T P F ILL1NOIS BULLETIN DECEMBER 22, 1908 No. 18 ;ond-class matter under Act of Congress July 16. 1894 J CIRCULAR NO. 3 FUEL TESTS WITH ILLINOIS COAL (COMPILED FROM TESTS MADE BY THE TECHNOLOGIC BRANCH OF THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, AT THE ST. Louis FUEL TESTING PLANT, 1904 JUNE 30, 1907). BY L. P. BRECKENRIDGE AND PAUL DISERENS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION URJBANA, ILLINOIS PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY - . . . g|l, . g. d. |g or s"3 Jc/}> S a? occ ' b : : : -S -S |tf a da : S ^^c'B es ^a be ^sCa5 fl . ^^ : - c : |-a-g : -Ol^C- ooeO"tij^!- it^os osoo-rHTt<^-*--. t^ccwaoosooOi-io> i c " N 1-1 (M 66: 66 - 66: 66 (M . 66: 111 Illl 111 II l I " CCW " a- - * c* * CQ KQ FUEL TESTS WITH ILLINOIS COAL 13 g :23 = g :$o ;S3 ;S2 :S38 :gp :|8 :? :S :S :g2 :? :j? :g : :SS * ' ' : ' ' o t 66:66:60:66:06:66: 6:66 iz;^; : ^^; . : !z;^ :^;^ : ^^ : ^;J?; :66::66::66:66:66:6 wS'&w cficn s x'. - ccc/3 ^0:7: --yix --/ice csxx rsr.x * zx-s.'Ji'S. 2 * r s. * 5 ^a! aQOQ ^c Smao aiajcWCW ca>^aja;^oo^c>(i)^c/2a)>c * 14 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION jo punod aad I n !} - g 05 W.S'J jntidjng !-*= -O in !> . -H N ^t-OO -I^t-J-t- -CD -5> -CO . -Ji -COO w.r4 -coc^iriiN TH --^ -Tti i-I -TT ' i-i ~ 2 t-t-QC -QOOSOOOO '00 '00 'OS 'OO -OS ' -Oil- ~ co., . :S8ga ::S : - : - : :S : - ; .gg i-l i-l i-l -i-l.^-^H i-l -^ -H r-< _ r-, r- " t- INOO 06 o o - < - t- -co -co ' m ' -cc-^ to co t- * - . m * ' .m . t- . . -co - . o m CD -co CD -co co * co "E "o a o I I H! mi M hlM Miin : : : : ; ; ; : : : '. 6 6 ' ' <]ffld : a> ftftn' oftftft 'ft' ft - ft -ft' ftpflao, ||| : Hi! j| : :S : | || ; ||||| 600 : 6606 '6 i -8 : o -8 : 6iioo urB9s ao pgg \V,OQ CO CM ON 'S 'O 'S Tl '.66 -66 ' ' '66 166 '.66 '.66 ^O! r3 sXX cJ X 'V. -CT. O 18 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION coals of Sangamon County in reality belong to Seam 6 instead of 5, Class B would also include all coals tested from seam No. 5. The single sample from Seam No. 2, (U. S. G. S. 18) falls in Class D, well up towards the lignites. TABLE IV CLASSIFICATION OF ILLINOIS COAL ON THE BASIS OF THE VOLATILE-CARBON AND TOTAL-CARBON RATIO U. S. G. S. Number Ratio of Volatile Carbon to Total Carbon Inert Volatile (Pure Coal Basis) Class Coal Bed or Seam 1 2 3 4 5 28 20.90 12.50 B 6 22.20 13.35 B 5 3 22.50 12.20 B 16 22.90 12.50 B 7 19 23.00 12.30 B 7 12 23.63 12.20 B 7 21 23.70 16.30 B 6 13 24.70 13.00 B 11 24.77 12,00 B 7 34 25.40 12.90 B 5 10 26.20 13.30 B 7 24 26.90 12.50 D 6 20 26.90 13.60 D 6 29 27.13 13.50 D 5 31 27.60 13.10 D 6 4 28.30 12.36 D 6 9 29.00 13.00 D 6 22 29,20 12-70 D 6 23 29.30 13.30 D 6 25 29.20 13.40 D 6 15 29 50 13.20 D 6 26 29 80 12.50 D 5 27 29.80 13.50 D 6 8 30.30 12.70 D 6 14 30.60 12-40 D 5 30 31.00 14.00 D 6 33 31.00 12.80 D 7 18 31.80 12.70 D 2 7 32.80 12.95 D 6 1 & 2 33.40 12.95 D 6 V WASHING TESTS 8. The equipment for the washing tests of Illinois coal consists of one modified Stewart jig and one jig especially designed for the laboratory, a Cornish tooth-roll crusher, an adjustable-mesh bumping screen, and bins of suitable capacity for storing the coal. The Stewart jig, shown in Fig. 2, provides for the washing of coal not exceeding 1J inches in diameter. The special jig may be used for larger sizes. It is of the center- plunger type, that is, the plunger is directly beneath the screen. Its upward stroke causes the pulsation, and its downward stroke, by an arrange- ment of valves at the side of the jig body, admits the water sup- FUEL TESTS WITH ILLINOIS COAL 19 ply. The screen is 4 feet wide by 5 feet long and is constructed of No. 10 wire set 1-16 inch apart. The length of stroke and the depth of the coal bed are adjustable. FIG. 2 STEWART JIG (PROF. PAPER 48, p. 1460) 9. The tests involved the weighing of the raw and washed coal, and the refuse. Samples of the coal were collected before and after it was fed to the jig. These were sent to the chemical lab- oratory for analysis. Altogether 31 tests were made on 24 kinds of coal. 10. The results of the tests are given in Table 5. Column 1 of this table is the U. S. G. S. coal number, Column 2 the jig used 20 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION spanod 11300 PJUSU i re spunod w 'S . ^r9 ^[91T5J'Bd9S) anqd[ns ^T3g g2 S^ Ju| qsy X'' (p9UltU.I919C[ A'[9JKJT?d9S) jnqd[ns S-H O .2 a 02 a; qsy >> o o| < . < ^ a P S I 3 R S?A CH fl=;CC CC rt 1- ON 's ' ~s -a ^i ^ t^ eo c <*-,-<* ; ; ;-- Sl!mi!l: IldSv 11! SrJ ~^ : : :3? sssssssssss gg^S? ?55 ^i2 S2g -s w -o^^j,'^:^;^;"^^^ o ;; '- 1C * 7' ~ g$ |w : 1^6 o eo oi oo ao i os od ffi * " re :c in :2^ !^ 1C ^-' 05 Slack Run of Mine No. 5 Nut Run of Mine crushed to 2 in. Slack Run of Mine crushed to 2 in. Slack Run of Mine crushed to 2 in. Egg crushed to 2 in . Lump crushed to 2 in. Lump & Egg ( crus:rud to 2 in. Lump crushed to 2 in Screenings crushed to 2 in. Lump crushed to 2 in. Nut & Slack crushed to 2 in. Lump crushed to 2 in. Screenings crushed to 2 in. Nut crushed to 2 in. Run of Mine crushed to 2 in. Lump crushed to 2 in. Screenings crushed to 2 in. Nut crushed to 2% in. Nut crushe i to 1 in. Screenings crushed to 1 in. vart modified "sS as | % ..B 3< ^ c - ^ 12 ~ !2 Z . & ^ i* iri ci w 75 5Sw w -CO 5 00 00 -OS CO OO -3< Ol in - ^ Ajad'ea'Bdas anqdins of Coke qsy , Analysis - & 1 -- Aiai'e.i'Bdas jmiding s of Coal qsy e Analysi Proximal SS^A 1 "o oj 'S*o's - n , N , SS , -cow -^ -co * m co o co co > Ttn . i-^OTjiTtcc^cO' ccoooscc ^ i- M i FUEL TESTS WITH ILLINOIS COAL 25 .fitctfi 26 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION properties of the coke produced is given in Column 18. In reviewing the results of the tests as set forth in Table 6, it should be remembered that the necessary routine work involved in the testing of so many coals made it possible to make but few tests on each coal. The data presented, therefore, show the results obtained under conditions which of necessity had to be controlled by observations made from time to time as the coking proceeded, a procedure which tended to make the conditions of operations by no means ideal. Of the 37 tests made with Illinois coal 9 resulted in the pro- duction of comparatively good coke and 14 in the production of a poor grade of coke. The remaining 14 samples apparently proved to be non-coking coals. Referring to the approximate analyses of the coke produced it will be seen that in a number of cases the quality of the coke is by no means inferior, though in all cases the ash and sulphur content is slightly greater than is desirable. Seven samples (11D washed, 13, 13 washed, 16, 22B washed, and 29 washed) were successfully used in a foundry cupola. VII STEAMING TESTS 15. The apparatus comprising the plant for steam-ing tests con- sisted of two standard Heine water- tube boilers equipped with hand-fired furnaces and an Allis-Chalmers Corliss engine oper- ating a 200 kilowatt Bullock generator. A plan and elevation of one of the boilers and its setting are shown in Fig. 5 and the general appearance as set up in the laboratory in Fig. 6. The equipment used for testing the boilers provided conveni- ent and accurate means for measuring the coal and water and for making all observations of pressure, temperature, etc., specified in the boiler testing code of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. It consisted principally of water-weighing tanks, scales, charging cars, sampling cans, apparatus for analyzing flue gases, pressure gages, calorimeters, thermometers and draft gages*. *This apparatus is described in detail in"Professional Paper No. 48" United States Geolog- ical Survey. FUEL TESTS WITH ILLINOIS COAL 27 28 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION i FUEL TESTS WITH ILLINOIS COAL 29 The principal dimensions of the boiler and furnace are as follows: Length of drum feet 21.58 Inside diameter of drum inches 42. Number of tubes, 11 tubes high by 11 tubes wide 116 Outside diameter of tubes inches 3.5 Width of furnace ' feet 6.16 Length of furnace feet 6.58 Mean height of furnace inches 26.00 Grate area square feet. . . 40.55 Ratio of grate area to air space 40. 17 Water-heating surface in tubes square feet . . .1897 Water-heating surface in water legs square feet ... 91 Water-heating surface in shell square feet. . . 43 Total water-heating surface square feet . . .2031 Ratio of heating surface to grate area 50. 1 16. The Tests. Since the establishment of the fuel testing division of the United States Geological Survey, more than 500 boiler trials have been made, and of these, 112 involved the use of Illinois coal. Tests were made with each of the 34 samples submitted, the coal being used either in its natural state or in the form of briquets, or both. A number of tests were also made with washed coal. A summary of the principal observed and derived results of tests with Illinois coals is given in Tables 7 and 8. In these tables only such values as have a direct relation to boiler performance are included; additional data, however, may be found in the reports published by the United States Geological Survey.* 17. The description of the coal tested given in Table 7, Column 1 , of this table is the serial number of the test and is useful as a means of identification. Tlie number describing the location from which the sample was taken, is given in Column 2 and the number of the coal bed or seam, in Column 3. The size of the coal is given * Bulletin No. 332 and Professional Paper No- 48. 30 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION in Columns 4 to 9. The size as shipped (Column 9) was not always the same as that used in the tests since in some cases it was crushed or screened after it was received. The actual size as determined from samples taken during each test is given in pre- cise terms in Columns 5, 6, 7 and 8, and the average diameter calculated from these data is given in Column 9. The proximate analyses (Columns 10 to 14) were made from samples collected for each test and are given in the tables in terms of coal as fired. Calorific values were not determined for every test. The values given (Column 15) were calculated from the proximate analysis and the calorific value determined from the car sample, on the assumption that the B. t. u. per pound of pure coal (ash and mois- ture free) is the same for each car load shipped to the testing plant. 18. The performance of the boiler and furnace is given in Table 8. Column 17 gives the average boiler pressure in pounds per square inch. The standard pressure was 75 but it will be seen that the values given vary from 68 to 81. The draft above the fire (Column 18) was measured in inches of water. In some tests it was as great as .3 inch; the average however, is a little less than .2 inch. The furnace temperature (Column 19) was observed with a Wanner optical pyrometer. The results .given are averages of a number of readings which varied over a considerable range throughout the test. The lowest temperature recorded is 1887 and the highest 2829 F. The rate of combustion in terms of dry coal fired per hour, per square foot of grate surface (Column 20) is, for most tests, about 25 pounds. This rate, it will be seen, is sufficient to evap- orate, in most cases 5i pounds of water from and at 212 F. per square foot of heating surface per hour (Column 21) or 100 per cent of the rated horse -power (Column 22). The evaporative efficiency is given in Columns 23, 24 and 25. In Columns 23 and 24 the equivalent evaporation per pound of coal as fired and per pound of dry coal, respectively, is given. The values given in Column 25 represent the over-all efficiency, that is, the ratio of the heat absorbed by the water in the boiler to the potential heat in the coal fed to the furnace. It is evident, therefore, that this is the best measure of the value of any parti- cular fuel for steam generation since it expresses the exact pro- portion of heat purchased in the form of coal which can be con- verted into useful energy in the form of steam. Referring to the FUEL TESTS WITH ILLINOIS COAL puriooso " ! ITS iO 30 I II cc-^ Xt- . ?o acac ceo o ac so 35 030 t> l t t> 00 00 Ok <3 Oft Ok Ok Ok O O O O O 32 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION rBooA-jci 4 i rh IBOO ui gXSSSMSSesSSSS^aSSSeSXSSgeSloCiSSSS alysis of ired it usv SSSPSSSSSSSSSSSsSSSSSSSSSSSSeKSSSiS noOT * M CM S3SS838?82&SSS!25S23Sgg38Sg;838|2g COOOOt-OOOOTOlCCDCOTht-^-OI-COOOO g>g2g23gS288c3Sc38c333S3c ODcot^dcodoJoJco^oJcoddcDoioioidi-ie-iiftd oi -hi-cowcowco sgqoui 'IBOQ jo -O-CDO ^sgggg ^psggggggsssggggasB Size of Coal per cent qoat ^ J9pufi oo O 9* 1-1 CO O CO CO CD Ifii TH CO O . -* CO CO O T(H -100C500it-lO WLOWt-OOW^T^jH qoui I 01 % COOCOCCWift^ .^W^COCOOT .QOl>NI-<05t-t-t-W ^Z^Z :%Z^%% :^^^^^^ U.OUT I J8AQ U3 OSCD-r-CO-^CO 00-*iCC-'*ilftCO .OCOOO t- S^S^SS : 8S8^ isliSeJSiciScSSlS^^ffi ' : Size of Coal as Shipped * : : : : : : : : : : : ':':':': ': : i :::::::::::: i : 1 : : ::::::: : : : : : : : : :::::;::::::: : 1 : : j i i i i j -a : : a) : ! : -S i : : ': : i . 58 . aj : : . ; i : *: : : : - - : i i'S : : : : S : : g -^ :^ : : .2 d s3 fl . ; i 2 * "* " S ' 'ii '^ r.s 'a : j ' ' -g > i^l ' "o, . &- - SSp. - - o. 0- ^^ P. - . a&opi&fi. .- - - g: : g - - 00^- - - i- |S= o- S- - - SSSSSSC s s ^'C s s 'C^j ^ s ^ s y 3 3 3"" P5 j ^pqas Di P3^ ^ J j^jjjj^ ureas JO pgg I'BOO CO CM ON -s -o -s *n CQ CO CO 3D CQ CO O O CO ^<5j2 . : a i. 2 a i ...ii. - S- - S- c- 5 5 S i! gc- - C333 -r- - ~ ~. ~ ~. ~. 34 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION TABLE 8 STEAMING TESTS PERFORMANCE OF BOILER AND FURNACE u S Equivalent Q .r- Q2 C3 S Pounds of t- 3 CM > fl o fe It Is 1| IP f} 3'! - 2 Per Pound in 0) G III 09 H 2s 3& ^n 7^ S o^g u a v |*KS i| ^-d c2 &fi f-i fl G 0) .SS^H O^_, - &! I 5 03 O 6-9 f- 1 i s a r !2|*S 3|* * kg 85 fe P 3 o W f ii **s w 3 K 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 18 .18 1887 24.90 3.59 100.7 6.51 7.21 58.73 4.85 19 .15 22.36 3.57 100.1 7.16 8.00 61.47 4.38 38 .21 21.23 3.41 95.5 7.35 ! 8.04 60.39 4.34 48 .16 19.84 2.92 81.9 6.38 7.34 57.27 4.73 50 .21 23.13 3.36 94.2 6.36 7.27 56.36 4.80 73 .... .23 22.34 3.30 92.5 6.43 7.40 61.64 4.72 106 75 .25 22i3 25.94 3.39 95.3 5.56 6.56 49.64 5^32 313 72 .17 17.24 2.81 78.7 7.03 8.16 65.51 314 68 .07 2359 21.81 3.42 95.9 5.99 6.91 55.14 122 72 .30 20-08 2.19 61.4 5.44 6.08 58.71 5.74 129 73 .24 19.92 3.19 89.6 6.70 8-02 60.84 4.36 142 81 .16 20.07 2.97 83.3 6.65 7.44 61.39 4.70 143 79 .18 18.74 2.69 75.5 6.46 7.20 62.01 4.85 146 67 .22 20.21 2.68 75.2 6.64 7.40 64.45 4.72 516 79 .13 31.99 3.70 103.7 4.95 5.79 54.38 6.03 101 83.5 .32 28.82 3.21 90-1 5.39 6.22 49.86 5.61 102 78 .25 38.36 3.62 101.5 5.58 6.39 51.41 5.46 103 81 .27 22J8 26.53 3.61 101.1 5.94 6.81 52.59 5.13 104 80 . 19 2155 23.22 3.01 84.4 5.70 6.50 50. 2S 5.37 105 78 .25 2220 30.26 4.08 114.3 5.93 6.75 51.92 5.17 113 75 .20 25.60 3.05 85.6 5.68 6.66 49.67 5.24 121 75 .19 26.60 3.57 100.0 6.69 7.49 58.15 4.66 492 76.5 .16 3.50 98.2 6^65 7.79 62.50 4.48 107 76 .32 2229 2li()0 3.20 89.9 6.76 7.65 59.44 4.56 108 76 .21 22.24 3.13 87.6 6.39 7.04 53.60 4.96 109 78 .29 21.46 2.96 83.0 6.90 7.70 60.10 4.53 110 75 .26 20.66 ! 2.48 69.6 6.08 6.71 50.12 5.20 114 75 .21 24.23 3.52 98.7 7.16 8.11 57.82 4.30 137 74 .16 20.98 3.17 88.8 7.76 8.42 64.51 4.14 138 74 .18 2376 19.94 2.97 83.4 7.68 8.32 66.08 4.20 139 77 .18 2435 19.70 3.06 85.9 8.02 8.67 68.33 4.03 141 79 .15 18.81 3.11 87.3 7.66 8 29 64.02 4 21 111 73.5 ! .28 24.35 2.93 82.0 6.15 6.70 51.18 5.21 112 80 .27 22.36 2.90 81.2 6.59 7.23 54.65 4.83 115 76 .26 22.89 3.42 95.9 6.83 7.49 58.71 4.66 116 76 .22 24.19 3.61 101-3 6.94 7.48 55.85 4.67 117 75.5 .20 23.80 3.42 95.8 6.71 7.19 55.38 4.85 118 77 .16 23.16 3.32 93.1 6.74 7.19 54.26 4 85 119 75 . 25 25.70 3.75 105.0 .84 7.31 53.97 4.78 120 72 .23 25-41 3.55 99.5 .08 7.79 56.27 4.48 312 71 .11 2400 19-38 3.40 95.4 .96 8.80 63.60 127 73 .19 21.49 3 35 94.0 .15 7.81 63.04 4.50 128 75 -19 21.45 3.51 98.3 .54 8.19 65.07 4.26 131 74 .19 20-87 2.91 81.50 .04 7.74 64.08 4.49 133 81 .22 22-91 3.15 88-2 ,00 7.67 62.51 4.55 135 74 ,18 23.09 3.62 101.3 .86 8.75 64.48 3.99 136 75 .21 20.77 2.91 81.5 7.00 7.81 63.56 4.47 463 81 .11 2490 18-67 3.20 89.7 7.98 8.58 64.44 4.07 132 76 .13 22.06 3.37 94.5 7.67 8.52 65.67 4.10 134 78 .18 22.55 3.39 95.0 7.58 8.39 63.96 4.16 144 79 .10 20.42 3.70 103.8 8.20 9 . 08 66.12 3.84 145 75 .13 20.14 3.38 94.7 8.37 9.36 67.93 3.73 123 73 .28 23.60 3.10 87.0 6.49 7.34 59.03 4.76 125 74 .20 20.30 3.08 86.2 6.62 7.58 60.37 4.61 130 77 .14 21.63 3.33 93.3 6.49 7.71 58.48 4.53 126 69 .18 20.44 3.11 87.2 6.86 7.62 62.62 4,58 FUEL TESTS WITH ILLINOIS COAL 35 TABLE 8 STEALING TESTS PERFORMANCE OF BOILER AND FURNACE (Continued) 8 s ^ Equivalent Test No. Boiler Pressure Ib. per sq. in. Draft above Fire inches of Water mperature of Furna< Degrees F. )ry Coal per sq. ft. ol Grate Surf ace per hour, pounds niviilrnt. Kv;i]iui'nt.i( Dm and at 2!2F. pei ft. of Heating Surfa Per Hour, pounds Per Cent of Rated orsepower Develope Pounds of Water Evap- orated from and at 21 2 F Per Pound Efficiency of Boiler ncluding the Grate Per Cent s|J 1 3? 5f-> | & i i &i w o s M 3 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 152 75 .13 2439 19.63 3.36 94.3 7.57 8.59 63-30 4.06 150 74 .11 .... 19.63 3.56 99.8 8.24 9.08 68.11 3.85 140 75 .18 18.51 2.86 80.1 -.60 8.61 64.20 4.06 147 72 .17 19.53 3.12 87.4 -.57 8.91 63.48 3.92 148 73 .19 18.86 2.99 83.9 -.06 7.94 59.02 4.40 149 74 .14 2060 17.83 3.29 92.2 -.70 9.23 66.36 160 77 .14 2428 18.47 3.07 86.1 -.27 8.33 61.71 4.'i9 161 77 .20 2080 17.77 3.12 87.6 -.62 8.80 65.82 3.97 163 78 .17 2227 20.79 3.57 100.2 7.50 8.61 63.63 4.06 170 79 .16 2039 20.22 3.10 87.0 -.42 8.56 64.29 4.08 171 77 .17 20.08 3.23 90.6 -.79 8.97 67.06 I 3.89 175 74 .09 2470 20.54 3.73 104.7 8.13 9.10 67.50 : 3.84 204 72.5 .11 2447 20.69 3.50 98.2 8.54 9.45 69.93 3.70 205 .12 2448 20.38 3.38 94.9 8.32 9.27 68.86 3.77 420 79.5 .12 .... 19.95 3.35 93.9 7.67 8.40 65.26 ! 4.16 423 78.5 .14 .... 16.94 2.89 81.0 7.73 8.53 65.92 I 4.09 424 83.5 .12 18.67 3.18 89.1 7.81 8.53 66.35 4.09 425 81 .14 19.33 3.32 93.0 7.87 8.61 66.73 4.05 421 82 .11 19.46 3.30 92.5 7.70 8.48 65.76 4.12 422 78.5 .12 19,46 3.39 95.0 7.88 8.73 67.03 4.00 292 70.5 .10 2020 15-49 2.37 66.3 6.55 7.66 64.75 4.56 301 69 .30 24.61 3.54 99.3 6.71 8.04 62 08 4.34 302 76 .17 2708 25.69 3.81 106.7 6.91 8.27 63.65 4.22 315 74.5 .16 2499 20.05 3.27 91.6 6.94 8.16 65.97 4.28 316 69 .15 2401 20.05 3.19 89.3 6.76 7.96 62.80 4.39 318 69.5 .04 2508 25.30 4.11 115.3 6.73 8.14 63.04 4.29 324 71.5 .20 2850 23.08 3.60 100.9 6.91 7.81 65.67 4.47 325 72 .18 2828 22.61 3.60 101.0 7.14 7.97 64.81 4.38 328 71 .14 2829 26.73 4.34 121.8 6.97 8.14 60.82 4.29 306 67 .13 2402 18.50 3.01 84.3 6.97 8.15 66.93 4.29 317 70.5 .13 2397 19.63 3.23 90.4 7.02 8.23 62.12 4.24 321 70.0 .27 23.75 3.78 106.0 6.89 | 7.97 59.22 4.38 322 74.5 .16 24.54 3.80 106.6 6.71 7.76 57.66 4.50 335 74.5 .22 2708 20.49 3.30 92.6 7.09 8.07 63.68 4.33 336 73.5 .26 21.48 3.29 92.3 6.71 7.67 58-68 4.55 337 72 .20 23.63 3.82 107.0 7.00 8.10 62.71 4.31 338 71.5 .21 21.36 3.10 87.0 6.38 | 7.28 56.16 4.80 339 73 .21 23.63 3.54 99.1 6.63 j 7.50 60.25 4.66 341 76 .34 20.91 2.84 79.7 6.56 7.58 60.85 4 61 342 77 .30 2264 23.02 3.16 88.6 6.47 7.67 60.42 4.55 353 78 .18 2360 19.83 3.14 88.0 6.66 7.93 64.73 4.40 354 76 .17 2162 19-26 3.08 86.4 6.75 8.02 66.12 4.36 459 80 .15 2601 18.72 3.13 87.7 7.75 8.36 64.29 4.18 457 81 .16 2606 19.85 3-42 95.9 8.13 8.64 64.99 4.04 448 79 .17 2862 22.52 3.88 108.8 8.21 8.63 64.50 4.05 452 82.5 .14 2833 21.97 3.94 110-5 8.35 8-98 66.35 3.89 465 75.5 -15 2665 20.35 3.62 101.5 7.65 8.91 65.58 3.92 460 81.5 .18 2759 21.38 3.44 96.3 7.16 8.05 65.08 4.34 461 80.5 .18 2816 22.32 3.72 104.2 7.31 8.34 63.28 4.19 466 79.5 .16 2784 22.32 3.90 109.2 7.87 8.74 66.14 3.99 511 79.5 .19 .... 20.94 3.59 100.7 7.76 8.60 62.58 4.06 489 74 .14 21.16 3.49 97.7 7.06 ! 8.25 64.76 4.23 491 82 .20 21.65 3.56 100.0 7.35 i 8-24 64.51 4.24 513 82 .10 2465 26.41 3.23 90.7 5.43 6.13 53.34 5.69 509 82 .22 21.50 3.79 106.2 8.24 8.82 62.53 36 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION values given, it will be seen that but few fall below 55 per cent or above 65 per cent, the maximum and minimum efficiency recorded being 68.11 and 49.64 respectively. In reviewing the results set forth in Tables 7 and 8 it should be remembered that they apply only to the performance of a hand-fired water-tube boiler of the Heine type and that any con- clusions which may be drawn are thus limited. Had it been pos- sible to provide a furnace especially adapted to the burning of each particular coal, the relative efficiency as established by the tests might have been slightly different. The results obtained, however, may be accepted as fairly indicative of the value of the coals tested. With this in view, then, it will be of more than ordi- nary interest to study the effect of the physical and chemical prop- erties of the fuel upon the performance of the boiler and furnace as set forth in the tables. 19. Furnace temperature. It will be seen that while the results do not show any exact relation between efficiency, furnace temperature and rate of combustion, nevertheless they clearly indicate that as the rate of combustion increases, the temperature increases, but that efficiency is only slightly affected by change in combustion-chamber temperature. A comparison with values representing capacity (Column 22) shows that as the combustion chamber temperature increases the capacity is increased. 20. The evaporative efficiency as affected by moisture in the coal is not well defined by the results of the tests. While they seem to indicate that coals high in moisture generally give low effi- ciency it must be remembered that high moisture is often accom- panied by high ash content or by poor mechanical structure, either of which properties has a more deleterious effect on effi- ciency than moisture. That this is true is emphasized by the fact that the heat required to evaporate the water in Illinois coal con- taining 15 per cent moisture is but little more than 1.5 per cent of its total calorific value. 21. The effect of sulphur and ash upon evaporative efficiency. Sulphur is an undesirable element in coal. It generally occurs in combination with iron, as pyrites, and in combination with cal- cium as gypsum. Of the two sulphur compounds, the former is generally contained in larger quantity in coal and is harmful be- cause it increases the tendency of the coal to clinker. The clinker- ing is especially bad if the percentage of ash is small in proportion to the sulphur. In such coals the pyrites and the ash fuse and form- a thin layer of solid clinker, which effectively stops the FUEL TESTS WITH ILLINOIS COAL 37 passage of air through the grate, thus permitting the grate bars to become heated from the hot fuel bed just above. The heat warps the grate bars and the clinker has such corrosive action on the hot iron that destruction results in a short time. When such clinkering occurs, any attempt to slice the fire fails and only slow and very difficult cleaning of the fires will remove it. Most Illi- nois coals having a large sulphur content are also high in ash so that the injurious effect of sulphur is not so pronounced as in some other coals. In making the tests it was found that the use of steam served to prevent the clinker from melting into the grate when the ash and sulphur content is large . Referring to Columns 13, 14, and 25 of Tables 7 and 8 the decrease in efficiency with increasing ash and sulphur will be read- ily seen. In Fig. 7, which shows this relation graphically, efficiency is plotted against per cent of ash plus sulphur based on dry coal, for all tests run with lump, egg and nut coal. Although many of the plotted points lie at a considerable distance from the average line, its position and direction are rather well defined. It shows that the efficiency drops from 66.5 per cent when the ash plus sulphur is 10 percent to 55 per cent when ash plus sulphur is 30 per cent. For increases in ash and sulphur beyond 18 percent the drop in efficiency is relatively rapid. 22. The effect of size on evaporative efficiency. The discussion in the preceding paragraph does not take into account the fact that size has much to do with the efficiency with which coal can be burned, and this is one of the chief reasons for the poor alignment of many of the points. The efficiency shown by the same tests together with those made with slack have therefore been plotted against size, expressed in percent of coal under i inch in diameter. The resulting relation is shown in Fig 8. Here, too, the points are widely scattered but the slope of the average line is fairly well fixed. Thus a coal giving an efficiency of 66 percent when 10 percent of it is under i-inch in diameter, will give an efficiency of only 62 per cent when 60 per cent of it is under i-inch in diam- eter. 38 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 Ash -f Sulphur, Per Cent of Dry Coal FIG. 7 EVAPORATIVE EFFICIENCY AS AFFECTED BY ASH AND SULPHUR 10 FIG. 8 50 60 20 30 40 Size of Coal, Per Cent Under i Inch * EVAPORATIVE EFFICIENCY AS AFFECTED BY SIZE OF COAL FUEL TESTS WITH ILLINOIS COAL 39 90 80 B H 70 o 1 60 g 50 I" iS 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 Size of Coal, Per Cent Under J Inch FIG. 9 COMBINED EFFECT OF SULPHUR PLUS ASH AND SIZE ON EVAPORATIVE EFFICIENCY Fig. 9 has been drawn to show the combined effect of sul- phur plus ash and size, on the evaporative efficiency of Illinois coal. In it lines have been drawn showing the decrease in effi- ciency with decrease in size for coals having 10, 20 and 30 per cent ash plus sulphur based on dry coal. There are, of course, other factors which affect efficiency but the results of the present tests seem to point to these as the most important. The lines given therefore, may be accepted as defining with considerable accuracy, the performance of Illinois coal when burned in a hand- fired furnace under a water-tube boiler. 23. Comparative efficiency resulting from the use of washed and unwashed coal. It has been shown that the process of washing Illinois coal is effective in reducing the ash and sulphur content. That the evaporative efficiency of the coal thus treated is increased follows directly from the facts just developed. The extent of the 40 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION improvement is set forth by Table 9. In this table tests are grouped in the order of the size of coal used. A comparison of the average values given shows that where slack is used washing effects an increase of 4.2 per cent in evaporative efficiency, 2.3 per cent where nut is used, .7 per cent when run-of-mine is used and .6 per cent when lump is used. The extremely small gain for TABLE 9 COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF WASHED AND UNWASHED COAL U. S. G. S. Coal No. Size Efficiency Unwashed Washed 1 2 3 4 1 7C 10 Slack Slack Slack 58.73 58 71 50,12 61.47 60.84 57.82 60.04 Average 55.85 9A 12 R. o. m. R o. m. 50.28 62.51 49.67 61.48 57.08 Average 56.40 13 13 Nut Nut 65.67 63.96 67.93 66.12 Average 64.68 67.02 23 A 18 18 Lump Lump Lump 66.93 64.20 J.9.02 63.38 62.12 63 48 66.39 64.00 Average the last two sizes named is explained by the fact that, in the pro- cess of washing, the coal was crushed to a size under 2 inches, a size which has been shown not to be so well adapted to the kind of grate and furnace used as the larger size. 24. Comparison of efficiency resulting from the use of raw and briquetted coal. Of the 112 boiler tests made, 15 tests were run with briquetted coal. Comparing the results shown in Table 8 with the results of similar tests with raw coal, it will be seen that in most cases where the raw coal is in the form of screenings or FUEL TESTS WITH ILLINOIS COAL 41 slack, briquetting improves the evaporative efficiency, but where it is in the form of egg, nut or lump, but little difference in perform- ance results. As in the case of coal in its natural state, effi- ciency decreases as the ash and sulphur content increases. This is shown graphically in Fig. 10. The rather close alignment of the plotted points in this figure is due principally to the uniform- ity in size of the fuel. H 7 2 O 60 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Ash + Sulphur, Per Cent of Dry Coal Fi(*. 10 EVAPORATIVE EFFICIENCY As AFFECTED BY ASH AND SULPHUR IN BRIQUET 42 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 25. The evaporative efficiency of Illinois coal compared with that of coal from other states, as shown by the United States Geolog- ical Survey tests, is presented in Table 10. Only tests with bitumin- ous and semi- bituminous coal are here included and the average values given are based only on tests which were made under simi- TABLE 10 COMPARATIVE RESULTS OBTAINED FROM COAL FROM VARIOUS STATES % a ,. || ll ! o i S " ^ ^ ^ T^ 3 ,3 *o > Ofe Q Is a en c3 43 O p Q > ^ ^ Q, O State Kind of Coal ^ ^ * 0> H^Q "o^ K O CD c _, ^3 >>i P. ^ 6 6 Pt O ~ c s P-* ,JQ fa fc o>T "3 c3 O S^ ^ w > r) P. 'S'5 43 P p H M pq 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Alabama Bituminous 10 4 91.9 8.43 64.31 12656 Arkansas . EJituminous 8- 89.3 9.03 63.54 13707 Colorado Bituminous 1 1 71.9 7.21 55.36 12577 Illinois . Bituminous 52 25 89.6 7.95 62.66 12249 Iowa Bituminous 5 5 90.7 7.13 59.55 11650 Indiana Bituminous 24 11 89.5 8.23 63.76 12549 Kansas Bituminous 8 6 83.4 8.10 61.26 12780 Kentucky Semi-Bituminous 8 3 91.0 9.77 65.41 14417 Kentucky Bituminous 3 3 88.9 8.37 62-82 12883 Missouri Bituminous 9 92.2 7.73 60.18 12246 New Mexico Bituminous 6 3 104.3 8.28 64.68 12507 Ohio Bituminous 18 9 92.2 8.82 64.88 13130 Pennsylvania Bituminous 18 9 89.9 9.75 66.22 14248 Tennessee Bituminous 24 9 102.3 8.81 64.18 13261 Virginia Semi-Bituminous 10 4 94.2 9.73 65.07 14436 West Virginia Bituminousand Semi- Bituminous 36 21 95.5 9.86 65.89 14451 FUEL TESTS WITH ILLINOIS COAL 43 lar conditions of operation. Column 1 gives the name of the state, Column 2 the kind of coal, Column 3 the number of tests included in the average, Column 4 the number of samples of coal, Column 5 the average rate of power developed, Column 6 the efficiency in terms of equivalent evaporation per pound of dry coal, Column 7 the efficiency in per cent and Column 8 the heating value of the coal in B. t. u., per pound of dry coal. The values given in the table show that the average evaporative efficiency of Illinois coal is 62.66 per cent. This compares favorably with the results from any other coal tested and in fact is nearly identical with the gen- eral average, 63.1. VIII PRODUCER-GAS TESTS 26. The prod ucer-gas plant used for the United States Geolog ical Survey tests of Illinois coal consists of two Taylor pressure producers arranged to discharge into a single scrubber, a Westinghouse three-cylinder vertical gas engine rated at 235 horse-power, and a six-pole, 175 kilowatt Westinghouse direct current generator. Auxiliary apparatus was provided for meas- uring accurately the coal and gas, the steam used by the producer, and all temperatures and pressures necessary for a complete determination of plant efficiency. The general arrangement of the plant is well shown in Pig. 11, and a section through the pro- ducer in Fig. 12, (pp. 45, 46). The principal dimensions of the producer plant are as follows: Producer Capacity, horse-power 250 Outside diameter feet 7.0 Inside diameter feet 6.5 Height feet 15 Area of fuel-bed square feet 38.5 Diameter of gas delivery pipe inches 22 Type of feed, Bildt automatic continuous feed. Economizer Diameter feet 3 Height feet .... 16 . 5 Number of 7 -inch tubtt... 6 44 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION Scrubber Diameter .feet ... 8 Height feet. . . . 20 Material used in scrubber, gas-house coke. Tar extractor Speed, revolutions per minute , 1500 Purifier Length of sides feet 8 Height feet.... 3.25 Material used in purifier, oxidized iron filings and wood shavings. Gas holder Diameter feet 20 Height feet. ... 13 Capacity cubic feet. . . 4000 27. The tests were conducted alternately on the two pro- ducers, one being charged while the other was in operation. The schedule adopted involved two sixty-hour runs per week. The first eight or twelve hours of each test were used for bringing the fuel bed to a uniform condition. During this preliminary run- ning, observations were made as in the regular tests, but the record data include only the last 48 or 50 hours, when the run- ning conditions were maintained as uniform as possible. Special attention was directed to the accurate measurements of the coal actually used and charts and checking devices were introduced for this purpose. Owing to the lack of reliability in the operation of the gas engine, many of the tests made at the beginning of the series were only of a few hours' duration; later, however, no difficulty was experienced in starting the engine and continuing it in opera- tion for a period of 120 hours. During this time two different coals were tested. Altogether 30 tests were made involving the use of 23 different samples of Illinois coal. 28. Results of the tests. The more important observed and calculated results of the tests are given in Table 11. Column 1 of this table is the laboratory number of the test, Column 2 the U. S. G. S. number of the sample tested and Column 3 the size of the coal tested. The proximate analyses of the coal as fired are given in Columns 4 to 8 and the heating value in B. t. u. per pound of dry coal is given in Column 4. The brake horse-power given in Column 10 is the power delivered by the gas engine. Column 11 is the cubic feet of gas delivered by the producer per hour, in terms of standard gas, that is, gas at atmospheric pressure and 60 F. temperature. Column 12 is the calorific value of the gas expressed in B. t. u. per cubic foot of standard gas. Column 13 FUEL TESTS WITH ILLINOIS COAL 45 QQ 46 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION FIG. 12 ELEVATION SHOWING GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF PRODUCER-GAS PLANT (Prof. Paper 48, p. 983) FUEL TESTS WITH ILLINOIS COAL 47 -9S.IOH a^Jg *sd patnns -UOQ IOO -JQ IOQ ^JQ jo panod iad st?o at pgaiBiaoo -n * -g IBOQ AJQ jo panod igd s^o pj^puBig jo 399J ojqno jo :jooj oiqno aad -n ^ g anon J9d SBQ pa^pa^^s JO 589J oiqno jo panod J9d - n 5090 jgj ' Proximate Analysi of Coal as Fired, per cent qsy ox -S.--D - s -a os T* TJ. to oo tt cs < i- o ec - o t^ t--* oo^* 01 ao o -osor-^ooi-imosooo*Jme*-* ill i o o o o M oo aooo IN oo -?? ?i -M ?! OS 05 CD r- t^ 00 i-iOO" t-t-0(M eCOOO>0^0'-05C<5COiOICffC5