iiiiiaiihitsifti.!;;:;:;!!. SCHOOl / / Quarterly of the Colorado School of Mines Vol. 6 April, 1911 No. 1 An Extension of the Dewey System or Classmcation Applied to Metallurgy, Metallograpny ana Assaying ROBERT M. KEENEY Fellow in Metallurgy COLORADO School of Mines The rapid growth of metallurgical industries has rendered necessary a more complete system of classification of the literature on this subject than is afforded by the Dewey classification. The most complete extension, covering all engineering as well as metal- lurgical subjects, is found in Bulletin ISTo. 9, issued in ISTovember, 1906, by the Engineering Experiment Station of the University of Illinois. In this bulletin the extensions relating to mechanical, electrical, and railway engineeriug are complete, but the other branches are incomplete. The extension herein given has been prepared to cover this deficiency in metallurgy, metallography, and assaying. 245526 4 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. In the Dewey decimal system the entire field of knowledge is divided into ten main classes, nnmbered l)y the digits from to 9. The primary classes are General Works. 1 Philosophy. Religion. o O Sociology. 4 Philology. 5 ]*»J'atnral Science, 6 Usefnl Arts. 7 Fine Arts. 8 Literature. 9 History. Each of these classes is similarly divided into ten divisions. The divisions are divided into ten sections, and the process is re- peated as often as is necessary. Thus 669 means Class 6 (Useful Arts), Division 6 (Chemical Technology), and Section 9 (Metal- lurgy). In carrying the system out, a decimal point is ]ihiced for convenience after every third digit. To illustrate further, con- sider 669.145.412 (Bessemer Converter Tuyeres) ; 669 as already explained means Metallurgy; 669.1, the Metallurgy of Iron and Steel; 669.14, the Manufacture of Steel; 669.145, the Bessemer Process for Steel Manufacture; 669.145.4, the Bessemer Con- verter; and 669.145.41, the Construction of the Bessemer Con- verter; and 669.145.412, Bessemer Converter Tuyeres. The table of numbers is followed by a relative index in which each table title is arranged alphabetically with its ]:)roper number. It is clearly impossible to include all the terms con- nected with metallurgy, metallngraphy, and assaying in this index, but enough are given to enable the user to assign the pro]ioi' num- ber to almost any subject that may arise. The relative index is very useful to the person in search of information indexed l)y this system, in that it shows at once the various numbers under wliieh an item occurs in cnse it has more than one number. For exam- ple: roasting of arsenical ores ii jdaccMl under 669.22. un(h'r 669.32, and under 669.42. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 5 In the present extension of the system the main subdivisions under 669 have been left unchanged with the exceptions, that use is made of the digit (0), by making 669.0, General Metallurgy, which includes fuels, furnaces, and refractories, and that under 669.8 is placed metallography, a branch of metallurgy which is growing rapidly and is so closely allied to it that it should be classed near metallurgy. These changes are thought advisable, as 669 (Metallurgy) has not been sufficiently extended to cause con- fusion. The character (0) has been used throughout this classifi- cation as any other digit, for, although after a decimal point, it does not increase the number numerically, yet it acts as a distinct- ive symbol. All items pertaining to ore dressing, except in a gen- eral way, are excluded, as ore dressing is classed under 622 (Min- ing). The general forms of the Dewey classification have been modified to suit the subject, and where it seems desirable they are stated in full. An elaborate system of cross reference does not seem necessary, as the relative index shows where an item should be placed. For a person keeping an index on the subjects of metallurgy, metallography, and assaying, and not too many other subjects, it is convenient to substitute a letter for the first three digits, thus for 669 (metallurgy, metallogTaphy, and assaying) the letter M. In making small subdivisions it is sometimes convenient to arrange the subjects in alphabetical order, giving a combination of the decimal with the alphabetical system. For the benefit of persons who wish to extend the system for their own use, blank spaces have been left where it seems advisable. The decimal system of classification is adapted to the index- ing of books, notes, clippings from journals, drawings and cata- logues. In libraries, books and pamphlets may be filed according to the system with an alphabetical card index showing under what numbed the book sought is to he found. In indexing current tech- nical literature, where the number of cards becomes large, it will be found convenient to keep the card index in order of the num- bers of the decimal system rather than by alphabetical order. Engineers can use the system in three ways: first, to keep THE COLORADO HCHOOL OF MINES. a card index of technical literature; second, to file clippings from journals, notes, drawings and catalogues, without a card index ; or, third, for a combination of the card index with the filing system, so that a reference to a journal of which there is no clipping at hand can be recorded with other references. In filing clippings, an envelope, 7% inches long and 514 inches wide, is a convenient size. The spacing for recording may be arranged as indicated on the type form given below. Articles under a sub'livision may he filed in alphabetical order. Subject. 1 No. Notes. 669.147 A New Process for Refining of Pig M. & C. E. Iron. V. 9 p. 121 (3 p.) f. B. Nau Mar. 7/ Describes a process for refining highly siliceous and phosphoric pig iron in the electric furnace. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 7 ABBREVIATIONS USED ON INDEX CARDS Pages p Diagrams, sketches, etc d Curves, plots, or groups of same c Illustrations, photographs, etc i Tables of data, etc t Words w Volume V The index card refers to an aiticle which appeared in Metal- lurgical and Chemical Engineering, Vol. 9, page 127, March, 1911, and occupies three pages, with no illustrations. The class number 669.147 serves to locate the card in the case of the index. The decimal system possesses several very important advan- tages over the alphabetical system : lirst, it groups allied sub- jects which, under the alphabetical arrangement, would be widely scattered ; second, under the alphabetical system there are many cases in which it is difficult to determine wdiat letter to assign to a subject, and much confusion results, all of which is avoided in the decimal system ; and third, in the decimal system there is great flexibilitv and room for extension. TEE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. TABLE OF SECTION NUMBERS. 669 Metallurgy, Metallography, and Assaying. .0 Gefteral metallurgy. .00 General theory. .000 Textbooks. .001 Cyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks. .002 Essays, addresses, lectures theses. .003 Periodicals. .004 Societies, transactions of societies. .005 Education, teaching, schools, colleges. .005.0 Laboratories. .006 Tables. .007 Calculations. .008 Miscellanies. .009 History, progress, development. .0 1 General practice. .010 Machinery. .011 Statistics, trade catalogs. .012 Quantities, costs. .013 Contracts, specifications. .014 Designs, drawings. .015 Management,- financial reports. .OK) Working, maintenance. .017 Laws. .018 Patents. .019 Professional reports. 10 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 9.02 Electrometallurgy. . Place here all electrometallurgrical subjects not where. .020 .021 .022 .023 .024 .025 .026 .027 .028 .029 e .03 Properties of metals. .030 Physical properties. .031 .032 Chemical properties. .033 .034 .035 .036 - .037 .038 .039 .04 Slag, matte, bullion, speiss, dross. .040 General theory. .041 General practice. .042 Metallography. .043 Mineralogical natnre. .044 JMofjilhiro-ical nutiire. .045 F( in nation toni])eriitnre. .046 Specific heat, hfout heat of fni=;ion. .047 Freezing, sol j d i fi ca t i on. .048 Viscosity. .049 Effect of elements. TEE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 11 669.05 Thermal investigation. .050 General theory. .051 General practice. .052 Thermo-couple pyrometers. . .053 Resistance pyrometers. .054 Radiation pyrometers. . .055 Optical pyrometers. .056 Cones. .057 Antomatic recording pyrometers. .058 .059 .06 Fuels. .060 General theory. .061 General practice. .062 Wood. .063 Charcoal. .064 Peat. .065 Coal. .066 Coke. .066.0 Beehive. .066.1 By-product. .067 Gas. .068 Oil. .069 .07 Combustion. .070 General theory. .071 General practice. ,072 Calorific power, heat of formation. .073 Methods of determining calorific power. .074 Calorimeters. .075 Calculation of calorific power. .076 Other methods for determining calorific power. .077 Temperature of combustiou, gaseous products of combustion, air for combustion. .078 Chimneys, mechanical draft, mechanical stokers. 12 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 669.079 Burning powdered coal, oil, gas, gas producers, producer gas. .08 Refractory materials. .080 General theory. .081 General practice. .082 Acid material. .082.0 Fire-clay. .082.1 Silica brick. .082.2 Gannister. .082.3 Furnace sand. .083 Basic material. .083.0 Magnesite. .083.1 Dolomite. .083.2 Lime. .083.3 Bauxite. .084 ISTeutral material. .084.0 Chromite. .084.1 Graphite. .085 Physical properties. .086 Permeability to gases. .087 Expansion with temperature. .088 Heat conductivity. .089 Electrical conductivity. .09 Furnaces. .090 General. .091 Hearth furnaces. .092 Kiln furnaces. .093 Blast furnaces. .094 Direct fired reverberatory furnaces, roasting furnaces. .095 Opendiearth furnaces, regenerative reverbera- tory furnaces. .096 Retort furnaces. .097 Muffle furnaces. .098 Crucible furnaces. .099 Electric furnaces. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF M/NI<1S. 13 669.1 Iron and steel. . 1 General metallurgy. (See copper 669.30). .100 Genera] theory. .101 General practice. .102 .103 .104 .105 .106 .107 .108 .109 . I 1 Properties of iron and steel. .110 Metallography. ' .110.0 Constitution of iron and steel. .110.1 Carbon states in iron and steel. .110.2 Carbon and subcarbide theories. .110.3 Iron states in iron and steel. .110.4 Allotropic theory. .110.5 Microconstituents of iron and steel. .110.6 Solution theory of iron and steel. .110.60 Solid solution of iron and carbon. .110.61 Freezing of cast iron. .110.62 Freezing of steel. .110.63 Roberts-Austen, Roozeboom diagrams. .111 Phj'sical properties. .111.0 • Cast iron. .111.1 Malleable cast iron. .111.2 Wrought iron. .111.3 Steel. .111.4 Effect of elements on cast iron. .111.5 Effect of elements on malleable cast iron. .111.6 Effect of elements on wrought iron. .111.7 Effect of elements on steel. .112 Chemical pro]ierties. .112.0 Chemical behavior of iron and steel. .112.1 Corrosion of iron and steel. .112.10 Theories. .112.11 Rust. .112.12 Self protection from corrosion. 14 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 669.112.13 Relative corrosion of cast iron, wrought iron, and steel. •112.14 Effect of elements in iron or steel on corrosion. •112.2 Preservative coatings for iron and steel. • 112.20 Preparation of the surface. .112.21 Priming, pickling. •112.22 Oils, pigments. •112.23 Shop painting, field painting. .112.24 Galvanizing. •112.25 Tinning. .112.26 Terne-plating. •112.27 Electroplating. .112.28 Oxidized coatings. .112.29 Enameling. .113 .114 .115 .116 .117 .118 .119 .12 Manufacture of pig iron. .120 General theory. .121 General practice. .122 Chemistrv, principles. .123 Charge calculation. .124 Raw materials. •124.0 Preparation. .124.1 Briquetting. .124.2 Ores. .124.3 Fuels. .124.4 Fluxes. .125 Blast furnace and accessories. .125.0 Handling the raw materials. .125.00 Stockyards, bins, conveyors. ■ 125.01 Charging devices. .125.010 Skips. .125.011 Elevators. .125.012 Bell and hopper. .125.1 Construction of the furnace. .125.10 Foundations. .125.11 Crucible. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 15 669.125.12 Bosh. .125.13 Shaft. .125.14 Tuyeres. .125.15 Slag and metal escapes. .125.16 Lining. .125.17 Water jackets. .125.2 Air blast. .125.20 Blowing engines. .125.21 Hot-blast stove. .125.22 Dry air blast. .125.3 Disposal of the gases. .125.30 Cleaning. .125.300 Downcomers. .125.301 Dust-catchers. .125.302 Gas washers. .125.303 Treatment of the dust. .125.31 Utilization of the gases. .125.310 Use of potential heat in stoves and boilers, .125.311 Use of sensible heat in stoves and boilers. .125.312 Use in gas engines. .126 Operation of the blast furnace. .126.0 Blowing in. .126.1 Blowing out. .126.2 Banking. .126.3 Uniformity of running. .126.4 Non-uniformity of running. .126.5 Disposal of the metal. .126.50 Tapping. .126.51 Casting. .126.510 Sand casting. .126.511 Mechanical casting. .126.6 Disposal of the slag. .126.60 Tapping. .126.61 Cement manufacture. .126.7 Losses. .126.8 Cost. .126.9 Products. .127 Slags in pig" iron manufacture. .127.0 General theory. .127.1 General information. .127.2 Metallography. .127.3 Mineralogical nature. .127.4 Metallurgical nature. .127.5 Formation temperature. .127.6 Specific heat, latent heat of fusion. .127.7 Freezing, solidification. 16 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MI^ES. 669.127.8 Viscosity. .127.9 Effect of elements. .128 Elect rometallnrgv of pig- iron. .128.0 General theory. .128.1 General practice. .128.2 Chemistry, principles. .128.3 Charge calculation. .128.4 Raw materials. .128.40 Ores. .128.41 Reducing materials. .128.42 Fluxes. .128.5 Electric furnace and accessories. .128.50 Handling the raw materials. .128.500 Stockyards, bins, conveyors. .128.501 Charging devices. .128.51 Construction of the furnace. .128.510 Foundations. .128.511 Crucible. .128.512 Bosh. .128.513 Shaft. .128.514 Tuyeres. .128.515 Electrode, cooling of, adjustment of. .128.516 Slag and metal escapes. .128.517 Lining. .128.518 Water jackets. .128.52 Electrical equipment. .128.520 Generators. .128.521 Motors. .128.522 Transformers. .128.523 Instruments. .128.53 Disposal of the gases. .128.530 Cleaning. .128.531 Treatment of the dust. .128.532 Utilization of the gases. , .128.533 Blowers. .128.6 Operation of the electric furnace. .128.60 Starting up. .128.61 Closing down. .128.62 Banking. .128.63 Uniformity of running. .128.64 Non-uniformity of running. .128.65 Disposal of the metal. .128.650 Tapping. .128.651 Casting. .128.66 Disposal of the slag. .128.660 Tapping. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 17 669.128.661 Cement manufacture. .128.67 Losses. .128.68 Cost. .128.69 Products. .129 Manufacture of malleable cast iron .129.0 General theory. .129.1 General practice. .129.2 Raw materials. .129.20 Pig iron. .129.21 Iron ore, mill scale, lime, sand. .129.3 Furnaces. .129.30 Air. .129.31 Cupola. .129.4 Operation of the process. .129.40 Packing. .129.41 Annealing. .129.42 Annealing boxes. .129.43 Annealing ovens. .129.44 Losses. .129.45 Cost. .129.46 Products. 1 3 Manufacture of wrought iron. .130 General theory. .131 General practice. .132 Chemistry, principles. .133 Raw materials. .133.0 Pig iron. 133.1 Roll scale, iron ore, bulldog. .133.2 Fuels. .134 Puddling furnaces. ,134.0 Hand. .134.1 Mechanical. .135 Operation of the process. ,135.0 Puddling. ,135.1 Squeezing. ,135.2 Losses. ,135.3 Cost. ,135.4 Products. .136 Slags. .137 .138 .139 18 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 669. 1 4 Manufacture of steel. .140 General theory. .141 General practice. .142 Cliemistry, prinei pies. .143 Cementation process. .143.0 General theory. .143.1 General practice. .143.2 Chemistry, principles. .143.3 Raw materials. .143.30 Wrought iron. .143.31 Charcoal. .143.4 Construction of furnace. .143.5 Operation of the process. .143.50 Charging. .143.51 Carburization. .143.52 Discharging. .143.53 Losses. .143.54 Cost. .143.55 Products. .144 Crucible process. .144.0 General theory. .144.1 General practice. .144.2 Chemistry, principles. .144.3 Raw materials. .144.30 Wrought iron. .144.31 Scrap steel. .144.32 Pig iron. .144.33 Ferromanganese. .144.34 Spiegeleisen. .144.35 Sodium chloride. .144.36 Manganese dioxide. .144.37 Fuels. .144.4 Furnaces. .144.40 Coal or coke fired. .144.41 Gas fired, regenerative system. .144.5 Crucibles. .144.50 Graphite and fire-clay. .144.51 Fire-clay. .144.6 Operation of the process. .144.60 Charging. .144.61 Melting. .144.62 Killing. .144.63 Pulling. .144.64 Pouring. .144.65 Grading. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 19 669.144.66 Losses. .144.67 Cost. .144.68 Products. .145 Bessemer processes. .145.0 General theory- .145.00 Acid process. .145.01 Basic process. .145.1 General practice. .145.10 Acid process. .145.11 Basic process. .145.2 Chemistry, principles. .145.20 Acid process. .145.21 Basic process. .145.3 Raw materials. .145.30 Pig iron. .145.31 Spiegeleisen. .145.32 Ferromanganese. .145.33 Scrap steel. .145.4 Bessemer converter and accessories. .145.40 Handling the raw materials. .145.400 Mixers. .145.401 Cupolas. .145.402 Charging cranes. .145.403 Charging ladles. .145.41 Construction of the converter. .145.410 Converter shell. .145.411 Bottom. .145.412 Tuyeres. .145.413 Wind-box. .145.414 Acid lining. .145.415 Basic lining. .145.416 Rotation machinery. .145.42 Air blast. .145.420 Blowing engines. .145.5 Operation of the converter. .145.50 Scrapping. .145.51 Finishing. .145.52 Pouring. .145.53 Disposal of the metal. .145.530 Casting. .145.531 ' Casting cranes. .145.532 Casting ladles. .145.533 Ingot molds. .145.54 Disposal of the slag. .145.55 Losses. .145.550 Acid process. 20 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 669.145.551 Basic process. .145.56 Cost. .145.560 Acid process. .145.561 Basic process. .145.57 Stripping. .145.570 Stripping machines. .145.58 Products. .145.580 Acid process. .145.581 Basic process. .146 Open-beartli processes. .146.0 General theory. .146.00 Acid process. .146.01 Basic process. .146.1 General practice. .146.10 Acid process. .146.11 Basic process. .146.2 Chemistry, principles. .146.20 Acid process. .146.21 Basic process. .146.3 Raw materials. .146.30 Pig iron. .146.31 Scrap steel. .146.32 Spiegeleisen. .146.33 Fcrromanganese. .146.34 Hematite. .146.35 Fluxes. .146.36 Fuels. .146.360 Producer gas. .146.361 Water gas. .146.362 Natural gas. .146.363 Oil. .146.4 Open-hearth furnace and accessories. .146.40 Handling the raw materials. .146.400 Mixers. .146.401 Charging ladles. .146.402 Charging cranes. .146.41 Construction of the furnace. .146.410 Foundations. .146.411 Bottom, hearth. .146.412 Water jackets. .146.413 Chimney, draft. .146.414 Roof. .146.415 Tap-hole. .146,416 Regenerative system. .146.417 Lining. .146.418 Filtering machinery. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 21 669.146.42 Gas producers. .146.5 Operation of the open-hearth furnace. .146.50 Recarburizing. .146.51 Tapping. .146.52 Disposal of t-iie metal. .146.520 Casting. .146.521 Casting cranes. .146.522 Casting ladles. .146.523 Ingot molds. .146.53 Disposal of the slag. .146.54 Losses. .146.540 Acid process. .146.541 Basic process. .146.55 Cost. .146.550 Acid process. .146.551 Basic process. .146.56 Stripping. .146.560 Stripping machines. .146.57 Products. .146.570 Acid process. .146.571 Basic process. .147 Electric processes. .147.0 General theory. .147.1 General practice. .147.2 Chemistry, principles. .147.3 Raw materials. .147.30 Pig iron. .147.31 Scrap steel. .147.32 Spiegeleisen. .147.33 Ferromanganese. .147.34 Hematite. .147.35 Fluxes. .147.4 Electric steel furnace and accessories. .147.40 Handling the raw materials. .147.400 Mixers. .147.401 Charging. .147.402 Charging devices. .147.41 Construction of the furnace. .147.410 Foundations. .147.411 Bottom, hearth. .147.412 Water jackets. .147.413 Roof. .147.414 Tap-hole. .147.415 Lining. .147.416 Shell. .147.417 Tilting machinery. 22 TEE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 669.147.418 Electrodes, cooling of, adjustment .147.42 Types of electric steel furnaces. .147.420 Stassano. .147.421 Keller. .147.422 Heroult. .147.423 Girod. .147.424 Nathusius. .147.525 Frick. .147.426 Kjellin. .147.427 Rochling-Rodenhauser. .147.428 Gin. .147.429 .147.43 Electrical equipment. .147.430 Generators. .147.431 Motors. .147.432 Transformers. .147.433 Instruments. .147.5 Operation of the electric steel furnace. .147.50 Starting with a cold charge. .147.51 Starting with a hot charge. .147.52 Addition of fluxes, removal of slags. .147.53 Pouring. .147.54 Disposal of the metal. .147.540 Casting. .147.541 Casting cranes. .147.542 Casting ladles. .147.543 Ingot molds. .147.55 Disposal of slag. .147.56 Losses. .147.57 Cost. .147.58 Stripping. .147.580 Stripping machinery. .147.59 Products. .148 Other processes of steel inanufaetnre .149 Steel furnace slags. .149.0 General theory. .149.1 General practice. .149.2 Metallography. .149.3 Mineralogical nature. .149.4 Metallurgical nature. .149.5 Formation temperature. .149.6 Specific heat, latent heat of fusion. .149.7 Freezing, solidification. .149.8 Viscosity. .149.9 Effect of elements. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 23 .15 Treatment of iron and steel. .150 Iron founding. .150.0 General theory. .150.1 General practice. .150.2 Melting iron before casting. .150.20 Cupola melting. .150.200 Chemical changes. .150.201 Construction of the furnace. .150.202 Operation of the furnace. .150.203 Losses. .150.204 Cost. .150.21 Air furnace melting. .150.210 Chemical changes. .150.211 Construction of the furnace. .150.212 Operation of the furnace. .150.213 Losses. .150.214 Cost. .150.22 Open hearth melting. .150.220 Chemical changes. .150.221 Construction of the furnace. .150.222 Operation of the furnace. .150.223 Losses. .150.224 Cost. .150.3 Molds, cores. .150.30 Loam molding. .150.31 Pattern molding. .150.32 Dry sand molds. .150.33 Green sand molds. .150.34 Cores. .150.35 Ramming, washes. .150.36 Chill molds. .150.37 Permanent molds, multiple molds, .150.38 Molding machines. .150.39 Core machines. .150.4 Pattern designing. .150.5 Losses in iron founding. .150.6 Cost of iron founding. .151 Steel founding. .151.0 General theory. .151.1 General practice. .151.2 Melting steel before casting. .151.20 Open hearth melting. .151.21 Bessemer converter melting. .151.22 Crucible melting. .151.23 Electric furnace melting. 24 . TEE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 669.151.3 Molds and cores. .151.4 Pattern designing. .151.5 Losses in steel founding. .151.6 Cost of steel founding. .152 Mechanical treatment of steel. .152.0 General theory. .152.1 General practice. .152.2 Forging of steel. .152.20 Hand. .152.21 Mechanical. .152.210 Steam hammer. .152.211 Drop forging. .152.3 Reduction of steel in rolls. .152.30 Rolling mills. .152.300 Pull-over mills. .152.301 Multiple ply plate mills. .152.302 Three high mills. .152.303 Reversing mills. .152.304 Universal mills. .152.31 Parts of rolling mills. .152.310 Rolls. .152.311 Wobblers. .152.312 Coupling boxes. .152.313 Spindles. .152.314 Pinions. .152.315 Housings. .152.316 Guards. .152.317 Guides. .152.318 Manipulators. .152.32 Tables. .152.320 Roll. .152.321 Transfer. .152.33 Roll engines. .152.34 Electric motor drive. .152.35 Rolling mill practice. .152.350 Difficulties in rolling. .152.351 Rolling plates. .152.352 Rolling rails. .152.4 Wire drawing. .152.40 Wire and rolling trains. .152.41 Effect of drawing. .152.42 Annealing. .152.43 Dies. .152.44 Bench. .152.45 Tubes. .152.5 Pressing steel. TEE COLORADO tiCHOOL OF 3IINES. 25 669.152.50 Effect of pressing. .152.51 Hot pressing. .152.52 Cold pressing. .152.6 Heating furnaces. .152.60 Regenerative. .152.61 Continuous. .152.62 Soalving pits. .152.63 Heating practice. .153 Heat treatment of east iron. .154 ■ Heat treatment of malleable cast iron. .155 Heat treatment of wrought iron, .156 Heat treatment of steel. .156.0 Improper heating of steel. .156.00 Overheating. .156.01 Cures for overheating. .156.02 Evidence of overheating. .156.03 Action in rolling. .156.04 Finishing temperature. .156.05 Welding. .156.06 Burning. .156.07 Metcalf test. .156.08 Ingotism. .156.09 Stead's brittleness. .156.1 Hardening, tempering, annealing. .156.10 Carbon and hardness. .156.11 Rate of cooling and hardness. .156.12 Theories of hardening. .156.120 Carbon theory. .156.121 Allotropic theory. .156.122 Compromise theory. .156.123 Infernal stress theory. .156.13 Case hardening. .156.14 Harveyizing. .156.15 Tempering. .156.150 Temper colors. .156.16 Annealing. .156.2 Constituents of hardened and tempered steel. .157 Defects in ingots and other castings. .157.0 Blow holes. .157.00 Prevention. .157.01 Location. .157.1 Pipes. .157.10 Effect of bottom casting. .157.11 Effect of top casting. .157.2 Segregation. 26 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 669.157.3 Treatment of segregal .158 .159 .16 Alloy steels. .160 Manufacture. .161 Ternary alloy steels. .161.0 Nickel steel. .161.00 Metallography. .161.01 Physical properties. .161.02 Chemical properties. .161.03 Manufacture. .161.04 Treatment. .161.05 Uses. .161.1 Manganese steel. .161.10 Metallography. .161.11 Physical properties. .161.12 Chemical properties. .161.13 Manufacture. .161.14 Treatment. .161.15 Uses. .161.2 Chrome steel. .161.20 Metallography. .161.21 Physical properties. .161.22 Chemical properties. .161.23 Manufacture. .161.24 Treatment. .161.25 Uses. .161.3 Tungsten steel. .161.30 Metallography. .161.31 Phj'sical properties. .161.32 Chemical properties. .161.33 Manufacture. .161.34 Treatment. .161.35 Uses. .161.4 Molybdenum steel. .161.40 Metallography. .161.41 Physical properties. .161.42 Chemical properties. .161.43 Manufacture. .161.44 Treatment. .161.45 Uses. .161.5 Silicon steel. .161.50 Metallography. .161.51 Physical properties. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 27 669.161.52 Chemical properties. .161.53 Manufacture. .161.54 Treatment. .161.55 "Uses. .161.6 Vanadium steel. .161.60 Metallography. .161.61 Physical properties. .161.62 Chemical properties. .161.63 Manufacture. .161.64 Treatment. .161.65 Uses. .161.7 Titanium steel. .161.70 Metallography. .161.71 Physical properties. .161.72 Chemical properties. .161.73 Manufacture. .161.74 Treatment. .161.75 Uses. .161.8 Boron steel. .161.80 Metallography. .161.81 Physical properties. .161.82 Chemical properties. .161.83 Manufacture. .161.84 Treatment. .161.85 Uses. .162 Quartenarv allo.v steels. .162.0 Nickel-chromium steel. .162.00 Metallography. .162.01 Physical properties. .162.02 Chemical properties. .162.03 Manufacture. .162.04 Treatment. .162.05 Uses. .162.1 Tungsten-manganese steel. .162.10 Metallography. .162.11 Physical properties. .162.12 Chemical properties. .162.13 Manufacture. .162.14 Treatment. .162.15 Uses. .162.2 Tungsten-chromium steel. .162.20 Metallography. .162.21 Physical properties. .162.22 Chemical properties. .162.23 Manufacture. .162.24 Treatment. 28 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MlNtJIS. 669.162.25 Uses. .162.3 ■ Nickel-manganese steel. .162.30 Metallography. .162.31 Physical properties. .162.32 Chemical properties. .162.33 Manufacture. .162.34 Treatment. .162.35 Uses. .162.4 Manganese-silicon steel. .162.40 Metallography. .162.41 Physical properties. .162.42 Chemical properties. .162.43 Manufacture. .162.44 Treatment. .162.45 Uses. .162.5 Tungsten-molybdenum steel. .162.50 Metallography. .162.51 Physical properties. .162.52 Chemical properties. .162.53 Manufacture. .162.54 Treatment. .162.55 Uses. .162.6 Tungsten-nickel steel. .162.60 Metallography. .162.61 Physical properties. .162.62 Chemical properties. .162.63 Manufacture. .162.64 Treatment. .162.65 Uses. .162.7 Nickel-vanadium steel. .162.70 Metallography. .162.71 Physical properties. .162.72 Chemical properties. .162.73 Manufacture. .162.74 Treatment. .162.75 Uses. .163 .164 .165 .166 .167 .168 .169 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINtJS. 29 669. 1 7 Ferroalloys. .170 Manufacture. .171 Ferrosilicon. .171.0 Metallography. -171.1 Physical properties. .171.2 Chemical properties. .171.3 Manufacture. .171.4 Treatment. .171.5 Uses. .172 Ferrochrome. .172.0 Metallography. .172.1 Physical properties. .172.2 Chemical properties. .172.3 Manufacture. .172.4 Treatment. .172.5 Uses. .173 Feri'onickel. .173.0 Metallography. .173.1 Physical properties. .175.2 Chemical properties. .173.3 Manufacture. .173.4 Treatment. .173.5 Uses. .174 FeiTomanganese. .174.0 Metallography. .174.1 Physical properties. .174.2 Chemical properties. .174.3 Manufacture. .174.4 Treatment. .174.5 Uses. .175 Ferrotungsten. .175.0 Metallography. .175.1 Physical properties. .175.2 Chem.ical properties. .175.3 Manufacture. .175.4 Treatment. .175.5 Uses. 176 Ferrovanadium. .176.0 Metallography. .176.1 Physical properties. .176.2 Chemical properties. .176.3 ' Manufacture. .176.4 Treatment. .176.5 Uses. 30 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 669. 177 Ferromolybdeinim. .177.0 Metallography. .177.1 Physical properties. .177.2 Chemical properties. .177.3 Manufacture. .177.4 Treatment. .177.5 Uses. .178 Ferrotitaiiiiim. .178.0 Metallography. .178.1 Physical properties. .178.2 Chemical properties. .178.3 Manufacture. .178.4 Treatment. .178.5 Uses .179 . 1 8 Analyses, tests. .ISO Analyses of blast furnace cinder. .181 Analyses of mill cinder. .182 Analyses of open hearth cinder. .183 Analyses of ores, fnels, and fluxes. .184 Analyses of slags. .185 Analyses of iron and steel. .186 Analyses of alloy steels and ferroalloys. .187 Specifications for steel. .187.0 Chemical. .187.1 Physical. .188 Test pieces, methods of testing. .189 Testing machinery. .190 .191 .192 .193 .194 .195 .196 .197 .198 .199 Uses of iron and steel THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 31 669.2 Gold and Silver. .20 General metallurgy. (See copper 669.30) . .200 General theory. .201 General practice. .202 .203 .204 .205 .206 .207 .208 .209 .21 Properties of gold and silver. .210 Metallography of gold and silver. .211 Physical properties of gold. .212 Physical properties of silver. .213 Chemical properties of gold. .214 Chemical properties of silver. .215 Compounds of gold. .216 Compounds of silver. .217 Alloys of gold. .218 Alloys of silver. .219 .22 Roasting gold and silver ores. .220 General theory. .221 General practice. .222 Chemistry, principles. .223 Preparation of the raw materials, .224 Oxidizing roasting. .225 Chloridizing roasting. .226 Sulphatizing roasting. .227 Eoasting furnaces, fuels. .228 Losses. .229 Cost. 32 TEE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MIXES. 669.23 Amalgamation of gold and silver ores. .230 General theory. .231 General practice. .232 Stamp battery amnlganiation. .232.0 General practice. .232.1 Preparation of the ore. .232.2 Treatment of the plates. .232.3 Use of chemicals. .232.4 Plates, arrangement of plates. •232.5 Clean up, barrel amalgamation. .232.6 Retorting, refining. .232.7 Losses. .232.8 Cost. ,233 Pan amalg-amation of silver ores. .233.0 General practice. .233.1 Preparation of the ore. .233.2 Washoe process. .233.3 Use of chemicals. .233.4 Clean up, barrel amalgamation. .233.5 Retorting, refining. .233.6 Losses. .233.7 Interference of elements. .233.8 Cost. .234 Patio process. .234.0 General practice. .234.1 Preparation of the ore. .234.2 Use of chemicals. .234.3 Clean up. .234.4 Retorting, refining. .234.5 Losses. .234.6 Cost. .235 .236 .237 .238 .239 .24 Cyanidation of gold and silver ores. .240 General tlienrv. .241 General practice. .242 Chemistry, ]n-inciples. .243 Pre]v,iration of the ore. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 33 669.24-i Treatment of sands. .244.0 General practice. .244.1 Percolation and leaching. .244.2 Charging. .244.3 Factors influencing percolation. .244.4 Methods of applying the solutions. .244.5 Discharging. .244.6 Losses. .244.7 Equipment. .244.8 Cyanide consumption. .249.9 Cost. .245 Treatment of slimes. .24.5.0 General practice. .245.1 Extraction by successive washings. .245.2 Mechanical agitation. .245.3 Air agitation. .245.4 Filtering. .245.40 Vacuum filters. .245.41 Filter presses. ■ .245.5 Factors effecting dissolution. .245.6 Equipment. .245.7 Losses. .245.8 Cyanide consumption. .245.9 Cost. .246 Precipitation of gold and silver. .246.0 General practice. .246.1 Zinc shaving precipitation. .246.2 Zinc dust precipitation. .246.3 Electrical precipitation. .246.4 Equipment. .247 Cyanide solutions. .247.0 Strong versus weak. .247.1 Relative dissolving power of cyanides. .247.2 Cyanicides. .247.3 Consumption of cyanide. .247.4 Cyanimides. .248 Cleaning up, refining, melting. .248.0 Collection of zinc box residues. .248.1 Treatment of zinc box residues. .248.2 Melting, refining. .249 Clanc}'^ process. .25 Chlorination of gold ores. .250 General theory. 34 THE COLORADO HCHOOL OF MINES. 669.251 General practice. .252 Chemistry, principles. .253 Preparation of the ore. .254 Vat chlorination. .254.0 General practice. .254.1 Charging. .254.2 Operation. .254.3 Chlorine generation. .254.4 Precipitation. .254.5 Equipment. .254.6 Chlorine consumption. .254.7 Losses. .254.8 Cost. .255 Barrel chlorination. .255.0 General practice. .255.1 Charging. .255.2 Operation. .255.3 Chlorine generation. .255.4 Precipitation. .255.5 Equipment. .255.6 Chlorine consumption. .255.7 Losses. .255.8 Cost. .256 Dry chlorination. .257 Cleaning up, roasting, melting. .257.0 Clean up. .257.1 Roasting. .257.2 Melting. .258 .259 .26 Other processes. .200 Lixiviation of silver ores with sodinm hypo- sulphite. .260.0 General theory. .260.1 General practice. .260.2 Chemistry, principles. .260.3 Preparation of the ore. .260.4 Tank lixiviation. .260.5 Trough lixiviation. .260.6 Precipitation, treatment of precipitate. .260.7 Equipment. .260.8 Losses. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 35 669.260.9 Cost. .261 .262 .263 .264 .265 .266 . .267 .268 .269 .27 Refining of gold and silver bullion, electrometallurgy, .270 General theory. .271 General practice. .272 Chemistry, principles. .278 Sampling. .274 Melting, melting furnaces. .275 Parting. .276 Moebins process. .277 Wohhvill process. .278 Losses. .279 Cost. .28 Analyses, tests. .280 General the-> C60.826 .827 .828 .829 .83 Physical mixtures. .830 Aqueous solutions. .831 Fused salts. .832 Alloys." .833 Phase rule. .834 .835 .836 .837 .838 .839 ,84 One component systems. .840 .841 .842 .843 .844 .845 .846 -.847 .848 .849 ,85 Two component systems. .850 .851 .852 .853 .854 .855 .856 .857 66 THE COLOUADO SCHOOL OF MIXES. 669. S58 .859 .86 Three component systems. .860 .861 .862 .863 .864 .865 .866 .867 .868 .869 .87 Thermal investigation. .870 Measurement of temperature. .871 Heating apparatus for the preparation of fused alloys. .872 Determination of cooling curves and heating curves. .873 Construction of idealized cooling curves and heating curves. .874 .875 .876 .877 .878 .879 .88 Investigation of structure. .880 Preparation of sections. ,881 Development of structure. .882 Miscroscopical investigation. .883 Photography. .884 .885 .886 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 67 669.887 .888 .889 .89 Special metallography ot various alloys. .890 .891 . .892 .893 .894 .895 .896 .897 .898 .899 .9 Assaying. .90 General theory. .91 General practice. .92 Apparatus, reagents, materials. .920 Balances. .921 Weights, assay ton system. .922 Memoranda as to weights and valnes, .923 Assay reagents. .924 Assaying of reagents. .925 Fnrnaces, fuels. .926 Refractories. .927 Mortars, lutes. .928 Crushing machinery, pulverizing. .929 .93 Sampling. .94 Crucible assay for gold and silver. .940 .941 .042 68 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 669.943 .944 .945 .946 .947 .948 .949 .95 Scorification assay for gold and silver. .950 .951 .952 .953 .954 .955 .956 .95Y .958 .959 .96 Cupellation, parting. .97 Assay of bullion for gold and silver. .970 .971 .972 .973 .974 .975 .976 .977 .978 .979 .98 Assay of ores and alloys containing gold, silver, platinum, iridium, and metals of the platinum group. .99 Assay for base metals. .990 Tin. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 69 609.991 Lead. .992 Mercury. .993 Copper. .994- Bismuth. .995 Antimony, .996 .997 .998 .999 RELATIVE INDEX. A Absorption of precious metals by cupels 669.96 Accretions, in the blast nace -093 copper .336.4 lead 436.4 Acid, refractory material.. .082 steel, Bessemer .145.580 oppn hearth 146.570 oxygen in 111.7 Addition of fluxes, removal of slags, electric furnace .147.52 Addresses, general .002 Agglomerating of fine lead ores -426 Agitation of slimes, cyani- dation, air .245.3 mechanical .245.2 Air 077 blast (see blast). for combustion .077 cooled hearth, lead smelting .445 furnace, malleable cast iron manufacture . . .129.30 furnace melting, foun- dry 150.21 chemistry 150.210 construction .150.211 cost 150.214 losses 150.213 operation 150.212 pressure, blast furnace, copper .335.2 iron 125.2 lead 435.2 pyritic 337.52 pressure, converter, Bessemer 145.42 copper .354.2 temperature, iron blast furnace 669.125.2 volume, blast furnace, copper .335.2 iron 125.2 lead 435.2 pyritic 337.52 volume, converter, Bessemer .145.42 copper .354.2 Allotropic^theory, iron and steel 110.4 hardness .156.121 Alloy steels -16 analyses .186 manufacture .60 Alloys (see metals con- cerned) .832 Alpha iron .1 10.3 Aludel furnace 753.4 Alumina, in slags, effect of 039 Aluminium -70 alloys 701.4 analyses -706 chemical properties . . .701.2 compounds .701.3 Cowles process .703 Hall process -704 Heroult process .704 metallography .701.0 metallurgical practice .700.1 catalogs 700.11 contracts 700.13 costs 700.12 designs 700.14 drawings .700.14 financial reports.. .700.15 laws 700.17 machinery .700.10 maintenance .700.16 72 TEE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MIXPJS. management .... 669.700.15 patents 700.18 professional re- ports 700.19 quantities 700.12 specifications .... .700.13 statistics .700.11 working .700.16 metallurgical theory.. .700.0 addresses 700.02 calculations 700.07 colleges 700.05 cyclopedias .700.01 development 700.09 distionaries 700.01 education 700.05 essays 700.02 handbooks 700.01 history 700.09 laboratories 700.050 lectures 700.02 miscellanies 700.08 progress 700.09 schools 700.05 societies 700.04 tables 700.06 teaching 700.05 textbooks 700.00 theses 700.02 transactions of so- cieties 700.04 metallurgy, general . . .700 ores, preparation .... .702 physical properties . . . .701.1 properties .701 refining .705 tests 706 treatment .706 uses .707 Amalgamation .23 pan .233 chemicals, use of .233.3 clean up .233.4 cost 233.8 interfering s u b- stances .233.7 losses 669.233.6 ores, preparation .233.1 practice, general.. .233.0 refining, retorting .233.5 Washoe process . . 232.2 Patio 234 chemical, use of.. .234.2 clean up .234.3 cost 234.6 losses 234.5 ores, preparation .234.1 practice, general.. .234.0 refining, retorting .234.4 practice, general .231 stamp battery 232 chemicals, use of .232.3 clean up .232.5 cost 232.8 losses 232.7 ore, preparation.. .232.1 plates 232.4 practice, general.. .232.0 refining, retorting .232.6 treatment of plates .232.2 testing for 282 theory, general .230 American-Belgian zinc fur- nace .554 Amorphous substances.. .. .82 Analyses (see metal con- cerned). Annealing, boxes .129.42 gold 96 in manufacture of mal- leable cast iron . . . .129.41 ovens 129.43 steel 156.16 wire 152.42 Anodes, electrolytic refin- ing of copper .366.3 gold 27 lead 468.9 silver 27 Anthracite .065 Antimony .71 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MIMJS. 73 alloys 669.711.4 analyses .717 chemical properties . . .711.2 compounds .711.3 extraction from by- products .715 glance, production of crude antimony from .713 chemistry .713.2 cost 713.8 liquation, pot .713.4 liquation, reverb- eratory .713.6 liquation, tube fur- nace 713.5 losses 713.7 practice, general . .713.1 products .713.9 raw materials.... ,713.3 theory, general... .713.0 glance, production of metallic antimony from 714 chemistry .714.2 cost 714.8 losses 714.7 practice, general.. .714.1 precipitation, method of re- duction 714.6 products .714.9 raw materials.... .714.3 roasting .714.4 reduction .714.5 metallography .711.0 metallurgical practice (see aluminium, 669.700) 710.1 metallurgical theory.. .710.0 metallurgy, general . . .710 ores, assay for anti- mony .99 assay for gold and C.94 silver ] .95 preparation .712 physical properties . . .711.1 properties 669.711 refining .716 chemistry .716.2 costs 716.6 losses 716.5 pot furnace refin- ing 716.3 practice, general. .716.1 products 716.7 reverberatory re- fining .. .716.4 theory, general... .716.0 tests 717 treatment .717 uses 718 Apparatus, assaying .99 Applying cyanide solution, methods of .244.4 Aqueous solutions .830 Arents, automatic tap .435.14 Armor plate .19 Arrastra, amalgamation in .234 Arsenic .72 alloys .721.4 analyses .728 chemical properties . . .721.2 compounds .721.3 extraction from by- products 723 metallography .721.0 metallurgical practice (see aluminium, 669.700) 720.1 metallurgical theory . . .720.1 metallurgy, general . . . .720 ores, preparation .... .722 refining 727 tests 728 treatment .728 uses 729 Arsenical ores, assay for f.94 gold and silver 1 .95 extraction of nickel... .765 |'.22 roasting J .32 [.42 74 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. Arsenious acid, extraction 669.724 Ash, composition, coal 065 colve 066 wood 062 Assaying 9 antimony .99 apparatus. reagents, materials .92 assay ton system. .921 balances .920 crushing, pulveriz- ing 928 fluxes 923 fuels 925 furnaces .925 lutes, mortars .... .927 reagents, assay of .924 refractories .926 weights .921 bismuth .99 bullion, for gold and silver .97 crucible assay for gold and silver .94 cupellation .96 iridium, metals of plati- num group .98 lead 99 mercury .99 parting .96 platinum, other metals of the group .98 practice, general .... .91 sampling .93 theory, general .90 tin 99 Automatic recorders for py- rometers .057 Automobile steels .19 B Bag house, copper smelt- r. 335. 32 ing ^ .337.532 [.345.33 lead smelting (.435.32 ].455.32 Balances, assaying 669.920 Balling, puddling process.. .135.1 Banking, copper blast fur- nace 336.2 electric smelting fur- nace 128.162 iron blast furnace .... .126.2 lead blast furnace . . . .436.2 pyritic blast furnace. . .337.62 Barrel, amalgamation .... (.232.5 .233.4 chlorination .256 Base bullion, assay .97 desilverization .46 Basic, refractory material. .083 steel, Bessemer .145.581 open hearth .146.571 Bauxite .083.3 Battery, stamp 232 Beehive coke .065 Belgian zinc distillation furnace .553 Ben and hopper .125.012 Benches, wire drawing . . . .152.44 Bessemer, processes for steel manufacture .145 acid process, chemistry .145.20 cost .145.560 losses .145.550 practice .145.10 products .145.580 theory .145.00 basic process, chemis- try .145.21 cost .145.561 losses .145.551 practice .145.11 products .145.581 theory .145.01 chemistry, principle of the processes .145.2 converter and access- ories .145.4 acid lining .145.414 air blast .145.42 basic lining .145.415 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. blowing engines.. 669.145.420 bottom 145.411 charging cranes.. .145.402 charging ladles... .145.403 construction .145.41 cupala furnaces.. .145.401 handling the raw materials 145.40 mixers 145.400 rotation machinery .145.416 shell 145.410 tuyeres 145.412 wind-box 145.413 operation of the con- verter .145.5 casting 145.530 casting cranes... .145.531 casting ladles.... .145.532 cost 145.56 finishing 145.51 ingot molds .145.533 losses .145.55 metal, disposal.... .145.53 pouring .145.52 products 145.58 scrapping .145.50 slag, disposal .145.54 stripping .145.55 stripping ma- chinery 145.570 practice, general .145.1 raw materials .145.3 ferromanganese .. .145.32 pig iron .145.30 spiegeleisen .145.33 scrap steel .145.31 theory, general... .145.0 Bessemerizing copper matte .35 Beta iron 110.3 Bins (see process con- cerned). Bismuth -73 alloys 731.4 analyses -738 chemical properties . . .731.2 compounds .731.3 dry extraction from by-products 669.734 alloys 734.5 chemistry .734.2 cost 734.7 losses .734.6 mattes 734.4 practice, general.. .734.1 products .734.8 raw materials .734.3 theory, general... .734.0 dry extraction from ores -733 chemistry .733.2 cost .733.8 glance .733.5 losses .733.7 native bismuth.... .733.4 oxide .733.6 practice, general.. .733.1 products .733.9 raw materials .733.3 theory, general... .733.0 electrolytic extraction from alloys .736 metallography .731.0 metallurgical practice (see aluminium, 669.700) 730.1 metallurgical theory . . .730.0 metallurgy, general . . . .730 ores, assay for bismuth .99 assay for gold and (.94 silver |-95 preparation .733 physical properties . . . .731.1 properties -731 refining -737 chemistry .737.2 cost 737.7 dry refining .737.4 losses .737.6 practice, general.. .737.1 products .737.8 theory, general... .737.0 wet refining .737.5 76 Till-: COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. tests 699.738 treatment 738 uses 739 wet extraction .735 from by-products.. .735.5 chemistry 735.2 cost 735.7 losses .735.6 from ores .735.4 practice, general.. .735.1 products 735.8 raw materials .735.3 theory, general... .735.0 Blast, air, Bessemer con- verters .145.42 copper blast furnace .335.2 copper converter .... .354.2 cupala furnace f. 145. 401 1. 150. 20 iron blast furnace . . . .125.2 lead blast furnace . . . .435.2 pyritic blast furnace.. .337.52 Blast furnace 093 Blast furnace, copper .335 acid and fumes . . .335.32 air blast 335.2 beds, bins 335.00 blowers 335.20 charging devices.. .335.01 construction .335.1 conveyors .335.01 crucible 335.11 disposal of the gases 335.3 dust-catchers 335.30 escapes for prod- ucts 335.14 flue system 335.31 foundations .335.10 handling the raw materials .335.0 lining 335.15 settler 335.17 shaft 335.12 tuyeres 335.13 water jackets 335.16 iron 669.125 air blast 125.2 bell and hopper . . .125.012 blowing engines . . .125.20 bosh 125.12 charging devices.. .125.01 cleaning the gases .125.30 construction 125.1 crucible .125.11 disposal of the gases .125.3 downcomer .125.300 dry air blast 125.22 dust-catchers 125.301 elevators 125.010 escapes for prod- ucts 125.15 foundations 125.10 gas washers .125.302 handling the raw materials .125.0 hot air blast stove .125.21 lining 125.16 potential heat in gases 125.310 sensible heat in gases 125.311 shaft 125.13 skips 125.011 treatment of dust .125.303 tuyeres .125.14 use of gases in gas engines 125.312 utilization of gases .125.31 water jackets .125.31 lead 435 acid and fume . . . .435.32 air blast 435.2 beds, bins 435.00 blowers 435.20 charging devices.. .435.01 construction .435.1 conveyors .435.00 crucible .435.11 disposal of the gases .435.3 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MIXES. 77 dust-catchers .... 6( 39.435.30 escape for prod- ucts .435.14 flue system .435.31 foundations .435.10 handling the raw materials .435.0 lining' .435.15 settler .435.17 shaft .435.12 tuyeres .435.13 water jackets . . . .435.16 pyritic .337 air blast .337.52 beds, bins .337.500 blowers .337.520 charging devices.. .337.501 construction .337.51 conveyors .337.500 crucible .337.511 disposal of gases. . .337.53 dust-catchers .337.530 escapes for prod- ucts .337.514 flue system .337.531 foundations .337.510 fume and acid . . .337.532 handling the raw materials .337.500 lining .337.515 settler .337.517 shaft .337.512 tuyeres .337.513 water jackets .... .337.516 Blast furnace copper smelt- inar .33 banking .336.2 blast furnace .335 blowing in .336.0 blowing out .336.1 briquetting .334.1 charge calculation .333 chemistry .332 cost .386.8 disposal of the matte or bullion .336.5 disposal of the slag 669.336.6 fluxes 334.4 fuels 334.3 losses .336.7 matte ladles .336.51 matte tapping 336.50 non-uniformity of running .336.4 operation -336 ores .334.2 ores, preparation.. .334.0 practice, general . . .331 products .336.9 pyritic smelting. . .337 raw materials.... .334 slag bricks 336.63 slag conveyors 336.61 slag granulators . . .336.62 slag pots .336.60 theory, general... .330 uniformity of run- ning .336.3 iron smelting 12 lead smelting 43 banking .436.2 blast furnace .435 blowing in 436.0 blowing out .436.1 briquetting 434.1 bullion, ladles 436.51 tapping 436.50 charge calculation. .433 chemistry .432 cost 436.8 disposal of the bullion 436.5 disposal of the slag or matte. . . .436.6 fluxes 434.4 fuels 434.3 losses .436.7 non-uniformity of running .436.4 operation .436 ores 434.2 ores, preparation.. .434.0 78 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. practice, general. . 669.431 products 436.9 raw materials .434 slag bricks 436.63 slag conveyors.... .436.61 slag granulators. . .436.62 slag pots 436.60 theory, general... .430 uniformity of run- ning 426.3 Bloom 152.3 Blooming rolls 152.310 Blow, copper, stages of 355.0 Blow holes In iron and steel 157.0 Blowers, copper blast fur- nace 335.20 copper converters . . . .354.20 electric furnace .128.533 lead blast furnace . . . .435.20 pyritic blast furnace.. .337.520 Blowing engines, Bessemer converters 145.420 iron blast furnace . . . .125.20 Blowing in, blast furnace, copper .336.0 iron 126.0 lead 436.0 pyritic 337.60 Blowing out, blast furnace copper 336.1 iron 126.1 lead 436.1 pyritic 337.61 Blue powder, treatment of .546.5 Boiling tin 674 Boiling point of metals. . . . .030 Boron 790 Boron steel 161.8 chemical properties . . .161.82 manufacture .161.83 metallography .161.80 physical properties . . . .161.81 treatment 161.84 uses 161.85 Bosh, iron blast furnace.. .125.12 electric smelting fur- nace 669.12S.512 Bottoms, Bessemer con- verter 145.411 copper converter .... .354.11 electric steel furnace .147.411 open hearth furnace. . .146.411 Bottom casting .157.10 Briquetting, copper .334.1 iron 124.1 lead. 434.1 Briquetting fuels .06 Brittleness of metals .... .030 Bullions, assay for gold and silver .97 general (see slag) . . .04 sampling, copper .... .365 gold 272 lead 463 silver 272 Burning steels .156.06 By-product, coke 066'.1 C Cadmium .74 alloys 741.4 analyses .747 • chemical properties . . .741.2 compounds .741.3 dry extraction .743 electrolytic extraction .745 metallography .741.0 metallurgical practice (see aluminium, 669.700) 740.1 metallurgical theory.. .740.0 metallurgy, general . . .740 ores, preparation .742 physical properties . . . .741.1 properties .741 refining .746 tests 747 treatment .747 uses 748 wet extraction .744 Calcination of calamine . . .52 chemistry .522 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MIXES. 79 cost 669.529 fuels 527 furnace .527 kiln calcination . . .525 losses .528 practice, general.. .521 raw materials .... .523 reverberatory fur- nace calcination .526 shaft furnace cal- cination .524 theory, general . . . .520 Calculation of furnace charges (see process concerned). Calculation, general .007 Calorific power .072 calculation .075 determination .073 Calorimeters .074 Carbides, manufacture in the electric furnace .... .02 Carbon, and hardness of steel 156.10 theory of hardness of steel 156.120 theory of iron and steel 110.2 states in iron and steel .110.1 Carborundum manufacture .02 Carinthian process, lead.. .457.0 distillation furnace, zinc .551 Case hardening .156.13 Cast iron, corrosion .112.13 effect of elements on.. .111.4 heat treatment .153 malleable, m a n u f a c- ture 129 air furnaces .129.30 annealing .129.41 annealing boxes... .129.42 annealing ovens.. . .129.43 cost 129.45 cupala furnaces... .129.31 furnaces 129.3 lime, ore, mill scale 669.129.21 losses 129.44 operation of the process .129.4 packing 129.40 pig iron 129.20 practice, general.. .129.1 products 129.45 raw materials.... .129.2 sand 129.21 theory, general 129.0 manufacture (see pig- iron) .12 properties of .111.0 Casting, copper anodes.... .363 cranes, ladles (see pro- cess concerned). pig iron f. 126. 51 {.128.651 mechanical .126.511 sand 126.510 p45.530 steel ^.146.520 [.147.5'±0 Castings, iron foundry . . . .150 steel foundry .151 Catalogs, trade, general . . .011 Cement manufacture from f. 126. 61 slags ). 128.661 Cementation process for steel manufacture .143 carburization .143.51 charcoal 143.31 charging 143.50 chemistry .143.2 cost 143.54 discharging 143.52 _ furnaces .143.4 losses 143.53 practice, general .143.1 raw materials .143.3 theory, general .143.0 wrought iron 143.30 Charcoal 063 Charge calculation (see process concerned). 80 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MIXES. Charging devices (see pro- cess concerned). Chemical behavior of iron and steel 669.112.0 Chemical compounds, met- allography 83 Chemical properties of iron and steel 112 metals, general 031 other metals (see metal concerned). Chemical specifications for steel 187.0 Chemicals, pan amalgama- tion 233.3 Patio process .234.2 stamp battery amalga- mation 232.3 Chemistry, analytical of the chlorination process .286 cyanidation process... .285 Chemistry, principles of processes (see process concerned). Chill molds 150.36 Chimneys, general (see furnace concerned) .... .078 Chloridizing roasting .225 Chlorination .25 barrel process .255 charging 255.1 chlorine consump- tion 255.6 cost 255.8 equipment .255.5 generation of chlorine 255.3 losses .255.7 operation .255.2 practice, general . . .255.0 precipitation .255.4 chemistry .252 clean up 257.0 clean up, roasting, re- fining 257 dry clorination .256 melting 669.257.2 practice, general 251.1 I'aw materials .253 roasting 257.1 testing ores for treat- ment 284 theory, general 250 vat process .254 charging 254.1 chlorine consump- tion 254.6 cost 254.8 equipment 254.5 generation of chlorine .254.3 losses .254.7 operation .254.2 practice, general .. .254.0 precipitation .254.4 Chrome steel 161.2 chemical properties . . .161.22 manufacture .161.23 metallography 161.20 physical properties . . . .161.21 treatment 161.24 uses 161.25 Chromite 084.0 Chromium .791 Chromium — nickel steel . . .162.0 chemical properties . . .162.02 manufacture .162.03 metallography 162.00 physical properties . . . .162.01 treatment 162.04 uses 162.05 Chromium — tungsten steel .162.2 chemical properties . . .162.22 manufacture .162.23 metallography 162.20 physical properties . . . .162.21 treatment 162.24 uses 162.25 Cinnabar, heating in air.. .753 heating with lime and iron 755 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 81 Clean up (see process con- cerned). Cleaning gases (see pro- cess concerned). Cleaning zinc retorts and condensers 669.546.2 Coal 065 burning, powdered . . . .079 Coal or coke fired crucible furnace 144.40 Cobalt 792 Coke 066 Cold pressing, steel 152.52 Colleges, general 005 Combustion .07 air for .077 burning powdered coal .079 calorific power .072 calculation .075 determination .... .073 calorimeters .074 chimneys .078 gas 079 gaseous products of combustion ..077 mechanical draft .... .078 mechanical stokers . . .078 oil 079 practice, general 071 producer gas .079 producers .079 temperature .077 theory, general .070 Compounds (see metal con- Qerned). Compromise theory of hard- ness of steel .156.122 Concentration of coarse nickel matte .763.6 Condensers, zinc .545.15 Conductivity, metals, elec- trical 030 metals, heat 030 refractory materials, electrical 089 refractory materials, heat 669.088 Cone pyrometry .056 Constituents of hardened and tempered steels . . . .156.2 Constitution of iron and steel 110.0 Construction, of cooling curves .873 converters, Bessemer .145.41 copper .354.1 furnaces (see furnaces concerned). Continuous heating fur- naces .152.61 Contracts, general 013 Converter, Bessemer .145.4 copper 354 Cooling curves, determina- tion 872 construction .873 Copper .3 analyses .38 Bessemerizing copper matte .35 blast furnace copper smelting .33 matte, slag and speiss .37 metallurgical practice .301 catalogs .301.1 contracts .301.3 costs .301.2 designs .301.4 drawings .301.4 financial reports. . .301.5 laws 301.7 machinery .301.0 maintenance .301.6 management .301.5 - patents .301.8 professional re- ports 301.9 quantities .301.2 specifications .... .301.3 statistics 301.1 working .301.6 82 TEE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. metallurgical theory . . 669 addresses calculations colleges cyclopedias development distionaries education essays handbooks history laboratories lectures miscellanies progress schools societies tables teaching textbooks theses 4:ransactions of so- cieties metallurgy, general . . properties alloys chemical proper- ties compounds metallography .... physical proper- ties pyritic and partial py- ritic smelting refining reverberatory c o p p e r smelting roasting tests treatment uses Cores Core machines Cornish process, lead Corrosion oF iron and steel 300 300.2 300.7 300.5 300.1 .300.9 .300.1 .300.5 .300.2 .300.1 .300.9 .300.50 .300.2 .300.8 .300.9 .300.5 .300.4 .300.6 .300.5 .300.0 .300.2 .300.4 .30 .31 .314 .312 .313 .310 .311 .337 .36 .34 .32 .38 .38 .39 .150.34 .150.38 .457.3 .112.1 effect of elements in iron and steel ( 369.112.14 relative corrosion of cast iron, wrought iron and steel .112.13 rust .112.11 self protection .112.12 theories .112.10 Costs, general .012 of processes (see pro- cess concerned). Coupling boxes .152.312 Cowles process .703 Cranes (see process con- cerned). Crucible, assay for gold and silver .94 furnace .098 melting of steel .151.22 process for steel manu- facture .144 charging .144.60 chemistry .144.2 cost .144.67 crucible, fire-clay. .144.51 graphite fire- clay .144.50 f erromanganese . . .144.33 fuels .144.37 furnaces .144.4 coal or coke, fired. .144.40 gas fired, regener- ative .144.41 grading .144.65 killing .144.62 losses .144.66 manganese dioxide .144.36 melting .144.61 operation of the process .144.6 pig iron .144.32 pulling .144.63 pouring .144.64 practice, general.. .144.1 products .144.68 raw materials .144.3 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 83 scrap steel 669.144.31 spiegeleisen .144.34 theory, general... .144.0 wrought iron .144.30 Crucibles, assaying .926 of furnaces (see fui'- naces concerned). Cupellation, assaying 96 refining, lead smelting .467 by-products, treat- ment 467.2 cost 467.4 English furnace.. .467.1 German furnace . . .467.0 losses 467.3 products .467.5 Cupola furnace, Bessemer steel manufacture .145.401 chemical changes in.. .150.200 construction .150.201 cost of melting 150.204 losses 150.203 melting, foundry .150.20 melting, malleable cast iron 129.31 operation 150.202 Cyanicides 247.3 Cyanidation .24 analytical chemistry. . .285 chemistry .242 clean up, refining and melting 248 collection of zinc slimes 248.0 cyanicides .247.3 cyanide consumption.. .247.2 cyanide solutions .... .247 dissolving power of cyanides .247.1 melting and refining . . .248.2 ores, preparation .243 practice, general .241 precipitation .246 electrical .246.3 equipment .246.4 practice, general.. .246.0 zinc, dust 669.246.2 zinc shavings 246.1 strong vs. weak solu- tion 247.0 testing ores for cya- nidation 283 theory, general .240 treatment of sands . . . .244 applying solution. .244.4 charging .244.2 consumption of cyanide .244.8 cost 244.9 discharging .244.5 equipment .244.7 factors in .244.3 losses .244.6 percolation and leaching .244.1 treatment of slimes . . .245 agitation, air .245.3 mechanical .245.2 consumption of cyanide .245.8 cost 245.9 equipment .245.6 extraction by suc- cessive washings .245.1 factors in .245.5 filter presses .245.41 filtering .245.4 losses 245.7 practice, general. . .245.0 vacuum filters.... .245.40 zinc box slimes, treat- ment 248.1* Cyanimides 247.3 Cyclopedias, general .001 D Defects in ingots and other castings .157 bottom casting .157.10 blow holes 157.0 location of blow holes .157.01 pipes 157.1 84 TEE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. prevention of blow holes 669.157.00 segregation .157.2 top casting .157.11 treatment of segre- gated steel 157.3 Density of metals 030 Designs, general .014 Desilverization of work lead 46 chemistry .462 cupellation and refin- ing 467 electrolytic refining . . .468 Parkes process 466 Pattinson process .465 practice, general .... .461 refining and softening .464 sampling .463 theory, general 460 Detinning scrap .660 Development, general 009 Dictionaries, general .001 Dies, wire 152.43 Diffusion of metals 030 Discharging (see process concerned). Dissolving power of cya- nide 247.1 Distillation furnace, zinc. .545 arrangement of retorts .545.14 beds, bins 545.10 brick work 545.00 charging devices .545.03 chimney, draft .545.13 construction .545.1 conveyors .545.01 fire-boxes .545.12 gas producers .545.2 handling the raw ma- terials 545.0 regenerative system . . .545.11 retorts and condensers .545.15 manufacture .545.150 Distillation furnaces, zinc, types 55 American-Belgian .... 669.554 Belgian 553 Carinthian .551 electric .556 English 550 firing systems .555 Silesian 552 Distillation, zinc .54 blue powder .546.5 charge calculation . . . .543 chemistry .542 cost 546.8 disposal of products . . .546.6 fluxes 544.3 fuels .544.4 furnaces and access- ories .545 losses .546.7 mixing and charging.. .546.1 non-uniformity of run- ning .546.4 operation of the fur- nace .546 ores .544.1 preparation .544.0 practice, general .541 products .546.9 raw materials .544 reducing materials . . .544.2 starting the furnace.. .546.0 theory, general .540 uniformity of running .546.3 Dolomite 083.1 Double hearth 447 Downcomer, iron blast fur- nace 125.300 Draft 078 Drawing wire .152.41 Drawings, general .014 Drop forging 152.211 Drosses -04 extraction of tin from .654 Dry. air blast 125.22 chlorination .257 sand molds .150.32 Ductility of metals 030 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 85 Dust (see metal concerned). Dust-catchers (see metal concerned). E Education, general 669.00.5 Electric furnace, foundry melting .151.23 general ^.02 |.099 pig iron manufacture .128.5 bins 128.500 blowers 128.533 bosh 128.512 charging devices. .128 501 cleaning of gases. .128.530 construction .128.5 conveyors .128.500 crucible 128.511 dispcsalof the dust .128.531 electrical equip- ment 128.52 electrodes 128.515 escapes, slag and metal 128.516 foundations 128.510 generators 128.520 handling the raw materials 128.50 instruments, elec- trical 128.523 lining 128.517 motors 128.521 shaft 128.513 stockyards 128.500 transformers 128.522 tuyeres .128.514 utilization of gases .128.532 water jackets • .128.518 steel manufacture . . . .147.4 bottom, hearth 147.411 charging 147.401 devices 147.432 construction .147.41 electrical equip- ment 147.43 electrodes, adjust- ments 669.147.418 foundations .147.410 Frick furnace 147.425 generators 147.430 gin furnace 147.428 Girod furnace 147.423 handling the raw materials 147.40 Heroult furnace. . . .147.422 instruments, elec- trical 147.433 Keller furnace 147.421 Kjellin furnace... .147.426 lining 147.415 mixers 147.400 motors 147.431 Nathusius furnace .147.424 Rachling - Roden- hauser furnace.. .147.427 roof 147.413 shell 147.416 Stassano furnace.. .147.420 tap holes 147.414 tilting machinery. .147.417 transformers .147.432 types 147.42 water jackets 147.412 Electric motor drive, roll- ing mills 152.34 Electrical, equipment, cop- per refining .366.2 precipitation in cya- nidation .246.3 Electrodes, carbon, manu- facture of 02 copper refining .366.3 Electro-distillation of zinc .556 Electrolyte, copper refining .366.4 Electrolytic, extraction of cadmium .745 refining of copper . . . .366 anodes .366.3 cathodes .366.3 electrical equip- ment .366.2 86 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. electrolyte 66S 1.366.4 multiple arc meth- od .366.0 series method. . . . .366.1 slimes, treatment. ..366.5 tanks .366.3 refining of gold .27 lead .468 silver .27 tin .676 zinc .566 Electrometallurgy, general .02 of pig iron .128 banking .128.62 casting .128.651 cement manufac- ture .128.661 charge calculation .128.3 chemistry .128.2 cost .128.68 disposal of the metal .128.65 slag .128.66 electric smelting furnace .128.5 fluxes .128.42 losses .128.67 non-uniformity of running .128.64 operation .128.6 ores .128.41 practice, general. . .128.1 raw materials .128.4 reducing agents. . .128.41 shutting down. . . . .128.61 starting up .128.60 tapping metal.... .128.650 slag .128.660 theory, general . . . .128.0 uniformity of run- ning .128.63 of steel addition of fluxes and removal of .147 slags .147.52 castine .147.540 chemistry 669.147.2 cost 147.57 cranes .147.541 disposal of metal. .147.54 slag 147.55 electric steel fur- naces .147.4 ferromanganese ... .147.33 fluxes 147.35 hematite 147.34 ingot molds 147.543 ladles 147.542 losses .147.56 operation of the furnace .147.5 pig iron 147.30 pouring 147.53 practice, general.. .147.1 products .147.59 raw materials 147.3 scrap steel .147.31 spiegeleisen .147.32 starting the fur- nace cold .147.50 hot 147.51 stripping .147.58 stripping machines .147.580 theory, general. .147.0 of tungsten 783 Electroplating 112.27 Elevators, blast furnace . . .125.011 Enameling iron and steel .112.29 English, cupellation furnace .467.1 distillation furnace . . .550 process, lead .457.1 Engines, rolling mill .... .152.33 Escapes, slag, metal, and matte (see process con- cerned) .09 Essays, general .002 Expansion of refractory materials .087 F Fahlores. extraction of merriirv from .757 TEE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 87 Ferroalloys 669.17 analyses -186 manufacture .170 Ferrochrome -172 chemical properties . . .172.2 manufacture .172.3 metallography .172.0 physical properties . . . .172.1 treatment 172.4 uses .172.5 Ferromanganese -174 chemical properties . . .174.2 manufacture .174.3 metallography 174.0 physical properties . . . .174.1 treatment 174.4 uses .174.5 Ferroniolybdenum .177 chemical properties . . .177.2 manufacture .177.3 metallography .177.0 physical properties . . .177.1 ti-eatment .177.4 uses 177.5 Ferronickel .173 chemical properties . . .173.2 manufacture .173.3 metallography .173.0 physical properties . . . .173.1 treatment .173.4 uses .173.5 Ferrosilicon 171 chemical properties . . .171.2 manufacture .171.3 metallography .171.0 physical properties . . . .171.1 treatment .171.4 uses .171.5 Ferrotitanium .i78 chemical properties . . .178.2 manufacture .178.3 metallography 178.0 physical properties . . . .178.1 treatment 178.4 uses .178.5 Ferrotungsten -175 chemical properties . . 669.175.2 manufacture .175.3 metallography . . ..... .175.0 physical properties . . . .175.1 treatment .175.4 uses .175.5 Ferrovanadium .176 chemical properties . . .176.2 manufacture .176.3 metallography .176.0 physical properties . . . .176.1 treatment .176.4 uses .176.5 Field painting .112.23 Filter presses .245.41 Filters, vacuum .245.40 ^'iltering .245 Filtration of tin .675 Financial reports, general .015 Finishing, blow, Bessemer converter .145.51 temperature in heating steel .156.04 Fire-brick, fire-clay .082.0 assaying .926 Flue dust (see- furnace concerned). Flue systems (see furnace concerned). Forging of steel .152.2 drop .152.211 hammer .152.210 hand .152.20 mechanical .152.21 Formation, heat of .072 Foundations (see furnace concerned). Founding iron .150 air furnace melting . . . .150.21 cost .150.6 cupala melting .150.20 losses .150.5 melting iron before casting .150.2 .150.3 open-hearth melting . . .150.22 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. pattern designing .... 669.150.4 practice, general 150.1 theory, general .150.0 Founding, steel .151 Bessemer co n v e r ter melting 151.21 cost .151.6 crucible melting .151.22 electric furnace melt- ing 151.23 losses 151.5 melting steel before casting .151.2 molds, cores .151.3 open hearth melting. . .151.20 pattern designing 151.4 practice, general 151.1 theory, general .151.0 Freezing of, cast iron .110.61 slags 037 steel 110.62 Fuels, electric steel fur- nace 147.425 Fuels (see process con- cerned) .06 analyses .183 assaying .925 beehive coke .066.0 by-product coke .066.1 charcoal .063 coal 065 coke -066 gas -067 oil 068 peat 064 practice, general .061 theory, general .060 wood -062 Fume, acids (see furnace concerned). Furnaces, general (see pro- cess concerned) .09 assaying 925 blast 093 crucible .098 electric 099 hearth 669.091 kiln 092 muffle 097 open hearth .095 reverberatory, direct fired 094 regenerative .095 roasting .094 Fused salts 831 Fusion alloys .871 Fusing points of metals . . .030 G Gas 067 producer .079 producers .079 Girod electric steel furnace .144.423 Gold and silver .2 analyses 28 amalgamation .23 chlorination .25 cyanidation .24 metallurgical practice (see copper, 669.30) .201 metallurgical theory.. .200 metallurg}-, general . . .20 properties .21 alloys of gold 217 silver 218 chemical proper- ties of gold.. . .213 silver .214 compounds of gold .215 silver .216 metallography of gold and silver.. .210 physical proper- ties of gold. .211 silver 212 refining .27 roasting .22 testing ores .28 uses 29 Graphite, artificial .02 natural -793 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 89 H Hall process, aluminium.. ( Handbooks, general 369.703 .001 .156.2 .156.1 .656 .030 .156.12 .156.121 .156.120 .156.122 .156.123 .156.14 .324 .424 .147.417 .146.411 .091 .44 .445 .442 .448 .447 .441 .449 .443 .444 .440 .446 .764.4 .072 .153 .154 .156 .156.03 .165.21 annealing burning carbon and hard- ness 669.156.2 .156.06 .156.10 Handling the raw mate- rials (see furnace con- cerned). Hardened steel, constitu- ents Hardening steel Hardhead, extraction of tin from Hardness of metals Hardness of steel, theories allotropic theory carbon theory compromise theory . . internal stress theory Harveyizing steel carbon theory of hardness case hardening. . . compromise theory of hardness constitution of hardened and tempered steels. cures for over- heating evidence of over- heating finishing tempera- ture .156.120 .156.14 .156.122 .156.2 .156.01 .156.02 .156.04 Heap roasting, copper . . . lead Hearth, electric steel fur- nace hardening steel. . . Harveyizing improper heating. ingotism internal stress theory of hard- ness .156.1 .156.15 .156.0 furnace .156.08 Hearth lead smelting .156.123 air cooled hearth .... chemistry cost Metcalf test overheating rate of cooling and hardness ...... Stead's brittleness temper colors. .... tempering theories of hard- ening .156.0/ .156.00 practice, general products .156.11 .156.09 raw materials Scotch hearth theory, general .156.150 .156.15 .156.12 water cooled hearth . . Hearth refining of nickel welding wrought iron .156.05 matte Heating, curves, determi- nation furnaces continuous heating practice.. regenerative soaking pits Hematite (see process con- cerned). Heat of formation Heat treatment of, cast iron .872 .152.6 malleable cast iron . . steel action, heating in rolling allotropic theory of hardness .152.61 .152.63 .152.60 .152.62 90 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. Heroult, electric steel fur- nace 669.147.422 process, aluminium . . .703 History, general 009 Hot pressing steel 152.51 Housings, rolling mill . . . .152.315 1 Idrian furnace, mercury.. .753.5 r.145.533 Ingot molds . .147.543 .146.523 Ingotism .156.08 Investigation of structure. metallography .88 Iridium, assay for .98 Iron and steel .1 alloy steels .16 analyses .18 ferroalloys .17 metallurgical practice (see copper, 669.30) .101 metallurgical theory . . .100 metallurgy, general . . .10 pig iron manufacture .12 properties .11 allotropic theory. . .110.4 carbon states .110.1 carbon and sub- carbide theories. .110.2 cast iron .111 effect of elements on .111.4 chemical behavior of iron and steel .112.0 chemical proper- ties of iron and steel .112 constitution of iron and steel .110.0 corrosion of iron and steel .112.1 freezing of, cast iron .110 61 steel .110.62 iron states .110.3 malleable cast iron effect of ele- ments on. . . metallography . . . microconstituents . physical properties preservative coat- ings Roberts - Austen, Roozeboom dia- gram solid solution of iron and carbon. steel effect of ele- ments wrought iron effect of ele- ments on. . . steel, manufacture. . . . treatment uses wrought iron manufac- ture J Jumbo hearth, lead K Keller electric steel fur- nace Kettle refining and soften- ing, lead Killing, crucible steel Kiln, calcination of zinc ores furnaces roasting of level ores. Kjellin electric steel fur- nace L Laboratories, general Ladles (see process con- cerned). Latent heat of fusion .... Laws, general 669.111.1 .111.5 .110 .110.5 .111 .112.2 .110.63 .110.60 .111.3 .111.7 .111.2 .11L6 .14 .15 .19 .13 .447 .421 .464.0 .144.62 .525 .092 .424 .147.426 .005.0 .030 .017 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MIXES. 91 Leaching, cyanidation .... 669.244.1 Lead 4 analyses .48 assay .99 blast furnace smelting .43 desilverization of work lead 46 hearth smelting 44 matte, slag and speiss. .47 metallurgical practice (see copper 669.30). .401 metallurgical theory.. .400 metallurgy, general ... .40 properties .41 alloys 414 chemical proper- ties 412 compounds .413 physical properties .411 metallography . . . .410 reverberatory furnace smelting .45 roasting .42 tests 48 treatment 48 uses .49 Lectures, general .002 Lime 083.2 Lining of furnaces (see ^.09 furnace concerned) .... ).08 Liquation, of antimony glance, pot furnace 713.04 reverberatory .... .713.06 tube furnace 713.05 of tin 673 and boiling of tin .674 Loam molding .150.30 Location of blow holes in ingots 157.01 Losses (see process con- cerned). M Machinery, general Magnesia .010 .083.0 Magnetic properties of metals 669.030 Maintenance, general .016 Malleable cast iron .129 effect of elements . . . .111.5 heat treatment .154 properties .111.3 Malleability of metals . . . .030 Management, general .... .015 Manganese .794 steel 161.1 chemical proper- ties 161.12 manufacture .161.13 metallography . . . .161.10 physical properties .161.11 treatment .161.14 uses .161.15 Manganese — nickel steel.. .162.3 chemical properties . . .162.32 manufacture .162.33 metallography 162.30 physical properties . . .162.31 treatment .162.34 uses 162.35 Manganese — silicon steel.. .162.4 chemical properties . . .162.42 manufacture .162.43 metallography .162.40 physical properties . . . .162.41 treatment .162.44 uses .162.45 Manganese — tungsten steel .162.1 chemical properties . . .162.12 manufacture .162.13 metallography .162.10 physical properties . . .162.11 treatment .162.14 uses .162.15 Manipulators, rolling mills .152.318 Matte, general .04 Matte, copper, Bessemer- izing .35 air blast 354.2 blowers 354.20 bottom 354.11 chemistry .352 92- THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. converter 669.354 construction of the converter .354.1 cost .355.5 cranes 355.20 disposal of metal .... .355.2 slag 355.3 handling the charge . . .354.0 ladles 355.20 lining 354.14 losses 355.4 operation .355 pouring .355.1 practice, general .351 products .355.6 raw charge .353 rotation machinery . . .354.15 shell, converter .354.0 siag-casting machine.. .353.0 stages of the blow . . . .355.0 theory, general .350 tuyeres .354.12 wind-box 354.13 Matte, slag, speiss, copper smelting .37 effect of elements. .379 formation temper- ature 375 freezing, solidifica- tion 377 latent heat .376 metallography . . . .372 metallurgical na- ture 374 mineralogical na- ture 373 practice, general.. .371 specific heat .376 theory, general... .370 viscosity 378 Matte, slag, speiss, lead smelting 47 effect of elements. .479 formation temper- ature .475 freezing, solidifica- tion 669.477 latent heat .476 metallography . . . .472 metallurgical na- ture .474 mineralogical na- ture .473 practice, general. . .471 specific heat .476 theory, general . . . .470 viscosity .478 Mechanical, agitation ( Df slimes .245.2 casting of pig iron . . . .126.511 forging of steel .152.21 puddling furnaces .... .134.1 stokers .078 treatment of steel . . . .152 forging .152.2 heating furnaces . .152.6 practice, general. . .152.1 pressing .152.5 reduction in rolls. .152.3 theory, general — .152.0 wire drawing .152.4 Melting, chlorination .... .258.2 crucible steel .144.61 cyanidation .248 iron, casting .150.2 steel, casting .151.2 Mercury .75 analyses .758 assav .99 cinnibar, heating in air .753 Aludel furnace. . . .753.5 chemistry ....... .753.3 . cost .753.8 Idrian furnace. . . . .753.6 losses .753.7 practice, general . . .753.0 products .753.9 raw materials .753.4 theory, general... .753.1 cinnibar, heating with lime and iron .755 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 93 f a h 1 r e s, extraction from 669.756 metallurgical practice (see aluminium, 669.700) 750.1 metallurgical theory. . .750.0 metallurgy, general . . .750 ores 752 properties .751 alloys 751.4 chemical proper- ties 751.2 compounds .751.3 metallography . . . .751.0 physical properties .751.1 tests 758 treatment 758 uses 759 Metallics, assaying 933 Metallography .8 mattes, general .042 copper .372 lead 472 metals (see metal con- cerned). practice, general .80 slags 032 copper .372 iron .127.2 lead 472 theory, general .81 Metallurgical, practice, gen- eral 01 catalogs .011 contracts .013 costs 012 designs .014 drawings .014 financial reports.. .015 laws 017 machinery .010 maintenance .016 management .015 patents .018 professional re- ports 019 quantities 669.012 specifications .... .013 statistics .011 • workings .016 products, extraction of tin from .65 drosses .654 dust .658 hardhead .656 practice, general.. .651 residues .655 skimmings .657 slags, reverbera- tory furnace .... .652 shaft furnace. .653 theory, general... .650 theory, general .00 addresses .002 calculations .007 colleges .005 cyclopedias .001 development .009 dictionaries .001 education .005 essays .002 handbooks .001 history .009 laboratories .005.0 lectures .002 miscellanies .008 progress .009 schools .005 societies .004 tables .006 teaching .005 textbooks .000 theses .002 transactions of so- cieties .004 Metallurgy, general .0 Metals, miscellaneous .... .7 properties .03 Microconstituents of iron and steel .110.5 Microscopical invest!- gations .882 94 THE COLORADtf SCHOOL OF MINES. Miscellanies, general .... 669.v)08 |'.145.400 Mixers J. 146.400 [.147.400 Mixing, charging zinc fur- naces .546.1 Molds, cores, iron found- ing 150.3 chill molds 150.36 cores 150.34 core machines .150.39 dry sand molds 150.32 green sand molds .... .150.33 loam molding .150.30 molding machines .... .150.38 multiple molds 150.37 pattern molding .150.31 permanent molds .... .150.37 ramming .150.35 washes .150.35 Molds, cores, steel found- ing 151.3 Moebius process .274 Molybdenum 795 steel 161.4 chemical proper- ties 161.42 manufacture .161.43 metallography ... .161.40 physical properties .161.41 treatment .161.44 uses .161.45 Molybdenum — t u n g s t e n steel 162.5 chemical properties . . .162.52 manufacture .162.53 metallography .162.50 physical properties . . .162.51 treatment .162.54 uses 162.55 Muffle, assaying .926 furnace roasting of zinc ores .534 furnaces .097 Multiple, arc, copper refin- ing 366.0 molds 669.150.39 ply plate mill 152.301 N Nathusius electric steel furnace 147.424 Natural gas, use in open hearth 146.361 Neutral refractory mate- rials 084 Nickel 76 analyses 768 arsenical ores, extrac- tion from 765 chemistry 765.2 coarse speiss pro- ductions .765.4 roasting .765.40 smelting 765.41 cost 765.8 losses 765.7 practice, general.. .765.1 products .775.9 raw nickel produc- tion .765.6 dead roasting. .765.60 reduction of speiss to nickel .765.61 refined nickel speiss, produc- tion from coarse speiss .765.5 theory, general... .765.0 extraction from other ores 766 metallurgical practice (see aluminium, 669.70) 760.1 metallurgical theory. . .760.0 metallurgy, general . . .760 properties .761 alloys 761.4 chemical proper- ties 761.2 compounds .761.3 Tlli] COLORADO ,SCHOOL OF MINERS. 95 metallography . . . 669.761.0 physical properties .761.1 ores, preparation .... .762 refining coarse nickel matte .764 chemistry .764.2 converter refining. .764.6 cost .764.8 hearth refining. . .. .734.4 losses .764.7 practice, general. . .764.1 products .764.9 raw materials. . . . .764.3 reverberatory re- fining .764.5 theory, general . . . .764.0 refining coarse nickel .767 steel .161.0 chemical proper- ties .161.02 manufacture .161.03 metallography .... .161.00 physical properties .161.01 treatment .161.04 uses .161.05 sulphide ores, extrac- tion from .763 chemistry .763.2 concentration of coarse nickel matte .763.6 cost .763.8 losses .763.7 practice, general. . .763.1 products .763.9 raw materials .763.3 roasting .763.4 smelting .763.5 theory, general... .763.0 tests .768 treatment 768 uses .769 Nickel — tungsten steel . . . .162.6 chemical properties . . .162.62 manufacture .162.63 metallography .162.60 physical properties . . 669.162.61 treatment .162.64 uses .162.65 Nickel — vanadium steel . . .162.7 chemical properties. . . .162.72 manufacture .162.73 metallography .162.70 physical properties... .162.71 treatment 162.74 uses .162.75 O Occlusion of gases in met- als 030 Oil 068 combustion .079 One component systems, alloys 84 Open-hearth, furnaces .095 melting of steel .151.20 processes for steel manufacture .146 acid process, chem- istry 146.20 cost 146.550 losses .146.540 practice .146.10 products 146.570 theory 146.00 basic process, chemistry .146.21 cost .146.551 losses .146.541 practice .146.11 products .146.571 theory 146.01 bottom, hearth 146.411 casting .146 521 charging device... .146.403 chemistry .146.2 chimney, draft.... .146.413 construction of the furnace .146.41 cranes ^.146.402 1. 146. 520 disposal of the metal 146.52 96 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. slag 669.146.53 ferromanganese.. .146.33 fluxes 146.35 foundations , .146.410 fuels 146.36 furnace and acces- sories .146.4 gas producers.... .146.42 handling the raw materials .146.40 hematite 146.34 ingot molds .146.524 ladles (.146.401 ]. 146. 523 lining .146.417 mixers 146.400 natural gas .146.361 oil 146.363 operation .146.5 pig iron .146.30 producer gas .146.360 recarburizing .... .146.50 regenerative sys- tem 146.416 roof 146.414 scrap steel .146.31 spiegeleisen 146.32 tap-hole 146.415 tapping .146.51 tilting machinery. .146.418 water gas .146.363 jackets 146.412 Operation of furnaces and processes (see process concerned). Optical pyrometers .055 Orpiment, manufacture... .726 Overheating steel .156.00 Oxidized coatings on steel. .112.28 P Packing, manufacture of malleable cast iron .129.40 Painting steel 112.23 Pan amalgamation .233 Parkes process .466 alloys, treatment of. . . .466.4 cost 669.466.7 impurities, effect of. . . .466.1 losses 466.6 • plant 466.0 products .466.5 zinc crusts, treatment. .466.3 zincing .466.2 Partial pyritic smelting... .337 Parting, assaying .96 gold-silver bullion .273 Patents 018 Patio process .234 Pattern designing, iron founding .150.4 steel founding .151.4 molding 150.31 Pattinson process .465 cost 465,7 hand 465.1 impurities, effect of... .465.4 losses .465.6 mechanical .465.2 plant 465.0 products .465.5 steam .465.3 Peat 064 Periodicals, general .003 Percolation, cyanidation. . . .244.1 Permeability of refractory materials .086 Phase rule 833 Photography, metallogra- phy 883 Physical, mixtures, metal- lography .83 properties of metals (see metal concerned), of refractory ma- terials 085 specifications for steel. .187.1 Pig iron, manufacture .12 banking 126.2 blast furnace and ac- cessories .125 blowing in .126.0 blowing out .126.1 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 97 briquetting 669.124.1 casting 126.51 cement manufacture.. .126.61 charge calculation.... .123 chemistry, blast fur- nace smelting .122 cost 126.8 disposal of the metal. . .126.5 slag 126.6 fluxes 124.4 fuels 124.3 losses .126.7 mechanical casting. . . .126.511 non-uniformity of run- ning 126.4 operation of the blast furnace .126 ores 124.2 practice, general .121 preparation of the ore. .124.0 raw materials .124 sand casting 126.510 tapping metal .126.50 slag 126.60 theory, general 120 Pigments 112.22 Pinions, rolling mill .152.314 Pipes in ingots .157.1 Plates, amalgamation .232.4 rolling of 152.351 treatment in amalga- mation 232.2 Platinum 77 alloys 771.4 analyses .777 assay .98 chemical properties... .771.2 compounds .771.3 dry extraction .773 electrometallurgy .... .775 metallography .771.0 metallurgical practice (see aluminium 669.70) 770.1 theory 770.0 metallurgy, general... .770 ores 669.772 physical properties. . . . .771.1 properties .771 refining .776 ■tests 777 treatment 777 uses .778 Polymorphism of metals . . .032 Pot roasting of lead ores . . .426 Pouring (see process con- cerned). Precipitation, chlorination, barrel 256.4 vat 255.4 cyanidation .246 electrical 246.3 equipment .246.4 practice, general. . .246.0 zinc, dust 246.2 zinc, shavings.... .246.1 Preparation of ores for metallurgical processes (see process concerned). Preservative coatings for iron and steel .112.2 electroplating 112.27 enameling .112.29 galvanizing .112.24 oils 112.22 oxidized coatings .112.28 pickling 112.21 pigments .112.22 priming .112.21 shop versus field paint- ing 112.23 surface, preparation of .112.20 terne-plating .112.26 tinning .112.25 Pressing steel .152.5 cold 152.52 effect 152.50 hot 152.51 Prevention of blow holes.. .157.00 Principles of processes (see process concerned). 98 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. Producers, gas 669, Products of combustion, gaseous Professional reports, gen- eral Progress, general Properties of metal (see metal concerned) Puddling- furnaces Pulling, crucible steel Pull-over mill Pyritic copper smelting... banking blowing in blowing out briquetting charge calculation.... chemistry cost disposal of matte slag fluxes fuels losses non-uniformity of run- ning operation ores practice, general preparation of the raw materials products raw materials slag bricks conveyors granulators pots theory, general uniformity of running. -.079 .146.360 .146.42 .345.2 .455.3 .545.2 .077 .019 .009 .03 .1^5.0 .134 .144.63 .152.300 .337 .337.62 .337.60 .337.61 .337.41 .337.3 .337.2 .337.68 .337.65 .337.66 .337.43 .337.44 .337.67 .337.64 .337.6 .337.42 .337.1 .337.40 .337.69 .337.4 .337.663 .337.661 .337.662 .337.660 .337.0 .337.63 Pyrometry (see thermal investigation) 669.05 Q Quantities, general .012 Quarternary alloys .162 R Radiation pyrometers .054 Rail rolling 152.352 Rate of cooling and hard- ness 156.11 Raw materials (see process concerned). Reagents, assaying of .924 Realgar manufacture .725 Recarburizing, open hearth .146.50 Recording pyrometers .057 Reduction of steel in rolls. .152.3 coupling boxes .152.312 difRculties in rolling. . . .152.350 electric motor drive. . . .152.34 guards 152.316 guides 152.317 housings .152.315 manipulators .152.318 multiple ply mill-o 152.301 parts of rolling mills. .152.31 pinions .152.314 plates, rolling .152.351 pull-over mills 152.360 rails, rolling 152.352 reversing mills .152.303 roll engines .152.33 tables 152.320 rolling mill practice.. .152.35 rolling mills 152.3 spindles 152.313 tables 152.32 three-high mills 152.302 transfer tables 152.321 universal mills .152.304 wobblers 152.311 Refining, aluminium .705 antimony .716 chemistry 716.2 cost 716.6 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 99 losses 669.716.5 pot furnace refin- ing 716.3 practice, general. . .716.1 products .716.7 reverberatory re- fining 716.4 theory, general... .716.0 arsenic .727 bismuth 737 chemistry 737.2 cost 737.6 dry 737.3 losses 737.5 practice, general.. .737.1 products .737.7 theory, general... .737.0 wet 737.4 cadmium .746 copper .366 anodes .366.3 cathodes .366.3 chemistry .366.2 cost 368 electrical equip- ment .363.2 electrolyte .366.4 electrolytic refin- ing 366 furnaces .363 losses .367 multiple arc meth- od ..; 366.0 practice, general.. .361 processes .364 products .369 sampling bullion.. .365 series method .366.1 slimes, treatment. .366.5 tanks .366.3 theory, general... .366.0 gold and silver .27 chemistry .272 cost 279 losses 278 melting furnaces.. .274 Moebius process.. 669.276 parting .275 practice, general.. .271 refining 274 sampling bullion.. .273 theory, general... .270 Wohlwill process. .277 lead .46 chemisti-y .462 cupellation, refin- ing 467 electrolytic meth- ods 468 Parkes process... .466 Pattinson process. .465 practice, general. . .461 sampling bullion.. .463 softening .464 theory, general... .460 nickel 767 platinum .776 tin 67 chemistry .672 cost 678 electrolytic refin- ing 676 filtration 675 liquation, liquation and boiling .674 losses .677 practice, general.. .671 products .679 sampling .673 theory, general... .670 zinc .56 chemistry .562 cost 568 electrolytic refin- ing .566 losses ' .567 practice, general.. .561 refining", remelting furnaces .564 sampling .563 separation of zinc from impurities. .565 100 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. theory, general . . . 669.560 Refractories, assaying .926 Refractory material .08 acid 082 basic 083 bauxite 083.3 chromite 084.0 dolomite 083.1 electrical conductivity. .059 expansion .087 fire-clay 082.0 furnace sand .082.3 gannister 082.2 graphite 084.1 heat conductivity .088 lime 083.2 magnesia .083.0 neutral 084 permeability .086 pliysical properties . . .085 practice, general .081 silica brick 082.1 theory, general .080 Regenerative, heating fur- naces .152.60 open hearth furnaces .146.416 reverberatory furnaces .095 copper .345.16 lead 445.16 Reports, financial, general .015 profession, general . . . .019 Resistance pyrometers . . . .053 Retort coke 066.1 Retort furnaces .096 Retorting and refining, amalgamation .232.6 Retorts, extraction of mer- cury "54 zinc .545.15 Reverberatory, furnace. copper 345 beds, bins 345.00 bottom, hearth... .345.11 charging devices.. .345.01 chimney, draft.... .345.13 construction .345.1 conveyors ( 369.345.00 disposal of the gases .345.3 dust-catchers .... .345.31 fire-boxes .345.17 flue system .345.32 foundations .345.10 fume and acids. . . .345.33 gas producers. . . . .345.2 handling the raw materials .345.0 lining .345.18 regenerative sys- tem .345.16 roof .345.14 tap-lioles .345.15 utilization of gases .345.30 water jackets .345.12 direct fired .094 lead .455 beds, bins .455.00 bottom, hearth. . .. .455.11 charging devices.. .455.01 chimney, draft .... .455.03 construction .455.1 conveyors .455.00 disposal of gases.. .455.3 dust-catchers .... .455.31 fire-boxes .455.17 flue system .455.32 foundations .455.10 fume and acids. . . .455.33 gas producers .455.2 handling the raw materials .455.0 lining .455.18 regenerative sys- tem .455.16 roof .455.14 tap-holes .455.15 utilization of gases .455.30 water jackets .455.12 regenerative .095 tin .635 beds, bins .635.00 bottom, hearth . . . . .635.11 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 101 charging devices.. 669.635.01 chimney, draft.... .635.13 construction .635.1 conveyors .635.00 disposal of gases.. .635.3 dust-catchers 635.30 fire-boxes 635.17 flue system 635.31 foundations .635.10 gas producers .635.2 handling the raw materials .635.0 lining .635.18 regenerative sys- tem 635.16 roof 635.14 tap-holes 635.15 water jackets .635.12 Reverberatory calcination of zinc ores .526 refining of lead 464.1 roasting of zinc ores.. .535 smelting, copper 34 charge calculation .343 chemistry .342 closing down .346.1 cost 346.7 disposal of matte or bullion 346.4 slag 346.5 fluxes 344.2 fuels 344.3 ladles, pots 346.41 losses .346.6 ores 344.1 non-uniformity of running .346.3 practice, general.. .341 preparation of ores .344.0 raw materials. . . . .344 slag brick 346.53 conveyors .... .346.51 granulators . . .346.52 pots 346.50 starting the fur- nace .346.0 theory, general . . . 669.340 uniformity of run- ning 346.2 smelting, lead .45 charge calculation .453 chemistry .452 closing down the furnace .456.1 cost 456.7 disposal of the bul- lion 456.4 slag and matte. . . .456.5 fluxes 454.2 fuels 454.3 ladles, pots 456.41 losses .456.6 ores 454.1 non-uniformity of running .456.3 practice, general.. .451 preparations of the ores 454.0 raw materials.... .454 slag brick .456.53 conveyors .... .456.51 granulators . . .456.52 pots 456.50 starting the fur- nace .456.0 theory, general... .450 uniformity of run- ning .456.2 smelting, tin .63 charge calculation .633 chemistry .632 closing down the furnace .636.1 cost .636.7 disposal of the bullion 636.4 slag .636.5 fluxes 634.2 fuels 634.3 ladles, pot 636.41 losses .636.6 ores .634.1 102 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MIXES!. non-uniformity of running 669. 636. o practice, genera.l. .631 preparation of the ores .634.0 raw materials.... .634 slag, retreatment. . .636.50 starting the fur- nace 636.0 theory, general... .630 uniformity of run- ning 636.2 Reversing mills .152.30G Roasting, antimony ores . . .714.4 p2 arsenical ores J .32 [.42 arsenical nickel ores. . .765.40 chlorination p r e c i p i- tates 258.1 copper ores .32 chemistry .322 cost 329 furnaces, fuels .... .327 furnace roasting. . .326 heap 324 losses 328 practice, general.. .321 raw materials .323 stall 325 theory, general . . . .320 furnaces, fuels .094 copper .327 gold 227 lead 427 zinc .536 gold and silver ores . . .22 chemistry .222 chloridizing .225 cost 229 furnaces, fuels.... .227 losses .228 oxidizing .224 practice, general. . .221 raw materials 223 sulphatizing .• .226 theory, general... .220 lead ores 669.42 chemistry .422 cost .428 furnaces, fuels. . . . .427 furnace roasting. . .425 heap .424 kiln .424 losses .429 practice, general. . .421 raw materials .423 stall .424 theory, general . . . .420 nickel ores .763.4 tin ores .62 chemistry .622 cost .628 disposal of gases.. .626 furnace roasting. . .624 furnaces, fuels. . . .625 losses .627 practice, general.. .621 raw materials .623 theory, general . . . .620 zinc ores .53 chemistry .532 cost -539 disposal of gases .537 furnaces, fuels . . . .536 losses .538 muffle roasting. . . .534 practice, general . . .531 raw materials . . . .533 reverberatory roast- ing .535 theory, general . . .530 Roberts- Austen diagram . . . .110.63 Rochling-Rodenhauser elec- tric steel furnace .147.427 Rod rolling train .152.40 Roll tables .152.320 Rolls .152.310 Roir'ng mills .152.30 parts .152.31 practice .152.35 Roof (see furnace con- cerned) .09 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MIA'ES. 103 Roozeboom aiagram 669.110.63 Rossi method of tungsten reduction .784 Rust 112.11 S Salts, fused 831 Sampling, assaying 93 copper bullion .365 gold and silver bullion .273 lead bullion 463 tin bullion .673 zinc bulliotx .563 Sand tasting, pig iron 126.510 Sands, treatment in cya- nidation .243 Schools, general .005 Scorification assay, gold and silver .95 Scorifiers 926 Scotch hearth .444 Scrap steel (see process concerned). Scrapping, Bessemer con- verter .145.50 Sections, metallographic, preparation 880 Segregation of steel .157.2 Series method of copper refining .366.1 - Settler, copper blast fur- nace .335.17 lead blast furnace . . . .435.17 pyritic blast furnace . . .337.517 Shaft (see furnace con- cerned). Shaft furnace, calcination of zinc ores .524 tin 645 air blast 645.2 bins 645.0 blowers 645.20 charging devices. . .645.01 construction .645.1 conveyors .645.00 crucible .645.11 disposal of gases. . 669.645.3 dust-catchers .645.30 escapes, slag and metal 645.13 flue system .645.31 fore-hearth 645.16 foundations .645.10 handling the raw materials .645.0 lining .645.4 tuyeres .645.12 water jackets . . . .645.15 smelting, tin .64 blowing in .646.0 blowing out .646.1 charge calculation .643 chemistry .642 cost 646.8 disposal of the tin .646.5 slag .646.6 fluxes 644.4 fuels 644.8 ladles, pots .646.51 losses .646.7 non-uniformity of running .646.3 ores .644.1 practice, general . . .641 preparation of the raw materials.. .644.0 products .646.9 retreat ment of slags ■ .646.00 separation of slag and tin .646.4 slags 644.2 tapping .646.5 theory, general . . . .640 uniformity of run- ning 646.2 Shop painting of steel .112.23 Silesian, process, lead .457.2 zinc distillation fur- nace .552 Silica bricks 082.1 Silicon steel .161.5 104 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. chemical properties . . 669.161.52 manufacture .161.53 metallography .161.50 physical properties. . . .161.51 treatment .161.54 uses 161.55 Silicon-manganese steel... .162.4 Silver (see gold) .2 alloys 218 assaying, bullion .97 crucible .94 scorification .95 chemical properties.. .214 compounds .216 metallography .210 physical properties... .212 properties .21 Skips 125.010 Slag, analyses, iron and steel 184 casting machines .355.30 cement ^.126.61 ]. 128. 661 copper smelting (see matte) 37 disposal of (see fur- nace concerned), escapes (see furnace concerned). general .04 effect of elements. .049 formation of tem- perature .045 freezing, solidifica- tion 047 latent heat 046 metallography . . . .042 metallurgical na- ture 044 mineralogical na- ture 043 practice, general.. .041 specific heat .046 theory, general... .040 viscosity .048 iron smelting .127 effect of elements 669.127.9 formation temper- ature .127.5 freezing, solidifica- tion 127.7 latent heat 127.6 metallography . . . .127.2 metallurgical na- ture 127.4 mineralogical na- ture 127.3 practice, general.. .127.1 specific heat 127.6 theory, general... .127.0 viscosity .127.8 lead smelting (see matte) . steel manufacture .149 effect of elements. .149.9 formation temper- ature .149.5 freezing, solidifica- tion 149.7 latent heat 149.6 metallography . . . .149.2 metallurgical na- ture 149.4 mineralogical na- ture 149.3 practice, general.. .149.1 specific heat .149.6 theory, general... .149.0 viscosity .149.8 tin reverberatory fur- nace .652 shaft furnace .653 Slimes, cyanidation .245 copper, refining .366.5 Soaking pits 152.62 Societies, transactions of. general .004 Sodium hyposulphite lixi- viation of silver ores. . . . .260 chemistry .260.2 cost 260.9 equipment .260.7 TEE COLORADO SCHOOL OF iMINES. 105 losses ' S69.260.8 ores, preparation .260.3 practice, general .260.1 precipitation .260.6 tank lixiviation .260.4 theory, general . .260.0 trough, lixiviation.... .260.5 Softening, lead .463 Solid solutions, iron and steel .110.60 Solution theory of iron and steel .110.6 freezing of cast iron. . .110.61 steel .110.62 Roberts-Austen, Rooze- boom diagrams .110.63 solid solution, iron and carbon .110.60 Solutions, aqueous .830 Specific heat, metals .030 slags .046 Specifications, general.... .013 steel .187 Speiss (see slag) , . . .04 copper smelting (see matte) .37 lead smelting (see matte) .47 nickel, conversion of arsenical nickel ores to .765.4 conversion to raw nickel .765.5 conversion to re- fined speiss .765.6 Spiegeleisen (see process concerned). Spindles, rolling mills .152.313 Squeezing, wrought iron . . . .135.1 Stall roasting, copper ores. .325 lead ores .424 Stamp battery amalgama- tion .232 Stassano electric steel fur- nace .147.420 Statistics, general .011 Steel (see iron) 669.1 analyses .185 Bessemer process .145 cementation process . '. .143 chemistry, principles. . .142 crucible process .144 effect of elements 111.6 electric process .147 founding 151 heat treatment .156 manufacture .14 mechanical treatment. .152 open hearth process.. .146 other processes .148 practice, general .141 properties .111.3 specifications .187 chemical 187.0 physical 187.1 testing 188 theory, general .140 treatment .15 uses .19 Stokers, mechanical 078 Stoves, hot blast 125.21 Stripping (see process con- cerned). machines (see process concerned). Structure, investigation of, metallography .88 development .881 microscopical investi- gation 882 photography .883 preparation of sections .880 Subcarbide theory, iron and steel 110.2 Sulphatizing roasting .226 T Tables, general .006 rolling mills 152.32 wire drawing .152.45 Tantalum 796 Teaching, general .005 106 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MIXES. Temper colors 669.156.15(1 Temperature, of combus- tion .077 measurement 1 .870 |.05 Tempering steel .156.15 Tenacity of metals (see metal concerned). Ternary alloy steels .16 Terne-plating 112.26 Test pieces, steel .188 Tests (see metal concerned). Textbooks, general .000 Thermal investigations... r.87 cones J .05 [.056 optical pyrometers.... .055 practice, general .051 radiation, pyrometers. .054 recording pyrometers. .057 resistance pyrometers. .053 theory, general .050 thermo-couple pyrome- ters 052 Theories of corrosion .112.10 hardening 156.12 Theory, general .00 Theses, general .002 Three component systems, alloys 86 Three high mills 152.302 Tin 6 alloys 614 analyses .68 assay .99 chemical properties... .612 compounds .613 metallography .610 metallurgical practice (see copper 669.30) . .601 p r o (1 u c t s, treat- ment of .65 metallurgical theory. . .600 metallurgy, general... .60 physical properties 611 properties .61 refining, smelting .... 669.67 reverberatory smelting .63 roasting 62 shaft furnace smelting .64 tests 68 treatment .68 uses 69 Titanium 797 steel 161.7 chemical properties .161.72 manufacture 161.73 metallography . . . .161.70 physical proper- ties 161.71 treatment 161.74 uses 161.75 Top casting '. 157.11 Toughness of metals 020 Transfer tables. rolling mills 152.321 Treatment of metals (see metal concerned). Tungsten .78 alloys 781.4 analyses .787 chemical production of tungstic trioxide . . . .785 chemical properties . . .781.2 compounds .781.3 direct reduction of ores to ferrotung- sten in the electric furnace .783 metallography 781.0 metallurgical practice .780.1 metallurgical theory. . .7S0.0 metallurgy, general... .780 ores 782 properties 781 Rossi method .784 steel 161.3 chemical properties 161.32 manufacture .... .161.33 metallography . . . .161.30 physical properties .161.31 treatment 161.34 TiitJ COIORADO SCHQOf. OF MINES. 107 ^ses 669.161.35 treatment 787 tests 787 tungsten trioxide treat- ment 786 uses .788 Tungsten — chromium steel .162.2 Tungsten — manganese steel .iv2.1 Tungsten — molybdenium steel .162.5 Tungsten — nickel steel . . . .162.6 Tuyeres (see furnace con- cerned). Two component systems, alloys .85 U Universal mill 152.304 Uranium .798 Uses of metals (see metal concerned). Utilizat'on of gases (see process concerned). V Vacuum filters .245.40 Vanadium .799 steel .161.6 chemical proper- ties .161.62 manufacture .161.63 metallography .... .161.60 physical properties .161.61 treatment .161.64 uses .161.65 Vanadium^nickel steel . . .162.7 Vat chlorination process . . .254 W Washers, gas .125.303 Washing molds .150.35 Washoe process .233.2 Water cooled hearth, lead. .446 Water gas .146.363 jackets (see furnace concerned). Weights, assaying 669.921 Welding 156.05 Wind-box, Bessemer con- verter .145.412 copper converter .354.13 Wire drawing .152.4 annealing .1^2.42 benches \ . . . .152.44 dies 152.43 effect of 152.41 rod rolling trains .... .152.40 tables 152.45 Wobblers, rolling mills . . .152.311 Wohlwill process .275 Wood 062 Working, general .016 Wrought iron .13 bulldog 133.1 chemistry .132 corrosion .112.13 cost 135.3 elements, effect on ... .111.6 fuels 133.2 hand furnaces .134.0 heat treatment .155.1 iron ore .133.1 losses 135.2 mechanical furnaces . . .134.1 operation of the pro- cess .135 pig iron .133.0 practice, general .131 products .135.4 properties .111.2 puddling .135.1 furnace .134 raw materials .133 roll scale .133.1 slag .136 squeezing .135.1 theory, general .135.0 Z Zinc .5 alloys .514 blende, roasting .53 108 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MIXES. chemical properties . . 669.512 chloride manufacture .58 compounds .513 distillation .54 furnaces C.55 ^.545 dust manufacture .... .58 precipitation, cya- nidation 246.2 metallography 510 metallurgical practice .501 theory 669.500 metallurgy, general . . .50 physical properties . . .511 refining .56 shavings, precipitation, cyanidation .246.1 sulphate, manufacture .58 tests .57 treatment .57 uses .59 white, manufacture . . .58 14 DAY USE ^ RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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