M iw^"' p / ^ A DISCOtJRSE mmm^^^^a CtUIKTNKSS OF SPIKIT. * A meok and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great pricew" 1 P-pter, 3:4. 4 ^ O ^ BV REV. THEW HENHY. PUBLISHED : AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETT; 150 NISSAU-STRBET, NEW-TORK. D. Fft&Abaw Printer. In this edition a few passages are omitted, and the phraseology in some instances modernized. >'^T COXTTSXTTS. Page. Chap. I. The Nature of Meekness, 5 Cluietness of Spirit, 32 Chap. II. The Excellency of Meekness, 40 2. Meekness teaches and enables us patiently to \Siar the anger of others, which property of meek* ness we have especially occasion for in reference to our superiors and equals. Commonly that which provokes anger is anger, as fire kindles fire ; now meekness prevents that violent collision which for- ces out these sparks, and softens at least one side, and so puts a stop to a great deal of mischief; for it is the second blow that makes the quarrel. Our first care should be to prevent the anger of others, ITS NATURE. 2S by giving no offence to any, but becoming all things to all men, every one studying to please his neigh- bor for good to edification, Rom. 15:2, and endea- voring as much as lies in us to accommodate our- selves to the temper of all with whom we have to do, and to make ourselves acceptable and agreeable to them. How easy and comfortable should we make every relation, and all our intercourse, if we were but better acquainted with this art of obliging. Nap- thali's tribe that was famous for giving goodly words. Gen. 49 : 21, had the happiness of being satisfied with favor, Deut. 33 : 23, for " every man shall kiss his lips that giveth a right answer." In the conju- gal relation it is taken for granted, 1 Cor. 7 : 33, 34, that the care of the husband is to please his wife, and the care of the wife is to please her husband ; and where there is that mutual care, enjoyment cannot be wanting. Some people love to be unkind, and take a pleasure in displeasing, and especially contrive to provoke those they find passionate and easily pro- voked, that (as he that giveth his neighbor drink, and putteth his bottle to him, Hab. 2 : 15, 16,) they may look upon his shame, to which, in his passion, he ex- poses himself; and so they make a mock at sin, and become like the madman that casts firebrands, ar- rows, and death, and says, *' Am not I in sport?" But the law of Christ forbids us to provoke one an- other, unless it be " to love and good works ;" and en- joins us to " bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." H HENRY ON MEEKNESS. But because they must rise betimes who will please every body ; and carry their cup even indeed who will give no offence; our next care must be so to behave ourselves when others are angry, that we may not make bad worse. And this is one princi- " pal thing in which the younger must submit them- selves to the elder; nay, in w^hich all of us must be " subject one to another," as our rule is, 1 Pet. 5 : 5. And here meekness is of use, either to enjoin silence or indite a soft answer. (1.) To enjoin silence. It is prescribed to ser- vants to please their masters well in all things, " not answering again," for that must needs be displeas- ing: better say nothing than say that which is pro- voking. When our hearts are hot within us, it is good for us to keep silence, and hold our peace : so David did ; and when he did speak, it was in prayer to God, and not in reply to the wicked that w^ere before him. If the heart be angry, angry words will but inflame it the more, as wheels are heated by a rapid motion. One reflection and repartee be- gets another, and the beginning of the debate is like the letting forth of \vater, w^hich is with difficulty stopt when the least breach is made in the bank ; and therefore meekness says, " By all means keep silence, and leave it off before it be meddled with.'' When a fire is begun, it is good, if possible, to smother it, and so prevent its spreading. Let us deal wisely, and stifle it in the birth, lest afterward it prove too strong to be dealt with. Anger in the ITS NATURE. 2S^ heart is like the books stowed in cellars in the con- flagration of London, which, though they were ex- tremely heated, never took fire till they took air many days after, which giving vent to the heat put them into a flame. When the spirits are in a fer- ment, though it may be some present pain to check and suppress them, and the headstrong passions hardly admit the bridle, yet afterward it will be no grief of heart to us. Those who find themselves wronged and aggriev- ed, think they may have leave to speak ; but it is bet- ter to be silent than to speak amiss, and make work for iiepentance. At such a time he that holds his tongue, holds his peace; and if we soberly reflect, we shall find we have been often the worse for our speaking, hut seldom the worse for our silence. This must be especially remembered and observed by as many as are under the yoke, who will certainly have most comfort in meekness, and patience, and silent submission, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward. It is good in such cases to remember our place, and (if the spirit of a ruler rise up against us) not to leave it, that is, not to do any thing unbecoming, for yielding pacifieth great offences. Eccl. 10: 4. We have a common proverb that teaches us this, " When thou art the hammer, knock thy fill ; but when thou art the anvil, lie thou still :" for it is the posture thou art cut out fori and which best becomes thee. 3 26 H£NRV OK MEEKNE86. If Others be angry at us without cause, and wc have ever so much reason on our side, yet often- times it is best to adjourn our own vindication, though we think it necessary, till the passion be over ; for there is nothing said or done in passion, but it may be better said and better done afterwards. When we are calm, we shall be likely to say it and do it in a better manner; and when our brother is calm, we shall be likely to say it and do it to a bet- ter purpose. A needful truth spoken in anger may do more hurt than good, and offend rather than sa- tisfy. The prophet himself forbore even a message from God, when he saw Amaziah in a passion. Sometimes it may be advisable to get some one else to say that for us which is to be said, rather than say it ourselves. However, we have a righteous God, to whom, if in a meek silence we suffer ourselves to be injured, we may commit our cause, and having his promise that he will *' bring forth our righteousness as the light, and our judgment as the noon-day," we had better leave it in his hands than undertake to manage it ourselves, lest that which we call clearing ourselves, God should call quarreling with our breth- ren. David was greatly provoked by those that sought his hurt, and spake mischievous things against him ; and yet, says he, " I as a deaf man, heard not ; I was as a dumb man that openeth not his mouth." And why so 1 It was not because he had nothing to say, or knew not how to say it; but because **in thee, O ITS NATURE. 27 Lord, do I hope : thou wilt hear, O Lord my God." If God hear, what need have I to hear ? His con- cerning himself in the matter supersedes ours, and he is not only engaged, in justice, to own every righteous cause that is injured, but he is further en- gaged, in honor, to appear for those who, in obe- dience to the law of meekness, commit their cause to him. If there be any vindication or avenging necessary, (which infinite Wisdom is the best judge of,) he can do it better than we can ; therefore " give place unto wrath," that is, to the judgment of God, which is according to truth and equity ; make room f<5r him to take the seat, and do not you step in be- fore him. It is fit that our wrath should stand by to give way to his, for the wrath of man engages not the righteousness of God for him. Even just appeals made to him, if they be made in passion, are not admitted into the court of heaven, being not duly presented; that one thing, error, is sufficient to overrule them. Let not therefore those that do well and suffer for it, spoil their own vindication by mis- timing and mismanaging it ; but tread in the steps of the Lord Jesus, who, when he was reviled, re- viled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not, but was as a lamb dumb before the shearers, and so committed himself to Him that judges right- eously. It is indeed a principal part of self-denial to be silent when we have enough to say, and pro- vocation to say it ; but if we do thus control our 28 HENK¥ ON MEEKNESS. tongues out of a pure regard to peace and love, it will turn to a good account, and will be an evi- dence for us that we are Christ's disciples, having learned to deny ourselves. It is better by silence to yield to our brother, who is, or has been, or may be our friend, than by angry speaking to yield to the devil, who has been, and is, and ever will be our sworn enemy. (2.) To indite a soft answer. This Solomon com- mends as a proper expedient to turn away wrath, while grievous words do but stir up anger. When any speak angrily to us, we must pause a while and study an answer, which, both for the matter and man- ner of it, may be mild and gentle. This brings wa- ter, while peevishness and provocation would but bring oil to the flame. Thus is death and life in the power of the tongue : it is either healing or kill- ing, an antidote or a poison, according as it is used. When the waves of the sea beat on a rock, they bat- ter and make a noise ; but a soft sand receives them silently, and returns them without damage. A soft tongue is a wonderful specific, and has a very strange virtue in it. Solomon says, " it breaks the bone," that is, it qualifies those that were provoked, and makes them pliable ; it " heaps coals of fire upon the head" of an enemy, not to burn him, but to melt him. "Hard words," we say, " break no bones ;" but it seems soft ones do, and yet do no harm, as they calm an angry spirit and prevent its progress. A ITS NATURE, 29 Stone that falls on a wool-pack rests there, and re- bounds not to do any further mischief; such is a meek answer to an angry question. The good effects of a soft answer, and the ill con- sequences of a peevish one, are observable in the stories of Gideon and Jephthah : both of them, in the day of their triumphs over the enemies of Israel, were quarreled with by the Ephraimites, when the danger was past and the victory won, because they had not been called upon to engage in the battle. Gideon pacified them with a soft answer, -"What have I done now in comparison of you ?" magnify- ing'their achievements and lessening his own, speak- ing honorably of them and meanly of himself: " Is not the gleaning of the grapes of Ephraim better than the vintage of Abiezer ?" In which reply it is hard to say whether there was more of wit or wis- dom ; and the effect was very good ; the Ephraimites were pleased, their anger turned away, a civil war prevented, and nobody could think the worse of Gi- deon for his mildness and self denial. On the con- trary, he won more true honor by his victory over his own passion, than he did by his victory overall the host of Midian ; for he that hath rule over his own spirit is better than the mighty. The angel of the Lord has pronounced him a " mighty man of valor ;" and this his tame submission did not at all derogate from that part of his character. But Jeph- thah, who by many instances appears to be a man of 3* 30 HENRY ON MEEKNESS. a rough and hasty spirit, though enrolled among the eminent believers, Heb. 11 : 32, (for all good people are not alike happy in their temper,) when the Ephraimites in like manner quarrel with him, rallies them, upbraids them with their cowardice, boasts of his ow^n courage, and challenges them to make good their cause. Judg. 12:2. They retort :i scurrilous reflection upon Jephthah's country, as it is usual w^ith passion to taunt and jeer : *' Ye Gileadites are fugitives." From words they go to blows, and so great a matter does this little fire kin- dle, that there goes no less to quench the flame than the blood of two and forty thousand Ephraimites. All which had been happily prevented, if Jephthah had had but half as much meekness in his heart as he had reason on his side. A soft answer is the dictate and dialect of that wisdom which is from above, which is peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated: and to recommend jt to us, we have the pattern of good men, as that of Jacob's conduct to Esau. Though none is so hard to be won as a brother ofl!ended, yet, as he had pre- vailed with God by faith and prayer, so he prevailed with his brother by meekness and humility. We have also the pattern of angels, who, even when a rebuke was needful, durst not turn it into a railing accusation, durst not give any reviling language, not to the devil himself, but referred the matter to God — " The Lord rebuke thee ;" as that passage, ITS NATURE. 31 Judo, 5 : 9, is commonly imderstood. Nay, we have the pattern of a good God, who, though he could plead against us with his great power, yet gives soft answers : witness his dealing Avith Cain when he was wroth and his countenance fallen, reasoning the case with him, " Why art thou wroth ? If thou doest well, shalt not thou be accepted ?" With Jonah like- wise when he Avas so discontented, " Doest thou well to be angry ?" This is represented, in the pa- rable of the prodigal son, by the conduct of the fli- ther towards the elder brother, who was so angry that he would not come in. The father did not sa)% " Let him stay out then ;" but he came himself and entreated him, when he might have interposed his authority and commanded him, saying, " Son, thou art ever with me." When a passionate contest is begun, there is a plague broke out: the meek man, like Aaron, takes his censer with the incense of a soft answer, steps in seasonably, and stays it. This soft answer, in case we have committed a fault, though perhaps not culpable to the degree that we are charged with, must be penitent, humble, and submissive ; and we must be ready to acknowledge our error, and not stand in it, or insist upon our own vindication ; but rather aggravate than excuse it, ra- ther condemn than justify ourselves. It will be a good evidence of our repentance towards God, to humble ourselves to our brethren whom we have offended ; as it will be also a good evidence of our S2 HENRY ON MEEKNESS. being forgiven of God, if we be ready to forgive those that have offended us : and such yielding pa- cifies great offences. Meekness teaches us, as often as we trespass against our brother, to "turn again and say, I repent." An acknowledgment, in case of a willful affront, is perhaps as necessary to pardon, OS (we commonly say) restitution is in case of wrong. So much for the opening of the nature of meekness, w^hich yet will receive further light from consider- ing more particularly what is implied in QUIETNESS OF SPIRIT. Quietness is the evenness, the composure, and the rest of the soul, which speaks both the nature and the excellency of the grace of meekness. The great- est comfort and happiness of man is sometimes set forth by quietness. That peace of conscience which Christ has left for a legacy to his disciples, that pre- sent sabbatism of the soul, which is an earnest of the rest that remains for the people of God, is called " quietness and assurance for ever," and is promised as the efiect of righteousness. So graciously has God been pleased to intwine interests with us, as to en- join the same thing as a duty, which he proposes and promises as a privilege. Justly may we say that we serve a good Master, whose '* yoke is easy :" it is not only easy, but sweet and gracious, so the word signifies; not only tolerable, but amiable and aceep- ITS NATURE. 33 table. Wisdom's waj's are not only pleasant, but pleasantness itself, and all her paths are peace. It is the character of the Lord's people, both in respect to holiness and happiness, that, however they be brand- ed as the troublers of Israel, they are "the quiet in the land," If every saint be made a spiritual prince, Rev. 1 : 6, having a dignity above others, and a do- minion over himself, surely he is like Seraiah, "a quiet prince." It is a reign with Christ, the tran- scendent Solomon, under the influence of whose golden sceptre there is " abundance of peace as long as the moon endures," yea, and longer, for "of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end." Quietness is recommended to us in the Scriptures as a grace which we should be endued with, and a duty which we should practice. In the midst of all the affronts and injuries that are or can be ofl?ered us, we must keep our spirits sedate and undisturbed, and evidence, by a calm, and even, nnd regular behavior, that they are so. This is quiet- ness. Our Savior has pronounced the blessing of adoption upon the peace-makers. Matt. 5:9; those that are for peace, as David professes himself to be, Psalm 120: 7, in opposition to those that delight in war. Now, if charity be for peace-making, surely this "charity begins at home," and is for making peace there in the first place. Peace in our own souls is some conformity to the example of the God of peace, who, though he does not always give peace 34 HENRY ON MEEKNESS. on this earth, yet evermore "makes peace in his own high-places." This some think is the primary in- tention of that peace-making on which Christ com- mands the blessing : it is to have strong and hearty affections to peace, to be peaceably-minded. In a word, quietness of spirit is the soul's stillness and silence from intending provocation to any, or resent- ing provocation from any with whom we have to do. The word has something in it of metaphor, which admirably illustrates the grace of meekness. 1. We must be quiet as the air is quiet from wi7ids. Disorderly passions are like stormy winds in the soul, they toss and hurry it, and often strand or overset it ; they move it •' as the trees of the wood are moved with the wind ;" it is the prophet's com- parison, and is an apt emblem of a man in passion. Now meekness restrains these winds, says to them, Peace, be still, and so preserves a calm in the soul, and makes it conformable to Him who has the winds in his hands, and is herein to be praised that even the stormy winds fulfill his word. A brisk gale is often useful, especially to the ships of desire, (as the Hebrew phrase is, Job, 9 : 26 ;) so there should be in the soul such a warmth and vigor as will help to speed us to the desired harbor. It is not well to lie wind-bound in dullness and indifference ; but tem- pests are perilous, yea, though the wind be in the right point. So are strong passions, even in good men ; they both hinder the voyage and hazard the ITS NATURE. Z5 ship. Such a quickness as consists with quietness is what we should all labor after, and meekness will contribute very much toward it ; it will silence the noise, control the force, moderate the impetus, and correct all undue and disorderly transports. What manner of grace is this, that even the winds and the sea obey it ! If we will but use the authority God has given us over our own hearts, we may keep the winds of passion under the command of religion and reason; and then the soul is quiet, the sun shines, all is pleasant, serene and smiling, and the man sleeps sweetly and safely on the lee-side. We make our voyage among rocks and quicksands, but if the weather be calm, we can the better steer so as to avoid them, and by a due care and temper strike the mean between extremes ; whereas he that suffers these winds of passion to get head, and spreads a large sail before them, while he shuns one rock, splits upon another, and is in danger of being drown- ed in destruction and perdition by many foolish and hurtful lusts, especially those whence wars and fight- ings come. 2. We must be quiet as the sea is quiet from waves. The wicked, whose sin and punishment both lie in the unruliness of their own souls, and the vio- lence and disorder of their own passions, which per- haps will not be the least of their eternal torments, are compared to " the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt;" that is. 36 HENRV ON MEEKNESS. they are uneasy to themselves and to all about them, *' raging waves of the sea, foaming out their ovirn shame;" their hard speeches which they speak against God, and dignities, and things which they know not, their great swelling words and mockings ; Jude, 13 : 18 ; these are the shame they foam out Now meekness is a grace of the Spirit, that moves upon the face of the waters, and quiets them, smooths the ruffled sea, and stills the noise of it ; it casts forth none of the mire and dirt of passion. The waves mount not up to heaven in proud and vain-glorious boastings ; they go not dovvn to the depths to scrape up vile and scurrilous language; there is no reeling to and fro, as men overcome with drink or with their own passion ; there is none of that transport which brings them to their wits' end ; but " they are glad because they are quiet, so he bringeth them to their desired haven." This calmness and evenness of spirit makes our passage over the sea of this world safe and pleasant, quick and speedy towards, the desired harbor, and is amiable and exemplary in the eyes of others. 3. We must be quiet as the land is quiet from war. It was the observable felicity of Asa's reign, that " in his days the land was quiet." In the pre- ceding reigns there was no peace to him that went out, or to him that came in ; but now the rumors and alarms of war were stilled, and the people delivered from the noise of archers at the place of drawing ITS NATURE. 37 waters, as when the land had rest in Deborah's time. Such a quietness there should be in the soul, and such a quietness there will be where meekness sways the sceptre. A soul inflamed with wrath and passion upon all occasions, is like a kingdom em- broiled in war, in a civil war, subject to continual frights^ and losses, and perils ; deaths and terrors, in their most horrid shapes, walk triumphantly, sleep is disturbed) families broken, friends suspected, ene- mies feared) laws silenced, commerce ruined, busi- ness neglected, cities wasted ; such heaps upon heaps does ungoverned anger lay, when it is let loose in the souL But meekness makes these wars to cease, breaks the bow, cuts the spear, sheaths the sword, and in the midst of a contentious world preserves the soul from being the seat of war, and makes peace in her borders. The rest of the soul is not disturbed, its comforts not plundered, its government not dis- ordered, the laws of religion and reason rule, and not the sword : neither its communion wnth God nor with the saints interrupted ; no breaking in of temptation, no going out of corruption, no complain- ing in the streets ; no occasion given, no occasion taken, to complain. Happy is the soul that is in such a case. The words of such wise men are heard in quiet, more than the cry of him that ruleth among fools, and this " wnsdom is better than weapons of war." This is the quietness we should every one of us labor after ; and it is what we rujght attain to, if 4 dd HENRY ON M££KN£S£. T/e would but more support and exercise the autho- rity of our graces, and guide and control the power of our passions. 4. We must be quiet as the child is quiet after weaning. It is the Psalmist's comparison, " I have behaved," or rather, I have composed, "and quieted myself as a child that is weaned of his mother, my soul is even as a weaned child." A child, while it is in the v/eaning, perhaps is a little cross, and froward, and troublesome for a time; but when it is perfectly weaned, how quickly does it accommodate itself to its new way of feeding ! Thus a quiet soul, if pro- voked by the denial or loss of some earthly comfort or delight, quiets itself, and does not fret at it, nor perplex itself with anxious cares how to live without it, but composes itself to make the best of that which is. And this holy indifference to the delights of sense is (like the weaning of a child) a good step taken towards the perfect man, "the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ." A child newly weaned is free from all the uneasiness and disquietude of care, and fear, and envy, and anger, and revenge : how undisturbed are its sleeps, and even in its dreams it looks pleasant and smiling ! How easy its days ! How quiet its nights ! If put into a little pet now and then, how soon it is over, the provocation for- given, the sense of it forgotten, and both buried in an innocent kiss ! Thus, if ever we would enter into the kingdom of heaven, we must be converted from ITS NATURE. 39 pride, envy, ambition, and strife for precedency, and must become like little children. So our Savior has told us, who, even after his resurrection, is called •' the holy child Jesus." And even when we have put away other childish things, yet still " in malice " we must be children. And as for the quarrels of others, a meek and quiet Christian endeavors to be as disinterested and as little engaged as a weaned child in the mother's arms, that is not capable of such angry resentments. This is that meekness and quietness of spirit which is recommended to us : such a command and composure of the soul that it be not unhinged by any provocation whatsoever, but all its powers and faculties preserved in due temper for the just dis- charge of their respective offices. In a word, put off all wrath, and anger, and malice, those corrupted limbs of the old man ; pluck up and cast away those roots of bitterness, and stand upon a constant guard against all the exorbitances of your own passion : then you will soon know, to your comfort, better than I can tell you, what it is to be of a meek and quiet spirit. 40 HENRY ON MEEKNESS. CHAPTER II. THE EXCELLENCY OF MEEKNESS. The very opening of this cause, one would think, were enough to carry it; and the explaining of the nature of meekness and quietness should suffice to recommend it to us. Such an amiable sweetness does there appear in it, upon the very first view, that if we look upon its beauty, we cannot but be enamored with it. But because of the opposition of our corrupt hearts to this, as well as the other graces of the Holy Spirit, I shall endeavor more particu- larly to show the excellency of it, that we may be brought, if possible, to be in love with it, and to sub- mit our souls to its charming power. It is said, Prov. 17 : 27, that a man of understand- ing is of an excellent spirit. Tremellius translates it, he is of a cool spirit ; put them together and they teach us that a cool spirit is an excellent spirit, and that he is a man of understanding who is governed by such a spirit. The Scriptures tell us (what need we more?) that it is in the sight of God of great price, and we may be sure that is precious indeed which is so in God's sight : that is good, very good, which he pronounces so ; for his judgment is accord- ing to truth, and sooner or later he will bring all the world to be of his mind ; for as he has decided it, so ITS exce: shall our doom he, and he ^i\\ be " justified when he speaketh, and clear when he judgeth." The excellency of a meek and quiet spirit will appear, if we consider the credit ol it, and the com- fort of it — the present profit there is by it, and the preparedness there is in it for future blessings. I. ConsideiJigi\r qBj^DiTAjBJLK a meek and quiet spirit is. Credit or reputation all desire, though few consider aright either what it is, or what is the right way of obtaining it ; and particularly it is little be- lieved what a great deal of true honor there is in the grace of meekness, and what a sure and ready way mild and quiet souls take to gain the approval of their Master, and of all their fellow- servants who love him, and are like him. 1. There is in it the credit of a victory. What a gteat figure do the names of high and mighty con- querors make in the records of fame ! How are their conduct, their valor and success cried up and cele- brated ! But if we will believe the word of truth, and pass a judgment upon things according to it^ " He that is slow to anger, is better than the mighty ; and he that ruleth his spirit, than he that taketh a city." Behold, a greater than Alexander or Cassar is here ; the former of whom (some think) lost more true honor by yielding to his own ungoverned anger, than he got by all his conquests. No triumphant chariot so easy, so safe, so truly glorious, as that in which the meek and quiet soul rides over all the 4* 42 HENRY ON MEEKNESS. provocations of an injurious world with a gracious unconcernedness ; no train so splendid, so noble, as that train of comforts and graces which attend this chariot. The conquest of an unruly passion is more honorable than that of an unruly people, for it re- quires more true courage. It is easier to kill an enemy without, which may be done at a blow, than to chain up and govern an enemy within, which re- quires a constant, even, steady hand, and a long and regular management. It was more to the honor of David to yield himself conquered by Abigail's per- suasions, than to have made himself a conqueror over Nabal and all his house. A rational victory must needs be allowed more honorable to a rational creature than a brutal one. This is a cheap, safe, and unbloody conquest that does nobody any harm, no lives, no treasures are sacrificed to it, the glory of these triumphs are not stained as others generally are, with funerals. Every battle of the warrior, says the prophet, " is with confused noise, and garments roiled in blood ;" but this victory shall be obtained by the Spirit of the Lord of hosts. Nay, in meek and quiet suffering we are " more than conquerors," through Christ that loved us ; conquerors with little loss, we lose nothing but the gratifying of abase lust ; conquerors with great gain, the spoils we divide are very rich — the favor of God, the comforts of the Spirit, the foretastes of everlasting pleasures ; these are more glorious and excellent than the mountains of prey ITS EXCELLENCY. 43 We are more than conquerors ; that is, triumphers ; we live a life of victory ; every day is a day of tri- umph to the meek and quiet soul. Meekness is a victory over ourselves and the re- bellious lusts in our own bosoms ; it is the quieting of intestine broils*, the stilling of an insurrection at home, which is often harder than to resist a foreign invasion. It is an effectual victory over those that injure us, and make themselves enemies to us, and is often a means of winning their hearts. The law of meekness is, " If thine enemy hunger, feed him ; if he thirst, not only give him drink, (which is an act of charity,) but drink to him, in token of friendship, and true love, and reconciliation ; and in so doing thou shalt " heap coals of fire upon his head," not to donsume him, but to melt and soften him, that he may be cast into a new mould ; and thus while the angry and revengeful man, that will bear down all before him with a high hand, is overcome of evil, the patient and forgiving overcome evil with good ; and forasmuch as their '* ways please the Lord, he makes even their enemies to be at peace with them." Nay, meekness is a victory over Satan, the greatest enemy of all ; and what conquest can be more ho- norable than this ? It is written for caution to us all, and it reflects honor on those who through grace overcome, that " we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, and the rulers of the darkness of this world." The magni- 44 HENRY ON MEEKNESS. fying of the adversary, magnifies the victory over him ; such as these are the meek man's vanquished enemies ; the spoils of these are the trophies of his victory. It is the design of the devil, that great de- ceiver and destroyer of souls, that is baffled ; it is his attempt that is defeated, his assault that is repulsed by our meekness and quietness. Our Lord Jesus was more admired for controlling and commanding the unclean spirits, than for any other cures which he wrought. Unruly passions are unclean spirits, legions of which some souls are possessed with, and desperate, outrageous work they make ; the soul be- comes like that miserable creature, Mark, 5 : 3, that cried and cut himself; or that, Mark, 9 : 22, who was so often cast into the fire, and into the waters. The meek and quiet soul is, through grace, a con- queror over these enemies, their fiery darts are quenched by the shield of faith, Satan is in some measure trodden under his feet, and the victory will be complete shortly, when "he that overcometh" shall sit down with Christ upon his throne, even as he overcame and is set down with the Father upon his throne, where he still appears in the emblem of his meekness, " a lamb as it had been slain." And upon Mount Zion, at the head of his heavenly hosts, he appears also as a lamb. Rev. 14 : 1. Such is the honor meekness has in those higher regions. 2. There is in it the credit of beauty. The beauty of a thing consists in the symmetry, harmony, and ITS EXCELLENCY. 45 agreeableness of all the parts : now what is meek- ness but the soul's agreement with itself? It is the joint concurrence of all the affections to the univer- sal peace and quiet of the soul, every one regularly acting in its own place and order, and so contribu- ting to the common good. Nextjq the beauty of ho- liness, j^ich is the soul's agreement with God, is the beauty of meekness, which is the soul's agree- m'enf with itself. " Behold how good and how plea- sant a thing it is " for the powers of the soul thus to " dwell together in unity," the reason knowing how to rule, and the affections at the same time knov/ing how to obey. Exorbitant passion is a discord in the soul ; it is like a tumor in the face, which spoils the beauty of it : meekness scatters the humor, binds down the swelling, and so prevents the deformity, "and preserves the beauty. This is one instance of the comeliness of grace, *' through my comeliness," says God to Israel, " which I had put upon thee." It puts a charming loveliness and amiableness.upon the soul, which renders it acceptable to all who know what true worth and beauty is. He that in righte- ousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost, that is, in Christian meekness and quietness of spirit, *' serveth Christ, is acceptable to God and approved of men." And to whom else can we wish to recom- mend ourselves ? Solomon, a very competent judge of beauty, has determined that it is *' a man's wisdom " that *' makes 46 HENRY ON MEEKNESS. his face to shine ;" and doubtless the meekness of wisdom contributes as much as any one branch of it to this lustre. We read in Scripture of three whose faces shone remarkably, and they were all eminent for meekness. The face of Moses shone, and be was the meekest of ail the men on earth. The face of Stephen shone, and he it was, who, in the midst of a shower of stones, so meekly submitted, and prayed for his persecutors. The face of our Lord Jesus shone in his transfiguration, and he was the great pattern of meekness. It is a sweet and pleas- ing air which this grace puts upon the countenance, while it keeps the soul in tune, and frees it from those jarring discords wbich are the certain effect of an ungoverned passion. 3. There is in it the credit of an ornament. The Apostle speaks of it as " an adorning " much more excellent and valuable than gold, pearls, or the most costly array. It is an adorning to the soul, the prin- cipal, the immortal part of the man. That outward adorning does but deck and beautify the body, which at the best is but a sister to the worms, and will ere long be a feast for them ; but this is the ornament of the soul, by which we are allied to the invisible world : it is an adorning that recommends us to God, which is in his sight " of great price." Or- naments go by estimation : now we may be sure the judgment of God is right and unerring. Every thing is indeed as it is with God : those are right- ITS EXCELLENCY. 47 eous indeed, that are righteous before God ; and that is an ornament indeed which he calls and counts so. It is an ornament of God's own making. Is the soul thus decked ? It is he that has decked it* By his Spirit he hath garnished the heavens, and by the same Spirit has he garnished the meek and quiet souL It is an ornament of his accepting; it must needs be so if it be of his own working ; for to him who has this ornament, more adorning shall be given. He has promised that he will " beautify the meek with salvation;" and if the garments of salva- tion will not beautify, what will ? The robes of glo- ry will be the everlasting ornaments of meek and (juiet spirits. This meekness is an ornament that, like the Israelites' clothes in the wilderness, never waxes old, nor will ever go out of fashion while right reason and religion have place in the world : all the wise and good will reckon those best drest that put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and walk with him in the white of meekness and innocency. Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these lilies of the valleys, though lilies among thorns. The same ornament which is recommended to wives, is by the same apostle recommended to us all. ** Yea, all of you be subject one to another :" that explains what meekness is ; it is that mutual yielding which we owe one to another, for edifica- tion and in the fear of God. This seems to be a 48 HENRY ON MEEKNESS. hard saying, how shall we digest it ? an impractf* cable duty, how shall we conquer it ? Why, it fol* lows, " Be clothed with humility." Which implies, (1.) i\iQ fixedness of this grace : we must gird it fast to us, and not leave it to hang loose, so as to be snatched away by every temptation : watchfulness and resolution in the strength of Christ must tie the knot upon our graces, and make them as the girdle that cleaves to a man's loins. (2.) The comeliness and ornament of it ; put it on as a knot of ribbons, as an ornament to the soul : such is the meekness of wisdom, it gives to the head an ornament of grace, and (which is more) a crown of glory. Prov. 1 : 9, and 4 : 9. 4. There is in it the credit of true courage. Meek- ness is commonly despised by the grandees of the age as cowardice and meanness, and the evidence of a little soul, and is posted accordingly ; while the most furious and angry revenge is celebrated and applauded under the pompous names of valor, ho- nor, and greatness of spirit. This arises from a mistaken notion of courage, the true nature where- of is thus stated by a very ingenious pen, " It is a resolution never to decline any evil of pain, when the choosing of it, and the exposing of ourselves to it, is the only remedy against a greater evil." And therefore he that accepts a challenge, and so runs himself upon the evil of sin, which is the greater evil, only for fear of shame and reproach, which is ITS EXCELLENCY* 49 the less evil, is the coward ; while he that refuses the challenge, and so exposes himself to reproach, for fear of sin,* he is the valiant man. True courage is such a presence of mind as enables a man rather to suffer than to sin, to choose affliction rather than iniquity, to pass by an affront though he lose by it, and be hissed as a fool and a coward, rather than engage in a sinful quarrel. He that can deny the brutal lust of anger and revenge, rather than violate the royal law of love and charity, (however contrary the sentiments of the world may be,) is truly reso- lute and courageous ; the Lord is with thee, thou mighty man of valor. Fretting and vexing is the fruit of the weakness of wom.en and children, but much below the strength of a man, especially of the .new man ihat is born from abo\^e. When our Lord Jesus is described in his majesty, riding prosperous- ly, the glory in which he appears is " truth, and meekness, and righteousness." The courage of those who overcoine this great red dragon of wrath and revenge, by meek and patient suffering, and by not loving " theif lives unto the death," will turn to the best and most honorable account on the other side the grave, and will be crowned with glory, and ho- nor, and immortality; when those that caused their terror in the land of the living fall ingloriously, and * Paul showed more true valor when he said, I can do nothing against the irnfh, than Goliath did when he defied all the hobt of Israel. — Ward. 5 50 HENRY ON MEEKNESS. bear their shame with them that go down to the pit. Ezek. 32 : 24. It has the credit of a conformity to the best pat' terns. The resemblance of those that are confess- edly excellent and glorious, has in it an excellence and glory. To be meek is to be like the greatest saints, the elders that obtained a good report, and were of renown in their generation. It is to be like the angels, whose meekness in their converse with, and ministration to the saints, is very observable in the Scriptures ; nay, it is to be like the great God himself, whose goodness is his glor}*", who is " slow to anger,*' and in whom *' fury is not." We are then followers of God, as dear children, when we " walk in love," and are kind one to another, tender-heart- ed, forgiving one another. The more quiet and se- date we are, the more like we are to that God who, though he be nearly concerned in all the affairs of this lower Avorld, is far from being moved by its con- vulsions and revolutions ; but as he was from eterni- ty, so he is, and will be to eternity, infinitely happy in the enjoyment of himself It is spoken to his praise and glory, The Lord sits upon the floods, even when the floods have lifted up their voices, have lifted up their waves. Such is the rest of the eternal mind, that he sits as firm and undisturbed upon the mov- able flood as upon the immovable rock, the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever ; and the meek and quiet soul that preserves its peace and evenness ITS EXCELLENCY. 51 against all the ruffling insults of passion and provo- cation, does thereby somewhat participate of a divine nature. 2 Pet. 1 : 4. Let the true honor that attends this grace of meek- ness recommend it to us : it is one of those things that are honest, and pure, and lovely, and of good report : a virtue that has a praise attending it — a praise, not perhaps of men, but of God. It is the certain v^^ay to get and keep, if not a great name, yet a good name ; such as is better than precious ointment. Though there be those that trample upon the meek of the earth, and look upon them as Mi- chal upon David, despising them in their hearts; yet if this is to be vile, let us be yet more vile and base in our own sight, and we shall find (as David argues) that there are those of whom we shall be " had in honor ;" for the word of Christ shall not fall to the ground, that they " who humble them- selves shall be exahed." II. Consider how comfortable a meek and quiet spirit is. What is true comfort and pleasure but a quietness in our own bosom ? Those are most easy to themselves who are so to all about them ; while they that are a burden and a terror to others will not be much otherwise to themselves. He that would lead a quiet, must lead " a peaceable life." The surest way to find rest to our souls is to " learn of Him who is meek and lowly in heart." Let but our moderation be known unto all men, and " the 52 HENRY ON MEEKNESS. peace of God, which passeth all understanding, will keep our hearts and minds.'' Quietness is the thing which even the busy, noisy part of the world pre- tend to desire and pursue: they will be quiet, (this is their claim,) yea, that they will, or they will know why : they will not endure the least disturbance of their quietness. But verily they go a mad way to work in pursuit of quietness ; greatly to disquiet themselves inwardly, and put their souls into a con- tinual tumult, only to prevent or remedy some small outward disquietude from others. But he that is meek finds a sweeter, safer quietness, and much greater comfort than that which they in vain pursue. " Great peace have they " that love this law of love, for *' nothing shall offend them." Whatever offence is intended, it is not so interpreted, and by that means peace is preserved. If there be a heaven anywhere upon earth, it is in the meek and quiet soul that acts and breathes above that lower religion which is in- fested with storms and tempests, the harmony of whose faculties is like the famed "music of the spheres " — a perpetual melody. •' Mercy and truth are met together, righteousness and peace have kiss- ed each other." A meek and quiet Christian must needs live very comfortably, for he enjoys himself, — he enjoys his friends, — he enjoys his God, — and he puts it out of the reach of his enemies to disturb him in these en- joyments. ITS EXCEL1?ENCY. 53 I. He er.joys himself. Meekness is very nearly allied to that "patisnce" which our Lord J»^sus pre- scribes to us a^ necessary to the keeping* possession 0^ our own souis. How calm are the thoughts, how serene are the rffections, how rational the pros- pects, and how even and composed are all the re- solves of the meek and quiet soul ! How free from the pains and tortures of an angry man, who is dis- seized and dispossessed even of himself, and while he toils and vexes to make other things his own, makes his own sou4 not so : his reason is in a mist ; confounded and bewildered, it cannot argue, infer, or foresee with any certainty. His affections are on the full speed, hurried on with an impetus which is as uneasy as it is hazardous. Who is that " good man who is satisfied from himself?" Who but the quiet man that needs not go abroad for satisfaction, but having Christ dwelling in his heart by faith, has in him that peace which the world can neither give nor take away. While those, that are fretful and pas- sionate rise up early, and sit up late, and eat the bread of sorrow in pursuit of revengeful projects, the God of peace gives to " his beloved sleep." The sleep of the .neek is quiet, and sweet, and undisturb- ed ; those that by innocency and mildness are the sheep of Christ, shall be made to " lie down in green pastures." That which would break an an- gry man's heart, will not break a meek man's sleep. It is promised that '* the meek shall eat and be sat- 54 HENRY ON MEEKNESS. .isfied." He has what sweetness is to be had in his common comforts, while the angry man either cannot eat, his stomach is too full and too high, (as A hab, I Kings, 21 : 4;) or eats and is not satisfied, unless he can be revenged, as Haman : " All this avails me nothing,*' (though it was a banquet of wine with the king and queen,) as long as Mordecai is unhanged. It is spoken of as the happiness of the meek, that they " delight themselves in the abundance of peace ;" others may delight themselves in the abundance ot u^alth — a poor delight that is interwoven with so much trouble and disquietude ; but the meek, though they have but a little wealth, have peace, abundance of peace, peace like a river, and this such as they have a heart to enjoy. They have light within : as GEcolampadius said, Their souls are a Goshen in the midst of the Egypt of this world ; they have a light in their dwelling, when clouds and darkness are round about them : this is the joy with which a stranger doth not intermeddle. We may certainly have (and we should do well to consider it) less in- ward disturbance, and more true ease and satisfac- tion in forgiving twenty injuries, than in avenging one. No doubt Abigail intended more than she ex- pressed, when, to persuade David to pass by the af- front which Nabal had given him, she prudently suggested, that hereafter " this shall be no grief unto thee, nor offence of heart — not only so, but it would be very sweet and easy, and comfortable in the re- ITS EXCELLENCY. 55 flection. Such a rejoicing is it, especially in a suf- fering day, to have the testimony of conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, particularly the grace of meekness, we have had our conversation in the world, and so have pleased God, and done our duty. He did not speak the sense, no not of the so- ber heathen, that said — Revenge is sweeter than life ; for it often proves more bitter than death. 2. He enjoys his friends ; and that is a thing in which lies much of the comfort of human life. Man was intended to be a sociable creature, and a Chris- tian much more so. But the angry man is unfit to be so, that takes fire at every provocation ; fitter to be abandoned to the lions' dens, and the mountains of the leopards, than to go forth by the footsteps of the flock. He that has his hand against every man, cannot but have, with Ishmael's character, Ishmael's fate, "every man's hand against him," and so he lives in a state of war ; but meekness is the cement of society, the bond of Christian communion ; it planes and polishes the materials of that beautiful fabric, and makes them lie close and tight, and the living stones which are built up a spiritual house, to be like the stones of the temple that Herod built, all as one stone, whereas, " Hard upon hard " (as the Spaniard's proverb is) " will never make a wall." Meekness preserves among brethren that unity, which is like the ointment upon the holy head, and 56 HENRY ON MEEKNESS the dew upon the holy hill. Psalm 133 : 1, 2. In our present state of imperfection there can be no friendship, correspondence, or conversation main- tained without mutual allowances; we do not yet dwell with angels or spirits of just men made ^r^ feet, but with men subject to like passions. Now, msekness teaches us to consider this, and to allow accordingly ; and so di-stance and strangeness, feuds and quarrels are happily prevented, and the begin- nings of them crushed by a timely care. How ne- cessary to true friendship it is to surrender our pas- sions, and to subject them all to the laws of it, was, perhaps, intimated by Jonathan's delivering to David his sword, and his bow, and his girdle, all his mili- Y tary habiliments, when he entered into a covenant K-. of friendship with him. ^1 ^. 3. He enjoys his God; and that is most comfort- / . ^ able of all. It is thfi quintessence of all happiness, and that without which all our other enjoyments are insipid; for this, none are better qualified than those Avho are arrayed with the ornament of a m^eek and ^^"'^' quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great T > price. It was when the psalmist had newly con- H' ^ quered an unruly passion, and composed himself) that he lifted up his soul to God in that pious and * pathetic breathing, " Whom have I in heaven but thee, and there is none upon earth that I desire in comparison of thee?" We enjoy God when we have the evidences and the assurances of his favor, the ITS EXCELLENCY. 57 tastes and tokens of his love ; when we experience in ourselves the communication of his grace, and the continued instances of his image stamped upon us ; and this, those that are most meek and quiet have usually in the greatest degree. In our wrath and passion we give place to thjB devil, and so provoke God to withdraw from us. Nothing grieves the Holy Spirit of God, by whom we have fellowship with the Father, more than " bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking." But to this man does the God of heaven look with a pecu- liar regard, even to him that is poor, poor in spirit, Isa. 66 : 2, — to him that is quiet, so the Syriac ; to him that is meek, so the Chaldee. The great God overlooks heaven and earth, to give a favorable look to the meek and quiet soul. Nay, he not only looks at such, but he " dwells " with them ; noting a con- stant intercourse and communion between God and humble souls. His secret is with them ; he gives them more grace ; and they that thus dwell in love, dwell in God, and God in them. The waters were dark indeed, but they were quiet, when the Spirit of God moved upon them, and out of them produced a beautiful world. This calm and sedate frame very much qualifies and disposes us for the reception and entertainment of divine visits ; sets bounds to the mountain on which God is to descend, Ex. 19 : 12, that no interruption may break in ; and charges the daughters of Jerusa- 68 HENRY ON MEEKNESS. lem, by the roes and the hinds of the field, (those sweet, and gentle, and peaceable creatures,) not to stir up or awake our love till he please. Cant. 2 : 7. Some think it was for the quieting and composing of his spirit, which seems to haiie been a little ruffled, that Elisha called for the "minstrel," and then *• the hand of the Lord came upon him." Never was God more intimate with any mere man than he was with Moses, the meekest of all the men on the earth ; and it was required as a needful qualification of the high priest, who was to draw near to minister, that he should have compassion on the ignorant, and on them that are out of the way. " The meek will He guide in judgment " with a still small voice, w^hich cannot be heard when the passions are loud and tu- multuous. The angry man, when he awakes, is still with the devil, contriving some malicious project ; the meek and quiet man, when he awakes, is still with God, solacing himself in his favor. " Return unto thy rest, O my soul," says David, when he had reckoned himself among the simple, that is, the mild, innocent, and inoffensive people. Return to thy Noah, so the word is, (for Noah had his name from rest,) perhaps alluding to the rest which the dove found with Noah in the ark, when she could find none any where else. Those that are harmless, and simple as doves, can with comfort return to God as to their rest. It is excellently paraphrased by Mr. Patrick, " God and thyself" (my soul) "enjoy; in ITS EXCELLENCY. 59 quiet rest, freed from thy fears." It is said that *' the Lord lifted up the meek ;" as far as their meekness reigns, they are lifted up above the stormy region, and fixed in a sphere perpetually calm and serene. They are advanced indeed that are at home in God, and live a life of communion with him, not only in solemn ordinances, but even in the common acci- dents and occurrences of the world. Every day is a Sabbath-day, a day of holy rest with the meek and quiet soul, as one of the days of heaven. As this grace gets ground, the comforts of the Holy Ghost grow stronger and stronger, according to that pre- cious promise, *' the meek also shall increase their joy in the Lord, and the poor among men shall re- joice in the Holy One of Israel." 4. It is not in the power of his enemies to disturb and interrupt him in these enjoyments. His peace is not only sweet, but safe and secure ; as far as he acts under the law of meekness, it is above the reach of the assaults of those that wish ill to it. He that abides quietly under " the shadow of the Almighty," shall surely be delivered " from the snare of the fowl- er." The greatest provocations that men can give would not hurt us, if we did not, by our inordinate and foolish concern, come too near them. We may therefore thank ourselves if we be damaged. He that has learned with meekness and quietness to for- give injuries and pass them by, has found the best and surest way of baffling and defeating them ; nay, 60 HJENRV ON ME£KMESS. it is a kind of innocent revenge. It was an evidence that Saul was actuated by another spirit, in that, when the children of Belial despised him, and brought him no presents, (hoping by that contempt to give a shock to his infant government,) he *' held his peace," and so neither his soul nor his crown re- ceived any disturbance. Shimei, when he cursed David, intended thereby to pour vinegar into his wounds, and to add affliction to the afflicted ; but David, by his meekness, preserved his peace, and Shimei's design was frustrated. ** So let him curse ;" alas, poor creature ! he hurts himself more than David, who, while he keeps his heart from being tinder to those sparks, is no more prejudiced by them than the moon is by the foolish cur that barks at it. The meek man's prayer is that of David, Ps. 61 : 2, *' Lead me to the rock that is higher than I ;" and there I can (as Mr. Norris expresses it) -Smile to see The shafts of fortune all n more sensibly than all the efforts of persecuting rage — that it was intended to hide pride from him, lest he should be " exalted above measure with the abundance of revelations ;" and there seems to be an instance of the good effect it iirad upon him immediately upon the mention of it, for within a few lines after he lets fall that humble word, " I am nothing." We should be apt to think too highly of ourselves, and too kindly of the world, if we did not meet with some injuries and contempt, by which we are taught to cease from man. Did we but more carefully study the improvement of an injury^ we should no; be so apt to desire to re- venge it. 5. What is said and done in haste, is likely to he matter for deliberate repentance. "Vve find David often remembering with regret what he said in haste, particularly one angry word he had said in the day of his distress and trouble, which seemed to reflect upon Samuel, and indeed upon all that had given him any encouragement to hope for the king- dom ; " I said in my haste. All men are liars ;" and this hasty word was a grief to him long after. " He that hasteth with his feet sinneth." When a man is transported by passion into any impropriety, we coriinonly qualify it with this, "that he is a little hasty," as if there were no harm in that ; but we see there is harm in it ; he that is in haste may contract much guilt in a little thne. What we say or do un- 142 HENRY ON MEEKNESS. advisedly when we are hot, we must unsay or undo again when we are cool, or do worse. Now, who would willfully do that which, sooner or later, he must repent of? A heathen that was tempted to a chargeable sin, could resist the temptation with this consideration, " that he would not buy repent- ance so dear." Is repentance such a pleasant work that we should so industriously " treasure up unto ourselves wrath against the day of Avrath,'' either the day of God's w^rath against us, or our own against ourselves I You little think what a torrent of self- affliction you let in, when you let the reins loose to an immoderate ungoverned passion. You are angry at others, and reproach them, and are ready to abhor them, and to revenge yourselves upon them, and your corrupt nature takes a strange kind of pleas- ure in this. But do you know that all this will at last rebound upon yourselves, and return into your own bosom ? Either here or in a worse place you must repent of all this ; that is, you must turn all these passions upon yourselves ; you must be angry at yourselves, and reproach yourselves, and call yourselves fools, and abhor yourselves, and smite upon your own breasts ; nay, and if God give you grace, take a holy revenge upon yourselves, (which is reckoned among the products of godly sorrow, 2 Cor. 7 : 11;) and what can be more uneasy than all this ? You take great liberty in chiding those that you have under your power, and uttering perhaps ARQt7M£NTS FOR MBEKNESS. 143 cibusive language, because you know they dare not chide you again ; but dare not your own hearts smite you, and your consciences chide you ? And is it not easier to bear the chidings of any man in the world (which may either be avoided, or answered, or slighted) than to bear the reproaches of our own consciences, which, as we cannot avoid hearing, so we cannot trifle with ; for when conscience is awake, it will be heard, and will tell us home, wherein '* we are very guilty concerning our brother." Let this thought, therefore, quiet our spirits when they be- gin to be tumultuous, that hereby we shall but make work for repentance ; whereas, on the contrary, as Abigail suggested to David, the bearing and forgiv- ing of an injury will be no trouble or grief of mind afterwards. Let wisdom and grace therefore do what time will do ; that is, cool our heat, and take off the edge of our resentment. 6. That is truly best for us which is most pleas- ing and acc^ptabh to God, and a meek and quiet spirit is so. No principle has such a commanding influence upon the soul as that which has a regard to God, and wherein we approve ourselves to him. It was a good hint which the woman of Tekoah gave to David, when she was suing for a merciful sentence: " I pray thee, let the king remember the Lord thy God ;" nor could any thought be more ap- peasing than that. Remember how gracious, and merciful, and patient God is ; how slow to anger, 144 HENRY ON MEEKNESS. how ready to forgiye, and how well pleased he is to see his people like him: remember the eye of thy God upon thee, the love of thy God towards thee, and the glory of thy God set before thee. Remember how much it is thy concern to be accepted of God, and to walk worthy of thy relation to him, unto all well-pleasing ; and how much meekness and quiet- ness of spirit contributes to this, as it is consonant to that excellent religion which our Lord Jesus has established, and as it renders the heart a fit habita- tion for the blessed Spirit : " this is good and accept- able in the sight of God our Savior," to lead a " quiet and peaceable life." It is a good evidence of our re- conciliation to God, if we be cordially reconciled to every trying providence, which necessarily includes a meek behavior towards those who are any way in- strumental in it. Very excellently does St. Austin re- mark on Psalm 122 : Those please God who are pleased with him, and with all he does, whether im- mediately by his own hand, or mediately by the agency of provoking, injurious men. This is stand- ing complete in all the will of God, not only his com- manding, but his disposing will, saying without re- luctance, The will of the Lord be done. He that acts from an honest principle of respect to God, and sincerely desires to be accepted of him, cannot but be in some measure adorned with that meek and quiet spirit which he knows to be in the sight of God of great price. RULi:s OF DIRECTION. 145 Such as these are soilening principles, and as many as walk according to these rules, peace shall be upon them, and mercy, and no doubt it shall be upon the Israel of God. CHAPTER VIII. ^OME RULES OF DIKKCTIOX. The laws of our iioly religion are so fur from clashing and interfering, that one Christian duty very much furthers and promotes another. The fruits of the Spirit are like links in a chain, one draws on another ; and it is so in this ; many other graces con- tribute to the ornament of a meek and quiet spirh. You see how desirable the attainment is, will you . therefore, through desire, separate your si4ves to the pursuit of it, and '* seek and intermeddle with all wisdom," and all little enougii, that you may roach to the meekness of wisdom. I. Withdraio your affections from this worUl^ and every thing in it. The more the world is cru- cified to us, the more our corrupt passions will be crucified in us. If we would keep calm and quiet, we must by faith live above the stormy region. It 13 146 ilENfeV UN' ME1:KNKSS. is certain, those that Have any thing to do in the Avorld) cannot but meet with that every day, from those Avith whom they deal, which will cross and provoke them; and if the affections be set upon these things, and we be filled with a prevailing concern, about them as the principal things, those crosses must needs pierce to the quick and inflame the soul, and that which touches us in these things, touches us in the apple of our eye. If the appetites be indulged inordinately in things that are pleasing to sense, the passions will to the very same degree be roused against those that are displeasing. And therefore. Christians, whatever you have of the world in your hands, be it more or less, as you value the peace as well as the purity of your souls, keep it out of your hearts ; and evermore indulge your affections towards your possessions, enjoyments, and delights in the world, with a due consideration of the disap- pointment and provocation which they will probably occasion you. It is th^ excellent advice of Epictetus, whatever we tak^ a plmsure in, to consider its nature, and to proportion otir complacency accordingly. Those that idolize any thing in this world, will be greatly discomposed if they be crossed in it. " The money which Micah's mother had," says bishop Hall, " was her god before it had the shape either of a graven or a moken image, else the loss of it would not have set her k cursings as iteeem* it did." Those that are , , , . .. I??TVB11SITT *' greedy oi gain, troTOle ^leir own hearts as well as their own houses, ^fc^y are a burden to them- selves, and a terror to all about them. ** They who will be rich," who are resolved upon it, come what will, cannot but fall into these " foolish and hurtful lusts." And those also who serve their own bellies, who are pleased with nothing unless it be wound up to the height of pleasure, who are like the " tender and delicate woman, that would not set so much as the sole of her foot to the ground for tc;nderness and delicacy," lie very open to that which is disquieting, and cannot, without ? great disturbance to them- selves, bear a disappointment ; and therefore Plu- tarch, a great moralist, prescribes it for the preser- vation of our meekness, " not to be curious in diet, or clothes, or attendance ; for," says he, " they who need but few things, are not liable to anger, if they be disappointed of many." Would we but learn in these things to cross our- selves, we should not be so apt to take it unkind if another crosses us. And therefore the method of the lessons in Christ's school is, first to '* deny our- selves," and then to "take up our cross." We must also mortify the desire of the applause of men, as al- together inconsistent with our true happiness. If we have learnt not to value ourselves by their good word, we shall not much disturb ourselves for their ill word. St. Paul bore reproaches with mucli meekness, because he did not build upon the opi- 118 HKXRV ON MEEKNESS. riiori of man, reckoninof it *' a small thing to be judg- ed of man's judgment." 2. Be often repenting of v our sinful passio?is, and reiuicrng yovr corcnanh against it. If our rash anger were more bitter to ns in the reflection after- wards, we .^should not be so apt to relapse into it. Repentance in general, if it be sound and deep, and grounded in true contrition and humiliation, dis- ])oses the soul to bear injuries Avith abundance oi patience. Those who live a life of repentance (as we have every one of us reason to do) cannot but live a quiet life, for nobody can lightly say worse of the true penitent than he says of himself Call him a fool, (an affront which many think deserve: a challenge,) the humble soul can bear it patiently •with this thought, " Yea, a fool I am," and I have called myself so many a time ; " more brutish than any man ; I have not the understanding of a man." But repentance in a special manner disposes us to meekness, when it fastens upon any irregular inor- dinate passion with which we have been transport- ed. Godly sorrow for our former transgressions in this matter, will work a carefulness in us not again to transgress. If others be causelessly or excessive- ly angry with me, am not I justly requited for the like or more indecent passions ? Charge it home, therefore, with sorrow and shame upon your con- sciences, aggravating the sin, and lajnng a load upon yourselves for it, and you will find that " the burnt RULES OF DIRECTIOX. 149 child," especially while the burn is smarting, •' will dread the fire." See Job, 42 : 6. With our repentance for our former unquietness, we must engage ourselves by a firm resolution, in the strength of the grace of Jesus Christ, to be more mild and gentle for the future. Say you will " take heed to your ways," that you offend not, as you have done, " with your tongue ;" and, like David, be often remembering that you said so. Resolution would do much towards the conquering of the most rugged nature, and the quiet bearing of the gireatest provocation* it would be like the bit and bridle to the horse and mule, that have no understanding. It may be of good use every morning to renew a charge upon our affections to keep the peace, and having welcomed Christ in faith and meditation, let no rude unruly passion stir up or awake our love. 3. Ktej) Old ^f the w^y ef jrrxivocation, and stand upon your guard against it. While w^e are so very apt to offend in this matter, we have need to pray, and to practice accordingly, "Lord, lead us not into temptation," Those are enemies to themselves and to their own peace, as well as to human society, who seek occasion of quarrel, who fish for provoca- tions and dig up mischief; but meek and quiet peo- ple will, on the contrary, studiously avoid even that which is justly provoking, and will see it as if they saw it not. Those that would not be angry must wink at that which would stir wp finger, or piU a fa* 13* loO HENRY ON MEEKNESS, vorable consiruclion upon it. The advice of the wise man is very good to the purpose : "Also take no heed to all words that are spoken, lest thou hear thy servant curse thee ;" and it is better for thee not to hear it, unless thou canst hear it patientl}^ and not be provoked to sin. It is a common story oi Cotys, that, being presented with a cupboard of cu- rious glasses, he returned his thanks to his friend that had sent them, and gratified the messenger that brought them, and then deliberately broke them all, lest, by the casual breaking of them severally, he should be provoked to passion. And Dion relates it, to the honor of Julius Caesar, that Pompey's ca- binet of letters coming to his hand, he Avould not read them because he was his enemy, and he would be likely to find in them that which would increase the quarrel ; " and therefore," as Dr. Reynolds eX' presses it, "he chose rather to make a fire on his hearth than in his heart." But seeing "briers and thorns are with us," and Ave " dwell among scorpions," and " it must needs be that offences come," let us be so much the more careful, as we are when we go with a candle among powder, and exercise ourselves to have consciences void of offence, nor apt to offend others, nor to re* sent the offences of others. When we are at any time engaged in business or company where we foresee provocation, we must double our watch, and be more than ordinarily circumspect. " I will keep RITLES OF DIRECTION. 151 my mouth with a bridle," (says David,) that is, with a particular actual care and diligence while the wicked is before me, and frequent acts will confirm the good disposition and bring it to a habit. Plu- tarch advises "to set some time to ourselves for special strictness; so many days or weeks, in which, whatever provocations do occur, we will not suffer ourselves to be disturbed hy them." And thus he supposes, by degrees, the habit of vicious anger may be conquered and subdued. But, after all, the grace of faith has the surest influence upon the establish- ment and quietness of the spirit : faith establishes the mercy of God, the meekness of Christ, the love of the Spirit, the commands of the word, the prom- ises of the covenant, and the peace and quietness of the upper world ; this is the approved shield, with Avhich we may be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one, and all his wicked instruments. 4. Learn to jmuse. It is a good rule, as in our communion with God, so in our converse with men, *' Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing." When at any time we are provoked, delays may be as advantageous as in other cases they are dangerous. *' The discretion of a man deferreth his anger." " I would beat thee," said Socrates to his servant, •' if I were not angry;" but "he that is hast}" of spirit," that joins in with his anger upon the first rise of it, "exalteth folly." The office of reason is to govern the passions, but then 152 HEXRY ON MEEKNESS. we must give time to act, and not suffer the tongue to overrun it. Some have advised, when Ave are provoked to anger, to take at least so much time to deliberate as while we repeat the alphabet; and others have thought it more proper to repeat the Lord's Prayer, and perhaps by the time we are pai5t the fifth petition, " forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us," w^e may be reduced into temper. It is a good rule, '* to think twice before we speak once ;" for he that hasteth with his feet sinneth. It was the noted saying of a great statesman in queen Elizabeth's court, " Take time, and we shall have done the sooner." Nor can there be any thing lost by deferring our anger ; for there is nothing said or done in our wrath, but it might be better said and better done in meekness. 5. Pray to God hy his Spirit to work in you this e.xcdlerU grace of meekness and quietness of spirit. It is a part of that comeliness which he puts upon the soul, and he must be sought unto for it. If any man lack this meekness of v^^isdom, let him ask it of God, who gives liberally, and does not upbraid us with our folly. When we begin at any time to be froward and unquiet, w^e must lift a prayer to Him who stills the noise of the sea, for that grace Avhich establishes the heart. When David's heart was hot within him, the first word that broke out w^as a prayer. Psalm 39 : 3, 4. When we are sur- prised wMth a provocation, and begin to be in a fer- RULES OF DIRECTION. 153 ment upon it, it will not only be a present diversion, but a sovereign cure to lift up an ejaculation to God for grace and strength to resist and overcome the temptation : " Lord, keep me quiet now !" Let your requests in this matter be made known to God ; and " the peace of God shall keep your hearts and minds." You are ready enough to complain of un- quiet people about you; but you have more reason to complain of unquiet passions within you; the other are but thorns in the hedge, these are thorns in the flesh, against w^hich, if you beseech the Lord, as Paul did, with faith, and fervency, and constancy, you shall receive grace sufficient. 6. Be often examinmg your growth and profi- ciency in this grace. Inquire what command you have gained over your passions, and what improve- ments you have made in meekness. Provocations recur every day, such as have been wont perhaps to throw you into a passion ; these give you an oppor- tunity to make the trial. Do you And that you are less subject to anger ; and when angry, that you are less transported by it than formerly ; that your ap- prehension of injuries is less quick, and that your resentments are less keen than usual ? Is the little kingdom of your mind more quiet than it has been, and the discontented party weakened and kept under? It is well if it be so, and a good sign that the soul prospers and is in health. We should examine every night whether we have been quiet all day. We shall 154 HENRY ON MEEKNESS. sleep the better if we find we have. Let conscience keep up a grand inquest in the soul, under a charge from the Judge of heaven and earth to inquire, and due presentment make, of all riots, routs, and breach- es of the peace within us ; and let nothing be left unpresented for favor, affection, or self-love ; nor let any thing presented be left unprosecuted according to law. Those whose natural temper, or their age, or diseases, lead them to be hasty, have an opportu- nity, by their meekness and gentleness, to discover both the truth and strength of grace in general ; for it is the surest mark of uprightness, to " keep our- selves from our own iniquity." And yet, if the children of God bring forth these fruits of the spi- rit in old age, when commonly men are most fro- ward and peevish, it shows not only that they are upright, but rather that " the Lord is upright," in whose strength they stand; that "he is their rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him." 7. Delight in the company of meek and quiet per- sons. Solomon prescribes it as a preservative against foolish passion, to "make no friendship with an an- gry man lest thou learn his w^ays." When thy neighbor's house is on fire, it is time to look to thy own. But man is a sociable creature, and made for converse; let us therefore, since we must have some company, choose to have fellowship with those who are meek and quiei, that we may learn their way, for it is a good way. The wolf is no companion for RULES OF DIRECTIOJr.. 155 the lamb, nor the leopard for the kid, till they have forgot to *' hurt and destroy." Company is assimi- lating-, and we are apt insensibly to grow like those with whom we ordinarily converse, especially with whom we delight to converse ; therefore let the quiet in the land be the men of our choice, especially into standing relations and bosom friendship. Observe in others how sweet and amiable meekness is, and what a heaven upon earth those enjoy who have the command of their own passions, and study to tran- scribe such copies. There are those who take a pleasure in riotous company, and are never well but when they are in the midst of noise and clamor. Surely heaven would not be heaven to such, for that is a calm and quiet region : no noise there but what is sweet and harmonious. 8. Sindy the cross of our Lord Jesus. Did we but know more of Jesus Christ and him crucified, we should experience more of the fellowship of his sufferings. Think often how and in what manner he suffered : see him led as a lamb to the slaughter, and arm yourselves with the same mind. Think also why and for what end he suffered, that you may not in any thing contradict the design of your dying Savior, nor receive his grace in vain. Christ died as the great peace-maker, to take down all partition- walls, to quench all threatening flames, and to re- concile his followers, not only to God, but one to another, by the slaying of all enmities. Eph. 2 ; 14, 16. The apostle often prescribes a believing re- 156 HENRY ON MEEKNESS. gard to the sufferings of Christ as a powerful allay to all sinful and intemperate heats, as Eph. 5 ; 2 ; Phil. 2 : 5, &c. Those who would show forth tho meek and humble life of Christ in their mortal bo- dies, must bear about with them continually " the (lying of the Lord Jesus." The ordinance of the Lord's Supper, in which we show forth the Lord's death, and the new testament in his blood, must therefore be improved by us for this blessed end, as a love-feast, at which all our sinful passions must be laid aside; and a marriage-feast, where the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit is a considerable part of the wedding-garment. The forgiving of injuries, and a reconciliation to our brother, is both a necessary branch of our preparation for that ordinance, and a good evidence and instance of our profiting by it. 9. Converse much in your thoughts toith the dark and silent grave. You meet Avith many things now that disturb and disquiet you, and much ado yon have to bear them : think how quiet death Avill make you, and how incapable of resenting or resisting injuries, and what an easy prey this fiesli, for which you are so jealous, will shortly be to the worm that shall feed sweetly on it. You will, ere long, be out of the reach of provocation, " where the >vicked cease from troubling," and where their envy and their hatred is for ever perished. And is not a quiet spirit the best preparative for that quiet state ? Think how all these things, which now disquiet us, will appear when we come to look death in the face ; RULES OF Dli.ECTIOX. 157 how small and inconsiderable they seem to one that is stepping" into eternity. Think, " what need is there that I should so resent an affront or injury, that am but a worm to-day, and may be the food of worms to-morrow?" A liitle sprinkling of the dust of the grave, upon the brink of which we stand, would do much toward.^ quieting our spirits and ending our quarrels. Death will quiet us shortly : jet grace quiet us now. When David's heart was hot within him, he prayed, " Lord, make me to know my end." To conclude — I know no errand that I can come upon of this kind to you, in which methinks I should be more likely to prevail than in this ; so much does meekness conduce to the comfort and repose of our oion souls, and the making of our lives sweet and pleasant. If thou be wise herein, thou shalt be wise for thyself. That which I have been so intent upon in this discourse, is only to persuade you not to be your own tormentors, but to govern your own pas- sions so that they may not be furies to yourselves. The ornament I have been recommending to you is confessedly excellent and lovely ; will you put it on and wear it, that by this all men may know that you are Christ's disciples, and you may be found among the sheep on the right hand, at the great day, when Christ's angels shall gather out of his kingdom every thing that offends ? Every one will give meekness a good word ; but in this, as in H. M. 14 158 HENRY ON MEEKNESS. Other instances, honesty is applauded, yet neglected. Love is commended by all, and yet the love of many waxeth cold ; but let all that would not be self- condemned practice what they praise. And as there ii; nothing in which I should more expect to prevail, so there is nothing in which it will easier appear whether I have prevailed or no ; this tree will soon be known by its fruits ; so many are the circum- stances of almost every day A^hich call for the exer- cise of this grace, that our profiting therein will quickly appear to ourselves, and to all with whom we converse. Our meekness and quietness is more obvious, and falls more directly under a trial and ob- servation than our love to God and our faith in Christ, and other graces, the exercise whereof lies more immediately between God and our own souls, Shall we therefore set ourselves to manifest, in all our converse, that we have indeed received good by this plain discourse ? that our relations and neigh- bors, and all that we have dealings with, may ob- serve a change in us for the better, and may take knowledge of us that we have been with Jesus. And let not the impressions of it ever wear off, but, ^living and dying, let us be found among the quiet in the land : we all wish to see quiet families, and quiet churches, and quiet neighborhoods, and quiet na- tions ; and it will be so if there be quiet hearts, and not otherwise. THE END. 14 DAY USE ««™N TO DKK PROM WHICH BORKOWBD lOAN DEPT. ■^M^v^ /% '-muiz4w-J iJ^'ner-im- ^BCO 1-^-^^^2^-^SL^Af^ U ! I S:;4ct'l^ J UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY r: