o E 125 D3 BANCROFT LIBRARY o THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 1 . Submarine Valleys on the Pacific Coast of the United States. 2. Standard Geodetic Data 3. Early Spanish Voyages of Discovery on the Coast of California. BY Prof. CEO., DAVIDSON, A. M., Ph. D. Extract from Bulletin 6, California Academy of Sciences. Tf-ffI .F/f'CFOFT I o o C q 4- "t SUBMARINE VALLEYS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 265 SUBMARINE VALLEYS ON THE PACIFIC COAST OF THE UNITED STATE3, BY GEORGE DAVIDSON. Read at the Meeting of October 4th, 1886. (This p per was illustrated witlw diagrams.) The plateau of the Pa ific Ocean reaches a depth of 2,000 to 2,400 fathoms within as little as forty or fifty miles of the Coast to the southward of Cape Mendocino. The descent to these profound depths is not uniform, however, except off the high range of the Santa Lucia. Generally there is a marginal plateau of ten miles out to the hundred fathom curve, and then the descent is sharp to five or six hundred fathoms. Off the level and shallDw plateau of the Gulf of the Faralloues, the descent is rapid within five miles of the South East Farallones, and reaches 2,000 fathoms in fifty miles. The determination of these great depths we owe to the deep sea soundings of Commodore Balknap, of which a full discussion was presented by me to the Academy in 1873-4. Into this marginal plateau of one hundred fathoms there have been developed, in the course of the operations of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, several remarka ble submarine valleys. Notably that in Monterev Bay, heading to the low lands at the great bend of the Salinas River; and that off Point Hueneme at the eastern entrance to the Santa Barbara Channel, also heading into the low coast at the wide opening of the Santa Clara Valley. Then there are one or two near the mouth of the Laguna Mugu, two or three oft' the southern point of Carmel Bay, while the deep est one enters far into the Bay. These all have remarkable characteristics which I have heretofore brought to the no tice of the Academy. 21 BULL. CAL. ACAD. Sci. II. 6. Issued January 11, 1887. 266 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Submarine Valley 1. The latest developments of sub marine valleys are near the high, bold coast under Cape Mendocino. A submarine ridge runs southward from Point Delgada at Shelter Cove, in latitude 40 01', for ten miles or more. Bat the depth of the marginal plateau at 100 fathoms is about six or seven miles from the shore. Just north of this bank, off Shelter Cove, there has been developed a deep submarine valley where it breaks through the marginal plateau and runs sharply into the immmediate coast-line under the culminating point of the crest-line of mountains. The head of this submarine valley is 100 fath oms deep at one and a quarter miles from the shore, and the depth of 25 fathoms almost reaches to the rocks under the cliifs. The mountain peak toward which it points is 4,236 feet above the sea and only two and a half miles in side the shore line. The 100 fathom line lies six miles off Point Delgada, but where the valley breaks through the marginal plateau the depth reaches 400 fathoms. The slopes of the sides of this valley are very steep. Submarine Valley II. Hence northwestward to Point Gorda the 100 fathom line of soundings continues nearly parallel with the coast line except about midway, where a minor submarine valley 300 to 150 fathoms deep stretches sharply toward the shore, and within two and a half miles thereof. The head lies two and a half miles south by east from Spanish Flat, under the mount tins. But immediately north of the point, there is a very deep submarine valley which come^ in from the westsouthwest. and heads close un der the shore three miles north of Point Gorda, and there fore less than a mile north of the mouth of the Mattole Kiver. The head of this great submarine valley, at the 30 fathom line, is only one-third of a mile from the shore in latitude 40 18J'. The depth of 100 fathoms in the valley is only one and a half miles from shore, and the sides of the valley SUBMARINE VALLEYS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 267 are remarkably steep. The 100 fathom curve of the valley comes close between the general 30 fathom curve on the north and south, where they are one-third of a mile apart. The opening of this valley through the edge of the 100 fathom plateau is 520 fathoms deep, and is only six miles S. 62 W. from Point Gorda. The barrier of coast line at the head of this valley is over 2,000 feet high. Submarine Valley III. Between Point Gorda and Cape Mendocino there is a second submarine valley, a little nearer to the cape. It comes in from the westward, but does not indent the 20 fathom line along the shore, but the depth of 100 fathoms in the valley is only one-third of a mile outside the regular 25 fathom coast line, and lies five miles S. by E. from Cape Mendocino light house. The 450 fathom sounding in the entrance to the valley is only six and a half miles SW. by S. from the cape, and this valley is comparatively wide. Its north side is formed by a 30 fathom submarine plateau extending five miles from the cape. This valley heads under the great mountain mass, rising behind Cape Mendocino and reaching 3,400 feet ele vation. The bottom of the valley is green mud, and yet in two places, at depths of 320 fathoms, broken shells were brought up witli gravel. Both slopes of the valley are green mud up to about 30 or 35 fathoms, when the bottom changes to fine gray sand. Between the two submarine valleys of Point Gorda (II.) and Cape Mendocino (III.), the submarine ridge carries 50 fathoms out for four and a quarter miles from shore; the bottom is green mud outside of 35 to 40 fathoms, with fine gray sand inside. Northward of the Cape Meudocino submarine valley, the irregular bottom off Cape Mendocino, marked by Blunt's reef, stretches well to the westward of the usual coast 268 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. depths, and is thence spread oat towards Him bold t Bay as a broad and comparatively shallow plateau. T\vo problems aro at once suggested by these submarine valleys. One is eminently practical. Steam coasting ves sels bound for Humboldt Bay, when they get as far north as Shelter Cove in very thick fog.-;, haul into the shore to find soundings, and then continue parallel with the shore. One vessel has been lost by failing to find bottom until close upon the rocky coast. This steamer doubtless sounded up the axis of the deep submarine valley off King Peak, and could find no bottom. Had the existence of this valley been known, the vessel would have proceeded in a more guarded manner. The second bearing which these great submarine valleys have, is upon the deep sea fauna which must be brought close under the shores, the more especially as they bring in the colder waters coming down the coast outside of the in fluence of the close inshore eddy current to the northward. STANDARD GEODETIC DATA. 319 STANDARD GEODETIC DATA. COMMUNICATED BY AUTHORITY OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF THE UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. BY PROF. GEORGE DAVIDSON. Read October 18, 1886. In the development of the main triangulation of the Pa cific Coast, it was early discovered that large and irregular deflections of the plumb-line existed at the triangulation stations, whether they were situated on the mountains or in the plains. When the main triangulation was undertaken it embraced lines of unusual length, and one part of the scheme was the projection of a network across the continent along the 39th parallel. In order to collect standard geodetic data for the compu tation of the geographical positions on this coast, Assistant Davidson planned at the outset to have the latitude observ ed at each triangulation point; and he also observed the az imuth of some one line in the series of directions which were observed from the same station. This scheme of triangulation commenced from an accurate ly-measured base-line of nearly eleven miles in length sit uate in the plains of Yolo county, California. From this line it was carried by quadrilaterals to the Coast Range of mountains, as far west as Mount Tamalpais; and from the line Mount Helena Mount Diablo it stretched across the great valley of California to the line Mount Lola Bound Top. This scheme of triangulation was named by the Su perintendent of the United States Coast and Geodetic Sur vey the "Davidson Quadrilaterals." The observations at all the stations have been shown to be remarkably satisfac tory, and the discussion has been rigorously carried out in 21 BULL. CAL. ACAD. Sci. II. 6. Issued January 11, 1887. 320 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. the computing division of the Survey, under the direction of Assistant Schott. From the means already at hand, the following summary of results is made known, wherein it is seen that the accepted standard station for latitude is Mount Helena, and the standard line for azimuth is Mount Helena Mount Diablo. The tabulation exhibits the ob served and computed latitudes and azimuths, the probable error of each determination, and the deflection of the plumb- line from the means. Including the stations Mount Lola and Round Top, which are the easternmost points of the " Davidson Quadri laterals," in the Sierra Nevada, we have nine stations, at each of which the latitude and azimuth were determined as tronomically; and we shall take the mean results derived from all these observations for the formation of the stand ard values (f Q and . The direct results of the astronomical observations for latitude require two corrections : one, the reduction to the station point A; the other, the correction for curvature of the vertical or reduction to the sea level. The lieights re quired for the latter purpose are given in Appendix No. 10, Coast and Geodetic Survey Report for 1884, (Mount Lola being 2,796.4 metres, or 9,175 feet; and Round Top 3,173.5 metres, or 10,412 feet above the level of the sea.) For the expression of the curvature between the sea-lev el and the altitude of the station, we have (see Clarke's- Geodesy, pp. 101-102), 8 y= rB i nl " (t m ~ e ') sin 2 ?- Put - ting | m e'=0.0052 l , and log. (r sin 1")= 1.490, then for h, the height in metres, and /V the correction in seconds of arc we have for the latitude 'V= 0.000167Asin2?; or [n6.212]A, for the average latitude 39; the number within brackets being a logarithm. 1 . G. Zaehariae, in his Principal Geodetic Points (German transla tion by Dr. Larape, Berlin, 1878), prefers the value 0.00513. STANDARD GEODETIC DATA. 321 GEODE1IC OR STANDARD LATITUDE ^ OF MOUNT HELENA, FOR THE "DAVIDSON QUADRILATERALS." tz! c Astronomical Year Observed 33 M o Eed'n Re d'n ii* Adopted of Astron'mic'l il to to Se\ ~ - s 5 . Q, Geodetic Latitude. A-G ': Station. Obn. Latitude. -3 O^ 5T A Level. 4 t^ (G). 1 S. E. Yolo Base. 18 C 38 31 34.52 0.06 0.45 0.00 34.07 38 31 35.41 1.34 2 N.W.YoloBase. 188038 4' 37.34 0.07 0.13 0.01 37.20 :i8 40 38.03 c.83 3 Mouticello 188038 3946.51 0.09 0.31 -0.15 40.05 38 39 43.8.- +2.20 4 Vaca Mt.. 1880 3 i 22 23. 3^ OO'i +0 37 0.12 23.63 38 22 27.02 3 39 fl Mt. Diablo. . . . 176 37 52 49.59 0.06 I w ** ' 0.00 -0.19 49.40 37 52 48.70 +0>0 6 Mt. Tamalpais. 1882 37 55 19.04 0.08 0.04 0.13 1887 37 55 20.69 1.82 7 Mt. Helena 1876 38 40 01.02 0.06 +0.47 0.22 01.27 38 40 04 26 2.99 8 Mt. Lola 187939 25 57.98 0.06 22 0.46 57.30 39 2o 53 34 +3.96 9 Round Top. .. . 1879 38 39 46 89 0.08 +001 52 46.38 38 39 43.64 4-2.74 Mean . . . 0.09 The mean difference, A G, is small, approximating zero, as it should be. We have, therefore, retained and adopted for the present ? for Mount Helena 38 40' 04. 26", with a probable uncertainty of 0/'59. The average local deflection in the meridian is about 2. "2. GEODETIC OR STANDARD AZIMUTH a o OF DIRECTION MT. HELENA TO MT. DIABLO, FOR THE "DAVIDSON QUADRILATERALS." Observed ! ^ N3 ^ HH Adopted No. Station To Station Astronom a 3 -! ||i Geodetic f Occupied. Observed. ical 8 | | s: 5 8*5' Azimuth Q Azimuth. o> * > B (GO t ' > , , ff ,, f ff , f 1 S. E. Yolo Base. N. \V. Yolo Base. 163 07 13.51 +0.18 0.00 13.51 1630715.07 1.56 2 N. W.Yolo Base. S; E. Yolo Base. 343 05 02.35 0.16 0.00 02.35; 343 05 04.03 1.68 3 Mouticello !Mt. Helena 91 04 25.16 0/21 -0.00 25.16 91 C4 23 79 1.37 4 Vaca Mt S. E. Yolo Base. 235 38 36.44 0.28 , 0.00 36.44 235 38 33.47 ^2.97 5 Mt. Diablo iMt. Helena 144 28 16.13 0.15 * 144 28 15.06 -1.07 6 Mt. Tamalpais. Mt. Diablo 274 15 15.39 0.14 0.01 15.38 274 15 15.71 0.33 7 Mt. Helena Mt. Diablo 324 01 24.86 0.19 * 324(1131.0* 6.18 8 Mt. Lola Mt. Helena 67 21 62.57 0.17 0.1H 62.41 67 21 59.55 - 2.86 9 Round Tor Mt. Helena 90 58 53.67 0.13 0.16 53.51 90 58 53.01 -0.50 Mean. . . -0.11 322 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. The mean difference is sufficiently near zero to retain the old value, and we adopt for the present Mount He lena to Mount Diablo: 324 Or 31."01 00."64. This value will slightly change after the Mount Lola and Bound Top observations shall have been finally adjusted. The average local difference in azimuth is about 2/'l. At the stations Mount Diablo and Mount Helena the as tronomical azimuths were referred to a mark and not to a triangulation point, and the same is the case at Mount Lola and at Bound Top. The references to the stations marked by an asterisk [*] in the preceding table would therefore be arbitrary since the results must depend on the adjustment of the directions of the figure; but by applying a correction which is the mean of all the corrections to the lines at the stations, the reference of the astronomical meridian to the geometrical figure of the triangulation is effected with respect to all di rections; thus for the two stations in question: / At Mount Diablo: Observed azimuth of the reference mark (Clay ton) = 9 42' 25. "92 West of North; hence, astronomical azimuth of the mark = 170 17' 34."08 Or when reduced to the sea level= 170 17 34. 07 At Mount Diablo the mean correction to the six adjusted directions is -j- O."023 (0."11); this added to the observed geodetic direction of the azimuth (25 C 49'17."194) gives- 25 49 17. 217 Hence with the corrected direction to Mount Helena (see below) = 359 59 59. 273 The angle between the mark and Mount He lena, adjusted^ 25 49 17. 94 and the astronomical azimuth referred to Mount Helena becomes 144 28 16. 13 as given in the preceding table. STANDARD GEODETIC DATA. 323 Similarly at Mount Helena: The Observed Azimuth of the reference mark (Woods)= 189 18 14. 36 the same reduced to the sea level 189 18 14. 37 The mean correction to four adjusted direc tions at the station is O."032 ( O."13) . The angle between the mark and Mount Diablo adjusted^ 225 16 49. 51 Whence the Astronomical Azimuth, re ferred to Mount Diablo^ 324 01 24. 86 We have also the following table of adjusted directions at these two stations: AT MOUNT DIABLO. AT MOUNT HELENA. Result of ! * M Result of s n. CD 8 ^ Direction to Station Oi* 3' Direction to Station a,? If Adjustment g- Adjustment "c'N tn *"" 5-TO " S-TO Off, /x ff ft ff Mt Helena 359 9 59 918 .645 59.273 Mt Diablo Monticello 20 03 30.611 20 19 59.481 25 49 17.194 38 39 09 129 .102 +.319 + .086 30.509 59.800 (17.217) 09.215 Mt. Tamalpais Azim. Mark (Woods) 33 43 57.138 225 16 49.650 306 46 16.069 340 03 44 097 4- .008 621 57.441 (49.618) 16.077 43 476 Vaca Mt Azim. Mark (Clayton) North West Base... Vaca Mt South East Bise 43 24 20 921 + .524 21.445 Mt. Tamalpais 310 12 09.218 .047 09.171 Mean = 0.032 Mean = + 0.023 Tables of resulting adjusted directions were prepared for all stations, because the respective mean corrections are to be applied to all other directions not yet adjusted before they can be submitted to the process of the next figure ad justment which ordinarily is of a secondary character. For the standard Longitude of the triangulation about the Yolo Base Line, we have to retain at present the telegraph ic longitude of San Francisco station at Washington Square, A 87* 09m 38. 34 sees, (see Coast and Geodetic Survey Report for 1884, Appendix No. 11, p. 424) and derive from it for 324 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Mount Helena the value ;. C =122 C 38' 01." 41. [This gives for the present astronomical and telegraphic longitude sta tion, Lafayette Park in San Francisco, the longitude west of Greenwich=8/i 09m 42.72s, or 122 25' 40." 75.] These standard geodetic data ? ;. are subject to changes hereafter; but generally they are best retained and the small corrections are noted, so long as the changes do not exceed the respective probable errors of these quan tities. EARLY CALIFORNIA LANDFALLS. 325 EARLY SPANISH VOYAGES OF DISCOVERY ON THE COAST OF CALIFORNIA, PROF. GEORGE DAVIDSON, A. M., PH. D. Read at the meeting of the Academy, Monday, October 18, 1886. The following tabulation exhibits in a condensed form the identification of the "landfalls" of Cabrillo and Fer relo, in their explorations of the coast of California in 1542 and 1543, from Cape San Lucas to latitude 42 30'. During my work on the Pacific Coast of the United States since the spring of 1850, I have been deeply inter ested in the discoveries and explorations of the early Span ish navigators. My special duties have made me peculiarly well acquainted with the coast line, and I have thought it my duty to establish the identity of the landfalls, which I believe I have clearly done. Unfortunately, the great length of the paper in which I have given the details of the narratives of Ulloa, Cabrillo, Ferrelo, Drake and Vizcaino, and my explanations, together with a chart, precludes its publication by the Academy at this time; and it has been presented, in exte)iso, to the Superintendent of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey for publication. This tabulation contains the resume' of the identifica tion of the ointy oight places which Cabrillo and Ferrelo par ticularly mention. In it are shown, in parallel columns, the names by which Ulloa, Drake and Yizcaino designated the same localities, together with the modern names. The latitudes of Cabrillo and Ferrelo were given only to a third of a degree, with an occasional qualification of "a little more," or c< a little less," while the large and nearly constant errors indicate very defective instruments. The present latitudes are taken from the published charts of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. It should be understood that the whole of the work em braced in the paper and in this condensed statement has oc cupied much of my unofficial time during the last two years. 326 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. THE LANDFALLS OF CABRILLO, (C), AND FERRELO, (F), WITH AND THE PRESENT 7 1 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 K 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Dates, 1542,1543. Name of place by Cabrillo and Ferrelo. Latitude by Cabrillo and Ferrelo. Names by Ulloa, Drake or Vizcaino. Jun. 2!, 1542 Apr. 14, 1543 Jun. 2& 1542 July 2, 1542 El Puerto de Navidad El Cabo de Corrientes La Punta de California El Puerto del Marques del Valle C.F.. 2oy 2 , o.. 24 "and more," C. . Do El Puerto de la Navi dad. V. El Cabo de Corrientes. V. La Bahia de Santa Cruz. U. La Bahia de San Ben- arbe.V. La Bahia de San Abad. U.; La Bahia de Santa Marina.V. / El Puerto de la Mag- dalena. V. La liahia de Santa Marta.V. La Bahia de las Bal- lenas. V Abreojos, V.'s chart La Isla de San Roque. U.V. El Puerto de la Cruz. . El Puerto de San Lu cas . . . Do July 6, 1542 July 8, 1542 > <. (i " 13, 1542 CF.. 25, ....F.. 25. C. F.. F.. El Puerto de La Trin idad. La Punta de la Trini dad Una Isla El Puerto de San Ped ro ... 25%, F.. F. La Bahia de San Mar tin July 19, " < i " 25 ' U i ( " __ 26, F... 27 C. F. . Una Gran Ensenada El Puerto de la Mag- da'eua La Punta de Santa Catalina 27 J, F.. 27*, F.. 28, F.. 28, F.. El Puerto de Santiago Habre Ojo. Punta y Puerto de Santa Ana Una Isleta obra de una legua de Tierra .... EARLY CALIFORNIA LANDFALLS. 327 THEIR NAMES BY ULLOA, (U), DR\KE, (D), AND VIZCAINO, (V), NAMES AND LATITUDES. No. Present Name of the Place. Latitude, / Correction to C., F. or D. Remarks. 1 r O 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Port Navidad 19 13 20 25 23 23 23 23 22 52 24 20 24 17 24 17 24 32 24 44 (sfi It is more than prob- ' able that Cabrillo assum ed the latitude as given by previous navigators. Cabrillo did not observe the latitude. "They say it is in latitude 23 Y' F. The S. E. point of Santa Marga-ita Islind. The island is 22 miles long. There is no gulf; but the lowland north of Cape Lazaro slightly recedes, and would mislead a nav igator in a small vessel in the offing. Ferrelo says: "It is 40 leagues from the Bay of San Martin to this coast.' ' A dangerous reef of visible and sunken rocks. [Jlloa saw the two islands, Asuncion and San Roque. Cat)e Corrientes .... -05'Cjrf.... 37', "and more' ' C . . 37', "and more" C.. Cape Pulino Anchorage under Cape Pulmo San Lucas Bay Santa Marina Bay Cape Tosco Santa Margarita Is land 40' F.. 43' C. F.. -58' F.. Magdalena Bay Santa Maria Bay.. Pequena Bay and Point 26 14 26 19 26 45 26 46 27 07 27 09 46' C. F.. San Domingo Point and Anchorage Ballenas Bay 45' F.. 44' F . . 53' F... 51' F.. Abreojos Rocks Asuncion Point and Anchorage [sland of San Roque.. 328 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. THE LANDFALLS OF CABRILLO, (C), AND FERRELO, (F), WITH AND THE PRESENT NAMES No. Dates, 1542, 1543. Name of place by Cabrillo and Ferrelo. Latitude by Cabrillo and Ferrelo. Names by Ulloa, Drake or Vizcaino. 18 19 20 21 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 July 27, 1542 July 31, 1542 Aug. 1 " 2 " Aug. 2, 15 J 2 (( C tl Mar. 2^, 1543 Aug 11, 1542 " I/ 1542 " 19 " " 20 " Mar. 21, 1543 Aug. , 1542 Sept. 4, 1512 " 8 ' " 11 " " 11 ' ' 11 " " 17 " Mar. 18, 1513 El Puerto Fondo F El Puerto de San Bar- tolome.V. L;i Isla de Natividad de Nuestra Seiiora. V. La Isla de los Cedros. U; La IsladeCe;- ros. V. La Bahia de San Hi- polito. V La Isla de San Ger- onymo. V. El Cabo del Engano, 30, U. Do. La Bahia de las Vir- gines. V. La Isla de Cenigas. V. La Isla de San Hil- ario. V. La Ensenada de To- dos Santos. V. [Anchorage"] F El Puerto de San Ped- ro Vincula 28J "and inore," F. . F.. F.. 29, F.. 30 "scanf'F 30J, F . . 3Q%, F. . 31, C.. 31, F.. 31%, F.. F La Isla de San Este- ban Una Euseuada Grande La Isla de Zedros .... El Puerto de Santa ClaiM La Punta del Mai Ab- La Isla de San Bernar do El Cabo del Eugano.. . La Punta del Engano. El Puerto de la Poses- ion La Isla de San Augus- tin F.. 32%, F.. 33, C . . 33, F . . F. . [Anchorage, 7 leagues fromSau Angus tin.] El Cabo de S.m Mar tin El Cabo de la Cruz.... El Cabo de Cruz Una Isleta El Puerto de San Ma- teo 33%, F.. EARLY CALIFORNIA LANDFALLS. 329 THEIR NAMES BY ULLOA, (U), DRAKE, (D), AND VIZCAINO, (V), AND LATITUDES.- CONTINUED. No. Present Name of the Place. jatitude, Correction to ' C., F. or D. Remarks. 18 Table-Head Cove, or 7 11 San Pablo Bay 19 Bay of San Cristoval 20 Port banBartolome.. 7 39 51' "and more" F . 21 S^atividad Island .... 7 53 Dhe Afegua, or Bird Island ot Father Taraval, 1734. 22 Sebastian Vizcaino 7 45 This is the Gulf of San Bay . to Xavier, of Father Tara 8 35 val. It is 50 by 60 miles in extent. 23 Cerros Island 28 02 58' F. . . They anchored under- the south shore. This is the Anialgua,or Fog island of Father Taraval, 1734. 24 La Playa Maria Bay . 28 55 65' "scant'' F They anchored here. 25 Point Canoas 29 25 65' F 26 Sau Gerdnimo Island 29 48 - 42' F , 27 Point Baja 29 56 r 64' C Point Baja 29 56 64' F 28 Port San Quentin. .. 30 24 66' F.. 29 Sail Martin Island . . 30 29 30 San Ramon Bay 30 49 31 Point Santo Tonias 31 33 57' F. The anchorage under the or Cape Sau Tomas cape 32 Grajero Point, or Ban 31 45 -75' C. Distance from Cape San da Point Martin, 4 leagues. Do 31 45 75' F.. 33 The Todos Santos Is 31 48 lauds 34 The Eusenada in To 31 51 -89' F.. Anchorage in the north dos Santos Bay . . . east part of Todos Santos Bay. 330 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OP SCIENCES. THE LANDFALLS OF CABRILLO, (C), AND FERRELO, (F), WITH AND THE PRESENT NAMES No Dates, 1542, 1543. Name of place by Cabrill and Ferrelo. Latitude by Cabrillo aud Ferrelo. Names by Ulloa, Drake or Vizcaino. 3c Sep. 26,27, 1542 Las Islas Desiertas. . 34, F . Las Islas de los Cor- onados. V- Las Islas 3 Sep. 28, 154 Mar 11 154 El Puerto de San Mig uel . . . 34%, F. de San Martin, V.'s chart. El Puerto de San Dieo V El Puerto 3 Oct. 7 154 La Isla de San Salva F Bueiio de San Di ego, Ws chart. La Isla de Santa dor Cathaliua V 38 Oct. 7, 154 La Isla de la Vittoria. .F. 39 Oct. 8, 154 La Bahia de las Fu 35, F. La Bahia de los Fue gos F. 40 Oct. 9, 154 [Anchorage] F 41 Oct. 10, 1542 Los Pueblos de las Canoas 35%, C.. Mar. 8, 1543 El Pueblo de las Can oas 35%, F. f 49 Oct. 13, 1542 [Anchorage] F 43 Oct. 14, 1542 [Anchorage! F 44 Oct. 15, 1542 [Anchorage] . . F 45 Oct. 16, 1542 [Anchorage!. . F 46 Oct. 17, 154-2 Anchorage!. . , F Nov. 2-6, " Ei Pueblo de las Sar- diuas C.. - Los Pueblos de las F Sardiuas 47 Feb. 12--14, 543 El Puerto de las Sar- dinas 5%, F.. 48 Nov. 1, 1542 El Puerto de Todos Santos. . . . F.. 49 El Pueblo de Xexo F 50 Dct. 18, 1542 (i < SI Cabo de la Galera.. 1 Cabo de Galera .... W%, C.. J6 W "and more." F.. EARLY CALIFORNIA LANDFALLS. 331 THEIR NAMES BY ULLOA, (U), DRAKE, (D), AND VIZCAINO, (V), AND LATITUDES -CONTINUED. No. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Present Name of the Place. Latitude, o / Correction to C., F. or D. Remarks. Los Coronados Islands San Die a o Pay 32 25 32 40 33 27 32 49 34 00 34 05 34 17 34 17 34 22 34 24 34 25 34 27 34 27 34 28 95' F.. 100' F.. He has one of the largest errois in the best-known port. At the great depression across the island. A few miles east of Santa Barbara. Ferrelo says the Indian name was Cicacut. There are two Coxo's. The Coxo Viejo is one mile east of the usual anchor age El Coxo. La Punta de la Coucepcion of recent Spanish naviga tors. Santa Catalina Island. San Clemente Island Santa Monica Bay .... Do The Anchorage off La guna Mugu -GO'' "F '.. -63' C.. 63' F . . San Buenaventura .... Do. Anchorage off " the Riucon" Anchorage off " the Carpiiiteria" Anchorage 4 or 5 miles west of Goleta Point Anchorage off the Can ada del Kefugio. . . . Anchorage off Gaviota Pass. The Indian Villages at Gaviota Pass Do Anchorage off Gaviota Pass 34 27 34 28 34 29 34 27 34 27 73' F . . 123'C.... 93' " and more" F. . Anchorage off El Coxo Indian Village at El Coxo Point Concepcion, 01 Point Conception 332 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. THE LAND FALL 5 O7 CABRILL9, (C), AND FERRELO, (F), WITH AND THE PRESENT NAMES No Dates, 1342, 1543. Name of place by Cabrillo and Ferrelo. Latitude by Cabiillo and Ferrelo. Names by Ulloa, Drake or Vizcaino. 5\ 52 53 '54 55 56 57 58 59 GO 6] 62 Oct. 14, 1542. " 18 " " 25 ' Dec., 15i2 Dec., 1542 Jan. 3, 1513 Mar. 5, " Oct. 25, 1542 Mar. 5, 1543 Jan. 29, 1543 Mar. 5, 1513 Jau. 10. 1543 Feb. 14, Nov. 11, 1542 Nov. 11, 1542 La Isla de Sau Lucas. Las Islas de Sau Lucas La Isla de la Posesiou La Isla de Posesiou. . Una de las Isl s de San Lucas .... La Isla de Jnau Rod riguez El Puerto de la Poses ion [DaugersJ .. La Isla de Sau Lucas. La Isla de San Sebas- tinn F. . La Isla de Baxos. V. / La Isla de Cleto. V. La Isla de San Am- brosio.V. La Sierra de Santa Lu cia. V. C.F.. ... C. F.. F. . C.. F. C. F.. F.'s contort. F F.'s consort F La Isla de San Salva dor C.. 37, C.F.. El Rio de Nuestra Senora Las Sierras de San Martin EARLY CALIFORNIA LANDFALLS. 333 THEIR NAMES BY ULLOA, (U), DRAKE, (D), AND VIZCAINO, (V), AND LATITUDES. CONTINUED. No. Present Name of the Place. Latitude, o / Correction to C., F. or D. Remarks. 51 52 53 *54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 The three Islands, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa and San Mig uel They overlap each other, and were seen as one great island. One large Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa overlapping and one small, which was San Miguel. Ferrelo says the Indian name was Ciquimuymu. So named by Ferrelo to commemorate Cabrillo's death on the Island. Cabrillo and Ferrelo win tered here in 1542-43; it is on the north shore of San Miguel island. The rocks and reefs off the northwest shores of San Miguel island. Ferrelo says the Indian name was Nicalque. Ferrelo says the Indian name of the island was Liniun. Cabrillo and Ferrelo did not see it. They learned of its existence north of Pt. Concepcion, from Indian information, when in the Santa Barbara channel. This mountain range is 50 miles long, and overhangs the coast line. The cul minating point is Mt. S^nta Lucia, 6,000 feet elevation and 12 miles in side the shore. San Miguel, and then Santa Cruz and San ta Rosa as one 34 03 San Miguel Island . . Do Do. Do. Cuylers Harbor Wilson Rock, &c Santa Rosa Island ... Do 3i 03 34 06 i 33 57 Santa Cruz Island . . . La Purisima, or Santa Ynez River 34 02 34 42 36 03 87' C. F.. Sierra Santa Lucia 23 BULL. CAL. ACAD. Sci. II. Issued January 11, 1887. 334 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. THE LANDFALLS OF CABHILLO, (C), AND FERRELO, (F), WITH AND THE PRESENT NAMES No. 63 64 65 66 67 68 ^ Dates, 1542, 1543. Name of place by Cabrillo and Ferrelo. Latitiide by Cabrillo and Ferrelo. Names by Ulloa, Drake or Vizcaino. Nov. 11, 1542 Nov.' 11, 18, 1542 El Cabo de San Mar- tiu . . 38, ....F.. 37%, F . . 28%, C F.. La Punta de Pinos. V. Portus Novae Albionis 38. D. El Puerto de San Francisco. V. El Cabo de San Mar tin Nov. 18, 1542 El Cabo de Nieve, ... (de las Sierras Nevad- as) La Baia de Finos. Nov. 16, 1542 . C La Bahia de los Pinos El Cabo de Pinos . . El Cabo de Piuos El Cabo de Fortunas. 39 "and more," F. . 40 "and more," C.. 40, F.. 41, C.. Nov. 14, 1542 Feb. 25, 1543 Mar. 3, 1543 Feb. 26, 1543 r EARLY CALIFORNIA LANDFALLS. 335 THEIR NAMES BY ULLOA, (U), DRAKE, (D), AND VIZCAINO, (V) AND LATITUDES. CONCLUDED. No. Present Name of the Place. Latitude. Correction to C., F. or D. Remarks. 63 Point Pinos }6 32 88' F 64 The Twin Peaks . 36 03 87' F The height is 5 100 feet 65 66 Black Mountain The Santa Cruz 37 09 9V F and the distance 3% miles inland. The mountain mass 13 miles behind Point Auo Nuevo. Embracing Black Mount mountains ains. 67 Anchorage in Drake's Bay 38 00 00' D. . . The northern part of the Gulf of the Farallones. Drake's Bay, or the Gulf of the Faral- lones 38 00 60' ' and more," F. . "A great gulf," Cabrillo. (Una Ensenada Grande.) 68 GO 7" The Northwest Cape. Do. King Peak, behind PuntaDelgada 38 31 38 31 40 00 89' "and more" C. . . 89' F -60' C . . . The mountain mass just east of Fort Ross anchor age, and reaching 2,200 feet elevation. The mountain mass north ward of Shelter Cove, with King Peak, only 10 miles inland and 4,235 feet elevation, as the cul minating point. *i i !