BIOIGSY BIOLOGY LIBRARY FRONTISPIECE, i, cell of fleshy scale of bulb of onion (Allium Cepa) showing cyto- plasm, nucleus and large central vacuole. Chloroplasts: 2, a parenchyma cell of green fruit of garden pepper (Capsicum annuum) showing cytoplasm, nucleus and chloroplasts; 2a, a chloroplast of a moss (Funaria) showing green granules, assimilation starch grains and protein granules; 2b, a cell near the periphery of the pseudo-bulb of the orchid (Phaius grandifolius) showing cytoplasm and three reserve starch grains formed by leucoplasts, which latter under the influence of light have developed into chloroplasts. Chromoplasts: 3, a parenchyma cell of ripe fruit of Capsicum annuum showing cyto- plasm, nucleus and yellowish-red chromoplasts; 3a, isolated chromoplasts of carrot (Daucus Car ota). 4, transverse section of petal of wild pansy (Viola tricolor) showing colored cell-sap in epidermal cells. APPLIED AND ECONOMIC BOTANY ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS IN TECHNICAL SCHOOLS, AGRICULTURAL, PHARMACEU- TICAL AND MEDICAL COLLEGES, AND ALSO AS A BOOK OF REFERENCE FOR CHEMISTS, FOOD ANALYSTS AND STUDENTS ENGAGED IN THE MORPHOLOGI- CAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL STUDY OF PLANTS BY HENRY KRAEMER, Ph.B. (in Chemistry), Ph.M. (in Pharmacy), Ph.D. (in Botany). PROFESSOR OF BOTANY AND PHARMACOGNOSY, AND DIRECTOR OF THE MICROSCOPICAL LABORA- TORY IN THE PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE OF PHARMACY; MEMBER OF THE EXECUTIVE COM- MITTEE OF REVISION OF THE PHARMACOPOEIA OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE SOCIETE DE PHARMACIE DE PARIS, ETC. ILLUSTRATED With 424 plates, comprising about 2000 figures PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR 145 NORTH TENTH ST., PHILADELPHIA COPYRIGHT, 1914, BY HENRY KRAEMER ALL RIGHTS RESERVED \ W ; r " c ; ; . v ::/ \\ / BIOLOGY MBRARY G PREFACE. THERE are quite a number of books on botany, many of which serve a very excellent purpose. For the most part, however, they are not adapted for the use of students in the applied sciences where the knowledge of botany is to be utilized later in practical work. It is now more than sixty years since Schleiden showed the value of the microscope in the examina- tion of drugs and Schacht demonstrated its usefulness in the study of textile fibers. Since that time quite a number of works have been pub- lished dealing with the microscopy of special technical products, as drugs, foods, fibers, woods, etc., but there have been no text-books which could be employed in the courses on applied and economic botany that would satisfy either the desires of the student or fit the graduate for practical work in commercial life. It is not generally appreciated that there is a depart- ment of applied botany which is distinct from every other phase of botani- cal study ; the point of view and the technique being peculiarly its own and the problems so intricate and important that they should ever be held be- fore the student and command his constant attention. It is almost self- evident that courses in botany which are intended for intellectual culture or scientific discipline are not adapted for technical courses of instruction. In the latter the student has a right to ask for the application of the in- struction which he is receiving and to show an interest in proportion as the instructor is able to demonstrate its value. There are some who consider that a more or less superficial knowledge of botanical principles and micro- scopic technique is sufficient for the student in applied or economic botany. On the contrary, we find that a rather extended knowledge of botany and a very thorough preparation in certain phases of botanical work are absolutely required in order to prepare him to meet and solve the many problems that arise in the commercial world. Many of the commercial problems that are held to be chemical and which are handed to the chem- ist for solution are, as a matter of fact, of a botanical character and can be solved with less expense and less time by the trained botanist. What is really needed is the trained analyst, who, while proficient with chemical methods, is also thoroughly versed in microscopic technique. We have come to a time, if real progress is to be made both in the manufacture of plant materials and in the examination of commercial substances, that it is necessary to bring both chemical and botanical training and knowledge to bear upon the problems involved. Nearly all of the problems upon which one is liable to be consulted in active practice, whether they involve new processes of manufacture or the examination of the finished market material, show at the outset that the analyst must have a very thorough knowledge of the cell constituents and the tissues composing the raw material. It is for this reason that almost one-half of the material of this volume is devoted to the study of iv PREFACE. cell-contents, forms of cells, and the outer and inner morphology of higher plants. The facts and illustrations here presented cover not only the latest researches on their morphology, origin, and distribution, but also the most recent advances in regard to their chemical nature. A fair amount of this work is original, and the presentation in one volume, it is hoped, will be appreciated in addition also by students of the plant cell as well as the phyto-chemist. In the practical examination of the crude materials of the market we find more or less contamination with fungi, lichens, and other lower plants, and for this reason, as well as for the understanding of the morphology of the higher plants, a more or less succinct treatment of the Principal Groups of Plants is given in Chapter I. Another reason which has prompted the author to lay considerable stress on the knowledge contained in this chap- ter is that if the student will master the technique and will apply himself to this part of the work, he will be better prepared to take up the study of the structures of higher plants. The chapter on Classification of Higher Plants is quite extended and illustrated with a large number of photographs, showing not only many of our interesting wild plants but the principal economic plants that are used as foods, drugs, and for other economic purposes, with considerable valuable technical information concerning them. The chapter on Nomen- clature has been included in order that the derivations of botanical names might be better understood and their correct spelling facilitated. The chapter on Cultivation of Medicinal Plants, while especially prepared for those interested in the subject, will be found useful to those interested in other industries where the extermination of native plants is calling attention to practical means for their replenishment. The chapter on Microscopic Technique contains methods for the preparation of commercial materials and much information that doubtless will facilitate practical work. The index contains some 6,000 titles, making the information contained in this volume readily accessible. The work is illustrated throughout, and the legends accompanying the illustrations will be found interesting and instructive and in most instances supplement the information given in the text. All of the illustrations which are not reproductions of photographs and drawings made by the author are duly credited. The author acknowledges the valuable services rendered by his associates in the preparation of the text, reading of proof, and prep- aration of the index; to Professor Wallace Truesdell for assistance in the chapter on Botanical Nomenclature and to Mr. Stewardson Brown for the use of a number of photographs. When larger monographs and authoritative works have been consulted, due credit has been given in the text, so that the present work is a foundation not only of a text-book for students of applied and economic botany but as a reference book for manu- facturers and analysts. NOVEMBER, 1014. H. K. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. PAGE INTRODUCTORY i THALLOPHYTES 5 Schizophy tes 7 Schizophyceae (Fission Algae) 3 Schizomycetes (Bacteria) I2 Algae I6 Chlorophyceae (Green Algae) 20 Phaeophyceae (Brown Algae) 28 Rhodophyceae (Red Algae) 31 Diatoms 35 Fungi 40 Phycomycetes (Alga-like Fungi) 42 Ascomycetes (Including Yeasts) 47 Basidiomycetes 56 Fungi Imperfecti 70 Lichens 71 ARCHEGONIATES 75 Bryophytes 76 Hepaticae (Liverworts) 80 Musci (Mosses) 84 Pteridophytes ; . 86 Filicales (Ferns) 87 Equisetales (Horsetails) . ." 96 Lycopodiales (Club Mosses) 97 SPERMOPHYTES (SEED PLANTS) 100 Gymnosperms 101 Angiosperms 119 ORGANIC EVOLUTION 128 CHAPTER IL CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS.. PROTOPLASMIC CELL-CONTENTS 134 NON-PROTOPLASMIC CELL-CONTENTS 140 FACTORS INFLUENCING GROWTH, INCLUDING FOOD OF PLANTS 246 FORMS OF CELLS 262 Parenchyma 262 Mechanical Tissue 264 Conducting or Mestome Cells 272 Protecting Cells 277 v vi CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. OUTER AND INNER MORPHOLOGY OF THE HIGHER PLANTS. INTRODUCTORY 298 I. Outer Morphology .of the Root 299 Inner Structure of the Root 309 II. Outer Morphology of the Stem 320 Inner Structure of the Stem 338 III. Outer Morphology of the Leaf 348 Inner Structure of the Leaf 365 IV. Outer Morphology of the Flower 374 Inner Structure (Histology) of the Flower 402 V. Outer Morphology of the Fruit 408 Inner Structure of the Fruit 42-1 VI. Outer Morphology of the Seed ... v . 423 Inner Structure of the Seed , 427 CHAPTER IV. BOTANICAL NOMENCLATURE 430 CHAPTER V. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS YIELDING ECONOMIC PRODUCTS. INTRODUCTORY 463 MONOCOTYLEDONS 463 DICOTYLEDONS 501 Archichlamydeas or Choripetalae 504 Metachlamydese or Sympetalae , 643 CHAPTER VI. CULTIVATION OF MEDICINAL PLANTS PLANTS GROWN FROM SEEDS . 728 PROPAGATION BY CUTTING 733 COLLECTING AND DRYING OF DRUGS 737 RELATIVE VALUE OF DRUGS FROM CULTIVATED AND WILD PLANTS .... 739 PROGRESS IN THE UNITED STATES 744 CHAPTER VII. MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUE AND REAGENTS. MAKING OF SECTIONS 749 PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS 751 MlCROMETRY OR MICROSCOPIC MEASUREMENT 754 REAGENTS 755 EFFECTS OF IMPORTANT MICRO-CHEMICAL REAGENTS 759 THE MICRO-POLARISCOPE 764 THE SPECTROSCOPE IN MICROSCOPIC ANALYTICAL WORK 764 DARK FIELD ILLUMINATION AND THE ULTRA-MICROSCOPE 765 MICRO-ANALYSIS 766 BOTANY CHAPTER I PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS INTRODUCTORY THERE are four main lines of botanical work now recognized, namely, Morphology, Histology, Physiology, and Ecology. MORPHOLOGY treats of the form and structure of plants and the subject is sometimes divided into (i) external morphology or organography and (2) internal morphology or anatomy (histol- ogy). The former deals with external characters of plant parts and the latter with their minute inner structure. PHYSIOLOGY may be defined as the study which considers life processes and the condi- tions which influence these. ECOLOGY is the study of the adapta- tion of plants and their parts to external conditions. It is impor- tant to bear in mind, however, that these several departments are more or less interdependent, and that one of them cannot be intelligently studied without a consideration of the problems of the others. For instance, as Goebel states, we cannot under- stand the relation of the external forms of organs without refer- ence to their functions. In other words, form and function have a direct relation ; one influences the other. So, too, in the study of ecology we study the influence of external conditions on plants and these, as indicated above, have a direct influence on physiological processes, and thus the study of ecology merges into the study of physiology on the one hand and into morphology on the other. While this book will deal chiefly with the structure of plants and their parts, still it will be necessary occasionally to refer to some of the characters of plants which properly belong to other departments of botanical study. > Basis of Plant Structure. In order to understand the sig- nificance and relation of the various parts of plants it is necessary i 2 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. to know something of their functions and habits of life as well as of their internal structure. It is desirable at this point to give a brief consideration to the cell, as it is the unit of plant structure. If we make a section of a plant and examine it by means of the microscope, the cut surface presents the appearance of a network, indicating that the tissue is made up of small compart- ments or chambers. One of these compartments together with its contents constitutes the structure known as the CELL (see Frontispiece). The cell-contents vary greatly in appearance and composi- tion, but in all active or living cells there is always present the substance known as PROTOPLASM. The protoplasm is the basis of all plant structures whether they belong to the lowest or high- est forms ; for by its aid or from it all parts of the plant are developed. Even the cell-wall is a product of protoplasmic activity. The protoplasmic content of the cell consists of several intimately related but more or less distinct portions, namely, a somewhat thin, semi-liquid, granular portion known as the CYTOPLASM ; a more or less spherical body embedded in the cytoplasm called the NUCLEUS ; and frequently, but not always, certain small bodies which are more or less variable in shape called PLASTIDS, these being also embedded in the cytoplasm (see Frontispiece). The cytoplasm and nucleus are sometimes considered together as a unit, which is known as the PROTOPLAST. A fuller discussion of the differentiated portions of the protoplasm will be found in Chapter II. The lowest organisms, as the slime molds, do not have an enclosing membrane, but consist of a naked mass of protoplasm. With this exception plants have an outer wall or membrane. They may consist of a single cell, as in the Bacteria, or a chain of cells, as in the filamentous Algae, or a mass of cells, as in the majority of plants, and are accordingly designated as unicellular or multicellular. The cell-wall is composed for the most part of cellulose, but may be modified in various ways. Nomenclature. The names for describing plants have been derived for the most part from studies of the higher plants, they having exclusively attracted the attention of botanists at first. But with the light which has been thrown on the relationship PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 3 of the higher and lower groups of plants by the more recent study of the lower forms the older terminology has been somewhat modified. Thus, for example, we speak of the root and shoot, with its leaves, as the vegetative organs of the higher plants, and in describing the corresponding organs (where they exist) in the lower plants, we either apply these terms directly, or indi- rectly by saying that the latter are root-like, stem-like, etc. On the other hand, we now speak of the sexual organs of the higher plants as antheridia and oogonia (or archegonia) instead of classifying them roughly as stamens and pistils, the latter names being retained but with a different signification. Plant Organs. Depending upon the fact that the plant re- quires nourishment for its growth and development and that it has also to carry on the work of reproduction or propagation, i.e., the production of new plants, we distinguish between vegetative or nutritive organs and propagative or reproductive organs. The vegetative organs, such as the root, stem and leaves in higher plants, manufacture the food necessary for the life of the plant, while certain other more or less specialized organs or cells carry on the work of reproduction. In the lower plants, however, the whole structure is much simpler, and in some instances a cell which performs the work of a nutritive cell at one stage may become a reproductive cell at another, or, as in the case of the unicellular Algae, all the various functions of the plant may be carried on by a single cell. Generally speaking, there are two principal ways in which plants are multiplied or reproduced : ( i ) By CELL DIVISION or cell fission, and (2) by the formation of special cells known as SPORES. In cell division (Fig. 85) the nucleus and cytoplasm of a cell divide to form two new cells or protoplasts, which become distinct by the formation of a wall or cell-plate between the two halves. All growth in plants is dependent upon this method, and in growing parts the cells are said to be in a state of division. Owing to the plasticity of the plant organism, detached portions will often grow and give rise to new plants, as in the case of cut- tings. Growth here as in the parent plant is accompanied by cell division. In some of the lower Algae (Fig. 10) cell division is the only method of propagation, and as only the ordinary vegetative or 4 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. nutritive cells of the plant are involved in the process it is some- times spoken of as vegetative multiplication. In both lower and higher plants, with the exceptions just noted, reproduction is also carried on by means of spores. FIG. 5. Ulothrix zonata. A, young filament with rhizoid cell (r); B, piece of filament showing escape of swarm spores; C, a swarm spore or zoospore with 4 cilia; D, biciliate gametes escaping from a filament; E, F, G, showing different stages of union of two gametes; H, young zygote or zygospore in which the cilia have been absorbed; J, i-celled plant developed from zygote; K, young plant organizing zoospores. After Dodel-Port. Depending upon their origin two classes of spores are distin- guished, namely, (a) asexual spores, and (b) sexual spores. In ,the production of asexual spores the contents of a certain cell called a mother cell or SPORANGIUM break up into a number of new cells sometimes called daughter cells, which escape through the cell-wall. In the lower plants, particularly those growing PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 5 in water or in moist places, these cells are provided with short thread-like appendages known as cilia, which enable them to move about in the water. They are known as ZOOSPORES or swarm spores (Fig. 5, B, C), and each individual zoospore is able to produce a new plant. The number of zoospores formed in a sporangium is usually 2 to 8, as in Ulothrix, but the number may be larger. The method of cell formation which gives rise to zoospores is sometimes spoken of as INTERNAL DIVISION from the fact that they arise within the old cell and retain no relation to the old wall as is the case in cell fission. The zoospores are at first naked protoplasts, but later, on coming to rest, may form a wall. Sexual spores, on the other hand, are formed by the union of two cells known as GAMETES. When the gametes are similar the resulting spore is known as a ZYGOSPORE or zygote (Fig. 5, E, F, G). When the gametes are unlike, the spore produced by their union is known as an OOSPORE. In the latter case one of the gametes is larger than the other, is less active, and is spoken of as the female gamete, oosphere, or egg (Figs. 12, 21). The other more active cell is known as the male gamete, antherozoid or sperm (Fig. 51, ///). The cell giving rise to the oosphere is known as the oogonium (Figs. 12, 21), while the one in which the anthero- zoid or sperm originates is called the antheridium (Figs. 12, '21, 22, 51). PLANT GROUPS. Until a comparatively recent time, botanists divided the plant kingdom into two large groups, as follows : The flowering plants, or Phanerogams, meaning " reproductive process evident," so applied because the reproduction of the plant was readily seen to develop in the flower through the agency of the pistil and stamens. The non-flowering plants, or Cryptogams, meaning " repro- ductive process concealed," so applied to the lower plants like the ferns, mosses, sea-weeds, etc., because in these plants the method of reproduction was not known. Now, however, after a considerable amount of study, it has been learned that a great many of the lower plants have repro- 6 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. ductive organs which are analogous, even if they are not exactly similar, to those of the flowering plants. Consequently the former classification is no longer applicable, and the following arrange- ment is now generally adopted : Thallophytes ....... I Fungi Archegoniates ...... ( B ryophytes ( Pteridophytes. Spermophytes ...... j Gymnosperms ( Angiosperms In our study of these groups we shall see that in passing from the Thallophytes through the various groups to the Angio- sperms we pass from very simple forms to those which are quite complex. THALLOPHYTES. General Characteristics. This group comprises those plants which are simplest in form and structure. They are supposed also to represent more or less primitive types. In these the plant body does not show a differentiation into root, stem, and leaf, as in the higher plants, and is termed a thallus, the word thallus meaning a " mass " of cells. The cells making up a thallus are all alike and are not differentiated for special functions. How- ever, it must not be thought that every Thallophyte is charac- terized in this way. Many of the Thallophytes have cells or groups of cells which become specialized, i.e., set apart for a particular function, as for example the reproductive cells. We see, therefore, that the word Thallophyte is a general term and is applied to many plants which are not thallus-bearing, but which are really closely related to the simpler forms to which the word Thallophyte is strictly applicable. When made up of a mass of cells they may branch in various ways, but the essential structure remains more or less uniform throughout. The Thallophytes vary in size and general appearance from minute, unicellular organisms to those which are filamentous and delicately branched, and even becoming leaf-like structures, attaining a length in some of the marine algae of a thousand feet PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 7 and even more. Some of these are more or less complicated in structure. The Thallophytes are subdivided into two important groups, as follows: The Algae, plants producing chlorophyll or green cell-contents, and hence capable of manufacturing food from the inorganic substances air and water. The Fungi, plants not producing chlorophyll, and hence not capable of forming their own food, but living upon dead or living matter. Before considering the Algae proper we will consider two groups which are very simple in structure and whose method of reproduction as well as life history is also very simple; namely, the Blue-green Algae and the Bacteria. The Blue-green Algae are ordinarily classified with the Algae, and the Bacteria are very often grouped with the Fungi. Owing to certain resemblances between these two groups it is convenient to arrange them to- gether under the name Schizophytes, or fission plants. SCHIZOPHYTES. Characteristics. The name Schizophyta means " fission plants," and is applied to this group because the reproduction is chiefly by means of the division of the cells, which may occur either at the middle of the cell and in one direction, in which case a series of connected cells are formed, or in two or three directions, giving rise to spherical aggregates or colonies. They do not usually contain chromatophores, and the coloring sub- stance, when present, is either uniformly distributed throughout the cell or occurs on the external surface of the protoplasmic content. There are two chief groups: the one corresponds to Algae, and, while they do not contain a simple green substance, they are for the most part of a blue-green color, although they may assume various shades of orange, yellow, and brown, even appearing chocolate or purplish-red at times. The second group, correspond- ing to the Fungi, comprises the Bacteria or Schizomycetes, which are distinguished for the most part by being nearly colorless and only occasionally of a reddish or green color. 8 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. SCHIZOPHYCE^;, OR FISSION ALG^E. This group of plants, also known as Cyanophyceee or Blue-green Algae (Fig. 6), are generally found in more or less stagnant water and are charac- terized by having associated with the chlorophyll a definite blue- green principle known as phycocyanin. However, many of these Algae contain other pigments in such quantity as to give them dis- tinct colors much like those found in the red and brown Algae, such as Trichodesmium, a filamentous Alga giving the Red Sea its char- acteristic appearance. Some of these live at the highest tempera- ture known to support life ; some developing, as Gloeocapsa, on the sides of the geysers in the Yellowstone Park. These forms have very wide habits, some living, as Stigonema, in symbiosis with fungi ; some, as Nostoc, are endophytic in habit, living in the de- pressions of various plants, and others, as Mastigocoleus, boring into shells. They are found mostly in fresh water, and some, as Uroglena, cause considerable trouble in public water supplies by reason of their breaking down the cell-wall and the liberation of a fetid oily substance. While these plants do not produce true spores, yet they are able to tide themselves over adverse conditions by producing rest- ing bodies through the formation of a thicker membrane and a more concentrated cell-content. In this condition they are able to hold over for several years and then grow when the conditions of temperature, nutrition, etc., are suitable for their germination. As a rule, they grow best in shallow, stagnant water with the rela- tively high temperature of the summer months. When public water supplies are polluted by these blue-green Algae it has been found that the Algae are completely destroyed by the addition of a very small amount of copper sulphate to the reservoir. As small a quantity as one part per million is sufficient to accomplish this result, not only killing the troublesome organisms, but pre- venting their development for some months to come. A few of the common forms will be considered. Gloeocapsa is one of the simplest of the Blue-green Algae (Fig. 6), consisting of spheroidal cells from 0.0035 to 0.005 mr n. in diameter, of a yellowish or brownish-yellow color, and usually embedded in groups of two or some multiple of four in an olive- PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. A mass of cells after numer- ous divisions, all surrounded by a mucilaginous envelope. GLOEOCAPSA. Single cell just after division. The two daughter cells re- tained in a gelatinous mass. Diameter about 4 microns. A single colony. Diameter of colonies varying Single cell showing from 40 to 290 microns. spiral chromatophore. Length, 14 to 18 mi- UROGLENA * Heterocyst which divides the filament into smaller filament*. Thick-walled resting cellt. Filamentous colonies coiled within the masses of jelly Spherical gelatinous masses as found floating in /ponds. About twice natural size. Part of a single filament Diameter, 4 to 12 microns. u OSCILLATORIA Diameter of filaments, 5 to 50 microns. Decaying cell unctioning as a heterocyst. Filaments, about 10 to 60 in diameter. LYNGBYA FIG. 6. Forms of Cyanophyceae or Blue-Green Algae. Adapted from Engler and Prantl and Somewhat modified by Lobeck. io A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. brown gelatinous stratum, this arrangement due to the cell divid- ing in all directions. They occur on moist earth, stones, wharf pilings, and even on window panes of greenhouses, thus being distributed in both fresh- and salt-water regions. They some- times form a kind of crustaceous stratum, and sometimes soft, slimy masses sufficiently abundant that they can be stripped by the handful from dripping, partially shaded rocks. Owing to the variation in color and general habit of the plant a great many species have been described, but up to the present time about 60 have been sharply distinguished. Oscillatoria, formerly known as Oscillaria, is the name applied to a simple filamentous blue-green alga (Fig. 6) that is char- acterized by movement from side to side as in a pendulum, due, as has been suggested, to the movement of spiral masses of proto- plasm extending from cell to cell. These filaments consist of a series of disk-shaped cells like a pile of coins placed side by side, the end cell being rounded off and more or less convex. The con- tents are made up of a finely granular substance differentiated into two areas, a dark central nuclear portion, and a peripheral holding the pigment, which may vary from a bluish-green to dark olive-green or even red sufficiently intense to give the water a red color. The filaments vary from o.ooi to 0.005 mm. in diame- ter, though they may attain a size of 0.050 mm. Oscillatoria is usually found on wet, marshy grounds, in ditches among decayed vegetable matter, on wood subject to hot waste from steam engines, around pumps and cisterns, and in greenhouses. It occurs in fresh and salt water. Lyngbya somewhat resembles Oscillatoria, but does not show any oscillations and the filaments are each provided with a dis- tinct sheath (Fig. 6). It forms late in the summer in large tufts. It is of a bluish-green color, forms long filaments, occurring in the late summer upon Zostera and other Algae. The groups are large and characteristic and have been given the common name Mermaid's Hair. The cells are about 0.030 mm. in diameter. Uroglena is a form which is more or less oval or pear-shaped, about 0.014 to 0.018 mm. in length, and extended into a stalk below, the upper end being provided with two unequal cilia (Fig. 6). The wall secretes a large amount of mucilage. The organisms PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. n arrange themselves in a radiating sphere, with the cilia at the periphery. Each cell of the colony contains a more or less spiral, yellowish chromatophore, bearing a reddish spot at one end, a nucleus at the centre, and a few vacuoles. The cells secrete a large quantity of oil, which is of an unpleasant, fish-like odor, and is due either to the decay or breaking up of the cells by mechanical means. This breaking up of the cells is the cause of the disagree- able odor occasionally found in public water supplies. Uroglena is found in New England and has been reported as far west as Indiana, and is probably rather widely distributed in the United States. It seems to thrive best in cold temperatures, usually occurring in greatest numbers when the water is frozen over. It multiplies by cell division, which takes place when the colony becomes rather large. It also produces resting spores which enable the organism to survive conditions which would otherwise exterminate it. A closely related organism, Synura, is responsible for the ripe cucumber odor which was formerly thought to be caused by fresh- water sponges'. Nostoc, a form occurring in filaments like a string of pearls, is made up of spherical or elliptical cells, the whole being surrounded by a thick, mucilaginous membrane (Fig. 6). Usually one finds a number of these filaments growing together in a mass which can be seen by the naked eye floating in the water. These masses vary from globular to sub-globular, are irregularly divided or occur in definitely expanded groups. These forms are marked by having two kinds of cells, the one filled with a granular proto- plasmic content, the other being free from protoplasm and some- what larger than the other cells. These latter are fewer in number and are called " heterocysts," which means simply " other cells." At these latter cells the filaments separate, and thus many new colonies are formed. Nostoc is mostly of an olive-green color, but may be dark bluish-green, dark brown, or light yellow or even colorless. It occurs mostly in fresh-water ponds, seldom in brackish water, being found on damp rocks, on mosses and more or less submerged plants, and variously in limestone springs or wet calcareous rocks or on aluminous soil. The colonies vary greatly in size and color, and while some of them may be of microscopic 12 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. size at one period, later they may be as large as peas or cherries. Owing to their variation in appearance in different seasons various names have been given to the same form by different investigators. They are also associated with lichens. According to systematists, the forms of Nostoc are arranged according to their aquatic or terrestrial habits. SCHIZOMYCETES, OR BACTERIA. The Bacteria, or Fission Fungi, occupy rather an anomalous position, some writers classifying them with Fungi and some with Algae. They are i- celled plants, microscopic in size, and of various shape. The con- tents consist of protoplasm and a central body in some cases, which is looked upon as a rudimentary nucleus. They are more or less colorless, but sometimes produce a distinct pigment called bacterio- purpurin which is rose-red or violet, and occasionally a chlorophyll- green color substance. They are capable of multiplying by division in one, two, or three directions, and under favorable conditions in- crease very rapidly in number. The wall is more or less albumin- ous in character, in this "respect resembling the wall of the animal cell, and is provided with one or more cilia, or flagella, the number and position of which have been used as a basis of classification. Sometimes the walls of the Cells become mucilaginous, so that the ,bacteria hold together, forming a mass known as a zoogloea. Bacteria may form resting spores which arise in two ways. In one case the contents round off and take on a membrane forming a so-called ENDOSPORE ; in the other case the plant body is trans- formed directly into a spore known as an ARTHROSPORE, as in some of the Blue-green Algae. This body is not strictly a spore, but is in the nature of a resting cell (Fig. 7). Two classes of bacteria are frequently distinguished, as follows : Aerobic, or those which require oxygen for their development and conse- quently grow best when they have access to air or oxygen; and anaerobic, or those whose development is accelerated under re- verse conditions, as in underlying tissues or in the interior of cultures. Occurrence. Bacteria occur everywhere in nature, and play a most important part in decay and putrefaction, in that they change dead animal and plant tissues back again into simple inor- ganic substances, as carbon dioxide, hydrogen, water, ammonia, PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 13 etc. They serve a useful purpose in many technical operations, as in the making of cheese, acetic acid, fermentation of tobacco, curing of vanilla and many vegetable drugs, and in soil nitrification, helping to change ammonia into nitrates one of the sources of the nitrogen used by plants. Many of them are disease-producing, or pathogenic, and are the cause of a number of infectious dis- eases in man and the lower animals, and plants as well. They are FIG. 7. Bacillus subtilis (hay bacillus), a, Small rod-like organisms such as are found in an infusion of hay, or bouillon; b, zoogloea or mass of bacilli forming the "skin" on the surface of infusions; c, chains of organisms forming spores; d, individual bacilli showing flagella, which are only seen after staining. After Migula. injurious in two ways : in one case they consume the tissues of the host, as in tuberculosis, and in the other they produce powerful poisonous substances, or toxins, as in diphtheria. Glasses of Bacteria. In order to study Bacteria they are grown upon nutrient media, such as sterile bouillon, potato, milk, etc. They are divided into a number of classes, depending for the most part on the shape of the cell: (i) The Sphserobacteria, or Cocci, are those whose cells are spherical or spheroid, and in I 4 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. which division takes place in one, two, or three directions of space. Very few of this group are provided with cilia. According to the number of cells in a colony they are distinguished as Micrococci, Diplococci, etc. (2) Bacteria proper are elongated, rod-shaped organisms in which division occurs in only one direction, namely, transversely to the long axis, and only after a preliminary elon- gation of the bacterium. The Bacteria are subdivided into two important groups, namely, Bacterium and Bacillus. The Bacilli are motile organisms and produce endospores (Fig. 7), whereas the Bacteria are non-motile and do not usually produce endospores. (3) Spiral bacteria constitute the third principal group and are characterized by the cells being spirally coiled. Division is in only one direction. These bacteria are usually motile, and seldom produce endospores. (4) There is another important group which includes the Sulphur Bacteria, of which the most common one is Beggiatoa. These occur in long threads, and move in an undulating manner much like Oscillaria, one of the Blue-green Algae. They are found in sulphur waters, as in sulphur springs, and contain sulphur granules. Bacteriological Technique. Principally because of the minuteness in size of micro-organisms a different technique is required in their study from that required in the study of the higher plants. In the first place it is difficult to isolate them so as to be able to study individual forms. Another difficulty is to prevent contamination after they are isolated. And even though a pure culture is obtained it is difficult on purely morpho- logical grounds to differentiate the various forms, as they are all so much alike. I. While it is comparatively easy to prepare a sterile solution, that is, one in which all life is absent, it is very difficult to prevent subsequent contamination under ordinary conditions. Even when a cork- or glass-stoppered bottle for keeping liquids is used it is difficult to prevent the entrance into and development of micro- organisms in the liquids. The use of stoppers consisting of plugs of absorbent cotton was first suggested by Schroeder and von Dusch in 1854. They found that if flasks containing liquids, which under ordinary conditions were likely to decompose, as beef broth, etc., were stoppered with plugs of absorbent cotton PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 15 and the liquid then boiled for some time it would keep indefinitely.' II. It remained for Koch and Pasteur to show what took place in the boiling of the liquid, who at the same time developed the principles of sterilization in bacteriological work. These authors discovered that micro-organisms have two stages of de- velopment, one of which is active and the other resting, the latter being known as the egg or spore condition. They found that the organisms in the active condition were completely destroyed on heating the solution containing them for 30 minutes at 100 C. If this solution was allowed to stand for 24 hours or longer there would be evidences of decomposition, which was due to the fact that the spores representing the resting stage of the organ- isms were unaffected by the first heating and developed into the active stage. As a result of further experiments they found that if the solution were heated on the second day for 30 minutes at a temperature of 100 C. the second growth of organ- isms was destroyed, but it was found that the solution might still undergo decomposition in the course of time, owing to the later development of a few remaining spores. It was, however, found that heating the liquid again on the third day was sufficient to kill all of the spores as well as the organisms in the active stage. By repeating these experiments the authors confirmed theii observations and established the process known as discontinuous sterilization, which simply means that if a solution of a putrescent or fermentative substance is heated on three consecutive days for 30 minutes at a temperature of 100 C., the flask or bottle being stoppered with absorbent cotton, it will keep indefinitely. Instead of using a plug of absorbent cotton the neck of the flask can be drawn out into a narrow tube and directed downwards (see Re- agents). The time required for producing a sterile solution, that is, one free from micro-organisms or their spores, can, however, be much reduced by increasing the temperature, or pressure, or both. By use of the autoclave, in which the pressure can be increased from 10 to 20 pounds, sterilization can be accomplished in 30 minutes by using a temperature of 110 C. III. As already indicated, one of the greatest difficulties is to isolate the organisms. In a cubic centimetre of water there 16 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. may be a million organisms representing various groups of bac- teria. In trying to solve the problem of their separation it occurred to Koch that if he could secure a medium which was solid at the ordinary temperature and liquid at a slightly higher temperature, he could mix a certain quantity of liquid containing micro-organisms with the medium in a sterile condition, and then by solidifying the mixture the organisms would be fixed, and thus from each organism a colony would be developed which could be isolated and further studied. We are indebted to Koch for the use of solid culture media like nutrient gelatin and nutrient agar in the study of these organisms. IV. The application of stains for differentiating the various organisms was introduced by Weigert in 1877. Staining is of use in the determination of the number of flagella of certain organisms, in the study of spores, and the identification of certain pathogenic organisms, which occur in mucus and pus, as tubercle bacilli, etc. Gram's method of staining is of great use in differentiating many pathogenic as well as non-pathogenic organisms, and is of importance in classifying bacteria. ALG.E. Characteristics. Algae are characterized by their habit of living in water or in moist places. They vary from simple, i -celled microscopic forms to those of great size like the sea-weeds. In the various types, however, the cells show little variation in shape. All the Algae contain more or less of a green coloring matter, even though it may be concealed by other pigments of a blue (as in Schizophyta), brown, or reddish color. The possession of this green cell-content or chlorophyll enables the Algae, in the presence of sunlight, to manufacture food substances from simple materials like carbon dioxide and water. The occurrence of chlorophyll can be readily demonstrated by extracting it with 95 per cent, alcohol. Even in the most delicate of the red Algae it can be shown by placing the fresh material in a strong solution of common salt and afterwards extracting the chlorophyll with alcohol, the other pigments being unaffected. Algae are sometimes grouped as Fresh- Water Algae, includ- PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 17 ing most of the Green Algae, and the Marine Algae or Sea-weeds, including most of the brown and red forms. Algae are classified in three natural groups, not only on account of color differences, but because of certain corresponding struct- ural relationships, thus : Chlorophyceae (Green Algae). Phaeophyceae (Brown Algae). Rhodophyceae (Red Algae). Arranging the Algae in this way provides the simplest classi- fication. But in addition to these groups there is another some what isolated group that will be taken up first before the Chloro- phyceae, namely, the Conjugatae. These are Green Algae con- sisting of either single cells or a chain of cells united into threads and further characterized by dividing always in the one direction so that a filament results. They furthermore do not produce zoospores, but produce zygospores as a result of a union of two similar or only slightly different cells. After a period of rest they break from the outer membrane and develop directly into new vegetable cells. To this class the Desmids and Spirogyra belong. The Desmids are unicellular Algae, varying from torpedo- shaped to variously branched forms, occurring even in chains. The protoplast is usually separated at or near the middle, where the nucleus is located, dividing the cell into two symmetrical por- tions (Fig. 8, E). In the protoplast is a more or less complex chromatophore, through the center of which are distributed a number of globular pyrenoids. The latter are distinct structures embedded in the chromatophores of Green Algae and consist of a central protein substance surrounded by a number of starch grains, and, therefore, give a purple reaction with iodine. Owing to the fact that the Desmids are motile they were formerly con- sidered to be members of the animal kingdom. The movement is slow and steady and largely influenced by the light. There is also a circulatory movement frequently observed in the contents of active living material. In addition, there is almost always observ- able at the ends a well-defined spherical vacuole containing numerous small crystals of calcium sulphate which exhibit a dancing movement due to surface tension and is known as molec- iS A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. ular or Brownian movement. Reproduction is either by simple division or by the union of two Desmids. In the latter case the contents of each flow together into a connecting tube formed by the union of the two Desmids, the resultant mass rounding off to form a zygospore. FIG. 8. Forms of Desmids in longitudinal view and transverse section. A, Meso- tcenium Braunii; B, Ancylonema Nordenskioldii; C, Penium digitus; D, Cylindrocystis crassa; E, Closterium moniliferum; F, Spirotcenia muscicola; G, Pleurotcenium trabecula; H, a Docid- ium baculum; Ha', D. dilatatum. From Wille in Engler and Piantl's "Die Naturlichen Pflanzenfamilien." Spirogyra. Another one of the common Green Algae is Spirogyra (Fig. 9), one of the pond-scums, which in the spring forms floating green masses on ponds and shallow water. The plant-body consists of a chain of cylindrical cells forming long threads or filaments. The transverse walls are sometimes pecu- liarly thickened. The chromatophores occur in one or more spiral PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 19 bands (Fig. 9, //), which extend from one end of the cell to the other. In these bands are embedded protein bodies known as pyrenoids. The nucleus lies in the centre of the cell and is con- nected with the cytoplasmic layer lining the walls of the cell by delicate threads of cytoplasm. Spirogyra may be propagated vegetatively by one or more cells of a filament breaking off and forming new individuals by FIG. 9. II. Spirogyra stictica, showing parts of two filaments with band-like chroma- tophores (chloroplasts), in which are embedded spherical pyrenoids. Nuclei are shown in some of the cells with delicate threads of cytoplasm radiating from them. Two of the cells (a, a) of the adjoining filaments (A, B) are beginning conjugation. I, 5. Heeriana, showing different stages of conjugation. In the upper cells, the contents have rounded off previous to the rupture of the adjoining walls of the two filaments. The two middle cells show the contents passing from one cell into the opposite cell. In the lower cell to the right the zygospore is shown. After De Bary. cell division. The plant is also reproduced by means of zygo- spores, as follows: The cells of two adjoining filaments each send out processes (Fig. 9, //, a, a), which meet; the end walls are absorbed, forming a tube through which the contents from one cell pass over into the other (Fig. 9, /) ; the contents of the two cells then fuse, after which the mass becomes surrounded by a cellulose wall. The spore thus formed may remain dormant over winter, and the following spring germinate and form a new Spyro- 20 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. gyra filament or plant. This method of reproduction is known as CONJUGATION, and the zygospore is called a resting spore. It should be explained that certain cells, as well as spores, may lie dormant for a period, as during the winter season or at other times, when the conditions are unfavorable to growth, and then renew their activities, these being known as " resting cells." CHLOROPHYCE^. The Chlorophyceae, or Green Algae, are dis- tinguished by usually having a green color, due to chlorophyll, and by having no other pigment. The cells contain one or more nuclei. They are either unicellular or made up of many cells forming fila- ments or flat sheets. They occur either singly as simple cells or in groups representing a single individual or a colony. They are found mostly in fresh or salt water, usually being microscopic in size so as not to be noticed, but often attracting attention when they occur in sufficient quantity to form a scum on the surface. The reproduction is mostly by ciliated cells called zoospores or swarm spores. Reproduction also takes place by the union of the zoospores and through the fertilization of egg cells. The sexual spore resulting from this union of like cells (forming a zygospore) or of unlike cells (forming an oospore) seldom develops immediately, but usually undergoes a resting period be- fore growth is continued Protococcus. One of the commonest of the Green Algae as well as one of the simplest is Protococcus (Pleurococcus) vul- garis (Fig. 10). It occurs as a green coating, in both winter and summer, on the moist bark of trees, moist ground, and stone walls, and is a component of some lichens. The plant is i- celled, more or less spherical, and at one stage contains a number of chlorophyll grains which finally unite to form a single plate which lies against the wall and is known as a CHROMATOPHORE. Besides it contains a considerable amount of oil. An allied species (Protococcus viridis) contains the sugar erythrite. The plant usually reproduces by simple division, that is, one cell or plant divides to form two. The divisions may continue by the production of another cross wall, so that four cells result. Under favorable conditions, division may take place by the formation of still another wall at right angles to the other two. In this way two, four and finally eight individuals arise which adhere PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 21 more or less to one another, thus forming colonies. The number of individuals in a colony depends upon the number of indi- viduals in the colony when division begins and the extent to which division is carried. Thus if there were four cells in a colony to begin with and division took place in three planes, there would be thirty- two cells in the colony at the end of the period. The development of the green coating on the barks of trees, due to the growth of Protococcus and the protonema of mosses, is usually thought to be more pronounced on the north side. This, however, is a slightly false notion. The fact which determines the position of these plants is the quantity of moisture available. The south and southwest sides of trees in the northern hemisphere are exposed to more light and heat and consequently are apt to be drier, with the result that they are rarely covered with coatings of FIG. 10. Protococcus vulgaris. Different stages of division of the cell. After Wille. Protococcus and mosses. The under side of slanting trees is a very favorable place, as are also the lower slanting surfaces near the ground of large upright trees, because in these places the water is more likely to be conserved. A careful investigation by Kraemer showed a more abundant growth of green plants on the east and southeast exposure, although the north side of many trees showed good growth also. Volvox occurs widely distributed throughout the United States in ponds and pools of fresh water. It is most abundant in warm weather, but also found in midwinter. It appears as a minute spherical colony about y 2 mm. in diameter, made up of numerous cells, the number ranging from several hundred to many thousand (Fig. 11). The cells at the periphery are pro- vided with cilia, so that the colony rolls slowly through the water. Each cell contains a chloroplastid in which starch granules and often a red pigment spot are present. The asexual reproduc- 22 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. tion is through the formation of daughter colonies within the mother colony, and these after a time develop motile cells like the parent, which swim about and finally escape. A sexual method of reproduction also occurs in which there is a union of cells within the spheres, the resulting cells after germination forming swarm spores that cling together to form a new colony. Hydrodictyon, or Water Net, is a form often very abundant in sluggish and stagnant waters. It consists of a number of cells forming a net, the meshes of which are usually hexagonal or pentagonal in shape, depending on the number of cells outlining them (Fig. n). The cells are all alike, cylindrical in form, attaining sometimes a length of i cm., and usually contain a number of nuclei. The green chromatophore occurs in. a plate at the periphery of the cell and usually contains numerous pyrenoids. The asexual reproduction is by means of zoospores which are formed simultaneously in large numbers, sometimes number- ing many thousands in each cell. These ' zoospores as formed inside of the mother cell show more or less definite movement and arrange themselves finally to form a new net. The sexual reproduction is characterized by several stages, (i) Some of the zoospores are liberated through a pore in the cell- wall of the mother cell and after swimming around for some time pairs of them unite, forming zygospores. (2) After a resting period each zygospore develops 2 to 5 zoospores, which escape into the water and develop into irregular, sharp-angled cells, called polyhedra, which persist through the winter. (3) When these polyhedra develop, small zoospores are again formed, and these arrange themselves to form a net inside of the polyhedron, which then escapes and increases in size. Vaucheria (Fig. 12) is another common green alga which may also be selected as showing the habits of this group of plants. The plant has a branching thallus and lives in shallow water or on moist earth, being attached to the substratum by means of delicate root-like processes sometimes spoken of as rhizoids (Fig. 12, w). In the thin layer of protoplasm lying near the wall are numerous nuclei and small oval chromatophores. PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. Single polyhedron. Net developing inside of polyliedro OEDOGONIUM. Three stages in sexual reproduction. HYDRODICTYOX ULVA Mature Colony Diameter 2 mm. A. Egg cell, before fertilization. B. Oospore. C. Daughter colony VOL VOX FIG. II. Forms of Chlorophyceas or Green Algae. All adapted from Engler and Prantl except Ulva. Drawn by A. K. Lobeck. 24 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Numerous oil globules are also found in the protoplasm, and cal- cium oxalate crystals may occur in the 'cell-sap. Vaucheria furnishes an example of a plant whose interior is not segmented by cell-walls. In other words, the cavity within the outer or enclosing membrane is continuous, and such a plant is said to be coenocytic, i.e., like a syphon. But it should be borne in mind that the plant contains a great many nuclei, and, as we have seen (page 2), a nucleus with its associated cytoplasm FlG. 12. Vaucheria sessilis. A, sporangium from which the multiciliate zoospore is escaping; B, resting zoospore; C, D, germinating zoospores with growing point (s); E, plant showing root-like organ of attachment (w), spore from which the plant is developing (sp); F, showing in addition two oogonia (og) and an antheridium (h). After Sachs. constitutes a unit of work. Hence such a plant as Vaucheria is in a certain sense equivalent to a plant having as many uninucleate cells as it has nuclei. It would probably be better to call such a plant multinucleate rather than unicellular. Reproduction by means of asexual spores is brought about as follows (Fig. 12, A) : A cross wall is formed near the end of one of the branches, the end portion constituting a sporangium. The contents, including numerous nuclei, group themselves into one large zoospore, which escapes through an opening in the sporan- PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 25 gial wall, and after swimming about for a time comes to rest and germinates, giving rise to a new plant (Fig. 12, C, D). This large zoospore is multinucleate and multiciliate, there being two cilia for each nucleus, and by some botanists is considered to be an aggregation of numerous biciliate zoospores. It is also of interest to note that the zoospores of Vaucheria appear to arise by a grouping of the cytoplasm and the nuclei already existing in the sporangium rather than by repeated divisions of a single nucleus. Another method of reproduction in Vaucheria (Fig. 12, F) is that by means of oospores, or spores formed by the union of egg and sperm cells. Two special branches are formed on the thallus as short side shoots. One of these branches, known as the oogonium (Fig. 12, og), is somewhat egg-shaped and sepa- rated from the thallus by means of a cross wall. It contains a great many chromatophores and considerable oil, and has a com- paratively thick wall. The apex is somewhat beaked and con- tains colorless protoplasm. The second branch, which is known as an antheridium (Fig. 12, h), is smaller, somewhat cylindrical and curved towards the oogonium. It is also cut off from the thallus by means of a cross wall. The antheridium contains very little chlorophyll, but a great many sperm cells. These are oval or egg-shaped and have two cilia, one at each end. The sperms escape from the apex of the antheridium and enter an opening at the apex of the oogonium, one of them uniting with the egg cell, which then develops a thick membrane, the resulting oospore being a resting spore. Ulva, or Sea Lettuce, is a common form found all over the world, especially in brackish waters. In its usual form it consists of flat, thin, unbranched fronds which are more or less ovate or orbicular in outline and frequently deeply incised, sometimes be- coming linear or even ribbon-shaped (Fig. n). The fronds con- sist of two layers of cells, which are either in close contact with each other or else at maturity separate so as to form a tubular frond. It sometimes occurs in large quantities in the shallow water along our coast, and is conspicuously disagreeable by its resemblance in shape to the swollen intestines of some animal. CEdogonium is a filamentous alga occurring usually in simple ( unbranched filaments and attached by a disk-like cell or hold- 26 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. fast (Fig. II,). It occurs in meadow pools or ponds, frequently in streams attached to rocks near rapids. The cells are somewhat elongated and contain a large, irregular chromatophore with pyrenoids. Most of the cells are vegetative cells, interspersed among which are the cells producing the spores. Zoospores are produced singly in the cells and are provided with cilia at one end. After swimming about for some time they attach themselves at this ciliated end to a substratum and develop into filaments. Two other types of cells are formed and which give rise either to oogonia, the female organ containing a large egg cell, or to antheridia, the male organ containing many sperms. The union of a sperm with an egg cell produces an oospore with a very thick wall, capable of over-wintering and developing again when con- ditions are favorable. THE CHARACE/E, or Stoneworts, is a highly differentiated group that is considered as a distinct class between the Chloro- phycese and the Phseophycese. They stand so entirely by them- selves that many authorities do not consider them as even Algae. They consist of jointed stems, from the nodes of which whorls of from 4 to 10 leaves are developed, and these bear the sexual organs (Fig. 13). In many of the members of this family the cell- wall is incrusted with lime salts. Chara occurs in great masses in the bottom of ponds and shallow lakes. It occurs in sufficient quantity in many places so that the body of water has a distinct orange color, due to the immense numbers of antheridia. The plant is of such luxuriant growth that if single individuals are kept in an aquarium or large glass vessel it will greatly multiply during the winter and persist for many years. In ponds where Chara occurs large quantities of lime are deposited, so that in ancient deposits now exposed to view one often finds imbedded therein the remains of the spore-fruits. In the long cells or internodes there is a large vacuole and a thin layer of protoplasm containing a central nucleus and a large number of oval or lens-shaped chromatophores. In some forms, especially in Nitella, the inner protoplasmic layer shows a streaming movement. This is very interesting, as a distinct streaming movement does not occur in most plants and is limited to a few water plants, the staminal hairs of Tradescantia, the leaf PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 27 hairs of Cucurbita and Urtica and the hyphse or Rhizopus, etc. This streaming movement in plants like Characeae, as pointed out by Pfeffer (Physiology of Plants), has in most cases a definite purpose. It is, in any case, always possible that the streaming movement may be an accessory but unavoidable accompaniment of some other form of vital activity. In Chara and Nitella the FIG. 13. Stonewort or Chara. At left showing the habit of the plant with minute reproductive organs on the leaves. At right enlarged view of reproductive organs. A, mature organs showing (a) antheridium, (S) oogonium surmounted at the top by a crown of cells (c); b, stem of plant; /3', /3", whorl of leaves, some of which have been removed, as at /3; B, a young antheridium (a), with young oogonium (SK), together with the adjoining cells of the stem; the whorl of leaves not represented. A, after Wille; B, after Sachs. streaming endoplasm (inner layer of protoplasm) does not cover more than 2 to 3 mm. per minute. The activity of the streaming is influenced by sunlight, oxygen, acids, chloroforn^ etc. Two kinds of protoplasmic streaming are recognized : ( i ) in which the movement is confined to the layer enclosing the central vacuole, that is known as " rotation," and (2) in which the streaming follows more or less irregular paths up and down the strands of protoplasm, crossing the latter, which is called " circulation." 28 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Vegetative reproduction is much like that of the higher plants, through the production of root- tubers or bulbils, stem bulbils, and through special branches arising at the nodes. The bulbils are filled with starch and are capable of over- wintering. The sexual mode of reproduction is through the activity of oogonia producing oospores, and antheridia producing antherozoids or sperms. These are adjacent to each other at the nodes, the oogonium forming a central elliptical cell which is surrounded by a crown of cells through which fertilization takes place (Fig. 13). PH^OPHYCEvE. The Phseophyceae, or Brown Algae, are dis- tinguished by having brown chromatophores. They are mostly found in the colder waters of the ocean, and are either free or attached to a substratum. They vary in size from microscopic organisms to delicate filamentous or cord-like forms, and may be- come of enormous size. Some are called rock-weeds and give the characteristic color to the rocks between low- and high-tide marks. Others are known as " kelps," and these grow near the low-water mark. They vary in color from an olive-green to a brown. The chlorophyll may be extracted by alcohol, leaving the other pig- ments, phycoxanthin and phycophaein. Many of these Algae are rich in iodine, being one of the sources of this element. They also contain large quantities of sodium, and were used at one time in the manufacture of sodium, and have been used to fertilize the soil in parts of Europe as well as in New England. They are more complex in form than the Green Algae, and are distinguished by having hold-fasts which, while not in the nature of true roots, yet serve to hold the plant. They may also develop stems and bear leaf-like structures of many varied forms. Others also develop swollen bladders which contain oxygen and which serve to buoy up the plant. Fucus, or Bladder Wrack, is one of the common rock-weeds (Fig. 14, B). It grows near the surface of the water, attached to rocks, and produces a regularly dichotomously branching thallus. Some of the forms in the upper branches produce air bladders which are spherical or slightly elongated and usually in pairs. The margins of the branches are either entire or somewhat serrate. The tips of older branches become more or less swollen and are termed receptacles. They are dotted over with minute PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 29 cavities, called conceptacles, and these contain the reproductive organs. These consist of oogonia and antheridia, which may be FIG. 14. Some common marine algae. A. Laminaria, showing portions of three leaf- like thalli and hold-fast; B, dichotomously branching thallus of Fucus; C, Sargassum, or "gulf weed," showing a thallus resembling a leafy branch, with swollen, berry-like air bladders, which act as floats; D, Dasya, a delicate branching filamentous sea-weed, attached to a blade of eel-grass; E, dichotomously branching thallus of Chondrus, or Irish moss; F, leaf-like thallus of Grinnellia; G, densely, but delicately branched thallus of Polysiphonia. A, B, C are Brown Algae and D, E, F, G are Red Algas. present on the same or on different plants. The egg cells and the sperm cells escape into the sea-water, and after their union an 30 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. oospore results, which, upon finding a favorable resting place, begins shortly to develop into new Fucus plants. The plant contains both iodine and bromine, chiefly combined with salts of sodium and potassium, and was at one time used in medicine. It also contains a bitter principle and a considerable amount of mucilage. ASCOPHYLLUM, a rock-weed closely related to Fucus, is dis- tinguished from this genus by the fact that the branches are desti- tute of midribs and the spores occur in groups of four instead of eight. The frond is thick and narrow, branching somewhat dichotomously, and at intervals produces large, conspicuous floats, which are broader than the frond. The plants occur from ^ to 2 metres in length. The fruit is found in lateral branches in winter and spring, and in June the receptacles fall off and are sometimes found in immense quantities, covering the bottom of tide pools. LAMINARIA is one of the common kelps or devil's aprons which inhabit principally the colder seas of high latitudes. They all grow in pools at low-water mark, attached to the rocks and in deep water, and some attain a very large size. The species vary greatly in outline and habit according to the season and place of growth whether on an exposed or sheltered coast or partly ex- posed at low tide. It consists of three parts (Fig. 14, A) : a long, leaf-like expansion or blade supported by a more or less cylindrical stalk or stipe, which in turn is attached to the rocks by a hold-fast made up of a cluster of fibrous outgrowths. In general the species may be classed in two groups, one in which the frond is ribbon-like or long in proportion to the breadth and not split up into segments, and the other in which the frond is proportionally broader and fan-shaped and laciniate. To this latter belongs the Laminaria digitata. There are some 25 species, distinguished by the arrangement of root-fibres comprising the hold-fast, the structure of the stipe, whether solid or hollow and whether provided with distinct cavities containing mucilage, the shape, especially of the basal portion of the lamina, and the char- acter of the margin and the position of the fruit. The growing portion of the lamina is at the base, as in the leaves of the Spermo- phytes. The kelps of the Pacific Ocean are among the largest sea-weeds known, the Giant Kelp, Macrocystis, attaining a length PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 31 of nearly a thousand feet. Other forms have large floats at the base of the lamina. Reproduction is chiefly by zoospores formed in i -celled sporangia which occur either in dispersed patches or in continuous bands near the centre of the frond. SARGASSUM, or Gulf Weed, grows attached to rocks by means of disk-like hold-fasts (Fig. 14, C). When it is torn from the rocks it is carried into the open ocean by currents such as the Gulf Stream. Sargassum is most highly organized and is represented by a very large number of species. They are found especially in the warmer waters near Australia, Japan and the adjacent coast of Asia, and also in the West Indies and at various parts of the Atlantic Coast near the Gulf Stream, some occurring as far north as Cape Cod. The plants vary from 15 cm. to nearly 2 metres in length, and consist of a stem-like axis which bears leaf-like branches with a distinct midrib, berry-like air sacs on stalks, and reproductive branches or receptacles. RHODOPHYCE^E. This includes all the Algae which are of a reddish or violet color. They contain chromatophores in which, the chlorophyll is masked by other pigments, mostly red, and known as phycoerythrin or rhodophyll. The red Algae are mostly found in salt water, occasionally in fresh and running water. They are usually found growing upon other plants or variously attached to some substratum. They vary from microscopic forms or very delicate filamentous types to large plants. They are usually composed of a number of cells or filaments which are so closely arranged as to resemble the tissues of higher plants. Many of the cells are connected by strands of protoplasm, giving them a rather characteristic appearance. Others have an in- crustation of lime on the wall. They are mostly found in deep waters of the Tropics. Reproduction is almost entirely by sexual or asexual spores. CHONDRUS, or Carragheen or Irish Moss (Figs. 15, 16), is a common rock-weed found at low-water mark, and in this country is common from New York northward, being extensively col- lected at a few points about 15 to 20 miles south of Boston. The plant varies considerably in color, being more or less green when close to the surface of the water and of a deep purplish-red when growing at some depth. It varies from 4 to 15 cm. in length, and 32 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. is attached to rocks by means of a slender hold- fast. The thallus is dichotomously branching, somewhat flattened, but may be quite linear. The fronds show a mucilaginous modification of the cell- walls. In the upper segments occur small differentiated areas, FIG. 15. Specimen of Chondrus crispus still attached to the rock where it was found growing along the Massachusetts coast. sometimes called sori, of a more or less elliptical outline, which on sectioning are found to be in the nature of sporangia, contain- ing numerous tetraspores (Fig. 16). The spores are discharged through narrow canals extending through the more or less com- pact outer layer of the frond. The article found in commerce has the color removed by being bleached through the action of the sun PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS! 33 and dews. It shows, however, all the morphological structure of the growing plant. FIG. 16. Chondrus crispus: A, B, C, D, various forms of thallus; H, hold-fast; F, sporangia; T, transverse section of thallus showing epidermis (E), sporangium with spores (F) ; S, spores separated in glycerin preparation of thallus by pressure on the cover-glass. The spores occur in groups of four (tetraspores) and the tetrad group is about 30^ in diameter. In a closely related genus, Gigartina (Fig. 17), which is found in imported Chondrus, the fruit bodies occur in numerous cylindri- 3 34 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. cal outgrowths developed on the surface of the fronds. This form is found more abundantly north of Boston than south, but, as Chondrus is collected at Cohasset, Scituate, and other towns south of Boston, it is not seen in commerce in this country. RHODYMENIA, or Irish Dulce, is one of the commonest red sea-weeds in the North Atlantic Ocean, usually growing with Fucus, Laminaria, and other Algae between tide marks and extending into deep water. The fronds are purplish-red, flat, membra* FIG. 17. Gigartina mamillosa, a red sea-weed closely related to Chondrus crispus, showing a dichotomously branching thallus and bearing at the upper part numerous cylin- drical outgrowths in which the fruit bodies (sporangia) are found. After Kutzing. naceous, 15 to 30 cm. in length, irregularly cleft, palmate or dichotomous, the margin often being marked with numerous small divisions. The sporangia occur in scattered patches im- mersed in the cortical tissues of the frond. It is a common article of commerce and is said to possess anthelmintic properties. AGAR-AGAR is derived from several of the marine Algae grow- ing along the eastern coast of Asia, notably species of Gracilaria, Gelidium, and Gloiopeltis. It is a mucilaginous substance which is extracted from the sea-weeds, and is used extensively as a PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 35 culture medium in bacteriology and in other work where a nutrient is desired. It occurs commercially in bundles 4 to 6 decimetres in length, consisting of thin, translucent, membraneous, agglutinated pieces, yellowish-white in color. It is usually brittle, but becomes tough when moistened. It is used in medicine in the powdered FIG. 18. AracTinoidiscus Ehrenbergii, a characteristic Diatom found in Agar-agar. From a photomicrographic negative by J. J. Woodward, Surgeon, U. S. A. form. Under the microscope Agar-agar frequently shows the frustules or siliceous cell walls of diatoms, which are disk-shaped (Fig. 18). It is insoluble in cold water, but dissolves slowly in hot water. Upon boiling I part in 100 parts of water it should yield a stiff jelly upon cooling. Diatoms constitute a large group of unicellular plants, occur- 36 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. ring in both fresh and salt waters. They form the plankton or floating microscopic life found in oceans and lakes, which is the source of food of small animal forms inhabiting these waters. The mud at the mouths of many rivers, the sediment of ponds, ditches, and even rain troughs may contain great numbers of these minute organisms. They have been found in the polar ice, and have been detected in the dust evolved from volcanoes. One of the distinguishing characters of the group is that the cell wall is incrusted with silica. For this reason they are practically indestructible and form marls and strata in the earth. They occur either singly or grouped in bands or chains. They are very variable in shape, being boat-shaped, ellipsoidal, spherical, or peculiarly curved in some forms. They are either free or attached to a substratum, as stones, water plants, etc., those which are free having an active movement (Fig. 19). The cell wall of Diatoms practically consists of two halves, one fitting over the other like the lid of a box. These are known as " valves " or " theca." The manner in which the two valves are joined results in the formation of a " girdle " or " pleura." The girdle is provided with a series of pores conecting with canals at either end and in the middle, through which food from without is supplied to the protoplast. The valves are very often beautifully marked by a series of parallel cross lines, dots, cir- cles, or polygons, which are characteristic of the different groups. Some forms are used in testing the definition of objectives, as Pleurosigma angulatum, in which the lines are one-half micron (0.0005 mm.) wide (Fig. 19, A). In the Diatoms the protoplasm lies as a thin layer close to the wall surrounding a large central vacuole. The nucleus is sur- rounded by a relatively dense mass of cytoplasm, and occurs in definite positions according to the species. The chromatophores frequently occur in plates which are typical for certain species. They are sometimes greenish-yellow, the color being generally masked by the presence of a brown substance known as diatomin. They frequently contain pyrenoids, which are sometimes asso- ciated with granules of starch. Reproduction takes place by simple division or fission, the two valves separating and a new valve forming on each half to replace PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 37 the old one. In each case the valve formed fits into the old one, and hence in the case of the smaller valve the new cell or plant becomes smaller than the parent plant, the walls not being able to expand on account of the siliceous composition. In this way the cells of one series gradually becomes smaller and smaller until a certain minimum is reached, when the plant rejuvenates itself FIG. 19. Diatoms: A, Pleurosigma attenuatum as seen from above; B, Pleurosigma baUicum as seen from the girdle side; C, D, E, Fragilaria virescens showing colonies attached to an alga in C, a view of a single diatom from above at D, and a chain of diatoms viewed frorr the girdle side at E; F, G, two views of Navicula viridis; H, I, the formation of auxo- spores in Navicula firma, H showing the exit of the protoplasts and the throwing off of the original valves. A, B, D, after Van Heurck; C, E, after W. Smith; F-I, after Pfitzer. by the production of spores (auxospores). These are formed in two ways: In one case the valves separate from each other, the protoplast escapes, grows larger and develops a new wall ; in the other case, of which there are several types, two individuals come together, and envelop themselves in a mucilaginous covering. They then throw off their siliceous walls and the protoplasts unite to form a zygospore, which grows until it is three times the 38 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. original size, after which it develops a new wall, the larger valve forming first (Fig. 19, H, I). DIATOMACEOUS EARTH, also known commercially as " In- fusorial Earth," or " Kieselguhr " (meaning siliceous marl), occurs in extensive deposits, some of these, as the stratum at Richmond, Va., extending to a depth of 18 feet. These deposits consist of the siliceous walls of the Diatoms, which, owing to their composition, are practically indestructible, and are accumulated in those localities which have favored the growth of the organ- ism. The natural deposit is mined and usually calcined to de- stroy the organic matter, after which it is washed and dried. The article used in pharmacy is further purified by boiling with diluted hydrochloric acid, washing, and calcining. This purified product is known as Terra Silicea Purificata, and occurs in the form of an almost whitish, or light grayish, or light brown powder. It is odorless, insoluble in water and in mineral acids or dilute solutions of the alkalies. Under the microscope mounts made in water or solutions of hydrated chloral show the frustules or siliceous walls of the Diatoms. In the better grades of Diatoma- ceous Earth the entire skeleton with the characteristic markings is present. Material coming from various localities shows a differ- ence in genera of Diatoms. The exact naming of the species requires the assistance of specialists. In order to avoid confusion it is necessary to bear in mind that there are two and sometimes even three views which may be obtained of the same Diatom. Diatomaceous Earth consists of about 85 per cent, of SiO 2 , 10 per cent, of water, and 5 per cent, of clay, iron oxide, magnesia, lime, and organic material. Owing to the fact that Diatomaceous Earth is made up of the hollow shells of Diatoms, it has the property of absorbing by capillarity gases and liquids. For this reason it is used in the preparation of dynamite ; the highly ex- plosive nitroglycerin being absorbed by the diatomaceous shells, render-ing the product capable of being handled. When calcined, it will absorb its own weight of water. It is used in pharmacy for filtering and as a diluent for powdered extracts, etc. Among the technical uses may be mentioned : polishing of metals and woods, insulating steam pipes and electrical insulators, packing of caustic and inflammable liquids, and the manufacture of glass, paper, and PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 39 soap. It is also used to some extent in dermatology. In India it has been used as a rubefacient. In Sweden, and among the Chinese and Laplanders, Diatomaceous Earth has been used as an FIG. 20. The Algae are put to various uses by the people who collect them. The illustration is taken from an ornament purchased at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition and was made by the Filipinos from various kelps having large, bladder-like floats. edible earth under the name of " mountain meal " or " bread- stone.'' Humboldt also calls attention to the fact (Aspects of Nature) that the practice of eating earth is diffused throughout the torrid zone, among indolent races inhabiting the finest and 40 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. most fertile parts of the globe. It is a saying even among the most distant of the different tribes living on the Orinoco, when speaking of anything very unclean, that it is " so dirty that the Otomacs eat it." ECONOMIC USES OF ALGJE. Many of the Algae are of use as food, of which the following may be mentioned : Vaucheria fasti- giata, Griffrthsia coralina, Ceramium Loureirii, Chondrus crispus, Gigartina mamillosa, Gelidium cartilagineum, Gelidium crinale (yielding agar-agar), Rhodymenia palmata (yielding dulse), and several species of Gracilaria (which also yield agar-agar). Some of the sea-weeds are used in the production of iodine, as Durvillcca utilis, Ascophyllum nodosum, Fucus vesiculosus (bladder-wrack), Sargassum linifolium, Laminaria saccharina, Laminaria digitata, Alaria esculenta, Rhodymenia palmata, Phyl- lophora membranifolia, Macrocystis pyrifera, and Fastigiaria furcellata. A number of the Algae are also used in medicine, particularly for phthisis, as Fucus cartilagineus } Stilophora rhizodes and Dictyopteris polypodioides. Alaria esculenta and Laminaria digi- tata are used in the making of bougies and tents used in surgery. Owing to the toughness of some of the Algae on drying, the material is used in the manufacture of various articles, as handles for tools from the thick stem of Lessonia jucescens, fishing lines from Chordaria flagelliformis (Fig. 20), etc. FUNGI. The Fungi form a large group of plants which do not produce chloroplasts or any bodies having a similar function. They have not the power of carbon dioxide assimilation, that is, unlike the Algse, they are unable to manufacture food materials, such as carbohydrates (starches, sugars, etc.), from carbon dioxide and water. Hence they are dependent upon previously formed food products, and may derive their food from living plants or ani- mals, when they are known as PARASITES, or from decaying animal or vegetable matter, when they are known as SAPROPHYTES. The living plant or animal atacked by a fungus is known as the host. Fungi are especially characterized by the habit of arising from spores and of producing thread-like cells the growing point PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 41 of which is at the apex. These threads are known as HYPH;E (singular hypha). They branch and become interwoven, forming a mass or mat known as the MYCELIUM (Fig. 23). The myce- lium constitutes the plant body proper, and absorbs the food material from the substratum, which it ramifies, often causing decay. The mycelium is frequently not visible, and the presence of the fungus is not recognized until the so-called fruit bodies are developed, as sometimes seen in the case of moldy oranges, mildewed linen, and as illustrated by the common mushroom. The mycelium has a cellulose wall which in some cases is modi- fied to chitin, a nitrogenous substance related to animal cellulose and found in crabs and other lower animals. The protoplasm either occurs in a more or less delicate form lining the hyphse and' enclosing large vacuoles, or is comparatively dense enclosing numerous small vacuoles. Many Fungi contain color substances which are dissolved in the cell-sap and are of a quite brilliant hue. One of the most interesting classes of substances produced by Fungi is that of the ferments, including the oxidizing ferment allied to laccase. They contain also amido-substances related to lecithin ; fats ; carbohydrates, as trehalose and mannitol ; organic acids, as oxalic, tartaric, malic, etc. ; and calcium oxalate may be present in some cases. Reproduction in the Fungi is chiefly by means of asexual spores, which arise in two ways. In the one case they are devel- oped in a special cell or sporangium at the end of a mycelial thread and are known as ENDOSPORES. In the other case they arise on special hyphse, or directly from the mycelium, and are known as EXOSPORES or conidia. There are also several modifications of these two types .of spores, which may be referred to later. Groups of Fungi. There are four principal groups of Fungi : 1. Phycomycetes. 2. Basidiomycetes. 3. Ascomycetes. 4. Fungi Imperfecti. The Phycomycetes, or Algal-like Fungi, are so called because they show a certain relation to the Algae. The Ascomycetes are distinguished by having a sporangium of 42 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. a definite shape and size, which is called an ASCUS, and which contains a definite number of spores, which is two or some multi- ple thereof. The Basidiomycetes are the most highly developed Fungi, producing large fruit bodies, such as are seen in mushrooms, toad- stools, and puffballs. They are characterized by producing spores (basidiospores) on special hyphae. The spores are usually four in number, and the spore-producing organ is known as a BASIDIUM. The Fungi Imperfecti constitute a group of Fungi which, while having certain natural relationships with the other types already considered, yet do this so imperfectly that they are brought in a class by themselves. The complete life-cycle is not in all cases known, and future studies will probably distribute them among the other principal groups. PHYCOMYCETES : ALGA-FUNGI The plant body of the Phycomycetes consists of a mycelium which is unsegmented, more or less thread-like and sometimes considerably branched. Reproduction takes place by means of several kinds of spores, and by reason of the production of two kinds of sexual spores they are subdivided into two important groups. These are ( I ) the Oomy- cetes, which produce oospores, and (2) Zygomycetes, which produce zygospores. Saprolegnia. Probably one of the best representatives of the Oomycetes is the group of water molds known as Saproleg- nia, which are aquatic in their habits and are both parasitic and saprophytic, occurring on living fish, insects, crayfish and decay- ing plants and animals as well. The plant body consists of a mycelium which may be simple or branched, sometimes forming a dense mass (Fig. 21, A). Like the alga Vaucheria, it produces both swarm spores (zoospores) and oospores. The swarm spores (Fig. 21, B, C) are produced in sporangia formed by the pro- duction of a partition wall at the end of a hypha. The sporangia are either cylindrical or spherical, and contain numerous zoospores which have two cilia at one end. These spores are peculiar in that after their escape from the sporangium they swim about, then come to rest and take on a wall, after which resting period they develop two cilia on the side, again move about, and germi- nate when they find a suitable host. PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 43 The oogonia and antheridia (Fig. 21, D-F) are also formed at the ends of hyphse. The oogonia are usually spherical and the wall contains a number of small pores. The contents, which are at first more or less uniform, later develop egg-cells, of which there may be as many as fifty in a single oogonium. The anthe- ridium is more or less cylindrical and contains a somewhat uni- F FIG. 21. Species of Saprolegnia: A, mycelium growing out from and surrounding a dead house-fly in a water culture; B, C, sporangia with biciliate swarm spores; D, a num- ber of oogonia containing oospheres; E, F, oogonia and antheridia, in F the tube of the antheridium having penetrated the oogonium. A-C, after Thuret; D-F, after De Bary. form mass of protoplasm. The antheridium bends toward the oogonium and comes in contact with it, but apparently does not in all cases penetrate it. Nevertheless the egg-cells develop walls and become resting oospores. In Peronospora, one of the Oomycetes, the antheridium (Fig. 22, n) develops a tube which pierces the wall of the 44 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. oogonium (Fig. 22, o) ; the contents unite with the egg-cell, after which a heavy membrane develops, forming an oospore, which germinates when it finds a suitable host. The plants belonging to Peronospora as well as related genera are destruc- FIG. 22. A, Cyslopus candidus; B, Peronospora calotheca. Mycelia (m) with haustoria penetrating cells (z) of hosts. C, Oospore formation in Peronospora: o, oogonium; n, anthe- ridium. At the left the antheridium is in contact with oogonium; the next stage shows the antheridium penetrating oogonium and discharging its contents; at the right the resulting oospore is shown. After De Bary. tive to many cultivated plants, constituting mildews or blights, as those occurring on the leaves of hyoscyamus, tobacco, anthe- mis, matricaria, aconite, grape vine, lima bean, potato, etc. The group has received the name "downy mildews " because of the PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 45 fact that the conidiophores rise to the surface of the leaves where the spores are discharged, forming powdery patches. Black Mold. A common example of the Zygomycetes is furnished by the " black mold," Mucor Mucedo. The mycelium FIG. 23. B, richly branching mycelium (m) of the mold Phycomyccs nitens showing upright hyphae bearing sporangia (g). A, C, D, the common black mold Mucor Mucedo. A, sporangium with columella; C, germination of zygospore (z), with formation of hypha (k), and sporangium (g); D, earliest stages in the development of a zygospore, the hyphal branches (b) showing adjoining ends (a) cut off by cross walls. After Sachs. of this plant is ccenocytic, thread-like, very much branched, arid profusely developed, much like that of Phycomyces nitens (Fig. 23, B). This mold is widely distributed, causing trouble in the spoiling of many sugar- and starch-containing substances in the household, including preserves, syrups, fruits, etc. In fact, a 46 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. number of species of Mucor have the power of inducing alcoholic fermentation in glucose-containing solutions. They are also commonly found in many aqueous solutions of inorganic chemicals as well as organic substances. Asexual spores are formed at the ends of hyphae which rise into the air. The sporangia are spherical and are cut off from the hyphae by means of a transverse wall which projects upward into the sporangium and which is techni- cally known as the columella (Fig. 23, A). The contents by FIG. 24. Peziza confluens showing stages in the development of ascospores. In the youngest asci (m, r) there is only one nucleus; this divides into two (s^; the division is repeated, so that there are 4 nuclei in (t) and 8 in (n). These surround themselves with protoplasm and a cell-wall (v, w), but the protoplasm of the mother cell or ascus is not entirely used up. After De Bary. simultaneous division form numerous I -celled spores, which are discharged by the bursting of the sporangium wall and distributed by air-currents or the wind. As the name of the group to which this plant belongs indicates, it also produces zygospores (Fig. 23, >). These are formed by hyphal branches which ascend from the substratum. The ends of two branches come together, a transverse wall is formed in each branch, the walls in contact are absorbed, the contents unite, and a spore is formed with PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 47 three membranes, two belonging to the spore proper and the third being formed by the united hyphae. As would be expected, these spores are quite resistant, being able to withstand unfavorable conditions, and germinate (Fig. 23, C) only after a period of rest. ASCOMYCETES. The Ascomycetes are distinguished for the most part, like the other higher Fungi, in having a septate mycelium, i.e., one cellular in structure, and in producing asci FIG. 25. Species of Saccharomyces (Yeasts). A, 5. cerevisice or beer yeast; B, S. Pastorianus; C, S. glomeratus; D, S. Piculatus: a, vegetative cells reproducing by budding; b, formation of ascospores. After Reesz. (sacs), which latter are formed at the ends of the branches of the mycelia. Two main sub-groups are recognized, the one producing an indefinite number of spores in asci which are not well developed, and known as the HEM i ASCI ; the other producing la definite number of spores, which number is characteristic for each species, in a well-developed ascus, and known as the EUASCI. In the latter group the spores arise by successive divisions of the primary nucleus into two, as shown in Peziza confluens (Fig. 24). Yeasts. The simplest of the Ascomycetes is the sub-group known as the Saccharomyces, or Yeasts. The Yeasts do not produce a mycelium, but the plant body consists of a single cell, or a chain of cells, and multiplies by a peculiar process known as "yeast budding" (Fig. 25, a). From either end of the cell a wart-like process develops, which enlarges until about the size 4 8 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. of the original cell, from which it is then separated by the forma- tion of a transverse wall. The cells are spherical, ellipsoidal, or egg-shaped, and in some cases somewhat elongated and hypha- like. In the protoplasm are one or more large vacuoles. In certain of the cells, which may be considered to be asci, two to eight spherical or ellipsoidal spores are produced (Fig. 26). There are a number of different species of Yeasts, some of which FIG. 26. Formation of ascospores in a number of different species of Yeasts. I, Sac- charomyces cerevisice; 2, S. Pastorianus; 3, 5. intermedius; 4, 5. validus. After Hansen. are cultivated ; and these latter are of great economic importance on account of their property of inducing alcoholic fermentation. They are also of use in the making of bread, changing the carbo- hydrates in part into carbon dioxide and alcohol, both of which are driven off in the baking. The property of yeast causing the fermentation of a solution PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 49 of sugar whereby alcohol is formed, was for a long time supposed to be due to the presence of the living yeast cell or to the action of living yeast protoplasm, and hence fermentation brought about by living organisms was distinguished from those fermentative processes where distinct principles such as diastase were involved ; the former being known as " organized " ferments, while the latter were referred to as " unorganized " ferments. Biiclmer obtained from freshly expressed yeast a nitrogenous substance capable of changing solutions of cane sugar or glucose into alcohol and carbon dioxide. This principle he termed zymase, and it has all of the properties of an enzyme or ferment and behaves exactly as the living yeast cell in a sugar solution. In the living yeast plant zymase is continually being formed and decomposes the sugar which has diffused into the cell. Yeasts are used in the treatment of certain skin diseases, their action being attributed to a fatty substance, ceridine. Other principles found in yeasts as well as extracts are used in the treatment of cancer. Under the name of Xerase a mixture is marketed consisting of 150 parts of dried beer yeast, 20 parts of dextrose, 125 parts of white clay or aluminum silicate, and 3 parts of a mixture of nutritive salts. It is used in the treatment of putrid wounds, ulcers, etc. The ginger beer plant, which is used in England for making a beverage known as ginger beer, consists of a yeast (Saccharo- myces pyriformis) and a bacteria (Bacterium vermiforme) . These two organisms live in a somewhat symbiotic relationship, the yeast changing the sugar into alcohol and the bacteria developing lactic acid (see Technical Mycology, by Lafar). Green and Yellow Mildews. To the Ascomycetes also be- long the green and yellow Mildews, Penicillium and Aspergillus, so common in the household, the dairy, and the granary. These plants produce profusely branching mycelia which form patches upon or just under the surface of the materials upon which they grow. These areas become soft and spongy and are always white at first. After a time hyphal branches, which are more or less flask-shaped, rise above the substratum, and by a process of division at the end of the branch, or conidiophore, a spore called 4 5 o A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. a conidiospore is formed (Fig. 27, A; Fig. 28, A). The process of division at the end of the conidiophore continues from below until a chain of conidiospores is formed. The conidiophore fre- quently branches, so that a fan-like series or group of conidia or FIG. 27. Penicillium, a green mildew. A, richly branching mycelium with conidio- phores; B, enlarged view of conidiophore showing chains of conidia; G, D, E, F, successive stages in the development of a perithecium; G, H, J, development of asci; K, groups of asci containing from 4 to 8 ascospores; L, ascospores seen from the side and showing char- acteristic markings. After Brefeld. conidiospores is produced (Fig. 27, B; Fig. 28, A). The conidia are usually some shade of green, but finally they may become more or less brown. They are thin-walled, quite small, and so light that they float freely in the air. If a colony is inhaled it gives PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 51 the sensation commonly called the " smell of mold." They are capable of germinating on almost everything, as old shoes, old paper, as well as on bread and other articles of the household, and are commonly found on " moldy drugs," and may occur in pharma- ceutical preparations, as syrups and infusions, and even in solu- tions of inorganic as well as organic chemicals. Aspergillus (Fig. 28) is distinguished from Penicillium (Fig. FIG. 28. Aspergillus. a yellow mildew. A, conidiophore with enlarged, more or less spherical end, from which the fan-like series of chains of conidia arise; B-E, successive stages in the development of perithecium; F, section through a nearly ripe perithecium; G, groups of young asci; H, a ripe ascus with 8 spores. A, after Kny; B-H, after De Bary. 27) by the fact that the upper end of the hyphal branch or conidio- phore is somewhat enlarged and more or less spherical. In addition to the conidiospores these Fungi sometimes produce in the fall of the year, particularly when grown upon bread, asci fruits (Fig. 27, C-F; Fig. 28, B-E}. In this case two fertile ini- tial hyphae wind themselves around each other, after which they become surrounded with sterile branches which form a kind of 52 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. loose tissue, more or less cellular in structure, that finally develops into a yellowish leathery wall. This body, which may be regarded as a closed ascocarp, is known as a perithecium (Fig. 27, F; Fig. 28, F). As a result of the conjugation of the fertile cells, asci (Fig. 27, G, H, J ; Fig. 28, G, H) develop within the perithecium, which are more or less spherical or ellipsoidal and contain from four to eight spores (ascospores) (Fig. 27, K; Fig. 28, H). After maturity the cellular tissue around the asci dries up and dis- integrates, the walls of the asci dissolve, and the ascospores are liberated from the perithecium by slight pressure. The spores lie over winter and then germinate, producing a mycelium from which conidia first develop and afterwards the perithecia, thus repeating the life history of the plant. Ergot. Another Ascomycete of special interest is the fungus known as Ergot (Clamceps purpurea). The spores of this fungus germinate on the flowers of certain grasses. The myce- lium penetrates the walls of the ovary, absorbing the nutriment. After a time the mycelium develops on the surface, and from this short conidiophores arise bearing small ovoid conidia (con- idiospores) (Fig. 29, A). The mycelium secretes a sweet fluid, the so-called honey dew which attracts insects, and thus the conidia are carried to other plants. As the conidia are capable of immediate germination the so-called " ergot disease " rapidly spreads during the flowering season of the host plants. After the formation of conidia ceases, the mycelium forms a dense mass which is surrounded by a dark layer, and this, if developed upon rye, constitutes the ergot grains (Fig. 29, B) used in medicine, these grains being a number of times larger than the rye grains which they replace. The mycelial tissues connected with the host plant die, and the ergot drops to the ground. At this stage the ergot mass is more or less cellular in structure and is known as the SCLEROTIUM. It is quite resistant and usually remains dormant until the following spring when the grasses are in flower again. The sclerotium then shows signs of renewed activity by the de- velopment of small, reddish, spherical bodies with a fair-sized stalk (Fig. 29, C). Within the periphery of these spherical heads are produced flask-shaped perithecia or ascocarps (Fig. 29, D) PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 53 containing numerous cylindrical asci (Fig. 29, E), each of which contains eight spores (Fig. 29, F) ; the latter are i -celled, hya- line, and thread-like (Fig. 29, H ). These spores are carried by J) ' FIG. 29. Claviceps pur pur ea. A, mycelium developing conidia; B, an ear of rye with a number of lipe sclerotia replacing grains of rye, and known as ergot; C, sclerotium developing spherical fruit bodies; D, fruit body in longitudinal section showing numerous flask-shaped perithecia at the periphery; E, enlarged perithecium with numerous cylin- drical asci; F, closed ascus with 8 ascospores; G, discharge of ascospores; H, single thread- like ascospore. A, after Brefeld; B, after Schenck; C-H, after Tulasne. the wind to the flowers of certain of the grasses, as already stated, and the life history or cycle of growth begins again. 54 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Chestnut Bark Disease is caused by a fungus parasite known as Diaporthe parasitica Murrill, and is said to very closely re- semble the parasite found in Italy, Endothia radicalis. This fungus has been the cause of very great destruction of chestnut trees in the eastern United States. When any of the spores of this fungus gain entrance into a wound on any part of the tree, thread-like mycelia are developed in the inner layers of the bark, and these spread concentrically until they girdle the trunk or FlG. 30. Large Chestnut tree partly killed by the bark disease. Note branches in the center either killed or bearing dwarfed leaves, and the other larger branches still unaffected. From photograph by Haven Metcalf. limb, so that if it happens that the trunk is affected the entire tree may die within the year, while if it is the smaller branches which are attacked, only those parts beyond the point of infection are killed, while the remainder of the tree will survive for some years (Fig. 30). When the bark is attacked by the fungus it shows minute, more or less crater-like spots of a yellowish-orange or reddish-brown PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS 55 color which are pustules of the fruiting fungus. These pustules produce mostly winter spores (ascospores), although occasionally a long strip of summer spores (conidia) are also produced (Figs. 31 and 32). FlG. 31. Typical appearance of branches of Chestnut tree affected with chestnut blight. At left, bark showing pustules of the parasitic fungus bearing winter spores. At right, the diseased bark showing pustules and form of discharge of summer spores in damp weather. From photograph by Haven Metcalf. The control of the disease over large districts consists mainly in destroying the affected trees and carefully burning the rubbish. 56 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Single trees are treated by removing the affected branches and painting over the cut ends with coal tar to prevent reinfection. For further details on this fungus consult : Murrill, " A New Chestnut Disease," Torreya, Sept., 1906; Farmers' Bulletin 467, U. S. Department of Agriculture; Metcalf, -" Diseases of the Chestnut and Other Trees," Trans. Mass. Hort. Soc., August, FIG. 32. Chestnut-blight disease, which occurs in small yellowish pustules the size of a pin head. A, section of pustule showing perithecia; B, asci with sporidia; a, usual form; b, form rarely found; C, sporidia; D, summer spores. After Murrill. 1912; Farlow, "Fungus of the Chestnut-Tree Blight," Science, May 10, 1912. BASIDIOMYCETES. The Basidiomycetes are the most highly organized of the Fungi. The mycelium consists of white branch- ing threads and is usually concealed in the substratum. In the cultivation of the edible mushrooms propagation is by means of the mycelium, which is known commercially as " spawn." It is recognized, however, that mushrooms can not be propagated in PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 57 this way exclusively for more than two or three years. The my- celium is really the plant body, and the part which rises above the surface and is commonly regarded as the toadstool or mushroom (Figs. 33 to 37) is a fruit branch, or spore-producing organ. When these branches first make their appearance they are in the form of small solid bodies known as " buttons " (Fig. 33, I-V). J FlG. 33. Agaricus campestris, the common edible mushroom, showing at A on the left mycelium (m) and development of buttons or young mushrooms; I to V, longitudinal sections showing successive stages in development of fruit body; m, mycelium; st, stipe; h, portion between veil (v) and spore-bearing portion (1). The illustration to the right (A, B, C) shows the structure of the hymenium in different degrees of magnification: A, section through portion of pileus showing five of the gills; B, section of a gill somewhat magnified; C, section of gill still more magnified and showing sterile cells or paraphyses (q), and the fertile cells or basidia (s), from each of which arise two basidiospores. After Sachs. As growth proceeds these bodies differentiate into a stalk-like portion known as the stipe (Fig. 33, st), which is directly con- nected with the mycelium, and an umbrella-like portion borne at the summit of the stalk, called a pileus, which at first is closed down over the stalk, but later expands or opens more or less widely according to the species. On the under surface of the pileus, known as the hymenium, the spores are borne (Fig. 33, (58 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 34. Some common edible mushrooms and a common poisonous one. The fol- lowing are edible: i, Common Field mushroom (Agaricus campestris); 3, Clavaria flava, young plant; 6, Puffball (Lycoperdon cyathiforme) ; 4, Morel (Morchella esculenta); 5, Chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius); 7, Fairy-ring Fungus (Marasmius oreades). Only one poisonous species is shown, namely, 2, the deadly Agaric (Amanita phalloides). Adapted from Farlow. PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 59 A, B, C). In some cases the under surface is composed of a series of narrow, radiating, knife-like plates, or gills, as in the common edible mushroom Agaricus. On the surface of the gills the basidia or spore-bearing organs arise. The basidia are somewhat swollen terminal cells of the closely arranged hyphse composing the gills, which bear a group of spores on short stalks (Fig. 33, C). Both the basidia and spores (basidio-spores) are of a characteristic size and number for the different species. Several types of Basidiomycetes are usually recognized, de- pending on the manner in which the spores are borne. 1. The Gill Fungi (Agaricacese), in which the spores are borne on plates or gills which radiate from the stem to the edge of the cap. 2. The Pore Fungi (Polyporaceae), in which the spores are borne in tubes or pits opening by pores rather than on gills. 3. The Coral Fungi (Clavariacese), in which the Fungi are coral-like or leaf-like, the surface of the cap or its branches being smooth. 4. The Leather Fungi (Thelephoracese), in which the spore- bearing surface is smooth or slightly wrinkled. The texture is usually leathery or papery. 5. The Jelly Fungi (Tremellacese), in which the fruiting sur- face is smooth and the cap is more or less jelly-like when wet. 6. The Puff Balls (Lycoperdacese), in which the cap is a closed ball which breaks open at maturity to release the enclosed spores. 7. The Carrion Fungi or Stink-horn Fungi (Phallaceae) re- semble the puffballs when young, but are ruptured longitudinally, the spores thereby being exposed on the top as a gelatinous mass. Of these seven groups the Gill Fungi are the commonest, and one or two types will be considered, namely, the common edible mushroom and two of the poisonous group, Amanita. Edible Fungi. Agaricus campestris (common mushroom) (Figs. 33 and 34) is practically the only edible species cultivated in this country. The plant grows wild in open grassy fields dur- ing August and September. It is not found in the mountains to any extent, and is never found in the woods or on trees or fallen trunks. The color of the stipe and the upper surface of the 6o A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FlG. 35. A decaying tree trunk showing the cause of the death of the tree by the appearance of the several fungi (probably Amanita muscaria). It is not unusual to find trees showing signs of disease and, finally, even dying, and it is not until the death of the tree that the mature fungus makes its appearance. For some years the mycelium of the fungus has been working its way into the tissues not only of the bark but of the wood, sapping it of its vitality. When there is no longer any food supply the fungus produces its fruit; the spores, being scattered by either the wind or through the agency of birds, are carried to other trees and find entrance into wounds, where they germinate and repeat their destruction. From a photograph by Henry Troth. PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 61 pileus varies from whitish to a drab color, but the color of the gills is at first pinkish and then of a brownish-purple, which is an important character, the color being due to the spores. The stipe is cylindrical and solid, and a little more than half way up is furnished with a membranous band known as the ring. There are no appendages at the base of the stipe, which appears to rise FIG. 36. Edible Boletus (Boletus edulis), an excellent edible mushroom found in woods and openings in summer and autumn. The cap is 8 to 15 cm. wide, grayish-, yellowish-, or brownish-red, sometimes paler toward the edge, smooth, and more or less convex; flesh whitish or yellowish, or somewhat reddish just beneath the skin; stem white, stout, and often bulbous. From monograph on Minnesota Mushrooms by Frederic E. Clements. directly out of the ground. Before the pileus is fully expanded a veil extends from its border to the stipe, which when ruptured leaves a portion attached to the stipe, and it is this which consti- tutes the ring. The ring shrinks more or less in older specimens, but usually leaves a mark indicating where it has been formed. Poisonous Fungi. There are two of the poisonous group of Fungi which are very common and which have some resem- 62 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. blance to the edible mushroom just described, namely, the fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) (Fig. 38) and the deadly agaric (Amanlta phalloides) (Fig. 34). The fly agaric, while more abun- dant in some localities than the common edible mushroom, is FIG. 37. Pale Lenzites (Lenzites betulina), a non-edible fungus common on trunks and stumps throughout the year. The cap is whitish, corky, more or less densely hairy, and marked by concentric grooves; the stem is lacking and the gills are whitish, more or less branched and united. From monograph on Minnesota Plant Diseases by E. M. Freeman. seldom found in grassy pastures, but more generally in poor soil,, especially in groves of coniferous trees. It occurs singly and not in groups. The gills are always white ; the stipe is white, hollow, and provided with a ring at the top, and the base is bulbous, hav- ing fringy scales at the lower part. The pileus is yellow or orange PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. PIG. 38. Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria), a very deadly mushroom. The cap is bright red or orange, becoming yellow or even whitish in age, roughened with many thick, white angular fragments of the volva; the stem is stout, white, scaly, bulbous, and hollow; volva forming several concentric scaly rings on the bulb; gills free or touching, white or yellowish. This is frequent in woodland, forest, or clearing from June to frost, and is deadly poisonous. From monograph on Minnesota Mushrooms by Frederic E. Clements. 64 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. and sometimes reddish ; the surface is smooth, with prominent, angular, warty scales, which can be easily scraped off. The deadly agaric (Fig. 34, illus. 2) somewhat resembles the fly agaric and also differs from the common mushroom in not usually growing in pastures. It occurs singly, but not in groups, in woods and borders of fields. The gills and stipe are white, the latter, when young, having a number of mycelial threads running through it. The base is quite bulbous, the upper part of the bulb having a sac-like membrane called the volva. The pileus may vary from any shade of dull yellow to olive, although some- times it is shiny and white. -While it does not possess the warty scales found in the fly agaric, it has occasionally a few mem- branous patches. The Toxic Principles in Poisonous Fungi. The deadly agaric (Amanita phalloides) is the cause of the greatest number of cases of mushroom poisoning. According to Abel and Ford, it contains two toxic principles: (i) Amanita-hemolysin, a blood- laking principle, which is a very sensitive glucoside, that is, pre- cipitated by alcohol, destroyed by heating to 70 C. and by the action of digestive ferments; (2) Amanita-toxin, which is soluble in alcohol, is not destroyed by the action of heat or ferments. The latter principle is the important poisonous prin- ciple in mushroom poisoning and is probably the most toxic principle known, 0.4 of a milligramme killing a guinea pig within 24 hours. " The majority of individuals poisoned by the ' deadly amanita ' die, but recovery is not impossible when small amounts of the fungus are eaten, especially if the stomach be very promptly emptied, either naturally or artificially." The fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) owes its toxicity to mus- carine, an alcohol-soluble crystalline substance. It is supposed by Ford that the fly agaric may contain another poisonous constit- uent. In cases of poisoning atropine has been successfully ad- ministered hypodermically in doses of y-J-g- to -$ of a grain. It is stated that the A. muscaria, used by the peasants of the Caucasus in the preparation of an intoxicating beverage, is deficient in muscarine. The question as to whether the ordinary edible mushrooms, as distinguished from the poisonous toadstools, may not in cer- PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 65 tain localities or at certain periods of the year be the cause of fatal intoxication is answered by Ford in the negative. He states (Science, 30, p. 105, July 23, 1909) that there are no authentic cases of poisoning from the black or brown spored agarics, although old and badly decomposed specimens may cause transient illness. .Economic Uses of Fungi. A large number of the Fungi, particularly of the Basidiomycetes, are used for food. There are, however, only a few of these which enter the market. These are derived chiefly from Agaricus campestris (Figs. 33 and 34) and Agaricus arvenis, although some other species of Agaricus as well as Morchella esculenta (Fig. 34, illus. 4) furnish excellent products and are cultivated to a limited extent. The " truffles " of the market are tuber-like masses formed under ground, which consist of the ascocarps of certain Tuberacex, one of the sub- groups of the Ascomycetes, and which are used as a condiment and sometimes roasted like potatoes. Tuckahoe or " Indian bread " is also produced under ground and consists apparently of the fungus Pachyma Cocos and the roots of Liquidambar, the tissues of which have been changed into a compound resembling pectic acid by the fungus. Quite a number of Fungi have been used in medicine, as Claviceps purpurea (Fig. 29), Polyporus officinalis and other species, and various species of Lycoperdon. A number of species are used in making surgeon's agaric (Fungus chirurgorum) formerly used as a haemostatic, including Lycoper- don Bovista and Polyporus fomentarius. Many of them yield very toxic principles, as ( i ) several species of Amanita which contain several toxic principles; (2) Lactarius piperatus and others which yield highly poisonous resinous principles. Other uses of Fungi have been mentioned under the several groups. USTILAGINE^: and UREDINE^. There are two groups of Fungi of considerable economic interest which by some writers are classed by themselves, and by others placed with the Basidio- myretes. These are the Ustilaginese, or Smut Fungi, and the Uredinese, or Rust Fungi. The Smut Fungi are parasitic on higher plants. The myce- lium penetrates the tissues of the host, but does not seem to cause either disease or malformation of the plant. Injury to the 5 66 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. host results only after the development of resting spores. The mycelia are hyaline, more or less branched, and finally become septate. They send short branches, called haustoria, into the cells of the host, from which they obtain nourishment. Eventu- ally the mycelium becomes much branched, compact and more or less gelatinous through a transformation of the hyphal walls, forming gall-like swellings or blisters on the host. Spores are formed within this gelatinous mass at the ends of the branches .FlG. 39. Corn smut (Ustilago Maydis) showing several gall-like masses of smut full of spores. of the mycelium. At a later stage the smut loses its gelatinous character, the mass breaks up, and the spores are freed and dis- tributed as a dry, dusty powder. The spores (primary conidia) are somewhat spherical or ellipsoidal, and are generally separate, but are sometimes united into a mass forming the so-called " spore balls." These are resting spores and upon germination (Fig. 40) produce a promycelium or basidium which becomes septate and from each cell of which conidia called sporidia arise. The sporidia are formed in succession one after another and the process con- PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 67 tinues for some time. On germination they bud like yeast, form- ing new conidia, or when nutrition is not abundant they may form a mycelium, which is usually the case when they germinate on a host plant. Corn Smut. One of the Smut Fungi, namely, Ustilago Maydis, which develops on Indian corn (Fig. 39), is used in medi- FIG. 40. Spores of various Smuts. I, Ustilago longissima growing on the reed meadow- grass (Panicularia americana); 2, Ustilago Maydis from Indian corn (Zea Mays); 3, Ustilago Oxalidis on the yellow wood-sorrel (Oxalis stricta) ; 4, Ustilago utriculosa on the Pennsyl- vania persicaria (Polygonum pennsylvanicum). FlG. 4oa. Germination of spores. 5, Ustilago utriculosa, in water, showing promy- celium and sporidia; 6, Doassansia opaca from the broad-leaved arrow-head (Sagittaria lalifolia) in water, showing promycelium, sporidia, and secondary sporidia which are falling off; 7, Ustilago Avenue from oat (Avena saliva) in horse dung, showing promycelium, and lateral "infection threads" or hyphas; 8, germination of a sporidium of Ustilago Sorghi into an infection thread; 9, small portion of a group of sporidia developed from promycelium of Tolyposporium eriocauli in potato agar; 10, cross-section of epicotyl of broom-corn in- fected by Ustilago Sorghi showing mycelium ramifying through parenchyma cells of the cortex. After Clinton. cine. It forms rather large gall-like masses on all parts of the plant, including the root, stem and leaves, and both staminate and pistillate flowers. The spores (Fig. 40) are at first a dark olive- green, but on maturity are dark brown. They are sub-spherical, have prominent spines, and vary from 8 to 15 microns in diameter. They do not germinate at once, but on keeping them for six 68 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. months to a year they germinate readily on a culture medium of potato, and retain their power of germination for years Rust Fungi. The Rust Fungi are parasitic on higher plants FIG. 41. Wheat rust (Pucdnia graminis). A, teleutospore or winter spore germinating and giving rise to a promycelium (p) and sporidia (s); B, a few leaves of barberry attacked by sporidia which give rise to the aecidia; C, transverse section through barberry leaf show- ing three cup-like receptacles (aecidia) on the lower surface of the leaf containing per- pendicular rows of conidia (secidiospores) ; D, germinating aecidiospore on wheat; E, wheat plant attacked by aecidiospores as shown by the elongated blotches on the leaves; F, cross section of leaf of wheat showing on the upper surface the rust spores which are breaking through the epidermal layer (r); G, summer spores (uredospores) ; H, teleutospores or winter spores formed on wheat leaf. After Dodel-Port. and produce a thread-like branching, cellular mycelium, which develops in the tissues of the host. They differ especially from the other Fungi in producing resting spores known as TELEUTOSPORES.. PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 69 These spores consist of one or more cells surrounded by a thick black wall, and they produce the "black rust" seen on foliage at the end of the season. Wheat Rust. The most important member of the Rust Fungi is Puccinia, of which there are a large number of species that are destructive to economic plants, as wheat, plum, cherry, red cur- rant, etc. The one whose life history has been best studied is the wheat rust (Puccinia graminis), which requires two different plants to complete its life history, namely, wheat and barberry. The Teleutospores, or "winter spores" (Fig. 41, //), as they are called, because of their carrying the life of the plant over the winter season, consist of two cells. These spores exist on the leaves and stems of wheat over winter, and in the spring they ger- minate (Fig. 41, A). From each cell a mycelium (promycelium or basidium) consisting of two to four cells arises (Fig. 41, A, />), and from the tip of each branch of the promycelium a spore known as a sporidium develops (Fig. 41, A, s). The Sporidia are scattered by the wind, and when they fall on the barberry leaves (Fig. 41, B) they germinate, producing a dense mass or mycelium which penetrates into the tissues of the host. Sooner or later, just within the under surface of the leaf, there is formed a more or less spherical, dense mass, which grows outward, breaking through the surface, forming a cup-like re- ceptacle known as an aecidium (Fig. 41, C). The ^Ecidia, or cluster cups, are orange or yellow and are filled with perpendicular rows or chains of spores which arise from the basidium-like mycelium below. The spores, which have received the name JEcidiospores, are somewhat spherical or polyhedral, and contain a reddish-yellow oil. They are scattered by the wind and, falling upon the wheat plant (Fig. 41, ), germinate immediately, form- ing a dense mycelium. At first it produces what is known as a " Summer spore," or Uredospore (Fig. 41, G), giving rise to the reddish-brown spots and stripes on the leaves and stalks of the wheat plant. The Uredospores are i -celled, and are carried by the wind to other wheat plants, thus rapidly spreading the disease. The Uredospores arise in much the same way as the Teleuto- spores (Fig. 41, //), which form brown patches later in the sea- son, and which have been already considered. The Teleutospores 70 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. last over winter on the old wheat plant, and in the spring begin again the life-cycle of the rust. The plant which results from the germination of a teleutospore gives rise to sporidia, which are carried to the barberry leaves where secidiospores are pro- duced. The latter are then carried to growing wheat, forming first uredospores and later teleutospores. It should be remembered that these are all asexual spores. In regions where there are no barberry plants to act as host the aecidiospore stage is omitted. THE FUNGI IMPERFECTI. The miscellaneous fungi included in this group are of importance because of the great damage which they cause to agricultural crops. The potato scab is an especially destructive pest in New England and in Canada. The scab not only develops on the growing tubers in the soil, but can be spread from a few affected potatoes to a whole bin of clean ones if they come in contact with them. Prevention of this disease usually consists in disinfecting the tubers which are used for seed so as not to carry the minute organisms into the soil. A disease affecting the leaves of the potato and thereby destroy- ing the crop is due to a fungus whose spores, settling on the leaves, germinate and penetrate to the interior through the stomata, finally weakening or killing the plant. Some of the other important forms produce a pink mold on apples, scabs on peaches and other fruits, mold on onions and other garden crops. The blight of ginseng and the blight of cotton, the dry rot of various vegetables and the blotches on many of our common fruits can be traced to the development of these fungi. The study of these forms is a very difficult one, and re- searches are constantly being carried on at the government experi- ment stations, as well as by individual workers. For a description of these forms, as well as many other harmful fungi, consult " Fungous Diseases of Plants," by Duggar. DETECTION OF FUNGUS IN HOST. Unless special means are employed, it is ofttimes rather difficult to trace the mycelial of the fungus in among the cells of the host plant. Vaughan (Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 1914, p. 241) has used the stain known as " Pianeze Illb " in differentiation of the fungus from the plant substratum. The host tissue stains green and the my- celium a deep pink. This stain, devised by Dr. Pianeze for the PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 71 study of cancer tissue, is made up as follows : Malachite green, 0.50 Gm. ; acid fuchsin, Gm. ; " Martius gelb," o.oi Gm. ; water distilled, 150.00 c.c. ; alcohol (95 per cent.), 50.00 c.c. For use with plant tissues the procedure is as follows : Wash in water or alcohol, stain in the undiluted mixture 15 to 45 minutes, remove excess stain in water, and decolorize in 95 per cent, alcohol to which a few drops of hydrochloric acid have been added. For per- manent mounts, clear with a carbol-turpentine mixture, remove clearing solution, and mount in balsam. This stain is also valuable for staining spores which have been allowed to germinate on the surfaces of leaves. In such cases the killing and tissue-clearing mixture proposed by Duggar is recommended, viz., consisting of equal parts of glacial acetic acid and alcohol. In the study of the rusts, the best results are obtained by the use of Durand's combination of Delafield's haema- toxylin and eosin (Phytopathology, 1911, p. 129). LICHENS. General Characters. The Lichens are a peculiar group of plants in that an individual lichen consists of both an alga called a GONIDIUM and a fungus. These are so intimately associated that they appear to be mutually beneficial, and such a relation is known as SYMBIOSIS (Fig. 42). The Algae which may be thus associated in the Lichens are those members of the Blue and Green Algae which grow in damp places, as Pleurococcus, Nostoc, Lyngbya, etc. (Fig. 42). The Fungi which occur in this relation belong both to the Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes, and it is on the characters of the fruit bodies of these particular Fungi that the main divisions of Lichens are based. The Fungi, however, are not known to exist independently of the Algae with which they are associated ; that is, the mycelia of the fungi will not live for any length of time unless they come in contact with suitable algae. In its development the fungus forms a mycelium which encloses the alga, the growth of which latter is not hindered. The two organisms then continue to grow simultaneously, forming lichen patches. A section of a lichen shows a differentiation into several parts (Fig. 43) : a more or less compact row of cells on both surfaces forming two epidermal layers ; and an inner portion 72 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. made up of the hyphal tissue of the fungus in which the alga is em- bedded either in a single layer or throughout the mycelium. The mode of growth and branching is influenced largely by the fungus, although in some cases the alga may exert the most influence. In some cases the lichen consists of a thallus which is irregular in outline, growth taking place at no definite point, and in other cases branches which are more or less regular are formed, growth taking place at the apex. FIG. 42. Lichens showing manner of union of algae or gonidia (g) and hyphas (h) of Fungi. A, Protococcus, showing the manner in which hyphae penetrate the cell and in- fluence cell division; B, Scytonema, an alga surrounded by richly branching hyphas; C, chain of Nostoc showing hypha of fungus penetrating a large cell known as a heterocyst; D, fungal hyphae have penetrated the cells of Glceocapsa, a blue-green, unicellular alga; E, Chlorococcum, a reddish or yellowish alga found in Cladonia furcata, the cells of which are surrounded by the short hyphae of the fungus. A, after Hedlund; B-E, after Bornet. The walls of the hyphae of the fungus comprising Lichens con- sist at first of pure cellulose. In older material the walls undergo more or less modification, being changed in part to starch, mucilage, or fixed oil. There may be also infiltrated among the layers of the wall calcium oxalate, the latter constituent being especially characteristic of the crustaceous Lichens. The most interesting constituents of Lichens are the coloring principles, which are mostly of an acid character and are termed Lichen-acids. They PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 73 give very striking reactions with solutions of the alkalies and solu- tions containing chlorine. The reaction with iodine solutions is also employed for diagnostic purposes ; some of the Lichens give a blue reaction, while others behave like amylo-dextrin. Groups of Lichens. According to the manner of growth and the manner of attachment to the substratum, three principal groups of Lichens may be distinguished : namely, ( i ) Crus- taceous Lichens, where the thallus adheres closely to the stones and barks of trees and practically can not be removed without injury; (2) Foliose Lichens, or those which are more or less flattened, somewhat leaf-like and attached at different points; (3) Fruticose Lichens, or those which are attached at a particular part of the thallus, and form diffusely branching clumps. To this latter group belong Cetraria islandica or Iceland moss (Fig. 43), which is used in medicine, Usnea barbata and the red-fruiting Cladonias which are so common. Reproduction in the Lichens takes place in several ways. In all of them there is a vegetative mode by means of what are known as SOREDIA. These are small spherical bodies consisting of a group of algal cells, which are surrounded by a mass of hyphae, and which when cut off from the main body are able to grow. Lichens also produce spores of a number of kinds. In the largest group, the one to which Cetraria islandica (Fig. 43) belongs, the spores are found in special spherical receptacles, known as PYC- NIDIA, which are formed on the teeth of the margin of the thallus. The spores arise from the ends of hyphse at the base of the pyc- nidia and are in the nature of conidiospores. To these spores the name PYCNOCONIDIA has been applied. Cetraria also pro- duces, like many other Lichens, disk-like or cup-shaped bodies at various places on the surface of the thallus, which are known as APOTHECIA and which may be regarded as exposed or open asco- carps. The inner surface of the apothecia is lined with a number of asci as well as sterile cells, the former giving rise to ascospores. Economic Uses of Lichens. A number of the Lichens are used in medicine, as several species of Cetraria, Pertusaria corn- munis, Physica parietina, Sticta pulmonacea, Evernia furfuracea. Some of those used in medicine are also used as foods on account 74 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. of the gelatinous carbohydrate lichenin which they contain. Be- sides those given, the following may be mentioned : Cladonia rangiferina (reindeer moss), Lecanora esculenta (supposed to be the manna of the Israelites). The Lichens are, however, chiefly of interest because of the coloring principles which they contain. FIG. 43. Iceland Moss (Cetraria islandica). A-F, various forms of thalli showing apothecia (a); I, cross-section of an apothecium showing the hymenium (h), the hypothe- cium (p), the algal layer (e), the medullary layer (m), and lower or ventral surface (1); K, an ascus with eight ascospores and two paraphyses from the hymenium (h). Roccella tinctoria, Lecanora tartarea, and other species of Leca- nora, yield upon fermentation the dyes orcein and LITMUS, the latter of which finds such general use as an indicator in volu- metric analysis. Cudbear, a purplish-red powder, is prepared by treating the same lichens with ammonia water ; while in the prep- PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 75 aration of orchil, a purplish-red pasty mass, sulphuric acid and salt are subsequently added. A number of species contain a yel- low coloring principle, as Zeora sulphur ea, Zeora sordida, Lecidca geographica and Opcgrapha epigcca. ARCHEGONIATES. The two main features which distinguish the Archegoniates from the Thallophytes are the structure of the sexual organs and the distinct manner in which the peculiar phases known as alter- nation of generations are shown. The antheridium or male sexual organ is a well differentiated multicellular body which is either sunk in the adjacent tissues of the plant or is provided with a stalk. Within it are organized the sperms or spermatozoids, which are ciliate and swim freely in water. Corresponding to the oogo- nium of the Thallophytes is the ARCHEGONIUM or female sexual organ which gives name to the group. The archegonium is a flask-shaped cellular body consisting of a basal portion of venter, which contains a single egg, and a neck through which the sperms enter (Figs. 49 and 51). In the life history of this group of plants there are two gen- erations or phases of development. During one stage the arche- gonium and antheridium are developed, and this is known as the sexual generation, and as these organs give rise to gametes or sexual cells it is also spoken of as the GAMETOPHYTE. By the union of the sex cells (sperm and egg) an oospore is formed which germinates at once within the archegonium. That portion of the plant which develops from the oospore gives rise to asexual spores, and hence this phase is called the asexual generation. It is also spoken of as the SPOROPHYTE from the fact that it gives rise to spores. These spores are in the nature of resting spores and do not germinate on the plant as does the oospore. They are distributed and on germination give rise to the gametophyte stage. In some of the Archegoniates these two phases are combined in one plant, as in the Bryophytes, whereas in other members of the group the two phases are represented by two distinct plants ; that is, the gametophyte and sporophyte become independent of each other, as in the Ferns. 7 6 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. The following table shows the main divisions and subdivisions of the Archegoniates : Bryophytes.. , {Hepatic* (Liverworts). J f J \ -71 If / -l yp [Musci (Mosses). Archegoniates Pteridophytes . . Filicales (Ferns). Equisetales (Horsetails). Lycopodiales (Club Mosses) BRYOPHYTES The structure of the sexual organs in the Liverworts (Fig. 44) and Mosses (Fig. 49) is essentially the same, but the vegetative organs are more or. less dissimilar. In the Liverworts the plant FIG. 44. A common moss (Funaria). A, germinating spores: v, vacuole; w, root- hair; s, exospore. B, protonema about three weeks after germination: h, procumbent primary shoot; b, ascending branch of limited growth; K, bud or rudiment of a leaf -bearing axis with root-hair (w). After Sachs. body or thallus lies more or less close to the substratum or rises somewhat obliquely, whereas in the Mosses the part we designate as the plant is in all cases an upright leafy branch. The moss plant is said to have a radial structure from the fact that the leaves radiate from a central axis, while in the Liverworts the thallus is dorsiventral ; that is, as a result of its habits of growth, it is characterized by having a distinct upper and lower surface. PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 77 The Life History of this group of plants may probably be best illustrated by following that of a moss plant. Beginning with the germination of an asexual spore which is microscopic in size and which germinates on damp earth, there is produced an FIG. 45. A common moss (Polytrichum gracile). A, showing leafy branches (gameto- phores) two of which bear sporogonia, a detached sporogonium (sporophyte) with sporan- gium from which the calyptra (ca) has been detached. B, longitudinal section through a nearly ripe sporangium showing columella (o), the elongated area of sporogenous tissue (archesporium) on either side, annulus (n), peristome (p), lid or operculum (u); C, trans- verse section of sporangium showing columella in center and dark layer of sporogenous tissue (archesporium); D, ripe sporangium (capsule) showing the escape of spores after detachment of lid; E, ripe spore containing large oil globules; F, ruptured spore showing separated protoplasm and oil globules; G. two germinating spores 14 days after being sown, showing beginning of protonema in which are a number of ellipsoidal chloroplasts. After Dodel-Port. 78 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. alga-like body consisting of branching septate filaments, which is known as the PROTONEMA, or prothallus (Fig. 44). The Proto- nema lies close to the surface of the ground and is more or less inconspicuous except for the green color. From the lower por- tion thread-like processes, or rhizoids consisting of a row of cells, are developed, which penetrate the ground. Sooner or later lateral buds arise from some of the lower cells. Growth continues from an apical cell which divides and gives rise to cells that differentiate into stem and leaves, forming an upright branch, which consti- tutes the structure commonly regarded as the " moss plant " (Fig. 45, A). The leaf-bearing axis varies considerably in size; in some cases it is but a millimeter high, whereas in some species, as Polytrichum (Fig. 45), it may be several hundred millimeters in height. At the tip of the branch the antheridium (Fig. 49, A) and archegonium (Fig. 49, B) are formed. These organs are developed in among the leaves and certain hairy processes, known as paraphyses ( Fig. 49, p) . They may both occur at the end of one branch (Fig. 49, C) or they may occur on separate branches (Fig. 49, D), when the plants are said to be monoecious, whereas when these organs occur on separate plants (Fig. 49, A t B) the plants are called dioecious. In the case of dioecious plants the plant bearing the antheridium is frequently smaller and less com- plex than the one producing the archegonium. As already stated, the archegonium produces the egg-cell or female gamete (egg) and the antheridium, the sperm cell or male gamete (sperm). The sperms in the Bryophytes are more or less filiform and are provided with a pair of cilia at one end. The antheridia, towing to the peculiar mucilaginous character of the cells, only open when there is an abundance of moisture, when the sperms are discharged and move about in the water, some being carried to the archegonium, which likewise opens only in the presence of moisture. With the transferral of the sperms to the archegonium and the union of one of these with the egg which remains sta- tionary, the work of the garnet ophyte may be said to be com- pleted. The act of union of the egg and sperm is known as FERTILIZATION, and when this is effected the next phase of the life history begins. The egg after fertilization divides and re-divides within the PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 79 archegonium, which becomes somewhat extended until finally it is ruptured. The dividing cells differentiate into a stalk and a spore case or sporangium which is borne at the summit, the whole structure being known as the SPOROGONIUM (Fig. 45). The base of the stalk is embedded in the apex of the moss plant, and is known as the foot, it being in the nature of a hausto- rium or nourishing organ. As the sporogonium develops and rises upward it carries with it the ruptured archegonium which forms a kind of covering over the top, called the calyptra (Fig. 45, ca). At first the sporangium is more or less uniform, but eventually differentiates into two kinds of tissues, the one being sterile and the other fertile (producing spores), which latter is known as the ARCHESPORIUM (Fig. 45, B, C). The fertile tissue in both the Liverworts and Mosses is variously disposed ; some- times it forms a single area and is dome shaped, spherical, or in the form of a half sphere. In other cases it is separated into two areas by sterile tissue. The sterile tissue which extends up into the dome-shaped archesporium, or which in other cases separates the fertile tissue into two parts, is known as the columella (Fig. 45, B, C). The sporangium in the mosses is capsule-like and the spores are distributed in three ways : ( i ) In some cases the capsule does not open, but when it decays the spores are liberated. (2) In other cases the capsule dehisces longitudinally in dry weather, and thus the spores are freed. (3) There is a third method in which the capsule is provided with a lid or operculum which comes off and permits the spores to escape, this being the most common method for the escape of the spores (Fig. 45, D). In the latter instance the mouth of the capsule is usually marked by one or two series of cells, constituting the PERISTOME, which are teeth-like and characteristic for some of the groups of mosses. These teeth bend inward or outward, according to the degree of moisture, and assist in regu- lating the dispersal of the spores. In the sphagnum mosses there is no peristome, but, owing to unequal tension of the lid and capsule on drying, the lid is thrown off, and the spores are sometimes discharged with considerable force and sent to quite a distance (as much as 10 centimeters), in this way insuring their dispersal. The spores (Fig. 45, E) vary in diameter from 10 to 20 8o A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. microns, being sometimes larger. They occur in groups of four in a mother-cell, and the spore-group is known as a tetrad, which is characteristic for the Bryophytes and the higher groups of plants. The spores therefore vary in shape from spherical tetra- hedrons to more or less spherical bodies, depending upon the degree of separation. The contents are rich in protoplasm and oil (Fig. 45, F). The wall consists of two layers, the outer of which is either yellowish or brown and is usually finely sculptured. At the time of germination the outer wall is thrown off, and the protonema develops (Fig. 45, G). The spores may germinate almost immediately, or only after a considerable period. These spores are asexual and each one is capable of giving rise to a new plant. With the formation and dispersal of the spores the work of this generation terminates, and this phase is called the sporophyte or asexual generation, from the fact that it produces spores. Having thus followed the stages of development in the life history of a moss, we see that it is composed of the following parts: (i) The alga-like protonema; (2) the leafy branch which gives rise to an oospore (sexual spore), and (3) the sporogonium which produces asexual spores. The leafy branch is sometimes spoken of as the gametophore (gamete-bearer), and it and the protonema together constitute the gametophyte or sexual gen- eration, while the sporogonium represents the sporophyte or asexual generation. The protonema sooner or later dies off in most plants, but in other cases it persists, forming a conspicuous portion of the gametophyte. HEPATIC^. General Structure. The Hepaticse or Liverworts (Fig. 46) are usually found in moist situations. The protonema formed on germination of a spore is filiform, and the plant body which develops from it consists of a flat, dichotomously-branching thallus, or it may in some of the higher forms differentiate into a leafy branch, as in the leafy liverworts. The thallus, owing to its position, has an upper and an under surface which are some- what different, as in Marchantia (Fig. 46), hence it is said to be PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 81 DORSIVENTRAL. From the lower colorless surface unicellular rhizoids arise (Fig. 47, h). The upper surface consists of several layers of cells containing chlorophyll which give the green color to the plant. Vegetative propagation may ensue by the lower portion of a branch dying and the upper portion continuing as an inde- pendent plant. Or special shoots, known as GEMMAE,, may arise FIG. 46. Dichotomously branching thallus of the common liverwort (Marchantia Polymorpha) showing near some of the margins the cup-like depressions in which gemmae are borne (c), and several archegoniophores (a). either on the margin of the thallus or in peculiar cupules, which, when detached by rain or other means, are capable of growing and producing a new plant. In addition the thallus body produces both antheridia and arch- egonia (Fig. 46) which may arise on special stalks above the sur- face. After fertilization of the egg-cell, which completes the work of the sexual generation of gametophyte, the sporophyte develops, 6 82 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. producing a sporogonium consisting of a short stalk which is embedded in the tissues of the gametophyte, and a capsule (spor- angium). The latter at maturity dehisces or splits and sets free the spores, which are assisted in their ejection by spirally banded cells called " elaters " (Fig. 48, C-F). The spores on germination give rise to a protonema which then develops a thallus bearing the sexual organs. As in the mosses, the sporogonium represents the asexual generation known as the sporophyte. Liverwort Groups. There are three important groups of chl FIG. 47. Transverse section through the thallus of Marchantia Polymorpha. A, middle portion with scales (b) and rhizoids (h) on the under side; B, margin of the thallus more highly magnified, showing colorless retieulately thickened parenchyma (p), epidermis of the upper side (o), cells containing chlorophyll (chl), air pore (sp), lower epidermis (u). After Goebel. Liverworts: (i) The MARCHANTIA Group (Fig. 46), in which the thallus is differentiated into several layers and so somewhat thickened. Another character is the diversity in form of the sexual organs, which range from those which are quite simple to those which are highly differentiated. In Riccia the sexual organs are embedded on the dorsal (upper) side of the thallus, while in Marchantia they are borne upon special shoots, one, which has a disk at the apex that bears the antheridia, known as the antheridio- phore, and another whose summit consists of a number of radiate PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 83 divisions and bears the archegonia (Fig. 46) on the lower sur- face, known as the archegoniophore ; these being borne on separate plants. In Riccia, the simplest of the Liverworts, the sporangium is enclosed by the thallus and the spores are not liberated until the decay of the plant. (2) The JUNGERMANIA Group, known as " Leafy Liver- worts " or " scale mosses," includes those forms which are more FIG. 48. Anthoceros gracilis, one of the liverworts. A, thallus with 4 sporogonia; B, a ripe elongated sporogonium, dehiscing longitudinally and showing two valves between which is the slender columella; C, D, E, F, various forms of elaters; G, spores. After Schiffner. or less moss-like and develop stems and small leaves. The sporo- gonium has a long stalk and the capsule is 4-valved, i.e., separates into four longitudinal sections at maturity. (3) In the ANTHOCEROS Group (Fig. 48) the gametophyte is thallus-like and very simple in structure, the sexual organs being embedded in the thallus. The sporogonium is characterized by a bulbous foot and an elongated, 2-valved capsule. Like the thallus, 84 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. it develops chlorophyll and possesses stomata resembling those found in certain groups of mosses and higher plants. MUSCI. in the Mosses the archegonia always form the end of the axis of a shoot, whether this be a main one or a lateral one. As has already been stated (p. 78), the sexual organs are surrounded by leaves or leaf-like structures, known as perichaetia or peri- chsetal leaves, and by hair-like structures or paraphyses, both of which are considered to act as protective organs. Sometimes the groups of sexual organs together with the protective organs are spoken of as the " moss flower." As already stated, the Mosses are both monoecious (Fig. 49, C, D) and dioecious (Fig. 49, A, B), hence a moss flower may contain only one of the sexual organs or it may contain both. Mosses are also characterized by an abundant vegetative propagation. New branches are developed from the old. " Almost every living cell of a moss can grow out into protonema, and many produce gemmae of the most different kinds." Entire shoots provided with reserve material are cut off and form new plants. In this way moss carpets are frequently formed in the woods, or masses in bogs. Moss Groups. There are two general classes o>f mosses : ( i ) SPHAGNUM forms are those which produce leaves without nerves, and in which the sporogonium does not possess a long stalk or seta. What appears to be the stalk is the prolongation of the gametophyte stem which is known as the pseudodiurn or " false stalk." These forms are characteristic of wet places. Some of the group, as Sphagnum proper, form " sphagnum bogs." New plants develop on top of the old, which latter gradually die and finally pass into sphagnum peat, which forms thick masses and finds use as a fuel. (2) The TRUE MOSSES are especially distin- guished by the differentiated character of the sporogonium, which not only produces a stalk but also the peristome (Fig. 45, />), which when present is of great importance in distinguishing the different species. Economic Uses of Bryophytes. The investigations on the chemistry of the Liverworts and Mosses have not been very numerous. The constituents which have been found are in the PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 85 nature of tannin, resins, ethereal oils, glucosides, alkaloids, color- ing compounds, and organic acids like citric, oxalic, tartaric, and aconitic. In the mosses starch and silicon salts are found in addition. Several species of Marchantia and Jungermannia are FIG. 49. Longitudinal sections through tips of leafy branches of mosses. A, show- ing antheridia (a, b) in different stages of development and paraphyses or cell-threads (c), the apical cell of which is spherical and contains chlorophyll, and leaves (d, e); B, show- ing archegonia (a) and leaves (b) ; C, section of Bryum showing both archegonia, and an- theridia, paraphyses, and leaves; D, section of Phascum showing archegonia (ar), antheridia (an), thread-like paraphyses (p), and leaves (b). A, and B, after Sachs; C, after Limpricht; D, after Hofmeister. used in medicine. Of the mosses the following have been found to have medicinal properties: Sphagnum cuspidatum, Grimmia pulvinata, Funaria hygfometrica, Fontinalis antipyretica, and sev- eral species of Polytrichum and Hypnum. 86 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. PTERIDOPHYTES. The Pteridophytes were formerly known as the VASCULAR CRYPTOGAMS. Like the Bryophytes, these plants show a distinct alternation of generations ; i.e., the gametophyte or sexual genera- tion alternates with the sporophyte or asexual generation. Their relation is, however, somewhat changed. In the Bryophytes the gametophyte is the most conspicuous and is looked upon as con- stituting the plant proper, whereas in the Pteridophytes the gametophyte is rather insignificant in size, while the sporophyte constitutes the generation or phase which is ordinarily regarded as the plant. In the higher members of the Pteridophytes the sporophyte is entirely detached from the gametophyte and is able to lead an independent existence. This group also shows a dis- tinct advance in structure. There is a differentiation into root, stem, and leaves, and the development of a system of conducting tissue known as the VASCULAR SYSTEM. The Pteridophytes include three principal groups, namely, ( I ) Filicales or Ferns, (2) Equisetales or Scouring Rushes, and (3) Lycopodiales or Club Mosses, which differ considerably in general appearance and general morphological characters. With the exception of the sperms in the Club Mosses, which are biciliate and somewhat resemble those in the Bryophytes, the sperms in the Pteridophytes are spirally coiled and multiciliate, and according to the number of cilia of the sperms some writers divide the Pteridophytes into two classes, namely, biciliate and pluriciliate (Figs. 51, C; 62, F). Some of the Pteridophytes, as Selaginella (Fig. 60), are dis- tinguished by the fact that they produce two kinds of asexual spores, which are known respectively as MICROSPORES (Fig. 60, F) and MEGASPORES (Fig. 60, E). The two kinds of spores are formed in separate sporangia, which organs may occur on the same plant or on different plants. The sporangia have the cor- responding names, microsporangia (Fig. 60, B, i) and megaspor- angia (Fig. 60, B,g). This differentiation in sporangia and spores also leads to a differentiation in the resulting gametophytes, the microspores giving rise to gametophytes which produce antheridia, and hence called male gametophytes; and the megaspores to PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 87 gametophytes which give rise to archegonia, and hence called female gametophytes. When a plant produces both microspores and megaspores it is said to be HETEROSPOROUS, as in Selaginella (Figs. 60, 62, and -63) ; while one that produces but one kind of sporangium and one kind of asexual spores is said to be ISOSPOROUS. In this connection attention should be called to the fact that the spores from a single sporangium of an isosporous plant may give rise to male and female gametophytes, which shows that a certain degree of differentiation in the spores has already taken place. The causes leading to the differentiation of the spores seem to be B FlG. 50. Male fern [Dryopteris (Aspidium or Nephrodiuni) Filix-mas], A, prothallus of gametophyte as seen from the under (ventral) side showing archegonia (ar), antheridia (an), and rhizoids (rh) ; B, prothallus showing young plant (sporophyte) which has devel- oped from an oospore and is still connected with the gametophyte, roots (w), and the first leaf (b). After Schenck. connected with nutrition, those nuclei which are in more favorable positions giving rise to larger and better nourished spores which eventually lead to the formation of the megaspores, and those which are less favorably placed leading to the microspores. The subject of heterospory is one of great interest, and when it is pointed out that all of the higher plants are heterosporous the subject has even more interest. FILICALES. General Characters. On germination the asexual spore in the Filicales or Ferns gives rise to a thallus-like body known as 88 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. the prothallus which is frequently dorsiventral and in a number of cases somewhat heart-shaped, but varies considerably in out- line, being sometimes more or less tuberous. The prothallus is frequently but a few millimeters in diameter, and the cells usually contain chloroplasts. On the under or ventral surface rhizoids are usually present (Fig. 50, rh). The sexual organs usually arise on the lower surface (Fig. 50), but they may develop on the upper or dorsal surface or even laterally. A single prothallus gives rise to both kinds of organs, unless stunted in its growth, when it produces antheridia only. FIG. 51. A, B, development of archegonia of a fern (Pteris) showing the neck (h), the neck-canal cells (k), and oosphere (e). After Strasburger. C, development of antheridium in the Venus-hair fern (Adiantum Capillus-Veneris): prothallus (p), antheridium (a), sperm (s), sperm mother cell with starch grains (b); I, immature state of antheridium, II, sperms developed, and III, discharge of sperm mother cells and escape of coiled and pluriciliate sperms. After Sachs. The antheridia either develop upon or are sunk in the tissues of the prothallus. The archegonia (Fig. 51) are not flask-shaped as in the Bryophytes. The venter containing the oosphere or egg- cell (Fig. 51, e) is embedded in the thallus, the structure being surmounted by a few-celled neck (Fig. 51, h). The inner cells of the neck are known as canal cells (Fig. 51, k), and these at the time of ripening of the egg swell and exit through the opening of the archegonium, through which then the sperms enter, one of which unites with the egg, thus effecting fertilization. The fer- tilized egg or oospore takes on a cellulose membrane. PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 89 The oospore which is held in the venter of the archegonium is not a resting spore, but germinates immediately and early differen- tiates into the several organs (Fig. 52) . These arise independently and include a stem-bud (Fig. 52, /) ; a first leaf or cotyledon (Fig. 52, b), so called because it does not arise out of the stem as the later leaves do; a first or primary root (Fig. 52, w) ; and a foot or haustorial organ (Fig. 52, /) whereby it obtains nutri- ment from the prothallus (Fig. 52, pr) . This latter organ is, how- ever, only a temporary provision, for as soon as the root grows out and penetrates the soil, it dies off and the sporophyte thus becomes independent. The stems are frequently more or less con- A FIG. 52. The brake fern (Pteris). A, differentiation of cells in germinating oospores; B, later stage showing development of embryo: pr, prothallus; f, foot embedded in the archegonium (aw); w, root; s, young stem; b, young leaf. A, after Kienitz Gerloff; B, after Hofmeister. densed and lie prostrate in the soil, developing roots from the under surface and leaves from the sides and upper surfaces. The leaves which constitute the conspicuous part of the ordinary ferns consist of a stalk and lamina or blade on which are borne the spor- angia (Figs. 53 to 55). The sporangia usually occur on the under surface of the leaf in groups or clusters known as SORI (Fig. 53, A). The sori are of characteristic shape and in certain species are covered by a plate called the INDUSIUM (Fig. 53, B) which rises from the epidermis. In some species the entire leaf becomes a spore-bearing organ, and is then known as a SPORO- PHYLL (Figs. 54, 55), to distinguish it from the foliage leaves. The sporangia develop a row of cells around the margin consti- A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. tuting what is known as the ANNULUS (Fig. 53, ). The form of the annulus determines the manner of dehiscence of the sporangia, which occurs on drying. The spores are ejected with consider- FIG. 53. Male fern [Dryopteris (Aspidium or Nephr odium) Filix-mas}. A, portion of leaflet showing a number of more or less reniform sori near the mid-vein; B, transverse section through a ripe sori showing clusters of stalked sporangia, which are covered by the indusium (i), an outgrowth of the leaflet; C, a closed but ripe sporangium showing the annulus or ring (n), and the irregular-shaped spores within; D, showing the manner of bpening of the mature sporangium and the dispersal of the spores; E, two spores much magnified. After Dodel-Port. able force (Fig. 53, D). They (Fig. 53, E; Fig. 57) are either bilateral or tetrahedral and require a short period to elapse before they germinate. They retain their vitality for a long 1 time, except those which are green, i.e., contain chlorophyll. The spores are PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 91 greenish or yellowish in color, variously sculptured, and vary from 0.025 mm. to 0.158 mm. in diameter. Fern Groups. There are a number of distinct groups of FIG. 54. Several Osmundas. i, the royal fern (0. regalis) showing fertile tip of branch and sterile bipinnate leaflets below; 2, Clayton's fern (O. Claytoniana) showing three pairs of fertile leaflets in the middle and a number of sterile leaflets above and below; 3, cinnamon fern (O. cinnamomea) showing a fertile leaf (sporophyll) to the left and a sterile leaf (foliage leaf) to the right, ferns which vary considerably in appearance. ( I ) In the Tropics as well as in greenhouses TREE FERNS, characterized by an over- ground stem, occur. The leaves arise at the summit of the stem or trunk and form a crown. 92 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. (2) The TRUE FERNS include by far the largest number of species which inhabit temperate regions. These vary consider- ably in size, ranging from quite diminutive plants 5 to 12 cm. high, as the slender Cliff Brake (Pellcea atropurpurea and the variety FlG. 55. Different types of Perns and fern allies. I, fertile and sterile leaves of slender cliff brake (Pellaea Stelleri); 2, ebony spleen-wort (Asplenium platyneuron) ; 3, rhizome with two leaves of the common polypody (Polypodium vulgare) ; 4, maiden-hair spleen- wort (Asplenium trichomanes) ; 5, ternate grape-fern (Botrychium ternatum), showing the tripinnate sterile leaf on the left and the upright sporophyll on the right; 6, walking fern (Camptosorus rhizophyllus) showing a new plant developing from the tip of one of the leaves; 7, fertile and young sterile leaves of ostrich fern (Onoclea Struthiopteris). PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 93 cristata) and maiden hair spleenwort (Asplenium T rich o mane s) , to plants several feet high, as in the several species of Osmunda (Fig. 54), ostrich fern (Fig. 55), etc. This group is chiefly B FIG. 56. A, transverse section of stipe of Dryopteris marginalis: E, epidermis; H, hypodermis of collenchymatous cells; P, parenchyma containing starch; V, fibrovascular bundle; S, sieve; T, tracheae; N, endodermis surrounding each bundle. B, transverse sec- tion of stipe of Osmunda Claytoniana: H, hypodermis of lignified sclerenchymatous fibres; N, endodermis surrounding a large central fibrovascular bundle; Tn, tannin cells. characterized by the underground or prostrate stems, known as rhizomes, the part of the plant that is seen above ground being the leaf. 94 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. (3) There is also a group of ferns known as WATER FERNS which are aquatic in habit ; that is, they live in marshy places or float on water. As representatives of this group may be men- tioned Marsila, from whose slender rhizome that is buried in the FIG. 57. Some fern spores. A, B, C, different views of the bilateral spores of the common polypody (Poly podium vulgar e), showing outer wall (ep), middle wall (ex), inner wall (end) and line of dehiscence (dl) ; D, a tetrahedral spore of the royal fern (Osmunda regalis); E, F, spores of Ceratopteris thalictroides seen in two views. A-D, after Sadebeck; E-F, after Kny. muddy bottom of streams arise the clover-like leaves that float on the water (Fig. 59) ; and Salvinia (Fig. 58), which is a small floating plant that develops two kinds of leaves, one which float on the surface of the water and are more or less oblong, and FIG. 58. A water fern (Salvinia natans). A, a plant seen from side and showing floating leaves at top attached to the horizontal stem, root-like finely divided leaves beneath, and a cluster of globose sporocarps; B, a view from above showing especially the character of the upper leaves; C, young plant developing from a megaspore (msp). A and B, after Bischoff ; C, after Pringsheim. another which are filiform, branching, root-like, and submerged. The water ferns are further distinguished by the production of megaspores and microspores. (4) The ADDER'S TONGUE FAMILY, to which Ophioglossum PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 95 and Botrychium belong, develops a subterranean prothallus which is destitute of chlorophyll. The prothallus is in some cases tube- FIG. 59. Marsilea quadrifolia (from Bantam Lake, Conn.), a submersed or emersed aquatic plant belonging to the Marsileaceae, a family of the Pteridophytes. Of the forty different species, only two or three are found in the United States. It produces long, slender rhizomes, which are buried in the muddy bottoms of shallow lakes or streams and from which arise the leaflets which float on the surface. The leaves are on long, slender petioles and 4-foliate, the leaflets being mostly triangular-obovate. In Marsilea quadrifolia, a European form growing in Connecticut and Massachusetts and frequently cultivated, the leaves are nearly glabrous, while in M. vestita, a form found in shallow ditches in the Southern States, the leaflets are usually hairy. This character is quite marked in the spor-' ocarps of the two plants. After a photograph by Henry Troth. 96 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. rous, and the sporophyte produces two kinds of leaves, namely, foliage leaves, and fertile leaves or those which bear the sporangia. The sporangia occur on lateral branches of the sporophyll and open at maturity by means of a horizontal slit. Ferns Used in Medicine and as Foods. Many of the ferns contain tannin, a brownish coloring principle, and in addition an anthelmintic principle. They may also contain ethereal oils, starch, coumarin, aconitic acid, and other principles. A large number have been used in medicine, of which the following may be mentioned: Dryopteris (Aspidium or Nephrodium) maryinalis and D. Filix-mas, yielding the official Aspidium. A number of other species of Aspidium, as well as species of Adiantum, As- plenium and Polypodium, are also used in various parts of the world. The rhizomes of some of the ferns contain considerable starch and are used to some extent as foods, as Pteris esculenta of China ; Pteridium aquiliana var. lanuginosa of the Canary Islands ; Aspidium varium and Asplenium bulbosum of Cochin China. Polypodium vulgare contains a substance related to glycyrrhizin. Adiantum pe datum and Polypodium Phymatodes are said to con- tain coumarin, the latter plant being used in perfumery. EQUISETALES. The Horsetails, or scouring rushes (Equisetums), are peren- nial plants containing a large amount of silica in their tissues. Like in the ferns, the more or less branching, creeping rhizome persists from year to year, sending out each year new shoots. As in some of the ferns, it develops two distinct kinds of leaf-shoots, a fertile and a sterile one, each of which is distinctly jointed. The scale-like leaves are arranged in circles about the joints or nodes, the work of photosynthesis being carried on by the green stems. The fertile branch develops at the apex a group of sporophylls known as a cone or strobilus. The archesporium, or initial spore- producing zone, is unilocular. In Equisetum, the only representa- tive of the group, the spores are spherical and each is furnished with two spiral bands or elaters which assist in its dispersal. Some of the Equisetums contain aconitic acid and are used in medi- cine. Common scouring rush (Equisetum hyemale) is used for PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 97 polishing woods, and Equisetum arvense is used for scouring tinware. LYCOPODIALES. The Lycopodiales, or Club Mosses (Fig. 66),- are perennial moss-like plants, with more or less erect or creeping and branching stems, on which are borne numerous small simple leaves. The sporangia arise either at the .base of the upper surface of the leaves or occur in terminal cones. They have short stalks, are uni- locular and 2-valved. The asexual spores are of one kind in Lycopodium and in the form of spherical tetrahedrons, resulting from the manner in which division has taken place (see Vol. II). In Selaginella (Fig. 60) two kinds of asexual spores are produced, that is, both microspores and megaspores, which in turn give rise to male and female prothalli respectively. The microspore develops a male gametophyte (Fig. 62) which remains entirely within the spore, and consists of a few-celled prothallus and a number of mother cells which produce sperms that eventually escape by the breaking of the wall. The megaspore frequently begins to develop the gametophyte (Fig. 63) while still within the sporangium. The prothallus con- sists of a number of cells and partly protrudes through the rup- tured spore wall. On the upper part of the prothallus or nutri- tive layer a few archegonia are borne. It should be stated that sometimes the archegonia are developed very early on the pro- thallus tissue, but usually they are developed after the spores have escaped from the sporangium. After fertilization of the egg a multicellular embryo develops which shows the following parts (Fig. 61) : (i) An elongated cell or row of cells which extends into the tissues of the prothallus for the purpose of obtaining nutriment; (2) a root; and (3) a stem bearing at its tip two leaves, or cotyledons. One of the specially notable characters of the plants of the Selaginella group is, as we have seen, the great reduction in size of the gametophyte, which in the case of the microspore does not enlarge beyond the wall of the spore, and in the case of the megaspore only partly protrudes beyond its wall. Isoetes. This is a genus of aquatic or marsh plants known 7 9 8 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. as quillworts. The plants produce a number of filiform roots which penetrate the mud, and a compact tuft of rush-like leaves. The plants are heterosporous, as in Selaginella. The sporangia FIG. 60. Selaginella helvetica. A, sporophyte consisting of leafy branches giving rise to microsporangia (i), megasporangia (g), and rhizoids (r); B, longitudinal section of portion of branch showing a megasporangium (g) with 3 megaspores in view, a microspor- angium (i) containing microspores ; C, a young microsporangium showing free mother cells before formation of tetrads; D, tetrahedral division of spore mother cell; E, ripe megaspore; F, four microspores of tetrad separated; G, microsporophyll seen from above showing ripe microsporangium. After Dodel-Port. are borne in the axils of the leaves, the outer leaves bearing the megasporangia and the inner leaves the microsporangia. The gametophytes consist of but a few cells. While the group is het- PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 99 erosporous and the gametophytes resemble those in Selaginella, the sperms are multiciliate and coiled as in the Ferns. Distribution and Uses of Lycopodiales. A number of the Lycopodiums are common on rocks, damp woods, sandy bogs, and illustrations of several of these are shown in Fig. 66. Some tropical species are used in medicine ; the spores of Lycopodium clavatum, on account of their fixed oil, are used as a dusting powder, and for burning in the production of flash lights (see Vol. II). The Selaginellas, of which there are several native species, are commonly used for decorative purposes. Some species FIG. 61. Longitudinal section of young embryo of a Selaginella before separation from the prothallus: et, suspensor; w, root; f, foot; bl, cotyledons; lig, ligules or bud scales. After Pfeffer. are, however, also used in medicine, and it is interesting to note that the spores of one species (Selaginella selaginoides) are used like those of Lycopodium. While the Pteridophytes do not form a very conspicuous por- tion of the flora at the present time and yield but few products of use to man, it may be pointed out that in former ages they formed the dominant vegetation of the earth. Many of the ancestral forms of this group attained the size of trees and made up the forest vegetation during the Devonian and Carboniferous Ages, the latter being sometimes spoken of as the age of Pterido- phytes. It is also called the Coal Age from the fact that the coal 100 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. measures were chiefly laid down during this period. By some it is thought that the deposits of coal of this age were probably princi- pally formed from the remains of certain marsh plants including two extinct groups of huge, tree-like club mosses (Lepidodendron and Sigillaria) and the Calamites, representatives of the scouring rushes. SPERMOPHYTES. The Spermophytes, or Seed Plants, constitute the third of the 1 great divisions into which plants are divided. The plants belong- PIG. 62. Successive stages in the germination of the microspores of a Selaginella: p and w, cells of the prothallus; s, cells giving rise to sperms. A, B, D, views of spores from the side; C, view from the back; in E, the cells surrounding the sperm mother cell are dis- organized; F, two biciliate sperms. After Belajeff. ing to this division not only form the most conspicuous feature of the flora because of their size and general distribution, but also because of the fact that they produce flowers renders a large num- ber of them especially attractive. The plants of this group are also of great importance from an economic point of view. They fur- nish a large part of the food of man and other animals, as well as materials for clothing, shelter, fuel, and divers other purposes. In this group of plants there are the highest differentiation of tis- sues and the most complicated structure. The one character which especially distinguishes them from the lower groups of plants is that of the production of seeds. PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 101 The plants have for the most part well-differentiated stems and leaves, and represent the sporophyte or asexual generation. The sporophyte produces sporophylls which are of two kinds, namely, megasporophylls and microsporophylls. The megasporo- phylls bear small ellipsoidal bodies known as ovules, which develop into seeds. The megasporangium is not separate and distinct in the spermophytes as it is in Selaginella, but is embedded within an ovule and corresponds to that part of the ovule known as the nucellus. The nucellus encloses the embryo-sac, which is regarded as a megaspore (Figs. 70, 71, and 81). Each megasporangium (nucellus) therefore contains but a single megaspore, whereas in Selaginella the megasporangia contain from I to 8 megaspores. The microsporophyll bears microsporangia (pollen sacs) which contain microspores (pollen grains). The female gametophyte in the Spermophytes is still more limited in its development than even in the highest Pteridophytes (as Selaginella and Isoetes) and remains wholly within the megaspore or embryo-sac. As a result of fertilization of the egg-cell an embryo is produced which consists of root, stem, and one or more cotyledons and which with the integuments covering it constitutes the seed. Spermophytes embrace two well-defined groups, namely, (i) Gymnosperms, or naked-seeded plants, and (2) Angiosperms, or enclosed-seeded plants. GYMNOSPERMS. In the Gymnosperms the ovules, each of which contains a megasporangium (nucellus), are borne on an open sporophyll (carpel), and thus are exposed, as are also the seeds developed from them. In the Angiosperms the ovules are borne within closed sporophylls, and are thus protected or covered until the seeds, which develop from them, mature. The Gymnosperms represent an ancient group of plants and were more numerous during the Triassic period than now. They are mostly shrubs and trees, and do not shed their leaves period- ically as the Angiosperms do, and hence are known as " ever- greens." As in some of the Pteridophytes (Lycopodium, Equi- setum), the sporophylls occur in groups forming cones or strobiles (Fig. 72). They not only differ in external appearance from the IO2 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Angiosperms but also in the anatomical structure of the stem, which is without large conducting vessels. In order to understand the relation of the Gymnosperms to the Pteridophytes on the one hand and to the Angiosperms on the other, it will be necessary to consider briefly the life history of a representative group, such as the Coniferae. General Characters. The seed consists essentially of three parts, namely, a woody or leathery seed-coat, a nutritive layer rich in oil known as the endosperm, and a straight embryo. The latter is a more or less differentiated plantlet, consisting of a stem spm FIG. 63. The female gametophyte of a Selaginella; prothallus (pr) projecting through the ruptured wall (spm) of the megaspore; ar, sterile archegonium; embi, emb2, two embryos embedded in the tissue of the prothallus; et, et, suspensors. After Pfeffer. with a varying number of cotyledons or first leaves (2 to 16), and a small root which is attached to a suspensor, as is the embryo in Selaginella (Fig. 63). When the embryo begins its develop- ment into the plant it uses up the nourishment with which it is surrounded in the endosperm, and as it increases in size the seed- coat is split. The root then protrudes and the cotyledons, to some of which the seed-coat is still attached, are carried upward by the stem through the surface of the soil, when the seed-coat is cast off and the plant begins an independent existence. The first root is the primary or tap root, and from this are sent out numerous branches known as secondary roots, constituting a well-developed PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 103 root system which serves the double purpose of absorbing nutri- ment from the substratum or soil and holding or fixing the plant in its upright position. The embryonal stem grows vertically upwards, continuing its growth indefinitely. Lateral branches arise at more or less regular intervals which extend from near the ground to the apex, the younger branches continually succeeding FIG. 64. Bjrd's Nest Moss (Selaginella lepidophylla) . A, the plant growing in a moist situation or upon the addition of water; B, the habit of the plant under dry conditions, it unrolling and becoming as (A) upon the addition of water. This plant is also known as Resurrection plant and Rose of Jericho, the latter name is more correctly applied to Anastatica hierochuntica, a cruciferous plant of the East Mediterranean and Egypt, the stems on drying becoming folded together and the whole plant being scattered by the wind. The Bird's Nest Moss grows in Mexico and western Texas, and in the rolled-up condition (B) is found occasionally in commerce and is used as a table decoration. It has the advan- tage that even though it dries out, it may be renewed many times. After Hieronymus in Engler and Prantl. the older ones from the ground upward, thus giving the trees a cone-like outline. The leaves arise on the branches and are of two kinds, primary leaves which are more or less scale-like and deciduous, and secondary leaves which are true foliage leaves, and are usually quite simple in structure. The leaves vary in form but are usually narrow and somewhat thickened, giving them a needle-like appearance. 104 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. In addition, sporophylls (spore-bearing leaves) are formed at the ends of the young shoots or in the axils of more mature ones FlG. 65. A piece of slate from the coal formation in Shenandoah, Pennsylvania, showing a fossil fern which is probably a species of Neuropteris. (Fig. 69). These are compactly arranged, forming cones or stro- bili which are always of two kinds and borne on different twigs of the same plant or on different plants. The staminate cones PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 105 consisting of microsporophylls (stamens) are more or less elon- gated and cylindrical or ovoid (Fig. 69, A). The carpellate cones consisting of megasporophylls (carpels) have a shorter longitudinal axis, and the cones vary considerably in the different groups (Fig. 72). FlG. 66. Several species of Lycopodium. i, Ground pine (L. ohscuruni) showing a leafy branch with one strobile at the apex; 2, a branch of trailing Christmas green (L. complanatum) bearing four or five strobiles at the apex of long dichotomously branching stalks; 3, club moss or running pine (L. clavatum) with a branch bearing four strobiles; 4, shining club moss (L. lucidulum) with small sporangia borne in the axils of the leaves. The Microsporophylls (Fig. 69) are usually of a yellowish- brown color, and consist of a slender stalk and a lamina which bears the microsporangia (pollen sacs) on the lower or dorsal surface (Fig. 69, B, C). In this they show a resemblance to io6 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 67. White Pine, also called Weymouth Pine, (Pinus Strobus). From a photograph by Mr. C. J. Hibbard in " Minnesota Trees and Shrubs." PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 107 ferns where the sori are borne on the under surface of the leaves. The microsporangia vary in number from 2 to 15, and are pro- tected in various ways, either being sunk in the tissues of the sporo- jphyll, as in Pinus and Abies, or they are, as in Juniperus and \Thuja, provided with a covering resembling the indusium of the isori of the ferns. The walls are variously thickened and on drying, >}f%2f Dan S.W s.w FIG. 68. Pinus reftexa. Transverse section of a portion from the inner face of the spring wood showing a schizogenous resin duct or passage with the central canal (C) and the thin-walled and resinous epithelium (ep); with parenchyma tracheids (t), the spring wood (Sp. W.) and the summer wood (S. W.). After Penhallow. The Coniferae represent the most ancient group in which resin passages or reservoirs are found. While these passages show certain important variations in structure and origin, and while even in certain genera of the group, as in the genus Pinus, they exhibit consider- able variation in detail, yet in this genus they are all of the same structural type as in Pinus reflexa, the white pine of the high mountainous regions of New Mexico and Arizona. The epithelial tissues are thin-walled and readily broken in making sections except in the hard pines as the Loblolly pine (P. Tceda), where ths cells often become strongly resinous. (See Penhallow's "Manual of the North American Gymnospenns.") owing to unequal tension, the sacs are ruptured longitudinally and the spores scattered. The microspores are very numerous, sometimes forming powdery deposits. They are either i -celled or 3-celled. In the latter case two lateral cells act as wings for the dispersal of the spores by the wind (Fig. 69, D). io8 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. The Megasporophylls consist of sessile carpels (leaves) on which are borne one or two naked ovules containing the sporangia (nuclei). In certain groups, as in the pines, balsams, etc., a scale is formed at the base of the carpel which bears the ovules, and this scale is called the seminiferous scale. The ovules con- sist of several parts (Figs. 70 and 71) : a stalk; an integument or wall which has an opening at the apex known as the micropyle ; a nucellus (megasporangium), being that portion next within the FIG. 69. A, longitudinal section of cone composed of microsporophylls, of one of the pines; B, longitudinal section of microsporophyll showing microsporangium (pollen sac); C, the same in transverse section showing both microsporangia; D, winged microspore (pollen grain), with a two-celled male gametophyte, the upper cell being the generative cell, the remaining nucleated cell giving rise to the pollen tube. After Schimper. integument; and embedded within the nucellus a portion known as the megaspore or embryo-sac. Garnet ophytes. The development of the garnet ophytes from the asexual spores, namely, the microspore or pollen grain, and the megaspore or embryo-sac, is as follows : The nucleus of the megaspore divides repeatedly (Fig. 71), cell .walls are formed, and a multicellular structure known as the ENDOSPERM is pro- duced. This structure constitutes the prothallus of the female PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 109 gametophyte (Fig. 70, E; Fig. 71). In the upper portion of the prothallus (that is, at the micropylar end), three to five archegonia are formed (Fig. 70, a; Fig. 71), which are separated from one another by cells of the endosperm or prothallus, which are rich in protoplasm. The structure of the archegonium is much like that n FIG. 70. Longitudinal section of an ovule of a spruce (Piced): i, integument; nc, nucellus (megasporangium) ; e, embryo-sac (megaspore) which has developed the female gametophyte consisting of endosperm (e), two archegonia (a), which show the neck (c), and the egg (n); p, germinating pollen grains (microspores) with pollen tubes (t) which have penetrated the nucellus (nc) and reached the neck cells of the archegonia. After Schimper. of the preceding group, consisting of a venter which contains the egg, and a short neck composed of 4 to 8 cells. The male gametophyte begins to develop while the pollen is still in the sporangium. At this stage it consists of a generative cell and a wall-cell, which constitute the antheridium, the cells of the prothallus being usually suppressed (Fig. 69, D). In addition to the extreme minuteness of the gametophytes no A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. we have also to note the character of the male gamete or sperm. With the exception of the Cycads and Ginkgo, motile sperms are FIG. 71. Development of gametophyte and embryo in one of the Coniferae. e, em- bryo-sac (megaspore); a, archegonium ; h, neck of archegonium; i, integument; p, pollen- tube; n, nucellus; f, wing of seed; g, fibrovascular tissue; kz, canal cells of archegonium; ka, beginning of embryo; k, nuclei; ws.tip of root; wh, root-cap; c, cotyledons; v, point of growth of stem; s, suspensor. I, early stages of embryo-sac (e); II, young archegonium (a) after development of neck cells (h), cell lumen (1); III, section of ovule with portion of attached seminiferous scale (f) showing entrance of pollen tube; IV, embryo-sac with two developed archegonia; V, archegonium after fertilization, there being four nuclei at the lower part, only two of which are seen; VI, further development of embryo; VII, VIII, IX, X, showing develop- ment of large tortuous suspensor, to which is attached the young embryo (ka); XI, XII, mature embryo. After Strasburger. PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. in not found in the Gymnosperms, but these are represented by two male nuclei which are transferred directly to the archegonium from the male gametophyte, formed through germination of the microspore (pollen grain). It may be recalled that in the Pteri- dophytes the motile sperms are discharged from the antheridium and carried by the agency of water to the archegonium, but in the Gymnosperms water is no longer a medium of transferral. The microspores themselves are carried to the ovules usually through the agency of wind, after which they germinate, developing a tube which carries the male nuclei directly to the archegonium without their ever having been free. The transferral of the microspores or pollen grains to the ovule is known as pollination. After pollination the wall-cell de- velops a tube, the pollen tube, and the generative cell gives rise to two male nuclei, which, with the remaining protoplasmic con- tents of the antheridium, are carried by the pollen tube to the micropyle, which it enters, penetrating the tissue of the nucellus (Fig. 70, t). On reaching the neck of an archegonium the pollen tube pushes its way down into the venter, where it discharges one of the sperm nuclei, which unites with the egg, forming an oospore. Cessation in growth does not yet take place and the oospore develops into the embryo already described. The develop- ing embryo obtains its nourishment by means of a suspensor (Fig. 71, s), which also places the embryo in a favorable position. There being several archegonia in an ovule (Figs. 70, 71), a corresponding number of embryos may be formed, but rarely more than one survives. While the embryo is developing, the other tissues of the megaspore are likewise undergoing changes leading to the maturity of the seed. The carpels and seminifer- ous scales also continue to grow, and they usually become more or less woody, forming the characteristic cones of the pines (Fig. 72), but may coalesce and become fleshy, producing the berry-like fruits of Juniper (Fig. 75). The seed on germination gives rise to the sporophyte (tree). Groups of Gymnosperms. There are several important groups of Gymnosperms: (i) The Cycads or Fern Palms, which are characteristic of tropical and sub-tropical countries. The trunk does not branch as in the ordinary evergreens, and 112 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 72. Cones of some of the Coniferae. A, branch of Spruce Pine (Pinus echinata) with two cones; B, from Pitch Pine (Picea excelsa); C, from Great Sugar Pine (Pinus Lam- bertiand); D, from Black Spruce (Picea mariana); E, from the California Silver Fir (Abies magnified); F, from Loblolly or Frankincense Pine (Pinus Tceda); G, branch of Pitch or Torch Pine (Pinus rigida). PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 113 the leaves form a crown at the summit of the stem or trunk. An important character of some of the Cycads is the production of multiciliate sperms, as in the ferns, Equisetum and Isoetes. (2) The Ginkgonaceae (to which belongs the Ginkgo or Maidenhair Tree, which is extensively cultivated in China and Japan and is found wild in China. It is very widely cultivated in this country, owing to its ornamental foliage ; the staminate tree is preferable, as the seeds of the pistillate tree have a very offensive odor. The triangular shaped leaves occur in fascicles and the seeds are berry-like. (3) The Coniferae is by far the most important group and consists of two families, the Taxacese and the Pinaceae. To the Taxaceae belongs Taxus, or yew, a low tree bearing flat, linear leaves and a seed which is exposed and surrounded by the scarlet, fleshy, aril-like disk or scale. To the Pinacese belong most of our important Gymnosperms. Pinus (Pine) is the most important genus (Figs. 67, 73, and 74). It is characterized by having needle-like leaves arranged 2 to 5 in a fascicle. The cone of the pine is usually woody, and upon becoming dry splits open so as to release the winged seeds. Perhaps the most valuable member of this genus is the white pine (Fig. 67) which is found throughout the northern half of the United States east of the Mississippi River. Its timber is light brown or reddish, soft and fine-grained, but not very strong. It is used extensively in rough building construction. Pinus palustris, or long-leaved pine, is one of the most valuable members of this group. It is the chief source of the terebinthinous products of this country, and its wood contributes no small part to the lumber industry. The long-leaved pine is tall, straight, has a thin-scaled bark and a very hard, resinous wood. The stem separates near the summit into several diverging branches, giving the tree a flattened top. The leaves are in threes, rarely in fours, from 10 to 15 inches long, and the cones are 6 to 10 inches long, the scales being armed with short recurved spines. Other pines yielding turpentine are Pinus Tada, loblolly pine ; Pinus hetero- phylla, Cuban or swamp pine ; Pinus echinnata, short-leaved yellow pine. Tsuga canadensis (Hemlock) is a common tree of eastern North America (Fig. 73). It attains a large size, and the delicate 8 114 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. I!} ar? tat ana FIG. 73. Leaves and cones of Balsam Fir (Abies balsamea), Larch (Larix laricind), Douglas Fir or Douglas Spruce (Pseudotsuga taxifolia), White Pine (Pinus Strobus), Hem. lock (Tsuga canadensis) , Spruce (Picea mariana), and Jack Pine (Pinus Banksiana) . From "Minnesota Trees and .Shrubs." PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. spray of its branches gives it a delicate beauty. Although its lum- ber is not very strong nor durable, it is extensively used. The bark is also used to an enormous extent in the manufacture of heavy leather. In recent years many tanneries have been built in the hemlock districts so as to be near the supply of bark. For the finer grades of leather the hemlock bark is mixed with that of "Pfltrohua \rar auatnaca F> u o u r9 1 monTana FIG. 74. Cross-sections of leaves of six different species of Pinus, showing in the diagrams the variation in the shapes of the cross-sections, with the distribution of the oil reservoirs, and beneath each an enlarged view of the epidermal layer and underlying tissues. From "Minnesota Trees and Shrubs." the oak, in order to avoid the reddish color produced by the former. V. Another important genus is Juniperus. The red cedar (/. vir- giniana, also called Sabina virginiana} or savin is a tree producing valuable fine-grained soft and durable wood which is used exten- sively in making chests, pails, posts, etc. It is interesting to note that this tree, which is frequently planted to form windbreaks, develops the fungus Gymnosporangium in the form of cedar apples, which in the secidial stage produce the leaf rust of apple. u6 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. The berries of the common juniper (/. communis) are sweet and fleshy and are used medicinally as a diuretic and also in the manufacture of gin. FIG. 75. A branch of Red Cedar \Juniperus virginiana) with numerous berry-like cones. PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 117 Economic Uses of the Coniferae. From an economic point of view the Coniferse are by far the most important group of plants thus far considered. In fact, they may be ranked first in the production of valuable timber. Of those yielding timber the following species may be mentioned : White pine (Pinus Strobus) ; long- leaved, yellow, or Georgia pine (Pinus palustris Mill) ; spruce pine (Pinus echinata) ; the Redwood of Upper California (Sequoia sempervirens) ; pitch pine of New Mexico (Pinus pon- der osa) ; the Scotch fir, the common pine of Europe (Pinus sylves- tris). Some of the woods are adapted for special purposes: as that of Pinus Celubra of the high mountains of Europe and Northern Siberia, which is excellent for wood-carving; red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) (Fig. 75) used in the making "of cigar boxes and lead pencils; balsam fir (Abies balsamea) used in the manufacture of wood pulp. By reason of the oleoresinous constituents the woods of some of the Coniferae are among the most durable known. A few years ago Jeffrey examined a specimen of Sequoia Penhallowii which was obtained from auriferous gravels of the Miocene in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and found it to be in a very perfect state of preservation. Penhallow (loc. cit.) considers this to be the most ancient record of an uninfiltrated and unaltered wood. Coleman, in 1898, found in the Pleistocene clays of the Don Valley a specimen of red cedar (Juniperus virginiana} which not only possessed all of the external characteristics of this species but when sawed emitted the aromatic odor of the bark. In the Pleistocene deposits of the western United States and Canada are found more or less unaltered specimens of various species of Juniperus, Pseudotsuga, Picea, and Larix. Some of the pines yield edible seeds which have been used by the Indians of Western America ; as the edible or " nut pine " of California and New Mexico (Pinus edulis) ; Pinus monophylla, discovered by Colonel Fremont in Northern California; Pinus Jeffreyi of Northern California ; and Pinus Pinea of Europe, the seeds of the latter being used like almonds and known as " pig- none." The seeds of Pinus Lambertiana (Fig. 72, C) of Califor- nia are baked before being used as a food. This latter species is also known as the sugar pine, as it yields a manna-like product. n8 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. A manna is also yielded by Cedrus Libani and Larix decidua. The latter is known as " Briancon Manna," and contains melizitose. The bark of some species furnishes valuable tanning material, as that of the hemlock spruce (Tsuga canadensis). Tbui FlG. 76. Fruiting twig of common Juniper (Juniperus communis) , of Red Cedar or Savin (Juniperus virginiana), and young twig of White Cedar or Arbor Vitae (Thuja occiden- talis). From "Minnesota Trees and Shrubs." The Coniferse yield large quantities of volatile oils, resins, and allied products which are used both in medicine and the arts. A number of them yield turpentine (see Vol. II). Larix decidua of the Alps and Carpathian mountains yields Venice turpentine. Abies balsamea is the source of Canada turpentine or balsam of PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 119 fir; Seudotanga tnucronata or Douglass Spruce (Red fir) is prob- ably the source of a balsam resembling Canada turpentine and which is known commercially as Oregon balsam. Picea Mariana or black spruce yields spruce gum, largely used in the manufacture of chewing gum, and is also the source of spruce beer. Picea excelsa or Norway spruce yields Burgundy pitch. Abies alba, white fir or silver fir yields the Strasburg turpentine. Canada pitch is the resinous exudation from the common hemlock ( Tsuga canadensis) . Sandarac is yielded by Callitris quadrivalvis found growing in Northwestern Africa. Volatile oils are yielded by a number of the Coniferse, of which the following may be mentioned : Juniperus Sabina yielding oil of savin ; Juniperus communis yielding oil of juniper, both of which are used in medi- FIG. 77. Microscopical view of fragments of wood found in the coal deposits of upper Silesia, Prussia. After Link, from article by Potonie on the origin of coal and petroleum in Ber. d. d. pharm. Ges., 1907, p. 181. cine. The remains of Coniferae (Picea, etc.) are often found as fossils, as the fossil resin amber, which is used in the arts, and on distillation yields a volatile oil having medicinal properties. ANGIOSPERMS, General Characters. They constitute the most conspicuous portion of the flora, embrace the greatest variety of forms, and are the most highly organized members of the plant kingdom. They vary in size from diminutive plants like the windflower to the giant oak which shelters it. They may accom- plish their life work in a few months, as the common stramonium, or they may persist for several hundred years, as the trees of our primitive forests. They may inhabit dry desert regions, as the Cacti and Chenopodiacese, or they may live wholly in water, as the water lilies. In short, they show the greatest adaptability I2O A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. to their surroundings. But no matter how diversified they may seem in form and structure, they agree in this with possibly one exception, namely, mignonette, that the seeds are produced in a closed carpel. This has been considered, as already indicated, to be the chief difference between the Gymnosperms and Angio- sperms. The two groups are further distinguished by several other important characters : (i) The carpel or carpels (megasporophyll) is developed into an organ commonly known as a pistil (Fig. 78). This organ consists of three parts, namely, ovary, style, and stigma, the ovary enclosing the ovules. (2) In the Angiosperms the megaspore (embryo-sac) develops a gametophyte which does FIG. 78. A, longitudinal section through orange flower (Citrus Aurantium) showing stalk (PE) ; sepals (s) ; petals (p) ; stamen with filament (F) and anther (A) ; compound pistil (composed of united carpels) with stigma (T), style (Y) and superior ovary (O) with ovules; disk or nectary (D). B, longitudinal section of a bud of clove (Caryophyllus) showing inferior ovary (0), style (Y), stamens (F), petals (P), sepals (S), nectary (D). not give rise to archegonia, but the egg arises directly from the megaspore nucleus by a series of divisions. (3) The Micro- sporophyll (stamen) differs considerably in structure and appear- ance from that of the Gymnosperms. The stamen may be denned as a leaf which bears sporangia (spore cases). It usually con- sists of the following differential parts : filament and anther, the latter consisting of pollen sacs (microsporangia) in which the pollen grains (microspores) are developed (Figs. 78, 79, and 80). (4) In a large number of cases in the Angiosperms there is developed in addition to the sporophylls or sporangial leaves (stamens and pistils) another series of leaves known as floral leaves (Fig. 78). The latter usually are of two kinds, known as sepals and petals. PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 121 The Development of the Two Generations, namely, the sporophyte and gametophyte, is much the same in the Angio- sperms as in the Gymnosperms; that is, the sporophyte consti- tutes the plant body and what is commonly considered to be the plant. The gametophytes are still more reduced than was the case in the Gymnosperms, the male gametophyte consisting of but two cells. Beginning with the germination of the seed, we may outline the life history of the plant as was done under Gymnosperms. The seeds in the two groups are much alike, with the exception that in the Angiosperms they usually have two integuments. Within the Angiosperms two classes of embryos are distinguished, which give rise to the most important division of this group of plants. In the one case a single cotyledon is formed at the apex of the stem, and all plants having an embryo of this kind are known as MONOCOTYLEDONS, that is, plants having one seed leaf. In the other case two cotyledons arise laterally on the stem and opposite each other, and those plants having an embryo of this type are grouped together as DICOTYLEDONS, or plants having two seed leaves. In the monocotyledons the cotyledon is limited to one, but in the dicotyledons the seed leaves are not limited in number and there may sometimes be three or more. The sporophyte which develops from the germinating seed consists of the essential parts already given, i.e., root, stem, and leaves. The leaves are of four kinds: (i) Foliage leaves, (2) scale leaves or bud scales, (3) floral leaves, which in some cases are wanting, and (4) sporangial leaves or sporophylls. Inasmuch as the latter give rise to the gametophytes (male and female) the development of the sporangia in each will be considered in detail. The Microsporangia (pollen sacs) arise by the division of certain cells under the epidermis of the anther (Fig. 79). This process of division continues until four regions of fertile tissue (sporangia) are produced (Fig. 79, D). The sporangia are directly surrounded by a continuous layer of cells which consti- tutes the tapetum or tapetal cells (Fig. 79, f), these being in the nature of secretion cells and containing considerable oil. The tapetum is in turn surrounded by a layer of cells which are peculiarly thickened and which on drying assist in the opening 122 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. of the anther and the discharge of the pollen, and this layer is called the endothecium (Fig. 79, end). There is still a third or external layer of cells, which constitutes the exothecium (Fig. 79, ex). These four sporangial regions may remain more or less distinct and separate at maturity, or the two on either side may c. fid FIG. 79. Development of pollen sacs (microsporangia) in several of the Angiosperms: A, showing beginning of archesporium (a), an outer sterile layer (b), position of connective (con); B, later stage showing development of fibrovascular tissue (gf); C, longitudinal section of archesporium; D, E, F, successive later stages showing in addition pollen mother cells (sm) and tapetum layer (t). G, H, diagrammatic sections of mature pollen sacs show- ing pollen mother cells (pm) , tapetum (t) , endothecium (end) , exothecium (ex) , and in H longitudinal dehiscence with formation of what appears to be a unilocular pollen sac on either side of the connective. A-F, after Warming; G-H, after Baillon and Luerssen. coalesce. This latter usually occurs at maturity, when dehiscence takes place, forming apparently a single pollen sac on either side of the connective or axis (Fig. 79, H). The Microspores (pollen grains) are developed somewhat differently in Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons. In most mono- PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 123 cotyledons the nucleus of each cell (pollen mother cell) making up the archesporium divides into two nuclei, each of which takes on a wall of cellulose. Each of these (daughter cells) in turn divides, giving rise to four pollen grains. In dicotyledons (Fig. 80) the nucleus of a mother cell divides into four nuclei before the walls are formed which separate the nuclei, thus giving rise to the tetrad group of spores to which attention has already been called (Fig. 60, D) under Bryophytes. The wall of each spore is divided into two layers, an inner layer consisting of cellulose known as the intine, which gives rise to the pollen tube on germi- nation of the spore; and an outer layer somewhat different in FIG. 80. Development of pollen grains (microspores) of garlic (Allium narcissi florum): a., pollen mother cell with nucleus; b, the same with homogeneous nucleus and a thicker wall; c-e, changes in nucleus prior to division; f, formation of spindle with nuclear masses in the center from which nuclear threads extend to the poles of the spindle; g, division of nuclear substance and receding of it from the center of the cell; h-i, further stages in the organization of the nuclear substance at the poles; k, formation of a wall between two daughter cells; 1, beginning of division of one daughter cell; m-n, final divisions resulting in the formation of a tetrad (group of 4 cells). After Strasburger. composition and variously sculptured, known as the exine. When the spores are mature the original walls of the cells of the arche- sporium dissolve and the ripe pollen grains are set free, forming a yellowish powdery mass filling the pollen sac. In some cases the spores of the tetrads hang together, or even the whole mass of pollen tetrads may be more or less agglutinated, as in the orchids and milkweeds, these masses being known as pollinia. Male Gametophyte. Before the dispersal of the pollen grains or microspores, certain changes leading to the development of the gametophyte have taken place (Fig. 81). The spore, as we have seen, is unicellular. This divides into two cells : one, which is relatively small, known as the mother cell of the antheridium (Fig. 81, v), and another, which, composed of the remaining i2 4 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. nucleus with the surrounding cell-contents, constitutes the tube- or wall-cell of the antheridium. Development of Ovule and Megasporangium (nucellus). The ovule at first develops as a small protuberance on the inner surface of the ovary, after which it differentiates into (a) a stalk or funiculus by which it is attached to the ovary, the tissue to which it is attached being called the placenta; and (b) an upper portion which becomes the ovule proper. The differentiation of the tissues is in a general way as follows : ( I ) The cells beneath the epidermis in the apical portion of the ovule go to make up the megasporangium (nucellus) ; (2) the peripheral cells from below the nucellus give rise to the integuments ; and (3) while the integu- ments are developing the archesporium or mother cell of the FlG. 81. Development of male gametophyte in an Angiosperm. I, pollen grain (microspore) which has divided into the mother or generative cell (v) and a larger tube-cell with nucleus (sk); II, appearance of pollen on treatment with osmic acid showing the separation of the generative cell (v) from the wall of the pollen grain; o,at the right giving a view of the generative cell with the nucleus embedded in the hyaline protoplasm; III, showing the development of the tube-cell into the pollen tube which contains the two male cells (nuclei) or gametes formed by the generative cell. After Elfving. embryo-sac (megaspore) is being formed within the nucellus near the apex. Female Gametophyte. The archesporium divides into two cells, the lower one of which repeatedly divides, finally giving rise to the embryo-sac which is sunk in the tissues of the nucellus. The nucleus of the embryo-sac divides and redivides until 8 cells are produced (Figs. 82 and 83), which are separated into the fol- lowing groups: (i) Three of the cells form a group lying at the apex, the lower cell of the group being the egg or egg-cell, the other two cells being known as synergids or helping cells. (2) At the opposite end of the sac are three cells, known as antipodal cells, which usually develop a wall of cellulose and do not seem to have any special function. (3) Near the centre of the sac are the two remaining nuclei, which unite to form a single nucleus, from PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 125 FIG. 82. Development of embryo-sac or megaspore in an Angiosperm. la, longi- tudinal section through a young ovule. Ib, longitudinal section through a rudimentary ovule before the formation of the integument, showing mother cell of the embryo-sac (mega- spore) (em) and primary tapetal cell (t). II, later stage showing the two cells into which the mother cell has divided, the nuclei of which are in the act of dividing. Ill, mother- cell of the embryo-sac divided into four cells (sporogenous mass of cells) ; the lowest of these cells (e) displaces the rest and becomes the embryo-sac in IV. IV, pek, is the primary nucleus of the embryo-sac. V, two daughter cells resulting from the division of the nucleus of the embryo-sac. VI, VII, show egg apparatus composed of two synergids (s) and the oosphere (o), and antipodal cells (g). VIII, longitudinal section through a mature ovule with the inner integument (ii), the outer integument (ai), the nucellus (n), the vascular bundle (gf) entering the funiculus (f), and secondary nucleus in the embryo-sac (sek). After Strasburger. 126 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. which after fertilization the endosperm is derived. The embryo- sac, as it is organized at this stage, constitutes what is regarded as the female gametophyte (Fig. 82). The undifrerentiated embryo-sac constitutes the megaspore, which latter, after germina- tion or differentiation into egg-cell and other cells, constitutes the gametophyte. It is thus seen that in the female gametophyte of the Angiosperm archegonia are apparently not formed. The gametophyte, then, consists of the cell group containing the egg and the remaining portion of the embryo-sac, which latter may be compared to a prothallus. This comparison is not difficult to understand if we bear in mind the structure of the gametophyte in the Gymnosperms, and particularly if we recall the structure in Selaginella and other higher Pteridophytes. Fertilization. While in the Gymnosperms the pollen grains are usually provided with wings so as to bring about their trans- ferral to the carpel by the agency of the wind, in the Angiosperms, on the other hand, the grains are not provided with wings, but are adapted to the transferral by insects. Pollination, however, may be also effected by the wind, as is the case with many of our forest trees. After the deposition of the pollen grain on the stigma, the tube-cell begins to form a tubular process (pollen tube) which carries the male nuclei to the egg-cell (Fig. 83, i). It pierces the tissue of the stigma (Fig. 83, h) and traverses the style (Fig. 83, g) until it reaches the micropyle of the ovule, which it enters (Fig. 83, m) y then reaching the nucellus it penetrates this, enter- ing the embryo-sac. The tip of the tube breaks and one of the generative nuclei which has been carried downward unites with the egg, after which a wall is formed, giving rise to an oospore. The oospore develops at once into the embryo or plantlet as seen in the seed, this stage being followed by a period of rest. In fact, the young plant may lie dormant in the seed for years. Development of Seed. The steps in the development of the mature seed occur in the following order (Fig. 84). The oospore divides into two parts, an upper portion which gives rise to the embryo, and a lower portion which by transverse segmentation gives rise to a short suspensor (Fig. 84, v} which practically serves the same purpose as in the Gymnosperms (page HI). The em- bryonal cell develops the embryo, which consists of: (l)a root por- PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 127 tion which is connected with the suspensor (Fig. 84, w) ; (2) one or two cotyledons (Fig. 84, c) which are attached to the stem ; (3) a little bud at the apex of the stem which is known as the plumule. While the embryo is developing, the nucleus of the embryo- sac, either after fusing with the prothallial cell of the pollen grain, or in the absence of such union, begins active division, forming, FIG. 83. Diagrammatic representation of fertilization in an Angiosperm. d, floral leaves; stamen consisting of filament (c) and anthers (a,b), one of which (b) has dehisced, exhibiting numerous pollen grains; e, nectar-secreting bodies; pistil consisting of ovary (f), style (g), and stigma (h). On the latter pollen grains (i) are germinating, the tube (1) of one of them has penetrated the tissues of the stigma and style, and entered the foramen (m), or opening of the ovule. The ovule consists of several parts: raphe (n), outer integument (p), inner integument (q), chalaza (o), nucellus (s), embryo-sac or megaspore (t) with egg-cell (z), synergids (v), antipodal cells (u), and the nucleus in the center which gives rise to the endosperm. After Sachs. a highly nutritive tissue rich in starch, oil, or proteins, known as the endosperm (see chapter on Seed). Simultaneously with the development of the endosperm the nucellus may give rise to a nutritive layer called the perisperm, or the tissues of the nucellus may be modified and form, with the altered integuments or coats of the ovule, the seed-coat. Inasmuch as the Angiosperms furnish by far the larger pro- portion of plants and plant products used in medicine, it is desir- 128 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. able to give particular attention to the morphology of this group, as also to the distinguishing characters of a number of the impor- tant families. Economic Importance. As indicating the great usefulness to mankind of the products obtained from the Angiosperms it will be sufficient to merely mention that all of our garden vegetables as FIG. 84. Development of embryo in the shepherd's purse (Capsella Bursa-pastoris). I -VI, various stages of development: Vb, apex of the root seen from below, i, i, 2, 2, the first divisions of the apical cell of the pro-embryo (suspensor); h, h, cells from which the primary root and root-cap are derived; v, the pro-embryo; c, cotyledons; s, apex of the axis; w, root. After Hanstein. well as the great crops of cereals like wheat, corn, rye, etc. ; edible fruits and seeds ; textile products, such as cotton, flax, etc. ; medic- inal products ; timbers of various kinds, as oak, mahogany, walnut, chestnut, cherry, etc., are furnished by this great group of plants. EVOLUTION. Contrary to a popular opinion, the idea of evolution is almost as old as the human race. From the time when man began to think about the things around him he could not help but see that PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 129 nothing was permanent, and he could not help but wonder how both the inorganic and the organic world came to be as he found them. The fact is, then, that for years the thinking element of the human race has had a fairly clear conception of the idea of evolu- tion; all they lacked was the proof. Nothing is more decidedly FlG. 84A. Hypothetical tree of relationship and descent of the leading groups of plants. After Ganong. wrong than the belief that Darwin first conceived the theory of evolution. His renown only lies in the fact that he was one of the first to suggest an explanation, and probably also because his explanation came at a most opportune time and was worked up in such a masterly way. 9 130 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. The theory of evolution has as its basis the idea that the existing species of plants and animals are the descendants of earlier forms. It holds that there is an unbroken line of descent from the beginning of life on the earth, but that during the long ages the successive descendants gradually changed in appearance from their ancestors until we find the forms of the present day. Nearly all branches of biological science give evidence in support of the theory of evolution. Embryology, for instance, has shown that in its development the individual during its life, begin- ning with the fertilization of the egg-cell, passes through a series of stages which are thought to represent the same series of stages through which the whole race before it passed. The develop- ment of the individual (i.e., ontogeny) represents in a very brief space of time the evolution of the race (i.e., phylogeny). In other words, " ontogeny epitomizes phylogeny." Another branch of science which is bringing forth new evi- dence is the branch called paleontology. This subject has to do with the study of fossil remains and with the time they existed on the earth in the living state. It has been found that fossils from the different series of formations that make up the earth's outer crust represent a regular advancement from the very simplest types to those which are most complicated, right up to the most recent forms. In not a single instance has a highly developed form been found in a layer of rocks representing an early stage in the earth's history. Every scientist of the present time, probably without exception, believes in the theory of evolution, but there is a great diversity of opinion as to how it should be explained. This diversity of thought, instead of disproving the idea of evolution, is making its truth more generally felt. The problem, then, which is confront- ing the scientist is not to prove that evolution is a truth, but to explain it; to show how new forms may arise from old ones, that is, to account for the origin of species. Among the many explanations the following have become most conspicuous: ENVIRONMENT. It was naturally thought at first that the natural conditions under which organic life developed must have a certain effect upon the individual, thereby bringing about a cer- tain modification which would be transmitted in successively PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 131 greater degree to those progeny living under the same conditions, and so gradually give rise to a different species. This, of course, assumes that any change induced by environment would be trans- mitted to the offspring, to be retained so long as the environment remained constant, an assumption which -is probably not far from the truth. While it is admitted that changes in the environ- ment may cause direct responses, yet it is doubtful whether they are definite or permanent enough to produce new forms. Near the end of the eighteenth century this explanation was supported by Erasmus Darwin of England, St. Hilaire of France, and Goethe of Germany. USE AND DISUSE. There is very little difference between this explanation and the preceding one. Lamarck proposed, in the early part of the nineteenth century, that the use or disuse of organs would so modify them that the acquired differences would be inherited by the offspring. But, here again, the proof depends upon the transmission of acquired characters, and this is now almost disproved. NATURAL SELECTION. In 1859 Darwin published his " Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection," and this single event revolutionized science. In this book Darwin arranged an enor- mous mass of facts gained through many travels, incessant obser- vation, and prolonged experiments. He built up an argument in such a convincing way as to immediately attract the attention of the world, not only of scientists but of laymen. The theory of natural selection has for its basis the idea that great competition is continually taking place between individuals of the same species and between the individuals of various species. This struggle for existence results in the " survival of the fittest " and the destruc- tion of the unfit. The idea that two plants or animals from the same parent might vary slightly, suggested the belief that the one which was better equipped for the struggle for existence would survive and so transmit its desirable characteristics to its offspring, and that the unfortunate one would not survive and its undesirable characteristics would thus be lost to the race. The objections to the theory of natural selection are of various kinds, but the most serious is probably the fact that it is hard to conceive how a very slight difference in character can be of advan- 132 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. tage in a life and death struggle. Necessarily when natural selec- tion first begins to operate on two individuals the differences must be only slight and hardly sufficient to give one of them such a vital advantage over the other. MUTATION. This explanation was offered in 1901 by Hugo de Vries of Holland. The word mutation means a change. In this sense it means a sudden change and has to do with the fact that among the offspring of a certain individual may be found one or more individuals markedly differing from the parent, so much so as to be regarded in a few instances as a distinct species. Moreover, these mutants, as they are called, continue to breed true, thereby giving rise to what might very well be called a new species. In the study of mutation many experiments have been conducted by scientists and breeders. MENDEL'S LAW. In intimate relationship with the subject of evolution is the question of heredity. In the middle of the last century there lived an Austrian monk, Mendel by name, who ex- perimented with the cultivation of peas and other plants in the monastery garden. In his studies he discovered a certain law underlying the transmission of characters in reproduction. This law, which for many years lay hidden from the scientific world, was recently brought to light and now forms the basis of most of the recent breeding experiments and is of profound value in the study of heredity. In the simplest case it is as follows: If two different species, A and B, are crossed, the result is a hybrid (AB) which combines certain characters of both parents. When this hybrid propagates, the progeny splits up into three sets : one resembling the hybrid parent (AB) ; and the other two sets re- sembling the parent forms (A and B) that entered into the hybrid. Mendel's law is a statement of the mathematical ratio expressed by these three groups of forms derived from a " splitting " hybrid. This means that in a series of generations initiated by a hybrid, ap- proximately one-half of the individuals of each generation will represent the hybrid mixture, one-fourth of the individuals will represent one of the pure forms that entered into the hybrid, and the remaining fourth will represent the other pure form. Of course, the I : 2 : i ratio holds only when the one unit-character is involved, and does not apply to the hybrids as a whole, as differ- ent characteristics are generally inherited independently of others. \ PRINCIPAL GROUPS OF PLANTS. 133 v - \ It should be understood that the use^of hybrids in such experi- mental work is simply a device to securt easy recognition of the contributions of each parent to the progen}, For example, if red and yellow races of corn are crossed, it is vefy simple to recognize the color contribution of each parent to the hybrid progeny, when it would be impossible to separate the contraction of two yellow parents. The inference is, that what is yv& of hybrids is true of forms produced in the ordinary way/so that laws of heredity obtained from a study of hybrids/*nay be regarded as laws of heredity in general. S In the working out of MejX^l's law it has been observed that, while one- fourth of the prog^y are like one parent, the remaining three-fourths will all show fie characteristics of thet other parent, although only one ofVt'rc renaming three-fourths w iH breed true. That is to say that the hybrids) which make ur/half of the progeny, look like one of the parents, ^ ut all ^Jt3 not breed true to that parent. In this case the character of the true pure-strain parent which marks the hybrids is said to be a dominant character, while the character of the other pure-strain parent is said to be a recessive character, because in the hybrids its presence can not be observed and can be discovered only by breeding the hybrids. It is only by experiment and breeding that dominant and recessive characters can be determined. For instance, in the culture of peas the character of being tall has been found to be dominant over the character of being dwarf. This means that all the hybrids will be tall, although one-fourth of their progeny will be dwarf. Again in the pea, the character of having a round seed is found to be dominant over that of having a wrinkled seed. In wheat the character of being beardless is dominant over that of being bearded, and again the character of being susceptible to rust is dominant over that of being immune to rust. The infinite number of characters which complicates the study of hybrids and the fact that in breeding it is sometimes the dom- inant and sometimes the recessive character which is the desirable one to maintain suggest at a glance the breadth and difficulty of the problem. CHAPTER II. CELL - CC /NTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. A TYPICAL livin' be said to consist of a wall and a protoplast (a unit o? .^Lm) , although it is often customar to refer to the protopla^ alone as constituting the cell. 1 nis ijv view of the fact that the. ADrotop i as ni which makes up tlie ' sub _ stance of the protoplast is the living substance of the pjg^ BfgjJ^s the protoplasm other substances are also fr^ .^ ^ e \ hence\i n a general way the eel H may be said^' be composed of a wall an& contents (cell-content^ The wallj as wdl ag the cell-contents, conVA sts of a number r f su b s tances, and, as the cell- contents are of primary importan :e j n t j le development of the plant, their nature and conip^^Sn will be considered first. Cell-contents. With the distinction already made the cell- contents may be grouped into two classes : ( I ) Protoplasmic, or those in which the life-processes of the plant, or cell, are mani- fested; and (2) non-protoplasmic, or those which are the direct or indirect products of the protoplast. The first class includes the protoplasm with its various differentiated parts, and the second, the various carbohydrates (starches and sugars), calcium oxalate, aleurone, tannin, oil, and a number of other substances. PROTOPLASMIC CELL-CONTENTS. Protoplasm. Protoplasm occurs as a more or less semi- fluid, slimy, granular, or foam-like substance, which lies close to the walls of the cell as a relatively thin layer and surrounding a large central cavity or vacuole filled with cell-sap, or it may be distributed in the form of threads or bands forming a kind of net- work enclosing smaller vacuoles. Protoplasm consists of two comparatively well differentiated portions: (i) Certain more or less distinct bodies which appear to have particular functions and to which a great deal of study has been given, as the nucleus and plastids; and (2) a less dense portion which may be looked upon 134 CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 135 as the ground substance of the protoplast and which is now com- monly referred to as the CYTOPLASM (see Frontispiece). These differentiated bodies and the cytoplasm are intimately associated and interdependent. The nucleus and cytoplasm are present in all living cells, and it is through their special activities that cell FIG. 85. Successive stages in nuclear and cell division, n, nucleolus; c, centre-spheres s, chromosomes; sp, spindle fibers; A, B, C, division of chromosomes, i, cell with nucleus containing nucleolus (n), and two centrospheres (c); 2, showing separation of nucleus into distinct chromosomes (s) and the centrospheres at either pole of the nucleus; 3, forma- tion of spindle fibers (sp); 4, longitudinal division of chromosomes; 5, division of the cen- trospheres; 6, 7, 8, further stages in the development of the daughter nuclei ; 9, formation of cell-wall whicn is completed in 10 giving rise to two new cells. After Strasburger. division takes place. When, in addition, plastids are present, con- structive metabolism takes place, whereby complex substances are formed from simpler ones. Besides the nucleus and plastids other protoplasmic structures are sometimes found embedded in the cytoplasm. These are the CENTROSPHERES (Fig. 85, c), small spherical bodies that are 136 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. associated with the nucleus and appear to be concerned in cell division. There are, in fact, quite a number of minute bodies in the cytoplasm which may be always present or only under certain conditions, and which are grouped under the general name of MICROSOMES Or MICROSOMATA. Chemically protoplasm is an extremely complex substance, but does not appear to have a definite molecular structure of its own, being composed in large measure of proteins, a class of organic compounds which always contain nitrogen, and frequently phos- phorus and sulphur. The molecule of the proteins is large and more or less unstable, and hence subject to rapid changes and a variety of combinations, and it is to these interactions that the vital activities of the plant are attributed. Nucleus. The nucleus consists of ( I ) a ground substance in which is embedded (2) a network composed of threads con- taining a granular material known as CHROMATIN, and (3) gen- erally one or more spherical bodies called NUCLEOLES, the whole being enclosed by (4) a delicate membrane (Fig. 85). The chro- matin threads are readily stained by some of the aniline dyes, and are mainly composed of nucleins (proteins) rich in phosphorus, which by some writers are supposed to be essential constituents of the nucleus and necessary to the life of the protoplast. Chroma- tin is constant in the nucleus, and prior to cell division the threads become organized into bodies of a definite number and shape known as CHROMOSOMES (Fig. 85, s). Plastids. The plastids or chromatophores form a group of differentiated protoplasmic bodies found in the cytoplasm ( Front- ispiece) and are associated with it in the building up of complex organic compounds, as starch, oil, and proteins. The term chro- matophore means color-bearer, but applies also to those plastids which may be colorless at one stage and pigmented at another. Hence we may speak of colorless chromatophores. According to the position of the cells in which these bodies occur and the functions they perform, they vary in color three distinct kinds being recognized, (i) In the egg-cell and in the cells of roots, rhizomes, and seeds the plastids are colorless and are called LEUCO- PLASTIDS. (2) When they occur in cells which are more or less exposed to light and produce the green pigment called chloro- CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 137 phyll, they are known as CHLOROPLASTIDS or chloroplasts. (3) In other cases, independently of the position of the cells as to light or darkness, the plastids develop a yellowish or orange-colored principle, which may be termed chromophyll, and are known as CHROMOPLASTIDS. Chloroplastids are found in all plants except Fungi and non-chlorophyllous flowering plants, and chromoplas- tids in all plants except Fungi. Plastids vary in form from more or less spherical to polygonal or irregular-shaped bodies, and they increase in number by simple fission. They suffer decom- position much more readily than the nucleus, and are found in dried material in a more or less altered condition. Leucoplastids. The chief function of the leucoplastids is that of building up reserve starches or those stored by the plant for food, and they may be best studied in the common potato tuber, rhizome of iris, and the overground tubers of Phaius (Fig. 2, b). The reserve starches are formed by the leucoplastids from sugar and other soluble carbohydrates. The chloroplastids occur in all the green parts of plants (see Frontispiece). They vary from 3 to n /*, in diameter and are more or less spherical or lenticular in shape, except in the Algae, where they are large and in the shape of bands or disks (Figs. 8 and 9) , and generally spoken of as chromatophores. Chlo- Toplastids are found in greater abundance in the cells near the upper surface of the leaf than upon the under surface, the pro- portion being about five to one. These grains, upon close exam- ination, are found to consist of (i) a colorless stroma, or liquid, in which are embedded (2) green granules; (3) colorless gran- ules; (4) protein masses; (5) starch grains; and (6) a mem- brane which surrounds the whole. The green granules are looked upon as the photosynthetic bodies; the colorless grains are sup- posed to assist in the storing of starch or in the production of amylase, the conditions for these processes being directly opposite, i.e., when photosynthesis is active, starch is stored, and when this process is not going on, as at night, amylase is produced and the starch is dissolved. The protein grains may be in the nature of a reserve material of the plastid and probably are also formed in connection with photosynthetic products. While the protoplasm has been termed by Huxley " The phys- 138 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. ical basis of life," the chloroplastid has been spoken of as the mill which supplies the world with its food, for it is by the process of photosynthesis that the energy of the sun is converted into vital energy, and starch and other products formed, which become not only the source of food for the plant itself, but also the source of the food-supply of the animals which feed upon plants. In other words, horse-power is derived from the energy of the sun which is stored in the starch grains of the chloroplastids. Chromoplastids. In many cases, as in roots, like those of carrot, or flowers and fruits, which are yellowish or orange- colored, there is present a corresponding yellow pigment, and to this class of pigments the name chromophyll may be applied. Some of these pigments, as the carotin in carrot, have been iso- lated in a crystalline condition (see Frontispiece, also Fig. 86). Chromoplastids usually contain, as first pointed out by Schim- per and Meyer, protein substances in the form of crystal-like bodies ; starch-grains may also be present. The Chromoplastids are very variable in shape and in other ways are markedly differ- ent from the chloroplastids. They are more unstable than the chloroplastids, and are formed in underground parts of the plant, as in roots, as well as in parts exposed to the light, as in the flower. Their formation frequently follows that of the chloroplastids, as in the ripening of certain yellow fruits, such as apples, oranges, persimmons, etc. The PLASTID PIGMENTS are distinguished from all other color- substances in the plant by the fact that they are insoluble in water and soluble in ether, chloroform, and similar solvents. In fact, they are but little affected by the usual chemical reagents under ordinary conditions. Apart from the difference in color, the yellow pigment (chro- mophyll) is distinguished from the green (chlorophyll) by the fact that the latter is said to contain nitrogen, and also by their difference in behavior when examined spectroscopically, chloro- phyll giving several distinct bands in the yellow and orange por- tion of the spectrum, which are wanting in the spectrum of the yellow principle. CYTOLOGY, or the science of cell formation and cell life. Dur- ing recent years considerable attention has been given by botanists CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 139 FIG. 86. Various forms of Chromoplastids: A, from the fruit of Bryonia dioica; B, the fruit of the European mountain ash (Pyrus aucuparia); C, the petals of nasturtium (Tropceolum majus); D, petals of Iris pseudacorus, E, petals of Tulipa Gesneriana; F, the root of carrot (Daucus Carota). After Dippel in "Das Mikroskop." 140 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. to the studies of the protoplasmic structures of the cell, especially the nucleus; the reason for this being that all of the vital phe- nomena of which living organisms are capable have their origin in these substances. The nucleus is regarded as a controlling center of cell activity, for upon it all growth and development of the cell depend, and it is the agent for the transmission of specific qualities from one generation to another. Furthermore, cytolo- gists look upon the chromatin material of the nucleus as being the agent for the transmission of individual characters to offspring. The reason for this is that in the male generative cell it is prac- tically only the nucleus which fuses with the egg-cell, no other substances entering into the union. The centrosomes are usually apparent during the process of nuclear division and by some are regarded as the controlling organ of cell division, hence they are known as the dynamic centers of the cell. The functions of the plastids and cytoplasms are largely, if not entirely, connected with the synthesis, transportation, and dissociation of metabolic substances. NON-PROTOPLASMIC CELL-CONTENTS. The non-protoplasmic constituents of plants may be said to differ from the protoplasmic cell-contents in two important partic- ulars, namely, structure and function. For convenience in con- sidering them here, they may be grouped as follows: (1) Those of definite form including (a) those which are colloidal or crystalloidal, as starch and inulin; (b) those which are crystalline, as the sugars, alkaloids, glucosides, calcium oxa- late ; (c) composite bodies, as aleurone grains, which are made up of a number of different substances. (2) Those of more or less indefinite form, including tannin, gums and mucilages, fixed and volatile oils, resins, gum-resins, oleo-resins, balsams, caoutchouc, and also silica and calcium car- bonate. I. SUBSTANCES DEFINITE IN FORM. COLLOIDAL OR CRYSTALLOIDAL. Starch is the first visible product of photosynthesis, although it is probable that simpler intermediate products are first formed. This substance is formed in the chloroplastid (see Frontispiece) and is known as ASSIMILATION STARCH. Starch grains are CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 141 FIG. 87. Successive stages in the development of starch grains, in Pellionia Daveauana (A to N); and in the fruits of the potato plant, Solatium tuberosum (P to R). In A, two plastids with a number of small starch grains; B, a plastid in which a single starch grain is differentiated; C to L, successive stages of the development of a single grain, the plastid body being shown on the surface (p); M, N, the development of several 2-compound starch grains; P to R, the development of additional layers at right angles to the original grain. After Dippel in "Das Mikroskop." usually found in the interior of the chloroplastid, but may attain such a size that they burst through the boundary wall of the plastid, which latter in the final stage of the growth of the starch grain forms a crescent-shaped disk attached to one end of the 142 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. grain, as in Pellionia. Starch is changed into soluble carbohy- drates by the aid of ferments and probably other substances, and in this form is transported to those portions of the plant requiring food. The starch in the medullary rays and in other cells of the FlG. 88. A, potato starch grains showing the excentral and circular point of origin of growth, and lamellae; B, maranta starch grains showing fissured point of origin of growth, and distinct lamellae; C, wheat starch grains showing indistinct point of origin of growth, and lamellae; D, corn starch grains, which are more or less polygonal in outline and have a 3- to 5 -angled point of origin of growth. wood and bark of plants is distinguished by being in the form of rather small and nearly spherical grains. In rhizomes, tubers, bulbs, and seeds the grains are, as a rule, quite large, and possess CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 143 more or less distinct characteristics for the plant in which they are found. Starch of this kind is usually spoken of as RESERVE STARCH (Fig. 87). Occurrence of Starch. Starch is found in most of the algae and many of the mosses, as well as in the ferns and higher plants. The amount of starch present in the tissues of plants varies. In the grains of rice as much as 84.41 per cent, has been found. This constituent also varies in amount according to the season of the year. Rosenberg has observed that in certain perennial plants there is an increase in the amount of starch during the winter months, whereas in other plants it decreases or may entirely disappear during this period. In the latter case, from six weeks FIG. 89. A, starch grains of Iris floreniina showing peculiar horseshoe-like fissure extending from point of origin of growth; B, irregular starch grains of calumba root; C, peculiar beaked starch grains of ginger rhizome; D, starch grains of bean showing irregular longitudinal fissures; E, compound starch grains of oat. to two months in the spring are required for its re-formation, and about an equal period is consumed in the fall in effecting its solution. Structure and Composition of Starch Grains. The formula which is generally accepted for starch is (C 6 H 10 O 5 ) n , this being recognized by Pfeffer, Tollens, and Mylius. It is supposed that the molecule of starch is quite complex, it being composed of dif- ferent single groups of C 6 H 10 O 5 or multiples of the same. While this formula may be accepted in a general way, still it has been shown that there are at least two substances which enter into the composition of the starch grain, and more recent studies tend to show that it is in the nature of a sphero-crystalloid, resembling inulin in some respects. Starch grains have an interesting struc- 144 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. ture. They vary in shape from ovoid or spherical to polygonal, and have a. more or less distinct marking known as the " hilum," " nucleus," or the POINT OF ORIGIN OF GROWTH. The substances of which the grains are composed are arranged in concentric layers or lamellae which are more or less characteristic and which sometimes become more distinct on the application of certain reagents (Fig. 90). The point of origin of growth and alternate lamellae are stained by the use of gentian violet and other aniline dyes, which may be taken to indicate that these layers contain a colloidal substance somewhat res-embling a mucilage, while the FIG. 90. Successive stages in the swelling and disintegration of starch grains in the presence of water on the application of heat (6o-7o C.),or certain chemicals. Potato starch; wheat starch iL-22. alternating layers are stained with dilute iodine solutions and are probably composed of soluble starch, this latter corresponding to the a-amylose of Arthur Meyer or the granulose described by Nageli. The peripheral layer of the grain appears to be a distinct membrane. It is quite elastic, more or less porous, and takes up stains readily. While starch grains usually occur singly, they are not infre- quently found in groups of two, three, or four grains, when they are spoken of as two-, three-, or four-compound. In some of the CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 145 cereals, as rice and oat, they are loo-compound or more. The individuals in compound grains are in some cases easily separated from one another. This occurs frequently in microscopical prep- arations, and is especially noticeable in the commercial starches. The various commercial starches belong to the class of reserve starches and may be distinguished by the following characteristics : 1 I ) The shape of the grain, which may be spherical, ellipsoidal, ovoid, polygonal, or of some other characteristic form (Figs. 88 and 89). (2) The size of the grain, which varies from I to 2 /* to about 100 /A in diameter. (3) The position of the point of origin of growth, which may be central (Fig. 88, C, D) or excentral (Fig. 88, A,B). In some cases there are apparently two points of origin of growth in a single grain, and it is then spoken of as " half-compound," as occa- sionally found in potato. (4) The shape of the point of origin of growth, which may be spherical, as in potato (Fig. 88, A} ; cross-shaped, as in maranta (Fig. 88, B) ; a three- or five-angled fissure or cleft, as in corn (Fig. 88, D), or indistinct or wanting, as in wheat (Fig. 88, C). (5) The convergence of the lamellae, which may be either toward the broad end of the grain, as in maranta (Fig. 88, B), or toward the narrow end, as in potato (Fig. 88, A). In most grains the lamellae are indistinct or wanting, as in wheat and corn (Fig. 88, C,D). (6) Behavior toward dilute iodine solutions, the color pro- duced varying from a deep blue in most starches to a red or yellowish-red, as in the amylodextrin grains of mace. (7) The temperature (4S~77 C.) at which the " kleister " or paste is formed, and its consistency. (8) The appearance as viewed by polarized light, the distinct- ness of the cross, as well as the degree of color produced, varying considerably as Nichol's prism is revolved (Fig. 91). (9) Behavior toward various reagents, as chromic acid, cal- cium nitrate, chlor-zinc-iodide, diastase, and various aniline stains, showing peculiarities of both structure and composition (Fig. 90). General Properties of Starch. If starch is triturated with 10 146 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. water and the mixture filtered, the filtrate does not give a reaction with iodine solution ; if, on the other hand, the starch is previously triturated with sand and then with water, the filtrate becomes blue FIG. 91. Larger grains of various starches as viewed through the micro polariscope when mounted in oil: A, potato (70-80 M); B, wheat (3040 M); C, ginger (30-50 /.); D, galangal (45-55 M); E, calumba (40-60 M); F, zedoary (50-75 M), G, maranta (35-50 /.) H, colchicum (10-20 /*); I, corn (20-25 /A); J, cassava (20-351* ); K, orris root (30-35 M)- on the addition of iodine solution. It appears that in the latter operation the wall of the grain is broken and the soluble starch present in the grain is liberated. CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 147 If dry starch and iodine are triturated together no color or, at the most, a faint blue color is produced; whereas, if a litt'c water is added and the trituration repeated, a deep blue color is immediately produced. The blue color of starch solution and iodine disappears on the application of heat, but slowly returns on cooling the solution, but not with the same degree of intensity, part of the iodine being volatilized. When starch is heated with glycerin it dissolves, and if alco- hol is added to the solution, a granular precipitate is formed which is soluble in water, the solution giving a blue reaction with iodine. When starch is heated with an excess of water at 100 C. for even several weeks, dextrinization of the starch does not take place ; i.e., the solution still gives a blue color with iodine. If, how- ever, a mineral acid be added, it is quickly dextrinized, turning violet-red, reddish, and yellowish with iodine; finally, maltose and dextrose are produced, these giving no reaction with iodine, but reducing Fehling's solution. The ferments and other chemi- cals have a similar effect on starch. When dry starch is heated at about 50 C. from 15 to 30 min- utes the lamellae and crystalloidal structure become better defined and the polarizing effects produced by the grains also become more pronounced. When starch is mounted in a fixed oil, as almond, the polarizing effects are more pronounced than when it is mounted in water, but the inner structure is not usually apparent, unless the starch has been previously heated. (For literature on the starch grain see Kraemer, Bot. Gazette, Vol. XXXIV, Nov., 1902 ; Ibid., Vol. XL, Oct., 1905 ; also Eighth In- ternational Congress of Applied Chemistry, Vol. 17, p. 31.) BOTANICAL DISTRIBUTION OF STARCH. This constituent is commonly present as a reserve material in a large number of plants. The sources of the commercial starches are constantly being extended. The commercial starches are chiefly obtained from. one or more genera of the Gramineae, Marantaceae, Eu- phorbiaceae, and Solanaceae. The following is a list of the fami- lies yielding one or more economic products which contain starch: Cycadaceae, Gramineae, Araceae, Liliaceae, Amaryllida- ceae, Iridaceae, Musaceae, Zingiberaceae, Cannaceae, Marantaceae, 148 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Orchidaceae, Piperaceae, Fagaceae, Aristolochiaceae, Polygonaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Nymphaeaceae, Ranunculaceae, Menispermaceae, Myristicaceae, Lauraceae, Papaveraceae, Cruciferae, Rosaceae, Legu- minosse, Geraniaceae, Rutaceae, Simarubaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Celastraceae, Sapindaceae, Rhamnaceae, Malvaceae, Thymelaeaceae, Punicaceae, Myrtaceas, Umbelli ferae, Loganiaceae, Apocynaceae, Convolvulaceae, Solanaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Gesneraceae, Rubia- ceae, Caprifoliaceae, Valerianaceae, and Cucurbitaceae. PERCENTAGE OF STARCH IN PLANTS. The amount of starch in economic plants, especially those used for food, is very high, being, on an average, much greater than that of any other con- stituent except water. The percentage of starch, calculated on dry material, in a number of foods and spices is here given : Bar- ley, 5345 to 72.90; cardamom seed, 18.66 to 40.53; carrot, 0.87 to 0.92; chestnut, 37.31 to 47.93; chinquapin, 44.45; cinnamon, 10.44 to 65.72 ; cloves, 9.41 to 51.03 ; cocoa (cacao), 3.83 to 48.73 ; corn, 36.72 to 77.54; ginger, 46.16 to 62.53; lentils, 45-375 mace, 26.77 to 56.11 ; millet, 56.70 to 74.40; nutmeg, 17.19 to 40.12 ; oak acorns, 32.64; oats, 42.64 to 63.50; onion, n.oo to 29.39; peas, 50.02 to 57.59; pepper, 28.15 to 64.92; pimenta, 16.56 to 59.28; potatoes (sweet), 8 to 78.59; potatoes (white), 25.00 to 75.00; rice, 74.80 to 84.41 ; rye, 51.15 to 74.08; wheat, 53.66 to 76:51. MANUFACTURE OF STARCH. In the preparation of commer- cial starches the object is to break the cells and separate the starch grains, freeing the product from the other constituents of the cell as much as possible. The preparation of potato starch is exceedingly simple, as all that is necessary is to reduce the tubers to a fine pulp, the starch grains being separated from the tissues by means of a sieve. The water containing the starch is removed to tanks, the separation of the starch being facilitated by the addition of alum or sulphuric acid which coagulates the dissolved protein substances. The starch is washed and dried over porous bricks by exposure to air. It is then thoroughly dried in a hot chamber, reduced to a powder, and sifted. One hundred pounds of potatoes yield about 15 pounds of dry starch. It is said that diseased tubers produce as good a quality of starch as the sound tubers. In the preparation of the cereal starches the gluten interferes CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 149 with their ready separation. The process is therefore modified by either allowing the cereals to ferment, whereby the gluten is rendered soluble and easily removed, or the flour is made into a dough which is kneaded over running water, whereby the starch grains are separated. The starch is subsequently purified by washing and settling. It is dried by gentle heat and assumes the columnar structure as seen in the more or less irregular particles in the commercial product. One hundred pounds of wheat yield from 55 to 59 pounds of starch, the fermentation process giving a larger amount. In the preparation of corn starch, a weak solution of sodium hydrate is usually employed to facilitate the separation of the starch. Sulphurous acid is also used. One hundred pounds of corn yield 50 pounds of starch. Rice starch is prepared by either an alkaline process or by an acid process similar to that used in the manufacture of corn starch, hydrochloric acid being employed instead of sulphurous acid. Rice yields a greater percentage of starch than any of the other raw materials, 100 pounds of the grain giving 70 per cent, of starch. Starch is used as a food and for various other industrial pur- poses. The principal nutritive starches are sago, tapioca, and corn. Maranta, or arrowroot starch, is largely employed in the preparation of infant foods. Much of the dextrin of commerce is prepared by the action of dilute acids upon potato starch. Starch for laundry purposes is prepared from wheat. Rice starch is largely used as a dusting-powder. Cassava starch has consider- able advantages over the other starches in the making of nitro- compounds, and is employed in the preparation of smokeless powders. PYRENOIDS. In the chromatophores of a number of algae a distinct body is observed. It is more or less of a lenticular shape, stained a dark purple on the addition of iodine, and is known as a Pyrenoid. It is not definitely known whether it is a true cell organ having a function similar to the plastids in manufacturing starch or whether it is merely a mass of complex reserve substances. It can be differentiated readily into two distinct portions: an inner, somewhat highly refracting and ISO A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. consisting of protein matter, and an outer layer, consisting of a number of starch grains. The studies of Baubier tend to show that the pyrenoid is perfectly differentiated and independent of the chromatophore, and that the starch is formed from a leuco- plastid which surrounds a phyto-globulin or crystalloid at the center. This would quite agree with the studies of Timberlake, who observed the complete conversion of the pyrenoid into starch. That the substances of the pyrenoid are in the nature of reserve food materials, is apparent from the fact that the pyrenoid entirely disappears in Hydrodictyon prior to spore formation, and that it is afterward formed anew in the young cells, thus behaving very much like a leucoplastid. Attention should also be directed to the fact that in some of the unicellular and filamentous algse the pyrenoid divides during the division of the cell, thus behaving like other protoplasmic organs. INULIN appears to be an isomer of starch and occurs in solution in the cell-sap of parenchyma cells of stems and roots, being also found in the medullary rays. It exists in greatest amounts during the early fall and spring, being changed at other times to levulose. In the Monocotyledons it is found in the Amaryllidaceae, Liliaceae, etc. In the Dicotyledons it is characteristic of the Compositae, but also occurs in the following: Asclepiadaceae, Bignoniaceae, Cactaceae, Campanulacese, Capri foliaceae, Compositae, Cruciferae, Droseraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Geraniaceae, Labiatae, Leguminosae, Lythraceae, Magnoliaceae, Menispermaceae, Moraceae, Nepenth- aceae, Passifloraceae, Ranunculaceae, Rubiaceae, Rutaceae, Salicaceae, Santalaceae, Theaceae, Thymelaeaceae, Urticaceae, Valerianaceae, Verbenaceae, Violaceae, etc. According to Dragendorff, there are two forms of inulin ; one of which is amorphous and easily soluble in water, and another which is crystalline and difficultly soluble in water. The latter is probably, however, a modification of the former, and it is not unlikely that the various principles known as pseudoinulin, inu- lenin, helianthenin, and synantherin are all modifications of inulin. In examining fresh material (Fig. 92) the sections should be mounted in as little water as is necessary to enclose the section. If inulin is present it shows in the form of colorless, highly refracting globules. The latter are usually relatively small and tend to unite, forming one or more large globules. Upon increas- CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 151 ing the amount of water they dissolve and are diffused among the other constituents. If fresh sections are mounted directly in alcohol, or if to the original aqueous mount strong alcohol is added, the inulin separates in the form of rod-like or needle-like crystals, which strongly polarize light. If the plant material is preserved for some days in 70 per cent, alcohol, the inulin separates in the form of sphere-crystals which adhere to the walls of the cell. This aggregate consists of concentric layers of radially arranged, needle-shaped crystals, the structure of which is more apparent upon the addition of either nitric acid or a solution of hydrated chloral. The crystal mass is insoluble in glycerin and sparingly soluble in cold water. It is soluble in warm water, warm solu- tions of glycerin and water, acetic acid, mineral acids, chlor- zinc-iodide, and ammoniacal solution of cupric oxide. With solu- tions of the alkalies it dissolves with a lemon yellow color, and with acetic acid the crystals dissolve, forming a greenish colored solution which soon fades. Tunmann (Ber. d. d. pharm. Ges., 1910, p. 577) has sug- gested the use of a solution of pyrogallol as a distinctive re- agent for the microscopic study of inulin. The solution con- sists of o.ioo Gm. Pyrogallol, alcohol 5 c.c., and 5 c.c. of hydro- chloric acid. Upon carefully heating sections treated with this reagent the cells containing inulin are colored a violet red. A simi- lar solution made with resorcin in place of pyrogallol colors inulin a cinnabar red. In taraxacum, inula, pyrethrum, and other drugs inulin occurs in the form of an amorphous mass having a more or less angular outline. The masses are highly refracting and probably consist of aggregates of small crystals similar in appearance to those of mannit found in commercial manna. HESPERIDIN. Although not a carbohydrate, hesperidin is of wide occurrence and separates in the form of sphero-crystals re- sembling inulin. It is a glucoside (C 22 H 2G O 12 ), and it would appear, from the studies of Tunmann (Schweiz. Woch. f. Chem. u. Pharm., 1909, p. 794), that, like inulin, there are several forms of it. Hesperidin, like inulin, occurs in living cells in the form of a more or less viscous fluid. Upon the addition of water, alcohol, glycerin, or solutions of hydrated chloral it separates in 152 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. the form of yellowish sphere-crystals. If the fresh plant material is placed in alcohol the crystals separate in the form of large needles, often forming branching tufts. When examined by means of the micropolariscope, they polarize light more or less strongly, depending upon how the crystals were prepared. Upon quickly drying the plant material in which it occurs, hesperidin separates in the form of irregular, slightly yellowish clumps, re- sembling those of inulin found in the composite drugs of com- merce. If the material is slowly dried, the crystals are decom- posed. Crystals of hesperidin have been found in Citrus fruits ; FIG. 92. Sphere-crystals of inulin. A, parenchyma cells of the root of chicory (Cicho- rium Intybus) treated with alcohol: a, numerous small globules shortly after the addition of alcohol; b, a somewhat later stage, showing the fusion of many of the small globules of inulin; c, crystal formation in the globules after the alcohol has acted upon the cells for 24 hours. B, sphere-crystals resembling starch grains formed in the tubers of Dahlia vari- abilis in alcoholic material: in b, the section has been treated with nitric acid, the crystal aggregate showing a trichiten structure. After Dippel in "Das Mikroskop." the fruit of Cocculus laurifolius; the leaves of Buchu, and Pilo- carpus ; species of Mentha, Hyssopus, Teucrium, Satureia, Tilia ; Conium macula-turn; Scrophularia nodosa, and stamen hairs of the flowers of Verbascum. The crystals are found especially in the epidermal cells of bracts. The crystals in the hairs of the flowers of Verbascum are usually referred to as a sugar, but, according to the studies of Tunmann, are in the nature of a hesperidin. CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 153 If sections are mounted in a small quantity of water and the latter replaced with dilute glycerin, followed by concentrated glycerin, then there separates in the cells a number of yellowish globules which are highly refractive (Fig. 93) ; these globules tend to unite in the center and very soon crystallize. The sphero- FiG. 93. Hesperidin. A, B, formation of sphero-crystals in the epidermal cells of the foliage leaves of Linden upon the addition of glycerin; in A the hesperidin occurs in highly refracting globules, which in B have united in a large central globule in which a crystal- aggregate has formed. C, crystals in stamen hair of the flower-bud of Verbascum. D, crystals in the cells of the upper epidermis of Hyssopus officinalis. E, cells of the upper epidermis of the foliage leaves of the Linden. After Tunmann. crystal consists of radiating needles, the aggregate frequently being marked by concentric lamellae, the whole being surrounded by a more or less mucilaginous wall (Fig. 93). As there are other substances in the cell the sphero-aggregate may contain some of these in the interstices. If the crystals are formed slowly and in the cold they are apt' to be of a yellowish, or even dark yellow, color, whereas if heat is employed and the crystallization 154 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. is more rapid they are nearly colorless and dissolve readily. The crystals of hesperidin are insoluble in water, alcohol, glycerin, ether, chloroform, solutions of hydrated chloral, dilute sulphuric acid and dilute or concentrated hydrochloric acid and nitric acid. They are sparingly soluble in ammonia water and hot acetic acid. Upon the addition of either dilute or concentrated solutions of potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide, hesperidin dissolves, forming a yellowish solution. With concentrated sulphuric acid it gives a deep yellowish solution, which upon warming becomes a reddish-brown. Sometimes hesperidin, as in the stamen hairs of Verbascum, is colored with concentrated sulphuric acid only a light yellow. GLYCOGEN is a carbohydrate allied to amylo-dextrin and occurs commonly as a reserve food material in the fungi and some of the Cyanophycece. It usually occurs in the form of a more or less amorphous mass in the hyphye of the fungi, but occasionally is found in definite granules resembling starch. It is supposed to arise in plastid bodies resembling leucoplastids, but its general formation is controlled by the protoplasm. In yeast it is found in large quantities, sometimes nearly filling the entire cell. CRYSTALLINE SUBSTANCES. The sugars constitute a group of crystalline principles of wide distribution. They occur in the cell-sap, from which by evaporation or on treatment with alcohol they may be crystallized out. There are chemically two main groups: monosaccharoses (formerly termed glucoses) and disaccharoses (formerly the saccharoses). Under the former are included the simple sugars containing two or more atoms of carbon and known as biose (C 2 H 4 O 2 ), etc. Among the pentoses (C 5 H 10 O 5 ) are rhamnose, a component of certain glucosides; fucose, found in fucus and other brown algae, and chinovite, occurring in certain Cinchona barks. The most important subdivision of the monosaccharoses comprises the hexoses (C 6 H 12 O 6 ), which include glucose and fructose, and are widely distributed ; d-mannose, found in the manna of Fraxinus Ornus and obtained by hydrolyzing cellulose, especially the reserve cellulose in the seeds of the vegetable ivory. Of the disaccharoses (C^H^On) cane-sugar is the most im- CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 155 portant. In this group are also included maltose, formed by the action of diastase on starch and by the action of ferments on glycogen; trehalose or mycose, found in the Oriental Trehala, ergot, Boletus edulis, and other fungi ; melibiose, occurring in Australian manna and in the molasses of sugar manufacture; touranose, found in Venetian turpentine (obtained from Larix europaa) and in Persian manna; and agavose, occurring in the stalks of Agave americana. Of the numerous sugars the following are likely to be met with in the microscopical study of drugs and economic products : Dextrose (grape-sugar or dextro-glucose) is found in sweet fruits, the nectaries of the flowers, and stems and leaves of various plants. It crystallizes in needles and varies in amount from I to 2 per cent, (in peaches), to 30 per cent, in certain varieties of grapes. It also occurs in combination with other principles, form- ing the glucosides. Levulose (fructose, fruit-sugar, or levo-glucose) is associated with dextrose, occurring in some instances even in larger quanti- ties than the latter. Sucrose (saccharose or cane-sugar j is found rather widely distributed, as in the stems of corn, sorghum and the sugar-cane; in roots, as the sugar-beet; in the sap of certain trees, as sugar- maple and some of the palms ; in the nectaries and sap of certain flowers, as fuchsia, caryophyllus, and some of the Cactaceae ; in seeds, as almond and chestnut, and in various fruits, as figs, mel- ons, apples, cherries. In some plants, as in sugar-cane, the yield is as high as 20 per cent. It crystallizes in monoclinic prisms or pyramids, and forms insoluble compounds with calcium and strontium. Maltose is found in the germinating grains of cereals (see Malt) ; it forms colorless, needle-shaped crystals resembling those of dextrose, and forms compounds with calcium, strontium, barium and acetic acid. Trehalose occurs in some fungi, as ergot and Amanita mus- caria the latter containing as much as 10 per cent, in the dried plant. Mannitol occurs in the form of needles or prisms and is found in the manna of Fraxinus Ornus to the extent of 90 per cent. It 156 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. is also found in some of the Umbelli ferae, as Apium graveolens, some of the Fungi and sea-weeds, and is rather widely distributed (Fig. 94). Dulcitol, which is closely related to mannitol, is found in Eiwnynius europccus and in most of the plants of the Scroph- ulariaceae. PERCENTAGE OF SUGAR IN PLANTS. No analysis is necessary to indicate that most fruits contain quite a large percentage of sugar. The following figures show the amount of sugar in some of the more common fruits, the per cent, being calculated on FIG. 94. Orthorhombic crystals of Mannitol (Mannit) obtained from aqueous solutions: A, large crystals; B, feathery aggregates of needles. dry material: Apple, 33.16 to 87.73; apricot, 7.58 to 86.21; banana, 6.20 to 21.90; blackberry, 32.67 to 40.17; cantaloupe, 0.27 to 11.98; cherry, 29.97 to 85.86; currant, 33.76 to 75.49; fig, 10.00 to 29.90 ; gooseberry, 47.33 to 79.82 ; grape, including raisin, 67.82 to 83.00; huckleberry, 12.60 to 46.87; orange, 36.48 to 66.91 ; peach, 6.69 to 74.07; plum, 15.25 to 78.70; prune, 32.04 to 69.46; pumpkin, 0.15 to 11.98; and raspberry, 14.93 to 47.50. The following percentage of sugars is present in some of the cereals, common vegetables, etc. : Asparagus, 0.45 to 3.47 ; barley, 5.82 to 8.73; beet (garden), 4.20 to 31.45; beet (sugar), 3.55 to 89.61 ; buckwheat, 1.42 to 1.67; carrot, 3.62 to 15.30; cauliflower, 1.22 to 7.40; chestnut, 5.22 to 8.52; cocoa (cacao), 2.77; coffee, 0.20 to 14.50; corn, 0.96 to 6.77; cucumber, 0.72 to 1.51; CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 157 lentils, 2.75; maple sap, 2 to 4; oats, 0.51 to 5.27; onions, 0.44 to 14.02; rye, 0.39 to 9.46; sorghum juice, 8.60 to 14.70; sugar- cane juice, 16.00 to 18.10; spinach, 0.06 to 6.66 ; turnip (Swedish), 5.05 to 9.67; sweet potato, 0.32 to 8.42; tomato, 2.53 to 3.86; vanilla, 7.07 to 9.10; wheat, 0.58 to 5.12. HONEY-DEW is a pathological sugar formed as a result of the stings of insects (Aphides and Coccideae) on the leaves of certain trees. There are a number of trees the leaves of which, during the summer time, are covered with a thin layer of sugar solution. Among these may be mentioned the linden, tulip poplar, and chestnut. Honey-dew may also be formed, according to Bonnier, without the assistance of aphides, and may be seen oozing out of the stomata. It may be formed in such quantities that it may drip from trees, as in the so-called rain trees of the Tropics (see Pfeffer, " Physiology of Plants "). THE ORIGIN AND FORMATION OF CARBOHYDRATES. The first visible product of photosynthesis is starch, and this is sometimes called photosynthetic starch. Investigations during recent years seem to indicate that grape-sugar or dextrose is the basal photo- synthate, and that from this starch is later formed in the plastid. This sugar is called photosynthetic grape-sugar to distinguish it from the grape-sugar found in the cell-sap of the grape, raisins, figs, etc. There is no question but that in the plastids starch is readily formed from glucose, and, vice versa, that the starch in the plastids is readily changed through the agency of the ferment, amylase, into grape-sugar. There are four factors necessary for the formation of a photo- synthetic carbohydrate (starch or glucose) by the chloroplastids : (i) Light; and in this condition it is the energy of the red and blue rays of sunlight which are necessary to bring about the synthesis. (2) Carbon dioxide. This compound must be present in about the normal proportions that we find it in the air, namely, 3 parts in 10,000. (3) Water is essential, and this is always pres- ent in living cells. It is by the dissociation of the CO 2 and H.O and rearrangement of the atoms that carbohydrates are formed, being either starch (C 6 H 10 O 5 ) or glucose (C 6 H 12 O 6 ), with oxy- gen as a by-product. These interactions may be shown by the following equations : 158 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. 6CO 2 + 5H 2 O = C 6 H 10 O 5 + 6O 2 . (Starch) 6C0 2 + 6H 2 = C 6 H 12 6 + 60 2 . (Glucose) (4) Certain mineral substances must be present, although, appar- ently, they take no part in the photosynthetic reaction. Bokorny has shown that compounds of potassium are essential to bring about the reactions above given. Some form of iron has always been considered necessary for the development of the green pigment or chlorophyll in the chloro- plastid. While this element may seem to be necessary in water culture, it is not always essential, particularly if plants are grown under control conditions in sand. The development of chlorophyll also requires the presence of oxygen. The activity of the chloro- phyll apparatus is further influenced by other factors, viz., the maintenance of a proper temperature. It is self-evident that there is a minimum and maximum temperature at which photosynthesis is scarcely perceptible, and that there is an optimum temperature during which the activity of the chloroplastid is at its height. The latter varies with different plants, depending on the climate to which they are either indigenous or naturalized. In the Tropics the optimum temperature is somewhat higher, while in the Arctic regions it is much lower. In temperate climates the optimum varies between 20 C. (68 F.) to 30 C. (86 F.). From the facts just given it would appear that considerable is known in regard to the conditions and the substances which are concerned in the formation of photosynthetic products. On the other hand, we know practically nothing of the successive steps in the formation of either starch or glucose in the plant. Numerous experiments have been conducted and a number of hypotheses have been advanced. According to von Baeyer, the first step in the process of photosynthesis is a reduction in the CO 2 , formalde- hyde being formed, and this is then polymerized into a carbohy- drate, which is finally changed into dextrose. This may be repre- sented by the following equations : C0 2 + H 2 >-HCHO + 2 xHCHO=('CH 2 O)x 6(CH a O)=C 6 H 12 6 CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 159 There are a number of other views which have been advanced. Erlenmeyer, for instance, has suggested that instead of formalde- hyde being first formed, formic acid is the first product of photo- synthesis, hydrogen peroxide being liberated ; both of these then are decomposed, formaldehyde being formed according to the following equations : C0 2 + H 2 = HCOOH + H 2 2 HCOOH + H 2 O 2 = HCOH + H 2 O + O 2 By the further condensation of formaldehyde as in the hy- pothesis of von Baeyer, dextrose is formed. On the other hand, Brown and Morris consider that the first carbohydrate formed is, in reality, cane-sugar, and that from this, then, dextrose and the other carbohydrates are formed. Some very interesting experiments were conducted by Berthe- lot (Compt. rend., 1898, 1900, etc.), who obtained both formic acid and formaldehyde while working with a mixture of carbon dioxide and hydrogen. Later he obtained a synthetic carbohy- drate, which on warming had an odor of caramel. Furthermore, when using an excess of carbon monoxide with hydrogen, Berthe- lot obtained a substance closely related to oxy-cellulose. Lob (Ber. d. d. pharm. Ges., 1907, p. 117) concludes that from formal- dehyde, glycolic-aldehyde (x CHO.CH 2 OH) is formed; this is then followed by the formation of glyceric-aldehyde (CH 2 OH.CH- OH.COH), which is finally polymerized into a hexose as glucose, or even a higher carbohydrate. THE ALKALOIDS include a group of organic bases which possess remarkable toxicological properties. They are compounds of car- bon, hydrogen, and nitrogen ; oxygen is also usually present, except, in the liquid or volatile alkaloids, in which it is wanting. They are usually combined with some organic acid, as malic acid or tannic acid. In many cases the alkaloids are combined with acids that are peculiar to the genus, e.g., aconitic acid in Aconitum, meconic acid in Papaver, etc. They are found in a large number of plants, especially among the Dicotyledons, and are rather char- acteristic for certain families, as those of the genera Strychnos, Cinchona, Erythroxylon, Papaver, etc. When present, alkaloids may be found in any part of the plant, but usually they are most abundant in certain definite regions, as roots, rhizomes, fruits, 160 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. seeds, or leaves. Furthermore, the amount is greatest at certain stages of development, as in the fully ripe seeds, more or less immature fruits, during the resting periods of roots and rhizomes, and in leaves when photosynthetic processes are most active. They occur in greatest amount in those cells which are in a poten- tial rather than an active condition, being associated with starch, fixed oils, aleurone grains, and other reserve products in the roots, rhizomes, and seeds. They are found in fruits in greatest amount during the development of the seed, but after the maturing of the latter they slowly disappear, as in the opium poppy and conium. The alkaloids probably arise in the protoplasm, although they may also be formed from the decomposition of protein substances. The fact that asparagine, a weak base, is usually present when the proteins are being formed from the protoplasmic substances and is also present when the proteins are being used in the growth of the plant, as during the germination of seed, would seem to indicate that both views are more or less tenable. The studies of Lotsy on Cinchona showed that alkaloids are formed in con- nection with photosynthetic processes and that they are subse- quently stored for the use of the plant. On the other hand, it is rather interesting to note that when cinchona trees are grown in the hot-house they do not produce any quinine, and, again, it is said that the conium growing in Scotland does not contain any coniine. From these observations we must conclude that alkaloids are produced only under certain conditions, and that they are not essential metabolic substances. The fact that the presence of alkaloids may be demonstrated in the thick-walled cells of the endosperm in nux vomica has led some investigators to conclude that they may arise in the cell-wall. The occurrence of alkaloids at this point is due to their imbibition by the wall, just as other soluble cell contents are absorbed, especially upon the death of the cell. MICROCHEMISTRY OF ALKALOIDS. The alkaloids occur in rather large quantities in a number of plants. Seldom do we find them in the form of crystals in the plant cell. Crystals of the alkaloid Piperine are not infrequently observed in the oil secre- tion cells of the endosperm of Piper nigrum (Fig. 94, A). The CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 161 alkaloids form crystallizable salts and, in many instances, definite double compounds. Nevertheless, not a great amount of progress has been made in their detection and localization, either in the living plant or in economic products. The reason for this is that other substances, as calcium oxalate, may interfere with the reactions forming crystals with the reagents, so that nothing definite can be deduced. Then again, when an alkaloid is charac- terized by certain color reactions, especially if a rose or violet color is formed, it may be due to the reaction of the reagent with carbohydrates or protein substance. For this reason practically FIG. 94A. Crystals of Piperine: A, cells of endosperm showing a single oil cell (b) in which crystals of piperine have separated; (a) starch bearing parenchyma. B, piperine crystals separated from sections which have been first treated with alcohol, and to the oily globules remaining after evaporating the alcohol, a drop of distilled water has been added. In from fifteen to thirty minutes there separate needles, short rods and aggregates of piperine. After Molisch's work on Histochemie. there are only a few instances where satisfactory results are obtained in the study of alkaloids in plant tissues. These, for the most part, have been obtained in connection with the dried mate- rials of commerce. As it is very important that these studies should be carried further, a few illustrations may be given. Hydrastis contains two alkaloids in considerable quantities which form definite salts with nitric and sulphuric acids. Fur- thermore, this plant does not contain calcium oxalate, so that the crystals formed upon the addition of mineral acids could not be of either the nitrate or sulphate of calcium, and if in other respects they corresponded to the sulphates and nitrates of the alkaloids peculiar to hydrastis, then the crystals must be salts of the alka- loids. If sections of the fresh rhizome of hydrastis or the moist- ii 1 62 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. ened drug are mounted directly in sulphuric acid, there separate very soon small acicular or rod-shaped crystals of berberine and hydrastine (Fig. 95). This is one of the most satisfactory of microchemical tests of the alkaloids that is known, and Leuff has shown that they can be readily determined even in the endosperm cells in the seeds of hydrastis (Pharm. Post, 1913, p. 977). Caffeine is an alkaloid which is rather widely distributed, and its presence can be easily determined, in dried material as coffee seeds, in several ways. ( i ) It may be sublimed, the long, \ B FIG. 95. Alkaloids in Hydrastis: A, prismatic crystals which separate after a time on treatment of sections of the rhizome of hydrastis or its powder with sulphuric acid; B, the separation of needle-shaped crystals of the sulphates of the alkaloids in the paren- chyma cells of hydrastis upon treatment with sulphuric acid. silky needles of caffeine being deposited upon a watch crystal or a microscopic slide. (2) Similar crystals may separate from aqueous or hydro-alcoholic mounts of the material. (3) The most satisfactory method for the detection of caffeine is to form a double salt with gold chloride, the crystals of which are very characteristic (Fig. 96). The test may be applied to coffee seeds, cola nuts, tea leaves, guarana, etc., as follows : Sections are placed in strong hydrochloric acid and slightly heated ; then one or two drops of a solution of gold chloride are added and the sections pushed to one side, allowing the liquid to evaporate. Near the CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 163 edge of the residue branching groups of needles of caffeine gold chloride separate. Cocaine is another alkaloid which forms char- acteristic crystals, and the double salt of the chloride with palladous chloride is very characteristic (Fig. 97). The crystals of the latter may be prepared in the same manner as caffeine, except that to the sections of coca leaves or the powdered material a smaller quantity of hydrochloric acid is added. FIG. 96. Caffeine gold chloride; crystals formed on the addition of a solution of gold chloride to a dilute aqueous solution of caffeine. PROPERTIES OF ALKALOIDS. In the microchemical study of the cell-contents it is important to bear in mind that the alkaloids possess certain characteristic properties and give definite reactions with the so-called " alkaloidal reagents." The alkaloids occur in combinations with acids forming salts which are mostly soluble in water or in alcohol, and consequently may be extracted by means of these solvents. From the latter well-characterized crystals may be easily formed. The free alkaloid may be separated from solutions of their salts in water by the addition of alkalies, but it is usually important that the solutions of the latter be not in excess, as otherwise the separated alkaloids may dissolve. With 164 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. few exceptions, as Berberine and Sanguinarine, they form mostly colorless crystals. Among the alkaloidal reagents giving charac- teristic precipitates the following may be mentioned. Phospho- molybdic acid ( Sonnenschein's Reagent) gives with nearly all of the alkaloids a yellow, insoluble amorphous precipitate. Potas- FIG. 97. Cocaine: A, monoclinic crystals of cocaine; B, orthorhombic crystals of co- caine hydrochloride ; C, monoclinic crystals of cocaine hydrochloride and palladous chloride; D, skeleton aggregates of cocaine hydrochloride and palladous chloride. sium mercuric iodide (Mayer's Reagent) precipitates many of the alkaloids in even dilute solutions, the precipitates being usually yellowish-white and more or less flocculent. Wagner's Reagent, or iodine dissolved in a solution of potassium iodide, is another reagent that precipitates nearly all the alkaloids. The precipi- tates are of a reddish or reddish-brown color, and are more readily formed in acidulated solutions. From alcoholic solutions CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 165 crystalline double compounds may be formed. Picric acid forms characteristic crystals with a number of the alkaloids. Wormley's Reagent, or a solution of bromine in hydrochloric acid, gives definite microscopic crystals with some of the alkaloids, as atro- pine, hyoscyamine, and veratrine. Auric chloride and platinic chloride both form characteristic double salts with a number of the alkaloids. There are a number of other reagents which are used in the study of the localization of alkaloids in plants. Most of these depend upon certain color reactions. While it is true that the alkaloids give rather striking colors with certain reagents, yet, as a rule, they are of little value except when the alkaloids are in a pure condition. This same objection holds, but with some- what less force, to the employment of the alkaloidal reagents just mentioned. FAMILIES YIELDING ALKALOIDS. It is very difficult to deter- mine from the literature of the analyses as to how widely distrib- uted alkaloids are in plants. Time and again principles, which give definite reactions with certain alkaloidal reagents, are subse- quently shown to be other than alkaloids. In enumerating the families in which alkaloids occur we do not mean to say that they are lacking in the families not mentioned here. Alkaloids are seldom found in the Cryptogams, being confined, with few exceptions, to the poisonous fungi, as Amanita of the Agaricacae. Among the Monocotyledons they are found in the Palmae and the Liliaceae. They are more widely distributed in the Dicoty- ledons, occurring in the following families : Piperaceae, Chenopo- diaceae, Ranunculaceae, Berberidaceae, Menispermaceae, Lauraceae, Papaveraceae,, Leguminosae, Erthroxylaceae, Rutaceae, Aquifolia- ceae, Sapindaceae, Sterculiaceae, Punicaceae, Umbelli ferae, Logania- ceae, Apocynaceae, Solanaceae, Rubiaceae, and Lobeliaceae. THE AMOUNT OF ALKALOIDS in plants varies under different climatic conditions and is also very much influenced by culti- vation (see chapter on "Cultivation of Medicinal Plants"). For these reasons there is a wide range in the alkaloidal content of drug products, and, as the alkaloids are among the most poisonous constituents known, the various pharmacopoeias have set alkaloidal standards. At the International Conference for the Unification of Pharmacopoeial Formulae for Potent Medicaments held in Brtts- 166 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. sels in 1902 a protocol was prepared designating the strength of the various galenicals. Unfortunately, a standard for the alka- loidal content of drugs was not also established, and consequently in the several pharmacopoeias there is still some variation in drug standards. For percentage of alkaloids in different drugs and their variation, consult Volume II, treating of Pharmacognosy. CHEMICAL CLASSIFICATION OF ALKALOIDS. The chemical study of the alkaloids shows that each plant contains not one but a number of alkaloids, cinchona bark and the opium poppy yield- ing not less than twenty different alkaloids. As their chemical constitution is not well known, it is customary even for the chemist to group them into certain natural classes, as the alkaloids of conium, tobacco alkaloids, the cinchona alkaloids, opium alka- loids, etc. They may also be grouped into certain fundamental groups, according to their nuclear structure derived from their probable constitution. While the natural classification may be more convenient, it will be replaced by a classification based on chemical constitution when our knowledge of this class of sub- stances is extended. From studies thus far made the following groups of alkaloids may be recognized : PYRIDINE GROUP. Alkaloids derived from pyridine (C 5 H 5 N) are found in Conium maculatum, Piper nigrum, and other species oi Piper, Trigonella Focnum gracum, Areca Catechu, Beta vul- garis, Nicotiana Tabacum, Pilocarpus Jaborandi and other species of Pilocarpus, Lupinus, Laburnum, and other genera of the Leguminosa. This group includes the liquid or volatile alkaloids. PYRROLIDINE GROUP. Derivatives of Pyrrolidine (C 4 H 8 NH) occur in Atropa, Hyoscyamus, Datura, Scopolia and other genera of the Solanace. ORIGIN AND FORMATION OF ANTHOCYANIN. At the present time it is very difficult to determine the nature of the chemical processes which underlie the formation of anthocyanin, or the pigment dissolved in the cell-sap and giving the blue, purplish, and reddish color to flowers, fruits, etc. A great many observations have been made on the distribution of anthocyanin, the nature of the constituents with which it is associated in the plant cell, and their relation to various metabolic processes. In order to determine the Mendelian factors for color it is necessary that we have a definite knowledge concerning the nature and formation of this pigment. Of the numerous theories which have been proposed concerning the formation of anthocyanin, that proposed by Muriel Wheldale (Jour. Genetics, 1911, p. 134) seems the most plausible and is as follows: (1) The soluble pigments of flowering plants, collectively termed anthocyanin, are oxidation products of colorless chromo- gens of an aromatic nature, which are present in the living tissues in combination with sugar as glucosides. (2) The process of formation of the glucoside from chromo- gen and sugar is of the nature of a reversible enzyme action : Chromogen + sugar "^""^ glucoside + water. (3) The chromogen can only be oxidized to anthocyanin after liberation from the glucoside, and the process of oxidation is carried out by one or more oxidizing enzymes : Chromogen + oxygen = anthocyanin. (4) From (2) and (3) we may deduce that the amount of free chromogen, and hence the quantity of pigment formed at any time in a tissue, is inversely proportional to the concentration of the sugar and directly proportional to the concentration of glucoside in that tissue. (5) The local formation of anthocyanin, which is character- CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 181 istic of the normal plant, is due to local variation in concentration of either the free sugars or the glucosides in the tissues in which the pigment appears. The abnormal formation of pigment under altered conditions is due to differences in the concentration of these same substances due to changes in metabolism brought about by these conditions. (6) On the above hypothesis the formation of anthocyanin is brought into line with that of other pigments produced after the death of the plant, as, for example, indigo and the post-mortem or respiration pigments, so termed by Palladin. FUNCTION OF PLANT COLORS. A great many theories have been advanced as to the nature and uses of color-substances by the plant. With the exception of chlorophyll present in the chloro- plastid and its relation to photosynthetic processes little is known concerning the other pigments. Without attempting to discuss the various theories which have been proposed concerning their uses, the following facts should be borne in mind : 1. The occurrence of chromoplastids in a reserve organ, as in the tuberous root of carrot, and the similar occurrence of chromo- plastids and of reserve starch in the petals of the buttercup, lead to the inference that the petal of the buttercup, like the root of the carrot, has the function of storing nutrient material. In each case cells containing chromoplastids rich in nitrogenous substances are associated with cells containing reserve materials. 2. The distribution of the so-called flower color-substances in other parts of the plant than the flower shows them to be in the nature of metabolic substances, and that the part which they play in attracting insects to flowers is incidental rather than funda- mental. (The fact that certain colored flowers as in spruce are pollinated by the wind would tend to confirm this view.) 3. Unorganized or cell-sap color-substances are distributed usually in largest amount at the termini of the branches, as in flowers and terminal leaves, or in roots, or in both tops and roots. Their occurrence in those portions of the plant which are young and growing points to the conclusion that they are not to be disre- garded in the study of metabolic processes. Goebel likewise holds to this view. He says that it is " very probable that the 182 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. feature of color which so often appears when the propagative organs are being brought forth has some connection with definite metabolic processes, although up till now we cannot recognize what these are." ARTIFICIAL COLORING OF FLOWERS. Ever since the time of Magnol (1709) there has been considerable interest in the subject of coloring white flowers. A number of aniline dyes can be used, but those belonging chiefly to the azo and rosaniline coloring matters, especially the acid dyes or those used for dyeing wool, give the best result. These dyes are readily soluble in water, and the solutions are made up of a strength of I part of dye to 1,000 parts of water. The effects are best seen in white flowers and are produced by allowing the flower-stalks to remain in the solu- tions from one to two hours, when they are placed in water. With some flowers, as the cultivated anemones, the effects are noticeable in from ten to fifteen minutes. Some flowers will take up the dyes better than others. White flowers may be changed to yellow, orange, blue, green, purplish-red or magenta, crimson, purple, salmon-pink or gray by the use of the following dyes: 1. Yellow flowers are produced by the use of the dye known commercially as " Acid Yellow A. T.," which is chemically the sodium salt of disulpho-diphenylazin-dioxytartaric acid. 2. Orange-colored flowers may be produced by the use of the Jdye " Orange G. G.," which is the sodium salt of benzene-azo-/?- 'naphthol-disulphonic acid. 3. Blue flowers may be produced by the use of the dye " Cyanol F. F.," which is the sodium salt of meta-oxy-diethyl- diamido-phenyl-ditolyl-carbinol-disulphonic acid. 4. Green flowers may be produced by the use of equal parts of the dyes " Acid Yellow A. T.," and " Cyanol F. F." 5. Purplish-red flowers are produced by the use of the dye " Acid Magenta," which is the sodium salt of the trisulphonic acid of rosaniline. 6. Crimson flowers may be produced by the use of equal parts of the dyes " Acid Yellow A. T." and " Acid Magenta." 7. Purple flowers may be produced by the use of equal parts of " Cyanol F. F." and " Acid Magenta." CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 183 8. Salmon-pink flowers may be produced by the use of the dye " Brilliant Croceine M. O. O.," which is the sodium salt of ben- zene-azo-benzene-azo-/?-naphthol-disulphonic acid. 9. Gray flowers may be produced by the use of the dye " Naph- thol Black B.," which is the sodium salt of disulpho-/?-naphtha- lene-azo- -naphthalene-azo-/?-naphthol-disulphonic acid. Calcium oxalate is found in many of the higher plants, and in the algae and fungi as well ; while in the mosses, ferns, grasses, and sedges it is seldom found. It occurs in plants in crystals of either the monoclinic or tetragonal system. The crystals dissolve in any of the mineral acids without effervescence, and their identity is usually confirmed by the use of dilute hydrochloric acid. The crystals of the monoclinic system are rather widely distributed, while those of the tetragonal system are less frequent in their occurrence. The crystals belonging to the monoclinic system (Fig. 105) may be subdivided according to their prevalent forms into a num- ber of sub-groups. I. SOLITARY CRYSTALS. These are usually in the form of rhombohedra, sometimes in twin crystals of variable size (Fig. 108). They are very widely distributed, occurring in a number of modifications in the same plant, and are often very characteristic in the identification of economic products. The crystals of this group are sometimes mistaken for silica, owing to the fact that in some instances the lumen of the cell is completely filled by the crystal, and, the inner wall having the contour of the crystal, it is impossible to determine whether the crystal is affected by the use of hydro- chloric acid. It should be stated in this connection that silica never occurs as a cell-content in sharp, angular crystals, but either in more or less ellipsoidal or irregular hollow masses, or in some- what solid, irregularly branching forms (Fig. 109). II. COLUMNAR CRYSTALS or " styloids," being elongated prisms of the monoclinic system (Fig. 107, C), and when typical recall ihe crystals of gypsum. They also occur in twin-forms, some- limes replacing raphides, and occasionally show a number of transition forms. Solitary crystals in the form of rhombohedra or styloids occur in a number of drugs, as follows : Acer spicatum, calumba, carda- 184 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. PIG. 105. Monoclinic crystals of calcium oxalate: A, a to f, crystals from the paren- chyma of the bark of the horse-chestnut (ALsculus Hippocastanum); B, a to c, from the pith of Periploca grceca; C, a to e, from the parenchyma in the region of the fibrovascular bundles in Musa sinensis; D. a to c, from the petioles of the pinnate leaves of Cycas revoluta; E, a to c, crystals from the bark of the guaiac tree; F, a single crystal from Citrus aurantium; G, a to c, rectangular crystals from a Brazilian bignonia. After Dippel in "Das Mikroskop." CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 185 momum, coca, eucalyptus, frangula, gelsemium, granatum, hama- melis, hyoscyamus, Jamaica quassia, krameria, pimenta, Prunus serotina, quercus, quillaja, rhamnus purshianus, senna, uva-ursi, vanilla, viburnum prunifolium, and xanthoxylum. III. ROSETTE AGGREGATES of calcium oxalate consist of numer- ous small prisms and pyramids, or hemihedral crystals more or less regularly arranged around a central axis, and have the appear- FIG. 1 06. Orthorhombic crystals of calcium oxalate: A, a to f, crystals from the leaves of the onion (Allium Cepa)\ B, a to g, crystals from the stem of Tradescantiaviridis. After Dippel in "Das Mikroskop." ance of a rosette or star (Fig. 107, A). The development of these aggregates may be readily observed in the 'stem of Datura Stramonium. Crystals of this class are more widely distributed than any of the others, and are characteristic of a number of drugs. Clustered crystals in the form of rosette aggregates occur in numerous drugs, as follows: Althaea, anisum, buchu, calendula, cannabis indica, carum, caryophyllus, castanea, chimaphila, conium, coriandrum, cusso, eriodictyon, euonymus, fceniculum, frangula, galla, geranium, gossypii cortex, granatum, humulus, jalapa, pilo- i86 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. carpus, pimenta, rheum, rumex, senna, stillingia, stramonii folia, viburnum opulus, and viburnum prunifolium. IV. RAPHIDES are groups of needle-shaped crystals, especially prevalent in Monocotyledons (Fig. 107, B). They have been mis- FIG. 107. Forms of calcium oxalate crystals: A, transverse section of rheum show- ing rosette aggregates of calcium oxalate in three of the cells and starch grains in some of the others; B, longitudinal section of scilla showing raphides; C, longitudinal section of quillaja showing large monoclinic prisms of calcium oxalate and also some starch grains; D, transverse section of belladonna root showing one cell filled with sphenoidal micro-crys- tals, the remaining cells containing starch. taken by several observers for calcium phosphate. Calcium phos- phate, however, occurs in plants either in solution or in com- bination with protein substance. The cells containing raphides are long, thin-walled and contain, sooner or later, a mucilage, CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 187 which arises from the cell-sap, is stained by corallin, and behaves with reagents much like cherry-gum. The cells are either isolated or occur in groups placed end to end, as in Veratrum viride. Raphides are found in relatively few drugs, as follows : Cinnamomum, convallaria, cypripedium, ipecacuanha, phytolacca, sarsaparilla, scilla, vanilla, and veratrum viride. V. CRYSTAL FIBERS. In quite a number of drugs a single monoclinic prism or a rosette aggregate occurs in each of the parenchyma cells adjoining the sclerenchymatous fibers, and to this single longitudinal row of superimposed cells the name crystal FIG. 1 08. A, transverse section of hyoscyamus leaf showing monoclinic prisms of calcium oxalate, also a twin-crystal; B, longitudinal section of glycyrrhiza showing a crystal fiber, i.e., a row of superimposed cells, each containing a polygonal monoclinic prism of calcium oxalate, the crystal filling the cell. Adjoining the crystal fiber is a group of bast fibers on one side and some cells containing starch on the other. fiber has been applied (Fig. 108, B). Crystal fibers are typical of the following drugs: Aspidosperma, frangula, glycyrrhiza, hsematoxylon, hamamelis, Prunus serotina, quercus alba, quil- laja, rhamnus purshianus, and uva-ursi. VI. MICRO-CRYSTALS are exceedingly small (about 0.2 to lo/* in diameter), apparently deltoid or arrow-shaped, and so numerous as to entirely fill the parenchyma cells in which they occur, giving the cells a grayish-black appearance which readily distinguishes them from other plant cells (Fig. 107, D). It has been sup- posed that they are tetrahedrons, but they are probably sphenoids i88 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. in the monoclinic system, inasmuch as monoclinic prisms occur in neighboring cells in the same plant or drug, as in stramonium, quassia, etc. Because they are so small and in many instances not clearly defined they have been termed by the Germans " crystal- FIG. 109. Various forms of Silica found in plants. Long rods and spindle-shaped masses (A) and star-shaped fragments (B) found respectively in the thalloid structure made up of roots and shoots and in the leaves of Tristicha hypnoides, a small, moss-like plant (Podostemaceae) growing on rocks, etc., in running water, especially in waterfalls. C, a longitudinal section of the petiole of Caryota urens, a palm of Eastern Asia, showing grape-like clusters of silica completely filling the cells. D, hat-shaped fragments of silica occurring on the edge of the leaves of Cusparia macrophylla. a rutaceous tree growing near Rio Janeiro; in a, b, c, side views of the masses, whereas in d the surface view shows a struc- ture resembling that of sphero-crystals, E and F, siliceous fragments from the leaves of an orchid, Oncidium leucochilum, growing in Guatemala; in E is shown a base fiber with siliceous masses somewhat resembling the crystal-fibers of calcium oxalate, and in F the isolated siliceous masses are seen. A and B, after Cario; C and D, after Rosanoff; E and F, after Pfitzer. From Dippel in "Das Mikroskop." sand" (Kristallsand). The typical tetrahedral form was recog- nized by the French and termed " sable tetraedrique." Sphenoidal micro-crystals are found in the following drugs : Belladonnae folia, belladonnse radix, cinchona, dulcamara, phyto- lacca, quassia, Solanum carolinense, and tabacum. CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 189 VII. MEMBRANE CRYSTALS. There are several forms of crystals which may be included in this group. The so-called Rosanoff crystals consist of rosette aggregates attached to inward- protruding walls of the plant cell. These, however, do not concern us so much as the large monoclinic crystals which have a mem- brane surrounding them. The crystal first appears in the cell-sap, and then numerous oil globules appear in the protoplasm around it; later some of the walls of the cell thicken and grow around the crystal, which they finally completely envelop, as in Moracese. Crystals of the orthorhombic system may occur either as soli- tary crystals or rosette aggregates, or in the form of acicular crystals and probably micro-crystals, being usually much smaller than the single crystals of the monoclinic system. Solereder, in his work on " Systematic Anatomy of the Dicoty- ledons," states that the systematic value of the study of the forms of crystals varies considerably. While in some instances a certain form of crystal is characteristic of an entire order, yet in other cases it serves to distinguish only genera or species. In practical work in the identification of economic products the study of the forms of crystals is very important. A few instances may be mentioned. In Jamaica quassia calcium oxalate occurs in the form of 4- to 6-sided rhombohedral crystals, whereas in Surinam quassia the crystals are few or entirely wanting. In Levant scammony root occur numerous monoclinic prisms of calcium oxa-l late, whereas in the Mexican root the crystals are chiefly in the form of rosette aggregates. In the bark of Viburnum Opulus the calcium oxalate occurs almost entirely in the form of rosette aggre- gates, whereas in the bark of Acer spicatum solitary rhombo- hedral crystals are prevalent. In the identification of many drugs the presence or absence of calcium oxalate crystals and the study of the prevalent forms is very important (Fig. no). Owing to the importance of the study of calcium oxalate an enumeration of the families in which calcium oxalate occurs is given. I. Crystals of calcium oxalate, either in the form of solitary rhombohedra or clustered aggregates, are found in the following* families: Aceracese, Ampelidacese (also raphides), Anacardiaceae, Apocynacese, Araliacese, Asclepiadaceae, Berberidaceae, Bignonia- 190 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. A B FIG. no. A few illustrations showing the practical value of the study of calcium oxalate: A, digitalis, without any calcium oxalate; B, hyoscyamus in which monoclinic prisms predominate; C, belladonna, characterized chiefly by sphenoidal micro-crystals as well as occasional prisms; D, stramonium, having rosette aggregates in addition to prisms which are found in the petioles and stems and sphenoidal micro-crystals, which are abundant in the root. a, upper epidermis; b, lower epidermis; c, non-glandular hairs (which in stra- monium art tubercutete) ; d, glandular hairs; e, calcium oxalate crystals; f, fragments of xylem showing tracheae with bordered pores (s), reticulate markings (r), simple pores (p), spiral thickening (1), and wood fibers (w); g, bast fibers, which, together with wood fibers, are wanting in digitalis. CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 191 ceae (also in the form of octahedra and small acicular crystals), Bixaceae, Bruniaceae, Burseraceae, Buxaceae (also styloids and micro-crystals), Cactaceae, Canellaceae, Capparidaceae, Caprifolia- ceae, Caryophyllaceae, Casuarinaceae, Celastraceae, Combretaceae, Convolvulaceae (also small acicular crystals), Cornaceae (also micro-crystals), Ebenaceae, Ericaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fagaceae, Geraniaceae (also raphides), Gutti ferae, Hamamelidaceae, Hippo- castanaceae, Hypericaceae, Juglandaceae, Lecythidaceae, Linaceae, Loganiaceae, Loranthaceae, Lythraceae; Magnoliaceae, Malpighia- ceae, Malvaceae, Meliaceae, Menispermaceae (also small acicular crystals), Moraceae, Myricaceae, Myrsinaceae, Myrtaceae, Oleaceae, Passifloraceae, Pittosporaceae (also columnar crystals), Platana- ceae, Plumbaginaceae, Podostemaceae, Polygalaceae, Polygonaceae, Portulacaceae (also micro-crystals), Rhamnaceae, Rhizophoraceae, Rosaceae, Rubiaceae (also raphides, micro-crystals, rhombohedra, and small acicular crystals), Rutaceae (also styloids and raphides), Salicaceae, Santalaceae, Sapindaceae, Sapotaceae (also micro-crys- tals), Saxifragaceae, Simarubaceae, Solanaceae (also micro-crys- tals), Staphyleaceae, Sterculiaceae, Theaceae (also^ raphides and styloids), Thymelaeaceae (also micro-crystals), Tiliaceae, Ulmaceae, Urnbelliferae, Urticaceae, Vaccinaceae, Verbenaceae (also small prisms and acicular crystals), Violaceae, and Zygophyllaceae. Solitary rhombohedra are found in a relatively few families and are characteristic of the following : Connaraceae, Crassulaceae, Cucurbitaceae, and Leguminosae. II. Crystals in the orthorhombic system occurring in the form of small octahedra or prisms, as twin-crystals, and in the form of short rods or needles are found in the following families : Acera- ceae, Apocynaceae, Araliaceae, Aristolochiaceae, Begoniaceae, Big- noniaceae, Boraginaceae, Cactaceae, Caesalpinaceae, Calycanthaceae, Campanulaceae, Canellaceae, Capparidaceae, Chenipodiaceae, Com- positae, Convolvulaceae, Gentianaceae, Gesneraceae, Guttiferae, Lau-' raceae, Loganiaceae, Magnoliaceae, Melastomaceae, Menispermaceae, Moraceae, Myristicaceae, Monimiaceae, Oleaceae, Papilionaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Piperaceae, Polemoniaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rubia- ceae, Saxifragaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Simarubaceae, Solanaceae, Sterculiaceae, Styracaceae, and Zygophyllaceae. 192 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. III. Rosette aggregates or clustered crystals sometimes accom- panying other forms are found in the following families : Acantha- ceae, Begoniaceae, Boraginaceae, Calyceraceas, Campanulaceae, Can- dolleaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Chloranthaceae, Elatinaceae, Empetra- ceae, Gentianaceae, Gesneraceae, Hydrophyllaceae, Labiatae, Loasa- ceae, Magnoliaceae, Melastomaceae, Melianthaceae, Myristicaceae, Nepenthaceae, Nymphaeaceae, Onagraceae, Papaveraceae, Phytolac- caceae, Piperaceae, Polemoniaceae, Ranunculaceae, Sarraceniaceae, and Turneraceae. IV. Sphaerites (sphere-crystals), or rosette aggregates com- posed of very small needles, have been observed in certain plants of the following families: Aceraceae, Asclepiadaceae, Berberidacese, Cactaceae, Combretaceae, Crassulaceae, Empetraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Geraniaceae, Melastomaceae, Papilionaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Rosa- ceae, and Solanaceae. V. Raphides are sometimes associated with other forms of crystals, as micro-crystals, rosette aggregates, rhombohedra, and styloids. They are widely distributed among the Monocotyledons and occur in the following Dicotyledons : Geraniaceae, Gesneraceae, Melianthaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Rubiaceae, Rutaceae, Saxifragaceae, Theaceae, Urticaceae, and Zygophyllaceae. PLANT PROTEINS. T^e proteins are nitrogenous compounds, most of which con- tain sulphur and some of which contain phosphorus. Their con- stitution or the molecular structure of their molecules has not been determined, but they are very large, and are built up of amino- acids, the simplest of which is glycocoll (amino-acetic acid). Apart from the protoplasm found in living cells, the propor- tion of proteins in plants is relatively small, except in seeds, where they serve as nutriment during the germinating period, being made available by the action of proteolytic enzymes. Most of the plant proteins are GLOBULINS, and collectively have been termed phyto- globulins. (i) The globulins are insoluble in pure water and in dilute acids, but are soluble in dilute solutions of sodium chloride (i to 20 per cent.), ammonium chloride, sodium sulphate and dilute solution of potassium hydrate, from which solutions they may be precipitated by dilution, dialysis, or acidification with CO 2 CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 193 or dilute acids, or by " salting out " by the use of strong or satu- rated solutions of ammonium sulphate, magnesium sulphate, or sodium chloride. (2) The proteins which contain phosphorus are sometimes called phytovitellins, as legumin in peas, which contain 0.35 per cent, of phosphorus. A third class of plant proteins, which are alcohol-soluble, are found in cereals, as the gliadin of wheat and rye and the zein of maize. The cohesive and dough- ing properties of wheat flour are attributed to the association of gliadin and another protein called glutenin. Some of the plant proteins occur naturally in the crystalline form, either free in the cytoplasm, as in the potato tuber (Fig. in, A), or as components of aleurone grains, as in the seeds of Ricinus communif and Brazil nuts (Fig. HI, B and D). Phyto- globulins in the form of crystals and spheroids have been obtained from extracts of flax-seed, hemp-seed, Brazil-nut, castor-oil seeds and others. Protein crystals are, according to Wichmann, iso- morphic, and probably belong to the hexagonal system (Fig. 112). Aleurone grains are made up of phyto-globulins (formerly called crystalloids), globoids and a ground mass, the whole being enclosed by a membrane-like material. They may be studied by taking advantage of the difference in solubility of the substances composing them. The membrane, or lining of the protoplasm, while soluble in water, remains intact with sections examined in any of the fixed oils, as cotton-seed oil. Usually seeds which contain aleurone are rich in fixed oils, and if this oil is first removed by placing fresh sections in alcohol, or alcohol and ether, the subsequent study is facilitated. If the sections thus treated are mounted in water, the membrane gradually dissolves, leaving the globulins, globoids, and calcium oxalate. On adding a o.i to i per cent, solution of either sodium or potassium hydrate, the globulins dissolve, the globoids and calcium oxalate crystals re- maining unaffected. The globoids may be dissolved by the use of a i per cent, acetic acid solution, or concentrated solutions of ammonium sulphate or monopotassium phosphate. The calcium oxalate remaining may then be treated with hydrochloric acid in the usual way. CLASSIFICATION OF PROTEINS. A committee on protein nomen- clature of the American Society of Biological Chemists proposed 13 194 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. a classification of Proteins based chiefly on their solubility under different conditions. There are some eighteen different classes recognized, and these are brought under three principal groups: (i) Simple Proteins, as albumins, globulins, glutelins, prolamins, etc. (2) Conjugated Proteins, or complex substances, as nucleo- FIG. in. Phyto-globulins: A, cell of tuber of white potato (Solanum tuberosum) showing protein cyrstals (k), starch grains (st), nucleus (n); B, aleurone grains of the seed of the castor-oil plant (Ricinus communis); C. aleurone grains of fruit of fennel (Fcenic- ulunt vulgare) containing large calcium oxalate crystals (Ca) which are strongly polarizing, as shown in the isolated grains; D, aleurone grains of Brazil-nut (Bertholletia excelsa); g, globoids; k, protein crystals. proteins, which are compounds containing both nucleic acid and protein. (3) Derived Proteins, or compounds resulting from the action of enzymes or acids upon proteins. I. Most of the investigations up until now have been con- ducted on the Globulins, which are distinguished by being insoluble in water but soluble in saline solutions. A number of them readily crystallize, and these can be generally obtained by diluting their CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 195 sodium chloride solutions with water heated from 50 to 60 until a slight turbidity forms. Warm the diluted solution until the tur- bidity disappears and then allow it to cool slowly, when well- defined crystals of the protein separate (Fig. 112). Crystals of the globulin (so-called excelsin) of Brazil-nut were obtained by Osborne by simply dialyzing the faintly acid saline solution in running water. Many of the globulins have received distinctive names, as Amandin, found in the almond, peach, plum, and apri- cot ; Avenalin, found in oats ; Castanin, found in European chest- nut; Conglutin, found in lupines; Corylin, found in hazel-nut; Edestin, found in hemp-seed ; Excelsin, found in Brazil-nut ; Glycinin, found in soy-bean; Juglansin, found in European wal- nut, American black walnut, and butter-nut; Legumin, found in peas and lentils ; Maysin, found in Indian corn or maize ; Phaseolin, found in kidney and lima beans; Tuberin, found in the potato; Vicilin, found in peas, horse-bean, and lentils ; and Vignin, found in cow-pea. Globulins have also been isolated from the seeds of other plants, but to these distinctive names have not yet been given. Among these may be mentioned barley, cocoanut, castor- bean, cotton-seed, flaxseed, mustard-seed, peanut, radish-seed, rape-seed, rye, sesame-seed, sunflower-seed, and squash-seed. II. ALBUMINS are distinguished from globulins by the fact that they coagulate on the application of heat ; they are also solu- ble in water, showing neutral or but a slightly acid reaction. Most seeds and probably most plant juices yield proteins which are as well entitled to be placed in the group of albumins as any of those of animal origin. The best characterized vegetable albumins are Legumelin, found in lentils, cow-peas, peas, and soy-beans ; Leucosin, found in barley, rye, and wheat; Phaselin, found in kidney-bean; and Ricin, found in castor-bean. III. Another well-defined class of Proteins are known as GLUTELINS, which are characterized by being insoluble in neutral aqueous solutions, saline solutions, and alcohol. The glutenin of wheat is the best representative of this group. IV. The alcohol-soluble proteins, known as Prolamins, have been found in corn, oats, sorghum, and wheat. It has recently been proposed to bring this group of proteins in a group by themselves and call them " gliadins," but as this name has been used to 196 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. designate a definite protein obtained from wheat/a more distinctive name has been proposed by Osborne, who calls this group " pro- lamins," because all its members which have thus far been hydrol- yzed yield a relatively large quantity of both proline and amide nitrogen. The prolamins are characterized by their solubility in alcohol from 70 to 90 per cent. They are nearly or wholly insoluble in water, but their salts are freely soluble in solutions of acids or alkalies. (See " The Vegetable Proteins/' by Thomas B. Osborne.) GLUTEN is a mixture of proteins occurring in wheat. It con- sists of about 4 per cent, of gliadin (prolamin) and 4 per cent, of glutenin (glutelin). On an average 100 pounds of flour will yield 8 pounds of gluten. The " hard " wheats contain more gluten than the " soft " varieties. The gluten of wheat is said to possess a higher dietetic value than the gluten of corn or rye. Crude gluten may be prepared by making a dough with 30 Gm. of flour and about 15 c.c. of water. This is allowed to stand for an hour and the starch washed out by kneading it between the fingers under a gentle stream of tap water. The resultant product is of a grayish color, sticky, tough, and elastic, and when pure is capable of being drawn out into long bands or shreds. The strength of a flour, i.e., its capacity for making a porous and spongy loaf, de- pends mainly on the quality and quantity of gluten it contains. In the preparation of ordinary flour much of the layer containing gluten is separated with the coats of the grain in the course of bolting. Graham flour, on the other hand, being unbolted, has practically the same constituents as the wheat grain itself. The name " gluten flour " is applied to one in which the greater part of the starch is removed. Gluten flours are used by diabetic patients and have a high nutritive value when scientifically pre- pared. TOXALBUMINS OR Toxic PROTEINS. Proteins which are ex- ceedingly toxic have been isolated, from several plants. That the protein substances possess poisonous properties has sometimes teen questioned, but there seems to be no doubt but that true toxalbumins occur not only in seeds, but in other parts of the plant. The following of these principles have been rather care- fully studied: Ricin, found in the seeds of Ricinus communis; CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 197 FIG. 112. Phyto-globulins (crystaloids) from several sources: A, a, b, from the white potato; B, a to f, from the seeds of castor oil plant (Ricinus communis); in b and b are shown different views of the same crystal; C, a to f, from the seeds of the Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsd). After Dippel in "Das Mikroskop." 198 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Abrin, occurring in the seeds of Abrus precatorius; Curcin, in the seeds of Jatropha Curcas; Crotin, in the seeds of Croton Eluteria; and Robin, in the bark of Robinia Pseud-acacia. The pollen of rye is also said to contain a toxalbumin, which, when adminis- tered in extremely small doses, accentuates the symptoms of hay fever in patients afflicted with this disease. Under the name of " Vegetable Agglutinins " have been brought those protein sub- stances which when added to a suspension of blood-corpuscles rap- idly cause them to agglutinate. Those substances that possess the same properties but are not poisonous are known as *; 'Phasins." (Consult "The Vegetable Proteins," by Osborne; and." Beitrage zur Kenntnis der vegetabilischen Hamagglutinine," by R. Robert.) ORIGIN AND FORMATION OF PLANT PROTEINS. It has been shown that carbohydrates originate in chloroplastids and are formed under the influence of sunlight from two simple substances, viz., carbon dioxide and water. Protein substances, on the other hand, are not formed in any definite organ, but arise in the proto- plasmic contents of the cell. This function is not limited to the protoplasm of green plants, as fungi also possess this property. Furthermore, proteins may be formed in organs growing in the dark as well as those exposed to the light. Proteins arise through the interaction of nitrates, sulphates, and compounds of ammonia with either formaldehyde or some simple carbohydrate. It is supposed that the nitrates and sulphates are decomposed by plant acids, furnishing the necessary nitrogen and sulphur. Treub, by reason of his studies on Pangium edule, has advanced the theory that in the construction of protein compounds the nitrogen is supplied by hydrocyanic acid. Apart from the facts just men- tioned, all theories with regard to the formation of proteins are mere speculations. We are indebted to Emil Fischer and his students ("Unter- suchungen iiber Aminosauren Polypeptide und Proteine," Berlin, 1906) for much information concerning the structure of proteins. They have prepared synthetically several protein-like substances, although no natural occurring protein has as yet been obtained. From these studies it has been shown that proteins belong to a CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 199 class of chemical substances designated as " polypeptides " which are formed by the condensation of several amino acids. THE PERCENTAGE OF PROTEIN IN PLANTS. The amount of protein in plants varies considerably. It is found in greatest amounts in seeds x especially in the seeds of the Leguminosse and the grains of cereals. It is also found in surprisingly large quanti- ties in a number of the vegetables. Were it not for the fact that the fungi contain large quantities of water, they would be considered the most nutritious of all vegetable foods, as they contain in dry substances over 50 per cent, of protein. As the fresh mushrooms, however, contain nearly 90 per cent, of water, this brings the pro- tein content to but about 5 per cent. The percentage of protein in dried material from a number of sources may be of interest, as follows: Grains or Cereals. Barley, 7.64 to 17.90; buckwheat, 9.75 to 17.25; corn, 6.41 to 17.02; oats, 8.35 to 21.88; rye, 8.39 to 17.38; rice, 6.49 to 12.81 ; and wheat, 8.30 to 27.88. Leguminous Seeds. Kidney beans, 22.53 to 36.46; lentils, 14.58 to 34.34; Hnia beans, 15.94 to 25.63; Lupinus luteus, 15.62 to 61.27; peanut, 25.39 to 33.73; peas, 21.59 to 3 2 -94 ; soja beans, 24.38 to 49.10; string beans, 13.06 to 20.19; and Vicia faba, 21.00 to 36.10. Miscellaneous Seeds. Beechnut, about 25 ; cacao, 7.32 to 15.94; cocoanut, 7.75 to 10.90; chestnut, 5.15 to 15.75; hazel-nut, 16.23 to 21.22; flaxseed, 18.49 to 33.80; mustard, 15.50 to 39.66; coffee, 17.11 to 25.09; rape-seed, 15.18 to 28.13; ricinus, 16.35 to 22.28; sunflower-seed, 5.67 to 33.89 ; sweet almond, 17.50 to 26.62. Common Vegetables. Asparagus, 15.12 to 33.52; sugar beets, 3.11 to 23.02; garden beets, 4.19 to 29.27; carrots, 3.79 to 16.64; cauliflower, 17.23 to 37.75 ; celery, 8.44 to 25.19 ; cucumber, 21.38 to 26.06; garlic, 1.17 to 13.50; parsnips, 6.38 to 13.50; potatoes, 2.21 to 17.59; sweet potatoes, 1.70 to 19.61; radish, 13.00 to 22.13; spinach, 27.50 to 45.33; and turnips, 4.01 to 21.00. Fruits. Apples, 0.22 to 1.32; apricots, 0.13 to 1.79; bananas, 3.37 to 7.75; cherries, 0.97 to 4.75; cucumber, 21.38 to 26.06; currants, o.n to 1.44; figs, 0.90 to 2.58; gooseberries, .21 to .94; grapes, 0.22 to 1.20; lemons, 0.49 to 2.90; musk melon, 4.69 to 22.23; oranges, 4.83 to 2.24; peaches, 0.23 to 1.67; pears, 0.19 to 200 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. 0.56; plums, 0.27 to 0.99; prunes, 0.59 to 0.69; pumpkin, 30.31 to 36.25; raspberries, 0.18 to 1.47; strawberries, 0.35 to 1.05. Spices. Anise, 16.31 to 18.15; capsicum, 11.20 to 16.81 ; cardamom, 5.50 to 14.77; caraway, 19.43 to 20.25; cloves, 4.73 to 7.06; cinnamon, i.oi to 8.00; coriander, 10.94 to 12.03; curcuma, 9.18 to 12.56; dill, 6.75 to 21.56; fennel, 16.28 to 17.19; ginger, 3.27 to 10.83 ; mace, 4.55 to 7.80; mustard, 15.50 to 39.66; nutmeg, 5.16 to 7.12; pepper, 15.18; paprika, 10.9 to 27.16. Miscellaneous. Agaricus campestris, 20.63 to 62.94; sea- weeds, 5.56 to 39.25. CALCIUM CARBONATE occurs occasionally in the form of a cell- content, being present in tracheae or vessels and tracheids of the heart wood, as well as in the medullary rays and pith cells of certain plants. In this form it is rather characteristic of one or more genera in the following families : Aceraceae, Anonaceae, Cornaceae, Cupuliferae, Rosaceae, Salicaceae, Sapotaceae, Urti- caceae, and Zygophyllaceae. When present it almost completely fills the cells, and may be overlooked or referred to as resin unless its identity is proved by the use of certain reagents. Like the other carbonates, it dissolves with effervescence on the addition of hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, acetic acid, etc., and in this way may be detected. Calcium carbonate is present in special structures known as Cystoliths. The latter are protuberances of the cell wall into the cell, and consist of a stalk and a body (Fig. 113). The stalk consists of a simple core of cellulose on which more or less silica is deposited. The upper or body portion consists of a more or less irregular spherical or ellipsoidal deposit of calcium carbonate. These are found in the parenchyma cells in roots and barks and the subepidermal cells of leaves. They are also found in epidermal cells, as in the short hairs of Cannabis sativa. Cystoliths occur in certain genera of the Acanthaceae, Borraginaceae, Cucurbi- taceae, Gesneraceae, Oleaceae, Ulmaceae, Moraceae, and Urticaceae. Cystoliths occur in a number of modifications, and, while they are usually simple, yet in some of the Acanthaceae and Urticaceae branched cystoliths occur. In some of the genera of the Cucur- bitaceae 2- to 4-adjoning cells may have cystoliths, and hence are known as " double cystoliths." The cystoliths found in hairs, as CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 201 in Cannabis sativa, do not usually have a stalk, and are known as " hair cystoliths." The latter are, furthermore, variously modi- fied, and may have incrustations of either calcium carbonate or silica or a mixture of both of these substances. In the Begoniaceae occurs a certain form of structure resembling a cystolith, but it is uncalcified, and consists of a mucilaginous substance which is r, f FIG. 113. Cystolith. A cross section of a portion of the leaf of Ficus elastica showing cells of the upper epidermis (e), cells of the hypodermal layer (h), among which is a large cell containing a cystolith (c); palisade cells (ch). After Sachs. sometimes more or less impregnated with resin. These are known as " cystotyles." The protuberances found on the walls of certain epidermal cells and in the subsidiary cells of hairs may be either calcified or silicified, and occur in the families containing true cystoliths and also some genera of the following: Com- positae, Campanulaceae, Oleaceae, Leguminosae, Hydrophyllaceae, 202 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Scrophulariaceae, Polemoniaceae, Verbenaceae, Euphorbiaceae, and Urticaceae. SILICA is seldom found as a cell-content, and when present never occurs as a crystalline deposit, being usually in the form of amorphous masses, termed "silica-bodies" (Fig. 109). The latter arise either in the cell-sap or the silica is deposited on the cell-wall, ultimately filling the lumen of the cell. In the palms the silica-bodies resemble stalkless cystoliths (Fig. 109, C). They may also occur in the form of long rods, being more or less fusi- form or rectangular, or in the form of discs showing a more or less sphero-crystalline structure, or in other special forms (Fig. 109). Silica-bodies have been found in the Palmae, Orchidaceae, Podoste- maceae, and Rutacese. Silica is insoluble in any of the ordinary solvents, being dissolved only by hydrofluoric acid. On incinerating the tissues it is not destroyed. The presence of silica may be deter- mined readily upon heating sections with sulphuric acid or any reagent that destroys organic matter. Silica usually occurs as an incrustation in the cell-wall, being found in epidermal cells, spinose hairs, and even the palisade and mesophyll cells of quite a number of plants. Siliceous walls are rather characteristic of the genera of the following families : Acanthaceae, Aristolochiaceae, Bignoniaceae, Borraginaceae, Burseraceae, Calycanthaceae, Campanulaceae, Chloranthaceae, Combretaceae, Compositae, Cucurbitaceae, Dilleniaceae, Euphor- biaceae, Gesneraceae, Goodeniaceae, Hydrophyllaceae, Leguminosae, Loranthaceae, Magnoliaceae, Melastomaceae, Menispermaceae, Oleaceae, Piperaceae, Proteaceae, Rosaceae, Rubiaceae, Santalaceae, Saxifragaceae, Urticaceae, and Verbenaceae. TANNINS AND TANNIDES. There is a group of water-soluble principles that occur in the cell-sap, especially of parenchyma cells, of a large number of plants. They are derivatives of phenol and phenol acids, and give either dark blue or green precipitates with solutions of ferric chloride. They were formerly designated as tannins and distinguished according to the plants from which they were obtained ; thus we had chestnut tannin, oak tannin, etc. Recent studies on the constitution of these substances show that there are two principal groups of tannins, ( I ) being in the nature of glucosides and (2) the other not yielding any dextrose on CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 203 hydrolysis with acids. Both of these groups may be subdivided into two classes, namely, (A) those which probably are deriva- tives of protocatechuic acid and (B) those which are derivatives of gallic acid. A class name has been given to include these subgroups, namely, " tannides " or " tannoids." The .first sub- group (A) would then include the protocatechuic-tannides or -tannoids, and the second (B) would comprise the gallic- tannides or -tannoids. In working out a system of classification of this kind Kunz-Krause (Swheiz. Woch. f. Chem. u. Pharm., 1898, p. 424) has arranged all of the possible tannides or tannoids and has given the formulae for a number which have not yet been found in nature. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF TANNINS. The tannins are amor- phous substances and do not form crystalline salts. They are soluble in water, alcohol, ethyl acetate, or a mixture of alcohol and ether. They are almost insoluble in anhydrous ether, chloro- form, and the other immiscible solvents. The solutions give dis- tinct color reactions or precipitates with ferric chloride, stannous chloride, and acetates of copper and lead. They form soluble compounds with iodine and prevent the latter from giving the characteristic blue reaction with starch. Solutions of tannin give insoluble precipitates with cinchonine and other organic bases. Tannins are, furthermore, especially in alkaline solutions, powerful reducing agents, their resulting products being of a dark red or yellowish-red color. Upon treatment of tannins with dilute acids, or fusing with the alkali hydroxides, or heating alone, several classes of products are formed. I. When heated in a sealed tube at 100 C. solutions of tannin in a I per cent, solution of hydrochloric acid yield either crystal- lizable acids, or phlobaphenes, or insoluble red substances. (A) The following glucosidal tannins yield crystallizable acids : The tannin from nut-galls, divi-divi (fruit of Casalpinia coriaria), myrobalans (fruit of Terminalia Chebula), rind of pomegranate fruit, and coffee. (B) Phlobaphene is a reddish, or brownish-red, amorphous substance formed from the tannin of willow bark. It is insoluble in water but soluble in alcohol, dilute solutions of the alkalies and alkali carbonates, and solutions of borax. (C) 204 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Quite a number of tannins yield a reddish, amorphous substance which precipitates out of the acid solution and is insoluble in water, alcohol, and solutions of the alkalies. Derivatives of this kind are obtained from the tannin of kino, krameria, etc. 2. When tannins are fused with potassium or sodium hydrox- ide several classes of products are formed, depending on the con- stitution of the tannin. (A) Protocatechuic acid is formed not only on the fusion of certain tannins, but may be prepared from other plant substances, as vanillin, asafoetida, myrrh, etc. Usually other substances are formed in the interaction, these being either acetic acid or phloroglucinol. In this class are in- cluded the most of the tannins, which on heating with dilute acids yield either phlobaphenes or insoluble red substances. (B) Pyrogallol, which is commercially prepared by the dry distillation of gallic acid, is also formed from the glucosidal tannins which yield crystallizable acids in acid solutions. 3. Upon carefully heating tannins .to a temperature of 190 to 200 C. they are decomposed and yield two distinct classes of derivatives, being either (A) pyrocatechol (a diatomic phenol) or (B) pyrogallol (a triatomic phenol). Both of these substances are crystalline and may be sublimed unchanged. They are, furthermore, both soluble in water, alcohol, and ether, and are distinguished by giving very characteristic reactions with certain reagents. Solutions of pyrocatechol are colored dark green with ferric-alum and greenish with copper sulphate + ammonium hydrate, or concentrated sulphuric acid. Pyrogallol is colored bluish-black with ferric-alum, becoming green and finally brown ; brownish with copper sulphate + ammonium hydrate, or sul- phuric acid, and becoming violet with lime water, rapidly chang- ing to brown. Pyrocatechol is formed from those tannins which produce protocatechuic acids on fusion with potassium hydroxide and phlobaphenes or insoluble red substances on treatment with acids. Pyrogallol is formed on heating those tannins which also yield pyrogallol on fusion with potassium hydroxide and yield either gallic acid or ellagic acid on hydrolysis with acids. MICROCHEMISTRY OF TANNINS. Tannin ocurs as a constituent of the cell-sap, and the cells containing it may be determined by use of dilute solutions of methylene blue, as proposed by Pfeffer, CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 205 which colors the cell-sap blue, afterward precipitating the tannin. This reagent has the advantage that when used in very dilute solution ( i part methylene blue to 500,000 of water) it does not injure the protoplasm of the living cells, so that the cut end of a twig may be placed in the solution for I to 24 hours and sections examined from time to time. Another reagent that is very satisfactory in the examination of living material is a solution of ammonium carbonate, which causes a precipitation of the tannin in the cells in the form of very small globules or rods. This solu- tion may be used either directly upon sections or by placing freshly cut stems in dilute solutions ( I part ammonium carbonate and 200 parts water). Ammonium carbonate does not precipitate gallic acid and therefore may be advantageously used in the study of the development of tannin and related substances, as in galls. The following reagents also give distinct reactions for tannin. Copper acetate in concentrated aqueous solutions is one of the very best reagents for the localization of tannin cells. It is em- ployed by allowing the leaves or twigs to remain in the solution for some days, when the tannin forms a reddish-brown precipitate in the cells. Ferric chloride and ferric acetate also precipitate tannin. Moeller has suggested the use of a solution of iron chloride in anhydrous ether, the cut pieces of the stems and leaves being placed directly in this reagent. Potassium bichromate and chromic acid in dilute solutions give yellowish-brown or blackish- brown precipitate with tannin. DISTRIBUTION OF TANNIN. There are very few plants in which tannin does not occur in some of the parts or at least in cer- tain cells during some period in their development. This is fre- quently noted in making sections of plant material with a razor ; the liberated cell-sap is colored a dark blue. It is found in the form of highly refracting globules in the Zygnemaceae and other Algae. It occurs in relatively large amounts in some of the ferns, and, with the exception of the Monocotyledons, is widely distributed in the Spermophytes. As tannin is widely used in the making of leather and as a mordant .in dyeing, etc., it is extracted from various plants and is an article of commerce. The following are some of the important tannin-yielding plants: The bark of hemlock (Tsuga canadensis, Fam. Pinaceae) yields nearly 14 per cent, of 206 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. tannin; the bark of several species of Pinus (Fam. Pinacese) growing in southern Europe yields 7 to 10 per cent, of tannin; the barks of the white spruce (Picea canadensis) of Canada, of the larch (Larix laricina) of northern and northwestern part of United States and Canada, and of the fir (Abies balsamea) yield similar amounts of tannin as the barks of hemlock and pine. The wood of chestnut (Castanea dentata, Fam. Fagaceae) yields 8' to 10 per cent, of tannin ; the bark of several species of Salix (Fam. Salicacese) growing in northern Europe yields 3 to 12 per cent, of tannin ; the bark of chestnut oak, white oak, red oak, etc. (Fagacese), yields 12 to 15 per cent, of tannin; the scaly in- volucres or acorn-cups (under the name of " Valonia ") of several species of Quercus growing in southern Europe and Levant yield 25 to 35 per cent, of tannin ; the fruit of Terminalia Chebula (under the name of " Myrobalans ") yields 35 to 40 per cent, of tannin ; the stems and leaves of several species of Rhus (Anacardiacese) yield 16 to 24 per cent, of tannin; the fruit of Ccesalpinia coriaria (Fam. Leguminosse) (under the name of "divi-divi") yields 30 to 50 per cent, of tannin; the wood and the bark of several species of Schinopsis (Fam. Apocynaceae) growing in South America yield from 15 to 23 per cent, of tannin, which is usually found in commerce in the form of an extract known as " Quebracho Extract " ; the bark of the common horse- chestnut (Aisculus Hippocastanum, Fam. Sapindaceae) yields considerable tannin, and is employed in Italy ; the bark of Myrica Nagi (Fam. Myricaceae) contains n to 14 per cent, of tannin; the bark of Malpighia glabra (Malpighiaceae) (under the name of "Nance bark") is used in Mexico and yields about 26 per cent, of tannin; the bark of Stryphnodendron polyphyllum (Fam. Leguminosae) yields about 30 per cent, tannin. The tannin of a number of other plants has been investigated, some of these being used in medicine, as granatum, catechu, kino, krameria, tor- mentilla, gambir, etc. (see Vol. II). GALLS. There are a number of excrescences, found upon the leaves and twigs of a number of plants, termed galls. These result from injuries caused chiefly by insects, and are therefore in the nature of pathological products. Galls which are formed on trees which in themselves contain considerable tannin usually CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 207 yield very large amounts of tannin. Nut-galls formed on certain species of oak yield 65 per cent, of tannin. The Japanese galls and Chinese galls formed on the leaf stalks and young branches of some species of Rhus contain about 70 per cent, of tannin. The galls found occasionally on sumach (Rhus glabra), a shrub abundant in North America, yield over 60 per cent, of tannic acid. The tannins obtained from excrescences of this character were at one time called " pathological tannins," to distinguish them from the tannins formed naturally in the living plant, and which were called " physiological tannins." In the light of the studies on the several tannins this . terminology is no longer accepted. INCLUSION CELLS AND TANNIN IDIOBLASTS. In a number of plants occur special cells which vary considerably in form and con- tents, but are distinguished by giving reactions for tannin. In- clusion cells were first described by Fliickiger in the fruit of Ceratonia Siliqua. These occur in the form of long tubes, which are easily separated from the pulp, and the yellowish contents are colored blue with solutions of ferrous sulphate or ferric chloride. Recently Hanausek has contributed several papers on the distribution of inclusion cells in a number of different plants. In the leaves of Pistacia Lentiscus he found (Ber. d. d. Bot. Ges., 1914, p. 117) that the upper row of palisade cells and the loose mesophyll cells (Fig. 114, A) contain numerous somewhat elongated, transversely striated bodies, which completely fill the cells. These are colored dark green or blackish with ferric chloride and a pale violet with a solution of potassium hydrate. The contents dissolve on heating, changing to a brownish color. They are also partly soluble in concentrated sulphuric acid, and with solutions of vanillin + hydrochloric acid the contents are colored red. They are not completely soluble in hot solutions of potassium hydroxide, there always remaining a small, colorless portion. The inclusions in the date (Fig. 114, B) and tamarind resemble those found in the fruit of St. John's Bread (Ceratonia) and leaves of Pistacia. Inclusions have been found in the seed coat of Pimenta and one or more fruits in the following families : Anonacese, Anacardiacese, Ebenaceae, Elseagnacese, Leguminosse, Palmse, Rhamnacese, and Rosaceae. 208 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. TANNIN IDIOBLASTS were first observed by Zopf in a number of genera of the Fumariaceae (Fig. 115). These are somewhat analogous to and resemble the latex or pigment cells in the Papa- veracese. They develop in the meristematic cells of certain tissue systems and remain constant throughout the life of the plant. The FIG. 114. Inclusion Cells: A, section of leaf or Pistacia Lentiscus showing numerous inclusion cells (in) in the upper palisade layer and cells of mesophyll; calcium oxalate (kr); palisade layers (pa) ; loose mesophyll (m) ; fibro vascular bundle (i); upper epidermis (ep); granules of fatty substance (i); lower epidermis (ep); stoma (sp). B, Inclusion cells or tubes (k, 1, m) in the fruit of the date palm; k, showing a homogeneous amorphous content; 1 and m, separation of irregular inclusion masses in form of projections from the wall. After Hanausek. cells vary in shape, composition of wall, and color of contents. They may be either short, isolated cells or occur in chains; or they may become elongated, resembling fibers. The walls may be composed of cellulose or contain a certain amount of lignin or suberin. Some of the cells may contain a nucleus. The cell-sap CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 209 A D FIG. 115. Idioblasts containing tannin and anthocyanin: A-D, idioblasts in primary cortex of root of Corydalis ochroleuca, showing a short, thin-walled cell with reddish sap (A, t), and a long fiber with yellowish content (A, e); three short, thick- walled idioblasts (B) with a reddish cell-sap; a short fiber with yellowish contents (C) and transverse sections, through an idioblast (D), showing the thick, porous walls. E, a portion of an idioblast, with thick, porous walls, from the pith of Fumaria muralis. F to H, idioblasts in Parnassia palustris; F, portion of epidermis of leaf showing 5 idioblasts (t) with colorless but highly refracting tannin content; G, portion of epidermal layer of corolla tube with reddish an- thocyanin idioblasts (t); H, portion of epidermal layer at the base of corolla tube with very long idioblasts (t) containing a red-colored cell-sap. After W. Zopf, "tfber die Gerbstoff- und Anthocyan-Behalter der Fumariaceen und einiger anderen Pflanzen," in Bibliotheca Botanica. 14 210 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. may be either colorless or of an intensely yellow or bright red color, giving a distinct reaction for tannin. The cell-sap is soluble in water and in alcohol and gives an acid reaction. In the yellow idioblasts upon treatment with nitric acid it is colored orange-red, changing to reddish-brown ; with concentrated sulphuric acid it becomes orange-red and finally of a rose-red or crimson color; with solutions of the alkalies it becomes greenish, and it is precipitated with solutions of potassium bichromate, ferric acetate, or ferrous sulphate, the precipitates resembling those found with tannin. Zopf found that the tannin idioblasts may possess either a colorless content or, in addition, have a yellow coloring prin- ciple (yellow anthocyanin) or a red pigment (red anthocyanin). He considers that the yellow pigment is derived from a colorless chromogen and that the red pigment may be formed from either a colorless chromogen or from yellow anthocyanin. Further- more, he concludes that there is a relationship in the Fumariaceae between the anthocyanin and tannin, as the two constituents are always found in the same cell. It is rather interesting to note that chloroplasts may be found in the idioblasts, and that sugar is also a constituent in the idioblasts, occurring in the young roots and stems of Diclytra spectabilis. Tannin idioblasts are found in the palisade tissues of leaves or in the parenchyma cells of roots and stems of some of the genera in the Geraniaceae, Celastraceae, Rhamnaceae, Legumi- nosse, Solanaceae, Rubiaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Polygonacese, Aristolochiaceae, Piperaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Moraceae. THE FIXED OILS, FATS, AND WAXES include a group of sub- stances which are widely distributed in plants, occurring especially abundant in seeds, fruits, and barks. They are distinguished by the fact that in their chemical constitution they possess radicals of the fatty acids. In the diatoms, Vaucheria, and some of the other lower plants fixed oils arise in the chromatophores in place of starch, thus being the first visible product of photosynthesis. Fixed oils usually occur in reserve cells as in seeds and the parenchyma and medullary ray cells of roots and rhizomes. They are either found in the vacuoles of the protoplasm or are formed in the cell-wall, and usually are liberated in the form of globules upon healing the sections or treating them with solutions of CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 211 hydrated chloral or sulphuric acid. The fixed oils remain liquid at ordinary temperatures, whereas the fats tend to solidify, and are occasionally found in the form of crystals in plant cells (Fig. 116). ' Both of these classes are fatty acid-esters of glycerin, whereas the waxes are combinations of fatty acids and FIG. 116. Crystals of fixed oils: A, section of seed of the oil palm (Elceis guineensis) treated with an alcoholic solution of iodine and very dilute sulphuric acid, showing stone cells (sc) ; cells with homogeneous brown content (sa) ; cells with yellowish granular content (sa'); and cells of endosperm (en) hav;.ng porous walls (x), and containing phytoglobulins (crystalloids) (P, p), associated with needle aggregates of the fatty acids. B, cross section of a cotyledon of cacao, heated in a solution of potassium hydroxide, showing the epidermal layer (ep) with hair (d), phytoglobulin (crystalloids) (al) and aggregates of fatty acids (f). C, a few cells of the cotyledons of ripe cacao seeds mounted in glycerin, showing separation of sphere-crystals of fatty acids in the oil and starch-bearing cells of endosperm. After Hanausek. some alcohol other than glycerol (glycerin). According to this distinction some waxes as myrtle wax, obtained from the berries of Myrica cerifera, are classed among the fats, it being a mixed glyceride of palmitic and lauric acids. The fatty acids which enter into the constitution of the fixed oils and fats belong to more than one series of hydrocarbons. 212 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. The following acids are present in the vegetable oils and fat. Normal caproic acid (C 6 H 12 O 2 ), Caprylic acid (C 8 H 16 O 2 ), and Capric acid (C 10 H 20 O 2 ) are found in cocoa-nut oil, expressed from the seeds of the cocoa-nut (Cocos nucifera), and in palm- nut oil, obtained from the oily sarcocarp of the drupes of the palm, Elais guineensis. LAURIC ACID (C 12 H 24 O 2 ) occurs in laurel-nut, obtained from the seeds of Calophyllum Inophyllum (Fam. Guttiferse), a plant growing in the East Indies and Cochin China. It is also found in cocoa-nut oil and certain other vegetable oils. MYRISTIC ACID (C 14 H 28 O 2 ) is found in certain vegetable fats, especially in nutmeg and mace. This oil forms crystalline salts with both potassium and barium. PALMITIC ACID (C 16 H 32 O 2 ) occurs combined with glycerol in a large number of vegetable oils, especially in palm-nut oil, and Japan wax. The latter is obtained from fruits of Rhus vernicifera and R. chinensis. It is also found in myrtle wax, which occurs as an incrustation on the fruits of the wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera) and bayberry (M. carolinensis) . This acid is not very readily soluble in petroleum ether. A crystalline silver salt is obtained by adding an alcoholic solution of silver nitrate to an alcoholic solution of ammonium palmitate. STEARIC ACID (C 18 H 36 O 2 ) occurs as a glyceride in cacao butter obtained from chocolate seeds, and in " Shea butter " obtained from the seeds of Butyrospennum Parkii, a tree growing in Upper Guinea and in the region of the Nile. ARACHIDIC ACID (C 20 H 40 O 2 ) occurs combined with glycerol in peanut oil and other vegetable fats. The acid is soluble in boiling alcohol, ether chloroform, benzene, and petroleum ether. It forms crystalline salts of copper and silver. BEHENIC ACID (C 22 H 44 O 2 ) occurs as a glyceride in "oil of Ben " expressed from the seeds of Moringa pterygosperma, a plant of the East and West Indies. This oil is used for the preparation of cosmetics, by perfumers for extracting odorous substances, and as a lubricating oil for clocks. LIGNOCERIC ACID (C 24 H 48 O 2 ) occurs as a glyceride in peanut oil, and is distinguished from arachidic acid in being slightly soluble in cold alcohol. CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 213 TIGLIC ACID (C 5 H 8 O 4 ) occurs as a glyceride in croton oil, and is soluble in water. HYPCXLEIC ACID (C 16 H 30 O 2 ) occurs combined with glycerol in peanut oil and in corn oil. It is soluble in cold alcohol and crystallizes in needles. LYCOPODIC ACID occurs, as a glyceride, in lycopodium spores, and is related to hypogseic acid. OLEIC ACID (C 18 H 34 O 2 ) occurs as a glyceride in many vege- table oils. The glyceride of oleic acid occurs, as a rule, in larger quantities in most fixed oils than any other glyceride, being present in olive oil to the extent of 90 per cent. It is also found in a large number of seeds, principally in cotton seed, hazel-nut, peanut, sesame, walnut, corn, tea seed, almond, and the kernels of apricot, peach, and plum. These oils are generally grouped to- gether and known as the " olive oil group." The sodium and barium salts of oleic acid are crystalline. RAPIC ACID (C 18 H 34 O 2 ) and ERUCIC ACID (C 22 H 42 O 2 ) occur combined with glycerol in the oil obtained from rape or colza seed and in other Cruciferous seeds. LINOLEIC ACID (C 18 H 32 O 2 ) is the principal acid of the gly- cerides forming the " linseed oil group " or " drying oils." The acid which is best known is that obtained from flaxseed or linseed, the oil of which contains from 80 to 85 per cent, of linoleic acid or its isomers. Linoleic acid is also present in the fixed oil occurring in the seeds of the following plants : Hemp, walnut, pine (Pinus sylvestris), fir (Abies balsamea), poppy, sarBower, sunflower, and seeds of a number of species of Aleurites. The seeds of Aleurites moluccana yield the " candle nut oil " of the South Sea Islands, and the seeds of A. cor data yield the " tung oil " (Chinese wood oil or Japanese wood oil) of China and Japan. RICINOLEIC ACID (C 18 H 34 O 3 ) occurs as a glyceride in castor oil, and is the principal constituent of this oil. It is also present in the seeds of other Euphorbiaceous plants, being found in croton, curcas, etc., and is also found in grape seed. Ricinoleic acid is soluble in alcohol and ether and is insoluble in petroleum ether. It forms crystalline salts with barium, calcium, and lead. JAPANIC ACID (C, 2 H 42 O 4 ) is the only dibasic acid occurring A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. in natural fats, and is found in Japan wax. The crystals, formed from the solutions in alcohol or chloroform, are heavier than water. CHAULMOOGRIC ACID (C 18 H 32 O 2 ) occurs as a glyceride in chaulmoogra oil, being obtained from the seeds of Taraktogenos Kurzii and other plants of the Bixaceae. It has the composition of linoleic acid, but a study of its constitution shows that it is in the nature of a cyclic compound. The following alcohols occur as esters in vegetable waxes : Ceryl alcohol (C 26 H 54 O), combined with palmitic acid, is the principal constituent in opium wax. Ceryl alcohol is also present in carnauba wax, which is obtained from the leaves of the Car- nauba-palm (Copernicia cerifera). Carnauba wax also contains myricyl or melissyl alcohol (C 30 H 62 O), the latter being either free or combined as an ester of cerotic acid. PHYTOSTEROL, a compound isomeric with cholesterol (C 27 H 46 O), is found in the oils derived from a number of seeds. It is unsaponifiable, and is found in the extracted oils to the extent of about i per cent. Phytosterol crystallizes in the monoclinic system (Fig. 117), whereas cholesterol, which occurs in most ani- mal oils and fats, forms triclinic plates resembling rhombic prisms (Bomer, Zeits. f. Unter. d. Nahr- u. Genussmittel, 1898, p. 42). LECITHIN belongs to a group of fatty substances containing nitrogen and phosphorus, and in which the latter is present as glycerophosphoric acid. They are sometimes grouped together in a special class, known as " phosphatides," and are characterized by containing one or more molecules of phosphoric acid, an alcohol (as glycerin), one or more fatty acid radicals (as stearic or oleic acid), and one or more nitrogenous bodies (such as choline and allied substances). Lecithin occurs in seeds, buds, and young shoots. In barley, wheat, and rye it occurs to the extent of 0.6 per cent. ; in peas, 1.2 per cent. ; lupine seeds, 2 per cent. ; mushrooms, 0.9 per cent. ; dry yeast, 2 per cent. (For amount in other plants see Amer. Jour. Pharm., 1914, p. 169.) According to Stoklasa, the phosphoric acid of plants occurs in the form of organic com- pounds, of which lecithin is an important example. It is formed in those organs and under those conditions where photosynthesis is possible. It is even thought that lecithin may be a product CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 215 of assimilation in the chloroplastid. The fact that fungi con- tain it shows that lecithin may be formed from protoplasm itself. It is one of the most interesting compounds which has been isolated from plants, and no doubt plays an important role in the life of the cell. Lecithin is a yellow, viscous, waxy substance soluble in oils w FIG. 117. Phytosterol allowed to crystallize very slowly from strong alcoholic solu- tions, the crystals being recrystallized until the melting-point is constant. I, crystal forms with parallel extinction C D. II, crystals with parallel extinction B C. Ill, crystals with parallel extinction along the long axis. IV, common crystal forms of phytosterol. Phytosterol is a constituent of most vegetable oils and is most abundant in peas, lentils, and other Leguminous seeds. The presence of vegetable oils is detected in animal oils by a study of the forms of crystals, those of phytosterol crystallizing in the monoclinic system, whereas cholesterol forms crystals which belong to the triclinic system. After A. Bomer, in Zei'/s. /. Unter. d. Nahr.- u. Genussmittel, 1898, p. 45. and warm alcohol. In solutions of ether or chloroform it is pre- cipitated upon the addition of acetone. In contact with water, it separates in the form of spiral threads or loops, giving rise to the " myelin forms " of Kirchow and Beneke. When examined under the microscope a smear of lecithin, to which a drop of water or a sugar solution has been added, sends out a number of 216 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. rounded projections which gradually elongate and become more and more abundant and intricate. If this process be allowed to take place in a test-tube or other vessel that can be shaken, the water becomes turbid through the dispersion of the delicate microscopic myelin protrusions, and in course of time a uniform emulsion of the lecithin in water is obtained, which consists of fine swollen particles. This is a colloidal solution that can be filtered without change. It is not coagulated by heat, nor precipitated by salts of monobasic or tribasic metals. WAX. The epidermal layer of the plant shows a number of modifications. It usually consists of an inner layer of cellulose and an outer covering of cutin. While some of the lamellae be- neath the cutin may be modified to mucilage or oil, the surface of the cutin layer may have deposited upon it a coating of 'wax. Frequently the wax is in such small quantities that it is not ob- served until the sections are heated to a temperature of 90 to 100 C, when the wax separates in the form of oily globules. According to De Bary, there are four principal forms of wax- coatings. i. It occurs in the form of minute rods or needles, such as are found constituting the bloom of fruits as the grape and plum, and the stems and leaves of Eucalyptus Globulus, Ricinus corn- munis, etc. 2. The most common form is a simple, granular coating consisting of isolated grains which may lie together as a single layer. These are found in the fruits of some of the Cruciferae, Iris pallida, etc. 3. The coating may consist of minute rods which may be more or less bent or curled, standing perpendicularly on the cuticle, as in the sugar cane, canna, banana plant, etc. 4. The wax incrustation may occur in the form of membrane-like layers, varying from thin scales, as in Taxus baccata, Portulaca oleracea, and various cacti, to thick layers showing a striation and stratification similar to that found in thick-walled cells, as in the fruit of Myrica, leaves of the wax palm (Ceroxylon andicolum). According to Wiesner, the deposit of wax is often crystalline, appearing in four-sided prisms. (Con- sult A. deBary, " Comparative Anatomy of the Organs of Vegetation.") PHYSIOLOGY OF FATS. It is stated that in the photosynthetic CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 217 processes of some of the lower plants, as Vaucheria, Diatoms, etc., fixed oils rather than starch are formed in the chromatophores. It is well known that in the cells of the bark of a number of plants fixed oils are stored in place of carbohydrates. These facts show that there is a very intimate relationship between the fixed oils and other metabolic substances. Fixed oils constitute the reserve materials in seeds, spores, pollen grains, and are even present in the tubers of certain plants as Cyperus esculentus. The storing of fixed oils instead of starch may be of some advantage to plants, in that there is a greater supply of energy contained in them than is present in the same quantity of any of the carbohydrates. Again,, as the specific gravity of the fixed oils is less than that of the carbo- hydrates, this is an advantage in those spores or seeds which are disseminated by the wind and require to be as light as possible. The fixed oils are more or less intimately associated with the protoplasm occurring in vacuoles of the same in fruits and seeds. The waxes which are secreted in the epidermal cells of leaves and green stems, and also found as a covering of many fruits, serve to protect the underlying cells from loss or excess of moisture, from the attack of disease-producing micro-organisms, and also prevent the interactions caused by some of their enzymes. The resistance of certain micro-organisms, as the tubercle-bacilli, is supposed to be due to some extent to the fatty substances in which their bodies are enclosed or with which they are impregnated. " It is held by some that the fats, or, more correctly, the lecithin and phospholipines, are essential to the cohesion and physical constitution of the protoplasm, so that any interference with the physical state of these substances arrests the vital functions. The cement which binds the organized matter together is loosened by the solution in it of foreign substances, and it is the loosening of the protoplasmic cement that makes it possible for the normal processes of life to be carried on. " Attempts to form a concrete conception of the physical rela- tionship in the structural organization of cells between fats on the one hand and the other constituents of living matter on the other have not been successful. Some have spoken of ' lipoid mem- branes ' as if the living cell itself were enclosed in a fatty envelope and accessible only to such substances as can permeate this envelope 218 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. through chemical affinities with the fatty material of which it is composed. Others are inclined to think of protoplasm as an emulsion of proteins and ' lipoids.' Loeb and v. Knaff Lenz find that sea-urchin eggs are liable to undergo cytolysis under the action of any process, chemical or physical, that causes the cell fats to become more fluid." (Consult J. B. Leathes, "The Fats.") Mucilages and Gums. By the terms mucilages and gums are meant those substances which are soluble in water, or swell very perceptibly in it, and which, upon the addition of alcohol, are precipitated in the form of a more or less amorphous or granular mass. Mucilage originates in the plant as a cell-content, or as a modification of the wall. In the former case it arises as a product of the protoplasm, or it may be a disorganization product of some of the carbohydrates. When it arises through modification of the wall it is spoken of as " membrane mucilage," and owes its origin to several causes : either to a secondary thickening of or an addition to the cell wall, or a metamorphosis of it, at least in part. In the latter case it may arise either as a disorganization product of the primary wall, or of the subsequent lamellae making up the walls of the cells of the medullary rays, parenchyma, and other tissues, as in Astragalus gummifer (Fig. 118), or it may arise as an intercellular substance. The following is a classification of some plants, based upon the origin of the mucilage: I. Mucilage in the form of a cell-content is. of infrequent occurrence in plants. It is usually present in the cells containing raphides, especially in the Monocotyledons. Its orgin and de- velopment may be easily followed in the tubers of a number ofj Orchids, especially those yielding salep. The mucilage arises very early in the development of the cells surrounding the crystal- groups, and continues to be formed as the crystals grow in size, the protoplasm and nucleus being reduced to a very thin, layer which lie next to the cell-wall. The mucilage of salep is colored yellowish with iodine and sulphuric acid, or a yellowish-red or rose-red with aqueous eosin solution, and a carmine-red with an aqueous solution of Congo red. The cells containing mucilage are easily differentiated from the surrounding cells by the use of CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 219 alcoholic solutions of Congo red, methylene blue, etc., which dis- tinctly color the mucilage in them. Cell-content mucilages are also found in the fleshy scales of the onion, the rhizome of Agropyron repens, the fleshy leaves of Aloe and other succulent plants. It ms mst m FIG. 118. Cross section through pith (m) and the inner portion of the wood (lt>) of Astragalus gummifer, showing successive stages in the modification of the walls in the formation of gum tragacanth (o, i, 2, 3, 4). Some of the tracheae (c) contain globular masses of gum. After Tschirch. probably also occurs in this form in the Cyanophyceae and in some of the red algae, as Laminaria, although in the latter it is formed chiefly as a modification of a cell-wall and the intercellular substance. In Dicotyledons the mucilage which is present is 220 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. usually formed as a modification of the cell-wall, and, according to Solereder, it seems to occur in the contents of the cell in only the following families : CEnotheraceae. Rubiaceae, and Vitaceae, in FIG. 119. Cell- wall mucilage. A, transverse section of seed-coat of flaxseed treated with water, showing the swelling of the mucilaginous layer situated beneath the cutin; B, section of Althaea root showing three large mucilage-cells; C, transverse section of elm bark showing four large mucilage-cells. all of which the mucilage receptacles can be interpreted as being incompletely differentiated raphide-sacs, i.e., without raphides. II. Cell-membrane mucilage, i.e., mucilage formed as a CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 221 result of a metamorphosis of the cell-wall, is of frequent occur- rence, being found in all parts of the plant, including the endo- sperm cells of seeds, parenchyma cells and medullary ray cells of roots and stems, and epidermal cells of leaves, stems, fruits, and seeds. Cell-membrane mucilage is also found in some of the mucilaginous marine algae, as chondrus laminaria, etc., although in the latter case the mucilage is often spoken of as being derived from the intercellular substance, being a modification of the FIG. 120. A, B, C, successive stages in the development of the mucilage hairs or glands on the lobes of the leaves of Viola tricolor; D, young secretion hair showing some of the cells with large nuclei and several vacuoles; E, mature hair; F, gland showing mucilaginous layer beneath the cutin and the protrusion of a portion of the mucilage through the broken wall; G, portion of leaf on the upper part of the lobes of which occur the mucilage glands. primary wall. It may also occur as a result of a decomposition of the secondary lamellae. Four different forms of mucilage are recognized. I. Mucilage cells, or distinct cells resembling more or less the surrounding cells, except that they contain mucilage, occur in the tissues of leaves, petals, fruits, seeds, and the parenchyma cells of pith and primary cortex of a number of plants. In this group may also be included the gelatinized cells of the integumental tissues 222 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. (epidermis and hypodermis), as these in many cases may be mistaken, as in the Violaceae, for distinct cells, although only the inner walls of the epidermal cells are gelatinized. 2. Mucilage cavities arise from the simultaneous gelatinization in the walls of a group of cells. These are found in the cells of the pith, cortex, and petioles in a, number of plants of the Malvaceae, Sterculiaceae, Simarubaceae, etc. 3. Mucilage canals are large cavities formed either (A) as a result of the enlargement of the intercellular spaces between the cells, the primary lamellae being modified to mucilage; or (B) are formed by the disintegration or breaking down of a number of cells, the walls of which become gelatinized. In the former case they are spoken of as " schizog- enous canals," and in the latter as " lysigenous canals." The latter are the more common form and occur in the pith and primary cortex of a number of plants belonging to the Guttiferae, Malvaceae, Sterculiaceae, Oleaceae, Rhamnaceae, Vitaceae, Legumi- nosae, Rosaceae, Cactaceae, Piperaceae, Moraceae, and Urticaceae. 4. Glandular hairs (Druzenzotten) . In this form (Fig. 118) they are found in the lobes of the leaves and calyces of Viola tricolor, Coffea arabica, and of Prunus avium. CHEMICAL CLASSIFICATION OF MUCILAGE. Mucilages may be distinguished, according to their behavior with special reagents, as cellulose-mucilages or pectose-mucilages. The former are colored blue by chlor-zinc-iodide, and are soluble in ammoniacal solution of cupric oxide. To this class belong the mucilages of the tuber of salep and the seeds of cydonium. The pectose- mucilages are distinguished by the fact that they are dissolved on being heated with solutions containing from 35 to 65 per cent, cane sugar. They are also stained intensely with solutions of saffranin, methylene blue, .or ruthenium red. Mucilage is formed in large quantities in certain trees, and the exudation which is collected forms the so-called gums of com- merce. As these are largely used for a variety of technical pur- poses, their chemical properties have been studied, so that four distinct classes of gums are recognized. i. Gums containing arabin or arabic acid. In this group are included gum arabic, obtained from Acacia Senegal and other species of Acacia ; Feronia gum, obtained from Feronia elephan- CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS 223 turn (Fam. Rutaceae), and Anacardium gum, obtained from Anacardium occidentale. 2. Gums consisting of mixtures of arabin and cerasin (cerasic acid). To this group belong the exudations formed on a number of trees of the Rosaceae, as cherry, almond, apricot, and plum. 3. Gums containing bassorin. Tragacanth is the typical gum FIG. 121. Citrus vulgaris. Longitudinal section of a young fresh fruit showing a lysig- enous oil canal or duct. Se, oil; Zs, cell sap; PI, cells in which the walls have been dis- solved; f, thin-walled cells; D, thick-walled cells; K, nucleus; Chr, chromoplasts ; o, crystals of calcium oxalate; e, epidermis. After Meyer. of this class. Included in this group are a few other gums which find some commercial use, as cocoa-palm gum, obtained from the bark of the cocoa-nut palm; chagual gum, obtained from Puya coarctata (Fam. Bromeliacese), and Moringa gum, obtained from Moringa pterygosperma (Fam. Moringaceae). 4. Gums containing mixtures of cerasin and bassorin. The East Indian gum, obtained from Cochlospermum Gossypium 224 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 122. Development of schizogenous oleo-resin canals in Brauneria pallida. A, intercellular space (o) between four parenchyma cells, being the seat of the early formation of the canal and indicated by a yellowish oily content. B, intercellular oleo-resin canal with five surrounding parenchymatous cells (p). C, later stage of canal showing separation of small oily globules in the intercellular substance. D and E, the intercellular substance showing an almost protoplasmic-like structure, some of the lining cells being developed as papillae and suggesting that they might be in the nature of secretion cells, although it is now considered that the oils and resins of this character are formed from a resinogenous layer in the wall. F, longitudinal section showing the elongated secretory canal between the rows of cortical parenchyma. CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS 225 (Fam. Cochlospermaceae), has been used as a substitute and adulterant of tragacanth. VOLATILE OILS AND RESINS. These and related products, known as gum-resins and balsams,* are found in a very large number of plants. Like the mucilages, they originate either as a metamorphosis of the cell-wall or as a direct product of the protoplasm. The former is of more frequent occurrence, and the B FIG. 123. Development of a lysigenous secretory canal in the leaves of Dictamnus albus (Fam. Rutaceae). The development begins partly in the cells of the epidermal layer and partly in the underlying parenchyma (A). The outer cells divide, forming the secretion cells (c), while the inner give rise to the reservoir (B). The innermost cells then multiply by repeated division in all directions, giving rise to a large number of cells containing globules of oil (C). Later the thin walls are absorbed and the oily globules fuse together, forming a single large globule (D). After Rauter. * The volatile oils are not infrequently associated with other sub- stances of the plant cell in varying proportions, as resin, gums, cinnamic and benzoic acids. Those products which consist chiefly of oil and resin are known as OLEO-RESINS, and include turpentine and copaiba; those consisting chiefly of gum and resin and containing but little volatile oil are known as GUM-RESINS, and include ammoniac, asafoetida, galbanum, and myrrh ; oleo-resins associated with aromatic acids are known as BALSAMS, as balsam of Tolu, balsam of Peru, storax, and benzoin, which latter is usually termed a balsamic resin. 15 226 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. layer of the wall in which the decomposition takes place has been termed by Tschirch a resinogenous layer. The cells or receptacles which contain oils, resins, gum-resins, and balsams are usually referred to as " secretory cells " or " secretory receptacles." The latter term is used by Solejeder to include all cells, cell fusions, cavities or canals which are filled with secretions. Usually no attempt has been made to determine whether the secretion is a volatile oil or a resin, or a gum-resin or a balsam, as the appearance of the secretion is always either in the form of globules or more or less rounded masses. Secretory receptacles may arise in three different ways. ( I ) As a modi- fication of the intercellular substance and an enlargement of the intercellular areas, giving rise to schizogenous receptacles (Fig. 122). (2) As a result of a disintegration of a group of cells and a decomposition of the wall substance, forming lysigenous receptacles (Fig., 123). (3) They may have at. the outset a schizogenous origin, but later the surrounding cells in addition break down, so that the receptacle is more properly designated as being schizo-lysigenous. In certain plants, as in the bark of Sassafras and Cinnamon, there is a more or less even distribu- tion of cells in the cortex, containing volatile oil, on the one hand, and mucilage, on the other. Indeed, it is supposed that the cells giving rise to mucilage may under different conditions develop volatile oil. In a general way it may be said that the secretory receptacles resemble those containing mucilage, both as to the manner in which they originate in a plant and the physical char- acters of the secretion. Indeed, they may be closely related to the mucilages in that they may contain a large proportion of gum, or the proportion of oleo-resin and gum may be reversed. In the examination of technical products, and especially in taxonomic work, it is very important to note not only the chemical character of the secretions but also the fact whether the cells are isolated or whether they form canals, or whether the secretory receptacle is only a cavity. The following facts may be given in reference to the four principal types of secretory receptacles : i. Secretory cells are distinct cells which may be quite dis- tinct from, or may show more or less resemblance to, their neighboring cells, except that they contain oil or resin. They CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS/ 227 vary in length and outline, being either spherical, ellipsoidal, sac- shaped (Fam. Bixaceae), or branched (Fam. Meliaceae). The contents may be in the form of distinct globules adhering to the wall (or in dried material may be in the form of -amorphous masses), varying in color from colorless to yellowish or even dark brown. In the secretory cells of certain plants of the Lauraceae, Magnoliaceae, Canellaceae, Aristolochiaceae, and Piperaceae the secretory contents are enveloped by a thin-walled sheath, con- nected with the cell-wall by means of a stalk. The internal glandu- lar hairs occurring in the rhizome of Dryopteris and in Pogoste- nwn Patchouli may be included among secretory cells, although they project into the intercellular area rather than into the cells. The cell-wall of the secretory cells not infrequently gives a dis- tinct reaction for suberin. Elongated secretory cells or sacs, resembling tannin-idioblasts, and with diverse contents varying from resin to latex-like sub- stances or tannin-like. masses, are distributed in the cells of the pith, bast, and pericycle of the stem and occasionally in the larger veins of the leaves of some of the genera of the following families : Anacardiaceae, Berberidaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Compositae, Crassu- laceae, Euphorbiacese, Lecythidaceae, Leguminosae (very widely distributed and with diverse contents), Menispermaceae, Monimi- aceae, Myristicaceae, Passifloriaceae, Polygpnaceae, Rosaceae, and .Rubiaceas. Solereder also states that similar elongated sacs with brownish contents are observed in the epidermal cells and occasionally in the upper layers of mesophyll of one or more of the genera in the following families : Crassulaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Geraniaceae, Moraceae, Saxifragaceae, and Violaceae. 2. Secretory cavities are either spherical or ellipsoidal in shape and the contents vary from oily or resinous to gum-like or tannin- like masses. The mode of development of the cavities, as to whether schizogenous, etc., is usually not considered, as this fact is not easily determined in the mature tissues. When occurring in leaves the cavities give rise to transparent dots or glandular punctate areas. They are also found in the pith and primary cortex of quite a number of plants. There are a number of special forms of secretory cavities, the 228 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. latter in some cases being lined by a papillose epithelium or a form of bracket-cells, etc. They are found in the following fami- lies: Araliaceae, Bixaceae, Caesalpinaceae, Compositae, Connaracese (with sphaero-crystalline contents), Euphorbiaceae (with bracket- epithelium), Geraniaceae (with sphaero-crystalline contents), Guttiferae, Leguminosae (intramural glands with a papillose epi- thelium or bracket-epithelium), Lythraceae, Malpighiaceae, Mal- vaceae, Meliaceae, Menispermaceae, Myrtaceae, Oleaceae, Passi- floriaceae, Piperaceae, Podostemaceae, Polygalaceae, Polygonaceae (secretory cavities sometimes formed from four epidermal cells), Primulaceae (occasionally with red crystalline contents), Pro- teaceae (intramural glands), Rhamnaceae (with a papillose epi- thelium), Rosaceae, Rubiaceae, Rutaceae, Simarubaceae, Styracaceae, and Theaceae. 3. Secretory canals differ from secretory cavities in that they are more or less elongated receptacles and often referred to as oil-ducts or oil-tubes. Like the secretory canals, they originate variously and have diverse contents. They may occur in a number of different portions of a plant, but their distribution is quite characteristic of certain genera or even of families. Secre- tory canals have been observed in the following families : Ana- cardiaceae, Araliaceae, Burseraceae, Cactaceae, Caesalpinaceae, Celastraceae, Compositae, Gesneraceae, Guttiferae, Hamamelidaceae, Leguminosae, Pittosporaceae, Podostemaceae, Rhamnaceae, Ruta- ceae, Simarubacese, Theaceae, and Umbelliferae. (Consult Sole- reder's "Systematic Anatomy of the Dicotyledons.") 4. Glandular hairs. Volatile oils and resins arise in the glandular hairs formed on the surface of stems, leaves, and various parts of the flower in the Labiatae, Compositae, and other families. In these hairs a volatile oil separates in the form of large, oily globules which lie between the cuticle and the outer wal] of the underlying cells (Fig. 124). The origin of this secre- tion has been variously ascribed to the protoplasmic content of the cell or to a modification of the cell-wall. In the former case it is said to arise as a metabolic substance in the protoplasm, and is later diffused into the glandular area between the outer cellulose wall and cuticle. While this manner of formation of the oily secretion would seem reasonable, yet the studies by Tschirch CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 229 and Tunmann would seem to show that the secretion in the glandular hair arises in a subcutaneous layer of the wall, which has been termed a " resinogenous layer." Even De Bary, with char- acteristic caution, has stated that the secretion found in the walls of glandular hairs originates in the wall even though the ma- terials for its formation must arise in the protoplasm of the cells. In the study of glandular hairs the method of Tunmann may be followed (Ber. d. d. pharm. Gesellsch., 1908', p. 513). Fresh, or even dried, material may be used. Surface sections are made FlG. 124. A glandular hair from the young leaves of Lavandula vera seen in different stages in the course of three days, showing that the underlying cells remain of the same size and structure, but that there is a gradual increase in the glandular area or resinogenous layer. After Tunmann. and examined in aqueous solutions containing 10, 20, 30, or 40 per cent, of hydrated chloral. The 10 per cent, solution is used first, then the 20 per cent., etc. The proper solution renders the hair transparent, dissolves the resin, and, if the cover-glass is moved sidewise, the cuticle bursts, showing the resinogenous layer. Tunmann distinguishes three different types of glandu- lar hairs, depending upon the character of this resinog- enous layer, (i) In which by this treatment there separate small rod-like crystals resembling bacteria, as in Fig. 125, A, B, C. (2) A second type is given in which vacuoles occur consisting of A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. rsg. PIG. 125. Several forms of glandular hairs: i. In which the resinogenous layer (rsg) separates in the form of small rods, as the leaves of violets (A), Fraxinus (B), and Alnus (C). 2. The resinogenous layer separating in the form of vacuoles in the hairs of Salvia (D) and Hyssopus (E), observed in the dried material treated with dilute solutions of hydrated chloral. 3. A lattice-like or cellular resinogenous layer occurring in the hairs of Rhodo- dendron (F) and Azalea (G). After Tunmann. CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 231 a fine net-work, as in Fig. 125, D, E. (3) A third type in which the secretion is in the form of neither rods nor vacuoles but a somewhat cellular structure, termed by Tunmann a lattice-work. In the walls of the glandular hairs other substances are some- times present, as resins, gums, etc. Hanstein originally pro- posed the use of a mixture of aniline dyes to distinguish resin, gum, and protoplasm (Bot. Zeit., 1868, p. 754), but later studies have shown that these dyes are limited in differential diagnosis of many of these substances. The cells of the glandular hairs may contain, in addition to protoplasm, protein bodies, chloro- phyll grains, starch, fixed oil, tannin, calcium oxalate, reducing sugars, and other special substances, which are colored yellowish- red with solutions of the alkalies or sulphuric acid. MlCROCHEMISTRY OF THE VOLATILE OlLS AND RESINS. They are readily soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, benzene, acetic ether, carbon disulphide, petroleum ether, etc. They are also quite soluble in glacial acetic acid and in aqueous solutions of hydrated chloral. Some of them are soluble in dilute alcohol. They may be liberated on the heating of sections for about ten minutes in a drying oven to a temperature between 100 and 130 C. Like the fixed oils, they are colored brownish or brownish-black with osmic acid and are intensely colored with alkannin and cyanin. The volatile oils are also colored a carmine red with very dilute solutions of fuchsin. Cells containing resins and terpenes are colored green by the use of aqueous solutions of copper acetate, the freshly cut twigs or leaves being allowed to remain in the solution for a few days. VOLATILE OILS. The odors which are characteristic of very many plants are due chiefly to a group of principles known as volatile oils. They are, for the most part, mixtures of terpenes and camphors, and are obtained from the plant by distillation with steam, the oil rising to the surface of the distillate, being only slightly soluble in water. Volatile oils are readily soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, and in the fixed oils. Some of them show a tendency to absorb oxygen, and are converted into resinous substances. They are widely distributed and are char- acteristic of certain families, viz. : Pinacese, Cruciferae, Labiatae, Lauracese, Myrtacese, Rutaceae, and Umbelliferae. 232 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. With the exception of the seeds, in which they are seldom found, volatile oils occur in nearly all parts of the plant. They are formed either as a direct result of the activities of the pro- toplasm or by reason of changes in some of the constituents of the cell-wall. In a few instances the volatile oil is formed from a mother substance, being in the nature of a glucoside, and in this form occurs in the seeds of the almond and mustard. BOTANICAL CLASSIFICATION. The composition of volatile oils is in many cases very complex ; seldom do they consist of only one substance, as in turpentine oil. Usually they consist of a number of chemical compounds, the most complex being American peppermint oil, from which no less than seventeen different, well-characterized chemical compounds have been isolated. As the volatile oils are of considerable economic value, they have been rather very extensively studied. It remains for botanists to apply this knowledge to the study of the living plant. The physiologist will find the study of the origin, transportation, and localization of volatile oils in different parts of the same plant of very great interest. Such studies will throw considerable light upon the entire question of origin and transformation of the different plant constituents. In many cases, even the constitution of the constituents in volatile oils has been ascertained, so that on a sound scientific basis, hypotheses may be developed con- cerning the complex changes which are possible in the substances derived from the protoplasm. Again, the distillation products obtained in the study of volatile oil show that the living plant may contain such simple compounds as formic alcohol, formalde- hyde, formic acid, hydrocyanic acid, etc. Volatile oils which have been carefully studied are obtained from plants of the following families: Polypodiaceae, Pinaceae, Pandanaceae, Gramineae, Palmae, Araceae, Liliaceae, Iridaceae, Zingi- beraceae, Piperaceae, Salicaceae, Myricaceae, Juglandaceae, Betu- laceae, Moraceae, Aristolochiaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Ranunculaceae, Magnoliaceae, Anonaceae, Myristicacese, Monimiaceae, Lauraceae, Cruciferae, Resedaceae, Hamamelidaceae, Rosaceae, Leguminosae, Geraniaceae, Tropaeolaceae, Erythroxylaceae, Zygophyllaceae, Rutaceae, Burseraceae, Meliaceae, Polygalaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Anacardiaceae, Vitaceae, Tiliaceae, Malvaceae, Theaceae, Diptero- CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 233 carpaceae, Cistaceae, Turneraceae, Lythraceae, Myrtaceae, Aralia- cese, Umbelliferae, Ericaceae, Primulaceae, Convolvulaceae, Ver- benaceae, Labiatae, Solanaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Valerianaceae, and Compositae. COMPOSITION OF VOLATILE OILS. The volatile oils are usu- ally of a very complex composition; it will be found, however, that they owe their principal characteristics to one or more definite compounds. The following classes of compounds have been derived from the volatile oils. TERPENES, hydrocarbons of the formula C 10 H 16 , are found in the volatile oils of the Pinaceae, Rutaceae, etc. The terpene pinene makes up practically the entire bulk of turpentine oil. The terpene limonene is found in the oil of lemon to the extent of 90 per cent. It is not, however, the characteristic constituent in this oil, the odor of lemon being due to an aldehyde, citral. SESQUITERPENES, hydrocarbons of the formula C 15 H 24 , have been isolated from a number of oils, the best known representa- tive of this class being cadinene, occurring in the oils of cubeb, patchouli, savin, etc. ALCOHOLS belonging to the aliphatic and aromatic series occur in a number of oils combined as esters with the fatty acids. Both methyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol are found in the aqueous dis- tillates in the preparation of certain oils. This occurrence is usually explained as being due to the decomposition of other sub- stances. Methyl alcohol is thought to be derived from the de- composition of cellulose, while ethyl alcohol is considered to be a product of the fermentation of carbohydrates. That ethyl alcohol may be derived in this manner is probable from the obser- vations of Maze, who obtained alcohol from germinating seeds. Esters of methyl alcohol, especially methyl salicylate, are widely distributed. Among other alcohols, the following may be men- tioned: Linalool constitutes the bulk of lignaloe oil; geraniol, a diolefinic alcohol makes up the bulk of rose oil ; benzyl alcohol, as an ester, occurs in the oils of jasmine, tuberose, ylang-ylang, etc. ; cinnamic alcohol, as an ester, occurs in cassia oil, storax, and Peru balsam ; menthol (peppermint camphor), a secondary alcohol, is found in peppermint oil; borneol (camphyl alcohol) occurs 234 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. in the oils of valerian and serpentaria, the acetate of this alcohol being found in many oils of the Pinacese. ALDEHYDES. The simplest of the aliphatic aldehydes, for- maldehyde, has been found in apopin oil, the latter being derived from an unknown plant growing in Japan. Acetaldehyde is com- monly present in the distillates of seeds. Citral is found in lemon oil, giving it its characteristic odor. It is also found in the oils distilled from the leaves and twigs of the lemon tree, sweet orange tree, sassafras, etc. Benzaldehyde is formed upon the hydrolysis of amygdalin. KETONES. Of the aliphatic ketones, acetone has been ob- served, together with hydrocyanic acid, in the distillation of a number of leaf oils. Carvone occurs in the oil of caraway. Pulegone occurs in large amounts in European pennyroyal oil and the oils of other members of the Labiate. Japanese or laurel camphor is obtained by the distillation of the wood of Cinnamomum Camphora. Irone, a cyclic ketone, occurs in orris root. PHENOLS AND PHENOL ETHERS are found in a number of volatile oils. Thymol constitutes the larger part of the oil of ajowan (Ptychotis coptica). Carvacol is a constituent in many Labiate oils. Anethol is the principal constituent of the oils of Pinipinella anisatum and Illicium verum and is an important constituent in the oil of fennel. Eugenol occurs in the oils of the Myrtacecc and Lauracecc. Apiol is a constituent of plastic substances, yet it serves another purpose, viz., to protect the underlying cells after injury of the plant by insects or'herbivorous animals. This protection results from the rapid coagulation of the exuding latex upon exposure to the air and forming a varnish-like surface. In some cases the latex contains a poisonous principle which exercises a protective function. In Rhus Toxicodendron the principle causing the eczema, namely toxicodendrol, is supposed to be formed in laticiferous tissues being transferred to the hairs, which upon being broken liberate the poison. CELL-CONTENTS AND FORMS OF CELLS. 297 en C S3 II? *3%3 S ? Z P o g o ^ ETC* P f?f. IS** VI O O ^ 3*P y 8."^S IS By " 'O en <"+ O O |o? 55- S- sl rPI? ooo p^g'rt S'glg's S-8^ ^S^gf &p| BCa ^-<0=-E; Ch55^3 ually ing a of the vascu- tissue ch (w rs and fibers) t * 5 S l-t" 1 HI o 3 O ^ Lf B.^iggg rg 35? % e a Cylindra- ceous or prismatic Forming a part of the xylem O g <<* r 1 2; 3 JLt~| M o 3 O en 9 2.p|B3p -s n 8S ?lSc?c^ I 5 gf |4 s "liiii Cylindra- ceous or prismatic 8? a " 3 3 ?" B 1 - ^^ cr'Ss gf? &S! ^o3. The outer layer of herbaceous plants n mature cells insoluble esin or tannin masses Isodiametric or polygonal At or near he surface of older roots and stems CHAPTER III THE OUTER AND INNER MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. INTRODUCTORY. IT may be well to repeat at this point that on germination of the megaspore the female gametophyte bearing the egg-cell is formed, and that on germination of a microspore the male gameto- phyte bearing male nuclei is organized. The union of egg-cell and a male nucleus gives rise to the sporophyte embryo contained in the seed, which develops into the plant we see, namely, the sporophyte. The female gametophyte always remains concealed within the embryo-sac, and the male gametophyte may be said to embody the protoplasmic contents of the pollen tube. A complete flower is made up of floral leaves and sporophylls, the latter being essential for the reason that they give rise to the spores. While the flower belongs to the sporophyte generation, the propagative organs may be said to be derived from both the sporophyte and gametophyte, and hence may be distinguished as asexual and sexual. The following outline illustrates their derivation : Propagative Organs Sexual, derived from gametophytes (sex- ual generation) Egg-apparatus, containing egg-cell female gamete or Asexual, derived from sporophyte (asex- ual generation) 298 Male Generative-cell, giving rise to male nuclei or male gametes Microsporangium (pollen sacs) giving rise to microspores (pollen grains) Megasporangium (nucel- lus) giving rise to mega- spore (embryo- sac) MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 299 The vegetative organs comprise the root and shoot, the latter being usually differentiated into shoot axis or stem, and leaves. The usual type of shoot is one which bears leaves and is exposed to the light. The work of carbon dioxide assimilation (photosyn- thesis) being carried on for the most part by the leaves, the axis is sometimes spoken of as the " assimilation shoot." FIG. 161. A, advanced stage of germination of the common garden pea (Pis-urn sa- tivum) showing growing point of root protected by root-cap (p); root branches or second- ary roots (rb) ; hypocotyl (he) ; epicotyl or stem above the cotyledons (ec) ; cotyledons (one in view) (c). B, plantlet of white or yellow mustard (binapis alba) show ; ng copious development of root- hairs (h). I. OUTER MORPHOLOGY OF THE ROOT. THE ROOT, or descending axis of the plant, normally pene- trates the soil, absorbing inorganic substances in solution and act- ing as an anchor and support for the shoot. True roots are found only among plants having a vascular system, as the Spermophytes and the higher Pteridophytes, although, on the other hand, some of the higher plants do not possess them, as certain of the sapro- phytic orchids and some of the aquatic plants as Utricularia, 300 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Lemna, etc. If we take a germinating plant and mark the root into ten equal divisions, beginning at the apex, and place the plant in a moist chamber, it will be found in the course of one or two days that the marks between I and 5 have become much FIG. 162. Longitudinal section through the tip of the root of Indian corn (Zea Mays) showing root-cap: a, outer layer; i, inner layer. After Sachs. farther apart, and that the growth in this region is about three times that between 5 and 10. This experiment indicates that the growth of the root takes place at or near the apex, this region being known as the point of growth, or point of vegetation (Fig. 162). MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 301 Upon examining the tip of a very young root by means of the microscope, it will be seen that the growing point is protected by a cup-shaped body of a more or less solid structure and frequently mucilaginous; this is known as a ROOT-CAP. Its function is to protect the growing point, and it exists in all roots of terrestrial, epiphytic, and aquatic plants except the parasites. Just above the root-cap there is developed a narrow zone of delicate hairs, which arise from the surface cells and are usually thin-walled and unicellular. These are known as ROOT-HAIRS (Fig. 161, B) and their function is twofold: (i) They secrete an acid which renders the inorganic substances of the earth soluble, and (2) they absorb these and other substances for the nourish- ment of the plant. It should be stated that there are a number of plants which for various reasons do not possess root-hairs, such as water-plants, marsh-plants, certain Coniferae, Ericaceae, etc. When the primary root persists (as in Gymnosperms and Dicotyledons) it increases considerably in length and becomes ramified ; if, at the same time, it increases in thickness, and much more so than its branches, then it is called a TAP-ROOT (as in Dancus Beta, etc.). In the vascular cryptogams (Pteridophytes) and the monocoty- ledons the primary root is generally thin and weak, frequently but little ramified, and disappears at an early stage, being re- placed by SECONDARY ROOTS, as in Zea. Secondary roots may arise not only upon the stem but even upon leaves, as in Begonia and Bryophyllum. The term LATERAL ROOTS is restricted to those that develop from the root alone. The development of roots upon shoots or of so-called " AD- VENTITIOUS ROOTS " occurs in nearly all of the woody plants of the Spermophyta. Many annual herbaceous plants do not possess this capacity at all. The adventitious roots arise from " root- primordia " which are formed under the cortex of the shoots. While ordinarily they do not develop upon the shoots, yet if cuttings are made, as of Coleus, Geranium, Rosa, etc., we find " either singly or on both sides of the axillary buds " the develop- ment of adventitious roots from the latent root-primordia. Influence of Gravity. The root is popularly supposed to grow downward, in order to avoid the light. On the other hand. 3 02 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. the theory has been established (as a result of Knight's experi- ments) that the root. grows downward by reason of the influence of gravity. In addition it may be said that the principal functions of the root, namely, those of absorbing inorganic food materials and of fixing the plant to the soil, determine in a measure the direction of its growth. The tendency of the root to grow down- ward is a characteristic which distinguishes it from other parts of the plant, and it is said to be POSITIVELY GEOTROPIC (Fig. 163, A). FIG. 163. A, seedling of Brassica nigra in which root and stem have curved into a vertical position after being laid horizontally. B, seedling of Sinapis alba, the hypocotyl showing a positive, the root in water a negative heliotropic curvature. The arrows show the direction of the incident rays of light. After Pfeffer. The influence which gravity has on plants may be best under- stood by bearing in mind that gravity is a constant force which acts perpendicularly to the surface of the earth, and that all parts of the plant are subject to its influence. The organs of plants respond in different ways to the action of gravity, but a clear distinction should be made between mere mass attraction, or that manifestation of the force of gravity whereby the heavily laden branch of a fruit tree bends downward, and the stimulus which causes the primary root of a plant to grow downward and the shoot to grow upward. While all parts of the plant are subject to the influence of gravity, not all the organs of plants respond in an equal degree. This is well illustrated by roots themselves. MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 303 It is well known that, whatever the position of the seed at the time of germination, the young radicle begins to grow perpen- dicularly downward ( Fig. 163, A ) . The branches, however, which arise on the primary root are less positively geotropic and, instead of growing downward parallel with the primary or tap root, di- verge at an angle from it (Fig. 161 ) . The secondary branches are still less affected by gravity and diverge still more from the per- pendicular, or grow out horizontally, while still others do not FIG. 164. Over-turned tree trunk showing spreading root-system, the main or tap root having died away appear to be in the least affected by gravity and grow freely in any direction. In the case of large trees we frequently find that the lateral roots spread out in a more or less horizontal plane near the surface of the earth, and if the main root has died the influence of gravity is not very evident (Fig. 164). But here it must be re- membered that gravity was instrumental in determining the direc- tion of growth at an earlier stage. This spreading of the roots near the surface of the earth is of decided advantage to plants, for it enables them to avail themselves of the better soil of the surface 304 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. layers. As indicated, gravity also determines the upward perpen- dicular direction of the shoot, which is therefore said to be NEGATIVELY GEOTROPic, but, as in the case of the root, the branches are less influenced by it and hence diverge at various angles from the main axis. Some of the other effects of gravity may be noted. If the end of a shoot be cut off, the branches next to the top will grow per- FIG. 165. Mangr6*ve forest (Rhizophora Mangle), showing the habit of growth, es- pecially the numerous aerial roots which form an almost impenetrable thicket. The man- grove is common along the southern shores of Florida, in the Bahama Islands, and in the West Indies. Many shellfish, lobsters, and other forms of sea life are often found clinging or attached far up on the roots where they become lodged during high tides. Photograph from article by Henry Trimble on Mangrove Tannin in Contributions from the Botanical Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania, 1892, p. 50. pendicularly upward and thus assume the work of the main axis. Likewise in the case of roots, if the apex of the main or tap root be cut off, the branches near the end will assume a perpendicular direction. It will frequently be noticed in the case of trees which have been uprooted or where branches have been bent over hori- zontally that the new branches which arise grow perpendicularly upward. Creeping shoots furnish another good example showing MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 305 FIG. 166. Tuberous root of Ginseng (Panax quinquefolium) . The root on the left is a fresh specimen and was grown in the United States. The one to the right was purchased at a Chinese bazaar. It is translucent, of a yellowish-brown color, and has the characteristic shape and markings considered desirable by the Chinese. The markings on the upper segment of the specimen are stem scars which are usually found on old roots. The trans- lucent appearance is no doubt due to the manner of treatment. While the method is not generally known, similar specimens may be prepared by treating the recently gathered roots with freshly slaked lime. the influence of gravity, the branches growing upward and the roots downward. The root exerts a certain amount of upward pressure on the liquids in the stem. This fact can be demonstrated by cutting off 20 306 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. the stem just above the surface of the earth and attaching thereto a glass tube by means of a tightly-fitting rubber tube. It is de- sirable to perform this part of the operation under water and to have the glass tube partly filled with water at the beginning of the experiment. This is done to prevent the clogging up of the vessels with air, which prevents the ready passage of fluids through them. If the root is now kept moist, the osmotic pressure of its cells forces water up into the glass tube, sometimes to a height of several feet. Experiments on the begonia and on many other plants succeed very well, but for some reason the geranium is impracticable to work with. The manometer devised by Ganong, while not showing the quantity of water forced up by the root, shows the amount of pressure exerted, which is really the most important fact to be ascertained. Modified Roots. Roots which arise from the nodes of the stem or other parts of the plant are known as secondary or adventi- tious roots. These include the aerial roots of the banyan tree and the Mangrove (Fig. 165), which are for the purpose of sup- port ; the roots of the ivy, which are both for support and climb- ing, and the roots of Indian corn and many palms which serve both for support and the absorption of nourishment. Under this head may also be included the aerial roots of orchids and the root-like structures, or haustoria, of parasites, as of mistletoe and dodder, which penetrate the tissues of their host plants and whose vascular strands come into most intimate relations with those of hosts. Of special interest also are the breathing roots of certain marsh-plants which serve to convey oxygen to the submerged parts ; and the assimilation roots of certain water-plants and epiphytes, which are unique in that they produce chlorophyll. In certain plants the roots give rise to adventitious shoots, as in Prunus, Rubus, Ailanthus, etc., and in this way these plants some- times form small groves. Root Tubercles. The roots of the plants belonging to the Leguminosse are characterized by the production of tubercles, nodules or swellings (Fig. 167) which have been shown to have a direct relation to the assimilation of nitrogen by the plants of this family. Like carbon, nitrogen is one of the elements essential to plant-life, being one of the constituents of protoplasm and MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 307 present in various nitrogenous (protein) compounds which occur as normal constituents of the plant. The nitrogen required by plants is derived either from nitrogen salts contained in the soil, as nitrates and ammonium salts, or from the free nitrogen of the atmosphere. While most of the higher plants are able to assimilate nitrogen compounds existing in the soil, only the Leguminosse and Aristolochiaceae, with possibly a few exceptions, are able to assimilate atmospheric nitrogen, and in this respect the FIG. 167. Root tubercles on Lupinus, one of the Leguminosoe: A, roots with tubercles; B, transverse section of root showing the cells (b) which contain the nitrogen bacteria. A. after Taubert; B, after Frank. majority of the Leguminosae stand as a class by themselves. Apparently in direct relation to this character stands the fact that the seeds of these plants contain a high percentage of nitrogen. This special ability of the Leguminosae to fix atmospheric nitrogen in the plants depends upon the presence of the nodules, which are due to the infection of the roots by a soil-bacterium (Pseudomonas radicicola) , although the precise mode of fixing the nitrogen is 3 o8 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. not known. The bacteria seem to be localized in the nodules and are not found in any other part of the plant. It has been shown that when the roots of leguminous plants are free from nodules they do not have the power of assimilating free nitrogen. On the other hand, when the nodules produced by the bacteria are developed, the plants will grow in soil practically free from nitrogen salts. Because of this power the plants of this family are useful in restoring worn-out land, i.e., land in which FIG. 168. Transverse section of a root bearing root hairs; the latter are thin walled, irregularly bent, and attached at various places to small particles of soil. The hairs secrete an acid, rendering the inorganic substances soluble, which are then diffused through the walls of the hairs, transmitted to the cortical parenchyma and distributed through the conducting cells of the xylem to the shoot. After Frank. the supply of nitrogen is exhausted, and they thus play an impor- tant role in agricultural pursuits. The enriching of the soil is accomplished by ploughing under the leguminous crops, as of clover or alfalfa, or allowing the nodule-producing roots to decay, when the nitrogen compounds are distributed in the soil. (Consult Bulletins on " Soil Inoculation for Legumes," issued by the Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agri- culture.) MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 309 THE INNER STRUCTURE OF THE ROOT. Primary Structure. If we make a transverse section of the young portion of a root (Vascular Cryptogam, Gymnosperm, or Phenogam), we notice the following tissues (Figs. 169-174). The outermost tissue is EPIDERMIS (E), it being generally thin- walled and destitute of cuticle ; it is, as a rule, hairy, and these hairs, which are relatively long, but always unicellular, are known as ROOT-HAIRS (Figs. 161, 1 68) ; they ramify but very seldom. Inside the epidermis there is frequently present a HYPODERMIS FIG. 169. Radial vascular bundle in root of Allium ascalonicum, showing a large central trachea from which radiate five small groups of tracheae and between which are the groups of leptome or sieve; p, layer of pericambium or pericycle; d, transition cells or pas- sage cells in the endodermal layer, and which permit the easy transfer of substances between the cortical parenchyma and the tracheae of the stele. After Haberlandt. (sometimes referred to as an EXODERMIS) composed of a single layer of cells or, at the most, of but several layers, the cells of which differ in shape and size from those of the epidermis and the adjoining cortical parenchyma. The hypodermis takes the place of the epidermis when the latter is worn off, except in the few cases where hypodermal cork becomes developed, as in Cephalanthus, Solidago, and in the Bignoniaceae. The root bark is composed of parenchymatous cells, being 3 io A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. commonly referred to as the CORTEX, and is either homogeneous or divided into two zones, the outer or peripheral being composed of thick-walled cells which naturally belong to the hypodermis and an inner or internal strata made up of thin-walled cells. The cells of the cortical parenchyma may contain starch, calcium .oxalate, calcium carbonate, and there may be associated with them FIG. 170. Cross-section of the primary root of a germinating plant of Phaseolus multiflorus, showing development of* secondary structures: p, group of primary vessels; g, larger tracheae of secondary development formed between the four primary strands of xylem; b, the four groups of phloem alternating with the four initial groups of xylem and beneath which secondary tracheae are forming (g'); pc, pericambium (pericycle), a layer of cells beneath the endodermis (s). A few layers of cortical parenchyma are shown outside of the endodermis. In the middle is a well-developed pith (M) which sometimes is developed in roots. After Sachs. secretory cells or receptacles. Immediately beneath the innermost layer of cortical parenchyma is a distinct layer of cells usually considered part of the cortex and known as the ENDODERMIS. It consists always of a single layer of cells, without any intercellular spaces, and the radial walls show in transverse section Casparyan spots, 1 depending upon a local folding of the cell- wall, which is here suberized. In the course of time the cell-walls of the en- 1 " Physiologische Pflanzenanatomie," by Dr. G. Haberlandt, p. 245. MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 311 dodermis frequently become thickened, either all around, or only on the inner or radial walls, so that we might speak of an O- endodermis as in Honduras sarsaparilla or an U-endodermis as in Mexican sarsaparilla, according to the manner of thickening. FIG. 171. Cimicifuga. Transverse section of the central part of a mature root in which the secondary changes are completed: a, parenchyma of primary cortex; b, endo- dermis; c, cambium zone; d, tracheae in secondary xylem; e, broad, wedge-shaped medullary ray; f, outer portion of one of the primary xylem bundles; g, pericycle-parenchyma beneath the endodermis; h, inter-fascicular cambium. After Bastin. This is especially the case in the monocotyledons where the walls of the endodermal cells become completely suberized and im- permeable to water. In some roots the cells of the endodermis may be uniformly thick-walled throughout, while in others some 3 i2 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. of the cells- may remain thin-walled, and these cells, the so-called " transition cells " or " passage cells," form channels of com- munication between the cortical parenchyma and the vessels of the stele (Fig. 169) ; they are therefore located just outside the peripheral vessels of each ray of the xylem (or hadrome). Inside the endodermis is the STELE, formerly called the central- cylinder. In this the peripheral stratum, sometimes composed of two or three layers of cells, represents the PERICAMBIUM (or PERICYCLE). The cells are generally thin-walled, and in Dicotyle- dons and Gymnosperms are able by cell-division to form cork and RB FIG. 172. A transverse section through the root of a germinating pea-plant (Pisum) about 40 mm. from the tip, showing the origin of a root-branch (RB); E, epidermis; C, pri- mary cortex; X, hadrome (vessels); P, leptome (sieve); EN, endodermis. secondary cortex, but in all vascular plants it is capable of giving rise to "lateral branches" or "lateral roots" (Figs. 161, 172), hence it is frequently referred to as the " RHIZOGENOUS LAYER/' Inside the pericambium (by some authors compared with the pericycle of the stem) we find strands of phloem (or leptome) (P) alternating radially with a corresponding number of strands of xylem (or hadrome) (X). The number of these strands vary in the different groups of plants (Figs. 169-174), being highest in the monocotyledons where a pith is developed, as in sarsaparilla, several grasses, palms, etc. This peculiar arrangement of the MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 313 phloem and xylem, as separate strands alternating with each other and not being located, as in stems, in the same radii, has given rise to several adverse views. Some authors have considered the root-stele as one single mestome-strand (or fib ro vascular strand), while others, especially of recent date, consider it to be composed of several MESTOME STRANDS. The xylem or hadrome contains tracheae or vessels, the periph- eral being spiral and narrower than the inner, which are scalari- form or reticulate. The tissue in the center of the stele in mono- cotyledons is not uncommonly made up of parenchyma cells, and FIG. 173. Primary structure in the root. Transverse section of root of pea (Pisum) about 40 mm. from the root-cap: H, epidermal cells, some of which are developed into root-hairs; C, primary cortex; EN, endodermis; PC, pericambium; X, hadrome, composed of tracheae; P, leptome, composed of sieve cells, the hadrome (vessels) and leptome (sieve) forming a triarch radial fibrovascular bundle. corresponds exactly with the pith of the stem. In roots it is often called CONJUNCTIVE TISSUE, and the cells may contain starch and crystals of calcium oxalate. Secondary Structure. In roots that are able to increase in thickness (as in Gymnosperms and Dicotyledons), the increase depends upon the activity in the pericambium, some of the cells becoming meristematic. These meristematic cells are known as phellogen, developing cork outwardly and secondary cortex in- wardly. The meristem of the stele or cambium also becomes very active and develops on the inner face of the phloem and extends A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. from there to the outside of the peripheral vessels of the xylem (Fig. 174) ; thus a continuous cambial zone gradually arises. From this zone secondary tracheae or vessels become developed on the inner face of the primary phloem, while secondary phloem becomes differentiated outside the primary rays of xylem ; or only parenchyma develops outside the primary xylem, resulting in sx FIG. 174. Section in the older part, higher up on the root of pea (Pisum), showing in addition to what has been observed in Fig. 1 73, the beginning of the change from primary to secondary structure: CA, the development of a cambium; SX, secondary hadrome (or vessels), and SP, secondary leptome (or sieve). the formation of secondary PARENCHYMA-RAYS (or medullary rays). In other words, the original radial structure of the stele changes to the collateral type (Fig. 175). Owing to this increase within the stele, the peripheral tissues from the endodermis to the epidermis naturally become broken and are subsequently thrown off, but are replaced by the pericambial cork and secondary cor- tex derived from the pericambium. The older roots, then, of Gymnosperms and Dicotyledons thus resemble the structure of stems, except that no pith exists in these roots, at least not usually. MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 315 Some differences are, however, quite noticeable in some instances, as in the thick roots of Beta, Radish, etc., where the wood paren- M FIG. 175. Fully developed secondary structure in root. Transverse section of root of pea (Pisurn) at the end of the summer's growth: E, some epidermal cells with fragments of root-hairs; C, primary cortex; EN, endodermis; K, pericambial cork; B, bast fibers; SC, secondary cortex; S, sieve; T, tracheae; W, wood fibers; WP, wood parenchyma; M, medullary rays; the tracheae (or vessels) and leptome (or sieve) forming open collateral fibrovascular bundles, these being found in dicotyledons with but few exceptions. chyma is usually abundant, thin-walled, and not lignified, the annual rings also being mostly indistinct. The characteristic distinguishing the primary and secondary A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY -1? FIG. 176. Glycyrrhiza: A, transverse section; B, longitudinal section. B, bark; H, wood; X, cambium zone; ph, cork cells; rp, cortex; p, parenchyma; k, crystal fibers; s, sclerenchyma fibers, including wood fibers occurring in the wood and bast fibers present in the bark; t, tracheae; m, medullary rays. After Meyer. MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 317 structures of dicotyledonous roots may be summarized as follows : PRIMARY STRUCTURE: Epidermis and root-hairs. Hypoder- mis. Primary cortex consisting of parenchyma. Endodermis, pericambium, xylem arranged in radial rays which alternate with phloem or sieve strands, constituting a radial fibrovascular bundle (Figs. 169-174). SECONDARY STRUCTURE: Cork cells, phellogen, secondary cor- tex consisting of parenchyma. Phloem, cambium, and xylem arranged in radial groups, forming open collateral fibrovascular bundles. Medullary rays separating the fibrovascular bundles (Figs. 175-177). Sometimes, as in glycyrrhiza and valerian, a number of paren- chyma cells are found in the center of the root, these constituting the PITH (Fig. 176) or medulla; but they are usually wanting in dicotyledonous roots. Wood and bark are terms used to distinguish those portions of the root or stem separated by the cambium; all that portion inside of the cambium, including xylem, medullary rays, and pith, being known as the WOOD. The BARK includes the hadrome, the medullary rays outside of the cambium, and the tissues formed by the phellogen, vis., secondary cortical tissue and cork. The following diagram of the secondary structure of a dicoty- ledonous root may be of assistance in understanding the origin and relation of the tissues comprising it : Wood made up of Cambium produces Bark made up of f Pith, which may be wanting. J f Composed of vessels, wood parenchy- \ ma and wood fibers ; or tracheids may Xylem. . J replace these cells, or be associated * with them. These are arranged in groups forming radial rows which are separated by medullary rays. Phloem . . Consisting of leptome and companion cells; bast fibers may also be present. These are arranged in collateral groups and form radial rows which are separated by medullary rays. Meristem of pericambium producing pericambial- cork and parenchyma. Phellogen later forming periderm in stems several years old, and borlk in the trunk of large shrubs and trees. A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 177. A, transverse section of Phytolacca root, showing the fibrovascular bundles (V, V, V",) which are produced by distinct cambiums (C). The parenchyma contains little starch, and some of the cells (R) show short raphides of calcium oxalate, many of the crystals being distributed in the section. B. Transverse section of Belladonna root which is two or three years old. There is but one cambium zone (C) . Most of the parenchyma contains starch (St) , the remaining cells containing cryptocrystalline crystals of calcium oxalate. K. cork; S, sieve; W. wood fibers and T, tracheae, both of which are strongly lignified in Belladonna root; M. medullary rays. MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 319 The root branches arise as the result of the development of primary meristems in the pericambium (Figs. 161, 172). The tissues forming the branches are directly connected with the fibrovascular tissues of the root and protrude through the over- lying tissues without having any connection with them. The structure of the branches thus formed corresponds to the primary structure of the roots, and in the case of dicotyledonous roots may also subsequently develop a secondary structure. Goebel states that in plants which grow in moist soil, or whose roots func- tion only for a short time, the branches may be altogether sup- pressed, as in Colchicum, Arissema, etc. Contraction of roots is observed in both monocotyledons and dicotyledons, it being most apparent in the former, as in the roots of Veratrum viride (Fig. 178). The uneven or corkscrew- like appearance is due to a contraction, which arises as follows : Some of the longitudinally elongated cells beneath the epidermis, as well as cells extending to and including the endodermis, absorb large quantities of water, which causes them to assume a spherical form (as the cells of a potato are altered on boiling), the result being a longitudinal contraction of the root at this point. In this way the plant is fastened more securely to the earth, and at the end of the season's growth the apical buds of plants, with upright rhizomes, as of Veratrum viride, Dracontium, etc., are drawn into the earth and thus protected during the winter season. Abnormal Structure of Roots. It is often difficult to recog- nize the type-structure of dicotyledonous roots in drugs, owing to the anomalous and abnormal secondary structure. Scleren- chymatous fibers, while present in glycyrrhiza (Fig. 176) and althaea, are not infrequently wanting. Wood fibers may be spar- ingly developed, as in young belladonna roots (Fig. 177), or even wanting, as in gentian. In other cases the medullary rays are abnormal, being replaced in calumba by wood parenchyma, and in ipecac and taraxacum by sclerenchymatous cells. In asclepias and calumba a layer of stone cells occurs near the periphery ; in gelsemium sieve cells develop in the xylem ; in senega the xylem is not uniformly developed, and in still other cases, as in jalap, pareira, and phytolacca (Fig. 177, A), successive cambiums de- velop, producing concentric series of open collateral fibrovascular bundles. 320 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. II. THE OUTER MORPHOLOGY OF THE STEM. The stem, or ascending axis of the plant, usually grows in a direction opposite to that of the root, seeking the light and air. The tendency of the stem to grow upward is characteristic of the majority of plants, and is spoken of as NEGATIVE GEOTROPISM. The growing point of the stem is at the apex, and it is protected by a layer of bud scales (Fig. 179, B). FIG. 178. Longitudinal section through a root of Veratrum viride showing the nature of the contraction of the root: E, epidermis; CS, cells of cortex containing starch; CO, cells of cortex containing raphides; F, fibro vascular bundle; A, rifts or cavities formed as a result of the radial swelling of the cells of the cortex. Stems are further characterized by bearing leaves, or modi- fications of them. The leaves occur at regular intervals in the same species, and that portion of the stem from which they arise is spoken of as a NODE, while the intervening portion is called an internode. Stem branches usually arise in the axils of the leaves, first MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 321 appearing as little protuberances, sometimes spoken of as pri- mordia, on the stem. Their origin differs from that of the root branches, in that they arise from meristematic or embryonic tissue developed just beneath the epidermis. The branches, like the main axis, manifest negative geotropism, although to a lesser degree. They likewise possess a growing point at the apex, covered with embryonic leaves (Fig. 179). Not infrequently more than one branch arises in the leaf axil. Buds may be defined as undeveloped shoots in which the foliage is yet rudimentary. The buds at the ends of stems or ~P FIG. 179. A, longitudinal section through the apical region of the stem of the embryo of a bean (Phaseolus multiftorus) ; ss, apex; pb, parts of the two first leaves, and their axillary buds (k, k,); r, periblem or primary cortex. B, diagram of longitudinal section through winter bud of Quercus coccinea: P, growing point; L, young leaves; SB, stem branches; F, fibro vascular bundle. A, after Sachs. branches are known as APICAL, or TERMINAL BUDS, and those situ- ated in the axils of the leaves, as AXILLARY BUDS. In some cases they are protected by scales, as in hickory, when they are known as scaly buds; while buds which are not thus protected are called naked buds. They are further distinguished as leaf, flower, and mixed buds, as they develop into leaves or flowers, or both. We have to distinguish between overground shoots and under- ground shoots. The former are sometimes designated as epi- geous (upon the earth) and the latter as hypogeous (under the earth). 21 322 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Epigeous Shoots. As would be supposed, these two kinds of shoots vary to a certain extent. In epigeous shoots a number of features may be noted. If the internodes are long the leaves do not usually interfere with one another so far as exposure to light is concerned, but if the internodes are short, the leaves are all brought close together on the axis, and hence, were it not for PIG. 180. A, woody vine of Canada moonseed (Menispermum canadense) , which ascends by twining to the right. B, stem of wild yamroot (Dioscorea mllosa), which ascends by twining to the left and several of the characteristic 3-winged capsules at the top. The twining movements of stem climbers are due to the stimulus of gravity rather than to contact stimulus, and in the majority of twining plants the revolving movements, as seen from the side, are from the left to the right, i.e., in a direction opposite to that of the hands of a watch if represented diagrammatically. various modifications, their relation to light would be very un- equal. Sometimes the shoot-axis may share with the leaves the work of assimilation, as in the case of certain green stems. Then again there are cases in which the leaves are reduced, and the work of assimilation is carried on exclusively by the shoot-axis, as in most Cactaceae, certain marsh-plants, and others. On the MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 323 other hand, the shoot-axis may be modified so as to increase the assimilating surface, as by a flattening of the axis, as in some of the Cacti, the leaves being suppressed or considerably reduced. FlG. 181. Bryonia dioica. a, young, spirally coiled tendril; b, expanded and irritable tendril; c, tendril which has grasped a support; d, tendril which has not grasped a sup- port, and has undergone the old-age coiling. After Pfeffer. Branches are not infrequently modified to hard, pointed, and spiny structures, as in the Japanese quince, when they are spoken of as thorns. Leaves and even flowers may arise upon thorns, which shows that they are modified branches. 324 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. A number of plants ascend into the air on other plants, or other objects which serve as supports, either by attaching them- selves to them or by twining around them, when they are dis- tinguished as twiners and climbers. TWINERS ascend by a special circumnutating movement of the stem, as in the morning glory, Menispermum (Fig. 180), etc. CLIMBERS, however, ascend by means of special structures, as the aerial roots of the ivy (root climbers) ; or they may climb by means of leaves, as in Clematis (leaf climbers) ; still others climb by means of tendrils, as in the grape and Bryonia (tendril climbers) (Fig. 181) ; and again plants may climb by means of hooked hairs or spines, as in Rubus, FIG. 182. Rhizome of Podophyllum representing three years' growth: b a ,the terminal bud of last year; b 2 , the corresponding one of the present year; B.the terminal one of the entire rhizome will develop in the spring of next year. L 1 and L 2 indicate the scars of aerial leaves of the two preceding years' growth; b l and b 2 , latent buds. After Holm. Rosa, etc. The tendrils, which are thread-like modifications of the stem, are in some cases provided with disk-like atachments for holding the plant in position, as in the Virginia creeper. Twiners and climbers are sometimes spoken of as LIANES (lianas), particu- larly those of tropical regions, where they form a prominent feature of the forest vegetation. The lianes usually have rope- like, woody stems, the formation of leaves being either suppressed or retarded, and they often run for long distances over the ground and climb to the tops of the tallest trees. They are also frequently characterized by an anomalous stem-structure, the tracheae being very large. Stems vary, furthermore, in size and form. While most stems are more or less cylindrical or terete, other forms also occur, as MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 323 the flattened stems in the Cactacese ; triangular in the Cyperaceae, and quadrangular in the Labiatse and Scrophulariaceae. Hypogeous Shoots. While most stems attain a more or less erect position, as in trees and shrubs, there are others which 'bend over to one side, or lie prostrate on the ground, and in some cases FIG. 183. Polygonatunt multiflorum, a plant growing in the Northern Hemispheres and Japan and producing a rhizome resembling our Solomon's Seal (Polygonaium biftorum). A, rhizome placed artificially higher in the soil than the normal depth; its continuation shoot has grown downwards. B, rhizome placed deeper than the normal depth; its con- tinuation shoot has grown upwards. The dotted lines at n indicate the amount of annual growth in the rhizomes A and B. C, a seedling rhizome. At the right is the seed, which encloses the haustorial end of the cotyledon; H, primary root; n, lateral roots arising within the axis of the shoot; a, posterior side of cotylar sheath; v, anterior side of the same; b, c, katophyls (or leaves on hypogeous shoots) on the axis of the seedling. A and B, after Rimbach; C, after Irmisch. (From Goebel's " Organography of Plants.") produce roots from the nodes, as in Mentha spicata (Fig. 184). These latter are known as STOLONS or runners. Furthermore, the stems of a number of plants grow under- ground, and these are known as RHIZOMES or ROOT-STOCKS (Figs. 182-190) ; from the upper portion of the nodes overground branches arise which bear leaves (so that the work of assimilation A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. may be carried on) as well as flowers, and from the lower surface, roots (Fig. 182). While most rhizomes are perceptibly thickened, and more or less fleshy when fresh, as Sanguinaria, in other instances they are of the ordinary thickness of the overground stem. FIG. 184. Plant of spearmint (Mentha spicata) showing procumbent stems or leafy runners from which roots are developed at the nodes, and one erect branch at the left from which a new plant will be developed. There are some rhizomes that are excessively thickened, as in the common white potato (Fig. 185), and these are called TUBERS. The so-called " eyes " are small buds covered with small, scale-like leaves which develop into shoots. Tubers should MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 327 not be confounded with tuberous roots, as those of the sweet potato and jalap, for these latter have the morphological char- acters of roots (compare Figs. 185 and 186). Instead of the node, or internode, or both, becoming exces- sively thickened, they may be reduced in size and crowded upon FIG. 185. A potato plant grown from seed and showing the branches upon which the potato tubers are formed, r, primary root; ct, cotyledons; c, hypocotyl; f, foliage leaves; f', a primary branch the summit of which has developed foliage leaves; e'c, scales on upper portion of primary branch; e'c', scales representing the eyes of the potato tubers formed from the swollen branches; br, buds formed in the axils of the scales on the tubers; r', sec- ondary roots formed on the stem branches. After Duchartre. each other, the leaves at the same time becoming thickened and filled with nutriment. Such a modified stem and leaves, as in the onion and tulip, is called a BULB (Fig. 188). Bulbs are sometimes produced in the axils of the leaves of overground stems, as in some lilies, and are then called bulbils or bulblets. They are also found in Allium forming what are commonly known as " onion sets." A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 1 86. Several tubers formed by a 2-year non-flowering plant of A conitum Napellus, gathered in September. The parent tuber on the right shows a portion of the overground stem and a small bud (k); to the left has been developed an offspring tuber connected by the branch (a) ; K, nearly full grown bud which will produce the foliage stem of the growing plant the succeeding year. The long, filiform and branching roots are in the nature of true root branches. After Meyer. Bulbs and tubers serve not only as storage-organs and carry the life of the plant over from one season to another, but may form, as in MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 329 bulblets, an important means of distributing the plants. The thickened fleshy stems of Cactacese are also regarded as storage- organs. A CORM is intermediate between a true tuber and a bulb ; it is more in the nature of a thickened internode, being surrounded in some cases by thin, membranous scales, as in Crocus and Colchicum. The function of the vegetative shoot is to absorb nutrition from the earth as well as from the air. The shoot may be AERIAL or SUBTERRANEAN. Some plants possess only aerial shoots or LIGHT-SHOOTS, as, for instance, trees, shrubs, and herbs that flower FIG. 187. Rhizome of African ginger showing scars of overground branch (Ls) and buds (k). The more or less parallel lines represent leaf-scars and scars of bud-scales, and the small circles, root-scars. After Meyer. but once. Other plants possess both aerial and subterranean shoots, and of these the subterranean shoot may exhibit some of the peculiarities of roots, in that they do not develop chlorophyll and produce secondary roots for the purpose of obtaining nutri- tive substances from the soil. The SUBTERRANEAN SHOOTS are generally destitute of true leaves and are furnished only with membranous or sometimes thick, fleshy leaves which are bladeless, pale, scale-like, or tubular. Depending upon the duration of the shoot (or, better, the stem), plants are divided into HERBS, SHRUBS, and TREES. In herbs the aerial shoots are herbaceous, while in shrubs and trees they become woody and persist throughout many years. 330 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Many of the herbs have subterranean shoots, but these are generally absent from woody plants, excepting in Sambucus, Ailanthus, Calycanthus, etc. The herbs may be further sub- divided as annual, biennial, and perennial. FIG. 188. Longitudinal section through a germinating bulb of Tulipa prcecox: h, the brown enveloping membrane; k, the flattened stem which forms the base of the bulb and bears the bulb-scales (sh); si, the elongated part of the stem which bears the foliage- leaves (l'l')t and terminates in the flower; c, the ovary; p, perianth; a, anthers; 2, a lateral bulb in the axil of the youngest bud-scale, which develops into the bud of next year's bulb; w, the roots which arise from the fibrovascular bundles at the base of the bulb. After Sachs. In ANNUAL herbs the individual possesses only aerial shoots and the plant sets fruit the same year that the individual has de- veloped from the seed. In BIENNIAL herbs the plant does not produce flowers until the second season. The PERENNIAL herbs, MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 331 on the other hand, develop flowers continuously for many (or at least several) years and also produce subterranean shoots, such as creeping rhizomes, tubers, bulbs, etc. FIG. 189. Upper portion of rhizome of Gentiana lutea showing the structure of terminal buds: A, terminal bud cut open to show the foliage leaves (b), which lie close to one another, leaving only a narrow canal (s) in the middle. B, four-angled bud removed from A, showing the foliage leaves having a strongly developed basal region (s) and relatively small lamina (sp) . C, a small bud removed from the axis of the young leaves (B). D, upper portion of rhizome of a flowering plant showing the stem base (S) and several buds (k). E, upper portion of rhizome of a plant 6 years old showing scar (n) of the flowering branch and the strongly developed side branches with terminal buds (k). The annulations are scars formed from the bud scales which have dropped off. After Meyer. The roots of annuals, biennials, and perennials differ in a num- ber of particulars. In the annuals, belonging to the monocoty- ledons, the roots are fibrous, possessing numerous lateral branches, whereas in the annuals belonging to the dicotyledons only the 332 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. primary roots develop. The biennials are nearly all dicotyledons and have a persistent primary root which, while usually slender, may become fleshy, as in Beta. In the perennials, on the other hand, we find a number of different types of roots, varying from the slender aerial roots of epiphytes to the smaller tuberous, fleshy roots of many terrestrial plants, and the peculiar roots of parasites. ALTERATIONS IN THE FORM OF PLANTS. The shoot, in its FIG. 190. Specimens of "orris root" of commerce consisting of peeled pieces of the rhizomes of Iris florentina. The rhizomes are mostly dichotomous, the branches becoming obconical and of characteristic shape. The large circular areas terminating the rhizomes are scars of stem bases, while the small black dots on the surface are scars from attachment of roots. course of development, is subject to a great many hostile external conditions, and there results more or less mutilation and alteration in the form of the plant. One of the most destructive influences to plants is that of strong winds when they attain the the velocity of gales. They stunt the growth of woody plants and cause the branches to assume a horizontal position (Fig. 191). This un- usual growth is further accentuated if at times during the winter they are covered with snow and sleet. If they grow in close MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 333 334 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. proximity their limbs will lash .each other, causing a flattening of the top which is very characteristic in the groves of trees on the sea coast. In this way it is possible for the whip-like branches of the birch to mutilate even the tops of the fir tree, changing their spire-like summits to deliquescent crowns. Injuries causing an alteration in the form of plants are also caused by ruminating animals and leaf-devouring insects. GALLS. These are abnormal developments on the young twigs, leaves, and flowers, being caused by the punctures and presence of the deposited ova of quite a variety of insects. Galls vary in size, form, and general appearance. They are only capable of being produced either in meristematic cells or in tissues that are capable of exercising this function. They are never formed on mature stems, leaves, or flowers. The older parts may be eaten and destroyed by insects, but they are not capable of being meta- morphosed. In these growing tissues the mother insect lays her eggs, which upon further growth, either through the secretion of particular substances or otherwise, determine the direction of growth of the cells and the final product which shall be formed. As has already been stated, galls show considerable variation, and, as there are many hundreds of distinct galls, various attempts have been made to classify them. Kuster has proposed an ana- tomical classification as follows: i. Galls in which there may be an enlargement of cells, but no cell multiplication ; 2. Soft galls, composed of numerous cells, the resulting product being more or less fleshy ; 3. Hard galls, in which there is an active cell division, and sclerotic modification of the external layer so as to prevent the drying up of the gall in summer and to guard against attack by birds and other animals. Modry ( Beitrage zur Gallenbiologie) , on the basis of Kuster's classification, has given a very compre- hensive review of the various structural (both external and in- ternal) characters of the various groups of zoo-cecidia. In a classification of galls Thomas has suggested as a class name for these structures the word CECIDIEN (meaning nut-gall). The cecidien or galls are divided into two main groups, as fol- lows : I. PHYTO-CECIDIEN or fungus galls, including the parasitic fungi which cause a metamorphosis in the shoots of larger shrubs and trees forming the structures commonly known as " Witches' MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 335 brooms." Galls exhibiting strange forms are also produced by the Gymnosporangia on the stems of the common juniper, the leaves of the mountain ash, etc. In this group would also be included the CROWN-GALLS occurring on a large number of plants, as grapes, peach, juniper, and field crops. At one time it was thought that these galls were due to frosts or mechanical injuries. The extended researches of Smith (Bulletin No. 213, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture) have shown that crown-galls are in the nature of bacterial diseases. He showed that crown-galls not only resembled malignant animal tumors, especially sarcoma, but demonstrated that this resemblance was more than superficial. II. ZOO-CECIDIEN, or those galls which are formed within the body of the plant and due to attacks by insects. This group includes by far the larger number of galls, and is further subdivided according to the various animal-groups causing them. Galls differ in structure, but the general nature of the anat- omy may be seen in a study of the common " ink ball " or " ink gall," formed on Quercus coccinea by Cynips aciculata. These galls are produced during the summer months on the young branches and sometimes on the acorns. When mature they fall from the trees and are nearly globular in shape, varying from 20 to 30 mm. in diameter. They are solid throughout and of the consistency of the pulp of a green apple. Externally they are smooth, and are colored a mottled green, yellow, or brownish- red. At this stage they are made up of three distinct zones: ( i ) A central area, made up of nearly isodiametric starch-bear- ing, parenchymatous cells. (2) The middle zone is composed of radially elongated parenchymatous cells, possessing thick, porous cellulose walls containing a lining of protoplasm and a few starch grains. With the development of the egg of the insect there also appear in the cells of this middle zone numerous starch grains closely resembling those found in the central zone. (3) An external layer made up of irregular parenchymatous cells, somewhat collenchymatic in character, with a lining of protoplasm as in the cells of the middle zone. In some studies on the origin of tannin in galls Kraemer (Bot. Gas., 1900, p. 275) showed that in the " ink gall " there are three 336 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. stages in their development, corresponding to the life periods of the insects and dianges in the constituents of the cells: (i) When the galls are first formed and the larva is beginning to de- velop, the cells of the outer zone, as well as those of the central FIG. 192. Transverse section of one of the collateral mestome strands of the stem of Viola tricolor arvenis: o, portion of cells of pericycle; e, endodermis; 1, leptome or sieve cells, in among which are some collenchymatous cells (c) ; m, cambium; t, spiral tracheae or vessels; g, strongly lignified tracheae; rp, medullary ray cells, the walls of which are com- posed of cellulose; rs. medullary ray cells the walls of which are strongly lignified; s, strongly lignified cells separating the mestome strands ; c, collenchyma; p, pith. zone, contain numerous small starch grains. (2) When the in- sect reaches the chrysalis stage the starch in the cells near the middle of the galls is replaced in part by gallic acid, while the cells at the center and near the periphery contain masses of tannic MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 337 W FIG. 193. Collateral fibrovascular bundle in Menispermum: C, cortex; B, bast fibers; St, stone cells connecting groups of bast fibers; S, sieve; M, cambium; T, tracheae; W, wood fibers; R, medullary rays; P, pith. 22 338 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. acid. (3) When the winged insect is developed nearly all of the cells contain amorphous masses of tannic acid with some adhering crystals of gallic acid. After the insect has emerged from the gall the constituents again undergo change, depending largely on the presence of moisture, when the tannic acid is changed into more or less insoluble products and the galls become more porous. THE INNER STRUCTURE OF THE STEM. If we make a transverse section of a young herbaceous stem, we observe a differentiation of the tissues, which in several re- spects agrees with that of the root previously described. In the primary structure of the stem the following tissues are to be noticed : The outermost layer is the epidermis with a more or less distinct cuticle ; the second is the cortical parenchyma, fre- quently having strands of collenchyma near the epidermis. The cortex often contains secretory cells or receptacles, and not infre- quently the innermost layer is differentiated as an endodermis. The latter surrounds the so-called pericycle, a sheath consisting of more or less distinct stereomatic strands, either forming a closed sheath or merely representing isolated arches outside the leptome of the stele. Inside the pericycle we observe the mestome strands constituting mostly one circular band (in cross section) in the Dicotyledons and Gymnosperms, or several more or less concentric bands in the Monocotyledons. The mestome strands or fibrovascular bundles may be collateral (Figs. 192-194), bi- collateral or concentric, the last of which being found only in the Monocotyledons (Fig. 195) and Ferns (Fig. 56). In the DICOTYLEDONS the collateral fibrovascular bundles occur most frequently and consist of three distinct portions, viz., phloem, xylem, and cambium. The phloem consists of sieve tubes, com- panion cells (or accompanying cells), and cambiform. The last two are thin-walled parenchymatous cells, those of the cambiform being considerably elongated. In addition there may be included in the phloem the stereomatic tissues or bast fibers, which are not infrequently well developed. The xylem includes tracheae or vessels, tracheids, wood parenchyma, and libriform or wood fibers. To the student some confusion may arise as to the apparent indiscriminate use of the terms, leptome and hadrome, the former MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS FIG. 194. Dicotyledonous stem structure. Transverse section through menisperrnum rhizome: E, epidermis; K, sub-epidermal cork; C, cortex; B, bast fibers; S, sieve; ST, Stone cells; CA, cambium; T, vessels; W, wood fibers; M, medullary ray cells; P, pith. 340 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 195. Monocotyledonous stem structure. Transverse section of convallaria rhizome: E, epidermis; H, hypodermis composed of collenchyma; C, cortex; EN, endo- dermis; S, perihadromatic sieve; T, tracheae or vessels; P, parenchyma. The bundles are of the collateral and concentric types. MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 341 being used as being apparently synonymous with phloem and the latter being equivalent to xylem. As a matter of fact, these terms are not equivalent, the phloem proper including bast fibers in addition to leptome ; and the xylem being composed of wood fibers in addition to hadrome; nor is the fibrovascular bundle synonymous with mestome strand, as the former includes not only the conducting tissues but the mechanical tissues as comprised in the xylem and phloem ; while the mestome strand includes only the conducting cells comprised in the leptome and in the hadrome, there being no sclerenchymatous fibers present. The following table will doubtless make clear to the student the relationship of these tissues to each other: Mestome or vascular bundle Leptome or Sieve portion Hadrome or Tracheal portion Stereome or Bast fibers f Sieve tubes < Accompanying cells \ (.Cambiform J Cambium [Tracheae < Tracheids I Wood parenchyma Libriform or Wood fibers Phloem Fibro- vascular bundle Xylem When the collateral mestome strand increases in thickness, the increase is due to the activity of the cambium, here called the INTRAFASCICULAR CAMBIUM, which then develops phloem or lep- tome outwardly and xylem or hadrome inwardly. Between the primary mestome strands there is frequently a procambium, which connects these strands with each other, and which gener- ally gives rise to secondary mestome strands, or the connection may be effected by means of the intrafascicular cambium, which often extends itself from one strand to another and develops lep- tome and hadrome, as in the primary strands ; such cambium is distinguished as INTERFASCICULAR CAMBIUM and is commonly referred to as the CAMBIUM RING. The BICOLLATERAL mestome strands or fibrovascular bundles, characteristic of some Dicotyledons (Labiatse, Solanacese, Cucurbi- tacese, etc.), differ from the COLLATERAL type by having a leptome 342 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. strand developed on the inner face of the hadrome; thus each mestome strand carries two strands of leptome (Fig. 197, C). In the CONCENTRIC mestome strands the leptome may encircle the hadrome, as in the Ferns (Fig. 56), or the hadrome may partly Kt Hr St Sr Mt Mi FIG. 196. The outer bark and part of trie inner bark of Rhamnus Purshianus in trans- verse, radial-longitudinal, and tangential-longitudinal sections. Me, transverse section of inner bark; Mt, tangential-longitudinal section of inner bark; Mr, radial-longitudinal section of inner bark; Sc, transverse section of stone cell area; St, tangential-longitudinal section of stone cell area; Sr, radial-longitudinal section of stone cell area; He, transverse section of outer layers of cortex; Hr, radial-longitudinal section of outer layers of cortex. Kc, Kt, Kr, transverse, tangential-longitudinal, and radial-longitudinal sections of cork; b, bast fibers; f, crystal fibers; p, parenchyma; e, sieve; sk, stone cells; m, medullary ray cells; c, collenchyma. (as in the rhizomes of many Monocotyledons) surround the lep- tome (Fig. 195). While thus the collateral type of strand or bundle occurs in both Monocotyledons (Fig. 195) and Dicotyle- dons (Figs. 192, 193), etc., the presence of a cambium is found only in the Dicotyledons and occurs extremely seldom in the Mono- MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 343 cotyledons. The central portion of the stele is frequently differ- entiated into a PITH of parenchymatic structure, the cells of which often contain large quantities of starch. In addition in the pith, we often find the same types of secretory cells or receptacles as occur in the cortex (as in Apocynum). The pith may constitute a homogeneous tissue or be broken, as in Phytolacca, Carya, Halesia, etc., where a longitudinal section shows the pith divided into a row of broad cavities formed by a separation of the cells as a result of the rapid longitudinal growth of the stem Finally it may be mentioned that cork is of frequent occur- rence, especially upon stems that persist more than one year. The cork may arise in the epidermis itself, or it may develop in the hypodermal strata of the cortex, or in still other cases we find its development much deeper, even within the pericycle. FIG. 197. Schematic representation of different types of mestome strands or fibro- vascular bundles: s, sieve; t, tracheae or vessels; e, position of the earliest tracheae formed; a, radial bundle or mestome strand; b, collateral bundle; c, bicollateral bundle; d and e, concentric bundles. After Meyer. In regard to the increase in thickness, the stem develops much like the root, as in the throwing off the peripheral tissues extend- ing from the epidermis to the endodermis, or of the epidermis and adjoining cortex, the displaced tissues are replaced by strata of cork and secondary cortex. The mestome strands in the stem, however, grow in a more regular manner than is the case with those of the root, as is seen in the very distinct and frequently very regular layering of the tissues of woody stems, forming the so-called " Annual Rings," where each ring represents the growth that occurs during a single year. The development of these annual rings depends especially upon the fact that the growth of the perennial stem does not take place continuously, but is in- terrupted during certain periods of the season, for instance dur- ing the winter or during the dry seasons of tropical climates. And since the tissues which are formed at tHe beginning of each 344 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. season's growth are distinct from those already formed during the previous season in both color and structure of the wood (espe- cially in the thickness of cell-walls and the width of the tracheae or vessels), we perceive in this manner distinct zones of wood, or the " annual rings " as they are called, the larger vessels with thin walls being produced in the spring and early summer. Various abnormal stem-structures are known which are due FIG. 198. Transverse section of wood of Rhamnus Frangula showing that the annular rings seen in woody portion of plants is due to a difference in the nature and structure of the cells formed in the spring and in the fall. In the spring numerous large tracheae or vessels (v) are formed, whereas in the fall very few vessels and mostly wood fibers are developed, the cells of these being smaller as they approach the end of the year's growth. After Rossmann. to certain peculiarities in the growth in thickness of stems. These are especially noticeable in lianes. In some of the Monocotyledons, as in Dracaena, Yucca, Agave and Aloe, we find a secondary in- crease in growth of the stems. In summarizing the root and stem structures of Monocotyle- dons and Dicotyledons the following general facts should be borne in mind. Monocotyledonous stems resemble Monocotyle- donous roots except that the fibrovascular bundle or mestome MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 345 strand of the former is concentric, whereas in the latter it is radial. The primary structure of Dicotyledonous roots is much the same as in Monocotyledonous roots. The primary structures of Dicotyledonous stems resemble the primary structure in Dicoty- ledonous roots except that the fibrovascular bundles of the former are of the collateral type. The secondary structures of both roots and stems of Dicotyledons are oractically alike. The characteristics FIG. 199. Section of a four-year-old stem of a pine cut in winter; q, view in trans-- verse section; 1, radial-longitudinal section; t, tangential-longitudinal section; f, spring wood; s, fall wood; m, pith; i, 2, 3, 4, successive years' rings of growth in which is shown the dividing line; ms, medullary rays in transverse section; ms 1 , ms 11 , medullary rays in radial-longitudinal section; ms 111 , medullary rays in tangential-longitudinal section: c, cambium; b, bast; h, resin-canals; br, bork. After Strasburger. distinguishing the primary and secondary structures of Dicotyle- donous stems may be summarized as follows : PRIMARY STRUCTURES. Epidermis, hypodermis, primary cor- tex, endodermis, pericambium or pericycle, stele consisting of collateral fibrovascular bundles and pith. SECONDARY STRUCTURES. Periderm derived from phellogen; secondary cortex, consisting of parenchyma and occasionally stone cells or secretory cells or vessels; phloem consisting of sieve, accompanying cells and sometimes bast fibers ; cambium in 346 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. A B FIG. 200. Coarse structure of a number of woods as seen with a Coddington lens: A, English walnut (Juglans regia) showing the tracheae evenly distributed in the form of pores, which can be seen in the wood with the naked eye; the medullary rays are rather faint and arranged in closely radiating, parallel rows; in the fall wood are numerous fine transverse lines parallel with the annular markings. B, shell-bark hickory (Carya ovata) showing a row of large tracheae (g) in the summer wood and somewhat smaller tracheae (g') scattered throughout the subsequent growth; medullary rays numerous, as are also the somewhat undulating transverse lines (F). C, white or canoe birch (Betula pendula) showing distinct annular rings and numerous medullary rays between which are scattered the small tracheae indicated by black dots. D, chestnut (Caslanea dentata) showing large tracheae arranged in circular groups, those of the successive layers being smaller and arranged some- what obliquely, forming triangular groups; medullary rays very faint; E, Elm (Ulmus campestris) showing tracheae arranged in circles in the summer wood and in the later growth a number of broad more or less undulating plates composed of very small tracheae; medullary rays quite distinct; F, Cherry (Prunus domestica), tracheae quite distinct in the summer wood, forming several circular rows; medullary rays broad and distinct. B, after Wiesner; the remainder after R. Hartig. MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 347 the form of a ring known as interfascicular cambium ; xylem com posed of tracheae, wood parenchyma, usually wood fibers and sometimes tracheids; medullary rays separating the collateral bundles; pith composed of parenchyma and sometimes having stone cells and secretory cells similar to those found in the cortex. In stems having bicollateral bundles, strands of phloem also* occur on the inner surface of the xylem rays. IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY OF THE STRUCTURE OF WOOD. The structure of stems in woody plants is very characteristic, not only in different families but in genera and at times in species. In the Pinaceae, for instance, the wood is entirely made up of tracheids, the tracheae being wanting. In most of the Dicotyledons tracheae are present, being absent only in certain water plants as Nymphaeaceae and in Drimys, a genus of the Magnoliaceae. In the Cactaceae the secondary wood is provided with annular and spiral tracheids. In practical work, whether it be in the study of plants for taxonomic purposes or for their industrial uses, the following are some of the observations that should be made: I. Structure of the walls and nature of the perforations or mark- ings in the tracheae or vessels. 2. The presence or absence and relative distribution of libriform or wood fibers (often referred to as wood prosenchyma). 3. The structure of the medullary rays not only as regards thickening of the walls and contents of the cells, but the number of the cells both as to width and height entering into the individual groups of rays. 4. Wood paren- chyma is variously distributed, the cells aggregated about the vessels being distinguished from those that form tangential bands separating the circles of vessels. The distribution of the crystals is also of importance, as they may occur in isolated cells or in superimposed cells adjoining the wood fibers and form the so- called crystal fibers. In the study of different commercial woods it is customary in practice to study the coarser features such as can be recog- nized by the help of an ordinary hand lens. In this superficial study many distinctive characteristics can be readily determined, as the nature of the annual rings, the size of the lumina of the ves- sels, as well as their abundance and arrangement, etc. (Fig. 200). 348 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. III. THE OUTER MORPHOLOGY OF THE LEAF. Leaves are lateral formations upon the stem and their growth is definite. They never occur on other portions of the plant than stems, from the surface of which they are developed. Leaves appear in acropetal succession, so that the youngest leaves occur nearest the apex of the stem. Terminal leaves are extremely rare, but arise in some instances from the flowers o>f certain Euphorbiaceae. FIG. 20 1. A, leaf of violet (Viola tricolor) showing broad lamina, long petiole, and one of the palmately-lobed stipules at the base of the petiole. B, C, stages In the development of the leaf. The lobes of the stipules (s) develop before the lamina (1). A Simple Leaf consists of a LAMINA or blade, which is usually membranous and of a green color, and a PETIOLE or stalk, which, however, may be wanting when the leaf is said to be sessile. Leaves may also possess a pair of leaf-like structures at the base, known as STIPULES (Figs. 201, 204). The principal function of the latter appears to be that of protecting the buds, as in the tulip poplar (Liriodendron) (Fig. 204), although they may be- come leaf-like and assist in the functions of the lamina, as in Viola tricolor (Fig. 201). MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 349 Light Relation of Leaves. While the lamina of the leaf appears to assume a more or less horizontal position, it usually inclines at such an angle as to receive the greatest amount of dif- fused daylight. Wiesner has shown, for instance, that when plants are so situated that they receive direct sunlight only for a time in the morning, and diffused daylight during the rest of the day, the position of the upper surface is at right angles to the incident rays of daylight, and not to that of the rays of the morning sun. This phenomenon may be studied in the house geranium and other window plants. In endeavoring to explain this behavior of the leaves, Frank assumes it to be due to a kind of heliotropic irritability peculiar to dorsiventral organs, and terms it TRANSVERSE HELIOTROPISM. The stem, as well as the petiole or stalk of the leaf, is also influenced by the light, and is said to manifest positive helio- tropism. Those parts of plants that turn away from the light, as the aerial roots of the ivy, are said to possess negative helio- tropism. Depending upon their relation to external agents, several forms of leaves are distinguished. In those which assume a more or less horizontal position the two surfaces of the lamina are quite different, and the leaves are said to be DORSIVENTRAL, or bifacial. Usually there is a more compact arrangement or stronger development of chlorophyll tissue on the upper or ventral surface, while on the lower or dorsal surface the veins stand out more prominently, and there is a greater number of stomata. In contrast with this type of leaf may be mentioned those which grow edgewise and in which both surfaces of the leaf are more or less alike, as in the Eucalypts and Acacias of Australia. In Iris and Calamus, the leaf-like organ is actually not the blade, but merely a part of the dorsal face, which, in the bud, has already pushed out so as to exceed the apex. Such leaves are called SWORD-SHAPED and are frequently referred to as EQUITANT. The leaves of certain species of Juncus, Carex and some of the grasses are commonly spoken of as CYLINDRIC. Such leaves are, how- ever, only apparently cylindrical, since the ventral surface is often distinct, though much narrower than the dorsal. They are also frequently hollow. 350 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Functions of the Leaf. When we speak of the leaves of the plant we usually have in mind the foliage leaves or green chlorophyll leaves. Under the influence of sunlight the chloroplasts are able to rearrange the elements in carbon dioxide and water, which are; looked upon as inorganic substances, into starch or related com- pounds which are of an organic nature. This process is known as carbon dioxide assimilation, or PHOTOSYNTHESIS, which latter term means the building up of a compound under the influence of light. In this process, which is sometimes expressed by the fol- lowing formula, oxygen is given off : 6C0 2 + 5 H 2 =. C 6 H 10 5 + 60 2 Carbon dioxide Water Starch Oxygen The importance of this function can be best appreciated by bearing in mind that all of the organic products built up by the plant are derived almost entirely from the carbon dioxide of the air which is taken in through the leaves. (Consult also pages I57-I59-) Transpiration and respiration are also functions of the leaf. TRANSPIRATION is the giving off of water (through water-pores), or watery vapor (through the stomata), which has been absorbed by the root-hairs and transported through the tissues of the root, stem and leaf ; the process of breathing, or RESPIRATION, consists in the taking in of oxygen and giving off of carbon dioxide, the exchange being just the reverse of what it is in photosynthesis. These several functions are, however, not confined to the leaf alone, but are carried on by all the green parts of the plant. PHYSIOLOGICAL EXPERIMENTS. The leaf is undoubtedly the most active part of the plant from the physiological point of view. Some of its activities can be demonstrated by comparatively sim- ple means. For instance, it can readily be shown, that leaves or rather chloroplastids form starch when exposed to sunlight but that no starch is formed when the light is not admitted, by a simple con- trivance called a leaf shield. This is a device by which a thin piece of glass can be clamped against the leaf. Over a portion of this glass a piece of tinfoil may be pasted, thereby shutting off the light from the underlying area. The procedure consists as MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 351 follows : On the day previous to the demonstration of the experi- ment the leaf shield is clamped on the leaf. On the following day the leaf is allowed to stand well exposed to the sunlight for several hours. The leaf is then removed from the plant, separated from the leaf shield, and after the chlorophyll is extracted by boiling in alcohol it is placed in weak iodine solution, whereby the entire part of the leaf exposed to the light is darkened in color, while the area protected by the tinfoil remains unchanged. The phenomenon of photosynthesis whereby the leaf uses carbon dioxide and gives off oxygen can be demonstrated by means of a photosynthometer. Ganong gives a detailed description of its construction and use. The underlying principle is that a known volume of leaf material is supplied with a known volume of carbon dioxide. After submitting the leaf to the sunlight a test is made of. the proportion o-f carbon dioxide and oxygen in the graduated tube, from which the activity of the leaf may be accurately deduced. The process of transpiration in leaves can also be readily shown. The mere fact of transpiration can be shown by inserting the leaves of a plant into a bell-jar which has at its base a sheet of rubber or other suitable material stretched over the opening with just sufficient aperture to admit the stem. The root being outside of the bell- jar can be kept moist and as transpiration takes place the moisture condenses on the inside of the glass. By means of an arm balance and devices for measuring the water supplied the plant, together with some covering to prevent evaporation from the surface of the soil, rather accurate deter- minations can be made of the quantities of water given off by the plant and calculations made for each square unit of leaf surface. The potometer is another ingenious simple contrivance which measures most accurately the amount of water transpired. It consists of a horizontally placed graduated tube which ends in a short vertical portion into which a stem bearing leaves can be tightly inserted after the instrument is filled with water. By means of a reservoir at the side and a stop-cock more water can be admitted as needed. Accurate readings over short periods of time are facilitated by admitting a small bubble of air as an index and observing the time of its passage along the graduated tube. (Consult Ganong: Plant Physiology.) 35 2 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Leaf Venation. The foliage leaves of higher plants are traversed by vascular bundles, which enter the blade through the petiole and diverge at the base, or, as in the case of Dicotyledons, branch in various ways ; and it will be seen that the form of the leaves corresponds to the distribution of the bundles. These bundles are known as veins or nerves, and they have two func- tions, namely, (i) that of a mechanical support, and (2) that of carrying nutritive materials to and from the leaves. The mode of venation in Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons differs somewhat, but it will be found that in a number of instances FIG. 202. Leaf venation: A, parallel-veined leaf of Solomon's seal (Smilacina race- mosa); B, pinnately-reticulate leaf of chestnut; C, palmately-veined leaf of Menispermum canadense. the venation of leaves of plants belonging to one of these great groups will resemble that of the leaves of certain plants in the other group. However, there are certain general types belonging to each group (Fig. 202). VENATION IN MONOCOTYLEDONS. An examination of the leaf of lily-of- the- valley shows that the primary veins run more or less parallel to the apex with short though distinct anastomoses. Such a leaf is said to be PARALLEL-VEINED or NERVED. It will moreover be noticed that. the distribution of the veins in this manner produces a lamina with an even, or entire margin, and MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 353 such a system of venation is known as a closed system of venation (Fig. 202, A). The leaves of Veratrum and Zea Mays furnish other examples of parallel-nerved leaves. In palms the venation is somewhat different. The veins, instead of converging toward the apex as they do in the more or less lanceolate leaf of lily-of -the- valley, radiate from the base to the margin of the more or less round leaf, and a leaf of this type is said to be PALMI-NERVED. There is still a third type of venation in Monocotyledons. In this instance one principal vein runs from the base to the apex of the leaf, and from this branches run parallel to the margin. The banana furnishes an example of this type, and is said to be PINNI-NERVED. VENATION IN DICOTYLEDONS. Here the veins are character- ized by their habit of repeatedly branching and anastomosing, whatever the general type of venation may be, and thus form a net-work or reticulum, hence the leaves are said to be RETICULATE or NETTED-VEINED. The principal types are as follows : A chest- nut or chinquapin leaf (Fig. 202) furnishes a good illustration of a pinnately-reticulate leaf. The principal vein which runs from the base to the apex is called the MIDRIB, while the secondary veins which arise from it and run more or less parallel to the margin are sometimes spoken of as ribs and may be likened to the plumes on the shaft of a feather. In other cases several large veins arise at the base and diverge toward the margin, giving rise to PALMATELY-VEINED leaves, as in the leaf of maple. There are still other types, as in cinnamon, which is said to be rib-netted, etc. Surface of Leaves. In addition to the markings of leaves due to veining there are certain other characters which serve to distinguish them. Hairs are of frequent occurrence on leaves, being generally most abundant on the dorsal surface, especially the veins, and various terms having reference to the kinds of hairs have been applied to leaves. Plant Hairs. When the surface of the plant (either of stems or leaves) is covered with short, fine hairs, which are not very dense and not matted, the surface is described as PUBESCENT; when the hairs are relatively long but scattered the surface is said 23 354 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. to be VILLOUS; or when the hairs cover each other in one direction it is described as SERICEOUS or silky. When the hairs are stiff though slender we speak of a HIRSUTE covering; when the hairs are vernate, thickish and stiff, as in Borago, the surface is spoken of as being HISPID. If the hairs are bristle-like the surface is described as STRIGOSE; or if they are terminated by a globular, glandular head (Figs. 100, 124), as GLANDULAR. Again, when the hairs are matted the surface is described as LANATE; when they are long it is said to be WOOLLY; or when they are short and soft as in Mullein it is said to be TOMENTOSE. When the hairs are hard and prickle-like the surface is described as HISPID or STRIGOSE ; when they are modified to spines it is said to be SPINOSE ; and when they are hooked it is described as ECHINATE. In still other cases the epidermal cells, particularly of leaves, are uneven, forming depressions and protuberances which if slight give the surface the appearance described as RUGOSE ; or if wart-like, give the appearance known as VERRUCOSE. Further- more, the veins of leaves may be quite prominent, particularly in the lower surface, and if they are much reticulated in addition, the surface is described as RETICULATE. Texture of Leaves. Leaves also vary in texture. A thin pliable leaf is called membranous ; one which is thick and leathery, coriaceous ; and one which is thick and fleshy, succulent, as that of the century plant and Aloe (Fig. 130). Forms of Leaves. The leaves of plants exhibit an almost innumerable variety of forms ; even on the same plant there are not infrequently several forms, as in Viola tricolor and sassafras (Fig. 203) ; even the two margins of the same leaf may vary, as in Hamamelis and Begonia, when it is known as an inequilateral or asymmetric leaf. It frequently happens that- the lower leaves on a shoot are lobed while the upper ones are entire, or some of the leaves may be sessile and other petiolate. Many of the terms used in ordinary language in describing the forms of objects are applied here also, as linear, lanceolate, oblong, elliptical, spatulate, wedge-shaped, etc. APEX OF LEAF. A number of descriptive terms are employed in describing the apex of the lamina, as ACUTE, when the form is MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 355 that of an acute angle; OBTUSE, when the angle is blunt; ACUMI- NATE, when the angle is prolonged ; TRUNCATE, when the end of FIG. 203. Variation in the form of leaves on the same plant: A, B, C, Leaves or sassafras; ,D, young castor oil plant showing cotyledons (t) and variously lobed older leaves. 1, lamina; p, petiole. the leaf appears to be cut off ; RETUSE, when it is slightly notched at the apex ; OBCORDATE, when the notch is pronounced ; EMAR- GINATE, when the degree of notching is between retuse and 356 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. obcordate. Sometimes the apex appears like the continuation of the midrib, when it is termed CUSPIDATE or mucronate. BASE OF LEAF. Some of the terms used in describing the gen- eral outline, as well as the apex of the leaf, are also applied to the base, as obtuse, truncate, cordate, reniform, etc. Other terms, however, especially apply to the base, as CUNEATE or wedge- shaped; CONNATE-PERFOLIATE, when opposite leaves are con- nected at the base and surround the stem ; PERFOLIATE, when the leaf simply clasps the stem. In Monocotyledons the base of the leaf is frequently developed as a closed or open sheath, some- times provided with a membranous protuberance between the sheath and the blade, as in the LIGULE of grasses and sedges. MARGIN OF LEAF. The leaves of many woody dicotyledonous plants of temperate regions possess an even margin. The others, according to the degree and character of the incisions or inden- tations, are described as SERRATE, when the apex of the divisions or teeth is sharp and directed forward like the teeth of a saw ; DENTATE, when the divisions project outward; CRENATE, when the teeth are more or less rounded ; REPAND, when the margin is somewhat wavy ; SINUATE, when the wavy character is pro- nounced ; LOBED, when the incisions extend not more than half- way into the lamina, and the sinus (or hollow) and the lobes are more or less rounded ; CLEFT, when the incisions are still deeper and the sinuses and lobes are somewhat acute; and DIVIDED (Fig. 205 ) , when the incisions extend almost to the midrib. Compound Leaves. The divisions of a parted leaf may assume the form of a simple leaf, when the divisions are known as LEAFLETS and the whole as a compound leaf. The distinction between a simple leaf and a leaflet is, that the former has a bud in the axil. The difference between the divisions of a simple leaf and those of a compound leaf is this, in the former they never become detached from the petiole or midrib, whereas in the com- pound leaf they are articulated and drop off individually. Com- pound leaves may be divided into PiNNATELY-compound (Fig. 204) or pALMATELY-compound (Fig. 210, E), this distinction depend- ing upon whether the leaflets are arranged pinnately or palmately. A number of forms of pinnately-compound leaves are recognized. When the leaflets are all lateral (Fig. 207) the leaf is said to be MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 357 PARI-PINNATE; when there is an odd or terminal leaflet as in the locust (Fig. 204) the leaf is IMPARI-PINNATE; when the midrib FIG. 204. Leaves having different forms of stipules (s) : A, bud-scale stipules of Lirio- dendron Tulipifera; B, thorny stipules and odd-pinnate compound leaf of the locust tree (Robinia Pseud-acacia); C, adnate stipules of rose; D, filiform stipules of the pear; E, fringed clasping stipules (ocrea) characteristic of all of the Polygonums; F, adnate stipules of clover. is prolonged into a tendril as in the garden-pea (Pisum) the leaf is said to be CIRRHIFEROUS-PINNATE. Movements of Leaves. The leaves as well as other organs of plants exhibit a variety of movements or curvatures in response 358 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. to stimuli of different kinds, and are said to possess the property of irritability. Movements of organs are of two general classes : (i) Those due to stimuli which originate in the plant and (2) those due to the influence of external factors. To the former class FlG. 205. Limnophila heterophylla, a marsh-plant belonging to the Scrophulariacese and growing in tropical Asia. The submerged or water leaves, below, are much divided and arranged in apparent whorls; while the leaves at the end of the shoot above water are entire and arranged in decussate dimerous whorls. In between occur transition forms, which are divided and variously lobed and arranged in decussate whorls. After Goebel. belong all those movements which occur during the course of development from the young to the mature stage. These are known as growth movements or NUTATION. They are especially noticeable in tips of growing branches, which instead of growing MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 359 FIG. 206. i, Leaf, fruits and flowers of Anemone Pulsatilla. 2, Leaf, flower and fruit of Anemone pratensis. The leaves are pinnately divided, the divisions being further incised or dissected. 360 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. in a straight line, move either from one side to the other, or coil or curve about an imaginary axis. This spiral movement is known as circumnutation and is characteristic of twining stems and tendrils, as the hop vine and tendrils of Bryonia ( Fig. 181 ) . Nuta- tion curvatures are due to unequal growth on two sides of the organ and cease when there is a cessation in growth or when the plant has reached maturity. The movements of organs due to external stimuli are usually in a direction which shows a relation to the direction of the stim- ulus, as those produced by gravity and light (Fig. 207), and these FIG. 207. American senna (Cassia marilandica). The figure at the left shows the pin- nately-compound leaves in the day position when under the influence of light, and the one to the right the drooping position of the leaflets at night. movements are of use in bringing the organs into more favorable positions for growth. Stimuli of this kind are spoken of as orienting or TROPIC. The compound leaves of a number of plants exhibit in addition certain variable and periodic movements, which have their origin in a special mechanism known as the PULVINIS. The pulvinis appears as a swelling on the petiole and consists of parenchymatous tissue which is highly turgid, i.e., full of water. Any stimulus, such as mechanical shock, which causes a differ- ence in the degree of turgidity on two sides, will result in a move- ment of the leaves in such plants as Mimosa, Oxalis and locust. The leaves of Mimosa pudica, a common cultivated sensitive plant, show a very rapid response to such stimuli, the leaflets folding MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 361 together and the petiole and petiolules drooping. In other cases there is a change in the position of the leaves following the alter- nations of day and night. During the day the leaflets are spread out freely, but at night or in darkness they droop and fold together. These are spoken of as nyctinastic (nyctitropic) or " sleep movements," and are exhibited by a number of leguminous plants, as clover, bean, Cassia (Fig. 207), and by wood-sorrel (Oxalis Acetosella) and various cultivated species of Oxalis. The leaves of Oxalis as well as of some other plants fold together II FIG. 208. So-called carnivorous plants. I, the pitcher plant (Sarracenia Purpurea) showing the modified pitcher-like leaves (A) with inflated portion which narrows into the petiole, and a terminal, more or less spreading winged portion; and a flower and flower-bud (B). II, three species of sundew: A, Drosera rotundifolia; B, D. intermedia; C, D. longifolia. I, after Gray; II, after Drude. under the influence of intense light as well as at night or when the amount of light is reduced. Of special interest also are the lateral leaflets of Desmodium gyrans (telegraph plant) which describe curvatures at more or less regular intervals day and night when the temperature is favorable. The leaves of the sundew (Drosera) are remarkable for their sensitiveness to touch. The upper surface and margin are provided with peculiar hairs or 362 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. tentacles (Fig. 208, //) which when touched, as by an insect, gradually curve inward. Not only this', the stimulus may be trans- mitted to other tentacles and sometimes even the blade itself may FIG. 209. Flowering plant of Venus's Flytrap (Dioneea muscipula) of North Carolina, showing the sensitive armed leaves both open and closed, in one of which an insect has been imprisoned. Drawn from nature by Florence Newton. roll inward to some extent, thus entrapping small insects which serve as food to the plant. The leaves of a related plant Dioncea are even more sensitive and when special hairs on the blade are touched that part of the lamina bearing these hairs closes with a MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 363 quick, trap-like movement, imprisoning its insect prey (Fig. 209). Phyllotaxy, or phyllotaxis, is the study of the distribution of leaves upon the stem, and of the laws which govern it. If we examine germinating plants of the beech, the elm, or the oak, we observe that, while the seed-leaves are opposite to each other, the subsequent leaves are arranged according to a different order in these several plants, but in a definite manner in each. In the elm, the distribution of the leaves is such that the third leaf is directly above the first; in the beech, the fourth leaf is above the first, and in the oak, the sixth leaf is above the first. If these leaves are con- nected in the order of their development, it will be seen that they describe a spiral in their arrangement, and it will also be found that one or more circuits of the stem are made between the super- imposing leaves. Furthermore, it will be found that this arrange- ment constitutes a mathematical series which may be expressed in degrees, or the parts of a circle that the leaves are from each other, this measure being known as DIVERGENCE; or by the number of perpendicular rows of leaves on the stem, which are known as ORTHOSTICHIES. The following may serve to illustrate the terms used : LEAVES. DIVERGENCE. ORTHOSTICHIES. Degrees. Parts of a Circle. Elm . .... 1 80 120 144 fc i t Distichous Tristichous Pentastichous Beech Oak If we examine the fractions used, we will find that the numer- ator indicates the number of turns around the stem before encoun- tering a superimposed leaf, and that the denominator indicates the number of leaves found ; the latter also expresses the number of orthostichies. On adding the numerators and denominators of any two successive fractions, a fraction is obtained which ex- presses the next highest arrangement, as In quite a number of plants two leaves arise at the nodes, as in the Labiatse. These are invariably situated opposite each other 364 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY on the stem, and the successive pairs alternate with one another, forming the decussate arrangement of leaves (Figs. 180, i8'i, 184). Modified Leaves. Leaves are variously modified and serve for other purposes than those already described. They may be fleshy in character and serve as storehouses for nutritive material, as the seed-leaves of the oak, or they may serve for the stor- age of water, as in Agave, Aloe and succulents. In some instances, particularly when situated near the flowers, they lose their green color, as in the dogwood, skunk cabbage and others. In other cases they are modified so that they serve as a trap for insects, as in Dioncca, Sarracenia and Drosera (Figs. 208, 209). The peti- ole may become enlarged and perform the functions of the leaf, as in the Acacias of Australia ; or it may become bladder-like and servers a means for floating the plant, as in the water hyacinth. The stipules may likewise be modified, becoming leaf-like, as in the pansy (Fig. 201 ) ; or metamorphosed into thorns, as in the locust ; or clasping, as in Polygonum. In some cases the leaves are very much reduced, their functions being performed by the stem, as in Cactacese, or even by the roots, as in some orchids which have assimilating roots. Prefoliation or vernation is the disposition of leaves in the bud. The terms used to describe the folding of the leaves in the bud are derived from an examination of transverse sections of the bud. The following are some of the terms which are em- ployed: CONDUPLICATE, when the lamina of the leaf is folded lengthwise along the midrib so that the two halves of the upper surface lie together, as in the Magnoliaceoc ; PLICATE or plaited, when the lamina is folded along the veins, like a closed fan, as in the maples ; CONVOLUTE, when rolled lengthwise and forming a coil in cross section, as in the Rosacece; INVOLUTE, when both mar- gins are inrolled lengthwise on the upper surface, as in the violets ; REVOLUTE, when both margins are inrolled lengthwise on the lower surface, as in Azalea. In addition, there are several terms used which are derived from the appearance of the bud, as RECLINATE or inflexed, when the upper part is -bent on the lower, as in Liriodendron ; and CIRCINATE, when the upper part is coiled on the lower so that the tip of the leaf is in the center of the coil, as in the ferns. MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 365 THE INNER STRUCTURE' OF THE LEAF In all green leaves the typical structure is as follows : A cuticle covers the outer cell-wall of the epidermis, while the epidermis itself shows much of the same modifications as exist in the stem ; frequently the lumen of the cells of the epidermis is wider on the FIG. 210. Group of transplanted wild plants showing variation in form of leaves. A, Cinnamon fern (Osmunda cinnamomea) showing sporophylls (fertile leaves) and a cluster of pinnatifid sterile leaves, the pinnae being linear-lanceolate and deeply pinnatifid; B, wild ginger (Asarum canadense) showing basal, reniform, long-petiolate leaves with cordate base and slightly pointed apex; C, young hickory (Hicoria ovata) showing the odd-pinnate (impiri pinnate), 5- to 7-foliate leaves; D, ternate, decompound leaf of Virginia grape fern (Botrychium virginianum) ; E, digitately compound leaves of cinquefoil (Potentilla). ventral face than on the dorsal. Hairs abound on the leaves in many plants, and stomata are especially frequent on the dorsal surface. The upper epidermis may further be characterized by the presence of water-pores, the origin and function of which have already been described (Fig. 147). 366 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. The green chlorophyll-bearing tissue is called CHLORENCHYMA (frequently spoken of as mesophyll), and is frequently differen- tiated into a ventral PALISADE TISSUE, composed of long cells which are placed vertically to those of the epidermis; and a DORSAL PNEUMATIC TISSUE, made up of irregularly branched or lobed cells with very large intercellular spaces. Secretory cells or receptacles occur in the chloTenchyma of many plants and corre- spond with those found in the cortex of the stem. When the palisade tissue occurs on both faces of the leaf blade with the pneu- ST- FIG. 211. Transverse section of midrib of leaf of stramonium: EU, upper epidermis; CO, collenchyma; PA, palisade cells; O, layer of cells containing rosette aggregates of calcium oxalate; M, loose mesophyll; EL, lower epidermis; OP, prisms of calcium oxalate; OS, sphenoidal micro-crystals of calcium oxalate; ST, stoma; T, tracheae; SU, leptome or sieve on upper side of tracheae or vessels; SL, sieve on lower side of tracheae, this arrange- ment of leptome or sieve and tracheas forming bicollateral fibrovascular bundles. matic tissue in the center, the leaf is called " unifacial " or " iso- lateral " (Figs. 211, 215) ; otherwise the leaf is said to be " bi- facial " or " dorsiventral," i.e., with two distinct surfaces. Mechanical tissues, as collenchyma and stereome, are frequent and these accompany the veins as hypodermal strands, being best developed usually on the dorsal face of the latter, as underneath the leptome. The mestome-strands of the leaf blade generally lie in a single plane. They are collateral and have the leptome situated towards the dorsal face. They are nearly always sur- MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 367 rounded by thin-walled PAREXCHYMA-SHEATHS, or as in several grasses and sedges by thick-walled mestome-sheaths. In some plants of various families, the midrib is not only stronger devel- FIG. 212. Study of the stomata on leaves of Beta vulgaris: A and B, surface sections of the leaf, and C and D, transverse sections of the stomata. In A and C, the stomata are shown with the guard cells (s) distended and the pore (sp) open to allow the passage of vapors and gases. B and D, showing the pore or opening closed due to the plasmolysis of the contents of the guard cells, the internal pressure or tension having been relieved. e, epidermal cells; a, large cavity or intercellular space beneath stomata; and m, loose mesophyll cells with chloroplasts. After Frank. oped than the lateral veins, but it may be composed of several, instead of only one, mestome-strand, sometimes representing a true stele. 368 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. The petiole generally shows the structure of the midrib as far as concerns the mestome-strands, but possesses furthermore a more or less strongly developed parenchyma, the cells of which FIG. 213. Development of stomata on leaves of Sedum purpurascens: in A very early stages of growth, and B nearly completed stoma. In B are shown a stoma with two guard cells, three neighboring cells and two of the epidermal cells (e) ; the numbers in B correspond to those in A and show the origin of the several cells from the division of a single epidermal cell. After Sachs. are colorless, thin-walled and which may often be traced to the leaf-blade itself, where it surrounds the stronger veins, causing FIG. 214. Transverse section through a stomata showing how by a slight difference in the tension the pore is either opened or closed; the dark lines show contour of cells when open, the light lines show when they are closed. After Schwendener (See Haberlandt, Physiologische Pflanzenanatomie). them to project as ribs and to be much thicker in cross-section than the adjoining chlorenchyma. From a histological point of view the leaf structure of MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 369 Dicotyledons resembles very closely that of the Monocotyledons, except that in the latter the palisade-cells often radiate towards the center of the mestome-strands. There are, however, many instances of a similar development in the leaves of Dicotyledons. Abnormal structures are common in leaves, especially in such FlG. 215. Transverse section of leaf of Phytolacca decandra showing upper epidermis (ue), palisade cells (p), raphides (r), spiral tracheae (v), loose mesophyll (m) with large intercellular spaces, and lower epidermis (le) with a stoma. as are not held in a horizontal position, but vertical, as those of Eucalyptus, the Irideae, etc. The Epidermis forms the surface of the leaf and may con- sist of one or more layers of cells. The outer walls are cutinized, and when nearly smooth the leaf is said to be GLABROUS. They may be covered or whitened with a bloom, as in magnolia, when 24 370 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. the leaves are spoken of as GLAUCOUS. In other cases the outer walls of the epidermal cells are modified to hairs (Figs. 100, 124, 125, I4&-I55)- ANATOMICAL DIFFERENCES IN LEAVES. The walls of the epidermal cells, although usually isodiametric, are often very zig-zag in outline. In size, the upper epidermal cells are usually larger in a given species than those of the lower surface, and sometimes are rather linear, resembling a palisade layer. The FIG. 216. A, transverse section of leaf of Lobelia inflata showing the large irregular epidermal cells (e), palisade cells (p), trachea (t), loose parenchyma (m), and lower epider- mis (i). B, transverse section of leaf of Matico showing oil-secretion reservoir (o), upper epidermis (e), lower epidermis (1), with non-glandular hairs (h), palisade layers (p), loose mesophyll (m). cuticle may be thin or leathery and tough, and sometimes is pro- vided with minute ridges or crests, especially on the under sur- face, thereby giving a dull appearance to the leaf. Many leaves, too, excrete wax on the surface and consequently have a glaucous or hoary appearance, notably some of the poppies, the common jewel-weed and many others. Other modifications may have to do with the gelatinization of the epidermis of the leaf, assisting in the storage of water, as in the leaves of the violets. The differentiation in forms of calcium oxalate crystals is also im- MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 371 portant in distinguishing plants that resemble each other. The size and number of stomata as well as their distribution and arrangement with respect to each other varies in different plants. For example, in certain saprophytic or submerged plants the num- ber of stomata is greatly or even completely reduced, and when pres- ent are quite functionless. Sometimes the stomata are depressed FIG. 217. Transverse section of leaf of Matico near two veins; showing the upper epidermis of several layers (e), two layers of palisade cells (p), tracheae (t), sieve (s), collen- chyma (c), loose parenchyma containing crystals of calcium oxalate (ca), and non-glandular hairs (h). below the surface of the leaf, this being true in plants occurring in dry or cold districts, and is distinctly characteristic of many Coniferse. There is a marked difference in the arrangement of the pali- sade tissues, the following types being distinguished : i. In bifacial 372 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. N FIG. 218. Digitalis leaves: A, transverse section near one of the veins showing the separated or extra-epidermal layer occurring on the lower surface (S) with two non-glandular hairs (N) and glandular hair (G), epidermal layer (E), lower epidermis (LE), chlorophyll layer (M), upper epidermis (UE), and tracheae (T). B, transverse section of portion of leaf showing the separated or additional epidermal layer; c, collenchyma. or dorsiventral leaves the palisade cells are distributed only below the upper epidermal layer (Figs. 211, 215). 2. In unifacial or MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 373 isolateral leaves the palisade cells occur beneath the epidermal layers of both leaf surfaces, as in senna. 3. In some leaves, as in Eucalyptus, the entire parenchyma is made up of palisade cells. 4. In a few leaves there is no differentiation of a palisade layer, and these are sometimes referred to as centric leaves. The palisade cells may contain not only chloroplastids but crystals of calcium oxalate (Fig. 215), tannin-inclusions (Fig. 114), etc. Distributed among the palisade cells may be the oil-secretion reservoirs (Fig. 216, B). Furthermore, the palisade cells may be of equal length or the stratification may be quite uneven and irregular. In shape they may vary from long, narrow cells to short, broad cells. In some special instances they are narrowed at the lower end in the form of a blunt cone forming the so-called " funnel cells," which are especially characteristic of plants in- habiting moist localities. There is still another common form known as arm-palisade parenchyma, in which the cells are branch- ing and connected with each other by means of the branches. Tissues of this type occur in the Equisetacese, Filices, Coniferse, Graminese, and in a number of Dicotyledons, such as Aconitum, Adonis, Anemone, Caltha, Clematis, Delphinium, Nigella, Pseonia, and Trollius in the Ranunculacese ; Sambucus and Viburnum in the Capri foliacese; Lysimachia and Trientalis in the Primulacese. The spongy tissue or dorsal pneumatic tissue shows consider- able variation in the arrangement and shape of the cells. In some leaves the cells are arranged in strata or layers, while in others they are more or less irregular. The cells may be spherical or provided with a number of arms, the latter developing parallel to the surface of the leaf or radiating in any direction, thus caus- ing a variation in the nature and size of the intercellular spaces. In some instances there are included in the mesophyll certain mechanical cells, of which the simplest are like ordinary stone cells. They may be more or less elongated or branched or even quite fibrous, and are known as SPICULAR CELLS. The latter are sometimes quite prominent when they traverse the leaf in a verti- cal direction, giving rise to translucent spots. Spicular cells have been found in the mesophyll of quite a number of families. They are quite characteristic, although absolutely not constant, in the ^genuine tea leaf (Thea sinensis). 374 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. IV. OUTER MORPHOLOGY OF THE FLOWER. It is well known if the stem of a plant, as the carnation, rose, geranium, etc., be cut into pieces so that each portion has at least one node and placed under suitable conditions for growth, roots will arise from the nodes that are in the ground and a new plant will be developed. The same result can be achieved if plants like Ficus, growing in a greenhouse, have placed around the nodes near the tip of the branches a clump of sphagnum, and if the latter be kept moist roots will arise from the joints. This method of increasing the number of individual plants, while it is limited to certain perennials and cannot be followed with annuals or bien- nials, is frequently resorted to by horticulturists, and is known as vegetative propagation. The production of independent plants in this manner is dependent upon the property of the meristematic cells in the pericycle of the stem to produce the meristems that give rise to the tissues of the root. As this process of propagation for plants growing in temperate regions and in cold climates would be more or less uncertain for the perpetuation of the species, it is fortunate that in Nature safer methods of reproduction are followed, depending upon the development of flowers and the production of seed. In the latter there is a young plant with all of the elements of root and shoot contained therein and so pro- tected by a seed-coat that it may withstand extremes of climatic conditions, as well as the various hostile forces to which it might be subjected. THE FLOWER is a shoot which has undergone a metamorphosis so as to serve as a means of propagating the individual. It is an unb ranched and definite shoot, or an apex of a shoot. It might be termed a " dwarf-branch " that dies and drops off the plant after the maturation of the fruit. The most complete flower has four kinds of leaves: sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels. The sepals, usually green and leaf -like, make up the outer spiral known as the calyx. The petals being frequently highly colored form an inner spiral known as the corolla. The stamens are the polliniferous organs of the flower, and the carpels bear the ovules which later develop into seeds. While the flower is a very complicated structure in many MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 375 cases, the definition given it by some writers is very simple. It is defined as a branch which bears sporophylls. As we have seen, a sporophyll is a leaf which bears sporangia. According to the definition given, the strobiles or cones of the Gymnosperms and certain Pteridophytes, as the horsetails and club mosses, are entitled to rank as flowers. In Angiosperms other leaves may be present, and these are known as the FLORAL LEAVES. The flower, then, in Angiosperms is made up of sporophylls which are essential, and floral leaves which may or may not be present. But in speaking of the sporophylls of the flower in Angiosperms it is customary to use terms which were applied to them before their relation to the similar organs in the Gymnosperms and Pterido- phytes was understood. Thus the microsporophylls, as already pointed out, are known as STAMENS, and the megasporophylls as CARPELS. For a great many years botanists taught that the stamens and carpels are transformed foliage leaves, in other words, that they are derived from foliage leaves, but in more recent years the view has been established that they arise as independent members, are, in fact, as independent as the foliage leaves themselves. Various transformations or modifications may and do occur, but these are not confined to the foliage leaves alone, for under cer- tain conditions the sporophylls may assume the character of floral leaves. It is true that in the case of some ferns the sporophylls bear a strong resemblance to foliage leaves, as in Dryopt-eris Filix-mas (Fig. 53), but this does not necessarily prove that the sporophylls of Angiosperms are transformed leaves, but only that the further back we go, the less the degree of differentiation of parts until we reach the unicellular algae. The flowers of the Angiosperms differ from those of the Gymnosperms in that the ovules (megasporangia) are enclosed, before pollination, in an ovary which has developed a special organ the stigma for the reception of the pollen grains (micro- spores), and the floral envelopes are much more conspicuous. The several parts of the flower are arranged more or less compactly at the terminus of an axis known as the flower branch, the special portion bearing these parts being known as the TORUS 376 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. (sometimes spoken of as the receptacle), and that portion below the flower proper as the flower stalk (Fig. 78, PE). The carpel or carpels occupy the terminal portion of the branch, while the stamens and floral leaves occur in circles or whorls below. Pistil. There may be only one carpel present in a flower, or there may be more. In the latter case the carpels may remain distinct or they may be united, but, whatever the number or the degree of union, it is the carpel or carpels which constitute the closed structure known as the pistil. The pistil is usually differ- entiated into three quite distinct regions: (i) A lower bulbous portion which contains the ovules, known as the OVARY; (2) a neck-like portion known as the STYLE; and (3) at the top of the style a specialized portion which receives the pollen, known as the STIGMA (Figs. 78 and 219). When the pistil is made up of a single carpel it is said to be SIMPLE, and when composed of more than one carpel it is called COMPOUND. The carpels in the compound pistil appear to be united in different ways. Sometimes they appear to have coalesced or grown together at the margins, thus forming an ovary with but one chamber or compartment ( Fig. 223, B ) . In the other cases the carpels appear as though they were incurved or folded together at the margins along the line of union, thus forming septa or walls which divide the inner cavity into several compartments or locules (Fig. 223, A, C). When the carpels are not united but remain separate, there are as many pistils as carpels, as in the flowers of buttercup (Fig. 223, D) . Thus a unilocular ovary may belong to a simple or com- pound pistil. GYN^ECIUM. The aggregate of pistils in a flower constitutes the gynsecium. If the gynsecium is made up of a number of simple pistils, as in the flower of buttercup (Fig. 223, D), it is said to be APOCARPOUS. But if the carpels are united into one structure, then the gynsecium is said to be SYNCARPOUS, as in the orange flower, which is in reality equivalent to a compound pistil. Inasmuch as the styles and stigmas are frequently not united, the expression compound ovary is usually employed. According as the gynse- cium consists of one, two, three, or many carpels, it is said to be monocarpellary, dicarpellary, tricarpellary, or polycarpellary. MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 377 The pistil of the flower of the pea is simple and has an elon- gated ovary, and upon dissecting the ovary and also making a transverse section of it, it is observed that the ovules are borne upon the part which projects from the concrescent margins into the cavity, this part being known as the PLACENTA, and the united J " (/ H FIG. 219. Pistils and different kinds of stigmas. A, simple (monocarpellary) pistil of willow with lobed stigma; B, compound pistil of Fourcroya with head-like stigma; C, longitudinal section through flower of Spondias with five separate styles and stigmas, only three of which are shown; D, flower of Peperomia showing bristly stigma; E, recurved, thread-like stigmas of the Upas-tree (Antiaris); F, flower of a Canary grass showing the two simple plumose stigmas; G, pistillate flower of couch grass showing the two compound plumose stigmas; H, thread-like stigmas of pistillate inflorescence of Euchlawa one of the grasses; J, tri- parted stigmas of the pistillate flower of the castor-oil plant; K, L, two forms of stigmas of Begonia. After Engler. margins of the carpel forming the " inner " or VENTRAL SUTURE. In the syncarpous gynaecium the ventral suture of the carpels is directed toward the axis of the flower ; in some cases that portion of the carpel corresponding to the midrib is very prominent, as in the Papilionatse, and has received the name of " outer " or DORSAL SUTURE. There are as many locules in the ovary as there are carpels, 378 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. and the walls or partitions between the locules of a syncarpous gynaecium are known as DISSEPIMENTS; when three or more carpels are united the number of dissepiments corresponds to the number of carpels. It sometimes happens that a partition or wall is intruded from the mid-vein of the carpel, dividing a unilocular ovary into one that is bilocular, as in species of Astragalus, and such a partition is termed a FALSE DISSEPIMENT. When no other than the true dissepiments exist in the syn- carpous gynaecium the placentas are borne along the axis of the flower and are termed axial placentas. In the Caryophyllaceae the ovules are borne upon a central axis, and the dissepiments having been absorbed by the gynaecium is said to possess a free central placenta. In other cases the placentas grow backward from the central axis toward the mid-vein of the carpel, carrying the ovules with them, when they are spoken of as parietal pla- centas, as in colocynth fruit and watermelon. The STYLE not only varies in shape and size but in the manner of attachment to the ovary (Fig. 219) ; it may be very short, as in the clove; long and filiform, as in (Enothera; club-shaped (clav- ate), as in the orange; or broad and petalloid, as in Iris. It is usually situated at the summit of the ovary, when it is said to be apical or terminal ; it may, however, be laterally attached, as in the strawberry, or, as in a few instances, attached to the base of the ovary. It is usually smooth, but may be hairy, as in the Com- positae. The styles, like the carpels, may be separate or united, and in the latter case may have a central canal connecting the stigma with the ovary, as in the violets. While usually deciduous, the style may be more or less persistent forming a part of the fruit or even become much elongated, as in the dandelion. The STIGMA is an essential part of the pistil in that it is the germinating surface for the pollen grains, it being viscid and espe- cially adapted for this purpose (Fig. 219). The stigmas may be separate, as in the Compositse, or they may be united into a more or less club-shaped or globular head, consisting of as many lobes as there are stigmas, as in the poppy. The stigma, while usually solid, may have an opening, as in the violets, which sometimes has a lid-like appendage, as in Viola tricolor. The OVULES (Fig. 219), as we have already seen, are small MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 379 bodies which are borne on the placentas, and which, after fertiliza- tion, develop into seeds. The number of ovules varies considerably there may be but one, as in the almond, or there may be a large number, as in the watermelon. There are several principal forms of ovules (Fig. 220) recog- nized, of which the following may be mentioned : ( i ) ATROPOUS, in which the ovule is straight and erect on its stalk, as in the Urticacese; (2) AN ATROPOUS, in which the ovule is bent over on to the stalk so as to be in an inverted position, the line of attachment of the ovule and stalk being known as the raphe (Fig. 230, n) ; (3) CAMPYLOTROPOUS, in which the ovule is bent upon itself, as in Stramonium, this form being less frequent than the other two. Most of the ovules of flowering plants are anatropous. FIG. 220. Three positions of ovules. A, atropous; B, anatropous; C, campylotropous. (f) funiculus or stalk; (c) chalaza, or point of union of nucellus and integuments; (k) nucellus or megasporangium; (em) embryo-sac or megaspore; (ai) outer integument; (ii) inner integument; (m) foramen or orifice for entrance of pollen tube, known as the micropyle in the seed; (r) raphe. After Prantl. Stamen. As already indicated, the stamen consists of a stalk-like portion called the FILAMENT, and a specialized portion which bears the sporangia, called the ANTHER (Fig. 78). The filament may be long or short or wanting. It is commonly thread- like, but varies considerably, and is sometimes leaf-like. The ANTHER is the essential part of the stamen (Fig. 221) and consists of two lobes, each of which is composed of two divi- sions or pollen sacs (Fig. 79). These sacs contain the pollen, which is commonly discharged either through a longitudinal suture or line of dehiscence, or through an opening at the tip. The anthers may be variously attached to the filament (Fig. 221). When they face the axis of the flower they are said to be INTRORSE, as in the Violacece, and when they face the perianth they are said A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 221. Different types of stamens. Abbreviations: filament (f), pollen sacs or iheca (sporangia) (th), connective (c). A, stamens of a water lily (NymphoBO) showing variation in the stamens (a-d) ; B, theca near middle of the stamen of Popowia; C, anther of another species of Popowia with fleshy connective and pollen sacs on either side; D, stamen of Tradescantia with transverse connective; E, F, G, stamens of several Commelinaceae with broad connectives; H, stamen of Salvia with peculiar swinging connective and an aborted pollen sac or staminodium (std) at the lower end and the fertile pollen sac above; J, peculiar elongated connective of Unona; K, elongated connective of Humiri; L, .andrce- cium of violet showing two spurred sessile stamens; M, stamen of Columelia with sinuous confluent anthers, broad connective and short filament; N, confluent transverse pollen sacs of Arisarum; O, united pollen sacs of Columbine showing small connective; P, spherical pollen sacs of C alia, with slightly developed connective; Q, versatile anther and long, slen- der filament of dead nettle (Lamium album) ; R, dehiscence of anther of Solanum by means of terminal pores; S, spurred anther of Arbutus with terminal pores; various kinds of val- vular dehiscence, as in Berberis (T), Atkerosperma (U) and Persea (V). A, after Caspary; B, H-R, U, V, after Baillon; S, T, after Sachs; D-G, after Schonland. to be EXTRORSE, as in the Magnoliacese ; when they lie horizontally on the tip of the filament, so that they swing as on a pivot, as in the tiger lily, they are said to be VERSATILE ; when they adhere MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 381 longitudinally to the sides of the filament and the dehiscence is marginal, they are said to be INNATE; when they adhere longi- tudinally to the filament and the latter extends slightly beyond them, they are said to be ADNATE, in which case they may be extrorse or introrse. In some of the Labiatae the lobes of the anther are united at the apex of the filament, but diverge from the point of attachment and are said to be connate, coherent, or CONFLUENT. The CONNECTIVE is that portion of the filament to which the lobes of the anther are attached or which connects them (Fig. 221 ); usually it is not very prominent ; but in some of the Labiatae, as in Salvia, it is rather broad ; in some of the Malvaceae it is entirely wanting, the two lobes being confluent ; in other cases it may be extended beyond the lobes of the anther, as in species of Asarum. APPENDAGES OF ANTHER. In certain instances the anthers are appendaged (Fig. 221) : In the violets there is a triangular growth at the apex ; in the oleander the apex is plumose ; in deer berry (V actinium stamineum) there are two awn-like append- ages upon the back of the anther; in the violets the two stamens that project into the spurred petal are also spurred and secrete a nectar; in the Asclepiadaceae the anthers possess wing-like ap- pendages, each sac or division of which contains a pear-shaped coherent mass of pollen grains (pollinium). When a flower has but one stamen it is termed MONANDROUS ; and when there are two, three, or many stamens, it is said to be diandrous, triandrous, or polyandrous (Fig. 223). The aggregate of stamens in the flower is called the ANDRCECIUM. In the Labi- atae there are four stamens arranged in a longer and shorter pair, and the stamens are said to be DIDYNAMOUS ; in the Cruciferae the flowers possess six stamens, four of which are longer than the other two, and the stamens are described as TETRADYNAMOUS ; in some plants, as in the Lobeliaceae, Papilionatae, etc., the fila- ments cohere, forming groups (Fig. 222) which are termed mona- delphous, diadelphous, etc. ; in the flowers of the potato the anthers lie close together but are not united, forming apparently a continuous ring or band around the pistil, when they are said to be connivent ; in the tubular flowers of the Composite the 382 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. anthers are united, forming a closed ring, and the stamens are spoken of as SYNGENESIOUS (Fig. 222, A) ; in many of the Cucur- bitacea the filaments and anthers both are confluent ; in the flowers of the Orchidaceae the stamens are borne upon the pistil and are said to be GYNANDROUS. Floral Envelopes. As their name indicates, the floral en- velopes occupy the outermost or lowest position in the arrange- ment of the parts of the flower. In the bud condition they protect the essential elements, and in the expanded flower are considered to play an important role in securing pollination through the visitation of insects. The floral envelopes are made up generally of two kinds of leaves, petals and sepals (Figs. 224 to 227). FIG. 222. Union of stamens. A, united anthers of flower of Composite; B, diadelphous stamens of Pisum with i free stamen and 9 united; several types of monadelphous stamens, as in Erythroxylon (C), Melia Azedarach (D), and common mallow (E). After Baillon. The PETALS form a spiral which surrounds the androecium. They are, as a rule, quite bright and attractive, being frequently highly colored, as in the rose, Fuchsia, violet, etc., and are known collectively as the COROLLA. The SEPALS form the next and lowermost spiral. They are usually green and leaf-like, as in the rose and carnation, and together constitute the CALYX. Sometimes the corolla and calyx are spoken of together as the PERIANTH, although, strictly speak- ing, the term has a more special application, and is used mostly in speaking of the sepals and petals of monocotyledonous flowers, MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 383 these parts being much alike and not distinguishable, save in posi- tion, as in certain lilies. FIG. 223 Types of flowers: A, hypogynous flower of flax; B, perigynous flower of cherry, showing perianth tube with sepals, petals and stamens on its border; C, epigynous flower of American sarsaparilla ; D, flower of buttercup showing apocarpous gynaecium and large conical torus; E, irregular (bilateral or zygomorphic) flower of aconite showing half of helmet-like sepal (a), other sepals (b, c), long-clawed nectary (k) developed from one of the posterior petals, separate pistils (f); P, corolla of Salvia spread open and showing the two rudimentary stamens and two fertile stamens. The connectives in the latter are long and filamentous and each bears at the upper part a normal pollen sac and at the lower end a non-fertile enlarged portion which the insect pushes against in entering the flower and thus causes the pollen to be deposited on its back. A-C, aftei Gray; D-F, after Wanning. When the divisions of the calyx and corolla remain separate and distinct the latter are spoken of as CHORISEPALOUS and CHORI- PETALOUS, respectively; but when the divisions are united or 384 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 224. Lobelia inflata: A, upper portion of shoot showing the dentate-denticulate leaves, the bracted racemes with flowers and inflated capsules, the latter developing soon after fertilization; B, flower showing linear calyx teeth and 2-lipped corolla, the upper lip with 2 rather erect lobes and the lower lip spreading and 3-cleft; C, longitudinal section of flower showing the ovary with ovules (o), style (s), hairy bifid stigma (t) , united stamens (a), corolla (p) and calyx (c) ; D, longitudinal section of stamen showing the hairy summit. Scutellaria pilosa: R, branch showing crenate leaves and helmet-shaped capsular fruits; F, capsule after dehiscence showing nutlets (n). G, section of flower of Scutellaria lateriflora showing calyx (c) with crest on one side, 2-lipped corolla (p), the didynamous stamens (s), and 4-locular ovary (n). Spearmint (Mentha spicata}: H, showing flowers in slender interrupted spikes; J, flower with bell-shaped calyx, tubular corolla and 2-lobed stigma; K, ellipsoidal pollen grains. MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 385 coalesced the calyx and corolla are called GAMOSEPALOUS (syn- sepalous) and GAMOPETALOUS (sympetalous), respectively. When the divisions of the calyx or corolla are entirely united these elements are said to be ENTIRE, and when the divisions are FIG. 225. Flowers of Solanaceae. Solatium carolinense: A, portion of shoot showing a short raceme of flowers and the spinose leaves and stems; B, diagram of cross section of flower showing sepals (s), petals (p), stamens (a) and ovary (c); C, longitudinal section of flower, the letters the same as in B; D, stamen showing terminal pores; E, two spheroidal pollen grains; F, cross section of 2-locular berry. Hyoscyamus mulicus: G, section of flower showing calyx (c), lobed corolla (p), stamens inserted on corolla tube (s) and ovary (o) bearing at the summit a long style; H, pollen grains in different views; J, portion of stalk with fruits showing cylindrical calyx, the fruit really being enclosed within the calyx and in the nature of a pyxis. partly united they are spoken of as " toothed/' " lobed," or " parted," according to the degree of union. In the flowers of the Cruciferae and Caryophyllaceae there is a conspicuous stalk to each of the separate petals, which is known as the UNGUIS or CLAW; while the upper outspreading portion is known as the LAMINA or blade. In the gamosepalous calyx and 25 386 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. the gamopetalous corolla the lower united portion is known as the TUBE, and the upper outspreading portion as the LIMB or " border." The form of the calyx and corolla is quite characteristic for a number of important families. In the Compositae there are two characteristic forms of corolla, namely, the tubular in the disk FIG. 226. Apocynum androsami folium: A, portion of a flowering branch; B, a flower showing the short calyx tube and the corolla with more or less spreading lobes; C,' longi- tudinal section of flower: c, calyx teeth; p, corolla lobes; a, anthers; and p, ovary; D, single stamen with long spurs (s). E, a flower of A. cannabinum showing the corolla with ascending lobes. flowers and the ligulate in the ray flowers; in the Papilionatae the corolla, from its fancied resemblance to a butterfly, is de- scribed as PAPILIONACEOUS (Fig. 221, B) ; in the Labiatae the petals are united into two lip-like divisions, and the corolla is said to be BILABIATE (Fig. 223, F). There are two kinds of bilabiate MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. t 387 K FIG. 227. Flowers of the Composites. Inula Helenium: A, ligulate floret; B, tubular floret; C, achene with pappus; D, pollen grains; E, united anthers showing hooked hairs (h) at the base. F, tubular floret of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius). Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale): G, ligulate floret; H, one of the achenes showing spreading pappus on a long stalk which develops after fertilization. J, ligulate floret of Coltsfoot (Tussilago Far far a). Marigold (Calendula officinalis): K, ligulate floret; L, one of the double hairs from corolla, c, corolla; s, stamens; t, stigmas; p, pappus; h, hairs. 3 88 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. corollas one, as in lavender, where the mouth of the tube is open, known as RINGENT ; and another, where the mouth is closed, as in Linaria, called PERSONATE. There are a number of other special forms of calyx and corolla, particularly the latter, and of these may be mentioned the follow- ing : A corolla, like that of the harebell, which is more or less bell- shaped, is termed CAMPANULATE; a more or less campanulate corolla contracted near the opening, as in Gaultheria, is spoken of as URCEOLATE or urn-shaped ; in the morning glory and other Convolvulacese the corolla is said to be INFUNDIBULIFORM or funnel-shaped; a corolla in which the limb spreads abruptly from the tube, as in Phlox and coffee, is termed HYPOCRATERIFORM or salver-shaped ; a corolla with a short tube and outspreading limb, as in potato, is said to be ROTATE or wheel-shaped ; a rotate corolla with the margin more or less upturned is called CRATERI- FORM or saucer-shaped ; in aconite the upper petal is hood- or hel- met-shaped, and the corolla is spoken of as GALEATE ; in the violets one of the petals has a spurred appendage and the corolla is de- scribed as SACCATE or calcarate, while the modified petal in the orchids is known as the LABELLUM. DURATION OF CALYX AND COROLLA. There is considerable difference in the length of time that the calyx and corolla persist, not only with reference to each other but in different plants. The parts are said to be CADUCOUS when they drop from the flower as soon as it opens, as the calyx of the poppy ; when they remain for a day or so, they are said to be EPHEMERAL or fugacious, as in the petals of the poppy ; in the rose and apple the petals fall away soon after the pollen reaches the stigma and they are said to be DECIDUOUS ; in some flowers the petals wither but persist until the maturing of the fruit, as in the Droseracese, and are known as MARCESCENT ; the calyx may remain unaffected until the maturing of the fruit, as in the Labiatse, when it is said to be PERSISTENT. Bracts. In addition to the floral envelopes, other more or less modified leaves are borne on the flower branch below the flower, frequently at the base of the flower stalk, and these have received the name BRACTS. The bracts closely resemble the foli- age leaves, but usually are smaller and frequently are mere scales, without chlorophyll. In some cases, however., they are large and MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 389 showy, looking like petals (petaloid), as in the water arum (Fig. 263), the common dogwood; Bougainvillea and Poinsettia seen in greenhouses. The Torus constitutes the terminal portion of the flower axis or stalk, and is usually more or less conical and somewhat enlarged. When the torus is of this shape the parts of the flower are inserted upon it in serial succession, all of the other parts arising below the pistil. It may, however, be modified into a hollow or cup-like structure which grows up around the ovary, carrying the other parts of the flower (sepals, petals, and stamens) with it, thus changing the relative position of the parts, although it should be understood that the ovary occupies practically the same position in the two cases. When the torus is of the first type and the other parts of the flower are inserted below the ovary, the flower is said to be HYPO GYNOUS, as in the orange flower (Fig. 78, A) and the ovary superior; but when the torns forms a cup-shaped receptacle and the other parts of the flower arise on its margin above the ovary, the flower is called EPIGYNOUS, as in the clove (Fig. 78, B ; 223 C) and the ovary inferior. In other cases a ring of leaf-like tissue arises from the torus, forming a cup-like receptacle or tube which is known as the perianth tube, the sepals, petals, and stamens being inserted on its margin. The perianth tube may be free from the ovary, when the flower is said to be PERIGYNOUS and the ovary half inferior or half superior, as in cherry (Fig. 223, B) ; or in the case of an epigynous flower it may form a prolongation of the cup-shaped torus. Prefloration or estivation is the arrangement of the parts of the flower more especially the calyx and corolla in the bud. Some of the terms used in this connection are also employed in the study of vernation. The following are some of the terms which are employed: VALVATE, when the sepals or petals meet each other at the edges, as in Malvaceae ; IMBRICATED, when the sepals or petals overlap each other, as in the Magnoliacese ; PLICATE or PLAITED, when the divisions are united and folded together, as in the petals of Convolvulus and Datura. The sepals and petals do not necessarily possess the same arrangement, as in the Onagraceae, where the sepals are valvate 390 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. and the petals are convolute. Furthermore, in addition to the principal types of estivation and vernation already given, there are a number of special modifications of these, depending upon the number and arrangement as well as direction of the over- lapping parts of the flower- or leaf-bud. Coalescence and Adhesion. Not only may the divisions of the same circle or whorl of the flower be united, but even those of different circles, and a number of terms are used to describe these modifications. When the divisions of the same circle are united there is said to be a COHESION or COALESCENCE of the parts. When the divi- sions of different circles are united, as of stamens with corolla, the union is spoken of as ADHESION or adnation, as in Convolvulus. Chorisis and Multiplication of Parts. In contrast with the reduction in number of parts of the flower due to union, there may be an increase in the number of parts due to simple division or splitting of the parts, and this is known as chorisis or deduplica- tion. An illustration of this is furnished by the stamens of the orange flower, where from a single initial stamen or primordium a group of from 3 to n stamens may be produced. In other cases there may be a multiplication in the number of parts from the beginning, each part arising independently on the torus, as in the stamens of rose. This, of course, would not be termed chorisis, as no splitting or branching takes place. Double Flowers. In double flowers there is an increase in the number of petals, which is considered to be due to the methods of cultivation and the stimulus of an increased food- supply. This results in several ways : ( i ) By transformation of the sporophylls, more particularly the stamens, into petals; (2) by division or chorisis of the stamens or carpels with subsequent transformation into petals; (3) by division or branching of the petals; and (4) by the production of new series of petals. The extra petals in double carnations and double roses trace their origin to the stamens, while in Fuchsia they are the result of chorisis of the petals. In the snow-ball (Viburnum Opulus) and hydrangea the essen- tial elements have undergone a complete transformation, and the flowers, while large and showy, are sterile. In the white water lily MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 395 (Nyniphaa) there is a series of parts ranging from stamens with narrow filaments and stamens with broad petaloid filaments to petals tipped with a small anther and regular petals (Fig. 221, A). In this case the stamens are considered to result from the trans- formation of the petals. In the case of green roses and green strawberry flowers the petals become green and leaf-like, and the change is spoken of as CHLOROSIS or CHLORANTHY. In some flowers even the ovules are replaced by leaf-like processes or appendages, as in Drosera and clover. Arrested Development. The arrest or suppression of parts of the plant, particularly of the flower, is of very common occur- rence. Just as there are millions of seeds that never find suitable conditions for germination, so in the flowers of a large number of plants a very large proportion of the ovules never develop into seeds, the plants in many instances not furnishing sufficient nutriment for all of the ovules to mature. Under Leaves it was stated that in the axil of each leaf there is a bud. This is not always apparent, but if the plant be subjected to some special stimulus, some of the latent buds will become evident. For example, the rubber plant (Ficus), so commonly cultivated as an ornamental plant, shows a tendency to develop a straight, un- branched shoot, but if the tip of the shoot be cut off, the buds in the axils of the upper leaves will develop into branches, while some of those lower down will form small protuberances, but develop no further. In other cases there is a loss of parts which seems to be due to loss of function. When there is a partial loss of the element, as of the anthers in the flower of catalpa, it is said to be imperfectly developed or ABORTIVE. When the entire ele- ment remains undeveloped, as in some of the stamens of the Labi- atae, it is said to be SUPPRESSED (Fig. 223, F) . In flax the stamens of the outer whorl are reduced to thread-like processes. Such sterile or aborted stamens are called STAMINODES (staminodia). In other plants the parts are not apparently arrested, but have not yet been differentiated, as is the case in the Lily family, where the perianth is composed of segments which are more or less alike (Fig. 269). In other cases, however, there seems to be a suppres- sion or arrest of the floral envelopes. Cleistogamous Flowers. In addition to the regular flowers 392 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. some plants produce cleistogamous or closed flowers. In these flowers the corolla is usually suppressed. The flowers develop stamens and pistils but remain closed, and thus there is no chance for cross-pollination. The cleistogamous flowers appear later than the regular flowers and are more or less inconspicuous, developing under the leaves and sometimes underground. Of the plants producing cleistogamous flowers, the following may be mentioned : various species of Viola, Polygala, etc. Classes of Flowers. As we have seen, the megasporophylls and microsporophylls in the Gymnosperms are borne on separate branches, thus giving rise to two kinds of flowers or cones. While the separation of the stamens and pistils is exemplified in a number of plants in the Angiosperms, still it is not the rule, and these two elements are usually borne close together on the same axis, i.e., they both enter into a single flower structure. Such a flower is said to be HERMAPHRODITE or bisexual, and most of the conspicuous flowers are of this kind, as roses, buttercups, lilies, etc. Inasmuch as the stamens and pistils constitute the essen- tial elements of the flower, hermaphrodite flowers are also spoken of as PERFECT, providing the stamens and pistils are capable of exercising their generative functions. When the stamens and pistils occur in separate flowers the flowers are said to be UNI- SEXUAL or IMPERFECT, as in willow, oak, hickory, etc. A flower having only a pistil or pistils is called PISTILLATE (Fig. 219, A), while one having only a stamen or stamens is STAMINATE, as in oaks. The staminate and pistillate flowers may be borne on the same plant, when it is said to be MONOECIOUS, as in castor bean, chestnut, -hickory, alder ; or they may be borne on separate plants, when the plant is called DICECIOUS, as in willows and poplars. Plants bearing hermaphrodite and unisexual flowers on the same individual plant or on different individuals are called POLYGAMOUS, as in Ailanthus. A COMPLETE flower is one which possesses both kinds of essen- tial elements and both kinds of floral envelopes, and is SYMMET- RICAL when a plane can be laid in all directions, the parts being alike, and when the number of parts in each circle is the same or when the number in one circle is a multiple of that in the others ; as a rule, the number of stamens is some multiple of one of the MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 393 other parts, as in geranium (Fig. 223), where we find five sepals, five petals, ten stamens, and five pistils. Flowers are also spoken of as REGULAR or IRREGULAR, accord- ing to whether all the parts of a circle are uniform in shape or not; the flowers of geranium are regular, while those of violets are irregular. Regular flowers are also spoken of as ACTINO- MORPHIC or RADIAL, and irregular flowers as ZYGOMORPHIC. The latter are also spoken of as DORSIVENTRAL. Dorsiventral flowers either arise as such, as in some of the Leguminosae (Fig. 231), or they may arise as radial flowers and become dorsiventral dur- ing the course of development, as in willow herb (Fig. 224). In some flowers the floral envelopes are wanting, and the flowers are said to be NAKED, as in the willows and grasses. ANTHOTAXY. The study of the arrangement of flowers on the stem is known as anthotaxy. The flowering axis may bear only a single terminal flower, as in Tulipa; or the flowers may occur singly in the axils of the leaves, as in Viola canadensis. When, on the other hand, the flowers are borne upon a branch shoot, the internodes of which are more or less condensed, and the leaves smaller and of a more simple structure than the foliaceous leaves, the whole shoot is known as an INFLORESCENCE, and the leaves are called BRACTS. The flower thus represents a single unbranched shoot, while the inflorescence represents a branched or ramified shoot. The so-called bracts, besides being generally smaller than the leaves proper, are mostly sessile ; they may, however, be green, or membranaceous, or they may exhibit a bright coloration, as in Monarda. The stalk of the individual flower is called a PEDICEL, and may be naked, or bear one or two small bracts, which are called FORE-LEAVES or PROPHYLLA. In the monocotyledons there is usually only one fore-leaf, which turns its back to the mother-axis and is frequently two-nerved and two-keeled. In the dicotyledons there are generally two fore-leaves, which are placed to the right and left of the flower, as in the violets. The position of the floral leaves (the sepals, the petals and those of the perianth) depends upon the arrangement of the fore-leaves, so that in most of the monocotyledons, where there 394 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. is one mediane prophyllon, the first leaf of the perianth is placed on the front, while the two succeeding leaves of the perianth occupy a position of 120 from this (Fig. 254). When, on the other hand, as in the dicotyledons with pentamerous flowers, two fore-leaves are developed, the first floral leaf (sepal) is situated obliquely above the last fore-leaf, usually on the frontal part of the flower; the second sepal is directly behind the first or diagonally opposite to it, the remaining three leaves (sepals) occurring in a spiral of two-fifths (Fig. 280). Several deviations from this type occur, as in Lobelia (Fig. 224), Polygala, etc. Two types of inflorescence are distinguished: (i) The IN- DEFINITE, in which the flowers open or develop in acropetalous or centripetal succession, and (2) the DEFINITE, in which the flowers open in basipetalous or centrifugal succession. The in- definite type of inflorescence is seldom terminated by an ex- panded flower, and two classes of this type are distinguished : (a) Those in which the flowers are pedicelled, as in the raceme (Fig. 267) and umbel (Fig. 344), and (b) in which the flowers are sessile, as in the spike (Fig. 230) and head (Fig. 228). The RACEME is a long inflorescence with pedicelled flowers, which are frequently subtended by bracts (Figs. 224, 225, and 2 93)- The CORYMB is a modified raceme in which the pedicels of the basal flowers are much longer than those of the apical, and thus the inflorescence looks like an umbel. In the milkweed the flowers have pedicels of the same length which arise from the apex of the shoot or peduncle, and this form of inflorescence is known as an UMBEL. In the Umbelliferae a flower cluster or umbellet takes the place of the individual flowers of the umbel, and is known as a COMPOUND UMBEL (Figs. 346-348). The SPIKE is also generally a long inflorescence, the flowers being sessile (Fig. 230, illus. 3), the secondary spikes in grasses being known as SPIKELETS. The SPADIX is a form of spike, which is readily distinguished by the fleshy stem, in which the flowers are frequently deeply imbedded, and which is frequently surrounded by a large bract, the so-called SPATHE, as in Arissema. The CATKIN is a kind of spike with small, often imperfect flowers, which falls off as a whole, as in the staminate catkins of the oak. The catkins are mostly decompound, and in some species MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 395 of Populus the single flowers are pedicelled, and hence are actually racemose rather than spicate inflorescences. In the head and the umbel the main inflorescential axis is exceedingly short and the innermost flowers are often destitute of bracts, in contrast with the external, which are frequently provided with bracts that are of quite considerable size. Sterile bracts also occur in these two types, and are called involucral leaves, as in Cornus florida, where they are white or pink. There is also a difference in sex of the outer and inner flowers. While the head occurs as typical inflorescence in the Compositse, it also exists in some of the L^mbelli ferae. The flowers of the Composite? are borne on a common torus, known as the disk, which is subtended by one or more circles of bracts, these constituting an INVOLUCRE. The flowers are of two, kinds, and they receive different names because of their form and, position. Those situated near the margin of the disk are known as RAY-FLOWERS, and because they possess more or less strap- shaped corollas are also known as LIGULATE FLOWERS. Those occupying the central portion of the disk are known as DISK- FLOWERS, or as TUBULAR FLOWERS because of the tubular shape of the corolla. Most of the Composite possess both ligulate and tubular flowers, as Arnica, Matricaria (Fig. 228), the common daisy, etc. But some of the members of the family have only ligulate flowers, as chicory and dandelion, and a relatively few have only tubular flowers. Two types of definite inflorescence are distinguished : ( I ) the DIBRACHIOUS (bifurcate) CYME in which the inflorescence represents a series of very regularly arranged lateral axes, one on each side of the terminal or median flower, as in the Caryo- phyllaceae; and (2) the MONOBRACHIOUS (simple) CYME, of which there are several modifications, but common to all of them is the development of only one lateral branch to each terminal flower. In the SCORPIOID cyme the lateral axes are arranged alternately to the right and left, while in the HELICOID cyme the lateral axes are all on the same side of the main axis, as in Hypericum. The so-called flower cluster is a cymose inflorescence of either the definite or indefinite type in which the flowers are almost sessile or very short pedicelled, as in Chenopodium, Juncus, etc. Some- 396 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. times the inflorescence may be decompound or complex, as in several Composite, where the heads may be arranged in cymes or racemes; or, as in the Graminese, where the spikelets, which FIG. 228. Matricaria: A, longitudinal section of head showing torus (a), involucre (b), ray florets (c) and disk florets (d). B, head with the florets removed, showing the long conical torus and the involucre (H). C, tubular floret showing the ovary (f) with glandular hairs (D 1 ) and the embryo (S), which develops after fertilization; style (g) and bifid stigma (N), the surface of which is covered with hairs; n, nectaries; b, corolla tube with narrow lobes (a); stamens showing filaments (st), united anthers (A) and apex of connective (sp). D, ligulate floret showing ovary (F), and bifid stigma (N); tube of corolla (R) and the upper ligulate portion (Z). After Meyer. are spikes, may be arranged in panicles, i.e., branched racemes; or finally, as in Cryptotaenia (Umbelli ferae), where the umbels are arranged in cymes. MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 397 Pollination and Fertilization. Fertilization represents the final stage in the work of the flower as a whole, and has already been defined as the union of the egg-cell and a male nucleus. Pollination may be considered to include the transferral of the pollen grains from the anther to stigma and their subsequent germination thereon, this latter process resulting in the produc- tion of the male nuclei. Pollination thus represents but one series of changes or processes which precede fertilization, for, while the pollen grain is going through the various stages in development which lead to the formation of the male nuclei, a series of com- plex changes are going on in the embryo-sac leading to the develop- ment of the egg-cell. Our special interest in pollination arises from the fact that the pollen grains are not retained in the pollen sacs and are dependent upon various agencies for transferral to the stigma. This is a matter of great biological significance, for it is claimed that many of the special characters of flowers have a direct relation to pollination. The various ways in which the anthers open for the discharge of the pollen when it is ripe have already been considered (Fig. 221), but it may be added that the manner in which this is done usually appears to have a relation to the manner in which the pollen is to be carried to the stigma. In order that pollination may be effected, the stigma must be ripe or mature, when it is said to be receptive. It then usually secretes a sticky, sugary liquid which causes the pollen grains to adhere to the stigmatic surface (Fig. 83), and which at the same time serves as a nutrient to them. Usually the pollen grains begin to germinate in a short time after reaching the stigma, which is made evident by the pro- trusion of the pollen tubes. The stigma seems also to have the power of selection, for in many cases the pollen does not germi- nate as readily on the stigma of the same flower as on that of another flower, provided it be of the same or a nearly related species. When a flower possesses both stamens and pistils, that is, is bisexual or hermaphrodite, and its pollen germinates upon its own stigma, the process is known as close or SELF-POLLINATION, and if fertilization follows, this is known as SELF-FERTILIZATION. 398 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. While most hermaphrodite flowers are self-pollinated, there are some that are not, and this is brought about in several ways : (i) As already pointed out, the pollen may germinate better on the stigma of another flower than on the stigma of the same flower. (2) The anthers and pistils of the same flower may mature at different times, and this is one of the commonest ways of preventing self-pollination. Usually in such cases the stamens mature first. The common plantain (Plantago) furnishes an example of the maturing of the stigma before the anther. The flowers of this plant are arranged in spikes (Fig. 230, illus. 3 and 4) which belong to the indefinite class, and hence the lower flowers on the spike expand first. As stated, the pistil of each, flower matures first, and after it withers the stamens protrude an discharge their pollen. It is evident that the flowers can not b self-pollinated, nor is it likely that one flower will be pollinated |by another of the same spike. (3) The stamens and pistils of the same flower may vary in length, as in Polygonum (Fig. 230, illus. i and 2) and Lythrum (Fig. 230, illus. 5), or stand in such other relation to each other that self-pollination will not be effected, as in some of the irregular or zygomorphic flowers, like those of Orchids. In these several cases the pollen grains either fall upon or are carried by various agents to the stigmas of other flowers, and this is known as CROSS-POLLINATION, and the fertilization which follows as CROSS-FERTILIZATION. Cross-fertilization is an advantage to the species, for usually the seeds which result from this process give rise to plants which are more vigorous and otherwise superior to those which result from self-fertilization. In some cases, in order to insure the pro- duction of fruit, hand-pollination is practised, as by the growers of vanilla and some other tropical plants of economic importance. In the case of unisexual flowers, or those in which the stamens and pistils are in separate flowers, there is, of course, no chance for self-pollination. Here, as in the case of cross-pollinated her- maphrodite flowers,, pollination may be more or less close or it may be remote, as between flowers of the same cluster or inflores- cence, between flowers of different clusters or inflorescences on the same plant, or between flowers on different plants. In buckwheat (Fig. 230, illus. i and 2) and partridge berry MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 399 (Mitchella repens) two kinds of flowers are produced, viz.: (a) one with short styles and long filaments, and another (b) with long styles and short filaments, and thus the flowers appear to be especially adapted for insect cross-pollination and are called DIMORPHIC. In still other cases one species gives rise to three kinds of flowers, depending upon the difference in the relative lengths of the styles and filaments, as in the purple loosestrife (Lythrum calcaratum), and such flowers are called TRIMORPHIC. The external agents which are instrumental in carrying pollen from one flower to another and thereby promoting cross-pollina- FIG. 229. Visitation of flowers by insects showing how they gather the pollen and assist in cross-pollination, the one on the left being Lilium Martagon visited by a hawk moth, showing that while the proboscis is removing honey from the nectary the under side of the body is becoming covered with pollen; at the right Cydonia vulgaris, the common quince, visited by a bee, whose legs are becoming covered with pollen. After Dodel-Port. tion are the wind, water currents, insects, small animals and birds, such as humming-birds, which are, even in temperate regions, to be observed visiting the garden nasturtium. In many of the early-flowering trees, as well as pines, Indian corn, etc., the flowers are devoid of showy, attractive features, but produce large quantities of pollen which is more or less dry and powdery and carried by the wind to other flowers. Flowers which are wind-pollinated are classed as ANEMOPHILOUS, and it is estimated that about one-tenth of all the flower-producing plants belong to this class. Plants which are pollinated by the aid of water currents are 400 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 230. Manner of cross-pollination in some hermaphrodite flowers, i, 2, Flowers of buckwheat, showing long style and short filaments in i , and short styles and long filaments in 2: a, .anthers; st, stigmas; n, nectaries. 3, Spike of plantain showing maturing of stamens below and pistils above. 4, Dissected flower of plantain: b, bract; c, calyx; p, corolla tube; s, stamens; t, protruding withered style. 5, Flowers of Purple willow-herb (Lythrum Salicaria) , one side of the perianth removed from each. A is long- styled, B, medium-styled, and C, short-styled. The direction of the arrows and dotted lines indicates the best methods of crossing. i, 2, 5, adapted from Warming. MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 401 FIG. 231. A, flowering and fruiting plant of peanut (Arachis hypogcea). After fertiliza- tion the carpophore (or stalk between calyx and ovary) grows in length, sometimes 4 to 8 cm., and curves downward penetrating the soil (el), after which the fruit develops. B. longitudinal section through the papilionaceous (bilateral) flower; C. longitudinal section through the pod (peanut). After Taubert. known as HYDROPHILOUS, and under this head are included those plants which live under the water and those that produce flowers at or near the surface of the water. Those plants which depend upon the visitation of insects for 26 402 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. the transferral of the pollen in cross-pollination are called ENTO- MOPHILOUS (Fig. 229). They frequently possess bright, highly colored flowers, and it is considered that these serve as an attrac- tion to the insects which visit them. The insects are, however, probably more attracted by the odor and food products which they obtain, such as the nectar. The nectar is secreted by glands known as nectaries, which are variously located ; frequently they are on the torus, either between the ovary and stamens (Fig. 78) or between the stamens and petals. Sometimes the stamen is modified to a nectar-secreting spur, as in the violets. In aconite the nectary is developed from one of the posterior petals (Fig. 223, E). In seeking the nectar the pollen of the ripe anther may fall upon or adhere to the insects and thus be carried from one flower to another (Fig. 230). HONEY is a product formed through transformation of the plant nectar by honey bees. The nectar is supposed to be acted upon by certain salivary secretions of the bee and changed into a fruit-sugar, the so-called honey, consisting of a mixture of dex- trose and levulose. The nectar of buckwheat and clover (partic- ularly white clover) is the principal source of the commercial article. The nectar of some plants is poisonous and may furnish a poisonous honey (see discussion under Ericaceae). THE INNER STRUCTURE OF THE FLOWER. The inner structure of the flower bears a close resemblance to that of the stem and leaf. The BRACTS in almost all particulars are like the foliage leaf of the same plant, and the FLOWER STALK closely resembles the foliage stem. The CALYX, while resembling the foliage leaf, usually contains calcium oxalate in greater amount, and the chlorenchyma consists wholly of rather loose chlorophyll parenchyma ; the outer or under epidermis contains the stomata, and if hairs are present, they also arise from this surface; the fibrovascular bundles are generally simple in structure, although in some cases, as in lavender, sclerenchymatous fibers are strongly developed. In the COROLLA the epidermal cells are generally more or less centrifugally developed, forming prominent papillae (Fig. 232, A, B), which give the petals a velvety or satiny appearance, as in MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 403 the rose ; glandular and non-glandular hairs are also developed which are peculiar to the corollas of irregular flowers, as in La- vandula vera and Viola tricolor (Figs. 124, 149-155, 232); stomata are comparatively few in number. The epidermal cells FIG. 232. Inner morphology of the flower as illustrated in Viola tricolor. A, epider- mal cells from the outer surface of the spurred petal showing papillae; B, epidermal cells from the under surface of the petals, some of the cells showing centripetal thickenings, the two without thickenings indicating the epidermal mucilage-cells; C, epidermal cells from the under surface of the petals showing a zigzag outline and short centripetal thickenings; D, surface view of the mesophyll of the petals; E, corkscrew-like hair from the innet sur- face of the spurred corolla near the throat; F, a hair from the edge of an anther; G, epider- mal cells of the anthers; H, surface view of the mesophyll cells from the spurred stamen showing collenchymatous thickening; I, surface view of cells of endothecium; K, pollen grain viewed from the side; L, pollen grain examined in water; M, pollen grain observed in chloral solution. are but slightly cutinized, and in surface view are strongly undu- late and appear striate owing to the papillose development (Figs. 232 and 235). The chlorenchyma is made up of rather loose, branching parenchyma cells ( Fig. 232, D ) , with large, intercellular spaces. The cells are free from chloroplastids, may contajn 404 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. chromoplastids, or, like the epidermal cells, a colored sap ; in some instances, as in the buttercups, starch grains are also found in the mesophyll. Calcium oxalate crystals are usually present, and milk vessels ate sometimes found, as in the Papaveraceae. The FILAMENT and connective possess a central fibrovascular bundle, around which are arranged comparatively small paren- chyma cells and among which secretion cells are sometimes scat- tered, as in Tilia. The pollen sacs consist of but two layers of cells an outer layer called the "exothecium," which resembles the epidermis of the corolla, and an inner layer called the " endo- thecium," the cells of which are contractile and peculiarly thick- ened, this feature being rather characteristic for certain species (Fig. 232, /). Lining the pollen sacs during their development, FIG. 233. Several forms ot pollen grains: A, crocus; B, arnica, with three thin places in the wall through one of which the pollen tube may protrude; C, lavender showing six thin places in the wall. there is a layer of cells, called the " tapetal cells " ; but these are usually sooner or later absorbed. The POLLEN GRAINS vary greatly in number, as well as in size and shape. They are usually more or less ellipsoidal, but may be spherical, as in Crocus (Fig. 233, A) ; more or less three- sided, as in the Composite and in cloves ; four- or five-sided, as in Viola tricolor (Fig. 232, K, L, M), and in some cases, as in the Pinaceae, they may be winged. In addition to protoplasm and one or more nuclei, pollen grains contain considerable oil and starch. The outer or enclosing membrane (Fig. 233) consists of two parts : an inner one, known as the " intine," and consisting of cellulose, and an outer, known as the " exine," apparently con- sisting chiefly of cutin; in some cases the exine also contains an oil which is colorless, as in Salvia, or yellowish, as in lavender, and in some instances it may contain a viscid substance, causing MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 405 the pollen grains to adhere, as in CEnothera. The grains may be smooth or variously sculptured ; in most instances the exine is unevenly developed, leaving thin places through which the pollen tubes protrude in germination; these give the appearance of FIG. 234. A, Crocus (Spanish saffron) showing two spherical pollen grains, a fragment of stigma with papillae, and fragment of an anther; B, Calendula showing 3 spinose pollen grains and fragment of corolla, the cells of which contain oil-like globules; C, Carthamus (so-called American saffron) showing 2 slightly spinose pollen grains and a fragment of the corolla with brown laticif erous vessels and numerous unicellular hairs. After Weakley. grooves when the grains are dry, and the number of grooves is characteristic for different species; in most of the Composite they are three in number ; in the Labiatae there are six, while in Crocus they are wanting (Fig. 234). The epidermal cells of the STIGMA are quite characteristic. 4 o6 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. The cells of the epidermis, or so-called " stigma-epithel," may be palisade-like, forming a more or less wart-like mass, as in the viscous stigmas of the Umbelliferae, or the outer walls may be modified to rather broad papillae, as in matricaria and arnica, or they may be developed into hair-like processes, as in crocus. The pollen tubes either enter, the style through an open canal, as in the violets, or they penetrate into the conducting tissues of the style, either through the papillae, as in malva, or through the middle lamella of two neighboring papillae, as in Atropa Belladonna. The important tissue of the STYLE is the conducting tissue ; in styles which are hollow it forms the lining of the canal, the cells resembling those of the stigma-epithel ; in styles that are solid the conducting tissue occupies the central axis and consists of somewhat elongated cells, the walls of which are generally thick, frequently strongly refractive and possess the property of swell- ing, being furthermore separated by large intercellular spaces. Surrounding the conducting tissue are thin-walled parenchyma cells, in which the fibrovascular bundles are distributed, the num- ber of groups of the latter corresponding to the number of carpels that compose the gynaecium. There may also occur secretion cells, containing mucilage, as in malva, or oil and resin, as in matri- caria. Occasionally, the parenchyma is replaced either in part or entirely by mechanical cells, and the epidermal cells may be modified to hairs. The tissues of the OVARY are, as a rule, in a very rudimentary condition ; in fact, so rudimentary that it is difficult to distinguish the ovaries of two flowers that develop into quite different fruits. In some instances it is said that, notwithstanding the subsequent changes, each cell of the fruit is already indicated in the ovary. The ovary possesses an outer and an inner epidermis; the outer is provided with stomata and. may also possess hairs; the inner may also have stomata and after fertilization may develop secre- tion hairs, as in the orange. Between the epidermal layers occur thin-walled parenchyma cells which contain leucoplastids and chloroplastids, and in which the fibrovascular bundles are dis- tributed, these being usually simple, or complex, as in the pea. The number of fibrovascular bundles is more or less dependent MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 407 FIG. 235. Inner morphology of flower of Primula officinalis: A, papillae on stigma of flower with long styles; B, papillae from stigma of flower with short styles; C, sec- tion through petals showing papillose epidermal layers and branching cells of mesophyll ; D, section through corolla tube showing glandular hairs on epidermis; E, surface view of epidermal cells of petals, those of the corolla tube being elongated and shown on the left, while those of the outspreading petals are polygonal and striated from the folds in the papillae; F, a pollen grain. Redrawn by Haase from drawing of Hans Kramer in Ber. d. d. pharm. Ges., 1907, p. 352. 4 o8 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. upon the number of carpels that make up the gynaecium; as a rule, there is a strong fibrovascular bundle which corresponds to the mid-vein of each carpel. The PLACENTA is a development from the inner epidermis. It is traversed by a fibrovascular bundle from which branches are given off to the individual ovules ; it may have a conducting tissue similar to that found in the style, and in some cases the epidermis of the stalk of the ovule may be developed to a stigma-epithel. The OVULE not only possesses a distinct form as already given, but the internal structure, by reason of the changes associated with fertilization, is more or less characteristic for certain species and genera. It has an epidermal layer, the outer walls of which are more or less cutinized, and it consists for the most part of paren- chyma cells rich in protoplasm and food-materials ; in addition the embryo-sac contains a number of nuclei. The stalk and raphe are connected with the placenta by means of a fibrovascular bundle. The NECTAR may be secreted by certain of the epidermal cells of various parts of the flower; these may resemble the ordinary epidermal cells or they may be modified to papillae, as in the spurred stamens of the violets, or to hair-like processes, as in malva. The cells which secrete nectar constitute the " nectar- apparatus," and the walls are usually thin and more or less cutin- ized. The nectar-apparatus is found more generally upon some part of the stamen, but the sepals and petals are not infrequently saccate or spurred, which adapts them for holding the nectar. V. OUTER MORPHOLOGY OF THE FRUIT. After the fertilization of the ovule or ovules, the parts of the flower that play no further part either in protecting the seed or aiding in its dispersal soon wither and are cast off ; in most flowers the petals lose their color and, together with the stamens, style, and stigma, wither and fall away shortly after fertilization. The stigma may, however, persist, as in the poppy ; the style may like- wise remain, as in Ranunculus, or even continue to grow or lengthen, as in Taraxacum; in other cases the calyx persists, as in orange and belladonna ; in still other cases the torus may be- come fleshy and form a part of the fruit, as in pimenta and apple. The fruit may consist, therefore, not only of the ripened pistil, MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 409 FIG. 236. Different types of fruits. A, silique of mustard showing the separation of the two valves leaving the seeds attached to the central axis; B, spinous capsule of Stra- monium showing septifragal dehiscence into four valves, the capsule being strictly 2- locular but apparently 4-locular owing to the formation of false dissepiments; C, s-valved capsule of Geranium in which the carpels become detached from one another and roll up- wards remaining attached to the beak-like compound style; D, capsule of Hyoscyamus showing transverse dehiscence by means of a lid (i) and the two loculi containing numerous small seeds; E, fruit of strawberry showing fleshy torus and numerous embedded akenes; F, silicula of shepherd's-purse showing seeds attached to central axis and longitudinal dehiscence of the valves which remain attached below; G, fruit of rose, so-called rose "hip," the akenes being enclosed by the hollow oval torus which shows remains of calyx at the apex; H, multiple fruit of mulberry composed of small drupes, the pulpy portion of each consisting of the fleshy perianth. Adapted from Warming. but also of other parts of the flower and torus which persist or develop with it. 4io A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. The wall of the fruit is called the PERICARP, and, like the leaf, it consists of three distinct layers, viz. : ( i ) the outer layer corre- sponding to the outer epidermis of the ovary is called the EPICARP or EXOCARP; (2) the inner layer corresponding to the inner epidermis of the ovary is called the ENDOCARP, or, from the fact that it is sometimes hard and stone-like, it is called the PUTAMEN, as in the prune; and (3) the middle layer situated between the epicarp and endocarp is called the MESOCARP ; and from the fact that it is sometimes succulent or fleshy, as in the prune, it is also called the SARCOCARP. There are a number of distinctive and descriptive names applied to fruits. Some of the more imoortant are as follows : FIG. 237. A, transverse section of colocynth showing seeds (s) borne on parietal placentas; B, transverse section of fruit of Ricinus communis showing septicidal dehis- cence of capsule, the seeds (s) being borne on axial placentas; C, transverse section of card- amom showing loculicidal dehiscence, the seeds (s), as in B, being borne on axial placentas. An Achene is a non-fleshy, or so-called dry, unilocular and one-seeded, indehiscent fruit, in which the pericarp is more or less firm, and may or may not be united with the seed. Achenes may be inferior, as in the Composite (Fig. 227), where they develop from inferior ovaries, being frequently surmounted by the pappus or calyx; or half inferior, as in the rose (Fig. 236, G), where they develop from half inferior ovaries ; or superior, as in the buttercup (Fig. 223, D). A Berry is a fleshy, indehiscent fruit, the seeds of which are embedded in the sarcocarp; berries are superior when they develop free from the torus, as in belladonna (Fig. 239), capsi- cum, grape, etc., and inferior when the torus forms a part of the fruit, as in banana, cranberry (Fig. 244), and gooseberry (Fig. 245). MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 411 A Capsule is a dry, dehiscent fruit, consisting of two or more united carpels. Dehiscence in capsules may occur in five different ways: In the castor-bean (Fig. 237, B) the carpels separate from each other along the walls or septa (dissepiments), the seeds being discharged along the ventral suture of the separated carpels, and this mode of dehiscence is called SEPTICIDAL. In mustard (Fig. FIG. 238. Capsules of poppy (Papaver somniferum) , whole and in transverse and longitudinal sections, showing dissepiments and remains of radiate stigmas at the apex, which are porous and through which the seeds are discharged, i, French capsules; 2, German capsules. 236, A ) the dissepiments remain intact and dehiscence occurs along the margin of the capsule, and is therefore called MARGINICIDAL ; but as the partial carpels (or valves, as they are termed) separate from the walls or septa, the dehiscence is also known as SEPTI- FRAGAL. In cardamom (Fig. 237, Q the septa as well as valves are united, and at maturity the latter separate and dehisce at points in the margin corresponding to the mid-vein of the carpel, and 412 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. this form of dehiscence is known as LOCULTCTDAL. In poppy capsules (Fig. 238) there are a few openings beneath the united PIG. 239. Several forms of fruits: A, branch of Apocynum androscemifolium showing numerous flowers and a single fruit with 2 long, slender follicles. Comparative size of follicles in A. androscemifolium (B), and A. cannabinum (C). Branch of Solatium carolinense showing a number of small superior berries (D). Pyxis of Scopolia carniolica showing slightly lobed calyx and upper portion of fruit (E). Pyxis in Hyoscyamus niger showing calyx lobes extending much above the fruit (F). Berry of Atropa Belladonna cut trans- versely and showing the numerous small seeds (G). Young spinose capsule of Datura Stramonium (H). stigmas through which the seeds are expelled, and this form of dehiscence is known as POROUS. In hyoscyamus (Fig. 236, D) a MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 413 portion of the capsule comes off from the remainder like a lid, and this form of dehiscence being circular or transverse to the 1st II ^L* ^^ qst Alb FIG. 240. The fruit of the cocoanut palm (Cocos nueifera): I, ripe cocoanut fruit showing lower part of axis forming the stem (S), upper end of axil with scars of male flowers (A), epicarp (Ep), mesocarp (M) with fibers, endocarp or hard shell (E), portion of testa adhering to endosperm (T), endosperm surrounding cavity of nut (Alb) and germinating eye (K); II, longitudinal-radial section of endocarp through the stone cells and edge of bundle showing transversely elongated and isodiametric stone cells (qst), longitudinally elongated stone cells (ist), thick-walled porous cells (f), pitted tracheae (g) and spiral tracheae (sp); III, longitudinal section of a large (mesocarp) fiber showing stegmata (ste), silicious body (Si), bast fibers (f), tracheids with small pits (t), tracheids with large pits (tO, spiral tracheae (sp), reticulated tracheae (r), scalariform tracheae (sc), sieve tube (s) and cambiform cells (c and c')- After Winton. sutures of the carpel, it is called CIRCUMCISSILE. A capsule of this kind is known as a Pyxis or Pyxidium. A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. mes st VI FIG. 241. Fruit of the huckleberry (Gaylussacia resinosa): I, fruit seen from above; II, transverse section of fruit; III, stone; IV, transverse section of stone showing endocarp (End), testa (S), endosperm (E) and embryo (em); V, transverse section of outer portion of the pericarp showing epicarp (epi), hypoderm (hy), mesocarp (mes) and stone cells (st) ; VI, transverse section of endocarp and seed showing large isodiametric stone cells (End), narrow longitudinally extended fibers (If), testa (S), hyaline layer or nucellus (N) and endosperm (E). After Winton. MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. R, 415 FlG. 242. Cultivated strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis): I, Compound fruit showing fleshy receptacle bearing the achenes in deep depressions; II, isolated achene; III, achene showing style (Sty), stigma (Sti) and connecting bundle (B); IV, achene in transverse section, pericarp (F), testa (S).raphe (R), endosperm (E) and embryo (Em); V, receptacle in surface view showing epidermis (Ep), with hair (h), and stoma (sto); hypoderm (hy) and sphero-crystals (k) ; VI, achene in transverse section showing pericarp (F) consisting of epicarp (epi), mesocarp (mes), spiral vessels (sp), crystal layer (k) , outer endocarp (If) with longitudinally extended fibers and inner endocarp (qf) with transversely extended fibers; testa (S) consisting of epidermis (ep) with reticulated cells, elongated brown cells (br), hyaline layer or nucellus (N) and endosperm (E) consisting of a single layer of aleurone grains; VII, style and stigma. After Winton. 4i6 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 243. Red Raspberry (Rubus Idaus): I, Compound fruit consisting of a number of drupelets crowded together on the top and sides of the receptacle; II, transverse section of a drupelet showing"epicarp (epi), hypoderm (Hy), mesocarp (Mes), outer endocarp (F), inner endocarp (F'), testa (S), raphe (R), endosperm (E), and embryo (Em); III, stone including endocarp and seed; IV, stone somewhat magnified; V, style and stigma; VI, surface section of epicarp showing straight hair (h'), sinuous hairs (h) and stoma (sto); VII, transverse section of endocarp and seed showing endocarp (End) consisting of longi- tudinally extended fibers (If), transversely extended fibers (qf), testa (S) consisting of epidermis (ep), parenchyma or nutritive layer (p), and inner epidermis (iep); hyaline layer or nucellus (N), endosperm (E) with aleurone grains (k). After Winton. MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. A Caryopsis, or Grain, is an indehiscent, non-fleshy fruit possessing a thin pericarp, which is closely adherent to the thin seed-coats, as in wheat, corn, and other Gramineae (Figs. 255,256). i <) -E VII FIG. 244. The fruit of the cultivated cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon): I, berry seen from above; II, transverse section of berry; III, single seed;. IV, transverse section of seed showing outer epidermis (S), inner layer of seed-coat (S'), raphe (R), endosperm (E) and embryo (Em); V, surface section of endocarp with stoma; VI, seed in transverse sec- tion showing epidermis of seed-coat (ep) with sclerenchymatized and mucilaginous layers, inner layer of seed-coat (m) and endosperm (E); VII, surface section of epidermis of seed- coat. After Winton. A Cremocarp is a dry, indehiscent fruit which consists of two inferior achenes, known as MERICARPS; these are separated from each other by means of a stalk known as a CARPOPHORE. 27 418 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 245. The fruit of the American Gooseberry (Ribes oxyacanthoides}: I, whole fruit; II, transverse section of fruit with seeds; III, seeds deprived of gelatinous coat; IV, floral parts; V, surface section of epidermis from margin of calyx with hairs; VI, surface section of epidermis from throat of calyx with hair. After Winton. This fruit is characteristic of the Umbellifera. (Consult Volume II for pharmacognosy of medicinal umbelliferous fruits.) A Drupe is a fleshy, indehiscent fruit with a more or less succulent and well-developed sarcocarp and an indurated endo- MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 419 carp. Drupes are superior when they are free from the torus, as in prune ; inferior when the torus forms a part of the fruit, as in pimenta. Drupes are also spoken of as " dry " when the sarco- carp is less succulent, as in Rhus glabra, or when they are col- lected unripe, as in pepper, pimenta, and cubeb. The fruits of the raspberry and blackberry consist of a collection of little drupes, the whole being known as an ET^RIO. In the blackberry the drupelets cohere with the fleshy torus, while in the raspberry the drupelets cohere with one another, forming a cap which is sepa- rable from the cone-shaped torus. If the drupelets of the rasp- berry are examined closely it will be found (Fig. 243) that each has from 4 to 7 facets on the sides formed by the pressure of the adjoining drupelets. These facets are usually slightly convex or concave. Tschierske states that the individuals cling together, first, because of the closely-fitting adjoining facets, the slightly convex surface of one fitting into a corresponding concave surface of another; and, second, because of the interlocking of the sinuous hairs. A Follicle is a dry, dehiscent fruit which consists of one or more separate carpels, the dehiscence being usually along the ventral suture (Fig. 239) ; in Delphinium the carpels are single ; in aconite from 3 to 5, and in star-anise (Illicium) from 7 to 8; in magnolia the carpels are numerous, forming a kind of succulent cone, and dehisce along the dorsal suture. A Galbalus is a berry-like fruit, formed by the coalescence of fleshy, open scales, as in juniper (Fig. 75). Hesperidium. The fleshy, indehiscent, superior fruit of citrus, as lemon and orange, is known as a hesperidium. The pericarp is more or less coriaceous, and from the inner walls secretion hairs develop, which contain sugar and an acid cell-sap, these consti- tuting the fleshy portion in which the seeds are embedded. A Legume is an elongated, monocarpellary, usually dry, dehiscent fruit, in which dehiscence takes place along both sutures, the carpel thus dividing into two halves, or valves, as in the garden pea (Pisum) and other members of the Leguminosse (Fig. 231). In some cases legumes are jointed or articulated and indehiscent, breaking up at maturity into a number of parts which are dis- persed in much the same manner as samara-fruits, as in Meibomia. 420 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Legumes may be not only indehiscent but fleshy, as in Cassia fistula. A Nut is an achene-like fruit, the pericarp o'f which is more or less indurated. Nuts are sometimes subtended (as in acorns) or enclosed (as in chestnuts) by a kind of involucre, forming what is technically known as a cupule ; and a fruit consisting of a nut and cupule is known as a GLANS. The achene-like fruit of the Labiatae is spoken of as a Nutlet. A Pepo is an inferior berry, in which the placentas have become developed into succulent layers, as in the watermelon, cucumber, and colocynth. A Pod is a general term used to designate all dry, dehiscent, apocarpous, or syncarpous fruits, as capsules, follicles, and legumes. A Pome is an indehiscent, half-inferior, fleshy, syncarpous fruit, as in the apple. The carpels constitute the core, and the fleshy part is developed from the torus. A Samara is a winged, achene-like fruit. The winged ap- pendage may be at the apex, as in white ash, or around the edge, as in elm. Two samaras may be united into one fruit, which is called a " double samara," as in maple. A Silique is a narrow, elongated, 2-valved capsule which is separated by the formation of a false dissepiment into 2 locules, as in the Cruciferse (Fig. 236, A). A Sorosis is a fleshy fruit resulting from the aggregation of the carpels of several flowers, as in mulberry (Fig. 236, //) and pineapple. A Strobile or cone is a scaly fruit, at the base of each scale of which there is either a seed, as in the Pinacece, or an achene-like body, as in hop. A Syconium consists of a succulent hollow torus, which en- closes a number of achene-like bodies, as in the fig (Ficus). An Utricle is an inferior achene with a thin and loose pericarp, as in Chenopodium. Classification of Fruits. More or less artificial classifications of fruits have been made. They may be grouped either according to structure or according to their manner of protection or dispersal, the following classification being based on the structure : MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 421 From a number of flowers. From a single flower A. With a compound pistil. a. Indehlscent Dry.... Fleshy , b. Dehiscent ] Dry Strobile or Cone Sorosis Syconium (Achene Caryopsis Cremocarp Nut Samara Utricle Berry Drupe Etaerio Hesperidium Pepo Pome f Capsule 1 Follicle B, With a simple pistil a. Indehiscent . . . \ Fleshy . . \ Drupe b. Dehiscent \ Dry [Follicle I Legume THE INNER STRUCTURE OF FRUITS. The inner structure of fruits is quite variable and it is difficult to treat of this in a general way. In the simplest fruits there are three distinct layers, as in the capsule of cardamom, in which there is an outer epidermis of isodiametric or polygonal cells, an inner epidermis of more or less obliterated and elongated cells, between which is a thin-walled parenchyma traversed by a number of fib ro vascular bundles. In some cases the other epidermis contains numerous stomata, as in poppy capsules, or is developed into hairs and other out- growths or appendages, as in anise, arnica, sumach (Fig. 148), and raspberry (Fig. 243). The inner epidermis may also contain stomata, as in the poppy, or be developed into hairs, as in vanilla and orange, or more or less obliterated, as in achene-like fruits, or modified to sclerenchy- matous elements, as in drupes. 4 22 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. The middle layer, which is composed of parenchyma, may con- tain protoplasm, starch, sugars, calcium oxalate, coloring princi- ples, alkaloids and other principles, and it may also have oil-secre- tion cells, as in cubeb and pepper, or oil-secretion canals, as in ^orange (Fig. 121) and the fruits of the Umbelliferae, in the latter FIG. 246. Rhamnus cathartica. A, cross-section through wall of the pericarp. E, epi- carp; F, sarcocarp; H, endocarp; e, epidermis; o, calcium oxalate in cells of hypodermis; p, parenchyma; h, secretion cells containing a substance which is insoluble in alcohol or chloral solutions, soluble in solutions of potassium hydroxide, and colored reddish brown or green- ish with ferric chloride solutions; c, calcium oxalate cells of endocarp; w, sclerotic cells; f, stereome cells. B, cross-section of entire fruit, showing one seed; E, F. H, g, f, w, as in A; S, seed-coat; S 1 , outer wall of seed-coat; End, endosperm; c, cotyledons; g, vascular bundle. C, cross-section of a seed: S 1 , S 2 , S 3 , different layers of the seed-coat; R, vascular bundle of raphe; t, position of vessels of mestome strand; g, mestome strand; Rf, cleft in which raphe is situated; End, endosperm; C cotyledons; Sv, cells with thick walls;Sp,parenchymatous cells. After Meyer. of which they are known as vittse (see Volume II) ; milk vessels sometimes occur, as in poppy; a collenchymatous layer is some- times developed beneath the epidermis, as in capsicum; in some cases sclerenchymatous cells may be present, as in pimenta and cubeb (Fig. 135) ; and in still other instances the entire pericarp may be made up of stone cells, as in the nuts. MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. VI. THE OUTER MORPHOLOGY OF THE SEED. 423 The seed may be defined as the fertilized and developed ovule. The seeds of different fruits vary in number as well as in size FIG. 247. Transverse (I) and longitudinal (II) sections of oat grain (Avena saliva): i, 2, cells of pericarp; 3, seed-coat; 4, remains of perisperm; 5, cells containing gluten; 7, endosperm cells containing considerable proteins and some starch; 6, endosperm cells With polygonal compound starch grains; 8, fibrovascular bundle of the pericarp. After Harz. and shape. In form they correspond to the ovules ; in size they vary from about 0.600 mm., as in lobelia, belladonna, etc., to 10 or 15 centimeters in diameter, as in the cocoanut palm. Seldom are 424 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. all of the ovules of the pistil fertilized, hence the number of seeds is usually less than the number of ovules. Structure of Seed. After the fertilization of the egg-cell certain changes take place in the embryo-sac: At one end the developing embryo is attached to the wall by a short stalk or suspensor (Fig. 82) ; the nuclei, lying in a mass of cytoplasm A" FIG. 248. Citrullus Colocynthis. A, seed: a, in longitudinal section, and b, surface view; S, deep clefts or fissures; m, micropyle; g, hilum; w, radicle; c, cotyledons. B, parenchyma cells of ripe fruit showing simple pores, the walls are colored blue with chlor-zinc-iodide. C, longitudinal section of wall of pericarp of ripe fruit showing e, epidermis; p, parenchyma; Sc, sclerotic cells which gradually pass into a thick-walled parenchyma consisting of small cells (p'); g. spiral vessels; P, isodiametric, porous parenchyma cells, containing air and of which the fruit for the most part consists. D, cross-section of seed-coat showing, G, an outer layer which is more or less easily separable from the rest of the seed and the walls of which are somewhat mucilaginous; E, epidermis of palisade-like cells; Sc, sclerotic cells; PI, a layer of tabular cells with undulate walls; T, a layer of small somewhat branching cells, the walls of which are not strongly thickened and either porous or reticulate; P, several layers of parenchyma and the collapsed epidermis; Pe, perisperm; En, endosperm. E, tangential section of tabular sclerotic cells of seed-coat shown in PI in Fig. D. After Meyer. around the wall of the embryo-sac, divide and re-divide; the large vacuole in the center becomes filled with a watery or milky fluid, and later the nuclei, with portions of the cytoplasm, may be enclosed by a cellulose wall and become permanent cells, in which the embryo is embedded. Likewise in the nucellus, changes are also taking place ; the cells are found to be dividing, and storing starch, oil, aleurone, and other food materials, like the cells of the MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 425 embryo-sac. The cells in which these materials are stored are known as reserve cells, and in the nucellus they constitute the PERISPERM, while those formed in the embryo-sac make up the ENDOSPERM. Usually the endosperm of seeds is prominently de- veloped, while the perisperm occurs as a thin layer ; in some seeds, however, the endosperm and perisperm are both well developed. In some instances the embryo may not fill the embryo-sac, as in cocoanut, and sometimes, as in the almond, both of the reserve layers are consumed in the development of the embryo, when the seed is said to be without endosperm (Fig. 248). The perisperm and endosperm are sometimes spoken of to- gether as the albumen of the seed, but as the cells comprised in these layers contain not only protoplasmic contents and aleurone grains, but starches, oils, and other substances, the term is mis- leading. On this basis, seeds containing either endosperm or perisperm, or both, have been designated as albuminous, but on .account of these layers containing larger proportions of other, (substances than proteins it would be better to speak of them as RESERVE LAYERS (FigS. 247, 250). While these changes in the nucellus and embryo-sac have been going on there have been equally great changes in the coats of the ovules, which develop into the seed-coats. In the seed the two coats are generally readily distinguishable. The inner, as in Ricinus, Pepo, etc., is thin, light in color, of a delicate structure, and is known as the TEGMEN ; the outer is more or less thickened, of a darker color and firmer in structure, and is known as the TESTA. In some instances the perisperm, or both perisperm and endosperm, may be reduced to a thin layer when it is considered to form a part of the seed-coat, as in mustard. In other cases the two coats are so closely united that they are not easily distin- guished, as in stramonium. The terms used in describing the kinds of ovules (atropous, anatropous, campylotropous, etc.) are retained in the description of the seeds ; and in describing the different parts of the seed some of the terms which were applied to the ovule are also retained, as chalaza and raphe ; the seed when ripe usually becomes detached from its stalk, and the resulting scar is called the HILUM ; that part of the seed corresponding to the foramen of the ovule is more or less closed and is known as the MICROPYLE; the embryo 426 A TEXT-BOOK OF DOT ANY. develops in such a way that the tip of the young root always points in the direction of the micropyle. In the fully developed embryo three distinct parts may be dif- ferentiated (Fig. 161) : (i) The COTYLEDONS; (2) the part below the cotyledons, known as the HYPOCOTYL, the apical portion of which constitutes the young root or RADICLE;-^) the part above B pe FIG. 249. Forms of embryo and distribution of endosperm in various seeds and fruits. A, Ricinus seed: car, caruncle; m, micropyle; e, embryo. B, superior drupe of Piper: per, pericarp; e, endosperm; p, perisperm. C, spinach fruit and D, corn cockle seed (Agrostemma Githago): per, pericarp; t, seed-coat; h, hilum; p, perisperm; e, endosperm c, curved embryo. A, C, D, after Harz; B, after Baillon. the cotyledons, known as the EPICOTYL, the apex of which con- sists of a more or less developed bud spoken of as the PLUMULE. The position of the embryo (Figs. 249, 250) in the seed varies somewhat : in most seeds it lies in the center, as in strophanthus and linum; it may, however, be excentral, as in colchicum and nutmeg. The cotyledons are usually situated above the hypocotyl, but in the Cruci ferae, either their edges lie against the hypocotyl, as in the mustards, when they are said to be ACCUMBENT or con- MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 427 duplicate, or they lie so that the back of one is against the hypo- cotyl, as in Lepidium, which position is known as INCUMBENT. Externally, the seed-coats vary considerably ; they may be nearly smooth, as in ricinus ; finely pitted, as in the mustards ; prominently reticulate, as in staphisagria ; hairy, as in cotton, strophanthus, and apocynum (Fig. 251 ) ; or winged, as in the seeds of the catalpa. There are also a number of other appendages, these having received special names: the wart-like development at the micropyle or hilum of some seeds, as in castor-bean and violet, is known as the CARUNCLE; in the case of sanguinaria, a wing-like development extends along the raphe, and this is known as the STROPHIOLE ; in some cases the appendage may completely envelop the seed, when it is termed an ARILLUS ; when such an envelope arises at or near the micropyle of the seed, as the mace in nutmeg, it is known as a " false arillus," or ARILLODE. Seed Dispersal. Seeds and fruits are distributed in various ways, and so are often found growing in localities far from their native habitat. In some instances seeds are adapted for distribu- tion by the wind, being winged, as in Paulownia, Catalpa, and Bignonia, or plumed and awned, as in Strophanthus Kombe, Asclepias, and Apocynum (Fig. 251 ). As examples of fruits hav- ing special parts which aid in their distribution may be mentioned the achene of Taraxacum which is provided with a pappus (Fig. 227), the bladder-like pericarp of Chenopodium, and the winged fruit or samara of maple. The hooked or barbed appendages on some fruits serve to attach them to animals, and thus they may be widely distributed, as in the burdock and Spanish needles (Bidens bipinnata). In still other cases fruits may be carried long distances by water currents, or even by ocean currents, as those of thej Double-cocoanut palm (Lodo'icea sechellarum) , which while native of the Seychelles Islands is now found on many of the islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. It may also be mentioned in this connection that a number of fruits, as the garden balsam, castor-oil plant, violets (pansy, etc.), Wistaria, etc., are elastically dehiscent and discharge the seeds with considerable force. THE INNER STRUCTURE OF THE SEED. The SEED-COAT usually consists of from two to six layers of cells: (i) an outer layer or so-called epidermis, (2) a layer of 428 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. sclerenchymatous cells or stone cells, (3) a pigment layer, (4, 5) one or two rows of parenchymatous cells, (6) a row of more or less obliterated parenchyma cells. The EPIDERMAL CELLS vary considerably in different species D FIG. 250. A. Longitudinal section through anatropous seed of Knum: R, raphe; SC, seed-coat; M, hilum; H, micropyle; EN, endosperm; C, cotyledon; HY, hypocotyl. B. Longitudinal section through stramonium seed: SC, seed-coat; H, micropyle; M, hilum; EN, endosperm; E, curved embryo. C. Transverse section through endosperm of nux vomica showing thick-walled parenchyma, the cells containing oil and protoplasm. D. Transverse section through endosperm of seed of Ricinus comrmtnis, one cell filled with aleurone grains, each with a crystalloid and globoid, and another in which the aleurone grains have been dissolved, the cytoplasm and nucleus remaining. both as regards the form of the cells and the composition of the walls (Fig. 136). The cells may be more or less isodiametric in cross-section, as in cardamom (see Vol. II) ; elliptical, as in almond (Fig. 136, D) ; palisade-like, as in Abrus precatorius, or more or MORPHOLOGY OF HIGHER PLANTS. 429 less irregular, as in Delphinium. While the outer and side walls are usually thickened, in hyoscyamus (Fig. 251), it is the inner and side walls which are thickened, the outer wall remaining thin. The outer wall may be in part modified to mucilage, as in mustard and flaxseed (Fig. 119) ; or to non-glandular hairs which consist either of cellulose, as in cotton (Fig. 139), or lignocellulose, as in nux vomica (Fig. 119). The PERISPERM and ENDOSPERM (Fig. 249) consist chiefly of parenchyma cells, which contain, besides protoplasm, starch, as A B FIG. 251. Seeds: A, of Hyoscyamus muticus with epidermal cells having wavy, thick- ened walls, those at the edge are seen in section and snowing that the outer wall is not thickened. B, of Lobelia inflata showing reticulate seed-coat composed of uniformly thick- ened and strongly lignified cells. C, of Apocynum cannabinum with numerous long i-celled hyaline hairs. in physostigma ; oil, as in flaxseed and cottonseed ; aleurone grains, as in ricinus (Fig. 250); glucosides, as in almond; alkaloids, as in stramonium. The walls are usually thin, but may in some instances be considerably thickened, as in coffee, colchicum, and nux vomica (Fig. 135). The embryo consists chiefly of parenchyma cells with a few fibrovascular bundles: the cotyledons may be thin and leaf-like, as in ricinus and nux vomica, or thick and fleshy, as in almond and cola, or partly developed, as in strophanthus ; the hypocotyl is usually small, but in the Umbelliferae it is as large as the cotyledons. CHAPTER IV. BOTANICAL 'NOMENCLATURE. LET the student consult the various manuals on Botany and even some of the larger authoritative works and he will be imme- diately impressed that there is more or less confusion concerning the names of certain plants. For instance, in looking up the botanical origin of the False Solomon's Seal, one author will give it as Smilacina racemosa, while another writer will use the name of Vagnera racemosa. Again, if the student desires to use the correct family name he will be confused both as to the correct spelling of the name as well as the name of the family itself, the Grass Family being given as Graminacese or Gramineae ; the Leguminosse may be divided into the Mimosacese, Csesalpinacese and Papilionaceae. At first thought it might seem that this incon- sistency is peculiar to botanical science, but as a matter of fact we find the same difficulties in the language of other sciences. This confusion is due to the fact that up until now there has not been an international agreement or even one of a national character regarding the rules to be observed in botanical nomenclature. " For many decades it has been almost universally felt that botanical nomenclature should rest in a general way on the prin- ciple of priority of publication, or, in other words, that the name of a plant was the first one assigned to it. Nearly all botanists of note have readily assented to this general idea, but great difficulties have arisen regarding the precise limitations which should be imposed upon the principle. Thus, botanists of past generations, including such great leaders as the De Candolles, Bentham, the Hookers, Gray, von Martins, Eichler, Baillon, and others, have followed the principle of priority, yet they have made frequent exceptions based on considerations of taste and convenience as well as practicality." " With the expansion of the subject the difficulty of agreement on these exceptions has increased, and some recent writers have been disposed at times to criticise rather harshly the earlier bot- anists for making any exceptions whatever. It should be noticed, 430 BOTANICAL NOMENCLATURE. 431 however, that even the more strenuous of these reformers them- selves admit certain exceptions. They have found it necessary, for instance, to fix initial dates, and to rule out certain names as too vague in their definition or too uncouth in their form to be accepted." " Ideas as to the best mode of establishing rules or reaching a general agreement regarding the necessary exceptions to the bald principle of priority have differed widely and given rise to lively controversy. To some it has seemed best to advise an ideal system and then, without much reference to the wishes or convenience of their colleagues, to apply it in local publication. To the vast majority, however, it has been clear that the subject was a broad one, involving much mutual sacrifice before the now divergent usages at different botanical centers could be brought into har- mony. The question is also an international one, requiring the botanists of different nations to attain a common agreement. For some years there was a growing desire for an international meet- ing of representative botanists who should give the matter of nomenclature careful consideration and come, if possible, to some agreement on the fundamental rules to be followed. This feeling took definite form in the year 1900, when preliminary sessions of such a gathering were held in connection with the Paris Congress of Botanists. At this meeting a bureau was formed for the organization of an International Botanical- Con- gress to be held at Vienna in June, 1905." This congress convened in Vienna and was attended by between five and six hundred bota- nists, representing the leading botanical institutions of the world. They framed international rules which should be used in the botanical nomenclature of vascular plants, and a complete list of these will be found in Rhodora, the journal of the New England Botanical Club, for March, 1907. A few of the general considerations and leading principles will be mentioned, however, in order that the student may have some understanding of the subject. According to the Vienna Congress, the prescriptions, which should govern the system of botanical nomenclature, are divided into (i) principles, (2) rules, and (3) recommendations. Among the principles that should be adhered to is that scientific 432 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. names are to be in Latin for all groups. When taken from another language, a Latin termination is given them, except in cases sanctioned by custom. If translated into a modern language, it is desirable that they should preserve as great a resemblance as possible to the original Latin names. Among the rules to be followed in designating the nature and the subordination of the several groups, the following were adopted : Every individual plant belongs to a species (species), every species to a genus (genus), every genus to a family (familia), every family to an order (ordo), every order to a class (classis), every class to a division (divisio). In a number of species varie- ties and forms are also distinguished. In some cultivated species there are unlimited modifications. The crossing of one species with another species gives rise to a hybrid. Regarding the point of nomenclature and limitation of principle of priority, it was agreed at the congress that botanical nomen- clature should begin with the Species Plantarum of Linnaeus, ed. i (1753), for all groups of vascular plants. It was further agreed to associate genera, the names of which appear in this work, with descriptions given of them by him in his Genera Plan- tarum, ed. 5 (1754). However, to avoid disadvantageous changes in the nomenclature of genera by the strict application of the rules of nomenclature, and especially of the principle of priority in starting from 1753, the rules provide a list of names which must be retained in all cases. These names are by preference those which have come into general use in the fifty years following their publication, or which have been used in monographs and important floristic works up to the year 1890. Among the recommendations, the following suggestions were made in regard to the nomenclature of divisions, classes, families, genera, and species : i. Names of divisions and subdivisions, of classes and sub- classes are taken from one of their characters. They are expressed by words of Greek or Latin origin, some similarity of form and termination being given to those that designate groups of the same nature, as Angiospermae, Gymnospermae ; Monocotyledoneae, Di- cotyledonese ; Coni ferae; Pteridophyta. Among Cryptogams old BOTANICAL NOMENCLATURE. 433 family names such as Fungi, Lichenes, Algae, may be used for names of groups above the rank of family. 2. Orders are designated preferably by the name of one of their principal families, with the ending -ales, e.g., Polygonales from Polygonaceae. Suborders are designated in a similar manner, with the ending -ineae, e.g., Malvineae from Malvaceae. But other terminations may be retained for these names, provided that they do not lead to confusion or error. 3. The names of families are designated by the name of one of their genera or ancient generic names with the ending -aceae, e.g., Rosacese from Rosa, etc. The following names, owing to long usage, are an exception to the rule : Palmae, Gramineae, Cruciferae, Leguminosae, Gutti ferae, Umbelli ferae, Labiatae, and Compositae. 4. The names of genera should be substantives (or adjectives used as substantives) in the singular number and written with a capital letter, which may be compared with our own family names. These names may be taken from any source whatever and may even be composed in an absolutely arbitrary manner, as Rosa, Convolvulus, Liquidambar, Impatiens, and Manihot. 5. The names of all species, even those that singly constitute a genus, are designated by the name of the genus to which they be- long, followed by a name (or epithet) termed specific, usually of the nature of an adjective (forming a combination of two names, a binomial, or binary name). The specific name should, in general, give so-me indication of the appearance, the characters, the origin, the history, or the properties of the species. If taken from the name of a person, it usually recalls the name of the one who discov- ered o-r described it, or was in some way concerned with it. Specific names begin with a small letter, except those which are taken from names of persons or those which are taken from generic names. The student should endeavor to fix in mind the general prin- ciples concerning botanical nomenclature and should devote special attention to the generic and specific names and the rules which govern their formation. In addition he should familiarize himself with the meaning of the names, as this will enable him to memorize and spell them correctly. The following is a partial list of some of the principal generic and specific names, giving as far as possible the origin of the names and their significance: 28 434 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Abelmoschus. Muskmallow. From Arab. Abu-l-misk, father of musk; producing musk. Abies. Fir. The classical Latin name. Abrotanum. Southernwood. Gr. afipdrovov ', from aflpoToc ? sacred to the gods, immortal ; probably in allusion to the odor. Abrus. Indian licorice. From Gr. a/fydf, graceful; in allusion to the flowers. Absinthium. Wormwood. The ancient Greek name. Abyssinicus-a-um. Pertaining to Abyssinia. Acacia. The ancient Greek name of an Egyptian species. From a*i?, a point ; referring to the thorns. Acer. Maple. The classical Latin name. Acer, acris, acre. Sharp, pungent. From root ak, to be sharp. Achillea. Yarrow, Milfoil. Named for the Greek warrior Achilles, who is said to have discovered the virtues of the plant. Aconitum. Monkshood, Wolfsbane. The ancient Greek name. Acorus. Sweet flag. The ancient classical name. Actaea. Baneberry, Cohosh. Ancient Greek name of the elder. Acuminatus-a-um. Acuminate, tapering. Lat. acumino, to make pointed. Acutifolius-a-um. Having sharp-pointed leaves. Lat. acutus, sharp, -f- folium, a leaf. Adiantum. Maidenhair. The ancient name. From Gr. , priv., + diaivu, to wet, hence unwetted, incapable of being wet. Adonis. Pheasant's eye. A plant fabled to have sprung from the blood of the beautiful Adonis. Advena. Yellow pond lily. From Lat. advena, strange, foreign. (Of doubtful application.) Aegle. Bengal quince. Name of a nymph in Greek mythology. Perhaps from aty/b?, brightness, splendor. ^sculus. Horsechestnut. The Latin name of an oak or some other mast- bearing tree. ystivalis-e. Pertaining to the summer. The classical Latin word is (ustivalis. Agaricus. Mushrooms. Gr. ayapmov. Lat. agarici ( m, a tree fungus. Agave. American aloe. Gr. dyaw?, noble, illustrious. Appropriately applied to Agave americana, the century plant. Agrimonia. Probably a corruption from argemone. According to others, it is derived from Gr. dypdf, field, + JJLOVO^^ alone. Agropyron. Wheat grass. From Gr. dypdr, field, + nvpos, wheat ; alluding to the fact that it grows wild in wheat fields. Agrostemma. Corn cockle. From Gr. dypdf, field, + e f heavy, + 6o/#, odor ; in reference to its strong smell. Belladonna. Ital. bella, beautiful, -j- donna, lady. It is said that Italian ladies used the berries as a cosmetic and to dilate the pupil of the eye, thus giving themselves a striking appearance. Benedictus-a-um. Blessed, consecrated. Past participle of Lat. benedico, to bless. Benzoin. Wild allspice, Fever bush. Named from its odor, which resem- bles that of benzoinum. Benzoinum. A resinous substance from Styrax Benzoin, a tree of Sumatra, Java. French benjoin, from Arabic luban-jawi, incense of Java. Berberis. Barberry. Name derived from berberys, the Arabic name of the fruit. Beta. Beet. The ancient Latin name. Betonica. Betony. The ancient Latin name (betonica, vcttonica) of wood betony. Betula. Birch. The ancient Latin name. Betulinus-a-um. Pertaining to birch ; alluding to the fact that the leaves resemble birch leaves. Bidens. Bur marigold. From Lat. bidens, two-toothed. Biennis-e. Of two years' duration. Lat. bis, twice, + annus, year. Biflorus-a-um. Bearing two flowers, biflorate. Bignonia. Named for the Abbe Jean 'Paul Bignon, court-librarian at Paris and friend of Tournefort. Bistorta. Adderswort. From bis, twice, + tortus (past participle of tor- queo), twisted. Boehmeria. False nettle. Named after G. R. Boehmer, German botanist and professor at Wittenberg in the eighteenth century. Botrychium. Moonwort. From Gr. /3<5r/ouf, a bunch of grapes; from the appearance of the fructification. Brachycerus-a-um. Having short horns. From Gr. /3pa^, short, -f- /cfpaf, a horn. Brasiliensis-e. Belonging to Brazil. Brassica. Mustard. Turnip. The ancient Latin name for cabbage. Brauneria. Purple cone-flower. Named for Jacob Brauner, German botanist of the eighteenth century. Bryonia. Bryony. The ancient Greek name. From ppvu, to swell, grow luxuriantly. Bursa. Capsella. Bursa is a late Latin word meaning purse. BOTANICAL NOMENCLATURE. 439 Bursa-pastoris. Shepherd's purse. Butneria. Spice bush. Buxus. Boxwood. The ancient Latin name. Gr. TTI>O?. Cacao. Span, from Mex. kakahuatl; native name of the tree Theobroma Cacao. Cactus. The ancient Greek name of some thorny plant. Caesalpinia. Sappan. Named for Andreas Csesalpinus, Italian botanist, who died in 1603. Cajuputi. Name of Malayan origin. From kayu, tree, -j- putih, white; in reference to the appearance of the branches. Calamus. Reed, cane. The classical word. So named because its scape is reed-like. Calendula. Marigold. Lat. calendar, calends, the first day of the month ; so called because it flowers every month. Californicus-a-um. Pertaining to California. Calisaya. A name given to the bark of a tree of Peru by Spaniards and Indians. Calla. Water arum. Linnaeus derived calla from Gr. /cdAAam, a cock's wattles, but compare Lat. calla, calsa, name of an unknown plant, and Greek /caAdf, beautiful. Calluna. Heather. From Gr. /caAluvw, to brush or sweep, brooms being made from the twigs. Calophyllum. Tacamahac. From Gr. AcaAdf, beautiful, + vMov, a leaf. Caltha. Marsh marigold. An ancient Latin name for the common mari- gold. Calumba. From kalumb, its native name in Mozambique. Cambogia. From Cambodia, a French protectorate in Farther India. Camelina. False flax. From Gr. x a C- a ' 1 , dwarf, -}- Xfvov, flax. Campechianus-a-um. Belonging to Campeachy. Campestris-e. Growing in uncultivated fields. Camphora. Gr. KaQovpd, from Arab, kafur, camphor. Camptosorus. Walking leaf. From Gr. Aca/jTrrdf, flexible, -f- oup6$ t sorus, fruit dot. Canadensis-e. Of or belonging to Canada. Cannabinus-a-um. Pertaining to cannabis. Cannabis. Hemp. The ancient Greek name. Caoutchouc. Native South American name for the milky sap of several plants. Also called India rubber. Capillaceus-a-um. Hairy, very slender, like a hair. From Lat. capillus, hair. Capillus-Veneris. Maidenhair. The Latin for hair of Venus. Capsella. Shepherd's purse. Diminutive of capsa, a box. Capsicum. Red pepper. From Lat. capsa, a box ; alluding to the shape of the fruit. Or from Gr. /mTrrw, to bite, from its hot, pungent properties. Cardamomum. The ancient classical name for the spice cardamom. Carex. Sedge. The ancient Latin name. 440 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Carica. Papaw. The Latin name for dried fig, from Caria, in Asia Minor. Carolinensis-e. i Carolinianus-a-um. } Bel ^ in g to Carolina. Carota. Carrot. The classical Latin word. Carpinus. Hornbeam. The ancient Latin name. Carum. Caraway. Gr. xdpov, Lat. careum. Probably from Caria, in Asia Minor. Carvi or Carui. Probably an assimilated Latin genitive, as in Carui semina. Caryophyllus. Cloves. From Gr. napvov, nut, + 0{vUov, a leaf ; referring to the appearance of the flower buds. Cascara Sagrada. Span. Cascara, bark, and sagrada, sacred ; holy bark. Cascarilla. The bark of a Peruvian tree. Diminutive of cascara. Cassia. Senna. An ancient Greek plant name Kaaia, probably from the Hebrew getsiah, gatsa, to cut, peel off. Castanea. The chestnut tree. The ancient Latin name, from a town in Thessaly. Catalpa. Indian bean. The aboriginal name. Cataria. Catnip. From late Latin catus, a cat. Catechu. East Indian name of extract from the acacia tree, applied natively to all astringent extracts. Cathartocarpus. Cleansing, purgative. From Gr. KaQaprLKog, cleansing, _|_ Kapn6c, fruit. Caulophyllum. Blue cohosh. From Gr. /rau/ldf, a stem, + ^i/A/tov, a leaf ; a stem-leaf. Ceanothus. Red root. Gr. KedvuOo?, a kind of thistle. Cedron. Cedron seed. From Gr. Ketipov, the fruit of the cedar. Celastrus. Staff tree. The ancient Greek name of an evergreen tree. Centaurea. Star thistle. Ancient Greek name of a plant. The plant of the Centaurs. Centifolius-a-um. Having a hundred leaves or petals. From Lat. centum, hundred, + folium, a leaf. Cephaelis. Ipecacuanha. From Gr. Ke0a/t#, head, + eUw, to collect, roll up. The flowers are collected into a capitulum. Cephalanthus. Buttonbush. From Gr. KetyaAJ], head, -f- av6o? t flower. Flowers aggregated in spherical peduncled heads. Ceratonia. St. John's bread. Greek name for the carrob or locust tree. From K.ipaq , a horn ; alluding to the horn-shaped pods. Cerealis-e. Pertaining to grain or agriculture. From Ceres, the Latin goddess of agriculture. Cetraria. Iceland moss. From Lat. ccetra, a shield ; in reference to the shield-shaped apothecia. Chamaenerion. Willow-herb. From Gr. ^a^at, on the ground, -f- vypiov, rose-laurel. Chamomilla. Earth apple. From Gr. x a ft ai , on tne earth, + ^ov, an apple. From the apple-like odor of the flowers. BOTANICAL NOMENCLATURE. 441 Chekan. The Chilian name of Eugenia Chekan. Chelidonium. Celandine. From Gr. ^efoduv, a swallow, the flowers appearing at the same time as the swallows. Chelone. Turtlehead. Snakehead. From Gr. x ^ vr f, a tortoise, the corolla being shaped like the head of a reptile. Chenopodium. Goosefoot. Pigweed. The ancient Greek name. From XTJV, goose, + Trovf, foot. Chimaphila. Pipsissewa. Bitter wintergreen. Love-in-winter. From Gr. Xeifta, winter, + ^^, to love ; in allusion to the several popular names. Chionanthus. Fringe-tree. From Gr. ^6v, snow, + av6of j flower ; in refer- ence to the snow-white clusters of the flowers. Chirata or Chirayita. From the Hindoo name chiraita. Chondrodendron. From Gr. ^6v6pog f 2/W, leaf. Chrysosplenium. Golden saxifrage. From Gr. xpvats, gold, + trrr^i;, the spleen. From its reputed medicinal properties. Cichorium. Gr. /a'^opa, 'Succory, Chicory. Cicuta. Water hemlock. The ancient Latin name of the hemlock. Cimicifuga. Bugbane. From Lat. civnex, a bug, -f- fugo, to drive away. Cinchona. Named for the countess of Chinchon, who brought the remedy to Europe, when she returned with her husband, viceroy of Peru, in 1640. Cinereus-a-um. Ash-colored. From Lat. cinis, ashes. Cinnamomum. Cinnamon. The classical name. Circaea. Enchanter's nightshade. Named after the enchantress Circe. Cissampelos. From Gr. Ktaaoc;, ivy, + a/nre/lof, vine. From the fact that it climbs like the ivy. Citrullus. Melon. From Lat. citrus, the citron tree. Citrus. Citron, Orange. The Latin name for the citron tree. Clava-Herculis. Club of Hercules; from the appearance of the cone-like cork-wings. Clavatus-a-um. Club-like. From clava, a club. Claviceps. Ergot. From Lat. clava, a club, + caput, head ; alluding to the shape of the mycelium or sclerotium. Clematis. Virgin's bower. Greek name of a creeping plant with long, lithe branches. Probably clematis or periwinkle. Clinopodium. Field thyme. Calamint. From Gr. K Mvq, a -bed, + Trod?, foot. Clove. From Lat. clavus, a nail ; in allusion to the shape of the dried fruit. 442 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Cnicus. Blessed thistle. Latin name of the safflower, from the Gr. Coca. Span, from native name of tree. Cocculus. Diminutive of coccus, a berry. Cochlearia. Scurvy grass. From Gr. Koxfadptov, a spoon ; with reference to the shape of the leaves. Coffea. Coffee. From Turk, qahveh, Arab, qahuah, name of a beverage. Colchicum. Meadow saffron. From Gr. Ko^xk , Colchis, an ancient province in Asia Minor, where this plant flourished. Collinsonia. Horsebalm. Named in honor of Peter Collinson, English botanist of the eighteenth century. Colocynthis. From Gr. KofoitvvOq, a gourd or pumpkin. Commelina. Day-flower. Named after the Dutch botanists J. and G. Commelin, who lived in the seventeenth century. Commiphora. Myrrh. From Gr. KO////<, gum, -f- Qopoc, bearing ; in allusion to the exudation. Communis-e. Common, general. Conifer-a-um. From Lat. conns, a cone, -f fero, to bear, cone-bearing. Conium. Poison hemlock. From KUVCIOV, the Greek word for hemlock. Convallaria. Lily of the valley. From Lat. convallis, a valley. Convolvulus. Bindweed. The ancient Latin name from convolve, to entwine. Copaiba. Span, and Port, from Brazil, cupauba, the native name of the tree and its product. Coptis. Goldthread. From Gr. KOTTTU, to cut; in allusion to the divided leaves. Corallorhiza. Coral root. From Gr. KopdMtov, coral, + j>%a, root. Cordifolius-a-um. Heart-leafed. From Lat. cor, cordis, heart, + folium, leaf. Coriandrum. Coriander. The ancient Latin name, from Gr. Kopiavvov. Coriarious-a-um. Pertaining to leather. Lat. corium, leather. Cornus. Cornel. Dogwood. From Lat. cornu, a horn; alluding to the hardness of the wood. Coronilla. Axseed. Diminutive of Lat. corona, a crown; alluding to the inflorescence. Corylus. Hazelnut, Filbert. The classical name. Probably from Gr. Kopvf, a helmet, from the helmet-like involucre. Cotula. Mayweed. From Gr. nonfat, a hollow. Cratsegus. Hawthorn. The Greek name of a kind of flowering thorn. Perhaps derived from /cpdro?, strength. Crenulatus-a-um. Notched. From crena, a notch, referring to the leaves. Crispus-a-um. Curled, crisped. Crocus. Saffron. The ancient Greek name. According to mythology, a youth, Crocus, was changed into this flower. Crotalaria. Rattle-box. From Gr. K p6rafant, a rattle ; from the rattling of the loose seeds in the pod. BOTANICAL NOMENCLATURE. 443 Croton. From Gr. uporuv or Kpdruv, a tick, because the seed was thought to resemble a tick. Also applied to the castor-oil seed. Crucifer-a-um. Cross-bearing. From Lat. crux, cross, -\-fcro, to bear. With reference to the form of the flowers. Cruciger-a-um. Cross-bearing. From Lat. crux, cross, + gero, to bear. Cubeba. Span, and Port, from Arab, kababat, native name of the plant. Cucumis. Cucumber Melon. The ancient Latin name. Cucurbita. Gourd, Squash. The ancient Latin name. Cuminum. Cumin. The ancient Greek name. Cunila. Dittany. Ancient Latin name for a plant, a species of orizanum. Cupana. After Father Francis Cupani, Italian monk and botanist ; died in 1710. Cusparia. Angostura. Cusso. Abyssinian name of the tree Hagenia Abyssinica. Cyanus. Blue-bottle. The old Greek word for any dark-blue substance. Cyminum. Cumin. Same as cuminum. Cynoglossum. Hound's tongue. The classical name. From KVUV, dog, + yAuoaa, tongue ; from the shape and texture of the leaves. Cyperus. Galingale. From Gr. idnreipof, a marsh plant. Cypripedium. Lady's slipper. From Gr. Kv-npis, Venus, -f- 7mhAov, sandal. Cytisus. Broom. An ancient classical name for a shrubby kind of clover, perhaps Medicago arborea. Damascenus-a-um. Pertaining to Damascus. Daphne. Mezereum. Ancient Greek name of the bay-tree; from the nymph, whom Apollo transformed into a laurel. Datura. Jimson weed. Thorn apple. Name derived from Sans, dhattura, Arab, tatura, tatula, the native name. Daucus. Carrot. The ancient Greek name. Decandrus-a-um. Having ten stamens. From Gr. MM, ten, -+- arfp, avfipof, man. Delphinium. Larkspur. Ancient Greek name, from dety/f (rktytv), dolphin, in allusion to the shape of the flower. Dentatus-a-um. Dentated, toothed. Lat. dens, tooth. Desmodium. Tick Trefoil. From Gr. rfeo/zdf, a bond or chain; from the connected joints of the pods. Dianthus, Pink. Carnation. From Gr. A/df, oi Jupiter, + avtfof, flower. Dicentra. From Gr. d/f, twice , -j- nevrpov, a spur. Dictamnus. Dittany. The classical name. From Mt. Dicte, in Crete, on which the plant grew luxuriantly. Didymus-a-um. Twin, found in pairs. Gr. didvpoq, double. Diervilla. Bush honeysuckle. Named for Dr. N. Dierville, who carried it from Canada to Tournefort. Digitalis. Foxglove. Lat. digitalis, of or belonging to the finger; alluding to the finger-shaped corollas. 444 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Dioicus-a-um. Unisexual. The two sexes on different plants. Gr. di- t 61$, twice, -f okof, a house. Dioscorea. Yam. Dedicated to the Greek naturalist, Dioscorides. Diospyros. Persimmon. From Gr. Ai6^ f of Jupiter, -f irvp6g y grain. Diphyllus-a-um. Having two leaves. Gr. di- t dig, twice, -{- vMov, a leaf. Dipsacus. Teasel. The classical name. Probably from diipa, thirst, be- cause the united cup-shaped bases of the leaves of some species hold water. Dirca. Leatherwood. Moosewood. Name of uncertain origin. Domesticus-a-um. Domestic, common. Domingensis-e. Of Santo Domingo. Dorema. Ammoniac plant. From Gr. duprjfia, a gift, benefit. Dorstenia. Contrayerva. Named for T. Dorsten, German botanist, six- teenth century. Drosera. Sundew. From Gr. 6poaep6e } dewy. The glands of the leaves exude drops of a clear glutinous fluid, which glitter like dewdrops. Dryopteris. Greek name of a fern growing on oaks. From 6pv^ t oak, + Trrepif, a fern. Dulcamara. Bittersweet. From Lat. dulds, sweet, + amarus, bitter. Dulcis-e. Sweet. Dysentericus-a-um. Pertaining to dysentery, dysenteric. Gr. 6vaVTepin6s y afflicted with dysentery. Ebenaceae. Ebony family. From Gr. Ifievoc, Lat. ebenus, ebony. Ecballium. Squirting cucumber. From Gr. e/c ? out of, -f- /M/l/lw, to throw. Elasticus-a-um, Elastic, gummy. Probably formed from Gr.&aww, to drive. Elaterium. Classic name for a medicine prepared from the juice of the wild cucumber. From Gr. eTiavvu, to drive away. Eleocharis. Spike rush. From Gr. Aof, a marsh, + ^d/twf, grace ; being marsh plants. Elettaria. Cardamom. From elettari, native name of plant in Malabar. Eleuteria. From Eleuthera, one of the Bahama Islands. Epigaea. Ground laurel. Trailing arbutus. From Gr. eiri, upon, + yjj, earth, in reference to its trailing growth. Equisetaceae. Horsetail family. Ancient Latin name equis&tum (equi- seta) , the plant horsetail. Equisetum. Horsetail. Ancient Latin name. Derived from equus, horse, -f- s&ta (seta), a bristle. Erectus-a-um. Upright, elevated, lofty. Ergota. Ergot. From French ergot, a spur. Ericaceae. Heath family. From Gr. epeiK^ 9 heath, heather. Erigeron. Fleabane. Ancient Greek name of a groundsel, probably Senecio vulgaris. From jpi t early, -f- -ytpov, old man, from the hoary appearance of some vernal species. Eriodictyon. From Gr. Ipiov, wool, + diicrvov, a net ; in allusion to the woolly, net-veined leaves. BOTANICAL NOMENCLATURE. 445 Erysimum. Treacle mustard. The Greek name of the hedge mustard; from kpvuj to draw. Erythroxylon. From Gr. ipvdpde, red, + f uAw, wood ; referring to the color of the trees or shrubs. Esculentus-a-um. Good to eat, edible, esculent. Eucalyptus. From Gr. ev } well, + /caAvTrrdf, covered ; from the conical covering of the buds, which falls off at anthesis. Eugenia. Clove-tree. Named in honor of Prince Eugene of Savoy. Euonymus. Spindle tree. Ancient classical name for a shrub. From Gr. et>, well, + dvo/ua, name. Eupatorium. Thoroughwort. Dedicated to Eupator, king of Pontus, who is said to have used one of the species in medicine. Euphorbia. Spurge. Gr. ev^opjSiov, name of an African plant. Named for Euphorbus, physician to king Juba. Europseus-a-um. Belonging to Europe. Excelsus-a-um. Lofty, high, surpassing. Exogonium. From Gr. gw f outside, -f- y6vo$, offspring; in allusion to the exserted stamens and pistils. Fagus. Beech. The ancient Latin name, from Gr. yayelv, to eat; in allusion to the esculent nuts. Compare ^yof, a kind of oak bearing esculent acorn. Fagopyrum. Buckwheat. From Lat. fagus, beech, + Gr. irvpos, wheat; from the resemblance of the grain to the beech-nut. Farfara. Colt's-foot. Feminine form of farfarus, the ancient Latin name. Farinosus-a-um. Pertaining to meal, mealy ; Lat. farina, meal. Fastigiatus-a-um. High, pointed, tapering ; with reference to the shape of the fruit. From Lat. fastigium, the top of a gable, summit. Fertilis-e. Fruitful, fertile. Ferula. Asafceticla. Latin name for the plant fennel-giant. From ferio, to strike. Ficus. The ancient Latin name for fig. Filix-mas. Male fern. Lat. Filix, fern. Mas, male. In reference to its asexual fructification. Fistula. Reed, pipe, cane ; from the appearance of the long, slender fruit. Fceniculum. Fennel. The classical Latin name. Diminutive of fcenum, hay. Fcetidus-a-um. Fetid, stinking. From Lat. factor, an offensive smell. Fragaria. Strawberry. Lat. fraga, strawberries. From fragro, to emit fragrance. Fragrans. Fragrant, sweet-scented. Pres. partic. of fragro, to emit fra- grance. Frangula. Buckthorn. From Lat. frango, to break; in allusion to the brittle stems. Frasera. American Calumba. Named for John Fraser, an English botani- cal collector of the eighteenth century. 446 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Fraseri. Of Fraser. Latinized genitive. Fraxinus. Ash. The classical Latin name. Perhaps from Gr. fypdacu, to hedge in. Fulvus-a-um. Yellow, tawny. Fumaria. Fumitory. From Lat. fumus, smoke. Probably from the nitrous odor of the fresh roots. Galeopsis. Hemp nettle. Gr. yaXioipig, a kind of dead nettle. Galium. Bedstraw. Cleavers. Ancient Greek name of a plant. Perhaps from yd/la, milk, which is coagulated by some species. Galla. Nutgall. Ancient Latin word for oak-apple, gall-nut. Gallicus-a-um. Belonging to Gaul, now France. Garcinia. Mangosteen. Named for Laurent Garcin, French botanist of the early part of the eighteenth century. Gardenia. Cape Jasmine. Named after the author, Alexander Garden of South Carolina (1757-1829). Gaultheria. Aromatic wintergreen. Named for Dr. Gaulthier, of Quebec, a, court physician about the middle of the eighteenth century. Gaylussacia. Huckleberry. Named for the French chemist, Gay-Lussac. Gelsemium. Yellow Jasmine. From gelsomino, the Italian ,name of Jas- mine. Genista. Woad-waxen. Whin. From the Celtic gen, a bush. Gentiana. Gentian. The ancient classical name. From Gentius, king of Illyria, who according to Pliny discovered the medicinal property of the plant. Geranium. Cranesbill. The Greek name. From -yspavof, a crane. The long fruit-bearing beak was thought to resemble the bill of the crane. Geum. Avens. Latin name of plant, found by Pliny. Gigartina. Sea moss. From Gr. yiyaprov, a grape stone. From the resem- blance of the fruit bodies (cystocarps), which appear as elevated tubercles on the frond or thallus. Githago. Corn-cockle. Provincial Eng. and Welsh Gith. Glaber-bra-brum. Smooth, hairless ; referring to the leaves. Glandulifer-a-um. Gland-bearing. Lat. glandula, gland, -j- fero, to bear. Glandulosus-a-um. Full of glands, glandulous. Glaucium. Horned poppy. From Gr. y/lau/cdc, glaucous. From the glau- cous foliage. Globulus. Latin diminutive of globus; a little ball, globular; referring to the button-like form of the fruit. 'Glutinosus-a-um. Glutinous, viscous; referring to the resinous leaves and stems. From Lat. gluten, glue. Glycyrrhiza. Liquorice. From Gr. -ytivKve, sweet, + p/C, root ; referring to the taste of the root. Gnaphalium. Cudweed. Everlasting. Ancient Greek name of a downy plant. Probably allied with KvaQaMov, a lock of wool. Gossypium. Cotton. From Lat. gossypion, the cotton-tree. BOTANICAL NOMENCLATURE. 447 Gouania. Chew-stick. Gramineae. Grass family. From Lat. gramen, grass. Granatum. Pomegranate. The ancient Latin name. Gratiola. Hedge hyssop. From Lat. gratia, favor ; because of its supposed medicinal virtue. Graveolens. Strong-smelling. Lat. gravis, strong, + oleo, to emit a smell. Grindelia. Gum-plant. Tar-weed. Named for Prof. D. H. Grindel, a Russian botanist, who died in 1836. Guaiacum. Guaiac. From Span, guayaco, the native Haytian name of the plant. Guarana. Portuguese name formed from the native Brazilian name. Gummifer-a-um. Gum-producing. From Lat. gummi, gum, -j- fcro, to bear. Guttifer-a-um. Gum-exuding. From Lat. gutta, a drop, + fero, to bear. Gymnocladus. Kentucky coffee-tree. From Gr. yv/uv6^ ) naked, -f /^adof, a branch, the branches being for long periods destitute of spray. Gypsophila. From Gr. yi>i/>oc, chalk, gypsum, + 0^ew, to love. Habenaria. Fringed orchis. From Latin habena, a thong or rein. Haematoxylon. From Gr. a/^a, blood, -f v%ov, wood ; relating to the color of the heart wood. Hagenia. Cusso. Named after Dr. K. G. Hagen, German physician and apothecary (1749-1829). Hamamelis. Witch-hazel. Ancient Greek name of a tree with fruit like a pear (//j$/f). Of doubtful application, as the fruit is a woody capsule. Hanburii. Latinized genitive from Hanbury, an eminent English pharma- cognosist and traveller. Hedeoma. Pennyroyal. From Gr. f/6i>off[uie, mint. From //<%, sweet, + bow, scent. Hedera. Ivy. The classical Latin name. Helenium. Sneeze-weed. Ancient Greek name of a plant, said to be named after Helenus, son of Priam. Helianthemum. Rockrose. From Gr. fflioc, the sun, -f- avtifpn', flower. The large flowers open only once, in sunshine. Helianthus. Sunflower. From Gr. i^oc, the sun, + avttoc, a flower. Heliotropium. Heliotrope. Turnsole. The ancient Greek name. From jy/Uoc, the sun, + rpoTny, a turn ; alluding to the flowering at the summer solstice. Helleborus. Hellebore. The ancient classical name. Hepatica. Liver-leaf. From Gr. jjirariK6s t belonging to. the liver. The leaves were thought to resemble the liver in shape. Herbaceus-a-um. Herbaceous, grassy. From Lat. herba, grass, herbage. Hesperis. Rocket. Greek name for evening flower. From effirtpa, even- ing; alluding to the evening fragrance. Heuchera. Alum root. Named for Prof. J. H. Heucher, who died in 1747. Hevea. Brazilian rubber tree. From vernacular name heve. 448 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Hibiscus. Rose mallow. The ancient classical name. Hierochloe. Holy grass. From Gr. Iep6c, sacred, + x Ur), grass. Sweet- scented grasses strewn before church doors on saints' days. Hippocastanum. Horsechestnut. From Gr. ITTTTOC, horse, + Kaaravov^ chestnut. Hirsutus-a-um. Hirsute, rough, hairy. Hispidus-a-um. Rough, shaggy, bristly. Hordeum. Barley. The ancient Latin name. Houstonia. Bluets. Named for Dr. William Houston, an English botanist. Humulus. Hop. Name of uncertain origin. Perhaps from Lat. humus, ground, alluding to the fact that the plant creeps on the ground unless supported. Hydrangea. From- Gr. %6op t water, + ayyeiav, a vessel ; from the shape of the capsule. Hydrastis. Golden seal. Orange root. From Gr. vfiup, water, -f- 6pdu to act, accomplish. Probably with reference to the active properties of the juice. Hydropiper. Smartweed. Water pepper. Gr. vdup t water, -j- piper, pepper. Hymenocallis. Spider lily. From Gr. i)mfyv t membrane, -f /cdAAof, beauty ; alluding to the crown. Hyoscyamus. Henbane. The ancient Greek and Latin name. From Gr. vf 7 a hog, -f- Ki>a[j.o^ , a bean ; said to be poisonous to swine. Hypericum. St. John's-wort. The ancient Greek name. Probably from V7r6, under, -f- kpeint], heather. Icthyomethia. Jamaica dogwood. From Gr. iffis, a fish, + piOij 9 strong drink, intoxicant. Idaeus. From Gr. '/daZoc, pertaining to Mt. Ida, near Troy, where the raspberry once flourished. Ilex. Holly. The ancient Latin name for the holm oak or holly oak. Illicium. Star anise. A Latin word meaning an allurement; alluding to the odor and attractive appearance. Impatiens. Touch-me-not. A Latin word meaning "that cannot bear or suffer," from in, not, -f- patiens, enduring ; from the sudden bursting of the pods when touched. Indicus-a-um. Pertaining to India. Inflatus-a-um. Inflated, swollen, puffed up. Inula. Elecampane. The ancient Latin name. Ipecacuanha. Ipecac. Portuguese name from Brazilian ipe-kaa-guena; properly a creeping plant that causes vomiting. Ipomcea. Morning glory. From Gr. ty t In6g t a worm, -f- bpotos, like ; allud- ing to the twining stems. Iris. Fleur-de-lis. Blue flag. From Gr. lpi^ t the rainbow. Islandicus-a-um. Belonging to Iceland. Isoetes. Quillwort. Ancient name used by Pliny, probably for a house- leek or evergreen. BOTANICAL NOMENCLATURE. 449 Iva. Marsh elder. Name of unknown derivation. Ixina. From native Ixine, at Cumana, Venezuela, where Loefling discov- ered the plant in 1754. Jaborandi. Native name of a South American rutaceous shrub. Jalapa. So called from Jalapa, a town in Mexico, whence it was first obtained. Jateorrhiza. Calumba. From Gr. idreipa, healing, -f- p/ a , root ; a healing root. Jeffersonia. Twinleaf. Named in honor of Thomas Jefferson. Juglans. Walnut. Name contracted from Jovis glans, nut or acorn of Jupiter. Juncus. Rush. Bog rush. Ancient Latin name; from jungo, to join, the stems being used for bands. Juniperus. Juniper. The classical Latin name; probably from juvenis, young, -f- pario, to produce. Youth-producing ; in allusion to its ever- green appearance. Kalmia. Sheep laurel. Named for Peter Kalm, pupil of Linnaeus. Kamala. Hindoo name of the dusty hairs of the capsules of Mallotus Philip pinensis, used as an orange dye for silks. Kino. East Indian name of the dried juice of Pterocarpus Marsupium. Krameria. Rhatany. Named for Drs. J. G. H. and W. H. Kramer, Ger- man botanists of the eighteenth century. Kuhnia. False boneset. Named for Dr. Adam Kuhn, of Philadelphia, who carried the living plant to Linnaeus. Kuhnistera. Prairie clover. Named from its resemblance to Kuhnia. Labiatae. Mint family. From Lat. labium, lip ; referring to the irregular corolla. Lacinaria. Blazing star. From Lat. lacinia, the lappet or flap of a gar- ment ; hence fringed, from the appearance of the flower heads. Laciniatus-a-um. Slashed, having a fringed border. Lat. lacinia, flap, lappet. Lactuca. Lettuce. The ancient Latin name ; from lac, milk ; referring to the milky juice. Lactucarium. The inspissated juice of the lettuce (lactuca). Lamium. Dead nettle. From Gr. Aa^of, throat; alluding to the ringent corolla. Lanceolatus-a-um. Armed with little lance or point, lanceolate. From Lat. lance ola, a small lance. Langsdormi. Named after M. Langsdorff, Russian consul at Rio, 1829, from whom Desfontaines received his specimens. Laportea. Wood nettle. Named for Frangois L. de Laporte, Count of Castlenan, an entomologist of the nineteenth century. Lappa. Burdock. The ancient Latin word for burr. Laterifolius-a-um. Growing by the side of the leaf at its base, as a laterifolius flower. Lat. latus, side, -f- folium, leaf. 2Q 450 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Lathyrus. Vetchling. Everlasting pea. Ancient name of a plant of Theophrastus. Lauraceae. Laurel family. From Lat. laurus, laurel tree. Lavandula. Lavender. From Lat. lavo, to wash; alluding to the use made of its distilled water. Lawsonia. Henna plant. Named for Dr. John Lawson, who lived in the eighteenth century. Ledum. Labrador tea. Ancient Greek name of an Oriental shrub. Leguminosae. Pulse family. From Lat. legumen, pulse. Lemnaceae. Duckweed family. From Gr. Atum, a water plant. Lens. Lentil. The ancient Latin name. Lentiscus. Classical Latin name for the mastic-tree. Lentus-a-um. Pliant, flexible. Leonurus. Motherwort. From Gr. Muv, a lion, + ovpa, a tail. Lepidium. Peppergrass. Classical name of a cress. Also meaning a little scale; in allusion to the fruit. Leptandra. Culver's root. From Gr. ^TITOC, slender, + ai%j, avdp6s j man; referring to the slender stamens. Leucadendron. From Gr. Aewcdf, white, + Se.vdpov, a tree. Levisticum. Lovage. Name said to be a corruption of ligusticum. Ligusticum. Lovage. The ancient Latin name. Derived from Liguria, an Italian province where the plant abounded. Ligustrum. Privet. The ancient Latin name. Liliaceae. Lily family. From Lat. lilium (Gr. heipiov), a lily. Limonium. Sea lavender. The ancient Greek name; probably from heipuv. a meadow. Limonium. Lemon. Ital. limone, from Arabic laimun. Linaceae. Flax family. From Lat. linum (Gr. Tiivov), flax, linen, thread. Lippia. Fog-fruit. Named for Agostino Lippi, Italian naturalist. Liquidambar. Sweet gum tree. From Lat. liquidus, fluid, -f- Arabic ambar, amber; alluding to the color and fragrance of the exudation. Liriodendron. Tulip tree. From Gr. faipiov, lily, flower, + 66vdpov t a tree. Lithospermum. Cromwell. Puccoon. The ancient Greek name. From Woe, stone, + ffTrtppa, seed ; alluding to the hard nutlets. Lobeliaceae. Lobelia family. From lobelia. Named after Matthias de 1'Obel, an early Flemish botanist. Loganiaceae. Logania family. Named after J. Logan, a distinguished botanist. Lonicera. Honeysuckle. Named for Adam Lonitzer, German botanist, who died in 1586. Loranthaceae. Mistletoe family. From Gr. l&pov, a thong, -{- avttoe, a flower. Lotus. Bird's-foot trefoil. An ancient Greek plant name. Lunaria. Moonwort. From Lat. luna, the moon; alluding to the silvery septum of the fruit. BOTANICAL NOMENCLATURE. 451 Lupinus. Lupine. Sun-dial. Ancient Latin name of a plant. From lupus, a wolf; because these plants were thought to devour the fertility of the soil. Lupulus. Diminutive of Lat. lupus, wolf; wolfish, because it chokes the shrubbery on which it climbs. Lusitanicus-a-um. Pertaining to Lusitania, the western part of Spain. Luteus-a-um. Of or belonging to the yellow- weed (luteum) ; hence golden yellow, flame-colored. Lychnis. Campion. Ancient Greek name for a plant with flame-colored flower. From /lir^of, a light or lamp. u Lycopodiaceae. Club-moss family. From Lycopodium, club-moss. Lycopodium. Club-moss. From Gr. Awcof, a wolf,-}- vrovs t a foot; in reference to the appearance of the shoots. Lycopus. Bugleweed, Water horehound. From Gr. Awcof, a wolf, 4- 7rot>f, a foot; from a fancied likeness in the leaves. Lythrum. Loosestrife. From Gr. ZvOpov, blood; perhaps because of its styptic properties. Macis. Mace. From Gr. fidicep, an Indian spice. Maclura. Osage orange. Named for William Maclure, an early American geologist. Maculatus-a-um. Spotted, mottled. From Lat. macula, a spot. Magnolia. Named for Pierre Magnol, professor of botany at Montpellier, France, during the early seventeenth century. Majalis. Emasculated. From Latin majalis, a barren hog. Majorana. Marjoram. Old Eng. majoran, late Latin ma/oraca, classical Latin amaracus. Major-us. Larger, greater. Comparative of magnus, large. Mallotus. Kamala. From Gr.//aAAwrd^ woolly, fleecy; the young branches, leaves and capsules being covered with fine hair or wool. Malvaceae.- Mallow family. From Lat. malva, mallow. Mamillosus-a-um. Filled with papillae or " little breasts." From Lat. mamilla, little breast, in allusion to the stalked cystocarps. Manna. The dried exudation of Fraxinus Ornus. Gr. parra, a grain, from Hebrew man, gift. Marginalis-e. Marginal, belonging to the margin. From Lat. inargo, margin, edge; with reference to the marginal position of the sori. Mariana. Carduus. Milk thistle, Virgin Mary's thistle, named from Maria, Latin name for Mary. Marilandicus-a-um. Pertaining to Maryland. Maritimus-a-um. Belonging to the sea. From Lat. mare, the sea. Marmelos. Bengal quince. From Portuguese marmelo, quince. Marrubium. Horehound. Latin classical name, derived from the Hebrew marrob, bitter; a bitter juice. Marsilea. Named for Aloysius Marsili, an early Italian naturalist. Marsupium. A pouch, bag. Gr. fiap^vmov; referring to the shape of the fruit. 452 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Mastic. Gr. ^aari^jf ) from fiaado/ ) to chew. Used in the East as a chewing gum. Matico. Dried leaves of Piper angustifolium. Said to have been named from a Spanish soldier, who applied the green plant to a wound and stopped the bleeding. Matricaria. Wild chamomile. From Lat, matrix, the womb ; in allusion to its supposed effect on that organ. Medicus-a-um. Medical, curative. Melaleuca. Cajaputi. From Gr. ^Aaj-, black, -f- Aewcdf, white; the bark of the trunk being black, that of the branches white. Melilotus. Sweet clover. From Gr. peht, honey, + Awrof, a kind of clover. Melissa. Balm. From Gr. pehiaca, a bee ; the flowers yielding an abund- ance of honey. Menispermum. Moonseed. From Gr. /w^v/f, crescent, -j- anepfj-a, seed; in reference to the crescent-shaped seeds. Mentha. Mint. The ancient Latin name. From Gr. fiivdq, mint. Menyanthes. Buckbean. Probably from Gr. fiqv, month, + &v6oc, a flower. Perhaps because it blooms for about a month. Mercurialis. Mercury. Ancient Latin name of a plant; meaning belong- ing to Mercury, the messenger of the gods. Methysticum. Kava-kava. Gr. ^etfuan/cof, intoxicating; from /ueOv, wine. Meum. Spignel. Bear wort. The ancient Greek name (^ou). Mezereum. French mezereon, from Persian mazriyun. Microcarpus-a-um. Having small fruit. From Gr. fuitpog, small, + /capTTOf, fruit. Mikania. Climbing hempwood. Named for J. G. Mikan, professor in the University of Prague, who died in 1814. Milaceus-a-um. Of or pertaining to millet, Lat. milium, millet. Millef olium. Yarrow. The ancient Latin name ; from mille, thousand, -f- folium, leaf. Mitchella. Partridge berry. Named for Dr. John Mitchell, a botanist of Virginia, eighteenth century. Mitella. Mitrewort. Bishop's cap. Diminutive of Lat. mitra, a cap; alluding to the form of the young pod. Mollis-e. Pliant, soft, mild. Monarda. Horse mint. Named for Nicholas Monardes, Spanish botanist and author of the sixteenth century. Monniera. Hedge hyssop. Named for Prof. L. Guillaume le Monnier, a French botanist of the eighteenth century. Monotropa. Indian pipe. From Gr. fi6vof, one, -f- rporr^, a turn ; the summit of the stem being turned to one side. Montanus-a-um. Belonging to the mountain, mountainous. Morus. Mulberry. Ancient Latin name for the mulberry tree. Mucuna. Cowhage. From the vernacular Brazilian name. BOTANICAL NOMENCLATURE. 453 Muricatus-a-um. Rough with short, hard points. Lat. murex, a pointed rock. Myosotis. Forget-me-not. The ancient classical name. From Gr. ^i>, a mouse, ovf, wrdf, the ear. From the short and soft leaves in some species. Myrica. Wax myrtle. Bayberry. From Gr. /zup//7, ancient name of the tamarisk. Myristica. Nutmeg. From Gr. pvpifa, to be fragrant. Myrrha. Myrrh. Ancient classical name for the balsamic juice of the Arabian myrtle. Myrtus. Myrtle tree. The ancient classical name. Napaea. Glade mallow. From Gr. vairr], a woody dell. Napellus. Little turnip. Diminutive of Lat. napus, a turnip. Narcissus. The ancient Greek name. From vapurj^ numbness, because of its narcotic properties. Or, according to others, from Narcissus, a youth, who according to a myth was changed into this flower. Nardus. Spikenard. The ancient Greek name. Nectandra. Bebeeru. Pichury beans. From Gr. VSKTOP, nectar, -f- avyp, man, nectar stamen. Nelumbo. Sacred bean. Lotus lily. From vernacular, Ceylon. Nepeta. Catnip. Cat mint. The ancient Latin name. Neslia. Ball mustard. Named for J. A. N. de Nesle, French botanist. Nicotiana. Tobacco. Named for Jean Nicot, a French diplomat, who was thought to have introduced tobacco into Europe (1530-1600). Nigella. Fennel flower. Diminutive of Lat. niger, black, from the color of the seeds. Niger-gra-grum. Black, dark. Nobilis-e. Famous, noted, well-born. Nux-vomica. Lat. nux, a nut, and vomo, to vomit. Nymphsea. Yellow pond lily. Ancient Greek name for the water lily, which was dedicated to the water nymphs. Nyssa. Tupelo. Pepperidge. The Latin name of a water nymph, nurse of Bacchus; because the original species of the plant grows in water. Obtusifolius-a-um. Having leaves blunted or rounded at the end. Lat. obtusus, blunted, -f- folium, leaf. Occidentalis-e. Occidental. Western. Odontorhizon. Crawley-root. From Gr. bdavs, a tooth, -f- P%a, a root. Odoratus-a-um. Emitting a smell, especially sweet-smelling, fragrant. CEnothera. Evening primrose. An ancient Greek name of a plant. Officinalis-e. Pertaining to the shop. From Lat. officina, a workshop. Oleaceae. Olive family. From Lat. olea, olive tree. Oleum. Gr. IZaiov, olive oil; hence oil. Onoclea. Sensitive fern. Ancient Greek name of a plant. Operculina. Turpeth root. Probably from Lat. operculum, a covering. Opium. Gr. dirtov f poppy juice. 454 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Opulus. Ancient Latin name of a kind of maple. Opuntia. Prickly pear. Ancient 'Greek name of a plant, perhaps from 'OroDf, a town in Locris. Orientalis-e. Pertaining to the Orient or East. Origanum. Wild marjoram. The ancient Greek name. Probably from bpof t mountain, -j~ -yavog, brightness, joy. Ornus. Wild mountain ash. The classical Latin word. Perhaps from Gr. fyof, mountain. Osmunda. Flowering fern. From Osmunder, Saxon name of the Celtic divinity, Thor. Ostrya. Hop hornbeam. Ironwood. The ancient classical name. Oxalis. Wood sorrel. Ancient classical name ; from Gr. 6ft-?, sour. Oxycedrus. Prickly cedar. Ancient Greek name ; from 6f i>f , sharp, -j- jclrf/oof, cedar. Cedar with pointed leaves. Paeonia. Peony. The ancient Greek name. From llatuv, physician to the gods. Palmatus-a-um. Pertaining to a palm, like a palm. From Lat. palina,a palm. Palustris-e. Fenny, marshy, swampy. From Lat. palus, a marsh. Panax. Ginseng. Greek name of a plant. From Tra^, all, + d/cof, a cure ; all-healing, panacea. Paniculatus-a-um. Having panicles. From Lat. panicula, a tuft or panicle. Panicum. Panic grass. Ancient Latin name of Italian panic grass. Papaver. Poppy. The classical Latin name. Papyrifer-a-um. Producing papyrus. Lat. papyrus, -f- fero, to bear. Parviflorus-a-um. Having small flowers. Lat. parvus, small, -|- fios, a flower. Passiflora. Passion flower. Adaptation of the Latin flos passionis, flower of passion. From a supposed resemblance of the parts of the flower to the implements of the crucifixion. Pauciflorus-a-um. Having few flowers. Lat. paucus, few, + ftos, a flower. Paullinia. Guarana. Named for C. F. Paullini, a German botanist (1643- 1712). Pedatus-a-um. Having pedates or lobes. Lat. pedo, to supply with feet. Peltatus-a-um. Peltate or shield-like. Lat. pelta, a shield. Pcnnalifolius-a-um. Feathered, winged. Lat. pennatus, winged, -j- folium, leaf. Penthorum. Ditch stonecrop. From Gr. jrvre, five, + opof, a rule ; refer- ring to the quinary order of the flower. Pepo. Pumpkin. Melon. The ancient Latin word. Pereirse. Of Pereira. Named in honor of Jonathan Pereira, an Eng- lish pharmacologist, who visited South America (1804-1853). Perfoliatus-a-um. Perforate. Stem apparently passing through the leaves. Lat. per, through, + folium, leaf. BOTANICAL NOMENCLATURE. 455 Perforatus-a-um. Perforate, having holes as if pricked through. Lat. perforo, to pierce through. Persea. Avocado. Ancient name of an Egyptian tree with fruit growing on the stem. Persicaria. Lady's thumb. From Lat. persicus, a peach tree. Petroselinum. Parsley. An ancient Greek plant-name. From Trtrpo, a rock, + aehivov, parsley. Phaseolus. Kidney bean. The ancient classical name. Philadelphus. Mock orange or Syringa. Ancient Greek name of a sweet flowering shrub ; applied by Linnaeus to this genus. Phillipinensis-e. Belonging to the Philippine Islands. Phlox. Greek name of a plant with flame-colored flowers. From 0/U$ a flame. Physostigma. Calabar bean. From Gr. ^ixra, a bladder, + <7-/;/z, a mark, stigma. Phytolacca. Pokeweed. From Gr. $vT6v } plant, -f- Ital. lacca, lake color ; alluding to the coloring matter which the berries yield. Picea. Spruce. The classical Latin name of the pitch-pine. Picrasma. Quassia. From Gr. TriKpacjuoc;, bitterness. Picrotoxinum. From Gr. Tiv/cpdf, bitter, + Togmdv, poison. Pilocarpus. Jaborandi. From Gr. TrZ/lof, a hair, -f- Kapiros, fruit ; refer- ring to the shape of the fruit. Pimenta. Allspice. From Spanish pimicnta, allspice. Derived from Latin pigmentum, spice. Pimpinella. Pimpernel. Said to be formed from Lat. bipinnula, equiva- lent to bipennis, two-winged ; referring to the bipinnate leaves. Pinus. Pine. The ancient Latin name. Probably akin to pinna, a feather. Piper. Pepper. The classical Latin name. Piperitus-a-um. Peppery, pungent. Lat. piper, pepper. Pipsissewa. Chimaphila. An American Indian name. Piscipula. From Lat. piscis, fish. Pistacia. Pistachio. The ancient classical name. Planifolius-a-um. Having flat leaves. Lat. planus, flat, plane, -f- folium, leaf. Plantago. Plantain. The ancient Latin name. Podophyllum. Mandrake. From Greek 71-0%, foot, + QVAAOV] referring to the foot-like leaves. Podostemon. Riverweed. From Gr. iroif, foot, -f- ffTqpuv, thread, stamen ; the two stamens being apparently raised on a stalk by the side of the ovary. Polemonium. Greek valerian. An ancient Greek name of a plant. From war. Polygala. Milkwort. From Gr. iroMyafov, the ancient name. much, + }'a?rz, milk. 45^ A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Polygamus-a-um. Having some perfect flowers and others with stamens only, or pistils only, on the same plant ; polygamous. From Gr. iro/.vs, much, -f- j-afjiu f to marry. Polygonatum. Solomon's seal. Ancient Greek name of a plant. From iroMc, much, many, + y6w, yovaror, knee; having many joints. Polygonum. Knotweed. The ancient classical name. From Gr. much, many, + y6vv f knee*; having many knots or joints. Polypodium. Polypody. The ancient Greek name. From TTOAVC, much, many, -f- novg, foot ; alluding to the branching rootstock. Polyporus. Agaric. From Gr. iroM>, many, + v6pog t a pore ; referring to the porous texture of the plant. Populus. Poplar. Aspen. The classical Latin name. Potentilla. Cinquefoil. Five-finger. Name is a diminutive form of Lat. potens, powerful; from the reputed medicinal powers of one of the species. Pratensis-e. Growing in meadow-land. Lat. pratum, meadow. Precatorius-a-um. Imploring, beseeching. From Lat. precor, to pray ; in allusion to the use of the seeds as beads in rosaries. Primula. Primrose. Cowslip. The name is a diminutive of Lat. primus, first ; from the flowering of the primrose in early spring. Procumbens. Lying on the ground. From Lat. procumbo, to incline for- ward. Prunifolius-a-um. Having leaves resembling those of the plum tree. From Lat. prunus, plum tree, -|- folium, leaf. Prunum. Plum. Classical Latin name for the fruit. Prunus. Plum, cherry. Classical Latin name for the plum tree. Pruriens. Itching. From Lat. prurio, to itch ; in reference to the hairs, which occasion an intolerable itching. Psyllium. Flea-seed. Ancient Greek name for fleawort. Psoralea. From Gr. ^wpa/leof, scurfy ; in reference to the glandular dots on the calyx and pods. Ptelea. Hop-tree. Ancient Greek name for the elm. Pteris. Brake or Bracken. Ancient Greek name for a kind of fern. From irrepov, a wing ; alluding to the pinnate or feathery fronds. Pterocarpus. From Gr. irrepov, a wing, -f- K.apir6$, fruit ; in allusion to the winged legumes. Puber-a-um. Downy. Pubescens. Downy, hairy, woolly. From Lat. pubesco, to become downy. Pulegioides. Like fleabane. From Lat. pulegium (Gr. i/wA/uov), fleabane, + -o-ei6w, resembling; in allusion to the appearance and odor. Pulicaria. Fleawort. The ancient Latin name. Pulmonaria. Lungwort. From Lat. pulmonarius, beneficial to the lungs. From its supposed curative properties. Pulsatilla. Pasque flower. From Lat. pulso, to strike, agitate ; of uncertain application. BOTANICAL NOMENCLATURE. 457 Punica. Pomegranate. From Lat. punicum, pomegranate tree. Purpureus-a-um. Purple-colored. Purshianus-a-um. Adjective formed from Purshia. Named for Fred. Pursh, a German botanist and author of Flora America Septentrionalis. Pyrethrum. Pellitory. Feverfew. Ancient Greek name for a hot, spicy plant. Pyrus. Pear, Apple. Ancient Latin name for the pear tree. Quassia. Named for a negro, Quassy or Quash, who prescribed this remedy as a specific. Quebracho-bianco. From Sp. quebrantar, to break, -f- hacha, an axe; in allusion to the hard and tough bark. Blanco, white. Quercus. Oak. The classical Latin name. Quillaja. Soap bark. From vernacular quillai, Chili. Racemosus-a-um. Having racemes or clusters. Radicans. Rooting. From Lat. radico, to take root; alluding to the fact that the stems send out roots. Ranunculus. Crowfoot. Buttercup. The Latin name for a little frog; some species being aquatic. Raphanus. Radish. The classical name. From Gr. pa, quickly, + fyaivofiai, to appear; alluding to the rapid germination. Repens. Creeping. From Lat. repo, to creep. Reptans. Creeping. From Lat. repto, to creep. Reseda. Mignonette. From Lat. resedo, to calm, heal ; from its supposed sedative properties. Reticulatus-a-um. Reticulate, net-like. Lat. retia, a net; leaf -veins form- ing a net-work. Rhamnus. Buckthorn. The ancient classical name. Rhaponticus-a-um. Rhapontic. From Lat Rha, the Volga river, -\- ponticus, pertaining to the Pontic or Black Sea. The rhubarb growing on the banks of the Rha. Rheum. Rhubarb. From Lat. Rha, the river Volga, on whose banks the plant grew. Rhododendron. Rose-bay. The ancient name. From Gr. p66ov, a rose, + divdpov, a tree. Rhus. Sumach. The ancient classical name. Ribes. Currant. Gooseberry. From Arabic ribds, a plant with an acid juice. Ricinus. Castor bean. The ancient Latin name. Robinia. Locust. Named for John and Vespasian Robin, royal gardeners of Paris, seventeenth century. Robustus-a-um. Robust, strong, oaken. Lat. robur, oak. Rosa. Rose. The ancient Latin name. Roseus-a-um. Rose-colored, rosy. Lat. rosa, a rose. Rosmarinus. Rosemary. From Lat. ros, dew, + marinus, belonging to the sea; from its maritime habitat. 458 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Rostratus-a-um. Beaked, curved, rostrate. Lat. rostrum, a beak. Rotundifolius-a-um. Having round leaves. Latin rotundus, round, -f- folium, leaf. Ruber-ra-rum. Red, ruddy. Rubus. Bramble. Blackberry. Ancient Latin name, akin to ruber, red. Rugosus-a-um. Wrinkled, creased. Lat. ruga, a wrinkle. Rumex. Dock Sorrel. The classical Latin name. Ruta. Rue. The ancient classical name. Sabadilla. Cevadilla. From Span, cevadilla. Probably from Lat. cibus, food, though the seeds are poisonous. Sabal. Palmetto. From vernacular, Mexico or South America. Sabina. From Lat. Sabinus, of the Sabines ; a people of Italy who used the juniper as an incense. Saccharum. The classical name for sugar. Saigonicus-a-um. Of Saigon, a city and province in southern Annam. Salix. Willow. The classical Latin name. Salvia. Sage. The ancient Latin name. From salvo, to save ; because of its supposed healing qualities. Sambuciis. Elder. The old Latin name, perhaps from Gr. aapftvKq, a musi- cal instrument. Sanctus-a-um. Holy, sacred, consecrated. Sanguinaria. Bloodroot. From Lat. sanguinarius, bloody; from the color of the juice. Sanicula. Black snakeroot. Sanicle. From Lat. sano, to heal. Santalinus-a-um. Of the sandal-tree, of . sandal-wood. Gr. oavrakov the > sandal-tree. Santalum. Sandal-wood. The ancient Greek name for sandal-tree. Saponaria. Soapwort. From Lat. sapo, soap; the juice forming a lather with water. Sarracenia. Pitcher plant. Named for Dr. Michel Sarrasin, of Quebec. Sassafras. The Spanish name. Probably a modification of saxifrage. Sativus-a-um. Cultivated. Propagated by seed. Scammonia. Scammony. Classical name of a plant, Scandens. Climbing. Lat. scando, to climb. Scilla. Squill. The ancient Greek name for the medicinal squill. Scirpus. Rush. The ancient Latin name. Scolopendrium. Adder's tongue. The ancient Greek name. From <7Ko/o7rw5pa, .the centipede ; alluding to the sori. Scoparia. Broom-weed. From Lat scopa, a broom. Scutellaria. Skullcap. From Lat. scutclla, a dish ; alluding to the calyx. Secale. Rye. Latin name for a kind of grain. From seco, to cut. Sedum. Stonecrop. Orpine. Latin name of a houseleek. From scdeo, to sit; alluding to the manner in which the plants attach themselves to walls and rocks. Semecarpus. Cashew-nut. From Gr. cny//a, a mark, + nap^of;, fruit. BOTANICAL NOMENCLATURE. 459 Sempervirens. Evergreen. Lat semper, always, + vireo, to be green. Senecio. Groundsel. Ragwort. Squaw- weed. From Lat. senex, old man ; alluding to the hoariness of some species. Senega. Seneca root. From the Seneca tribe, North American Indians, who used it as a remedy for snake bites. Senegal. Name of a country and river in W. Africa. Habitat of the plant Acacia Senegal. Senna. Senna leaves. Name derived from Arabic Sana or sena. Serenoa. Saw palmetto. Named for Prof. Sereno Watson of Harvard University ( 1826-1892) . Serotinus-a-um. Late, backward ; relating to the flowers and fruit. Serpentaria. Snakeroot. The ancient Latin name. From scrpcns, a serpent. Serrulatus-a-um. Serrulate, notched. From Lat. serrula, a saw. Sesamum. Sesame. The classical name of the sesame. Siliqua. The classical Latin name for a pod. Silphium. Rosin weed. Ancient Greek name of some resinous plant. Simaba. Cedron. From vernacular name, Guiana. Sinapis. Mustard. The ancient Greek name was oivcnrt. The Latin had both forms, siuapis and sinapi. Sinensis-e. More commonly Chinensis. Pertaining to China. Sisymbrium. Hedge mustard. The ancient Greek name of a sweet-scented plant. Smilax. Green brier, cat brier. An ancient Greek name for the yew, and for several plants. Socotrinus-a-um. Of Socotra, an island east of Africa. Solanum. Nightshade. The ancient Latin name. Solidago. Goldenrod. From Lat. solido, to make whole, to heal ; in refer- ence to its supposed healing properties. Somnifer-a-um. Sleep-producing. From Lat. somnus, sleep, -f- fcro, to bear, bring. Sorbilis-e. Sorbile, fit to be drunk or sipped. Lat. sorbeo, to suck. Sorbus. Mountain ash. The ancient Latin name. Sorghum. Derivation uncertain. Probably of Chinese or East Indian origin. Spicatus-a-um. Supplied with spikes, spicate. Spigelia. Pink root. Worm-grass. Named for Adrian von der Spiegel, Flemish botanist of the seventeenth century. Spiraea. Hardback. Meadow-sweet. The ancient Greek name. From ffTreifia, a coil or twist ; from the twisting of the pods in some species. Squarrosus-a-um. Scabby, scurfy, ragged. Staphisagria. Stavesacre. From Gr. , leaf. Triticum. Wheat. The ancient Latin name. From tritus, past participle of tero, threshed or ground. Trivialis-e. Common, trivial. Lat. tres, three, -f- via, road ; three roads, growing along many roads. Tsuga. Hemlock. The Japanese name of one of the species. Tuberosus-a-um. Tuberous. Lat. tuber, lump, tumor. Turpethum. Turpeth. From Persian tirbid, a cathartic ; turbad, a purga- tive root. Tussilago. Coltsfoot. The ancient Latin name. From tussis, a cough, for which the plant is a reputed remedy. Ulmaria. Queen of the meadow. From ulmus, elm ; hence elm-like. Ulmus. Elm. The classical Latin name. Umbellatus-a-um. Umbellated, like an umbel. Lat. umbella, little shade, umbel. Umbellularia. Bay-laurel. From umbellula, little umbel, a late Latin diminutive of umbella. Uniflorus-a-um. Bearing one flower only. Lat. unus, one, -f- flos, flower. Urginea. Squill. Sea onion. From Lat. urgeo, to press ; alluding to its flattened seeds. Urtica. Nettle. The ancient Latin name. Usitatissimus-a-um. Most useful, common, familiar ; superlative degree of usitatus. Ustilago. Smut, Bunt. An ancient Latin name of a plant. Uva-ursi. Bearberry. From Latin uva, a grape, + ursi, of a bear. 462 . A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Valeriana. Vale-rian. Probably from Lat. valeo, to be strong. Vanilla. From Spanish vainilla, diminutive of vaina, a sheath, pod; be- cause its seeds are contained in little pods. Variifolius-a-um. With varying leaves. Lat. varius, various, changing, -f folium, a leaf. Venenosus-a-um. Poisonous, deadly. Lat. vcnenum, poison. Veratrum. False hellebore. The classical Latin name. Veronica. Speedwell. Dedicated to St. Veronica. Versicolor. Having various colors. Lat. vcrto, to turn, change, + color, color. Verticillatus-a-um. Disposed in a whorl. Lat. verticillus, diminutive of vertex, a whirl; referring to the leaves or flowers. Verus-a-um. True, genuine, original. Viburnum. Black haw. Arrow-wood. The ancient Latin name. Victorialis. Ancient Latin name of a plant. Villosus-a-um. Hairy, shaggy, villous. Vinifer-a-um. Wine-producing. Lat. vinum, wine, + fcro, to bear. Viola. Violet. Heart's ease. The ancient Latin name of the genus. Virginianus-a-um. ) _ ,,. . . } Of or belonging to Virginia. Virgmicus-a-um. J Viridiflorus-a-um. Having green flowers. Lat. viridis, green, + flos, a flower. Viridis-e. Green. Virosus-a-um. Having a bad odor, fetid. Lat. virus, an offensive smell. Vitis. Grape. The classical Latin name. Vouacapoua. Araroba tree. From vernacular name, Central America. Vulgaris-e. Common, general, ordinary. Wisteria. Named in honor of Prof. Caspar Wistar, distinguished anatomist of Philadelphia. Xanthium. Clotbur, Cocklebur. Greek name of some plant used to dye the hair. From gav66?, } yellow. Xanthoxylum. Prickly Ash. From Gr. gavOds, yellow, -f- gbfav, wood ; referring to the color of the roots. Zea. Maize. Indian corn. Ancient classical name for a kind of grain. Zeylonicus-a-um. Of or belonging to Ceylon. Zingiber. Ginger. The ancient Greek name. CHAPTER V CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS YIELDING ECONOMIC PRODUCTS IN this chapter will be given in natural sequence a list of the principal orders of plants that yield medicinal and other economical products. While great stress will be laid upon the plants used in medicine, yet considerable attention will also be given to the other economic substances furnished by the angiosperms, as food- products, fibers, coloring principles, woods, and timbers, as well as to the plants commonly cultivated for ornamental purposes. It will be found that the number of plants useful to man is a very large one, being derived from all the important families, so that in their consideration the student will gain a rather comprehensive view of the entire group. A. CLASS MONOCOTYLEDONE.E. The Monocotyledons are mainly distinguished as follows : The embryo has only one cotyledon ; the leaves are mostly scattered and parallel-veined ; the fibrovascular bundles of the stem are of the closed type, and the flowers are typically trimerous. I. ORDER PANDANALES. This order includes members which are aquatic or marsh plants, with narrow, elongated leaves and very small, imperfect and incomplete flowers in spikes or heads. The TYPHACE;E or Cat-tail family has the flowers borne in densely crowded terminal spikes, the-staminate flowers being at the upper end of the spike, while the pistillate flowers which are beneath are more persistent. The SPARGANIACE^E or Bur-reed family have the flowers borne in densely globose heads, the staminate heads being rather small and near the upper part of the stalk, while the pistillate heads are larger and situated a short distance below the staminate ones (Fig. 252). 463 464 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FlG. 252. Bur-reed (Sparganium eurycarpum), a perennial plant flowering throughout the summer and growing on the borders of ponds, lakes, and rivers throughout the United States. It grows to a height of 8 to 12 dm., and produces long, ribbon-like leaves. The flowers are in heads, becoming bur-like from the divergent beaks. After Brown. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGTOSPERMS. 465 FlG. 253. Arrow-head (Sagittaria latifolia), a common marsh or aquatic plant and very widely distributed. The leaves are variable, but almost always sagittate. It produces naked scapes which are sheathed by the bases of the petioles; the white flowers are produced all summer. After Troth. 30 466 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. IT. ORDER NAIADALES. This order, as with other rather primitive orders, is made up mostly of aquatic and marsh plants, the flowers frequently being spicated. The NAIADACE^E or Pond-weed family comprises such genera as Potamogeton, the common Pond-weed, and Zostera, or Eel- grass, which is extremely common in bays and estuaries in all parts of the country, and in many places its collection forms an active industry. It is used in upholstery work and as a packing material. To the ALISMACE^: or Water- Plantain family belong Alisma, the Water- Plantain, and Sagittaria, or Arrow-head, which is a very attractive plant (Fig. 253) . Of the latter there are a large number of species which are widely distributed. III. ORDER GRAMINALES OR GLUMIFLOR^. This order is composed of the two families, grasses (Gram- ineae) and sedges (Cyperacese). a. GRAMINE^: OR GRASS FAMILY. The plants of this family are nearly all herbs having cylindric, generally hollow culms with swollen nodes. The leaves are exactly alternate, and have long sheaths which are split or seldom closed, tubufar, and nearly always with a distinct ligule. The flowers are mostly hermaphrodite and borne in spikelets with alternate floral-leaves, the spikelets themselves being borne in spicate or paniculate in- florescences. Each spikelet (Figs. 255, 256) consists of two (seldom more) empty glumes, which are the lowest floral-leaves in each spikelet ; a varied number of flowering glumes, frequently awned or toothed, are situated inside the empty glumes, and each of which subtends a short branch (the rhachilla), the latter bearing an adorsed fore leaf (the pale), which is generally two- keeled and two-toothed, enclosing two minute scales (lodiculesj and the flower. The flower has mostly three stamens (there being six stamens in Oryza and Bambusa), with the anthers versa- tile, and a simple gynsecium consisting of one carpel having two styles and a plumose stigma. The ovary is unilocular with one ascending or pendulous ovule. The fruit is a grain or caryopsis, CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 467 the seed being always firmly united with the thin pericarp (except in Sporobolus, Eleusine, etc.). The embryo is situated at the base, on the outer convex surface of the seed, outside the endo- sperm. On germination the cotyledons remain in the seed. The endosperm contains numerous starch grains and oil, while the gluten layer around the endosperm contains proteins. The number of layers of gluten- or aleurone-containing cells varies in the different cereals. In corn, wheat, and rye it consists of but a single layer ; in oat (Fig. 247) and rice, of i or 2 layers ; while in barley it is made up of 2 to 4 layers. The Grasses comprise about 3500 species and are distributed in all parts of the world. While most of the plants are grass-like, FIG. 254. Diagrams of cross-sections of monocotyledonous flowers: t, stem of plant; f, bract; s, sepals or outer circle of perianth; p, petals or inner circle of perianth; a, stamens; c, ovary. A, regular flower of the lily; B, irregular flower of iris. C, flower of an orchid, in which 1 is the position of the lip and S 8 of the two staminodes. After Warming. still some of them, as the bamboos of the Tropics, become quite tall, having woody siliceous stems and bearing many branches in the axils of the leaves. The grasses yield the cereal grains forming so large a proportion of the food of man, and forage constituting the food of many of the lower animals. The following are some of the important cereals: Wheat (Triticum sativum and its varie- ties), corn (Zea Mays), oat (Avena sativa), rice (Oryza sativa), barley (Hordeum sativum and its varieties), rye (Secale cereale}. A number of the species yield a sweet cell-sap from which cane sugar is made, of which the most important are the sugar cane (Saccharum oMcinarum) and sorghum (Andropogon arundina- ceus saccharatus and other varieties). (Consult pp. 148, 156, 198.) 468 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. A large number of the grasses are used in medicine, one of which, couch-grass (Agropyron repens), is official. Agropyron repens is a common perennial grass, forming slen- der jointed rhizomes, by means of which the plant is extensively propagated ; the culms vary from one to four feet in height, the spikelets are 3- to 7-flowered ; and the empty glumes, 5- to 7-nerved, acute or with a.n awn-like apex. Hordeum sativum is an annual grass with the flowers in ter- F!G. 255. Wheat (Triticum): A, zigzag axis or rachis of ear showing the notches where the spikelets were inserted; B, an entire spikelet; C, a flower with the pales; D, a flower without the pales, showing the lodicules at the base; E, glume; F, outer pale; G, inner pale; H, fruit (caryopsis) ; I, longitudinal section of fruit. After Warming. minal cylindrical spikes resembling wheat. The spikelets are ses- sile, i-flowered, and usually in clusters of three on opposite sides of the notched rachis. The empty glumes are long and narrow, forming a kind of involucre around the spikelet. It is supposed that Hordeum sativum is a cultivated form of H. spontaneum growing in the countries between Asia Minor and other parts of Western and Southwestern Asia. Three important varieties are distinguished, depending upon the number of rows of grains in CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 469 the ear. H. sativum distichon includes the plants having 2-rowed ears, and these are chiefly grown in Middle Europe and England. H. sativum hexastichon includes the plants having the grains in 6 rows, these having been cultivated since prehistoric times and furnishes the winter barley. H. sativum vulgare includes the plants in which the grains are in 6 irregular rows, and these are cultivated in northern temperate regions. The latter plant is cultivated in the United States and furnishes the spring or summer barley, largely used in the preparation of malt. Zea Mays (Indian Corn) is a cereal plant probably indigenous to Central Mexico. It is extensively cultivated in the United FIG 256. Diagrammatic outline of a spikelet: nY, lower glume; Y, upper glume; nl, outer pale; I, inner pale; 1, 1, lodicules; st, stamens; I-I, main axis; II, lateral axes or branches.After Warming. States and other parts of the world for its grain. From a multi- ple, primary, somewhat fibrous root arise one or more erect simple culms, which are grooved on alternate sides in the successive internodes and from the nodes of which arise aerial secondary roots. The leaves are alternate and consist of 3 parts: (a) a blade, which is long, broadly-linear and tapering toward the apex, the tip being pendulous; (b) a lower sheathing portion which is open; and (c) a short, translucent, somewhat hairy ligule, situated between the sheath and the blade. The flowers are monoecious, the staminate, which are arranged in a terminal pan- icle, maturing first; the pistillate occur in axillary spikes, the axes of which constitute the corn cob. They are enclosed in 470 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. spathe-like bracts or husks, from which the long filiform styles (p. 178) protrude. The grain is somewhat ovate or triangular, flattened, pointed at the base, grooved on one side, indicating the position of the embryo, from 10 to 15 mm. long and about 10 mm. broad, more or less translucent, and varies in color in the different varieties. The constituents of the corn grain are 50 to 75 per cent, of starch ; about 10 per cent, of proteins ; 4.29 per cent, of a fixed oil; about 5 per cent, of sugar, and 1.29 per cent, of ash. There are a large number of varieties and sub-varieties of Zca Mays, some of the former being ranked as species. The follow- ing well-defined varieties may be mentioned : 1 i ) Zea Mays everta, to which belong the POP-CORNS. The size of the ears and grains is about one-half or less that of the other corns ; the grains have a more or less translucent and horny endosperm, the cells of the latter containing numerous compactly arranged polygonal starch grains, which are from 7 to 10 ^ in diameter and have a central rarefied area from 2 to 7 /x in diam- eter. It is owing to the structure of the starch grains that the peculiar popping of the corn grains results when they are heated. Heating the corn grains at 145 to 160 C. for from 4 to 10 min- utes causes the bursting of the starch grains, and at the same time a rupture of the cells and splitting of the pericarp into 4 parts. The white appearance of the popped grains is due to the inclusion of air in the bursted cells. During the heating the starch is con- verted into a soluble form, and this gives popped corn its nutritive value. Some of the flint and dent corns show a similar tendency to pop when heated, but it is only in those parts of the endo- sperm that are horny and the cells of which contain compactly arranged polygonal starch grains in which the rarefied area is at least from one-tenth to one-fifth the diameter of the entire grain. Pieces of the pop-corn, as well as the horny portions of some of the flint and dent corns, will pop as readily as the whole grains. (2) Zea Mays indentata yields the DENT or FLINT CORNS, the grains of which have a corneous (horny) endosperm on the sides and are indented at the summit, owing to the shrinking of the cells which contain more cell-sap and less compactly arranged starch grains. The starch grains in the cells of the horny endosperm resem- CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS, .471 FIG. 257. Carex lurida, one of the Sedge family (Cyperacece), found throughout the summer in swamps and wet meadows in the eastern and central United States. It is a perennial grass-like herb with triangular culms, 3-ranked leaves, and with 2 to 4 spikes of flowers. The genus is a vast one of more than a thousand species, widely distributed and most abundant in the temperate zones. After Troth. ble those of pop-corn, but the starch grains in the other cells are more or less rounded or slightly polygonal, and vary from 5 to 25 /x. in diameter; the central rarefied area is either wanting or usually not more than 2 /x in diameter. (3) Zea Mays saccharata yields the SUGAR CORNS. While .the 472 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. grains are more or less translucent and horny, they have a wrinkled or shrivelled surface. The cells of the endosperm con- tain gum-like substances and a relatively small number of nearly spherical starch grains from 4 to io/x in diameter. BROOM CORN (Andropogon arundinaceus vulgar -e) is a plant which is cultivated for the panicles or seed heads, which are used in the manufacture of brooms. This plant differs from the other species of Andropogon in that the branches of the panicles are longer, straighter, and stronger, forming a so-called " brush." Quite a number of the grasses contain odorous principles, as Andropogon citratus, which yields lemon-grass oil; A. Schcenan- thus, which yields gingergrass or geranium-grass oil; A. squar- rosus, the rhizome of which is known as Vetiver. Coumarin is found in Vanilla grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) and white or Dutch clover (Hierochlcc odorata). Some species of Stipa are used in the manufacture of paper (Alfa or Esparto) in North Africa and Spain. b. CYPERACE^E OR SEDGE FAMILY. These plants are all herbaceous, the majority being perennial (seldom annual). The rhizomes are mostly sympodial (being monopodial, however, in certain Carices), and the stems are mostly solid and triangular, without swollen nodes. The leaves are grass-like, generally arranged in three rows, and the sheath is closed, being mostly without ligules. The flowers may be hermaphrodite or unisexual, sometimes dioecious, and arranged in spikes or racemes. The perianth is wanting or only represented by 6 bristles, or by an indefinite number of hairs. The number of stamens is 3, with the anthers attached by their bases to the filament. The gynaecium consists of 2 to 3 carpels, with one style divided into 2 or 3 branches, and provided with papillae. The fruit is a nut, whose seed is generally united with the pericarp. The embryo is small and is centrally situated at the base of the seed, being surrounded by the endosperm. On germination, the cotyledon is freed from the seed. A number of the sedges yield food products, as the rhizomes of Cyperus esculentus and Eleocharis tuberosa, the latter of which is used in the manufacture of starch in China and India. Quite a number of species of Scirpus, Cyperus, Carex, etc., are used in CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 4/3 medicine. Various species of Cyperus (C. scariosus, of the East Indies, and C. pertenuis, of India) yield ethereal oils and are used in making perfumery. Cyperus Papyrus is used in medicine and also furnished the paper of the Ancients. IV. ORDER PRINCIPES. In this order is included that interesting group of tropical and sub-tropical plants the PALMS (Palmae). They are arbores- cent, having simple unbranched trunks which are terminated by clusters of leaves, in the axils of which flowers are produced. The leaves are pinnate (Feather Palms) or palmate (Fan Palms) and often very large. The petiole is well developed, with an am- plexicaul, more or less fibrous sheath. The inflorescence is usually lateral, in some cases forming a large spadix with a woody, boat- shaped spathe. In comparison the individual flowers are very small. The fruit is either a berry, as in the Date palm, or a drupe, as in the Cocoa-nut palm, generally I -seeded and with a large horny or bony endosperm, as in the Date palm (p. 135) and Phytelephas macrocarpa, the latter of which yields vegetable ivory, used in the making of buttons (Fig. 258). The fruit of the saw palmetto [Serenoa (Sabal) serrulata], one of the fan palms, is official. The saw palmetto is characterized by having a creeping, branching root-stock or rhizome, one end of which rises a short distance above ground, this portion being surmounted by a dense crown of leaves. The petioles are slender and spinose on the edges ; the blade is fan-shaped and consists of a number of palmate divisions which are slightly cleft at the apex. The inflorescence is densely tomentose and shorter than the leaves. The fruit is a i -seeded drupe. The palms yield a number of useful products. The Betel-nut palm (Areca Catechu) produces a seed having medicinal proper- ties (Fig. 259). The seeds, known as ARECA NUT, are 20 to 25 mm. long, conical, grayish-brown, with numerous spiral, reddish veins, heavy, hard, somewhat aromatic, astringent, and slightly acrid. They contain about o.i per cent, of an oily liquid alkaloid, arecoline, which chemically and in its physiological action resem- bles pelletierine ; 14 per cent, of tannin, resembling catechutannic acid ; gallic acid ; a red coloring principle ; and 14 per cent, of a 474 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. fixed oil. They also contain 3 other alkaloids: arecaine, arecai- dine, and guvacine, but these do not seem to give the drug its properties. CARNAUBA-WAX is obtained from the Carnauba-palm of Brazil (Copernicia cerifera). The wax exudes from the surface of the young leaves and is obtained by boiling them with water. DRAGON'S FIG. 258. Vegetable Ivory, the endosperm of the seeds of a Central American palm (Phytelephas macrocarpa). The fruits are produced near the ground, are nearly globular, measuring about i meter in circumference, and weigh about 14 pounds each. They are covered with a woody spinose wall (A), and enclose a number of drupes (B), each of which contains a single hard seed (C). The latter contains a hard, white, fine-grained endosperm (D); it is used in making small articles of turnery, as buttons, etc. Reproduced by permis- sion of The Philadelphia Commercial Museum. BLOOD, a bright red resinous substance, is obtained from the juice of the fleshy fruit of Calamus Draco. It consists chiefly of resin, some tannin, and about 3 per cent, of benzoic acid. The Oil palm (Elccis guineensis) of equatorial West Africa yields a drupe with an oily sarcocarp, from which, by means of pressure or boiling with water, PALM OIL is obtained. The Cocoa- nut palm (Cocos nucifera) yields the COCOA NUT of the market, CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 475 and is probably one of the most useful palms to the natives, fur- nishing, as it does, food, clothing, utensils of all kinds, building materials, etc. The Sago-palms (Metroxylon Rumphii and M. Iccve) yield SAGO, which is prepared by washing out the starch from the cut stems and subsequently heating it. A tree 15 years old yields from three to four hundred kilograms of sago starch. The Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) yields the DATES of the FlG. 259. A number of Areca-nut palms (Areca Catechu) growing in Ceylon. The stems are slender, attaining a height of 25 meters or more, with a diameter of 3 to 4 dm. and bearing a cluster of leaves at the summit. The palm is also known as the Betel-nut palm, and is extensively cultivated throughout tropical India. Reproduced by permission of The Philadelphia Commercial Museum. market, and it is interesting to note that since very early times the fruits produced by the growers in the Orient have been the result of artificial or hand-pollination. V. ORDER ARALES OR SPATHIFLOR/E. This order includes two families which are markedly different in their habits: (i) The Aracese, which are rather large herbs with an inflorescence known as a spadix and consisting of a fleshy 476 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 260. Fruits and iiowers of several of the palms. A, cluster of flowering spikes of the cocoanut palm (Cocos nucifera); B, number of the young fruits of the cocoanut palm; C, cluster of the ovoid fruits of the betel-nut palm (Areca Catechu); D, compound inflorescence of drooping spikes of the kittul (Ijittool) palm (Caryota urens); E, large clusters of deltoid fruits of kittul palm. Reproduced by permission of the Philadelphia Commercial Museum. The cocoanut palm yields a larger number of economic products than any other tree in the world; the fruit is edible and yields the cocoanut oil, the sap produces an alcoholic beverage, the leaves are used for making useful articles, and the wood is employed in cabinet making. The Betel-nut palm yields a number of valuable products, the most important being the seed, which is not only used to stimulate digestion, but is used in many religious cere- monies, as well as in regulating the intercourse of the more polished classes of the East. The base of the leaf stalks of the kittul palm yield a fiber which is elastic, shows considerable tenacity, and is used in the making of brushes for brewers' use. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 477 FIG. 261. Jack-in-the-Pulpit, or Indian Turnip (Aris&ma triphyllum) , a very common perennial herb growing in woods and thickets of the eastern and central parts of the United States and Canada, and characterized by i or 2 leaves which are divided into 3 ellfptical- ovate, pointed leaflets and a characteristic spathe of a greenish color, frequently purple- striped and curving in a broad flap over the top of the club-shaped spadix. The plant produces a turnip-shaped corm with an intensely acrid juice. After Troth. 478 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. spike, which is subtended or enclosed by a large bract known as a spathe, as in the Calla-lily, where it is large and white, and (2) the Lemnaceae or duckweed family, which is composed of minute, FlG. 262. Skunk Cabbage (Symplocarpus fcttidus), a perennial herb producing a very thick rhizome, from which arise in the early spring the flowers crowded on a spadix sur- rounded by a large, shell-like spathe which barely rises out of the ground and is striped or spotted with purple and yellowish-green. These are followed by a cluster of ovate, cordate leaves becoming 3 to 6 dm. long. In the illustration are shown 4 of the spathes, the one at the left being cut open to show the globular or ovoid spadix, and a single leaf unfolding. After Troth. floating, thalloid plants that develop one or more flowers on the margin or upper surface of the thallus. ARACE^E OR ARUM FAMILY. The plants belonging to this family are perennial herbs with tuberous or fleshy rhizomes CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 479 and simple or compound leaves which are usually long-petioled. The spadix is densely flowered, the staminate flowers being above and the pistillate below on the same axis, or the plants are wholly dioecious. The perianth when present consists of 4 to 6 scale-like segments. Frequently the spadix is subtended or enclosed by a more or less showy spathe. The fruit is usually a berry, some- times a utricle. FIG. 263. Water Arum (Calla palnstris) , showing portion of rhizome, the broadly ovate and cordate leaves, and the inflorescence, which consists of a cylindrical spadix and an elliptical spreading spathe. A number of the plants of this family have medicinal proper- ties, and one of them yields the unofficial drug CALAMUS. The drug is derived from sweet flag (Acorus Calamus), a plant common in swamps and along streams in the Eastern United States, and characterized by its long, narrow, linear, bilateral leaves, which are from 6 to 18 dm. in height and about 25 mm. in width. The inflorescence is a spike-like spadix having greenish-yellow flowers. Many of the Araceae possess an acrid juice. The acridity is 480 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. probably due either to saponin or an acrid volatile principle rather than to raphides of calcium oxalate. Frequently these principles are dissipated or destroyed on cooking, and the plants are then used as food, as the WATER ARUM (Calla palustris), which on account of its acrid principles is used as a remedy for snake bites when in the fresh condition, but which on drying loses- its acridity and being rich in starch is used as a food (Fig. 263). To this family also belong Jack-in-the-pulpit, or INDIAN TURNIP (Ari- sama triphyllum), the acrid corm of which is used in medicine (Fig. 261) ; SKUNK CABBAGE (Symplocarpiis fcetidus), the fetid rhizome of which has medicinal properties (Fig. 262). A number of plants of the Arum family are rich in starch, as the tubers of Xanthosoma edule of Surinam, which contain 62 per cent, of starch. VI. ORDER XYRIDEALES OR FARINOSE. The plants are mostly perennial herbs of tropical and sub- tropical America. The order includes a number of families, among which is BROMELIACE^E, to which the pineapple (Ananas sativus) belongs. PINEAPPLE is a native of Brazil and is now cul- tivated in warm countries of the eastern and western hemispheres. The fruit contains a proteolytic enzyme resembling trypsin and also a milk-curdling ferment. The bast fibers of the leaves are used for textile purposes. Some of the Bromeliaceae are epi- phytic (air-plants), the best known member being probably the FLORIDA MOSS (Tillandsia usneoides), which is used in upholstery (Fig. 264). The family Commelinaceae is represented in the United States by Commelina or day-flower, some species of which have medic- inal properties. The roots of some tropical species contain saponin, as C. deficiens, of Brazil. The rhizomes of a number of species of Commelina contain notable quantities of starch and are edible. The spiderworts (Tradescantia) common in rich soil in the United States, and the Wandering Jew (Tradescantia Zebrina) commonly cultivated as an ornamental plant, also belong to this family. To the PONTEDERIACE^: belong several perennial aquatic or bog plants, whose leaves are usually thick or in some cases long and grass-like. The flowers are frequently arranged in Spikes subtended by leaf -like spathes (Fig. 265). CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 481 482 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 265. Pickerel Weed (Pontederia cor data), a common aquatic herb growing along the margin of slow streams. It is a very hardy plant occurring far north and grows best in water ten or twelve inches deep. It produces long-petioled leaves and a single stem bearing a spike of violet-blue, ephemeral flowers. After Troth. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 483 I FIG. 266. Small Solomon's Seal, also commonly known as true Solomon's Seal (Poly- gonatum biflorum). It is a perennial herb with lance-oblong, sessile leaves, in the axils of which are usually two nodding greenish flowers. The plant grows in moist woods or wooded hillsides, and receives its common name from the creeping knotted rhizomes, on the upper surface of which are usually one or more prominent circular scars, formed upon the decay of the aerial shoots. After Biown. 4 8 4 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY FIG. 267. False Solomon's Seal or False Spikenard (Smilacina racemosa), a perennial herb with a somewhat stout stem, a number of alternate parallel-veined leaves and a terminal raceme of whitish, sometimes fragrant, flowers. It forms a horizontal knotted rhizome, on the upper surface of which are found circular scars. It may be found growing in under- brush in moist woods. After Brown. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 485 VII. ORDER LILIALES OR LILIIFLORvE. The plants of this order are mostly perennial herbs with rhi- zomes, tubers, bulbs, or fibrous roots. The leaves are parallel- veined. a. LILIACE^E OR LILY FAMILY. The plants are the most typical of the Monocotyledons. They are scape-like herbs with bulbs ; the flowers are symmetrical, and the perianth is parted into 6 more or less distinct segments (Fig. 123) ; the anthers are introrse. The ovary is free, 3-locular, with a single style, and the fruit is a 3-locular, loculicidally dehiscent capsule. The Liliaceae is one of the most important families, containing about 2500 species, many of which are of great economic interest. Quite a number are cultivated on account of the beauty and fra- grance of their flowers. Among the latter are the hyacinth, lily, lily-of-the-valley, tuberose, tulip, and yucca. Of those yielding food products we have asparagus, being the young shoots of Asparagus officinalis. The edible bulbs include the onion (Allium Cepa], garlic (Allium sativum), the leek or scullion (Allium Porrum), and chives (Allium Schcenoprasum). A number of the Liliacese are among the common wild flowers, as swamp pink (Fig. 272), bellwort (Uvularia), lily (Lilium), dog's-tooth violet (Erythronium), Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum), False Solo- mon's Seal (Fig. 267), True Solomon's Seal (Fig. 266), Indian Cucumber- root (Medeola), colic-root (Fig. 271), cat brier (Smilax), etc. The following plants are of medicinal interest : Veratrum viride is a plant 2 to 8 feet high, which is charac- terized by the broad, clasping, strongly plicate leaves, and by hav- ing the flowers in large terminal panicles (Fig. 268). The plant is found in swamps and wet woods in the United States in spring and early summer. The rhizome is upright, and it with the roots is used in medicine. The plant, including the rhizome, closely resembles the Veratrum album of Europe. Colchicum autumnale. This is the autumnal-flowering colchi- cum, a perennial herb but a few inches high which arises from a corm and bears proportionately large lilac-colored flowers. The fruit consists of 3 follicles containing numerous seeds. The corm and seeds of this and other species of Colchicum are used in 486 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 268. Flowering specimen of Veratrum tiride, showing the spreading, spike-like racemes and the parallel-veined leaves. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 487 medicine. Among the species yielding large corms and extensively cultivated is Colchicum Burmanii (Fig. 269). Aloe species. The stems are about a meter high and bear at the summit a cluster of thick, succulent leaves which are lance- olate and spinous-toothed (Fig. 270). The inflorescences are in long spikes which are quite showy and characteristic for the differ- ent species. Aloe Perryi, which yields the SOCOTRINE ALOES, possesses leaves with white spines and flowers that are orange-red or scarlet at the base, the stamens being unequal ; Aloe vera, which yields the BARBADOES or CURACAO ALOES, has leaves with yellow or reddish spines and yellow flowers in which the stamens are as long as the corolla ; Aloe ferox and some other African species, which yield CAPE and UGANDA ALOES, have flowers in close spikes, the petals being white and marked by green lines, and the stamens much longer than the corolla. The inspissated juice is official in all the pharmacopoeias. Urginea maritinia, which yields the drug squill, is character- ized by its large, onion-like bulb, from which arise ten to twenty broadly lanceolate, grayish-green leaves ; and by having the in- florescence in long spikes consisting of whitish flowers which have a distinctly purple stripe on each division of the perianth. Convallaria majalis or Lily-of-the-valley is a plant which is well known. It produces a raceme of delicately odorous white flowers and beautiful oblong leaves with prominent parallel veins. The rhizome and roots are official. Smilax species. The drug sarsaparilla is yielded by at least four different species of Smilax. These are mostly vines with woody or herbaceous, often prickly stems and leaves with petioles which have a pair of persistent tendril-like appendages. The flowers are small, mostly greenish, dioecious and in axillary umbels. The fruit is a globose berry. Not a great deal is known of the species which yield the drug, with the exception of Smilax medica, which yields the Mexican or Vera Cruz sarsaparilla. In Smilax medica the leaves vary from more or less cordate to auriculate- hastate; in Smilax officinalis, which yields the native Jamaica sarsaparilla, they, are ovate, as they are also in Smilax papyracea, which yields Para sarsaparilla. The Jamaica Sarsaparilla, official in the British Pharmacopoeia, is obtained from plants of Smilax 4 88 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. ornata growing in Costa Rica and subsequently shipped to Jamaica. Nothing is known of the plant yielding Honduras sarsaparilla, although this drug has been in use for nearly four centuries. It FIG. 269. Floweiing plant of Colchicum Burmami, a form producing very large corms a.nd extensively cultivated in Holland. is said to be derived from Smilax officinalis. The sarsaparilla plants have short rhizomes which give rise to long roots, which are the part used in medicine. A DRAGON'S BLOOD, resembling that derived from Calamus CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 489 Draco, is obtained from Dracccna Draco, a tree growing in the Canary Islands. Some of the trees of this species are of historic interest, as the dragon tree of Orotava, which is 46 feet in circum- ference at the base. A number of the plants of this family contain saponin, as the species of Smilax. Some contain coniferin and vanillin, as Aspar- agus officirtalis. Some of the group contain glucosidal principles which under the influence of ferments yield ethereal oils contain- FlG. 270. A field of Aloe plants, growing in the Riversdale District, Cape Colony. The stems are simple, with one or more clusters of leaves; the latter are from 3 to 6 dm. in length, fleshy and very thorny-prickly at the margin. Reproduced by permission of the Philadelphia Commercial Museum. ing sulphur, as the various species of Allium. Garlic (Allium sativum) contains a glucoside, allisin, which on hydrolysis with an oxidase (allisin) forms the essential oil of garlic. A number also are quite poisonous when fresh but edible when cooked. b. AMARYLLIDACE^E . OR AMARYLLUS FAMILY. This group is of special interest because it includes the Agave or Century plant. This is a characteristic genus of plants of the hot and arid regions of North America. The best known of these 490 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. is the CENTURY PLANT (Agave americana), which is one of the most important economic plants of Mexico. The stem axis of the plant is very short and the thick, fleshy leaves form a tuft at FIG. 271. Plant of Aletris farinosa showing characteristic rosette of lanceolate leaves at the base and portion of long slender scape with numerous tubular flowers. The plant is common in dry coniferous woods in the eastern part of the United States. the summit. The leaves are lanceolate, with spinose margins, and furnished with stout terminal spines. The leaves as well as the roots contain a large amount of mucilage which retains water and CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 491 FIG. 272. Swamp Pink (Helonias bullata) is a rather rare plant found only in certain localities, particularly in wet places, extending from southern New York to Virginia. It produces a tuberous root-stock, and the evergreen leaves are clustered near the base of a naked scape which bears in the early spring a short raceme of purplish flowers. This should not be confounded with the plant yielding the drug known as Helonias or false unicorn root, the latter being derived from Chamcelirium luteum, and at one time known as Helonias dioica. After Troth. 492 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. thus helps to adapt the plants to these arid regions. The plants grow slowly and may flower when they are ten or twelve years old. The Agaves contain saponin and other principles of medicinal value. They yield a number of other products, as follows : PULQUE, a fermented drink of the Mexicans ; MEZCAL, a distilled drink resembling rum; various fibers, as SISAL HEMP, " Hene- quen " or " Sacci/' etc. Other members of the Amaryllidacese likewise find use as medicines and as foods, many of them being cultivated as ornamental plants, as Narcissus, Hymenocallis, Crinum, and Amaryllis. c. DIOSCOREACE.E OR YAM FAMILY. The plants be- longing to this family are twining shrubs or herbs with tubers either above or below ground. The general characters of the plants are shown in the wild yam-root (Dioscorea villosa) of the United States (Fig. 180). Several species, notably, D. Batatas, yield the YAMS or Chinese potatoes of commerce. Many of the species of Dioscorea, as well as other members of this family, contain active principles which, like those of the Aracese and Liliacese, are destroyed on heating. The rhizome of Tamus communis contains saponin, and Rajania subamarata con- tains tannin. d. IRIDACE^E OR IRIS FAMILY. The plants of this fam- ily are perennial herbs with mostly equitant (bilateral) leaves and horizontal rhizomes, or corms. The flowers are regular or irregular and with a petalloid stigma (Fig. 254, B). Iris versicolor is a flag-like plant, commonly known as the LARGER BLUE FLAG, and found abundantly in the marshes and wet meadows of the Eastern United States. It is distinguished by its tall* stems and sword-shaped, somewhat glaucous leaves. The flowers are violet-blue. The rhizome somewhat resembles that of calamus, but is of a dark brown color and contains 25 per cent, of acrid resins, a volatile oil, starch, and tannin. Iris florentina, which yields the ORRIS ROOT of commerce (Fig. 190), is a plant cultivated in Middle and Southern Europe, and closely resembles the above-mentioned species. The rhizome con- tains a volatile oil resembling that found in violets, and is used in perfumery. Orris root is also obtained from Iris germanica and /. pallida. The violet odor is developed on keeping the rhizome a vear or two. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. . 493 Crocus sativus, the orange-red stigmas of which have been used in medicine since ancient times, is an autumnal-flowering plant. The flowers are lilac-purple, somewhat like those of Colchicum, and occur at the summit of a scape rising 15 to 20 cm. above ground. The leaves are linear and rise directly from a more or less globular corm. The plant is cultivated in Spain and other parts of Europe and in the United States as well. The stigmas constitute the drug SAFFRON (Crocus), which was formerly official, and contain a coloring principle, I part of which will impart a distinct yellow color to 100,000 parts of water. Saffron contains a yellow glucoside, CROCIN, which is soluble in alcohol but not in water, and is colored blue by sulphuric acid. The drug also con- tains 7.5 to 10 per cent, of a volatile oil, which appears to be derived from a coloring principle that resembles carotin ; and the bitter principle picro-crocin. e. JUNCACE^ OR RUSH FAMILY. These are grass-like marsh plants, which are distinguished by the fact that the flowers are small, with a 6-parted glumaceous perianth, and the fruit is a loculicidally dehiscent capsule. The stems are mostly solid, slen- der, usually arise in tufts from the rhizome, and are characterized by stellate parenchyma cells, among which are large, intercellular spaces, the latter also being characteristic of the leaves. The rushes are principally found in cold and temperate regions. Several species of Juncus and Luzula have been used in medi- cine, particularly in Europe. The seeds of Luzula compestris, a common wood rush of the United States naturalized from Europe, are edible. Soft rush (Juncus effusus) and Hard rush (/. conglomerate) are used in Japan in the manufacture of rush matting. In Holland the rush is grown on the embankments along the coast to prevent the action of the tides. VIII. ORDER SCITAMINALES OR SCITAMINE^E. The plants of this order are mostly found in the Tropics and are perennial herbs with fleshy rhizomes. The leaves are large, more or less elliptical and pinnately veined. The leaf sheaths close tightly around each other and form a kind of false stem. The flowers are epigynous, unsymmetrical or zygomorphic, and fre- quently only one stamen is completely developed. 494 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. a. THE ZINGIBERACE;E OR GINGER FAMILY is dis- tinguished from the other Scitaminese by the fact that the seeds have endosperm as well as perisperm. The plants are rich in volatile oils, and a number are used in medicine and perfumery. Zingiber officinale yields the official ginger (Fig. 273). From a creeping, fleshy, branching and laterally compressed rhizome (Fig. 187) arises a stem about i M. high bearing numerous lanceo- late leaves. The flowering stalk arises directly from the rhizome, terminating in a spike which bears flowers having greenish-yellow petals with violet or purple stripes. Elettaria Cardamomum (E. repens) yields the cardamom of the several pharmacopoeias (Fig. 237). The plant has a leafy as well as floral stem which rises from a tuberous rhizome. The leaves are broadly lanceolate. The flowers are greenish-white, the labellum (consisting of two petal-like staminodes) being bluish. The fruit is a capsule, and the seeds are the part used in medicine. The so-called PARADISE GRAINS are the seeds of Amomum Melegueta growing in Western Africa. They are about 3 mm. in diameter, dark brown, nearly smooth, friable, and contain a vola- tile oil. GALANGAL, which is used in perfumery, is the rhizome of Alpinia Galanga growing in the East Indies and cultivated in China and Bengal. It is frequently referred to as " Galangal major " to distinguish it from the rhizome of Alpinia officinarum growing in China near Hainan. Galangal occurs in short, branched pieces of a reddish-brown color, with numerous circular scars, and has an aromatic and pungent taste. It contains 0.5 per cent, of a volatile oil, the principal constituent of which is cineol ; a pungent principle, galangol ; an acrid, pungent resin ; 25 per cent, of starch ; and three crystalline principles. CURCUMA or TURMERIC is the rhizome of Curcuma longa, a reed-like plant which is largely cultivated in India and other tropical countries. In preparing the rhizome for market it is sub- jected to a scalding or parboiling process which agglutinates the starch in the cells. While turmeric is used as a condiment, it is also used on account of its color as an adulterant of mustard, rhubarb, and other articles, but is very easily detected. Several forms of curcuma are found in commerce, as " round curcuma," CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 495 consisting of the main rhizome, and " long curcuma," composed of the short branches. They occur in cylindrical or ovoid pieces, FIG. 273. Zingiber officinale, the rhizome of which constitutes the ginger of the market. Entire plant showing rhizome and roots, a leaf-branch and a flower-branch, as also scars of previous year's growth after decay of leaf- and flower-branches. A, entire flower; B, sec- tion of flower showing beak-like appendage at the apex of the fertile stamen, which encloses the style; C, three-parted labellum or irregular segment of corolla showing 2 tooth- like staminodes (rudiments of stamens) at the base; D, the ovary with lower portion of style and two epigy nous, filiform processes which secrete nectar; E, apex of funnel-shaped, fringed stigma. After Berg and Schmidt. 2 to 5 cm. long, of a yellowish-brown color externally, bright yel- low internally, and aromatic odor and taste. Curcuma contains 496 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. i per cent, of volatile oil containing phellandrene and turmerol ; 0.3 per cent, of a yellow crystalline principle, CURCUMIN, which is soluble in alcohol, sparingly soluble in water, forms reddish-brown solutions with alkalies and is converted into vanillin with weak oxidizing agents. It also contains considerable starch and a small quantity of an alkaloid. Other families of the Scitamineae are of great importance on account of the food-products obtained from them, as the Musa- cece, which contains the group of plants to which the BANANA (Musa paradisiaca and M. Sapientum) belongs. To the Canna- cece belong the cultivated Cannas, one of them, Canna edulis, being grown extensively in the West Indies and Australia as a vegetable, and another, Canna coccinea, which grows in the West Indies and South America, furnishing " Tous les mois," the arrow-root starch of the English and French. To the Maranta- ce& belongs Maranta arundinacea, which is cultivated in tropical America, and the rhizome of which yields the starch, MARANTA ARROWROOT (Fig. 88, 5), and is largely used in the preparation of infants' food. IX. ORDER ORCHIDALES OR MICROSPERM^E. The most important family of this order is the ORCHIDACE^E or ORCHID FAMILY. The orchids are the most highly specialized of the Monocotyledons. They are perennial herbs with diverse habits, many tropical species being epiphytes, and of varying mor- phological structure, which is particularly evident in the zygo- morphic flowers. The perianth consists of 6 segments. The 3 outer correspond to sepals and are similar. Two segments of the inner circle correspond to petals and are alike, while the third, which is known as the LIP, is remarkably modified, being usually larger, often spurred, and frequently reversed, being turned for- wards and downwards by the twisting or torsion of the ovary. Only one of the stamens the anterior of the external whorl is developed and bears an anther. The other stamens are entirely wanting or present as staminodes (except in Cypripedium and the Apo-stasieae). The filament is united with the style to form a column, the so-called " stylar column," and the anther is thus placed on its apex, and behind the stigma. The 3 carpels form a unilocular ovary with 3 parietal, deeply bifid placentae. The fruit CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 497 is a pod or capsule, which dehisces mostly by means of 6 valves, and contains numerous minute seeds, which are without endo- sperm, and the embryo of which lacks frequently any trace of external organs. The seed-coat is membranous and loose. FIG. 274. A fruiting plant of Vanilla planifolia, an epiphytic orchid, which is indige- nous to Mexico and extensively cultivated in tropical countries, especially in Mexico and Java. The photograph is of a plant growing in Dominica, an island of the West Indies, and shows the long, elliptical leaves, also some of the long, slightly curved, slender pods. The latter are not fragrant, but develop their characteristic aroma by a process of slow curing. Reproduced by permission of The Philadelphia Commercial Museum. Vanilla planifolia, which yields the official vanilla, is a high- climbing plant with long internodes and distinct nodes from which arise more or less oval or broadly lanceolate, somewhat fleshy leaves and also commonly a single aerial root. The long stem is terminated by a raceme, flowers also arising in the axils of the 32 498 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY, FIG. 275. Moccasin Flower or Pink Lady's Slipper (Cypripedium acaule), one of the commonest and most beautiful of the orchids, found growing in sandy and rocky woods from Newfoundland to North Carolina, and westward from Minnesota to Kentucky. The crimson pink flowers are solitary at the summit of long scapes; the lip is large inflated, slipper-shaped, drooping and with a fissure in front instead of a circular opening as in the other species. After Troth. leaves for some distance back on the stem. The flowers are yel- lowish-green and the segments of the perianth are similar, and erect or spreading. The lip is united with the column, forming a CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 499 FIG. 276. Round-leaved Orchis (Habenaria orbiculata) , an interesting orchid found growing in rich deep woods in the north temperate regions of the United States. It has a leafless scape, at the base of which are two orbicular or elliptical leaves spreading flat on the ground. The flowers are in a loose raceme, greenish-white, the lip being oblong linear and about the same length as the spur. After Troth. A TEXT-BOOK BOTANY. FIG. 277. White Fringed Orchis (Habenana blephariglottis), an attractive and rather common orchid growing in bogs and peaty lands throughout the eastern and centra! United States. The stems are from 4 to 6 dm. in length, terminated by many-flowered spike. The flowers are white, the lip being copiously fiinged and the spur about 2 cm. in length. After Troth. cylindrical body which is strongly concave on one side and spread- ing at the upper portion. The pollinia are granular. Pollination CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 501 may be effected by insects, but is usually brought about by arti- ficial means (hand-pollination) . The fruits require several months to become fully grown, and an equal period of time is necessary for their maturity, which is indicated by their yellow color. They are then gathered and cured by alternately steaming and drying them, until they acquire the dark brown color and the odor of the commercial article. Vanilla is cultivated in all tropical countries where the temperature does not fall below 18 C, and the humidity is considerable. Usually vanilla culture is combined with that of Cacao. The plants begin to yield fruits the third year and continue bearing for thirty or forty years (Fig. 274). The yellow-flowering Cypripediums of the United States (C. parviflonnn and C. parvifloruni pubescent) yield the cypripedium which was formerly official. The plants are a foot or two high. The leaves are oval or elliptical (in the latter) or elliptical or lanceolate (C. parvifloruwi} . In C, pubescens the lip is pale yellow with purple veins, 25 to 50 millimeters long, and possesses a tuft of white, jointed hairs at the throat. In C. parviflorum the lip is smaller and non-hairy. C. acaule is shown in Fig. 275. The root-stocks of a number of Orchids are rich in mucilage and yield the drug salep or a product resembling it. Salep occurs in the form of globular or somewhat flattened, more or less trans- lucent, light yellowish-brown tubers, 2 to 4 cm. long, of a horny texture and a mucilaginous taste. The principal constituent is mucilage, which originates in the cell-contents. It may contain in addition either starch or sugar. While the Orchidaceae, which contains about 6,000 species, ranks second in numbers to the Composite, there is probably no family which exceeds it in interest. The plants are extensively cultivated, and some of their flowers are the highest priced known in the commercial world. There are few localities in which there are not some orchids to be found, illustrations of several of which are here shown (Figs. 275 to 279). B. CLASS DICOTYLEDONE^:. The following are some of the prominent features of the Dicotyledons: (i) The leaves are reticulately (open) veined and usually with an irregular margin, being sometimes deeply lobed ; 502 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 278. Arethusa bulbosa, an Orchid growing in bogs from Newfoundland to South Carolina, and west to Minnesota. It produces a solitary magenta-crimson flower on a long, slender scape, in the sheaths of which a solitary linear leaf arises and protrudes after the flower opens. In the illustration are shown a number of plants, some of which show the .small bulbs at the base. After Troth. (2) the parts of the flower are usually in circles of 2 to 5 each; (3) the stems and roots generally increase in thickness by means of a cambium, and the vascular bundles are open, varying from CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. FIG. 279. Rattlesnake Plantain, a rather common orchid, variously known as Epi- Pactis, Peramium, or Goody era pubescens. It is generally found growing in coniferous woods and characterized by the dark-green basal leaves with their prominent nerves and numerous white reticulating veins. The flowers are greenish-white, numerous and crowded on the erect scapes. After Troth. simple collateral to bi-collateral ; annular rings are formed in the perennial stems; (4) the germinating plant usually has two coty- ledons which are opposite each other. The Dicotyledons are divided into two series or sub-classes, depending upon whether 504 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. the parts of the corolla are distinct or are united, namely, the Archichlamydeae and Metachlamydese. ARCHICHLAMYDE^E OR CHORIPETAL^. The Archichlamydeae or Choripetalse comprise those dicoty- ledonous plants in which the petals are separate and distinct from one another or are entirely wanting. I. ORDER PIPERALES. The plants of this order are mostly tropical herbs and shrubs and possess very small flowers which have neither petals nor sepals. The leaves are simple and without stipules, the most important family medicinally, as well as in other ways, being the PIPERACE/E, to which the following medicinal plants belong. Piper nigrum is a woody climber that has leathery, grayish- green, ovate-elliptical leaves (Figs. 281, 282), with three prominent middle nerves and two side nerves; the flowers are perfect, sessile and form an elongated fleshy spike ; the fruit is a berry which is yellowish-red when ripe. The unripe fruit constitutes the BLACK PEPPER of commerce. WHITE PEPPER is the ripe berry of Piper nigrum from which the epicarp is removed, while " LONG PEPPER " is obtained from Piper longum, an entirely different plant, and consists of the entire spikes with immature fruits. Piper Cubeba is a climbing perennial, with leathery elliptical- ovate or long elliptical leaves ; the flowers are dioecious and arranged in spikes ; the fruit is a berry, the pedicel becoming much elongated after fertilization. The unripe fruit is the part used in medicine and is official as cubeb. Piper angustifolium yields MATICO, formerly official. The plant is a shrub growing in Central and South America and is characterized by its long, oblong-lanceolate, deeply reticulate, very hairy leaves. The flowers and fruits are very small and arranged in long, slender spikes, which are frequently found in the drug. Matico contains 2 to 3 per cent, of a volatile oil, containing a stearoptene matico camphor, which appears to be the most im- portant constituent. It also contains an acrid resin, a bitter prin- ciple, and a crystalline principle, artanthic acid. Other related CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 505 - \s?e*> t y& I.---* v ^=-^. FIG. 280. Diagrams of cross sections of the flowers of a number of families of dicoty- ledonous plants showing the number and position of the parts with reference to each other: t, stem of plant; f, foliage leaf; b, bracts or leaves on the flower-stalk; s, sepals; p, petals; a, stamens; c, ovary; per, perianth. A, Linaceae; B, Cruciferae; C, genus Citrus; D, Rosaceae; E, Berberidaceae, showing nectaries (k) on the petals; F, Lauraceae, showing staminodes (g); G, epigynous flower of Rubiaceae; H, Ericaceae; I, Labiatae, showing position of other flowers (sv) in the cymes; J, Violaceae showing spurred stamens; K, Campanulaceae, showing bracts (a, /3) the relation of the sepals (1,2,3,4 and 5), and two pos- terior hairy stamens; L, Leguminosae, showing the large posterior petal (p) known as the vexillum or standard, the two lateral petals (v) situated under the standard known as alse or wings, and the two anterior petals which are covered by the wings and cohering to form a prow-shaped body called the carina or keel (k). Adapted from Warming. 506 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 281. Black pepper (Piper nigrum), a climbing shrub growing in Botanic Gardens, Port of Spain, Trinidad. The illustration shows the ovate-elliptical leaves, opposite which are the fruiting spikes, which when ripe are of a yellowish-red color. The plant has been introduced into many tropical countries and is not infrequently seen in botanic gardens throughout the civilized world. Reproduced by permission of The Philadelphia Commercial Museum. species of Piper are used in tropical America similarly to Piper angnstifolium. The leaves of a number of species of Piper (known as " betel CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 507 5o8 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. leaves ") are mixed with the Areca nut and lime and constitute what is known as " BETEL," which compound is used for chewing, in India and other countries, chiefly on account of its astringency. The root of Piper methysticum is also chewed, and when mixed with the milk of the Cocoanut yields an intoxicating drink which is used by the inhabitants of the Sandwich Islands. The dried root has been used in medicine under the name of METHYSTICUM or KAVA-KAVA. It consists of large, branching, soft, spongy, dark brown pieces, which are tough, fibrous, and with a pungent, somewhat bitter taste. Kava-kava contains 3 resins, one of which has marked anaesthetic properties ; an alkaloid, kavaine ; a neutral body, methysticin ; and about 50 per cent, of starch. The drug is free from calcium oxalate crystals, these being usually wanting in the Piperacese. y>f ";"' II. ORDER SALICALES. This order comprises but a single family, namely, the SALI- CACEJE or Willow Family, to which belong the willows and pop- lars. The plants are dioecious shrubs and trees ; the flowers being in aments or catkins and without petals or sepals. The fruit is a capsule containing many seeds which are small and with long, silky hairs at the base. The barks of a number of the members of this group contain glucosides, as salicin, which is found in Salix alba, the white willow of Europe and the United States, and the brittle willow Salix fra- gilis; and populin, which is found in the white or silver-leaf poplar (Populus alba) of Europe, Asia, and the United States and Populus pyramidalis of Italy. These principles are also found in other species of willow and poplar. A number of the barks con- tain a yellow coloring principle allied to quercitrin, as Salix daph- noides of Europe and Salix alba. Tannin is a common constituent in both the willows and poplars. The buds of many of the poplars contain in addition a volatile oil which is in the nature of a di- terpene, as those of Populus pyramidalis. Populus balsamifera, the tacamahac or balsam poplar of the United States and Canada, furnishes the BALM OF GILEAD buds which are coated with an oleo-resin that gives them their aromatic properties. Populus CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 509 nigra yields a volatile oil, of which the important constituent is humulene. The charcoal used medicinally is prepared by burning the wood of the young shoots of the white and black willow, poplar, beech, or linden without access of air. III. ORDER MYRICALES. This group somewhat resembles the Salicales in that the flowers are in aments. The flowers are either pistillate or staminate, and mostly dioecious in our native species. The most important family is the MYRICACE^E or Bayberry Family. The genus Myrica is especially characterized by the fact that the outer layer of the drupe is waxy. This is particularly true of the following species : Myrica cerifera, the wax myrtle of the sandy swamps of the United States, contains a volatile oil. The fruit of sweet gale (M. Gale) yields a volatile oil containing a camphor. The sweet fern ( Comp^ tonia peregrina) found in the United States yields a volatile oil resembling that of cinnamon. The rhizome of this plant contains also tannin and possibly gallic and benzoic acids. IV. ORDER JUGLANDALES. The plants are trees with alternate, pinnately-compound leaves. The staminate flowers are in drooping aments, the pistillate being solitary or several together. The flowers are monoecious and have a more or less distinct perianth consisting of 3 to 6 lobes. The fruit is a kind of drupe formed by the union of the torus with the wall of the ovary. There is but one family in this order, namely, the JUGLANDACE^E (Walnut family), which includes the hickory (Hicoria) and walnut. The black walnut (Juglans nigra) of the United States yields a valuable timber and an edible nut; the white walnut or butternut (/. cinerea) of the United States yields the butternuts which are edible, and a bark which has medicinal properties and was formerly official under the name of JUGLANS. It contains about 7 per cent, of a yellow, crystalline acrid principle which is colored purple with alkalies ; 2 to 2.5 per cent, of a crystalline resin; volatile oil, tannin, sugar, and a fixed oil. The bark of the stems of the butternut tree is used in dyeing. The ripe fruits are edible, as also* the green nuts when 510 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. pickled. The sap of the tree contains a sugar. The wood, though inferior to black walnut, is used in cabinet making. /. regia, native of Persia and cultivated in various parts of Europe and California, yields the edible ENGLISH WALNUT. The following species of hickory yield edible nuts : The shell- bark hickory (Hicoria ovata) ; the pecan (H. pecan) common from Illinois southward; and western shell-bark hickory (H. sulcata). The wood of these as well as H. glabra and other species of hickory is used where strength and elasticity are required. Coloring principles are found in the barks of a number of species and are used for technical purposes. The following con- tain yellow coloring principles : Hicoria ovata, H. sulcata, and H. glabra (pig-nut hickory) ; green coloring principles are found in H. tomentosa, and yellowish-brown principles in Juglans nigra, J. cinerea, and /. regia. The fatty oils from the cotyledons (kernels) of both hickory- nuts and walnuts are articles of commerce, and they have been used in medicine. V. ORDER FAGALES. The plants are trees or shrubs with alternate, petiolate, simple, pinnately veined leaves. The flowers are in aments, monoecious, and with a more or less distinct perianth. The fruit is a nut which is subtended by the mature involucre (bur or cup) or samara, the seeds being without endosperm (Fig. 283). a. BETULACE^ OR BIRCH FAMILY. The plants are aromatic trees or shrubs and are represented in the United States by such trees as hornbeam (Carpinus), ironwood (Ostrya), and birch (Betula) ; and by such shrubs as the hazelnut (Corylus) and alder (Alnus). The plants yield a volatile oil consisting largely of methyl salicylate. The bark of the sweet birch {Betula lenta) yields the oil of betula which is official and closely resembles the oil of wintergreen. The bark of a number of plants of this family yields tannin and yellow coloring principles. A number of species of Betula yield a sweet sap, as B. lenta, and B. Bhojpattra of Rus- sia. The nuts of some species are edible, as the filbert or hazelnut of Europe (Corylus Avellana), the hazelnut of the Orient (C. Colurna), the American hazelnut (C. americana). CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 511 b. FAGACE^ OR BEECH FAMILY. This family includes some of our largest forest trees, these being rather characteristic of temperate regions. They are all highly valued for their timber, and yield other valuable products besides. One notable character- istic is that all of the chestnuts and oaks and some of the beeches FIG. 283. White oak (Quercus alba): A, characteristic, lobed leaf; B, young branch showing pistillate (p) and staminate (s) flowers; C. hairy bracts of a staminate flower; D, group of hairs from bract; E, stamen; F. pollen grains; G, cluster of pistillate flowers; H, acorn with cupule; I, starch grains from acorn, which vary from 10 to 25 M long; J. trans- verse section of bark showing cork (k). stone cells (st), bast fibers (b), crystal fibers (ca), medullary rays (m), parenchyma (p) ; K, longitudinal section of bark showing end of bast fiber (b) crystal fibers (ca) and parenchyma cells (t) containing tannin. contain tannin in the wood, bark, and leaves. The oaks are further notable in being prone to the attack of gall-producing insects (various species of Cynips) whereby the peculiar excrescences known as galls are formed on the leaves and young shoots. Among the oaks which yield galls rich in tannin are the following : Quercus infectoria of the Mediterranean, which yields the official Turkish 512 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. or Aleppo galls (pp. 206, 334) ; Quercus Robur, which is some- times divided into Q. pubescens and Q. pedunculata, yields a European gall; the live oak (Q. virginiana) of Texas; and Q. lobata of California. Various oaks of the Southern States also produce "ink balls " or " ink galls," as Q. cocclnea and Q. imbri- caria. Several species of oak are used in the tanning industry, as that of white oak (Quercus alba}, red oak (Q. rubra), Spanish oak (Q. digitata), and black oak (Q. velutina), all of North America; Q. pedunculata and sessiliflora of Germany, and Q. den- tata of Japan. The glucosidal coloring principle quercitrin is found in the bark of Quercitron or black oak (Q. velutina}. Q. coccifera of Southern Europe yields a red coloring principle which is used in dyeing. The wood of the American beech (Fagus americana) and of the European red beech (F. sylvatica) yields a tar from which on distillation the official CREOSOTE is obtained. The cork of commerce which is used for a variety. of purposes is derived from the bark of several species of Quercus, namely, Q. Suber and Q. occidentals, growing in Spain, Southern France, and Algiers. The cotyledons of the seeds of the Beech family are rich in proteins, starch, and oil, and some of the nuts are edible, as the Spanish CHESTNUTS obtained from Castanea vulgaris, American chestnut from C. dentata, and CHINQUAPIN from C. puniila (Fig. 202). . VI. ORDER URTICALES. This order embraces three families which, while they agree in certain characters, are quite distinct in other ways. a. ULMACE^ OR ELM FAMILY. The plants are trees or shrubs with alternate, simple, serrate, petiolate leaves. The flowers are monoecious or dioecious, with a 4- to 6-divided peri- anth. The fruit is a i-seeded drupe, samara, or nut. The typical group of this family is that of the elms, of which the American or white elm (Ulmus americana) is the most prized for orna- mental purposes. The elms yield valuable timber, and the bark of Ulmus campestris of Europe is used for tanning and dyeing be- cause of the presence of tannin and a yellow coloring principle. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 513 The inner bark of the red or slippery elm (Ulmus fulva) is used in medicine on account of its mucilaginous character (see Fig. 119, C). The tree has a gray, fragrant bark; leaves which are very rough above and become fragrant on drying, and the wood is reddish-brown. The samara is not hairy as in some of the other species. FIG. 284. View taken in Ceylon of a part of a grove of 4-year-old rubber trees (Ficus elastica). This tree is extensively cultivated in Ceylon and other portions of tropical Asia, and most all of the Asiatic rubber is produced by this tree. The trees may be tapped when 25 years old, and for 50 succeeding years yield 40 pounds caoutchouc every 3 years. Reproduced by permission of The Philadelphia Commercial Museum. b. HORACES OR MULBERRY FAMILY. The mem- bers of this family are herbs, shrubs, or trees, many of them con- taining a milk-juice or latex. There are many representatives in the tropical regions and some in temperate regions. The flowers are unisexual, with a 4- to 5-parted perianth, and occur in spikes or ament-like clusters. Cannabis sativa. This is the plant yielding hemp and also the 33 514 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. drug Cannabis indica. The plant is an annual branching herb from i to 3 M. high. The leaves are alternate above, opposite below, digitate with 5 to 1 1 linear-lanceolate, deeply serrate lobes. The flowers are dioecious, the staminate occurring in panicles and the pistillate in erect simple spikes (Figs. 409, 410, 412). From the inner bark of the stem, which is fibrous, the HEMP FIBER is prepared. FIG. 285. Several large rubber trees (Ficus elastica) growing in Java and showing the production of numerous aerial roots from the branches. It occurs in damp forests from the base of the Sikkim Himalaya eastward to Assam and Arracan. There are large government plantations in Assam, and it is also being cultivated in other provinces. Kurz remarks that it is frequent in Upper Burma, and that whole forests of the species are said to exist in the valley of Hookhoom. Reproduced by permission of The Philadelphia Com- mercial Museum. Humulus Lupulus or hop is a twining perennial plant, curving to the right, with opposite, palmately 3- to 7-lobed (or simply dentate above) rough leaves (Fig. 286). The flowers are dioecious, the staminate ones occurring in panicles and the pistillate in ament-like spikes. On the inner surface of each scale of the ament occur two flowers consisting of a membranous perianth CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 515 and a bicarpellary ovary with two long styles. After fertilization the aments become cone-like, and this compound fruit constitutes the hop of commerce. This fruit differs essentially from the true strobiles or cones of the Gymnosperms in that the seed in the latter is replaced by an akene. " Hops " are extensively used FIG. 286. Hop vine (Humulus Lupulus): A, portion of branch with pistillate flowers (f) and cone-like fruit (s) ; B, portion of rachis of strobile with two scales enclosing akenes; C, pistil; D, hair from rachis; E, epidermis of scale; F, longitudinal section of akene show- ing coiled embryo; G, surface view of bract showing epidermis and cells containing calcium oxalate; H, cystolith of leaf; I, cystolith of stem; J, glandular hairs (lupulin). in the manufacture of various beers and to a limited extent in medicine. Ficus Carica, which yields the edible fig, is a deciduous tree from 3 to 7 M. high, and with large, 5-lobed, petiolate leaves. The flowers are situated in a hollow torus the walls of which Si6 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. after fertilization become thick and fleshy, constituting the fruit. The best figs come from Turkey, Italy, Spain, and Provence. A large number of the plants belonging to the Moraceae yield economic products, some of which, as the drug Cannabis indica obtained from Cannabis sativa, are powerful narcotics. HASH- ISH or BHANG is a preparation made from the dried leaves, stems, and flowers of the pistillate plants and is smoked either alone or with tobacco, or chewed in combination with other substances, or an intoxicating drink is made from it, it being extensively used by the inhabitants of Arabia, Persia, India, and other Oriental countries. The leaves of Ficus Ribes of the Philippine and Mo- lucca Islands are smoked like opium. The milk- juice of a number of plants belonging to the Moracese is the source of arrow poisons. The URARI POISON of Brazil is obtained from Ficus atrox ; the IPOH ARROW POISON of Java and Borneo is derived from the Upas- tree, Antiaris toxicara. Many of the plants of the group contain emetic principles, as the COCILLANA BARK of Guarea Rusbyi, a tree of Bolivia. The milk- juice of quite a number of species of Ficus yields India-rubber or caoutchouc (Fig. 128) , as Ficus elastica of the East Indies, F. toxicaria of South America, F. clliptica and 'F. prinoides of New Granada and several other species of Brazil, Brosimum spurium of Jamaica, Cecropia peltata of the West Indies and South America, and Castilloa elastica of Mexico and the West Indies. Ficus benghalensis of India and tropical Africa, and Ficus Tsiela of India, yield gum-lac. Ficus altissima and F. religiose of tropical Asia yield shellac on the puncture of the stems by a hemipterous insect (Coccus lacca). A yellow coloring principle is found in Cudrania javanensis of tropical Asia and Africa, Chlorophora tinctoria of Mexico, Madura aurantiaca (Toxylon pomiferum) or osage orange, a hedge plant of North America; Ficus tinctoria of the Friendly Islands and F. asperrima of India. A fixed oil is obtained from Artocarpus Blumei of Java. A large number of the plants of the Moracese yield edible fruits besides the fig tree already described, as the BREAD-FRUIT trees (Artocarpus incisa) of the Sunda Islands and the JACK-TREE CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 517 (A. integri folia) of the East Indies, the WHITE MULBERRY (Morus alba) and the BLACK MULBERRY (Morus nigra). The leaves of the white mulberry (Morus alba), indigenous, to China and cultivated since the twelfth century in Europe and now in cultivation to a limited extent in the United States, are the chief food of the silkworm. c. FAMILY URTICACE^E. The plants belonging to the Urticacese or Nettle family are chiefly herbs with mostly petiolate, stipulate, simple leaves. The flowers are small and with 2 to 5 distinct or more or less united sepals. The fruit is an achene ; the embryo is straight and surrounded by an oily endosperm. The stems and leaves of several of the genera are characterized by stinging hairs, this being especially true of the sub-group to which the genus Urtica or stinging nettle belongs. Of the stinging nettles the following are used in medicine : Urtica dioica of Europe and naturalized in the United States, U. spatulata of Timor, Laportea crenulata of tropical Asia, L. moroides of Queensland, and Girardinia palmata of India. In the small nettle (Urtica urens) of Europe and the United States an alka- loid has been found, and Laportea stimulans has been used as a fish poison. Boehmeria cor data of Brazil is used as a substitute for Arnica. The fibers of a number of the Urticacese have been found useful, of which the following may be mentioned : Urtica cannabina of Asia, U. dioica, U. urens and Boehmeria nivea of the Sunda Islands and China, the latter of which yields RAMIE. The akene of Debregeasia edulis of Japan and the rhizome of Pouzolzia tuberosa of China and Japan are edible. VII. ORDER PROTEALES. The members of this group are mostly shrubs and found prin- cipally in the Tropics and southern hemisphere, several species being cultivated in greenhouses for the sake of the beautifully colored flowers which are in crowded inflorescences. The order is represented by but a single family, namely, the Proteacese. The leaves are leathery and vary even on the same plant from sim- ple to compound. The glucoside proteacin and a bitter principle are found in Leucadendron argenteum and L. continuum, both 518 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. of Africa. A gum-resin is found in Grevillea robusta of Aus- tralia, and a tannin in the bark of Lomatia obliqua of Chile. A golden-yellow coloring principle is obtained from the flowers of Persoonia saccata of Australia. The wood of Protea grandi- flora of Abyssinia is used in wagon building, and Leucospermum conocarpum of Cape Colony yields a valuable red wood and a tan bark. Banskia (cmula of Australia and the sugar-bush (Protea melli- fera) of Australia and P. speciosa have a sugary cell-sap. The oily seeds of the Chilean hazelnut (Guevina Avellana) are highly prized as food by the inhabitants. The seeds of Brabeium stellati- folium or wild chestnut of Cape Colony are poisonous when fresh, but on roasting they become edible and are used as a substitute for coffee. VIII. ORDER SANTALALES. This order embraces a number of families which are quite distinct in several respects. a. LORANTHACE^E OR MISTLETOE FAMILY. The plants are half-parasites with well-developed leaves containing chloroplastids. They live on trees by means of haustoria. To this family belongs the American mistletoe (Phoradendron fla- vescem), parasitic on oaks, elms, the tupelo (Nyssa), red maple and other deciduous trees. The white, globose berries of this plant are quite poisonous, as are also those of the European mistle- toe (Viscum album) and the oak mistletoe of Southern Europe (Loranthus europccus). Viscum album contains a volatile alka- loid, VISCINE, a glucoside and a resinous principle. This sub- stance serves to attach the seeds to the barks of trees, where they germinate, and it is used in the manufacture of BIRD-LIME, which owing to its viscid character is used to catch small birds. b. SANTALACE^E OR SANDALWOOD FAMILY. The plants are chlorophyllous herbs or shrubs which are common in warm countries, and many of which are parasitic on the roots of other plants. A number of them contain volatile oils, as the wood of various species of Santalum. The official oil of sandal is obtained from the scented wood of the white sandalwood (Santalum album), a small tree growing wild and also cultivated in India and the CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 519 East Indian Archipelago. The wood from the East Indies is known as Macassar sandalwood and yields 1.6 to 3 per cent, of oil, while the Indian wood yields 3 to 5 per cent. The oil consists of 90 to 98 per cent, of santalol. Fiji oil of santal is obtained from S. Yasi; and Australian oil of santal from Fusanus acuminatus and F. spicatus. The Chinese oil is obtained from Santalum Freycinctianum and .9. Preisci. c. FAMILY BALANOPHORACE.E. The plants of this group are indigenous to tropical and sub-tropical regions. They are root-parasites and develop tuberous rhizomes and fleshy shoots which are yellow and without foliage leaves. Balanophom elon- gata of Java grows on the roots of Ficus and other plants, and contains a large quantity of wax and resin. Sarcophyte sanguined of Cape Colony, which lives on the roots of certain Acacias, con- tains a principle with the odor o.f scatol. Cynomorium coccineum, found in the countries bordering the Mediterranean, has a blood- red, astringent sap. The torus of the flower of Langsdorffia hypo- gcca of tropical America is edible. The plant is also rich in wax, and in New Granada it is sold under the name of " Siejas " and burnt like a candle. IX. ORDER ARISTOLOCHIALES. This order includes two families which are very different in their general habits, a. The Ramesiaceae are parasitic herbs that are almost devoid of chlorophyll. The reddish vegetative parts penetrate into the tissues of the host, and from these arise almost mushroom-like flowers which in the case of Rafflesia Arnoldii of Sumatra are I M. in diameter, being probably the largest flowers known. The plants of this family are rich in astringent substances. b. ARISTOLOCHIACE^ OR BIRTHWORT FAMILY. The plants are non-parasitic herbs or shrubs, some of which are twining. The leaves are simple and in many of the plants more or less cordate and reniform. The flowers are perfect and the perianth is 3- to 6-lobed. While the flowers of our native species are rather small and insignificant, those of the tropical plants are extremely curious, being generally of some striking color and of various odd forms. Aristolochia reticulata is one of the plants that furnishes the 520 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. official drug serpentaria (see Vol. II). From a slender rhizome with numerous hair-like roots arise one or more short, leafy branches which are more or less simple, somewhat hairy, and bear oblong-cordate, prominent-reticulate, hairy leaves (Fig. 287). The flowers are borne on slender, scaly, basal branches ; the calyx tube is purplish and curved like the letter " s," being enlarged around the ovary and at its throat. The fruit is a capsule containing numerous flat or concave seeds. An allied species, Aristolochia Serpentaria, furnishes the drug Virginia snakeroot. It is a more delicate plant, the leaves being ovate-lanceolate, acuminate; the flowers are solitary, and in some cases cleistogamous. This species is found growing in the United States, more especially east of the Mississippi, while Aristolochia reticulata is found west of the Mississippi from Arkansas to Texas. The plants of this genus contain volatile oils, and in addition to the two species mentioned 45 other species are used in medicine in various parts of the world. Asarum canadense (Canada snakeroot or wild ginger) is a plant common in the Northern United States and Canada (Fig. 288). The long and slender rhizomes are used in medicine. They are 5 to 15 cm. long, about 2 mm. thick, more or less bent and curved, purplish-brown externally ; whitish internally ; the bark is thick, wood with about 12 fibrovascular bundles, pith large ; the odor is aromatic ; the taste pungent and bitter. The drug con- tains 2 to 3 per cent, of a volatile oil containing a fragrant body, asarol ; a pungent, fragrant resin ; a yellow coloring principle which is colored dark green with ferric salts ; and starch. The volatile oil obtained from A. europccum contains a principle (asa- rone) which forms irritating vapors on heating. X. ORDER POLYGON ALES. This order is represented by a single family, the POLYGONACE^: cr Buckwheat family. The plants are mostly herbs, but include some twining vines and shrubs. The leaves are simple, mostly entire, and characterized by having a stipulate appendage (ocrea) which sheaths the stem. The flowers are small, perfect, and with a 2- to 6-parted perianth. The fruit is a 3- to 4-angled akene. The embryo is either straight or curved, and the endosperm is mealy. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 521 FIG. 287. Southern serpentaria (Aristolochia reticulata) showing the cordate, reticu- lately-veined leaves, and the clusters of irregular flowers on the lower part of the stem. After Carson. 522 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. RHeum officinale is the source of the " South China " rhubarb from Szechwan, Kanzu, and Shensi. The plant is a perennial herb resembling the garden rhubarb. The rhizome is vertical and gives rise to a leafy branch terminated by the inflorescence, which is a panicle. The leaves are large, with a sub-cylindrical petiole, FIG. 288. Wild Ginger (Asarum canadense). A, showing habit of plant, consisting of underground root-stock, the kidney-shaped leaves on long petioles, and the short peduncled, bell-shaped flower which develops close to the ground; B, longitudinal section of flower, and C, a transverse section of flower. Bicknell, in Bulletin Torrey Bot. Club, Nov., 1897. a cordate or orbicular lamina which is either entire or coarsely and irregularly dentate. There are several nearly related species which also yield the drug. Rheum pahnatum of Northern China has leaves which are lobed or deeply incised, which character is especially marked in the variety tanguticum. Rheum Rhaponti- cum, which yields English rhubarb, has leaves which are heart- CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 523 shaped at the base and with a more or less irregularly undulate margin. All of these species are more or less common in culti- vation in botanical gardens in Europe. FIG. 289. Curled dock (Rumex crispus} showing two of the lower, long-petioled, oblong- lanceolate and wavy-margined leaves, and a flowering branch, the upper leaves of which are narrowly-oblong and short-petioled. Rumex crispus or curled dock is a perennial herb growing in fields and waste places in the United States and parts of Canada. 5 2 4 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 290. Field or sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella) , a common weed containing a sour juice and growing in open fields; i to 3 dm. high, having narrow-lanceolate or halberd- shaped leaves, and somewhat reddish flowers in a panicled raceme. After Brown. The leaves are oblong-lanceolate, with an undulate margin and rather long petiole. The flowers have a 6-parted, dark green perianth, and are perfect or polygamo-dicecious. The fruit is a CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 525 dark brown, cordate-winged, 3-angled akene. The dried root is somewhat fusiform, reddish-brown, and with a bitter, astringent FIG. 291. Polygonum pennsylvanicum (Fam. Polygonaceae), one of about 30 species of knotweeds, being common in waste places, all herbaceous, and characterized by the leaves having sheathing stipules. Typical of this group is P. pennsylvanicum, having lanceolate leaves and short, erect terminal spikes with bright rose-colored flowers. After Brown. taste. It contains chrysophanic acid, tannin, calcium oxalate, and some of the other constituents found in rhubarb (Fig. 289). Rumex Acetosella (field or sheep sorrel), is a slender annual herb with hastate leaves, having flowers in compound racemes. 526 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. The leaves contain oxalic acid, both free and in combination with calcium and potassium (Fig. 290). FIG. 292. Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentuni): A, transverse section of grain showing pericarp (c), endosperm (n) and slender coiled embryo (e); B, transverse section of portion of grain showing epicarp (e), fibrous layer (f), pigment layer (p), outer epidermis of spermo- derm (o), aleurone cells (a), endosperm cells containing starch (n) ; C , surf ace view of cells of epicarp; D, isolated fibers of pericarp; E. surface view of aleurone cells; F, isolated par- enchyma cells of endosperm filled with starch grains as seen in buckwheat flour; G, appear- ance of starch grains when mounted in oil and viewed with polarized light; H, swollen and altered starch grains which are two to three times the size of the normal grains. Tannin is obtained from a number of the plants belonging to the Polygonacese, as the root of Rumex hymenosepalus of Texas CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 5*7 which is known as CANAIGRE; the rhizome of Polygonum bistorta of Europe which yields the drug BISTORTA. Polygonum cuspidatum of the gardens contains emodin ; poly- gonin, a glucoside yielding emodin ; and probably emodin methyl ether. Rumex ecklonianus of South Africa contains emodm, a volatile oil and a resin. The latter consists of emodin monomethyl ether; chrysophanic acid, physosterol (resembling rhamnol), etc. Polygonum Hydropiper and P. aviculare, both common in the United States, are poisonous to sheep. A number of the plants of this family yield food products. Buckwheat is the fruit of Fagopyrum csculentum indigenous to Central Asia and cultivated in many parts of the world (Fig. 292). Some are also cultivated as ornamental plants, as the Prince's feather (Polygonum orientale). XI. ORDER CHENOPODIALES OR CENTROSPERM^. This order includes seven families, in all of which the embryo is curved or coiled, and the reserve consists chiefly of perisperm. a. CHENOPODIACE^E OR GOOSEFOOT FAMILY.- The plants are annual or perennial herbs with simple leaves and small perfect flowers, the fruit being a utricle. The fruits of a number of the group contain volatile oil, and are used in medi- cine, as the common woTmseed (Chenopodiuin ambrosioides anthelminticum) , which is found in waste places in the United States. Most of the oil is distilled in Maryland and is known in commerce as " Baltimore oil." Che no podium mejcicanum yields saponin. Atriplex hortensis of Tartary yields indigo. The ash of very many species of Atriplex as well as genera of the Chenopodiacese yields soda. The seeds of several species are edible, as of Chenopodium viride of Europe and Asia, C. Quinoa of Chile, etc. Seeds of Spinacia tetandra of the Orient are used in bread-making. A number of species are used as garden vegetables, as spinach (Spinacia oleracea) and beet (Beta vulgaris). The SUGAR BEET (Beta vulgaris Rapa), which contains from 4 to 15 per cent, of cane sugar (sucrose), is largely cultivated in Germany, as well as to some extent in the United States, and is an important source of cane sugar. While the juice of the beet 528 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. contains a larger amount of nitrogenous substances than that of the sugar cane, it is practically free from invert sugar. b. AMARANTACE^E. The plants are weed-like and much resemble the Chenopodiacese. They yield anthelmintic principles, edible seeds, and the leaves of a number of species are used as vegetables. The ash yielded by some species contains potash, as Achyranthes aspera and Amaranthus ruber. Some are ornamental plants having a fasciated inflorescence, as the Cock's-comb (Celosia cristata). c. NYCTAGINACE^E OR FOUR-O'CLOCK FAMILY .- The plants are mostly herbs growing in America. The leaves are entire and simple, and the flowers are regular and in terminal or axillary clusters. The perianth consists of a 4- to 5-lobed corolla- like calyx. The most common representative of this family is the Marvel-of-Peru or four-o'clock (Mirabilis Jalapa). While this plant is an annual in the United States, in the Tropics the tuberous root is used as a substitute for jalap, and is sometimes sold for it. The seeds of this plant are edible, as are also the leaves of several species, as of Bocrhavia erecta, which are used as green vegetables. Some members of the group, as Bougainvillea spectabilis, are handsome plants with bright rose-colored bracts which envelop the small greenish flowers. d. PHYTOLACCACE^E. The plants of this family are mostly tropical and are represented in this region by only one species, namely, the common poke (Phytolacca decandra), the root and fruit of which are used to some extent in medicine. This is a succulent, branching herb I to 4 M. high, having a large perennial root. The stem is hollow except for the thin, papery partitions. The leaves are simple, ovate-lanceolate, petiolate. The flowers are in racemes and characterized by having ten stamens. The fruit is a dark purple, juicy berry (Fig. 293). The roots of this species as well as others contain powerful drastic principles, as Pircunia littoralis and Anisomeria drastica of Chile. Phytolacca abyssinica contains saponin, and a red color- ing principle is found in the berries of Phytolacca decandra and Rivinia tinctoria of Venezuela. The leaves of some species of Phytolacca are used as greens. e. AIZOACE^L. This is a group of mostly tropical plants, CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 529 FIG. 293. Poke weed (Phytolacca decandra), a common weed growing in low grounds and waste places. The plant is a perennial herb, usually sending up from a large, fleshy root a number of stout stalks, i to 3 M.'high; the leaves are ovate-oblong, and opposite which may arise the racemes of whitish flowers. The roots are quite frequently mistaken for parsnips, and when eaten may cause serious illness. The young shoots and leaves are sometimes gathered in the spring and may be used for a table vegetable. The juice of the berries is said to have been used in Portugal to color Port wine. After Brown. very many of them having fleshy leaves and adapted to arid re- gions. Many of the plants, particularly those belonging to the genus Mesembryanthemum, are much prized on account of their 34 530 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. beautiful flowers, which expand only in the sunshine. The com- mon ice-plant of the gardens, so called because of the numerous glistening globules of water which cover the leaves, is M. crystal- FiG. 294. Soapwort, Bouncing Bet (Saponaria officinalis), a perennial herb growing to a height of 3 to 6 dm. and producing opposite, entire leaves, and cymose clusters of rose- colored flowers, commonly double. This plant has been more or less cultivated; it has, however, escaped from the garden, and, in spite of its beauty, has become a troublesome weed in some places. The plant contains saponin and therefore forms a lather with water. It has been used as a detergent. After Brown. linum. This plant as well as other species of Mesembryanthemum are used in medicine. The ashes yielded by the plants of this family also contain soda. The seeds of some species of Mesem- CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 531 bryanthemum as well as other members of this family are edible, and the leaves of some species are used as vegetables like lettuce. /. PORTULACACEyE. The plants are fleshy or succulent herbs mostly indigenous to America. The two common represen- tatives are the spring beauty (Claytonia virginica), the tubers of which are rich in starch, and purslane (Portulaca oleracea), some- times used as a green vegetable. The seeds of the latter plant as well as of other species of Portulaca are used in medicine. g. CARYOPHYLLACEyE. The plants are annual or peren- nial herbs, often swollen at the nodes, with opposite, entire leaves, and usually perfect regular flowers. The perianth has a distinct corolla of 4 or 5 petals. The fruit is a capsule and the seeds are half anatropous. The plants are most abundant in the northern hemisphere ; and some of them are quite showy, as the CARNATION (Dianthus caryophyllus) and pinks (Dianthus species) and the cultivated pink or Sweet William (D. barbatus). A number of the members of this group contain saponin, as Bouncing Bet (Saponaria offtcinalis) , which is naturalized in the United States (Fig. 294), Gypsophila Struthium of Spain and other species of this genus, as well as species of Lychnis and Her- niaria. The leaves of Paronychia argentea are used in Morocco as a substitute for tea. The roots of Scleranthus peren- nis of Eastern Europe are inhabited by an insect (Coccus polanica) which is used in the preparation of a red dye. The fleshy stitch- wort (Alsine crassifolia) of Europe and the United States is poisonous to horses. XII. ORDER RANALES. The plants are mostly herbs, but include some shrubs and trees, and comprise eight families of economic importance. a. NYMPH^ACE^: OR WATER LILY FAMILY. These are aquatic perennial herbs with thick root-stocks and floating, peltate leaves. The flowers are perfect and have large petals. The seeds are enclosed in an aril, and the embryo has fleshy cotyledons. Nuphar luteum of Europe and Middle Asia contains the alka- loid nupharine and tannin, the latter of which splits into ellagic and gallic acids. The yellow pond lily (Nymphoca advena) of the 532 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. United States contains similar principles. The seeds and rhizomes are rich in starch and are used as food, in some cases starch being manufactured from them, as of various species of Nymphcca, Nelumbo (Lotus) and Victoria, and Euryale ferox. b. RANUNCULACE^ OR CROWFOOT FAMILY. These are annual or perennial herbs with simple or compound leaves, regular or irregular flowers, and fruits which are akenes, follicles, or berries. FIG. 295. Fruiting top of Golden Seal (Hydrastis canadensis), showing the two large palmate leaves, above one of which is a berry-like fruit which is bright red when ripe. Hydrastis canadensis yields the official drug hydrastis. From a short, thick, horizontal rhizome with numerous slender roots rises a short stalk with a few palmately lobed, reniform, petiolate, pubescent leaves. The flowers are small, solitary and greenish- white, and the fruit is a head of crimson berries somewhat resem- bling the raspberry (Fig. 295). Cimicifuga racemosa (black cohosh or black snakeroot) yields the official drug cimicifuga. This is a tall perennial herb with large knotty rhizome, large decompound leaves, and a long raceme of white flowers (Fig. 296). CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 533 FIG. 296. A group of transplanted wild plants with a plant of Ctmicifuga racemosa in the foreground, showing the characteristic, large, decompound leaves and long raceme of flowers. Aconitum Napellus yields the official drug aconite (Fig. 186). This is a perennial herbaceous plant indigenous to Europe and extensively cultivated. From a tuberous root arises a simple leafy 534 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. stem with palmately lobed or divided leaves, and large, irregular, blue flowers which form a rather loose panicle (Fig. 297). The sepals are 5 in number, the posterior upper one being large and E FIG. 297. Acomtum Napellus . A, one of the long-petiolate, divided leaves; B, epi- dermal cells of lower surface; c, an epidermal cell of the upper surface; D, transverse sec- tion through one of the principal veins showing two fibrovascular bundles, and strongly collenchymatic cells beneath the lower epidermis; E, one of the few hairs from the petiole; F, lignified bast fibers surrounding the sieve in the petiole; G, longitudinal section through fibrovascular bundle showing spiral and reticulate tracheae (t), bast fibers (b) and some of the collenchyma cells (c), those at the left exhibiting longitudinal pores which give a crystal-like effect. helmet-shaped. The petals are 2 to 5 and rather small ; the two posterior or upper ones which are hooded and concealed in the helmet-shaped sepal are nectar-secreting (Fig. 223, E). The fruit is a follicle and contains numerous small seeds. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 535 FIG. 298. Wood anemone, wind flower (Anemone quinque folia) , one of the earliest flowering woodland plants. It is a low, slender plant with 3 trifoliate leaves forming an involucre, from the junction of which arises a peduncle, bearing a solitary flower. The sepals vary in number as well as in color; there are generally 5, which are usually whitish, or slightly tinged with purple. After Brown. Delphinium Staphisagria, which yields the official staphisagria or stavesacre, is a handsome, tall, biennial larkspur, with dark green, palmate 5- or 7-lobed leaves and blue or purplish flowers in 536 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 299. Wild Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis), one of the most interesting plants of the Ranunculaceae. It grows in the crevices of rocks and in open woods, and is a very striking plant, with its 5 long-spurred, scarlet petals. A number of species of Aquilegia are cultivated, and their flowers show considerable variation in form and color. After Brown. racemes. The flowers are zygomorphic and somewhat resemble those of Aconite. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 537 PULSATILLA, which was formerly official, is obtained from sev- eral species of Anemone growing in Europe. These are perennial herbs (Fig. 206) with basal leaves which are deeply lobed or dissected, those of the stem forming a kind of involucre near the flower. The flowers are rather large and with numerous petaloid sepals. The fruit is a densely woolly achene in those species which are used in medicine. The entire plant is used and contains an acrid volatile oil, the principal constituent of which is an anemone camphor (anemonol). The latter is easily decomposed into anemonon, which on fusion becomes exceedingly acrid. Similar principles are found in other species of Anemone as well as in certain species of Ranunculus (buttercup) and Clematis Vitalba of Europe. Very many of the other Ranunculacese contain active princi- ples. The glucoside helleborein, which resembles digitalin in its medicinal properties, is found in Helleborus niger, the BLACK HELLEBORE of Europe, and probably in other species of Helleborus, as well as in Actcea spicata, the baneberry of Europe, and Adonis vernalis, the false hellebore of Europe and Asia. c. BERBERIDACE^: OR BARBERRY FAMILY. The plants of this family are herbs or shrubs with simple or compound leaves, and flowers either single or in racemes (Figs. 134, E; 81, T). The fruit is a berry or capsule. Herberts Aquifolimn (trailing mahonia) yields the unofficial drug berberis. It is a low, trailing shrub with 3- to 7-compound, scattered leaves. The leaflets vary from oval to nearly orbicular, are obtuse at the apex, slightly cordate at the base, finely reticulate, and spinose-dentate. The flowers are yellow and in dense ter- minal racemes. The fruit is a blue or purplish berry. Caulophyllum thalictroides or blue cohosh of the Eastern United States is a perennial herb with a thick rhizome and large ternately compound leaves (Fig. 300). The flowers are small and greenish-purple. The fruit is peculiar in that it resembles a berry and consists only of blue, globular, naked seeds, the pericarp being ruptured and falling away soon after fertilization. The rhizome and roots were formerly official. It is a horizontal, much branched rhizome with broad, concave stem-scars, and numerous roots ; it is grayish-brown externally, sweetish, slightly bitter and 538 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. somewhat acrid. The drug contains an acrid, saponin-like gluco- side, leontin ; a crystalline alkaloid, caulophylline ; two resins ; and starch. For analysis of the seeds see Chem. News, 1908, p. 180. Podophyllum peltatum or May apple is the source of the official podophyllum. This is an early, herbaceous, low, perennial plant forming large patches by reason of its long dichotomously branch- FIG. 300. A group of transplanted plants, showing in the upper portion a fruiting plant of blue cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides') . ing rhizome (Fig. 182). It forms two kinds of branches, one bearing a single, peltate, 5- to 7-lobed leaf ; and another bearing in the axil of two similar leaves a white flower which gives rise to a large, yellowish, ovoid berry which is edible. d. MENISPERMACE^: OR MOONSEED FAMILY. The plants are climbing or twining, herbaceous or woody vines with simple, entire or lobed leaves and small, greenish-white dice- CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 539 cious flowers. The fruit is a drupe and contains a characteristic crescent-shaped seed. Menispermum canadense or Canada moonseed yields the drug menispermum which was formerly official. It grows in the North- ern United States and Canada and is a high-climbing vine with broadly ovate, cordate and 3- to 7-lobed leaves (Fig. 180). The flowers are in panicles giving rise to a characteristic cluster of bluish-black berries. The rhizome occurs in pieces which are 5 to 7 dm. long and 2 to 5 mm. in diameter; externally it is longitudinally wrinkled, of a yellowish-brown color and somewhat resembles Sarsaparilla. In transverse section, however, it is very distinct (Fig. 194). The drug has a bitter taste and contains a bitter alkaloid menispine, berberine and starch. In addition it contains the alkaloid oxyacan- thine which is also found in Berberis vulgaris of Europe and the West Indies. Jateorhiza palmata yields the official drug calumba (columbo). The plant is a herbaceous climber somewhat resembling Meni- spermum, the leaves being more decidedly lobed. The flowers form long racemes. Chondrodendron tomentosum, the source of the unofficial drug pareira, is a high woody twiner. The leaves are large, petiolate, broadly ovate or rounded, slightly cordate, and densely tomentose on the lower surface. Anamirta paniculata is a woody climber of the East Indies. The fruits, known as fishberries or COCCULUS, are used as a fish poison by the natives and contain the neutral principle picrotoxin. Very many other plants of the Menispermaceae contain power- ful toxic principles and are used as fish poisons and as antidotes to snake poison. Several species of Abuta are used in the prepara- tion of curare poison. e. MAGNOLIACE^E OR MAGNOLIA FAMILY. The plants are mostly trees or shrubs and are represented in the United States by the magnolias and tulip tree (Liriodendron Tulipifera). The latter is a magnificent tree with characteristic leaves (Fig. 204) and large, fragrant, orange-colored, tulip-like flowers. The plants of this family contain a variety of constituents. 540 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Ethereal oils containing anethol and resembling those of anise are found in the fruit of Illicium anisatum (I. verum) or STAR ANISE, a small evergreen tree growing in the mountains of South- ern China. A volatile oil with a disagreeable odor is found in a closely related species /. religiosum (Shikimi) of Japan. The fruit of the latter plant is known as JAPANESE STAR ANISE and contains in addition a poisonous neutral principle. The fruits of both star anise (Illicium) and the Japanese star anise are made up of 6 to S radially arranged follicles, which are dark brown, dehis- cent on the upper (ventral) surface and each contains a single, brown, shiny seed. Star anise has an odor and taste resembling anise. Japanese star anise has a bitter taste and in addition is brownish-black, very woody and strongly beaked. Volatile oils are also found in the flowers of the various species of Magnolia and in Michelia Champaca found in the Malay Archi- pelago and cultivated in India and Brazil, and in M. nilagirica of India, the latter being used in perfumery. Winter's bark is derived from Drimys Winteri, a shrub of South America. It occurs in quills which are from 5 to 10 mm. thick; externally it is grayish-brown and covered with numerous lichens ; the fracture is short, the broken surface being marked by stone cells and resin canals; the odor is fragrant; taste aro- matic, pungent and bitter. The drug contains a volatile oil which consists essentially of a hydrocarbon known as winterin; it also contains a resin. A crystalline principle magnolin, a glucoside and a volatile oil are found in Magnolia macro phylla (or cucumber-tree of the Southern States) and M. tripetala or umbrella tree growing southward from Pennsylvania. A bitter principle liriodendrin, a volatile oil, an alkaloid, and a glucoside are found in the tulip poplar or tulip tree. The bitter and aromatic bark of Michelia montana of Java is used like cascarilla (Euphorbiacese). A bitter resin is found in the fruit of Talauma Plumieri of the Antilles. A glucoside which dissolves the blood corpuscles is found in Talauma macrocarpa of Mexico. A red coloring principle soluble in water occurs in the leaves of Michelia Tsiampaca of Java. The fruits of Schizandra propinqua of Nepal and Kadsura Rox- CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 54i burghiana of Japan contain considerable mucilage and are edible. The latter plant is also used as a hair-restorer. From the ash of Schizandra chincnsis of China and Japan sodium chloride is obtained. The flowers of Magnolia Juglans are used to flavor tea and the FIG. 301. North American papaw (Asimina triloba): A, branch showing lateral nodding flower and the large, pinnately- veined, entire leaves : B. section of the oblong, 3-seeded berry; C, D, seeds, the one in longitudinal section. After Baillon. leaves of Talauma ovata are used as a substitute for tea in Brazil. /. ANONACE^ OR CUSTARD-APPLE FAMILY. These are shrubs or small trees chiefly inhabiting warm-temperate and tropical regions. They yield very many economic products. The fruit of Xylopia brasilensis is used as a substitute for cubeb. Some yield fruits having an aroma similar to that of nutmeg, as 542 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Monocarpia Blancoi of Africa and Jamaica. The flowers of Cananga odorata of tropical countries are used in the preparation of a pomade from which the perfume YLANG-YLANG is made. Ethereal oils are also found in other species, as Uncna ligularis of Ambyona, the seeds of which are used in perfumery. The bark of Popowia pisocarpa of Java contains an alkaloid. FIG. 302. Nutmeg trees growing in Singapore. The trees are handsome, evergreen shrubs, extensively cultivated in the East Indies, and to some extent in tropical America. Reproduced by permission of The Philadelphia Commercial Museum. The seeds of Xylopia salicifolia of Trinidad and X. muricata of Jamaica are very bitter, as are also the wood and bark of X. glabra of the West Indies. The seeds of Asimina triloba, the North American papaw (Fig. 301), contains an emetic principle. This plant should not be confounded with Carica Papaya (Caricacese) which contains the ferment papain. Many of the Anonacese yield large succulent fruits, some of which are edible, as the sugar apple obtained from Anona squa- CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 543 mosa and CUSTARD APPLE from A. reticulata both abundant in the Tropics. The fruit of A. muricata sometimes weighs as much as two kilograms. g. MYRISTICACE^: OR NUTMEG FAMILY. This family is represented by the single genus Myristica. Nutmeg FIG. 303. Young plant of Cinnamomum zeylanicum grown from cutting. (Fig. 302) and mace are obtained from Myristica fragrans, an evergreen tree with ovate, petiolate, coriaceous, entire and pinnately-veined leaves. The flowers are small, yellow and dice- cious. The fruit is a berry having somewhat the shape and size of the green fruit of black walnut. It has a line of dehiscence, and when ripe is yellow. The arillode of the seed constitutes MACE, 544 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. while the kernel is th NUTMEG, the pericarp of the fruit and coat of the seed being rejected. h. LAURACE^: OR LAUREL FAMILY. The members of this family are chiefly shrubs and trees which are distributed mostly in the Tropics, although a few are found in the temperate zones (Fig. 280, F). Sassafras officinale. This is a tree common in the eastern and central portion of the United States and is characterized by its rough bark and its I- to 3-lobed leaves, from whence it received its former name Sassafras variifolium (Fig. 203). The flowers are yellow, dioecious and appear in the spring before the leaves. The fruit is an oblong, blue drupe. Cinnanwmum zeylanicum, which is the source of the Ceylon cinnamon (Fig. 304), is a small, handsome, evergreen tree with opposite, coriaceous, broadly lanceolate, 3- to 5~nerved leaves (Fig. 303). The flowers are yellowish- white, hermaphrodite, or both pistillate and staminate. The fruit is a black, ovoid berry. The oil of Ceylon cinnamon from the bark and branches is charac- terized by its content of cinnamic aldehyde; from the leaves by eugenol; and from the root bark by camphor. C. Cassia which yields Cassia cinnamon is a tree growing in China, Sumatra, and cultivated in Java. It has long, oblong-lanceolate leaves which are pubescent on the lower surface. Cassia cinnamon (bark) is also obtained from Cassia Burmanni. Saigon cinnamon (see Vol. II) is derived apparently from wild trees growing in the mountainous regions of Anam, the botanical origin of which has not been determined. The volatile oils of the members of the Lauraceae vary con- siderably in composition. In addition to the oils of Sassafras and Cinnamon the following may be mentioned : A CINNEOL- containing oil is found in Cinnamomum Oliveri of Australia, Umbellularia calif ornlca of Western North America and Laurus nobilis the noble laurel of the Mediterranean and Mexico. A BOR- NEOL-containing oil is obtained from the root of Dicypellium caryophyllatum of Guiana, the wood of which is known in Cayenne as rose-wood. An oil containing a notable amount of METHYL SALICYLATE is obtained from the spice-bush (Lindera Benzoin) of the United States. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 545 FIG. 304. Cutting cinnamon in Ceylon. Cinnamomum zeylanicum is a native of the forests of Ceylon and is extensively cultivated, not only on the western coast of that island but in other countries of tropical Asia. The manner of cultivation is such that a number of stems are allowed to grow from a single root. When of sufficient height these are cut down and the smaller branches removed, as shown in the illustration. The bark is then separated from the thicker portion of the stems, gathered into bundles and placed under mats until a slight fermentation takes place. After the corky layer is removed the product is ready for the market. Reproduced by permission of The Philadelphia Commercial Museum. Cinnamomum Camphora, or the camphor tree, is indigenous to China, Japan and Formosa, and is now cultivated in many warm 35 546 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. countries as a shade and ornamental tree, growing very well in Southern California and the Southeastern States. All parts of the tree contain a volatile oil which on oxidation yields camphor, which latter is obtained on distillation and sublimation. Camphor of poor quality is obtained from C. Parthenoxylon of Burmah, Malaya and China, and C. glandulifermn of the Himalayas. Cam- phor is also a constituent of other ethereal oils of this same family, as the Massoy bark oil obtained from the root bark of C. zeylanicum and C. Burnianni of Java. A EUGENOL-containing volatile oil is obtained from Ravensara ar&matica of Madagascar, and Machilus Thunbergii of Japan. Eugenol is also found in oil of laurel leaves (L. nobilis), Massoy bark oil, the oil of the leaves of Ceylon cinnamon, and the oils obtained from Cinnamomum Culilawan of the Malay Peninsula and China, and C. Wightii of East India, and possibly is also found in Dicypellium caryophyllatum. The wood and the bark of Nectandra or Beeberu (Nectandra Rodicei) of Guiana and Brazil contain several alkaloids, one of which is known as beeberine and is supposed to be identical with the alkaloids in Buxus sempervirens (Earn. Buxacese) ; pelosine found in Pareira ; and paricine found in the bark of the cultivated cinchonas of Java. Coto bark, which is used in medicine, is obtained from an unknown tree in Northern Bolivia belonging to this family. The bark contains a volatile oil having a pungent taste, and a volatile alkaloid. Fatty oils are obtained from Ravensara aromatica of Mada- gascar, Litsea glauca of Japan and other species of Litsea found growing in Cochin China and India. A red sap with a very fetid odor is obtained from Ocotea fattens of tropical and sub-tropical America, and the stink-wood of South Africa (0. bullata). XIII. ORDER RHCEADALES OR PAPAVERALES. These are mostly herbaceous, seldom woody, plants. The flowers are perfect and the fruit capsular. This order includes two families of importance medicinally. a. PAPAVERACE^E OR POPPY FAMILY. These are herbs with a milky or colored latex. Papaver somniferum or opium poppy is an annual herb I to 2 CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 547 M. high. The stem is sparingly branched, with alternate, deeply lobed, pubescent, clasping (by a cordate base), dull green leaves (Fig. 305, A). The flowers in the variety album, from which opium is obtained, are white or silver-gray, and in many cultivated varieties are large and extremely showy. The two sepals drop away with the expansion of the corolla ; the ovary is smooth, more or less globular and subtends the radiate stigma; the fruit is a FIG. 305. A, Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) ; B, California poppy (Eschs^holt- zia calif arnica) showing flower (a), and capsules (b, c), one of which (c) is dehiscent. After Schimper. capsule (Fig. 238), dehiscing by means of terminal pores, and contains a large number of extremely small white seeds, known as MAW-SEED, and which yield a fixed oil known as poppy-oil. The latex of this plant (Figs. 306, 307) yields opium. Other allied members of the Papaveraceae possess narcotic properties, but the alkaloid morphine has not been isolated from any of them, as the California poppy (Eschscholtzia calif orni ca ) (Fig. 305, B) ; the Mexican poppy (Argemone mexicand) ; Hy- pe coum procumbent, and Fumaria plicata, both of Southern 548 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Europe. These latter plants probably contain also the alkaloid protopine which is apparently identical with fumarine. Sanguinaria canadensis or bloodroot, the rhizome of which is official. The plant is a small, herbaceous, perennial herb with a red latex. The rhizome is horizontal, short and thick, and gives rise to a single, petiolate, palmately 5- to 9-lobed "leaf and a single white flower with a long peduncle (Fig. 308). The capsule is FlG. 306. Poppy fields in the meadows 8 miles northwest of Ping-li, Shensi, China, showing the plants with large terminal flowers. Reproduced by permission of The Phila- delphia Commercial Museum. oblong, 2-valved, and contains a number of smooth but crested seeds. Chelidonium ma jus (celandine) is the source of the herb CHELIDONIUM which was formerly official. The plant is a delicate branching herb about 0.5 M. high ; with alternate, deeply pinnati- fid leaves ; yellow flowers ; slender elongated capsule resembling that of the mustards, and a yellow latex in every part. Celandine is indigenous to Europe and Asia and is common in waste places in the United States. The drug contains the following alkaloids : CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 549 FlG. 307. Poppy fields in Afionkarohissar, Turkish Empire. The capsules are ready to be incised, allowing the milky juice to exude, which is then collected and constitutes the opium of commerce. Reproduced by permission of The Philadelphia Commercial Museum. 550 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Chelidonine (identical with stylophorine), chelerythrine (which is fluorescent ), and protopine (found also in opium and sangui- naria). It also contains a bitter neutral principle chelidoxanthin and several organic acids (Fig. 309). To this family belong a number of other plants which contain principles similar to or identical with those found in Sanguinaria and Chelidonium, and of these the following are common in the FIG. 308. A group of transplanted bloodroot plants (Sanguinaria canadensis) show- ing i-flowered scapes, and the palmately veined and lobed leaves. United States : Yellow or celandine poppy (Stylo phorum diphyl- lum) and the Dutchman's breeches (Bicuculla Cucullaria}. The alkaloid PROTOPINE (fumarine) is found in the following plants of this family : Sanguinaria canadensis; Chelidonium majus; Stylo phorum diphyllum; Eschscholtzia calif ornica; Glau- cium corniculatum of Middle Europe; Bicuculla Cucullaria; Ad- lumia fungosa, the climbing fumitory of the United States and Canada; Fumaria officinalis, the fumitory of Europe, which is naturalized in the United States and Canada ; Bocconia cordata of China and Japan, and B. frutescens of the West Indies, Mexico CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. and Paraguay ; Dicentra pusilla of Japan and several species of corydalis. The tubers of squirrel corn or corydalis (Bicuculla canadensis) contain the alkaloidal corydaline. FIG. 309. Celandine (Chelidonium majus), a biennial herb, with pinnately divided leaves, and terminal clusters of small, yellow flowers. The plant has an orange-colored latex. After Brown. b. CRUCIFER^: OR MUSTARD FAMILY. These are herbaceous plants with characteristic flowers and fruits. The flowers have four deciduous sepals, four petals which are more or less spreading and clawed at the base, and six stamens which are tetradynamous (Fig. 280, B). The fruit is a 2-celled silique or 552 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 310. Fruiting specimens of the two mustards, the one on the left White Mustard (Brassica alba), and the one on the right Black Mustard (Brassica nigra). After Newcomb. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 553 silicic, which varies in shape in the different genera (Fig. 310). Brassica alba (white mustard). The plant is a slender, branching, more or less hispid (bristly hairy) annual or biennial herb usually less than 0.5 M. high, with deeply pinnatifid lower leaves and lanceolate, dentate upper leaves. The flowers are yellow, and the silique is densely hispid, constricted between the seeds and terminated by a long, flat, sword-like beak (Fig. 310). The seeds are official as white mustard (Sinapis alba) but are known in commerce as yellow mustard. Brassica nigra or black mustard, the seeds of which constitute the official black mustard (Sinapis nigra), is a larger, more branch- ing plant than Brassica alba, being from I to 3 M. high. The silique is erect, more cylindrical and with a slender, filiform beak (Fig. 310). Glucosides similar to those which occur in BRASSICA ALBA and BRASSICA NIGRA are also found in other species of BRASSICA, as well as in the following related plants, but the oils produced are not identical: Horseradish (Roripa Armoracia), the oil being similar to volatile oil of mustard; water cress (R. Nasturtium) ; garden radish (Raphanus sativus) ; Sisymbrium Alliaria of Eu- rope, and the hedge mustard (S. officinale) naturalized in the United States; TURNIP (Brassica Rapa) of Europe; field penny-cress (Thlaspi arvense) of Asia and found in waste places in the Eastern and Middle United States ; the narrow leaved pepper- grass (Lepidium ruder ale) naturalized from Europe ; scurvy-grass (Cochlearia officinalis) of Northern and Middle Europe, the herb of which, known as HERBA COCHLEARIA, is used in medicine; " HONESTY" (Lunaria annua) common in cultivation on account of the ornamental use of the dry pods ; Parrya macrocarpa of Southern Europe; treacle mustard (Erysimum cheiranthoides) of Northern Europe and the United States, and garlic mustard (E. Alliaria). The seeds of most of the Cruciferae are also rich in fixed oils, and the commercial oils are obtained from the following species : Wild mustard or charlock (Brassica arvensis) naturalized in the United States from Europe ; Hesperis tristis of Southern Europe ; cabbage (Brassica oleracea). An INDIGO- forming glucoside is found in Isatis tinctoria of Europe and /. indigotica of China; 554 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Neslia paniculata of Europe and the Orient ; and Lepidium owai- hiense of the Hawaiian Islands. Shepherd's purse (Capsella Bursa-pastoris) contains an alkaloid (bursine) and tannin. The leaves and roots of many of the Cruciferse are used as garden vegetables, and some are cultivated as ornamental plants. The seeds of Lunaria biennis (or "ho-nesty") contain an orange-red crystalline alkaloid, or possibly a mixture of alkaloids. c. There are several other" families of the Rhoeadales which yield economic products. The RESEDACE^E include the migno- nette (Reseda odorata), the flowers of which yield a fragrant vola- tile oil ; and R. Luteola of Europe, which contains a yellow coloring principle and also an anthelmintic principle. The MORINGACE^ comprise a single genus, Moringa. The root of M. oleifera of tropical and sub-tropical countries contains a volatile oil resem- bling the volatile oil of mustard, and the stem yields an astringent gum resembling that of Bombax malabaricum (Bombaceae). XIV. ORDER SARRACENIALES. This order includes several families which are of special inter- est because of the fact that the leaves are of peculiar construction and adapted to the catching and digestion of insects (Fig. 208). Probably all of the plants of this order produce proteolytic ferments resembling those in the pine-apple and are capable of acting upon and digesting animal substance. Some writers have supposed that the properties of these plants might be due to bac- teria present in the liquid contained in the pitchers of the leaves, but there seems to be no question that a distinct enzyme resem- bling trypsin is formed in those plants which have been studied. (a) The genus Sarracenia of the family SARRACENIACE^E or pitcher-plant family, is represented in the United States by a number of species. The rhizome of Sarracenia purpurea (Fig. 311) contains several alkaloids, one of which, sarracenine, seems to have some resemblance to veratrine. (b) The DROSERACE^: or sundew family includes the Droseras or sundew plants and Dioncea muscipula, the Venus's flytrap o-f North Carolina (Fig. 209). A number of species of Drosera contain a red coloring principle similar to that isolated from the rhizomes of D. Whittakern of Australia and is a derivative of methylnaphthoquinone. Citric CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 555 FIG. 311. Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia pur pur ea). The plant grows in peat bogs, and the pitcher-shaped leaves are usually half filled with water and serve as a trap for insects, which are finally digested and furnish the plant with nitrogenous food. The flowers are single on a naked scape and of a deep purple color, the petals being arched over the style. Many species of Sarracenia are prized by horticulturists because of their odd trumpet- shaped leaves. After Troth. acid has been found in D. longifolia, a sundew common in the United States as well as in Europe and Asia, (c) The family NEPENTHACE^E contains the single genus Nepenthes, several spe- 556 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. cies of which are extensively cultivated in greenhouses. The leaves and roots of N. Boschiana of Borneo contain an astringent principle. XV. ORDER ROSALES. The plants range from herbs to shrubs and trees and have complete flowers which are mostly perigynous. The carpels are solitary, or several either distinct or united. a. PODOSTEMACE^E OR RIVER-WEED FAMILY. /The plants are aquatic and more or less alga-like, and are repre- sented in the United States by the river-weed (Podostemon Cerato- phyllum), which is a densely tufted plant found in running water attached to stones. The ash of these plants contains a consider- able amount of sodium chloride, the ash of M our era Weddelliana of Brazil containing 50 per cent, of salt and being used as a source of table salt. b. CRASSULACE^E OR ORPINE FAMILY. The plants are chiefly succulent herbs and represented by such plants as houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum), which is cultivated largely as an ornamental plant, and the common sedums, of which there are numerous species in temperate regions. The common mossy stonecrop or wall-pepper (Sedum acre} naturalized in the North- ern United States contains a ferment capable of dissolving the membrane formed in diphtheria and croup ; Sempervivum balsami- ferum of the Canary Islands contains a substance resembling the viscine found in certain Loranthacese. Ditch or Virginia stonecrop (Penthorum sedoldes) contains tannin. c. SAXIFRAGACE^E OR SAXIFRAGE FAMILY. The plants are mostly found in temperate regions and among the im- portant members are mitrewort (Mitella), false mitrewort (Tia- rella cordifolia), alum root (Heuchera americana}, golden saxi- frage (Chrysosplenium) , grass of Parnassus (Parnassia), mock orange (Philadelphus coronarius) and the wild hydrangea (Hy- drangea arborescens). The plants are rich in tannin, as the alum root of Eastern and Central North America, which contains 10 to 20 per cent, of tannin. A glucoside hydrangin, a volatile oil, and possibly also a saponin are found in "SEVEN BARKS" or wild hydrangea (PL CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. FIG. 312. Early Saxifrage (Saxifraga virginiensis), a perennial herb with a whorl of root leaves from which arise the flower scapes bearing open and loosely panicled cymes. It grows in the clefts of rocks, and the name is derived from the Latin, meaning to break a rock. No doubt because of its habit, medicinal virtues were earlier ascribed to it, and it was used to cure stone in the bladder. After Troth. arborescens) ; a glucoside is also found in the root of garden hydrangea (H. paniculata grandiflora) . In this family are also included the gooseberries (Fig. 245) 558 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. and currants. The cultivated CURRANTS are varieties of Ribes rubrum: the cultivated GOOSEBERRIES are varieties of R. Uva- crispa. Both of these plants are natives of Europe and Asia and have escaped from cultivation in the United States and Canada. The fruits contain fruit-acids and fruit-sugars and are used in a variety of ways. The fetid currant (Ribes prostratum) has a very fetid odor and it is said that the flowers of the buffalo currant (Ribes aureum) contain hydrocyanic acid. e. HAMAMELIDACE^: OR WITCHHAZEL FAMILY. The plants are shrubs or trees and are most abundant in sub- tropical countries. Hamamelis. virginiana, or witchhazel, the leaves and bark of which are used in medicine, is a shrub which is especially characterized by its asymmetric, undulate leaves and by its produc- ing flowers in the autumn when the leaves are falling and the mature, but not ripe, capsules of the preceding year are still present (Fig. 313). The forked branches of the witchhazel, as also the twigs of the peach and other plants, are used in various parts of the United States for detecting the presence of underground water. These are operated somewhat as follows : The branched arms are held by the operator in a horizontal position and as the operator surveys the field, it is supposed the main stem will dip in the direction indicating either underground water, petroleum, etc. It is the honest belief of the operators, that the working of the rod is influenced by agencies usually regarded as electrical currents following underground springs of water that are entirely inde- pendent of their own bodies, and many uneducated people have implicit faith in their ability to locate underground waters in this way. However, it is held by scientists that the operation of the divining rod is generally due to the unconscious movements of the body or muscles of the hand. Liquidambar styraciflua or sweet gum-tree of the Atlantic coast of the United States and Mexico, is a tall tree with charac- teristic cork-wings on the branches ; 3- to 7~lobed, petiolate, finely serrate leaves ; monoecious flowers, and a spiny, globular, capsular fruit. The tree yields a balsam allied to the official styrax CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 559 (storax), which is obtained from a very similar tree (L. orientalis). f. PLATANACE^: OR PLANE TREE FAMILY. This FIG. 313. Branch of Witchhazel (Hamamelis virginiana) showing alternate, short- petiolate and pinnate-reticulately veined leaves, having a broadly oval or obovate out- line, round, acute, or slightly acuminate apex; slightly cordate, inequilateral base; and undulate or sinuous margin. /amily consists of but one genus, Platanus, of which there are 7 species. It includes the sycamore or buttonwood (Platanus occidentalis}, one of our largest trees, easily recognized by its A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. mottled exfoliating bark. The leaves are palmately lobed and within the base of the petioles are formed the winter buds. The flowers are staminate and pistillate heads, borne on separate ped- uncles. The fruits are spherical heads about 2 cm. in diameter, composed of numerous achenes, and persist on the trees throughout the winter. The wood is not only used for building purposes, but also for butchers' blocks. FIG. 314. Cross- pollination through the agency of a bee, in flower of quince (Cy- donia vuigaris). A, flowering branch; B, flower showing bee extracting nectar, and masses of pollen adhering to its legs, some of which will fall upon the stigmas of other flowers when it visits them; C, ripe inferior fleshy fruit (pome) of quince. After Dodel-Port. /. ROSACES OR ROSE FAMILY. The plants are herbs, shrubs or trees usually with alternate, stipulate, simple or com- pound leaves, and regular perfect flowers with or without petals, and numerous stamens (Fig. 280, D). The fruit is a pome (Fig. 314), drupe (Fig. 315), follicle or achene (Fig. 236). Prunus serotina or wild black cherry is a tree varying from 10 to 30 M. in height, with a more or less smooth bark marked by prominent transverse lenticels, and showing a tendency to peel off in semicircular pieces, which gives the older bark, which is more or less black, a roughened appearance. The leaves and inner CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 561 bark have an agreeable aromatic odor; the leaves are oval- or oblong-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, and serrate, the teeth being .' FIG. 315. Fruiting branch of wild black cherry (Prunus serotina). glandular ; the flowers are white and in racemes ; the fruit is a dark purple or blackish, globular drupe (Fig. 315). The nearly related species wild cherry or choke cherry (Prunus virginiana) 36 562 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. is a shrub or small tree with broadly oval, acuminate leaves, red or nearly black drupes, and flowers and fruits several weeks earlier than P. serotina. Prunus Amygdalus is a small tree resembling somewhat the peach tree. The leaves, are lanceolate, serrate; the flowers are rose-colored, and the fruit is a dehiscent drupe in which the leathery sarcocarp separates from the endocarp, which latter, with the seed which it encloses, constitutes the edible almond of the market. The kernels of some of the seeds are quite bitter (bitter almonds), and some are bland and free from bitterness. By a process of selection plants yielding the latter are now extensively cultivated in sub-tropical and warm-temperate regions, and yield the sweet or Jordan almond of the market. In Turkestan some of the almonds have a smooth endocarp. A glucosidal substance having the properties of amygdalin is found in the buds, leaves, bark and seeds, more especially the latter, of some members of the following genera : Prunus, Sorbus (mountain ash), Cotoneaster, Amelanchier, and Eriobotyra (E. japonica or Japanese medlar). Prunus domestica yields the French plum or prune of com- merce. The leaves are ovate or ovate-lanceolate, dentate, and pubescent on the lower surface. The flowers are greenish-white, with a hairy peduncle. The fruit is a drupe, with a black or bluish-black epicarp, a brownish sarcocarp, and a hard, oval, smooth and flattened endocarp. The endocarps of the members ol me genus Prunus vary greatly. The endocarp in the apricot (P. Armeniaca) is quite smooth, as is also that of the cherry (P. Cerasus) ; in the peach (Prunus Per- sica) it is reticulate. The bark of Pyrus Toringo yields a yellow coloring principle known in Japan as " dzaini." It also contains a white, crystalline glucoside (toringin), and pyrus-quercitrin, the latter forming yellow needles and on hydrolysis yields quercetin and rhamnose. The bark is also used to adulterate licorice, gentian and other drugs in the powdered form. The apple (Pyrus Mains) , the pear (Pyrus communis) , and the quince (Cydonia vulgaris) are inferior fruits known as pomes, the fleshy part developing from the torus and persistent calyx, the core being composed of the united carpels. The edible fruits CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 563 of the Rosaceae contain a number of FRUIT-ACIDS, such as malic, citric, tartaric, and FRUIT-SUGARS, as dextrose and levulose. The acids vary from 0.20 per cent, in pears to 1.50 per cent, in plums ; and the sugars from 4.48 per cent, in peaches to 8.26 per cent, in pears. The carbohydrates mannit and sorbit are found in the fruit of Prunus Laurocerasus of Europe. In the unripe fruits there is more or less tannin and also a principle known as PECTOSE. This latter during the ripening of the fruit is converted into PECTIN, a viscid principle which is further changed into pectic and pectosic acids, the solutions of which gelatinize on cooling, so that these fruits are adapted to jelly making (see pp. 243, 255). Rubus nigrobaccus, or high bush-blackberry, is a branching shrub i to 2 M. high with reddish, prickly, erect or recurved stems. The leaves are 3- to 5~foliate, the leaflets being ovate, coarsely and unequally serrate, and midrib and petiolules with stout, re- curved prickles. The flowers are white, in terminal racemes and with hairy and prickly stalks. The fruit is broadly ovoid and consists of an aggregate, of drupelets which ripen in August and September. Rubus villosus Ait. (Rubus canadensis L.) or low-blackberry (Northern dewberry) is a trailing, shrubby, prickly plant the leaves of which are 3- to 7-foliate, the leaflets being oval or ovate- lanceolate, serrate and nearly smooth. The flowers are in racemes and the fruit resembles that of R. nigrobaccus, but is smaller. Rubus cuneifolius or sand-blackberry of the Eastern and Southern States is a small shrub less than i M. high, much branched, and with straight or recurved, stout prickles. The leaflets are ovate or cuneate, and densely pubescent, as are also the young shoots. The inflorescence consists of two to five flowers, the petals of which are white or pinkish. The fruit is oblong, more or less cylindrical, and sometimes 20 mm. long. Rubus Idccus or the cultivated European red-raspberry is a shrub with a glaucous, bristly stem and with 3- to 7-foliate leaves. The flowers are white and the red fruit consists of a cap-like col- lection of hairy drupelets which is easily detached from the non- fleshy receptacle. The fruit is used in the preparation of syrup of raspberry which is used for flavoring. There are a number of varieties of this species of raspberry in cultivation, the fruits of 564 A TEXi-iiOOiv oF BO i AIM. which vary in color from crimson, brown, or yellow to nearly white. The fine flavored but watery fruit of the wild red-rasp- berry (R. strigosus) is sometimes substituted for the fruit of Rubus Idccus ( Fig. 243 ) . Rosa gallica, which yields the red rose-petals, official in a num- ber of the pharmacopoeias, is a native of Southern Europe and is extensively cultivated. Rosa centifolia, which is now known only in cultivation, and of which there are a large number of varieties, is distinguished by its glandular leaflets, and its pale red or pink petals. The cone-like collection of petals of the flower-bud is the part which is used in medicine, but it is deficient in coloring .principles and fragrance as compared to Rosa gallica. Rosa damascena, the petals of which yield the oil of rose or attar of rose, is extensively cultivated in Bulgaria and to some extent in France and Germany. It flowers very profusely, and the yield of oil is about 0.02 per cent. The oil consists of a crys- tallizable hydrocarbon known as rose-camphor which is odorless, and a liquid portion consisting of geraniol, 1-citronellol, 1-lina- lool, citral, n-nonyllic aldehyde and phenyl ethyl alcohol. Similar oils are obtained from other species of Rosa growing in Northern Africa, Abyssinia and Northern India, as R. moschata, and R. sempervirens. The fruits of wild brier (Rosa canina) naturalized from Europe, as well as of other species of Rosa (R. pomifera and R. rugosa), contain considerable malic and citric acids and fruit- sugars, and are made into a confection by boiling with syrup. In addition to the fruit-ethers found in the common edible fruits of this family and the volatile oil of rose, it should be mentioned that oils containing salicylic acid are also present. A number of species of Spiraea contain salicylic aldehyde and methyl salicylate. Quillaja Saponaria is a large tree having a thick bark and hard wood. The leaves are oval, coriaceous, slightly dentate and evergreen (Fig. 316). The flowers are monoecious or dioecious, white, apetalous, and axillary in groups of one to four. The ovary consists of 4 to 5 carpels and on ripening forms a star-like, spreading group of follicles. The inner bark is the part used in medicine. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 565 A spurious quillaja bark (Q. Pocppigii) differs from the official in being thinner, darker and in having the surface covered with a coarse network of whitish lines. Another bark, occurring in quilled pieces, from 8-15 cm. long, and 1-5 cm. wide, has also been found in commerce. Hagenia abyssinica is an ornamental tree with 7- to 13-foliate leaves. The flowers are monoecious and occur in panicles ; the staminate being greenish-yellow and with 20 stamens ; and the pistillate fragrant, bicarpellary, and with a reddish calyx (Fig. PlG. 316. Soap-bark tree (Quillaja Saponaria): A, flowering branch; B, one of the hermaphrodite flowers; C, the latter in longitudinal section. After Baillon. 317). The fruit is a nutlet. The pistillate flowers are official under the name of Cusso. Various species of Prunus yield GUMS, as cherry, peach, apricot, etc. MUCILAGE is found in the testa of certain seeds, as of quince. The manna of Luristan is obtained from Pyrus glabra of Persia. Tannin and gallic acid are found in TORMENTILLA rhizome which is obtained from Potentilla silvestris, a perennial herb of Europe, and other species of Potentilla. The fruit of the hawthorn (Crat&gus Oxyacantha) contains quercitrin. A bitter principle and tannin are found in Purshia tridentata of the Rocky Mountains. Phloridzin is found in the root bark of a number of species of Pvnts and Prunus 5 66 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. 7 PIG. 317. Hagenia abyssinica: A, branch showing a large panicle of pistillate flowers and the stipulate, compound leaves; B, C, staminate flowers; D, E, pistillate flowers. After Berg and Schmidt. In the genus Fragaria to which the strawberry belongs, the torus becomes large and fleshy and is the edible part of the fruit. The garden strawberry (F. chilocnsis) has a large fruit, the achenes being sunken in the periphery of the torus (Fig. 242). In CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 567 the wild strawberries the fruit is smaller, usually somewhat flesh- colored and the achenes are either embedded in the torus as in F. virginiana or borne on the surface as in F. vesca. The strawberry fruit contains about 87 per cent, of water; 6 per cent, of cane sugar; 5 per cent, of invert sugar (a mixture of dextrose and levulose) ; I per cent, of free fruit-acids; and about 2 per cent, of nitrogenous substances. g. LEGUMINOS^E OR PULSE FAMILY. The plants are herbs, shrubs, trees, or vines with alternate, stipulate and usually compound leaves. The flowers are complete, and the corolla is either regular or irregular; the stamens are usually united, and the pistil is simple and free, becoming in fruit a legume. The plants are widely distributed, many of them being found in the Tropics. Three principal sub-groups, which have been ranked as families by some botanists, are recognized. 1. PAPILIONAT.E. Those species with papilionaceous flowers are separated into a group called the Papilidnatae. This sub-group has a number of representatives in the United States, as clover, locust, and Baptisia (Fig. 280, L). 2. CESALPINIOIDE.E include the sennas and have flowers which are nearly regular, or imperfectly, or not at all papilionaceous. 3. The MIMOSOIDE^E include the acacias and have flowers that are regular. Cassia acutifolia is a small shrub with leaves that are 8- to i o- foliate. The leaflets are official as Alexandria or Tripoli senna ; the flowers are yellowish and in axillary racemes; the fruit is a smooth, flat, dehiscent pod, with 6 to 8 seeds. Cassia angustifolia is a shrub which is cultivated in Southern India and resembles Cassia acutifolia. The leaflets which consti- tute India senna or Tinnevelly senna are longer and narrow-lanceo- late, and the pods are longer, and slightly crescent-shaped, as compared to those of C. acutifolia. Cassia Fistula or purging cassia, the pods of which are used in medicine, is a tree about 15 M. high. The leaves are 10 to 12- foliate ; the flowers golden-yellow and in racemes ; and the fruit is a very long, cylindrical, indehiscent legume. The leaves of quite a number of species of Cassia are used in medicine and the 568 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. following are the source of FOLIA MALABATHRI : C. Tamala of Assam and C. javanica. Glycyrrhiza glabra is a perennial herb, with 8- to 14- foliate FIG. 318. Spanish licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) plant grown from a cutting by the late Henry N. Rittenhouse of Philadelphia. leaves (Fig. 318), the leaflets being glandular in the variety glandulifcra; the flowers have a violet-colored, papilionaceous corolla, and the fruit is a flat, dehiscent legume. The rhizome and roots are the parts used in medicine. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 569 Cytisus scoparius or green or Scotch broom is a shrub nat- uralized from Europe. The branches are numerous, slender, erect and grow close together, adapting them for use as brooms. The tops are used in medicine. Tamarindus indica is a tree attaining a height of 25 M. The leaves are pinnately compound, having numerous sessile, entire, FIG. 319. Tragacanth plant (Astragalus gummifer)'. A, flowering branch; B, modified, thorn-like leaf with stipules at the base; C, irregular (bilateral) flower; D, legume of A. arislatus, After Taubert. oblong leaflets ; the flowers are in terminal racemes and the petals are yellow with reddish veins ; the fruit is a curved, indehiscent legume which has a thin epicarp and a pulpy sarcocarp with numerous fibers, and contains a number of flat, quadrangular seeds. The pulp is the part used in medicine as a laxative and refrigerant. Astragalus gummifer is a tomentose shrub less than I M. high. The leaves are pinnately compound, the leaflets being narrow 570 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. and elliptical ; the flowers are pale yellow, sessile and axillary ; the fruit is a small, somewhat cylindrical, hairy pod or legume. The gummy exudation constitutes the Tragacanth of commerce. Acacia Senegal, which yields gum Arabic or acacia gum, is a small tree with bipinnate leaves which are subtended by curved spines ; the flowers are yellow and in dense spikes ; the fruit is a broad pod containing five or six seeds. Acacia Catechu is a small tree which resembles Acacia Senegal and furnishes Black Catechu. ' Km FIG. 320. Acacia Senegal: A, flowering branch: B, a single flower showing numerous stamens; C, part of legume showing attachment of seeds; D, E, sections of seeds. Alter Taubert. Pterocarpus Marsnpium is a fine timber tree with spreading branches. The leaves are 5- to 7-foliate, the leaflets being cori- aceous, obovate, and emarginate ; the flowers are pale yellow, and the fruit is an indehiscent, orbicular pod with a single reniform seed. The official Kino is prepared from the juice. The trees yielding kino are under State control in Madras. According to v. Hohnel the kino is present in special cells in the bark, which are arranged in radial rows in the region of the lep- tome. The cells are from 50 to ioo/x wide and from 100 to CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 571 500 fj, long, the walls consisting of cellulose. The term " kino " is applied to the red astringent juices obtained from a number of plants. " AMERICAN KINO " is a synonym sometimes applied to the extract of Geranium maculatum (Fam. Geraniacese). Pterocarpus santalinus is a small tree with trifoliate leaves, and flowers and fruits resembling those of P. Marsupiuin. The heart-wood is official. Hccmatoxylon campechianum is a small tree with irregular spinous branches. The leaves are 8- to lo-foliate, the leaflets being sessile and obcordate. The flowers are fragrant, have a purple calyx and yellow corolla, and are in racemes. The fruit is a slender, lanceolate, flat pod, which dehisces laterally instead of along the sutures. The heart-wood of this tree constitutes the commercial Logwood, of which about 200,000 pounds are con- sumed annually, its chief use being as a dye-wood. Krameria triandra is a shrub with a few, simple, ovate-lanceo^ late, sessile, silver-white, glistening leaves. The flowers are com- plete, having two purple petals and three stamens. The fruit is a i-seeded, globular, prickly, indehiscent pod. K. Ixina, found growing from Mexico to Northern South America, and K. argen- tea of Northern Brazil, are distinguished by having flowers with three petals and four stamens. The root is the part used in medicine. Copaiba Langsdorffii is a small tree found growing in Brazil. The leaves are 6- to 10- foliate, the leaflets being ovate-lanceolate, glabrous, coriaceous, and glandular punctate. The flowers are apetalous, and the fruit is an ellipsoidal, coriaceous, 2-valved pod having a single glandular seed with an arillus. An oleo-resin collects in longitudinal cavities in the trunk of the tree, often amounting to many liters, and sometimes the pressure thus pro- duced is sufficient to burst the trunk in places. The oleo-resin is official as COPAIBA. The latter consists of 30 to 75 per cent, of a volatile oil from which the sesquiterpene caryophyllene has been isolated ; a bitter acrid resin and a bitter principle. A similar prod- uct is obtained from a number of other species of Copaiba growing in South America, as well as C. copallifera of Western Africa, and Hardwickia Mannii of tropical Africa, and H. pinnata of India. An oleo-resin known by the natives in the province of Velasco 572 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. in Bolivia as " Copaiba " is obtained from Copaiba paupera. It is thick, like Maracaibo balsam, but lighter in color and resembles in odor and taste true copaiba. It is distinguished from the other specimens of American copaiba by its dextro- rotation [a]D -f- 36. On the addition of one to two volumes of petroleum ether it forms a clear solution, giving a white precipitate on the addition of more ether. Toluifera Balsamum is a tree about 25 M. high, with a straight trunk, on which the branches first appear at a height of from 15 to 20 M., and is found growing in Northern South America. The leaves are compound and with seven to eleven alternate, oblong, acuminate, glandular-punctate leaflets; the flowers are white and in simple axillary racemes ; the fruit is a winged, inde- hiscent, I -seeded legume. The plants yield a balsam ( official in all the pharmacopoeias and known as BALSAM OF TOLU) which occurs in schizogenous cavities in the bark of young twigs, and is obtained by incising the bark, it being usually collected in gourds. The balsam consists of 75 to 80 per cent, of resin, which is a compound of tolu-resinotannol, cinnamic and benzoic acids ; 18 to 20 per cent, of free cinnamic acid ; 0.2 to I per cent, of a volatile oil; and 0.5 per cent, of vanillin. A good tolu balsam is also obtained from T. peruifera growing in the northeastern part o>f South America. Toluifera Pereircc is a tree about 15 M. high, which has a short trunk and begins to branch at a height of 2 or 3 M. It otherwise resembles T. Balsamum. It is found over the whole of Northern South America, extending through Central America to Mexico, and is cultivated in Singapore. The balsam, which is formed as a result of injury to the trunk, consists chiefly of esters of benzoic and cinnamic acids, some free cinnamic acid, and vanil- lin. A very fragrant vanilla-like balsam is obtained from the fruit of this same plant, and in San Salvador it is known as white Peru balsam to distinguish it from the black Peru balsam obtained from the trunk. Physostigma venenosum is a woody climber. The leaves are 3- foliate, the leaflets being ovate -acuminate; the flowers are violet in color and in axillary racemes; the fruit is a broadly linear, somewhat flattened, distinctly veined, dehiscent pod which tapers CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 573 at both ends, and usually contains two or three seeds. The seeds are official as Physostigma. FIG. 321. Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria), a perennial herb resembling a shrub, possessing nearly sessile, 3-foliate leaves, and having, at the ends of the branches, loose racemes of yellow flowers. A pale blue coloring principle has been obtained from the plant resembling indigo, though somewhat inferior. After Brown. The blue coloring principle INDIGO is mostly obtained from the herbs Indigo f era tinctoria and /. Anil which are indigenous 574 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. to, and cultivated in, tropical and sub-tropical countries. It is prepared by extracting the leaves with water. The glucosidal principle indican (or mother-substance of indigo blue) undergoes oxidation and the insoluble indigo blue separates out. This is the commercial indigo. A similar principle is found in the wild indigo (Baptism tinctoria) of the United States and Canada; the leaves of Robinia Pseud-acacia of North America; several species of Psoralea and Amorpha, as well as some other Leguminosse. It is also found in other families, as in Polygonaceae, Cruciferse, Ascle- piadacese, and Apocynaceae. A yellow coloring principle is found in the dyer's broom (Genista tinctoria) of Europe and Asia and naturalized in the New England States. G. ovata of Europe yields a similar dye. COPAL RESINS are derived from a number of the Leguminosse : American copal from Hymen&a Coubaril of the West Indies and South America ; Brazilian copal from H. Martiana of Rio Negro ; Zanzibar or Chakazzi-copal from Trachylobium mossambicense of Western Africa ; Sierra Leone copal (yellow gum, red gum) from Copaiba Guibourtia of Sierra Leone; Inhambane copal from Co- paiba conjugata and C. Gorskiana of Singapore, Jamaica and Australia. A number of the LOCO-WEEDS containing principles poisonous to cattle belong to the Leguminosae. The word " loco," meaning crazy, is of Spanish origin, and is applied in reference to the pecu- liar nervous symptoms manifested by the affected animals. The plants causing greater loss than all other poisonous plants com- bined and regarded as loco-plants par excellence are Aragallus Lamberti and Astragalus mollissimus. Of these two Aragallus Lamberti, also commonly known as rattleweed or white loco, is the most poisonous and has a wide range, extending from Alaska on the north down through the whole grazing region of the Great Plains, where it is very abundant. Astragalus mollissimus, known as purple loco, woolly loco, or Texas loco, is more limited in its range. Among other plants causing heavy losses to stockmen on the grazing lands of the Great Plains east of the Rocky Mountains may be mentioned the following : Zygadenus elegans ( Earn. Lili- acese), especially dangerous to sheep ; the larkspurs or Delphiniums (Earn. Ranunculaceae), causing losses among cattle; and lupines, CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 575 causing losses especially among sheep. The water hemlock (Cicuta maculata, Fam. Umbelli ferae) is poisonous to all higher animals, including man. Among other plants poisonous to cattle the following may be mentioned: California loco-weed (Astrag- alus Crotalarice) , Texas or woolly loco-weed (A. mollissimus) , rattle-box (Crotalaria sagittalis) found in the Eastern United States and Canada. The poisonous action of some of these plants has been ascribed to the presence of barium salts, although this has not been substantiated in all cases. Clitoria glycinoides of Brazil and Phaca ochroleuca of Chile are poisonous to horses and should probably be included with the loco-weeds. A large number of the plants belonging to the Leguminosae contain toxic principles' and those which have not already been considered might be grouped according to the principles which they contain. 1. ARROW-POISON group, including the genera Erythrophlceum, Afzelia and Pithecolobium. 2. FISH-POISON group, including the genera Albizzia, Afzelia, Bauhinia, Barbiera, Enterolobium, Leucaena, Millettia, Tephrosia, Acacia, Abrus, Clitoria, Mundulea, Derris, Lonchocarpus, Pisci- dia (P. Erythrina or Jamaica dogwood, which contains a curare- like alkaloid). 3. SAPONiN-containing plants as the genera Acacia, Albizzia, Entada (E. scandens or the sea bean of the East and West Indies), Enterolobium, Gleditsia and Gymnocladus (G. dioica or Ken- tucky coffee-tree growing in the United States and Canada). 4. CvTisiNE-containing plants ; the alkaloid cytisine is found in Laburnum vulgar e and L. alpinum growing wild in Southern Europe and also cultivated, and in one or more species of the following genera : Anagyris, Baptisia, Coronilla, Crotalaria, Genista, and Ulex. Abrin, composed of a globulin and albumose and whose prop- erties are affected at a temperature of 50 C. or over, is found in the seeds of JEQUIRITY (Abrus precatorius) and Cassia hispidula of Mexico; two alkaloids (lupinine and lupinidine) and a bitter glucoside (lupinin) are found in the white lupine (Lupinus albus) of Europe and in other species of Lupinus ; a glucoside (wistarin) and a poisonous resin are found in WISTARIA, species of Wisteria, 576 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. a common woody climber in cultivation as an ornamental plant; the glucoside ononin is found in RADIX ONONIDIS, the root of Ononis spinosa of Europe; the glandular hairs on the pods of Mucuna pruriens and M. urens growing in the Tropics of both hemispheres constitute the COWHAGE of medicine ; butyric acid is found in ST. JOHN'S BREAD, the fruit of Ceratonia Siliqua, which grows in European countries bordering the Mediterranean, and also in Eperua falcata of Guiana. A bitter principle, bondicine, known as poor man's quinine, is found in Ccesalpinia Bonducella and other species of Cccsalpinia growing in Sumatra, Borneo, New Zealand and Brazil ; the seeds of Phaseolus lunatus of the East Indies contain a principle from which hydrocyanic acid is derived. The seeds of many of the plants belonging to the Leguminosse are rich in starch and proteins and hence are used as foods. The protein LEGUMIN is characteristic of this family. The following are some of the important food plants: the garden pea (Pisum sativum), the garden bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) ; lentil (Lens esculenta), Japanese Soy bean (Glycine hispida). The peanut (Arachis hypogcea) indigenous to Brazil and extensively culti- vated in most of the Southern States and in Southern Europe, belongs to the group of plants which have geocarpic fruits, that is, fruits which penetrate the soil during their development and ripen under ground (Fig. 231). In peanuts the starch is re- placed by a fixed oil which is present to the extent of about 45 per cent, and which is an article of commerce. In addition to the seeds mentioned those of a number of other plants as well as some fruits, roots and leaves are used as foods in various parts of the world, particularly in the Tropics. The plants of a number of species are used as forage, as those of clover (Trifolium) ; some are cultivated as ornamental plants, as sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus), and some yield valuable timber, as the locust (Robinia). Soy Bean' (Glycine hispida) is an important food plant and forage crop. The plant is an annual with trifoliate hairy leaves, rather inconspicuous pale or violet-colored flowers, and with broad pods containing 2 to 5 seeds. The seeds are more or less com- pressed, spherical or elliptical and vary in color from whitish- or yellowish-green to brownish-black. The yield of seed per CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 577 acre may run as high as 40 bushels. As a forage crop it yields as high as 2 to 3 tons of cured hay per acre. The seeds contain about 5 per cent, of starch and nearly 50 per cent, protein sub- stances. The seeds are therefore very nutritive and are exten- sively used in feeding of live stock. In Japan the seeds are known as " Soy," being derived from the Japanese word " Shoyu," in allusion to a preparation made from the seeds. In Europe it is also used to a limited extent as a food. In this country it is used to some extent as a food for persons suffering from diabetes. ALFALFA or Lucerne (Medicago sativa) is one of the most val- uable forage plants known to man. It is a perennial herb with obovate-oblong leaves, bluish purple flowers occurring in racemes, and twisted pods. Alfalfa is extensively cultivated in all parts of the United States. It is an exceptionally deep-rooted leguminous plant and under the best conditions is long lived, growing in the arid lands of the West as well as in the rich soils of the East. In many essentials and in feeding for stock alfalfa resembles the clover. The alfalfa is relatively somewhat richer in digestible protein than the clover but considerably lower in fat. VEGETABLE BEZOARS are concretions formed in the stomachs of ruminating animals. They consist of the hairs of crimson clover and the awns of oats, barley and other cereal grains. They are spherical in shape, of a yellowish-brown color, with smooth, even surfaces, of a firm texture, and saturated with intestinal juices. The balls when dried shrink but little and vary from 10 to 12 cm. in diameter. Since the introduction into the United States of crimson clover as a forage plant or green manure, there have been numerous deaths reported among horses and other cattle due to their eating crimson clover, which leads to the formation of bezoars caused by the undigested hairs matting together. An examination of these bezoars shows that the hairs of which they are composed, lie with the broken or basal end toward the center of the ball, the sharp summit being directed toward the surface. XVI. ORDER GERANIALES. This order includes a number of families of economic impor- tance. The sepals are mostly distinct ; the stamens are few ; the carpels are united, and the ovules are pendulous (epitropous). 37 578 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. a. GERANIACE^E OR GERANIUM FAMILY. The plants are herbs with alternate or opposite, usually stipulate leaves, regular and perfect flowers, and capsular fruit ( Fig. 236, C) . Geranium maculatum is a perennial herb (Fig. 322) with a short, thick, horizontal rhizome, from which arises a simple, some- FIG. 322. Geranium maculatum showing typical dicotyledonous flowers and the s-parted, reticulately-veined leaves. what branching, hairy stem, with 3- to 5-parted, variously toothed and cleft, petiolate leaves, those on the upper part of the stem being opposite; the flowers are regular and 5-merous, occurring singly or in twos in the axils of the leaves; the petals are rose- purple and hairy at the base ; the fruit is a dehiscent capsule ; the CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 579 five carpels when ripe separate and roll upwards, remaining attached to a central column by means of a slender carpophore, the individual carpels being in the nature of achenes. The rhizome is the portion used in medicine. The cultivated geraniums belong to the genus Pelargonium, and some of the species furnish oil of rose geranium, as P. odora- tissimum, P. capitatum and P. Radula, all of which are cultivated in France, Spain, Germany, Algiers and Reunion for the oil, which is largely used in perfumery. The oil contains geraniol, cit- ronellol, and various esters. The leaves of Pelargonium peltatum, growing in certain parts of Africa and Australia, contain oxalic acid and acid oxalates. b. OXALIDACE^: OR WOOD-SORREL FAMILY. To this family belongs the genus Oxalis, some species of which have leaves that are quite sensitive to light as well as mechanical stimuli, which applies especially to the cultivated forms of South Africa, and to the common wood-sorrel (Oxalis Acetosella) of the United States and Canada, as well. The leaves contain oxalic acid and acid oxalates. c. THE TROP^OLACE^: OR NASTURTIUM FAMILY comprises but a single genus, Tropaeolum. Some species are culti- vated for ornamental purposes and are the nasturtiums of the garden. The young shoots are succulent and taste like some of the cresses, hence they have received the name " Indian cress." They contain volatile constituents resembling those of the Cruci- ferae, and in the leaves of Tropccolum majus benzyl mustard-oil is found. The flower-buds and young fruits of this species are used for pickling like capers. d. LINAGES OR FLAX FAMILY. The most important plant of this family is the common flax (Linum usitatissimum) . This is an erect, slightly branching annual herb with alternate, lanceolate and 3-nerved leaves. The flowers are in terminal, leafy panicles, the pedicels being slender, the calyx non-glandular, and the petals blue (Fig. 280, A). The fruit is a lo-locular, lo-seeded capsule. The seeds are official. There are a number of cultivated varieties and the seeds of the var. hitmile contain a glucoside which yields, under the influence of ferments, hydrocyanic acid. A cathartic principle has been found in L. catharticum growing in A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Europe. The bast fibers of Linum usitatissimum are used in the manufacture of linen. These fibers are distinguished from many other vegetable fibers in not containing lignin. e. ERYTHROXYLACE^: OR COCA FAMILY. This family contains but two genera, one of which is Erythroxylon. FIG. 323. Flowering branch of Erythroxylon Ccca showing the parallel lines on either side of the midrib, which are not true veins, brt due to an extra development of hypodermal cells in this region. After Reiche. The official coca leaves (Fig. 323) are obtained from Erythroxy- lon Coca. The plant is a shrub and requires a very humid atmos- phere and a comparatively high elevation. The leaves are alternate, petiolate and entire ; the flowers are white and very small ; the fruit is a reddish drupe resembling that of dogwood. Coca leaves contain several alkaloids, including cocaine, cinna- CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 581 myl-cocaine, truxilline and ecgonine. Of these cocaine is the most important, the Bolivian leaves containing the greatest amount, or 0.5 to i per cent. ; the other alkaloids preponderate in the Peruvian leaves, which usually do not contain more than one-half or two- thirds as much cocaine as the Bolivian leaves ; the Java leaves also contain benzoyl-pseudotropine ; in addition, coca leaves contain a volatile aromatic principle ; and a tannin giving a green color with ferric salts. COCAINE (benzoyl-methyl-ecgonine) occurs in monoclinic prisms. The hydrochloride of cocaine with palladous chloride forms a characteristic crystalline double salt (Fig. 97). Other species of Erythroxylon also yield useful products. An aromatic oil is found in the wood of E. monogynum of Ceylon and India, and the wood is known as " bastard cedar " or " bastard santal." A brownish-red coloring principle is found in the red- wood (E. cerolatum) of Jamaica and in E. suberosum and E. tortuosum. Purgative and anthelmintic principles are found in some species of this genus. /. ZYGOPHYLLACE;E OR CALTROP FAMILY. The plants are mostly herbs and shrubs which are widely distributed in warm-tropical regions. The leaves are mostly opposite, pin- nate and stipulate. The genus Guaiacum is of interest on account of the wood containing considerable resin, which is used in medicine. Guaiacum officinale is a small tree with 4- to 6- foliate leaves, the leaflets being ovate, entire and sessile; the flowers are large, blue, and in axillary clusters ; and the fruit is a 2-valved capsule (Fig. 324). G. sanctum is a tree resembling G. officinale, but is distinguished by having leaves which are 8-foliate and with smaller leaflets, and a 4- to 5-valved capsule. The resin of both species is official. A resin having an odor resembling that of creosote occurs in the CREOSOTE BUSH (Covilleo, tridentata) of Mexico and Texas. The juice of Peganum Harmala contains a yellow coloring principle used in dyeing. A number of the plants of this family contain powerful poisonous principles. g. RUTACE^E OR RUE FAMILY. The plants are shrubs or trees, seldom herbs, with lysigenous oil-secretion cells. The 582 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. leaves are usually alternate, simple or compound and glandular- punctate (Fig. 280, C). Zanthoxylum americanum or northern prickly ash is a shrub or small tree with 5- to n -compound leaves, the leaflets being ovate and nearly sessile; the flowers are dioecious, greenish, and in axillary cymes ; the fruit is a black, 2-valved capsule. Z. Clava- Herculis or the southern prickly ash is a very prickly shrub, which FIG. 324. Guaiacum offlcinale: A, flowering and fruiting branch; B, gynaecium in longitudinal section showing the pendulous ovules; C, a seed; D, E, the fruit in longitudinal and transverse sections. After Berg and Schmidt. is characterized by having cork-wings on the bark. The leaves are 5- to 17-foliate, the leaflets being ovate and crenulate; the flowers are in terminal racemes and have a calyx of 4 or 5 sepals, the calyx being wanting in Z. americanum. The bark of these two species is official. PILOCARPUS. To this genus belong a number of species which are shrubs or small trees and indigenous to tropical America. The leaves are mostly pinnately-compound, the leaflets being coriaceous and entire; the flowers are small, greenish and in axillary or terminal racemes; the fruit is a i-seeded, 2-valved CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 583 capsule. The leaves of three species are official as Pilocarpus or Jaborandi. BAROSMA. The buchu leaves of medicine are obtained from several species of Barosma (see Vol. II). The plants are branch- ing shrubs with opposite, coriaceous, serrate or dentate leaves with glandular margins ; the flowers are white or reddish and occur, i to 3, in the axils of the leaves ; the fruit is a 5-valved capsule. The leaves contain a volatile oil, one of the constituents of which is diosphenol. CITRUS. : The fruits of a number of species of this genus are edible, and the plants are also valued for their volatile oils. They are aromatic, glandular, mostly thorny shrubs or small trees indigenous to tropical and sub-tropical Asia, and now extensively cultivated in tropical, sub-tropical and warm-temperate regions. The leaves are more or less winged-petiolate, glaucous, coria- ceous, mainly unifoliate (or trifoliate) ; the flowers are complete, with a 3- to 6-toothed gamosepalous calyx, and 4 to 8 glandular petals ; the stamens are 20 to 60, in groups of I to 9 ; the ovary is subtended by a cushion-shaped disk, and the fruit is a spher- ical, oblong or pear-shaped berry, having a coriaceous pericarp with numerous lysigenous oil-glands, a juicy pulp made up of peculiar hair-structures which arise from the endocarp, and in which are embedded white polyembryonic seeds (Fig. 280, C). Botanists have divided this genus into two sub-groups-: (a) the Pseudo-ygle group is represented by the trifoliate orange (Citrus trifoliata), cultivated widely in the United States as a hedge. The leaves are trifoliate and deciduous, the petals spatu- late and the ovary and disk hairy, (b) In the Eucitrus group the leaves are unifoliate and evergreen, the petals oblong, and the ovary and disk glabrous. This latter group includes the two species which yield most of the edible Citrus fruits. Citrus Aurantium includes a number of sub-species and varie- ties. The plants are small trees with leaves having winged petioles; fragrant, white flowers; and a more or less globular fruit. The SWEET ORANGE (Malta, Portugal) is derived from the sub-species sinensis. The BITTER ORANGE (Seville, Curasao) is derived from the sub-species amara. The flowers of both the Sweet and Bitter Orange tree contain a volatile oil known as OIL 584 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. OF NEROLI, and composed of limonene, geraniol, linalool, etc. The oil from the rind of the fruit is known as OIL OF ORANGE PEEL, and is obtained chiefly from Italy and Sicily. It is composed of limonene, citral, citronellol, etc. The oil from the Bitter Orange peel has a superior flavor and is known as BIGARADIA OIL. The Bergamot Orange is the fruit of the sub-species Bergamia, culti- vated in Europe, but only rarely in the United States. The oil of the rind of the fruit is known as BERGAMOT OIL and consists largely of linalyl acetate. In the group of MANDARIN or Kid- glove orange (Citrus nobilis) the fruit is compressed, spherical, 56 cm. in diameter and with an orange-yellow, loose and easily removable rind. The SHADDOCK or grape-fruit is derived from the sub-species sinensis var. decumana, a tree indigenous to the Malay Archipelago and extensively cultivated in India, Flor- ida, California and elsewhere. The fruits are quite large, some- times weighing several kilograms, and those which are round are the most valuable commercially, being known as Pomelos or GRAPE-FRUITS. The BLOOD ORANGE is the fruit of the sub-species sinensis var. sanguined. The OTAHEITE ORANGE, which is ex- tensively cultivated as a dwarf pot plant and the foliage and flowers of which resemble those of lemon, is probably a variety of the sub-species sinensis, or it may be a hybrid of lemon and orange. The NAVEL ORANGE is a sweet orange in which an additional compound ovary is developed within the fruit. LEMON and LIME fruits are derived from sub-species of Citrus Medico,, which are mostly shrubs with simple, petiolate leaves, reddish twigs and flowers, and more or less ellipsoidal fruits. Lemons are derived from the sub-species Limonum. The rind of the fruit yields the OIL OF LEMON, which consists of limonene, citral, etc. Most of the commercial article comes from Sicily and Calabria. Lime fruits or limes are derived from the sub-species acida, a shrub cultivated in the West Indies and Florida. The CITRON fruit, the rind of which is used in the making of preserves and confections, is derived from the sub-species genuina. The fruit is large and lemon-like but with a thick rind, the plant being cultivated to some extent in Florida and California. The KUMQUAT ORANGE is obtained from Citrus japonica, a thornless tree with spreading dwarf habit extensively cultivated CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 585 in China and Japan and very hardy even in Northern Florida. The fruit is round or oblong, from 3 to 5 cm. long and 2 to 3 cm. in diameter, and of an orange-yellow color; the rind is sweet, while the pulp is acid, and usually free from seeds, although from i to 4 slightly beaked seeds may be present. The inner white portion of the rind of the Citrus fruits con- tains a crystalline, tasteless glucoside known as hesperidin (see pp. 151-154). Those which are bitter contain in addition several bitter glucosides, namely, aurantiamarin and naringin. (See Aurantii Amari Cortex, and Aurantii Dulcis Cortex, in Vol. II.) Volatile oils are also found in other members of the Rutaceae. The garden rue (Ruta graveolens), the leaves of which are used in medicine, contains a volatile oil consisting of several ketones. It also contains a glucoside known as rutin which resembles the barosmin of buchu ; and quercetin, which is said to be derived from rutin. The Hop tree (Ptelea trifoliata) of Eastern North Amer- ica contains besides a volatile oil, a resin and an alkaloid. The volatile oil of pepper-moor (Zanthoxylum piperitum) of China and Japan is known as Japanese oil of pepper. ANGUSTURA BARK obtained from Cusparia trifoliata or C. officinalis, plants growing in the region of the Orinoco River, con- tains a volatile oil, resin, a bitter principle and four alkaloids. The wood of Amyris balsamifera of Guiana and Jamaica, yields on distillation a volatile oil resembling Oleum Rhodii. h. SIMARUBACE;E OR AILANTHUS FAMILY. The plants are chiefly shrubs or trees with alternate and pinnately- compound leaves. The flowers are regular, dioecious or polyg- amous and in axillary racemes. The plants are natives of tropical countries and are distinguished from the Rutaceae, which they somewhat resemble by the absence of oil secretory cavities. They are widely employed particularly in the tropics, on account of their bitter principles, and are considered valuable tonics, febrifuges and remedies for dysentery. Picrasma excelsa is a small tree with 9- to I7~foliate leaves, the leaflets being ovate and more or less tomentose, particularly in the bud ; the flowers are yellow, polygamous and in axillary panicles ; the fruit is a large, spherical drupe. The wood of the plant constitutes Jamaica quassia. 586 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Quassia amara is a small tree or shrub with 4- to 5-foliate leaves; the leaflets are narrow, obovate and acuminate, and the rachis and petiole or stalk are winged ; the flowers are her- maphrodite, with 10 stamens, bright red corolla, and in terminal racemes; the fruit is a 5-valved indehiscent pod or nutlet. The wood constitutes Surinam quassia. A red coloring principle is found in Samadera indica of India, Ceylon and Java. The alkaloid cedronin is found in the seeds of Simaba Cedron of New Granada, the seeds being used as an anti- dote for the bites of poisonous animals. A similar principle may exist in the bark of Simaruba versicolor of Brazil, the plant being used for a similar purpose. The alkaloid brucamarine is found in the fruit of Brucea sumatrana. A tragacanth-like gum is obtained from Ailanthus excelsa of India. DIKA or GABUN CHOC- OLATE is obtained from the seeds of Irvingla gabonensis of trop- ical West Africa. Cay-Cay-Butter is obtained from the seeds of Irvingia Oliveri and /. malayana of Malacca and Cochin China. A gum resembling acacia is also obtained from the bark, peti- oles and seeds of the species of Irvingia. i. BURSERACE^: OR MYRRH FAMILY. The plants are shrubs or trees, the latter being sometimes quite large, with resin-canals in the bark, and alternate compound leaves ; the flowers are small, occurring in racemes. The members of this family are found in tropical countries. Commiphora abyssinica is a shrub 10 M. high, the branches being modified to thorns ; the leaves are trifoliate, the leaflets being oblong, dentate, sessile and the terminal one much larger than the other two ; the flowers are dioecious, and the fruit is a drupe with a fleshy, resinous sarcocarp. The official Myrrh is probably obtained from this plant as well as other species of Commiphora. A number of other resinous products are yielded by plants of this family. West India ELEMI resin or Elemi Occidentale (Anime) is obtained from the stems of Protium Icicariba of Brazil. The resin is greenish-yellow, soft, with a bitter taste and dill-like odor. Manila Elemi is a soft, granular, lemon-yellow or grayish-white resin derived from Canarium commune of the Philippine Islands. Bengal Elemi is derived from Commiphora Agallocha of the East Indies and Madagascar. The TACAMAHAC CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 587 RESINS are balsamic resins, of which there are several commercial varieties : Mauritius tacamahaca is obtained from Protium hepta- phyllum of Columbia, and Mexican or West Indian tacamahaca from Bursera tomentosa of Mexico, West Indies, and South America. INDIA BDELLIUM is a resin obtained from the bark of Commiphora Roxburghiana of Northwestern India and Belu- * T I J FIG. 325. Myrrh plant (Commiphora abyssinica): A, young branch showing tri- foliate leaves; B, flowering and fruiting stem with thorn-like branches; C, leaf axis in which occur a fruit and staminate and pistillate flowers; D, staminate flower in longitudinal section; E, longitudinal section of pistillate flower; F, longitudinal section of fruit showing arillus-like mesocarp and the easily dehiscent endocarp. After Engler. chistan. CopAL-like resins are obtained from Canarium ben- galense (East Indian Copal) and possibly several species of Bur- sera. BLACK DAMMAR resin is obtained from Canarium ros- tratum of the Molucca Islands. OLIBANUM or Frankincense is a gum-resin obtained from several species of Boswellia of Asia and Somaliland. AMERICAN OLIBANUM or Soft Resin of Cayenne exudes spontaneously from the stems of Protium heptaphyllum and P. guianense. GILEAD BALSAM is obtained from Protium 588 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. altissimum and P. Carana of Guiana and Brazil. MEXICAN LIN- ALCE OIL is obtained from Bursera graveolens, and several species of Bursera of Mexico are used as a substitute for Aloe wood. /. MELIACE^E OR MAHOGANY FAMILY. This is a large family of tropical trees and shrubs with mostly alternate, compound and exstipulate leaves, the leaflets being entire, with secretion cells, but not glandular-punctate (Fig. 326). The flowers FIG. 326. Pride of China (Melia Azedarach): A, flowering branch; B, a part of the inflorescence. After Harms. are complete, the filaments being united into a tube ; and they occur in axillary clusters or racemes ; the fruit is a capsule, berry or drupe ; the seeds are sometimes winged and with fleshy or leaf- like cotyledons. The bitter principle mangrovin is found in the bark of the China Tree or Pride of China (Melia Azedarach) indigenous to Asia, and extensively cultivated in tropical and warm-temperate regions, and naturalized in the southern part of the United States (Fig. 326). A similar principle is found in other plants of this family. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 589 Carapa Oil, which has a characteristic odor and bitter taste and is toxic to insects, is obtained from the seeds of Carapa pro- cera and C. guianensis, of tropical West Africa and tropical America, and also from Swietenia Mahagoni (Mahogany Tree). Cedar- wood oil ("Oleum Cedreke ") is obtained from several species of Cedrela growing in tropical America. The most impor- tant constituent of the oils is cadinine. Oils with a garlic-like odor are found in the seeds of Melia Azedarach, the bark of Cedrela australis of Australia and the fruit of Dysoxylum binec- tariferum of Java. Besides the Mahogany tree there are other trees of this family which yield valuable woods. Cigar boxes and sugar boxes are made from the wood of Cedrela odorata of the West Indies and Guiana, and from other species of Cedrela. k. MALPIGHIACE^E is a rather large family of shrubs, small trees, or lianes with anomalous stem-structure, found in the Tropics, principally in South America. The leaves are usually opposite, the sepals are glandular, and the fruit is a winged samara somewhat like that of maple (Acer). The plants contain a notable amount of tannin and the woods of some species contain a red coloring principle. /. POLYGALACE^: OR MILKWORT FAMILY. The members of this family are herbs or shrubs, occurring in all parts of the world except in the Arctic regions. Polygala Senega is a perennial herb about ^3 M. high. It has a fleshy root, producing at the crown a large number of buds and giving rise to a cluster of overground stems or so-called plants. The leaves are alternate, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate and ses- sile ; the flowers are faintly greenish- white and in cylindrical spikes ; the capsule is loculicidally dehiscent, and the seed is hairy and slightly longer than the lobes of the caruncle. The root is official. Polygala alba or White Milkwort yields the White or Texas Senega. The stems are numerous and taller than those of P. Sen- ega; the leaves are narrow-lanceolate or linear with revolute mar- gin ; the flowers are white and in elongated conic spikes ; the caruncle lobes are about half as long as the seed. The plant is found west of the Mississippi River, extending as far south as Texas and Mexico and west as far as Arizona and New Mexico. 590 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. m. EUPHORBIACE^: OR SPURGE FAMILY. The plants are herbs, shrubs or trees with acrid and often milky latex. The fruit is mostly a trilocular, dehiscent capsule ; the seeds are anatropous and have an oily endosperm. FIG. 327. Stillingia sylvatica: showing the more or less closely arranged leaves and the terminal spike of flowers. After Bentley and Trimen. Stillingia sylvatica or Queen's-Root yields the official Stillingia (Fig. 327). The plant is a perennial herb about I M. high and diffusely branched. The leaves are obovate, short-petiolate, with glandular-serrate margin ; the flowers are in terminal spikes, light yellow, monoecious, the staminate being above and the pistillate below, the latter solitary in the axils of the lower bractlets. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 591 Ricinus communis or Castor-Oil Plant is an annual herb in the temperate regions but is shrub-like and perennial in tropical and sub-tropical countries. In temperate regions the plant is from i to 5 M. high ; the leaves are peltate and 6- to i i-palmately-lobed ; the flowers are greenish, apetalous, monoecious and in racemes, the pistillate being above the staminate on the flower-axis; the fruit is a 3-locular, oval, spinous capsule, which dehisces septi- cidally (Fig. 237, B). The seeds are anatropous, somewhat flat- tened-oblong ; 10 to 16 mm. long and 4 to 8 mm. in diameter; smooth, mottled grayish-brown or yellowish-red, with a promi- nent caruncle ; hard but brittle testa, thin white tegmen, large oily endosperm, and thin foliaceous cotyledons at the center. The seeds contain 45 to 50 per cent, of oil which constitutes the Castor Oil of medicine and a large amount of proteins in the form of aleurone grains (Fig. 250, D). The cake from which the oil is expressed contains a poisonous principle known as ricin which is apparently poisonous to cattle, but not to poultry. Croton Tiglium is a shrub or small tree indigenous to tropical Asia and extensively cultivated in tropical countries; the leaves are alternate, oblong-lanceolate with petioles which are glandular at the base, but wanting in the star-shaped hairs so characteristic of other species of this genus ; the flowers are small, monoecious and in terminal racemes, the pistillate being above and the stam- inate below ; the fruit is a 3-locular, septicidally dehiscent capsule. The seeds resemble those of Ricinus in size and structure, except that they are less smooth, more brownish in color and the caruncle is quite small. They contain a fixed oil which is obtained by expression and which is poisonous and a powerful cathartic. The seeds of a number of the other members of the Euphorbiaceae contain fixed oils resembling those of Croton and Ricinus, as CURCAS, the seeds of Jatropha Curcas of tropical America. MEXICAN CROTON OIL is obtained from th seeds of Euphorbia calyculata. The seeds of the Caper Spurge or Wild Caper (Euphorbia Lathyris), nat- uralized in the United States from Europe, also contain a fixed oil resembling that of Croton. The seeds of Joannesia Princeps of the maritime provinces of Brazil are also powerful purgatives. Mallotus philippinensis is a shrub or small tree found in trop- 592 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. ical countries of the Eastern Hemisphere: The leaves are alter- nate, petiolate, ovate, acuminate, coriaceous and evergreen; the flowers are small, dioecious, and in racemes ; the fruit is a 3-locular, glandular-hairy capsule. The hairs of the capsule are official in a number of pharmacopoeias under the name of KAMALA and occur as a reddish-brown, granular powder, consisting of two kinds of hairs, the one colorless and occurring in branching clusters (Fig. 151) and the other with yellowish-red, multicellular, glandular heads. The important constituent is about 80 per cent, of a dark brownish-red resin composed of a crystalline principle rottlerin, isorottlerin, two reddish-yellow resins, a coloring principle and wax. It also contains a trace of volatile oil, starch, sugar, tannin, oxalic and citric acids. A red coloring principle is found in the bark of Aleurites triloba of the Polynesian Islands, Euphorbia parviflora of Ceylon, E. pulcherrima of Mexico and Brazil and the other species of Euphorbia. CASCARILLA BARK is obtained from Croton Eluteria and other species of Croton growing in the Bahama Islands and other parts of the West Indies and Florida. Cascarilla bark is official in a number of pharmacopoeias. It occurs in small curved pieces or quills, i to 3 mm. thick, externally brownish-gray ; inner surface is reddish-brown, the fracture short, resinous ; odor aromatic ; partic- ularly on burning; taste aromatic and bitter. Cascarilla contains I to 1.5 per cent, of a volatile oil, containing eugenol, limonene, an oxygenated portion, and some other constituents; 15 per cent, of resin ; a bitter principle, cascarillin ; tannin and vanillin. COPALCHI BARK or Quina blanca which is derived from Croton niveus of Mexico contains a bitter principle, copalchin, which is also found in other species of Croton. Malambo bark is derived from Croton Malambo of Venezuela, the latter two barks being sometimes substituted for Cascarilla bark. ELASTICA or India Rubber (Caoutchouc) is the prepared milk- juice obtained from one or more species of the following genera : Hevea, Mabea, Euphorbia, etc. (see pp. 238-241). The fresh latex of a number of species is a powerful irritant, as that of the Sand-box tree (Hura crepitans] of tropical America, which con- tains a highly toxic albuminoid; the Blinding-tree (Excrecaria CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 593 Agallocha) of Southern Asia and Australia, the juice of which produces blindness. The gum-resin EUPHORBIUM is obtained from Euphorbia res- inifera, a cactus-like plant of Morocco, and is also found in other species of Euphorbia. It contains, among other constituents, 38 per cent, of an acrid resin, and 22 per cent, of a crystalline prin- ciple euphorbon. The milk-juice of several species of Euphorbia is used in the preparation of arrow poisons in Brazil. One or more species of the following genera are used as fish poisons : Flueggea, Phyl- lanthus, Bridelia, Exccecaria and Euphorbia. A number of plants are used as remedies for the bites of serpents, as the bark of Phyllanthus mollis of Java and Euphorbia pilulifera of South America and India. Euphorbia pilulifera, common in tropical countries, contains an alkaloid, a wax-like substance, several resins and tannin. (Ph. Jour., 29, July 31, 1909, p. 141.) A camphor-containing oil is found in the bark of Pentalo- stigma quadriloculare of Australia; the aromatic wood of Col- liguaya odorifera of Chile is used as a substitute for santal and on burning emits a rose-like odor; the leaf of Croton mentho- dorus of Peru contains an oil with an odor of mentha ; a balsam resembling Copaiba is derived from the bark of Croton origani- folius of the West Indies ; methylamine is found in Mercurialis annua of Europe and other species of Mercurialis. Tannin is found in the following genera: Macaranga, Phyllanthus and Bridelia; Brazil kino is obtained from a species of Croton (C. erythrceus?) of Brazil. A gum-lac is formed on the stems of Aleurites laccifera of the Antilles and Ceylon as a result of the sting of an insect, and contains among other substances a large amount of methyl- and ceryl-alcohols, and a substance resembling abietic acid. The sap of Euphorbia Cyparissias of Europe yields a resin which is sometimes substituted for scammony. A reddish resinous substance resembling dragon's blood is obtained from Croton erythrema of Brazil; a yellow coloring principle is found in the seed of Croton tinctorius of Mexico; poncetin, a violet coloring principle, occurs in Euphorbia hetero- phylla of Brazil; a blue coloring principle is found in Chrozo- phora tinctoria of Southern Europe and Africa and in Argitham- 38 594 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. nia tricuspidata lanceolata of Chile; an indigo-like principle is obtained from Mercurialis perennis of Europe. The fresh latex of Euphorbia phosphorea of Brazil is phosphorescent. Quite a number of the seeds of this family contain fatty oils. The Chinese Tallow tree (Sapium sebiferum) yields a fat which is used for burning and for technical purposes ; a similar fat is obtained from the seeds of several species of Aleurites and Euphorbia. TAPIOCA starch is derived from the tuberous roots of Manihot utilissima, extensively cultivated in tropical countries; other spe- cies of Manihot also yield starchy food products. Edible fruits are obtained from the following genera : Phyl- lanthus, Baccaurea and Antidesma ; the seeds of Hevea brasiliensis are edible ; a sweet sap is found in Baccaurea ramiftora of Cochin China and Brazil ; a peptone-like ferment is found in Euphorbia heterodoxa of South America and other species of Euphorbia. XVII. ORDER SAPINDALES. The plants of this order are chiefly trees and shrubs. The flowers are mostly regular and the seeds usually without endo- sperm. The order has a number of representatives in both tropical and temperate regions. a. BUXACE^ OR BOX TREE FAMILY. The plants are shrubs with alternate or opposite, evergreen leaves, and usually axillary monoecious or dicecious flowers. The most important plant of this family is the Box tree (Buxus sempervirens) , which is extensively cultivated. The wood is used for making musical instruments and for other purposes, and the twigs have been used in medicine. The latter contain several alkaloids, the most impor- tant being buxine, which resembles beberine ; a volatile oil con- taining butyric acid and a wax containing myricyl alcohol and myricin. b. FAMILY CORIARACE^E. This family is represented by but a single genus, Coriaria. The plants are shrubs found in Europe, Asia and South America, and yield several important economic products. The leaves and bark of C. myrtifolia of Southern Europe and Northern Africa are rich in tannin and used in dyeing. This plant also contains a narcotic principle, resem- CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 595 blmg picrotoxin, known as coriamyrtin, which is also found prob- ably in C. atropurpurea of Mexico. The leaves of Coriaria myrti- folia or TANNER'S SUMAC are coriaceous, distinctly 3-nerved, astringent and bitter and were at one time substituted for senna leaves. A black dye is obtained from C. ruscifolia of New Zealand and Chile. While the fruits of some species are quite poisonous, the sap of the fleshy leaves is used in New Zealand in making an intoxicating drink. c. ANACARDIACE^E OR SUMAC FAMILY. The plants are trees or shrubs with an acrid, resinous or milky latex, and alternate leaves. Rhus Toxicodendron, POISON IVY or Poison Oak, is a woody vine, climbing by means of aerial roots and sometimes becoming quite shrub-like, which is common along roadsides in the United States. The leaves are 3-foliate, the leaflets being ovate, acumi- nate, nearly entire, inequilateral and with short stalks ; the flowers are green and in loose axillary panicles ; the fruit is a globular, glabrous, grayish drupe (Fig. 328). The nature of the poisonous constituents of Poison Ivy is not definitely known. It was orig- inally considered to be in the nature of a volatile principle. Pfaff and his pupils seemed to show that the poisonous principle was a non-volatile brownish-red resin which is soluble in alcohol and called toxicodendrol. Schwalbe, on the other hand, states that the poisonous substance is of a volatile nature, being formed in the laticiferous vessels and by osmosis is transferred to the hairs. The poison may be transmitted either by direct contact with the hairs, much as in the same manner with the nettles, or by volatiliza- tion of the oil when the hairs are broken. The experience of most plant collectors would seem to indicate that in Poison Ivy there is a volatile toxic constituent (Amer. Jour. Pharm., March, 1914). On the other hand, Rost and Gilg were unable to find a volatile poison in either the hairs or pollen of Poison Ivy. In some ex- periments conducted by Warren on pollen grains, similar negative results were obtained {Amer. Jour. Pharm., Dec., 1913). The poisonous principle occurring in several species of Rhus is an amber-red, non-volatile liquid. It is of a resinous nature, com- bining with the alkali hydroxides to form nigrescent compounds, and otherwise behaves like certain phenolic compounds. The toxic 59^ A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. resin exists in the plant in the form of an emulsion which readily blackens with the alkali hydroxides. So delicate is this reaction that minute amounts of the substance may be detected by means FIG. 328. Leaves and fruit of the poison ivy (Rhus radicans). This is a 3-foliate com- pound leaf, the leaflets being ovate and having veins which bifurcate and end free. of the microscope if the plant tissues are mounted in an alcoholic solution of potassium hydroxide. A vesicating principle CARDOL is found in the CASHEW NUT. The latter is the fruit of Anacardium CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 597 occidentale, a shrub growing in tropical America. A principle resembling cardol is found in the East India Marking tree or Ink tree (Seniecar pus Anacardium)a.nd Holigarna ferruginea of India. The POISON SUMAC or Poison Elder (Rhus Vernix) is a shrub or small tree found in swamps in the United States and Canada. The leaves are 7- to 13-foliate, with obovate or oval, acuminate, entire leaflets ; the flowers are small, green, and in axillary pani- cles ; the fruit resembles that of R. radicans (Fig. 328). The plant is poisonous like R. Toxicodendron and probably contains the same principle. Other species of Rhus are also poisonous, as the western Poison Oak (R. diversiloba) of the Pacific Coast, and the Japanese Lacquer or Varnish tree (R. vernicifera and R. succedanea). The lacquer trees grow wild in both China and Japan, where they are also cultivated. The lac is obtained by incising the bark and removing it with a pointed spatula. The grayish-white emulsion is strained and on exposure to air it changes to brown, becoming finally black. This change is due to the oxidizing enzyme laccase. The natural lac (Kiurushi) contains a non-volatile poisonous resin-like principle and is closely associ- ated with other resinous substances. Japanese lac is thinned with camphor, or mixed with linseed oil, and on drying in a moist atmos- phere forms the most indestructible varnish known. Various pig- ments are used, as vermilion, gamboge, acetate of iron and other substances. The best glossy black colors are obtained by the addition of iron. Rhus glabra or the Scarlet Sumac is a smooth shrub. The leaves are n- to 31 -foliate, the leaflets being lanceolate, acuminate, sharply serrate, dark green above and lower face glaucous ; the flowers are greenish, polygamous and in terminal panicles ; the fruits of this plant and of R. typhina (Fig. 329) are used in medicine. CHINESE GALLS are excrescences produced on Rhus semialata as a result of the stings of an Aphis. JAPANESE GALLS are similar formations occurring on Rhus japonica. (See pp. 206, 334.) Pistacia Lentiscus is a shrub or tree, which is found growing in the Grecian Archipelago. The leaves are pinnately compound and with winged axis, the leaflets being alternate, oblong, entire, sessile; the flowers are small, dioecious, and in axillary clusters. In the bark of this plant there are large cavities which contain 598 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. \ FIG. 329. Fruiting branch with leaves of Rhus typhina. Reproduced from Sargent's "Silva of North America." Rhus typhina is commonly known as the " staghorn sumac" in allusion to the soft brown pubescence covering the twigs and branches. It is also known as the " vinegar tree " and " Virginia sumac." It may attain the height of a tree, and is usually found growing in uplands in good soil, ocasionally being found like Rhus glabra on barren gravelly banks. It is very abundant in the eastern United States and apparently sparingly distributed west of the Appalachian Mountains. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 599 an oleo-resin that is official as Mastic in a number of pharmaco- poeias (see Vol. II). The wood of Schinopsis Lorentzii and S. Balansa, growing in Argentine and Paraguay, is known in com- merce as QUEBRACHO COLORADO. It is red, very hard and contains tannin, gallic and ellagic acids. The PISTACIO nuts or Pistacia almonds are obtained from Pistacia vera indigenous to Syria and Mesopotamia and exten- sively cultivated in the countries bordering the Mediterranean. The kernels are used extensively in confectionery. The nuts are FIG. 330. Gallic acid: long orthorhombic crystals obtained from an aqueous solution. about 20 mm. long, somewhat quadrangular in cross section, and the seed consists of two fleshy, green cotyledons. The seeds of Buchanania latifolia and other species of Buchanania are used in India much like almonds. Gums are found in several species of Anacardium and Sclero- carya. ACAJOU GUM is obtained from Anacardium occidentale. Considerable sugar and citric acid are found in MANGOS, the fruit of Mangifera indica native of Farther India and Ceylon and cultivated in the Tropics. A fruit used like lemons is obtained from Dracontomelon mangiferum of Malacca and the Sunda Islands. 6oo A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. d. AQUIFOLIACE^: (ILICACE^E) OR HOLLY FAM- ILY. The plants are mostly shrubs or trees with alternate, petio- late, simple leaves and small, white, regular flowers. The fruit is a berry-like drupe containing several nutlets. The most im- portant genus of this family is Ilex, a number of species of which are found in the United States. The European holly (Ilex Aquifolium) contains a bitter gluco- sidal principle, ilicin, which is found in the bark as well as the drupes. The drupes contain a principle which is a homologue of benzyl alcohol, and a glutinous substance which renders them useful in the manufacture of bird lime. The American holly (/. opaca) growing in the Eastern United States probably contains similar constituents to the European holly. This is the plant which furnishes the CHRISTMAS HOLLY. MATE, Paraguay or Brazilian tea, consists of the leaves of Ilex paraguariensis (Fig. 331) found in Brazil, Argentine and Paraguay. They contain about 2 per cent, of caffeine, 1 1 per cent, of tannin and some volatile oil, and are used like tea in the making of a beverage. Cassine or Appalachian tea consists of the leaves of the Dahoon holly (Ilex Cassine) growing in the Southern United States. These leaves contain about half as much caffeine and tannin as Mate. e. CELASTRACE^: OR STAFF-TREE FAMILY. These are shrubs, as Euonynms, or woody climbers, as the climbing bit- tersweet (Celastrus scandens). The plants are especially charac- terized by their dehiscent fruits and scarlet or reddish arilled seeds. Euonymus atropurpureus (Wahoo or Burning Bush) is a shrub or small tree. The twigs have four distinct cork-wings, making them somewhat 4-angled. The leaves are opposite, petio- late, ovate-oblong, acuminate, crenulate-serrulate and hairy be- neath. The flowers are purplish and in axillary cymes. The f ruitJ is a 3- to 4-lobed, persistent, loculicidally dehiscent capsule with 6 to 8 scarlet seeds. The bark of the root is official. The leaves of Catha edulis growing in Arabia and Abyssinia are chewed and also used like tea. They contain the alkaloids cathine and celastrine which are supposed to have similar proper- ties to cocaine, as well as tannin and an ethereal oil. A yellow coloring principle is found in the bark of Euonymus tingens of CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 60 1 > 6 I* ' mm FIG. 331. Yerba Mate trees (Ilex paraguariensis) growing in Pereira Continhoand Almeido, Santos, Brazil. The plants are shrubs or small trees, with ovate or nearly spatu- late, dentate and slightly coriaceous leaves. The latter are used, under the name of Para- guay tea, in the preparation of a tea-like beverage. The trees are extensively cultivated in South America, and large quantities of Mate" are consumed annually. The young branches are gathered between December and August, dried over a fire, the leaves being separated, and are then ready for market. Reproduced by permission of The Philadelphia Com- , mercial Museum. 602 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. the East Indies. The yellow coloring principle in the arils of the seeds of Celastrus and Euonymus appears to closely resemble carotin. The seeds of a number of plants of this family contain a considerable quantity of fixed oil, as Celastrus macro car pus of Peru, and Maytenus Boaria of Chile. /. ACERACE^: OR MAPLE FAMILY. The plants of this family are trees or shrubs, the most widely distributed repre- sentative of which is the maple (Acer). The most distinguishing character of this family is the fruit, which is a double samara. The sap of a number of species of Acer contains cane sugar or sucrose, and the sap of the sugar maple (Acer saccharinum) which grows in the United States and Canada contains from 3 to 4 per cent. The making of maple syrup and maple sugar is quite an industry in some localities. Maple sugar is also obtained from the black sugar maple (Acer nigrum) and the ash-leaved maple (A. Negundo). The bark of the latter species is used to some extent in medicine. Valuable timber is yielded by the maple trees. g. HIPPOCASTANACEyE OR BUCKEYE FAMILY. The plants are shrubs or trees with opposite, petiolate, and 3- to 9-digitately-foliate leaves. The flowers are in terminal panicles and the fruit is a 3-lobed capsule, which usually contains one large, shiny seed. The horse-chestnut (sEsculus Hippocastanum) contains in the bark two fluorescent bitter principles, sesculin and paviin, the former of which is in the nature of a glucoside ; and in the bark, leaves and flowers the coloring principle, quercitrin is present; in the seed-coat saponin is supposed to occur, and the glucoside sesculin as well. The cotyledons contain considerable starch, some proteins and sugar, a small quantity of a fixed oil, and argyresin, to which the antihemorrhoidal action appears to be due. A narcotic principle is present in the bark, twigs and leaves of the red buckeye (JEsculus Pavia) of the Southern United States. h. SAPINDACE^ OR SOAPBERRY FAMILY. The plants are mostly trees or shrubs indigenous to the Tropics. In some genera they are herbaceous or woody vines (lianes). The plants of this family usually have either a milky sap or contain saponin, and it seems strange that a plant yielding caffeine, namely, CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 603 Paullinia Cupana, which furnishes the official Guarana, should belong to this group. The fruit shells of Nephelium lappaceum contain a toxic sapo- nin (Ph. Weekblad., 45, i, 156, 1908). Four or five per cent. FIG. 332. Flowering and fruiting branch of Brazilian cocoa (Paullinia Cupana) yielding the Guarana used in medicine. After Radlkofer. of SAPONIN is found in the fruit of Sapindus trifoliatus of India. A principle related to saponin is found in Sapindus Saponaria of tropical America. Saponin is also found in the fruits of other species of Sapindus, the bark of Pometia pinnata of the Sunda 604 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. and South Sea Islands, and the kernels of the seeds of the two species of Magonia indigenous to Brazil. The latter plants also yield a poisonous nectar and the root-bark is used in the poison- ing of fish. A shellac is obtained from Schleichera trijuga of India and the seeds of this plant yield " marcassa oil." Paullinia Cupana is a woody climber indigenous to and culti- vated in Northern and Western Brazil. The leaves are alternate and 5~foliate, the leaflets being oblong, acuminate, coarsely, irreg- ularly dentate, and with short stalks ; the flowers are yellow and in axillary panicles ; the fruit is a 3-locular, 3-seeded sub-drupose capsule (Fig. 332). i. BALSAMINACE^E OR JEWEL-WEED FAMILY. The plants are succulent herbs with alternate, petiolate leaves and conspicuous axillary flowers ; the fruit is a capsule which at maturity breaks into five valves, discharging the seeds with con- siderable force. The balsam of the gardens (Impatiens Balsamina), which flowers all summer, belongs to this family. Other species of Impatiens are also cultivated. The stem sap as well as that of the flowers of a number of species of Impatiens is used on account of its red and yellow coloring matters, to color the skin of the hands and feet as also, the nails by the people of India, Tartary and Japan. The seeds of some species of Impatiens yield an oil which is used for burning. XVIII. ORDER RHAMNALES. This order includes two large families which are characterized by having 4 or 5 stamens which are either alternate with the sepals or opposite the petals when the latter are present. The ovules are atropous. a. RHAMNACE^E OR BUCKTHORN FAMILY. The plants are woody climbers, shrubs or small trees. Rhamnus Purshianus is a large shrub or small tree. The leaves are petiolate, oblong, elliptical, acuminate, finely serrate and pubes- cent beneath ; the flowers are small and in axillary umbellate cymes, and the fruit is 3-lobed, black, ovoid, and drupaceous. The bark constitutes the official Cascara sagrada (Fig. 333). Rhamnus Frangula or Alder Buckthorn is a shrub the botan- CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 605 ical characters of which closely resemble those of R. Purshianus. The bark of this plant is also official. FIG. 333. A Cascara tree on University of Washington campus. After Johnson and Hindman, Amer. Jour. Pharm., 1914, p. 389. The leaves of the shrub known as New Jersey Tea (Ceanothus americamts) are said to have been used as a substitute for tea during the Revolutionary times. This plant is found in the East- 606 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. ern United States and Canada and the root, which contains con- siderable tannin and possibly an alkaloid, has been used in medi- cine. The leaves of Sageretia theezans of Asia have also been used as a substitute for tea. A number of plants of this family have been SUBSTITUTED FOR HOPS in the fermentation industry, as Ceanothus reclinatus of the West Indies ; Colubrina fermenta of Guiana, and Gouania doming ensis of Martinique and Hayti. Saponin is found in the bark of Gouania tomentosa of Mexico. A crystalline bitter principle, colletin, occurs in the wood of Col- letia spinosa of South America. The bark of Discaria febrifuga of Brazil has been used as a substitute for cinchona. A number of genera furnish fish poisons, as Zizyphus, Tapura, and Gouania. Gum-lac is formed on the twigs of Zizyphus Jujuba of Asia as the result of the sting of an insect (Coccus lacca). The fruits of several species of Zizyphus, thorny shrubs found growing in South America, are edible and enter into the French or Spanish confection known as JUJUBE-PASTE. b. VITACE^: OR GRAPE FAMILY. The plants of this family are woody climbers or erect shrubs with alternate, petiolate leaves, and small, greenish, regular flowers, the fruit being a berry. The most important genus, economically, is Vitis, to which belong the cultivated grapes, the fruits of which furnish raisins, wine and brandy. The GRAPE-VINE indigenous to Europe (Vitis vinifera) is cultivated in all temperate and sub-tropical countries, and the variety silvestris which is found distributed in the Medi- terranean countries as far east as the Caucasus Mountains is sup- posed to have furnished the cultivated wine grape. The CONCORD and CATAWBA GRAPES are cultivated varieties of the northern Fox- or Plum-grape (Vitis Labrusca) indigenous to the Northern United States east of Minnesota. The DELAWARE GRAPES are cul- tivated varieties of the frost-grape (V. cordifolia) and the sweet- scented grape (V. vulpina) of the Eastern United States. The pulpy part of the grape contains from 9 to 18 per cent, of grape- sugar and 0.5 to 1.36 per cent, of tartaric acid. In unfavorable seasons the tartaric acid is replaced in part by malic acid. The soil has a marked influence on the quality of grapes, a sandy soil CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 607 producing a light colored wine, a soil rich in calcium a sweet wine, and a clay soil a fine bouquet, etc. WINES are made by fermenting the grape juice, and contain from 5 to 20 per cent, of alcohol, from i or 2 to 12 per cent, of sugar, about 0.5 per cent, of tartaric, acetic and other fruit-acids, tannin and coloring matter from a trace to 0.3 per cent., and various compound ethers, giving them their characteristic flavors or bouquets. WHITE WINES are made from the juice of the pulp of the white or colored grapes after separation from the epicarp and seeds. In the manufacture of RED WINE no care is taken to separate the seeds and skins of colored grapes or even the stems on which the fruits are borne. PORT WINE is made from a grape grown in Portugal, the wine being chiefly exported from Oporto. The term CLARET is applied to a red wine containing a small amount of alcohol. BRANDY is obtained by the distillation of the fermented juice of the grape. CHAMPAGNE is a product obtained by fermenting grape juice to which other substances have been added, and contains about 10 per cent, of alcohol and 67 per cent, of carbon dioxide. RAISINS are obtained from a variety of Vitis vinifera containing a high percentage of sugar. In the prepara- tion of raisins the ripe grapes are dried either by exposure to the sun or artificial heat. In grape preserves in addition to the indis- tinguishable cells of sarcocarp, raphides of calcium oxalate occur. A principle resembling toxicodendrol is found in Vitis incon- stans of Japan. A greenish-blue coloring principle occurs in Vitis sicyoides of South America. The leaves and twigs of VIRGINIA CREEPER or American ivy (Psedera quinquefolia) contain tartaric acid, glycollic acid, catechin and inosit. XIX. ORDER MALVALES. This order includes several families having rather diversified characters. The stamens are numerous, the sepals are valvate and the placentas are axillary. a. FAMILY EL^OCARPACE^. The members of this family are shrubs or trees mostly indigenous -to the Tropics. They are distinguished from the plants of the other families of this order in not containing lysigenous mucilage canals. A prin- ciple yielding hydrocyanic acid is found in Echinocarpus Sigun 6o8 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 334. American Linden, Basswood or Lime tree (Tilia americana}. A, flowering branch showing the obliquely heart-shaped, serrate leaves with conspicuous midrib and primary veins, and cymose clusters of yellowish-white fragrant flowers, which are at- tached to the midvein of an oblong, leaf-like bract. B, several of the ovoid or spherical, nut-like fruits about the size of peas. From Bulletin 26, U. S. Department of Agriculture. of Java. A yellow coloring principle is found in the leaves of Vallea cordifolia of Peru. A fatty oil is found in the seeds of several species of Elceocarpus. A number of fruits of this family CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 609 are edible. Maqui Fruit is obtained from Aristotelia Maqui of Chile and is used to color wine. The seeds of Sloanea dentata are eaten like chestnuts in Guiana. b. TILIACE^E OR LINDEN FAMILY. The plants are shrubs or trees with alternate, simple leaves, and with white flowers in cymes or panicles. In the Linden or Basswood ( Tilia) the peduncles are partly adnate with the long, leaf-like bracts. The fruits are dry drupes (Fig. 334). The flowers of the European Linden (Tilia europcca) contain a fragrant volatile oil and are used in medicine. The flowers of other species of Tilia also contain volatile oils, and the flowers of Tilia toment-osa of Southern Europe are used to flavor champagne. The leaves of Tilia europcea contain the glucoside tiliacin. Sev- eral species of Grewia are used as fish poisons. A purgative principle is found in the seeds of Cor chorus olitorius of Southern Asia, Africa and South America. A bitter principle occurs in the seeds of Cor chorus tridens of Arabia, India and Egypt. A reddish-colored, fatty oil known as APEIBA OIL is obtained from the seeds of Apeiba Tibourbon of Guiana. The root of Grewia scabrophylla is used as a substitute for Althaea in India. Mucilage is found in the flowers and fruits of a number of genera. The leaves of Corchorus siliquosus are used in Panama as a substitute for tea. A number of the fruits of this family are edible, as of Muntingia and Apeiba. The bast fibers of several species of Cor- chorus, particularly C. capsularls of China and India, constitute jute, which is used in the making of cordage. The fiber is sep- arated by cold retting in stagnant water. c. MALVACE^ OR MALLOW FAMILY. The plants are mostly herbs or shrubs with alternate, simple leaves, and regular, perfect, large flowers, with the stamens united into a column which encloses the styles (Fig. 222, E), and a capsular fruit. The culti- vated ornamental Hollyhock and Althaea belong to this family. Althcea officinalis or marshmallow is a perennial herb about I M. high with broadly ovate, petiolate, acute, dentate and lobed, pubescent leaves ; the flowers are 2 to 4 in number in the axils of the leaves and have rose-colored petals. The bractlets are linear and the fruit consists of 15 to 20 indehiscent carpels. The root is used in medicine as a demulcent. 39 610 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. GOSSYPIUM species. The plants are herbs or shrubs with 3- to 5-lobed leaves, and large axillary flowers; the fruit is a 5-locular, dehiscent capsule or pod ; the seeds are spherical or somewhat angular and covered with long i -celled hairs, which] latter constitute cotton- (Fig. 139). FIG. 335. Indian mallow, velvet leaf (Abulilon Theophrasti). A common plant grow- ing in waste places, with velvety, heart-shaped leaves; yellow flowers; and characteristic fruits, consisting of 12 to 15 beaked carpels. After Brown. There are three important cultivated species. ( i ) SEA ISLAND COTTON is obtained from Gossypium barbadense, a plant which is principally cultivated in the Southern United States and also in Northern Africa, Brazil, Peru and Queensland. This species is distinguished by the fact that after removal of the hairs from CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 611 the seeds they are smooth. (2) G. arboreum has purplish-red flowers, yields a particularly white cotton, and is cultivated in Egypt, Arabia and India. (3) G. herbaceum is distinguished by its broadly lobed leaves and yellowish flowers. This plant has been cultivated for over 26 centuries in Arabia and the East Indies, and since 1774 in the United States. Of this latter species there are a number of cultivated varieties. The bark of the root constitutes the cotton-root bark of medicine. The seeds of the genus Gossypium contain a large percentage of fixed oil, which is obtained by expression and is official as COTTON SEED OIL. The residue is known as cotton seed oil-cake, and contains a considerable amount of proteins with a small quan- tity of oil and a poisonous principle, ricin. A fat resembling .that of Cacao is obtained from the seeds of Pachira macrocarpa of Brazil ; Kapak oil is derived from the seeds of Eriodendron anfrac- tuosum caribccum of the West Indies. The flowers of some of the members of the Malvaceae contain coloring principles, and have been used for dyeing, as Hollyhock (Althaa rosea) and Mallow (Malva sylvestris). MUSK SEED or Amber seed, which is used in perfumery as a substitute for musk, is obtained from Abelmoschus moschatus indigenous to the East Indies and now cultivated in other tropical countries. Malva mos- chata also has the odor of musk, and is found in Middle and Southern Europe. Saponin is found in the roots of Sida jamaicensis and Hibiscus Sabdariffa of the East and West Indies ; Sida paniculata of Peru is used as an anthelmintic and the action is supposed to be due to the glandular hairs. The seeds of several members of this family are used as substitutes for coffee, as Abutilon muticum of Egypt, and Okra or Gumbo (Hibiscus esculentus). The leaves of Sida canariemis and 5\ retusa, the latter of India, have been substituted for tea leaves. The fruits of several of the members of this family are edible, as Hibiscus esculentus, which yields the vegetable okra, and H. ficulneus of Ceylon and Egypt, which are used like beans. Fibers are obtained from a number of the other members of this family, as the bast fibers of Hibiscus tiliaceus of the Tropics, H. cannabinus of the East Indies, Urena lobata, Abutilon indicum, j6i2 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Sida retusa, and Napcca Iccvis, all cultivated more or less in tropical countries. d. FAMILY BOMBACE/E. This is a group of tropical trees yielding a variety of useful products. A gum is obtained from Bombax malabaricum, and mucilage is contained in the genus Ochroma and several species of Bombax. The root of Bombax malabaricum contains tannin in addition. The bast fibers of a number of the plants of this family are used like cotton in making fabrics, as species of Bombax, Chorisia and Adansonia. The fruits of several of the Bombacese contain tartaric acid, as the Sour Cucumber tree or CREAM-OF-TARTAR TREE (Adansonia Greg- orii) of Northern Australia; and the MONKEY-BREAD TREE or BAOBAB (Adansonia digitata) of India and South America, which attains a diameter of 9 M. The green fruit of Matisia cordata of the Andes region is edible. The seeds of Bombax insigne and Matisia Castano of South America yield a product on roasting which is used like cacao bean. The seeds of Cavanillesia umbel- lata of Peru are edible and contain a considerable quantity of fixed oil. e. STERCULIACE^: OR COLA FAMILY. The plants are herbs, shrubs or trees, sometimes lianes, with mostly simple, petiolate, alternate leaves ; the flowers are small and form a rather complex inflorescence. Theobroma Cacao is a small tree 5 to 10 M. high, with cori- aceous, glaucous, entire leaves, and clusters of brownish 5-mer- ous flowers arising from the older branches or stem ; the fruit is large, fleshy, ovoid, 10- furrowed longitudinally, yellow or reddish, and contains five rows of seeds, 10 or 12 in each row (Fig. 336). The seeds are ovoid, somewhat flattened, and with large, convo- luted cotyledons which break up into more or less angular frag- ments on drying. The seeds contain 35 to 50 per cent, of a fixed oil known as CACAO BUTTER and official as Oleum Theobromatis ; 15 per cent, of starch; 15 per cent, of proteins; I to 4 per cent, of theobromine; 0.07 to 0.36 per cent, of caffeine, about 0.5 per cent, of sugar, and also a small amount of tannin. The red color of the seed is due to a principle known as cacao-red which is formed by the action of a ferment on a glucoside. The Cacao tree is indigenous to the countries bordering the Gulf of Mexico and is now cultivated in many tropical countries. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 613 FIG. 336. Cacao tree (Theobroma Cacao), growing in Rio Hondo, Costa Rica. In the illustration is shown the peculiar habit of this tree in producing large, ovoid, fleshy fruits on the main axis or trunk, as well as on the older branches. When Cortez conquered Mexico he found the Aztecs using Cacao seeds to make a beverage; this was later introduced into Europe, previous to either coffee or tea. Reproduced by permission of The Phila- delphia Commercial Museum. 614 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FlG. 337. A flowering branch of the Kola nut tree (Cola acuminata), growing in Trini- dad. The leaves are obovate or lanceolate, acuminate, and in the axils are borne small clusters of purplish flowers. The tree is indigenous to Africa and is extensively cultivated in the West Indies and Brazil, in which countries it has become naturalized. Reproduced by permission of The Philadelphia Commercial Museum. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 615 Most of the cacao of the market is obtained from Ecuador (the Guayaquil variety being especially valued), Curasao, Mexico, Trinidad, and the Philippine Islands. The seeds of the wild plants contain a bitter principle, the quantity of which is found to be greatly reduced in the plants when under cultivation. The bitter principles in the raw product are more or less destroyed by the process of fermentation to which the seeds are subjected in preparing them for use, which at the same time develops the aroma. Cola acuminata is a tree with lanceolate or obovate, acuminate, entire, petiolate leaves. The flowers are purplish, unisexual, and in small axillary clusters, frequently arising from the old wood ; the fruit consists of five follicles, each containing 4 to 8 seeds. The seed is made up of two large, fleshy cotyledons. They have much the same constituents as Cacao, but the proportions of these differ (Fig. 337). The leaves of Waltheri'a glomerate, are used as a hemostatic in Panama like matico, as are also the leaves of Pterospermum acerifoliuvn. The inner bark of Fremontia calif ornica is used for purposes similar to those of elm bark. Mucilage is also found in the following genera : Pentapetes, Wal- theria, Guazuma, Relict eres, and Sterculia. Tannin is found in the bark of Guazuma uhnifolia of South America. An oil is manu- factured from the seeds of Sterculia fcctida of the East Indies and Cochin China. The seeds of a number of species of Sterculia are edible. Abronia angusta of India yields a fiber which has been suggested as a substitute for silk. XIX. ORDER PARIETALES. This is a group of plants of rather wide distribution, and includes perennial herbs like the violets; evergreen shrubs, such as the Tea Plant ; and vines like the Passion flower. As the name indicates, the plants of this order are characterized by the flowers having, for the most part, ovaries with parietal placentas. a. FAMILY DILLENIACE^. The plants are mostly trop- ical trees which yield valuable timber. The wood of a species of Dillenia growing in the East Indies also contains red coloring substances. The fruits of Dillenia indica contain citric acid and are used like lemons. The leaves of Curatella americana contain considerable silicon and are used to polish wood. Dillenia speciosa 6i6 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 338. Leaves, flowers, and fruits of the Tea plant (Thea sinenis, or Camellia viridis). The plant is a shrub or small tree bearing lanceolate, evergreen leaves, and in the axils occur the rather large, white, fragrant flowers. The fruits are small, globular capsules. Reproduced by permission of The Philadelphia Commercial Museum. of India contains a large percentage of tannin. Some species of Dillenia are cultivated and the foliage and flowers combine to make the plants the most beautiful in the plant kingdom. b. MARCGRAVIACE;E. The members of this family are CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 617 partly epiphytic, and have dimorphic leaves, the smaller ones being pitcher-like. The plant which is cultivated in greenhouses, Marc- gravia uinbellata, is used in the Antilles in medicine. c. THEACE;E OR TEA FAMILY. The plants are shrubs or trees with alternate, evergreen leaves, and perfect, regular FIG. 339. Picking tea on a plantation in Japan, the wall at the left probably being the ruins of an ancient temple. While the plant ordinarily is a shrub, it is kept trimmed and is a bush from 2 to 5 feet high. The plants begin to bear in the third year, and continue to yield a commercial article from 3 to 7 years thereafter. The number of crops per year is determined by the geographical location. In the tropical fields of Ceylon, India, and Japan leaves are picked frequently, while in northern Japan they secure only one crop a year. Reproduced by permission of The Philadelphia Commercial Museum. flowers with numerous stamens, occurring one or more in the axils of the leaves. The fruit is a 3- to 5-locular, dehiscent capsule. The most important member of this family is Thca sinensis, the two varieties viridis and Bohea furnishing the leaves known as TEA. The Tea tree is indigenous to Eastern Asia, and is now extensively cultivated in China, Japan, India, Java, Brazil, Sicily, Portugal and France, and to some extent in the Southern United States (Figs. 338, 339). 618 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. The fresh leaves of Thea do not have the properties which characterize the commercial article, the aroma and other qualities being developed after special treatment. Two general classes of tea are found in commerce, these depending on the mode of treat- ment. Those which are rapidly dried by means of artificial heat constitute GREEN TEA. The leaves which are slowly dried, per- mitting fermentation to set in, furnish BLACK TEA. Tea leaves contain 1.5 to 3.5 per cent, of caffeine; theobromine and the- ophylline (an isomer of theobromine) ; 10 to 20 per cent, of gallo- tannic acid ; quercitrin, and a volatile oil containing, among other components, methyl salicylate. The seeds contain about 30 per cent, of fixed oil, I per cent, of caffeine, and saponin. The leaves furnish one of the sources of the official caffeine. Saponin is found in the seeds of Thea Sasanqua of China and Japan. Two saponin-like substances (assamin and assaminic acid) are found in the seeds of Thea assamica. The flowers of T. Sasanqua are used in China and Japan to flavor teas. The flowers and leaves of Thea kissi are used as an insecticide. The red colored sap of Laplacea Hcematoxylon of New Granada is used in medicine. d. GUTTIFER^ OR GAMBOGE FAMILY. The plants are principally shrubs and trees of the Tropics, that is, if we exclude the Hypericaceae which are now put in a group by them- selves. Garcinia Hanburyi is a tree with ovate, petiolate, coriaceous, opposite leaves. The flowers are small, yellow, dioecious, occur- ring in small clusters in the axils of the leaves. The fruit is a pome-like berry, with a papery endocarp and an oily sarcocarp, and 3 or 4 seeds, i in each loculus (Fig. 340). The trees are chiefly valued on account of the gum-resin known as gamboge which they contain. A resin used in making plasters is obtained from Calophyllum brasiliense of Brazil. Balsams resembling Copaiba have been obtained from Calophyllum Calaba of the West Indies. Balsams known as TACAMAHAC are also derived from the following plants : Bourbon Tacamahac from Calophyllum Tacamahaca, India Taca- mahac from C. apetalum and Brazilian Tacamahac from Rheedia Madruno. Balsams are also obtained from Caraipa grandiflora CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 619 of Brazil, and Rheedia acuminata of Peru. Resins and balsams are obtained from a number of species of Clusia. A yellow coloring principle, mangostin, is obtained from the bark and fruit of Mangosteen (Garcinia Mangostana) of the East Indies. Yellow coloring principles are found in Ochrocarpos FIG. 340. Gamboge plant (Garcinia Hanburyi). A branch showing the axillary pistillate flowers and pome-like fruits. After Baillon. longifolius of India and Vismia acuminata of South America. Tannin occurs in Mahurea palustris of. Brazil, Mesua ferrea of the East Indies, that flower-buds of Ochrocarpos longifolius of India, and several species of Cratoxylum of China and Java. A butter-like fat is obtained from the seeds of Garcinia indica. A fixed oil known as LAUREL-NUT OIL is derived from the seeds of Calophyllum Inophyllum and other species of Calophyllum 620 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. growing in the East Indies, Cochin China and Brazil, as well as the seeds of Symphonia fasciculata of Brazil. The bark of Clusia pseudochina is used in Peru as a substi- tute for cinchona. An alkaloid is found in Visinia robusta of Java. A gum is obtained from Calophyllutn tomentosum of India and Vismia acunrinata, that of the latter being purgative. The flower buds of the India Suringi (Ochrocarpos longifolius) have an aromatic odor resembling cloves. Aromatic principles are also found in other plants of this family. Edible fruits are yielded by the following plants : MANGO FRUIT from Garcinia Mangostana and other species of Garcinia; MAMMEI APPLE or Apricot of St. Domingo from Mammea anier- icana of tropical America, the latter being used in the prepara- tion of Mammey wine or " Toddy " and a liquor known as " Eau de Creole." The seeds of Platonia insignis are used like almonds in Brazil and Paraguay ; the fruit of the latter plant is quite acid and is eaten with sugar. e. HYPERICACE^: OR ST. JOHN'S-WORT FAMILY. The plants are herbs or shrubs of the temperate regions, and are represented in the United States by the Hypericums, which are quite common. The flowers are characterized by the numerous stamens which are united into distinct groups or clusters. The flowers of Hypericum perforatum or Common St. John's-wort contain yellow and red coloring principles. Yellow coloring prin- ciples have also been isolated from Hypericum larici folium of Ecuador and H. elodes of Northern Europe. The entire plant of H. perforatum is used in medicine and contains considerable resin, and a small amount of volatile oil. /. FAMILY DIPTEROCARPACE^:. The plants of this family are principally trees and indigenous to tropical Asia. The family derives its name from the winged fruits of the principal genus Dipterocarpus. A number of economic products are fur- nished by this group of plants. BORNEO CAMPHOR is obtained from Dryobalanops aromatica. The camphor separates in canals in the older parts of the wood and between the wood and bark, and is obtained by felling the trees, splitting the wood, and then removing the camphor by hand. Owing to the fact that some of the trees do not contain camphor, it is sometimes necessary to fell . CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 621 a hundred trees in order to obtain 6 or 8 K. of the product. The young twigs of this plant as well as the older wood yield a volatile oil known as Oil of Borneo camphor. GURJUN BALSAM or Wood oil is obtained from a number of species of Dipterocarpus growing in the East Indies by incising the stems as in the collection of turpentine. The balsam is used as a substitute for copaiba and contains an ethereal oil which consists chiefly of a sesquiterpene, an indifferent resin, and gur- junic acid. SINDOR BALSAM is obtained from Dipterocarpus mar- ginatus of Borneo. A resin known as " PINEY RESIN," which is used as a substitute for Dammar, is obtained from a number of species of Vateria growing in India. CHAIA RESIN is obtained from Shorea rubifolia of Cochin China. The bark of Shorea robusta of Northern India contains 32 per cent, of tannin. The seeds of species of Shorea, Pinanga, Gysbertsiana and Isoptera yield the fatty oil known in Java as TANGKAWANG. The seeds of a number of plants of this family contain considerable starch, as Vateria, Vatica and Doona. The woods of the following genera are extensively used : Vatica, Shorea, and Hopea. g. FAMILY TAMARICACE^E. The plants are halophytic shrubs found in the desert regions of Central Asia and Mediter- ranean countries and one genus (Fouquieria) is found in Mexico. Fouquieria splendens is cultivated to some extent, and is known as Ocotilla or Coach-whip Cactus. The bark contains gum, resin and wax; the latter is known as OCOTILLA WAX and resembles beeswax. The twigs of Myricaria germanica of Europe are used as a substitute for hops. A manna-like sugar is formed on the stems of Tamarix mannifera growing in Egypt, Arabia and Afghanistan, as the result of the sting of an insect (Coccus manni- parus). Tannin is found in a number of species of Tamarix as well as in the galls formed on the plants, the tannin being used for dyeing. A table salt is prepared from the ash of several species of Reaumuria found in Northern Africa and the East Mediterranean region. h. FAMILY BIXACE;E. These are shrubs or trees found in the Tropics, and are of interest chiefly on account of the seeds of Bixa Orellana which furnish the coloring matter known as ANNATTO (Orlean, Arnotta). The plant is found in tropical 622 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. America and also in Polynesia and Madagascar. The seeds are covered with a fleshy arillus from which the coloring matter is prepared by means of water. The insoluble matter is collected, made into cakes and chiefly used for dyeing and coloring. Annatto contains a red crystalline principle, bixin, a yellow coloring prin- ciple, orellin, and an ethereal oil. The root of this plant also con- tains some coloring matter. A yellow coloring principle is found in Cochlospermum tinctorium of Senegambia and an aromatic resin is obtained from Cochlospermum Gossypium of Ceylon and Malabar. i. FAMILY CANELLACE^: OR WINTER AN ACE^. These are trees with aromatic barks having an odor of cinnamon ; pellucid-punctate leaves; and golden-yellow flowers. The most important member of this family is Winterania Canella growing in the Antilles and in Southern Florida, which furnishes the CANELLA BARK or False Winter's bark used in medicine. The bark occurs in large quills or broken pieces, from 3 to 10 mm. thick, with the periderm nearly entirely removed, the outer surface yellowish or orange-red with transversely elongated patches of cork and shal- low, whitish depressions ; the fracture is short with numerous resin canals ; the odor aromatic ; taste aromatic, bitter and pungent. It contains mannitol, resin and 0.5 to 1.28 per cent, of a volatile oil containing eugenol, cineol, caryophyllene and pinene. The bark of one or more species of Cinnamodendron of tropical America is sometimes substituted for Canella bark, but it is distinguished by containing tannin, which constituent is not found in Canella. ;. VIOLACE^: OR VIOLET FAMILY. The plants are herbs or shrubs with basal or alternate leaves, perfect, irregular flowers, and 3-valved dehiscent capsules (Fig. 280, /). The best known representatives of this group are the cultivated species of the genus Viola, including the English or sweet violet ( Viola odor- ata), which produces a volatile oil containing ionon ; and the varie- ties of Viola tricolor vulgaris which furnish the pansies of the garden. The entire herb of Viola tricolor has been used in medi- cine and contains the yellow coloring principle viola-quercitrin, salicylic acid and methyl salicylate (Figs. 201, 232). k. FAMILY FLACOURTIACE^:. These are tropical shrubs and trees, and are chiefly of interest because of their valu- able woods and acid, juicy fruits. A number of them are of CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 623 medicinal interest. CHAULMUGRA OIL is said to be obtained from the seeds of Gynocardia odorata of Farther India. The seeds also contain gynocardic acid and hydrocyanic acid. The latter is also present in the seeds of Hydnocarpus venenata of Southern India and Ceylon and the leaves of Kiggelaria africana. A number of species of Lcetia growing in Cuba yield a resin resembling sandarac. The Coccos oil which is used in perfumery is obtained from several species of Myroxylon growing in Poly- nesia. The fixed oils from the seeds of Gynocardia odorata and of several species of Pangium are used in cooking. A bitter principle occurs in the bark of Casearia adstringens of Brazil. A purgative principle is found in C. esculenta of tropical Asia and Australia. The root of Homalium racemosum of Guiana contains an astrin- gent principle. /. FAMILY TURNERACE^. These plants are herbs, shrubs and trees mostly found in tropical America, and are of interest on account of the leaves of Turnera diffusa, particularly the variety aphrodisiaca, which yield the DAM IAN A of medicine esteemed as a tonic laxative like Rhamnus Purshianus. The drug usually consists of leaves, although the reddish stems, yellowish flowers and globular capsules may be present. The leaves are about 25 mm. long, varying from oblanceolate to obovate; the margin is serrate-dentate; the color, light-green (older leaves somewhat coriaceous and pubescent) ; the odor aromatic ; taste aromatic and bitter. Damiana contains a volatile oil, resin, and the bitter principle damianin. Ethereal oils are found in other species of Turnera, and T. angustifolia of Mexico contains con- siderable mucilage. m. PASSIFLORACE^ OR PASSION-FLOWER FAM- ILY. The plants are mostly herbaceous or woody vines climbing by means of tendrils, with alternate, palmately-lobed, petiolate leaves and solitary, perfect, regular flowers. The flowers are peculiar in that between the corolla and stamens there are numer- ous, frequently petaloid, colored, sterile, filamentous bodies which are known collectively as the " corona." The fruit is a berry or dehiscent capsule. The genus Passiflora is known as the Passion- flower because the flowers are considered to be emblematic of the Crucifixion, the corona representing the crown of thorns, the 624 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. stamens the nails, and the gynaecium with its three styles, the three thieves. The rhizomes of the Passion-flowers of the South- ern States (Passiflora incarnata and P. lutea) have been used in medicine. Not much is known with regard to the active principles of these two plants or of the thirty other species of Passiflora which are used in medicine. The fruits of several species of Passi- flora are edible, and a number of them are cultivated on account of their beautiful as well as odorous flowers. . CARICACE^ OR PAP AW FAMILY. This family is composed of two genera of latex-containing trees growing in trop- ical America, the best known of which is the genus Carica. The Papaw or Melon tree (Carica Papaya) is a small tree with a straight, slender, usually unbranched trunk which bears at the summit a cluster of long-petiolate, deeply-lobed leaves. The flowers are dioecious, and the fruit is a large, melon-like berry. The green fruits as well as the leaves contain a milk-juice which is obtained by incising them. The material is dried and is used in medicine on account of its containing a proteolytic ferment, papain or papayotin, which is active in the presence of both acids and alkalies. The leaves and fruit also contain the alkaloid car- paine, and in addition the leaves contain the glucoside carposid. The root contains a glucoside somewhat resembling potassium myronate and a ferment which has a decomposing action upon it. A proteolytic ferment is also present in the leaves of Carica quer- cifolia of Argentina. The melon tree is cultivated on account of the fruits, which are edible. o. BEGONIACE^:. This is a family of tropical plants which are extensively cultivated. They are herbs or shrubs frequently with tuberous rhizomes and with characteristic, asymmetric, varie- gated leaves. They are easily propagated by cuttings, providing they have sufficient moisture, even the leaves giving rise to new plants. The roots of Begonia anemonoides of South America and B. gracilis of Mexico contain purgative principles. Calcium oxal- ate and acid oxalates are found in the leaves of probably all of the species of Begonia. The roots of a number of species of this genus are astringent. p. DATISCACE^E. The plants are trees or shrubs found principally in the Tropics. A bitter principle is found in the CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 625 Yellow hemp (Datisca cannabina) of Southern Europe and the Orient. The root contains a yellow coloring principle, datiscin, which is used in the dyeing of silk. The wood of Octoineles and Tetramelcs is used in the making of tea-chests. XXI. ORDER OPUNTIALES. The plants of this order are succulent, with much reduced leaves, and with flowers characterized by having a perianth with numerous segments and an inferior ovary. a. CACTACE/E OR CACTUS FAMILY. This is a remark- able family of succulent plants growing largely in the arid regions of Mexico, Brazil and other parts of America. The stems are more or less flattened, terete or tuberculated, in some cases becom- ing branched and woody. The leaves are reduced to scales, but are sometimes larger, more or less cylindrical or dorsiventral, and usually drop off sooner or later. In the axils of the leaves or leaf-scars there are usually groups of hairs and spines. The flowers are mostly solitary, sessile, perfect, regular and conspic- uous. The fruit is usually a fleshy berry, the fruits of a number of species being edible. Quite a number of the Cacti have been used in medicine, the one most commonly employed being the NIGHT-BLOOMING CEREUS (Cereus grandifiorus) , which is extensively cultivated on account of its flowers. The flowers and fresh stems are the parts used. They contain several acrid principles, including probably an alka- loid and a glucoside, the drug resembling in its action digitalis. MESCAL BUTTONS (Anhalonium) are the dried tops of several species of Lophophora growing in Northern Mexico. The main axis of the plant is under the ground and produces at certain points small aerial shoots which are more or less button-shaped or disk-like, being about 20 to 50 mm. in diameter. In the center of the disk occur tufts of hairs which vary in the different species, and among which are usually found one or more pinkish flowers. The drug has been used like Night-blooming Cereus, and con- tains several alkaloids, namely, anhalonine (similar to pellotine), mescaline, anhalonidine and lophophorine. Alkaloidal principles are also found in other members of this family. The sap of several species of Cereus of the Antilles has anthel- 40 626 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY, FlG. 341. Prickly Pear or Indian Fi'g (Opuntia vulgaris), a prostrate, more or less spreading cactus, composed of flattened stems bearing very small, awl-shaped and decidu- ous leaves and short, yellowish-green bristles and occasionally solitary spines. The flowers are pale yellow, opening in the sunshine. The fruit is a succulent berry about 2.5 cm. long. Various of these cacti are used as food by the cattle, which often eat them with the bristles. Frequently the spines are burnt off by the cattlemen with the use of gasolene torches, so as to prevent the accumulation of spines in the stomachs of the cattle in the form of phyto-bezoars, which are globular accumulations of vegetable tissues. (See p. 577.) After Troth. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 627 mintic properties, as also that of certain species of Rhipsalis and Opimtia. A caoutchouc-like exudation is obtained from Opuntia vulgaris and other species of Opuntia growing in the West Indies. An astringent principle is found in the root and bark of Opuntia Karwinskiana of Mexico. A tragacanth-like gum is found in Peireskia Guacamacho of Venezuela, Opuntia rubescens of Brazil and O. Tuna of the West Indies, Mexico and South America. An alcoholic beverage is made by the Indians of Sonora from the fruit- juice of Cereus T lumber gii. A number of species of Opuntia yield edible fruits. The PRICKLY PEAR is the fruit of Opuntia Tuna growing in the West Indies and tropical America ; INDIAN FIG is derived from Opuntia Ficus-Indica growing in Southern Europe, particularly Sicily ; a fruit also known as Prickly pear or Indian fig is derived from Opuntia vulgaris, a common Cactus growing in sandy soil in the Eastern United States. The COCHINEAL INSECT which is official under the name of coccus in a number of pharmacopoeias (Coccus Cacti) feeds upon various of the Cactacea, more especially the Nopal plant, Nopalea (Opuntia) coccinellifera, a native of Mex- ico and Peru. (See Kraemer, Amer. Jour. Pharm., 1913, p. 344-) XXII. ORDER MYRTALES OR MYRTIFLOR^. The plants are herbs or shrubs with complete flowers, rarely apetalous, producing one or more ovules in each loculus. a. THYMEL^ACE^: OR MEZEREUM FAMILY. The characters of this family are illustrated by the Spurge laurel or Mezereon (Daphne Mezereum), which is a small shrub about I M. high, with oblong-lanceolate, acute, entire, sessile leaves, and small groups of fragrant flowers, the perianth tube of which is purplish- red or white. The fruit is an ovoid, reddish drupe. The bark of Daphne Mezereum and other species of Daphne is used in medicine. The bark of Funifera utilis of Brazil contains a vesicating principle. A principle with similar properties is found in the bark of Leather wood (Dirca palustris) of the Eastern United States and Canada. The fruit and leaves of Gnidia carinata of Cape Colony contain emetic and drastic principles. A poisonous principle is found in Pimelea trichostachya of Australia. A 628 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. yellow coloring principle is found in several species of Daphne and Thymelcua. The wood of Aquilaria Agallocha of India and China is aromatic and resembles the " Aloe wood." A balsam is obtained from the wood of Pimelea oleosa of Cochin China. The bast fibers of quite a number of plants are used in the making of paper, as of Daphne in India, Gnidia of Madagascar, Lagetta (L. lintearia or Lace-tree) of Jamaica and St. Domingo, Thymelcua of the Mediterranean countries and Linodendron of Cuba. The fibers of Leather wood (Dirca palustris) of the Eastern United States and Canada are said to be used in a similar manner. b. FAMILY EL^EAGNACE^. This is a small family represented in the United States by several genera, among which is the Buffalo berry (Lepargyr&a argentea), a thorny shrub found in the western part of the United States and the Northwest Terri- tory. The fruit is a reddish drupe-like berry which contains a small amount of citric and malic acids, 5 per cent, of sugar, and in composition is much like the currant. It is eaten by the Indians, and used to a great extent in the Western States in the making of jellies. The leaves and flowers of a number of species of Elaeagnus are used in medicine. c. LYTHRACE^E OR LOOSESTRIFE FAMILY. The members of this family are herbs, shrubs and trees usually with opposite, entire leaves. The flowers are in racemes and the fruit is a capsule. Quite a number of the plants yield valuable woods and a number are cultivated as ornamental plants. The flowers of Woodfordia floribunda of India contain a red coloring principle, and the bark and leaves of Lafccnsia Pacari of Brazil contain a yellow coloring principle. Considerable tannin is found in the root of the Purple loosestrife (Ly thrum Salicaria) of the Northern United States and Canada, and widely distrib- uted in the Old World ; and also in the fruit of Woodfordia flori- bunda, a plant which is extensively cultivated in greenhouses. A bitter principle, nessin, is found in the leaves of Nescea syphilitica of Mexico and probably other species of this genus. Cuphea viscosissima of Mexico is said to. resemble digitalis in its physiologi- cal action. A vesicating principle, resembling cantharidin in its action, is obtained from the fresh leaves of Ammannia baccifera of India. A narcotic principle is found in the seeds of Lager- CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 629 strccmia Flos-regina of India. The flowers of Lawsonia inermis, native to and cultivated in the Orient, have an odor resembling that of the Tea rose. The shrub is also cultivated to some extent in the West Indies and is known in the Orient as the HENNA PLANT. The leaves are used in the preparation of the cosmetic Hinna. They contain an orange or brownish-yellow dye which is used in the dyeing of the skin and hair. d. PUNICACE^: OR POMEGRANATE FAMILY includes a single genus of two species. The Pomegranate (Punica grana- tum) indigenous to the Levant and now extensively cultivated is of chief interest. The plants are small trees, the young twigs of which are 4-angled and frequently thorn-like. The leaves are opposite, ovate-lanceolate, entire and short-petiolate. The torus, calyx and corolla are scarlet, and the gynsecium consists of two whorls of carpels. The fruit is an inferior edible berry with a hard pericarp or rind. The pulpy portion is formed from the outer layer of the seed-coat. The bark of the root and stem is used in medicine (see Granatum, Vol. II). The rind of the fruit is used as an astringent because of the tannin which it contains. It does not appear, however, to contain the alkaloids found in the official bark. e. FAMILY LECYTHIDACE^. The plants are mostly shrubs and trees indigenous to the Tropics. They are of chief interest on account of the BRAZIL-NUT (Fig. 342) obtained from Bertholletia excelsa, and the Sapucaya-nut obtained from the Monkey-pot tree (one or more species of Lecythis), both genera of South America. The seeds (so-called nuts) are rich in oil and proteins and are edible. The fruit of Careya arborea is drupa- ceous and is also edible, the seeds being considered, however, to be poisonous. Bitter narcotic or poisonous principles are also found in the fruit of Planchonia valida of the Molucca Islands and the seeds of a number of species of Lecythis. The fruits and roots of a number of species of Barringtonia are used in China and Java to stupefy fish. The pericarp of the fruit of Fcetida moschata of Guiana contains considerable quantities of an ethereal oil. The flowers of Grids cauMora of the Antilles are used like tea. A cooling drink is made from the sarcocarp of Couroupita guianensis of the West Indies and Guiana 630 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY, /. RHIZOPHORACEyE OR MANGROVE FAMILY. These are tropical shrubs or small trees with evergreen, cori- aceous leaves, small cymose and axillary flowers, and seeds which germinate while the fruit is still attached to the plant. The best FIG. 342. Brazil-nut (also known as Para nut, cream nut, and nigger-toe), the seeds of Bertholletia excelsa, a Brazilian tree belonging to the Fam. Myrtaceae. In the illustration is shown a portion of the fruiting branch with some of the long, leathery leaves. The fruits terminating the branches are woody, vary from 10 to 15 cm. in diameter, and are in the nature of a pyxis, i.e., opening by means of a lid. It encloses about 20 brownish-gray, 3-sided seeds, which are largely exported from Para. Reproduced by permission of The Philadelphia Commercial Museum. known genus of this family is Rhizophora (Mangrove tree), of which there are three species, the AMERICAN MANGROVE being R. Mangle. This tree produces aerial roots on the stems and branches, and leaves which are characterized by a number of layers of CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 631 water-containing cells. The plants grow in muddy swamps, or along the sea-coast where the water is brackish, a number together forming the so-called " Mangrove swamps " (Fig. 165). The root and bark of the Mangrove, as well as other species of Rhizophora and several species of Bruguiera, contain a large quantity of tannin which resembles catechu. The aerial roots of Rhizophora are used by the natives of Polynesia in the making of bows, and the woods of several genera are used in carpentry. g. MYRTACE^E OR MYRTLE FAMILY. This is a group chiefly of shrubs and trees, some, as of species of Eucalyptus, being the loftiest trees known, attaining a height in some instances of 105 M. The plants are indigenous to Australia and tropical America and some are extensively cultivated. EUCALYPTUS species. The leaves frequently vary in shape and in arrangement on the young and older branches of the same plant. On the young branches they may be, as in Eucalyptus Globulus, ovate or broadly elliptical, opposite and sessile, while on older branches they are scythe-shaped, glandular-punctate, glabrous, petiolate and alternate. In the latter case the petioles are twisted and the leaves stand edgewise so that both surfaces are equally exposed to the light and hence of similar structure. The flowers are solitary, or in cymes or umbels, occurring in the axils of the leaves. Petals are wanting and the whitish stamens, which are numerous and inflexed in the bud, are covered by an oper- culum or lid which is considered to be formed by the union of the sepals, and which dehisces on the maturing of the stamens, this being one of the most characteristic features of the genus. The fruit is a 3- to 6-locular truncated capsule or pyxis. This is a very important genus from an economic point of view, among the products being the volatile oil (oil of eucalyptus), and eucalyptol, both of which are official, and the tannin or so-called " gum," known as Eucalyptus kino. Jambosa Caryophyllus (Eugenia caryophyllata). This is a small tree indigenous to the Molucca Islands and now extensively cultivated in the Tropics. The leaves are opposite, ovate-lance- olate, acuminate, petiolate, entire and evergreen. The flowers are rose-colored and in cymes ; the fruit is berry-like and constitutes the Anthophylli or MOTHER-CLOVE. The unexpanded flower-buds 632 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. constitute the drug or spice known as Cloves. (See Vol. II.) Pimento, officinatis is a tree with opposite, lanceolate, acute, petiolate, pellucid-punctate and evergreen leaves. The flowers are small, white and in axillary racemes. The fruit, known as " All- spice," is used for flavoring. Not only are ethereal oils obtained from the genera Euca- lyptus, Jambosa and Pimenta already described, but also from other members of the Myrtacese. OIL OF BAY or oil of Myrcia is distilled from the leaves of Pimenta acris of the West Indies. The oil consists largely of eugenol, methyl-eugenol, chavicol, methyl-chavicol, citral, phellandrene and myrcene, and is used in the preparation of BAY RUM. The fruits of P. acris yield 3.3 per cent, of an oil resembling the leaf oil. Cheken leaves are obtained from Eugenia Chekan. They are about 25 mm. long, ovate or rectangular, with entire, somewhat revolute margin, light green, pellucid-punctate, aromatic, astrin- gent and bitter. Cheken leaves yield about i per cent, of a volatile oil containing cineol and pinene; 4 per cent, of tannin; a volatile alkaloid and a glucoside. Oil of Cajeput is obtained from the leaves and twigs of Mela- leuca Leucadendron, particularly the varieties Cajeputi and minor of the East Indies. The principal constituents of this oil are cineol, terpineol, pinene, and a number of aldehydes and acid esters. An oil resembling Cajeput oil is obtained from the leaves and flowers of Myrceugenia camphorata of Chile. The leaves of Myrtus communis, a plant extensively cultivated in the Mediterranean countries of Europe, yield a distillate with water known as EAU D'ANGE and used as a toilet article. The leaves of the following plants are used as substitutes for tea leaves: Myrtus Molina oi Chile, Melaleuca genistifolia of Australia, and Leptospermum scoparium and other species of this genus growing in New Zealand. The seeds of Eugenia disticha are known in the Antilles as Wild coffee. Quite a number of the genera of this family yield edible fruits. GUAVA or Guayava fruit is obtained from Psidium Guajava of tropical America. ROSE APPLE is the fruit of Jambosa malaccensis, growing in the East Indies and Oceanica. JAMBUSE BERRIES are derived from Jambosa vulgaris which is extensively cultivated in the Tropics. The CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 633 lemon-like fruit of Myrcia coriacea is used in medicine, the bark in tanning, and the wood in dyeing. The fibrous bark of Eugenia ligustrina is used like oakum. h. FAMILY COMBRETACKE:. The members of this fam- ily are shrubs or trees, sometimes climbing ; with usually alternate, petiolate, simple leaves ; sessile flowers in racemes ; somewhat fleshy, winged, i-seeded fruits, and are mostly found in the Tropics. Like the Fagacese the plants of this family contain a tannin, similar to gallotannic acid, in nearly all parts of the plant. The MYROBALANS of the East Indies are the young fruits of Terminalia Chebula. The pericarp contains from 5 to 45 per cent, of tannin, the latter amount being found in the fruits known as Long or Chebula Myrobalans. The fruits also contain ellagic and chebu- linic acids. The fruits of Terminalia Bellerica constitute the Bel- eric Myrobalans. The galls of Terminalia macroptera of Africa and other species of Terminalia as well as of Bucida Buceras of tropical America are particularly rich in tannin. A yellow coloring principle is found in Terminalia Brownii of Africa and is used in dyeing leather. The bark of T. Catappa of Asia and Africa is used to dye leather black. A gum-resin with cathartic properties is obtained from Termi- nalia fagifolia of Brazil. An aromatic resin is found in Ter- minalia angustifolia of the East Indies. The fruits of one or more of the Combretacese are said to be used in the preparation of the arrow-poison of the Negritos. The seeds of Terminalia Catappa and Combretum butyrosum contain about 50 per cent. of fixed oil. These seeds as well as those of other species of Terminalia and Quisqualis indica of Farther India and tropical Africa are edible. The seeds of the latter plant when unripe are said to be used like mustard. The woods of a number of the plants of the Combretacese are valuable for building purposes, and some of the genera furnish ornamental plants which are cultivated in greenhouses. i. FAMILY MELASTOMATACE^E. This is a large family of herbs, shrubs, and trees with opposite, 3- to Q-nerved leaves and regular, perfect, often showy flowers. They are chiefly found in South America and are represented in temperate regions by 634 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY the Meadow beauty (Rhexia). Quite a number of the plants are cultivated and a large number yield edible fruits. The fruits, barks and leaves frequently contain COLORING PRINCIPLES. A yel- low coloring principle is found in the leaves of a number of species of Memecylon of the East Indies and Africa, which resembles that of saffron and curcuma. Red coloring principles are found in the berries of a number of species of Blakea of South America. A black coloring principle is obtained from the fruit of several species of Tamonea of tropical America, Melastoma malabathri- cum of the East Indies and Tococa guianensis of Northern South America and Tibouchina Maximiliana of Brazil. Tannin is found in considerable quantity in the barks of Tibouchina, Dissotis and Rhynchanthera. The leaves of Tamonea thewzans are used in Peru as a sub- stitute for tea. A mucilage is found in the bark of Medinilla crispata of the Molucca Islands. The flowers of the latter plant as well as of M. macrocarpa are used as a remedy for the bite of poisonous serpents. ;. ONAGRACE^: OR EVENING PRIMROSE FAMILY. These are mostly annual or perennial herbs with usually entire or toothed, simple leaves. The flowers are perfect, regular or irregular, epigynous, variously colored, solitary in the axils of the leaves or in somewhat leafy spikes. The fruit is a dehiscent capsule, berry, drupe, or nut. This family is represented in tem- perate regions by such plants as the Willow herb (Epilobium), Evening primrose (QEnothera), on which de Vries has carried on his famous mutation experiments, and Enchanter's nightshade (Circsea). The cultivated FUCHSIA also belongs to this family. A yellow coloring principle is obtained from the herb and unripe fruits of Jussieua pilosa of Brazil. The roots of (Enothera bien- nus, O. muricata and other species of this genus are edible. This family also includes the group of aquatic plants, repre- sented by a single genus and one o*f which, Trapa natans or Water chestnut, is naturalized to some extent in the ponds of Massachu- setts and New York. The fruit is coriaceous, 2- to 4-spinose, and i -seeded. The cotyledons are unequal, rich in starch, and are edible, sometimes being ground and made into bread by the people of Europe and Northern Asia. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 635 FIG. 343. Evening Primrose (CEnothera biennis), a simple, sometimes more or less branching herb growing to a height of 3 to 15 dm. The leaves are lanceolate or oblong- lanceolate; the flowers are symmetrical, with yellow petals; and the capsules are narrow and 4-valved. This plant is one of the commonest of the CEnotheras, growing in open places. It is a biennial like the other species, but it is possible for horticulturists to develop its life history in one year. After Brown. 636 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. XXIII. ORDER UMBELLALES OR UM BELLI FLOR.E. The plants of this order are widely distributed in northern temperate regions, although there are some representatives in the Tropics. The flowers are small, 4- or 5-merous and epigynous. a. ARALIACE^E OR GINSENG FAMILY. The plants are mostly trees or shrubs with alternate, petiolate, simple or 3- to /-compound leaves. The flowers are either in umbels or panicles. The fruit is a drupe or berry. The best known representatives of this family are the English ivy (Hedera Helix) of Europe, and Ginseng (Panax quinque folium) (Fig. 345) growing in the East- ern and Central United States. This plant is the source of the ginseng root of commerce, considerable quantities of which are exported to China, where it is used like the root of Panax Ginseng, a plant growing wild in Manchuria and Korea. Both plants are also cultivated in the United States, the roots from the wild plants being preferred. The root contains a volatile oil, and considerable starch. Several species of Aralia are used in medicine (Fig. 344). The leaves of the English ivy contain the glucoside helixin, and a carbohydrate, inosit. They also contain formic, oxalic, malic, tannic and hederic acids, besides the yellow principle carotin. The fruits of the ivy contain a purplish-red coloring substance and are said to be poisonous. The Chinese RICE PAPER is made from the pith of Tetrapanax papyriferum, which grows wild in Formosa and is extensively cultivated in China. .The pith is cut spirally into thin strips, which are spread out flat and then cut into pieces varying from 15 to 30 cm. long and 10 to 12 cm. broad. This paper differs from other papers in that it is a natural product. The rhizome of Panax rep ens, growing in Japan, contains 20.8 per cent, of a non-toxic saponin with hemolytic properties. b. UMBELLIFER^E OR CARROT FAMILY. The plants are herbs, frequently with hollow stems ; alternate, simple or com- pound leaves, the base of the petiole often forming an inflated sheath ; and small white, yellowish, greenish or somewhat purplish flowers occurring in simple or compound umbels. The fruit is a cremocarp, having characters which are of important taxonomic CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 637 value, as the presence or absence of secondary ribs, number and position of the vittse, etc. FIG. 344. Wild Sarsaparilla (Aralia nudicaulis). The plant produces a long, cylin- drical rhizome at or near the surface of the ground, and sends out at various points a single, long-stalked compound leaf, and a shorter, naked scape bearing 2 to 7 umbels of greenish- ' white flowers. The rhizome is sold as American Sarsaparilla, but it has none of the con- stituents of the true Sarsaparilla. After Brown. Coriandruni sativum is an annual herb the fruits of which are official. The compound leaves are bi- or tri-pinnate, the leaflets 6 3 8 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. being narrow linear-lanceolate ; and the flowers are white or rose- colored. FIG. 345. Panax quinquefolium (Ginseng): A, upper portion of plant showing pal- mately-compound leaves with long-stalked leaflets and the berry-like drupes; B, fusiform root; C, roots showing characteristic stem scars at the upper portion. From a photograph by Wyss. (See also Fig. 166, p. 305.) Conium maculatum or Poison Hemlock is a tall, erect, branch- ing, biennial plant, with purplish spotted stems, .large pinnately CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 639 decompound leaves and small, white flowers (Figs. 346, 347). The fruit as well as the leaves is used in medicine. Carum Carvi (Caraway) is a biennial herb with bi- or tri- pinnate, deeply incised leaves, and white flowers. The fruit is official and the leaves are also used in medicine. Pimpinella Anisum is a small, hairy, annual herb. The leaves are variable, the lower being somewhat cordate and serrate, the middle distinctly lobed, and the upper ones trifid ; the flowers are white. The fruit is official and is also used for flavoring. Fceniculum vulgar e is an annual or perennial, glabrous herb with very finely dissected leaves, the divisions being narrow-linear. The flowers are yellow, and the involucre and involucels are wanting. The fruit is official. Ferula fcctida is a stout, perennial herb with few, ternately compound leaves and small, polygamous, light yellow flowers. The root is rather large and yields the gum-resin asafetida. Asafetida is also derived from other species of Ferula. Ferula Sumbul is a tall perennial herb with purplish latex- containing stems. The basal leaves are ternately compound and with amplexicaul base. The leaves decrease in size from the base upward, becoming bract-like near the inflorescence. The flowers are polygamous, resembling those of F. fcetida. The root is official and is probably also obtained from other closely, related species of Ferula. A large number of the plants belonging to the Umbelli ferae contain essential oils, resins, gum-resins and related substances. The gum-resin AMMONIAC is an exudation found on the stem and branches of Dorema Ammoniacum and other species of Dorema as a result of the sting of an insect. The plant is found in Western Asia. The gum-resin occurs in yellowish-brown, globular, or somewhat flattened tears which are brittle, milky-white internally, with a distinct balsamic odor and bitter, acrid, nauseous taste. It contains a small quantity of volatile oil having the odor of Angelica. AFRICAN AMMONIAC is obtained from Ferula tingitana growing in Northern Africa and Western Asia. The gum- resin GALBANUM is obtained by incising the root of Ferula galbaniflua and other species of Ferula growing in the Levant. Galbanum occurs in pale yellowish-brown agglutinated A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY FlG. 346. Poison Hemlock (Conium maculatum), showing the spreading habit of the plant and the prominent large compound umbels of flowers. After Bornemann. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 641 FIG. 347. Conium maculatum, showing the large decompound leaves with pinnatifid leaflets, and the compound umbels of flowers, with detached, enlarged views of umbels and a compound- umbel. rFrom Bulletin No. 26, U. S. Department of Agriculture. The fresh juice of Conium maculalum was used in the preparation of the famous hemlock potion which was employed by the Greeks in putting their criminals to death. This is not the same plant under the name of Conium which is referred to in Roman and mediaeval Latin literature, the latter being Cicuta virosa, which does not grow in Greece and in Southern Europe. 642 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. V; St FIG. 348. Cicuta maculata (Water Hemlock): A, upper part of stern with leaves and compound umbels; B, base of the stem and the thick tuberous roots; C, cross-section of stem showing part of a mestome-strand and the pith with secretory cells (a), vessels (v), libriform (St), pith (p); D, a flower showing petals with long inflexed summit and the five stamens inserted on the disk that crowns the ovary; E, the fruit; F, fruit in longitudinal section showing the two ovules; G, cross-section of a mericarp showing the six vittae or oil- tubes. After Holm. tears, forming a more or less hard mass, which 'is brittle when cold but soft and sticky at 37 C. ; the odor is distinct, balsamic ; the taste bitter and acrid. It contains from 10 to 20 per cent, of a volatile oil composed of d-pinene, cadinene, and other principles. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 643 A volatile oil, known as AJOWAN OIL, and containing thymol, is obtained from the fruit of Carum Ajowan of Europe, Asia and Africa. A volatile oil containing APIOL is found in the fruit and leaves of the garden parsley (Petroselinum sativum). DILL OIL is obtained from the garden Dill (Anethum graveolens}. The fruit of Sweet cicely ( Washingtonia longistylis) yields a volatile oil known as sweet anise oil, which contains anethol. The oil of water fennel ((Enanthe Phellandrium) contains about 80 per cent, of phellandrene. CUMIN OIL is obtained from Cuminum Cyminum of Turkestan and Egypt, and contains cymene. The roots of a number of the plants of this family contain volatile oils, as Lovage (Levisticum officinale) of Southern Europe; European angelica or garden angelica (Angelica Arch- angelica) ; American angelica or the purple-stemmed angelica (A. atropurpurea) found in the Northern and Eastern United States and Canada; Wild angelica (A. sylvestris) of Europe. r. CORNACEyE OR DOGWOOD FAMILY. The plants are shrubs or trees with simple, opposite leaves, and flowers in cymes or heads, which in the case of the Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) are subtended by four large, petal-like, white, or pinkish bracts. The fruit is a I- or 2-seeded drupe. The bark of Cornus florida, a shrub or small tree growing in the United States, contains a bitter principle, cornin ; and a small quantity of gallic and tannic acids. Aucuba japonica, a plant indigenous to the Himalayas, China and Japan and extensively cultivated on account of its crimson berries, contains a glucoside aucubin. It is found in the different varieties and varies in amount from 0.31 to 1.96 per cent. METACHLAMYDE^E OR SYMPETAL.E. This is the highest group of plants and is marked by the follow- ing characters : The corolla is sympetalous ; the flowers are mostly perigynous or epigynous and both the corolla and stamens are borne on the perianth tube. The number of parts is definite, there being 5 sepals, 5 petals, 5 or 10 stamens and 2 or 5 carpels. This sub-class includes but six orders, to which, however, belong a large number of medicinal and economic plants. 644 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. I. ORDER ERICALES. The plants of this order are distinguished by the fact that the stamens are mostly free from the perianth tube. a. PIROLACE^E. The plants are small, mostly evergreen perennials, and are represented in the United States by several genera. Chimaphila umbellata (Prince's pine or Pipsissewa) is a small trailing or creeping plant producing distinct flower- and leaf- branches. The 'leaves are used in medicine. The flowers are in small corymbs and the petals are white or pinkish. In Chimaphila maculata the leaves are lanceolate, mottled with white along the veins and the flowers are considerably larger. With the Pirolaceae are sometimes grouped the saprophytic plants of the genus Monotropa. There are two representatives of this genus which are common in the United States, namely, Indian pipe (Monotropa uniflora) and false beech-drops (M. Hyp opitys). The latter contains a glucoside or an ester of methyl salicylate, and a ferment gaultherase (Fig. 349). b. ERICACEAE OR HEATH FAMILY. This is a large family and the plants are widely distributed, especially in the northern mountainous parts of both the Eastern and Western Con- tinents. They vary from perennial herbs to trees. The flowers are usually regular, the stamens being mostly 2-spurred (Fig. 221, S), and the fruit is either a superior or inferior drupe or berry (Fig. 280, H). Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi is a low branching shrub which trails or spreads on the ground. The leaves are used in medicine (Fig. 355). The flowers are small, white or pink, few and in short racemes. The fruit is a red, globular drupe. Trailing arbutus (Epigcca re pens) is a trailing, shrubby, hairy plant with broadly elliptical or ovate, coriaceous, evergreen leaves and white or rose-colored, fragrant flowers which are either per- fect, with styles and filaments of varying length, or dioecious. The leaves contain similar constituents to those in Uva-Ursi and Chimaphila (Fig. 353). The leaves of wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) are the source of true oil of wintergreen, which consists almost entirely CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 645 FIG. 349. Indian Pipe (Monotropa uniflora), a parasitic plant of the Ericaceae growing on roots of various plants and on decomposing vegetable matter. The stems are white, or yellowish-red, furnished with scales or bracts in place of leaves, and surmounted usually' with a single nodding flower becoming in fruit erect. After Troth. 646 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 350. Purple Azalea or Pinkster Flower (Rhododendron nudiflorum), showing the upright lower stalk surmounted by several spreading branches, each bearing a number of showy tubular flowers at its extremity. The flowers of this plant often appear before the leaves. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 647 of methyl salicylate. It contains a small quantity of an alcohol and an ester giving the characteristic odor. The same principles FIG. 351. Great Laurel or Rose Bay (Rhododendron maximum), an evergreen shrub found in low woods and along streams, chiefly in the mountains of the eastern United States, often forming impenetrable thickets. It is one of the most beautiful of the flowering shrubs, producing from scaly, cone-like buds numerous corymbose clusters of flowers varying from pale rose to white. After Troth. probably also occur in several other species of Gaultheria (Fig. 354). 648 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 352. Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia). This is a handsome evergreen shrub growing on rocky hills and in damp soils in the eastern United States. The foliage is bright green, and the showy flowers occur in terminal corymbs, being either of a whitish or pink color. The leaves of many species of Kalmia are said to be poisonous to animals, which is especially true of the Sheep Laurel, known as Lambkill (Kalmia anguslifolia), which is not infrequent on hillsides and pastures. After Troth. The poisonous principle andromedotoxin is found in a number of species of Rhododendron, Leucothoe, and Pieris. This principle is a powerful emetic and one of the most toxic principles known. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 649 FIG. 353. Trailing Arbutus or Mayflower (Epigcea repens). This is one of the first of the early spring flowering plants. It is a prostrate woody plant, usually more or less covered up with the autumn leaves and with rounded and heart-shaped evergreen leaves. The flowers occur in small axillary clusters, are of a rose-red color, dimorphic as to styles and stamens, and are very fragrant. They are transplanted with difficulty, and require an acid soil, as do many other Ericaceae. After Troth. 650 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 354. Wintergreen, teaberry (Gaultheria procumbens), a low shrub producing slender stems lying at or beneath the surface of the earth and having ascending flowering branches rising to a height of 7 to 12 cm. The leaves are evergreen, obovate or oval, and very spar- ingly toothed; the flowers are whitish, urn-shaped and axillary. The fruit is capsular, sur- rounded by the fleshy calyx, which forms the reddish aromatic globular berries. Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 651 FIG. 355. Bearberry (Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi), a trailing, shrubby plant with thick evergreen, alternate leaves and whitish flowers in terminal racemes. The fruit is a globular, reddish, berry -like drupe about the size of a pea, with a mealy, insipid pulp. A . alpina, grow- ing in the Alpine summits of Maine and New Hampshire, develops a blackish drupe with a juicy and edible pulp. Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture. 6 5 2 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 356. Black or High-bush Huckleberry (Gaylussacia baccala or G. resinosa). An erect shrub with straggling branches, having leaves and flowers that are densely covered with resinous dots; the leaves vary from oval to oblong; the flowers are reddish-yellow, clustered in short racemes on terminal and axillary branches; the fruit is a sweet, blackish, berry-like drupe. In some varieties it is smooth and shiny, in others it is bluish and covered with a bloom. After Brown. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 653 It probably occurs in the nectar of the flowers of Kalmia and Rhododendron, being the cause of the poisonous properties of the honey from this source. The leaves of several species of laurel FIG. 357- Dwarf Blueberry or Early Sweet Blueberry (Vaccinium pennsylvanicum') . A low shrub growing to a height of 2 to 6 dm. The leaves are lanceolate or oblong, of a bright green color and minutely serrate with bristle-pointed teeth; the flowers are few, in short racemes, the corolla being whitish and cylindrical; the berries are bluish, covered with a bloom, and ripen during July and August. After Brown. v ( Kalmia) contain considerable quantities of this principle, and are poisonous to cattle. The plants of the genus Gaylusaccia are small shrubs distin- guished by having an inferior, berry-like drupe with ten loculi. To this genus belong the huckleberries, as black huckleberry 654 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. (G. baccata) ; blue huckleberry (G. frondosa) ; and dwarf huckle- berry (G. dumosa). The latter plant grows in sandy swamps in both the United States and Canada and the fruit ripens in May and June. The fruits of the other two species ripen in July and August (Fig. 356). X FIG. 358. Low Blueberry or Blue Huckleberry (Vaccinium vacillqns'). A small shrub with yellowish-green branchlets having nearly entire, narrow, obovate leaves. The flowers are in racemose clusters, appearing before the leaves are half grown, as shown in the illustration; the corolla is pinkish-white, oblong-cylindrical, and somewhat constricted at the throat. The berries are blue, covered with a bloom, and ripen in August and Sep- tember. After Brown. The plants belonging to the genus Vaccinium vary from very small shrubs to tree-like shrubs and the fruit is an inferior, 5-locular berry with numerous seeds. The blueberries or bilberries (whortleberries) are the fruits of several species of Vaccinium. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 6SS The low-bush blueberry (V . pennsylvanicum) yields the berries which ripen in June and July, while the high-bush blueberry ( V. corymbosum) furnishes the fruits which are found in the market in July and August (Figs. 357, 358). FIG. 359. Small Cranberry (Vaccinium Oxycoccos). A trailing evergreen shrub, which produces slender erect or ascending branches with oblong revolute leaves, rose-colored nodding flowers, and a 4-locular, reddish, acid fruit. The berry of the American Cranberry (V. macrocarpon) is much larger and furnishes the fruit of the market. There are many varieties in cultivation. After Brown. The bilberry of Europe, Vaccinium Myrtillus, a plant growing in Northern Europe and Asia and the Western United States and Canada, is said to destroy Bacillus typhosus and B. Coli, an infusion of the dried berries being used for this purpose. The leaves of this plant contain ericolin and kinic acid. 656 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Cranberry is the fruit of several species of Vaccinium which are sometimes grouped in a separate genus, Oxycoccos. There are two principal species : The large or American Cranberry ( V . macrocarpon) in which the berries are ovoid or oblong and the small or European Cranberry ( V. Oxycoccos) in which the berries are globose. The berries contain from 1.4 to 2.8 per cent, of citric acid; and a bitter glucoside, oxycoccin (Fig. 359). Many attempts have been made to cultivate the blueberry, trailing arbutus, and other plants of the Ericaceae. For some years a number of the agricultural experiment stations in the United States have attempted to grow the blueberry as a fruit, but none of these attempts has resulted in the commercial success of blueberry culture, and the experimental results have been chiefly of a negative character. The reason for this has been due, as pointed out by Coville (Bull. No. 193, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture), to a misunderstanding of the soil requirements for this plant. Plants will thrive only in soil having the following properties : I. The soil must have a distinctly acid reaction, such as is found in peat bogs or on the surface of the ground in sandy, oak, or pine woods. 2. Aeration of the soil is necessary. The rootlets of the swamp blueberry are remarkable in having no root hairs whatsoever, so that their absorptive surface is only about one-tenth that of other plants having root hairs. The growth of the rootlet of the blueberry is much less than that of other plants, being about at the rate of only I mm. per day under favorable conditions. The rootlets of healthy blueberry plants are inhabited further by a mycorrhizal fungus which apparently has the property of assimilating nitrogen. II. ORDER PRIMULALES. Of the three families belonging to this order, there are two which are to some extent represented in temperate regions. a. PRIMULACE^: OR PRIMROSE FAMILY. The plants are mostly perennial herbs with perfect regular flowers, and capsu- lar fruits. The family is chiefly of horticultural interest, as it contains the genera Primula and Cyclamen. There are several species of Primula cultivated, and they are among the most popular and beautiful of the florist's flowers (Fig. 360). Several of the CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 657 FIG. 360. Primula (Primula obconica), one of several species of Primula which are cultivated in greenhouses and as house plants. The leaves are circular heart-shaped, long petiolate, and very hairy; the flowers are pinkish or lilac color and occur in umbels. The hairs of this plant are very irritating, and cause a dermatitis similar to that produced by poison ivy. After Guernsey. species are found in Northern United States and Canada. Dur- ing recent years it has been reported that the wild primrose (P. farinosa) and also the cultivated species (P. obconica) possess 42 658 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. hairs which are very irritating and cause a dermatitis similar to that produced by poison ivy. A number of the primulas have been examined chemically. The subterranean parts of Primula officinalis contain two crystal- line glucosides, primeverin and primulaverin, which by the action of the ferment, primeverase, produce an anise-like odor. The odors of the other species of Primula are probably due to distinct glucosides: (a) one producing an anise-like odor, as in P. ofUci- nalis, P. capitata, and P. denticulata; (b) one producing the odor of methyl salicylate, as in P. longiflora, P. elatior, and P. vulgaris ; (c) one producing the odor of coriander, as in P. auricula, P. panonica, and P. Palinuri. The flowers of a number of species are light in color and somewhat luminous in the dark. b. PLUMBAGINACE^E OR LEADWORT FAMILY. Perennial, mostly acaulescent herbs, growing in saline locations. Sea lavender or marsh rosemary (Limonium carolinianum) is found in the salt meadows from Labrador to Texas. The plant is reported to contain tannin and has been used in medicine. III. ORDER EBENALES. This order includes three families which are chiefly indig- enous to the Tropics. The leaves are alternate, and the flowers vary in the different families, the fruit being a berry or drupe. a. SAPOTACE^: OR SAPODILLA FAMILY. The plants usually have a milky latex, and many of them yield GUTTA-PERCHA, of which the following may be mentioned: Palaquium Gutta, P. oblongifolium, P. borneense and P. Treubii, all growing in the East Indies. The latex is obtained by incising the trees and collect- ing the exuding juice in suitable vessels. It soon coagulates and forms grayish or reddish-yellow hard masses, which are plastic at 65 to 70 C. Owing to the fact that the material is plastic when heated and firm and tenacious when cold, it is used for a variety of purposes, as in the manufacture of surgical instruments and as a material for filling teeth. Gutta-percha as it exudes from the tree is supposed to consist of a terpene-like hydrocarbon, which on coagulation is oxidized, forming a number of resinous compounds. The plants of other genera of this family also yield CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 659 gutta-percha, as Mimusops Balata, M. Elengi, and about fifteen species of Payena growing in the East Indies. GUM BALATA is obtained from Mimusops Balata, a tree of Guiana. The gum is more resinous and flexible than gutta-percha. It contains /?-amyrin acetate and probably lupeol acetate. A gum resembling gutta-percha is obtained from the Sabodilla tree (Achras Sapota}. This gum is known in commerce as GUM CHICLE and is obtained from Yucatan. It is whitish, brittle, and yet somewhat elastic, aromatic, and contains 45 per cent, of a colorless crystallizable resin, soluble in alcohol and ether; and 18 per cent, of caoutchouc. It is used in large quantities in the making of chewing gum. The seeds of Illipe butyracea yield a fixed oil which is known as VEGETABLE BUTTER. A fixed oil is also obtained from other species of Illipe as well as various species of Bassia, Argania, and Butyrospermum, that from the latter being known as " shea butter." The family is notable on account of the hard woods, known as IRONWOODS, which it furnishes, these being yielded by Mimusops Kauki of Farther India and tropical Australia and Argania Side- roxylon of Southwestern Morocco. A number of species also yield highly prized edible fruits, as the SAPOTILLA yielded by Achras Sapota indigenous to the Antil- les and cultivated in tropical countries, and STAR APPLE yielded by Chrysophyllum Cainito of tropical America. b. EBENACE^: OR EBONY FAMILY. The plants differ from those of the preceding family in not containing a latex. The flowers are monoecious or dioecious and they usually have from two to eight styles. The chief interest is in the genus Diospyros, which yields the wood known as EBONY. Black ebony is obtained from various species of Diospyros growing in tropical Africa, and Asia, and the Philippine Islands. White ebony is obtained from several species of Diospyros growing in the Philippines. A red ebony is obtained from D. rubra of Mauritius, a green ebony from D. Chloroxyion of Farther India, and a striped ebony from several species growing in the Philippines. PERSIMMON fruit is obtained from Diospyros virginiana, a tree growing from Rhode Island south to Texas. The astrin- 660 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. gency of the unripe fruit is due to the tannin which it contains. When it is ripe, which is not until after the appearance of frost, it is palatable and contains considerable malic acid and sugars. The Japanese persimmon is a cultivated variety of D. Kaki and produces a large orange-colored fruit which is not uncommon in the fruit markets in many parts of the world. At the present time the plant is cultivated in California. The bark of our native persimmon is used in medicine. It contains considerable tannin which resembles gallotannic acid, and a crystalline resinous principle with a peculiar odor and slightly astringent taste. c. STYRACACE^ OR STORAX FAMILY. The flowers of this family somewhat resemble those of the Ebenacese, but the filaments of the stamens are united in a single series, and there is a single slender style. Styrax Benzoin is a medium-sized tree with long, ovate, acu- minate leaves which are very hairy on the under surface. The flowers occur in terminal racemes, and are silvery white on the outer surface and reddish-brown on the inner surface. The bal- samic resin yielded by this plant is official as benzoin. IV. ORDER GENTIANALES OR CONTORTS. The plants of this order have opposite leaves, the flowers are regular and the gynaecium consists of two separate carpels. The order includes five families, all of which furnish medicinal plants. a. OLEACE^ OR OLIVE FAMILY. This family is chiefly of interest because of the olive and manna trees. The olive tree (Olea europcea) is indigenous to the Orient and is now cultivated extensively in Southern Europe, Northern Africa, the islands of the Mediterranean, tropical America, includ- ing the Southern United States, and in California. The leaves are narrow-lanceolate, entire, coriaceous and evergreen. The flowers are small, white, diandrous and in axillary racemes. The fruit is a drupe, the sarcocarp of which is rich in a fixed oil known as olive oil. The oil is obtained by expression, and is official. Depending upon the character of the fruits and the amount of oil which they yield, over forty varieties are recognized. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 661 The fresh green olives contain a glucoside oleuropein, which disappears on the maturation of the fruit. Fraxinus Ornus is a tree resembling the ash, with /-foliate leaves, and polygamous flowers occurring in compound racemes. The fruit is a flat samara with the wing at the apex. The sac- charine exudation from this plant is official as manna. The white ash (Fraxinus americana) is a valuable tree on account of the timber which it yields. The bark contains a bitter glucoside, f raxin, the solutions of which .are fluorescent ; a bitter substance, f raxetin ; an ethereal oil of a butter-like consistency, and tannin. Some of these principles are also found in other species of Fraxinus growing in the United' States and Europe. The bark of the fringe tree (Chionanthus virginica) of the Southern United States contains an intensely bitter glucosidal principle, chionanthin, and possibly also saponin. The leaves of the garden lilac (Syringa vulgaris) contain a crystalline glucoside, syringin, and syringopicrin, both of which are probably also found in other species of Syringa as well as the bark and leaves of privet (Ligustrum vulgar e), which latter plant is extensively used for hedges. b. LOGANIACE^E OR LOGANIA FAMILY. The plants are variable in character, being herbs, shrubs, trees or vines. Yellow jessamine (Gelsemium senipervirens) is a twining woody vine, sometimes trailing on the ground for a considerable distance. The leaves are oblong-lanceolate and evergreen. The flowers are bright yellow and dimorphic. The fruit is a septi- cidally dehiscent capsule. The rhizome .and roots are official. Carolina pink (Spigelia marilandica) is a perennial herb with ovate-lanceolate, more or less acute and nearly sessile leaves. The flowers are yellow on the inner and scarlet on the outer surface, and occur in a I -sided spike or scorpioid cyme. The fruit is a loculicidal, few-seeded, 2-valved capsule (Fig. 361). The rhizome and roots are official. Strychnos Nux-vomica is a small tree with broadly elliptical, 3- to 5-nerved, reticulately-veined, somewhat acuminate, cori- aceous leaves. The flowers are whitish and in terminal cymes. The fruit is a berry of varying size and contains several seeds, the seeds being official. ;i ,1:.-:, 662 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. CURARE, which is used by the Indians of South America as an arrow-poison, is supposed to be made from the bark of Strych- nos toxtfera, growing in Guiana, and probably other species of FIG. 361. Carolina pink (Spigelia marilandica) showing the rhizome bearing two branches with opposite leaves and flowers in terminal scorpioid cymes. this genus. The active principle of this poison is the alkaloid curarine, which when administered hypodermically has a powerful action resembling that of digitalis. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 663 FIG. 362.' Closed Gentian (Gentiana Andrewsii), probably one of the most abundant of the fall-flowering Gentians. It is a perennial, forming stout, leafy stems, terminated by sessile clusters of blue flowers. The corolla is closed, and hence this Gentian is sometimes called "Bottle Gentian." It grows in moist ground throughout most of the eastern United States and Canada. After a photograph by Troth. c. GENTIANACEyE OR GENTIAN FAMILY. The plants are mostly herbs with regular, perfect, showy flowers occurring usually in small cymes or racemes (Fig. 362). Yellow gentian (Gentiana lutea) is a large, perennial herb 664 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. (see Vol. II) with large, 5- to 7-nerved, broadly elliptical leaves. The flowers are yellow and occur in axillary cymes. The fruit is a 2-valved, ovoid capsule. The rhizome and roots are official. Many of the gentians are among the most highly prized of the wild flowers, some of them, as the fringed gentian (Gentiana crinita), being one of the most beautiful. The closed gentian (Fig. 357) > s called because the flowers remain closed, is quite abundant in moist grounds throughout most of the United States and Canada. The roots of a number of species of American gentian have medicinal properties resembling that of G. lutea. Menyanthes, the yellowish-white horizontal rhizome of Men- yanthes trifoliata (Fig. 363), contains an amorphous glucoside which is slightly soluble in water, soluble in alcohol, and is precipi- tated with ta:nnm. Upon hydrolysis menyanthin yields a volatile oil possessing an odor reminding one of bitter almonds. SwertiaChirata. The: entire plant is official. HERBA QENTAURII MINORIS, the entire plant of Erythrcca Cen- taurium of Europe, contains a glucoside, erytaurin, which forms small colorless prismatic and bitter crystals and is slowly hydro- lyzed by emulsin. ' S abb atia Elliot tii, occurring in the pine barrens of the Southern States;\is known as the " quinine herb." d. APOCYNACE/E Oil DOGBANE FAMILY. The plants vary from perennial herbs to shrubs and trees, contain an acrid latex, and have flowers with the stigmas and styles united and the stamens distinct. They are mostly found in the Tropics. Apocynum cannabinum is a perennial herb with erect or ascend- ing branches. The leayes are oblong-lanceolate, opposite, nearly sessile or with short petioles (Figs. 226, 251). The flowers are greenish-white, the lobes of the corolla being nearly erect and the tube about as long as the calyx. The fruit is a slender, terete follicle containing numerous seeds tipped at the micropylar end with a tuft of hairs. The root is official. The root of a closely related species, namely, spreading dog- bane (Apocynum andros&mifolium), is sometimes substituted for the official drug. The plant is distinguished by being more spreading in its habit. The leaves are ovate (Figs. 226, 364), the flowers are pinkish, the lobes being revolute, and the tube several times as long as the calyx. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 665 FIG. 363. Buckbean or Bogbean (Menyanthes trifoliata), a perennial herb with a fleshy horizontal rhizome, producing erect stems, bearing three oval or oblong leaflets, and a raceme with numerous, white or rose-colored, fringed flowers. The plant grows in bogs and shallow water in northern United States and Canada. Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture. 666 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 364. Spreading Dogbane (Apocynum androsamifolium) , a perennial, branching herb, with ovate-oblong, opposite leaves, and small, pinkish fragrant flowers occurring in terminal cymes. All parts of the plants contain a white acrid latex. After Brown. Strophanthus Kombe. The plant is a woody climber with elliptical-acuminate, hairy leaves. The flowers are few, charac- terized by long styles, and occur in axillary racemes. The fruit consists of two long follicles containing numerous awned seeds, CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 667 which are official. In the closely related plant S. hispidus the flowers are numerous and occur in terminal cymes. FIG. 365. Butterfly-weed or Pleurisy-root (Asclepias tuberosa), showing the sessile, oblong- ovate leaves and the simple, many-flowered umbels. QUEBRACHO or ASPIDOSPERMA is the bark of Aspidosperma Quebracho-bianco, a tree growing in Argentine. It contains a number of alkaloids and is used to some extent in medicine. 668 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. The leaves and bark of the cultivated oleander (Nerium Olean- der) contain the glucoside oleandrin, resembling digitalin in its action ; a fluorescent principle, and probably several other principles. The common periwinkle (Vinca minor) contains the principle vincin, which is supposed to be a glucoside and which probably occurs in other species of Vinca. e. ASCLEPIADACE^: OR MILKWEED FAMILY. The plants somewhat resemble those of the Apocynaceae. The flower, however, is distinguished by having distinct styles, a 5-lobed corona connecting the corolla and stamens, which latter are mostly monadelphous, and pollen grains that are coherent, forming char- acteristic pairs of pollinia. Few of the plants are of any economic importance. The latex of the stems and the hairs of the seeds are deserving of attention. PLEURISY ROOT, which was formerly offi- cial, is obtained from Asclepias tuberosa, a plant growing in the Eastern United States and one of the two members of this genus that have orange-colored flowers (Fig. 365). CONDURANGO is the bark of Marsdenia Cundurango, a liane of Ecuador and Colombia. It occurs in quilled pieces, the bark being from 2 to 6 mm. thick. Externally it is brownish-gray and with a more or less scaly cork. The taste is bitter, acrid, and aromatic. The drug contains an amorphous glucoside ; an unsatu- rated alcohol occurring in large prisms; and a volatile oil (0.3 per cent.). V. ORDER POLEMONIALES OR TUBIFLOR^. This is a large order of plants, which are mostly herbaceous. The leaves are either opposite or alternate ; the flowers are regular or irregular, the stamens being usually adnate to the corolla. a. CONVOLVULACE^: OR MORNING-GLORY FAM- ILY. The plants are mostly herbs or shrubs, frequently twining (to the left). They are found mostly in the Tropics, but quite a number of genera occur in temperate regions (Fig. 366). Exogonium Purga is a perennial twining herb with distinctly veined, cordate leaves ; purple flowers with the stamens exserted, and occurring in cymes. The fruit is a 2-locular capsule. The CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 669 plants produce slender rhizomes with tuber-like roots, these being used in medicine. Convolvulus Scammonia is a perennial twining herb, with a large tap root, containing a resinous latex, and is the source of the official scammony root. The leaves are sagittate ; the flowers are large, yellowish- white and funnel- form, as in the morning- FIG. 366. Great bind weed (Convolvulus sepium) showing trailing or twining habit, the hastate leaves and funnel-shaped corolla. The plant is very resistant to noxious fumes and is usually found in smelter regions. glory, and occur in the axils of the leaves, either solitary or in clusters. The fruit is a 4-seeded, 4-locular, dehiscent capsule. A number of the plants of the Convolvulaceae are cultivated, probably the most important of which is the SWEET POTATO vine (Ipomoca Batatas}, a plant extensively cultivated in tropical and sub-tropical countries on account of the edible tuberous roots. The roots contain from 3 to 10 per cent, of sugar and 9 to 15 per cent, of starch, which occurs in larger proportion in plants grown 670 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. in sub-tropical countries. The starch is a commercial product and is known as sweet-potato starch o-r BRAZILIAN ARROW-ROOT. The grains are more or less bell-shaped and 2- or 3-compound, about the size of wheat-starch grains, and in other ways resemble those of tapioca. To this family also belongs rather an interesting group of parasitic plants, namely, dodder (Cuscuta). They contain the principle cuscutin, and quite a number have been used in medicine. b. POLEMONIACE^: OR POLEMONIUM FAMILY. A family mostly of herbs and chiefly of horticultural interest. It contains the genus Phlox, which is indigenous exclusively to North America. A number of the species are cultivated and are included among the most valuable hardy, herbaceous perennials. The flowers are among the most beautiful and persistent of our garden plants. Another interesting genus belonging to this family is Polemonium, a number of species of which have been long under cultivation as border plants. Polemonium reptans is rather com- mon in the woods of the Northern United States (Fig. 367). c. HYDROPHYLLACE^E OR WATERLEAF FAMILY. The plants are herbs or shrubs which are indigenous to Western North America. Very few of the plants of this family are of use medicinally, although quite a number are ornamental plants. Eriodictyon calif ornicum (E. glutinosum) or Yerba Santa is a shrub growing in Northern Mexico and California. The leaves are official (Fig. 368). The flowers are funnel-form, white or purple, occurring in cymes. The fruit is a dehiscent capsule and the seeds are small and few. d. BORAGINACE^ OR BORAGE FAMILY. The plants are mostly herbs with regular blue flowers, occurring in scorpioid inflorescence. The best examples of the group are the forget-me-not (Myosotis), the roots of several species of which have been used in medicine ; and the garden heliotrope (Heliotropum peruvianum) , the fragrance of the flowers being due to a volatile oil. This plant, as well as other species of Heliotropum, contains a poisonous volatile alkaloid. At one time considerable interest attached to ALKANET, the root of Alkanna tinctoria of Southern Europe and Asia, on account of the red coloring principle alkannin, which is soluble in alcohol, CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 671 FlG. 367. Greek Valerian (Polemonium reptans), a perennial, 2 to 4 dm. in height, having alternate pinnate leaves and light blue flowers in corymbs. After Brown. ether, fixed and ethereal oils, but insoluble in water. COMFREY or SYMPHYTUM is the root of Symphytum officinale and other species of this genus naturalized from Europe in waste places in the United States. It occurs on the market in small, purplish- 672 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 368. Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon calif or m cum) , a low, evergreen, aromatic shrub, the leaves and stems being covered with a resinous exudation. The leaves are lanceolate, irregularly serrate or nearly entire, and woolly hairy beneath; the flowers are violet or purple in color, and occur in cymose panicles. Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 673' black, more or less curved pieces, which are quite mucilaginous and astringent to the taste. The drug contains a gluco-alkaloid, consolidin, and an alkaloid, cynoglossine. It also contains a small amount of amylo-dextrin, i.e., starch which is not colored blue with iodine, and tannin. The root and herb of HOUND'S TONGUE (Cynoglossum officinale) are both used in medicine. The drug contains the powerful alkaloid cynoglossine, which resembles cura- rine in its action ; and the gluco-alkaloid, consolidin. e. VERBENACE^: OR VERVAIN FAMILY. The plants are chiefly herbs or shrubs with usually opposite or verticillate leaves and more or less irregular flowers (Fig. 369). To* this family belongs the group of verbenas, some of which are used in medicine, as blue vervain (Verbena, hastata), which resembles eupatorium in its medicinal properties ; nettle-leaved vervain (V. urticifolia) , which contains a bitter glucoside. The drug LIPPIA MEXICANA consists of the leaves of Lippia dulcis mexicana, and contains a volatile oil, the camphor lippiol, tannin, and quercetin. Lippia citriodora, found growing in the central part of South America, contains a volatile oil, of which citral is a constituent. TEAK-WOOD, which is one of the hardest and most valuable of woods, is derived from the teak tree (Tectona gmndis), a large tree indigenous to Farther India and the East Indies. /. LABIATE OR MINT FAMILY. The plants are mostly aromatic herbs or shrubs, with square stems, simple, opposite leaves, bilabiate flowers, and a fruit consisting of four nutlets. The calyx is persistent, regular or 2-lipped and mostly nerved. The corolla is mostly 2-lipped, the upper lip being 2-lobed or entire, and the lower mostly 3-lobed. The stamens are adnate to the corolla tube, and are either 4 and didynamous, or 2 per- fect and 2 aborted. The ovary is deeply 4-lobed (Fig. 280, /). The Labiatse are especially distinguished on account of the volatile oils which they yield, and a few contain bitter or glucosidal principles. i. The following PLANTS ARE USED IN MEDICINE: Scutellaria lateriftora (skullcap). The plant is a perennial herb producing slender stolons somewhat resembling those of 43 674 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 369. Blue Vervain (Verbena hastata), a tall, perennial herb, with oblong-lanceolate leaves, and numerous terminal spikes of violet-blue flowers. After Brown. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 6/5 FIG. 370. Mad-dog Skullcap (Scutellaria later i flora), a perennial herb growing in wet, shady places with an upright, quadrangular stem, bearing opposite ovate-oblong, serrate leaves, in the axils of which are formed the blue bilabiate flowers. Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture. peppermint and spearmint. The stems are erect or ascending, commonly branching and from 22 to 55 cm. high (Fig. 370). 676 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Marrubium vulgar e (white hoarhound) is a perennial woolly herb with ascending branches; the leaves and flowering tops are used in medicine. Salvia officinalis or garden sage is a perennial, somewhat shrubby, pubescent herb. The leaves are ovate, crenulate. The flowers are bluish, somewhat variegated, the calyx and corolla both being deeply bilabiate. Only the two anterior stamens are fertile (bear anthers) ; the connective is transverse, the upper end bearing a perfect pollen-sac, and the lower a somewhat enlarged rudimentary pollen-sac (Fig. 223, F). Hedeoma pulegioides (American pennyroyal) (Fig. 371). MENTHA species. The plants are nearly glabrous, diffusely branching herbs, which form leafy stolons that are perennial (Fig. 184). The leaves and flowering tops of both Mentha piperita (Fig. 372) and Mentha spicata are official. 2. VOLATILE OILS of the following plants are official : Rosmarinus officinalis is a shrub growing in the Mediterranean countries. The plant has linear, coriaceous leaves, and bluish, bila- biate flowers, the middle lobe of the lower lip of the corolla being large, concave, and toothed on the margin. The flowering tops yield from I to 1.5 per cent, of oil which is composed of 15 to 18 per cent, of borneol; about 5 per cent, of bornyl acetate; and pinene, camphene, camphor, and cineol. There are two commer- cial varieties of the oil, the Italian and French, the latter having the finer odor. Lavandula offlcinalis (garden lavender) is a shrub growing in the Northern Mediterranean countries, as well as in England. The leaves are linear, coriaceous ; the flowers are small, light blue, bilabiate, with a tubular calyx, and occur in opposite cymes (verticillasters). The oil is derived from the fresh flowering tops, the flowers yielding about 0.5 per cent. Two kinds of oil are on the market, namely, French and English. The French oil contains 30 to 45 per cent, of 1-linalyl acetate; linalool; geraniol, both of which latter constituents occur free and as esters. The English oil con- tains about 5 to 10 per cent, of linalyl acetate and a slight amount of cineol. Spike lavender (Lavandula Spica) is sometimes dis- tilled with true lavender (see p. 679). CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 677 FlG. 371. American Pennyroyal (Hedeoma pulegioides), a low, annual plant, growing in dry soil; having small, opposite, elliptical leaves; and loose clusters of bilabiate flowers, often forming terminal leafy racemes. Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Thymus vulgaris (garden thyme) is a small shrub having linear or linear-lanceolate leaves, and pale blue flowers with 678 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. strongly bilabiate, hairy calyx, and occur in axillary cymes. The plant grows in the mountains of Southern France. The herb FIG. 372. Peppermint (Mentha piperita): B, portion of shoot showing petiolate leaves; C, transverse section of leaf showing several forms of glandular hairs on lower surface, loose parenchyma (m) and palisade cells (p) ; D, lower surface of leaf showing stoma (s) and glandular hair (g). Spearmint (Mentha spicatd) : A, portion of shoot showing flowers and nearly sessile leaves; E, flower; F, outspread corolla showing cleft posterior lobe (p) and the four adnate, included stamens; G, H, hairs from calyx; I, sphere crystals (sphaerites) of a carbohydrate found in the corolla and style; J, pollen grains. contains from 0.3 to 0.9 per cent, of volatile oil, which is of a dark reddish-brown color, and contains from 20 to 25 per cent, of thymol ; and cymene, 1-pinene, borneol and linalool. The Spanish CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 679 oil of thyme contains from 50 to 70 per cent, of carvacrol, but no thymol. 3. OF OTHER PLANTS OF THE LABIATE which are of interest, the following may be mentioned : Lavandula Spica yields oil of spike, which has an odor of lavender and rosemary. The oil contains camphor, borneol, cineol, linalool, and camphene. Origanum Majorana (Sweet marjoram) is an annual culti- vated herb that has more or less oval, entire leaves, white flowers, and an aromatic odor and taste. It produces a volatile oil which contains terpinene and d-terpineol. Origanum vulgar e (Wild marjoram) grows in fields and waste places in the Eastern United States and Canada. The calyx is equally 5-toothed and the corolla varies from white to pink or purple. It contains a volatile oil having an odor somewhat like that of the oil of O. Majorana. Origanum hirtum and O. Onites yield an origanum oil containing carvacrol and cymene. The oils obtained from Cretian Origanum are the source of commercial carvacrol. Pogostemon Patchouli, a plant cultivated in Southern China and the East and West Indies, furnishes the oil of PATCHOULI used in perfumery. Patchouly camphor and cadinene have been isolated from the oil, but nothing, however, appears to be known of the nature of the odorous principle. Hyssopus officinalis (Garden hyssop) contains about 0.5 per cent, of volatile oil to which the characteristic odor of the plant is due. Satureia hortemis (summer savory) yields a volatile oil containing carvacrol, cymene and terpene. Ocimum Basilicum (Sweet basil) is an herb growing in Europe, and yields an oil which is used in the preparation of Chartreuse and similar liquors. The oil contains methyl chavicol, linalool, cineol, camphor, pinene, and terpin hydrate. Melissa officinalis (Sweet balm) is a perennial herb indigenous to Europe and Asia and also cultivated. The leaves are ovate, dentate, and the flowers are bilabiate, the calyx being bell-shaped and 13-nerved. The taste is bitter, this being due to a bitter principle. The fresh leaves are quite aromatic and produce from o.i to 0.25 per cent, of a volatile oil containing a stearoptene. Several species of Monarda known as HORSEMINT or wild 68o A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 373. Cat Mint or Catnip (Nepeta Cataria), a hardy perennial herb with heart- shaped, oblong, deeply crenate, velvety, whitish green leaves, bearing in the axils dense whorls of light purplish flowers. It is a common weed and derives its common name from the fact that cats are fond of it, eating it and rubbing themselves upon it. Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture. bergamot are used in medicine. The oil was at one time official. The oil of Monarda punctata, a perennial herb found growing CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 681 from New York to Texas, contains thymol, thymoquinone, hydro- thymoquinone, carvacrol, cymene, and limonene. Nepeta Cataria (catnip) is a perennial herb naturalized in the United States from Europe (Fig. 373). It contains a bitter FlG. 374. (b) A mass of Ground Ivy (Nepeta hederacea) growing on an embankment, with (a) Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginica). principle, tannin, and an oxygenated volatile oil. Nepeta hede- racea or GROUND IVY is a creeping perennial herb with blue bilabi- ate flowers and reniform leaves (Fig. 374). It contains a bitter principle and volatile oil. Cunila origanoides, or American DIT- 682 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. TANY, is a small perennial herb growing from New York to Florida, and characterized by its pungent aromatic properties. Leonurus Cardiaca or MOTHERWORT is a perennial herb nat- uralized in the United States and Canada from Europe. The FIG. 375. Flowering tops of Datura fastuosa flava, a variety of a plant growing in the East Indies, the Malay Archipelago, and tropical Africa, containing much the same con- stituents as Datura Stramonium. After Newcomb. leaves are 3-lobed; the calyx is 5-nerved and with 5 prickly teeth ; the corolla varies from white to pink or purple. The plant contains a volatile oil of rather an unpleasant odor ; a bitter prin- ciple; two resins and several organic acids, namely, malic, citric and tartaric. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 683 /. SOLANACE^: OR POTATO FAMILY. The family includes herbs, shrubs, trees, and vines, which are most abundant in tropical regions. The leaves are alternate and vary from entire FIG. 376. Atropa Belladonna showing the alternate, petiolate, ovate, entire leaves, in the axils of which are the solitray fruits or flowers with large, leafy bracts. to dissected. The flowers are mostly regular, except in hyos- cyamus. The stamens are adnate to the corolla tube, the anthers connivent, and the pollen-sacs apically or longitudinally dehiscent. The fruit is a berry or capsule in which the sepals mostly persist .684 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. and sometimes become enlarged or inflated. The seeds have a large reserve layer, and the embryo is frequently curved. Datura Stramonium (Jimson weed, thorn apple) is a large, annual, branching herb, found in waste places in the United States and parts of Canada, being naturalized from Asia. The leaves and flowering tops are official. The large, spiny capsule is shown in Fig. 236, B. D. fastuosa (Fig. 375) has similar medicinal properties. Atropa Belladonna (Deadly nightshade) is a perennial herb producing a large, fleshy root, which is used in medicine (Fig. 376), as are also the leaves and flowering tops. Scopolia carniolica is a perennial herb with nearly entire or somewhat irregularly toothed leaves. The flowers are campan- ulate and dark purple. The fruit is a globular, transversely dehis- cent capsule (pyxidium). Hyoscyamus niger or henbane is a biennial herb (Fig. 377) , the leaves and flowering tops of which are official. Pichi is the dried leafy twigs of Fabiana imbricata, a shrub with small, scale-like leaves, indigenous to Chile. It contains a volatile oil; o.i per cent, of a bitter alkaloid ; a glucoside resem- bling aesculin ; and a bitter resin. Solatium Dulcamara (Bitter sweet) is a perennial, climbing herbaceous plant, indigenous to Europe and Asia and naturalized in the Northern United States. The branches which have begun to develop periderm are collected, and were formerly official as DULCAMARA. They are cut into pieces 10 to 20 mm. long which are greenish-brown, hollow, with a sweetish, bitter taste and contain a glucoside, dulcamarin, and the gluco-alkaloid solanine (Fig. 378). Solanum carolinense (Horse nettle) is a perennial herb having numerous yellow prickles on the branches and leaves. The leaves are oblong or ovate, irregularly lobed (Fig. 379). The flowers are white or light blue and occur in lateral cymes. The fruit is an orange-yellow, glabrous berry. The plant is common in waste places in Canada and the United States east of the Mississippi. The root and berries are used in medicine. The root is simple and quite long, 5 to 10 mm. in diameter, yellowish-brown, the bark readily separating from the wood. It has a narcotic odor CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 685 377. Flowering branch of Hyoscyamus niger annuum, showing sessile, acutely lobed leaves and two of the funnel-form flowers. After Newcomb. and a sweetish, bitter, somewhat acrid taste. Both the root and terries contain the gluco-alkaloid solanine, which varies from 0.15 (in the root) to 0.8 per cent, (in the berries). 686 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 378. Bittersweet (Solanum Dulcamara), a perennial, climbing or twining shrub, with several types of leaves, varying from ovate heart-shaped. The flowers are blue or purplish and hang in loose cymose clusters. The fruit is an ovoid, reddish berry and very poisonous. It is sometimes eaten by children, producing fatal effects. After Brown. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 687 Capsicum fastigiatum (Cayenne pepper) is a perennial, smooth, herbaceous, or somewhat shrubby plant, with ovate, acuminate, petiolate, entire leaves ; the flowers are greenish-white, and solitary K FIG. 379. Horse nettle (Solatium ca,rolinpnseV A, portion of shoot showing flowers and fruits and spines on leaves and stem; B, longitudinal section of spine (s) and portion of stem showing glandular (g) and non-glandular (h) hairs, and cells containing small sphenoidal crystals (ca) ; C, thick-walled, strongly lignified cells of spine; D, portion of fibrovascular bundle showing small sphenoidal crystals (ca) of calcium oxalate in the cells accompanying the sieve; E, stellate, non-glandular hair; F, stbma of stem; G, diagram cf cross section of flower showing sepals (s), petals (p), stamens (a), ovary (c); H, longitudinal section of flower; I, stamen showing terminal pores; J, cross section of 2-locular berry; K, pollen grains, 30 M in diameter. in the axils of the leaves. The fruit is official and is known in commerce as African or Cayenne pepper. This plant and a num- ber of other species of Capsicum are indigenous to tropical 688 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. America, where they are extensively cultivated, as also in Africa and India. Nicotiana Tabacum (Virginia Tobacco plant) is a tall annual herb indigenous to tropical America and widely cultivated. The stem is simple, giving rise to large, pubescent, ovate, entire, decur- rent leaves, the veins of which are prominent and more or less hairy. The flowers are long, tubular, pink or reddish, and occur in terminal spreading cymes. The various forms of tobacco are made from the leaves, which are hung in barns, whereby they undergo a slow drying or process of curing. Other species of Nicotiana are also cultivated, as N. persica, which yields Persian tobacco ; and N. rustica, the source of Turkey tobacco. Tobacco leaves contain from 0.6 to 9 per cent, of the alkaloid nicotine ; an aromatic principle nicotianin or tobacco camphor, to. which the characteristic flavor is due and which is formed during the curing of the leaves. The dried leaves yield from 14 to 15 per cent, of ash, consisting in large part of potassium nitrate. Solanuvn tuberosum (Potato plant) is indigenous to the Andes region of South America and is extensively cultivated on account of the edible tubers. The tubers (potatoes) contain about 75 per cent, of water, 20 per cent, of starch, and nearly 2 per cent, of proteins in the form of large protein crystalloids. The fruits and young shoots contain the gluco-alkaloid solanine and the alkaloid solanidine. The tubers contain a small amount of solanine, which is increased when they are attacked by certain fungi or exposed to light. (Consult pp. 142, 148, 194, and 198.) Besides the potato plant, several other plants belonging to the Solanaceae yield vegetables, as the Tomato plant (Solanuin Lyco- persicum) and the Egg plant (Solanum Melongena). Various cultivated species of Capsicum annuum furnish the common red peppers of the market. g. SCROPHULARIACE^ OR FIGWORT FAMILY. The plants are herbs, shrubs or trees with opposite or alternate leaves and perfect, mostly complete and irregular flowers. The corolla and stamens show some resemblance to those of the Labi- atse in that the corolla is frequently more or less 2-lipped and the stamens are didynamous. The fruit is a dehiscent capsule and CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 689 the seeds have a reserve layer and a straight or slightly curved embryo. , FIG. 380. Culver's-root (Leptandra virginica) showing the verticillate leaves and the long spike-like terminal racemes. Leptandra virginica (Veronica virginica), or Culver's root, is a perennial herb with leaves in whorls of 3 to 9, those on the upper part of the stem being opposite. They are lanceolate, serrate, 44 690 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. and pinnately veined ; the flowers are white or bluish, tubular, and in dense racemes. The rhizome and roots are official (Fig. 380). PIG. 381. Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea): The terminal i-sided raceme with slightly irregular, declined, tubular flowers, and a leaf of the first year's plant with long, winged or laminate petiole. Digitalis purpurea (Foxglove) is a tall, biennial, pubescent herb, producing the first year a large number of basal leaves (Fig. 381), and the second, a long raceme of drooping, tubular, CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 691 slightly irregular, purplish flowers ; the inner surface of the corolla is spotted, the stamens are didynamous, and the upper calyx segment is narrower than the others. The leaves are official in all the pharmacopoeias. The Scrophulariacese are well represented in the United States, and a number of the plants have medicinal properties. The com- mon MULLEIN (Verbascum Thapsus) contains a volatile oil, two resins, and a bitter principle. The flowers of mullein contain the same principles and in addition a yellow coloring principle. Other species of Verbascum are used in medicine in different parts of the world. BUTTER-AND-EGGS (Linaria vulgaris) contains a crystalline principle, linariin, antirrhinic acid, a volatile oil, resin, and tannin. Several species of Scrophularia, as S. nodosa of Europe and S. marilandica of the Eastern United States, contain a pungent resin and a trace of an alkaloid. TURTLE-HEAD (Chelone glabra] (Fig. 382) contains a bitter principle and gallic acid. The plant of HYSSOP (Gratiola officinalis) of Europe contains gratiolin, a bitter glucoside, and gratiosolin. The leaves of Curanga amara of the East Indies contain a glucoside, curanjiin, which resembles digi- talin in its action. h. BIGNONIACE;E OR TRUMPET-CREEPER FAM- ILY. The plants are shrubs, trees or woody vines, and are repre- sented in the United States by the catalpa tree (Catalpa bigno- nioides) and the trumpet creeper (Tecoma radicans). The bark, pods, and seeds of CATALPA have been used in medicine and con- tain a bitter principle, catalpin, a glucoside, and several crystalline principles. The TRUMPET CREEPER contains narcotic poisonous principles. The leaflets of CAROBA (Jacaranda Copaia) and other species of Jacaranda contain the alkaloid carobine, an aromatic resin, carobone, and a principle having the odor of coumarin. i. PEDALIACE^:. The plants are herbs indigenous to the Tropics of the Old World, some of which are now cultivated in the Tropics of both hemispheres. Benne oil (oil of sesame) is obtained from the seeds of Sesamum indicum by expression. It consists chiefly of a glycerite of oleic acid, a glycerite of linoleic acid, and myristin, palmitin, and stearin. It is a bland, non-drying oil and is used like olive oil. 692 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. PIG. 382. Turtle-head (Chelone glabra), a perennial herb with lanceolate, serrate, opposite leaves and short, terminal spikes of whitish or purplish flowers. The corolla is bilabiate, the mouth slightly open, the upper lip broad and arched, suggesting the head of a turtle or snake, hence the origin of the common name. Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 693 FIG. 383. Purple Gerardia (Gerardia Purpurea, Fam. Scrophulariaceae) , a branching herb with linear leaves; and large, bright purplish-pink, bilabiate flowers. After Brown. 694 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. /. ACANTHACE^; OR ACANTHUS FAMILY. The plants are mostly tropical perennial herbs, or shrubs with opposite TlG. 384. Common Plantain (Plantago major). A very familiar weed found along waysides and in poorly kept lawns. The leaves are clustered, lying near the ground, broadly elliptical and with prominent parallel veins. The flowers occur in long, dense spikes which give rise to small, capsular fruits, being sometimes employed as a green bird food. After Brown. leaves ; in the mesophyll or epidermal cells and parenchyma of the axis occur cystoliths. Several genera are represented in the United States, one of which, Ruellia (Ruellia ciliosa), is the source CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 695 PIG. 385. Squaw-root, also known as Cancer-root (Conopholis americana), one of the OrobanchacecE or root parasites. It is shown here growing on the roots of another plant. The flowering plants are from i to 2 dm. high, and consist of a cone-like stalk with fleshy scales surmounted by a spike of more or less yellowish flowers. After Troth. 696 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. of the spurious spigelia which has been on the market for some years past. Ruellia ciliosa is a perennial herb which is distinguished from the other species of the genus Ruellia by the leaves, stems, and calyx being distinctly pubescent. The leaves are ovate-lanceolate, nearly sessile and entire; the flowers are blue, sessile, solitary, or two or three in a cluster, in the axils of the leaves ; the stamens are 4, and exserted. The fruit is an oblong, terete capsule con- taining from 6 to 20 orbicular seeds. The plant is found from New Jersey and Pennsylvania to Michigan and as far south as Florida and Louisiana. Long cystoliths are found in some of the epidermal cells of both surfaces of the leaf. Quite a number of the plants of the Acanthacese are used in the Tropics in medicine. One of these, Adhatoda Vasica of trop- ical Asia, contains the alkaloid vasicine, and is said to have the property of destroying algae which grow in the rice swamps. k. PLANTAGINACE^: OR PLANTAIN FAMILY. The plants are annual or perennial herbs, represented by but few genera, but numerous species. The principal genus is Plantago, which includes 200 species that are widely distributed. Several species of Plantago are used in medicine. The common plantain (Plantago major) contains a glucoside, acubin; emulsin; and invertin, and the short rhizome, considerable starch. The seed- coat has an outer mucilaginous layer, and the mucilage of the seeds of Plantago Psyllium, P. arenaria (both of Europe), and P. Ispaghula (of the East Indies) is used as a sizing material. The seeds of a number of the species of Plantago are used as bird food, particularly for canaries. /. OROBANCHACE^: OR BROOM-RAPE FAMILY. This very interesting family is made up of plants which are parasitic upon the roots of other plants and are consequently rather light in color, as they develop no chlorophyll. Squaw-root or Cancer-root (Conopholis americana) has the flowers arranged in the form of a spike looking like an elongated cone, especially after the flowers have begun to turn brown (Fig. 385). Another little plant, also more or less white or yellow in color, is Beech- drops (Epifagus), which develops upon the roots of the beech. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 697 VI. ORDER RUBIALES. The plants of this order are distinguished from all of the preceding Sympetalae by having flowers which are distinctly epigy- nous. The leaves are opposite or verticillate. a. RUBIACE^ OR MADDER FAMILY. The plants are herbs, shrubs, or trees, and of the representatives found in the United States the following may be mentioned: Bluets (Hous- PIG. 386. Cinchona Ledgeriana: A, flowering branch; B, bud and open flower; C, fruiting branch. After Schumann. tonia species), Partridge-berry (Mitchella re pens), and Bedstraw (Galium species). In Mitchella and Houstonia the flowers are dimorphic. CINCHONA species. The plants are mostly trees, or rarely shrubs, with elliptical or lanceolate, entire, evergreen, petiolate, opposite leaves (Fig. 386). The flowers are tubular, rose-colored or yellowish-white, and occur in terminal racemes. The fruit is a capsule, which dehisces into two valves from below upward, the valves being held above by the persistent calyx. The seeds 698 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 699 are numerous and winged. There are from 30 to 40 species of Cinchona found growing in the Andes of South America at an elevation above 800 M. in a restricted area about 500 miles in length extending from Venezuela to Bolivia. The plants are FIG. 388. Ipecac plant \Cephaelis (Uragoga) Ipecacuanha]: A, flowering shoot; B, flower hrlongitudinal section ; C, fruit; D, fruit in transverse section; E.seed; F, annulate root. After Schumann. cultivated in Java, Ceylon, New Zealand, and Australia, as well as in Jamaica (Fig. 387). There are two species which furnish the Cinchona bark of medicine: (i) Cinchona Ledgeriana (C. Calisaya Ledgeriana) , which has small, elliptical, coriaceous leaves, the under surface o! which is reddish ; small, yellowish, inodorous flowers, and a 700 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. short capsule; (2) C. succirubra, which has large, thin, broadly- elliptical leaves, purplish-red calyx, rose-colored petals, and a very long capsule. While C. Ledgeriana yields barks containing the highest amount of alkaloids, C. succirubra is most cultivated. Uragoga (Cephaclis) Ipecacuanha. The plants are perennial herbs 10 to 20 cm. high, with a creeping, woody, hypogeous stem. The roots are official in all of the pharmacopoeias (see Vol. II). The leaves are elliptical, entire, short-petiolate, and with divided stipules (Fig. 386). The flowers are white and form small ter- minal heads. The fruit is a blue berry, with characteristic spiral arrangement of the carpels. Coffea arabica is a small evergreen tree or shrub with lanceo- late, acuminate, entire, slightly coriaceous, dark green, short- petiolate leaves, which are partly united with the short inter- petiolar stipules at the base. The flowers are white, fragrant, and occur in axillary clusters. The fruit is a small, spherical or ellip- soidal drupe with two locules, each containing one seed, or COFFEE GRAIN. The coffee plant is indigenous to Abyssinia and other parts of Eastern Africa, and is cultivated (Fig. 389) in tropical countries, notably in Java, Sumatra, Ceylon, and Central and South America, particularly Brazil, over 600,000 tons being produced annually in the. latter country. The yield of one tree is between i and 12 pounds. There are two methods of' freeing the seeds from the parchment-like endocarp : In the one case the fruits are allowed to dry and are then broken ; in the other case, which is known as the wet method, the sarcocarp is removed by means of a machine, and the two seeds with the parchment-like endocarp are allowed to dry in such a manner as to undergo a fermentation, and after drying the endocarp is removed. Coffee seeds contain from i to 2 per cent, of CAFFEINE ; from 3 to 5 per cent, of tannin ; about 15 per cent, of glucose and dextrin; 10 to 13 per cent, of a fatty oil consisting chiefly of olein and palmitin ; 10 to 13 per cent, of proteins ; and yield 4 to 7 per cent, of ash. The official caffeine is derived in part from coffee seeds. In the ROASTING of coffee there is a change in the physical character of the seeds, as well as a change in some of the constit- uents. The AROMA is supposed to be due to an oil known as coffeol, which is said to be a methyl ether of saligenin. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 701 FIG. 389. Coffee tree growing in Costa Rica. An evergreen shrub, with elliptical leaves resembling somewhat those of the laurel. The flowers are white, fragrant, and are formed in clusters among the branches, being followed by the berry-like fruits, which when ripe are about the size of and resemble the cranberry. Each fruit contains two elliptical plano-convex seeds, which on being separated constitute the so-called coffee bean of com- merce. Reproduced by permission of The Philadelphia Commercial Museum. 702 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. YOHIMBI (Yohimbihi) bark is obtained from Corynanthe Yo- himbe, a tree growing in the Cameroon region of Africa. The pieces of bark are 25 cm. or more in length, 5 to 8 mm. thick, externally dark brown or grayish-brown, and somewhat bitter. Numerous bast fibers are present, but no sclerotic cells. It yields 4 alkaloids (0.3 to 1.5 per cent.), the principal one being yohim- bine (corymbine or corynine), which forms white prismatic FIG. 390. Picking coffee in Brazil. The coffee shrub is cultivated in plantations, and when the berries are ripe they are collected either by shaking the tree and allowing the berries to fall upon a cloth or they are picked by hand directly from the branches, and removed from the field by oxen teams. More than half of the coffee of the world is grown in Brazil, the remainder being obtained in various parts of tropical America and East India. Reproduced by permission of The Philadelphia Commercial Museum. needles, soluble in alcohol and almost insoluble in water, and on treatment with nitric acid becomes first deep green and then yellowish, changing to a cherry-red if followed with an alcoholic solution of potassium hydroxide (distinction from cocaine). A number of the Rubiaceae contain valuable coloring prin- ciples, as the madder plant (Rubia tinctorum}, which is a peren- nial herb occurring wild in Southern Europe and formerly culti- vated in France and Germany on account of the coloring principle CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 703 FIG. 391. Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) , a small shrub growing in swamps and along streams throughout the United States. The leaves are opposite or whorled in threes. The flowers are white and densely aggregated in spherical peduncled heads; they secrete large quantities of nectar, and are sought to such a degree by the bees that the bush is often called "Honey balls." After Troth. in its roots. The root is known commercially as MADDER, and con- tains when fresh a yellow coloring principle, which on the drying of the root breaks up into several glucosides, one of which on further decomposition yields ALIZARIN, the principle to which the 704 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. red color of the dried root is due. At present alizarin is made artificially from anthracene, a coal-tar derivative. Morinda citrifolia, a shrub widely distributed in tropical coun- tries, contains a red coloring principle in the flowers and a yellow coloring principle in the roots, the latter being known as morindin and resembling the color principle in madder. The pulp of the fruit of Cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides) contains a yellow coloring principle resembling crocin, found in Crocus. The stem and root barks of Button-bush (Cephalanthus occi- dentalis), common in swampy regions in the United States, are used in medicine (Fig. 391 ) . The barks contain a bitter glucoside, cephalanthin, and a tasteless glucoside which is fluorescent in solu- tion. Mitchella re pens contains a saponin-like body in the fruit and a tannin and bitter principle in the leaves. Quite a number of species of Galium (bedstraw) are used in medicine and for other purposes. A principle resembling glycyrrhizin is found in wild licorice (Galium circazans) , a perennial herb growing in dry woods in the United States, and also in Galium lanceolatum, which is found from Virginia northward to Ontario. The yellow bed- straw (Galium veruni), naturalized from Europe, contains a milk- curdling ferment. b. CAPRIFOLIACE^: OR HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY. The plants are perennial herbs, shrubs, trees, or woody climbers with opposite, simple or pinnately compound leaves. The flowers are perfect, epigynous, regular, or bilabiate, and arranged in corymbs. The fruit is a berry, drupe, or capsule. They are mostly indigenous to the northern hemisphere. Viburnum prunifolium (Black haw) is a shrub or small tree 25 cm. in diameter. The winter buds are acute and reddish- pubescent ; the leaves are ovate, elliptical, obtuse or acute at the apex, somewhat rounded at the base, finely serrulate, glabrous, and short-petiolate (Fig. 392) ; the flowers are white and in nearly sessile cymes ; the fruit is a small, oval, bluish-black, glaucous, inferior drupe. The root-bark is official. Viburnum Opulus (Wild guelder-rose or cranberry-tree) is a shrub about half the height of V. prunifolium, with broadly ovate, deeply 3-lobed and coarsely dentate pubescent leaves. The CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 705 flowers are white and in compound cymes, the outer being sterile and large and showy. The fruit is a reddish, globular, very acid drupe, clinging to the branches all winter. The Snow-ball or guelder-rose of the gardens is a sterile variety of this species. Another variety (edule) is also cultivated on account of its edible fruits, particularly in Canada and the Northern United States. FIG. 392. Fruiting branch of Viburnum prumfolium. A number of species of Viburnum are rather common in various parts of the United States, as the Maple-leaved arrow- wood (V . acerifolium) , which is a small shrub with deeply 3-lobed, coarsely dentate leaves and small, nearly black drupes ; Arrow-wood (V . dentatum), with broadly ovate, coarsely den- tate leaves and blue drupes, which become nearly black when 45 ;o6 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. ripe; Soft-leaved arrow-wood (V . molle), which somewhat re- sembles V. dentatum, but has larger leaves that are crenate or dentate and stellate-pubescent on the lower surface ; Larger withe- rod (V. nudum), having nearly entire leaves and a pink drupe, which becomes dark blue. Sambucus canadensis (American elder) is a shrub growing in moist places in the United States as far west as Arizona and in Canada. The leaves are 5- to 7-foliate, the leaflets being ovate, elliptical, acuminate, sharply serrate, and with a short stalk ; the flowers are small, white, and in convex cymes. The fruit is a deep purple or black berry-like drupe. The dried flowers are used in medicine. They are about 5 mm. broad, with a 5-toothed, turbinate calyx, and a 5-lobed, rotate corolla, to which the 5 sta- mens are adnate. The odor is peculiar and the taste is muci- laginous and somewhat aromatic and bitter. The active principles have not been determined, but are prob- ably similar to those of S. nigra. The inner bark is also used in medicine and contains a volatile oil, a crystallizable resin, and valerianic acid. It does not appear to contain either tannin or starch. The roots of elder contain a volatile principle somewhat resembling coniine. The pith consists chiefly of cellulose, is deli- cate in texture and has a variety of uses (Fig. 132). The Black elder (Sambucus nigra), which is a shrub com- mon in Europe, is characterized by narrower leaflets, a 3-locular ovary, and black berries. The flowers are official in some of the European pharmacopoeias. They contain about 0.4 per cent, of a greenish-yellow, semi-solid volatile oil, which when diluted has the odor of the flowers. They also contain an acrid resin. The Red-berried elder or mountain elder (S. pub ens) some- what resembles the common elder, but the stems are woody, and the younger branches have a reddish pith. The flowers are in paniculate cymes, and the fruits are scarlet or red. Other plants of the Caprifoliaceae are also used in medicine. Horse gentian (Triosteum perfoliatum), a perennial herb with connate-perfoliate leaves and small, orange-red, globular drupes, growing in Canada and the United States as far west as Kansas, furnishes the drug (rhizome) known as WILD IPECAC or Trios- teum. The rhizome is yellowish-brown, somewhat branched, CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 707 cylindrical, 10 to 20 cm. long, 10 to 15 mm. in diameter, with numerous cup-shaped stem-scars, and coarse, spreading roots; it is rather hard and tough, and has a bitter, nauseous taste. Triosteum contains an emetic alkaloid, triosteine, and considerable starch. The seeds of Triosteum perfoliatum are sometimes roasted and employed like coffee, the plant being known as Wild coffee. The roots and stems of the following plants are sometimes employed: The Snowberry (Symphoricarpos racemosus), the Bush honeysuckle (Diervilla Lonicera), and various species of Lonicera, these being also known as honeysuckles. VII. ORDER VALERIANALES OR AGGREGATE. The plants are mostly herbs with an inferior ovary, which is either unilocular with a single pendulous ovule, or tri-locular with frequently but a single anatropous ovule. a. VALERIANACE^E OR VALERIAN FAMILY. The plants are herbs with opposite, exstipulate leaves, small, perfect, or polygamo-dioecious flowers, occurring in corymbs. The fruit is dry, indehiscent, and achene-like. The calyx is persistent, be- coming elongated and plumose, and resembling the pappus in the Composite. Valeriana officinalis (Garden or Wild valerian) is a tall, peren- nial herb, more or less pubescent at the nodes. The leaves are mostly basal, pinnately parted into seven or more segments, which are lanceolate, entire, or dentate. The flowers are white or pink and arranged in corymbed cymes. The calyx is much reduced, consisting of 5 to 15 pinnately branched teeth (pappus) ; the corolla is tubular, somewhat sac-like on one side, but not spurred as in other members of this family; the stamens are 3 in number and adnate to the corolla tube ; the stigma is 3-lobed. The fruit is ovoid, glabrous, and with a conspicuous plumose pappus. The rhizome and roots are official. The young leaves of several species of Valerianella are used as a salad and are cultivated like spinach, as the European corn- salad (V . olitoria) , which is also cultivated to some extent in the United States. b. DIPSACACE;E OR TEASEL FAMILY. The plants are annual or perennial herbs, chiefly indigenous to the Old World. ;o8 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. The flowers are arranged in heads on a common torus, resem- bling in some cases those of the Compositae. Some of the plants are used in medicine, as the roots, leaves, flowers, and seeds of Fuller's teasel (Dipsacus fullonum), the roots of Succisa pratensis of Europe, and several species of Scabi- osa and Cephalaria. The seeds of Cephalaria syriaca when admixed with cereals give a bread that is dark in color and bitter. This family is, however, chiefly of interest on account of Fuller's teasel, which is a cultivated form of Dipsacus jerox, indigenous to Southwestern Asia, the plant being cultivated in Europe and New York State. The elongated, globular heads, with their firm, spiny, and hooked bracts, are used in the fulling of cloth. VIII. ORDER CAMPANULAT^E. This order differs from the two preceding by having the anthers united into a tube (syngenesious). It includes three prin- cipal families, which are distinguished by differences in the char- acter of the androecium: (a) Cucurbitaceae, in which there are three stamens, having not only the anthers united but the fila- ments also (monadelphous) ; (b) Campanulacese, in which there are five stamens, both the filaments and anthers being united into a tube; (c) Compositse, in which there are five stamens, but the anthers only are united, the filaments being separate (Fig. 82, A). a. CUCURBITACE^: OR GOURD FAMILY. The plants are mostly annual, tendril-climbing or trailing herbs (Fig. 66), mainly indigenous to tropical regions. The leaves are alternate, being opposite the tendrils, petiolate, and entire, palmately lobed or dissected. The flowers are epigynous ; the petals are borne on the calyx tube and frequently are united (campanulate) ; the ovary is i- to 3-locular and with few or many anatropous ovules. The fruit is a pepo, which is indehiscent but may burst somewhat irregularly. Citrullus Colocynthis is a trailing herb with deeply lobed leaves. The flowers are yellow, axillary, and monoecious, the staminate being with short filaments and glandular pistillodes (aborted pistils), and the pistillate having a 3-locular, globose ovary and three short staminodes. The fruit is globular, 5 to 10 CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 709 cm. in diameter, smooth, greenish, and mottled. The fruit de- prived of the epicarp is official. Cucurbita Pepo (pumpkin-vine) is an extensively trailing hispid vine, with large, nearly entire, cordate leaves having long petioles. The tendrils are branching. The flowers are large, deep yellow, and monoecious ; the staminate ones being in groups and the pistillate single. The ffuit is a large, yellowish berry, sometimes weighing from 10 to 7 2 K. The seeds are numerous and are official as Pepo. Ecballium Elaterium (Squirting cucumber) is a bristly-hairy, trailing perennial herb with thick, rough-hairy, cordate, some- what undulate leaves. The flowers are yellow, monoecious. The fruit is ellipsoidal, about 4 cm. long, rough-hairy or prickly, pend- ulous, and at maturity separates from the stalk, when the seeds are discharged upward through a basal pore. The plant is indig- enous to the European countries bordering the Mediterranean, the Caucasus region, Northern Africa and the Azores. The juice of the fruit yields the drug ELATERIUM, which is official in the British Pharmacopoeia. Elaterium yields 30 per cent, of the ELATERIN of the Pharmacopoeias. From the latter by fractional crystallization from 60 to 80 per cent, of a-elaterin, a laevo-rota- tory crystalline substance is separated, which is completely devoid of purgative action ; and varying amounts of /?-elaterin, a dextro- rotatory crystalline compound which possesses a very high degree of physiological activity (Power and Moore, Ph. Jour., 29, Oct. 23, 1909, p. 501 ; and Proc. Chem. Soc., No. 362, 1909, p. 1985). Bryonia or BRYONY is the dried root of Bryonia alba (White bryony), a climbing herb indigenous to Southern Sweden, East- ern and Central Europe, including Southern Russia, and Northern Persia (Fig. 181). The root contains two bitter glucosides, bryonin and bryonidin ; two resinous principles and considerable starch. Bryonia dioica (Red bryony) also has medicinal proper- ties and is a source of the drug. B. dioica has red berries, while the fruit of B. alba is black. The latter plant is sometimes known as Black bryony, but this plant should not be confounded with Tamus communis (Fam. Dioscoreaceae), of Southern Europe, the rhizome of which is known commercially as Black bryony. The fruits and seeds of various members of the Cucurbitacese 710 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. contain powerful drastic and anthelmintic principles. A number / of the plants, however, are cultivated on account of the fruits, which are used as food, as the pumpkin already mentioned, the WATER MELON ( Citrullus vulgaris) , indigenous to Southern Africa and cultivated in Egypt and the Orient since very early times ; CANTALOUPE or musk-melon, derived from cultivated varieties of Cucumis Melo, indigenous to tropical Africa and Asia, also culti- vated since early times. The common CUCUMBER is obtained from Cucumis sativus, which is probably indigenous to the East Indies. These fruits contain from 90 to 95 per cent, of water, and the water melon contains 3.75 per cent, of dextrose, 5.34 per cent, of saccharose, and yields 0.9 per cent, of ash. Luffa cylindrica is an annual plant indigenous to the Tropics of the Old World. It is cultivated to some extent in America, but especially in the Mediterranean region. The fruit is more or less cylindrical and 20 cm. or more long. The pulp is edible and the fibrovascular tissue forms a tough network, which, when the seeds, epicarp, and pulpy matter are removed, constitutes the LUFFA-SPONGE. The fruits of Luffa operculata and L. echinata, both found in Brazil, contain a bitter principle resembling colocynthin. b. CAMPANULACE^E OR BELL-FLOWER FAMILY. The plants are mostly annual or perennial herbs, but are some- times shrubby, with an acrid juice containing powerful alkaloids. The rhizomes and roots of about twelve of the genera contain inulin. The leaves are alternate ; the corolla is regular, cam- panulate and rotate, or irregular, as in Lobelia. The fruit is a capsule or berry containing numerous small seeds. Lobelia infiata (Indian or Wild tobacco) is an annual, pubes- cent, branching herb (Fig. 224), the dried leaves and. tops of which are official (see Vol. II): About 15 different species of Lobelia are used in medicine. The most important of those grow- ing in the United States is the Cardinal flower or Red lobelia {Lobelia cardinalis), a plant found in moist soil from Canada to Texas, and characterized by its long, compound racemes of bright scarlet or red flowers. The Blue cardinal flower or Blue lobelia (L. syphilitica) is a plant of nearly the same habit and same gen- CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 711 eral character, except that the flowers are of a bright dark blue color or occasionally white. c. FAMILY COMPOSITE. This is a large group of plants, which are annual, biennial, or perennial herbs, under-shrubs, shrubs, trees and twiners or even climbers, a few being aquatic. They contain inulin, a constituent peculiar to this group of plants. The most distinguishing character is the inflorescence, which is a head or capitulum (Fig. 228), consisting of one or two kinds of flowers, arranged on a common torus, and subtended by a number of bracts, forming an involucre. The flowers are epigy- nous and the fruit is an achene, usually surmounted by the per- sistent calyx, which consists of hairs, bristles, teeth or scales, which are known collectively as the PAPPUS (Fig. 227). The individual flowers are called florets (Figs. 241, 242), and may be hermaphrodite or pistillate, monoecious, dioecious, or neutral. Depending upon the shape of the corolla, two kinds of flowers are recognized, one in which the corolla forms a tube, which is 5-lobed or 5-cleft, known as TUBULAR FLOWERS (Figs. 227, 228, C) ; and one in which the petals are united into a short tube, with an upper part that forms a large, strap-shaped, usually 5-toothed limb, known as LIGULATE FLOWERS (Figs. 227, 228, D). In some of the plants of the Compositse the head consists of ligulate flowers only, but in the larger number of plants the head is composed of both tubular and ligulate flowers or tubular flowers alone and accordingly two main groups or sub-families are dis- tinguished. The sub-family in which all of the flowers are lig- ulate is known as LIGULIFLOR^E, or CICHORIACE^:, by those who give the group the rank of a family. This group includes plants like dandelion, chicory, lettuce, and Hieracium. The group or sub-family in which the flowers are all tubular or ligulate on the margin only is known as the TUBULIFLOR^E. When the head consists only of tubular flowers it is called DISCOID, but when ligulate flowers are also present it is called RADIATE. When the heads are radiate, as in the common daisy, the tubular flowers are spoken of as DISK-FLOWERS, and the ligulate flowers as RAY- FLOWERS. The disk-flowers are usually perfect, while the ray- flowers are pistillate or neutral (without either stamens or pistils). By some systematists the Tubuliflorae are divided into groups A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. which have been given the rank of families. This division is based especially on the characters of the stamens. In a small group represented by the ragweed and known as the AMBROSI- ACE^E, the anthers, while close together (connivent) , are not united, and the corolla in the marginal or pistillate flowers is reduced to a short tube or ring. In a large group, which includes probably 10,000 species and which is considered to be the COMPOSITE proper, the stamens in the tubular flowers are syngenesious and the marginal or ray-flowers are distinctly ligulate. This group includes the daisy, sunflower, golden-rod, aster, thistle, and most of the plants which yield official drugs. It may also be added that the Composite is considered to be the highest and youngest group of plants. Taraxacum officinale (Dandelion) is a perennial, acaulescent herb with milky latex; oblong-spatulate, pinnatifid or runcinate, decurrent leaves, and with a i -headed scape, the stalk of which is hollow. The flowers are ligulate, golden-yellow and numerous; the involucre consists of two series of bracts, the inner one of which closes over the head while the fruit is maturing, afterward becoming reflexed. The fruit consists of a loose, globular head of achenes, each one of which is oblong-ovate and with a slender beak at the apex which is prolonged into a stalk bearing a radiate tuft of silky hairs, which constitute the pappus. The root is fusi- form and usually bears at the crown a number of branches 2 to 5 cm. long, having a small pith and other characters of a rhizome. The root is official. Lactuca virosa (Poison lettuce) is a biennial prickly herb, with milky latex and oblong-obovate, spinose-toothed, runcinate basal leaves and with alternate, somewhat sessile or auriculate, scattered stem leaves, the apex and margin being spinose. The flowers are pale yellow and occur in heads forming terminal pani- cles. The involucre is cylindrical and consists of several series of bracts. The flowers are all ligulate and the anthers are sagit- tate at the base. The achenes are flattish-oblong, and the pappus, which is raised on a stalk, is soft-capillary, as in Taraxacum. The prepared milk-juice is official as Lactucarium. Eupatorium perfoliatum (Boneset or Common thorough wort). The leaves and flowers are used in medicine. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 713 Eupatorium sebandianum, which is added to Mate as a sweet- ening agent, contains two sweet glucosides ; eupatorin and reban- din ; a bitter principle, and a resin. GRINDELIA species. The plants are perennial, greenish-yellow, resinous herbs, sometimes being under-shrubs, with alternate > sessile or clasping, oblong to lanceolate, spinulose-dentate leaves, and large, terminal, yellowish heads, consisting of both ligulate and tubular flowers. The leaves and flowering tops of Grindelia cainporum, G. cuneifolia and G. squarrosa are official. Erigeron canadensis or Leptilon caiiadense (Canada fleabane) is an annual or biennial, hispid-pubescent herb found growing in fields and waste places in nearly all parts of the world. The stems are simple, with numerous crowded leaves and numerous flowers occurring in terminal panicles. The plants are sometimes branched and i to. 3 M. high. The leaves are linear, nearly entire, of a pale green color, the lower and basal ones being spatulate, petiolate and dentate or incised. The flowers are white and the heads are composed of both ligulate and tubular florets, the former being pistillate and not longer than the diameter of the disk. The pappus consists of numerous capillary bristles and the involucre, which is campanulate, consists of five or six series of narrow, erect bracts. The fresh flowering herb contains 0.3 to 0.4 per cent, of a volatile oil which is official, tannin, and a small amount of gallic acid. The oil is obtained by distillation and consists chiefly of d-limonene. The genus Erigeron includes a number of species which have medicinal properties. E. annuus (Sweet scabious or Daisy flea- bane) is a low, branching, annual herb, characterized by its linear- lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate leaves and its conspicuous flowers, which resemble those of the common daisy, the ray-flowers often being tinged with purple (Fig. 393). It contains a volatile, oil resembling that of Canada fleabane, and tannin. The Philadel- phia fleabane (Erigeron philadelphicus) is a perennial herb pro- ducing stolons, and has clasping or cordate leaves, the basal being spatulate, and is further distinguished by its light purplish-red ray-flowers. Anthemis nobilis (Roman chamomile) is an annual or peren- 714 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. nial, procumbent, branched herb, with numerous 2- to 3-pinnately divided leaves, the ultimate segments being narrow-linear. The flowers occur in terminal heads with long peduncles, a conical torus and few white pistillate ray-flowers. The flowers of culti- FIG. 393. Daisy-fleabane (Erigeron annuus). vated plants are official (see Vol. II), the heads consisting mostly of ligulate flowers, forming so-called " double flowers," as in the cultivated chrysanthemums. Anacyclus Pyrethrwn (Pellitory) is a perennial herb resem- bling Anthemis nobilis in its general characters. The ray-flowers, CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 715 however, are white or purplish, and the pappus consists of a ring or scale. The root is official. Matricaria Chamomilla (German chamomile) is an annual, diffusely branched herb, with pinnately divided leaves, consisting of few, linear segments. The flowers are official (Figs. 228, 394). FIG. 394. A single plant of Matricaria Chamomilla, showing nnely divided leaves and numerous composite flowers. After Newcomb. Arnica montana is a perennial herb with small rhizome; nearly simple stem ; opposite, somewhat connate, entire, spatulate, hairy leaves, and yellow flowers in large heads with long peduncles. The flowers are official. Arctium Lappa (Burdock) is a coarse, branched, biennial or 7 i6 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 395. Chicory or Succory (Cichorium Intybus), a branching perennial herb with oblong or lanceolate, more or less clasping leaves and axillary clusters of violet-blue flowers. The plant is cultivated as a pot herb and salad, and the young roots are used like carrots. The plant is more widely grown for its roots, which are used in the preparation of a substi- tute of coffee. After Brown. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 717 perennial herb, with alternate, broadly ovate, repand, entire, tomen- tose, mostly cordate leaves, the basal ones being from 30 to 45 cm. long. The flowers are purplish-red or white, tubular and form rather large corymbose heads ; the involucre consists of numerous lanceolate, rigid, nearly glabrous bracts, which are tipped with PIG. 396. Burdock (Arctium Lap pa), a biennial herb with large, mostly cordate leaves crowded at the base of the stems, and bearing small clusters of purplish flowers in the shorter branches above. It is a common roadside weed, and well known because of the burr-like fruits, consisting of the hooked tips of the bracts of the involucre. After Brown. hooked, spreading bristles. The achenes are oblong and some- what 3-angled, and the pappus consists of numerous short bristles (Fig. 396). The root is used in medicine. The common burdock (Arctium minus) resembles A. Lap pa, but is a smaller plant and is more common in the United States. The heads are smaller and the inner bracts are shorter than the 718 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. tubular flowers, the bristles of this series being erect and with the outer spreading. Calendula officinalis (Marigold) is an annual herb with alter- nate, spatulate, oblanceolate, entire or serrate leaves. The flowers are yellow and form solitary heads, consisting of both ray and tubular florets. In the cultivated varieties most of the tubular florets are changed to ligulate, the latter being official (Fig. 227). While the Compositae include a large number of genera and species, the plants do not yield many important drugs, although a number are used in medicine and for other purposes. The so-called INSECT FLOWERS (Pyrethri F lores) are the partly expanded flower-heads of several species of Chrysanthe- mum, and are used in the preparation of a powder which is a powerful insecticide. T.he plants are perennial herbs resembling in their habits the common white daisy (C. Leucanthemum) . The DALMATIAN Insect Flowers are obtained from C. cineraria: folium, growing in Dalmatia, and cultivated in Northern Africa, Cali- fornia and New York. The heads as they occur in the market are about 12 mm. broad, light yellowish-brown and have a slightly rounded or conical torus, which is about 12 mm. in diameter and consists of 2 or 3 series of lanceolate involucral scales. The ray- florets are pistillate, the corolla varying in length from i to 2 cm. and having numerous delicate veins and 3 short, obtuse or rounded teeth. The tubular flowers are perfect and about 6 mm. long. The ovary is 5-ribbed and the pappus forms a short, toothed crown. The odor is distinct and the taste bitter. PERSIAN Insect Flowers are derived from C. rosemn and C. Marschallii, growing in the Caucasus region, Armenia and North- ern Persia. The heads are about the size of those of C, cinerarice- folium; the torus is dark brown; the involucral scales and ray- florets are purplish-red ; the ovary is lo-ribbed. Insect flowers contain from a trace to 0.5 per cent, of a vola- tile oil, the Persian flowers containing the larger proportion, and the amount decreasing with the maturing of the flowers. They also contain two resins, varying from 4 to 7 per cent., the larger amount being found in the Dalmatian flowers ; a small quantity of a glucO'side and a volatile acid. The principle toxic to insects is PYRETHRON, an amber-yellow, CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 719 syrupy substance which is the ester of certain unidentified acids, and on saponification yields the alcohol pyrethrol which crystal- lizes in fine needles. The acids combined in the ester pyrethron do not give crystalline salts. WORMWOOD or Absinthium consists of the dried leaves and flowering tops of Artemisia Absinthium, a perennial, somewhat woody, branching herb, indigenous to Europe and Northern Africa, cultivated in New York, Michigan, Nebraska and Wis- consin and naturalized in the United States from plants that have escaped from cultivation. The leaves are grayish-green, gland- ular-hairy, I- to 3-pinnately divided, the segments being obovate, entire, or lobed ; the flowers are yellowish-green, the heads being about 4 mm. broad and occurring in raceme-like panicles ; the torus is hemispherical and the involucre consists of several series of linear bracts, the inner being scale-like ; the florets are all tubular, the outer ones sometimes being neutral. The herb is aromatic and very bitter. The fresh drug contains about 0.5 per cent, of a VOLATILE OIL which is of a dark green or blue color, has a bitter, persistent taste but not the pleasant odor of the plant, and consists of d-thujone (absinthol), thujyl alcohol free and combined with acetic, iso- valerianic and palmitic acids, phellandrene and cadinene. The other constituents oi the drug include a bitter glucosidal principle, ABSINTHIIN, which forms white prisms and yields on hydrolysis a volatile oil ; a resin ; starch ; tannin ; succinic acid, potassium succinate, and about 7 per cent, of ash. The plant is used in the preparation of the French liquor known as ABSINTHE. Artemisia Cina yields the official Santonin. Other species of Absinthium also yield volatile oils, as the COMMON MUGWORT (Artemisia vulgaris), which yields from o.i to 0.2 per cent, of an oil containing cineol ; Artemisia Barrelieri, which contains an oil consisting almost entirely of thujone, and said to be used in the preparation of Algerian absinthe. SAFFLOWER consists of the dried florets of Carthamus tinc- torius, an annual herb which is known only in cultivation. The florets are tubular, yellowish-red, the corolla tube being about 2 cm. long and with 5 small, linear lobes ; the stamens are exserted. The ovary with the long, slender style is usually not present in 720 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. the drug (Fig. 227, C). Safflower contains a small percentage of a yellow coloring principle (safflower-yellow), which is soluble in v/ater, and 0.3 to 0.6 per cent, of a red coloring principle (car- thamin or carthamic acid), which is insoluble in water but soluble in alcohol, the solution having a purplish-red color. A volatile oil is also present. Carthamin is used in conjunction with French chalk in the preparation of a rouge. TANSY is the dried leaves and tops of Chrysanthemum (Tana- cetum vulgar e), a perennial, aromatic herb indigenous to Europe, extensively cultivated and naturalized in the United States. The leaves are large and pinnately divided, and the flowers, both tubu- lar and ligulate, are yellow, the heads being in terminal corymbs. The plant yields from o.i to 0.3 per cent, of a volatile oil, consisting of thujone, borneol and camphor ; and 3 resins. ELECAMPANE (Inula Helenium) is a large, perennial, densely pubescent herb with alternate leaves and large, solitary terminal heads, consisting of yellow tubular and ligulate florets (Fig. 227). The plant is indigenous to Central Europe and Asia, and natural- ized in North America from Canada to North Carolina. The root is used in medicine and was formerly official as INULA. The root of Polymnia Uvedalia, a plant closely related to Inula, but indigenous to the United States east of the Mississippi, contains a volatile oil, a glucoside, tannin, and a resinous sub- stance consisting of two resins, one of which is pale yellow and soft, the other dark brown and hard. The following Composite, while not of very great importance, are used in some localities: YARROW (Achillea Mille folium) is a common weed naturalized from Europe (Fig. 397), and contains about o.i per cent, of a dark blue volatile oil with a strongly aromatic odor and a small amount of a bitter alkaloid, achilleine. The roots of yarrow, on the other hand, yield a volatile oil with a valerian-like odor. Achillea nobilis of Europe contains an oil resembling that of yarrow, but it is of finer quality and has a spice-like taste. Achillea moschata, an alpine plant of Europe, yields three alkaloids and a volatile oil containing cineol, and is used in Italy in the preparation of the liquor, "Esprit d' Iva." Achillea tanacetifolia yields a blue volatile oil having the odor of tansy. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 721 FIG. 397. Yarrow or Milfoil (Achillea Millefolium), a perennial herb, branching only at the top and bearing deeply pinnatifid leaves, the segments being very narrow. The flowers are small, white, occasionally crimson and arranged in large, terminal corymbs. Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture. The HIGH GOLDEN-ROD (Solidago canadensis) yields 0.63 per cent, of a volatile oil, consisting chiefly of pinene, with some phel- 46 722 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. landrene and dipentene, and containing about 9 per cent, of borneol, 3 per cent, of bornyl acetate and some cadinene. The True or ANISE-SCENTED GOLDEN-ROD (Solidago odora) yields an aromatic volatile oil and a small amount of tannin. FIG. 398. Method of gathering the pollen of Golden-rod (Solidago Shortii} for immuniz- ing the hay-fever horses. The plant is gathered just about the time that the pollen-sacs are ready to open, then taken to a sunny room free from draft and air disturbances placed slanting in a basin filled with water, the blossoms drooping over the sides of the vessel, with clean, smooth paper spread underneath them. The following morning the pollen will be on the paper and can readily be gathered with a feather-top or a quill. After Schimmel & Co. The rhizome of the large Button-snakeroot (Lacinaria scari- osa), growing in the eastern and central portion of the United States and Canada, contains o.i per cent, of volatile oil, about 5 per cent, of resin, and 2 per cent, of a caoutchouc-like substance. CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 723 COLTSFOOT (Tussilago Farfara) is a plant indigenous to Europe and naturalized in the Northern United States and Can- ada. It is an acaulescent herb with a slender rhizome 30 to 40 cm. long ; nearly orbicular, somewhat lobed and tomentose leaves, and large, solitary, yellow flowers appearing before the leaves. The plant contains an acrid volatile oil, a bitter glucoside, resin and tannin. ECHINACEA is the root of Brauneria (Rudbeckia) pur pur ea, a plant growing in rich soil from Virginia to Illinois and south- ward, and of B. angustifolia, growing from the Northwest Terri- tory to Texas (Fig. 399). The drug contains an alkaloid and 0.5 to i per cent, of an acrid resinous substance to which the medical properties are due. ROSIN WEED or COMPASS PLANT (Silphium laciniatum) , found growing from Ohio to South Dakota and south to Texas, produces an oleo-resin which exudes either spontaneously or from the punctures of insects, and contains about 19 per cent, of vola- tile oil, and 37 per cent, of acid resin. The THISTLE (Cnicus benedictus) contains a crystalline bitter principle, cnicin, which is colored red with sulphuric acid. The Mexican drug PIPITZAHOAC is the rhizome of Perezia Wrightii, P. nana and P. adnata, plants found in Southwestern Texas and Mexico*. It contains about 3.6 per cent, of a golden- yellow crystalline principle, pipitzahoic acid, which appears to be related to oxythymoquinone and is colored an intense purple with alkalies and alkaline earths. LION'S FOOT, the root of Prenanthes Serpentaria, P. alba and other species of Nabalus growing in the United States, contains bitter principles, resin and tannin. Mio Mio (Baccharis cordi- folia), of South America, is poisonous to sheep and cattle and contains an alkaloid, baccharine, and a bitter principle. SPINY CLOTBUR (Xanthium spinosum) contains a bitter resin and possi- bly a volatile alkaloid. The fruit of Xanthium spinosum, a common weed naturalized from Europe, contains an amorphous, non-glucosidal substance, xanthostrumarin, which forms precip- itates with a number of the alkaloidal reagents. SNEEZE- WEED (Helenium autumnale) contains a volatile oil, a bitter glucoside and tannin. Helenium tenuifolium, of the Southern United States, 724 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. FIG. 399. A flowering specimen of the Purple Cone-flower (Brauneria angustifolia) , showing the 3-nerved lanceolate leaves and 2 of the flower heads with the characteristic long spreading rays. After Newcomb. is a narcotic poison. PARA CRESS (Spilanthes oleracea), of trop- ical America, contains a soft pungent resin and a crystallizable principle, spilanthin. The common white daisy (Chrysanthemum CLASSIFICATION OF ANGIOSPERMS. 725 Leucanthemum) yields about 0.15 per cent, of a greenish volatile oil with the odor of chamomile and mint. CHICORY, the root of Cichorium Intybus, a perennial herb with blue or purplish ligulate florets, indigenous to and cultivated in Europe and naturalized in the United States (Fig. 395), is used in medicine as well as in the preparation of a coffee substitute. The root is spindle-shaped, somewhat resembling Taraxacum, but is of a light brown color and the laticiferous vessels are arranged in radial rows in the somewhat thinner bark. It contains a bitter principle and a large amount of inulin. In the preparation of a coffee substitute the root is cut into rather large, equal pieces and roasted, after which it is ground to a yellowish-brown, coarse powder. The grains are heavier than water, imparting to it a yellowish-brown color. Under the microscope it is distinguished by the branching latex-tubes and rather short, oblique tracheae with rather large, simple pores. The SUNFLOWER (Helianthus annuus) is an annual herb indig- enous to tropical America and extensively cultivated. The plant is grown on a large scale in Russia, Hungary, Italy and India for its fruits, which yield a fixed oil resembling that of cotton seed. The achenes (so-called seeds) are obovate, flattened, externally black or with alternate white and black stripes, the pappus con- sisting of two deciduous, chaffy scales. Sunflower seed-cake is readily distinguished by a few of the fragments of the epicarp, with the characteristic twin, unicellular, non-glandular hairs and large, oblique, but rather short, sclerenchymatous fibers. Besides 40 per cent, of a fixed oil, the seeds contain a peculiar glucosidal tannin, helianthic acid, which is colored deep green with ferric chloride and yellow with alkalies. The root contains inulin ; the shoot asparagin, and the fresh pith about 1.5 per cent, of potas- sium nitrate. The pith has been used in the preparation of MOXA, a combustible vegetable material which burns without fus- ing and is used by the Portuguese to destroy any deep-seated inflammation. The pith of various species of Artemisia, which also contains considerable potassium nitrate, furnishes the Chinese Moxa. JERUSALEM ARTICHOKE (Helianthus tuber osus) is a large, coarse, pubescent herb with yellow ray-florets, which is indigenous 726 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. to the Middle United States and sometimes cultivated. The tubers, which resemble artichokes, are more or less elongated or pear-shaped, reddish-brown, somewhat annulate, and internally white or reddish. They have been used as a substitute for pota- toes and contain about 16 per cent, of the following carbohydrates : Inulin, pseudo-inulin, inulenin, saccharose, helianthenin, and syn- antherin. In early spring with the development of the tubers there is formed a small quantity of dextrose and levulose. The Globe artichoke of the gardens (Cynara Scolymus) is a hardy perennial and is valued on account of the fleshy involucral scales and torus, which are edible. The POLLEN of a number of plants of the Composite, as rag- weed (Ambrosia), golden-rod (Solidago), aster and chrysanthe- mum, is said to be responsible for the autumnal cold, known as HAY FEVER. A similar disease is produced in spring and early summer by the pollen of certain grasses. It has been found that the pollen grains of these plants contain a highly toxic substance, belonging to the toxalbumins, which is the cause of the disease. By inoculation of rabbits, goats and horses with this toxalbumin a serum containing an antitoxin is obtained which neutralizes the pollen toxin and protects those who are susceptible to hay fever from its attacks. In practice the serum is prepared by injecting the toxalbumin subcutaneously into horses, the serum being known in commerce as POLLANTIN (Fig. 398). The pollen of the following plants is toxic: aster, barley, chrysanthemum, convallaria, corn-flower, golden-rod, grasses, honeysuckle, oats, cenothera, ragweed, rice, rye, spinach, wheat, and zea. The constituents of rye pollen are 86.4 per cent, of organic matter, 10.2 of water, and 3.4 of ash. The organic matter consists of 40. per cent, of toxic substances, 3 of fixed oil, 25 of carbohydrates, and 18 of a non-albuminous substance. The num- ber of pollen grains per gram varies in different plants : from Indian corn being 7,000,000, of rye 20,000,000, of golden-rod 80,000,000, and of ragweed 90,000,000. The flowers of the Japanese chrysanthemum " Riuno-kiku " (Chrysanthemum sinense japonicum) yield 0.8 per cent, of a volatile oil containing an optically inactive crystalline iso-camphor. CHAPTER VI. CULTIVATION OF MEDICINAL PLANTS. WHEN the forests and woods were full of wild medicinal plants that could be easily gathered, there was hardly an incentive to consider the farming of them. Now that they are becoming scarcer, the need is especially apparent. Our interest in the culti- vation of medicinal plants, however, is not primarily because there is a growing scarcity of the sources of supply, but in order that drugs of uniform quality and increased value may be had. For- tunately, there is a tendency on the part of some manufacturing pharmacists to concentrate their efforts upon a few plants yielding drugs and to study them in relation to their active principles throughout different periods of the season. In addition to these actual experiments, there are numerous inquiries made regarding the possibilities of the successful farming of medicinal plants. These inquiries come from various people who, for one reason or other, would like to get into country life and have some definite work to do. Many of them have never had any practical experi- ence in growing plants other than taking care of a garden plot. Nearly all know nothing of the commerce of drugs and have no idea of the problems connected with the disposition and marketing of them. Fortunately, some experiments have been conducted and there is some general information as to how one should proceed in the work. However, it must be said at the outset, no one can grow medicinal plants without having some training and special education for it ; and unless one is familiar with the prac- tical conditions of trade, that is in regard to the markets and prices paid for drugs, even though successful in raising a good crop, one may not be able to dispose of it. It is very difficult to lay down any one rule that can be invariably followed on this sub- ject. In fact, very little work has been done to enable us to draw other than very broad conclusions. The first thing to be consid- ered is locality. Of course, tropical plants would not grow in the temperate zone, nor mountainous plants at the seaside, although even here there are exceptions that only experiments can show. 727 728 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. Then again, there are plants which grow only in the rich woodland soil, while others grow in barren soil in open places. Some plants require special kinds of soil, as Atropa Belladonna and Cannabis sativa, which do not seem to reach a high state of cultivation except in a calcareous soil. On the other hand, the plants of the Ericaceae are peculiar in that they require an acid soil (pp. 250, 656). In beginning this work in a new locality it is very important to make a rather careful survey of the plants growing wild, or those which have become naturalized. It would be safe to say that within certain limits, if there are a number of genera of any family well represented that has some of the habits of the plant with which one desires to experiment with, there is a probability that it may be grown successfully. This can be ascertained to some extent by the nature of the plants that are brought under cultiva- tion. For instance, digitalis might be grown very successfully in localities where it is cultivated and has become naturalized. By a priori reasoning, in the cultivation of licorice, the ideal location for growing the plant would be in the West and North- west where the wild licorice, Glycyrrhiza lepidota, is indigenous. In addition, it is necessary to study the best ways of propagating the plant one wishes to grow. Sometimes this is by means of seeds, as in belladonna and digitalis ; at other times it is by propa- gation of rhizomes, as hydrastis and glycyrrhiza ; or again by root-stocks or prostrate stems, as in the mints. Sometimes both seeds and cuttings may be used, as in the case of hydrastis. PLANTS GROWN FROM SEEDS. A large number of plants can be grown from seeds, and when they are grown in this manner, espe- cially in a temperate climate, where the growing season is rather short, it is necessary to begin the germination of the seed early in the spring. This must be done in the house or under conditions where there is some protection. They may be sown either in small boxes or seed pans, in which the soil is quite sandy or made up largely of broken granitic rock (Fig. 400), and which must be clean and free from organic matter that is likely to mould. The seeds should not be planted too deep, and the boxes or pans should be covered with glass so as to condense or hold moisture. Of course, where there is the necessary attention, so far as keeping the earth moist is concerned, this can be dispensed with. The CULTIVATION OF MEDICINAL PLANTS. 729 FlG. 400. Digitalis Seedlings in seed pans, ready to be transplanted into plant flats. This is the first step in the propagation of Digitalis. From the Experimental Farm of Eli Lilly & Company, Indianapolis, Ind. 730 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. time required in germination will vary considerably. Many seeds will germinate well within two weeks ; usually probably four or five weeks are necessary. Occasionally some seeds, as with roses, may require a year or two. The present tendency is to shorten the period of germination in several ways. The simplest, possibly, is to place the seeds in water for 24 hours. If the seed-coat is more or less lignified and non-porous, boiling water is poured upon them, or some special treatment may be given, as the use of dilute FIG. 401. Digitalis Seedlings in plant flat, three months after transplanting from seed pans. These plants are now ready to be transferred to cold frames. From the Ex- perimental Farm of Eli Lilly & Company, Indianapolis, Ind. or even concentrated mineral acids. For instance, in the culti- vation of Paraguay tea or mate, for many years it was found that the seeds would not germinate unless they had previously passed through the alimentary tract of certain birds. Later it was found that the same results could be obtained by placing the seeds in solu- tions of hydrochloric acid. Miller reports that he has obtained good results in the case of belladonna by first placing the seeds for 30 or 40 seconds in concentrated sulphuric acid. The germination of seeds may also be hastened by certain mechanical means. These are employed when the seed-coat is unusually thick and not easily CULTIVATION OF MEDICINAL PLANTS. 731 penetrated by the moisture; or if the seeds are large, they may be filed in one or two places; when they are small they may be shaken with sharp, angular sand until the exterior is somewhat roughened. After the seedlings have put forth a few leaves they are then set out in suitable boxes known as flats (Fig. 401) which contain a soil having a fair amount of nutriment. The plants must be watched at this point to see that there is no damping off and loss by reason of attacks by soil micro-organisms. FIG. 402. Cold frames for use in propagating such plants as Digitalis, Belladonna, Henbane, etc. The young seedling plants are transferred from the greenhouse to these cold frames in late spring for the purpose of hardening them before transplanting to the open field. From the Experimental Farm of Eli Lilly & Company, Indianapolis, Ind. Should there be a damping off and loss of seedlings some method should be employed to overcome it. Recently the De- partment of Agriculture has utilized dilute sulphuric acid, which Kraemer has shown is the active principle produced whenever sulphur is used in the greenhouse, for the destruction of insect pests, as well as the blights due to fungi and other micro- organisms. The plants are allowed to grow in the flats until they have developed a good root system and have produced a shoot with 3 or 4 leaves. They are then transferred to cold frames (Fig. 402), where they remain until they are acclimatized or hardened 732 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. sufficiently to be planted directly in the soil. This transferring should be done not later than the early part of May. The structure and use of the cold frame is perfectly familiar to the practical gardener. Sometimes the individual plants are removed from the flats and placed directly in the soil of cold frames. .This may give them a temporary setback, as the roots are more o-r less disturbed FlG. 403. A general view of the testing and breeding of medicinal plants at the Experi- mental Farm of Eli Lilly & Company, Indianapolis, Ind. by the operation, but if the experiment in the cold frames is to be continued considerable time will be saved. If the plants are to be transplanted out of doors it is desirable that this should be done as soon as possible after the last days are over for the possibility of frost. The plants are arranged in rows and set sufficiently far apart so the maximum crop per acre can be obtained (Figs. 403-407), and also that weeds may be pulled out and the ground worked over. The above outline given may be used for the propagation of CULTIVATION OF MEDICINAL PLANTS. 733 most plants by seedlings. Some plants are rather easily grown if care is taken with their culture, as digitalis and belladonna. Other plants, like hyoscyamus, are with some difficulty cultivated, and very few persons, even seedsmen, are uniformly successful in growing aconite. It should also be stated that there are a number of plants yielding medicinal products which are grown from seeds and require no more care than the usual garden plants. Among these are calendula, Chrysanthemum roscum, echinacea, FlG. 404. Harvesting a unit test plot of first-year Digitalis. From the Experimental Farm of Eli Lilly & Company, Indianapolis, Ind. and a number of others grouped under sweet, pot, and medicinal herbs. PROPAGATION BY CUTTING. This is a common method of propagating plants, being extensively employed by florists. A cutting is a severed portion of a stem having one or more nodes or buds. They are derived either from over-ground shoots, as in carnation, rose, geranium, and coleus, or, where the plant produces root-stocks or rhizomes, they are made from these rather than from the over-ground shoots. Not all plants can be propa- gated equally well from cuttings. Some plants are readily propa- 734 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. gated in this way, as the willows, the twigs of which, when they fall off or are broken off, frequently take root in the moist soil. Other plants, like the oak, are very difficult to grow from cuttings. In propagating plants from rhizomes the latter are cut into pieces, each of which has one or two> buds, and these pieces are planted. Among the medicinal plants which have been grown from cuttings of rhizomes are licorice, peppermint, hydrastis, and ginger, but it is likely that all plants which produce rhizomes can be readily FIG. 405. Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) farming in a natural woodland glade. From Wellcome Materia Medica Farm near Dartford, England. propagated in this manner. Cuttings of over-ground stems are made from the growing parts of branches, and it is necessary to have them of such a length that at least one node may be placed in the soil. These are at first planted in micaceous soil or river sand, which should be kept well moistened. It is desirable that the leaves be as few as possible, so as to reduce the transpiring surface until the young roots have been formed, w r hich may take several weeks or several months. Usually the lower leaves should be cut off entirely, while the others may be partially trimmed. The CULTIVATION OF MEDICINAL PLANTS. 735 cuttings should also be protected from strong light, as this tends to increase transpiration, and also- guarded against a dry atmos- phere, which may be accomplished by covering them with glass, particularly during the day, when the weather is dry. Cuttings of hard wood plants intended for outdoor culture should be made in the fall. They should be 6 or 8 inches in length, kept covered with sand in a suitable place during the winter, and planted in the spring. FIG. 406. Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) farming under an artificially constructed shade. From Wellcome Matena Medica Farm near Dartford, England. In the case of both ginseng and hydrastis, one-year-old plants are often supplied by growers, and, though this is not always desir- able, yet there are conditions where, for experimental purposes, they may be used. It should be emphasized that it is not merely a matter of getting rhizomes or young plants, but a very careful study should be made of the conditions governing soil and light, and which favor the maximum returns from the crop (Figs. 405- 407). Caution should be exercised in the use of manure for in- creasing the yield of the crop as well as the plant constituents. 736 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. CULTIVATION OF MEDICINAL PLANTS. 737 The method for producing new varieties is by hybridization, or cross-pollination, of different related species or varieties (Fig. 403). The offspring is known as a HYBRID, and has a blending of the qualities or characters of the two parent plants. This method is mostly employed by florists who desire to produce some new or striking flower, or by horticulturists who desire to establish some new quality or transfer a desirable quality from a foreign plant to one which is adapted to a given locality. The method has not been largely employed in the cultivation of medicinal plants, except in the case of cinchona, where it is claimed that the barks richest in alkaloids are the direct result of hybridization and selection. By transplanting and special methods of treat- ment, as that of mossing, the alkaloidal percentage has been in- creased from S per cent, to 10, whereas by hybridization the amount of total alkaloids has reached as high as 16 per cent., about three- fourths being quinine. COLLECTING AND DRYING OF DRUGS. The time of the COLLEC- TION of vegetable drugs is of prime importance, and, while it may not be possible to make extended generalizations, still, the fol- lowing rules for the collection of various drugs may be given : (1) Roots, rhizomes, and barks should be collected immedi- ately before the vegetative processes begin in the spring, or immediately after these processes cease, which is usually in the fall. (2) Leaves should be collected when photosynthetic processes are most active, which is usually about the time of the develop- ment of the flowers and before the maturing of fruit and seed. (3) Flowers should be collected prior to or just about the time of pollination. (4) Fruits should be collected near the ripening period, i.e., full grown but unripe. (5) Seeds should be collected when fully matured. It should be emphasized that these are very general rules for the guidance of the collector, and that when one is farming drug plants this question becomes exceedingly vital, as not only do the constituents vary at different times during the season, but there is considerable variation in the amount of drug obtained. The exact information regarding the proper time of gathering any 47 738 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. specific drug can be obtained only by collecting it at different times during the season, assaying it and making preparations from it. Experiments thus far seem to show that belladonna leaves collected in July and August show a higher toxicity than those gathered in September or October. It is quite possible that after the removal of the leaves high in alkaloidal content in July, another crop can be obtained by October. It is important to bear in mind with some drugs that a very slight difference in time of gathering and manner of drying, great variation of the active con- stituents may be found, as with many of the Composite flowers. It is only when they are in the bud condition, as in the case of insect flowers, and santonica, that they show the highest amount of active principle. Again, depending on whether an article is gathered to be put upon the market or whether the active prin- ciples are to be isolated, as in the manufacture of the essential oils, different methods are followed, depending upon the nature of the plant and what previous experiments have demonstrated should be followed. For instance, while in the preparation of oil of peppermint the herb is first dried, yet in other cases the col- lected material must be previously macerated in order to obtain the largest yield of oil, as with those plants yielding volatile oils containing either cyano-benzaldehyde or methyl-salicylate. Too much attention cannot be given to the entire question of the harvesting of the crop and proper methods of drying, and, of course, again, depending upon the locality, different methods will be followed. There are some places at certain times where it would be quite possible to dry the drugs out of doors. In other situations it would be necessary to dry them in barns and even in specially constructed drying ovens* where artificial heat would be employed. The drying oi leaves, flowers, and seeds is com- paratively simple and can usually be rather quickly performed without any special preparation. In the case of roots and fleshy fruits the drying should be under special protection, and is facili- tated more or less by slicing or comminuting the article. In some drugs, in addition to drying, there is a curing process that takes place. By this process of fermentation the active con- stituents are developed. Among the drugs treated in this manner the following may be mentioned : tobacco, vanilla, gentian, CULTIVATION OF MEDICINAL PLANTS. 739 guarana, digitalis, the Solanaceous leaves, etc. In some cases the increase in quality can be determined by the assay of some one constituent, but in other cases the acquired value, like that of teas, wines, and tobacco, cannot be determined by an assay process and yet can be detected by the expert. It has already been pointed out that plants contain a large proportion of water, and when they are collected and dried there is necessarily considerable loss. The loss is greater in the case of herbaceous plants, where the yield of crude drug is only about 10 per cent., as in eupatorium and stramonium. Roots and rhi- zomes yield on an average from 20 to 30 per cent, of dried drug. In some cases, as in hops, the yield of dried drug is over 60 per cent., and in fruits and seeds there is very little loss. RELATIVE VALUE OF DRUGS FROM CULTIVATED AND WILD PLANTS. For some years it has been a question whether the activity of drugs obtained from cultivated plants is equal to that of those derived from wild plants. We find in some of the foreign pharmacopoeias the specific statement that certain drugs, as digitalis, belladonna leaves, and belladonna root, must be derived from wild plants. This would naturally lead to the infer- ence that wild plants are better, and yet it may be that this provision was made with the intention of securing uniformity of drugs rather than because the materials from wild plants are superior. In 1907 Rippetoe conducted some experiments in Vir- ginia which showed that cultivated plants of belladonna yielded both leaves and roots which were equal, if not superior, to the average drug on the market. As this work was done without any particular care and in a limited way, it was more than gratifying to those who were especially interested in this subject. Carr has shown by careful comparative experiments that cultivated plants of belladonna contain a little more alkaloid than do the wild plants. The investigations of Sievers also point to a similar conclusion. Sievers has also shown that the percentage of alka- loids in the leaves of different cultivated plants is exceedingly large, and that plants high in alkaloids will continue to breed plants high in alkaloids, so that by mere selection a better com- mercial article may be produced. Coming to the question of digitalis, there are some very interesting results. Hale, for in- 740 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. stance, showed that cultivated digitalis leaves yield a much higher potency than those obtained from wild-grown plants, and yet he concludes that it is doubtful whether the fact that they were cultivated had anything to do with the high activity. One of the most valuable facts brought out in connection with these experi- ments is that the leaves of one-year-old plants seem to have as great toxicity as those of the two-year-old plants. Hale distinctly states that " first-year leaves are not necessarily weaker than second- FlG. 408. Atropa Belladonna, first year's growth from seed planted January ist. Photograph in July of the same year. From the Experimental Farm of Eli Lilly & Com- pany, Indianapolis, Ind. year leaves, and might be used in preparing assayed digitalis prepa- rations." This means that one does not have to wait two years before securing a crop, so that practically one can obtain twice the quantity of the drug during the same period. There may be some instances during this experimental stage which might seem to indicate that certain external conditions, such as climate as well as soil, have a very great influence in the growing of plants of the dye. The following are the aniline stains most frequently employed : Aniline blue, Bismarck brown, fuchsin, gentian violet, methylene blue, methyl violet and safranin. In addition to these, aniline hydrochloride or sulphate is used in what is known as Wiesner's Reagent, which is a 25 per cent, solution of alcohol containing 5 per cent, of either of these salts, a drop of either hydrochloric or sulphuric acid being used with a drop of the solution, according as the hydrochloride or sulphate has been used. LOFFLER'S METHYLENE BLUE. This reagent is prepared by adding 30 c.c. of a concentrated alcoholic solution of methylene blue to 100 c.c. of water containing 10 milligrams of potassium hydrate. ZIEHL'S CARBOL-FUCHSIN. This solution is prepared by add- ing 15 c.c. of a concentrated alcoholic solution of fuchsin to 100 c.c. o>f water containing 5 grams of carbolic acid. ANILINE DYES are usually employed in concentrated aqueous solution, but owing to the difference in solubility of the dyes the solutions vary in strength. Saturated solutions of eosin or gen- tian violet may be prepared by dissolving i gram of the dye in 100 c.c. of water, while to make a saturated solution of methylene blue requires 0.400 Gm. of the dye to 100 c.c. of water. Some investigators prefer to replace the distilled water with aniline water, which is prepared by adding about 3 grams of anilin oil to loo c.c. of distilled water. REAGENT BOTTLE FOR STERILE SOLUTIONS. The solutions of the aniline dyes as ordinarily prepared deteriorate more or less rapidly and are usually made up fresh each time they are required 758 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. for use. These solutions, as well as other reagents that are prone to decomposition, may, however, be kept for months or even years by preparing them with care and keeping them in a special kind of bottle (Fig. 418). An ordinary bottle may be used, and is fitted with a rubber stopper perforated so as to allow the intro- duction of two glass tubes. These tubes are bent twice at right angles and the free ends directed downwards. One of the tubes is connected with an atomizer bulb and serves for forcing out the FIG. 418. Reagent bottle for sterile solutions. liquid. A small plug of absorbent cotton is placed in the tube at the point C, so as to filter the air. This may be improved by blowing a bulb in the tube for holding the cotton. The bottle should be sterilized before placing the solution in it, and the solu- tion should be made by adding the dye to sterile water contained in the bottle. The solution may be afterwards further sterilized by means of steam if this should be found necessary, as in this way only a perfectly sterile solution could be produced. MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUE AND REAGENTS. 759 1 &? si g'g 9e3 ff See-?!? Isci i.f fttfO-g-? fTrc "1 -i ,5 o 5.EL y S fP^^'rtwrt i " Q3 Is ^illlall '3 ^^aSH^ rt {.^B-g'S re 3 *&$ S so S^ S- 3 *! ^H -- *^B g.i3 3.0 Q. er0.f3 S5'5"c c G, n 5i' s 83 3 ' en The acid rings out e structure s c co t^SJ? ff i-*| M'! La.5 Calcum Olate Ctal JLjj-; M n? - f ammo- nia alum ; this solution is exposed to the light for three or four days, filtered, and then 100 c.c. each of glycerin and methyl alco- hol are added, the solution allowed to stand for several days and finally filtered. An excess of the stain is removed from the sec- tions by subsequent washing either with a 2 per cent, alum solution MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUE AND REAGENTS. 761 or an acidified alcoholic solution. This solution gives to cellulose, lignin and the protoplasmic cell-contents a violet color. IODINE AND POTASSIUM-IODIDE SOLUTION consists of iodine, 2 Gm. ; potassium iodide, 6 Gm. ; water, 100 c.c. IODINE WATER is prepared by adding as much iodine to dis- tilled water as it will dissolve (about i : 5000). CHLORAL-IODINE SOLUTION consists of a saturated aqueous solution of chloral, to which iodine is added. This reagent is useful for staining the starch grains in the chloroplasts. PHLOROGLUCIN SOLUTION, used as a test for lignin, is a 0.5 to 2 per cent, alcoholic solution of phloroglucin, which is used in conjunction with hydrochloric acid. The reagent should be protected from light. IRON SOLUTIONS are aqueous or alcoholic solutions containing 5 to 20 per cent, of ferric acetate or ferric chloride. These are mostly used as tests for tannin, giving either a bluish-black or greenish-black coloration or precipitate. COPPER-ACETATE SOLUTION is a j per cent, aqueous solution of cupric acetate. It is the most distinctive test for tannin, par- ticularly with fresh material, producing a reddish-brown precipi- tate in the cells containing tannin. The fresh material should be cut into small pieces and immediately placed in the solution of copper acetate and allowed to remain for from 24 to 48 hours. The excess of the reagent is then washed out and the material placed in alcohol. SCFULZE'S MACERATING SOLUTION is prepared by adding crystals of potassium chlorate from time to time to warm con- centrated nitric acid. It is employed in the isolation of lignified cells. The material is allowed to remain in the solution for a short time or until there appears to be a disintegration of the tissues. A large excess of water is then added. The material is carefully washed, the cells teased apart and mounted in a solution of methyl ene blue. SPECIAL REAGENTS comprise all those substances which are employed in the morphological study of the cells, and include solutions of the alkalies (o.i to 6 per cent.) solutions of the mineral acids, which may be weak or concentrated, and solutions of organic acids, as acetic and citric. 762 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. DOUBLE STAINING, or the use of two stains in the examination of a specimen, furnishes not only a means of beautifying the speci- men, but also has a certain diagnostic value. The following are some of the combinations used: (a) aqueous solutions of car- mine in connection with alcoholic solutions of iodine green; (b) o PlG. 419.. Crystals of some of the common reagents which not infrequently sepa- rate on the slide and may be mistaken for cell contents: A, isotropic crystals of chloral which occur in cubes about 10 /u. in diameter or long needles about 50 M long; B, phloro- glucm which occurs in broad rectangular plates or ellipsoidal discs from 10 to 35 /u. in diam- eter which are doubly refracting with a play of colors; C, cubes of potassium iodide which &Te isotropic; D, crystals from potassium hydrate solution which separate in broad prisms and branching chains that are doubly refracting and give marked color effects. alcoholic solutions of hsematoxylin and safranin; (c) solutions of eosin and methylene blue; (d) solutions of fuchsin and methylene blue; (e) solutions of gentian violet and Bismarck brown. MOUNTING OF SPECIMENS. Microscopic preparations or mounts are of two kinds: they may serve a temporary purpose MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUE AND REAGENTS. 763 only or they may be prepared so as to serve for future study, the latter being known as PERMANENT MOUNTS. In taking up the study of a specimen it should first be mounted in water and examined ; then the water may be replaced by a weak aqueous solution of glycerin (5 to 10 per cent.) and the specimen examined again. After this preliminary examination other agents and reagents may be employed. Specimens mounted in glycerin will keep for several days and even months. Generally speaking, the only effect which the glycerin has on the tissues or contents is that of swelling them, which is obviated, to a greater or less extent, however, if the glycerin is washed out after an exam- ination is made. In addition to the methods involving the use of glycerin, there are two ways of making permanent mounts, depending upon the employment either of Canada balsam or glycerin jelly as the mounting medium. The method involving the use of the latter is the simpler, and leaves the specimen in such a condition that a re-examination with reagents can be made if desirable. GLYCERIN- JELLY mounts are made as follows : Specimens which have been previously treated are transferred to glycerin and allowed to remain for several hours, the excess of glycerin removed, and the specimen transferred to a warm slide on which a drop of glycerin jelly * has been placed. The preparation is warmed slightly to remove air-bubbles, and a warm cover-glass applied, care being taken to prevent the formation of air-bubbles. Evap- oration of the glycerin jelly is prevented by the use of shellac cements, asphalt varnish or candlewax. The following method may be used for the preparation of CANADA BALSAM MOUNTS: The specimen is cleared, dehydrated by the use of alcohol and then placed in chloroform or benzol. The clearing of the specimen is materially assisted by placing it in oil of cloves or turpentine prior to mounting it. A drop of Canada balsam solution (i part of balsam to 3 parts of chloroform or 1 KAISER'S GLYCERIN JELLY. Digest 7 Gm. of gelatin in 42 Gm. of water for two hours on a hot water-bath ; dissolve i Gm. of carbolic acid in 49 Gm. of glycerin ; mix the two solutions ; heat on a water-bath, with occasional stirring, for fifteen minutes, and finally filter through glass wool. The jelly is warmed slightly to liquefy it before using. 764 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. benzol) is placed on a slide and the specimen mounted. When nearly dry, scrape off the excess of balsam, clean the slide and cover-glass with chloroform or benzol, and ring with cement. THE MICRO- POLARISCOPE is a useful accessory in conjunction with the microscope. It is employed in the study of technical products, and is chiefly applicable in the examination of crystals, starch grains and cell-walls. A number of substances, owing to certain peculiarities of structure, are double-refracting or ANISO- TROPIC, i.e., they polarize light. If the double refraction is strong enough these substances show a play of colors. Of these may be mentioned the raphides and the rosette aggregates of calcium oxalate, cane sugar, citric acid, benzoic acid, caffeine, salicin, aloin, phloroglucin, and the salts of berberine, strychnine, and atropine. The acicular crystals which separate in chloral preparations of gambir also show a play of colors. Among the substances which are anisotropic but give no chromatic effects are starch grains, inulin, mannit, the rhombohedra in catechu and the various types of cell- walls. All substances which form crystals belonging ta the isometric system are ISOTROPIC or single-refracting, i.e., do not polarize light, as sodium chloride, the octahedra in gambir, potassium iodide and chloral. When glass, which is an isotropic compound, is heated and suddenly cooled it is changed into an anisotropic body. Micro- scopic glass beads formed by quickly cooling very thin pieces of glass show polarization effects similar to those of wheat starch grains. This has led to the supposition that the polarization effects produced by starch grains are due to tension rather than to a crystalline structure. But this point cannot be definitely settled until it has been determined whether any of the substances composing the layers of the starch grains are capable of crystal- lization. THE SPECTROSCOPE IN MICROSCOPIC ANALYTICAL WORK. To a limited extent at the present time, and yet very effectively by those who are competent to employ it, the Spectroscope is being employed in the examination of organic coloring substances. This method has the advantage that accurate results can be obtained with small quantities of material. With the proper instruments and with practice one may attain a skill equal to that attained in MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUE AND REAGENTS. 765 qualitative and quantitative analytical work. The Spectroscope can be used in checking chemical methods and also employed frequently in the detection of mixtures, just as the microscope is used where qualitative chemical methods are not available. The Spectroscope is used not only in the examination of single color- ing principles, but where there are mixtures, and whether these are in solution, on fabrics, on paper, etc. So that for technical chemists, especially for those interested in dyeing and allied indus- tries, it has a very great value. . There are several different types of spectroscopes : ( I ) the ordinary, in which the liquid is placed in a long glass cell between the source of light and the slit of the spectroscope; (2) a com- parison spectroscope, where an unknown liquid can be compared with that of a known; (3) the micro-spectroscope, in which a spectroscope is attached to a microscope and the liquid is placed in small tubes. A characteristic spectrum is obtained only when the solution is of the proper dilution. The solutions must be prepared care- fully and interfering substances removed as much as possible. ( Consult : " Untersuchung und Nachweis organischer Farb- stoffe auf spektroskopischen Wege," by Jaroslav Formanek and Dr. Eugen Grandmougin, Second Edition. " Zur Biologic des Chlorophylls Laubfarbe und Himmelslicht Vergilbung und Etiole- ment," by Ernst Stahl. " The Origin and Nature of Color in Plants," Kraemer, in Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., 1904, p. 259.) DARK FIELD ILLUMINATION AND THE ULTRA-MICROSCOPE. The study of minute particles which are otherwise not visible under the microscope by direct illumination may be accomplished by a simple contrivance known as a reflecting condenser. The principle upon which this operates is similar to when a pencil of sunlight enters a more or less darkened room, causing the par- ticles of dust to become visible. In the same manner the invisible particles in a colloidal solution and the ordinarily structureless substances in an animal or vegetable cell are rendered visible by reason of the contrast between these particles and their dark sur- roundings. The apparatus consists essentially of two parts : ( I ) a parab- oloid condenser which has two reflecting surfaces so as to bring 766 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. the rays of light to a focus on the objective and against a dark background; and (2) a funnel stop objective. The latter is an ordinary immersion objective with the addition of a funnel stop back of the lenses so that the diffused rays only enter the eye to the exclusion of the direct rays. An ordinary microscope with a reflecting condenser and a funnel stop objective thus constitutes an ultra-microscope. The illumination is by means of an arc light. If a Welsbach lamp is used it is necessary to employ a bull's-eye lens to concentrate the light upon the mirror. The light is ordinarily reflected through the condenser from the plane mirror of the microscope. Cover-glasses of a standard thickness, 0.17 mm., should be used. The space between the top of the condenser and the microscopic slide containing the object must be rilled with a layer of cedar oil in the same way as between the cover-glass and the objective. Time must be taken to perfectly center the condenser with refer- ence to the objective. (Consult: " Dunkelfeldbeleuchtung und Ultramikroskopie," by N. Gaidukov.) MICRO-ANALYSIS. The value of the microscope is well established in the examina- tion not only of the living plant but in the study of various techni- cal products. It is usual to give greater prominence to the ANA- TOMICAL or HISTOLOGICAL method of study, based largely upon the form of cells and the structure and composition of their walls. The study of cell contents, as starch grains, calcium oxalate> phyto-globulins, and other definite substances, is being utilized very largely in the examination of technical products and to some extent by students of botany. A number of books have been published dealing with the micro-chemistry or histo-chemistry of some of these substances. For the most part the study of microscopic crystals has been of a very general nature, in that statements are given regarding the general shape of the crystals or their aggregates and their behavior with certain test solutions. The time has come when the study of the crystalline substances found in plants requires, if any real progress is to be made in this direction, that the MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUE AND REAGENTS. 767 CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC METHOD of examination be utilized. This method originated in the examination of thin sections of rocks and it has been possible by this study to* identify the numerous rock-forming mineral species. In those species which are mixed crystals, i.e., made up of isomorphous mixtures of two or more components, it has been possible to determine with some accuracy their composition simply by their optical properties, as for exam- FIG. 420. Codeine: x-shaped skeleton crystals from TO per cent, alcoholic solution. pie the feldspars. Furthermore, it has been possible to draw conclusions as to the ultimate composition of rocks and the conditions under which they were formed. The value and possibilities of the employment of the crystal- lographic method in biological studies is well exemplified in the recent work of Reichert and Brown, " The Crystallography of the Hemoglobins." By special means individual crystals of the hemoglobins were obtained and by purely crystallographic methods, including a study of the forms and optical properties of such crystals, the hemoglobins of the 200 species of animals 768 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. studied were differentiated in a manner that could not have been accomplished by chemical analysis or other methods of procedure. A careful study of much that has been written, and especially of the illustrations that have been made, of micro-crystals in plants and drugs, shows that erroneous conclusions may be easily drawn from the general appearance of crystalline precipitates or aggregates of crystals that are formed. For instance, Vogl has FIG. 421. Cubebin: orthorhombic crystals from Prollius' solution, showing various types of twinning (a, b, c); d, amorphous material in the form of drops (under-cooled liquid); e, this amorphous material crystallizing in aggregates. shown that the sphero-crystals, found in the glandular hairs of Mentha piperita and considered by some to be menthol, are found in leaves of many of the Labiatae. Again, very many sub- stances produce aggregate groups which closely resemble each other, as of citric acid, cocaine hydrochloride, etc. In regard to the value of the crystallographic method we quote the following paragraph from Brown (loc. cit.) : "When a chemical compound solidifies from fusion, solution or vapor under conditions which are favorable to the development of MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUE AND REAGENTS. 769 individuals, its particles tend to arrange themselves in regular order, so that a definite structure is produced. The external form of the individuals is also regular, being bounded by planes in definite relation to each other so that polyhedral solids are produced which are called CRYSTALS. The regular arrangement of the atoms among themselves, and of the molecules which FIG. 422. Strychnine sulphate: tetragonal crystals in polarized light, showing side aspect. they build up, is so characteristic of substances of definite com- position that the crystalline condition of dead matter is the normal condition. Differences in chemical constitution are accompanied by differences of physical structure, and the crystallographic test of differences of chemical constitution is recognized as the most delicate test of such differences." 49 770 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. It is apparent that, apart from their solubility, color reactions, behavior towards reagents, etc., the substances with which we are dealing should be prepared in such a manner that isolated crystals are formed and not aggregates or groups. These isolated crystals can then be studied independently. The reason why FIG. 423. Hydrastine: large, nearly equidimensional orthorhombic crystals from alcoholic solution. aggregates are formed is because the crystals are permitted to grow too rapidly on the slide. This is usually the case in the usual method of procedure in securing crystals, i.e., by adding a drop of a solution to the slide, and then allowing it to evaporate spontaneously, under ordinary conditions. If, on the other hand, the rate of evaporation is lessened so that there is a slowing down of the growth of the crystals, individuals may be obtained of MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUE AND REAGENTS. 771 almost any size desired. And it will be found that these isolated crystals may be quite as easily prepared as the aggregates which seem so characteristic to the average student. Special methods, however, may be necessary to obtain such isolated crystals. For instance, single crystals of menthol (Fig. 126) are obtained by FIG. 424. Pipeline: monoclinic crystals, mostly on the clinopinacoid, showing the oblique terminations, obtained from hot alcoholic solution. means of sublimation rather than from solutions. Cumarin crystals are easily obtained by controlling the temperature of the melted mass, etc. The interest in these crystalline substances is becoming greater as foods and drugs and technical products are subject to stand- ards of purity. Most of the crystalline constituents common to '772 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. plant products are usually said to be calcium oxalate. This sub- stance is insoluble in water, alcohol, and acetic acid, soluble in the mineral acids and occurs usually in definite crystals. These crystals are rather easily studied in Iris, Quillaja, etc. (see page 186). They are found to crystallize either in the tetragonal or monoclinic systems, sphenoids of the latter being present in Belladonna (see pages 183-192). Some substances occur in a crystalline form even upon the commercial product, as vanillin upon vanilla pods and cumarin upon tonka seeds; or crystals may be found in special cells, as piperine (Fig. 424) in Piper album and Piper nigrum. In alco- holic material, particularly of the Composite, characteristic sphere- crystals are found, as in inula (see pages 150-154). Sometimes similar sphero-crystals are observed upon soaking the drug of commerce in water and then adding alcohol, as in Scilla. Again, crystalline substances separate upon the addition of mineral acids, as when nitric acid or sulphuric acid is added to sections of Hydrastis (Fig. 95). Again, upon dissolving the product either in water, as with catechu, or in solutions of chloral, as with gambir, a crystalline residue remains. Finally, upon extracting the dried plant with suitable solvents, as Prollius' solution, and evaporating the solvent, characteristic crystals separate, as with coca, hydrastis, nux-vomica, cinchona, cola, guarana, etc. ; or distinct crystalline precipitates may be obtained upon the addition of special reagents, as palladous chloride to solutions containing cocaine hydrochloride (Fig. 97), or gold chloride to solutions containing caffeine (Fig. 96) . Attention has already been directed to the fact (pages 173-^176) that quite a number of plant principles are capable of being sublimed. For some time past, in the study of certain of the cryptogams, as bacteria, yeasts, and fungi, there has been a disposition to rely upon physiological rather than morphological characters, this being due not only to the fact that these are more constant and characteristic in these organisms, but also to- the fact that distinct morphological characters are entirely wanting in some cases. While the necessity for this additional study in the higher plants is not so apparent on account of the presence of well-defined morphological characters, still the value of physiological marks MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUE AND REAGENTS. 773 as one of the bases of classification is coming to be recognized. The best illustration of this is to be found in the monograph of the genus Eucalyptus by Baker and Smith, 4 in which they have utilized the chemical properties and physical characters of the oils, coloring principles, tannins, etc., in establishing differ- ences of affinities or species. There is a growing tendency on the part of investigators to study micro-chemically some of the char- acteristic plant constituents, as alkaloids, etc. As a rule, how- ever, the descriptions are superficial and the identification is by means of color reactions. No real scientific progress will be made until the botanist employs the petrographical microscope and is fairly well grounded in the principles of physical and chemical crystallography. The work is by no means so simple as in ordinary microscopic work, but when the principles governing the optical study of crystals are mastered, the study will appeal to botanists not only as a fertile field for research but also as a subject of importance in both morphological and taxonomic work. The study of microscopic crystals is accomplished by means of the petrographical microscope. Brown (loc. cit.) has stated succinctly the nature and use of this instrument : " The necessity of studying small crystals, . . . has re- sulted in the evolution of a form of microscope which is at once a goniometer, a polariscope, and an instrument for measuring optic axial angles in short, for determining the physical crys- tallographic constants of small crystals. . . . The polari- scope portion of the petrographical microscope enables the ob- server to determine the position and relative value of the elasticity axes of crystals, to observe the position of the optic axes, and to determine their inclination to each other and to the elasticity axes. From these data the optical character of the crystal is determined. These OPTICAL REACTIONS may be studied by this instrument with as much ease, and in general with as much accuracy, as with the larger and better graduated polariscope; and the data thus obtained are quite as accurate in most cases as those obtained by the use of the larger instruments. The. use of the special eye-pieces arranged with artificial twins of calcite or quartz enables the observer to determine the extinction 774 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. angles of the crystals with as much accuracy as can be done with any form of polariscope. " From such observations made with the aid of this form of microscope the following constants may be determined: " ( i ) The plane angles of the crystals, in most cases the interfacial angles, giving the data from which the axial ratios are computedin other words, the morphological constants of single crystals. " (2.) The relation of the composite crystals or twins to each other, their angles, and the position of the twin plane, twin axis, composition plane, and other constants of the twin crystals. " (3) The pleochroism of the crystals, the character of the colors of the light vibrating parallel to the elasticity axes in the crystals. This is effected by the use of the single polarizing prism below the stage. By analyzing this light with the micro- spectroscope the differences of tint and color may be given quantitative values in wave lengths. " (4) The position and relative values of the light elasticity axes in the crystals, upon which depend the angles of extinction of the crystals, measured from certain crystallographic axes or planes or edges. In uniaxial crystals (tetragonal and hexagonal systems) there are two such elasticity axes the ordinary ray des- ignated as w, and the extraordinary ray, designated as e. Either one of these may be the axis o*f greater or less elasticity ; and according as the extraordinary ray is the axis of less elasticity or of greater elasticity the crystal is called optically POSITIVE or optically NEGATIVE. In biaxial crystals (orthorhombic, mono- clinic and triclinic systems) there are three elasticity axes at right angles to each other, and these are designated as fl, the axis of greatest elasticity; J), the axis of mean elasticity; and (, the axis of least elasticity. 1 " (5) The position and angle of inclination of the optic axes or lines of single refraction through the crystals. These always lie in the plane of the elasticity axes & and t and the angles between the optic axes are bisected by the axes & and C. Accord- Elasticity in the optical sense is the reciprocal* of refractive index; .hence a, b, t, are the axes of least, mean and greatest refractive index. MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUE AND REAGENTS. 775 ing as to whether t or a is the axis bisecting the acute angle, the ACUTE BISECTRIX, Bx a , the crystal is called optically POSITIVE or optically NEGATIVE. Thus if Bx a - t, the optical -character is POSITIVE. The apparent angle between the optic axes is deter- mined by means of an eye-piece micrometer in an observation of the interference figure, looking along the acute bisectrix of the optic axes, and this angle is designated as 2.E. The character of the double refraction may be determined by this angle." It is not possible in this work even to attempt to treat of the principles underlying the study of physical crystallography. The study is one requiring special laboratory instruction. Of the excellent works which the student will find useful the following may be mentioned : P. GROTH : Physikalische Krystallographie, 4th Ed., 1905. THEODOR LIEBISCH : Grundriss der Physikalischen Krystallographie, 1896. HENRY A. MIERS: Mineralogy, 1902. In this work will be found several excellent chapters dealing with the principles of the measurement of crystals and the study of their optical properties. ROSENBUSCH AND WuLFiNG : Mikroskopische Physiographic der Mineralen und Gesteine. P. GROTH : An Introduction to Chemical Crystallography. Translated by Hugh Marshall, 1906. In the Zeitschrift fiir Krystallographie will be found refer- ences to the crystallographic studies which have been made upon some of the important plant constituents, but as these studies were mostly made upon relatively large crystals, which could be measured and examined by means of the goniometer, these observations must be interpreted and applied to crystals which are formed upon microscopic slides. A rather large number of substances have been examined and only a few of the more important are included at this time. While drawings might have been made to illustrate the form of crystals and optical orientations, it was deemed advisable to use some of the photo-micrographs made by the author. The four- color plate (Figs. 99, 100) is introduced to show the chromatic effects observed by using crossed nicols. The plate illustrates salicin and cocaine hydrochloride and is a nearly exact reproduc- tion of the effects obtained with the micro-polariscope, the electros 776 A TEXT-BOOK OF BOTANY. having been made from Lumiere autochrome plates, using direct sunlight. The method of obtaining the crystals was rather simple. The solvents used were distilled water, alcohol, ether, chloroform and a mixture of chloroform and alcohol. To a weighed amount of the substance was added a sufficient quantity of solvent to give a saturated solution. A drop of this was added to a slide which was covered either with a bell-jar or the cover of a Petri dish. If the crystals formed too rapidly, giving rise to crystal aggregates, more dilute solutions were made from the original solution until single crystals were obtained therefrom. In some instances, as with physostigmine salicylate, where the edges of the crystal are likely to be re-dissolved, the slides were finally dried in a desiccator over sulphuric acid. With caffeine gold chloride, the best crystals were obtained when the solutions were relatively weak. Again, it was found that after crystals were mounted in balsam, as cocaine hydrochloride, caffeine gold chlo-i ride, etc., the isolated crystals grew considerably in size at' the expense of amorphous material. A rather unique instance of growth of large crystals was with menthol when the slide con- taining the silky aggregates was covered with another slide. Finally it should be stated that some patience and experience are necessary to obtain satisfactory crystals. WORKS OF REFERENCE. Principles of Microscopy. By A. E. Wright. Das Mikroskop. By Leopold Dippel. Anleitung zur Mikrochemischen Analyse. By H. Behrens. Die Botanische Mikrotechnik. By A. Zimmermann. Methods in Plant Histology. By Charles J. Chamberlain, Elements of Drawing. By John Ruskin. For Drawing of Crystals, consult " Crystallography and Practical Crystal Measurement," by A. E. H. Tutton. Physical Optics By Robert W. Wood. INDEX. Abelmoschus, 434 Abies, 119, 213, 434 Abnormal root structure, 319 stem structure, 344 Abortive, 391 Abrin, 198, 575 Abroma, 615 Abrotanum, 434 Abrus, 434. 575 Absinthe, 719 Absinthin, 719 Absinthium, 434, 719 Abuta, 539 Abutilon, 610, 611 Acacia, 434, 567, 569, 575 Acajou gum, 599 Acanthaceae, 694 Acanthus family, 694 Accumbent, 426 Acer, 434, 602 Aceraceae, 602 Acetaldehyde, 234 Achene, 410 Achillea, 172, 434, 720 Achilleine, 172 Achras, 659 Achyranthes, 528 Acid abietic, 237 acetic, 234 amido-succinamic, 168 amino-acetic, 192 antirrhinic, 691 arabic, 222 arachidic, 212 behenic, 212 benzoic, 234 capric, 212 caproic, 212 caprylic, 212 carthamic, 720 cerasic, 223 chaulmoogric, 214 chebulinic, 633 chromic, 756 cinnamic, 234, 572 formic, 234, 287 gallic, 599 gurjunic, 621 gynocardic, 623 hederic, 636 hydrocyanic, 198, 235 hypogaeic, 213 isovaleric, 234 japanic, 213 kinic, 655 Acid, lactic, zymase, 245 lauric, 212 lichen, 72 lignoceric, 212 linoleic, 213 lycopodic, 213 magenta, 182 methysticinic, 177 myristic, 212 oleic, 213 palmitic, 212 pectinic, 243 phosphomolybdic, 164 phosphoric, 214 picric, 165, 756 picric-sulphuric, as fixing agent, 756 pipitzahoic, 723 protocatechuic, 204 rapic, 213 resinolic, 237 ricinoleic, 213 salicylic, 234 stearic, 212 succino-abietic, 237 sulphuric, in germination, 731 tiglic, 213 yellow A. T., 182 Aconite, 434, 533, 534 Aconitum, tubers of, 328 Acorn-cups, tannin in, 206 Acorus, 434, 479 Acre, 434 Acris, 434 Actaea, 434, 537 Actinomorphic, 393 Acubin, 696 Acuminate, 355, 434 Acuminatus-a-um, 434 Acute, 354 Acutifolius-a-um, 434 Adansonia, 612 Adder's tongue, 458 Adderwort, 438 Adhatoda, 696 Adhesion, 390 Adiantum, 88, 434 Adlumina, 550 Adnate, 381 Adnation, 390 Adonis, 434. 537 Advena, 434 Adventitious root, 301 ^Ecidiospores, 69 /Ecidium, 69 A6gle. 434 Aerial root, 306 Aerobes, 252 ^Esculin, 169, 602 ^Esculis, 602 tannin in, 206 ^Estivalis, 434 African ammoniac, 639 Afzelia, 575 Agar-agar, 34 Agaric, 63, 64, 456 surgeon's, 65 Agaricaceae, 59 Agaricus, 434 campestris, 59 protein in, 200 muscarius, 155 Agave, 434. 489 constituents of, 492 fiber, 269 Agavose, 155 Agglutins, 198 Aggregatae, 707 Aglykone, 169, 170 Agrimonia, 434 Agropyron, 434, 468 Agrostemma, 172, 426, 434 Ailanthus, 434, 586 family, 585 Air-bubbles, 752 method of detection, 752 Air plants, 480 Aizoaceae, 528 Ajowan oil, 643 Ajuga, 434 Akene (see Achene), 410 Albizzia. 575, 435 Albumins, 194, 195 Albus-a-um, 435 Alchemilla, 435 Alcoholase, 245 Alcohol, benzyl, 233 camphyl, 233 ceryl, 214 cinnamic, 233 ethyl, 233 melissyl, 214 methyl, 233 Aldehyde, 234 cinnamic, 544 salicylic, 564 Alder, 435, 510 buckthorn, 604 Aletris, 435, 480 Aleurites, 592 oil in, 213 777 INDEX. Aleurone, grains, 193 Alfa, 472 Alfalfa, 577 Algae, 7, 435 blue-green, 8 characteristic, 16 classes, 17 economic uses of, 40 of Red Sea, 8 of Yellowstone Park, 8 polluting water, 8 used as food, 40 used in medicine, 40 Alga-fungi, 42 Alisma, 466 Alismaceae, 466 Alizarin, 179. 7O3 preparation of, 704 Alkaloids, 159 chemical classification, 1 66 effect of climate on, 165 families yielding, 165 from cultivated and wild plants, 739 functions of, 172 microchemistry of, 160 origin of, 160 properties of, 163 reagents for, 163 Alkanet, 670 Alkanna, 670 Alkannin, 670 Allisin, 489 Allium, 435, 485, 489 vascular bundle of, 309 Allspice, 455 wild, 438 Almond, 435 emulsin, 243 oil in, 213 Alnus, 435. 5io glandular hairs in, 230 Aloe, 435 species of, 487 wood, 628 Alpinia, 494. 651 Alsine, 435. 53 1 Alstonia, 435 Alteration in forms of plants, 332 Alternation of generation, 78, 86 Althaea, 435, 609, 6n Alum root, 447, 556 Alyssum, 435 Amandin, 195 Amanita, 60-65 Amarantaceae, 528 Amaranth, 435 Amaranthus, 435, 528 Amarus-a-um, 435 Amaryllidaceae, 489 Amaryllis, 435, 492 Amaryllus family, 489 Amber, 119, 237 fossil, 119 seed, 6ll Ambrosia, 435, 726 Ambrosiaceae, 712 Ambrosioides, 435 Amelanchier, 562 Aments, 508 American aloe, 434 copal. 574 kino, 569, 571 linden, 608 pennyroyal, 676 senna, 360 Americanus-a-um, 435 Amino-acid, 167 Ammanni, 435 Ammoniac, 639 African, 639 plant, 444 Ammoniacum, 435 Amomum, 435, 494 Amorpha, 435, 574 Amygdalin, 169, 170 Amygdalus. 435 Amylo-dextrin, 145 Amylo-pectinase, 242 Amylose, 144, 242 Amylum, 435 Amyris, 585 Anabasis, 527 Anacardiaceae, 595 Anacardium, 435, 596, 599 Anacyclus, 435 714 Anaerobes, 252 Anagallis, 436 Anagyris, 575 Analysis, micro, 776 Anamirta, 436, 539 Ananas, 436, 480 Anatomical differences in leaves, 370 Anatomy, i Anatropous, 379 Andira, 436 Andrcecium, 381 Andromedotoxin, 648 Andropogon, 436, 467, 472 Anemone, 359, 436, 535, 537 Anemonol, 537 Anemonon, 537 Anemophilous flowers, 399 Anethol, 234, 643 Anethum, 436, 643 Angelica, 436 American, 643 European, 643 purple stemmed, 643 wild, 643 Angiosperms, 119 classification of, 463 development of, 120 economic importance of, 128 flowers of, 375 Angostura, 436, 443, 585 Angustifolius-a-um, 436 Anhalonidine, 625 Anhalonine, 625 Anhalonium, 625 Aniline blue, as staining agent, 757 Anime, 586 Anise, 436, 448, 639 Japanese star, 540 protein in, 200 star, 448 Anise-scented golden-rod, 722 Anisomeria, 528 Anisum, 436, 448, 639 Annatto, 621 Annual herbs, 330 rings, 343 Annular, 273 Annulus or ring, 61 Annuus-a-um, 436 Anogra, 436 Anona, 542 Anonaceae, 541 Anthelminticus-a-um, 436 Anthemis, 436, 713 Anther, 379 appendages of, 381 Antheridium, 5 Antherozoid, 5 Anthoceros, 83 Anthocyanin, 209, 210 origin of, 180 Anthophylli, 631 Anthotaxy, 393 Anthoxanthum, 436, 472 Anthracene, 170 derivatives, 179 Antidesma, 594 Antirrhinic acid, 691 Aparine, 436 Apeiba, 609 Apex of leaf, 354 Apiin, 169, 170 Apiol, 234, 643 Apiose, 169 Aplastic, 172 Apocarpous, 376 Apocynaceae, 574, 664 Apocynum, 386, 436, 664 fruit, 412 seed, 429 Apostasieae, 496 Apothecia, 73 Appendages of anther, 381 Apple, 457, 562 cedar, 115 earth, 440 may, 538 protein in, 199 rose, 632 rust, 115 star, 441, 659 sugar in, 156 INDEX. 779 Apricot, 562, 620 oil in, 213 protein in, 199 sugar in, 156 Aquaticus-a-um, 436 Aquifoliaceae, 600 Aquifolium, 436 Aquilaria, 628 Aquilegia, 536 Arabicus-a-um, 436 Arabin, 222 Araceae, 475, 478 Arachis, 401, 576 Arachnoidiscus, 35 Aragallus, 574 Arales, 475 Aralia, 436, 636, 637 Araliaceae, 636 Araroba, 436 tree, 462 Arbor, 460 vitae, 118 Arbutin, 169, 170, 174, 176 Arbutus, trailing, 644, 649 Archegoniates, 75 Archegonium, 75 Archesporium, 79, 124 Archichlamydeae, 504 Arctium, 436, 715, 717 Arctostaphylos, 174, 436, 644. 651 Areca, 436, 473 Arecaidine, 474 Arecaine, 474 Arecoline, 473 Arethusa, 502 Argania, 659 ' Argemone, 436, 547 Arginin, 253 Argithamnia, 436, 594 Arillode, 427 Arillus, 427 Arisaema, 436, 477. 480 Aristolochia, 436, 519, 521 Aristolochiales, 519 Aristotelia, 609 Arnica, 437, 715 pollen of, 404 Arnotta, 621 Aromaticus-a-um, 437 Aros, 437 Arrow-head, 466 Arrow-poison, 516, 575. 593, 633, 662 Arrow root, 462 Maranta, 496 soft-leaved, 706 starch, 496 Arrow wood, 705 maple-leaved, 705 soft-leaved, 706 Artemisia, 437, 719 hairs of, 285 Artemisiaefolius-a-um, 437 Arthrospore, 12 Artichoke, ferment in, 244 globe, 726 Jerusalem, 725 Artificial coloring of flowers, 182 Artocarpus, 437, 516 Arum, 437, 478 Arundinaceus-a-um, 437 Arvensis-e, 437 Asafoetida, 445, 639 Asagraea, 437 Asarone, 520 Asarum, 365, 437, 520 Asci, 47 Asclepiadaceae, 574, 668 Asclepias, 437. 667, 668 Ascomycetes, 47 Ascophyllum, 30 Ascus, 47 Asexual generation, 298 spore, 298 Ash, 446 mountain, 562 prickly, 462 white, 661 wild mountain, 454 Asimina, 437, 541 Asparagine, 167, 253, 725 Asparagus, 437, 485, 489 protein in, 199 sugar in, 156 Aspen, 456 Aspergillus, 49 . emulsin, 243 Asperula, 437 Aspidium, 437 Aspidosperma, 437, 667 Asplenium, 437 Assimilation root, 306 shoot, 299 Aster, 712, 726 Astragalus, 437, 569, 574 gum in, 218 Athamanticus-a-um, 437 Atmospheric nitrogen, fixa- tion of, 307 Atriplex, 437. 52? Atropa, 437, 683, 684 fruit, 412 Atropous, 379 Atropurpureus-a-um, 437 Attar of rose, 564 Aucuba, 643 Aucubin, 643 Aurantiamarin, 585 Aurantium, 437 Auric chloride, 165 Australis-e, 437 Autumnalis-e, 437 Auxochrome, 179 Auxospores, 37 Avena, 437, 467 structure of, 423 Avenalin, 195 Avens, 446 Avocado, 455 Ax-seed, 442 Azalea, glandular hairs in, 230 purple, 646 Baccaurea, 594 Baccharis, 437, 723 Baccifer-a-um, 437 Bacillus, 14 hay, 13 subtilis, 13 typhosus, destroyer of, 655 Bacteria, 12 aerobic, 12 anaerobic, 12 classes of, 13 sulphur, 14 Bacterium, 14 Balanophora, 519 Balanophoraceae, 519 Balata, gum, 659 Balatium, 241 Ballota, 437 Balm, 452 of Gilead, 508 sweet, 679 Balsam, 225 Canada, as mounting me- dium, 757 gurjun. 621 .Maiacaibo, 572 mounts, 763 of fir, 118 of the gardens, 604 of Tolu, 572 Oregon, 119 poplar, 508 Sindor, 621 tree, 461 Balsamifer-a-um, 438 Balsaminaceas, 604 Balsams, 236 Balsamum, 438 Bambusa, 466 Banana, 496 protein in, 199 sugar in, 156 Baneberry, 434, 537 Banskia, 518 Baobab, 612 Baptisia, 438, 567, 573. 575 Baptisin, 169 Barbaloin, 169 Barbarea, 438 Barberry, 438 family, 537 Barbiera, 575 Barium salts, 575 Bark, 317 Barley, 448 lecithin in, 214 protein in, 199 7 8o INDEX. Barley, starch in, 148 sugar in, 156 Barosma, 438, 583 Barringtonia, 629 Base of leaf, 356 Basidiomycetes, 56 Basil, sweet, 679 Bassia, 659 Bassorin, 223 Basswood, 609 Bastard cedar, 580 santal, 580 Bauhinia, 575 Bayberry, 212, 508 Bay oil, 632 rum, 632 Beale's carmine solution, 760 Bean, 576 buck, 452 garden, 576 Indian, 440 Japanese soy, 576 kidney, 455 lima, 199 pichury, 453 protein in, 199 Sacred, 453 sea, 575 Bearberry, 436, 461, 651 Beard grass, 436 Bearwort, 452 Beauty, meadow, 634 Bebeeru, 453, 546 Bedstraw, 446, 697, 704 yellow, 704 Beeberine, 546 Beech, 445, 510 American, 512 drops, 696 false, 644 nut, protein in, 199 purple, 178 red, 512 Beer manufacture, 515 Beet, 438, 527 garden, protein in, 199 sugar in, 156 sugar, 527 proteins in, 199 sugar in, 156 Beggiatoa, 14 Begonia, 624 hairs in, 282 Begoniaceae, 624 Belladonna, 438, 683, 740 hairs of, 284 lily, 435 root, cross section of, 318 Bell-flower family, 710 Bellwort, 485 Benedictus-a-um, 438 Bengal quince, 434 Benne oil, 691 Benzaldehyde, 234 Benzoinum, 438, 660 Benzo-quinhydrone, 179 Benzoquinone, 179 Benz-pyrrol, 180 Berberidaceas, 537 Berberine, 162, 180 Berberis, 438, 537 Bergamia, 584 Bergamot, 679 oil, 584 wild, 679 Berry, 410 partridge, 452 Bertholletia, 629 Beta, 438, 527 stomata on leaves, 367 Betel, 508 leaves, 506 nut, 436, 473 palm, 476 Betonica, 438 Betony, 438 Betula, 438, 510 cross-section of wood, 346 Betulaceae, 510 Betulase, 243 Betulinus-a-um, 438 Bezoars, vegetable, 577 Bhang, 516 Bicollateral mestome strands, 341 Bicuculla, 550, 551 Bidens, 438 Biennial herb, 330 Biennis-e, 438 Bifacial leaves, 349, 366 Biflorus-a-um, 438 Bigardia oil, 584 Bignonia, 438 Bignoniaceae, 691 Bilabiate, 386 Bilberry, 654, 655 Bind weed, 442 Birch, 438, 510 family, 510 white, cross-section of wood, 346 Bird food, 696 Bird-lime, 518 Birthroot, 461 Birthwort, 436 family, 519 Bisectrix, 775 Bishop's cap, 452 Bismarck brown, as staining agent, 757 Bistorta, 438, 527 Bitter sweet, 444, 684 Bixa, 621 4 Bixaceae, 621 Bixin, 622 Blackberry, 458 bush, 563 low, 563 sand, 563 sugar in, 156 Black catechu, 569 haw, 462, 704 hellebore, 537 Bladder-wrack, 28 Blade, 348 Blakea, 634 Blazing star, 449 Blights, 44 Blinding tree, 592 Blood orange, 584 root, 458, 547 Blueberry, cultivation of. 656 dwarf, 653 early sweet, 653 high bush, 655 low, 654 low-bush, 655 Blue flag, larger, 492 indigo, 574 Bluets, 448, 697 Bocconia, 550 Boehmeria, 438, 517 fibers in, 269 Bcerhavia, 528 hairs in, 282 Bogbean, 665 Bog plants, 480 Bogs, sphagnum, 84 Bohmer's hasmatoxylin so- lution, 760 Boletus, 61 Bombaceae, 554, 612 Bombax, 554, 612 Bondicine, 576 Boneset, 712 false, 449 Borage family, 670 Border, 386 Bork, 293 Borneo camphor, 620 Borneol, 233, 544, 676 Borraginaceae, 670 Boswellia, 587 hairs in, 282 Botrychium, 365, 438 Bottle, reagent, for sterile solutions, 757 Bougainvillea, 528 Bouncing bet, 530, 531 Bower, Virgin's, 441 Box tree family, 594 Boxwood, 439 Brabeium, 518 Brachycerus-a-um, 438 Bracts, 388, 393, 402 Bramble, 458 Branches, lateral, 312 Brandy, 607 Brasiliensis-e, 438 Brassica, 438, 552, 553 Brauneria, 438, 723, 724 oil canals in, 224 phytomelane in, 260 Brazilian copal, 574 INDEX. 781 Brazilin, 179, 180 Bursine, 554 Brazil-nut, 629 Butcher's blocks, 560 aleurone grains of, 194 Butneria, 439 Breadfruit, 437, 516 Butter, cacao, 612 Bread, St. John's 576 shea, 659 Breadstone, 39 vegetable, 659 Breathing root, 306 Butter-and-eggs, 691 Bridelia, 593 Buttercup, 457, 537 Brier, cat, 459 Butter-fly weed, 667 ^ green, 459 Butternut, 509 Bromeliaceae, 480 Buttonbush, 440, 703, 704 Bromelin, 244 Buttons, 473 Broom, 443 mescal, 625 green, 569 Button-snakeroot, 722 Scotch, 569 Buttonwood, 559 weed, 458 Butyrospermum, 659 Broom-rape family, 696 Buxaceae, 594 Brosimum, 516 Buxine, 594 Brucamarine, 586 Buxus, 439, 546. 594 Brucea, 586 Bruguiera, 631 Cabbage. 553 Brush, 472 Cacao, 148, 211, 439, 460, Bryonia, 438, 709 612 sieve in, 276 butter, 612 tendril of, 323 protein in, 199 Bryonidin, 709 red, 612 Bryonin, 709 seeds, 612 red, 709 starch in, 148 white, 709 sugar in, 156 Bryophytes, 76 tree, 612 economic uses of, 84 Cactaceae, 625 Bubbles, air, 752 Cactus, 439, 621, 625 Buchania, 599 coach- whip, 621 Buchu, 152, 438, 583 family, 625 Buckbean, 665 Cadinene, 233, 589, 642 Buckeye family, 602 Caducous, 388 Buckthorn, 445, 457 Cassalpinia, 439, 576 family, 604 coriaria, tannin in, 206 Buckwheat, 445, 526, 527 Caesalpinioideas, 567 family, 520 Caffeine, 162, 176, 600, 618, flowers, 400 700 protein in, 199 Cajuputi, 439. 452 sugar in, 156 Calabar bean, 455 Bud, apical, 321 Calamint, 441 axillary, 321 Calamites, 100 scale, 1 20 Calamus, 439, 474, 479 scaly, 321 Calcarate, 388 terminal, 321 Calcium carbonate, 200 Buds, 321 oxalate, 183 Buffalo berry, 628 phosphate, 186 Bugbane, 441 Calendula, 387, 439, 718 Bugle weed, 434, 451 hairs in, 288 Bulb, 327 pollen of, 405 Bulbils, 327 Calisaya, 439 Bulblets, 327 Calla, 439, 479 Bunt, 461 Calla-lily, 478 Bur, 510 Callitris, 119 Burdock, 436, 449, 715, 717 Calluna, 439 Burning bush, 600 Callus, 277 Bur-reed, 464 Calophyllum, 439, 618, 619 family, 463 inophyllum, 212 Bursa, 438 Caltha, 439 pastoris, 439 Caltrop family, 581 Bursera, 587 Calumba, 439, 539 Burseraceae, 586 American, 445 Calyptrogen, 254 Calyx, 402 duration of, 388 Cambium, 314 intrafascicular, 341 ring, 341 Cambogia, 439 Camelina, 439 Campanulaceae, 708, 710 Campanulatae, 708 Campanulate, 388 Campechianus-a-um, 439 Campestris-e, 439 Camphene, 676 Camphor, 439, 544, 546, 620 Borneo, 620 culture, 746 Japanese, 234 Laurus, 234 tree, 545 Campion, 451 Camptosorus, 439 Campylotropous, 379 Canada fleabane, 713 moonseed, 539 Canadensis-e, 439 Canaigre, 527 Canango, 542 Canarium, 586 Cancer root, 695, 696 Cane, 439, 445 Cane-sugar, 155, 156 Canella, 622 bark, 622 substitute, 622 Canellaceae, 622 Canna, 496 Cannabinus-a-um, 439 Cannabis, 439, 513 American, 741, 742, 744 fiber, 269 hairs of, 284 Cannaceae, 496 Cantaloupe, 710 sugar in, 156 Cantharellus, 58 Caoutchouc, 439, 513, 516, 592 threads, 240 Cape jasmine, 704 Caper, 579 spurge, 591 wild, 591 Capillaceus-a-um, 439 Capillus-Veneris, 439 Capitulum, 711 Caprifoliaceae, 704 Capsella, 438, 439, 554 ferment in, 244 Capsicum, 439, 687 protein in, 200 Capsule, 411 Caraipa, 618 Caramel, synthetic, 159 Carapa oil, 589 INDEX. Caraway, 440, 639 protein in, 200 Carbamases, 244 Carbohydrates, origin of, 157 photosynthetic, 157 Carbon dioxide assimilation, 299, 350 Carboniferous age, 99 Carbon-like substance, 258 Cardamom, 410, 435, 439, 444, 494 protein in, 200 starch in, 148 Cardinal flower, 710 Cardol, 596 Carduus, 451 Carex, 439, 47 1, 472 Careya, 629 Carica, 440, 542, 624 ferment in, 244 Caricaceas, 624 Carices, 472 Carnation, 443, 531 Carnauba-palm, 214, 474 Carnauba-wax, 474 Carnivorous plants, 361 Caroba, 691 Carobine, 691 Carobone, 691 Carolianus-a-um, 440 Carolina pink, 661 Carolinensis, 440 Carota, 440 Carotin, 493, 636 Carpaine, 624 Carpel, 120, 374~3?6 Carpinus, 440, 510 Carpophore, 417 Carposid, 624 Carragheen, 31 Carrot, 440, 443 family, 636 protein in, 199 starch in, 148 sugar in, 156 Carthamic acid, 720 Carthamin, 720 Carthamus, 387, 719 pollen of, 405 Carum, 440, 639, 643 Caruncle, 427 Carvacrol, 234, 679 Carvi, 440 Carvone, 234 Carya, 333 cross-section of wood, 346 Caryophyllaceae, 531 Caryophyllene, 571 Caryophyllus, 440, 632 Caryopsis, 417, 466 Caryota, 476 Cascara, 440, 604 Cascarilla, 440, 592 Cascarillin, 592 Casearia, 623 Cashew, 435. nut, 458, 596 Cassia, 360, 440, 567, 575 purging, 567 species of, 567 Cassine, 600 Castanea, 440 cross-section of wood, 346 species of, 512 Castilloa, 241, 516 Castinin, 195 Castor bean, 457 aleurone grains in, 194 plant, 443, 591 Catabolism, 252 Catalases, 245 Catalpa, 440, 691 Catalpin, 691 Cataria, 440 Catawba grape, 606 Cat brier, 485 Catechin, 180 Catechu, 440 black, 569 Catha, 600 Cathartocarpus, 440 Cathine, 600 Catkin, 394 Cat mint, 680 Catnip, 440, 453, 680, 681 Cat-tail family, 463 Cauliflower, protein in, 199 sugar in, 156 Caulophylline, 538 Caulophyllum, 440, 537 Cavanillesia, 612 Cay-Cay butter, 586 Ceanothus, 440, 604 Cecidien, 334 Cedar, 460 apples, 115 bastard, 581 prickly, 454 red, 115, 118 uses of, 115-117 white, 118 wood oil, 589 Cedrela, 589 Cedron, 440, 459 seed, 440 Cedronin, 586 Cedrus, 118 Celandine, 441, 548. 551 Celastraceae, 600 Celastrine, 600 Celastrus, 440, 600 Celery, protein in, 199 Celloidin, 749 Cells, 2 antipodal, 124 apical, 254 conducting, 272 contents, examination of, 246 Cells, contents reaction with microchemical reagents, 759 cork, 290, division, 3 epidermal, 277 forms of, 262 guard, 279 helping, 124 inclusion, 207 kinds of, 297 laticiferous, 239 protecting, 277 sclerenchyma, 266 sclerotic, 267 secretory, 226 stereomatic, 268 stone, 267 tapetal, 121, 404 Cellulases, 244 Cellulose, 256 walls, protective, 257 Cell- wall, reaction with mi- crochemical reagents, 759 stratification in, 258 striation in, 259 Celosia, 528 Centaurea, 440 Centifolius-a-um, 440 Centrifugal, development 262 Centripetal, development. 262 Centrospermae, 527 Centrospheres, 135 Century plant, 489 Cephaelis, 440, 699 Cephalanthin, 704 Cephalanthus, 440, 703, 704 Cephalaria, 708 Ceramium, 40 Cerasin, 223 Ceratonia, 440, 576 Cerealis-e, 440 Cereus, 625, 627 night-blooming, 625 Cetraria, 73, 440 Cevadilla, 458 Chakazzi copal, 574 Chamaelirium, 440, 491 Chamomile, German, 715 Roman, 713 wild, 452 Chamomilla, 440 Champagne, 607 Chanterelle, 58 Characeae, 26 Charcoal, 508, 509 Charlock, 553 Chartreuse, 679 Chavicol, 632 Chebulinic acid, 633 Chekan, Eugenia, 441, 63* Chelerythrine, 550 Chelidonine, 550 INDEX. 783 Cheliodonium, 441, 548, 550, 551 Chelidoxanthin, 550 Chelone, 441, 691 Chemical stimuli, 248 Chenopodiaceae, 527 Chenopodiales, 527 , Chenopodium, 441, 527 hairs in, 282 Cherry, 456 bark of, 294 choke, 561 cross-section of wood, 346 protein in, 199 sugar in, 156 wild, 561 black, 560 Chestnut, 511 American, 512 bark disease, 54 cross-section of wood, 346 horse, 206, 602 oak, tannin in, 206 protein in, 199 Spanish, 512 starch in, 148 sugar in, 156 tree, 440 wild, 518 Chests, tea, 625 Chewing gum, 659 Chew-stick, 447 Chickweed, 435 Chicory, 441, 716, 725 culture, 747 Chimaphila, 441, 455, 644 Chinese galls, 597 potatoes, 492 rice paper, 636 tallow tree, 594 Chinquapin, 512 starch in, 148 Chionanthin, 661 Chionanthus, 441, 661 Chirata, 441, 664 Chirayita, 441, 664 Chiretta, 460, 664 Chives, 485 Chloral, crystals, 762 Chloranthy, 391 Chlorenchyma, 366 Chlorococcum, 72 Chlorophora, 516 Chlorophycese, T7, 20 Chlorophyll, 138, 158 Chloroplastids, 137 Chloroplasts, 137 Chlorosis, 391 Chlor-zinc-iodide solution, 760 Choke cherry, 561 Chondrodendron, 441, 539 Chondrus, 31, 441 Choripetalae, 504 Choripetalous, 383 Chorisepalous, 383 Chorisia, 612 Chorisis, 390 Christmas holly, 600 Chromatin, 136 Chromatophore, 136 fixed oils in, 210 Chromene, 180 Chromic a*cid, 756 Chromogen, 179 Chromophores, 179 Chromoplastids, 137, 138 occurrence of, 181 Chromosomes, 136 Chrozophora, 593 Chrysanthemum, 441, 714, 718, 724, 726 Chrysarobinum, 441 Chrysophyllum, 441, 659 Chrysosplenium, 441, 556 Chymases, 244 Cicely, sweet, 643 Cichoriaceae, 711 Cichorium, 441, 716, 725 Cicuta, 441, 575, 642 Cigar boxes, 117, 589 Cimicifuga, 441, 532, 533 Cinchona, 441, 697 cultivated, 546, 690, 698 plantation, 698 species of, 699 substitute, 606, 620 Cineol containing oil, 544 Cinereus-a-um, 441 Cinnamic acid, 572 aldehyde, 544 Cinnamodendron, 622 Cinnamomum, 441, 543, 544, 545 Cinnamon cultivation, 545 cutting, 545 oil, 544 starch in, 148 Cinquefoil, 456 Circaea, 441, 634 Circinate, 364 Circumcissile, 413 Circumnutation, 360 Cirrhiferous, 357 Cissampelos, 441 Cistus, hairs in, 282 Citral, 233, 234. 564. 583 Citron, 441, 584 Citronellol, 564, 579 Citrullus, 441, 708, 710 Citrus, 441, 583. 584 Cladonia, 72, 74 Claptonia, 531 Claret, 607 Clavatus-a-um, 441 Clava-Herculis, 441 Clavaria, 58 Clavariaceae, 59 Claviceps, 441 Claviceps purpurea, 52 Claw, 385 Clearing agents, 755, 756 Cleavers, 446 Cleaverwort, 436 Cleft, 356 Clematis, 441, 537 cork in, 293 Climbers, 324 root, 324 Clinopodium, 441 Clitoria, 575 Clotbur, 462 Clove, 440, 441, 632 protein in, 200 starch in, 148 tree, 445 Clover, 567, 576 prairie, 449 sweet, 452 Club-like, 441 Clusia, 619, 620 Cnicin, 723 Cnicus, 441, 723 Coach-whip cactus, 621 Coal age, 99 deposits, 119 Coalescence, 390 Coca, 442, 580 family, 580 seedling, 745 Cocaine, 163, 170, 581 Cocci, 13 Coccos oil, 623 Cocculus, 442, 539 Coccus, 442, 516, 531, 606, 621, 627 lacca, 238 Cochineal insect, 627 Cochlearia, 442, 553 Cochlospermum, 223, 622 Cocillana, 516 Cocklebur, 462 Cock's-comb, 528 Cocoa (see Cacao) Brazilian, 603 Cocoa-nut, 212, 474 palm, 474 double, 427 fruit, 413 protein in, 199 Cocos, 474. 476 fruit, 413 Codeine crystals, 767 Coffea, 442, 700 Coffee, 442, 700 aroma, 700 caffeine in, 162 cultivation, 700 Kentucky, 447 picking, 702 protein in, 199 roasting, 700 substitutes, 6n, 716 sugar in, 156 INDEX. Coffee tree, 575, 701 wild, 632, 707 Coffeol, 700 Cohesion, 390 Cohosh, 434 black, 532 blue, 440, 537 Cola, 614, 615 caffeine in, 162 family, 612 Colchicum, 442, 485 Cold frames, 731 Colic-root, 435, 485 Coliguaya, 593 Collateral mestome strands, Collenchyma, 265 Colletin, 606 Collinsonia, 442 Colloidal, 140 Colocynth, 708 fruit, 410, 424 seed, 424 Colocynthis, 442 Color in autumn leaves, 178 in lichens, 72 principles, chemistry, 179 substances, cell-sap, 176, 181 substances, distribution of, 181 Coloring of flowers, artificial, 182 Colors, cell-sap, 176 function of, 181 Coltsfoot, 387, 445, 461, 723 Colubrina, 606 Columbine, wild, 536 Columbo, 539 Combretaceag, 633 Combretum, 633 hairs in, 282 Comfrey, 460, 671 Commelina, 442, 480 Commelinaceae, 480 Commiphora, 442, 586 Common mossy stonecrop, 556 Communis-e, 442 Compass plant, 723 Complete flower, 298 Compositae, 711, 712 flowers of, 387 hairs in, 288 Compound leaves, 356 Comptonia, 509 Concentric mestome strands, 342 Conduplicate, 364 Condurango, 668 Cones, 375 Confluent, 381 Conglutin, 195 Conidia, 41 Conifera-um, 442 Coniferse, uses of, 117 Coniferin, 169, 170, 171, 489 Conium, 442, 638, 640 Conjugatae, 17 Conjunctive tissue, 313 Connate-perfoliate, 356 Connective, 122, 381 Conopholis, 695, 696 Consolodin, 673 Contortae, 660 Contraction of roots, 319 Contrayerva, 444 Convallamarin, 170, 442, 486 Convallaria, 487 Convolute, 364 Convolvulaceae, 668 Convolvulus, 442, 669 Copaiba, 442, 571, 574 substitute, 621 Copal, American, 574 Brazilian, 574 Chakazzi, 574 East Indian, 587 Inhambane, 574 resins, 574 Sierra Leone, 574 Zanzibar, 574 Copalchi, 592 Copalchin, 592 Copernicia, 474 cerifera, 214 Copper acetate solution, 761 treatment of water, 8 Coptis, 442 Coral root, 442 Corallorhiza, 442 Corchorus, 269, 609 Cordifolius-a-um, 442 Coriamyrtin, 595 Coriander, 442 protein in, 200 Coriandrum, 442, 637 Coriaraceae, 594 Coriaria, 594 Coriarious-a-um, 442 Cork cells, 290 development, 293 Corm, 329. 477 Corn, 467 Black Mexican, 178 cockle, 434, 446 seed, 426 Indian, 462 root-tip, 300 oil in, 213 protein in, 199 silk, 178 starch in, 148 sugar in, 156 Cornaceae, 643 Cornel, 442 Cornin, 643 Cornus, 442, 388, 643 Corolla, 382, 402 Corona, 623 Coronilla, 442, 575 Cortex, 310 secondary, 313 Corydaline, 551 Corydalis, 209, 551 Corylus, 442, 510 Corymb, 394 Corymbine, 702 Corynine, 702 Cotoneaster, 562 Cotton, 447 fiber, 269 protein in, 199 Sea Island, 610 seed, oil in, 213 oil, 611 Cotula, 442 Cotyledon, 299, 426 Couch-grass, 468 Coumarin, 472 in polypodium, 96 Couroupita, 629 Corillea, 581 Cowhage, 452, 576 Cranberry, 656 American, 655 European, 656 fruit, 417 small, 655 tree, 704 Cranesbill, 446 Crassulacea?, 556 Cratsegus, 442, 565 Crateriform, 388 Cratoxylum, 619 Crawley root, 453 Cream nut, 630 Crea.m-of-tartar tree, 612 Crecopia, 516 Cremocarp, 417, 636 Crenate, 356 Crenulatus-a-um, 442 Creosote, 512 bush, 580 Cress, Indian, 579 Cretian origanum, 679 Crinum, 492 Crispus-a-um, 442 Croceine M. O. O., 182 Crocin, 493, 704 Crocus, 442, 493, 704 pollen of, 404. 405 stigma of, 405 Crops, harvesting of, 738 Cross-pollination, 560 Cross-section, 749 Crotalaria, 442, 575 Crotin, 198 Croton, 443, 591-593 oil in, 213 Crowfoot, 457, 532 Crown-galls, 335 Crucifer-a-um, 443 Crucifers, 551, 574 INDEX. 785 Cruciger-a-utn, 443 Curare poison, 539 Cryptogams, 5 Curarine, 662 vascular, 86 Curatella, 615 Crystal, 769 Curcas, oil in, 213 biaxial, 774 Curcin, 198 clusters, 185 Curcuma, 494 codeine, 767 protein in, 200 columnar, 183 Curcumin, 496 fibers. 187 Currant, 457, 558 hexagonal, 774 Buffalo, 558 h'ydrastine, 77O fetid, 558 membrane, 189 protein in, 199 micro, 187 sugar in, 156 microtechnic, 776 Cuscuta, 670 monoclinic, 183, 184, 774 Cuscutin, 670 of fixed oils, 211 Cusparia, 443, 585 of reagents, 762 Cusso, 443, 447, 565 orthorhombic, 183, 774 Custard apple, 543 piperine, 771 family, 541 sand, 188 Cutin, 277 solitary, 183 Cutose, 257 sphere, 192 Cyanol, P. P., 182 strychnine crystals, 769 Cyanophyceae, 8 tetragonal, 183, 774 glycogen in, 154 triclinic, 774 Cyanus, 443 uniaxial, 774 Cycads, in Crystalline wax, 216 Cyclamen, 656 Crystallographic method of hairs in, 282 examination, 767 Cydonia, 560 Crystalloidal, 140 Cylindric leaves, 349 Crystalloids, 193, 199 Cyme, 395 Cubeb, 443, 504 dibrachious, 395 substitute, 541 helicoid, 395 Cubebin, crystals, 768 rrionobrachious, 395 Cuckoo-pint, 437 Cymene, 643 Cucumber, 710 Cyminum, 443 protein in, 199 Cynara, 726 squirting, 444, 709 Cynips, 511 sugar in, 156 Cynoglossine, 6?3 tree, 540 Cynoglossum, 443, 673 sour, 612 Cynomorium, 519 Cucumis, 443, 710 Cyperaceae, 472 Cucurbita, 443, 709 Cyperus, 443, 472, 473 Cucurbitaceae, 708 Cypripedium, 443, 496, 498, Cudbear, 74 501 Cudrania, 516 Cystoliths, 200 Cud weed, 446 Cystopus, 44 Cultivated and wild plants, Cystotyles, 201 value of, 739 Cytases, 244 Cultivation of medicinal Cytisine, 575 plants, 727 Cytisus, 443, 569 progress in, 744 Cytology, 13^*^** -^ Culver's root, 450, 689 Cytoplasm, 2, 135 Cumarin, 173 Cumin, 443, 643 Daisy, 712 oil, 643 fleabane, 713 Cuminum, 443, 643 white, 718, 724 Cunila, 443, 681 Damascenus-a-um, 443 Cup or bur, 510 Damiana, 623 Cupana, 443 Damianin, 623 Cuphea, 628 Dammar, black, 587 Cupule, 420 Dandelion, 460, 712 Curanga, 691 hairs in, 288 Curanjiin, 691 Daphne, 443, 627 Curare, 662 Daphnin, 170 D-arabinose, 169 Dark field illumination, 765 Date palm, 208, 473 endosperm in, 265 Dates, 475 Datisca, 625 Datiscaceae, 624 Datiscin, 169, 625 Datura, 443, 682, 684 ferment in, 244 Daucus, 443 Day-flower, 442, 480 Deadly nightshade, 684 Decandrus-a-um, 443 Deciduous, 388 Definite inflorescence, 394 Dehiscence, 411 Dehydrating agent, 755, 756 Delafield's haematoxylin so- lution, 760 Delphinium, 443, 535, 574 Dentate, 356 Dentatus-a-um, 443 Dermatogen, 253 Derris, 575 Descent of plants, 133 Desmids, 17 Desmodium, 361, 443 Development, arrested, 391 of stomata, 368 Devil's apron, 30 Devonian age, 99 Dewberry, Northern, 563 Dextrin, 147 Dextro-glucose, 155 Dextrose, 155, 563 Diandrous, 381 Dianthus, 443 species of, 531 Diaporthe parasitica, 54 Diastase, 242 Diatomaceous Earth, 38 Diatoms, 35 Dibrachious (cyme), 395 Dicentra, 443, 551 Dicotyledonous stem struc- ture, 339 Dicotyledons, 120, 501 Dictamus, 225, 443 Dicypellium, 544, 546 Didymus-a-um, 443 Didynamous, 381 Diervilla, 443, ?o? Digitalin, 169, 170 Digitalis, 443, 690 hairs of, 284, 285 section of leaf, 372 seedlings, 743 Digitalose, 169 Digitonin, 169 Digitoxin, 169 Dill, 436 garden, 643 oil, 643 protein in, 200 786 INDEX. Dillenia, 615 Dilleniaceae, 615 Dimorphic flowers, 399 Dioicus-a-um, 444 Dionaea, 362, 554 Dioscorea, 444, 492 stem of, 322 Dioscoreaceae, 492 Diosphenol, 582 Diospyros, 444, 659 hairs in, 282 Dipentene, 722 Diphyllus-a-um, 444 Diplococci, 14 Dipsacaceae, 707 Dipsacus, 444, 708 Dipterocarpaceas, 620 Dipterocarpus, 620 Dirca, 444, 627 Disaccharose, 154 Discaria, 606 Discoid head, 711 Disk-flower, 711 Dissepiment, 411, 378 false, 378 Dissotis, 634 Distichous, 363 Dita, 435 Ditch stonecrop, 454, 556 Dittany, 443 American, 682 Divergence, 363 Divided, 356 Divi-divi, tannin in, 206 Divining rod, 558 Division, internal, 5 Doassansia, 67 Dock, curled, 523 sorrel, 458 Dodder, 670 Dogbane, 436 family, 664 spreading, 664 Dog's-tooth violet, 485 Dogwood, 442 family, 643 flowering, 643 Jamaica, 448, 575 . .Domesticus-a-um, 444 Domingensis-e, 444 Doona, 621 Dorema, 444, 639 Dorsal pneumatic tissue, 366 suture, 377 Dorsiventral flowers, 393 leaves, 349, 366 Dorstenia, 444 Double flowers, 714 staining, 762 Douglas fir, 114 spruce, 119 Dracaeno, 489 Dracontomelum, 599 Dragon's blood, 474, 488 Dragon tree, 489 Drimys, 540 Drosera, 361, 444, 554 Droseraceae, 554 Drugs, curing of, 738 drying of, 737, 738 physiological testing of, 248 selection of, 737 Drupe, 418, 426 Driizenzotten, 222 Dryobalanops, 620 Dryopteris, 87, 90, 92, 444 hairs of, 284 Dry yeast, lecithin in, 214 Duckweed, 450 family, 478 Ducts (see Tracheae), 273 Dulcamara, 444, 684 Dulce, Irish, 34 Dulcis-e, 444 Dulcitol, 156 Duration of calyx and corolla, 388 Dutch clover, 472 Dutchman's breeches, 550 Dwarf branch, 374 Dye, leather, 633 Dyer's broom, 574 Dyes, aniline, as staining agents, 75? non-aniline, as staining agents, 757 Dynamic centers of cell, 140 Dysentericus-a-um, 444 Dzaini, 562 Early sweet blueberry, 653 Eau D'Ange, 632 de Creole, 620 Ebenaceae, 444, 659 Ebenales, 658 Ebony, 444, 659 black, 659 family, 659 green, 659 red, 659 striped, 659 white, 659 Ecballium, 444, 709 Echinacea, 723 oil canals in, 224 phytomelane in, 260 Echinate, 354 Echinocarpus, 607 Ecology, i Edestin, 195 Eelgrass, 466 Egg apparatus, 298 cell, 124, 298 plant, 688 Elseagnaceae, 628 Elaeagnus, 628 Elaeis, 474 Elaeocarpaceae, 607 Elaeocarpus, 608 Elastic, 444 Elastica, 241, 592 Elasticity, 774 Elasticus-a-um, 444 Elaterin, 709 Elaterium, 444, 709 Elaters, 82 Elder, 458 American, 706 black, 706 mountain, 706 red-berried, 706 Elecampane, 448, 720 Elemi, Bengal, 586 Manila, 586 resin, 586 West India, 586 Eleocharis, 444, 472 Elettaria, 444, 494 Eleusine, 467 Elm, 461, 512 American, 512 cross-section of wood, 346 family, 512 slippery, 513 white, 512 Eluteria, 444 Emarginate, 355 Emasculated, 451 Embryo-sac, 108, 120, 298 Emodin, 170 Emulsins, 243 Enchanter's nightshade, 634 Endocarp, 410 Endodermis, 310 Endosmosis, 251 Endosperm, 108, 127, 425 of date palm, 265 structure of, 429 Endospore, 12, 41 Endothecium, 404 Endothia radicalis, 54 Entada, 575 Enterolobium, 575 Entomophilous, 402 Environment, 130 Enzymes, 241 diastatic, 242 Eperua, 576 Ephemeral, 388 Epicarp, 410 Epicotyl, 299, 426 Epidermal cells, 277 Epidermis, 309, 369 Epigaea, 444, 644, 649 Epigeous shoot, 321, 322 Epigynous, 389 Epilobium, 634 Epipactis, 503 Epiphytes, 306 Equisetaceae, 444 Equisetales, 96 Equisetums, 96, 444 Equitant leaves, 349 Erectus-a-um, 444 INDEX. 787 Ergot, 52, 155, 441, 444 Ericaceae, 444, 644 microsublimates of, 173 Ericales, 644 Ericolin, 655 Erigeron, 444, 713 Eriobotyra, 562 Eriodendron, 611 Eriodictyon, 444, 670 hairs of, 284, 286 Erysimum, 445, 553 Erytaurin, 664 Erythraea, 664 Erythronium, 485 Erythrophlceum, 575 Erythroxylaceae, 580 Erythroxylon, 445, 580 Eschscholtzia, 547, 550 Esculentus-a-um, 445 Esparto, 472 Esters, 234 Estivation, 389 Etaerio, 419 Ether, phenol, 234 Euasci, 47 Eucalyptol, 631 Eucalyptus, 445, 631 kino, 631 oil, 631 seedling, 745 species of, 631 Eucitrus, 583 Eugenia, 445, 631 Eugenol, 234, 544, 546 Euonymus, 239, 445, 600 Eupatorin, 713 Eupatorium, 445, 712 Euphorbia, 445, 591, 592, 594 Euphorbiaceae, 590 Euphorbium, 593 Euphorbon, 593 Europaeus-a-um, 445 Euryale, 532 Evening primrose, 436, 634, 635 family, 634 Evergreen, 459 Evernia, 73 Evolution, 129, 247 Excelsin, 195 Excelsus-a-um, 445 Excoecaria, 592 Exine, 123, 404 Exocarp, 410 Exodermis, 309 Exogonium, 445, 668 Exosmosis, 251 Exospores, 41 Exothecium, 404 Experimental farms, 732- 735 Extraordinary ray, 774 Extrorse, 380 Fabiana, 684 Fagaceae, 511 Fagales, 510 Fagopyrum, 445, 526, 527 Fagus, 445 species of, 512 Fairy-ring fungus, 58 False beech-drops, 644 dissepiment, 378 flax, 439 hellebore, 462, 537 indigo, 435, 438 mitre wort, 460, 556 nettle, 438 Solomon's seal, 484, 485 spikenard, 484 unicorn root, 491 winter's bark, 622 Fan palms, 473 Farfara, 445 Farinosae, 480 Farinosus-a-um, 445 Farms, experimental, 732- 735 Fastigiatus-a-um, 445 Fats, 210 physiology, 216 Fatty oils, 546 resins, 238 Fegatella, 272 Fennel, 445, 639 flower, 453 protein in, 200 Ferments, 241 in stinging hairs, 287 in yeast, 49 microchemistry of, 245 Fern, flowering, 454 fossil, 104 male, 445 palms, in sensitive, 453 used in medicine, 96 walking, 92 water, 94 Fertile, 121 Fertilis-e, 445 Fertilization, 125, 397 Ferula, 445, 639 Fetid, 445 Fever bush, 438 hay, 726 Fibers, bast, 268 isolation of, 270 sclerenchymatous, 268,270 strength of, 269 Fibrovascular strand, 313 Ficus, 241, 445, 513,514,515 ferment in, 244 latex in, 240 species of, 516 Field sorrel, 524, 525 penny cress, 553 Fig. 515 ferment in, 244 Fig, Indian, 626, 627 protein in, 199 Figwort family, 688 Fiji oil, 519 Filament, 379, 404 Filbert, 442, 510 Filicales, 87 Filix-mas, 445 Fir, 213, 434 California silver, na red, 119 Scotch, 117 tannin in, 206 white, 119 Fisetin, 180 Fishberries, 539 Fish poison, 517, 539, 604, 606 Fistula, 445 Fixing agents, 755 Flacourtiaceae, 622 Flats, plant, 730 Flavon, 170 Flavone, 180 Flax, 450 family, 579 Flaxseed, oil in, 213 protein in, 199 structure of, 428 Fleabane, 444 Canada, 713 daisy, 713 Philadelphia, 713 sweet scabious, 713 Flea seed, 456 , - Fleur-de-lis, 448 Floral envelopes, 382 leaves, 120, 375 Florets, 711 Florida moss, 480 Flour, gluten, 196 Graham, 196 Flower, 374 Flowers, classes of, 392 cleistogamous, 391 complete, 392 diagrams, 505 double, 390, 714 inner structure of, 402 insect, 718 ligulate, 395, 7H of Angiosperms, 375 of Compositae, 387 of Gymnosperms, 375 of Solanaceae, 385 outer morphology of, 374 parts of, 374 stalks, 376, 402 sun, 447 tubular, 39 ', 711 types of, 3"3 Flueggea, 593 Fceniculum, 445, 639 aleurone grains of, 194 Foetida, 629 7 88 INDEX. Foetidus-a-um, 445 Fog-fruit, 450 Folia Malabanthri, 568 Follicle, 419 Fontinalis, 85 Food, bird, 696 of plants, 248 Fore-leaves. 393. 466 Forget-me-not, 453, 670 Formaldehyde, 234 Forms of leaves, 354 of plants, alterations in, 332 Fossil Coniferae, 119 Fouquieria, 621 Four o'clock family, 528 Foxglove, 443, 690 Fragaria, 445, 566 fruit, 415 species of, 567 Fragilaria, 37 Fragrance due to volatile oils, 234 Fragrans, 445 Fragrant, 445 Frames, cold, 731 Frangula, 445 Frangulin, 169, 170 w Frankincense, 587 Frasera, 445 Fraseri, 446 Fraxetin, 66 1 Fraxin, 169, 170, 661 Fraxinus, 446, 66 1 glandular hairs in, 230 Fremontia, 615 French plum, 562 Fringe tree, 441, 661 Fructose, 154, 155 Fructosidase, 242 Fruit acids, 563 ethers, 564 jellies, 243 outer morphology of, 408 structure of, 421 sugars, 155, 563 Fruits, classification of, 421 different types of, 409 Fuchsia, 634 Fuchsin, as staining agent, 7S7 Fucose, 154 Fuller's teasel, 708 Fulvus-a-um, 446 Fumaria, 209, 446, 547, 550 Fumariaceae, 209 Fumarine, 548, 550 Fumitory, 446, 550 European, 550 Funaria, 85 Function of leaf, 350 Fungi, 7. 40 constituents of 41 coral, 58, 59 detection of, 70 Fungi, economic uses, 65 edible, 59 ferments of, 242, 244 gill, glycogen in, 154 groups of, 41 imperfecti, 70 jelly, 59 leather, 59 poisonous, 6l pore, 59 rust, 65, 68 smut, 65 stinck-horn, 59 Fungus chirurgorum, 65 Funifera, 627 Fusanus, 519 Fustin, 169, 170 Galactose, 169 Galangal, 494 Galbalus, 419 Galbanum, 639 Galeopsis, 446 Galetae, 388 Galium, 446, 697, 704 Gallicus-a-um, 446 Galls, 206, 334, 446, 511 Chinese, 597 crown, 335 fungus, 334 hard. 334 Japanese, 597 of Terminalia, 633 soft, 334 Gamboge, 597, 618, 619 Gamete, 5, 298 Gametophyte, 75, 108, 298 Gamopetalous, 385 Gamosepalous, 385 Garcinia, 446, 618, 619, 620 Garden bean, 576 beets, protein in, 199 heliotrope, 670 lilac, 661 pea, 576 rue, 585 strawberry, 566 Gardenia, 446, 704 Garlic, 435, 485 mustard, 553 protein in, 199 Gaultherase, 243, 644 Gaultheria, 446, 644, 650 Gaultherin, 169, 170 Gaylussacia, 446, 652 fruit, 414 Gelidium, 34 Gelsemium, 446, 661 Genista, 446, 574, 575 Gentian, 446, 663 American, 664 bottle, 663 closed, 663 Gentian family, 663 fringed, 664 horse, 706 rhizome of, 331 violet, as staining agent, 757 yellow, 663 Gentianaceae, 663 Gentianales, 660 Gentinin, 169 Gentisein, 180 Geotropism, negative, 320 positive, 302 Geraniaceae, 578 Geraniales, 577 Geraniol, 233, 564, 579, 583 Geranium, 446, 571 family, 578 fruit, 409 grass oil, 472 hairs in, 282 rose, 579 Geranyl acetate, 234 Gerardia, purple, 693 German chamomile, 715 Germander, 460 Germination, time of, 730 Geum, 446 Gigartina, 33, 446 Gilead balsam, 587 Ginger, 462, 494 beer, 49 family, 494 grass oil, 472 protein in, 200 starch in, 148 wild, 437, 520 Ginseng, 305, 454. 636, 638 cultivation of, 735 family, 636 Girardinia, 517 Githago, 446 Glaber-bra-brum, 446 Glabrous, 369 Glaeocapsa, 72 Glandular, 354 Glandulifer-a-um, 446 Glandulosus-a-um, 446 Glans, 420 Glaucium, 446, 550 Glaucous, 370 Glechoma, 681 Gleditschia, 575 Gliadins, 195 Globe artichoke, 726 Globoids, 193 Globulins, 192 Globulus, 446 Glosocapsa, 8 Gloiopeltis, 34 Gluco-alkaloids, 172 Glucose, 154 Glucosidal resins, 238 Glucosidase, 242 Glucoside, 155, 167 INDEX. 789 Glucoside, classification of, 169 dextrose, 169 distribution of, 169 function of, 172 microchemistry of, 171 rhamnose, 169 Glumes, 466 Glumiflorae, 466 Glutamin, 253 Glutelins, 194, 195 Gluten, 196 flour, 196 Glutinosus-a-um, 446 Glutinous, 446 Glycerin-jelly, 763 Glycine, 576 Glycinin, 195 Glycocoll, 192 Glycogen, 154 Glycoside, 167 Glycyphyllin, 169 Glycyrrhiza, 446, 568 Gnaphalium, 446 Gnidia, 627 Goa powder, 441 Goat's beard, 461 Goldenrod, 459, 712, 726 anise-scented, 722 nigh, 721 Golden seal, 448, 532 ; Gold flower, 441 Goldthread, 442 Gonidium, 71 Goodyera, 503 Gooseberry, 457, 557 fruit, 418 protein in, 199 sugar in, 156 Goosefoot, 441, 527 Gossypitrin, 169 Gossypium, 447, 6iO fiber, 269 Gouania, 447, 606 Gourd, 443 family, 708 Gracilaria, 34 Graham flour, 196 Grain, 417 pollen, 298 Graminales, 466 Gramineae, 447, 466 Granatum, 447, 629 Grape, 462, 606 fern, Virginia, 365 fruit, 584 protein in, 199 seed, oil in, 213 sugar, 155, 606 sugar in, 156 vine, 606 Grass, 447 beard, 436 family, 466 holy, 448 Grass of Parnassus, 556 panic, 454 pepper, 450, 553 scurvy, 442, 553 sweet vernal, 436 worm, 459 Gratiola, 447, 691 Gratiolin, 691 Graveolens, 446 Gravity, influence of, 301' Greek valerian, 671 Grenadier's borax-carmine solution, 760 haematoxylin solution, 760 Grevillea, 518 Grewia, 609 Grias, 629 Grifnthsia, 40 Grimmia, 85 Grindelia, 447, 713 Gromwell, 450 Groundsel, 459 tree, 437 Growing point, 253 Growth, factors influencing, 246, 247 Guaiac, 447 Guaiacum, 447, 580, 581 Guarana, 162, 447, 454, 603 Guarea, 516 Guava, 632 Guayava, 632 Guazuma, 615 Guelder-rose, wild, 704 Gulf weed, 31 Gum, 218, 565, 599 acajou, 599 anacardium, 223 arabic, 222, 569 balata, 659 chagual, 223 chewing, 659 chicle, 659 cocoa-palm, 223 East Indian, 223 exuding, 447 moringa, 223 plant, 447 red, 574 resin, 225, 236 spruce, 119 tragacanth, 218, 569, 570 tree, sweet, 558 yellow. 574 Gumbo, 611 Gummifer-a-um, 447 Gummy, 444 Gurjun balsam, 621 Gurjunic acid, 621 Gutta-percha, 241, 658 Guttiferae, 618 Guvacine, 474 Gymnocladus, 447, 575 Gymnosperms, 101 Gymnosperms, flowers of, 375 groups of, in Gymnosporangium, 115 Gynaecium, 376 Gynandrous, 382 Gynocardia, 623 Gypsophila, 447, 531 Gysbertsiana, 621 Habenaiia, 447, 499, 500 Hadrome, 312 Haematoxylin, 180 Haematoxylon, 447, 571 Hagenia, 447, 565, 566 Hairs, abietiform, 287 candelabra, 287 crystal containing, 287 false plant, 290 glandular, 222, 228, 281 hooked, 286 lignified, 290 nonglandular, 283 papillose, 286 peltate, 286 plant, 279 shaggy, 285 stellate, 286 stinging, 287 types of, 281 uniseriate, 286 Hamamelidaceae, 558 Hamamelis, 447, 558, 559 Hanburii, 447 Hand microtome, 749 Hardening agent, 755, 756 Hard galls, 334 Hardhock, 459 Hard rush, 493 Hardwickia, 571 Harvesting of crops, 738 Hashish, 516 Haustoria, 306, 518 Haw, black, 704 Hawthorn, 442, 565 Hay fever, 726 Hazelnut, 442, 510 Chilian, 518 oil in, 213 protein in, 199 Hazelwort, 437 Head, 395 Heart's ease, 462 Heath, 444 family, 644 Heather, 439 Hedeoma, 447, 676 Hedera, 447, 636 Hederic acid, 636 Hedge hyssop, 447. 452; Helenium, 447, 723 Helianthemum, 447 Helianthenin, 150, 726 Helianthus, 447, 725 Helicteres, 615 790 INDEX. Heliotrope, 447 garden, 670 Heliotropism, 349 Heliotropium, 447, 670 Helixin, 636 Hellebore, 447 black, 537 false, 537 Helleborein, 537 Helleborus, 447, 537 Helonias, 491 Hemiasci, 47 Hemlock, 113, 461 poison, 442, 638, 640 tannin in, 205, 206 (Tsuga), 119 water, 441, 575, 642 Hemp, 439 fiber, 269, 514 nettle, 446 oil in, 213 sisal, 492 yellow, 625 Hempwood, climbing, 452 Henbane, 448, 684 Henequen, 492 Henna plant, 629 Hepaticae, 80, 447 Herb, annual, 329, 330 biennial, 330 perennial, 330 quinine, 664 Herba Centaurii Minoris, 664 cochleariae, 553 Herbaceous, 447 Herbaceus-a-um, 447 Herbs, 329 Hercules, club of, 441 Hermaphrodite, 392 Herniaria, 531 Hesperidin, 151. 169, i?o, 585 Hesperidium, 419 Hesperis, 447, 583 hairs in, 282 Heterocysts, n Heterosporous, 87 Heuchera, 447, 556 Hevea. 241, 447, 592, 594 Hexose, 154 Hibiscus, 448, 611 Hickory, 333, 509 cross-section of wood, 346 Hicoria, 365, 509, 510 Hierochloe, 448, 472 High-bush huckleberry, 652 Hilum, 425 of starch grain, 144 Hinna, 629 Hippocastanaceae, 602 Hippocastanum, 448 Hirsute, 354 Hirsutus-a-um, 448 Hispid, 354 Hispidus-a-um, 448 Histology, i Hoarhound, white, 676 Hold-fast, 30 Holly, 448 American, 600 Christmas, 600 dahoon, 600 European, 600 family, 600 leaved barberry, 436 Hollyhock, 435, 609, 611 Homalium, 623 Honesty, 553, 554 Honey, 402 dew, 157 poison, 402 , Honeysuckle, 450 bush, 443, 707 family, 704 Hopea, 621 Hop, hornbeam, 454 substitute, 606, 621 tree, 585 Hops. 448, SIS Hordeum, 448, 467, 468 Horehound, fetid, 437 water, 451 Hornbeam, 440, 510 Horsebalm, 442 chestnut, 434, 448, 602 gentian, 706 mint, 679 radish, 553 tails, 96, 444 Hound's tongue, 443, 673 Houstonia, 448, 697 Hoyer's picro-carmine solu- tion, 760 Huckleberry, 446, 654 black, 652 fruit, 414 sugar in, 156 Humulene, 508, 509 Humulus, 448, 514 hairs in, 282 Humus, 249 Hura, 592 Hyacinth, 485 Hydnocarpus, 623 Hydrangea, 448, 556 wild, 556 Hydrangin, 556 Hydrastine, 162, 770 Hydrastis, 161, 448, 532 alkaloids, 174, 175 farming, 734. 735 Hydrochinon, 176 Hydrodictyon, 22 Hydrophilous, 401 Hydrophyllaceae, 670 Hydropiper, 448 Hymenenasa, 574 Hymenium, 57 Hymenocallis, 448, 492 Hyoscyamus, 385, 448, 684 branching hairs in, 289 fruit, 409, 412 structure of seed, 429 tracheae of, 274 Hypecoum, 547 Hypericaceae, 618, 620 Hypericum, 448, 620 Hypha, 41 Hypnum, 85 Hypocotyl, 299, 426 Hypocrateriform, 388 Hypodermis, 309 Hypogeous shoot, 321, 325 Hyssop, 691 garden, 679 Hyssopus, glandular hairs in, 230 hesperidin in, 153 Ice-plant, 529 Icthyomethia, 448 Idaeus, 448 Idioblasts, 207, 208 Ilex, 448, 600, 601 Ilicaceae, 600 Ilicin, 600 Illicium, 448, 540 Illipe, 659 Imbricated, 389 Impari-pinnate, 357 Impatiens, 448, 604 Imperfect flower, 392 Incumbent, 427 Indefinite inflorescence, 394 Index, refractive, 774 India Bdellium, 587 rubber, 516, 592 senna, 567 Indian cress, 579 cucumber, 485 root, 435 fig, 626, 627 hemp, 436 licorice, 434 mallow, 610 pipe, 452, 644 Suringi, 620 tobacco, 710 turnip, 477, 480 Indican, 169, 574 Indicus-a-um, 448 Indigo, 527, 573 blue, 180, 574 forming glucoside, 553 wild, 573 Indigofera, 573 tinctoria, 180 Indigotin, 180 Inflatus-a-um, 448 Inflorescence, 393, 394 Influence of gravity, 301 Infundibuliform, 388 Infusorial earth, 38 Inhambane copal, 574 INDEX. 791 Injury to plants, 172 Ink-ball, 335, 512 gall, 335, 512 tree, 597 Innate, 381 Inner structure of leaf, 365 of root, 309 of stem, 338 Inosit, 607, 636 Insect flowers, 718 Insect visitation of flowers, 399 Insectivorous plants, fer- ments in, 244 Intine, 404 Intrafascicular cambium, 341 Inula, 387, 448, 720 hairs in, 288 phytomelane in, 261 Inulenin, 150, 726 Inulin, 150, 725 Inulinase, 242 Invertase, 242 Involucre, 395 Involute, 364 Iodine in seaweeds, 40 solution, 761 in water, 760, 761 lonon, 622 Ipecac, 448, 699 wild, 706 Ipecacuanha, 440, 448 Ipomcea, 448 Iridaceae, 492 Iridin, 169 Iris, 332, 448, 492 Iron solutions, 761 Irone, 234 Ironwood, 454, 510, 659 Irregular flower, 393 Irritability. 358 Irvingia, 586 Isatis, 553 Islandicus-a-um, 448 Isoetes, 97, 449 Isometric system, 764 Isoptera, 621 Isoquinoline, 166, 180 Isosporous, 87 Iva, 448 Ivory, vegetable, endosperm in, 265 Ivy, 441, 447 English, 636 ground, 68 1 poison, 595, 596 Ixina, 449 Jaborandi, 449, 455, 582 Jacaranda, 691 Jack-in-the-pulpit, 477 Jack-tree, 516 Jalapa, 449 substitute, 528 Jamaica dogwood, 575 Jambosa, 631 Jambuse berries, 632 Japanese lacquer, 597 medlar, 562 aoy bean, 576 Japan-wax, 212 Jateorhiza, 539 Jatropha, 591 Jellies, fruit, 243 Jelly, Kaiser's glycerin, 763 Jequirity, 575 Jessamine, yellow, 661 Jewel-weed family, 604 Jimson weed, 443, 684 Joannesia, 591 Juglandales, 509 Juglans, 449, 509, 5io cross-section of wood, 346 Juglansin, 195 Juglon, 179 Julocroton, hairs in, 282 Juncaceae, 493 Juncus, 493 Jungermania, 83, 85 Juniper, 116 Juniperus, 118 Jussieua, 634 Jute fiber, 269 Kadsura, 540 Kaiser's glycerin-jelly, 763 Kalmia, 174, 449, 648 Kamala, 449, 451, 592 hairs of, 285 Kapac oil, 6n Kavaine, 508 Kava-kava, 177, 452, 508 Ketones, 234 Kidney bean, protein in, 199 Kiggelaria, 623 Killing agent, 755 Kinic acid, 655 Kino, 449, 569 American, 569, 571 Brazil, 593 eucalyptus, 631 Kittool, 476 Kittul, 476 Kiurushi, 597 Kleister, 145 Knot weed, 456 Kola nut tree, 614 Krameria, 449. 57 1 Kraunhia, 575 Kristallsand, 188 Kuhnia (Wisteria), 449 Kuhnistera, 449 Kumquat orange, 584 Labellum, 388 Labiatae, 449, 673 Laburnum, 575 Lac, 597 Japanese, 597 tree, 245 Laccase, 597 Laccases, 245 Lace-tree, 628 Lacinaria, 449, 722 Laciniatus-a-um, 449 Lacquer, black, 245 Japanese, 597 trees, 597 Lactarius, 65 Lactuca, 449, 712 milk-juice of, 241 Lactucarium, 241, 44* 712 Lady's mantle, 435 slipper, 443 thumb, 455 Laetia, 623 Laevulose, 155 Lafaensia, 628 Lagerstrcemia, 629 Lagetta, 628 Lamellae, 259 middle, 254 secondary, 255 Lamina, 348, 385 Laminaria, 30 Lamium, 449 Lanate, 354 Lanceolatus-a-um, 449 Landolphia, 241 Langsdorffia, 519 Langsdorffii, 449, 571 Laplaceae, 618 Laportea, 449, 517 Lappa, 449 Larch, tannin in, 206 Larix, 118 Larkspur, 443, 535, 574 Lateral branches, 312 root, 301, 312 Laterifolius-a-um, 449 Laticiferous vessels, 240 Latex, 238, 546 Lathyrus, 450, 576 Lauraceae, 450, 544 Laurel, 450, 544 bay, 461 great, 647 ground, 444 mountain, 648 noble, 544 nut, 212 oil, 619 sheep, 449, 648 spurge, 627 Laurus, 544 Lavandula, 450 hairs in, 282, 284 Lavender, 450, 676 pollen of, 404 sea, 450 spike, 676 true, 676 Lawsonia, 450, 629 Layer, resinogenous, 226 Leaf, apex of, 354 792 INDEX. Leaf, base of, 356 bifacial, 366 climber, 324 dorsiventral, 366 functions of, 350 inner structure of, 365 margin of, 356 mold, formation of, 249 netted-veined, 353 outer morphology of leaf, 348 palmi-nerved, 353 parallel- veined, 352 reticulate, 353 simple, 348 teeth, glandular, 283 unifacial, 366 venation, 352 Leaflets, 356 Leather, dye, 633 wood, 444, 627 Leaves, 299, 348 anatomical differences in, 370 autumn, 178 bifacial, 349 compound, 356 cylindric, 349 decay of, 250 divergence of, 363 dorsiventral, 349 equitant, 349 foliage, 1 20 forms of, 354 modified, 364 movement of, 357 scale, 1 20 sporangial, 120 surface of, 353 sword-shaped, 349 texture of, 354 Lecanora, 74 Lecidea, 75 Lecithin, 214 Lecythidaceae, 629 Lecythis, 629 Ledum, 450 Leek, 485 Legume, 419 Legumelin, 195 Legumin, 195, 576 Leguminosae, 450, 567, 575 Lemna, 300 Lemnaceae, 450, 478 Lemon, 450, 584 oil, 584 protein in, 199 Lens, 450, 576 Lenticels, 291, 292 Lenticus, 450 Lentil, 450, 576 protein in, 199 starch in, 148 sugar in, 157 Lentus-a-um, 450 Lenzites, 62 Leontin, 538 Leonurus, 450, 682 Lepargyreea, 628 Lepidium, 450, 544 Lepidodendron, 100 Leptandra, 450 Leptilon, 713 Leptome, 276, 312 Leptospermum, 632 Lettuce, 449 poison, 712 Leucadendron, 450, 517 Leucaena, 575 Leuco-compounds, 179 Leucoplastids, 136, 137 Leucosin, 195 Leucospermum, 518 Leucothce, 648 Levisticum, 450, 643 Levo-glucose, 155 Levulose, 155, 563 Lianas, 324 Liane, 324, 602 Libriform, 270 Lichens, 71 color in, 179 economic uses of, 73 on Rhamnus Purshianus, 292 roots of, 73 Licorice, 568 fern, 96 section of, 271 Spanish, 568 wild, 704 Life-processes, 134 Light relation of leaves, 349 shoot, 329 Lignin, 256, 580 Lignocellulose, 256 Lignone, 256 Ligulate flower, 711 Ligule, 356 Liguliflorae, 711 Ligusticunij 450 Ligustrum, 450, 66 1 Lilac, 460 garden, 66 1 Liliaceae, 450, 485 Liliales, 485 Liliiflorae, 485 Lilium, 485 Lily, 450, 485 lotus, 453 of the valley, 442, 485, 487 spider, 448 yellow pond, 453 Lima beans, protein in, 199 Limb, 386 Lime fruit, 584 tree, 608 Limnophila, 358 Limonene, 583 Limonium, 450 Limonu-m, 450, 584 Linaceae, 450, 579 Linalool, 233, 564, 583 Linalyl acetate, 234 Linamarin, 169 Linaria, 691 Linariin, 691 Linden, 461, 608, 609 hesperidin in, 153 Lindera, 544 Linen, 580 Linodendron, 628 Linseed, oil in, 213 Linum, 579 structure of, 428 Lion's foot, 723 Lippia, 450, 673 Lippiol, 673 Liquidambar, 450, 558 Liquorice (see Licorice) Liriodendrin, 540 Liriodendron, 450, 539 Lithospermum, 450 Litmus, 74 Litsea, 546 Liverworts, 76, 80, 82, 83 Lobed, 356 Lobelia, 384, 450, 710 blue, 710 red, 710 section of leaf, 370 seed-coat, 429 Lobeliaceae, 450 Loco, 574, 575 Loculicidal, 412 Locust, 457. 567, 576 Loeffler's methylene blue, 757 Logania, 450, 66r Loganiaceae, 450, 661 Logwood, 571 Lomatia, 518 Lonchocarpus, 575 Lonicera, 450, 707 Loosestrife, 451, 628 purple, 628 Lophophora, 625 Lophophorine, 625 Loranthaceae, 450, 518 Loranthus, 518 Lotus, 450, 532 Lovage, 450, 643 Lucerne, 577 Luff a, 710 Luffa-sponge, 710 Lumen, false, 269 Lunaria, 450, 553, 554 Lungwort, 456 Lupeol acetate, 659 Lupine, 451, 574 seeds, lecithin in, 214 Lupinidine, 575 Lupinin, 575 Lupinine, 575 Lupinus, 451, 575 INDEX. 793 Lupinus luteus, protein in. Mammey wine, 620* ' 199 Mandarin, 584 root tubercles on, 307 Mandrake, 455 Lupulin, 515 Mangifera, 599 Lupulus, 451 Mango, 620 Lusitanicus-a-um, 451 Mangos, 599 Luteus-a-um, 451 Mangosteen, 446, 619 Luzula, 493 Mangostin, 619 Lychnis, 451, 531 Mangrove, American, 630 Lycoperdaceae, 59 forest, 304 Lycopodiaceae, 97, 45 1 swamps, 631 Lycopodium, 99, 213 Mangrovin, 588 Lycopus, 451 Manihot, 594 Lyngbya, 10 Manna, 155, 451, 565, 661 Lysigenous, 226 Briancon, 118 Lysimachia, hairs in, 282 of Israelites, 74 Lythraceae, 628 Persian, 155 Lythrum, 400, 451, 628 Mannit, 563 Mannitol, 155 Mabea, 592 Mannose, 169 Macaranga, 593 Manometer, 306 Macassar, 519 Maple, 434, 602 Mace, 212, 451, 543 sugar, 157 protein in, 200 syrup, 602 starch in, 148 Maracaibo balsam, 572 Macis (see Mace) Maranta, 496 Maclura, 451, 516 arrow root, 496 Maclurin, 180 Marantaceae, 496 - Macrocystis, 30 Marasmius, 58 Maculatus-a-um, 451 Marcescent, 388 Madder, 697, 702, 703 Marcgravia, 617 Mad-dog skullcap, 675 Marcgraviaceae, 616 Magnolia, 451, 539, 540 Marchantia, 81 Magnoliaceae, 539 Marginal, 451 Magnolin, 540 Marginalis-e, 451 Magonia, 604 Marginicidal, 411 Mahogany family, 588 Margin of leaf, 356 tree, 589 Mariana, 451 Mahonia, trailing, 537 Marigold, 387, 7i8 Mahurea, 619 bur, 438 Maidenhair, 434, 439 marsh, 439 Maize, 462 Marilandicus-a-um, 452 Majalis, 451 Maritimus-a-um, 451 Majorana, 451 Marjoram, 451 Major-us, 451 sweet, 679 Malabanthri folia, 568 wild, 454, 679 Malambo bark, 592 Marking tree, East Indian, Male generative-cell, 298 597 Mallotus, 451, 591 Marmelos, 451 hairs of, 285 Marrubium, 451, 676 Mallow, 609, 611 Marsdenia, 66P glade, 453 Marsh elder, 448 Indian, 610 Marshmallow, 435, 609 rose, 448 Marsilea, 451 Malpighia glabra, tannin in, Marsilia, 94, 95 206 Marsupium, 451 Malpighiaceae, 589 Marvel-of-Peru, 528 Maltase, 242 Massoy bark oil, 546 Maltose, 155 Mastic, 452, 599 Malva, 611 tree, 450 Malvaceae, 451, 609 Mastigocoleus, 8 Malvales, 607 Mat6, 600 Mamillosus-a-um, 451 germination of, 730 Mammea, 620 Matico, 452, 504 Mammei apple, 620 section of leaf, 371 Matisia, 612 Matricaria, 452, 715 Mawseed, 547 May apple, 538 Mayflower, 649 Maysin, 195 Maytenus, 602 May weed, 442 Meadow beauty, 634 sweet, 459 Meal, mountain, 39 Measurement, microscopic, 7S4 Medeola, 485 Medicago, 577 ferment in, 244 Medicinal plants, cultivation of, 727 Medicus-a-um, 452 Medinilla, 634 Medlar, Japanese, 562 Medullary rays, 314 Megasporangium, 108, 298, 375 Megaspore, 86, 298 germination of, 298 Megasporophylls, 108, 375 Melaleuca, 452, 632 Melastoma, 634 Melastomataceae, 633 Melia, 588 Meliaceae, 588 Melibiose, 155 Melilotus, 452 Melissa, 452, 679 Melon, 441, 454 cucumber, 443 musk, protein in, 199 tree, 624 Membrane, primary, 255 Memecylon, 634 Mendel's Law, 132 Menispermum, 539 Menispermaceae, 538 Menispermum, fibrovascular bundle of, 337 woody vine of, 322 Menispine, 539 Mentha, 452, 678, 384 species of, 676 Menthol, 233 Menyanthes, 452, 664, 665 Menyanthin, 664 Mercurialis, 452, 593 Mercuric chloride, as fixing agent, 756 Mericarp, 417 Meristems, 253, 254, 291 Mermaid's hair, 10 Mescal, 492 buttons, 625 Mescaline, 625 Mesembryanthemum, 529 Mesocarp, 410 Mesophyll, 366 794 INDEX. Mestome, 272 sheaths, 367 strand, 313, 341, 342, 343 Mesua, 619 Metabolism, 252 Metachlamydeae, 504, 643 Methyl salicylate, 234 Methylene blue, as staining agent, 757 Methysticin, 177, 508 Methysticum, 452, 508 Metroxylon, 475 Meum, 452 Mexican linaloe oil, 588 Mezereum, 443, 452, 627 Michelia, 540 Microcarpus-a-um, 452 Micrococci, 14 Micrometer, 754 Micrometry, 754 Micron, 754 Micro-polariscope, 764 Micropyle, 425 Microscope, ultra, 765 Microscopic measurement, 754 Microsomata, 136 Microsomes, 136 Microspermae, 496 Microsporangia, 120, 298 Microspore, 298, 375 germination of, 298 Microsporophylls, 105, 375 Microtome, 749 Midrib, 353 Mignonette, 120, 457, 554 Mikania, 452 Milaceus-a-um, 452 Mildews, 44 Milfoil, 434 Milk, clotting of, 244 juice, 238 ropy, 244 vetch, 437 Milkweed, 437 family, 668 Milkwort, 455 family, 589 white, 589 Millefolium, 452 Millet, starch in, 148 Millettia, 575 Millimeter, 754 Mimosoideae, 567 Mimusops, 659 Mineral cellulose walls, 258 Mint, 449, 452 cat, 453, 680 family, 673 horse, 452 Mio Mio, 723 Miocene, 117 Mirabilis, 528 Mistletoe, 450 American, 531 Mistletoe, European, 518 family, 518 oak, 518 Mitchella, 452, 697, 704 Mitella, 452, 556 Mitrewort, 452, 556 false, 556 Moccasin flower, 498 Mock orange, 556 Modified leaves, 364 roots, 306 Mold, black, 45 water, 42 Mollis-e, 452 Monandrous, 381 Monarda, 452, 679 oil, 680 Monkey-bread tree, 612 Monkey-pot tree, 629 Monkshood, 434 Monniera, 452 Monocarpia, 542 Monoclinic crystals, 183, 184 Monocotyledons, 120, 463 Monoecious, 392 Monosaccharose, 154 Monotropa, 452, 644 Montanus-a-um, 452 Moonseed, Canada, 322, 539 family, 538 Moonwort, 438, 450 Moraceae, 513 Morchella, 58 Morel, 58 Morinda, 704 Morindin, 170, 704 Moringa, 223, 554 pterygosperma, 212 Moringaceae, 554 Morning glory, 448, 668 Morphine, 547 Morphology, i Morus, 452, 517 Moss, bird's nest, 103 club, 97, 451 groups, 84 Iceland, 73, 440 Irish, 31 reindeer, 74 scale, 83 sea, 441, 446 Mother-clove, 631 Motherwort, 450, 682 Mould (see Mold) Mountain ash, 459 elder, 706 laurel, 648 Mounting of specimens, 762 Mounts, permanent, 763 Mourera, 556 Movements of leaves, 357 Moxa, 725 Mucedo, 45 Mucilage, 218, 565 chemical classification, 222 Mucilage, forms of, 221 in sassafras, 263 walls, 257 Mucor, 45 Mucuna, 452, 576 Mugwort, common, 719 Mulberry, 452 black, 517 family, 513 fruit, 409 white, 517 Mullein, 691 hairs of, 286 Mundulea, 575 Muntingia, 609 Muricatus-a-um, 453 Musa, 496 Musaceae, 496 Musci, 84 Mushrooms, 434 common, 59 edible, 58 lecithin in, 214 poisonous, 58 propagation, 56 Muskmallow, 434 Musk-melon, 710 protein in, 199 Musk seed, 611 substitute, 611 Mustard, 438, 459 ball, 453 black, 552, 553 family, 551 fruit, 409 garlic, 553 hedge, 459, 553 protein in, 199, 200 treacle, 445, 553 white, 552, 553 wild, 553 yellow, germination of, 299 Mutation, 132, 247 Mycelium, 41 Mycose, 155 Myelin, forms, 215 Myosotis, 453, 670 Myrcene, 632 Myrceugenia, 632 Myrcia, oil, 632 Myrica, 211, 453, 508, 509 cerifera, 212 Nagi, tannin in, 206 species, 508, 509 Myricaceae, 508, 509 Myricales, 508, 509 Myricaria, 621 Myricin, 594 Myristica, 453, 543 Myristicaceae, 543 Myristin, 691 Myrobalans, 633 beleric, 633 chebula, 633 INDEX. 795 Myrobalans, long, 633 Node, 320 (Edogonium, 25 tannin in, 206 Nomenclature, 2 CEnanthe, 643 Myrosin, 243 Botanical, 430 (Enothera, 453, 634, 635 Myroxylon, 623 Nopalea, 627 Officinalis-e, 453 Myrrh, 442, 453, 586, 587 North American papaw, 542 Oil, ajowan, 609 Myrtaceae, 631 Nostoc, ii apeiba, 643 Myrtales, 627 Nucellus, 108, 124, 298 apopin, 234 Myrtiflorae, 627 Nucleo-proteins, 194 bay, 632 Myrtle family, 631 Nucleoles, 136 ben, 212 tree, 453 Nucleus, 2, 136 benne, 691 wax, 212, 453 function of, 140 bergamot, 584 Myrtus, 453, 632 of starch grain, 144 bigardia, 584 Nuphar, 531 cajeput, 632 Nabalus, 723 Nupharine, 531 candle nut, 213 Naiadaceae, 466 Nut, 420 carapa, 589 Naiadales, 466 Nutation, 358 cedar, as clearing agent, Naked flowers, 393 Nutgall, 334, 446 757 Napaca, 453 Nutlet, 420 cedar-wood, 589 Napaea, 612 Nutmeg, 212, 453, 542, 543 chaulmoogra, 214, 623 Napellus, 453 protein in, 200 cineol containing, 544 Naphthalene, derivatives, starch in, 148 clove, as clearing agent, 179 Nux-vomica, 453, 661 757 Naphthol black B., 183 endosperm of, 265, 428 coccos, 623 Narcissus, 453, 492 hairs of, 286 cocoa-nut, 212 Nardus, 453 Nyctaginaceae, 528 Coniferae, 119 Naringin, 169, 170, 585 Nyctinastic, 361 cotton seed, 611 Nasturtium family, 579 Nyctitropic, 361 Crotdn, Mexican, 591 Natural selection, 131 Nymphaea, 453 cumin, 643 Navel orange, 584 Nymphaeaceae, 531 curcas, 591 Navicola, 37 Nyssa, 453 dill, 643 Nectandra, 453, 546 Nysso, 518 essential, as clearing agent, Nectar, 402 757 apparatus, 408 Oak, 457, 5" Eucalyptus, 631 poisonous, 402 acorns, 148 fatty, 546 Nelumbo, 453, 532 sugar in, 157 Fiji, 519 Nepenthaceae, 555 bark of, 295 fixed, 210 Nepenthes, 555 black, 512 as a reserve, 217 Nepeta, 453, 680, 681 mistletoe, 518 function of, 235 Nephelium, 603 poison, 595 globule, detection of, 752 Nerium, 668 western, 597 kapac, 611 Neroli, 583 red, 512 laurel-nut, 619 Nerved leaf, 352 tannin in, 206 lemon, 584 Nerves, 352 tannin in, 206 marjoram, as clearing Nesaea, 628 white, 511, 512 agent, 757 Neslia, 453, 554 tannin in, 206 massoy bark, 546 Nessin, 628 Oats, 437 Mexican linaloe, 588 Netted-veined leaf, 353 protein in, 199 Monarda, 680 Nettle, 461, 517 starch in, 148 myrcia, 632 dead, 449 structure of, 423 Neroli, 583 horse, 684 sugar in, 157 non-drying, 691 small, 517 Obcordate, 355 olive, 213, 660 stinging, 287, 517 Obtuse, 355 orange peel, 583 wood, 449 Obtusifolius-a-um, 453 palm, 211, 474 Nicotiana, 453, 688 Occidentalis-e, 453 palm-nut, 212 Nicotianin, 688 Ochrocarpus, 619, 620 pepper, Japanese, 585 Nicotine, 688 Ochroma, 612 rose, 564 Nigella, 453 Ocimum, 679 sandal, 518 Niger-gra-grum, 453 Ocotea, 546 santal, Australian, 519 Nigger-toe, 630 Ocotilla, 621 sesame, 691 Night-blooming cereus, 625 wax, 621 spike, 679 Nightshade, 459 Ocrea, 520 sweet anise, 643 deadly, 684 Octomeles, 625 tunga, 213 enchanter's, 441, 634 Ocular micrometer, 754 turpentine, as clearing Nitrogen bacteria, 307 Odontorhizon, 453 agent, 757 Nobilis-e, 453 Odoratus-a-um, 453 volatile, 225 796 INDEX. Oil, volatile, botanical clas- Orange, protein in, 199 sification, 232 root, 448 characteristics of, 231 Seville, 583 composition, 233 sugar in, 156 culture of plants yield sweet, 583 ing, 747 Orcein, 74 formation, 235 Orchid, 496 micro-chemistry of, 231 Orchidaceae, 496 water fennel, 643 Orchidales, 496 Okra, 611 Orchil, 75 Olea, 660 Orchis, fringed, 447 Oleaceae, 453, 660 round-leaved, 499 Oleander, 668 white fringed, 500 cork in, 293 Orcin, color in, 179 Oleandrin, 668 Ordinary ray, 774 Oleo-resin, 225 Orellin, 622 Oleum, 453 Organography, I Cedralae, 589 Organs, nutritive, 3 Lavandula, 676 plant, 3 Rosmarinus, 676 sexual, 3 Theobromatis, 612 vegetative, 3 Oleuropein, 661 Orientalis-e, 454 Olibanum, 587 Origanum, 454, 679 American, 587 Cretian, 679 Olive, 453, 660 oil, 679 family, 660 Orlean, 621 oil, 660 Ornithogalum, 485 tree, 660 Ornus, 454 Onagraceae, 634 Orobanchaceae, 696 Onion, 435. 485 Orpine family, 556 sea, 461 Orris root, 332, 492 sets, 327 starch, 143 starch in, 148 Orthotoschies, 363 sugar in, 157 Oryza, 467 Onoclea, 92, 453 Oscillaria, 10 Ononidis, 576 Oscillatoria, 10 Ononis, 576 Osmosis, 251 Ontogeny, 130 Osmunda, 365, 454 Oogonium, 5 Ostrya, 454, 510 Oomycetes, 42 Otaheite orange, 584 Oosphere, 5 Ovary, 120, 376 Oospore, 5 tissues of, 406 Opegrapha, 75 Ovules, 376, 378 Operculina, 453 development of, 124 Operculum, 79 forms of, 379 Opium, 241, 453 positions of, 379 collection of, 549 Oxalidaceae, 579 poppy, 546, 547 Oxalis, 454, 579 Optical reactions, 773 Oxidation, 252 Opulus, 454 Oxyacanthine, 539 Opuntia, 454, 626, 627 Oxycedrus, 454 Opuntiales, 625 Oxycoccin, 656 Orange, 437, 441, 582 Oxycoccos, 656 bitter, 583 Oxydases, 245 blood, 584 Oxygen, 252 Curacao, 583 in fucus, 28 G. G., 182 Oxymethylanthraquinone, kidney-glove, 584 176 kumquat, 584 Malta, 583 Pachira, 611 mock, 455, 556 Paeonia, 454 navel, 584 Palaquim, 658 osage, 451, 516 Pale, 466 otaheite, 584 Palisade tissue, 366 Portugal, 583 Palmae, 473 Palmately-compound, 356 Palmately-veined leaves, 353 Palmatus-a-um, 454 Palmetto, 458 saw, 459 Palmi-nerved leaf, 353 Palm oil, 474 Palms, 473 Palustris-e, 454 Panax, 305, 454, 636, 638 Pandanales, 463 Pangium.igS, 623 Panicles, 396 Paniculatus-a-um, 454 Panicum, 454 Pansy, 622 Papain, 244, 542, 624 Papaver, 454, 546, 547 Papaveraceas, 546 Papaverales, 546 Papaw family, 624 ferment in, 244 North American, 437, 542 tree, 624 Papayotin, 624 Paper, Chinese rice, 636 Papilionaceous, 386 Papilionatae, 567 Papillae, 451 Pappus, 711 Paprika, protein in, 20O Papyrifer-a-um, 454 Paracatechin, 607 Para cress, 724 Paradise grains, 494 Parallel-veined leaf, 352 Para-nut, 629, 630 Parasites, 40 Pareira, 539 Parenchyma, forms of, 262 rays, secondary, 314 sheaths, 367 Paricine, 546 Parietales, 615 Pari-pinnate, 357 Parnasia, 209, 556 Paronchia, 531 Parrya, 553 Parsley, 455 garden, 643 Parsnips, protein in, 199 Partridge berry, 697 Parviflorus-a-um, 454 Pasque flower, 456 Passiflora, 454, 623 Passifloraceae, 623 Passion flower, 454, 615, 623, Patchouli oil, 679 Patchouly, 679 Pauciflorus-a-um, 454 Paullinia, 454, 603 Paviin, 602 Payena, 659 Pea, 198, 576 everlasting, 450 INDEX. 797 Pea, garden, 576 germination of, 299 lecithin in, 214 protein in, 199 starch in, 148 sweet, 576 Peach, 435, 562 oil in, 213 protein in, 199 sugar in, 156 Peanut, 199, 576 oil in, 213 plant, 401 Pear, 457, 562 prickly, 454, 526, 627 protein in, 199 Peat, bog, 250 upland, 250 Pectase, 243 Pectin, 243, 563 origin of, 255 Pectinase, 243 Pectose, 243, 563 Pedaliaceae, 691 Pedatus-a-um, 454 Pedicel, 393 Peganum, 581 Pelargonium, 579 Pellitory, 435, 457, 714 Pellotine, 625 Pelosine, 546 Peltatus-a-um, 454 Pencils, 117 Penicillium, 49 Pennatifolius-a-um, 454 Penny cress, field, 553 Pennyroyal, 447 American, 676 Pentalostigma, 593 Pentapetes, 615 Pentastichous, 363 Penthorum, 454, 556 Pentose, 154 Peony, 454 Pepo, 420, 454, 708 Pepper, 455 African, 687 black, 504, 505 cayenne, 200, 687 grass, 553 long, 504 moor, 585 picking, 567 protein in, 200 red, 439, 688 starch in, 148 water, 448 white, 504 Pepperidge, 453 Peppermint, 676, 678 camphor, 233 culture, 746 Peramium, 503 Pereirae, 454 Perennial herb, 330 Perezia, 723 Perfect flower, 392 Perfoliate, 356, 454 Perfoliatus-a-um, 454 Perforatus-a-um, 455 Perianth, 382 Periblem, 253 Pericambium, 312 Pericarp, 410 Pericycle, 312 Periderm, 291 Perigynous, 389 Perisperm, 425 structure of, 429 Peristome, 79 Periwinkle, 668 Permanent mounts, making of, 763 Peronospora, 43 Persea, 455 Persian tobacco, 688 Persicaria, 455 Persimmon, 444, 660 fruit, 659 Japanese, 660 Persistent, 388 Personate, 388 Persoonia, 518 Pertusaria, 73 Petals, 120, 374, 382 Petiole, 348 Petroselinum, 455, 643 Peziza, 46 Phaea, 575 Phaeophyceae, 17, 28 Phaius, 137 Phallacese, 59 Phanerogams, 5 Phaselin, 195 Phaseoleae, hairs in, 282 Phaseolin, 195 Phaseolus, 455, 576 apical region, 321 Phasins, 198 Pheasant's eye, 434 Phellandrene, 632, 643 Phellogen, 290, 291, 313 Phenol, derivatives, 179 Phenolases, 245 Phenols, 234 Phenyl ethyl alcohol, 564 Philadelphia fleabane, 713 Philadelphus, 455, 556 Phillipinensis-e, 455 Phlobaphene, 203 Phloem, 312 Phloridzin, 169, 565 Phloroglucin, crystals, 762 reaction, 256 solution, 761 Phlox, 455, 670 tracheae of, 274 Phoenix, 475 endosperm in, 265 Phoradendron, 518 Phospholipines, 217 Photosynthesis, 137, 299, 350 fixed oils in, 210 Phycocyanin, 8 Phycomycetes, 42 Phyllanthus, 593, 594 Phyllotaxis, 363 Phylogeny, 129 Physica, 73 Physical basis of life, 138 Physiological experiments, 350 Physiology, i Physostigma, 455, 572 Phytelephas, 473 endosperm in, 265 Phyto-bezoars, 626 Phyto-cecidien, 334 Phyto-globulins, 193, 197 Phytolacca, 455 leaf, section of, 369 root, section of, 318 Phytolaccaceae, 528 Phytomelane, 258 Phytosterol, 214 Phytovitellins, 193 Pianeze III b, 70 Picea, 109, 119, 455 Pichi, 684 Pickerel weed, 482 Picramnia, hairs in, 282 Picrasma, 455, 585 Picric acid, 756 Picric-sulphuric acid, as fix- ing agent, 756 Picro-crocin, 493 Picrotoxin, 455, 539 Piereskia, 627 Pieris, 648 hairs in, 282 Pigments, 138 resins, 238 respiration, 181 Pignone, 117 Pignut hickory trees, 333 Pigweed, 441 Pileus, 57 Pilocarpus, 455, 582 Pimelea, 627 Pimenta, 455, 632 starch in, 148 Pimpernel, 436, 455 Pimpinella, 455, 639 Pinaceae, groups of, 113 Pinanga, 621 Pine, 455 Cuban, 113 frankincense, 112 great sugar, 112 loblolly, 112 long-leaved, 113 nut, 117 oil in, 213 pitch, 112 79 8 INDEX. Pine, prince's, 644 seeds, 117 spruce, 112 sugar, 117 swamp, 113 torch, 112 Weymouth, 106 white, 106 yellow, 113 Pineapple, 436, 480 ferment in, 244 Piney resin, 621 Pinguicula, ferment in, 244 Pink, 443, 531 Carolina, 66 1 cultivated, 531 lady's slipper, 498 root, 459 Pinkster flower, 646 Pinnately-compound, 356 Pinus, 455 Strobus, 1 06 sylvestris, 213 tannin in, 206 Piper, 426, 455, 504, 506 (see also Pepper) methysticum, 177 species of, 504 Piperaceae, 504 Piperales, 504 Piperine, 161 crystals, 771 Piperitus-a-um, 455 Pipitzahoic acid, 723 Pipsissewa, 455, 644 Pircunia, 528 Pirolaceae, 644 Piscidia, 575 Piscipula, 455 Pistachio, 455, 599 Pistacia, 208, 455, 597 Pistil, 120, 376 compound, 376 different types of, 377 simple, 376 Pistillate, 392 Pisum, 576 ferment in, 244 germination of, 299 Pitch, Burgundy, 119 Canada, 119 Pitcher-plant, 361, 458, 555 family, 554 Pith, sassafras, 263 Pithecolobium, 575 Pityrodia, hairs in, 282 Placenta, 377 structure of, 408 Plaited, 389 Planchonia, 629 Plane tree family, 559 Planifolius-a-um, 455 Plant hairs, 353 henna, 450 Plantaginaceae, 696 Plantago, 455, 694, 696 ferment in, 244 Plantain, 455, 694 common, 694 family, 696 flowers, 400 Plastids, 2, 138 Platanaceae, 559 Platanus, 559 Plates, sieve, 276 Platinic chloride, 165 Platonia, 620 Pleistocene clays, 117 Plerome, 253 Pleurisy-root, 667, 668 Pleurococcus, 20 Pleurosigma, 36 Plicate, 364, 389 Plum, 456 French, 562 grape, 606 oil in, 213 protein in, 200 sugar in, 156 Plumule, 127, 426 Pod, 420 Podophyllum, 455, 538 rhizome of, 324 Podostemaceae, 556 Podostemon, 455. 556, 679 Point of origin of growth, 144- 300 of vegetation, 300 Poison, arrow, 575, 593, 597, 633, 662 curare, 539 fish, 539, 575, 604, 606 ivy, 595, 596 oak, 595 snake, antidotes, 539 Poke weed, 455 Polariscope, micro, 764 Polemoniaceae, 670 Polemoniales, 668 Polemonium, 455, 670, 676 family, 670 Pollantin, 726 Pollen, 120, 122, 298, 375, 404, 726 composition of, 726 method of gathering, 722 pine, 107 sac, 298 toxic, 726 tube, in weight of, 726 Pollination, in, 125, 397 Pollinia, 123 Polygala, 172, 455, 589 Polygalaceae, 589 Polygamous, 392 Polygamus-a-um, 456 Polygonaceae, 520, 574 Polygonales, 520 Polygonatum, 456, 483 Polygonatum, rhizome of, . 325 Polygonum, 456, 525, 527 Polymnia, 720 Polynesia, 631 Polypeptides, 199 Polypodium, 456 Polypody, 456 Polyporaceae, 59 Polyporus, 456 resins in, 237 Polytrichum, 77, 78, 85 Pome, 420 Pomegranate, 447, 457, 620- Pomelos, 584 Pometia, 603 Pond lily, yellow, 531 Pond-weed family, 466 Pontederia, 482 Pontederiaceae, 480 Poplar, 456, 508 Popowia, 542 Poppy, 454, 548, 549 California, 547 celandine, 550 family, 546 horned, 446 Mexican, 547 oil, 547 in, 213 opium, 546, 547 prickly, 436 yellow, 550 Populin, 169, 170, 508 Populus, 456, 508 species, 508 Pores, bordered, 275 sieve, 276 simple, 263 water, 279 Port wine, 607 coloring of, 529 Portulaca, 551 Portulacaceae, 531 Potassium hydrate, crystals, 762 iodide, crystals, 762 Potato, 688 Chinese, 492 family, 683 phyto-globulins in, 194 plant, 688 protein in, 199 starch, 142, 148 in, 148 manufacture of, 148 with polariscope, 146 substitute, 726 Potentilla, 365, 456, 565 Potometer, 351 Pouzolzia, 517 Pratensis-e, 456 Precatorius-a-um, 456 Prefloration, 389 Prefoliation, 364 INDEX. 799 Preservatives, 755 Psidlum, 632 Prickly pear, 626 Psoralea, 456, 574 Pride of China, 588 Psyllium, 456 Primary root, 301 Ptelea, 456, 585 cross-section of, 310 Pteridophytes, 86 structure, 309 Pteris, 456 of dicotyledonous roots, Pterocarpus, 456, 569, 571 345 Pterospermum, 615 of stem, 338 Puber-a-um, 456 summary, 345 Pubescens, 456 summary, 317 Pubescent, 353 Primeverase, 658 Puccinia graminis, 69 Primeverin, 658 Puccoon, 450 Primrose, 456 Puffball, 58, 59 evening, 453, 634, 635 Pulegioides, 456 family, 656 Pulegone, 234 Primula, 456, 656, 657 Pulicaria, 456 structure of flower, 407 Pulmonaria, 456 Primulaceae, 656 Pulque, 492 Primulales, 656 Pulsatilla, 456, 537 Primulaverin, 658 Pulse, 450 Prince's feather, 527 family, 567 pine, 644 Pulvinis, 360 Principes, 473 Pumpkin, 454 Privet, 450, 66 1 protein in, 200 Procumbens, 456 sugar in, 156 Prolamins, 194, 195 vine, 709 Promycelium, 66 Punica, 457, 629 Propagation by cutting, 733 Punicaceae, 629 Propagative organs, 298 Purging cassia, 567 Prophylla, 393 Purine, 167 Protaceae, 517 Purple cone-flower, 724 Protea, species of, 518 gerardia, 693 Proteacin, 517 Purpureus-a-um, 457 Proteales, 517 Purshia, 565 Protection of plants, 172 Purshianus-a-um, 457 Proteinase, 244 Purslane, 531 Proteins, 192 Putamen, 410 classification of, 193 Pycnidia, 73 origin of, 198 Pycnoconidia, 73 percentage of, 199 Pyrenoids, 17, 149 toxic, 196 Pyrethri Flores, 718 Protium, 586 Pyrethron, 718 Protococcus, 20 Pyrethrum, 457 Protonema, 78 Pyridine, 166 Protopine, 548, 55O Pyrocatechol, 204 Protoplasm, 2, 134 Pyrogallol, 204 Protoplasmic movement, 26 Pyrola, 174 Protoplast, 2, 134 Pyrone, 180 Prulaurasin, 169 Pyrrolidine, 166 Prune, 562 Pyrus, 457, 562, 565 protein in, 200 quercitin, 562 sugar in, 156 Pyxidium, 413 Prunifolius-a-um, 456 Pyxis, 413, 630 Prunum, 456 Prunus, 560, 562, 565 Quassia, 455. 457, 585, 586 cork of, 294 Jamaica, 585 ferments in, 243 Quebracho, 667 section of wood, 346 bianco, 457 Pruriens, 456 Colorado, 599 Pseudo-^Egle group, 583 extract, tannin in, 206 Pseudococcus, 627 Queen's root, 590 Pseudoinulin, 150 Quercitin, 169, 179, 180, 508, Pseudomonas, 307 512, 562. 565 Pseudotsuga, 114 Quercitrin, 170 Quercus, 457, 512 bork of, 295 galls on. 335 Quillaja, 172, 457, 564 Quillwort, 449 Quina blanca, 592 Quince, 560, 562, 565 Bengal, 451 Quinine herb, 664 Quinoline, 166 Quisqualis, 633 Raceme, 394 Racemosus-a-um, 457 Radial flower, 393 Radial-longitudinal section, 749 Radiate head, 711 Radicans, 457 Radicle, 426 Radish, 457 color in, 178 protein in, 199 Ragweed, 435, 459, 726 Rain trees, 157 Raisin, 606, 607 sugar in, 156 Rajania, 492 Ramie, 269, 517 Ranales, 531 Ranunculaceae, 532 Ranunculus, 457, 537 ferment in, 244 Rape-seed, protein in, 199 Raphanus, 457, 553 Raphia, 269 Raphides, 186 Raspberry fruit, 415 protein in, 200 red, 563 sugar in, 156 syrup of, 563 Rattle-box, 442, 575 Rattlesnake plantain, 503 Rattleweed, 574 Ravensara, 546 Ray-flowers, 395, 711 Reactions, optical, 773 Reagents, 755 alkaloidal, 163 Mayer's, 164 Sonnenschein's, 164 special, 755 Wagner's, 164 Wormley's, 165 Reaumuria, 621 Rebandin, 713 Receptacle, 375 secretory, 226 Reclinate, 364 Red gum, 574 raspberry, 563 root, 440 wine, 607 Reed. 439. 445 8oo INDEX. Refractive index, 774 Regular flower, 393 Repand, 356 Repens, 457 Reptans, 457 Reseda, 457, 554 Resedaceae, 554 Resene resins, 237 Reserve layers, 425 Resin, 236, 255 balsamic, 225 chaia, 621 fossil, 237 micro-chemistry of, 231 origin of, 238 piney, 621 soft, 587 Resinol resins, 237 Resinolic acid resins, 237 Resins, origin of, 238 Respiration, 350 Reticulate, 354, 457 Reticulatus-a-um, 457 Retuse, 355 Rhamnetin, 180 Rhamnose, 154, 562 Rhamnus, 457, 604 bark of, 342 fruit, 422 wood of, 344 Rhapontic, 457 Rhaponticus-a-um, 457 Rhatany, 449 Rheedia, 619 Rhein, 170 Rheum, 457, 521 species, 522 Rhexia, 634 Rhipsalis, 627 Rhizogenous layer, 312 Rhizome, 325 Rhizophora, 304, 630 Rhizophoraceae, 630 Rhodeose, 169 Rhododendron, 457, 646 glandular hairs in, 230 hairs in, 282 Rhodophyceae, 17, 31 Rhodymenia, 34 Rhceadales, 546, 554 Rhubarb, 457, 522 garden, 522 South China, 522 Rhus, 457, 595, 596, 597, 598 ferment in, 245 hairs of, 280, 284 poisonous, 597 species of, 597 tannin in, 206 Rhynchanthera, 634 Ribes, 457, 558 fruit, 418 Riccia, 82 Rice, 467 protein in, 199 Rice, starch in, 148 Ricin, 195, 196, 590, 611 Ricinus, 196, 457, 591 aleurone grains of, 194, 428 ferment in, 244 fruit, 410 protein in, 199 seed, 426 Ringent, 388 Riuno-kiku, 726 River-weed, 455 family, 556 Rivinia, 528 Robin, 198 Robinia, 457, 574, 576 Robinin, 169 Robustus-a-um, 457 Roccella, 74 Rocket, 447 Rockrose, 447 Rockweeds, 28 Roman chamomile, 713 Root, 299 abnormal structure of, 319 absorption, 251 adventitious, 301 aerial, 306 assimilation, 306 belladonna, cross- section of, 318 branches, 319 breathing, 306 cap, 299, 301 climber, 324 contraction of, 319 ; hairs, 299, 301, 309 inner structure of, 309 lateral, 301, 312 modified, 306 outer morphology of, 299 phytolacca, cross-section of, 318 pressure, 252 primary, 301 structure of dicotyle- dons, 345 primordia, 301 secondary, 301 stele, 313 stock, 325 tap, 301 true, 299 tubercle, 306 tuberous, 305, 327 Roripa, 553 Rosa, 457, 564 Rosaceae, 560 Resales, 556 Rose, 457, 564 apple, 632 bay, 457, 647 camphor, 564 family, 560 geranium, 579 Rose, hip, 409 oil, 564 petals, 564 tea, 629 wood, 544 Rosemary, 457 Roseus-a-um, 457 Rosin, weed, 459, 723 Rosmarinus, 457, 676 Rostratus-a-um, 458 Rotate, 388 Rottlerin, 180, 592 Rotundifolius-a-um, 458 Rubber, India, 241, 592 trees, ,241 Ruberithrinic, 169 Ruber-ra-rum, 458 Rubia, 702 Rubiaceae, 697 Rubiales, 697 Rubus, 458, 563 cork in, 293 fruit, 416 Rudbeckia, 723 Rue, 458 anemone, 535 family, 581 garden, 585 meadow, 460 Ruellia, 694 Rugose, 354 Rugosus-a-um, 458 Rum, bay, 632 Rumex, 458, 523 Runner, 325 Rush, 458 bog, 449 family, 493 matting, 493 scouring, 96 soft, 493 spike. 444 wood, 493 Rust, wheat, 69 Ruta, 458 Rutaceas, 581 Rutin, 170, 585 Rye, 458, 467 lecithin in, 214 protein in, 199 starch in, 148 sugar in, 157 Sabadilla, 458 Sabal, 458, 473 Sabbatia,-664 Sabina, 115, 458 Sable tetraedrique, 188 Sabodilla tree, 659 Sac, pollen, 120 Saccate, 388 Saccharomyces, 47 Saccharomycetes, 47 Saccharose, 154, 155 Saccharum, 458, 467 INDEX. 801 Sacci, 492 Safflower, 387, 719 oil in, 213 yellow, 720 Saffron, 442, 493 meadow, 442 Safranin, as staining agent, 757 Sage, 458 garden, 676 hairs of, 284 Sageretia, 606 Sagittaria, 465 Sago, 475 palms, 475 starch, 475 Sagrada, 440 Saigonicus-a-um, 458 Salegenin, 700 Salicaceae, 508 Salicales, 508 Salicin, 169, 170, 508 Salicylic aldehyde, 564 Salix, 458, 508 tannin in, 206 Salsify, 461 Salt, table, source of, 556 Salvia, 458, 676 hairs of, 230, 285 Samadera, 586 Samara, 420, 510, 602 Sambucus, 458, 706 cork in, 293 Sambunigrin, 169 Sanctus-a-um, 458 Sandal, oil, 518 tree, 458 wood, 458 family. 518 Sandarac, 119 Sand-box tree, 592 Sanguinaria, 458, 548, 550 latex, 241 Sanicula, 458 Santal, bastard, 581 oil, Chinese, 519 Santalaceae, 518 Santales, 518 Santalinus-a-um, 458 Santalol, 519 Santalum, 458, 518 Santonin, 719 Sap, ascent of, 252 cell, 134 Sapindacea?, 602 Sapindales, 594 Sapindus, 603 Sapium, 594 Sapodilla family, 658 Saponaria, 172, 458, 53O, 531 Saponarin, 169 Saponin, 171, 575, 603, 611 occurrence of, 172 Sapotaceae, 658 Sapotilla, 659 Sapotoxin, 170 Sappan, 439 Saprolegnia, 42 Saprophytes, 40 Sapucaya nut, 629 Sarcocarp, 40, 410 Sarcophyte, 519 Sargassum, 31 Sarracenia,36i, 458, 554,555 Sarraceniaceas, 554 Sarraceniales, 554 Sarracenine, 554 Sarsaparilla, 487 wild, 637 Sassafras, 458, 544 mucilage in, 263 oil, 544 Sativus-a-um, 458 Satureia, 679 Savin, 119 Savory, summer, 679 Saxifragaceae, 556 Saxifrage family, 556 golden, 441, 556, 557 Scabiosa, 708 Scadens, 458 Scale, seminiferous, 108 Scammonia, 458 Scammony, 458 root, 669 Scarlet sumac, 597 Scatol, 519 Schinopsis, 599 tannin in, 206 Schizandra, 540 Schizogenous, 226 Schizo-lysigenous, 226 Schizomycetes, 12 Schizophyceae, 8 Schizophytes. 7 Schulze's cellulose reagent, 760 macerating solution, 761 Scilla. 458 Scillain, 170 Scirpus, 458, 472 Scitamineae, 493 Scitaminales, 493 Scleranthus, 531 Sclerenchyma, 266 Sclerenchymatous fibers, 268 Sclerocarya, 599 Sclerotium, 52 Scolopendrium, 458 Scoparia, 458 Scopolia. 684 fruit, 412 tracheae in, 274 Scopolin, 170 Scotch broom, 569 Scrophularia, 691 Scrophulariaceae, 688 Scullion, 485 Scurvy grass. 553 Scutellaria, 384, 458, 673 Scytonema, 72 Sea bean, 575 Island cotton, 610 ' lettuce, 25 weed, 435 protein in, 200 Secale, 458, 467 Secondary corter., 312, 313 roots, 301 structure, 313 of stems, summary, 345 summary, 317 Secretory canals, 228 cavities, 227 cavity in pines, 107 cells, 226 Sections, 749 making of, 749 Sedge, 439, 472 Sedum, 458, 556 purpurascens, 368 Seed, 379 development of, 125 dispersal, 427 inner structure of, 427 outer morphology of, 423 pans, 729 plants grown from, 728 structure of, 424 Selaginella, 86, 98-10^ Semecarpus, 458 Sempervirens, 459 Sempervivum, 556 Seneca root, 459 Senecio, 459 Senega, 459, 589 Texas, 589 white, 589 Senegal, 459 Senna, 440, 459, 567 Alexandria, 567 American, 360 hairs of, 285 India, 567 Tinnevelly, 367 Tripoli, 567 Sepals, 120, 374, 382 Septa, 411 Septicidal, 411 Septifragal, 411 Sequoia, 117 . Serenra, 459, 473 Sericeous, 354 Serotin, 169 Serotinus-a-um, 459 Serpentaria, 459, 520 Southern, 521 Serrate, 356 Serrulatus-a-um, 459 Sesame, 459 oil in, 213, 691 Sesamum, 459, 691 Seudo tanga, 119 Seven barks, 556 802 INDEX. Sexual generation, 298 spore, 298 Shaddock, 584 Shea butter, 212, 659 Sheep laurel, 648 sorrel, 524 Shepherd's purse, 439, 554 Shield fern, 437 Shikimi, 540 Shoot, 299 aerial, 329 axis, 299 creeping, 304 epigeous, 321, 322 hypogeous, 321, 325 overground, 321 subterranean, 329 underground, 321 undeveloped, 321 Shorea, 621 Shoyu, 577 Shrubs, 329 Sida, 611 Siejas, 519 Sierra Leone copal, 574 Sieve, 276 Sigillaria, 100 Silene, hairs in, 282 Silica, 202 forms of, 1 88 Silique, 420, 459 Silk, 269 dye, 625 Silk weed, 437 Silkworm, food, 517 Silphium, 723 Silver-leaf poplar, 508 Simaba, 459 Simaruba, 586 Simarubacese, 585 Simple leaf, 348 Sinalbin, 169, 170 Sinapis, 459, 553 germination of, 299 Sindor balsam, 621 Sinensis-e, 459 Sinigrin, 169, 170 Sinuate, 356 Sisal fiber, 269 Sisymbrium, 459, 553 Skullcap, 458, 673 Skunk cabbage, 478, 480 Sleep movements, 361 Slime molds, 2 Sloanea, 609 Small nettle, 517 Solomon's seal, 483 Smartweed, 448 Smilacina, 484 Smilax, 459, 485 species of, 487 Smut, 461 corn, 67 Snakehead, 441 Snakeroot, 459 Snakeroot, black, 458, 532 Canada, 520 Virginia, 520 Sneeze-weed, 447, 723 Snow-ball, 705 Snow berry, 460, 707 Soap bark, 564, 565 berry family, 602 plants, 171 Soapwort, 458, 520 Socotrinus-a-um, 459 Soda, plants yielding, 530 Sodium in seaweeds, 28 Soft galls, 334 Soil acidity, 249 bacterium, 307 organic constituents of, 250 Soja beans, 199 Solanaceae, 683 flowers of, 385 Solanidine, 688 Solanine, 172, 684 Solanum, 385, 459, 684 fruit, 412 Solidago, 459, 521, 722, 726 Solomon's seal, 456 Solution, Beale's carmine, 760 Bohmer's haematoxylin, 760 chloral-iodine, 761 chlor-zinc-iodine, 760 copper acetate, 761 Delafield's haematoxylin, 760 Grenadier's borax-car- mine, 760 Grenacher's haematoxy- lin, 760 Hoyer's picro-carmine,76o iodine and potassium io- dide, 761 iron, 761 phloroglucin, 761 Schulze's macerating, 761 Somnifer-a-um, 459 Sorbile, 459 Sorbilis-e, 459 Sorbit, 563 Sorbus, 459, 562 Sorghum, 459, 467 juice, percentage of sugar in, 157 Sorosis, 420 Sorrel, field, 524 sheep, 524, 525 Southernwood, 434 Soy, 577 Spadix, 394. 475 Spanish licorice, 568 moss, 481 Sparganiaceae, 463 Sparganium, 464 Spathe, 394, 478 Spathiflorae, 475 Spawn, 56 Spearmint, 384, 676, 678 plant of, 326 Special reagents, 755, 761 Specimens, mounting of, 762 Spectroscope, 764, 765 Speedwell, 462 Sperm, 5 Spermophytes, 100 Sphaerites, 192, 678 Sphasrobacteria, 13 Sphagnum, 84, 85 Sphere crystals, 678 Spicatus-a-um, 459 Spice bush, 439, 544 Spider wort, 461, 480 Spigelia, 459, 661 tracheae of, 274 Spignel, 452 Spike, 394 oil, 679 Spikelet, 394, 469 Spikenard, 453 Spilanthes, 724 Spilanthin, 724 Spinach, 527 protein in, 199 sugar in, 157 Spinacia, 527 Spindle tree, 445 Spinose, 354 Spiraea, 459, 564 Spiral, thickening, develop- ment of, 272 Spirogyra, 18 Spleenwort, 437 Sporangia, 375 Sporangium, 4 Spores, 3 asexual, 4, 298 sexual, 4, 298 staining of, 71 swarm, 5 Sporidia, 66 Sporobolus, 467 Sporogonium, 79 Sporophylls, 375 Sporophyte, 75 embryo, 298 Spring beauty, 531 Spruce, 109, 455 beer, 119 black, 112 Douglas, 114 Norway, 119 pine, 112 white, tannin in, 206 Spurge, 445, 500, 590 Squarrosus-a-um, 459 Squash, 443 Squaw-root, 695, 696 Squaw weed, 459 Squill, 458, 461, 487 Staff tree, 440, 600 INDEX. 803 Stage micrometer, 754 Staining agents, 757 of bacteria, 16 double, 762 Stains, 755 Stalk, 348 Stamen, 120, 374, 375, 379 different types of, 380 Staminate, 392 Staminodia, 391 Staminodes, 391 Staphisagria, 459, 535 Star apple, 659 grass, 435 of Bethlehem, 485 Starch, 140, 435 assimilation, 140 botanical distribution of, 147 Brazilian arrow-root, 670 characteristics of, 145 grain, composition of, 143 development of, 141 structure of, 143 manufacture of, 148 occurrence of, 143 percentage of, 148 properties of, 145 reserve, 137, 143 seen with the micropolari- scope, 146 sweet-potato, 670 with iodine, 147 Stavesacre, 459, 535 Stem, 299, 320 branches, 320 inner structure of, 338 of dicotyledons, 338 outer morphology of, 320 primary structure of, 338 structure, abnormal, 344 dicotyledonous, 339 primary, summary, 345 secondary, summary, 345 underground, 325 Sterculia, 615 seeds, 615 Sterculiaceae, 612 Sterilization, 15 Stick-lac, 238 Sticta, 73 Stigma. 120, 376, 378 different types of, 377 epithel. 406 structure of, 405 Stillingia, 459, 590 Stinck weed, 460 Stinging nettle, 517 Stink-wood, 546 Stipa, 472 Stipe of fungi, 57 Stipules, 348 function of, 348 Stitch-wort, 531 St. John's bread, 440, 576 wort, 448 family, 620 Stolon, 325 Stoma, 279 Stomata, 278, 367, 368 on leaves of Beta, 367 Stonecrop, 458 common mossy, 556 ditch, 556 Virginia, 556 Stoneworts, 26 Storax, 460, 559, 660 Stramonium, 460, 684 fruit, 409, 412 hairs of, 284 seed, 428 tr.ansverse section of mid- rib, 366 Strawberry, 445, 566 fruit, 409, 415 garden, 566 protein in, 200 wild, 567 Striatus-a-um, 460 Strigose, 354 String beans, 199 Strobile, 375, 420 Strobiles, 375 Strophanthin, 169, 170, 171 Strophanthus, 460, 666 haiis of, 284, 285 Strophiole, 427 Structure, basis of, I of wood, 347 primary, 254, 309 summary, 317 secondary, 254 summary, 319 stem, classification of, 341 primary, summary, 345 Strychnine crystals, 769 Strychnos, 460, 661 Stryphnodendron polyphyl- lum, tannin in, 206 Style, 120, 376, 378 structure of, 406 Styloids. 183 Stylophorine, 550 Stylophorium, 550 Styracaceae, 660 Styraciflua, 460 Styrax, 460, 558, 660 Suberin, 257, 290 Suberose, 257 Sublimable principles, 173 Succisa, 708 Succory, 441, 716 Sucrose, 155, 527 Sugar, 154 beet, 52? protein in, 199 bush, 518 cane, 467 Sugar.cane.juice.percentage of sugar in, 157 in cereals, percentage of, 156 in plants, 156 in vegetables, 156 Sumach, 457, 595 poison, 597 scarlet, 597 tanner's, 595 Sumbul, 639 Summer savory, 679 Sundew, 361 444, 554 Sun-dial, 451 Sun-flower, 712 oil in, 213 seed-cake, 725 seed, protein in, 199 Sun's energy, 138 Suppressed, 391 Surface of leaves, 353 Suringi, India, 620 Survival of the fittest, 131 Suspensor, 125 Suture, dorsal, 377 ventral, 377 Swamp pink, 485, 490 Sweet, 444 almond, protein in, 199 anise oil, 643 balm, 679 basil, 679 cicely, 643 fern, 509 flag, 479 gale, 509 gum tree, 450, 558 marjoram, 679 pea, 576 potatoes, protein in, 199 percentage of sugar in, 157 starch, 670 vine, 669 scabious fleabane, 713 William, 531 wine, 607 Swertia, 460, 664 Swietenia, 589 Sycamore, 559 Syconium, 420 Sylvaticus-a-um, 460 Sylvestris-e, 460 Symmetrical, flower, 392 Sympetalae, 643 Sympetalous, 385 Symphonia, 620 Symphoricarpos, 460, 707 Symphytum, 460, 671 Symplocarpus, 478, 480 Synantherin, 150, 726 Syncarpous, 376 Synergids, 124 Syngenesious, 382 Synura, n INDEX. Syringa, 455, 460, 661 Syringin, 169, 661 Syringopicrin, 661 Tabacum, 460 Table salt, source of, 556 Tacamahac, 439, 508, 613 Bourbon, 618 Brazilian, 618 India, 618 resins, 587 West Indian, 587 Tagetes, hairs in, 288 Talauma, 540 Tallow tree, Chinese, 594 Tamaricaceae, 621 Tamarindus, 460, 569 Tamarix, 621 Tamonea, 634 Tamus, 492, 709 Tanacetum, 460, 720 Tangential-longitudinal sec- tion, 749 Tangkawang, 621 Tanner's sumac, 595 Tannides, 202 Tannin, 202 chemical properties of, 203 distribution of, 205 idioblast, 207, 208 in galls, 335 micro-chemistry of, 204 pathological, 207 physiological, 207 Tannol resins, 236 Tansy, 460, 720 Tapetum, 121 Tapioca starch, 594 Tap-root, 301 Tapura, 606 Taraktogenos kurzii, 214 Taraxacum, 239, 387, 460 Taxus, 113 Tea, 460, 617 Appalachian, 600 black, 618 Brazilian, 600 caffeine in, 162 cassine, 600 chests, 625 culture, 746 family, 617 green, 618 Labrador, 450 New Jersey, 605 Paraguay, 600 germination of, 730 plant, 615 rose, 629 seed, oil in, 213 substitute, 53 j, 634 tree, 617 Teaberry, 650 Teak-tree, .673 Teak-wood, 673 Teasel, 444, 707 Technique, bacteriological, 14 Tecoma, 691 Tectona, 673 Tegmen, 425 Telegraph plant, 361 Teleutospores, 68 Temperature, 247 Tendril, 323 climber, 324 Tephrosia, 575 Terebinthina, 460 Terminalia, 633 Terpenes, 233 Terpinene, 679 Terpineol, 632 Terra silicea purificata, 38 Testa, 425 Testing of drugs, 248 Tetradynamous, 381 Tetragonal crystals, 183 Tetrameles, 625 Tetrapanax, 636 Teucrium, 460 Texture of leaves, 354 Thalictroides, 460 Thalictrum, 460 Thallophytes, 6 Thallus, 6 Thea, 460, 616 Theaceae, 617 Thein, 173, 176 Thelephoraceae, 59 Theobroma, 460, 612 Theobromine, 612, 618 Theophylline, 618 Thistle, 712, 723 blessed, 442 milk, 451. star, 440 Virgin Mary's, 451 Thlaspi, 553 Thorn apple,, 684 Thorough wort, 445, 712 Thuja, 1 1 8, 460 Thujone, 719 Thyme, 460 field, 441 garden, 677 Thymelaea, 628 Thymelaeaceae, 627 Thymol, 234, 678, 681 Thymo-quinhydrone, 179 Thymoquinone, 179, 681 Thymus, 460 Tiarella, 460, 556 Tibouchina, 634 Tick Trefoil, 443 Tilia, 461, 608, 609 hesperidin in, 153 species of, 609 Tiliaceae, 609 Tillandsia, 480 Tinctorium, 460 Tinctorius-a-um, 460 Tissue, 121 conjunctive, 313 laticiferous, 296 mechanical, 264 milk, 296 Tobacco, 453, 460, 688 camphor, 688 Indian, 710 Persian, 688 plant, Virginia, 688 Turkey, 688 wild, 710 Tococa, 634 Toddy, 620 Tolu, balsam of, 572 Tolu-resinotannol, 572 Toluifera, 461, 572 Tomato plant, 688 sugar in, 157 Tomentose, 354 Tomentosus-a-um, 461 Toothed, 385 Toringin, 562 Tormentilla, 565 Torus, 375, 389 Touch-me-not, 448 Touranose, 155 Tous les mois, 496 Toxalbumins, 196, 726 Toxicodendrol, 595 Toxicodendron, 461 Toxylon, 516 Tracheae, 273, 313 markings of, 273 Tracheids, 275 Trachylobium, 574 Tradescantia, 461, 480 Tragacanth, 218, 461, 569, 570 Tragopogon, 461 hairs in, 288 Trailing mahonia, 537 Transpiration, 350 Transverse heliotropism, 349 section, 749 Trapa, 634 Treacle mustard, 553 Tree of heaven, 434 Trees, 329 green coating on, 21 Trefoil, clover, 461 bird's foot, 450 Trehalose, 155 Tremellaceae, 59 Triandrus-a-um, 461 Triassic period, 101 Trichodesmium, 8 Tricolor, 461 Tricuspidatus-a-um, 461 Trifolium, 461, 576 Trilisa, 461 Trillium, 461 Trimorphic flowers, 399 Triosteine, 707 INDEX. 805 Triosteum, 706 Umbelliflorae, 636 Triphyllus-a-um, 461 Umbellularia, 461, 544 Tristichous, 363 Umbrella tree, 540 Triticum, 461, 467, 468 Unguis, 385 Trivial, 461 Unifacial leaf, 366 Trivialis-e, 461 Uniflorus-a-um, 461 Tropagolaceae, 579 Unisexual, 444 Tropaeolum, 579 flower, 392 True root, 299 Unona, 542 Solomon's seal, 483 Upas-tree, 516 Truffles, 65 Uragoga, 699, 7OO Trumpet-creeper, 691 Urari poison, 51? Truncate, 355 Urceolate, 388 Tsuga, 113, 118, 461 Uredineae, 65 Tuber, 326 Uredospores, 69 Tubercle, root, 306 Urena, 611 Tuberin, 195 Urginea, 461, 487 Tuberose, 485 Uroglena, 8, 10 Tuberosus-a-um, 461 Urtica, 461, 517 Tubiflorae, 668 Urticaceae, 51? Tubular flowers, 711 Urticales, 512 Tuckahoe, 65 Use and disuse, 131 Tulip, 485 Usitatissimus-a-um, 461 bulb, 330 Usnea, 73 tree, 450, 539 Ustilagineae, 65 Tupelo, 453, 518 Ustilago, 67. 461 Turner ic, 494 Utricle, 420, 527 Turmerol, 496 Utricularia, 299 Turnera, 623 Uva-ursi, 461, 644 Turneraceae, 623 Uvularia, 485 Turnip, 438, 553 Indian, 436 Vaccinium, 174, 653 little, 453 fruit, 417 protein in, 199 Vacuole, 134 sugar in, 157 Valerian, 462, 707' Turpentine, 118, 460 garden, 707 as a clearing agent, 757 Greek, 671 Canada, 118 wild, 707 Strassburg, 119 Valeriana, 462, 707 Venice, 118 Valerianaceae, 707 Turpeth, 461 Valerianales, 707 root. 453 Valerianella, 7.07 Turpethum, 461 Vallea, 608 Turtlehead, 441, 691 Valonia, tannin in, 206 Tussilago, 387, 461, 723 Valvate, 389 Twin leaf, 449 Vanilla, 462, 497 Twiner, 324 grass, 472 Types of mestome strands, hairs of, 284 343 leaf, 461 Typhaceae, 463 sugar in, 157 Vanillin, 173, 572 Ulex. 575 Variifolius-a-um, 462 Ulfnaceae, 512 Various woods, coarse struc Ulmaria, 461 tures of, 346 Ulmus, 461 Varnish tree, 597 section of wood, 346 Vasicine, 696 species of, 512 Vateria, 621 Ultra-microscope, 765 Vatica, 621 Ulva, 25 Vaucheria, 22, 40 Umbel, 394. 636 Vegetable agglutinins, 198 Umbellales. 636 bezoars, 577 Umbellated, 461 butter, 659 Umbellatus-a-um, 461 ivory, 473, 474 Umbelliferae, 575, 636 Vegetative organ, 299 fruit of, 417 Veins, 352 Venation in Dicotyledons, 353 Monocotyledons, 352 leaf, 352 Venenosus-a-um, 462 Ventral palisade tissue, 366 suture, 377 Venus's fly-trap, 362, 554 Veratrum, 462, 485 section of root, 320 Verbain, blue, 674 Verbascum, 691 hairs of, 286 hesperidin in, 153 Verbenaceas, 673 Verbenas, 673, 674 Vermilion, 597 Vernation, 364 Veronica, 462, 689 Verrucose, 354 Versatile, 380 Versicolor, 462 Verticillatus-a-um, 462 Verus-a-um, 462 Vervain, 673 nettle-leaves, 673 Vessels, 273, 313 Vetchling, 450 Viburnum, 462, 704, 705 Vicia faba, 199 Vicianin, 169 Vicilin, 195 Victoralis, 462 Victoria, 532 Vignin, 195 Villosus-a-um, 462 Vinca, 668 Vinifer-ra-rum, 462 Viola, 462, 622 glandular hairs in, 230 leaf of, 348 quercitin, 622 stem in section, 336 stomata in, 278 structure of flower, 403 Violaceae, 622 Violet, 462 dog's tooth, 485 English, 622 family, 622 leaf of, 348 sweet, 622 Virginia creeper, 607 grape-fern, 365 Virginianus-a-um, 462 Virginicus-a-um, 462 Viridiflorus-a-um, 462 Viridis-e, 462 Virosus-a-um, 462 Viscine, 518 Viscum, 518 Vismia, 619. 620 Vitaceae. 606 Vitae, arbor, 460 Vitis, 462, 607 Vittae. 637 8o6 INDEX. Volvox, 21 White clover, colors, 178 Vouacapoua, 436, 462 wines, 607 Vulgaris-e, 462 Whortleberry, 654 Wild black cherry, 560 Wahoo, 600 brier, 564 Wake-robin, 437, 461 caper, 591 Walking leaf, 439 cherry, 561 Wall, composition of, 254 indigo, 573 kinds of, 258 marjoram, 679 marking of, 260 strawberry, 566 mucilage, 257 yam root, 492 origin of, 254 Willow, 458, 508 pepper, 556 herb, 440, 634 thickening of, 260 flowers, 400 Walnut, 449, 509 Wind flower, 436 black, 509 Wine, 607 English, cross-section of light colored, 607 wood, 346 mammey, 620 family, 509 port, 607 oil in, 213 red, 607 white, 509 sweet, 607 Waltheria, 615 white, 607 Wandering Jew, 480 Winterana, 622 Washingtonia, 643 Winteranaceae, 622 Water, 247 Winter cress, 438 arum, 439, 479 Wintergreen, 644, 650 cress, 553 Winterin, 540 . fennel oil, 643 Winter's bark, 540 hemlock, 575, 642 Wistarin, 575 iodine, 761 Wisteria, 462, 575 leaf family, 670 Witch-hazel, 447, 558, 559 lily family, 531 Witch's brooms, 334 melon, 710 Wolfsbane, 434 net, 22 Wood, 317 plantain, 466 bass, 461 pores, 279 ' carving, 117 Wax, 210, 216, 277 fibers, 270 carnauba, 2, 4 in coal, up crystalline, 216 pulp, 117 forms of, 216 red, 117 Japan, 212, rush, 493 myrtle, 211, 212, 509 sorrel, 454, 544, 579 ocotilla, 621 structure of, 346 opium, 214 Woodfordia, 628 Wheat, 461, 467 Woodruff weed, 437 grass, 434 Wool, 269 lecithin in, 214 Woolly, 354 protein in, 199 Wormseed, 527 starch in, 148 Spanish, 527 sugar in, 15? Wormwood, 434, 437, 719 White clover, 472 hairs of, 285 Xanthium, 462, 723 Xanthone, 180 Xanthorhamnin, 169, 170 Xanthosome, 480 Xanthostrumarin, 723 Xanthoxylum, 462, 582 Xerase, 49 Xylem, 312 Xylopia, 541, 542 Xylose, 169 Xyrideales, 480 Yam, 444, 492 root, wild, 322, 492 Yarrow, 434, 452 Yeast, 47 dry, lecithin in, 214 glycogen in, 154 Yellow gum, 574 pond lily, 434, 531 Yerba Mate, 60 1 Santa, 670 Yew, 113 Ylang-ylang, 542 Yohimbi bark, 702 Yohimbihi bark, 702 Yohimbine, 702 Yucca, 485 Zanthoxylum, 581, 582 Zanzibar copal, 574 Zea, 462, 467, 469 root-tip, 300 Zeora, 75 Zeridine, 49 Zeylonicus-a-um, 462 Ziehl's carbol-fuchsin, 757 Zingiber, 462, 494, 495 Zingiberaceae, 494 Zizyphus, 606 Zollikoferia, hairs in, 282 Zoo-cecidien, 335 Zoospores, 5 Zostera, 466 Zygadenus, 574 Zygomorphic, 393 Zygomycetes, 42 Zygophyllaceae, 581 Zygospore, 5 Zymase, 244 TO BORROWED BIOLOGY LIBRARY TEL. NO. 642-2532 This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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