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0^xi-eii£.^l-^^>.t.-'^^.-^^ ^-t^c>^3^^^ ^^
.). The water does not rise to fill the
4 Matter and Force
tumbler, being prevented from doing so by the confined air ; but,
when the tumbler is slowly inclined, the air escapes in a succes-
sion of bubbles, and water enters at the same time to take its
The experiment shows that a body of air confined in any space
tends to keep other bodies out of that space ; and this is true of
all gases. But it is well known that, after a bicycle tire is fully
inflated, much air must still be pumped in to make it hard. Now
air can be forced into the fully inflated tire only by compressing
the air already in it into a smaller space ; and experience teaches
that the compression of the confined air can be carried just as far
as the strength of the tire or of the operator will permit. The
great compressibility of air can also be shown by a simple experi-
ment with a bicycle pump or other compression pump. The
piston can be pushed in a considerable distance although the
confined air is prevented from escaping by closing the outlet with
the finger. The force required to push the piston in rapidly
increases, the farther the piston is pushed ; and, when it is re-
leased, it is instantly pushed back by the expansion of the
compressed air (Exp.). All gases are highly compressible and
expansible, like air. When any quantity of gas, however small,
is put into an otherwise empty space, it expands so as to fill the
space completely. {^Experiments ivith air pump.)
All liquids and most solids are only very slightly compressible.
In fact, any change of volume with either increase or decrease of
pressure upon them is so slight as commonly to elude observa-
tion ; and, for all practical purposes, liquids are regarded as
incompressible. Hence gases are distinguished from solids and
liquids by their great compressibility and expansibility. Most
gases are colorless and invisible, but not all.
6. Fluids. — Since the parts of both liquids and gases move
over one another freely, or flow, they are both called fluids. The
fluidity of gases is very easily illustrated with carbonic acid gas ;
which will extinguish a lighted candle when poured upon it from
a vessel {Exp.).
Force and Inertia 5
7. Summary. — Solids have both definite form and volume,
which they tend to preserve.
Liquids have definite volume ; but have no form of their own,
since their parts move readily over one another.
Gases have neither definite form nor volume. They are highly
compressible, and, with decrease of pressure, tend to expand
II. Force and Inertia
8. Force. — The vf 0x6, force ^ as used in physics, means a push
or a pull. The following are familiar examples of forces : the pull
exerted by a horse upon a wagon ; the push or pull by which a
door is opened or closed ; the very brief but strong push exerted
by a hammer upon a nail in driving it ; the continuous pressure
of a book lying upon a table ; the pressure of the table upon the
book, by which the book is supported ; the pressure of a liquid
against the bottom and sides of the containing vessel.
9. Inertia. — We learn from our daily experience that a body
at rest remains at rest unless some other body exerts a force upon
it, or, in other words, that a body cannot acquire motion without
the action upon it of an applied force. For example, a ball is sent
flying through the air by the push of the hand in throwing it or by
a blow with a bat ; a high velocity is imparted to a rifle ball by the
pressure of the gases from the powder exploded behind it ; and a
loaded wagon is started by the pull exerted by the horses upon it
through the traces.
It is also a matter of common observation that moving bodies
come to rest more or less slowly after the forces that start them
cease to act. A book slides over a table when started with a sud-
den push, but quickly stops ; a ball can be made to roll a long dis-
tance over a smooth, level surface, as a sidewalk, but gradually loses
speed till it comes to rest ; and a wagon goes only a short distance
after the horses cease to pull. This behavior of moving bodies is
not due to any tendency of the bodies 'themselves to come to rest,
but is the effect of opposing forces developed by the rubbing of
6 Matter and Force
surfaces as they move over one another. Such a force is called
friction. Friction acts as a resistance to motion, and tends to
bring moving bodies to rest. The smoother the surfaces are, the
less friction becomes ; hence a body slides farther on a smooth
surface than on a rough one. For example, after skaters are once
in rapid motion, they can go a long distance without further effort,
the friction between skates and smooth ice being very slight.
Rolling friction is in general much less than sliding friction ;
hence the use of wheels on vehicles of all sorts. Ball bearings
reduce the friction still further by substituting rolling for sliding
friction at the axle.
Another hindrance to motion is the resistance of the air. This
resistance is small upon a body moving slowly, but rapidly
increases with the velocity. For high velocities, such as those of
an express train or a rifle ball, it is very great. Bodies can, of
course, be stopped by other forces than friction.
The general truth illustrated by the above examples may be
stated as follows : A body remains at rest or, if in motion, con-
tinues with uniform motion in a straight line, unless it is compelled
to do othenvise by forces acting upon it from without. This is true
of all matter, solid, liquid, and gaseous; and the property of
passiveness thus exhibited is known as the inertia of matter.
The inertia of water can be shown by moving the hand quickly
to and fro in a tub of water. A strong push must be exerted by
the hand to impart motion to the water that is driven before it.
The inertia of the air is similarly shown by moving a large fan
rapidly to and fro, first flatwise, in the usual manner, then edge-
wise. Comparatively little effort is required in the second case,
as the fan cuts through the air, moving but little of it. (Try these
experiments.) Force is also required to stop a body of air or
water. The resistance offered by a house is sometimes insufficient
to stop or turn aside the air that strikes it during a violent storm,
and the house is blown down. Similarly, the inertia of a stream of
water from a fire hose or even from a garden hose is shown by its
power to break or overturn obstacles against which it is directed.
Force and Inertia 7
10. Action of Forces with and without Contact : Weight. — All
the forces considered in the preceding article are exerted by direct
or indirect contact of the body exerting the force and the body
upon which the force is exerted. Thus a horse in drawing a
wagon pushes on the collar with his shoulders, and the collar
pulls on the traces, and the traces pull on the wagon. Certain
forces, however, act without visible or material connection between
the bodies concerned. The forces exerted by a magnet are of this
sort. Pieces of iron move toward a magnet from a greater or less
distance, depending upon the size of the pieces and the strength
of the magnet {Exp.). We know from the behavior of the iron
that it is acted upon by a force whose direction is toward the
magnet, although there is nothing whatever to show how this force
is exerted.
Similarly, the fact that a body falls unless supported indicates
that it is acted upon by a force whose direction is vertically down-
ward. This force is in some way due to the earth ; hence we
think of the earth as exerting a pull or a/traction by which it
tends to draw bodies toward its center. The attraction exerted
by the earth upon any body is called the weight of the body.*
11. Balanced and Unbalanced Forces. — A force acting alone on
a body always sets it in motion or changes its existing motion. A
stone moving through the air with a moderate velocity is a good
illustration ; for its weight is practically the only force acting on
it, the resistance of the air being inappreciable. The weight of
the stone causes a continuous decrease of velocity if the stone is
rising vertically, a continuous increase of velocity if it is falling
vertically, and a continuous change of direction if it is moving
Two or more forces acting on the same body at the same time
may neutralize each other in such a way that the body remains at
rest or, if moving, continues with uniform motion in a straight line.
Forces so neutralizing each other are said to balance each other or
1 The weight of a body is very slightly less than the earth's attraction for^it,
except at the poles, as explained in Art. 128.
8 Matter and Force
to be /// equilibrium^ and are called balanced forces. The follow-
ing are illustrations : A cart remains at rest when two boys pull
equally on it in opposite directions. The weight of a body at rest
or in motion on a level surface is balanced by
the upward pressure of the surface ; the weight
of a body suspended by a cord is balanced by
the upward pull of the cord. In both cases the
sustaining force is equal and opposite to the
weight of the body. These examples illustrate
the simplest case of balanced forces : namely,
that of two equal forces acting in opposite di-
rections along the same line. An example of three forces in equi-
librium is illustrated in Fig. i. A body is supported by two cords.
Each cord pulls obliquely upward upon the body, and the two
forces together balance the weight of the body.
A single force acting on a body is always unbalanced ; two or
more forces acting together may be either balanced or unbalanced.
The study of balanced forces acting on bodies at rest and of both
balanced and unbalanced forces acting on bodies in motion con-
stitutes the greater part of the subject-matter of mechanics, and is
continued in the following chapters.
12. The Mutual Action of Two Bodies. — Whenever one body
exerts a force upon another, the second body exerts at the same
time an equal and opposite force upon the first. This opposite
action of two bodies upon each other is often evident from the
effects produced upon the bodies. For example, when one mar-
ble strikes another, the latter is set in motion, and, at the same
time, the motion of the first marble is stopped or checked by the
opposite force exerted upon it by the other marble. The mutual
action between a ball and a bat is a similar case. When a bullet
strikes a board, the force that it exerts makes a hole in the board ;
the equal and opposite force exerted by the board stops the
The equality of the force exerted by each of two bodies on the
other can be illustrated by two hardwood or ivory balls of equal
Force and Inertia
size, suspended as shown in Fig. 2. One of the balls is drawn
aside and released. It falls, strikes the other ball, and instantly
stops ; while the other swings out as far
(or very nearly as far) as the first ball
would have gone if its motion had not
been hindered. Since the balls are ex-
actly alike and the one loses as much
motion as the other gains, it follows that
the forces which they exert upon each
other are equal {Exp.).
The forces exerted between two bodies
at rest are also equal and opposite. Thus,
when the hand is pressed against a wall,
the wall exerts an equal pressure on the
hand. A book lying on a table exerts a downward pressure equal
to its weight ; the resistance offered by the table acts as an equal
upward pressure on the book.
To distinguish between the action of one body on another and
the action of the second body on the first, one is called the
" action " and the other the " reaction." Either may be called
the action, and the other will then be referred to as the reaction ;
but, if one of the bodies is at rest and the other in motion before
their mutual action, it is customary to say that the moving body
acts on the one at rest and that the latter reads on the former.
Fig. 2.
1. Describe and account for the motion of the occupants when a carriage
is started or stopped very suddenly.
2. In what direction is an inexperienced person likely to fall on alighting
from a rapidly moving car ? Why ?
3. What forces are acting on a wagon when drawn at a uniform rate
on a level road ? Are they balanced or unbalanced ?
4. What balanced forces are acting on a stone when at rest on the ground?
5. A boy exerts a lifting force of 75 lb. on a stone weighing 200 lb.
(a) Is this a balanced or an unbalanced force ? {b) What balanced forces
are acting on the stone ? •
lo Matter and Force
6. Is it the forces exerted by or upon a body that affect its state of rest or
motion ?
7. Account for the " kick " or recoil of a gun.
8. Why cannot a boy lift himself by standing in a tub and pulling on the
handles ?
III. Measurement
13. Measurement and Units of Measurement. — Experimental
work ill physics consists largely in measuring the different kinds of
physical quantities, as length, surface, volume, force, velocity, mass,
etc. A quantity of any kind is measured by finding how many
times it contains a certain fixed amount of that kind of quantity.
This fixed amount is called a /////// and there are various units in
common use for measuring each kind of quantity. Thus there are
many units of length, among which are the inch, foot, meter, and
The amount of any quantity is expressed by naming the unit in
which it is measured, preceded by the number of times it con-
tains this unit, — as a volume of 3.7 cu. in. The name of the
unit in which a physical quantity is measured should not be
omitted either in oral or written statement.
On account of the great simplicity of the metric system of meas-
ures, it is almost exclusively used by scientists ; and it is the only
one that we need consider here.
14. Extension. — Extension is that property of matter by virtue
of which it occupies space, or has length, width, and thickness.
The amount of space occupied by any portion of matter is called
its size, hulk, or volume.
15. Units of Extension. — The fundamental unit of length in
the metric system is the meter. It is defined as the distance be-
tween two lines on a certain metallic rod preserved in the archives
of the International Metric Commission at Paris. It was origi-
nally intended to be one ten-millionth of the distance on the
earth's surface from the pole to the equator ; but it is not exactly
this fraction. The meter is now an arbitrary standard, just as the
Measurement 1 1
yard is. Its advantage over the latter unit lies in the fact that its
subdivisions are decimal fractions. (See Table I of the Appendix.)
A decimeter (dm.) is a tenth of a meter (m.), a centimeter (cm.)
is a hundredth of a meter, and a millimeter (mm.) is a thousandth
of a meter. The centimeter is the customary unit of length for
scientific purposes, and is the only one that the pupil will ordina-
rily use in the laboratory. Thus a length of 3 dm. 5 cm. 7.5 mm.
is written 35.75 cm. It will be useful to remember that the meter
is equal to 39.37 inches, and the inch very approximately to 2.5
cm. (See Table II of the Appendix for exact relative values of the
English and metric units.)
The square centimeter (scm.) and the cubic centimeter (ccm.)
are the customary units of surface and volume respectively. Since
a square decimeter (sdm.) is 10 cm. in length and in width, it con-
tains 100 scm. ; and since a cubic decimeter (cdm.) is 10 cm. in
each of its three dimensions, it contains 1000 ccm. A cubic deci-
meter, when used as the unit of liquid measure, is called a liter.
It is slightly greater than a quart.
16. Weight. — The weight of a body (Art. 10) is constant at any
one place on the earth, but decreases slightly with increase of alti-
tude above the general level of the earth (as when a body is carried
up a mountain or up in a balloon) and also with increase of depth
below the surface (as when a body is taken down into a mine). A
body at the earth's center would have no weight, being attracted
equally in all directions by the earth. Weight also varies slightly
with latitude, increasing continuously upon any body as it is taken
from the equator toward either pole. The reasons for these
variations in weight will be considered later.
17. Mass. — If any two bodies at the same place have equal
weight, they are said to contain equal quantities of matter^ or to
have equal mass. Using the term " quantity of matter " in this
sense, the mass of a body may be defined as the quantity of matter
in it.
Although the weight of a body is affected by change of lati-
tude or altitude, its mass is not. A body would contain identically
12 Matter and Force
the same matter, and would therefore have the same mass, if it
were transported to some region in space where it would be free
from the attraction of the earth on any other body, or to the sun,
where its weight (the sun's attraction) would be nearly twenty-eight
times as great as upon the earth.
18. Units of Mass and of Force. — The mass of a cubic centi-
meter of distilled water at the temperature of its greatest density
(4° Centigrade) was originally taken as the fundamental unit of
mass in the metric system, and is called the gram. As in the case
of the meter, the gram is now defined with reference to a standard
kept at Paris ; but for the purposes of elementary physics the above
definition is the only one of importance. The mass of a cubic
centimeter of water pure enough for domestic use, either cold or
tepid, differs so little from one gram that the difference may always
be disregarded in elementary physics.
The earth's attraction for the unit of mass affords a very con-
venient unit of force. From what has been said concerning the
variation of weight, it is evident that such a unit of force differs
appreciably at different latitudes ; but the variation is so slight as
not to be a matter of practical importance.
The unit of mass and the corresponding unit of force have the
same name. Thus any force equal to the earth's attraction for
a mass of 7 g. would be called a force of 7 g. To distin-
guish between the units, they are sometimes called the gram mass
and the gram iveight respectively ; but it is always possible to de-
termine from the context whether mass or force is intended. In
the English system the pound mass and the pound weight are the
fundamental units of mass and force respectively.
19. Measurement of Mass (Weighing). — The equal attraction
of the earth for equal masses at the same place is utilized in deter-
mining the equality of two masses by the familiar process of weigh-
ing with an equal-arm balance (Fig. 3). The horizontal bar of
the balance is called the beam, and either half of it is called
an arm.
When equal pressures are exerted upon the two pans, the beam
Fig. 3.
comes to rest in a horizontal position. Hence, when the beam
assumes this position under the pres-
sure of bodies in the two pans, these
bodies have equal mass. The reason-
ing is as follows : —
(i) The balancing of the beam in-
dicates equal pressures upon the pans.
(2) Since the bodies exert equal
pressures, they have equal weight;
that is, the earth attracts them equally.
(3) Since the bodies have equal
weight, they have equal mass.
The mass of a body is therefore
found by placing it in one pan and balancing it with standard
masses in the other. This process is called weighing, and the
quantity found is commonly called the weight of the body. The
standard masses are called weights.
20. Density. — The density of a substance is the mass of a unit
volume of the substance. In the metric system it is usually ex-
pressed as the number of grams in a cubic centimeter of it (g. per
ccm.) ; in the English system, as the number of pounds in a cubic
foot of it (lb. per cu. ft.).
The density of any substance is found by measuring the mass
and the volume of any convenient portion of it, and computing
from these measurements the mass of one cubic centimeter.
Laboraioty Exercises J and 2.
1. Would the " weight " of a body, as determined with an equal-arm bal-
ance^ differ in different latitudes and at different altitudes? Give the reason
for your answer.
2. Is the density of a body affected by its latitude or its altitude ?
3. Is a pound of iron heavier than a pound of wood ? What is implied
in the statement that " iron is heavier than wood "? Show that the statement
" iron is denser than wood " leaves nothing to be implied. The more definite
form of statement is to be preferred.
1 Cl
14 Matter and Force
4. The volume of a stone is 630 ccm.; its mass is 1575 g. Find its den-
5. WTiat is the volume of 1000 g. of mercury ? of icxx) g. of brass ? of
1000 g. of aluminum ? (See table of densities in the Appendix.)
6. What is the mass of i cdm. of lead ? of i cdm. of marble ?
7. Find the densities of water, quartz, and gold in pounds, per cubic foot,
from the densities in grams per cubic centimeter given in the table. (See
also the table of equivalents in the Appendix.)
8. The density of (luartz is how many times that of water in the metric
system ? in the English system ? How do these answers compare ? "Why ?
9. From the known densities of ice and water, show whether water ex-
pands or contracts in freezing.
I. Pressure produced in Liquids by their Weight
21 o Transmission of Pressure. — Suppose a number of books to
be placed in a pile, one above the other. Beginning at the top,
the first book presses upon the second with a force equal to its
weight. The second book transmits this pressure to the third,
and adds to it a pressure equal to its own weight. Hence the
third book sustains a pressure equal to the weight of the first two
books. Similarly, the third book exerts a pressure upon the fourth
equal to its own weight plus that of the books above it, and so on
to the last, the pressure of which upon the table is equal to the
combined weight of all. The entire pile is supported by the up-
ward pressure of the table, which is equal to the pressure of the
bottom book upon it (equal action and reaction) ; and any por-
tion of the pile, beginning at the top, is supported by the upward
pressure of the book next below. If we consider the leaves of
each book separately, instead of the book as a whole, we have an
illustration of pressure due to weight, increasing regularly and
continuously from top to bottom and exerted vertically up and
down, the upward and downward pressures at any depth being
exactly equal.
The weight of a pile of shot causes each shot to crowd in be-
tween its neighbors, thus exerting a pressure sideways as well as
upward and downward, as is shown by the tendency of the pile to
spread outward at the bottom. To make the sides of the pile
vertical, supporting surfaces must be provided to sustain the lateral
1 6 The Mechanics of Liquids
Similarly, the weight of a liquid causes lateral and oblique as
well as vertical pressures within it. These pressures are more
fully developed in liquids than in a pile of shot, for the particles
of a liquid are free to move over one another, while in shot there
is considerable friction. Hence shot remains in a sloping pile,
and liquids do not.
22. Pressure in Liquids due to Weight. — The pressure produced
within a liquid by its weight can be studied experimentally with
various forms of apparatus. Cilass tubes of small
diameter and equal length (about 60 cm.), closed
air-tight at the top and shaped at the lower end as
shown in Fig. 4, serve very well for the purpose
of illustration, but are not adapted to exact meas-
urement. When one of the tubes is lowered into
a tall glass jar filled with water, the water enters
its lower end a short distance. This is due to
the compression of the confined air by the pressure
Fig. 4. that the water exerts upon it. The distance to
which the water enters the tube increases as the
tube is lowered, showing that the pressure increases with the
depth {Exp.). This is due to the fact that the pressure at any
depth is caused by the weight of the water above that level.
When the different tubes are inserted to the same depth, the
water enters an equal distance in all, showing that the pressure
of the water at a given depth is the same in the various directions
in which it enters the tubes {Exp.), Since each particle of water
is free to move in any direction, it would not remain at rest if it
were not pressed upon equally from all sides.
Laboratory Exercise j".
23. Laws of Liquid Pressure. — The facts concerning pressure in
liquids at rest are found by accurate measurement to be as follows : —
I. The pressure at any point in a liquid at rest is equal in all
II. The pressure of a liquid at rest is perpendicular to any surface
upon which it acts.
Pressure in Liquids 17
III. At any point ill a liquid^ the pressure due to its weight is
proportional to the depth of the point below the free surf ace of the
IV. The pressure is the same at all points in the same horizontal
V. At the sattie depth in different liquids, the pressure due to
weight is proportional to the density of the liquid.
These statements are known as the laws ^ of liquid pressure.
The first two hold for all pressures in liquids at rest, whether due
to their weight or to applied pressure, i.e. to pressure exerted
upon them in closed vessels. As stated in the preceding article,
the first law is a consequence of the freedom of movement of the
particles of a liquid. This is true of the second law ; for, if a
liquid pressed obliquely against a surface, it would move along the
surface instead of remaining at rest. The reasons for the other
laws are considered in the following articles.
24. Intensity of Pressure. — The pressure at any point in a liquicj
is defined as the pressure that the liquid would exert upon a hori-
zontal surface of ////// area at that depth in the liquid. The pres-
sure upon each unit area of a surface is sometimes called the
intensity of pressure or the rate of
pressure to distinguish it from the
/^/^/ pressure on the surface. Pres-
sure (/.. intensity of pressure) is
expressed in grams per square centi-
meter, pounds per square foot, pounds
per square inch, and other units con-
sidered later. ^,, , ^
The rule for computing the pressure
at any depth in a liquid is derived as follows :• Let MN (Fig. 5 )
1 Experience teaches that, in nature, whenever the same conditions are repeated
the same resuhs follow ; or, in other words, the same causes always produce the
same effects. Without this uniformity in nature science would be impossible. The
uniform behavior of matter under given conditions is called a natural law. A brief
descriptive statement of such uniform behavior in any given instance is also called
a law.
1 8 The Mechanics of Liquids
be a horizontal surface upon which a liquid rests, and a any square
centimeter of it. The rectangular figure ac represents the portion
of the liquid lying vertically above a. We may think of this por-
tion as being separated from the remainder by imaginary bounding
surfaces, or as having become solid (without change of density).
The surrounding liquid presses perpendicularly against the sides
of this column, as indicated by the arrows. The pressures upon
opposite sides are equal and balance each other, but they do not
help to sustain the weight of the column. The pressure that the
column exerts on a is therefore equal to its weight. Let // denote
the height of the column in centimeters, and d the density of the
liquid in grams per cubic centimeter; then the volume of the
column is h ccm. and its weight hd g. Hence the rule : —
At any point in a liquid^ the pressure due to its weight is equal
to the product of the depth {of that point below the free surface) and
the density of the liquid.
25. Total Pressure upon a Surface. — Horizontal Surfaces. —
Since the pressure of a liquid is uniform over a horizontal surface,
the total pressure on such a surface is equal to the product of the
intensity of pressure and the area.
Oblique and Vertical Surfaces, — The pressure upon a vertical
or an oblique plane surface {MN,
Fig. 6) increases regularly from the
upper to the lower side. To find the
total pressure upon such a surface,
the average pressure (per scm.) upon
it is multiplied by the area. The
average pressure is equal to the actual
pressure at the center of the surface ;
and the latter is ^he same as the
pressure upon a horizontal area of i scm. at that depth, since
the pressure at any point is equal in all directions.
For example, the total pressure upon an oblique surface of 4
cm. by 12 cm., the center of which is at a depth of 10 cm. in
alcohol (density = .82 g. per scm.) is 4 x 12 x 10 x .82 g.
Pressure in Liquids
Fig. 7.
The average pressure on the side of a cylindrical or rectangular
vessel containing a liquid is the actual pressure at half the depth
of the liquid.
26. Pressure Independent of Shape of Vessel. — One important
consequence of the laws of liquid pressure is that the pressure at
any point in a liquid is independent
of the shape of the containing vessel
{Exp.) . Suppose that vessels A, B,
Cy and D (Fig. 7) each have a bot-
tom 10 X 10 cm. and a height of 30
cm., and are filled with water. The
lower portion of B is 10 cm. high,
and is continued 20 cm. higher by
a tube. The pressure will be uniform over the bottoms of the
four vessels and will be equal upon all ; namely, 30 g. per scm.,
or a total of 3000 g. upon each. This is evidently the case for A^
since 3000 g. is the weight of the water it contains.
The pressure at the bottom of the tube in B is 20 g. per scm.
This causes an equal upward pressure (per scm.) against the top
of the lower portion of the vessel, as indicated by the arrows in
the figure. This upward pressure of the water is sustained by an
equal downward pressure of the top against the water. This
downward pressure of the top takes the place of an equal down-
ward pressure at the same level in A^ due to the weight of the
water above that level. Hence the pressures in the two vessels at
equal depths below this level are equal.
In C the weight of all the liquid not lying vertically above the
bottom is sustained by the sides of the vessel, which exert an
oblique upward pressure. The discussion of pressures for D is
similar to that for B. (State it.)
27. Equilibrium of a Liquid in Communicating Vessels. — If the
vessels represented in Fig. 7 were connected with one another by
tubes as indicated by the dotted lines in the figure, there would
be no flow to or from any one of them ; for the pressure would be
the same at lx)th ends of each of the tubes {Exp.).
The Mechanics of Liquids
Illustrations of this fact are common. The liquid stands at
the same level in the spout of a teapot as in the vessel itself.
The pressure at the bottom of the spout must be the same on both
sides, otherwise the liquid would not remain at rest. Similarly, in
a pipe leading from a reservoir the water will rise to the level of
the water in the reservoir and no higher. This familiar behavior
of water is commonly expressed
by saying that " water seeks its
own level." This is, of course,
merely a statement of the fact,
not an explanation of it.
The flow of artesian wells is
explained by Fig. 8. If a por-
ous stratum of sand or gravel,
/I, lying between two imper-
vious strata and dipping under
a lower flat country, becomes filled with water above the level of
the groimd where a well is bored, an artesian or flowing well
will result.
FiC. 8.
II. Transmission of Applied Pressure by Liquids
28. Pascal's Law. — Pressure exerted upon any part of an
inclosed liquid is transmitted undiminished in all directions^ and
acts with equal force upon all equal surfaces ^ and at right angles to
them. This is known as Pascal's law, in honor of the French
mathematician and physicist, Blaise Pascal (1623-
1662), by whom it was discovered.
For example, if a stopper having an area of
2 scm. at the end be pushed into a botde full of
water until it presses with a force of 6 kg. upon
the water, this pressure of 3 kg. per scm. will be
added to the pressure due to the weight of the
liqtiid at every point within it, and will be trans-
mitted as an added pressure of 3 kg. upon each fig. 9.
Transmission of Pressure 21
square centimeter of surface of the bottle. With the apparatus
shown in Fig. 9, a strong bottle can be easily burst by pushing
the rod a short distance through the stopper after the bottle has
been filled and closed tightly. In this way it would require only
a moderate effort to cause a total pressure of a ton on the interior
surface of the bottle.
Pascal's law is indirectly contained in the laws previously stated.
Thus, in vessel A of Fig. 7 it is clear
that the pressure at every point below
the level ae (see discussion in Art.
26) is 20 g. per scm. greater than it
would be if the water were removed
from above that level. That is, the
pressure exerted by the portion of
f, , . . J Fig. 10.
the water above ae is transmitted
throughout the portion below that level in accordance with Pascal's
29. The Hydrostatic Press. — It will be seen from the fore-
going that water is a very effective instrument for transmitting and
increasing force. This is utilized in the hydrostatic (or hydraulic)
press, a machine invented over one hundred years ago. The
principle of the hydrostatic press is shown in Fig. 10. Two
cylinders of different diameters are connected by a tube and filled
with water. They are fitted with tight pistons,/ and /*, resting
upon the water. Let the area of the larger piston be fifty times
that of the smaller. A weight of i kg. placed on the smaller
piston will cause the water to exert a pressure of i kg. upon every
2irt2i equal to that of the smaller piston. Hence the total upward
pressure upon the larger piston will be 50 kg., and will sustain a
weight of 50 kg.
One form of hydrostatic press is shown in Fig. 11. ^ is a very
strong metal cylinder. In it there is a cast iron piston, /*, work-
ing water-tight in the collar of the cylinder. The top of the
piston carries an iron plate on which the substance to be pressed
is placed. The fixed upper plate, Q, is supported upon four strong
The Mechanics of Liquids
columns. Water is pumped into the cylinder through the pipe, K^
by means of a force pump, A (see Art. 52). When the piston of
the pump, /, is forced down, by the downward stroke of the
Fig. II.
handle My it exerts a pressure upon the water ; and this pressure
is transmitted through the water in the pipe and in the cylinder
to the lower end of P, forcing it upward. The force exerted on
the piston of the press is to the force exerted by the piston of the
pump as the area of the end of the first piston is to the area of
the end of the second piston.
The hydrostatic press is used for many purposes where great
pressures are required. It is used in compressing loose cotton
into bales, in bending iron plates, in forcing car wheels on to the
axles, in lifting heavy weights, etc. The more powerful presses
have pumps operated by engines and are capable of exerting
pressures of several hundred tons.
Transmission of Pressure
1. The free surface of a liquid at rest is level. What is the difference
between a level surface and a horizontal plane surface ? Why is the dis-
tinction commonly disregarded ?
2. Why is the surface of a liquid at rest level ?
3. What is the pressure (a) at a depth of 20 cm. in water ? (d) at a depth
of 60 cm. in mercury (see table of densities in the Appendix) ? (f) at a depth
of 50 cm. in alcohol ?
4. What is the pressure in pounds per square foot (a) at a depth of 20
ft. in water ? (6) at a depth of 3 miles in the ocean? (Take 62.4 lb. per
cu. ft. as the density of pure water in all problems. The density of sea
water is 1.026 times this.)
5. What departure from the proportionality of depth and pressure would
result if liquids were appreciably compressible ?
6. A rectangular vessel 50 cm. long, 20 cm. high, and 35 cm. wide is
filled with a liquid whose density is 1.5 g. per ccm. Find the total pressure
(a) upon the bottom, (6) upon a side.
7. Find the total pressure in pounds against the side of a cylindrical tank
15 ft. in diameter and 12 ft. high, when filled with water.
8. A cask 2 ft. high and 18 in. in average diameter is fitted with an iron
pipe 40 ft. long, as shown in Fig. 1 2. The cross-
section of the pipe is .25 sq. in. Cask and pipe
are filled with water, (a) Compute the total
pressure against the side of the cask, (d) What
weight of water does the tube hold ? (c) How
would the pressure within the cask be affected
by using a pipe having a cross-section of 2.5 sq.
Note. — Pascal succeeded in bursting a very
strong cask in the manner here indicated, using
a slender tube 40 ft. high.
9. If the diameter of the piston in the pump
of an hydraulic press is 2 cm. and that of the
piston of the press is 30 cm., what will be the
total pressure upon the latter due to a force of
50 kg. upon the former ?
10. What is the total pressure against a vertical dam 100 ft. long, against
which the water stands to a depth of 12 ft. ?
11. A cylindrical vessel 20 cm. in diameter is filled to a depth of 15 cm.
with oil having a density of .85 g. per ccm. A piston fitting the vessel tightly
Fig. 12.
24 The Mechanics of Liquids
is pushed down upon the oil with a force of lOO kg. What is the total pres-
sure upon the side of the vessel due to the weight of the liquid and the pres-
sure of the piston ?
III. Buoyancy of Liquids
30. Buoyancy. — It is a familiar fact that a liquid either wholly
or partly supports any solid placed in it. The supporting force
exerted by a liquid upon a body either wholly or partly immersed
in it is called buoyant force or buoyancy. If the buoyant force
upon a body is equal to its weight, the body will float ; if less, it
will sink, but its apparent weight in the liquid (measured by the
force required to support it while immersed) will be less than in
Laboratory Exercise 6.
31. The Principle of Archimedes. — The law of buoyancy was
discovered by Archimedes, a celebrated Greek mathematician of
the third century b.c. It is known as iht principle of Archimedes j
and is as follows : A body either wholly or partly immersed in a
liquid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the liquid dis-
placed by it.
The proof of this law in the case of a cylindrical or rectangular
body, wholly immersed and vertical, is as follows : Let a scm. be
the area of the base and // cm. the height of
the body (Fig. 13), and let its top be at a
depth of //cm. below the surface of a liquid
whose density is d g. per ccm. The pres-
sures upon opposite sides balance each
other ; but they do not tend to support the
body. The pressure upon the top is Hd %.
per scm., and the total pressure aHd g., or
" '^* the weight of the column of liquid lying
vertically above the solid. Since the bottom is {H-\-h) cm. below
the surface, the pressure upon it is {H-\-h)d g. per scm. ; and the
total pressure a (//-\-h) dg.^ or the weight of a column of the liquid
whose base is a and whose height is H-^h. The buoyant force
Buoyancy of Liquids
is the difference between these upward and downward forces, that
is, a (^H-yh) —aHd or ahd g. ; which is equal to the weight of the
displaced liquid.
If the body is sunk to a greater depth, the pressures upon its
top and bottom increase by equal amounts, hence the buoyant
force remains constant.
The following proof of the law holds for a body of any shape.
Let A (Fig. 14) represent any portion of a liquid,
having any shape whatever. Since this portion
remains at rest, its weight is evidently balanced
by an equal buoyant force, due to the pressure of
the surrounding liquid. These pressures would
remain the same if A were replaced by any solid
having the same size and shape; hence the
buoyant force upon the solid would be the same
as it was upon the displaced liquid ; i.e, it would
be equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the solid.
32. Buoyancy upon Floating Bodies. — If the density (or aver-
age density) of a body is greater than that of the liquid in which
it is immersed, its weight will exceed the buoyant force and it will
sink unless otherwise supported. If the density of the body is
less than that of the liquid, its weight will be less than the buoyant
force upon it when completely immersed ; hence, if not held down,
it will be pushed to the surface and will float partly immersed.
The buoyant force on a floating body is equal to the weight of
the liquid displaced by the immersed portion of the body ; it is
also equal to the weight of the body, since the two forces are in
equilibrium. Hence a floating body displaces its own weight of
the liquid in which it floats.
Fig. 14.
1. Will a ship sink to a greater or less depth on sailing from fresh into
salt water ?
2. From the fact that ice floats in water, what may b% inferred concerning
the change of volume of water in freezing ?
26 The Mechanics of Liquids
3. From the table of densities in the Appendix, make a list of metals that
will float in mercury, and a list of those that will sink in it.
4. Since steel is many times denser than water, how can a ship made of
steel float ?
5. Experiments have shown the compressibility of sea water to be suohf-
that, at a depth of a mile, its density is j^^f greater than at the surface,
(a) Would a body that sinks in sea water at the surface be likely to sink
to the bottom of the ocean, however deep ? (^) Under what condition
would it not do so ?
6. The density of sea water is 1.026 g. per ccm. and that of ice is .917 g.
per com. What portion of an icel)erg is immersed ?
Suggestion. — The immersed portion of the iceberg is equal in volume
to the displaced water, and the weight of the displaced water is equal to that
of the iceberg.
7. Account for the relative position of two or more liquids that will not
mix (as oil, water, and mercury) when placed in the same vessel (^Exp."),
IV. Specific Gravity
33. Specific Gravity Defined. — The ratio of the density of a
substance to the density of distilled water at 4° Centigrade is
called the specific gravity (or specific density) of the substance.
Thus, if the density of a stone is 150 lb. per cu. ft., its specific
gravity is 150-5-62.4, or 2.44, 62.4 lb. per cu. ft. being the density
of pure water at 4° C. Hence to say that the specific gravity of
the stone is 2.44 means that the stone is 2.44 times as dense as
Since the density of water is i g. per ccm., the density of the
stone in the above problem is 2.44 X i g., or 2.44 g. per ccm.
Thus, in the metric system, specific gravity and density are numer-
ically equal.^ This is also evident from the definition, since, in
the metric system, the numerical value of the second term of the
ratio is one.
Except where great accuracy is required in scientific work, it
is unimportant to take account of the very slight difference be-
1 The equality of density and specific gravity in the metric system is only numer-
ical ; the quantities are different in kind, as is clearly evident when English units
are used. A ratio is always an abstract number.
specific Gravity
tween the density of fresh water at ordinary temperatures and the
density of distilled water at 4° C. ; hence the specific gravity of a
substance may be defined as the ratio of its density to the density of
water. For the purpose of laboratory work, it is useful to define
the specific gravity of a substance as the ratio of the mass (or
weight) of any volume of it to the mass (or weight) of an eqtial
volume of water. (Show that this definition is consistent with the
first ; i.e. that they are not independent and possibly contradictory
34. Methods of Finding Specific Gravity. — If the density of a
substance in pounds per cubic foot is known, its specific gravity is
found by dividing this number by 62.4. If the density is known
in the metric system, its specific gravity is known without further
There are several simple experimental methods for finding the
specific gravity of a substance without the necessity of determining
its density. The ones most frequently used are presented in the"^
following articles. They depend, for the most part, upon the prin- •
ciple of Archimedes, and hold without modification for either Eng-
lish or metric units of mass and volume.
35. Specific Gravity of Solids. — Solids Denser than Water. —
The solid is weighed, then sus-
pended by a thread from a pan of
the balance, and again weighed
while hanging wholly immersed in
water (Fig. 15). The difference
between these weights measures the
buoyant force upon the body, and
is, therefore, the weight of an equal
volume of water. Hence the ex-
periment gives the masses of equal
volumes of the solid and of water.
The specific gravity of the solid
is the ratio of its mass to the mass of the displaced water.
Solids Less Dense than Water, — In this case a denser body,
Fig. 15.
28 The Mechanics of Liquids
called a sinker^ is attached to the solid to keep it wholly immersed
when weighed in water. The relations involved will be understood
from the following example : —
\Veight of lK)dy in air = 40 g.
Weight of sinker in water = 35 g-
Weight of body and sinker together in water = 15 g.
It will be seen that the buoyant force upon the immersed body
sustains its entire weight and also 20 g. of the weight of the
sinker (35 — 15). That is, the buoyant force upon the body ex-
ceeds its weight by 20 g. Its value is, therefore, 40 + 20 g., or
60 g. ; and this, by Archimedes' principle, is the weight of water
equal in volume to the body. Hence the computations are as
follows : —
Amount by which buoyancy upon the body
exceeds its weight = 35 — 1 5 = 20 g.
Buoyancy upon the body = 40 + 20 = 60 g.
Specific gravity of the body = 40 -<- 60 = .667
Laboratory Exercise 7.
36. Specific Gravity of Liquids. — By the Specific Gravity Bottle.
— The masses of equal volumes of any liquid and of water can be
obtained by finding the weight of each that will completely fill
the same bottle. The bottle is weighed when empty, when filled
with the liquid, and when filled with water. The specific gravity
is computed from these three weights. A bottle having a glass
stopper should be used, as a cork or a rubber stopper would prob-
ably not be inserted the same distance each time.
By Buoyancy upon a Sinker. — The masses of equal volumes of
any liquid and of water can be obtained by finding the buoyant
force exerted by each upon the same solid when completely im-
mersed. The sohd is weighed in air, then in the liquid, then in
water. The solid must be dense enough to sink in either liquid.
A glass stopper will serve.
By Buoyancy upon a Floating Body: the Hydrometer. — The
same body displaces equal weights of all liquids in which it floats.
Specific Gravity
(Why ?) The weight of the displaced Hquid is equal to the prod-
uct of its volume and density. Let v and V denote the volumes
of two liquids displaced by the same floating
body, and d and D their densities respectively.
Then vd = VD ; whence d'.DwVw. That
is, the volume of liquid displaced by a floating
body is inversely proportional to the detisity of
the liquid. Thus, if the second liquid is twice
as dense as the first, the floating body will dis-
place half the volume of it that it does of the
This principle is utilized in the hydrometer
(Fig. 16). It consists of a closed glass tube,
with a bulb at the lower end filled with shot or
mercury to keep the hydrometer upright, and a
second bulb farther up, the purpose of which is
to cause the greater part of the displacement.
The hydrometer is provided with a paper scale
inclosed within the tube, and graduated so that
its reading at the surface of any licjuid in which
it floats is the specific gravity of the liquid. The reading of the
scale increases toward the bottom. (Why ?)
There are several instruments in common use similar to the
hydrometer, but having scales which are graduated with reference
to the special use for which each instrument is intended. The
alcoholi?neter, for determining the percentage of alcohol in liquors,
and the lactometer^ for determining the purity of milk, are exam-
Laboratory Exercises 8 and g.
Fig. 16.
1. A body weighs 500 g. in air and 300 g. in water. What is its specific
gravity ?
2. A stone weighs 4CX) g. ; its density is 2.5 g. per ccm. What will it
weigh in water ?
30 The Mechanics of Liquids
3. A body weighs 200 g. in air and 150 g. in water. What will it weigh
in a salt solution the specific gravity of which is i.i ?
4. Find the specific gravity of a solid from the following data : —
Weight of solid in air =15 g.
Weight of sinker in water = 35 g.
W'eight of solid and sinker in water = 5 g,
5. A body weighs 600 g. in air and 250 g. in a liquid whose specific grav*
ity is 1.3. Find its density.
6. A stone weighs 1000 lb. ; its volume is 6 cu. ft. What is its specific
gravity ?
7. A body weighs 600 g. in air, 300 g. in water, and 250 g. in a certain
liquid. What is the sj>ecific gravity of the liquid ?
8. A body weighs 300 g. in air and 140 g. in alcohol, the specific gravity
of which is .82. What is the volume of the body ?
9. Find the specific gravity of a litjuid from the following : —
Weight of bottle = 40 g.
Weight of Iwttle filled with water = 120 g.
Weight of bottle filled with the licjuid = 150 g.
10. A piece of iron weighs 1000 g. ; its specific gravity is 7.2. What will
it weigh in water ?
1 1. A stone weighs 25 lb. in air and 16 lb. in water. What is its spe-
cific gravity ?
12. Find the weight of a cubic foot of lead from its specific gravity.
I. Atmospheric Pressure
37. Weight of Air. — A vessel full of air is appreciably heavier
than the same vessel after the air has been partially removed by
means of an air pump {Exp.). The difference, although small,
is very noticeable if the vessel is of considerable size (a liter or
more) and the weighing is done on a sensitive balance. This
proves that air has weight. By accurate measurement (the neces-
sary allowance being made for the portion of the air remaining
after exhaustion), the weight of a liter of air at ordinary tempera-
tures is found to be very nearly 1.2 g. ( = .0012 g. per ccm.).
38. Pressure of the Atmosphere. — The weight of the atmos-
phere causes it to exert pressure, since each horizontal layer sus-
tains the weight of all the air above it and adds its own weight to
the pressure transmitted to the next lower layer. It is a curious
fact that, although the pressure of the atmosphere amounts to a
total of about 35,000 pounds on a person of average size, we are
unconscious of its existence under the ordinary circumstances
of life. The existence of atmospheric pressure is proved by the
following experiments.
39. Experiments proving the Existence of Atmospheric Pres-
sure. — A sheet of thin rubber is tied
over the top of an open receiver of
an air pump (Fig. 17). As the air is
exhausted from the receiver, the rub-
ber is depressed more and more, and
soon bursts with a loud report, caused
by the sudden entrance of the air
The Mechanics of Gases
{Exp.). Before the air is exhausted, it exerts a pressure equal
to that of the outside air, and the rubber remains flat. With
each stroke of the pump some air is removed, and the pressure of
the remaining air is correspondingly diminished. The rubber is
therefore pushed inward by the greater pressure of the atmosphere.
If the hand be placed over the receiver instead of the rubber,
it can be removed only with difficulty after a few strokes of the
pump, so firmly will it be held in place by the pressure of the air
{Exp.). The flesh of the pahii will be distended into the re-
ceiver, and will seem to be pulled in. This sensation is entirely
deceptive ; the flesh is pushed in by the pressure of the liquids
and gases within the body. Since the pressure within the body
sustains and balances the pressure of the atmosphere, the two
must be equal. Hence, when the external pressure upon any
part of the body is diminished, that part will be distended by the
greater pressure from within.
Two hollow brass hemispheres (Fig. i8), fitting air-tight, can
easily be pulled apart so long as none of the air has been removed
from the space they inclose ; but after
a considerable portion of this air has
rated only with great difficulty (/t;f/.).
Before the air is exhausted the pres-
FiG. 18. sure from within is equal to that
without and balances it; hence the
hemispheres are separated without hindrance from atmospheric
pressure. The removal of a portion of the air diminishes the pres-
sure from within proportionally, and the pressure upon the outside
pushes the hemispheres together with great force. This apparatus
was invented about the middle of the seventeenth century by Otto
von Guericke, burgomaster of Magdeburg, Germany. The large
copper globe that he used for the first trial was not strong enough
to withstand the great pressure upon it, and suddenly collapsed
with a loud report, terrifying all the spectators. The apparatus is
still known as the Magdeburg hemispheres.
Atmospheric Pressure 33
40. Laws of Gas Pressure. — Pascal's law (Art. 28) holds for
gases as well as for liquids, and for the same reason — their
The equal pressure of the atmosphere in all direc-
tions can be shown with the apparatus represented in
Fig. 19. Thin sheet rubber is fastened over the large
end of a thistle tube, and a rubber tube is attached
to the other end. On exhausting some of the air
with the mouth, the rubber is pushed in by atmos-
pheric pressure ; and, for a given exhaustion of the
tube, the depression of the rubber remains the same in whatever
direction the tube is turned.
The law of proportionality between depth and pressure (Law
III, Art. 23) does not hold for the atmosphere, since its density
increases rapidly with the depth, gases being very compressible.
The height to which the atmosphere extends is unknown, but is
variously estimated at from one hundred to two hundred miles.
It is known to extend above fifty miles ; yet the density decreases
so rapidly with increase of altitude that the pressure at a height
of 3.4 miles is only one half as great as at sea level.
From this we know that one half of the atmosphere lies
below an elevation of 3.4 miles above sea level. Men
have ascended to higher altitudes than this upon moun-
tains and in balloons. If the atmosphere were of the same
density throughout as at sea-level, it would extend only
to a height of about five miles.
41. Measurement of Atmospheric Pressure. — Figure 20
represents a tall U-tube about half full of mercury. The
mercury stands at the same level in the two arms under
the action of its weight and the equal pressure of the air
upon its two surfaces. If a rubber tube be attached to
one arm and some of the air exhausted by means of an
air pump or by applying the mouth, the pressure in that
arm will be diminished and the greater pressure of the
atmosphere in the open arm will force the mercury down in
The -Mechanics of Gases
Fig. ai.
that arm and up in the other until equilibrium is restored
^^^^ (Fig. 2i) {£x/>.). When the mercury comes to
^rTfl rest, the portion of it below the level ac is in
m * equilibrium under the action of the downward
m pressure of the atmosphere on the surface a and
■ the equal downward pressure at c. This pressure
I at r is the transmitted pressure of the air remain-
■ ing above d, increased by the pressure due to the
weight of the mercury column //c. Hence the
pressure due to the weight of the column measures
the difference between the pressure of the atmos-
phere and the pressure of the air remaining in the
closed arm. For example, when the dilference
of level of the two surfaces is lo cm., the pressure
of the atmosphere exceeds the pressure in the
closed arm by lo x 13.6 or 136 g. per scm.
If all the air were removed from the closed arm, there would
be no pressure upon the surface of the mercury in it ; and the
mercury would rise in this arm until the pressure at r,
due to the weight of the column /fc, was equal to the J
pressure of the atmosphere. This important fact is util-
ized in the mercury barometer, an instrument for measur-
ing atmospheric pressure. Figure 22 represents a siphon
barometer, so called from its shape. The straight part of
the tube is 80 cm. or more in length and its upper end is
sealed. It is first completely filled with mercury so as to
expel all the air. When turned into an upright position,
the mercury falls until it reaches a position of equilibrium,
leaving an empty space {vacuum) at the top. The differ-
ence of level of the columns, he, is called the hei^t^ht of
the barometer. This height multiplied by the density of
mercury measures the pressure (per scm.) of the column
at c ; and consequently measures the equal pressure of the
atmosphere. Thus, when the height of the barometer is 76 cm.,
the atmospheric pressure is 76 x 13.596, or 1033.3 g. per scm.
Fig. 22.
Atmospheric Pressure
Another form of barometer is represented in Fig.
straight tube about 85 cm. in
lenglh and closed at one end, is
completely filled with mercury,
and, with a finger held tightly
over the open end, is inverted, and
the open end inserted in a cup
of mercury. The height of the
column is measured from the sur-
face of the mercury in the cupt
(Why ?) 9 ? J
Atmospheric pressure is gener-
ally expressed in terms of the
height of the barometer, measured
in centimeters or inches; as a
pressure of 75.3 cm. {of mercury)
is understood. The pressure of
the atmosphere, in grams per l-i,:
square centimeter, is equal to the
weight of a vertical column of air one square centimeter in cross-
section, extending from the place where the pressure is taken to
the upper limit of the atmosphere.
Laboratory Exercises JO and li.
42. The Barometer. — The barometer was invented by Evange-
lista Torricelli (1608-1647), an Italian mathematician and scientist,
in 1643, some years before Guericke's celebrated experiments at
Magdeburg. The space above the mercury in a barometer is
called a Torricellian vacuum in honor of the inventor.
That the barometer column is sustained by the pressure of the
atmosphere was conclusively proved by Pascal, under whose direc-
tion the height of the barometer was determined at the foot and
at the summit of Puy de Dome, a high mountain in France. The
height of the mercury fell nearly 8 cm. during the ascent of about
900 m. The effect of decrease of atmospheric pressure upon the
height of the barometer can be more conveniently shown by
36 The Mechanics of Gases
exhausting the air from a tall receiver under which a barometer
tube has been placed. The mercury continues to fall as long as
the process of exhaustion is continued {£xp.).
Barometer tubes are mounted in a variety of ways, and pro-
vided with scales and other devices for convenience and accuracy
in reading. Before the tube is mounted, the mercury in it is
boiled to expel all air and moisture.
43. Uses of the Barometer. — It is a well-established fact that
different conditions of the weather are accompanied or preceded,
with considerable regularity, by certain changes of atmospheric
pressure, as determined by the height of the barometer. (Gener-
ally speaking, the barometer is low in stormy weather and high in
clear weather ; hence the approach of a storm is indicated by a
fall, and the approach of Hiir weather by a rise, of the barometer.
The difference between high and low barometer rarely exceeds
two or three centimeters.
This knowledge is used in predicting changes in the weather ;
but the forecasts made by the Weather Bureau are based on other
sources of information as well, including temperature, direction
and velocity of the wind, the course and progress of storms up
to the time when the forecast is made, and the existing state
of the weather ; all of which are reported to the central office by
the different stations distributed over the country. The problem
of forecasting the weather is thus a very complex one.
The barometer is also used for measuring altitudes. The
change of pressure due to a given change of altitude being known,
the height of a mountain can be computed from the reading of a
barometer at its base and at its summit. The height to which a
balloon ascends is determined in the same way. For moderate
altitudes above sea level, it is approximately correct to compute the
change of altitude at the rate of 900 ft. for a fall of the barometer
of one inch.
1. Explain the process of drinking through a straw.
2. When the mercury barometer stands at a height of 76 cm., what will
Atmospheric Pressure 37
be the height of a barometer the liquid in which has a specific gravity of
3. When the barometer stands at 76 cm., a hter of air at 0° C. weighs
1.293 g. At the same temperature and pressure, what will be the weight of
the air in a room 9 m. by 7 m. and 4 m. high ?
4. Compute the weight of i cu. ft. of air at 0° C. and 76 cm. pressure (sp.
gr. of air = .001293).
5. What weight of air at this temperature and pressure is contained in a
room 20 by 30 ft., and 12 ft. high ?
6. In ascending a mountain will the fall of the barometer during each
thousand feet of ascent be greater or less than for the preceding thousand
feet? Why ?
7. (a) The weight of the atmosphere is equal to the weight of an ocean
of mercury covering the entire surface of the earth to what depth ? (/v) What
would be the depth of water covering the entire surface of the earth and
having equal weight ?
8. The surface of the body of a man of medium size is about 16 sq. ft.
Assuming this value and also that the pressure of the atmosphere is 14.7 lbs.
per sq. in., compute the total pressure that a man sustains upon the surface
of his body.
II. Boyle's Law
44. The Elastic Force of Gases. — Let A (Fig. 24) represent
any portion of the air. It may be thought of as distinct from the
surrounding air, although no bounding sur-
face actually exists. The surrounding air
presses inward upon all sides of A, as indi-
cated by the arrows pointing inward. These
pressures are balanced at every point by an
equal outward pressure exerted by A upon
the surrounding air (equal action and reac- P^^' ^
tion). This pressure exerted by A is not the
result of its weight, but of its tendency to expand; just as a com-
pressed spiral spring or a compressed piece of rubber exerts an
outward pressure that is independent of its weight. IVAy gases
tend to expand is a question that will be considered later (Art. 182).
The fact may be accepted for the present without explanation.
The pressure (per unit area) exerted by any body of gas is
The Mechanics of Gases
called its elastic force. The English physicist, Robert Boyle, who
was among the first to study the mechanics of the air, called this
elastic force the spring of the air. The appropriateness of the
term will be evident if one suddenly pushes down the piston of a
small compression pump (such as a bicycle pump), at the same
time keeping the tube closed to prevent the escape of the air
{Exp.), The pressure exerted by the confined air rapidly increases
as the piston is pushed farther in, and this pushes the piston back
again when it is released. In fact, the confined air acts as a
spring would if put in its place. The experiment shows that the
elastic force of a gas is increased by compression.
At the same temperature and density, the elastic force of the
air in a closed vessel is equal to that of the atmosphere. (Which
of the preceding experiments of this chapter have shown this to be
45. Measurement of the Elastic Force of Gases. — A pressure
gauge, or manometer ^ is an instrument for measuring the elastic
force of a gas in a closed space.
An Open Manometer (Fig. 25) is commonly used for the meas-
urement of pressures only slightly greater or less
^0j^ than one atmosphere. It consists essentially of a
^T glass U-tube partly filled with water or mercury,
K t, with a rubber tube attached to one arm for mak-
■ ing connections, and a scale for measuring the
height of the li(|uid in the two arms. On con-
necting such a manometer with the gas pipes and
turning on the gas, the liquid will be pushed
down in the arm in which the gas is admitted.
The pressure of the gas upon the surface a is
equal to the pressure at the same level, c, in the
other arm ; and the latter pressure is the sum of
the atmospheric pressure upon d, and the pressure
due to the weight of the column of liquid dc.
Hence the pressure due to the weight of l>c meas-
ures the dijference between the pressure of the gas and the pressure
Fig. 25.
Boyle's Law 39
of the atmosphere. For example, if the liquid in the manometer
is water and the difference of level 8 cm., the pres-
sure of the gas exceeds that of the air by 8 g. per scm.
The Closed Manofneter. — A short siphon barom-
eter with a rubber tube attached to the open arm
(Fig. 26) is used to measure the pressure in partially
exhausted vessels. Since there is no air or other gas
in the closed arm, the mercury completely fills it
when under atmospheric pressure. While the air or
other gas is being pumped from a vessel to which a
closed manometer is attached, the mercury continues
to fill the closed arm for some time, if the original ^
pressure was more than sufficient to sustain the full
height of the column. It is only after the mercury begins to fall
that the difference of level of the columns measures the pressure.
46. Units for the Measurement of Pressure. — The pressure of
gases may be measured in any of the following units : —
In grams per square centimeter or pounds per square inch.
In centimeters or inches of mercury or of water.
In atmospheres. An atmosphere is the pressure of a column
of mercury 76 cm. high. This unit is approximately the average
pressure of the atmosphere at sea level. It is constant and is not
to be confounded with the actual atmospheric pressure, which
varies from day to day and is different at different altitudes.
The pupil should be able to formulate rules for finding the
value of a given pressure in each of these units when its value in
terms of any one of them is known.
47. Boyle's Law. — The English physicist, Robert Boyle (1627-
1691), discovered a simple relation between the volume of a gas
and the pressure upon it. This relation, known as Boyle's law,
has been found to be approximately true for all gases. It is as
follows : —
The temperature remaining the same, the volume of a given body
of gas varies inversely as the pressure upon it.
For example, if the pressure upon any body of gas is doubled,
40 The Mechanics of Gases
the volume of the gas will be decreased one half; or, if the pressure
is reduced to one fifth of its original value, the volume will be-
come five limes as great as at first.
If the volume of a mass of gas is Kj when the pressure upon it
is Pi (g. per scm.) and K when the pressure is F^y then, ac-
cording to the law, /j : /^ : : K^ : l\. From this proportion we
obuin Pxy\ = PiVt'i that is, at a constant temperature, the prod-
uct of the volume of a given body of gas and the pressure upon it
is constant.
It has been found that Boyle's law is not perfectly exact for
any gas ; but the departure from the law is so slight that it can be
detected only by very accurate measurement, unless the pressure
is so great that the gas is near the point of condensation. The
law does not hold if the change of pressure is accompanied by a
change of temperature ; for a rise of temperature will itself cause
an increase of pressure or of volume {Exp,).
Laboratory Exercise J J,
48. The Relation between the Density and the Pressure of a
Gas. — It follows from lioyle's law that —
The temperature remaining the same^ the density of a gas is pro-
portional to the pressure upon it.
Thus if the pressure upon a quantity of gas is increased three-
fold, its volume will be one third as great as at first ; and, since
the entire mass occupies one third its former volume, its density
will be three times as great as at first. The increase of the elastic
force of a gas with increase of density is well illustrated by the
effect of the air in a bicycle tire. After the tire is fully inflated, a
further supply of air causes a proportionate increase in its density;
and, as is well known, this makes the tire " harder."
Laboratory Exercise 14,
I. A cubical vessel 20 cm. in each dimension is full of air at a pressure of
one atmosphere. What is the total pressure exerted by the confined air upon
the walls of the vessel ?
Applications of Atmospheric Pressure 41
2. Does the vessel support this pressure when it is surrounded by air
under equal pressure ?
3. What would be the total pressure tending to burst the vessel if it were
placed under a receiver from which half the air was exhausted (none of the
air being removed from the vessel) ?
4. Find the weight of air contained in the vessel, assuming that its den-
sity is .(X)i2 g. per ccm.
5. {a) At what depth in fresh water is the pressure due to its weight equal
to one atmosphere ? {b) At what depth in salt water ?
6. From what depth in water must a bubble of gas start in order that its
volume may be doubled on reaching the surface ?
7. {a) What is the pressure in pounds per square inch at a depth of 3
miles in the ocean ? {b) What is the total pressure at that depth upon a fish
the surface of whose body has an area of 25 sq. in. ?
8. A cubic decimeter of gas is under a pressure of 100 cm. of mercury.
What will be its volume at the same temperature under a pressure of 30 cm.
of mercury ?
9. A liter of gas is taken under a pressure of one atmosphere. What will
be its volume at the same temperature under a pressure of 100 cm. of mercury?
10. Two liters of gas under a pressure of one atmosjihere will have what
volume when the pressure is reduced to 900 g. per scm. ?
III. Applications of Atmospheric Pressure
49. The Air Pump. — A simple form of air pump is represented
in Fig. 27. The pump consists of a metal cylinder in which fits
an air-tight piston operated by the handle. There are two valves,
a and bj the former in the piston and the latter at the entrance of
the tube, at the bottom of the cylinder. The valves open in one
direction only, as shown in the figure. The simplest form of valve
consists of a piece of flexible leather, placed so as to cover the
hole and fastened at one edge. The valve closes the opening air-
tight when pressed against it, and leaves it open when pushed in
the opposite direction. The pump is connected by a tube to an
opening, (9, at the center of a flat metal plate, PQ, upon which
stands a receiver, R.
Suppose the piston to be at rest at the bottom of the cylinder.
Both valves will be closed, being held down by their weight.
The Mechanics of Gases
During the up stroke of the piston, the small amount of air
beneath it expands and fills the increased space, and its pressure
Fig. 27.
decreases proportionally. The atmospheric pressure upon the
top of valve a being now greater than the pressure from beneath,
this valve is firmly closed. When the downward pressure upon d
is sufficiently diminished, the pressure of the air in the tube
beneath this valve lifts it, permitting some of the air in the
receiver to escape into the space below the piston. As soon as
the piston stops rising, the lower valve is closed by its own weight.
On pushing the piston down, the air beneath it is compressed.
This air cannot escape through the lower valve, since the increased
pressure only closes this valve more tightly. When the amount of
compression is such that the density of the confined air is slightly
greater than that of the atmosphere, the upper valve is forced
open, permitting the air to escape.
These processes are repeated with every stroke of the piston,
thus gradually removing the air from the receiver. The limit of
Applications of Atmospheric Pressure 43
possible exhaustion is reached when the pressure of the air re-
maining in the receiver is insufficient to Hft the lower valve, or
when the quantity of air that enters the cylinder with the up stroke
is so small that it cannot be compressed enough to raise the upper
Pumps for obtaining a more nearly perfect vacuum are pro-
vided with metal valves or stoj)cocks, operated automatically by
a simple mechanism attached to the piston or to the piston
50. The Compression Pump. — If the valves of the pump repre-
sented in Fig. 27 were made to
open in the opposite direction,
the pump, when operated, would
force air into the receiver. A
pump made to force air or any
gas into a closed vessel is called
a compression pump. A pump
such as is represented in Fig. 28
may be used either for exhaust-
ing or compressing gases. On
operating the pump, air enters it
through A and leaves it through
C. Hence if a closed vessel be
attached to C, air will be forced into it ; if attached to Ay the air
will be exhausted from it.
A bicycle pump is a compression pump of very simple construc-
tion. It has but one valve, the entire piston serving this purpose.
The valve in the tube of the bicycle tire
takes the place of the outlet valve in the
pump. (Examine a bicycle pump and
explain its action.)
A bellows is a form of compression
pump. It is provided with two valves,
a and b (Fig. 29), the former opening inward, the latter outward.
(Explain its action.)
Fig. 28.
Fig. 29.
The Mechanics of Gases
51. The Lifting Pump. — The lifting or suction pumpy used for
pumping water, is similar to an air pump in its construction and
action. The valves open upward, as shown in the figure. A pipe
extends from the cylinder or barrel of the pump to some distance
below the surface of the water in the well or cistern. The piston
is operated by means of a lever, called the handle. Starting with
the pump " empty," it first acts as an air pump to exhaust the air
from the pipe (see Art. 49). During this process the pressure of
the air within the barrel and the pipe decreases and the greater
pressure of the air upon the water in the well forces some of it up
Fig. 30.
Fig. 31.
Fig. 32.
into the pipe ; the pressure due to the weight of the column of
water thus sustained being equal to the difference between the
atmospheric pressure and the pressure of the air remaining in the
After the pump is filled with water, the water below the piston
follows it during the up stroke, being pushed upward through the
lower valve. When the piston begins to descend, the lower valve
closes, preventing the return of the water into the pipe. The
valve in the piston is forced open at the same time, and the water
flows through it into the space above. At the beginning of the
Applications of Atmospheric Pressure 45
up stroke, the valve in the piston falls and the water above it is
lifted out.
Since the entire pressure of the atmosphere can sustain a col-
umn of water only to a height of about 10.3 m. (34 ft.), the lower
valve would have to be within that distance of the water in the
well even if the pump were capable of producing a perfect vacuum.
The actual limit of distance is about 28 or 30 ft.
52. The Force Pump. — In the force pump the second valve is
placed at the entrance to the discharge pipe, B (Fig. 32). There
is no valve in the piston. The action of the pump during the up
stroke of the piston is the same as in the lifting pump. (Which
valve is open ? Which closed ?) With the down stroke of the
piston the water is forced into the discharge pipe. The height to
which water can be forced in the discharge pipe depends only
upon the strength of the pump, being in no way affected by
atmospheric pressure.
Force pumps are generally provided with an air chamber, D,
connected with the discharge pipe. During the down stroke of
the piston the water is forced into the chamber, compressing the
air above it. The elastic force of the compressed air maintains
the flow from the air chamber during the up stroke of the piston,
making the flow continuous. The force pump is used to force
water to considerable heights, and to deliver it under great pres-
sure, as in fire engines.
53. The Siphon. — A bent tube or pipe for transferring liquids
over an elevation from a higher to a lower level is called a siphon
(Fig. 33). Either a rigid or a flexible tube
will serve the purpose. To start a small
siphon, it may be held with the bend down
and filled, then, with a finger over each
end, inverted and placed in position ; or it
may be placed in position and the air then
exhausted by applying the mouth to the
lower end. Siphons are generally provided with a suction tube
for this purpose, so that the liquid will not flow into the mouth.
46 The Mechanics of Gases
The liquid will continue to flow as long as one end of the siphon
is covered by it, and the other end is below the level of its surface,
/>. below ab in the figure ; but if the outlet of the siphon is also
immersed, the flow will cease as soon as the liquids in the two
vessels reach the same level.
To explain the action of the siphon we may suppose it to be
stopped by closing the outlet, r, with the finger. The liquid will
then be at rest, and the laws of pressure for liquids in equilibrium
will hold. At points a and b in the tube, on a level with the sur-
face of the liquid, the pressure is the same as that of the atmos-
phere. The pressure at c is equal to this plus the pressure due
to the weight of the liquid column be. Hence, when the finger
is removed, this pressure of the column be acts as an unbalanced
force u|X)n the liquid in the siphon, causing it to flow. The liquid
is held in a continuous column by the pressure of the atmosphere,
acting at the ends of the siphon ; otherwise the liquid would part
at the top and run out at both ends, leaving the siphon empty.
It is, in fact, the transmitted pressure of the atmosphere that forces
the liquid up the short arm.
Laboratory Rxereise 12.
64. Respiration. — In breathing, the size of the chest cavity is
alternately increased and diminished by muscular action. The
pressure of the air in the lungs causes them to expand so as
always to fill the space afforded them ; hence, when the chest is
raised and the diaphragm depressed in inhaling, the expansion of
the air already in the lungs diminishes its pressure and more air is
pushed into the lungs by the greater pressure of the outside air.
The familiar expression " drawing in a breath " is misleading in
that it implies a pulling force. When the chest is contracted in
exhaling, the air in the lungs is compressed and some of it is
forced out.
55. Buoyancy of the Air. — A body of considerable size and of
small specific gravity weighs appreciably more under a partially
exhausted receiver than it does in air. This fact may be illustrated
with the apparatus shown in Fig. 34. A hollow globe, closed air-
Applications of Atmospheric Pressure 47
FIG. 34.
tight, is exactly balanced in air by a solid brass weight. When
the apparatus is placed under the receiver of an air pump and the
air exhausted, the globe descends,
showing that it is now heavier than
the weight {Exp.).
The experiment proves that air
exerts a buoyant force. The globe
and the solid body have equal
weight in air ; but the buoyant force
of the air is greater upon the globe,
since it is much the larger of the
two. Hence, with partial exhaus-
tion of the air in the receiver, there
is greater loss of buoyancy upon the
globe, and it therefore sinks. The
law of buoyancy for gases is the
same as for liquids and for the same reasons (Art. 31).
The amount of the buoyant force of the air upon solids and
liquids is relatively very small, and in the affairs of daily life may
be disregarded.^ The true weight of a body is its weight in a
vacuum ; its weight in air in called its apparent weight when it is
necessary to distinguish between the two. The difference between
the true and the apparent weight of a body is, of course, the
buoyant force of the air upon it. The buoyant force of the air
upon gases is relatively large. In fact, upon gases less dense than
air it exceeds their true weight. Such a gas tends to rise, just as
a cork does in water. The weight of a gas is always understood
to mean its true weight.
56. The Balloon. — A balloon is sustained by the buoyant force
of the air, the gas with which it is filled being lighter than air.
Hydrogen is best adapted to the purpose, being the lightest of
gases ; but illuminating gas is generally used, as it is cheaper and
more easily obtained. Hot air was used in the balloons first in-
1 The buoyant force of the air upon i ksj. (i liter) of water is the weight of a
liter of air, or about 1.2 g, ; upon i kg. of lead the buoyant force is about .1 g.
The Mechanics of Gases
vented. A balloon will rise if the buoyant force upon it is greater
than its true weight, including the weight of
the gas with which it is filled and the weight of
the car and its load.
A balloon is not fully inflated at the start,
space being left for the expansion of the gas
as the atmospheric pressure upon it dimin-
ishes during the ascent. As long as this ex-
pansion continues, the buoyant force upon a
balloon remains constant, for the increase in
the volume of the displaced air offsets the de-
crease in its density. As a balloon rises after
becoming fully distended, the buoyant force
decreases until it is no greater than the true
weight of the balloon and all it carries. The
balloon then ceases to rise, unless lightened
by throwing out sand, a supply of which is
carried for that purpose. When the aeronaut
wishes to descend, he opens a valve at the top of the balloon and
some of the gas escapes.
Fig. 35.
1. Orer how great an elevation can water be siphoned ? Why ? Over
how great an elevation can mercury be siphoned ? Would a siphon work in
a vacuum ? Explain.
2. (a) At ordinary temperatures and under a pressure of one atmosphere,
a cubic meter of air weighs about 1.2 kg., a cubic meter of hydrogen about
.083 kg., and a cubic meter of illuminating gas about .74 kg. Assuming
these values, what is the buoyant force upon a balloon containing 500 cu. m.
of hydrogen ? (d) How great a weight will this buoyant force sustain
in addition to the weight of the hydrogen ?
3. With what volume of illuminating gas must a balloon be filled to rise,
if the empty balloon, the car, and the occupants together weigh 500 kg. ?
4. Will the true weight of a body be greater or less than its weight in
air when weighed on an equal-arm balance with brass weights (a) if the
density of the body is the same as that of brass? (^) if its density is less?
(<•) if its density is greater ?
I. Concurrent Forces
57. Mechanics. — Mechanics is the branch of physics that treats
of the action of forces upon bodies. It is divided into statics and
dynamics or kinetics.
Statics is the mechanics of balanced forces (Art. ii) ; it treats
of the relations that must exist among the forces acting upon a
body at rest in order that the body may remain at rest. The
statics of fluids is the subject of the two preceding chapters. The
subject of the present chapter is the statics of solids.
Dynamics^ or kinetics, is the mechanics of unbalanced forces
(Art. 1 1 ) ; it treats of the effects of unbalanced forces in produc-
ing and changing motion. The dynamics of solids is the subject
of the following chapter.
58. Equilibrium of Two Forces. — The relations that must exist
among two or more forces in order that they may balance each
other are called the conditions necessary for equilibriutn^ or, simply,
the conditions of equilibrium.
The conditions of equilibrium for two forces can be studied by
means of two drawscales and a board supported upon three
Fig. 36.
marbles lying on a table (Fig. 36). Cords are attached to nails at
A and B. Horizontal forces are applied to the board through
50 Statics of Solids
these cords and are measured by the drawscales. If these forces
are in equiUbrium with each other, the board will remain at rest ;
if they are not in equilibrium, it will move, since the friction is
inappreciable. By trial with the apparatus it will be found that :
( I ) When equal forces are applied in opposite directions but not
along the same line, the board will not be in equilibrium, but will
rotate until the lines of action of the forces coincide (Fig. 37).
Fig. 37.
The board will then be in equilibrium. (2) When the applied
forces are opposite and have the same line of action, but are
unequal, the board will be pulled in the direction of the greater
force. (3) When the forces are either equal or unequal but
not opposite in direction, the board will not be in equilibrium
The experiment shows that fwo forces balance each other only
when they are equal in magnitude^ opposite in direction^ and have
the same line of action.
A and B are the points of application of the forces respectively.
A force produces the same effect when it is applied at any other
point in the same line of action. Thus, if either of the equal and
opposite forces be applied at C (Fig. 37) instead of at A or B,
they will still be in equilibrium.
59. Elements of a Force. — The effect of a force depends upon
its magnitude^ its direction, and \\.% point of application (or line of
action) . These are called the elements of a force. They must all
be considered in describing and comparing forces, and in discuss-
ing their effects.
60. Representation of Forces. — In studying the relations of a
set of forces to one another, it is often convenient to make use of
Concurrent Forces 51
a diagram in which each force is represented by a line. The
direction of the force is represented by
the direction of the line, with an arrow-
head placed on it ; the magnitude of the
force, by the length of the line; and its
point of application, by the point from
which the line is drawn. The method is
illustrated in Fig. 38, which represents two forces having a common
point of application, O, and differing in direction by a right angle.
The force represented by OB is twice as great as the other.
The magnitude of a force can be represented on any scale
desired. Thus i cm. may represent a force of 10 g., 100 g.,
500 g., etc. But the same scale must be used for all forces in the
same figure.
61. Resultant and Components. — In many cases where two or
more forces act upon a body at the same time, a single force can
be found which, acting alone, would produce the same effect upon
the body as the given forces. This one force is called the result-
ant of the forces to which it is equivalent, and the latter are called
the cojnponetits {i.e. parts) of the resultant.
The resultant of any number of forces acting along the same
line in the same direction is their sum. Thus, if a boy pulls on a
cart with a force of 15 lb., and another boy pulls with him, exerting
a force of 25 lb., the effect upon the cart will be the same as that
of a single force of 40 lb. acting in the same direction.
The resultant of two forces acting in opposite directions along
the same line is their difference, and its direction is that of the
greater component. The resultant of two equal forces acting
in opposite directions along the same line is zero, since the two
forces exactly neutralize each other (Art. 58). The resultant of
any set of balanced forces is zero, for the same reason.
The process of finding the resultant of two or more given forces
is called the composition of forces. In the case of forces acting
along the same line, composition is effected by adding all the forces
that act in one direction, and subtracting all that act in the oppo-
Statics of Solids
site direction. Other methods are required for forces acting at an
angle or along different parallel lines, as shown in the following
62. Equilibrium of Three Concurrent Forces. — ^ Forces whose
lines of action meet in a point are
called concurrent forces.
A simple form of apparatus for
studying the conditions of equilibrium
for three concurrent forces is shown
in Fig. 39» Three cords are tied to
a ring and a drawscale is attached
to each. The scales are adjusted so
that all exert a considerable force at
the same time. The ring will be in
equilibrium under the action of the
three forces, all of which lie in the
Fig. 39.
same plane. These forces are concurrent at
the center of the ring; their directions are
outward from this center in the directions of
the cords ; and their magnitudes are given by
the readings of the scales. In order to deter-
mine the relations that exist among the forces,
they are represented in magnitude and direc-
tion by the lines , and is pulled in a horizontal
direction till A is drawn 20 cm. from the vertical through O,
Find the tension upon AO and upon AF.
8. Find the resultant of three concurrent forces of 5, 16,
and II lb., respectively, the first two acting in opposite direc-
tions, and the third at right angles to them (Fig. 45).
9. A weight of ico lb. is suspended at the
middle of a rope, ACB (Fig. 46), 20 ft. long.
The ends of the rope are fastened at points
A and B at the same height. What is the
tension of the rope when CD is 3 ft. ? when CD is I ft.?
when CD is i inch ?
10. (a) A brick lies on the ground. What is the equilibrant of the weight
of the brick ? {b) What is the reaction of the pressure of the brick upon
the ground ?
11. How does the reaction of a force differ from its equilibrant ? Men-
tion examples to illustrate.
12. If any number of forces and their equilibrant together act upon a
body, what is their combined effect ?
Fig. 45.
II. Parallel Forces
67. Equilibrium of Three Parallel Forces. — Parallel forces are
forces having parallel lines of action.
It is found by experiment that if three parallel forces acting
upon the same body are in equilibrium, the following conditions
are always fulfilled : —
56 Statics of Solids
I. 754^ three forces ^f^^f^^ andf^ (Fig. 47), are in one plane.
2. The two outside forces act in the same direc-
T- tion and the inside force in the opposite direction,
j[=^ 3. The inside force is equal to the sum of the
other tuto,
4. The outside forces are ittversely proportional
to the distances * of their lines of action from the
Fig. 47. line of cu tion of the inside force ; that is, — <
fi : fi :: di I ^„ orfdi =f^t.
It will seem that the inside force is nearer the larger of the other
two ; but if the latter are equal, it is midway between them. The
points of application of the three forces need not lie in a straight
line. Any one of the three forces may be regarded as the equili-
brant of the other two.
Laboratory Exercise 16.
68. Resultant of Two Parallel Forces acting in the Same Direc-
tion. — When three parallel forces are in equilibrium,
the two outside forces together balance the third
force; hence their resultant would also balance it. t/j
This resultant {R, Fig. 48) must, therefore, have the
same line of action as the third force, and must be ^" ^ '
equal to it in magnitude and opposite in direction; hence, —
Tlu resultant of two parallel forces acting in the same direction
is equal to their sum ; it acts in the same direction, and its line of
action divides the distance between them into parts inversely pro-
portional to the forces,
1. Two boys, A and B, carry a load between them suspended from a pole
5 ft. long. The load is 2 ft. from A's end. What fraction of it does A
carry ?
2. If the load weighs 161 lb., where must it be hung in order that A may
carry 92 lb. of it ?
1 The distance between two lines or from a point to a line is always understood
to mean the perpendicular distance.
Moments of Force 57
III. Moments of Force
69. Tendency of a Force to cause Rotation. — A force applied
to a body may tend to cause it to turn round or rotate about some
line as an axis. The simplest case is represented in Fig. 49. A
slender stick (meter rod) is supported on a
horizontal axis, as a nail, through a hole so
situated that the rod will come to rest in a
horizontal position. A weight attached on
either side of the axis will cause rotation. '^' '^^'
Two weights, either equal or unequal, can be attached, one on each
side of the axis, at such points that the rod will remain in equi-
librium {Exp^. The experiment shows that the tendency of a
given force to produce rotation is increased by applying it farther
from the axis, and that the rod will be in equilibrium only when
the product of one force and its distance- from the axis is equal
to the product of the other force and its distance. If/i andy^
denote the weights, and ^i and a^ their distances from the axis
respectively, then the condition for equilibrium will be expressed
by the equation
/i «i =/2 5^^^^^fe j t^ F^^:=d
of the body and ^the ~^" ~
/ , Fig. 66.
center of buoyancy.
When a floating body is displaced from its position of equilibrium,
the lines of action of weight and buoyancy no longer coincide, and
the two forces constitute a couple whose effect is to restore equi-
librium, if the equilibrium was stable, or to carry the body still
farther from that position, if the equilibrium was unstable. When
the rectangular block represented in the figure is tilted from its
first position, the center of buoyancy shifts toward the deeper
displacement, while the position of the center of gravity remains
unchanged. This establishes a couple which tends to restore the
body to its former position. Equilibrium in the first position is
therefore stable. The third part of the figure represents the posi-
tion of unstable equilibrium {Exp.). (Illustrate this in a figure
showing the body slightly displaced.)
66 Statics of Solids
The equilibrium of a floating body is always stable when the
center of gravity of the body is below the center of buoyancy ;
when it is above the center of buoyancy, the equilibrium may be
either stable or unstable, depending upon the shape and position
of the body, as illustrated above. The equilibrium is neutral if
the centers of gravity and buoyancy remain in the same vertical
line when the l)ody is disturbed, as is the case with a sphere or a
long cylinder with its axis horizontal {Exp.),
84. Stability of Floating Bodies. —The stability of a floating
body of given shape is increased by lowering its center of gravity ;
for this increases the arm of the couple, which tends to right the
body when displaced. It is for this reason that a vessel witho'ut
a cargo carries ballast.
I. In what direction does a person lean when carrying a heavy load
in one hand ? Why ?
2. Show that when a homogeneous hemisphere is
inclined {A^ Fig. 67), its weight tends to bring it into
the position shown in B. In what kind of e(|uilibrium
is it in the second position ? Is it in unstable equi-
librium in the first position ? Give reasons.
3. (a) Oil cans are made of the shape shown in Fig. 68, and are
weighted with lead at the bottom. Such a can rights itself when
tipped. Explain. (^) Does the can really rise or fall when it
rights itself? fiG. 68.
4. Why does a person always lean forward before attempting to rise from
a chair ?
5. A pencil with a knife attached can be balanced, as shown in Fig. 69.
Try it. ^^^lat is the evidence that the equilibrium is stable ?
Where is the center of gravity of the pencil and knife regarded as
one body ?
6. Show by means of figures that the .moment of the weight of
a sphere is zero upon a horizontal surface, but not upon an inclined
7. If a body that will not roll remains at rest when placed on
an inclined plane, three forces act to hold it in equilibrium. Two
Fig. 69. of these forces are its weight and the pressure of the plane. What
Equilibrium of Bodies 67
is the third force, and in what direction does it act ? Draw a figure correctly
representing the direction and the relative magnitude of the three forces.
8. Two spheres weighing 50 kg. and 15 kg., respectively, are connected
by a rod so that the distance between their centers is 80 cm. Disregarding
the weight of the rod, where is the center uf gravity of the whole considered
as one liody ?
9. The average distance between the centers of the earth and the moon
is about 240,000 miles ; the mass of the earth is 80 times that of the moon.
How far is their common center of gravity from the earth's center?
10. Two men, A and B, carry a board 30 ft. long and of uniform cross-
section. A holds at one end ; where must B hold in order to carry .6 of the
11. A boy weighing 40 lb. wishes to seesaw alone on a plank weighing
70 lb. The plank is 24 ft. long, and the center of gravity of the boy is i ft.
from an end of the plank. How far from that end must the plank be sup-
ported ?
12. Why is it an advantage to spread the feet when standing upon a sur-
face that is moving unsteadily, as the deck of a vessel ?
13. What would happen to the leaning tower of Pisa (Fig. 75) if the
vertical through its center of gravity fell without the base of the tower ?
14. Is the stability of a boat greater when the occupants are standing or
sitting ? Why ?
15. Why is it difficult to walk on stilts ?
16. A uniform stick oC timber 10 ft. long balances on an axis 3 ft. from
one end when a weight of 20 lb. is hung from that end. Find the weight of
the stick.
17. Why cannot one stand with hb heels against a wall and lean forward
without falling ?
18. Two boys, A and B, carry a uniform plank 24 ft. long, weighing 120
lb. A holds at one end and B 4 ft. from the other end. What load does
each carry ?
I. Motion
85. Motion. — Motion is continuous change of position. The
line along which the center of gravity of a body moves is regarded
as the path of the body. The motion of a body is completely
known when we know its path and the rate of motion at every
point of the path, or the rate and direction of motion at every
instant during the motion.
Rate of motion is called speed. Velocity includes both rate and
direction of motion. The distinction in meaning between the two
words is frequently useful, but it is not strictly adhered to. Thus
the word velocity is frequently used to signify merely rate of
motion, its direction not being a matter of importance for the
purpose under consideration.
86. Uniform Motion. — The motion of a body is uniform if the
body passes over equal portions of its path in equal intervals of
time, however short these intervals may be. If the motion of a
body is imiform, its speed is constant, and is measured by the
distance that the body moves over in a unit of time.
Speed is measured in various combinations of units of distance
and of time, as centimeters per second, meters per second, feet
per second, miles per hour, etc. In the definitions that follow,
the second will be named as the unit of time, since it is the only
one that is used in scientific work.
The whole distance passed over by a body moving with constant
speed is equal to the product of the speed and the time occupied
in traversing the distance. Hence, letting d denote the distance,
Motion 69
V the (magnitude of the) velocity, and / the time, we have for
uniform motion : —
d—vt'. also V = -, and /= -• (i)
87. Variable Motion. — The expression "the velocity of a
body " has no definite meaning unless the velocity is constant. If
it is variable, qualifying terms are required, as indicated in the
following definitions : —
T/ie velocity of a body at any instant (or at any point of its path)
is the distance that it would pass over during the next second (or
other unit of time) if its velocity continued unchanged from that
instant. Thus when we say that a train is running at the rate of
30 miles per hour, we mean that it would run 30 miles in an hour
if it continued at its present rate for one hour.
The average velocity of a body during any interval of time (or
between any two points of its path) is the uniform velocity that
would be required to pass over the same distance in the same
time. Average velocity is therefore equal to the distance divided
by the time. Representing average velocity by z>, its definition is
expressed by the formula,
d—vt) from which v = -* (2)
For example, if an automobile runs 108 mi. in 6 hr., its
average rate is 18 mi. per hr., since this is the uniform rate
required to run the given distance in the given time. The actual
rate may vary from o (during intervals of stopping) to 40 or 50
mi. per hr.
88. Representation of Velocities. — A velocity may be repre-
sented in both magnitude and direction by a b.^
straight line, just as a force may be. Thus if
OA (Fig. 70) represents a velocity of 3 ft. per
sec. east, then OB represents a velocity of 2 ft. o' ■ ^^
per sec. north. ^^''' 7°-
89. Composition of Velocities. — A body may have two or more
independent motions at the same tinae {Exp.). Thus a boat
rowed across a stream has a motion imparted by the rowing, and
also a motion due to the current and equal to it. Suppose the
boat to be constantly headed directly toward the opposite shore,
and let O (Fig. 71) represent the starting point.
OB would be the path of the boat if there were
no current. OC is the distance the stream flows
while the boat is crossing. The actual motion
of the boat is the resultant of these two motions ;
its path is represented by OA, If OB and OC
be taken to represent the component ve/ocitieSt
then OAf the concurrent diagonal of the paral-
lelogram constructed on OB and OC as sides,
will represent the actual, or resultant, velocity upon the same scale.
Velocities are, in fact, compounded by the same rules as forces
(.\rts. 63 and 64). The construction is called the parallelogram
of velocities.
90. Resolution of a Velocity. — A velocity, like a force, can
be resolved into components in any chosen directions. The con-
struction is the same as for the resolution of a force (Art. 66).
For example, a vessel is sailing 30° north of east at the rate of 1 2
Fig. 71.
mi. per hr. At what rate is it advancing north-
ward and at what rate eastward ? It is proved in
geometry that in a right triangle having an acute
angle of 30° the hypothenuse is twice the shorter ^^^- 7a-
leg. Hence ON (Fig. 72), the northerly component of the
velocity, is 6 mi. per hr. ; and OE, the easterly component, is
Fig. 73.
V12* — 6* = 10.4- mi. per hr.
As a further illustration, let us consider how the
boat mentioned in the preceding article must be
rowed in order to reach the opposite bank at B
instead of at A. The resultant motion is now rep-
resented by OB, The component OC, due to the
motion of the stream, is the same as before. Hence
OB is the diagonal of a parallelogram of which
Motion 71
one side is OC. The other component motion is therefore repre-
sented by OA^ (Fig. 73). This means that the boat must be con-
stantly pointed in a direction parallel to 0A\ and that it would
take as long to reach B as it would to row the distance OA' in
still water. (In the preceding problem of Art. 89 would more
time be required to cross to A than to cross to B in still water ?)
1. A ball rolls 53 m. in ii sec. Find its average velocity.
2. A train runs with an average velocity of 23 m. per sec. In what time
does it run a kilometer ?
3. From a train running at the rate of 9 m. per sec, a mail bag is thrown
at right angles to the track with a velocity of 4 m. per sec. Compute the
resultant velocity of the bag at the instant it leaves the hand, and draw a fig-
ure to show its direction.
4. From a train running at the rate of 12 m. per sec. a mail bag is thrown
so that its resultant velocity is equal to that of the train and at right angles
to it. What is the magnitude and direction of the velocity imparted in
throwing the bag ?
5. An arrow is shot directly backward from the rear of a train with a
velocity (relative to the train) equal to that of the train. What is the motion
of the arrow ?
6. The rotation of the earth carries its surface eastward at the rate of
about \ mi. per sec. (in temperate latitudes). When a ball is
thrown up, why is it not left behind (to the west) by the earth
in its rotation ?
7. Four boys, A, B, C, and D (Fig. 74), on the deck of a
moving vessel, pass a ball round in the order of the letters.
What allowance for the motion of the vessel, if any, must be
made by each of the boys in throwing ? Give reasons. ' '^
8. A vessel sails due N.E. at the rate of 15 mi. per hr. Compute the
northerly and easterly components of its velocity.
9. A boat is rowed so that it crosses a stream 100 m. wide to a point directly
opposite to the starting point (Fig. 73). The stream flows .8 m. per sec,
and the boat is rowed at the rate of 1.2 m. per sec. in still water. How long
is the boat crossing the stream ?
91. Acceleration. — The velocity of a body is said to be accel-
erated when it is increasing, and retardedy or ?iegative/y accelerated,
when it is decreasing. The rate of change of velocity is called the
72 Dynamics
acceUration. Thus, if a body starting from a state of rest has a
velocity of 3 m. per sec. at end of the first second, 6 m. per sec.
at the end of the second second, 9 m. per sec. at the end of the
third second, etc., its velocity increases 3 m. per sec. every second ;
i.e, its acceleration is 3 m. per sec. per sec. This is a case of
uniformly atceUraUd motion^ or constant acceleration^ the increase
of velocity being the same for each second. When the velocity
of a body decreases by the same amount during each second,
its motion is said to be uniformly retarded^ or to have a constant
negative acceleration.
It more frequently happens that the acceleration of a body is
variable. This is the case, for example, with a street car. As
its speed increases, the rate of increase diminishes. When its
speed is the greatest, the increase of speed, or acceleration, is zero.
There are, however, important cases of constant acceleration ; and
it is only these that we shall consider quantitatively.
Motion is accelerated when it changes in direction, even if the
speed remains constant. This, however, is reserved for later con-
sideration (Art. 119).
92. Formulas for Uniformly Accelerated Motion. — In the
case of uniformly accelerated motion in a straight line, the accel-
eration is measured by the constant change of speed that occurs
during each second. If a body moves with a constant accelera-
tion of a cm. per sec. per sec, starting from rest, its velocity at the
end of I sec. will be a (centimeters per sec), at the end of 2 sec
it will be 2 /7, at the end of / sec. it will be / a. This is expressed
by the formula
v^at, (3)
in which a denotes the constant acceleration and v the velocity at
the end of / sec. after starting. This is usually called the final
Since the velocity increases from zero at a uniform rate, the
average velocity, z>, during the time /, is one half of the final veloc-
ity ; t^.v=—. The entire distance traversed by the body is the
Motion 73
product of its average velocity and the time (Art. 87) ; hence,
letting d denote this distance,
. -, at ^ at^
d=vt = —Xt = — ;
2 2
.0 / ^
that is, d= — ; and /=\/ (4)
From equation (3), /=-. Substituting this value of / in equa-
tion (4), we have
2 2 a
that is, d= — -, and v^y/tad, (5)
This formula expresses the relation between the constant accel-
eration of a body starting from rest, the distance that the body has
traversed, and its velocity at the end of that distance.
If any two of the quantities in formula (3), (4), or (5) are given,
the value of the third quantity can be found by substituting the
given values in the formula.
93. Laws of Uniformly Accelerated Motion. — The following
laws of uniformly accelerated motion in a straight line, for bodies
starting from rest, are contained in the above formulas : —
I. The velocity at any instant is proportional to the time during
which the body has been in motion. (Formula 3.)
II. The velocity acquired in a given time is proportional to the
acceleration. (Formula 3.)
III. The average velocity during the whole time is half the final
IV. The distance passed over is proportional to the square of
the time. For, if the body traverses the distance d^ in t^ sec. and
the distance d., in /o sec, both measured from the instant of start-
ing, then, from formula (4), /?i = — ^, and 4= — ^. Dividing each
2 2
74 Dynamics
member of the first equation by the corresponding member of the
second, we get . = tj » hence,
d,'d^.'. A* : i,\ (6)
V. Thf distance trm^ersed in a given time is proportional to the
acceleration. (Formula 4.)
VI. The acceleration is numerically equal to twice the distance
trax>ersed during the first second.
For, when /= i, formula (4) becomes d= -.
1. A ftreet car rant with a constant acceleration of 1.2 m. per sec. per sec.
for 8 sec. after starting, (a) What is its velocity at the end uf that time?
(^) What was its average velocity during the 8 sec? (r) How far does it
ran in the 8 sec.?
2. A stone falls with a constant acceleration of 980 cm. per sec. per sec.
In what time will it acquire a velocity uf 35 m. per sec. ?
3. A body moves with a constant acceleration a. (a) How far does it go
in the first second ? (^) What is its average velocity during the first second?
(r) What is the average velocity during the first 6 sec? () What is the
average velocity during the sixth sectmd?
4. A train, running with constant acceleration, goes 560 m. during the
first minute after starting. Find the acceleration in meters per sec. per sec.
5. A car runs with a constant acceleration uf 80 cm. per sec. per sec. for
a distance of 300 m. (. the weight of the body) is unbalanced. It is well known
that a feather or a sheet of paper falls less rapidly than a stone,
and that some bodies — a balloon, for example — rise instead of
Falling Bodies 75
falling. From such familiar facts as these false conclusions are fre-
quently drawn ; but the truth can be gathered from a careful study
of a few simple experiments.
We know that a balloon rises because its weight is less than the
buoyancy of the air, leaving an unbalanced force acting upward.
Since, however, the buoyant force of the air upon solids and
liquids is relatively very small (Art. 55), it cannot appreciably
affect their rate of fall.
If we take two sheets of paper exactly alike and roll one of
them into a tight wad, it will be found, on dropping them simul-
taneously from the same height, that the wad falls much faster
than the open sheet {Exp.). The difference in their rate of fall
is due to the friction of the air, which is greater upon the open
sheet, since it has the greater surface exposed. Buoyancy is evi-
dently not the cause of the difference, since the buoyant force
upon the sheet is the same whatever its shape.
If two pebbles of very unequal size are held, one in each hand,
above the head at the same height, and dropped at the same in-
stant, they will reach the ground together. (Try it.) In this
experiment the friction of the air is too small to produce an
appreciable effect upon either body ; hence their observed motion
may be regarded as due to their weight alone. This experiment
illustrates the interesting fact that all bodies not appreciably
affected by the resistance of the air fall at the same rate, regard-
less of their weight. The pupil should test this further by compar-
ing in pairs the rates of fall of a number of different bodies.
Actual differences in the observed rates of fall may be assumed
to be due to friction of the air ; and the pupil should discover by
experiment the approximate effect of friction upon bodies of
widely different density, by trying simultaneously stone, wood,
cork, wad of paper, etc. The result of greater or less compact-
ness of form can be observed by dropping together a wad of
paper and an open sheet, a block and a very thin board or a leaf,
etc. The effect of the air for greater velocities is easily tested by
dropping the bodies out of a second or third story window.
76 Dynamics
95. HistoricaL — Experiments similar to the above were first
tried, so far as is known, by Galileo Galilei (i 564-1 642), an
Italian mathematician and scientist. For two thousand years no
one had thought to question the doctrine of the Greek philoso-
pher Aristotle, who taught that the rate of fall of bodies was pro-
portional to their weight. Galileo, who more fully appreciated
the value of experiment than any of his predecessors, discovered
^B^ the falsity of this doctrine, and proved the
J^^L correctness of his view to the citizens of Pisa
H^^B by dropping simultaneously a one-pound ball
^^^^t and a one-hundred-pound ball from tlie top
^^^^m of the leaning tower (P'ig. 75). The two
^^^^H balls reached the ground together.
-^^^^K l'^^^ Any difference in the rate of fall of
.'^'^^^BHB^ bodies is due to the resistance of the air was
^^ clearly proved, after the invention of the air
pump, by causing such bodies as a coin and a
feather to fall together from one end to the
other of a long glass tube from which the air
F»«- 7S« had been exhausted. The feather was found
to fall as rapidly as the coin. The experiment is known to the
present day as the guinea and feather experiment
Laboratory Exercise 2t.
96. Acceleration of Falling Bodies. — Our daily experience
teaches that the speed of bodies continually increases as they fall ;
/>. bodies fall with accelerated motion. Since all bodies fall
equal distances in equal times, unless appreciably affected by the
resistance of the air, it is evident that gravity, acting alone, ac-
celerates all bodies equally. It can be shown by a number of
experimental methods that this acceleration is uniform.
One of the simplest and most accurate methods by which the
motion of a falling body can be studied is that known as Whit-
ing's pendulum method (Lab. Ex. 21). In this experiment the
distances , and 4 through which a ball falls in measured inter-
vals of time /i and /, are determined, the ball in each case starting
Falling Bodies 77
from a state of rest. The values obtained will agree (within the
limits of experimental error) with the relation
d,'.d,::t^'.t!', (6)
that is, the distance that a body falls from a state of rest is pro-
portional to the square of the time. Since this is one of the laws
of uniformly accelerated motion (Law IV, Art. 93), it proves that
the acceleration of a falling body is uniform.
97. Laws of Falling Bodies. — All the formulas and laws for
uniformly accelerated motion (Arts. 92 and 93) hold for falling
bodies, their motion being uniformly accelerated ; but in this case
the acceleration is denoted by g^ since it is due to gravity. The
motion of a body falling freely from a state of rest (and hence
falling vertically) is, therefore, completely expressed by the
formulas:- ^^^,. ^^^
^=f; (8)
^=?; (9)
-.= il. (:o)
98. The Value of ^. — Since the weight of a body changes
slightly with a change of latitude or of altitude, the acceleration
that it causes also varies. Thus at the equator, where the weight
of a body is least, the value of^ is 978 cm. per sec. per sec, while
at the poles, where weight is greatest, it is 983 cm. For places
within the temperate zones 980 cm. or 32.15 ft. per sec. per sec.
is a very close approximation ; and this value is to be used in
solving problems.
99. Cause of the Constant Acceleration of Falling Bodies. —
The weight of a body is a constant force, which, so long as the
friction of the air is inappreciable, is wholly unbalanced during
free fall. The constant acceleration of a falling body is therefore
due to the continuous action of a constant unbalanced force.
78 Dynamics
100. Effect of Friction of the Air. — The resistance to motion
due to the friction of the air increases rapidly with the velocity.
Bicycle riders are familiar with an excellent illustration of this.
For example, to ride on a level road at the rate of 10 mi. an hr.
in the direction of a wind of equal velocity requires but little
effort ; but to ride at the same rate against such a wind is very
difficult. The difference is due entirely to the resistance of the
air. In the first case this resistance is zero, since rider and air
are relatively at rest ; in the second case it is the same as if there
were no wind and the rider were going at the rate of 20 mi. per
hr. TTiat this resistance is very considerably is shown by the
increase of effort required to ride against the wind.
Falling bodies meet with a rapidly increasing resistance of the
air, which leaves a continually diminishing portion of their weight
unbalanced to cause further acceleration. Compact bodies of
considerable density, such as a stone, seldom fall far enough for this
resistance to become appreciable ; but bodies having a large sur-
face in proportion to their mass, as a sheet of paper or a leaf, do
not fall far before the friction equab their weight, and, as there
is then no unbalanced force, there is no further acceleration. It
is for this reason that the velocity of raindrops becomes constant
long before they reach the ground.
101. Canae of the Equal Acceleration of Falling Bodies. —The
equal acceleration of falling bodies is due to the fact that weight
is proportional to mass. For example, the earth attracts equal
portions of a large stone and a small one equally ; and the total
force on the larger (/>. its weight) is as many times greater than
that on the smaller as the mass of the one is greater than the mass
of the other. Thus the two forces cause equal accelerations be-
cause they are proportional to the masses of the bodies upon which
ihey act.
This important law holds for all forces. Thus, if the mass of
one street car and its load of passengers is twice that of another,
twice as great a force will be required to give the same accelera-
tion to it as to the other. It should be noted that weight is not
Falling Bodies 79
involved in this illustration, for the entire weight of both cars is
supported by the track.
102. Motion of a Sphere on an Inclined Plane. — When a ball is
on an inclined plane but is otherwise unsupported, its motion down
the plane is due to the component of its weight acting parallel to
the plane (Art. 66). Since this component is constant during the
descent of the ball, the motion is uniformly accelerated (Art. 99) ;
but the acceleration is less than that of falling bodies, since only
part of the weight is effective. By diminishing the inclination of
the plane the acceleration can be made as small as desired, thus
making it possible to determine with considerable accuracy the
distances traversed by the ball in successive seconds {Exp.), It
will be found by trial that these distances are in the ratio of the
numbers i, 3, 5, 7, etc. That is, if x denotes the distance traversed
in the first second, the distances traversed during the second, third,
and fourth seconds are 3^, 5 -r, and 7 Xj respectively. The whole
distance traversed in i sec. is x, in 2 sec. 4 ;c, in 3 sec. 9 jc, in 4
sec. 16 AT, etc. It is evident that the whole distance is proportional
to the square of the time ; and a further analysis of these results
leads to all the laws of uniformly accelerated motion.
This method was first employed by Galileo in studying the laws
of falling bodies.
1. How far does a body fall during the first second? Account for the
fact that this distance is equal to half the acceleration.
2. (a) What is the velocity of a falling body at the end of the first second ?
(/J) How far does it fall during the second second? (r) Account for the
difference between these numbers.
3. What is the velocity of a falling body at the end of the fifth second ?
4. How far does a body fall («) in 5 sec? {b) in 6 sec? (<:) during the
sixth second ?
5. (a) \Vhat is the difference between the distance fallen during the sixth
second and the velocity at the beginning of that second? {b) Is this differ-
ence equal to that found in the second problem? Why?
6. A stone dropped from a cliff strikes the foot of it in 3.5 sec What is
the height of the cliff ?
8o Dynamics
7. Why b it that the increased weight of a body when taken to higher
latitudes causes it to fait faster, while at the same place a heavy body falls
no faster than a light one?
8. When a train is leaving a station its acceleration gradually decreases
to zero, although the engine continues to pull with the same force as at the
start. Explain.
9. Would you expect the motion of equally smooth and perfect spheres
of different weight and material to be equally or unequally accelerated on
the same inclined plane? Give reason for your answer. Try the experiment.
m. Projectiles
103. Projectiles. — Any body moving through the air and hav-
ing a component velocity not imparted by its weight is called a
projectile. A bullet fired from a gun, an arrow shot from a bow,
and a ball that has been thrown or batted are examples of pro-
The velocity of a projectile at the instant when the force that
set it in motion ceases to act is called its initial velocity. Thus
the initial velocity of a bullet is its velocity at the muzzle of the
gun. The initial velocity of a ball when thrown is its velocity at
the instant it leaves the hand of the player.
104. Forces acting upon Projectiles. — The weight of a projec-
tile does not act as an unbalanced force until after the force that
imparts the initial velocity ceases. Thus, while a bullet is being
driven toward the muzzle of the gun by the pressure of the expand-
ing gases, it is constrained by the barrel of the gun to go in a
straight path ; but as soon as it leaves the muzzle, it is freed from
this restraint, and its weight acts to change its speed and direction
of motion. The* resistance of the air very appreciably affects the
motion of a swiftly moving projectile, as a rifle ball ; but in the
cases considered in this boolc it is disregarded.
It must be remembered that the force that imparts the initial
velocity is not in existence during the flight of a projectile. It
ceases at the instant the projectile is launched. Disregarding the
resistance of the air, the weight of the projectile is the only force
Projectiles 8i
acting upon it during its flight, and is, therefore, the sole cause of
change of motion.
105. Effect of Unbalanced Weight. — The eff'ect of weight upon
the motion of projectiles is illustrated experimentally by releasing
two bodies simultaneously at the same height, — one with a con-
siderable horizontal velocity imparted by a sudden push or blow,
and the other without initial velocity, being dropped from a state
of rest (Fig. 76). The two bodies will always be found to reach
the floor at the same instant {Exp). The experiment illustrates
Fig. 76.
the fact that gravity causes the same acceleration in its own direc-
tion whether acting upon a body initially at rest or upon a body
already in motion. This is true whatever the direction of the
initial velocity may be ; but it is direcdy evident by experiment
only when the initial velocity is horizontal.
A projectile has, in fact, two component motions, namely: (i)
the initial motion, which is constant in magnitude and direction,
since there is no force acting to change it ; and (2) the uniformly
accelerated motion due to gravity. The direction of the first is
the direction of projection ; the direction of the second is always
vertically down. Neither of these component motions interferes
in the slightest degree with the other.
Fig. 77.
106. Graphic Representation of the Path of a Projectile. — The
path of a projectile can be represented graphically by compoiind-
j B c D ^^^ its two motions as illustrated in Figs.
77 and 78. In the first case the direc-
tion of projection is horizontal, in the
second it is obliquely upward. In both
figures OA denotes the initial velocity
and Oa denotes - on the same scale.
The points a\ b\ c\ etc., represent the
position of the pro- y)
jectile at the end q^
of successive sec-
onds. A smooth
^' curve drawn through
these points repre-
sents the path of the projectile.
This construction indicates that if the
velocity of the projectile at any |K)int of its
path be resolved into two components, —
one in the direction of projection and the
other vertical, — the first component will
be the initial velocity, and the second
will be the same as that of a body start-
ing from rest and falling vertically for the
same time. This is illustrated in the fig-
ures at b\
107. Projection vertically Upward. — While rising vertically,
the velocity of a projectile decreases at a rate equal to its rate of
increase in falling, provided the resistance of the air is not appre-
ciable. Hence the times of rise and fall are equal ; and both the
time and the distance can be computed by the formulas of Art. 97.
For example, if a stone is thrown vertically upward with an
initial velocity of 49 m. per sec, its velocity at the end of i sec.
is 49 — 9.8, or 39.2 m. per sec. ; and at the end of 2 sec. it is
Fig. 78.
The Laws of Motion 83
49 — 2 X 9.8, or 29.4 m. per sec. Its time of rise is 49 -^ 9.8,
or 5 sec. ; for at the end of that time its velocity would be zero.
This is the time it would take to acquire a velocity of 49 m. per
sec. in falling. The distance that the stone will rise is found by
computing the distance it would fall in the same time, starting from
1. (a) What is the force that causes the initial velocity of an arrow?
(6) How long does it act? (c) How is it known that this force is many times
greater than the weight of the arrow? () Is the acceleration that it causes
greater or less than that due to gravity? () How long does this accelera-
tion continue ? (/) What would be the motion of the arrow if it were not
acted upon by any force during its flight?
2. Two stones are thrown to the same height, one vertically, the other ob-
liquely. Is the time of flight the same for both? Explain.
3. A stone thrown to the height of a tree reaches the ground in 5 sec.
from the time of starting. How high is the tree?
4. A body is thrown horizontally, with an initial velocity of 100 ft. per sec,
from the top of a tower 150 ft. high. At what distance from the tower will
the body strike the ground?
5. An arrow is shot vertically up with a velocity of 42 m. per sec. (a) How
long will it rise? {d) How high will it rise?
6. A ball is thrown upward at an angle of 30° with the horizontal, with
an initial velocity of 35 m. per sec. (a) What is the time of its flight ?
(3) How high does it rise? (<•) How far from the starting point does it
strike the ground?
Suggestion. — Resolve the initial velocity into horizontal and vertical
components. The first component is constant ; the second is affected by
gravity, just as it would be if the first component did not exist.
rv. The Laws of Motion
108. Balanced and Unbalanced Forces. — The effect of a force
is always to cause motion or to change the existing motion of the
body upon which it acts, unless it is balanced by another force or
other forces whose tendency is to produce an equal and opposite
effect. A single force acting upon a body is wholly unbalanced.
When two or more forces act simultaneously upon a body, the
84 Dynamics
unbalanced force is their resultant, since their combined effect is
the same as their resultant would produce if it were acting alone
{Exp.). If the resultant of all the forces acting upon a body
is zero, they do not affect its state of rest or of motion in any
way ; i.e. the body behaves as it would if no force at all were
acting upon it.
ITie general laws of dynamics, or, as they are generally called,
the laws of motion^ are concise and definite statements of the
behavior of bodies when acted upon by unbalanced forces and
when not acted upon by such forces. Throughout the following
discussion of these laws the word force^ when unqualified, must
always be understood to mean unbalanced or resultant force.
109. The Effect of a Constant Force. — Any constant {unbal-
anced) force acting upon any body causes uniform acceleration of
its motion in the direction in which the force acts. The weight of
a body, when acting alone, is such a force ; and it causes a con-
stant acceleration of 9.8 m. per sec. per sec. in its own direction
whether it acts upon a body initially at rest or upon a body hav-
ing any initial velocity in any direction (Arts. 105-107).
The acceleration of a given mass is proportional to the {unbal-
anced) force acting upon it. This law is illustrated by the motion
of a sphere on a plane when inclined at different angles. The
effective {i.e. unbalanced) component of the weight of the ball
varies with the inclination of the plane (Arts. 66 and 102) ; and
it will be found by trial that the acceleration is proportional to
this component (Exp.). Thus by doubling the height of the
plane {BC, Fig. 41), the unbalanced component of the weight is
doubled, and the ball will roll twice as far in the same time as
before, showing that the acceleration has been doubled (Law V,
Art. 93).
110. Effect of a Variable Force. — When the force acting upon
a body is not constant but varies from moment to moment, the
acceleration at any instant is proportional to the {unbalanced)
force at that instant.
Illustrations of this law in daily life are numerous. (See the
The Laws of Motion 85
discussion of the motion of a falling leaf, second paragraph of
Art. 100, and of the motion of a street car, second paragraph of
Art. 91.) We can now understand why the speed of a street car
does not increase as long as the motor is running. The friction
(resistance of the air, etc.) rapidly increases as the speed increases,
leaving a constantly diminishing unbalanced force to accelerate
the motion of the car. When the total resistance of friction is
equal to the driving force due to the motor, the resultant force upon
the car is zero, and its speed is then constant (acceleration zero).
111. Relation between Force and Acceleration ; Mass Constant.
— The three laws stated in the two preceding articles are included
in the following : —
The acceleration of a body is always proportional to the unbal-
anced force acting upon it, and takes place in the direction in which
the force acts.
The law holds whatever the relative direction of the force and
the motion of the body may be. Three cases arise as follows :
(i) If the force acts in the direction of motion, the velocity will
be increasing but constant in direction; (2) if the force and the
motion are in opposite directions, the velocity will be decreasing
but constant in direction ; (3) if the force acts at an angle to the
direction of motion, the velocity will, in general, be changing both
in magnitude and direction. (What illustrations of the three cases
are afforded by falling bodies and projectiles?)
The law expresses the interesting fact that an unbalanced force,
however small, acting upon any mass, however great, will move it
or will change its existing motion. The change of motion may,
indeed, be very slow, but it will be none the less certain. On the
other hand, to impart a very great velocity to a body in a very
short time requires great force even though the mass of the body
be small. For example, the pressure of the expanding gases
behind a ten-pound cannon ball in the act of firing it is several
hundred thousand pounds. Since the acceleration is proportion-
ately great, the ball leaves the muzzle of the cannon with a very
high velocity.
86 Dynamics
If two forces, acting upon the same mass or upon equal masses,
are denoted by /, and y^ and the accelerations that they produce
by ai and a^ respectively, then the law states that
/, : yi : : a, : rtion o o
"^ * 200 : 800 :: a : 980.
112. Relation between Force and Mass ; Acceleration Constant.
— Tke {unbalanced) force necessary to produce a given acceleration
is proportional to the mass of thf body upon which the force acts.
Expressed algebraically the law is
fx'.ft'.'. /«i : Wj. (acceleration constant) (13)
The equal acceleration of falling bodies (Art. 101) serves as the
simplest and best illustration of this law, since weight is always
proportional to mass. But experiments in which the acceleration
is not due to gravity are instructive, even if they do not prove the
definite relation expressed in the law. The following experiment
is of this sort.
Suspend a lead or an iron ball an inch or more in diameter by
a cord one or two meters long, and suspend a cork of about the
same size by a cord of equal length. With a swift horizontal swing
of the arm, strike the cork with the open palm. Strike the lead
ball in the same way, with equally rapid motion of the hand. (A
small board may be placed a foot or more beyond the ball to stop
The Laws of Motion 87
it.) The force exerted upon the ball is very considerable, while
that upon the cork is almost inappreciable, although it is started
with equally accelerated motion. It is evident that the difference
is not due to the greater weight of the lead ball, for, in the vertical
position, its weight is entirely supported by the cord. Neither is
the difference due to friction or any other force. The lead ball
requires the greater force to start it because its mass is greater.
Having greater mass it has greater inertia, and this requires pro-
portionally greater force for an equal acceleration.
113. The Comparison of Masses by the Inertia Test. — It
follows from the law stated in the preceding article that, if equal
forces act upon unequal masses, the acceleration of the smaller
mass will be the greater. The acceleration will, in fact, be in-
versely proportional to the masses. Hence, if equal forces impart
equal accelerations to two masses, the masses are equal {Exp.).
This is the inertia test or acceleration test of the equality of
two masses. Masses that are equal by the inertia test are, of
course, equal by the usual weight test also. The inertia test is
more fundamental and scientifically more significant, — a fact that
can hardly be appreciated by students of elementary physics ; but
the weight test is more accurate and much more convenient, and
hence is used exclusively in scientific work as well as in daily life.
Laboratory Exercise 20.
114. The Element of Time in the Effect of Force. — Since
change of velocity is proportional to the time during which a given
acceleration continues {v = at), it follows that the- change of
velocity produced by a constant force is proportional to the time
during which the force acts. Some forces are very great, but act
for an extremely short time, as the blow of a hammer, or the
force exerted by a bullet in penetrating a board. The time is so
extremely brief in the latter case that a bullet fired through a door
standing ajar will scarcely disturb it, although it can be swung with
a light push of the finger.
These ideas are illustrated by a simple experiment with a small
coin and a calling card. The friction between them when the coin
88 Dynamics
is placed on the card is sufficient to impart the motion of the card
to the coin when the card is moved slowly about ; but, when it is
very suddenly started, the coin is left behind. This is neatly
shown by placing the card and coin on
a finger (Fig. 79) and suddenly snapping
the card in a horizontal direction. If the
blow is successfully aimed, the card will
fly from under the coin, leaving it at rest
on the finger, friction being insufficient
to impart appreciable motion to the coin
in so short a time. (Try the experiment.)
Fig. 79.
1. The acceleration of any falling body is proportional to its weight in
different latitudes and at different altitudes (Art. 98) ; but all bodies at the
same place fall with equal acceleration, whatever their weight (unless re-
tarded by the air). Explain.
2. A bullet fired through a plate glass window will often make a smooth
hole without cracking the glass. Explain.
3. A nail can be driven by striking it with a hammer, but not by pressing
the hammer steadily against it. Explain.
4. Gravity upon the moon is one sixth as great as upon the earth. G)m-
pute the acceleration of a falling body upon the moon.
5. Gravity upon the sun is 27.6 times as great as upon the earth. Com-
pute the acceleration of a falling body upon the sun.
6. How far would a body fall during the first second (a) upon the moon ?
(^)upon the sun?
7. (a) Would the mass of a given body be the same upon the sun or
the moon as upon the earth? (6) Would its inertia be the same?
8. Would it take less powder to fire a cannon ball with a given velocity
upon the moon than it would upon the earth ?
9. Is it harder for horses to start a loaded wagon or to keep it in uniform
motion? Give reasons.
10. Why does a ball player move his hands quickly backward in the act
of catching a swift ball ?
11. An unbalanced force of 25 g. acts on a mass of 80 g. What is the
acceleration ?
12. WTiat force is required to impart an acceleration of 15 cm. per sec.
per sec. to a mass of 100 g.?
The Laws of Motion 89
115. The Law of Inertia. — Since change of motion results only
from the action of an applied force, in accordance with the pre-
ceding laws, matter is said to be passive or inert, and the property
thus manifested is called inertia^ (Art. 9). The law of inertia is
as follows : —
Every body continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a
straight line unless compelled to change that state by an external
This law follows as a corollary from the law stated in Art. 1 1 1 ;
for the acceleration must be zero when the unbalanced force is
zero, since the two are proportional, and, with zero acceleration,
motion remains constant both in magnitude and direction. It is
impossible to prove the law of inertia by direct experiment, since
no body can be freed from the action of all forces ; but the indirect
evidence of its truth is conclusive (see Art. 9). Astronomical
observations on the motions of the moon and the planets confirm
all the laws of motion as well as the law of gravitation.
116. The Law of Mutual Action. — To every action there is an
equal and opposite reaction ; or, the mutual actions of two bodies
are ahvays equal and in opposite directions.
Illustrations of this law were considered in Art. 12, and there
have been numerous applications of it in the study of fluids and
the statics of solids. The law holds for all forces, whether bal-
anced or unbalanced. Force exists only through the mutual
action of two bodies (or two parts of the same body, which amounts
to the same thing). Thus every force is one of a pair of equal and
opposite forces, exerted by each of two bodies on the other. The
two forces do not balance each other, since they act upon different
bodies ; but either or both may be balanced by other forces. For
example, the pressure exerted by a bat upon a ball in striking it is
unbalanced and imparts motion to the ball. The reaction of the
ball upon the bat is also unbalanced and checks the motion of the
1 The pupil should avoid the misconception that the inertia of matter is an
active agent opposing and, in some sense, neutralizing the effect of force. Inertia
is not force, nor does it ever balance a force.
9© Dynamics
bat. ^Vhen a piece of iron placed on an anvil is struck with a
hammer, the blow of the hammer is balanced by the equal and
opposite pressure of the anvil, both acting on the piece of iron ;
hence the iron remains at rest. When a person jumps from a
boat, the reaction on the boat is unbalanced and pushes the boat
in the opposite direction from that in which the person jumps ;
but, in jumping from a rock, the reaction upon the rock is balanced
by the friction between it and the ground, and it remains at
It is often supposed that the motions of animals and self-pro-
pelling machines are independent of applied force, since they
*' make themselves go." The motion of all matter, animate or
inanimate, is in accordance with the same laws of motion. The
real difference between the conditions of motion of a stone and
an animal or an engine, is that the latter can cause the applied
forces that move them, and a stone cannot. For example, when
a boy jumps, he pushes vigorously with his feet downward and
backward, against the ground with a force much greater than his
weight. The ground reacts with an equal and opposite force upon
the boy, and it is this reaction that enables him to spring upward
and forward. A similar reaction of the ground takes place with
every step in running. The runner also leans forward, in which
position his weight pulls his body forward, as in the act of falling.
When one attempts to start, stop, or turn quickly while walking on
ice, friction is too slight to cause the necessary reaction upon the
feet, and this results in a fall. A bird in flying pushes the air
doAWiward and backward with its wings ; the reaction of the air
upward and forward sustains the bird in its flight. The mutual
action between the driving wheels of an engine and the rails is
different from that between the car wheels and the rails, as is
shown by the fact that the former sometimes slip, spinning round
and round, while the latter never do. A driving wheel exerts a
strong backward push on the rail, and slipping is prevented only
by friction ; the forward reaction of the rail on the wheel is essen-
tial to the motion of the engine, and is an external force.
The Laws of Motion 91
117. Relative Velocities due to Unbalanced Action and Re-
action ; Momentum. — When the mutual actions of two bodies are
unbalanced, their accelerations are inversely proportional to their
masses, since the forces exerted by each upon the other are equal
(Art. 113, first paragraph) ; and, if the bodies are initially at rest,
their velocities will also be inversely proportional to their masses.
Thus when a man jumps from a boat that weighs three times as
much as himself, the boat is pushed back with a velocity one third
as great as the forward velocity of the man. A rifle " kicks " when
fired, because the gas from the burned powder presses back on the
rifle, as well as fonvard on the bullet, and with equal force. The
velocities of the rifle and the bullet are inversely proportional to
their masses.
Let nty and W2 denote the masses of two bodies initially at rest,
and Vx and v.^ their respective velocities imparted by mutual action,
the bodies being free to move ; then nti -.m^wv^: z/i, or tn-^Vx
«= W2?v The product of the mass of a body and its velocity is
called its momentum. Hence bodies initially at rest and free to
move acquire equal momenta in opposite directions as a result
of their mutual actions. Thus the momentum of a rifle in its recoil
is equal to the momentum of the bullet as it leaves the muzzle.
When a moving body strikes a body at rest, and their mutual
actions are unbalanced, the one loses as much momentum as the
other gains.
118. Newton's Laws of Motion. — The fundamental laws of
motion considered in the preceding articles are restated here for
convenient reference : —
I. Every body continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion
in a straight line^ except in so far as it is compelled by external
forces to change that state.
II a. The acceleration of a body is proportional to the unbalanced
force acting upon it^ and is in the direction of that force ; or,
f'.fi'.'.ai'.a^. (mass constant)
II b. The unbalanced force necessary to produce a given accelera-
92 Dynamics
tion is proportional to the mass of the body upon which the force
€Uts ; or,
fx'fi'' '"i • '"s« (acceleration constant)
III. To nrr}' action there is an equa/ ami opposite reaction ; or
the mutual actions of two bodies are always equal and in opposite
The laws numbered I and III are known as Newton's first and
third laws of motion respectively ; Ila and lib are together equiv-
alent to his second law of motion. These laws constitute a com-
plete statement of the relation between matter and force. The
first and second were discovered by Galileo in studying the motion
of falling l>odies and projectiles. The third law was also known to
others before Newton. They are called Newton's laws because
he was the first to state them in their present form.
Note to the Teacher. — The second law of motion as stated by Newton
can be derived Irom II a and lib as follows: According to II a, /oc a (/« = con-
stant) ; according to II b, /ac m (a = constant). Hence /oc ma, and _/?oc mat.
When the initial velocity is zero, the latter may be written //« mv. The equality
of ft and mv requires the introduction of the dyne as the unit of force. With the
gravitational unit of force, the equations are /= — and ft = These
equations express the second law in mathematical form. Stated in words, it is :
Change of momentum is proportional to the appHed force and to the time during
which it acts, and takes place in the direction of the force.
1. Two boys, A and B, are pulling upon the ends of a rope. A pulls B
along. Is he pulling harder (/.^., with greater force) than B? Explain.
2. Two boats are afloat some distance apart, and at rest. A man sitting
in one of them hauls in a rope attached to the other. Describe and explain
the motions of the boats, assuming them to be {a) of equal mass (including
the mass of whatever is in the boats; ; (Z^) of uneciual mass.
3. Why does stamping remove mud from the shoes ?
4. Why does beating a carpet remove dust from it ?
5. Why can the handle be tightened in the head of an ax (a) by striking
the end of the handle against a log? (/') by holdingthe ax at rest and strik-
ing the end of the handle with a hammer ?
Curvilinear Motion 93
6. Two battle ships are in an engagement, with one in pursuit of the
other. Does the reaction of the guns in liring aid or hinder the speed of the
pursuer? of the pursued?
7. How should a person handle his body to avoid a fall when alighting
from a rapidly moving car ? , Explain.
V. Curvilinear Motion
119. Cause of Curvilinear Motion. — We have learned that the
weight of a projectile causes its path to curve downward, unless
the motion is vertical. Any unbalanced force acting upon a body
at an angle to its direction of motion produces a similar effect ;
i.e. causes the path of the body to curve toward the direction in
which the force acts. A stone tied to a string and whirled in a
circle round the hand is a familiar illustration. The motion of the
stone in a circle is (Uie to the continued inward pull of the string
upon it. If the stone is released at any point of its path, it con-
tinues in the direction of its motion at the instant of release,
except in so far as its motion is then affected by its weight.
The following experiment affords a better illustration : A wooden
ball tied to a string is rolled round in a circle on the top of a large
table or on the floor. When released at any
point of its path, it continues in the direction
in which it was moving at that instant. Thus,
if released at A (Fig. 80), its path will be AB,
a line tangent to the circle at A {Exp.). The
law illustrated by the experiment is general.
A body moves in a curved path only when acted ^^' °*
upon by an unbalanced force directed toward the inside of the curve.
A force acting upon a body so as to change its direction of mo-
tion is called a centripetal force, because it acts toward the center
of the curved path (from the Latin centrum, center, ^n^petere, to
seek). A centripetal force may act at right angles to the direc-
tion of motion, or obliquely forward or backward. The three
cases are illustrated at M, N, and L respectively in Fig. 81, which
represents the path of a projectile. Strictly speaking, the centripe-
Fig. 8i.
tal force at L and N is the component of weight acting at right
angles to the path, />. the component/. The tangential compo-
nent, Ty acts opposite to
# ^^ ^v,^^ the direction of motion
at Z, causing decrease of
speed, and in the direc-
tion of motion at W, caus-
ing increase of speed.
The centripetal compo-
nent at L and N and the
entire weight at M cause
change of direction only.
Uniform motion in a circle is due to a constant centripetal force,
which always acts toward the center of the circle and at right angles
to the direction of motion.
120. Laws of Centripetal Force. — It can be shown either by
experiment or by mathematical analysis based on the second law
of motion that centripetal force is (i) proportional to the. mass
of the body, (2) proportional to the square of the velocity, and
(3) inversely proportional to the radius of curvature of the path.
The effect of the mass of the body can be shown by whirling
unequal masses with equal rapidity, using strings of equal length ;
and the effect of velocity, by whirl-
ing the same body more and less
rapidly. (Try it.)
121. Illustrations of Centripetal
Force. — If a ball or other object
is suspended by a string from a fixed
support and started in a horizontal
circle (Fig. 82), it will continue to
revolve in a slowly diminishing circle
(more accurately a spiral) for sev-
eral minutes {Exp.). The decrease
in the size of the circle is due to
friction, chiefly of the air, and may Fig. 83.
Curvilinear Motion 95
be disregarded. If all friction could be removed, the motion
would continue indefinitely without change. Disregarding fric-
tion, the ball is acted upon by two forces ; namely, its weight,
IV, and the tension, T, of the cord. The vertical component
of the tension, v, is equal to IV and balances it ; the horizontal
component, /, is unbalanced, and is directed toward the center
of the circle. The component / is the centripetal force that
causes the circular motion of the ball. Since this force acts at
right angles to the direction of motion, it has no effect on the
speed (Art. 119, last paragraph).
In rounding a curve a bicycle rider brings the necessary cen-
tripetal force to bear upon his body by leaning toward the inside
of the curve. Let C (Fig. S^) denote the cen-
ter of the curved path of the rider and wheel,
and OB the inclination of the wheel. The wheel
exerts an oblique pressure upon the ground in
the direction OB (as is shown by the fact that
when a wheel slips in turning a curve it always
slips outward). The reaction of this force is an
equal pressure of the ground against the wheel
in the direction BO, and is denoted in the figure fig. 83.
by OPy as if it were applied at the center of gravity. This
oblique inward pressure of the ground may be considerably
greater than the weight of the wheel and rider, which is denoted
by OIV. The vertical component of OP is equal to the weight
of the rider and wheel and balances it. The horizontal compo-
nent,/, is the centripetal force upon the rider and wheel.
122. Inertia shown in Curvilinear Motion. — The tendency of
moving bodies to move in a straight line, as stated in the law of
inertia, is shown by the fact that curvilinear motion continues
only so long as a centripetal force acts to maintain it. From the
instant that centripetal force ceases to act upon a body, it con-
tinues in a straight line, or, to use a familiar expression, it " flies
off at a tangent." Thus motion in a curve is explained by describ-
ing the centripetal force that causes it ; while " flying off at a
96 Dynamics
tangent " is accounted for by noting the absence of centripetal
force, this behavior being merely a result of the inertia of matter.
To illustrate : When a carriage is driven round a corner, its
tend^cy is to continue in a straight line ; hence the wheels tend
to slip over the ground toward the outside of the curve. Ordi-
narily friction is sufficient to prevent the shpping, and this causes
the ground to react with an inward pressure on the wheels. But,
since the wheels cannot slide, the tendency of the carriage to
continue in a straight line results in a tendency to overturn out-
ward. This tendency is opposed by the weight of the carriage,
which, under ordinary circumstances, acts as a sufficient cen-
tripetal force to bring the carriage safely round the curve. If,
however, the motion is very rapid and the curve sharp, this cen-
tripetal force may be insufficient ; in which case the carriage will
overturn, not because of a force acting to oi'erturn it, but because
thf centripetal component of weight is insufficient to p?vduce the
necessary change of direction. The behavior of water on a rotating
grindstone is a further illustration. The water is held to the stone
by adhesion ; but when the speed reaches a certain value, the
adhesion is no longer sufficient to carry the water round in the
curved path, and it flies off. Mud flies from the wheels of a
rapidly moving carriage for the same reason.
123. Centrifugal Force. — When a stone is whirled at the end
of a string, it exerts an outward pull through the string upon the
hand, which is the equal and opposite reaction of the pull that the
hand exerts upon the stone. The reaction is called centrifugal
force, since its direction is outward from the center (from the
Latin centrum, ^xiA fugere, to flee). The centrifugal force is
exerted upon the hand, and tends to pull it (not the stone)
It is a common but wholly mistaken idea that centrifugal force
causes or tends to cause bodies to leave a curved path and fly off
or overturn. When a carriage rounds a comer, the only cen-
trifugal force in action is the outward pressure of the wheels upon
the ground. Centrifugal force does not act upon the body mov-
Curvilinear Motion
ing in the curved path; hence it cannot under any circumstances
affect the motion of that body. The confusion of thought with
reference to centrifugal force arises from the fact that the term
was originally appHed to a fictitious force, and is still used in this
sense in unscientific language. This fictitious force is supposed
to act on the moving body and to be the cause of its tendency to
" fly off at a tangent." No such cause exists, and the assumption
that it does exist only leads to a misunderstanding of the whole
subject. Centrifugal force in the only sense in which the word
should be used, need not be mentioned in discussing curvilinear
motion, for, although it is a real force, it does not act upon the
body whose motion is under consideration.
1. Why is the curvature of the path of a projectile the greatest at its
highest point ? (See Fig. 8i.)
2. Explain what would happen if a bicycle rider failed to lean inward
3. Why are curves in bicycle race tracks steeply inclined toward the
center ?
4. If a boy, while running, wishes to change his direction suddenly, as in
dodging, how does he handle his body ? Explain.
5. A bucket of water can be whirled in a vertical circle, the bucket being
inverted at the top of the circle, without any of the water spilling. (Try it.)
6. Draw three figures similar to Fig. 82 ; one representing the case where
the deflection of the cord from the vertical is only a few degrees, one where
it is 40*^ to 50^ and one where it is 70° to 80°. The angles need not be
measured, but the forces are to be represented to the same scale in all. The
tension must always be taken of such magnitude that its vertical component
is equal to the weight of the ball. How does the centripetal force vary as
the cord becomes more nearly horizontal? Would it be possible to swing
the ball fast enough to bring the cord to a horizontal position? Give reason
for your answer.
7. A ball weighing 2 kg. is suspended from a cord 50 cm. long, and made
to revolve in a circle whose radius is 30 cm. Compute (^d) the centripetal
force upon the ball and {b) the tension upon the cord, {c) Draw a figure
representing the conditions, including the forces involved.
98 Dynamics
VI. Universal Gravitation
124. Universal Gravitation. — The pupil is already familiar
with the fact that the earth attracts all bodies at and near its sur-
face, and that this attraction is directly evident as weight. There
is, however, no familiar evidence that all bodies attract one another
under all circumstances, yet such is the case. The attraction be-
tween masses of even several hundred pounds is exceedingly
small — so small, in fact, as to be far beyond any ordinary means
of detecting it.* Nevertheless a number of experimenters have
measured the attraction between masses of various substances
varying in weight from a fraction of an ounce to several hundred
pounds. These experiments not only prove the existence of
gravitational attraction between bodies, but afford a measurement
of it that is probably not in error by more than one per cent.
The methods by which such exceedingly delicate measurements
are carried out lie far beyond the range of elementary physics.
Sir Isaac Newton (1642-17 2 7), a noted English physicist and
mathematician, proved that the planets are held in their orbits by
the attraction of the sun, and the moon in its orbit by the attrac-
tion of the earth ; and that the motions of the planets are slightly
modified by their attractions for one another. He also discov-
ered that the attractions of the sun and the planets for one
another and the attraction of the earth for bodies upon its surface
are all in accordance with the same law. This law is called
Nev^'ton's law of gravitation, and is as follows : —
Every particle of matter in the universe attracts every other
particle with a force whose direction is that of the line joining
them, and whose magnitude is directly proportional to the product
of their masses, and inversely proportional to the square of the
distance between them.
1 Two spheres of cast iron each 1.8 m. in diameter would attract each other with
a force of i g. when placed close together. Such spheres would weigh about 22,000
kg. or 22 metric tous each.
Universal Gravitation 99
Gravitation is the general term applied to the force with which
all bodies attract one another. The attraction of the earth for
bodies at and near its surface is usually called gravity.
125. Illustrations of the Law. — Newton proved that the
attraction between a sphere and any other body is the same as it
would be if the entire mass of the sphere were concentrated at its
center. Hence in considering the attraction of the earth for any
body upon its surface, the distance stated in the law is the earth's
radius. In considering the attraction between any two bodies of
appreciable size, the distance between their centers of gravity is to
be taken as the distance between the bodies.
Let/ denote the attraction between two masses m^ and m^, and
d the distance between their centers of gravity ; similarly, let F
denote the attraction between two masses J/j and Mc^, and D the
distance between their centers of gravity ; then, according to the
/./r.. __.___. (14)
The meaning of the law as expressed in this proportion will be
more readily understood from the following examples : —
1. What is the relation between the masses of two bodies and
their weights ?
Let m\ and M\ denote the masses of the two bodies, and / and F their
weights respectively. Since the second attracting body in each case is the
earth, wo = M^ = the mass of the earth and = Z> = the radius of the earth.
Hence the above proportion reduces to
/:F::mi : Mi;
that is, the weights of any two bodies are proportional to their masses — a
fact with which the pupil is already familiar.
2. How does the weight of a body upon the moon compare
with the weight of an equal mass upon the earth ?
Let mi and Afi denote the equal masses upon the moon and the earth, and
mo and Afo the masses of the moon and the earth respectively. Then d and
D denote the radii of the moon and the earth, and /and 7^ the weight of the
body upon the moon and upon the earth respectively.
loo Dynamics
Snce mi = Mu the proportion reduces to
from which /h- /r= ^ X f - V-
The radius of the earth is 3960 mi., the radius of the moon 1082 mi., and
the mass of the moon ^ of the earth's mass. Substituting these values in the
equation, we get
f^F=i^x (3960 + io82)» = .1675 = \ (nearly).
3. How does the force of gravity at the distance of the moon
compare with its value at the surface of the earth?
The mean distance of the moon is almost exactly 60 times the earth's
radius. Let D denote the radius of the earth ; then , the distance between
the centers of the earth and the moon, etjuals 60 D. Let Afx and /;/i denote
equal masses upon the earth and at the distance of the moon respectively.
J/j = wt = the mass of the earth. F is the force of gravity upon the given
mass at the earth's surface, and /its value at the distance of the moon. The
formula then becomes
/ F ^»^^g A/iA/a
-^ ' • (60 Z?)« ' D^ *
from which /-*- F=
(60 Oy 6o5« 3600
Thus a mass of 3600 lb. at the distance of the moon would be attracted by
the earth with a force of one pound.
Since the masses involved fn this problem are the same at both distances,
a simpler and more direct solution is obtained by making use only of the
relation that the force varies inversely as the square of the distance. Thus
the ratio of the distances is 60, the square of this ratio is 36CX), and the recipro-
cal of this (taken because the relation is inverse) is 3^5.
126. Revolutioii and Rotation of the Moon and the Earth. —
Since gravity at the distance of the moon is ^^^ of its value at
the earth's surface, the acceleration due to gravity at that distance
is gg^QQ of 32.15 ft., or .1072 in. per sec. per sec. A body at the
distance of the moon, starting without any motion in the direction
of the earth, would fall one half of .1072 in., or .0536 in., toward
the earth during the first second. The earth's attraction, there-
Universal Gravitation loi
fore, acting as a centripetal force, draws the moon out of a straight
course a distance of .0536 in. every second. As the moon's
velocity is about f mi. per sec, this deflection is very slight ; but
it is exactly what is required to keep the moon in its orbit.
The moon's attraction for the earth is, of course, equal to the
earth's attraction for the moon ; but since the mass of the earth
is 80 times that of the moon, the effect upon the earth's motion is
proportionately smaller. The earth and the moon, in fact, revolve
in the same direction round their common center of gravity ;
which, as it divides the distance between the centers of the two
bodies inversely as their masses (see problem 9 following Art. 84),
lies within the mass of the earth about 1 100 mi. below the surface.
(This motion of the earth has nothing whatever to do with its
rotation on its axis.)
The sun's attraction deflects the earth from a straight course by
about one ninth of an inch in a second, while the earth is traveling
nearly nineteen miles. The mass of the earth is so great that the
force required to produce even so slight a change of direction is
inconceivable, being no less than 3,600,000 millions of millions of
tons (36 with seventeen ciphers).
The effect of the sun's attraction for the planets is a continuous
change of direction of motion, not a change of speed. There is
no force acting to maintain the motion of the planets, and none
is necessary, since the heavenly bodies move through space with-
out friction or resistance of any kind. The same is true of the
rotation of the sun and the planets upon their axes. A spinning
top is brought to rest by the resistance of the air and the friction
upon the peg. The earth rotates without friction, hence its rate
of rotation remains constant without the action of any force to
maintain it.
127. Effect of the Earth's Rotation upon Its Shape. — If the
earth were fluid (as it undoubtedly once was) and were not rotat-
ing, the gravitation of its particles would cause it to assume the
form of a perfect sphere. The rotation of a fluid planet would
cause it to bulge at the equator and flatten at the poles, until the
I02 Dynamics
distortion developed a centripetal component of gravity upon each
particle sufficient to overcome its tendency to fly off" at a tangent.
This is illustrated in Fig. 84, which repre-
sents a section of the earth taken through
the axis of rotation MN, (The departure
from the spherical shape is greatly exagger-
ated.) The centripetal force upon a particle
at A is directed toward C, the center of the
circle described by A about the axis. This
component tends to draw the particle toward
the pole, but is just sufficient to prevent
it from moving farther toward the equator.
The earth assumed its present form (disregarding inequalities
resulting in continents and oceans) while still fluid ; and, as a
result of its rotation, the polar radius is nearly 13.5 mi. less
than the equatorial. If the earth were to stop rotating, the
waters of the ocean would flow from equatorial regions toward
the poles, leaving the surface of the ocean truly spherical. The
Mississippi River would then flow toward the north, for its mouth
is farther from the center of the earth than its source.
128. Effect of the Earth's Shap^ and Rotation upon Weight. —
If a body were carried from either pole toward the equator, the
earth's attraction upon it would continually decrease, being at any
latitude inversely proportional to the square of the earth's radius
at that latitude. The total decrease of attraction between the
pole and the equator is about -^ of the whole.
All bodies on the earth must be acted upon by a centripetal
force to carry them round with the earth in its rotation. A certain
portion of the earth's attraction is thus employed in keeping
bodies from flying off", and only the remainder of this attraction
is sensible as weight. The centripetal force increases toward the
equator, being zero at the poles and -,^\^ of the whole attraction
at the equator. Since the centripetal force varies as the square
of the velocity (Art. 120), it follows that, if the earth rotated
17 times faster than it does, the centripetal force would be
Universal Gravitation
289 times as great as it is (17- = 289), and bodies at the equator
would weigh nothing ; i.e. they would require no sustaining
force to keep them from falling, for the earth's attraction would
be just sufficient to keep them from flying off at a tangent as mud
flies from the wheels of a carriage.
These, therefore, are the causes of the difference between
weight and the earth's attraction referred to in the note to
Art. 10. As the result of the earth's shape and rotation com-
bined, the weight of a body would be very nearly ^Jr ^^^s at the
equator than at either pole. Thus a body weighing 191 lb. at
the pole would weigh only 190 lb. at the equator.
129. Cause of Gravitation. — The cause of gravitation is not
known, neither is there any generally accepted theory as to its
cause. It acts without visible or material connection between the
attracting bodies ; yet we must suppose that there is something
pervading all space by means of which and through which it is
exerted. It is inconceivable that two bodies not in contact
should be able to act upon each other with absolutely nothing
between them. Since gravitation acts undiminished in a vacuum
and beyond the limits of the atmosphere, it is clear that the
means, or medium^ for the transmission of gravitational force is
not a solid, a liquid, or a gas, an^ hence is not matter in any of
its ordinary forms.
1. («) Would the variation of weight at different latitudes be indicated by
any form of balance by which the object weighed is balanced by " weights " ?
(J)) Would it be indicated by an accurate spring balance ? Give reasons for
each answer.
2. What fraction of its weight would an object lose when taken from sea
level to a height of 4 mi.?
3. The diameter of Mars is 4230 mi. and its mass is approximately one-
ninth of the earth's mass. How does gravity upon its surface compare with
gravity upon the earth ?
4. What is the acceleration of a falling body upon Mars ?
5. Why does the atmosphere not offer resistance to the rotation or to the
revolution of the earth?
1 04 Dynamics
6. Is the acceleration of a falling body due to the whole of the earth's
attraction or to the part that we call weight ?
7. What would be the subsequent motion of the moon and the planets if
gravitation should suddenly cease to act upon them ?
8. The average specific gravity of the whole earth is about 5.56. (a) How
would gravity compare with its present value if the average density of
the earth were equal to the density of water ? (fi) What would be the
acceleration of a falling body in that case ?
VII. The Pendulum
130. Simple and Compound Pendulums. — We have seen that,
when a suspended body is drawn asitle from a position of stable
equilibrium and released, its weight causes it to swing to and fro
about the position of equilibrium until it is brought to rest by fric-
tion (Art. 75 ) . Any body suspended thus and free to swing to and
fro, ox vibrate t is called di pendulum. The best form of pendulum
for experimental work consists of a small sphere of some dense
material, suspended from a fixed support by a slender thread.
The sphere is usually called the bob of the pendulum. The length
of such a pendulum is taken as the distance from the point of sus-
pension to the center of the bob. This is not perfectly correct,
but there is no appreciable error if the length of the thread is not
less than six times the diameter of the bob. A pendulum of this
description is usually called a simple petidulum ; although, strictly
speaking, a simple pendulum consists of a heavy particle having
no appreciable size, and suspended by a line without mass. This
is purely a mathematical conception, useful in the mathematical
study of pendular motion.
Any pendulum having an appreciable portion of its mass else-
where than in a compact bob at the end is called a compound
pendulum. Pendulums for other than experimental purposes are
always compound.
131. The Motion of a Pendulum. — After a pendulum has been
drawn aside and released, the bob is under the action of its weight
and the tension of the thread (friction being disregarded) . The
The Pendulum
Fig. 85.
tension acting always at right angles to the path of the bob, causes
a continuous change of direction of the bob, but does not affect
its speed. The weight of the bob
may be resolved into two components,
/ and /(Fig. 85), at any point of the
path. The component/, taken always
at right angles to the path, is balanced
by a part of the tension of the thread ;
the component/, taken along the tan-
gent, acts in the direction of motion
while the bob is descending, and op-
posite to the direction of motion while
it is rising. The motion is therefore p
accelerated to the lowest point and
retarded from that point to the end
of the swing.
It is evident that the tangential force / decreases toward the
lowest point of the path, where it is zero ; and that it has equal
values at equal distances on the two sides of this point. Hence
the bob would be in equilibrium in its lowest position, if at rest ;
but, if in motion, it would not be stopped by the action of its
weight alone until it had risen through an arc equal to that
through which it had fallen. If it were not for friction, therefore,
a pendulum, when once started, would vibrate indefinitely. It is
brought to rest by the friction of the air and the friction at the
point of support.
132. Definitions. — A complete swing of a pendulum in one
direction is called a vibration. The time occupied in making a
vibration is called the time of vibration or period. The period of
a pendulum is always measured in seconds. The rate of a pendu-
lum is the number of vibrations that it makes in one second.
The angle between the vertical and the direction of a pendulum
at the end of a vibration is called the amplitude (angle AOM,
Fig. 85). The length of a pendulum consisting of a small bob sus-
pended by a thread is (very approximately) the distance from the
1 06 Dynamics
point of suspension to the center of the bob. The length of a
compound pendulum is defined as the length of a simple pendu-
lum having the same period. (It will be found by trial that this
is greater than the distance from the point of suspension to the
center of gravity of the pendulum and less than the length of the
Laboratory Exercise 22,
133. Effect of Amplitude on the Period of a Pendulum. — If
two pendulums of exactly equal length, having bobs of the same
size and material, are started together with unequal amplitudes,
any difference in their periods will evidently be due to the differ-
ence in their amplitudes.* Experiment shows that the periods are
equal if the greater amplitude does not exceed 5°, but that the
difference, though small, is readily appreciable if the greater ampli-
tude is above 20°. The period of a pendulum is constant for am-
plitudes less than j* / for larger amplitudes the period increases
very slightly with increase of amplitude.
It follows that, as the amplitude decreases, the average speed of
the bob decreases proportionally (for small amplitudes) ; other-
wise the period would not remain constant. The decrease of
speed is due to the fact that, as the arc through which the bob
swings grows less, the average value of the tangential force /
(Fig. 85) also grows less.
134. Effect of Mass and Material. — The effect of the mass or
the material of a pendulum is investigated by starting together two
pendulums of equal length, having bobs of unequal mass or of
different material, or both. Neither gains on the other ; hence
the period is independent of the mass and also of the material of
the pendulum. The reason for this is similar to that for the equal
acceleration of falling bodies (Arts. loi and 112), — the tangential
1 If two pendulums are started simultaneously, even a very slight difference in
their periods will be evident from the fact that, after swinging for a minute or less,
the ptendulum having the shorter period will reach the extremity of its arc in ad-
vance of the other. This test is at least ten times as delicate as that of counting
the vibrations of ^ ach pendulum for one minute.
The Pendulum
component of the weight of a pendulum bob is proportional to its
135. Effect of Length on the Period. — If the length, /, and the
period, /, of different pendu]ums are accurately determined, it will
be found that the ratio V/ : / has the same value for all. That
is, letting /j and 4 denote the Jengths of any two pendulums and
A and /j their periods, then V4: A : : V^: 4, or, taking the ratios
of like quantities, which is preferable.
From which, by squaring the ratios,
/2 . /2 . . / . /
Stated in words, the period of a pendulum is proportional to the
square root of its length ; or, the
square of the period is propor-
tional to the length.
Figure 86 shows why the period
increases with the length. The
tangential force / acting on the
bob of the pendulum OA is much
less than that upon the bob of the
pendulum O^A at an equal dis-
tance from the vertical. Hence
the acceleration of the longer
pendulum is less and its period
greater than that of the shorter
pendulum. (This, of coarse, does
not establish the definite relation
stated in the law.)
136. Effect of Gravity. — When a pendulum is taken from one
location to another in which the force of gravity is different, its
rate is affected in the same manner as that of a falling body, and
for the same reasons (Arts. 98 and 1 13). If the force of gravity is
less in the new location, the tangential component of the weight
Fig. 86.
io8 Dynamics
of the bob will be proportionately less and the period will be
increased. The period of a pendulum is inversely proportional to
tht square root of the acceleration of a falling body. Stated alge-
braically, the law is
tx'.t^w -
in which / denotes the period, and / the length of the pendulum,
g the acceleration of a falling body, and tt the ratio of the circum-
ference of a circle to its diameter (=3.1416).
The formula includes the four laws of the pendulum already
considered. The first two laws follow from the fact that the
formula contains no factor depending upon amplitude, mass, or
material. That the period is proportional to the square root of /
and inversely proportional to the square root of g is evident from
the formula as it stands. The formula holds for the compound
pendulum provided the length be taken as defined in Art. 132.
138. Uses of the Pendulum. — The principal use of the
pendulum is to regulate the motion of clocks. The mechanism by
which this is effected is represented in Fig. 87. The pendulum
rod passing between the prongs of a fork, A^ communicates its
motion to a rod, B, which turns on a horizontal axis, C. To this
The Pendulum
axis is fixed a curved piece, called the escapement, which has a
projection at each end. These projections are alternately brought
into contact with the teeth of the escape7nent
wheel, D, by the motion of the pendulum. The
escapement wheel is the last of the train of
wheels in the clock and is driven by them ;
but the escapement permits only one tooth to
pass at a time, while the pendulum swings back
and forth. The control thus exercised on the
escapement wheel by the pendulum is com-
municated through the entire train of wheels to
the weight or spring that runs the clock and to
the hands. As the escapement wheel turns, its
teeth press upon the projections of the escape-
ment. These slight impulses are transmitted to
the pendulum and maintain its motion.
The rate of a clock is controlled by means of
a thread and nut at the lower end of the pendu-
lum. The bob is raised or lowered by turning
this nut.
A compound pendulum of special construc-
tion is used to determine the acceleration due
to gravity at different places. The length and
period of the pendulum are determined very
accurately, and their values substituted in the pendulum formula,
from which the value of ^ is then computed.
• I. How would the expansion of the rod of a pendulum in summer and its
contraction in winter affect the rate of a clock if the height of the bob were
not adjusted to compensate the expansion and contraction ?
2. What is the usual shape of the bob of a clock pendulum ? What is the
advantage of this shape ?
3. What is the length of a pendulum that beats seconds (/ = i) at a place
where the value of g is 980 cm?
SuoGESTioN.— Substitute the values of / and g in the pendulum formula,
and solve for /.
Fig. 87.
iio Dynamics
4. Find the lengths of the pendulums whose periods are .7 sec. and 1.5
sec respectively.
Suggestion. — Substitute in the pendulum formula, assuming 980 cm. for
g ; or substitute in formula 16, taking /^ = i, for /j the length of the seconds
pendulum, and for t\ the given period. Solve for l\.
5. find the periods of pendulums whose lengths are 20 cm. and 250 cm.
6. What is the length of a pendulum that makes 70 vibrations per minute?
7. What is the length of the seconds pendulum on Mars?
8. At what point or points in the path of a pendulum bob is its speed
greatest ? least ? increasing most rapidly ? constant ? Is the speed constant
for any appreciable distance ? Is the increase of speed constant in any part
of the path ?
Si'GGESTiov. — The answers are all to be determined from a knowledge of
the tangent^ force at any point of the path.
I. Energy and Work
139. Energy. — The word energy is used in science with a
definite meaning which i:an be understood only by a study of the
different forms in which energy exists. Energy is most generally
recognized by the ability of bodies possessing it to cause motion
in other bodies or to maintain their motion in opposition to friction
or other forces tending to stop them. Thus the energy of a bent
bow is shown by its ability to project an arrow, and the energy of
a coiled spring by its ability to run a clock. The energy of the
wind enables it to turn windmills, propel ships, uproot trees, etc.
The energy of coal, wood, and oil is utilized by means of the
steam engine in running mills, drawing trains, and propelling
steamships. Energy, in fact, is manifested in one or more of its
many forms in every phenomenon.
140. Kinetic Energy. — A moving body can impart motion to
other bodies ; it therefore has energy. The energy that a body
has by virtue of its mass and its velocity is called energy of motion
or kinetic energy,
141. Work. — The transference of energy from one body to
another is called work. The amount of energy transferred and
the amount of work done are equivalent expressions. Energy is
transferred from one body to another by means of the force that
each exerts upon the other. For example, when one ball rolls
against another, setting it in motion, the latter receives kinetic
energy by means of the pressure exerted upon it while the two
are in contact ; and, at the same time, the energy of the first ball
1 1 2 Energy
is diminished by an equal amount by the reaction of the second
ball upon it in the direction opposite to its motion. The first ball
is said to do positive work upon the second, and the latter negative
work upon the first. The work by which a body gains energy
is called positive, and that by which it loses energy is called
To illustrate further : Positive work is done upon a train by the
pull of the engine. This, if it were the only force acting on the
train, would increase its kinetic energy ; but the retarding forces
of friction are at the same time doing negative work upon the
train. If the pull exceeds friction, positive work will exceed nega-
tive, and the excess of positive work wjll result in increase of
kinetic energy. If the two are equal (resultant force zero), the
positive and the negative work will be equal and the energy of the
train will be constant (the speed being constant) . After the engine
ceases to pull, the only work done upon the train (provided the
track be level) is the negative work due to friction, by which the
train loses its energy and is stopped.
142. Conditions Necessary for the Transference of Energy. —
Since one body does work upon another only by exerting force upon
it, we commonly say that the force does the work. Although work
is done only through the action of force, a force may act without
doing work. When a horse pulls on a load without starting it, no
work is done by the force exerted, for there is no transference of
energy to the load. If the load is started, the force acts through
a certain distance, and, in doing so, does work of acceleration in
imparting motion to the load and work against resistance in over-
coming friction.^ There is neither work of acceleration nor work
against resistance without motion of the body upon which the force
A* force may also act upon a moving body without doing work.
Whether work will be done or not depends upon the relative
1 Fricrion develops heat, and heat is a form of energy (Art. 148) ; hence to
maintain motion against friction involves the transference of energy, or the doing
of work.
Energy and Work 1 1 3
direction of the force and the motion, as will be seen from the
following illustrations. The weight of a projectile rising vertically
constantly diminishes its kinetic energy by doing negative work of
acceleration. The weight of a falling body does positive work of
acceleration upon it, constantly increasing its kinetic energy. In
both cases the line of action of the force (weight) \^ parallel to
the direction of motion. As a pendulum vibrates, it is only the
tangential component of the weight of its bob that does work of
acceleration (Fig. 85), causing gain of kinetic energy during the
first half of each vibration and loss of kinetic energy during the
second half; and it is only this component that does work against
the resistance of the air. The other component of weight, which
acts at right angles to the direction of motion, does no work, for
it neither changes the speed of the bob nor helps to maintain its
motion against the friction of the air. The same is true of the
tension of the thread.
A force acting upon a body at right angles to its direction of
motion does no work ; for it neither
changes the speed of the body nor
helps to maintain its motion against
friction or other resistance. This
is true whether the force is bal-
anced or unbalanced. Thus, on
the whole,^ no work is done upon
the moon by the attraction of the
earth, or upon the planets by the
Fig. 80.
attraction of the sun. In the case
of oblique forces, as the weight of a pendulum bob, it is only the
tangential component of the force that does work ; that is, tiie com-
ponent whose line of action is parallel to the direction of motion.
1 Since the orbits of the moon and the earth are not quite circular but elliptical,
the attraction is not exactly at right angles to the path except at two points {A and
B, Fig. 88). As the planet movt-s from A to'B, the tangential component of the
attraction causes decrease of speed, while from i? to ^ it causes an equal increase.
Hence, on the whole, there is neither gain nor loss of kinetic energy. There is, of
course, no work against resistance, for the planets move without friction.
Fig. 89.
143. Measure of Work. — The work done by a force is meas-
ured by the product of the force and the distance through which
the force acts, the distance being always measured parallel to the
bne of action of the force.
For example, suppose we wish to find the work done by the
weight of a ball while it rolls down an in-
chned plane, AB (Fig. 89). Let ^denote the
length of the plane, AB^ and h the height of
the plane, BC. The part of w that does work
is the component, /, acting parallel to the
plane. The distance through which it acts is
//, and the work that it does is measured by df.
From similar triangles, f \ w \\ h \ d ) hence
■"c fd = wh. That is, the work done by the
weight of the ball is also measured by wh.
But, while the ball rolls down the plane the distance d^ it descends
through the vertical distance h. Thus the work done by w is
equal to the product of w and the displacement in its own direc-
In measuring the work done by an oblique force, it is immate-
rial whether we take ( i ) the product of the whole force and the
component of the displacement taken parallel to the line of action
of the force {wh in the above example), or (2) the product of the
whole displacement and the component of the force acting parallel
to it {fd in the above example). Both methods are fully included
in the above rule for the measure of work. The choice is a matter
of convenience, determined by the nature of the problem. In the
case where the applied force and the displacement have the same
or opposite directions, the work done is simply the product of the
two. If the force is variable, the average force exerted through
the distance considered must be taken. The work done by a
force, /, while acting through a distance, , in its own line of
direction^ is expressed by the formula
Energy and Work
opular language ; but in science the word
force is restricted to the meaning with which the pupil is already familiar from
the previous work.
universitV 1
Energy and Work \sAt 'rk^^^
throwing a ball, into potential energy of position in carrying a hod
of bricks up a ladder, and chiefly into heat in sandpapering a board.
Other transformations of energy are considered under the different
subdivisions of physics.
152. The Dissipation of Energy. — Since the motion of all
bodies is opposed in a greater or a less degree by friction (except
in interplanetary space), motion necessarily involves the loss, or
dissipation^ of mechanical energy by its transformation into heat.
The energy thus transformed is said to be dissipated because it
is no longer available for doing useful work ; it is not lost in
the sense that it no longer exists. For example, if the hammer
of a pile driver weighs looo lb. and the friction that must be
overcome in lifting it amounts to loo lb., then, in raising the
hammer 20 ft., the lifting force of iioo lb. will do 20,000 ft.-lb.
of work against gravity and 2000 ft.-lb. of work against friction.
The work done against gravity is useful, since, as a result of it, the
hammer has 20,000 ft.-lb. of available potential energy. The work
done against friction is transformed into heat while the hammer is
being raised, and cannot be further utilized. The work done in
moving wagons, street cars, and trains from one place to another
(without change of elevation) is done against friction, including
the resistance of the air ; and the energy thus expended is dissi-
pated as heat. When the axle of a car wheel is not properly oiled
to reduce friction, the amount of heat generated is so great that
it causes a " hot box," and sometimes even sets fire to the car.
When bicycles came into general use, personal experience of the
waste of energy due to friction soon led to the invention of ball bear-
153. Power. — The rate at which work is done or the rate at
which an engine or other source of energy is capable of doing
work is called power. The customary unit of power is the horse-
power (H. P.), which is equal to 550 ft.-lb. or 76 kg.-m. of work per
second. Thus a twelve-horse-power engine working at three
fourths of its full capacity is doing work at the rate of 9 H. P., or
4950 ft.-lb., of work per second.
122 Energy
1. Show from formula (20) that the kinetic energy of a body is propor-
tional (l) to its mass, (2) to the square of its velocity.
2. Two bodies have equal kinetic energ)', but the velocity of the second is
three times that of the first. How do their masses compare ?
3. A body is thrown vertically upward. () What fraction of its initial
kinetic energy remains after it has risen to one half the height to which it
will ascend ? (A) What fraction of its initial velocity remains ? (<■) What
fraction of the initial kinetic energy and of the initial velocity remain after
the body has risen to three fourths of the total height ?
4. (a) A boy starting at rest coasts on a bicycle down a hill and up
another. If there were no friction, how far would he ascend the second hill
without pedaling ? (d) How would the result be affected if cither hill were
steeper than the other ?
5. An unbalanced force of 50 lb. acts through a distance of 4 ft. upon a
mass of 9 lb. (a) What is the work done by the force ? (/') What is the
kinetic energy of the body ? (<:) What is its velocity ?
6. A projectile weighing 500 lb. b fired from a cannon with a velocity of
3000 ft. per sec. (a) What is its kinetic energy? (^) What was the average
total pressure upon the projectile in firing it, if it moved a distance of 18 ft.
before reaching the mouth of the cannon ?
y""^ ^\ 7. In whirling a body round the hand at the end of a
string, the hand is moved in a smaller circle in advance
of tht body whirled (Fig. 91). Show how this imparts
kinetic energy to the body.
V / 8. (tf) Why is a brake not heated if it is applied with
such force that the wheel slides along the ground instead of
* * turning ? {b) Where will the heat then be generated ?
9. (er is the ratio 0/ the arm 0/ the effort to the arm of
the resistance {a: A). This ratio is frequently called the leverage,
158. Work done with a Lever. — Suppose a constant effort/,
acting at the end of a lever of the first class (Fig. 98), to move
the lever through a certain angle against
^' '^^ ^ " a constant resistance 7% applied at the
_ — ,_ _ _ , „,.^ —
"^-^^ ^i^^ other end. Suppose further that/" and ^
""-'' act at right angles to the lever through-
out the motion. I^t //denote the distance
through which the effort acts and Z> the distance through which
the resistance is overcome. Then fl is the work done by the
effort and FD the work done against the resistance ; or, we may
say, fl measures the energy transferred to the lever by the agent
producing the motion, and FZ> measures the energy transferred
by the lever to the object moved. Formula (21) is
and, by geometry, d: D::a: A;
hence, F:f::d:Df
or, fd=^FD.
This means that, neglecting friction, the lever transmits energy
from the agent to the body acted upon without gain or loss.
This is easily proved to be true for levers of the second and third
classes also; and it can be shown to hold in all cases, however the
The Simple Machines
forces may vary in magnitude or direction. There may be a gain
of force by the use of a lever ^ but never a gain of etiergy. There is
always, in fact, a slight loss or waste of energy due to friction ;
that is,// is slightly greater than /^Z?.
1. In using scissors is greiater force required when the cutting is done near
the tips df the blades or near the handles ? Why ?
2. Classify the following levers, and state in each case whether the effort
is greater or less than the resistance : the wheelbarrow, oar, fishing rod,
equal-arm balance, steelyard, nutcracker.
3. Use a pencil as a lever of the first class to move a book ; also as a lever
of the second class.
4. In which class or classes of levers is the effort necessarily less than the
resistance ? greater than the resistance ? In which may it be either greater
or less ?
5. Prove that fit= ^D when a weight W is raised through a vertical
distance D by means of a force / acting ver-
tically through a distance (Fig. 99).
6. (rt) If a stone offers a resistance of 850 lb.,
what leverage will be required to move it by
means of a force of 125 lb.? (Ji) If the stone is
moved by a crowbar 5 ft. long used as a lever
of the first class, the effort and the resistance
being applied at the ends, where is the fulcrum?
7. Show that when there is a gain of force by the use of a lever there is a
proportional loss of speed and distance ; and that when there is a gain of
distance there is a proportional loss of force.
159. The Wheel and Axle. — The wheel and axle (Figs. 100
and loi) consists of a
wheel and cylinder fas-
tened together and ca-
pable of turning on the
same axis. The effort is
applied at the circumfer-
ence of the wheel, and
the resistance at the cir-
FiG. 100. cumference of the axle.
Fig. 99
The machine may be regarded as a continuously acting lever of
the first or the second class, depending upon whether the effort
and the resistance are applied on opposite sides or the same side
of the axis. The condition necessary for equilibrium is
/r= /ra, or IV: /: : r : ^, (22)
in which r and /^ denote the radius of the wheel and the axle
TAf mechanical advantage of the wheel and axle Is, therefore,
the ratio of the radius of the wheel to the radius of the axle (r .• R) .
Laboratory Exercise 2j.
160. Work done with a Wheel and Axle. — During one com-
plete turn of the wheel the effort acts once round its circum-
ference, Cy and the weight is raised a distance equal to the
circumference of the axle, C. Whatever the angle may be through
which the wheel is turned, the distance d through which the effort
acts and the distance D through which the weight is raised are in
the same ratio as for one revolution ; that is,
But W:f:.r:R;
hence, W:f'..d:D,
or, //= WD.
That is, the wheel and axle, like the lever, transmits energy
without loss or gain, except in so
far as there is loss due to friction.
161. The Windlass (Fig. 102)
is a modified form of the wheel and
axle, and acts upon the same prin-
ciple. As the crank is turned, the
handle describes a circumference ;
hence the crank is equivalent to a
wheel having a radius equal to the
arm of the crank.
102. 162. The Fixed Pulley. — A pul-
The Simple Machines
ley that turns on a stationary axis is called a fixed pulley,
be regarded as an endless or continuous lever
of the first class having equal arms. Since the
arms are equal, the effort and resistance are
also equal (/= IV). The same conclusion
follows from the fact that, except for a slight
possible difference due to friction, the parts of
the cord on the two sides of the pulley are
necessarily under the same tension.
It may
Fig. 103.
Fig. 104.
The only advantage gained by the use of
one or more fixed pulleys is a change in the
direction of the effort (Fig. 103).
163. The Movable Pulley. — Figure 104 represents the com-
bination of a fixed and a movable pulley. The fixed pulley serves
the same purpose as when acting alone. The weight, which is
applied at the axis of the movable pulley, is balanced by the two
equal upward pulls of the two parts of the cord that support the
pulley. These pulls are equal to the effort /, and their sum is
equal to the weight (including the weight of the supported pulley) ;
that is,
2/= rr, and IV :/=2.
The mechanical advantage of the movable pulley is therefore
164. Systems of Pulleys. — A combination of several fixed
and movable pulleys is frequently used where great resistances are
130 Energy
to be overcome. A variety of arrangements
is possible ; but we shall consider only the one
generally used, namely, that in which one con-
tinuous cord or rope passes alternately round
the pulleys in a fixed and a movable block, as
shown in the figures.
In finding the general condition of equi-
librium it is assumed that all parts of the cord
are under ecjual tension. The weight is there-
fore supported by as many equal parallel forces
as there are parts of the cord supporting the
Fic. 105. movable block. Let this number be denoted
by « (« is 3 in Fig. 105 and 6 in Fig. 106) ;
then, since the tension is equal to the effort, the con-
dition of equilibrium is expressed by the equation
nf = W, or W \f= n. (23) I lll'r
Tht mechanical advantage of such a system of pulleys ' ' '
is therefore equal to the number of parts of the cord supporting the
movable block.
Laboratory Exercise 24.
165. Work done with Pulleys. — The ratio of the distance d
through which the effort acts to the distance D through which the
weight is raised is easily determined for any combination of pul-
leys, from the fact that the length of the whole cord remains con-
stant. With a single fixed pulley the part of the cord to which
the effort is a'pplied lengthens as much as the part to which the
weight is attached shortens {d = D) -, hence, since/ = /% we
have//= WD,
With any number of fixed and movable pulleys connected by
one continuous cord, when the weight is raised a distance D,
each of the n parts of the cord supporting the movable block is
shortened by an equal amount, and the length of the part to which
the effort is applied is increased by nD {i.e. d = nD) ; hence,
since /= IF-i- n (equation 23), it follows that/^/= WD,
The Simple Machines 131
That is, neglecting friction, any combination of pulleys transmits
energy without gain or loss from the agent to the body acted
1. (a) The radius of a wheel is 40 cm. and the radius of the axle 12 cm.
Neglecting friction, what effort is required to raise a load of 150 kg.?
{d) Through what distance does the effort act in raising the load 35 m.?
(c) How much work b done by the effort ? (^) How much is done against
the weight of the load ?
2. Establish the condition necessary for the equilibrium of a single mov-
able pulley, regarding it as a lever of the second class. Draw a figure to
3. Draw a figure of a system of pulleys such that the mechanical advantage
is seven ; such that it is eight.
166. The Inclined Plane. — The principal use of the inclined
plane is to raise heavy bodies
that can be rolled. When
a barrel of flour is placed in
a wagon by rolling it up a
heavy plank, the plank is
used as an inclined plane.
The effort in such cases is
applied parallel to the ])lane,
and is sufficient to maintain
equilibrium if it is equal to the component of the weight of the
body acting parallel to the plane in the opposite direction (Fig.
107). It follows from this (see Art. 143) that the condition of
equilibrium is
lV:/::L:/f, (24)
in which Z denotes the length of the plane, AB, and H its height,
Hence, when the effort is applied parallel to an inclined plane ^
the mechanical advantage is the ratio of the length of the plane to
its height.
Laboratory Exercise 25.
Fic. 107,
132 Energy
167. Work done with an Inclined Plane. — Let D (Fig. 107)
denote the vertical distance through which a body is raised by
rolling it a distance, //, up an inclined plane {d being any
fraction of the length of the plane) ; then the work done by
the effort is fd and the work done upon the body (against
gravity) is WD.
From similar triangles d\ D\\ L\ H\
hence, combining with (24), W\f\ \ d. D^
or, //= WD,
That is, disregarding friction, the same amount of work is done
whether a body be rolled up an inclined plane or lifted verti-
cally to the same height.
168. No Machine creates Energy. — It has been shown that,
disregarding friction, the work done by any machine that we have
studied is exactly equal to the work done upon the machine. The
significant fact to be noted is that there is in no case a gain of
work, or a creation of energy. This is true of all machines without
exception. No machine has ever been invented that was an
original source of even the smallest amount of energy ; on the
contrary, there are the best of reasons for believing that no such
machine is possible (Art. 271).
169. Efficiency of Machines. — No machine, however perfect,
does useful work that is the full equivalent of the work done upon
it. The principal cause of waste is friction, by which a portion of
the energy transferred to the machine is transformed into useless
heat (Art. 152). Further waste of energy results from the bend-
ing and vibration of the parts of a machine and from the stiffness
of ropes and belts.
The ratio of the useful work done by a machine to the total
energy transferred to it is called the efficiency of the machine.
The efficiency of an ideally perfect machine would be unity or
100 per cent. A delicately balanced lever, such as the beam of
a sensitive balance, is the nearest approach to such a machine.
In general, the greater the complexity of a machine, the less its
The Simple Machines
Fig. 108.
efficiency. The pupil doubtless observed in experimenting with
pulleys that friction becomes greater as the number of pulleys is
increased. With five or six pulleys in the combination, the effi-
ciency will hardly exceed 75 per cent and may be considerably
170. The Wedge. — The wedge may be regarded as a movable
inclined plane. It is used for separating surfaces asjainst great
resistance, as in splitting logs and timbers.
The motion of a wedge is opposed by very
great sliding friction, and its efficiency is
correspondingly low; yet this friction is
useful and indeed necessary, for it keeps
the wedge from slipping out of place dur-
ing the intervals between the blows that
drive it farther in. The wedge utilizes
a great force acting for a very short time,
and is thus enabled to overcome a great
resistance through a small distance. Hence, though slow in
action, it is a very powerful machine (Fig. 108).
No definite law can be given that holds even approxi-
mately in the use of the wedge. The thinner the wedge,
however, the greater is its mechanical advantage. The ax,
the knife, and the chisel are forms of the wedge adapted to
special uses.
171. The Screw. —The screw is a modification of the
inclined plane, as will be seen by winding a paper triangle
about a pencil (Fig. 109). The ridge running spirally round
a screw is called the thread. The distance between suc-
cessive turns of the thread, measured parallel to the axis of
the screw, is called the pitch of the screw. The screw
turns in a block, called the nut, which is provided with a
spiral groove to receive the thread.
When the screw is used as a part of a machine,
the effort is generally applied to it by means di
Fig. 109. a lever or a wheel. The lifting jack (Fig. no)
1 34 Energy
is an example of the first case, the copying press (Fig. iii) of the
second. During one complete turn of the lever or the wheel the
Fiii. na Fig. hi.
screw advances through a distance equal to the pitch of the
screw, p. The work done by the effort during one turn is 2 trrf, r
being the radius of the wheel or the arm of the lever ; and the
work done against the resistance, Fy is Fp. Hence, if friction
were negligible, we should have
2irr/=^Fp. (25)
This is sometimes given as the law of the screw, from which the
mechanical advantage is determined ; but the error is very large.
In fact, after the screw has been turned into any position, friction
alone is generally much more than sufficient to hold it in place
against the resistance. Friction is for this reason useful and nec-
essary in most applications of the screw, as it is for the wedge.
Without it, woodwork and the parts of machines could not be
held together by means of screws.
172. The Bicycle. — The bicycle is a familiar example of a
compound machine in which a number of the foregoing principles
are applied. The cranks and the large sprocket wheel are a modi-
fied wheel and axle. The motion of the larger sprocket wheel is
communicated by means of the chain to a smaller one attached
The Simple Machines 135
to the rear wheel of the machine and turning upon the same
axle. Since the chain in turning passes by the same number of
sprockets on both wheels, the smaller one turns as many times
faster than the larger as the number of sprockets on the smaller is
contained in the number on the larger. If this ratio is three, for
example, the smaller sprocket wheel makes three complete turns
while the larger makes one. But the larger wheel turns at the
same rate as the cranks, and the smaller at the same rate as
the rear wheel of the machine. Hence, in the case supposed, the
rear wheel makes three revolutions while the cranks make one.
Thus the bicycle travels as far during one revolution of the cranks
as it would if they were attached directly (as in the old style
" ordinary ") to a wheel having a diameter three times as great.
The diameter of this equivalent wheel, measured in inches, is
called the^^^r of the bicycle. Thus, if the ratio of the sprockets
is three, the gear is 3 X 28, or 84, the diameter of the wheels of a
"safety " being 28 in. With this gear and cranks having a radius
of 7 in., the speed of the bicycle is 84 -h 14, or 6 times as great
as the speed of the cranks round the axle.
1. A block at rest upon a board i m. long begins to slide when the board
is inclined so that its higher end is 40 cm. above the other. The friction is
what per cent of the weight of the block ?
2. Find by geometry the mechanical advantage of the inclined plane when
the effort is applied parallel to the base of the plane, i.e. horizontally.
3. Assuming a loss of 20% (efficiency 80%), what force is required to haul
a load of 2 tons (including the weight of the wagon) up a grade such that the
ascent is one foot in a distance of 10 ft. ?
4. What effort will be required to raise a weight of 200 kg. with a wheel
and axle the efficiency of which is 90 % ; the radius of the wheel being 42 cm.
and the radius of the axle 14 cm. ?
5. The weight in the preceding problem is raised 25 m. Find : {a) the
work done upon the machine ; {b) the work done against gravity ; {c) the
energy wasted.
6. What do you gather from Arts. 168 and 169 concerning the possibility
of a ** perpetual motion " machine ?
136 Energy
7. Is a sewing machine constructed for a gain of speed or of force ? By
what aicchanism is this gain accomplished ?
8. How long must a plank be in order that it may be used as an inclined
plane to raise a barrel weighing 150 lb. to an elevation of 4 ft. by a force of
40 lb., assuming an efficiency of ic» % ?
9. A lifting jack, the screw of which has a pitch of } in., is used to raise a
weight of 10 tons. The effort is applied at the end of a lever 2 ft. long, and
the efficiency is 40 %. Kind the efiort.
I. The Structure of Matter
173. Properties of Matter. — The properties of matter are of
two classes — general or universal and specific or characteristic.
General properties are common to all matter. Among the most
important are extensioUy inertia, divisibility, porosity, compressibility ^
elasticity, indestructibility. Specific properties are those possessed
by certain kinds or slates of matter, but not by all; such are
rigidity, fluidity, brittleness, hardness, tenacity, transparency, color,
odor, etc. It is only by means of differences in the properties of
substances that we can distinguish them from one another.
The laws of liquid pressure are direct consequences of the
characteristic properties of liquids, namely, their fluidity and their
very nearly perfect incompressibility. Similarly, the laws of gases
follow from the fluidity and the unlimited expansibility of gases.
In dealing with solids, we have assumed that the behavior of a
body under the action of forces is not affected by bending or other
distortion of the body, however the forces may be applied ; i.e.
solids were assumed to be perfectly rigid. Thus the mechanics
of solids, liquids, and gases is largely dependent upon the dis-
tinguishing properties of the three states of matter.
Extension and inertia have been sufficiently considered in pre-
vious chapters. A study of the other general properties mentioned
above suggests important inferences concerning the structure of
174. Divisibility. — Any substance can be divided into parts
or fragments ; and the division can be carried so far that the
individual particles are invisible to the unaided eye and are barely
138 Some Properties of Matter
visible with the aid of a microscope. Suppose a grain of salt to
be pulverized till a microscopic particle is obtained. Subdivision
can be carried no farther by mechanical means ; but the particle
can be dissolved in a drop of water, and, although what happens
to it in this process is entirely invisible, many facts that cannot be
presented here point to the conclusion that, in dissolving, // is scp-
arattd into millions of parts.
The almost inconceivable divisibility of matter is well illustrated
by dissolving a minute grain of potassium permanganate or of aniline
dye in several quarts of water. The whole will be appreciably
colored, showing the presence of portions of the substance in every
drop {Ex'p.). Numerous illustrations might be given from daily
life. After some years of service a gold or a silver coin is found
to be considerably worn; yet no visible portion is lost at any
time. Similarly, a knife becomes dull from the gradual loss of
invisible particles at and near its edge. The tenth part of a grain
of musk will continue for years to fill a room with its odoriferous
particles, and at the end of that time will scarcely be diminished
in weight.
175. Molecules. — Since the divisibility of matter far exceeds
our power of vision, it is only by reasoning and inference based
upon other facts that it can be determined whether there is any
limit to divisibility. Many facts in chemistry indicate that there
is such a limit. In other words, there is such a thing as the
smallest possible particle of any substance. This smallest particle
is called a molecule. All molecules of the same substance are
exactly equal in size and weight, and are alike in every respect.
It is estimated that, in a cubic millimeter of any gas at atmos-
pheric pressure and at ordinary temperatures, there are some-
where about 20,000,000,000,000,000 molecules ; and that, in an
equal volume of a liquid or a solid, the number is hundreds or
thousands of times as great.
176. Porosity. — Openings within a solid are called sensible
pores whether large enough to be visible with the unaided eye, as
the holes in a sponge or a piece of bread, or so small as to be
The Structure of Matter
visible only with a microscope, as the pores of blotting paper, brick,
and unglazed earthenware. The spaces or openings between the
molecules of a body are cdiWtdi p/iysical pores. The most powerful
microscope is incapable of rendering them visible ; but their
existence has been repeatedly demonstrated by experiment.
In 1 66 1 some academicians at Florence subjected to great
pressure a thin globe of gold filled with water. Their object was
to determine whether water was compressible ; they discovered
the porosity of gold instead, for " the water forced its way through
the pores of the gold, and stood on the outside of the globe like
dew." The experiment has been repeated with globes of other
metals, and always with the same result — the metals were proved
to be porous. A pressure of less than one atmosphere is sufficient
to force mercury through a thick piece of leather {Exp.) ; and,
with a pressure of 4000 atmospheres, mercury has been forced
through three inches of solid steel.
With the exception of glass and other vitreous bodies, similar
experiments have not failed to prove the porosity of any solid.
177. Porosity a General Property of Matter. — The fact that
the volume of any substance, whether solid, liquid, or gaseous, can
be changed either by change of temperature or change of pressure
is both a proof of the porosity of all matter and a consequence
of this property. Such changes of volume are considered in the
following paragraphs. Further striking evidence of the porosity
of certain liquids is afforded by the change of volume that occurs
in mixing them. Thus, when equal or nearly equal volumes of
water and strong alcohol are mixed, it is found that the volume
of the mixture is considerably less than the sum of the volumes of
the liquids before they are mixed,^ proving that the molecules
of water and alcohol fit together more closely than the molecules
of one or the other, or possibly both, of the liquids do among
1 This is readily shown by filling a long, slender test tube half full of water and
adding alcohol carefully, to avoid mixing, till the tube is nearly full. Mark the
height of the alcohol with a rubber band, close the mouth pf the tube with the thumb,
and shake.
140 Some Properties of Matter
themselves {Exp.). The idea is iUustrated on an enormously
magnified scale by mixing together a quantity of sand and an equal
volume of coarse shot. A loss of volume occurs, due to the filling
of the spaces between the shot by the smaller grains of sand. The
loss of volume on mixing the alcohol and water is regarded as
conclusive evidence that there are spaces void of matter between
the molecules of the liquids.
A similar shrinkage occurs in mixing strong sulphuric acid and
water, and also when certain solids, as sugar or salt, are dissolved
in water.
178. Compressibility. — All matter is more or less compressible.
The compressibility of gases, as expressed by Boyle's law, has
already been considered. The compressibility of liquids and
solids, although extremely small, is of theoretical interest as an
additional proof of their porosity. It has been found that a pres
sure of one atmosphere diminishes the volume of water at the
freezing point by yi^i^nr 5 ^"^ ^^^^ under a pressure of 3000
atmospheres, its volume is diminished by -}j^. An equal pressure
diminishes the volume of ether by about J. The compressibility
of solids not having sensible pores is still less than that of liquids.
The compressibility of glass, for example, is about 1^ as great as
that of water.
There are two conceivable explanations of compressibility;
namely: (i) that, by compression, the molecules of a body are
crowded closer together, thus diminishing the void spaces between
them; (2) that the molecules themselves are diminished in size by
compression. If the latter were true, matter would be compress-
ible even if it were not porous. However, in addition to the
known porosity of matter, other facts, which are considered in
the next section, indicate that the first of the above suppositions
is the true explanation of compressibility.
It is evident from the very great compressibility of gases that,
under ordinary pressures, their molecules occupy only an exceed-
ingly small portion of the space allotted to them. The volume of
a gram of steam under a pressure of one atmosphere is 1661 ccm.
Molecular Motion 141
— a volume 1661 times greater than it occupies as a liquid.
Even if we were to assume that, as a liquid, the molecules fill the
entire space, it would follow that the average distance between
the molecules of steam, under a pressure of one atmosphere, is
nearly twelve times the diameter of a molecule. Oxygen has been
subjected to a pressure of 3000 atmospheres, under which pres-
sure its density was greater than that of water, although it still
remained in the gaseous state. The compressibility of all gases,
when subjected to very great pressures, is less than that indicated
by Boyle's law, showing that a gas approaches the condition of a
liquid as its molecules are crowded together. Why the molecules
of a gas remain apart under enormous pressures is a question con-
sidered in the next section.
Laboratory Exercise 26.
179. Expansibility ; Effect of Heat. — While the effect of pres-
sure upon the volume of liquids and solids is far too small to be
demonstrated by simple experimental methods, the effect of heat
can very readily be shown, as illustrated by the experiments of the
preceding laboratory exercise. In general, the application of heat
to a body causes it to expand, and with a loss of heat it contracts.
With liquids and solids this change of volume is slight ; with gases
it is very much greater. When water is heated from the freezing
to the boiling point, it increases in volume by four per cent.
With the same change of temperature, the pressure remaining
constant, the volume of a gas increases over thirty- six per cent.
The expansion of a substance by heat is supposed to be due to the
wider separation of its molecules, not to any increase in their
II. Molecular Motion
180. Diffusion of Gases. — When two or more gases are brought
in contact and left undisturbed, they quickly mix with one another,
even in cases where a difference of density would tend to prevent
such mixing, the denser gas being originally at the bottom. This
142 Some Properties of Matter
spontaneous mixing of gases is called diffusion. The process may
be illustrated by the following experiments.
When illuminating gas or any other gas having a strong odor is
permitted to escape into a room, the sense of smell quickly reveals
the presence of the gas in all parts of the room. This
is well illustrated by a little ammonia poured on the
floor. The ammonia evaporates, and the odor of
ammonia gas fills the room {Exp.).
A bottle of oxygen and another of illuminating gas
are placed together, mouth to mouth (Fig. 112), the
one containing the oxygen at the bottom. After they
have stood thus for a few minutes they are separated
and a flame is quickly applied to the mouth of each.
There is an explosion in each 'case, indicating the
presence of a mixture of oxygen and illuminating gas
Fio. na. in both bottles. Note that, since the denser gas (oxy-
gen) is placed at the bottom, the mix-
ing is opposed by gravity {Exp.).
A porous cup of unglazed earthen-
ware is fitted with a cork and glass
tube, and supported, as shown in Fig.
113, with the lower end of the tube in
a tumbler of water. A large jar is held
over the cup and filled with illumi-
nating gas through a rubber tube. The
experiment has three stages. ( i ) Bub-
bles of gas immediately rise from the
end of the glass tube in the water,
indicating that the pressure within the
cup has been increased by the entrance
of some of the gas through its micro-
scopic pores. (2) On removing the
jar, the water immediately begins to rise ^^°' ^^3*
in the tube, indicating a decrease of pressure within, due to the
escape of the gas through the pores. (3) Presently the water
Molecular Motion 143
begins to fall in the tube, and continues to do so until the level
is the same as in the tumbler. This indicates that air enters the
cup through the pores until the pressures within and without are
equalized ; and, moreover, suggests that the fuller explanation of
the first two stages of the experiment is as follows : Both the
illuminating gas and the air can diffuse through the pores of the
cup ; but the gas more rapidly than the air. In (i) the pressure
within increases because the gas enters more rapidly than the air
escapes; in (2) the pressure within decreases because the gas
escapes more rapidly than the air can enter.
181. Diffusion explained by Molecular Motion. — The phe-
nomena of diffusion, as illustrated by the above experiments,
indicate that the molecules of a gas are in constant motion. In
fact, all that is known about the properties and laws of gases sup-
ports the conclusion that the molecules of a gas are always in very
rapid motion, darting hither and thither in all directions at random,
like bees or gnats in a swarm. Each molecule, according to the
theory, moves in a straight line till it hits another molecule or the
wall of the containing vessel, when it is reflected and bounds off
in a different direction.
When two gases are brought in contact, the molecules of each
quickly find their way between those of the other, and in a short time
the entire space is filled with a homogeneous mixture of the two.
Molecular motion affords an explanation of diffusion through the
porous cup in the last experiment. A molecule that by chance is
moving toward one of the pores finds an easy entrance and a
passageway through to the other side. It must not be supposed
that diffusion ceases when equilibrium of pressure is established at
the end of the experiment. With the same gas (air) at the same
temperature and pressure on both sides of the partition, an equal
number of molecules find their way through it in both directions,
thus maintaining the equilibrium.
If two gases at the same temperature and pressure are of
unequal density, the molecules of the rarer gas are moving
more rapidly than those of the other. This accounts for the
144 Some Properties of Matter
more rapid diffusion of the illuminating gas through the porous
Diffusion is a very different process from the flow of gases in
currents. In diffusion, the molecules move as individuals; in
currents, they move collectively as one body. Currents hasten
the process of mixing, and hence aid diffusion. Diffusion supple-
ments the action of winds in keeping the constituents of the air
uniformly mixed.
182. Molecular Motion the Cause of Gas Pressure. — The suppo-
sition that the molecules of a gas are in motion as described above
affords a complete explanation of gas pressure and of Boyle's law.
The force exerted upon the wall of the containing vessel when a
molecule strikes it is inappreciable ; but these blows are so numer-
ous that their combinetl effect is a continuous, constant pressure.
If a given mass of gas is compressed to half its former volume, its
density is doubled, and twice as many molecules strike a given
portion of the wall of the containing vessel every second ; hence
the pressure is doubled.
Molecular motion accounts also for the indefinite expansibility
of gases, and for the fact that the molecules remain separated
even when subjected to great pressure.
From the known density of a gas, it is possible to compute
what the average velocity of its molecules must be in order to
exert the observed pressure. The computation yields the sur-
prising result that the molecules of the air are darting about with
an average velocity of about eighteen miles per minute (varying
somewhat with the temperature). "Could we, by any means,"
says Professor Cooke, " turn in one direction the actual motion of
the molecules of what we call still air, it would become at once a
wind blowing seventeen miles per minute, and would exert a de-
structive power compared with which the most violent tornado is
feeble." The velocity of hydrogen molecules is $.S times as great
as that of air molecules, or about sixty-eight miles per minute.
183. The Kinetic Theory of Gases. — The explanation of the
physicial properties of gases as consequences of the motion of
Molecular Motion 145
their molecules is called the kinetic theory of gases. The theory,
in its complete form, applies the laws of dynamics to the indi-
vidual molecules, and accounts definitely {i.e. quantitatively) for
all the laws of gases ; but the mathematical treatment of the
theory belongs to advanced physics.
184. The Meaning and Value of a Theory. — An hypothesis, or
theory, is a suggested explanation of facts that cannot be traced
to any directly ascertainable cause. A theory is not necessarily
true even if it affords a complete explanation of all the known
facts ; for it is conceivable that the true cause may be very differ-
ent from the one supposed. In fact, it has happened repeatedly
in the history of science, that rival theories have been ably
defended at the same time by different scientists of recognized
authority. If, at any time, a new fact is discovered which is in-
consistent with a theory, the theory must be modified so as to
be in agreement with the fact, or, if this is impossible, it must
be abandoned. Newly discovered facts have often served to dis-
tinguish between a true theory and a false one.
Physical theories are of service in explaining properties of matter,
natural laws, and natural phenomena. Thus, as we have seen, the
molecular theory of matter accounts for the divisibility, porosity,
and compressibility of matter; and the kinetic theory of gases
fully explains the phenomena of diffusion, the pressure and expan-
sibility of gases, and Boyle's law.
185. Diffusion of Liquids. — If any two liquids that can be
mixed with each other are placed in the same vessel, the denser
at the bottom, and left undisturbed, they will mix by diffusion,
the process being similar to the diffusion of gases. The progress
of diffusion in liquids is visible in cases where it is accompanied
by a change of color, as in the following experiments.
A test tube or a tall jar is nearly filled with water colored with
blue litmus. A little strong sulphuric acid is then admitted at the
bottom through a long-stemmed funnel (Fig. 114). The acid is
considerably denser than the water and supports it, the surface
separating the two being distinctly visible. Since acid turns blue
Some Properties of Matter
Fig. 114.
litmus red, the progressive change of color from blue to red,
which slowly takes place up the tube, indicates the height to
which the acid has risen by diffusion {Exp.).
A jar is half filled with water and a strong solu-
tion of copper sulphate is admitted at the bottom, as
the acid is in the preceding experiment. The progress
of diffusion is indicated by the very slow rise of the
blue color of the solution. The process requires
months for its completion {Exp.),
We see from these experiments that diffusion takes
place in litjuids, as in gases^ without the aid of cur-
rents and in opposition to gravity. The explanation
is therefore the same ; the molecules of a liquid are
in motion. T^he very slow rate of diffusion in liquids
indicates that the motion of the molecules is greatly
restricted as the result of their crowded condition.
The molecules of a liquid are always moving about among one
another whether a second liquid is present or not ; in the latter
case, however, there is no direct evidence of this motion.
186. Vibration of Molecules. — The molecules of a solid are
held together in fixed positions ; i.e. they have no motion of trans-
lation. Many facts, however, support the conclusion that the
molecules of all bodies, including solids, are in a state of rapid
vibration. We may think of the vibratory motion of a molecule
as something Hke the quivering of a piece of jelly when it is shaken.
The molecules of a gas are supposed to be vibrating freely while
moving in straight lines between successive collisions. A third
motion is also possible ; namely, rotation — like the spinning of a
top. In liquids these motions are modified and restricted by the
crowded condition of the molecules ; in solids molecular motion
is probably restricted to an irregular vibration.
187. Theory of Heat. — According to the kinetic theory, when
a gas is heated the velocity of its molecules is increased. This
explains the expansion of a gas when heated, or, if expansion is
prevented, the increase of its pressure. Further evidence that
Molecular Forces 147
heat increases molecular motion is found in the increased rate of
diffusion, both of gases and of liquids, at higher temperatures.
The expansion of liquids aiid solids when heated is also attributed
to increase of molecular motion. The more energetic vibration of
the molecules enables them to push their neighbors farther away,
and the whole mass expands in consequence.
It was stated in Art. 148 that heat is a form of energy. We can
now understand what that form is. According to the theory uni-
versally accepted for more than half a century, heat is the kinetic
energy of molecular motion. When a bullet strikes a steel target
(Art. 148, end), the molecules of the bullet and of the adjacent
parts of the target are violently disturbed by the impact and set
in energetic vibration. The energy due to the motion of the bul-
let as a whole (molar kinetic energy) is t-ransformed by the impact
into energy due to the motion of its molecules and the molecules
of the target (molecular kinetic energy or heat).
III. Molecular Forces
188. Molecular Attraction and Molecular Pressure. — The mole-
cules of a body are, in general, subject to the action of two oppos-
ing forces, one of which tends to bring them together, and the
other to separate them from each other. The first is called molecu-
lar attraction, or cohesion. It is strong in some substances and
weak in others ; and, in the same substance, it grows weaker as
the distance between the molecules increases. Its action is very
different from that of gravitation, as will presently be seen.
The other molecular force is due to molecular motion, or heat,
and consists in the continuous and inconceivably rapid shower
of blows which each molecule exerts upon its neighbors. These
blows act as a molecular pressure, the tendency of which is to
drive the molecules farther apart.
189. Molecular Forces and the States of Matter. — It is the
mutual relation between molecular attraction and molecular pres-
sure due to heat which determines whether a substance will be in
148 Some Properties of Matter
the solid, liquid, or gaseous state. In solids attraction greatly pre-
dominates, and the molecules hold together, or cohere^ in fixed
relative positions. The same relation holds in liquids but in a less
degree ; the molecules cohere, but are able to wander at random
among one another. In gases at ordinary pressures and tempera-
tures, the molecules are so widely separated that attraction is
inappreciable or wholly wanting, and molecular pressure is
balanced only by fxternai force.
When the molecular motion of a solid is sufficiently increased
by heating, cohesion is so far overcome by the increased molecu-
lar pressure that the solid is liquefied. By further heating, the
molecular i)ressure may become so great as to separate the mole-
cules beyond the range of their mutual attraction ; the liquid will
then be vaporized, or converted into a gas.
190. Strength of Cohesion; Tenacity. — To break a body or
tear it apart, a force must be exerted sufficient to overcome the
cohesion between the molecules lying on opposite sides of the
surfaces separated. Thus cohesion is the cause of tenacity
(the property of a body inconsequence of which it resists being
pulled or broken apart) ; and, conversely, the tenacity of a body
serves as a test of the strength of cohesion within it.
Steel is the most tenacious of all substances, a tension of 1 80
lb. being required to break a steel wire having a cross-section
of I sq. mm. For an equal cross-section, the tenacity of soft
copper wire is about 70 lb., of lead wire 5 lb., of glass 14 lb., of oak
(in the direction of its fibers) 15 lb. {Exp.).
Laboratory Exercise j.
191. Effect of Distance on Cohesion. — When the pieces of a
broken stick or stone are accurately fitted and firmly pressed to-
gether, the parts do not cohere with appreciable force ; for the
molecules upon the two surfaces cannot by such means be brought
within the range of their attractive power. Glue or cement, spread
between the surfaces, bridges the gap, and, on drying, serves as an
effective connecting link. When two pieces of clean plate glass
are firmly pressed together, they cohere with sufficient force to
Molecular Forces 149
sustain the weight of one of them. The pieces are not held
together by atmospheric pressure, as the Magdeburg hemispheres
are, for there is still a thin layer of air between them, and, besides,
the experiment succeeds quite as well under the receiver of an
air pump from which the air has been exhausted. Two pieces of
common window glass do not cohere when pressed together. The
reason for the difference is that the surfaces of the plate glass are
quite accurately plane, and hence fit very closely together over
their whole extent ; while the surfaces of common window glass
are more or less wavy, and really come in contact at only a few
points. Two pieces of any metal, having surfaces accurately plane,
cohere like the pieces of plate glass.
These experiments afford some indication of the extremely short
distance to which cohesion can act. It is estimated that this dis-
tance is not greater than ^u-ffTny ''"^^- — about y^Vir ^^ ^^^ thick-
ness of the paper on which this is printed. Cohesion is weaker
between two pieces of plate glass than it is within them only
because the distance between the attracting molecules is greater.
192. Cohesion of Plastic Solids ; Welding. — Two surfaces of a
plastic solid, as soft putty or clay, warm molasses candy, or wax,
can be brought so close together by pressure that they will unite
perfectly. Even two pieces of lead will cohere quite firmly if
their freshly brightened surfaces are pressed together in a vise
In the process of welding, the two pieces of metal to be united
are rendered plastic by heating. Their surfaces are then brought
within the range of cohesion by hammering them together. Simi-
larly, two pieces of glass, rendered plastic by heating, will readily
unite, forming perfect union (£x/>.).
193. Adhesion. — There is no evidence of any difference in the
nature of the attraction between molecules of the same kind and
that between molecules of different kinds; but the former is
generally called cohesion, and the latter adhesion. The distinction
is convenient but unimportant.
There are many familiar examples of adhesion between solids.
1 50 Some Properties of Matter
Mud sticks, or adheres, to any object with vexing facility ; butter
adheres to a knife and to the bread upon which it is spread. The
adhesion of metals is utilized in gold and silver plating. Ordi-
narily there is no appreciable adhesion between solids when brought
in contact, unless one of them is plastic ; but this is only because
their surfaces are not brought sufficiently close together.
Adhesion between solids and liquids is also familiar. In a large
majority of cases, when a liquid and a solid are brought in contact,
the liquid clings to the solid and wets it. This is because adhe-
sion between the two is greater than cohesion within the liquid.
Thus when the finger is dipped in water and removed, the layer
of water in contact with the finger is held by adhesion with suffi-
cient force to tear it away from the adjacent molecules of water.
In some cases a solid is not wet by a liquid. Water, for example,
does not wet a surface covered with grease or wax, and mercury
wets but few substances. In such cases the liquid clings together
in somewhat flattened drops upon the surface of the solid (Fig.
115). This behavior of the liquid does
not prove that adhesion is wanting. On
the contrary, there is direct experimental
iG. 115. evidence of adhesion ; and, between gla§s
and mercury, it is even very considerable (Laboratory Ex. 3).
The explanation is that, in such cases, cohesion in the liquid is
stronger than adhesion, whatever the strength of the latter may be.
Gases also adhere to solids, forming a very thin but dense layer
upon their surface. In setting up a barometer, air adheres to the
inner wall of the tube, and is driven off only by heating the mer-
cury till it boils. The small bubbles of air that gather upon the
side of a glass of water as it becomes warm are held there by
adhesion with sufficient force to overcome the buoyancy of the
194. Cohesion and Gravitation Compared. — We know the law
of gravitation, but not its cause (Art. 1 29). We know neither the
law nor the cause of cohesion ; but it is evident that the law is
very different from that of gravitation, for cohesion acts only at
Surface Tension and Capillarity 151
insensible distances, and within such distances it is enormously
stronger than gravitation between the same masses. Hence the
strength of bodies in general depends practically entirely on cohe-
sion, and gravitation becomes appreciable only in bodies of very
great size. The strength of the earth depends almost wholly on
gravitation. If we suppose the earth to be divided into hemi-
spheres by any plane through its center, the gravitational attraction
by which the hemispheres are held together is one hundred times
as great as cohesion would be if the earth were made of solid
steel. If there were a planet fifty miles in diameter having the
same density as the earth and the tenacity of sandstone, gravi-
tation and cohesion would be equally effective in keeping it
IV. Surface Tension and Capillarity
195. Surface Tension. — A pin or a needle can be made to float
on water, if carefully laid upon the surface so that neither end
touches the water before the other. If the pin sinks and becomes
wet, it should be dried by rubbing it between the fingers or in
the hair, as this covers it with a coating of oil and diminishes the
adhesion of the water to it {Exp.). The floating pin lies in a
depression or trough which is several times larger than itself
(represented in cross-section in Fig. 116). It is, in fact, sup-
ported in much the same way as a person is
when lying in a hammock ; the cords of the
hammock are under tension, and this tension, ?^3§^^§Q
acting obliquely upward on all sides, constitutes ~-^-f= :^^^r^£3-iEf
the supporting force. Similarly, the floating of ^^^' ^^^•
the pin is explained by supposing the surface of the water to be
somewhat tough and in a state of tension.
The properties of the surfaces of liquids can be studied to
advantage by means of liquid films. It can be shown by a num-
ber of simple experiments that soap films and soap bubbles are in
152 Some Properties of Matter
a state of tension^ (Laboratory Exercise 4). A soap bubble is
spherical, like a toy balloon, because the film of the bubble is in a
state of uniform tension throughout, just as the rubber of the bal-
loon is. Since a spherical surface is smaller than any other that
incloses an equal volume, the film of a bubble assumes this shape
in shrinking as much as possible.
A drop of any liquid, when freed from the distorting effect of
its weight, as in falling, is spherical. A drop of oil suspended in a
solution of alcohol and water of its own density is an excellent
illustration (Exp,). The spherical form of a drop is due neither
to the mutual gravitation of its particles nor to cohesion acting
throughout its mass, but to the tension of its surface. Its surface,
like the film of a bubble, contracts as much as possible, and when
thus contracted is spherical.
Laboratory Exercise 4.
196. Cause of Surface Tension. — Each molecule of a liquid
has hundreds, perhaps thousands, of neighbors near enough to
attract it by cohesion, all of which are inclosed within a spheri-
cal surface having the given molecule as a center and a radius
equal to the greatest distance to which cohesion can act (a dis-
tance of less than microscopic magnitude). Any molecule of a
liquid whose distance from the surface is greater than the radius
of such a sphere is attracted equally in all directions, since the
molecules within the range of cohesion are uniformly disturbed
around it. A molecule at the surface, however, is attracted inward,
but not outward ; and any molecule whose distance from the sur-
face is less than the range of cohesion is more strongly attracted
inward than outward, since the greater number of the molecules
that are near enough to attract it lie on the inside. The result is
that the molecules at the free surface of a liquid exert a strong
inward pressure, which tends to reduce the surface to the least
possible area, the effect being the same as if the liquid were
1 Recipe for a good soap solution : Put 2 oz. of Castile or palm-oil soap, shaved
thin, in i pt. of distilled or rain water. Shake, pour off the clear solution, add to it
\ pt. of glycerine, and stir.
Surface Tension and Capillarity 153
inclosed in a stretched, elastic membrane. Thus the surface
tension of a liquid is due to the action of cohesion at its
197. Surface Tension of Different Liquids. — The surface ten-
sion of different liquids has been determined by experiment, and
it has been found to be greater for water than for any other liquid
except mercury ; hence the surface tension of water is diminished
by mixing any other substance with it. This is readily illustrated
by placing a drop of alcohol, ether, or oil on the surface of a tum-
bler of water beside a floating sliver of wood. The bit of wood is
quickly jerked away from the drop by the greater tension of the
pure water on the other side {Exp.).
198. Surface Viscosity. — The surface of most liquids becomes
more viscous than the interior mass after exposure to the air
for some time ; and it is to this superficial viscosity, rather
than to surface tension, that the strength of a liquid film is due.
Only very small bubbles can be formed on the surface of pure
water, and these quickly break, for the particles rapidly slip away
from the highest part of the bubble, leaving it too thin to hold.
The particles in a soap film move much more sluggishly, on
account of their greater viscosity ; hence a much longer time
elapses before any part of the film becomes so thin as to break,
although 'the surface tension of the film is less than that of pure
199. Capillarity. — The combined action of surface tension and
adhesion, when a liquid and a solid are in contact, gives rise to a
class of phenomena, called capillary pheti07?iena because they are
most conspicuous in tubes of small bore (Latin capilliis, a hair).
Capillary action and capillarity are general terms for such
There are two types of cases to be considered, represented
respectively by water and mercury, each in contact with glass.
The surface of water in a clean glass vessel is turned sharply
up at the edge in a smooth curve (Fig. 117); while the sur-
face of mercury is curved downward at the edge (Fig. 118)
154 Some Properties of Matter
(£x/.). In all cases where adhesion exceeds cohesion in the
liquid (cases in which the liquid wets the solid), the edge of the
liquid is drawn up against the surface of the solid ; in all cases
where cohesion in the liquid exceeds adhesion (cases in which the
solid is not wet by the liquid), the edge of the liquid is draw*?f''
inward and away from the surface of the solid.
When small glass tubes of different bore are held vertically in
water, the water rises in each above the level in the vessel, and
stands higher in the tube of smaller bore {Exp.), The surface
i (f) if
Fig. 117.
Fu;. lid.
of the water in the tube is concave (viewed from above), and is
curved throughout, forming a hemisphere, if the tube is not too
large. This curved surface, like that of a soap bubble, exerts a
pressure on the concave side, and thus partly sustains the pressure
of the air upon it. The water therefore rises in the tube till equi-
librium is restored. Atmospheric pressure, however, is not essential
to capillary action. The water would stand at the same level in
the tubes if the vessel and contents were placed in a vacuum ; for
the concave surface in the tube would exert the same upward force
as before, and would rise, carrying the column with it by cohesion.
The greater elevation of the water in the smaller tube is due to
Surface Tension and Capillarity 155
the fact that the curvature of its surface is greater (radius of curva-
ture less) ; for it can be proved mathematically that the pressure
(per unit area) exerted toward the concave side by a curved sur-
face under a given tension is inversely proportional to the radius
of curvature of the surface. Thus if the diameter of the smaller
tube is one half that of the larger, the upward pressure exerted by
the water surface in it will be twice as great and will support a
column of water twice as high as that in the larger.
Mercury stands at a lower level in capillary tubes than it does in
the containing vessel, and the surface in the tubes is convex (Fig.
118) {Exp.). The pressure exerted by the curved surface is
toward the concave side, as with water ; but it causes depression
in this case, as the concave side is downward. The depression is
inversely proportional to the diameier of the tube, for the reasons
given in the case of capillary elevation.
Experiments with other liquids and tubes of other materials
would yield results agreeing with the cases considered, as expressed
in the following laws : —
I. If a liquid wets a capillary tube, its surface is concave and
it is drawn up ; if it does not wet the tube, its surface is convex and
it is depressed.
II. The elevation or the depression in a capillary tube is in-
versely proportional to the diameter of the tube.
200. Illustrations of Capillary Action. — The sensible pores of
solids serve as capillary tubes in absorbing liquids. The absorp-
tion of water by a sponge, of ink by blotting paper, and of coffee
by a lump of sugar, are familiar examples. The flame of a lamp is
fed by oil which is drawn up through the wick by capillary action.
In dry weather the moisture is drawn up from a depth of many
feet through the pores in the soil, and evaporates at the surface.
Cultivation of the soil increases the size of the pores, and conse-
quently checks the rise of water through the cultivated layer, thus
diminishing the loss by evaporation at the surface.
Capillary action would enable a short siphon having a capillary
bore to work in a vacuum.
156 Some Properties of Matter
1. What is the distinction between a theory and a law? between a theory
and a fact ? Is a law a fact ?
2. What is the essential difference between a law of nature and a law
enacted by a legislative body?
3. If a gas is heated but not permitted to expand, how is the pressure that
it exerts affected ? Explain.
4. Capillary phenomena are sometimes said to be due to " capillary at-
traction." What b capillary attraction?
V. Properties due to Molecular Forces
201. Molecular forces give rise to different specific properties
in different substances. One of these, tenacity, has already been
considered (Art. 190). The list includes also elasticity, plasticity,
brittleness, malleability,- ductility, and viscosity.
202. Elasticity. — Elasticity is the property of matter in virtue
of which bodies resume their original form or volume when any
force that has altered their form or volume is removed.
Elasticity of volume is shown by recovery of volume after
compression. It is a general property of matter and is due to
molecular pressure. All fluids have perfect elasticity of volume ;
/>. however great the compression, they always expand to their
original volume when the pressure is removed. Solids, however,
may be permanently diminished in volume to a slight extent by
the application of sufficient pressure. The rolling and stamping
to which silver is subjected in the process of coining causes a
decrease of volume amounting to about four per cent.
Elasticity of form is a specific property possessed only by cer-
tain solids. It is shown by recovery of form after distortion. An
elastic solid is able to recover from distortion whether caused by
compression, stretching, twisting, or bending. Rubber is a fa-
miliar example. Solids, such as soft putty or clay, which have no
power to recover from distortion, are called inelastic or plastic.
203. Limit of Perfect Elasticity. — An elastic solid has perfect
elasticity only for distortion within a certain limit, called the limit
Properties due to Molecular Forces 157
of perfect elasticity, or generally, the limit of elasticity. When a
body is distorted beyond its limit of elasticity, it either breaks or
takes a permanent set, i.e: undergoes a permanent change of form
{Exp.). In the first case the solid is said to be brittle; in the
second case tough, malleable, or ductile, according to the manner
in which its form can be changed (Art. 207). It is a mistake to
regard brittle substances as inelastic. A long, slender strip of
glass or piece of glass tubing is quite flexible and springs back to
its former shape when released {Exp.) ; within its limit of elas-
ticity glass is perfectly elastic.
Substances differ widely in their limits of elasticity. A piece of
soft copper wire takes a permanent set before it is bent far, — its
limit of elasticity is small. A piece of steel wire can be bent many
times farther without a permanent change of form {Exp.). Rub-
ber is remarkable for its large limit of elasticity. There is no
limit to the elasticity of volume of fluids. However great the
pressure to which a fluid may be subjected, recovery of volume
is always complete when the pressure is removed.
204. Elastic Force ; Measure of Elasticity. — In common
speech we say that a body is very elastic or highly elastic if its
limit of elasticity is large (as rubber), or if it is highly compress-
ible (as gases). In scientific usage these terms have an alto-
gether different meaning. The elastic force of a body, or the
force with which it tends to recover from compression or distor-
tion, is the measure of its elasticity.
The elasticity of a gas is measured by the pressure (per unit
area) which it exerts upon the sides t>f the containing vessel, and
is increased by compression (Art. 44). The elasticity of liquids
is much greater than that of gases, and the elasticity of ivory,
glass, or steel is very great compared with that of rubber.
205. Elastic Impact. — When an elastic sphere (rubber, ivory,
steel, or hardwood ball, or glass marble) is dropped upon a smooth,
rigid surface, as a large, flat plate of stone or steel, it rebounds
nearly to the height from which it was dropped {Exp.). The
rebound is explained as follows : The force of the impact flattens
158 Some Properties of Matter
the ball very slightly before it is stopped ; but, being elastic, it
instantly recovers its form, and, in doing so, // continues to press
against the plate^ much as a boy pushes against the ground in the
act of jumping, and with a similar result.
Although the ball recovers its form completely, the force with
which it does so is in all cases somewhat less than the distorting
force. If the recovery of force \yere complete, the ball would
rebound to the height from which it was dropped, but this is
impossible, as some of the energy of the ball is transformed by the
impact into heat and sound. The experiment proves the elas-
ticity of bodies that are often regarded as perfectly rigid. More-
over, by this test, the elasticity of glass is much more nearly
perfect than that of nibber. (How shown?)
206. Stress and Strain. — Any force or combination of forces
tending to change the shape or size of a body is called a stress.
A rubber band is stretched by two equal and opposite pulls, con-
stituting a tensiie stress. A tensile stress causes elongation. A
stress consisting of equal and opposite pressures causes compres-
sion. Any change of shape or size of a body, especially of a
solid, produced by the action of a stress, is called a strain. A
body in which a stress produces no appreciable strain is called
rigid ; but no body is perfectly rigid, i.e. absolutely unyielding to
stress. In the study of the mechanics of solids we have disre-
garded the strains produced by the forces under consideration.
207. Plasticity; Malleability and Ductility. — The specific
properties of bodies have no sharply defined limits ; on the con-
trary, they merge insensibly into one another in numerous instances,
and the names of such properties have, in consequence, a variable
meaning. This is the case with the term plasticity, which, in the
customary and narrow sense, is applied to bodies that can be
molded by moderate pressure into any desired form. Soft putty
and clay are typical examples. But gold and silver exhibit es-
sentially the same property under much greater pressure, but at
ordinary temperatures, when they receive the impression of the
die or mold in stamping coins ; and are therefore, in a broader
Properties due to Molecular Forces 159
sense, called plastic. In this sense all elastic bodies that are not
brittle are plastic beyond their limit of elasticity. This form of
plasticity is, however, generally called malleability or ductility.
A substance is said to be malleable if it can be hammered or
rolled into sheets ; duciiky if it can be drawn out into the form of
a wire. In both cases ordinary temperatures are to be understood
unless otherwise stated. Thus we should say that glass is brittle,
not ductile ; but glass is very ductile when heated to redness
{Exp^, Gold, silver, and platinum are the most ductile metals,
gold the most malleable. Gold has been beaten into leaves so
thin that six hundred of them placed one upon another, would
have a thickness no greater than the paper upon which this is
208. Viscosity and Mobility. — A substance is said to be
viscous if its form changes more or less slowly under the action of
its own weight. Shoemaker's wax, pitch, and molasses candy
slightly warmed are examples of viscous solids. Such substances
are sometimes classed as liquids, since, when unsupported at the
sides, they slowly flatten out, or flow. Molasses and honey are
examples of viscous liquids. The term is commonly applied
only to those liquids that possess the property in a considerable
degree, and liquids that flow readily, as water and alcohol, are
called mobile. But all liquids and gases possess viscosity in
some degree.
Viscosity is that property, due to internal or molecular fric-
tion, in virtue of which liquids, gases, and some solids offer re-
sistance to an instantaneous change of their shape or of the
arrangement of their parts, although they offer no permanent re-
sistance to such change. The viscosity of water is shown by the
behavior of a bowl or tumbler of water that has been stirred till
it is rapidly rotating. If the motion of the different portions of
the water is made visible by means of sawdust or other floating
particles, it will be found that the rate of rotation steadily de-
creases, and at any instant is greatest at the center and least at
the sides of the vessel (^Exp.), The explanation is that friction
i6o Some Properties of Matter
against the sides of the vessel retards the layer of water in
contact with it, and this layer in turn retards the more rapidly
moving layer next within. This retarding action — due to inter-
nal friction, as adjacent layers slip over one another in their un-
equal motion — extends throughout the entire mass, and finally
brings the whole to rest.
The dividing line between viscous liquids and plastic solids is
not clearly defined ; the two classes merge insensibly into each
other. Molasses candy, in cooling, passes continuously from the
stale of a viscous liquid to that of a plastic solid ; and, on cooling
further, becomes hard and brittle.
209. Hardness. — A body is said to be harder than another
if it can be used to scratch the latter but cannot be scratched by
it. Diamond is the hardest substance known. Pure metals are
softer than their alloys; hence gold and silver used for money
and jewelry are alloyed with copper to increase their hardness.
Steel is made very hard by sudden cooling after it has been
raised to a high temperature. The process is called tempering.
All cutting instruments are made of tempered steel.
1. The top of a river flows faster than the bottom, and the middle flows
faster than the sides. Why?
2. Write a list of all the general projierties of matter that have been con-
sidered in this or in previous chapters. Write a similar list of specific prop-
I. Heat and Temperature
210. The Caloric Theory. — Before the final acceptance of the
present theory of heat (Art. 187) about the middle of the last
century, heat was very generally supposed to be an invisible fluid
without weight, which could of itself pass from a hotter to a colder
body. This supposed fluid was called caloric (Latin calor^ heat).
With the overthrow of the theory, the word itself has become
obsolete ; but the root occurs in several words in common use,
among which are calorie, one of the heat units ; caloritnetry, the
art or process of measuring heat ; and calorimeter, a vessel in
which substances are placed in measuring their gain or loss of
heat. The use of these words does not imply any reference to
the caloric theory; but, unfortunately, the terms latetit heat
and radiant heat, which also owe their origin to the caloric
theory, are distinctly misleading, for neither is heat at all.
211. The Mechanical Theory of Heat: Historical. — " The first
prominent physicist who endeavored to overthrow the caloric
theory of heat was Benjamin Thompson" (1753-1814), a native
of Massachusetts. He is better known as Count Rumford, having
received that title from the Elector of Bavaria, whose service he
entered while still a young man. While engaged in the boring
of cannon for the Bavarian government, he was surprised at the
heat generated. " Whence comes this heat ? What is its nature ?
He arranged apparatus so that the heat generated by the friction
of a blunt steel borer raised the temperature of a quantity of
water. In his third experiment, water rose in one hour to 107°
1 62 Heat
Fahrenheit; in one hour and a half to 142° ; *at the end of two
hours and thirty minutes the water actually boiled.' * It is difficult
to describe the surprise and astonishment,' says Rumford, ' ex-
pressed in the countenances of the bystanders, on seeing so large
a quantity of cold water (i8| lb.) heated, and actually made to
boil without any fire.' . . . The source of heat generated by fric-
tion * appeared evidently to be inexhaustible.' The reasoning
by which he concluded that heat was not matter, but was due to
motion, we can give only in part. He says, * It is hardly neces-
sary to add that anything which any insulated body, or system of
bodies, can continue to furnish without limitation, cannot possibly
be a material substance ; and it appears to me extremely difficult,
if not quite impossible, to form any distinct idea of anything ca-
pable of being excited and communicated in the manner in which
heat was excited and communicated in these experiments, except
it be motion.*
" Rumford 's conclusion regarding the nature of heat was vigor-
ously attacked by the calorists, but it was confirmed in 1 799 by
Sir Humphry Davy. By means of clockwork he rubbed two
pieces of ice against one another in the vacuum of an air pump.
Part of the ice was melted, although the temperature of the re-
ceiver was kept below the freezing point. From this he con-
cluded that friction causes vibration of the corpuscles of bodies,
and this vibration is heat." — Cajori's History of Physics.
Notwithstanding the work of Rumford and Davy, but few
physicists were convinced. In fact, the caloric theory was not
completely discredited until after J. P. Joule, an Englishman,
had proved, by a series of experiments extending over a period
of ten years (1840 to 1850), that the amount of heat which can be
generated by a given amount of mechanical work is invariable
(Art. 270).
212. Sources of Heat. — All other forms of energy are capable
of transformation into heat. Mechanical energy is transformed
into heat by friction and impact, as we have already seen, and
also by compression. Heat due to compression is appreciable
Heat and Temperature 163
only in gases, and is familiar in the heating of a bicycle pump
when in use {Exp.). The heating is not due to the friction of
the piston, to any appreciable extent, but to the compression of
the air. The heat thus developed is, in fact, the exact equivalent
of the mechanical work done in compressing the air.
Chemical action is the most important source of heat, with the
exception of the sun. The burning of any substance is an exam-
ple. When a substance burns, its molecules are broken up, and
their parts (atoms) unite with oxygen from the air. New sub-
stances are thus formed, which are in most cases gases. It is not
surprising that, in this violent rearrangement of molecular struc-
ture, the motion of the molecules should be greatly increased.
Heat is also generated by other chemical processes. For exam-
ple, when water is poured on quicklime, the two unite chemically,
forming slaked lime, and the lime becomes very hot {Exp.).
Similarly, when strong sulphuric acid is poured into water, the
mixture becomes very hot {Exp.).
The transformation of other forms of energy into heat is con-
sidered in connection with other topics.
213. Temperature. — The relation between heat and tempera-
ture is similar to that between quantity of water and water level.
If two vessels containing water are in communication, we know
that the flow will be from the one in which the water stands at
the higher level to the other, whether the one or the other con-
tains the greater quantity of water. Similarly, the transfer of heat
between two bodies or between parts of the same body is always
from the hotter to the cooler, whether the quantity of heat in the
former be greater or less than that in the latter ; and this transfer-
ence will cease as soon as both are at the same temperature.
Temperature is therefore defined as the condition of bodies that
determines the direction in which the transfer of heat can take
place between them. Or, since the temperature of a body is
higher the greater the amount of heat it contains, temperature
may be defined as the ititeiisity or degree of heat (not the quantity
of heat).
164 Heat
214. Temperature Sensations. — Our bodily sensations of heat
and cold afford direct but inexact and often misleading infor-
mation concerning the temperature of bodies ; they afford no
information whatever concerning the relative amount of heat in
different bodies (Art. 217).
1. What is ihe meaning of the adjective cold? of the noun cold?
2. A body {x>sscsses heat as lung as it is capable of becoming colder. Is
there any heat in ice?
3. (a) According to the theory of heat, what would be the molecular
condition of a body having no heat? {h) Why could not such a body be a gas?
4. Mention any familiar instances in which ccjual temperatures do not
cause equal temiierature sensations.
II. The Transmission of Heat
215. The transference of heat as heat from one place to
another takes place in two ways; namely, by conduction and by
Laboratory Exercise .?/.
216. Conduction. — Conduction is the transmission of heat from
hotter to colder parts of a body, or from a hotter to a colder body in
contact with it, without change in the relative positions of the parts
of the body. It is the only process by which heat travels in solids.
The heating of the farther end of a poker when one end is placed
in a fire, and the heating of the handle of a spoon placed in a cup
of hot tea are familiar examples.
The kinetic theory suggests a mental picture of the process of
heat conduction. When any part of a body is heated, its mole-
cules are set in more rapid vibration. These molecules jostle
their neighbors more violently, increasing the energy of their vibra-
tion. The disturbance thus spreads throughout the body without
change in the relative positions of the molecules themselves. In
conduction, therefore, molecular energy is transmitted without the
transmission of matter.
Substances differ widely in their conductivity, i.e. their power of
The Transmission of Heat
transmitting heat by conduction. The metals are the best con-
ductors of heat ; other solids, with
few exceptions, are better conduct-
ors than liquids. Liquids, with
the exception of mercury and mol-
ten metals, are very poor conduct-
ors. Water can be boiled at the
top of a test tube for several min-
utes, while the greater part of it
remains cold (Fig. 119) (£x/>.).
But wood and paper, especially the
latter, are much poorer conductors
than water (see table below). Gases are practically nonconduct-
ors. In testing the conductivity of liquids and gases they must
be heated at the top to prevent currents (Art. 218).
The following table gives the conductivities of various substances
referred to silver as the standard : —
Fig. 119.
Tad/e of Conductivities for Heat. (^Approximations^
Silver icxj
Copper 74
Brass 27
Iron 12
Lead 8.5
Mercury 1.35
Ice 0.20
Glass 0.20
Marble 0.15
Water 0.14 .
Wood 0.04
Writing paper 0.012
Wool 0.009
Air 0.005
217. Illustrations of Good and Poor Conductivity. — On a cold
morning the ^oox feels colder to the bare feet than the carpet or a
rug, and water that has been standing in the room over night feels
colder to the face than the air. These and other objects in the
room, which seem to be unequally cold, are all at the same tem-
perature as the air. The difference in the sensations is largely due
to the difference in the conductivities of the substances touched.
If the body touched is a good conductor, heat is rapidly conducted
to all parts of it from the hand \ and this continue^ a§ long as the
1 66 Heat
hand remains in contact with it or until it becomes warm through-
out. This rapid and continued loss of heat makes the hand cold.
If the body touched is a poor conductor, but little heat is lost from
the hand in warming the part of it that is touched. Similarly, if
hot substances at the same temperature but of different conduc-
tivities are touched, the best conductors feel the hottest because
they conduct heat to the hand most rapidly, and hence make the
hand hotter than the poorer conductors do. (The temperature
sensation caused by a body depends also in part upon another
property, called specific heat, which will be studied later.)
The low conducting power of air is utilized in refrigerators and
ice houses, which have double walls filled between with charcoal,
sawdust, straw, or other loose, badly conducting material, which
hinders the circulation of the air. The warmth of fur, feathers, and
wool is partly due to the air entangled in them.
1. What is the advantage of the poor conductivity of wood in using
2. An overcoat is said to " keep out the cold." What is it that it really
3. Why is woolen clothing warmer than cotton or linen?
4. Would it l>e better to wrap a piece of ice in a woolen or a cotton
cloth to keep it from melting?
5. What is the advantage of having the bottoms of tin teakettles and
boilers made of copper?
Laboratory Exercise 28.
218. Convection. — The transmission of heat in a liquid or a
gas by currents due to unequal temperatures in its different parts
is called convection , and the currents are called convection cur-
In heating liquids, the heat is applied to the lx)ttom of the
vessel. The liquid at the bottom receives heat from the vessel by
conduction and expands, thus becoming less dense. It is then
displaced by the denser liquid at the top, producing convection
Radiation 167
Convection currents in air and other gases are due to the same
cause. The strong ascending current above a bonfire is indicated
by the leaping of the flames and the rapid rise of sparks and
smoke. The fire is fed by inward-flowing currents near the
ground. They occupy much more space than the ascending
current, and hence move more slowly and are less noticeable.
1. Would convection currents be caused by heating a liquid at the top?
by cooling it at the top? l)y cooling it at the bottom?
2. What would be the general direction of convection currents in a room
heated by a stove at one end of the room? Would the air be warmer near
the floor or near the ceiling?
3. What convection currents are set up when a door is left open between a
warm and a cold room ?
4. Why do openings at the top and bottom of a window provide better
ventilation than a single opening of the same total area at either top or
5. A fire in a fireplace provides excellent ventilation for a room. Explain.
6. Docs an open fireplace provide as good ventilation whether there is a
fire in it or not?
7. How is the flame of a lamp provided with the constant supply of
oxygen necessary for combustion?
III. Radiation
Laboratory Exercise 2^ {l^ a and <5, and II, dr and b),
219. An Experiment on Radiation. — When the hand is held
close besiWe a hot flame, as that of a Bunsen burner, the side of the
hand turned toward the flame becomes hot. The hand is not
heated by convection, for it is in the path of the currents of cold
air moving toward the flame. When any object, as a sheet of
paper, is placed as a screen between the hand and the flame, the
hand instantly ceases to feel the heat, which shows that it could
not have been heated by conduction, for three reasons: (i) be-
cause the screen is at least as good a conductor as the air ; (2) if
the process were conduction, the air must have been at least as
warm as the hand and it could not instantly become cold on inter-
1 68 Heat
posing the screen ; and (3) both sides of the hand would have
been warmed, for convection currents would prevent any consider-
able difference in the temperature of the air on the two sides.
The conclusion is therefore certain that, when the hand is beside
the flame with nothing interposed between, the side turned toward
the flame becomes much hotter than the air at that distance, and
that it is heated neither by conduction nor convection.
The conditions of this experiment are repeated on a large scale
when we stand near a bonfire in cold weather. Most people know
by experience of the last situation what it means to " roast on one
side and freeze on the other."
220. The Transformation of Heat into Radiant Energy and of
Radiant Energy into Heat. — All hot bodies lose heat by a pro-
cess called ratiiation, which is independent of conduction and con-
vection and is totally different from either. But radiation is not a
process by which heat is transmitted ; for the heat is transformed
at the radiating body into another form of energy, called radiant
energy^ and is transmitted as such until it meets some body capa-
ble of transforming it back into heat.
Tlie transformation of radiant energy into heat is called absorp-
tion. Absorption takes place at the surface of some bodies, as at
the surface of the hand in the preceding experiment ; in other
cases it takes place within the body through which the radiant
energy is passing. A body is heated only by the part of the radiant
energy that it absorbs. Air absorbs comparatively little, hence is
only slightly heated by radiation. The transformation of radiant
energy into heat by absorption may l>e compared to the transfor-
mation of the kinetic energy of a flying bullet into heat by impact
against a steel target. Radiant energy is as distinctly dififerent
from heat as is the kinetic energy of the bullet.
221. Luminous and Nonluminous Radiation. — Radiant energy
is often called radiation ; thus radiation may mean either a form
of energy or the process by which that energy is transmitted.
Radiant energy includes luminous radiation, or lights as well as the
Donluminous or dark radiation previously considered. The dis-
Radiation 169
tinction between light and nonluminous radiation is a physiologi-
cal rather than a physical one, and is due to the fact that the
optic nerve is sensitive to the one and not to the other. The two
kinds of radiation are the same form of energy.
A hot body, as a piece of iron, gives out only dark radiation
below a certain temperature ; at " red heat " or above it radiates
light also. Light is due to the transformation of heat into radiant
energy at sufficiently high temperatures ; and, like dark radiation,
it is again transformed into heat by absorption.
The energy of dark radiation is greater than that of light ; hence
it causes greater heating when absorbed. Before heat was recog-
nized as a form of energy (Art. 210) it was supposed that dark
radiation was a form of heat and was essentially different from
light ; it was therefore called " radiant heat," and its transmission
was called the " radiation of heat." These terms are still com-
mon ; but their use should be avoided, at least by the beginner.
222. Radiant Energy can be transmitted in a Vacuum. —
Neither air nor any other form of matter that we have yet con-
sidered is necessary for the transmission of radiation. This is
evident from the fact that we receive radiant energy from the sun
over a distance of 93,000,000 miles ; through all of which space,
till the earth's atmosphere is reached, there is what we call a
perfect vacuum. The incandescent electric light affords another
illustration on a small scale. When the filament of the lamp is
heated by the electric current, it sends out both luminous and
nonluminous radiation, yet within the bulb there is a very nearly
perfect vacuum.
Hitherto we have found energy only in connection with matter ;
in fact, matter is often called " the vehicle of energy." How,
then, does energy travel in a vacuum ? The question is answered
by the theory of radiant energy ; which, together with the laws
of radiation, will be considered under the subject of light. One
law of radiation was illustrated when the screen was interposed
between the Bunsen flame and the hand : the radiation did not
pass round the screen. Radiation is transmitted along a straight
path in a vacuum and in all homogeneous substances capable of
transmitting it.
223. The Radiometer. — The radiometer (Fig. 1 20) consists of
four light vanes of mica or aluminum attached to a vertical axis,
and inclosed in a glass bulb containing a small quantity of air
under very low pressure. One side of each
vane is bright, the other is coated with
lampblack. When the instrument is
placed in the sunshine or in the path of
other radiation, the vanes rotate with their
bright side in advance.
The rotation of the vanes is explained
as follows : The black surfaces absorb
more radiation than the bright, and hence
are warmer. The molecules of the rare-
fied air that strike the blackened surfaces
are heated, and rebound with greater veloc-
ity than those that strike the bright sides.
This causes a greater pressure upon the
black side of each vane than upon the
other ; hence the rotation. If the air in the bulb were not
highly rarefied, there would be no rotation, for the collisions
among the molecules would be so frequent as to equalize the pres-
sures throughout the bulb.
The rate of rotation of the vanes serves as a rough measure of
the energy of the radiation falling upon them ; hence the instru-
ment is very useful in the study of radiation (see Lab. Ex. 29).
224. Effects of Matter upon Radiation. — When radiant energy
falls upon any substance, it may be (i) absorbed at the surface,
(2) reflected by the surface, (3) transmitted through the sub-
stance, or (4) wholly or partly absorbed by the substance during
transmission. Generally two and often three of these effects
occur simultaneously with different portions of the radiation. The
study of these effects will be continued under the subject of light.
225. Reflection and Absorption at Surfaces. — In general, the
Fig. laa
Radiation 171
surfaces of substances that transmit no radiation reflect part and
absorb the remainder ; they are heated only by the absorbed
radiation. Lampblack is the best absorber known ; it absorbs
practically all of the radiation that falls upon it, both luminous and
nonluminous. Any polished metal reflects much the greater part
of all radiation and absorbs the remainder. A piece of tin coated
with lampblack or painted black on the side turned toward a flame
will therefore become hot, while a piece of bright tin in the same
situation will be only slightly warmed. A white surface reflects
nearly all luminous radiation that falls upon it, a black surface re-
flects almost none, a colored surface reflects part and absorbs part.
226. Selective Absorption. — Substances that transmit d^irk
radiation, with but little absorption if any, are called diatherma-
nous (Greek therme, heat) ; those that transmit little or none are
called athennanous. The terms have the same meaning with
respect to dark radiation that transparent and opaque have with
respect to light.
The power of most substances to transmit radiation depends
very largely upon the temperature of the source of the radiation.
Some substances that transmit light also transinit dark radiation,^
others do not. Clear glass transmits light and also a considerable
portion of the radiation from bodies nearly red hot, but absorbs
all or nearly all of the radiation from colder bodies. Thus solar
radiation enters a sunny room in large quantities through the
windows, and is absorbed by the objects upon which it falls. But,
as the radiation from these bodies cannot penetrate glass, the solar
energy is entrapped in the room, which may thus become con-
siderably warmer than the air outside. This explains the accu-
mulation of heat in greenhouses. Rock salt transmits all radiation,
being highly transparent and diathermanous. A solution of iodine
in carbon disulphide is perfectly opaque but diathermanous ;
water in its three states is transparent but highly athermanous
(Lab. Ex. 29).
The unequal absorption of luminous and dark radiation by the
same substance is called selective absorption.
172 Heat
227. Relation of Radiating and Absorbing Powers. — If two
metal vessels of the same size and material, one highly polished
and the other coated on the outside with lampblack, are filled
with equal quantities of hot water at the same temperature and are
allowed to stand for some minutes, it will be found that the tem-
perature of the water in the blackened vessel is considerably lower
than that in the other {Exp.). The difference in the rate of cool-
ing is due to the more rapid radiation from the blackened surface.
The experiment illustrates the fact that good absorbers of radiation
are also good radiators, and poor absorbers poor radiators.
228. The Heating of the Atmosphere. — It is well known that
the atmosphere is colder at higher than at lower altitudes. Aero-
nauts always find intense cold at altitudes above three or four
miles, and the tops of high mountains are covered with perpetual
snow. The low temperature of high altitudes is due to the fact
that the dry and rarefied air absorbs but little of the enormous
quantity of radiant energy that passes through it.
As the radiation approaches the earth, the rate of absorption
rapidly increases, principally on account of the greater amount of
water vapor ; for experiments have shown that the absorbing
power of air containing the average amount of water vapor is
seventy-two times as great as that of perfectly dry air of the same
density. The absorption at lower levels is further increased by the
dust particles in the air.
But notwithstanding the loss by absorption on the way through
the atmosphere, it is estimated that from two thirds to three fourths
of the solar radiation reaches the earth. Much of this is absorbed
by the surface of the land and the ocean ; the remainder is re-
flected. The reflected radiation is partly absorbed on its way out
through the atmosphere again. The absorbed radiation warms the
surface of the land, and this in turn warms the air in contact with
it. This is especially noticeable on a hot day in summer, when,
if there is no wind, the air close to the ground is many degrees
warmer than at a height of a few feet. The heating of the air at
the bottom causes convection currents (winds), by which the heat
Temperature and Expansion 173
is carried to considerable altitudes; but the temperature is, of
course, highest at the source of the heat^ i.e. at the earth's sur-
The earth is cooled at night principally by radiation. The loss
is rapid on clear nights, especially when the atmosphere is very
dry ; but is checked in a large degree by moisture, especially by
clouds, which absorb the radiation before it has passed through
them, thus serving as a blanket to the earth. Hence clear nights
are, as a rule, the coldest At high altitudes, where there is but
little hindrance to radiation either by day or by night, sheltered
valleys are quickly warmed in summer by the early morning sun-
shine ; and a sudden chill immediately follows the disappearance
of the sun in the evening, the nights being often cold enough for
Thus we see that the atmosphere, or rather the moisture in it,
performs an indispensable function in moderating the intensity of
solar radiation by day and retaining the heat by night.
1. Why does snow melt more quickly when covered with a thin layer of
2. Why is Hght-colored clothing more comfortable in summer than black?
3. Why is the difference between the temperature in the sunlight and in
the shade greater upon the top of a mountain than at a low elevation?
4. Why must those who climb snow-covered mountains take especial care
to protect their faces?'
IV. Measurement of Temperature and Expansion
229. Measurement of Temperature. — Any instrument for meas-
uring temperatures is called a thermometer. In most forms of
thermometers the effect of heat in changing the volume of some
substance is utilized. Solids are rarely used, as their expansion is
small and they are otherwise inconvenient. It is important that
the substance chosen should have a uniform expansion ; i.e. equal
174 Heat
quantities of heat should, cause equal increases of volume at all
Mercury fulfills this condition better than any other liquid, and
has the further advantage of remaining a liquid through a very
wide range of temperature. The apparent expansion of mercury
in a glass vessel (/.<•. the difference between the expansion of
mercury and glass) has therefore been adopted as the standard.
For temperatures below the freezing point of mercury, alcohol
thermometers are used, the freezing point of alcohol being — i3o°C.
The air thermometer, in which the expansion of air is utilized, is
adopted as the standard in the most accurate scientific work ; and
it can be constructed of such form as to be of practical use in meas-
uring temperatures above the boiling point of mercury, such as
the temperatures of furnaces.
230. The Mercury Thermometer. — The mercury thermometer
consists essentially of a capillary glass tube, called the stem, ter-
minating in a bulb (Fig. 122). The bulb and a part of the stem
are filled with mercury, and the expansion is measured by a scale
engraved upon the stem or attached to it. In making a thermom-
eter the mercury is heated to drive out all the air before the stem
is sealed at the top ; hence the space in the tube above the mer-
cury is a vacuum.
231. Determination of the Fixed Points. — Probably no two
thermometers have bulbs of exactly the same capacity and tubes
of exactly the same bore ; hence the readings of different ther-
mometers would be entirely inconsistent with one another if they
were provided with scales of equal length. The correct position
and dimensions of the scale must therefore be determined sepa-
rately for every thermometer.
The first step in this process is to determine the " fixed points,"
called \k\^ freezing point diViA the boiling point. T\\^ freezing point
is the temperature at which pure water freezes ; but since this is
exactly the same as the temperature at which ice melts, whatever
the surrounding temperature may be, it is most conveniently
found by inserting the bulb of the thermometer in a dish of melt-
Temperature and Expansion
ing snow or crushed ice. The ice is packed about the bulb and
stem, leaving the mercury just visible above it ; and a mark is made
on the stem at the top of the mercury column after it comes to rest.
The boiling point is the temperature at which pure water boils
under a pressure of one atmos-
phere. But, since the tempera-
ture of the water is subject to
appreciable changes from various
causes while that of the escaping
steam is constant, the thermom-
eter is adjusted so as to be sur-
rounded by the steam, as nearly as
possible to the top of the mercury
in the stem, and is not permitted
to touch the water (Fig. 121).
Since even a slight change in the
atmospheric pressure causes an
appreciable change in the tem-
perature at which water boils
(Art. 262), a correction must be applied to the observed height
of the mercury in the stem if tlie barometric pressure is not
76 cm. when the boihng point is determined.
232. Centigrade and Fahrenheit Scales. — The distance between
the fixed points is divided into equal parts called degrees. In the
Centigrade scale the number of these divisions is 100, the freezing
point being marked 0° and the boiling point 100°. The Centi-
grade thermometer is almost exclusively used in scientific work.
All temperatures referred to in this book are expressed in the Cen-
tigrade scale unless otherwise indicated. In the Fahrenheit- scale
the freezing point is marked 32° and the boiling point 212°, the
interval between them being 180°. The Fahrenheit scale is the
one in general use in this country. The scale of a thermometer
may be extended to any desired distance beyond the fixed points.
Temperatures below zero on either scale are indicated by the nega-
tive sign, as — 15° C.
Fig. lai.
or THr
FlO. 122.
Since the interval between the fixed points is loo Centigrade
degrees or i8o Fahrenheit degrees, it follows
that —
I Centigrade degree = f Fahrenheit degrees,
I Fahrenheit degree = f Centigrade degrees.
In changing a reading on either scale to the
equivalent reading on the other, allowance must
be made for the difference in the zero points.
Example : 50° C. means 50 Centigrade degrees
above the freezing point. This is equal to 50 x |,
or 90 Fahrenheit degrees a dove the freezing pointy
or to 122° F.
233. Linear Expansion of Solids. — With few
exceptions, none of which are important, solids expand when
heated and contract when cooled. Tiie total expansion or con-
traction of any body depends upon its size and material as well
as upon the change in temperature. The expansion of a solid
takes place, of course, in its three dimensions ; but, in most cases,
it is important only in the direction of its length. F^xpansion,
when considered in one direction only, is called linear expansion.
The expansion of a solid per unit of length when its tempera-
ture rises one degree is called its coefficient of linear expansion.
For example, the coefficient of linear expansion of oak is .000006,
which means that each centimeter of its length increases to
1.000006 cm. with a rise of temperature of one degree Centi-
grade. The coefficient of steel is .000012 — just twice that of
oak ; hence the expansion of a piece of steel for any change
of temperature is twice as great as that of a piece of oak of the
same dimensions for the same change of temperature.
The expansion of solids is so slight that some special device
must be employed in order to measure with any degree of accu-
racy the expansion of even a long rod for a considerable rise of
temperature. The methods by which this is done are best studied
in the laboratory. The computation of the coefficient from the
Temperature and Expansion 177
data thus obtained is illustrated by the following example : A brass
rod 90 cm. long expands .13 cm. when heated from 23° to 100°.
Find its coefficient of linear expansion. The rise of temperature
is 77 degrees; hence, assuming the expansion to be uniform^ the
expansion of the rod for a rise of temperature of i degree is —
cm., and the expansion of i cm. for a rise of temperature of i de-
gree is — '—^ — , or .0000188 cm.
^ 77 X 90'
The coefficient of linear expansion may equally well be re-
garded as the ratio of the whole expansion to the whole length for
a rise of temperature of one degree.
Coefficients of Linear Expansion
Zinc o.(xxx>294
Lead 0.0000286
Aluminum 0.000023
Brass 0.0000188
Copper ...... 0.0000172
Iron and Steel .... o.ooooi 22
Platinum 0.0000088
Glass 0.0000086
Wood, Dak 0.000006
Wood, Fir 0.0000035
Laboratory Exercise JO.
234. Effects and Applications of Expansion. — The force that
a body can exert in expanding or contracting with change of
temperature is equal to the force required to expand or compress
it to the same extent by mechanical means. This force is enor-
mous, and, under most circumstances, practically irresistible. If
a bar of malleable iron one square inch in cross-section were
placed between fixed supports, so as to make expansion impossible,
and its temperature then raised 40°, it would exert a pressure of
about five tons against the supports.
The rails of tracks are laid with a small space between their
ends, which provides room for expansion. A long steel bridge
changes in length several inches between winter and summer,
opportunity for this change being afforded by an expansion joint.
The tire of a wagon wheel is made just large enough to go on
178 Heat
when hot ; it shrinks upon the wheel in cooling, making a very
tight fit. For a similar reason red-hot rivets are used in joining
the steel plates of tanks and boilers. A wooden rod is better than
one of metal for the pendulum of a clock, since its coefficient of
expansion is less.
235. The Expansion of Liquids. — In considering the expan-
sion of liquids and gases it is increase of volume, or cubical expan-
sion^ with which we are concerned. The coefficient of cubical
expansion of a solid or a liquid is its expansion per unit volume
for a rise of temperature of one degree.
As usually contrived, experiments on the expansion of liquids
give their apparent expansion, i.e, the difference between their
true expansion and the expansion of the containing vessel. The
tnie expansion of a liquid is the sum of its apparent expansion
and the cubical expansion of the material of the containing vessel.
In general, a liquid expands more rapidly as the temperature
approaches its boiling point. The following table gives the true
average expansion of a few liquids : —
Coefficients of Cubical Expansion
Ether 0.0015
Alcohol (5° to 6**) . . . . 0.00105
Alcohol (49° to 50**) . . . 0.00122
Acetic acid 0.00105
Petroleum 0.0009
Olive oil 0.0008
Turpentine 0.0007
Glycerine 0.0005
Water (5° to 6°) . . . . 0.000022
Water (49° to 50°) . . . 0,00046
Water (99° to 100") . . . 0.00076
Mercury 0.00018
It can be shown that the coefficient of cubical expansion of a
solid is three times its coefficient of linear expansion ; hence by
multiplying the values given in the table under solids by three, a
comparison can be made between the expansion of liquids and
solids. It will be found that the expansion of liquids, though
small, is considerably greater than that of solids. The total
expansion of water between 4° and 100° is a little over four per
Laboratory Exercise ji.
Temperature and Expansion 179
236. Importance of the Irregular Expansion of Water. — The
expansion of water is curiously irregular. It contracts as its tem-
perature rises from 0° to 4° ; when heated beyond this point it
begins to expand, at first very slowly, then more and more rapidly
(see table). Hence the density of water is greatest at 4° C.
(about 39° F.).
This behavior of water is of the greatest importance in the
economy of nature. In winter the waters of lakes lose heat at
the surface by contact with the cold air and by radiation. As the
water at the surface cools, it becomes denser and sinks, displacing
the warmer water at the bottom. These convection currents con-
tinue until the water is cooled throughout to a temperature of 4° ;
beyond this point the water at the surface expands as it cools
and remains at the top. Thus the water at the surface freezes
while that below remains at 4°, even in the most severe winters,
— a temperature at which fishes and other inhabitants of the
waters are not destroyed.
Laboratory Exercise J2.
237. Expansion of Gases. — The effect of heat upon the vol-
ume of gases was first accurately investigated by the French physi-
cist, Jacques Charles, who discovered the law that bears his name.
Law of Charles : The volume of any gas increases under constant
pressure by -^-^ of its volume at zero (Centigrade) for each rise of
temperature of one degree.
The fraction ^|^, or .003665, is, according to the law, the co-
efficient of cubical expansion for all gases at all temperatures,
under any constant pressure. I^ter and more accurate experi-
ments have shown that this law, like that of Boyle (Art. 47), is
only approximately true ; though very nearly so indeed, unless the
gas is near the temperature at which it liquefies.
It can be shown by experiment or proven from the laws of
Boyle and Charles that, when a gas is heated without being per-
mitted to expand (volume constant), its pressure increases at the
same rate as the volume does when it is heated under constant
i8o Heat
It is instructive to contrast the identical behavior of all gases as
expressed by the laws of Boyle and Charles with the very marked
individual differences exhibited by solids and liquids in their
relation to changes of pressure and temperature. The gaseous
state is evidently very much simpler than the other two ; which is
explained by the fact that the molecules of a gas are separated
beyond the range of cohesion,
238. Absolute Temperature and Absolute Zero. — Let ?'„ be the
volume of a body of gas at o° C, and z^, its volume at any other
temperature /| under the same pressure.
The increase in volume is 7'i — rv. and this increase is — ^ of
the volume at 0** (law of Charles) ; that is, — ^^^
From which Ti = ?'„( i H — ~ ). (i)
\ 273/
Similarly, if r, be the volume of the gas at temperature /j, under
the same pressure, then —
.,=..(.+-4^). (.)
Dividing the members of equation (i) by the corresponding
members of equation (2), we have —
gi_ 273
which reduces to ^ = "^ ^^44 ' (s)
Vt 2734-/2 ^^^
The relation expressed by equation (3) has led to the adoption
of a temperature scale whose degrees are the same as those of the
Centigrade scale but whose zero is at — 273° C. This scale of
temperature is called the absolute scale, and its zero the absolute
zero. The freezing point is 273° Abs. and the boiling point 373°
Temperature and Expansion i8i
Abs. Any temperature on the Centigrade scale is changed to the
absolute scale by adding 273. If we let T denote temperatures
on the absolute scale, then 71 =273 + /!, and 7^2= 273 + 4, and
equation (3) becomes —
M- «
Expressed in words the meaning of this equation is : Under
constant pressure the volume of any body of gas is proportional to
its absolute temperature. This is but another (and the simplest)
way of stating the law of Charles. If this law held for all* tem-
peratures, it is evident that at absolute zero the volume of any
body of gas would be zero ; but, as before stated, the law fails to
express the behavior of gases when near the point of condensation,
and all licjuefy and even solidify before reaching absolute zero.
When near the point of condensation, the decrease of volume for
a given fall of temperature is less than that indicated by the law.
By reasoning based on the relation of heat to mechanical
energy, it is proved that the absolute zero is what its name
indicates ; namely, the temperature at which a body would pos-
sess no molecular kinetic energy, or no heat, — the molecules
would be at rest. No substance has yet been cooled to absolute
zero; but the temperature has been closely approached by the
evaporation of hydrogen after it has been liquefied (Art. 268).
By this means hydrogen has been cooled to a temperature
estimated at — 259°C. or 14° Abs., at which temperature it is
frozen. Air freezes at a considerably higher temperature and
boils at — 191° C. or 82° Abs.
1. (rt) The reading of a thermometer gives the temperaturt of the ther-
mometer. On what grounds do we assume that the reading of a thermometer
in a liquid gives the temperature of the liquid? (^) Why do we not take the
reading immediately on inserting a thermometer in a liquid to determine its
2. The reading of a barometer is 76 cm. on a certain day when its tem-
perature {i.e. the temperature of the mercury in the barometer) is 0°. What
1 82 Heat
would have been the reading of the barometer if its temperature had been
3. In accurate work the reading of the barometer must be " corrected for
temperature " ; 1^. the true height is taken as the heij^ht at which it
would stand if the temperature of the mercury were o*'. A barometer read-
ing is 75.6 cm. at a temperature of 22*^ ; find the true or corrected height.
4. The thinner a glass tumbler is, the less likely is it to break when hot
water is |)Oured into it. Why?
5. Why cannot an air thermometer be used for measuring the lowest
attainable temperatures?
6. What will be the volume, at 75", o( a body of air which, under the same
pressure, has a volume of 250 ccm. at 20*^ ?
SlUGESTlON. — Use equation (3) or (4) above.
7. A body of gas at 10*' and a pressure of one atmosphere is inclosed
in a vessel and heated to 300*^. What is the pressure at that temperature,
none of the gas being allowed to escape?
8. A quantity of gas is found to have a volume of 800 ccm. at 20" under
atmospheric pressure when the barometer reads 75 cm. What would be the
volume of the gas at 0° and a pressure of one atmosphere?
Si'G(;estion. — Find the volume at the given temperature and 76 cm.
pressure (Boyle's law), and from this the volume at 0° under the latter
pressure (law of Charles).
V. Calorimetry: Specific Heat
The Heat Unit. — Heat being a form of energy, it can be
measured in terms of any of the units by which mechanical energy
is measured (ft.-lb., etc.) ; they are not used, however, as there
are more convenient units for the purpose. Two heat tinits are in
common use : one, the calorie^ is the amount of heat required to
raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree Centi-
grade ; the other is the amount of heat required to raise the tem-
perature of 'one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. The
calorie is almost exclusively used in scientific work and is the only
heat unit that is used in this book.
Example. — How much heat is required to raise the temperature of 70 g.
of water from 8° C. to 63"^ C? The rise of temperature is 55°; hence the
heat required is 55 calories per gram, and 70 X 55, or 3850 calories, for 70 g.
Calorimetry : Specific Heat 183
The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one
gram of water one degree is not exactly the same at all tempera-
tures, but the difference is too small to be of importance except
in the most accurate work. The numerical relation between the
calorie and the units of mechanical energy is considered in Art. 270.
240. Specific Heat. — It is found by experiment that only one
ninth as much heat is required to cause a given rise of temperature
in any mass of iron as is necessary to cause the same rise of tem-
perature in an equal mass of water. This ratio J, or .11, is
called the specific heat of iron. The term is also applied to the
number of calories required to raise the temperature of one gram
of iron one degree y which is evidently .11 calorie.
The specific heat of a substance is the ratio of the quantity of
heat required to raise the temperature of any mass of the sub-
stance one degree to the amount required to raise the temperature
of an equal mass of water one degree ; or, it is the number of
calories required to raise the temperature of one gram of the sub-
stance one degree (Centigrade).
ExAMi'LKS. — If the specific heat of a substance is .04, to raise the tem-
perature of 50 g. of it from 2^ C. to 6" C, would require 50 x 4 X .04, or 8
calories. The same body in cooling from 50° C. to 30° C. would give out
50 X 20 X .04, or 40 calories.
The specific heat of water is one, by definition ; it is very large
compared with that of most other substances, especially the
metals, and is exceeded only by hydrogen. In the following table
the substances are named in the order of their specific heats.
Table of Specific Heats
Hydrogen 3.409
Water i.ooo
Alcohol (0° to 50°) . . . .0.615
Ice 0.504
Steam 0.480
Afr 0.237
Marble 0.216
Aluminum 0.213
Glass 0.198
Iron 0.1 13
Copper 0.095
Brass 0.094
Mercury 0.033
Lead 0.031
184 Heat
241. Measurement of Specific Heat. — The method generally
used for determining the specific heat of a substance is known as
the method of mixtures. It is illustrated by the following example :
A brass calorimeter weighing 100 g. contains 400 g. of water at
I8^ Into this is put a roll of sheet iron at 100°, weighing 190 g.
After stirring, the temperature of the water is 22°, and this is
assumed to be the temperature of the roll of iron and the calo-
rimeter. The specific heat of the calorimeter is given as .094.
Find the specific heat of the roll of iron.
Solution. — I^t j denote the specific heat of iron ; i.e. in this case, it is
the number of calories of heat given out by each gram of the roll of iron in
cooling one degree.
Rise of temp, of calorimeter and water = 22" — 18** = 4°
Heat received by the calorimeter = 100 x 4 X .094 = 37.6 cal.
Heat received by the water = 400 x 4 = 1600 cal.
Fall of temperature of the iron = 100° — 22° = 78°
Heat given out by the iron = 190 x 78 X .f = 14820 j cal.
Assuming that the transfers of heat take place only among the calorimeter
and its contents, it follows that the heat given out by the roll of iron in cool-
ing to the temperature of the " mixture " is equal to the heat gained by the
calorimeter and water in coming to the same temperature ; that is,
14820 J = 37.6 + 1600,
from which s — 1637.6 -4- 14820 = .110.
242. The Heat Equation. — The above example illustrates the
method of treating the experimental data in all experiments in
calorimetry. The following summary of the method will therefore
be of service now and later.
(i) Find numerical or algebraic expressions for the separate
quantities of heat involved in the equalization of temperatures.
(2) With these quantities of heat form the heat equation^ which
expresses the equality of heat lost and heat gained.
(3) The heat equation contains as an unknown quantity the
quantity sought (specific heat, heat of fusion, or heat of vaporiza-
tion). To find this quantity, solve the equation by the usual
algebraic processes.
Calorimetry : Specific Heat 185
243. The Control of Heat in Calorimetric Experiments. — Any
transfer of heat between the contents of the calorimeter and the
surrounding air or other bodies during an experiment is a source
of error, and must be avoided in so far as possible. The calo-
rimeter is usually nickel plated and brightly polished to dimin-
ish radiation when it is warmer than the surrounding air, and to
diminish absorption when it is cooler. The calorimeter should
stand on a poor conductor (wood) and should be touched with
the hands as little as possible, to avoid conduction.
At the beginning of an experiment the water should be taken at
such a temperature that it (and the calorimeter) will be colder than
the air during a part of the time and warmer during a part, in
order that the gain of heat by conduction and radiation at the
lower temperature may be as nearly as possible equal to the loss
by the same means at the higher temperature.
Laboratory Exercise jy.
1. The specific heat of water is much greater than thai of rocks and soils.
How does this in part account for the fact that the change of temperature of
the land between day and night and between winter and summer is much
greater than that of the ocean ?
2. Are equal quantities of heat required to raise equal volumes of different
substances through equal changes of temperature ? (Consult table of densi-
ties and table of specific heats.)
3. What effect has the large specific heat of water on the sensation caused
by putting the hand in hot or cold water ? In general, how does the specific
heat of a substance affect the sensation of heat or cold caused by it when
touched (see Art. 217) ?
4. A roll of lead weighing 800 g. is heated to 100° and placed in a brass
calorimeter weighing 90 g. and containing 406.3 g. of water at 16.2°. The
final temperature is 21°. Find the specific heat of the lead.
5. A kilogram of mercury at 200° and a kilogram of water at 0° are mixed.
Find the resulting temperature, no allowance being made for the vessel.
6. A piece of aluminum weighing 60 g. is heated to 63°, and placed in a
copper calorimeter weighing 50 g. and containing 100 g. of alcohol at 8".
The temperature of the alcohol rises to 17°. Find its specific heat, taking the
specific heat of copper and aluminum from the ^ble.
1 86 Heat
VI. Fusion and Solidification
244. Melting of Ice and Freezing of Water. — \\lien heat is
applied to ice at any temperature below o^, the temperature of
the ice rises, but melting does not begin until the temperature
has risen to o*. With the further application of heat the ice
begins to melt, but its temperature remains at o°.
When a vessel of water is surrounded by any substance whose
temperature remains below zero, the water loses heat and cools
U> ©•. With further loss of heat, the water begins to freeze ; but
its temperature remains at o° until it is all frozen.
Thus the wultimg point of ice and the freeung point of water
are exactly the same. Whether melting or freezing will take
place in a >*essel containing both ice and water depends upon
whether heat is passing into the vessel or from iL K the water is
losing heat, it will freeze ; if the ice is receiving heat, it will melt ;
if there is neither gain nor loss of heat, neither melting nor freezing
win occur.
Lmhoraifrx Exrrcisf jj.
945. lldting Points. — Every solid that can be melted has a
constant melting point, which is also the temperature at which it
freezes or solidifies. .Among fusible solids, some, like ice, change
abruptly from the solid to the liquid state. In such cases the melt-
ing point can be very accurately determined. Other solids, as seal-
ing wax and glass, gradually soften and pass by continuous change
into the liquid state. In such cases the melting point, although
constant, is nx>re or less indefinite.
Talflt of Melting Points
, 1050
Gla» 1000 to 1400
Iron, wrought . . 1500 to 1600
Flatinom 1775
-ijo C
Moc«y -39
Ice o
Batter n
Beeswax 62
Caae.ssgar 170
Solder, soft 225
Fusion and Solidification 187
246. Change of Yolnme during Fusion and Solidification. —
Most substances expand in melting and contract in solidifying;
in many cases the change in volume is considerable. This is well
illustrated in cooling a dish of melted beeswax or paraffine : the
contraction leaves a depression at the center of the cake {Exp.).
Metals, with few exceptions, also contract in solidifying. Those
that do are not adapted for casting, as they would shrink away
from the surfaces of the mold. Cast iron and type metal, which
is an alloy of lead, tin, and antimony, are among the exceptions.
Water expands in solidif>ing, as is well known, the increase in
volume amounting to about one eleventh. As a result of ihb
expansion ice floats — a fact of great importance in nature. If
water contracted in freezing, ice forming at the surface of lakes
and rivers would sink. Freezing would consequently continue at
the surface throughout winter or until the lakes and rivers were
frozen solid, and all animal life inhabiting them would be de-
The enormous force exerted by water in freezing is shown in
the occasional bursting of water pipes in winter. The magnitude
of this force was strikingly shown by
some experiments of Major Wil-
liams, in Canada. " Having quite
filled a thirteen-inch bombshell with
water, he firmly closed the touchhole
with an iron plug weighing three
pounds, and exposed it in this state
to the frost. After some time the
iron plug was forced out with a loud
explosion, and thrown to a distance *^
of 415 feet, and a cylinder of ice 8 inches long issued from the
opening. In another case the shell burst before the plug was
driven out, and in this case a sheet of ice spread out all round
the crack." (Fig. 123.) — Ganot*s EUnunts of Physics.
" Much of the destruction of rocks which is taking place on the
earth's surface is due to the same quiet but intensely powerful
action of freezing water. Rain sinks into the cracks and pores
which all rocks are liable to contain, and when it freezes there, the
crack is inevitably widened or the stnicture of the rock loosened.
Thus room is made for more water, which acts in the same way
when it freezes ; and so by degrees immense masses of rock and
earth are loosened from the mountainside, nor does the action end
until the material is reduced to the finest soil." — Madan's Heat,
Substances that expand in solidifying have a crystalline structure
in the solid state. The crystalline structure is plainly seen in the
ice that first forms when water begins to freeze, in the frost that
gathers on window panes, and in snow. In crystalline solids the
molecules are arranged in clusters of a definite shape, and hence
occupy more space than when they lie loosely side by side in the
liquid state ; just as a number of bricks would occupy more space
if arranged in patterns than if packed in layers.
247. Change of Melting Point produced by Pressure. — Experi-
ments have shown that increase of pressure upon a solid that ex-
pands in melting tends to prevent melting by raising the melting
point. The pressure evidently opposes melting because it opposes
the expansion that accompanies the process.
Similarly, pressure upon a liquid that expands in solidifying
tends to prevent solidification by towering the melting point, for
in this case, also, pressure
opposes the expansion that
accompanies the change of
state. While lowering the
melting point opposes solid-
ification, it aids melting.
Thus ice has been melted at
— 1 8° by a pressure esti-
mated at several thousand
atmospheres. The change
in the melting point of ice
Fig. X24. (jue to a pressure of one
atmosphere would escape detection by means of the thermom-
Fusion and Solidification 189
eters used in elementary physics ; yet the effects produced under
certain conditions by small changes of pressure are very striking.
For example, a loop of fine wire to which weights are attached
slowly descends through a block of ice round which it has been
passed (Fig. 124) ; yet, after it has passed completely through, the
ice is in one solid piece as at the beginning {Exp.). The pressure
of the wire very slightly lowers the melting point of the ice immedi-
ately beneath it ; and the ice melts, receiving the heat necessary
for the purpose from the water filling the space just above the
wire. This water freezes in losing heat, since it is relieved from
pressure. The process is continuous : the water from the ice
melting below the wire, passes round and freezes above it. The
three stages of the process are (i) melting under pressure,
(2) change of position of the water, (3) regelation (refreezing)
under diminished pressure.
This explains the hardening of snow into a solid mass in making
snowballs, and the freezing of ice to flannel wrapped around it.
The flow of glaciers is supposed to be due to the same action under
great pressure.
248. Heat of Fusion. — We have seen that ice melts only while
receiving heat at 0°, and water freezes only while losing heat at 0°.
The quantity of ice melted or of water frozen is proportional to
the gain of heat in the one case, and to the loss of heat in the
other. This is true of any substance that has a definite melting
point. Since these transfers of heat during change of state take
place without change of temperature, it is evident that heat is lost
in the process of fusion and is recovered during solidification. In
what form does this energy exist in the liquid ?
A solid in melting must receive energy in the form of heat to
overcome (in part) the cohesion of its molecules (Art. 189).
After doing this work the energy no longer exists as heat, but as
potential energy in the changed molecular condition of the sub-
stance, — it is molecular potential energy. The process may be
illustrated by pulling apart two balls connected by a rubber band,
the balls representing molecules and the tension of the rubber
190 Heat
band, cohesion. Work is done in separating the balls ; the result
is potential energy, which is recovered when the balls are per-
mitted to come together again.
The number of calories required to melt one gram of any sub-
stance is called its Juat of fusion ;^ this is also the number of
calories given out by one gram of the substance in solidifying.
Substances differ widely in their heats of fusion. The heat of
fusion of water is much larger than that of most other substances.
Table of Heats of Fusion
Ice . > 79.25
Wax 42
Zinc 28.13
Silver 21.07
Tin 14.25
Sulphur 9.37
Lead 5.37
Mercury 2.83
249. Determination of the Heat of Fusion of Ice. — The follow-
ing example illustrates the process of finding the heat of fusion
of ice by the method of mixtures : A quantity of dry, crushed ice
weighing 104 g. is placed in a brass calorimeter weighing 85 g.
and containing 220 g. of water at 44°. The temperature after the
ice is melted is 5.3°.
Solution. — Let /denote the heat of fusion of ice.
Fall of temperature of calorimeter and water = 44 — 5.3 = 38.7°
Heat given out by the calorimeter = 85 X 38.7 x .094 = 309.2 cal.
Heat given out by the water = 220 X 38.7 = 8614. cal.
Heat received by the ice in melting = 104 /cal.
Heat received by the ice water in warming to 5.3°= 104 X 5-3 = 551.2 cal.
104/+ 551.2 = 309.2 + 8514 ;
/= 79.5 calories.
Laboratory Exercise j8.
1 According to the caloric theory, heat must always remain heal, since it was
regarded as a form of matter ; and the heat that disappears in the process of fusion
(and vaporization) was called "latent" (meaning hidden), implying that it still
exists as heat, although its presence cannot be detected. The only form of energy
that is properly called heat at all was then called " sensible " heat to distinguish it
from " latent " heat. The terms have outlived the theory that gave rise to them ;
thus the heat of fusion of ice is often called the " latent heat of water " (Art, 210).
Fusion and Solidification 191
250. Heat of Solution ; Freezing Mixtures. — Work is done in
overcoming cohesion in a solid when it is dissolved as well as when
it is melted ; and in many instances there is direct experimental
evidence that heat disappears in the process, proving that this
work is accomplished by heat.* Thus when ammonium chloride
or ammonium nitrate is dissolved in water, there is a fall of temper-
ature of several degrees ; for the heat required to dissolve the solid
is taken from the nearest available source; namely, the water.
Solution differs from fusion in that it can take place within a wide
range of temperature ; hence the temperature continues to fall
(unless heat is received from the outside) until all the solid is
dissolved or until the solution is saturated.
A mixture of one or more solids and a liquid, or of two solids,
is called 2i freezing mixture if the solution or the liquefaction of the
solids causes a fall of temperature below zero. The following are
examples of freezing mixtures : —
(i) One part by weight of ammonium chloride and one of
potassium nitrate or ammonium nitrate, powdered together and
dissolved in two parts of water. Fall of temperature about 20°.
(2) About 5 parts of strong hydrochloric acid and 8 parts of
powdered sodium sulphate. Fall of temperature about 30°.
(3) One part of table salt and 2 parts of snow or crushed ice.
Fall of temperature to about — 18°. The strong attraction of salt
for water causes the ice to melt rapidly. The heat required to
melt the ice and to dissolve the salt is taken first from the ice and
salt, then, by conduction, from surrounding bodies. This freezing
mixture is well known from its use in making ice cream.
(4) One part each of crystallized calcium chloride and snow
or crushed ice. Fall of temperature to about — 40°. The attrac-
tion of calcium chloride for water is stronger than that of table
salt, and hence causes the ice to melt more rapidly and at a lower
1 When chemical action accompanies solution, it may result in a rise of temper-
ature, the heat generated by the chemical action being greater than the heat lost
in solution.
192 Heat
1. How much heat is required to convert 750 g. of ice at — 20° into water
at 50^ ?
2. How many grams of ice at 0° can be melted by 500 g. of water at 60° ?
3. A kilogram of ice and a kilogram of water, both at o"^, receive heat at
the same rale. What will lie the temperature of the water when the ice has
all been converted into water at 0° ?
4. A piece of aluminum weighing 250 g. and heated to 100° is placed in a
dry cavity in a block of ice, and melts 63.1 g. of the ice. Find the specific
heat of the aluminum, taking the heat of fusion of ice as 79.25 calories.
5. What purpose is served by vessels of water placed in a cellar where
vegetables are stored or in a greenhouse on a frosty night ?
6. (o) Do freezing and thawing take place more or less rapidly than they
would if the heal of fusion of ice were less ? (d) Of what importance is this
in the economy of nature ?
VII. Vaporization and Condensation
251. Vaporization. — The change of a substance from the solid
or liquid to the gaseous state is called vaporization. Vaporization
may take place at the free surface of a licjuid, or within its mass
at the place where heat is applied. In the first case the phenom-
enon is generally called amporation ; in the second case, boil-
ing, A liquid that evaporates readily is said to be volatile. The
gaseous form of a substance that exists in the liquid or the solid
state at ordinary temperatures is generally called a vapor.
Evaporation takes place at the surface of most liquids at all
temperatures, but more rapidly as the temperature rises. It is
due to molecular motion. Some of the molecules of a liquid,
in their irregular motion, reach the surface with a sufficient up-
ward velocity to carry them into the space above, out of the range
of cohesion, where they exist as a gas or vapor. With a rise of
temperature the velocity of the molecules is increased, and more
of them are able to escape from the liquid in a given time. The
process is illustrated on the largest scale in the evaporation of
water from Ihe surface of the oceans, lakes, ponds, and streams ;
Vaporization and Condensation 193
as a result of which, the air always contains a greater or less
amount of water vapor.
252. Disappearance of Heat during Vaporization. — It is well
known that evaporation is a cooling process. A room is appre-
ciably cooled by the evaporation of water sprinkled on the floor.
The skin is cooled by the evaporation of water or perspiration
from it. This is especially noticeable in a draft, which causes
more rapid evaporation by carrying the vapor away as fast as it is
formed. The rapid evaporation of highly volatile liquids, as alco-
hol and ether, causes much greater cooling.
The cooling effect of evaporation is explained as follows : A
liquid in vaporizing increases enormously in volume.* In this ex-
pansion work is done against cohesion and also against external
pressure, and heat is transformed into molecular potential energy.
In evaporation, as in solution, this heat is taken from the nearest
available sources — first the liquid itself, then adjacent bodies.
253. Vapor Pressure. — A vapor, like any gas, exerts
a certain pressure which is proportional to its density
and increases with its temperature ; but the behavior of
vapors differs from that of other gases in important re-
spects, as shown by the following experiment.
A barometer tube is filled with mercury and set up as
a simple barometer. Ether is introduced into the tube
at the bottom, drop by drop, by means of a dropping
tube or a pipette, care being taken to let no air enter
(Fig. 125). As the first drop rises to the top of the
mercury column, it instantly evaporates, and the pressure
that it exerts as a vapor causes a depression of the
column. The pressure of the vapor, expressed in centi-
meters of mercury, is measured by the amount of the -
depression. (Why?) Each drop of ether evaporates as HhMHI
it rises in the tube and causes a further depression of the ' ^^^^ '
column. This continues, however, only to a certain fig. 125.
1 A cubic centimeter of v/ater forms 1661 ccm. of steam at 100° and a pressure
of one atmosphere.
1 94 Heat
point, beyond which the liquid ether accumulates above the mer-
cury, and the column remains stationary. The ether vapor is now
saturatfd ; i.e. // cannot be made denser at its present temperature.
Before this condition is reached the vapor is unsaturated^ and
hence exerts a less pressure.
The pressure exerted by the saturated ether vapor is found by
subtracting the height of the mercury in the tube from the read-
ing of a barometer. When the tube is inclined, the space occu-
pied by the vapor becomes smaller; but the vertical height of
the mercury column remains the same as before, indicating that
the vapor pressure is unchanged. This is true even when the
tube is inclined so far that the space occupied by the vapor
almost disappears. In inclining the tube, the vapor is evidently
not compressed and made denser ; for in that case it would exert
an increased pressure. The fact is that a portion of the vapor is
liquefied, and the density of the remainder is unchanged. This
behavior agrees with the former statement that the vapor is satu-
rated, and cannot be made denser at its present temperature ;
and, since it cannot be made denser, it cannot be made to exert a
greater pressure. The pressure of the saturated vapor is therefore
the maximum pressure of ether vapor at its present temperature.
When the tube is returned to the vertical position and the ether
warmed by clasping the tube in the hands, the mercury descends
further, showing an increase of vapor pressure with rise of tempera-
ture. This is partly due to the heating of the vapor already in the
tube, but chiefly to the evaporation of more ether. The saturated
vapor is denser at the higher temperature. If there were no more
ether in the tube to evaporate, the heat of the hand would cause
expansion of the existing vapor, and it would become less dense
and unsaturated.
Similar results are obtained throughout when alcohol is substi-
tuted for ether in the experiment ; but they are all on a greatly
reduced scale, for the maximum pressure of alcohol vapor is much
less than that of ether at the same temperatures. With water the
effects are very slight. At 20° the maximum vapor pressure of
Vaporization and Condensation 195
ether is 43.28 cm. (of mercury), that of alcohol 4.45 cm., and
that of water 1.74 cm.
Laboratory Exercise 34, Parts I arid II.
254. Laws of Vapor Pressure. — The above experiment illus-
trates the first three of the following laws of vapor pressure : —
I. At a given temperature there is a maximum density and
pressure for every vapor, in which condition the vapor is said to
be saturated.
Compression of a saturated vapor without change of tempera-
ture causes a portion of it to condense (liquefy) ; but the density
and pressure of the remainder are not changed.
II. At the same temperature the maximum pressures of different
vapors are unequal.
III. The density and pressure of a saturated vapor increase
with the temperature.
IV. The behavior of unsaturated vapors is approximately like
that of gases, as expressed in the laws of Boyle and Charles.
255. Mixture of Gases and Vapors; Dalton's Laws. — The
following laws relating to mixtures of gases and vapors are known
as Dalton's laws, from their discoverer.
I. The quantity of vapor which saturates a given space is the
same, at the same temperature^ whether this space contains a gas
or is a vacmnn.
II. The pressure of the mixture of a gas and a vapor is equal
to the sum of the pressures which each would exert if it occupied
the same space alone.
In a vacuum the evaporation of a volatile liquid is almost instan-
taneous. In the presence of air or any other gas, evaporation
takes place much more slowly ; but, as is implied in Dalton's
first law, it will not cease until any inclosed space above the
liquid contains as much of the vapor as it would if the gas were
not present. The kinetic theory of gases accounts at once for the
second law. The law holds for the mixture of any number of
vapors and gases, the most familiar example of which is the
1 96 Heat
256. Water Vapor in the Atmosphere. — The atmosi)here is a
mixture of several gases, principally nitrogen and oxygen ; the
only other constituents of importance are carbon dioxide and
water vapor. All of the constituents of the atmosphere except
water vapor are practically constant in amount ; the latter varies
from an inappreciable fraction to about 2 per cent of the whole, the
average amount being not far from i per cent.
The condition of the water vapor in the air with respect to
saturation is not in the least affected by the presence of the other
gases (Dalton's first law), and depends only upon its own density
and temperature (which, of course, is the temperature of the air) ;
yet common forms of expression seem to imply that the presence
and condition of the vapor are due to some action of the air.
Thus when the water vapor in the air is saturated, we say that the
air is saturated or that the air has all the moisture it can hold ;
although, strictly speaking, it is the space that has all the water
vapor that it can hold (at the given temperature) . There is per-
haps no objection to the use of such expressions when their true
meaning is understood.
The air is generally not saturated ; it is evidently not saturated
whenever further evaporation can take place. Nonsaturated air
may become saturated (i) by further evaporation, (2) by a fall
of temperature, (3) by the two processes combined. Saturation
results from a sufficient fall of temperature because the density of
a saturated vapor is less at lower temperatures (Art. 254, third
law). Consequently when the quantity of water vapor in the air is
less than that required for saturation at the existing temperature,
it is equai to the amount required for saturation at a definite lower
temperature (called the dew-point).
257. The Dew-point. — The temperature at which the water
vapor present in the air at any time would be saturated is called
the de7u-point of the air at that time.
When any body of air is cooled to the dew-point, condensation
of water vapor begins, and continues as long as the temperature
continues to fall. The moisture that gathers on the outside of a
Vaporization and Condensation ' 197
pitcher of ice water is a familiar illustration. The moisture comes
from the surrounding air, which is cooled by coming in contact
with the cold pitcher, and begins to deposit moisture as soon as
the dew-point is reached. A fall of temperature several degrees
below this point generally occurs, causing a considerable deposit
which runs down the sides. (What error is implied in calling this
phenomenon "sweating" ?)
The dew-point may be determined experimentally by putting
water in a vessel on whose surface a thin film of moisture can
easily be seen (as a nickle-plated calorimeter), and slowly cool-
ing the water by means of ice or a freezing mixture till the first
trace of moisture appears on the vessel. The temperature of the
water when this occurs is the dew-point.
The dew-point varies between wide limits. In winter it is
often many degrees below zero. It is, of course, lower than the
temperature of the air unless the air is saturated at the time ; and
it approaches the temperature of the air as the air approaches
Laboratory Exercise 34^ Part III.
258. Humidity. — The humidity (or relative humidity) of the
air at any time is the ratio of the amount of water vapor that it
contains at the time to the whole amount that would be required
to saturate it at the existing temperature. This ratio is usually
expressed as a per cent. Thus the humidity of the air is 75 per
cent when it contains three fourths as much water vapor as would
be recfuired to saturate it at the time. The humidity of saturated
air is 100 per cent by definition.
The dryness or dampness of the air depends not only upon the
amount of water vapor in it, but also upon the temperature ; in
other words, it is determined by the humidity of the air. This is
illustrated by the well-known fact that very damp, cold air in a
room becomes dry when the room is warmed, although there is no
less vapor in the room after the heating than there was before.
The air is drier because its temperature is farther above the dew-
point; i.e. its humidity has been diminished. For example: At
198 * Heat
10° C. (50° F.) the maximum pressure of water vapor is .92 cm. ;
at 20** C. (68° F.) it is 1.73 cm. Hence when saturated air at 10°
is heated to 20°, without change in the quantity of vapor it con-
tains, its humidity falls from 100 per cent to about 53 per cent.
At 10° the air would be disagreeably moist ; at 20° it would feel
rather dry.
259. Laws of Evaporation. — The conditions affecting the rate
of evaporation of a liquid may be summarized as follows : —
I. TA^ rate of evaporation increases with a rise of temperature,
II. The rate of evaporation increases with an increase of the
free surface of the liquid.
III. The rate of evaporation of a liquid decreases as t/te space
around it approaches saturation by its own vapor ^ and ceases when
that space is saturated,
IV. The rate of ei^aporation in the open air increases with a
more rapid change of air about the liquid. Currents of air (winds)
carry the vapor away from the space about the liquid, and the
stronger the currents are, the farther will this space be from satu-
V. The rate of evaporation increases as the density of the air or
other gas surrounding the liquid is diminished; in a vacuum it is
almost instantaneous. Changes of barometric pressure are not
sufficient to materially affect the rate of evaporation in the open air.
It follows from laws I, III, and IV that the most favorable con-
ditions for the rapid evaporation of water in the open air are pres-
ent on a dry, hot, windy day.
260. Condensation of Water Vapor in the Atmosphere. — Water
vapor is ahuays invisible. The visible forms of moisture in the
atmosphere — as fog, mist, clouds, and the so-called " steam "
near the spout of a kettle in which water is boiling — consist of
minute particles of liquid water, and are the result of the conden-
sation that accompanies a fall of temperature after the dew-point
is reached. Dew, frost, rain, sleet, hail, and snow are forms in
which the moisture of the air is condensed and precipitated. The
conditions under which the different forms occur are as follows : —
Vaporization and Condensation 199
Dew is condensed water vapor coming from the air immediately
surrounding the body on which it appears. It has been found
by numerous experiments that surfaces upon which dew is form-
ing are always at least 3° or 4° colder than the air or dewless
surfaces. (Cooling below the temperature of the air is due to
the rapid loss of heat by radiation.) When the air is nearly
saturated, it is cooled to the dew-point by coming in contact with
such surfaces, and moisture is condensed upon them. Dew forms
only at night, and most abundantly during the latter part of it;
when, by cooling, the air has become nearly saturated. It is
formed only on calm, clear nights ; for on clear nights cooling is
most rapid (Art. 228), and it is only on calm nights that any por-
tion of the air remains long enough in contact with the cold sur-
faces to be cooled to the dew-point. Dew forms most abundantly
on the coldest objects, which are in general the best radiators and
the poorest conductors. Grass, leaves, and boards are good
examples. A board lying on the ground will become wet with
dew when a stone pavement remains dry ; for the stone is a good
conductor and receives heat from the ground, which replaces that
lost by radiation, hence its upper surface is warmer than that of
the board.
When the dew-point is at or below zero, condensation takes
place in the form oi frosty under conditions otherwise the same as
are necessary for the formation of dew. The water vapor then
crystallizes in the solid state as it condenses, without passing
through the intermediate state of a liquid. (Is frost '•* frozen
At temperatures above zero the moisture of clouds is in the
form of fog or mist. As the individual particles grow by further
condensation and by uniting with one another, they may become
too large to be sustained in the air, and will then fall as rain.
A drop continues to grow by uniting with smaller particles that it
meets with in falling through the cloud. Sleet is formed by the
freezing of the raindrops as they fall through a layer of air whose
temperature is below zero.
200 Heat
Snow is formed by the condensation of vapor in the atmospheie
at temperatures below zero. Snow and frost are formed under
the same conditions of temperature and humidity, and both have
a beautiful crystalline structure.
" I/aii is formed in violent storms, such as tornadoes and thun-
der storms, where there are strong, whirling currents of air.
Hailstones are balls of ice, built up by condensing vapor as they
are whirled up and down in the violent currents, freezing, melting
and freezing again as they pass from warm to cold currents. For
this reason they are often made of several layers, or shells, of ice."
— Tarr's Nov Physical Geography,
1. For what two reasons oint of a liquid is considerably lower upon a
mountain than it is near sea level. On the summit of Mont Blanc,
for example, water boils at 84°.
263. Boiling Points. — A liquid is said to boil when bubbles of
vapor formed by vaporization within its mass are given off" at its
surface. ^Vhen no pressure is mentioned, the boiling point of a
liquid is understood to mean the temperature at which it boils
under a pressure of one atmosphere. The boiling point of a liquid
may also be defined as the temperature at which^the pressure of
its saturated vapor is equal to one atmosphere.
Tabli of Boiling Points
Ether 35°
Chloroform 61.2
Alcohol 78.4
Water icx)
Turpentine 160°
Glycerine 290
Mercury 357
Sulphur 448
Vaporization and Condensation 203
The following table gives the pressure of saturated water vapor
(and hence also the pressure under which water boils) at a
number of temperatures, the pressure being expressed in centi-
meters of mercury in the first column of pressures and in atmos-
pheres in the last.
.46 cm.
9.20 cm.
76.00 cm.
1.96 atmospheres
3.58 atmospheres
6.12 atmospheres
Laboratory Exercise j6.
264. Distillation. — A liquid can be separated from impurities,
or from nonvolatile substances held in solution, by boiling it in a
closed vessel and condensing the vapor as it passes off through a
Fig. 127.
tube connected with the vessel. The process is called distillationy
and the apparatus a still. The process may be illustrated by dis-
tilling a solution of copper sulphate in water, using apparatus
similar to that shown in Fig. 127. The vapor is condensed by
204 Heat
inclosing a portion of the tube through which it passes within a
larger tube in which it is surrounded by a continuous supply of
cold water.
Two or more liquids whose boiling points differ by several de-
grees can be separated from one another by distillation. When
such a mixture is slowly boiled, the vapor that passes off contains
a much higher percentage of the more volatile constituent than the
liquid mixture does. Some of the less volatile liquid also passes
off, and complete separation can be effecteil only by repeated
distillation. This process, which is generally known as fractional
distiliation^ is employed on a large scale in separating the constitu-
ents of crude petroleum and of coal tar, and in the manufacture
of distilled liquors.
265. Cooling by Expansion. — Work is done upon a gas in com-
pressing it, and by a gas in expanding against pressure. In tlie
first case, mechanical energy is transformed into heat and the gas
is warmed (Art. 212) ; in the second case, some of the heat of the
gas is transformed into mechanical energy (kinetic or potential)
and the gas is cooled, unless it receives an equal supply of heat
during the expansion.
The cooling of a gas by expansion is often beautifully illustrated
when the air is exhausted from the receiver of an air pump. As
part of the air is removed, the expansion of the remainder causes
a fall of temperature to the dew-point, and some of the water vapor
is condensed, forming a fog within the receiver. The fall of tem-
perature may be measured by a thermometer placed in the re-
ceiver {Exp.^. A further illustration is afforded by directing a
jet of air from a tank of compressed air against the bulb of a ther-
mometer held a few inches from the opening (Exp.).
266. Heat of Vaporization. — The Aea/ of vaporization of a
liquid is the number of calories required to vaporize one gram of
it at its boiling point. The heat of vaporization of water is 536
calories, and is greater than that of any other substance. Its value
for alcohol is 209 calories, for ether 90 calories, for mercury
62 calories.
Vaporization and Condensation 205
Heat is lost during vaporization by transformation in part into
( I ) mechanical potential energy in causing expansion against atmos-
pheric pressure (external work), and in part into (2) molecular
potential energy in overcoming cohesion during expansion (in-
ternal work). When the heat thus transformed is supplied by
the liquid itself and by adjacent objects, as is often the case in
evaporation, a fall of temperature results (Art. 252); in boiling,
the temperature remains constant, the amount of heat received
from the fire or flame being equal to the amount transformed
(Art. 262, second law).
The heat lost during vaporization is all transformed into heat
again when condensation takes place.
267. Determination of the Heat of Vaporization of Water. —
The determination of the heat of vaporization of water by the
method of mixtures is illustrated by the following example : A
brass calorimeter weighing 65 g. contains 200 g. of water at 5°.
Steam at 100° is passed into the water till the temperature rises
to 40°. It is found on again weighing the calorimeter and con-
tents that the weight of the steam condensed in it is 12.1 g.
Solution. — Let v denote the heat of vaporization of water, — in this case
the number of calories given out by i g. of steam in condensing to water at
Rise of temp, of calorimeter and water = 40—5 = 35°
Heat received by the calorimeter = 65 X 35 X .094 =214 cal.
Heat received by the water = 200 X 35 = ycxx) cal.
Heat given out by the steam in condensing to water at 100° = 12.1 z/cal.
Heat given out by the water from the condensed steam in cool-
ing to 40° = 1 2.1 X 60 = 726 cal.
12.1 V -H 726 = 70CX) + 214;
z/ = 536.2 cal.
Laboratory Exercise jg.
268. The Condensation of Gases. — All substances that exist
only as gases at ordinary temperatures exist also as liquids and
even as solids at sufficiently low temperatures. Gases may be
condensed (i) by cooling, (2) by pressure, or (3) by the two pro-
2o6 Heat
cesses combined. Sulphur dioxide (the gas formed by burning
sulphur) is easily liquefied under atmospheric pressure by a freez-
ing mixture of ice and salt, its boiling point being — 10.5°. It can
also be liquefied at 15° by a pressure of 3 atmospheres. Carbon
dioxide can be liquefied at 15® by a pressure of about 52 atmos-
pheres, or by cooling to — 80° under a pressure of one atmosphere.
Oxygen, nitrogen, air, and hydrogen can be liquefied only at
very low temperatures, however great the pressure. The neces-
sary reduction of temperature in such cases is effected by the
sudden expansion of a ix)rtion of the compressed gas, as in the
manufacture of liquid air, or by the evaporation of a gas that is
more easily liquefied. Thus in the liquefaction of hydrogen the
cooling is effected by the evaporation of liquid air (Art. 238,
Following is a table of boiling points of certain gases under a
pressure of one atmosphere : —
Boiling Points of Liquefied Gases
C. Abs.
Hydrogen -243'' 30°
Nitrogen — 194 79
Air — 191 82
Oxygen — 184 89
Carbon dioxide — 78.2 194.8
Ammonia — 38.5 234.5
Sulphur dioxide — 10.5 262.5
269. Cooling by Evaporation : Applications. — The tempera-
ture of our bodies is largely regulated by the evaporation of the
perspiration. The process is continuous, although we are con-
scious of it only when the perspiration is formed more rapidly
than it can evaporate, and hence accumulates on the skin. An
average of about a quart of water is evaporated from the skin
daily ; and the heat that this requires is taken principally from
the body. The importance of more abundant perspiration when
the body is subjected to high temperatures and during active
Vaporization and Condensation 207
exercise is evident. It is not the perspiration, however, but its
evaporation that takes heat from the body and thus prevents a
dangerous rise of temperature. Hence hot weather is especially
oppressive and dangerous when the humidity of the air is high.
In the very dry atmosphere of deserts there is comparatively
little danger of sunstroke even at a temperature of 100° F., for
evaporation is very rapid.
The use of ammonia (not ammonia water) and carbon dioxide in
the manufacture of artificial ice depends upon the absorption of
heat by these substances in vaporizing at low temperatures.
Ammonia is used on the largest scale. It is liquefied under pres-
sure in long pipes exposed to the open air, where the heat gener-
ated by the condensation is permitted to escape. It is thence
pumped into coils of pipes immersed in a large tank of strong
brine, where it vaporizes under a low pressure, cooling the brine
in the tank several degrees below zero and freezing cans of fresh
water placed in the brine. The vaporized ammonia is pumped
from the coils in the tank into the condensing pipes, where it is
again liquefied.
1. What is the pressure in grams per square centimeter exerted by and
upon a bubble of steam forming at a depth of 15 cm., when the barometer
reads 76 cm. ?
2. (a) Is rain water distilled water ? (3) Is it perfectly pure ?
3. Mention the important consequences of the great specific heat, heat of
fusion, and heat of vaporization of water, including the connection that any
of these properties may have with the effect of the ocean on climate.
4. A room 4 m. by 5 m. and 3 m. high is warmed by a steam heater.
Assuming no loss, what weight of steam must be condensed in the heater to
warm the room from 10° C. to 18° C. ? (Density of the air 1.25 g. per cdm.;
specific heat of air = .237.)
5. Water kept in porous earthenware jars in warm weather remains several
degrees below the temperature of the air. Explain.
6. What quantity of heat is required to convert 850 g. of ice at — 20° into
steam at ICX)° ?
7. How much heat is given out by 500 g. of steam at 100" in condensing
and cooling to water at 30° ?
Fig. 12
VIII. Mutual Translormations of Heat and Other Forms of Energy
270. The Mechanical Equivalent of Heat. — The numerical re-
lation between heat ;>n" and back to /^'). The amplitude of vibration is the extent
of motion on either side of the position of rest. The rate of
vibration is independent of the amplitude ; the vibration is there-
fore regular or periodic. This can be shown by counting the
number of vibrations with different amplitudes when the motion
is sufficiently slow; but it is proved for all sounding bodies by
the fact that the pitch does not change as the sound becomes
fainter {Exp. with tuning fork). The rate of vibration is meas-
ured by the number of vibrations per second.
Laboratory Exercise 40.
279. The Vibration of a Tuning Fork. — A tuning fork is so
frequently used in sound experiments that it is important
to know definitely what its motion is when vibrating. A
quick blow upon one prong in the direction of the other
sets both prongs in vibration. Their motion is always
toward each other and from each other in succession
(Fig. 132). This transverse vibration of the prongs is
accompanied by a vibration of the stem in the direction
of its length {/ongitudina/ wihrsition) , which can be dis-
tinctly felt by placing the stem of a sounding fork against
Flo. 132.
the teeth.
2i6 Sound
280. The Transmission of Sound. — Solid Media. — When the
stem of a sounding fork is pressed against the top of a table, the
sound becomes much louder {Exp.). The stem in vibrating
strikes a rapid succession of blows upon the table, and the impulses
thus imparted cause the table to vibrate in unison with the fork
— the table becomes a sounding body.
With the stem of a sounding fork against one end of a wooden
rod (meter stick), the sound instantly becomes loud when the
other end of the rod is touched to a table {Exp.). The rod
transmits the vibrations to the table, or, as we commonly say, the
sound travels through the rod.
Any substance through which sound travels is called a medium
for the transmission of sound, or a sound medium (plural media).
The above experiment succeeds equally well with rods of different
material; in fact, any highly elastic (rigid) solid is a good sound
medium. The sound of a distant train is plainly heard through
the rails, and the tread of a galloping horse can be heard for miles
through the earth by putting the ear close to the ground. On
the other hand, soft and yielding solids " deaden " sound, for they
transmit it poorly. Thus little or no sound will be heard when a
rubber stopper or a roll of cotton wool is placed between the
sounding fork and the table {Exp.).
Liquid Media. — Sound can be transmitted from a fork to a
table through a jar of water or other liquid ; but, in order that the
liquid may take up the vibrations with suf-
ficient intensity, the area of the vibrat-
ing surface in contact with it must be
rather large. The stem of the fork is
therefore firmly inserted in a hole in a
small block of wood, and the block touched
to the liquid {Exp.). Sounds made under
the surface of a large body of water
are transmitted through it over long dis-
Fig. 133. Gaseous Media. — The air is the usual
Origin and Transmission of Sound 2 1 7
medium by which sound vibrations are transmitted to the ear.
That sound is not merely transmitted through the air but by it
is shown by the following experiment : A loud-sounding body,
as an electric bell (Fig. 133) or a metronome, is placed on a soft
cushion or suspended from wires under the receiver of an air
pump, and the air exhausted. The sound grows continually fainter
as the exhaustion proceeds, and becomes inaudible if a good
vacuum is secured. The sound is restored when air or any other
gas is admitted into the receiver (Exp.)
Sound, unlike radiant energy, is not transmitted through a vac-
uum ; it is transmitted only by elastic substances — solid^ liquid,
and gaseous.
281. Wave Motion. — A sounding body is the center of a peri-
odic disturbance consisting of impulses exerted in rapid succession
upon any body in contact with it, including the surrounding air ;
and these bodies serve as media for the transmission of the dis-
turbance. Since this disturbance is invisible, it will be helpful in
the study of its nature and the manner of its transmission to con-
sider briefly a few cases of visible motion that are in some respects
like it.
When a stretched rubber tube or a spiral spring, three or four
meters long, is struck a sharp blow near one end, a distortion is
produced which travels rapidly as a wave to the other end. By
tying strips of cloth to the tube at different points, it can be seen
that, as the wave passes any point, that point moves quickly out
in a direction at right angles to the length of the tube and returns
{Exp.). The curved form that we call the wave is, in fact,
passed from point to point along the tube by the transverse vibra-
tion of successive portions of the tube. A distortion of a different
character is started by stretching a portion of the tube near one
end either considerably more or less than the remainder and sud-
denly releasing that portion. The strips of cloth will now indicate
a to-and-fro or longitudinal vibration as the disturbance passes
The waves that pass over a field of grain when a strong wind is
21 8 Sound
blowing are due to the forward bending and springing back of
successive stalks of grain, a row of stalks at right angles to the
direction of the wind moving in unison. The vibration of each
head of grain is mainly longitudinal with respect to the direction
in which the waves travel.
The motion of the water in transmitting a water wave is mainly
a transverse vibration ; as is indicated by the rise and fall of any
floating object as the waves pass under it. (A chip in a tub of
water serves well for experiment.) A wave is not formed of the
same water as it travels ; it is the disturbance that travels, not the
water. When a pebble is dropped into a pool of still water, a train
of circular waves travels outward from the point where the pebble
strikes the surface. The waves are circular because the disturb-
ance is transmitted with equal velocity in all directions over the
surface ; they are concentric because they all originate at the same
point. Each wave consists of a crest and a trough. The length
of a wave is the distance from crest to adjacent crest or from
trough to trough, measured radially^ i.e. toward or from their
common center. The waves rapidly decrease in height as they
travel outward because their energy is transferred (radially out-
ward) to an ever increasing body of water.
282. Sound Waves. — Suppose a sounding fork to be held at
an end of a tube of indefinite length. As the nearer prong moves
taivard the tube, it pushes against the air immediately in front of
it. As this body of air is driven forward by the advancing prong,
it is slightly compressed, and hence expands on the farther side,
Fig. 134.
causing compression of the air in advance of it (Fig. 134). By
the repetition of this process between successive portions of the
air, the compression is rapidly transmitted along the tube. As
Origin and Transmission of Sound 219
the compression passes any section of the tube, the air particles
in that space move forward in a body. Each particle starts for-
ward when the front of the condensation strikes it, and stops as
soon as the condensation has passed.
As the prong of the fork moves from the tube during the
second half of a vibration, the body of air on the side toward
the tube follows the fork up in its retreat, and expands in doing
Fig. 135.
so (Fig. 135). This causes air from a greater distance to move
toward the fork in restoring the density and pressure in that re-
gion. Thus a rarefaction is transmitted along the tube by the
backward motion of the air particles. The rarefaction follows the
preceding compression (or condensationy as it is generally called),
and is itself followed by the next condensation (Fig. 136).
Fig. 136.
A conden g^M'nq and flr^j'^Cfi"^ mrpfhrfinn together ^Constitute.
a s ound _i pave. _A sound wave is transmitted, or propagated, by
a vibration of the air particles — forward in the condensation and
backward in the rarefiiction, as indicated by the arrows in the
figures. This vibration is in a straight line parallel to the direc-
tion of propagation of the wave, i.e. it is io?igifiidinal ; its ampli-
tude is very small — generally much less than that of the sounding
A sound wave is represented graphically by a curved line as
in the lower part of Fig. 136. The curve above the straight line
220 Sound
represents the condensation, the curve below the line the rare-
faction. This representation must not be regarded as a picture :
a sound wave does not consist of a crest and a trough as a water
wave does.
283. Sound Waves in the Open Air. — When a sounding body
is surrounded by an open body of air, the waves travel outward
from it in all directions. Usually a condensation starts out on
one side simultaneously with a rarefaction on another. In the
simpler case where the disturbance is the same at the same
instant all round the body (as when a firecracker is exploded in
the aiO, the waves travel outwar'l n< .-.,„.-.• „/;7V spherical shells^
FIG. 137.
represented in section by Fig. 137. The waves are spherical
because they are transmitted radially with equal velocity in all
A wave front is the surface bounding the front of a conden-
sation. Under the conditions just considered it is a spherical
surface. A wave length is the distance, measured radially, be-
tween adjacent wave fronts or between any corresponding parts of
adjacent waves.
A sound is (i) a set or train of sound waves, or (2) the sensa-
tion produced by such a set of waves through the organs of hear-
ing. In physics the word is generally used in the first sense.
284. Energy of Sound Waves; Intensity of Sound. — A part
of the energy of a sounding body is transformed into heat by
molecular friction within the body itself; but most of it is trans-
ferred to the air or other medium in which sound waves are pro-
Origin and Transmission of Sound 221
duced. The more rapidly the energy is thus transferred, the
greater will be the intensity (or loudness) of the sound and the
more quickly will the sound cease.
The rate of transference of energy from the sounding body to
the medium depends upon (i) the amplitude of vibration of the
body, (2) the area of the vibrating surface, and (3) the density and
elasticity of the medium.
285. Effect of Amplitude. — The gradual dying away of the
sound of a bell, a piano wire, a tuning fork, etc., is due to the
diminishing amplitude of vibration as the body approaches a state
of rest. With a decrease of amplitude the blows of the vibrating
surface against the surrounding air grow less vigorous and the
sound waves are correspondingly weaker.
286. Effect of the Area of the Vibrating Surface. — A narrow
vibrating surface cuts through the air, producing little effect ; the
air slips round it. A broad surface catches the air and carries it
bodily forward. This explains why the sound of a tuning fork is
very faint when it is held in the hand and loud when it is touched
to a table. In the latter case the vibrations are transmitted to
the air almost entirely by the vibrating table. The music of a
violin or guitar comes practically entirely from the body of the
instrument, and the music of a piano from the sounding board
on which the wires are strung.
287. Effect of the Density and Elasticity of the Medium. — In
the experiment with the sounding body under the receiver of an
air pump, it was observed that the sound grows fainter as the
exhaustion continues, /. e. as the density of the remaining air is
diminished. The reason is obvious : there is less matter in
motion in the wave of rarefied air, hence there is less energy —
kinetic energy being proportional to the mass of the moving body.
A number of experiments have already shown that sound is
louder when transmitted through elastic solids than when trans-
mitted through the air. A sounding fork held first in the hand
then against a table is an excellent illustration. The rigid wood
offers much greater resistance to the blows of the fork than the
air does, and hence receives a correspondingly greater amount
of energy with each vibration.* Observe also that the fork conies
to rest much more quickly when held against the table (Exp.),
288. Effect of Distance on the Intensity of Sound. — It is well
known that a sound grows fainter with increase of distance from
the sounding body. Thfe principle of the conservation of energy
affords an explanation and a definite statement of the law of
As a sound wave travels in the open air, its distance from the
source is the radius of its surface (the spherical wave front).
Now it is proved in geometry that the surfaces of two spheres
(or equal fractions of their
respective surfaces) are pro-
portional to the squares of
their radii. Hence, since
the length of a wave remains
constant, its volume and the
amount of matter in it are
proportional to the square
of the distance it has trav-
eled in the open air. This
f''°- '3^- is illustrated in Fig. 138,
which represents a section of a spherical wave at a distance d^
from the source and again at twice that distance, or //g. If Z'l de-
notes the volume of the section at the first distance, v>i its volume
at the second distance, then z^g : z'l : • 4 • i, or z/j : Z'l : : //g* : di.
Since the energy of a sound wave is transmitted through the
medium with the wave, the intensity of the sound (or the
amount of energy per unit volume) is inversely proportional to
the volume of the wave. Hence, from the above proportion, the
intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from
the source y when the sound is traveling in the open air.
1 That more work can be done upon the body that offers the greater resistance
is plainly evident to one who strikes out at something with his fist and only suc-
ceeds in " hitting the air."
Origin and Transmission of Sound 223
289. Dissipation of the Energy of Sound. — We have assumed
that the total energy of a sound wave remains constant as it travels.
This is not strictly true, for the energy is more or less slowly trans-
formed into heat by friction in any medium. In the end it is all
dissipated in this manner. Hence the intensity of sound decreases
somewhat more rapidly than the law stated above indicates.
290. Confined Sound Waves. — Sound travels long distances in
elastic media with very little loss of intensity if the waves are pre-
vented from increasing in size. This is the principle of the speak-
ing tube, which is a long metal tube of small diameter, used for
communication between different rooms of a building or between
some room and the street door. The tube does not readily take
up the vibrations of the air, hence they are almost completely con-
fined within it. The intensity of the sound is slowly diminished
by friction.
The transmission of sound over long distances through the rails
of a track and through stretched wires and strings is due to the
same cause : the vibrations are largely confined to the solid
medium. This fact is utilized in the acoustic or siring telephone.
1. Are sound waves transmitted by the elasticity of form or of volume of
the medium ?
2. (fl) By what force are the waves transmitted along a stretched rubber
tube or spring ? (J)) By what force are waves transmitted over the surface
of water ?
3. How does the energy of sound differ from heat ?
4. Is the wave front of a water wave a line or a surface ?
5. {a) What angle does the direction of propagation of a water wave
make with the wave front ? (Jj) The direction of propagation of a soupd
wave ?
6. {a) Would a sounding body continue to vibrate longer in water or in
the air ? (^) In the air or in a vacuum ? Why ?
7. How does the intensity of sound at a distance of 5 m. from the source
compare with its intensity at 10 m. ? at 15m.? at 20 m. ?
8. At what distance is the intensity of sound one fourth as great as at
100 ro. ?. one half as great ?
224 Sound
291. The Velocity of Sound in Air. — It is a familiar fact that a
distant phenomenon that is accompanied by a sound is seen before
it is heard. At a distance of a few hundred feet, the blow of an
ax is heard after the ax is raised for the next stroke ; a flash of
Hghtning is often seen many seconds before the thunder is heard,
although they are produced simultaneously ; the whistle of a dis-
tant locomotive may not reach the ear until the cloud of " steam "
has disappeared. Now the time required for light to travel terres-
trial distances is wholly inappreciable (the velocity of light being
1 86,000 mi. per sec.) ; hence the time that elapses between the
sensations of sight and hearing in such a case is the time occupied
by the sound in traveling from the sounding body to the observer,
and, from the measured time and distance, the velocity of sound
can be computed.
Observations have been repeatedly taken for this purpose by
firing a cannon at each of two stations several miles apart, and
noting the time between the flash and the report as observed at
the other station. By taking observations at each of the stations
alternately, the effect of the wind is eliminated. The average of
the best determinations is 332 m. or 1090 ft per sec. at 0°, At
20° the velocity is 344 m. or 11 29 ft. per sec.
That the velocity of sound is independent of its pitch and intensity
is proved by the fact that all the sounds produced simultaneously
by an orchestra are heard simultaneously at all distances.
Laboratory Exercise 41.
292. Effect of the Elasticity and Density of the Medium on the
Velocity of Sound. — Experiment shows that a wave travels more
rapidly along a stretched rubber tube when the tension is
increased, — a result to be expected, since the propagation of the
wave is due to the elastic force (tension) of the cord {Exp.). The
elasticity and velocity are not, however, proportional.
A wave travels more slowly along a stretched rubber tube that is
filled with shot or sand than it does along an empty tube of the
same size and under the same tension — a given force moves a
greater mass more slowly {Exp.).
Origin and Transmission of Sound 225
It can be shown by mathematical reasoning based on the second
law of motion that the velocity of a sound wave is proportional
to the square root of the elasticity of the medium and inversely
proportional to the square root of its density. The velocity of
sound in water has been found by experiment to be 1435 "^* P^^
sec. at 8.1°, — a velocity more than four times as great as in air.
Thus, in comparison with air, the retarding effect of the greater
density of water is more than offset by the accelerating effect of
its still greater relative elasticity. The same is true in a still greater
degree of soHds, the velocity in glass and steel being about fifteen
times as great as in air.
The velocity of sound increases with the temperature because,
with a rise of temperature, the air expands and its density dimin-
ishes, while its elasticity remains unchanged. An increase of
pressure increases the elasticity and density proportionally, hence
a change of pressure does not affect the velocity.
293. Reflection of Sound : Echoes. — When sound waves strike
a large surface, as a cliff or the side of a building, they are
reflected. The reflected sound is called an echo when it reaches
the ear long enough after the original sound to be distinguished
from it. This requires an interval not less than \ sec, during
which time sound travels about 68 m. ; hence a distinct echo will
not be heard unless the reflecting surface is at a distance not less
than about 34 m. from the source of sound. At less distances the
direct and the reflected sounds blend together. They are sensibly
coincident when the reflecting surface is not more than a few
meters from the source of the sound, and the result is an increased
loudness. It is for this reason that reflecting surfaces are often
erected behind band stands. When the distance is nearly suffi-
cient for an echo, the direct and the reflected sounds are mixed
confiisedly, causing indistinctness. This is often noticeable in
large halls.
The change in the shape and the direction of propagation of
sound waves caused by reflection from a plane surface is shown
in Fig. 139, which represents a section of a train of waves origi-
nating at (9 and reflected by a plane surface, AB, The circular
arcs represent the wave fronts, and the lines OA, OB, and
/)N^ y^ / . ^^ directions of propagation
before reflection and AD, BR^
and CF directions after reflec-
tion. The waves after reflection
have the same shape and direc-
tion of propagation as they
would have if they originated
at 0\ a point on the perpen-
dicular from the source of sound
to the reflecting surface and at
an equal distance behind it.
'*'■ *^ After reflection from a con-
cave surface, sound waves increase less rapidly in size, and are
consequently propagated with comparatively little loss of intensity,
almost as if they were confined in an inclosed space. Hence the
large reflecting walls at the rear of band stands are concave.
When a sounding body is at the proper distance from a concave
surface, the reflected waves decrease in size and increase in inten-
sity as they travel toward a point. Light is similarly reflected
from concave mirrors, such as are used behind wall lamps and the
head lights of locomotives and street cars. This efl'ect of concave
surfaces will be more fully discussed under the subject of light.
Laboratory Exercise 42,
1. {a) Give two reasons why sound travels farther through the rails of a
track than it does through the air. {b) Why does it travel faster through the
2. How would music be affected if sounds of different pitch or intensity
traveled with different velocities ?
3. A rifle is fired on one side of a canyon and 3.2 sec. later the echo is
heard from the opposite side. The temperature is 20°. What is the width
of the canyoQ ?
Properties of Musical Sounds 227
4. A flash of lightning is seen 12.5 sec. before the thunder is heard. At
what distance did the lightning occur, the temperature being 20° ?
5. The mean distance of the sun from the earth is 93,(XX),C)00 miles. How
long after an explosion occurs upon the sun would we hear it if air at 0°
were provided as a medium for the transmission ? (Light reaches us from the
sun in 499 sec.)
II. Properties of Musical Sounds
294. Properties of Musical Sounds. — Musical sounds have
three characteristics or properties ; namely, (i) intensity or loud-
ness, (2) pitch, and (3) quality or timbre.
Loudness. — Intensity has already been considered. It is de-
termined by the energy of the sound waves. Loudness refers to
the sensation produced upon the ear. It increases with the
intensity ; but we cannot say that they are proportional, as loud-
ness cannot be measured. Loudness depends in part upon the
pitch, a shrill sound being more distinctly heard than one of
equal intensity but of low pitch.
Pitch. — Sounds of definite pitch are produced only by bodies
whose vibrations are regular and periodic. The waves of such a
sound are of equal length and are sent out from the sounding
body at equal intervals of time. An increase in the number of
vibrations produces what is called a higher pitch {Exp.).
Quality or timbre is that property by which we distinguish be-
tween sounds produced by different bodies, even when they have
the same pitch and intensity. We know at once from the quality of
the sounds whether a piece of music is being played on a violin,
a flute, or a cornet. We recognize familiar voices principally by
their quality, although pitch, loudness, and peculiarities of pronun-
ciation are also of assistance. The cause of quality will be con-
sidered later.
295. Differences between Musical Sounds and Noises. — The
pitch, intensity, and quality of musical sounds remain constant for
appreciable intervals of time and do not change irregularly. A
musical sound is often called a tone or note. All other sounds are
228 Sound
called noises. A noise usually consists of a number of sounds pro-
duced by the vibration of the sounding body in parts or segments.
These vibrations not only differ among themselves, but are also
irregular in rate and amplitude ; they are discordant, unsteady,
and nonperiodic. A noise has therefore no definite pitch, and
its quality is nonmusical.
296. Measurement of Pitch. — The pitch of a note may be
expressed either relatively or absolutely. It is expressed rehi-
tively by stating its relation to some other note, generally the
keynote of the musical composition in which it occurs (Art. 302).
The relative pitch of a note is easily recognized by a trained ear.
ThQ abso/ufe pitch of a note is measured by the number of
vibrations per second of the sounding body. This is called the
vibration number ox frequency of the note. Thus the absolute
pitch of the C fork which corresponds to " middle C " of the
piano or organ is 256 ; />. the prongs of this fork make 256
vibrations per second. In physics the word pitch generally
signifies the absolute pitch or vibration number of the note.
'llie vibration number of a sound can be determined experi-
mentally either by causing the sounding body to make a perma-
nent record of its vibrations (called the graphic method), or by
comparing it with a sound of known pitch. The graphic method
is illustrated in part in
Fig. 140. A projecting
point attached to one
prong of the fork traces
f.,^, a wavy line on a piece
of smoked glass as the
vibrating tbrk is drawn over the glass, or the glass pulled from
under the fork. Each wave of the line is a record of one vibra-
tion of the fork. If by some additional device, not shown in the
figure, the time occupied by the fork in tracing the line is deter-
mined, the number of vibrations per second can be computed.
Comparison with sounds of known pitch, such as the notes of
tuning forks, will serve all the purposes of elementary physics.
Properties of Musical Sounds 229
297. The Relation between Pitch, Wave Length, and Velocity. —
Let n denote the vibration number of a sounding. body, / the
length of the waves that it produces in a given medium, and v
the velocity of sound in that medium. Since a wave starts from
the body with each vibration, a train of n waves is sent out in one
second, the last of which will be on the point of leaving the body
at the end of the second. During the second the first wave of
the train travels the distance v ; hence, the n waves extend over
that distance. From which v = /n.
Assuming the velocity of sound in the medium to be known, we
can from this relation compute the wave length of a sound of
given pitch or the pitch of a sound of known wave length.
Laboratory Exercise 43.
298. Interference of Sound. — When a sounding fork is held
close to the ear and is slowly rotated about the stem as a vertical
axis, it will be observed that during one complete rotation there
are four positions of the fork in which it is not heard. The sound
is faintly heard when the fork is turned very slightly in either
direction from a position of silence, and swells to a maximum
midway between these positions. With the fork held in a posi-
tion of silence, sound is restored by covering either prong with a
small cylinder of paper or other material, care being taken not to
touch the prongs, as this would stop the vibration {Exp.).
These curious effects are explained by Figs. 141 and 142, which
represent the sound waves about a vibrating fork, as seen with the
ends of the fork
pointing toward
the observer. As
the prongs move
apart, a conden-
sation is set up
on the outside of
each, and a rare-
faction between
them ; as they
Fig. 141.
Fig. 142.
230 Sound
move toward each other, opposite conditions are produced. If tlie
space about the fork were partitioned off into four compartments,
as indicated in the figures, there would be condensations and rare-
factions on opposite sides of the partitions at equal distances from
the fork, as shown in Fig. 141 ; but, without such partitions to
keep the condensations and rarefactions apart, their opposing ten-
dencies destroy each other where they meet, causing silence at
these places, as shown in Fig. 142.
The principle of the composition of motions as studied in
mechanics applies to the resultant vibration of any portion of a
medium when acted upon simultaneously by two or more trains
of waves. The waves from a tuning fork are an example of the
simplest case ; namely, that of two trains of waves of exactly
equal wave length and amplitude, traveling in the same direction,
the waves of one train being half a wave length in advance of
those of the other train. In the region where the two trains of
waves meet, the condensations of each unite with the rarefactions
of the other. The condensations would be transmitted by a for-
ward motion of the air, and the rarefactions by an equal backward
motion at the same time; hence the air in this region remains at
rest and there is neither condensation nor rarefaction. Silence is
thus the result of the inUrference of the waves with each other.
299. Beats. — The sounds of two forks of exactly the same
pitch unite perfectly into one sound. If the forks are sounded
together after slightly lowering the pitch of one of them (by stick-
ing a piece of soft wax near the end of one or both prongs), the
sound periodically swells and dies away in strongly marked pulsa-
tions, called beats {Exp.),
Let us suppose that two middle C forks are used (vibration
number = 256), and that, by loading with wax, one is reduced to
255. At intervals of one second the forks "keep step" in their
vibrations ; and the waves that they then set up approximately
coincide — condensations with condensations and rarefactions with
rarefactions, as at ^ and C (Fig. 143). These waves unite in
resultant waves of increased intensity, as represented at X and Z.
Properties of Musical Sounds 231
Half a second after each coincidence, the forks vibrate oppositely,
the condensations produced by each approximately coinciding
with the rarefactions produced by the other, as at B; and the
resultant waves are of diminished intensity. A complete set of
intensified and weakened resultant waves is thus sent out from the
forks in one second. This constitutes one beat.
Beats may therefore be defined as regularly recurring pulsations
of sound caused by the successive reenforcement and interference
of two sets of sound waves differing slightly in wave length or pitch.
The number of beats per second is equal to the difference between
the vibration numbers of the two sounds. Hence the beats become
more frequent when the pitch of the loaded fork is further lowered
by using more wax (Exp.),
1. Show from the formula v = /n that the wave length of a sound of given
pitch is proportional to the velocity of sound in the medium.
2. Find the wave length of middle C in the air at 20*^; in water.
3. Why is the sound of a fork restored in the position of silence when one
prong is covered?
4. Why is the pitch of a fork lowered by loading its prongs?
5. What use can be made of beats in tuning two sounding bodies to the
same pitch?
300. Musical Intervals. — The in/erva/ between any two notes
is measured by the ratio of the vibration number of the higher to
that of the lower. Two notes are said to be in unison when they
have exactly the same pitch. The interval between two notes in
232 Sound
unison is unity (the ratio of equal numbers). If the vibration
number of one note is twice that of another (interval = 2), the
first is said to be an octave above the second. Other intervals are
considered in Art. 302.
301. Harmony and Discord. — If the effect of two or more
tones when sounded together is pleasing to the ear, the tones are
said to be harmonious or consonant; if the effect is unpleasant,
they are said to be discordant or dissonant.
The two wires of a sonometer (Fig. 144) produce one contin-
uous sound when tuned to exact unison ; but, when the pitch
^^Wy Fh; 144.
of one of the wires is gradually raised (either by shortening the
length of the vibrating portion with the movable bridge or by
increasing the tension), beats are heard. The beats increase in
frequency as the interval is increased ; and, as they become too
rapid to be recognized individually, they pass from an unsteady,
rattling sound into a discord. As the interval is still further
increased, the tones presently become less discordant, then har-
monious, then again discordant, etc. {Exp),
Four intervals can thus be found between the original tone and
its octave for which the tones are in harmony ; at all other inter-
vals between these limits they are more or less discordant. It
can be shown that these four intervals are {, J, f , and | respec-
tively. These ratios are frequently called simple ratios because
they are expressible in small numbers. The most perfect harmony
is that of a tone and its octave, and they are separated by the
simplest possible interval (|).
302. The Major Diatonic Scale. — Musical scales are deter-
mined by the comparatively few intervals that are pleasing to the
Properties of Musical Sounds 233
ear. The major diatonic scale consists of a series of eight notes
whose syllable names are
do re mi fa sol la si do^
The intervals between the first or keynote and the other notes
of the scale are as follows : —
I I * I f 4 ¥ ^
These numbers are sometimes called the vibration ratios of the
The smallest whole numbers expressing the same ratios are
24 27 30 32 36 40 45 48
The intervals between successive notes of the scale are
do re mi fa sol la si do 2
I ¥ if I ¥ S H
The intervals f and y^ are called tones ; the interval |f is called
a semitone.
The eighth note, which is an octave above the first and is
called by the same name, is taken as the first of another series of
eight notes, each of which is an octave above the note of the same
name in the preceding series. The scale may thus be repeated
both upward and downwarcl over as many octaves as is desired.
The intervals remain the same whatever the absolute pitch of
the keynote may be. When middle C is taken as the keynote,
the letter names and the vibration numbers of the notes of the
scale are as given below : —
f ,
Position on the stafi,
1 1
J -' ^
SI _. /^
•■^ 1
7 \ \ ^\ ^ 1
S-- h i» ^» 6> h *".),
It was proved by Helmholtz, a noted German physicist, that
the quality of any sound is determined by the overtones which
accompany its fumlamental tone. Differences in the quality of
sounds are due to the presence of different overtones or to differ-
ences in their relative intensity. The tuning fork is the only in-
strument that gives a simple tone ; but the notes of the diapason
pipes of an organ are quite similar, being almost free from over-
tones. A musical sound in which a number of. the lower over-
tones are present is full and rich. The tones of the piano and
the violin are examples. The penetrating character of the tones
of brass instruments is due to their particularly strong overtones.
'ITie pitch of a sound is the pitch of its fundamental ; it is not
altered by the accompanying overtones.
III. Sympathetic and Forced Vibrations: Resonance
Laboratory Exercise 43.
310. Sympathetic and Forced Vibrations.
Certain mechanical
which occur with
sounding bodies may be illus-
trated on a visible scale by
means of the apparatus repre-
sented in Fig. 15b. Two
pairs of pendulums are sus-
pended from a light rod, CZ>,
the pendulums of each pair
being of equal length. The
rod is supported by short
cords from a fixed support.
^*°' '^- When any one of the pen-
dulums is set in vibration, it pulls the rod from which it is sus-
pended back and forth.
Sympathetic and Forced Vibrations 241
This vibratory motion of the rod imparts a series of impulses
to the other pendulums. AUhough the effect of a single impulse
is almost inappreciable, a succession of such impulses causes the
other pendulum of the same length to vibrate with increasing
amplitude ; while the amplitude of the first steadily decreases as
it imparts its energy to the other. Since the two pendulums have
the same rate of vibration, the impulses imparted to the one that
was at rest are rightly timed to produce a cumulative effect. The
vibrations of this penduhmi are called sympathetic^ signifying that
its natural rate is in agreement with that of the impulses to which
it responds.
The other pair of pendulums make a few vibrations with in-
creasing amplitude, followed by an equal number during which
the amplitude decreases till the pendulums are brought to rest.
This series of increasing and decreasing vibrations is repeated in-
definitely. The explanation of this behavior is that the impulses
are not timed in agreement with the rate of these pendulums ; a
few successive impulses produce a cumulative effect, but these are
followed by an equal number which are opposed to the motion
already produced and hence destroy it. Since these pendulums
cannot be forced to vibrate in unison with the impulses, they
cannot accumulate any considerable store of energy.
When the rod is struck or drawn to one side and released (all
of the pendulums being at rest), it vibrates much more rapidly
than it does when under the control of a vibrating pendulum.
Thus, although the rod has a natural rate of vibration, it does not
persist in it as the pendulums do, but yields to the impulses of
either a long or a short pendulum. The motion of the rod when
thus controlled is called a forced vibration.
311. Forced Vibrations of Sounding Bodies. — The sound that
comes from a table, an empty box, or a large board when touched
by a vibrating fork is due to the forced vibration of the wood.
Since the sound thus produced always has the same pitch as the
fork, whatever this may be, it is evident that wood, especially in
the form of a thin board, is easily forced to vibrate in unison with
242 Sound
periodic impulses of any frequency — a behavior like that of the
rod from which the pendulums were suspended (Fig. 150).
When a violin is played, the sound is produced by the forced
vibration of the body of the instrument. The pitch is . deter-
mined by the vibration rate of the strings ; the quality, partly by
the manner in which the string is bowed and partly by the kind
of wood of which the instrument is made and the workmanship.
The music of a piano comes from the large sounding board upon
which the wires are strung.
312. Sympathetic Vibration of Tuning Forks and Strings. — A
tuning fork may be made to vibrate sympathetically as follows :
The stems of a sounding and a silent fork of exactly the same
pitch are touched to the top of a table a short distance apart.
After one or two seconds, the fork that was sounded is stopped
with the fingers or removed from the table, and a sound is then
heard from the other fork. If the sound is too faint to be heard
at a distance, the vibration of the fork can be proved by touching
a suspended pith ball to one of its prongs. This vibration is
caused principally by impulses imparted through the stem by the
vibrating table. Probably from 500 to 1000 such impulses are
required to produce the observed effect {Exp.).
The silent fork can also be made to vibrate sympathetically by
holding it in the fingers close to the vibrating fork, held in the
other hand, the forks facing each other but not touching. In
this case the impulses are imparted by the sound waves in the
air {Exp.).
These experiments fail if the forks are not in perfect unison,
as will be found by repeating them with one of the forks loaded
with wax {Exp.).
If the two wires of a sonometer are tuned to exact unison,
either will vibrate sympathetically when the other is sounded, the
impulses being transmitted principally through the body of the
instrument. As the pitch of one of the wires is slowly changed,
the response of the silent wire immediately becomes very faint
and quickly ceases {Exp,).
Sympathetic and Forced Vibrations 243
These experiments show that tuning forks and strings, like the
pendulums, persist in their natural rate of vibration, — a behavior
very different from that of sounding boards and the bodies of
stringed instruments.
Laboratory Exercise 44,
313. Resonance of Air Columns. — The reenforcement of the
sound of one body by the sympathetic or forced vibration of
another is called resonance; but the word most frequently refers
to the reenforcement of sound by the sympathetic vibration of
partly inclosed bodies of air. We shall use the word only in this
narrower sense.
Resonance may be secured by means of a tube provided with a
close-fitting piston (Fig 151). When the piston is in a certain
Fig. 151.
position, the sound of a fork held at the end of the tube is strongly
reenforced by the sympathetic vibration of the column of air
extending to the piston. The sound from the tube is very much
fainter when the piston is moved even a very short distance in
either direction, from the position of maximum reenforcement
{Exp^. The column of air will vibrate strongly only at its natural
rate, which varies with the length. This is further shown by repeat-
ing the experiment with a fork of different pitch. It will be found
that the length of the column for maximum resonance is inversely
proportional to the vibration number of the note (^Exp.).
The vibration of the air column is longitudinal. As the nearer
prong of the fork moves toward the end of the tube, the air par-
ticles in the tube are driven a short distance toward the farther
end, producing a condensation which is greatest at the piston.
When the prong moves away from the tube, the air expands by
a motion of the particles toward the mouth of the tube. The
expansion, like the compression, is greatest at the piston. Thus
the change of density of the air is greatest at the piston and di-
minishes toward the open end, where the density remains nearly
constant. The amplitude of vibration of the air particles is
greatest at the open end and diminishes to zero at the piston.
The tube controls the vibration of the air for a short distance
beyond its end, and it has been found by experiment that the true
length of the air column is equal to the length of the tube (to the
piston) plus half the diameter of the tube. It can be shown that
this length is one fourth of a wave length, i.e. is one fourth the
length of the sound wave set up by the vibration of the fork and
the air column.
Second resonance occurs when the length of the air column is
increased to three fourths of a wave length. The mode of vibra-
tion of the air is shown in Fig. 152, which represents the condi-
| |!|lll ll li l lllll l li lll l!llli !|
ii:: uimwimii
\ I /
tion of the air at intervals of one fourth of a vibration. AB is
the length for first resonance, AD for second resonance. AB, BC,
CD, are each one fourth of a wave length. At B and D there is
no motion, and the change of density is the greatest. These
Sympathetic and Forced Vibrations 245
positions are called nodes. (Compare with the nodes of a string
vibrating in segments.) At A and C there is little or no change
of density and the amplitude of vibration is greatest. These
positions are called atiiinodes. The arrows in the second and
fourth parts of the figure indicate the direction of motion of the
air particles. At the instant represented in the first and third
parts of the figure the air is at rest throughout the tube. BD
is a vibrating segment of the air column; its length is half a
wave length. AB is half a segment.
If the tube were further lengthened by half a wave length,
another whole segment would be added to the vibrating air
column and third resonance would occur.
314. Resonance caused by Noise. — Any partly inclosed body
of air has a natural rate of vibration as a whole, and, when sub-
jected to a series of impulses rightly timed, it will vibrate sympa-
thetically. A noise always affords such a series of impulses, since
it consists of an indefinite number of different rates of vibration.
Hence a hollow body, as a tumbler, a glass or metal tube, or a
sea shell, continually sounds a faint note, which is distinctly heard
when the body is held to the ear. The pitch of this sound re-
mains constant when different noises are made in the vicinity,
but its loudness varies, in many cases swelling to a loud roar when
the foot is scraped on the floor {Exp.).
315. The Whistle. — In wind instruments the sounding body
is a column of air confined in a tube. The whistle is a familiar
illustration. Its action is explained as follows : A current of air
passing through a narrow slit, a (Fig. 153), is directed against
the farther edge of a lateral opening, b. Con-
tact with this edge causes the current of air to 3 ' r-—^
flutter irregularly, producing a faint rustling
noise. The column of air, c, confined in the
body of the whistle is thrown into strong sympathetic vibration by
those impulses from the current of air which are in unison with its
natural rate. The note thus produced is generally so much louder
than the noise of the air current that the latter is not heard. By
means of a whistle fitted with a piston it can be shown that the
pitch of the sound rises as the size of the air chamber is de-
creased {Exp. with Ga/ton's whistle or organ pipe with piston).
Within wide Hmits of pitch, the inclosed air always finds its own
note in the noise of the air current, and reenforces it.
316. Organ Pipes. — An organ pipe is merely a whistle of spe-
cial construction. The pitch of its note is determined by the
length of the air column (cor-
rected for the diameter of the
pipe). The quality of the
sound is modified by the shape
and material of the pipe.
Figure 154 represents a rec-
tangular wooden pipe and
Fig. 155 a cylindrical pipe
of metal. Some pipes are
provided with a tongue or
reed, against which the cur-
rent of air from the bellows
is directed, causing it to vi-
brate. The reed is tuned to
the natural rate of the air
column in the pipe, which
therefore vibrates sympatheti-
cally. The note of a reed
Organ pipes are made both
open and closed at the top ; the latter are called stopped pipes.
The following laws may be illustrated by means of a pipe provided
with a piston : —
I. The vibration number of an air column is inversely propor-
tional to its length.
II. The pitch of an open pipe is an octave above that of a closed
pipe of the same length.
317. Fundamental Tone and Overtones of Organ Pipes. — In
sounding its fundamental note the air in a closed pipe vibrates
pipe has a characteristic quality.
or THF
Sympathetic and Forced Vibrati\jsc;,, /^^^v^
in a half segment, with an antinode at the mouth and a node at
the closed end, as a resonance tube does for first resonance (Art.
313). Thus the length of a stopped pipe is one fourth the wave
length of its fundamental tone. The first overtone is produced
by vibration in one and one half segments, as for second reso-
nance (Art. 313). Its vibration number is three times that of
the fundamental, and hence corresponds to the second overtone
of a string.
The second overtone is produced by vibration in two and one
half segments, and corresponds to the fourth overtone of a string.
When a pipe is sounded by a gentle current of air, only its funda-
mental is heard ; with a greater pressure of air, this gives place
to the first overtone ; and, with still greater pressure, the second
overtone is sounded {Exp.).
The air in an open pipe necessarily vibrates with an antinode at
each end. When sounding its fundamental, there is but one node,
and this is at the middle ; i.e. the air vibrates in two half segments.
The length of an open pipe is therefore half the wave length of
its fundamental tone. The first overtone is produced by vibra-
tion with one segment between the half segments at the ends, the
second overtone with two segments between, the third with three,
etc. From the relative length of the segments thus produced it
will be seen that the complete series of overtones may be present
as with strings. The difference in the overtones present causes
a difference in the quality of open and closed pipes.
318. Wind Instruments. — Each pipe of an organ sounds only one
note ; hence in a complete set of pipes there is one for each note
of the instrument. An organ is provided with several sets of
pipes, the notes of each set differing in quality from those of the
other sets. Most wind instruments are provided with but one
tube, the different notes being produced either by varying the
length of the tube or by
sounding overtones.
In the trombone (Fig.
156), one part of the tube,
SL^ sHdes within the other,
and the tube is shortened
by pushing the shding part
farther in. The tube of the
cornet (Fig. 157) forms sev-
FiG. 157.
eral turns or convolutions, which may either be included or cut
off from the remainder of the tube by means of pistons, '. At the beginning of the nineteenth century
the subject was again taken up by a number of able physicists.
By a series of remarkable experiments adtiitional facts were
brought to light, which amounted to conclusive evidence against
the emission theory and in favor of the wave theory. The latter,
with some comparatively recent modifications, is now regarded as
fully established. The facts and experiments that led to the final
adoption of the wave theory lie almost wholly beyond the scope
of elementary physics ; we must, however, make use of the sim-
pler elements of the theory in explaining the phenomena with
which we have to deal.
329. The Ether. — The ether fills all space throughout the
known universe, for it is only by means of light that reaches us
from the heavenly bodies that we have any knowledge of them.
It cannot be excluded from a vacuum ; in fact, there is no evi-
dence that the quantity of it in a receiver is diminished in the
slightest degree by whatever means the receiver may be exhausted.
The velocity of light through transparent solids, liquids, and gases
is enormously greater than it would be if these bodies served as
media by means of which, as well as through which, the light is
transmitted ; hence it is concluded that light is transmitted
through bodies by means of the ether which fills the spaces
between their molecules.
While the ether must be regarded as a form of matter, it is in
all probability millions of times less dense than air under atmos-
pheric pressure, and there is no evidence either that it is subject
to gravitation or that it is composed of molecules. On the con-
trary, from the manner in which it transmits disturbances, it is
thought to be perfectly continuous and incompressible. It is
supposed to fill the intermolecular spaces in all bodies fi-om the
most highly rarefied to the densest.
330. Nature of Radiation. — Some helpful ideas in regard to
the origin and transmission of radiant energy (including light)
can be gathered from a comparison with the phenomena of
sound. A sounding body, as we have learned, is the center of a
Nature and Transmission of Light 257
periodic disturbance which is radiated (transmitted radially)
from it in all directions through the surrounding medium,
in the form of concentric spherical shells, called sound waves.
Now the molecules of all bodies, as we have also learned, are sup-
posed to be in constant and inconceivably rapid vibration (Art.
186). According to the wave theory, the vibrations of each mole-
cule disturb the surrounding ether; and, as in the case of sound,
this disturbance is radiated with equal velocity in all directions
as a train of concentric spherical waves. Thus each molecule of
a body may be compared to a sounding fork, and the entire body
to a large group of forks, each of which is sending out a train of
waves. As the energy of a sounding body is gradually imparted
to the air or other medium, so too the heat of bodies is gradually
imparted to the ether as energy of wave motion, and in this form
it is called radiant energy.
It must not be supposed, however, that sound waves and ether
waves are at all alike in character ; we should rather expect the
contrary, since the properties of the ether are very different from
those of ordinary matter. Ether waves consist of a periodic dis-
turbance 0/ some sort; they have a definite length (measured
radially, as in the case of sound waves) and travel with a definite,
though very great, velocity ; but they do not consist of conden-
sations and rarefactions and the vibrations are not longitudinal.
331. Luminous and Nonluminous Radiation. — All known bodies
are a constant source of radiant energy, since all possess some
degree of heat ; but bodies colder than their surroundings lose less
heat than they receive by the absorption of radiation falling upon
them, and hence become warmer. With few exceptions, bodies
emit only nonluminous. radiation (the so-called "radiant heat")
unless they are very hot. A piece of iron, for example, becomes
luminous at about 525°, at which temperature it emits a dull red
light. As the temperature increases, the light grows stronger and
changes in color, at last becoming white. The nonluminous radi-
ation also increases in intensity as the temperature rises, as is shown
by the greater heating of the hand when held near the body.
When a body is heated, its molecules vibrate more rapidly and
hence set up shorter waves in the ether, — an effect similar to that
produced by raising the pitch of a sounding body. As there are
sound waves too long and others too short to cause the sensation
of sound, so too there are ether waves both too long and too short
to cause sight. Ether waves of the proper length to stimulate
the optic nerve and cause the sensation of vision are called light.
The distinction between light and nonluminous radiation is there-
fore primarily a physiological one (Arts. 221 and 222).
332. The Propagation of Light in a Homogeneous Medium. —
Any space or substance through which light can travel is called a
medium. A medium is said to be homogeneous when its chemical
composition and density are the same in all parts of it. Although
light is transmitted or, as we commonly say, propagated in any
medium by means of the ether in its intermolecular spaces, the
substance itself affects the process in different ways, as will be seen
When a beam of sunlight is admitted into a darkened room,
its path, which is rendered visible by the dust particles in the air,
is seen to be perfectly straight {Exp.). This is perhaps the best
illustration of a very general law ; namely, In aiety homogeneous
medium light travels in straight lines. The most familiar conse-
quence of this fact is the
formation of shadows. The
light that passes on either
side of an object continues
in a straight line ; if it bent
round into the space behind
ttie object, there would be
no shadow.
Figure 165 is a section
diagram in which each circle
represents a wave of light
from a small luminous source
at/. The light that passes through an opening, (9, in a screen.
Nature and Transmission of Light 259
Fig. 166.
AB, is represented by C/D. It has a conical shape and is called
a cone or pencil of lights regardless of the shape of the opening
through which it passes. When
the source of the light is at a
relatively great distance, any
small area of a wave front is
sensibly plane (Fig. 166), and
the light that passes through a
small opening is cylindrical in
shape and is called a beam of
light (represented by CEFD in
the figure) . A pencil or a beam
of light so slender that its cross-section has no appreciable area
is commonly called a ray of light. A ray is often regarded merely
as a mathematical line indicating a direction in which light travels.
In this sense any radius of a train of spherical waves is a ray. Rays,
in either sense of the word, are perpendicular to the wave fronts.
333. Why Light travels in Straight Lines. — The thoughtful
pupil will perhaps wonder why light does not spread out after
going through an opening or past the edge of an object. We
know that sound travels round buildings and other obstacles. If
light is a wave motion, why does it not do the same? It was the
want of an answer to this question that caused Newton and his
followers to reject the wave theory.
After more than a century, experiments were devised which
proved that this difference between the behavior of light and
sound is due to the very great difference in their wave lengths.
The waves of most sounds are from one to ten feet in length ;
light waves (which are also capable of accurate measurement) vary
from 33,000 to 64,000 to the inch. It was found that light waves
and sound waves behave in a similar manner when they pass
through openings or encounter obstacles of the same relative size in
comparison with their wave lengths. The propagation of light in
straight lines, leaving the space behind opaque objects in shadow,
is due to the fact that ordinary bodies and openings are enor-
26o Light
mously large comj)ared with the wave length of light. Sound
l)ehaves in a similar manner under corresponding conditions,
forming what may be termed sound shadows. " Some few years
ago a jx)wd^r hulk exploded on the river Mersey. Just opposite
the spot there is an opening of some size in the high ground which
forms the watershed between the Mersey and the Dee. The
noise of the explosion was heard through this opening for many
miles, and great damage was done. Places quite close to the
hulk, but behind the low hills through which the opening passes,
were completely protected, the noise was hardly heard, and no
damage to glass and such like happened. The opening was large
compared with the wave length of the sound " — Glazebrook's Phys-
ical Optics,
When light passes through an opening that is not large com-
pared wth the wave length (as is generally the case with sound),
it spreads out into the region that is ordinarily occupied by the
shadow. A simple example of these effects is obtained by look-
ing through a handkerchief, held close to the face, at a brightly
illuminated pinhole or narrow slit about the width of a pin. (Try
it.) The pinhole or slit may be made in a piece of cardboard,
and illuminated by holding it in front of a lamp or gas jet. The
light spreads out in different directions in passing through the
narrow spaces between the threads of cloth, causing the slit to
look like a number of parallel slits, and the hole like a square
pattern of many holes. Phenomena of this class are studied in
advanced physics. It is by means of experiments involving such
phenomena that the wave lengths of light are determined.
Laboratory Exercise -//.
334. Shadows. — A cone of light is intercepted by an opaque
body, as ab (Fig. 167), when the source
of the light, Z, is so small that it may be
regarded as a point; and the light is
wholly excluded from the portion of this
6"'^^^^^B conical space that lies beyond the body.
Fig. 167. d When the source of light is of appreciable
Nature and Transmission of Light 261
size, the light is wholly excluded from a portion of the space
beyond the body, as acdb (Fig. 168) ; and this space is surrounded
or enveloped by a space from which the
light is partially excluded. The latter space
receives light from a part of the source,
the light from the remainder being inter-
cepted by the object.
In physics the word shadow means the
space from which light is wholly or partly
excluded by an opaque body. The dark
area upon any surface where it intercepts a
shadow is a cross-section of the shadow, and should be so named.
The part of the shadow from which the hght is wholly excluded is
called the umbra; the partly illuminated space surrounding the
umbra is called the penumbra. The penumbra merges impercep-
tibly into fully illuminated space at its outer surface ; the boundary
between the penumbra and umbra is more sharply defined.
335. Solar Eclipses. — In Fig. 169, 6" represents the sun, ^
the earth, M^ the moon at new moon, and M^ at full moon. The
Fig. 168.
Fig. 169.
shadows of the earth and the moon are diminishing cones, termi-
nating in a point. (Why?)
On account of the varying distances of the sun and the moon
from the earth, the moon's shadow {i.e. the umbra) sometimes
reaches the earth and is sometimes too short to do so. The cross-
section of the moon's shadow is never more than 167 miles wide
at the earth's surface. Within the shadow the sun is totally
eclipsed ; within the penumbra, which covers a much larger area,
the eclipse is partial.
It is evident that an eclipse of the sun can occur only at new
moon ; but there is not an eclipse at every new moon, for the moon
262 Light
generally passes to one side or the other (above or below the plane
of the paper in the figure) of the straight line between the sun and
the earth. The least number of solar eclipses that can occur in a
year is two, and the greatest number is five.
336. Lunar Eclipses. — The diameter of the earth's shadow at
the distance of the moon is about two and two thirds times the
diameter of the moon. When the moon passes entirely into
the shadow, it is totally eclipsed ; when only one side of it passes
through the shadow, the eclipse is partial. There is no perceptible
dimming of the moon within the penumbra until it almost reaches
the shadow. An eclipse of the moon, either total or partial, is of
course visible to half the earth simultaneously. Since the moon is
a nonluminous body, shining only by reflected sunlight, it would
be invisible when totally eclipsed if it were not for the fact that
some light is bent out of its course (refracted) into the shadow
in passing through the earth's atmosphere. The moon is thus
illuminated with a dull, copper-colored light.
An eclipse of the moon can occur only at -ftrfHnobn ; but the
moon generally escapes the shadow by passing to one side or the
other of it. The number of lunar eclipses in a year varies from
none to three.
337. Images produced by Small Openings. — When light from
any luminous or brightly illuminated object falls upon a screen after
passing through a minute opening, such as a pinhole, it forms
upon the screen an inverted image of the object. Figure 170
shows how such images are
produced. Every point on
the surface of the object
is a source of light which
travels outward in all direc-
tions from the surface. A
sle Jer cone of this light
from each point passes through the pinhol and illuminates a small
spot on the screen of the same shape as the opening. Since these
spots have the same relative positions as the corresponding points of
Nature and Transmission of Light 263
liie object, and are illuminated by light of the same color as those
points, they unite into an image which reproduces the form and
color of the object. The inversion of the image is due to the
crossing of the cones of light at the opening. If the opening is
very small, the image is quite sharply defined, but faint. With a
larger opening, the image is brighter, but poorly defined (blurred) ;
for the light from each point of the object now covers a larger spot
pn the screen, and these spots overlap more and more as their size
338. Intensity of Illumination. — The intensity of illumination
on any surface is the quantity of light received per unit area of the
Effect of Distance, — The intensity of the light from any source,
or the intensity of the illumination that it produces on any surface,
is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the
source. This " law of inverse squares " is the same as that for
sound (Art. 288), and for the same reasons. The reasoning, as
applied to light, may be briefly stated as follows: (i) Assuming
that there is no loss of light by absorption or other cause, the
same total quantity of light (radiant energy) passes all cross-
sections of a cone of light ; (2) hence the quantity of light per
unit area at any distance is inversely proportional to the area of
the cross-section of the cone at that distance ; (3) but the area of
the cross-section of a cone of any shape is proportional to the
square of the distance from its vertex (Fig. 171); (4) hence the law.
1 If the class room can be made perfectly dark, an interesting study of these //'«-
hole images, as they are called, can be made by admitting light into the darkened
room through a small hole in a window screen or shutter, and catching it up>on a
screen of oiled tissue paper or upon the opposite wall of the room. In the latter
case the opening must be a centimeter or more in diameter to give suflficent illumi-
nation. Under these conditions an image of the landscape in its natural colors will
be formed upon the wall or the screen. A pinhole camera can be made from a
pastelxjard box a foot or more in length. A large pinhole is made in the center of
one end to admit the light, which is caught upon a screen of oiled tissue paper
pasted in position across the center of the box. A hole half a centimeter or more
in diameter is made in the other end of the box. The image upon the screen is
viewed by placing the eye close to this hole.
264 Light
Effect of Illuminating Power. — The total quantity of light con-
tinuously given out by any source is called
its illuminating power. The light given
out by a standard candle is taken as the
unit and is called a candle power. Thus an
incandescent lamp of sixteen candle power
gives out sixteen times as much light as
a standard candle. The intensities of iHumination produced by
two sources of light at equal distances are proportional to the
illuminating powers of the sources.
Effect of Distance and Illuminating Poiver Combined. — Let P
denote the illuminating power of a source of light, and / the in-
tensity of illumination which it produces at the distance D; then,
since / is proportional to P and inversely proportional to the
square of Z>, we may write p
^^ D"'
339. Photometry. — Photometry deals with the comparison and
measurement of the illuminating powers of different sources of light.
Any apparatus by means of which such measurements are made
\%Z2^^^2i photometer. We can form no reliable estimate of the
relative brightness of unequally illuminated surfaces, but are able
to judge with considerable accuracy whether two adjacent parts of
the same surface are equally illuminated ; hence, with all forms of
photometers, the distances of the lights compared are adjusted to
give equal illumination.
Let Px and P^ denote the illuminating powers of two sources of
light, and let /, and L denote the intensities of illumination which
they produce at the distances D^ and Z>2, respectively ; then,
If the distances are such that the intensities of illumination are
equal {i.e. if I^ = /a), then
' — ^^2 f.j.— p.p..r)'i.r)2
Nature and Transmission of Light 265
This is the relation used in photometric measurements. Stated
in words : The illuminating powers of two sources of light are pro-
portional to the squares of the distances at which they produce
equal illumination.
Laboratory Exercise 48.
340. The Shadow Photometer (Rumf ord's Photometer) . — There
are several forms of photometers ; but the shadow photometer,
devised by Count Rumford, will serve as a sufficient illustration.
Figure 172 shows the adjustment of the apparatus for a comparison
of the illuminating powers of a lamp and a candle. The rod, Ry
casts two shadows ; c is due to the candle, and / to the lamp.
Each source of light illuminates the shadow due to the other ;
hence when they are placed so that the shadows are equally dark
{i.e. equally illuminated), they give equal illumination at their
respective distances from the screen. The room must be dark-
ened, or other sources of light will make the shadows too foint for
accurate comparison.
341. The Velocity of Light. — The velocity of light in a vacuum
and in air is 186,000 miles per second in round numbers, — a
velocity sufficient to encircle the earth seven and one half times
in one second. Notwithstanding the difficulties involved in the
measurement of such rapid motion, this velocity has been re-
peatedly determined with consistent results by two experimental
methods ; it has also been computed by two independent methods
266 Light
from astronomical data. We shall consider only the astronomical
method by which the first determination of the velocity of light
was made.
Jupiter, the largest of the planets, revolves about the sun in an
orbit whose diameter is about five times that of the earth, the
time occupied in one revolution being nearly twelve years. In Fig.
1 73, S represents the sun, £* and £ two positions of the earth in
©\ its orbit, y* and J two positions of
\-v^ Jupiter. Jupiter is accompanied
\T^ by a number of satellites (moons),
s ]i which revolve round it as the moon
I does round the earth. The nearest
/ of these satellites is shown in the
pftfc _ figure. It passes through the
_ / shadow of Jupiter in each revolu-
Fic. 173. / •' *
/ tion, and is thus eclipsed at regular
intervals of 42 hr. 28 min. and 36 sec. An observer does not see
these eclipses when they occur ; for, after the satellite has entered
the shadow, it continues visible unAV the light that last Uft it
reaches the earth. If the eclipses were observed from any constant
distance, they would be seen at regular intervals ; for they would
all be seen the same length of time after their actual occurrence.
For example, if the earth remained at its least distance from
Jupiter, each eclipse would be seen 35 min. after it occurred, that
being the time required for light to travel the intervening distance,
EJ\ if the earth remained at its greatest distance, EJ, each
eclipse would be seen 51 min. and 40 sec. after it occurred, and
the observed intervals between the eclipses would be the same as
before. But, while the earth, in its annual revolution, is receding
from Jupiter, the observed interval between successive eclipses
exceeds the true interval by the time required for light to travel
the' added distance due to the earth's motion during the interval.
While the earth is advancing* toward Jupiter, the conditions are
reversed and the observed intervals are less than the true intervals.
Hence if the eclipses are computed ahead for one year, begin-
Nature and Transmission of Light 267
ning when the earth is at E and assuming a constant interval, the
echpses as observed fall constantly more and more behind until
the earth is at E\ when they are 16 min. and 40 sec. late. Dur-
ing the second half of the year, the intervals are less than the
average, and the loss is gradually made up; so that when the
earth has arrived at E the eclipses are again on time.
These irregularities in the observed intervals were discovered
and explained by Roeme r. a Danish astronomer, in 1675. He
announced that the whole apparent retardation of the eclipses
from E to E' was the time required for light to travel across the
earth's orbit, which is known to be a distance of 186,000,000
mi.^ (Compute the velocity of light from the given data.)
1. {a) What is the necessary condition for a shadow without a penumbra?
(^) for an umbra of finite length? (r) for an umbra of indefinite length?
() for a cylindrical umbra? Make a section drawing, illustrating each case.
2. WTiy are shadows as we see them in nature not i)crfectly dark ?
3. What is the apparent shape of the moon two or three days after new
moon? at the first quarter? between the first quarter and full moon? Ac-
count for these apparent shapes of the moon.
4. State and account for the change in the size, brilliance, and sharpness
of outline of a pinhole image (-^^ / \ ^,j^
The ray EFGH is re- """^-^^ / \ ,-'-"'"
fracted toward the per- ^^ ^Z--i7fr^'~-\ ^ ^"
pendicular MNoxi enter- _^^,-^^^/a^\ '^'^"^^x'^Ell
ing the prism and from ' ^^ , ^ ^^^
the perpendicular il/'iV' '" ^^*
on leaving it. The deviations d and (f are in the same direction
(away from the refracting angle) ; hence the total deviation is
their sum and is measured by the angle KPH. This angle is
called the afig/e of ikviation.
The deviation increases with the refracting angle of the prism
and its index of refraction ; it also varies with the angle of inci-
dence, being least when the angle of incidence is such that the
angle of emergence is equal to it. The deviation varies slightly
for light of different colors, producing effects which are considered
The apparent source of the ray GH is some point on the line
HL ; hence an object viewed through a prism is apparently dis-
placed in the direction of the refracting edge of the prism.
Laboratory Exercise 52, Parts II and III.
367. Partial Reflection and Refraction. — In general, when
light meets a smooth surface separating two transparent media,
part of it is reflected and part refracted. A number of illustrations
are familiar where air is one of the media. For example, the
greater part of the light falling upon window glass passes through
it by refraction, as described in Art. 365 ; but a considerable por-
tion of it is regularly reflected from the front surface, forming an
image of its source as in a plane mirror. Such images are dis-
tinctly visible when the glass is backed with black cloth to pre-
vent the transmission of light from the opposite side. Similarly,
light falling upon the surface of still water is partly reflected, form-
ing images ; but the greater part is refracted into the water.
It is by partial reflection and refraction that a number of images
of a small, bright object, as a candle flame or a lighted match, are
formed by a single mirror when the images are viewed obliquely.
(Try it.) Tiiese multiple images are especially prominent in
mirrors of thick glass. Let ABDC (Fig.
206) represent a section of a mirror taken
at right angles to the reflecting surface
AH^ and O a luminous point in front of
the mirror. Part of the incident ray OE
is reflected from the front surface at E^
forming (or helping to form) the image /i.
The greater part of the incident light
enters the glass, and is reflected at the rear
surface. The greater part of this light is refracted into the air at
/% forming the brightest of the images /, ; the remainder is inter-
nally reflected at /% is again reflected at the rear surface, and
the greater part of it passes into the air at G, forming the
image /j. This process is repeated, forming still other images ;
but their number is limited, as the light rapidly diminishes in
intensity with the successive reflections and refractions.
368. Total Reflection. — When
light is incident in the more re-
fractive of two media (as when it
passes from water into air), the
angle of refraction is always greater
than the angle of incidence. For a
certain angle of incidence, MOE Fig. 207.
A "*'
^ /^ B
i=^"2^' - 1
Fig. 208.
Refraction of Light 293
(Fig. 207), the angle of refraction is 90°, and the refracted ray
is parallel to the surface of the water.
For a greater angle of incidence, as angle
MOF, refraction cannot take place, and
all of the light is reflected internally
according to the laws of reflection. The
ray OFG is therefore said to be totally
reflected at F. Total reflection in water can be exhibited by
reflecting a beam of light upward through water in a rectangular
glass vessel (Fig. 208) {Exp.).
The angle of incidence in the more refractive medium for which
the angle of refraction is 90° is called the critical angle. When
the angle of incidence is less than the critical angle, refraction and
partial reflection take place ; when it is greater, total reflection
occurs. When light is incident in the less refractive medium,
refraction and partial reflection take place at all angles of
The critical angle for water and air is 48.5° ; for crown glass
and air, about 41° ; for flint glass and air, about 38° ; for diamond,
about 24°.
Laboratory Exercise ^4.
369. Illustrations and Applications of Total Reflection. — When
a glass of water is held above the level of the eye, its surface,
viewed from below through the side of the glass, looks like a
mirror. When a spoon or a pencil is placed in the glass, the
part above the water is invisible, but a very distinct image of the
immersed part of it is seen in the surface. This image is formed
by total reflection. (Try it.)
Glass prisms afford excellent illustrations of total reflection.
Light that falls upon the inside of any face of the
prism at an angle greater than the critical angle is
totally reflected ; and, when the eye is in position
^^''" to receive this light after refraction into the air, the
Fig. 209. reflecting surface has the appearance of a mirror
and forms a brilliant image of the source of the light (Fig. 209).
294 Light-
Prisms having an angle of 90° and two angles of 45° are used in
astronomical telescopes and in other optical instruments to change
the direction of the light by 90° (Fig. 210). Incident light per-
pendicular to the face AB enters the prism without
deviation and meets the face BC 2X an angle of 45°.
\^^ | / Since this is greater than the critical angle, the light is
\J*"- totally reflected at the same angle, and passes out of the
^ face AC without deviation. Such prisms are the most
•10. 210. pgj.fgj,^ mirrors known. They give only a single reflec-
tion, thus avoiding the faint, overlapping images due to multiple
reflection in ordinary mirrors. A totil-reflecting prism at the eye
end of a telescoi)e adds to the comfort of the observer, as it
enables him to look obliquely tlownward in viewing the heavenly
bodies, instead of in the direction in which the telescope points.
IV. Atmospheric Refraction
370. Atmospheric Refraction. — Although the refractive power
of the air is small, it gives rise to a number of interesting and
familiar phenomena. When we look over a bonfire or a hot stove
at any object situated beyond it, the object appears to undergo
a rapidly changing distortion, similar to that of a pebble in the
bottom of a brook. This appearance is due to the colistantly
changing refraction of the light as it passes through the currents
of air rising from the fire ; for these currents consist of bodies of
air of varying temperatures and hence of varying densities, and the
refractive power of air increases with the density. A similar effect
may often be observed when the line of sight passes near the
surface of some object that has become hot in the sunshine.
371., Twinkling of the Stars. — The twinkling of the stars con-
sists in a rapid, irregular variation in brightness. With the aid of
a telescope, this is seen to be accompanied by a dancing motion.
The phenomenon is wholly atmospheric ; the stars themselves are
fixed and shine with a steady light. The dancing is a rapid change
of apparent position, caused by changing refraction as currents of
Atmospheric Refraction
air of varying density cross the line of sight. As a beam of light
passes through successive layers of air, the refraction at the irregu-
lar boundaries separating thorn may cause either a slight con-
vergence or divergence of the beam. The first increases the
intensity of the light, the second diminishes it ; and the twinkling
is largely due to the rapid alternation of these effects. Stars near
the horizon, the light from which traverses a greater stretch of
atmosphere, twinkle more than those overhead. The twinkling
also differs greatly on different nights according to the steadiness
of the air.
372. Regular Atmospheric Refraction. — The inconstant or
irregular refraction to which the twinkling of the stars is due is
small in comparison with the regu-
lar refraction, due to the increas-
ing density of the atmosphere
from its upper limit to the earth's
surface. Light traveling obliquely
downward through the atmos-
phere is bent continuously toward
the perpendicular (Fig. 211). The total deviation thus produced
varies from zero for heavenly bodies directly overhead to a little
more than half a degrfte at the horizon (it is greatly exaggerated
in the figure).
Since the angular diameter of the sun at the earth is about half
a degree, the sun is really just below the horizon when it appears
to be just above it. Thus, on account of atmospheric refraction,
sunrise occurs from two to four minutes earlier than it otherwise
would (depending upon the angle that the sun's path makes with
the horizon), and sunset is retarded by the same amount.
373. Mirage. — In sandy deserts the reflection of the sky and
of the scattered trees and other objects in the landscape is often
seen in the distance, on hot sunny days, as in the surface of a
calm lake. This optical illusion is called a mirage. It is due to
the heating and expansion of the air in contact with the hot sand ;
as a result of which the density of the air increases upward for
Fig. 211.
296 Light
some distance from the ground. Light traveling obliquely down-
ward through this layer of air is gradually bent from the perpen-
dicular; and the angle of incidence, if nearly 90° at first, may
thus become greater than the critical angle. The light is then
totally reflected by the layer of rarer air into which it cannot pass,
and is refracted toivard the perpendicular as it returns through
the denser air alx)ve. By this total reflection images are formed
like those seen in the surface of still water (Fig. 212). The sky
and other objects are also seen, at the same time, erect and in
their true positions, by light that comes straight to the eye.
V. Lenses
374. Lenses. — A lens is a portion of a transparent medium
bounded by two curved surfaces or by a plane and a curved
surface. Lenses are usually made of glass, and their curved
surfaces are usually spherical. There are six forms of spherical
lenses, sections of which are represented in Fig. 213. From
their optical effects they are classed in two groups of three each,
as follows : —
Convex or Convergins^ Lenses. — The first three lenses repre-
sented in the figure belong to this class. The first of these is
called double convex, the second plano-convex^ and the third con-
cavo-convex. All are thicker in the middle than at the edges.
They are called converging lenses, because light is more converg-
ent or less divergent after passing through them than before
Fio. 213.
{Exp^. The three forms are equivalent in their effects so far as
the purposes of elementary physics are concerned ; and the double-
convex lens having surfaces of equal curvature is the only one that
will be considered.
Concave or Diverging Lenses. — To this class belong the last
three lenses represented in the figure. The first of these is
double-concave^ the second piano- concave , and the third convexo-
concave. They are all thinner in the middle than at the edges ;
and are called diverging lenses because they increase the diverg-
ence of light passing through them {Exp.). The double-concave
lens will be taken as the type of its class.
375. The Double-convex Lens. — The line joining the centers
of curvature of the spherical surfaces of a convex lens (C and C,
Fig. 214) is called iht principal axis of the lens.
Let OA be a ray of light from a luminous point on the prin-
cipal axis. On entering the lens, the ray is bent toward the
perpendicular AC ; on ^merging at B, it is bent from the per-
pendicular BC. The deviation of the ray is the same as it would
be if the lens were replaced by a prism ADB of the same mate-
rial and having faces tangent to the lens at A and B. The angle
between the tangent planes at the jwints of entrance and emerg-
ence of a ray increases toward the edge of the lens {g^. angle £
is greater than angle D) ; hence the deviation also increases. A
ray of light traveling along the principal axis falls perpendicularly
upon both surfaces of the lens, and hence passes through it with-
out deviation.
The increased deviation toward the edge of the lens is almost
exactly what is required to bring a// the refracted light to the same
point, /. We shall for the present regard the focusing as perfect.
Thus the diverging
cone of incident light
A'OG undergoes re-
fraction at the surfaces
of the lens and emerges
as a converging cone,
L///, forming a real
'^' ^'^* image of its source at /.
The effect of the lens is also shown in Fig. 215, in which the
curved lines represent light waves. The points O and / are
called conjitgaU foci. Light radiating from either converges to the
376. Conjugate Foci on the Principal Axis. — Real Foci. — As
the luminous point 6>(Fig. 214) is moved from the lens along the
principal axis, the incident cone of light becomes less divergent
and the refracted cone more convergent ; the image therefore
moves toward the lens along the axis. When the distance of the
object is relatively great (not less than one hundred times the
radius of curvature of the surfaces of the lens), the incident light
is sensibly parallel, and the point to which the refracted light con-
Lenses 299
verges is called the principal focus of the lens {F, Fig. 216).
There is another principal focus at the same distance on the other
side of the lens, correspond-
ing to an incident beam
coming from the opposite
direction. Since light can
*u *u • F'G. 216.
traverse the same path m
both directions, it follows that light radiating from a luminous
point at either principal focus is refracted as a beam parallel to
the principal axis.
The distance of the principal focus from the lens is called the
focal length of the lens. The focal length depends upon the
refractive power of the glass of which the lens is made, as well
as upon the curvature of its faces. It can be shown that, when
the faces have equal curvature and the index of refraction of the
glass is 1.5, the focal length is equal to the radius of curvature.
When the index of refraction exceeds 1.5, the focal length is less
than the radius of curvature.
As the luminous point is moved toward the principal focus from
a greater distance, the incident light becomes more and more diver-
gent and the refracted light less convergent : the image, therefore,
recedes along the axis. When the object is at the principal focus,
the light is refracted as a parallel beam, as stated above, and the
image is indefinitely far away.
Virtual Foci, — When the object is nearer than the principal
focus, the divergence of the incident light is greater than the
lens can overcome, and the
refracted light is still divergent,
,^^ ^arx>--------- | ^-p-| «^ though less so than the inci-
^ '""'"'-^^^^^^^^^ dent light (Fig. 217). The
image (or focus) is therefore
* ^^^' virtual and at a greater dis-
tance than the object. As the object is moved up to the lens
from the principal focus, the image approaches the lens from an
indefinite distance on the same side.
300 Light
377. Conjugate Foci on Secondary Axes. — When a ray of light
passes obliquely through the center of a double-convex lens, the
tangent planes at the points of entrance and emergence of the
ray (A and B, Fig. 218)
^ are parallel. The emer-
gent ray lU is therefore
parallel to the incident
rays OA (Art. 365).
When the lens is thin and the angle of incidence small, as is gen-
erally the case, the lateral displacement of the refracted ray is
very slight and may be disregarded. Any ray through the center
of the lens, as OABI, is therefore regarded as a straight line, and
is so drawn in diagrams.
Any straight line through the center of a lens is called a second-
ary axis. It follows from the above that the conjugate focus of
any point not on the principal axis lies on the secondary axis
through that point. Conjugate foci on secondary axes are real or
virtual under the same conditions as for foci on the principal
axis ; i.e. if the distance of a point is greater than the focal length
of the lens, the conjugate focus is real ; if less, it is virtual.
Laboratory Exercise 55.
378. Real Images. — When light falls upon a convex lens from
an object situated beyond the principal focus, the diverging cone
of light from each point of the object converges to the conjugate
focus, and there forms the corresponding point of the image,
which in this case is real. The image can be caught upon a
screen, and can also be viewed directly from any point in the path
of the light diverging from it. Thus, in Fig. 214, the image can
be seen in mid-air from any point within the cone PIQ.
There are three rays from any point not on the principal axis
whose directions after passing through a lens are known : (i) The
ray through the center of the lens continues in the same straight
line. (2) The ray parallel to the principal axis is refracted so as
to pass through the principal focus. (3) The ray through the
principal focus (on the same side as the object) is refracted parallel
Fig. 219.
to the principal axis. These three rays are shown in Fig. 218.
In drawing figures, the conjugate focus of any point can be deter-
mined by means of any two of these rays, when the focal length is
known, without constructing angles of incidence and refraction.
Figures 219, 220, and 221 illustrate this method of construction.
In Fig. 219, AB may be regarded as the object and ab its
image, or vice versa. Since
any point of the object and a - ^ — ^ A-<^ b^
its image are on the same
straight line through the
center of the lens, the
image, if real, is always inverted. Triangles AOB and aOl> are
similar; hence the lengths (and other similar dimensions) of
object and image are proportional to their distances from the
The following consequences of these geometrical relations are
of great importance in optical instruments : —
(i) When the distance of the object is so great that the rays
from any point of it are sensibly parallel, the real and inverted
image which is obtained of
it is at the principal focus
and is relatively very small
(Fig. 220).
(2) When the object is
at a distance only slightly
greater than the focal length, its image is relatively distant and
greatly enlarged or magnified. (Draw figure.)
(3) For a given object at a given distance, the size of the real
image increases with the focal length of the lens ; since, under
these conditions, the greater the focal length, the greater is the
distance of the image from the lens {Exp.). (Illustrate with two
drawings, taking lenses of unequal focal length.)
(4) When the object is at a relatively great distance (Fig. 220),
the length of the image is proportional to the focal length of the
lens. (Draw figures to illustrate.)
Fig. 220.
302 v,o-
379. Virtual Images. — When the distance of the object from
the lens is less than the focal length, the light from each point of
the object is still divergent after refraction ; and its apparent
source is the corresponding point of the image, which in this case
is virtual. A virtual image can be seen only by looking through
the lens toward the object. What we really see through the
lens is not the " magnified object," but its magnified virtual
Figure 221 illustrates the formation of a virtual image, following
„ the usual construction. It will
be seen from the figure that
^"^irr ^-^^.A ^^ the virtual image is ahvays
*p!^ erect and magnified, and is at
a greater distance than the ob-
:: ^.s--- ject. A similar figure in which
*" ^^' the object is taken nearer the
lens will show that, as the object approaches the lens from the
principal focus, the image also approaches the lens and grows
smaller. (Draw the figure.)
From the similar triangles A OB and aOb it is evident that
the lengths of object and image are proportional to their distances
from the lens, as in the case of real images. The less the focal
length of the lens, the larger is the virtual image when formed at
a given distance from the lens. (Draw figure to illustrate.)
A convex lens, when used for observing the enlarged virtual
images of minute objects, is called a magnifying glass or simple
380. Formulas Relating to Convex Lenses. — Formula for
Real Images. — In Fig. 222
the rays AM and BN are ' " ^- — /IT""^^ ^^^^
drawn as if they were re-
fracted once midway between
the surfaces of the lens in-
stead of at each surface. This simplifies the present problem,
and involves no appreciable error.
Lenses 303
From the similar triangles A OB and a Ob,
AB'.ahw CO: Oc.
From the similar triangles MFN and aFb,
Since AB = MN^ we have from these proportions,
Let CO = D (the distance of the object), Oc = d (the distance
of the image), and OF=f (the focal length of the lens). Sub-
stituting these values in the last proportion, we have
From which df^D{d-f),
Transposing and combining, /(// + Z>)= Dd,
Dividing by /?./5^, . ^^ = 7-
Separating the terms of the fraction and reducing,
-1 + 1 = 1.
D^ d f
By means of this formula any one of the three quantities Z>, d^
and / can be found when the other two are given.
Formula for Virtual Images. — From the similar triangles fZil/^
and aFO (Fig. 223),
From the similar triangles
OAC ".nd Oac,
Hence, cC.cOw MA : FO.
I^t OC=D{=MA), Oc = d, d.n^.FO=f (the focal length
of the lens). Substituting these values in the last proportion, we
have (d-D):d:'.D:/,
d-D D
Fig. 223.
Dividing by D,
tf-D I
I I _ I
Laboratory Exercise j6
The following problems will help to familiarize the pupil with a number
of facts which will be of assistance in the study of optical instruments. The
problems are to be solved by means of the formulas.
1. The distance of the image is how many times the focal length when
the distance of the object is () twice the focal length? (^) ten times the
focal length? (<-) one hundred times? () one thousand times?
2. The distance of the image is how many times the focal length when
the distance of the object is {a) .9 the focal length? (//) .8? {c) .5? () .1?
Do the distances of the object and its virtual image become more or less
nearly equal as the object approaches the lens from the principal focus?
3. An image seen in a simple microscope is at a distance of 10 in. What
is the distance of the object if the focal length of the lens is {a) 2 in.? {h) i
in.? (0 .5 in.?
For an image at a fixed distance, is the distance of the ol)ject more or less
nearly e(]ual to the focal length as the focal length is diminished?
4. What is the per cent of error in assuming that the distance of the ol>-
ject is equal to the focal length when the distance of the image is 10 in. and
the focal length of the lens (. in a direction parallel to the slit).
These lines are called Fraunho/er's iines^ after the celebrated
optician of Munich, who first studied and gave a detailed descrip-
tion of them. They represent missing images of the s/it, and
indicate that light of certain colors is absent from sunlight. When
the width of the slit is only very slightly increased, the overlapping
of the images on each side of the dark lines obliterates them.
403. Virtual Spectrum. — If the preceding experiments cannot
be performed for want of a dark room or a porte lumiere for
directing a beam of sunlight into the room, the observation of a
virtual spectrum will serve as a substitute. The experiment consists
in looking through a prism at a slit about a millimeter wide in a
piece of black cardboard. The cardboard should be held up at
arm*s length before a window, with the sky for a background and
with the slit horizontal. The prism is held close to the eyes, with
its edges parallel to the slit. If the refracting edge of the prism
1 It b only the light from the same portion of the sun's disk that is parallel. The
rays in a sunbeam that come from opposite sides of the sun are at an angle of about
half a degree {AOB, Fig. 245). The lens, in the position described, brings all the
light that passes through any point of the slit to the same point of the image, and
hence forms an image of the slit.
Dispersion and Color
Fig. 246.
is on the lower side, the cardboard will appear at an angle of about
40° below its true position (Fig. 246) ; and the observer, looking
obliquely downward at this angle, will see a
virtual spectrum consisting of a series of over-
lapping colored images of the slit. Since
the violet light is refracted the most, the vio-
let image of the slit will be the lowest (see
Laboratory Exercise 58,
404. The Nature of Color. — When any part of the light com-
posing a spectrum is allowed to pass through a second prism, it is
again refracted, but its color remains unchanged (Fig. 247). The
colors of the spec-
^ trum are simple or
elementary; that is,
they cannot be fur-
ther decomposed
It is found by ex-
periment ^ that the
wave lengths of the colors of the spectrum increase regularly from
the violet to the red ; and that the same elementary tolor always
has the same wave length (in the same medium) whether its
source is the sun or any other luminous body. It follows that the
physical cause of the sensation of color is nothing else than the
wave length of the light ; in other words, the sensation produced
by an elementary color is determined by its frequency {i.e. the
number of waves that pass any point in a second), just as the pitch
of a sound is determined by the vibration number of the sounding
body or the frequency of the sound waves.
As the temperature of a body rises, the vibration of its mole-
cules becomes more and more rapid, and shorter waves are set up
in the ether. At about 525° C. (Art. 331) some of the molecules
1 It is beyond the scope of elementary physics to discuss the methods by which
the wave lengths of light are measured.
Fig. 247.
326 Light
vibrate with sufficient rapidity to give out red light. As the tem-
perature continues to rise, additional colors are given out in order
from red to violet, and the color of the body changes from red
through orange and yellow to white.
" That which we call white light is, in the state in which we
receive it from such a body as a white-hot bar of iron, or perhaps
in its purest form from the crater of the positive pole of the electric
arc, a mixture of long and short waves ; waves of all periods
within the range of visibility are either continuously present or,
if absent for a time, are absent in such feeble proportions or for
such short intervals that they are not appreciably missed by the
eye. White light of this kind is comparable to an utterly discord-
ant chaos of sound of every audible pitch ; such a noise would
produce no distinct impression of pitch ; and so white light is
uncolored." — Daniell's Principles of Physics.
405. The Invisible Spectrum. — The luminous ether waves vary
in length from .0000767 cm. for the extreme red to .0000397 cm.
for the extreme violet. The interval between these extremes,
expressed as in music, is somewhat less than one octave. Thus
we see that the range of sensibility of the eye is much less than
that of the ear (Art. 304). That there are many octaves of non-
luminous ether waves extending both above and below the visible
portion of the spectrum is proved by their chemical, heating, and
electrical effects.
406. Cause of Dispersion. — \Vhenever light is refracted, the
elementary colors of which it is composed are refracted unequally,
although in many cases the dispersion is not sufficient to be
noticeable. This unequal deviation indicates that the index of
refraction of a substance varies with the color of the incident
light; and, since the index of refraction is the ratio of the velocity
of light in a vacuum to its velocity in the substance (Art. 363), it
is evident that lights of different colors {or ether waves of different
lengths^ travel with unequal velocities in the same substance.
This, therefore, is the cause of dispersion.
With few exceptions, the deviation increases continuously from
Dispersion and Color 327
the red to the violet, as in the preceding experiments, the velocity
of the shorter waves being less than that of the longer in most
407. Color of Opaque Bodies. — When a very narrow strip of
white paper, pasted on a piece of black cardboard, is viewed
through a prism as the slit was in the experiment of Art. 403, the
light from it is resolved into a complete spectrum, the colors of
which have the same relative intensity as in the spectrum of direct
sunlight. Any opaque body which, like the white paper, reflects
all the elementary colors of the incident light in equal proportions
appears white when white light falls upon it; but when the inci-
dent light is colored, the body appears of the same color. Thus
when a spectrum is thrown upon a white screen, the part of the
surface upon which the red light falls appears red, the part upon
which the blue light falls appears blue, etc. ; for each part reflects
the color that it receives.
When a narrow strip of colored paper is viewed through a prism,
the light from it is resolved into an incomplete spectrum ; gener-
ally half or more of the spectrum is either wanting or very faint.
The spectrum of a blue strip, for example, will probably be found
to consist of violet, indigo, blue, and green ; that of a yellow strip,
of green, yellow, orange, and some red. A similar analysis of the
light from different colored bodies shows that, with few exceptions,
the light reflected by them is composite^ i.e. it is composed of a
number of elementary colors. Any body that reflects some of
the elementary colors of white light in larger proportion than it
does others is colored, its color being determined by the combined
effect of all the colors that it reflects. A body reflecting no light
would be perfectly black. White, black, and the diff"erent shades
of gray differ only in brightness ; each reflects the different elemen-
tary colors in the same proportions in which it receives them.
Color, regarded as a property of opaque bodies, is therefore
merely the power of reflecting light of certain wave lengths either
exclusively or in larger proportions than others, the light that is
not reflected being absorbed. It is further evident that bodies
328 Light
have no color of their own. A white body, as stated above, takes
the color of the incident light ; a colored body appears of its natu-
ral color only when the incident light cqntains all the elementary
colors that it is capable of reflecting. This is strikingly illustrated
by holding colored papers in different parts of the solar spectrum
thrown upon a screen in a darkened room. A piece of green
paper, for example, will appear black in the violet, indigo, orange,
or red, being incapablfe of reflecting these colors ; in the blue it
will probably appear a dark blue, and in the yellow a dirty yellow,
due to the reflection of a little of these colors ; in the green it will
appear at least very nearly of its natural color {Exp.).
This explains why some bodies do not appear of the same color
by artificial light as by daylight. Most artificial lights are deficient
in violet and blue, and hence are more or less yellowish. In
such a light, pale yellow is scarcely distinguishable from white,
and blue is often mistaken for green. The greenish appearance
of blue is due to the fact that blue pigments reflect violet and
green as well as blue light, and green predominates in the light
that they reflect when illuminated by light that contains little
violet and blue.
408. Color of Transparent Bodies. — A transparent body is
colored if it is more transparent to some of the colors of white
light than to others, its color being that which results from the
J mixture of all the transmitted colors. The remaining colors of
the incident light are absorbed on the way through the medium.
This action of a colored medium is called selective absorption. If
one or more of the elementary colors that a body can transmit are.
not present in the incident light, the body will not appear of its
natural color ; and if none are present, it will appear opaque, since
in this case no light will be transmitted.
The light transmitted by a transparent body, as a piece of glass,
may be analyzed by observing either its real or virtual spectrum.
To obtain the latter, a slit is observed through a prism, as de-
scribed in Art. 403, with one end of the slit covered by the trans-
parent body. This gives a complete spectrum from the uncovered
Dispersion and Color 329
end of the slit, and, beside it, the spectrum of the light transmitted
through the body (Lab. Ex.). To obtain the real spectrum, a
solar spectrum is projected upon a screen in a darkened room by
means of a slit, lens, and prism, as described in Art. 402 ; and the
body is held so as to cover either the upper or lower end of the
slit. The solar spectrum and the spectrum of the transmitted
light will then be projected upon the screen, one above the other,
making a comparison of the two very easy.
It will be found by either of these methods of observation that
the light transmitted by colored bodies is composite and, with
few exceptions, gives a considerable portion of the complete
spectrum. Blue (cobalt) glass transmits violet, blue, green, and
some red ; yellow glass transmits red, orange, yellow, and green ;
red (ruby) glass transmits red and a little orange (Exp.).
When two transparent bodies of different color are placed before
the slit, one in front of the other, the light that passes through
both undergoes a double process of selective absorption ; and its
spectrum therefore consists only of the color or colors that are
common to the light transmitted by the two separately. Thus
green is the only one of the colors transmitted by either blue or
yellow glass that is also transmitted by the other ; hence the two
together appear green. Similarly, the combination of red and
blue, red an^ green, or orange and blue glass is very nearly
opaque, since no color that they separately transmit in considera*
ble quantity is common to both {Exp.).
409. Color of Bodies containing Suspended Particles. — A gas
or a liquid which, of itself, is colorless becomes colored when
it contains a multitude of minute particles in suspension. An
example of this is the sky-blue liquid obtained by adding to water
a very small proportion of milk or an alcoholic solution of mastic,
or by mixing a few drops of dilute nitrate of silver with a quantity
of water in which a little table salt has been dissolved.^ These
1 In this case chloride of silver is formed, which is insoluble in water, but
remains suspended in the form of extremely minute solid-^Ef&^e^r=-^K^^same is
true of the mastic. jf^^* ^^ Twr
330 Light
liquids appear blue by reflected light ; but are yellow or orange
when viewed by transmitted light. This is due to the fact that
the suspended particles reflect a considerable part of the violet
and blue light, but reflect less and less of the other colors toward
the red end of the spectrum. Thus violet and blue predominate
in the reflected light, and red, orange, and yellow in the trans-
mitted light.
The blue color of the sky is similarly explained, " the air being
rendered visible against the dark background of black space by
sunlight reflected from its fine suspended dust or water particles ;
while the light transmitted is always more or less yellowish, and,
in the afternoon and evening, when sunlight comes to us through a
greater thickness of the more dusty layers, verges toward orange
or even red." — r3anieirs PrincipUs of Physics.
410. Mixture of Colors. — The unaided eye is wholly incapable
of distinguishing between composite and elementary colored light.
The light reflected from a piece of yellow paper or transmitted
through yellow glass may produce exactly the same color sensation
as the yellow of the spectrum, although it contains all the colors
of the spectrum from the red to the green inclusive. Moreover,
the sensation of yellow may be caused by light that contains no
elementary yellow at all ; in fact, the color sensation caused by any
elementary color except violet and red may also be caused by vari-
ous combinations of two or more of the other elementary colors
in certain proportions.^ In studying mixtures of colored lights, the
selected colors of the spectrum are focused by a lens, or reflected
by mirrors to the same spot upon a screen, or in some other
way are caused to enter the eye in a united beam. Among the
results established by such experiments are the following : —
I. The mixture of any two elementary colors named in alter-
nate spaces in Fig. 248 is like the intermediate one. For example,
1 If the ear were like the eye in this respect, it would be incapable of distinguish-
ing the constituents of a complex sound. The notes sounded simultaneously by
an orchestra would produce ^e sensation of a single note of average pitch, and
harmony and discord would alike be unknown.
Dispersion and Color
Fig. 248.
the mixture of red and yellow appears to the eye to be identical
with elementary orange. The mixture of red and violet light is
purple. There is no elementary
, . • , r , r Purple
purple, as is evident from the fact
that this color is not found in the
2. Complementary Colors. — The
mixture of any pair of opposite col-
ors in the figure appears white when
the colors are combined in the right
proportions. ** Ordinary white light
consists of all the colors of the spec-
trum combined ; but any one of the
elementary colors, from the extreme
red to a certain point in yellowish green, can be combined with
another elementary color on the other side of green in such
proportions as to yield a perfect imitation of ordinary white. The
prism would instantly reveal the differences, but to the naked eye
all these whites are completely undistinguishable from one another."
Any two colors which yield white when mixed are called com-
plemeniary colors,
3. Primary Colors. — Any color of the spectrum can be pro-
duced (so far as the color sensation is concerned) by mixing
elementary red, green, and violet lights in proper proportions.
Red, green, and violet are therefore called the primary colors.
411. Newton's Disks. — One of the most convenient methods of
mixing colors is- by means of colored disks, each
of which is slit along a radius, thus permitting
any desired amount of overlapping when two
or more of the disks are placed together on
an axis through their common center (Fig.
249). When the disks are rapidly rotated
about the axis, only one color is seen, and this
Fig. 249. covers the entire circular area. This results
332 Light
from the fact that the sensation of sight continues for a fraction
of a second after the light ceases to enter the eye or ceases to fall
upon the same part of the retina. The rapid rotation causes the
different colors to come from all parts of the surface in such rapid
succession that each of them produces a continuous impression ;
and the effect is the same as if they came simultaneously from all
parts of the surface. ,
The colors reflected by the disks are, of course, composite;
but experiments have shown that a composite color produces the
same effect in a mixture as the elementary color that looks like
it. Hence the results described in the preceding article can be
obtained with the disks. In most cases, however, the total amount
of reflected light is so small that the resultant color is very defi-
cient in brightness. Complementary colors, for example, generally
yield a dark gray instead of white {Exp.).
412. After-images. — If one looks for half a minute or more at
a brightly illuminated piece of colored paper on a black back-
ground, then at a white surface, an image of the colored paper
will appear upon the surface in the complementary color. Thus if
the paper is green, the image will appear purple {Exp.).
The explanation is that the part of the retina upon which the
light from the colored paper falls becomes fatigued for that color,
and is less sensitive to it than to the other colors of white light ;
hence these other colors produce the stronger impression when
white light falls upon that part of the retina, and they together
give the complementary color. The image thus produced is called
a negative after-image.
When the object looked at is very bright, the after-image is
u'S\i2\\y positive, that is, of the same color as the object; and this
is frequently followed by a negative image. A positive after-
image niay be regarded as an extreme instance of the persistance
of impressions. After-images of bright objects can often be seen
with the eyes tightly closed. Newton is said to have suffered for
many years from an after-image of the sun, caused by incautiously
looking at it through a telescope.
Dispersion and Color -- 333
413. Colors of Mixed Pigments. — We have seen that a mixture
of blue and yellow lights (either composite or elementary) is white
(Arts. 410 and 411) ; but that when pieces of blue and yellow
glass are placed together, they appear green (Art. 408, end). The
results are not inconsistent, for they are obtained by wholly differ-
ent methods of combination. In the first case the sensation of
white is due to the simultaneous action of the two colors upon the
retina ; the colors and the sensations that they produce are added.
If the colors are complex, as is the case with Newton's disks, they
together probably include all the elementary colors. In the sec-
ond case, the result is obtained by subtraction^ elementary green
being the only color that passes through both pieces of glass in
appreciable quantity. The other colors are absorbed, — some by
the blue glass, the remainder by the yellow.
The mixture of blue and yellow paints or powders is green
{Exp.). This is evidently a case of subtraction, like that of the
blue and yellow glass. The blue paint (or powder) absorbs the
red, orange, and yellow of the incident light, and the yellow paint
absorbs the violet, indigo, and blue. Thus green is the only color
not strongly absorbed by one or the other, and the mixture is
green. It is evident that the results obtained by mixing pigments
and by mixing lights of the same color are, in general, very differ-
ent. The light reflected by mixed pigments consists of the colors
which are not absorbed by either constituent. If the lights reflected
by two pigments have no elementary color in common, a mixture
of the two will be black or a dark gray. This is the case with
vermilion (a bright red) and ultramarine (a deep blue) {Exp.).
414. Chromatic Aberration. — The pupil has very probably
observed a fringe of color bordering objects when viewed through
a convex lens, and especially when viewed through a pair of
lenses, used either as a telescope or a
compound microscope. The coloring
is due to the unequal refraction of
the elementary colors by the lenses. ' ^^°*
When white light from any point, O (Fig. 250), falls upon a
334 Light
lens, the greater refraction of the violet light brings it to a nearer
focus, Vy than that of the red light, r. The foci of the other colors
lie between these. When a screen is placed at the focus of the
red light, the image is surrounded by a border of violet and blue
light ; at the focus of the blue light it is surrounded by red {Exp.),
This unequal focusing of the different colors is called chromatic
Since dispersion increases with the deviation, chromatic aberra-
tion is much greater for light passing through a lens near its edge
than for light passing through its central portion, and is greater the
less the focal length of the lens {Exp.). Thus the opaque
diaphragm with a small circular opening, which is placed in front
of the lens in cameras and other optical instruments, serves the
double purpose of diminishing both the spherical and the chro-
matic aberration. But the diaphragm only partially overcomes
the defect, and besides has the disadvantage of cutting off the
greater part of the light. During the seventeenth century the
remedy employed in the construction of telescopes was the use of
object glasses of great focal length — in some cases exceeding
lOo feet. The object glass in such cases was mounted at the top
of a high pole, and the eyepiece was on a separate stand below.
415. Achromatic Lenses. — About 150 years after the telescope
and the microscope were invented, it was discovered that chro-
matic aberration could be almost perfectly corrected by combining
a convex lens of crown glass with a concave lens of flint glass (Fig.
251). This depends upon the fact that, while the refracting power
of flint glass is only slightly greater than that of
crown glass, its dispersive power is nearly twice
as great, the spectrum formed by a prism of flint
Fig. 251. glass being nearly twice as long as that formed
by a prism of crown glass having an equal refracting angle {Exp.).
Hence a double lens, consisting of a convex lens of crown glass
and a concave lens of flint glass of nearly twice the focal length,
produces convergence of the light without dispersion ; for the dis-
persion due to the concave lens is equal and opposite to that
Dispersion and Color
of the convex lens, and it neutralizes only half of the converg-
ence caused by the latter (Fig. 252). The objectives of tele-
scopes, opera glasses, and microscopes
(except the cheapest) are achromatic.
416. The Rainbow. — Rainbows are due
to the dispersion of sunHght by raindrops,
and by the drops of water in the spray of
fountains, waterfalls, etc. Sometimes one
Fig. 25a.
bow is seen, sometimes two, each consist-
ing of the colors of the solar spectrum.
They are always arcs of circles, and, when
two are seen, they are concentric. The ~
inner or lower one is always much the _
brighter and is called the primary' bow.
In it the red is on the outside, the violet
on the inside. In the outer, or secondary bowy the colors occur in
the reverse order (Fig. 253). The rainbow is always seen in the
direction opposite to the sun, — the sun, the observer, and the
center of curvature of the bow being in the same straight line, EO.
This line is called the axis of the bow.
The formation of the rainbow can
be experimentally illustrated in a dark-
ened room by means of a globe (a
round-bottomed flask) filled with water.
It will be found that the results obtained
, .., when a slender beam of sunlight is
^ «o-«HM ^^^"^ I ', \ caused to fall upon the globe depend
upon the angle at which the beam meets
its surface. At a certain angle a curved
spectrum is formed and may be caught upon a screen ; at another
angle the spectrum reappears with the colors in the reverse order.
At angles other than these the light is too widely scattered on
leaving the globe to produce visible effects. If a beam large
enough to cover the globe is used, one, and possibly both, of the
spectra will appear as complete circles {Exp.) .
Fig. 254.
The dispersion caused by a single drop of water is like that
obtained with the globe in the above experiment, except that
the total amount of reflected light is correspondingly less. Each
drop forms two complete spectra ; but the eye receives only a
slender ray of one color from any one drop, and the bow that is
seen is made up of light from a multitude of drops.
417. The Primary Bow. — Figure 254 represents a ray of light
entering a drop at the angle required for the primary bow. The
unequal refraction of the colors at A
'X causes dispersion, forming a spec-
trum, ^ y, at the back of the drop.
Here the greater part of the light is
refracted out (not shown in the
figure) ; the remainder is reflected
to /i'y, where the greater part of
it is refracted out with further dis-
persion. The red and the violet
rays make angles of about 42** and 40°, respectively, with the inci-
dent ray SA. The reason for the order of the colors in the
primary bow will be evident from a comparison of this figure with
the preceding one. The eye receives the same color fi-om all
drops at the same angular distance from the axis of the bow ;
hence the bow is circular.
At sunrise or sunset the rainbow, if complete, appears as a semi-
circle, its axis, £0(Fig. 253), being
horizontal. Since the center of the
bow is always at the same angle be-
low the horizon that the sun is above
it, the higher the sun is, the shorter
will be the arc of the bow. When
the sun is more than 42° above the
horizon, the primary bow is wholly
below it, and is therefore invisible.
418. The Secondary Bow. — The ^' ^''' '^*
secondary bow is formed by light that has undergone two reflec-
Dispersion and Color 337
tions, as shown in Fig. 255. On leaving the drop, the red ray
makes an angle of about 51°, and the violet ray an angle of 54°,
with the incident ray. A comparison of Figs. 255 and 253 will
show why the secondary bow. is above the primary, and why the
order of the colors is reversed. The faintness of the secondary
bow is due to the additional loss of light at the second reflection.
419. Color by Interference. — When two pieces of plate glass are
pressed firmly together in the fingers or in a clamp, curved bands
of spectrum colors appear, surrounding the point where contact is
closest. The colors are brightest when the plates are looked at
from the more strongly illuminated side {Exp.).
In Fig. 256, MM' and NN' represent sections of the glass
plates, the distance between them being greatly exaggerated.
Light incident along the path AB is par-
tially reflected at C from the lower sur-
face of the upper plate, and also at E from
the upper surface of the lower plate. Some
of the light reflected at E is transmitted
through the upper plate parallel to and
nearly coincident with the light reflected
from C. But, in twice crossing the space ^^^' ^^^'
between the plates^ the waves reflected at E fall behind those
reflected at C; and the waves of some one of the elementary
colors in these two sets of reflected waves meet in opposite phase,
causing interference as in the case of sound waves (Art. 2C)8), and
that color is weakened or destroyed. The reflected light is com-
plementary to the light cut out by interference, and this differs at
different places, depending upon the distance between the plates.
Patches and bands of rainbow colors are similarly produced by
the interference of light reflected from the two surfaces of a very
thin film of any transparent substance, as a soap film or a film of
oil floating on water. In the above experiment the layer of air
between the glass plates acts as a thin film. Bodies whose colors
are due to the interference of the light reflected from them are
called iridescent.
338 Light
The iridescence of some bodies is caused by interference of the
light reflected from minute parallel grooves and ridges (striations)
covering their surfaces, as in mother-of-pearl and the plumage of
many birds. The colors of an iridescent surface change with the
angle of incidence of the light, producing the beautiful effect
known as a ** play of colors."
The interference of light is the strongest evidence in support of
the wave theory.
1. \Miat is the function of the lens in producing a pure spectrum?
2. Why is it not possible to correct the chromatic aberration of a lens by
any change in the form of its surfaces?
3. (. north-seeking pole) and the other end the south
poh {Exp,).
422. The Bfagnetic Needle. — A slender magnet suspended at
its center by an untwisted fiber
or balanced on a pivot (Fig.
258) is called a magnetic needle.
After any displacement, a mag-
netic needle always returns to
*°* ^^ * one definite direction, which
is the direction of the magnetic meridian at that place.
423. The Mutual Action of Ifagnets. — Any force exerted be-
tween two magnets is most readily detected when one or both are
free to turn about an axis under the action of the force. Thus
when either pole of a bar magnet is brought up to the like pole of
a magnetic needle, the latter turns away from the magnet, show-
ing repulsion ; but the unlike pole turns toward the magnet, show-
ing attraction (Exp.). When the experiment is performed with
two needles, both will turn, showing that the attractions and repul-
sions are mutual. The law of equal action and reaction (third
law of motion) holds for magnetic forces as for all others.
The mutual action of magnets is expressed by the law : Like
poles repel and unlike poles attract each other.
424. The Effect of Distance on Bfagnetic Action. — The force
exerted by a pole of a magnet increases as the distance from the
pole decreases. This is shown by the fact that the nearer an end
of a bar magnet is brought to a magnetic needle, the more rapidly
will the unlike pole of the needle swing round and vibrate before
it ITie exact relation between the force and the distance varies
Properties of Magnets 341
considerably under different conditions ; but the force is approxi-
mately inversely proportional to the square of the distance except
for very short distances.
This accounts for the fact that, when the nearer poles of two
magnets are unlike, the magnets tend to come together ; for the
attraction exerted upon the nearer pole of either exceeds the
repulsjon exerted upon its farther pole, giving a resultant force
which acts toward the other magnet. Similarly, when the nearer
poles are like, the resultant force upon each magnet tends to
move it from the other.
425. Magnetic and Nonmagnetic Substances. — Substances
that are attracted by a magnet are called magnetic substances ;
those that are not attracted are called nonmagnetic. The only
substances that are sufficiently magnetic to be attracted by mag-
nets of ordinary strength are iron, steel (a form of iron), some
compounds of iron, including magnetic iron ore, nickel, and cobalt.
All other substances are practically nonmagnetic ; although, under
the action of a powerful electro-magnet (Art. 457), all or nearly
all exhibit either weak attraction or repulsion. Nickel and cobalt
are less magnetic than iron. Iron in its different forms, such as
cast iron, wrought iron, and steel, is the only substance whose
magnetic properties are of any importance.
These properties are usefully applied in the telegraph, the tele-
phone, the dynamo, the motor, and many other electrical machines
and instruments.
426. Magmetic Action through Bodies. — The action of a mag-
net upon any magnetic body is not affected by placing a non-
magnetic body between them ; but is affected in a marked degree
by interposing another magnetic body. For example, a magnet
attracts or repels a magnetic needle through a board, a book, or a
plate of glass just as if nothing intervened ; but, when a sheet of
iron is placed between them, the needle is only slightly affected
by the presence of the magnet, if at all. The sheet of iron, espe-
cially if large, serves as a screen to cut off magnetic action from the
side opposite the magnet. This is explained in the next article.
342 Magnetism
n. Kagnetization
Laboratory Exfrcise 64.
427. Bfagnetic Induction ; Penneability. — When either pole of
a magnet is held against or very near an end of a soft iron rod,
the other end of the rod attracts iron filings in considerable quan-
tity, and attracts or repels the poles of a magnetic needle as the
nearer pole of the magnet would do. Thus with the north pole
against the rod (Fig. 259), the farther end of the rod repels the
north pole of the needle. The rod, in fact, senies as a carrier
for the magnetic action of the magnet^ and is itself a magnet while
doing so, having poles as shown in the figure. Only magnetic
substances can thus modify and extend the action of a magnet,
and the property thus exhibited is called magnetic permeability.
We can now understand how a sheet of iron serves as a magnetic
screen. By itself becoming magnetized, it turns aside the mag-
netic action to its edges, which afe capable of exerting attractions
and repulsions (Exp.).
The iron rod in the above experiment is said to be magnetized
by induction. Magnetic induction always takes place when a
^_ — ' magnet is brought near a magnetic
•*? -v body. The body is then attracted
Fig. 259. because its nearer pole is unlike the
nearer pole of the magnet (Fig. 259). Thus induction always
precedes attraction and is the cause of it.
428. Temporary and Permanent Kagnets. — When soft or
wrought iron, hard iron, untempered steel, and tempered steel
are subjected to equal inductive action, as by bringing them suc-
cessively in contact with the same magnet, a simple test with iron
filings will show that the soft iron becomes most strongly mag-
netized and the tempered steel the least. On the other hand, the
soft iron loses its magnetization, completely or nearly so, as soon
as it is removed from the influence of the magnet, while the tem-
pered steel retains all or nearly all of the magnetization induced
in it. Thus by magnetic induction a piece of soft iron may be
made a temporary magnet and a piecfe of tempered steel a perma-
7ient one. Hard iron and untempered steel retain a considerable
part of induced magnetization ; they are subpermafient.
All manufactured magnets are pieces of highly tempered steel
that have been magnetized by induction. They may be demag-
netized or even magnetized with opposite polarity at any time by
sufficiently strong inductive action in the opposite direction.
429. Experimental Evidence on the Nature of Magnetization. —
There is much experimental evidence indicating that the magneti-
zation of a body is definitely related to its molecular condition.
The following are some of the facts that point most strongly to
this conclusion : —
Properties of a Broken Magnet. — When a magnet is broken
into any number of parts, each piece is a complete magnet having
the same polarity
and approximately
the same strength
as the original mag-
net (Fig. 260). This
can be readily shown by breaking a magnetized sewing or knitting
needle {Exp,).
Such experiments show that every part of a magnet is mag-
netized ; in fact, the neutral portion in the middle is generally
more strongly magnetized than the ends. The absence of attract-
ive power in the middle may be accounted for by regarding the
two halves of a magnet
^ ^-^ as complete magnets
with their unlike poles
joined at the center.
These equal unlike poles,
situated at the same
point, exactly neutralize each other's action upon surrounding
bodies. A magnet may be regarded as composed of an in-
definite number of little magnets, with all their like poles pointing
in the same direction (Fig. 261).
Fig. 260.
■ 8
n 8
n 8
Fig. 261.
344 Magnetism
Effect of Heat on Magnetization, — The strength of a magnet is
always diminished by heating it. This effect is only temporary for
moderate degrees of heat ; but a bright red heat causes permanent
demagnetization {Ex/>,),
This effect of heat suggests that magnetization depends upon or
consists in a certain molecular condition which is destroyed by
the violent motion of the molecules at a high temperature.
Effect of Mechanical Disturbance. — A magnet is weakened by
hitting it a number of sharp blows, and a magnetized knitting
needle by clamping it in a vise and causing it to vibrate vigorously
(Exp.). A magnetized piece of iron wire a foot or so in length
is almost completely demagnetized by twisting it once or twice
each way. (A small portion at each end may be bent at right
angles to the length for convenience in twisting.) {Exp.)
In such cases a loss of magnetization results from the disturbance
of the molecular condition of the magnet by mechanical forces.
On the other hand, such disturbances assist magnetic forces in
producing magnetization. Thus a number of blows upon a piece
of iron when it is near a magnet will cause it to become more
strongly magnetized.
430. Theory of Magnetization. — These facts and others of a
similar nature have led to the theory that every molecule of a
magnetic substance is a permanent magnet ; and that in an unmag-
netized body the poles of these molecular magnets point indis-
criminately in all directions (Fig. 262), while in a magnetized
body the greater
number of the mole-
!?,« ^.^ ...^ , cules lie with their
Fia a63. (IG. 263.
like poles pointing
in the same direction (Fig. 263). According to this theory,
the act of magnetizing consists in turning the molecules more
or less completely into one particular direction. If all the mole-
cules were turned in the same direction, the limit of possible
magnetization would be reached. Soft iron is more readily
magnetized than steel, because its molecules are more easily turned
The Magnetic Field . 345
about, and it loses its magnetization more readily for the same
reason. This theory may be illustrated by means of a test tube
nearly full of steel filings, each particle of which plays the part of a
molecule on a greatly magnified scale. When the mass of filings
is magnetized, it exhibits polarity and acts as a magnet until
shaken up (Lab. Ex.). What constitutes the magnetism of the
molecule is not known.
III. The Magnetic Field
431. Magnetic Field and Lines of Force. — A magnetic field is
any space within which magnetic forces act. The intensity of
these forces is often referred to as the intensity of the tnagnetic
field. The field of a magnet is most intense near the poles, and
decreases rapidly with increasing distance. It really extends
indefinitely in every direction ; but at a comparatively short dis-
tance it becomes too weak to produce sensible effects.
When a magnetic needle is placed within the field of a magnet,
as at O (Fig. 264), its north pole is attracted by the south pole
of the magnet and repelled by the north pole. OB represents
the attraction and OA the re-
pulsion upon the north pole of
the needle when at 0\ and OR
their resultant (by the parallelo-
gram of forces). Hence the
needle behaves as if its north
pole were acted upon by a single ' pj^^ , '
force in the direction of OR,
The component and resultant forces upon the south pole of the
needle, when at O^ are respectively equal in magnitude and
opposite in direction to those upon the north pole ; hence a
short needle placed with its center at O would come to rest
with its north pole pointing in the direction OR.
If the needle is moved constantly in the direction in which its
north pole points, it will trace the curved path OCS, the direction
346 Magnetism
of which at any point is the direction of the resultant magnetic force
at that point. Such a line in a magnetic field is called a line of
force. Since the resultant forces upon a north and a south pole are
in opposite directions along a line of force, we avoid ambiguity by
defining the direction of a line of force as the direction of the
force acting upon a north pole. In accordance with this defini-
tion, the lines of force in the field of a magnet are said to extend
fix)m its north to its south pole (not from the south to the north
pole). In diagrams the direction of a line of force is often indi-
cated by an arrowhead placed on the line.
Laboratory Exercise dj,
432. Lines of Force in Certain Magnetic Fields. — The direction
of the lines of force in different parts of a magnetic field can be
determined by merely observing the
direction in which the north pole of a
magnetic needle points when moved
about in the field ; but fine iron filings
may be made to serve the same pur-
pose for the whole of a plane section
of a field at one time. The filings are
sprinkled from a pepper box or other
sifter upon a sheet of cardboard or
stiff paper placed over the magnet.
* A light tapping on the cardboard
assists the magnetic forces in bringing the filings into definite lines
coinciding with lines of force.
The lines thus obtained about . \ j //v'""^"^Vv • A'V
a bar magnet are shown in • \\\\' . l /v; ^rr:::- ^> '.'■'»!/'/// ^
«=» — >^r- — > — 15>»» — -> f
Fig. 265. Beyond a distance ,y;, ' j ; \\.'^ :~~".-s^ y/i]\ v^\
.of a few inches the field is 'V i \ 'v^srrirl'Cr' V i \ X'*
too weak to direct the filings ; ^
hence the information that ^'^* ^^'
they afford is incomplete. All the lines of force extending from
the north pole are really continuous with lines of force coming to
the south pole (when no other magnet is in the vicinity).
The Magnetic Field 347
When the north pole of one magnet is placed near the south pole
of another, the filings are
arranged in lines as shown in
Fig. 266. The lines of force
extend across between the i\^
unlike poles of the two mag- \ \^ ^ . \ > / ' / , / i
nets. But when the like poles \ ^. \ \ "'i \ / >^ / / / '
of two magnets are turned i i \ '. . .' . . • .
toward each other (Fig. 267), *
no lines are found to extend from one to the other ; on the con-
trary, the lines in one field turn away from those of the other.
433. Theory of Magnetic Action. — Magnetic action takes place
at a distance apparently without the aid of any medium by means
of which the force is exerted upon the distant body. In this
respect it is like gravitation ; and, like gravitation, it takes place
in a vacuum. But as action at a distance without an intervening
medium for its transmission is not considered possible (Art. 129),
it is assumed that a medium exists by means of which magnetic
forces are exerted, and this medium is thought to be no other than
the ether that pervades all space.
According to this view, the ether surrounding a magnet is under
certain stresses (Art. 206) due in some way to the presence of the
magnet; and the laws of magnetic action indicate that these
stresses consist of a tension along the lines of force and a pressure
across them. Thus we have a mental picture of an elastic sub-
stance which is in a state of tension between unlike poles, tending
to draw them together by contraction along the lines of force, and
in a state of compression between like poles, tending to push them
apart by expansion at right angles to the lines of force.
I, (a) When a pole of a strong magnet is brought toward the like pole
of a magnetic needle, repulsion may be followed by attraction as the magnet
is brought closer. Explain. {U) The same may happen when an end of a
weakly magnetized piece of iron is brought toward a needle. Explain.
348 Magnetism
2. Why should decision as to the polarity of a magnetized body be based
on repulsion of the magnetic needle rather than on attraction ?
3. In what different ways may an unmagnetized magnetic substance be
dbtinguished from a magnet ?
4. Explain the effect of the soft iron bar, called the armature or keeper,
which is placed across the ends of a horseshoe magnet, when not in use, to
preserve the strength of the magnet.
5. In what respects does magnetic action resemble gravitation ? In what
respects docs it differ ?
IV. Terrestrial Magnetism
434. The Earth's Magnetic Field. — Everywhere upon the
earth's surface the magnetic needle, when removed from all mag-
netic substances, always comes to rest in a definite direction,
clearly indicating that it is controlled by a magnetic field. This is
the magnetic field of the earth. It varies largely in intensity and
in the direction of its lines of force over different portions of the
earth's surface ; but the changes are so gradual that the lines of
force are sensibly straight and parallel, and the intensity constant
over areas many miles in extent. In general, the lines of force
extend in a direction several degrees either to the east or west of
north, and are more or less inclined to the horizontal.
The magnetic field of the earth indicates that the earth is an
irregularly magnetized body. The cause of its magnetization is not
435. Action of the Earth's Field on a Compass Needle. — How-
4Aaa*aaaa*4**a»*4 ever much or little the lines offeree of
I the earth's field may be inclined, it is
I only the horizontal component of the
I magnetic force that exerts a directive
j action upon magnets that are free to turn
only in a horizontal plane. Hence the
Fig. 268. directive action upon compass needles
is the same as it would be if the lines of force were horizontal,
as represented in Fig. 268.
The horizontal forces exerted upon the two poles of a compass
Terrestrial Magnetism
needle by the earth's magnetic field are equal and opposite, since
the field is of uniform intensity and the lines of force are straight.
Hence when the needle is not parallel to these forces, they act
as a couple to swing the needle into Hne with them (A and B,
Fig. 268) ; and the needle is brought to rest in this position by
friction after a number of vibrations.
436. Magnetic Meridians and Declination. — A line extending
over the earth and having at every point the direction of the com-
pass needle is called a magnetic meridian. In Fig. 269 the
somewhat irregular heavy lines represent magnetic meridians.
The magnetic meridian at any place is sometimes called the mag-
netic north-and-south line ; and the angle that it makes with
the true north-and-south line is called the magnetic declina-
tion or simply the decHnation at the place considered. The curved
Hues in Fig. 270 are so drawn that each passes through all points
having the same declination. Such lines are called isogenic lines,
or lines of equal declination. The arrows in the figure show the
direction of the declination, whether east or west.
Magnetic declination is subject to a number of variations, only
one of which exceeds a small fraction of a degree. This variation
consists in a continuous change in declination in one direction for
about two hundred years, followed by a like change in the oppo-
Fig, aTa
site direction. Recorded observations show that such changes
have amounted to over 35° in certain localities.
437. Inclination or Dip; Magnetic Poles of the Earth. — A
magnetic needle mounted on a horizontal axis through its center
of gravity is called a dipping needle (Fig.
271). If a dipping needle were unmag-
netized, it would be in neutral equilibrium
in any position in th6 vertical plane in which
it is free to turn ; hence its position in the
vertical plane is controlled only by magnetic
forces, as is the position of the compass
needle in a horizontal plane. Consequently,
I- 10. 271. when the axis of a dipping needle is placed
at right angles to the magnetic meridian, the needle comes to rest
in the direction of the lines of force of the earth's field.
The angle between the direction of the dipping needle and the
horizontal is called the inclination or dip. The irregular lines
extending across Fig. 272 are lines of equal dip. The line of no
Terrestrial Magnetism
dip is called the magnetic equator. North of the magnetic equator
the north pole of the needle is depressed, and south of it the
south pole.
Arctic explorers have found a place where the dip is 90° ; this
is the north magnetic pole of the earth (so called from* its geo-
FlG. 272.
graphical position, not from its polarity). It is nearly 1400 miles
from the geographical north pole, and is shown in Fig. 269 as
the point in the northern hemisphere to which the magnetic
meridians converge. The south magnetic pole has never been
reached. Strictly speaking, the magnetic poles of the earth are
far below the surface.
438. Intensity of the Earth's Field; Inductive Action. — The
earth's magnetic field is much too weak to arrange iron filings in
lines or to appreciably modify magnetic action within a few cen-
timeters of a strong magnet ; but it is everywhere sufficiently
intense to control a magnetic needle and to cause considerable
magnetization in iron and steel. This inductive action is best
shown by means of a long rod of soft iron (Norway iron). When
352 Magnetism
such a rod is held so as to point north and south or, better, in the
direction of the dipping needle, it will be found to be magnetized
with its north pole pointing north. When the rod is reversed, its
polarity is also instantly reversed, if the iron is very soft ; other-
wise it may be necessary to strike the rod on the end while it is
held in position {Exp.).
Any mass of iron or steel that remains in one position for a
long time becomes magnetized. This is especially true of the
rails of a track when extending in a northerly and southerly
direction. Natural magnets are very probably due to the earth's
439. Importance of the Earth^s Magnetism. — The importance
of the earth's magnetism is due to its directive action on the com-
pass needle. This is utilized on land in determining directions
in surveying, and on sea in directing the course of vessels. In
the use of the compass for either 6f these purposes the declination
at the place must be known. At sea this is given by the declina-
tion map or chart (Fig. 270) from the known latitude and longi-
tude of the vessel.
" Neither the inventor of the compass nor the exact time of its
invention is known. Guyot de Provins, a French poet of the
twelfth century, first mentions the use of the magnet in navigation,
though it is probable that the Chinese long before this had
used it. The ancient navigators, who were unacquainted with the
compass, had only the sun or pole star as a guide, and were
accordingly compelled to keep constantly in sight of land for fear
of steering in a wrong direction when the sky was clouded." —
Ganot's Physics.
The earth's magnetic field also plays an essential part in the
use of certain instnmients (galvanometers) in electrical measure-
ments, as will be seen later.
440. " Electricity and magnetism are not in themselves forms
of energy ; neither are they forms of matter. They may perhaps
be provisionally defined as properties or conditions of matter ; but
whether this matter be the ordinary matter, or whether it be, on
the other hand, that all-pervading ether by which ordinary matter
is everywhere surrounded and permeated, is a question which has
been under discussion, and which is now held to be settled in
favor of the latter view." — Daniell's Principles of Physics,
I. The Voltaic CeU
441. Action of Dilute Sulphuric Acid on Zinc and Copper. —
When a strip of zinc is placed in dilute sulphuric acid (one part
by volume of acid to fifteen or twenty of water), it is acted upon
by the acid and is gradually dissolved or eaten away. This
action is accompanied by the rapid formation of small bubbles,
which adhere to the zinc until detached by the buoyant force of
the liquid. The escape of these bubbles at the surface gives the
liquid the appearance of boiling (Lab. Ex.).
» These effects are the result of chemical action. Sulphuric acid
is a compound substance, the constituents of which are hydrogen,
sulphur, and oxygen. The action of the acid upon the zinc con-
sists in the substitution of zinc for tlie hydrogen of the acid, by
which a compound (zinc sulphate) consisting of zinc, sulphur,
and oxygen, is formed and the hydrogen of the acid set free. The
bubbles observed in the experiment are bubbles of hydrogen ; the
zinc sulphate remains in solution in the liquid. ,The union of
the zinc and^he acid liberates chemical potential energy, which,
under the conditions of the experiment, is transformed into heat,
— much as the energy of coal is transformed into heat by union
with oxygen in the process of burning.
When copper is placed in dilute sulphuric acid, no bubbles are
formed and the copper does not waste away however long it may
remain in the liquid. There is no appreciable chemical action.
442. The Simple Voltaic Cell. — When a strip of zinc and a
strip of copper are in the same vessel of dilute sulphuric acid, but
are not in contact, the appear-
ance of each strip is the same
as if the other were not pres-
ent — bubbles, of hydrogen
form upon the zinc, but not
upon the copper. But on
connecting the strips by means
of a wire soldered to each
(Fig. 273), bubbles form upon
the copper as well as upon the
zinc. There is still, however,
no chemical action upon the copper, as is evident from the fact that
the copper does not waste away however long the strips may
remain connected.
If the wire connecting the strips be turned so as to extend
north and south, a compass needle held close to it, either above
or below, will be deflected, indicating the existence of a magnetic
field about the wire. This magnetic field indicates that something
is happening within and about the wire as the result of its connec-
tion with the zinc and copper strips in the acid ; and other effects
can be produced which prove conclusively that there is a transfer-
ence of energy along the wire (either through the wire or through the
ether surrounding it) from one of the metal strips to the other.
For example, an electric bell may be rung, a telegraph sounder
operated, or a piece of platinum wire heated by making proper
connections with the wires attached to the strips.
These effects and others are attributed to what is known as an
Fig. 273.
The Voltaic Cell
electric current flowing through the wire from the copper strip to
the zinc, and through the liquid from the zinc to the copper,
making thus a complete circuit. We speak of electricity as if it
were a fluid, and think of it as flowing through wires and other
conductors in much the same way as water flows through pipes ;
but it is not known that anything is actually transferred round an
electric circuit except energy (of the kind known as electrical
energy), nor is it certain in which direction the transference of this
energy takes place. It is assumed, however, that the direction of
the current is as stated above. There is always a magnetic field
about a conductor carrying a current of electricity ; this is some-
times called an electro-magtietic field y because it is due to electricity
instead of magnetism. The magnetic fields of electric currents
serve as the readiest means of detecting and measuring them, and
also give rise to most of the industrial applications of electricity.
The vessel of acid, together with the zinc and copper strips, is
called a voltaic cell^ in honor of Alessandro Volta^ an Italian physi-
cist, who devised this method of producing an electric current in
1800.^ Two or more cells connected together constitute a voltaic
or electric battery^. In popular usage, a single cell is commonly
called a battery. The copper strip is called \.\\& positive plate, pole,
or electrode of the cell, and the zinc strip the negative. In diagrams
the signs -f and — are often used to indicate the positive and
negative plates respectively.
Laboratory Exercise 66.
443. Cause of the Current ; Potential and Electro-motive Force.
— In a voltaic cell such as we have described, the energy of the
current is derived from the chemical action of sulphuric acid on
zinc. How this chemical action causes an electric current is a
theoretical question that can hardly be discussed with profit in an
elementary course. It should be remembered, however, that while
the cell is in action, one of the constituents of sulphuric acid
(hydrogen) goes to 'the copper plate, where it accumulates as
1 The Xerm galvanic is sometimes used instead of voltaic; it is derived from the
name of Galvani, an Italian physician, who discovered current electricity in 1786.
356 Electricity
bubbles of visible size, and that the other part of the acid, consist-
ing of sulphur and oxygen in chemical union, goes to the zinc
plate, with which it immediately unites, forming zinc sulphate.
More or less hydrogen is also liberated at the surface of the zinc,
depending upon its condition; but this is not essential to the
action of the cell and results only in wasted energy (Art. 447).
It can be shown experimentally that the zinc and the copper
plates differ in respect to a condition known as electrical potential ;
and the copper is said to be at a higher potential than the zinc*
The difference between the potentials of the plates is the direct
cause of the current when the plates are connected by a wire.^ A
difference of potential can be maintained between two parts of a
circuit by other means than chemical action (by a dynamo, for
example) ; but, however this may be brought about, the result is
always an electric current from the point at higher to the point at
lower potential when the points are connected by any conductor.
This behavior of electricity may be compared to the conduction
of heat between two points from higher to lower temperature, or
to the flow of water in a pipe from a higher to a lower level.
The agency that moves electflcity from any point to a point at
a lower potential is called electro-motive force (often denoted by
E. M. F.). " Just as in water pipes a difference of level produces
a pressure y and the pressure produces 2iflow as soon as the tap is
turned on, so difference of potential produces electro-motive force ^
and electro-motive force sets up a current as soon as the circuit is
completed for the electricity to flow through." Electro-motive force
and difference of potential are commonly used as equivalent expres-
sions ; we shall have no occasion to distinguish between them. It
should be noted that electro- motive force is not a force at all, in
the proper sense of the word, since it does not act upon matter,
but upon electricity.
• 1 When the zinc and copper plates are connected by a wire, there is a continu-
ous fall of potential round tlie circuit in the direction of the current (through the
liquid from the zinc to the copper plate as well as through the wire), except in
passing from the zinc to the liquid and from the liquid to the copper, at each of
which places there is an abrupt rise of potentiaL The potential of the zinc is the
lowest in the entire circuit
The Voltaic Cell
444. Conductors and Nonconductors ; Resistance. — All sub-
stances offer greater or less opposition to the passage of electricity
through them, and the property thus exhibited is called electrical
resistance. The resistance of a good conductor is small, that of a
poor conductor large. Substances through which electricity is
nearly or wholly unable to pass are called nonconductors or
The metals are good conductors compared with other substances,
but differ largely among themselves, copper being much the best
with the exception of silver. Carbon and dilute acids are the
next best conductors, though not nearly so good as metals. The
resistance of the liquid in a voltaic cell is often much greater than
that of the remainder of the circuit. Silk, india rubber, vulcanite,
and glass are some of the best insulators.
445. The Electric Circuit. — A current of electricity requires a
complete circuit, i.e. a path that is continuous from any point
back to that point again without retracing any portion of it. The
circuit may be made up of any number of substances, and these
m'ay be of any size or shape. It is only necessary that all parts
of the circuit be of materials capable of conducting electricity and
that they be placed in close contact. The circuit is said to be
closed when it is complete, open or broken when there is a gap at
any point.
The wire of an electric circuit is either insulated by a non-
conducting cover or supported upon insulators (usually of glass)
to prevent the escape of the electricity from the path intended for
it. For currents of low potential, such as are used in ringing
electric bells, a cotton covering affords sufficiently good insula-
tion ; for higher potentials the covering is of silk or rubber. In
connecting wires for a circuit, the insulation must be removed for
a short distance at the ends, and the bare wires fastened together.
446. Materials used in Voltaic Cells. — An electric current may
be obtained with various dilute acids and solutions of different
silts, and the plates may be made of any two metals that are
unequally acted upon by the liquid. The greater the difference
358 Electricity
in the chemical action upon the plates, the greater will be their
difference of potential, and hence also the greater will be the
current. The best results are therefore obtained when the nega-
tive plate is made of zinc and the positive plate of copper or
carbon ; for zinc is most readily acted upon by the acids and
solutions used in different cells, and copper and carbon are not
acted uf)on at all.
447. Local Action upon the Negative Plate. — We have seen
that some hydrogen is liberated at the zinc plate when a simple
voltaic cell is in action (Art. 443, first paragraph). This is due
to the presence of small particles of iron, carbon, or other impuri-
ties in commercial zinc. Any such particle on the surface of the
zinc and in contact with the liquid acts as a positive pole and
forms a minute voltaic cell with the adjacent zinc and liquid.
This causes a local or parasitic current at the spot and a continual
wasting of the zinc, whether the circuit is open or closed.
When the zinc used is chemically pure, this local action ^ as it
is called, does not occur. The zinc is consumed only when the
circuit is closed, and hydrogen bubbles apj)ear only upon the
copper. The same result is obtained with a plate of commercial
zinc when amalgamated^ i.e. when covered with a coating of
mercury. The mercury dissolves a portion of the zinc, forming
a pasty amalgam which covers the surface and keeps the acid
from contact with the impurities. As pure zinc is expensive, it is
more economical to use plates of commercial zinc and keep them
amalgamated. Amalgamation is necessary, however, only in the
case of cells in which acids are used, as in the chromic acid cell
(Art. 449).
448. Polarization of the Positive Plate. — The current supplied
by one or more cells of the type already described rapidly dimin-
ishes from the moment the circuit is closed. This may be shown
by measuring the current with a galvanometer (a process to be
considered later), or by arranging a battery of one or more cells
that is just sufficient to ring an electric bell, operate a telegraph
sounder, or run a small motor when the circuit is first closed.
The Voltaic Cell 359
The current will very quickly become too weak to produce these
effects. The power of the battery may be restored by removing
the positive plates and wiping them thoroughly or by letting the
battery remain idle for some minutes {Exp.).
The weakening of the current is due to the accumulation of
hydrogen upon the positive plate. A cell that is in this condition
is said to be polarized. After the hydrogen has been wiped off or
has had time to escape, the current is as strong as at first.
Polarization causes a decrease in the current for two reasons. In
the first place, hydrogen is a nonconductor, and hence increases
the resistance of the cell by cutting off the current from the por-
tion of the surface that it covers. In the second place, the hydro-
gen tends to reunite with the other constituents of the acid, just as
the zinc does, though less strongly ; and hence it sets up an oppos-
ing electro-motive force, which tends to send a current in the
opposite direction. Polarization is avoided or diminished in vari-
ous ways in different forms of cells, some of the most common of
which are described in the following articles.^
449. Chromic Acid or Bichromate Cell. — The zinc plate of this
cell (Fig. 274) is attached to a rod, by means of
which it can be raised from the liquid when the
cell is not in use. The positive pole consists of
two plates of carbon — one on each side of the
zinc — which are connected to the same binding
screw at the top. The liquid is dilute sulphuric
acid, containing in solution chromic acid or bi-
chromate of potassium or of sodium, which acts
as a depolarizer. These substances contain oxygen
which they give up readily to hydrogen, forming
water. The accumulation of hydrogen upon the
carbon plates is thus diminished, but not entirely ^^* ^^
prevented. Polarization diminishes the current by one third or
more in a few minutes.
1 These descriptions may be most profitably studied in connection with the use
of the cells in the laboratory or the class room. Any or all of them may be passed
over for the present.
360 Electricity
The electro-motive force of this cell is large compared with that
of most cells. Its resistance is small, for the current has only a
ver)' short path in the liquid, and the double carbon pole reduces
the resistance further by one half. As a result of the high E. M. F.
and low resistance, this cell is capable of supplying an exception-
ally strong current, and on this account is much used in experi-
mental work. The zinc should be kept thoroughly amalgamated :
it must be raised from the liquid when not in use^ for it is attacked
by the solution even when the circuit is open.
450. The Leclanch^ Cell. — The zinc of this cell is usually in the
form of a rod (Fig. 275) ; the positive plate is a block of carbon.
The latter is inclosed in a cylindrical cup
of porous earthenware, and is surrounded
by small fragments of carbon and man-
ganese dioxide, with which the cup is
filled. The liquid is a solution of am-
monium chloride (sal ammoniac) in water.
The zinc is not acted upon when the cir-
cuit is open, and does not require amal-
gamation. When the circuit is closed,
chlorine from the ammonium chloride
Fig. 275. unites with the zinc, forming zinc chlo-
ride and liberating the other constituents of the ammonium chloride
(ammonia and hydrogen). The zinc chloride and the ammonia
are held in solution ; the hydrogen passes through the porous
cup and unites slowly with oxygen from the manganese dioxide,
forming water.
This cell polarizes rapidly, and is suitable only for uses requiring
brief action with comparatively long intervals of rest, during which
it recovers from polarization. It is much used for ringing electric
bells, and has the merit of not requiring attention for months at a
451. The Gravity Cell. — The positive pole of this cell (Fig.
276) consists of a number of strips of copper fastened together,
and is placed at the bottom of the jar. The zinc is near the top,
The Voltaic Cell
and is made in various forms. In some cases it is supported by a
rod, as in the figure ; in others, it is hung from the edge of the jar.
The lower portion of the hquid is a strong
solution of copper sulphate (blue stone) ;
the upper portion is a weak solution of
zinc sulphate/ which, being of less spe-
cific gravity than the lower solution, rests
upon it without mixing except by the
slow process of diffusion.
While the cell is in use, copper from
the copper sulphate is continually de-
posited upon the copper plate. By
certain actions within the liquids which
need not be considered, the other con-
stituent of the copper sulphate is set free ' ^
at the zinc, with which it unites, forming zinc sulphate. The solu-
tion of copper sulphate is continually renewed from a supply of
crystals of copper sulphate placed about the copper plate. When
not in use, this cell should be kept on a closed circuit through a
considerable resistance (about 20 ohms).
The small current then flowing tends to
prevent the mixing of the liquids by dif-
fusion ; otherwise the copper sulphate,
coming in contact with the zinc plate, will
deposit copper upon it, and in this con-
dition the cell will furnish little or no
current. The zinc is not amalgamated.
Polarization is entirely avoided in the
gravity cell, and the current that it sup-
plies through a given circuit is approxi-
mately constant. Its E. M. F. is about
half that of the chromic acid cell, and its
resistance is several times as great ; the
largest current obtainable from it is consequently comparatively
1 Water containing a very little sulphuric acid may be used in setting up the cell.
Fig, 277.
362 Electricity
small. It is especially serviceable in experimental work requir-
ing a constant E. M. F., and is much used for purposes requiring
a current all or nearly all of the time, as in telegraphy.
452. The Daniell Cell. — This cell is essentially the same as the
gravity cell; but its parts are differently arranged and the two
solutions are kept separate by a partition of porous earthenware
in the form of a cylindrical cup (Fig. 277). The porous cup con-
tains the negative pole (a long bar of zinc) and a dilute solution
of zinc sulphate. This is placed in a glass jar containing a satu-
rated solution of copper sulphate. The positive plate is a sheet
of copper surrounding the porous cup.
II. The Electro-magnetic Field
453. Historical. — The first discovery of a definite relation
between electricity and magnetism was made by Oersted, a Danish
physicist, in 1819, — nineteen years after Volta's invention of the
electric battery. He found that, when a wire carrying a current
is placed in a horizontal position above a compass needle, the
needle is deflected from the magnetic meridian. When the
direction of the current is reversed or the wire held below
the needle, the deflection is in the opposite direction.
This is known as " Oersted's experiment." It marks the begin-
ning of the science of eUctro-magnetismy — that branch of electrical
science which treats of the relations between electricity and mag-
netism and which is usefully applied in such inventions as the
electric bell, the telegraph, the telephone, the dynamo, and the
Laboratory Exercise 6/.
454. Magnetic Field due to a Current in a Straight Conductor. —
Iron filings sprinkled on a horizontal piece of cardboard, through
which a vertical conductor passes, show circular lines of force
about the conductor when a sufficiently strong current is flowing ^
1 In studying the magnetic field about a conductor carrying a current, a strong
current must be used ; otherwise the field would be too weak to bring iron filings
into line, and the behavior of a magnetic needle would be largely modified by the
The Electro-magnetic Field
Fig. 278.
(Fig. 278). Since all cross-sections of the field taken at right
angles to the conductor are alike, it will be seen that a straight con-
ductor carrying a current is surrounded
by a cylindrical magnetic field, whose
lines of force are circles about the con-
ductor as a center and lie in planes at
right angles to it. The relation between
the direction of the lines of force round
the wire {i.e. the direction in which the
north pole of a needle points) and the
direction of the current is imix)rtant and
may easily be remembered from the following right-hand rule:
Grasp the wire with the right hand so that the extended thumb
points in the direction of the current ; then the fingers point round
the wire in the direction of the lines of force.
455. Field Due to a Current in a Circular Coil. — When a con-
ductor is curved, the lines of force are crowded together on the
concave side and spread apart on the convex side, the planes of
the lines of force being perpendicular to the con-
ductor at every point (Fig. 279) ; hence the field
is relatively strong at the center of a circular coil,
where lines of force round all parts of the coil
meet. The field at the center of a circular coil is
of special interest and importance, as it is utilized
in the simplest form o{ galvanometer m measuring
electric currents. It may be conveniently studied
by sending a strong current through all the turns
(usually fifteen) of a galvanometer coil. Iron filings sprinkled
on a piece of cardboard, placed within the coil, will show that the
lines of force at the center of the coil are straight and are perpen-
magnetic field of the earth. A battery of three or four chromic acid cells connected ,
in parallel (Art. 481) gives a current sufficiently strong for this purpose; but even
better results are obtained from a single cell by sending the current round a rec-
tangle of insulated wire cohsisting of six or eight turns. The field is strengthened
in proportion to the number of parallel wires, but is otherwise the same as if there
were only one.
Fig. 279.
364 Electricity
dicular to the plane of the coil. Their direction relative to the
direction of the current is given by the following right-hand rult
for coils : Close the right hand and place it within the coil with the
fingers pointing in the direction of the current: then the extended
thumb points in the direction of the lines of force through the coil,
456. The Helix or Solenoid. ^ A long, cylindrical coil of wire
is called a helix or solenoid. The successive turns of the coil may
be at Some distance apart or may be in contact ; in the latter case
insulated wire must be useci^ For some purposes coils are wound
upon woo^^^-* make use of an additional
instrument called the relay
(Fig. 286). The relay acts
on the same principle as the
Fig. 286. sounder, but the electro-
magnet is horizontal and the
armature vertical. The lever that carries the armature is light
and delicately balanced, and hence is easily moved to and fro by
much smaller forces than are required to operate the lever of a
The coils of the electro- magnet are connected with the line by
means of the binding posts A and B. The wires of a local circuit
containing the sounder and a battery to operate it are connected
to the posts C and D. One of these posts is connected by a wire
under the base of the instrument with a metal column, the upper
end of which forms an arch above the lever, and the other post is
similarly connected with the lever. The local circuit is closed by
contact of the lever with the platinum tip of a screw, which it
strikes when drawn over by the electro-magnet, and is broken
when the magnet ceases to act and the lever is pulled back
by a spring against the hard rubber tip of the opposite screw.
Thus when the line circuit is closed or opened by means of
the key, the local circuit is at the same instant closed or opened
by the action of the relay. Since the resistance of the local
circuit is small, one or two cells are sufficient to operate the
sounder. The sounds made by the lever of the relay are nearly
463. The Telegraph System. — A diagram of a complete tele-
graph system connecting two cities is shown in Fig. 287. A key
and relay are included in the main line at each station (of which
Electrical Measurements
there may be any number). There is a line battery^ at each of
the terminal stations, each consisting of many cells in series
(Art. 480), and the two are so connected to the line that they
exert an E. M. F. in the same direction through it. Some form of
cell that does not polarize must be used, as the gravity cell. The
New York
Key Sounder^
f2!""K Key,
Local Battery
Local Battery
Earth Y\G. 287.
line wire is connected with the earth at the terminal stations by
«ieans of metal plates sunk in moist ground. The earth com-
pletes the circuit, taking the place of a return wire. The sounder
at each station is in a local circuit connected with the relay.
When an operator at any station on the line wishes to send a
message, he opens the switch of his key. All other switches on
the line must be closed. (Why ?) The operator first calls the
station to which he wishes to send the message. The sounders at
all the stations deliver the message, but the operator at the station
called is the only one who pays attention to it.
It is possible, by means of different connections and instru-
ments of different construction from those here described, to send
two or more messages over the same wire at the same time.
IV. Electrical Measurements
464. Strength of Electric Currents. — The strength of an electric
current can be determined by observing how great an effect of one
kind or another it is capable of producing. Heating and chemical
1 In diagrams each cell of a battery is represented by two parallel lines ( 1 1) ; the
short heavy line represents the negative plate, and the long, thin line the positive.
370 Electricity
effects may be made to serve this purpose ; but the simplest and
most convenient method is to use some form of instrument whose
action is due to the magnetic field of the current. Such an instru-
ment is called a galvanometer. There are various forms of galva-
nometers, but all of them depend in their action upon the fact
that the strength of an electric current is proportional to the inten-
sity of its magnetic field.
465. Ohm's Law. — Utilizing the magnetic action of the electric
current on a magnetic needle, (ieorg Ohm, a German physicist,
discovered that the strength of the current in an electric circuit
is proportional to the electro- motive force and inversely proportional
to the resistance of the circuit. This is known as Ohm's law. It
is stated in other terms in Art. 474.
The relations included in the law may be separately stated as
follows : —
(i) If the E. M. F. and the resistance of a circuit (including
the resistance of the battery) remain constant, the current remain^
(2) If the resistance remains constant and the E. M. F. varies,
the current is proportional to the E. M. F.
(3) If the E. M. F. remains constant and the resistance varies,
the current is inversely proportional to the resistance. For exam-
ple, if the resistance is doubled, the current is decreased one half.
466. The Tangent Galvanometer. — The essential parts of a
tangent galvanometer (Fig. 288) are a vertical
coil of wire having one or more turns, and a
compass with a graduated scale, placed at the
center of the coil. The compass needle should
be very short in comparison with the diameter
of the coil, in order that it may be wholly
within the sensibly constant portion of the
magnetic field of the current at and near the
center of the coil, in whatever direction it may
Fig. 288. . , . . r y '
turn. A long, nonmagnetic pomter of alumi-
num is commonly attached to the needle at right angles to it
Electrical Measurements
Fig. 289.
(Fig. 289) ; and it is the position of the pointer on the scale
that is read. It is evident that the pointer and the needle turn
through equal angles.
At and near the center of the coil the lines
of force of the magnetic field of the current
are straight and are perpendicular to the plane
of the coil (Art. 455). Hence, if the current
in the coil were the only source of a magnetic
field where the compass needle is placed, the
needle would be brought to rest exactly at
right angles to the plane of the coil whenever a current of any
strength was flowing. The magnetic field of the earth, however,
plays a necessary part in the use of the instrument, the behavior
of the needle being determined by the relative intensity of the two
.In using a tangent galvanometer it must be set with the plane
of the coil in the magnetic meridian ; in which position the lines of
force of the coil are at right angles to those of the earth's field.
In Fig. 290, let O denote the position of the north pole of the
compass needle, ON the intensity and
direction of the earth's magnetic field,
and OD the intensity and direction
of the field of the current. The direc-
tion of the resultant of these forces is
OAj which is therefore the direction of the resultant force upon the
north pole of the needle. Since the resultant force upon the south
pole is equal and opposite to that upon the north pole, the needle
comes to rest in the line OA, and the deflection of the needle
caused by the current is the angle NO A,
Any increase in the strength of the current through the galva-
nometer increases the strength of its field i^OD) proportionally, and
hence increases the deflection, but not proportionally. This is
evident from the two parts of the figure. The part at the left
represents the field of the current equal to that of the earth, and
the deflection is consequently 45°. The part at the right shows
A %
Fig. 290.
O J} i'
Fig. 991.
the effect of doubling the current (which makes OD twice as
great) ; the deflection is increased, but is much less than 90°. In
fact, the deflection is never quite 90°, how-
ever great the current may be.
Let C and C denote two currents
through the same number of turns of the
same galvanometer, and let OD and 0£,
or JVA and NB (Fig. 291), denote the
intensities of their fields at the center of
the .galvanometer. OJV^, as before, is the intensity of the earth's
field. Then angles a and a' are the deflections caused by C and
C respectively.
Now the strengths of the currents are proportional to the inten-
sities of their magnetic fields (Art. 464), i>.
C: C::NA:NB,
Since the value of a ratio is not altered when its terms are
divided by the same quantity, we may write the above proportion
C: C:
The ratio of one leg of a right triangle to the other is called the
tangent^ of the angle opposite to the first leg. Thus is the
tangent of angle a (commonly abbreviated to tan tf), and is
1 The tangent of angle A (Fig. a^a) is DE : AD or PG : AG, DE and FG being
any line perpendicular to either side of the given angle. Since triangles ADE and
AFG are similar, the ratios DE : AD and EG :
AG are equal. It is evident, therefore, that
the tangent of an angle is a definite quantity
the value of which depends only upon the sire
of the angle. Angles are not prop>ortional to
their tangents, although small angles are very
nearly so. The tangent of any angle from o'' to
90^* may be found from a table of tangents
(Appendix, Table V).
Electrical Measurements 373
the tangent of angle a! {tan a'). Hence proportion (i) may be
written /-> r^t 4. 4. t / \
C : C : : tan a : tan a'. (2)
That is, currents sent through the same number of turns of the
coil of a tangent galvanometer are proportional to the tangents of
the angles of deflection that they produce. This is why the instru-
ment is called a tangent galvanometer.
Example. — A current C causes a deflection of 50°, and another current C,
a deflection of 25*^. It is found from a table of tangents that tan 50° =1.19
and tan 25° = .466.
Hence C: C: : 1.19: .466 ;
from which C — 2.55 C,
While a tangent galvanometer having a scale graduated in de-
grees may be thus used to determine the relative strengths of
currents, it does not give' their numerical values. The numerical
value (in amperes) may, however, be obtained by multiplying the
tangent of the angle of deflection by a constant factor, found by
Laboratory Exercise 68.
467. Use of Different Numbers of Turns of the Coil. — When
equal currents are sent through different numbers of turns of a
tangent galvanometer, the tangents of the angles of deflection are
proportional to the number of turns used (Lab. Ex. -68). For
example, when a current is passed through fifteen turns, the tan-
gent of the angle of deflection is three times as great as when the
same current is sent through five turns. This is due to the fact
that the magnetic field of the coil is proportional to the number
of turns through which the current is sent (see note to Art. 454).
In measuring currents the most accurate results are obtained when
the number of turns used is the one that makes the deflection
nearest to 45°.
1. How would the current from a given battery be affected by making the
resistance of the circuit four times as great ? ten times as great ?
2. Make a diagram showing the deflection of the needle of a tangent
374 Electricity
galvanometer due to a certain current, and also the deflection due ta
currents two, three, four, and five times as great. What change in the
increase of the deflection for successive equal increases of the current is
shown by the diagram ?
3. What value docs the deflection approach as the current increases
indefmitely ?
4. Why docs the stronger or weaker magnetization of a galvanometer
needle not atfect the deflection ?
Laboratory Exercise 6g.
468. Laws of Resistance. — The following laws of electrical
resistance have been established by experiment : —
I. Thf resistance of a conductor of uniform cross-section is pro-
portional to its length.
II. The resistance of a conductor is inversely proportional to the
area of its cross-section. The resistance of a wire is, therefore,
inversely proportional to the square of its diameter. For example,
the resistance of a wire 3 mm. in diameter is one ninth as great as
that of a wire of the same material and length and i mm. in
IIL The resistance of a conductor depends upon the material of
which it is made. The following table gives the relative or specific
resistances of a number of substances in the form of wires of equal
length and cross- section, the resistance of copper being taken as
Specific Resistances (referred to copper)
Silver, annealed 0.94 Iron, telegraph wire . . . 9.4
Copper, annealed i.oo German silver 13.0
Aluminum 1. 81 Mercury 59.0
Iron, pure 6.03 Carbon (arc light) about . . 2500.0
IV. The resistance of metals and of mqst other substances in-
creases as the temperature rises. TJie resistance of carbon^ dilute
acidSf and solutions decreases with a rise of temperature. The
resistance of nearly all the pure metals increases about 40 per
cent with a rise of temperature of 100° C. The resistance of
German silver and other alloys is much less affected by change of
Electrical Measurements
temperature ; hence they are used in making standard resistance
coils (Art. 470). The resistance of the carbon filament of an
incandescent lamp when hot is only about half what it is when
V. The resistance of a conductor is the same at the same tem-
perature whatever the strength of the current.
469. The Unit of Resistance. — The common unit of electrical
resistance is called the ohm^ in honor of the physicist of that
name. It is defined as the resistance of a uniform column of mer-
cury 106.3 cm. long and one square millimeter in cross-section,
at 0° C. It is very approximately the resistance of 157 ft. of
No. 18 copper wire (diameter = 1.024 mm-) or 349 ft. of No. 16
(diameter = 1.29 mm.).
470. Resistance Coils. — Standard coils of known resistance are
used in measuring resistances. They are called resistance coils,
and a box containing a set
of them is called a resist-
ance box (Fig. 293). The
coils are made of insulated
wire, generally of an alloy
having a high specific re-
sistance j and the ends of
each coil are connected to
brass blocks, A, By C
(Fig. 294), on the top of
the box. These blocks are separated a short distance ; but they
are connected electrically by means of the coils, and may also
be connected by inserting brass plugs, which
fit snugly into the spaces between them. The
resistance of the row of blocks and plugs is
practically zero ; but, wherever a plug is re-
moved, the resistance of the coil that bridges
the gap is introduced into the circuit in which
The amount of this resistance is marked
When two or more plugs are removed,
Fig. 294.
the box is included,
on the top of the box.
3/6 Electricity
the total resistance introduced is the sum of the resistances of
the coils that connect the gaps. A set of coils generally includes
.1, .2, .3, .4, I, 2, 3, 4, 10, 20, 30, and 40 ohms, and may extend
to much higher resistances. Any resistance from .1 ohm to
III ohms can be introduced into a circuit with such a box. In
finding a required resistance, the coils are tried in order from larger
to smaller, as weights are tried in weighing.
471. Measurement of Resistance. — The resistance of a con-
ductor can be measured in a number of ways ; but the method
of substitution is the only one that we shall consider. Suppose
the resistance of a coil of wire, R (Fig. 295),
j\->. is to be found. A constant cell (Art 451) is
connected with a galvanometer, , and the
coil is included in the circuit. The deflection
"* of the galvanometer is read as accurately as
* possible. The coil is then removed from the
circuit and a resistance box put in its place. Different resist-
ances are introduced into the circuit, by removing plugs from the
box, till the deflection of the galvanometer is exactly the same as
with the coil, R.
The sum of the resistances of the box then included in the
circuit is equal to the resistance of the coil, R. The proof of this
is as follows : ( i ) The equal deflections indicate equal currents
(formula (2), Art. 466). (2) The E. M. F. of the cell is constant ;
hence the current is inversely proportional to the resistance of the
circuit (Art 465, (3)), and, as the currents are known to be
equal, the resistances of the circuits must be equal. (3) Hence
the resistances introduced from the box must, be equal to the
resistance of R, for which they were substituted.
Laboratory Exercises yo and yi.
472. The Unit of Electro-motive Force. — The unit of electro-
motive force is called the volt, in honor of Volta (Art. 442). It is
defined as a certain fraction of the E. M. F. of a Clark standard
cell at 15°. This cell is chosen as the standard because of its
constancy. The E. M. F. of a gravity or a Daniell cell is approxi-
Electrical Measurements 377
mately i volt ; of a chromic acid cell, 2 volts ; of a Leclanch^
cell, 1.4 volts. The E. M. F. of a cell is independent of its size
and dimensions, but varies more or less with the condition of the
plates and the liquid.
473. The Unit of Current. — The unit of current is called the
ampere J in honor of Andre Ampere, a French physicist, noted for
his discoveries in electro-magnetism. It may be defined indepen-
dently of the ohm and the volt, in terms of either its magnetic or its
chemical effects ; but it will serve our purpose to define it as the
current produced by an E. M. F. of one volt in a conductor having
a resistance of one ohm.
474. Ohm's Law. — The units of current, E. M. F., and resist-
ance being thus chosen with reference to one another, Ohm's
law is expressed by the formula
c=|. (0
in which C denotes the current measured in amperes^ E the
E. M. F. measured in voltSy and R the resistance of the whole
circuit measured in ohms. From the formula, when E and R are
each one, C is one ; which agrees with the above definition of the
unit current.
475. Fall of Potential along a Conductor. — It can be shown
experimentally that there is a continuous fall
of potential round a circuit from the positive ^ iL
pole of the battery to the negative pole, and ^ '
that the fall of potential is everywhere pro-
portional to the resistance to be overcome.
Thus if E^ denote the fall of potential or ^
E.M.F. between A and B (Fig. 296) and ^'°* '^
E^ the E. M. F. between B and C, and if Ry and R^ denote respec-
tively the resistance oi AB and BCy then
E^:E,:'.R,:R,, or |l = ^. (2)
Ri Aj
3/8 Electricity
Let C denote the current (which is the same throughout the
circuit), then
C = | and C = |^ (3)
These equations express the fact that Ohm's law holds for parts
of circuits as well as for entire circuits.
476. Divided Circuits. — Electric currents often have two or
more branches between two points, as between A and B (Fig.
297). Either of two branches is called a
shunt to the other. The sum of the currents
in all the branches between two points is
equal to the current in the undivided part
of the circuit
In Fig. 297 let ^1 denote the resistance
of one branch of the circuit between A and
B, and ^, the resistance of the other ; and let Ci and Q denote
the currents in these branches respectively. The E. M. F. that
maintains the current in each branch is the difference of potential
between the points A and B, Let E denote this E. M. F. ; then,
by Ohm's law,
E= C,^i, and E= C^j.
Hence, C^R^ = C^R^ or Q: Q:: R^: Ri; (4)
that is, the currents in the two branches are inversely proportional
to the resistances of the branches. For example, if the resistance
of one branch is three times that of the other, the current in it will
be one third as great as in the other, or it will carry one fourth
of the whole current.
477. Resistance of Conductors in Series and in Parallel. — Two
or more conductors are said to be in series when they are con-
nected so that the entire current passes through each in succession.
Thus, in Fig. 296, AB and BC are in series. The combined
resistance of any number of conductors in series is the sum of
their separate resistances.
The conductors constituting the branches of a divided circuit
Electrical Measurements 379
are said to be connected /// parallel. The resistance between any
two points of a circuit, as between A and B of Fig. 297, is always
diminislied by adding one or more conductors in parallel between
those points; for this is equivalent to replacing the given con-
ductor with one of larger cross-section. For example, in the
simple case where the branches are of the same material, length,
and cross-section, the resistance of three of them in parallel is
one third the resistance of one of them, — being the same as the
resistance of a single conductor of the same material and length
and three times the cross-section (Art. 468, Law II).
478. Measurement of E. M. F. ; The Voltmeter. — The coils of
some galvanometers consist of a great many turns of very fine wire,
and have a resistance of hundreds or even thousands of ohms.
On account of the large number of turns in the coil a very weak
current — often less than a thousandth of an ampere — causes a
considerable deflection of the needle. Such instruments are used
to determine the difference of potential, or E. M. F., between
different points of a circuit, and are called voltmeters. An
E. M. F., when measured in volts, is often called voltage.
To determine the E. M. F. between two points of a circuit, as
A and B (Fig. 298), the voltmeter, V^ is
connected as a shunt between these points.
The resistance of the voltmeter must be very
high in comparison with that of the circuit
between A and B^ in order that it may not
appreciably diminish the resistance of the
circuit between these points. This is neces-
sary ; for if the resistance of the voltmeter
were low, it would lower the resistance between the points to
which it was connected, and hence would diminish the E. M. F.
between these points in the act of measuring it (Art. 475).
By Ohm's law, the current through the voltmeter is proportional
to the E. M. F. between the points of the circuit to which it is
connected. Hence, if it is a tangent instrument, the E. M. F.
is proportional to the tangent of the angle of deflection. The
380 Electricity
scale may be marked in degrees or graduated so as to give the
number of volts directly. To find the total E. M. F. of a battery,
its poles are connected directly with a voltmeter (Fig. 299).
Laboratory Exercise 72.
479. Arrangement of Cells in a Battery. — The cells of a
battery may be connected in three ways, namely: (i) in series ^
(2) in parallel^ (3) in series and parallel combined. Which of
these arrangements will give the largest current through a given
circuit depends upon the relative resistance of the battery and the
remainder of the circuit, as shown in the following articles. In
this discussion E denotes the E. M. F. and r the resistance of
each cell, n the number of cells, and R the external resistance ; i.e,
the resistance of the circuit exclusive of the battery resistance.
Ohm's law, when applied to a circuit containing only one cell,
would then be represented by the formula
r-\- R being the total resistance of the circuit.
480. Cells in Series. — Cells are said to be connected in series
when the positive pole of the first is joined to the negative pole
of the second, the positive pole of the second to the negative
I I I I pole of the third, etc. (Fig. 299). The
r\ 'I ^1 ^K fall of potential in the short wires con-
V__,^____/T\ J necting the cells is negligible (their re-
^-^►^ sistance being very small), hence the
Fig. 299. negative plate of each cell is at the same
potential as the positive plate of the preceding cell ; and, since
the rise of potential in each cell is E^ the E. M. F. of a battery
of n cells in series is nE, The resistance of the battery is the
sum of the resistances of the cells, or «r, according to the law
for conductors in series (Art. 477). Ohm's law, when applied to
a circuit containing a battery of n like cells in series, is therefore
represented by the formula
C=-^' (6)
nr + R ^
Electrical Measurements
When the external resistance, R^ is small in comparison with
the battery resistance, nr, the current is only very slightly increased
by adding more cells in series, for this increases the resistance of
the circuit in nearly the same ratio as it does the E. M. F. ; but,
when the external resistance is relatively large, an increase in the
number of cells increases the E. M. F. more rapidly than it does
the total resistance, and hence increases the current.
481. Cells in Parallel. — Cells are said to be connected in
parallel when the negative plates of all the cells are joined to form
the negative pole of the battery and __,^_
the positive plates to form the positive -^ ' ^ ^:- ^-^ ©
pole (Fig. 300). All the negative
plates are at one potential and all
the positive plates at another, the difference being the E. M. F.
of one cell. The resistance of a battery of n cells in parallel is
- of the resistance of a single cell, or -, according to the law
Hence the formula for Ohm's law
C=^- (7)
for conductors in parallel,
in this case is
When the resistance of a single cell is small compared with the
external resistance, the current is only slightly increased by con-
necting any number of cells in parallel, for the total resistance
is only slightly diminished ; but, when the external resistance is
relatively small, any de-
crease in the battery
resistance decreases the
total resistance in nearly
the same ratio and pro-
duces a corresponding
increase in the current.
482. Cells in Series
and Parallel Combined. — In some cases the largest current is
obtained by arranging the cells of a battery in groups. The result
Fig. 301.
Fig. 302.
382 Electricity
is the same whether the cells of each group are joined in series,
and the groups in parallel (Fig. 301), or the cells of each group
in parallel and the groups in series (Fig. 302). The formula for
the arrangement shown in either figure is
It can be shown mathematically that, with a given number of
cells, the largest current through a given external resistance is
obtained when the cells are so connected that the resistance of the
battery is as nearly as possible equal to the external resistance.
Laboratory Exercise jj.
1. What is the combined resistance of three incandescent lamps in
parallel, the resbtance of each lamp being 2CX) ohms?
2. The fall of potential through a coil of wire is 1.5 volts when a current
of .2 ampere is flowing. What is the resistance of the coil ?
3. What E. M.F. will maintain a current of 1.5 amperes through a re-
sistance of 80 ohms?
4. If the E. M. F. of a chromic acid cell is 2 volts, and its resistance
.3 ohm, what current will it supply through an external resistance of .1 ohm?
5. What would be the current through the same external resistance from
a battery of 4 such cells (a) in parallel? {b) in series?
6. \\'hat current would be supplied by a battery of 12 Leclanche cells,
each having an E. M. F. of 14 volts and a resistance of i ohm, through an
external resistance of I.5 ohms {a) with the cells connected in series? {b) in
parallel? (<-) in three groups of four each, the cells of each group being in
series, and the groups connected in parallel? Draw a diagram of the last
7. Show that, when the external resistance of a circuit is negligible in
comparison with the resistance of a cell, the current is proportional to the
number of cells connected in parallel, but a single cell furnishes as large a
current as any number of cells connected in series.
8. Show that, when the battery resistance is negligible in comparison
with the external resistance, the current is proportional to the number of
cells connected in series, but a single cell furnishes as large a current as any
number of cells in parallel.
Electrical Measurements
483. The Astatic Galvanometer. — This instrument (Fig. 303)
is used for detecting and measuring extremely small currents. It
has an astatic needle (Fig. 304). This con-
sists of two magnetic needles placed parallel,
one above the other, with their like poles point-
ing in opposite directions. They are rigidly
attached to a short, vertical stem, and hence
turn together. If they were of exacdy the same
strength, they would come to rest indifferently
in any position, for the earth's magnetic field
would act upon them equally and in opposite
directions ; but a very slight directive action is ^'^' 3^*
secured by making one needle a little stronger than the other.
The needle carries a light, nonmagnetic pointer, and is suspended
by an untwisted silk fij^er, which en-
ables it to respond to the slightest
The coil of the instrument is flat
and elongated horizontally. The lower
needle swings within the coil, the
upper one above it. The magnetic
field of the coil tends to turn both needles in tne same direction.
(Why?) Thus with the astatic needle the effect of the current is
increased while that of the earth's field is decreased, and a very
small current causes a considerable deflection. The astatic galva-
nometer is therefore called a sensitive instrument.
484. The d'Arsonval Galvanometer. — This galvanometer (Fig.
305) differs in principle from those previously considered. A coil
of fine wire, wound on an elongated frame, is suspended so as to
swing freely between the poles of a permanent horseslioe magnet.
The current is led to and from the coil through wires by means of
which it is suspended. When no current is flowing, the suspending
wires hold the coil in position with its axis at right angles to the
lines of force between the poles of the magnet ; but, with a current
flowing, the coil tends to set itself with its north side facing the
Fig. 304.
south pole of the magnet (Art. 456). This motion is opposed by
the torsion of the wire, and the coil turns through a greater or less
angle according to the strength of the current. In some instru-
ments the coil is provided with
a nonmagnetic pointer, which
moves over a scale, as in the
figure ; in others the coil carries
a small mirror, which indicates
the deflection by the angle at
which it reflects a beam of light.
One important advantage of
the d'Arsonval galvanometer is
that it is independent of the
earth's field, which is negligible
in comparison with the strong
field of the magnet ; hence the
instrument does not need to be turned in any particular direction.
The sensitiveness of this galvanometer is increased by decreasing
the size of the supporting wires, by increasing the strength of the
magnet, or by increasing the number of turns of the coil. A
sensitiveness sufficient to detect much less than a millionth of an
ampere can be secured.
485. The Weston Ammeter and Voltmeter. — A galvanometer
whose scale is graduated to read in amperes is called an ammeter.
Ammeters and voltmeters for indus-
trial use are usually of the d'Arsonval
type, and resemble each other in
appearance. Figure 306 represents
a Weston ammeter. The magnet is
horizontal, its poles being at the nar-
row side of the box, opposite the scale.
The magnetic force acting upon the
coil is opposed by a coiled spring.
The coil carries a long pointer
which moves over a scale graduated in amperes. In the ammeter
the resistance of the coil is low ; in the voltmeter it is very high.
Fig. 306.
Heat, Light, and Power 385
V. Heat, Light, and Power from Electric Currents
486. Heating Effect of Electric Currents. — When the current
from a chromic acid battery is sent through a short piece of fine
German silver or platinum wire, the wire becomes white hot ; but
the remainder of the circuit, consisting of larger copper wire, is
not appreciably warmed (Exp.).
The greater heating of the German silver or platinum wire is
due to its greater resistance. A part of the energy of an electric
current is transformed into heat wherever there is resistance to be
overcome, whether in the battery or in the external circuit ; and
it is found by experiment that the amount of heat thus generated
in the different parts of the circuit is directly proportional to their
resistances. Heat is generated in a conductor as long as the cur-
rent flows ; but the temperature of the conductor ceases to rise as
soon as the rate at which it loses heat by conduction and radiation
becomes equal to the rate at which the heat is generated.
487. The Incandescent Lamp. — The heating of electric cur-
rents is utilized in electric lighting. In the incan-
descent lamp (Fig. 307) the current passes through
a slender carbon filament which, on account of its
high resistance, is heated to whiteness. The ends
of the filament are attached to short platinum
wires, which pass through the glass and make con-
nection with the circuit by means of the metal fittings
at the base of the lamp. The bulb is exhausted to
the highest possible degree to prevent combustion
of the filament when heated. The common sixteen-
candle lamp has a resistance of 160 to 200 ohms yig. 307.
when hot, and requires a potential difference of 100
or no volts between its terminals to maintain the necessary cur-
rent, which is about .5 to .6 ampere. The lamps are commonly
connected in parallel.
488. The Electric Arc. — If two pointed pieces of carbon are
placed in contact, then separated a short distance while a current
Fig. 308.
of sufficient strength and voltage is passing between them, the
heat generated at the points will vaporize some of the carbon,
and the current will continue to flow, being
conducted across the gap between the points
by the carbon vapor and heated air (Fig.
308). The conducting gases form a curved
luminous path, which is known as the electric
or voltaic arc. The greater part of the light
comes from the carbon points, especially from
the depression or crater which forms at the
end of the positive carbon.
The light of the electric arc is the most
powerful and its temperature the highest that
can be artificially produced. The tempera-
ture is estimated at from 3500" to 4800° C,
and is sufficient to melt the most infusible
substances, such as flint and diamond. An Y.. M. F. of 40 to 50
volts and a current of from 5 to 10 amperes are required to
produce a steady arc light ; and such a light will have from 1000
to 2000 candle power. The currents for both arc and incandes-
cent lights may be either direct or alternating and are supplied by
Arc lamps are provided with an auto-
matic device controlled by electro-mag-
nets, by means of which the carbons are
brought in contact when the current is
not flowing and separated as soon as it
is turned on, the action of the electro-
magnets being controlled by the current.
This device also "feeds" the upper
carbon toward the lower as fast as they
are consumed.
489. Joule's Law. — Dr. Joule (Art. 270) investigated the
heating effect of electric currents by passing a current through a
coil of wire of known resistance in a calorimeter containing water
Fig. 309,
Heat, Light, and Power 387
or alcohol (Fig. 309). From the results thus obtained he found
that the heat developed in a conductor is proportional {i) fo the
resistance of the conductor^ (2) /'^ the time during which the cur-
rent flows ^ and (3) to the square of the strength of the current.
These relations are expressed in the equation
H=.2^C^Rt, (8)
in which H denotes the number of calories generated, C the
current in amperes, R the resistance of the conductor in ohms,
and / the time in seconds. This equation is known 2isfoule's law.
Since by Ohm's law E = CR^ Joule's law may be written
H=-.2^ECt, (9)
in which E denotes the difference of potential between the ends
of the conductor in which the heat is generated.
490. Electrical Energy. — 'Hie heat generated in a conductor
through which a current is flowing is the equivalent of the energy
lost by the current in overcoming the resistance of the conductor..
This loss of energy is accompanied by a fall of potential, but the
current is not diminished — the reading of an ammeter is the same
at whatever point in the circuit it may be placed. It is evident
from this that electrical energy is not electricity ^ any more than the
energy of a stream of water is the water itself. Water falls to a
lower level, and hence loses potential energy, in turning a mill
wheel ; but there is no loss of water in the process. Similarly
there is a fall of electrical potential (as may be shown by a volt-
meter) whenever an electric current does work, whether it be in
overcoming the resistance of the conductor, in running a motor
(Art. 505), or in doing chemical work (Art. 511).
/// all cases the energy lost by the current, or the work done by it,
is proportional Jointly (i) to the fall of potential, (2) to the current,
and (3) to the time ; i.e. the work done is proportional to the prod-
uct ECt,
491. Power. — The, work done by an electric current in a
second is called \is power (Art. 153). Since the work done by
a current is proportional to ECt, the work done in a second,
388 Electricity
or the power, is proportional to ^C; i>. stated more fully, the
power of a current utilized in any part of the circuit is pro-
portional to the strength of the current and to the fall of potential
in that part of the circuit. The electric unit of power is called
the watt; it is defined as the power of a current of one ampere
when driven by an E. M. F. of one volt. Hence, the power of a
current in watts is equal to the product of the volts and the
amperes; that is,
Power ^ EC watts. (10)
One thousand watts is called a kiloioatt; hence,
Power = kilowatts. (11)
It can be shown that one horse i)ower (Art. 153) is equal to 746
watts; hence, ^q
Power = — horse power. (12)
Examples. — i. If a iio-volt incandescent lamp takes a current of
.5 ampere, the power required to light it is i lo x .5, or 55 watts. A little
more than one horse power (770 watts) would be required to light fourteen
such lamps.
2. The power expended in lighting an arc lamp when the difference of
potential between the carbons is 45 volts, and the current 8 amperes, is 45 X 8,
or 360 watts (a trifle less than half a horse power).
1. What is the power of a battery that is able to maintain a current of
4 amperes through a resistance of 6 ohms?
2. A current of 5 amperes is passed for one minute through a coil of
4 ohms' resistance in a calorimeter containing 200 g. of water. Neglecting
the heat absorbed by the calorimeter, what is the rise of temperature of the
3. A i6-candle-power lamp has a resistance of 200 ohms when hot, and is
used on iio-volt circuit. WTiat is the cost of running the lamp at the rate of
ten cents per kilowatt-hour? (A kilowatt-hour is a power of one kilowatt
supplied for one hour.)
4. An arc lamp takes a current of 7 amperes with an E. M. T. of 50 volts.
What is the cost of running the lamp at eight cents per kilowatt-hour?
Induced Currents
VI. Induced Currents
492. Induction of Currents by Magnets. — Electric currents can
be generated without chemical action by means of a process called
eleciro-7nagnetic induction, or simply induction. Induced currents
are generated on a large scale
by means of dynamos. The
laws of electro-magnetic induc-
tion can be studied by means
of the apparatus shown in Figs.
310 and 312. A coil of insu-
lated wire is connected with a
sensitive galvanometer (astatic
or d'Arsonval) . While a strong
magnet is being rapidly inserted
into the hollow of the coil or
rapidly withdrawn from it, the
galvanometer indicates a mo-
mentary current ; but there is no current while the magnet remains
at rest within the coil. Inserting the north pole of the mag-
net causes a deflection of the needle in one direction ; insert-
ing the south pole, a deflection in the opposite direction. When
either pole is withdrawn, the direction of the current is opposite
to that produced by inserting the same pole.
The induced current is called direct if its direction round the
coil is such that like poles of the coil and the magnet point in the
same direction ; inverse^ if their like poles point in opposite direc-
tions. The direction of the current round the coil can be deter-
mined from its connection with the galvanometer and the direction
in which the needle is deflected. It will be found that the current
is inverse when either pole of the magnet is inserted and direct when
it is luithdrawn ( Fig. 311).
Laboratory Exercise ^4.
493. Source of the Energy of the Induced Current. — It will be
seen from Fig. 311 that, whether the magnet is being inserted or
Fia 311.
removed, its motion is opposed by the magnetic field of the induced
current. Thus on account of the induced current more work must
be done in moving the magnet either
into or out of the coil than would other-
wise be required. This additional work
is the source of the energy of the induced
current. The transformation of mechan-
ical energy into the electrical energy of
the induced current is supposed to be
effected through the medium of the
ether. It takes place on a large scale in
the generation of currents by dynamos.
494. Induction of Currents by Currents. — The same effects are
produced when a second coil, in which a strong current is flow-
ing, is used instead of the magnet in the preceding experiments
(Fig. 312). The coil that takes the place of the magnet is called
the primaiy coil^ the
other the secondary
eoil. The primary
coil is connected
with a battery, and
its inductive action,
like that of a mag-
net, is due to its
magnetic field. The
inverse induced cur-
rent, which is caused
by inserting the pri-
mary coil into the
secondary, is oppo-
site in direction to
the primary current ; the direct induced current, which is caused
by withdrawing the primary coil, is in the same direction as the
primary current.
If the primary circuit is closed and broken while the primary
Fig. 312.
Induced Currents 391
coil remains at rest within the secondary, the effects are respec-
tively the same as when the primary coil is inserted and with-
drawn with the circuit closed. In either case the induced current
is due to the change in the magnetic field within the secondary
The induced currents are in all cases much stronger when the
primary coil contains a soft iron core. This is because the iron
greatly increases the strength of the magnetic field.
495. Laws of Electro- magnetic Induction. — The following laws
of electro-magnetic induction have been established by experiment.
The pupil should consider to what extent the^ are illustrated by
the experiments previously discussed and by subsequent experi-
ments with induction coils.
I. An increase in the strength of the magnetic field within a
closed coil induces an inverse current^ and a decrease in the strength
of the field induces a direct current.
It will be helpful to remember that the direction of an inverse
induced current is anti-clockwise round the coil to an observer
looking in the direction of the lines of force of the magnetic
field that causes the induction, and that the direction of a direct
induced current is clockwise, when viewed in the same manner
(Fig. 311)-
II. The induced E.M.F. (i.e. the E.M.F. of the induced
current^ is proportional to the rate of increase or decrease of the
magnetic field within the coil, and also to the number of turns in
the coil.
The effect of the rate of change of the magnetic field is readily
shown by inserting and removing the primary coil at different
rates of speed with an iron core inserted. The deflection is con-
siderable when the motion is rapid, but may be indefinitely
decreased by moving the coil more and more slowly {Exp.).
III. The ratio of the induced E. M. F. to the E. M. F. of the
current in the primary coil is very nearly equal to the ratio of the
number of turns in the secondary coil to the number of turns in
the primary.
392 Electricity
Thus if there are 150 turns in the primary coil and 30,000 in
the secondary, the E. M. F. of the induced current is approxi-
mately 200 times as great as that of the primary current. This
principle is applied in the generation of high potential currents
by means of induction coils (Art. 498). An induced current of
lower potential than the primary is obtained when the number
of turns in the secondary coil is less than that in the primary.
This principle is utilized in the transformer (Art. 507).
IV. There is no gain of energy in electro-magnetic induction.
The energy of the induced current is derived either from
mechanical work, 'as in the experiments with the coil and the
magnet and in the generation of currents by dynamos, or from
a current in another circuit (without transference of electricity
between the circuits), as in making and breaking the circuit
through the primary coil when at rest in the secondary and in
the action of induction coils and transformers.
496. Historical. — Induced currents were discovered in 1831
by Michael Faraday, one of the greatest of English physicists.
Knowing that electric currents act- upon magnets, he conducted
a series of experiments extending over seven years in the attempt
to discover any action of magnets upon currents, and was at last
rewarded by the discovery of electro-magnetic induction. Tyndall
pronounces this the greatest experimental result ever obtained.
Its importance can hardly be overestimated, since the action of
the dynamo depends upon induction, and the currents for all
industrial applications of electricity on a large scale are generated
by dynamos.
497. Self-induction. — Whenever a current commences or ceases
in a coil, the current in each turn exerts an inductive action upon
all the turns of the coil. This action of a current upon itself is
called self-induction^ and the current due to it is often called the
extra current. Self-induction is very considerable if the coil has
many turns, especially if it contains an iron core. When the cur-
rent is turned on in a coil, the growth of its own magnetic field
has the same effect as if a magnet were suddenly thrust into the
Induced Currents
coil. The inverse E. M. F. thus induced opposes the current,
preventing an immediate rise to its full value. When the circuit
is broken, the effect of self-induction is the same as if a magnet
were suddenly withdrawn from the coil. The induced E. M. F.
in this case is direct. It is generally many times greater than
the original or pri-
mary E. M. F., and
continues the cur-
rent across the air
gap where the cir-
cuit is broken, caus-
ing a spark.
This effect of self-
induction can be
shown as follows :
A file is connected
to one pole of a
chromic acid bat-
tery and a piece of wire to the other. As the free end of this
wire is drawn over the file, the circuit is rapidly closed and broken,
and at each break a minute spark occurs. When the experiment
is repeated with the coils of a large electro-magnet included in the
circuit (Fig. 313), brilliant sparks are obtained, indicating a high
induced E. M. F. at each break {Exp.).
498. The Induction Coil. — The indue fion or Ruhmkorff coil
(Fig. 314) is an instrument for generating induced currents of
very high potential. A simplified diagram of the essential parts
is shown in Fig. 315. These are an iron core, AB \ a primary
coil consisting of one or two layers of turns of large insulated wire ;
a secondary coil of very fine wire, well insulated and often many
miles in length ; an automatic make-and-break device, or current
interrupter, CD, which is included in the primary circuit ; and a
condenser, E. There is generally also a device, called a confinu-
tator, for reversing the current through the primary coil without
changing the battery connections ; but this is not essential.
Fig. 313.
When a current from a battery is sent through the primary coil,
it magnetizes the iron core, and the core attracts the iron block
I'iG. 314.
C, which IS supported near the end of the core upon a spring.
This spring is the movable part of the interrupter, and the pri-
mary current passes between it and the point of a screw, D, against
which it rests. By the attraction of the magnetized core the
spring is drawn away from the
point, breaking the circuit. The
core instantly becomes demag-
netized, and the spring flies back
again, closing the circuit. The
primary circuit is thus closed and
broken many times every second,
causing alternately an inverse
and a direct induced E. M. F. in
the secondary coil. The ends ^'^- 3^5-
of the secondary coil are connected with the binding posts R and
G^ and may be extended by means of rods or wires attached to
the posts until the gap H is made as small as desired. When
this gap is not too great, an electric spark passes between the
terminals with every interruption of the primary current. The
Induced Currents 395
length of the spark that can be obtained increases with the in-
duced E. M. F., and varies in different coils from a few milli-
meters to 30 cm. or more for very powerful coils. It is estimated
that an E. M. F. of 30,000 volts is required to cause a spark
across a distance of i cm. in air under atmospheric pressure and
at ordinary temperatures ; and that, under the same conditions,
an E. M. F. of at least 300 or 400 volts is required to start a spark,
however short.
The E. M. F. of the induced current increases with the number
of turns in the secondary coil and with the rate of change of the
magnetic field (Art. 495, Law II). The latter depends upon the
rate of increase or decrease of the current in the primary coil, both
of which are retarded by self-induction. The stopping of the
primary current is, however, much more abrupt than the starting
and induces a correspondingly greater E. M. F. In general, it is
only at the " break " of the primary circuit that a spark occurs
between the terminals of the secondary coil. The purpose of the
condenser is to prevent or at least diminish the spark at the inter-
rupter, and thus increase the abruptness of the " break." This it
does by serving as a temporary reservoir into which the extra cur-
rent flows instead of jumping across the gap. (The construction
and action of a condenser are discussed in Art. 524.)
499. Effects of the Induced Current. — While the E. M. F. of
the induced current is enormously higher than that of the bat-
tery current through the primary coil, its strength is exceedingly
small. The induced current may be compared to water flowing
through a very small pipe under very great pressure, and the pri-
mary current to water flowing through a large pipe under very little
Although the energy of the induced current is necessarily less
than the total energy of the primary current, the induced current
is nevertheless capable of producing effects that are impossible
with the primary current. For example, a spark 3 or 4 cm. long
is capable of piercing a sheet of cardboard or thin pieces of other
nonconductors {Exp.). The induced current is also capable of
producing a shock and other physiological effects. These are the
well-known effects of the physician's battery, which is a small
induction coil operated by a voltaic cell. The handles which are
held by the patient are the terminals of the secondary coil. The
current from a powerful induction coil is very painful and may even
be dangerous.
The induction coil is also used for obtaining discharges in
rarefied gases inclosed in glass tubes and bulbs (Art. 526).
VII. The Dynamo and the Motor
500. The Principle of the Dynamo. — Suppose a single loop of
wire to be mounted on an axis at right angles to the lines of force
of a strong magnetic field as shown in Fig 316. When the
loop is vertical, the portion of the
magnetic field extending through it
in the direction of the lines of force
is as great as possible. As the loop
is turned from li.is position, the cross-
section of the field extending through
it (always taken at right angles to
Fig. 316. jj^g Ijj^gg Qf force) decreases, and be-
comes zero when the loop is horizontal. When the magnetic
field is thus Removed from within the loop, the inductive action
is the same as if it were removed in any other way. With
the direction of rotation indicated by the arrow, the induced
current is clockwise, looking in the direction of the lines of
force. As the rotation is continued in the same direction from
the horizontal to the vertical position again, an increasing cross-
section of the magnetic field extends through the coil. This
induces an anti-clockwise current, looking in the same direction as
before ; but, as the opposite face of the loop is now turned toward
the observer, the direction of the current round the loop is the
same as before. As the loop passes the vertical, the current is
reversed in it, and continues thus till it passes through the vertical
The Dynamo and the Motor 397
again. (Why?) Thus a continuous rotation of the loop induces
an alternating current in it, the reversal of the current taking place
twice during each rotation, as the loop passes through the position
at right angles to the lines of force.
With a constant rate of rotation, the cross-section of the mag-
netic field extending through the loop changes most rapidly when
the loop is in .the neighborhood of the horizontal position, and
least rapidly in the neighborhood of the vertical position ; hence
the induced E. M. F. is greatest in the horizontal position and least
in the vertical. In fact, it diminishes to zero in the latter position
at the instant it reverses in direction. The induced current passes
through like changes.^
The current thus generated in the loop can be sent through an
external circuit by means of either device shown in Figs. 317
and 318. In the first case each end of the loop is connected
Fig. 317.
Fig. 318.
with a copper ring surrounding the axis. The terminals of the
external circuit are connected with copper strips, called brushes^
which press against the rings and make sliding contact with them
as they rotate. The current in the external circuit reverses with
every reversal in the loop. This is the principle of the alternating-
current dynamo. In the second case the ends of the loop are
connected with the two halves of a split copper tube. This device
is called a commutator. The brushes are adjusted so that the
contact of each changes from one segment of the commutator
1 If the lines of force of the field were vertical, it would be necessary to read hori-
zontal for vertical, and v/V. they continue only so long as the pres-
ence of the inducing charge keeps them separated. But if the
ball be touched by the finger while a negatively electrified rod is
held near it, the negative induced charge escapes, leaving only a
positive charge on the ball. This remains as a permanent induced
charge when the finger is removed before the rod is. The pres-
ence of a positive charge on the ball is proved if the ball is
repelled on bringing up an electrified glass rod.
It will be seen that a permanent charge obtained by induction
is unlike the inducing charge.
Electrostatics 415
520. The Electroscope. — The suspenled pith ball can be used
as an electroscope to detect the presence of a charge upon any
body and to determine its sign. The pith ball is given a charge
of known sign, and the body to be tested is brought near it. If the
ball is repelled, the body is electrified, and its charge is like that
of the ball. The attraction of the ball is not a certain test of
electrification. (Why not?)
521. The Electric Field. — Electrostatic forces, like magnetic
forces, are supposed to act through the medium of the ether. The
two forces are of a different character, however, and are wholly
unrelated; for static electricity and magnetism have no effect
upon each other. The terms electric field and lines of electric force
correspond respectively to magnetic field and lines of magnetic
522. Electrical Machines. — Machines for developing and col-
lecting charges of electricity are of two types ; namely, friction
machines and induction machines.
Friction Machines. — Figure 333 represents one form of friction
machine. A positive charge is developed on a large revolving
glass disk, A^ by the
friction of leather pads,
B. The charge is col-
lected on each side by
a number of points ^ ^^i^^n^jj^^ /\ Iw
which project from a
brass rod and nearly
touch the disk. The
rods carry the charge
to an insulated brass yig. 333.
cylinder, C, from which
it can be drawn off as a spark discharge by bringing the finger or
any other conductor near it. A spark a centimeter or more in
length can be obtained in this manner from a machine in good
Friction machines of various forms were invented during the
eighteenth century; but they are greatly inferior to the more
modern induction machines, by which they have been superseded.
Induction Machines, — The elecirophorus (Fig. 334) is the
simplest induction machine. It consists of a disk of vulcanite
or other resinous material, and
a metal disk of slightly smaller
diameter, provided with an insu-
lating handle. The vulcanite is
negatively electrified by striking
or rubbing it with catskin or
flannel, and the metal disk or
cover is then placed upon it. The
disks really touch at only a few
points ; and, as the vulcanite is a
nonconductor, it does not lose any appreciable part of its charge
to the cover. The entire charge, however, acts inductively on the
cover, producing a positive charge on its lower side and a nega-
tive charge on its upper side (Fig. 335, A). The negative charge
is repelled by the charge on the vulcanite, and is permitted to
escape by touching the cover with the finger. The positive
charge remains, being " bound " by the attraction of the charge
on the vulcanite (Fig. 335, B). This leaves the disk positively
Fig. 334,
Fig. 335.
electrified when it is lifted from the vulcanite by means of llie
handle. It can then be discharged by bringing the finger or other
conductor near it, as its charge is no longer bound. The cover
can be repeatedly charged and discharged in this manner without
again rubbing the vulcanite.
Different forms of induction machines have been invented
which are wholly automatic in their action, and are much more
powerful than the electrophorus. One of these — the Toepkr-Holtz
machine — is shown in Fig. 336. The movable parts are carried
on a large glass disk. Positive and negative charges are induced
on different parts of the revolving disk as they pass certain points.
These charges are collected by projecting metallic points, as in
the friction machine, and accumulate on insulated conductors
until the difference between their potentials is sufficient to cause
a spark discharge across the gap between the knobs. Sparks from
5 cm. to 10 cm. long can be obtained from machines of moder-
ate size. Full descriptions of these machines are to be found in
larger works.
41 8 Electricity
523. Potential of SUtic Electricity. — The same diffcience of
potential is required to produce a spark of given length whether it
is obtained from an electrified body or an induction coil. Hence
we know from the lengths of the sparks that the potentirls due to
electrification are often from tens of thousands to hundreds of
thousands of volts. A potential difference of 100,000 to 300,000
volts can be obtained with a Toepler-Holtz machine of medium
size. In fact, the potential to which it is possible to charge
the machine or any body, depends only upon the insulation and
the dryness of the atmosphere. Beyond this limit the charge
escapes as rapidly as it is developed or imparted. Charges at
even the highest potentials mentioned are not dangerous unless
the quantity of the charge is much larger than is generally the case.
An electrical machine is capable of furnishing small quantities
of electricity in the form of an intermittent current of very high
E. M. F., like the current produced by an induction coil (Art. 499).
Most experiments requiring a high-potentiaU current can there-
fore be performed either with af machine or a coil.
524. The Leyden Jar. — The Leyden jar (Fig. 337) is a device
for accumulating and storing a large charge, either positive or
negative. It received its name from the city of Leyden
in the Netherlands, where it was invented in 1746.
It consists of a glass jar coated inside and out for
about two thirds its height with tin foil. A brass rod,
terminating in a knob at the top, extends through the
stopper, and is connected with the inner coat of the jar
by means of a chain attached to its lower end. The
jar is charged by connecting the rod or the knob with
one of the terminals of an electrical machine. To dis-
' charge it, one end of a short conductor is touched to
its outer coat and the other end brought near the knob. When
it is sufficiently near, a spark occurs, discharging the jar. The
discharging conductor must be provided with an insulating handle
to avoid a shock which, with a large jar, would be very painful and
possibly dangerous.
Electrostatics 419
The action of the jar is illustrated by the following experiments :
(i) The jar is placed on the table and charged, by means of an
induction machine, for a certain length of time or until the handle
of the mafchine has made a certain number of revolutions. The
jar is then discharged, and the length and intensity of the spark
noted. (2) The jar is charged for the same length of time as
before, while standing on an insulator (a large sheet of vulcanite
or glass), and again discharged. The spark obtained with this
discharge fs much thinner and less brilliant than before, indicating
that the quantity of electricity in the charge is much less (^Exp.)..
The explanation of this difference is as follows : While the charge
is accumulating on the inner coat of the jar in the first experi-
ment, it attracts an opposite charge to the outer coat by induction
through the glass. In the accumulation of this charge the table
serves as a conductor. In the second experiment the insulation
of the jar prevents an induced charge on the outer coat. When
the outer coat of the jar is not insulated, the charge that is induced
on it attracts the charge on the inner coat. This attraction de-
creases the potential of the latter charge, and consequently increases
the rate at which the charging takes place. It follows that the
attraction of the induced charge increases the amount of the
charge on the inner coat for a given potential ; or, in other
words, the induced charge increases the capacity of the condenser.
The extent to which the capacity of a jar is thus increased is
perhaps best shown by the action of the jars of an induction
machine (Fig. ^2>^)' When the machine is operated, the charges
accumulate principally in the jars, the positive charge in one, the
negative in the other. The outer coats of the jars become oppo-
sitely charged by induction, each receiving its charge from the
other through a metal conductor by which they are connected
under the base of the instrument. Under these conditions, the
machine gives a thick, brilliant spark at intervals of several
seconds. When the outer coats of the jars are disconnected
by opening a switch (not shown in the figure), the sparks are
thin and much less brilliant than before, and, at the same time,
420 Electricity
are much more frequent {Exp.), The quantity of electricity that
is discharged with each spark is evidently very much less than
before, indicating a corresponding decrease in the capacity of the
jars. This is due to the fact that the outer coats of the jars do
not become charged, the wooden base of the machine being
practically an insulator for such rapid action.
The Leyden jar is one form of condenseKf the essential parts
of a condenser being two conductors very near each other, but
separated by an insulator. A sheet of glass, mica, or paraffined
paper, with a smaller sheet of tinfoil attached to each side, leav-
ing a wide margin of the insulator round the foil, is a simple form
of condenser.
525. Distribution of an Electrical Charge ; Effect of Points. —
It is shown by experiments not to be described here that an elec-
trical charge resides wholly upon the surface of a solid body, and
only upon the outer surface of a hollow body unless there is an
opposite charge upon another body inside it. This is due to the
repulsion of all parts of a charge for every other part.
If the charged body is a conductor, this self-repulsion of the
charge causes a definite distribution of it, which depends only upon
the shape of the conductor (assuming that there are no other
charges in the vicinity to cause induction). A charge is distrib-
uted uniformly over the surface of a sphere ; upon other bodies
the quantity per unit of surface, or the electric density, is greater
where the curvature is greater, and is greatest at edges, corners,
and especially at points.
" At a point, indeed, the density of the collected electricity may
be so great as to electrify the neighboring particles of air, which
then are repelled, thus producing a continual loss of charge. For
this reason points and sharp edges are always avoided on electrical
apparatus, except where it is specially desired to set up a discharge.
The effect of points in discharging electricity from the surface of a
conductor may be readily proved by numerous experiments. If an
electrical machine be in good working order, and capable of giving,
say, sparks four inches long when the knuckle is presented to the
Fig. 338.
knob, it will be found that, on fastening a fine-pointed needle to the
conductor, it discharges the electricity so effectually at its point that
only the shortest sparks can
be drawn at the knob, while a
fine jet or brush of pale blue
light will appear at the point.
If a lighted taper be held in
front of the point, the flame
will be visibly blown aside
(Fig. 338) by the streams of
electrified air repelled from
the point. These air currents
can be felt with the hand.
They are due to a mutual repulsion between the electrified air
particles near the point and the electricity collected on the point
itself." — S. P. Thompson's Elementary Lessons in Electricity and
526. The Electric Discharge in Rarefied Gases. — The electric
discharge is produced in rarefied gases by means of glass tubes or
bulbs, provided with electrodes of platinum wire fused into the
glass. Such tubes, when exhausted to a pressure of one or two
millimeters of mer-
cury, are known as
Geissler tubes ( Fig.
339). The differ-
ence of potential
required to pro-
duce a discharge
Fig. 339.
in any gas, between
electrodes at a given distance apart, decreases as the pressure of
the gas is diminished ; and an induction coil giving a spark i cm.
long in air will illuminate a Geissler tube 12 or 15 cm. long. An
induction machine can also be used for the purpose.
"Through such tubes, before exhaustion, the spark passes
without any unusual phenomena being produced. As the air is
422 Electricity
exhausted, the sparks become less sharply defined, and widen out
to occupy the whole tube, becoming pale in tint and nebulous
in form. The cathode exhibits a beautiful bluish or violet glow,
separated from the conductor by a narrow dark space^ while at the
anode a single small bright star of light is all that remains. At a
certain degree of exhaustion the light in the tube breaks up into a
set of striip, or patches of light of a cup-like form, which vibrate to
and fro between darker spaces." (Thompson.) The color of the
discharge in Geissler tubes is different with different gases.^
527. Atmospheric Electricity. — The sparks obtained from
electrical machines and Leyden jars suggested to a number of the
early experimenters in electricity that lightning was due to elec-
trical discharges in the atmosphere. Benjamin Franklin put this
theory to an experimental test in 1752. " He sent up a kite dur-
ing the passing of a storm, and found the wetted string to conduct
electricity to the earth, and to yield abundance of sparks. These
he drew from a key tied to the string, a silk ribbon being interposed
between his hand and the key for safety. Leyden jars could be
charged, and all other electrical effects produced, by the sparks
furnished from the clouds. The proof of the identity was com-
plete." (Thompson.)
It has been repeatedly shown by later experiments that the
atmosphere is generally electrified even in fair weather. In fair
weather the electrification is almost always positive ; in stormy
weather it is sometimes positive and sometimes negative. The
potential increases with the altitude ; but differs widely in different
localities and with different states of the weather. The rise of
potential has been found as great as 600 volts per meter of eleva-
tion above the ground.
1 As the exhaustion in a vacuum tube is continued beyond a pressure of one
millimeter, the dark space surrounding the cathode increases in width u:;;!). >Jicn
the pressure is reduced to about one millionth of an atmosphere, it completely fills
the tube. Tubes exhausted to this degree are called Crookes tubes. The eloctric
discharge in a Crookes tube produces new forms of radiation, called cathode rays
and X-rays. The latter are also known as Roentgen rays, from their discoverer.
The pupil is referred to other works for an account of these rays and their applications.
Electrostatics 423
Various theories have been advanced to account for the electri-
fication of the atmosphere ; but very little is definitely known
about it. Evaporation is very probably one of the principal causes.
But, aside from this question, if we suppose the particles of water
vapor in the atmosphere to be even slightly electrified, the high
potential of clouds is easily explained ; for, as the particles unite
in the process of condensation, the charge increases much more
rapidly than the capacity of the drop. For example, if one million
equally charged particles unite, the potential becomes ten thousand
times as great ; and there are thousands of milHons of particles in
a drop. The great length of lightning sparks or flashes shows
that the potential of a thunder-cloud is enormously high.
528. Thunder. — Thunder corresponds to the snapping sound
produced by an electric spark. The sudden heating of the air
along the path of a lightning flash causes it to expand with explo-
sive violence, producing sound waves of great intensity. If the
flash is short and straight, the sound is a short clap ; if it is long
and zigzag, the sounds produced by its different parts have unequal
distances to travel to the observer and are heard in quick succes-
sion as a continuous rattle. The rolling sound of distant thunder
is due to various reflections of the sound from clouds, from the
ground, and often from neighboring hills.
529. Lightning Conductors. — The use of lightning conductors
to protect buildings was first suggested by Benjamin Franklin.
The usual device consists of one or more iron rods, extending
some distance above the highest points of a building and connected
by means of large iron or copper conductors with datnp earth or,
better, with water. If the conductor ends in dry earth, it is not
only useless but even dangerous. (Why?) Each rod is terminated
by a gilded copper point.
The action of a lightning conductor depends largely upon in-
duction. A charged cloud induces an opposite charge on the
ground under it and on houses, trees, and other objects within
this area. This inductive action is strongest upon the highest
objects, and causes lightning rods to become highly electrified.
Under these conditions a rapid and continuous discharge takes
place from the sharply pointed tips of the rods (Art. 525). This
quiet discharge of opposite electrification toward the cloud is
often sufficient to prevent lightning ; but, if a stroke does occur,
the rod receives the discharge and the building is preserved.
530. The Aurora Borealis. — "In the northern regions of the
earth the aurora horfalis, or northern lights^ is an occasional phe-
nomenon ; and within and near the Arctic Circle is of almost
nighdy occurrence. Similar lights are seen in the south polar
regions of the earth, and are denominated aurora ausiralis. As
Fig. 34a
seen in European latitudes, the usual form assumed by the aurora
is that of a number of ill-defined streaks or streamers of a pale
tint (sometimes tinged with red and other colors), either radiat-
ing in a fanlike form from the horizon in the direction of the
magnetic north, or forming a sort of arch across that region of
the sky, of the general form shown in Fig. 340. A certain flicker-
ing or streaming motion is often discernible in the streaks. Under
very favorable circumstances the aurora extends over the entire
Electrostatics 425
sky. The appearance of an aurora is usually accompanied by a
magnetic storm, affecting the compass-needles over whole regions
of the globe. This fact, and the position of the auroral arches
and streamers with respect to the magnetic meridian, directly
suggest an electric origin for the light, — a conjecture which is
confirmed by the many analogies between auroral phenomena
and those of discharge in rarefied air. Yet the presence of an
aurora does not, at least in our latitudes, affect the electric condi-
tions of the lower regions of the atmosphere.
" The most probable theory of the aurora is that originally due
to Franklin; namely, that it is due to electric discharges in the
upper air, in consequence of the differing electrical conditions
between the cold air of the polar regions and the warmer streams
of air and vapor raised from the level of the ocean in tropical
regions by the heat of the sun." (Thompson.)
Table I
Metric Units of Lengthy Surface^ and Volume
lo millimeters (mm.)
lo centimeters (cm.)
lo decimeters (dm.)
loo sq. millimeters (smm.)
lOo sq. centimeters (scm.)
loo sq. decimeters (sdm.)
looo cu. millimeters (cmm.)
looo cu. centimeters (ccm.)
xooo cu. decimeters (cdm.)
: I centimeter
: I decimeter
: I meter (m.)
: I sq. centimeter
: I sq. decimeter
: I sq. meter
1 cu. centimeter
: I cu. decimeter
: I cu. meter (cu. m.)
Table n
Metric to English
cm. = .3937 in.
m- =39-37 in.
km. =.6214 mile
scm. =.1550 sq. in.
sq. m. = 1.196 sq. yd.
= 10.764 sq. ft.
I ccm. =.06103 cu. in.
I cdm. =1.0567 qt. (liquid)
I cu. m.= 1.308 cu. yd.
= 35-317 cu. ft
English to Metric *
I in. = 2.540 cm.
I ft. = 30.48 cm.
I yd. =.9144 m.
I mile = 1.6093 km.
I sq. in. =6.452 scm.
I sq.ft. =929.0 scm.
I sq. yd. = .8361 sq. m.
I cu. in. = 16.387 ccm.
I cu. ft. =28,315. ccm.
I cu. yd. = .7645 cu. m.
I qt. = .9463 cdm. (liters)
I gal. = 3.785 liters
I gram = .0353 oz.
I kg. = 2.2046 lb.
= 28.35 g.
= 453.6 g.
Table III
Mensuration Rules
ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter = 3.1416
Circumference of a circle (radius, r) = 2 Trr
Area of a circle = -nr^
Surface of a sphere = 4 irr^
Volume of a sphere = f Trr^
Lateral surface of a right cylinder
(altitude h and radius of base r) = 2 irrh
Volume of a right cylinder = irr^h
Table IV
Densities (in grams per ccm.)
Aluminum . .
Antimony, cast .
Beeswax . . .
Bismuth, cast .
Brass ....
Copper . . .
Cork . . . .
Galena . . .
German silver .
Glass, crown . .
Glass, flint . .
Gold . . . .
Iron, bar . . .
Iron, cast . . .
Ivory . . . .
Lead . . . .
Marble . . .
Mercury, at o°C.
Platinum . . .
Quartz . . .
Silver . . . .
Steel . . . .
Sulphur, native .
Tin. ... .
Zinc,' cast . . .
8.8 to
.14 to
3 to
7.2 to
11.3 to
to 10.5
to 7.9
Alcohol (95%) . . .82
Blood 1.06
Carbon disulphide . 1.29
Chloroform . . . 1.5
Copper sulphate solution i . 1 6
Ether 72
Glycerine . . . . 1.27
Hydrochloric acid . 1.22
Mercury, at 0° C. . 13.596
Milk 1.03
Nitric acid ... 1.5
Oil of turpentine . .87
Olive oil 915
Sulphuricacid(i5%) i.io
Sulphuric acid . . 1.8
Water (4° C.) . . i.ooo
Water, sea . . . 1.026
Gases at 0° C. and 76 cm.
Air 001293
Carbon dioxide . . .001977
Hydrogen . . . .0000896
Nitrogen 001256
Oxygen 001430
Table V
Tangents of Angles
To find the tangent of an angle not measured by a whole num-
ber of degrees, find first the tangent of the integral part of the
number, and add to this the product obtained by multiplying the
difference between this tangent and the tangent of the next whole
number of degrees by the decimal part of the angle. For example,
to find the tangent of 38°.7, proceed thus : —
tan 38* =.781, tan 39* = .810.
.810— .781 = .029.
.7 X .029 = .020.
tan 38^.7 = .781 -f .020 = .801.
I. Ill
.05 24
1. 150
1. 192
VI — References to Chute's Physical Laboratory Manual
The following list of references to the revised edition of Chute's
Physical Laboratory Manual, published by D. C. Heath & Co.,
is provided for the convenience of teachers who may wish to use
this manual in connection with the text. The numbers in the
first column refer to articles in the text ; those in the last column,
to articles in the manual.
62, 63
Topic illustrated Manual
Extension 19-21
Capacity 25
Volume by displacement ... 28
Weighing. . 31
Liquid pressure 52
Buoyancy of liquids . . . . 55
Specific gravity of solids . . 56, 57
Specific gravity of liquids . . 58
Boyle's Law 53
The siphon 54
Concurrent forces 39
Parallel forces 40
Uniformly accelerated motion . 42
Curvilinear motion 41
The pendulum 43
The lever 44
The wheel and axle .... 46
Pulleys 45
The inclined plane .... 47
Tenacity 35
Capillarity 51
The fixed points of a thermometer 85
Coefficient of linear expansion . 86
Coefficient of cubical expansion 87
Law of Charles ..... 88
Specific heat of a solid ... 97
Specific heat of a liquid ... 98
Melting points 89
Heat of fusion of ice ... loi
Dew-point 91
Boiling points 90
396, 397
4781 485
492, 495
Topic illustrated Manual
Heat of vaporization of water . 102
Laws of vibrating strings ... 63
Resonance (velocity ol sound) . 59, 60
Vibration rate of a tuning fork . 62
Pinhole images 64, 65
Photometry 66
Reflection of light 67
Images in plane mirrors .... 69
Concave mirrors . . . . . . 70, 72, 73
Convex mirrors 7i> 73
Index of refraction 74. 75
Convex lens 76, 78, 79
Concave lens 77> 78, 79
The simple microscope .... 80
The telescope 80
Spectra 81
Wave length 82 •
The poles of a magnet .... 103
Distribution of magnetic action . 106
Magnetic transparency . . . . 104
Magnetic fields 107
Magnetic eflect of a current . . 109
Electro-motive series . . . . 110
The tangent galvanometer . . . 123, 124
Changeof resistance with temperature 1 20
Electrical resistance 118
The resistance of a cell ....122
Fall of potential along a conductor 125
Resistance of conductors in parallel 119
Electro-motive force of cells . . 126
Use of voltmeter and ammeter . 121
Induced currents 128,129
The Numbers refer to Pages
Aberration, chromatic, 333.
spherical, 282, 304.
Absolute temperature, 180-181.
Absorption, of radiation, 168, 171.
selective, 171, 327-329.
Acceleration, 71-74-
due to gravity, 76-78.
Accommodation, power of, 309.
Achromatic lens, 334.
Action and reaction, 8, 9, 89, 340, 413.
Adhesion, 149-150.
After-images, 332.
Air, buoyancy of, 46-48.
composition of, 3.
density of, 31.
water vapor in, 1 96-197.
Air pump, 41-42.
Amalgamating zinc, 358.
Ammeter, 384.
Ampere, 377.
Analysis, of light, 322, 327.
Angle, critical, 293.
of deviation, 284, 291.
of incidence and reflection, 269.
of refraction, 284.
refracting, of prisms, 291.
sine of, 286.
tangent of, 372.
visual, 314.
Anode, 408.
Antinode, 245.
Aperture, of mirror, 274, 282.
Arc, electric, 385.
Archimedes, principle of, 24, 25.
Armature, of dynamos and motors,
Artesian wells, 20.
Astatic galvanometer, 383.
Atmosphere, heating of, 172-173.
height of, 23-
Atmospheric electricity, 422-425.
pressure, 31-36.
refraction, 294-296.
Attraction, electrostatic, 412.
magnetic, 340.
molecular, 147.
of gravitation, 98-103.
Audibility, limits of, 214, 234-235.
Aurora borealis, 425.
Axis, of lens, 297, 300.
of mirror, 274.
Balance, 12-13.
Balloon, 47.
Barometer, 34-36.
Battery, see Cells.
Beam, of light, 259.
Beats, 230-231.
Bell, electric, 365.
Bellows, 43.
Bichromate cell, 359.
Bicycle, 134.
Boiling, 200-202.
Boiling point, 175, 202.
Boyle's law, 39-40.
Buoyancy, center of, 65.
of air, 46-48. V
of liquids, 24-25.
Caloric theory, i6l.
Calorie, 182.
Calorimetry, 182-185, 190, 205.
Camera, photographer's, 322.
pinhole, 263.
Capillarity, 153-155-
Cathode, 408.
Cells, electric, 354, 357-362.
electro-motive force of, 376-377.
in battery, 380-382.
storage, 410.
Center, of buoyancy, 65.
of curvature, 274.
of gravity, 60-61.
Centrifugal force, ^6.
Centripetal force, 93-96.
Charge, electrostatic, 420.
Charles, law of, 179, 181.
Chemicar changes, i.
effects of electric current, 407-411.
energy, 120.
Chromatic aberration, 333.
scale, 234.
Circuit, electric, 357.
divided or shunt, 378-379.
Clouds, I9'i-I99.
Coal, energy of, iii, 120, 210.
Cohesion, 147-151. *
Coil, induction, 393.
Color. 325, 327-333.
by interference, 337.
Commutator, 397.
Compass, 340, 348, 352, ^
Compressibility, of gases, 4, 37-40.
of liquids and solids, 4, 140.
Compression pump, 43,
Condensation, of gases, 205-206.
of water vapor, 198-200.
Condenser, electric, 420.
Conduction, electric, 357.
of heat, 164-165..
Conservation, of energy, 132, 209.
Convection, of heat, 166.
Couple, 58.
Critical angle, 293.
Crookcs tubes, 422.
Current, electric, 354-355. 369-373-
chemical effects of, 407-411.
extra, 392.
first ideas of, 354-355-
heating effects of, 385-387.
induced, 389-396.
magnetic eflects of, 362-365.
measurement of, 369-373, 384.
unit of, 377.
Curvature, center of, 274.
Curvilinear motion, 93-^.
Dahon's laws, 195.
Daniell cell, 362.
D'Arsonval galvanometer, 383.
Declination, magnetic, 349.
Density, 13.
and pressure of gases, 40.
Deviation, angle of, 284, 291.
Dew, 199.
Dew-|X)int, 196.
Diffusion, of gases, 141-144.
of liquids, 145-146.
of light, 269-270.
Dip, magnetic, 350.
Dipping needle, 350.
Discord, 232.
Dispersion, of light, 322-326.
Distillation, 203-204.
Divisibility, of matter, 137-138.
Ductility, 159.
Dynamics, Chap. V.
definition of, 49.
Dynamo, 396-400.
Ear, 249-252.
Earth, effect of rotation on its shape,
effect of rotation on weight, 102.
magnetic field of, 348-352.
revolution and rotation of, 100.
Echoes, 225.
Eclipses, 261-262.
Efficiency, of machines, 132.
Elasticity, 156-158.
Electric, arc, 385.
battery, 380-382.
bell, 365.
cells, 354-355» 357-362.
circuit, 357.
conduction, 357.
current, see Current.
discharge, in rarefied gases, 421.
energy, 354-355. 387. 389, 392. 399,
401, 402, 407.
light, 385-386.
measurements, 369-384.
motors, 400-402.
potential, see Potential.
power, 387.
resistance, see Resistance.
spark, 395.
telegraph, 366-369.
transmission of power, 402.
units, 375, 376, 377, 388.
Electricity, Chap. XII.
atmospheric, 422-425.
•current, 353-4".
nature of, 353, 413.
static, 411-425.
Electrification, by contact, 413.
by friction, 412.
by induction, 413-414.
two states of, 413.
Electrodes, 408.
Electrolysis, 407-410.
Electro-magnet, 364.
Electro-magnetic field, 362-364.
induction, 389-396.
Electro-metallurgy, 409.
Electro-motive force, 356.
measurement of, 379.
of cells, 376-377-
uftit of, 376. •
Electrophorus, 416.
Electroplating, 409.
Electroscope, 415.
Electrostatic attraction and repulsion,
capacity, 419.
charge, 420.
condenser, 420.
field, 415.
induction, 413.
machines, 415-417.
potential, 418.
Electrotyping, 408.
Energy, Chap. VI.
conservation of, 132, 209.
dissipation of, 1 21, 223.
first ideas of, ii i .
forms of, chemical, 120.
electrical, 354-35 5» 387. 389. 392,
kinetic, in, 116.
mechanical, 120.
molecular kinetic (heat), 118,
molecular potential ("latent
heat"), 189, 204-205.
muscular, 119.
of light, 255-258.
of sound, 220-223.
potential, 118, 1 19, 1 20.
radiant, 167-172,255-258.
solar, 209-211.
sources of, 162-163, 210.
transference of, by electric current,
354-355» 402.
by machines, 123, 126, 128,
conditions necessary for, 112. ,
two modes of, 255.
transformation of, by dombustion,
by compression and expansion of
gases, 162, 204.
by dynamos, 399.
by electrical resistance, 387.
by friction, 119, 161-162.
by fusion and solidification, 189.
by motors, 401.
by radiation and absorption, 168,
by steam engine, 213.
by vaporization and condensation,
193, 204-207.
units of, electrical, 387-388.
mechanical, 116.
thermal, 182.
Engine, steam, 2 12-2 1 3.
Equilibrant, 54.
Equilibrium, of concurrent forces, 52.
of floating bodies, 65-66.
of parallel forces, 55-56.
of two forces, 49-50.
stable, unstable, and neutral, 60-
Ether, luminiferous, 256-258, 347,
Evaporation, 192.
cooling by, 206-207.
Expansion, by heat, 141, 176-180.
cooling by, 204.
force of, 177.
Extension, 10.
Eye, 306-315.
defects of, 310.
Falling bodies, 74-79.
Faraday, 392.
Far sight, 310.
Field, electro-magnetic, 362-364.
electrostatic, 415.
magnetic, 345-347-
Field magnet, 399.
Floating bodies, buoyancy upon, 24-
equilibrium of, 65-66.
Fluids, characteristics of, 4-5.
Focal length, of lens, 299.
of mirrors, 276, 282.
Foci, of lenses, 297-300.
of mirrors, 276, 279.
Fog, 198.
Foot-pound, 116.
Force, 5-9.
buoyant, 24, 25, 46-48.
centrifugal, 96.
centripetal, 93-96.
electro-motive, 356.
elements of, 50.
graphic representation of, 50.
lines of, 345-347-
moments of, 57-59.
units of, 12.
Forces, balanced, 7, 8; Chap. IV.
composition of, 51-53,56.
concurrent, 51-55.
molecular, 147-155.
parallel, 55-56.
parallelogram of, 52.
resolution of, 54.
unbalanced, 7, 8; Chap. V.
Force pump, 45.
Franklin, 422, 423, 425.
Fraunhofer lines, 324.
Freezing, 186.
Freezing mixtures, 191.
Freezing point, 1 74.
Friction, 6.
heating effects of, 119, 161-162.
of the air, 74, 75, 78.
uses of, 90, 133, 134.
Frost, 199.
Fulcrum, 123.
Fundamental tone, 238, 246-247.
Fusion, 186-191.
change of volume during, 187.
heat of, 189-190.
Galilean telescope, 320.
Galileo, 76, 79, 92, 320.
Galvanometers, 370-373, 383-384.
Gases, characteristics of, 3.
compressibility of, 4, 39, 40.
condensation of, 205-206.
cooled by expansion, 204.
diffusion of, 141-143.
distinguished from vapors, 192.
effect of pressure on volume and
density of, 39, 40. •
effect of temperature on volume, of,
141, 179.
kinetic theory of 144-145.
mechanics of, Chap. III.
pressure of, 37-40.
Geissler tubes, 421.
Glaciers, flow of, 189.
Gram, mass and weight, 12.
Gram-centimeter, 116.
Gravitation, 98-103, 150-151.
law of, 98.
Gravity, 60.
acceleration due to, 76-78.
cell, 360.
center of, 60, 61.
specific, 26-30.
Hail, 200.
Hardness, 160.
Harmony, 232.
Hearing, 249-252.
Heat, Chap. VHI.
conduction of, 164-166.
convection of, 166.
expansion due to, 141, 176-180.
kinetic theory of, 146-147, 161-162.
mechanical equivalent of, 208.
of fusion, 189-190.
of vaporization, 193, 204-205.
sources of, 162.
specific, 183-184.
unit of, 182.
Helmholtz, 211, 240.
Horse power, 121.
Humidity, 197.
Hydrostatic press, 21.
Ice, 174, 186-190.
manufacture of, 207.
Illumination, intensity of, 263.
Images, by lens, 300-304.
by plane mirrors, 271-273.
by spherical mirrors, 280-283.
by small opening, 262-263.
real, 279-281, 300, 302. •
virtual, 279-283, 302, 303.
Incandescent lamp, 385.
Inclination or dip, 350.
Inclined plane, 54, 79, 1 14, 131-132.
Index of refraction, 287.
Induced currents, 389-396.
Induction, earth's, 351-352.
electro-magnetic, 389-396.
electrostatic, 413.
magnetic, 342-343.
self, 392.
Induction coil, 393.
Inertia, 5, 87, 89, 95, 96.
Insulators, electric, 357.
Interference, of light, 337.
of sound, 229-231.
Iridescence, 337, 338.
Joule, 162, 208, 386.
Joule's equivalent, 208.
law, 386.
Kilogram-meter, 116.
Kinetic energy, III, Il6.
Kinetic theory, of gases, 144, 146-
of heat, 146-147, 161-162.
Kinetics, see Dynamics.
Lamp, arc, 385.
incandescent, 385.
Lantern, optical, 321.
Law, Boyle's, 39-40.
Dalton's, 195.
Joule's, 386.
»f Charles, 179, 181.
of gravitation, 98.
Ohm's, 370, 377.
Pascal's, 20.
Laws of motion, Newton's, 91.
Leclanche cell, 360.
Lenses, achromatic, 334.
concave, 305.
convex, 296-305. %
Lever, 123-126.
Leyden jar, 418.
Lifting pump, 44.
Light, Chap. X.
dispersion of, 322-326.
intensity of, 263-265.
interference of, 337.*
propagation of, 258-260.
reflection of, 268-270.
refraction of, 283-292.
theory of, 255-260.
velocity of, 265-267.
wave length of, 259, 325-326.
Lightning, 422-423.
rod, 423.
Lines of force, 345-347-
Liquids, characteristics of, 3, 5.
diffusion of, 145-146.
mechanics of, Chap. IL
Liter, 11.
Local action in voltaic cell, 358.
Lodestone, 339.
Loudness of sound, 227.
Machines, 123-135.
efficiency of, 132.
electrical, 415-417.
mechanical advantage of, 126.
Magdeburg hemispheres, 32.
Magnetic action, 340-341, 347.
declination, 349.
effects of a current, 362-365.
field, 345-347-
inclination or dip, 350.
induction, 342-345.
lines of force, 345-347.
meridian, 349.
needle, 340.
permeability, 342.
poles, 340.
substances, 341.
Magnetism, Chap. XL
terrestrial, 348-352.
Magnetization, permanent and
porary, 342-343-
theory of, 343-345-
Magnets, 338, 342.
Magnifying glass, 302, 315-316.
Major chord, 234.
Malleability, 159.
Manometers, 38-39.
Mass, detinition of, 11.
center of, 60-61.
measurement of, by weight, 12,
by inertia, 87.
units of, 12.
Matter, divisibility df, 137.
properties of. Chap. VI L
states of, 3, 147-148.
structure of, 137-147.
Measurement, 10-13.
Mechanical advantage, 126.
equivalent of heat, 208.
powers, 123.
Mechanics, definition of, 49.
of gases. Chap. IIL
of liquids. Chap. IL
of solids. Chaps. IV, V, VI.
Melting, 186.
[Celling points, 186.
' effect of pressure on, 1 88.
Meter, lo.
Microphone, 405-406.
Microscope, compound, 316.
simple, 302, 315-316.
Mirage, 295.
Mirrors, parabolic, 282.
plane, 271-273.
spherical, 274-283.
Mobility of fluids, 159. •
Molecular forces, 14 7-1 51.
motion, 141-147.
structure of matter, 137-147.
Molecule, 138.
Moment of force, 57-59.
Momentum, 91.
Moon, revolution of, 100.
Motion, 68.
accelerated, 69, 71-74
curvilinear, 93-96.
laws of, '83-92.
of falling bodies, 74-78.
of pendulum, 104.
of projectiles, 80-83.
on an inclined plane, 79.
uniform, 68.
wiave, 217-220.
Motor, electric, 400-402.
Musical, instruments, 242, 246-248.
intervals, 231-233.
scales, 233-234.
sounds, 227.
Needle, dipping, 350.
magnetic, 340.
Newton, 92, 98, 255, 259.
Newton's disks, 331.
laws of motion, 91.
Nodes, 237, 244-245.
Noise, 227, 245.
Octave, 232.
Ohm, definition of, 375.
Ohm's law, 370, 377.
Opera glass, 321.
Optical instruments, 315-322.
Organ pipes, 246-247.
Overtones, 238, 246-247.
Parallelogram of forces, 52.
Pascal's law, 20.
Pendulum, 104-109.
Penumbra, 261.
Permeability, magnetic, 342.
Photometry, 264-265.
Physical changes, i.
Pinhole. camera, 263.
Pitch, of musical sounds, 214, 227-
229, 234.
Plasticity, 149, 158.
Polarization, in voltaic cell, 358.
Poles, magnetic, 340.
of voltaic cell, 355, 358-359-
Porosity, 138-139.
Potential, electric, 356, 377.
of induced currents, 395.
of static electricity, 418.
Potential energy, 118, 119, 120.
Pound, weight and mass, 12.
Power, 121.
electric transmission of, 402.
units of, 121, 387.
Pressure, atmospheric, 31-36
of gases, 37-40.
of liquids, 15-25.
of vapors, 193-195.
Pressure gauges, 33-35, 38-39-
Prism, 291.
Projectiles, 80-83.
Properties of matter. Chap. VII.
Pulleys, 129-130.
Pump, air, 41.
compression, 43.
force, 45.
suction, 44.
Quality of sound, 227, 238-240.
Radiant energy, 167-172, 255-258.
absorption of, 168-169, 171, 172.
emission of, 168.
luminous and non-luminous, 168,
reflection of, 170, 268.
selective absorption of, 171,327-329.
transmission of, 169, 328-329.
Radiometer, 170.
Rain, 199.
Rainl>ow, 335-336-
Ray, of light, 259.
Reaction and action, 8, 9, 89, 90, 340,
Reflection, of light, 268-283.
difi'used, 269-270.
of sound, 225.
regular, 268-269, 291.
total, 292-294.
Refraction, 283-292.
atmospheric, 294-296.
index of, 287.
laws of, 286.
of different colors, 322-326.
relation to velocity, 28S-289.
Relay, 368.
Resistance, electrical, 357.
laws of, 374.
measurement of, 376.
of conductors in parallel, 378.
specific, 374.
unit of, 375.
Resistance coils, 375.
Resolution, of a force, 54.
of a velocity, 70.
Resonance, 243-245.
Respiration, 46.
Resultant force, 54.
velocity, 70.
Retina, 307.
Rumford, Count, l6l, 265.
Scales, musical, 233-234.
Screw, 133.
Selective absorption, 171, 327-329.
Self-induction, 392.
Shadows, 260.
Short sight, 310.
Shunt circuit, 378-379.
Sine of an angle, 286.
Siphon, 45.
Size, angular, 314.
Sky, the color of, 330.
Snow, 200.
Soap bubbles, 152.
Solenoid, 364.
Solidification, 186-189.
Solids, characteristics of, 3, 5.
mechanics of. Chaps. IV, V, VI.
Solution, heat of, 191.
Sonometer, 232.
Sound, Chap. IX.
intensity of, 220-223.
interference of, 229-231.
loudness of, 227.
media, 216.
pitch of, 214, 227-229, 234.
properties of, 227.
quality of, 227, 238-240.
reflection of, 225.
sources of, 214.
velocity of, 224-225.
waves, 218-220, 229.
Sounder, telegraph, 366.
Speaking tubes, 223.
Specific gravity, 26-29.
heat, 183-184.
resistance, 374.
Spectrum, 322-326.
invisible, 326.
Speed, 68.
Spherical aberration, 282, 304.
Spyglass, 320.
Stability, 64.
of floating bodies, 66.
Stars, distance of, 267.
twinkling of, 294.
Static electricity, 411-425; see Elec-
Statics, of solids, Chap. IV.
Steam engine, 212-213.
Stereoscope, 313.
Stress and strain, 158.
Strings, vibration of, 235-240.
Sun, energy of, 209-211.
Surface tension, 151-153.
Sympathetic vibrations, 24^^248.
Tangent galvanometer, 370-373.
Tangent of an angle, 372.
Telegraph, 365-369-
Telephone, 404-407.
acoustic, 223.
Telescopes, 317-321.
Temperature, 163-164.
absolute, 180.
measurement of, 173-176.
Tenacity, 148.
Terrestrial magnetism, 348-352.
Theory, definition of, 145.
of electricity, 353,413-
of gases, 144-145, 146-147.
of heat, 146, 1 61-162,
of light, 255-260.
of magnetic action, 347.
of magnetization, 343-345.
of the structure of matter, 137-141.
Thermometers, 173-176.
Thunder, 423.
Tone, 233.
fundamental, 238, 246.
Torricelli, 35.
Total reflection, 292-294.
Transference of energy, see Energy.
Transformation of energy, see Energy.
Transformer, 403.
Tuning fork, pitch of, 228.
vibration of, 215.
Umbra, 261.
Units, of acceleration, 72.
of current strength, 377.
of electrical power, 387.
of electrical resistance, 375.
of E. M. F., 376.
of extension, lo-ll.
of fluid pressure, 39.
of force, 12.
of heat, 182.
of mass, 1 2.
of mechanical power, 1 21.
of velocity, 68, 69.
of work and energy, 116.
Vacuum, 35.
Vapor, atmospheric, 196-200.
pressure of, 193-195.
Vaporization, 192, 198.
heat of, 193, 204-205.
Vapors, 192.
Velocity, 68.
graphic representation of, 69.
of light, 265-267.
of sound, 224-225, 229.
resolution of, 70.
uniform, 68.
variable, 69-74.
Velocities, composition of, 69.
Vibration, forced and sympathetic,
of air columns, 243-248.
of molecules, 146.
of pendulum, 104-105.
of strings, 235-240.
of tuning fork, 215.
Viscosity, 159.
surface, 153.
Vision, binocular, 311-314.
Visual angle, 314.
Vocal cords, 253.
Voice, 252-254.
Volt, definition of, 376.
Voltaic cell, 354.
Voltmeter, 379, 384,
Water, expansion of, 178, 179.
Watt, 388.
Wave motion, 217.
Waves, of light, 257, 259-260, 325-
of sound, 218-220, 229.
of water, 218.
Weather, prediction of, 36.
Wedge, 133.
Weighing, 12.
Weight, 7, II, 102.
Welding, 149.
Wheel and axle, 127-128.
Whistle, 245.
Wind instruments, 246-248.
Windlass, 128.
Work and energy, 311-316.
units of, 116.
Zero, absolute, 1 80-1 81.
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