mmm 1 1 ■iiiii 1 1 i 1 1 Iffli '!' ir" :llte ^^^^^^^^^^^^I^^H^^HgI^ ' u ' t a ° r ■■ ' 1 W rr-M^7i?:;:o:i > U Im 1 ii^i 11" (j^ JH ■« ■* "^ -ri^nJ^a.L 8? 1 m i 1 '6 ij; M m :i;:;::i ii 1,1 3 B;i Li 1 F - I': ^;S II !(■ LIBRARY OF THi: University of California. GIFT OK Received {2^*^^ ^- '*•"'' ENGLISH PROSE FICTION INCLUDING TRANSLATIONS. SAN KRANCISCO: June, 1897. ■3^- , /ff7 DONE IN SAN FRAN- CISCO AT PRINTING SHOP OF THE E. D. TAYLOR COMPANY, IN THE MONTH OF JUNE AND YEAR EIGHTEEN HUN- DRED AND NINETY- SEVEN. PREFATORY NOTE. The last catalogue of English fiction was published in 1891. In addition to the customarv' alphabetical arrangement according to authors and titles, the works included in it were classified according to subject matter. The value of the catalogue for reference purposes was further enhanced by notes suggesting books for collateral reading. For such purposes, the catalogue of 1891 is of lasting value. Owing to the changes which have taken place in the contents of the fiction portion of the library, however, its usefulness as a record of available books has been much impaired. New books have been added and old ones have been worn out and removed from the shelves. Of the latter class, many being out of print have not been replaced. The necessity for a new guide to the available works of fiction becoming more and more pressing, this finding list has been prepared. In order to facilitate deliverj', the books have been re-numbered on a plan by which they will stand on the shelves in alphabetical order according to authors. ENGLISH FICTION Authors and Titles. A., J. Y., pseud. See Ackerman, J. Y. Abb^ Birotteau. Balzac, H. de /;/ B198.32S Abb6 Constantin, L' Hal^vy, L H168.1 Abb6 Tigrane. Fabre, F F123.1 Abbot, The. Scott, SirVJ 8431-1 Same «« S43I-34 Abbott, C. C. A colonial wooing A130.1 Abbott, E. A. Flatland ; a romance of many dimensions A131.1 Abdallah. Laboulaye, E L124.1 A'Becket, J. J. Song of the comforter. 27 pp ^'' S886.1 Abel Allnutt. Morier, J M855.1 About, E. The aunt's stratagem in AT56.3 King of the mountains A156.1 Man with the broken ear A156.2 Mother of a marquise, and, The aunt's stratagem Ai 56.3 Notary's nose A 156.4 Story of an honest man A156.5 About money and other things. Mulock, D. M M960.1 Absentee. Edgeworth, M in E235.1 Same **E235.ii Same. 2 vols E235.24-5 Accomplished gentleman. Sturgis, J S935.1 Achilles TaTius. Loves of Clitopbo and Leucippe in S657.1 Achsah. Round, W. M. F R860.1 Across the chasm. Magruder, J M212.1 Actaeon. Daintrey, L Di34-i " Acte." Westbury, H W523.1 Adam, Uncles {pseud, of C. A. Wetter- bergh). Fatal chain. 4opp ;« R979.1 == Hereditary goblet. 26 pp in B979.1 3 Adam, Mme. E. See Adam, J. L. Adam, J. L. A fascinating woman A194.1 Adam and Eve. Parr, ly Q258.1 Adam Bede. Eliot, G E426.1 Adam Dickson. Mason, T M412.1 Adam Graeme of Mossgray, Memoirs, etc, of. Oliphant, M. O. W 0475-33 Adam Johnstone's son. Crawford, F. M.... C899.1 Adams, F. C. Manuel Pereira ; or, the sove- reign rule of South Carolina A212.I Adams, J. S. Town and country A213.1 Adams, M. Honorable surrender A215.1 Adams, N. Sable cloud ; a southern tale with northern comments A216.1 Adams, W. T. Sec Optic, O., pseud. Additional Christmas stories. Dickens, C in D548.52 AdeE, A. A. Life magnet. 30 pp z« S884.8 Adela Cathcart. MacDonald, G M135.1 Adele. Kavanagh, J K2i2,i Adeline Mowbray. Opie, A in 0614.1 Adieu. 58 pp. Balzac, H. de in B198.41 Adirondack stories. Deming, P D382.1 Adirondack tales, v. i. Murray, W. H. H M984.1 Admiral's ward. Alexander, Mrs A374.2 Adolphe. Constant de Rebecque, H. B **C757-i Adrift. Young, J. D Y693.1 Adventure in the northwest territory. 25 pp in T143.5 Same 2« T143.5 ' Adventurer of the north. Parker, G Q240.I Adventures of a casket. Menard, T M535. 1 Adventures of a Chinaman in China. Verne, J V53I.I Adventures of a widow. Fawcett, E F278.1 Adventures of an aide-de-camp. Grant, J 0761.1 Adventures of an atom. 83 pp. Smollett, T. G ?« **N938.2i Adventures of Baron Miinchausen. Raspe, R. E **R226.I Adventures of Caleb Williams. Godwin, ENGUSH FICTION. W G592.1 Adventures of Captain Blake. Maxwell, W. H M465.1 Adventures of Captain Hatteras. 2 pts. Verne, J V531.2 Adventures of Captain Horn. Stockton, F. R S866.1 Adventures of Captain Mago. Cahun, L... C132.1 Adventures of Don Quixote. Cervantes Saavedra, M. de C419.1 Adventures of Hajji Baba in England. Morier, J M855,5 Adventures of Hajji Baba in Turkey, etc. Morier, J M855.2 Adventures of Harry Richmond. Mere- dith, G M559.1 Adventures of Joseph Andrews. Fielding, H F459.1 Adventures of Mr. Ledbury, and his friend Jack Johnson. Smith, A S641.4 Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green. Bede, C B411.1 Adventures of Peregrine Pickle. Smollett, T. G S666.2 Adventures of Philip. Thackeray, W. M T363.1 Same T363.2 Adventures of Rob Roy. Grant, J G76 1 . 2 Adventures of Roderick Random. Smol- lett, T. G S666.3 Adventvires of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle, A. C D754.1 Adventures of Telemachus. Fenelon, F. de S. de la M F332.1 Adventures of three Englishmen and three Russians in southern Africa. Verne, J V531.3 Afghan knife. Sterndale, R. A S839.1 Afloat and ashore. Cooper, J. F C777.1 Same in C777.36 Afraja. Miigge, T M951.1 After dark, and other stories. Collins, W C713.1 After many days. Reid, C R353-I After shipwreck. Owen, Mrs. J. A O974.1 After the ball. 12 pp. Opie, A in O614.3 After twenty years, etc. Sturgis, J S935.3 Afterglow. Lathrop, G. P L354-I Aftermath. Allen, J. L A427.1 Against the stream. Charles, E. R C476.1 Agamenticus. Tenney, E. P T298. i Agatha Page. Henderson, I H497.1 Agatha's husband. Mulock, D. M M960.2 Agincourt. James, G. P. R J276.1 Agnes. Oliphant, M. O. W O475.1 Agnes Grey. Bronte, A fw B871.2 Agnes Hilton. Hoff'man, M. J H708.1 Agnes of Sorrento. Stowe, H. B S892.1 Agnes Surriage. Bynner, E. L B994.1 Agnew, C. Peerless Cathleen A273.1 Aguilar, G. Days of Bruce A283.1 Home influence A283. 2 Home scenes and heart studies A283.3 Mother's recompense : a sequel to Home influence A283.4 Vale of cedars ; or, the martyr A283.5 Woman's friendship A283.6 Aide, H. Carr of Carrlyon A288.1 Penruddocke A288.3 Voyage of discovery ..A288.4 Aims and obstacles. James, G. P. R.....J276.41 AiNSUE, H., pseud. See Maitland, E. AiNSWORTH, W. H. Auriol ; or, the elixir of life. {Also), A night's adventure in Rome (1830) A297.1 Beau Nash ; or, Bath in the i8th cen- tury A297.2 Boscobel ; a tale of the year 1651 A297.3 Cardinal Pole ; or, the days of Philip and Mary A297.4 Constable of the tower A297,5 Crichton A297.6 Flitch of bacon ; or, the custom of Dun- mow A297.7 Guy Fawkes A297.8 Jack Sheppard A297.9 James the Second A297.10 John Law, the projector A297.11 Lancashire witches : a romance of Pendle forest A297.12 Leaguer of Lathom. A tale of the civil war in Lancashire A297.13 Lord Mayor of London A297.26 Mervyn Clitheroe A297.14 Miser's daughter: a tale A297.16 Night's adventure in Rome in A297.1 Old St. Paul's : a tale of the plague and the fire A297.18 Ovingdean Grange A297.19 Rookwood A297.20 Saint James's ; or, the court of Queen Anne A297.21 The spendthrift A297.22 Star-chamber A297.23 Tower of London A297.24 Windsor Castle A297.25 Airy fairy Lilian. Duchess D829.1 AUTHORS AND TITLES. Akerman, J. Y. lA., J. K] Tales of other days A314.1 Aladdin in London. Hume, F. W H920.1 Alarc6n, p. a. de. Black eyes. 12 pp in H496.1 Tall woman. 34 pp z« M690.1 Albert Lunel. 3 vols. Brougham, Lord H. P B876.1 Albert Savarus. Balzac, H. de B198.1 Same in B 198.44 Albert Travers, Fortunes of. Berrington, B. S B533.1 Albrecht. Bates, A B329.1 Alcock, D. The czar. A tale of the time of the first Napoleon A354.1 Dark year of Dundee : a tale of the Scot- tish reformation. Also, Proctor's tithe A354.2 Genevieve ; or, the children of Port Royal A354.3 Proctor's tithe in A354.2 Spanish brothers : a tale of the sixteenth century A354.4 Under the southern cross A354.5 Alcott, L. M. Hospital sketches A355.1 Independence : a centennial love story... in A355.4 Modern Mephistopheles A355.2 Moods A355.3 Silver pitchers ; and, Independence A355.4 Work A355.5 Alderbrook. Chubbuck, E C559.1 A1.DRICH, T. B. Maijorie Daw and other people A365.3 Satne Q.n^ other stories A365.4 Prudence Palfrey A365.6 Queen of Sheba A365.7 Two bites at a cherry, etc A365.9 —joint author. See Oliphant, M. O. W. Alec Forbes. MacDonald, G M135.2 A1.EXANDER, Mrs., {pseud. 0/ A.F. Hector.) Admiral's ward A374.2 At bay A374.4 By woman's wit A374.7 The executor A374.10 Fight with fate A374.12 Forging the fetters, etc A374.13 Found wanting A374.14 The Freres A374.15 Her dearest foe A374.17 Heritage of Langdale A374.18 Look before you leap A374.19 Maid, wife, or widow? A374.20 Mrs. Vereker's courier maid in A374.27 Alexander, Mrs. — Continued. Ralph Wilton's weird A374.23 Snare of the fowler A374.25 Valerie's fate. {Also) Mrs. Vereker's courier maid A374.27 Woman's heart A374.28 Wooing o't A374.29 Alexander, F. See Francesca, pseud. Alexis, W. {pseud. o/'G. W. H. Haring). Hans Preller ; a legend of the Rhine falls in T143.20 Alfgarthe Dane. Crake, A, D C888.1 Alfrieda. Specht, F. E. H S741.1 Alhambra, The. Irving, W 1725.1 Alice. Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwer L998.1 Alice Ashland. Neville, E N523.1 Alice Learmont. Mulock, D. M in M960.10 Alice Lorraine. Blackmore, R. D B629.1 Same in B629.3 Alice Sherwin. M., C.J Miio.i Alicia Warlock, and other stories. Collins, W C713.2 Alide. Lazarus, E L431.1 Aline. Gr^ville, H G838.1 Alkahest, The. Balzac, H. de B198.2 All alone. Theuriet, A T415.1 All in a garden fair. Besant, Sir W B554.1 All in the dark. LeFanu, J. 8 L488.1 All sorts and conditions of men. Besant, Sir W B554.2 All the dogs' fault. Connery, T. B C753.1 Allan Quatermain. Haggard, H. R H146.1 AllardycE, a. Edgar Wayne's escape. 62 pp in T143.13 Pundrapore residency. 64 pp in T143.9 Allen, G. British barbarians A425.1 Duchess of Powysland A425.4 Dumaresq's daughter A425.5 For Maimie's sake A425.7 General Passavant's will. 37 pp in S887.1 In all shades A425.9 Melissa's tour in S885.9 Michael's crag A425.11 Recalled to life A425.12 This mortal coil A425.14 What's bred in the bone A425.16 Allen, J. L. Aftermath. Pt. 2 of "A Kentucky cardinal." A427.1 Flute and violin and other Kentucky tales, etc A427.3 John Gray : a Kentucky tale of the olden time A427.5 A Kentucky cardinal A427.7 Summer in Arcady A427.9 ENGLISH FICTION. AlIvEN, R. Miss Eaton's romance ; a story of the New Jersey shore A429.1 " All's dross but love." 64 pp. Lancaster, A. E L244.1 All's for the best. Arthur, T. S A791.1 Alma. Marshall, E M367.1 Almayer's folly. Conrad, J C754.1 Almeria. 98 pp. Edgeworth, M **E235.8 Same in E235.22 Same in E235.35 Almoran and Hamet. Hawkesworth, J in **B232 .26 Same in **N938.i Alone. Harland, M H283.1 Alone in China, and other stories. Ralph, J R163.1 Aloys. Auerbach, B A918.1 Alroy. Disraeli, B D613.1 Altiora Peto. Oliphant, L O474.1 Alton Locke. Kingsley, C K553.1 Amazing marriage. 2 vols. Meredith, G M 559.2 Amazon, The. Dingelstedt, F., Freiherr V D584.1 Amazon, The. Vosmaer, C V968.1 Amber gods and other stories. Spofford, H. P S762.1 Ambitious woman. Fawcett, K F278.2 Amelia. Fielding, H F459.2 Same in **N938.i American, The. James, H.yjr J277.1 American baron. De Mille, J D381.1 American claimant. Twain, M T969.1 Same, and other stories, etc T969.8 American coin. By the author of "Aris- tocracy." A512.1 American girl in London. Cotes, S. J. D... C843.1 American in Paris. Savidge, E. C S267.1 American politician. Crawford, F. M C899.2 Am^ro, C, joint author. See Tissot, V. Ames, L. T. Memoirs of a millionaire. ..A513.1 Amethyst. Coleridge. C. R C692.1 Amid the corn. By the author of "The evening and the morning." 3 vols ..A516.1 Among the hills. Poyuter, E. F Q892.1 Among the northern hills. Prime, W. C... Q942.1 Amorassan. Lewis, M. G in L675.1 AmosJudd. Mitchell, J. A M680.1 Amos Kilbright. Stockton, F. R S866.2 Ampthill Towers. Foster, A.J F754.1 Amulet, The. Conscience, H in C755.6 Amyas Egerton, cavalier. Hervey, M. H H579.1 Anaconda, The. 56 pp. Lewis, M. G in L675.1 Anastatius. 3 vols. Hope, T **H790.i Ancestral footstep. Hawthorne, N....i?i H399.3 Ancient regime. 3 vols. James, G. P. R J276.2 Anderdon, W. H. Antoine de Bonneval : a tale of Paris in the days of St. Vin- cent de Paul A543.1 Andersen, H. C. The improvisatore...A544.i Morten Lange: a Christmas story ; Man from Paradise in B979.1 ' O. T. a Danish romance A544.2 Only a fiddler ...A544.3 Two baronesses A544.4 Andersonville violets. Collingwood, H. W C7IO.I Andreas Hofer. Miihlbach, L M952.I Andreds-weald. Crake, A. D C888.2 Andrews, L. H. Marie A567.1 Andromeda. McLean, H. E M163.1 Ange Pitou. 2 vols. Dumas, A D886.2 Angele's forLune. Theuriet, A T415.2 Angelina. Edgeworth, M z« E235,i8 Anglonianiacs, The. Harrison, C. C H318.1 Anie. Malot, H. H M257.1 Anna Kar^nina. Tolstoi. Cbw«^ L- N T654.1 Annals of a baby. Stebbins, S. B S811.1 Annals of a quiet neighbourhood. Mac- Donald, G M135.3 Annals of a sportsman. Turg4nieff, I. S.... T936.1 Annals of the parish. Gait, J G179.1 Annan Water. Buchanan, R B918.1 Anne. Woolson, C. F W916.1 Anne Furness. Trollope, F. E T847.1 Anne Judge, spinster. 3 vols. Robinson, F. W R660.1 Anne of Geierstein. Scott, Sir W 8431.2 Same in **S43i.2i Anne S^verin. Craven, P. de la F CS98.1 Annie and her master. 79 pp in T 143. 14 Annie Kilburn. Howells, W. D H859.1 Annouchka. Turgenieflf, I. S T936.2 Another study of woman. 62 pp. Balzac, H. de in B198.19 Same in B198.44 Another's crime. Hawthorne, J H398.1 Anstey, F\, {pseud, of F. A. Guthrie). Black poodle. 46 pp in S885.6 Same, and other stories A625.1 Fallen idol A62S.3 AUTHORS AND TITLKS. Anstey, F. — Continued. Giant's robe A625.5 Tinted Venus A625.7 Vice versa ; or, a lesson to fathers A625.9 ,j obit author. See Matthews, B. Antar. 4 vols. Tr. by T. Hamilton H221.1 Anteros. Lawrence, G. A L421.1 Antiquary, The. Scott, Sir W S431.3 Same **S43i.4 Autoine de Bonneval. Anderdon, W. H A543.1 Antoinette. 2 vols. Blyth, M. P B660.1 Antoinette. Ohnet, G O383.I Antonia. Sand, G S213.1 Antonina. Collins, W C713.3 Antonio di Carara : a Paduan tale. 79 pp ««Ti43.5 Same in T143.5 » Antony Brade. Lowell, R. T. S L916.1 Ape, the idiot, and other people. Morrow, W. C M883.1 Aphrodite. Eckstein, E E195.1 Apostate, The. Daudet, E D239.1 Apotheosis of Mr. Tyrawley. Prescott, E. L Q9181 Appleton, G. W. Frozen hearts A649.1 Apprentices to destiny. Long, LA L848.1 April hopes. Howells, W. D H859.2 Apuleius, Lucius, Madaurensis. Works : comprising the Metamorphoses ; or, golden ass. The God of Socrates. The Florida, and, His defence ; or, a dis- course on magic. Added, A metrical version of Cupid and Psyche, and. Mrs. Tighe's Psyche : a poem in six cantos. [Bo/m's Lib. ) A655 . i Arabella Stuart. 3 vols. James, G. P. R **J276.3 Arabesques. Greenough, S. D G815.1 Arabian nights' entertainments A658.1 Same. Tr. from the Fr. of A. Galland... **N938.i8 Satne. Ed. by W. Hauff A658.ih Same. Tr. by E. W. Lane. 2 vols A658.1/ Same. Tr. by E. Foster z« S892.14 Arblay, Mme. F. B. d' See Burney, F. ARBOUVILI.K, S. de B., Countess d' Chris- tine: a Dutch story. 85 pp in T143.3 Same ew T143.3 " Village doctor. 77 pp i« T143.3 Same in T143.3 ' Archibald Malmaisou. Hawthorne, J H398.2 Archie Lovell. Edwardes, A Eas4.i Archipelago on fire. Verne, J V531.4 Ardath. Corelli, M t!797- 1 Ardis Claverden. Stockton, F. R S866.3 Argonauts of North Liberty. Harte, B H327.1 Argyle, a. Olive Lacey : a tale of the Irish rebellion of 1798 ASgs.a Ariadne. Ouida 0934- 1 Aristocracy A716.1 Anus, the Libyan. Kouns, N. C K883.1 Armadale. Collins, W C713.4 Arminell. Gould, S. B G698.1 Annorel of Lyonesse. Besant, Sir W B554.4 Armourer of Paris. 83 pp. Smith, A in S641.2 Armourer's prentices. Yonge, C. M Y555.1 Armstrong, L. Sergeant Gore. 30 pp... in S886.3 Army Portia. King, C z« K523.21 Army tales. Winter, J. S W785.1 Arne. Bjornson, B B625.1 Same B625.1 ' Arnold, G. Why Thomas was discharged. 25 pp in S884.S Around a spring. Droz, G D793.1 Around the golden deep. Reeder, A. P R3271 Around the world in eighty days. Verne, J V531.5 Arrom, Mrs. C. Bohl de Faber. See Ca- ballero, F., pseud. Arthur, T. S. All's for the best A791.1 Latimer family, and other temperance stories A791 . 2 Mill and the tavern A791.3 Orange blossoms A791 .4 Strike at Tivoli mills ; and what came of it A791.5 Wife's engagement ring A79I.6 Arthur. Sue, E S944.1 Arthur Blane. Grant, J G761.3 Arthur Bonnicastle. Holland, J. G H735.1 Arthur Merton. Porter, D. D Q844.1 Arthur Mervyn. 2 vols. Brown, C. B B879.1 Arthur O'Leary, Adventures of. Lever, C L658.1 Artists' wives. Daudet, A 0238.1 Arundel motto. Hay, M. C H413.1 Arvon. 2 vols. Charles, C. M C475.1 As Avon flows. Vince, H. S V767.1 As it may happen . Trebor '^785. i As it was written. Harland, H H282.1 As 'tis in life. Delpit, A 0363.1 ENGI.ISH FICTION. Asaph. Cooley, A. K C774.1 Ascanio. Dumas, A D886.3 " Ask mamma." Surtees, R. S S962.1 Askaros Kassis the Copt. Del/con, E D346.1 Aslauga's knight. 42 pp. La Motte-Fou- qu^, F. H. K. Freiherr de in L235.1 Same in L235.6 Asmodeus. LeSage, A. R 1^622.1 Aspasia. 2 vols. Hamerling, R H214.1 Aspendale. Preston, H. W Q927-I Aspern papers. James, H., Jr J277-2 Asphodel. Braddon, M. E B798.1 Assunta Howard, and other stories, etc. Salter, E S177.1 Ass'ya. Turg^nieflF, I. S in T936.12 ASTOR, W. W. Sforza : a story of Milan... A858.1 At a high price. Werner, E W492.1 At an old chateau. Macquoid, K. S M173.1 At bay. Alexander, Mrs A374.4 At fault. Smart, H S636.1 At her mercy. Payn, J Q345-I At his gates. Oliphant, M. O. W O475.2 At last. Harland, M H283.2 At last. Kingsley, C K553.2 At odds. Tautphceus, J. M. Freiherrin von T229.1 At the councillor's. Marlitt, E W817.10 At the gate of the fold. Fletcher, J. S F613.1 At the mercy of Tiberius. Wilson, A. J. E W746.1 At the north pole. Verne, J V531.6 At the world's mercy. Warden, F W265.1 At ye Grene Griffin. Holt, E. S H758.1 Atelier du L,ys. Roberts, M R646.1 Atheist's mass. 20 pp. Balzac, H. de in B198.16 Same in B198.34 Same B198.42 Atherton, G. F. Before the gringo came A868. i Los Cerritos A868.2 What dreams may come A868.3 Whirl asunder A868.4 Attach^, The. Haliburton, T. C H172.1 Attila. James, G. P. R J276.4 Attorney, The. Irving, J. T l723-i Aubert Dubayet. Gayarrd, C G285.1 AuER, A. von., {pseud. 0/ C von Cosel.) It is the fashion A917.1 AUERBACH, B. Aloys A918.1 The axe. 13 pp in Z767.1i Black forest village stories A918.2 AUERBACH, B. — Continued. Brigitta A918.3 Convicts and their children A918.4 The foresters A918.5 German tales A918.6 Joseph in the snow A918.7 Little barefoot A918.8 Issued also as The barefoot maiden. Lorely and Reinhard A918.9 Master Bieland and his workmen A918.10 On the heights. 2 vols A918.11 Poet and merchant ; a picture of the times of Moses Mendelssohn A918.12 Spinoza A918.13 Villa on the Rhine. 2 vols A918.14 Issued also as Villa Eden. Waldfried..... A918.15 Aulnay Tower. Howard, B. W H848.1 Aunt Anne. Cliflford, L. L C639.1 Aunt Ann's ghost story. 35 pp in T143.15 Aunt Diana. Carey, R. N C276.1 Aunt Johnnie. Winter, J. S W785.2 Aunt Serena. Howard, B. W H848.2 Aunt's stratagem. 74 pp. About, E. in A156.3 Aurelian. 2 vols. Ware, W W273.1 Aurifodina. Peck, G. W **Q366.i Auriol. Ain.sworth, W. H A297.1 Aurora. Tincker, M. A T587.1 Austen, J. Emma A933.1 Mansfield Park A933.2 Northanger Abbey in A933.5 Same. {Also) Persuasion A933.3 Persuasion in A933.3 Same in A933.7 Pride and prejudice A933.4 Same. {Also) Northanger Abbey A933.5 Sense and sensibility A933.6 Same, and. Persuasion A933.7 Austin, J. G. Betty Alden A936.1 David Alden's daughter, etc A936.3 Desmond hundred A936.4 Dr. LeBaron and his daughters : a story of the old colony A936.5 Mrs. Beauchamp Brown A936.7 Nameless nobleman A936.8 Nantucket scraps A936.9 Standish of Standish A936.12 Austin Elliott. Kingsley, H K555.1 Austin Friars. Riddell, C. E. L R543-I Author of Beltraffio. James, H., /r J277.3 Author's love. Balch, E... B174.1 Auld licht idyls. Barrie, J. M B275.1 Aurora Floyd. Braddon, M. E B798.2 Autobiography of a joint-stock company (limited). 66 pp z^ T143.11 AUTHORS AND TITLES. Automaton ear, and other sketches. Mc- Landburgh, F M159.1 Avatar. Gautier, T z« G277.5 AvELiNE, Alfred d' {pseud, of h. H. C. van Hasselt.) MenshikoflF, or, the peasant prince A948.1 Average woman, etc. Balestier, W B184.1 Averil. Carey, R. N C276.2 Awakening of Mary Fenwick. Whitby, B W579.1 Axel and Anna. 41 pp. Bremer, F...z« B836.2 Ayesha, the maid of Kars. Morier, J M855.3 Ayrshire legatees. Gait. J G179.1 Aytoun, W. E. Congress and the Agape- dome. 60 pp ?'« T143.8 Emerald studs. 66 pp in T143.3 Same in T143.3 = Glenmutchkin railway. 44 pp iti S885.8 Savie in T143.1 Same ?« T143.1 ' How I became a yeoman. 55 pp in T143.1 Same in T143.1 = How I stood for the Dreepdaily burghs. 79 PP in T143.2 Same /;/ T143.2 ^ How we got possession of the Tuileries. 89 PP /«Ti43.3 Same in T143.3 ' Norman Sinclair. 3 vols A990.1 Raid of Amaboll. 75 pp /;/ T143.8 Rapping the question : a tale of modem magic. 45 pp in T143.15 The surveyor's tale. 48 pp in T143.4 Same in T143.4 ' Azarian. SpofFord, H. P ...S762.2 AzEGLio, M.d'. Challenge of Barletta..A993. 1 Aztec treasure-house. Janvier, T. A J358.1 Babe, B. A. Benson, E- F B474.T Baboe Dalima. Perelaer, T. H Q437.I Baby Rue. Clay, CM C619.1 Baby's grandmother. Walford, L. B W174.1 Bachelor maid. Harrison, C. C H318.2 Bachelor of Salamanca. 2 vols. LeSage, A. R L622.2 Bachelor of the Albany. Savage, M. W.... S264.1 Bachelor's blunder. Norris. W. E N861.1 Bachelor's Christmas, and other stories. Grant, R G763.2 Bachelor's establishment. Balzac, H. de... B198.37S Bachelor's surrender B121.1 Bad lot. Cameron, E. S C182.1 Bad penny. Wheelright, J. T W566.2 Baffled conspirators. Norris, W. E N861.2 BagE, R. Man as he is not ^^6232.48 Bagpipers, The. Sand, G S213.2 Bailey, J. M. Mr. Phillips' goneness B154.1 Bailiff's maid. Marlitt, E W817.11 Bain, F. W. Dmitri : a romance of old Russia B162.1 Baker, W. M. (G. F. Harrington, pseud.) Blessed Saint Certainty B169.1 Colonel Dunwoddie, millionaire B169.2 Inside : a chronicle of secession B169.3 Making of a man B169.4 Mose Evans B169.5 New Timothy B169.6 Virginians in Texas B169.7 Balaam and his master, and other sketches, etc. Harris, J. C H314.1 Balch, E. An author's love ; being the unpublished letters of Prosper M^ri- m^e's ' Inconnue.' B174.1 Balcony stories. King, G K527.1 Balestier, W. Average woman, etc B184.1 Benefits forgot B184.2 —joint author. See Kipling, R. Balfour, C. L. Burnish family B185.1 Ball at Sceaux. Balzac, H. de z« Bi98.6= k Ball of snow. Dumas, A in D886.4 Balsam-seller of Thurotzer. Gore, C in G566.I 3 Balzac, H. de. Abbe Birotteau. Tr. by C. Bell in B198.32S Translated also as Vicar of Tours. Albert Savarus {also Paz and Madame Firmiani) Tr. by K. P. Wormeley...Bi98.i The Alkahest ; or. The of Claes. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B19S.2 Translated also as Quest of the Absolute. Atheist's mass. Tr. by W. Wilson and Count Stenbock in B198.34 Same. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley in B 198. 16 Same, and other stories. Tr. by C. Bell. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198.42 Contents : Atheist's mass. Honorine. Colonel Chabert. Commission in lunacy. Pierre Grassou. Bachelor's establishment. Tr. by C. Bell. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198.37S Translated also as Two brothers. Beatrix. Tr. by J. Waring. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198.3S Same. Tr. by K. P. Wormele}' B198.3 8 ENGLISH FICTION. Balzac, H. n%.— Continued. Brotherhood of Consolation. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.4 Bureaucracy. Tr. by K.P. Wormeley... B198. 5 Cat and battledore, and other tales. Tr. by P. Kent. 3 vols. (vols. 2-3 only)... Bi98.6k Contents: The purse. The ball at Sceaux. Madame Firmianl. A double fainily. Catherine de' Medici. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.7 C^sar Birotteau. Tr. by E. Marriage. Ed. by G. Saintsbur>' B198.8S Same. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.8 The Chouans. Tr. by E. Marriage. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198.9S Same. Tr. by G. Saintsbury 6198.9! Same. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.9 Countr}' doctor. Tr. by E. Marriage. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198.10S Same. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.10 Country parson. Tr. by E. Marriage. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198.40S Translated also as Village rector. Cousin Bette. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley... B198.11 Cousin Pons, Tr. by K. P. Wormeley. .B198. 12 A Cretin village ; A Breton town in 7j'ji>i.\ ' Daughter of Eve. Tr. by K. P. Worme- ley B198.13 Deputy of Arcis. Tr. by K. P. Worme- ley B198.43 Duchesse de Langeais ; with, An episode under the Terror ; Illustrious Gaudis- sart ; A passion in the desert ; {and^ The hidden masterpiece. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.14 Eugenie Grandet. Tr. by E. Marriage. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198.15S Same. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.15 Fame and sorrow ; with, Colonel Cha- bert ; Atheist's mass ; La Grande Bre- teche ; The purse ; La Grenadi^re. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.16 Ferragus, chief of the D^vorants. {Also) Last incarnation of Vautrin. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.17 Gallery of antiquities. {Also) An old maid. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.18 Gobseck. {Also Secrets of the Prin- cesse de Cadignan ; Unconscious comedians ; Another study of woman ; Comedies played gratis.) B198.19 Balzac, H. de. — Continued. La Grande Breteche, and other stories. Tr. by C. Bell B198.44 Contents; A study of woman. Another study of woman. La Grande Breteche. Peace in the house. Imaginary mistress. Albert Savarus. Great man of the provinces in Paris. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.20 An historical mystery. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.21 Juana. {Also Adieu ; Drama on the sea- shore ; Red Inn ; The Recruit ; El Verdugo ; Elixir of life ; Hated son ; Maitre Cornelius.) Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.41 Last incarnation of Vautrin iti 8198.17 Lesser bourgeoisie. Tr. by K. P. Worme- ley B198.22 Lily of the valley. Tr. by K. P. Worme- ley B198.23 Lost illusions. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley... B198.24 Louis Lambert. {Also Facino Cane and Gambara). Tr. by K. P. Wormeley... B198.25 Lucieu de Rubempr^. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.26 Magic .skin. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley... B198. 27 Translated also as Wild ass's skin. Marriage contract. {Also A double life ; Peace of a home.) Tr. by K. P. Worme- ley B198.28 Memoirs of two young married women. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.29 Modeste Mignon. Tr. by C. Bell. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198.30S Same. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.30 Old Goriot. Tr. by E. Marriage. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198.31S Translated also as P^re Goriot. An oldmaid in B198.18 The peasantry. Tr. by E. Marriage. Ed. by G. Saintsburj' B198.35S Translated also as Sons of the soil. Pete Goriot. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley... B198.31 Translated also as Old Goriot. Pierrette, and. The Abb6 Birotteau. Tr. by C. Bell. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198.32S Same. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B19S.32 Quest of the absolute. Tr. by E. Mar- riage. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198.2S Translated also as The Alkahest. AUTHORS AND TITLES. Balzac, H. de. — Continued. Seraphita. {Also), }es\\s Christ in Flan- ders {and) The exiles. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley B198.33 Shorter stories. Tr. by W. Wilson and Count Stenbock B198.34 Contents : Dou Juan. Christ in Klanders. In the time of the terror. iMadaine de Dey's last reception {La reqiiisitionnaire). A passion in the desert. I,ost by a laugh. Gold (Facino Cane). Doomed to live [El Vefdugo). An accursed house {La grande Breleche). The atheist's mass, a tragedy %y the sea. Sons of the soil. Tr. by K. P. Worme- ley ^198-35 Translated also as The peasantry. Start in life, etc. Tr. by K. P. Worme- ley B198.36 Two brothers. Tr. by K. P. Wormele}-... B198.37 Translated also as Bachelor's establishment. Ursula. Tr. byK. P. Wormeley B198.38 Ursule Mirouet. Tr. by C. Bell. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198.38S Translated also as Ursula. Vicar of Tours in B198.32 Translated also as Abbe Birotteau. Village rector. Tr. by K. P. Worme- ley B198.40 Translated also as Country Parson. Wild ass's skin. Tr. by E. Marriage. Ed. by G. Saintsbury B198.27S Translated also as Magic skin. BandeliER, a. F. Delight makers B214.1 Bangs, J. K. Rebellious heroine B216.3 Water ghost and others B216.4 — rtwcf Sherman, F. D. [Zzco wags.'\ New waggings of old tales B216.1 Banim, J. Boyne water B217.1 The denounced ; or, The last baron of Crana. Also, The conformists B217.2 Peter of the castle; and, The fetches B217.3 Rival dreamers in S885.4 — and M. Clough Fionn ; or, the stone of destiny in B217.5 Crohoore of the bill-hook 7';/ B217.6 Ghost-hunter and his family. {Also) Clough Fionn ; or, the stone of des- tiny B217.5 Peep o' day ; and, Crohoore of the bill- hook B217.6 Banim, M. The croppy B218.1 Father Connell ; a tale B218.2 Mayor of Wind-gap. Also, Canvassing. Banim, M.— Continued. (originally written by Miss Martin and ed. by J. Banim) B218.3 —joint author. See Banim, J. Banished, The. Morier, J M855.4 Banned and blessed. Werner, E W817.32 Banshee, The in S885.4 Bar Harbor tales. Harrison, C. H318.11 Barabbas. Corelli, M C797.3 Barbara. Braddon. M. E B798.3 Barbara Allan. Cleland, R C624.1 Barbara Bering. Rives, A R623.1 Barbara Heathcote's trial. Carey, R. N. C276.4 Barbara's history. Edwards, A. B E261.1 Barbauld, a. L., ed. The British novelists 50 vols **B232.i-50 Contents: — vols. 1-8. Richardson, S: Clarissa; or, the history of a young lady. 9-15. Richardson, S: History of Sir Charles Grandison. i6-ir. De Foe, D. The life and surprising ad- ventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, mar- iner. 18. Fielding, H: History of the adventures of Joseph Andrews and his friend Mr. Abraham Adams. 19-21. Fielding, H: The history of Tom Jones, a foundling. 22. Reeve, C. The old English baron: a Gothic story.— Walpole, H., 4. Earl of Orford. The castle of Otranto: a Gothic story. 23. Coventry, F. History of Pompey the little; or, the life . . . of a lap dog.— Goldsmith, O. The vicer of Wakefield. 24-5. I^ennox, C. R. The female Quixote; or, the fortunes of Arabella. 26. Johnson, S: History of Rasselas, prince of Abissinia.— Hawkesvrorth, J: Almoran and Hamet: an oriental tale. 27. Brooke, F. M. The history of Lady Julia Mandeville.— Inchbald, E. S. Nature and art. 28. Inchbald, E. S. A simple story. 29. Mackenzie, H. The man of feeling. {And) Julia de Roubignfe. 30-1. Smollett, T. The expedition of Humphry Clinker. 32-3. Graves, R: The spiritual Quixote; or, the summer's ramble of Mr. Geoffry Wildgoose. 34-=. Moore, J: Zeluco. 36-7. Smith, C. T. The old manor house. 38-9. Burney, F. Evelina; or, history of a young lady's introd. to the world. 40-2. Burney, K. Cecelia; or, the memoirs of an heiress. 43-4. Radclifft , A. W. Romance of the forest. Interspersed with some pieces of poetry. 45-7. Radcliffe, A. W. The mysteries of Udol- pho. Interspersed with some pieces of poetry. 48. Bage, R. Man as h^fs.not;or, Hermsprong. 49-50. Edgeworth, M. 'Belinda;— The modern Griselda. lO ENGLISH FICTION. Barchester Towers. Trollope, A T846.1 BardeEN, C. W. Roderick Hume B245.1 BARING-G0UI.D, S. See Gould, S. Baring. Barker's luck, and other stories. Harte, B H327.40 Barlow, J. Irish idylls B258.3 Kerrigan's quality B258.5 Lost recruit ifi S885.4 Maureen's fairing, etc B258.7 Mrs. Martin's company, and other stories B258.8 Strangers at Lisconnel B258.9 Barnaby Rudge. Dickens, C D548.1 Same in D548.2 Same in D548. 3 Same in D548.4 Barnard, C. (J. Kingsford, pseud.) The soprano: a musical storj^ B259.1 Barney Bradley. Carleton, W in C281.7 Barney Branagan. Carleton, W in C281.3 Baron Miinchausen, Adventures of. Raspe, R. E **R226.i Baron of Hertz. Labadye, A. de L112.1 Barque Future. Lie, J L716.1 Barr, a. E. Beads of Tasmer B268.2 Bernicia B268.3 Border shepherdess: a romance of Esk- dale B268.4 Bow of orange ribbon. A romance of New York B268.5 Christopher, and other stories B268.6 Daughter of Fife B268.8 Feet of clay B268.10 Jan Vedder's wife B268.12 Knight of the nets B268.14 Last of the Macallisters B268.15 Lone house B268.16 Master of his fate B268.17 Paul and Christina B268.18 Prisoners of conscience B268.23 Remember the Alamo B268.19 Rose with a hundred leaves B268.20 Singer from the sea B268.22 Squire of Sandal-Side B268.21 Barr, R. In the midst of alarms B269.1 A woman intervenes B269.2 Barren honour. Lawrence, G. A L421.2 Barrie, J. M. Auld licht idyls B275.1 Better dead. — My Lady Nicotine B275.2 Courting of T'nowhead's Bell. 30 pp. in S885.8 Inconsiderate waiter. 21 pp z« S885.6 Is it a man ? in S887.1 Little minister B275.5 Barrie, J. M. — Continued. My lady Nicotine B275.7 Same in B275.2 Sentimental Tommy B275.8 When a man's single B275.9 Window in Thrums B275.10 Barriers burned away. Roe, E. P R699.1 Barrili, a. G. Eleventh commandment B276.1 Whimsical wooing B276.2 Barrington. Lever, C L658.2 Barrington's fate. Hunt, M. R H942.1 Barry, Rev. Dr. — New Antigone B280.1 Barry Lyndon. Thackeray, W. T363.10 Same T363.14 Same T363.15 Barter, K. My trivial life and misfor- tunes B283. 1 BarTLETT, T. Heart stories B291.1 BarTOL, M. Honor May B292.1 Barton experiment. Habberton, J H113.1 Basil, pseud. See King, R. A. Basil. Collins, W C713.5 Bastonnais, The. Lesperance, J L637.1 Bates, a. Albrecht B329.1 Book o' nine tales B329.2 A lad's love B329.4 The pagans B329. 6 Patty's perversities B329.7 The Philistines B329.8 Wheel of fire B329.10 Bates's tour (personally conducted) 37 pp. 7«Ti43.i3 Battle of Dryffe Sands in W750.8 Battle of the Moy; or, how Ireland gained her independence, 1892-1894 B336.1 Battle summer. Harland, M /;/ H283.5 Battlement and tower. Rhoscomyl, O....R478.1 Bauer, K. See Detlef, K., pseud Bay-path. Holland, J. G H735.2 BaylE, a. Thalia B358.1 Bayly, A. E. See Lyall, IS,., pseud. Baylor, F. C. Claudia Hyde B359. i On both sides B359.2 Beaconsfield, Earl of. See Disraeli, B. Beads of Tasmer. Barr, A, E B268.2 Beatrice. Haggard, H. R H146.2 Beatrice. Kavanagh, J K212.2 Beatrice Boville, and other stories. Ouida. O934.2 Beatrice Cenci. Guerrazzi, F. D G934.1 Beatrice of Bayou Teche. Jones, A. I J767.1 Beatrix. Balzac, H. de B198.3 Beau Nash. Ainsworth, W. H A297.2 AUTHORS AND TITI.ES. ir Beauchamp. James, G. P. R J276.5 Beauchampe, Siinms, W. G S592.1 Beauchamp's career. Meredith, G M559.3 Beaumarcbais. Brachvogel, A. E B796.1 Bkaumont, F., arid Fletcher, J. Philas- ter: or, love lies bleeding. 24 pp in M875.1 ' Beaumont, M. Revenge of her race, in S885.7 BE.A.UREPAIRE, G. de. See Glouvet, J., pseud. Beautiful Jim. Winter, J. S W785.3 Beauty and the beast; and tales of home. Taylor, B T23S.1 Beauty draught. 42pp in T143.5 Same in T143.5 ' Beauty's daughters. Duchess D829.4 Beazley, S. The Oxonians: sequel to The rou^ B386.1 The roue B386.2 B^b^e. Ouida O934.3 Becke, L. and Jefferv, W. First Fleet family B 394.1 Beckett, Mrs. (— ) See Griffith, C. Beckford, W. Vathek: an Arabian tale. B396.1 Same in S892.14 Becquer, G. a. Maese Pdrez, the organ- ist in M690.1 Bede, C. {pseud. ofE.. Bradley.) Adven- tures of Mr. Verdant Green, an Oxford freshman B411.1 Issued also as The dude. Nearer and dearer B411.2 Bede's charity. Stretton, H S915.1 Beechcroft. Yonge, C. M Y555.2 Beecher, E. W. B. From dawn to day- light ; or, the simple story of a western home B414.1 Beecher, H. W. Norwood; or, village life in New England B415.1 Beers, H. A. Split zephyr; an attenuated yarn spun by the fates. 53pp in S884.8 Beethoven. Rau, H R239.1 Before the dawn. Dulac, G D878.1 Before the gringo came. Atherton, G. F. A868.1 Beggar on horseback. Payn, J Q345-2 Beggars all. Dougall, L D7311 Beginner, A. Broughton, R B877.1 Begum's daughter. Bynner, E. Iv B994.2 Behind closed doors. Green, A. K G795.1 Behind the arras. Neville, C. M N522.1 Behrens, B. See Heimburg, W., pseud.... Beleaguered city. Oliphant, M. O. W....O475.3 Belhaven tales. Harrison, C. C H3i8,4 Belinda. Edgeworth, M E235.26 Satne **B232. 49-50 Same. 2 vols in **E235.3-4 Beli,, a.., pseud. See Bronte, A Bell, Q., pseud. See Bronte, C Bell, E., pseud. See Bronte, E Bell, L. Under side of things B433.1 Bell, M. Roanoke of Roanoke Hall B434.1 Bell of St. Paul's. Besant, Sir W B554.6 Bell-ringer of Angel's, and other stories. Harte, B H327.2 Bellamy, C. J. Breton mills B436.1 Experiment in marriage B436.2 Bellamy, E. Dr. Heidenhoff's process. B437.1 Looking backward 2000 — 1887 B437.2 Lost. 2opp in S884.7 Miss Ludington's sister B437.3 Six to one B437.4 Belle of Australia. Thomes, W. H T465.1 Belles and ringers. Smart, H S636. 2 Bells of Botreaux: a legend. 48 pp in T143.7 Belot, a. Fedora; or, the tragedy in the Rue de la Paix B452.1 My good friend B452.3 Belteshazzar. Roe, E. R R700.1 Belton estate. Trollope, A T846.2 Ben Brace. Chamier, F C448.1 Benedict, F. L. John Worthington's name B463.2 Miss Van Kortland B463.4 My daughter Elinor B463.5 Price she paid B463.6 St. Simon's niece B463.7 Benefits forgot. Balestier, W B184.2 Ben-Hur. Wallace, L W191.1 Benjamin, P. End of New York. 60 pp... in S884.5 Ben-na-groich. 32 pp in T143.4 Sam^e in T143.4 • Bennett, E. Forest and prairie B471.1 Orphan ' s trials B47 1 . 3 Benson, E. F. The Babe, B. A B474.1 Bent, M. Chapter from an unknown life. 26 pp iti T143.24 Berber, The. Mayo, W. S M473.1 B^B.v.GV:,B.,V^., pseud. 5ne. (Also) The redskins C777.5 The crater. A tale of the Pacific C777.6 Same. (Also) Miles Wallingford C777.7 The deerslayer C777.8 Same. (Also) Last of the Mohicans.... C777.9 Eve Effingham; or, home. A sequel to "Homeward bound." C777.13 Issued also as Home as found. The headsman; or, the Abbaye des Vig- nerons C777.10 Same in C777.12 The Heidenmauer; or, the Benedictines. A legend of the Rhine C777.11 Same. (Also) The headsman C777.12 Home as found. Sequel to "Homeward bound." Q.']']'j.-i2) Same in C777.15 Issued also as Eve Effingham. Homeward bound; or, the chase C777.14 Same. (Also) Home as found C777.15 Jack Tier: or, the Florida reef. C777.16 Same iti C777.44 Issued also as Rose Budd. Last of the Mohicans; or, a narrative of 1757 C777.17 Same in C777.9 Leather stocking tales : The deerslayer C777.8 Last of the Mohicans C777.17 The pathfinder C777.25 The pioneers C777.28 The prairie C777.29 Lionel Lincoln; or, the leaguer of Boston. C777-I8 Same. (Also) The wept of Wish-Ton- Wish C777.19 Mercedes of Castile; or, the voyage to Cathay C777.20 Same in Cjyy.T, Miles Wallingford. Sequel to Afloat and ashore C777.7 Same in C777.21 Issued also as I,ucy Hardiuge. The monikins C77 7.22 Same in C777.46 The oak openings; or, the bee-hunter... C777.23 Cooper, J. F. — Continued. Same. {Also) Satanstoe C777.24 The pathfinder; or, the inland sea C777.25 The pilot C777.26 Same. {Also) Red Rover C777.27 The pioneers; or, the sources of the Sus- quehanna C777.28 The prairie C777.29 Precaution C777.30 Same. {Also) Ways of the hour.... C77 7.31 Red Rover C777.32 Same tn C777.27 The redskins; conclusion of the Little- page manuscripts C7 7 7 .33 Same in C777.5 Satanstoe; or, the Littlepage manu- scripts C777.34 Same ?« C777.24 Sea lions; or, the lost sealers ^777,35 Sajne. {Also) Afloat and ashore C777.36 The spy: a tale of the neutral ground... C777.37 Two admirals C777.38 Same in C777.41 The Water-witch C7 77.39 Same. {Also) Two admirals C777.41 Ways of the hour C777.40 Same in C777.31 Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish C777.42 Sa/ne in C777.19 Issued also as The borderers. Wing-and-Wing C777.43 Issued also as Jack-o'-Lantem. Same. {Also) Jack Tier C777.44 Wyandotte; or, the hutted knoll C777.45 Same. {Also) The monikins C777.46 Cooper, Mrs. K. S. See Saunders, K. Cooper, S. W. Three days ; a midsum- mer love-story C778.1 COPPEE, F. Barrel organ. 11 pp inRSsj.i Disillusion; or, the story of Amedde's youth C785.1 Ten tales C785.2 True riches C785.3 Copperhead, The. Frederic, H F852.1 Corbett, J. Fall of Asgard C796.3 For God and gold C790.4 Kophetua the Thirteenth C790.5 Cord and creese, DeMille, J D381.3 CORELLI, M. Ardath C797.1 Barabbas C797.3 Cameos C797.5 Hired baby. 32 pp in S885.6 Mighty atom C797.7 28 KNGIvISH FICTION. CoRELiyi, M. — Continued. My wonderful wife in C797.15 Romance of two worlds C797.9 Sorrows of Satan C797.11 Soul of I^ilith C797.12 Thelma C797.13 Vendetta. My wonderful wife C797.15 Wormwood C797.16 Corinne. Stael-Holstein, A. L. G. N. Barofine de S778. i Corinthia Marazion. Griffith, C G853.1 CORKRAN, A. Bessie Lang C799.1 Corse de Leon. James, G. P. R J276.10 Corsican brothers. Dumas, A f« D886.37 = CosEi/, C. von. See Auer, A. von, pseud. Cossacks, The. Tolstoi, Count L. N T654.3 CoSTEl/lyO, F. H. Master Ardick, buccan- eer C841.3 Cotes, S. J. D. American girl in I,ondon..C843.i Daughter of to-day C843.4 His honor, and a lady C843.8 Simple adventures of a memsahib C843.14 Social departure: how Orthodocia and I went round the world by ourselves..C843.i6 Vernon's aunt C843.20 Cottar's daughter, The in W750.S CoTTiN, S. R. Elizabeth; or, the exiles of Siberia m S892.14 Matilda, princess of England. A romance of the crusades. 2 vols C848.1 The Saracen, a crusade romance. 4 vols. (in 2) **C848.2 Couch, A. T. Q. (Q, pseud.) Delectable duchy C853.3 la: a love story C853.5 The omnibus. 9 pp in S885.6 Splendid spur: adventures of Mr. John Marvel, a servant of his late majesty. King Charles L, in 1642-3 C853.S Wandering heath C853.10 COULSON, G. J. A. Clifton picture C855.1 Counsel of perfection. Malet, I, M247.2 Count Hugo of Craenhove. Conscience, H. C755-I Same in C755.8 Count Kostia. Cherbuliez, V C521.1 Count Ivucanor. Juan Manuel, Prince J912.1 Count Mirabeau. Mundt, T M965.1 Count of Monte-Cristo. Dumas, A D886.15 Count Robert of Paris. Scott, Sir W... S431.17 Same **S43i-i9 Count Ulrich. Kingston, W. H. G K558.1 Counterparts. Sheppard, E. S S549.2 Countess de Charny. Dumas, A D886.12 Countess Erika's apprenticeship. Schubin, O W817.25 Countess Eve. Shorthouse, J. H S559.2 Countess Gisela. Marlitt, E W817.12 Countess Irene. Fogerty, J F654.1 Countess Doreley. Menger, R M544.1 Countess Muta. Montague, C. H M759.1 Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. Sidney, SirV S569.1 Countess of Rudolstadt. Sand, G S213.5 Countess Radna. Norris, W. E N861.4 Country by-ways. Jewett, S. O J593-3 Country doctor. Balzac, H. de B198.10 Country doctor. Jewett, S. O J5934 Country gentleman. Oliphant, M. O. W. 0475-7 Country in danger. (1792.) Erckmanu, E., a«(/ Chatrian, A E654.7 Same in E654.17 Country luck. Habberton, J H113.3 Country of the pointed firs. Jewett, S. O. J593-I9 Country parson. Balzac, H. de B198.40S Country quarters. Blessington, Countess of . B648.1 CouPERUS, D. Ecstacy C857.1 Eline Vere C857.2 Footsteps of fate C857.3 Coupon bonds, etc. Trowbridge, J. T T863.1 Course of true love never did run smooth. Reade, C R285.7 Same R285.8 Court of Charles IV. Perez Galdos, B... Q438.2 Court of Rath Croghan. O'Byrne, M. IV..O138.1 Court Royal. Braddon, M. E B798.7 Court Royal. Gould, S. B- G698.3 Courting and farming. Smith, J. P S653.3 Courting of Dinah Shadd, and other stories. Kipling, R ^575.2 Courtship in 1720. Smart, H S636.4 Courtship in i860. Smart, H 7« S636.4 Courtship of Morrice Buckler. Mason, A. E. W M398.3 Cousin Bette. Balzac, H. de Cousin GeoflFry. Hook, T H781.1 Cousin John's property. 58 pp in T143.13 Cousin Marshall. Martineau, H in **M385.7 Cousin Maud. Holmes, M.J H751.5 Cousin Mona. Carey, R. N C276.8 Cousin Pons. Balzac, H. de B198.12 Cousin William. Hook, T H781.2 Cousins. Walford, D. B W174.2 Coventry, F. Pompey the little **B232.23 Same in **N938.i9 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 29 Cowi^ES, M. L. Redbauk C875.1 Co\vi.EY, H. The belle's stratagem. 27 pp. i?i M875.1 ' CowpiCR, F. Christmas eve on a haunted hulk. 34 pp in T143.24 Craddock, C. E. {pseud, of M. N. Mur- free.) Despot of Broomsedge Cove.. C884.3 His vanished star C884.5 In the clouds C8S4.6 In the "stranger people's" country C884.7 In the Tennessee mountains C884.8 Mystery of Witch-face mountain C884.10 Phantom of the foot-bridge C884.13 Prophet of the Great Smoky mountains. C8S4.14 Where the battle was fought C884.16 Cradock Nowell. Blackmore, R. D B629.5 Craigie, Mrs. P. W. See Hobbes, J. O., pseud. Crake, A. D. Alfgar the Dane: a tale of the days of Edmund Ironside C888.1 The Andreds- weald: a tale of the Nor- man conquest C888. 2 Brian Fitz-Count C888.3 Camp on the Severn: a tale of the tenth persecution in Britain C888.4 Doomed cit}': a tale of the Anglo-Saxon conquest of Britain and the mission of Augustine C888,5 Edwy the fair: a tale of the days of Saint Dunstan C888.6 Fairleigh Hall : a tale of Oxfordshire during the great rebellion C888.7 Last abbot of Glastonbury C888.8 The victor's laurel : a tale of school-life during the tenth persecution in Italy... C888.10 Crane, A. M. See Seemiiller, A. M. Crane, S. George's mother C891.1 Little regiment, and other episodes of the American civil war C891.4 Maggie: a girl of the streets CS91.2 Red badge of courage C891.3 Cranford. Gaskell, E. C G248.1 Crater, The. Cooper, J. F C777.6 Same C777.7 Craven, Mnie. A. See Craven, P. de la F. Craven, P. de i548-5 Same. (Also) A child's history of Eng- land D548.6 Christmas books D548.7 Saitie (with additional story). {Also) Pictures from Italy and American notes D548.13 Christmas stories D548.53 Same, (another collection) 7«D548.29 = David Copperfield D548.14 Dombey and son D548.16 Same. {Also) Uncommercial traveller... D548.17 Edwin Drood D548.28 Sajne in D548.50 Same, and other stories D548.29 Same. {Also) Reprinted pieces. {And) Christmas stories D548.29 ^ George Silverman's explanation. 29 pp... i7i D548.29 = Great expectations D548.19 Same in D548.38 Same, and. Hard times D548.21 Same. {Also) Pictures from Italy. A7td American notes D548.20 Hard times in D548.2 Same in D548.2 ^ Same in D548.4 Same in D548.21 Holidaj- romance in D548.29 = Little Dorrit D548.22 Same. {Also) Oliver Twist D548.23 34 ENGLISH FICTION. Dickens, C. — Continued. Martin Chuzzlewit D548.24 Same. {Also) American notes, and Pic- tures from Italy D548.25 Master Humphrey's clock D548.26 Same in D548.29 Same in D548.29 ^ Same in D548.33 Mudfog papers D548.27 Nicholas Nickleby D548.30 Same. (Also) Old curiosity shop D548.31 Old curiosity shop i7i D548.31 Same. (Also) Master Humphrey's clock. D548.33 Same. (Also) Reprinted pieces D548.35 Oliver Twist in D548.23 Same D548.37 Same, f^^/^c^ Great expectations D548.38 Satne. (Also) Uncommercial traveller. D548. 39 Our mutual friend D548.40 Pickwick papers D548.42 Sajne. (Also) Sketches by Boz D548.44 Pictures from Italy in D548.13 Same in D548.20 Same in D548.25 Readings condensed by himself. D548.45 Reprinted pieces in D548.29 ^ Same in D548.35 Same in D548.35 - Same. (Also) Lazy tour of two idle ap- prentices D548.46 Sketches by Boz in D548.44 Same D548.47 Same. (Also) Tale of two cities D548.48 Same. Pt. 2 iri D548.3 Tale of two cities in D548.4 Same in D548.48 Sa7ne D548.49 Same. (Also) Edwin Drood D548.50 Uncommercial traveller in D548.17 Same in D548.39 Same D548.51 Same, and additional Christmas stories. D548.52 Same. (Also) Child's history of England. D548.54 Pierce, G. A. and Wheeler, W. A. The Dickens dictionary D548.55 Dickens, M. A. Mist of error D549.1 Dickory Cronke. Defoe, D z« D314.4 Dictator, The. McCarthy, J M122.1 Did she love him? Grant, J G761.13 DiEHl,, A. M. Dr. Paull's theory D560.1 Digby Grand. Melville, G. J. W- M530.8 Same **M53o.9 DiLLWYN, E. A. Jill and Jack D580.1 Dimitri Roudine. Turg^nieff, I. S T936.3 DiNGELSTEDT, F. Freiherr von. The amazon D584.1 Dinna forget. Winter, J. S W785.5 Diothas, The. Thiusen, I T449.1 Diplomat's diary. Gordan, J G663.1 Disillusion. Coppee, F C785.1 Disk, The. Robinson, E. A., and Wall, G. A R658.1 Disowned, The. Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bul- wer- 1,998.6 Disraeli, B. Earl of Beaconsfield. Alroy ; (Also) Ixion in heaven ; The infernal marriage; (and) Popanilla D613.1 Contarini Fleming. 2 vols **D6i3.3 Same. (Also) Rise of Iskander D613.4 ' Coningsby; or, the new generation D6i3,2 Endymion D613.5 Henrietta Temple D613.7 Ixion in heaven ifi D613.1 Infernal marriage in D613.1 Lothair D613.8 Popanilla in D613.1 Rise of Iskander in D613.4 Sybil; or, the two nations D613.10 Same. (Also) Venetia D613.11 Tancred; or, the new crusade D613.12 Venetia in D613.11 Same D613.13 Vivian Gray D613.14 The young duke D613.16 Same. (Also) Count Alarcos D613.15 Disturbing element. Yonge, C. M Y555.9 Dita. Majendie, Lady M M233.1 Divided lives. Fawcett, E F278.5 Dixon, E. H. Story of a modern woman... D619.1 Dixon, J. Broken columns D620.1 Dixon, W. H. Diana, Lady Lyle. 3 vols... D621.1 Ruby Grey. 3 vols D621.2 Djambek the Georgian. Suttner, A. G. von S967.1 Dmitri. Bain, F. W B162.1 Doctor Breen's practice. Howells, W. D... H859.11 Dr. Caldwell. Roe, E. R R700.2 Doctor Claudius. Crawford, F. M C899.6 Doctor Congalton's legacy. Johnston, H... J725-I Dr. Faustus in R794.1 ' AUTHORS AND TITLES. 35 Dr. Goethe's courtship. Miiller, O M959.2 Doctor Grimshawe's secret. Hawthorne, N H399.1 Dr. Heidenhoff's process. Bellamy, E...B437.1 Doctor Hildreth. White, A. L W582.1 Doctor Huguet. Boisgilbert, E B683.2 Doctor Jacob. Edwards, M. B- E267.1 Dr. Janet of Harley street. Kenealy, A... K334.1 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Strange case of. Stevenson, R. L /« S848.7 Same S848.11 Doctor Johns. 2 vols. Mitchell, D. G....M679.1 Dr. LeBaron and his daughters. Austin, J. G A936.5 Dr. Paull's theory. Diehl, A. M D560.1 Dr. Rameau. Ohnet, G O383.2 Dr. Sevier. Cable, G. W C115.3 Doctor Thorne. Trollope, A T846.7 Doctor Vandyke. Cooke, J. E C772.3 Dr. Wainwright's patient. Yates, E Y317.3 Doctor Warrick's daughters. Davis, 3lrs, R. H D263.1 Doctor Zay. Phelps, E. S Q539-2 Doctor's family. Oliphant, M. O. W in 0475-51 Doctor's wife. Braddon, M. E B798.12 DoDD, A. B. Glorinda , D639.1 DoDD, W. The sisters in **N938.5 Dodd family abroad. 2 vols. Lever, C L658. 10 Dodge, M. A. See Hamilton, G., pseud. Dodge, M. M. Theophilus and others....D645.i Dodge Club. De Mille, J D381.5 DoDGSON, Rev. C. Iv. See Carroll, L,., pseud. Doe, C. H. Buffets D649.1 Dog fiend. Marryat, Ca/^". F M362.2 Doing and dreaming. Garrett, E G239.5 Doings of Raffles Haw. Doyle, A. C D754.5 Dole, N. H. Not angels quite D663.3 On the point D663.4 Dollars and cents. Warner, A. B W279.1 Dollie and the two Smiths. 35 pp in T143.12 Dolliver romance. Hawthorne, N H399.3 Same in H399.3 ^ Same, and other pieces H399.2 Dolly dialogues. Hope, A H791.10 Dolores. Forrester, Mrs F730.3 Dombey & Son. Dickens, C D548.16 Same D548.17 Don Braulio. Valera, J V162.2 Don Gesualdo. Ouida /« O934.10 Don John. Ingelow, J I464.1 Don Orsino. Crawford, F. M C899.7 Don Quixote. Cervantes Saavedra, M. de C419.1 Same **N938.8 Same. 2 vols C419.2 Don Quixote, Continuation of. Fernandez de Avellaneda, A in **N938.i6 Dona Luz. Valera, J V162.3 Doiia Perfecta. Perez Galdos, B Q438.1 Donal Grant. Mac Donald, G M135.5 Donald Marcy. Phelps, E. S Q539-3 Donald Ross of Heimra. Black, W B627.4 Donaldson, P., joint editor. See Ridgely, J. L. Donnelly, I. See Boisgilbert, E., pseud. DoNNET, L,. Notary's daughter D686.1 Donovan. Lyall, E L98r.4 Doomed city. Crake, A. D C888.5 Dora Deane. Holmes, M.J H751.8 DORAN, J. Zanthon D693.1 Doreen, the story of a singer. Lyall, E..L981.5 Dorothea; or, a ray of the new light. 3 vols. **D7i5.i Dorothy, and other Italian stories. Wool- son, C. F W^9i6.3 Dorothy Forster. Besant, Sir W B554.11 Dorothy Fox. Parr, L Q258.5 Dorothy's vocation. Green, E. E G796.2 DoRRiNGTON, ~E., pseud. (?) English hermit. in **N938. 2 1 DORSEY, A. H. Oriental pearl; or, the Catholic emigrants D718.2 DoSTOYEVSKY, F. M. Crime and punish- ment D724.1 Poor folk D724.2 Double family. Balzac, H. de /« B198.63 k Double life. 97 pp. Balzac, H. de...z« B198.28 Double wedding. Warfield, C. A W274.2 DoUBLEDAY, T. The murderer's last night. 22 pp /«Ti43.4 Same in T143.4 • Doubleday's children. Cook, D C771.1 DouGALL, L. Beggars all D731.1 The mermaid D731.2 What necessity knows D731.3 Douglas, A. M. Claudia D734.3 Floyd Grandon's honor D734.5 Foes of her household D734.6 Fortunes of the Faradays D734.7 From hand to mouth D734.8 Heirs of Bradley house D734.10 Home nook D734.11 Hope mills D734.12 In the king's country D734.13 In trust D734.14 36 ENGLISH FICTION. Douglas, A. M. — Continued. Lost in a great city D734.16 Lyndell Sherburne D734.18 Mistress of Sherburne D734.35 Modern Adam and Eve in a garden... D7 34. 19 Nelly Kinnard's kingdom D734.20 Old woman who lived in a shoe D734.21 Issued also as There's no place like home. Osborne of Arrochar 0734,22 Out of the wreck D734.23 Seven daughters D734.24 Sherburne cousins D734.25 Sherburne house D734.26 Sherburne romance D734.27 Stephen Dane D734.28 Sydnie Adriance D734.29 Whom Kathie married D734.32 Woman's inheritance D734.34 Douglas, E., pseud. See Burnham, C. L. Douglas M. [pseud, of A.. D. G. Robinson). Peter and Polly D735.1 Douglas, R. K. Chinese girl graduate. in S885.7 A matrimonial fraud ; adapted from a chapter of a Chinese novel. 31 PP...T143.19 The twins in T143.22 Within his danger : a tale from the Chinese. 51 pp in T143.20 Douglas Duane. Fawcett, E in H398.18 Douglas, Mrs. R. D. Romance at the anti- podes D737.1 Dove in the eagle's nest. Yonge, C. M...Y555.10 Down-easters. Neal, J **N34i.i Downward path. Gaboriau, E G116.4 Doyle, A. C. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes D754.1 Case of identity in D754.21 Captain of the Polestar, and other tales. D754.3 Doings of Raffles Haw D754-5 Exploits of Brigadier Gerard D754.7 Firm of Girdlestone D754.8 Great shadow D754.9 Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes D754.11 Micah Clarke D754.12 My friend the murderer D754.13 Mystery of Sasassa Valley in S885.1 The parasite D754.15 Raffles Haw. [Also) A study in scarlet D754.16 The refugees D754.17 Rodney Stone D754.19 Round the red lamp D754.18 Scandal in Bohemia 7«D754.2i Sherlock Holmes, Adventures of D 754.1 Doyle, A. C. — Continued. Same, Memoirs of D754.11 Sign of the four D754.20 Same. {Also) Scandal in Bohemia. (And) Case of identity D754.21 Stark Munro letters D754.22 Study in scarlet in D754.16 White company D754.25 Drachmann, H. Paul and Virginia of a northern zone D757.1 Dragon's teeth. Queiros, E. de Q993.I Drake, J, In old St. Stephen's D761.1 Metropolitans D761.4 Drama in Dutch. Z., Z Ziii.i Drama of the seashore. 27 pp. Balzac, H. de ifi B198.34 Savte in B198.41 Drayton. Shreve, T, H S561.1 Dra5d;ons and Davenants. Charles, E. R. C476.7 Dream and a forgetting. Hawthorne, J... H398.5 Dream-Charlotte. Edwards, M. B- E267.2 Dream life. Mitchell, D. G M679.2 Dream life and real life. Schreiner, O...S378.1 Dream of John Ball. Morris, W M877.4 Dreamer, A. Wylde, K W982.1 Dreamer of dreams. Nicholson, J. S N627.1 Dreams. Schreiner, O S378.2 Dred. Stowe, H. B S892.2 Drew, C. Lutaniste of St. Jacobi's D776.1 Drey, S. Lights and shadows of the soul D778.1 Drift from Redwood Camp. 43 pp. Harte, B in H327.27 Drift from two shores. Harte, B H327.11 Drift-wood. Longfellow, H. W in L853.1 Droz, G. Around a spring D793.1 DrysdalE, W. Princess of Montserrat... D808.1 Dubois, C. Madame Agnes D813.1 Du BoiSGOBEY, F. Condemned door D816.1 Lost casket D816.2 Issued also as The severed hand. Sealed lips D816.4 Severed hand D816.2 Issued also as The lost casket. Du Bois-Melly, C. History of Nicolas Muss : an episode of the massacre of St. Bartholomew D814.1 Du Chaillu, p. B. Ivar the viking D826.5 Duchess, {pseud, of M. Hungerford). Airy fairy Lilian D829.1 Beauty's daughters D829.4 Born coquette D829.5 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 37 Duchess. — Continued. Faith and unfaith D829.7 Lady Branksmere DS29.9 Little Irish girl (and other stories).... 0829,10 Loys, Lord Berresford, and other tales... D829.11 Mrs. Geoffrey D829.12 Molly Bawn D829.13 Phyllis D829.15 Portia D829.16 Three Graces D829.18 Duchess Frances. 2 vols. T3-tler, S T997.3 Duchess of Powysland. Allen, G A425.4 Duchess of Rosemar}^ Lane. Farjeon, B. L F229.2 Duchesse de Langeais. Balzac, H. de... B198.14 DuDEVANT, iMme. A. L. A. D. See Sand, G., pseud. Duellists, The : a tale of the "Thirty years' war." 28 pp in T143.5 Same in T143.5 ^ Duffels. Eggleston, E E294.2 Duke of Albany's Own Highlanders. Grant, J G761.14 Duke of Monmouth. GriflSn, G G851.3 Duke's dilemma. 52 pp in T143.2 Same in T143.2 = Duke's motto. 96 pp. Feval, P **F428.i Dukesborough tales. Johnston, R. M.....J733.3 DuivAC, G. Before the dawn : a story of Paris and the Jacquerie D878.1 Dulcie Carlyon. Grant, J G761.15 Dumaresq's daughter. Allen, G A425.5 Dumas, A. D. Ange Pitou. 2 vols. Sequel to Queen's necklace D886.2 Issued also as Six years later; Taking the Bastile. For continuation see Comtesse de Charny. Ascanio. 2 vols D886.3 Ball of snow D886.4 Black: the story of a dog D886.6 Black tulip D886.7 Bragelonne, the son of Athos; or, "ten years later." Being the conclusion of "Twenty years after." D886.43 Same. 6 vols D886.44 Issued also as Vicomte de Bragelonne. Sometimes published in three parts as Brage- lonne, The iron mask, Louise La Valli^re. Chevalier d'Harmental D886.8 Issued also as The conspirators. For con- tinuation see The regent's daughter. Chevalier de Maison Rouge : a tale of the reign of terror. Sequel to "Com- tesse de Charny." D886.9 Dumas, a. D. — Continned. Chicot, the jester. Sequel to "Mar- guerite de Valois." D886.16 Issued also as La dame de Monsoreau ; Diana of Meridor. For continuation see The fortv-five. Companions of Jehu. 2 vols D886.11 Issued also as Roland Montreval. For con- tinuation see The whites and the blues. Comtesse de Charny. Sequel to Ange Pitou. 4 vols D886.12 Issued also as Countess de Charny. For continuation see Chevalier de Maison-Rouge. The conscript. (Conscience V innocent.)... D886.13 The conspirators; or, the chevalier d'Har- mental D886,8 Issued also as Chevalier d'Harmental. For contitiuation see The regent's daughter. Corsican brothers in D886.37 ^ Count of Monte-Cristo D886.15 Countess de Charny. Sequel to Ange Pitou D886.12 Issued also as Comtesse de Charny. For continuation see Chevalier de Maison Rouge. Dame de Monsoreau. Sequel to Mar- guerite de Valois. 2 vols D886.16 Issued also as Chicot the jester ; Diana of Meridor. For continuation see The forty- five. D'Artagnan romances. 3 pts. 1. Three musketeers. 2 vols D886.39 2. Tvrenty years after. 2 vols D886.40 3. Vicomte de Bragelonne. 6 vols D886.44 The forty-five. Sequel to La dame de Monsoreau. 2 vols D886,i9 Issued also as The forty-five guardsmen. Half brothers D886.20 Issued also as The Iron hand. Ingenue D886.21 The iron mask D886.22 Pt. 2 of Vicomte de Bragelonne. Isabel of Bavaria D886.23 Joseph Balsamo D886.30 = Pt. J of Memoirs of a physician. Love and liberty: a narrative of the French revolution of 1792 D886.27 Margaret de Valois D886.29 Issued also as Margaret of Navarre; La Reine Margot. For continuation see Chicot the jester. Marie Antoinette romances. 5 pts. 1. Memoirs of a physician. 3 vols D886.30 2. Queen's necklace. vols D886.35 3. Ange Pitou. 2 vols D886.2 4. Comtesse de Charny. 4 vols D886.12 5. Chevalier de Maison-Rouge D886.9 Memoirs of a physician D886.30 The two parts of this romance are sometimes pub- lished separately as Joseph Balsamo and Andr6e de Taverney. .'r^^^^ ? /?AT..lf% 38 ENGLISH FICTION. Dumas, A. D. — Counihiiied. Memoirs of a physician ser. See Marie Antoinette romances. Mohicans of Paris D886.31 Last part issued as The horrors of Paris. Con- tin, and conclusion Salvator. Nanon; or, women's war D886.45 Issued also as War of women. Napoleon romances. 2 pts. 1. Companions of Jehu. 2 vols D886.11 2. Whites and the blues. 2 vols D886.47 Olympe de Cleves. 2 vols D886.33 Page of the duke of Savoy. 2 vols D886.34 Issued also as Emmanuel-Philibert. Queen's necklace. Sequel to "Memoirs of a physician." D886.35 For continuatio7i see Ange Pitou. The regent's daughter. Sequel to Chev- alier d'Harmental D886.36 She-wolves of Machecoul. (Also) The Corsican brothers. 2 vols D886.37 Suitanetta in D8S6.4 Taking the Bastile. Sequel to "The queen's necklace." D886.2 Issued also as Ange Pitou. Tales of the Caucasus : Ball of snow, and Suitanetta D886.4 Three guardsmen D886.39 Issued also as Three Musketeers. For co7itinuatton see Twenty years after. Three guardsmen ser. See D'Artagnan romances. Three musketeers. 2 vols D886.39 Issued also as Three guardsmen. For continuation see Twenty years after. Twenty years after. Sequel to The three guardsmen D886.40 For continuation see Vicomte de Bragelonne. Two Dianas D886.41 Valois romances. 3 pts. 1. Margaret de Valois. 2 vols : D886.29 2. I' F229.14 Something occurred F229. 15 Toilers of Babylon F229.16 Farquhar, G. Beaux stratagem. 30 pp.... in MS75.1 ' Farquharson, M., pseud. SeeVmlQy, M. Farrar, F. W. Darkness and dawn F242.1 Gathering clouds F242.2 Farrers of Budge-Row. Martineau, H in M385.11 Farrington, M. V. Fra Lippo Lippi: a romance F246.1 Fascinating woman. Adam, J. L A194.1 Fashionable sufferer. Hoppin, A H798.1 Fatal repast. 20 pp /w T143.5 Same in T143.5 ^ Fate, The. James, G. P. R in J276.41 Fate of Mansfield Humphreys. White, R. G W587.1 Fated to be free. Ingelow, J I464.2 Father and daughter. Bremer, F B836.3 Father Connell. Banim, M B218.2 Father Oswald F252.1 Fathers and sons. Hook, T H781.3 Fathers and sons. Turg^nieff, I. S T936.4 Faustine. Rita R598.2 Fawcett, E. Adventures of a widow. ..F278.1 An ambitious woman F278.2 Confessions of Claud F278.3 Daughter of silence F278.4 Divided lives F278.5 Douglas Duane in H398.18 Gentleman of leisure F278.7 Heir to millions F278.8 Fawcett, E. — Continued. Her fair fame F278.9 House at High Bridge F278.T0 How a husband forgave F278.11 A man's will F278.12 Miriam Balesticr F27S.13 New Nero F278.15 Olivia Delaplaine F278.14 Tinkling cymbals F278.16 Fay, T. S. Norman Leslie. 2 vols **F282.i Fearful responsibility, and other stories. Howells, W. D H859.13 Fedora. B^lot, A B452.1 Feet of clay. Barr, A. E B268.10 Feiling, C. a., joint tr. See Oxenford, J. Felicia. Murfree, F. N. D M975.1 Felicitas. Dahn, F Di3i.i Felix Holt, the Radical. Eliot, G E426.3 Fellowe and his wife. Howard, B. W., aiid Sharp, W H848.7 Felon's reverie. 22pp in B979.1 ' Female nihilist. Stepniak S838.2 Female Quixote. Lennox, C. **N938.i2 Same. 2 vols **B232.24-5 Fenelon, F. de S. de ii T143.6 Same in T143.6 ' First and last kiss. 37 pp in T143.5 Same in T143.5 " First family of Tasajara. Harte, B H327.13 First fam'lies of the Sierras. Miller, J.... M649.4 First Fleet family. Becke, L., flwd^Jefiery, W B394.1 First love & last love. Grant, J G761.17 First person singular. Murray, D. C M981.2 First violin. Fothergill, J F761.1 Fisher girl of France. Calmettes, F C163.1 Fisherman's daughter. Conscience, H... in C755.10 Fishing girl. Bjornson, B B625.4 Fitch, A, lA., joint author. See Fitch, T. AUTHORS AND TITLES. 45 Fitch, T., and A.. M. Better days F546.1 Fitzboodle papers. Thackeray, W. M... in T363.16 Five hundred dollars, etc. Chapliu, H.... W C464.1 Five hundred majority. Hume, J. F H921.1 Five weeks in a balloon. Verne, J V531.14 Flag on the mill. Sleight, M. B S632.1 Flagg, E. De Molai: the last of the mili- tar^• grand masters of the order of Templar Knights F574.1 Flaminia and other stories F579.1 Flammarion, C. Omega F581.1 Urania F581.2 Flash of summer. Clifford, L. L C639.3 Flatland. Abbott, E. A A131.1 Fleming, G. {pseud. 0/]. C. Fletcher.) Head of Medusa E597-I Kismet F597.2 Issued also as A Nile novel. Mirage F597.3 Vestigia ^597-4 Flemming, H. {pseud, of H. H. McClel- lan). Cupid and the sphinx F599.1 Fletcher, J., joint author. See Beau- mont, F. Fletcher, J. C. See Fleming, G., pseud. Fletcher, J. S. At the gate of the fold... F613.1 Mistress Spitfire: episodes in the revolu- tion 1642-1644 F6i3,3 When Charles the First was king F613.4 Fleurange. Craven, P. de La F C898.3 Fleury, J. F. F. HussoN- See Champ- fleurj^ pseud. Flight. Britton.J. J B862.1 Flip. Harte, B H327.14 Flirtation Camp. Van Dyke, T. S V248.1 Flitch of bacon. Ainsworth, W. H A297.7 Flitters, Tatters, and the Counsellor, etc. Laffan, M L163.2 Floating beacon, 36 pp ?« T143.1 Sa7ne in T143.1 ' Floating city. Verne, J V531.15 Flood and field. Maxwell, W, H M465.3 Florence Macarthy. Morgan, Lady S. O. M850.1 Florida pirate 48 pp t« T 143.5 Same hi T143.5 ' Flotsam. Merriman, H. S M571.3 Flower de Hundred. Harrison, C. C H318.7 Flower, fruit and thorn pieces. Richter, J-P-F R535-2 Flower that grew in the sand, and other stories. Higginson, E H636.3 Flowery scroll. Hwa Tsien Ki H991.1 Floyd, M.,/5i?«a'. 6V^ Crosby, M. Floyd Grandon's honor. Douglas, A. M. D734-5 Flute and violin, etc. Allen, J. L A427.3 Flygare-Carlen, E. S. The brothers' bet F648.1 The guardian. 3 vols F648.2 The smugglers in Z767.1 ' Flying Dutchman. Russell, W. C R968.3 Flying mail. 36 pp. Goldschmidt, M. A. G622.1 Foe in the household. Chesebro', C C524.1 Foes in ambush. King, C K523.11 Foes of her household. Douglas, A. M.. D734.6 FoGERTY, J. Countess Irene F654.1 Folle-farine. Ouida O934.6 Folly and fresh air. PhiUpotts, E Q565.1 Folly of Eustace, and other stories. Hich- ens, R. S H626.3 Fontluce. Tinseau, L. de z« T592.1 Fool of nature. Hawthorne , J H398.7 Fool of quality. 2 vols. Brooke, H B872.1 Fool's errand. Tourgee, A. W T727.5 Same T727.6 FooTE, M. H. Chosen valley F689.1 Coeur d'Alene F689.2 Cup of trembling, and other stories F689.3 Friend Barton's concern. 54 pp in S884.4 In exile, and other stories F689.5 John Bodewin's testimony F689.6 The Led-horse claim F689.8 Footsteps of fate. Couperus, D CS57.3 "For a dream's sake." Martin, M. E M382.1 For a mess of pottage. Lyon, S L991.1 For each and all. Martineau, H. An **M385.i2 For faith and freedom. Besant, Sir W. B554.13 For fifteen years. Ulbach, L U362.1 For God and gold. Corbett, J C790.4 For her dear sake. Hay, M. C H4i3,2 For her sake. Roy, G R888.1 For life and love. Savage, R. H S265.1 For Lilias. Carey, R. N C276.13 For love and life. Oliphant, M. O. W...O475.11 For Maimie's sake. Allen, G A425.7 For summer afternoons. Coolidge, S C776.1 For the defense. Farjeon, B. L F229.3 For the major. Woolson, C. F W916.5 For the right. Franzos, K. E F837.1 46 ENGLISH FICTION. For the white rose of Arno. Rhoscomyl, o R478.5 Forayers, The. Simms, W. G S592.7 Forbes, A., and others. Military sketches and stories; camps and quarters F692.I Ford, P. L,. Honorable Peter Stirling... F711.1 Foregone conclusion, Howells, W. D...H859.14 Foreign tales and traditions. Ed. by G. C. Cunningham. 2 vols C972.1 Forest and prairie . Bennett, E B47 1 . i Forest days. James, G. P. R J276.16 Forest life. 2 vols. Kirkland, C. M K598.1 Forest of Montalbano. 4 vols, Cuthburtson, Misses **C988.i Forester, V., pseud. See Chubbuck, E. Forester, Frank, pseud. See Herbert, H. W. Forester. Edgeworth, M m E235.17 Foresters, The. Auerbach, B A918.5 Forewarned, forearmed. 30 pp. Riddell, C. E. L "' R543-5 Forge in the forest. Roberts, C. G. D R643.3 Forging the fetters. Alexander, ^Irs... A374.13 Forney, J. W. New nobility: a story of Europe and America F727.1 Forrest, R. E. Eight days F729.1 Forest House. Holmes, M. J H751.13 Forest-Race romance. 53 pp in T143.4 Same in T1434 " Forrester, Mrs. {pseud. 0/ Mrs. Bridges.) Dearest F730.1 Diana Carew F730.2 Dolores ^730-3 Fair women F730-4 I have lived and loved E730-5 Mignon F730.6 My lord and my lady F730-7 Omnia vanitas F730.8 Once again F730.12 Rhona F730-9 Roy and Viola F730.10 Viva F730.11 Forsaken inn. Green, A. K G795.2 FORSTER, E., ir. Tales from the Arabian nights' entertainments in S892.14 Fortunate country maid. Mouhy, C, de F. Chevalier de in **N938.7 Fortunes of Albert Travers. Berrington, B. S B533.1 Fortunes of Glencore. L,ever, C 1,658.11 Fortunes of Harry Racket Scapegrace. Smedley, F. E S637.1 Fortunes of Hector O'Halloran. Maxwell, W. H M465.4 Fortunes of Margaret Weld. Gardner, S. M. H G229.1 Fortunes of Nigel. Scott, SirW S431.22 Same **S43i.23 Same S431.24 Fortunes of Rachel. Hale, E. E Hi6i.3 Fortunes of the Colville family. Smedley F. E S637,2 Fortunes of the Faradays. Douglas, A. M. D734-7 Fortunes of the Scattergood family. Smith, A S641.2 Forty-five. 2 vols. Dumas, A D886.19 Foster, A. J. Ampthill Towers F754-I — a7id Cuthell, E. E. Robber baron of Bedford Castle F754-2 FoTHERGll'.. z« J277.3 Four seasons. La Motte-Fouque, F. H. K. Freiherr die. L235.1 Fourteen to one. Phelps, E. S Q539-4 Fox, E. Gemini F79i-i Fox, J., Jr. Cumberland vendetta, and other stories F792.1 Fra Lippo Lippi. Farrington, M. V F246.1 Fragoletta. Rita R598.3 Framley parsonage. Trollope, A T846.10 Frances. Collins, M., and F. C C712.4 Frances Waldeaux. Davis, Mrs. R. H...D263.6 Francesca {pseud, of F. Alexander). Story of Ida F815.1 FranciIvLON, R. E. a dog without a tail. 38 pp in T143.12 Grace Owen's engagement in T143.8 Left-handed Elsa in T143.18 Story of Eulenburg in T143.14 Under Slieve-Ban F817.1 Zelda's fortune F817.2 —and Senior, W. Golden flood F817.3 Francis, M. E. {pseud, of Mrs. F. Blun- dell). Story of Dan F819.1 In a north country village F819.2 AUTHORS AND TlTl.ES. 47 Franco, J. J. Tigranes: a tale of the days of Julian the Apostate F825.1 Frank Fairlegh. Smedley, F. E S637.3 Frank Forester's sporting scenes, etc. 2 vols. Herbert, H. W H536.6 Frank Hilton. Grant, J G761.18 Frank Mildmay. Marryat, Capt. F M362.3 Same M362.4 Frank Sinclair's wife. Riddell, C. E. L. R543-5 Frank Warrington. Harris, M. C H315.1 Frankenstein. Shelley, M. W S545.1 Franzos, K. E. For the right F837.1 Jews of Barnow F837.2 Eraser, Mrs. The cousins in J737.1 Same in T559.1 Eraser, J. See Tasma, pseud. Fraser-Tytler, C. C. See Tytler, C. C. E- Erau Wilhelmine. Stinde, J S860.2 Frederic, H. Brother Sebastian's friend- ship. 20 pp in S884.6 The copperhead F852.1 Damnation of Theron Ware F852.2 In the sixties FCS52.3 In the valley E852.4 The Lawton girl F852.5 March hares E852.6 Marsena, and other stories of the war- time F852.7 Seth's brother's wife E852.8 Frederick the Great and his court. Miihl- bach, L M952.6 Frederick the Great and his family. Miihl- bach, L M952.7 Free Joe, and other Georgian sketches. Harris, J. C H314.3 Free lances. Reid, M R357-2 Free prisoners. Bruner, J. W B894.1 Freeland. Hertzka, T H576.1 Freeman, Mrs. A. M. Somebody's Ned. F855.1 Ereischutz, Der. 27 pp in C972.1 = French, A. See T\ia.n&\., O., pseud., French, H. W. Castle Foam: a Russian story E874.1 The only one F874.2 French wines and politics. Martineau, H. in **M385.i2 Freres, The. Alexander, Mrs A374.15 FrEYTag, G. Debit and credit F895.1 German professor in Z767.1 * Lost manuscript E895.4 Our forefathers. 2 vols. i. Ingo. 2. Ingraban F895.2-3 Fridolin's mystical marriage. Wilbrandt, A. von W665.1 Eriedrich, B. H. See Raimund, G., pseud. Friend Fritz. Erckmann, E. atid Chatrian, A E654.9 Friends. Phelps, E. S Q539-5 Friends of Bohemia. 2 vols.Whitty, E.M. W627.1 Friendship. Ouida O934.8 Friis, J. A. Lajla: a tale of Finmark E913.1 Frith, W. In search of quiet F920.1 From an island. Thackeray, A. I in T362.5 From dawn to daylight. Beecher, E. W. B. B414.1 From dusk to dawn. Woods, K. P W895.1 From flag to flag. Ripley, E. McH R589-I From hand to hand. Raimund, G W817.21 From hand to mouth. Douglas, A. M...D734.8 From jest to earnest. Roe, E. P R699-5 From my youth up. Harland, M H283.4 From one generation to another. Merri- man, H. S M571.4 From shadow to sunlight. Lome, Mar- quis of. L875.1 From the earth to the moon. Verne, J... V53I-I6 From the memoirs of a minister of France. Weyman, S. J W549-3 From the ranks. King, C z« K523.9 Front yard, and other Italian stories. Woolson, C. F W916.6 FroudE, J. A. Nemesis of faith F942.1 Two chiefs of Dunboy: an Irish romance of the last century F942.2 Frozen deep, and other tales. Collins, W... C713.11 Frozen hearts. Appleton, G. W A649.1 Frozen pirate. Russell, W. C R968.4 Fulham Lawn. Thackeray, A. I in T362,2 FuivLER, A. Peak and prairie F965.1 Pratt portraits sketched in a New Eng- land suburb F965.2 Venetian June F965.3 Fuller, E. Complaining millions of... men F966.1 Fuller, F. a. See Victor, F. A. F. Fuller, G. a. Pennimans; or, the tri- umph of genius F967.1 Fuller, H. B. Chevalier of Pensieri- Vani F968.1 Cliff"-dwellers F968.2 With the procession F968.3 FuLLERTON, Lady G. Constance Sherwood: an autiobiography of the i6th cen- tury F97I-I 48 ENGLISH FICTION. FuLi/ERTON, Lady J. — Continued. Ellen Middleton F971.2 Lady-bird 1^97 1-3 FULLOM, S. W. Daughter of night F972.1 Fur country. 2 pts. Verne, J V531.17 FuRMAN, L. S. Stories of a sanctified town F986.1 FuRNEY, F. E. Culture F989.1 G., Rev. W. Farewell to a place on the borders in \V750.12 G. T. T. Hale, E. E H161.4 Gaboriau, E. Amateur detective... z« Z767. 1 2 Caught in the net G116.1 Clique of gold G116.2 Issued also as Gilded clique. Downward path G116.4 File No. 113 G116.5 Marriage at a venture Gii6,6 Issued also as Chance marriage. Monsieur Lecoq. 2 pts G116.7 Mystery of Orcival G116.8 Other people's money G116.9 Within an inch of his life G116.11 Gabriel Conroy. Harte, B H327.15 Gabrielle. McCarty, L M123.1 Gage, C. S. Mr. Bixby's Christmas visitor. 12 pp in S884.9 Gala-days. Hamilton, G H220.2 Galama. Liefde, J. B. de Iv7i9-i Galatea. Cervantes Saavedra, M. de C419.3 Galdos, B. p. See Perez Galdos, B. GaIvLAND, a., tr. Arabian nights enter- tainments in **N938.i8 Gallegher and other stories. Davis, R. H D264.7 Gallery of antiquities. Balzac, H. de...Bi98.i8 Galloping Dick. Watson, H. B. M W338.1 Galloway herd. Crockett, S. R C938.7 GaIvIvY, J. W. Sand; and. Big Jack Small G178.1 Gai,T, J. Annals of the parish, and. The Ayrshire legatees G179.1 Ayrshire legatees in G179.1 Book of life; — Fatal whisper; — Haddad- Ben-Ahab; — The painter; — Unguarded hour in Q594.1 The entail G179.2 The member G179.3 Same in G179.6 The radical G179.5 Same in G179.6 Provost, and other tales G179.4 The reform: being The member and The Radical G179.6 Gai^t, J. — Continued. Sir Andrew Wylie of that ilk G179.7 Wearyful woman. 10 pp in T143.2 Same mTi43.2 ' Gambara. 86 pp. Balzac, H. de...7« B198.25 Garden of women. Tytler, S T997.4 Gardener, H. H. Is this your son, my lord? G218.1 Pray you sir, whose daughter? G218.2 Pushed by unseen hands G218.3 Unofficial patriot G218.4 Gardiner, M. P., Countess of Blessington. See Blessington, Countess of. Gardner, S. M. H. Fortunes of Mar- garet Weld G229.1 Garland, H. Jason Edwards G233.1 Main-travelled roads G233.2 Prairie folks G233.3 Rose of Dutcher's Coolly G233.4 Spoil of office: a story of the modern west G233.5 Garrett, E., pseud. See Garrett, E., and R. Garrett, E., and R. {pseud, of I. F. Mayo). By still waters G239.1 A chance child in G239.12 Crooked places G239.2 Crust and the cake G239.3 Dead sin, and other stories G239.4 Doing and dreaming. (Also) A real lady. G239.5 Family fortunes G239.6 Gold and dross G239,7 House by the works G239.8 John Winter G239.9 Occupations of a retired life G239.10 Premiums paid to experience G239.11 Quiet Miss Godolphin; and, A chance child G239.12 A real lady in G239.5 White as snow G239.13 Garrison gossip. Winter, J. S W785.9 Garth. Hawthorne, J H398.8 GaskeIvL, E. C. Cranford G248.1 Same, etc G248.4 Lizzie Leigh and other tales G248.2 Mary Barton, and other tales G248.3 North and south G248.5 Phyllis G248.6 Right at last, and other tales G248.7 Sylvia's lovers G248.8 GaspE, p. a. de. The Canadians of old. G249.1 Gaston de Latour. Pater, W Q295- 1 AUTHORS AND TITI.ES. 49 Gates ajar. Phelps, E. S Q539-6 Gates between. Phelps, E. S Q539-7 Gathering clouds. Farrar, F. W F242.2 Gautier, J. {Mine. Mi'fidi's). The usurper: an episode in Japanese history G276.1 Gautier, T. Four destinies G277.2 Romance of a mummy G277.3 Spirite G277.4 Thousand and second night. 34 pp.. in R657. i — and M^rim^e, P. Tales before supper..G277.5 Contents.— Introduction. (Sketch of T. Gau- tier) by E. Saltus. — Avatar, by T. Gautier.— Venus of Ille, by P. M6rim6e. Gautran. Farjeon, B. L F229.4 Gaviota, La, — the sea-gull. Caballero, F, C112.1 Gayarre, C. Aubert Dubayet; or, the two sister republics. (Sequel to "Fernando de Lemos.") G285.1 Gayworthys, The. Whitney, A. D. T...W617.3 Gemini. Fox, E ^791-1 General Bounce. Melville, G. J. W M530.10 Same **M530.ii Genevieve. Alcock, D A354.3 GenIvIS, S. F. Comtesse de. Madamoiselle de La Fayette: an hist, novel of the court of Louis XIII **G332.2 Gentle belle. Reid, C R353.5 Gentle savage. King, E K526.1 Gentleman of France. Weyman, S. J...W549.4 Gentleman of leisure. Fawcett, E F278.7 Gentleman of the old school. James, G. P. R J276.17 Gentleman Upcott's daughter. Raymond, W R273.1 Gentleman vagabond and some others. Smith, F. H S647.5 Genuine girl. Lincoln, J. G L737.1 Geoffry Hamlyn, Recollections of. Kings- ley, H K555.9 GeoflFrey Hampstead. Jarvis, T. S J385.1 Geoffrey the knight. Jaufre, Chevalier. ,-j4i3-i George Geith of Fen Court. Riddell, C. E. L R543-6 George Julian. Cockton, H C666.1 George Silverman's explanation. 29 pp. Dickens, C in D548.29 = George's mother. Crane, S C891.1 Georgia scenes. Longstreet, A. B L857.1 Georgina's reasons. James, H.yr in}2']j.2, Georgy Sandon. Ogle, A O353.1 Gerald Estcourt. Marryat, F M361.2 Gerald Ffrench's friends. Jessop, G. H.... J585.1 Gerard, D. Orthodox G356.1 Rich Miss Riddell G356.2 —joint author. See Gerard, E. Gerard, E. {Mrs. von Laszouski) and, D. A sensitive plant G357.1 Gerda. Schwartz, M. S S408.2 German emigrants. Goethe, J. W. G599.2 German novelists. Tr. by T. Roscoe R794.1 German tales. Auerbach, B A9i8,6 Gerund de Campazas, History of the famous preacher. 2 vols. Isla, J. F I821.1 Gervase Skinner. Hook, T H781.4 Ghetto tragedies. Zangwill, I Z295.3 Ghost, The. 78 pp. O'Connor, W. D...O196.1 Same in O196.2 Ghost-hunter and his family. Banim, J. andM B217.5 Ghost of Dred Power. McClelland, M. G in M126.1 Giannetto. Majendie, Lady M M233.2 Giant raft. 2 pts. Verne, J V531.19 Giant's robe. Anstey, F A625.5 Gibbon, C. Golden shaft G439.1 GiBERNE, A. The rector's home G445.1 Gideon Fleyce. Lucy, H. W L943-I Gift, T. {pseud, of D. H. Boulger.) Pretty Miss Bellew G458.2 Gil Bias. Le Sage, A. R L622.3 Same in **N938.4 Gilbert, W. De profundis G466.1 Gilbert Gurney. Hook, T H781.5 Gilded age. Twain, M. and Warner, C. D T969.7 Gilead Guards. Scott, Mrs. O. W S429-I GiivLESPiE, T. Gleanings of the covenant. 1-9: Grandmother's narrative; Cov- enanter's march; Peden's farewell ser- mon; Persecution of the M'Michaels; Rescue at Enterkin; Fatal mistake; Bonny Mary Gibson; Eskdale-muir story; Douglas tragedy in W750.8 Same, 10-17: Sergeant Wilson; Helen Palmer; Cairny cave of Gavin Muir; Porter's Hole; James Renwick; Old Isbel Kirk; The curlers; Violated cof- fin in W750.9 Same, 18-23: Kinaldy; Trials of the Rev. Samuel Austin; John Govan's narrative; "Old Bluntie;" Thomas Harkness of Lockerben; Shoes re- versed in W750.10 50 ENGLISH FICTION. GiLi^ESPiE, T. — Continued. Same, Early days of a friend of the covenant in W750. 1 1 Same, Last scrap in W750.12 Professor's tales: Family incidents; Home and the gipsy maid; The return. W750.4 Same, Last of the pedlars «z W750.3 Same, Mountain storm; Fair maid of Cellardykes; Convivialists; Philips Grey iti W750.1 Same, Natural history- of idiots; The enthusuast; Trees and burns; Kirk- yards in W750.7 Sa/rie, Pheebe Fortune ; Early recollec- tions of a son of the hills; Suicide's grave in W750.2 Same, Social man; The wedding in W750.6 Same, Three brethren; Mistake recti- fied; Dura Den; Peat-casting time; The' medal in W750.5 GiivWAM, E. W. 1 791: a tale of San Domingo G480.1 GiLUES, R. P. Thurston tales. 2 vols..**G48i.i Gil,i,MORE, P. Travel, war, and ship- wreck G482. 1 GiLMORE, J. R. See Kirke, E., pseud. Gipsy, The. James, G. P. R J276.18 Giraldi. Dering, R. G D433.1 Girl he married. Grant, J G761.19 Girl in checks. Daniel, J. W D184.1 Girlhood of Shakespeare's heroines, 2 vols. Clarke, M. C C599.1 Girls of Feversham. Marryat, F M361.3 GiSSiNG, G. Denzil Quarrier G535.1 Eve's ransom G535.2 In the year of jubilee G535.3 Odd women G535.4 Gladiators, The. Melville, G. J. W-....M530.12 Same **M530.i3 Glascock, M. W. {Mrs. Blow). Dare...G548.i Glimpse of the world. Sewell, E. M S516.1 Glitter and gold. Field, H F454-I Gl,OERSEN, K. Mighty hunter. 4pp..z« V629.1 "Gloria victis." Schubin, O S384.2 Glorinda. Dodd, A. B D639.1 GiyOmrET, J. DE [pseud, of G. de Beaure- paire). The woodman G564.1 Gloverson and his silent partners. Keeler, R K264.1 GivUMER C. von. A noble name. Tr. by A. L. Wister W817.1 "Go forth and find." Brainerd, T. H B814.1 GoBiNEAU, J. A. Comte de. Romances of the east G575.1 Typhaines Abbey: a tale of the twelfth century G575.2 Gobseck. 94 pp. Balzac, H. de B198.19 God and the man. Buchanan, R B918.3 God in the car. Hope, A H791.13 Godfrey Morgan. Verne, J V531.20 Godolphin. Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwer- L998.9 God's fool. Maartens, M Mm. 3 Gods, some mortals and Lord Wickenham. Hobbes, J. O H682.1 Godson of a marquis. Theuriet, A T415.4 Godwin, W. Adventures of Caleb Wil- liams G592.1 St. Leon: a tale of the sixteenth century. 4 vols G592.2 Goethe, J. W. von. Novels and tales...G599.2 Contents: Elective afl&nities. Sorrows of Wer- ther. German emigrants. Good women. A tale. New Paris. 11 pp in O983.1 Sorrows of Werter in G599.2 Same **G599.3 Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship G599.4 Same, and Travels. 2 vols G599.4'-^ Wilhelm Meister's travels G599.5 Same in G599.4 * Goethe and Schiller. Miihlbach, L M952.8 Gogol, N. V. St. John's eve, and other stories G613.1 Taras Bulba G613.2 Tchitchikoflf's journeys; or, dead souls. 2 vols G613.3 Issued also as Dead souls. Gold and dross. Garrett, E G239.7 Gold and name. Schwartz, M. S S408.3 Gold Elsie. Marlitt, E W817.13 Gold hunter's adventures. Themes, W. H. T465.3 Gold hunters in Europe. Thomes, W. H. T465.4 Gold of Chickaree. Warner, S., and A. B W284.11 Gold-worshippers. Robinson, J R662.2 Golden age. Grahame, K G743.1 Golden butterfly. Besant, Sir W., and Rice, J B554.40 Golden Dog. Kirby, W ^582.1 Golden flood. Francillon, R. E., and Senior, W F817.3 Golden Hope. Russell, W. C R968.5 Golden house. Warner, C. D W280.1 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 51 Golden justice. Bishop, W. H B622.4 Golden Lion of Granpere. Trollope, A... T846.11 Golden shaft. Gibbon, C G439.1 Golden wedding, and other tales. Stuart, R. McE S932.2 Goldmakers' village. Zschokke, H Z923.1 GoLDSCHMiDT, M. A. The flying mail. (From the Danish.) 36 pp. {Also) Old Olaf by M. Thoresen. 46 pp. {And) Railroad and the churchyard, {eic.) by B. Bjornson. 54 pp G622.1 Wind as post office. 14 pp in V629.1 Goldsmith, C, pseud. See Smith, J. P. Goldsmith, M. Rabbi and priest G624.r Goldsmith, O. She stoops to conquer. 34 pp in MS75.1 ^^ Satne **B232.23 Vicar of Wakefield G625.1 Same in C615.1 Same in **N938.2 Same in S892.14 Same. [Also] The traveller {And} The deserted village G625.2 Same. {Also) Paul and Virginia G625.3 GooCH, Mrs. F. P. Miss Mordeck's father... G645.1 Good aunt. Edgeworth, M in E235.17 Good French governess. Edgeworth, M... in E235.18 Good for nothing. Melville, G. J. W-...M530.14 Sarne in **M53o. 13 Good hater. Boyle, F B792.1 "Good luck!" Werner, E W492.2 Good stories. Reade, C R285.9 Good women. 22 pp. Goethe, J. W. v... in G599.2 Good-bye sweetheart. Broughton, R B877.3 GOODLOE, A. C. College girls G652.X Goodman, E. J. Too curious G653.1 Goodwin, M. W. Head of a hundred: be- ing an account of an officer in the colony of Virginia G657.4 White aprons G657.1 Gooroo Simple, Strange adventures of the venerable. Besche, C. G B555.1 Gordian knot. Brooks, S B874.1 Gordon, Mrs. Sir Gervase Grey. 3 vols. (in 2) G662.1 Gordon, A. C. Flandroe's mogul. 47 pp in S886.4 Gordon, J. {pseud, of }. G. S. Cruger). A diplomat's diary G663. i Marionettes G663.3 Gordon, J. — Continuid. Poppaea G663.4 A puritan pagan G663.5 A successful man G663.7 Gordon, W. J. Captain-general: the at- tempt of the Dutch to colonize New Holland G664.1 Gordonhaven: scenes and sketches of fisher life in the north G665.1 Gore, C. G. Hungarian tales. 3 vols...G666.i Maid of honour. 16 pp "^J737-I Same in T559.1 GoTTHELF, J. {pseud, of A. Bitzius.) Wealth and welfare. 2 vols G685.1 GoTTSCHALCK, C. F. Popular traditions and tales of the Germans. 89 pp in R794.1 * Gould, J. T. See Lincoln, J. G. Gould, S. Baring- Alexander Nesbitt, ex- schoolmaster. 44 pp in T143.19 Arminell G698.1 The broom-squire G698.2 Court Royal G698.3 Eve G698.4 Last words of Joseph Barrable. 48 pp.... in T143.21 Little Tu'penny G698.6 Mrs. Curgenven of Curgenven. G698.7 The Pennycomequicks G698.9 Story of Jael in F229.3 Urith: a tale of Dartmoor G69S.11 Governor's garden. Rivers, G. R. R R622.1 Gowrie. James, G. P. R J276.19 Grace Lee. Kavanagh, J K212.5 Grace Seymour. 2 vols **G729.i Grace Willoughby. Maxwell, W. H M465.5 Grafigny, F. de. Letters of a Peruvian Princess, with the sequel in **N938.9 Graham, E., pseud. See Molesworth, M. L. Graham, J. W. Neaera: a tale of ancient Rome G740.1 Graham, M. C. Stories of the foothills..G 741.1 Grahame, K. The golden age G743.1 Grand, S., pseud. Heavenly twins G751.1 Ideala G751.2 Singularly deluded G751.3 Grande Breteche. 44 pp. Balzac, H. de /« B198.16 Same in B198.34 Same in B198.44 Grandee, The. Vald^s, A. P V145.3 Grandissimes, The. Cable, G. W C115.5 Grania. Lawless, E L418.2 52 ENGLISH FICTION. Grant, J. Adventures of an aide-de- camp G761.1 Arthur Blane G761.3 The "Black Watch" G761.27 Both well; or, the days of Mary queen of Scots G761.4 The Cameronians G761.5 Captain of the guard G761.6 Cavaliers of fortune G761.7 Colville of 'the Guards' G761.8 Constable of France, and other military historiettes G761.9 Dead tryst. (Also) Haunted life G761.10 Derval Hampton G761.11 Did she love him? G761.13 Duke of Albany's Own Highlanders...G76i.i4 Dulcie Carlyon G761.15 Fairer than a fairy G761.16 First love & last love: a tale of the Indian mutiny G761.17 Frank Hilton G761.18 Girl he married G76i,i9 Harry Ogilvie G761.20 Haunted life in G761.10 Jack Chaloner G761.21 Jack Manly G761.22 Jane Seton G761.23 King's Own Borderers G761.24 Lady Wedderburn's wish: a tale of the Crimean war G761.25 Laura Everingham G761.26 Letty Hyde's lovers G761.28 Lord Hermitage G761.29 Lucy Arden G761.30 Mary of Lorraine G761.31 Miss Cheyne of Essilmont G761.32 Morley Ashton G761.33 Oliver Ellis G761.34 One of "The six hundred" 0761,35 Only an ensign: a tale of the retreat from Cabul G761.36 Phantom regiment G761.37 Philip Rollo G761.38 Playing with fire: a story of the Soudan war G761.39 Queen's cadet, and other tales G761.40 Rob Roy G761.2 Romance of war; or, the Highlanders in Spain G761.41 Issued also as Guerrilla chief. Ross-shire Buffs, and other stories G761.42 Royal Highlanders; or, the Black Watch in Egypt G761.43 Royal regiment, and other novelettes..G76i.44 Grant, J. — Continued. Scots brigade, and other tales G761.45 Scottish cavalier G761.46 Scottish soldiers of fortune G761.47 Second to none G761.48 Secret dispatch G761.49 Shall I win her? G761.50 Six years ago G761.51 Under the red dragon G761.52 Vere of "Ours" G761.53 Violet Jermyn G761.54 White cockade G761.55 Yellow Frigate G761.56 Grant, M. M. Sun-maid G762.1 Grant, R. Bachelor's Christmas, and other stories G763.2 Confessions of a frivolous girl G763.3 Mrs. Harold Stagg G763.5 Opinions of a philosopher G763.7 Reflections of a married man G763.9 — and others. The king's men G763.12 Gras, F. Reds of the midi G767.1 Grateful negro. Edgeworth, M **E235.7 Same in E235.20 GraTTan, T. C. Heiress of Bruges G771.1 Graves, R. Spiritual Quixote. 2 vols... **B232.32-3 Graveyard flower. Hillern, W. von H651.3 Gray, A. Periwinkle: an autobiography... G778.1 Gray, M. (pseud. o/M. G. Tuttiet). In the heart of the storm G781.5 Innocent imposter, etc G781.6 Last sentence G781.9 Reproach of Annesley G781.12 Silence of Dean Maitland G781.14 Unexpected fare. 47 pp in T143.22 Gray man. Crockett, S. R C938.8 Graysons, The. Eggleston, E E294.5 Graziani, G. Magherini- See Magher- ini-Graziani, G. Grazieila. Lamartine, A. de L217.2 Great Amherst mystery. Hubbell, W...H876.1 Great earthquake at Lisbon. 38 pp...z« T143.18 Great expectations. Dickens, C D548.19 Same D548.20 Same D548.21 Same in D548.38 Great Hoggarty diamond, History of Samuel Titmarsh and the. Thack- eray, W. M z«T363.7 Great man of the provinces in Paris. Bal- zac, H. de B198.20 Great match, etc. Smith, M. P. W S655.1 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 53 Great Porter Square. Farjeou, B. L F229.5 Great shadow. Doyle, A. C D754.9 Great war syndicate. Stockton, F. R....S866.12 Greater glory. Maartens, M Mm. 4 Greatest heiress in England. Oliphaut, M, O. W 0475-I2 Greek romances. Tr. by R. Smith S657.1 Green, A. D. See Douglas, M., pseud. Green, A. K. {Mrs. Rohlfs). Behind closed doors G795. i Forsaken inn G795.2 Hand and ring G795.3 Leavenworth case G795.4 Matter of millions G795.5 Mill mystery G795.6 Strange disappearance G795. 7 Sword of Damocles ,.G795.8 Green, E. E. Church and the king: a tale of the days of Henry VIII G796.1 Dorothy's vocation G796.2 Stronger will G796.3 Green, W. S. Sacrifice; or, the living dead G79S. i Green book. Jokai, M J745-4 Green gate. Wichert, E W817.34 Green graves of Balgowrie. Findlater, J. H F494.3 Green mountain boys. Thompson, D. P... T470.1 Green pastures and Piccadilly. Black, W B627.6 Green ray. Verne, J V531.21 Greene, S. P. McL. Cape Cod folks G812.3 Leon Pontifex G8 1 2.6 Towhead, the story of a girl G812.9 Vesty of the Basins G812.11 Greenough, Mrs. R. S. See Greenough, S. D. Greenough, S. D. Arabesques: Monare; Apollyona; Domitia; Ombra G815.1 In extremis G815.2 Greenway, Grandfather {pseud, of C. J. Cannon). Ravellings from the web of life G816.1 Greg, P. Guy Neville's ghost. 38 pp.. in T143.15 Greifenstein. Crawford, F. M C899.8 Grenadiere, La. 36 pp. Balzac, H. de... itt B198.16 Gresley, W. Charles Lever; or, the man of the nineteenth century G831.1 Gretchen. Holmes, M.J H751.14 Grevili^e, H. {pseud, of A. M. C. H. Du- rand). Aline G838.1 Guy's marriage G838.3 Mam'zelle Eugenie G838.4 Markof, the Russian violinist G838.5 Princess Ogh^rof G838.7 Sylvie's betrothed G838.8 Trials of Raissa G838.9 X^nie's inheritance G838.10 Grey, E. C. Trials of life. 2 vols **G842.3 Grey, H. Key to the Waverley novels, in chronological sequence, with index of the principal characters. Rev. ed....S43i.57 Greyslaer. 3 vols. Hoffman, C. F H709.1 GriER, S. C. Uncrowned king G848.5 Grif. Faijeon, B. L F229.6 Griffin, G. Christian physiologist G851.1 Collegians: a tale of Carryowen G851.2 Duke of Monmouth G851.3 The invasion G851.4 The rivals, and, Tracy's ambition G851.5 Tales of the Munster festivals G851.6 Same. 2d ser G851.7 Talis qualis; or, tales of the jury-room... G851.S Tracy's ambition in G851.5 Same G851.9 Griffith, C. (Mrs. Beckett). Corinthia Marazion G853.1 Victory Deane G853.2 Griffith Gaunt. Reade, C R285.10 Griffiths, A. Lola: a tale of Gibraltar... G855.1 Grimm, J. L., and W. K. Specimens from the Kinder- andHaus-Marchen...z«R794.i 2 Grip. Winter, J. S W785.10 Grisly Grisell. Yonge, C. M Y555.12 Grogan, M. See Mackenzie, E., pseud. Groome, F. H. Kriegspiel: the war- game G876.1 Grossi, T. Marco Visconti G878. i "Ground arms!" Suttner, B. Freiherrhi von S966.1 Group of noble dames. Hardy, T H272.6 Groves, J. P. Charmouth Grange G884.1 Grumbler, The. Pickering, E Q595-2 Gryll Grange. 2 vols. Peacock, T. L...Q356.2 Guardian, The. 3 vols. Flygare-Carl^n, E. S F648.2 Guardian angel. Holmes, O. W H752.2 Guenn. Howard, B. W H848.3 GUENOT, C, Abbe. Vengeance of a Jew... G926.1 GuENOT, H. Moor of Granada G927.1 54 ENGI.ISH FICTION. Guerndale. Stimson, F. J S859.2 GUERRAZZI, F. D. Beatrice Cenci G934.1 Manfred; or, the battle of Benevento...G934.2 Guest at the Ludlow. Nye, E. W N994.1 GuEULLETTK, T. S. Chinese tales... z« **N938.5 Tartarian tales; or, a thousand and one quarters of hours in **N938.I9 Guild court. Macdonald, G M135.7 Guilt and innocence. Schwartz, M. S S408.4 Guilty, or not guilty in W750.3 Guilty river. Collins, W C713.13 GuiNEY, L. I. Lovers' Saint Ruth's, and three other tales G964.3 GuLWVER, L., pseud. See Swift, J. Gulliver's travels. Swift, J zw **N938.9 Same S976.1 Gunnar. Boyesen, H. H B791.3 GUNSAUI.US, F. W. Monk and knight. 2 vols G976.1 GUNTER, A. C. Mr. Barnes of New York.. G977-9 Mr. Potter of Texas G977.10 That Frenchman! G977.11 Gurney married. Hook, T H781.6 Guthrie, F. A. See Anstey F., pseud. Guy Deverell. Le Fanu, J. S L488.2 Guy Fawkes. Ainsworth, W. H A297.8 Guy Livingstone. Lawrence, G. A L421.5 Guy Mannering. Scott, SirW S431-25 Same S43I-26 Same in **S43i.53 Guy Rivers. Simms, W. G S592.8 Guy Waterman. 3 vols. Saunders, J....S257.1 Guy's marriage. Greville, H G838.3 Gwendoline's harvest. Payn, J Q345.10 Gyp (psetcd. of S. G. M, A,, Comtesse de Martel de Janville). Chiffon's mar- riage G997.1 Gypsy Christ, and other tales. Sharp, W... S53I-4 H., J. Laird of Darnick Tower in W750.4 H family. Bremer, F iti B836.2 HabberTon, J. Barton experiment H113.1 Bowsham puzzle Hi 13. 2 Brueton's bayou. (Also) Miss Defarge... By F. H. Burnett H113.10 Country luck Hi 13.3 Crew of the "Sam Weller" H113.4 Helen's babies H113.5 Jericho road H113.6 Little Guzzy, and other stories H113.7 Mrs. Mayburn's twins H113.8 Issued also as Just one day. Scripture club of Valley Rest H113.9 Hackxander, F. W. European slave life... H122.1 The volunteer in Z767.1 ' Hagg, W, J. Woman the stronger H145.1 Haggard, H. R. Allen Quatermain H146.1 Beatrice H146.2 Colonel Quaritch, V. C H146.3 Dawn H146.4 Eric Brighteyes H 146.5 Heart of the world H146.6 "Jess" H147.7 King Solomon's mines H146.8 Long odds in S885.1 Maiwa's revenge H 146.9 Mr. Meeson's will H146.10 Montezuma's daughter H146.11 Nada the lily H146.12 She H146.13 Witch's head H 146. 14 The wizard H146.15 — and hang, A. World's desire H146.17 Hajji Baba in England. Morier, J M855.5 Hajji Baba in Turkey, etc. Morier, J M855.2 Hale, E. E. Christmas eve and Christmas day H161.1 Crusoe in New York, and other tales...Hi6i.2 East and west H161.18 Fortunes of Rachel H161.3 G. T. T.; or, the wonderful adventures of a puUman H161.4 His level best, and other stories H161.5 How Ihey lived in Hampton H161.6 In His name: a story of the Waldenses... H161.7 Ingham papers H161.8 Man without a country, and other tales... H161.9 Mr. Tangier's vacations H161.11 Mrs. Merriam's scholars H161.10 My friend the boss H161.12 Our Christmas in a palace H161.13 Our new crusade: a temperance tale...Hi6i.i4 Issued also as Good time coming. Philip Nolan's friends H161.15 Ten times one is ten H161.16 Ups and downs H161.17 HAI.E, L. P., and Bynner, E. L. Uncloseted skeleton H162.1 HAI.EVY, L. L'abbd Constantiu H168.1 Half brothers. Dumas, A D886.20 Half-hours with foreign novelists. 2 vols. Zimmern, H.., and A Z767.I AUTHORS AND TITLES. 55 Haliburton, T. C. (Sam Slick, pseud.) The attach^; or, Sam Slick in Eng- land H172.1 The clockmaker Hi 72.2 Letter-bag of the Great Western H 172.3 Season-ticket Hi 72.4 Hall, a. M. Last in the lease. 20 pp....7« S637.2 Sketches of Irish character Hi 79.1 Hall, C. W. Twice taken H174.1 Hall, G. Far from to-day H176.1 Hall, J. Legends of the West H177.1 Hall of Hellingsley. 3 vols. Brydges, Sir S. E **B9i6.i Halpine, C. G. Life and adventures, etc., of private Miles O'Reilly H195.1 Halsey, C. Two of us H196.1 Halstead, a. L. The death trust H197.1 Halstead, L. B. See Elbon, "&., pseud. Halves. Payn, J Q345.1i Hamerling, R. Aspasia: a romance of ancient Hellas. 2 vols H214.1 HamerTon, p. G. (A. Segrave, pseud.) Her picture H215.1 Marmorne H215.2 Wenderholme: a story of Lancashire and Yorkshire H215.3 Hamilton, A. K. Mildred's cadet H217.1 One of the Duanes H217.2 Hamilton, C. V. D. Crown from the spear H218.1 Hamilton, G. (pseud, of M. A. Dodge). Gala-days H220.2 Hamilton, K. W. The parson's proxy... H219.1 Hamilton, T., tr. Antar: a Bedoueen ro- mance. 4 vols H221.1 Hamley, C. Light on the hearth... z« T143. 1 1 Wassail in T143.12 Hamley, Sir E. B. Lady Lee's widow- hood H223.1 Last French hero. 55 pp in T143.10 Lazaro's legacy: a tale of the siege of Gibraltar. 64 pp in T143.1 Same in T143.1 => Legend of Gibraltar. 67 pp in T143.1 Same in T143.1 ' Recent confession of an opium-eater. 23 pp. Shakespeare's funeral. 65 pp..z« T143.7 Hamley, W. G. Magnetic mystery. 58 pp in T143.20 Medium of last century in T143.22 Hamlin, M. C. W. Legends of le De- troit H224.1 Hammer and anvil. Spielhagen, F S755.1 Hammersmith. Severance, M. S S498.1 Hammond, W. A. Lai H227.1 Mr. Oldmixon H227.2 Hampdens, The. Martineau, H M385.13 Hancock, S. J. Etna Vandemir: a ro- mance of Kentucky and "the great uprising." H235.1 Hand and glove. Edwards, A. B E261.2 Same in E261.4 Hand and ring. Green, A. K G795.3 Hand of Ethelberta. Hardy, T H272.7 Handsome Humes. Black, W B627.8 Handy Andy. Lover, S L910.1 Hannah. Mulock, D. M M960.8 Hannah Thurston. Taylor, B T238.2 Hanoum, L. (pseud, of A. D. Piazzi). Tragedy in the imperial harem at Con- stantinople H247.1 Hans of Iceland. Hugo, V H895.X Happiness of being rich. Conscience, H... C755.2 Happy boy. Bjornson, B in B625.1 ^ Happy conclusion in W750.8 Happy Dodd. Cooke, R. T C773.1 Harben, W.N. Mute confessor H255.1 White Marie: a story of Georgian planta- tion life H255.2 HarcourT, a. Jack and Minory: a tale of Christmas-tide. 55 pp in T143.20 Hard cash. Reade, C R285.11 Same R285.12 Hard times. Dickens, C in D548.2 Same in D548.2 " Same in D548.4 Same in D548.21 Hard woman. Hunt, V H943.1 Harder, L. A family feud. Tr. by A. L. Wister W817.2 Harding, V. E., and Braga, T. Twelve Portuguese legends. 12 pp in H496.1 Hardman, F. The Great Unknown: a jest from the German. 41 PP ?«Ti43.i5 Major Moss: a campaigning remin- iscence. 56 pp in Tr43.6 Same in T143.6 ' My English acquaintance. 69 pp...z« T143.4 Same in T143.4 ■ My friend the Dutchman. 63 pp in T143.3 Same ..,z>^Ti43.3 ' Smuggler's leap: a passage in the Pyre- nees. 19 pp in T143.5 Satne in T143.5 » 56 ENGI.ISH FICTION. Hardy, A. S. But yet a woman H268.1 Passe Rose H268.2 Wind of destiny H268.3 Hardy, T. Desperate remedies H272.3 Far from the madding crowd H272.5 Group of noble dames H272.6 Hand of Ethelberta H272.7 A Laodicean H272.11 Life's little ironies H272.10 Mayor of Casterbridge H272.12 Pair of blue eyes H272.13 Return of the native H272.14 Tess of the d'Urbervilles H272.16 Three strangers m S885.2 To please his wife in S887.1 Trumpet-major H272.17 Two on a tower H272.18 Under the greenwood tree H272,i9 Well-beloved H272.22 Wessex tales H272.20 The woodlanders H272.2 1 Hardy Norseman. Lyall, E L981.7 Haring, G. W. H. See Alexis, W., pseud. Harland, H. (Sidney Luska, pseud.) As it was written: a Jewish musician's story H282.1 Mademoiselle Miss H282.8 Mrs. Peixada H282.10 Yoke of the Thorah H282.16 Harland, M. (pseud, of M. V. H. Ter- hune). Alone H283.1 At last H283.2 A battle summer in H283.5 Empty heart H283.3 Issued also as Husks. From my youth up H283.4 Helen Gardner's wedding-day. [Also) A battle summer H283.5 Issued also as Colonel Floyd's wards. Hidden path H283.6 His great self. H283.7 Husbands and homes H283.8 Jessamine H283.9 Miriam H283.10 Moss-side H283.11 My little love H283.12 Nemesis H283.13 Phemie's temptation H283.14 Ruby's husband H283.15 Sunnybank H283.16 True as steel H283.17 With the best intentions H283.18 Harold. Lytton, E. G. E. L. Harraden, B. Bird on its journey.. .z« S885.3 Hilda Strafford H296.2 Idyl of London. 23 pp iti S885.6 In varying moods H296.3 Ships that pass in the night H296.5 Harrington, G. F., pseud. See Baker, W. M. Harrington. Edgeworth, M **E235.i4 Same E235.31 Harris, J. C. Aunt Fountain's prisoner. 46 pp in S866.6 Balaam and his master, and other sketches and stories H314.1 Free Joe, and other Georgian sketches... H314.3 Mingo, and other sketches in black and white H314.5 Sister Jane, her friends and acquaint- ances H314.8 Harris, M. C. Frank Warrington H315.1 A perfect Adonis H315.2 Phcebe H315.3 Richard Vandermarck H31 5.4 Rutledge H315.5 St. Philip's H315.6 The Sutherlands H315.7 An utter failure H315.8 Harrison, C. C. The Anglomaniacs....H3i8.i Bachelor maid H318.2 Bar Harbor tales in H318.11 Belhaven tales. {Also) Crow's nest. [And) Una and King David H318.4 Crow's nest in H318.4 Edelweiss of the Sierras, etc H318.5 Errant wooing H318.6 Flower de Hundred: the story of a Vir- ginia plantation H318.7 Sweet bells out of tune H318.9 Una and King David iti H318.4 Virginia cousin, and Bar Harbor tales... H318.11 Harrison, J. Whose fault? H320.1 Harrison, Mrs. R. G. K. See Malet, L., pseud. Harry Bolton's curacy. 48 pp f« T143.5 Same z« T143.5 ' Harry Coverdale's courtship and marriage. Smedley, F. E S637.4 Harry Harson. Irving, J. T I723.2 Harry Heathcote. TroUope, A T846.12 Harry Lorrequer, Confessions of. Lever, C... L658.12 Harry Ogilvie. Grant, J G761.20 AUTHORS AND TITI.ES. 57 Harry Racket Scapegrace, Fortunes of. Smedley, F. E S637.1 Harry Richmond, Adventures of. Mere- dith, G M559.1 Harsha, y«a^^. 6.onte Beni. Mosses from an old manse H399.7 Our old home, and, Septimius Felton. ..H399.8 Scarlet letter H399.10 Same, and the Blithedale romance H399.11 Septimius Felton in H399.3 Same iti H399.8 Same H399.12 Snow image, etc in H399.5 Same H399.13 Twice-told tales H399.14 Analytical index to works of H H399.15 Hay, J. (?) The bread-winners H412.1 Hay, M. C. Arundel motto H413.1 For her dear sake H413.2 Hidden perils. (Also) Old Myddelton's money H413.3 Missing H413.4 Nora's love test H413.5 Old Myddelton's money in H413.3 Squire's legacy H413.6 Wicked girl H413.7 Hayes, A. A. Denver express. 37 pp.. t«S884.6 Hayes, YL., pseud. See Kirk, E. O. Haywood, E. (Explorabilis, />,yi?«fl'.) Betsy Thoughtless in **N938. 13 Invisible spy in **N938.23 Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy in **N938.i7 Hazard, D., pseud. See Feuillet, O. Hazard of new fortunes. 2 vols. Howells, W, D H859.16 Hazel Kirke. Walsh, M ,„..W226.i He fell in love with his wife. Roe, E. P.... R699.6 He knew he was right. Trollope, A T846.13 He that will not when he may. Oliphant, M. O.W 0475-14 He would be a gentleman. Lover, S L910.2 Head of a hundred. Goodwin, M. W G657.4 Head of Medusa. Fleming, G ^597-1 Head of the family. Mulock, D. M M960.9 Headless horseman. Reid, M R357-3 Headlong Hall. Peacock, T. L Q356-3 Headsman, The: a tale of doom. 83pp. /« T143.2 Same in T143.2 ' Headsman, The. Cooper, J. F C777.10 Same in C777.12 Healy, M. (Mrs. Bigot) (Jeanne Mairet, pseud.) Lakeville; or, substance and shadow H434. 1 Storm-driven H434.2 Healey. Fothergill, J F761.2 Heaps of money. Norris, W. E N861.5 Heard, J., yr. Charge for France. 61 pp.... in S886.3 Hearn, L. Chita: a memory of Last Island H436.1 Youma: the story of a West-Indian slave H436.3 Stray leaves from strange literature H436.2 Contents: Stray leaves 'viz): The book of Thoth. The fountain maiden: legend of the South Pacific— The bird wife: an Esqui- maux tradition. — Tales retold from Indian and Buddhist literature.— Runes from the Kalewala. — Stories from Moslem lands. — Traditions retold from the Talmud. Heart. 81 pp. Tupper, M. F inT^2S.i Heart of a mystery. Speight, T. W S742.3 Heart of it. Stoddard, W. O S869.1 Heart of life. Mallock, W. H M255.1 Heart of Mid-Lothian. Scott, Sir W S431.27 Same tti **S43i.45 Heart of Princess Osra. Hope, A H791.14 Heart of steel. Reid, C R353.6 Heart of the world. Haggard, H. R H146.6 Heart stories. Bartlett, T B291.1 Hearts. Murray, D. C M981.3 Hearts and hands. Reid, C R353-7 Hearts and homes. 3 vols. Ellis, S. S...E473.2 Heartsease. Yonge, C. M Y555.13 Heather and snow. MacDonald, G M135.8 Heavenly twins. Grand, S G751.1 Hector, Mrs. A. F. See Alexander, Mrs., pseud. Hector O'Halloran, Fortunes of. Maxwell, W. H....... M465.4 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 59 Hector Servadac. Verne, J V531.22 Hedged in. Phelps, E. S Q539-8 Hedri. Mathers, H M426.1 Heiberg, C. T. See Bernhard, Q.., pseud. Heidenmauer, The. Cooper, J. F C777.11 Same C777.12 Heimburg, W. (pseud, of B. Behrens). Lora: the major's daughter H467. i Penniless girl. Tr. by A. L. \Vister...W8i7 4 Heir of Linne. Buchanan, R in B918.7 Heir of Redely ffe. Yonge, CM Y555.14 Heir of the ages. Payn, J Q345.12 Heir to millions. Fawcett, E F278.8 Heiress of Bruges. Grattan, T. C G771.1 Heiress of Kilorgan. Sadlier, M. A S126.3 Heiress of Sweetwater. Randolph, J. T R1931 Heirs of Bradley House. Douglas, A. M.... D734.10 Helen Gardner's wedding-day. Harland, M H283.5 Helen of Glenross. 4 vols, (in 2.) Mar- tin, H **M38i.i Helen Treverj-an. Roy, J R889.1 Helen's babies. Habberton, J H113.5 Heuodorus. The Ethiopics; or, adven- tures of Theagenes and Chariclea.... in S657.1 Helm, C. Child and woman H478.1 Helme, E. St. Clair of the isles; or, the outlaws of Barra H479.1 Helps, 5z> A. Casimir Maremma H484.1 Ivan de Biron; or, the Russian court in the middle of last century H484.2 Realmah H484.3 Hemingway, P. Gregorio in S885.1 Henderson, F. C. Priscilla Baker, the freedwoman. 20 pp in H496.1 — tr. Dunderviksborg, and other tales, forming an epitome of modern Euro- pean literature H496.1 CoNTKNTS: Henderson, F. C. Priscilla Baker, the freedwoman.— Zedritz, K. E. The double wedding at Dunderviksborg.— Kis- faludy, K. Three at once: farce — Straparola de Cararaggio, G. F. Salardo.— Pushkin, A. G. The snow-storm.— Palarik, J. Friend- ship at the harvest- feast: farce.— Alarcon, P. A. de. Black e3'es.— Van Doosselaeve, T. S. No happiness without virtue: drama.— Kar- pinsky, F. Taxes: com.— Eckstein, E. Cards for four.— Pfleger, G. Revenge.— Stroobant, E. Rue des Pierres, No. 60: a Flemish play with a French name.— Hard- ing, V. E., and Braga, T. Twelve Portuguese legends.— Dequet, A. Theodore, conte de la Henderson, F. Q.— Continued. vie litt^raire.— Milan, N. Amanda: farce.- Rask, C. E. The storm-bride.— Krypow, Dr. Leka; or reminiscences of a physician. — Celestin, F. Roza: play. 2d. ed., containing tzvo additional stories, is issued as An epitome of modern European literature. Henderson, I. Agatha Page H497.1 The prelate H497.2 Henrietta. Lennox, C /« **X938.23 Henrietta, Countess Osenvor. 69 pp. Treys- sac de Vergy, P. H in **N938.i7 Henrietta Temple. Di.-raeli, B D613.7 Henry, E. '89; edited from the original manuscript H52r.i Henry Esmond. Thackeray, W. M T363.8 Same T363.10 Henry Mastertou. James, G. P. R J276.20 Henry of Guise. James, G. P. R J276.21 Henry Powers (banker.) Kimball, R. B... K492.1 Henry St. John, Gentleman. Cooke, J. E... C772.1 Henry Smeaton. James, G. P. R /;/j276.4i Henry the Eighth, and his court, Miihl- bach, L M952.9 Henty, G. a. Curse of Game's Hold...H527.i Military sketches and stories. See Forbes, A., and others. Hepburn, G. See Setoun, G., pseud. Her dearest foe. Alexander, Mrs A374.17 Her fair fame. Fawcett, E F278.9 Her great ambition. Earle, A. R E127.1 Her great idea; and other stories. Walford, L. B W174.4 Her Johnnie. Whyte, V W629.1 Her lord and master. Marryat, F M361.4 Her Majesty. Tompkins, E. K T662.5 Her majesty the queen. Cooke, J. E C772.6 Her picture. Hamerton, P. G H215.1 Herb-moon, The. Hobbes, J. O H682.2 Herbert, H. W. (Frank Forester, /.f^w^'.) The brothers: a tale of the Fronde. 2 vols **H536.i Chevaliers of France from the crusades to the marechals of Louis XIV H536.2 Fair Puritan: an historical romance of the days of witchcraft H536.3 Frank Forester's sporting scenes and characters. 2 vols H536.6 Oliver Cromwell H536.4 Roman traitor; or, the days of Cicero, Cato, and Catiline H536.5 Hereward the Wake. Kingsley, C K553.3 6o ENGLISH FICTION. Heriot's choice. Carey, R. N C276.15 Heritage of Dedlow Marsh, and other tales. Harte, B H327.17 Heritage of Langdale. Alexander, Mrs... A^j^.iS Hermann Agha. Palgrave, W. G Q161.1 Hermesenda. Fernandez y Gonzalez, M...F363.1 Hero, A. Mulock, D. M M960.10 Heroes of the desert. Manning, A M283.2 Heroine of '49. Sawtelle, M. P S271.1 Herr Paulus. Besant, SirW B554.15 HerTzka, T. Freeland: a social anticipa- tion H576.1 Hervey, M. H. Amyas Egerton, cava- lier H579.1 HesELTIne, W. Last of the Plantage- nets H584.1 Hesperus. 2 vols. Richter, J. P. F R535-3 Hester. Oliphant, M. O. W 0475-15 Hester Morley's promise. Stretton, H S915.5 Hester's venture. Roberts, M R646.3 Hethrington, W. Seers' cave in W750.3 Hetty. Kingsley, H K555.3 Hetty's strange history. Jackson, H. M.... .J127.2 Heyse, p. Lr'Arrabiata. 28 pp. Beppe, the star gazer. 50 pp. Maria Fran- cisca. 64 pp in S331.1 Children of the world H621.1 The huntsman in Z767.1 ' In Paradise. 2 vols H621.2 Laurella in H621.3 Same in H621.5 Same in S331.1 Issued also as L'Arrabiata.— The fury. The maiden of Treppi. {Also) Laurel- la H621.3 Romance of the canoness H621.4 Tales from the German H621.5 HiBBARD, G. A. As the sparks fly up- ward. 71 pp in S886.4 End of the beginning. 44 pp in S886.2 Iduna, and other stories H624.1 Nowadays, and other stories H624.2 HiCHENS, R. S. Folly of Eustace, and other stories H626.3 Hidden masterpiece. 37 pp. Balzac, H. de in B198.14 Hidden path. Harland, M H283.6 Hidden perils. Hay, M. C H413.3 Hidden power. Tibbies, T. H T552.1 Hide-and-seek. Collins, W C713.15 HiGGiNSON, E. Flower that grew in the sand, and other stories H636.3 HiGGlNSON, T. W. Malbone H637.1 Monarch of dreams H637.2 High Mills. Saunders, K S258.1 Higher law. Maitland, E M231.2 Higher than the church. Hillern, W. von H651.4 Highland cousins. Black, W B627.9 Highland widow. Scott, Sir W i« S431.6 Same S431.16 Same in **S43i.55 Hilda StraflFord. Harraden, B H296.2 Hii The pupil z« J277.8 Real thing, and other stories J277.14 The Reverberator J277.15 Roderick Hudson J277.16 Siege of London. (Also) Pension Beau- repas. (And) Point of view J277.17 Sir Edmund Orme in J2TJ.S The solution in J277.8 Spoils of Poynton J277.24 Terminations J277.18 Tragic muse. 2 vols .J277.19 The visits in ]2jj.ii Washington square J277.20 Watch and ward J277.21 Wheel of time. {Also) Collaboration. {A/id) Owen Wingrave .J277.22 James Montjoy. Roe, A. S R698.2 James the Second. Ainsworth, W. H...A297.10 Jamison, C. V. Story of an enthusiast... J3 27.1 68 ENGLISH FICTION. Jan Vedder's wife. Barr, A. E B268.12 Jane Eyre. Bronte, C B870.1 Jane Field. Wilkins, M. E W684.5 Jane Seton. Grant, J G761.23 Jane Sinclair. Carleton, W C281.7 Same C281.8 Jane Talbot. Brown, C. B B879.3 Janet's repentance. Eliot, G z« E426.8 Janson, K. N. Spell-bound fiddler: a Norse romance J355-2 Janvier, T. A. (Ivory Black, pseud.) Aztec treasure-house J358.1 Color studies, and, A Mexican cam- paign J358-3 A Mexican campaign «'«j358-3 Pancha: a story of Monterey. 39 pp... in S884,io Stories of old new Spain J358-6 Uncle of an angel and other stories J358.7 Japhet in search of a father. Marryat, Capt. F M362.6 JARBOE, Mrs. M. T. See Brainerd, T. H. Jarves, J. J. Kiana: a tradition of Ha- waii J384.1 jARVis, T. S. Geoffrey Hampstead .J385-I Jason Edwards. Garland, H G233.1 JaufrE, Chevalier. Geoffrey the knight: a tale of chivalry of the days of King Arthur .J4i3-i Jay, H. {Mrs. Btichanan). Dark colleen... J421.1 Jay, W. M. L. Shiloh j424-i JEAFFRESON, J. C. Not dead yet j432-i Jealousy. Sand, G S213.8 Jean Teterol's idea. Cherbuliez, V C521.2 Jeanie's quiet life. Tabor, E T114.3 JEFFERY, W., joint author. See Becke, L. Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy. Haywood, E... in **N938.i7 JENKIN, Mrs. C. kSi?!? Jenkin, H. C. JENKIN, H. C. Jupiter's daughters Js^S-i Psyche of to-day J525.2 Skirmishing J525-3 "Who breaks — pays." 1525-4 Within an ace J525-5 JENKINS, E. Little Hodge j527-i Paladin of finance 1527-2 JENNER, G. A philanthropist: a tale of the vigilance committee at San Francisco. 40 pp in T143-24 JENNINGS, H. One of the thirty (pieces of silver for which Jesus Christ was sold).... J544.1 JERDAN, W. Sleepless woman in Q594.1 Jericho road. Habberton, J H113.6 Jerome, J. K. John Ingerfield, and other stories Js^S-i Told after supper J565-5 JERROLD, D. St. Giles and St. James .....J566.2 Story of a feather. {And) Cakes and ale..j566.3 Jerry. Elliott, S. B E467.2 Jerry the dreamer. Payne, W Q346. i "Jess." Haggard, H. R H146.7 Jessamine. Harland, M H283.9 Jessie Cameron. Butler, Lady R B985.1 Jessie Graham. Holmes, M. J in H751.6 Jessie Trim. Farjeon, B. L F229.7 JESSOP, G. H. Emergency men in S885.4 Gerald Ffrench's friends J585.1 Judge Lynch -J585-2 —joint author. See Matthews, B. Jesus Christ in Flanders. 28 pp. Balzac, H. de in B198.33 Same in B198.34 Jewel in the lotos. Tincker, M. A T587.4 JEWETT, S- O. Country by-ways J593.3 Country doctor J593-4 Country of the pointed firs J593-I9 Deephaven J593-5 King of Folly island, and other people. ..J593. 7 Life of Nancy J593-8 A marsh island J593-9 Mate of the Daylight, and friends ashore... J593-10 Native of Winby, etc J593-I2 Old friends and new J593-I3 Strangers and wayfarers -J593-I5 Tales of New England j593-i6 White heron, and other stories j593-i8 Jews of Barnow. Franzos, K. E F837-2 Jill and Jack. Dillwyn, E- A D580.1 Jim Skaggs of Skaggsville. Legif, L L514.1 Joan. Broughton, R B877.4 Joan the maid. Charles, E. R C476.9 Joe Thompson. Kimber, E i«**N938.i2 Johannes Olaf. Wille, E. de W698.1 John, E. See Marlitt, IS,., pseud. John. Oliphant, M. O. W O475.19 John. Woods, K. P W895.4 John Andross. Davis, 3Irs. R. H D263.5 John Bodewin's testimony. Foote, M. H.... F689.6 John Brent. Winthrop, T W793.3 John Chardxes. Boylston, P B793.1 John Dorrieu. Kavanagh, J K212.6 John Eax. Tourgde, A- W T727.8 John Godfrey's fortunes. Taylor, B T238.3 John Gray. Allen, J. L A427.5 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 69 John Halifax, Gentleman. Mulock, D. M M960.12 John Halsey. Reed, C R323.I John Ingerfield, and other stories. Jerome, J- K J565.1 John Inglesant. Shorthouse, J. H S559.3 John Jerome. Ingelow, J I464.3 John Law. Ainsworth, W. H A297.11 John March, southerner. Cable, G. W...C115.7 John Marchmont's legacy. Braddon, M. E B798.16 John Marston Hall. James, G. P. R J276.24 John Milton and his times. Ring, M R581.1 John Needham's double. Hatton, J H366.1 John Paget. Elliott, S. B E467.3 John Parmelee's curse. Hawthorne, J... H398.10 John Rintoul; or, the fragment of a wreck... in T143.6 Same in T143.6 ' John Thompson, and other stories. Parr, L Q258.6 John Ward, preacher. Deland, M D337.3 John Winter. Garrett, E G239.9 John Worthington's name. Benedict, F. L B463.2 Johnson, Col. The white fawn: a North American story. 10 pp "'J737.i Same in T559.1 Johnson, H. K. Raleigh Westgate J675.1 Johnson, S. Rasselas, Prince of Abis- sinia ** B232.26 Same in C615.1 Same J692.1 Same z«**N938.23 Johnson, V. W. Fainalls of Tipton J695.1 Image of San Donate. 35 pp... in S884.7 Johnston, C. Chrysal; or, the adventures of a guinea. 4 vols, (in 2.) ..J723.1-2 Johnston, H. Doctor Congalton's leg- acy J7251 Johnston, R. M. Dukesborough tales: the chronicles of Mr. Bill Williams... J733. 3 Mr. Absalom Billingslea, and other Geor- gian folk .J733-5 Ogeechee cross-firings J733-7 Old Mark Langston J733-8 Primes and their neighbors: ten tales of middle Georgia •J733-9 Widow Guthrie J733.ii Johnstone, C. I. Experiences of Richard Taylor. Mrs. Mark Luke ^«J737.I Sabbath night's supper. 12 pp ?« T559.1 Johnstone, C. l.,—ed. Standard tales by standard authors J737.I Contents: Johnstone, C. I. Experiences of Richard Taylor, Esq. Mrs. Mark Luke. Sabbath night's supper.— Eraser, Afrs. The cousins.— Nicander, K. A. The renounced treasure.- Gore, C. Maid of honour.— Quil- linan, E. Rangers of Connaught.— Tieck. L. The elves.— Mitford, M. R. Freshwater fish- erman.— Crowe, C. Story of Martha Guinnis and her son.— Tytler, M. F. The deformed. —Johnson, Col. The white fawn.— Howitt, W. Johnny Darbyshire.— Lauder, 5jV T. D. Story of Farquharson of Inverey. JOKAi, M. Black diamonds J745-I Eyes like the sea .J745.3 Green book J745-4 In love with the czarina, etc J745-5 Modern Midas J745-7 The plague z« Z767.1 ' "There is no devil." J745-9 Timar's two worlds J745.10 Jonathan. Tytler, C. C. F T996.1 Jonathan Wild the Great. Fielding, H...F459.3 Same in **N938.9 Jones, A. I. Beatrice of Bayou Teche J767.i Jones, C. H. Davault's mills J774.I Jones, E. Latter-day saint J775-I Jones, J. B. Rival belles .J778.1 Issued also as Spanglers and tinglers. Wild western scenes: adventures of Daniel Boone J778.2 Jonson, B. Every man in his humor. 39 PP M875.1 ' Joost Avelingh. Maartens, M Mm. 6 Jos^ and Benjamin. Delitzsch, F D355.1 Joseph and his friend. Taylor, B T238.4 Joseph Andrews. Fielding, H **B232.i8 Same F459.1 Same **N938.i Joseph Balsamo. Dumas, A D886.30 ^ Joseph in the snow. Auerbach, B A918.7 Joseph II. and his court. Miihlbach, L....M952.10 Joseph's coat. Murray, D. C M981.5 Joshua. Ebers, G E165.10 Joshua Haggard's daughter. Braddon, M. E B798.17 Journey from this world to the next. Fielding, H in F459.3 Same in **N938.i2 Journey to the centre of the earth. Verne, J V531.25 Journey to the world underground. Klimius, N K635.1 Joy after sorrow. Riddell, C. E. L R543.8 Joy of life. Wolf, E W854.3 70 ENGI.ISH FICTION. Joyce. Oliphant, M. O. W O475.20 Joyce Morrell's harvest. Holt, E. S H758.5 Juan Manuel, prince. Count Lucanor; or, the fifty pleasant stories of Patronio...j9i2.i Juana. 82 pp. Balzac, H. de B198.41 JUDD, S. Margaret J923.1 Richard Edney and the governor's family J923-2 Judge Lynch. Jessop, G. H JS^S-s Judith Shakespeare. Black, W B627.13 JUDSON, Mrs. E. C. See Chubbuck, E. Juggernaut. Eggleston, G. C, and Mar- bourg, D E295.2 Julia de Roubigne. Mackenzie, H... **B232.29 Julian. 2 vols. Ware, W W273.2 Julius Courtney. Cobban, J. M C653.1 JUNCKER, E. {Mrs. Schmieden^. Margar- ethe; or, life-problems. Tr. by A. L. Wister W817.7 Jupiter lights. Woolson, C. F W916.8 Jupiter's daughters. Jenkin, H. C J525.i Kafir stories. Scully, W. C S437-I Kalani of Oahu. Newell, C. M N544.1 Kaloolah. Mayo, W. S M473.2 Karma. Sinnett, A. P S617.1 Karr, A. Visit to the arsenal. 24pp...f« R657.1 Kate Beaumont. De Forest, J. W D3I5-3 Kate Carnegie. Watson, J W339.10 Kate Coventry. Melville, G. J. W- M530.18 Same **M530.i9 Katerfelto. Melville, G. J. W- M530.20 Same **M530.2i Katharine Lauderdale. 2 vols. Crawford, F. M C899.9 Katharine North, Pool, M. L Q821.8 Katharine Regina. Besant, Sir W B554.21 Same in B554.30 Katharine von Bora. Stein, A S819.1 Katharine Walton. Simms, W. G S592.9 Kathleen mavourneen. Burnett, F. H..z« B964.4 Kathleen mavourneen. Mulholland, C...M955.1 Katia. Tolstoi, Counts,. N T654.7 Katie Stewart. Oliphant, M. O. W 0475-21 Katy of Catoctin. Townsend, G. A T748.2 Kavanagh, J. Adele K212.1 Beatrice K212.2 Bessie K212.3 Daisy Burns K212.4 Grace Lee K212.5 John Dorrien K212.6 Madeleine: a tale of Auvergne K212.7 Nathalie K212.8 Queen Mab K212.9 Rachel Gray K212.10 Kavanagh. J. — Continued. Seven years, and other tales K212.11 Silvia K212.12 Sybil's second love K212.13 Two lilies K212.14 Kavanagh. Longfellow, H. W L853.1 Keary, a. Castle Daly K241.1 Oldbury K241.2 Keddie, H. See 't'^W&r,^., pseud. Keeler, R. Gloverson and his silent partners K264.1 Keena Karmody. Kerr, E K411.1 Keenan, H. F. Iron game K267.1 Money-makers K267.2 KeighTley, S. R. The cavaliers K273.1 Crimson sign K273.2 Last recruit of Clare's K273.6 Keller, G. The funeral. Clothes make men in Z767.1 = Kelly, H. Memoirs of a Magdalen; or, Louisa Mildmay in **N938.7 Kellys and the O'Kellys. Trollope, A... T846.15 Kendall, M. 'Such is life.' K333.1 Kenealy, a. Dr. Janet of Harley street... K334.1 Kenelm Chillingly. Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwer- L998.11 Kenilworth. Scott, Sir W S431.30 Same S431.31 Same **S43i.32 Kennedy, J. P. Horse-shoe Robinson: a tale of the Tory ascendency K353.1 Quodlibet K353.2 Rob of the bowl: a legend of St. Ini- goe's K353.3 Swallow Barn K353.4 Kent, W. C. Vision of Cagliostro. 42 PP ?«Ti43.5 Same in T143.5 ^ Kentuckian in New York. 2 vols. Neal, J **N34i.2 Kentucky cardinal. Allen, J. L A427.7 Kentucky colonel. Read, O. P... R284.1 Kentucky's love. King, E K526.2 Kenyon, E. C. The stranger-artist K375.2 —joint author. See Soans, R. G. Keraban the inflexible. 2 pts. Verne, J... V531.26 Kerr, E. Keena Karmody. {Also) Mer- vyn's meed K411.1 Kerrigan's quality. Barlow, J B258.5 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 71 KerslerEN, J. C. VAN. Blue dragoon: a story of circumstantial evidence, from the criminal records of Holland. 38 PP in T143.15 Keyser, a. Exile's romance; or, realities of Australian life K445.1 Khaled: a tale of Arabia. Crawford, F. M C899.10 Kiana. Jarves, J. J K384.1 Kidnapped. Stevenson, R. L, S848.4 KiELLAND, A. L,. Battle of Waterloo. 14 PP in V629.1 Siesta ifi M690.1 Tales of two countries K473.1 Kildhurm's oak. Hawthorne, J H398,ii Kilmeny. Black, W B627.15 Kimball, R. B. Henry Powers, (bank- er) K492.1 Romance of student life abroad K492.2 KiMBER, E. Joe Thompson itt **N938,i2 King, C. An army Portia in K523.21 Between the lines K523.3 Campaigning with Crook, and stories of army life K523.5 Captain Blake K523.6 The colonel's Christmas dinner, etc K523.7 The colonel's daughter; or, winning his spirs K523.8 The deserter, and, From the ranks K523.9 Dunraven ranch in K523.25 Foes in ambush K523.11 From the ranks in K523.9 An initial experience, etc K523.15 Kitty's conquest K523.17 Laramie K523.18 Marion's faith. Sequel to "The colonel's daughter." K523.19 Soldier's secret. And, An army Portia... K523.21 Starlight ranch, and other stories of army life on the frontier K523.22 Story of Fort Frayne K523.12 Tame surrender K523. 23 Trumpeter Fred K523.24 Two soldiers. And, Dunraven ranch... K523.25 Under fire K523.26 War-time wooing K523.27 Waring's peril K523.28 King, Clarence. (?) Democracy: an American novel K524. i King, E. Gentle savage K526.1 Kentucky's love; or, roughing it around Paris K526.2 King, G. Balcony stories K527.1 Tales of a time and place K527.3 King, R. A. (Basil, pseud.) Passion's slave K543.1 "Wearing of the green." K543.2 King and a few dukes. Chambers, R. W...C445.3 King and viking. Smyth, P. G S667.1 King Arthur. Mulock, D. M M960.13 King Capital. Sime, W S589.2 King Noanett. Stimson, F.J S859.3 King of Folly island, and other people. Jewett, S. O J593.7 King of the conjurors. Borlase, J. S B735.1 King of the mountains. About, E A156.1 King of the schnorrers. Zangwill, I Z295.5 King of the tigers. Rousselet, L R866.2 King of Tyre. Ludlow, J. M L945.2 King Solomon's mines. Haggard, H. R...H146.8 King Solomon's wives. Ragged, H R142.1 King's highway. James, G. P. R H276.25 Kings in exile. Daudet, A D238.5 King's lesson. 13 pp. Morris, W....7« M877.4 King's men. Grant, R., and others G763.12 King's own. Marryat, Capt. F M362.7 King's Own Borderers. Grant, J G761.24 King's stratagem, and other stories. Wey- man, S. J W549.7 King's treasure house. Walloth, W W215.1 Kingsbury, A. See Cooley, A. K. KiNGSFORD, J,, pseud. See Barnard, C, KingslEY, C. Alton Locke, tailor and poet K553.1 At last: a Christmas in the West Indies.... K553.2 Hereward the Wake, 'last of the Eng- lish.' K553.3 Hypatia; or, new foes with an old face. ..K553.4 Two years ago ^553.5 Westward ho! or, the voyages of Sir Amyas Leigh in the reign of Queen Elizabeth K553.6 Yeast: a problem K553.7 KiNGSLEY, H. Austin Elliot K555.1 GeoflFry Hamlyn K555.9 The Harveys K555.2 Hetty K555.3 Hillyars and the Burtons K555.4 Hornby mills, and other stories K555.5 Leighton Court K555.6 Old Margaret K555.7 Ravenshoe K555.8 Recollections of GeoflFry Hamlyn K555,9 Silcote of Silcotes K555.10 Stretton K555.11 72 ENGLISH FICTION. KiNGSl/EY, M. Puerto de Medina. 37 pp in T143.20 Kingston, W. H. G. Count Ulrich K558.1 KiNKEL, G. A family feud. 34 pp...z« T143.17 Kinley Hollow. Hollister, G. H H744.1 Kinsfolk and others. Roberts, M R646.6 Kintail Place. Paul, M. A Q324.I Kip, L. Dead marquise K572 i " mas has come." 29 pp f« S884.9 Under the bells K572.2 Kipling, R. Courting of Dinah Shadd, and other stories K575.2 In black and white in K575.13 Life's handicap: being stories of mine own people K575.5 Light that failed K575.6 Man who would be king in S885.7 Many inventions K575.7 Mine own people K575.8 Issued also — with two exceptions — in collection en- titled Life's handicap. Phantom 'rickshaw, and other tales. {Also) Wee Willie Winkie, and other child stories K575.10 Plain tales from the hills K575.11 Soldier stories K575.16 Saffie. (Also) In black and white. ..K575. 13 Story of the Gadsbys. {Also) Under the deodars K575.14 Under the deodars in K575.14 Wee Willie Winkie, and other child stories in K575.10 — and Balestier, W. Thenaulahka: a story of west and east K575.15 KiRBY, W. Chien d'Or, the golden dog: a legend of Quebec K582.1 Issued also as The Golden dog. Kirk, E. O. Better times: stories K593.2 Ciphers ^593.3 Daughter of Eve K593.4 Queen money K593.6 Sons and daughters K593.8 Story of Margaret Kent K593.9 Through winding ways K593.10 KiRKE, E. {pseud, of J. R. Gilmore). Mountain-White heroine K594. 2 KiRKLAND, C. M. (Mrs. M. Q\a.v^xs, pseud.) Forest life. 2 vols K598.1 A new home — who'll follow? or, glimpses of western life K598.2 Western clearings K598.3 KiRKLAND, J. The McVeys K597.1 Zury: the meanest man in Spring county K;597.2 KiRSCHNER, L. See Schubin, O., pseud. Kirsteen. Oliphant, M. O. W O475.22 Kismet. Fleming, G ^597-2 Kissing the rod. Yates, E Y317.5 Kit and Kitty. Blackmore, R. D B629.8 Kith and kin. Fothergill, J F761.3 Kitty Craig. 71 pp- Holmes, M. J...z« H751.3 Kitty's conquest. King, C K523.17 KlEIST, H. von. Michael Kohlhaas. 66 pp. St. Cecilia. 9 pp in 6983.1 Klimius, N. {pseud, of L. Freiherr von Holberg). Journey to the world under ground K635.1 Knapp, a. One thousand dollars a day; studies in practical economics K672.1 Knapsack, The. Edgeworth, M z« E235.18 Knight-errant. Lyall, E L981.10 Knight of Gwynne. 2 vols. Lever, C L658.15 Knight of the nets. Barr, A. E B268.14 Knight of the nineteenth century. Roe, E. P R699.9 Knitters in the sun. Thanet, O T367.4 Knorring, S. M. Z. Baro7iess von. The ancestress; or, family pride. 20 pp.... in B979.1 ' The peasant and his landlord K725.1 KnowlES, J. S. The wife. 34 pp in M875.1 3 Knowlton, J. A. Txleama K735.1 Knox, Mrs. A. T. See Trafton, A. Knox, T. W. Siberian exiles K743.1 Kohala of Hawaii. Calhoun, A. R C152.1 KomperT, L. Silent woman in M690.1 Kophetua the Thirteenth. Corbett, J C790.5 KOROLENKO, V. Blind musician K845.1 KoSTROMiTiN, J. Last day of the carnival.... ' K865.1 KouNS, N. C. Ariusthe Libyan K883.1 KovALEVSKY, S. Vera Vorontzofif K887.1 Kraszewski, J. I. The foundling... z« Z767.1 * lermola K893.1 Kriegspiel: the war game. Groome,F.H..G876.i Krypow, Dr. Leka; or, reminiscences of a physician. 16 pp in H496.1 Lab AD YE, A. de. Baron of Hertz: a tale of the Anabaptists L112.1 Laboulaye, E. (R. Lefebvre, pseud.) Abdallah; or, the four-leaved shamrock.... L124.1 Paris in America L124.2 Labour stands on golden feet. Zschokke, H Z923.2 La Brete,J. de. Myuncle andmy cur6..Li26.i Lace. Lindau, P L742.1 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 73 Laconia. Scribner, J. P S434.1 Ladies' gallen-. McCarthy, J., and Praed, R. Campbell- Mi 22. 11 Ladies of Lone Leventhorpe. Linskill, M in L981.3 Lad's love. Bates, A B329.4 Lady Adelaide. Wood, E. P W874.7 Lady Audley's secret. Braddon, M. E...B798.18 Lady Branksmere. Duchess D829.9 Lady-bird. Fullerton, Lady Qf F97I-3 Lady Car. Oliphant, M. O. W 0475-24 Lady Hester. Yonge, C. M Y555.16 Lady Judith. McCarthy, J M122.3 Lady Julia Maudeville, History of. Brooke, F. M **B232.27 Lady Lee's widowhood. Hamley, Sir E. B... H223.1 Lady Marabout's troubles. Ouida in O934.4 Lady of Fort St. John. Catherwood, M. H C363.4 Lady of quality. Burnett, F. H B964.10 Lady of the Aroostook. Howells, W. D...H859.20 Lady of the ice. De Mille, J D381.6 Lady, or the tiger? and other stories. Stockton, F. R S866.17 Lady Sybil's choice. Holt, E. S H758.6 Lady Wedderbum's wish. Grant, J G761.25 Lady Willoughby. Manning, A M283.4 Lady with the rubies. Marlitt, E W817.15 Lady's mile. Braddon, M. E B798.19 Laffan, M. {Mrs. BlacNabb). Christy Carew L163.1 Flitters, Tatters, and the Counsellor, and other sketches L163.2 Ismay's children L163.3 A singer's story L163.4 Lajla. Friis, J. A F913.1 Lakeville. Healy, M H434.1 Lai. Hammond, W. A H227.1 Lamartine, a. de. Fior d'Aliza L217.1 Graziella: a story of Italian love L217.2 My mother's manuscript L217.3 Raphael; or, pages of the book of life at twenty L217.4 Stone-mason of Saint Point L217.5 Lamejervas. Edgeworth, M **E235.6 Same z« E235.19 La Motte Fouque, C. A., Freiherrin de. Castle on the beach. 39 pp in C972.1 = Lamotte Fououe, F. H. K., Freiherr de. Field of terror. Mandrake. Head Mas- ter Rhenfried and his family in R794.1 ^ Four seasons. Undine. Two captains. Sintram. Aslauga's knight L235.1 Issued also as Undine and other tales. La Motte Fouque, F. H. K. de — Continued. Magic ring: a knightly romance L235.2 Minstrel love L235.3 Sintram and his companions L235.4 Thiodolf the Icelander L235.5 Undine; or, the water-spirit. 52 pp...7M S892.14 Same, and other tales L235.6 Issued also as Four seasons. Lamplighter. Cummins, M. S C970.2 Lancashire witches. Ainsworth, W. H...A297.12 Lancaster, A. E. "All's dross but love:" a strange record of two reincarnated souls. 64 pp L244.1 Lances of Lynwood. Yonge, C. M Y555.17 Land at last. Yates, E Y317.6 "Land of the sky." Reid, C R353-8 Land of the sun. Reid, C R353-9 Lander, M. {pseud, of M. W. Lawrence.) Marion Graham L255.1 Landers, J. King Bemba's point in S885.I Same in T143.19 Story of James Barker: a tale of the Congo coast. 68 pp in T143.23 Landlord at Lion's Head. Howells, W. D H859.34 Lane, E. W., tr. Thousand and one nights; or, the Arabian nights' enter- tainments. 2 vols Lang, A. Monk of Fife L269.4 —joint author. See Haggard, H. R. Langbein, a. F. E. Albert Limbach. Hour's instruction in political econ- omy. Irreconcileable man. Lady's palfrey. Marianne Richards. Seven marriages and never a husband.. .?w R794>i "* Langhorne, J. Letters between Theo- dosius and Constantia z«**N938.7 Solyman and Almena. 35 pp in **N938.2 Lanier, S. Tiger-lilies L287.1 Laodicean, A. Hardy, T H272.11 Lapsed, but not lost. Charles, E. R C476.IO La Ramee, L. de. See Ouida, pseud. Laramie. King, C K523.18 La Rochere, E. de. (pseud, of E. Du- theil.) Castle of Roussillon; or, Quercy in the sixteenth century L328.I Last abbot of Glastonbury. Crake, A. D... C888.8 Last day of the carnival. Kostromitin, J... K865.I Last days of Pompeii. Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwer- L998.12 Last incamatiou of Vautrin. Balzac, H. de in B198.17 74 ENGLISH FICTION. Last love. Ohnet, G O383.4 Last mass. 28 pp. Besaiit, 5'zV W...z« B554.16 Last meeting. Matthews, B M438.8 Last of the barons. Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwer- L998.13 Last of the fairies. James, G. P. R in J276.41 Last of the Macallisters. Barr, A. E B268.15 Last of the Mohicans. Cooper, J. ' C777.9 Same C777.17 Last of the Mortimers. Oliphant, M. O, w 0475-25 Last of the Plantagenets. Heseltine, W... H584.1 Last recruit of Clare's. Keightley, S. R..K273.6 Last sentence. Gray, M G781.9 Last tenant. Farjeon, B. L F229.10 Laszouski, Mrs. E. G. See Gerard, E. Late for the train. 53 pp iti T143.8 Late Mrs, Null. Stockton, F. R S866.18 LaThrop, G. p. Afterglow L354.1 Echo of passion L354.2 In the distance L354.3 Newport L354-4 Somebody else L354.5 Two purse-companions. 38 pp in S884.3 — rtw^Rideing, W. H. Letter of credit... L354-6 Latimer, E. W. My wife and my wife's sister L357-I Latimer family. Arthur, T. S A791.2 Latreaumont. Sue, E S944.2 Latter-day saint. Jones, E J775-I Lauder, Sir T. D. Story of Farquharson of Inverey. 6 pp "^J737-I Same in T559.1 Launcelot Greaves. Smollett, T. **N938.9 Laura Everingham. Grant, J G761.26 Laurel bush. Mulock, D. M M960.14 Laurella. 41 pp. Heyse, P in H621.3 Lavengro. Borrow, G B737.1 Lavinia. Ruflfini, G R923.1 Law and the lady. Collins, W C713.18 LawIvESS, Hon. E. Chelsea householder... L418.1 Grania: the story of an island L418.2 Maelcho L418.3 Lawrence, G. A. Anteros L421.1 Barren honour L421.2 Brakespeare L421.3 Breaking a butterfly L421.4 Issued also as Blanche EUerslie's ending. Guy Livingstone L421.5 Maurice Bering L421.6 Sans merci L421.7 Lavi^rEnce, Mrs. M, W. See Lander, M., pseud. Lawton girl. Frederic, H F852.5 Lawyer's story. Maitland, J. A M232.2 Lazarus, E. Alide: an episode of Goethe's life L43I-I Lazy man's work. Sparhawk, F. C S736.1 Lazy tour of two idle apprentices. Dick- ens, C in D548.46 Leaden casket. Hunt, M. R H942.2 Leafless spring. Schubin, O S384.3 Leaguer of Lathom. Ainsworth, W. H...A297.13 Leah. Edwardes, A E254.3 Leah of Jerusalem. Berry, E. P B534.1 Leal souvei-ir. Weber, A W373.1 Lean, 3Irs. F. M. See Marryat, F. Lear of the steppe. 71 pp. Turg^nieff, I. S in T936.11 Leather stocking and silk. Cooke, J. E....C772.8 Leavenworth case. Green, A. K G795.4 LE Clerc, M. E. Mistress Beatrice Cope; or, passages in the life of a Jacobite's daughter L462.1 Led-Horse claim. Foote, M. H F689.8 Lee, H. Canterbury tales. 2 vols L478.1 Lee, M. C. Quaker girl of Nantucket L479.1 Lee, S. Canterbury tales L481.1 Lee, V. {pseud, of V. Paget). Hauntings: fantastic stories L482.1 Leech club. Owen, G. W 0972,1 LE Fanu, J. S. All in the dark L488.1 Guy Deverell L488.2 Lost name L488.3 Tenants of Malory L488.4 Lefebvre, Dr. R. See Laboulaye, E. LEFFingweIvL, W. B. Manulito L493.1 LE GalI/IEnne, R. Quest of the golden giri L496.3 Legend of Montrose. Scott, Sir W in S431.7 Same in S431.12 Same /«**S43i.i3 Same in S431.48 Legend of the large mouth, etc L510.1 Legends and stories of Ireland. Lover, S...L910.3 Legends of le Detroit. Hamlin, M. C. "W...H224.1 Legends of the conquest of Spain. Irving, W **I725.4 Legends of the west. Hall, J H177.1 LEGIF, L. Jim Skaggs of Skaggsville L514.1 LeighTon, a. Burgher's tales: House in Bell's Wynd; Ancient bureau. Law- yer's tales: Woman with the white mice. Detective's tales: Chance ques- tion; Bride of Bell's Tower. Surgeon's AUTHORS AND TITLES. 75 Leighton, a. — Continued. tales: The wager; Diamond eyes; Ama- teur robbery; Ten of diamonds..z« \V750. ii Contrast of wives. Surgeon's tales: The suicide; Three letters; Glass back. Mike Maxwell and the Gretna Green lovers hi W750.6 Domestic griefs of Gustavus M'lver. The avenger. Sportsman of Outfieldhaugh. Dominie of St. Fillan's. The heroine. Miser of Newabbe}' in W750.10 The Droich. Amateur lawyers. Har- den's revenge. Surgeon's tales: The cherry-stone; Thehenwife; The artist... iti W750.4 Hogmanay. Surgeon's tales: The be- reaved; The condemned; The mono- maniac. Hume and the governor of Berwick. Bride of Bramblehaugh. Laird Rorieson's will i?i W750.9 Kate Kennedy. Prescription; or, the 29th of September. Lord Durie and Christie's Will. Surgeon's tales: The cured ingrate in W750.1 Lawyer's tales: Lord Kame's puzzle; Stor^' of Mysie Craig. Burgher's tales: Brownie of the West Bow. Story of Mary Brown. Cradle of Logie. Story of the pelican. Girl forger. Two red slippers. Faithful wife. Romaunt of Sir Peregrine and the Lady Etheline. Legend of Allerley Hall. Legend of Lady Katharine. Ballad of Ailie Faa. Legend of the fair Emergilde. Ro- maunt of the castle of Weir. Romaunt of St. Mary's Wynd. Legend of Mary Lee. Ballad of age and youth. Legend of Craigullan. Ballad of Rumbollow. Legend of the burning of Mrs. Jam- phray. Ballad of Ballogie's daughters. Legend of Dowielee. Ballad of Maid Marion. Ballad of Roseallan Castle. Ballad of the tournay. Ballad of golden counsel. Ballad of matrimony. Song of Rosalie. Ballad of the world's vanity in W750.12 Legend of fair Helen of Kirconnel. The abduction. Christie of the cleek. Ro- mance of the siege of Perth. Caleb Crabbin. Crooked Comyn in W750.5 Old chronicler's tales: Death of James I.; Death of James IIL Surgeon's tales: Case of evidence. Clerical mur- derer. Mr. Samuel Ramsey Thriven... in W750.8 Leighton, A. — Continued. Surgeon's tales: Conscience stricken; Somnambulist of Redcleugh. Duncan Schulebred's vision of judgment. Geordie Willison and the heiress of Castle Gower in W750.3 Same: Diver and the bell. Royal raid. Maiden feast of Cairnkibbie. Linton lairds tn W750.2 Trials of Menie Dempster. Roseallan's daughter. Old chronicler's tales: Prince of Scotland. Legend of Holy- rood W750.7 Leighton Court. Kingsley, H K555.6 Leila. Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwer- L998.14 Len Gansett. Read, O. P R284.2 'Lena Rivers. Holmes, M.J H751.17 Lennox, C. Female Quixote z« **N938.i2 Same. 2 vols **B232.24-5 Henrietta in **N938.23 Lenox Dare. Townsend, V. F T751.4 Lenzen, M. {iMrs. ten Brink). Not in their set L575.1 Leon Pontifex. Greene, S. P. McL G812.6 Leon Roch. 2 vols. Perez Gald6s, B Q438.3 Leonard and Gertrude. Pestalozzi, J. H...Q476.1 Leonie. Lucas, A L932.1 Leonora. Edgeworth, M in **E235.5 Sajne E235.27 Leonora d' Oreo. James, G. P. R J276.26 Le Sage, A. R. Asmodeus; or, the devil on two sticks L622.1 Issued also as Devil on two sticks. Bachelor of Salamanca. 2 vols L622.2 Devil upon two sticks. Prefixed, Asmo- deus's crutches, and dialogues between two chimneys of Madrid in **N938.2 Issued also as Asmodeus. Gil Bias of Santillane L622.3 Same /»**N938.4 LESPERANCE, J. The Bastonnais L637.1 Less black than we're painted. Payn, J...Q345. 13 Lesser bourgeoisie. Balzac, H. de B198.22 Lesson of the master. James, H.,y>' J277.8 Letter-bag of the Great Western. Hali- burton, T. C H172.3 Letter of credit. Lathrop, G. P., and, Rideing, W. H L354.6 Letter of credit. Warner, S W284.4 Letters from Felicia to Charlotte. Coll}'er, J in **N938.23 Letters of a Peruvian princess. Grafigny, F. de in **N938.9 Letters of Julia and Caroline, etc. Edge- worth, M in **E235.5 76 ENGLISH FICTION. Ivctty Hyde's lovers. Grant, J G761.28 IvEVER, C, Arthur O'Leary L658.1 Barrington 1^658.2 Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly 1,658.3 Charles O'Malley, the Irish dragoon.... L658.4 Con Cregan 1^658.5 The Daltons L658.6 Same. (Also) A day's ride 1^658.7 Davenport Dunn. 2 vols L658.8 A day's ride in 1,658.7 Same 1*658.9 Dodd family abroad. 2 vols L658.10 Fortunes of Glencore 1,658.11 Harry l^orrequer L658.12 Hero-worship and its dangers. 26 pp.... in T143.14 Horace Templeton 1,658.13 How Frank Thornton was cured. 42 pp... in T143.16 Jack Hinton, the guardsman 1,658.14 Knight of Gwynne. 2 vols 1,658.15 Lord Kilgobbin L658.16 Luttrell of Arran L658.17 Martins of Cro' Martin L658.18 Maurice Tiernay 1,658.19 The O'Donoghue 1,658.20 Issued also as Kate O'Donoghue. One of them I/658.21 Rent in a cloud in 1,658.25 Roland Cashel 1,658.22 St. Patrick's eve in L658.25 Sir Brook Fossbrooke L658.23 Sir Jasper Carew L658.24 Some one pays. 24 pp w;Ti43.i8 That boy of Norcott's. (Also) A rent in a cloud, and, St. Patrick's eve L658.25 Tom Burke of "Ours." 1,658.26 Tony Butler 1,658.27 What I did at Belgrade. 55 pp in T143.12 IvEVY, A. Romance of a shop L668.1 LEwai^d, F. {Mrs. Stahr.) The aristo- cratic world. 87 pp. ; Maid of Oyas. 16 pp /« S331.1 Hulda; or, the deliverer. Tr. by A. L. Wister W817.8 Lewes, C. L. Dragon-tree of Telde. 56 pp in T143.21 Lewes, Mrs. M. A. F. See Eliot, G., pseud. Lewey and I. Thomes, W. H T465.5 Lewis, A. Wrong black bag in S885.2 Lewis, M.' G. Romantic tales L675.1 Lewis Arundel. Smedley, F. F S637.5 Leys, J. K. The Lindsays. 3 vols L685.1 Lha dhu. Carleton, W in C281.7 Same in C281.8 Liar, The. 66 pp. James, H., Jr in]2j-j.g Liberators of Holland. Charles, E. R..t« C476.11 Lebrun's lawsuit. 38 pp ifi T143.6 Same in T143.6 " L1DDEI.1,, Mrs. C. C. F.-T. See Tytler, C. C. Fraser- LlE, J. Barque Future; or, life in the far north L716.1 Commodore's daughters L716.2 The visionary L716.3 Weird tales from northern seas L716.4 LiEFDE, J. B. DE. Galama; or, the beg- gars L719.1 Issued also as The beggars. Maid of Stralsund: a story of the thirty years' war L719.2 Life, etc., of Captain Singleton. Defoe, D D314.3 Life, etc., of Michael Armstrong, the factory boy. Trollope, F. M T848.1 Life, etc., of Peter Wilkins. Paltock, R... Q183.1 Life, etc., of Private Miles O'Reilly. Halpine, C. G H195.1 Life for a life. Mulock, D M M960.15 Life in the East Indies. Thomes, W. H...T465.6 Life in the open air. Winthrop, T W793.4 Life in the wilds. Martineau, H...iti **M385.4 Same M385.14 Life of Colonel Jack. Defoe, D iti D314.3 Life of Nancy. Jewett, S. O J593'8 Life sentence. Sergeant, A S484.3 Life's assize. Riddell, C. E. L R543.9 Life's atonement. Murray, D. C M981.6 Life's handicap. Kipling, R K575.5 Life's little ironies. Hardy, T, H272.10 Lifted veil. Eliot, G 7« E426.9 Light of her countenance. Boyesen, H.H..B791.5 Light that failed. Kipling, R K575.6 Lights and shadows of a life. Dahlgren, M. V D130.1 Lights and shadows of Scottish life. Wil- son, J W749.1 Lights and shadows of the soul. Drey, S...D778.1 Like Lucifer. Vane, D V249.1 Lilac sunbonnet. Crockett, S. R C938.9 Lilith. MacDonald, G MX35.10 Lillian Morris, etc. Sienkiewicz, H S572.6 Lily and the cross. De Mille, J D381.7 Lily of the valley. Balzac, H. de B198.23 Limerick gloves. Edgeworth, M. ...?'« **E235.6 Same in E235.19 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 77 Lin, Frank, pseud. See Atherton, G. F. Lincoln, J. G. A genuine girl: sequel to Marjorie's quest L737.1 Marjorie's quest L737.2 LiNDAU, P. Lace: a Berlin romance L742.1 LlNDAU, R. All in vain. 42 pp. First love. 10 pp. Hans the dreamer. 94 pp in S331.1 The philosopher's pendulum. 44pp../«Ti43.i6 Lindsays, The. 3 vols. Leys, J. K L685.1 Lindsay's luck. Burnett, F. H B964.3 Same B964.12 Linley Rochford. McCarthy, J M122.4 LiNSKiLL, M. Ladies of Lone Leventhorpe. in L981.3 Linton, E. L. Ghost of the past. 47 pp in S887.1 One too many L761.1 Patricia Kemball L761.2 True history of Joshua Davidson, com- munist L761.3 World well lost L761.4 Linwoods, The. 2 vols. Sedgwick, C. M....S448.1 Lion of Flanders. Conscience, H C755.3 Lionel Lincoln. Cooper, J. F C777.18 Same Q'j'jT.i^ List ye landsmen! Russell, W. C R968.10 Litchfield, G. D. Little Venice, and other stories L776. i Little barefoot. Auerbach, B A918.8 Little Dorrit. Dickens, C D548.22 Sajue D548.23 Little Guzzy, and other stories. Habber- ton, J H113.7 Little Hodge. Jenkins, E j527-i "Little Huguenot." Pemberton, M Q395-I Little Irish girl, etc. Duchess 0829,10 Little journey in the world. Warner, C. D W280.2 Little lady of Lagunitas. Savage, R. H...S265.2 Little Loo. Russell, W. C R968.11 Little Make-Believe. Farjeon, B. h.-dtt F229.4 Little minister. Barrie, J. M B275.5 Little minx. Cambridge, A C178.6 Little Miss Muffet. Carey, R. N C276.17 Little moorland princess. Marlitt, E....W817.16 Little pilgrim. 72 pp. Oliphant, M. O.W..O475.26 Little regiment, and other episodes of the American civil war. Crane, S C891.4 Little Renault. 48 pp. Catherwood, M. H z«C363.8 Little room, and other stories. Wynne, M. Y W989.1 Little savage. Marrj-at, Capt. F M362.8 Same ifi M362.21 Little schoolmaster Mark. Shorthouse, J- H S559-4 Little sister. Yardley, J Y273.1 Little Tu'penny. Gould, S. B- G698.6 Little Venice, and other stories. Litch- field, G. D L776.1 Little wizard. Weyman, S.J W549.9 Living link. De Mille, J D381.8 Living or dead. Conway, H C767.6 Living too fast. Optic, O O625.1 Liza. Turg^niefi", I. S T936.6 Lizzie Leigh and other tales. Gaskell, E. C G248.2 Lloyd, D. D. Poor Ogla-Moga. 35 pp... in S884.3 Lloyd, J. U. Etidorhpa L793.1 Lloyd Pennant. Neville, R N525.1 Locke, D. R. (Petroleum V. Nasby, pseud.) A paper city L813.1 Locke, M. In far Dakota L814.1 Locke Amsden. Thompson, D. P T470.3 LOCKHART, J. G. Reginald Dalton L816.1 Valerius: a Roman story L816.2 LoCKHART, L. W. M. Night with the vol- unteers of Strathkiuahan. 59pp...t« T143.7 Unlucky Tom GriflSn, his love and his luck. 82 pp in T143.10 Logan, O. {Mrs. Sikes.) Chateau Fris- sac; or, home scenes in France L831.1 Logan, W. Double-bedded room.../« W750.3 Recluse of the Hebrides. Ellen Arun- del in W750.5 Story of Clara Douglas iti W750.2 LOHMANN, F. Mill of the vale. 68 pp... iti C972.1 ' The pilgrim. 45 pp. Night on the mountain. 42 pp in C972.1 =" Lola. Griffiths, A G855.1 Lombard street mystery. Robertson, M...R652.1 London idylls. Dawson, W. J D272.4 London life. James, H., Jj' J277-9 London's heart. Farjeon, B. L F229.11 Lone house. Barr, A. E B268.16 Lonely life. Blythe, J. A. St. J B661.1 Long, L. A. Apprentices to destiny L848.1 Squire of low degree L848.2 Longfellow, H. W. Kavanagh. (Also) Drift-wood L853.I Longstreet, a. B. Georgia scen6is.:.:t/857.'f> LONGUS. Amours of Daphnis and Chloe. 87 pp '. in S657.1 78 ENGLISH FICTION. lyook before you leap. Alexander, Mrs.... A374.19 Looking backward 2000-1887. Bellamy, E B437.2 Looking further forward. Michaelis, R...M620. i Loom and the lugger. Martineau, H in **M385.i5 Lora: the major's daughter. Heimburg, W H467.1 Lord, A. E. Days of Lamb and Cole- ridge L866.1 Lord Beaupr^. James, H./r in J2'j7.i3 Lord Brockenhurst. Brydges, Sir S. E... in **B9i6.2 Lord Harry Bellair. 2 vols. Manning, A M283.5 Lord Hermitage. Grant, J G761.29 Lord Kilgobbin. Lever, C L658.16 Lord mayor. Holt, E. S H758.7 Lord mayor of London. Ainsworth, W. H A297.26 Lord Montagu's page. 3 vols. James, G. P. R J276.27 Lord of himself. Underwood, F. H U563.2 Lord Ormont and his Aminta. Meredith, G M559.7 Lord Roldan. Cunningham, A C971.1 Lord Vanecourt's daughter. Collins, M....C711.1 Lorenzo. Bresciani, A B842.1 Lorenzo Benoni. Ruffini, G R923.2 Lorley and Reinhard. Auerbach, B A918.9 Lorna Doone. Blackmore, R. D B629.9 LoRNE, J. G. E. H. D. S. Campbell, Mar- quis of. From shadow to sunlight. ..L875.1 "Who were they? a Maltese apparition. 36 pp i»- T143.20 Lorrimer Littlegood. Smedley, F. E...S637.6 Lost and saved. Norton, C. E. S N883.1 Lost casket. Du Boisgobey, F D816.2 Lost illusions. Balzac, H. de B198.24 Lost in a great city. Douglas, A. M D734. 16 Lost inca. OzoUo, Inca P O995.1 Lost Lenore. Reid, M R357-4 Lost manuscript. Freytag, G F895.4 Lost name. Le Fanu, J. S L488.3 Lost secret of the Cocos group. 54 pp...i« T143.13 Lost Sir Massingberd. Payn, J Q345-I4 Lothair. Disraeli, B D613.8 LoTHAR (pseud.) Archrogue. Castle Christburg in R794-I ' LoTi, P. {pseud, of L. M. J. Viaud) . Book of pity and of death L883.1 Iceland fishermen L883.3 Phantom from the east L883.4 Rarahu; or, the marriage of Loti L883.6 Lotta Schmidt, and other stories. Trollope, A T846.17 Lottery, The. Edgeworth, M in **E235.6 Same in E235.19 LouGHEAD, F. H. Man from nowhere. {Also) Crown of thorns. Santos's brother. {And) Sealskin Annie L887.1 Man who was guilty L887.2 Louis Lambert. Balzac, H. de B198.25 Louisa Kirkbride. Thdbaud, A. J T375.1 Louisa of Prussia and her times. Miihl- bach, L M952.11 Louisa Pallant. James, H./r in^^ii-i Louisiana. Burnett, F. H B964.13 Loukis Laras. Bikelas, D B595.1 Love afloat. Sheppard, F. H S550.1 Love and liberty. Dumas, A D886.27 Love and life. Yonge, C. M Y555.18 "Love and quiet life." Raymond, W R273.2 Love in old cloathes, and other stories. Bunner, H. C B942.1 Love in the nineteenth century. Preston, H. W Q927-3 Love in the tropics. White, C. E W583.1 Love is a spirit. Hawthorne, J H398.12 Love-letters of a worldly woman, (etc.) Clifford, L. L C639.5 "Love me little, love me long." Reade, C R285.19 Love, mj^stery, and superstition. 42 pp. Opie, A in O614.3 Love of a lady. Thomas, A T453.2 Lovel the widower. Thackeray, W. M..e« T363.5 Same in T363.19 LovEivACE, F. Moloch of fashion: a story of London society L898.1 Lovels of Arden. Braddon, M E B798.20 Lover, S. The gridiron in S885.4 Handy Andy L910.1 He would be a gentleman; or, treasure trove L910.2 Issued also as Treasure trove. Legends and stories of Ireland L910.3 Rory O'More L910.4 Lovers' Saint Ruth's, and three other tales. Guiney, L. I G964.3 Love's victory. Farjeon, B. L F229.12 Lowell, R. T. S. Antony Brade L916.1 New priest in Conception bay. 2 vols... L91 6.2 Story or two from an old Dutch town...L9i6.3 Loyal, C, pseud. Squatter and the don: a novel of contemporary occurrences in California L923.1 Loyal Ronins. Tamenaga Shunsui T157.1 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 79 Loys, Lord Berresford, and other tales. Duchess D829.11 LUBOMiRSKi, S. H. Prince. Safar-Hadgi; or, Russ and Turcoman L930.1 Lucas, A. L^onie. (Also) Within iron walls: twin-stories of the Franco- German war L932.1 Lucas Garcia, and other stories L933.I Lucia, Hugh, and another. Needell, 3Trs. J. H N374.1 Lucien de Rubempr^. Balzac, H. de...Bi98.26 Lucius Davoren. Braddon, M. E B798.29 Luck is everything. Maxwell, W. H M465.6 Luck of Barry Lyndon. Thackeray, W. M T363.14 Luck of Roaring Camp, and other sketches. Harte, B H327.20 Same, and other stories H327.21 Luck of the Darrells. Payn, J Q345-I5 Luck of the house. Sergeant, A S484.4 Lucretia. Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwer-..L998.i5 Lucy, H. W. Gideon Fleyce L943.1 Lucy. Smith, J. P S653.6 Lucy Arden. Grant, J G761.30 Lucy Crofton. Oliphant, M. O. W O475.27 Lucy Howard's journal. Sigourney, L. H S578.1 Ludlow, J. M. Captain of the Janizaries: a story of the times of Scanderbeg and the fall of Constantinople L945.1 King of Tyre L945.2 That angelic woman L945.3 Ludovic and Gertrude. Conscience, H...C755.4 LUMSDEN, K. M. How I fell among thieves. 26 pp in T143.21 A vendetta. 12 pp in T143.19 LuNN, Mrs. J. C. Shamrock and rose. 3 vols L963.1 Lure of fame. Holland, C H734.1 liVSKJ^, S., pseud. See Harland, H. Lutaniste of St. Jacobi's. Drew, C D776.1 Luttrell of Arran. Lever, C L658.17 Lyall, E. [pseud, of A. E. Bayly.) Der- rick Vaughan, novelist. [Also) Ladies of Lone Leventhorpe, by M. Lin- skill L981.3 Donovan: a modern Englishman L981.4 Doreen: the story of a singer L981.5 Hardy Norseman L981.7 In the golden days L981.8 Knight-errant L981.10 We two. (Sequel to Donovan.) L981.14 Won by waiting L981.15 Lydia. Shebbeare, J in **N938.22 Lyndell Sherburne. Douglas, A. M...D734.18 Lyndon, [pseud, t?/" M. A. Bright.) Mar- garet: a story of life in a prairie home L988.1 Lyon, E. D. Ireland's dream. 2 V0IS...L990.1 Lyon, S. For a mess of pottage L991.1 Lyster, a. My treasure. 45 pp in T143.20 Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwer- i Baron Lytton. (Pisistratus Caxton, pseud.) Alice; or, the mysteries. (Sequel to "Ernest Maltravers.") L998.1 Calderon, the courtier in L998.14 The Caxtons L998.2 Coming race; or, the new Utopia L998.3 Same. (Also) Falkland. Zicci. [And) Pausanias the Spartan L998.4 Devereux L998.5 The disowned L998.6 Ernest Maltravers; or, the Eleusinia....L998.7 Eugene Aram L998.8 Falkland in L998.4 Godolphin L998.9 Harold: the last of the Saxon kings... L998. 10 Haunted and the haunters in L998.21 Same in L998-25 Same in T143.5 Same in T143.5 » Issued also as House and the brain. Kenelm Chillingly L998.11 Last days of Pompeii L998.12 Last of the barons L998-I3 Leila; or, the siege of Granada. (Also) Calderon the courtier, and, Pilgrims of the Rhine L998.14 Lucretia; or, the children of night L998.15 "My novel." 2 vols L998.16 Night and morning L998.17 The Parisians. 2 vols L,()g8.i8 Paul Clifford L998-I9 Pausanias, the Spartan in L998.4 Same L998.20 Same. {Also) Haunted and the haunters. L998.21 Pelham L998-22 Pilgrims of the Rhine tn L998-I4 Rienzi : the last of the Roman tribunes..L998. 23 Strange story L998-24 Same, and, Haunted and the haunters..L998.25 What will he do with it? L998.26 Zanoni L998.27 Zicci in L998.4 Lytton, E. R. Bulwer- Earl of Lytton. (Owen Meredith, pseud.) Ring of Amasis L999-I 8o BNGI.ISH FICTION. M., C. J. Alice Sherwin: a tale of the days of Sir Thomas More Miio.i M., C. M. May Lane: a story of the six- teenth century in H758.13 M. or N. Melville, G. J. W- M530.22 Same /w**M53o.2i MaarTEns, M. {pseud, of H. Van der Pooten Schwartz). God's fool: a Koop- stad story M111.3 Greater glory Mi 11. 4 Joost Avelingh Mil 1.6 My lady Nobody M111.8 Mabel Lee. Reid, C R353.10 Mabel Vaughan. Cummins, M. S ^970.3 Mabel's progress. Trollope, F. C T847.2 Macaria. Wilson, A.J. E W746.5 MacaulKY, E. Tales of the drama Mil 7.1 McCarthy, J. The dictator M122.1 Lady Judith Mi 22.3 Linley Rochford M122.4 Maid of Athens M122.5 Maurice Tyrone; or, the fair Saxon M122.2 Issued also as The fair Saxon. Miss Misanthrope M122.7 My enemy's daughter M122.8 Red diamonds Mi 22.9 Riddle ring M122.10 Waterdale neighbors M122.15 — and Praed, R. Campbell- Ladies' gal- lery M122.11 "The Right Honourable." M122.12 MacCarthy More. Sadlier, M. A S126.4 McCarTy, L. Gabrielle M123.1 McClellan, Mrs. H. H. See Flemming, H., pseud, McClei^LAND, M. G. Madame Silva. [Also) Ghost of Dred Power M126.1 Manitou island M126.2 Oblivion M126.3 Princess M126.4 MacDermots of Bally cloran. Trollope, A T846.18 MACD0NAI.D, G. Adela Cathcart M135.1 Alec Forbes of Howglen M135.2 Annals of a quiet neighbourhood M135.3 David Elginbrod M135.4 Donal Grant M135.5 Elect lady M135.6 Guild court M135.7 Heather and snow M135.8 Home again M135.9 Lilith MT35.10 Malcolm M 135. 11 Marquis of Lossie M135.12 MacDonaIvD, G. — Continued. Mary Marston M135.13 Paul Faber, surgeon M135.14 Phantastes M135.15 Same. {Also) The portent M135.16 The portent: a story of the inner vision of the highlanders, commonly called the second sight in M135.16 Same M 135. 17 Robert Falconer M135.18 St. George and St. Michael M135.19 Seaboard parish. Sequel to "Annals of a quiet neighbourhood." M135.20 Sir Gibbie M135.21 Stephen Archer, and other tales M135.22 There and back M135.23 Thomas Wingfold, curate M135.24 Vicar's daughter M135.25 Warlock o' Glenwarlock M135.26 Weighed and wanting M135.27 Wilfrid Cumbermede M135.28 MacdonaIvD, J. Narrative of prince Char- lie's escape. 28 pp in T143.16 McDonnell, W. Exeter Hall: a theo- logical romance M136.1 MacDowaIvIv, C. Queen among queens: a tale of the desert M138.1 McDowell, Mrs. K. See Bonner, S. MacFarlane, C. Romance of history: Italy M143.1 MacGahan, B. E. Xenia Repnina: a story of the Russia of today M145.1 McGlasson, E. W. Diana's livery M146.1 McIntosh, M. J. Two pictures M152.2 Mackarness, M. a. Influence M153.1 McKay, J. T. Stella Grayland. 42 pp...z« S884.7 Mackenzie, E. {pseud, of M. Grogan.) Roua pass; or. Englishmen in the Highlands. 3 vols M156.1 Mackenzie, H. Man of feeling, and, Julia de Roubign^ **B232.29 Mackenzie, R. S. Tressilian and his friends M157.1 Mcknight, C. Captain Jack, the scout; or, the Indian wars about old Fort Duquesne M158.1 Issued also as Old Fort Duquesne. McLandburgh, F. Automaton ear, and other sketches M159.1 Maclaren, Miss. "Thrust out;" an old legend M160.1 Maclaren, I., pseud. See Watson, J. Maclay, a. C. Mito Yashiki: a tale of old Japan M162.1 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 8i Maclean, H. E. Andromeda M163.1 McLean, S. P. See Greene, S. P. McL. MACLEOD, F. Washer of the ford Mi 65.5 Macleod of Dare. Black, W B627.17 McManus, L. Silk of the kine M167.1 MacNabb, Mrs. M. L. See Laffan, M. Macnish, R. The metempsychosis. 59 pp 7«Ti43.i Same in T143.1 " Macoun, M., comp. Character and com- ment selected from the novels of W. D. Howells H859.6 Macquoid, K. S. At an old chateau M173.1 Mere Suzanne, and other stories M173.5 Patty M173.6 Rookstone M173.7 McVeys, The, Kirkland, J K597.1 Mad Sir Uchtred of the hills. Crockett, S. R C938.10 Mad world and its inhabitants. Cham- bers, J C444.1 Madam. Oliphant, M. O. W 0475-28 Madame Agnes. Dubois, C D813.1 Madame de Fleury. Edgeworth, ]M...x« **E235.9 Same in E235.25 Same in E235.34 INIadame de Maurescam*.. Feuillet, O F426.3 Madame de Presnel. Poynter, E. F Q892.3 Madame Delphine. Cable, G. W C115.8 Madame d'Orgevaut's husband. Rabusson, H R117.1 Madame Firmiani. 32 pp. Balzac, H. de... i7i B198.1 Same in B198.6 3k Madame Gosselin. Ulbach, L U362.2 Madame Jane Junk and Joe. Bomemann, M B736.1 Madame Silva. McClelland, M. G Mi 26.1 Madame Th^rese. Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A E654.12 Madcap Violet. Black, W B627.18 Made or marred. Fothergill, J in F761.4 Madeleine. Kavanagh, J K212.7 Madeleine. Sandeau, J S214.1 Madeleine Graham. Robinson, J R662.3 Madeline. Holmes, M. J H751.18 Madeline. Opie, A in O614.1 Madelon. Wilkins, M. E W684.7 Mademoiselle. Peard, F. M Q359-8 Mademoiselle Bismarck. Rochefort, H...R674.1 Mademoiselle de La Fayette. Genlis, S. F. Comtesse de **G332.2 Mademoiselle de Mersac. Norris, W. E...N861.7 Mademoiselle Miss. Harland, H H282.8 Mademoiselle Mori. Roberts, M R646.7 Mademoiselle Panache. Edgeworth, M... in E235.18 Madonna Mary. Oliphant, M. O. W....O475.29 Madonna of the tubs. Phelps, E. S Q539-IO Maelcho. Lawless, E L418.3 Magdalen Hepburn. Oliphant, M. O. W..O475.30 Maggie. Crane, S C891.2 Maggie Miller. Holmes, M.J in H751.8 Magherini-Graziani, G. Fioraccio..?« M690. i Magic ring. La Motte Fouqu^, F. H. K. Frcihcrr de L235.2 Magic skin. Balzac, H. de B198.27 Maginn, W. Bob Burke's duel with en- sign Brady, 39 pp in T143.2 Same in T143.2 ' Story without a tail. 23 pp in T143.1 Same in T143.1 " Magnetic man, and other stories. Van Zile, E. S V285.1 Magnhild. Bjornson, B B625.5 Magnum bonum. Yonge, C. M Y555.20 Magruder, J. Across the chasm M212.1 Princess Sonia M212.2 Maid Marian. Peacock, T. L Q356.4 Maid Marian, and other stories. Seawell, M. E S442.5 Maid of Athens, McCarthy, J M122.5 Maid of honor. Wingfield, L W771.2 Maid of Killeena, and other stories. Black, W B627.20 Maid of Orleans, Robinson, J.... R662,4 Maid of Sker. Blackmore, R. D B629.11 Maid of Stralsund. Liefde, J. B. de L719.2 Maid, wife, or widow? Alexander, iJ/r^..A374.20 Maiden and married life of Mary Powell, Manning, A M283.6 Maiden of Treppi. Heyse, P H621.3 Maiden's progress. Hunt, V H943.2 MaidmenT, J. Cateran of Lochloy. Mort- lake: a legend of Merton in W750.4 Heir of Inshannock z« W750,6 Main-travelled roads. Garland, H G233.2 Mainstone's housekeeper. Meteyard, E...M591.1 Mairet, J., pseud. See Healy, M. Maitland, E. (H. Ainslie, pseud.) By and by M23i,i Higher law M231.2 Pilgrim and the shrine M23i,3 Maitland, J. A, Diary of an old doctor... M232.1 Lawyer's story M232.2 82 ENGLISH FICTION. MaitivAND, J. A. — Continued. Old patroon; or, the great Van Broek property M232.3 Sartaroe: a tale of Norway M232.4 The wanderer M232.5 Ma^tre-Conielius 82 pp. Balzac, H. de in B 198.41 Maiwa's revenge. Haggard, H. R H146.9 Majendie, LadyM.. Dita M233.1 A French speculation. 45 pp in T143.20 Giannetto M233.2 Railway journey. 29 pp in T143.12 Major and minor. 2 vols. Norris, W. E N861.8 Major Max. Townsend, E). W in T747.1 Maker of moons, etc. Chambers, R. W....C445.5 Making of a man. Baker, W. M B169.4 Malbone. Higginson, T. W H637.1 Malcolm. MacDonald, G M135.11 Mai,ET, L. { pseud, of '£i. G. K. Harrison.) The carissima M247.1 Counsel of perfection M247.2 Mrs. Lorimer M247.3 MAI.LOCK, W. H. Heart of life M255.1 New Paul and Virginia; or, positivism on an island M255.2 New republic M255.3 Old order changes M255.4 Romance of the nineteenth century M255.5 Malot, H. H. Anie M257.1 Mamelon. Tourgee, A. W in T727.8 Mammon of unrighteousness. Boyesen, H. H B791.6 Mam'zelle Eugenie. Gr^ville, H G838.4 Man and wife. Collins, W C713.21 Man as he is not. Bage, R **B232.48 Man at arms. James, G. P. R .J276.28 Man from Mars. Blot, T B657.1 Man from nowhere. Loughead, F. H...z« L887.1 Man in black. Weyman, S. J W549.10 Man in the bell. 10 pp iti T143.3 Same in T143.3 ^ Man of feeling. Mackenzie, H **B232.29 Man of honor. Eggleston, G. C E295.1 Man of mark. Hope, A H791.18 Man of the people. 2 vols. Erckmann, E., a«^ Chatrian, A E654.13 Man of the world. North, W N867.1 Man story. Howe, E. W H855.1 Man who became a savage. Homaday, W. T H813.4 Man who laughs. Hugo, V H895.2 Man who was guilty. Loughead, F. H...I/887.2 Man with seven hearts, and other stories. Burrell, A B969.I Man with the broken ear. About, E A156.2 Man without a country, and other tales. Hale, E. E H161.9 Manchester strike. Martineau, ' **M385.7 Manfred. Guerrazzi, F. D G934.2 Manitou island. McClelland, M. G M126.2 Manning, A. {Mrs. Rathbone.') Cherry and Violet: a tale of the great plague M283,i Heroes of the desert: the story of MoflFat and Livingstone M283.2 Jacques Bonneval; or, the days of the dragonnades M283.3 Lady Willoughby M283.4 Lord Harry Bellair. 2 vols M283.5 Maiden & married life of Mary Powell, afterwards Mistress Milton M283.6 Old Chelsea bun-house M283.7 Faire gospeller, Mistress Anne Askew... M283.8 Sower's reward M283.9 Spanish barber M283.10 Manning, E. Six months on a slaver... M284.1 Manoeuvring. Edgeworth, M i^i **E235.9 Same E235.22 Same in E235.34 Same in E235.35 "Man's a man for a' that." M286.1 Man's foes. Strain, E. H S897.1 Man's will. Fawcett, E F278.12 Mansfield Park. Austen, J A933.2 ManteuffeIv, U. Z. von. Violetta. (Tr.) by A. L. Wister W817.9 Manuel Pereira. Adams, F. C A212.1 Manuelita. Wilson, M. C W751.1 Manufacturers, The. Edgeworth, M in **E235.6 Same in E235.20 Manulito. Leffingwell, W. B L493.1 Manxman. Caine, H C135.6 Many inventions. Kipling, R K575.7 Manzoni, a. The betrothed M296.1 Issued also as Lucia the betrothed. Marable family. Hillyer, S H655.1 Marble faun. Hawthorne, N H399.6 MA.RBOVRO, B.yjoifii auikor. See Eggles- ton, G. C. Marcella. 2 vols. Ward, M. A. A W261.5 March hares. Frederic, H F852.6 Marchioness of Brinvilliers. Smith, A....S641.3 Marco Visconti. Grossi, T G878.1 Margaret. Judd, S J923.I Margaret. Lyndon L988.1 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 83 Margaret Graham. James, G. P. R J276.29 Same /« J276.41 Margaret Maitland, Passages in the life of. Oliphant, M. O. W O475.43 Margaret Moncrieffe. Burdett, C B951.1 Margaret Percival. Sewell, E. M S516.2 Margaret Roper. Stewart, A. M S850.1 Margarethe. Juncker, E W817.7 Margaret's secret. Brock, F. E. G B864.4 Marger>'. 2 vols. Ebers, G E165.11 Margery's son. Holt, E. S H758.8 Margret Howth. Davis, Mrs. R. H D263.2 Marguerite. Holmes, M.J H751.19 Marguerite deValois. 2 vols. Dumas, A..D886. 29 Maria. Isaacs, J I733.i Maria Theresa and her fireman. Miihl- bach, L, in M952.13 Mari.\ger, p. Pictures of Hellas M332.1 Mariam. Victor, H V643.1 Marian Grey. Holmes, M.J H751.20 Marianela. Perez Gald6s, B Q438.4 Marie, Andrews, "L,. H A567.1 Marie. Pushkin, A. S Q976.1 Marie. Richards, L. E R516.3 Marie Antoinette and her son. Miihlbach, L M952.12 Marion Darche. Crawford, F. M C899.11 Marion Graham. Lander, M L255.1 Marion Scatterthwaite. Symington, M....S987.1 Marionettes. Gordon, J , G663.3 Marion's faith. King, C K523.19 Marius the epicurean. 2 vols. Pater, W....Q295.3 Marivaux, p. C. de C. de. Virtuous orphan iti **N938.i6 Marjorie Daw and other people. Aldrich, T.B A365.3 Same, and other stories A365.4 Marjorie's quest. Lincoln, J. G L737-2 Marked "In haste." Roosevelt, B R781.1 Market Harborough. Melville, G.J. W-..M530.23 Same hi **M530.30 Markof, the Russian violinist. Gr^ville, H G838.5 Marks, Mrs. M. A. M. H. See Hoppus, M. A. M. Marlitt, E. [pseud, of E. John). At the councillor's. Tr. by A. L. Bailiff's maid. Tr. by A. L. Wister...W8i7.ii Countess Gisela. Tr. by A. L. Wister... W817.12 Gold Elsie. Tr. by A. L. Wister W817.13 In the Schillingscourt. Tr. by A. L. Wister W817.14 MarIvITT, E. — Continued. Lady with the rubies. Tr. by A. L. Wis- ter W817.15 Little moorland princess. Tr. by A. L. Wister W817.16 Old mam'selle's secret. Tr. by A. L. Wister W817.17 Owl's Nest. Tr. by A. L. Wister W817.18 Second wife. Tr. by A. L. Wister.. .W817. 19 Twelve apostles iti Z767.1 * Marm Lisa. Wiggin. K. D W655.4 Marmontel, J. F. Moral tales M352.1 Same in **N938.6 Marmorne. Hamerton, P. G H215.2 Maroon. Reid, M R357-5 Marooned. Russell, W. C R968.12 Marquis and merchant. Collins, M C712.2 Marquis of Carabas. SpofFord, H. P S762.4 Marquis of Lossie. MacDonald, G M135.12 Marriage. Ferrier, S. E ^391-3 Marriage at a venture. Gaboriau, E G116.6 Marriage by capture. Buchanan, R B918.8 Marriage contract. Balzac, H. de B198.28 Marriages, The. James, Yi.,Jr.. in]2']'j.% Married belle. Smith, J. P S653.7 Married by proxy. Dupree, F D942.1 Marryat, Florence. [Mrs. Lea?t.) Blindfold M361.1 Gerald Estcourt: his confessions M361.2 Girls of Feversham M361.3 Her lord and master M361.4 Master passion M361.6 Mount Eden M361.7 On circumstantial evidence M361.8 Prey of the gods M361.9 Scarlet sin M361.10 Marryat, Capt. F. Children of the New Forest M362.1 The dog-fiend; or, Snarleyyow M362.2 Frank Mildmay M362.3 Same. (Also) Olla podrida M362.4 Jacob Faithful M362.5 Japhet in search of a father M362.6 The king's own M362.7 Little Savage M362.8 Mission; or, scenes in Africa M362.9 Mr. Midshipman Easy M362.10 Monsieur Violet in California, Sonora, and western Texas, Travels of. M362.11 Moonshine in **M362.26 Newton Forster M362.12 Same. (Also) Monsier Violet M362.13 Olla podrida M362.14 Same. (Also) The pirate, and The Three cutters M362.28 84 ENGLISH FICTION. Marryat, Capt. F. — Continued. Pacha of many tales M362.15 Percival Keene M362.16 Peter Simple M362.17 Phantom ship M362.18 Pirate in **M362.26 Same m M362.28 Same, and, Three cutters M362.19 Same. (And) Moonshine **M362.26 The poacher M362.20 Same. [Also) Little savage M362.21 Poor Jack M362.22 Privateersman M362.23 Rattlin, the reefer M362.24 Settlers in Canada M362.25 Stories of the sea: Pirate; Three cutters; Moonshine **M362.26 Three cutters in M362.19 Same z«**M362.26 Same zw M362.28 Valerie, an autobiography M362.27 Marsena, and other stories of the wartime. Frederic, H F852.7 Marsh, A. C. Tales of the woods and fields **M364.i Marsh, C. L. Opening the oyster M365.1 Marsh island. Jewett, S. O J593-9 Marshali<, E. Alma; or, the story of a little music mistress M367.1 Dayspring: a story of the time of Wil- liam Tyndale M367.2 Escape from the tower M367.3 In Colston's days: a story of Old Bristol... M367.4 In four reigns, 1785-1842 M367.5 In the east country with Sir Thomas Browne M367.6 Master of the musicians M367.13 Memories of troublous times M367.7 Now-a-days M367.8 On the banks of the Ouse; or, life in Olney a hundred years ago M367.9 Story of John Marbeck: a Windsor organ- ist of three hundred years ago M367.10 Under Salisbury spire in the days of George Herbert M367.11 Under the Mendips M367.12 Marston. 3 vols. Croly, G C944.1 Martel de Janvii^IvE, S. G. M. A. Com- tesse DE. See Gyp, pseud. Martha, the gypsy. 20 pp. Hook, H781.9 Martin, Miss — . Canvassing in B218.3 Martin, H. Helen of Glenross. 4 vols, (in 2) **M38i.i Martin, 3Irs. H. See Martin, M. E. Martin, M. E. "For a dream's sake."...M382.i Martin, T. Bon Gaultier's tales: Country quarters iti W750.2 Same: Mrs. Humphrey Greenwood's tea-party in W750.5 Martin Chuzzlewit. Dickens, C D548.24 Same D548.25 Martin Paz. Verne, J V531.27 Same V531.45 MarTineau, H. Berkeley the banker. Pt. 2 M385.X Charmed sea M385.5 Deerbrook M385.8 Demerara M385.9 The Hampdens M385.13 Illustrations of political economy. 9 vols. 1. Brooke and Brooke farm. Hill and the val- ley. Life in the wilds **M385 4 2. Demerara. Ella of Garveloch. Weal and woe in Garveloch ** 3. Cousin Marshall. Ireland. Manchester strike **M385.7 4. For each and for all. French wines and politics. Homes abroad **M385.i2 5. Berkeley, the banker. Charmed sea **M385.2 6. The loom and the lugger. Messrs. Vander- put and Snoek **M385.i5 7. Cinnamon and pearls. Sowers not reapers. Tale of the Tyne **M385.6 8. Briery creek. Three ages **M385.3 9. The Farrers of Budge-Row. Moral of many fables **M385.n Life in the wilds M385.14 Messrs. Vanderput and Snoek M385.16 Sowers not reapers M385.17 Weal and woe in Garveloch M385.18 Martins of Cro' Martin. Lever, C L658.18 Martyr of Golgotha. 2 vols. Escrich, E. P E746.1 Martyrdom of Madeline. Buchanan, R...B918.4 Martyred fool. Murray, D, C M981.7 Martyrs of Spain. Charles, E. R C476.11 Maruja. Harte, B H327.22 MarveIv, Ik, pseud. See Mitchell, D, G. Mary Anerley. Blackmore, R. D B629.12 Mary Barton, and other tales. Gaskell, E. C G248.3 Mary Gresley. Trollope, A T846.8 Mary Marston. MacDonald, G M135.13 Mary Musgrave in S885.1 Mary of Burgundy. James, G. P. R J276.30 Mary of Lorraine. Grant, J G761.31 Mary Ogilvie. Picken, A Q594.2 Mary St. John. Carey, R, N C276.19 Mary Schweidler, the amber witch. Mein- hold, J. W M514.1 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 85 Marzio's crucifix. Crawford, F. INI C899.12 Mason, A. E. W. Courtship of Morrice Buckler M398.3 Mason, T. Adam Dickson M412.1 Massinger, p. New way to pay old debts. 31 pp in M875.1 ' Master, The. Zangwill, I Z295.7 ]Master Ardick, buccaneer. Costello, F. H C84r.3 Master and man. Tolstoi, Count L. N T654.8 Master Bieland and his workmen. Auer- bach, B A91 8. 10 Master craftsman. Besant, Sir W B554.23 Master Humphrey's clock. Dickens, C in D548.26 Same in D548.29 Same itt D548.29 ^ Same in D548.33 Master mosaic -workers. Sand, G S213.9 Master of Ballantrae. Stephenson, R. L...S848.5 Master of ceremonies. Fenn, G. M F334.1 Master of Greylands. Wood, E. P W874.8 Master of his fate. Barr, A. E B268.17 Master of Rathkelly. Smart, H S636.5 Master of the magicians. Phelps, E. S., rtwrf Ward, H. D Q539.I9 Master of the musicians. Marshall, E...M367.13 Master passion. Marryat, F M361.6 Masters, C. Shuttle of fate M423.5 Masters of the world. 3 vols. Hoppus, M. A. M H799.1 Matchmaker. Walford, L. B W174.6 Mate of the Daylight. Jewett, S. O j593-io Mate to mate. Sharkey, T. K S530.1 Mathers, H. {3Irs. Reeves). Hedri; or, blind justice. {Also) Miss Meredith..M426.i Mathers, J., and A solid gentleman, {pseud.) History of Mr. John Decastro and his brother Bat, commonly called Old Crab. 4 vols M427.1 Mathews, J. A. Bessie Harrington's venture M429.1 Mathias Sandorf. Verne, J V531.29 Mathilda of Canossa and Yoland of Gro- ningen. Bresciani, A B842.2 Matilda. 2 vols. Cottin, S. R C848.1 Matrimonial agent. Winterfeld, A. von...W788.i Matrimony. Norris, W. E N861.9 Matter of millions. Green, A. K G795.5 Matter of temperament. Stevenson, E. I....S847.3 Matthew Austin. Norris, W. E N861.10 Matthews, B. His father's son M438.4 Last meeting M438.8 Memories. 37 pp z« S886.3 Matthews, B. — Contitmcd. Secret of the sea, etc M438.10 Story of a story, etc M438.11 Tales of fantasy and fact M438.12 Venetian glass. 26 pp in S884.3 Vignettes of Manhattan M438.14 With my friends: tales told in partner- ship M438.16 Contents.— Art and mystery of collabora- tion. — Documents in the case, (and) Seven conversations of Dear Jones and Baby Van Rensselaer (wi/h H. C. Bunner). —Hdged tools, (and) Mated by magic (with IV. H. Pollock').— Ont. story is good till another is told (with G. H. Jessop).— Three wishes (with F. Anstey). — and KnstQy, F. Three wishes. 53 pp... i7i M438.16 — and Bunner, H. C. Documents in the case. 54 pp ifi S884.1 Same. (Also) Seven conversations of Dear Jones and Baby Van Rensselaer... in M438.16 — and Jessop, G, H. One story is good till another is told. 36 pp in M438.16 —and Pollock, W. H. Edged tools: a tale in two chapters. 52 pp. Mated by magic. 36 pp in M438.16 MaTurin, E. Bianca: a tale of Erin and Italy M445.1 Maturin, R. C. Melmoth, the wanderer. 4 vols M446.1 Maunsell, W. p. Poisoned chalice M450.1 Maupassant, G. de. The Horla. On the river .■ in M6qo.i Odd number: thirteen tales M452.1 Pierre and Jean M452.2 Who can tell? 19 pp. The drowned man. 11 pp in R657.1 Mauprat. Sand, G S213.10 Maureen Dhu. Sadlier, M. A S126.5 Maureen's fairing, etc. Barlow, J B258.7 Maurice Dering. Lawrence, G. A L421.6 Maurice Tiernay. Lever, C L658.19 Maurice Tyrone. McCarthy, J M122.2 Mavericks M46i.i Maxwel,!,, Lady C. E. S. Stirling- See Norton, C. E. S. Maxwell, Mrs. M. E. B. See Braddon, M. E. Maxwell, P. White woman of Tarras... in W750.6 Maxwell, W. H. Adventures of Captain Blake M465.1 Bivouac; or, stories of the Peninsular war M465.2 86 ENGI.ISH FICTION. Maxweli,, W. H. — Co7itinued. Captain Blake M465.1 Flood and field M465.3 Hector O'Halloran M465.4 Grace Willoughby: a tale of the wars of King James M465.5 Luck is everything M465.6 Sports in the Highlands and islands of Scotland. Sequel to "Wild sports of the west." M465.7 Stories of the Peninsular war M465.8 Stories of Waterloo M465.9 Maxwell. Hook, T H781.7 May, S. {pseud. o/R. S. Clarke). In old Quinnebasset M467.1 May. Oliphant, M. O. W O475.31 May flower, etc, Stowe, H. B S892.3 May Lane. M., C. M in H758.13 May Martin, and other tales of the Green Mountains. Thompson, D. P T470.4 Mayhew, a. S., joini author. See May- hew, H. Mayhew, H., and A. S. Image of his father M469.1 Mayo, Mrs. I. F. See Garrett, E., and R., pseud. Mayo, W. S. The Berber: a tale of Mo- rocco M473.1 Issued also as Mountaineer of the Atlas. Kaloolah; or, journeyings to the Didbel Kumri M473.2 Mayor of Casterbridge. Hardy, T H272.12 Mayor of Wind-gap. Banim, M B218.3 Meadow Brook. Holmes, M. J H751.21 Meadow-grass. Brown, A B878.1 Mecklenburg, A. S. See Ring, I., pseud. Meinhold, J. W. Mary Schweidler, the amber witch M514.1 Melbourne House. Warner, S W284.5 MeI/Drum, D. S. Rathillet. 57 pp....z« T143.24 Melincourt. 2 vols. Peacock, T. L, Q356.5 Mellichampe. Simms, W. G S592.10 Melmoth, the wanderer. 4 vols. Maturin, R. C M446.1 Mei'..../« J277. 9 Mrs. Vereker's courier maid. Alexander, Mrs in A374.27 Misunderstood. Montgomery, F M787.1 Mitchell, D. G. Doctor Johns. 2 vols... M679.1 Dream life: a fable of the seasons M679.2 Reveries of a bachelor M679.3 Seven stories, with basement and attic... M679.4 Mitchell, E. P. Ablest man in the world. 28 pp in S884.10 The Tachypomp: a mathematical demon- stration. 24 pp in S884.5 Mitchell, J. a. Amosjudd M680.1 That first affair and other sketches M680.7 Mitchell, S. W. In wartime M681.1 Roland Blake M681.2 Mitchell, W. Two strings to his bow....M682.i MiTFORD, A. B. Tales of old Japan M683.1 MiTFORD, M. R. Freshwater fisherman. 7 PP "^ J737-I Same in T559.1 Our village: sketches of rural character and scenery. 2 vols M684.1 Tajima in S885.7 Mito Yashiki. Maclay, A. C M162.1 Moby-Dick. Melville, H M531.1 Model of Christian Gay. Vachell, H. A... V118.1 Modem Adam and Eve in a garden. Doug- las, A. M D734-I9 Modem Agrippa. White, C. E W583.2 Modern buccaneer. Boldrewood, R B687.5 Modern ghosts: selected and translated. Introd. by G. W. Curtis M690.1 Contents: Curtis, G. W. Introd.— Mau- passant, G. de. The Horla. On the river. — Kielland, A. L. Siesta.— Alarcon, P. A. de. The tall woman. — Becquer, G. A. Maese P^rez, the organist. — Magherini-Graziaui, G. Fioraccic— Kompert, L. The silent woman. go ENGLISH FICTION. Modern Griselda. 82 pp. Edgeworth, M in **B232.50 Same in **E235.2 Sa7ne in E235.25 Modern instance. Howells, W. D H859.22 Modern Magdalene. Woods, V W897.1 Modern Mephistopheles. Alcott, L. M...A355.2 Modern Midas. Jokai, M •J745-7 Modern Telemachus. Yonge, C. M Y555.21 Modern warning. James, H.,yr z« J277.2 Modeste Mignon. Balzac, H. de B198.30 Mohawks. Braddon, M. E B798.23 Mohicans of Paris. Dumas, A D886.31 Mohun. Cooke, J. E C772.9 MoiR, D. M. Bridal of Borthwick ifi Q594.1 Divinity student in W750.3 MOLESWORTH, M. L. (Ennis Graham, pseud.) Hathercourt M719.1 Philippa M719.2 Molly Bawn. Duchess D829.13 Moloch of fashion. Lovelace, F L898.1 Monarch of dreams. Higginson, T. \V....H637.2 Monarch of Mincing-Lane. Black, W....B627.21 Monastery, The. Scott, 6"/r W S431.33 Same S431.34 MONCREIFF, F. The X jewel M739.1 MoNCREiFF, H. J. See Wellwood, H. J. MoncreifiF, Lord. MoNCRiEFF, 3Ii's. W. G. Scott- An Elie ruby. 61 pp fw T143.19 Such pity as a father hath. 46 pp...?« T143.23 Money-god. Quinton, M. A Q995-I Money-makers. Keenan, H. F K267.2 Monikins, The. Cooper, J. F C777.22 Same in C777.46 Monk and knight. 2 vols. Gunsaulus, F. W G976.1 Monk of Fife. Lang, A L269.4 Monk of the Aventine. Eckstein, E E195.3 Monsieur le ministre. Claretie, J C591.1 Monsieur Lecoq. 2 pts. Gaboriau, E G116.7 Monsieur Sylvestre. Sand, G.. S213.13 Monsieur Violet. Marryat, Capt. I?...i7i M362.11 Same M362.13 Montague, C. H. Countess Muta M759.1 Montezuma's daughter. Haggard, H. R... H146.11 Montezuma's gold mines. Ober, F. A O125.1 Montgomery, F. Misunderstood M787.1 Thwarted; or, ducks' eggs in a hen's nest M787.2 Montresor, F. F. False coin or true?... M811.1 Montresor, F. F. — Continued. Into the highways and hedges M811.2 One who looked on M811.3 Worthwhile M811.6 Moods. Alcott, L. M A355.3 Moondyne. O'Reilly, J. B O665.1 Moonlight boy. Howe, E. W H855.2 Moonshine. 20 pp. Marryat, Capt. F... in **M362.26 Moonstone. Collins, W C713.23 Moor of Granada. Guenot, H G927.1 Moore, E. The gamester. 25 pp....?« M875.1 = Moore, F. F. Impudent comedian, and others M820.5 Moore, G. Vain fortune M821.1 Moore, Dr. J. Edward: various views of human nature, chiefly in England. 2 vols M822.1 Same. 4 vols **M822.2 Zeluco. 2 vols **B232.34-5 MOOREHEAD, W. K. Wanneta, the Sioux... M825.1 Moral of many fables. Martineau, H... in **M385.ii Moral tales. Marmontel, J. F M352.1 Same in **N938.6 More, H. Coelebs in search of a wife...M835.i Same. {Also) Essays (And) Moriana... M835.2 Moriana in M835.2 Repository tales M835.4 Shepherd of Salisbury Plain, and other tales M835.5 More bywords. Yonge, C. M Y555.22 More "short sixes." Bunner, H. C B942.3 MoREi W z« S431.24 Same in **S43i.32 Same S431.38 Same in S431.43 Pirate gold. Stimson, F. J S859.5 Plain tales from the hills. Kipling, R...K575.11 Plan of campaign. 2 vols. Robinson, F. M R659.1 Plated city. Perry, B Q463.4 Play-actre?s. Crockett, S. R C938.14 Play of fate. Bjursten, H B626.1 Played out. Thomas, A T453.4 Playing the mischief. De Forest, J. W....D3I5.5 Playing with fire. Grant, J G761.39 Pleasant Waters. Claytor, G C622.1 Pleasures of old age. Souvestre, E S729.3 Plebiscite. Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A E654.14 Ploughed. Walford, L. B W174.9 Ploughed under. Theamba, I T374.1 Poacher. Marryat, Capt. F M362.20 Same M362.21 PoE, E. A. Prose tales. ist-2d ser. 2 vols... Q743-I Same. ist-3d ser. 3 vols Q743.2-4 Poet and merchant. Auerbach, B A918.12 Poganuc people. Stowe, H. B S892.10 Point of honor. Edwardes, A E254.7 Point of view. 71 pp. James, H.,/r....j« J277.17 Poison tree. Chatterjee, B. C C495.1 Poisoned chalice. Maunsell, W. P M450.1 Polikouchka. 70pp. Tolstoi, Cc/^w/'L,. N..T654.9 Polish Jew, and other tales. Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A E654.15 PoLKO, E. Musical sketches Q770-I PoLLOK, R. Tales of the covenanters.. ..Q777.1 Pomona's travels. Stockton, F. R S866.25 Pomp of the Lavilettes. Parker, G Q240.17 Pompey the little. 77 pp. Coventry, F.... in **B232.23 Same f« **N938.i9 PONTOPPIDAN, H. Emanuel Q818.1 Pool, M. L. Dally Q821.4 In a dike shanty Q821.7 Katharine North Q821.8 Mrs. Keats Bradford Q821.10 Out of step Q821.12 Roweny in Boston Q821.14 Two Salomes Q821.15 Poor folk. Dostoyevsky, F. M D724.2 Poor gentleman. Conscience, H C755.6 Poor Jack. Marryat, Capt.'B M362.22 Poor Miss Finch. Collins, W C713.27 Poor relation. Soans, R. G., aw^Kenyon, E. C S676.1 Poor scholar, and other tales. Carleton, W C281.9 Popanilla. Disraeli, B in D613.1 Poppaea. Gordon, J G663.4 Port Tarascon. Daudet, A D238.9 Portent. MacDonald, G in M135.16 Saine M135.17 Porter, D. D. Arthur Merton Q844.1 Porter, J. Scottish chiefs Q846.1 Thaddeus of Warsaw Q846.2 I04 ENGLISH FICTION. Porter, L. B. See Ross, A., pseud. Porter, W. O. (Sir E. Seaward, pseud.) Sir Edward Seaward's narrative of his shipwreck, and consequent discovery of certain islands in the Caribbean sea Q849.1 Portia. Duchess D829.16 Portrait. OUphant, M. O. W in O475.42 Portrait of a lady. James, 'R., Jr J277.11 PosTEi,, K. See Sealsfield, C, pseud. Potter, F. H., tr. Near to happiness... Q866.1 Potter's thumb. Steel, F. A S813.2 Pottleton legacy. Smith, A S641.5 Pound of cure. Bishop, W. H B622.7 POUSHKIN, A. S. See Pushkin, A. S. Pou VILLON, E. Cesette: a story of peas- ant life in the south of France Q880.1 Poverty Corner. Fenn, G. M F334.5 Power, T. Gipsy of the Abruzzo in Q594.1 Powers, S. Muskingum legends Q888.1 POYNTER. E. F. Among the hills Q892.1 Ersilia Q892.2 Madame de Presnel Q892.3 My little lady Q892.4 Praed, R. CampbelI/- Christina Chard... Q897-I "December roses."... Q897.2 Romance of a chS,let Q897.3 —joint author. See McCarthy, J. Prairie. Cooper, J. F C777.29 Prairie-bird. Murray, C. A M980.1 Prairie folks. Garland, H G233.3 Pratt, C. A. Book of martyrs Q()oi.2 Pratt portraits. Fuller, A F965.2 Pray you sir, whose daughter? Gardener, H. H G218.2 Preacher and the king. Bungener, L B941.1 Precaution. Cooper, J. F C777.30 Same C777.31 Prelate. Henderson, I H497.2 Premier and his wife. 39 pp in T143.6 Same in T143.6 ' Premier and the painter. Zangwill, I...Z295.11 Premiums paid to experience. Garrett, E G239.11 Prentiss, E. P. Pemaquid: a story of old times in New England Q916.1 Prescott, E. Iv. Apotheosis of Mr. Ty- rawley Q918.1 Prescott, H. E. See Spofford, H. P. Present problem. Bolton, S. K B694.1 President's daughters. Bremer, F B836.12 Same. Pt. 2 B836.12 ^ Preston, H. W. Aspendale Q927.1 Is that all? Q927.2 Love in the nineteenth century Q927.3 Pretty bandit. Millard, F. B M645.5 Pretty Miss Bellew. Gift, T G458.2 Pretty Mrs. Gaston, etc. Cooke, J. E....C772.12 Pretty Polly Pemberton. Burnett, F. H..z« B964.4 Same B964.17 Pretty sister of Jose. Burnett, F. H B964.18 Prey of the gods. Marryat, F M361.9 Price she paid. Benedict, F. L B463.6 Pride and prejudice. Austen, J A933.4 Same A933.5 Pride of life. Scott, Lady^, S425.1 Priest and the Huguenot. 2 vols. Bun- gener, I, B941.2 Prime, W. C. Among the northern hills... Q942.1 Prime minister. Trollope, A T846.25 Primes and their neighbors. Johnston, R-M J733.9 Primrose path. Oliphant, M. O. W O475.47 Prince, H. C. Story of Christine Roche- fort Q944.1 Transatlantic chatelaine Q944.4 Prince, The. Cockton, H C666.1 Prince Eugene and his times. Miihlbach, L M952.18 Prince Fortunatus. Black, W B627.23 Prince of India. 2 vols. Wallace, D W191.3 Prince of the blood. Payn, J Q345.18 Prince of the house of David. Ingraham, J. H I543-I Prince Otto. Stevenson, R. D S848.10 Prince Serebryani. Tolstoi, Count K T653.1 Princess. McClelland, M. G M126.4 Princess Aline. Davis, R. H D264.10 Princess Amelie: a fragment of autobiog- raphy Q947-I Princess Casamassima. James, H.,yr....j277.i2 Princess of Montserrat. Drysdale, W D808.1 Princess Napraxine. Ouida O934.16 Princess Nourmahal. Sand, G S213.15 Princess of Brunswick-Wolfenbiittel. Zschokke, H Z923.3 Princess of Thule. Black, W B627.24 Princess Ogherof. Greville, H G838.7 Princess Sonia. Magruder, J M212.2 Princess Tarakonava. Danilevski, G. P....D187.1 Prior, H. D. Expiated Q948.1 Prisoner of Zenda. Hope, A H791.20 Prisoners of conscience. Barr, A. E B268.23 Prisons of air. Conway, M. D C768.1 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 105 Private life. James, H.,/)' J277.13 Private Miles O'Reilly, Life, etc., of. Hal- pine, C. G H195.1 Privateersman. Marryat, Ca/>L F M362.23 Probation. Fothargill, J F761.6 Proctor's tithe. Alcock, D in A354.2 Prodigal in love. Wolf, E W854.2 Professor. Bronte. C B870.2 Sa>fie BS70.3 Professor's sister. Hawthorne, J H39S.15 Prophet of the Great Smoky mountains... Craddock, C. E C884.14 Prose tales. ist-2dser. 2 vols. Poe, E. A..Q743.1 Same. ist-3d ser. 3 vols Q743.2-4 Prosper. Cherbuliez, V C521.4 Prothero, H. The misogynist. 11 pp.... ?«Ti43.i9 Provost, and other tales. Gait, J G179.4 Prudence Palfrey. Aldrich, T. B A365.6 Prue and I. Curtis, G. W C979.1 Prusias. 2 vols, Eckstein, E E195.5 Prussian vase. Edgeworth, M in E235.17 Psyche of to-day. Jenkin, H. C -1525.2 Publicans and sinners. Braddon, M. E...B798.29 Puck. Ouida O934.17 PilLSZKY, F. A., a?!d T. Tales and tradi- tions of Hungary. 3 vols Q972.1 Pupil. James, 11., Jr inj2'j-j.8 Purchase of the north pole. Verne, J...V531.32 Puritan and his daughter. Paulding, J. K **Q325-4 Puritan Bohemia. Sherwood, M S553.8 Puritan pagan. Gordon, J G663.5 Puritan's wife. Pemberton, M Q395-6 Purse, The. 48 pp. Balzac, H. de...f«Bi98.6 ^k Same i?i B198.16 Pushed by unseen hands. Gardener, H. H G218.3 Pushkin, A, S. Marie: a story of Russian love Q976.1 Russian romance Q976.2 Snow-storm. 12 pp in H496.1 Put yourself in his place. Reade, C R285.26 Sa}fie R285.27 Putnam, G. I. In blue uniform Q980.1 On the oflFensive Q980.2 Q., pseud. See Couch, A. T. Q. Quabbin. Underwood, F. H U563.3 Quadroon. Reid, M R357.7 Quaker girl of Nantucket. Lee, M. C...Iv479.i Quality of mercy. Howells, W. D H859.25 Queechy. Warner, S W284.9 Queen among queens. MacDowall, C...M138.1 Queen Mab. Kavanagh, J K212.9 Queen Money. Kirk, E. O K593.6 Queen of Bohemia. Hatton, J H366.3 Queen of hearts. Collins, W C713.28 Queen of Sheba. Aldrich, T. B A365.7 Queen Titania. Boyesen, H. H B791.9 Queenhoo-Hall. 4 vols. Strutt, J *'*S929.i Queenie Hetherton. Holmes, M. J H751.24 Queenie's whim. Carey, R.N C276.28 Queens. Emery, E. B E537.1 Queen's cadet, and other tales. Grant, J... G761.40 Queen's Maries. Melville, G. J. W-...M530.24 Same **M530.25 Queen's necklace. Dumas, A D886.35 QuEiROS, E. DE Dragon's teeth Q993-I Quentin Durward. Scott, 5"/V W in S431.10 Same S431.39 Same **S43i.40 Quest of the absolute. Balzac, H. de B198.2S Quest of the golden girl. Le Gallienne, R L496.3 Question. Ebers, G E165.12 Question of honor. Reid, G R353-I5 Question of love. Combe, T C729.1 Quicksands. Streckfuss, A W817.29 Quicksands of Pactolus. Vachell, H. A..V118.3 Quiet heart. Oliphant, M. O. W O475.48 Quiet life. Burnett, F. H B964.19 Quiet Miss Godolphin. 53 pp. Garrett, E. and R G239.12 QuiLLiNAN, E. Rangers of Connaught ^■«J737-i Same in T559,i QuiNTON, M. A. Money-god: a tale of the third century Q995-I Quintus Claudius. 2 vols. Eckstein, E...E195.6 Quits. Tautphoeus, J. M. Freiherrin von... T229.4 Quixstar. Taylor, E T240.2 "Quo vadis." Sienkiewicz, H S572.10 Quodlibet. Kennedy, J. P K353.2 R., E., tr. Chateau Morville Riio.i Rabbi and priest. Goldsmith, M G624.1 Rabusson, H. Madame d'Orgevaut's hus- band R117.1 Rachel Gray. Kavanagh, J K212.10 Rachel Noble's experience. Edwards, B..E263.1 Rachel Stanwood. Morse, L. G M885.1 Radcliffe, a. W. Mysteries of Udol- pho R125.1 Same. 3 vols **B232.45-7 Romance of the forest R125.2 Same. 2 vols **B232.43-4 io6 ENGLISH FICTION. Radical. Gait, J G179.5 Same in G179.6 Raffles Haw. Doyle, A. C D754.16 Ragged, H. King Solomon's wives R142.1 Raiders. Crockett, S. R C938.16 Railroad and the churchyard, (etc). 54 pp. Bjornsou, B z« G622.1 Railway junction; or, the romance of Lady- bank. 59 pp in T143.10 Raimund, G. {pseud, of B. Friedrich.) From hand to hand. Tr. by A. Iv. Wister W817.21 New race. Tr. by A. L. Wister W817.22 Rainbow gold. Murray, D. C M981.8 Rainy June. Ouida in O934.10 Same O934.18 Rajah's heir R161.1 Raleigh Westgate. Johnson, H. K J675.1 Ralph, J. Alone in China, and other stories R163.1 People we pass R163.4 Ralph the bailiflf, etc. Braddon, M. F...B798.30 Ralph the heir. Trollope, A T846.26 Ralph Wilton's weird. Alexander, Mrs.... A374.23 Ralstons. 2 vols. Crawford, F. M C899.16 Rambling story. Clarke, M. C- C599.2 Ramona. Jackson, H. M... .J127.4 Randolph, J. T. Heiress of Sweetwater...Ri93. i Randolph Gordon, etc. Ouida O934.19 Rangers. Thompson, D. P T470.5 Rangers and regulators. Reid, M R357.8 Raphael. Lamartiue, A. de L217.4 Rarahu, Loti, P 1^883.6 Rask, E. C. Storm-bride. 4 pp H496.1 RaspE, R. E. Adventures of Baron Miin- chausen. Illus. by G. Dor6 **R226.i Rasselas, History of. Johnson, S **B232.26 Same •J692.1 Same in **N938.23 RaThbone, Mrs. M. A. M. See Manning, A. Rattlin, the reefer. Marryat, Capt. F...M362.24 Rau, H. Beethoven: a biographical ro- mance R239.1 Mozart: a biographical romance R239.2 Ravellings from the web of life. Green- way, Grandfather G816.1 Ravenshoe. Kingsley, H K555.8 Raymond, G. How they kept the faith: a tale of the Huguenots of Languedoc... R269.1 Rayiiond, R. W. No laggards we R271.1 Raymond, W. (Tom Cobbleigh, pseud.) Gentleman Upcott's daughter R273.1 "Love and quiet life." R273.2 Tryphena in love R273.3 Raymonde. Theuriet, A T415.6 Read, E., joint author. See Reeves, M. C. L. Read, O. P. Kentucky colonel R284.1 Len Gansett R284.2 My young master R2S4.3 REAde, C. Box tunnel in S885.2 Christie Johnstone R285.2 Same in R285.21 Same in R285.22 Cloister and the hearth R285.4 Course of true love never did run smooth R285.7 Same. (Also) Singleheart and Double- face ! R285.8 Good stories R285.9 Griffith Gaunt R285.10 Hard cash R285.11 Same. (Also) Wandering heir. 2 vols... R285.12 It is never too late to mend R285.14 Same, etc R285.15 "Love me little, love me long." R285.19 Peg Woffington. (Also) Christie John- stone, and other stories R285.21 Same. (Also) Christie Johnstone. (And) Singleheart and Doubleface..R285.22 Perilous secret R285.23 Put yourself in his place R285.26 Same. (Also) White lies R285.27 A simpleton R285.28 Same. (Also) Wandering heir R285.29 Singleheart and Doubleface in R285.8 Same in R285.22 Terrible temptation R285.30 Wandering heir in R285.12 Same in R285.29 White lies in R285.27 Same R285.31 Woman-hater R285 .32 — a«fl? Boucicault, D. Foul play R285.33 READE, W. W. The outcast R286.1 Reading party in the long vacation. 63 pp... i?i T143.2 Same in T143.2 ^ Ready money Mortiboy. Besant, SirW., and Rice, J B554.42 Real folks. Whitney, A. D. T W617.8 Real issue. White, W. A W589.5 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 107 Real lady. Garrett, E in G239.5 Real thing, and other stories. James, H,, Jr J277-I4 Realmah. Helps, Sir A H484.3 Rebel queen. Besant, 5/r W B554.26 Rebellious heroine. Bangs, J. K B216.3 Recalled to life. Allen, G A425.12 Recollections of Geoffrj' Hamlyn. Kings- ley, H K555.9 Recruit, The. 21 pp. Balzac, H. de.../« B198.41 Rector of St. Marks. Holmes, M. ] H751.27 Rector's home. Gibeme, A G445.1 Rector's wife. Stretton, J S916.1 Red as a rose is she. Broughton, R B877.6 Red badge of courage. Crane, S C891.3 Red cockade. Weyman, S. T W549.14 Red Court farm. Wood, E. P W874.11 Red diamonds. McCarthy, J M122.9 Red Hugh's captivity. O'Grady, S O357.4 Red Inn. 48 pp. Balzac, H. de in B198.41 Red men and white. Wister, O W818.1 Red republic. Chambers, R. W C445.6 Red Rover. Cooper, J. F in C777.27 Same C777.32 Red rowans. Steel, F. A S813.4 Redbank. Cowles, M. L C875.1 Redgauntlet. Scott, SirW S431.41 Same **S43i.42 Same S43I-43 Reds of the midi. Gras, F G767.1 Redskins. Cooper, J. F in C777.5 Same C777.33 Reed, C. {pseud, of R. U. Collins). John Halsey the anti-monopolist R323.1 Reed, T. B. Sir Ludar R326.1 Reed shaken with the wind. Faithfull, E FI74-I REEDER, a. p. Around the golden deep; a romance of the Sierras R327.1 Reeve, C. Old English baron **B232.22 Reeves, Mrs. H. M. See Mathers, H. Reeves, M. C. L., and Read, E. Pilot Fortune R332.1 Reflection. Hofland, B H712.1 Reflections of a married man. Grant, R...G763.9 Reform. Gait, J G179.6 Refugee. Melville, H M531.4 Refugees. Doyle, A. C D754.17 Regent's daughter. Dumas, A D8S6.36 Regicides. Cogswell, F. H C677.5 Regimental legends. Winter, J. S W785.13 Same i7i W785.1 Reginald Archer. Seemiiller, A. M S453.2 Reginald Dalton. Lockhart, J. G I,8i6.i REichenbach, M. von. {pseud, of V. Graft n Bethusy-Huc.) The Eichhofs. Tr. by A. L. Wister W817.23 REId, C. {pseud, of F. C. F. Tiernan). After many days ^353-1 Bonny Kate R353.2 Daughter of Bohemia P-353-3 Ebb-tide, and other stories R353.4 Gentle belle R-353-5 Heart of steel R353-6 Hearts and hands R353.7 "Land of the sky." R353-8 Land of the sun: vistas Mexicanas R353-9 Mabel Lee R353.10 Miss Churchill R353.11 Morton House R353.12 Nina's atonement, and other stories.. .R353. 13 Picture of Las Cruces R353.14 Question of honor R353- 15 Summer idyl R353.16 Valerie Aylmer R353. 1 7 REID, M. Child wife R357-I Free Lances R357.2 Headless horseman R357-3 Lost Lenore R357.4 The maroon R357-5 No quarter R357.6 The quadroon R357-7 Issued also as Love's vengeance. Rangers and regulators R357.8 White gauntlet R357-9 Release. Yonge, C. M Y555.26 Remarkable history of Sir Thomas Upmore. Blackmore, R. D B629.15 Remember the Alamo. Barr, A. E B268.19 Rent in a cloud. Lever, C in L658.25 Repository tales. More, H M835.4 Reprinted pieces. Dickens, C in D548.29 = Same in D548.35 Same D548.35 ^ Satne D548.46 Reproach of Annesley. Gray, M G781.12 Republic without a president, etc. Ward, H. D W258.1 Reputed changeling. Yonge, CM Y555.28 Residuary legatee. Stimson, F.J S859.7 Resolution. Roe, A. S R698.3 Return of the native. Hardy, T H272.14 Reuben: a prince in disguise. Holding, C. B H727.1 Reverberator. James, 'R.,fr J277.15 Reverend idol. Noble, L. G N750.1 Reveries of a bachelor. Mitchell, D. G....M679.3 Revolt of man. Besant, Sir W B554.27 io8 ENGLISH FICTION. Revolution in Tanner's lane. Rutherford, M R975.1 REybaud, H. E. F. Claude Stocq in H781.1 Reynard the fox: numerous authors and editions in R794.1 ^ Reynoi^ds, B., pseud. See Sheppard, E. S. Rhoda Fleming. Meredith, G M559.10 Rhona. Forrester, Mrs F730.9 Rhoscomyl, O, Battlement and tower.... R478. 1 For the white rose of Arno R478.5 Rice, J., 70/;// author. See Besant, Sir W. Rich husband. Riddell, C. E- L R543-I5 Rich Miss Riddell. Gerard, D G356.2 Richard Edney and the governor's family. Judd, S J923-2 Richard Feverel, Ordeal of. Meredith, G *M559.9 Richard Hurdis. Simms, W. G S592.12 Richard Vandermarck. Harris, M. C....H315.4 Richards, L. E. Marie R516.3 Richardson, B. W. Son of a star: a romance of the second century R521.1 Richardson, O. Dissolved pledge... ?mW75o. 10 Physiognomist's tales in W750.4 Rothesay fisherman in W750.3 Schoolfellows. Sea-storm in W750,6 Story of Tom Bertram. Angler's tales... in W750.8 Tom Duncan's yarn. Meeting at St. Boswell's in W750.5 Two sailors. Restored son ht W750.7 Richardson, S. Clarissa Harlowe R525.1 Same. 2 vols **N938.i4-i5 Same. 8 vols **B232.i-8 Pamela **N938.20 Same R525.2 Sam.e. 4 vols **R525.3 Sir Charles Grandison R525.4 Same ** Same. 7 vols **B232.9-i5 Richelieu. James, G. P. R J276.34 RiCHTER, J. P. F. Campaner Thai, and other writings R535-I Flower, fruit, and thorn pieces. 2 V0IS...R535.2 Hesperus. 2 vols R535-3 Invisible lodge R535.4 The moon. 8 pp iti O983.1 Schmelzle's journey to Flaetz. Life of Quintus Fixlein in C286.2 Titan: a romance. 2 vols R535-5 Ricketicketack. Conscience, H iii C755.2 R1DDEI.L, C. E. L. (G. F. Trafford, pseud.) Austin Friars R543.1 City and suburb R543-2 The earl's promise R543.3 Far above rubies R543.4 Forewarned, forearmed in R543.5 Frank Sinclair's wife, and Forewarned, forearmed R543.5 George Geith of Fen Court R543.6 Home, sweet home R543.7 Joy after sorrow R543.8 Life's assize R543.9 Mortomley's estate R543.11 My first love, and My last love R543.12 The nun's curse R543.13 Phemie Keller R543.14 Rich husband R543.15 Ruling passion R543.16 Too much alone R543.18 World in the church R543.19 RiDDELiv, Mrs. J. H. See Riddell, C. E. L. RiddIvE, a. G. House of Ross, and other tales R544-I Riddle ring. McCarthy, J M122.10 Ride for life. 30 pp in T143.17 RiDEiNG, W. H., joint author. See Lath- rop, G. P. Ridge, W. P. Second opportunity of Mr. Staplehurst R545-I RiDGELY, J. L., and Donaldson, P., eds. Odd-fellows' oflFering, for 1848. Illus... **R546.i Rienzi. Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwer-....L998.23 Rifle, rod, and gun in California. Van Dyke, T. S V248.1 RiGGS, Mrs. K. D. See Wiggin, K. D. Right at last and other tales. Gaskell, E. C G248.7 Right Honourable, The. McCarthy, J. and, Praed, R. C- M122.12 Right knock. Van Anderson, H V217.2 Right one. Schwartz, M. S S408.5 Righted wrong. Yates, E Y317.8 RiLEY, J. W. Sketches in prose, and occasional verses R573-3 Ring, I. {pseud, of A. S. Mecklenburg.) Furugaard. The snowball in V629.1 Ring, M. John Milton and his times R581.1 Ring of Amasis. Lytton, E. R- Bulwer-...L999. i Ripley, E. McH. From flag to flag: a woman's adventures in the south during the war, in Mexico, and in Cuba R589.1 Rise of Iskander. Disraeli, B in D613.4 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 109 Rise of Silas Lapham. Howells, W. D..H859.26 Rita, [pseud, of E. M. J. von Booth.) Daphne R598.1 Faustine R598.2 Fragoletta R598-3 My lady Coquette R598.4 Ritchie, 3/rs. A. I. T. See Thackeray, A. I. Ritchie, L. Cheaterie packman /«Q594.i Romance of history: France R610.1 Rival belles. Jones, J. B J778-I Rivals. Griffin, G G851.5 Rivers, G. R. R. Governor's garden. ..R622.1 Rives, A. {Priticess Troiibetskoy.) Bar- bara Deri ng R623. i Brother to dragons, and other old-time tales R623.2 Roanoke of Roanoke Hall. Bell, M B434.1 Rob of the bowl. Kennedy, J. P K353.3 Rob Roy. Scott, Sir^ S431.44 Same **S43i.45 Same S431.46 ROBB, J. S. Swamp doctor's adventures in the south-west R631.1 Issued also as Odd leaves from the life of a Louisiana "swamp doctor " Robber baron of Bedford Castle. Foster, A. J., aw^Cuthell, E. E ^754-2 Robbery under arms. Boldrewood, R B687.7 Robert; or, the influence of a good mother, and other stories R639.1 Robert Atterburj^ Brainerd, T. H B814.2 Robert Elsmere. Ward, M. A. A W261.8 Robert Falconer. MacDonald, G M135.18 Robert Greathouse. Swift, J. F S977.1 Robert Helmont. Daudet, A D238.10 Robert Ord's atonement. Carey, R. N..C276.29 Robert Urquhart. Setoun, G S495.4 Roberts, C. G. D. Earth's enigmas R643.1 Forge in the forest R643.3 Roberts, Margaret. Atelier du Lys. . . R646. i Issued also as Noblesse oblige. Child of the revolution R646.2 Hester's venture R646.3 In the olden time R646.5 King Billy of Ballarat in S885.7 Kinsfolk and others R646.6 Mademoiselle Mori R646.7 Noblesse oblige R646.1 Issued also as Atelier du Lys. On the edge of the storm R646.8 Roberts, M. In low relief: a Bohemian transcript R647.1 Robertson, H. How the Derby was won. 77 PP tn S886.6 Robertson, M. M. By a way she knew not R65I.I Two Miss Jean Dawsons R651.2 Robertson, M. Lombard street mys- tery R652.1 Robin. Parr, L Q258.7 Robin Tremayne. Holt, E. S H758.9 Robins, E. P., ir. Tales of to-day and other days R657.1 CoNTKNTS: Musset, A. de. Story of a white blackbird.— Karr. A. Visit to the arsenal.— Gautier, T. Thousand and second night.— Merim^e, P. 11 viccolo di Madama Lucrezia.— Copp6e, F. Barrel organ.— Bour- get, P. Case of conscience. — Maupassant, G. de. Who can tell? Drowned man.— Claretie, J. The cigarette.— Zola, E. Attack on the mill. Robinson, A. D. G. See Douglas, M., pseud. Robinson, A. M. F. [Mt's. Darmestetcr.) Goneril in S885.5 Robinson, E. A. and Wall, G. A. The disk: a tale of two passions R658.1 Robinson, F. M. Plan of campaign: a story of the fortune of war. 2 V0IS...R659.1 Woman of the world. 3 vols R659.2 Robinson, F. W. Anne Judge, spinster. 3 vols R660 I Christie's faith R660.2 Minions of the moon in S885.2 Othello the second R660.3 Slaves of the ring R660.4 A woman's ransom R660.5 Robinson, H. P. Men born equal R661.1 Robinson, J. Gold-worshippers R662.2 Madeleine Graham R662. 3 Maid of Orleans R662.4 Owen Tudor R662.5 Westminster Abbey; or, the days of the reformation R662.6 Whitefriars; or, the days of Charles the Second R662.7 Whitehall; or, the days of Charles the First R662.8 Robinson Crusoe. Defoe, D in D314.5 Same in **N938.4 Same. 2 vols **B232. 16-17 Roche, R. M. Children of the abbey. ..R673.1 RocHEFORT, V. H., Marquis de Rochefort- Lucay. Mademoiselle Bismarck R674.1 R£)ck ahead. Yates, E Y317.9 Rock scorpions in S885.9 no ENGUSH FICTION. Roderick Hudson. James, H.-Jr J277.16 Roderick Hume. Bardeen, C. W B245.1 Roderick Random. Smollett, T. G.dn **N938.2 Satne S666.3 Rodman the keeper. Woolson, C. F W916.9 Rodney Stone. Doyle, A. C D754.19 Roe, a. S. How could he help it? R698.1 Issued also as Give me thine heart. James Montjoy ; or, I've been thinking...R698.2 Issued also as I've been thinking. Resolution; or, the soul of power R698.3 Star and the cloud R698.4 Roe, E. p. Barriers burned away R699.1 Day of fate R699.2 Earth trembled R699.3 Face illumined R699.4 From jest to earnest R699.5 He fell in love with his wife R699.6 His sombre rivals R699.7 Knight of the nineteenth century R699.9 "Miss Lou." R699.10 Nature's serial story R699.11 Near to nature's heart R699.12 Opening a chestnut burr R699.13 Original belle R699.14 Taken alive, and other stories R699.15 What can she do? R699.16 Without a home R699.17 Young girl's wooing R699.18 Roe, E. R. Belteshazzar: a romance of Babylon R700.1 Dr. Caldwell ; or, the trail of the serpent..R7oo.2 Roger Berkeley's probation. Campbell, H C188.2 Roger Hunt. Woolley, C. P W913.1 Rogers, M. Waverley dictionary: an alpha- betical arrangement of all the charac- ters in Sir W. Scott's Waverley novels, etc **S43i.58 Rogers, R. C. Will o' the Wasp R728.1 Rogue. Norris, W. E N861.15 Rogue's daughter. Sergeant, A S484.9 R0H1.FS, Mrs. A. K. G. See Green, A. K. Roland Blake. Mitchell, S. W M681.2 Roland Cashel. Lever, C L658.22 Roland Yorke. Wood, E. P ...W874.12 Roman singer. Crawford, F. M C899.17 Roman traitor. Herbert, H. W H536.5 Romance at the antipodes. Douglass, Mrs. R. D D737-I Romance of a chS,let. Praed, R. C- Q897.3 Romance of a mummy. Gautier, T G277.3 Romance of a poor young man. Feuillet, O F426.4 Romance of a shop. Levy, A L668.1 Romance of a transport. Russell, W. C...R968.20 Romance of an honest woman. Cherbu- liez, V C521.5 Romance of Dollard. Catherwood, M. H...C363.7 Romance of history: England. Neele, H..N379.1 France. Ritchie, L R610.1 India. Caunter, H C374.1 Italy. MacFarlane, C M143.1 Spain. Trueba y Cosio, T. de T866.1 Romance of Jenny Harlowe, etc. Russell, W. C R968.21 Romance of Judge Ketchum. Vachell, H. A... V118.2 Romance of old court-life in France. Elliot, F E465.2 Romance of perfume lands. Clifford, F. S..C637.1 Romance of student life abroad. Kimball, R. B K492.2 Romance of the canoness. Heyse, P H621.4 Romance of the forest. Radcliffe, A. W...R125.2 Same. 2 vols **B232.43-4 Romance of the moors. Caird, M C136.1 Romance of the nineteenth century. Mal- lock, W. H M255.5 Romance of the revolution. Bunce, O. B...B940. i Romance of two worlds. Corelli, M C797.9 Romance of war. Grant, J G761.41 Romances of real life. 2 vols. Hunt, L....H941.1 Romances of the east. Gobineau, J. A., Comte de G575.1 Romantic tales. Lewis, M. G L675.1 Romany Rye. Borrow, G B737.2 Romany of the snows, Parker, G Q240. 7 Romola. Eliot, G E426.7 Rookstone. Macquoid, K. S M173.7 Rookwood. Ainsworth, W. H A297.20 R00SEVEI.T, B. (Mrs.Macchetta). Marked "In haste." R781.1 Roots of the mountains. Morris, W M877.5 Rory O'More. Lover, S L910.4 Rosamond. Holmes, M.J ?'« H751.5 Rosanna. Edgeworth, M ?« **E235.6 Same in E235 19 Rosaura: a tale of Madrid. 70 pp in T143.5 Same in T143.5 ' ROSCOE, T., tr. German novelists: tales selected. 4 vols R794.1 Contents: v. i: Reynard the fox, numer- ous authors and eds. of it. — Howleglass, the merry jester. — Doctor Faustus. V. 2: Popular traditions: Otmar. Local popular traditions from the south side of the Hartz; from the Golden Green; from the north side of the Hartz.— Gottschalck, C. F. Witch- dance on the Brocken. Meadow dance. Devil's AUTHORS AND TITLES. Ill Roscop:, T. — Continued. fight ill Goslar cathedral. Mouse tower. Castle spectre of Scharzfeld. Kingdom of Heaveu. Monastery. Devil stones. Notburga. Ritter Bodo. Lion fight. Unlucky miser of Ques- tenberg. Miraculous fish. Prudent princess. Devil's mill.— Eberhardt, (— ) The bet. Treachery its own betrayer.— Busching, J. G. G. Count Walter and the Lady Helgunda. Assassination of the Empress of Tartary in 1240. — Grimm, J. L., and W. K. Specimens from the Kinder und Haus Marchen . — Lothar . Arch rogue. Castle Christburg.— Lamotte Fouqu6, H'. H. K., Baron de. Field of terror. The mandrake. V. 3: Popular tales: Musaeus, J. A. Dumb lover.— Schiller, F. The apparitionist. Sport of destiny. The criminal. Fraternal mag- nanimity. Walk among the linden trees. V. 4: German novels; Tieck, L. Love magic, some centuries ago. Faithful Eckart and the Tanuenhauser, pts. 1-2. Auburn Egbert. — Langbein, A. F. Marianne Rich- ards. Seven marriages, and never a husband. Irreconcileable man. Albert Limbach. Hour's instruction in political economy. Lady's palfrey. — Engel, M. E. Anti-specu- lator. Toby Witt. Lady Elizabeth Hill. Rose d'Albret. James, G. P. R J276.35 Rose-garden. Peard, F. M Q359-I2 Rose Mather. Holmes, M.J H751.25 Rose of Disentis. Zschokke, H Z923.4 Rose of Butcher's Coolly. Garland, H G233.4 Rose with a hundred leaves. Barr, A. E...B268.20 RosEBORO', V. Old ways and new R798.1 Rosecroft. Round, W. M. F R860.2 Rosery Folk. Fenn, G. M F334.6 Rosine, Melville, G. J. W- i7i **M53o.i9 Same M530.26 Ross, A. {pseud, of L, B. Porter.) Speak- ing of Ellen R823.1 Ross-shire Buflfs, etc. Grant, J G761.42 ROSSETTI, C. G. Commonplace, and other short stories R829.1 Roua pass. 3 vols. Mackenzie, E M156.1 Rou6, The. Beazley, S B386.2 Round, W. M. F. (Rev. P. V^rmot, pseud.) Achsah: a New England life study... R860.1 Rosecroft R860.2 Round a posada fire. Middlemore, S. G. C M627.1 Round the moon. Verne, J in V531.16 Same V531.33 Round the red lamp. Doyle, A. C D754.18 Round the world in eighty days. Verne, J V53I-5 Rouse, A. L. Stephen Vane's trust R863.1 ROUSSELET, L. King of the tigers R866.2 Roweny in Boston. Pool, M. L Q821.14 Roxy. Eggleston, E E294.8 Roy, G. For her sake: a tale of life in Ireland R888.1 Roy, J. Helen Treveryan R889.1 Roy, J. J. E. See Menard, T., pseud. Roy and Viola. Forrester, Mrs F730.10 Royal gentleman. Tourg^e, A. W T727.11 Royal Highlanders. Grant, J G761.43 Royal regiment, and other novelettes. Grant, J G761.44 ROYCE, J. Feud of Oakfield creek: a novel of California life R890.1 Roy's wife. Melville, G.J. W- in **M53o.7 Same M530.27 Ruby Grey. 3 vols. Dixon, W. H D621.2 Ruby's husband. Harland, M H283.15 Rudder Grange. Stockton, F. R S866.27 Rudder Grangers abroad and other stories. Stockton, F. R S866.28 Rudin. Turg^nieflf, I. S T936.9 RUFFINI, G. L,avinia R923.1 Lorenzo Benoni R923.2 The Paragreens on a visit to the Paris Universal Exhibition R923.3 Issued also as Dear experience. Ruling passion. Riddell, C. E. L R543.16 Rumor. Sheppard, E. S S549.4 Runaway Browns. Bunner, H. C B942.4 Running the blockade. Thomes, W. H...T465.8 Running the gauntlet. Yates, E Y317.10 Rupert Godwin. Braddon, M. E B798.31 Russell, Col. Coincidences?? 49 pp... in T143.23 Russell, C. W. Fall of Damascus R960.1 Russell, W. C. Extraordinary adventure of a chief mate in S885.9 Flying Dutchman; or, the death ship...R968.3 Frozen pirate R968.4 Golden Hope R968.5 In the middle watch R968.7 Jack ' s courtship R968.8 List ye landsmen! R968.10 Little Loo R968.11 Marooned R968.12 Memorable swim. 49 pp /«S887.i My Danish sweetheart R968.14 My shipmate Louise R968.15 Mystery of the "Ocean Star," etc R968.16 Ocean tragedy R968.18 Romance of a transport R968.20 Romance of Jenny Harlowe, etc R968.21 Sailor's sweetheart R968.22 Sea queen R968.23 Strange elopement R968.24 112 ENGLISH FICTION. Russell, W. C. — Conthiued. Tragedy of Ida Noble R968.25 Wreck of the Corsaire R968.27 Wreck of the "Grosvenor." R968.28 Russell. James, G. P. R .J276.36 Russian proprietor aud other stories. Tol- stoi", Count I,. N T654.1O Russian romance. Pushkin, A. S Q976.2 Ruth Hall. Fern, F F361.1 Rutherford, M. {pseud, of W. H. White.) Revolution in Tanner's lane... R975-r Rutledge. Harris, M. C H315.5 Ruy Bias. Ed. by H. L. Williams W723.1 S., H. C. Who painted the great Murillo de la Merced? 88 pp in T143.9 S., J., of Dale, pseud. See Stimson, F. J. S., V.., pseud. See Paltock, R. Sabina Zembra. Black, W B627.27 Sable cloud. Adams, N A216.1 Sacher-Masoch, L. von. The sledge- ride in Z767.1 I Sacrifice. Green, W. S G798.1 Sacristan's household. Trollope, F. E...T847.3 Sad fortunes of the Rev. Amos Barton. Eliot, G in E426.8 Sadlier, Mrs. J. See Sadlier, M. A. SadliER, M. a. Con O'Regan S126.1 Confederate chieftains S126.2 Heiress of Kilorgau S126.3 MacCarthy More: the fortunes of an Irish chief in the reign of Queen Elizabeth S126.4 Maureen Dhu: a tale of the Claddagh of Galway Si 26.5 Old and new S126.6 Safar-Hadgi. Ivubomirski, S. H., Prince. .l^()y:>.i Safford, M. J., tr. True daughter of Hartenstein S128.1 Sailor's sweetheart, Russell, W. C R968.22 St. Ann's. Norris, W. E N861.16 St. Augustine. Musick, J. R M987.3 St. Clair of the isles. Helme, E H479.1 St. Elmo. Wilson, A. J. E W746,6 St. George and St. Michael. MacDonald, G M135.19 St. Giles and St. James. Jerrold, D .J566.2 Saint James's. Ainsworth, W. H A297.21 St. John's eve and other stories. Gogol, N. V G613.1 St. Johnston, A. South sea lover S143.1 St. Katherine's by the tower. Besant, Sir W B554.28 St. Leon. 4 vols. Godwin, W G592.2 St. Martin's eve. Wood, E. P W874.14 St. Martin's summer. Brewster, A. H. M... B848.1 Saint Michael. Werner, E W817.33 St. Olave's. Tabor, E T114.4 St. Patrick's eve. Lever, C z« L658.25 St. Philip's. Harris, M. C H315.6 Saint-Pierre, B. dE- Paul and Virginia.. in G625.3 Same S149.1 Same in S892.14 St. Ronan's well. Scott, ^zV W in **S43i.4o Same S431.47 Same S431.48 St. Simon's niece. Benedict, F. L B463.7 SainTine, X. B. {pseud, of J. X. Boni- face.) Picciola. 86 pp i7i S892.14 Solitary of Juan Fernandez; or, the real Robinson Crusoe S142.1 Saints and sinners. Cherbuliez, V C521.6 Sala, G. a. Dead men tell no tales, but live men do S159.1 Seven sons of mammon S159.2 Salathiel, the immortal. Croly, G C944.2 Salem. Castleton, D. R C353.1 Salem chapel. Oliphant, M. O. W O475.50 Same O475.51 Sally Dows, etc. Harte, B H327.29 Salmagundi. Irving, W., Paulding, J. K., and Irving, W I726.1 Salome Shepard, reformer. Wiuslow, H. M W780.1 Salt master of Liineburg. Wolff, J W857,2 Salter, E. Assunta Howard, and other stories Si 77.1 SalTus, E. Truth about Tristrem Varick. S180.1 Salvage S182.1 Sam Lawson's Oldtown fireside stories. Stowe, H. B S892.11 Samuel Brohl and Company. Cherbuliez, V C521.7 Samuel Titmarsh and the great Hoggarty diamond. Thackeray, W. M in T363.7 Same T363.12 Same T363.13 Same in T363.15 Sanborn, E. W. People at Pisgah S198.1 Sanctuary. Nichols, G. W N618.1 Sand, G. {pseud, of K. L. A. D. Dudevant.) Antonia S213.1 The bagpipers S213.2 AUTHORS AND TITLES. "3 Sand, G. — Continued. Consuelo. Tr. by F. Robinson S213.4 Same. Tr. by F. H. Potter. 4 vols S213.4P Countess of Rudolstadt: sequel to "Con- suelo." S213.5 Fadette S213.6 Issued also as Fanchon the cricket Little Fadette. Indiana S213.7 Jealousy; or, Teverino S213.8 The marriage. 10 pp. The cabbage. 13 PP "' Z767.1 ' Master mosaic-workers S213.9 Mauprat S213.10 Miller of Angibault S213.11 Monsieur Sylvestre S213.13 My sister Jeannie S2 13. 14 Princess Nourmahal S213.15 Snow man S213.16 Spiridion S213.17 Tower of Percemont S213.18 Sand. Gaily, J. W G178.1 Saxdeau, J. Last of an old family. ..z« Z767.1 = Madeleine: a stor\- of French love S214.1 Sandra Belloni. Meredith, G M559.11 San Rosario ranch. Howe, M H857.1 San Salvador. Tincker, M. A T587.5 Sans merci. Lawrence, G. A L421.7 Sanf Ilario. Crawford, F. M C899.18 Santos's brother. Loughead, F. H in L887.1 Sappho, Daudet, A D238.11 Sappho of Green Springs. Harte, B H327.30 Saracen. 4 vols, (in 2.) Cottin, S. R...**C848.2 Saracinesca. Crawford, F. M C899.19 Sarah de Berenger. Ingelow, J I464.6 Sarchedon. Melville, G.J. W- z« **M53o.4 Same M530.28 Sargent, E. Peculiar: a tale of the great transition S245.1 Sartaroe. Maitland, J. A M232.4 Satanella. Melville, G. J. W- M530.29 Sajne **M530,3o Satanstoe. Cooper, J. F in C777.24 •Same C777.34 Saucy Arethusa. Chamier, F C448.2 Saunders, J. Guy Waterman. 3 V0IS...S257.1 Saunders, K. High Mills S258.1 Savage, M.J. Bluflfton S263.1 Savage, M. W. Bachelor of the Albany...S264.i Falcon famil}-; or, young Ireland S264.2 My uncle, the curate S264.3 Savage, R. H. For life and love S265.1 Little lady of Lagunitas S265.2 My official wife S265.3 Savidge, E. C. American in Paris S267.1 SawTELLE, M. p. Heroine of '49 S271.1 Saxe Holm's stories. 2 vols. Jackson, H. M JI27-5 Say and seal. Warner, S., and A. B W284.12 Scandal in Bohemia. Doyle, A. C. D754.21 Scapegoat. Caine, H C135.9 Scarlet letter. Hawthorne, N H399.10 Same H399.11 Scarlet poppy, and other stories. Spof- ford, H. P 8762,5 Scarlet sin. Marrj'at, F M361.10 Scenes and characters. Yonge, C. M...Y5.'55.29 Scenes and legends of the north of Scot- land. Miller, H M648.1 Scenes from the life of Bohemia. Murger, H M976.1 Scenes in our parish. Holmes, E **H750.i Scenes of clerical life. Eliot, G E426.8 Same E426.10 Schayer, J. Story of two lives. 32 pp../« S884. 10 SCHEFFEL, J. V. VON. Ekkehard. 2 vols,..S3i7.i Schick, L., pud. Masterpieces of Ger- man fiction S331.1 Contents: Lindau, R. Hans the dreamer. All iu vain. First love.— Lewald, F. The aristocratic world. Maid of Oyas.— Eckstein, E. Visit to the lockup. Boarding school girls. Against the stream. — Wilbrandt, A. Pilot captain.— Heyse, P. L'Arrabiata. Beppe, the star gazer. Maria Francisca.- Hopfen, H. Trudel's ball. Fortunes and the fate of little Spangle. Schiller, J. C. F. von. The apparition- ist. Sport of destiny. The criminal. Fraternal magnanimitj'. Walk among the linden trees in R794.1 3 Criminal from lost honour. 17 pip. O983.1 ScHMEiDEN, E. J. 5>^ Juncker, E., pseud. Schnabel, L. Voegele's marriage, and other tales S357.I SchobERT, H. Picked up in the streets. Tr, by A, L. Wister W817.24 Schoolcraft, Mrs. H. R. See School- craft, M. H. Schoolcraft, M. H. Black gauntlet: a tale of plantation life in South Caro- lina S372.1 vSchoolmaster's trial. Perry, A Q462.1 Schreiner, O. (Ralph Iron, pseud.) Dream life and real life S378.1 Dreams S378.2 Story of an African farm S378.3 Trooper Peter Halketof Mashonaland..S378.4 114 ENGLISH FICTION. SCHUBIN, O. {pseud, of L. Kirschner.) Countess Erika's apprenticeship. Tr. by A. Iv. Wister W817.25 Erlach Court. Tr. by A. L. Wister... W8 17. 26 "Gloria victis!" S384.2 A leafless spring S384.3 "O thou, my Austria!" Tr. by A, L. Wister W817.27 One of us S384.4 Our own set S384.5 SCHUI.TZ, J. Story of Colette S387.3 SchuIvZE-SmidT, B. See Oswald, E., pseud. Schwartz, H. V. See Maartens, M., pseud. Schwartz, M. S. Birth and education...S4o8.i Gerda; or, the children of work S408.2 Gold and name S408.3 Guilt and innocence S408.4 Right one S408.5 Son of the organ-grinder S408.6 Two family mothers S408.7 Scots Brigade. Grant, J G761.45 Scott, H. S. See Merriman, H. S., pseud. Scott, Lady}. Pride of life S425.1 Scott, M. Cruise of the Midge S428.1 Tom Cringle's log S428.2 Scott, Mrs. O. W. Gilead Guards S429.1 Scott, Sir W. The abbot: sequel to The monastery S431.1 Same m S431.34 Anne of Geierstein S431.2 Satne in **S43i.2i The antiquary S431.3 Same. (Also) Black dwarf. (And) Old Mortality **S43i.4 The betrothed: a tale of the crusaders..S43i.5 Same in **S43i.42 Same. (Also) Highland widow S431.6 Black dwarf iji **S43i.4 Same in S431.48 Same. (Also) Legend of Montrose... S43 1.7 Same. (Also) Old Mortality S431.9 Sam,e. (And) Quentin Durward S431.10 Bride of Lammermoor S431.11 Same S431.48 Same. (Also) Legend of Montrose. ..S431. 12 Same. (And) Ivanhoe **S43i.i3 Castle Dangerous S431.14 Same in **S43i.i9 Same in S431.37 Satne in S431.49 Count Robert of Paris S431.17 Scott, Sir W. — Continued. Same. (Also) Castle Dangerous. My Aunt Margaret's mirror. Tapestried chamber. (And) Death of the laird's Jock **S43i-i9 Death of the laird's Jock in S431.15 Same in **S43i.i9 Same in S431.51 Fair maid of Perth S43I-20 Same in S43i-3i Same. (Also) Anne of Geierstein..**S43i.2i Fortunes of Nigel S431.22 Same. (Also) Peveril of the peak..**S43i.23 Sajne. (Also) Pirate S43I-24 Guy Mannering S431.25 Same m **S43i-53 Heart of Mid-Lothian 8431-27 Same in **S43i.45 Highland widow in S431.6 Same in **S43i.55 Same. (Also) Two drovers. The sur- geon's daughter. (And) My aunt Margaret's mirror, etc S431.16 Ivanhoe in **S43i.i3 Same S431.28 Kenilworth 8431.30 Same. (Also) Fair maid of Perth.. ..S431.31 Same. (Also) The pirate **S43i.32 Legend of Montrose in S431.7 Same in S431.12 Same in **S43i.i3 Sa^ne in 8431-48 The monastery 8431.33 Same. (Also) The abbot S43I-34 My aunt Margaret's mirror, etc in S431.15 Same in **S43i.i9 Sa>ne in S431.51 Old Mortality in **S43i-4 Sajne ?«S43i.9 Same in S431.10 Same 8431.35 Same in S431-46 Peveril of the Peak in **S43i.23 Same S431.36 Same. (Also) The surgeon's davighter. (And) Castle Dangerous S431.37 The pirate in S431.24 Same..^ in **S43i.32 Same S431.38 Same in S431.43 Quentin Durward in S431.10 Same S431.39 Saine. (Also) St. Ronan's well....**S43i.4o AUTHORS AND TITLES. "5 Scott, Sir V7.— Continued. Redgauntlet S431.41 Same. (Also) Betrothed. (And) The talisman **S43I.42 Same. (Also) The pirate S431.43 Rob Roy S431.44 Same. {Also) Heart of Mid-Lothian. **vS43i. 45 Same. {Also) Old Mortality S431.46 St. Ronan's well in **S43i.40 Same S431.47 Same. {Also) Black dwarf, Legend of Montrose. {A fid) Bride of Lammer- moor S431.48 Surgeon's daughter in S431.16 Same in S431.37 Same in **S43i.55 Same. {Also) Castle Dangerous S431.49 Tales of my landlord. ist ser. Black dwarf, and Old Mortality. 2d ser. Heart of Mid-Lothiau. 3d ser. Bride of Lammermoor, and Legend of Montrose. 4th ser. Count Robert of Paris, and Castle Dangerous. Tales of the crusaders. Betrothed. Talisman. The talisman in **S43t.42 Same S431.50 Same. (Also) Two drovers. {And) My aunt Margaret's mirror, etc S431.51 Tapestried chamber in S431.15 Sa7/ie in **S43i.i9 Same in S431.51 Two drovers in S431.16 Same in S431.51 Same in **S43i.55 Same. (Also) My aunt Margaret's mirror. Tapestried chamber. {And) Death of the laird's Jock S431.15 Wandering Willie's tale. 33 pp in S885.8 Waverley S431.52 Same. {Also) Guy Mannering **S43i.53 Woodstock S431.54 Same. {Also) Highland widow. Two drovers. {And) Surgeon's daughter. . **S43i-55 Waverley dictionary: an alphabetical arrangement of all the characters in (his) Waverley novels, with descriptive analysis of each character, and illustra- tive selections from the text, by M. Rogers **S43i.58 Waverley novels index and glossary..**S43i .56 Key with index of principal characters, by H. Grey S431.57 Scottish cavalier. Grant, J G761.46 Scottish chiefs. Porter, J Q846.1 Scottish soldiers of fortune. Grant, J...G761.47 Scouring of the White Horse. Hughes, T H894.1 Scout. Simms, W. G S592.13 SCRIBNER, J. P. (An old mountaineer, pseud.) Laconia; or, legends of the White mountains and Merry Meeting bay S434.1 Scripture club of Valley Rest. Habber- tou, J Hi 13.9 Scrope. Perkins, F. B Q448.2 ScuDDER, H. E. Stories and romances... S436.1 Scuivi^Y, W. C. Ghamba in S885.1 Kafir stories S437. i Sea fight in W750.10 Sea lions. Cooper, J. F C777.35 Same C777.36 Sea queen. Russell, W. C R968.23 Sea skirmish in W750.10 Seaboard parish. MacDonald, G Mi 35. 20 Sealed lips. Du Boisgobey, F D816.4 Sealed orders. Phelps, E. S Q539-I3 SEAI.SFIELD, C. {pseud of K. Postel.) Ad- ventures in Texas in T143.3 Same in T143.3 ' Sealskin Annie. Longhead, F. H f« L887.1 Sealskin cloak. Boldrewood, R B687.8 Seamy side. Besant, Sir W., and Rice, J... B554.43 Search for Basil Lyndhurst. Carey, R. N C276.31 Season-ticket. Haliburton, T. C H172.4 Seats of the mighty. Parker, G Q240.9 Seaw^ard, Sir E., pseud. See Porter, W. O. Seawell, M. E. Berkeleys and their neighbors S442.1 Children of destiny S442.2 Maid Marian and other stories S442.5 Sprightly romance of Marsac S442.6 Strange, sad comedy S442.7 Throckmorton S442.8 Virginia cavalier S442.11 Sebastian Strome. Hawthorne, J H398 17 Second book of tales. Field, E ^453-3 Second opportunity of Mr. Staplehurst. Ridge, W. P R545.1 Second son, Oliphant, M. O. W., atid Aldrich, T. B O475.52 Second to none. Grant, J G761.48 Second wife. Marlitt, E W817.19 ii6 ENGLISH FICTION. SecondthoughTs, S., Schoolmaster, pseud. See Kennedy, J. P. Secret dispatch. Grant, J G761.49 Secret of Fontaine-la-Croix. Field, M...F455.1 Secret of the Lamas: a tale of Thibet S446.1 Secret of the sea, &c. Matthews, B M438.10 Secrets of the Princesse de Cadignan. 90 pp. Balzac, H. de in Br98.i9 Secret passion. Williams, R. F m **W726.i Sedgwick. C. M. The Linwoods; or, "sixty years since" in America. 2 vols S448.1 SEEMullER, a. M. Opportunity S453.1 Reginald Archer S453.2 Segrave, h.., pseud. See Hamerton, P. G. 'Self or bearer.' Besant, Sir W in B554.30 Semi-detached house. Eden, E E221.1 Senior, W.yjoitit author. See Francillon, R. E. Sense and sensibility. Austen, J A933.6 Saine A933.7 Sensitive plant. Gerard, E.,««fi?D G357.1 Sentimental journey. 58 pp. Sterne, L... in C6r5.i Same in **N938.9 Sentimental Tommy. Barrie, J. M B275.8 Septimius Felton. Hawthorne, N z« H399.3 Same in H399.8 Same H399.12 Seraphita. Balzac, H. de B198.33 Serapion brethren. 2 vols. HoflFman, W... H710.1 Serapis. Ebers, G E165.13 Sergeant, A. Christine S484.1 Life sentence S484.3 Luck of the house S484.4 Out of due season S484.7 Rogue's daughter S484.9 Surrender of Margaret Ballarmine S484.10 Serrao, T. Brushes and chisels S488.1 Seth's brother's wife. Frederic, H F852.8 Setoun, G. {pseicd. of G. Hepburn.) Robert Urquhart S495.4 Sunshine and haar S495.6 Settlers in Canada. Marryat, Capt. F...M362.25 Seven daughters. Douglas, A. M D734.24 Seven sons of mammon. Sala, G. A S159.2 Seven stories, with basement and attic. Mitchell, D. G M679.4 Seven years, and other tales. Kavanagh, J K212.11 Sevenoaks. Holland, J. G H735.5 1791: a tale of San Domingo. Gilliam, E. W G480.1 Severa. Hartner, E ^"817. 3 Severance, M. S. Hammersmith: his Harvard days S498.1 Severed hand. Du Boisgobey, F D816.2 Sewei^i,, E. M. Glimpse of the world. ..S516.1 Margaret Percival S516.2 Sforza. Astor, W. W A858.1 Shabby genteel story. Thackeray, W. M... in T363.2 Shadow of a crime. Caine, H C135.10 Shadow of a dream. Howells, W. D...H859.27 Shadow of Hampton Mead. Van Loon, E V261.1 Shadow of the door. 60 pp in T143.14 Shadow of the sword. Buchanan, R B918.5 Shadows on the snow. Farjeon, B. L....F229.14 Shady side. Hubbell, M. S H875.1 Shakespeare and his friends. Williams, R. F **W726.i Shall I win her? Grant, J G761.50 Shamrock and rose. 3 vols. Lunn, Mrs. J. C L963.1 Shand, a. I. Mr. Cox's protdge in T143.23 Wrecked oif the Riff coast in T143.12 Shandon bells. Black, W B627.29 Shandy M'Guire. Peppergrass, P Q424.1 SHAPI.EY, R. R. Solid for Mulhooly: a sketch of municipal politics S529.1 Issued also as I'm fur 'em. Sharkey, T. K. Mate to mate S530.1 Sharp, W. Children of tomorrow S531.1 Gypsy Christ, and other tales S531.4 —joint author. See Howard, B. W. Shaving of Shagpat. Meredith, G M559.12 vShaw, W. J. Solomon's story S537.1 She. Haggard, H, R H146.13 She-wolves of Machecoul. 2 vols. Du- mas, A D886.37 Shebbeare, J. Lydia in **N9.38.22 Shiei., R. L. The apostate. 25 pp....z« M875.1 3 SheIvDon, L. V. I. D. B. in South Africa.... S544-I Shelley, M. W. Frankenstein; or, the modern Prometheus S545.I Shepherd of Salisbury Plain, and other tales. More, H M835.5 Sheppard, E. S. (E. Berger, Mme. Kinkel, B. Reynolds, pseuds.) Charles Auches- ter S549-I Counterparts; or, the cross of love S549.2 Rumor S549.4 Sheppard, F. H. Love afloat: a story of the American navy S550.1 Sherburne cousins. Douglas, A. M D734.25 i AUTHORS AND TITLES. 117 Sherburne house. Douglas, A. M D734.26 Sherburne romance. Douglas, A. M D734.27 Sheridan, F. Nourjahad. 38 pp...z« **N938.23 Sidney Bidnlph in **N938.22 Sheridan, R. B. B. School for scandal. 28 pp. The rivals. 32 pp m M875.1 ^ Sherlock Holmes, Adventures of. Doyle, A. C D754.1 Sherlock Holmes, Memoirs of. Doyle, A. C D754.11 Sherman, F. H., joint author. See Bangs, J;K. Sherwood, M. (Elizabeth Hastings, pseud.) Experiment in altruism S553.3 Puritan Bohemia S553.8 Shiloh. Jay, W. M. L J424.1 Shinn, M. W. Young Strong of "The Clarion." 46 pp in S884.9 "Ship ahoy!" Fenn, G. M F334-7 Shippen, E. Thirty years at sea: story of a sailor's life S557.1 Ships that pass in the night. Harraden, B..H296.5 SHIRI.EY, P. {pseud, of A. L. Townsend), On the verge: a romance of the cen- tennial S558.1 Shirley. Bronte, C B870.4 "Short sixes." Bunner, H. C B942.5 Shorter stories. Balzac, H. de B198.34 Shorthouse, J. H. Blanche, Lady Falaise S559.1 Countess Eve S559.2 John Inglesant S559.3 Little schoolmaster Mark S559.4 Sir Percival S559.5 Teacher of the violin, and other tales....S559.6 Shreve, T. H. Drayton: a story of Amer- ican life S561.1 Shuttle of fate. Masters, C M423.5 Siberian exiles. Knox, T. W K743.1 Sidney, Sir P. Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia S569.1 Sidney. Deland, M D337-9 Sidney Bidulph. Sheridan, F in **N938.22 Sidonie. Daudet, A D238.12 Siege baby. Winter, J. S /« W785.1 Siege of Damascus. 3 vols. Nisbet, J... **N723.i Siege of London. James, 11., Jr J277.17 SiENKiEwicz, H. Children of the soil.... S572.3 The deluge: an historical novel of Poland, Sweden, and Russia. Sequel to "With fire and sword." 2 vols S572.4 Lillian Morris, etc S572.6 Pan Michael. Sequel to "The deluge. "..S572. 9 SiENKiEwicz, H. — Cofititiued. "Quo vadis:" a narrative of the time of Nero S572.10 With fire and sword: an historical novel of Poland and Russia S572.12 Without dogma S572.13 Yanko the musician, and other stories..S572.i5 Sights and insights. 2 vols. Whitney, A. D. T W617.9 Sigismund Fatello. 87 pp z« T143.4 Same iti T143.4 ^ Sign of the four. Doyle, A. C D754.20 Sat/ie D754.21 Signa. Ouida O934.20 Signing the contract. Finley, M F5I3-2 Signor Gaudentio di Lucca. Berington, S in **N938.2i Signor Monaldini's niece. Tincker, M. A..T587.6 SiGOURNEY, L. H. Lucy Howard's journal S578.1 Sigrid. Thoroddsen, J. T T516.1 SiKES, Mrs. O. L. See Logan, O. Silas Marner. Eliot, G in E426.8 Same E426.9 Silcote of Silcotes. Kingsley, H K555.10 Silence of Dean Maitland. Gray, M G781.14 Silent partner. Phelps, E. S Q539-I4 Silhouettes of American life. Davis, Mrs. R. H D263.3 Silk of the kine. McManus, L M167.1 Silver pitchers. Alcott, L. M A355.4 Silvia. Kavanagh, J K212.12 SiME, W. Boulderstone S589.1 King capital S589.2 SIMMS, W. G. Beauchampe. Sequel to Charlemont S592.1 Border beagles: a tale of Mississippi S592.2 Charlemont: a tale of Kentucky S592.3 Confession S592.4 Damsel of Darien **S592.5 Eutaw S592.6 The forayers S592.7 Guy Rivers: a tale of Georgia S592.8 Katharine Walton S592.9 Mellichampe: a legend of the The partisan: a romance of the revolu- tion S592.11 Richard Hurdis S592.12 The scout; or, the black riders of Con- garee S592.13 Southward ho! S592.14 Vasconselos S592.15 Wigwam and the cabin S592.16 Jssued also as Life in America. The Yemasee: a romance of Carolina..S592.i8 ii8 ENGLISH FICTION. Simple adventures of a inemsahib. Cotes, S. J. D C843.14 Simple story. Inchbald, E- S **B232.28 Simple tales. Opie, A in O614.1 SiMPhnTON, Maj., pseNd. Civil-service re- form; or, the postmaster's revenge S612.1 Simpleton. Reade, C R285.28 Same R285.29 Sincere Huron. 35 pp. Voltaire, F. M. A. de in **N938,2i Sinfire. Hawthorne, J H398.18 Singer from the sea. Barr, A. E B268.22 Singer's story. Laffan, M 1,163.4 Singleheart and Doubleface. Reade, C... in R285.8 Same in R285.22 Singleton, Mrs. M. M. L. See Fane, V., pseud. Singular life. Phelps, E. S Q539-I5 Singularly deluded. Grand, S G75I-3 SiNNETT, A, P. Karma S617.1 Sintram and his companions. La Motte- Fouqu6, F. H. K. Freiherr Ae in L235.1 Same L235.4 Same in L235.6 Sir Andrew Wylie of that ilk. Gait, J...G179.7 Sir Brooke Fosbrooke. Lever, C L658.23 Sir Charles Grandison, History of. Rich- ardson, S R525.4 Same. 2 vols ** Same. 7 vols **B232.9-i5 Sir Edmund Orme. James, H., Jr in J277,8 Sir Edward Seaward's narrative of his shipwreck. Porter, W. O Q849-I Sir George Tressady. 2 vols. Ward, M. A. A W261.9 Sir Gervase Grey. 3 vols, (in 2.) Gordon, Mrs G662.1 Sir Gibbie. MacDonald, G M135.21 Sir Godfrey's grand-daughters. Carey, R. N C276.32 Sir Harry Hotspur of Humblethwaite. Trollope, A T846.27 Sir Jasper Carew. Lever, C L658.24 Sir Jasper's tenant. Braddon, M. E B798.32 Sir Ludar. Reed, T. B R326.1 Sir Mark. Brown, A. R B881.5 Sir Percival. Shorthouse, J. H S559.5 Sir Rohan's ghost. Spoflford, H. P S762.6 Sister Jane. Harris, J. C H314.8 Sister Louise. Melville, G. J. W- M530.31 Same **M530.32 Sister of a saint, and other stories. Chan- ning, G. E C458.1 Sister Rose. Holt, E. S H758.10 Sister Saint Sulpice. Vald^s, A. P V145.6 Sisters. Dodd, W z« **N938.5 Sisters. Ebers, G E165.14 Sister's story. Craven, P. de la F C898.4 Six Cent Sam's. Hawthorne, J H398.19 Six months on a slaver. Manning, E M284.1 Six of one by half a dozen of the other. Stowe, H. B., and others S892.15 Six to one. Bellamy, E B437.4 Six years ago. Grant, J G761.51 Sketch-book. Irving, W I725.6 Sketches by Boz. Dickens, C in D548.44 Same ...D548.47 Same D548.48 Same. Pt. 2 in D548.3 Sketches in prose, and occasional verses. Riley, J. W R573-3 Sketches of Irish character. Hall, A. M.,Hi79.i Skirmishing. Jenkin, H. C J525.3 Slain by the Doones, and other stories. Blackmore, R. D B629.16 Slaver's adventures on sea and land. Thomes, W. H T465.9 Slaves of the ring. Robinson, F. W R660.4 Si^EiGHT, M. B. Flag on the mill S632.1 Osego chronicles S632.2 SiyiCK, SAM,/>5^?^flf. &I? Haliburton, T. C. Slip in the fens S633.1 Small house at Allington. Trollope, A...T846.28 Smart, H. At fault S636.1 Belles and ringers S636.2 Breezie Langton: a story of 'fifty -two to 'fifty-five S636.3 Courtship in 1720 and in i860: romances of two centuries S636.4 Master of Rathkelly S636.5 Smedley, F. E. Fortunes and misfor- tunes of Harry Racket Scapegrace... S637.1 Fortunes of the Colville family. {Also) Seven tales ed. by F. E. Smedley S637.2 Frank Fairlegh; or, scenes from the life of a private pupil S637.3 Harry Coverdale's courtship and mar- riage S637.4 Lewis Arundel S637.5 Lorrimer Littlegood S637.6 Tom Racquet, and his three maiden aunts S637.7 — ed. Seven tales in S637.2 Contents: Smedley, F. E- Mysteries of Redgrave Court.— James, G. P. R. Norfolk and Hereford. -Pardoe, Miss. The will.— Tupper, M. F. King Veric. -Hall, A. M. Last in the lease. — Smedley, M. B. A very woman.— Burbury, Mrs. The trust. AUTHORS AND TITLES. 119 Smedley, M. B. a very woman. 32 pp... i)i S637.2 Smith, A. Adventures of Mr. Ledbury and his friend Jack Johnson S641.4 Armourer of Paris: a romance of the 15th century iii S641.2 Fortunes of the Scattergood family. (Also) The armourer of Paris S641.2 Marchioness of Brinvilliers, the poisoner of the seventeenth century S641.3 Pottleton legacy: a story of town and country life S641.5 Struggles and adventures of Christopher Tadpole at home and abroad S641.1 Smith, Alexander. Miss Oona McQuar- rie S642.1 Smith, C. T, Old manor house. 2 vols... *''*B232.36-7 Smith, F. H. Colonel Carter of Carters- ville S647.2 Day at Laguerre's and other days S647.3 Espero Gorgoni, gondolier. 38 pp...z« 8886. i Gentleman vagabond and some others..S647.5 Tom Grogan S647.8 Smith, H. See Stretton, H., pseud. Smith, J. Dalbroom folks. 2 vols S651.1 Smith, J. E. Oakridge S652.1 Smith, J. F. Story of May Darling../« W750.5 Smith, J. P. (Christabel Goldsmith, pseud.) Blossom-bud and her genteel friends... • S653.1 Courting and farming S653.3 His young wife S653.4 Lucy S653.6 Married belle S653.7 Peace Pelican, spinster S553.8 Ten old maids S653.9 Widow Goldmith's daughter S653.10 The widower. (Also) A true account of some brave frolics at Craigenfels S653.11 Smith, M. P. W. (P. Thorne, pseud.) Great match, and other matches S655.1 Smith, R., ir. Greek romances ofHelio- dorus, Longus, and Achilles Tatius, comprising The Ethiopics; or, adven- tures of Theagenes and Chariclea; The pastoral amours of Daphnis and Chloe; and The loves of Clitopho and Leucippe S657.1 Smith, W. H. Evolution of "Dodd."...S664.i Smollett, T. G. Adventures of an atom. 83 pp in **N938'!2i Smollett, T. G. — Continued. Expedition of Humphry Clinker in **N938. 1 9 Same S666.1 Satne. 2 vols **B232.3o-i Ferdinand Count Fathom in **N938.7 Humphry Clinker in **N938.I9 Saute S666.1 Same. 2 vols **B232.30-i Launcelot Greaves in **N938.9 Peregrine Pickle in **N938.6 Same S666.2 Roderick Random ift **N938.2 Sa>fie S666.3 Smoke. Turgdnieflf, I. S T936.10 Smyth, P. G. King and viking: a tale of the Danish invasion of Ireland S667.1 Wild rose of Lough Gill: a tale of the Irish war in the seventeenth century... S667.2 SnaiTh, J. C. Mistress Dorothy Marvin..S669.3 Snare of the fowler. Alexander, yJ/;-5...A374.25 Snarleyyow. Marryat, Capi. F M362.2 Snob papers. Welcker, A W442.1 Snow-bound at Eagle's. Harte, B H327.31 Snow image, and other twice-told tales. Hawthorne, N in H399.5 Same H399.13 Snowing-up of Strath Lugas. 24 pp inTi^^.S Same in T143.6 = Snow man. Sand, G S213.16 SoANS, R. G., and Kenyon, E. C. Poor relation S676.1 Social departure. Cotes, S. J. D C843.16 Social strugglers. Boyesen, H. H B791.10 Society in search of truth. Clark, J. F C594.1 Society's verdict S678.1 Soldier and a gentleman. Cobban, J. M...C653.2 Soldier stories. Kipling, R K575.16 Soldier's secret. King, C K523.21 Soldiers three. Kipling, R K575.13 Solid for Mulhooly. Shapley, R. R S529.1 Solitary of Juan Fernandez. Saintine, X. B S142.1 Solomon's story. Shaw, W. J S537.1 Solution. James, H.yjr in J277.S Solyman and Almena. 35 pp. Langhorne, J in **N938.2 Some one else. Croker, B. M C943.1 Some women's hearts. Moulton, L. C...M927,2 Somebody else. Lathrop, G. P L354.5 Somebody's Ned. Freeman, Mrs. A. M...F855.1 Somebody's neighbors. Cooke, R. T C773.3 Somers, F., pseud. See Chambers, J. I20 ENGLISH FICTION. Something occurred. Faijeon, B. L F229.15 Son of a star. Richardson, B. W R521.1 Son of Hagar. Caine, H C135.12 Son of his father. Oliphant, M. O. W...O475.53 Son of Issachar. Brooks, E. S B875.1 Son of the organ-grinder. Schwartz, M. S S408.6 Son of the plains. Paterson , A Q296. i Son of the soil. Oliphant, M. O. W O475.54 Sons and daughters. Kirk, E. O K593.8 Sons and fathers. Edwards, H. S E265.2 Sons of Belial. Westall, W W522.1 Sons of Ham. Pendleton, Lt Q398.2 Sons of the soil. Balzac, H. de B198.35 Sooner or later. Brooks, S B874.2 Soprano. Barnard, C B259.1 Sorrows of Satan. Corelli, M C797.11 Sorrows of Werther. Goethe, J. W. v. G599.2 Same **G599.3 SoulofLilith. Corelli, M C797.12 Soul of the bishop. Winter, J. S W785.14 South sea lover. St. Johnston, A S143.1 Southern woman's story, Pember, P. Y..Q394.1 SouTHEY.C. A. Devereux Hall. 56pp..z« T143.1 Same in T143.1 ^ La petite Madelaine. 69 pp in T143.2 Satne iji T143.2 ' Southlanders: expedition to the interior of New Holland S727.1 Southward ho! Simms, W. G S592.14 SouvESTRE, E. Brittany and La Vendge...S729.i Chamois-hunter S729.2 Pleasures of old age S729.3 Sowers. Merriman, H. S M571.7 Sowers not reapers. Martineau, H...z«**M385.6 Same M385.17 Sower's reward. Manning, A M283.9 Spaewife. Peppergrass, P Q424.2 Spanish barber. Manning, A M283.10 Spanish brothers. Alcock, D A354.4 Sparhawk, F. C. Lazy man's work S736.1 Speaking of Ellen. Ross, A R823.1 Spears, J. R. Port of missing ships. 46 pp in S886.5 Specht, E. E. H. Alfrieda: a novel S741.1 Speight, T. W. Heart of a mystery S742.3 Spell-bound fiddler. Janson, K. N J355-2 Spell of Ashtaroth. Osborne, D O813.1 Spelling, T, C. "Won on a silver basis....S743.i Spendthrift. Ainsworth, W. H A297.22 Sphinx's children and other people's. Cooke, R. T C773.4 Sphynx in Aubrey parish. Chamberlain, N. H C442.1 SpiEiyHAGEN, F. Hammer and anvil S755.1 The Hohensteins S755.2 The storm in Z767.1 ' Through night to light S755.3 What the swallow sang S755.4 Spinoza. Auerbach, B A918.13 Spiridion. Sand, G S213.17 Spirit of an Illinois town. Catherwood, M. H C363.8 Spirit-rapper. Brownson, O. A B885.1 Spirite. Gautier, T G277.4 Spiritual Quixote. 2 vols. Graves, R..**B232. 32-3 Splendid spur. Couch, A. T. Q C853.8 Spofford, H. p. The amber gods and other stories S762.1 Azarian S762.2 Marquis of Carabas S762.4 Mount of sorrow. 24 pp in S884.2 Scarlet poppy, and other stories S762.5 Sir Rohan's ghost S762.6 Thief in the night S762.7 Spoil of office. Garland, H G233.5 Spoils of Poynton. James, H.,yr J277.24 Sports in the highlands, etc., of Scotland. Maxwell, W. H M465.7 Sprague, M. a. Earnest trifler S766.1 Sprees and splashes. Morford, H M846.1 Sprightly romance of Marsac. Seawall, M. E S442.6 Spring floods. Turgenieff, I. S T936.11 Springhaven. Blackmore, R. D B629.17 Spy. Cooper, J. F C777.37 Squatter and the don. Loyal, C L923.1 Squatter's dream, Boldrewood, R B687.9 Squire Arden. Oliphant, M. O. W O475.55 Squire of low degree. Long, L. A L848.2 Squire of Sandal-Side. Barr, A. E B268.21 Squire Trevlyn's heir. Wood, E. P W874.13 Squire's legacy. Hay, M. C H413.6 Squirrel Inn. Stockton, F. R S866.29 Stael-Hoi,sTein, a. L. G. N. Barotine de. Corinne; or, Italy S778.1 Stahr, F. L. See Lewald, F. Standard tales by standard authors. Ed. by Mrs. C, I.Johnstone J737-I Standish of Standish. Austin, J, G A936.12 Stanley Thorn. Cockton, H C666.2 Stannard, Mrs. H. E. V. P. See Winter, J. S., pseud. Star and the cloud. Roe, A. S R698.4 Star-chamber. Ainsworth, W. H A297.23 Stark Munro letters. Doyle, A. C D754.22 Starlight Ranch, and other stories. King, C K523.22 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 121 Start in life, etc. Balzac, H. de B198.36 States general (1789). Erckmann, E. and Chatrian, A E654.16 Same E654.17 Steadfast. Cooke, R. T C773.5 Steam house. Pt. i. Verne, J V531.35 ' Same. Pt. 2 V531.35 = Same. 2 pts. (in i) V531.35 Stebbins, S. B. Annals of a baby S811.1 Steel, F. A. On the face of the waters... S813.3 Miss Stuart's legacy S813.1 The potter's thumb S813.2 Red rowans S813.4 Steel hammer. Ulbach, L U362.3 Stein, A. Katharine von Bora, Dr. Mar- tin Luther's wife S819.1 Stella Rae. Burch, H. E B947.1 Step aside. Dunning, C D924.1 Step-mother. James, G. P. R J276.37 Stephen Archer, and other tales. MacDon- ald, G M135.22 Stephen Dane. Douglas, A. M D734.28 Stephen ElHcott's daughter. Needell, Mrs. J.H N374-3 Stephens, C. A. Young Moll's Peevy. 14 pp in S884.10 Stephens, R. Cruciform mark S835.1 Stephenson, Mrs. E. T. See Tabor, E. Stephen Vane's trust. Rouse, A. L R863.1 Stepniak, pseud. Career of a nihilist S838.1 Female nihilist. 24 pp S838.2 Sterndale, R. a. Afghan knife S839.1 Sterne, L. Sentimental journey. 58 pp.... /«C6i5.i Satne tn **N938.9 Story of my uncle Toby, etc S840.1 Tristram Shandy m **N938.5 Same S840.2 Stevenson, E. I. Matter of tempera- ment S847.3 Stevenson, F. Y.,joini author. See Steven- son, R. L. Stevenson, R. L. Black arrow: a tale of the two Roses S848.1 David Balfour. (Sequel to Kidnapped). .S848. 2 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in S848.7 Same S848.11 Fables S848.18 Island nights' entertainments S848.3 Kidnapped: adventures of David Balfour in the year 1791 S848.4 Lodging for the night. 33 pp in S885.10 Markheim in S885.3 Stevenson, R. L. — Coniinued. Master of Ballantrae S848.5 Merry men, and other tales and fables....S848.6 Merry men. {Also) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde S848.7 New Arabian nights S848.9 Prince Otto S848.10 Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 80 pp in S848.7 Sa7ne S848.11 Thrawn Janet. 19 pp in VS885.8 Treasure island S848.12 Weir of Hermiston: an unfinished romance S848.13 —and Osboume, L. Ebb tide S848.14 The wrecker S848.15 Wrong box S848.16 —arid F. V. The dynamiter S848.17 Stewart, E. M. Cloister legends; or, con- vents and monasteries in the olden time S851.1 Stewart, A. M. Margaret Roper S850.1 Stickit minister. Crockett , S . R C938. 1 7 StifTER, a. Balloon ascent (and) The heath ?«Z767.i ' Stimson, F. J. (J. S. of Dale, pseud.) Crime of Henry Vane: a study with a morak.SSsg.i Guerndale: an old story S859.2 King Noanett S859.3 Mrs. Knollys. 21 pp in S884.2 Pirate gold S859.5 Residuary legatee S859.7 —joint author. See Grant, R., and others. Stinde, J. Buchholz family: sketches of Berlin life. 2 vols S860.1 Frau Wilhelmine: concluding part of The Buchholz family S860.2 Stirling, M. C. Ghost of Morcar's Tower. 25 pp in T143.21 StiTzel, Mrs. H. V. What came of it. [Also) Waifs and estrays S862.1 Stockton, F. R. Adventures of Captain Horn S866.I Amos Kilbright, with other stories S866.2 Ardis Claverden S866.3 Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine S866.5 Chosen few short stories S866.6 Christmas wreck and other stories S866.7 The Dusantes. Sequel to "Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine.". ..S866.10 Great war syndicate S866.12 House of Martha S866.14 Hundredth man. 2 vols S866.15 122 ENGLISH FICTION. Stockton, F. R. — Continued. Lady, or the tiger? and other stories. ..S866. 17 Late Mrs. Null S866. 18 Merry Chanter S866.20 Mrs. Cliffs yacht. (Sequel to Adven- tures of Capt. Horn.) S866.22 Pomona's travels S866.25 Rudder Grange S866,27 Rudder Grangers abroad, and other stories S866.28 Squirrel Inn S866.29 Stories of the three burglars S866.30 Story teller's pack S866.31 Transferred ghost. 19 pp in S884.2 Watchmaker's wife and other stories... S866.32 Stockton, L. Kirby's coals of fire. 12 pp in S884.7 Stoddard, W. O. Heart of it: a romance of east and west S869.1 Stoddard, E. D. Osgood's predicament. 36 pp in S884.8 Temple House S868.1 Stolen white elephant, etc. Twain, M...T969.5 Stone-cutter of Lisbon. Peck, W. H Q367.1 Stone-mason of Saint Point. Lamartine, A. de L217.5 Stories and interludes. Pain, B Q144.1 Stories and romances. Scudder, H. E....S436.1 Stories by American authors, vols. i-io. 10 vols S884.1-10 Contents : i : Taylor, B. Who was she? —Matthews, B., and Bunner, H. C. Docu- ments in the case.— Bishop, W. H. One of the thirty pieces. — Davis, Mrs. R. H. Ba- lacchi brothers. — Webster, A. F. Operation in money. 2: Stockton, F. R. Transferred ghost.— Jacobi, M. P. Martyr to science.— Stimson, F. J. Mrs. KnoUys.— Eddy, J. Dinner party. — SpofFord, H. P. Mount of sorrow. — Tincker, M. A. Sister Sylvia. 3: O'Brien, F. J. Spider's eye. — Burnett, F. H. Story of the Latin quarter. — Lath- rop, G. P. Two purse-companions. — Lloyd, D. D. Poor Ogla-Moga.— Thaxter, C. Memorable murder .— Matthews, B. Venetian glass. 4: Brooks, N. Lost in the fog. — Bun- ner, H. C. Love in old cloathes.— DeForest, J. W. Inspired lobbyist. — Foote, M. H. Friend Barton's concern.— Willis, N. P. Two buckets in a well.— Woolson, C. F. Miss Grief. 5: James, H. Light man.— Millet, F. D. Yatil.— Beniamin, P. End of New York.— Arnold, G. Why Thomas was discharged.— Mitchell, E. P. The Tachypomp. 6: Champney, E- W. Heartbreak 'cameo. —Fairfax, X,. R. Misfortunes of bro' Thomas Stories by American authors — Continued. Wheatley. — Frederic, H. Brother Sebastian's friendship. — Hayes, A. A. Denver express. — Webster, A. F. Miss Eunice's glove. — White, C. H. Village convict. 7: Thanet, O. The bishop's vagabond. — Bellamy, E. Lost.— Stockton, L. Kirby's coals of fire. — Floyd, M. Passages from the journal of a social wreck. — McKay, J. T. Stella Grayland. — Johnson, V. W. Image of San Donato. 8: DeForest, T- W. Brigade commander. —Beers, H. A. Split-zephyr.— Phelps, E. S. Zerviah Hope.— Adee, A. A. Life-magnet. — Stoddard, E. D. Osgood's predicament. 9: Page, T. N. Marse Chan.— Gage, C. S. Mr. Bixby's Christmas visitor. — White, C. H. Eli.— Shinn, M. W. Young Strong of "The Clarion."— Coflan, R. F. How old Wiggins wore ship. — Kip, L. " mas has come." 10: Janvier, T. A. Pancha. — Mitchell, E. P. Ablest man in the world. — Stephens, C. A. Young Moll's Peevj'.— DeKay, C. Manmat'ha. — Boyesen, H. H. A daring fic- tion. — Schayer, J. Story of two lives. Stories by English authors : Africa S885 . i Contents: Doyle, A. C. Mystery of Sasassa Valley. — Haggard, R. H. Long odds. — Landers, J. King Bemba's point. — Scully, W. C. Ghamba. — Mary Musgrave. — Heming- way, P. Gregorio. England S885.2 Contents: Reade, C. Box tunnel.— Rob- inson, F. W. Minions of the moon. — Edwards, A. B. Four-fifteen express. — Lewis, A. Wrong black bag. — Hardy. T. Three strangers. — Collins, W. Mr. Lismore and the widow. — Hope, A. Philosopher in the apple orchard. France S885.10 Contents: Stevenson, R. L. Lodging for the night. — Ouida. Leaf in the storm. — Col- lins, W. Terribly strange bed. — Stretton, H. Michel Lorio's cross. — Weyman, S. J. Peril- ous amour. Germany, etc S885.3 Contents: Harraden, B. Bird on its journey.— Winter, J. S. Koosje: a study of Dutch life.— Ouida. Dog of Flanders. — Stevenson, R. L. Markheim.— Black, W. Queen Tita's wager. Ireland S885.4 Contents: Lover, S. The g^ridiron.—Jes- sop, G. H. Emergency man.^ — Barlow, J. ' Lost recruit. — Banim, J. Rival dreamers. — | Carleton, W. Neal Malone. — The banshee. Italy S885.5 Contents: Payn, J. Faithful retainer.— Norris, W. E. Bianca.— Robinson, A. M. F. Goneril.— Oliphant, L. Brigand's bride. — Trollope, A. Mrs. General Talboys. AUTHORS AND TITLES. 123 Stories b)' English authors — Continued. London S885.6 Contents: Barrie, J. M. Inconsiderate waiter.— Anstey, F. Black poodle.— Morri- son, A. That brute Simmons.— Zangwill, I. Rose of the Ghetto.— Harraden B. Idyl of London.— Couch, A. T. Q. The omnibus.— Corelli, M. Hired baby. The Orient S885.7 Contents: Kipling, R. Man who would be king.— Mitford, M. R. Tajima. — Douglas, R. K. Chinese girl graduate. — Beaumont, M. Revenge of her race.— Roberts, M. King Billy of Ballarat.— Syrett, N. Thy heart's desire. Scotland S885.8 Contents: Barrie, J. M. Courting of T'nowhead's Bell.— Crockett, S R. "The heather lintie." — Maclaren, I. Doctor of the old school.— Scott, Sir W. Wandering Wil- lie's tale. — Aytoun, W. E. Glenmutchkin railway. — Stevenson, R. L. Thrawn Janet. The sea S885.9 Contents: Russell, W. C. Extraordinary adventure of a chief mate.— Besant, Sir W. Quarantine island. — Rock scorpions. — O'Hal- loran, G. B. Master of the "Chrysolite." —"Petrel" and "The Black Swan."— Allen, G. Melissa's tour. — Vanderdecken's message home. Stories from Scribner. 6 vols. Army, Stories of the S886.3 Contents: Matthews, B. Memories. — Heard, J., Jr. Charge for France. — Arm- strong, t,. Sergeant Gore.— Nott, C. C. Tale of a goblin horse. Italy, Stories of S886.1 Contents: Smith, F. H. Espero Gorgoni, gondolier. — Sullivan, T. R. Anatomist of the heart. — A'Becket, J. J. Song of the com- forter. — Channing, G. E. House on the hill- top. New York, Stories of S886.2 Contents: Eliot, A. From four to six.— Perry, B. Commonest possible story.— Hib- bard, G. A. End of the beginning. — Wood, J. S. Puritan ingenue. — Wharton, E. Mrs. Manstej''s view. Railway, Stories of the S886.4 Contents: Hibbard, G. A. As the sparks fly upward.— Davison, C. S. How I sent my aunt to Baltimore.— Page, T. N. Run to seed.— Gordon, A. C. Flandroe's mogul. Sea, Stories of the S886.5 Contents: Spears, J. R. Port of missing ships.— Blunt, M. Fate of the Georgiana.— Carryl, C. E. Captain Black.— Howe, G. Last slave ship. South, Stories of the S886.6 Contents: Page, T. N. No Haid Pawn.— Robertson, H. How the Derby was won.— Harris, J. C. Aunt Fountain's prisoner. —Davis, Mrs. R. H. Tirar y Soult. Stories from the rabbis. Isaacs, A. S I731.1 Stories in black and white S887.1 Contents: Norris, W. E. Romance of Madame de Chanteloup. — Russell, W. C. Memorable swim. — Hardy, T. To please his wife.— Linton, E. L. Ghost of the past. — Payn, J. Rebecca's remorse. — Barrie, J. M. Is it a man ?— Oliphant, M. O. W. Golden nile.— Allen, G. General Passavant's will. Stories of a sanctified town. Furman, L. S F986.1 Stories of a western town. Thanet, O....T367.6 Stories of English and foreign life. How- itt, W. and Howitt, M H863.2 Stories of old new Spain. Janvier, T. A..J358.6 Stories of Provence. Daudet, A D238.13 Stories of the foothills. Graham, M. C...G741.1 Stories of the Peninsular war. Maxwell, W. H M465.8 Stories of the three burglars. Stockton, F. R S866.30 vStories of Waterloo. Maxwell, W. H...M465.9 Storm-driven. Healy, M H434.2 Stormy waters. Buchanan, R B918.6 Same B918.7 Story, W. W. Modern magician. 66 pp.. in T143.13 Story of a country town. Howe, E. W...H855.4 Story of a feather. Jerrold, D. W J566.3 vStory of a mine. Harte, B H327.32 Story of a modern woman. Dixon, E. H... D619.1 Story of a story, etc. Matthews, B M438.11 Story of an African farm. Schreiner, O..S378.3 Story of an enthusiast. Jamison, C. V....J327.1 Story of an honest man. About, E A156.5 Story of Antony Grace. Fenn, G. M F334.8 Story of Avis. Phelps, E. S Q539-i6 Story of Bessie Costrell. Ward, M. A. A... W261.10 Story of carnival. Hoppus, M. A. M....H799.2 Story of Christine Rochefort. Prince, H. C Q944-I Story of Colette. Schultz, J S387.3 Story of Dan. Francis, M. E F819.1 Story of Elizabeth. Thackeray, A. I T362.5 Story of Fort Fray ne. King, C K523.12 Story of Gisli the outlaw. Tr. by G. W. Dasent **D229.i Story of Hannah. Dawson, W. J D272.7 Story of Helen Davenant. Fane, V F211.1 Story of Ida. Francesca F815.1 Story of Jael. Gould, S. Baring- in F229.3 Story of John Marbeck. Marshall, E...M367.10 Story of Kennett. Taylor, B T238.5 Story of Margaret Kent. Kirk, E. O K593.9 124 ENGLISH FICTION. Story of my uncle Toby. Sterne, L S840.1 Story of the Gadsbys. Kipling, R K575-I4 Story of the glittering plain. Morris, W... MS77.2 Story of the man who didn't know much. Murray, W. H. H inM^S^.! Story of Tonty. Catherwood, M. H C363.9 Story or two from an old Dutch town. Lowell, R. T. S L916.3 Story-teller's pack. Stockton, F. R S866.31 Story that the keg told me. Murray, W. H. H in M984.1 Stowe, H. B. Agnes of Sorrento S892.1 Dred: a tale of the great dismal swamp... S892.2 Issued also as Nina Gordon. The Mayflower, and miscellaneous writings S892.3 Minister's wooing S892.4 My wife and I S892.5 Oldtown folks S892.6 Pearl of Orr's Island S892.8 Pink and white tyranny S892.9 Poganuc people S892.10 Sam Lawson's Oldtown fireside stories.... S892.11 Issued also as Oldtown fireside stories. Uncle Tom's cabin ...S892.12 "We and our neighbors. (Sequel to "My wife and I.") S892.13 — ed. I/ibrary of famous fiction: embrac- ing the nine standard masterpieces of imaginative literature S892.14 Contents: Bunyan, J. Pilgrim's progress. — DeFoe, D. Robinson Crusoe. — Goldsmith, O. Vicar of Wakefield. —Swift, J. Gulliver's travels.— St. Pierre, B. de. Paul and Vir- ginia.— Cottin, S. R. Elizabeth, or, the exiles of Siberia. — Saintine, X. B. Picciola. — Beckford, W. Vathek.— La Motte-Fouqu^, F. H. K. de. Undine.— Forster, E., tr. Tales from the Arabian nights' entertainments. • — and others. Six of one by half a dozen of the other S892.15 Strain, E. H. Man's foes S897.1 Stranded ship. Davis, L. C D262.1 Strange adventures of a phaeton. Black, W B627.31 Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Stevenson, R. L in S848.7 Same S848.11 Strange disappearance. Green, A. K G795.7 Strange elopement. Russell, W. C R968.24 Strange friend. Hawthorne, J in H398.11 Strange, sad comedy. Seawell, M. E S442.7 Strange story. Lytton, E. G. E. L. B-...L998.24 Same L998.25 Strange surprising adventures of the ven- erable Gooroo Simple. Besche, C. G... B555.1 Strange true stories of Louisiana. Cable, G. W C115.11 Strange world. Braddon, M. E B798.34 Stranger-artist. Kenyon, E. C K375.2 Strangers and pilgrims. Braddon, M. E... B798.35 Strangers and wayfarers. Jewett, S. O....J593.15 Strangers at Lisconnel. Barlow, J B258.9 Straparola de Cararaggio, G. F. Sal- ardo. ID pp in H496.1 Strathmore. Ouida O934.21 Stray leaves from a passing life, and other stories S913.1 Stray leaves from strange literature- Hearn, L H436.2 Stray pearls. Yonge, C. M Y555.30 Stre;ckfuss, a. Castle Hohenwald. Tr. by A. L. Wister W817.28 Quicksands. Tr. by A. L. Wister WS17.29 Too rich, Tr. by A. L. Wister W817.30 Street and the flower. Wagner, H., and Bunyan, E. T W133.1 Stre'TTon, H. Bede's charity S915.1 Brought home S915.2 Crew of the "Dolphin." S915.3 David Lloyd's last will S915.4 Hester Morley's promise S915.5 In prison and out S915.6 Michel Lorio's cross. 29 pp in S885.10 Through a needle's eye S915.8 StreTTon, J. Rector's wife S916.1 Issued also as Valley of a hundred fires. Stretton. Kingsley, H K555.11 Strife. Wallace, ^ffs. E. D W188.1 Strife and peace. Bremer, F in B836.6 Same in B836.10 Strike at Tivoli mills. Arthur, T. S A79r.5 Stronger will. Green, E. E G796.3 Struggle for the right S927.1 Struggles, etc., of Christopher Tadpole. Smith, A S641.1 Strutt, E. Chances and changes **S928.i Curate and the rector S928.2 Strutt, J. Queenhoo-hall, and. Ancient times, a drama. 4 vols **S929.i Stuart, R. McE. Carlotta's intended....S932.i Golden wedding, and other tales S932.2 Studies for stories. Ingelow, J I464.7 Studies from life. Mulock, D. M M960.25 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 125 Study in scarlet. Doyle, A. C in D754.16 Study of woman. 11 pp. Balzac, H. de.... ift B 198.44 Sturgis, J. Accomplished gentleman. ...S935. 1 After twenty years, etc S935.3 Disappointing boy. 15 pp 7«Ti43.i7 Thraldom S935-4 Suburban sketches. Howells, \V. D HS59.28 Successful man. Gordon, J G663.7 Successors to the title. Walford, L. B...W174.13 'Such is life.' Kendall, M K333-I SUDERMANN, H. Dame care S943.5 The wish 8943-1 Sue, E. Arthur 8944-1 Mysteries of Paris 8944-3 The temptation 8944.4 Latreaumont: romance of the days of Louis XIV 8944-2 Wandering Jew S944.5 Sue-Sand, Alexander, Jils, pseud. See Hamley, Sir E. B. Sullivan, A. Winifred, countess of Nithsdale **S95o.i Sullivan, J. W. Tenement tales of New York 8951. 1 Sullivan, T. R. Anatomist of the heart. 73 pp in S886.1 Day and night stories 8952.1 Sultanetta. Dumas, A in D886.4 Summer idyl. Reid, C R353.16 Summer in Arcady. Allen, J. L A427.9 Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite'slife. Whit- ney, A. D. T W617.10 Sun-maid. Grant, M. M G762.1 Sunnybank. Harland, M H283.16 Sunrise. Black, W B627.33 Sunshine and haar. Setoun, G 8495.6 Superior to circumstances. Blackall, E. L..B628.1 Supply at St. Agatha's. Phelps, E. 8 Q539-I7 Surgeon's daughter. Scott, Sir W in S431.16 Same in S431.37 Same S431.49 Sa)ne in **843i.55 Surgeon's stories. See Topelius, Z. Surly Tim, and other stories. Burnett, F. H B964.21 Surrender of Margaret Bellarmine. Ser- geant, A S484.10 Surry of Eagle's Nest. Cooke, J. E C772.14 SURTEES, R. S. "Ask mamma." 8962.1 Mr. Facey Romford's hounds S962.2 Susan Fielding. Edwardes, A E254.8 Susy. Harte, B H327.33 Sutherlands. Harris, M. C H315.7 SUTTNER, A. G. VON. Djambek the Geor- gian: a tale of modern Turkey 8967.1 SuTTNER, B., Baroness von, "Ground arms!" S966.1 Suwanee river tales. Bonner, 8 B716.2 Swallow Barn. Kennedy, J. P K353.4 Swamp doctor's adventures in the south- west. Robb, J. 8 R631.1 Sweet bells out of tune. Harrison, C. C....H318.9 Sweet Mace. Fenn, G. M F334-9 SwETT, 8. Pennyroyal and mint S975.3 Swift, B. [pseud, of W. R. Paterson). Nancy Noon S978.6 Swift, J. F. Robert Greathouse S977.1 Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver's travels..z« C615.1 Same in **N938.9 Same in 8892.14 Same S976.1 Issued also as Travels into several remote nations of the world. Sword of Damocles. Green, A. K G795.8 Sybil. Disraeli, B D613.10 Same D613.11 Sybil's second love. Kavanagh, J K212.13 Sydney, E. W. See Tucker, B., pseud. Sydney sovereign, and other tales. Tasma.... T199.2 Sydnie Adriance. Douglas, A. M D734.29 Sylva, C. {pseud, of Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania). Edleen Vaughan S985.1 Sylvester night's adventure. Zschokke, H..Z923.5 Sylvester Sound. Cockton, H C666.3 vSylvestres. Edwards, M. B E267.4 Sylvia's lovers. Gaskell, E. C G248.8 Sylvie's betrothed. Gr^ville, H G838.8 Symington, C. See Symington, M.., pseud. Symington, M. [pseud, of C. Syming- ton). Marion Scatterthwaite S987.1 Synnore Solbakken. Bjornson, B B625.6 Syrett, N. Thy heart's desire in S885.7 Syrlin. Ouida O934.22 T., M. A. See Tincker. M. A. Tabor, E. {^frs. Stephenson.) Eglantine.. T114.1 Hope Meredith T114.2 Jeanie's quiet life T114.3 St. Olave's T114.4 Tadema, 3Iiss L. A. Wings of Icarus.. .T121.1 Taken alive, and other stories. Roe, E. P R6^9^i5 Taken at the flood. Braddon, M. E ^^^793.36 Taking the Bastile. Dumas, A ?;......D886.2 126 ENGLISH FICTION. Tale of a lonely parish. Crawford, F. M... C899.20 Tale of a physician. Davis, A. J D260.1 Tale of the house of the Wolfings. Mor- ris, W M877.7 Tale of the Tyne. Martineau, **M385.6 Tale of two cities. Dickens, C in D548.4 Same in D548.48 Same D548.49 Same D548.50 Tales and novels. 18 vols. Edgeworth, M E235. 16-32 Tales and sketches. 5 vols. Hogg, J...H716.1-5 Tales and sketches. Miller, H M648.2 Tales and traditions of Hungary. 3 vols. Pulzsky, F. A., and T Q972-I Tales before supper. Gautier, T., and M^rimde, P G277.5 Tales from the .^gean. Bikelas, D B595.2 Tales from Blackwood. 12 vols, (in 6)... T143.1-6 Contents: i: Aytoun, W. E. Glen- mutchkin railway.— Vanderdecken's message home. — Floating beacon. — Colonna the painter.— Ivockhart, J. G. Napoleon. — Ham- ley, E. B. Legend of Gibraltar.— Mudford, W. Iron shroud. 2: Hamley, E. B. Lazaro's legacy.— Maginn, W. -Story without a tail. — Faustus and Queen Elizabeth.— Aytoun, W. E- How I became a yeoman. — Southey, C. A. Dever- eux Hall.— Macnish, R. The metempsy- chosis. — College theatricals. 3: Reading party in the long vacation. — Ferguson, Sii'S. Father Tom and the pope. — Southey, C. A. La petite Madelaine.— Maginn, W. Bob Burke's duel with ensign Brady. — Headsman.— Gait, J. Wearyful woman. 4: Aytoun, W. E. How I stood for the Dreepdaily burghs. — Mudford, W. First and last.— Duke's dilemma: a chronicle of Nieseastein.— Old gentleman's teetotum. — "Woe to us when we lose the watery wall." — My college friends: Charles Russell, the gen- tleman commoner. — Hughes, J. Magic lay of the one-horse chay. 5: Sealsfield, C. Adventures in Texas; abr. from the Ger. by F. Hardman.— Aytoun, W. E. How we got possession of the Tuil- eries.— Lockhart, J. G. Captain Paton's lament.— Arbouville, S. d'. Village doctor.— Hogg, J. Singular letter from southern Africa. 6: Hardman, F. My friend the Dutch- man. — My college friends: No. 2: Horace Leicester; No. 3: Mr. W. Wellington Hurst. — Aytoun, W. E. Emerald studs. — Arbouville, S. d'. Christine. From the Fr. by F. Hard- man.— Man in the bell. 7: Hardman, F. My English acquaint- ance.— Doubleday, T. Murderer's last night. — Tales from Blackwood — Continued. Narration of. Herbert Willis, B. Z).— The wags.— Ferguson, Sir S. Wet wooing. — Ben- na-Groich. 8: Aytoun, W. E. Surveyor's tale. — Forrest-Race romance. — Edwards, C. Di Vasari: a tale of Florence.— Sigismund Fa- tello.— The boxes. 9: Rosaura: a tale of Madrid. — Adven- ture in the north-west territory.— Harry Bol- ton's curacy.— Florida pirate.— The pandour and his princess. — The beauty draught. 10: Antonio di Carara.— Fatal repast.— Kent, W. C. Vision of Cagliostro.— First and last kiss.— Hardman, F. Smuggler's leap.— Lytton, E. G. E. L. B- Haunted and the haunters. — The duelists. 11: Natolian story-teller.— First and last crime.— John Rintoul.— Hardman, F. Major Moss. — The premier and his wife. 12: Tickler among the thieves!— Bride- groom of Barna.— Involuntary experiment- alist.— Lebrun's lawsuit. — Snowing-up of Strath Lugas.— Few words on social philos- ophy. Same. 12 vols T143.1 '-6 = Same. 2d ser. 12 vols T143.7-18 Contents: i: Oliphant, L. Tender recol- lections of Irene Macgillicuddy.— W^alford, L. B. Nan: a summer scene.— Bells of Bo- treaux.— Hamley, E. B. Recent confessions of an opium eater. Shakespeare's funeral.— Lockhart, L. W. M. A night with the volun- teers of Strathkinahan.— The philosopher's baby.— Oliphant, M. O. W. Secret chamber. 2: Chesney, C. C. Battle of Dorking.— Late for the train.— Aytoun, W. E. Congress and the Agapedome. Raid of ArnaboU.— Neaves, Lord. Maga's birthday. How to make a pedigree.— Francillon, R. E. Grace Owen's engagement. 3: S., H. C. Who painted the great Murillo de la Merced ?—J-nes, Mr. A parochial epic— Military adventure in the Pyrenees.— Allardyce, A. Pundrapore resi- dency.— Falsely accused: a criminal trial in Niirnberg, i7c;o.— Witch-Hampton Hall. 4: A railway junction. — Metamorphoses: a tale.— Cheape, D. Betsy Brown.— Hamley, E. B. Last French hero.— Lockhart, L. W. M. Unlucky Tom Grifl&n.— Wilson, A. Spec- tre of Milaggio. 5: Autobiography of a joint-stock company (limited).— Walford, L- B. Bee or Beatrix.— Night-wanderer of an Afghaun fort.- Mac- leod, N. Ayrshire curling song. — Hamley, C. Light on the hearth.— How to boil peas. — — Keene, H. G. Clive's dream before the battle of Plassey. 6: Lever, C. What I did at Belgrade.— Shand, A. I. Wrecked oflf the RiflF coast. DoUie, and the two Smiths. — Majendie, Lady M. Railway journey. — Francillon, R. E. Dog without a tail.— Hamley, C. Wassail. 7: Cousin John's property.— Story, W. W. A modern magician. — Allardyce, A. Edgar AUTHORS AND TILTES. 127 Tales from Blackwood, 2d ser. — Continued. Wayne's escape. — Lost secret of the Cocos group. — Two Mrs. Scudamores. — Bates's tour. 8: Devil's frills: a Dutch illustration of the water cure. — Krancillon, R. E. Story of Eulenburg. — Shadow of the door. — W., K. Wreck of the Strathmore. — Lever, C. Hero- worship and its dangers. — Annie and her master. — W., H. D. A feuilleton. 9: Greg, P. Guy Neville's ghost. — Hard- man, F. Great unknown. — Easter trip of two ochlophobists. — Aytoun, W. E. Rapping the question. — My after-dinner adventure with Peter Schlemihl. — Aunt Ann's ghost story. — Moir, G. Blue dragoon: a story of circumstantial evidence from the criminal records of Holland. — Winchilsea, Earl of. Lord Hattbn: a tale of castle Cornet in Guernsey. 10: Missing bills: an unsolved mystery. — Cheadle, W. B. My hunt of the silver fox. — Macdonald, J. (?) Narrative of Prince Char- lie's escape. — Fenian alarm. — Lindau, R. Philosopher's pendulum. — Walford, L. B. Lady Adelaide. — Witcherley ways: a Christ- mas tale.— Lever, C. How Frank Thornton was cured. — Walker, A. L. In life and death. — Cause worth trying. 11: Haunted Enghenio. — Veley, M. Milly's first love. — Mrs. Beauchamp's vengeance. — Kinkel, G. Family feud. — Sturgis, J. Dis- appointing boy. — Wyatt, T. Cottage by the river. — Ride for life.^W. Sketch from Baby- lon. — R., W. J. M. Engine-driver to his en- gine {and) Coachman of the "Skylark." 12: Krancillon, R. E. Left-handed Elsa.— Great earthquake at Lisbon. — Lever, C. Some one pays. — Hamley, E. B. Sir Tray: an Aitturian idyl. — Whittlebridge. — Nenu- phar: a fancy.— Whist at our club. — My investment in the far west. — King, H. Brown's peccadillo. Same. 3d ser. 6 vols T143. 19-24 CoNTENT.s: i: Bourgonef.— Clifford, Mrs. W. K. Thomas.— Oliphant, L. Brigand's bride; a tale of southern Italy. — Prothero, H. The misogynist.— Boyle, F. A fetish city.— Ferguson, Sir S. Gascon O'Driscol.— Mon- crieff, Mrs. W. G. S- An Elie ruby.— Gould, S. B- Alexander Nesbitt, ex-schoolmaster. — Landers, J. King Bemba's point.— Lumsden, K. M. A vendetta.— Hartley, G. W. Master Tommy's experiment.— Douglas, R. K. Mat- rimonial fraud. 2: Majendie, LM.dy M. A French spec- ulation.— Wellwood, Lord. Rufus Hickman of St. Botolph's.— Alexis, W. Hans Preller: a legend of the Rhine falls.— Kingsley, M. Puerto de Medina.— Harcourt, A. 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Tr. by J. Oxen- ford and C. A. Feiling O983.1 Tales from two hemispheres. Boyesen, H. H B791.11 Tales of a time and place. King, G K527.3 Tales of a traveller. Irving, W 1725-7 Tales of all countries. Trollope, A T846.30 Tales of fantasy and fact. Matthews, B... M438.12 Tales of Flemish life. Conscience, H C755.7 Tales of New England. Jewett, S. O j593-i6 Tales of old Flanders. Conscience, H...C755.8 Tales of old Japan. Mitford, A. B M683.1 Tales of other days. Akerman, J. Y A314.1 Tales of real life. Opie, A f« O614.2 Tales of soldiers and civilians. Bierce, A... B588.1 Tales of the Argonauts. Harte, B H327.34 128 ENGLISH FICTION. Tales of the borders. 24 vols (in 12). Wilson, J. M., and others W750.1-12 Tales of the Caucasus. Dumas, A D886.4 Tales of the covenanters. Pollok, R Q777.1 Tales of the drama. Macauley, E M117.1 Tales of the genii. Tr. by Sir C. Morell... in **N938.3 Tales of the good woman. Paulding, J. K Q325.5 Tales of the Maine coast. Brooks, N B868.6 Tales of the Munster festivals. GriflBn, G G851.6 Same. 2d ser G85i,7 Tales of the southern border. Webber, C. W V W371.2 Tales of the woods and fields. Marsh, A. C **M364.i Tales of today and other days. Tr. by E. P. Robins R657.1 Tales of two countries. Kielland, A. L...K473.1 Tai,fourd, SirT. N. Ion. 32 pp...z« M875.1 3 Talis qualis: tales of the jury-room. Grif- fin, G G851.8 Talisman. Scott, Sir W in **S43 1 .42 Same S431.50 Same S431.51 Tallants of Barton. Hatton, J H366.4 Tame surrender. King, C K523.23 Tamenaga Shunsui. Loyal Renins T157.1 Tancred. Disraeli, B D613.12 Tangled tale. Carroll, L C319.1 Tangled web. Holt, E. S H758.11 Tapestried chamber. Scott, 6i>W...2« S431. 15 Same in **S43i.i9 Same in S431.51 Taquisara. 2 vols. Crawford, F. M C899.23 Taras Bulba. Gogol, N. V G613.2 Tartarian tales. Gueulette, T. S in **N938.I9 Tartar in of Tarascon. Daudet, A D238.14 Tartarin on the Alps. Daudet, A D238.15 Tasma {pseud. 0/ J.'Fraser). In her earli- est youth T199.1 Sydney sovereign, and other tales T199.2 Uncle Piper of Piper's Hill: an Australian novel T199.3 Tautphceus, J. M. Freiherrin von. At odds T229.1 Cyrilla T229.2 The initials T229.3 Quits T229.4 Tavernicus. Gore, C iti G666.1 ^ Taylor, B. Beauty and the beast, and tales of home T238.1 Hannah Thurston: a story of American life T238.2 Taylor, B. — Cofitinued. John Godfrey's fortunes T238.3 Joseph and his friend: a story of Penn- sylvania T238.4 Story of Kennett T238.5 Who was she? 45 pp in S884.1 Taylor, E. Blindpits: a story of Scottish life T240.1 Quixstar T240.2 Taylor, M. Confessions of a thug T244.1 TcHERNUiSHEVSKY, N. G. Vital question; or, what is to be done T251.1 Tchitchikofi"'s journeys. 2 vols. Gogol, N. V G613.3 Teacher of the violin. Shorthouse, J. H...S559.6 Telemachus. Fenelon, F. de S. de la M... F332.1 Same in **N938.i7 Temper. Opie, A in O614.3 Tempest and sunshine. Holmes, M. J... H751.26 Temple House. Stoddard, E. D S868.1 Temptation. Sue, E S944.4 Tempting of Pescara. Meyer, K. F M612.1 Ten old maids. Smith, J. P S653.9 Ten tales. Coppee, F C785.2 Ten thousand a year. Warren, S W293.3 Ten times one is ten. Hale, E. E H161.16 Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Bronte, A B869.1 Tenants of Malory. Le Fanu, J. S L488.4 Tender recollections of Irene Magillicuddy. Oliphant, L O474.3 Tenement tales of New York. Sullivan, J. W S951.1 Tenney, E. p. Agamenticus T298.1 Terhune, Mrs. M. V. H. See Harland, 'M., pseud. Terminations. James, 11.. Jr J277.18 Terrible temptation. Reade, C R285.30 Tess of the d'Urbervilles. Hardy, T H272.16 Teufel, Mrs. B. W. H. See Howard, B. W. Thackeray, A. I. {Mrs. Ritchie.) Blue- beard's keys and other stories T362.1 From an island in T362.5 Fulham Lawn in T362.2 Miss Angel. (Also) Fulham Lawn...T362.2 Miss Williamson's divagations T362.3 Old Kensington T362.4 Story of Elizabeth. (Also) Two hours. (And) From an island T362.5 Two hours in T362.5 Village on the cliff, and other stories and sketches T362.6 AUTHORS AND TITLES. 129 Thackeray, W. M. (Mr. M. A. Titmarsh, pseud.) Adventures of Philip T363.1 Same. Prefixed, Shabby genteel story... T363.2 Barry Lyndon in T363.10 Same T363.14 Same. (Also) History of Samuel Tit- marsh and the great Hoggarty dia- mond. (And) Burlesques T363.15 Book of snobs T363.3 Same in T363.13 Burlesques T363.4 Same i?i T363.12 Same in T363.15 Catherine. (Also) Lovel the widower. Denis Duval. Ballads. Wolves and the lamb. Critical reviews. (And) Little travels and roadside sketches... T363. 5 Christmas books 1^363.6 Denis Duval iii T363.5 Satne. {Also) History of Samuel Tit- marsh and the great Hoggarty dia- mond T363.7 Fitzboodle papers in T363.16 Henry Esmond T363.8 Same. (Also) Memoirs of Barry Lyn- don T363.10 History of Samuel Titmarsh and the great Hoggarty diamond in T363.7 Lovel the widower in T363.5 Same in T363.19 Luck of Barry Lyndon T363.14 Same. {Also) History of Samuel Tit- marsh and the great Hoggarty dia- mond. {And) Burlesques T363.15 Memoirs of Mr. C. J. Yellowplush... in T363.12 Same. (Also) Fitzboodle papers, etc...T363.i6 Men's wives in T363.13 The Newcomes T363.17 Pendennis T363.11 Samuel Titmarsh and the great Hoggarty diamond T363.7 Same. {Also) Memoirs of Mr. C. J. Yellowplush. {And) Burlesques.. .T363.12 Same. {Also) Men's wives. (And) Book of snobs T363.13 Shabby genteel story in T363 2 Vanity fair; a novel without a hero...T363.i8 Same. {Also) Lovel the vndower....T363.i9 The Virginians T363.20 Yellowplush papers T363.2 1 Thaddeus of Warsaw. Porter, J Q846.2 Thalia. Bayle, A B358.1 Thanet, O. {psetid. 0/ K. French.) The bishop's vagabond. 42 pp in S884.7 Expiation T367.3 Knitters in the sun T367.4 Missionary sheriff T367. 7 Otto the knight and other trans-Mississ- ippi stories '^?)(>1-S Stories of a western town T367.6 Thankful Blossom. Harte, B H327.35 That angelic woman. Ludlow, J. M L945-3 That beautiful wretch. Black, W B627.35 That boy of Norcott's. Lever, C L658.25 That first affair, and other sketches. Mitchell, J. A M680.7 That Frenchman! Gunter, A. C G977.11 That husband of mine. Denison, M. A...D396.2 That lass o' Lowrie's. Burnett, F. H B964.11 That queer girl. Townsend, V. F T751.8 That stick. Yonge, C. M Y555.31 That wild wheel. Trollope, F. E T847.4 ThaxTER, C. a memorable murder. 35 pp in S884.3 Theamba, I. {pseud, of Judge Harsha). Ploughed under: the story of an Indian chief T374.1 Thebaud, a. J. Louisa Kirkbride: a tale of New York T375.1 Their wedding journey. Howells, W. D...H859.29 Thelma. Corelli, M C797.13 Theo. Burnett, F. H in B964.3 Theodoli, 1-,. Marchesa. Under pressure..T388.i Theodora Kantakuzenos. 47 pp in C972.1 ■ Theodosius and Constantia. Langhorne, J in **N938.7 Theophilus, and others. Dodge, M. M...D645.1 There and back. MacDonald, G M135.23 "There is no devil." J6kai, M J745-9 There's nothing in it. Bidwell, J B585.1 TheuriET, a. All alone T415.1 Angele's fortune T415.2 Godson of a marquis 1*415.4 My uncle Scipio T4I5-5 Raymonde T415.6 Young Maugars T4i5'7 Thief in the night. Spofford, H. P S762.7 Thinks-I-to-myself. Nares, E N226.1 Thiodolf the Icelander. La Motte Fouque, F. H. K. Freihcrr A& L235.5 Thirty years ago. 2 vols. Dunlap, W D921.1 Thirty years at sea. Shippen, E S557.1 This mortal coil. Allen, G A425.14 This son of Vulcan. Besant, Sir W., and Rice, J B554.44 I30 ENGLISH FICTION. ThiusEN, I., pseud. The Diothas; or, a far look ahead 1*449.1 Thomas, A. {Mrs. Cudlip). Called to account T453.1 IvOve of a lady T453.2 No alternative T453.3 On guard in T453.4 Played out. {Also) On guard T453.4 Thomas, B. House on the scar: a tale of south Devon T454.1 Thomas Wingfold, curate. MacDonald, G M135.24 Thomes, W. H. Belle of Australia T465.1 The bushrangers T465.2 Gold hunter's adventures; or, life in Australia T465.3 Gold hunters in Europe T465.4 Lewey and I: sequel to "On land and sea." T465.5 I,ife in the East Indies T465.6 On land and sea; or, California in 1843, '44 and '45 T465.7 Running the blockade T465.8 Slaver's adventures on sea and land T465.9 Whaleman's adventures in the Sandwich Islands and California T465.10 Thompson, C. M. Nimble dollar, with other stories T469.5 Thompson, D. P. The Green mountain boys T470.1 Locke Amsden; or, the schoolmaster... T470.3 May Martin, and other tales of the Green mountains T470.4 The rangers; or, the tory's daughter...T47o.5 Thompson, L. Ivan Graham: a story of the medical mission to the Jews in Russia T473.3 Thompson, M. Hoosier mosaics T474.1 Thomson, E. W. Old man Savarin, and other stories T482.1 Thomson, G. Lost heir of the house of Elphinstone in W750.10 Thoresen, M. Old Olaf. 46 pp .in G622.1 Thorn in the nest. Finley, M ^513-3 Thorne, p., pseud. See Smith, M. P. W. Thorny path. 2 vols. Ebers, G E165.15 Thoroddsen, J. T. Sigrid: an Icelandic love story T516.1 Issued also as I