchen, 2 :26/ 2 Jerry 2:28% KiKi 2:28 Little Gem 2:29*4 Nelly Rose 2:30 Patchen Maid 2:30 Susie Parker 2 :2554 Billy Patchen, p 2 :29% Henry C. by Ben Franklin. Little Nancy 2:29 Henry Clay by Andrew Jack- son. Black Douglas 2 :30 Jericho 2:30 Henry Clay. Charles D 2:2954 Henry Clay Jr. by Henry Clay. Bertha Clay 2:30 Henry Clay (Wilson's) by Ver- mont Black Hawk. Newbrook 2:30 Henry Clay by Romeo. John C. Heenan, p . . . . 2 :25 Henry F. LucyH 2:25 Henry Gilbert by Clark Chief. DeWulff 2:21i/ 2 Future Gilbert 2 :26% Henry Ham by Abdallah Woodford. Lady,p 2:24% Henry Middleton by Bay Mid- dleton. Billy D.,p 2:29*4 Henry S. by Auctioneer. LucyP 2:27*4 Opal 2:30 Heptagon by Harold. Amboy 2:13% Cleon 2:22 Huntsman 2:30 Kate V 2:23 Hercules by Dorsey's Gold- dust, T.L.D.,p 2:2254 Hermes by Harold. Early Bloom Frank Ellis 2:5 Heckothrift 2:29 " Heresy 2:27 Holmdel 2:18% Hoodwink. ..2:25 Homer 2:2254 Mattie Bassett 2 :26*4 Thomas S. Harrison .. 2 :29*4 Ravelli, p 2 :20% Hermit by Harold. Albani 2:2154 Arona 2:24% Dorking 2:24H JohnL 2:27% Hermione, p 2 :22*4 Hernando by Almont. Salardo 2:2654 Herod by King Herod. King Grover 2:28*4 Michael 2:28*4 Kenoma, p 2:23 Herod Jr. by Herod. Nubbin 2:17*4 Hero by Stoner Boy. Morris H 2:26 1 / 2 Hero of Thorndale by Thorn- dale. Alice Tyler 2:30 Bob Johnson 2:2854 FairyGift 2:30 Minnie Dale 2:2954 Thorndale Jr 2 :30 Herschel by Belmont. AltaMay 2:27 Annabel 2:29% Frank Bellows 2 :22 FrederickL 2:2954 Hershon 2:2954 NevaSeeley 2:2054 Prince Herschel 2 :13 Uranus.p 2:17% Virgie K., p 2:25 Hersey by Macedonian. Baron 2:2954 Hiatoga(Handley's),by Rice's Hiatoga. Grand Duchess 2 :26*4 Iwang 2:28*4 Hiatoga (Scott's), by Hand- ley's Hiatoga. Duck 2:30 Erebus 2:2854 Headlight 2:30 Lew Scott .2:23 Tom Cameron 2:23V4 Belle Hammill, p 2 :2654 Dido.p 2:2354 Estella.p 2:2354 Gypsy,p 2:28}/2 Jenny Lind, p 2:28 Leviathian , p 2 :23*4 Marie Scott, p 2 :24 Sorrel Billy, p 2 :20 Hiatoga (Howser's) by Hand- ley's Hiatoga. Bay Dick 2:29*4 Hiatoga (Bellew's). Doctor H, p 2:2954 Hiatoga Chief by Scott's Hia- toga. Tioga Belle 2:29*4 Gypsy Boy, p 2:2154 HiatogaF., p 2:2854 Hibbard Wilkes. May Murphy, p 2:29% Hickory, Jr. by Hickory. Milton 2:16 Harrison Reed, p 2 :23*4 Hidalgo by Almont. Carl 2:23% Miss May 2:2754 Red Line 2:24*4 LadyH.,p 2:25 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 41 Highland Beauty by High- land Boy. Rockton 2 :25* Highland Boy by Hamlet. Gloucester 2:23*4 Hamlet. D 2:23 * Highland Boy, Jr. by High- land Boy. George S. James 2 :22* Highland Chief. Belle W 2:29*4 Highland Chief by May- flower, Jr. Lucky Boy., 2:29 Mikado 2:20% Jesse H., p. 2:18*4 Highlander. Wm, H. Holliday, p... 2:29% Highlander Boy. Patsy K.,p 2:21^ Highland Golddust by Gold- dust. Barry Golddust 2 :24* Novi 2:29*4 Highland Grey by Darkey. Don Carlos 2:28*4 Emma B 2:2654 Florence 2:23*4 Frank H 2:21* Highland Boy 2 :28*4 Highland L. , p 2 :14*4 Katie L., p ....2:22* Nelly June, p 2:24*4 Tim Cawley, p 2 :27*4 Highland L. by Highland Gray. Highland Lassie, p.. .2:19% Highlawn by Alcantara. AltaRose .' 2:28% High Jack. Coupon 2:26% High Jack, p 2:25*4 High Private by Volunteer. Fugleman 2:27*4 Highwood by Nutwood. Almira Highwood.... 2:23*4 Hillside Prince by Kentucky Prince. Sunrise Prince 2 :13*4 Hi Miller. Senator Maid 2:30 Hi Monarch by Almonarch. Tony Monarch, p 2 :26*4 Hinder Wilkes by Red Wilkes Chief Wilkes 2:28* Futurity 2:19 Pat My Boy 2:18*4 Penelope 2:27* Hindrance, p 2:29*4 Hindoo by George M. Pat- chen. Clover 2:25*4 Timothy 2:26*4 Hinkston Boy by Abdallah Clay. Lady Savage 2:25 Warren H., p 2 :26* Hinsdale Chief by Edwin For- rest. Larchleigh. p 2:23 Hinsdale Horse by Hinsdale Colt. Deck Wright 2 :19% Grand Central 2 :30 Ira 2:27 MattieK 2:24*4 N.J.Fuller 2:26*4 WilburF 2:24* Archie C., p 2:30 Hiram. Maud 2:30 Hiram Woodruff by Bysdyk's Hambletonian . Lenity 2:29*4 Hiram Woodruff by Vermont Hero. Lady Stillman 2 :29% Hirsch Belmont by Belmont. Bismarck 2:22*4 DoraW 2:30 Hoagland Horse by North American. Betsey Ann 2:22* Hod Gregor by Hod Gregor. Highland Tom 2 :24 Holliday by McMahon. King Holliday 2:22% Holstein by Indianapolis. Holcomb 2:27 Homer by Mambrino Patchen LelahH 2:24* May Homer 2:18% Vivian 2:27* Homestead by Nutwood. Lord Shelburne 2 :19 Honest Abe by Cassius. Princeton 2:27 Honest Allen by Ethan Allen. Bob Acres 2:28* LadyBonner 2:24*4 Prince Allen 2 :26* Tom Allen 2:22 Honest Allen(Davis') by Hon- est Allen. Lady Martin 2:29* Honest Allen (Smith's) by Honest Allen. Alton Boy 2:29* Shakespeare 2:30 Honest Charley by Charley B. Gentle Harry 2:30 Honest Dan by Vermont Ham- bletonian. Charles W 2:29*4 Forest King 2:27 Sligo 2:30 Honest Dick by St. Lawrence. LizzieS 2:30 George W.,p 2:22*4 Honest John by JohnnyWhite Horse. Honest Jake 2:27*4 Ace of Diamonds, p.. 2:24*4 Honest John, p 2 :23% Honest Prince, p 2 -.21 ft Honest John. Bay Tom 2:24% Honesty by Stier's Hiatoga. Big Soap 2:23 NinaK 2:28*4 Honor by Red Wilkes. Upright Wilkes 2:14% Hoosier Dick. Frank Nevins, p 2:30 Hoosier Tom. Bald Eagle, p 2:22*4 Dicer,p 2:30 Miller Boy.p 2:18 Hope So by Hermes. BelleB 2:26*4 Hugo 2:22* Lady Powell 2:25% Horace by Dirigo. Daisy Drew 2:30 Hornell Wilkes by Red Wilkes Red of Waranoke 2 :22% Home Horse by Blucher. Willie D 2:26 Horrey Mills. Kitty Mills 2:28% Hospodar by Belmont. Horicon 2:19*4 Hotspur by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Hotspur Chief 2 :29 Lucy C 2:30 Hotspur Jr. by Hotspur. Hotspur Girl 2:29*4 Hotspur King 2 :27% Little Ned 2:29*4 Maud 2:29* Nickel Plate 2:25* Tommy B., p 2 :24*4 Prince M., p 2:21*4 Hotspur Chief by Hotspur. Billy G 2:27* Brewster 2:26 Grey Dave 2:22*4 TomMackay 2:26* Howe Horse. GuyC.,p 2:27*4 Hubbell Horse. Shollbark, p 2:26 Hudson by Kentucky Prince. Kitty Hudson 2 :25 Hughey Angus by Swigert. Don Angus, p 2:18* Hugo Prince by Jefferson Prince. HugoH 2:25* Hull by Belmont. Bay Hull 2:29*4 BlanchoP... 2:26 Boxwood 2:26 Fred Hull 2:29* HattieHrJl 2:30 Patience 2:18% Vespasian. 2:24*4 Ned Hull, p 2:30 Humbird by Tom Jefferson. Jack Draper 2 :27 Hummer by Electioneer. Bouncer 2:18* Hustler 2:20% Stately, p 2:18 Hunter. Black Hunter, p 2 :29* Hunter by Byron. LadyK 2:30 Ashton Boy, p 2:26 Hunter Chief by Lexington Chief, Jr. Lexington King 2 :23* Huon by Hamlin's Alrnont Jr. Miss Huon 2:24*4 Hurly Burly by Rumor. Wilber 2:19* Hurricane by Ringwood. Iroquois 2:25*4 Hussell Dan. Hail Cloud, p 2:26* Hutchinson Morrill by Mor- rill. Fanny 2;27 Hylas by Alcalde. Harry Hylas 2:26*4 Hylas Boy 2:23 Hylas Maid 2:29* SusieS 2:15* MatrgieJ.,p 2:14*4 Sally Walker, p 2 :28*4 42 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Hylas Jr. by Hylas. Daniel Boone. p 2 :20% Hyperion by Almont. Hyson 2:26% Bright Hope, p 2:25 Hyson, p 2:lb% Hyronomous. Senator, p 2:29% H. W. Beecher by Phil Sheri- dan. Victor E 2:28% Little Jeff, p 2:23% H. Z. Leonard. GypseyB , p 2:30 Idaho Patchen by Henry B. Patchen. Maud P 2:26% Maud Patchen 2:19% Idler by A. W. Richmond. Rita,p 2: Idol (Williams') byElial G. Alexander I) 2:20 Winifred 2:24% Idol (Backman's) by Bysdyk s Hambletonian Capson 2:25% Harry S 2:27% Idolater 2:28% Idolf 2:13% Idol Jackson 2:27% Idol Stone 2:29% Oxford Boy 2:29% Pero 2:25 Pickwick 2:29% Prince A 2:19% Silver Spray 2:27% Taurus 2:30 Fidol, p 2:10 Harry S,p 2:29% Idolater, p 2:23% Idol (Akers') by Mambrino Chief. Barbara Patchen 2:24% Don 2:22% Idol Gift 2:24 Iodine 2:29% JohnR 2:23 Idol Boy by Backman's Idol. Vixen, p 2:13 Idolater by Backman's Idol. Idleweise 2:24% Irene 2:30 Idol Gift by Akers' Idol. Currito 2:17% Idol Wilkes by George Wilkes. EdClarkson 2:20% Lady Spencer 2:27 Lady Idol 2:25 Spencer Wilkes 2:28% "WillieE 2:24% Idler, p 2:20 J H. L.,p 2:08% WilkesJ.,p 2:27 Ignaro by Princeps. Lady Spencer, p 2:27 ToxieR.,p 2:16 Ignis Fatuus by Editor. Advolo ..2:26% I. J. by Wineman s Logan. Charley Boy 2:25% Logan Chief 2:23% Illinois Chief. Davy Crockett, p 2:20 Noah the Kid, p 2:28% Stella H..p 2:28% 1 Had by Homer. Pierron, p ............. 2:15 Imaus by Princeps. Imogene ............... 2:26% Imperial by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian Crown Imperial ........ 2:27% Imprint by Onward. E. H.S., p ............. 2:21% Emma Nolan, p ........ 2:24% Jessie Wilkes p ........ 2:21% I. M. Singer by 1 wo Bitts. Portugue Printz ....... 2:29% Inca by Woodford Mambrino. Conn ................... 2:26% Geronimo ........... 2:24% Inca Jr ............... 2:29 Incas .................. 2:14% Jim Leach ............. 2:28% MissFoxie ............. 2:22% Pink ................. 2:23% Independence by Campbell's Andrew Jackson. John W. Hall .......... 2:25 Independence by Gen. Knox, H. R. C ................ 2:21% Independence by Young Hin- doo. Blanche .............. 2:29% Ruby ................. 2:17% Printer Boy, p .......... 2:29% Independent (Mott's) by'. Rys- dyk's Hambletonian. Harry D ............... 2:29% Josh Billings ........... 2:29% Uucle Dave ........... 2:26% Index by Keokuk. Bismarck .............. 2:29% Index by James R. Reese. Chelsea D .............. 2:18% Sarah L ............... 2:26 Index Jr. by Index. /> dam Index ........... 2:29% Indiaman by Belmont. Bellman .............. 2:14% Ben S .................. 2:25 Camilla ................ 2:2-1% IdaS .................. 2:24% Lady M ............... 2:21 MartieG ............... 2:28 May Rose .............. 2:26% Wineshade ............ 2:23% Indiana Boy by Headlight. Minnie C.,p ............ 2:20 Indiana Chief. Dallas (KisselPs), p . . . .2:10% Indianap by Indianapolis. PatMcGinty ........... 2:23% Indianapolis by Tattler. Holstein ................ 2:26 Indianap ............... 2:18% Irdigo ................ 2;23% Bonaventure. p ......... 2:18 BuddDoble.p ......... 2:13% Colette p ............. 2:19% De Jamette, p ......... 2:17 Frank R,p ............ 2:2* Gray Leaf, p: .......... 2:29M Indianapolis Boy, p. ...2:13% Regulator, p ............ 2:25 Indianapolis Chief by Indian- ................ 2:29* Indianapolis Jr. by Indianap- BennyC ................ 2:22% Indian Chief by Blood's Black Hawk. Lady De Jarnette ...... 2:28 Warrior ............... 2:26 Indian Hill by Princeps. Naomi ................ 2:25 Orania ................. 2:22 Indicator by Golddust. FredG ................. 2:30 King Golddust ......... 2:30 Indus by Constellation. Quiver ................. 2:28% Inglewood by Onward. Rashleigh .............. 2:28*4 Ir gomar. Douglass, p ............ 2:27% Inheritance by American Vol- unteer. Goodwin ........... 2:29% Inheritor, by Jay Gould. Montgomery ........... 2:21 J4 Inspector by Contractor. Loafer P ............... 2:24% Instructor H. by Director. Annapolis, p ........... 2:25 Interior Boy. Interior..... ........... 2:29*4 Intrigue by Jay Gould. Brother Jim ............ 2:22% Easter ................. 2:23% JimF ............... 2:26 Miss Hunter .......... 2:21% Invader by Onward. Minnie Wilkes ......... 2:30 Sam Hill ............... 2:30 Inventor. Genius, p ........... 2:29% Inveterate by Woodford Wilkes. Gladys ................. 2:29% McGinty .............. 2:29% Invincible by Princeps. Invincible. (Cory's).... 2:27 Ion by Belmont. Ed gar Dudley .......... 2:17% Iowa Chief by Green's Bashaw. Bertie M ............. 2:27% Charley Baldwin ...... 2:23i4 Corisande .............. 2:24% Lizzie S ................ 2:22% Iowa Duroc by Messenger Duroc Lady Duroc, p ......... 2:21% Iowa Harold by Harold. Daisy B ................ 2:29% Iowa Mambrino by Mambrino Blitzen. Charley Hicks, p ....... 2:28% Iowa Star by Guiding Star. Biddy Bora ............ 2:26% Brian Bora ............ 2:27M Ira by Piedmont. lora ................... 2:28% Lou .................... 2:27 Ira Allen by Flyin Morgan. RiponBoy ............ 2:25 Ira Nutwood by Ira Wilkes. Mason Nutwood ........ 2:22 Ira Wilkes by George Wilkes. Hermetic.. ............ 2:23% Jud Wilkes ............ 2:29 Little Frank ........... 2=25 NellyG ................ 2:24 Winnie Wilkes ........ 2:28% Berkshire Courier, p . ..2:14% IraKing,p ........... 2:24% SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 43 Little Joe, p 2:15^ Minnie Wilkes, p... . 2:20% Sir Maxwell p 2:28 Track Wilkes, p 2:27 Iris by Eros. Visalia 2:20 Cecilia, p ... 2:23% Iron Duke by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Ben Williams 2:29% Coriander 2:29% Duke 2:24% Fearless 2:29>/4 Iron Duke Jr 2:2^ Kelsie 2:23% Maud Cook 2:30 Monroe 2:27^j Silver Duke 2:28% Edwin T. p 2:25 Iron Duke by Iron Duke. MaggieH 2:28% Iron Duke Jr by Iron Duke. Brown Daisy 2:25 Little Mat 2:28% Island Chief by Dean Swift Slippery Tom 2:25% Island Chief by Daniel Lam- bert. OronoBoy 2:21% PhilDwyer 2:29% Albert D ,p 2:26% Island Wilkes by Red Wilkes. Willits 2:29*4 Israel by Rampart. Dinah 2:21^ Mayflower 2:28 Jack Cook. Flora L 2:29 Jack Fowler by Ruby's Copper- bottom. Roxie M 2:28% Billy H9pper, p 2:24 Buck Dickerson, p 2:2.i% Jack Hawkins Jr. by Jack Hawkins. Coquette 2:28% Jack Lambert by Daniel Lam- bert. Miss Cawley 2:23% Jack Morrill. Adelaide M... . ' " ....2:30 Jack Hapid Jack Hapid, p 2:25 Jack Rapid Jr. p . .2:29% Jack Sheppard by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Arbogast 2:29% Clara M 2:29% Jack Sheppard Jr 2: 29V Minnie C 2:25% Jack Stanton by Gen. Stan- ton. John Shannon, p 2:28% Jack Stewart by Jack Stewart. Brighton 2:28% Jackson by Fine Cut. Kitty Kedbuck 2:29% Jackson (Young) by Andrew Jackson Miller's Damsel 2:28% Jackson Temple by Volunteer. Emma Temple 2:21 Mattie P 2-26% Jacksonville Rhode Island by Rhode Island. Black Slayer 2:27% Pisgah 2:30 Jalisco by Durango. Mamie Case 2:28 James G. by Royal Chief. Stella K.,p 2:30 James A. Garfield by Ham- brino Star. HarryG 2:19% James Madison by Anteeo. Bet Madison 2:30 Leila C., p 2:20% James R. Reese by Walkill Prince. Index 2:21 Morocco 2:30 Janus by Green's Bashaw. MaudM 2:23 Japan by Harold. Nancy H 2:24% Jappo by Wood's Hambletonian Laporte 2:26% Jasson by American Eagle. Jasper 2:26% Jay Bird by George Wilkes. Allerio 2:22 Allen Wilkes 2:24% Allerton 2:09% Barnhart 2:22% Beconian 2:30 Bedouin 2:25% Bertie Girl 2;23% Betsy Cotton 2:16% Billy Bird 2:26% Bird McGregor 2:23% Blue Dawn 2:21% Blue Jay 2:29% Blue Wing .2:29% Border Wilkes 2:25% Canary Bird 2:19% Castalia 2:29% Col. Lillard 2:26% Die Vernon 2:27% Eagle Bird 2:21 Early Bird 2:12^ Five Points 2:29% Isa Belle 2:17% Jackdaw 2:28% Jayfoot 2:28 Jayhawker 2:14% Kentucky Bird 2:26 King Bird 2:27% Knoxie Walker 2:25% Leighton 2:24 MaudH 2:26 May Bird 2:21% Merry Bird 2:16% Minnie G 2:19% Pembroke 2:28" Queen Wilkes 2:26 Shuck Wilson 2: Sister Ethel 2:19% Twist 2:26 Wilkes Bird 2:29^ Wilkes Bird 2:25 ZaZa 2:27% Ji dex, p 2:29% Little Jay, p 2:26% Jay Gould by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Adele Gould 2:19 Aladdin 2:26% Allen Boy 2:28% Angonia 2:27% Blarney 2:27% Carrie R 2:28% Dude 2:27}? Dundee 2:25 Florence D 2:29% Harry Gould 2:28% Janie. (Opal) 2:21% Jessie Gould 2:29% J. W. Gould 2:28% King Phillip . ...2:21 Lady Dawson 2:28 May Gould 2:24% Mecca 2:28 Mill Boy 2:26 Mill Girl 2:22% Mona 2:29 Otard 2:26% Panama 2:24% Pygmalion 2:25% Patti 2:24 Pixley 2:08*4 Ray Gould 2:29% Dude,p 2:28 Fortuna,p 2:19% George Gould, p 2:25 Jay Gould Jr , p 2:29% Keswick, p 2:18% Jay Gould Jr. by Jay Gould. Mona.p 2:24% Jaywood by Nutwood. Cottonwood 2:28% Greenwood 2:30 Jayhawk 2:29% Ira Band, p 2:28^ Mattie Warren, p 2:19% Jean Baptiste by Old Brandy. Deceit 2:30 Jeb Stuart by Mambrino Patchen. Kitty Patchen 2:21% Jefferson Mambrino by Wood- ford Mambrino. Cherokee 2:29% Jefferson Prince by Jim Scott. BenHur 2:29% Cedric 2:24% Deacon 2:28 Eddie 2:23%: Little Nell 2:19% Mambrino Prince 2:22 Shooting Star 2:25% Winona 2:21% Black Prince, p 2:29% GypS,p 2:24% LeahK.p 2:23 Jefferson Star by Post's Con- ductor. Banner Boy 2:23% Jerome Eddy by Louis Napo- leon. Adora 2:28^ Argo 2:25% Arlino 2:29% Bertrina 2:23 Dick Eddy 2:21% Edifice 2:21 Edinia 2:25% Fdleen 2:27% Fanny Wilcox 2:13 Harry Eddy 2:29% Katherine 2:29% Lorella 2:30 May Eddy 2:25%. Metamora 2:19% Octo 2:19% Prince Eddy 2:29% Tycho 2:28% Venture 2:30 Ella Eddy, p 2:1-2 Fraro, p 2:28% Lizziemont, p 2:16% May Eddy, p 2:22%. Roilo, p 2:28% : SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Stelleta,p 2:25 Jerome Heath by St. Jerome. Maggie 2:29% Terome Turner by Byerly Ab- dallah. Rose Turner Jerry by >wigert. Billy Beverly 2:21 Jerry Ladd. Hunter.. 2:25% Jersey Prince by Kentucky Prince. Gladys 2:23% Ivy Princess. . 2:30 Jerseyman 2:23% Jersey Wood 2:27% John S 2:21% Little Jersey 2:29% Major P 2:30 Jersey Star by Seely's American Star. Sinbad 2:29% Tom Keeler 2:25 Jersey Wilkes by Geo. Wilkes. Alice Black 2:29% Chiquerita 2:16% Oythera 2:20% Elsinore 2:2S Hussar 2:18% Inglewood 2:29^ Jersey Belle 2:18% Jourdan. Wilkes 2:20% Minta Linder 2:27/4 Nathalia 2:17 Nemoline 2:13% NellyS 2:28% Sparx 2:24% Adlina,? 2:29% Credo, p : 2:29iS? Phenol, p 2:16% Rollo, p 2:21M Jesse James by Dean Sage. Betty Battaile 2:28% Jesse Lambert by Daniel Lam- bert Flora 2:25 Jet by Blackwood Jr. J. M. K 2:18 J. H. Welch by Sammis' Wash- ington Civilization 2:23% Urbana Belle 2:20% Jim Brister. Billy Brister 2:27 Joe Brister 2:25% Sally K 2:28 Roan Rattler, p 2:28 Jim Crow by Manchester. A. B. C 2:24% Jim Ervin by Clark Chief- Bristol Girl 2:28% Ervin 2:26^ Nettie B 2:25%' Pheon ...2:24 Jim Fisk by Sackett's Hamble- tonian. Emma E 2:1914 RuthS. 2:29% Bellevue Maid, p 2:28 Cotton Queen, p 2:29% Little Rhea, p 2:27% Jim Fisk by Benedict Morrill. Magic 2:25% Jim Hawkins by Jack Haw- kins. Belle B 2:26% Tamarack 2:28% Jim Hill by Whipple. Stonewall 2:28% Jim Lambert by Daniel Lam- bert. Eunice 2:24% Sallie 2:30 Jim Long by Petoskey. LollaB., p 2:22% Jim Medium. W.C. B.,p 2:17*4 Jimmie by Leon. Maybird 2:21J4 Jim Monroe by Alexander's Abdallah. D. Monroe 2:28% Dread 2:27% Flode Holden 2:29% Judge Hawes 2:24 Kitty Bates 2:19 Lady Monroe 2:26% Monroe Chief 2 :18% Laverne, p 2:23*4 Jim Mulvenna by Nutwood. Greywood 2:27 Lorena... 2:30 McGinty 2:26 Keno, p .2:23% Jimmy Blaine by Hinsdale Chief. Swanton Boy 2:23% Jimmy Gift by Mambrino Gift. Go On 2,28% Jim Schriber by Rhode Island. Lettie Watterson 2:21% Yankee H 2:19% Lettie Sprague, p 2:23% Subscriber, p 2:14% Jim Scott by Rich's Hamble- tonian. Ed White 2:27 Scott B 2:29% Jim Swigert by Swigert. Jim C 2:22% Nancy Haas 2:29% Philu 2:2,% Topsy 2:28 Jim Wilkes by Young Jim. Proctor W 2:26% Dolly Spanker, p 2:11% Jim Wilson (Fisk's) by Master- lode. NellyS 2:23% Jim Wilson Jr., p 2:18% Jim Wilson by Blue Bull. Belle Wilson 2:20 Boone Wilson 2:20% ~!:29^ !:23% Ironwood 2:23% Johnny Bull 2:27 Pawnee 2:21% Sly Chubby 2:24% Bonnie Wilson, p 2:26% Boone Wilson, p 2: 1 3 Cricket, p 2:25 Daisy C., p 2:17% Ed Valentine, p 2:30 Frank Wilson, p 2:22% IrmaC.,p 2:18 Jim Blaine, p 2:25 Minnie Martin, p 2:24% Montgomery Wilson, p. 2:27 Walter D., p 2:30 Jim Wilson Jr. by Jim Wilson. Emick Wilson, p 2:23% Joe by son of Vermont Black Hawk. Clifton Boy 2:23 Greenfield Girl 2:29; IrmaC. , 2:23% Joe Bassett by Billy Bashaw. Brother Dan 2:23% Joe Bassett Jr 2:18% Johnston, p 2:06% Joe Bates by Harris' Mambrino Chief Jr. Little Joe 2:25% Joe Blackburn by Sherman's Hambletonian. Billy Blackburn 2:26% Harry P., p 2:21% Joe Bowers. Joe Bowers Jr 2:18 Joe Brister by Jim Brister. Charley Foster, p 2:29% Joe Brister Jr. p 2:24 King Brister, p 2:30 Joe Brister Jr., p 2:26% Joe Brown by Woodward's Rattler. Dan Jenkins 2:28 Judge Davis 2:18% Mary Russell 2:23% White Cloud 2:25% Joe Brown - 'd by Joe Brown. Jenny Brown p 2:25 Joe Cool by Comet. JoeM 2:29^ Joe Coleman Rambling Dick, p 2:27% Joe Downing by Edwin Forrest. Abe Downing 2:20% Dick Jamison 2:26 Joe Downing Jr. by Joe Down- ing. Nona Downing 2:26% Joe E4mo by St. Elmo. D C. S 2:22% Elmo Maid 2:23% Review 2:28% Lee Buoyant p 2:27% Mark Wakefield. p 2:29% Joe Gavin by Messenger Duroc. Ben-no-nie 2:25 Bismarck 2:28 Cora Belle 2:29% Fred Drake 2:26% Ollie Drake 2:25 Walter Drake 2:23% Joe Hal. Chester Boy, p 2:30 Joe Hooker by Mambrino Chief. Bushwhacker 2:29% MaudMacey 2:27% Joe Hooker by Dan Rice. Finnigan.p 2:20 Joe Hooker by Wolf's Tom Hyer. Jay Cook 2:27 Joe Hooper by Erie Abdallah. Jenny M 2:25% Maggie C 2:27% Maxie 2:27% Joe Howe. Josie Howe, p 2:25% Joe Humphreys. Hard Tack 2:26% Joe Irving by Whitcomb's Fearnaught. Black Amble 2:26% Joe Johnon by Glencoe Jr. Sleepy Joe 2:19% Joe Mack by Elial G. Fly-away 2:29% Joe Pond by Don Carlos. Diamond, p.. 2:22 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 45 Joe Young by Star of the West. Billy Young 2:29*4 Col Young 2:29% Joe-You-See < 2:17*4 Leroy 2:25*4 Bessie Young, p 2:24 Idol Duke p 2:lb% Joe You See by Joe Young. Lady Russett 2:30 Lydi 2:30 Summer Queen 2:29*4 , p ^.2:24% John A. Allen JoeBeppo, p 2:24 n A. Allen by Bacon's Ethan Allen. John Doddridge. 2:23% John Adams Seneca Maid '>:22% John A. Kasson by McKesson s Grey Eagle. Charley Ross 2:29% Kasonis,p 2:25 Speed Waxy,p 2:30 John A. Logan. Charley D. p 2:24*4 John A. Rawlins by Romulus. Rolo 2:23*4 John Bell by Pilot Mambrino. Nicoll, p 2:19*4 John Bright by Volunteer Beauty Bright 2:21*4 Bright Rattler 2:19% Maggie M 2:28*4 John B. Sprague by George Sprague. Gov. Sprague Jr 2:30 John Burdine by Almont. Lady Almont 2:27-% Courier, p 2:27 John Carrier. Grey Jack 2:28*4 John C. Breckinrid&e. MinnieR 2:19 Minnie R ,p 2:16% John E. Rysdyk by Knicker- bocker. Big Fanny 2:24*4 John E. Wood by Knicker- bocker. Belle Hamilton 2:23*4 Elsie Wood 2:30 Katie Wood .2:26% Leckwood 2:28% John F. Payne by Bald Chief. Bay Chief tain 2:28*4 Don Payne, p.., 2:18 Little Wonder, p 2:21*4 John Goldsmith by Volunteer. Kemble Maid 2:284 Sid 2:23% Trixie 2:26*4 John Green by Aberdeen. Charley Thome 2:2o% Green Boy 2:27% John Hadley. Uncle Ned, p 2:23% John L. JohnW. p 2:29*4 John Lambert by Daniel Lam- bert. Goldfinder 2:23*4 John Morgan by Sherman Mor- gan Jr. Wildnir 2:23 John Morgan (Reynold's). Maxwell Star, p 2:24*4 John Nelson by son of imp. Trustee. Aurora 2:27 Gov. Stanford 2:27% Nemo 2:30 Nerea 2:23% Johnny B. by Wood's Hamble- tonian. Taylor 2:26*4 Johnny Hawkins by New York. Prairie Star 2:27 Johnny Mack. Olivette 2:29 Johnny Wonder. Sarah Ann, p 2:23% John O'Rorke by Knicker- bocker. Red Weed 2:29% John Seven oaks by Nutwood. Bay Rum 2:19% Billy Oaks 2:30 Loupe, p 2:20?4 John Sherman by Wapsie. Nelly Barrett 2:29% Nelly Sherman 2:29% Sally Ranger. . 2:24% John W. Conley by Tom Won- der. Drummer Boy 2:29% John W. Daniel by Walker Morrill. Little Betz 2:23% John Wentworth by Major Davis John W 2:17*4 John Wilkes by Red Wilkes. Minnie B 2:30 Joker by Memory. Joe Wonder, p 2:21% Joker ('s) by Otsego Joker. Billy Leach 2:29% Charley Van 2:29*4 Jolly, by Admiral. Eclectic, p 2:14 Josh Bell. HughL. McClung, p...2:27 Josh Billings by a St. Lawrence Horse OssianPet 2:29*4 Jot C. by Blue Bull. Montephister 2:29 HyeDye,p 2:21*4 Mascot, p 2:28*4 Natie,p 2:27*4 Journalist by Princeps. Brazil. 2:16*4 J. R. Shedd by Red Wilkes. Belle B 2-24 Billy Shedd 2:30 Effie Wilkes 2:26 Rispee 2:30 Bessie Shedd, p Dupage, p 2:28 Woodshed, p 2:13*4 Juanito by Tilton Almont. Almont Patchen, p 2:15 T. B.,p 2:27 Jubilee, by Satellite. Monte Christo 2:18% Tootsie D., p 2:21 Jubilee Lambert by Daniel Lambert. Jubilee De Jarnette. . . .2:29*4 Jubilee Lambert Jr 2:27% Juggler Boy 2:27 Jube, p 2:29% Judge Advocate by Messenger Duroc. Glassware Girl 2:1914 Hortense 2:26% May Not 2:27*4 Romulus 2:24*4 Thornburg.. 2:21% Catherine H., p 2:27% Hortense, p 2:19*4 Rhea. p 2:17% Judge Baldwin. Quilsine 2:22% Judge Craven by Blue Bull. CarrieL 2:29 Tony Boy, p 2:20% Judge Folger by Young Wilkes. Capt. Watters 2:25% Galen Prince 2:19 Judge Gould by Louis Napo- leon. Dido 2:21*4 Judge Hayes by Robert Mc- Gregor. Addie Hayes 2:19*4 Emily 2:30 Flurry 2:28 Kitty Hayes 2:25% Judge James by Ryskyk. Judge Rysdyk 2:26 Judge Rysdyk by Judge James. Twiggs 2:24*4 Judge Salisbury by Nutwood. Bob Allen 2:27*4 Dandy Salisbury 2:24% Dave Salisbury 2:29 V* George Salisbury 2:3" I Glendine 2:20 Muchado 2:20%, Tono 2:26% Granberry, p 2:27% Happiness, p 2:17*4 Paynestone, p., 2:25*4 RoyO'More, p 2:17% Spaulding, p 2:20*4 Judge Tranby by Hambletonian Tranby. Tiny Moore 2:29% Judge Trumbull by Leviathan. Tim Kane 2:21*4 Trixy, p 2:25 Jud Wilkes by Ira Wilkes. Galette 2:23% Juggler Boy by Jubilee Lam- bert. AliceG 2:29% Jules Jurgensen by Gen. Knox. Iron ARC 2:19*4 Nelly Walton 2:26% Jumbo. Flora C,p 2:26 Junio by Electioneer. Athanio 2:19% Bruno 2:19 Gilpatrick 2:29% Salinas Maid 2:30 St. Joe 2:26 Junior by Constellation. C. M. P. 2:26% Junius by Dictator. GipseyGirl 2:17*4 Jupiter by Long Island Black Hawk. Harry Gilbert 2:24 Lady Emma 2:26*4 Lady Hughes 2:30 Lady Jupiter 2:30 M. R 2:28 Jupiter Abdallah by Jupiter. Jupiter Jr 2:23 Monopolist 2:29% : Prince 2:27 46 SIKES OF 2:30 PEKFORMERS. Result 2:25 Tom Moore 2:28 Jura by Billy Wilkes. Junetta, p 2:20 Juror by Pilot Mambrino. Perette 2:22% Juryman by Bona Fide. Jury Boy, p 2:23% Justin Morgan by Lowe's Comet Morgan. Lady Lowe 2:28 Wick 2:26% J.W. Flora A. ,p 2:25% J. W. Bailey by Seneca Chief. Dan Bailey 2:27% NinaW., p 2:25 J. W. South by Princeps. J. S 2:16% Kankakee by Mambrino Rus- sell. Royal David 2:26% Arkalon, D 2:16 Iron Quill, p 2:22% Kaiser by George Wilkes. Miss Wilkes 2:29% Wilkesmont 2:20% Gretchen, p 2:20 Juliette, p 2:30 Kansas Central by Rhode Island. Haverly, p.. 2:25 Kansas Kattler. Captain 2:24 Karatas by Triton. Dandy 2:30 Eva.p 2:18% Kansas, p 2:10% Karl by Me-senger Duroc. Black Prince 2:25% Kearstrge by Volunteer. Nelly G 2:28% Keeler by King Rene. Onoqua 2:11% Thad, p 2:26% Keene Wilkes by Red Wilkes. Orphan Wilkes 2:27% Keller Thomas by Phil Duroc. Billy Thomas 2:23 Little Snap 2:17% Kemble Jackson (Kleckner's) by Wilson's Kemble Jack- son. Penelope 2:27 Kemble Jackson Jr. (Kenyon's) by Young Kemble Jackson. Lola 2:30 Kenelm by Happy Medium. Al Cooper 2:28% Kenmore by Almont. T>aisy Kenmore 2:25% Tony. 2:27 Walker J 2:24% Kennebec by Independence. Molly Mitchell 2:26% Kennebee Knox. Dolly H 2:25% Kenney Wilkes by Lyle Wilkes. Nancy Carr 2:25 Kensett by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian. Kaspar 2:27% Kenneth 2:28 Kensett F 2:22% Kensett Maid . . ..2:30 Kepler 2:29% Keturah 2:30 Lady Kensett 2:21% Mercurius 2: 14% Kensingtan by Kentucky Prince. McMillan 2:29% Kent by Skipton. Jaybird 2:30 Kent by Rysdyk's Hambleton- ian. CoraR 2:29% Doris 2:27% Glenny 2:29% Jennie C 2:24% Kendall 2:26^ Lady Barefoot 2:26% Mary Kent 2:2^% Sister Barefoot 2:25 Kent (Clifton's) by Kent. Julia iM 2:26% Kenton Mambrino by Mam- brino King. Kenton Georsre, p 2:20% Kentucky by W hippie's Ham- bletonian. Holly 2:28% Kentucky by Joe Downing. Lee Hope 2:26 Kentucky Belmont by Belmont. Harry Belmont 2:29 Lee Forester 2:22^ Vinco 2:30 Kentucky Black Hnwk by Smith's Black Hawk. Gen. Garfield 2:21 Kentucky Clay Jr. by Kentucky Clay. Kingsbury 2:28% Leo.p 2:29% Kentucky Clay Jr. by Kentucky Clay. Valentine 2:22 Kentucky Dictator by Dictator. Kin-wood 2:17% St. Jonathan 2:22% Kentucky Jewell by Kentucky Prince. Sadie Allen 2:29% Kentucky Prince by Clark Alsie 16 ..' .2:29 America 2:235^ Ana 2:28% Annie Stevens 2:18% Bayonne Prince 2:21% Company 2:19% Compeer 2:24% CoraF 2:20% Cornwal 2:20 Courtland 2:24% Cypress 2:18% Eloise 2:15 Elwood 2:26% Encore 2:2)% Fred Folger 2:20% Gebhardt 2:23 Gurney 2:28% Guy 2:0% Jersey Prince 2:27% Josephine 2:24% Kenneth 2:28% Kentucky Blanche 2:26% Little Ida 2:29% Noya 2:24 Prince Hogarth 2:27% Problem 2:18 Punchellino 2:28 Shipman 2:245i Spnfford 2:18% Stevie 2:ly Sweepstakes 2:24% Newcastle, p 2:29% Prince Farlie, p 2:30 ^ St. Cloud p 2:27 Kentucky Prince Jr. by Ken- tucky Prince. J. Q 2:17H Lemonade 2:27% Kentucky Ruler by Egbert. Burdetta 2:30 Jewel C 2:24% Rozinanti 2:23% Kentucky Russell by Mam- brino Russell. Brown Russell 2:29% Kentucky Volunteer by Volun- teer. Benteer 2:30 Harvey 2:21 S. S 2:29% Vera 2:25 Maritani, p 2:20% Vollula, p 2:15 Kentucky Whip by Gill's Ver- mont. Longfellow Whip 2:20% Kentucky Wilkes by George Wilkes. Astoria 2:30 Bravado 2:1* Cai-rice 2:14} Celerity 2:19} Penryn 2:1? Strephon 2:26} Virginia Evans 2:15} Wilkesview 2:28} Crafty, p 2:13} Riot p 2:27 Kenwood by Harry Clay. Col. Kip 2:20% Keokuk by Vermont Black Hawk. Jerome 2:27 Kernwood by Wedgewood. Dannemora 2:29 Keystone by Wood's Hamble- tonian Bay i hornwood . . .2:24% Nettie B 2:27% Keywood by Onward. J-illyQ 2:29% Kickapoo by Comas. Rowdy 2:27% Kidnapper by Brigham Young. Pauline H 2:24 Pauline H., p 2:17% Eilbuck Tom by White Cloud. Leopard Rose 2:15% Alto, p 2:21 Charley P., p 2:19% Comet, p 2:24% Evangeline, p 2:30 Jack Bowers, p 2:1 1% Lady,p 2:26# Maggie R., p 2:14% Red Rock, p 2:25% Tommy, p 2:17% Tommy B., p 2:25% Tom West, p 2:23% Trenton Girl, p 2:26& Kilburn Jim Jr. by Kilburn Jim. Kitty Kilburn ....2:21 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 47 Kildare by King Rene. Chiquita 2:30 Killan Horse. Jim P., p 2:27*4 Killarney by Return. Killarney Girl, p 2:28*4 Kilmore by Black's Hamble- tonian Pilot Boy 2:27% Kimball. Tony H.,p 2:15% Kimball Morgan. NedHanlon, p 2:26% Kimo by Blue Bull. Retla Boy, p 2:19*4 Kilpatrick by Ahwaga Chief Alice M 2:28 King by Mambrino King. Irviugton 2:29 King Almont by Almont. Delph 2:27** Edith Almont 2:26*$ H.C.T 2:17*4 Jewmont Kitchen Belle. Ladymont .... Queen Almont Tube Rose .... Zembia 2:15* Delph, p 2:24% King Ashland by King Rene. Minnie Clay 2:27% King Clay by Harry Clay. Clay King... 2:27% Claymore 2:17% Eola 2:24% Marble 2:23*4 Miss Lida 2:1(1% Queen Clay 2:28 King Hal by Gibson's Tom Hal. Count Hal, p 2:20*4 Emily Hal, p 2:25*4 Prince Hal, p 2:29*4 King Herod by Sherman Black Hawk Billy Barefoot 2:28% Foxie V 2:23% Herod 2:24*1 King Legacy by Legacy. Maud B.,p 2:20 King Mac by Mambrino King. Billy Rich bald, p '2:20% King Mambrino by Mambrino Patchen. Mambrino Payne 2:30 Cora D.,p 2:26% Dr. M.,p 2:13*4 King Monte Mario by Mam- brino King. Hazel King 2:21*4 King Nutwood by Nutwood. Queen Nutwood 2:27*4 King of Belair by King Rene. Mad River Belle 2:29*4 King of Salem, p 2:21% King Patchen by Mambrino King. Hiatoga Chief 2:22*4 King Patchen by Tom Patchen. Forrest Patchen 2:19% King Pharaoh by Seely's Amer- ican Star. Bawley, p 2:15 Daisy de Spain, p 2:12 Little Willie, p 2:23*4 Lyttleton, p 2:20% Richball, p 2:12% King Philip by Jay Gould. Capt. Ben 2:27 Speedress 2:25*4 King Philip by Mambrino King. Lexington 2:24% King Rene by Belmont. Alacine 2:29% Annette 2:27% Arabesque 2:29% Aytoun 2:29*4 Balzarine 2:^7 Chastelard 2:29% Conclave 2:30 Count Waldeinar 2:26% J 'oily Rene 2:29 Etoile 2:26*4 Farandole 2:27 Fugue 2:19*4 Kecler 2:13*4 King Rex 2:26M Laundry Girl 2:29} Lucy A 2:30 Mist 2:29*6 Prince Edward 2:20 Prince Rene 2:23*4 Pythias 2:28% Rectitude 2:28 Rege....... 2:26*4 Rene 2:26 Renie Silver 2:24% Renne 2:29*4 Samovar 2:28% Sarcenett 2:16*4 Savoyard 2:23 Ferpolet 2:30 Valcour 2:28 King of Belair, p 2:24 King Richard by Peavine. Amelia Rives ..2=27% King of the West by Hauidal- Johnny Boggs 2:23 King Gaines 2:29% Kins Sprague by Gov. Sprague. Sanger, p 2:20% King Toska by Petoskey. ClayToska 2-26% Kingston by Kinlock. Ben Harrison, p 2:18% Kingston by Sterling. Nogero .... 2:28% King Wilkes by George Wilkes. AshbyGirl 2:25 Killona... 2:20 King Darlington 2:16 Minnie Wilkea. 2:17 Monocacy 2:19% OllieK 2:17% Oliver K 2:16*4 Purity Wilkes 2:15*4 Queen Susie 2:29% Wilkes D 2:29*4 Will Come 2:30 King Wagner, p 2:26% Sclavonic, p 2:23*4 King William by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Col. Bufr 2:25% Distaff 2:28*4 Nancy K 2:29*4 Gertie, p 2:26*4 King William by Washington Denmark. King William 2:20% King William. Louis D 2:24% King William L. by William L. G.W.Howe 2:25% King Wilson by Jim Wilson. Bellado 2:25% Kinlock by Cuyler. Hudson 2:27% BudDille.p 2:22>6 Kirk. Joe R 2:17*- 4 Kirkwood by Green's Bashaw. Burns 2:30 Daisy Eyebright 2:27 Mat Kirkwood 2:29*4 Kirkwood Jr. Don Pedro, p 2:25 Kisbar by Rysdyk's Hamble. tonian. Democrat 2:24*6 Royal Kisbar 2:28*6 Klux. Kluxie 2:24*4 Knickerbocker by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Actress 2:26% Brookie 2:29*4 Dom Pedro 2:24*4 Grace 2:27 Hardiman 2:28*4 Lady Leinmon 2:27 Onward 2:20*6 Stephen G 2:20*6 Tribune 2:25% Velox 2:30 Knick Wilkes by Alcantara. Gen Herkimer 2:24^6 Harry P 2:2t*6 Major S 2:29*4 Sitra Wilkes 2:28 Knight by Maryland Black Knight. John W 2:23% Knight Templar by Egbert. Katie 2:30 Knox by Gen. Knox. Edward K 2:23% Prescott 2:27*6 Knox Boy by Gen. Knox. Chub 2:27 Rocket 2:2.-^ Yt, Sancho 2:29 Kokomis by Victor Bismarck Kolena 2:22*6 Konantz by Lyle Wilkes. Exit 2:24% Konie 2:28*6 On Time 2:25*4 Kossuth by John C. Fremont. CatskillGiri 2:28*6 Kremlin by Lord Russell' Bither 2:28% Lace Dealer by Smuggler. Brown Jim, p 2:26*6 Laclede by Happy Medium. Frank H 2:25*6 Highland Boy 2:30 Lisette 2:22*6 Rose Croix 2:28*4 RuthH 2:24*6 RuthH., p 2:22 La Crosse by King Rene. Beulah 2:26% Fedora 2:18 LaCrosseJr 2:19% Lake Erie by Castellar. JennyD 2:26*4 48 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Lakeland Abdallah by Rys- dyk's Hambletonion. Abdallah Clay 2:29*4 Gail 2:26*4 George 2:21% Sam Lakeland 2:26% Lakeland Abdallah Jr. by Lakeland Abdallah. Leon Baker, p 2:21% Lakeside by Lakeland Abdal- lah. Volney 2:24*4 Lakewood Prince by Wilke- sonian. Princewood 2:21% Lambert (Ward's) by Daniel Lambert. Daisy Ward 2:23% Harry Lambert 2:22 Lambert Chief by Daniel Lam- bert. Fanny B 2:29% Mabel H 2:22*4 Minnie Moulton 2:27/4 Lambertus by Daniel Lambert. C. B. Kendall 2:28*4 Sir Thomas 2:24 Sylvester K 2: 17% Lance by Flying Morgan. Birdie L., p 2:30 Lancelot by Messenger Duroc. Leone 2:28% Lyric 2:26% Mesquite 2:29% Stelleria 2:26% Unkatnet 2:22*4 Lancewood by Rysdyk's Ham- bletanian. Lancewood 2:29% Lancewood Jr. Bmaline K 2:29 Landmark by Volunteer. Anson 2:25*4 Clara J 2:23% Claudius 2:25 Eye See ..2:30 Gracie 2:27 Guess 2:11 James M 2:21' Jessie K 2:26} JohuL 2:29J Jo-seS 2:22] Julia L 2:! Katie R 2:21 Kitefoot 2:17*4 Landmark Maid 2:23% MabelS 2:22% Mamie A 2:25 MaudC 2:28*4 MaudH 2:29% M. J Henderson 2:22*4 Otto 2:2*> Dolly Quinn, p 2:29% Land Pilot. Possell 2:16% Billy F., p 2:20% Landlord, p 2:25% Landseer by Gen. Knox. Khedive 2:24% Willis 2:28% Lapadist Chief by imp. Lapa- dist. Little Pitt,p 2:13*4 Maud L., p 2:21% Larry W. by Louis Napoleon, J. I.R,p 2:24% Latitude by Walsingham. Latimer, p 2:27% Lavalard by Director. Prince Lavalard 2:29*4 Lawrence by Kentucky Prince. Brooklyn 2:24 Daisy L 2:27% Lee by Gen. Lee. Pomp 2:30 Ledger by Robert Bonner. Adele Clark 2:25*4 Tempest 2 :29*4 Harry M., p 2:27*4 Ledger by Crown Chief. Belle K 2:28** Ledger Jr. RylandT 2:07% Ledo by Ledo. MissLedo 2:29 Legacy by Goldsmith's Star. Maria Legacy 2 :22*4 Miss Legacy 2:24*4 Islander, p 2:22*4 Lucy B.,p 2:18*4 Legal Note by Legal Tender Blue Note, p 2:22% Jersey Girl, p 2 :20 Legal Star by Legal Tender Jr. Jim Blaine, p 2 :25 Legal Tender by Moody's Davy Crocket. Harry Lee 2:26 Katie B 2:28*4 Legal Tender 2 :27*4 Red Cloud 2:18 Black Bassinger, p. ...2:29% Legal Tender, p 2 :28 Legal Tender Jr. by Legal Tender. Charles Z 2:28*4 Harry Laird 2 :29 X 4 Lady Elgin 2:25*4 Legal R 2:30 Lewand 2:25% Lowland Girl 2 :19 *4 Pearl Winship 2 :23*4 Ada.p 2:17*4 Alhambra.p 2:14 l /2 Burley F.,p 2:18 1 / 2 Bob Ingersoll, p 2 :26*4 Dandy Boy, p 2:23*4 Davy Crockett, p 2 :24*4 Elgin Girl, p 2 :20*4 Elgin Girl, p 2:27*4 Elsie Mack, p 2 :29*i Joe B.,p 2:17*4 Joe Hooker, Jr. . p . . . . 2 :24 *4 J.C.C..P 2:16 Laura J., p 2:27*i Legal Vein, p 2 :24 1 / 2 Lex.p 2:23V4 Luella,p 2:19*4 Maggie H.,p 2:25 Minnie H., p 2:24% Nelly McCrory, p 2:18*4 Violet, p 2:30 Vitello, p 2:11*4 Wonderful, p 2:25*4 Le Grand by Almont Anita 2:25*4 Beaumont 2 :22*4 Belle Grand 2 :21V4 Charles James 2 :22% Grandee 2 :23*4 Grandissimo 2 :23*4 Le Grand 2:28*4 HattieF., P 2:18 Leigh ton Horse by Joe Smith Charles A ............. 2:27*4 Leland by Rysdyk's Hamble tonian. Barrmore ............. 2:29% Clara .................. 2:21 Geneva ................ 2 :14 Hades ................... 2:27% Madison .............. 2:24 Miss Leland .......... 2:25*4 Prosperity ............. 2:23 Young Leland ........ 2:24*4 Lemont by Almont. Blondie ............... 2:19V 2 Lady Mac ............. 2:23*4 Pilot Lemont ......... 2 :21% Blondie, p ............. 2:15 L'Empreur by Alcyone. I/Empress ............ 2 :20*4 Lena wee Chief by Masterlode Gen. Cu&ter ........... 2:20*4 Len Rose by A.W. Richmond. Barbero ............... 2 :29*4 Leo by Administrator. Little Leo ............. 2:26*4 Leon by Anthony Wayne. Badger Boy ........... 2:29 Olivette ............. 2:28% Leroy by Amboy, Charm, p .............. 2:24 *4 Leroy Horse. Dave R.,p ............ 2:26*4 Levi Aristos by Aristos. Buckshot, p ........... 2 :28*4 Lewiston Boy by Pollard Morgan. Despatch ............. 2:24M, Lew Scott by McCurdy's Ham- bletonian. Musette ............... 2:17*4 Lew Wann by Egmont. Josie B ................ 2:17% Lex by Lexington. Clipper ................ 2:23*i Six-Forty, p ........... 2:30 Lexington. Grace .................. 2:27*4 Lexington (Keene's) by Brandy wine . Arthur ................. 2:28*4 Lexington Boy by Egbert. Esca Lexington Chief by Regular. FredS.,p .............. 2:16 Joseph L.,p ........... 2:24*4 Lexington Chief Jr. by Lex- ington Chief. DaisyR ................ 2:25*4 Lexington Belle ....... 2 :24*4 Lynx ................... 2:28 Michael ................ 2:29*4 Model .................. 2:30 Waiting ................ 2*4*4 Frank F., p ........... 2:21*4 Meacham, p ........... 2:20 Spider,p .............. 2:14*4 Lexington Golddust by Gold- dust. Sir Roger ............. 2:23*4 Lexington Wilkes by George Wilkes. Wilkes ................ 2:25*4 Laura Wilkes,p ....... 2 :30 Liberty Sontag by Piedmont Surprise, p ............ 2:16*4 Lightning (Doble's) by Black Gen. Hancock 2 :24*4 E. C. BTINSON", HAMILTON, ONT. Canada's most successful trainer. He gave Patron 2 :14}i and Houri 2 :17 their first lessons, marked Geneva 2 :14 and cut the world's race record for yearlings to 2:26Hz. L. !* DICK WILSON, BINGHAMTON, N. Y. A young man from the Blue Bull country who marked Henry F. 2:10Mi Allen Lowe 2 :12, Allegro 2 iHJi, Gambrel 2 :15 and Emma 2:16*4. SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 49 Lightwood by Blackwood. Mary Anderson 2 :26 Limber Bill by Red Buck. Buffalo Bill 2:29H Limber Jim by Richmond Chief. Hal J 2:29 Tom Covington 2 :2834 Lincoln by Cortland Wilkes. Independent 2:28*4 Lincoln Abdallah. George W 2:30 Linkwood Chief by Hannis. Judge Fisher 2:14 Miss Ida ....2:2734 Miss Patchen 2:25 Linkwood Patcheu,p.2:l^Vi Little Ben by Port Leonard. EdithV 2:24 Maud White 2:22 Little Billy by Clear Grit. Billy B 2:1934 Bradford 2 :2934 Dinah 2:27*4 Kapolina 2:2534 Bessie M., p 2:23*4 Little Burl. Kate Bender, p 2 :2G*4 Little Dan. Delia 2:28 Little Dave Jr. by Dave Jen- nings. Hadley Jr., p 2 :1534 Little Eastern by Gen.Benton. Blanche 2:30 Eastern Boy 2:2734 Little Frank by Goldenbow. Little Goldie 2:27 John W.,p 2:2934 Little Gift by Fairy Gift. Seneca See, p 2:24*4 Little Grant by Bay Chief Jr. NellyC 2:29*4 Bob Cotton, p 2 :2934 Little Hamilton by Bay Mid- dleton. Dick French 2:19*4 MaudM 2:2834 Nelly 2:28 Nina C 2:26*4 Little Henry by Blue Bull. Susie G.,p 2:1134 Little Jack. SaraB 2:29% Little Johnny. Little Dock 2:25 Little Logan by Gage's Lgan Harry Z.,p 2:17 Little Mack. Little Mack Jr 2 :27*4 Little Pete C. Crusader 2:23*4 Little Rock by Swigert. Big Rock , 2:2934 Minnie Whitestone . . . 2:2434 Little Washington byTecum- seh. Pocahontas, p 2 :22V4 Little Wonder by St. Elmo. Leopard Bob 2:28 Little Wonder by Blue Bull. Lady Wonder 2:25 Everett M., p 2:19*4 Monte Christo, p 2 :18*4 Lively. Lamp * 2 :26 L. J. Sutton by Castellar. Jim Smith 2 :2234 Lochinvar. Miss Ridgeway, p 2:29 1 / 2 Lockerbie by Blue Bull. MaudMuller 2:2034 Allie L.,p 2:10*4 Lockheart by Nutwood. La Belle, p 2:09 Locksmith by Goldsmith. Perplexed 2 :2434 Lockwood by Aberdeen. Galatea 2:27% Locomotive. C~j Elgin 2:27 Loco motive by Robert E. Lee. Capt. Smith 2:29 Locomotive (Gray's) by Gib- son's Tom Hal Jr. Cedar Snag, p 2:25% Engineer, p 2 :1734 Frank Dortch, p 2:15% Rebellion, p 2:25 Locomotive (Moore's) by Gray's Locomotive. Henry Drane, p 2 :23*4 Logan (Gage's) by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. SkinkleHambletonian2 :28% Logan(Wadleigh's)by Logan. Logan (Wineman'sJ..2:28 Logan (Wineman's) by Wad- leigh's Logan. LoganB 2:22% Logan by Shoreham Black Hawk. Geo. Storms 2:27 1 / 2 Logan Chief by I. J. Logan K. . p 2 :27V4 Logan Hambletonian bySkin- kle Hambletonian. Prince Mac, p 2 :19% Logan Jr. Carbolic 2:2434 Logue Horse by Golding Horse. Lady Daggett 2 :26 Long Branch by The Com- modore. Molly Me 2:1834 Longfellow by Mormon Chief. Johnny Weigle, p 2 :20*4 Longfellow by Mambrino Patchen. Gense 2:19 LongfellowGolddust by Gold- dust. William H 2:25 Longstride by Sweepstakes. Jacksonian 2 :22*4 Longstrider. Flora Temple, p 2 :18*4 J enny Lind, p 2 :17 Lilly H., p 2:251/2 Lizzie H., p 2:22 Nettie Hoppin 2 :20 Peter V., p 2 :16*4 Lon Morris by Gen. Knox. Kitty Morris 2:30 Look by Nutwood. Adah Look 2:2034 Lookaway 2:22*4 Flosswood 2 :2334 Jean Look 2 :30 Teddy Look 2:2834 Lynnwood 2 :273i Bessie B., p 2:1834 Lookout by Bourbon Chief, Keene Jim 2:1934 Lord Almont by Almont. Erie Girl 2:23 Lord Byron by General Ben- ton. Bitter Root 2:25 Lord Eldonby Mansfield. Cute.p ....2:2134 Lord Harold by Haiold. OgleBoy .2:30 Jim Quay, p 2:24*4 Lord Jenkinson by Cuyler. Jokton 2:24% Lord Nelson by LordWelling- ton. NelsonD 2:26*4 Lord Cope. Dandy, p 2:29*4 Lord Nelson by Lander's Knox, Katie B 2:2234 Lord Russell by Harold. Ada deClare 2:26*4 Alencon 2 :2334 Elite Russell 2:29% King Russell 2 :26J4 Kremlin 2:07% Lee Russell 2:1634 Matanzas 2:27*4 Pastime 2:2734 Redwald 2:23*4 Rurik. 2:23 Russellmont 2 :14fc Sineus 2:2734 Tonquin 2:28 Typhoon., 2:28 Yuletide 2:2834 Lord Egbert, p 2 :30 Hustler Russell, p .... 2 :1234 Seabird, p 2:1834 Sea Shell, p 2:20 Lord Wellington by Cuyler. Agate Wellington 2:27 Alahambra G 2 :24*4 Regret 2:1534 Wellington King 2:27% Lothair by Gilbreth Knox. Eli 2:2834 Fred Lothair 2:29?4 Lothair Jr 2:30 Lothair Chief by Lothair. Prince Henry 2 :2334 Lothair Jr. by Lothair. Cleveland Boy 2 :28 Eldin 2:24^ Resolute 2:26% ErwinM.,p 2:2034 IdaK..p 2:25 Lazy Jim, p 2:28 Lothair Boy, p 2 :19 Lotus by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian. Aggie 2:19i/ 2 Francis C 2:2834 Louis Napoleon by Volunteer. BenHulett 2:2634 Chandler 2:28 Charles Hilton 2 :17*4 Cora Barium 2:23*4 Dr. Morland 2 :28*4 Edmore 2:2934 George L. Napoleon . . .2 :24^4 Grace Napoleon 2 : 1 434 Jerome Eddy 2 :16*4 Letitia 2:27*4 Louis R 2:2634 Louis Owosso 2:25 50 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. LuluB 2:29% Mattie B 2 :iJ8J4 Myrtle 2:22% Eeno Defiance 2 :29^ Spinella... 2:21% Tipseco 2:19^ Uncle Sam 2 :22 Beechnut, p 2 :23% Benson H., p 2:17% Dr. Perkins, p 2 :26% George Swift, p 2 :3U John S,, p 2:2054 Judge Wolsley, p 2 :27% Louis Napoleon by Ticonder- oga. Col. Russell 2:25% Grey Chief 2:24% Louis R. by Louis Napoleon. J.P 2:26i4 Lucy M 2:2U 1 / 2 Louisville by Groenlander. Girard 2:26% L. P. Thompson by Sterling. Paul Pinkham 2 :24 Lou Scott by McCurdy's Ham- bletonian. Musette 2:23 Lowell Chief by George H. Low. ..Morris H 2:22 K Lucas Brodhead by Harold. Green Bird 2:2414 KateB 2:26 Prairie Boy 2:28 Prince M 2:16% Comus 2 :3u EffieO.,p 2:19 Pearl R. , p 2 :11 1 A See Saw, p 2:2:!% Lucifer by Lightning. Aubertine 2:26% Civilian 2:26 Lucky Cross by Belmont. Merron 2 :28% Luey Horse by Mambrino Tuckahoe. DaveR.,p 2:28*4 Luke Brodhead by Belmont. Dan Jennings 2 :25 Dick Smith 2:17 Hal Pointer 2:18% Lumber by Ericsson. Lady Lumber 2 :29% Luminator by Lumps. Lottie 2:25% Lumps by George Wilkes. Bamboo 2:20% BessieP 2:29i/ 2 Bullet 2:z5% Bumps 2:29*4 Classmate 2 :19% Col. Tom 2:22 Elko 2:17 Inis Wilkes 2:29 Lady Williams 2:29% Lumpson 2 :29*6 La Grippe 2:17% Lunette 2 :25% Lycurgus 2:25 Mambrino Lumps 2:28% Mary Mac 2:18*4 Modred 2:29% Royal Wilkes 2 :25% S. andE 2:26% Annie Dickinson, p. . .2 :15 ; / 2 Tom Porter, p 2 :24 Lyle Wilkes by GeorgeWilkes Danville Wilkes 2:'27 Konantz 2 :28 Mattie Wilkes 2:30 Raven Wilkes 2 : 29*4 Sir Bell 2:20% Wood Wilkes 2 :25 Lynwood by Nutwood. Lynette 2:22*4 Lysander by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Lysander Boy 2 :20% Prince 2:20% Watt 2:24S William Kearney 2 :20*4 Robin E.. p 2:27% Lysander Chief by Lysander. Roanoke 2:30 McBeth. Gipsey M., p 2 :13U MacCallummore by Robert McGregor. Mary 2:20% McCurdy by McCurdy's Ham- bletonian. Grapevine, p 2 :26*4 NeUieG.,p 2:27% McDonald Chief by Clark Chief. Catharine 2:28% Columbus S 2 :27*4 Maud 2:29% McEwen by McCurdy's Ham- bletonian. Merman 2:16 Penelope 2 :20% Squeezer 2:25*4 Calera, p 2 :lfe| 2 McFarland Hambletonian. OliveK 2:29% McGregor (Howe's). Black Nelly 2:30 Delmont 2:30 McGregor Boy by Robert Mc- Gregor. A. D. McGregor 2:28 McGregor Chief by Robert McGregor. Billy McGregor 2:21% Nelly McGregor 2:26% Surprise 2:23% McGregor Jr. by Robert Mc- Gregor. McKelvey 2:29% McKean by Volunteer. Elbert K 2:28% McKinney by Alcyone. McZeus 2:29% Osito 2:30 Sir Credit 2:28% Harvey Me. p 2:18 McLeod by Iron Duke. Jim Sneaks 2:23*4 McMahon by Administrator. Auburn H 2:24!/ 2 Big Me 2:25% Frank McMahon 2:30 Gladys 2:30 Prince McMahon 2:21 Ted McMahon 2:28 McVeigh by Winthrop Mor- Currier 2:27 Macdonough. G. T. Pilot 2:24 Macedonian by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Freeman 2:29 Horsey 2 :25% Macey by George Wilkes. Uapt. Macey 2:19% Gen. Macey 2:25*4 Lucy Macey 2 :26% Tillie Macey 2 :26% TotMacey.p 2:26% Macon by Belmont. Susie H 2:29% Madison by Leland. Clara Madison 2 :27 *4 Madison Smith by Super- visor. Manchester C 2:28% The Parson, p 2:19 Madison Wilkes by George Wilkes. Linden 2:17% Madison Chief 2 :21 *4 Marble Chief 2 :29% Addie Wilkes, p 2 :23% Linden, p .. .2:15 Madrid by George Wilkes. CharleyR 2:30 Cortis 2:30 Coxcomb 2:25*4 Crossman 2:26 Deposit 2:29% FrankS 2:18% La iosca 2:15% Madras 2:25% Pelerine 2:19 Boodle, p 2:26 Cigarette, p 2 :18% Cognac, p .*: 2:20*4 Magic by American Clay. Clemmie G 2 :15* Keno 2:23i/ 2 Mystery 2:25% Post Boy 2:23 Magic by Elmo. KenoR 2:20*4 Magna Charta by Morgan Eagle. Belle of Lexington . . .2 :26% HannahD 2:22% Molly 2:27 Sally Scott 2 :28% Young Magna 2 :29 Magna Chief by Magna Charta. KittyB 2:27% Magnet by Magnolia. Knoxie Magnet 2 :30 Stella Magnet 2 :24*4 Jenny McUoy, p 2:22 Magnolia by Seely's American Star. Magnet 2:27% Magnolia 2:26% Maitland by Blackstone. LadyMcCune 2:28% McClellan, p 2:28% Majesty by Alcoran. Timbuctoo, p 2:28 Maj. Benton by Jim Scott. Gov. Benton 2:22% Dick 2:26% Mai. Doke by Seafoam. Dexter Power, p 2 :24% Sea Foam Jr., p 2 :17% Maj. Edsall by Alexander's Abdallah. Clayton Edsall 2:23% Major A 2:20 Robert McGregor 2:17*4 Daisy Dean, p 2 :26 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 51 Maj. Edsall Jr. by Maj. Ed- sail. Major Wonder, p 2 :09% Maj. Flower by Florida. Bessie Wilkes 2:2454 Maj. Grant by Delmonico. Granite 2:24% Nelly Grant 2:28% Major H. by Dictator. TennyC 2;26*4 Maj. Miller by Guy Miller. Ida Bell 2:23 Prince A 2:2214 Prince Miller 2:20 1 / 2 Maj. Ringgold. Fanny 2:29% John A. Logan 2 :30 Fanny, p 2:29% John A. Logan, p 2 :29*4 Richard, p 2:16% Major. White by Stephen A. Douglas . Grey Dawn 2:20 Major Sommers. JohnL.,p 2:26*4 Major Winfleld Jr. by Ed- ward Everett. Clifton Boy 2:30 Maj. Strathmore by Strath- more. Harry Strathmore, p. .2 :24J4 Major Wonder by Major Ed- sall Jr. Monkey Wonder, p. . .2 :29% Malta by Swigert. Monte Christo 2 :29 Marmaduke. Madge W 2:28% Mambrino (Graham's) by Mambrino Bashaw. TimC 2:24fc Marabrino by Mambrino Patchen. Lady Ellen 2:29*4 MaudH 2:24 Mambrino Abdallah by Mam- brino Patchen. Elastic 2:21% Flossie Eeed, p 2:26% Mambrino Prince, p . . 2 :23% Mambrino Barker by Wood- ford Mambrino. Prince Brino 2:29% Mambrino Bashaw by Mam- brino Pilot. Nancy V 2:24*4 Mambrino Bashaw by Mam- brino Abdallah. Mambriuo (Grah'ms).2:27% Mambrino Black Hawk by Stockbridge Chief. Columbia Chief 2 :28% Mambrino Blitzen by Mam- brino Patchen. Blitzen Jr .-...2:29% McLeod N 2:21% Mambrino Boy by Mambrino Patchen. Chicadee...... 2:29 Five Points 2:30 Julian 2:30 LizzieR 2:23% Louis T 2:30 Mambrino Archy 2:24% Merva K 2:27*4 Rhoderick Dhu 2 :20 Sadie 2:29*4 Mambrino Brave by Mam- brino Chief. Rip Rap 2:26 Mambrino Bruce by Alcalde. Belle Wilson 2:24% Kit Curry 2 :18*4 Col. Bruce, p 2:25 Mambrino Champion by Eu- reka, Champion Jr 2 :24 Mambrino Champion byMam- brino Chief. Molly Long 2 :29% Mambrino Chief by Mam- brioo Paymaster. Bay Henry 2:28 l / 2 Brignoli 2:29% Lady Thorn 2:18% Mambrino Star 2 :28*4 North Star Mambrino.2 :26*6 Woodford Mambrino. 2 :21V4 Mambrino Chief (Ward's) by Mambrino Chief. Blackstone 2 : ; 9% Mambrino Chief Jr. (Fisk's) by Mambrino Chief. Mambrino Belle 2:23 Mambrino General . ..2:25*4 Mambrino George 2 30 M ambrino Sparkle .... 2 :17 Silver Cloud 2:22% Woodchuck 2 :30 Peter T., p 2:29% Mambrino Chief Jr. ("Harris') by Mambrino Chief. Proctor 2 23 Mambrino Chief Jr. by Mc- Donald Chief. Solana Chief 2:29% George Washington.. 2: 16% FrankieD., p 2:24% McCleery, p 2 : 18*4 Mambrino Chief Jr. (Wil- liams') by Mambrino Patcben. Ottumwa Maid 2 :27% Mambrino Clay by Kentucky Clay. Mambrino Clay Jr . . . . 2 :25 Mambrino Clay Jr. Mambrino Clay. Mahommet 2:20 Mambrino Clark by Mam- brino Dudley. Arias 2:29% Newport 2:26% Mambrino Davis by Dr. Herr. Brinoda, p " 2:15% Mambrino Diamond by Mam- brino Patchen. Dolly 2:25 Kate Sparks 2:19 Dr.Kelly 2:15% Mambrino Dick by Mambrino Time. BillyH 2:29*4 Doctor H 2:28 Mambrino Dix. Reginald 2:30 Mambrino Dudley by Wood- ford Mambrino. Crescendo 2:24 Dud Bonum 2 :26 Gretna 2:22% Master Dudley 2: 29% Rinaldo 2-27% Rintoul 2:24% Tracy 2:26*4 Mambrino Duke by Mam- brino Paris. Mambrino Maud 2 :28*4 Raven Boy 2:29% Mambrino Duncan. OscarW 2:25% Mambrino Excelsior by Mam- brino Patchen. Thalberg 2:20 Mambrino George. Grey Elsie, p 2 :20% Mambrino Gift by Mambrino Pilot. Alfretta 2:26% Faro 2:23*4 GiftJr 2:27% Mambrinette 2 :21 Mambrino Sotham. ... 2 :26% Molly Talbert 2:29% Tecumseh 2:28 Mambrino Hambletonian by Mambrino Pilot. Lilly Langtry 2 :23% Parana 2 :19% Mambrino Hambletonian by Ashland. Stranger 2:22% Mambrino Harold by Mam- brino Russell. Winfleld, p 2:26% Mambrino Hannis by Hannis. Bran Slack 2 :27% Mambrino Hassan by Mam- brino Pilot. Lady Hassan 2:30 Mambrino Hippy by Garrard Chief. George W 2:24*4 Miss Annie, p 2 :24% Mambrino Jackson. Monarch 2:25% Mambrino Jester by Highland Chief. Dexter 2 :27% Mambrino Joe by Mambrino Patchen. Woodard and Harbi- son ...2:27% Mambrino King by Mambrino Patchen. Amy King 2:22*4 Bozeman 2:17 Carleton 2:28 Comanche 2 :24% Egyptienne 2 :18 Elyria 2:25% Emerson King 2 :27 % Excellence 2 :19* Germaine 2 :20 Gimcrack 2:27 Heir-at-Law 2:12 Henrietta 2:17 Iron Worker 2 :29*4 J.D. L 2:29% King Patchen 2:23*i King of Wales 2:30 King Philip 2:26% Lady Mac 2:25% Mandame 2:29% Miss Olive 2:27* / 2 Mocking Bird 2:16% Nettie King 2:20% Nightingale. 2 :10* Nutting King 2 :19* Olaf 2:21% Oney 2:19% Oscar King 2:26*4 Prince Regent 2 :16*4 52 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Royal King 2 :25)4 Silver King 2:26)4 Tillie Green 2:27 Harleigh, p 2:28 Jocko,p 2:16*4 Kiner's Protector, p. ..2:18% Mocnstone.p 2:09% Wisdom, p 2:27 William Wallace, p. ..2:22)4 Mambrino Lance by Mam- brino Patchen. Lady Alert 2 :24% Mambrino Lexingten by Lex- ington Chief . Betty K 2:2654 Mambrino Logan by Gage's Logan. CallieS.,p 2:23)4 Minnie Barb, p 2 :26 Pearl Logan, p 2 :26)4 Mambrino Messenger (Tur- ner's) by Mambrino Prince Bushnell Chief 2 :29% Mambrino Messenger byMam- brino Monarch. Speculation 2 :25 Mambrino Messenger(Herr's) by Mambrino Pilot. Lewinski .2:25)4 Mambrino Morgan. Nelly T 2:29)4 Mambrino Motor. Billy Breen, p 2:26)4 Mambrino Paris by Mam- brino Patchen. Bowman 2:30 Mambrino Patchen by Mam- brino Chief. Banquet 2:24 Billy Marshall 2 :27)4 Decorah 2 :26% Forest Mambrino 2 :29% GoldStar 2:29% Harry C. Midnight.... 2:29% Jessie Dixon 2 :28)4 Katie Middleton 2:23 Kitty Silver 2 :27% Lady Stout 2:29 London 2 :20 l / 2 Lottie Prall 2:28% Lottie Thorn 2 :23% Mambrino Boy 2:26% Mambrino Diamond . . 2 :26 Mambrino Kate 2 :24 Mistletoe 2:30 Nymphia 2:26)4 Ogdensburg 2 :v 8% Pericles 2 :30 Pretty Boy 2:29% Richwood 2:27 Secure 2:30 The Banker 2:29% The Jewess 2 :26 Turner 2:28% Mambrino Patchen (Smith's) by George M. Patchen. Highland Stranger.. . . 2 :25)4 Orient 2:24 Mambrino Payne by John F. Payne. Effie Payne 2 :25)4 Cedar Rapids, p 2 :24 Mambrino Pilot by Mambrino Chief. ^mulus 2:25 David Wallace 2 :28 Frank C 2:27)4 Hannis 2:17% James D 2:28)4 Mambrino Gift 2:20 Mayflower 2:27)4 Morning 2:30 William Gee 2 :29% John.p 2:29% Mambrino Pilot Jr. Marvel 2:21% Mambrino Pilot Jr. by Mam- brino Pilot. George W 2:23% Old Judge 2 :29)4 Mambrino Redmon by Mam- brino Patchen. PatLegg.p 2:25 Mambrmo Rescue. Orphan Alice, p 2 :27)4 Willie Bee, p 2:20 Mambrino Rule. Rustic Lady 2 :30 Mambrino Russell by Wood- ford Mambrino. Bourbon Russell 2 :30 Col. Moss 2:27% Duchess Russell 2 :26% Haldane 2:26% Kentucky Russell 2 :18% Rustic Maid 2:27% Stoner Boy 2:26)4 Alley Russell, p 2:22% Great Heart, p 2:13*4 Happy Russell, p 2 :21% Russell I nief , p 2 :22% Wilkie Russell, p 2:15 Mambrino St. Lawrence by Darlbay. J. J. Douglas 2:20% Mambrino Sample by Sam Sharpley. Flora P 2:23)4 Mambrino Smuggler by Mam- brino Patchen. Billy Carr, p 2:27 Stella R.. p 2 :17% WiUardM., p 2:14 Mambrmo Star by Mambrino Chief. Cottage Girl 2:29% Iris 2:29)4 Mambrino Startle by Mam- brino Patchen. Jim Dunn 2:20)4 Mambrino Startle by Startle. Boulanger 2 :28% Capt. Lee 2:25 Collinwood 2 :21)4 Earldon 2:30 Julia Jackson 2 :^5)4 Lord Palm 2:29% Mambrino Maid 2:15)4 Mambrino Startle 2:26)4 Mira Startle 2.-21V4 Sir Albert 2:20% Startler 2:25 Daisy B., p 2:18)4 Yeiser Boy, p 2 :29)4 Mambrino Swigert bySwigert Bay Henry 2 :29)4 Black Frank 2:27)4 Carrie B 2:20% Grey Swigert 2 :29)4 Lady Jane 2 :17)4 Libretto 2 :30 Mambrino Temple by Pilot Temple. Billy Boy 2:26)4 Mambrmo Templar Jr. by Mambrino Templar. Long John 2 :28% Mambrino Time by Mambrino Patchen. Emmett 2:29% Four Corners 2 :20)4 Mambrino Dick 2:24 Sorrel Kate 2 :29% Mambrino Wagner by Mam- brino Patchen. Glendale ., ..2 :20% Mambrino Wilkes (Ayer's) by George Wilkes. Alpheus 2:25 Balkan 2:15 Bay Wilkes 2:16)4 Clara P 2:29% Gus Wilkes 2:22 Hera 2:23% Brino Tricks, p 2 :18% Flora B.,p 2:22% Molly Allen, p 2:liO% Mambrino Wilkes (Clark's) by George Wilkes. Arthur Wilkes 2:19 Col. Arthur Wilkes.. .2:29% Dan Wilkes 2 :24)4 Fanny Wilkes 2 :30 Homer Wilkes 2 :29% Ira Wilkes 2:29% Mischief 2:17% R. M Wilko? 2:25)4 Thetis 2:16)4 Union Wilkes 2:29% Daisy C., p 2:26% Myra Wilkes, p 2:24% Mambrino Wilkes by Bour- bon Wilkes. Dr. Wood, p 2:29 1 4 Mambrino Yorick by Wood- ford Mambrino. Manawa 2 :20 Mambritonian by Belmont Augusta 2:29)4 Belfast 2:29)4 C. O.B 2:26*4 Nankeen 2:28 Prinsonian 2:20% Senatress 2:22 Tony Klock 2:18% KlickKlock, p 2:14% Mambrunello by Mambrino Chief. Sadie Howe 2:26 Tom Britton 2:26 Mammont by Almont. Dan Mack 2:27% Goldmont 2:23% Lewis R 2:23 MollyC 2-29)4 S. Montgomery 2 :25% Mammonteer. Prairie Maid, p 2 :30 Manchester by Fearnaught. PaulM,, p 2:24)4 Manchester by Hetzel's Ham- bletonian. Yernette 2:23% Manchester Tuckahoe by Blind Tuckahoe. Lady II 2:27 Lady Voorhees 2 :23% Jim Crow, p 2:26 PaulM 2:28% Mandarin by Administrator. FannyS 2:29)4 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 53 Manetho by Harold. Lizzie Harold 2:28% Mansfield by Messenger Du- roc. Borden .2:29*4 Dawson 2:19*4 Foxie 2:28 1 / 2 Litchfield 2 :29% Remsen 2:24*4 Mansfield Medium by Happy Medium. Fanny*!) 2:28*4 Langford 2:28*4 Manviile by Meander. Anvil 2:23*4 Mapes Horse by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Lady Thornton 2 :26*4 Maplehurst by Allie West. Cumberland 2 :21% Diamond Joe 2:18 Mapleton by New York. Lady Mac 2:29*4 Maplewood Chief by Polonius JokerH 2:30 Miss McGinty, p 2 :24 Marco by Morrow's Elector. Joe 2:29*4 Marin by Quinn's Patchen. Marin Jr 2:13 Mario Jr. by Marion. Alice 2 :29 Mark Anthony by Hamlet. Susan B 2:29*4 Mark Field by George Wilkes Called Back 2:27*4 Mark Field Jr 2:29*4 Veritas 2:16*4 Vindex 2:29*4 Mark Monroe by Victor Bis- marck Mark W 2:28% Minnie Monroe 2:25*4 Mark Sirius by Sirius. Mhmehaha, p 2 :27*4 Marksman by Thorndale. Marksman Maid 2 :21*4 Misty Morning 2 :21 Marksmaid, p 2:21 Marksman by Frank For- rester. Frank Forrester 2 :27*4 Mark Time by Robert Mc- Gregor. Good Time 2 ;18 Mark Twain by Moonstone. Minnie May 2:29% Marlborough by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Avalon 2:25 Judd Boy 2:20*4 Sheridan Girl 2 :29*4 OliverC.p 2:26% Marmaduke by Marion. Bessie 2:26*4 Marmaluke. Madge W. p 2 :25*4 Marrnion Golddust by Gold- dust Jr. Kioto 2:20% Marquette by Victor Bis- marck. Mamie Hayward 2 :29*/4 Marshall Chief by Kilburn's Hero. Dr. Lewis 2 :24 Marshall Kieber by Cuyler. Mistake ..2:29*4 Marshal Ney by Mambrino Pilot. Cyclops 2:27 Westover 2 :26*4 MarshaU Ney by Stonewall Jackson. Indian Pet 2:28*4 Martine by Triumvir. AliceE 2:29*4 McElree 2:24*4 Elyton, p 2:22 Martin McGregor by Robert McGregor. Harry McGregor 2 :28 Maryland Volunteer. Garrett, p 2 :26*4 Marvin by Electioneer. Bramblette 2 :24*4 Masker. Domino 2 :19*4 Mar's Pointer, p 2 :27 % Masterlode by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Ara 2:29*4 Beechnut 2:29 BelleF 2:15*4 Belle Noble 2:28 Betsy Braun 2 :21% Clara Belle 2:29% Decorator 2 :22*4 D.N.T 2:27% Edward 2:19 Fanny K 2:30 GeorgeV 2:20 Goldstone 2:27*4 Hambletonian Gift . . . 2 :29 Ham Morrison 2 :30 Happy Man 2:27*4 Jenny Star 2 :24*4 Lassie 2:30 Master 2:27 1 / 2 Peek-a-Boo 2:27 Phillis 2:30 Plush 2:19*4 Princess 2:29*4 Ruby 2:25*4 Sickle Hambletonian 2 :29*4 Sierra La Salle 2:28 Sweetheart 2 :29*4 Phillis,p 2:17*4 Matadon by Onward. Athadon 2:27 Matchless by Prince Albert. Palma 2:2294 Matterhorn by Nutwood. Balzac Chief 2:26*4 Junerfrau 2:28% Merodock 2:22% Mount Blanc, p 2 :30 Maury Chief by Old Traveler. Billy White 2:28*4 Maxie Cobb by Happy Med- ium. Maxie Cobb, Jr 2 :28*4 Maxie Cobb, Jr. by Mfixie Cobb. Nina Cobb 2:25 Maxim by Belmont. Freedom 2:28*4 Ida D 2:17% Lady Maxim 2:26*4 Mikado, p 2:13 Motto, p 2:20 Maximus by Almont. Avelloni 2:26*4 Brown Mat 2:29*4 Aldabaron B.. p 2 :27*4 Bandella, p 2 :25 Tom Shirley, p 2 :20V4 Maxwell by Brougham. Marengo Chief 2 :30 May Boy by Whipple's Ham- bletonian. Col. May 2:17 Vernon 2:26*4 BessH., p 2:21*4 May Day by Henry. May Queen 2:26 Mazeppa by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Black Captain 2 :29% Mazeppa by Taggart's Ab- dallah. Spotted Beauty , . 2 :29*4 Mazeppa. Happy 2:27 Mazeppa by Winthrop Mor- rill. Slippery Dick 2 :30 Meadowbrook by Cuyler. Red Brook 2:22 Meander by Belmont. Amender 2 :25*4 Kit Baker 2:27*4 Manviile 2:26 Pamlioo 2:10 Stephanie 2:22*4 Dapignac, p 2 :22*4 School Boy, p 2 :22*4 Meeca by Nutwood. Rosewood 2:28*4 Medonius by Pilot Modium. Madelle, p 2:18*4 Meeker Hambletonian by William M. Rysdyk. Nelly P 2:28*4 Meeker Horse. Fearless 2:28 MelbourneKing by Mambrino King. Jubilee 2:25*4 Sea King 2:18*4 Belle.p 2:15 Helen, p 2:16*/ 2 Melrose by Victor Bismarck. Annie C 2:2754 Ebony Job 2:28*4 Eli 2:26 Ella 2:28*4 Felix 2:23*4 J.T 2:24*4 Olivia 2:29*4 Primrose 2:29*4 Rose Filkin 2 :22 Tom Judge 2:25*4 T.T.S 2:19 1 / 2 Melville Chief by Tattler. Clipper 2:24*4 Memento Wilkes by Red Wilkes. Allie B 2:30 Lone Star 2:29*4 Rabb Wilkes 2:26 Ruby Wilkes 2:25 Memory by Mambrino Gift. Harmonia 2:25*4 Menelaus by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Altona 2:22% Belle S 2:25 Black Pilot 2:29 Cleora 2:18% Harry Pulling. 2 :29*4 MaggieF 2:27 Romeo 2:29*4 54 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Silver Leaf 2:23 Altoona, p 2:16% Black Hawk Mene- laus, p 2:2254 Menelaus Jr. by Menelaus. Menegain, p 2 :15 Menlo by Nutwood. MenloBeUe 2:30 Merchant by Belmont. Frank, p 2:28 Nettlewood, p 2 :23 Mercury by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Chester F 2:30 Linwood 2:30 Mamie 2:2834 Meredith by Kearsarge. Darwinna 2:2SY 2 Meredith by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Nelly Mambrino 2 :18% Meriton. ZipM.,p 2:26% Merriworth by Wedgewood. Princess M 2:26% Kitty Clinker, p 2 :28 Merrow Horse by Witherell Messenger Belle Strickland 2:26 Merry Boy by Mambrino Boy. Mambrinb Lambert.. 2 :29 l / 2 Messenger by Mou n t a i n Slasher Jr. Slasher 2:18*4 Messenger (Logan's) by State of Maine. Crown Prince 2 :25 Messenger Chief by Abdallah Pilot. Abel 2:24% Earncliffe 2:29 Elite 2:30 Hooka 2 :30 Jake 2:22 Ratherine S 2:17% Manning 2:18% Marvel 2:28 Maud Messenger 2 :16% Maumejan 2 :28*4 Mimic 2:21 Prette Belle 2 :22*4 Quarryville Boy 2 :26 William H 2:22% Frank E., p 2:19*4 Neddie H., p 2:17% Ruby Messenger, p . . . . 2 :23 Messenger Chief. Bessie M 2:30 Messenger Chief Jr. J. K.,p 2:28 Messenger Clay by^Karl. Kitty B., p 2:11 Messenger Duroc by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Antonio 2:28% Bergen 2:26% Charley Champlin . . . . 2 :21 % Dame Trot 2:22 Duroc Maid 2:29% Elaine 2:20 Elina 2:28 Elista 2:20% Gilroy 2:28% Griff en 2:29*4 Hogarth 2:26 JohnD 2:23*4 John W 2:24% Lancelot 2:23 Maclnre 2:30 Mansfield 2:26 NettiwD 2 MO Paul 2:28*4 Praetor 2:29% Prospero 2:20 Star Duroc 2 :25% Troublesome 2 :25*4 Daisy L.,p 2:29% Lady Hill, p 2:22 Messenger Duroc (Wilson's) by Messenger Duroc. Josh Morse 2 :29% Messenger Golddust by Gold- dust. Kate Keener 2:29% Billy Dohrman, p 2:24% Messenger Hunter. James G. Blaine 2 :28% Messenger Wilkes by tfed Wilkes. Eiffel T. Wilkes 2 :24% Gene Briggs 2 :19*4 Grenadier 2 :26% Narcus 2:25*4 Narka 2:29 Palm. 2:28% Mordica,p 2:20% Metacomet by Morrill. Winthrop Morrill Jr . . 2 :27 Michie by Young Cassius M. Clay. Mink 2:29% Michigan Boy. A.C.K 2:29*4 Midas by Onward. HenryC 2:26% Kiowa 2:29% Misdeal 2:20*4 Miss Edith 2:19 Middletown byRysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Fancy 2:24% Lady Blessington 2 :28 Marionette 2:27*4 Mentor 2:27 Middletown Jr 2 :27% Mogul 2:19% Music 2:21*4 Nelly Irwin 2:25 Orange Blossom 2:26*4 Orange Bud 2:21% Piloton 2:30 Storm 2:26% SusieD 2:29% Middletown Jr. by Middle- town. BillyC 2:20% Pilot 2:22% Nelly Ely 2:23*4 Sylvia 2:27% Billy C.,p 2:29*4 Blanche, p 2:20*4 Middlesex by Seneca Chief. Midway 2:29% Mikagan by Onward. Ross 2:28 l / 2 AngieD.,p 2:11% Frank Agan, p 2 :10% Mike by "Vermont Barney 2:25% Mike Logan by Jules Jurgen- Billy'F 2:28% Lady Underbill 2 :29% Plumed Knight 2 :26% Mike Logan Jr. , p . . . . 2 :23 Mike Snyder by Ben Snyder. Belle Durland, p 2 :19% Milo by Golddust. Bay Diamond, p 2:23*4 Milo by Milwaukee. Scotsman 2:27*4 Milton Medium by Happy Medium, Palatina 2:22% Warwick Medium ....2:27*4 Johnny Skelton. . . .~ . 2 :29 l /z Milton R. by Milton Medium. Hanford Medium, p.. 2:14 Milwaukee by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Adelaide 2:18 Milo 2:21 Ticonic 2:26*4 Milwaukee Jr. by Milwaukee. Mystery 2 :26*4 Mimic by Messenger Chief. Kitty M ,p 2:23% Mink by Michie. Pansy * 2:28% Mistake. Hickory Boy, p 2 :24 Missouri Chief by Tom Ben- ton. Prince, p 2 :23% Nimrod.p 2:19% Model. GranvilleK 2:30 Modoc. Oxford Chief 2:28% Modoc Chief by Mountain Chief. PatQuinn 2:25*4 Mogadore by Eli Abdallah. Maj.Lacey 2:30 Mohawk. Pomp A., p 2:24% Mohawk byLong Island Black Hawk. Elmo 2:27 Mohawk Jr 2:25 Mohawk Jr 2:26 GorkO.,p 2:27% Mohawk (Goff's) by Clark's Mohawk Jr. Major 2:22 Mohawk (McMullen's). Free Trader 2 :25% Mohawk (Pratt's). Lew Wallace, p 2:28% Mohawk Island by Mohawk. McCue's Mohawk 2 :29*4 Mohawk Jr. (Clark's) by Mo- hawk. Fashion 2:23*4 Lady Clark 2:27 Yellow Dock 2:20% Mohawk Jr. by Clark's Mo- hawk Jr. Thomas H 2:30 Mohawk Jr. (Hall's) by Mo- hawk. Belle Hyler 2:22% Belle Ogle 2:21*4 Mohawk Blondi 2 :24% Mohawk Chief 2:30 Mohawk Gift 2:21% Mohawk Kate 2:26% Mohawk Chief (Grove's). Little Jimmy, p 2 :30 Mohawk Chief by Confeder- ate Chief. Belle of Montour 2 :29% SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 55 Mohawk Chief by Hall's Mo- hawk Jr. DwightS 2:26^ Nellie M., p 2:29% Mohawk Gift by Hall's Mo- hawk Jr. Allie J... 2:26 Gen. James A.Garfield.2 :25% Pew House 2 :30 Mohawk 'Hambletonian by Clark's Mohawk Jr. BetsyC 2:25% Chester Allen 2 -.22% Johnny Knott 2 :22 Henry L 2:29*4 John F 2:30 KenoF 2:17 Minnie Moak 2:28% Star Moak 2 :20% Mohawk Kink by Richwood. Tod Mohawk, p 2 :25 Mohican by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Belle Kerns 2:30 Beauregard 2 :21% Chance 2:19*4 Cora Woodward 2 :2554 Ethel Y 2:20 Lady McKeen 2 :29% Paris 2:29i/ 2 Bradburn, p 2:24 Frank Taylor, p 2 :23% Waupaca, p 2:25 Monaco by Belmont. EdithR 2:1754 Florence Dillard 2:22 Julia H 2:20% Knotwood 2:29 Maggie Monroe 2 :20*4 Malachi 2:29 Mattie Marco 2:25 Melroee 2:29% Mendicant 2 :2854 Monte Carlo 2 :29% Myrtle R 2:15*4 Vesta 2:2754 Monarch by imp. Monarch. Monarch Rule 2 :24% Monarch Jr. Howard L 2 :20% John Dickson 2:28 Molly F,.p 2:25 Toledo Girl, p 2:15 Fred Hooper, p 231*4 Moneymaker by son of Young Columbus. Money Maid 2 :21% Monitor by Conklin's Amer- ican Star, Little Sioux 2 :22% Monitor by Merchant. Monitor Chippie 2 :27 Queen T 2:2654 Monitor Prince by Monitor. Monocrat 2:27% Monmouth B. by Aberdeen. Camille.. 2:2754 Monmouth Patchen byGeorge Monmouth Patchen. St. Albans 2:2054 Mononby Nutwood. Monette 2:1454 Mona B 2:2854 Monadel, p 2 :18% Monut,p 2:29 Monogram by Mambrino Pilot. Miss Miller 2:2954 Monroe Champion by Poscora (Canadian). Molly 2:2754 Monroe by Iron Duke. Trincula 2 :29 Monroe Boy by Jim Monroe. Gray Fanny, p 2 :20% Monroe Chief by Jim Monroe Black Bess 2-26% Chico 2:205/2 Mona Lisa 2:21 Miss Monroe 2:27*4 Monologue 2:2054 Monroe 2 :2954 Monroe Prince 2 :29 MonroeS., p 2:20 Reavis,p 2:2054 Sacramento, p 2 :22% Monroe Chief (Butt's) by Mambrino Patchen. Genevra 2:2454 Montagu by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Brightmont 2:27*4 Montaigne by Bourbon Wil- kes. Monta Lee 2:30 Wanita 2:2954 Montana Wilkes by Red Wilkes. Florida 2:14*4 Montana 2:27% Montauk by Cassius M. Clay. Gen. McClellan 2:29 Montebello by Monte Carlo, Ezra A., p ..2:27% Monte Carlo by Monaco. Morelein., 2 :28% Monte Christo by Geo.Wilkes Barclay 2:20*4 Christo Queen, p 2 :11*4 Monte, p 2:23% Montello by Almont. Crownmont 2 :2454 Fanchon 2:26% Montclair 2 :27% Phalen 2:22*/ 2 Montezuma by Alcantara. Glenwood Belle 2 :29*4 White Wings 2 :24*/ 2 Roscoe, p 2:12% Montgomery by Inheritor. Amy Arney 2 :22% Calliopsis 2 :29*4 Cleveland S 2:24 Fanny T 2:28% Koaline 2:16 LuellaCilly 2:30 Monleo 2:24% Thomas R,.. 2:2954 Cleveland S.,p 2:11% Nellie G., p.. . 2:26*4 Montgomery by Archer's Al- mont. Sagwa, p 2:29*4 Montrose by Dr. Franklin. Lady Helen, p 2:27*4 Moody by Swigert. Edgar Moody 2 :2154 GussieM 2:22*4 JohnE 2:29% Lenore Wood 2 :26*4 Metzsrer 2:21 Moody 2:18 Belle Moody, p 2:29 Lady B., p 2:26% Moonstone by Clear Grit. Nettie C., p 2:23% Morgan. Frankie C. , p 2:20 Morgan Black Hawk by Fel- ton's Black Hawk. Delaware. 2:28 Morgan Caesar by Woodbury Morgan. Mack 2:28 Morgan Clipper. HalB.,p 2:24*4 Morgan Ethan by American Ethan. Bonus, p 2:29% Morgan Eagle by Woodbury Morgan. Lady Sutton 2:30 Morgan Hal. Wichita Tom, p 2 :27 Morgan Horse. Lady Lear .2:24% Morgan Hunter. Modoc 2:25 Morgan Messenger by Fulton. Doc McLaughlin 2 :30 Aaron R., p 2 :20 Lillian S., p 2:17% Morgan Messenger Jr. by Morgan Messenger. Bronze 2 :21*4 Fleetwood Messenger.2:27% Morgan Prince by Morgan Hunter. Viola 2:28 Morgan Wilkes. Little George 2:27*4 Morgmont. Billy F 2:22*4 Morookus by Almont. Klamath 2:13 Morrill by Jennison Horse. Mountain Maid 2 :27% Morrill (Young) by Morrill. Draco 2 :28% Fearnaught 2 :23 54 Mattie Lyle 2:28 Morrill Drew by Winthrop Morrill. Kate 2:2954 Morrison by St. Elmo. Young Morrisey 2:2.54 Morrison Wilkes by Mam- brino Wilkes. Conmur, p 2:22% Morse Horse by European. (McNitt Horse). Grey Eddy 2:30 Moscow by Green's Bashaw. Walter C 2:26% Motion by Daniel Lambert. Cromee 2 :26 Daisy Lambert 2 :23% Hattie L 2:25% Whist 2:18% Getty Grant, p 2 :18% Motion Jr. p 2:24% Motor by Onward. Frances M 2:22^4 Jenny June 2:19*4 My Charley 2:21 Mountain Bird by Post's Con- ductor. LeeR 2:24^ Mountain Boy. Billy B 2:29*4 Darkness ...2:21% Fanny L., p 2:18% Gideon, p 2 :28 Kitty R.,p 2:21*4 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Mountain Boy by Daniel Lambert. Daisy C 2:2254 Mclntosh 2 :27% Bessie Brad dock, p.. .2:2534 Mountain Chief by Morrill. Haviland 2:29% Mt. Morris by Smuggler. Chester Morris 2 :27 54 Mount Vernon by Nutwood. Daisy Me, p 2 :24 Geraldine, p 2 :16% Muggins by Elial G. Fred R 2:25% Munsey by Rebel Chief. Katelsler 2:2254 Muscatine by Green's Bashaw Eldine 2:29/2 Muscovite by Nutwood. Abel Muscovite 2 :29% Aiiora 2:30 Galata aa 2 :24% Lion Moscow 2 :2154 Music by Orion. Red Wing,p 2:13% Myron Perry by Young Colum- bus. Gen. Tweed 2:26% Myrcleton by Red Wilkes. Mechanicsville 2 :2854 Myrtle Boy 2:25% Myrtle Twig 2 :28% Naaman by Harold. Barb Wire, p 2:24% Nabob by Blackwood. Emma Balch 2:20% Naham by Hambrino. AbrahamL 2:18 Nantucket by Nutwood. JackOffutt 2:26 La Mode 2:26 Lizzie Hunter, p 2 :22 Peter Piper, p 2:1454 N arragansett byRhode Island Narragansett 2 :23% Typhoon 2:2854 Nathan Mills by Imperial. Black Mack 2:2454 Fred Mills, p. 2 :21% Nate C., p ..2:24% Naubic by Toronto Chief. J.H.S 2:30 Navarro by Nutwood. Marcus 2:21 Navigator. Pasadena Belle 2:18 Neatwood by Nutwood. Roy wood 2 :2154 Neatbud.p 2:26 Ned Forrest by Dave Hill. Jessie Hayes 2:24 Ned Forrest by Joe Downing. Edwin Forrest 2 :18 Tom Rogers, p 2:29% Ned Hastings. Nellie Hastings, p.... 2:27% Ned Patchen. Allen H 2:2554 NellyGray 2:2154 Ned Warfleld by Foreman's Warfleld. Billy B.,p 2:29 NedB.,p 2:1854 Ned Wilkes by Alcantara. Berwick 2:30 Capt. Bowman 2 :28% Neighbor Ups by Thorndale. Matthew W 2:30 Nelson by Young Rolfe. Amber 2:24 Brenda 2:2854 Coukling 2 :26% Damosella 2 :25 Donna 2 :27% Haley 2:18% Hilda 2:28% Lady Nelson 2:21^4 Nelson Jr ...2:2654 Polly Nelson 2:30 Queen 2:19% Silver Street 2 :19% Slick Nelson 2 :275i Theresa 2:25% Trafalgar 2 :2*34 Cashier, p 2 :25% Cylex, p 2:2454 Edmond, p 2:1754 Merrill, p 2:<54% N elson Allen, p 2 :2954 Parker, p 2 :19% Selim, p 2:1954 Nephew by Hambrino. Ameer 2:27 Baby Mine 2:27 Beury Me 2:14% Chantilly 2:2954 Ecru 2:30 Elden 2:19% Ella May 2:28 Geneve 2:26% Ha Ha 2:2254 Lord Stanley 2 :28% Lottie M 2 :24 Lucilla 2*834 Lexon 2 :27% Newflower 2 :.354 Ruler 2:23 Vina Belle 2 :1554 Voucher 2:22 Barney Horn, p 2 :^i554 Bracelet, p ...2:^1 Nephew(Dorsey's)by Nephew Ottinger 2 :11% George N ., p 2 :22% Nephew Jr. by Nephew. Gold Medal p, 2:14% Nero by Winoo^ki. Maggie H 2:2754 Nest Egg by Amboy. Huxham 2 :18% Nestor by Alden Goldsmith. Don S 2:L854 Nestwood 2:23% Netherland by Manhattan. Nonesuch 2:30 Young Netherland . . . 2 :29 Nettle Keenan by Geo r g e Gordon. Brooks, p 2:1554 Nevada by Blackbird. Nevada 2:23 Nevina by Volunteer. Nevms' First 2:19 New Jersey by George M. Patchen, Grace Bertram 2 :29 New Jersey Volunteer by Standard Bearer. Gen. Marion 2:27% Newman Horse by Rollins Horse. Emperor 2 :2954 Newmont by Belmont. Charles H. Hoyt 2:21% Charles H. Hoyt, p.. .2:15% Newry by Lexington. Maggie F 2:26 New York by Rysdyk's Hambietonian. Cad Wade. 2:20 George W 2 :23k New York Dictator.. .2:2954 Novelty 2:28% Reveille.. ..-' 2:21% New York Dictator- by New York. Dr. Carver 2:2954 York Wiikes, p 2:25 Niagara. Fairmont, p 2:22% Niagara Champion by imp. Grand Exhibition. Harry, p 2:19% Niagara Chief by Toronto Chief. Ben Flagler 2 :26% Bucephalus 2 :2854 George F. Smith 2 :28 Nick A. by Hadley's Fear- naught. Harry R., p 2:21% Nick Wall. Big Ike 2:2954 Nicotine by Clark Chief. Susie Mac 2:29 Nigger Baby, bay Fanny 2:28 NiggerBoy by Plymouth Rock Midnight, p 2:17% Nigger Doctor by King Dave. Trouble 2:24% Night Hawk by Jay Bird. Shadow 2 :28 Night Hawk by urinnell's Champion. Red Cross 2:26% Minnie Warren 2:^754 Nihilist by Strathmore, Maggie T., p 2:1854 Nil Desperandum by, Bel- mont. Dancer 2:24 De Barry 2:18% Desperation 2 :30 James H 2:28% Matchless 2:24% Ranger 2:2d5i Thorn Rose 2 :2454 Top Royal 2:27 Watchword 2:20 Niles. Maggie,p...., 2:28 Nimble Dan. Joe S., p 2:2054 Nitrogen by Robert McGregor Electricity 2:30 Hydrogen 2 :27% Nobby by Garrard Chief. Mambrino Queen 2 :2654 Nobby 2:18% Noble Harold by Harold. Arline 2:25 Nonpareil by Long Island Black Hawk. Western New York ... .2 :29 Nonpareil by Cassius M. Clay. Commodore Perry 2 :27% Nonpareil by' Wood's Ham- bietonian. Minnie D 2:23% Noonday by Wedgewood. Thursday 2:25 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 57 Norfolk by Nutwood. Miss Nelson 2:12% Presguile 2:29% Normaa (Alexander's) by Morse Horse Lula 2:15 MayQueen 2:20 Norman (Palmer's) by Alex- ander's Norman. Nelly Bryant 2:25% Norman (De Witt's). Regardless, p 2 :16% Norman Medium by Happy Medium. Gov. Riddle 2:23 Silver Threads, p 2 :19 Norman Temple Jr. by Nor- man Temple. Frances C 2:29% NormanWilkes byGeo.Wilkes WestWilkes 2:27 Norton McGregor by Robert McGregor. Gonzales McGregor .. .2 :16% Norval by Electioneer. Countess Eve 2 :29% Interval 2:25% JohnG. Carlisle 2:20 Lakeside Norval 2 :15 Norhawk 2:15% Norvadine 2:25% Norvalson 2 :28% NorvinG 2:20% Novelett 2:29% Novelist 2:27 Orphina 2:17% Villiers 2:27% Voyager 2:30 Norway by Almonarcb. Nornette 2:30 Norway Knox by Phil bheri- dan, Jr. Dinah 2:28% Margaret Knox 2 :28)4 Norwood by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. B.L.C 2:28% Ella Norwood 2 :22% Hickory wood 2 :29 Ida Norwood 2:26% Lakewood 2:23 Tommy Norwood 2 :26% Wild Oats 2 :16% Will Hamilton 2 *8V4 Norwood Chief by Norwood. Caesar 2:23% Daisy G 2:25% Norwood Star by Norwood. Daconis 2:24 Jessie Clark 2 :27% Zoe Hammond 2 :26% NoraL.,p 2:29% NorwoodWilkes byAmbas dor CliffordK 2:29% Nix 2:22 % Notable by Chosroes. Nelly B.,p 2:14% Notary by Attorney. Seal.p 2:08% Nugget by Wedgewood. Bon Ami 2:23% Carilla 2:22% Gold Leaf 2:16% Ingot 2:26^ Nettle Leaf 2:23% Newton 2:22 Nuggetta 2 :24% Nugget, Jr 2:28 Numero 2:27 SanMalo 2:.!6% Saboya, p 2:19 1 / 2 Nuncio by Nutwood. Irl N 2:24% A. K. R., p 2:221/2 Nutalwood by Nutwood. George Anthony 2 :29% Linewood, p 2 :21 Nutbourne by Belmont. Arnutta 2 :27% Cheyenne 2:14% Clontarf 2:22 Newbold 2:27% Nunmont 2:2254 Nuttalite 2:26% Nutbreaker by Nutwood. Aura D 2:27% Bassicla 2 :27 1 / 2 Barada 2:22% Edgar P 2:24% May Breaker 2 17% Moses 2:29% Nutmaid 2:29% Nutpick 2:25% Colletta, p 2:19% Dawson Lake, p 2 :20% Earnest B., p 2 :27% The Princess, p 2:19 Nutgrove by Nutwood. Bellwood 2:30 Christine 2 :25% Nuthunter by Nutwood. Charley Moore 2 :21% Eastwood , 2:24% Dick Mason, p 2 :14% Nuthurst by Nutwood. Garland H 2:29% Dan Robinson, p 2 :25% Little Doubtful, p .... 2 :29% Nutland by Nutwood. ^ Georgia 2:29% Nutman by Nugget. Shylock, p 2:20 Nutmeg by Nutwood. Damania 2:22% Hilberry 2:27% Maud V 2:29% Nutant 2:26% Nutmont by Nutbourne. Navarro 2 :22 Nutgold by Nutwood. KittyB 2:29% Nutpatch by Nutwood. Albert Darling, p 2 :21% Nuttingham by Nutwood. Col. Nuttingham 2:22% Laura Nuttingham . . .2 :21% Nutwood by Belmont. 4ddie D 2 :25% Aegon 2:18% Algy 2:19% Antelope 2 :23% jEolian 2:28% Atwood 2:27% Bamboo 2:29% Baywood 2 :27 Bessie Burton 2 :22% Bedah 2:27% Blake 2-18% Blanche N 2:25% Bonnie Nutwood 2:29% Brilliantine 2 :29% Capt. Mack 2:29 Cedarwood 2:28 Chancewood 2 :25 Com. Porter 2:13 CyrusR 2:17% Daisy N 2:26% Dalphia D 2:29% Dawn 2:18% ElCapitan 2:26 Elflnwood 2:15% Emma Nutwood 2 :24 Enright 2:18% Esmond 2:29% Estelle 2:19 Eva W 2:25% Felix 2:18% Florence R 2 :26% Foxwood 2:24% Glen Mary 2:25% Glenview Belle 2 :20% Glenwood 2 :29% Gotham 2:29% Gracewood 2 :27% Hagar 2:25 Herman Nutwood 2 :22% Highwood 2:21% Homestead. ..., 2:30 Jeanie C 2:22 Jim Mulvernna 2 :19% Lady Nutwood 2:25% Lightwood 2 :25% LillyH 2:29 Lizzie Mac.. 2:24 Lockheart 2:13 LulieC 2:16% Maggie E 2:19% Madwood 2:29% Mamie Comet 2:24% Manipulator 2 :29% Manon 2:21 Matilda 2:30 Melissa 2:25 Miner 2:19% Menlo 2:21% Monte Vista 2:28% Mount Vernon 2:15% Muscovite 2:18 Nemesis 2:28 Neponset....: 2:24% Newcomb 2:29% NinaD 2:26% Nuncio 2:23% Nutallee 2:29 Nutbreaker 2:24% Nutcoast 2:19 Nutgall 2:29 Nuthunter 2:30 Nutland 2:29 Nutling 2:29% "Nutmeg 2:16 Nutrition Nutwith Nutwood Chieftain ..2:24% ..2:29* ..2:29% Nutwood Jr 2:29% Nutwood Prince 2:28% Parkwood 2:26% Prince Nutwood 2 :26 Red Nutwood 2:27 Redwood 2:27 Rockbridge 2:29 Roloson 2:30 gossS 2:19% Rowood 2 :^:9% Russia 2:29% Ruth Nutwood 2 :24% Sagasta 2:29% Sally Graham 2 :29% Shadeland Bellwood. 2:25% SilenaF 2:20 Sol 2:30 Sulfonal 2:16% Sylvan 2:23% Teakwood 2:30 58 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Tom Scott 2:26 Trousseau 2 :28% Wilkeswood 2 :23% Woodbird 2:27 Woodbrino 2:25 1 / 2 Wood Boy 2:25 Woodline 2:19 Woodnut 2:16% Wormwood 2:25 Acmon,p 2:29% BelmontBoy, p 2:15 Birchwood, p 2:15 Foxglove, p 2:24% Glenwood, p 2:13% HarryT.,p 2:25% Irma.p 2:18% Jaywood, p 2:29% Lida W.,p 2:18% Manager, p 2 :06% Matterliorn, p 2 :16% Mecca, p 2:19% Nutcoal, p 2:24 Nuthur8t, p... 2:12 Nutpan, p 2 :19% Nutpine, p 2:15% Nutrose, p 2 :22 Nutwood Wilkes, p...2:25% Reserve Fund, p 2 :26 Stockwell, p 2:21% Strongwood, p 2 :16% Waif,p 2:27% Wilkes Nutwood, p... 2 :24% O. A. C . by Knickerbocker. Highland Girl 2 :29% Oak Hill by Kysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Nickle 2:21 Oakhill by Woodford Mam- brino. Charley K 2:29% Oberlin by Harold, Dodgeville 2 :14% Marie B 2:30 Obediah 2:25 Summit 2:29% Oberonby Messenger Duroc. Nelly 2:23% Obstacle by Onward. Gov. Hogg 2:29% Oceana Chief by Aldrich Colt. Maggie Knox 2 :24% Oceana Prince, p 2 :25 Octibbeha by Jeff Davis. Echo Chief 2 :21% Odd Fellow by Echo. Danger 2:26% Ricetta 2:22% Odd Ringham by King Herod. Capt. Herod 2:25% Odessa by Onward. EllaG. p 2:23% Odin Bell by Samson. Sadie Bell 2:24 O. F. C. by Onward. Fred Nelson 2 :24% Ohio by Hotspur. Jeff Smith 2:27% Jeff Smith, p 2:29% Ohio Knickerbocker b y Knickerbocker. Quaker Boy 2:24 Zenobia 2:29% Nicholas, p 2 :19% Old Charley. Charles H 2 :21% Old Joe. Desdemona 2 :27 Old Nig. German Boy 2:28% Old Rocket. Rocket, p 2:28 1 / 2 Ole Bull by Pacing Pilot. Chicago"" 2.24% Ole Bull by Antar. Solo,p 2:29% Ole Bull Jr. Ole Bull. Steve Maxwell 2 :21% Olmedo Wilkes by Onward. Cash 2:26% Fancy Bess 2:27% Flora Wilkes 2:23% Olney Wilkes 2 :25% Tennyson 2 :27% Mercurius, p 2 :22% Play Fair, p 2:24% Olympus by Almont. McKusick 2:26% Rose L 2:27% School Mann 2 :20 Vishmont 2:30 Onawa by Goodwin Hamble- tonian. Beulah 2:26 Daisy W 2:25% Flossie M 2:29% Onawa Jr 2:30 Owoissa 2:i9% Otto,p 2:23% Oneco by Altamont. Delcho 2:23% Oneida. Margaret M. p 2:25% Oneida Chief by Kentucky Chief. MaudF w'30 Onmore by Onward. Crete 2:29% Onslaught. On Set... 2:26% Onslaught by Onward. A1Q. Chase 2:24% Big Fox 2:22% Black Hal 2:29% Clara Wilkes 2:26% Eilers 2:29% Lady Washington .... 2 :25% Rinaldo, p 2:14% Onward by George Wilkes. Acolyte 2-21 Action 2:28 Advance 2:22% Alcolyte 2:27% Allandorf 2:19% Anderson Wilkes 2 :22% Aparka 2:22 Artisan 2:18% Ballast 2:29% Beuzetta 2 :12% Boaz 2:17% Braxton 2:30 Bohemian 2:22% Catherine Leyburn ... 2 :16% Carthage 2:29% Charter 2:24 Christabel 2:29% Church Belle 2:27% Circuit 2:27 Clara Wilkes 2:17 Counsellor 2:21% Count Folsio 2 :26% Cut Glass 2:17 Daphne 2:25 Dessie Wingate 2:28 Elkhorn 2:28% El Mahdi 2:25% Emulation 2:21 Energy 2:24% Eros 2:30 Gazette 2:23% Gea. Bartholomew.. ..2:27% Glycera 2:20% Grit 2:299.; Henry Bruce 2 :26% Helen Leyburn 2:14 Holland 2:29% Houri 2:17 Ideal 2:29% Ingle wood 2 :24 Irma H 2:29% Keywood 2:21 Lena Miller 2:26% Linnetta 2:29% Lulu Wilkes 2 :26% Magic Wilkes 2:29% March Onward 2 :28% May Morgan 2 :19% Mikagan 2:19% Motor 2:29% Nelly Mason 2:14 Norther 2:15% Oasis 2:29% Oima ...2:25% Old Crow 2:22 Olmedo Wilkes 2 :26% Onslaught- 2 :28% On Time 2 29?i Onward Boy 2 :30 Onward Jr 2:29% Orianna 2:17% Ouray 2:28% Prelude 2:28% Proth 2:29% Rapid Transit 2 :18% Rex Americus 2:11% Rutledge 2:27% Shadeland Baron 2:27% Shadeland Onward. ..2:18% Southward 2 :28% Success 2:26% Susette 2:26% Toinette 2:30 Token/ 2:14% Ursula 2:28% Victoria Wilkes 2 :19% Westward 2 :29% Wheatland Onward ..2:16% Wilkesward 2:18% Valse 2:30 Zuletta 2:23% Andy Wilkes, p 2:18% Attraction, p 2 :^S% Bud Onward 2:21% Carrie Onward 2 :18% Colbert, p 2:12% Col. Thornton 2 :11 Dumas 2:18% Empress Wilkes, p, . . . 2 :25% Evonward, p 2 :28% Gazette, p 2:09% Hugh Gay, p 2:22 Interest, p 2:18 Judge Hines, p 2 :20 Leeward Wilkes, p ... 2 :19% Macklin, p Odella,p.... Rose Leyburn, p.. Tangent, p ...2:28% ...2:24% ...2:15% ...2:18% TorrTExum, p 2:19% Onward King by Onward. Lord Tennyson, p 2 :24% Opal by Swigert. faoxie 2:29% Agate.p 2:21 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 59 You Tell 2:1914 Orange Blossom by Middle- town. Garrison 2 :25% Hunter Rye 2 :26% Orange Bloom 2 :25% Orange Boy.. 2 :18% Orange Chief 2 :16% Orange Leaf 2 :29% Sir Blossom 2 :29% Prince Orange, p 2 :25 Orange County by Eysdyk's Hambletonian. Lem 2:27*4 Lizzie H 2:28% W. M. Mallory 2:30 Welter 2:20% Orange Duroc by Messenger Duroc. BobM 2:26^ Oregon Pathfinder by Morrill. Elaine 2:26% Young Rattler 2 :30 Orient. Boston 2:29% Oriole by De Graff's Alexan- der. Tulu 2:24% Orion by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian. Rex 2:22% Verlinda B 2:20 OranC.,p 2:22% Orion by Guiding Star. Bonnie B., p, 2:19% Orphan Boy by Potter Clay. Black Hawk 2:20% Orpheus by Strader's Cassias M. Clay Jr. Alvin 2 :11 Orra Drew. JoeB.,p 2:29*4 Ortpn by Princeps. Livia, p 2:22?^ Oscar by Masterlode, Oscar Jr 2:28% Osceola by Drennon. W. K. Thomas 2:26 Oshkosh by Milwaukee. Cato Boy 2 :26% J.C ......2:29% Winnebago 2 :24% Oshkosh Boy. Little Johnnie, p 2 :19% Vinnie, p 2 :23% Osier Horse. LeeM 2:28% Osman by Strader's Cassius M. Clay. Oreide. 2:26% Longitude, p 2 :18 Osric by Middletown. MissHoke 2:29% Oseian by Tyrant. Annie Ossian 2:25 Ossidine by Hambrino. Osman 2:27 Otego Chief by Victor. EffieB 2:27 Hector 2:23 Othello by Mambrino Pilot. Agnes M 2 :24% Charles F. Iseminger.2:19% Maud 2 :29% Ottawa Chief by Byron. Harrison 2 :18% Wayside 2-21% Wilber Chief 2:21 Otta Nelly, p 2:28 Han ison, p 2 :19% Outcross by Jeb Stuart. Odin 2:29% Overland by Stevens' Bald Ned....'. 2:29*4 Overseer by Supervisor. Blue Bell 2:30 Overstreet Wilkes by George Wilkes. Salute 2:26% Joy Wilkes, p 2 :21% Oxford Boy by Backman's Idol. Maby 2:16% Oxford Boy. Molly S.,p 2:27% Oxford Boy by Hampton. Myrtle 2:30 Oxmoor by Princeps. Cheltenham 2 :28 Octavius 2:26% Orpheus 2:30 Hermod, p 2 :27% Ozark by Swigert. BenK 2:27% John M. p 2:25 Pacing Abdallah by Alex- ander's Abdallah. Bay Mate 2:30 W. B.H 2:28% AbbieH. p 2:26% Doctor G. p 2 :25% Pacing Almont by Cardinal. Glidemont, p 2 :21% Pacing Pilot. Kate Preston 2 :27% Pactolus by Patronage. Packet 2:27 Paddy Magee. Kitty L 2:27% Paganni. Blossom 2:26% Paladine. Morgan Wheeler 2 :29% Palmer Bogus by Ballard's Bogus. Damon 2 :23% George Palmer 2 :19% Palmer Horse. WalterD 2:25 Palmer Knox. J im Knox, p 2 :29% Palmetto by Red Wilkes. Ali 2:29% Pat Murphy, p 2:20 Palatka by Nutwood. Delta, p 2:21% Palo Alto by Electioneer. Avena 2:19% Fillmore 2:21% Palatine 2:18 Rio Alto 2:16% Palo Alto by Barkis. Alma Alto 2:30 Pamlico by Meander. Little Tobe 2:19% Maggie Campbell 2 :25% Pan by Pancoast. Mattie G 2:22% Lucy Pan, p 2:17 Pansy L. p 2:23% Panama by Jay Gould. Panama Maid, p 2 :20 Can Clare by Pancoast. Pendelum 2:39 Pancoast by Woodford Mam- brino. Aquarius 2:26 Arpansa 2:30 Bluecoast 2 :29% Breadwinner 2 :29% Cuylercoast 2 :16% Garnet 2:13% Issaquena 2:21% Lucy Pancoast 2 :29 Nita Pancoast 2 :24% Pall Mall 2:22% Pan 2:28% Panclare 2:23*4 Pangold 2;24% Patenter 2:27% Patron 2:14 Pointer 2:26% Ponce de Leon 2 :13 Prodigal 2:16 Arpansa, p 2 :23% Dodd Peet, p 2:18 Proctor.p 2;1T Pronto,p 2:24 Pandect by Pancoast. Paudetta 2 :29% Panic by Ethan Allen. Barney Allen 2 :26% Butterscotch 2 :20 Twinebinder 2 :29% Wanetah 2 :18% Panic by McGregor's War- rior. Empress 2:30 Pappalee by Pocohontas Boy. Maggie's Last 2:29% Paragon by Andrew Jackson. Frank Munson 2 :25 Paragon by Womack's Mes- senger. Gussie T 2:26% Sunrise, p 2:27% Paragon by Bailey's Paragon. Belle of Fitchburg . . . . 2 :30 Paramount by Swigert. Baby Mine 2:22 Col. P 2:24% Jay See Bee 2:28% Lurline 2:17% Parisian by Happy Medium. Yellow Yam 2:30 Paris by Mohican. Dixie Van, p .2:24% Paris Medium by Happy Medium. Prince Medium 2 :29% Parkville by Electioneer. Sub Rosa.p 2:23% Parmenus by Woodford Mam- brino. Daisy D 2:30 Parsons Horse by Ball Horse. Lady Williams 2 :28% Pasacas by Almont. Agnes 2:29% Cenateur 2:21% EvaS 2:30 Hyacinthe ...2:20% Huron Boy 2:16% Lucille 2:29% May Mitchell 2:22% Nestor 2:26% lillieS 2:27% White Oak 2:24% Greenfield Maid, p .... 2 :20% 60 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Lady Belle, p 2:28% Passmont, p 2:2854 Woodmont, p 2 :22% Pascarel by Almont. Harry P 2:2554 Modesty 2:cO Pascolette. Pascal 2:27 1 /2 Pasha by Sultan. Moro 2:25 Pat. Jack the Ripper, p... 2:2654 Patchen (Thibbett's) by Patchen Boy. Screwdriver 2 :2454 Patchen (Quinn's) by George M. Patchen Jr. Marin f 2:22*4 Patchen (Marshall's). JohnL ...2:2954 Patchen by Mambrino Patchen. A.H.F 2:26 Patchen (Monahan's). MabelF 2:29% Patchen (Osgood's) by Pat McCrea. Nightingale 2:10 1 / 2 Patchen (Goodhue's). Grey Ned 2:25 Patchen (Dean's) by Mam- brino Patchen. Surpass, p 2:2154 Patchen. Little Maud 2 :2654 Patchen (King's) by Young Red Rover. Patchen 2:18% Patchen Chief, Jr. by Chas. E. Loew. Revenge 2 :2454 Patchen Mambrino by Mam- brino Patchen. WalterE 2:10 Patchen Vernon by George M. Patchen, Jr. Allan Roy 2 :17H Patchen Volunteer by God- frey Patchen. Annie P 2:25% Nettie D., p 2:24% Patchen Wilkes by George Wilkes. Coma 2:2654 Favora 2 :12J4 Henrico 2:15 Jaco 2:29 Juliana 2:30 Lauretta 2:30 Lissa 2:16% Liva 2:2514 Patchen Wilkes Maid 2 :22 1 / 2 Westbrook 2:23 Blackie, p 2:20 Divan, p 2:15 Joe Patchen, p 2:04 Lauretta, p 2:2454 Mary West, p 2 :2154 Monita, p 2:1954 Pathfinder (Buell's) by Bene- dict's Pathfinder. Addie Pathfinder 2:25 Pathfinder, Jr. 2:27% Western Pathfinder... 2:28 Pathfinder (Hayner's) by Buell's Pathfinder. Richard H 2 :30 Pathfinder, Jr. by Buell's Pathfinder. EscalantL 2:29^ Patoka by Despatch. Patoka Boy 2:30 Patrick Henry by Vermont Black Hawk. Chester 2:2854 Maggie M 2:27 K Patron by Pancoast. Helen K 2-22Y 2 Luzelle , 2-1654 MarieD .2:258 Nancy W 2 :2654 Parole 2:16 Patroon 2:23J4 Patroness 2:27*4 Peeler 2:27 Stamina 2:26V4 Hyannis.p 2:lli4 Phylie.p 2:1954 Patronage by Pancoast Alix 2:03% Pactolus 2:12% Patroness 2:26H Pearwood 2:25 Pontoon 2:30 Pat Silver by Ben Patchen, Flora Silver, p 2:25 Patterson Medium by Happy Medium. Dot 2:2854 Paul Jones by Gossip Jones. Annie Collins 2 :23 1 A Paul Jones, Jr. by Bennett's Paul Jones. Billy R., p 2:2754 Jersey Boy, p 2:2254 Ferine, p.. 2:2454 Peacemaker by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Alroy 2:2254 Kitty Frazier 2:2154 Lady Moore 2 :25 Midnight 2:1854 Frank Burgess, p 2 :20!4 Nodine, p 2 :19% Peacock by Hamlin's Al- mont, Jr. Hartford 2:30 Peacock by Whipple's Ham- bletonian. Sensation 2:22 White Cap, p 2:1554 Peacock. Fox 2:30 Peacock. Tip O' Tip, p 2:1254 Pearsall by Jupiter. Capadura 2:30 Charley Hood 2 :':!9;4 David Jones 2:1754 W.T.Allen 2:29 Pea vine by Rattler. Lucy Fleming 2 :2454 Nettie Ward 2 :29& Peddlar by Electioneer. Elspeth. p 2:2754 Pedo by Wagner Bashaw. MaudS. M 2:22 Pegasus by Lexington Gold- dust. Black Diamond 2 :19tf Pegasus by Harold. Happy Tom, p 2 :23!4 Pelham Tartar by Toronto Chief. Namouna 2:2854 Pelletier by Lord Russell. Armenian 2 :2754 HarryT 2:28% King Goldmar 2 :25% Secure 2:2954 Billy Pierce, p 2:22% Lenatier, p 2 :1654 Valid, p 2:17 1 / 2 Pennant by Abe Downing. Fair Rosamund 2 :30 Nerissa 2:21% Umbria 2:2554 Pennypack by Mambrino Pilot. Blossom 2:20 Nora Lee 2:2954 Star 2:30 Penrose by Onward. Cecie Lewis 2:30 Tirzah 2:26 AlbertE., p 2:10% Arbor Wilkes, p 2 :18V4 Ring Rose, p 2 :14% Tonsorial, p 2 :23% Weber Wilkes 2 :1354 Zelpha Burns 2:1554 Peoria by Arnold. Dick Dimple 2 :30 Smith, p 2:1354 Pepper by Harold. Belle Pepper 2:28% Pequa Prince. Pequa Princess 2 :21Y Z Pequawket by Gideon. Sadie S 2:28 l / 2 Stella Blake 2:2554 Sweetness 2 :26H Perduro by Durango. Clayton 2:20& Perduro K 2:1954 Joe Nelson, p 2 :175i Perkins Morrill by Young Morrill. Glide 2:24 Pero by Backman's Idol. Multiform 2:28 Robert S 2:28 Pete (White's). The Colonel 2 :2654 Peter by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian. lola 2:2954 Peter Everett. Sleepy Dave, p 2 :2854 Peter Blair. Dexter 2:25 Peter G. by Wood's Hamble- tonian. Walker H 2:26% Peter Jefferson by Thomas Jefferson. NellyC 2:27H Peter Pinder by Return. Lady Passmore 2:2554 Peter Story by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Story Teller 2 :27% Westchester Girl .2 :2654 Petoskey by George Wilkes. Jadie Allen 2 :17*4 Nelly O'Neill 2 :22K Prohibition 2 :2754 Sylvan 2:28* Allie Wilkes, p 2 :1854 Alphonso Wilkes, p. ..2:25 Alta Wilkes, p 2:v854 Dora Martin, p 2:1954 Jewell, p 2:1054 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Kingtoska, p 2:17 Lady Long, p 2 :20% Lennie Striker, p 2 :20 Long Wilkes. p 2:23 Mary Lou, p 2:19/2 Tip Top. p 2:19 Phallamont by Phallas. Dan Phallamont 2 :24 1 / 2 Esperanza 2:23% Harry Phallamont 2 :30 Kate Phallamont 2 :17% Kitty Clyde 2 :28% Luna 2:21% May Belle 2:29*4 Massasoit. 2:i!5% Phallamiss 2:29*4 Phallamont Boy 2 :18 Phallamont Chief ....2:30 Phallamont Girl 2 :27% Phallamont Sprague.2:27% Phallamont Swigert. .2 :28 Phallene 2:30 Therese Phallamont.. 2:29% Virginius 2:19*4 PhaUas by Dictator. Bonnie Phallas 2:29 Gov. Rusk 2:27% Gus Voltz 2:29% Hattie K 2:24% Hellas 2:24^ Jenny K 2:15/ 2 Merlin 2:27% Mystery 2:21% Pacolet 2:29% Patriot 2:24 Puzzle 2:30 Ripplet 2:29% Trotwood 2 :27*4 Pharos, p 2:21*4 Phantom by Mambrino Paris. Frank M 2:27 Pharaoh (Pepper's). Maud P., p 2:15% White Billy, p 2:27 Pharon by Pharos. Daisy,p 2:27% Pharos by Phallas. Fred Douglass, p 2 :17% Pat Heron, p 2 :17% Pharon, p 2:16% Phil by Arlington Tuckahoe. Spider, p 2:25 Phil Fortune by Fortune Boy. FloraS 2:27*4 Clara H.,p 2:24% Phil Sheridan by Young Co- lumbus. Adelaide 2:19% Bessie Sheridan 2 :23/ 2 Commonwealth 2 :22 Faustina 2 :28% Hiram Woodruff 2 :25 H. W. Beecher 2 :28% JuliaC 2:23% Phil Sheridan Jr 2 :28*4 Phyllis 2:15i/ 2 Tom Malloy 2:30 Valley Chief 2:25 Phil Sheridan (Thurlew's) by Gen. Knox. Fanny M 2:29% Phil Sheridan Jr. by Thur- lew's Phil Sheridan. Mattie B 2:27% Norway Knox 2 :294 Phil Sheridan Jr. by Phil Sheridan. Fleetwood 2:27% Irish Pullet 2:28 Phil Mack 2:29% Phil Sheridan Jr. by Stock- holm. Nettie D 2:25% Commonwealth, p 2 :24% Daisy.p 2:23/ 2 Philosopher. Major Brown 2 :28 Phoenix by Stony Ford. Kate C 2:24 Phurah by St. Gothard. Cinch, p 2:26 Pickering by Rysdyk's Ham- bletoniau. Lonsbury 2:28% Louis P -2:21% Phillis 2:25% Phillios.p 2:27*4 Picco byParmenus. Grievor 2:23% Lady Picco, p 2:30 Picket by Aberdeen. Helen R 2:27% Molly G 2:20% NellyS 2:21% Picket 2:16/ 2 Verona 2:21 / 2 Woodlawn 2:22*4 Nelly S.,p 2:16% Pickpocket by Pequawket. Mamie W., 2:27*4 Pickpania 2:14% Margaret M 2:19 Piedmont by Almont. Carlisle 2:22% Esparto Rex 2:29% Highmont 2 :29% Hyperion 2:21% Ira 2:24/2 King Piedmont 2 :30 Limonero 2 :15% Lorita 2 :22% Marion 2:26% MarstonC 2:19% Pequot 2:26 Sport 2:22% Stanford 2:26*4 Wanda 2:22*4 Wavelet 2:28 Wild Bee 2:29 Wildmont 2:27% Charley C., p 2 :18*4 Pilot by Pilot Medium. Daisy Norwood, p 2 :23% Pilot (Heinsohn's). Roanoke 2:26 Pilot (Miner's). Miss Maybee 2:29% Pilot Jr. by Canadian Pilot. Dixie 2:30 Gen. Sherman 2 :28% John Morgan 2 :24 Pilot 2:28% Pilot Temple 2 :24*4 Queen of the West. .. .2:26% Tackey 2:26 Tattler 2:26 Pilot Almont by Bostick's Almont Jr. Duchess 2:30 I. S. French 2:12% Gipsy Girl, p 2:15 Mattie Graham, p.... 2:21 Pilot Chief by Bayard. Mugwump, p 2:20*4 Pilot Champion by Argonaut Alpha 2:25% Charley R., p 2:25% Harry Hoyer, p 2 :28 Pilot Duroc by Pilot Jr. Big John 2:24% Kellar Thomas 2 :12% Pilot W... ...2:24% Shiloh, p 2:20/ 2 Pilot Duroc Jr. by Pilot Du- roc. Daisy Holmes, p 2 :28Vz Pilot Gift Mamie Gift, p 2 :29% Pilot Knox by Black Pilot. Pilot Bird, p 2:22% Piloteer by Bayard. Prize 2:22% Pilot Mambrino by Pilot Jr. John Henry 2 :26Vi Juror 2:24% N.T.H 2:17*4 Wee Wee 2:23 Pilot Medium by Happy Med- ium. Alphington 2 :18*4 B.B. P 2:13/2 Belle Medium 2 :18*4 Berwick Boy 2 :24/ 2 Bohemian 2 :24*4 Buckshot 2:20% Calhoun 2:24% Chancert 2:29% Cherokee 2 :29V4 Clarence 2 :24/ 2 Col. Dickey 2:16% Delevan 2 :25*4 Florinda 2:29% Galatea 2:25% Georgie 2:28% Girflue 2:22% Gognac 2:27 Happy Pilot 2:22% Helmsman 2:28fc Jack 2:11/2 Knight 2:29*4 Lady Belle 2:14% Lady Bullion 2 :16% Lottie Williams 2 :27 Max 2:20*4 McLane 2:28% Medio 2:14*4 Medonias 2:30 Minerva 2 :18 Minnie Brown 2:29% Overholt 2:19 Pabst 2:21 Piletta 2:14*4 Pilot (Lee's) 2 :12*4 PilotH 2:29/ 8 Pilot Middleton 2 :26/ 2 Piloteen 2 :28*4 Pilot W 2:24 Quickstep 2 :27 % Racine 2:14 Star Medium 2:26% Stewart 2:19*2 S. W. Bennett 2:19*4 Tentabit 2:29% Tyrolean 2 :20*4 Vestibula 2^25 Vesta Medium 2 :29% Wapokisko 2:26 Will Carleton 2 :25% Allison, p 2:24*4 Michigan Mattie, p.. .2:26% Molly Slimmer, p 2:23*4 Valley, p 2:19% Victor.p 2:23% 62 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Pilotown by Middletown. , MaxT 2:29i> 2 Pilot Wilkes by George Wilkes. Clara Wilkes 2 f.&A Jessie Wilkes 2:28*4 Jim Riddle 2:25*4 Ramona 2 :26*4 Tavernier 2 :26>4 Biinky Morgan, p 2 :26% LadyM.,p 2:20 1 /i Rock Wilkes, p 2 #034 Pineapple by George Wilkes. Lady Thistle 2 :27*4 Pioneer Clay by Pioneer. Frontier 2:29% Pistachio by Belmont. SarahC 2:22*4 Guiado 2 :30 P. J. Purcell by Squire Tal- mage. C. H. Purcell 2:1934 Planet. Sarah B 2:30 Planter by Pancoast. Pandora 2:27 Pauline 2:29*4 Plato by Gen. Knox. Golden Boy. p 2:13*4 Plato Jr. by Plato. EddieB 2:29% Platte by Gustavus. Emma J 2:27% Billy L 2:18% Platte Allen. Lydie Allen, p 2:30 Play Boy by Hamlin's Almont Playful 2:26% Plow Boy by Long Island Black Hawk. Bashaw Maid 2:30 Plow Boy by Excelsior. Dan Bryant 2:24 Plumas by Rattler. Ashley 2:25*4 Wallace G 2:23*4 Plumstone by Harry Plum- mer. B.G 2:24i/ 2 Panstone 2:19*4 Pluto by Wedgewood. Clarence 2:30 Kluto 2:28^ Leo 2:22i/2 Poco 2:291/2 Plutrusse 2:30 Blue Wing, p 2:27 Plutowood, p 2:29% Plymouth by Mambrino Patchen. Erminie 2:13*4 Pocahontas Abdallah by Po- cahontas Boy. Mabel Flood, p 2:19 Nelly Mayo, p 2:28 Pocahontas Boy by Tom Rolfe. Highland Maid 2 :29*4 Highland Mary 2:26 King Charles 2 :29*4 Pocahontas Prince.. .2-20H Polka Dot 2:28 Twilight 2:28i/2 AlDonie,p 2:28 American Boy, p 2 :2&Y 2 Butcher Boy, p 2 :26*4 Clayhontas, p 2 :11*4 Candidate,p 2:29% Daisy V. p 2:2334 Gurgle, p 2:20 Harry Hontas, p 2 :24*4 Legal Hontas, p 2:24 Nelly B. p 2:21 Pocahontas Sam, p...2:27% Pocahonsas Prince, p.2:19}4 Princess, p 2 :19*4 Raven Boy, p 2:15% Sancho, p 2 :20 Pocohontas Chief. Tommy R. p 2 :20 Pocohontas Boy Jr. by Poco- hontas Boy. Sleepy Frank, p 2 :24*4 Pocohontas Sam by Pocoh ,n- tas Boy. Billy E. p 2:29i/2 Nels. Randall, p 2:20% Pixley Boy, p 2:12 Poca Eagle, p 2:21*4 Royal Jim, p 2 :26*4 Touch-Me-Not, p 2:1334 ZigJor, p 2 :13*4 Pocp Tempo by Happy Med- ium. Queen Tempo 2 :28*4 Polonius by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Bob Pinkerton 2 :30 Button 2:26 Furniture Boy 2 :22*4 Fred 2:28 Horton 2:25% On Time 2 :29 Philosee 2:2234 Reality 2:2034 VanCott, p 2:20i4 Pomeroy. Pearl, p $2:1934 Pompadour by Princeps. Charley H 2 :22*4 Pompey Smash by Cuyler. SamB 2:26% Ponce de Leon by Pancoast. Larry C 2:29*4 Periwinkle 2:28% Pontiac by Happy Medium. Molly Green 2 :26J4 Pony Frank by Frank. Black Frank, p 2:30 Porter Stanton by Gen. Stan- ton. Senator 2:2634 Portion by Planet. Minnesota 2 :27% Portland Pilot by Mambrino Pilot. Winthrop Pilot 2:27 Port Leonard by Ben Patchen. Annie D 2:29i/ 2 Dick Roach 2:24*4 Minnie P 2:29i/ 2 Poscora Hayward by Billy Hayward. Johnny Hayward 2 :26 Post Boy. Fanny Otis 2:28% Post Boy by Magic. Clemmie G. if 2 :18*4 Luby 2:20 Puella 2:29 Post Boy Frank by Post Boy. Neome..., ...2:24 Potter Hambletonian by Ly- sander. Little Harry 2 :29*4 Potter Horse. Brother Jonathan 2:24 Potter Horse (Young) by Pot- ter Horse. Falmouth Boy 2 :29"4 Pise tor by Messenger Duroc. Charley Green 2 :1934 Prairie King by ChesterChief . Garnishee 2:22*4 King Chester 2:1934 Prairie Star by Johnny Haw- kins. Astrione 2:30 Laura B 2:27*4 Reddy..... 2:29% Tiny Rogers 2:30 Premier by Daniel Lambert. Blondin 2:28% Prescott by Harold. Haroldson 2:25% President Garfield by Master- lode. Star Lily 2:20 President Sprague by George Sprague. Granger, p 2:1834 President Wilkes by Ashland Wilkes. P. J.,p 2:23% Pretender by Dictator. Benoni 2:22*4 Blue Dick 2:30 Dick Richmond 2 :27*4 Eula G 2:24 Ferguson Wilkes 2 :26 Frankfort 2:27% Lindie 2:2034 Reality 2:26 Ruby Macklin 2:22*4 Westfall 2:29i4 George Hayes, p 2 :22?i Hermitage, p 2:19 Pretension, p 2 :24!/2 RedRover.p 2:21 Priam by Whipple's Hamble- tonian. Frank M 2:17*4 Honesty 2:25% Harry M.. p 2:22*4 Primmont by Belmont. Prescott 2:27 Prior 2:29i/ 2 Primo by Hambletonian Wilkes. Prime 2:2134 Primus by Marshall Chief. Ewing Magdallah 2:23i/ 2 Tump Winston 2 :24*4 Prince. Princess, p 2:1734 Prince by William Tell. Flora Belle 2:29% Prince by Tom Crowder. Granger, p 2:24 Prince Albert byHandyAndy. Harry Arlington 2 :293i Don Q.,p 2:26 Fanny D., p 2:27 Prince Albert. Bessie S 2:2934 Prince Ali by Almont. Alexis 2:2134 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 63 Prince Aldine by Major Ben- ton. Marion H 2:24*4 Prince Allen by Honest Allen. Robert B. Thomas . . . . 2 :25 Prince Almont. Maud Lightfoot 2 :25*4 Prince Bismarck by Victor Bismarck. Merrimark, p 2 :18% Prince Charles by George Wilkes. Frank Jones 2 :19*4 Prince Columbia. Reform. p 2:26 Prince Dictator by Dictator. Dicta tor G 2:30 Princeer by Kentucky Prince. Freda 2:30 Ida A 2:25 Warren Guy 2:25 Prince Echo by Cloud Mam- brino. Hettie Hood, p 2 :24*4 Prince Edward by King Rene. Princeouia 2 :28*4 Prince Elma by Stephen A. Douglas. EllaE 2:22*4 Prince Fearnaught by Fear- naught Jr. Parole 2:26*4 Prince George by Kentucky Prince. Gregorian 2 :29% Princess Clara 2 :26H Prince Hal by Gibson's Tom Hal. Houck.p 2:27 Hugh A.,p 2:20 Lady B., p 2:29*4 Prince Imperial by Gen. Stan- ton. Dick Smith, p 2:191/2 Prince Imperial by William Welch. May Temple, p 2 :30 Prince Jr. by JeffersonPrince. Hat Rack, p 2:29*4 Prince L. by Bourbon Wilkes. Burt G 2:25% Topsy C 2:29*4 Prince Medium by Happy Medium. Ivy Medium 2:24*4 Sam Medium 2.30 Razzle Dazzle, p 2 :22 Prince Monroe by King Rene. JackSlade 2:29*4 Prince Orloff by Messenger Duroc. Annie L 2:29% Little Mag 2:26 Nelly Orloff 2:26*4 Princess Orloff 2 :29*4 Rigmarole 2:29*4 Sadie M 2:17*4 Prince Phallas by Phallas. Royal Phallas 2:30 Princeps by Wood ford Mam- brino. Earl 2:23% Editor 2:25*4 Epithet 2:29% Farce 2:29*4 FemmeSole 2:20 Fugleman 2:28% Geneva 2 :17*4 Granby 2:19^ Grasshopper 2 :29*4 Greenbacks 2 :23*4 Greenlander 2:12 Guelph 2:1634 Guitar 2:29% Guyon 2:27*4 Hebron 2:30 Hetty Pearl 2:27*4 Ibis 2:27 Ignaro 2 :25*4 Imogene 2 :22 Invincible 2:19% Jacobin 2:27 James P 2:28 Jubilant 2:22 Jubilee 2:26 Judean 2:29% J. W. South 2:29*4 Lady Washington .... 2 :24% Lucille's Baby 2 r20V4 Oddity 2:30 Opus 2:30 Predicate 2:23*4 Prince Dudley .2 :29% Prince Edsall 2:18*4 Princeton 2 :19% Princewood 2 :18*4 Prince N 2:30 Princeno 2 :30 Princeps Jr 2:2654 Principe 2:24*4 Romance 2 :29*4 Star Princeps 2:16% Talisman 2:30 Trinket 2:14 Count Princeps, p 2 :20*4 Greenhorn, p 2 :22 l / 2 Inkle, p 2:26*4 LeClede.p 2:18 1 4 Patoche, p 2:27*4 Princeptor by Princeps. Prince A. G 2:29*4 Cora Mack, p 2:22% Prince Pulaski. Henry Clay, p 2:25*4 Mattie Hunter, p 2:12% Prince Columbia, p.. .2:20 Prince Pilot, p 2:22*4 Prince Pulaski Jr. by Prince Pulaski. Ella Brown, p 2: 11*4 Flying Prince, p 2 :24V4 Prince Red by Red Wilkes. Best Way 2:29% Prince Regent by Mambrino King. Zenobia 2:22 Princeton by Princeps. Autrain 2 :16*4 Guy Princeton ........ 2 :28*4 Lizz e Lansing 2:22*4 Marquis of Eden 2 :23*4 Roy Princeton 2 :29*4 Spray 2:28*4 Daisy C.,p 2:22 Guy Princeton, p 2 :19*4 Henry F., p 2:10*4 Lady Princeton, p 2 :15*4 Rex Princeton, p 2 :23*4 Principe by Princeps. Dirego 2:18*4 Green River 2:22*4 Irene White 2:25*4 Polk Laffoon 2 :2l*4 Prince Belmont 2:29*4 Red Clover 2:26% Tom Dixon 2 :24*4 Prinmont. Mite,p 2:26*4 Privateer by Grey Messenger. Moscow 2 :26*4 Proclamation by Hiatoga Jim. Moxie Hiatoga, p 2 :21*4 Prodigal by Onward. Onward Boy, p 2 :24*4 Prompter by Blue Bull. Apex 2:26 Gazelle 2:25 Lucky B 2:20*4 Transit :2:26H Creole, p 2:15 Walker, p 2:23!/ 2 Prophet Wilkes by George Wilkes. KarlK 2:28% JohnH.,p 2:24*4 Prospect by Messenger Duroc. Commodore .2 :24*4 Prospect by Reno Renance. Goldenrod 2:29% Prospect by Blood Chief. Turk Franklin, p 2 :16J4 Prosper by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Martha 2:30 Prosper Merimee by Fritz. AyersP 2:21% Pure Gold by Mambrino King, Poser 2:26 l / 2 Pure Wilkes by Red Wilkes. Prue 2:21*4 Puritan by Happy Medium. B.G...... 2:27*4 Puzzler. Gloriana 2:25*4 Joe Dayton 2:25% Pyramid by Almont. Maud A 2:19*4 Latimer Girl, p 2 :29V4 Quaker Boy by Ohio Knicker- bocker. Elma 2:29% Quaker General by Gen. Knox LulaH 2:2414 Quartermaster by Alcyone. Bellaire 2:28 Blue Bells 2:18*4 Frisco 2:27% Hortense 2 :21*4 LadyJuno 2:30 Leesee 2:23% Lenox 2:22% Leola 2:30 Melophene 2:28 Nyanza 2:30 Penelope 2 :29*4 Quartermain 2 :29 Q uartermarcb 2 :19*4 Quarterstretch 2 :15 Reveille 2:27*4 Stanley 2:24*4 Sunbeam 2:28 Woodwine , 2 :28*4 Queechy by Alcyone. Miss Woolsey 2 :22*4 Queen's Phallas by Phallas. Tommy G 2:25 Quicksilver. George Jones, p 2 :24*4 Quilna Chief by Pocahontas Boy. Bay Leaf, p 2:24*4 64 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. BenF.,p 2:24% David Copperfield, p. 2:16 Deck Wright, p 2 :18% Railsplitter by Young Mor- Blanche 2 :23% Rainbow. Red Cloud, p 2 :19% Rainbow (Kremer's) by Tuck- er's Rainbow. Nelly Davis, p 2 :24% Ralston by Romulus. Lady Hamilton 2:25% Rena 2:25 Rampart by Almont. Arc Light 2:19% Deceiver 2:30 Israel 2:19% Rampart Jr 2:29 Resolution 2 :28% Ranchero by Clark Chief Jr. DeSoto 2:24 Fantasia 2:25 Rappahannock by Ethan Al- len. Brushy John 2:27 Rare Ben by Ben Franklin. Rare John 2 :18% Rattler (Werner's) by Big- gart's Rattler. Mary Davis 2:26% Rattler by Stockbridge Chief. Gen.Pioton 2:30 Sophia Temple 2 :27 Rattler. Sagwa.p 2:25% Rattler (Woodard's) by Big- gart's Rattler. Jf e Brown 2 :22 Rattler (Whitehead's) by Judge F. C. W.L.,p 2:25 Rattler. Mead 2:25 Rattler Jr. by Rattler. Esmeralda 2 :29% Rattler Brooks by Earnhart's Brooks. Clara J.,p 2:17% Edward, p 2:29% Lucy K., p 2:21% Minnie Holden, p 2:15% Rattler Tuckahoe. Kitty D ....2:2614 Raven byHambletonian Main- brine. Glaucus 2:2554 Raven by Milton. BoPeep,p 2:16% Raven Golddust by Golddust. Lou White 2:21% M.R 2:19% Nelly H 2:24% Raven Wilkes. Nellie W., p .....2:27% Ravenswood by Blackwood Jr. Kate Hamilton 2 :30 Kissel's Pointer, p .... 2 :16% Ray Almont by Bostick's Al- mont Jr. Gretchen H., p 2:23% Raymond by Simmons. Raymond Wilkes 2:26 Raymond by New York. Idler... ...2:28 R. C. Brown by Florida. Mary Centlivre, p 2 :12 Ready Money by Red Wilkes. King Wilkes 2 :25% Sibyl, p 2:29% Rebel Medium by Happy Medium. Confederate Medium. 2:27 Reconstruction by Vermont Boy. - Black Jim 2:29% Little Crow 2 :28% Recorder by Alcantara. Investigator 2 :19% Naiad King 2:23 Zillica 2:20% Leila May, p 2:18% Red Bank by Iron Duke. Gautier 2:27% Red Bill. Longfellow, p 2 :19% Red Bird by Henry 2d. Red Bird 2:30 Red Bird by Eagle Bird. Phillip H 2:27% Red Bird by Norman. Planter 2:24% Red Bird. Tolu Maid 2:23% Red Blossom by Red Wilkes. RedGrant,p 2:27% Red Buck (Arnold's) by Noah Day's Copperbottom. Chestnut Star, p 2 :22 Capt. Jack, p 2 :24% Columbus Girl, p 2 :2f>% Red Buck. Janie Woody, p 2:26% Red Buck (Hale's) by Arnold's Red Buck. SoirelDan. p 2:14 Red Buck (Taylor's) by Ar- nold's Red Buck. HarryC 2:21 Red Buck (Lafolette's) by Ar- nold's Red Buck. Belle Lawrence 2 :28 Red Buck. FrankF.,p. 2:30 Red Buck (Stone's) by Ar- nold's Red Buck. Ada Paul 2:26 Red Buck. Van Zant,p 2:29 Red Buck. Little Joe, p 2:29% Rockaway, p 2 :26% Silver Buck, p 2 :29% Red Cedar by Red Wilkes. Bay Cedar 2:30 Brown Cedar 2 :22 Red Chief by Red Wilkes. Wilkes Chief 2:23% Red Cloud by Night Hawk. NellyR 2:28 Red Belle 2:29% Hazel Kirke, p 2 :29% Red Dick. Belle N., p 2:27% Red Eagle by Grey Eagle. Daniel the Prophet . . .2 :27 Jenny 2:22% Rpd Eagle by Volunteer. Vernet ,2:27% Red Fern by McCurdy's Ham- bletonian. Fern Slip 2:27% Lady Fern 2:29% Red Bird 2:17 Red Bud 2:14% Redfield by Red Wilkes. Cardinal 2:27 Brookfield, p 2 :22 Charley Wilkes, p.... 2:18 Elbertfield, p . . .2 :19% RedRover,p 2:24% Red Flame by Enfield. Red Flame, Jr 2 :24% Red Jacket. Cannon Ball, p 2 :19% Roadmaster, p 2 :22 Red Joe. Charles S., p 2:21% Pickaway, p 2:16% Red King by Red Wilkes. King Harry 2:22 Red Lake 2:24% Red Lambert by Red Wilkes. Marion Wilkes 2:22% Red Luke by Red Wilkos. JoeMcLaughin 2:26% Red Mark by Pinafore. Bright Pat. p 2:23% Rfdmond C. by Joe Tborne. Red Bells 2:26% Redmond Wilkes by Victor Bismarck. Bessie R., p 2 :23% Redmont by Atlantic. Lottie Rocket, p 2 :18% Red Oak by Blue Bull. Moscow, p 2:20 Red Pilot by Brown Trigham. Jeffio Lee 2:22 Bay Pilot, p ?:2J% Monogram, p 2 :20% Red Prince by Red Wilk^s. Allie Wilkes 2:28 Red Wilkes by George Wilkes. Allie Wilkes 2:15 Aristides 2:20% Ashland Wilkes 2:17% Barney Wilkes 2 :2: j ,?i Bell Red 2:28% Bellevue Wilkes 2 :27fc - Ben V 2:29% BessieC 2:30 Billy Bell 2:25% Billy Red 2:28% Bonhommie 2 :17% Boston Globe 2:24 Butte 2:29% Charley Wilkes 2:21% Chestnut Wilkes 2:26% Claimant 2 :28% Clara T 2:28% Clinton Wilkes 2:26 Dallie Wilkes 2:14 Domineer 2:18% Don Wilkes 2:29% Etta Wilkes 2:28% Fred Wilkes 2:26% Giovani 2:28% Harvey Wilkes 2 :26% Hinder Wilkes 2:20% Hornell Wilkes 2:27% Island Wilkes 2:13% Ithuriel 2:29% Janifer 2:22 Jean Wilkes 2:27% J. R. Shedd 2:19% Kadijah 2:28% King D 2 :29% Lady Gilbert 2:25% Lady Masco tte 2:25% R. BEYER, ROCHESTER, N. Y. A Cleveland graduate who marked Vitello 2 :1 Clayhontas 2:11^4. and GEORGE SAUNDER3, CLEVELAND OHIO. One of the world's cleverest race drivers. He marked Clingstone 2 :14. Evangeline 2:11%, and was out in 1894 with Sable Gift 2:13^. L SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 65 Lady Wilkes 2:29% Lilly Moreland 2 :26H Lottie Moore 2 :29% Memento Wilkes 2 :24K Messenger Wilkes .... 2 :.'3 Nathan Wilkes 2 :25% Midvale Prince 2:25 Nelly Wilkes .... 2:18 1 / 2 Orianna 2:27% Passenger 2:30 Petrolia 2:27^ Phil Thompson 2.-16H Prince Wilkes 2:U% Prince Wilkes 2:29% Pure Wilkes 2:11% Ralph Wilkes 2:06% Redalia 2:26% Red Cherry 2:22H ReddieClay 2:28% Red Girl 2:23% Red Hawk 2:28V4 Red Heart 2:19 Red Hot... 2:26i4 Red Lambert 2 :28y z Red Lassie 2:20 Red Line 2:15 Red Mack 2:27% Red Queen 2:27% Red Star 2:23 Redstone 2:26% Red Wedge 2 :29 l / 2 Red Wilkes(Kitchel's)2:19% Reed Wilkes, 2:25% Repetition 2 :19% RedWing.... 2:29% Richard 2:30 Riverside 2:20% Roseline 2:22 Royal Red 2:21 1 / 2 Ruby 2:22K Sentinel Wilkes 2 :20% Sour Mash 2:24% Stanhope 2 :25V4 Tom Push 2 :30 Trafford 2:27% Vrowsky 2 :18% Wabash 2:20 Werther 2:201/4 Whipsaw 2:27% Wilkeslona 2 :24*4 Abbott Wilkes, p.... 2:12 1 / 2 Bellevue Wilkes, p . . . .2 :29% Blanche Louise, p.. ..2:10 Burback. p 2:29% Edna Wilkes, p 2:23 EffieG. p 2:2414 Ernestine, p 2:24 Grover Wilkes, p 2:24% Ithuriel, p 2 :29% Lady Belle, p 2:27% Lydia Wilkes, p 2 :17& Molly Malloy, p 2:20 Montana Wilkes, p...2:17 Nannie W. p 2.22 Natalie Wilkes, p 2 :26% Red Bell, p 2:11% Red Bud, p 2:24H Red Lady, p '->:16% Redfield, p 2:19% Robert Red, p 2 :26% Scarlet Wilkes, p 2:21% Trafford, p 2 :23y 2 Wayne Wilkes, p 2:16 Whipsaw, p 2 :26% Wilkeslona, p 2:28 William Red, p 2 :27 Redwood by Belmont, Grace 2 :26 Grover Cleveland 2:18% Lady Redwood 2 :27 Lamont 2:19 Orrville 2:27% Red Oak 2:21 Rosewood 2 :25% Scipio 2:26i/ 3 Redwood by Nutwood. Carl Redwood 2 :20% George Gray 2 :27 Gertrude G., p 2 :22 Our Dick, p 2:22% Redwood Boone by Redwood. Thompson 2 :27% Re-Election by Electioneer. La Haute 2:24 14 Referee by Administrator. Big Brown Jug 2 :29 1 / 2 Hambrino Pilot 2:29 Metal 2:27^4 Reference 2:18 Regalia by Jay Gould. Country Boy 2:23% Hathaway 2 :20% Flossy L.,p 2:23 Fullerton D., p 2 :19% Merit, p 2:23 Regal Wilkes by Guy Wilkes. Last Chance 2:26% Recent by Onward. Elsie 2:26V4 Zebu 2:29 Reero by Bayard. KittyB 2:29% Regulator by Mapes Horse. BonnieG 2:28 John Carter 2:30 Dan Mitchell, p 2:22% Regulus by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian. Billy S 2:28% Echo 2:28i/ 2 Jessie Maud ,.2:29 Pearl 2:23*6 R. E. Lee. Goldbud^p 2:25i/ 2 Reliance by Cassius M. Clay. Mystic 2:22 Reliance by Alexander. Adrian . .-..2:26Vs EdMRrsh 2:23% Reality 2:19% Tippo Tib 2 :24^ Daughter, p 2 :23Vs Rene by King Rene* Belle Archer 2 :12% Reno Defiance by Louis Na- poleon. Huspholt 2:25 Peleg 2:23% Prospect 2:18% Reno's Baby 2 :25V4 Richelieu 2 :23 l / 2 Barbara Riddle, p .... 2 :22y z Dolly W., p 2:24% George Campbell, p ..2:17 Nannie E., p 2 :17% Peleg,p 2:12% Reno's Baby,p 2:14 Reno Clipper, p 2 :20V4 Reno's Baby by Reno Defiance Reno M., p 2:20 Renshaw. Senator L 2:25 % Repetition by Red Wilkes. Repetition Jr 2 :26 Grace Wilkes, p 2 :20Y 2 Little Barefoot, p ....2:27& Repolee. Maggie's Last 2:29% Reporter by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Dan Smith 2 :21% Reporter by Dictator. Byron Smith 2:29% JamesF 2:22 Vz Republic by Mambrino Patchen. Freestone 2 :25 Republican by AlmontWilkes. PatL 2:27% Rescue by Satellite. Minnie R 2:25 Nominee 2:25 Olivette 2 :18& Roscoe 2 :30 Tommy Lee 2:25% Willis Woods 2:25 Billy C.,p 2:27% Joe Taylor, p 2:23 Minnie R., p 2:20% Red Thome, p 2:15^ Reserve by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian. Oscar 2 :30 Reserve Fund by Nutwood. Equivalent 2:29% Gold Bond 2:28 Tezu^a 2 :15 Resolute by (Fisk's) Mam- brino Chief Jr. HenryO ...2:25% Retter by Hamdallah. Captain Retter 2 :26% Reveille by New York. Capt. Wade ....2:30 Cappille 2:30 FredB 2:16% GreyCloud 2:25 Harry Baldwin 2 :24% Harry Wade 2:19 HenryW 2:29Vs Linnette 2:28% Racer 2:19% Red Leaf 2:29i4 Revel 2:29!/2 Revolt 2:19 Rinaldo 2:27 Theodore 2 :26% Vendetta 2 :20H Butler Chief, p 2 :25 LuluN.,p 2:241/6 Recall, p 2:26i/ 2 Revenue, p 2:29% Sir Thornton, p 2 :20% Theodore, n 2 :18V4 Revenge by Napoleon. Callahan Maid 2:25 Observer 2 :24% Troubadour 2 :19^ Revenue by Smuggler. Rena Rolf e 2 :19% ReveSo 2:28% Revolution. Sidney J 2:26% Rex Hiatoga by Scott's Ilia- toga. Lucy Paere 2:29% Newton B 2:17% Frank A., p 2:22 George A,, p 2:27 George Steece, p 2 :28V Gray Jack, p 2:29 HattieP., p 2:28% 66 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Minnie L M p 2:2934 Rex King, p 2:25 Hex Patchen by Godfrey Patchen. Ned Allen 2 :29% NeUyF 2:2334 Raymond 2:1734 Rex 2:28!/ 2 Roadster 2:30 Humming Bird, p 2 :19% R. F. Galloway by Mambrino Duncan. Enola 2:21% NeddieD 2:26 Rhode Island by Whitehall. Gov. Sprague 2 :20% Jim Schriber 2 :21% Wilmar 2:2934 Richard Alden by Alden Gold- smith. Alden G..p 2:1934 Richard Scobell by Wood's Hambletonian. Belle B.. p 2:1934 Belle McGee, p 2 :24% Daisy B., p 2:2134 Sheriff, p 2 :15% Tony.p 2:2434 Richmond by Mambrino Pilot Molly S. Lightfoot. . . .2 :2134 Moonlight 2:25% Nettie H 2:26 l / 2 Richmond Chief. LucyB 2:27 Richmond Chief. Limber Jim, p 2 :30 Richmont by Almont. Pattie P 2:27 Ella Winters, p 2:29 Rich Wilson by Blue Bull. Kitty White, p 2:2734 Richwood by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Actor 2:2634 Jenny 2:18% Lady Richwood 2 :29% Norrick 2:29% Quartette 2 :22% Reporter 2:29% Triumph 2:29% Nutmeg, p 2:2734 Richwood by Squire Talmage. Bon Ton 2:29% Richmont p 2:27% Richwood by Clark's Mo- hawk Jr. Morefield 2:2934 Ridgeway. Ina 2:25% Ridgewood by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Belle of Kalmia 2:29% BenB 2:17% Wanda 2:25% Ridley Horse. Robert Lee 2 :2334 Rienzi by Belmont. Dunnette 2:22*4 Josephine 2 :2434 Pence 2:2434 Riflenian by imp. Glencoe. Col. Lewis 2:18% Rifleman by Rexford's Black Hawk. Rifleman 2:2734 Right Onward by Onward. Chief Onward 2 :22% Darkwood 2:2734 Red Express 2:22% Riley Medium by Happy Medium. Bernice Medium 2:27% Nina Medium 2:14 RileyS 2:21% Tom Medium 2:2934 Aurelian.p 2:293i Rinsldo by Mambrino Pilot. Frenaldo 2:2734 Ringgold by Tobe Drum Jr. Mondace 2:2734 Romeo 2:19% Rocea 2:24 Ringwood by Edward Everett Hurricane 2:2934 Baby Girl, p 2:2634 Redwood, p 2 :28% Ripple by Romulus. Col. Crockett 2 :2934 Ripton. Lucky Jim 2:26% Rising Sun by Rising Sun. Naboklish 2:29% Roanoke by Jupiter. RoanokeMaid 2:2234 Robb Wilkes by Ambassador. Santa Clara 2:29 Robber Boy by Mambrino King. Tandy 2:28H Robert B. by Squire Talmage. Lucy C., p 2 :20% Robert Bonner by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. ChaunceyH 2:2734 Lady Dahlman 2 :28 Robert Bonner Jr. Helen Luce 2:26% Robert Bonner, p 2 :2434 Robert Burns by Green's Bashaw. BenHaden 2:30 Fauntine 2:29% Robert C. by Swigert. Beulah Boy, p 2:2334 Robert Fillincrham Jr. by George Wilkes. Dr. W. p 2:24% Robert Fulton by Blanchard Morrill. Janesville 2:2934 Robert Fulton. JuliaD 2:27 RobertH 2:17 Robert L. by Haw Patch. Lady Robert 2 :1734 Robert McGregor by Maj. Edsall. Annie Hazen 2:2234 Anna Mace 2:2934 Annie McGregor 2 :24 Black HawkM'Greg'r.2 :28 Billy McGregor 2 :28% Bonnie McG regor . . . .2 :13% Bryan McGregor 2 -.23% Burns McGregor 2 :29 Buck McGregor 2 :29% Corie McGregor 2 :21 Corinne 2:14% Count Robert 2 :13% Dollikins 2:26% Don McGregor 2 :2734 Earl McGregor 2 :2l% Ethan McGregor 2 :2934 Eulalia 2:2934 Frank McGregor 2:24% Fred McGregor 2 : i934 Fred McGregor 2-30 Hixie McGregor 2 :28% Ida K 2:29% Jim Anderson 2 -28% Joe Eastman 2:2934 Katie Mac 2:2634 Lady McGregor 2:25% Laura McGregor 2:22 MacD 2:30 Mark Time 2:19 Mazie McGregor 2 :28 McCullough 2:30 McGregor (Hood's) ...2 :26% McGregor Boy 2 :29% McGregor Time 2 :30 McGregor Wilkes 2 :2734 McGregor Wilkes 2-21 Miss McGregor 2 :1934 Mohnw McGregor 2:29 Nelly McGregor 2:14 Notre Dame 2 :23% Novia 2:2734 Nyanza 2:15% Pearl McGregor 2:23% Prelude 2:29 Robert McGregor Jr. 2:30 Roslyn 2:15 Roxy McGregor 2 :20% Sacaza 2:29% Sappho 2:15% Sidner McGregor 2:18% Silver Bow 2:16 Silver King 2:30 Silver Wing 2:28 Velmar 2:28% Victor McGregor 2 :1934 Warren McGregor .... 2 :20% WilksieG 2:2234 Wildstar 2:23% Woodstock 2:1734 Kentucky Star, p 2:1734 Tom McGregor, p 2:12 Robert R. Morris by Inde- pendent. J. P. Morris 2:2034 Senator 2:26% Robert Ryan by Goldsmith's Pilot. B^lle Calley. p 2:2734 Robert Rvsdyk by William Rysdyk. Guy... 2:1534 ElizaK 2:19% Jap, p 2:25% Robert St. Glair by Jack Roberts Jr. Howard St. Clair.p... 2:18 Robert Smith by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Broadway 2 :29% Robert Whaley by Night Hawk. Adelene 2:26% Luzerne 2:'?334 Razor B 2:25 Robin Clay by Star Clay. Bill Thunder 2:25 Robin Hood by Balaklava. Quiz,p 2:1734 Robinson by Swigert. Alexander 2:25 Robinson Daniel Boone. Black Nathan 2 :23V4 NellyD 2:27 Belle Chase, p 2:2134 Evelyn, p 2:2334 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 67 Robinson Horse by S. E. Mudgett. Sir William Wallace.. 2:27*6 Rob Roy McGregor by Robert McGregor. Bob 2:30 Waldo McGregor 2 :2954 Rockaway. Sucker Maid 2:2954 Danness, p 2:2654 Rockdale by George Gordon. Rockbottom, p 2 :16*6 Socks.p 2:14% Rockefeller by Electioneer. Granieta 2:25*6 Leola 2:30 Rockford. Grover Cleveland, p . .2 :28 Rockwell Success by Glencoe Jr. Una Forrest, p 2:20 Rochester by Aberdeen. Dinnie 2:25 Florestine 2:2654 Minot 2:2654 Oriana 2:25 Sensation 2 :29*6 Surah 2:29*6 BeUBoy, p 2:20*4 Rocket by Cyren Joslyn Horse. India Rubber 2 :29*4 Rocket by Blue BuU. True 2:23% Rocket Jr. by Rocket. Dandy White Stock- ing 2:2754 Rockwood. LitleMaid, p 2:26 Rockwood by Fleetwood, Blackwood 2 :21*6 Katie Lee 2 :2954 Lady Maud 2 :23H Nantilla J 2:30 Rickreel 2:29 Rockwood Jr. by Rockwood. Anita 2:23*6 Rocky Ford. Bob Ford 2:28% Roger Hanson by Alta. Billy Worthington. . . .2 :27*6 Jessie Hanson 2 :13% Frank Hanson, p 2:2754 Roger, p 2:2354 R homer by King Rene. Mary Grit 2:23% Gertie Ayer, p 2 :2854 Mary Grit, p 2:19 Roland by Crown Chief. MaggieS 2:30 Rolf Duke by Tom Rolf. Brogan 2:29*6 Rolla Golddust by Arabian Golddust. Nelly W 2:1454 Pauline C 2:29 Rolling Wave by Messenger Mary SJrillman 2:30 Rollins Horse by Rising Sun. Emperor 2:30 Roman Chief by Walkill Chief. Pat Dempsey 2:2954 Whitesboro Chief 2 :2854 Honest Abe, p 2:2454 Sangerfield, p 2:30 Romping Prince. PrinceS 2:2254 Romulus by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian . Almont Hamhleton- ian 2:23*6 Little Nell 2:29*4 Louetta 2:24*6 Rooker by Stranger. Bonnie Annie 2:26 Bonnie Donne 2 :2954 Dictator 2:27% Lady Rooker 2 :26*6 Nelly Woodruff 2:*0 Regulator 2:27*6 Reil Rooker, p 2 :28V6 Rocky Ford, p 2:1854 Roscoe by Charley Ball. Wizz 2:2354 Roscoe by Pilot Jr. Black Pilot 2:30 Roscoe by Brigadier. Pilot W 2:24*6 Roscoe Jr. by Roscoe. Daisy Wood, p 2:2654 George G., p 2:20% Eoscoe Boy. Brandy wine, p 2 :2954 R"8/ 2 Senator Updegraff .... 2 :27*4 Simbrino... 2:2254 Simmocolon 2 :13% Simoda 2:28 Spray 2:28*4 West W'lkes 2:2254 Ellen C,p 2:21% Sadie Gray, p 2 :29*4 Snow Bird, p 2:22 Simmons Boy by Simmons. Simmonette. 2 :17H Simmons Jr. by Simmons. Ripple P 2:2854 Simon Strader. GreyJoe,p 2:28*4 Simontie by Simmons. NubbinW 2:26*4 Sim Watson by Harry Clay. Lady Watson 2:20% Sim Watson Jr 2:21% Sinbad by Strader's C. M. Clay Jr. Donna Inez 2:26*4 Chautauqua Prince,p.2 :28% Singleton by Willie Schepper. Maud Singleton 2 :28*4 Lota.p 2:29 Sir Archie. Thurston 2 :29% Sir Archie by Swigert Dew- drop. Shawano Girl, p 2 :2154 Sir Charles by Mambrino Charta. King Charles 2:2254 MaggieT 2:18*4 MaudC 2:27*4 Mattie K,, p 2:25*4 Sir Denton by Satellite. Ada 2:2954 Tony Denton 2:22 Sir Folko by Embassador. FrankF 2:20*4 Fred Ensign 2 :26*4 Sir George by Silver Dick. Pat McCann 2:28% Sir Henry by Seely's Ameri- can Star. Lady Star 2:24 Sir Henry by Honest John. Rufus 2:24% Sirius by Hambletonian Tranby. MarkSirius 2:13 Sir John Dean. Stranger 2:2554 Sir John by Clear Grit, Babette 2:2254 Babette, p 2 :1454 Sir John Franklin. O. S. B 2:27 Sir Knight by Grand Sentinel Karta 2:28 Knita 2:23*4 Knightmare 2:12*4 Knightmont 2 :24 MayB 2:30 Mike Knight 2:2854 Red Knight 2:23 Glen, p 2:2654 Kaota, p 2:1554 Knight L., p 2:27% Sir Nutwood by Nutwood. Francis, p 2:2854 Sirocco by Jerome Eddy. Biretta.p 2:2554 Sir Peter by Alden Gold- smith. St. Catherine, p 2:2254 Sir Thomas by Lambertus. Guy Lambert 2:22 Sir Walkill by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Claudia 2:29 Frank Walkill 2:2454 Judge Purple 2 :28*4 Jura 2:2654 King Walkill 2:2454 Nelson 2:26V 4 Sultana 2:29% Walkill Boy 2 #4 Warren E 2:30 Sir Wallace by Sir Walkili. John Cody Jr 2:2954 Sir Walter by Aberdeen. Cleveland 2:26*4 Felina 2:29!/2 Joe Holmes 2 :26*4 Lady Gay 2:2754 Lucy Walter 2:29 Sir Walter 2 :1854 Walter Herr 2:1954 William M. Hill 2:20 Sir Walter Jr. by Sir Walter. Alcidalia 2:30 Walter D. p 2:2454 Sir Walter Scott by Jim Scott. Daisy Queen 2:2454 Sirius by Hambletonian Tranby. MarkSirius 2:17*4 Sir Wilkes. Mamie Wilkes, p 2 :2954 S. J. Fletcher by Hamble- toritau Tranby. Jim Deyo 2:29 Skedaddle by Whiteside's Black Hawk. Frank Reeves 2 :2354 Skenandoah by Broken- Legged Kentucky Hunter. Daisy Burns 2:29% Skinkle Hambletonian by Gage's Logan. Topsey 2:30 Slander by Tattler. Dazzle 2:29*4 Kerwin ................ 2:20% Ember, p .............. 2:20*4 Fife,p ................. 2:17*4 Slasher by Ashland Young. Tommy Thompson, p. 2:29*4 Sleepy Dutchman by Jim Welch. Fanny C. p ............ 2:24 l /3 Smith Burr by Burr's Na- poleon. Gen. Butler ........... 2:2354 Smuggler by Blanco. Lace Dealer ........... 2:25 Milton ................. 2:30 Mount Morris .......... 2:19% Nomad ................. 2:29% Ouida .................. 2:25% Revenue ............... 2:22% Smuggle ............... 2:24 Smuggler's Daughter. . .2:24% TomCorwin .......... 2:25 Young Smuggler Flossy Grey p ........... . Billy, p 2:29% .2:26% 2:29% Silver King, p Smuggler by Munsey. DanR., p .............. 2:19% Smuggler Gift by Smuggler. Free Trade ............. 2:24% Smuggler Jr. by Smuggler. Sailor Boy, p .......... 2:1754 Smuggler Boy, p ....... 2:28 Smuggler Jr. by Smuggler. Albany Boy ............ 2:23 Smuggler Jr. by Smuggler. J. S A.,p ........... .2:2054 Snowstorm by Steele's Snow- storm. Jim Irving ............. 2:23 Socrates by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian. Emma T ............... 2:17% Socrates ................ 2:2754 Socratist .............. 2:26 Soldier ................ 2:28% Student .............. 2:21% Lochinvar, p .......... 2:28 Lucille H., p ........... 2:12 Solicitor by Belmont. Justinian ............... 2:27 Edmund Burke ...... 2:30 Tiny .................... 2:29% Solon by Harry Clay. Alda, p ................. 2:14% Sol Smith. JohnB,p .............. 2:2754 Somonauk by Green's Bashaw. Rex M ................. 2:2654 Sorrel Tom (Shawhan's Tom Hal) by Bald Stockings. Hoosier Tom, p ........ 2:19% Sorrento by Woodford Mam- brino. Gordon ................ 2:26% Lucina .................. 2:29% Marcus ................. 2:29% Somerset ............. 2:27% Sortie by Onward. Aerolite ............... 2:25% Soudan by Sultan. Nubia ................. 2:24% South Jersey Patchen. L. D ................... 2:25% Peachblow ............ 2:2954 South Jersey Patchen Jr 2: 14% WilliamS ............. 2:22% South Side. Plain Dick ....... 2:29 72 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Sovereign by Sterling. Molly B 2:25^ Spartan. Spartan, p 2:26% Spartacus by Alraont. Marie M ....2:19% Head Centre 2:25 Spectator by Dictator. Charmion 2:20% KayS 2:29% Speculation by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Crown Point 2:24 GracieS 2:22 Gus Spreckles 2:30 Oakland Maid 2:22 Sphinx by Electioneer. Altoneer 2:25 Baker 2:19% Belle of Abscota 2:30 Borneo 2:23 Cervus 2:23% Gen. Sphinx 2:28% GiftO'Neer 2:20 Islam 2:26 Mas,na Sphinx 2:29 Peru 2:19% Rocko 2:29J4 Sibyl 2:29% SylvaC- 2:29% Uncle Tom 2:18% Valtullo 2:25 Valley Queen 2:28% Water Lily 2:19% Como, p 2:17J4 Cantab, p 2:14% Princeton R., p 2:25% Sphinxetta, p 2:14% feyrena, p 2:14% Spink by Andy Johnston. Capt. Lewis 2:20% ClaraP 2:17 Ebony Spink 2:29% Frankie H 2:27% Splendor by Dauntless. Broadway, p 2:21% Splendor (Reed's) by Glenn's Splendor. Kitty Clyde 2:30 Sponseller Tuckahoe by Irwin's Tuckahoe. Lynn W 2:21% Sportsman by Tippo (Canadian.) Tacony 2:27 Sportsman. Ella P.,p 2:24% Sprague (McQuaid's.) Peter Whetstone 2:29% Sprague (Round's) by Gov. Sprague. Bill Cody 2:29 Eldridge 2:23% Elsie Sprague 2:18% Hat Sprague 2:24% Jay-See- Ell 2:24% Jenny Sprague 2:15% Mathewson Sprague . . . 2:29% Miss Grant... 2:27% Raven Sprague 2:19% Victor Sprague 2:26% Yula 2:27% Gipsey Golddust, p 2:24% Blanche, p 2:24% Frank Logan, p 2:25 J.F R,p 2:18% Nora Marks, p 2:23 Sprague, p 2:28% Tempest, p 2:17 The Judge, p 2:22% Sprague Golddust by Governor Sprague. Ora 2:16% Mamie Golddust p. ... 2:26% Springfield by Kentucky Clay. Annie Rooney 2:24% Springhill by Dictator. Careless, p 2:23% Springtime. Lady B 2:25% Springville Chief by Field's h oyal George. Leon Boy... 2:29% Nora 2:28% Spurgeon by Charley B Fanny B 2:27% Square Dealer by Knicker- bocker. Utell 2:24% Squire Talmage by Rysdyk s Hambletonian. Avana 2: Arctic B 2:17 BaldyT 2:29 Billy Ackerson 2:24 Billy D .....2:19y4 Clifton Boy ".2;26 1 A Col. Bullitt 2:18% Col. Neal 2:25% Hambletonian (Wov- ley's) 2:28% Lottie K 2:26% Mamie Tyler 2:27% Miami Chief. 2:28 Neva 2:23% Rich wood 2:24% Robert B 2:29% Strader H 2:09% Wood Talmage 2:30 Frank H., P 2:22% S. R. Lament by Hambletonian Prince. Headlight 2:26% Stamboul by Sultan. Baron Rose 2:29% Comrade 2:24% Daghestan 2:25% Dorcas Pratt 2:25 El Trebizond 2:26% Falka 2:24% Galata 2:26 Harry Winchester 2:27 HildaS 2:19% Mascot 2:25% Murtha 2:18 Nadjy 2:26 Nehushta 2:30 Pawnee 2:26% Redondo 2:23 Rosita 2:27% Stammont 2:29% Stamnal 2:25% Sweetwater 2:26 Vera 2:18% Vesolia 2:29% Voodoo 2:27% Stamboula by Stamboul. Precieusc 2:25 Standard Bearer by Volunteer. Banner Bearer 2:28% Banner Boy 2:25 Contender.p 2:30 Marlowe, p 2:15 Stanford Belmont. Sargeant 2:29% Stanley by Strathmore. BonnieA 2:25% 2% Stanton (Hager's). by General Bay Dan, p 2:22} Stanton. GrimsbyUirl 2:26% Stanton Jr., by Gen Stanton. Joe W 2:26% Star (Dunn's), by Monitor. Sussex 2:30 Star Almont by Almont. Estelle 2:26% Star Bashaw by Bashaw Camp- bell. Golddust Prince 2:24% Star Duke by Iron Duke. Lady Peek 2:26 Star Duroc by Messenger Duroc. Gabrielle 2:20% Star Edmund by Seely's Ameri- can Girl. Gov. Hill 2:18% Starguard by Strathmore. Eldon. p 2:29!4 Star Ethan by Daniel Lambert. Allen 2:30 BenH , 2:30 Little Dan 2:19% Little Wonder 2:24% Pearl 2:25% Split Ears 2:29% Swanton Boy 2:27% U. Tell 2:29% Ethan Boy, p 2:24% Flying Morgan, p 2:28% Star Hambletonian by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Clingstone 2:30 Bacillius p 2:23% John McKay ,p 2:23 Lady,p 2:23% Star Hambletonian by Felter's Hambletonian. Blanche 2:30 Snowball 2:19% Star Harold by Star Hamble- tonian. Uncle Sile 2:25 Star-in Medium by Happy Me- dium. Echo 2:21% Star Lambert. Star Girl 2:29% Starlight by Kentucky Prince. Daylight 2:19% Extralight 2:27 Greylight 2:16% Morelight 2:28 Starletta 2:21% Starlight by McNasser's Gold- dust. Col. McNasser 2:19 Starlight by Star of the West. Bird 2:22 Starmont by Almont. Emma A rmstrong 2:28% Neri Newcombe 2:28% Starmont Jr. by Starmont. Laura S 2:23% Star of Catskill by Seely's Amer- ican Star. Bonner 2:23 Ellen Cooper ' :29% Star of the West by Flying Cloud. Gipsey A 2:25% Jim Raven 2:30 Jim Star 2:2tt SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 73 Joe Young ............. 2:19% John J. Cook .......... 2:29% Lady Groesbeek ........ 2:25% Little Fred ............ 2:30 Maggie Kevin .......... 2:25% Star Bashaw ........... 2:24*4 Star Hawk ............. 2:)7!4 Star of the West Jr. 2:29H Vanadis ............... 2:26% Idlewild, p ............. 2:2,>!4 Star Patchen by Henry Patchen. Lady Finch ............ 2:80 Startle by Ryskyk's Hamble- tonian. Alley BonneY .......... 2:23% Grey Dawn ............ 2:22% Instant ................. 2:14% King Star ............. 2:26% Majolica ............. 2:15 Miss Majolica .......... 2:24% Portia .................. 2;29% Tural ................... 2:23% Genevieve, p .......... 2:23^ Star VVilkes by George Wilkes. Actress ................ 2:27% Dandy Wilkes ......... 2:29% Eva Wilkes ........... 2:22% Irene ...... ...... ...... 2:16% Dennison Wilkes, p ..... 2:26% Fargo, p ................ 2:22% Irene, p ................ 2:11% Sailor Wilkes, p ....... 2:25% Statesman by Satellite. Barney C..p ............ 2:21% State of Maine by Elmo. Queen Anne ............ 2:28 Steele by Startle. Arago ................. 2:22% Bonner Steele ......... 2:30 Puritan ................. 2:25 Speedwell .............. 2:26% Silverone, p ............ 2:28 Steinway by Strathmore. Alamo ................. 2:29*4 Baden .................. 2:24% Cassidy ................ 2:30 Charles Derby .......... 2:20 Covey Neva ........... Steineer Strathway Caesar, p Cricket, p Critt, p Free Coinage, p LillyC., p W- Wood, p W.W. Foote.p Stephen A. Douglas by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Dave Young, 2:25 2:27 2:29*4 2:19 2:16% 2:10 2:24% Douglas Girl Edith F.. ..2:23 ..2:29} ..2:2S} ..2:28 .2:22 .2:23 Frank K Handicap Idol LenaD 2:30 Nelly R 2:22% Versailles Girl 2:25% Western 2:30 Kate Craig, p. 2:25% Sterling by Patchen Boy. J.B.Thomas Sterling by Egmont. Argent 2:24% Rattle Bones 2:28 Sterling 2:24 Acrobat, p .J 2:18% . .2:23*4 Haviland, p 2:27 Vigor, p 2:k8 Sterling by Volunteer. Col. Sterling 2:28% Dr. McFarland 2:21% Freddy J 2:26% Sterling Boy by Bellwood. Belle Peters 2:29 Cora Steriing 2:26% Steve W hippie by Hambletonian Christman. Needham's Whipple. . . .2:27% Steve 2:19% Stillman by Louis Napoleon. Jube 2:26 Jupiter 2:30 Stillson byMessenger Duroc. AliceC 2:27 Alvira 2:29*4 Baby Mine 2:29% D. G.B 2:29*4 Maud Stillson 2:29*4 Nelly Stillson 2:24 Orphan Boy 2:22% Zeno 2:26% Charley Stillson, p.. . Irene B., p Stillson Jr. by Stillson. Minnie G., p 2:27% Stockbridge Chief Jr. by Stock- bridge Chief. A be Edgingtqn 2:23% Stockbridge Chief Jr by Magic. Young Stockbridge 2:27 Stockholm by Phil Sheridan. Larry Boy 2:29% Poughkeepsie 2:29 J* Triumph 2:27*4 Brown Nell, p 2:23 Fred Holcomb, p 2:23 Stocking Chief by Clark Chief. A nnie Pixley 2:29% Humboldt 2:20 Stockwell by Nutwood. Immense 2:25% Stoner Boy by Strathmore. Hero 2:28 \\ ayne Wilson 2:29% Stonewall Jackson by Mambri- no Chief. Gipsey Boy 2:28 Stonewall Jackson by Len Rog- ers. Baby Mine 2:27% Stonewall Jackson Jr. by Stone- wall Jackson. Jerry L 2:15% Storm by Masterlode. Johnson > 2:27 Storm King by Happy Medium. Paragon 2:13% Stormer 2:26*4 Stoughton J. Fletcher by Ham- bletonian Tranby. Elmo Echo 2:30 Fairplains 2:26% Strader by Strader's-Cassius M. Rube 2:21 Will Collender 2:21*^ Strader Jr. by Strader. Leander, p 2:22 Straight Flush by Kearnaught Jr. Fearnaught 2:17% Stranger by Gen. Washington. Ballona 2:11% Boodle 2:19% Broomal 2:15 Col. Kuser 2M6J Cebolla 2:18} Hazel Dell 2:24? Kathleen 2:25* Maggie Lewis 2:2$ Moloch 2:17 Myriad 2:"' Nominator 2:17} Nominee 2:17} Penhorn 2:24*4 Spokane 2:26 Stanza 2:22% Stranger Boy 2:29% Strangler 2:26% Sylvia 2:29% Wilder Boy 2:29% Stranger by Ohio Stranger. Kinsman 2:23% Kinsman, p 2:17% Stratagem by Grand Sentinel. Molly Gibson, p 2:23% Stratford by Strathmore. Mistrea, p 2:23*4 Strathboy by Strathmore. Wesley R,p 2:19% Strathearn by Echo. Plunkett, p 2:13% Strathlan by Strathmore Freddy B 2:29% Glamour 2:26% Kenneth 2:29% Strathmore by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Algomah 2:29% Alice Stoner 2:24% Ashmore 2:29% August Haverstiek 2:29% Avonmore 2:29% Bedford 2:30 Chandos 2:28*4 Chestnut Hill 2:22% Cyprus 2:22% Deronda 2:27% Duchess 2:20 BuimettB 2: Frantic Georgie Moshier 2:2214 Harkaway 2:28% Henderson 2:27*4 Herzog 2:29% Leland Stanford 2:21% Loretta 2:30 Major Ewing 2:18% Milkshake 2:28 Miss Strathmore 2:29% Monitor :.... 2:29*4 Nannie Talbott 2:29% Ollie - 2:24 Patience 2:26*4 PaulHacke 2:24% Phantom 2:2^*4 Poneto 2:25% Prince Albert 2:26 Roseberry 2:15% Santa Claus 2:17% Secret 2:20% Sim Brown 2:26% Skylight Pilot 2:19 Snap 2:30 Snowden 2:16% Solo 2:28% Spartan 2:24*4 Steinway ,2:25% Stratford 2:22% Strathalan 2:2454 Strathboy 2:22% Strathlan 2:21% 74 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 2:28% s) by 2:24% .2:29% .2:22 Hawk Strathmore Abdallah. . .2:28 Strathwood ............. 2:25% Stuart ................. 2:25 Takina ................. 2:30 Tucker ................. 2:19 Carrie Strathmore, p. ... 2:17 V* Cutler, p ............... 2:24% Esther, p ...... .......... 2:26% Jewetta Strathmore, p. 2:21% Lower Stoner, p ....... 2:21 Lutie Strathmore, p ...2:15% O.B.,p ............... 2:26% Rockmore, p ............ 2:20J^ Kosebug, p ........... ..2:15 Sand Boy.p ............ 2:21 Strathso ................ 2:13 Strathwayne., p ......... 2:23% Senator Bell, p ......... 2:26% Strathmore by Ericsson. Silver King ............ Strathmore (Morgan iStrathmore. Harry Strathmore, p. . . Strathmore Jr by Strathmore. Chesterfield, p .......... 2:11% Strathroy by Strathmore. Mary Maderia ......... 2:27% Strathway by Steinway. Anerone, p ............ 2:29 Annie Kooney, p ....... 2:24% Stoneway, p ........... 2:23% Strawn by Mammont Carrie Strawn ..... Grey Jim .......... Strideaway by Black Telegraph. Pratt .................. 2:28 Strideaway. Harry Strideaway ...... 2:24% Strideaway Jr. by Strideaway. Mattie Hunter ........ 2:21% Stride Wilkes. Charley D., p .......... 2:19% Strike by Jay Gould. Mamie Strike .......... 2:26% Strogoff by Grand Sentinel. Elsie Groff, p ....... ....2:16% Strong Horse. Whiteline .............. 2:30 Studer by Durango. Big Mike, p ............ 2:19 Subscriber by Jim Schriber. CharlesM .............. 2:29% Isabelle, p .............. 2:27% Soubrette, p ............ 2:26 Suitor by Blackwood. Suitor Jr., p ...... ..... 2:24% Sultan by The Moor. Alcazar ................. 2:20% Amurath ............... 2:26 Bay Rose... ........ .2:20% Bay Sultan ............ 2:29% Big Frank .............. 2:30 Centre ................ 2:29^ Contractor .............. 2:22 Dubec ................. 2:17 fva .................... 2:23% lorence Sultau ....... 2:20% Hidalgo ................ 2:27 . Jaunita ................ 2:29 King Sultan ........... 2:23 Kismet ................. 2:25^ La Grange ............. 2:23% Lucy K ................. 2:18% Maggie Sultan ......... 2:30 Margaret ............... 2:28 Melrose ................ 2:27 Moonstone .............. 2:28% Nailor 2:29 Othello 2:28 Kajah 2:29% Ruby 2:19% San Gabriel 2:29% Senator Rose 2:18 Soudan 2:27% Stamboul 2:07% St. Lookout 2:26 Sultandin 2:29% Sulwood 2:20 Sweetheart 2:22% The Turk 2:30 Saladin,p 2:05% Sunny Slope, p 2:29^ Summit by Attorney. Mercury, p 2:24% Sunolo by Electioneer. Baptism 2:30 Sunalto 2:26% Sunrise Patchen by Seneca Patchen. Bob Volunteer, p 2:19% Sunshine by Brignoli. Kid, p 2:25% Sunshine by Curtis' Hamble- tonian. Tempest 2:27% Superb by Ethan Allen. Great Western 2:29 Harry Conklin 2:2(3 Superior (James') by Wood's Hambletonian. Miss Superior 2:23 Superior (Du Bois') by Egbert. ElsieS . 2:21% Mary Magdalene 2:27% Beulah. p 2:14^ Carbonate, p 2:09 Superior (Strait's) by Warwick Boy. E.J. S 2:22% J. B. C 2:27% Supervisor by Administrator. Advisor 2:25% Surprise by Cutter's Comet. Stormer 2:29% Sussex Chief. Lady Crossan 2:28 Sut Lovingood by Shelby Chief. Sut 2:28% Sutton D. Merry Boy, p 2:24% Sutton Boy, p 2:24% Sweep by Sweepstakes. Minnie, p 2:29% Sweepstakes by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Argentine,. 2:21% Blackjack 2:22% Capt Lyons 2:17% Charley Kaile 2:28 Concentrator 2:30 Cranston 2:27% Frank G 2:27% Frank M 2:29% George C 2:23% Great Eastern 2:23% Harry H 2:23% Harry Mills 2:25% Huzzar 2:29% Inez 2:22% Jack Sailor 2:25% Joe 2:30 Le Count 2:29 Mabel Mack 2:25 McMullenBoy 2:29% Montgomery Boy 2:28% Mustache Nelly W Onida Packer Rex Prince H Smith O'Brien Taylorson Willet Willie Brooks Young Sweepstakes Cleveland, p Jim Wilson, p Lenore K , p Tommy K. , p Sweetmeats. Kitty B Swigert by Alexander's man. Allegro Badger Boy Baybrino Ben Gage Bob Swigert Brilliant Calamus Chippewa Chief, Cicero David R Dick Johnson Doctpr C Fashion George K Gen. Sibley Governor D H arry Howe Jessie Fly Lady Richards Laura E . Mambrino Swigert Molly O'Connor. Moody Nickle Plate Placida Kacine Resolute Richard E Robbins Royalty St. Cloud Silyernale Swigert Bellfounder- Swigert, Jr Swigert K Tirzah Trotwood Winnie Wick. . YucaSolis Jim Wilson, p.. President, p Swigert Chief by Swigert Ice Cream 2:26 Tacoma by Gen. Washington. Puck 2:17% Talavera by Happy Medium. Ely See 2:27% Kitty Vera 2:23% McVera 2:21% Tallett by Templar. Don Pedro 2:25% Tallmage by Byerly Abdallah. Newago 2:28 Tall Leon 2:29% Tamarisk by Almont Rattler. TinaF 2:25 Tangent by Onward. Radius 2:28*3 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 75 EffieR.p 2:24*4 Tangle by Wood's Hamble- tonian. Larry 2:29*4 Tarantalus by Strader's C. M. Clay Jr. Billy U 2:21*4 Tariff by Clarion Chief. Sargent. 2:29*4 Tariff Jr 2:26 Tasco by American Boy. Robert A 2:29*4 Sunlight 2:27 Jessie L.,p 2:14% Julia R.,p 2:22* Nelly Tasco, p 2:23*4 Lorine, p 2:27 Stephen W., p 2:25 Tasco Jr., p 2:23% Tattler by Pilot Jr. Indianapolis 2:21 Rumor 2:20 Slander 2:28% Voltaire 2-.2QX Gossip, p 2:18 Tattler Jr. by Tattler. G. D. S 2:29*4 Manson E., p 2:24*4 Taunton by Bay State. Terragon 2:23 Sabatia, p 2:18*4 Taylor by Florida. Nelly D 2:27% Taylor Horse. Frank S 2:22 Teak Blackwood by Blackwood. Cinderella .2:22 Teak Blaekwood Jr. by Teak Blackwood. Dynamite 2:30 Tecumseh. Pat Hunt 2:25 Hiram Tracy, p 2:22% Tecumseh by Mambrino Gift. Daisy 2:23*4 Minnie Irene, p 2:26 Telegraph. Hope 2:28 Telegraph. John i).,p ...2:20% Rowdy Joe, p 2:08 Telegram, p 2:12% Telephone by Tom Lang. TomKnox 2:28*4 Teller by Alcalde. Tommy Root 2:25% Temperance by Young Wilkes. Jim Burns 2:25% Tempest by Almont. Gloster 2:26 Ilton 2:28% Leap Year 2:26% Tempest Jr., by Tempest. Billy G., p 2:24*4 Black York, p 2:18 Grey Harry, p 2: ' 5*4 Humming Bird, p 2:25*4 Jimmy Temple, p 2:29*$ .Lincoln p 2:23% Little Hope, p 2:21*4 Minnie Palmer, p 2:30 Monkey Rolla, p 2:15% Ollie Belle, p 2:29% Silvertail, p 2:16% Thomas L. t p 2:27% Temple Bar by Egbert. Iron Bar 2:24% Tennessee Dictator by Dictator. Dyersburg, p 2:24% Plaza, p 2:22% Tennessee Wilkes by George Wilkes. Cantrell 2:29% Chiquita 2:26 Major Brown 2:27 Mary Wilkes 2:19 Meteora 2:20% Optimist 2:27 Argot Wilkes, p 2: 1 4*4 Bastion, p 2:27% Cassie, p 2:12% lalene, p 2:14 Morena, p 2:24 Monreo, p 2:26*4 Novice, p (.. .2:24*4 Paul Clifford, p 2:29% Roan W ilkes, p 2:11% Turk.p 2:19% Terhune Horse. Jenny L 2:27*4 Texas Jack Sr. by Judge Du- rell. Corncracker, p 2:18% Jack the Kipper, p 2:18*4 Texas Jack Jr., p 2:2" % Texas Joe, p 2:29% Texas Mike, p 2:27*4 Texas Rooker, p 2:24% Texas Prince. Duke, p 2:28% Thacher Hambletonian by Mas- terlode. LadyH 2:2454 NettieT 2:27 WilllamT 2:25*4 The Baron. MaumeeS.,p ..2:28% The Banker by Mambrino Patchen. Little Dick 2:29*4 The < 'ommodore by Guy Miller. Mohawk Prince 2:28 The King by George Wilkes. Bethlehem King 2:24*4 Berk King 2:29*4 Bruce King 2:28% Famous 2:28 Fred Wilkes 2:25 Harriet 2:28% Jay 2:24% Jeanette 2:29% JosieKing 2:29*4 King 2:28% Kingbolt 2:27% King Patchen 2:16*4 Limestone 2:19% JVettie 2:19*4 Pattie Moore 2:30 Sheik 2:29% Eximus, p 2:23*4 The Marquis by Edward Everett. Harry Watch Marquis William R 2:29*4 The Moor by Clay Pilot. Beautiful Bells 2:29% DelSur 2:24 Inez 2:30 Sir Guy 2:28* Sultan 2:24 Tommy Gates 2:24 Theron by Adrian Wilkes. Nathan P., p 2:28 The Seer by General Benton. Seersucker 2:30 Theseus by Administrator. Templemore 2:29% Thistle by Sidney. DaveHyland 2:30 Oriole 2:20 DellaS., p 2:21 To Order, p 2:12% Thomas A. Scott by Mambrino Patchen. Pat 2:26% Thomas Carlyle by Gen. With- ers. Lizzie L 2:27*4 Thomas Jefferson by Toronto Chief Fanny Jefferson 2:29 Farmer Boy 2:19% Flora Jefferson 2:28% Green Mountain Boy. . .2:28*4 Harry Pelham 2:28% John S. (lark 2:19% Kate Clark 2:29*i Lady Jefferson 2:22*4 Lizzie M 2:20*i Mambrino Jefferson... .2:30 Mike Jefferson 2:29% Neli.. 2:27 Patrician 2:26*4 The Bull 2:30 Tom Carpenter 2:23*6 Joe Jefferson, p 2: 19*4 Thomas K. by Edward Everett. Boaque Bonita 2:26*4 Col. Taylor 2:21% Cordie Macey 2:25*i I 'earest 2:2b*4 Eliza Jane 2:26*i Harnblet .nian(Bailey's)2:29*4 Louise Macey 2:27 Mary Cecil. OscarJ 2:28% Russell R 2:29% Thompson. Lottie 2:21 Thorndale by Alexander's Ab- dallah. Daisydale 2:19% Fdwin Thorne 2:16*4 ElCapitan 2:24 May Thorne 2:24% Nettie Thorne 2:25*4 Kosy Thorne 2:27% Thorndale Maid 2:30 Dalgetty, p 2:17* Thorndale Chief by Thorndale. Thorndella 2:27M Thorndale F 2:30 Molly Pitcher, p 2:23*4 Thorndale Idol by Thorndale. Skipper 2:28*i Robert C., p 2:13*4 Thorndyke by Stockbridge. Troublesome 2: 19*4 Thorn Wilkes by Hector Wilkes. Elsie Wilkes 2:24% Thorr by Alcazar. Thelma 2:29 Thought by Daniel Lambert. Archie B 2:18*< Mabel W. Mack. ... Thunder by Middletown. Independence B 2:29% Tiger by Canadian Lion. Montreal Girl 2:30 76 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 2:2414 ...2:27^ Doble's ...2:19^ Tilton Almont by Almont. Almonta 2:25 Annie E 2:23 Belle A 2:29 Daisy S 2:23}* Kittle Almont, 2:22% Strat.ger 2:17 Tilton B 2:24% W. W 2:29% Time Medium by Happy Me- dium. Rowland Tinder. Jack Spratt 2:27J4 Tippoo. Hudson 2:29 Tippoo. .lames H Burke Tippoo Bashaw by Black Bashaw. Duquesne Tobe Jr. by Blue Bull. Franklin Token P. Melson,p 2:28^ T. 0. M. by Anteeo. LadyO 2:24 Tom by Scott's Hiatoga. Charley Douglas 2:30 Tom Allen. Sinful, p -2:28>4 Tom Allen. Frank J., p. . , 2:19J^ Tom Benton by Gen. Benton. Mary Lou 2:17 Shylock 2:15J^ NedWinslow, p 2:12% Tom Brown Jr. by Tom Brown. Dandy Brown, p 2:23% Fedora p 2:15 Tom Corwin by Smuggler. Belle Martin 2:25 Anderson A. L, p. 2:24% Johnny Corwin, p 2:24*4 Sherman, p 2:28}^ Tom Crowder (Brown's) by Old Tom Crowder. Judge Pollard 2:29*4 Tom Crowder (Jamison's) by Tom Crowder. Marion 2:23^ Tom Crowder (Gosnell's)' by Wilson's Tom Crowder. Bay Sally, p 2:20 Sweetzer. p 2:15 Tom Hal (Gray's) by Sorrel Tom. Little Gipsey 2:22 Limber Jack, p 2:18^ Tom Hal (Gibson's) by Kittrell's Amorita, p 2:14^4 Blue Hal, p 2:23 Bob Taylor, p 2:18^ Brown Hal, p 2:12*4 Chestnut Hal. p 2:27 Blma, p 2:1814 Glide, p 2:19'4 Hal Index, p 2:! Hal Pointer, p 2:043 Imperial Hal, p 2:' JimFriel, p 2:! JohnL., p 2:18| Little Brown Jug, p . . . .2:11' Plunger, p 2:27 Tom Hal, Jr 2:30 Trixy Hal, p 2:19 Tom Hal, Jr., by Gibson's Tom Hal, Jr. Brae, p 2:25*4 Brown Frank, p 2:16*4 Doctor H., p 2:14*4 Gyp.p 2:27% Sleepy Tom, p 2:23*4 Tom Hal (Martin's) by Gibson's Tom Hal, Jr. Brookside, p 2:11* Red Hal, p 2:13% Tom Hazzard by Pelton's Haz- zard. Ben Starr 2:21% Ben Starr, p 2:19*4 Tom Hunter by Secor's Black Hawk. Albemarle 2:19 Harvey 2:24*4 Joe 2:30 Tom Hendricks 2:30 Tom Jackson. Daisy Dean, p 2:18*4 Tom Jefferson by Murphy's Royal George. Honest Billy 2:27*4 Tom Kimball by Tom Kimball (Canadian). Hiram Miller 2:22% Tom Kirkwood by Green's Bashaw. Bluewood 2:24*4 Tom Moore (Minchin's) by Warlock. Roxie, p 2:29*4 Tom Moore by Ethan Allen. Emma E 2:29 Tom Scott. ToinH 2:27*4 Tommy Wilkes by Harry Wilkes. Baby Wilkes, p 2:24 Doty, p 2:11*4 Sprague Wilkes, p 2:18*4 Tom Patchen by George M Patehen. "Captain 2:21*4 Gladiator Jr 2:27*4 Jack Spratt 2:22*4 Tom F. Patchen by Tom Patchen. Stargazer 2:24*4 Tom Pugh by Red Wilkes. Ambrosial 2:17*4 Tom Rolfe by Pugh's Aratus. Lady Rolfe 2:22*4 Tom Hendricks 2:25 Tom Rolfe 2:22*4 Young Rolfe 2:21*4 Gem.p 2:13% Lady Rolfe, p 2:23 Sleepy Tom, p 2:12% Tom Rogers by George Wilkes. Edgewood 2:21 Tom Rogers, Jr ,by Tom Rogers. Adella Wilkes, p 2:26 Tom Scott by Hambrino. Hammond 2:26*4 Taylor 2:28*4 TomH 2:27*4 Tom Wonder by Tom Crowder. John W. Conley 2:24 John Stewart 2:30 Little Wonder 2:30 Modesty 2:26*4 Lizzie Wonder, p 2:29% Tom Wonder Jr. by Tom Wonder. Flora W.. p 2:24% Tony Ensign by Skinkle Ham- bletonian. Cyclone 2:25 Henry L 2:29*4 Tony R. William Penn, p 2:24% ToodlesJr. by Odin Bell. Miss Thompson 2:20*4 Nellie D 2:22*4 Tornado (Ely's) by Son of Long's Tornado. Modoc 2:25 Silky B 2:30 Tornado by Index. Bay Frank 2:20 Tornado. Maggie Dot 2:24% Tornado M. by Fortune. John A. Logan 2 :25 Toronto Abdallah byToronto. PollyB 2:281/2 Toronto Chief by Royal George. Belle of Toronto 2 :30 Lady Hamilton 2 :30 Thomas Jefferson 2 :23 Toronto Chief. Buzz 2:28 1 / 2 Toronto Chief (Jones') by Toronto Chief. Toronto Chief Jr 2 :26% Toronto Chief Jr. Harry Arthur 2 :25* Toronto Chief Jr. by Toronto Chief. Johnny Gordon 2 :25% Minnie Moore 2 :27% Volunteer 2:25% Cyclone, p 2:27)4 Toronto Patchen by Ellis Patchen. Belle Wythe 2:27* Catalpa 2:27 Fidget 2:-6* Willie C 2:25* Totoway by Aberdeen. Queen Anne 2:25 J ohnny Smoker, p 2 :16% Touchstone by imp. Lapidist Frank Hull 2:27 Touchstone by Knickerbocker Red Weed 2:29* Tradewind by Nutwood. Trader.p 2:25 Tramp by Gage's Logan. BlueBell 2:30 Brocade 2:28 Capt. Seth 2:27 Content 2:24% Dick Garret 2:29% Farmer 2:29% LJayS 2:24% Princess 2:29/ 2 Sunshine 2:29% Tramp Jr 2:30 Trampoline 2:23 TrampS 2:21% Velvet 2:28 Billy Hayes, p 2:29% Mandolin, p 2 :15% Travilla, p 2:24% Tramp by Burger. Miss Charley Joe John.p 2:29% SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 77 Tramp Dexter by Tramp. Western 2:25% Tramp Jr. by Tramp. DonH 2:30 Tramp Panic by Tramp. SenatorA 2:13% Min D ieT.,p 2:30 Trample. Leroy .....2:29* Traveler. Jack Curry, p 2 :21% Traveler (Thompson's) by McMean's Traveller. SamJones,p 2:18% Treewood by Nutwood. Rockwood 2:25^ Trego by Egmont. Bessie Trego 2 :26 1 A Tremont by Belmont. Bellerene 2 :26% Home Brewed 2 :24% Junemort 2:14 Loumont 2:23% Maymont 2 :2814 Regmont 2:29% Tennyson 2:27% Wilkesmont 2 :27 Tribune by Knickerbocker. Tribune Jr 2:30 Tribute 2:25% Tribute by Tribune. Dempsey, p 2:16 1 A Triceps by Dunbarton. Actress 2:28% Dusty Miller 2:20 % Lady Triceps 2:28 Mascot 2:24% OtisN 2:26% Trident by Almont Mambrino Trident Jr 2:27% Tripolitan Chief by Bashaw Linkwood Maid 2 :20 Triton by Princeps. McDowell,p 2:25 Trojan by Flying Cloud. Ella Wright 2:24% Hattie 2:30 Trojan Boy by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Topsey M 2:30 Trojan Jr by Trojan. Billy Briggs, p 2:21 Trouble by Almont. Chartamount 2 :28 Lizzie 2d 2:2314 Trifle 2:29}* Abe Lincoln, p 2:26 Trouble by Paw Paw Chief. Gyp 2:26% Troy by Menelaus. Maud F 2:25% True Bred by Walkill Cfiief. Katie L 2:23% Truxton by George Wilkes Jr. Belle Truxton 2 :30 Tuckahoe Post Boy. Joe Kellogg 2:30 Turk by Arthur 3. Crepe McNett 2:28% Tuscarora Sea King by Lord Russell. CecilM 2:28% Louis Victor 2:23% Twilight by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Dr. Tilton 2:25% Morelight 2:30 Northlight 2:28 Oakwood 2:29 Twilight 2:30 Darklight, p 2 :23H Shawhan.p 2:16 Tybalt by Altamont. Juliette, p 2:22 Typhoon by Narragansett. Ranger H 2:27 Loafer, p 2:14/ 2 Tyrant by Dictator. Tyrant Chief .....2:26% Tyrone by Scott's Hiatoga. Stubby 3. p 2:25 Ulric Wilkes by Young Jim. Margaret L 2:16% Ulster Chief by Eysdyk's Hambletonian. Nile Beauty 2:19 Ulster Prince by Sweep- stakes. Mott 2:2514 Ultimus by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Mattie J. p 2:19 Pappoose, p -2:18% PattieD. p 2:12% Uncle Ned by John Hadley. PullBHck, p 2:26% Uncle Sim by Privateer. Gordon Sim .2 :20H Union by Young Merrill. Miss Murray..... 2:28 1 / 2 Union Medium by Happy Medium. Happy Glen 2:30 Star Medium 2:29% Updegraff. Frankie Folsom, p...2:28% Upright by Whipple's Ham- bletonian. Orlando, p 2f3% Uwharie (Onion's) by Steven's Uwharie. Billy the Kid, p 2:21 Uwharie (Stevens') by Farlow's Uwharie. Flora Belle 2:22% Vacher by Woodford Mam- brino. Prosperous 2 :29% Wauseon 2:22 Valdameer by Harold. Corinne 2:29H Dave Cook 2:24% Morning Star 2 :27 Valley Girl 2:2914 Vanity 2:29% Valpnsin by Crown Point. Hibibi, p 2:15% Valentine by Gibson's Tom Hal. Veni,p 2:24y 2 Vestigie, p 2:15% Waste Ferris, p 2 :27% Valentine (Langley's)by Erin Chief. Prince Frederick, p . . .2 :24% Valentine Swigert by Joe Dimmick. Stanley 2:27 Valentine Chief 2 : 29 J / 2 How,p 2:17% Onyx, p 2:20% Stanley,? 2:2714 Valiant by Enchanter. Ollie B 2:24% Antoinette, p 2:28% Valley Chief by Phil Sheri- dan. Nero 2:2514 Valley Chief Jr. p 2 :24% Van Also by Also. Lady Van, p 2:2414 VandergriffColt by Brutus Jr. Diamond 2:15% Vandergrift by Woodford Mambrino. Robert Bonner Jr....2:2S% Agnes M., P 2':2414 Van Helmont by Harbinger. Caywood 2:17% Van Zandt by Florida. Volk,p 2:28 Vandalia Wilkes. Lenwood, p 2 :30 Van Morgan. Morgen thaler, p 2 :29% Vasco by Harold. Bill Lindsay 2:1714 Vadel 2:29% Val 2:18 Valissa 2:19 Ed R osewater, p 2 :16% IsaB. p 2:23i/ 2 Vasto,p 2:1614 Vatican by Belmont. Ashby ..2:19% Belle Vara 2:08% Brown Velvet 2 :28% Doctor Hooker 2 :23% Huguely 2:24 June Light 2:29% Light Hall 2:25% Tulu 2:21% Tony V 2:27% Van Robin 2:19% Vassar 2:21% Virus 2:29% Robin, p 2:2014 Vassar. p 2:07 Velox by Young Morrill. Harry Velox 2:2414 Venango Chief by Venango. FannyC 2:27% Venture (McRoberts) by Bel- mont. Venturer, p 2 :2614 Venture Boone by Daniel Boone. Stanley 2:17 Velocity. King of Diamonds, p. 2:22 Vere de Vere by Onward. Iras.p 2:1914 Vergennes Black Hawk by Vermont Black Hawk. Lady Ross 2:29% Vermont (Gill's) by Down- ing's Vermont. Bonner Boy 2:23 Vermont by Independence. Ella Lewis 2:27 LollieT 2:28% Parrott 2:26 Vermont Abdallah by Young America. Fanny A 2:29 Howard 2:20 78 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. JayU. See 2:25% Maj. Ulrich 2:24* Vermont Hero by Sherman Black Hawk. LadyM 2:30 Yermont Hero by Hale s Green Monntain Morgan. Lady Douglas 2 :30 Princeton Boy 2:28 Vermont Ranger by Merrill. Champion Morrill 2 :27 Vernon Boy by Tom Vernon. Our Boy, p 2:17% Vero by Swigert. Wild Idol 2:28% Winnie Winsome 2 :22% Ben Swigert, p 2 :30 Veto Jr. B. B.,p 2:12% Viceroy by Viscount. JohnW,,p 2:25 Lady Vice, p 2:17 Viceroy (Snyder's), p. 2:20 Victor by Cassius M. Clay. Bay Jack 2:30 Victor by Young Darkey. W.C.B 2:26% Victor by Echo. Pascal.p 2:21% Victor by Gen. Knox. lolanthe. 2:30 Victor by Gen. Putnam. Flossy 2:25i/2 Lady Wellington 2:25* Victor Bismarck by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Bannermark 2 :17% Bismarck Monr* e 2 :25 Bismont 2:18% Blue Grass Hamble- tonian 2:19% Brightmark 2 :24% Brownmark 2 :24 Col. Bismarck 2:24 Edgemark 2:16 Escape .2:26% E.T.H.. 2:16* Fanny Mark 2:29% Joe Mark 2:28* Kentucky oy 2 :28 Kentucky Raaibleton- ian 2:27 KoKom is 2 :21 Last Chance 2:28% Lucetta 2:2,2% MambriuoGirl 2:30 Mark Monroe 2:25% Marquette 2:20 Melrose 2:29% fcerle Moore 2:25% Oakhurst 2:26 Orange Blossom 2 :26% Queen Mark 2:27 Red Mark 2:26% Seneca Bismarck ... 2:22* Victor Hambrino 2 :20 Victor Wilkes 2:29% Emma L , p 2:21* Markland, p 2:18% Milan, p 2:29 Victor Denmark by Grey Denmark. Billy 2:29* Victor Knight by Satellite. Colored Girl 2:25% Victor Mohawk by Mohawk Chief. MissSontag 2:28 Victor Clay 2 :26* Victor Duroc 2 :28 Victor Napoleon by Louis Na- poleon. Brighton Girl, p 2:21* Victor Patchen by Tom Pat- chen. Nicholas 2:29* ByrlC..p 2:23* Victor Wilkes by Victor Bis- marck. Bachelor Wilkes^ 2 :30 Con tester Wilkes 2 :29% Dana Wilkes 2:29% Decorum 2 :28% Jumbo Wilkea 2:22% Juno Wilkes 2:29 Madge Wilkes 2:21% Ruth Wilkes 2:17% Vidette Boy Jr. by Vidette Boy. W. H. Bailey 2:20* Vigil Rene by King Rene. G^b 2:20* Viking by Belmont. Bellwether 2:19* Brinhilde. 2:19* Earl King 2:27 Queen Esther 2:29% Vera 2:25* Vida 2:231/2 Rosebud, p 2:23 Virgil by Green's Bashaw. Alkali .2:29}* Virgo Hambletonian by Rys- dyk's Hambletonian. Charley Hogan 2 :18% Cunarder,. 2:26* Lilly Irwin 2:30 Same Kind 2:25% Vitalis by Belle Morgan. Moss Rose 2:30 Vitalis Jr. by Vitalis. Black Vitul is, p 2:25 Vittoria by Administrator. Enderby 2:29% Vitruvian by Stillson. Black Vic 2:29* Volante by Selim. King Clifton 2:22 Volevant. Island Belle, p 2:24% Volley. Billy C 2:23* Volmer by Gambetta. Brown Lace 2:28% Volney by Volunteer. Edward 2:21* Lottie P 2:30 Voltaire by Tattler. Brown Jim 2:27% Volney 2:26% Young Voltaire 2:30 Bessemer, p 2:13* Volume by Volunteer. H.M.B.,p 2:29% Volunteer by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Abdallah(Goldsmith8) 2 :30 Alley 2:19 Amy 2;20* Autumn Queen 2:29 Bodine 2:19* Carrie 2:24* Carver 2:27* Dexter 2:27 Domestic 2:20% Driver 2:19% Frank Wood .....2:24 Gloster 2:17 Happy Volunteer 2:27% Hillcrest 2:29 Huntress 2:20% John Goldsmith 2:28% Lady Morrison 2 :27% Louise 2:29* Maggie May 2:29% Mary A. Whitney 2 :28 McKeen 2:27% Powers 2:21 Prince Arthur 2 :29 St. Julien 2:11* St. Remo 2:28% Susie Collins 2 :26* Sweetness 2 :21* Trio 2:23* Unolala ' 2:22* Volney 2:23 Volunteer Chief 2:29% Volunteer Maid 2 :27 William H. Allen 2 :23* St. Patrick, p 2:14% Shamrock, p 2:27* Volunteer by Gen. Dana. Connemara 2 :30 Volunteer Boy by Volunteer. Linda 2:29% Volunteer Clay by Harry Clay Viola Clay 2:24* Volunteer Duroc. Maurice Mullins, p.. .2:26% Volunteer Goldsmith by Gold- smith. Hambletonian(Ayres')2 :29% Volunteer Jr. (Dunbar's) by Volunteer. Vilette 2:22% Volunteer Jr. by Volunteer. Country Girl, p 2 :21% Volunteer Star by Volunteer. Alaric 2:21% Bethlehem Star 2 :20% Kentucky Star 2 :21% Valkyr 2:19% Volunteer Swigert by Swigert First Born 2 9* KittyB 2:29% PrinceS 2:20* Cisco Queen, p 2 :23 Von Arnim by Sentinel. VonR 2:29% Von Mark by Victor Bismarck LelahW.,p 2:23% Von Moltke by Morrill Colt Cunard 2:30 Dotty D 2:25* Flora 2:25% Mermaid 2:26* Vosburg by Mambrino Pilot. IkeShultz 2:30 Voucher by Volunteer. Windsorina, p 2:22 Wabash by Red Wilkes. Dembert 2:30 Wade Hampton. Jennie Wynn 2:26* Rolo Ryar- 2:21% Grey Goose, p 2:25* Nancy B 2:29* ilderim. p 2:19% Wagner Bashaw by Green's Bashaw. IdaT 2:27 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 79 J. H. McCormack 2 :29 MaryC 2:30 Oliver W 2:24 Ashby,p 2:26% Minnie Roberts, p.... 2: 2234 Waldensian by Holabird's Ethan Allen Harry B., p 2:2034 Waldstein by Director. Humboldt Maid 2:27 Native Son 2:29* Walker Morrill by Winthrop Morrill. Forest Boy 2 :26* I.X.L 2:2534 Kitty Van 2:24 Molly Morrill 2:2834 Vortex 2:2134 Marendes, p 2 :1734 Omega, p 2:23* Orphan Boy, p 2:2434 Walker Sprague by Gov. Sprague. Arthur Sprague 2 :27* Walkill by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian. Nora 2:27% Walkill (Steele's) by Walkill Chief. G ea. Grant 2 :263i Gaiters, p 2 :2334 Peter Cooper, p 2 :2134 Phantom, p 2:26* Zandora, p 2:22 1 / 2 Walkill by Walkill Chief. Mayflower 2:2134 Whalebone 2:23* AValkill by Walkill Chief. Messina Boy, p 2 :16% Walkill Chief by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Billy Burr 2 :29* Dick Swiveller 2 :18 Great Eastern 2 :18 Topsey 2:21% Valley Girl 2:30 Walkill Chief 2d by Walkill Chief. Young Vermonter 2 :30 Walkill Jr. by Walkill Chief. Frank P., p 2:17% Nellie I.,p 2:25* Walkill Prince by Rysdyk's Hmnbletonian. Athalia Prince Brunswick 2 : Delia McGee 2:28 Demonstrator 2 :30 Eagle Lake 2 :273/ 2 Eura 2:1834 Glenwood Prince 2 :21 Letta C 2:1634 O.K 2:2634 Silverdale 2 :25* Walsingham by Geo. Wilkes. Fay Gordon 2 :26* Jellyby 2:26 Latitude 2:15 Linkwood 2:2934 Louise Watt 2 :27 Lovell 2:26*4 Mount Airy 2:1954 Naboth 2:19*4 Neville 2:29* Niblo 2:27^4 Novice 2:?6* Birentha, p 2 :25 Long Shot, p 2:26* Walter Lewis by Corsair. Belle Underbill 2 :2634 Walter V. Piano Prince 2:28* Wanderer by Gen. Knox. OakdaleDot 2:2334 Wapsie by Green's Bashaw. Blue Charley 2:22 Gen. Grant 2:21 Glenwood 2:27% Senator N 2:25 Star Bashaw 2:27 Wapsie B 2:29 West Liberty 2:28 Wonder 2:2134 Yellow Ochre 2:?8* J. F. G.,p 2:25K Minnie M.,p 2:24*4 Wapsie L., p 2:29 Ward B. by Eros. Letter B 2:27* War Eagle by Alden Gold- smith. Winnie H 2:1834 War Eagle by Prompter. Eagle, p 2:19* Warfare by Aberdeen. Margery H.,p 2:26* Warlock by Belmont. Annine 2:21 Bertha C 2:2934 King Warlock 2:2434 Moloch 2:2634 Rachel 2:2534 Templeton^ 2 :25* Warcliff 2:29% Wardship 2 :23% Warwitch 2:1834 Warwitch, p 2:2534 Warrior Jr. by Warrior. Headlight, p 2 :22* Lizzie Mack, p 2 :1434 Soldier, T> 2:23 Warwick Boy by Middleton. Midnight, p 2:2834 Warwick Boy by Iron Duke. A. B. C 2:2934 Addie L 2:I8>4 BelleD 2:2934 Bert Sheldon 2 :2934 Bert Sheldon Jr 2 :1634 Class Leader 2 :2234 EiCook 2:24* EdnaC ?:29* Jenny R 2:2934 Lady B 2:23* Myrtle 2 28* Okalona 2:27% Sam Webber 2 :2534 Superior . . . . ; 2 :18* Tom Barry 2:2634 Lady Mac, p 2:2534 Moxie, p 2:2734 OnieD..p 2:20 Warwick Girl, p 2 :2634 Washburn by Volunteer. Johnny B.. p 2:15 Washburn Horse. Moose 2:19* Washington (Burr's) by Burr's Napoleon. Lady Woodruff 2 :29 Washington. StevieH 2:2234 Washington by George M. Patchen. Laura M... ...2:27 Fred Ackerman, p 2 :23 Washington Jackson by An- drew Jackson. Twilight 2:27 Watchmaker by Winthrop Morrill. Hamoun 2 :28% JosieB 2:2834 Young Watchmaker . . 2 :30 Waterloo by Belmont. Benedicta 2:29* No Trouble 22134 Water Bird, p 2:2934 Waveland Chief by Ericsson. Joan 2:30 Olaf 2:22 Syenite 2:2934 Wavpland 2:2634 Wildey 2:29 Waxford by Hemlock. Baby Bunting 2:28* Belmont Prince 2 :1734 Prince 2:28% Wax 2:24 Waxey by Berthune. Grafton 2:2234 Waymart by Happy Medium . LowMark.p 2:19% Waymark.p 2:1034 Wayne Wilkes by Red Wilkes Centlivre Wilkes 2 :28 Hazel Wilkes 2:21% Wayne Chief 2:25 Cash Boy, p 2:2734 Kaiser Wilkes. p 2:2734 Nidia, p 2:1334 Wayne Wilson by Stoner Boy. King Wilson, p 2:25* Quaker K., p 2:22* Wayward by Onward. Importer, p 2:22* J.H. K., p 2:24* Wedgebrook. Honeymoon, p 2:30 Wedgewood by Belmont. Connaught 2:24 Ethelwyn 2:2934 Favonia 2 :15 French Plate 2:2634 Jeff Davis 2:27* Malabar 2:2134 MissKirkman 2:17 Myrtlewood 2 :2534 Noonday 2:30 Nugget 2:26% Pngan -. 2:30 Queensware 2 :25 Ulva 2:27 Wistful 2:1334 Woodnote 2:28 Blairwood, p 2 :1534 Conway.p 2:18% Frank Wood, p 2 :25* Halwood,p 2:27* Harpeth, p 2:21* Ironwood, p 2:26% J. W.C., p 2:24* Laredo, p 2:19* Lilly,p 2:2834 Lucille, p 2:14* Rosewood, p 2:22 Well Ahead, p 2:1934 Weige. Mountain Quail 2 :25* Weisbaden by Belmont. Goldbaden 2 :2534 Lady W 2:18% 80 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Red Bird 2:25*4 Wellington by Kentucky Prince. Black Bess 2 :22*4 Daddy R 2:28*4 Darlington 2:18*4 Daisy 2:28*4 Duke of Wellington . . 2 :20 H.C 2:22 Lord Nelson 2 :2W4 National 2:20*4 RobertL 2:28 Rose 2:29^ Walton Boy 2:20% Westman by Col. West. Emma Westman 2 :29*4 West Cloud by Abdallah West. Wild Rose, p 2 :16 Westchester by Hasbrouck's Hambletonian Chief. Brookside 2:26 Famine 2:26 West Egbert by Egbert. Halifax 2:25*4 Easter Girl, p 2 :28*4 Eggleton, p 2:16% Joe Egbert, p 2 :15!/ 2 Westland. Waveland. p 2 :26*4 Western by Hambleton- ian Jr. Chapman, p 2 :22V Western Boy by Empire. Howard S 2 :28*4 Tom Thorn 2 :2(>*4 Zulu Girl 2:27*4 Western Chief by Curtis' Hambletonian. Cottonette 2 :25 Western Fearnaught by Dan- ville Boy, Jr. Alley W 2:22*4 Billy Freer 2:24% Carrie H 2:29*4 Lady Brownell 2 :25% May Queen 2 :29% Prince Arthur 2:18 Jessie C. p 2:29*4 Western Sprague by Gov. Sprague. Four Lines 2 :29 1 A Westfield Boy by Black Prince. George M 2:24 Westmont by Col. West. Monte West 2:25% Lady Westmont, p . . . 2 :25*4 Westmont (Sperry's) .2 :27J4 Westmont (Sperry's) by Westmont. Sandy 2:23% Westwood by Blackwood. St. Valentine 2 :16% Whalebone by Hambletonian Tranby. Billy Jay, p 2:17% Billy Walters, p 2 :18*4 Guy Wonder, p 2:24% Quaker Boy, p 2:14*4 Thornton Girl, p 2 :26% Whalebone by Sherman Mor- gan. Blackstone Belle 2 :28H Whalebone. PhilCaswell 2:28 Whalebone Knox by Gen. Knox. Alpha 2:29*4 JohnS. HeaJd 2:27*4 W. H. Cassidy by Young Jim. Jessie Hood 2:25*4 Wheelock by Romulus. Rome 2:29*4 Whip Clay by Strader's Cass- ius M. Clay Jr. Will Benham 2:24*4 Whipple by Whipple's Ham- bletonian. Glaucus 2:27*4 Retta 2 :28% Whippleton by Hambleton- ian Jr. FloraB 2:27 Frank O'Neil 2:29 Glaucus 2:30 Lilly Stanley 2 :17*4 Molly Patten 2:29 1 / 2 OakvillsMaid 2:26 CoraC. p ....2:22i/ 2 Homestake, p 2 iievi Like Like, p 2:25 Whip (Hunt's). Hoosier Dick, p 2 :30 Whips by Electioneer. Az >te 2:08*4 Cobwebs 2:12 Manille 2:29*4 Navidad .2-2^ 2 Warlock ...2:24 Whirlwind. Bay Whalebone 2 :26*4 Whirlwind. Barkis 2:25 1 / 2 Elsie Y 2:29% Lady Mac 2:23 Wnirlwind Chief by Whirl- wind. Birdie 2:28*4 Ray Jackson 2 :29*4 Whirlwind Jr. by Whirlwind. Jimmy Puzzler 2 :30 Whirlwind Jr. Little Dan, p 2:28 Whistle Jacket by Strader's Cassius M. Clay Jr. Brown Sam, p 2 :29*4 Whitby by Hannis. Angelus 2:23 1 / 2 White Cloud by Telegraph. Bessie Ann, p 2:30 Bessie M. p 2:14 Flora Belle, p 2 :13% Logan, p 2:26 Rocktown, p 2 :25 T.N.B 2:10H Josephus, p 2 :25 White Ghost by Simpson Mes- senger. Ed Eaton 2:28 Whitehall by North Ameri- can. Rhode Island 2 :23*4 Whiteline by Strong Horse. Belle Whitney 2:30 Glen Miller 2:18 J.M.G 2:20 Star Line 2:27 Star Line 2:29% LadyL.p 2:26*4 Whiteline Jr. by Whiteline. Maggie B 2:26 Whiteline Chief by White- line. Castor 2:30 Whitney by Mambrino Rus- sell. Ramona 2:16% W. H. Maxwell by Baird's Hambletonian Prince. Merzalia 2'29*4 Tricotrin 2:25 Wichita by Mambrino Patchen. Arthur 2:26 1 / 2 Wiggins. Gentle Annie 2:26 Wildair by Ethan Allen. Rustic 2:27 Wideawake by Spalding's Ab- dallah. Lady Spanker 2 :26*4 Wild Bashaw by Green's Bashaw. Diamond 2:28 Wild Billy by son of Vermont Black Hawk. Fairmont 2 :29*4 Wild Boy by Gen. Benton. Donchka 2:24 Wild Deer by Old Tippoo. Tartar. 2:28*4 Wildbrino by Hambrino. Callino 2:20*4 Little Jim Wild Crocus... Attar, p. .. Little M.,p. .2:23*4 . 2 :25% .2:23*4 . ': :22 . .21*4 Sweet Violet, p Wilder by Bayard. Trifle Wilder by Middletown. William 2:18% Wilder Wilkes. Daisy C.,p 2:22 Wildfire by Volunteer. LizzieS 2:22*4 Wildmont by Egmont. Chloe 2:22*4 Wildnut by Woodnut. Arial 2:27% Bedworth 2:27 EIRami 2:29% Wild Tom by Old Wild Tom. JohnR.. p 2:12% Wild Wagner (Hiatt's). Leon, p 2:23?4 Wiley,p 2:30 Will Wagoner by George M. Patchen. Black Frank 2:24*4 Essex Maid 2:30 Lady Wilson 2:29% LizzieS 2:27*4 Lydia Thompson 2 :26*4 Wilgus Clay by Neaves' Cas" sius M Clay Jr. Ella Clay 2:23*4 Lillian D 2:30 W ilkerson by Favorite Wilkes Mamie Allen 2:30 Grover Cleveland, p . . 2 :15*4 Wilkes by Alcyone. Brownie 2 :29*4 China Boy 2:29*4 Col. Pitt 2:22*4 Col.Osgood 2:18% Fred Wilkes 2:17*4 Glimmer 2 :234 GRIT DAVIS, HAKRODSBUKG, KY. There are few who do not remember how he swept the deck with Prince Wilkes 2 :142. GILL CURRY, NASHVILLE, TENN. The master mechanic from the Sunny South who earned his share of the money in 1894 with Red Bud 2 :14H- SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 81 Hazel 2:28% Johnny Wilk^s '2 :27*4 Mattie Merrill 2 :27% St. Croix 2:14% Wilkes by Favorite Wilkes. Walter Wilkes. p 2 :11*4 Wilkes (DeLong's) by Ham- bletonian Wilkes. Midget Wilkes 2:29% Wilkes Boy by George Wilkes. Abbadonne 2 :23% Alberts 2:30 Albion 2-.25H Angelic a 2:12 Angis 2:29% Bessie Wilkes 2:29% Cleta Wilkes 2 :29% Constantino 2 :12?4 EllaO.K 2:29 Emsie 2:28 Glen Wilkes 2:25 Grattan 2:13 Homer Wilkes 2:28 Julia Coulter 2 27 Kentucky Lew 2 :28*4 Mary Caldwell 2:20 Nelly A 2:16*4 Nelly Aldine 2:21% Preston 2:27% St. Vincent 2:13*4 Sternberg 2:15% Wilbooka 2:19% Wilkes Boy Jr 2:29% Wilkesman 2:26% Willelah 2:27% Winston 2:25 Judge Swing, p 2 :11% Warburton , p 2 :18*4 Wilkes Chief by Bourbon Wilkes. Charley Anderson .... 2 :22*4 Wilkesdale by Alcantara. Hurlingham 2 :19*4 Wilkes Golddust by Young Jim. Psyche 2:15% Fanny S.,p 2:23% Wilkesmont by Tremont. Andy Wilkes 2:28*4 La Bessa, p 2 :24% Lizzie N.,p 2:21% McKinley, p 2 :24% Wilkes Nutwood by Nutwood. Shadeland Acme 2 :28% Shadeland Almeda. ..2:27*4 Shadeland Lamott....2:29% Wilkesonian byGeorgeWilkes Dick Wills 2:25% Emm a Wilkes 2 :23% Joe Bluffer 2 :27*4 Lakewood Maid 2 :29 Lakewood Prince 2 :13*4 MissQ 2:29% Myrtle Peak 2 :29% Pittsburg Wilkes 2:16% Dick Wills, p 2:16*4 Joe Bluffer, p 2 :29% Minnie C., p 2:29% Wilkes Spirit by George Cornelia' Wilki s 2 :23% Morton 2 :29*4 Preston Wilkes 2 :29*4 Sarah Coin 2 :29% Wilkes Spirit Jr. by Wilkes Spirit. Chester 2:17% Easter Wilkes 2 :21% Jerry Wilkes 2:30 Pearl Wilkes 2 :22% Sam Hill 2:20% Barrington Wilkes, p. 2:25 Wilkes U. Bessie Wilkes. p 2 :23% Wilkeswood by Nutwood. Bessie Wilkeswood. ..2:20 Ergot 2:23*4 Fleety Wilkeswood. . .2 :28 Maggie Wilkeswood . . 2 :28 Mattie Mosier 2:27% Vernwood 2 :26 Capt. Wood, p 2 :16% Wilkie Collins by George Wilkes. Aberdeen Wilkes 2 :26 AdministratorWilkes.2 :25% Almont Wilkes 2 :20 Annie Wilkes ......... 2 :21*4 Bella Wilkes 2:18*4 Catapult 2:21 1/ 2 E. N. Cook 2:16% Harry Bacchus 2:23% John Bascomb 2 :25 Plutone 2:23% Pluto Wilkes 2:26% Balsr>ra Wilkes, p 2 :17% Nelly Green, p 2:29 Teddie Collins, p 2:24% Wilkie Collins by Ahawaga Chief. Midge 2:27% Wilkesmont by Alcantara. Quiz 2:23% Wilkie Russell by Mambrino Russell. Primus 2:29 Willard Russell, p . . . . 2 :15 Wilkins by Wilkins Micawber Gavaroche 2 :28% Wilkins Micawber by Rys- dyk's Hambletonian. Black Prince 2 :25*4 Kingsley 2:26% Victoria 2:30 Wilko by Simmons. Whirligig, p 2:10 Wilkomont by Almont Pilot. Bertie R 2:15% Will Crocker by Electioneer. Irene Crocker 2 :20 Little Crocker 2 :30 Willet by Rochester. Nabob 2:30 Will Go. Daisy E.,p 2:24% William Clay by Little Billy. Wilson,p 2:12% William Corbitt by Arthur- ton. BenCorbitt 2:21 Dot,p 2:27% William H. Allen by Volun- teer. Allen's Best 2 :28*4 George Allen 2:28 Walter A 2:25% Warren T 2:26 William H. Riploy by Wood- p'ecker (Canadian). Royal George 2 :26V4 DanRipley, p 2:24% William Irvin by Lyle Wilkes. Little Billy 2:30 William H. Vanderbilt by Masterlode. Alleta 2:26*4 Bonnie M. George 2:30 Conway.. 2:18% Dick 2:29 LenaV 2:28% S. W.G 2:26% DickR.,p 2:27*4 William L. by George Wilkes. Axtell 2:12 Emperor Wilkes 2 :20% Erica 2:24 Margaret C 2:19% Alexis, p 2:18 Bonecher, p 2:26 Lucra, p 2:23% William M. by William M. Rysdyk. FrankB 2:23 1 / 2 William M. by Messenger Chief. Gen. Denver 2:22*4 Zebidee 2:29% Woodland Maid, p . . . . 2 :30 William M. Hill by Sir Walt- er. Judge Hurt, p 2:14% Lena Hill, p 2:12 William Miner (Canadian). Chieftain 2:25*4 Frank McCune 2 :25% William M. Rysdyk by Rys- dyk's Hambletonian. Lady Whitefoot 2 :i8% William Penn. GeorgieH., p 2:29 William Rysdyk by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Beulah 2:29% Billy Rysdyk 2:27*4 Charley Ellis 2:27% Defiance 2:27% Lily Rysdyk 2:25*4 Priscilla 2:27% Robert Rysdyk 2:13% Umber 2:25% William Rysdyk, Jr. by Wil- liam Rysdyk. Nellie B.,p 2:29?4 Williams by Combat Tom Williams 2 :23% Miss Williams, p 2 :16% William Tell by Plumas. Maxwell 2:28% William Wallace by Duke of Brunswick. Lady Cummings, p.. .2:29% Lady Wallace, p 2 :22*4 Prim Wallace, p 2 :27*4 William WallaceScrib- ner,p 2:26% William Welch by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Jeremiah 2:21*4 Violin 2:25% William Wheeler by Iowa Duroc. Green Stotts, p 2:22% Willie McMahon by McMahon BonnieF 2:26 Molly B 2:29*4 Willie Schepper by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. LauraB 2:27 Willie Wilkes by Young Wilkes. lola Wilkes, p 2:22*4 Wilmontby Almont Rattler. Gladstone 2 :28% 82 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. Willoughbyby Ned Forrest. Belle Cassett 2:13*4 Belle M., p 2:19% Wilmar by Rhode Island. Sprague Superb 2 :29*4 Sprague Winshii Wilmore by Strathmore. Bonnie Wilmore 2 :14*4 Wilson Horse by Morse Horse MaryC 2:24*4 Wilton by George Wilkes. Adelia 2:25% Amani 2:28% Antecedent 2 :29*/ 2 Axminster 2:21% Bernadotte 2 :29*4 Billy Wilton 2:30 Bon Ton 2:28*4 Bucyrus 2 :23% Cornelia 2:20 Cornelia Wilton 2 :25*4 Ernest Wilton 2 :27% Fairhaven 2 :19*4 Freckles 2 :30 Georgia H 2 :26*/ s Goblin 2:26*A Kate Wilton 2:27 Lady Wilton 2:21*4 Maggie Wilton 2 :28*4 Maggie Wilton 2 :30 M ike Bowerman 2 :29*4 Miss Wilton 2:25 Moquette 2:30 Moquette 2:10 Ortolan 2 :28*/ 2 Red Wilton 2:29*4 Royal Wilton 2:21*4 Scourine 2 :23*/ 2 Sea Girl 2:18*4 Silk Velvet 2:26 Silicon 2:13*4 Silurian 2:25*4 Silvertone 2:30 Tip Tyler 2:22 Walter King 2:24*4 Watson 2:27% Wilmarch 2:17*4 Wilto 2:22*4 Wiltonette 2:24 Wiltonian 2 :28*4 Wilton, Jr 2:25 Winchester 2 :19% VeraCapel. p 2:10V 4 Walter Wilton, p 2 :19*4 Windsor by Maj. Anderson. Flora Windsor 2 :30 Gen. Ewing 2 :27*4 Lady Marie 2:29 Lizzie F 2:27% Windsor H 2:25% Windsor M 2:20*4 Frank Finch, p 2 :24*4 Windsor H.,p 2:22*4 Winfleld Scott by Edward Everett. George B 2:29*4 MaudJ 2:25*4 Mike Scott 2:23*4 St. Simon 2:24*4 Jennie Scott, p 2 :29% Theresa Scott t p 2:25 Winnebago Chief by Moun- tain Chief. J.C 2:20 Jack Jewett, p 2 :13*4 Salol, p 2:21*4 Winooski by Walkill Chief. Albion 2:27*4 Grand Isle 2:24*4 Lizzie H 2:24*4 Orphan Boy 2 29% Winship Jr. 11. E 2:18% i Winslow Boy. Daisy Rolfe, p 2:30 I Winthrop by Drew Horse. Molly Drew 2:27 Corette,p 2:19 Oakland Boy, p 2:29 Winthrop Knox by Gen. Knox Maud Knox 2:27 St. Joe 2:18 Winthrop Morrill by Young Morrill. Baby Boy 2:30 Ben Morrill 2:27 Ed. Getchell 2:27 Fleetwood 2:29 Glengarry 2:27 Honest Harry 2-.22.Vi John Morrill 2 :27 1 / 2 J.G. Morrill 2:29 Sam Curtis 2:28 Winthrop Morrill Jr.byMeta- comet. Gipsey 2:24*4 Wistrel, an Orloff. Wzmakh 2:2654 Witchcraft by Brown Wilkes. Sorceress 2 :24*4 Witherell Messenger by Win- throp Messenger. Belle of Portland 2:26 Woful Allen by Young Wofnl. MamieD 2:26*4 Wolferl by Calamity Dick. Agamemnon, p 2:19*4 Wonder by Post's Hamble- tonian. Gertie J., p 2 24% Wonder by Blue Bull. JohnB.,p 2:28*4 Susie Wonder, p 2 :19*4 Woodbridge Jr. by Wood- bridge. Kate 2:22% Woodbrino by Nutwood. Caprivi 2:28 Ezra T ; ..2:30 Lord Brino 2 :25*4 Matchwood 2:27 Marvelous 2 :23 Yega 2:15% Vollery 2:21*4 Zerbrino 2:27*4 Wood burn by Lexington. Monarch 2:28*4 Woodburn by Autocrat. JoeMoreland 2:22 Woodburn Chief by Roscoe. Lady Helen 2:22 Woodburn Hambletonian by Belmont. Lola Anderson 2 :29*4 Branchwood, p 2:25 Woodburn Pilot by Pilot Jr. Vladimir 2,:28% Woodburn Boy 2:2754 BobR..p 2.-9*4 Woodcraft by Menelaus. Woodlark 2:201/2 Woodford by Woodford Mam- brino. Auburn 2:30 Woodford Abdallah by Wood- ford Mambrino. Kenil worth 2 :18*4 Sparkle, p 2 :29*4 Wilshire. p 2:26*4 Woodford Boy. LiOgan F., p 2: 26* - 2 WoodfordKnox by Gen.Knox. Forest King 2:30 E. W. 8., p ...2:23*4 Honesty, p 2:17% Willie F., p 2:27*4 Woodie, p 2 :29*4 Woodford Mambrino by Mam- brino Chief. Abbottsford 2 :19*4 Convoy 2:22H Dacia 2:29*/ 2 George A. Ayer 2:30 Inca 2:27 Lady McFatridge 2 :29 Magenta 2:24*4 Mambrino Dudley. . . .2 :19% Mattie Price 2 :29*4 Nora Lee 2:29*4 Pancoast 2:21% Rachel 2:26% Woodford Pilot 2 :23*4 Woodford Pilot by Woodford Mambrino. Belford 2:21 King Midas 2:28V 4 Pana 2:30 Prohibit 2:25V 2 Rockburn 2:19*4 Woodford Pilot Jr, . . .2 :27V4 Woodford Wilkes by George Wilkes. Hampshire 2:22*4 Heiress 2:27 Inveterate 2:29% Jenny Wilkes 2:12*/ 2 Jewel Wiikes 2 :28tt Jocta Wilkes 2:29% Joy Wilkes 2:23*4 Knight 2:28*/ 2 Lavina 2:28 L. L.D 2:24*4 Linden Wilkes 2:25 Marie Wilkes 2:30 McGinty. p 2:28 Woodford (La Due's) .2 :16*4 Woodland by Woodlawn. O'Connell, p 2:30 Woodlark by A. W. Rich- mond. Los Angeles 2:23 l / 2 Woodlawn. Hiatoga Boy, p 2 :29% Woodline by Nutwood. Cappie Woolme 2 :28*4 Ella Woodline 2 :23*/ 2 Woodman by Wedgewood. Maud G.. 2:28*4 Woodmont by Woodford Ab- dallah. Charlie Mozee, p 2:20*/ a Woodnut by Nutwood. Extravagant 2 :28K Hawwood 2:30 Baywood, p 2 :i4% Wasatch,p 2:26*4 Woodpecker. Silverspray , p 2 :29*4 Woodstock by Young Morrill. Royal John 2:26 Woolsey by Electioneer. Loyaleer 2:30 SIRES OF 2:30 PERFORMERS. 83 Nelly W 2:17)4 Princess 2:19% Sir Gird 2:26 l / 2 Wehina 2:26% Abeto,p 2:21% W. P. Maxwell by Squire Tal- madge. BUlyTerrill 2:2854 Wyandotte Chief. Bonnie O, p 2 :30 Wyoming Chief. Dick Kitchen, p 2 :27*4 Yankee Bill by Peck Horse. Nigger Baby 2:2754 Yatagan by Lord Russell. Yaqui 2:28)4 Yellow Jacket. Doubtful, p 2:2554 Yellow Jacket (Wells') by Pyle's Yellow Jacket. Thomas L. Young.... 2:1954 Young Alarm by Alarm. Fieldmont, p 2:19 Young Abner. Bob,p 2:23% Young Almont by Alburn. Dan S 2:20 Young America by Grey Mes- senger. Hazor 2:27 Young Banner by Fish Horse. Little Harry 2 :2954 Young Bashaw by Capt.Grant Maj. Lynn 2 :2354 Young Cassius by Jones' 2d Cassius M. Clay. Col. Pike 2:29*4 Nelly Gray 2:26*4 Young Columbus Jr. by Young Columbus. Tot 2:24 Young Darkey by Darkey. Victor 2:26*4 Young Denmark (Kinney's) by Denmark. Trim 2:16*4 Young Detective. MollyH 2:295i Young Dirigo by Dirigo. MollyC 2:23*4 Tom Drew 2:27)4 Young Flying Cloud by Fly- ing Cloud. Dinah '..' ...2:30 4, 2 :14V 4 Fastest seven heat race Hazel Wilkes by Guy Wilkes ; (Dr. Sparks won first and second, and Pixley fourth and fifth heats) Cleveland, O.. July 28, 1893 2:13%, 2:13^, 2 :114, 2:14%, 2:14*4, 2:13, 2:16M Fastest eight heat race McKinney by Alcyone ; (Ottinger won third and fifth, Klamath fourth and seventh, and Steve Whipple first heat) Stockton, Cal., Sept. 23 and 25, 1893 2:13, 2:11^,2:11^, 2:14, 2:16, 2:16^,2 :16M, 2:22 Fastest nine heat race Alix by Patronage ; (Pixley won sixth and eighth, Nightingale seventh, Lord Clinton fifth and Hulda second a- d third heats) Chicago, 111., Sept. 14, 15 and 16, 1893 2 :07%, 2 :10*4, 2 :10V&, 2 :11%, 2 :11!4, 2 :09%, 2 :12%, 2 :15*4, 2 :09% TROTTING TO WAGON. One mile Guy by Kentucky Prince ; Detroit, Mich., July 18, 1893. . . 2 :13 One mile in a race Alfred S. by Elmo ; Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 4, 1890 2 :16% Two mile in a race Dexter by Rysdyk's Hambletonian ; Fashion Course, L. I., Oct. 4, 1865 4:56^4 Three miles in a race Prince ; Union Course, Long Island, Sept. 15, 1857 7 :53& Five miles in a race Fillmore ; San Francisco, Cal., April 18, 1863 13 :16 Ten miles in race Julia Aldrich; San Francisco, Cal., June 15, 1858 ,...29:04 Vz Twenty mile Controller by General Taylor ; San Francisco, Cal., April 20, 1878 58:5i Fifty mile Spangle ; Union Course, L. I., Oct. 15,1855... 3:58:04 Fastest three heats-Hopeful; Chicago, 111., Oct. 12, 1878 2:16 1 / a , 2:17, 2:17 TKOTTING UNDER SADDLE. One mile Great Eastern by Walkill Chief; New York, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1877 2:15% Two miles George M. Patchen by Cassius M. Clay; Union Course, L. L, June 12, I860.... 4:53*4 Three miles Dutchman byTippooSaib Jr. ; Hoboken,N. J., Aug. 1. 183 7:32 1 / 2 Four miles Dutchman by Tippo Saib Jr. ; Centerville, L. I., May, 1836 10 :51 TEAM TROTTING. One mile to wagon Belle Hamlin and Honest George; Providence, R. I., Sept. 23, 1892.. . 2:1234 One mile in race Sallie Simmons and Rose Leaf ; Columbus, O.. Sept. 27, 1894 2:15*4 One mile over half-mile track Kitty Bayard and Count Robert ; Canfield,O., Sept. 27,1894 2:19% Fastest tandem team-Mambrino Sparkle and William H. ; Cleveland, O., Sept. 16. 1886. . 2 :32 Fastest by triple team BeUe Hamlin, Globe and Justina ; Cleveland, O., July 31, 1891.. . . 2 :14 TROTTING WITH RUNNING MATE. Fastest against time Ayres P. by Prosper Merrimee and mate; Kirkwood, Del., July 4, 1893 2:03/ 2 Fastest in a race Frank by Abraham, and mate ; Prospect Park, Long Island, Nov. 15, 1883 2 :08i4 PACING. One mile Robert J. by Hartford ; Terrre Haute, Ind., Sept. 13, 1894 Two miles Defiance by Chieftain, and Longfellow by Red Bill (dead heat) ; Sacramento, Cal., Dec. 26, 1874 4:47% Three miles Joe Jefferson by Thomas Jefferson ; Knoxville, Iowa, Nov. 6, 1891 7 :33*/4 Three miles in a race James K. Polk ; Centerville. L. I., Sept. 13, 1847 7 :44 Four miles Joe Jefferson by Thomas Jefferson ; Knoxville, Iowa, Nov. 13, 1891 10 :10 Five miles Fisherman ; San Francisco. Cal., Dec. 19, 1874 13 :03& Stallion John R. Gentry by Ashland Wilkes; Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 14, 1894 2:03% Mare-May Marshall by Billy Wilkes ; Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 19. 1893 2:08*4 Gelding Robert J. by Hartford ; Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 14, 1894 2 :01 l / 2 Yearling colt-Rosedale by Sidney ; Stockton, Cal., Nov. 14, 1893 2 :22 Yearling filly Belle Acton by Shadeland Onward ; Lyons, Neb., Oct. 14, 1892 2 :20% Yearling gelding Rollo by Jerome Eddy ; Independence. la., Oct. 27, 1891 2 :28 l / 2 Two-year-old colt Directly by Direct ; Galesburg, 111. , Sept. 20, 1894 2 :07% Two-year-old filly-Lena Hill by William M. Hill; Dallas, Texas, Oct. 28, 1893 2:12% Three-year-old colt Sidmont by Sidny ; Chillicothe, Ohio, Oct. 4, 1894 2 :10H Three-year-old filly Whirligig by Wilko, Terre Haute, Ind., Aug. 13, 1894, and Ethel A. by Adrian Wilkes, Galesburg, 111., Sept. 19, 1894 2:10 Three-year-old gelding Adonis by Sidney ; San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 25. 1888 2 :14*4 Four-year-old colt Online by Shadeland Onward; Sioux City, Iowa, Oct. 12, 1894 2:04 Four-year-old filly Effie Powers by Anderson Wilkes, Decatur. 111., Oct. 11, 1894, and Lottie Loraine by Gambetta Wilkes, Columbus, O., Sept. 6, 1894 2 :10*/ 2 Four-year-old gelding W. Wood by Steinway; Stockton, Cal., Nov. 5, 1892 2:07 Five-year-old stallion-John R. Gentry by Ashland Wilkes ; Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 14, 1894 2 :03% Five-year-old mare La Belle by Lockhart ; Sioux City. Iowa, Oct. 13, 1894 2 :09 Five-year-old gelding-Robert J. by Hartford ; Nashville, Tenn. , Oct. 19, 1893 2 :05% Fastest mile over a half-mile track Joe Patchen by Patchen Wilkes ; San Antonio, Texas, Nov.15,1894 2:08 WORLD'S RECORDS. 87 PACING IN RACES. Fastest heat, gelding Robert J. by Hartford ; Indianapolis. Ind.. Sept. 5, 1894 ... . . 2 :024 Stallion- John R. Gentry by Ashland Wilkes ; Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 14. 1894 2 :03% Mare May Marshall by Billy Wilkes : Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 19, 1894 2:08& Yearling Belle Acton by Shadeland Onward ; Topeka, Kan., Sept. 14, 1892 2 :30H Two-year-old Symboleer by Campbell's Electioneer ; Dallas, Texas, Nov. 3, 1894 2 :ll Three-year-old Whirligig by Wilko ; Terre Haute, Ind.. Aug. 13, 1894 2:10 Four-yea r-old-Online by Shadeland Onward; Cleveland, Ohio, July 28, 1894 2:07*4 Three-year-oldJohn R. Gentry by Ashland Wilkes; Terre Haute, Ind.. Sept. 14, 1894 2:03% Fastest first heat Robert J. by Hartford ; Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 5, 1894 2:03% Fastest second heat Robert J. by Hartford ; Indianapolis, Ind. , Sept. 5, 1894 2 :02V Fastest third heat Robert J. by Hartford; Davenport, Iowa, Sept. 27, 1894 2:02% Fastest fourth heat John R. Gentry by Ashland Wilkes ; Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 14, 1894 2 :07M Fastest fifth heat Mascot by Deceive. Independence, la., Sept. 2, 1892, and Robert J. by Hartford, Cleveland, O., July 27, 1894 2:07*4 Fastest sixth heat Guy by Shiloh ; St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 17, 1892 2 :09 Fastest three consecutive heats Robert J. by Hartford; Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 5, 1894 2:03%, 2:02 1 / 2 , 2:04% Fastest fourth heat race John R. Gentry by Ashland Wilkes ; Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 14, 1894 (Hal Bradon won first heat) 2:09, 2 :03%, 2 :06, 2 :Q1% Fastest five-heat race Mascot by Deceive ; Detroit, Mich., July 21, 1893 (Flying Jib won first and Hal Pointer fourth heats) 2 :07, 2 -M 1 A , 2 :06H, 2 :07y 2 , 2 :07*4 Fastest six heat race Moonstone by Mambrino King (Online won first and second, and Reflector third heats) ; Cleveland, O., July 28. 1894....2:07 1 / 2 , 2:07*4, 2:07%, 2:09*4, ..2:11, 2:11% Fastest seven heat race Rubinstein by Baron Wilkes (Vassar won third and fourth and Hal Dillard first and second heats) ; Columbus, O., Sept. 24, and 25. 1894 2:06M. 2:07%, 2 :09i4, 2:07%, 2:08*4, 2:09*4, 2:13 Fastest eight-heat race Frank Agan, by Mikagan (Lottie Loraine won third and fourth, Coleridge second, Col. Thornton fifth and Jack Bowers sixth heat; Louisville, Ky., Oct. 23 and 24, 1?94 2 :11 , 2 :09% . 2 :11*4. 2 :11*4 , 2 :12*4, 2 :12, 2 :11%, 2 :13 Fastest nine beat race Jo He, by Rrookie Forrest (Ed Easton won third and fourth, Allie L. first and second, Coast Boy sixth and Seal seventh heats) Buffalo. N. Y., Aug. 10, 1893 2:lli4, 2:13*4- 2:12%, 2:13*4. 2 :14*4. 2:17*4, 2:16^,2:16^, 2:20*4 Fastest heat on half mile track in race Fidol by Backman's Idol; Ottawa, 111., Aug. 2, 1894 , 2:12% PACING TO WAGON. One mile Roy Wilkes bv Adrian Wilkes ; Independence, Iowa, Oct. 30, 1891 2 :13 One mile in a race Johnston by Joe Bassett ; Detroit, Mich., July 20. 1887 2 :14*4 Three miles Longfellow by Red Bird ; Sacramento, Cal., Sept, 21, 1868 7 :53 Five miles Lady St. Clair by Dietz's St. Clair ; San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 11, 1874 12 :54% TEAM PACING. One mile to wagon Belle Button by Alexander Button, and Thomas Ryder by Alexan- der Button ; Oakland, Cal., Oct. 22, 1892 2:16H UNDER SADDLE. One mile Johnston by Joe Bassett; Cleveland, O., Aug. 3, 1888 2:13 One mile in race Billy Boyce by Corbeau : Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 1. 1868 2 :14*4 Two miles Bowery Boy 5 :04V& Three miles Oneida Chief by Kentucky Hunter ; Hoboken, N . J., Aug. 14, 1843 7 :44 PACING, WITH RUNNING MATE. One mile Flying Jib by Algona and mate ; Chillicothe, O., Oct., 4, 1894 1 :58*4 THE CHAflPIONS. TROTTERS. From 2:3O to 2:O4. Lady Suffolk, gr m, 1833, by Engineer 2d, dam by Don Quixote ; Beacon Course, Hobo- ken, N. J., Oct. 13, 1845 .. 2:29*4 Pelkam, b g, 1837 ; Centerville, N. Y., July 2, 1849 2:28 Highland Maid, b m, 1847, by Saltram Roxana by Hickory; Centerville, N. Y., June 15, 1853 2:27 Flora Temple, b m, 1845, by Bogns Hunter Madam Temple by Terry Horse; Union Course, East New York, N, Y., Sept. 2, 1856 2:24>4 Flora Temple, b m, 1845, by Bogus Hunter Madam Temple by Terry Horsed Ceuterville, N. Y., Aug. 9,1859 2:23tf Flora Temple, b m, 1845, by Bogus Hunter Madam Temple by Terry Horse ; Centerville, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1859 2 :22 Flora Temple, b m, 1845, by Bogus Hunter Madam Temple by Terry Horse ; Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 7, 1859 2:21 1 / 2 Flora Temple, b m, 1845, by Bogus Hunter Madam Temple by Terry Horse ; Kalamazoo, Mich., Oct. 15, 1859 2:19% Dexter, br g, 1858, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian Clara by Seeiy's American Star ; Boston, s., Jt " uly30, 1867 2:19 Dexter, br g, 1858, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian Clara by Seely's American Star ; Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 14, Ife67 2:17H Goldsmith Maid, b m, 1857, by Alexander's Abdallah Ab by AbdalJah ; Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 6, 1871 2:17 Goldsmith Maid, b m, 1857, by Alexander's Abdallah Ab by Abdallah; Boston, Mass., June 9, 1872 2 :16% Occident, br g, 1863, by Doc Mater Occidentis ; Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 17, 1873 2:16% Goldsmith Maid, b m, 1857, by Alexander's Abdallah Ab by Abdallah: East Saginaw, Mich., July 16, 1874 2:16 Goldsmith Maid, b m, 1857, by Alexander's Abdallah Ab by Abdallah; Buffalo, N. Y., Goldsmith Maid,' b m"l857,' by : Alexander^ AbdaVlah Ab ' by AbdallahV R Aug. 12, 1874 2 :14% Goldsmith Maid, b m, 1867, by Alexander's Abdallah Ab by Abdallah; Boston, Mass., Rarus b g', 1867, by Conkiin's Abdaliah Nancy Awful by Telegraph ; Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 3,1878 2:13 1 i St Julien, b g, 1869, by Volunteer Flora by Harry Clay ; Oakland, Cal., Oct 25, 1879 2:12% Maud S., ch m, 1874, by Harold Miss Russell by Pilot Jr. ; Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1880 2:11% St Julien, b g, 1F69, by VolunteerFlora by Harry Clay; Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1880.. 2:11% St. Julien, b g, 1859, by Volunteer Flora by Harry Clay; Hartford, Conn., Aug. 27, 1880.. 2:lli4 Maud S., ch m, 1874. by Harold-Miss Russell by Pilot Jr. : Chicago, 111., Sept. 18. 1880. ... 2 :10% Maud S. ch m, 1874, by Harold Miss Russell by Pilot Jr. ; Pittsburg, Pa., July 13, 1881. 2:10*4 Maud S., ch m, 1874, by Harold Miss Russell by Pilot Jr. ; Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1881 2:10V 4 Jay-Eye-See, blk g, 1878, by Dictator Midnight by Pilot Jr. ; Providence, R. i., Aug. 1, 1884 2:10 Maud S., ch m, 1874, by Harold Miss Russell by Pilot Jr. ; Cleveland, O , Aug. 2, 188t.. .. 2:09% Maud S., ch ra, 1874, by Harold Miss Russell by Pilot Jr. ; Lexington. Ky., Nov. 11, 1884. 2:094 Maud S., ch m. 1874, by Harold Miss Russell by Pilot Jr. ; Cleveland, O., July 30, 1885, ... 2:08% Sunol b m, 1886, by Electioneer Waxana by Gen. Benton ; Stockton, Cal., Oct. 20, 1891. . . 2 :08H Nancy Hanks, br m, 1886. by Happy Medium Nancy Lee by Dictator; Chicago, 111., Nancy Hanks, br m, 1886, by Happy Medium Nancy Lee by Dictator; Independence, la., Nancy Hanks, br m, 1886, by Happy Medium Nancy Lee by Dictator ; Terro Haute, lad., Vlix t> m 1888. by Patronage Atlanta by Attorney; Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 14, 1894. .'.'.'.' 2:04 Alix,' b m, 1888, by Patronage Atlanta by Attorney ; Galesburg, 111., Sept. 19, 1894 2:03% STALLIONS. From 3:30 to 2 O5&. T?than Allen, b s, 1849, by Vermont Black Hawk Holcomb Mare; Union Course, East New York, N. Y., Oct 28, 1858 2:28 rffftM Patchen, b s, 1849, by Cassius M. Clay Sickles Mare by Head'em; Union Course, East New York, N. Y., July 7, 1859 2:26^ ftp,nr4 Freedom, b s. 18S9, by Sable Wiikes Laura Drew by TrVhurton: 'Nairn, Cal., Oct. 18, 1890 2:29% Bell Bird, br m, 1890, by Electioneer Beautiful Bells by The Moor; Stockten, Cal., Oct. 6,1891 . 2:27% Bell Bird, br m. 1890, by Electioneer Beautiful Bells by The Moor; Stockton," Cal., Oct. Frou Frou, ch m,'i890,"b"y Sidney Flirt by Buccaneer;' Stockton,"Cal.i Nov."21,'i89 i '..".".' 2:26*i Frou m, 1890, by Sidney Flirt by Buccaneer; Stockton, Cal., Nov. 24, 1891 2:26 Frou Frou, ch m, 1890, by Sidney-Flirt by Buccaneer: Stockton. Cal., Nov. 28, 1891 2:25*4 Pansy McGregor, ch m. 1892, by Fergus McGregor Cora by Coriander: Holton, Kan, N ov. 18, 1893 2 :23% '1. br c, 1893, by Electioneer Beautiful Be'lls by The Moor ; San Jose'. Cal".,' Sept/ 28, 90 THE CHAMPIONS. TWO-YEAR-OLDS. From 2:40 to 2:10%. So So, b m, 1875, by George Wilkes Little Ida by Edwin Forrest; Lexington, Ky., Sept. 12, 1877 .' . ................ 2:38i/i Orient, ch m, 1875, by Cuyler Eden Lassie by Golddust ; Lexington, Ky., Oct. 12. 1877 .... 2 :38 Scr So, bm, 1875, by George Wilkes Little Ida by Edwin Forrest; Lexington, Ky., Oct. 12,1877 2:31% So So, b m, 1875, by George Wilkes Little Ida by Edwin Forrest ; Lexington, Ky., Oct. 12.1877 . 2:31 Sweetheart, br m, 1878, by Sultan Minnehaba by Stevens' Bald Chief; Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 25, 1880 2:26% Fred Crocker, b g, 1878, by Electioneer Melinche by St. Clair; San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 20, 1880 f 2:25& Wildflower, b m, 1879, by Electioneer Mayflower by St. Clair ; San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 22,1881 ! 2:21 Sunol, b m, 1886, by Electioneer Waxana by Gen. Benton : San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 19, 1888 2:20% Sunol, b m, 1886. by Electioneer Waxana by Gen. Benton ; San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 27, 1888 2:18 Arion, b s, 1889, by Electioneer Manette by Nutwood; Stockton, Cal., Oct. 6, 1891 2:15% Arion, b s, 1889, by Electioneer Manette by Nutwood; Stockton, Cal., Oct. 21, 1891 2:14% Arion, b s, 1889, by Electioneer Manette by Nutwood; Stockton, Cal., Nov. 10, 1891 2:10% THREE-YEAR-OLDS. From 2:40 to 2:08%. Elvira Whiteside, br m, 1857 ; Louisville, Ky., Oct. 23, 1860 2 :39 Cora, blk m, 1857, by Strader's Cassius M. Clay Jr. Lucy by Copperbottom ; Louisville, Ky., Oct. 23, 1860 2:37% Blackwood, blk s, 1866, by Alexander's Norman Swigert Mare by Mambrino Chief; Lex- ington, Ky., Oct. 2, 1869 2:31 Lady Stout, ch m, 1871, by Mambrino Patchen Puss Prall by Mark Time ; Lexington, Ky., Oct. 1, 1874...... . . 2:30^ Lady Stout, ch m, 1871, by Mambrino Patchen Puss Prall by Mark Time; Lexington, Ky., Oct. 1, 1874 2:29 Elaine, b m, 1874, by Messenger Duroc Green Mountain Maid by Harry Clay ; Hartford, Conn., Sept. 20. 1877 2:28 Steinway, br s, 1876, by Strath more Abbess by Albion ; Lexiogton, Ky., Aug. 28, 1879 2 :25% Jewett, blk g, 1876, by Allie West Heel-and-Toe Fanny by John Innis ; Lexington, Ky., Oct. 15, 1879 ...I 2:23i/ 2 Phil Thompson, gr g, 1878, by Red Wilkes Grey Nelly by John Dillard ; Chicago, 111., July 26, 1881 2:21 Hinda Rose, br m, 1880, by Electioneer Beautiful Bells by The Moor ; Hartford, Conn., Oct. 3.1883 .. 2:20 Hinda Rose, br m, 1880, by Electioneer Beautiful Bells by The Moor; Lexington, Ky., Oct. 10, 1883 2:19% Patron, br s, 1882, by Pancoast Beatrice by Cuyler ; Lexington, Ky., Oct. 19, 1885 2 :19% Sable Wilkes, blk s, 1884, by Guy Wilkes Sable by The Moor ; San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 29, 1^87 ..:, 2:18 Axtell, br s, 1886, by William L. Lou by Mambrino Boy ; Minneapolis, Minn., July 2, 1889 2 :15% Axtell, br s, 1886, by William L. Lou by Mambrino Boy; Cleveland Ohio, Aug. 1, 1889.. . 2:14% Axtell, br s, 1886, by William L. Lou by Mambrino Boy ; Chicago, 111., Aug. 23, 1889 2 :14 Snnol, b m, 1886, by Electioneer Waxana by Gen. Benton; Fresno, Cal., Oct. 4, 1889 2:13% Axtell, br s, 1886, by William L. Lou by Mambrino Boy ; Terre Haute, Ind., Oct 11, 1889, 2:12 Sunol, b m, 1886, by Electioneer Waxana by Gen. Benton ; San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 9, 1889 2:10y 2 Arion, b s, 1889, by Electioneer Manette by Nutwood ; Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 12, 1892 2 :10% Fantasy, b m, 1890, by Chimes Homora by Almonarch ; Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 17, 1893. ... 2 :08% FOUR- YEAR-OLDS. From 2:40 to 2:05*4- Ethan Allen, bs, 1849. by Vermont Black Hawk Holcomb Mare; Union Course, East New York, N. Y., May 10, 1853 2:36 Magna Charta, b s, 1855, by Morgan Eagle Ophelia ; Kalama^oo, Mich. , Oct. 14, 1859. . . . 2 :83% Ericsson, br s, 1856, by Mambrino Chief Mrs. Caudle ; Lexington, Ky., Oct. , 1860 2:30% Bruno, br g, 1861, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian Kate by Belaire ; Flushing, N. Y., July 19, 1865 & : jU Allie West, blk s, 1870, by Almont -Fanny by Mambrino Chief; Lexington, Ky., Oct. 2,1874 2:29% Eric, b g, 1872, by Ericsson-Jenny Bryan by John Dillard ; Lexington, Ky., Oct. 17, 1876. . 2 :28& Galatea, b m, 1873, by Fearnaugbt Grand Duchess by Hanley's Hiatoga ; Hartford, Conn., Sept. 19, 1877 ? 2 = 251 /2 Keene Jim, rn g, 1873, by Lookout-Laura Fair by Rattler ; Lexington, Ky., Oct. 13, 1877. 2:24% Elaine, br m, 1874, by Messenger Duroc Green Mountain Maid by Harry Clay ; Hartford, Conn., Oct. 25, J 878 2:24^4 Trinket, b m, 1875, by Princeps Ouida by Rysdyk's Hambletonian : Louisville, Ky., July 10) 1879 , * J-7^ THE CHAMPIONS. 91 Jay-Eye-See, blk g, 1878, by Dictator Midnight by Pilot Jr. ; Chicago, 111., Sept. 23, 1883.. 2:19 Bonita, b m, 1879, by Electioneer- May fly by St. Clair; Lexington, Ky., Oct. 11. 1883 2:18% Elvira, blk m, 1880, by Cuyler Mary Mambrino by Mambrino Patchen; Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 26, 1884... 2:18 l / 2 Sally Benton, gr m, 1880, by Gen. Benton Sontag Mohawk by Mohawk Chief; San Fran- Manzanita, bm, 1882, by Electioneer Mayflower by St'.ciair; Cieveland, Ohio, July 28.1886 2:1634 Manzanita, b m, 1882, by Electioneer Mayflower by St. Clair ; Lexington, Ky., Sept. 3, 1886 2 :16 Edgemark, b s, 1885, by Victor Bismarck Edgewater Belle by Edgewater ; Lexington, Ky. , Oct. 19, 1889 2 :16 Sunol, b m, 1886, by Electioneer Waxana by Gen. Benton; Cleveland, Ohio, July 31, 1890 2:15 Sunol, b m, 1886, by Electioneer Waxana by Gen. Benton; Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1890.... 2:1134 Sunol, b m, 1886, by Electioneer Waxana by Gen. Benton ; Chicago, 111., Aug. 23, 1890. ... 2 :1Q 1 A Moquette, b s, 1888, by Wilton Betsey and I by Ericsson; Richmond, Ind., Sept. 15. 1892.. 2:10 Alix, b m, 1888, by Patronage Atlanta by Attorney; Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 8, 1892 2:10 Directum, blk s, 1889, by Director Stemwinder by Venture ; New York, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1893 2:07 Directum, blk s, 1889, by Director Stemwinder by Venture ; Chicago, 111., Sept. 15, 1893.. 2:06 1 / 2 Directum, blk s, 1889, by Director Stemwinder by Venture ; Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 18, 1893 2:0534 FIVE-YEAR-OLDS. From 8:30 to 2:O7%. Tattler, b s, 1863, by Pilot Jr. -Telltale by Telamon ; Louisville, Ky., Oct. 28, 1868 2 :26 Lady Maud, blk m, 1867, by Gen. Knox Fanny by Sabek ; Gravesend, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1872. 2 :2234 Gov. Sprague, blk s, 1871, by Rhode Island Belle Brandon by Rysdyk's Hambletonian ; Rochester, N. Y. , Aug. 8, 1876 2 :2134 Gov. Sprague, blk s, 1871, by Rhode Island Belle Brandon by Rysdyk's Hambletonian; Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1876 2:20 1 / 2 Santa Glaus, b s, 1874, by Strathmore Lady Thome Jr. by Williams' Mambrino ; Sacra- mento, Gal. , Sept. ,11, 1879 2 :18 Jay-Eye-See, blk g, 1878, by Dictator Midnight by Pilot Jr. : Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 3, 1883 2:16 Jay-Eye-See, blk g, 1878. by Dictator Midnight by Pilot Jr. ; Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 3, 1883 2:1534 Jay-Eye-See, blk g, 1878, by Dictator Midnight by Pilot Jr. ; Rochester, N.Y., Aug. 16,1883 2:14 Jay-Eye-See, blk g, 1878, by Dictator Midnight by Pilot Jr. : Providence, R. I., Si pt. 3, 1883 2 :10% Allerten, br s, 1886, by Jay Bird Gussie Wilkes by Mambrino B y ; Independence, Iowa, Sept. 4, 1891 2:10 Allerton, br s, 1886, by Jay Bird Gussie Wilkes by Mambrino Boy; Independence, Iowa, Sept. 19, 1891 2:0934 Nancy Hanks, br m, 1886, by Happy Medium Nancy Lee by Dictator; Richmond, Ind., Sept. 30, 1891 2:09 Sunol, b m, 1886, by Electioneer Waxana by Gen. Benson; Stockton, Gal., Oct. 20, 1891. .. 2:0834 Kremlin, b s, 1887, by Lord Russell Eventide by Woodford Mambrino : Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 5,1892 20834 Kremlin, b s, 1887, by Lord Russell Eventide by Woodford Mambrino ; Nashville, Tenn., Nov.12,1892 2:07% Alix, b m, 1888, by Patronage-Atlanta by Attorney ; Chicago, 111., Sept. 14, 1893 2 :07% Ralph Wilkes, ch s, 1889, by Red Wilkes Mary Mays by Mambrino Patchen ; Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 19, 1894 2:06% PACERS. From 2:3O to 3:Oli/ 2 . Driver, b g, 183 ; Beacon Course, N. J., Oct. 3, 1839. .. 2:28 Fanny Ellsler, gr m, 183 ; Albany, N. Y-, Aug. 2.1844 2:27^ Unknown, ch g, 183; Beacon Course, N. J., Aug. 2, 1844... 2:23 Pet, rn g, 184 ; Union Course, L. 1. , N. Y.. Aug. 2, 1851. 2 :2134 Pet, rn g, 184 ; Union Course, L. I., N. Y., Sept. 9, 1852. .!....' 2:19i/ 2 Pet, rn g, 184 ; Union Course, L. L. N. Y., Sept. 9, 1852 2 :18*4 Pocahontas, ch m, 1847, by Iron's Cadmus, dam by Big Shakespeare ; Union Course, L. I., N. Y., June 21, 1855 2:17*4 Yankee Sam, dn g, 186 ; Qhrichsville, O., Oct. 21, 1869 2 :16V4 Sweetzer, grg 1868, by Tom Crowder Lady Farlow by Gray's Tom Hal; Cleveland, O., Oct. 3) J 877 , . 2 1!6 Sleepy George, b g, 186, by Belmont Bill V Rochester,' N! Y.',' Aug. 7, i878.. 2:15 Sweetzer, gr g_, 1868, by Tom Crowder Lady Farlow by Gray's Tom Hal; Oakland, Cal., Dec. 25, 1878 2:15 Sleepy Tom, ch g, 1868, by Tom Rolfe, dam by Sam Hazard; Columbus. O., July 16, 1879. . 2:1454 Sleepy Tom, ch g, 1868, by Tom Rolfe, dam by Sam Hazard; Chicago, 111., July 25, 1879. .. 2:1234 Little Brown Jug, br g, 1875, by Gibson's Tom Hal Lizzie by John Netheriand; Hart- ford, Conn., Aug. 24, 1891 2:11% Johnston, b g, 1877, by Joe Bassstt-CareyMare by Sweeting's' Ned Forrest; Chicago, 111., Oct 9i 1883 ........2 ilO Johrston, b g, 1877, by Joe Bassett-Carey Mare by Sweeting's' Ned Forrest; Chicago, 111., Oct) 9 t 1884 92 THE CHAMPIONS. Direct, blk s, 1885, by Director Echora by Echo : Independence, la., Sept. 4, 1891 2 :06 Mascot, b g, 1885, by Deceive Miss Delmore ; Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 19, 1892 2:04 Flying Jib, b g, 1884, by Algona Middletown Mare by Middletown ; Chicago, 111., Sept. 15, 1893 2 :04 Robert J., b g, 1888, by Hartford Geraldine by Jay Gould ; Fort Wayne, Ind.,Aug. 31, 1894. 2:03% .Robert J., b g, 1888, by Hartford Geraldiue by Jay Gould ; Indianapolis,Ind.,Sept. 5,1894. 2 :03 l / 2 Robert J., b g, 1888, by Hartford-Geraldine by Jay Gould ; Terre Haute,Ind.,Sept.l3,1894. 2:01/ 2 STALLIONS. From 2:2O to 2:03%. Clinker, blk s, 1872 ; Saginaw, Mich., June 16, 1880. .. 2:20 Cohannet, b s, 1876, by Bay State Grand Daohess by Hanley's Hiatoga ; Providence, R.I., Sept.9,1884 2:18% Cohannet, b s, 1876, by Bay State-Grand Duchess by Hanley's Hiatoga ; Providence, R.I., Sept.1,1885 ..... 2:18 l / 2 Cohannet, b s, 1876, by Bay State Grand Duchess by Hanley's Hiatoga ; Boston, Mass., Sep t . 8 , 1 885 . 2 : 17 & Brown Hal, br s, 1879, by Gibson's Tom Hal Lizzie by Netherland; Pittsburg, Pa., July 6,1886 2-.17H L. (J. Lee, blk s, 187-, by Elmo, dam by Kentucky Chief; Denver, Col., May 1, 1887 2:17 l / 3 Duplex, b s, 1882, by Bay Tom, Jr. ; Detroit, Mich., July 21, 1887 2 :17U Brown Hal, br s, 1879, by Gibson's Tom Hal Lizzie by John Netherland; Lexington, Ky., Aug.31, 1887 2:13 Roy Wilkes, br s, 1883, by Adrian Wilkes-Flora ; Cleveland, O., July 31, 1889 2 :13 Brown Hal, br s, 1879, by Gibson's Tom Hal Lizzie by John Netherland; Cleveland, O., July 31, 1889 2:12 l / 2 Roy Wilkes, br s, 1883, by Adrian Wilkes-Flora ; Independence, la., Aug. 30, 1890 2 :08k Direct, blk s, 1885, by Director Echora by Echo ; Independence, la., Sept, 4, 1891 2 :06 Direct, blk s, 1885, by Director Echora by Echo ; Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 8. 1892 2 :05!/ 2 John R. Gentry, b s, 1889, by Ashland Wilkes Dame Wood by Wedgewood ; Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 14, 1894 2:03% YEARLINGS. From 2:40 to 3:20%. Daisy, ch m, 1885, by Prompter ; Sacramento, Cal., 1886 2 :38 Pinewood, b s, 1891, by Artemas Mamie F. by Joe Jefferson ; Cambridge City, Ind., Sept. 22, 1891 2:31% Rollo, gr g, 1890, by Jerome Eddy Grey Betsey by Mambrino Patchen ; Independence, la., Oct. 20, 1891 f 2:31 Rollo, gr g. 190, by Jerome Eddy Grey Betsey by Mambrino Patchen ; Independence, la., Oct. 27,1891 . 2:28V4 Fausta, b m, 1890, by Sidney Faustina by Crown Point ; Stockton, Cal., Nov. 21. 1891 2 :25% Fausta, b m, 1890, by Sidney-Faustina by Crown Point ; Stockton, Cal., Nov. 24, 1891 2 :24% Fausta. b m, 1890, by Sidney Faustina by Crown Point; Stockton Cal., Nov. 28, 1891 2:22% Belle Acton, b m, 1891, by Shadeland Onward Lottie P. by Blue Bull Jr. ; Independence, la., Aug. 26, 1892 2:22y s Belle Acton, b m, 1891, by Shadeland Onward Lottie P. by Blue Bull Jr. ; Wichita, Kan., Sept. 30, 1892 2:21V4 Belle Acton, b m, 1891, by Shadeland Onward Lottie P. by Blue Bull Jr.; Lyons, Neb., Oct. 14,1892 2:20% TWO-YEAR-OLDS. From 2:25 to 2:07%. Irma. b m, 1885, by Nutwood Maggie Medium by Happy Medium; Lexington, Ky,, Oct. 12, 1887 2 :24Vz Ed Rosewater, gr s, 1886, by Vasco Mary B. by Vinco; Council Bluffs, la., Nov. 1, 1888. .. 2:22 Ed Rosewater, gr s, 1886, by Vasco Mary B. by Vinco ; Council Bluffs. la., Nov. 3, 1888. . . 2:20% Manager, gr B, 1888, by Nutwood Carrie by Geo. Wilkes ; Independence, la. , Aug. 7, 1890. 2 :19Va Manager, gr s, 1888, by Nutwood Carrie by Geo. Wilkes ; Independence, la., Aug. 29, 1890. 2 .-16 1 /? Online, b s, 1890, by Shadeland Onward Angelina by Chester Chief; Lyons, Neb., Aug. 2, 1892 . 2:16 1 / 2 Online, b s, 1890, by Shadeland Onward Angelina by Chester Chief; Independence, la., Aug. 26, 1892 2:16 Online, b s, 1890, by Shadeland Onward Angelina by Chester Chief ; Wichita, Kan., Sept. Online, b s,' 1890i by'Shadeland'Onward Angeiina'by Chester Chief ; Ful'lerton, Neb'., Oct. Directly, blk's,' 1892, by' Direct Ma'bei by'Nan'buc'Y Chicago,' 111.'," An*. '25,' 1894'. '. '. '.'.'.'.'.'. '.'.'. 2 :10% Directly, blk s, 1892, by Direct Mabel by Naubuc ; Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 7, 1894 2 :10V* Carbonate, gr s. t892, by Du Boie' Superior Maggie H. by Iron Duke; Terre Haute, Ind., Sept.12,1894 .. 2:10 Directly, blk s, 1892, by Direct Mabel by Nanbnc; Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 14. 1894 2:10 Carbonate, gr s. 1892, by Du Bois 1 Superior Maggie H. by Iron Duke; Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 14, 1894 ^:09 Directly, blk s, 1892, by Direct-Mable by Naubuc; Galesburg, 111., Sept. 20, 1894 2:0,% THE CHAMPIONS. 93 THREE-YEAR-OLDS. From 8:3O to 8:1O. Sol Miller, chs, 1881, by Col. West Dolly by Niagara Champion; Topeka. Kan., Sept. 12, 184 2 :29% Wild Briar, b in, 1884, by Forest Glencoe, dam by American Clay; Paris, Ky., Sept. 9, 1887 2:28% Wickopee, ch m, 1884, by Belvoir-Lady Wild by George C. Hall ; Paris, Ky., Sept. 9, 1887. 2:26V 4 Dodd Peet, gr s, 1884, by Pancoast Belle Dudley by Belmont ; Lexington, Ky., Oct. 14, 1887 2 :22 1 / 2 Gold Leaf, ch m, 1885, by Sidney Fernleaf by Flaxtail; Sauta Rosa, Cal., Aug. 14. 1888.. . 2:20J4 Gold Leaf, ch m, 1S85, by Sidney Fernleaf by Flaxtail; Oakland, Cal., Aug. 27, 1888 2:19& Gold Leaf, ch m, 1885, by Sidney-Fernleaf by Flaxtail; Oakland, Cal., Sept. 1, 1888 2:18 Gold Leaf, ch ra, 1885, by Sidney Fernleaf by Flaxtail; Napa, Cal., Oct. 3, 1888 2:15 Yolo Maid, b m, 1885, by Alexander Button Molly by Deitz'a St. Clair; San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 13, 1888 2 :14 Manager, gr s, 188?, by Nutwood Carrie by George Wilkes ; Independence, Iowa, Aug. 27,1891 2:13 Manager, gr s, 1888, by Nutwood Carrie by George Wilkes ; Independence, Iowa, Aug. 31,1891 2:11% Manager, gr s, 1888, by Nutwood Carrie by George Wilkes ; Independence, Iowa, Sept 19,1891 2:llfc Whirligig, b m, 1891, by Wilko Minnie Barrington by Naham ; Terre Haute, Ind., Aug. 13,1894 2:10 Ethel A., gr m, 1891, by Adrian Wilkes, dam by General Jackson; Galesburg, 111., Sept. 19,1894 2:10 FOUR-YEAR-OLDS. From 8:80 to 8:04. Delineator, b s, 1882, by Dictator-Maisie by Shelby Chief ; Allegheny, Pa., July 16, 1886.. . 2 :18 Arrow, b g, 1884, by A. W. Richmond Crichton's First by Crichton; Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 20,1887 2:15H Arrow, b g, 1884, by A. W. Richmond Crichton's First by Crichton; Stockton, Cal., Oct. 1,1887 2:14 Gold Leaf,ch m, 1885, by Sidney Fernleaf by Flaxtail; Napa, Cal., Aug. 17, 1889 2:11V 4 Robert J., b g, 1888, by Hartford Geraldine by Jay Gould; Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1892.... 2:11 Robert J., b g, 1888, by Hartford Geraldine by Jay Gould ; Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1892.... 2:09% Manager, gr s, 1888, by Nutwood Carrie by George Wilkes ; St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 16, 1892 2:09% W. Wood, b g, 1888. by Steinway Ramona by Alcyone; Stockton, Cal., Oct. 29, 1892 2:07 Online, b s,1890, by Shadeland Onward Angelina by Chester Chief; Sioux City, Iowa, Oct. 12, 1894 2:04 FIVE-YEAR-OLDS, From 8:15 to 2:03%. Arrow, b g, 1884, by A. W. Richmond Crichton's First by Crichton ; Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 1. 1888 2:13V 4 Bessemer, b s, 1885, by Voltaire Cora by Concord : Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 29. 1889 2 :13*4 Yolo Maid, b m, 1886, by Alexander Button Molly by Deitz St. Clair; Detroit, Mich., July 23, 1891 2:12 Blue Sign, b g, 1887, by Ensign Polly Hopkins ; St. Joseph, Mo., Sept, 14, 1892 2 KB& Robert J., bg, 1888, by Hartford Geraldine by Jay Gould; Nashville. Tenn., Oct. 19, 1893 2:05% John R. Gentry, b s, 1889, by Ashland Wilkes Dame Wood by Wedgewood ; Terre Haute, Ind.. Sept. 14, 1894 YU 2U632