LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Gl FT OF L4~^^ Class Cftp I&ingDom Come lungliom Come A. MANOW D CHICAGO M. A. LONG BOOK AND PUBLISHING HOUSE 1907 PYRIGHT, 1907, A. MANOW JFtwt Commanament : Ci>e Horn tj)p <$oto, is one (Sot ; anU tljou oivilt lobe tfcr Hort tftp *goti, totti) th? taholr Ijeart, toitl) t|)p toljole jsoul, anU toitl) tl)p minU" And no one knoweth The Son, but The Father; neither doth any one know The Father, but The Son: and he to whom it shall please The Son, to reveal Him." ''For now I see Thee, face to face, And know that I am saved by Christ." THY KINGDOM COME "In Him was life, and the life was the light of man." THIS record of facts, of the actual expe- rience of the abundance of life, held out to mankind, even to repentant sinners, beginning with a God-given power to believe and trust in Christ, the belief changed to knowledge by the manifestation of the Lord, is written with the hope of helping some sinner who, perhaps like me, has allowed the fire of sin to lower him soul and body; who has been overcome by the enemy that leaves his trail of darkness, blinding men, hardening their hearts, quenching the light that is in them, and striving for the rule of the flesh and the subjection and ultimate de- struction of the soul. The day came, however, when I awoke to 7 8 THY KINGDOM COME. the realization of my position, a "servant of sin," and I longed to "be free," and "sin no more," for I had been brought up to believe in Christ, and even had a parrot-like knowl- edge of the Gospel, although the darkness within was placing obstructions before me in my endeavor to find "The Way;" even taking the so-called divisions in the good Shepherd's fold as a means of puzzling and blinding me to the fact that the Lord said : "Wheresoever two of you are gathered together in My Name there also am I." Through reading the opinions of many writers on religion and science, I arrived at the conclusion that it would be well to know not what some one thought, but rather to know the TRUTH. Since then my conscious- ness has been awakened to the knowledge that the Lord taught : "I AM THE WAY, AND THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE: NO MAN COMETH TO THE FATHER BUT BY ME." At last the time came when it was given me to choose the Christ, as the Preacher, in whom THY KINGDOM COME. 9 I should place my trust; THE ONE upon whom I should call to defend me, sinner though I was : that I should endeavor to learn what the DIVINE REDEEMER preached and make an effort to keep the Lord's com- mandments. It is not my intention to criticise the meth- ods of the men who are sent to preach Christ's Gospel ; who labor in the vineyard ; who go about feeding the lambs and the sheep. The TRUTH to which I am endeavoring to call attention is that the Lord, in building His Church, calls souls by personal invitation to the individual directly to GOD, to THE GOOD SHEPHERD'S MANIFESTED CARE. The Christ instructs us to worship in spirit, and in truth; for "GOD IS A SPIRIT, and they who adore Him must adore Him in spirit and in truth. The Lord requires mankind to pray "for the glory of GOD alone, and not for the glory of men," and requests us to heed the personal invitation. "But thott, when thou shalt pray, enter into thy chamber, and having 10 THY KINGDOM COME. shut the door, pray to the Father, in secret ;" you therefore shall pray in this manner : "Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name; Thy Kingdom come," etc. The Lord desires us to "seek the Kingdom," for we are instructed to "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His justice." "Ask, and you shall receive; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you." Having progressed thus far in the study of the Gospel without the real understanding of the spiritual meaning of it all, which did not come until later and when "THE SPIRIT, who breatheth where He will," had come, I chanced to read a little article written by some struggling soul, in which the opinion was set forth that it might be probable that the history of the Christ was a beautiful ideal of the imagination. THE DEITY OF CHRIST I had never doubted. In reading the Gospel, sufficient light had been given me to see that the Christ was different from man ; today I have been THY KINGDOM COME. 11 trained to KNOW that the measure of that difference is THE CREATOR, AND THE CREATED. While reading on this subject, however, I permitted the views expressed by the writer to frighten me; I allowed myself to think (for- getting that the thought imperiled my most precious and treasured possession faith in Christ) that it might be only a most beautiful story of the imagination, conceived in the mind of man, of the one perfect ideal. Then, as I stood before a picture of the Savior of mankind and asked of the One whom the por- trait represented if the story was true, ac- knowledging before GOD that I had sinned, and that it rested with GOD IN CHRIST alone whether my soul should ever see resur- rection and whether I should ever be "born again" and see "everlasting life." Through the power of the Lord, the answer was given me; to me, a sinner, the Spirit was sent, and through His manifestation I realized and know 12 THY KINGDOM COME. today that the thought of THE CHRIST originated in THE MIND OF GOD. One morning I heard a sharp tap at my window, but on looking there saw no one. This was repeated on several occasions and at last aroused in me sufficient wonder to cause me to speak of the occurrence to the people in the house, who became rather indignant ^at what they considered an insinua- tion on my part that the house, a modern home, was haunted, an idea which gave me much surprise. Although a believer in Christ and, through the Savior's redeeming power, the spirit life of mankind, the idea of a spirit visitant to an ordinary western home made little impression on me. Going into the sitting room one morning to read a novel, which seemingly had no ex- cuse for its circulation, save that it ministered to the pampering of the flesh, the tapping was repeated at one of the windows but, deciding that the rapping was caused by something in the arrangement of the casements, my slight fears were soon quieted. THY KINGDOM COME. 13 Another morning, when I should have arisen early and taken up the cross instead of neglecting- my duty, I heard a succession of sharp, quick tapping right before a box of Jerusalem wood containing A CRUCIFIX. Upon arising the warning ceased for the time, leaving me no longer either doubtful or afraid, but sure that it was a communication from some ONE not visible to me; and that I was being reproved by a SPIRIT. Afterwards, when in danger of falling into sin, the Spirit always warned and reproved me. Shortly before the occurrence just alluded to I met a singer in whom I took an unfortu- nate interest. The singer was married and only the thought of the Lord's commandment, and the desire to stand at night to say the Lord's prayer, held me from yielding to the suggestions of darkness that the singer, mar- ried or single, might be had. If I had sinned deeply before this, the sins it seemed to me were always of I preferred to think they had been under the impulse of fire in darkness and in moments of weak, unguarded thought- 14 THY KINGDOM COME. lessness ; while this looked different to me, deliberately premeditated a sinful life chosen. Still I persisted, in spite of better instruc- tions, in allowing my thoughts to dwell on, and in going once more to where that singer was. Then the Spirit, whose care was enfolding me, insisted on a different line of conduct, even appearing to weep for me. The Spirit, of whose Name I was uncon- scious, but whose beautiful lineaments irresisti- bly reminded me of CHRIST, of GOD, com- manded, and insisted upon by that very com- mand, submission on my part to a preservation from evil ; and also revealed to me in the fol- lowing manner what the sin would mean to me : After retiring one night I heard a noise at the window. Upon seeking the cause, I dis- covered that a ladder had been placed up to the window, which was being opened by some one like the singer. A line was thrown in which I grasped and would have been drawn out had I not been stopped by thought. I seemed to be impressed with the recollection that the one at the window, in the guise of a robber, THY KINGDOM COME. 15 carried an instrument of death. Under the force of that remembrance and in obedience to some compelling POWER I was impelled to drop the line, deciding not to go; the window was closed, and the TRUTH, the remembrance of GOD'S WORD, was brought to my mind: "The thief cometh not but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy :" "The devil was a robber, and a murderer, from the be- ginning : and he abode not in the TRUTH : because TRUTH is not in him : when he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own : for he is a liar, and the father thereof." Very well do I understand that the Spirit was keeping me from the murderer; some IMMORTAL, who was good and kind, was directing me a poor, obscure sinner; some ONE, whose wonderful, watchful care in- stinctively brought WORDS that I had read, to my recollection. "Let him who seeketh, not cease in his search, until he find, and he shall wonder: wondering he shall reach the Kingdom, and then he shall have rest." 16 THY KINGDOM COME. Interiorly, and exteriorly, I was warned, and reproved, and shown the nature of the sin in me; far more and better care was be- stowed on my soul by ANOTHER than I would ever have thought of expending on that soul myself; until at last I begged that I might understand who was commanding me ; for it was possible for me, with all my early training and my short study of the Gospel, to not know that THE LORD PROMISED: "If you love Me, keep My commandments : and I will ask the Father, and He shall give you another Paraclete, that He may abide with you forever." "The Spirit of Truth, whom the world can- not receive, because it seeth Him not, nor knoweth Him : but you shall know Him : be- cause He shall abide with you, and shall be in you." "I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU OR- PHANS: I WILL COME TO YOU:" "He that hath My commandments, and Commanded to The Supper. One of the "Many, for whose redemp- tion, the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ's blood was UNIVERSITY or THY KINGDOM COME. 19 keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me: and he that loveth Me, shall be loved by My Father, and I will love him, and will manifest Myself to him :" "We will come to him, and make OUR abode with him." "When the Paraclete, the Holy Ghost, is come, whom the Father will send in My Name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your mind, whatsoever I shall have said to you." The Spirit of Truth appeared before the Crucifix and graciously gave assurance of the glory of the Christ, as the Redeemer of man- kind. The Paraclete showed me a large dark cross and to my hearing was brought the sound of voices crying "Crucify HIM, crucify HIM" and then there was a FORM on that cross from which THE LIGHT shone out. The Holy Ghost "convinced me of my sins" and their effect on my soul ; "convinced" me that I had placed MONEY before THE LORD; that I had "lifted my heel" against COMMANDS, permitting "fire" to enter, 20 THY KINGDOM COME. "seeing death" by sinning in the flesh in pref- erence to keeping THE LORD'S COM- MANDMENT. And daily the Paraclete re- minds me an humble sinner one indeed of the least ones of the mighty Gospel the Lord preached to mankind nineteen centuries ago. The Spirit of Truth disclosed to me a long row of the Father's ''many mansions," one apparently more beautiful than all the others. Trained to go "unto Him ;" given the power by God to believe; baptized in "the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost ;" a little one had received an invitation to the Heavenly Feast, and therefore being child of Resurrection, child of God, while in- nocent, was received in the most beautiful mansion. But I sinned and sank in darkness out of the abode of purity, of Life. Repent- ance came and saw me received in one of the Father's mansions ; but farther away down that row, sin again, again cast out; once more repentant, and once more received in one of Our Father's mansions, but always far- ther awav farther down until I reached the THY KINGDOM COME. 21 last one, the last stand. Then the Paraclete warned me to "sin no more." Through Di- vine forgiveness and power I can share in man's "redemption," purchased by the "shed- ding of the Savior's blood," and the Lord, IN THE GLORY OF THE HEAVENLY FATHER, will receive me in the most beautiful mansion, and in the state of innocence. Like the man of old, I too have seen hand- writing on the wall in letters as of fire ; but the message was that there is "ONE GOD." Other words there were, too, in that message, one of which was "MINE" and I know that THE ONE, who said: "I am The Good Shepherd, and I know Mine, and Mine know ME:" has claimed me as His sheep, His child. Because God is good, man has beheld HIM, manifested as FLESH, called "THE CHRIST, THE SON, THE TEMPLE OF THE SPIRIT GOD;" as FLESH, that "de- scended from Heaven, THAT HAD THE POWER TO BE TRANSFIGURED." The Temple which although laid down for man- 22 THY KINGDOM COME. kind, SAW RESURRECTION, was "Built up again in three days" by "the Lord." "Destroy this Temple, and in three days I will build it up again." "This is the living Bread, which cometh down from Heaven: if any man eat of this Bread, he shall live for- ever: and the Bread, which I shall give is My Flesh, for the life of the world:" "And no man hath ascended into Heaven, but HE that descended from Heaven : THE SON OF MAN, WHO IS IN HEAVEN: he that believeth in HIM, is not judged; but he that doth not believe, is already judged:" "And this is the judgment: because The Light is come into the world, and men loved dark- ness rather than The Light, for their works are evil : for every one that doth evil, hateth The Light, and cometh not to The Light, that his works may be reproved : but he that doth truth, cometh to The Light, that his works may be made manifest, because they are done in GOD." If we follow the correct meaning of some articles written by men of the present time, THY KINGDOM COME. 23 it seems there may be men in this twentieth century of Truth whom darkness is endeavor- ing to blind to such an extent as to render them capable of seeming to call THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, SON of David, and Abra- ham; when THE WORD OF GOD teaches us that : "David in spirit, called HIM LORD : how then is HE, his SON : "Before Abraham was made, "I AM:" "THE LORD THY GOD." One day I attended a meeting in a Jewish Synagogue, not from any desire to learn their ritual, but just to see those people whom THE HEAVENLY KING visited, as our DIVINE SAVIOR. I listened to them praying to the Heavenly Father to let The Light of His Shining Coun- tenance shine upon them, and then went to a place where it has pleased the Good Shepherd to be manifested to some of HIS sheep. To "one of the least ones," many times in THE SPIRIT has it pleased the Lord to be made manifest and through HIS SHINING COUNTENANCE, to reveal THE HEAV- 24 THY KINGDOM COME. ENLY FATHER ; but here, where the Lord has chosen to take up His abode with His sheep, GOD has evidently made use of a ma- terial object to reveal a Spiritual Reflection of THE RADIANT LINEAMENTS of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, visible to even the material eye when it so pleases the Lord. I see THAT SHINING COUNTE- NANCE, and as it has pleased the Lord to reveal THE HEAVENLY FATHER to me, I know that I see THE FACE OF GOD. And I can also remember if we but under- stood how plainly all this was taught to man. "THE FATHER AND I ARE ONE: if you had known ME, you would have known MY FATHER ALSO: AND FROM HENCEFORTH YOU SHALL KNOW HIM : AND YOU HAVE SEEN HIM :" "Have I been so long a time with you, and have you not known ME : HE WHO SEETH ME, SEETH THE FATHER ALSO." Once, on beholding that Shining Counte- nance, I dared to ask of the Lord why so much was done for me ; another expression THY KINGDOM COME. 25 shone out from the Lord's Holy Lineaments, plainly "revealing the Heavenly Father :" Go, "Seek the Lord," and see for yourself what that revealing expression is. Forgiveness sufficient to treat "a prodigal" as "the pure of heart," seems to have been given me ; but I bear the punishment of past transgressions in their present effect; for the darkness still would endeavor to control and seek to suggest the formation of thoughts; at v, hich Those Divine Eyes close and command mine to be lowered. The expression of My Heavenly Father is then the expression of the Lord and Savior, sorrowful for, and sternly re- proving my darkness and, partly hidden from my sight by the dark reflection of the face of my fallen soul ; looking on that dark reflection, I can understand the need of and the hope for fallen mankind in those promises: "I am The Resurrection, and The Life; if you believe in Me, although you be dead, yet shall you live :" "Unless a man be born again of living 26 THY KINGDOM COME. water, and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God." Are there any of the people who do not see the Lord? It was promised that "They who seek, shall find." Surely none of you are too busy "Buying a farm, or a yoke of oxen, or marrying a wife" to heed the "COMMAND TO THE SUP- PER." Even children weary of toys, and gilded baubles, and thirst for knowledge. There IS ONE who said: "IF ANY MAN THIRST, LET HIM COME TO ME AND DRINK:" Go "SEEK, TO ENTER THE KING- DOM:" "SEEK, TO FIND:" "THE LORD OF THE KINGDOM." By many more signs it has pleased the Lord to bless and reprove me. I was shown a beautiful home in which a great feast was prepared. Numerous little relations, manly lads and innocent young girls, were invited and had arrived. They saw the beau- tiful banquet spread, they knew the music prepared for them, in which a heavenly choir THY KINGDOM COME. 27 would join in singing glad hosannas to Our King, WHO CAME AS CHRIST THE LORD. But many of the young people, I among the number, leaving the music silent, the song unsung, the Supper forgotten, wan- dered out among the fields, into the world, until they came to the edge of what seemed like a grave or pit, into which they curiously LOOKED DOWN. I got too near the brink, and tumbled in, swiftly descending, realizing no more until I reached the LAST STAND- ING PLACE. The thin crust of standing ground beneath rocked and shook, coming up in places, through the pressure of what ap- peared to be a heaving lake. I seemed in danger of being shaken from my standing place and submerged at any moment. Was that lake a sea of gas ? There is fire in gas ; but it might have been water and there is fire in water. Then I realized the danger ; AT THE LAST THIN CRUST OF STAND- ING GROUND IN THE DEPTHS, LIKE- LY TO BE PLUNGED INTO A SEA OF FIRE. 28 THY KINGDOM COME. Looking up at the bank I saw my former companions. They looked down on me and smiled. I did not think of asking of them either pity or help ; nor for an extension of what was mine by right the HAND OF BROTHERHOOD; nor suspended judgment of those who did not have the right TO JUDGE. I LOOKED UP HIGHER. I THOUGHT OF THE LORD AND MAS- TER OF MEN, WHOSE COMMAND TO THE FEAST I HAD BROKEN - - I CALLED ON CHRIST TO DEFEND ME. How truly can I say with my brother of centuries ago, "Out of the depths have I cried unto Thee, O Lord ;" AND THOU, O LORD, HAST HEARD MY VOICE. Looking up out of these depths where sin has placed me; higher still than where my happy brothers are afar, high up in the Heavens, I behold A RADIANT FACE, one glance of whose shin- ing Eye tells me all my sins ; ONE that looks at me in kindness, in sorrow for my sins, in urgent, insistent command ; that can even look stern; but always in loving helpfulness. THY KINGDOM COME. 31 On earth, through "the power of the Lord/' in the unfolding of a higher expression of GOD'S law, through the operation of the SPIRIT, the Father in Christ has been mani- fested to me ; and when the grave closes in over this flesh, in the Resurrection I know I shall see GOD IN CHRIST, in Heaven. Among those who were shown me wander- ing from the Feast, the Lord revealed one (type of many) ; a beautiful, fair young girl v, ho, in her journey through the fields, had un- consciously reached the edge of the abyss. With sweet, fair, light-illumined face, there she stood on the brink of the pit, looking smil- ingly down, entirely unconscious that one false step might plunge her in the depths. The good Shepherd chose that that young white sheep of His should not sink and was pleased to call her back, sending to her a message through a "vessel" which, however weak, was still "a vessel of election." She heard His command ; answered with obedience, and is safely sheltered in "His Hand." "For My sheep hear My Voice and they 32 THY KINGDOM COME. follow Me ; and no man can take them out of My Hand." But she was shown as type of many who seemed to be walking in the fields, the world, ever drawing nearer to the line which once passed leads downward. The Lord has shown me that I can carry a message, can call a warning to those broth- ers, and especially to those young sisters who have left the Supper and are drifting toward slumber; unconsciously LOOKING DOWN and wandering toward the murderer in the pit. Down there you will see the effect of the murderer, the devil, on humanity ; you will see the being with higher consciousness and con- science asleep ; there you may see the sinner, who would feed the flesh, and starve the soul ; you will see the murderer of virtue, who be- trays virtue with honeyed words and Judas kisses; who exchanges soiled coin for broken commandments; there you will find the traf- ficker in slaves, and the slave (both slaves) dealing in a slave trade more horrible than was the colored slavery, slave dealer and slave THY KINGDOM COME. 33 held in a bondage, compared with which the colored slave was free ; there you are in danger of a plunge into fire : "WHERE THE WORM DIETH NOT AND THE FIRE IS NOT EXTINGUISHED." Leave the brink of the pit, and LOOK UP. "Seek the Lord of the Supper THE DE- FENDER OF SOULS, of humanity. "For every one that seeketh, findeth ; he who asketh, receiveth: and to him who knocketh, it shall be opened." "Find" the Lord, then you can KNOW, as well as believe, that GOD, OUR HEAVEN- LY FATHER THROUGH CHRIST, IS A SPIRIT WHO CAME TO MAN AS THE CHRIST AND GUIDES US NOW AS THE HOLY GHOST, AND IS ONE GOD. What does the universe, and Heaven, offer to man in comparison with n view of THE FACE OF GOD? "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see GOD." "And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field how they grow : 34 THY KINGDOM COME. they toil not, neither do they spin, and yet I say unto you, that not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed as one of these : there- fore if God so clothe the grass of the field which is of today, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, how much shall He clothe you." We are told that we see around us every- where the manifestations of God. We know, for Christ taught us that although "His King- dom is not of this world," "God makes the sun to shine, and the rain to fall." The Lord also taught us : "If God so clothe the grass of the field, the lilies, which are of today and tomor- row are cast into the oven ; how much more will He clothe you." Certainly then those of whom it may be said, "The Kingdom is with- in," should "seek" for a higher manifestation than the beauty of the perishable. The Lord has promised those who are in the image of His Lineaments a manifestation of the Divine Countenance. Has the Lord taken up His abode with you ? Do you see His Face ? Are you in His person- ally manifested care? THY KINGDOM COME. 37 Do you see your Heavenly Father revealed through the features of the Lord Jesus Christ, manifested to you in The Divine Personal In- dividuality ? Are you guided daily by God's Holy Spirit of Truth, and shown the true state of your own soul ? When you are in danger of sin, are you immediately reproved, and preserved from evil, and on looking to see your Deliverer, do you indeed behold the Lord; the same God in the same Christ, teaching to you the very Gospel taught to mankind nineteen hundred years ago ; the same glorified Savior ; the Lord you know so very well from the impression made by the study of His Word? Have you gone "seeking for the Lord" and "the Kingdom of God?" Surely you to whom "much is given" of whom "much shall be required" should seek the Giver. To one who actually knew very little of the Father's wondrous plan of life for mankind ; to me, a fallen sheep, who understood so very 38 THY KINGDOM COME. little of the Gospel of Christ, the Kingdom has been opened. While yet "Afar, the Heav- enly Father saw a prodigal," saw me wander- ing naked and ashamed, cold and despised; and then the good Shepherd clothed me in the "clothing of His sheep ;" even sending the Paraclete, who brought me to the Door of the Kingdom. There, it has pleased the Heavenly Father to permit me to see other sheep in the various congregations, who stand with heads bowed in reverent acknowledgment at that Door the Lord Jesus Christ through Whom they are entering into the Kingdom. The Heavenly Father has also (in answer to my desire to be allowed to go out and see His harvest fields) given me the pleasure of view- ing His great spiritual wheat fields in spirit. On earth, "God's Footstool," in the home of my parents, I have stood among the wheat fields on the northwestern plains and have seen the white wheat which God creates for man- kind's daily bread, grow up from seed planted in the rich prairie soil ; have seen the times of clouds and rain during the growth of that THY KINGDOM COME. 39 grain ; and have been brought to see the abso- lute necessity of the bright sunlight which God causes "His sun" to pour out in such brilliant abundance to bring the wheat to its whitest, its pure, firm perfection. In the vast spirit wheat fields which were shown me, there were brothers laboring. In walking be- side one of these, I noticed that in his hand he carried pure, white food, which had been given him to eat ; my brother requested me to eat, and then said: "I shall partake of a por- tion myself," but in spirit. I asked of him to "Eat it all," as very sweet food of the same Grain had also been given me ; Food sweet and rich indeed, but crumbled and broken some, by the vessel in which that Food was being carried in my jdurney through the wheat fields. I shall eat it. For the Lord has bap- tized me ; and, "Where the Savior leads, I should like to follow." The wheat in those wonderful spirit wheat fields seemed to be in excellent condition ; full grown and well headed out. The grain must be sweet, wholesome and white; the strong 40 THY KINGDOM COME. winds were rushing by ; the clouds were in evi- dent readiness to move ; all that spirit wheat needs to bring it to its fullest perfection, "white and ready as it is for the harvest," is the manifestation of the Light, the Radiant Face of God our Heavenly Father, revealed through the Shining Countenance of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That manifestation has been promised to those "who seek." "Ask, and you shall receive; seek, and you shall find ; knock, and it shall be opened to you." "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God ; the Word was in the beginning with God ; all things were made by Him, and without Him was made nothing that was made ; in Him was life, and the Life was the Light of men." 1938 18075?