LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF W* Class *. MODERN -* ROAD BUILDING MODERN ROAD BUILDING BEING REPORTS OF THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE FIRST CONGRESS OF AMERICAN ROAD BUILDERS M HELD AT SEATTLE, WASHINGTON JULY 4, 1909 E. L. POWERS, SECRETARY, A. R. B. GOOD ROADS MAGAZINE 150 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK MODERN ROAD BUILDING INVOCATION DELIVERED BY THE RT. REV. FREDERIC W. KEATOR, D.D., BISHOP OF OLYMPIA, AT THE OPENING OF THE FIRST CONGRESS OF AMERICAN ROAD BUILDERS, SEATTLE, JULY 5TH, 1909. "O God, our Help in ages past, Our Hope for years to come." We lift our heart and mind to Thee in humble adoration and grateful praise. We acknowledge Thee the Giver of all good gifts, the Inspirer of every good word and work. We thank Thee for all the manifold blessings bestowed on us as a nation. In all our progress we would see Thy guiding hand. We pray Thee help us to show forth our gratitude to Thee by a humble walk- ing before Thee all our days, and by a sincere obedience to Thy laws. We ask Thy blessing upon all who are in authority over us, and especially the President of the United States and the Governor of this State. Help them and us, remembering whose authority they bear, to do Thy will and set forward Thy kingdom. Grant Thy blessing to this Congress now assembled. Direct them in all their doings and further them with Thy continual help, that in all their ways they may acknowledge Thee. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory for ever. Amen. George E. Dickson, Chairman of the Washington State Commis- sion, then presented the Washington Good Roads Building to the University of Washington. It is intended that this building shall be used by the University as a lecture hall and in the furthering of highway engineering, which is a subject now in which the students of the University are trained under the able direction of Professor Samuel C. Lancaster. Mr. Dickson made the presentation in the following happy terms : ADDRESS OF GEORGE E. DICKSON. Mr. President and Gentlemen of the First Congress of American Road Builders : As the official representative of the Washington State Commis- sion to the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the Washington State Good Roads Building. MODERN ROAD BUILDING 5 I assure you it would be especially gratifying to the Washing- ton State Commission, and the people of the state, if this building was known as the official home of your organization. The Washington State Commission was created by act of the Tenth Legislature for the purpose of exhibiting the general de- velopments, resources, and advantages of the State of Washington, at the World's Fair of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, to be held in Seattle, Washington, in 1909. Seven of 'the beautiful buildings you see on the exposition grounds were constructed by this Commission, yet the Washing- ton State Good Roads Building may prove the most important in the development and upbuilding of the state. The original appropriation of $2,500.00 set aside by us for a Good Roads Department did not contemplate the construction of a build- ing, but only an exhibit of road materials and road building. Owing to the great interest taken in the good roads movement throughout the state, fostered and promoted by Mr. Samuel Hill, President of the Washington Good Roads Association, and from the fact that the Washington State University had established a chair of "Good Roads" in that great institution of learning, the Commission, believing the construction of a building devoted to good roads and the installing of its good roads exhibit therein, would be a powerful aid in the promotion and education for good roads, concluded to construct this beautiful building, known as the Washington State Good Roads Building, at a cost of $12,000.00. This building is a permanent building, built on a substantial concrete foundation, and will be used by the State University as the home of its "Good Roads Department." During the exposition it will house and be the home of the Wash- ington Good Roads exhibit, and its auditorium and lecture room will be used each day for lectures and classes in good roads. The building is designed and arranged particularly for educating the people as to the necessity for good roads. This Commission and the people of the state at large are es- pecially pleased that the first session of the American Congress of Road Builders will be held in this building, the first edifice of the kind to be built for the purpose of fostering and promoting the building of good roads. Gentlemen, on behalf of the Washington State Commission, for the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, I take great pleasure in dedicating this building to the purpose for which it was erected, viz., "Good Roads." It used to be said that all roads lead to Rome. I trust that the future may show that all "Good Roads" emanate from the Wash- ington State Good Roads Building. 6 MODERN ROAD BUILDING Dr. Thomas Franklin Kane, President of the University of Washington, in accepting the gift of the State Commission, said: Mr. Dickson, Chairman of the State Commission of the Alaska- Yukon-Pacific Exposition : As a citizen of the state, along with every other citizen of the state, I wish to express my appreciation of the work of your Com- mission and the plans of the Exposition, whereby the state will receive for its appropriation to the Fair so large an amount of prop- erty of permanent value. Your Commission is to be congratulated on this signal service to the state. As representing the University, I wish to accept at your hands, for the state and for the University, this substantial and useful building. It has been planned by practical good roads engineers. It is well suited to its purpose. It is a happy coincidence that at the time of its dedication to its permanent use it is serving as the meeting place for the first Congress of American Road Builders. In accepting this building for the University, to you, Mr. Dick- son, for your Commission, and to you delegates assembled in this Congress, I pledge the University to do everything that can be done on our part toward having this building serve its intended purpose. It is a great pleasure to me, as a representative of one of the first Universities in this country, if not the first, to establish a chair of Good Roads Engineering, to be present at the first Congress of American Road Builders. It is an added cause of pleasure to have this first Congress assemble on the campus of the University. It is consistent with the policy of the University to provide for Good Roads Engineering. As a State University, it is our purpose to make the University of the highest possible service to the people of the state. The aim of the University is to help prepare young men and women for the work that will be of the greatest benefit to the state. The movement which this Congress represents, and which it is to advance, is one of the most important movements of our time, one that will result in as great benefit to the state as any that has taken place in years. The importance of this work in the state cannot at this time be measured. Commercially, good roads will enhance the value of every acre of agricultural and timber land in the state. It will in- crease the business of every town in the state. It will add to the value for the producer of every dollar's worth produced in the state. Good roads mean for the farmer and for all business dependent upon local transportation approximate uniform business the year round a whole year for business, instead of, as at present, busi- ness for the months in which the roads are good. Good roads will be one of the greatest inducements possible toward bringing to our state for permanent residence desirable classes of citizens, and our state will have the advantage, immediate and remote, such as Cali- fornia now abundantly enjoys, of travelers and visitors visiting our great state and seeing its attractions to advantage. MODERN ROAD BUILDING 7 Socially, it will mean that the children can go to school, that people can go to church, that the rural mail carrier can deliver mail in every section of the state in every month of the year. It will mean another approach of country life to all of the advantages of city life, with none of the added disadvantages. It will mean that the workingman in the factories of the city may be able to go back and forth from his work to a home in the country with whole- some, healthful surroundings for bringing up his children. General- ly, good roads mean likewise healthful exercise and enjoyment, at- traction to the millionaire, and within reach of the humblest citizen in the state who can command the use of a vehicle, or even a bicycle. This work will stand in this country as a monument of the energy, the generosity, and the practical ability of the men who have taken an active part in these Good Roads Associations. Your work will long be remembered in the states and countries which you represent, and I trust that you may have the full enjoyment and satisfaction that come from having taken an active part in the accomplishing of work so beneficial for all time to your respective states. ADDRESS OF WELCOME. Governor M. E. Hay, of Washington State, whose rising was received with loud applause, then proceeded, on behalf of the state of which he is the head, to welcome the many delegates who were in attendance. Nearly every state in the Union was represented, and the Governor's remarks were of a character both hearty and sincere, and he concluded by wishing the Congress every success, and by expressing the hope that their efforts and deliberations would be productive of much good in the improvement of the roads of the state and the United States generally. Governor Hay said, in part: The state of Washington is indeed glad to welcome you who represent an organization that has for its object a movement fully as important as the reclamation of the arid lands of our country and the conservation of our natural resources. I know that your meeting here will give added impetus to the growing interest in the Good Roads movement in this state. The problem of providing improved highways is worthy of the most serious consideration on the part of every state of our Union. Better transportation facilities in our rural districts is of vital importance, and the propa- ganda of education in the construction of durable roads which you are carrying on must ultimately prove of inestimable value to the nation. Among the nations of the first rank the United States is far behind in road building. Government statistics show that, whereas 8 MODERN ROAD BUILDING it costs from seven to eight cents to transport one ton one mile over the improved roads of Europe, the average cost per ton per mile over the roads in this country is twenty-five cents. In this respect the United States ranks with Mexico. It is estimated that the annual cost of transportation over the common roads in this country reaches the enormous sum of one billion dollars. If, through proper construction, the cost of hauling over the roads in this country could be reduced to an equality with that in Europe, and a saving of two-thirds of a billion dollars might be effected, it is simple arithmetic to figure how much we can afford to ex- pend in attaining this great economic saving. There are many oth- er considerations besides the added profits from labor accruing from a reduction in the cost of transportation to urge in making an appeal for good roads. Improved highways mean increased popu- lation, easier facilities for communication, and consequently better social conditions. They also add to the value of the adjacent land and to the profit on every product marketed therefrom. In rural districts, where the population is sparse, which is the condition in many sections of this state, the expense of building good roads is prohibitive, unless assistance can be received from other sources. The rapid development that naturally follows the improvement of transportation facilities adds directly to the tax- able wealth of the state, and consequently decreases the general burden of supporting the state government. Every step in the de- velopment of the rural districts directly benefits the town to which they are tributary, and indirectly the larger centers of population, which profit from the, increased commerce originating from the farms, the lumber camps, the mines, and from the grazing districts. All the communities, therefore, which gain from an increased de- velopment, and the state as a whole, which profits indirectly, are will- ing to aid in the construction of good roads. This willingness is ex- pressed in the state aid road law now on our statute books, and I be- lieve that law is a wise and beneficial piece of legislation, one which is calculated to do much in adding to the value of farm lands and the profits derived from all industries such as I have enumerated, and consequently to the welfare of the entire state. Very much of the credit for the good roads legislation now on the statute books of our state is due Mr. Samuel Hill, and I desire to take this opportunity of acknowledging the splendid service he has rendered the people of Washington as President of the State Good Roads Association. The campaign of education in road building and agitation in creating a lively interest in this important economic question carried on by him has been inspired by purely patriotic and philanthropic motives. In this work, to which he has so enthusiastically and effectively devoted himself, Mr. Hill has earned the right to a prominent place among the most useful citi- zens of the state of Washington. The state of Washington, with its great area, is confronted with a big problem in providing all sections with improved highways. Our people are bending their energies to solving that problem, and welcome every opportunity to acquire reliable information and MODERN ROAD BUILDING 9 practical suggestions bearing on the question of the economical construction of country highways. The efforts of your organiza- tion are bearing fruit in all parts of the United States, and you will find here an intelligent appreciation of the work you are doing. OBJECTS AND PURPOSES OF THIS CONGRESS. "The Objects and Purposes of this Congress" was the subject of the address of Hon. C. H. Hanford, of Seattle. ADDRESS BY JUDGE C. H. HANFORD. The object of this Congress is educational, practical, and stimu- lative. A country's roads are to it important as a man's .veins and arteries are to him ; each affords the means of circulation neces- sary to life. All people have a vague notion of the importance of public highways, but few have that degree of knowledge necessary to create a belief as to the necessity or wisdom of providing and maintaining roads of the quality essential to the use thereof with convenience and economy. The work of constructing and main- taining them requires men of scientific attainments, acting under the guidance of statesmen, who act most efficiently under the spur of popular demands. Those who use the highways and in- jure them most ascribe their deficiencies to the negligence of local officials, and are not conscious of any personal responsibility. Hence the necessity for action to challenge public attention and to teach the masses of the people with respect to the importance of having good roads and how they must be made. Road construction is a progressive science. Before the time of McAdam, the roads of England were very bad ; that is to say, they were unfit for the use then required. Then improved methods of construction were devised, and the roads were greatly improved, and they were good roads for a time; but they proved to be in- capable of resisting the destructive forces of modern methods of rapid transit, so that Necessity, the mother of invention, has been required to bring forth new theories and new materials for road construction. I have referred to England, for the reason that I am informed that she leads all other countries in the construction of roads fit to endure the wear of swift-running automobiles and heavy traction engines which are used there. Knowledge acquired by experimental processes is very costly. Much time and wealth may be saved by an interchange of ideas; that is to say, for the thinkers and successful experimenters of dif- ferent localities to disseminate the knowledge which they have acquired for the general welfare. With this in view, the object of this Congress, the first of its kind to be held on the continent of North America, is to serve as a medium for the interchange of ideas and the dissemination of knowledge. It is the medium through which some of the greatest practical thinkers of our time are to speak to the whole world on the important subject of road build- 10 MODERN ROAD BUILDING ing. Seattle has been highly honored in being selected as the city in which the first American Congress of road builders shall be held. The city appreciates the honor and cordially welcomes all who have come, from near and from far, to participate in the noble enterprise of enlightening the world. In conclusion, permit me to say that credit for this Congress is due to one man, whose name has already been mentioned with commendation Mr. Samuel Hill. With patriotic and unselfish zeal he devotes much of his time and is generous financially in promot- ing the cause of good roads. He engages in this work because he likes to do it, and he likes to do it because he realizes that thereby he is assisting in doing what is best for his fellow men. Hereafter, when Europeans, or our own countrymen, speak in derision of Americans as worshippers of the Almighty Dollar, we may justly claim that there are Americans who prefer to spend the money which they have to lighten the burdens and enhance the joys of all people, rather than to accumulate more wealth, and among men of this stamp Samuel Hill is the leader. James J. Hill was scheduled on the programme to give an ad- dress on "Primary Transportation," but was unavoidably prevented from coming to Seattle. This was a cause of extreme regret to the delegates. HISTORY OF ROAD BUILDING IN THE UNITED STATES. Mr. E. L. Powers, of the "Good Roads Magazine," of New York City, then read a paper on the "History of Road Building in the United States," which is here printed in full. PAPER BY MR. E. L. POWERS. The subject assigned me is one with which all here assembled are more or less familiar. Our public roads are an evolution from the primary paths made by animals and by men. Of the identity of the first beings who made paths in the wilderness we are uncer- tain. Whatever their character and origin, we may be reasonably certain that they had roads of some sort. It cannot be positively asserted that the mound-building Indians made roads, but that such was the case seems not unlikely. Sev- eral circumstances indicate that they had some system of com- munication. The remains of their works are often found on streams that were not navigable, and groups of them are found concentrated about natural strategic points, such as mountain passes, thus mak- ing natural the inference that some avenues of overland travel existed. MODERN ROAD BUILDING H The buffalo herds made broad, straight paths from point to point, which can yet be traced. These animals instinctively chose the best routes, and in many cases it has been found impossible to im- prove upon them. The Indians used these thoroughfares for many of their trails, and later the white man, finding them good, appro- priated them to his own use. The first white settlers to start with had very little to transport. Therefore a path to accommodate the pack horse was sufficient for their needs. As population grew and the country became civilized, more commodities had to be moved, and the wagon superseded the pack train. This necessitated wid- ening the former paths, and when it was found that the soft earth road would not sustain the wagon traffic attention was then given to the roadbed. The first step in this direction was the construc- tion of the corduroy road, made by the use of saplings and logs. This was a step forward, although it is possible that some of you have ridden over such roads and know by experience that they do not compare very favorably with at least some of our roads to-day. Road building began at centers, and spread out with the spread of population. Probably the real work of opening the roads in America began with the bridle paths on the Atlantic Slope. In 1639 a measure was passed in the Massachusetts Bay colony which provided that two or three men from adjacent towns get together and lay out proper roads. They were instructed to place the roads where they might be most convenient, and those deputed to the work were to have the power to locate them wherever they chose, provided that it did not necessitate pulling down a man's house or going through his garden or orchard. These men seem to have been (about) the first highway commissioners of whom we have record. In 1664 the government of the then province of New York adopted regulations for road making. These are the specifications : "The highways to be cleared as followeth, viz., the way to be made clear of standing and lying trees, at least ten feet broad ; all stumps and shrubs to be cut close by the ground. The trees marked yearly on both sides sufficient bridges to be made and kept over all marshy, swampy and difficult dirty places, and whatever else shall be thought more necessary about the highways aforesaid." In Pennsylvania, in 1692, the townships were given the control of the roads, and eight years later the county roads were put in the hands of county justices and King's highways in the hands of the governor and his council. Previous to the time of the Revolutionary War, it can be said that almost nothing had been done towards what we to-day under- stand by the term road building. In 1790 it is estimated that there were nearly 1,800 miles of post roads in the United States. As stated, road improvement began at the centers of the settlements and spread out as population increased. Philadelphia was one of the principal centers. Many roads began there, and were extended further and further. It is noticeable that in corduroying the roads the tendency was to narrow and deepen them in fact, one his- 12 MODERN ROAD BUILDING torian relates that they were made so deep that an instance is given of where, in trying to get a team out of a mudhole with a chain around the horse's neck, they pulled half the horse's head off. The advent of the stagecoach and freight wagon brought about another era in road building. This caused much friction between the pack horse owners and the stagecoach and wagon men a thing which always has and probably always will happen when a radical change is made in methods of transportation. We see the prin- ciple illustrated to-day in much the same way in the advent of the automobile. The adoption of the stagecoach ushered in the mac- adamized road, or, as it was known at that time, a road made of layers of broken stone. It is true, however, that but few such roads were built at the time. Most of the old roads were merely widene'd and graded by state and county, but remained of dirt. Nearly all of the macadamized roads were built by road and turn- pike companies. It is claimed that the first and most interesting macadamized road in the United States was the old Lancaster Turnpike, which ran from Philadelphia to Lancaster, Pa. This road was built by the Philadelphia & Lancaster Turnpike Com- pany, its charter being granted April 9, 1792. The work of build- ing began immediately, and was completed in 1794, at a cost of $465,000. The road was built very straight, with regular slope transversely. The macadam was carefully prepared, and no stone was allowed on the road that would not pass a two-inch ring. It was first planned to make the road 100 feet wide, but this was found too expensive. The toll gate, or turnpike, still exists in many isolated sections of .the country, but gradually they are passing. A number of states are now arranging fof their complete extinction. In 1750 there were three routes running through Southwestern Pennsylvania, Central Pennsylvania, and Central New York. These roads are said to have been wide enough for two pack horses to pass. In 1755 two roads were opened westward by troops of Washington, Braddock, and Forbes. These were long trails, wid- ened by pack horses of the Ohio Companies' agents. Braddock's road was cut through in 1755. In the year 1799 the state of Virginia appointed commissioners to construct a road over the Cumberland Mountains to the open country in Kentucky. These commissioners were authorized to call on the local county authorities for guards to protect the work- men from the Indians. Commissioners were appointed in 1785 to open a wagon road from the head of James river in Virginia to Lexington. Kentucky became a state in 1792, and passed its first road law in 1797, a law very similar to that of Virginia, which was in turn an adaptation of the English road law. Under its provisions, ap- plications were made to the county court to open a road to the County courthouse and to other points. Three persons, termed "viewers," were appointed to examine the road and report on same as to the comparative advantages and disadvantages. For the general supervision and care of the roads, the county divided them MODERN ROAD BUILDING 13 into precincts, each consisting of a certain number of miles, over which an overseer or surveyor was appointed. It was the over- seer's duty to look after repairs. With some modifications, Ken- tucky operated under this law until 1894. It is stated that the pub- lic system of Macadam and Telford roads was begun as early as 1810, although other authorities claim that no macadamized road or turnpike had been constructed in the state prior to 1829. From about 1822 to 1850 Kentucky gave liberally towards build- ing roads, and many miles of both gravel and macadam were con- structed. Some, like the road between Lexington and Frankfort, were built directly by the state ; but in the greater number of cases the state contribution was in the form of the purchase of shares in turnpike companies. By these means the state paid for road build- ing, between 1822 and 1860, nine million dollars. When by act of Congress Ohio was admitted into the Union as a state in the year 1802, one of the provisions, to become binding on the United States as soon as the Ohio convention should accept it, was one providing that one-twentieth part of the net proceeds of the lands lying within the state sold by Congress from and after a certain fixed date should, after deducting all expenses incident to the same, be applied to the laying out and making of public roads leading from the navigable waters emptying into the Atlantic, to the Ohio, to the said state and through same, such roads to be laid out under the authority of Congress with the consent of the several states through which the roads should pass. The measure became a law and was accepted by the Ohio convention November 29, 1802. Soon after the beginning of the last century, the matter of build- ing the road from Cumberland to St. Louis was agitated. The re- sult was that by a special act of Congress in 1806 the President was authorized to appoint a commission of three to lay out a road four rods wide from Cumberland, on the north bank of the Potomac river, to a point a little below Wheeling. This road is known as the "Cumberland Road," or the "6ld National Pike." As originally planned, the road was to go from Cumberland to St. Louis, a dis- tance of 1,000 miles. Only about 800 miles, however, were com- pleted. Thirty thousand dollars were first appropriated for carry- ing on the work. In the year 1819 the appropriation was $500,000, and the last appropriation for the road made by Congress was in 1838 for $150,000. The total amount expended up to that time was $7,000,000, $680,000 of which was from the Ohio fund. The Old National Pike was built of macadam, the depth of metal being 18 inches in the center and 12 inches at the sides. It was a toll road, and the revenues received were applied to repair and maintenance. In Ohio the amount collected in the year 1839 was $62,446.10, and this seems to have been the banner year. The average cost of the road between Cumberland and Uniontown was $9,745 per mile, while that of the division east of the Ohio river was about $13,000 per mile. This cost included the heavy grading and stone bridges which were built. The average cost of the road in Eastern Ohio was much less than in Maryland and Pennsyl- 14 MODERN ROAD BUILDING vania, being about $3,400 per mile, and this included macadamizing, masonry, bridges, and culverts. Although the road was projected and partially surveyed in 1806, it was not thrown open to the public until the year 1812. In about 1852 the development of the railroads took from the National Pike the bulk of travel and traffic, as well as the mails between the East and West. Thus began the period of decline of the most famous road in our history. Many interesting debates took place in Congress in relation to the construction of the National Pike. Henry Clay was one of the most ardent advocates of the measure. An argument used in one of his speeches was that when the Cumberland Roads and the State Road from Baltimore to Cumberland should be completed the journey from Baltimore to Wheeling would be reduced from eight days to three days. In 1804, 1805, and 1806, through the favor of the National Con- gress, the Lewis and Clark Expedition was organized, for the pur- pose of establishing a route from the Atlantic to the Pacific by following the Missouri to its source, and crossing to and following to tidewater the great river which forms the southern boundary of the state of Washington. Great credit is due Meriwether Lewis and Captain Clark and their company of explorers in carrying out this work. Praise is also due to John C. Fremont, the eminent engineer, who in 1844 surveyed a route to these shores through what was then named the South Pass of the Rockies. While not road builders in the strict sense of the term, these determined men made the famous trails of history that were primarily important factors in the establishment of avenues of traffic, thereby making possible the magnificent development of the Pacific Slope. In his book on Road Building in the United States, General Roy Stone says that "few are aware that, while the construction of the Cumberland Road was in progress, twelve national roads were laid out in the states and territories, making what was regarded then as a complete system of highways, and that more or less work was done in opening and constructing these various highways." The plank road came into existence as a rival of macadam con- struction in the year 1835. The first road of this sort to be built in the United States was constructed at Syracuse in 1837. A large number of plank road companies were organized, and within fifteen years from the introduction of that method of road construction 2,106 miles had been constructed in the state of New York. These roads were usually built single track and of planks eight by three inches, laid on stringers resting on more or less well laid founda- tions. The average cost in New York was less than $2,000 per mile, and their cheapness made them popular. During the period of ch'eap lumber plank roads were built extensively from the larger cities. Some of them remain, but the gradually increasing cost of lumber has led to other methods of construction. Their usefulness has survived in one respect, however. No community, after once having had a good plank road, could ever go back to the muddy and rutty earth road without strenuous protest. MODERN ROAD BUILDING 15 Paved roadways appear to have received attention in the towns and cities before very much attention was given to the subject of country road building. According to the most authentic records, the first pavements laid in the United States were put down almost simultaneously in the cities of New York and Boston in the year 1650. These pavements have been referred to as pebbles, probably what we would call cobblestone pavements. The development of this branch of road building has been brought to a high state of de- velopment due, of course, to the great amount and diversified nature of the traffic to be accommodated. The modern awakening to the necessity for better roads, or, as it is more commonly called, the Good Roads Movement, began in 1885, when the bicycle came into general use. Bicycles became very popular, and in consequence a large army of new users of the highways was produced. These wheelmen quickly saw the necessity for better highways, not only for themselves, but for all other road users as well. They organized themselves, and began issuing literature calling attention of the public to the great loss entailed from lack of better country roads. Statistics were pub- lished, showing the cost of bad roads to the farmer and to all other citizens. This literature was sent broadcast, and the newspapers were appealed to. The press always a most potent factor in the molding of public opinion took the matter up, and public senti- ment was aroused. As a result of the agitation the state of New Jersey put into practical operation a plan for state aid in the improvement of its highways. This was the first application of the principle, and really inaugurated a new era in road building. It is true that as early as 1819 the state of North Carolina gave aid in the construction of roads through a state board of internal improvements. This plan, however, it appears, for some reason, did not work out satisfacto- rily. The application of state aid in New Jersey was quickly fol- lowed by the adoption of similar measures in Massachusetts and Connecticut. The principle thus became well established. It has since been put into operation by other states, so that to-day up- wards of 50 per cent, of them have some co-operated plan of road improvement. State aid has now become fully recognized as cor- rect in principle and efficient in its application. The Office of Public Roads was inaugurated in the year 1893 in the United States Department of Agriculture for the purpose of disseminating information, testing materials, and giving instruc- tion in the art of road building. Statistics compiled and published by this Office in the year 1904 show that at that time there were 2,151,507 miles of roads in the United States. Of this mileage, however, only 153,662 miles were of improved roads, or a little more than 7 per cent, as compared with the total length of all the roads in the country. The task we have before us of improving the other 93 per cent, of the roads of the country seems gigantic. That we are making progress cannot be denied ; that we have not made greater progress is due to many reasons. It must be remembered that it was but a 16 MODERN ROAD BUILDING comparatively short time ago that attention was first seriously drawn to the necessity for road improvement, and that we have but recently placed the country roads under properly organized super- vision. The great growth of our population and the consequent increased road traffic, brought about especially by new methods of locomotion, has greatly raised the standard of our requirements t must, of necessity, take a long time to effectually overcome the neglect and the mistakes of former years. It is not so easy, as road builders know, to make an old, badly constructed roadway over as it is to start and build a new road under modern practice Road contractors and engineers are not trained in a day to the practical part of the work, and the men who really know how are far too few in number to construct all the roads of this country to meet the conditions of modern traffic as rapidly as many good people In the great state of Washington a splendid start has been made m road building. No state has shown greater enterprise. No state can dispute her claim to foremost rank in the matter of initiative I he establishment of a Chair of Highway Engineering is a for- ward step and one well worthy of imitation in every state In road improvement, Washington has set an example for all this reat Western country. There are two classes in interest in the matter of road building those who build the roads, or are responsible for their construction and those who use them. Both classes are represented here to-day and it is well that they should be. No progress has ever been made without the proper sort of co-operation. There should be a full and complete understanding between these classes. The automobilists to a man, are good roads enthusiasts; so should be all other users j highway. Every one who travels a roadway should under- stand that to make a road suited to present-day conditions requires a thorough knowledge of materials and skill in methods on the part of the road builder. The user should not expect too much. Money IS first required, but money will not build roads, unless the men who know how are available. To build faster means larger appro- priations and a greater number of skilled contractors and engineers We must educate road builders; we must train them, before the work can go on at its maximum rate. The men charged with the work of highway improvement are thoroughly honest, conscien- tious, and efficient, and they are giving the best years of their lives to the public service. Upon them are placed great responsibilities, and they should be given much praise. Their work should not be hindered by those who are too zealous to have all the roads im- proved m a single day. There are many difficult problems, which must be worked out, and which require time and experience to solve. Education, organization, and administration are the great iactors m carrying on the work of road building: let them all be given due attention. It may be true that we are on the eve of great developments in the navigation of the air. With the building of, roads above the earth we are not concerned at present. We have MODERN ROAD BUILDING 17 the roads here on earth to-day, and we will have them with us to- morrow. We must rely upon them, and therefore we must make them good. We can do this through unity of action, through enter- prise, and through education and organization. EARTH, SAND, CLAY, AND GRAVEL ROADS. "Earth, Sand, Clay, and Gravel Roads" was the subject of the paper by Mr. M. O. Eldredge, of Washington, D. C. PAPER BY MAURICE O. ELDREDGE, ASSISTANT IN ROAD MANAGEMENT, U. S. OFFICE OF PUBLIC ROADS. Earth Roads. The cost of hauling over country roads is largely determined by the size of the load that can be hauled, the number of trips that can be made in a day, and the wear and tear on teams and equipment. Steep grades, as well as ruts and mudholes, serve to decrease both the speed and the load. On the principle that a chain is no stron- ger than its weakest links, the maximum load that a team can draw is the load that it can draw up the steepest hill or through the deepest mudhole on that road. Wherever possible roads should be located on straight lines be- tween terminal points. In hilly or mountainous country, however, the attempts to keep roads straight between terminals often leads to the serious error of heavy grades. Straightness and grade must therefore be handled together. The best location is one which is straight in general direction, is free from steep grades, is located on solid ground, and serves the largest possible number of people. Roads should be located for the benefit of the people, and not the private landowner. If county officials would apply to each badly located road some simple formula like the following, they would be justified in relocating many roads. For example : The diagonal road on a 160-acre tract is .70 mile and saves .30 mile in going around it. Assuming 3,000 tons of traffic and a cost of 25 cents per ton per mile, the public would save $225 by the short route. This is enough to pay the interest and sinking fund on at least $4,000, which would be sufficient to pay for the whole farm at $25 per acre. The $225 alone would in most cases pay the dam- age, and in many other cases there would be no damage. If the short road is on a better grade than the long one, the saving would be still greater. The elimination of one or two steep hills on a line of road will frequently enable horses to draw three or four times as much as they could draw on the old road. It takes approximately four times as much power to draw loads up 10 per cent, grades (10 feet ver- M.R.B. 2 18 MODERN ROAD BUILDING tical in 100 feet horizontal) as on a level, but on a 4 per cent, or 5 per cent, grade a horse can usually draw (for a short time) as much as he can draw on a level. A 4 per cent, or 5 per cent, grade is, therefore, considered the maximum on roads subject to heavy hauling. Many steep grades may be avoided by locating the road around instead of over the hill, and it is often no further around a hill than over it ; the bail of the bucket is no longer when held in a horizontal position than in a vertical. By going around we avoid two steep hills. If the road must pass up a steep hill or mountain side, the steep- ness of the grade may be decreased by increasing the length of the road. In other words, eliminate steep grades by locating the road on curved or zigzag lines, and not in a straight line from the bottom to the top of the hill. These curves should be care- fully plotted and the straight stretches located with an instrument. This improves the looks of the road and does not add materially to its cost. In studying the relation of grade to distance, the following cal- culation is interesting: To lift a ton one foot high requires 2,000 foot pounds of energy ; on a road the surface of which offers 100 pounds of tractive resistance per ton the same energy would roll the ton a horizontal distance of 20 feet. To save one foot of grade the road may therefore be lengthened 20 feet. Roads should never be located so close to stream beds as to be subject to overflow, or on ground which is constantly damp and marshy. The earth road should have at least six hours of sunshine each day. This can be secured either by locating the road with south- ern or western exposure, or by having such brush and trees as im- pede the drying action of the sun and wind removed. With gravel and stone roads, this is not so necessary, as a certain amount of moisture is needed on such roads, especially in the summer time. Relocating roads is not an engineering problem alone. One must also consider the effect of the road on those who now live upon it. Many farmers dislike to have the road placed back of their houses or out of sight of it. It requires tact and good judg- ment to secure a suitable location without arousing harsh antago- nism. As soils differ for agricultural purposes, so they differ for roads. Clays or soils of fine texture usually make poor roads, especially if they contain much vegetable matter. The coarser soils, however, which contain some sand or gravel, will often make very satisfac- tory roads for light traffic, provided they are kept in proper repair. If the road is composed of fine clay or soil, it will sometimes pay to resurface it with top soil from an adjacent field which has sand or gravel mixed with it. This method, called the "top soil method," is now in successful use in Clarke county, Ga. The earth road can best be crowned and ditched with a road machine, and not with picks and shovels, scoops and plows. One road machine, with suitable power and operator, will do the work of many men with picks and shovels, and do it better. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MODERN ROAD BUILDING 19 The road machine should be used when the soil is damp, so as to make the soil bake when it dries out. If it is worked dry, it takes more power to draw the machine, and, besides, dry earth and dust retain moisture and quickly rut after rains. The use of clods, sods, weeds, or vegetable matter in building earth roads should be avoid- ed, because they also retain moisture. It is a great mistake to put the working of the earth road off until August or September. The surface is then baked dry and hard. It is not only difficult to work, but is unsatisfactory work when done. Earth which is loose and dry will remain dusty as long as the dry weather lasts, and then turn to mud as soon as the rains begin. By using the road machine in the spring of the year, while the soil is soft and damp, the surface is more easily shaped, and soon packs down into a dry, hard crust, which is less liable to become dusty in summer or muddy in winter. Storm water should be disposed of quickly before it has time to penetrate deeply into the surface. This can be done by giving the road a crown or slope from the center to the sides. For an earth road which is 24 feet wide, the center should be not less than 6 inches nor more than 12 inches higher than the outer edges of the shoulders. A narrow earth road which is high in the middle will become rutted almost as quickly as one which is too flat, for the reason that on the narrow road all the traffic is forced to use only a narrow strip. Shoulders are often formed on both sides of the road, which pre- vent storm water from flowing into side ditches, retaining it in the ruts and softening the roadway. These ruts and shoulders can be entirely eliminated with the road machine or split-log drag. Ordinarily, the only ditches needed are those made with the road machine, which are wide and shallow. Deep, narrow ditches wash rapidly, especially on steep slopes, which is another good rea- son for decreasing the steepness of the grades. It is difficult to maintain an earth road, or any kind of road for that matter, on a steep grade. The width of the earth road will depend on the traffic. As a rule, 25 or 30 feet from ditch to ditch is sufficient, if the road is properly crowned. A road that is narrower than 25 feet is difficult to main- tain, for the above-stated reason that on narrow roads the teams are more apt to track than on a wider road, causing it to rut if sub- jected to heavy hauling. We should not loosen, dig up, or plow up any more of the surface of an earth road than is absolutely necessary. The road should be gradually raised, not lowered; hardened, not softened. On flat lands, where water moves slowly, grading material should be taken from the lower ditch, and culverts supplied where water- ways occur. A shallow ditch on the upper side makes it possible to give culverts a good fall. Two or more small pipes, instead of one large one of equal capacity, may be used for culverts, especially if the large pipe necessitates much grading or raising of the road- way. At least 6 inches should be left between each pipe, and earth 20 MODERN ROAD BUILDING should be tamped around them thoroughly, so as to prevent a wash- out. To prevent washing on steep roads, the water should be carried under the surface at frequent intervals from the upper to the lower side, and from the lower side away from the road. Five 12-inch pipes in a mile of roadway are about as cheap and far better than one 24-inch pipe. The water must be disposed of before it gains force or headway, or has time to damage the road. If culvert pipes have a fall of 1 inch to 100 feet, the water passing through them has a velocity of about four miles an hour ; but if the fall is 36 inches to 100 feet, the velocity is about 20 miles per hour. Hence a pipe laid upon a fall of 36 inches to 100 feet, will have five times the capacity of a pipe of equal diameter laid on a grade of 1 inch to 100 feet. A 24-inch pipe, having a fall of 1 inch to 100 feet, will have a capacity of 3,296 gallons per minute ; where- as a 12-inch pipe, having a fall of 36 inches to 100 feet, will have a capacity of 2,554 gallons per minute. Bv increasing the fall, we increase the capacity of the pipe, de- crease the size of the pipe necessary, and, therefore, decrease the cost of the culverts. Furthermore, culverts laid flat will soon fill up, but if given a good fall they will keep themselves clear. If much fall is obtained in a culvert pipe, the spillway should be paved. Earth should be tamped under and around the pipe in lay- ers, and should be of sufficient depth to prevent the pipe frorh be- ing broken by traffic ; but under no circumstances should a ridge over the culvert be allowed, for it not only endangers the life of the culvert, but is a menace to traffic. An attempt to drain mudholes with culvert pipe will fail in most cases. The water should be drained off by means of open ditches, and the soft mud then thrown out and replaced with just enough good firm earth to make it level (after consolidation) with the surrounding surface. If mudholes in earth roads are filled with brush or stone, it usually results in two mudholes, one at each end. Repairs should be made when needed, and not once a year after crops are "laid by." One hundred days' labor, judiciously dis- tributed throughout the year, will accomplish more and better work in the maintenance of an earth road than the same amount of labor expended in six days, especially if the six days are in August, Sep- tember, or October, when the ground is hard and dry. Because of its simplicity, its efficiency, and cheapness, the split- log drag, or some similar device, is destined to come into more and more general use. With the drag properly built and its use well understood, the maintenance of earth and gravel roads becomes a simple and inexpensive matter. Care should be taken to make the log so light that one man can lift it with ease, as a light drag responds more readily to various methods of hitching and the shift- ing positions of the operator than a heavier one. The best material for the drag is a dry cedar log, though elm, walnut, box elder, or soft maple are excellent. Oak, hickory, or ash are too heavy. The log should be from seven to ten feet long, MODERN ROAD BUILDING 21 and from eight to ten inches in diameter at the butt end. It should be split carefully as near the center as possible, and the heaviest and best slab chosen for the front. Holes are then bored per- pendicular and at right angles to the split faces, and in such a way that one end of the back slab when fastened in position will be about 16 inches nearer the center of the road than the front one. This gives the "set-back," so that the logs will track when drawn along the road at an angle of about 45 degrees. The two halves of the logs are fastened together by stakes, these being mortised into the holes above mentioned. A cleated board is placed between the slabs for the driver to stand on. A strip of iron placed along the lower face of the front slab will prevent the drag from wearing. The drag may be fastened to the doubletree by means of a trace chain. The chain should be wrapped around the left-hand or rear stake and passed over the front slab. Raising the chain at this end of the slab permits the earth to drift past the face of the drag. The other end of the chain should be passed through a hole in the opposite end of the front slab and held by a pin passed through a link. For ordinary purposes the hitch should be so made that the un- loaded drag will follow the team at an angle of about 45 degrees. The team should be driven with one horse 'on either side of the right-hand wheel track or rut the full length of the portion to be dragged, and made to return in the same manner over the other half of the roadway. Such treatment will move the earth toward the center of the roadway and raise it gradually above the sur- rounding level. The best results have been obtained by dragging roads once each way after each heavy rain. In some cases, however, one drag- ging every three or four weeks has been found sufficient to keep a road in good condition. When the soil is moist, but not sticky, the drag does its best work. As the soil in the field will bake if plowed wet, so the road will bake if the drag is used on it when it is wet. If the roadway is full of holes or badly rutted, the drag should be used once when the road is soft and slushy. This is particularly applicable before a cold spell in winter, when it is possible to so prepare the surface that it will freeze smooth. Not infrequently conditions are met which may be overcome by a slight change in the manner of hitching. Shortening the chain tends to lift the front slab and make the cutting slight, while a longer hitch causes the front slab to sink more deeply into the earth and act on the principle of a plow. Sand-Clay Roads. About 1894, an agent of the Office of Public Roads found several miles of natural road near Cape Charles on the sandy shores of Eastern Virginia which were smooth and firm throughout the year. An examination of the surface soil of which the road was composed 22 MODERN ROAD BUILDING developed the fact that the surface contained a mixture of sand and clay. An expert of the office, a few years later, while attend- ing a road convention in Marion county, Fla., found that the road officials of that county were making excellent roads by surfacing the old sandy roads with a natural clay and sand mixture obtained from a pit near Bartow. From these observations, the origin of the sand-clay road may be traced. Comparatively little, if any, sand-clay road had been constructed previous to 1894; but since that time experts of the Office of Pub- lic Roads have been studying and experimenting with this method of construction, and advocating its use, with the result that, ten years after the first observation was made along this line by the Office, there were nearly 3,000 miles of sand-clay roads in the South, distributed as follows : Miles South Carolina 1,575 Georgia 513 North Carolina 438 Morida 435 Alabama 12 At the present time there are probably twice as many miles as in 1904; its popularity being due to the facts that it is cheap, com- paratively firm and durable, easy to construct and repair, and that the materials out of which it is built are plentiful in many sections of the country. The sand-clay road is made by mixing the sand and clay in such a way that the grains of sand touch each other; the spaces between the grains being filled with clay, which acts as a binder. The approximate mixture of sand and clay may be determined by filling a vessel with a sample of the sand to be used, and another vessel of the same size with water. The water is poured carefully into the sand until it reaches the point of overflowing. The volume of water removed from the second vessel represents approximately the proportion of clay needed. The proportion of sand and clay can best be determined, how- ever, as the work progresses, as some clay will contain more sand than others. In fact, clays are very frequently found which already contain about the right proportion of sand. This is true of the Bar- tow clay, above referred to. The Clay on Sand Road. If the road to be treated is sandy, the surface is first leveled off and crowned with a road machine, the crown being about one- half inch to the foot from the center to the sides. The clay is then dumped on the surface and carefully spread, so that it will be from 6 inches to 8 inches in depth at the center, and gradually decreas- ing in depth towards the sides. A layer of clean sand is then usually added, which is thoroughly mixed with the clay, either by traffic or by means of plows and disk or tooth harrows. The best results have been obtained by thoroughly mixing or MODERN ROAD BUILDING 23 puddling the materials when wet. For this reason it is desirable to do the mixing in wet weather. The mixing can be left to the traffic after the materials have been properly placed; but this in- volves a whole winter and spring of bad road, and even then the mixing is not always satisfactory. In all cases, it is advisable to dress the road with a road machine or split-log drag after the ma- terials have been thoroughly mixed, and to give it a crown of not more than 1 inch or less than three-fourths of an inch to the foot from the center to the sides. A light coating of sand may then be added. The use of the road machine or drag should be continued at frequent intervals until the surface is smooth and firm. The Sand on Clay Road. If the road to be treated is composed of clay, it should first be brought to a rough grade with a road machine. The surface should then be plowed and thoroughly pulverized by harrowing to a depth of about 4 inches, after which it is given a crown or slope of about one-half inch to the foot from the center to the sides. It is then covered with 6 inches to 8 inches of clean, sharp sand, which is spread thicker in the center than at the sides. The materials should then be mixed with plows and harrows while they are comparative- ly dry, after which they are finally puddled with a harrow during wet weather. If clay works to the surface and the road becomes sticky, more sand should be added. The road is then shaped, crowned, and ditched in the usual man- ner with a road machine. This should be done when the surface is soft, yet stiff enough to pack well under the roller or the traffic. Wide, but shallow, ditches should be provided on both sides of the road, and culverts or cross-drains should be placed wherever water flows across the road, for it is exceedingly important that the "sand on clay" roads be well drained. After the "clay on sand" or the "sand on clay" road is com- pleted, it should be carefully maintained until the surface becomes firm and smooth. The construction of this type of road is by no means a quick operation. If soft, sticky places appear, more sand should be added, and if loose, sandy places are found, more clay is needed. It is just as important to attend to these small details as to any other part of the work; for, if they are neglected, the road is liable to fail. It requires approximately one cubic yard of clay to surface 1% running yards of road 12 feet in width, or about 1,175 cubic yards to the mile. From three-fourths to one cubic yard will make a load for two horses on a dry clay road. The cost of the road will there- fore depend largely upon the distance the material is hauled, the aver- age being from $300 to $800 per mile. A road built under the direc- tion of the Office of Public Roads at Gainesville, Fla., one mile long, 14 feet wide, and having 9 inches of sand-clay surface, cost $881 per mile, or 10 cents per square yard. Another sand-clay road built by the Office at Tallahassee, Fla., 16 feet wide, 7 inches thick, cost $470 per mile, or about 5 cents per square yard. 24 MODERN ROAD BUILDING Gravel Roads. A properly located and well-drained earth foundation is the prerequisite of a good gravel road. It is a waste of material and labor to apply gravel to the surface of a road which is full of ruts and holes. A smooth, solid foundation is just as necessary as in macadam construction. There are so many different kinds of gravel that it is almost impossible to lay down principles of construction which will hold good in all cases. A road building gravel should bind well. The qualities of hardness and toughness are important, but not so im- ' portant as the cementing value. The angular gravels, with square, sharp fractures, are the best. Water-worn creek or river gravel, which is round and clean, will seldom produce a satisfactory wear- ing surface. Such material may, however, be used for a founda- tion, and bonded with a layer of suitable pit gravel. Two deposits of gravel are seldom found which are exactly alike. When there are several pits to choose from, hand samples should be selected from each and carefully examined, and if pos- sible a test made to ascertain the cementing value of each. By sep- arating the gravel, sand, and clay a fair idea of the relative value of each may be ascertained. If there is still any doubt as to which is the best, a short stretch of road built of each sample will indicate, within a few months, not only the cementing value, but also the wearing quality, of each. If the gravel varies in size from very small pieces to large pieces, good results may sometimes be secured by separating the gravel with a hand or power screen. Gravel roads built of screened gravel are usually superior to those built of unscreened gravel, al- though there are exceptions to this rule. When the gravel is separated, the larger sized pieces are used for the foundation, the medium sized pieces for the wearing course, and the smaller pieces and dust for the binder, as in regular mac- adam construction. If there is an excess of earth, sand, or clay, as is often the case, these can and should be removed by screening. An outfit consisting of a gasoline engine, hopper, elevator, re- volving screen, and medium size bins for three sizes of gravel will cost in the neighborhood of $1,200. For a small additional outlay a drum and cable may be attached to the engine with which to oper- ate a bucket conveyor to carry the. gravel from the pit to the hopper. A platform built around the mouth of the hopper, with inclined wings so arranged that the teams may drive on and off the plat- form, will make it possible to deliver the gravel to the hopper with drag or wheel scrapers. A similar platform, with trap doors and sufficient space beneath for wagons to pass under it, is useful in pits where it is not necessary to screen the gravel. With such a platform, wheel and drag scrapers may be used in delivering the material from the pit to the platform, from which it is dumped automatically through the trapdoors to the wagons beneath. MODERN ROAD BUILDING 25 There are many different methods of building gravel roads in use in various parts of the country. Most of them, however, are built without method or plan. Some fail because the material is poor, but the majority of the failures is due to the fact that the material is not properly applied to the surface. The following are the principal causes of failure. First : Poor material ; round, water-worn gravel ; too little binder or too much sand, earth, or clay. Second : Unstable foundations ; placing gravel on surfaces filled with ruts and holes. Third: Poor drainage; too flat, or too high in the middle; side ditches too deep or not deep enough ; culverts which are too small, or which are laid so flat that they are soon filled with silt or trash. Fourth : Spreading gravel in dry weather ; dumping it in piles and leaving it for the traffic to spread. Fifth : Making the road too narrow to accommodate the traffic, or so narrow that wagons will track and soon cut the surface into ruts. Sixth : Failure to keep ruts and holes filled with gravel. With good binding or cementing gravel satisfactory roads may be made by surfacing the prepared earth subgrade with one or two layers of this material. The earth road is first shaped with a road machine, and, if possible, rolled with an 8 or 10 ton roller. The earth foundation should be crowned but slightly. The material is spread in one, two, or three layers to a total depth of from 8 to 10 inches in the center and from 4 to 6 inches at the sides, gradually di- minishing in depth to a feather edge toward the side ditches. The depth of gravel will depend upon the traffic, and to some extent on the material, as well as the earth subgrade. If the material is spread in layers, then the coarser grade is placed for the foundation, and the finer grade for the wearing surface. In case screened gravel is used, the larger size pieces, those which will not pass a three-inch ring, should be thrown out or raked into the foundation course as the work progresses. Some varieties of gravel must be sprinkled and rolled before they will consolidate, while others bind well under ordinary traf- fic. Sometimes a good practice is to apply the gravel in wet weath- er, or to wet the gravel before it is applied to the road. In some cases a little clay or loam will hasten the binding process. Care should be taken, however, not to use too much clay or loam, as these will soften in wet weather. An excess of clay makes the road dusty in summer and muddy in winter. If it becomes necessary to build the road without a roller or sprinkler, the work should be done in the spring of the year before the rains have ceased. The traffic will pack the material much bet- ter then than in the summer or fall. The road machine or split-log drag may be used to advantage in removing ruts and filling holes while the road is green. A little attention while the road is green is better than much attention later, on the principle that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The width of the gravel road will depend upon traffic condi- tions. It should be surfaced to a width of at least 12 feet, and, if possible, to a width of from 14 to 16 feet. A narrow strip of gravel 26 MODERN ROAD BUILDING will wear out much more quickly than one which is a little wider. If the road is surfaced to a width of 16 feet, then the crown ought to be from 6 to 8 inches from the center to the outside edge of the gravel. This is sufficient for drainage. If the crown is higher than about an inch to the foot, the traffic will be forced to the center of the road and cause it to wear more quickly. Gravel roads are often built in the same manner as macadam roads; that is, the foundation is provided with shoulders and the material is spread in two or three layers of uniform thickness from center to sides. This method can be used to advantage where gravel is scarce, as the shoulders are composed of earth instead of gravel. In case gravel fails to bind or wear well, good results have been obtained by applying to the surface a thin layer of crushed rock screening, preferably trap. Several miles of the gravel roads in Rock Creek Park, Washington, D. C., are treated in this way. They look like macadam roads, and wear almost as well, but are very much cheaper. The suggestions as to drainage and culverts given in the paper on earth roads also apply to gravel roads. The split-log drag has been used with great success in maintain- ing gravel roads. There is a tendency on most gravel roads for the material to work toward the sides, forming shoulders, which prevent water from reaching the side ditches. The standing water thus held back softens the foundation, causing the surface to give way into ruts and holes. If the road is rolling, these shoulders sometimes cause the water to follow the wheel tracks and wash the surface into deep gullies. An occasional dragging will prevent the formation of such shoulders. The gravel road ought to have a little attention throughout the year, instead of a great deal of attention at one time. One hun- dred days' labor, distributed throughout the year, applied on say 5 miles of gravel road, will keep it in much better condition than the same amount of labor applied in a day or a week. No one who has observed the results will fill mudholes in gravel roads, or any kind of road for that matter, with large rocks or boulders, yet there are probably more mudholes filled in this way than with gravel. After the mud has been removed, the holes should be filled with the same kind of gravel as that with which the road is surfaced. When the gravel is worked with a road machine, the sods and weeds are often left in windrows in the middle. These should be raked up and thrown into the adjacent field, or otherwise disposed of, as they retain moisture and cause lumps and holes if left on the road. The cost of building gravel roads varies greatly in different parts of the country, depending principally on the distance material is hauled and the cost of labor and teams. So far as can be ascer- tained, the average cost of building 19,900 miles of gravel road in Indiana was $1,473 per mile. The average cost of building 237 MODERN ROAD BUILDING 27 miles of gravel roads in New Jersey was $2,425 per mile. The New Jersey roads were surfaced to an average width of 15.3 feet and an average depth of 8.4 inches. The average cost of building 70 miles in Connecticut was $3,741 per mile. The Connecticut roads were surfaced to an average width of 15.5 feet and to a depth of 8.3 inches. From these figures it appears that gravel roads in Connecticut cost about twice as much as the gravel roads of Indiana. A closer scrutiny of the Indiana figures, however, reveals the fact that the cost in that state varies from $300 to $3,500 per mile. Most of the gravel roads in Indiana are built by the farmers in working out their taxes, which is not a very satisfactory method of road build- ing. The material is usually spread on the rough, unprepared sur- face to a depth of from 8 to 12 inches and to a width of from 9 to 14 feet, and is then left for traffic to spread and consolidate. The gravel roads of Connecticut, however, are built under the direction of the State Highway Commissioner, who is an experienced high- way engineer. The material is well selected, spread on a prepared foundation, and properly consolidated. While Connecticut gravel roads may cost twice as much as those of Indiana, they are un- doubtedly twice as good and are worth what they cost. The average cost of maintenance will vary as much as the cost of construction, and will depend, not only on the quality of ma- terial used, but also on the method of construction as well as the volume of traffic. The average cost of maintaining 19,900 miles of gravel road in Indiana, which had been built over five years, was about $90 per mile per annum. While the original cost of stone roads per mile in Indiana was nearly doubly the cost of gravel roads, the cost of maintenance per mile per annum was about one-half. If the original cost of con- struction is added to the cost of maintenance for 20 years, it will be seen that Indiana gravel roads have cost about as much as the stone roads. The facts emphasize the importance of testing the relative wearing quality of all available materials before large amounts of money are expended in road building. - CREOSOTED WOOD BLOCK STREET PAVING. "Wood Block Pavements" was the subject allotted to Mr. An- drew Rinker, of Minnesota, after which the delegates adjourned for lunch. PAPER BY ANDREW RINKER. In preparing this paper, I shall not attempt to cover the subject of Street Paving generally, but confine it more particularly to the Creosoted W r ood Block Street Paving as relates to our investi- gations of the subject and the experience obtained by its adoption 28 MODERN ROAD BUILDING and use in the city of Minneapolis during the past eight years 1902 to 1909, inclusive. The first of what might be termed the Modern Creosoted Wood Block Street Pavement was laid in this city during the season of 1902 on Tenth Street South, at that time considered a residence street, although, after being paved, developed into a street of con- siderable heavy traffic. At that time very little paving of this character had been laid in the United States, and our means of determining its relative merits as to durability, desirability, cost, etc., with that of other kinds of pavement, were rather limited. Indian- apolis, which was practically the "pioneer city" in its adoption, had some of it. A small portion of Michigan Boulevard, in front of the Auditorium Hotel, and the Rush Street Bridge, in Chicago, were paved with it, practically for experimental purposes. The treat- ment of the Indianapolis blocks for the first few years after the adoption of the creosoted block paving consisted only of a dipping or natural absorption process ; there being no pressure used to increase penetration of oil, and the timber used being Washington red cedar. The writer is informed that the photographs that have been given wide circulation throughout the country, showing a buckling of the so-called creosoted block paving in that city, due to expansion and contraction, is practically all of the dipped block variety ; that the pavement laid during more recent years, treated under the vacuum and pressure method with from 12 to 16 pounds of oil to the cubic foot, do not show such conditions ; and that the photo- graphs are unfair representations of the up-to-date creosote paving in Indianapolis. The first pavement of this character laid in Minneapolis (that on Tenth Street South) is a long long-leaf Georgia pine block, with a treatment of about 12 pounds of oil per cubic foot. This pavement has now had seven years' wear and shows very little deterioration. . No repairs due to traffic conditions have been neces- sary, and, if we can judge as to its lasting qualities from its present appearance, it will still be in good condition at the end of an addi- tional seven-year period. After 1902 the blocks used were principally Norway pine, with some tamarack. The city council adopted the Norway pine block for two reasons : One, that it was less expensive ; the other, it was practically a local product, consisting of Minnesota and Wisconsin timber. It was also assumed that the cheaper and softer kinds of timber would give satisfactory results after treatment. It was on this theory that the United States Department of Agriculture, For- est Service, entered into negotiations with the city of Minneapolis and two of the creosoting companies to lay an experimental pave- ment in Minneapolis (as described in Circular No. 141 of the United States Agriculture Department). It might be well to state at this time that the department named has been severely criticised by parties interested in other kinds of street paving, on account of the publication -of Circular No. 141, assuming that the Department of MODERN ROAD BUILDING 29 Agriculture had no right to exploit the creosote wood pavement as against other kinds. This seems to be an unjust criticism, as our understanding with the Forestry Bureau was that the experi- ments were to be made for the purpose of determining the relative merits of different kinds of wood, and whether the cheaper and softer woods, after treatment, would not prove satisfactory. This, undoubtedly, was the writer's understanding of the object sought in making the experiment. As to this particular experimental pavement: During the re- maining 5 months of 1906 (August to December, inclusive) after the pavement was laid, and during the entire 12 months of 1907, records of travel were taken twice each month, and during the year 1908, once each month, all of them for 12-hour periods, from 6 a. m. to 6 p. m. The tonnage included weight of horses and vehicles. A plan of Nicollet avenue roadway, showing the location, extent, and kind of blocks used, together with a tabulated statement of the record of travel on the experimental pavement are hereto attached. Where the letters "S" and "W" appear in the table, the traffic consisted of sleds and wagons, as the pavement was covered with ice and snow during a portion of each winter. Owing to the fact that this experimental pavement has been in use less than three years, the writer does not feel warranted in concluding that the portions of it that appear to be in the best condition at the present time will continue to show the best results at the end of a period of 10 or 15 years. Its present condition, however, shows a preference for wood in the following order, viz. : Southern pine, Norway pine, tamarack, white birch, hemlock, Western larch, and red fir. Our experience leads us to believe that the streets should be classified as to traffic, and for the heaviest, such as Nicollet ave- nue, the long leaf Georgia pine gives the best results ; for a medium heavy or light traffic, the Norway pine, tamarack, birch, or hem- lock would give good results. Much depends, however, on the proper selection of any of the timber used, as the slower growth, with not less than twelve rings to the inch, is better than the more rapid growth timber of the same kind. As to the Douglas fir, while our experiment does not prove satisfactory, it may be due largely to the fact that it is of the quick growth variety. Had it been a slower growth, closer fibered fir, the results would doubtless have been as satisfactory as that of the Norway pine, tamarack, or hemlock. Concerning the experience of Minneapolis, generally speaking, the creosoted wood block paving has proven satisfactory, not only from an engineering point of view, but also from that of the prop- erty owner and taxpayer, who has it to pay for. Our city charter and ordinances do not require the city authori- ties to pave a street with such material as the owners of a larger part of the abutting property may petition for or desire, yet during the past three years the desire of a very large majority of such owners has been to have their streets paved with creosoted block pavement, even at a greater cost than that of other kinds. During the past four years, including 1909 orders, the percentage of creo- 30 MODERN ROAD BUILDING soted block paving laid, as compared with all other kinds is as fol- lows, viz. : Year 1906 Creosoted block, 54%%. All other kinds, 45%. Year 1907 " 58%. " 42%. Year 1908 " 77%. " 23%. Year 1909 75%. 25%. The advantages in the adoption and use of this kind of pave- ment are that it is, comparatively speaking, a noiseless pavement, it is easily kept clean, the wear and tear on horses and vehicles is reduced to a minimum, it is antiseptic (on account of its impregna- tion with creosote oil), and its traction resistance is slight. Some of the objections that we hear against it are that, if prop- erly laid with hard woods it becomes slippery, and that it buckles or heaves on account of expansion. As to these arguments, the writer's experience in connection with the laying of nearly half a million square yards of it during the past six years is a sufficient justification for the statement that such conditions are not common in Minneapolis : that, when this kind of pavement is slippery, it is due to weather conditions (sleet and glare ice), that have the same effect on other kinds of street pavements ; and the only raising of blocks from their beds is along the rails of street railway tracks, where water has penetrated and frozen. This latter condition pre- vails to a limited extent, and by proper methods of construction can be entirely avoided. The diagram showing in miles the different kinds of street pave- ments in the city of Minneapolis for each year, calculated on a basis of 27 feet average width of roadway, together with the traffic tables and plan heretofore referred to and hereto appended, are taken from the annual reports and the official records of the City En- gineer. The specifications hereto attached are for blocks delivered f. o. b. cars in the city of Minneapolis, at points as convenient as possible to the streets to be paved; the city unloading and delivering the blocks. The city of Minneapolis does its own work of grading, putting in the concrete foundation, and laying the blocks, by day labor and not by contract. The prices of labor, teams, etc., are as follows, viz.: Day of Eight Hours. Teams, $4.00 (50 cents per hour), per day. Superintendent. $5.00 per day. Foreman, $3.50 and $4.00 per day. Engineer of steam roller, $3.60 per day. Block layers, $2.50 per day. Common laborers, $2.00 per day. Bed man, $3.00 per day. In addition to the above, we have a chemist at the treating plant, who is paid $3.00 per day every day (including Sundays and holi- days) during the season. Receiving clerks, who receive materials, are paid $3.00 per day for each day they work. MODERN ROAD BUILDING 31 Specifications for Creosoted Wood Paving Blocks, Minneapolis, Minn. 190 . Approximate quantity, square yards or any part thereof. Section No. 1. Work to be Done. Section No. 2. Kind, Size, and Quality of Blocks. Section No. 3. Quality, Treat- ment. Section No. 4. Oil, Analysis, Distillation. The work to be done under these specifications is the fur- nishing and delivering, f. o. b. cars Minneapolis, creosoted wood paving blocks to be used in paving during the season of 190. The blocks to be furnished must be 4 inches in depth (par- allel to the fiber) 4 inches in width and 5 inches to 10 inches in length, but must average 8 inches in length. They shall be perfectly rectangular, of a uniform depth and thickness, free from excessive sap wood, rot, cracks, checks, worm or knot holes, or other injurious defects affecting the life of the block or the laying of the same, and shall toe made of sufficiently dry and well seasoned material to admit of proper treatment, as hereinafter specified. The blocks may be either long leaf, yellow or Georgia pine, Norway pine, or tamarack, but all blocks on any one piece of work shall be of the same kind of timber. No second growth timber will be accepted. Reason- able allowances to be made for saw cuts and shrinkage in above-mentioned sizes. The blocks shall be so treated that the pores of the wood shall be entirely impregnated with the creosoting material, making it impervious to water and preventing decay. The oil to be used in the treatment of the blocks shall be a pure heavy creosote oil, obtained from the distillation of coal tar, only, and of the following quality: (a) The specific gravity of the oil shall be at least 1.12 at a temperature of 20 degrees centigrade. (b) It shall be completely liquid at 25 degrees centigrade and show no deposit on cooling to 22 degrees centigrade. (c) It shall not contain more than 3% of matter insoluble in benzine. (d) It shall be subjected to a distillation test, as specified be- low, and shall conform to the following requirements: 100 grains of oil shall be placed in an 8 oz. retort, fitted with a thermometer, the bottom of the bulb of which shall be placed % inch above the oil and not moved during the test. The dis- charge opening of the retort shall be from 20 to 24 inches from the bulb of the thermometer and the retort shall be cov- ered so as to prevent too rapid radiation. The percentages are for dry oil and by weight. The average of a number of tests shall show a mean of these percentages. Up to 150 degrees centigrade, nothing must come off. 171 " 0% to 0.5%. 210 3% to 6%. 235 10% to 20%. 315 35% to 45%. 355 45% to 55%. The distillation shall be gradual, and up to 315 degrees centi- grade should be completed In 30 minutes from, the first drop, and should be fully completed in 40 minutes. Thermometer readings to be corrected for emergent stem. (e) In the process of treatment of the blocks, not more than 2% of water will be allowed. The distillate from 170 degrees to 210 degrees centigrade, will be approximately tar acids, and from 210 to 235 degrees centigrade, will be approximately napthaline. 32 MODERN ROAD BUILDING Section No. 5. Impregnation. Section No. Delivery. Section No. 7. Inspection. Section No. 8. Final Inspec- tion ; Rejec- tion. Section No. Proposals. Section No. 10. Specials. Section No. 11. City Treasur- er's Receipt. Section No. 12. Bond. After the blocks shall have been made of the specified kind of material and all the defective blocks have been removed, they shall be placed in an air-tight chamber, where by the use of heat and vacuum, all of the sap and moisture shall be re- moved. The vacuum shall be from 20 to 26 inches and the heat shall not be carried to such an extent as to injure, in any manner, the fiber of the blocks. While the chamber is under vacuum, the creosoting mixture, of the quality as before speci- fied, and heated to a proper temperature, shall be admitted and pressure added until at least 100 pounds per square inch is reached and maintained, until the blocks have absorbed at least 16 pounds of the mixture for each cubic foot of timber, and until the creosoting mixture shall have entirely impreg- nated all parts of each and every block. The contractor may use any practicable and approved method of treatment, but the results must be the same, viz., putting into each cubic foot of wood 16 pounds of the oil as above specified, without injury to the fiber of the wood. The blocks shall be furnished in such quantities and at such times as the city engineer may direct, and, if so directed, the contractor shall furnish 1,000 square yards per day. Any ex- tra cost or damage occurring by the failure of the contractor to deliver the blocks as ordered by the city engineer shall be charged to the contractor and deducted from any moneys due, or that may become due, said contractor. All blocks, material, oils, and labor, shall be subject to the inspection of the city engineer and shall be done to his entire satisfaction and approval. The contractor shall furnish all the facilities for the proper inspection of all such material and the measurement of the same. If the blocks shall be made outside of the city of Minneapolis, the contractor shall pay all the legitimate expenses, salary excepted, caused by the placing and keeping of an inspector at the plant ; and the price bid shall include all such expenses. Final inspection of the blocks will be made on the street, and any blocks rejected shall ; be removed by the contractor, at his own expense. If such rejected blocks are not removed within five days after due notice by the city engineer, then the said city engineer shall cause said rejected blocks to be re- moved, and any cost or expense of such removal shall be de- ducted from any moneys due, or that may become due, the contractor. Bidders, in their proposals, will state a. price per square yard, street measurement, for the kind of creosote blocks they propose to furnish. If, on account of any paving along the rails of the street railway track, it will become necessary to use a special block, or to use a filling strip under the head of the rail, the con- tractor will state a price per square yard for such special block or a price per lineal foot for a creosoted pine board 1% inch by 2y 2 inches. A city treasurer's receipt, showing the deposit of the sum of $ , conditioned upon the execution of the contract, within ten days after the award of the same, must accompany each proposal. A bond in the full amount of the contract for the use of the city of Minneapolis, and of all persons doing work or furnish- ing skill, tools, machinery, or material, under or for the pur- pose of such contract, conditioned according to section No. 4335, Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, and for the full and satisfactory completion of the contract and to indemnify the city of Minneapolis from any damage that may arise on ac- count of any negligence on the part of the contractor or his FIGURE 1. EGYPTIAN STONE BEAM BRIDGE. FIGURE 2. BABYLONIAN ARCH OF BRICK AT NIPPUR. FIGURE 6. MILL CREEK SUSPENSION BRIDGE. s Bridpro after an Old Print Museum de St.Germaine FIGURE 3. CAESAR'S BRIDGE. MODERN ROAD BUILDING 33 employes, and the payment of all just claims, will be required of the contractor at the time of the execution of the contract. The bond to be approved by the proper city officers, signing and countersigning the contract. Section No. 13. The work will be paid for on monthly estimates of the city engineer, reserving 10% until the final completion of the work. Section No. 14. The city of Minneapolis reserves the right to accept or reject A Rlj ? e t c a Uon a 2f aDy OI a11 UidS r any P ortion of an ^ bid ' Bids. AFTERNOON SESSION, AT 2:00 P.M. BRIDGES OF STONE, CONCRETE, AND STEEL. Mr. Charles Evan Fowler, of Seattle, gave an interesting lecture on Bridges, illustrated with stereopticon views of many famous structures in the United States and Europe. His paper is given herewith. PAPER BY CHARLES EVAN FOWLER, M. AM. Soc. C. E., M. CAN. Soc. C. E. The construction of bridges for carrying traffic across streams dates back to early historical times, and it is also true that natural and primitive bridges were used before history was recorded; the earliest types being the fallen log and the hanging vines, which were used by our Darwinian ancestors as a means of crossing the rivers. The earliest structures which could properly be termed bridges were the stone beams, similar to the one shown in Fig. 1, which were used by the Egyptians and other ancients for crossing small gulches. The earliest known arch (Fig. 2) is one which was discovered in the ruins of Babylon, and which dates back to about the year 4000 B. C. This was doubtless the prototype of the old masonry Persian bridges, most of which had arches of Gothic outline. The Chinese have used stone arches for many thousands of years, and the Jap- anese were doubtless among the first to use structures of the canti- lever type, such as the bridge in the province of Etchin, Japan. A curious type of structure, partly cantilever and partly suspension, constructed of bamboo, is used in Java. Caesar's bridge across the Rhine, one of the most famous of early structures (Fig. 3), was nothing more than a pile bridge, while Trajan's famous bridge was a very great advance over this, being a more permanent type of timber arched spans. 34 MODERN ROAD BUILDING In connection with the wonderful highways built by the Romans in the various parts of the Roman Empire, stone bridges we,re con- structed, many of which are in use to this day ; the well-known bridge of Augustus being a splendid example of the solid construc- tion employed. The first truss bridge was probably a simple structure, consist- ing of no more than two members, forming an "A" truss, or simply of rafters, such as were used in buildings. The evolution of the modern truss bridge from this can be readily traced, and the many early truss bridges constructed of timber in the United States represent the greatest development of this class of structures, until metal began to be used. The wooden bowstring arch over the Sci- oto river at Chillicothe, Ohio (Fig. 4), is a splendid example of the thorough way in which these bridges were built ; this one hav- ing lasted for 70 years, or until it was replaced by a modern steel bridge. Modern roadway bridges are of various types, consisting of sim- ple girders or culvert arches over small streams or openings ; girder spans and arches of various materials for medium sized openings, and truss spans, arches, and suspension bridges for greater lengths. In many instances viaducts are employed, where ravines, valleys, or canons are to be crossed, the simplest of which is the familiar timber trestle of piling or frame bents. Where a more lasting struc- ture is required, steel viaducts are used, or viaducts built of arched construction in which steel, stone, and concrete are employed. Modern roadway bridges should be constructed, not only with reference to their engineering features, but also as works of archi- tecture. Where the spans are short, and girders or simple arches used, but little attempt can be made toward the artistic; but the small stone arch (Fig. 5) constructed in Mill Creek Park, Youngs- town, Ohio, gives an idea of what may be done, even for very short spans, in making them pleasing, as well as answering the demands of traffic. Some of the smaller bridges of Japan and China, suitable only for passengers, are very ornamental, similar to the famous Camel-Back bridge in China. When spans are so short that it is not economical to use either steel girders or arches, stone beams similar to the primitive ones already spoken of may be used, or the modern type of reinforced concrete can be employed, carrying ornamental balustrades. Girders of somewhat longer span may also be constructed of rein- forced concrete, and the same materials used in constructing short arches, which can be made as ornamental as desired or as is possi- ble with the funds available. The 90-foot steel arch (Fig. 6) and a 90-foot steel eye-bar suspension built by the author in Mill Creek Park, Youngstown, Ohio, are examples of what can be done to make structures of this size ornamental. Where it is necessary to have through or overhead bridges to avoid obstructing the waterway, structures similar to the steel bridge constructed by the writer over the Scioto river in Ohio (Fig. 7), of two spans of 240 feet each, may be used, and the portals and bracing overhead made of solid and ornamental construction. A similar MODERN ROAD BUILDING 35 type of bridge may be seen in the Spring Common span of 175 feet in length at Youngstown, Ohio, which follows closely the European type of through roadway structures. Where there is sufficient waterway or height above the stream, it is advisable for architectural effect to employ arches and make the structures truly ornamental. The earliest vise of metal for an arch of this kind is the one built at Coalbrookdale, in England, in 1777, with a span of 100 feet and 6 inches. A modern structure of this type is the Market Street two-hinged plate girder arch at Youngstown, Ohio, with a span of 210 feet and a rise of 60 feet. This arch supports a paved roadway 40 feet in width and two side- walks of 10 feet each. The finest example in the world of this kind of a bridge is the famous Washington Bridge over the Harlem River in New York City. The two main spans are steel plate girder two-hinged arches, each 508 feet center to center of piers. The approaches, piers, parapets, and balustrades are of the most elegant design. Where there are several spans and sufficient height, a series of arches may be employed, as was done by the writer at Knoxville, Tenn., where a stone bridge was proposed, but steel finally employed, on ac- count of the expenditure necessary for the stone bridge being too great. The Knoxville bridge (Fig. 8) is of the arched cantilever type, and, with the exception of not being quite as stiff for traffic, answers the requirements in an artistic sense as well as a bridge of true arches would have done. It is a symmetrical structure, harmoni- ous, and complies with the fundamental artistic requirement of having an odd number of spans; an opening at the center being more pleasing in an aesthetic sense. The design of the proposed stone bridge, on the other hand, was for an unsymmetrical struc- ture with an even number of spans, and, while a striking design, was one which could have been very easily improved upon. The use of reinforced concrete for arch bridges is one of the greatest advances that has been made in engineering, as it makes possible the construction of artistic masonry structures at a com- paratively reasonable cost, or at very little, if any, excess in cost over first-class steel structures on masonry piers. The arched span in Eden Park, Cincinnati, Ohio (Fig. 9) while of only moderate length, is one of the most beautiful and effective designs that has been built anywhere in the United States. The construction is upon the Melan system, and is one of the first of this kind to be constructed in this country. Another beautiful bridge of reinforced concrete is the two-span structure at Reno, Nev., which is more simple in design, but also very pleasing. The bridge at Niagara, above the Falls, is of reinforced concrete faced with stone, and, while this is hardly to be defended from the standpoint of truthful architecture, inasmuch as it does not tell a true story of the construction, it is a very pleasing piece of work. Nowhere else in the world has the art of bridge building reached such a state of perfection as in France, and the bridges of Paris 36 MODERN ROAD BUILDING are, most of them, remarkable structures and worthy of careful study. The most famous of these is the Pont Neuf, which was commenced in 1578, during the reign of Henry III, but was not completed until the year 1607. The spans are comparatively short, ranging from 31 to 62 feet in length, but the masonry is of the most solid type and very chaste design. The width of the bridge is 72 feet, and it is virtually a street carried across the river. Many of the bridges in Paris and in France were constructed by Napoleon, there having been expended between the years 1804 and 1813 nearly forty million francs for bridges alone ; the bridge of Austerlitz costing three million francs. This was built to com- memorate Napoleon's victory of the same name, and the structure is one of the most beautiful pieces of bridge architecture in exist- ence, having, to begin with, five, or an unequal number, of spans, with details of the most pleasing character and satisfactory in every way. The Chester-Dee bridge, with a span of 200 feet and a rise of 42 feet, located at Chester, England, is one of the most notable stone bridges in the world. While a very long span for a stone bridge and of the most solid and careful construction, the design is very much marred by the paneling of the spandrels, which dwarfs the apparent size of the structure and is not at all applicable to a large bridge. The Luxembourg Arch was, at the time of its construction, the longest stone span that had even been built in the world ; the length being 275.5 feet (Fig. 10). The design is a beautiful one, with very elegant and appropriate details, and the lines and effect of the en- tire design are greatly enhanced by the arched spandrels carrying the roadway. The Connecticut Avenue bridge in Washington, D. C. (Fig. 11), is another notable roadway bridge, not only on account of its beautiful design, but on account of the fact that it is of solid con- crete construction without reinforcement, and without stone facing or stone ornamentation of any kind. Whenever funds are available, as much ornamentation of the structure and of the entrances to it should be employed as is ap- propriate. Many of the bridges constructed by .the Romans had entrance arches at either one or both ends, which were beautiful pieces of architectural work and very appropriate. One of the old- est of these was the bridge at St. Chamas, with an arch or portal at each end of a classic design. The Elizabeth bridge over the Danube at Budapest is one of the handsomest of modern European bridges, being constructed with eye-bar cables and with a main span of slightly over 950 feet. The masonry towers, or gatehouses, over the anchorages, are of beautiful design and form a most pleasing entrance. The great arch bridge over the Rhine at Bonn, Germany, has en- trances or portals of very appropriate design, and portals of very elegant design and monumental in character at each end of the main span. MODERN ROAD BUILDING 37 The Memorial arch in Bushnell Park at Hartford, Conn., of similar design, forms the portal at one end of the stone arch bridge, and is one of the handsomest works of this class in the United States. Many suspension bridges have towers of elegant design, and the Cincinnati bridge, built by the elder Roebling, has towers very well designed and among the most satisfactory in this country. It is a curious fact, however, that both this and the great East River bridge, designed by the same engineer, are lacking in appro- priate capping or finishing of the towers ; the attic story included in the original design of the East River bridge towers having never been built, and the unsatisfactory minarets covering the saddles of the Cincinnati bridge not being in harmony with the remainder of the towers. When the bridge was reconstructed, some years ago, these were removed and hemispherical caps used to replace them, but the appearance was only slightly improved. The foregoing examples are given to call forcible attention to the care that should be exercised in the design of the architectural features of bridges. Unless the engineer is entirely sure of his ground, an architect should be employed to assist in the design, or at least supervise the design, of the architectural portions of bridges of any prominence or importance. Even the parapets, balustrades, and railings should be designed with great care, and the balustrade and lamp posts of the Fergus Falls, Minn., bridge (Fig. 12) show how pleasing such parts of a bridge may be made. The simple con- crete parapet used by the author on the abutments of the Knoxville Cantilever were carefully designed with classic proportions and added greatly to the appearance of the entire structure. The entrances to the Connecticut Avenue bridge in Washington, D. C., already referred to, are flanked by lamp posts of beautiful design and huge concrete lions, which add to the monumental char- acter of this great structure. The practical design of bridges will not be taken up in detail in this paper, but it is fitting to call attention to the care which should be used in the engineering features. The foundations, being a most important feature, should be carefully located to insure perma- nence, the least possible interference with the waterway and navi- gation, and of as reasonable a cost as is consistent with the other features of the structure. Where the bottom is hard and at no very great depth, cofferdams can be used to construct the footings and base of the piers up to water level. Where" the bottom is soft or of material liable to scour, piling must be used, or open dredged caissons or pneumatic caissons em- ployed. Each particular foundation must be designed with reference to- the structure and load it is to carry; piers and abutments for arch spans requiring to be practically unyielding. Many of the bridges already referred to are illustrations of the possibilities of making of bridge piers architectural features of the M.R.B. 4 38 MODERN ROAD BUILDING structure, and the piers of the Blackwell's Island or Queen's Bridge in New York City are examples of the artistic character of the piers of many of the modern bridges in this country. The foregoing discussion has referred principally to the archi- tectural features of bridge construction; it being assumed that a competent bridge engineer would be employed for any structure, to carefully calculate the stresses and proportion the parts. Therefore only the general engineering questions will be discussed. The types of bridge to be employed for different locations may be classified as follows : Spans under five feet in length, steel beams, stone beams, con- crete steel beams, or masonry culverts. Spans from five to twenty-five feet, steel beams, concrete- steel beams, or masonry arches. Spans from twenty-five to one hundred feet, steel girders, steel trusses, steel arches, or masonry arches. Spans from one hundred to three hundred feet, steel trusses, steel arches, steel suspension bridges, or masonry arches. Spans from three hundred to five hundred feet, steel trusses, arches, cantilevers, or suspension bridges. Spans from five hundred to one thousand feet, steel arches, canti- levers, or suspension bridges. Spans one thousand feet and upwards, steel cantilevers or suspen- sion bridges. The floors of bridges, which are the part of the structures con- tinuing the roadways over streams, are in their simplest forms simply wooden joist and plank flooring. The joist must be calcu- lated for the uniform load and also for concentrated loads to be carried, and they are usually spaced two feet center to center, and should never be spaced wider apart in feet than the thickness of the plank in inches. The roadway plank should never be less than three inches in thickness, and as much thicker as is demanded to withstand the wear from, the traffic to be carried, or a wearing surface may be placed over the first layer of plank. The use of steel joists with this type of floor (Fig. 13) forms the simplest kind of a bridge floor which may be said to be of a per- manent form. Where the plank has been creosoted, or treated with preserva- tive, and a pavement of wood blocks used, the floor should prove to be the best form that can be employed, where it is necessary to have a light and also a durable roadway. Steel joists or girders carrying buckle plate (Fig. 14) and a con- crete base, or concrete steel base without the buckle plate, may be paved with treated wood blocks, brick, concrete wearing surface, asphalt block, or sheet asphalt. Stone and arch bridges may have a roadway on the supporting arches of any of the permanent forms that have been mentioned. Floor systems must be calculated to carry their own weight, a uniform load, which is usually 100 pounds per square foot, and MODERN ROAD BUILDING 39 such a concentrated loading as they may be called upon to support, such as a traction engine, steam road roller, or electric cars. The structures or trusses must be proportioned to carry their own weight, a wind load, a snow load in some cases, temperature stresses, centrifugal force, when on a curve, and longitudinal or traction stresses. The live load per square foot to be carried by trusses may be taken from the following table; class A being city or suburban bridges, and class B being country bridges : Class A B Up to 100 feet 100 Ibs. 90 Ibs. 100 to 150 feet 100 " 80 " 150 to 200 feet 90 " 70 " 200 to 300 feet 80 " 60 " 300 to 500 feet 70 " 50 '" Should either one of the two first-class general specifications for highway bridges be used in designing a bridge (Cooper's or Thach- er's), the loads provided for therein are proper ones to employ. The class of steel to be used in constructing short and medium length spans should be soft-medium, with an ultimate strength of from 55,000 to 65,000 pounds per square inch, and nothing more than fair reaming need be done in the shop. For medium length and long spans, medium steel should be used, having an ultimate strength of from 60,000 to 68,000 pounds per square inch ; but for important bridges this should be punched and reamed, or have the holes drilled. For long spans, at least for compression members under great stress, high steel may be used and all rivet holes drilled. Nickel steel is also beginning to be used for long spans and members sub- jected to great stress. Stone bridges of short span may be built of some of the softer kinds of stone, such as sandstone or the more durable kinds of lime- stone, although harder kinds, such as marble or granite, are prefer- able. Stone bridges of medium or long span should be constructed of hard stone, such as iron limestone, marble, or granite. Reinforced concrete bridges should be constructed with the most careful .workmanship and of the very best materials. The cement, whether imported or of local manufacture, must pass the require- ments of the American Society for Testing Materials. The inspection of the materials entering into the construction of a bridge and of the construction work as well should be carefully and conscientiously done, and always be placed in the hands of men who will not "strain at gnats and swallow camels." The inspector must bear in mind that he is the one to see that both his employer and the contractor get justice. When the conditions met with vary from those contemplated by the plans and specifications, in justice to both the employer and the contractor, the inspector should request the engineer to make such 40 MODERN ROAD BUILDING changes as are just and equitable to the contractor, and at the same time see that no injury be worked upon the owner. No more fitting words can be used in closing this paper than to quote the foreword from Cooper's Specifications : "The most perfect system of rules to insure success must be interpreted upon the broad grounds of professional intelligence and common sense." PORTLAND CEMENT, ITS MANUFACTURE AND USE. In the absence of Spencer B. Newberry, of Ohio, his paper on "Portland Cement, Its Manufacture and Use," was read by City Engineer R. H. Thomson, of Seattle, who prefaced the reading by saying that the paper was by Professor Newberry, and it must not be taken for granted that all the statements contained therein relating to the use of cement for a road surface were concurred in by the reader. PAPER BY $. B. NEWBERRY. Gentlemen : The beginning of the twentieth century is often spoken of as the opening of the "Cement Age," owing to the belief, held by many thoughtful obeservers, that cement is destined to be our most im- portant and widespread building material. Certainly the phenom- enal growth of Portland cement manufacture in this country, from one-half million barrels in 1890 to fifty million barrels in 1908, and the evidences we see all about us of the adoption of cement con- crete, in place of stone, brick, and wood, for abutments, founda- tions, bridges, and complete buildings, show that cement is making rapid strides toward a position of leading importance among ma- terials of construction. The reasons for this successful progress are evident. Cement is the "essence of rock" in portable form. A relatively small pro- portion of it suffices to bind together any available fragmentary materials, sand, gravel, slag, stone refuse, into solid masses of any desired shape, and of strength and hardness comparable wjth that of monolithic blocks of quarried limestone. Where good gravel is obtainable at low cost, walls can be laid up in cement concrete at lower cost than of lumber or common red brick. With steel rein- forcement it gives a combination which shows to best advantage the good qualities of both materials. Within the past few years, great progress has been made in the beauty and architectural char- acter of concrete structures, and there are now many edifices of concrete which rival in beauty the best examples of construction in sandstone and marble. This is especially the case on the Pacific Coast, and there is no doubt that Western architects have taught the world a lesson on the artistic possibilities of concrete. The excellent showing which MODERN ROAD BUILDING 41 cement has made in recent great fires and earthquakes has also greatly increased its use for building. The city of Port of Spain, Trinidad, destroyed two years ago, is being rapidly rebuilt, almost exclusively of concrete structures, and nearly as marked a tendency toward concrete is to be seen in the new San Francisco. Striking as these growing architectural uses may appear, much greater amounts of cement are consumed in work in which beauty is of secondary consequence, as in wharves, sea walls, breakwaters, locks and dams, and in tunnels, abutments, and foundations of bridges. A multitude of smaller uses, on farms and in dwellings and factories, aid still further in absorbing the output of the ninety operating cement works of the country. In view of the magnitude which the industry has so rapidly at- tained, it may be that a brief explanation of the process of manu- facture of cement, and the manner in which it is tested and used, will be of interest to the members of the Good Roads Association. Hydraulic cements are materials in the form of dry powder, which, when mixed with water, solidify and harden to a stonelike mass. You all know that ordinary lime hardens only by drying out, and remains soft if kept under water. The Romans found, however, that certain kinds of volcanic scoria, called "pozzuolana," had the property of making lime hydraulic. Mixtures of lime and pozzuo- lana were therefore used by the Romans in important engineering works, many of which are in good preservation to-day; for example, the dome of the Pantheon at Rome, a monolithic mass of concrete over a hundred feet in diameter. In recent years it has been found that blast furnace slag acts like a pozzuolana, and slag cements have been made on a considerable scale by simply grinding granulated slag with slaked lime. When Smeaton built the Eddystone lighthouse, off the coast of England, in 1756, he made his mortar by mixing lime and Italian pozzuolana, and in preparation for this work he made a series of experiments to determine why certain kinds of lime gave better results in water than others. He found that limestone which on dissolving in acid left a considerable insoluble residue gave lime of the best water-hardening quality, and identified this insoluble residue as clay, thus showing that the combination of clay and lime, by burning, is the source of hydraulic properties. He wrote in his journal : "I did not doubt but to make a cement that would equal the best merchantable Portland stone in solidity and durability." This remark of Smeaton is often quoted as the probable source of the term "Portland cement." Soon after the publication of these experiments, at the end of the eighteenth century, the manufacture of "Roman cement" was begun in England, by burning calcareous clay nodules found on the coast of Kent. These nodules contain carbonate of lime mixed with so large a proportion of clay that after calcination they do not slake with water, but on grinding to powder they form a quick-setting natural cement. The calcination must be carried on at low heat, as at higher temperature the large amount of clay present causes 42 MODERN ROAD BUILDING the clinker to melt to a slag, which has no cementing properties. Similar natural cement was made in France at about the same time, and has been manufactured on a great scale at or near Louisville, Rosendale, Milwaukee, and at other points in this country. Owing to the abundance, cheapness, and superiority of Portland cement, however, the manufacture of natural cements has greatly declined in the past few years, and is now comparatively insignificant. In the earlier years of the last century the importance of exact proportions of lime and clay, to produce cement of highest quality, gradually became realized, and in 1827 Aspdin began the manu- facture in England of "Portland cement" from an artificial mixture of lime or limestone and clay. Other makers gradually improved the quality of the product, and the industry became an important and rapidly increasing one, in England and Germany, from about 1850. It was found that mixtures containing certain proportions, usually about 25 parts clay and 75 parts carbonate of lime, could be burned at high white heat without melting, and on grinding the resulting clinker, a sound, slow-setting, and extremely strong ce- ment was obtained. Mixtures higher in lime yielded cement which swelled and cracked with water, while mixtures higher in clay fused and lost their hydraulic properties at high temperature, though by burning at lower heat inferior, quick-setting cement, similar to natural cement, was produced. It required many years to perfect the chemical control of the mixture and to develop the manufac- turing processes of raw grinding to necessary great fineness, burn- ing, and grinding of the finished product, to the point of produc- tion of cement of uniform and high quality. Improvement in econo- my of manufacture and quality of product is, in fact, still going on, though at the leading works in this country and Europe the process has been brought to so systematic a basis that further improve- ments must necessarily be slow and gradual. The successful manufacture of Portland cement began in this country at Coplay, Pa., in 1878, but no important production took place until after 1890. Up to that time all Portland cement was burned in vertical kilns, similar to lime kilns. This process re- quired the raw mixture to be molded into bricks and dried before burning, and the economical in fuel was expensive in labor. With the high rate of wa^es in this country, therefore, Ameri- can manufacturers could hardly compete with those of Europe. A remedy was found in the rotary kiln for cement burning, which had been tried in England in 1885, but abandoned. This consists of a revolving steel cylinder, slightly inclined and lined with fire brick, heated by a flame entering at the lower end, into which the powdered cement mixture is continually fed at the upper end, and in its passage through the kiln is brought to a white heat and con- tinuously discharged at the lower end as well-burned clinker. The rotary kiln was soon brought to complete success in this country, and with crude petroleum as fuel proved so great a labor-saving device that cement could be made with profit. From that time on the industry increased with great speed. Coal dust was soon sub- stituted for crude oil as fuel, and the size of kilns was steadily in- MODERN ROAD BUILDING 43 creased, from 5 or 6 by 60 feet, to the present usual size of 8 by 100 or 120 feet. At two Eastern works, in fact, kilns 12 by 230 feet are now being built. We may, then, classify hydraulic cements as follows: 1. Pozzuolana or slag cement, made by grinding volcanic scoria or slag with dry slaked lime. 2. Natural cement, made by calcining natural limestone contain- ing a high proportion of clay at low heat, and grinding the calcined stone to powder. 3. Portland cement, made from an artificial mixture of limestone or marl with clay or shale, in exactly correct proportions, burning the mixture at a white heat, and grinding the resulting clinker to powder. The materials from which Portland cement is made are : 1. Carbonate of lime, in the form of limestone, chalk, or marl; 2. Clay or shale. These materials are found in abundance in nearly all parts of the United States. The only important requirements as to composition are that the stone shall be nearly free from magnesia and the clay or shale relatively high in silica. In some localities, notably in the Lehigh valley, in Pennsylvania, clay-bearing limestones of nearly correct composition for cement are found, and it is there necessary only to select the strata and grind them together in the right pro- portion. If stone of exactly correct composition could be found, this could be made into cement clinker by simply quarrying and burning. When it is understood, however, that a variation of 1 per cent, in carbonate of lime from the correct standard is sufficient to spoil the resulting cement, it will be realized that deposits of such exact and uniform composition are not to be expected in na- ture, and that it is in all cases necessary to prepare artificial mix- tures to obtain the result desired. In most parts of the country, limestone, more or less pure, and clay or shale, are the materials employed. The process of manufacture of Portland cement, as carried on at the best modern plants, will now be briefly described. The stone is quarried, crushed, and dried. The clay or shale is dried and broken up, and the two materials, under the supervision of the chemist, mixed in exactly correct proportions. The mixture is then ground to impalpable powder, usually in two or three op- erations, in ball mills and tube mills, and this is the part of the process requiring the greatest amount of machinery and power, and on its thoroughness the quality of the product largely depends. Sound cement cannot, generally, be made by burning mixtures coarser than 98 per cent, passing a sieve of 100 meshes to the linear inch. A plant making 2,000 barrels of cement per day uses about 600 tons, daily, of raw material, and it will be appreciated that to grind this amount of hard limestone and shale to the fineness of flour is a serious undertaking. The prepared raw material is now fed into the revolving kilns. These are heated internally to a white heat by jets of coal dust and air, blown in at the lower end. The raw material as it passes 44 MODERN ROAD BUILDING through the kiln is gradually heated to redness and balls up into little rounded masses. These become white hot at the zone of high- est temperature, and are finally discharged as clinker, which on cooling appears like fine black gravel of the size of corn. This clinker now goes to the grinding mill, where another series of ball and tube mills reduce it to a gray powder, of such fineness that 92 to 94 per cent, passes a 100-mesh sieve. This is the finished Port- land cement. This appears to be a simple process, and yet the excellence of the product depends upon the close observance of certain rules and precautions. Good Portland cement should be slow-setting ; that is, when mixed with water to a stiff paste, made into a thin-edged pat or cake on a piece of glass, and kept under a damp cloth, it should not set, so as not to be marked -with the finger-nail, in less than two or three hours. After setting it should increase rapidly in hardness, and within twenty-four hours should be with difficulty scratched with the point of a knife. Such a pat, kept in water for a month, or exposed for five hours to steam over boiling water, should still remain hard, and show no sign of expansion cracks around the edges. If the pat sets within a few minutes, or if it softens in steam or water and shows expansion cracks, the cement is defect- ive, and may make serious trouble in use. Now, let me tell you, in a few words, what are the chief errors in the process of manufacture which may produce the defective quality above described. These are : 1. Incorrect proportions of lime and clay. The more lime a cement contains, up to a certain point, provided the raw grinding and burning are properly done, the better and stronger it will be. This point may be determined exactly, from analysis of the mate- rials, by certain well-known formulas, and the problem which the cement chemist has to solve is to keep his mixture as close to this lime limit as possible, without ever exceeding it. Even one-half per cent, of lime more than this limit allows will make the cement unsound ; that is, it will swell and crack after setting. Such cement would be highly dangerous to use, especially as its expansion may take place some days or even weeks after it has been put in place in a bridge, foundation, or building, perhaps causing collapse of the structure. Fortunately the cold pat test in water for 28 days, or the boiling test in steam for 5 hours, is a certain means of detecting this defect, and cement which passes either of these tests may safely be considered sound, and used without fear in the most crit- ical work. On the other hand, if the lime in the mixture is too low, perhaps two per cent, below the lime limit, the cement is liable to prove quick-setting and low in strength. Cement chemists gen- erally, therefore, hold their mixtures at one-half or one per cent, below the limit, and at well-conducted factories the variation in lime will hardly exceed one-fourth per cent, either way from the standard chosen as correct. Lest there may be some well-posted cement man here who will think I am speaking too positively on this point, I will qualify the MODERN ROAD BUILDING 45 above statements by saying that different materials vary consid- erably in amount of allowable variation. Clays high in silica and low in alumina and iron, for example, permit much wider variation in proportion of lime than clays of more aluminous composition. To explain this fully would take us further into the domain of cement chemistry than you would have patience to go to-day. 2. Coarse grinding of raw material. In the burning of cement mixtures, .the materials are not fused, but merely brought at a white heat to a sintered or softened condition. In revolving kilns, also, the passage through the zone of high heat takes place in 15 minutes or less. It is plain, therefore, that the materials must be very finely divided, in order that each particle of lime may find within easy reach the particle of clay it needs, and that the com- bination of the .two materials may be uniform and complete. If coarsely ground, the fine particles of lime will combine with all the clay, producing an over-clayed compound, while the coarse particles of lime remain free, and give rise to dangerous expansion. A coarsely ground mix will therefore yield cement having, at the same time, the faults of that made from an over-clayed and an over-limed mixture ; that is, it may be quick-setting, weak, and unsound. It may safely be said that imperfect grinding of raw ma- terial is the source of more faulty cement than all other causes com- bined. 3. Imperfect burning. Well-burned clinker is black, hard, and glistening; underburned clinker is brownish and comparatively soft. Underburning may make cement quick-setting and unsound. It should be said, however, that this fault is of rare occurrence, and that correctly proportioned and well-ground raw material may be light-burned without injury to quality. 4. Imperfect final grinding. Coarsely ground cement may be slow in hardening and show low strength, especially when mixed with sand. Fine grinding increases the sand-carrying capacity of cement, and improves its strength, especially at short periods. There is such a thing, however, as grinding cement too fine, and thus making it quick-setting, and causing it to gain strength too rapidly. Engineers generally require a gradual increase of strength, and look suspiciously on cement which does not show a good gain be- tween seven and twenty-eight days. This requirement is difficult to meet with extreme fineness of grinding, as a very finely ground cement may gain practically its whole strength within seven days or less. The usual requirement of 92 per cent, passing a 100-mesh sieve is a reasonable one, and the best brands generally exceed this figure by one or two per cent. To resume, badness of cement is generally caused by imperfect mixing and grinding of the raw material before burning, less often by incorrect proportions of raw materials, and rarely by imperfect burning or final grinding. The testing of cement can, of course, be completely carried out only in well-equipped laboratories. A few years ago there was little uniformity and much confusion in methods of testing; but the labors of the Committee on Uniform Tests of Cement, of the 46 MODERN ROAD BUILDING American Society of Civil Engineers, have resulted in the estab- lishment of well-defined rules and methods which are now closely followed by engineers throughout the country. The report of this committee, and also the Standard Specifications for cement, estab- lished by the American Society for Testing Materials, have been published in pamphlet form by the Association of Portland Cement Manufacturers (Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia), and will be gladly mailed on request. The ordinary tests are the determinations of fineness, time of setting, soundness or constancy of volume, and strength. The first three tests have been briefly described in the foregoing. Strength is determined by making briquettes of neat cement, or cement and sand, one to three, one square inch in smallest section, and, after hardening one day in moist air and the remaining time in water, these are pulled apart at 7 days, 28 days, and longer periods, by means of a simple testing machine. Good cement will generally show, tested neat, 300 pounds, in one day, 600 pounds in 7 days, and 700 to 800 pounds in 28 days; and with three parts standard sand at least 200 pounds in 7 days and 300 pounds in 28 days. Compression tests, .by pressing cubes of cement or concrete in mas- sive crushing machines, are also made in well-equipped labora- tories, but are not generally necessary to determine acceptance or rejection, as it is well known that good Portland cement will gen- erally show a resistance to compression about ten times greater than its tensile strength. A few words, in closing, on the rational use of cement. Pure or neat cement is almost never used, and to give useful results admixture with sand and gravel or broken stone is necessary. Sand alone is a very poor material to mix with cement. With three parts sand a strength of perhaps 200 pounds may be expected, while with three parts good gravel, ranging from coarse pebbles down to sand, the strength will often reach 600 pounds. Materials should be so chosen that the voids will be filled as completely as possible, to yield a mass of greatest possible density. Ordinarily, concrete is made of one part cement, two to three parts sand, and four to six parts coarse gravel or broken stone. The amount of water used should be such as to give a soft, plastic mixture, which will quake when rammed, like a jelly. Mixtures made too dry will always be soft, earthy, and rotten, and no subsequent wetting of the concrete will materially help matters. This fault is often seen in hollow concrete building blocks. To give good results these must be made as wet as possible, up to the point at which the mixture begins to stick to the plates or to sag out of shape on re- moving "from the molds. Thorough mixing is essential, to develop the full strength of con- crete. This is difficult to accomplish by hand labor and almost certain to be slighted, except when under the eye of the foreman. There are many excellent concrete mixers on the market, which save greatly in labor and give strengths practically equal to those which can be obtained on a small scale in the laboratory. MODERN ROAD BUILDING 47 It should always be kept in mind that cement hardens by com- bining with water and crystallizing. As soon as the work dries out, therefore, the hardening ceases. Concrete must be kept moist until thoroughly hardened. Too rapid drying out of the surface is also the most frequent cause of shrinkage cracks. The question of the use of concrete for street and road pave- ments has been widely discussed, and there are already many ex- amples of successful concrete pavements in various parts of the country. This subject was fully discussed in papers read before the Association of Cement Manufacturers at Philadelphia .two years ago by Mr. H. L. Weber, Chief Engineer of Ft. Wayne Trac- tion Company, Ft. Wayne, Ind., and Mr. Walter Hassam, Manager Hassam Paving Company, Worcester, Mass. Bulletin No. 14, pub- lished by the Association, containing these papers and discussion, is now out of print, but it is hoped that a new edition will soon be published. The Association's Committee on "New Uses" lately offered prizes for best papers on concrete roadways, through the agency and by the help of the Good Roads Magazine, and the two papers selected for prizes will soon be published in that Jour- nal. The May number of the Concrete Review, published by the Association of Cement Manufacturers, which has been delayed in publication, will be chiefly devoted to concrete roadways. The sum of all the evidence on this question seems to be that concrete pavements, if properly made and of suitable material, are low in cost and of excellent wearing qualities. There is in cement a quality of toughness and resistance to wear which is superior to stone or brick. This is shown in the great superiority of cement sidewalks over flagstone, in point of durability. I have seen cement patches on flagstone walks, around which the stone has worn away to the depth of an inch, while the trowel marks on the cement sur- face are still visible. A well-laid macadam road is fairly durable. Does it not stand to reason that if the broken stone and sand or gravel, of which the surface is composed, were held together by- a small amount of cement, the life of the road would be greatly in- creased? Here, however, comes the question of the wearing quality of the broken stone itself. Limestone is soon ground up under heavy traffic, and blows away in dust. To show resistance to wear equal to that of the cement binding material, the aggregate should be a hard, tough substance, such as quartz gravel or crushed trap rock. Where such materials are to be had at reasonable cost, there is no doubt that cement pavements can be laid, at a cost of 75 cents to $1 per square yard, which will last longer and require less repairs than paving brick or stone. If Portland cement can play an important part in the development of good roads in our country, it will certainly be a ground for pride on the part of all those who are connected with its manufacture. 48 MODERN ROAD BUILDING The reading of this paper was followed by considerable discus- sion. Mr. Samuel Hill : I would ask Mr. Powers if he knows any place where pavement of that character is to be seen. Mr. Powers: The Speedway on Long Island. Mr. Lancaster: This was made of concrete reinforced. I think the construction of that road was entirely for automobile purposes, and not with the idea that it would be used for any other kind of traffic. For that purpose it is doubtless well suited, but for general traffic I, personally, do not believe it would wear well. Mr. R. H. Thomson: So far as this concrete Speedway on Long Island is concerned, it was definitely stated that it was not expected it would withstand the impact of horses' feet, but was to give the partic- ular surface which would hold the automobile. The road is exception- ally well suited for a speedway for automobiles, but I would not expect it to stand the impact of the horses' feet. There are a few streets in Chicago of granitoid pavement which are said to wear well. I have been unfortunate not to have seen a good section. Possibly there is some one present who has. Mr. Fowler: You all seem to be opposed to a concrete pavement, and in the absence of defenders I want to say, in connection with a road built about twelve years ago, that the Knoxville Bridge road- way, 40 feet in width, was finished with a cement wearing surface and lasted very well indeed for city traffic of all kinds, and it was only a year or so ago that it was necessary to let a contract for resurfacing, so I know of a third of a mile of concrete pavement which has stood very well for about twelve years. Mr. Eldredge : In Washington we have a pavement about a mile in length, which was built of concrete. The pavement was built about three years ago, I believe, and I saw it very recently, and it does not show up very well. The particular trouble seems to be with the ex- pansion joints. Wherever they were placed the pavement has gone to pieces, and there are places where there are holes in the pavement as wide as two or three feet at the expansion joints. That is an exceed- ingly heavy traffic road, possibly a thousand wagons every day, the heaviest in the District of Columbia, and for that reason the War E^e- partment hoped to build a successful road that would stand, but so far it has not proved entirely satisfactory. MODERN ROAD BUILDING 49 Mr. Samuel Hill: I have a piece in mind, the only piece I have found in this country of that character, and 1 have found it very unsatisfactory. The wear at the different sides of that street is not uniform. Mr. Morrison: There is mention made in the paper of the Has- sam pavement. If I understand it, there have been several experi- ments made in this city by the Hassam people, and perhaps it would be well for Mr. Thomson to give us an account of this. Mr. Thomson: We have two or three experimental sections of the Hassam pavement in the city. Probably there is 1,200 feet constructed in the residential district. This has been in service about eighteen months, and only about two wagons pass daily over the pavement, and it is in perfect condition, and at this rate of travel I think will last a lifetime. On Westlake avenue there is about 100 feet of Hassam pavement. Part is in excellent condition; but it has re- quired to have very considerable repair. It has been in about two years. As to the relative cost, there is very little difference between the cost of that and our asphalt pavement in the city; probably it is 80 per cent, of the cost of asphalt. We are under this difficulty : That we have not any great supply of good stone for macadam of any kind close at hand, and the cost of delivery is a very considerable expense, and it ic much more here than many other cities. We have to bring our stone from quite a distance. Mr. Lancaster: I would like to qualify what I said about not being favorable to concrete pavement, by saying that I do not be- lieve it can be economically repaired. I think that is one of the troubles Mr. Thomson has spoken of ; that while it has been used quite exten- sively in some of the Eastern cities, the fact that these expansion joints cannot be repaired easily is against it. Another feature is that, in driving horses over it, it is absolutely unyielding, and is in- jurious to a horse. There is no yielding of any kind whatever, and it is rather hard on the horses that are driven over it. This Blome pavement is a new one, and is being used to some extent in the vicinity of Chicago, and I understand some of it is being put in in Walla Walla, in this state. Mr. Powers : W^ith a view to getting some form of concrete pavement, some manufacturers offered prizes for the best paper on that form of roadway, and they asked us to publish the papers. 50 MODERN ROAD BUILDING The Long Island Parkway is one of the most noted of these roads, and that I understand has been averagely successful. Understand, I am not defending the concrete more than any other; but I have understood that it has been successful from the automobilist's standpoint. I have not been able to get the road builder's opinion of it. Mr. Ross, the city engineer of Worcester, Mass., has, I under- stand built a road of concrete and found it serviceable, and he did tell me personally he was quite well pleased with it so far. Mr. Samuel Hill: What Mr. Powers says is true w r ith regard to the Long Island pavement. Mr. Lancaster and I had the pleasure of seeing it with Mr. Vanderbilt, who built it, and we drove over it in an automobile. It is not suited for use on public highways. Mr. Fuller: I wrote to the city engineers of a number of the New England states, and received replies from them to the effect that the Hassam pavement was being laid to rather a great extent, that it was satisfactory as far as they had been able to tell within their experience of two or three years, that it was easily repaired, and the general impression I got was that the Hassam pavement was going to be laid to a much greater extent than it had been. I have been unable to learn anything definite as to what has been done during the last two years. If there is any one here that can enlighten us, I would be pleased. Mr. Samuel Hill: We will call on Mr. Thomson. Mr. R. H. Thomson: I do not think there has been any advance or improvement in the production of Hassam pavement. The owner of the patents himself does not claim any great advance has been made. He claimed he was experimenting with a new type of binder, which, instead of being rigid, as Portland cement, and destroyed whenever broken, was slightly plastic and would rebound under traffic, and he hoped soon to bring that type of pavement under notice. I have seen no notice of it. Perhaps he has intro- duced it somewhere, I do not know. Mr. Landes: I am disappointed in what has been said in regard to the Hassam pavement, for I am interested in local conditions, and have been interested in the experiments of the Hassam pave- ment here, and I think Mr. Thomson will bear me out in saying that the man who undertook to lay the Hassam pavement here was not practical in his doing, and undertook to lay it on ground where the MODERN ROAD BUILDING 51 asphalt would not lie on account of being soft, and he did not have the right tools, and was obliged to use the wrong rollers, etc., and could not mix it as it should be. Mr. R. H. Thomson: From my observation, the difficulty with the Hassam pavement on Westlake Avenue, does not result from the causes mentioned by Prof. Landes, but results principally from the inferior quality of the stone used. The stone, upon examination, has been found to be very much softer than the mortar in which it is em- bedded and very soluble. In addition to that, the stone is very unequal in its texture. As a result, when any one of these stones is crushed from any reason, there has been left a small hole in the pavement, and the impact of the horses' feet passing over in a short time produces a pocket of considerable size. The inferiority of the stone has unques- tionably had more to do with the failure of this pavement than any other cause, so far as I am able to determine, and for that reason we cannot regard the results obtained by the experiment on Westlake Ave- nue as being fair to the Hassam people. My objections to concrete pavements in general are these : First, such pavement is very hard on horses, because of its unyielding surface. Second, where the stone and the mortar are of equal hardness, they wear very smooth and afford but moderate foothold. Third, when any crack or crevice is made by any means whatever, it affords an initial point for ravelling and pocket- ing. Fourth, it is very difficult to patch these pocketed places so as to obtain a uniform bond and maintain a uniform surface. Mr. Samuel Hill announced that there would be a most interest- ing session on Tuesday, and the further proceedings were ad- journed until the following day at 9 :30 a. m. M.R.B. 5 52 MODERN ROAD BUILDING TUESDAY, JULY 6, AT 9:30 A.M. CHARACTERISTICS OF STONE SUITED FOR USE AS MACADAM OR FOR PAVING BLOCKS. The first paper read at the morning session was by Professor Henry Landes, of the University of Washington, on the above sub- ject, and was as follows : PAPER BY PROF. HENRY LANDES. In the making of the best roads of a permanent character, a large number of factors must enter. Such roads are the results of many years of experience, and necessarily involve engineering skill of a high order. Without enumerating all of the elements of success, it is safe to say that our best roads can be had only by the fulfill- ment of at least these requirements : 1. Selection of a proper gradient. 2. Good drainage of the roadbeds. 3. Use of first-class stone in construction. 4. Highest engineering skill at every stage. 5. Continued maintenance and persistent care. Of the above essentials my topic has to deal only with the stone which may be used, and in the selection of such material, suitable for macadam or paving, the chief considerations are these : 1. The quality of the rock, or its inherent ability to withstand every test which any kind of traffic upon the road might demand. 2. The accessibility of the stone, which determines the cost at which it may be delivered to the points where needed. 3. Demands of the particular road, taking into account such things as the nature of the traffic and the characteristics of the climate. The principal qualities desired in stone may be summarized as follows : 1. Hardness, or the resistance offered to any abrading action. This quality is determined largely by the hardness of the individual minerals composing the stone. 2. Toughness, or the coherency among the individual particles of the stone, which holds the mass together, when struck by a hammer, a hoof, or a wheel. 3. Cementing power, or the natural binding qualities possessed by the crushed rock, whereby it holds together firmly when moisten- ed and rolled. This quality is particularly desired in stone for mac- adam purposes, although it is helpful in paving blocks as well. It is probable that in the future the relative value of this quality will decline with the increasing use of cementing substances of an arti- ficial character. MODERN ROAD BUILDING 53 In determining the presence or absence of the above qualities in a stone, the following three classes of tests may be employed : 1. Practical use of the stone in a road for a term of years. Since the best tests are always made in the laboratory of experience, long-continued successful use of a stone affords the only test which may be regarded as final. The older a community may be, the more this test may be relied upon ; but manifestly the practical use of the stone cannot be utilized in the building of roads in a state as young as Washington. 2. Observations on the stone at its natural outcrops, with regard to its resistance to weathering and erosion, behavior under frost action, binding qualities of the resultant subsoil, etc. This test is one very commonly depended upon, and when applied with intelli- gence will yield valuable results. 3. Laboratory tests and _ experiments, approaching actual condi- tions as far as possible. The difficulties here are those attendant upon such vast differences in the scale of operations, and upon the impossibility of attaining in the laboratory conditions similar to those of a highway. The results of these tests can only be regarded as approximate, and never as wholly conclusive. In all tests or observations made upon a stone to determine its qualities necessary for road purposes the following analysis seems desirable : 1. The minerals present; kinds and relative amounts of each, with such physical characteristics as hardness, cleavage, and specific gravity. When one considers that a rock is but an aggregate of minerals, it becomes evident that the character of the rock is de- termined by its mineral ingredients. 2. Chemical nature of the rock, particularly in regard to solubil- ity. Solubility is at once both an advantage and a disadvantage. A moderate degree of solubility, when precipitation of the soluble portion takes place within the crushed rock, yields marked binding qualities. A high degree of solubility speedily weakens the stone and renders it unfit for road use. 3. Coherency of the rock. In igneous rocks the coherency de- pends upon the extent of interlocking of the crystals, while in sedimentary rocks it depends upon the degree of cementation of the grains. The coherency of a stone gives rise to the quality known as toughness, which is a necessary attribute of any stone designed for highway purposes. 4. Porosity; a characteristic due to pores among the original water-worn fragments of a sedimentary rock, or to steam holes in an igneous rock, caused by an original overplus of water. In gen- eral, as the degree of porosity of a stone increases, its value for road purposes decreases, because of a decline in its specific gravity, a lowering of its crushing strength, and a greater liability to the disruption of the road by frost action. 5. Texture, or the size of grain which composes the rock. As the size of grain increases, especially when the stone is made up of min- erals widely different in their coefficients of expansion, the stone is more readily disrupted through expansion and contraction. This 54 MODERN ROAD BUILDING would happen particularly in a region where rapid changes of temperature were common. 6. Fracture, or the appearance of a broken surface of the stone. Of the several fractures the conchoidal, which characterizes basalt, is the one most helpful in increasing the binding qualities of crushed rock. In paving blocks, the cubical fracture is the one yielding most economy in the preparation of the stone. 7. Joints, or the natural breaks possessed by the stone. They are generally in excess at the surface, and decrease with depth. When they occur with proper frequency, they are helpful in lowering the cost of quarrying the stone for crushing, but if too frequent may be detrimental, when the stone is desired for paving blocks. In applying the principles above set forth, and in searching for "the everlasting better," we might say, in conclusion, that the ideal stone as road metal should possess these characteristics : A mineral composition insuring sufficient hardness for complete resistance to any reasonable load ; a chemical composition affording soluble ingredients only to assist cementation ; a coherency giving the stone such a degree of toughness that only enough breakage will occur to give the road a maximum smoothness ; a porosity of the least degree ; a texture such 'that the grains or crystals will be of microscopic dimensions ; a fracture yielding conchoidal surfaces and sharp edges ; and no more jointing than that necessary to en- able quarry operations to be conducted at the least expense. It may be said that no stone possessing all these qualities can ever be found. While this statement may be true, it does not re- lease us from the obligation to select that stone which holds these virtues in the largest degree. If I may speak of the state of Wash- ington, I will say that we have stone which we believe will fulfill the most rigorous requirements as road metal, and it is our ambi- tion at some succeeding Congress to show such results in the way of macadam roads that you will assure us that by our good works we shall be known. DISCUSSION. Mr. R. H. Thomson : I would like to ask Professor Landes if he has found any sandstone which he believes fulfills the requirements for macadam or paving blocks which is in reach of Seattle. Professor Landes: I would like to say that, as far as paving block is concerned, Mr. Thomson is my master in that respect. I yield to him. As far as macadam is concerned, the only thing in the nature of a sandstone that seems desirable to use is one that is technically not a sandstone, but has passed to the succeeding stage, and is therefore much harder and more durable than a sand- stone. We have found rock of this character that will be service- able. MODERN ROAD BUILDING 55 Mr. Thomson: I will say we do not claim to have mastered the sandstone paving block yet. We use the best we can get, but when we can get a better the city will welcome it. Mr. Samuel Hill : We believe we have found a Superior sandstone in the state of Washington, an analysis of which is being made by Pro- fessor Landes. The stone has a crushing strength almost equal and identical with Quincy granite, being 21,000 pounds per cubic inch. It is about 96 plus pure silica. Mr. Samuel Hill: I now have great pleasure in presenting to you Mr. Campbell, whose reputation is known to you all. We are very for- tunate in having him with us to-day. I have tried to get him before, and I now have the greatest pleasure in introducing Mr. A. W. Camp- bell, of the province of Ontario and city of Toronto. Mr. A. W. Campbell was down on the programme to give a paper on "Successful Macadam Roadways with Clay and Stone Binder," but instead gave a most valuable and interesting extemporaneous address on the system of road building in the province of Ontario. Mr. Hill, however, secured a copy of Mr. Campbell's paper, which will be incorporated in this report. Mr. Campbell, who was received with cheers, said: I consider myself very fortunate to have been selected as one to represent the Dominion of Canada and province of Ontario at this Congress of Road Builders, and I am delighted to be here with you to-day. It is not the first time I have had the privilege of attending such a conference and of having heard valuable papers read, which have been of great benefit to me in my work. The subject assigned to me is one of a somewhat technical char- acter, but along the line of the paper just read. It does seem as if the experience of the American continent, extending over the last few years, has reduced the question of stone roads to almost a science, which is understood now by most engineers, and there are very few points upon which we differ. To prepare the material and to lay it in a practical way are questions which we have to consider in connection with the varying conditions of climate, of soil, etc., and very often, while we have an ideal stone found within a state, we find it is more economical to use less valuable material, because of its being more accessible. However, I think that as a general thing engineers are reaching the conclusion that the principles of stone road making or how stone roads should be made to withstand the climate on this continent are to be yet established. How to prepare the public mind for going into a scheme of financing the making of stone roads, or roads of better aualitv, seems to me to be the ques- 56 MODERN ROAD BUILDING tion of greatest importance, and one which I think must in the first place precede the actual specifications of how a road should be made. A few years ago, in the province of Ontario, the Government es- tablished a Bureau of Highways in connection with the Department of Public Works, and it is the mission of that department to go about meeting with the rate payers in every town and village and township and municipality, for the purpose of discussing with them what system they should employ for the raising of the money and the performing of the work. In the province of Ontario, our munic- ipal government consists of township councils and county councils. Our province is divided into townships, consisting of about 10' miles square. These are grouped into counties, comprising from 6 to 12 townships, and the county council is composed of representatives trom the township councils. Up to a few years ago, the roads in each township were under the jurisdiction of the township council, and they had charge of these roads. The roads were made and main- tained by what we call a labor tax, or statutory labor tax so many days of labor taxed against the holding according to the assessed value of each. These men were supposed to turn out and perform such work as they were directed to perform by the overseers or pathmasters or road commissioners. In the early days, when labor was plentiful and money was scarce, the farmers had days instead of dollars, and this tax was imposed and worked pretty successfully. The people united themselves in large gangs, and were usually di- rected by the most capable of their number. This seemed to be sufficient to clear the road allowances of timber, and take out the stumps, and strengthen the weak spots, and all that sort of thing ; but we have passed that stage now, and have come to the stage when some better class of work is necessary. We must look after the hardening of the surface of these roads, and must gather this labor together and direct it in the selection of the material, in the assembling of the material, in the crushing of the material, and in preparing it and applying it to the road ; and we then find that that labor tax is incompetent, incapable, and practically useless, so far as the balance of the work on our roads is concerned, and conse- quently it is necessary to create throughout our province an agita- tion showing the people where their labor was being pretty largely wasted ; for all that it was possible for them to do was to fill in the ruts and depressions in the earth roads, and the repair was of very little substantial value, having to be repeated each year, and con- sequently they were making very little progress, notwithstanding the fact that a great deal of labor was being expended on the work. Councils in addition had gone on to raise by direct tax a certain amount of money to be united with this labor, and that in some way was scattered. We found, and the people found, after the agitation was put prop- erly on foot, and statistics made and prepared, that we were spend- ing 1,100,000 days of statute labor, and in addition the people were taxing themselves a million of money, and in no instance could we find a solitary road, which we would consider a first-class road, was being built. Our people could not in this way equip themselves by MODERN ROAD BUILDING 57 any possible means with the necessary implements and machinery that is so essential to the building of a proper macadam road or the building of a substantial street. They went on doing work without the necessary tools, and consequently we find this labor and money represented a very, very large outlay in that province, and the agita- tion was in favor of commuting the statute labor and substituting a money tax, whereby the whole expenditure which was being made could be consolidated and concentrated .upon some fixed plan, lead- ing towards the construction of at least a certain mileage of road each year. When the people realized their expenditure meant so much, and that this capitalized would secure for them such a large amount of money to be laid out in substantial work, with roads built on scientific principles, when they realized what a first-class maca- dam road was, and what it cost, and that it could be made by them- selves with the exercise of a little prudence and judgment, and the use of material that was easily available, they began to think there was no use in continuing that system of patching and repair ; that the time had arrived when they should lay down some definite plan, under the direction of some experienced and competent overseer; that they should equip themselves with the necessary implements in each township and locality; that they should concentrate their expenditure, and commence at certain points on leading roads first; that they should follow this, making the most of their expenditure each year in building, if only a few miles, and extending that year by year. The result was that applications were made to the Gov- ernment, to the Department of Roads, for the construction of sample pieces, in some cases a mile and in others half a mile, and as a general thing the money was subscribed by the people of the locality, assisted by grant of the municipal council, for the purpose of breaking down the prejudice that existed among the people against road construction. They seemed to fear the estimates that had been made to them that macadam roads would cost $3,000 or $4,000 a mile and in figuring this on a basis of the road mileage of each township, 100 to 150 miles, it seemed to frighten them. That to a township seemed to be too large an expenditure. After the agitation had gone so far as to convince the people that the movement for better roads, for good roads, did not mean the bonding of the province for the purpose of raising a large sum of money, but that it did mean the directing of the public mind to- wards a more careful study of road making, how roads should be made, and what implements should be used in their construction, what materials, and how the materials should be prepared, and how applied, what a road would actually cost, how the money could be raised, and all this sort of thing, the people began to look upon the question of road making as being the most important public work with which they had to deal. They took a pride in each local- ity in the first half mile constructed, and were anxious for the next year to increase it to a mile, and after that first mile was built, and they saw some of the advantages of it, it was an easy matter to lay down a plan for the extension of this, until the attention of the Gov- ernment was attracted to the interest which the people generally 58 MODERN ROAD BUILDING were taking, and they were prompted to encourage them by saying that, wherever the county council, an aggregation of the township council, would lay down a plan for macadamizing the leading roads in that county, the Government would contribute one-third of the cost of construction. This offer of contributing one-third of the cost seemed to have stimulated the interest which the people were taking in the matter, and there was a desire to get the Government grant. This was never made for the purpose of trying to pay a debt which the people could not pay themselves, but for the pur- pose of stimulating that interest which had been raised by en- couraging the people and leading them to believe that the Govern- ment was anxious to stand at least a third of the cost if they them- selves would put up the two-thirds. That applied to leading roads. The county councils started in. Meetings were held in township halls and schoolhouses throughout the country to explain to the rate payers how the work could be carried out, what the work would cost, what the intention of the county council was, how they were going to raise the two-thirds, and how the people would benefit. Different schemes were devised for raising their two-thirds of the money; for the Government said: "You can do as you see fit as to that; bond the county if you will. We give you permission by this special act to raise up to 2 per cent, of the assessed value of the coun- ty for the purpose of meeting your two-thirds of the cost, and as the work progresses we will pay the one-third of the expenditure. The work must be done, however, according to the plans and spe- cifications laid down by the Department of Public Works." Five years have passed along, and county after county has fallen into line. It was surprising how difficult it was to break down that prejudice the people seemed to have against the Government inter- fering in any way in this connection, as to the county councils tak- ing over any of these roads, as to there being any interference with the local management and control of the highways, and it looked as if they considered that there was something behind all this that was going to deceive them, and that they were going to have taken away from them the privilege of working out their tax. They re- quired a little coaxing to get them to abandon this system. It came to this that it was looked upon as being an honor of the very high- est order to be selected as pathmaster, or road commissioner, or road overseer. It looked to be as if the honor were of the more im- portance, for the reason that the man had the say as to what his neighbors should do in working on the road. In many cases the people became sufficiently interested in the work of improving the road that they united for the purpose of making a piece of road. They adopted the latest particulars of road construction, and worked enthusiastically and well, and it seemed to be their ambition to keep up that section in the best possible condition. But this was only about 10 per cent, of the communities in each township that cared to do it. The other 90 per cent, seemed to be indifferent. They looked upon the working out of the task as being a sort of national holiday, in which they could discharge their obligation without doing any particular work, and it seemed to be the height MODERN ROAD BUILDING 59 of impertinence for the Government to interfere with the existing state of things. I have frequently gone into meetings in townships and rural dis- tricts, where it was almost impossible to get a chairman to act, where some one would say : "You must be pretty brave to venture into a place of this description, and it will be a mighty fortunate thing if you are not thrown out of the window before the meeting is over." This prejudice has been broken down.' We found that one of the greatest benefits to result from the agitation for good roads was the starting an agitation for the betterment of the high- ways, and then go out and educate the people along the simple lines of road construction. It is surprising what ignorance prevails in the rural communities as to the real principles of road making, and it is also surprising what carelessness exists among them as to how the work should be done. Indifference seems to be responsible for it. Some farmers are studying in the most scientific way how best to till the soil, to drain their land, to select with the greatest care their seeds. They have the greatest desire to have good barns and homes and buildings. Their ambition seems all to be along those particular lines ; but they never thought it was worth their while, or was any of their business, to study closely and scientifically the matter of road construction. They understand the principles of drainage in connection with road making; but they look upon road building as being a matter that belongs to the township councils, or to the President of the country, or to the King and Queen. It is the King's Highway with us, and consequently it is somebody else's business, and not the property of the general rate payer, and he does not consider there is any obligation imposed on him to go out and organize for the purpose of improving the road in front of his own land, which he has by his own individual effort so splendid- ly improved. We have been trying to educate the people along these lines. It appears as if the first thing that is necessary .to be done, before trying to educate the people in the principles of road making, is to unteach them some of the things which have been taught them as to how roads should not be made. It appears as if they do the very things they should not do, and it looks as if they consider the question of road making as a problem that is under- stood by engineers, and as soon as an engineer attempts to suggest to them how the work should be done they persistently refuse to accept the proper methods, and will go and spend time and money in doing the opposite. The people will frequently say to me: "Well, tell us what are the principles of road making." And I say: "The principles of road making are simpler than what you think." So far as I am personally concerned, after an experience of fifteen years, devoting my time exclusively to the building of streets and roads, I have reached the conclusion that road making, or the principles of road making, are three in number, and three only, and that these prin- ciples are as simple as A, B, and C. The first is drainage, the second is DRAINAGE, and the third is DRAINAGE. (Applause.) DRAIN and FOUNDATION. Unless a foundation is thoroughly 60 MODERN ROAD BUILDING drained, it is as useless and fatal for you to attempt to make a good road on that foundation as to put up this building on a weak foundation. The foundation is practically the substance of the road. It is the clay, the sand, the natural soil, that carries the load ; and it is that natural soil that must be treated, and if that founda- tion is not thoroughly drained, then it matters not whether you put gravel, or broken stone, or vitrified brick, or asphalt. That road will be defective. The frost acts on the moisture in the foundation, and raises it, and if it is a macadam surface the course is raised up, and when the frost goes out the bottom is honeycombed, the course raised up is raised up on an unstable foundation, and the road cracks and splits, and the destruction of that road is com- menced. The foundation must be thoroughly drained, and that is necessary, whether it is to be a macadam, or a vitrified brick, or an asphalt pavement. That drainage is absolutely necessary for the betterment of all earth roads, and with us, while we are making con- siderable progress along those lines, it will be many, many years before all the roads in our province, or in any of your states, will be macadamized or covered with stone. The earth road, for ordi- nary purposes, will be the public highway, generally speaking, for a great many years to come, and it is surprising what an improve- ment we can make upon ordinary clay or earth roads, if care, cau- tion, and proper principles are applied to the shaping of the road, the draining of the road, and to keeping the road from year to year after the spring season has passed. We started in .to show how earth roads should be made. We started to show what these principles were and, as I said, the first principle of drainage is to drain the foundation, to make it hard and unyielding, to shape the road so as to shed the water out from the center to the ditches, to make the ditches along the side, or the gutters with a uniform slope leading to some outlet and to make the outlets through the adjacent property as near as possible. Cov- er the surface of the road with some hard material that prevents the earth rutting, that will withstand the traffic and prevent the wear. We classify our roads into three classes : (1) Leading roads, carrying from county to county to a central point, which are sub- jected to heavy traffic, and which are made more expensively than other roads. (2) Those roads used only by a community, leading onto the leading roads. This class of roads does not require to be treated in such an expensive way as the roads with heavier traffic. (3) One-third of the roads are back roads, that lead into little set- tlements, used in many instances only by one or two farmers to reach other roads. We adopted the plan of encouraging county councils comprising the larger area to lay down these roads passing through the dif- ferent townships, making as far as possible a connecting system of leading roads in that county, and in approving the plans we com- pared the plan favored by the adjoining county with the plan of the county that had been adopted, so as to see that the plans would make a connecting ^system between the counties, and the leading MODERN ROAD BUILDING 61 roads are the roads we attempted to aid in construction. Now fif- teen counties, about one-third of the organized part of the province of Ontario, have already in hand the operation of that connecting system, and nearly three thousand miles of first-class macadam roads have been constructed. Mr. R. H. Thomson: What is the soil? I may say about half of these counties are a flat clay soil. Stone, limestone, granite, and trap are to be found in about half of the prov- ince ; some sandstone and drift boulder are to be found in other parts. We have adopted the plan, however, of using the stone that is most convenient within a reasonable cost. In most instances we are not using the stone of the very highest quality, but in that case we under- stand that the cost of repair will be considerably more than if we used the better quality stone ; but, if we have the freight to add on the long distance it has to be hauled, the cost becomes so great as to make it almost prohibitive, but we believe, using the cheaper class of stone, we will soon convince the people of the wisdom and im- portance of improved roads, and later on it will be less difficult to have these resurfaced with a better class. of material. However, there is no doubt, from a careful study of the problem, that it will be money well spent to use the ideal road material in the first in- stance, when you consider the question of cost; but, as I say, you cannot bring about this by any revolutionary measure, but rather by a voluntary measure. We must establish object lessons, and gradually improve our plans and guide our people into the adoption of the better class of work, until we have reached the ideal. But progress will be slow along this line, and it will be some time be- fore we can convince them of the economic value of using the most expensive material in the first instance. We are striving, however, to that end, and, in connection with the School of Practical Science of the Province of Ontario, samples from every municipality are .sent in and tested free of cost, and returned to the engineers or road commissioners of municipal council. That department of the Un- iversity is devoting a great deal of attention to this matter, more particularly in the towns and cities, where the millions and millions of money raised from the people by the cold machinery of taxation are simply spent, squandered, and buried in mud by the hand of ignorance and inexperience. As I have told the people, the time has arrived when they should look upon the question of street im- provement as one of the most important branches of the public works of cities and towns, and that care of the highest order should be employed, and all the agencies of the Universities should be brought into operation to save the people from that awful taxation through which they have been passing in connection with the pav- ing of the streets of their towns and cities. I often think that principles more reckless and more extravagant are practiced in connection with the streets of towns than with the roads in rural districts. The towns are the centers of that, and they should set the example. They should establish the object les- sons for the benefit of the people in the outside districts. 62 MODERN ROAD BUILDING However, we are paying particular attention now to the improv- ing of the rural roads. We have 3,000 miles of .these roads now con- necting, as a general thing, so as to form a line across the whole district of fifteen townships, which have been laid down, and this work has been completed, and these very councils which were the first to adopt the plan are now pressing the Government for an extension of their plans to permit them to lay down a greater road mileage. It is surprising how contagious it becomes when people get the disease of road improvement, when they see good roads made how remarkably easy it is for them to finance the problem, how zealous they then are to stretch out and extend that improve- ment. The counties that came in first, that have made the greatest expenditure, are now the counties that are pressing the Government the hardest to make that act more liberal, so as to permit them to bring in a greater mileage of road. It is a contagious disease, this matter of road making. It stretches out every day until it gets hold of people, and when it gets hold of them it is surprising how it clings to them. The farmer believes that the road in front of his place never could be macadamized. It is such a herculean task he could never think of bearing the cost of having it macadamized ; but after it has been stoned, and he has paid his tax, he forgets all about the cost per mile, and he is living in luxury. He does not understand how it was brought about; but it was through some machinery of the Government, some plan of the Government that these leading roads should be improved, and that has led to the macadamizing of these particular roads. We do not go into expensive paving. We use the material that is most easily available. We use rock crushers for crushing the stone. We have regular outfits that belong to the county council, managed by the county road commissioner, and the provision is im- posed by the Government that, wherever a county plan is laid down by the county council, they must select a competent road commis- sioner to take charge of the work, and to see that the plans and specifications of the Government are carried out. One-third of the cost of that commissioner is paid by the Government, although he is a county commissioner; then he is approved by the Department of Public Works as being a person competent .to carry out the plans and specifications of the Department. This was objected to in the first instance, until they saw that road making, the business of road making, takes years of training to prepare a man for the posi- tion, and that it was to their interest to have an expert, and one of the greatest benefits resulting from that is that the work of that ex- pert is studied by the people in that community, and everything he does is watched by the farmers, by the local road commissioners and councilors, and they see how he does the work, how he operates the machine, how he grades the roads and prepares it for the ma- terial, how he prepares the material, how he places it, how he rolls it, and how he finishes it, and that object lesson we consider one of the greatest benefits the people will receive in connection with state aid. MODERN ROAD BUILDING 63 Not 'more than 10 per cent, of the roads fall in the county scheme. The remaining 90 per cent, of the roads remain in the hands of the local councils, so that you can see that it is only a small percentage of the roads that the Government aids in the construction of. But these examples stand there to influence for good in the making of the 90 per cent, remaining, and we find that the benefits resulting in this way repay the province and make it one of the most profit- able outlets they can contemplate. Example is a wonderful thing. Now, in our timber districts, of course, we used to use timber for making the culverts and sluices and small bridges. Since the adop- tion of the Government measure, we have prepared plans and spec- ifications for the making of the sluices and culverts along the roads of cement concrete. Cement concrete is put along the small roads, cement concrete arches reinforced with steel being used in the larger roads, and in everything done on these roads we insist that it must be done in the most substantial and finished way. Where these culverts and sluices are necessary for the drainage of the land, they will be required as long as the community exists and the roads are there, and consequently economy dictates they should be built in the most substantial and finished manner. A few years ago, people used to think that this class of construc- tion belonged to European countries, and that the work was under- taken either for embellishment or for certain purposes of defense, but that the cost was so great that it was impossible for them to undertake it. Now these commissioners on county roads where state aid has gone see how easy it is to make cement pipes. They take the materials and things with them, and select the material and manufacture the pipes on the ground, and lay them down, and the farmers will come out and sit on the bank of the ditch, the elder ones, and sit and marvel at the ease with which these pipes are con- structed. They see them laid in the trench and covered over, and the walls made to protect the pipes from the wash and other de- structive agencies. Then they go along and put up a cement con- crete arch, and the commissioners will at some time during the con- struction of the arch come and watch the operation. Those who have to do with that work on the lateral roads in their own dis- trict will sit there by the hour, and the commissioner and all con- nected with the work have positive and definite instructions from our Department to see that every question asked is answered, and the greatest care is taken to show the people how the thing is done, and to give them the fullest information. These men watch, and go back into their own districts. They say, "That is easily done ; I can build an arch," and they go back, and where it is necessary they can get copies of the plans and specifications and go out there, and if it is necessary and convenient for that commissioner he may send one of his men to give some assistance and instruction and di- rection. These are only in the initiative ; but, where a township is commencing for the first time to do work of that kind, we try to instruct them along that line. A local road commissioner, path- master, or local council will undertake work of that sort, and carry it out to a successful completion, and will boast of what they have 64 MODERN ROAD BUILDING accomplished, and will take the greatest pride in pointing to this work as being a fine piece of work done under their management. That sort of encouragement does more than anything else to stimulate the councilors to better work, and to show them that they should take greater interest in this municipal road work than they have done in the past. Encouragement is a wonderful thing. It is a stimulant, and that is what is required more than anything else, because the people of the community see that the common high- way is their property, and that they are the people who should look after it, and that they are the ones who must look for the improve- ment of the roads, if improvement is to be made in this country. The stone would be broken and screened into four different grades, from 2y 2 inches down. In early practice we used to figure on building about 12 inches, placing about 12 inches of stone on the roadway, varying from 8 feet in width to 16 or 18 feet, and as one approaches the towns the width and fill of stone depend upon the extent and nature of the traffic on that road. A road lying near a large corporation or center requires to be paved from ditch to ditch, or on a street from curb to curb ; but as we get to only a single line of traffic 8 feet wide and 8 inches deep is sufficient. In early practice we followed the plan of laying 12 inches of stone ; first 6 inches of coarse stone broken to 2^-inch mesh, and then about 3 inches of the next grade, broken to about 1^/o-inch, and then about 2 inches of stone broken to three-quarters, and then we placed on this about one inch of stone dust. This was a specification that was looked upon as being a very good one ; but we have changed that somewhat, and our experience even now is causing us to change these specifications, and I do not know when the ideal specifica- tion will be reached. We think we have reached it; but experience suggests some little change from day to day, and we are continual- ly making little changes, and I think it is a good thing for us that we are students enough to make the changes that should be made, because I suppose that this science on the American continent is only in its infancy. We do not appear to be able to get much as- sistance from the older countries. In the early days there were some stupendous roads built. -They were built in a very substan- tial manner. They were certainly built in an excellent manner; but in this country of such long distances it would be impossible for us to hope to follow their pattern, and we have to figure consider- ably for ourselves. I believe that it is good practice to work the heavier grade of crushed stone as nearly as possible to a wearing surface, and I think it is advisable to place the stone on in layers of not more than 6 inches without rolling, and that the fine dust screens, instead of be- ing placed on top, should be dusted into it, to fill the voids through the whole construction of the work. It is impossible for us to get that perfect consolidation necessary by rolling entirely from the surface. It is difficult to make people believe that a road is heavy enough, if we do not give an impression that the road behind is as firm as solid rock. I believe in using a light roller, about 10 tons in weight; but that should be used as often as possible during MODERN ROAD BUILDING 65 the whole construction of the road. Keep sprinkling the stone and rolling it in, mixing with an amount of fine sand. Do not dump it on the surface of the road, but take it out of the cart with a shovel and sprinkle it where necessary. It is slow work, but it is the only way to get the perfect instrument that is required. Care must be taken to see that the stone is of uniform size if you want the road to wear uniform, and, more important still, that the stone is of uniform character. Then see that every block is keyed in its place, and enough binding material to pack it, and see that every void is filled, and roll it until it is thoroughly packed and brought to an even surface. Never make the stone thicker in one place than another; never leave depressions to be filled with a greater thickness of stone; otherwise you will get an un-uniform surface. Bond the first course of macadam ; bond every course, and roll every course until you have the stones set in place, and sprinkle with water, so that the bonding will be carried down ; but do not sprinkle so much as to wet the earth underneath the roadway. Question: What would be the cost per mile? Mr. Campbell: It all depends upon the availability of the mate- rial. They cost us from $1,200 to $3,500. If you are building roads along this plan, then these implements are necessary, and it is nec- essary to have men who are capable of operating them. I have seen implements used on roads, where the people are simply sent out at so much a day to make the improvement. With implements so directed, sides cut off the roads, and stuff piled in that should never be put there, whether the roads were stone or gravel orig- inally, and the shoulders had risen so high as to prevent drainage, these were cut off, and stuff brought in and placed on the top of the old road. There is a lot of that weak material to be found on every road that should not be put in, but cut off and turned out. Many times you will find the operator of the machine who sees a road to be rounded to a certain course, and he simply carries out his instructions and becomes a part of the machine himself. The man should be a skilled workman, a mechanic that not only understands his machine, but the purpose for which the machine was designed, and he should use some skill and brains in the operating of it. The road grading machine is one of the most economical instru- ments ever invented for the purpose of bettering roads ; but in some instances it would be better for a community if they had never seen a grading machine. Roads are injured rather than bettered; but that road machine has no brains, and knows no more about road making than I do. (Laughter.) It is used for a purpose, and unless operated by somebody who does understand road making, you had better be without the machine. I have brought the question of macadam roads down to this, and it is very little use for me to say anything about this, because the paper we have heard covers the ground completely. It deals with everything there is to be said about it, and consequently I hesitated to read my own paper, because it is repetition, and for that reason I started to do some talking, and forgot about the pa- 66 MODERN ROAD BUILDING per. As I say, the whole subject is boiled down to the preparation of the foundation that must be made, and in some instances it is easily made, because the material is loose and easily drained. In other cases the material is wet, soft, and soggy, and that must be drained. In mountains and hilly districts, it is very difficult to provide these side water beds; but it is just as important in rocky, mountainous districts to provide for the carrying down of the wa- ter, because, if you do inches, this making what is known as "side-cut brick." In the oth- er case, two columns of clay issue from the die, the columns being cut every 8y 2 inches, this making what is known as "end-cut brick." It is during this process of forming the clay columns that lamina- tions in brick, if they exist, have their inception, and it is in this mechanical construction that I maintain that special care should be- taken in the form or shape of the knives or blades, and particularly in the construction of the die in point of lines of issue guiding the clay. I maintain that every clay has its own peculiar characteris- tic, and that dies constructed on the same pattern are not fit for general use. The degrees of plasticity or refractoriness of the clay must be thoroughly understood before the lines of a suitable die or issue can be safely drawn. Again, it is not a safe plan to indiscriminately use a lubricated die, for some clays make a better brick when a dry die is used. In a lubricated die, the issue of the clay column is absolutely free in all points of contact with the metal, giving no side resistance in the issue; whereas, there are high-grade clays that demand this retarding influence to give the best internal structure to the brick. This same principle carries back into the brick machine, and should be the determining factor as between side-cut and end-cut brick; for I maintain, as has been proven by actual experience, that all laminations can be avoided in vitrified brick by a study of the clay, and the construction of me- chanical appliances that are suited to the clay, as against the far too common practice of trying to make a clay suit the machine, just be- cause it makes brick successfully somewhere else and the machine man told you so. Furthermore, while I know I am treading on disputed and possibly dangerous ground, yet I want to assert as my belief that a better standard size brick can be made, with prop- MODERN ROAD BUILDING 113 erly constructed die, in end-cut form than if made side-cut, even if the side-cut is re-pressed and the end-cut is taken directly from the machine. I take this position because in the side-cut article the clay issues approximately 4 inches thick by 8^/2 inches wide in a sin- gle column, which is cut at right angles through the breadth of the column ; whereas, the end-cut brick columns, two to the issue, di- vided in the die by a steel center, issue 2J/ inches wide and 4 inches thick each, and are cut through the narrow column, the clay for- mation in the brick running with the column, whereas in the side- cut form the clay formation is cut at right angles and severed for each brick thickness. Furthermore, it is a far simpler thing to con- struct a die that will control and thereby guard against twists and laminations in slender clay columns than to overcome the same condition in a greater mass of clay in one issue. After the brick has been formed, it is common practice and often required to re- press the product. Outside of shaping up the edges, or of forming lug's on the brick, or of stamping the name of the maker upon the pro.duct, the re-pressing has no value, and it is an open question, at least in the case of some clays, whether it is not an injury, caused by the sudden blow of the re-press and the almost instant release of the pressure that is put upon the brick. Referring again to the brick during the drying, the same inflexible law of conditions and quality of clay in respective districts controlling, the one general principle that is most important is the time required and the time allowed for perfect evaporation of the mechanical moisture. No limit can be set for this as a universal rule to be observed. But the essential feature of this process is that the drying shall not be unduly forced ; for it is during this season that the clay particles are cohering, and if this process of knitting is forced a perfect bond cannot result. A brick that is to be carried to a state of vitrification must have all the elements of perfection at the stage of coming from the dry kilns. It must have had the advantages of perfect and free circulation of air in the kilns, with increasing degrees of heat from the green state to the dried product, which is accom- plished in modern brick driers by mechanical devices that operate most successfully to thermometer tests ; the heat for this purpose now almost universally being drawn from kilns that have been finished and where the firing has ceased. From the drier, through which the brick have gone on steel cars, the driers being in tunnel form, the brick are taken into a cooling room, where they remain until they can be handled by men, when they are set in kilns ready for the final treatment by that element, fire, which is one of the greatest destroying agendies, and yet makes from a true clay one of a very few things in existence that is not destroyed by the action of the elements, namely, vitrified brick. There are kilns of many styles, yet the true principle of a kiln is that it shall have a free draft. There are many ramifications in flues through which the heat is drawn; the principle being to so hold the heat and to so distribute it as to equalize it throughout the mass of brick that are being burned within one chamber. The im- portant feature of this construction is that the flue space shall be MODERN ROAD BUILDING adequate to the area of the chamber in which the fire shall be con- trolled. The brick are set or piled in height according to what the clay will endure, and the manner of setting is again controlled by the nature of the clay forming the brick. Again do I hold that each separate clay must be understood before suitable kilns in all their details can be built for its successful burning, which in its essential feature is the draft area and the application thereof. During the burning of the brick, the mechanical water not eliminated in the driers is now driven off, and this, in turn, is followed by the elimi- nation of the water held in bond in the chemical composition of the clay in its original state ; and here is where the final shrinkage of the brick in the interlacing and knitting of the clay particles takes place, and it is here where clays of excessive shrinkage, or where mixed clays of uneven shrinkage, or where impure clays come to grief, or leave their damaging effects within the finished product. It is here, also, that the stability of the clay is tested in the matter of initial vitrification and melting. It is imperative that a clay have a fair range of heat in this respect; for, if this margin is limited to a narrow basis, it is almost impossible to bring about uniform or satisfactory results in the final firing. By ingenious and thoroughly practical devices now in use in modern brick plants, the elimination of the water by absorption, and the water in bond, is noted during the progress of burning. The degree of heat in all important portions of the kiln is also recorded constantly, from the light firing as an initial burning to the point of vitrification, and the measure of shrinkage that the brick is undergoing during the firing is carefully noted ; these combined observations being a safe guide to the operator in charge. The word of caution that may here be spoken, with the ever-present varying conditions of clays and what they will endure, is : Do not force the firing beyond what the clay being burned will stand with safety; for, if you do, the' opened kiln will not defend your action. We now come to the final act in the manufacture of vitrified brick; i. e., the cooling of the semi-molten mass. Here to be safe, to get the best product, the manufacturer must set aside the desire for gain, must turn a deaf ear to the clamor of contractor, engineer, or layman, who may be crowding him, and let nature take her course ; for, as it is imperative during the burning to let the heat soak into and through the brick naturally, and not under forced draft, so must this heat be permitted again to pass away. It is now that the work of making structure is taking place, and the mass is being annealed and toughened; and if this is checked in the slightest degree by too sudden cooling a weakened and imperfect, or a brittle, product will be the result, but if permitted to work out under natural laws, with every condition present for the good, a product will come forth, as comes in many places and in ever-in- creasing numbers, that is not excelled no, not even in the mighty workshops of nature. "How may a man tell a good vitrified brick when he sees it?" is ?> question that was asked me in connection with this subject-matter, and I am pleased to answer in this way : MODERN ROAD BUILDING 115 Establish what is the average size of a satisfactorily burned vitrified brick, made from any given clay ; for all uniformly made brick, of uniform clay, uniformly burned, must be practically of uniform size when finished. Test by absorption. Establish a machine or device that shall hold the brick in place as they are in service, and test by impact and abrasion as under traffic. Then put a hammer into the hands of a practical inspector, who holds his situation by reason of his knowledge of the thing you want him to pass judgment upon, and let this hammer, by test of sound and by the fracture of the brick, determine the quality, as can very easily be done when once the grade of any defined ma- terial is established ; and this quality lies entirely in the brick struc- ture, and is not governed or may not be determined by simple shades of color, for it must be remembered that any clay that will vitrify cannot be burned to an absolute shade in color, unless the degrees of heat are practically identical throughout the entire kiln area, which has never been possible, as measured from top to bot- tom of the kiln, even in the burning of the highest grades of face brick, where uniformity of color or shade is much desired. I said above : "Test by absorption." But this must have its limitations, for vitrified brick will vary in the percentages of absorption from nil to various quantitative proportions, according to the degrees of heat to which they have been subjected in their relative position in the kiln during the burning, which is but a natural result of the absolutely essential element in clay of heat range between the point of initial vitrification and fluxing. The matter of absorption, the limitation to which it may be extended, here becomes an open book, and can readily be determined as a safe guide in tests and to guard against overburned brick. The hammer in the hands of a compe- tent man is ever sufficient. Finally, gentlemen, we have in a vitrified brick, as I have en- deavored to describe, a material that in structure and enduring qualities is not surpassed by any known material ; for it is not af- fected by heat or cold, is not amenable to the deteriorating in- fluences of the elements, and is as lasting as is the lava that was emitted from the crater's mouth and has endured for centuries, and which has given us our first lesson in vitrification at the hands of the Great Creator, and, furthermore, have we our lesson from Him in the matter of the necessity of using a clay that has by nature been refined, for The Lord in His wisdom showed us the way, For He made Adam from virgin clay, But when He beheld the Figure Nude, He said, " "Tis well, but still quite crude." So from this mold of earthy clay, Now freed from dross on this Hallowed day, He took a rib, no longer mud, But now infused with mineral blood, And lo! behold what this pure clay did make; 'Tis said one, and only one, for each man to take. M.R.B. 9 MODERN ROAD BUILDING Mr. Samuel Hill: I make a motion that the Congress do now adjourn and walk out and see this brick put in place on our piece of experimental road. You will all be interested I am sure to see this vitrified brick. On the return of the delegates to the Good Roads building, Mr. F. N. Godfrey, of New York, read a letter from Mr. James H. Mac- Donald, Chairman of the Highway Committee of the State of Con- necticut and President of the Road Makers' Association of that State. Mr. Godfrey said : I have here a letter from my personal friend Mr. MacDonald, which perhaps it was not intended that I should read ; but I feel it is almost too good to keep, showing his sym- pathy with the work of this Congress. MR. MACDONAI,D'S LETTER. Mr. F. N. Godfrey, c/o Samuel Hill, Seattle, Wash. My Dear Mr. Godfrey: It is with sincere regret that I shake hands with you across the continent, when I expected to stand with you and enjoy the pleasant occasion together; but the Legislature, which is still in session and is liable to be for some time to come, has delayed action on my good roads matters to the extent that it is impossible for me to leave the ship at this time. The entire future of the good roads movement depends on my staying very close to the laws I have presented for consideration by the committee until they have reached -a safe harbor. I do not think I will grow less in your estimation by taking this course. My first duty is to the work of my department, for the reason that future generations' comfort, happiness, convenience, and prosperity depend very largely on the good roads law being adopted along those lines that will make for progress and be permanent in their character. So many years of hard work fourteen years in July demand that at this critical time I should not absent myself one moment from careful oversight of these bills, so that they will come from the committee and go through the Senate and the House as I have recommended. As much as I regret my inability to unload the duties of my of- fice for three weeks, I cannot, in justice to the future of this move- ment, absent myself and neglect my state work for my own per- sonal pleasure. My heart lies very close to Mr. Samuel Hill in his splendid work for the reclamation of the roads on the Pacific Coast, and I would go a great many thousand miles to hold up his banner yes, even MODERN ROAD BUILDING 117 to carry one of its tassels to assist him in the laudable purposes he is engaged in. I have written him a letter, without going quite so much into detail as with you, simply relating the facts and relying on the strong bond of friendship that has existed between him and me. I hope you will not feel disappointed at my absenting myself from this convention and being present with you personally in its delib- erations. I trust you and I may meet on some similar occasion. I have in mind holding a convention on the part of our association later in the season, at which time I hope to have you speak, as a little softening of the blow at not being able to be with you on the Pa- cific Coast. It is a hard matter, Brother Godfrey, to tie myself down here just at this time, when I want to be with you ; but my official work is such that I cannot leave it. I am writing you this letter, so that it may reach you at the time you are holding the convention, and thus know that the State High- way Commissioner of Connecticut is present in the spirit, although absent in the body. Very sincerely your friend, JAMES H. MAcDoNAU). Mr. Lawrence: There were a number of questions asked of Mr. R. H. Thomson concerning the laying of the vitrified brick, and at the suggestion of Mr. Lancaster he is requested to repeat his state- ments at this time, so that they may appear in the record for the benefit of those who hereafter may have the pleasure of reading the proceedings of this Congress. Mr. R. H. Thomson: I was asked a great many questions, while we were down looking at the sample roadways, about methods of construction and cost of construction. I presume that each one of you will recognize that neither the same method of construction can be used in every place nor will the same cost of construction pre- vail, because of differences in the hours of labor and the cost of labor and material. We use four different classes of paving in Seattle. The first is stone block pavement, which is of two kinds, granite and sandstone. We have some granite block pavement laid where there is very heavy traffic in the neighborhood of the freight yards. It gives only a fair foothold, and has a tendency to become quite noisy, and because of the extreme noise we do not consider it adapted to any street on which there is any considerable trading being carried on, especially retail trading. That pavement, however, costs us about fifty cents a square foot for the finished roadway, taking into con- 118 MODERN ROAD BUILDING sideration the cost of excavation and the cost of the curbs alongside of the street. It is often a good thing to know about what the cost of the finished roadway will be, taking into consideration every- thing, and not taking what you would call "pot luck." When going into the construction of a piece of granite block pavement in the streets in Seattle, we include the removing of the subgrade and the relaying and the laying down of drain tile ; for we consider that without a solid foundation the paving is worthless. We drain out, and put in gravel, and take the drainage into catch-basins. Includ- ing a six-inch concrete base, sand cushion, cut stone topping, and granite curbs, and all incidentals, the average cost of a square foot of granite pavement is fifty cents. On steep hills, to give a better foothold to the horses, so that the horse's shoe will have a grip, we are using sandstone. We do not expect it to last very long, but it is a question of absolute economy. We figure with pencil and pad as to which is cheaper to allow the teams to only haul 3,000 pounds as a load for a team on asphalt or brick, or to put on a rough, gritty surface, and allow them to haul 5,000 or 6,000 pounds. When you can practically double the load by putting in the pavement which will give the better foothold, it is more economical to the citize'n to put sandstone than granite, brick, or asphalt, because there is the better foothold, and the teams can carry greater loads. We would not recommend this for trot- ting traffic, because it is this trotting traffic that destroys pavement of any kind. Walking traffic does not destroy practically any pave- ment. Take a heavy horse, and as he walks he shuffles ; but when you get a trotting horse, and he begins to go over the street, and lifts his foot, and comes down, and cuts it, and digs into the pave- ment, if it is sandstone, he hollows it out and destroys it, and trot- ting traffic is the traffic which is so destructive. Walking traffic will do very little destruction to any good pavement. The second class, vitrified brick, is what you saw on the roadway. This piece of roadway we hope will be part of a general boulevard to be carried through the University ground around the shore of the Lake, and we hope to put in samples of every class of pavement that we are laying for the study of the Good Roads and Engineer- ing Department of the State University, so that we can make an actual, unprejudiced, and scientific study of the cash value of all the different sorts of pavements. That is why you see the brick, wood MODERN ROAD BUILDING 119 block, and asphalt, and if Mr. Hooley has brought samples, and if Prof. Richardson has brought a big enough box of asphalt macadam we will lay it. We want to get samples of a reasonable length of every class of pavement we can put in. We are laying this brick with a six-inch concrete foundation, and on that, unless it is laid on gravel, or a porous soil, we place gravel, and put in drain tile, and carry this over two hundred and fifty or three hundred feet, so that the subsoil may be absolutely dry. We put on the six-inch concrete foundation after the subsoil has been rolled with a fourteen-ton roller, and we roll it down until the roller has absolutely got tired. Then we put a sand cushion, about one and a half inches of good clean sand, and then the brick are laid, as you saw them there ; and as a rule we put a one-inch plank over the section, and put on the fourteen-ton roller, and roll the street, pressing the brick into the sand under the plank, and when we get through we have an almost uniform surface, and the sand has been pressed down from one and a half inches until it is only about three- quarters or one inch, and the crevices we fill in different ways on different streets, according to the desire or fad of the abutting own-' ers. Personally I believe that hot sand filler is as effective as any- thing that can be used. We take the fine, sharp sand, and heat it very hot, and then spread it on the pavement, and sweep it into the crevices, and it runs. You have heard how hot molasses will run ;* hot sand will run just as well. It binds the brick together, so that to lift the brick out we have been compelled to take a hammer and break the brick to make an opening, and have had to use a hammer and cold chisel to get in. It becomes so dense that it is impervious to water, because we wash every night with a hose, or rather we did for years, streets with the sand filler only. W^e put the hose on a hydrant with eighty pounds pressure and the sand filler remained. That applies particularly to Second Avenue from Pike Street to Yesler Way. This we laid in 1896, and there is one half block of street in front of Frederick & Nelson's store on the west side of the street which has had no disturbance from that time to this. You can see this half block which has been undisturbed for years, and that will give you the best idea of a vitrified brick pavement with sand filler. Taking that kind of pavement, which costs us, includ- ing all incidentals, such as catch-basins, six-inch concrete base, and all the other paraphernalia, forty cents per square foot, our ,con- 120 MODERN ROAD BUILDING tract price has been $2.45 or $2.65 per yard ; but, when you add all the other things that go with it, excavation, drain, catch-basin, curbs, etc., it runs up to forty cents per square foot. We will now take our asphalt pavement, principally in the resi- dential districts. There it is our purpose to give roadways twenty- five feet wide, nicely crowned, about four or four and a half inches in twenty-five feet, with concrete curbs, and four to four and a half concrete base with subdrains because we subdrain the asphalt the same as anything else and one to one and a half inches of binder gravel coated with liquid asphalt laid on top of the base, and between that and the one and a half inch wearing surface ; and the wearing surface, the average cost, taking everything into considera- tion, has been thirty-two cents per square foot. Recently we have been getting some contracts as low as $1.60 to $1.75 per square yard, which gives the appearance of a much less price ; but to this price there must be added the cost of the earth excavation, the subdrains, catch-basins and curbs, and I have no doubt every one wants to know what this costs for the finished street. That was taking an average price running over twelve or fourteen years. The granite and sandstone costs us practically fifty cents for the finished street, everything made and laid ; the vitrified brick, forty cents ; and the asphalt between thirty-two and thirty-three cents being in each case for the finished street. If you take these figures and bear them in mind, you will not be deceived by hearing the cheap figures as to cost per square yard and claiming that it costs more than it should. It costs about thirty-two cents per square foot for the best asphalt. As to the wearing qualities of asphalt, the first street was con- structed seven years ago on Ninth Avenue from Madison Street south. That street to-day for nearly half a mile looks as well as if it had only been laid two or three weeks ago. It was laid of the best tested Alcatraz asphalt from California. There are two streets in the city laid of asphalt which never were successful. The asphalt burnt before it was laid down, and they are still being repaired. They are the north part of First Avenue and a considerable portion of Broadway. On Capitol Hill we have one of the streets of the city which has not yet been accepted. The majority of the streets of Capitol Hill have been laid about five years. They are between 25 and 32 feet in width between curbs, and have cost an average of thirty-two cents MODERN ROAD BUILDING 121 per square foot complete, laid on a concrete base, with subdrainage, and with the exception of Broadway, which, as I say, we are still working on after four or five years, some of the asphalt having been injured in the original refining, and there not having been quite enough asphalt put into the mixture, with that exception, friends of mine have offered a dollar for any crack that could be found in the whole territory, and no one has yet earned the dollar. We have been remarkably successful with our asphalt pavement, largely through the co-operation of one of the gentlemen who is going to present a paper here to-day, Prof. Clifford Richardson. Mr. Campbell : Do I understand that the pavement is all laid by contract under city inspection? Mr. Thomson : We inspect everything, and the asphalt is tested continually in our laboratory under standard specification. Judge. Hanford: Is there not a part of Capitol Hill where the asphalt was laid by private owner ? Mr. Thomson : There is a portion of the district known as Cap- itol Hill where what appears to be asphalt pavement was laid down by a landowner prior to the sale of his plat. Permission was given for the landowner to make his own improvements; but he bought what is known as bituminous rock, which is sand into which has fil- tered asphalt. This was brought here from California, and is fre- quently mistaken for the real asphalt pavement. There is a good deal of complaint about the bad appearance of this bituminous rock pave- ment in the Capitol Hill district. I know them so well, and always pass round the corner, so as not to see them, and for that reason I never think of them as being part of the city's work. They show the dan- ger of allowing a private landowner the privilege of pretending to im- prove his property before he sells it. He charges about twice the price it would have cost for the city to have done the work by reason of the pretended improvement, and as a rule the citizens who purchase get about a quarter of the actual value. These supposed improvements are a positive injury as a rule, and disgrace the profession of road making. Mr. Campbell: Do you lay the asphalt up to and between the rails of the street railway? Mr. Thomson: We lay none of the pavement further than one and a half feet of the outer rail of the railway. We put it up to the 122 MODERN ROAD BUILDING street railway company to lay that one and a half feet, and to lay between the tracks, and to maintain it. As 3. rule they use headers, toothing out from the rail on the outside, and they fill in from our pavement to within and between those headers, mostly brick. At the present time they lay two or three rows of brick parallel with the rail, and they are thus able to lift them and tighten the joints without destroying the asphalt pavement, and to drop the brick in position, using the hot asphalt or whatever they may use. Mr. Campbell: Do you allow them to use their own material? Mr. Thomson: The franchise says they shall use the same mate- rial; but it is not always possible to put the same material up against the rail that you put in the middle of the street. For instance, in some of the cable roads, we have been compelled to permit them to use a thin granite block, and to crowd that in be- tween the rails, because, unless we destroyed the entire track, their construction would not permit the use of our material. In passing over the steel rail, if the asphalt were immediately adjacent, the ten- dency would be to plow r it out by passing from the harder to the softer texture, and we permit them to put these headers of brick right along the rail, and frequently to pave within the track with brick entirely, because it gives practically the same foothold. An Inquirer: Can you recollect what material is at the junction of Broadway and Madison? Mr. Thomson: That is a part of the asphalt that was put in some five or six years ago, of which we have been complaining. It is not a bituminous rock, but it is an artificial asphalt. I think the worst- looking intersection on the whole street is Columbia and Broadway ; but the whole street is defective from one end to the other. The asphalt had been burned. It is the residuum of the distillation of crude petroleum, and there is very considerable free carbon in the mass, which tends to its destruction. We have laid brick gutter and asphalt gutter, and I am not quite sure whether the asphalt gutter is as good as the brick. An Inquirer: Do you continue the asphalt to the curb? Mr. Thomson: Yes; we are practically coming to that, as I be- lieve it makes a more symmetrical and an equally valuable street as when we put the cut stone along the curb. We originally fol- MODERN ROAD BUILDING 123 lowed the English practice of laying cut stone or brick along the curb. Mr. Campbell: We find the sheet asphalt cracks, splits, and opens out. I do not notice that here. Can you account for it? Mr. Richardson: I am very familiar with Toronto, ai>d I will explain this when Mr. Thomson is through. Mr. Campbell: I would like to ask what woods you have been experimenting with in your wood block pavement Mr. Thomson: Cedar .and Douglas fir. We have found wood block paving in our climate has been unsatisfactory in two respects : First, it was creosoted sufficiently to be quite antiseptic, and was very slippery on our grades, so that the horses could not stand, unless the street was kept sprinkled with grits ; and I find that true of every road of wood block that I have investigated anywhere in the world. I spent some time in London and in Westminster, where they use a wood, which is not very different from our Douglas fir, and it costs them $1,000 a year simply to place in boxes alongside the street the quantity of grits necessary for the street men to have in their hands to spread upon the street surface to prevent the horses slipping. It costs them this amount for every mile of road. Then again the wood block varies so in texture that they will make ruts and depres- sions, and then again the wood pavement becomes very offensive under heavy loads. It is necessary to wash and sweep the wood pavement, and the upper portion of the block holds the water, and when a heavy team goes over it that water sprays out of the side, and the dirty spray will dirt everything alongside. You cannot pre- vent it in the nature of things, so in our climate, with our moisture, and with our hills, we have not favored the wood block pavement. We make no objections to its use by those whom it suits. We know that in European countries, for instance, in the city of Paris, they do not expect a wood block pavement to last more than three and a half years ; but they say they can afford to put it in because of the quiet which it affords to the shopkeepers on the side of the street. A shopkeeper told me in Paris that they once had stone pavement, and you could not hear yourself think, let alone speak, and it was impossible to carry on any trade. If a lady wanted to buy some laces, for example, the shop girl who was was showing her the things on the counter would have to make a megaphone by putting her hands to 124 MODERN ROAD BUILDING her mouth and crying out to her the price, and if she started to make a special rate, just as she was calling out, "I will make you such and such a rate," there would be a difference in the noise in the room, occasioned by the fact that some wagon or vehicle had stopped, and all through the room it would come like a trumpet blast the special rate that she was making. To get that quiet and to avoid annoyance they put in a wood block pavement, and they say that it pays in quiet and increased rentals. They can take it away every three and a half years, but they have to sprinkle it with grit or sand every morning. Mr. Campbell: Under the conditions you describe, you think wooden pavements might be satisfactory? Mr. Thomson : It is certainly very dirty. I do not know of any more offensive place than some of the streets in London where wood block paving is used, nor a harder place for horses to travel than where hardwood is used. It would have to be covered with grits all the time, and is very expensive. Mr. Campbell: Do you use these subdrains on the top of these ridges, where you have no higher ground around? Is it necessary to use subdrains in those cases? Mr. Thomson : Where there is no higher ground, we do not use a subdrain; but there are very few places in Seattle where there is not h'igher ground. On some of the level streets of Capitol Hill, we have found it necessary to lay subdrains, even though the ground appeared to be very little higher. There are some of the streets on the hillside wheVe we have not laid them, because there is some eight or ten feet of open gravel underneath the roadway, in which it is never possible^ to find water; but, wherever we encounter clay or hardpan and the least bit of higher ground, we put in gravel, and tile drain, and carry it off into catch-basins. When this was first done, a great many people laughed at me, and said it was ridiculous to think that water would pass under granite curbs and get under the roadway, and I appointed one of my assistants, Mr. Scott, to go out during heavy storms, and immediately after, and take off the covers of the catch-basins in places where there was supposed to be no water whatever, and to see if any water was coming into the catch-basins, and in nearly every case a considerable stream of wa- ter was coming through the drain tiles. Only in a few cases out MODERN ROAD BUILDING 125 of a hundred did he find that there was no water coming through the drain tiles, so my belief in the necessity of tiling was fully sub- stantiated by the result. Mr. Campbell: Have you noticed any difficulty with the buck- ling of the wood blocks? Mr. Thomson: Our wood block never buckled, for the reason that, before we laid the blocks, we put a piece of plank, a little more than an inch in thickness at the bottom and about one and three-quarter inches at the top, against the curb on both sides, and we laid the blocks against the plank. As soon as the blocks were laid, the plank was removed, and that crevice was filled with clay. When the block expands, that clay is simply raised alongside the curb, taking up the expansion ; otherwise, our blocks would have buckled. An Inquirer: In Regina we fill the spaces with tar, leaving one inch space, and that squeezed out, and this year they took up nearly the whole pavement, and left two inches space, and that is raised up. Mr. Thomson: What kind of wood did you use? A British Columbia fir. I am not in charge of it ; but I have no- ticed it. That is all. Mr. Richardson: It depends largely on the amount of saturation in the block. In New York we have no expansion ; but we only put in sixteen pounds, because that gives an opportunity for some expansion. If you put in only eight pounds to the cubic foot, you have to have still larger expansion. Mr. Thomson: It is a good plan to soak the blocks. I think we have had our last block pavement. We have no complaint against them where it is a necessity for retail shops, and where people are willing to pay any price for quiet. Those who desire them are welcome to them all over the world, and we have plenty of wood yet to sell, and the more they want the higher will be the price on the timber, so I don't want to say too much against block paving. Mr. Richardson: What do they cost? Mr. Thomson: A little more than brick. If brick costs forty cents per square foot, wood block will cost about forty-two and a half cents. 126 MODERN ROAD BUILDING Mr. Richardson: Is not the question of paving in Seattle a simpler matter than in Chicago or Detroit, where the variation of temperature is so much more? Mr. Thomson : I think it is ; but, as it relates to asphalt, we are passing all these matters up to Prof. Richardson. He comes here charged with the responsibility of defending asphalt, and says he will be good-natured, whatever happens. It is much more difficult to maintain pavements of any kind in a climate of great extremes, and I think that Chicago and Toronto and Winnipeg have consid- erable extremes in temperature. Mr. Richardson: I have found Omaha and St. Paul to be very difficult cities. Mr. Thomson: Omaha is, because of the clayey character of the ground. The frost in Omaha clay seems to go as far down as a man can dig, and the frost seems to want to go straight down, and the clay wants to come right up. I cannot say I know as much about St. Paul. In conclusion, I would say that as a filler I prefer hot sand to any other filler known. When Mr. Little was Super- intendent of Streets, and wanted to keep Second Avenue clean, he got nozzles and put hose on the hydrants on Second Avenue, where there was eighty pounds pressure, and he went out and washed the street with a hose, and people thought the street would be ruined. I quarreled with him very much ; but that took place eleven years ago, and the street looks pretty nearly as good to- day as it did then. If I had my way, I would use the sand filler ex- clusively. Prof. Clifford Richardson, before reading his paper on Asphalt Macadam Roadways, made a few remarks along the line of the previous discussion. He said : It is a great pleasure to me to meet you all here to-day. I had not intended to introduce the subject of sheet asphalt pavement in my remarks; but, since our visit to the plat in the grounds, and the discussion of the matter of pavements by Mr. Thomson, and the questions asked, it may be worth while to take the subject up to a certain extent. Modern sheet asphalt pavement is the development of more than thirty years' experience. It was first laid in a rule of thumb way on Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, from the Capitol to the Treasury, and was so successful that the Commissioners in charge of the paving in the city of Washington rejected all other MODERN ROAD BUILDING 127 methods, and it has been used there very satisfactorily ever since. Up to 1896 the construction was, however, purely one of rule of thumb. A certain amount of sand and ground limestone and as- phalt was mixed together in a haphazard way and laid upon the foundation, whether of broken stone, or concrete, or whatever it might be, old pavements, or old granite sets; but I entered upon the study of the thing as early as 1887, and by 1896, owing to the experience which I had had in laying pavements in London, Eng- land, and one or two other Continental cities, I found that that rule of thumb method would not meet the trying conditions found in Continental cities. The pavements I laid in Washington and in the Kingsway in London .in 1894 began to come up at one end be- fore they .were finished at the other, owing to the weather and traffic. During the course of the next two or three years we had an opportunity of continuing our experiments and working out a rational system of construction of sheet asphalt. That showed us the most important thing in sheet asphalt is not the asphalt, but the sand; and it is not alone the sand, but the character of the sand, the relation of the sizes of the different grains to each other. Each sand has a different capacity for carrying asphalt. In the early pavements we had very little filler, as we could not find a sand to meet the moist conditions in London or the heavy traffic, and we had to add an impalpable powder; 'the most desirable being Portland cement. Then we had to study carefully how" much as- phalt and cement material this combined sand and filler would carry. Mr. Campbell has alleged the fact that the pavements of Toronto cracked badly, and that is the case in a large number of instances/ and that is due to the fact that the sand in Toronto has grains of a peculiar surface. Toronto's sand will carry but eight and a half per cent, of bitumen. I have had mixtures sent from there this year which show that that, is the dangerous thing. Sand in Seattle will carry from twelve to thirteen per cent, of bitumen, so you see what a local question it is to know how to handle the sands that are available. A week or two ago I wrote to the superin- tendent of the company in Toronto that he must find a sand that will carry more bitumen, and he has done so, until it now carries nine and a half per cent, of bitumen ; but he cannot get the amount that you have in Seattle. One reason why the pavement is so satisfactory in Seattle is the sand. It is a perfect sand for constructing an asphalt pavement, and will carry sufficient bitumen without being soft; bitumen be- ing present in excess to give an elastic surface of a lasting prop- erty. Another reason why yo'ur pavements are so satisfactory is entirely due to Mr. Thomson. He puts a foundation under them which sustains them. We speak of asphalt pavement and the weight it will carry. It is not the asphalt, it is the foundation, that is the pavement. The asphalt is merely the wearing surface ; and, if it is not properly supported, the best asphalt is of no value what- ever. 128 MODERN ROAD BUILDING In New York we have some most disgraceful asphalt pavements. It is a city of enormous area, the amount for paving is small, and they are obliged to spread it over a vast area. The principal rea- son of this is that they do not put in proper foundations, but lay the asphalt over the old pavements of the city, with the result that it is not properly supported. Mr. Thomson and a number of gentlemen have remarked that there was pavement laid here in 1904 which has not been entirely successful. This had been down but a few months when I received a telegram saying we were in difficulties and to come here. My last visit here was for .the purpose of studying the difficulties encount- ered at that time and arranging matters that would be satisfactory in the future. The difficulty was we assumed that Seattle sand should be used the same as the sand is used in the Eastern States with 10!/2 per cent, of bitumen. I found that the material which we were using for a filler was simply round particles of sand, which were of no advantage as a filler, and made the mixture unstable; and I had to modify it by adding to every nine cubic feet of the mixture 100 pounds of ground filler, and then we found we could run the asphalt cement up to a point where our mixture contained from 121/2 to 15 per cent, of asphalt. That was determined by me in 1904, and is being successfully laid here at the present time. I will here say .that tliere are no general conclusions which can be applied to the construction of asphalt pavement in every town. We must discover the local conditions and meet them. There are very many general conclusions which can be drawn from the be- havior of sheet asphalt pavement, which it seems can be well ap- plied to the country highway. - Prof. Richardson then read his paper on "Asphalt Macadam Roadways," which is printed below : ASPHALT MACADAM ROADWAYS. BY CLIFFORD RICHARDSON, M. AM. Soc. C. E. It is somewhat surprising, to one who has been a close observer of the development of the modern sheet asphalt pavement in the United States during the last forty years, that so little application has been made of the experience gained in that industry to the problem of .the construction of bituminous macadam highways which shall meet the conditions which exist to-day. There should not be any essential difference in principle in the construction of a sheet asphalt pavement and a bituminous mac- adam roadway. Both consist of a mineral aggregate cemented to- gether with a bituminous binding material; the aggregate in one case being fine, and in the other containing coarse, particles. Ex- perience has shown that, in either type of surface, the mineral ag- gregate being of a suitable character, the capacity of the resulting MODERN ROAD BUILDING 129 surface to resist travel will depend on the more or less satisfactory nature of the cementing material. In the early days 'attempts were made to construct pavements in Washington and elsewhere with both fine and coarse aggregates, using coal tar as a cementing material. All these attempts with both fine and coarse aggregates were failures to a greater or less extent, and its use was abandoned on the advent of the form of asphaltic construction developed by De Smedt, although it was re- vived for a few years in the late '80's in mixture with asphalt with equally disastrous results. The surfaces having a coarse aggregate were somewhat more lasting than those made with sand, and a small portion remained in place until the end of the century. They were known as "Evans pavements," and were resurfaced with asphalt after a few years. One of these, protected by an asphalt surface, was found, on repaving Connecticut Avenue, in Washing- ton, in 1906. A piece of it was collected by the writer and exam- ined. A section is shown in the accompanying illustration. From this it appears that a coal tar bituminous macadam was constructed as long ago as 1873, and proved, in a short period of time, not to be a lasting form of construction. Notwithstanding this fact, ex- periment after experiment has been conducted along the same lines in recent years with similar results. Few, if any, highway engi- neers seem to have benefited by the experince of their predecessors, and most of them still have the coal tar lesson to learn on their own part, although it is evident that this form of construction can- not give satisfactory results for more than a few years. On the other hand, referring again to the lessons of the paving industry, the modern sheet asphalt pavement, where constructed on rational lines on a rigid, well-drained foundation, has proved a complete success, as exemplified by the fact that a pavement of this type has satisfactorily resisted the heavy travel which is found on Fifth Avenue, in New York City 14,000 vehicles in the period between '6 a. m. and 7 p. m. for a period of twelve years. In the same way an asphalt concrete surface constructed with a well- graded, but coarse, mineral aggregate in 1902 in Muskegon, Mich., which has been used as a favorite drive since that time, has been in use with no repairs whatever, where many similar surfaces in which coal tar has been the cementing material have deteriorated or required resurfacing under similar circumstances during the same period. The Muskegon work has not only demonstrated the superiority of asphalt as a cementing material, but this has been confirmed by other surfaces of the same form of construction in Owosso, Mich., in Paterson, N. J., Scranton, Pa., Staten Island, N. Y., and elsewhere. The evident conclusion which may be drawn from past and pres- ent experience is that success can be arrived at in the construction of any form of bituminous road surface only by the use of asphalt as a cementing material. The thing to be considered however, is : How can asphalt be used in building the cheaper forms of country highways, which are now in demand to resist motor and concen- 130 MODERN ROAD BUILDING trated traffic, where the aggregate is merely of the grading of the ordinary stone which is employed in surfacing macadam roads? The asphalt surface constructed in Muskegqn in 1902, and else- where, was an asphaltic concrete. The mineral aggregate was well graded and in itself compact. This could only be combined with the cementing material in a hot condition, which required a plant to which the aggregate was hauled and from which it was again hauled to the point where it was put in place. The operation was, therefore, an expensive one, and makes the cost of this form of construction prohibitive for country roads. Recourse must there- fore be had to some other method of combining a mineral aggregate and asphalt immediately on the spot where the surface is to be constructed. For many years tar macadam has been laid in England, France, and, to a smaller extent, in this country in Rhode Island, New Jersey, and elsewhere. This form of roadway is arrived at by coating the No. 2 or surface stone of the macadam with coal tar in one way or another, either before or after rolling it, and after- wards filling the voids in the surface with more tar and grit, screenings or sand. Such a surface is desirable when first finished; but it soon begins to deteriorate and ravel, especially when ex- posed to horse-drawn travel, with the weathering and aging of the cementing material. From past experience, it is not difficult to arrive at the conclusion that, if an asphalt cement were sub- stituted for the coal tar, a result would be attained which would correspond to the improvement which was evident on the sub- stitution of asphalt for tar in street pavements. The difficulty lies in the fact that an asphalt cement is much more viscous than tar. It must be used in a much better condition, and does not mix with or adhere so readily to cold stone. Experiments have shown, how- ever, that this can be accomplished by using a much softer as- phalt than is customary in street asphalt pavements, or even in surfaces of the type of the Muskegon pavement. To-day we find ourselves, after some experiment, in the position of being able to coat stone, of the type used in macadam surfaces, with an asphalt cement which serves satisfactorily as a binder for such an aggre- gate, on a metal mixing board with hand labor and shovels, at the point on the road where the material is to be put in place, and with very reasonable economy. It produces a surface which, while not of the stability or having the wearing properties of the Muskegon type, is as far superior to the ordinary tar macadam as the sheet asphalt pavement is superior to one of the tar poultices of thirty- five years ago. The base of the cementing material must, however, be an asphalt of the best quality, such as is used in the construction of sheet asphalt pavements ; in fact, it must be an asphalt paving cement such as is called for under the strictest municipal specifications, but merely made softer by the use of a larger percentage of flux. Dense oils and residuums to which no solid native bitumen has been added will not accomplish the same results to any greater or MODERN ROAD BUILDING 131 more satisfactory degree than they would if used in a street pave- ment. Further, the character of the flux in asphalt cements for use in macadam must be more carefully taken into consideration than that for use in street pavements, as the amount is so much larger, in consequence of which it has a greater bearing on the character of the cement. On the Pacific Slope, the opportunity for the construction of roadways of the highest type, which has been described, is facili- tated by the fact that vast quantities of residual pitch and flux, most of it of suitable quality, is available as a cementing material or binder, so that all that is necessary is a certain amount of skill and experience in handling it, to attain the best results. In fact, there is no part of the world which is so favorably situated for solving the road problem as the state of Washington, where stone of the highest grade is available for the mineral aggregate, and a cheap and abundant supply of cementing material from the neigh- boring state of California. The state is to be congratulated on the opportunities which it has in these directions, upon the energy with which the road problem is being attacked, and upon the pros- pects of success which lie before it. Types of asphalt macadam roads such as have been described in this paper are given in the accompanying illustrations. DISCUSSION. Question: Is asphalt principally used in New York as the most popular pavement? Mr. Richardson: There is more asphalt paving than any other type of improved street, M. O. Eldredge: A few days ago a gentleman told me that the poor pavements in Washington had been covered with asphalt, and that was one reason why they had lasted for so many years. I telegraphed to Washington, to the Chief Engineer of our office, and asked him: (1) Have the sixteen pavements of which we have samples been covered with asphalt? (2) Have they been in con- tinuous service? And he telegraphed back that part of the pave- ments had never been covered with asphalt and had been in con- tinuous service. I would like to ask you what you know about this. Mr. Richardson: As I was connected with the Engineers' De- partment of the District of Columbia for a number of years, I have some acquaintance with this matter. I have examined the speci- mens which you have here. One is labeled "From Highland Ter- M.R.B. 10 132 MODERN ROAD BUILDING race," which is not a public highway, and has very little traffic. A portion of the original tar composition still stands there; but it was very badly cracked and has received a large amount of repair. The same applies to most of the other samples you have there. They are merely remnants of old pavements, and the sam- ples are not covered with asphalt ; but most of the roads were cov- ered with sheet asphalt. I was in Washington, D. C., when Con- necticut Avenue was being taken up, and it was a most remarkable sight. It looked like an old fill. They took off two or three rows of the surface until they got to the old Evans pavement. It looked like a fill in State Street, Chicago. A concrete foundation was put in, and a modern sheet asphalt pavement. At that time I collected one of these pieces of the old Evans pavement, and carried it to my laboratory as a curiosity, and had a section of it made. It is coarse stone and fine sand mixed up together, without any rational idea of grading. In those days they had no idea of the regular consistency of tar, and that sample of the old town pavement which is on exhibit in the Government Building will show you what the grading was. Mr. Eldredge: Were those pavements built under patents? Mr. Richardson: Yes. Mr. Evans owned a patent; but it was one of those patents where you must put so much sulphur and so much of this and that, and was of no value in the construction of these pavements. It was a patent used simply for promotion purposes. Mr. Campbell: In my experience I have heard so many reasons given for the cause of cracked pavements and I have had my own idea of the thing; but I have heard so many reasons I would like to have your idea. That seems to be the main objection to this style of pavement Mr. Richardson: I have alluded to one cause of the cracking when speaking of the Toronto pavement, due to the fact that the sand will not carry bitumen ; but that is not universal, nor by any means the general cause. The cause usually is due to the fact that the asphaltic cement has not a sufficient amount of flux and is not soft enough. It is also due to the fact that there is not enough as- phalt cement used, and not sufficient bitumen in the pavement. Those were the experiences of some years ago. In fact, during the last five years we have derived so much evidence of the stability of MODERN ROAD BUILDING 133 the mineral aggregates in the filler used that the asphalt to-day is from 20 to 30 points softer than it was five years ago. I would say that the- matter of avoiding cracks to-day is very simple, if the per- son constructing the pavement has had sufficient experience and is skillful enough in laying it with the information at present to be had. An Inquirer: Mr. Thomson made a remark that a friend had offered him a dollar for every crack in a certain pavement on Capitol Hill. We have laid some pavement, and the same mixture has been used, and I recall two places where there are cracks on the hill. Why should there be a crack on the hill, and not on a level surface, from the same mixture? Mr. Richardson: There must be some peculiarity in the founda- tion. If the foundation cracks, the crack is carried through to the surface. It might interest you to know why the California rock asphalt did not prove satisfactory. This was due to the fact that the sand is of one size grain. It is a sand which is impregnated with bitumen; but there is no filler, nor anything to give stability. The only way that it can be brought to a proper consistency is by heating the asphaltic sand until the excessive oil is driven out. It could not be expected that would serve well in this climate ; but if that be heated, and there be the proper amount of sand, you give the minimum aggregate stability, and a good pavement can be pro- vided, but it would require rather an extraordinary amount of skill to do it. Mr. Campbell : We have found that after a street has been com- pleted, and the rolling finished, the surface appears to be of a uni- form character in appearance and in every respect ; but a little later on, after a rainstorm, you will notice some patches here and there over the surface where the asphalt appears to have attracted the moisture just enough to show a little dark patch. Closely ob- serving that, we find later on that the wheel seems to touch these patches, or spots and a depression is caused. Later on this will hold a little water, and keeps increasing, until finally a hole ap- pears there, which spoils the whole surface of the pavement. Some- times I have noticed that you will find a series of these patches or blisters, as it were, and I have wondered what is the cause. I can quite understand that the greatest care should be taken in the selec- tion of the sand; the sand forming from 90 to 92 per cent, of the 134 MODERN ROAD BUILDING composition. Consequently much care should be taken in the selection of the sand. If a good, clean, pure silica should be se- lected and carefully mixed and applied, I should think that would meet with success ; but I have thought that possibly these patches were caused by poor material poor sand, or earthy matter of some description being found among the sand. Mr. Richardson: It is entirely due to the fact that material is not properly raked out. You dump a load of material on the street, and it is one of the most important things in constructing an as- phalt pavement that it shall all be loosened up and spread evenly before it is rolled. If there is one place 1 denser than another, the roller will rise, and will not press the looser portion ; and the spots you speak of, without doubt, are due to the fact that the material has not been evenly raked. The very fact that the spots appear shortly after the road is laid shows that it has not been properly pressed. I only know one town which is situated the same as Toronto as regards the small amount of bitumen in the sand, and that is Moline, Illinois. They have the two sands which will carry bitumen less satisfactorily than any other city. Mr. Campbell: Would there be anything in the fact of the ma- terial cooling off at the side of the box? Mr. Richardson: The portions that are cooled are, of course, more difficult to rake than the warmer portions. (End of discussion.) ADDRESS TO MR. SAMUEL HILL. Hon. C. H. Hanford: It has been suggested, very properly I think, that the record of this Congress should contain some expres- sion of the value of Mr. Hill's services in the cause of good roads, and that a committee be appointed to prepare a suitable resolution to be submitted to vote here this afternoon. Chairman Lawrence then appointed the following Committee to prepare the resolution : Chairman, Judge Hanford; and Messrs. E. L. Powers, of New York, and W. B. George, of Montana. This committee met during the luncheon interval and formulated the resolution. MODERN ROAD BUILDING 135 AFTERNOON SESSION, 2 O'CLOCK. TARMAC ROADS. The last session of the First Congress of American Road Builders was remarkable principally for the address of Mr. E. Purnell Hooley, of Nottingham, England, on the subject of "Tarmac Roads." Mr. Hooley's address was illustrated by several photo- graphs of roads he had made and samples of the roads and material of which they were constructed. Mr. Hooley, who was received with loud applause, spoke as fol- lows: PAPKR BY E. PURNEXL HOOLEY. It is with considerable pride that I accept the kind invitation given to me by Mr. Hill to deliver a paper on a subject that has occupied in the past, and is occupying, the greater portion of every road engineer's best energies in England, as well as every other civilized country, viz., how to construct good and permanent roads at the minimum of present and future expense. The only solution that the writer has been able to arrive at is the treatment of roads with tar as a binder, and this paper must be entitled "Tar and Its Uses in Modern Road Construction." It is not here proposed to enter into any detail of general road construction. Other writers will deal, and doubtless have, as spe- cialists in the many branches of the road question ; but there is little doubt all will unite in agreeing that good roads are absolute necessities in the advancement and development of a progressive country, and that without good roads it is impossible to advance, By roads, in this case, all roads, be it waterways, railways, horse- ways, are embraced ; but for internal development and progress the ordinary highways must be the actual nerves that bring in touch the general internal public with the outside world. In England the maintenance of highways has become of such importance that hardly a day passes without some new proposal being made for dealing with the cost of management of the same. Broadly, at present, all the existing English main roads are vest- ed in the county councils. The urban and rural councils have the care of the branch of district roads. New roads have to be made by private individuals, and have to be thoroughly well constructed and properly dedicated before they are taken over by the local public authorities. This paper is to deal with ordinary country roads, not town streets. 136 MODERN ROAD BUILDING The (juestion now is, how best to repair the existing roads ; and America has the experience of England to guide her in the matter of expense, and trouble, and very possibly can avoid defeat, by carrying out modern ideas in laying out and constructing new roads on the very best and up-to-date systems, rather than having to patch up and undo the failures and disasters that the ratepayers of England are so loudly grumbling about, in the present high rates they are called upon to pay. Roads without proper foundations are the most expensive and disappointing to deal with, but to re-form the foundations of all the roads, 27,600 miles of main and possibly 92,300 miles of dis- trict roads, of England, say 120,000, would cost a sum so large that it is outside the bounds of possibility to even think of. The general practice of all thinking road engineers now seems to be to treat the present roads as the foundations upon which to build roads of a permanent character. In America it surely must be the only wise course to thoroughly construct new roads for the sake of present and future road users. Leaving all questions of foundations to be dealt with by other writers, with the general proviso that all roads should or must have foundations, the writer will turn his remarks to surfacing. Where roads have a first-class face, and it is possible to tar-wash that face at least once every four months at a cost of about 3 cents per square yard, tar as a surface binder will undoubtedly be a suc- cess in temporarily holding the surface of an ordinary macadam road together; but there its help and benefit ends. It will not make a weak road, subject to disintegration from below, a strong one. It will not hold material together when subject to disintegration from frost and thaw ; for it certainly will not hold a road together in any part which mere surface treatment does not reach. But a road composed throughout of thoroughly tarred material will do all that it has here been stated surface treatment only will not do. Tarmacadam has been in use for many years in England, often it has been a success where least expected, and more often it has been a failure ; and when a failure has to be faced, it is by far the best plan to go to the root of the trouble and endeavor to ascertain its cause, rather than attempt to continue the failure on the chance of success later. The failure of Tarmacadam has been due to the inability to se- cure the adherence of the tar to the material that was to be tarred. The slightest moisture on the material or chilling of the tar means failure of adherence, and the use of a soft material that would allow of adherence means a failure through the road giving way as a whole. No material can be used for the manufacture of Tarmacadam that is not hot or heated, and the more the material is heated, so as to allow the center of the material to be the hottest part, the bet- ter will be the tarring, but the weaker the material. The materials that have previously proved the most satisfactory MODERN ROAD BUILDING 137 in Tarmacadam work have been limestones from varying neighbor- hoods; but, if limestone has been subjected to a temperature suffi- cient to heat the stone throughout, the very nature will have been burnt or dried out of the stone, and the fact that tar is afterwards applied will not secure a road material that will stand anything but foot passenger traffic for any length of time. The difficulty also arises that, to heat sufficiently a large quantity of material, a dry- ing and store place of such dimensions is necessitated as to make the cost almost prohibitive, apart from the large amount of manual labor required in so many times handling the material. In the neighborhood of large iron works slag has been greatly, successfully, used as a road material, and when it was possible to convert that slag into Tarmacadam a fair result has from time to time been obtained. Those who know anything of iron as made in England know of the large heaps of refuse slag which surround the big blast fur- naces, and also know the disposal of the slag has long been a source of anxiety to the iron works owners. While watching the slag pouring out of a furnace one day, it struck the author that the whole trouble of heating the slag for the manufacture of Tarmacadam was unnecessary; for here was the material that later would be in an ideal condition, ready and of such a nature that the very best results in road construction could be obtained. He had a breaking and tar mixing plant constructed. The hot slag was brought from the furnaces in large caldrons, each contain- ing about four tons, and allowed to stand for about twenty-four hours until consolidated. It was then tipped onto a cooling ground, and about twelve hours later, when the outside tempera- ture of the slag was about 160 Fahr., broken up either by hand or by means of a dumping hammer, and conveyed, while the outside was still warm, to the breaker. It was then passed through break- ers and screened to form varying gauges. The center portion of the material, which was still the hottest, was passed into a steam-heated cylinder constructed to keep the material in motion; heated tar, pitch, and other compounds being poured into the same cylinder so as to form a perfect bath, and the whole* turned and churned up. From the cylinder it was de- posited into the railway trucks and was ready for use. This material is delivered by rail where required, and can be pro- duced at the works in a most remunerative manner for eight shill- ings and six pence, or say two dollars, per ton, to which, of course, must be added railway freights when conveyed to a distance. The material is delivered onto the roads in the county of Not- tinghamshire, with a railway journey of thirty miles, and up to three miles of road cartage, allowing for a thickness of three inches, when consolidated, of road crust, at a cost of from 60 to 70 cents per yard super. This material has been in use for seven winters on a road with a water-logged, round-stone foundation, that previously had to be 133 MODERN ROAD BUILDING coated with 2~y 2 inches of Leicestershire syenite each year, and is now in good and perfect condition, with practically no surface dust, and absolutely no dust, as previously was the case, from attrition and disintegration. (Photographs Nos. 2 and 5.) The scavenging is reduced to the removal of horse droppings and earth brought from the adjoining fields. This material has been registered under the name of "Tarmac," to keep it from being confused with the old-fashioned Tarmac- adam; and it is different from the latter, inasmuch as in its use the road surface is composed of a good wearing material l 1 /^ inches in gauge, with a minimum of tar to waterproof it, and from its proper adherence, instead of, as previously was the case in Tarmacadam, being composed of very fine particles of softer stone, with a large amount of tar only partially adhering to it. To construct a good Tarmac road, it is necessary to have an ordinary road as a bottom, or as good a foundation as is possible ; if a waterproof one is desired, then it must be of Tarmac. The bottom layer of Tarmac can be of 4-inch gauge material, laid se- curely and rolled, with the interstices filled up with finer Tarmac, and the whole steam-rolled. The next layer should be about three- fourths of -an inch in thickness, of %-inch Tarmac, and left un- rolled ; on this should be supplied a 214-inch gauge Tarmac, rolled into the %-inch, and, when rolled, %-inch Tarmac would be swept with a brush into every crevice or open joint. Then a further layer of %-inch Tarmac should be applied as before, unrolled, and, as a last coating, a perfect layer of li/2- mcri Tarmac should be ap- plied, and, after the roller has passed twice each way over its face, %-inch Tarmac should again be swept into each crevice, so that a perfect face is presented. The whole must again be steam-rolled by a steam roller being passed over three or four times, and the road is at once fit for traffic. (See drawing of ideal Tarmac road, cross-section No. 1.) If the traffic will not allow of the whole width of the road sur- face being stopped at one time, the work can be carried on by tak- ing half the width at a time ; but care must be shown in leaving each layer of material to form a Greek key lap. It is bad work to attempt to feather the edges or thin down 'a Tarmac road. When a patch is applied, or a coating ended, it should be finished with a square or butt joint; if otherwise dealt with, the edges will fray or waste away. The camber, or cross-fall, of a Tarmac road, should not be great- er than 1 in 50 from the center to the sides, and a perfect formation should be carried throughout from the foundation, so that the whole thickness should be complete. There is no need for pitched gutter courses in Tarmac roads, but in lieu a final washing of boiling tar to a width of 18 inches or 2 feet from the curbing to form a gutter prevents scouring and assists sweeping up in cities and populous places. In the maintenance of ordinary macadam roads great difficulty is experienced in patching holes and depressions. MODERN ROAD BUILDING 139 A most satisfactory patch can be carried out by means of Tar- mac ; and the practice is followed on all the main roads of Notting- ham, either for ordinary wear in water-bound roads, or to repair .disturbances in Tarmac roads. It is necessary to cut out to the required depth any portion of the road surface that is loose, worn, thin, or disturbed, so as to leave a sharp, cleanly defined edge. This must be swept clean from any sign of dust in dry weather. Then a thin coat of %-inch Tar- mac should be applied with the greatest thickness at the edges. The necessary material for the patch filling is then applied, well and carefully rammed with a hand rammer, and, when rammed, any interstices filled with %-inch Tarmac, rammed again, and when nearly dry the whole should be swept over with dust from the adjoining road surface. A perfectly level, neat patch is thus formed. (A better idea of this may be appreciated by a reference to drawing No. 2, and the beneficial result is clearly shown in photograph No. 3.) Here will be seen patches on the left hand, applied in the foregoing manner, and after twelve months' wear remaining good and strong as ever, very faint in outline, while the road adjoining is going to pieces in dry weather through heavy traffic and disintegration, though washed with tar. Photographs are also presented showing (Nos. 1 and 4) a length of Tarmac road adjoining a level crossing immediately outside the town of Newark, Notts, and adjoining the Midland Railway Sta- tion. This road, previous to treatment in Tarmac in 1898, was an- nually repaired by the use of 214-inch guage water-bound Leices- tershire syenite, the best available road stone of the neighborhood. When first laid the Tarmac cost two shillings four pence per yard super. This portion has once been refaced by the application of a 114-inch coat of Tarmac in 1905, and to-day is in perfect condition, Photograph No. 5 shows the surface of a main road a mile, and a half outside the city of Nottingham, population 300,000. The road is greatly used by farm carts, motors, and motor lorries, as well as ordinary vehicular traffic of all kinds. It has been laid four winters, and has had no other material applied to it. It is prac- tically free from dust, and is absolutely an ideal road for all types of self-propelled and other traffic. It is difficult to condense a subject such as this to the limits of an ordinary paper, and the best apologies are offered for the length that the paper has assumed. If the hearers or readers are interested, and should any good result therefrom, the writer is well repaid, and, while frankly ad- mitting that he does not state he^as of necessity solved the road difficulty, he here lays the result of his labors before the great American people at their first Road Congress, and hopes the same will be appreciated and approved of. Ladies and Gentlemen: Here I finished my paper, but I could never forgive myself if I thus ended abruptly. I cannot I dare not, for my conscience's 140 MODERN ROAD BUILDING sake sa y m y public farewell to you without thanking you, one and all, for your kindness, your open-heartedness, your hospitality, and the right royal reception I have received in this your beautiful country. The Great God has been bountiful to you in placing you all in such heavenly surroundings, and I am proud to feel, and see, that he has also given you men who, in their humble position as his instruments, are fully alive to their great responsibilities. I can- not name all these men you know them better than I do but I must name three. I have never seen more beautifully constructed town roads, with such perfect faces, as those now perfected by Mr. Thomson. In this man you have an engineer that any city in England would be proud to employ, and could confidently trust their best interests to. Let me ask you to continue your trust, and let me by these few words show my appreciation of a great man. In my opinion, in Mr. Lancaster you have a peerless teacher en- gaged in what we in England call real "spade work" the most fruitful of all good work, for without it you cannot reap the good fruit hereafter. I have as an Englishman more than an apprecia- tion of such a man and such work. His position is one I dare not undertake. The responsibility of it would be too great. But he has undertaken it. Remember this, and its responsibility, and be merciful, be kind, to him, and I beg you will help him ; for he is helping others, and by that help helping you. The future genera- tions will look back at his efforts, and I know will live to thank God for the kindly diffusion of his more than useful knowledge. And now, ladies and gentlemen, let me finally conclude by pay- ing my real respects to the man of all others that I feel you and I owe more to than any words of mine can ever express. You know whom I refer to if he will allow me may I call him my friend, Mr. Hill ! May I say Sam Hill? For as Sam Hill I firmly believe he loves you to think of him. Your and my friend my host Sam Hill ! Look at him ! To see him is to see he stands head and shoulders above his fellows, and to know him is to love him. Yes, love him, as real men and women should love their leaders; for is he not physically and morally a leader? I have never met such a man in my life, and I fear I never shall see his like again. He to me is peerless. He has no ax of his own to grind. His one object, that I have found, is for your and his country's good, and I know no man in this life more entitled to your and my respect and admira- tion. When the time comes, which must come to us all, for the Great Master to call my friend to his final rest, I feel the best epitaph that could be written on his earthly tomb would be : "He Helped." Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you again and again for all your kindness and patience, and say from the very bottom of my heart: Farewell. God be with you, in all your best endeavors. MODERN ROAD BUILDING 141 Chairman Lawrence : I would like to suggest that a special vote of thanks should be tendered to Mr. Hooley, the great Englishman who has addressed us so very eloquently. A rising vote of thanks was heartily tendered Mr. Hooley, who in reply said: "I cannot thank you more than saying: 'Thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart/ " DISCUSSION. Mr. Richardson: I have been greatly interested listening to Mr. Hooley, and would like to ask him what thickness of tarmac he puts on the top of his foundation. Mr. Hooley: I do not like the term "foundation." I make the old road my foundation. That is the road, and what I have seen of your country roads I should be content to put it right on top of one of these roads. You want to put the three-eighths material ; that is one thickness. On top of that you want to put the two and a quarter inch material that rolls down practically two inches. On top of that, when temporarily rolled, you want to put another layer of three-eighths to form a bed, and into that you want to steam-roll the one and a half, and when you have steam-rolled the one and a half you want to fill the interstices with fine material, and you get the finest piece of road. The "Denby" which we use is a light slag. If you break a piece, if you take a piece and break it, you will see that the inside shows a brown mark where the tar has got into the material, and that is what you want in Tarmacadam. Mr. Richardson took me since I came here to a piece of road, and we both smiled that anybody should be silly enough to make a Tar- macadam as we saw it. You cannot make it by putting dirt into tar. You want to make the material solid, that will stand your traffic, and not only wear, but allow the horses to stand on top of it. If you once get such a piece of good road, you will find any ani- mal will stand on it in perfect comfort. In England we are a na- tion of grumblers, and to get over the possibility of anybody grum- bling we make a strip of tarmac up the middle, and at the sides the ordinary macadam, and we have never made one but what the farmers have said: "What do you want to go and put mud on the road for. Give us a whole road of your tarmac." You may get 142 MODERN ROAD BUILDING some idea of the traffic on our roads when I tell you that we- have as many as six or seven traction engines, weighing from sixty to seventy tons each, passing over our roads in an hour. An Inquirer: Can you use anything but slag? Can you use limestone, or that sort of stuff? Mr. Hooley: Limestone, as we have it in England, is a failure. If you get an ordinary piece of stone, let us say ordinary granite, and you try to warm it, you can get the outside hot, but not the inside ; for, if you do, you take the nature out of the stone. If you could make it warm right, through, I would make tarmac at once; but if it is cold in the center, and hot outside, the tar gets away from it, and you get tar dust as bad as you can get it; but if you get it absorbed and thoroughly joined into it, you will have a perfect road, and I am only too thankful I have been able to use that refuse slag. If you had seen the letters which I have received, you would see that there is some good in a tarmac road made of slag. Mr. Terrace: I am a farmer, and have been waiting anxiously to ask a question. We have heard a good deal in this Congress with regard to our streets, the making of our streets in the city, and the maintaining of the streets ; but there has been very little said with regard to our country roads. You have been out to Orilla, and have gone over our improved highways. You have noticed the material that these highways are constructed of, and I want to ask you this question. In my opinion our present improved highways are a failure. We have got to get down and adopt something else, or this movement in this state is a failure. What I want to ask you as a farmer, with your great knowledge, I would like to have your opin- ion as to whether you think, with the present material we have at hand, and with your tar, that we can construct a road anywhere near as good as that road you have there (indicating sample road). It may cost more at first, but it certainly will be the cheapest at the finish, and we might just as well, as farmers, get right down to it and prepare ourselves to meet the cost. It is a business proposi- tion, and it is only a mere bagatelle compared with the benefits we will get out of it. Mr. Hooley: I should not like to say yes or no. I cannot make that road of granite or of trap. I cannot do it; but, when a man MODERN ROAD BUILDING 143 like Mr. Hill tells me that he knows of a material which is warm and warmed through by your beautiful sunshine, directly he told me that, I said I could make tarmac, and he has promised to get me some for me to take home, and I have promised him that I would see the best use that can be made of it. My idea was to make something may I say it out of nothing, to make use of that which is waste. Before I got to Chicago, I saw you had a new town, the steel town, I think they call it, and they were beginning taking their slag from their works, and in that you have a ma- terial from which tarmac could be made. I am going to make the material with which Mr. Hill is to supply me as hot as I can by dipping it into the slag, and see if I cannot make the matter adhere to it, and Mr. Hill will be able to show you the result of what I have done with the material he sends me. An Inquirer: Can you do it with water gas tar? Mr. Hooley: No; you must have tar absolutely, and distilled tar. Water gas tar is too cheap and nasty for anything. The only thing to do with it is to get rid of it. In my experience, you must get good distilled tar, and with a proper mixture, not only tar, but rosin and cement, or you cannot make a proper road, and you must use a proper proportion of each ; but, if I gave you the figures of how this is done, I would be doing what I had no right to do in my present position. I am not personally interested to the extent of five shillings in this matter ; but men have ventured a great deal in this for my sake, and I must not give away the secrets which they do not wish me to. I may say that the mixture is tar, pitch, rosin, and cement ; but, until you know the proportions, do not waste much money, and find yourself 500 or 600 out of pocket. You get a mixture which, when you see it, you will say : "It is the simplest thing. What a fool I was not to see it before." So was I. I would like to get some of you gentlemen to come and run over some of my roads. I have five straight miles out of the city of Nottingham, and absolutely no dust or dirt on it. I am not going to say I can keep the dust off the road that comes from the fields. Mr. Hill, Mr. Lancaster, and Mr. Thomson have seen the road and traveled over it. You can go on the ordinary road by the side of it, and see the dust coming behind a motor in such thickness that 144 MODERN ROAD BUILDING you cannot see the motor at all; but when you get on this road you will find a beautiful, smooth surface free from dust. It is a revelation, and we get motorists from all over England to come and run over this road. In Nottingham we have good roads, but this is the best. Any of you who have been to Brighton will know the Midway road, the invalid road, and this is the road they go up and down to avoid the dust nuisance. It was originally con- structed for automobile speed races, and the records made on a public highway were made on that road. Question: Could you tell us the cost? Mr. Hooley: Something like from three to four shillings a yard; much further away than we are. Of course, there is the cost of taking it down from one side of England to the other; within the points which are close handy, the cost is not as much. Question: What is the rate per ton per mile? Mr. Hooley: It would be over eight shillings a ton to Brighton, because it is four shillings to London. To put the steam roller over the material requires no skilled labor. Any farmer can put it on as well as any of my workmen, if they follow what they are told to do. You can put the roller on in less than an hour afterwards without seeing any mark. I have a picture here of a park near Ox- ford, and the gentleman who took a fancy to my road said, "If you can make that for traffic, let me have it near my place," and I put it down at a cost of under two shillings a yard. I have also an- other picture here of a road at Aldershot which is dustless, so that the dust cannot worry the poor soldiers who are lying in the hos- pital. The total thickness of my road, when consolidated, is a lit- tle over three inches. Question: Have you noticed whether or not, with the automo- biles running over your road, whether the adhesiveness of the rub- ber tire takes out particles of the road material and causes a disin- tegration of the road? Mr. Hooley: I can best answer this by asking if you remem- ber the days when you were boys and played with the old sucker, and how you could lift up a stone by it and it would hold it up. The automobile is doing exactly the same thing with the road. It MODERN ROAD BUILDING 145 sucks it out. Just at the point of contact the rubber is flat and you can hear it give. With my road you cannot get any sucking action out of it; but where you get a water-bound road, it has gone to pieces in less than a month, and yet some people are fools enough to keep throwing money into it and thinking they are making roads. If I were in the circumstances of the man who made that road, I should have felt I was doing very fair work if I carried out the general practice that was being carried out on that road ; but I do not do it, because I know it is wrong, and I am thankful to say my county council have taken the same line. They say : "Why waste money? We do not want to pay rates for wasting money." They do not keep their county surveyors to look at. Question: I would like to know whether tarmac can be made out of other materials than slag. Mr. Hooley: I have not found any satisfactory results from anything but slag. Mr. Hill is going to send me the material, as I said, to see if I can make it out of that, and if I can I am going to send the result back. If it will stand, the tar will be as firm when it arrives here as when it leaves England. I might say the formula of our slag is 36.5'6 of silica, 16.40 of aluminum, 37.0 of lime. Mr. Richardson : We have slags of the same type and composi- tion through the Middle West, but not out here; but I may say I think we have great hopes that we can do out here with your as- phalt on the Pacific Slope what Mr. Hooley has done with his tar, for the reason that we have 'bright sun here, which warms the rock through, and we have no difficulty in the East in getting adhesion. The strong point seems to be in the foundation. He puts %- inch material on, and then 2~y 2 ., and this is forced by compres- sion up into the other. The great difficulty you will find in this country is the great cost of the stone. The % material would be something extremely expensive in this country. Our crushers make plenty of 2y 2 , l l /2, and % ; but we do not get the %. But, as I say, I see great hopes for you gentlemen on the Pacific Coast to construct something of that type, using an asphalt cement for the purpose. I wish to express my personal thanks to Mr. Hooley for what he has said. It has added much to my knowledge of the question 146 MODERN ROAD BUILDING of construction of a waterproof pavement, and I have no doubt you have all appreciated it as thoroughly as I have. Mr. Lancaster: As to the kind of asphaltic oil? Mr. Richardson: The residual pitch; but you cannot get that to coat the stone, on account of its viscosity. Bring it down, by adding just as much oil as ordinary paving cement. The difficulty of heating stone artificially and coating it with tar is that the tar runs off the stone and the heat destroys the tar, because tar will not stand high temperature ; but the asphalt has been heated to 700 degrees, and a little overheating does not damage it in the slight- est degree. A recess was then agreed upon, on motion of Judge Hanford, to give the delegates an opportunity of examining the sample sections of Mr. Hooley's roads and also the pictures of the roads which he had constructed. After the recess Prof. Lancaster showed some stereopticon views of Mr. Hooley's road, which he, Mr. Hill, and Mr. Thomson had ridden over on their recent visit to England, after which the dis- cussion was continued. Mr. Richardson: Referring again to these roads, we have no slag here, and so we cannot use it. You must take your trap rock, which occurs all through the state, and you will have no difficulty in coating it with asphalt. You could not coat it with coal tar; but with the asphalt there is no danger of overheating. It has been submitted to 700 degrees in preparation, so a little extra heat can do no harm. Question : How high would you heat it ? Mr. Richardson: To a temperature of 350 degrees without any damage ; but you can heat it hotter. I think there is a great future in this part of the world for the construction of roads of Mr. Hooley's type with asphalt, putting the fine material first, and then the coarse, and then the fine material into the voids, and thus have a fine material from the top down. The only objection here is the cost involved. I was discussing with Mr. Parker, of Massachu- setts, a few moments ago, and he said it was quite a difficult thing to get the three-eighths material at the bottom, and very expensive. The only way to arrive at the expense was to keep traffic data, to MODERN ROAD BUILDING 147 see what it cost to carry a ton a mile, and the Massachusetts High- way Commission are accumulating these data. They are construct- ing a road from Gloucester, Massachusetts, on this plan with as- phalt, so the state of Washington can learn from Massachusetts what there is to be learned in that .direction. Prof. Lancaster: Mr. Hooley's road is certainly the best we have seen, and the question that seems to trouble us all is the expense; but we do not want the people of the state of Washington to be dis- couraged if they were led to believe that only that kind of road can be made to stand. Mr. Richardson: I could have brought you from New York a section of asphaltic macadam road, and you could have told from that; but the trouble is it is expensive. You want to avoid the necessity of having a plant for the heating and coating. We can do it under the summer sun in the East, and probably you could do it out here. Mr. Parker: I do not know that it is safe for me to venture on any explanation of what we have been trying in Massachusetts at present. We have tried in the last few years something like two hundred different experiments with different kinds of tar and oil, and at the present time we are not satisfied with 1 any one we have tried. W r e are quite sure we can reduce the number to a small fig- ure, because of experiments we have made so many have failed. Mr. Lancaster has suggested that I should say something to you in regard to the Aitkin machine, the spraying machine invented in England, and used over there for some years, and which has been perfected until it has reached the machine which we are now hav- ing brought over. We have two in Massachusetts, which have been in use two or three months, and as I believe with very great success. We have found that we can use the heavy asphaltic oil in this machine quite as easily as any combination of tar. Prof. Lancaster: I believe in the use of oil. The only thing I wanted to draw out of Mr. Richardson was his opinion regarding it. We have an abundance of oil at low cost, and could get seventy and possibly eighty per cent, asphaltic oil at the lowest cost. Mr. Parker: Heavy asphaltic oil of that sort can be used on sand alone. At the Cape Cod region of Massachusetts, where the M.R.B. 11 148 MODERN ROAD BUILDING roads are made up largely of sand, on account of the cost of the transportation of stone, and where it is largely a question of build- ing roads which can be used during the summer months, the ques- tion of transportation by land was the most serious one that ex- isted there. We tried nearly four years ago to use a heavy as- phaltic oil mixed on the ground with pure sand of the Cape, and after some year or so of use, so that the sand by chemical and oth- er action could mix together, a perfectly satisfactory sand road to drive over was the result. Of course, if that could be done, you would have the cheapest road it is possible to make, because for you here the heavy oil from California, which you can get at a dol- lar and a quarter or a dollar and a half a barrel, we have to pay from five to seven and a half cents a gallon for. We have tried the spraying machine on the surface of the road of the macadam roads in the following way : As it comes on the road, it feeds the tar into a spray, which 'distributes, according to the pressure applied, a gal- lon for from four to nine or ten cubic yards. The effect of this is that the tar is spread absolutely uniformly, and a very thin coat is very much more effective and beneficial to the roads, when ap- plied under pressure, than the application of tar or oil in any other way, and the immediate distribution of the sand or gravel upon this surface, and rolled in or not, as the case may be, but preferably rolled in with a steam roller, produces a road which is absolutely satisfactory. The application of automobiles on this surface is to perhaps tear it up in places, and make it, therefore, unsatisfactory ; but you overcome that by the continued application of this, so that when you have made two or three applications, and the sand has been absorbed by the oil or tar applied, you can get a thickness on the surface of the old road of two or three inches or more. The ex- periments we are engaged in making at the present time are as to whether it is possible to take out old, partially worn macadam roads, 'and restore them to a good, new surface that will stand the constant wear and tear of automobiles and other traffic. That is what we are in search of, and I do not hesitate to say I believe this is one of the remedies we are to find satisfactory and effective. You can easily see that oil put into one of these machines fitted in this way will distribute the oil in an absolutely even coat through- out. We have found the application of oil on a sand road, not mac- MODERN ROAD BUILDING 149 adam, or hard, it is very difficult to get even, because by any means you apply it, by horse or otherwise, you destroy the even surface of the road, and the oil collects in the holes, which is bad for the road, not only making it uneven, but unsatisfactory in its final composi- tion. The present state of our experiment with these Aitkin ma- chines proves them to be the most promising machine we have had. I do not know that Mr. Hooley would agree with me. He has a different theory of construction, and has been very successful ; but it is wholly outside of the practice of any of the ordinary conditions in the market. Mr. R. H. Thomson: I would like to add a word or two to what Mr. Parker has said. We are no doubt all of us very much dis- appointed to find that Mr. Hooley hesitated to speak of any other system of road making than that which he himself has patented. There are in England several very successful systems of road mak- ing by the use of tar. We came from Paris to London and from London to Nottingham to examine Mr. Hooley's road, which, as has been said here, proved a wonderful surprise to us, and they were just as successful as the samples here would indicate. Mr. Hill, however, was not satisfied that that was the only kind of road that could be made. He said he had been round the world too long to believe that there was nothing but iron blast furnace slag that could be coated with asphalt or tar and made to adhere, so, while he left me in the North Country, he, with Mr. Lancaster, went to London to hunt up others. In a few days they called for me, and I went to London to continue the examination of the roads which they had discovered, and with which they were very well pleased. I spent two weeks in England, after they left, examining this mat- ter, and as a result of that examination I am satisfied that what is known as the Gladwell system of road making in England is equal- ly as effective, and perhaps more economical, than Mr. Hooley's, except where the slag is very easy to be had. In the Gladwell sys- tem the base is simply rolled down, being about four inches of or- dinary macadam. Then the Aitkin machine, of which Mr. Parker has spoken, and of which there were photographs thrown on the wall, is run over the macadam, and it is sprayed with a very hot tar, which is cut with about three per cent, of linseed oil. This oil seems to cut the tar, and makes it very tough and viscous, making 150 MODERN ROAD BUILDING it flow, covering a great deal more ground than it otherwise would, and being put on very thin with the linseed oil it has great adhesive- ness. Then on top of that is put half an inch of good coarse sand, then the machine is run over the sand, and it is saturated with the same material, and then there is a top course of macadam laid on and rolled into this sand. Now this rolling gives a peculiarly smooth surface, from the fact that there is a mortar or bedding course of soft material between the bottom and the top. When the half inch of sand has been saturated, the top rock is laid on and rolled in, and the sand is driven into the crevices below and rises above, so that we have a top stone fastened by the asphalt or tar mortar to the lower stone, the mortar of tar doing service. Instead of being on top of the roadway, as many people try to put it, it is between the stones, and not worn by the surface of the wheels, and is slightly plas- tic, so that, if a stone is moved a little in ordinary weather, it will bed again, and the automobile appears to have no evil influence upon it. While I was in England the state of Washington ordered one of these machines, and it is now on the way, and I believe at present may be puttering along somewhere in "Canada. Perhaps Mr. Campbell has got hold of it, because it was in his neighborhood the last time I heard of it on the way to Seattle. Mr. Campbell: We will let you know how it works. (Laugh- ter.) Mr. Thomson: I also went to Birmingham, where they have laid many miles of roadway in the neighborhood of the city of Bir- mingham in this manner, and find it a very great success, and in a recent letter which I received from Mr. Stilgoe, the city engineer of Birmingham, he tells me they are making a number of miles of streets in Birmingham in this manner this year. They use Guern- sey granite for the surface, and rock which they get in the neigh- borhood for the base. They simply put in from three-eighths to one-half inch of the saturated sand, and it binds the top and bottom together excellently; and Birmingham, which is a pretty thrifty community, is willing to spend a large sum of money for these roads. I also visited other cities in Central England, which are fol- lowing the same course, and I have no question but that the stone which we have in the state of Washington, with the asphaltic oils which we have, can be bound together to make nearly, if not equal- MODERN ROAD BUILDING 151 ly, as good a road as this of Brother Hooley. I do not want to discourage Mr. Hooley as to his road, but he is the father of the successful -use of tar, and has the misfortune to believe that his children are the only good-looking ones in England ; but we believe we will make as good roads as they do in England by the use of the machine which we have coming here, coating the under course, saturating the binder course of sand, and rolling the top course in- to it. Mr. Parker: I would say, further, we have tried and are now trying such as you describe, by applying the tar out of this ma- chine directly on the stones, with the sand on top, and another course on top, very much as you have already described it, only that the application of the tar is made by the machine, and not the ordinary method of application, and by the continued application you can get as much tar or oil as is considered necessary. Mr. Thomson: What do you put on top? Mr. Parker: We really do not use anything, except, perhaps, a little sand which has been treated with asphaltic oil to sweep into the crevices to prevent the clay sifting in. It takes very little to fill the crevices. I do not wish to take up your time, but what we have discovered I am anxious to let others know. It is necessary only in such cases as when your oil or tar will naturally by gravi- tation work towards the surface. As it comes up you cover it with sand, or often gravel or stone chips, and put on as much as the oil will absorb, because, when the oil or tar comes through enough to be unpleasant, all you have to do is to put some more on. That is the whole solution. Question: Have you inspected the roads of Kentucky? We have macadam roads there. Mr. Thomson: Yes; before you were born. Question: I ask this, because they have recently made some very good roads there, and our construction now would certainly be different to what it was when you inspected it. Prof. Lancaster: Some three years ago I saw the roads in Ken- tucky, and took some photographs of them, so I am familiar with what is being done. Talking about the machine which Mr. Parker is using in Massachusetts, and which we are going to have here: 152 MODERN ROAD BUILDING We can put on such a small amount of oil or tar, and not get any excess on, but in an even way. The least anybo.dy was able to get on the road heretofore has been four-tenths to half a gallon per square yard by the ordinary method. It would take half a gallon ; using every care, and having the road clean and the material hot, and spreading the material on with brooms, it would take at least half a gallon to the square yard. The English have got the best results using one gallon to six square yards, so that you will see the great amount of saving of material by using the new machine. Mr. Parker: The oil or tar applied, I find it is better that it be not distributed before you get the sand or gravel on Prof. Lancaster : We thought we were going to get this machine to Washington first, and had arranged for it ; but, when Sir Herbert Praed found the machine was coming to the A.-Y.-P., he said he wanted to build the best possible type, and he sent Mr. Parker our machine, and made another for us. (Laughter.) Mr. Parker: Sir Herbert Praed told me that he was afraid to send the machine, because the Yankees would improve on his pat- ents. He sent it to the Yankees, however, because he distrusted the shrewdness of you people here. (Another outburst of laugh- ter.) Mr. A. W. Campbell : With reference to the matter of using tar and asphaltum material for making roads does not remove the dust nuisance, which is about as important a question as has come before this conference. I have been exceedingly pleased with the papers here, and paid special attention to the way of treating these roads, and we have had the result of experience and investigation made by Mr. Thomson and others, and it looks as if we almost have to adopt something of this kind in connection with the streets of our towns and cities and the leading roads which are heavily traveled on coming into large centers. It has been a question in my mind as to whether we are going to be able to afford the extra expense of applying this on the leading rural roads outside of the city, and it necessarily adds considerable to the cost. The dust, however, appears to be almost unendurable, even on some of our best-con- structed stone roads. I have seen them in our province and in the state of New York, where they have built some of the finest roads MODERN ROAD BUILDING 153 on the continent of America. The .dust nuisance seems to be al- most intolerable, even when they have been experimenting with the use of tar and oil and asphalt. The automobile seems to contribute very much to this nuisance; but the investigations I have made prove that the automobile does not create the dust. The auto- mobile simply raises the dust, which dust is created by the traffic the hard tires upon the wheels. The broad, soft tire of the auto- mobile will not wear the stone, but will pick up every particle that has been ground out of the worn stone; but the heavy loads upon the hard tires wear the stone into dust proportionate to the quality of the stone. If the stone is tough the wear is less, and if it is soft, of course, the wear is greater; but it is the hard iron tire coming into contact with the stone that creates the dust. The automobile passing over that road lifts the dust, and removes what otherwise might be a cushion between the hard tire and the stone; but the dust is created by the hard tire. I have seen many of our most excellent roads used extensively by heavy traffic from farm districts and it seems impossible for us to get an ordinary stone hard enough to resist the traffic, and it appears to me that one of our chief du- ties now is to study how best to minimize the creation of dust. We must use the softer stones to a very considerably extent until we have reached the time when tar, asphalt, and other such material can be adopted for the main roads generally ; and I believe one way of minimizing the wear on the stone is, if possible, to increase the width of the hard tire of the wagon wheels. Reduce the cause of the dust, and we will have made one long step towards removing the dust nuisance. Some scheme by which we can induce the people to broaden the tires will reduce the wear. We make a road by using heavy rollers composed of broad wheels, and without that we could not properly construct a road. We can also maintain roads by carrying loads on broad tires resembling as near as pos- sible the roller. Keep the road in repair, and remove the cause of the wear by increasing the width of the tire. I think that is one very important question for us to consider, and it will tend to re- duce and minimize the creation of dust. 154 MODERN ROAD BUILDING FENCES, HEDGEROWS, AND SHADE TREES. This paper was read by Mr. Harold Parker, of Massachusetts, who in introducing the subject said: I am afraid you are getting more than you expected. I was as- signed this very interesting subject, and I wrote a short paper treating the subject generally. Since I came here, and have lis- tened to your patient consideration of the matters that have been presented to you, and have noticed the interest which you appear to take in the construction and maintenance of roads, it seems to me you really ought not to be put to any further test. I think the paper ought to be laid on the table, and you should be allowed to go now, and if you say the word the paper shall be laid on the table, and we will close. (Cries of "Read it.") Last winter I read a paper before the Governors of New Eng- land, and, the conditions of reading it being bad, it being in one of the theaters of Boston, and I not having read it after writing it, I had great difficulty in making it out, and it was declared in some of the press the next morning that I had not myself pre- pared the paper I read the day before. I should like to say I did prepare the paper, and also prepared this, and if there is any fault to be found it belongs to me alone. (Laughter.) TREES, FENCES, AND HEDGEROWS. BY HAROLD PARKER, MEMBER AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGI- NEERS, CHAIRMAN MASSACHUSETTS HIGHWAY COMMISSION. In discussing the questions which are indicated in the title of this paper, it should be borne in mind that two causes for the re- sults that have followed man's effort to beautify and improve what was first done from necessity alone must be taken into considera- tion, in order to bring before you the conclusion which I desire to make plain. In the first place, before we can take into account the roadside trees, hedgerows, and fences, we must consider that the road it- self was the first development of the necessities of man. He had to have a road which led from one point to another, not only for his own passage, but for that of the vehicle which carried his produce, or later contributed to his pleasure ; so that, in the laying out of highways as means of transportation alone, neither the com- fort of those using them nor the beauty of their surroundings was considered, the aim of the road builders being to secure the easiest means of getting from place to place. It is not supposed to be a part of this discussion that I should consider the location, construction, or maintenance of roadways, MODERN ROAD BUILDING 155 except in so far as the trees and roadside growths may be either a protection to the road itself or contribute to the comfort and happi- ness of those passing over it, which is, to be sure, a question of some economic advantage, and therefore has a value beyond the purely aesthetic. Roads themselves have grown with the growth and wealth of population, and have usually kept pace with such growth, and, as the leisure and financial ability of communities increased, as well as the opportunities for improving their roadsides, the im- provement of the roads and the beautification of the roadside sur- roundings became a sought-for consummation, and, as civilization increased, a practical interest. In this way it may readily be seen that, where population has concentrated for economic reasons, there has gradually grown up the desire for aesthetic effects, as is shown in the creation of parks and public reservations for the enjoyment of the people at large. For the same reasons the ornamentation of roadsides, extending gradually into the country from larger cities and towns, has de- veloped and grown with the wealth of the people themselves ; so that, as we look at it now in America, one of the considerations that is brought prominently to our attention, after building the best road that we know how, is the planting of roadside trees and other ornamental growths, and the erection of walls and fences that are no longer unsightly, but which will contribute to the beauty of the landscape and the unconscious advantage of those traveling over the road. This has now become so universally accepted that it cannot be ignored, even if those persons who are wholly practical consider it an unnecessary expenditure of money. The development of this aspect has, of course, been different in Europe than in America, for there it has been so long and so grad- ual in its advance that it has attained in most of the civilized coun- tries of Europe a finished result. There the roadside trees have been under intelligent care for generations, and produce on the mind of the traveler the most pleasing and salutary effect, even to those so ignorant that they cannot appreciate the reason therefor. In France, and in other parts of the continent of Europe, like the people themselves, the results have been largely of a formal or artificial character. In England, nature has been followed more closely, so that you get two methods of beautifying public reser- vations and the space between the traveled way and the fields of abutting landowners, which have grown by degrees from primitive conditions to the present artistic state. In America we have the advantage of both these methods work- ed out for our consideration, on which we can improve, but which do not give us immediately the results of trees of great size, or the finished appearance which comes through time alone. To those of you who have driven horses or automobiles over the ancient highways of Europe, it must be painfully apparent that in comparison America suffers, notwithstanding the fact that in our older communities we have been striving for years to do in a 156 MODERN ROAD BUILDING shorter time what has there required many generations of careful work and study. In almost all of the larger cities of the East in America very large sums of money have been spent in the acquisition of land and the planting of trees and shrubs which will thrive in their respective localities, and in the careful treatrment of roadside con- ditions for many years, and the results of these intelligent efforts have been to make such cities more attractive to visitors and more liveable to the inhabitants. It makes the conditions of life more healthful, and has a tendency to improve the people themselves. The city of Boston, in Massachusetts, has expended over ten million dollars within the last twenty years in creating a park system for the use and at the expense of the metropolitan district, which, by the care that has been taken in its development, has be- come one of the most attractive and charming of any in the world ; and this same theory has been adopted in many, if not all, of the larger cities, to a greater or less extent paid for out of the public purse ; so that, as I intimated in the first of this paper, so great has the insistence of the public become, that in the treating of public ways or reservations the question of beauty, as it is manifested through the efforts of trained and skilful men, has become a prac- tical necessity, and the public is entirely willing to take upon it- self the cost, however great, of such work. What is true of the parks and other public reservations is true, to a greater or less extent, of the roadsides themselves. It is the custom almost everywhere to plant trees along the sides of roads, wherever practicable, and to save the natural growth on a new road. Wherever the road itself is improved, it is noticeable that the landowners living along its borders instinctively improve the appearance of their possessions in proportion to the care that is expended upon the road and its immediate surroundings. In Massachusetts, where the commonwealth builds and main- tains its main lines of travel, and takes care of its roadsides, it is observed that farms and homes, previously deserted for years, are taken up, rebuilt, and beautified everywhere along the borders of the road. No deserted farms can be found along state highways in Massachusetts. This, in itself, is an argument sufficient for the expenditure of such additional sums as may be necessary for im- proving the roadsides, as well as the roadway. The Highway Commission of Massachusetts is required, under the law, to plant useful and ornamental trees along the borders of highways which have been made state roads. In order to do this intelligently and with the best results, the Highway Commis- sion has employed a trained forester, and it has also established a nursery, in which are cultivated trees and shrubs which are suit- ed to all the climatic and physical conditions throughout the com- monwealth. These trees are planted in locations suited to their character and kind, and are cared for under the direction of the forester, so as to attain their most complete and characteristic growth. MODERN ROAD BUILDING 157 Where, in the course of the construction of state highways, it is necessary to make cuts through hills or embankments over low ground, it is the practice of the Commission to protect and beautify these cuts or fills by the planting of vines or shrubs which conceal their nakedness and prevent their disintegration. The work of the Commission along these lines has produced its effect upon the minds of those living along the roads, so that the ambition of the people to make their places more attractive, by the building of more or less ornamental fences, the removal of unsightly accumula- tions, and the general well-being of their homes, has been aroused, and t?ie result is encouraging and satisfactory. It is also to be considered that trees and shrubs planted along the roadsides protect and prolong the life of the roads, and the planting or preservation of low-growing shrubs or bushes prevents the action of winds in drying up and removing the surface of the roadway, which otherwise would lead to destruction. It is very plain that, where roadways are shaded by trees, horses will draw greater loads for greater distances, and that, therefore, more may be accomplished than under other circumstances. You will, of course, appreciate that in a paper such as this is it is impossible to enlarge upon the method of planting trees or other plants, how it should be done, or what kinds of trees should be used. Your conditions in Washington are so different from ours in the East that what would apply here would be wholly or largely inapplicable there. It is usual with us, for example, to set out rock maples on the uplands which are exposed to severe winds or extreme climatic variations ; white, red, or pin oaks on less exposed hillsides in gra- velly soils ; white, red, or pitch pines in sandy soils, unprotected from the sun's rays ; elms on fertile bottom lands ; and white maples and willows in swampy reaches. Chestnuts have not been used to any extent for planting, though they become with care very large and handsome trees. They are, however, protected when found growing naturally by the roadside. Other trees, such as poplar, ash, sycamore, locust, etc., are suited to certain locations, but are not planted by us to any very great extent. A great variety of ^native shrubs, such as cornus dogwood, lilac, etc., are used to give a picturesque effect, or as wind breaks in exposed places. Such vines as blackberry, upland cranberry, low- growing sumach, etc., are planted on slopes and banks to protect them from disintegration, and to cover the raw appearance of new work. All these means can well be adopted to beautify and im- prove the sides of roads, and, from my experience, are well worth the outlay from any point of view. DISCUSSION. Mr. Samuel Hill: With reference to what Mr. Parker has said about abandoned farms, I believe, Mr. Parker, your Commission authorized me to state that in Massachusetts, where stone improved 158 MODERN ROAD BUILDING highways had been placed, after careful investigation you found an increase on every 150-acre farm in the annual rental value of approximately $200. That is a startling statement, showing the increased value from improved highways. Questioner: If there is one question more than another in this country and' Canada, it is the fact of the people leaving the farm. I would like to know if the fact of the improving of the roads under the State Commission of Massachusetts has had the effect of bring- ing back to the soil those who had previously left it. Mr. Parker: I would say in response to that question that the building of state roads and the improvement of the highways in Massachusetts has had the effect, not only of bringing back prac- tical farmers, but to bring back to their old homes men who had been away and made a fortune in other businesses. I could name to you hundreds of such instances, and that where I have known deserted farms to exist as long as I can remember that now not one can be found on a state road. That is an economic question of value to you all, and should be considered. An Inquirer : I would like to ask if the building of the highways has not .decreased taxation greatly in comparison to real valuation. I mean that the improvements have so increased the valuation that they have lessened the taxes in proportion. Mr. Parker: I think that is absolutely true, because in most cases the increase in the taxation is nothing, while the increase in valuation is very often double or trebled within my recollection by the building of these roads. An Inquirer: Then virtually these roads do not cost a red cent? Mr. Parker: We consider they do not cost a cent, but increase the value of the commonwealth materially every year. No move- ment that we have had in Massachusetts has been so popular as that of state roads, and I believe any amount of money that might be asked for would be given to the Commission without reserva- tion. I mean by that that the commonwealth has an established principle of spending so much a year on state roads, and we as a rule do not believe in 'increasing that, but think we can spend from half a million to a million dollars a year more economically than a larger amount. However, whenever a special appropriation is MODERN ROAD BUILDING 159 asked of the Legislature for a state road, I may say it has never been refused, and I may say that the Highway Commission of Massachusetts has now been in existence long enough to have trained its men thoroughly, and has received the confidence of the community to such an extent that, if towns and in many cases cities desire to spend money on highways, the money will be ap- propriated, but only under the condition that it is spent under the direction and with the approval of the Highway Commission, mention that as a comment on the result of this sort of work. An Inquirer: Do you take charge of the parks? Mr. Parker: No; not under our Highway Law. An Inquirer: Is it not true that before you built those roads you had a bureau of abandoned farms? Mr. Parker: I believe it was so. Mr. F. N. Godfrey : I would like to say a little about the condi- tions in our state. The beautifying of the country roads in New York has added a great deal to the value of the farms. The farmer who plants trees in New York state is allowed a certain amount from his road tax. I believe it is 25 cents a tree, so that it has been an inducement to the people to plant trees. One word in re- gard to* the statement that Mr. Parker has made in regard to his system. While Massachusetts is somewhat of a small state com- pared to New York, we have felt that it was wise to adopt their system of road -making and road work in the appointment of a com- mission and the supervision of the roads by the commission. PROFESSOR LANCASTER'S PAPER ON "BOULEVARDS" TO BE PRINTED. In consequence of lack of time it was resolved that Professor Lancaster's paper on "Boulevards" should be printed in the Report without IJeing read. Mr. M. O. Eldredge: Mr. Thomson called attention to the Gladwell system of road building. We have in the Government Building a minature model showing exactly how the Gladwell road is built. We also have other roads showing methods of using tar in road building, showing tarmacadam etc.; in fact, we have all 160 MODERN ROAD BUILDING 'the standard types of road construction, and I invite every one to come to the Government Building and make an inspection of these roads, and I will be glad to go with you. Hon. C. H. Hanford: I would like to ask a question, with ref- erence to the paper under discussion previous to the last, as to whether on our sea level, where there seems to be such a mixture of sand and pebbles, where a road could be made along the sea- shore, about the application of this tar by machine. For instance, between here and Tacoma, along the shore, could we get a roadbed by that system? Mr. R. H. Thomson: You cannot make a roadbed with such un- even sizes as you refer to. Coarse sand would make a good road, but not with sand mixed with pebbles. PRESENTATION TO MR. SAMUEL HILL. Hon. C. H. Hanford: This forenoon this body voted to have in the records of this Congress an expression of appreciation of the very valuable services of Mr. Samuel Hill in advocating and work- ing as he has in promoting the general welfare as affected by the public highways, and the committee appointed presents for adop- tion, if approved, the following resolutions. I would say that these resolutions, if adopted, are to be in the record of the Asso- ciation as an expression of this body. Mr. Godfrey and Mr. Ter- race, representing the Grangers and farmers, will have something by way of supplement to this report after I have read it: RESOLUTIONS. Resolved, by the First Congress of American Road Builders, that in Mr. Samuel Hill, President of the Washington State Good Roads Association, we recognize a leader whose wise, energetic, and con- stant efforts in promoting the common welfare as affected by the improvement of public highways command our highest admiration. Sparing neither time nor money, with voice and pen, Mr. Hill has given an impetus to a general movement for better roads in all the states of the American Union and the provinces of Canada, which must inevitably produce benefits important and lasting. Resolved, that the thanks of this Congress are due to him, and are hereby expressed, for the many courteous attentions which Mr. Hill has bestowed, and which the members of this association will re- member with keen appreciation. MODERN ROAD BUILDING 161 Mr. Terrace and Mr. Godfrey, on behalf of the Association, then presented Mr. Hill with a handsome mounted cane amid loud ap- plause. Mr. Terrace said: You are now going to receive proper treatment. We, farmers of the Pacific Coast, present you with this cane. May it stand in the rack for the next forty years. May you have no need to use it; but, every time you look upon this cane, may it encourage you to think that every farmer and his family look upon you as their great bene- factor in the benefits of good roads. (Applause.) Mr. F. N. Godfrey, of New York, said : And, in behalf of the people of the Eastern part of this country, and especially the farmers and Grange of New York, I wish to express to you, in the giving of this beautiful token of respect from the delegates at this convention, their thanks and the thanks of the people of the East in what you have done towards the building up of this great industry and the furnishing to the people of the coun- try a method of transportation which will aid the farmers in get- ting in closer touch with the people in the city. There should be no gulf between the country and the city (cheers), and I believe that the efforts you are making are a great step in this direction. I believe that the time will come when the country and the city will be one. (Cheers.) Mr. Samuel Hill, who was received with loud applause and was visibly affected, said : I am afraid I am going to have to use this cane before I sit down. It has been a good many years since I have seen a cane in the hands of the authorities, and I was somewhat embarrassed when they ap- proached. I also remembered that perhaps my declining years attracted their attention, and they thought that something was nec- essary for my support. But there is something necessary for my support, and that is the cordial co-operation and sympathy of you all, and that I have had. It has been more than a duty, it has been a pleasure, to work in this movement. The first thought that I had when I began it was for the man that lived on the soil, and it has not been out of my mind since. If I should tell you the pleasure I have had in associating with men like Judge Hanford, Mr. Lan- caster, Mr. Thomson, Mr. Landes, and others I could name, you would think everything was worth while to be with these men and to have their confidence. I told Mr. Parker and Mr. Hooley and the other distinguished men who have come here ; in New York I told Mr. Godfrey, Mr. Richardson, and Mr. Powers of the char- acter of the citizenship of this state that, while we had great pos- sibilities and great assets in the wealth of the state, the best thing 162 MODERN ROAD BUILDING we had was in the character of the men that composed the citizen- ship of this state. I cannot turn in any direction but what I find men who have aided in this work. There are some men who have not done much talking, like Mr. Cheasty, Mr. Chamberlain, and a great many others ; but I want to say to you all that the only rea- son we are going to have here in our own state the nucleus of a movement which is being nursed and developed all over the United States and all over Canada, our near neighbor, by the men who are here to-day and other men who sympathize but could not come, is because of the genius and spirit of the people on this continent, who do not wait always for governmental help or aid, but who try to help themselves ; and when the State Commission gave us here this building for this purpose, and when the wise Board of Regents established in this University a chair of Highway Engineering, a step was taken forward. Once they tried to build roads by enforced labor; then they tried to build them for military pur- poses ; but what the American people are trying to do to-day is to build roads on sentiment and for commercial reasons to build roads so that they will help every part of the United States and Canada, all the people of both countries. I cannot tell you how pleased I was that all these men laid aside their duties, and they are all busy men, and came here ; how pleased I was that the Governor of every state and every province on this continent wrote letters and sent accredited delegates. It has, indeed, been a great pleasure, and the results of this conven- tion, I think I know will be lasting. I am very glad to be here. I am very much touched. (Loud applause.) RESOLUTIONS. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously carried: THAT a vote of thanks be tendered to the gentlemen who had made addresses and read able papers before the Convention. It was moved by Mr. E. L. Powers, seconded, and unanimously carried: THAT the thanks of the delegates to the Washington State Commission be tendered for the courtesies extended to this Con- gress. PERMANENT ORGANIZATION. Mr. E. L. Powers: It has been suggested that a permanent organization should be formed, and as the time is too short to consider the matter here at this meeting, I will offer a resolution that a committee of not less than nine be appointed by the chair to consider the matter of per- MODERN ROAD BUILDING 163 manent organization and report some time between now and to- morrow before final adjournment. Mr. F. N. Godfrey: I will second that. Judge Hanford: I think it would be difficult to make a comprehensive report as soon as to-morrow, and I would move, in amendment : THAT the committee be authorized to take suitable action to perfect perma- nent organization, and at its discretion to call a meeting of dele- gates from all the states and provinces represented here. The mover and seconder of the motion accepted the amendment, which was accordingly put to the meeting and carried. It was moved, seconded, and carried by a rising vote that Mr. Samuel Hill should be the president of the permanent organization. The following committee on permanent organization was then appointed by the chair: E. L. Powers, Chairman, R. H. Thomson, F. N. Godfrey, A. W. Campbell, Clifford Richardson, Samuel Hill, J. C. Lawrence, A. N. Johnson, Harold Parker. Mr. W. B. George of Montana: We have in our state the great National Park, and we appreciate the fact that men have come here to Seattle from all parts of the world, and that the state of Washington has set an example for all other Western states, and we want to come and visit you, and are ready to come. This question of the improvement of the roads is growing, and I think we should get the information which we have obtained here to the people. Every organization that is making machinery for roads, every automobile club, every member of Con- gress, and every one interested in the government of each state', every paper should be distributed throughout the country, and the people should become aware of the fact that this question of road improvement is the great enlightening question of this country, because it will make the farmer's land double and treble its present value. I have in a small way prepared a road which has caused the land to increase 400 per cent., and I will tell you that I appreciate the fact that the good roads will bring the boys from the farm into the church and school, and will develop the brains of the rising generation. I was talking to a lady to-day in Seattle, and she said: "The road question is a great question." Every farmer appreciates M.R.B. 12 164 MODERN ROAD BUILDING that. We want to put into this thing the enthusiasm of our money. Let us make the coming Congress the greatest ever held. Look at irrigation. I want to say I secured this for Billings. We adver- tised six months ahead. We have got half a dozen stenographers and newspaper writers at work, and will make it as big as any Dry Congress held in the country. Mr. Hill has been doing world-wide philanthropic work. He has been giving up something to make things better than when he came here. I want to leave the country I live in better than when I came into it. That is the spirit that is making the West. Progress is catching. A man cannot come and see them tearing down the hills and making roads, (for it is phenomenal what they are doing here) without being greatly impressed. I would not doubt to see a million people here in Seattle in a very short time. Coming to this Congress has been an education in itself, and we want in some way to get this information before the people, edu- cating the people in this, with a view to making it world-wide and interesting all in this great movement. Professor Lancaster: I know it is the intention of Mr. Hill to have the full proceedings, together with all papers, printed. There are a good many papers which have not been read, from the fact that we did not have the time, and these papers, many of them most excellent papers, will be printed along with the proceedings. I think it is Mr. Hill's intention to have each official delegate presented with a copy, and also to print other reports which can be had for practically the cost of printing. I think that is his purpose as nearly as I am able to inform you. CONVICT LABOR. As Washington State has been referred to as utilizing convict labor, it would doubtless be interesting for you to know how it was brought about. I think three years ago the subject was first broached, as I remember it, when it was spoken of at our state meeting at Yakima, and the committee retired and discussed the question as to whether or not it should be printed, because they feared, when it was spoken of, that the labor unions would oppose it ; but we decided to press forward and present the question fairly to the peo- ple of the state, and it was mentioned often in our road meetings, and it was finally decided to take thirty men out of the penitentiary and carry them into a central part of the state. The men were selected at random, and we built a temporary stockade, and put the men in, and worked them without shackles. The men were worked in building a road where they used dynamite, blasting the rock and doing such work as hard labor would do. They saved the state a little more than $5,000 in building three-quarters of a mile of road, and the result was we took photographs of these men and used them before the Legislature, and secured from the Legislature MODERN ROAD BUILDING 165 $124,000 for putting in four large rock crushing plants. Machinery for the four plants has been purchased, and we are using the best kind of engine, and when these four plants are in, as they will be, we will have the largest plant for supplying rock of any state in the Union, even ahead of what Illionis is doing, and crushing 1,500 cubic yards a day with prison labor. PRINTING PROCEEDINGS. Judge Hanford: The subject of the publication and distribution of the record of this Congress is an important one, and should be treated in a prac- tical way. I believe it is practicable to find ways and means of meeting the cost of publication, and, instead of having simply a copy for each delegate here, to have them printed in a way that they can be handled and get into the hands of the many people who will appreciate them. I move that a committee of three be appointed by the chair on the publication of the reports of this Congress, to devise ways and means for meeting the cost, and to superintend the publication and distribution of the reports of the Congress, including the papers read and the discussions. The motion was seconded and unanimously adopted, and the following committee was appointed by the chairman : Samuel Hill, Chairman, Hon. C. H. Hanford, R. H. Thomson. ADJOURNMENT. The Congress then concluded their Seattle sessions, and on Wed- nesday night the delegates to the Good Roads Convention made a trip to Victoria, B. C., as the guests of Mr. Samuel Hill. Leaving Seattle about midnight, they reached Victoria in the early morn- ing, and proceeded to the Empress Hotel, where luncheon was par- taken of. Mr. Hill had made arrangements for a tally-ho ride round the city and through the parks ; but Hon. Richard McBride, Premier of British Columbia, with his natural courtesy, insisted on providing automobiles for the entire party. After viewing the many beauties of Victoria, the return trip was made to Seattle at 4 o'clock in the afternoon; dinner being served on board. The final business of the Congress was done on this trip ; the most important feature being the appointment of a president, vice 166 MODERN ROAD BUILDING president, and secretary of the permanent organization. It was unanimously resolved that Samuel Hill, Hon. James H. MacDon- ald, and E. L. Powers should be president, vice president, and sec- retary, respectively, and the committee of nine members which was appointed in Seattle was elected a permanent executive commit- tee, of which Mr. Samuel Hill should be chairman. It was also moved that President Hill should appoint a subcom- mittee of three to formulate a plan of permanent organization, to name the organization, and to draft a constitution and by-laws, to be submitted to the executive committee. This committee was nominated by the President as follows : E. Iv. Powers, of New York, Chairman; A. W. Campbell, of Toronto, Ontario; and J. N. Godfrey, of New York. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted by the Con- gress. THAT a vote of thanks be tendered to Premier McBride, of Brit- ish Columbia, for the courtesies extended to the members of the Congress while in Victoria. THAT a vote of thanks be tendered to the King County Good Roads Association for the courtesies extended to the delegates, and also to the press of Seattle for the way in which they reported and handled the Congress, and for the treatment which the delegates received at their hands. The arrangement of the time and place at which the next meet- ing should be held was left in the hands of the Executive Commit- tee. The First Annual Congress of American Road Builders then ad- journed after a most successful convention. APPENDIX [The following Papers are here printed as a part of the foregoing Proceedings.] ORGANIZATION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WAGON ROADS. BY JNO. F. STEVENS. Syllabus. Organization relation to the work. Organization for wagon roads, compared with railroad. Organization properly defined. Relation of working force to finances. Necessity for purely business methods. Natural division of the work. Difficulty of getting experienced men. Necessity for best possible supervision. Outline of a typical organization. Necessity for strong executive head. Characteristics such head should possess. Roster of suggested organization. Description of general duties of officers. Great importance of proper care of laboring force. Size and detail of organization to depend on amount and character of work. Probability of Commission. General remarks. Organization for Construction. Organization is the keynote which must be struck, to insure the successful execution of any construction project which involves the expenditure of a large sum of money, and is second to no other fac- tor, even that of finance, in determining the final results. It is gen- erally easier to provide money to cover the cast of a legitimate undertaking than it is to properly supervise its expenditure, and to be certain that none of it is wasted by careless and inefficient methods, or lost through intentional dishonesty. The stockholder, whether the state or a private individual, in communal or corporate association, has the legal and moral right to know that, as far as human skill can provide, the finished work, as turned over to him as its owner, represents every dollar which has been advanced by him, and is the same in total amount of property, simply trans- M.R.B. (167) 168 MODERN ROAD BUILDING muted into a different form, through the alchemy of brains 'and energy. The organization of executive, supervising, and laboring forces to build wagon roads, especially in states or communities where no systematic efforts for such ends have ever existed, is, in some respects, more difficult of accomplishment than to create an organ- ization for the construction of other large works, notably railroads. In the case of the latter, there is generally a parent company, a going concern, with its existing force of experienced engineers and technical, practical experts, which by expansion, modification, and some minor changes can readily be made into a trained, efficient machine, every component part of which is fitted for the particular duty to which it may be assigned ; so that the too often costly con- tingency of "learning at the company's expense" is largely elim- inated, and the work can proceed with economy and dispatch. An organization, as commonly defined, is a plan which aims to bring into systematic connection and co-operation the separate parts of the whole. A true organization, in the sense of and for the purposes under discussion, covers wide ground, and possesses deep meaning. It means a machine, through the perfect operation of which the two great governing factors in the execution of work, authority and responsibility, can be defined and exactly located ; for, without such efficiency, organization, as is too often the case, will be only an empty word. In considering the creation of an organization suitable for hand- ling the construction of state roads, it is fair to assume that the work is to be taken up as construction, and that the necessary finan- cing has been done, and that the requisite funds will be in hand to meet current expenditures. In other words, the relation of the con- structing forces to the financial part of the enterprise will be to supervise the expenditure of the funds and to properly account for the same. While the work of the financier and that of the engineer is generally considered to be entirely different in character, it is very true that they are closely allied, and that, as a matter of fact, each need and must have the intelligent co-operation of the other, to make a success of the work as a whole. When a community, or a state, goes into the business of road making, it should place itself on exactly the same basis as a private firm or corporation undertaking similar work, if it expects econom- ical results. Every consideration, excepting the single one of strict business procedure, should be eliminated. Politics, temporary expedience, and local prejudice towards either sections or individuals should have no place in the organization or in the plans for the work. The only qualifications of the personnel of the force should be those of technical and business ability, coupled with strict integrity and honesty of purpose. The actual work of road construction naturally divides itself into two parts the purely technical, and the commercial or business. The former should be supervised and executed only by trained experts, naturally civil engineers; and this part is usually by far MODERN ROAD BUILDING 169 the easier of the two. The locating of the lines of the road, gov- erned, of course, by the controlling conditions in each case, the fix- ing of the standards, and the designing of the separate structures which go to make up the complete whole, is a comparatively simple matter, but one in which only trained judgment and experience should be employed. The chief difficulty will be in finding men who have a practical knowledge of the other branch of the work. We have lagged so far behind in the matter of scientific road making, it is doubtful if in all the United States there are ten men who can truthfully be said to know in every detail how to build a piece of thoroughly first- class wagon road. This is a broad statement, and may be chal- lenged ; but it is the candid belief of the writer that it is not far from the truth. Our conception of what constitutes good roads is lamentably deficient. But no class of men on earth are more capa- ble of intelligent expansion in ideas and knowledge than are our American civil engineers ; so that, as conditions arise and crises develop, we can feel assured the right men will come forward to meet them. The execution of the thousand and one details, every one of which should be under the~eye of thoroughly competent business and executive superintendents, is a matter of all importance. It is not enough to know what a gang of laborers are receiving for a day's work, or that they are being employed the agreed hours. The party in direct charge must know personally, that their efforts are being intelligently put forth, that there is no lost motion, and that the state is getting as near 100 cents as possible for every dollar it is putting out, and this he can only know excepting as he has prac- tical experience and possesses that rarest of all faculties, good com- mon sense. And this very careful supervision must run clear through from bottom to top, from the lowest gang foreman to the Chief Engineer or the supreme head. The complete whole will be no better or worse than have been the separate details, and it should be borne always in mind that no money is more wisely expended than for ample, intelligent supervision. And here is where officials of com- munities or states are liable to fall into error, through lack of ex- perience and a possible feeling that ignorant adverse public criticism will follow. A railway company knows that to secure the best pos- sible supervising talent, and to pay well for the same, is a wise pol- icy. The state must recognize the same truth, and act accordingly, or results will not justify expenditures, and only disappointment will be the outcome. The days of miracles have passed, and it is not humanly possible that the conduct of a great and important work one involving such a multiplicity of details, and on which the fierce light of criticism is sure to beat strongly can be successfully car- ried out without throwing every safeguard around it that time and experience have proven to be necessary. The amount, character, distribution, and general conditions will, of course, necessarily modify in size and detail the organization and methods best fitted to carry out any piece of construction work. 170 MODERN ROAD BUILDING Still the same general principle should run through each, and the effort should be, as noted above, to locate authority and respon- sibility. Below the writer has outlined a skeleton organization, which may be contracted to cover a small undertaking, or expanded to almost any extent necessary to cover a very large one. The main points to be considered are simplicity and directness. It is based on the theory that much, if not all, of the actual work of road construction will be done by what is generally called "day- labor"; that is, the state will deal directly, through its engineers and agents, with the actual laboring force, instead of committing the execution of the work to contractors, either by unit prices or by lump sum, either by mile, section, or as an entirety. Whether such a course is wisest does not enter into the particular phase of the question under consideration, and such question can only be decided in each individual case, when all the factors are fully devel- oped and considered. To premise: There should be a strong executive head, with power vested in it (or him) to plan, direct, and execute, to the extent of and under the law, all work, in general and detail, which is provided shall be done by such law, and its (or his) authority should be subordinate to no one, excepting the duly constituted executive head of the state. Whether this power be a Chief Engi- neer or a Commission is a debatable question. Personally the writer, from his experience, and perhaps somewhat from his train- ing, believes in the one-man power, and that power the Chief Engineer. Such a man should be big enough, in every sense of the word, to initiate and supervise, not only the technical features involved in the project, but also to ably direct the general business details; in other words, he should be, not only a capable road engineer, but also a first-class business man. He is the man who, more than all others, will be held responsible for results, and he should not be hampered by any attempted division of authority. There are such men, and they can be had by paying the price, and they are a good bargain. A roster of the officers and agents of such an organization would appear about as follows : Chief Engineer, Chief Clerk, Accountant, Paymaster, Purchasing Agent, Draftsman, Principal Assistant Engineer, Resident Engineer, Assistant Engineer, Instrument Men, Inspectors, General Foreman, District Foremen, Gang Foremen. MODERN ROAD BUILDING 171 To explain: To the Chief Engineer, as the responsible head, would report directly : A Chief Clerk, who would have charge of all clerical matters, and who would be the right hand of the Chief Engineer, in all office and outside detailed matters not covered by other enumerated officials. All bills, pay rolls, vouchers, etc., orig- inating on any part of the work, would pass through his hands before going to the Chief Engineer for his final action. He would be provided with such clerical help as from time to time might be found necessary. The Accountant would examine and check, not only from a cler- ical, but also from a legal, point of view, all accounts, rolls, or vouchers calling for the disbursement of funds, and his approval would be necessary before any funds could be disbursed. He should have a thorough knowledge of the workings of the State Auditor's office, so that all construction accounts would be properly distributed, in order to harmonize them with the general features of the state's bookkeeping. The duties of the Paymaster would be, as the title indicates : He should, either directly or through his subordinates, disburse all funds, but only on duly approved rolls, vouchers, or other proper form of indebtedness. He should, of course, as well as all his men handling cash or its equivalent, be under approved surety bond. The Purchasing Agent would buy all material used in road mak- ing proper, also all commissary outfit or miscellaneous supplies needed in any department, and such purchases only be made upon regular requisitions duly approved by the proper officer, and such requisitions should, excepting in cases of extreme emergency, go through the Chief Engineer's office. He would also check, for amounts and prices, all bids and invoices up to the Chief Engineer. The Draftsman would, under the supervision of the Chief Engi- neer, prepare all final maps and profiles, all standard plans of struc- tures, and would, as far as practicable, be the custodian of all orig- inal notes of surveys, cross-sections, or other data relative to the engineering features of the work, indexing and classifying same in proper shape for ready reference, and also to turn over as a part of the state records, on the completion of the work. The Principal Assistant Engineer would be the right-hand man of the Chief Engineer in all engineering and outside work, and should be second only to him in ability, experience, and capacity, and, as nearly as possible, should be qualified to act in place of the Chief Engineer, in case of the latter's absence or incapacity, from any cause. He should have direct and absolute authority over the Resident Engineers, and, through them, over all subordinate engi- neers and other assistants, down to the lowest Gang Foreman. Practically all of his time should be spent in the field, directing, guiding, and advising, not only as to the general, but as to detailed, features of the work, whenever and wherever such assistance might be needed. He should be provided with ample and proper means for transportation, to enable him to quickly and thoroughly keep himself in constant touch with every part of the work, and thus, by 172 MODERN ROAD BUILDING his knowledge and experience, guide the subordinate engineers, who necessarily would be younger and less experienced men, through the many and oft-recurring perplexing problems, which will continually arise. The value of such a man is inestimable, and the moral effect upon the successful progress of the work which such an official can produce, as the direct impersonation of the Chief Engineer, is incalculable. The work, when organized for construction, should be divided into sections, of a varying number of miles, according to its char- acter and importance, over each of which should be placed an As- sistant Engineer, provided with the necessary Instrument Men, In- spectors, etc., to enable him at all times to not only give the neces- sary lines and levels to direct the foreman, but also to keep in close touch with every detail as it is being carried out. The General Foreman should report directly to the Assistant Engineer, and should, of course, have charge of the Gang Foremen. As a rule, the sections should be of such minimum lengths that the Assistant Engineer can personally visit all parts of each at least every other day. When the work is of sufficient magnitude, or is so scattered .as to make the visits of the Principal Assistant Engineer somewhat infrequent, a Resident Engineer, having authority and jurisdiction over several Assistant Engineers, can be profitably employed, thus condensing to a reasonable extent the necessarily detailed work of the Principal Assistant, and enabling the latter to devote the requi- site time to the more important matters. Any of the above-enumer- ated officers, whose work calls for such assistance, should be pro- vided with proper clerical force to enable them to keep up with their current work from day to day and to make correct returns at the stated periods of all reports, time sheets, pay rolls, invoices, property accounts, etc. One important feature, in carrying out any construction project, is the housing and care of the laboring force. The right of the laborers to comfortable quarters and proper food is unquestionable ; but, while admitting this moral and legal view of the case, there is a very practical side to it also. There is a homely and true saying that an ''army moves on its belly" meaning, of course, that the efficiency of a fighting force is proportionate to its commissariat. You have got to feed and sleep a man properly, if you expect the full measure of his services, whether mental or physical. Except- ing on large jobs, the Principal Assistant Engineer, by the nature of his duties, taking him constantly over the work, can, with the assistance of some Inspectors, attend to this too often neglected branch of the service. But in the case of extensive construction a commissary official, reporting probably to the Chief Engineer, through the latter's Chief Clerk, to attend to the establishing of camps, the hiring and overseeing of all stewards, cooks, etc., as well as exercising supervision over the character, distribution, prepara- tion, etc., of all food and camp supplies, will be found both useful and economical. MODERN ROAD BUILDING 173 Now the writer foresees the criticism which will follow the sug- gestions of an organization as outlined above, as of its being too elaborate and expensive, etc. In the first place, as he has expressly said, it can be enlarged or contracted to fit the size of the project; and, in the second place, attention is specifically called to the abso- lute necessity for ample supervision, a point which it is desired to emphasize particularly. No surer way can be found to waste money at the bunghole than to try to save at the spigot of insuffi- cient oversight by intelligent men of every class and at every stage of the work. On small works the Chief Engineer could probably dispense with a Principal Assistant; the Chief Clerk, or his men, could act as Paymaster or Purchasing Agent, or both ; and, similarly, other consolidations could be made. So, also, in case any considerable part of the work is carried out by contract, many of the lower offi- cials, such as general and gang foremen, timekeepers, etc., would become a part of the contractor's staff, and not of the Chief Engi- neer's. But the general principle of localization of authority and responsibility should never be lost sight of, as it is the one and all- important feature of a successful organization. Reverting to the necessity of an all-powerful executive head : It is quite probable that, for reasons which seem good, the general power to direct the construction of state roads may be vested in a duly authorized Commission. Then, in such case, the necessity for a competent Chief Engineer is none the less great, only he should report to the Chairman of such Commission, instead of directly to the executive head of the state. But he should be given full and complete authority over all matters of construction, and the Com- mission should confine its energies to carrying out the general pro- visions of the law, and not to attempt to interfere with or direct the affairs, which can only be properly handled by the one man, whose word and decision in all construction matters should be regarded as final, and from whose decision there should be no appeal, excepting to the law. The genius for developing efficient organization is largely inher- ent in some men, and it is very surprising how simple the most complex construction problem becomes in their hands, and how smoothly and quietly the machine moves along, when it has been designed and built under the watchful eye of the master mind. And its efficiency and consequent value is shown no more forcibly than by the perfect fitting of each separate part each officer and employe knowing that to him is given certain authority and that from him will be expected certain results. This knowledge, com- bined with the fact which should be ever kept before his mind that in all matters under his jurisdiction, he is at liberty to, in fact that it is his duty to, suggest improvement in methods of conduct- ing affairs, and that he will receive proper credit for such sugges- tions, will not only keep the machine running to its full efficiency, but will improve its working, until it becomes well-nigh perfect. And in no other way, excepting through the workings of a system- 174 MODERN ROAD BUILDING atic and well-balanced organization, officered by men carefully chosen only with regard to their fitness, can the state be assured of that success which is its due, and which it can justly claim, pro- viding it recognizes that road making is a business matter and acts accordingly. MODERN ROAD BUILDING 175 SUBGRADE PREPARATION. BY JAMES H. MACDONALD, STATS HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER OF CONNECTICUT. A well-built road's chief characteristic is not unlike a well-con- structed house, at least in one respect. Both will have a similarity, namely, a tight roof and a dry cellar. The different conditions to be found throughout the United States have made it imperative to vary the treatment or method employed in the construction of roads. This is true, not only in regard to climatic conditions, where they vary and change many times within a few hundred miles, but it is essentially true in regard to the different materials with which to construct roads in each state. The geological formation, topography, and other con- ditions force the adoption of widely different materials to be employed in the several states. Each, in turn, performs its own useful function, and all are made to satisfy that which is required of them, be it oil, stone, gravel, sand, limestone, asphalt, or cement for the surface of the road. But, no matter of what material the road shall be constructed of or with, there must be certain rules adhered to and treatment closely followed, without any deviation in so far as that which is necessary to furnish a proper foundation upon which to place that which is to furnish the wearing surface to the road is concerned. The utilization of the different materials to be found through- out the country is one of the most profound questions of the hour. The brightest minds of this country are being trained to develop to its greatest field of usefulness that material which will lend itself a willing and obedient servant to the master road builder's hand to accomplish that which is required of it. No matter how much taste is displayed by the architect in the outline or the appointments of your home, no matter how expensive the material used in the construction, no matter what taste is dis- played by the owner in regard to the exterior or interior of the building, if the house is not constructed on a proper foundation, all of the work of science, and of art, refined taste, and money, is w r asted. So that the subject-matter I am to treat to-day, in my judgment, carries the most essential and important feature in the whole science of road building. A well-built road must have the ability to sustain and hold up into the position it should occupy the wearing surface of the road, whether it be two inches or two feet in depth. Any yielding of the subgrade will be fatal to the road. The whole question of dust- laying and road-preservative requirements of the hour is simply relegated to a secondary position, when compared with this very important feature of the construction, and the remarkable aspect of this important part of road building is that it is not so much the expense, for the same principle can be adopted in the simple turn- 176 MODERN ROAD BUILDING piking of a road as that which will have to be employed in the most expensive construction that we are called upon to build to-day. In dealing with the different materials that we encounter in the improvement of a section of road, the old saying is still true that the greatest accomplishment a human mind can achieve, as we have been told by one of the wise men of other days, is to "Know thy- self," and to take the material we have had for thousands of years in that particular section you and I are familiar with and have walked or ridden over ever since we can remember, and, by a scien- tific treatment of that material, bring to each a devolopment that will accomplish that which will utilize the material to the best advantage. That is high art, indeed. The first principle to follow in every case is to properly drain the section of road to be improved, after which you then take up the question of subgrade, or foundation, upon which to build your road. I have found the best material with which to construct a subgrade is sand or gravel. Disintegrated rock, with an admixture of light loam, makes a capital subgrade. I have known cotton cloth or unbleached muslin to be used on the surface of a sand subgrade. These roads have been called calico roads ; but this practice has been abandoned, and a better process has been resorted to. Sprinkling the sand before rolling, using a light roller before using the steam roller, or lightening the roller by relieving the boiler of one-half its water capacity, is a great assistance in firming the road, as the sand will not then creep before the roller, thus mak- ing the subgrade firm. A little subsoil placed on top of the sand is a very good practice. This will prevent the material from being pushed ahead of the roller, and it will make a good sustainment for the stone or gravel. If something is not done to make a sandy foundation firm, it will shift. Slighting the subgrade is sometimes practiced by contractors, with the result that they do not gain anything, by reason of the fact that the contractor has to pay in the end an increased expense, owing to the fact that there will be a greater shrinkage in the stone. The wise contractor is the man who will spend more time with his fifteen cents an hour help in forming the subgrade, and thereby require less stone or gravel and other incidental expenses. This is often the reason why the tonnage of stone per mile has been largely exceeded over the original estimate of the contractor. This is very easily demonstrated by taking the cost of the stone per ton, with freight, the haul from the cars, the time consumed in applying the stone on the road, to say nothing about the expense of watering and rolling required to get the road into a perfect bond firm and unyielding. But you will ask, naturally, "Is not the road better by reason of the fact that more stone has been used?" Not at all. This would be true if a uniform depth of stone were on the road. But it is an intermittent depth. In some places there may be four inches of stone, while in other places there may be eight inches. The influ- ence of the roller is not uniform where the subgrade is not suffi- MODERN ROAD BUILDING 177 crently hard and firm. Wherever there is an intermittent depth of stone, the road will develop a weakness, because the pressure of the roller on the road has not been uniform. A road, in many respects, is similar to a house. If you are build- ing a house, you must have, not only a good foundation for the house to rest upon, but you must also have a tight roof. And, in addition, you must have a dry cellar. If you have a tight roof, and do not have a dry cellar, of what earthly use is it to keep the water from the outside from getting in, if you have a leaky cellar that will let it in below? It is the same in building a road. You must have a good, well-built, substantial foundation, as well as a good sur- face a roof to your road. Not enough attention has been paid to this question heretofore. Commissioners, and others officially employed, have not always been to blame, however, as the power behind has brought up the dollar sign, and, to keep peace in the family, judgment was set aside and conscience was quieted with the hope that it might come out all right a fond, foolish illusion, never realized. I do not believe, and never have believed, that the surface of the road can ever become an accomplished fact until this all-important and necessary adjunct to a good road the foun- dation is taken care of. Antedating the surface must come directness to your road ; then, the reduction of the grades to a minimum; then, the question of drainage. Of all these, the most important is under and surface drainage, after which comes the question of surfacing the least important of all things connected with road building. You want directness to your road, to shorten the distance and minimize the danger, and to carry the surface water to its nearest and best exit point. It is not enough to get the water off and out from the road, but it must be gotten away from the road. When we have done this, we can commence to properly construct the subgrade, and not before. Next comes the veneer, or surface, be it of macadam, gravel, dis- integrated rock, or subsoil. How many miles of splendid looking macadam, gravel, and earth roads have, after two or three years' travel, broken down and gone into disrepair through a lack of knowledge, carelessness, or neglect to properly treat the subgrade? You may say: "That is all very well, Commissioner; but sup- pose there are developments in the cuts that were not expected. What then?" Suppose there is, and it is fair to assume, in the light of my own and other Commissioners' experience, that such will be the case, and that we find conditions very similar in many improvements where unexpected developments occur. A very simple precautionary clause in the specifications will meet any of these unexpected conditions, by simply stating in the speci- fications that if, in the process of grading, the contractor finds any material that will be liable to heave, yield, or settle, he shall remove it and furnish that material which will be competent to sustain the stone or gravel and the travel the surface will be called upon to J78 MODERN ROAD BUILDING bear; also put in a clause for bids for rubble drain and for Tel- ford work by the linear foot, or yard. These bids will then fortify you against any developments, so that you will not be at the mercy of the contractor. In my state specifications I call for bids for many things that may not' develop, and at the time of asking for the bids I do not anticipate being called upon to employ them in the construction of the work. It is better, I find, to lock the stable before the horse is stolen, rather than afterward. I may seem to have taken considerable time in the .development of this question of subgrade; but it is so inseparably interwoven with other essentials that, in taking up the question, I was unable to do so specifically, for it is really the link in the chain of the whole science of road building, and a chain is no stronger than its weakest link, no matter how well built that chain may be. As a general proposition, in accomplishing a well-built subgrade, it is always well to remove all loam, roots, and vegetable matter from the proposed travel part of the road, also everything of a springy nature, or anything found in excavating for said roadway that will be liable to heave or settle, and fill all such places with clean sand or gravel. Where it is necessary to fill to bring the subgrade up to the height required, I have found in my practice, where the filling exceeds one foot in depth, that the rilling should be deposited in courses not to exceed twelve inches in depth, loose measurement, and require that each course shall be extended across the entire fill and completed before commencing another course, no matter if the fill be two or twenty feet. And this method should be fol- lowed with each succeeding course until the established grade is reached. The constant traveling over each of the courses by the teams employed in handling the material will remove the possi- bility of ever having a cracked fill, or one that will slide after the road has been constructed. This is a very important matter, I find, and I have used it in my work in my own state. I also find that in the cuts it is well not to plow down below that point that is to be the finished grade of the subgrade, but to keep it a suffi- cient height above that, so that when the roller is placed on the work it will make a good solid foundation, and you will not have to resort to filling in the cut to bring the subgrade up to the grade desired. These two principles of cut and fill will be found to work to great advantage in the proper construction of a road. The shape, or contour, of the subgrade has been somewhat a mat- ter of controversy; some engineers holding to the level line foun- dation, and putting on an extra depth of stone, or material, in the center to make the contour, or shed from the center line of the road to the berms, or shoulders, while other engineers have given the subgrade, or foundation upon which the wearing material is to be placed, the same contour as the finished road. I have used this latter method in my own work in my state, by reason of the fact I believe it makes a better foundation, and that the uniform depth of stone at the shoulders will assist in holding the crown of the MODERN ROAD BUILDING 179 road in shape and furnish a sustainment at the shoulder line better than to have a less depth of stone at the shoulders and a greater depth at the center of the road. It also assists in case of a breaking up of the road, or a fracture, or other developments, in draining to the side, or shoulder, of the road. The forming of the shoulders is a very important matter. They are really the support to the road. It has always been my practice, when making a shoulder in the fills, to lay out my road and put the newly added material ten or twelve inches into the new travel path, tamping it down firmly, and then cutting back to the line, thereby making a good, firm shoulder to work to, and to hold in place the stone or gravel in the travel path of the road. It is a difficult matter to treat this question as intelligently through the medium of the written word as it would be with charts, which it had been my intention to use, had I come in person to the convention ; but, if these principles are followed in building the subgrade, a good foundation upon which to put the wearing sur- face will result. Where a weak foundation a springy nature of the soil occurs, the material I have described to be used for the subgrade would be replaced by a good Telford construction, namely, a stone base ; but, inasmuch as I am not taking up the general proposition of materials and how to use ; them above the foundation, I will not enter into that particular phase of the road building question. There are many features about road building that the people of our country are unfamiliar with, and even those who are in au- thority, and are actively engaged in this work, and are profession- ally employed in making this great question of scientific road build- ing their life study, are as yet students in regard to this matter. But, notwithstanding this statement is an acknowledged fact, the progress made during the last sixteen years in the science of road building has been marvelous, and the most remarkable feature in the progress of this movement on the part of our country is that, while our people have been wedded to old customs and prac- tices in road building, they are fast coming to acknowledge the fact that there is an art and science in the proper construction of a road, no matter what the material may be of which a road is con- structed. The development in the interest of our people during the last six years emphasizes this fact in no uncertain way. I am very glad at this time and in this way to contribute these few suggestions, hoping : and trusting that something that I have said may be the means of doing some good. I also take this opportunity, as I close this little article on sub- grade treatment, to extend my hearty congratulations to the people of the Far West and to the many friends I met on my visit to the Pacific Coast nearly two years ago. I hope and trust the con- vention will result in renewed activity and a greater interest and an increased knowledge in this great work we are engaged in, and which means so much to the people of our entire country. M.R.B. 13 180 MODERN ROAD BUILDING ROAD MATERIALS AND SOME SIMPLE RULES FOR TESTING THEM. BY AUSTIN B. FLETCHER, M. AM. Soc. C. E., SECRETARY MASSACHU- SETTS HIGHWAY COMMISSION. A great diversity of materials enter into the construction of roads of the present day, for in this great country of ours every variety of climatic, geologic, and topographic conditions exist. Ma- terials which might be economically useful in one part of the coun- try may not be used elsewhere with economy because of excessive costs of haulage. An inferior material may often be useful eco- nomically because of the great cost of securing a superior material, and in general,- without reference to city streets, which do not come within the purview of this paper, it may be stated that for our common roads we must rely upon materials which are native to our own locality. This is true when the United States are considered as a whole, and it is equally true when the needs of any single state or locality are investigated. Even in so small a state as Massachusetts, with its area of only 8,200 square miles, it often happens that an inferior local stone must be used, because it is better economy to recon- struct or resurface more frequently than to pay the cost of trans- porting the much superior trap rock and with it resurface less often. Indeed, it sometimes happens that it is better economy to use a gravel which admittedly requires attention at relatively short inter- vals of time than to use local stone in the form of macadam. And in some of the Middle States and elsewhere it is found that, by the skillful use of the log drag, ordinary loam makes a very good road surface during the greater part of the year. There is, however, an exception to the general statement made above. In many of the states where asphaltic oils are not in- digenous it seems possible to produce very fair results by combin- ing such oils with sand and gravel. Reports indicate that much work of this sort has been done in California during a period of some years. By reason principally of the relatively small quantity of the material which is required, it is possible to transport the oil for long distances economically. Massachusetts, geographically, is as unfavorably placed as possible as concerns this material; but the long haul from the Middle West or from Texas does not seem to preclude its use. The writer has tried to make it clear that a general discussion of all of the materials used for road purposes in the United States is difficult, at least from the personal knowledge of an individual, and therefore this paper is limited to such materials as he is fa- miliar with and which are commonly used in Massachusetts. He does not pretend to any acquaintance with gumbo, novaculite, as- MODERN ROAD BUILDING 181 phaltic rock, etc., which are without doubt very useful materials in the localities where they are found. The paper may therefore be divided into the following parts: 1. Sand and Clay. 2. Gravel. 3. Rock Suitable for Macadam Purposes. 4. Bituminous Materials. In what follows it should be remembered that the writer is dis r cussing materials for use on roads having at least a moderate amount of traffic. Some statements do not apply to by-roads, or ways upon which the traffic is small, and in general main inter- town roads are referred to. Sand and Clay. With the single exception of ordinary earth or loam, sand and clay in combination is probably the lowest type of material avail- able for road purposes. Without doubt loam should never be so used, with regard to economy, if anything better is obtainable at a reasonable cost. It is true that by the use of a log drag or road scraper, under the direction of trained operators, loam roads may be kept in excellent condition during the summer months; but in the spring, with the frost coming out and the snow melting, the condition of such roads is intolerable. Sand, of itself, while at its best in winter and spring, does not ever have sufficient stability to sustain traffic over it; and clay, of itself, is open to the same or greater objection than loam. It is possible, however, to combine sand with clay in such a man- ner that under moderate traffic and favorable climatic conditions a fairly serviceable road may be obtained. But, were a gravel even of inferior quality available, a sand-clay road would not be con- sidered seriously. Gravel. Gravel, unlike sand, loam, and clay, is not a simple material. Indeed, it is usually a mixture of materials small pebbles, or stone fragments, combined with either sand or clay. It is very widely distributed throughout the glaciated portion of the country. Professor N. S. Shaler has stated that it rarely oc- curs that gravel cannot be found within any area of ten miles square in the glaciated field. But gravel suitable for road purposes is not so plentiful as the foregoing statement would indicate, since, unless the pebbles are combined with the sand or with the clay in proper proportions, the gravel, without treatment, may be of little value. Probably the best gravel is what is called in some parts of New England "blue gravel." This material is in effect finely broken trap rock, which has been subjected to little or no water action. The fragments are angular, the gravel contains little argillaceous 182 MODERN ROAD BUILDING matter, and when placed on the road and rolled the fragments lock together into a mass having relatively few voids and great stability. The deposits of this blue gravel are rare, and the community with a bed of such material is to be congratulated. . Its road problem is not a serious one. As between the sandy gravels and the clayey, the choice should be usually in favor of the former, unless the clay is in relatively small proportion. Too much clay makes a muddy road, and one which is easily rutted by traffic. Too much sand, with large peb- bles, makes a mass with little or no stability, and no amount of rolling will compact it. For the best results, in general, considering the ordinary gravels, the writer believes that all stones which will not pass through a two and one-half inch mesh should be screened out; that at least 50 per cent, by weight should consist of pebbles or fragments which will not pass through a one and one-quarter inch mesh ; at least 80 per cent, should not pass through a one-half inch mesh ; and that the remainder should consist of small fragments of pebbles and sand from less than one-half of an inch in diameter to an impalpable powder. The writer admits that such a gravel is too rarely found ; but he offers it as an ideal, to be approached as nearly as is possible, al- ways bearing in mind the economics of the problem. A gravel so graded, when properly rolled, has great stability in the road. If the pebbles in the gravels are from rocks of a crys- talline or eruptive nature, as is usually the case in New England, a road built of such material will make but little mud under traffic, and should not rut to any considerable extent, even when the frost is coming out of the ground. Rocks. In general, the chief desiderata in rocks for road building are hardness and toughness, and the writer believes that toughness should be written first. It is wholly within the range of possibility that in the most modern types of road surfaces, considered econom- ical for the kind of roads herein contemplated, namely, those in which some form of bitumen is used as a binder or matrix, or as a wearing coat, stones of somewhat inferior quality may be used safely. If the road builder has a choice between stones for macadam pur- poses, and too often he has not, no scientific instruments of preci- sion are usually required to determine the relative value of the stones. The stone hammer and the scratching of one stone with the other are all that are necesssary. And it may also be generally stated that the rocks having a fine texture are more likely to be tough than those having coarse crystals. When there is not an excess of motor vehicles in the locality, a smooth-surfaced road will be more often secured if ledge rock is used, rather than field boul- ders. The field stones are usually of glacial origin. The fact that they escaped utter demolition in the cataclysmic grindings of the MODERN ROAD BUILDING 183 glacial period indicates that they were of the toughest and hardest parts of the rocks from which they were separated. But, while they may be harder and tougher than the ledge rock in the locality, because of lack of uniformity in these characteristics, comparing boulder with boulder, the road surface in which they are placed is likely to wear less smoothly than if ledge rock is used. Under very light traffic, or when motor vehicles predominate, the writer believes that a relatively soft rock will often prove to be more economical than a relatively hard one ; also that under such conditions, when a good gravel is obtainable, its use will usually prove to be more economical than if the road is built after the mac- adam type. Much has been said and written about the cementing power of the fine dust or powder which results from the crushing of 'stone by machinery. The writer believes that certain stones, notably the limestones, undoubtedly produce screenings of value in this re- spect. But, while most of the other stones make a dust almost wholly lacking in this property, such screenings, when properly applied, serve well as a binder. It would seem that the action is more mechanical than chemical. The fact that sand, if the particles are angular and not rounded, is often used satisfactorily as a binder, would seem to prove this hypothesis. Of the most common stones used for macadam work, it has come to be generally accepted that trap rock (diabases, diorites, and some other rocks of an igneous metamorphosis) is the best. In the order of merit there follow the felsites, hornblendic granites, the harder limestones, schists, and quartzites. It is not safe, however, with- out investigation and tests, to say, for instance, that a granite is always better than a limestone, since some of the noncrystalline limestones are often found to be far superior to the large crystalled granites. This may also be found to be true when other rocks of the foregoing list are compared with one another. Undoubtedly the best laboratory tests of rocks for road building are those made by the Public Road Office at Washington, D. C., of which Mr. Logan Waller Page is director. That department undertakes to make tests and analyses of stones without charge. It has done much excellent work, and tests and reports on tests are made with admirable promptness. The nature of the tests as made by the Public Roads Office will not be dis- cussed here. They include everything hereinbefore referred to con- cerning tests of rocks and much more, and they have been com- pletely described in the bulletins of that department. 1 Bituminous Materials. The writer pauses before entering upon the discussion of the tests of bituminous materials which may be used in road wprk. While there is no doubt that this material is the most interesting i See U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Chemistry, Bulletins 7, 9, and 85. 184 MODERN ROAD BUILDING that has so far entered into the construction of road surfaces, it is so new that no standards have been fixed. The necessity for the use of such materials on our rural roads is wholly due to the rapid change in traffic conditions from horse- drawn to self-propelled vehicles. Nor is it known precisely why motor vehicles require so different a kind of road surface. Much has been said and written, and the writer of this paper acknowl- edges his own errors in that particular, about the suction caused by the tires of such vehicles. While suction may play some part in the erosin of road surfaces, it is coming to be recognized that the principal source of difficulty lies in the distintegrating action of the rear wheels of motor vehicles. The tractive power, being applied through the rear wheels, results in a tangential stress upon the surface, instead of a pressure normal to the surface, as in the case of the horse-drawn vehicle. Until comparatively recently it has not been necessary to pro- vide against any such tangential stress ; but no macadam road which will receive much motor vehicle traffic should now be planned without taking it into consideration. Thus far bituminous materials only seem to offer a remedy for the difficulty at a cost which is reasonable, and the coal tars, asphal- tic oils, and asphalts are the materials to which road builders have turned their attention in their search for a binder for the broken stone. The writer is aware that the title of this paper mentions partic- ularly simply tests. There is no such thing as a simple test of bi- tuminous material. There is no branch of chemistry which gives the chemist more trouble than the analyzing of materials containing bitumens. It is true that the coal tars have been used for many years, here and abroad, for sidewalk purposes, and to some extent in roadways, and that some of the men who have handled the materials have become more or less expert in its use. Indeed, some of these men claim to be able to judge of the quality of a tar when heated by watching it drip off the end of a stick or by chewing it. But these tests are rather too crude for the engineer, and the expert chewer cannot describe his sensations accurately enough for insertion in specifications. The results secured in the use of tar also indicate that these empiric methods are too crude, since, while some of the work done has been excellent, other tar constructions have disin- tegrated rapidly. All this leads the writer to the belief that the chemist must, in a large measure, work out this new problem for the road builder. The coal tars have been used sufficiently in the past in road build- ing to indicate that to be of substantial benefit they must be par- tially refined and possibly combined with other materials. Unless they are treated so that all the water, the naphthas, some of the light oils, and the ammoniacal liquors are removed, they will prove of little value. But just what the permissible specific gravity and MODERN ROAD BUILDING 185 percentage of free carbon, and what the viscosity and other charac- teristics should be, are questions of greater difficulty. The chemists, acting with the engineers, are working diligently on these questions, and it is hoped that by their combined efforts the essential characteristics will be standardized. The asphaltic oils likewise promise to be useful as binders for macadam and gravel roads ; but even less is known of them than of the tars. It seems to be reasonably safe to say that they should be free from water, and that no oil which has a base of paraffin should be used. The value of the oil should depend on the amount of bitumen contained in it. Oils having a relatively low percentage of bitumen are useful for surface application to alleviate the dust nuisance ; but for use as a binder in gravel or macadam work it now seems that those oils which have the greatest percentage of bitumen will prove most economical. It is an open question whether the best asphaltic oil is such as is made up synthetically by thinning down asphalts with lighter oils or fluxing oils, or whether the best oil is secured by stopping the refining process at just the right point and before the refining is carried to the hard asphalt stage. It would appear that the first process should give a product more uniform than the latter, but which process is the better is not yet determined. The asphalts which are being experimented with as binders are mostly of those made from asphaltic oils. No one knows whether they will prove more economical for use than the so-called natural asphalts, such as the Trinidad or the Bermudez. Lacking the test of time, the oil asphalts appear to be cheaper. The following specifications will give some idea of the complex- ity of the artificial binders here under discussion. They are such as have been prepared for the Massachusetts Highway Commis- sion by Mr. H. W. Clark, Chief Chemist of the Massachusetts State Board of Health, and represent the results of a considerable study of the materials in the laboratory and in the roads. It is not claimed that they are in perfect form ; but the Commission is using materials conforming to them this year in its treatment of many miles of road. The specifications are intended to represent what have been so far offered as the best materials for bituminous road binders. Refined Tar. Section lOa. The tar must be uniform in color, character, appear- ance, and viscosity, and must have the following qualities : a. It shall contain not more than 0.5 per cent, of mineral matter or dirt. b. It shall have a specific gravity between 1.18 and 1.25. c. It shall not contain more than 14 per cent, by weight of free carbon. d. It shall contain no body that distills at a lower temperature than 225 C. ; not over 10 per cent, by weight shall distill below 270 C. ; and it shall contain at least 65 per cent, by weight of pitch 186 MODERN ROAD BUILDING and bituminous material remaining after all bodies up to 360 C. have been distilled. e. When 20 grams are heated in a flat-bottom dish 3 inches in diameter for twenty-one hours in an oven kept at a temperature of 100 C., the loss shall be not more than 10 per cent, by weight. 'f. It shall be of such viscosity that 60 c.c. measured at room tem- perature (78 F. or 26 C.) shall, when at 100 C., be not less than 85 seconds and not more than 240 seconds in passing through a vis- cosimeter orifice 5 / 64 of an inch in diameter when acting under a head of 4*4 inches. g. When 12% per cent, by weight of the material is mixed with 87% per cent, by weight of sand, of such a grade that all will pass through a sieve having 10 meshes to the linear inch and practically none through a sieve having 100 meshes to the linear inch, and briquettes made 3 inches square and % ich thick, such briquettes will so harden in seven days at ordinary room temperature that when laid flat and held by their edges by two parallel knife-edge bars, they shall not bend when a weight is suspended from a third knife-edge or parallel bar placed across their center until this weight reaches 200 grams, and shall not break at less than 250 grams, and the weight causing bending shall not be greater than 80 per cent, of the weight causing breaking. Asphaltic Oil. Section lOb. The oil submitted shall be of a uniform color, ap- pearance, general character, and viscosity., must contain no bodies not naturally present in an asphaltic oil, arid must fulfill the follow- ing requirements : 1. It shall not contain more than 0.5 per cent, of dirt or adventi- tious mineral matter. 2. It shall have a specific gravity of at least 0.97. 3. It shall not contain more than 1 per cent, of matter insoluble in carbon bisulphide, and should not contain more than 10 per cent, insoluble in petroleum ether. 4. It shall contain no body that distills at a lower temperature than 250 C., and shall not lose more than 55 per cent, by weight by distillation to 360 C. 5. It shall be of such viscosity that 60 c.c. measured at room tem- perature (78 F. or 26 C.) shall, when at 100 C., be not less than 5 minutes nor more than 10 minutes in passing through a visco- simeter orifice 5 / 64 of an inch in diameter when acting under a head of 4^4 inches. '6. When 20 grams are heated in a flat-bottom dish 3 inches in diameter for twenty-one hours in an oven kept at a temperature of 100 C., it shall not lose more than 5 per cent, by weight. 7. When 12% P er cent, by weight of material is mixed with 87% per cent, by weight of sand, and briquettes made 3 inches square and one-half inch thick, these briquettes must keep their shape and show some binding together. MODERN ROAD BUILDING 187 Oil Asphalt. Section lOc. 1. The asphalt submitted shall be of uniform color, appearance, and character, and shall contain no body not naturally present in an oil asphalt. 2. It shall not contain more than 1 per cent, of dirt or adventi- tious mineral matter. 3. It shall have a specific gravity between 1.00 and 1.10. 4. It shall not contain more than 1 per cent, of matter insoluble in carbon bisulphide, and should not contain more than 30 per cent, insoluble in petroleum ether. 5. It shall contain no body that would distill at a lower tempera- ture than 225 C., and should not lose more than 40 per cent, by weight by distilling to 360 C. 6. When 20 grams are heated in a flat-bottom dish 3 inches jn diameter for twenty-one hours in an oven kept at a temperature of 100 C., the weight shall remain practically constant. Conclusion. The writer is aware that he has failed to include in this paper many tests, simple or otherwise, of a great variety of materials which enter into the construction of a modern road. No mention has been made of tests of cement, steel, clay pipes, paint, etc. To have included them would have made this paper unduly long, and would, perhaps, have taken it beyond the scope intended by the committee of the Congress which assigned the subject to the writer. The simplest and best test of road materials is their behavior under actual usage during a term of years. All accelerated tests may lead the investigator into error, but often it is not possible to wait for time to show results. Such is the case with the use of a bituminous binder, which, as has already been stated, is the most interesting subject which the world's road builders have before them at the present time. Of the three mentioned in this paper, the tars are best known. Some excellent results have been secured by their use, and many failures have occurred. There is no doubt that a specification for the best tar composition will soon be available. As for the asphal- tic oils and the oil asphalts, not so much can be said at the present time. They have not fully demonstrated their usefulness in the Eastern States, at least, and they must be watched for a term of years. They give great promise, however. It must not be forgotten that it may cost less to resurface a road with an inferior material, often applied, than to use the new mate- rials now entering into rural road construction. The cost per unit per annum is the ultimate test of the usefulness of any material. 188 MODERN ROAD BUILDING SENSIBLE UTILIZATION OF CONVICT LABOR. BY HORATIO S. EARLE, PRESIDENT, NATIONAL CONVICT LABOR GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION, DETROIT, MICHIGAN. We are our brother's keeper, intensely, when we have him incar- cerated. We are in many cases as guilty as the convict of a crime, for the burden of properly bringing up the young rests upon the adults, and if for our neglect he is a convict, then remember that it is our fault, and let our dealings with him show our knowledge of it, and do all we can to ameliorate our crime. Then the paramount matter is, what can we do for the convict? 'We can give him education, that will uplift him, so he can see his former self as others did see him. We can give him good food, good clothes, good home, and give him good hard work, all of which will help to make a stronger man out of him, physically, morally, and, we will hope, spiritually. Education, food, clothes, home for him are easy things to do ; but what kind of work we shall give him is quite another thing. But work he must have, or become worse than when he received his sentence. Shall we take away from honest men and women nice, easy work to do, and give it to him ? Shall we give him work manufacturing merchantable goods, so as to place these cheaply made goods in competition with those made by men paid a living wage? We have already committed one crime, the crime of not properly bringing up the man ; and he it is that we have incarcerated for his and our crime. He has to suffer for both. Shall we commit another crime, and ask others to suffer for. our criminality? It is nothing less than a crime for states and the United States to sell the labor of convicts at a less price per human-ability kilo- watt than is paid in a family-supporting living wage. Shall we, for the sake of furnishing loyal political party workers jobs in nice clean factories, whose talents in many instances do not furnish them with an ability to sucessfully run a blacksmith shop, allow state slave labor to compete with honest men, and allow the taxpayers to be taxed for capital to run unsuccessfully a state fac- tory to compete with private capital, and so put a burden upon the shoulders of both? One crime we are already guilty of, shirking our duty to the young; and to that we are going to add two more, harming labor by unjust competition, and capital by tax capital squandered. Work these men must have, lots of it, and good hard work. What shall we give them to do that will not do injury to honest labor or private capital? MODERN ROAD BUILDING 180 The almost insurmountable, yet very desirable, thing- that is needed to be done in each state in the Union ; and let the United States do the same. What do I mean? I mean, let Michigan build a concrete arch bridge two hundred feet above water level across the Straits of Mackinaw, even though it takes fifty years for the state to do it, and use convict labor in doing it. This by private capital is insurmountable, but with state convict labor possible. After such a bridge was completed, a toll could be collected from all railroad companies using it, and it would furnish funds to sup- port the penal institutions of the state to the benefit of our posterity, that we should be as much or more interested in as we are in our- selves. I am not acquainted with the desirable, yet insurmountable, things in the state of Washington. It may be that you need an enormous bridge, or perhaps a tunnel, through Mt. Rainier. Use your convicts for that purpose. Then, and then only, will you or any other state be employing sensible ways of using convicts, which will benefit them, harm neither labor or capital, and be a great, lasting benefit to state, nation, and world. 190 MODERN ROAD BUILDING TELFORD ROADS. BY WALTER WILSON CROSBY, CHIEF ENGINEER, MARYLAND GEO- LOGICAL SURVEY, HIGHWAY DIVISION. The history of road making extends over a period of 2,500 years. The Romans learned the art of making paved roads from the Car- thaginians, and the Roman roads have always been regarded as models from which to copy and plan for present-day work. The Incas in Peru built extensive roads, according to Humboldt "not inferior to the most imposing Roman roadways." The early French roads were constructed on the Roman method until about the beginning of the eighteenth century; but after about 1764 the methods were considerably modified by M. Tresaguet, and later, after McAdam had achieved so much success in the British Isles, still further modifications were adopted in 1820. Perhaps one of the most striking features of the older methods was the attention given to and the expense incurred in providing the most solid foundations. These were frequently three feet in thickness, composed of several layers of large stone. The early French methods simply reduced the thickness to about one-half that of the Roman foundations, and later Tresaguet reduced the foundation to one layer of large stone, eight to twelve inches high, set on edge a forerunner of what is now called "Telford." In August, 1757, Thomas Telford was born in the district of Esk- dale, county of Dumfries, Scotland. Learning the trade of a mason, he studied architecture in Edinburgh and London, and, being a man of great ability, soon established himself as a leading engineer. Primarily Telford was a bridge builder; but he carried out many other engineering works, particularly that of laying out and con- structing new roads. He was extremely successful in building nearly one thousand miles of roads in Scotland by contract. He let 120 contracts for this work, extending over a period of 18 years, and the work was done with an economy before unheard of, and which resulted in extending his fame widely, and to his being called as consulting engineer on various engineering projects in Europe. One year previous to the birth of Telford, was born another fam- ous road maker, John London McAdam, at Ayr, Scotland. McAdam spent his youth in the United States of America, returning to Scot- land in 1793. The rest of his active life was passed in road work in Ayrshire, Falmouth, Bristol, Perthshire, etc. His success was such that he is generally considered a pioneer of good road con- struction and administration, and entitled to the reputation of a public benefactor. It will be noted that Telford and McAdam were contemporaries. The reputation of each will long survive their work, and justly so. I MODERN ROAD BUILDING 191 In many ways they worked along identical lines. To-day we sepa- rate or identify them by one difference in particular ; that is, in the matter of the foundations preferred by each. McAdam preferred to consolidate the natural soil by drainage, by reinforcing it with gravel, or by similar means, and then to place the surfacing coat of broken stone directly on the prepared sub- grade, increasing the thickness of this layer of stone as might be necessary over weaker subgrades. Telford preferred to follow the older method, and provide between the natural soil and the surfac- ing coat a pavement of larger stone for the support of the surface. Since the passing away of the man whose name is now attached to it, this subpavement has been repeatedly tried by nearly every community proceeding with the work of road improvement, in the early stages of its work, and abandoned in nearly all of them. Undoubtedly such a foundation accomplishes its aim to provide sufficient solidity for the surface. But, expedient as it may have been under the peculiar conditions of its use by Telford, it is ques- tionable if its use did not at the same time produce other conditions which ultimately might furnish arguments against it. It is, of course, probable that conditions where Telford worked were such that his well-known aim of economy was met with the use of the pavement foundation. Conditions have, however, so changed since his time that it is perhaps doubtful if Telford himself would now repeat its use, at least to its former extent, in the same localities, and it is most probable that, under the changed conditions now existing here with us, he would abandon, to a large extent, at least, if not wholly, its general use. When the older road builders were securing their results, labor was cheap, material plentiful, and in many cases expenses of com- paratively little moment. Coarse stone for the foundations were less hard to secure than the broken stone for surfacing. The latter were slowly broken by hand. Steam rollers were unknown. Rec- ords of first cost were not clear in many cases, and no records of maintenance cost, for comparison with a census of the traffic over the finished work, were available for pointing out what was eco- nomical construction and what was not. Further, it is doubtful* if a fair comparison of results of the methods in use by the Romans, and followed by Telford, can be made with similar work elsewhere, because of a lack of knowledge of, or lack of record of, the variance in the local conditions of cli- mate and use. We do know, however, that Telford was tried in France, and abandoned for Macadam. In this country, with its diversified conditions, both Telford and Macadam have been used under all sorts of circumstances, and the consensus of opinion seems to be against the use of Telford, except under most extraordinary circumstances. Nowadays, with the rise in valuation of even rough stone, with the increased cost of labor, with the advent of the steam roller and the modern stone-crushing machinery, with the changed conditions of vehicular traffic, and especially, in many parts of this country, 192 MODERN ROAD BUILDING with the existing variety of climatic conditions, such, for instance, as long-continued rainy weather, long periods of drought, deep freezing, or alternate freezing and thawing, the best practice seems to unite in the abandonment of Telford foundations. Numerous trials of it have been made in different localities, and even to-day one occasionally hears of some state, just starting in on modern road work, which adopts in the early days of the work the Telford road as its standard. Later, it will generally be found that the inelasticity of this adoption has resulted in a reversal of policy. In the effort of the inexperienced to improve on previous results, by building apparently more substantially, is lost sight of the fact that rigidity and high first cost may not always be most advanta- geous, and the fact that frequently permanence may require to be sacrified to some extent for the sake of economy, or of comfort and convenience. A Telford base will certainly give rigidity and resistance to ver- tical displacement under occasional heavy loads. It is open to the objection, however, of being frequently too rigid and unyielding for the economical maintenance of the surfacing on top of it. Such a base acts as an anvil, upon which the pieces of stone in the sur- facing may be more easily reduced to a powder by the hammering effect of the heavily loaded wagon tires. Where frost penetrates the ground to the depth of a foot or more, it has been proved by general experience that the large stone composing the base will work up into and destroy the surfacing, as well as thus losing their own lateral support under such frost action, and consequently much of their power to support loads. When the base becomes so displaced, the maintenance of the sur- face is rendered still more difficult and expensive. In many instances, the maintenance of a bond between the bro- ken stone surface coat and the paved base has been found ex- tremely difficult under the peculiar conditions of the local traffic. There are, moreover, a very few occasions, if any, where the nec- essary firmness for the base to the macadam surface cannot be secured by other methods, both freer of objections and less expen- sive, than by the Telford base. There may be instances where Telford would be demanded by conditions ; but in all the experience of the writer he can recall no case where the demands could not have been better met by some other form of construction, and he is familiar with instances where it has been used with unsatisfactory results. It should not be understood from the foregoing that Telford invariably required the pavement now bearing his name under the surfacing. As a matter of fact he did not, and in No. 5 of his fam- ous "General Rules for Repairing Roads" he says: "Where a road has no solid and dry foundation, it must be constructed anew. It must be well drained, and put into a proper form. Upon the 18 center feet of stones must be put '(set by hand)' forming a layer of 7 inches deep. Soft stones will answer, or cinders, particularly where sand is preva- lent Where a road has some foundation, but an imperfect one, or it is hollow in the middle, all the large stones appearing on the surface of it must 'be raised MODERN ROAD BUILDING 193 and broken; the 18 center feet of it must then be covered with a coating of broken stone, sufficient to give it a proper shape, and to form a bed of solid materials of at least 13 inches in depth. "Where a road already has a good foundation, and also a good shape, no materials should be* laid upon it, but in their layers, for the purpose of filling ruts and hollow places as soon as they appear. Stones broken small, as above described, being angular, will fasten together. In this way a road, when once well made, may be preserved in constant repair at a small expense." However, the generally accepted distinction between the work of McAdam and Telford is the absence or presence of the paved base, and such roads as have this base are invariably called "Tel- ford Roads," and the base itself is referred to as "Telford," just as the broken stone surface is called "Macadam." While Telford, the engineer, is now perhaps best known by the pavement he advocated, under some circumstances, as a base for the broken stone surface, his fame as an engineer will remain long after the use of the pavement for that purpose shall have been everywhere abandoned, and the sound common sense of the man Telford, as well as that of his contemporary, McAdam, will always be honored by English road makers as is that of Tresaguet by the French. 194 MODERN ROAD BUILDING THE COST OF ROAD BUILDING AND METHODS OF REDUCING THE COST. BY HALBERT P. GILLETTE, MANAGING EDITOR OF ENGINEERING- CONTRACTING, NEW YORK. There are approximately ten miles of wagon roads in America to each mile of railway. No one knows exactly what it would cost to build the average single-track railway, and there is very little else but single-track at present; but I should put the cost at not far from $35,000 per mile, exclusive of right of way and station grounds, but including buildings and equipment. What will a good macadam road cost per mile? Obviously no very definite answer can be given to such a question, without know- ing the local conditions, as well as the design of the road ; but I should say that a fair average cost is not far from $7,000 for a double-track macadam highway. By "double-track" I mean a mac- adamized roadway 16 feet wide, so that two vehicles can readily pass at any place. The ratio of cost of a single-track railway (with all its appurte- nances) to the cost of a double-track macadam road is, therefore, about 5 to 1. But, in my opinion, there is no more necessity of building double-track wagon roads throughout the country than there is of building double-track railways. If, therefore, a single- track (8 feet wide) macadam road could be built for $3,500 a mile, and it can be, the ratio of cost of a single-track railway to a single- track road would be 10 to 1. Consequently, since the mileage ratio of railways to roads is exactly reversed, it would cost no more to pave every road in America than it has already cost to build all the railways. In fact, it would cost less, for the right of way for wagon roads has rarely to be purchased. It is not my intention to attempt to prove that it would be in the interest of economy to pave every wagon road in America, although I firmly believe that America will not be many years longer in reaching the present condition of England, where one may ride for a month and never see a "dirt road." But, to hasten that desirable time, it is essential that both the civil engineers who design roads and the taxpayers who foot the bills shall cease demanding double-track roads, regardless of the amount of traffic that the road is to carry. What we need in America to-day is length, not width, nor thickness^, of paved wagon roads. I use the word "pavement" to include macadam or any other artificial floor- ing laid upon the earth to distribute the wheel loads over the sub- soil and to keep the subsoil dry. A pavement may be likened to a snowshoe, because the main function of each is to distribute a concentrated load over a soft material beneath, so that the concentrated load will not sink into the soft material. This is the main function of every pavement, and the designing engineer can never produce an economic design MODERN ROAD BUILDING 195 of road without clearly understanding this function. It is obvious that the per mile cost of macadam, or of any similar pavement, depends largely upon the number of cubic yards of pavement per mile. The length of a mile is fixed ; but the other two dimensions of a pavement are not fixed. The width depends upon the amount of traffic to be carried, or at least it should. The thickness depends upon the softness of the subgrade and upon the skill of the design- ing engineer. As I have said, it ought to be evident to any one that, if the traffic of the country does not warrant double-track railways, it certainly does not warrant double-track wagon roads, as the stand- ard of general use. However, it is hard for an engineer, and still harder for a farmer, to think of building a paved roadway on which two vehicles cannot pass wherever they happen to meet. We know that there are innumerable unpaved mountain roads, and many dirt roads elsewhere than in the mountains, where there is but one trackway; turnouts being provided at short intervals. We also know that there are many macadam roads paved only six to eight feet wide, and giving excellent satisfaction. Still the mania for building double-track wagon roads persists, regardless of all eco- nomic reason. My conception of a standard road is one having a paved track- way 8 feet wide, with turnouts 50 feet long every 400 feet, the paved width being 16 feet at the turnouts. This is equivalent to adding one foot of width to the entire length of the road, so far as cost is concerned. Of course, the entire road should be properly graded and crowned for a width of at least 20 or 24 feet between gutters or ditches ; but the paved portion should be only a narrow strip, 8 feet wide, at the center, unless the traffic is dense enough to keep vehicles waiting a very considerable percentage of their time at the turnouts. Such a design may not appeal at first to automobilists ; but we must remember that country wagon roads should be designed pri- marily for business use, and secondarily for pleasure. Moreover, it is possible so to treat the earth shoulders or sides of a paved road as to make them excellent roadways for pneumatic tired vehicles, particularly where the vehicle does not fun constantly on the earth shoulder. Of this I shall speak later: We come next to a consideration of methods of reducing the thickness of the pavement. The old Roman roads were built of layers of stone often 36 inches thick. This was magnificently Roman, but it was poor engineering. Still there are many people who cannot free themselves from the impression that any structure that has endured many years must have been well designed. There is a popular fondness for whatever is massive. American engi- neers, however, have but one criterion as to excellence of design, and, briefly stated, it is this: That structure is best designed which performs its function with the minimum of cost for interest on first cost plus the annual expense of maintenance. M.R.B. 14 196 MODERN ROAD BUILDING When this criterion is applied, it is evident that even a macadam more than 6 inches thick is usually an uneconomic construction. I intend to show, briefly, that 6 inches of thickness is considerably more than need ordinarily be given to a pavement. A pavement is like a snowshoe. The softer the snow, the larger the shoe should be in order to spread the load. The softer the sub- soil, the thicker the pavement must be, for the same reason. It is commonly said that the unit pressure on the subsoil, as transmitted through a pavement, varies inversely as the square of the thickness of the pavement. This is a conservative estimate ; for, several years ago, I made some tests, in collaboration with Mr. Richard T. Dana, that proved that the pressure transmitted through a granular mass varies inversely as the cube of the thickness of the mass. An illustration and description of the pressure gauge that we used in these experiments will be found in "Engineering-Contracting," June 9, 1909. If snow is consolidated even a little, the size of the snowshoe can be greatly reduced. In like manner, if the subsoil is consolidated, the thickness of the pavement can be reduced. The trouble in the past has been in effecting a uniform consolidation of the subsoil to any considerable depth below the surface. The experiments above referred to show why it is that even a 10-ton steam roller is so inefficient in compacting the earth subgrade of a road. If the pressure transmitted through a granular mass decreases inversely as the cube of the thickness, it is evident that at a depth of six inches below the surface the pressure due to the load is less than one two-hundredth, or one-half of 1 per cent, of what it is at a point one inch below the surface, for the cube of 6 is 216. This is probably not the exact ratio for such heavy loads as a steam roller, but the figures serve to indicate in a general way what happens. A few years ago a method of compacting earth was invented by a California road builder, John Fitzgerald, which, in my opinion, is destined to do more toward reducing the cost of roads and streets than any single invention since Blake made the rock crusher another American contribution to the science of road building, by the way. Fitzgerald observed the action of a flock of sheep which passed over a road that he had just plowed up, and he was struck by the wonderful compacting effect of their feet upon the plowed soil. After they had gone by, he found that an ordinary plow would not penetrate the sheep-compacted soil, and he was very angry. He remarked to his partner that, if the sheep had only been consider- ate enough to have waited until he had properly crowned the road, they would have not only saved him the expense of rolling it, but would have done the job infinitely better than he could do it with a roller. "Suddenly," said Fitzgerald, in telling me of the incident, "a thought struck me. I couldn't afford to hire a flock of sheep to do my rolling; but why couldn't I invent a flock of sheep?" And he did. He made a roller with projecting "sheep's feet," as he called MODERN ROAD BUILDING 197 them, or tampers, as they are now called. The tampers project from the drum about eight inches, and sink to the hilt in plowed soil, thus starting their tamping action at the bottom. As the roll- ing tamper is pulled back and forth over the earth, the tampers gradually ride higher and higher, until finally they ride upon the consolidated mass, which is the test of sufficient rolling. If there are any lumps in the plowed earth, a spiked disc harrow is used to pulverize the clods before the rolling tamper is used. Most soils require sprinkling with water to secure the most effec- tive consolidation. It is not unusual for a soil weighing 90 pounds to the cubic foot to be thus tamped until it weighs 120 pounds per cubic foot. An even greater density can be secured by mixing gravel with a loamy soil. As yet, this method of compacting subgrades is scarcely known outside of the state where its inventor lives ; such is the slowness with which all improved methods of construction come into gen- eral use. By compacting the soil uniformly to a depth of about six inches, it is possible to reduce the thickness of the pavement to three inches. This has been done with many asphalt-macadam pave- ments laid in California on a tamped base. The tamping never costs more than l 1 /^ cents per square yard ; but, if the soil is very tough and breaks up in large clods, requiring harrowing, the cost of the plowing, harrowing, and sprinkling is occasionally as high as 2 1 /2 cents per square yard. Let us see what is saved in cost of construction by Fitzgerald's method of tamping subgrades. At the very least, the pavement can be reduced two inches in thickness, until it is four inches thick. If the soil is of a character that compacts well, the pavement need be only three inches thick, which is half the present standard thick- ness for macadam or asphalt-macadam. Macadam rarely costs less than $3.60 per cubic yard, measured rolled in place, at which rate each inch in thickness costs 10 cents per square yard. This makes the cost of a six-inch macadam 60 cents per square yard. I shall not go into the details of the cost of macadam or of other pavements, for I have given them in my books. Assuming, for the present purposes, an average cost of 60 cents per square yard, a six-inch macadam pavement sixteen feet wide costs $5,632. Grading, drains, culverts, engineering, etc., usu- ally bring the total cost up to $7,000 per mile. Now, if we cut the thickness in two, reducing it to three inches, and cut the width in two, reducing it to eight feet, we have a mac- adam pavement one-quarter the present standard cost per mile. Such a macadam road eight feet wide, with turnouts every 400 feet would cost about $1,600 per mile, exclusive of grading, tamp- ing the subgrade, etc. If the entire roadway is plowed and tamped for a width of twenty-seven feet, at the cost of 3 cents per square yard, we have a cost of about $500 per mile. I am well within bounds, therefore, when I say that a macadam road, paved for a single track, can be built in most localities for about $2,100 per mile, 198 MODERN ROAD BUILDING after the grading has been completed. Grading varies widely, but seldom averages more than 3,500 cubic yards per mile, which can be done at a cost ordinarily ranging from 20 cents to 35 cents per cubic yard. If culverts and bridges are already in existence, it is evident that a good single-track macadam road can be built ordinarily for about $3,000 a mile, including grading, provided it is built by contract, and not by day labor. What it will cost by day labor I should not even attempt to guess. Usually the cost is 50 per cent, to 100 per cent, higher than where the work is done by contract. Telford, the famous English road builder, has said that, in the long run, the day-labor method is two to three times as expensive as the contract method of road building. I have spoken thus far of macadam as the standard pavement, but there are many localities where the old-fashioned macadam should no longer be built. I need not dwell upon the destruc- tive effect of rapidly moving pneumatic tires upon macadam, for, thanks to the Office of Public Roads, this phenomenon has been carefully investigated. Some sort of a bituminous binder asphalt, asphaltic oil, or tar seems to be necessary, at least for the top wearing coat, wherever macadam is subject to very much auto- mobile traffic. Nor shall I discuss the latest development of asphaltic oil roads in California, where asphaltic oil is mixed with the soil and tamped into a dense mass that serves excellently under moderate traffic. The latest development of this method of road building consists in covering the tamped base with gravel or broken stone, which is mixed with asphaltic oil and also tamped down, producing a sort of asphalt-macadam at a cost often as low as 30 cents per square yard. It is evident to all who read current engineering literature that we are in an era of development of road making methods such as has never been seen before by any one now living. This does not mean that macadam is to be abandoned entirely. I am satisfied that macadam will remain the most economic type of road pavement in many localities, where stone is cheap, bitumens are dear, and motor car traffic is light. Asphalt or tar macadam, of one sort or another, is likely to become a standard wearing coat where heavy motor car traffic exists ; but this does not mean that this wearing coat will be of any such thickness as has been common with ordinary macadam. Ordinary earth, mixed with asphaltic oil or tar, and tamped solid, will be extensively used, not only as a base for an asphalt or tar macadam wearing coat, but for the shoulders on each side of the asphalt or tar macadam ; and where the traffic is moderate, and the soil suitable, no asphalt macadam wearing coat will be needed, at all. Among other methods of reducing the cost of road work, I would mention particularly the use of clam shell buckets for unloading broken stone from cars into wagons, and the use of wagons drawn MODERN ROAD BUILDING 199 in trains by traction engines. Broken stone can be most econom- ically spread by a small scraper pulled by two horses. After being roughly spread in this manner, potato hooks or rakes should be used to complete the even spreading of the surface. We are accustomed to think of American road making as being only an imitation of English and French road work. It may not be amiss, therefore, to enumerate a few of the American inventions that have served to reduce the cost of road construction to such a degree as to put "good roads" within the reach of every American community, despite the fact that the wages of American road build- ers are from two to three times what they are in England or France. To begin with, we have the rock crusher, invented by Blake. Scarcely of less economic importance in macadam road work is the rock drill, also an American invention, the perfection of which should be credited to several different men. I do not recall the name of the inventor of the wheeled scraper for excavating and transporting earth, nor the "road machine," nor of the "elevating grader" ; but every one of these important earth- moving machines is an American invention. So, too, is the bottom dump wagon, and the small scraper for spreading broken stone. The steam roller is a French invention, but the rolling tamper is American. The use of asphaltic oil for "oiled road" construction is a Cali- fornia invention, dating as far back as the coming of the Spaniards to Lower California; for the paths around many of the old Span- ish missions were treated with crude asphaltic oil. America can, therefor, claim to have been the first to use a bitu- minous binder for roads. There is certainly no lack of knowledge of how to build roads at low co'st in America, nor of how to build them well. With the development of the contract system of road building, and the pass- age of "state aid" laws, has come a wonderful impetus to road building. But the passage of these laws and the abolition of the old day-labor system of road building are due primarily to the campaign of education by the Office of Public Roads of the United States Department of Agriculture, and by the various organiza- tions and engineering publications that have worked in harmony for the betterment of the rural highway. 200 MODERN ROAD BUILDING SURVEYS AND MAPPING. BY GEORGE C. DIEHL, BUFFALO, N. Y. Comprehensive highway laws and liberal appropriations are es- sential to the construction of properly developed systems of main and lateral highways. Long discussion and carefully planned cam- paigns of education are usually necessary before such laws and ap- propriations are obtained. Methods of construction and various engineering questions to a slight extent form part of the prelimi- nary educational work ; but the problem of "Surveys and Mapping" is not presented until laws have been enacted and funds appro- priated to make such enactments effective. In all large accom- plishments the main idea and completed work are of general in- terest; but the details and intermediate steps which produce the re- sult are not always interesting. The expense of surveys and maps is frequently criticised, especially in localities where few roads have been constructed, and where the highest degree of efficiency has not been obtained. It is not intended to present in this brief paper any original ideas, but rather to outline the methods in vogue in states (especially New York State, from whose reports many of the below-mention- ed statements have been taken) where much road work has been done, and to indicate the advantages and economy of accurate sur- veys, careful estimates, and comprehensive study of the diverse conditions which confront the road builder. It is believed that the various problems can be best solved by careful, slow, painstaking consideration, rather than by quick decision, without surveys or exact facts, during the progress of the work. In surveying and mapping, as in all enterprises, the most satis- factory results can be obtained by thorough organization, fixed re- sponsibility, and systematized work. The minor problems must be solved by the subordinate officers, and the more important questions should be determined by the higher paid and better equipped officials. For instance, an assistant engineer is best employed making decisions on minor matters, rather than in con- jecturing his probable course if he were the chief engineer. It is more important that the chief engineer's time should not be wasted on lesser details than that the assistant engineer should occasion- ally iail on a problem too difficult. Fixed responsibility quickly indicates ability, and permits the highest state of efficiency in or- ganization. The engineer's force will, in addition to surveying and mapping, have charge of construction. The smallest unit should be the field party, and should usually consist of about six men, including an assistant engineer in charge, a transit man, a leveler, a rod man, and two chain or ax men. Several field parties should be in charge of a resident engineer, with an office suitably located to keep transportation charges at MODERN ROAD BUILDING 201 the minimum. The resident engineer should be assisted by a chief clerk, a stenographer, and a force of draftsmen proportionate to the number of field parties and the work performed by them. If the work is of considerable magnitude and covering the area of an entire commonwealth, three or four residencies should form part of a division under control of a division engineer, with suitable clerical and drafting force, dependent on the nature and amount of work in progress, and with offices conveniently located in the larger centers of population. The state should be divided into several divisions, and under the control of the chief highway engineer or commissioner, with offices at the state capital. The chief engineer should have a test- ing laboratory, deputies, clerks, draftsmen, and stenographers, to keep in close touch and perfect familiarity with the entire work, in order that he may render careful, yet quick, decisions on all vital matters, and may outline wise and economical policies. The chief highway engineer shall, before any surveys are under- taken, issue certain general rules and regulations, which must be rigidly adhered to, in order that the work may be standardized, and no time wasted, in the more important offices, in deciphering note books, etc. Field notes shall be kept in uniform sized books according to a standard system, and shall be furnished from the chief engineer's office, and on the completion of work on any road the books shall be immediately filed in the division engineer's office. Separate books shall be used for each road, and there should be indicated in each book the name, location, and length of the road, the names and duties of the field party engaged in making the survey, and an explanatory table of all abbreviations used. All ab- breviations must be in accordance with standard forms issued by the chief engineer, in order that field books may be equally in- telligible and easily read in any office in the state. Bench marks, azimuths, culverts, and the character of the soil shall be recorded in tabular form, in addition to the regular notes. At the beginning of each day's notes the names of the field party, their duties, and the date and condition of weather should be recorded. Each field party should be equipped with a small camera, and photographs taken of any bridge, culvert, or special work which will require ex- tra study, consideration, and decision by the chief officials. The films should be listed, and pasted in note books near the corre- sponding transit notes. All surveys should be based on transit lines, which should be in or parallel with the center line of the highway. Some time can be profitably expended in locating stone markers or iron pipe which mark the center of highways, as these permanent marks are fre- quently destroyed during road construction, to the great incon- venience of property owners. All landmarks should be renewed or maintained. The azimuth of each line should be taken, and each transit point or angle should be marked with an iron pin and ref- erenced to permanent objects by at least three measurements. Walls., fences, or other structures, which indicate the boundaries of the road or abutting property, should be located, as well as 202 MODERN ROAD BUILDING buildings within 100 feet of the road, or any permanent structures which may be affected by the proposed improvements, such as changed grades, new ditches, drains, etc. The magnetic bearing and location of each transit course, prop- erty line, and intersecting highway boundary line shall be meas- ured. All private houses, barns, or field drives which lead from the highway should be located, and a tabulated list made, show- ing their character. Existing paved ditches, curbing, catch-basins, railroad tracks, lines of telegraph and telephone poles, and shade trees should be located, and names of companies owning tracks or poles should be noted. All bridges should be located, and sketches made, showing details of abutments, superstructures, etc. Complete notes, showing actual conditions of such structures, bridges, and abutments, should be compiled. All culverts should be located, and sketches made, showing details, and every one should be designated as "necessary," "good," or "bad," which will indicate whether or not the culvert shall remain or be replaced. The assistant engineer must decide this question by examination at the time of survey, and must also ascertain if waterways or cul- verts are of sufficient size, as indicated by observation of previous high-water marks, or inquiry of nearby residents. Where new waterways are to be constructed, the assistant engineer should as- certain the area of watershed, and such other information of slope, surface, etc., necessary to compute the size of opening required. A tabular statement should be recorded, showing the nature of the soil, and the chief town highway official should be required to locate during the previous spring all sink, holes, quicksand pockets, and unstable portions of the road, and mark the same by driving wooden stakes at the sides of the road or by other suitable methods. The assistant engineer must furnish detailed report of each portion of the road so indicated, with his recommendations for proper treatment. Surveys are usually made in dry weather; when soft spots are not easily detected. All quarries, or ledges of rock suitable for road materials and masonry should be located. Samples of the same shall be for- warded to the testing laboratory of the chief engineer, and the amount of rock estimated. The quality and quantity of field stone and gravel occurring on the road shall be likewise determined. All stone should be carefully tested in the laboratory, to ascertain its hardness, tenacity, toughness, absorption, and abrasive resistance. All exposed ledges should be examined to determine the effect of long-continued weathering. Data regarding the various transportation facilities for carrying material, location of nearest switch, name of railroad, freight rate, etc., should be obtained. The most advantageous locations for stone crushers should be determined, and the ordinary wages of laborers and teams. It might appear that much of this information should be obtained by the contractor to whom the work is let ; but experience has demonstrated that, the more detailed the estimates of the engineer, the closer the contractors will bid on the work. MODERN ROAD BUILDING 203 Numerous instances can be cited where the cost of roads have ab- normally increased by the failure to locate suitable unworked quar- ries convenient to the road. The leveler and rod man should run accurate levels, establish and keep accurate record of a series of permanent bench marks, giving elevation at suitable points, above tide water or other gen- eral accepted datum plane. At each 100-foot station, at each change of grade, and at cross- roads, elevations should be taken to the nearest V 10 foot on the base line, and such other points at either side as may be needed to plot an accurate profile and cross-sections of the road. Usually levels need not be taken outside the boundaries of the highway, un- less a considerable cut or embankment is to be made, or the high- way to be widened. Cross-sections shall be taken where there are marked changes along the beaten path. Elevations should be tak- en at front corners of all buildings which are apt to be affected by the proposed improvements. Cross-sections should 'be taken near each culvert, to permit accurate computations of culvert excavation. Profiles and locations of streams adjoining or crossing the high- way should be obtained, if there is any possibility of changing the existing drainage system. To avoid confusion, a regular routine should be followed in mak- ing all locations and taking levels. The rod man and chain man must keep separate notes of all readings on bench marks and all measurements to transit points. Frequently existing highways have been laid out along old farm or lot lines, without reference to suitable grades or stable founda- tions. Often 15 per cent, or 20 per cent, grades or poor founda- tions are encountered, which could have been avoided by making a slight detour. Such new locations can be adopted in many cases at a less cost and with more satisfactory results than attempting excessive cuts or fills on existing roads, with the heavy conse- quential damage to abutting owners and additional road metal and drainage in soft spots. Whenever a grade is over 5 per cent., and the assistant engineer believes a new location is desirable, he should report the same to the resident engineer, who should per- sonally take charge of all surveys. If there are several available lines, a survey should be made of each, by running transit lines and taking cross-sections extending not less than 100 feet each side of the transit line. Profiles should be plotted and contour maps made, and a most careful study made* including rough estimates of cost. The character of soils should be ascertained by borings where cuttings are to be made. Swamps, woodlands, pastures, cul- tivated lands, vineyards, etc., should be located, to ascertain the comparative cost of acquiring the new right of way. Nearly every problem which enters into railroad construction is encountered in locating new right of ways for highways, and instances are frequent where thousands of dollars might have been saved by slight changes in alignment, or grade, which should easily have been foreseen and provided for by proper study. 204 MODERN ROAD BUILDING The final location must be determined by the division engineer, and in difficult cases by the chief engineer, and should take into consideration convenience to the traveling public, length of route, the total amount of rise and fall, subsoil conditions, total cost, the number of culverts and bridges, natural defects to be overcome, and tractive resistance, which depends on a combination of length and grade. Lessening of maximum grades means continual sav- ing in the transportation charges to every user of the highway. Surveys for acquiring a new right of way, either for widening or making new locations, should be made by a party especially de- tailed for that purpose. Transit lines should be made, carefully run around each parcel, and the length and bearing of all sides de- termined. Stone markers or iron plugs should be set to define the lines of property taken, deeds of records of property transfers and road records should be examined, and the entire survey connected with the original road survey. Maps should be prepared in the offices of the resident engineer (which is accessible to highway) in case additional measurements are required. Plans shall first be drawn on continuous detail paper about 24 inches wide and to a scale of 50 feet to one inch. The transit lines should be drawn, checked, and inked before details are plotted. All details, owners' names, railroads, notes relating to quarries, grade, water, etc., should be neatly placed on map in pencil. Pro- files should be drawn on standard continuous profile paper, to a horizontal scale of 50 feet to one inch and a vertical scale of 10 feet to one inch. All profiles should be checked and inked before plotting grade line, which should be determined by the resident engineer and drawn in pencil. Culverts, bridges, crossways, etc., should be indicated on both plans and profiles. Cross-sections should be drawn on standard transparent cross-section paper to a scale of 5 feet to one inch. The surface line station numbers, eleva- tion of center, abbreviations for fences, trees, etc., should be inked. The proposed grade lines should be adopted after careful consid- eration by the resident engineer. The amount of excavations should be sufficient, as far as practicable, to make the necessary embankments and shoulders. The old road surface, frequently the result of graveling for many years, should be preserved and used for a foundation as far as practicable. The maximum grade should not be greater than 5 per cent., nor less than % per cent., unless authorized by the chief engineer. The value of road depends large- ly on a properly determined grade. Excessive grade limits the speed, weight of load, and renders drainage problems more diffi- cult. The grade as far as it is practicable should be adjusted not to interfere with existing houses, shade trees, driveways, sidewalks, etc. Changes on grades of over 2 per cent, should be eased with vertical curves, and heavier grades should be in the direction of lightest travel. The proposed alignment of the road should follow the center line defined by the road record, except where sharp turns can be MODERN ROAD BUILDING 205 avoided, which are particularly dangerous on roads much used by motor vehicles. The proposed finished cross-section should be determined by the chief engineer. Generally the roadway on main highways should be about 30 feet in width, with 16 feet width of road metal- ing. The crown on the road metal should be about % mcn to the foot or 4 inches for a 16-foot width of metaling. The earth wings should slope about % inch to the foot, and the slope to the ditch should not be steeper than 3 inches to the foot. The entire cross-section should be so proportioned that the traffic should be spread, and not follow a single track ; also that any vehicle could be driven into the ditch without danger of overturning. Before determining the character of road metal, a traffic census of the road should be taken by the assistant engineer. The num- ber of horse and motor vehicles should be counted, and their weight estimated, at the hours of heaviest travel. The kind, thick- ness, and width of road metal should be based on the present and estimated future tonnage per foot width of road, the number and speed of motor vehicles, and the general soil and drainage condi- tions. The surface should be dry, solid, elastic, dustless, of easy grade, and smooth. After the proposed alignment, grade, and cross-section have been plotted in pencil on the plans, they should be submitted to the di- vision engineer for his approval, and he should fix a date when the county and town officials could accompany the resident en- gineer and himself over the road on foot with the plans, and care- fully go over on the ground all the suggested improvements, in order that the sound common sense of the farmers along the roads, the special knowledge of the local officials, and the technical abil- ity of the engineers would be combined in the final and completed plans. Conclusions should be reached regarding the kind and width of road metaling, the location and size of culverts, the changes in grade, alignment, and cross-section, the method of providing stable foundations at sink holes, quicksand pockets, and soft spots, the location of underdrains, and the general scheme of drainage, es- pecially where necessary to construct new waterways to carry wa- ter from the lateral ditches, the locations of concrete ditch cross- ings, guard rails, road signs, and guide posts, and the best methods of construction, in order to cause the least inconvenience to the traveling public. After the results of this inspection and consultation, the lines, grades, and sections as finally determined should be inked, and the drawing traced on uniform size sheets, preferably about 24x36 inches. Celluloid tern plates cut to proper form can be used to draw the proposed cross-sections or plans. The quantities of the various items should then be computed. The excavation and embankment can be quickly and with suffi- cient accuracy determined by the method of end areas, using a planimeter to ascertain such areas. The plans should contain all information concerning quarries, transportation facilities, gravel 206 MODERN ROAD BUILDING and sand banks, and in short every fact that will be of value to any contractor in computing the actual cost of construction. Many contingencies arise during the survey, and it is not in- tended in this short space to attempt to describe them, or to enter into any intricate engineering problems relating to the construc- tion of large span bridges, which are necessary on many roads, nor to discuss the various types of road construction, which will doubtless be more ably treated by the other speakers. The methods outlined relate principally to main roads improved with macadam or hard surface. Maps of town or lateral roads, showing locations of bridges and culverts, are of great value to the local highway officials, who are also much aided in improving earth roads by well-directed surveys defining new alignments and better grades. Highway engineering offers the largest field for individual effort productive of great benefit to the community. At present many engineers do not seek employment in this branch of the public service. Highway positions should be made attractive by insuring permanency in tenure of office, by increasing salaries, and by re- warding successful work with well-earned promotion. The future of the Good Roads movement largely depends upon the ability, ex- perience, and earnestness of the highway engineers. The best results can be obtained by a hearty co-operation be- tween the farmer, the engineer, and the road user, and the recog- nition by each of the common sense, skill and perception of the others. Good laws, liberal appropriations, accurate surveys, care- fully prepared plans, organization, co-operating interests, fair deal- ing, and integrity will produce this country's greatest need GOOD ROADS. MODERN ROAD BUILDING 207 BOULEVARDS. BY SAMUEL C. LANCASTER, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. The boulevard of to-day, with its combined effect of nature and art, exhibiting the character and life of a city, had its origin in the rampart, or fortress, of the walled towns and cities of the Old World. With the city's growth, it became necessary to construct a sec- ond, and in some cases even a third, wall, with its accompanying moat. A new fortification having been completed, the old wall was leveled, and the moat rilled, thus forming a broad space en- circling the city. From this has grown the boulevard of to-day with its beautiful drives, lined with shade trees, flowering shrubs, parks, and promenades. A striking example of the splendid use which has been made of the ground occupied by the old ramparts is found in the city of Brussels (often called "Little Paris," on account of its magnificent system of boulevards and parks). The massive stone towers which fortified the gateways to the ancient city of Cologne, each of a different type of architecture, were preserved when the old wall was demolished, and they have been made to form a most interesting feature of the present parking system. In Paris many of the interior boulevards owe their origin to the bulwarks or fortifications which surrounded the city in the Middle Ages. But since 1852 the name has been applied to num- bers of thoroughfares which have nothing whatever to do with bulwarks. W r hen victory crowned the great Napoleon, ambition for his capital knew no bounds, and he determined to make of Paris the most beautiful city in the world. Under his orders triumphal arches, bridges, quays, and public works of great magnitude were begun. Louis Phillippe resumed with new ardor the completion of Napoleon's modern Paris, but it remained for Napoleon III to complete the transformation on a scale of magnificence hitherto unparalleled. Under the direction of Haussmann, plans were ma- tured and the most beautiful boulevards of the world were con- structed. The inner and the outer boulevards encircling Paris have an average width of 140 feet throughout their 20 miles. In a couple of districts, for a distance of more than 4 miles, there is' a width of 240 feet, while the Champs Elysees from the Place de la Concorde to the Arc de Triomphe has a width of 275 feet. Of the 12 broad avenues which radiate from the triumphal arch, the Champs Elysees and the Bois de Boulogne are perhaps the most frequented. Under the refreshing shade of the trees which line these avenues, men and women sit at little tables eating, drink- ing and watching the life of the way, with its kaleidoscopic move- ment of men and things which animate it from morning till morn- ing comes again. Evening brings electric lights and brilliant il- 208 MODERN ROAD BUILDING lumination, suggesting a city of pleasure, which no one quits without regret. In nearly every European city the water front is permanently improved with solid walls of masonry, defining clearly the limits of the sea or river, to which access is provided for heavy teaming by a lower roadway ; the higher level being reserved for parks and boulevards. It has been shown that much of the beauty found in the Old World cities is the growth of centuries, while in our country it is scarcely more than 50 years since the development of parks and boulevards was undertaken. We have had to begin at the begin- ning, yet in a few years we have accomplished great things. With an awakened public interest and the knowledge that it pays, Amer- ica is now well to the front. It is an established fact that the in- fluence of parks and boulevards increases the value of real estate and tends to lessen the general tax of the city, instead of increas- ing it. There is scarcely a city which is not maturing plans, or actively engaged in constructing parks, with a connecting system of boule- vards, or widening and extending broad avenues from the business and residential centers, so as to form a fitting approach to some great park or public building. As a nation we are just awakening to the full appreciation of the great work done by L,e Enfant in planning our National Capital, and after nearly a hundred years his ashes have been removed to Arlington Cemetery, and a fitting monument will mark his resting place. But his own work is a greater monument than any which we can rear. When the plan of the commission for the improvement of the Mall has been fully executed, our National Capital will indeed be beautiful, and other American cities will be stimulated to greater action. The parkways or boulevards of a city, besides connecting parks and affording easy means of communication, should take advan- tage of beautiful natural surroundings, as has been done in River- side Drive, New York, where the high bank of the North River has been made to form the crowning effort of the city's boulevard sys- tem, surpassing in beauty the famous Thames embankment; or, as in the case of Kansas City, where steep and rocky hillsides, which were before unsightly, have been made to form the prin- cipal feature of interest by the construction of parks and boule- vards which have raised the standard of all building operations until the new section presents a contrast to the old town as marked as if built a thousand years later. Charles Eliot has defined landscape architecture as "being the art of arranging land and landscape for human use, convenience, and enjoyment." In the construction of boulevards it is likewise important to com- bine convenience with beauty. In some sections it would be best for them to take a certain formal character, without rendering them artificial to a marked degree. MODERN ROAD BUILDING 209 "We are coming to feel that scenery belongs to the people, and that it has its value." We should therefore preserve the most attractive natural features for the constant use and enjoyment of the many against the selfishness and greed of a few. To quote Morris: "Meantime, there is one duty obvious to us all: It is that we should set our- selves to guard the natural beauty of the earth. We ought to look upon it as a crime, an injury to our fellows, only excusable because of ignorance, to mar the natural beauty which is the property of all men." Charles Eliot helped the city of Boston to appreciate this great fact, and the Metropolitan Park Board is giving to that city the most perfect system of parks and boulevards which has yet been devised. Chicago is reserving to the people a great portion of the Lake Front, and with a chain of boulevards is connecting the Northwest and the South Side Parking Systems. St. Paul and Minneapolis form a striking example of what has been accomplished in the Middle West; for together these twin cities have created a magnificent system. Their boulevards and public drives, 34 miles in extent, link together a splendid array of lakes, waterfalls, and rivers, among which are beautiful Minne- tonka, the great gorge of the Mississippi River, and the falls of Minnehaha. With the growth and development of boulevards in this and other countries has come a demand for a perfect road surface, one which shall be smooth, clean, and durable. Many different materials have been used, wood block, asphalt, bitulithic, macadam, gravel, etc., according to the boulevard's importance and the traffic to be sustained. Space will not permit further mention of other work of great magnitude in progress in other cities. In closing, attention should be called to the natural beauty of Seattle's situation. Looking to the east, across Lake Washington, we see the great range of Cascade Mountains, the white caps of Mt. Baker and Rainier reaching into the heavens ; to the west, across Puget Sound, the irregular, snow-covered peaks of the Olympics. In the midst of the city are other beautiful lakes of fresh water, and numerous hills afford viewpoints which can not be excelled. Wherever possible, Seattle's Park Board is seeking to control these situations, and is acquiring the steep slopes and deep ravines, clothed with the rich natural growth, for parkway purposes. A comprehensive plan has been adopted, and a system of boulevards 34 miles in extent will soon encircle the city, connecting all the principal parks. 210 MODERN ROAD BUILDING HIGHWAYS AND CIVILIZATION. BY HOWARD H. GROSS, ILLINOIS. The function of the highway in the progress of civilization is fundamental and far-reaching. The more one studies the question, the more he becomes convinced of the truth of the saying of Charles Sumner, Massachusetts' great Senator, who forty years ago gave utterance in a public address to his belief that "the two most potent factors in the advancement of civilization are the schoolmaster and good roads." It has been the observation of travelers throughout the world that, with the single exception of America, the condition of the highways was a fairly good index of the social, moral, and intellec- tual standard of the people of any country. France, Germany, Great Britain, and Italy lead the world in art, literature, and science, and here are to be found roads highly improved and main- tained in the best possible condition. It is sometimes said that the reason the roads are bad in our own country is that we are so new and have such an enormous area that the building of good roads is a well-nigh impossible task. We will see later that it is a problem that may be easily solved, and, instead of putting a burden upon the people to do it, will relieve them of a burden many times greater than that they now bear without realizing it. The reason stated above for bad roads here is not sufficient. Australia has splendid roads and a large area. In New Zealand the roads are good. Both these countries are much young- er than we are. We must seek another reason. In passing, it may be interesting to advert to the fact that the present conditions have grown out of certain misconceptions that very largely obtained when the republic was young, and which did not change when the conditions that were responsible for them had entirely disappeared. In colonial days the people settled in the valleys, along the .river banks. They lived in a primitive way, and all were producers and consumers as well. What they wore, they made ; what they ate, they raised ; and business was prin- cipally a matter of barter and exchange between neighbors of such surplus articles as they did not require. One settlement had very little to do with, and no great interest in, another settlement over the hills in the next valley. Each community was sufficient unto itself, or nearly so. The country was dotted with these settle- ments for several hundred miles along the Atlantic coast. It was the day of the home-spun. The spinning wheel and hand loom were everywhere in evidence. How naturally, then, under these conditions, with the strong home rule sentiment that burned with increasing brightness among them, that these people should re- gard the highways as entirely a local matter. What business was it to the people in one community whether the roads in any other MODERN ROAD BUILDING 211 community were good or bad? The people of each individual com- munity assumed the absolute right of control of the highways. A century or more has passed. To-day it is very different. The advent of the railways, spanning the continent from sea to sea and from the Lakes to the Gulf with bands of steel, the introduction of the factory system, wherein machine-made goods drove out the home-made, and sent the spinning wheel and hand loom to the attic as reminders of a period that had forever gone, when great cities dot the map with millions of hungry mouths to feed, we have a new and different problem. Farming, then primitive, is now done by wholesale. With modern machinery, the cultivator of the soil produces five, ten, or a hundred times more than he needs, and this surplus must be sent to the toiling millions in the towns and cities for their sustenance. In fact, the food products of the world must pass in the farm wagon over the public highways. Farm produce, instead of being consumed within a few miles of where it was produced, as under former conditions, now starts upon a journey that may be 50 or may be 5,000 miles before it is ended. Thus the function of the highway has completely changed, and r instead of being a matter of local significance alone, it is of con- tinental, and in fact international, meaning. Poor roads increase the cost of delivery, and make the same erratic, uncertain, and in- termittent. The delivery depends in a large degree upon road con- ditions, and these are such that sometimes for weeks at a time not a wheel can be turned. This makes it necessary to store large quantities in the cities, in order to supply the demand for consump- tion, and increases the cost by a heavy storage charge. Surely anything that so vitally affects the necessities of all mankind, and which is with us so persistently, as bad roads, is a matter of gen- eral, and not of local, concern. Hence the new conception that both the state and the nation has and should recognize an inter- est in the- highways, and be charged with some responsibility for their care and maintenance. The highways are the veins of commerce, as the railways and steamship lines are the arteries. They play their part in bringing to the modern home its necessi- ties and luxuries. At the writer's own table he has at various sea- sons of the year oranges from California, apples from Washington, cantaloupe from Colorado, cranberries from Wisconsin, water- melons from Georgia, pineapples from Florida, bananas from the Antilles, etc., down the line. When we think of this, we realize how our comfort and happiness is involved in the question of trans- portation. In the misconception, as above stated, that the roads are purely a local matter, may be found the principal reason for the lack of improvement upon American highways. The new conception, which in its best expression is State Aid, with National Aid com- ing, will be found the solution of this great problem, the greatest economic and social problem that confronts the people to-day. We believe that America, a land where so many laurels have been won in every field of human endeavor, will speedily grapple with and M.R.B. 15 212 MODERN ROAD BUILDING solve the road question to meet twentieth century conditions. A better day is dawning. In every state in the Union there are hun- dreds of earnest and unselfish men and women preaching the Gos- pel of Good Roads, and w r hat a text they have ! In this great work, eminent, if not pre-eminent, is the state of Washington. Here in one of the youngest members in the sisterhood of states, in an em- pire of boundless possibilities, a land of brilliant achievement and of mighty endeavor, this great movement is going forward by leaps and bounds. It needs no prophet to predict that America's great- est and best in social and industrial life will find its highest expres- sion "where rolls the Oregon." But we must come to our text the highways and civilization. How intimately are they linked ! How much the condition of the former has the influence to augment or restrict the progress of the latter! The recent Country Life Commission, appointed by our late great President, found the paramount need of the rural folk was for better schools and good roads. It might better be said good roads and better schools, for with good roads the better schools are sure to follow. The school teacher has done a splendid work, but how vastly greater would it have been if he had had the influence of splendidly kept highways. With these consolidated township schools are easily possible, and that means the country boy or girl will be able to get a high school education while living upon the farm. The township school will be the social center, and its in- fluence upon the community life will be one hundred fold more potent than the "little red school houses," of blessed memory and little usefulness, that dot the landscape o'er. Bad roads have driven tens and hundreds of thousands of the best blood and brawn from the farms to the nearby towns and more distant cities. The country lad, with a strong, vigorous body and active brain, is not content to be mud-bound upon the farm for days and weeks at a time. He is awake to the possibilities that lie within him. He is restless and pulsates with energy. He dreams and longs for the intenser life of the city. He feels an almost ir- resistible desire to get closer to the nerve center of things. The great outside world is calling to him, and his nature answers the call. One of the paramount needs of our great country is to bring the city and country folk together on social, educational, as well as business, lines. Give youth of the country at home and in the nearby town the social life his nature demands, and he will be happy, contented, and willing to take up the farm work when his father, by reason of age, must lay it down. Good roads will do more than anything else to establish this condition, by making com- munication easy between farm and farm, and farm and town. What is more pleasurable than a drive behind a good team over a splen- did country road, or in the modern automobile? Is there any- thing more disheartening to the farmer than to look out upon a sea of mud where the public highway should be, with the town five MODERN ROAD BUILDING 213 miles distant, and be obliged to make the trip on horseback or on foot because of bottomless roads? The country needs, demands, and must have improved high- ways, rural delivery, the telephone, and consolidated schools. With these will come brighter days upon the farm, higher and better developed social life, and better living. Distance is no longer measured by the yard stick, but by the clock's tick. Good roads make long miles short. The influence of good roads upon farm life is to dignify it. They make country life better worth living; they broaden, educate, and uplift this most important branch of the commonwealth; they bring the advantages of the church and the lecture platform to the resident of the country districts ; they re- lieve him of isolation and drudgery. Up-to-date roads make up- to-date citizens. With good roads he will come in contact with other men, and take a larger and higher view of life ; he will be- come more useful to himself and more valuable to the community. His interests will go beyond the division fence that separates him from his neighbor. He will read more and become better in- formed. His wife and daughters will have an opportunity to mix in town society, to the benefit of themselves, and equally to the benefit of their town-bred sisters. This intercourse will speedily remove the apparent distinction between them ; they will become better acquainted, and each will find to her surprise that the other has been misunderstood. Jealousies will be supplanted with friendships, and the charm and characteristics peculiar to the town and country girl will be merged and blended in a composite prod- uct that will be better for the blending. Man is a social being. Sociability is broadening and should be cultivated. The city and country have unfortunately only a bow- ing acquaintance. Lack of social intercourse, which leaves room for the growth of prejudice and jealousy, is largely responsible for this unwholesome and cramped condition. Bad roads are respon- sible principally for the slight acquaintance that is maintained be- tween the city and the country, and for the absence of the socia- bility that would naturally follow a closer acquaintance. There is something radically wrong with the man or woman, who, knowing it well, does not love the country. He who has only had occasional glimpses of it through the window of a parlor car, as he is whirled away on his summer vacation, does not know farm life ; he has never drunk the pure, sweet breath of God never felt the throbbing of Nature's great warm heart. A passing glimpse of the wonderful gardens the great farms of our country is not to know them ; but to know them well is to love them. With easy access from town to country, farm life will be better known, better appreciated, and the sturdy, wholesome qualities of the country folk will blend with those of the city neighbors, to the betterment of both. With bad roads as a barrier to free and easy intercourse between the city and the farm, the young mind is warped by wrong impres- sions, and the soul narrowed by prejudice, and sound symmetrical 214 MODERN ROAD BUILDING education and development are thereby hindered, if not rendered impossible. It must be admitted that, from end to end of our beautiful pro- gressive country, the greatest drawback to thorough education, the greatest drag on spiritual, mental, and moral development, is the hindrance to free social intercourse between town and country by bad and at times impassable roads. Every farmer knows that there is nothing more destructive to tranquility of mind, nothing that more effectually banishes smiles, nothing more conducive to gray hairs and wrinkles, than to sit upon a loaded wagon and see a splendid team struggling through mud and ruts, while the wagon tongue swings viciously from side to side. A striking result of the building of roads is the effect upon the pride of the people. The tumble-down fence in front of the farm house is replaced by an attractive picket or woven-wire type ; the house is painted; a new barn is built; trees and flowers appear. The people wake up to the fact that life is better worth living, and that, notwithstanding the amount of labor the conduct of the farm requires, modern machinery, with good transportation, re- duces it to a minimum. If one will carefully investigate the burdens, the handicaps, the hardships and drawbacks, due to bad roads, and the money loss to the farmer because of his inability to take advantage of good prices in the markets, the loss to the city dweller because of short- age of supplies and increased cost of transportation over poor roads, he will be appalled at the figures. He will find that a small part of the economies brought about by roads good every day in the year would build and maintain them ; that in fact he will be forced to the conclusion that the building of good roads is not an expense, but an investment that will yield a larger and surer re- turn than any other to be found. Take the great Upper Mississippi Valley. Here under the State Aid plan good roads could be built upon all the main highways in the short period of ten years at an average cost to the farmer of ten cents per acre per year. Experi- ence everywhere demonstrates that such roads will add to the value of the farms served by them at least five times the tax upon the farms to build them. Good roads are an asset to the town, the state, and the nation. Because of bad roads throughout the Mississippi Valley, there is a large drift of the owners of the farms to nearby towns, and the farm drifts into the hands of a tenant. This means that the farm certainly will run down. The fertility of the soil will not be main- tained. The landlord squeezes the tenant, and the tenant squeezes the farm. We are fast establishing the conditions that for three hundred years have been the curse of Ireland. The question of keeping the owner upon the land, who will take an interest in it and build it up, instead of wearing it out, is one of the most im- portant problems that the American people must confront. For this reason farm life must be made more attractive, and what will conduce to this end is first class highways. It is a fact that as an MODERN ROAD BUILDING 215 economic and sociological question Good Roads transcends every other consideration. Its influence and beneficence will in years to come permeate the entire fabric of civilization, uplifting 1 , broad- ening, and ennobling the present and succeeding generations. As the Mound Builders were the highest expression of prehistoric man, so the Road Builder becomes the highest and best product of modern civilization. If cleanliness is next to godliness, then good roads are a means of grace. 216 MODERN ROAD BUILDING THE USE OF BINDING MATERIAL IN BROKEN STONE ROADS. BY WILLIAM CAMPBELL, TORONTO. The stability of a road is largely dependent upon the bond that is, upon the filler or bonding material between the stones and, a necessary sequel, consolidation by rolling. In discussing this detail of road building, it must be understood that other mat- ters have been given due consideration, for a good road must have certain essential features : (a) The earth subsoil must be well drained, naturally or artifi- cially, so as to make a strong, unyielding foundation. The reason that common earth trails are good in summer is that they are dry. Kept dry by drainage during the wet seasons of the year, they are acted upon to the least possible degree of frost, and, so far as the foundation is concerned, will attain their maximum of efficiency. This is a matter of tile under-drainage. (b) Ordinary surface drainage must be provided by giving the road a proper camber, and by providing side gutters or drains, leading, with a constant fall, to free outlets. Surface drainage will do much for a road, but it will not do everything, and, unless the ground water is kept at a low point, as defined in the preceding paragraph, surface drainage will not prevent the road breaking up under heavy traffic during wet seasons of the year. (c) The wearing surface should be a smooth, hard, compact crust, w r hich sheds water readily, and distributes the concentrated wheel load over a greater area of subsoil. The use of a bonding material is a detail, though an important one, in the forming, of this surface crust. As a further practical summary of what is necessary in the form- ing of a road, we may say that the surface material of metal should be solidified into a compact and distinct crust, free from earth, sand, and other weak materials. The road should be well turnpiked, and given a camber, so as to shed water to the open drains. As a rule, roads when first built should have a camber that is too high ; oth- erwise, they will soon become, through settlement, too flat. Ruts must not be allowed to form, as they prevent water flowing to the open drains. The open drains must have a sufficient fall and free outlets, that water will run off immediately not soak away. Tile underdrains should be laid so as to lower the water line. This is effective in all classes of soil. Even in light sand, the roads are not cut up so much in wet weather. They remain compact, and there is less dust in a period of drought. Given these conditions, the best material to use as a binder is an important detail for consideration. A binding material serves sev- eral purposes. It unites the stones together, so that they form a solid crust, such as will distribute the weight of wheel loads and MODERN ROAD BUILDING 217 thereby prevents rutting. The binder fills the voids between the stones, and seals the surface against the entrance of rain and melt- ing snow, so that the soil immediately below the stone is not soft- ened by moisture. The binding material aids, consolidation under a roller, a feature which is at times given too much consideration by road builders, with the result that inferior forms of binder are used. The binder used is closely associated with the dust prob- lem, a matter of great importance upon roads subjected to constant automobile traffic. A binder should be effective under all weather conditions of wet, drought, frost, slush, etc. The best type of binding material will cement the stone strongly together, will fill the voids between the stone perfectly, and will tend to a minimum of dust. In loose stones, the voids are about 48 per cent. ; in dry rolled stone, the voids are reduced to about 40 per cent. ; in wet rolled stone, to about 33 per cent. Under ideal conditions, which, of course, can- not be attained, the perfect binder should just fill the voids of wet rolled stone. More than this weakens the crust ; less than this makes the road less waterproof. A good binder will cement and re-cement under pressure of traffic, when the bond has been broken. For a broken stone road, the standard material is stone screen- ings, consisting of the dust and chips produced by crushing. These are commonly spread over the surface of the broken stone road to give a smoother surface and to aid in packing. The screenings should be well washed down into the coarser stone by a sprinkling cart preceding a heavy roller. To harrow the screenings into the interstices of loose stone is also an effective means of filling the voids. To harrow the screenings into the stone, flush thoroughly by a sprinkling cart or hose ; and then to solidify with a heavy roller is the recognized process of constructing standard Canadian roads. This process will bind the material firmly; the stones ob- taining a strong, mechanical clasp between themselves, the screen- ings acting largely as a cementing material to unite the stones into a waterproof covering. Clay is occasionally referred to as a binding material, but is a material to which we strongly object. It absorbs water with avidity, is soft and yielding when wet, and its smooth, almost greasy, character when in this condition, renders it a poor binder in wet weather. In dry weather the clay shrinks remarkably, and permits the stones to loosen, so that the road surface unravels. Breaking up in such a condition it is extremely dusty. Clay is thus not an effective bond in either dry or wet weather. It gives a tem- porary advantage when rolling. A coat or mixture of clay will hasten consolidation under a roller, but the advantage gained is at the cost of durability and service. It is an injury to the road. Let us not deceive ourselves. It is a device unworthy of the serious builder. Sand is by no means as useful a bonding material as stone screen- ings. The sand has not the cementing property that the screen- ings possess. Sand will aid the road to pack quickly when rolling, 218 MODERN ROAD BUILDING but in wet weather the weakness of the bond becomes apparent. Sand tends to hold the stones apart, rather than to unite strongly together. Gravel is largely used for roads of light traffic in parts of Can- ada, and that which packs quickly is very often imagined by road makers to be superior to gravel, which is cleaner, but which packs more slowly. This is always found a mistake, as gravel that packs quickly, as a rule, contains an excess of earth and sand; whereas, it is the stony material that is required on the road. Screened grav- el is a more durable material. A much more satisfactory roadbed is produced if stone screenings are obtained from a quarry, by rail or otherwise, to bond the material. The use of coal tar and asphaltic oils is a practice which has con- siderably extended of recent years, but is not one which has been generally applied to country road construction in Canada. Mac- adam roads, built with crude tar, of the usual tarmacadam type, have not as a rule proven a success. The use of refined tars, in which the volatile constituents are removed by distillation, is still in a stage which has not been fully tested by experience. Oils have been used merely to lay dust in a few cases, and not with uni- form success. Present standard Canadian practice still adheres to what is sometimes termed "water-bound" roads; that is, the use of stone screenings well flushed into the interstices of the loose stone, fol- lowed by consolidation under a heavy steam roller. The relative values of different rocks for road making depend largely upon the cementing properties of the dust that produced in crushing, and that ground up by traffic on the roads. Limestone is largely used, and a softer stone with good cementing properties is sometimes found more durable and effective than a harder stone, which lacks the power to cement and re-cement -under traffic. This is one detail in road building, in which future discovery may produce important results. A binding material more effective than stone screenings is greatly to be desired. A material that is durable, tough, elastic, dustless, that seals the surface of the road perfectly, that is unaffected by weather conditions, that combines all these qualities, and is cheap, is the one greatly to be desired ad- dition to the materials of roadmaking. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Due two weeks after date. :;:>-* tt A. * ' 9 A- NOV 9' 30m-7 '12