A TEXT-BOOK OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY BY GEORGE JAMES PEIRCE, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Plant Physiology Leland Stanford Junior University NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY 1903 Copyright, 1903 BY HENRY HOLT & Co. ~ o- THE UNIVERSITY ^ PREFACE The course in Plant Physiology which I have given for the last five years at Stanford University has impressed upon me the need of a text-book which treats the subject less ex- haustively than Pfeffer's Handbuch and more fully than Noll's section of the Bonn text-book.* As I did not know of such a book in any language, I began to write my lec- tures. These lectures, after repeated working over, have finally taken this definite form. My intention has been to present the main facts of plant- physiology and the saner hypotheses regarding them, striv- ing to express safe views rather than to echo the most re- cent, attempting here and there to suggest definite problems for investigation, and everywhere trying to avoid giving the impression that the science or any part of it has reached ultimate knowledge and final conclusions. I have purposely made no attempt to give directions for experiments, believing that a laboratory manual and a text- book must meet such different needs that the style of the one is impossible for the other. . This book must, however, be supplemented by actual laboratory work by the reader, under the guidance of a teacher or of some of the laboratory manuals mentioned on page 27, or both. No one can work on the physiology of plants nowadays without being conscious of his indebtedness to Pfeffer. If Pfeffer had done nothing else, the preparation of the two editions of his Handbuch, in which the literature of the sub- ject is brought together, and the present status of the sci- ence is well set forth, would secure him an honored place. I cannot refrain from acknowledging my personal as well as *Lehrbuch der Botanik. Strasburger, Noll, Schenck, Schimper. Five editions. English translation by Porter. iv PREFACE professional obligation to him, and I do so with the utmost satisfaction. It is also a great pleasure to express my grateful apprecia- tion of the help I have received from my associates in this University, Dr. Anstruther A. Lawson (Botany), Professors Herman De C. Stearns (Physics), Frank M. McFarland (Histology), William A. Cooper (German), and especially from Professor Douglas H. Campbell. I am indebted also in various ways to my friends Professor William F. Ganong of Smith College, and Dr. Hermann von Schrenck of Wash- ington University, St. Louis. Professor Walter R. Shaw of the University of Oklahoma generously allowed me to use his excellent photograph of Postelsias reproduced on page 190. Dr. Daniel T. MacDougal of the New York Botanical Garden and his publishers, Messrs. Longmans, Green & Co., have given me permission to use the figures of Mimosa on pages 248-9. Professor Goebel of Munich kindly sanctions my use of his figure of Opuntia shown on page 210. To these and all others who have assisted me I wish most heartily to express my sincerest thanks. G. J. P. Leland Stanford Junior University, California, December, 1902. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. Introduction 1 The Conditions Essential to Life 6 The Living Matter and the Actively Living Structure 7 CHAPTER II. RESPIRATION. Respiration 12 Intramolecular Respiration 27 Fermentations 30 CHAPTER III. NUTRITION. Nutrition 40 The Food-materials 42 Carbon 43 Chlorophyll 51 Photosynthesis 58 Nitrogen 66 Root-tubercle Plants 72 Humus Plants 78 Carnivorous Plants 81 Parasites 85 Ash-constituents 92 CHAPTER IV. ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OP WATER. FOOD DIS- TRIBUTION. Absorption ' . . . 103 Diffusion and Osmosis 108 Means of Absorption of Nutrient Solutions 113 Means of Transfer of Nutrient Solutions 116 Secretion 125 Sap-pressure and Bleeding 130 Transpiration 136 Stomata and the Aerating System 142 Gases and Movements of Gases 151 Translocation of Foods 155 CHAPTER V. GROWTH. Growth 162 Periodicity of Growth 169 Relations of Growth and Turgor 172 Growth Pressures 174 Rate of Growth 176 Limit of Growth 179 V VI CONTENTS. PAGE CHAPTER VI. IRRITABILITY. Irritability 183 Physical Basis of Irritability 184 Irritability and the Amount and Kind of Growth 186 Influence of Gravitation 196 Influence of Light 208 Influence of Heat 219 Influence of Water 222 Influence of Other Substances 226 Influence of Electricity 237 Influence of Contact 239 Conclusion 251 CHAPTER VII. REPRODUCTION. Reproduction. 254 Heredity 279 INDEX.. . 285 f PLANT PHYSIOLOGY CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ALL living beings are alike in kind, differing from one an- other only in degree. To this conclusion scientific men have been gradually driven back by the failure of every attempt to discover and to define any fundamental difference between animals and plants. The differences between the higher rep- resentatives of the two so-called kingdoms animal and veg- etable are so striking that no one can fail to see them. Between the higher and the lower animal forms are differ- ences as striking as those between higher animals and higher plants. Between the higher and lower plant forms there are similar differences. Likenesses always accompany these dif- ferences. It is these likenesses which enable us to call a given organism an animal or a plant. Between the higher and lower members of the same kingdom, and between the higher members of the two kingdoms, the differences are so striking that the attention is almost wholly occupied with them. It is natural that we should look more for differences than for likenesses : for our ability to distinguish our friends from our enemies, our own from our neighbor's possessions, the Bird-foot Violet from the Swamp Violet, the dog from the tree, is dependent upon our perception of differences between them. It is necessary that we see differences : the more intelligent the man, the keener is his perception of differences; the higher the organism, the greater is its difference from others. The study of low organisms reveals few differences. Suc- cessfully to study such low organisms as the bacteria de- 2 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY mands unusual ability to detect the differences between them. The differences disappear as we descend the scale of development, and the likenesses become more and more evi- dent. The bacteria and diatoms, which have been repeat- edly regarded first as animals, then as plants, and the Myxomycetes (slime-moulds), which are still believed by some to be animals ( Mycetozoa ) , illustrate the difficulty of determining to which " kingdom" these organisms belong. It is important to the students of systematic botany and zoology to know where to place these organisms in their systems of classification. This enables other naturalists to go further. To the physiologist it is a convenience rather than an essential to know whether the organism which he is studying is called an animal or a plant, but the results of his work have often been useful to the systematists in confirming or correcting their classifications. From the classifier's point of view the differences which enable him to make an orderly arrangement of the objects of his study are of the utmost importance; from the physiologist's standpoint the likenesses are most important. This will be- come plainer when we state the aim of physiology. THE AIM OF PHYSIOLOGY According to Pfeffer,* "the aim of physiology is to study the nature of all vital phenomena in such a manner that, by referring them to their immediate causes, and subse- quently tracing them to their ultimate origin, we may ar- rive at a complete knowledge of their importance in the life of the organism." Physiology is a study not merely of structure, though to its successful pursuit a knowledge of structure is indispensable ; nor of organized bodies, though a knowledge of the laws which govern their organization ( structure and form ) is important. It is the study of the living organism. Crystals have definite and characteristic structures and forms, they increase in size and in number in accordance with a few laws common to all and a few laws * Handbuch der Pflanzenphysiologie, 2te Auflage, Bd. I., p. 7, 1897. English translation by Ewart, Physiology of Plants, vol. I., p. 8, 1900. INTRODUCTION 3 peculiar to each kind. The carbon compounds have definite structures, as Kekule's demonstration of the benzole-ring proved; they form under certain conditions and their be- havior is characteristic of the kind. A machine has defi- nite structure, it operates in a fashion characteristic of its kind. Physiology has long been conceived to be the study of the structure and operations of peculiar machines, the study of functions as based upon a knowledge of anatomy. The physiologist is now striving not only to know the func- tions which are the manifestations of the life possessed by complicated living structures or organisms, but also to determine the causes both of structure and of functions. In an engine we have a structure which, under certain know- able conditions, does certain kinds of work. The materials and the construction of the engine are lifeless; the engine is the result of human intelligence acting in harmony with physical laws upon lifeless material; the working of the engine is the result of energy (physical force) applied through human intelligence to it ; the structure itself and its working are the result of physical forces acting upon inert materials in harmony with physical laws comprehended by the designer and driver of the engine. These are all exter- nal to the structure and are consciously taken advantage of and applied to and through the engine by the living organ- isms concerned in its construction and operation. A living organism is a structure existing in harmony with physical forces and laws and because of them. Few living organisms strive to ascertain, and none fully knows, what these forces are. The materials employed in the construc- tion of a living organism are inert, lifeless; they are ar- ranged in harmony with, and through the operation of, physical laws and forces ; but the inert materials are acted upon and the physical forces employed by the organism itself, and for the most part unconsciously. Between the engine and the living organism there is then a radical difference; the engine and the organism, though both machines, differ in that life, external though applied to the one, is internal and possessed by the other. The difference thus stated is one plainly felt but inadequately 4 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY expressed, for who can tell what life is? Just as we say that walking consists in the rapid restoration of the body to a position of equilibrium after falling, so we may say that living consists in the maintenance of the equilibrium between constructive and destructive influences and processes. But living is the evidence of life, just as thinking is the evidence of brain ; living is not life itself. However, in studying the means by which the equilibrium between constructive and destructive influences is maintained the means by which living is attained we are approaching the eternal question : What is life itself? In determining that the means of maintaining the equi- librium between constructive and destructive influences are physical and chemical, and that the influences themselves are physical and chemical, not peculiar " vital" forces, not occult or supernatural, one question regarding life is an- swered. Whatever may be our views regarding the origin of life, there is no scientific or other heresy in accepting the present evidence that life maintains itself, and is maintained, by physical and chemical means only. In the following pages these means will be examined and discussed. Pfeffer's statement, quoted above, of the aim of physiology does not limit the study to the manifestations of life in either "kingdom" of organisms. One evidence of the wis- dom of such a broad view is the value which Pfeffer's own investigations, conducted mainly on plants particularly perhaps those on osmosis and on irritability possess for the animal physiologist. When physiologists, not satisfied with the observation and description of the phenomena dis- played by the different kinds of living organisms, began to seek for the means by which these phenomena are executed and for their causes, comparison revealed that the causes, the means, and even the phenomena themselves, are alike in all organisms. Physiology is now, therefore, a much broader as well as deeper science than it was formerly con- ceived to be, and though there are now and always must be animal and plant physiologists, they are studying common problems and contributing to the common mass of human knowledge of living organisms. INTRODUCTION 5 It is often a matter of chance or of convenience which determines whether a man shall study one organism or an- other. Sachs,* who may be called the founder of modern plant-physiology, has said that although plant-physiology owes much to animal-physiology, yet animal-physiology is being enriched by the results attained by plant-physiolo- gists. The appreciation of the fundamental unity of the aims and the results of animal and plant physiologists has recently led to the publication of two books on general physiology, f In such books the manifestations of life are described and discussed in a broad way; for details one must turn to the special treatises on the physiology of animals and plants. Though the phenomena of life are the same in all organ- isms, life manifests itself in special ways in different or- ganisms, making some more favorable for the study of special phenomena than others. For example, the manu- facture of starch from carbon-dioxide and water, and the formation of tannin and certain other by-products in nutri- tion, are subjects in plant-physiology only, just as other special functions, such as those of nerves and muscles, car- ried out by extremely differentiated organs, and the circu- lation in vessels, are subjects in animal-physiology only. Again, it is more convenient to study on low, small, aquatic plants and animals some of the effects of light than on higher terrestrial organisms, but the comparison of higher and more complex forms with the lower shows that the effects are identical in kind if not in degree. For this rea- son, and because no "one man can know all the parts of the whole subject of physiology equally well, it must still be divided. While the following pages will be devoted mainly to the study of plants, the reader should bear constantly in mind that, at the same time that there are special vital * Sachs, J. von. Lectures on the physiology of plants, English transla- tion, by H. M. Ward, p. 650. Oxford, 1887. t Verworn, M. Allgemeine Physiologic, two editions. English transla- tion, by Lee. General Physiology, New York, 1899. Davenport, C. B. Experimental. Morphology. Parts I. and II., New York, 1897, 1899. Others to follow. 6 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY activities special manifestations of life according to species and individuals as well as "kingdoms/' there are also general vital activities common to all living things. Before passing to any consideration of these in detail, it will be well to enumerate the conditions essential to life, to con- sider the material and the structure in which life is resident and which manifest it, and to realize that these conditions, this material and structure, are the same for all living* things. I. THE CONDITIONS ESSENTIAL TO LIFE These may be comprehended under five headings: 1. Proper Food (a) the source of the materials of which the body is built, and (b) of the energy by which the body is built and operated. 2. Water (a) the vehicle of the food-materials and of the foods absorbed into the body and transferred from part to part, and also (b) an indispensable component of actively living protoplasm. 3. Proper Temperature which makes possible the vital, i.e. the chemical and physical, changes which must go on within the body, and in all of its parts, lest in- action and death ensue. 4. Proper Illumination which furnishes the organism with the forms of energy physical and chemical thermal, luminous, and actinic of which it is directly or in- directly in need. 5. Proper Freedom freedom from mechanical and other disturbances which would interfere with its supply of food, water, warmth, and light, and prevent it from carrying on its natural functions. (To this list some might wish to add Oxygen, but this is included under the first heading. ) The many forces and matters included in this brief sum- mary are not merely passively essential to life ; they actively INTRODUCTION 7 stimulate all living organisms. The organisms are sensitive, and respond to these stimuli. Supplying food to animal or plant is applying a stimulus, as well as providing the means to further and continued action. The response to the stimu- lus may vary with the organism, be immediate or delayed, be external and visible to the eye, or merely internal; but every organism lives, both because the conditions make liv- ing possible, and also in accordance with and in response to the many and diverse stimuli exerted upon it by these con- ditions. The different reactions of different organisms to the same stimulus do not imply any special or peculiar vital force ; on the contrary, they imply the special or pecul- iar structure of these different organisms. The force of gravitation pulls some things down, but it is the same force which keeps other things up. The Eiffel Tower, con- structed in opposition to the force of gravitation, stands now because of it. So all living organisms, subjected to like forces and supplied with like materials, behave accord- ing to the characteristic habits of each species and the peculiar habits of each individual. II. THE LIVING MATTER AND THE ACTIVELY LIVING STRUCTURE As Hertwig has so strongly emphasized,* the living and active protoplasm is to be regarded not as a chemical compound or an association of chemical compounds, but rather as an orderly arrangement of these into a definite structure, of which water is an indispensable constituent. Some of the water contained within the cell should be con- sidered to be as much a constructive constituent of the liv- ing protoplast as the water is of the crystal of copper sulphate. As, without a certain amount of water, one can never have crystals, no matter how much copper sulphate may be present, so also, without the necessary amount of water we can never have active protoplasm. When the water of constitution is withdrawn, all the activities of the * Hertwig, Oscar. Die Zelle und die Gewebe, Bd. I., p. 15. The Cell translation by Campbell, vol. I. 8 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY cell cease with the demolition of its structure. Dehydration is fatal to nearly all plants and their parts, rapid dehydra- tion is fatal to all; but ripe seeds, in which all the vital activities are greatly reduced as the embryo attains the stage of development characteristic of the species, can with- out injury slowly give up nearly all the water which they contain. By this means the protoplasmic structure, the arrangement of the protoplasmic particles, necessary to active life, is sufficiently altered to cause an entire suspen- sion of all activities. In a climate of average humidity water will still remain in air-dry and wholly dormant seeds, as may be shown by weighing them air-dry and re- weighing after they have been dried for an hour in an oven at a temperature of 70 C., or for a longer time at room temperature in a desiccator. The following table, quoted from Schroder,* shows the percentage cf water contained in ripe and air-dry grass " seeds," thus Hordeum vulgare, 14.65% Triticum durum, 14.63% Triticum spelta, 14.40% This amount, though considerable, is less than the con- stitutional water of the active protoplasmic structure, and hence all vital activity is extremely slight. With the restora- tion of the water of constitution, and after the lapse of a part if not all of the usual "resting period' 7 of the seeds, the vital functions will be resumed. The spores of many of the lower plants are also able to bear the withdrawal of the water of constitution without permanent injury, and like seeds, they can withstand during this period of inaction degrees of heat and cold, amounts of poisonous gases, and other influences which at other times would be fatal to them. The dry seeds of peas and beans, the grains, etc., and the dry spores of various fungi, can be subjected for hours to a temperature of about 100 C. without destroying their germinating power, although about half that temperature would in fifteen minutes be * Untersuchungen aus dem Botan. Institut zu Tubingen, Bd. II., p. 10, 1886. INTRODUCTION 9 fatal to them after germination. The active cells of the great majority of bacteria will be killed in ten minutes by a temperature of 50 to 60 C., or in five minutes by a temperature of 70 C., although the dry spores of Bacillus anthracis succumb only after heating for three hours at 140 C.* During the period of nearly complete dryness seeds and spores are still alive, but the evidences of life are extremely difficult to detect. Respiration goes on very feebly indeed in air-dry seeds, yet that these seeds do respire is claimed by Kolkwitz f as the result of refined methods of collecting and measuring small quantities of carbon-dioxide; but seeds containing still less water respire even less, and with no constitutional water all respiration ceases. Since water is in itself lifeless, its presence or absence is merely a condition which makes life possible or the reverse. Life may be resident in some other of the chemical com- pounds composing protoplasm, but it will manifest itself only when w r ater is present in sufficient amount. Although the ability to form crystals of the characteristic size, form, and color resides in molecules of copper sulphate and not in molecules of water, no copper sulphate crystals will form until CuS0 4 molecules are accompanied by a sufficient num- ber of water molecules to make the crystalline structure a physical possibility. Another comparison, if not pressed too far, may also assist in emphasizing and elucidating this matter. The living protoplasm deprived of water may be likened to the disconnected parts of a machine; it may be heated or chilled or subjected to other kinds of harsh treatment without greatly, if at all, affecting it; but set up the machine, furnish it with energy, and it will work- give an abundance of water to the protoplasm so that it may set itself up into a machine, allow it to furnish itself with energy, and it will work. But though water is indispensable to the carrying on of the vital func- * Fischer. Vorlesungen uber Bakterein, Jena, -1897, p. 72. English trans, by Jones, Structure and functions of bacteria. Oxford, 1900, p. 76. t Kolkwitz, R. f'ber die Athmung ruhender Samen. Ber. d. D. Bot* Ges., Bd. XIX., 1901. 10 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY tions, it is not in all cases essential to the preservation of life. The vital functions may be suspended, without deterio- ration of the germinating power of the resting body, for periods varying with the species and in some instances astonishingly long. As a matter of safety, the dry seed or spore should regularly retain its vitality at least for some- what longer than the usual period during which, by reason of heat, or cold, or drought, active life is impossible. Some seeds may retain their germinating power for much longer times, during which all activities are practically suspended. The majority of authentic cases of suspended activity indi- cate that beyond thirty years exceedingly few seeds remain alive. It is probable that during these periods of appar- ently suspended activity, some of the vital processes still go on, so slowly as to be unnoticeable, but resulting ultimately in the consumption or destruction of essential constituents of actively living protoplasm. Seeds which have lain dor- mant too long have, therefore, lost essential constituents; their actively living protoplasm cannot be reconstructed when water is added ; they have lost their power of germi- nation. The survival of successive periods of drought by certain species of mosses, liverworts, lichens, algae, and bacteria in their vegetative instead of spore forms is even more remark- able. The spores and seeds which survive periods of inac- tion have at all times few functions to perform. The vege- tative forms of mosses, liverworts, lichens, algse, and bac- teria have to perform, or to prepare for, all the functions of these organisms. It is all the more remarkable, there- fore, when they are regularly able to survive, though all their vital functions may be suspended. This implies a con- siderably greater power of endurance than is possessed by the vegetative parts of more highly organized plants. Yet in California, and in other parts of the world, where there are several months in each year when no rain falls, though in other months it falls abundantly, plants growing in un- cultivated places must be able to adjust themselves to the periods of enforced inaction. So far as our Pacific Coast INTRODUCTION 11 plants are concerned, this is, however, an uninvestigated subject, one which offers many attractions to the physiolo- gist.* * In the year book of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1897, Whitney re- ports (p. 129) a comparison of the soils and subsoils of the eastern and western States. From this he draws the conclusion that the absence of a heavy subsoil, and the spontaneous formation of a "mulch" of dust on the surface, cause the plants of arid regions, and those living where there is a long dry season, to secure for their needs a much larger percentage of the total annual rainfall than is available for eastern plants. In the East, the heavy subsoil drains off about half of the total rainfall, and the re- mainder is still further reduced by evaporation. But though all this is un- doubtedly true, yet the perennial plants themselves must also show adap- tations to the climatic conditions of the far West and of California, and these deserve study by physiologists. CHAPTER II RESPIRATION ENERGY is necessary to the operation of every machine, whether it be an engine or a living organism. The engine is supplied with energy directly or indirectly through the intelligent action of a living organism ; the living organism supplies itself with energy. In both cases the energy is ordi- narily supplied by the same means, mainlyby _ or oxidation, and the energy thus liberated is applied either v ~r}ffectly~orindirectly in the same form. In the case of the steam-engine the energy or power is applied indirectly, the heat resulting from the combustion of fuel being utilized in the conversion of inelastic water into perfectly elastic, com- pressed, and hence active, steam. In the living organism the energy resulting from combustion is applied directly in the various kinds of work done by the living organism either within or outside of its own body. Energy must be supplied to the engine for two purposes : first, to overcome the resistance (friction, inertia, etc.) of its own parts; and second, to enable it to overcome the resistance offered by the materials upon and in which it works. ? Qr ; two^^urpQSs, also energy must be supplied by /the living organism for its own use : first, to continue liv- ing; and second, to enable it to overcome the resistance Xoffered by the materials upon and in which it works. Let us think first of the need of energy to continue living. Liv- ing consists in maintaining the equilibrium between con- structive and destructive influences. This implies work, in the physicist's sense. So long as the constructive influences overbalance the destructive the organism gains in some way grows, or increases in weight, or moves, or reproduces. To gain thus, to do any of these things, the organism needs energy. When the destructive influences overbalance RESPIRATION 13 the constructive the organism loses in some way it ceases to grow, or decreases in weight, or moves less, or fails to reproduce. The destructive influences result in the libera- tion of energy, the constructive in the storing of energy/ The liberation of energy implies previous construction, for the generation of energy from nothing is inconceivable. The chief source of energy in the organism is combustion, the destruction by oxidation of not merely already exist- ing, but really of previously formed substances. The direct result of oxidation, is the evolution of heat. \^ - To the oxidation which goes on within the living organ- ism is given the name RESPIRATION. The interchange of gases between the blood of higher animals and the air, which takes place at the lungs or gills, is but a part of the process of respiration. The oxygen taken up by the blooc at those surfaces exposed to the air is transferred by the circulation of the blood to the tissues and cells by which it is used. The oxygen is used by combining it with other substances/ by oxidizing these substances. Respiration is physiological oxidation, or combustion, as distinguishec from such oxidations as take place under ordinary condi- tions spontaneously. The element sodium, when exposed to the air, will unite with the oxygen without heat, light, or any other known form of energy being applied to encourage the union. Animal and vegetable substances will not so unite, the oxidation must be encouraged, and it will take place outside the living body only at a temperature con- siderably higher than that developed within the body of any living organism. In respiration we have, then, a process which differs from ordinary oxidation in the conditions under which it takes place. The results, however, are the same. ^In respiration we have to do not only with the affinity of oxygen for certain elements and compounds, but with the need of the living organism_fQiL_enegy. The or- ganism must be actively living in order that the oxygen of the air may be made to unite with those substances in the body from which energy is to be liberated. Respiration may be artificially continued, with the liberation of energy, only for a short time after the death of the organism as a 14 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY whole, only until the death of the cells composing the body. The cells need free oxygen during life; they remove it by combining it with complex combustible compounds. So long as the removal of free oxygen by combining it with other substances takes place, so long will oxygen continue, in obedience to the laws governing the diffusion of gases, to enter the cells. The combination of oxygen with combusti- ble substances at temperatures below those at which these substances would spontaneously oxidize, takes place in liv- ing cells and is accomplished only by them. Though the living cell is supplied with oxygen by purely physical means, by diffusion, the continued supply of new molecules of oxygen is contingent upon its continued con- sumption by the cell. The supply must make good the lack produced by oxidation, the rate of oxidation must equal the demand for energy, and the amount of work done in the cell will always be directly proportioned to the amount of energy it can liberate. The initiative, however, will always come from the living cell, because oxidation by respiration is not dependent solely upon the mutual affinities of oxygen and the substances to be oxidized. The activity of the cell controls the activity of respiration ( not vice versa ) , and the supply of oxygen, normally exactly equal to the consump- tion, is also controlled by the cell. An excessive supply of oxygen, which for experimental purposes may be artificially furnished, will affect the respiratory only as it, at the same time affects the other activities of the cell. Each kind of cell and each kind of organism will have its own optimum, maximum, and minimum, any departures from which will characteristically affect the cell and the organism. The percentage of oxygen in atmospheric air (about 20%) is approximately the optimum for the majority of land organ- isms, though for a small number this amount, and even much less than this, is fatal. The amount of available free oxygen necessarily varies with the habitat, plants living on mountain-tops, and in water, having less than those living on the land at ordinary elevations. But the successful existence of plants at different elevations and depths shows that they are capable of supplying themselves with what they need. RESPIRATION 15 Within the limits in which normal respiration is possible, plants, and hence their component cells, will supply them- selves with adequate amounts of oxygen, an excessive pro- portion suddenly supplied causing, in some plants, merely a greater accumulation of oxygen, unaccompanied by greater respiration, * in the cells ; in others, more rapid respiration as indicated by higher temperature, etc. On the other hand, sudden reduction of the amount of oxygen may cause a diminution of the respiratory activity. So long as the general conditions for life continue in ade- quate degree, there is no cessation of respiration in plants or in animals. This is true of the resting forms buds, bulbs, tubers although in them the rate of respiration is much lower than in active forms. It is possible to force these resting forms by various means into activity, but it is not possible, after the}' mature, to continue the rate of respiration which they possessed during their development. The forming bud, bulb, or tuber is composed of cells ac- tively working, needing much energy with which to work, and respiring rapidly in order to secure this. With the ap- proach of maturity of the parts, the work to be done, the need of energy, and the rate of respiration, diminish, no matter how favorable to continued activity the external conditions may be. This decrease in respiration, and in the other functions, is largely due to the influences of its envi- ronment upon all the functions of the organism as a whole. The organism prepares itself for the regularly recurring periods of drought, heat, or cold ; one activity after another is suspended accordingly. After a period of rest, it is possi- ble to force these forms into activity even after the lapse of much less than the usual time. Lilac branches, cut from the bushes late in autumn, can be forced by Christmas time to develop the flowers and leaves already formed. This forcing is accomplished by placing the ends of the cut branches in jars of water and keeping them in a warm, damp, not too brightly lighted place. This experiment, familiar enough to the florist, results in the resumption of active respiration * Pfeffer ? 8 Handbuch der Pflanzenphysiologie, 2te Auflage, Bd. I., p. 547, 1897. Eng. tranel. by Ewart, vol. I., p. 539, 1900. 16 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY after a period of tardy respiration shorter than usual; it does not continue the respiratory and other activities at the rate prevailing during the formation of the parts. Respiration is a process conducted and regulated by the living protoplasm of the cells. It will not go on indefinitely and independently however favorable the physical conditions may be. It can be artificially increased only by stimulat- ing the protoplasm to greater activity ; it will be increased whenever the protoplasm becomes more active. The respira- tion of plants and plant-cells can be artificially reduced only by reducing the general activity of the living protoplasm. This may be accomplished by the same means as the animal physiologist employs by applying a local or general anaes- thetic, by lowering the temperature, by preventing move- ment, etc. In most plants and plant parts the forced cessa- tion of normal respiration immediately precedes, and is itself the cause of, death. In certain plants for example, germinating peas intramolecular respiration* may tem- porarily take its place; in certain others for example, anaerobic bacteriat intramolecular respiration is the nor- mal mode. Normal respiration cannot, however, be entirely suspended in plants or plant parts without profound changes taking place which sooner or later will result in death. The reduc- tion of normal respiration to an extremely low rate, if not its entire suspension, unaccompanied by any other means of obtaining energy, regularly takes place in the ripe seed, but only when the cells composing the seed lose the water which is an essential constructive constituent of living proto- plasm. In warm-blooded animals the object of respiration is two- fold the maintenance of a certain (normal) body-tempera- ture and the production of energy for doing work. In cold- blooded animals and in plants the object of respiration is solely the latter. ;The average body-temperature of plants is in general nearly the mean daily temperature of their environment, and it will vary within certain limits accord- ingly. The variation in the body-temperature of plants will * See page 27. t See page 26. RESPIRATION 17 be large or small according to the environment. Submerged aquatics will vary least, floating aquatics more, and ter- restrial plants most ; but as the temperature of small, still bodies of water (pools, etc.) varies considerably, so the body-temperature of the organisms living therein will vary, warmed by the sun and cooled during the night. The body- temperature of the larger terrestrial plants is likely to be higher at night (except hi the exposed surfaces) and lower in the day, than that of the surrounding air. Owing to the very great external surface of the larger plants in propor- tion to their mass, radiation from them is rapid, and a body-temperature independent of their environment could be maintained only at great expense of material laboriously collected and elaborated. Plants work economically, must do so, and such extravagance is avoided. Heat is the form in which the energy set free by respira- tion usually makes itself evident, but it does not necessarily follow that only so much energy is liberated as is recogniz- able as heat, or that this is the only form in which energy is liberated. Only that energy becomes evident as such which is not at once used. To determine the amount of energy liberated in respiration, it is necessary to know and to measure the material products of respiration. The substances ordinarily engaged in the process of physi- ological oxidation are the highly complex nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous compounds elaborated by the organism. The ordinary products are carbon-dioxide, water, and various small amounts of several other substances, e. g. oxalic acid. Since the production of energy rather than of any particular compounds is what is striven for in respira- tion, and since the substances acted upon by free oxygen are different in different plants and cells, the products will differ accordingly. Although the oxidation of nitrogenous matters also takes place, it is mainly the non-nitrogenous contents of the living cell which are involved in physiological oxidation. In the animal body, the oxidation of organic nitrogenous com- pounds ( proteids ) results in the production of urea and of other similar substances no longer usable and presently 2 18 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY cast off from the body. In plants, the elimination of these products is more economically accomplished, for they furnish the foundations for the re-synthesis of albumi- nous compounds, as will be discussed under the subject of nutrition (see page 71). These waste substances are removed by transforming them synthetically into useful compounds. The non-nitrogenous substances which become oxidized are the fats and oils, the starches and sugars. The oxida- tion may first convert the hydrocarbons into carbo-hy- drates, with the liberation of energy and the formation of by-products, carbo-hydrates and by-products then becoming still further oxidized with the liberation of still more energy. While respiration is going on, the other functions in opera- tion also may involve the use, by chemical change, of some of each substance produced in respiration and the formation in the cell of other substances not the products of. respira- tion at all. It is therefore evident that to ascertain the material products of respiration is hardly less difficult than to determine the amount of energy liberated. To isolate any physiological process for purposes of study is impossi- ble, for each process is normal only when accompanied by all the processes normally going on at the same time. The products of one set of chemical activities in the living body may enter wholly or partially, simultaneously or succes- sively, into other chemical activities. The end products can be recognized and measured with comparative ease, but to tell exactly where or how they are formed is much more difficult and not now entirely possible. Water and carbon-dioxide gas are the chief products of the physiological as also of other forms of combustion of car- bon-containing bodies. They are formed whenever a suffi- cient amount of oxygen is united with the higher carbon compounds. In organisms living under such conditions that the air can penetrate to all their parts, enough oxygen will always be present for such complete decomposition. Under ordinary conditions oxygen does not unite of itself with the combustible compound, and if active (nascent) oxygen is present at all in the cell it is only in amounts insufficient to RESPIRATION 19 accomplish the whole result. * The union of ox ygen and the substances to be oxidized is accomplished bythe living cell. HowThts is done is not known, though conjectures are not lacking. Whether the combustible substances and the oxy- gen are divided into such small particles and so intimately associated in the living protoplasm that union takes place spontaneously, or whether the oxidation is accomplished by enzyms, or whether more readily or spontaneously oxidiza- ble substances are first formed from sugar ( perhaps by the action of an enzym), is not known, though there is a cer- tain amount of evidence in favor of each hypothesis. All that is known is that sugar, or some similar substance, and oxygen, unite, forming as end-products mainly carbon- dioxide and water. The following reaction, without indicat- ing what intermediate stages there may be, if there are any, shows the material results : C. H, s O. + 6 O t ( + Aq ) = 6 CO, + 6 H, O ( +Aq ) (\([. ivjnvsHiits the water in which the su) from its compounds in excrementitious matter of animals, and in dead bodies of animals and plants, ( <- ) from its com- pounds in living bodies. The last two sources (b and c) are drawn upon by dependent organisms animals and saprophytic and parasitic plants. The first is used by bac- teria, living either by themselves in the soil or associated with higher plants in special outgrowths of their roots. ROOT-TUBERCLE PLANTS For centuries it has been the profitable practice of farmers to use leguminous crops to enrich impoverished soils. A worn-out field w r ill more rapidly recover its fertility if sown to clover than if allowed to lie fallow. Sowing to clover and plowing the crop under will evidently enrich the soil more than mowing it and plowing the stubble under, but even the latter is better for the soil than sowing to grass and plow- NUTRITION 73 ing the whole crop under. * Chemical analysis of soils origi- nally alike show that that of a clover field gains in nitrogen as well as in carbon, while that of a grass field gains only in carbon. In other words, plowing a grass-crop under re- turns to the soil only what the plants took from it, plus ,the amount of carbon- absorbed from the air. On the other hand, plowing a clover-crop under returns to the soil what the plants took from it, plus the amount of carbon ab- sorbed from the air, and nitrogen. Where did the nitrogen come from? Obviously it could come only from the air. If clover, pea, alfalfa, or other leguminous seed be sown in sterilized soil of known composition, no increase in ni- trogen will be discovered on analyzing the soil after the crop has been turned under. These seeds sown in soil of exactly the same composition, unsterilized, but otherwise treated in the same way before and during cultivation, will yield a larger crop, which will be found to have added nitrogen to the soil. These seeds, sown in soil of the same composition, sterilized and then inoculated, either by the addition of a small quantity of unsterilized soil or of clear water first sterilized and then shaken with unsterilized soil, will produce a crop as large, and yield as large a gain of nitrogen in the soil, as those sown in unsterilized soil. From these experiments t the only possible inference is that the micro-organisms of the soil, and not the legumi- nous plants alone, are effectively concerned in the increase * See Year Book of U. S. Dep't. Agriculture for 1897 and other publica- tions of the national and state agricultural departments for statistics of relative values of different crops as "green manures" in adding to the available nitrogen content of soil. t For details see Frank, A. B. Die Assimilation des freien Stickstoffs durch die Pflanzenwelt. Bot. Zeitung, Bd. 51, 1893, and elsewhere, to which references are given in this paper. Also various papers in the Deutsche Landwirthschaftliche Presse, " " " Landwirthschaftliches Jahrbuch, " " " " " Annales Agronomiques, " " " " " Year Book U. S. Department of Agriculture, " " " " " Reports of " " " " " " " " " " Agricultural Experiment Stations of different states, etc. 74 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY in the nitrogen content of the soil. The effectiveness of the micro-organisms, however, may be of one of two sorts; either they may themselves absorb and elaborate the free nitrogen of the air, or they may stimulate the leguminous plants to do so. An acquaintance with the nature of their association with the leguminous plants and with the micro- organisms themselves is a necessary preliminary to an in- telligent discussion of this question. On the roots of leguminous plants* develop nodules of various sizes, smooth or convoluted. The roots of plants only a few weeks old begin to lose their even contour and uniform diameter, swellings occur at irregular intervals, and these increase in size very considerably until the plant fruits. These nodules or root-tubercles, white or rose- colored, are composed mainly of thin-walled parenchyma cells, enclosing small intercellular spaces, and directly ad- joining the vascular tissues. Sections of young tubercles show large cells with dense, coarsely granular contents, which, on closer examination, fall under two distinct heads, the protoplasm of the cells, and slender rods which prove to be living bacteria. In older tubercles many of the bac- teria have enlarged and degenerated, are of irregular Y and T forms. In still older ones, the bacteria are dead. In other cells than those composing the tubercles no bacteria are to be found.! When the plant begins to fruit, the tuber- cles lose their plump and even appearance, become emptied and shrivelled. Their cells then contain only fragments of the deformed and dead bacteroids (as the "involution" or degenerate forms are called ) and only a few intact and liv- ing rods. These last, set free in the soil by the complete breaking down of the walls of the tubercles, survive until * Also on those of alder (see Hiltner in Versuchsstationen, Bd. 46, 1896), Eleagnus (see Nobbe in Versuchsstationen, Bd. 41, 1892, and Bd. 45, 1894) and Podocarpus (see Janse in Annales du Jardin Botan. de Buitenzorg, Bd. 14, 1896). f Contrary to Frank's assertion (Uber die Pilzsymbiose der Legumi- nosen. Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbiicher, Bd. 19, 1890), Zinnser (fiber das Verhalten von Bakterien, insbesondere von Knollchenbakterien, in leben- den pflanzlichen Geweben. Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot., Bd. 30, 1897) found bac- teria in the tubercles exclusively. NUTRITION 75 the following season and then accomplish the infection of the roots of the new crop. Infection takes place through root-hairs attacked and entered by these bacteria.* The bacteria may be grown in artificial culture media inoculated from tubercles. In such cultures there is an appreciable increase in nitrogen.! Leguminous plants will grow in sterilized soil containing nitrates in forms and in quantities suitable for the successful cultivation of other plants, but under the conditions em- ployed in experimenting they do not produce crops so good as when grown in unsterilized soil. The following figures will indicate the benefit they derive from association with the proper bacteria : J Per culture-jar, each holding two plants of Lupinus lutews I. WITH TUBERCLE FORMATION Yield of dry substance Weight of N Weight of N supplied Gain or loss in grams. therein. in seed, soil, and water. of N. (a)38.919 0.998 0.022 + 0.975 (6)33.755 0.981 0.023 + 0.958 II. WITHOUT TUBERCLE FORMATION Yield of dry substance Weight of N Weight of N supplied Gain or loss in grams. therein. in seed, soil, and water. of N. (c) 0.989 0.016 0.020 0.004 (J)0.828 0.011 0.022 0.009 (d) was watered with sterilized lupin-soil water (40 grams ) . (# and b) watered with unsterilized lupin-soil w r ater (40 grams ) . ( c ) was watered with sterilized ( tap ? ) water. It must be borne in mind, however, that though the legu- minous plants may appear to profit by such association with bacteria, these results are derived from experiments * Peirce, G. J. Root-tubercles of Bur Clover and of some other legumi- nous plants. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sciences, Botany, vol. II., 1902. t Maze. Fixation de 1'azotte libre par le bacille des nodosites des Legu- mineuses. Annales de Tlnstitut Pasteur, t. XI., 1897. | Hellriegel und Wilfarth. Erfolgt die Assimilation des freien Stickstoffs durch die Leguminosen unter Mitwirkung niederer Organismen? Ber. d. Deutsch. Bot. Gesellschaft. Bd. VII., 1889. 76 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY under conditions wholly unnatural to all the plants experi- mented upon, and must therefore be taken with reserve. Leguminous plants grown in glass vessels undeniably do better when their roots are infected by bacteria than when their roots are sterile, but it has riot been proved that leguminous plants do better with their roots infected than with sterile roots when they are grown where their roots can be properly aerated. Infected LeguniinostB benefit the soil more than do sterile ones, but what the gain to the plants themselves may be, remains to be shown, for the bacteria are plainly parasites.* The bacteria found in and causing the root-tubercles of the Leguminosie, Eleagnus, etc., have not }^et been isolated from the soil and are known only in the tubercles and in cultures inoculated from tubercles. The isolation of another species of bacteria which fix free atmospheric nitrogen (Clostridium Pasteurianum) has, however, been accom- plished by Winogradsky.f Other species will doubtless be found in the cultivated and undisturbed soils of field and forest. The green and blue-green algse growing on the soil were suspected of being able to fix uncombined nitrogen, but it has been demonstrated that they cannot do this alone. | It may be that nitrogen-fixing soil-bacteria and low algPB live together in an association similar to that of bacteria and leguminous plants. The number of organisms which can use free nitrogen will undoubtedly be found to be small, for in the present balance of nature little more nitrogen need be added to the soil than is yearly returned to it in the excrementitious matters and in the dead bodies which fall upon it. In these waste matters are organic nitrogen compounds upon which de- * Peirce, G. J. Loc. cit. t Winogradsky, S. Sur 1'assimilation de 1'azote gazeux de I'atmosphere par les microbes. Comptes Rendus, t. 116. 1893 t. 118, 1894; also Archives des Sciences Biologiques St. Petersburg, Bd. 3, 1895. J Kossowitsch. P. Untersuchungen iiber die Frage ob die Algen freien Stickstoff assimiliren. Botanische Zeitung, 1894. Pfeffer, W. Pflanzenphysiologie, Bd. I., p. 386. Engl. transl. I., p. 396. See also Kruger und Schneiderwind in Landw. Jahrb., Bd. 29, Nos. 4 and 5, pp. 771, 804 1900. NUTRITION pends the existence of a very large number of org* which break down these complex substances to simple nitrates, the nitrogen compounds which alone are useful to the majority of green plants. The organisms accomplishing these decompositions take into their own bodies nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous car- bon compounds elaborated by other and higher organisms, reconstruct and assimilate some of the substance, making it a living part of themselves, decomposing the rest by physio- logical oxidation or by anaerobic respiration in order to obtain energy. In the farmer's manure pile there are count- less dependent organisms which fall into separate species, I easily conceivable but most difficult to isolate. On the sur- face of the pile are fungi and bacteria which respire aerobi- cally and attack mainly the non-nitrogenous matters, the cellulose walls in the fragments of straw, and other vege- table remains. Within the pile are the anaerobic organisms, the first set living on the proteids and amides contained in the animal and vegetable matters, building up their own body substance from some of these and decomposing others. Living upon the decomposition products and upon the dead bodies of the first is the second set, which similarly build up and break down. A third set subsists on the products and upon the remains of the second; and so on down to the nitrite and nitrate bacteria w r hich oxidize ammonia (the ultimate product of a great number of decompositions ) to nitrites and these to nitrates respectively. When the highly complex protoplasmic substances of ani- mals and plants, upon which few organisms can live, are broken down to ammonia, water, carbon-dioxide, etc., and the ammonia is oxidized to nitric acid, green plants can begin again the constructive processes which end in the for- mation of living protoplasm from inorganic nitrogen com- pounds of the simplest sort. Thus we have the cycle of nitrogen in the physiology of living organisms. A number of plants some leading an apparently inde- pendent existence are forced, or at least find it advanta- geous, to add to their supply of nitrogenous matters by taking into their bodies organic (that is, carbon) com- 78 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY pounds of nitrogen. These plants fall into one of three classes, the humus plants, the carnivorous plants, and the parasites. HUMUS PLANTS The humus plants live in soil containing a large amount of organic matter, mainly of vegetable origin, in a more or less decomposed condition. Besides these organic remains, living saprophytic fungi form an important constituent of humus. Owing to the very diverse composition of humus soils (loam, leaf-mould, etc.), it is very difficult to deter- mine what substances are absorbed from them by plants, but since the majority of the humus plants contain either no chlorophyll or only a little, they must absorb elaborated non-nitrogenous, as well as nitrogenous, carbon compounds. These soils consist largely of substances insoluble or only slightly soluble in water. It is very probable, therefore, that there is a solvent action exerted by the underground parts of humus plants. The fact that even the immediately soluble constituents of humus soils diffuse only slowly, strengthens the supposition that some if not all of the humus plants dissolve the nutritious substances upon which their life depends. Those growing in humus soils containing little soluble food-material, but incapable of secreting acids or other solvents, depend upon other organisms which can exert a solvent action and with these they live in more or less intimate association. The plants most active in converting the insoluble nitro- genous substances in lifeless remains of higher organisms into soluble and hence more generally available compounds, are, as we have seen, the bacteria. Almost equally impor- tant are the saprophytic fungi toadstools and similar plants common in all sufficiently moist humus. These fungi and the bacteria, in nourishing themselves, prepare the materials needed and used by other humus plants growing with them. One step farther some of the higher humus plants go. Instead of living merely close to the lower humus organisms, upon the activities of which they are de- pendent, they come into actual contact with these, their NUTRITION 79 roots becoming invested or even penetrated by them. These associations, described by Frank* most fully, are still too little understood to enable one to determine what parts are played by the members, or to decide whether the associa- tion is of mutual advantage or not. The association of filamentous fungi with the roots of higher plants called Mycorhiza by Frank* is not confined to those poor in chlorophyll (e. g. Neottia) or devoid of it ( e. g. Monotropa ) , but occurs also in a considerable number of green plants (e. g. many Orchidaceae, Ericaceae, Cupuli- ferse, Piuus, etc.). This, coupled with the fact that so little is known of the chemistry of nutrition in these associations, renders it impossible to draw any general conclusions re- garding the work accomplished by the fungi. Those closely investing and making felt-like sheaths over the roots of certain forest trees (e.g. beech and pine) cannot be sup- posed to furnish the larger member of the association with non-nitrogenous carbon compounds from the soil, for these it can elaborate in abundance in its own green leaves. Mineral salts and appropriate nitrogen compounds the fun- gus may supply, first, because of its ability, by reason of its smaller size, to branch more finely and spread more widely among the soil-particles than can the roots ; second, because of its decomposing action upon insoluble nitroge- nous remains in the soil ; and third, because it may elaborate or oxidize the otherwise useless ammonia compounds. f It is claimed that the fungi may be of additional ad- vantage because roots invested by them branch more pro- fusely than naked ones, and hence are intimately in contact with more soil particles and have a larger absorbing sys- tem. J Neither in this claim, nor in the observation that root-hairs are largely absent from the roots of green as well * Frank, A. B. Lehrbuch der Botanik, Bd. I., 1892. Also Percy Groom in Annals of Botany, Vol. 9, 1895. See also Stahl, E. Der Sinn der Mycorhizenbildung. Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot., Bd. 34, 1900. MacDougal, D. T. Symbiotic saprophytism. Annals of Bot., XIII., 1899. t Frank, A. B. Die Krankheiten der Pflanzen, 2te Aufl., 1895. Also die Bedeutung der Mycorhiza-Pilze fiir die gemeine Kiefer. Forstwissen- schaftliches Centralblatt, XVI., 1894. t Stahl, E. Loc. cit. 80 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY as other plants .associated with Mycorhiza fungi, are there any grounds for assuming that we have other than patho- logical conditions due to the interference of the fungi with the normal independent habits of higher plants. So far as the chlorophyll-containing plants are concerned, Mycorhiza seems an affliction rather than a blessing, despite the claims of Frank and of Stahl. Frank says the growth of seedlings of beech and pine, cultivated in sterilized humus soil, is less than of other seedlings of the same sort in the same soil unsterilized. Stahl shows that plants ordinarily free from Mycorhiza grow better in sterilized than in unsterilized humus. It remains for experiment to show whether beech, pine, and other plants with fungi usually on or in their roots grow better in sterilized fertile soil free from humus or in humus which has not been sterilized. Some green plants are strictly humus plants, refusing to grow in other soils, but one cannot now conclude from this that they are dependent upon the fungi, rather than upon any other con- stituent of the humus. Sterilizing a humus soil causes changes in the physical arid chemical conditions of many nitrogenous matters in the humus. Some plants are able to accommodate themselves to these changes, others are not. Sterilizing the humus causes the death, not only of the Mycorhiza fungi, but also of the nitrifying bacteria and of those other bacteria and fungi which directly or indirectly produce ammonia from the organic nitrogen compounds. These changes must profoundly disturb the balance of ac- tivities in the soil. It is, therefore, much easier to under- stand the benefit derived by the fungi from their intimate association with the roots of plants able to manufacture food for themselves, than to be convinced that the indepen- dent green plants greatly benefit by association with de- pendent ones. However, the subject deserves further investi- gation. The association of high and low colorless plants in My- corhiza is different only in degree, not in kind, from their simultaneous occurrence in all places where there are highly elaborated nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous materials. As the nitrate bacteria can work only upon nitrites formed NUTRITION 81 from ammonia by the nitrite bacteria, and the sulphur bacteria can live only where sulphuretted hydrogen is abun- dantly set free either by organisms or in sulphur springs, so in the humus soils some organisms live upon the simpler products of their neighbors. It is easy to conceive that more than neighborhood nearness might be advantageous to some, and that these, gradually growing together, might form associations, mutually though perhaps not equally benefi- cial. The penetration of small organisms, or small parts of organisms, into and even through the living cells of others, is not necessarily fatal to the penetrated cells, as is shown by the symbiotic association of algae enclosed in the cells of certain Infusoria, and even by some parasitic associa- tions. * In all of these cases, however, we have no new physio- logical principles. The nutrition is fundamentally the same, the food-materials are acquired and elaborated, the foods are assimilated and incorporated, in the same way in all organisms, although the sources of food may be different in different cases. CARNIVOROUS PLANTS The carnivorous plants have been exploited especially by "ecologists," students of the adaptations of plants to their surroundings, and their writings furnish the proper sources for more general information regarding them ;t but the peculiarities of their nutrition are still within the prov- ince of pure physiology. These extraordinary plants may be divided into two classes: first, those which forcibly capture, and second, those which simply entrap, their prey. These classes may be represented respectively by Dion&a, * For example, the cases cited by De Bary (Morphology and Biology of the Fungi, Mycetozoa, and Bacteria, Eng. transl., p. 392, 3) and the sur- vival of chlorophyll-containing cells of the host even when penetrated by cells from the haustoria of Cuscuta (Peirce, Annals of Botany, Vol. vii., p. 308, 1893). \ See Darwin's Insectivorous Plants, Goebel's Pflanzenbiologische Schil- derungen (Insektivoren), Kerner and Oliver's Natural History of Plants ((Vol. I., part I.), Cohn's Die Pflanze (Bd. II., Insektenfressende Pflanzen), Ludwig's Lehrbuch der Biologic der Pflanzen, etc., etc. 82 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY Droseru, Pinguicula, and by Sarrace nhi, Darlingtonia, the Nepenthes, and Utricularia. Of these Di'osem, Sarraceiria, and Utricularia are most familiar and will sufficiently illus- trate the principles concerned. Drosvm, the " Sun-dew" of northern bogs, is a low annual, with nearly horizontally expanded, round, or elongated leaves, characterized by peculiar columnar outgrowths from the upper surface. The chlorophyll of the leaves is usually masked by the red cell-sap of the superficial cells and by the slender outgrowths. These last are multicellular, traversed for about half their length by a single vertical vascular bundle, and covered except on the top by ordinary epidermal cells with cutinized walls. The free ends of the columnar structures are enlarged and globular, glandular, and covered by a glistening, sticky, syrupy, more or less sweet secretion. Attracted by the unusual color and the glistening surface of these leaves, small insects alight upon them, taste the sweet secretion, and while they feed upon it are detained by its stickiness. The weight and movements of the insect induce movements in the hairs adjacent but untouched and in the blade of the leaf itself, as well as in the hairs with which it is in contact. Unless the insect is powerful enough to break away from the sticky surface, it presently comes into contact with other hairs and sticks to them also. Finally the blade of the leaf bends upward and the prey becomes enclosed between it and the many hair- like tentacles bending over upon it from all sides. The continued mechanical irritation of the hairs causes a more abundant secretion from the glandular ends ; but, as Darwin has shown,* besides the mechanical there is also a chemical irritation, and this latter induces a change in the composi- tion of the secretion. Non-nitrogenous material a stone or a piece of wood of similar size and weight will not induce the same response as an insect, a piece of meat or of hard- boiled egg, plainly showing that upon the chemical composi- tion of the irritating body depends in part the nature of the irritation and of the response. The continued contact of highly elaborated organic nitro- * Darwin, Charles. L. c. NUTRITION 83 gen compounds, largely proteids and insoluble, is followed by the secretion from the glandular ends of the hairs of a peptonizing enzym which attacks the nutritious substances and dissolves them. These solutions are absorbed into the plant through the cells secreting the enzym, diffuse from them into other cells, and are conducted away by the vas- cular bundle. After all the nutritious substances in the captured insect have been digested (dissolved) and ab- sorbed, the leaf unrolls, again becomes flat, the tentacles loose their hold and become straight, the chitinous shell and the other useless remnants are exposed, dry. and blow away. The leaf is now ready to capture another insect. It is reported that each leaf has a digestive capacity for two or three flies. When Drosera is able, by capturing and digesting insects, to supplement the nitrogenous food which it, like other plants, elaborates from the nitrates absorbed from the soil and the sugars made in its own leaves, it attains a larger size and produces more and better seeds ( other things being equal) than when it must depend solely upon the complex nitrogenous foods made by itself. It has been claimed by Tischutkin, * and the view has been somewhat generally accepted without due investigation, that the peptonizing enzym is secreted mainly, if not wholly, by bacteria symbiotically associated with Drosera on its tentacles, and not by the gland cells of the tentacles. There can be no question of the constant presence, under natural conditions, of bacteria on the tentacles, and it would be re- markable if there were none among these which formed a peptonizing enzym. However, these bacteria, peptonizing and other, are no more symbiotically associated with Dro- sera and no more concerned in the digestion of its insect food than the bacteria of the human mouth and digestive tract are symbiotically associated with man and aid in his digestive processes. In both cases we have to do with bac- teria unavoidably and constantly, but also accidentally and * Tischutkin N. A Russian paper reviewed in Botan. Centralblatt Bd. 50. p. 304-j-. 1892 ; also a later paper reviewed in Botan. Central- blatt Bd. 53. p. 322. 1893. 84 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY independently, present. They are not more intimately as- sociated with the higher organism. The same hypothesis has been extended to the digestion which takes place in the pitcher-like leaves of Nepenthes, and with much more justice to the decompositions in the similar leaves of Sarracenia. For Nepenthes, Goebel* and Vinest have proved the presence in the pitchers of an enzym capa- ble of digesting proteid matters. Goebel J says that the Sarracenias and Darhngtonia secrete neither an enzym nor a substance which checks decay ; that is, they do not them- selves digest the bodies of insects, but, on the other hand, they do not prevent the decomposition of these by living organisms contained in the pitchers. The Sarracenias and Darlingtoma, like Drosera, inhabit northern bogs, the soils of which are relatively poor in nitrogen. The leaves are large, erect or inclined, pitcher-shaped, holding often con- siderable volumes of water. Owing to the peculiar form, the slippery inner surface, and its downward-pointing hairs, the mouth of a pitcher is an alighting-place as uncertain as it is natural for flying insects. They fall down into the pitch- er; their escape is prevented by the shape, slippery sur- face, and hairiness of the inside of the pitcher ; finally they die, either by drowning, or of starvation and exhaustion from their futile efforts to get out. They now decay, bac- teria feeding upon their dead bodies liberating soluble or- ganic nitrogen compounds which are absorbed through the walls of the pitchers. If Goebel's conclusions, based on investigations carried on in the Botanic Garden at Marburg, are confirmed by equally reliable investigations of these plants in their native homes, they may constitute an inter- esting case of an association mutually beneficial; but it seems hardly a sufficient reason for the formation of such extremely modified leaves as these pitchers, that they serve only as traps for insects, culture-tubes for bacteria, * Goebel, K. Pflanzenbiologische Schilderungen , 2ter Theil, p. 186 et SPf], f Vines, S. H. The proteolytic enzyme of Nepenthes. Annals of Botany, Vol. XI., 1897. Vol. XII., 1898. J Goebel K. L. c. p. 170. NUTRITION 85 and absorbers of the unused products of these micro-organ- isms. It would seem much more probable that, under their normal conditions, the walls of these pitchers, as of the Xepenthes, secrete an enzym which digests the bodies of en- trapped insects. If this be true, the bacteria inevitably present do not aid the plant, they simply rob it of food which it can itself digest and afterwards absorb and assimilate. Most of the Utricularias are aquatics, the peculiar sub- merged leaves of which entrap small crustaceans. It is still undetermined whether the crustaceans are killed and di- gested, * or whether they live on indefinitely. When they die naturally their bodies become decomposed by the water bacteria invariably present in the bladder-like leaves. At all events, the excreta, containing considerable quantities of organic nitrogenous matter, cannot fail to be directly or indirectly useful to the plant which harbors the animals producing them. The excreta may contain immediately available substances ; the more refractory may first undergo chemical transformation by water-bacteria ; finally the dead bodies and the lifeless excreta, falling a prey to bacterial activity, become available to the Utricularia , which profits accordingly. . I PARASITES A considerable number of plants of the most diverse sorts, from the simplest to the most highly developed, are able to live actively only upon or in the living bodies of other or- ganisms. They may be able to survive in the resting condi- tion entirely independently, but in this regard their seeds, spores, and cysts are like all others. For active vegetation they need their proper hosts. The relation of the parasite to the host is not in all cases simply that of the fed to the living organism which nourishes it. The host may do much more than supply the parasite with food: it may give it mechanical support, it may stimulate it to grow in charac- teristic forms, it may assist in the dissemination of its off- spring, it may protect it in a variety of ways. In all of these respects the parasite is benefited. * Goebel K. /.. ,-. p. 173. 86 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY In certain instances it is claimed that parasitism is ad- vantageous not only to the parasite but also to the host. These cases must be examined separately. Pure parasitism is beneficial only to the parasite. Whatever may be our views as to the origin of parasitism, we must admit that parasitic associations are entered into each season only because the parasite is a dependent organism, incapable of elaborating its own complex foods from simple compounds. The parasite may be wholly dependent, taking from its host all the food it needs, or it may be only partly dependent, taking only certain kinds of food. In either case the foods absorbed are worked over, assimilated, incorporated or con- sumed, by the parasite itself. No food is absorbed by the parasite in forms which it can use without modification for building its own body. The nutrition of parasites differs from that of other or- ganisms only in certain stages of the process, and not fun- damentally even in these. Instead of absorbing from water, soil, and air the raw materials which must be elaborated into foods, the parasite absorbs from its host matters al- ready elaborated by its host. The means of absorption are the same in parasites as in other organisms (see Chapter IV.). Parasitism consists essentially in the absorption from a living organism of more concentrated solutions of more highly elaborated food-materials or foods than can other- wise be obtained. Using the division of the process of nutri- tion proposed on page 41, into, first, the absorption, and second, the combination of food-materials, third, the assimi- lation, and fourth, the incorporation of foods, we see that the parasite differs from the self-sustaining and independent green plant only in omitting the second stage of the process, absorbing from its host the food-materials or foods already elaborated, which an independent plant would elaborate for itself. To make this clearer, let us examine a few instances. Among higher plants, perhaps the simplest, in other words, the least complete form of parasitism is that of the Euro- pean and American mistletoes, Viscum album and Phorn- dendron villosun). The mistletoes are green perennials con- NUTRITION 87 taining in their leaves and in the cortex of the young and even older branches, an abundance of chlorophyll in nor- mally effective chloroplastids. They are plants which can and do photosynthetically manufacture from water and carbon-dioxide all the non-nitrogenous food which they need. Elevated far above ground on the branches of oaks, poplars, apples, etc., they must draw from their hosts the water which they combine with the carbon-dioxide absorbed by their own leaves. Since the water in plants is a dilute solution of a large variety of matters, chiefly mineral, the mistletoe absorbs from its host these needed substances also. Their absorption is accomplished through peculiarly modified roots called haustoria, the wood or xylem elements of which connect directly with the wood elements of the vascular bundles of the host. Through the xylem the water absorbed from the soil and the mineral salts dissolved in it are transferred to the leaves. The mistletoe, tapping the water-conducting tissues of the host, establishes a water- conducting system continuous with that of the host, and so secures a supply of water and mineral salts as constant and as abundant as that of the host. On the other hand, the chief paths of transfer for elaborated foods, nitrogenous as well as non-nitrogenous, are furnished in higher plants by the phloem elements of the vascular bundles, but from these the foods are distributed osmotically through parenchyma cells to the tissues needing them. The phloem elements of the haustoria of Viscum and Phoraclendron are not con- tinuous with those of the host. * From this fact it has been inferred that mistletoe does not absorb elaborated foods of any sort from its host, that it is, therefore, only a "water parasite.' 7 This inference is scarcely defensible, though in the absence of direct evidence to the contrary the supposition is justified that Viscum robs its host of much less elaborated food than those parasites which have a direct phloem, as well as xylem, connection with their hosts. * Peirce. G. J. On the structure of the haustoria of some phanerogamic parasites. Annals of Botany, vol. VII., pp. 317, 318, 1893. Cannon, W. A. The anatomy of Phoradendron villosum. Nutt. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. 28, 1901. 88 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY Gaston Bonnier* claims that Viscum is sometimes directly beneficial to its host. In summer the host produces both actually and proportionally more food than the parasite, although the parasite is then photosynthetically active. At times during the winter and always during the early spring, when the host is leafless, the evergreen parasite may manu- facture carbo-hydrates and the host cannot. While the host is not able to manufacture food and the parasite is, the host is alleged to draw upon the mistletoe for freshly manu- factured non-nitrogenous food. It is, therefore, claimed by Bonnier that the mistletoe ( Viscum ) is parasitic either not at all or only very slightly, although obviously it obtains all its water and mineral salts from the host. But because the parenchyma tissues of the parasite are continuous through the haustoria with those of the host, furnishing the paths of osmotic transfer, the transfer taking place in one direction at one time may be in the opposite direction at another; and so it must be conceded, until proof to the contrary is adduced, that the mistletoe may be more than a "water parasite." Why should the host, on the warm days of winter and in the early spring, have any occasion to draw food from the mistletoe? A healthy apple-tree, or oak, or poplar, will normally lay by in its own body during the summer enough elaborated food to start it well in the succeeding spring. Upon this store it will draw promptly and satisfyingly when the need comes. Is there any less food stored in an apple-tree upon which mistletoe grows? If so, is not the mistletoe the cause, and can this lack ever be wholly compensated for? It would appear, then, that Viscum is a periodic rather than a partial parasite, and that only further investigation can show how nearly its indebtedness to its host is annually balanced. Closer association with the host und greater dependence upon it are exhibited by the various species of Cuscuta or dodder, thread-like plants belonging to the Convolvulacese, * Bonnier, G. Assimilation du Gui comparee a celle du pommier. Actes du Congres de 1889 d. 1. Societe Bot. de France : Bull. Soc. Bot. de France, 1890. Sur 1' assimilation des plantes parasites a chlorophylle. Comptes Rendus, t. 113, p. 1074-6. NUTRITION 89 but differing strikingly from the other members of the family in habit and habits. They are leafless twiners, yellow, orange, or even sometimes claret-red, in color, with very little if any chlorophyll. At frequent intervals their stems and branches form close coils around their hosts,* and from the inner surfaces of these coils haustoria grow into the tissues of the hosts. The haustoria have well-developed vascular bundles, the xylem and phloem of which are united, cell to cell, with the xylem and phloem of the adjacent vas- cular bundles in the host, thus perfectly connecting, in host and parasite, those tissues which conduct aqueous solutions of mineral salts and of elaborated foods respectively, t When the dodder has fastened upon a suitable host, sent haustoria into it, and connected its own vascular tissues with the corresponding ones of its host, it draws food in abundance. Chlorophyll develops only in smallest quan- tity in any part of it.J The dodder absorbs already elab- orated all the sugars which it needs for the construction of cell-wall, for the supply of energy liberated by respiration, for the synthesis of amides, proteids, etc. Not having chlo- rophyll, it lacks the means by which to secure the energy needed for the elaboration of non-nitrogenous food, and for this food it depends wholly upon its host. Presumably it takes its nitrogenous food also in the soluble forms elabo- rated by its host, though it modifies, assimilates, and in- corporates this for itself. When the dodder, having fastened upon an unsuitable host, is inadequately fed, it may become green by the formation of chlorophyll in the chromatophores always present in rudimentary condition in its cortical cells. It can thus add what it manufactures itself to the insufficient supply of non-nitrogenous food which it draw r s from its own innutritions host. The dodder make& food for itself only when it is unable to secure enough ready made. * See Chapter VI. for a discussion of the irritability of these and other plants. f Peirce G. J. L. c. t Ibid., A contribution to the physiology of the genus Cuscuta. Annals of Botany, vol. VIII., p. 91, 1894. fbirL, L. c.. p. 83. 90 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY Its ability to develop chlorophyll in times of need suggests two hypotheses : that it has only recently abandoned the in- dependent habits still followed by the other members of the family Convolvulacese, and that it has done so in much the same way as the mistletoes, though the latter have progressed by no means so far toward permanent para- sitism. It is hardly necessary to discuss whether the host is bene- fited by the encircling dodder, for the dodder is an annual, dying soon after ripening its fruits, into which it removes the greater part of the nutrient substances contained in and composing its body. Thus it leaves little or nothing for its host to absorb and feed upon. When it attacks shrubby perennials e. g. willows its effects are only impoverishing and debilitating; when it successfully attacks annuals, it exhausts and kills them. European growers of flax and clover find the dodder one of the most destructive enemies of their crops. The dodder is, then, a permanent parasite, the parasitism of which is complete, however, only when the host can supply it with all needed foods. The most intimate associations between parasite and host, and the most complete dependence of a parasite upon its host, are found among the fungi and bacteria parasitic upon higher organisms. In these associations the parasite not only sends root-like absorbing organs into the host, but in many cases it is very completely enclosed within the host.* The parasitic fungi and bacteria, always wholly devoid of chlorophyll, are entirely dependent upon their hosts for both kinds of food, non-nitrogenous and nitro- genous. These foods they work over, assimilate, incorpo- rate and consume, in their own w r ays, but the elaborated foods they must have. These, then, are examples of per- manent and complete parasitism. About the nature of the association between green plants and the fungi which cause disease in them, e. g. grape-mildew, potato-rot, wheat-rust, etc. there cannot be the least question : the host gains * This last is not without parallel among phanerogamic parasites, for Rafflesia, Brugmnnsia,, and our own Arceuthobium (Razoumowskia) are more or less completely imbedded in the tissues of the host. NUTRITION 91 nothing from association with the fungus, the parasite gains everything from association with the green plant. Only about those remarkable structures called lichens is there any difference of opinion. Lichens are composed of algae and fungi living together. The algae green, blue- green, or brownish contain chlorophyll, and by its aid man- ufacture non-nitrogenous foods from carbon-dioxide and water. Nitrates they absorb in solution. From these and the sugars they elaborate amides and proteids like other independent plants. The fungi, on the contrary, devoid of chlorophyll, cannot elaborate non-nitrogenous foods and must absorb them ready formed. In the lichen the fungus is always closely applied to the algal cells, sends out short branches which clasp the algal cells, and, in a considerable number of already reported cases, these short branches send still shorter haustoria into the algal cells.* Whether only closely applied to the walls, or sending haustoria into the cells, the fungus filaments are so placed that they can draw food by osmosis from the alga. Because of the small size of the alga, the always larger fungus cannot become entirely enclosed within it ; on the contrary, the fungus surrounds the alga with a more or less firm mycelium, confining the alga between the parts of its body. The association of fungus and alga, always intimate enough for the fungus to supply itself osmotically with non-nitrogenous foods elaborated by the alga, is in many cases so exhausting to the alga that many of its cells become entirely emptied. In spite of this evidence of the complete parasitism of the fungus, some botanists claim that the alga benefits also. It is alleged that the carbon-dioxide exhaled by the fungus, the mineral salts dissolved and held in solution, the protection against too rapid drying, too intense illumination, and too sudden changes of temperature, are of sufficient value to the alga to compensate it for the food taken from it and for the deformities and limitations in its growth. It may be * Peirce, G. J. The nature of the association of alga and fungus in lichens. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Series III., Botany, vol. I., 1899. The rela- tion of fungus and alga in lichens. American Naturalist, vol. XXXTV., 1900. 92 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY true that all these benefits do accrue to the alga though this is very far from being demonstrated but even if this be true, are these benefits needed, are they not superfluous? Man's association with his domesticated animals is bene- ficial to them, but are these animals really any better off than by themselves in nature? Even if man's association with them is beneficial for the time, in the end it is fatal or, at least, onerous. The absolute dependence of the fungus component of the lichen upon some green plant for food, and the damage and death to the alga wrought by the fungus, furnish the strongest evidence that the association is not equally beneficial to the two members, mutually bene- ficial though it is sometimes claimed to be. In these cases, we have examples of the stages through which parasitism has advanced first, green plants, incom- pletely and only periodically parasitic; second, plants nor- mally not green, permanently parasitic, and completely parasitic when the host is suitable; third, plants never green, permanently and completely parasitic. The bacteria living in the bodies of animals, either inter- cellularly or intracellularly, absorbing already elaborated foods, utilizing these by processes fundamentally like those already discussed, present no new physiological principles, and hence those who would know more of this, as of the other special groups of organisms which we have just been discussing, must turn to the treatises devoted to them. OTHER ELEMENTS ESSENTIAL TO PLANTS The physiological chemistry of the other elements con- cerned in the nutrition of plants is still so vague that little can be said about them till further investigations give definite facts to deal with. These elements are obtained in analyses of plants in the form of incombustible compounds forming the ash resulting from combustion. For this reason they are collectively termed ash-constituents, to distinguish them from hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen, which go off in drying and burning. Besides the salts containing the elements absolutely essential to the normal nutrition of the plant, others are invariably present in the ash because NUTRITION 93 they are present in soluble form in the soil. Though some few of these may be useful, they are not necessarily es- sential. Chemical analysis reveals whatever is present in the plant- body, but neither indicates the compound in which an ele- ment exists in the living body, nor enables one to distin- guish between necessary substances and those present in the plant simply because they are present in the media in which it lives in soil, air, and water. Only by the culture of plants in media of known composition can the essential elements and compounds be distinguished from the non- essential, the useful but not essential from the absolutely useless and the absolutely necessary. Analysis shows that ordinarily 1.5-5% of the dry weight of plants is furnished by the ash constituents of all sorts, though in some cases 10-30% is ash. Analysis alone cannot account for this dis- crepancy. Culture in media of known composition shows that the greater amount of ash is due to peculiarities of the soil or to peculiarities of certain species or even families of plants. For example, 18-23% of the ash of Indian Corn is silicic dioxide, useful to the plant in hardening its outer surfaces and making projecting parts and the edges of leaves harsh and cutting, but not essential to its stiffness, growth, and perfect maturity. * Diatoms and the scouring- rushes (Equisetum) are much richer in silica than the grasses, but it is not yet proved that it is indispensable even for them. Analysis reveals the presence of sodium and chlorine, as common salt, in all plants. Because culture without these elements is so difficult that it is doubtful whether it has ever been accomplished, no one can say whether they are absolutely essential or not. Experiment has already con- clusively shown, however, that they are needed only in the smallest possible quantities if at all, though in certain cases larger quantities may act as favorable stimulants. This last is especially evident in the bacteria, the growth of which in the artificial culture media and under the unnatural * Quoted by Pfeffer (Pflanzenphysiologie, Bd. I., p. 429, Engl. tranel. p. 435) from Sachs (Flora, p. 52, 1862). 94 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY Conditions of the laboratory seems to be facilitated by the addition of a small amount of common salt to the culture. The ash of strand and marine plants contains a larger per- centage of sodic chloride than that of inland plants. This is due simply to the presence of so much salt where they grow. Strand plants do not need salt, as is proved by cultures.* Inland plants are unfavorably influenced by a percentage of salt, in the soil or in water, which strand plants bear without injury. These last have succeeded in becoming adapted to conditions which preclude or minimize competition from more sensitive forms. The adaptations are discussed in the rapidly increasing literature on the ecology of the so-called halophytes.f Although the common salt in sea water is needed as food only in the smallest quantities if at all by the marine algge, they will bear only the most gradual transfer to fresh water. This is probably due, however, to the greater density of the sea water, and this depends upon the other salts dissolved in it as well as upon this single one. An interesting experimental study of strand and other plants with relation to common salt and sea water has re- cently been made by Coupin.J; He finds that 1.5% of com- mon salt in soil or in water is poisonous to plants which do not naturally grow on the sea-shore. Since sea water contains about 2.5% of common salt and the soils bathed by the sea contain still more than this proportion, we can readily understand the sharp line which separates the marine and strand floras from those of the interior. oupin attributes the poisonous property of sea water for inland plants mainly to its content of common salt, for the two salts next to this in abundance, magnesium sulphate and chloride, are present in quantities which he says are below the toxic proportions. Magnesic sulphate is poison- * See Nobbe in Versuchsetationen, Bd. 13, 1870, the literature there cited, and Pfeffer, Pflanzenphysiologie, I., p. 424, etc., Engl. transl. I. pp. 429, 30, etc. f For example, Schimper, A. F. W. Pflanzengeographie auf physiolo- gischer Grundlage, Jena, 1898. t Coupin, H. Sur la toxicite du chlomre de sodium et de 1'eau de mer a 1'egard dee vegetaux. Rev. gener. de Botanique, T. X., 1898. NUTRITION 95 ous at a concentration of 1%, magnesic chloride at 0.8%, but they occur in sea water only to the extent of 0.75% and 0.6% respectively. For strand plants the propor- tions of common salt are very different, as these figures indicate : Fatal. Injurious. Harmless. Beta maritima 4% 3% 2.6% Atriplex hastata var. maritima 5% 4% 3.5% Cakile maritima 4% 3% 2.8% For these three plants 3% of magnesic sulphate, 2.5% of magnesic chloride, are poisonous. From these figures it is obvious that strand plants are very accurately adapted to the amount of common salt to which they are exposed, and that they can withstand much more of the other salts than they are ever exposed to.* The soluble compounds of zinc are poisonous to all plants. In quantities not excessive when first encountered, or in amounts to which the special plants have become accus- tomed by long habit, zinc salts seem either to be ineffective or else to act as stimulants to more active growth and life.t It is claimed that there is a flora characteristic of soils rich in zinc. This is an exaggeration, but it cannot be denied that certain plants are found on zinc soils and not elsewhere (e. g. Viola calaminaria and Thlaspi calami- narium ) . These, however, are varieties of other species ( viz. of V. lutea and T. alpestre), the variation being induced by the poison, t Aluminum salts, though of very general occurrence, are * Schimper claims (L. c. pp. 98 102) that plants living in soils rich in freely soluble salts like sodic chloride, saltpeter, etc., present structurarand other characters almost identical with those of desert plants. This he re- gards as evidence that halophytes as well as xerophytes seek to reduce transpiration, the latter because of the scarcity of water, the former be- cause of the presence in it of poisonous compounds. \ Richards, H. M. Beeinflussung des Wachsthums einiger Pilze durch chemische Reize. Jahrb. f. w. Bot., Bd. 30, 1897. \ Schimper, A. F. W. Pflanzengeographie auf physiologischer Grundlage, Jena, 1898. 96 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY found in quantity only in the lycopods.* It is doubtful whether aluminum is necessary or even useful for these plants. The essential soil ( ash ) constituents, as shown by water- culture, are salts of phosphorus; sulphur, potassium, cal- cium, magnesium, and iron. Calcium seems to be un- necessary for fungi, though indispensable for higher plants. PHOSPHORUS is a constituent element of protoplasmic matters. In the nucleins it may amount to 6%. According to Wolff's analyses, t phosphoric oxide (P 2 5 ) constitutes about one-third of the ash obtained from embryonic tissue. This tissue is rich in protoplasmic matters. In older tissues containing a smaller proportion of protoplasmic matters, and in dead and emptied cells, the amount of phosphorus compounds is much less. In the total dry weight of a plant, the amount of phosphorus, calculated as phosphoric acid, is slight. This is shown by the following figures J in lupine seeds 1.63% straw 0.30% " potato tubers 0.63% " wood of trees 0.05% Though the percentage of phosphorus in the body of an or- ganism indicates the degree to which it is used, it by no means indicates the degree in which it is needed. Without phosphorus,- protoplasm could not exist. The source of phosphorus for the majority of plants is the phosphates in soil and water. Other plants under * Pfeffer, W. Pflanzenphysiologie, I., p. 432, Engl. transl. I., p. 437. L. Chamsecyparissus and //. Alpinum have 22-27% aluminum in the ash, while L. phlegmfiria, Selaginella, etc., contain only traces. Yoshida, H. On aluminum in the ash of flowering plants. Journ. Coll. Science, Im- perial University, Tokio, 1887. In analyses of rice, wheat, oats, beans, etc. the Al. varies from 0.05% to 0.27% of the ash. f Quoted from Versuchsstationen, Bd. 30, by Pfeffer in his Pflanzen- physiologie, L, p. 407, Eng. transl. I., p. 414. t Frank, A. B. Lehrbuch der Botanik, Bd. I., p. 587. Also in reports of State Agricultural Experiment Stations, etc., similar figures may be found. NUTRITION 97 natural conditions may at all times supply themselves with phosphorus from its organic compounds in humus, in dead bodies of plants and animals, and in living bodies. The phosphates are less freely soluble in water than the salts of the other necessary elements ; but since plants demand only small quantities, and since the carbon-dioxide and possibly also other acid secretions of their roots dissolve them more rapidly than does pure water, plants secure under ordinary conditions in nature all the phosphates needed. Manuring with phosphates has to be resorted to only wiien the soil has become impoverished by the removal of the crops culti- vated upon it. In the plant phosphorus occurs not only as a constituent element of living protoplasm, but also in those already highly elaborated substances to be used in the construction of protoplasm, and in the simpler compounds formed by the breaking up of living or lifeless protoplasmic matter. The compounds of phosphorus occur, therefore, in the plant as solids as parts of its structure and as stored material; also in solution as constructive material and as the pro- ducts of destructive metabolism. SULPHUR, also a constituent element of protoplasm and therefore always present in the ash of plants, is found in even smaller proportions in the plant-body than phos- phorus, as the following figures show * in lupine seeds 0.36% " potato leaves 0.43% tubers 0.24% " wood of trees 0.025% The source of sulphur for most plants is the various salts of sulphuric acid commonly found in the soil and dissolved in ordinary waters. Dependent plants the so-called para- sites and saprophytes may perhaps obtain some sulphur in the form of organic compounds. The moulds can use salts of sulphurous acid, if present in sufficiently dilute solution, f although they are nearly as poisonous to all higher plants * Frank, A. B. Lehrbuch, I., p. 586. f Quoted by Pfeffer from Nageli, Bot. Mittheilungen, Bd. 3, 1881. 7 98 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY as sulphurous oxide and dioxide, gases poured forth in con- siderable quantities from chimneys in which inferior sorts of coal are burned.* A few species of bacteria use as food- material, as well as their source of energy by respiration (see page 20), the sulphuretted hydrogen and metallic sulphur occurring in considerable quantities in mineral springs and set free in decompositions taking place in the ooze under bodies of water. Sulphur occurs in plants in the elementary condition only in well-fed sulphur bacteria. In these, as in all other plants, it occurs also as a constituent of protoplasm. A few plants, notably the Cruciferze, contain sulphur in mustard oil, and it is a constituent of the garlic oil in the various species of Allium. Nothing whatever is known of the stages through which the amides are elaborated into protoplasmic matters by the addition of sulphur and phosphorus. POTASSIUM, although not a constituent element of proto- plasmic substances, is an indispensable food-constituent. The compounds of sodium, frequently much more abundant, fail to serve as complete substitutes, although in the pres- ence of an abundance of sodium salts plants demand less potassium than otherwise. In the total dry weight of plants potassium occurs in much larger amount than sulphur and phosphorus t in potato tubers 2.27% plants 2.53$ " tobacco leaves 4.99% " young red clover plants 3.59% " lupine seeds 1.31$ " wood of trees G.05%-0.15% Potassium salts are most abundant in young and growing parts, least abundant in those which have ceased to grow or to be otherwise active, and from which the potassium * The striking absence from certain cities in which one might otherwise expect to find them, of lichens and other plants especially sensitive to gaseous poisons, may be attributed to the poor coal. t Frank. Lehrbuch, I., p. 589. NUTRITION 99 has been withdrawn. From this it appears that potassium compounds are intimately concerned in the construction of protoplasmic matters. What compounds these are is not now known, though it is evident that potassium may be a component of reserve foods. Nobbe's hypothesis* that po- tassium salts are directly concerned in the translocation of the starch formed in chlorophyll-containing cells is interest- ing, because it suggests one of their possible uses in the plant, but that this is their main function follows neither from his experiments nor his arguments. According to Copeland,t the potassium salts are 4 'an im- portant part of the osmotically active material which keeps the cell and plant turgid," and "there is no experimental ground for attaching this significance to any other con- stituent of the mineral food." Potassium salts are never very abundant in soils. They occur as sulphate, phosphate, and chloride, freely soluble, and hence easily washed away as well as absorbed. It is necessary frequently to manure soils with potassium salts when tobacco and other crops demanding considerable amounts of potassium are cultivated year after year on the same soil. CALCIUM is neither a constituent of protoplasm nor neces- sary to all plants. For the fungi, and perhaps for certain algae, I it is entirely unnecessary, magnesium successfully taking the place of calcium, besides performing its own part in nutrition. All other plants demand both calcium and magnesium. Unlike the elements already considered, the salts of calcium are found in tissues which have attained their full growth and in which work of another kind is especially going on, namely, in the chlorophyll-containing food-making cells of the leaves and cortex. In organs in which elaborated foods are stored, and in such dead parts * Nobbe, in Landwirtschaftliche Versuchsstationen, Bd. 13, 1870. t Copeland, E. B. Relation of nutrient salts to turgor. Botanical Gazette, Vol. 24, 1897. t Molisch, H. In Botanisches Centralblatt, Bd. 60, 1894, and Sitzungs- ber. d. Wiener Akademie, Bd. 103, 104, 105, Abth. I., 1894, 1895, 1896. Benecke, W-, in Botanisches Centralblatt, Bd. 60, 1894. Jahrbuch f. wiss. Botanik, Bd. 28, 189, and Botanische Zeitung, 1896. 100 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY as the wood, calcium salts are less abundant. These facts are indicated by the following table * Potato leaves have 2.90% of dry weight as calcium salt. tubers 0.10% Pea straw 1.88% " seeds 0.13% Tobacco leaves 6.18% Hop " 7.38% Wood of trees 0.02-0.10% From such figures, the result of gross analyses confirmed by microchemical tests, it has been inferred that calcium is concerned in the formation of cell-wall and in neutralizing the oxalic acid set free in various chemical changes ( notably respiration) taking place in plant cells. Proof that these inferences are correct is still lacking, however. Loew's hypothesis! that the framework of nucleus and plastids is a double organic salt of calcium and magnesium, or a complex union of calcium and magnesium compounds, is a hypothesis only, and hence need only be mentioned. The value of calcium to higher plants is beyond question, but how it is used is still unknown. It is found in plants usually as the oxalate (crystallized out as needles or as polyhedra of more symmetrical dimensions), as carbonate ( deposited in the peculiar outgrowths of cell-wall known as cystoliths), much less frequently as sulphate and phos- phate. Calcium salts are abundant enough in the soil to be taken up by all plants, and although the sulphate and phosphate are only slightly soluble, the large volumes of water absorbed will still carry adequate amounts, even from soils which contain little or no other calcium compounds, to the cells using them. MAGNESIUM, absolutely indispensable to all plants, $ in spite of the assertions of earlier authors to the contrary, * Frank's Lehrbuch, I., p. 590. t Loew, 0. Uber die physiologischen Functionen der Calcium-und Mag- nesiumsalze im Pflanzenorganismus. Flora, 1892. Uber das Mineralstoff- bediir f. niss von Pflanzenzellen. Bot. Centralblatt, Bd. 63, 1895. t Molisch, H. L. c. under calcium. Benecke, W. L. c. under calcium. Nageli. Botanische Mittheilungen, Bd. 3, 1881 and others. NUTRITION 101 is even less understood in its physiological relations than calcium. As phosphate it may stand in some relation to the formation of protoplasmic matters, although it is not a constituent element of protoplasm. Like calcium, it occurs as a constituent of some of the reserve foods stored hi such oily seeds as Castor Bean (Ricinus) and Brazil Nut (Ber- tholetia ) ; but even here, hi these complex compounds, it is not clear whether it is the magnesium ( or calcium ) itself, or the acid radicle of the salt, which is valuable. IRON. Although this element is not known to be a con- stituent of protoplasm or of any compound incorporated into the living protoplasm, it is indispensable to all plants. The minimum needed is, however, smaller than that of any other element. If more than the minimum amount of iron is supplied, growth seems to be proportionally stimulated.* Unless green plants receive enough iron they will not be able to form chlorophyll, although iron is not a constituent element of any chlorophyll pigment. Plants remaining white from lack of iron are said to be chlorotic. Chlorosis may be regarded either as the evidence of an abnormal state of health or as the disease itself. The former seems by far the more probable. The plant ordinarily obtains all the iron it needs from the salts of iron dissolved in all natural waters. Sometimes, however, chlorosis occurs in spite of the abundance of iron in the soil. When a shoot grows so rapidly that iron salts do not reach the developing parts rapidly enough, the new leaves will be white instead of green. Some of each of the necessary elements found in the ash of plants is necessary to the normal development of the plant. The plant will develop normally only when it can obtain an amount of mineral matter in solution more than equal to the sum of the minimal amounts of each of the ash constituents. In virgin soil, and in the natural forest, the soil waters will contain all the necessary mineral salts * Richards, H. M. Die Beeinflussung dee Wachsthums einiger Pilze diirch chemische Reize. Jahrb. f. wise. Botanik, Bd. 30, 1897. The effect of chemical irritation on the economic coefficient of sugar. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. 26. 1899. 102 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY dissolved in sufficient quantities for normal growth. Where man interferes by defective cultivation or mistaken selection of crops, the soil must be artificially enriched. In nature the constant supply of adequate amounts of all the food- materials is secured by the action of those forces and or- ganisms which break down the inorganic and organic mat- ters on and in the upper layers of rock and soil. CHAPTER IV ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER FOOD DISTRIBUTION IN the preceding chapter we -have discussed the elements and their compounds, which constitute the food-materials of plants, and we have gained some idea as to when, by what means, and through what stages these are elaborated into foods. How foods are assimilated rendered like the living protoplasm which they are to nourish is not now evident. We have finally seen that these assimilated foods may be incorporated into and made a part of the living protoplasm, but how this is accomplished remains one of the wholly unsolved problems of physiology. We must now consider how the plant absorbs its food- materials and transfers from part to part the foods which it elaborates from them. These processes underlie and at the same time form an essential part of nutrition, but since other substances than those needed and used as food- materials and foods are concerned, we may well consider this subject by itself. With the exception of water, which is both a food-material and the vehicle of nutrient substances, the food-materials of animals and plants are of two sorts either gases or solids. The latter are available only in solution, entering the body and passing from part to part only when dissolved in water. * The absorption and transfer from part to part in the plant-body of the gaseous food-materials carbon-diox- * The apparent contradiction to this statement offered by the Myxomy- cetes, Amoeba, etc. naked masses of protoplasm not enclosed by cell-wall which may in their movements surround solid particles, both innutritions and nutritious, is not a real one. Only those particles which are soluble and dissolved are absorbed by the protoplasm and really enter it; the others are left unaffected by it although they may remain enclosed for a time. 104 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY ide, oxygen, and free nitrogen ( when the last is used at all ) take place in accordance with the simple and generally known laws governing the diffusion of gases. We must, however, bear distinctly in mind that these gases are in two states in the bodies of all higher and of many lower plants. Through the stomata gases pass in the gaseous condition into or from the intercellular spaces,, the air pas- sages, etc. This movement through the stomata and in the intercellular spaces is strictly by diffusion, except where affected by mechanical forces such as compress or expand the air-spaces, etc., etc. But when gases pass through the cell-wall, into or out from a cell, their molecules mix with the water-molecules in cell-wall, protoplasm, and vacuoles, becoming dissolved in the water which the living body con- tains as an essential part of its structure. The movements of gases into and out from living cells, and from cell to cell, are therefore the movements of solutes (dissolved sub- stances ) . The absorption of solutions into living cells, and their transfer from cell to cell, take place in accordance with the laws governing the diffusion of liquids. We can, therefore, study the movements of solids and of gases at the same time, for, so far as living cells are concerned, these two classes of substances behave alike. So far as the supply of solids and of gases to the living cells is concerned, we have to deal with different phenomena, and these we must study separately. The water in the soil, and consequently all flowing water and that in pools, ponds, lakes, and in the sea, is a dilute solution of nutrient and other soluble substances from the air, from the mineral matters of the soil, and from the mixture of organic and inorganic matters collectively termed humus, which is found in all but the most sterile soil. The water of streams, ponds, lakes, and of the sea, is in the hydrostatic or massive state. After heavy rain, flood, or the melting of snow and ice, water is in the hydrostatic state in the soil also. Water in this condition can be drained off, but much will remain in other conditions, the amount depending upon the character of the soil. Soil which has been thoroughly drained, but not dried, will feel ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 105 damp to the touch because of the considerable amount of water held in the capillary state between the soil particles. This can be removed by applying material possessing stronger capillary attraction, for instance, blotting or fil- ter paper, which will quickly become damp by withdrawing water from the soil capillaries.* After soil has been dried as thoroughly as possible by removing the capillary water through stronger capillary attraction, water will still be retained in the hygroscopic state, held on the surfaces of the soil particles themselves. To overcome the attraction of the soil particles and to remove the last traces of water much greater force must be employed. In order to make soil absolutely dry it must be taken away from its natural position and exposed to some powerful dehydrating influ- ence, e. g. concentrated sulphuric or glacial phosphoric acid- in a desiccator, or, more simply, to heat in an open vessel. Another means of demonstrating the very considerable force by which soil particles attract and hold water and the sub- stances in solution in it, is by filtering a dilute solution of some convenient copper salt or of Fuchsin through soil. The last trace of copper or of color will be removed from the solution, and the filtrate may be successfully used for the culture of plants, though the original copper solution would have been poisonous. The amounts of water occurring in the hydrostatic, capil- lary, and hygroscopic states in soils will vary with their composition, with the fineness of the particles, and with their compactness on the surf ace. f It is essential that plants growing in coarse soils which drain rapidly, and in re- gions where no rain falls during the growing season, should be able to supply themselves with water even after the hydrostatic and capillary waters have been entirely re- moved from those layers of the soil traversed by the roots. To accomplish this it is absolutely necessary that the plant should be able to exert sufficient force to draw into its own * It must, of course, be noted that the cellulose walls of the capillaries in filter paper also imbibe water. t See Year Book U. S. Dep't Agriculture, 1897, p. 129, report by M. Whitney, and also other papers on Soils published by U. S. Dep't Agriculture. 106 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY body the water so strongly held on the surfaces of the soiLpar- ticles. In California, the only water upon which most plants not subjected to irrigation can draw during the greater part of the dry season is that held hygroscopically, and that plants grow at all or even survive during the dry season is positive evidence that they do exert such an attractive force. What are the means at hand? To answer this question we must consider the physical properties of vegetable cells. The typical vegetable cell an alga, a root-hair, a paren- chyma cell is bounded by a thin cellulose membrane per- meated with water holding in solution a variety of mineral and other substances. This membrane is firm, strong, elastic, and is not only permeated with water, 7. e. has molecules of water between its molecules or groups of mole- cules, but also permits the movement of molecules of water and of substances in solution in water in and through itself. The movement of water and of aqueous solutions through a membrane is known as osmosis. Lining the cellulose wall is the layer of living protoplasm which produced it. The layer of protoplasm not only varies in thickness, being thickest in young and thinnest in old cells, but is never homogeneous. Apart from the nucleus, chromatophores, and granules of food and other substances contained in it, the surface of the protoplasmic layer in contact with the cell-wall is differentiated into an exceedingly thin living membrane, the ectoplast. Within the living protoplasm are the vacuoles one or more bodies of water holding in solu- tion a great variety of compounds, organic and inorganic and the nucleus, also bounded, like the living protoplasm against the cell-wall, by cytoplasmic membranes. The mem- branes bounding the vacuoles are called tonoplasts. The solution filling the vacuoles and permeating the cell, the cell- sap, is the active agent in absorption, although its composi- tion, and therefore its action, are controlled by the living pro- toplasm, either by the substances formed by the protoplasm and transferred to the cell-sap, or by the substances permit- ted by the cytoplasmic membranes to enter or pass out of the cell, the vacuoles, or the nucleus. That the cytoplasmic membranes do exert a controlling power over substances in ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 107 solution in the vacuoles and outside the cell is evident from the following. Under normal conditions the protoplasm is. slightly alkaline, the cell-sap slightly acid! If the cytoplas- mic membrane bounding a vacuole (the Vacuolenhaut, as Pfeffer calls it) were permeable to all substances, and equally permeable in both directions, this difference in chemical reaction could exist only momentarily ; it could not be the normal condition. Furthermore, so long as the cells are alive, no color will pass from clean slices of beet or of red or black cherry, or from other tissues composed of cells containing colored sap in the vacuoles ; but if the cells are killed by immersion in hot water or by steam, the color will rapidly pass out into the water. Again, although harmless coloring solutions will pass into and stain the walls, the majority of such solutions, no matter what their concentration, will not pass into the protoplasm or stain any part of it, so long as the cells are alive. Some few harmless stains, if applied in sufficiently dilute solutions, may be employed to stain living protoplasm* and nuclei, t or may be accumulated in the vacuoles t of living cells. From these experiments it is obvious that the living proto- plasm, especially the structurally and physiologically differ- entiated layers adjoining the cell- wall and bounding the vacu- oles and nucleus, do exercise some control over the dissolved substances adjacent. That this power is limited is shown by the above experiments with staining agents, by daily experi- ence in the laboratory with the various poisons employed as fixing agents for histological purposes, and by the sensitiveness of plants to the soluble substances by which they are surrounded. If the cytoplasmic membranes could exclude poisons, at the same time allowing nutritious solu- tions to enter freely, the advantage would be great. * Pfeffer, W. Uber Aufnahme von Anilinfarben in lebende Zellen. Unter- suchungen aus d. bot. Institut zu Tubingen, Bd. II. f Campbell, D. H. The staining of living nuclei. Ibid. Pfeffer, W. L. c. $ The living cell may, however, control the osmotic exchanges taking place between itself and the solutions outside, not only by regulating the composition of the cell-sap, but also by changing the permeability of the cell-wall. See Nathansohn, Zur Lehre vom Stoffaustausch. Ber. d. D. Bot. Gesellsch., XIX., pp. 509-13, 1901. 108 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY The living plant-cell is then a series of concentric perme- able ( or partially permeable ) membranes of different compo- sition, properties, and needs, surrounding and enclosing one or more bodies of water holding various substances in solution. Under ordinary conditions the density of this aqueous solution is greater than that of the solutions out- side the cell, and its composition is different. The difference in density is maintained in land plants, as we shall see from another section of this chapter, by the loss of water from the leaves ; the difference in composition is due to the activi- ties of the protoplasm. In constantly submerged aquatics the means of maintaining the density of the cell-sap is less obvious, for from these plants no water is lost by evapora- tion, and no concentration by this means takes place. Al- though the water in the cells of algae may not be lost or changed, the same result as regards the density of the cell- sap may be attained in another way. If one or more solu- ble substances are formed by the protoplasm and trans- ferred to the cell-sap faster than they can pass out into the surrounding water, greater density will be maintained. It is upon the density and composition of the cell-sap, whether this is accumulated in larger volumes in vacuoles or is uniformly distributed throughout the living protoplasm, that absorption depends. DIFFUSION AND OSMOSIS Let us turn aside for a moment from the living cell to consider some of the purely physical phenomena and princi- ples underlying the physiological process we are studying. If two equal volumes of liquid of exactly the same compo- sition say, two volumes of pure water are brought into contact with each other, there will be molecular movements in and between them, but there can be no change in the composition or pressure or any other quality of either. Suppose five grammes of common salt to have been perfectly and uniformly dissolved in one of these volumes of water before the two were brought into contact. As a result of bringing the two volumes of water into contact the molecu- lar movements in and between the two volumes will produce ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 109 a change in the composition of both. The molecules of salt, being free to move not only through the one volume in which they were dissolved, but also into and through the second volume, will do so, and there will therefore come to be finally an equal distribution of salt molecules in the two volumes, each volume then containing two and one half grammes of salt. To such molecular movement, unaided by stirring, jarring, or other mechanical means, the name diffu- sion is given.* Let us suppose now that one volume of water contained five grammes of common salt and the other five grammes of any other salt, say potassium nitrate. The diffusion of the common salt from the first into the second volume of water, and of the potassium nitrate from the second into the first volume of water, would be at practi- cally the same rate as into pure water. Theoretically there should be a difference in rate ; actually there is no difference which can be detected. There would presently be two and one-half grammes of common salt and two and one-half grammes of potassium nitrate in each volume of water. But if we had five grammes of common salt in one volume and two grammes of the same salt in the other, the diffu- sion would not be so rapid, although the mixture would finally be as perfect. The rate of diffusion will vary with the difference in the proportions of salt in the two volumes, the greater the difference at the beginning the more rapid the diffusion; the nearer the proportions come to being equal the slower the diffusion, till, ultimately, with equal proportions, the diffusion ceases. So long as there is no chemical action of one salt upon another, this rule applies as well to solutions containing mixtures of salts as to solutions of single salts. If now we bring together two equal volumes of pure water, only interposing a permeable membrane ( bladder, vegetable parchment, cell-w T all) between them, there will be the same molecular movements as in the first case above supposed, but there can be no change in composition. Similarly there * Illustrative experiments on diffusion are described in Darwin and Acton's and in the other laboratory manuals of plant physiology already referred to (p. 27). 110 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY will be movements of the salt as well as of the water mole- cules through the membrane if, in the other cases, we sepa- rate the two volumes of liquid by a permeable membrane. As we have already seen (p. 106), this form of movement, of diffusion, is called osmosis. The rate of osmotic transfer will vary for every salt according to the difference in the proportions of the salt in the two adjacent liquids. This difference is known as the osmotic pressure. Furthermore, the rate of movement will differ with the salt, with the composition, thickness, etc., of the membrane, and with other factors ( e. g: the relations of the salts to one another, with the dissociation, etc. ) which find their natural place for discussion in a text-book on physics.* Turning back now to our vegetable cell an alga, a root- hair, a parenchyma cell, etc. a body consisting of aqueous solutions enclosed in and permeating concentric membranes of different physical and chemical properties, we see that we have precisely the conditions imagined in our discussion of the purely physical phenomena. The cell-sap is a solution greater in density than the water outside the cell and dif- fering from it in composition. In consequence, molecular movements will take place into and from the cell. These movements will tend to reduce the density and modify the composition of the cell-sap. Because of the greater density of the cell-sap in other words, because of the smaller pro- portion of water in the cell-sap to substances dissolved in it water molecules will pass into the cell through the cellu- lose wall, the cytoplasmic membranes, and the protoplasm, diffusing- throughout the cell as well as in the vacuoles. Thus the density of the cell-sap will be lowered, the propor- tion of water to substances dissolved in it will be raised, and the volume of the cell-sap will be increased. But if the cellulose-wall resist any increase in the volume of the cell- sap and of the cell, the cell-sap will be subjected to pressure, the protoplasm will be forced by this means against the cell-wall, the cell-wall itself will be stretched, the whole cell will be in a state of tension, will be plump, will be turges- * See, for example, Ostwald's Solutions, translated by M. M. P. Muir, London, 1891. ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 111 The pressure of the cell-sap and of the cell brought about by this means is called turgor, and it is evidently a very important factor in maintaining the form of the cell and, therefore, comprehensively, of the organs and of the individual. The turgor or turgescence of the cell tends to be maintained by the continued absorption of water; but unless the absorption continually exceed the loss of water, by evaporation or otherwise, there will be no turgor, the plant will be flabby, wilted. Absorption of water can be continued only by keeping the density of the cell-sap always greater than that of the water outside. The production, control, and maintenance of this physical condition is accomplished in part by the living protoplasm, in part, in multicellular plants, by the osmotic absorption of water from one cell by another. In the latter case, water is drawn off by physical means only, and in obedience to unavoidable physical law, by the cells that need it. In the former case, the living protoplasm, by what it takes from and gives to the cell-sap in respiration, nutrition, and excre- tion, maintains the greater density of the cell-sap, that is, maintains the higher proportion of dissolved matter to water than prevails outside the cell. Upon the composition of the cell-sap depends the absorp- tion of the substances dissolved in the water outside the cell. We have already seen that a dissolved salt will pass through a permeable membrane into another volume of water which contains less or none of it, and that the rate of osmosis (or, in this case, of absorption) will depend upon the salt, the difference in the proportions of the salt in the two volumes of liquid, upon the nature of the membrane, etc. The cell and by means of it, the plant will absorb by osmosis those salts which occur in the soil and in water in proportions larger than in the plant. For example, com- mon salt will be absorbed by a root-hair or by an algal cell until in the cell-sap there is the same proportion of salt to water as in the solution outside the cell. When there have come to be the same number of molecules of salt in equal volumes of cell-sap and outside water, there will be no fur- ther absorption of salt, and although the movements of 112 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY salt molecules will continue, there will be no accumulation of these either within or without the cell. Common salt will be absorbed by the cell, therefore, as a purely physical necessity, regardless of the presence of the other salts dis- solved in the cell-sap, and regardless of the fact that it is needed and used by the cell only in the minutest quantity if at all. On the other hand, if the common salt were used in quantity by the cell, or in any other way removed from the cell-sap ( by decomposition, precipitation, or otherwise ) , the proportion of common salt to water in the cell-sap would always be lower than outside the cell, there would always be osmotic pressure inward, the molecules of salt would constantly force their way into the cell in the attempt to attain osmotic equality or balance, there would be con- tinued absorption of common salt, and the rate of absorp- tion would vary with the osmotic pressure. Such is the case with salts used by the cell or otherwise removed from their solution in the cell-sap. For example, the nitrates are, as we have seen, the best form in which nitrogen is taken in by most plants, and of these potassium nitrate is perhaps the most common. Potassium nitrate will be absorbed by the plant with an avidity proportioned to the need of nitrogen, or to state this in physical instead of physiological terms at a rate depending upon the difference in the proportions of potassium nitrate within and without the cell. If the nitrate be decomposed and the nitrogen used by the plant as fast as it is absorbed, the osmotic pressure will remain as great, the absorption will continue as rapid, as at the beginning. Upon the amounts needed, used, or otherwise taken out of the cell-sap by the living protoplasm will de- pend the amounts of different salts absorbed by plants be- yond those amounts necessary to secure uniformity of composition in cell-sap and outside water if no salts were consumed. In this consists the so-called "selective power of roots" and of plant-parts in general. We see, then, that the absorption by the cell of those sub- stances which can pass through cell-wall, cytoplasmic mem- branes, and protoplasm is a physical necessity whenever there is any higher proportion of these substances outside ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 113 the cell than in it. When there is no difference in propor- tion, there will be no absorption or no further absorption. When, by the vital needs and activities of the cell or of the plant, a difference is maintained, there will always be ab- sorption, proportioned in rate to the difference, propor- tioned in amount to the duration of the difference. This accounts for the much higher percentage of potassium than of sodium in the ash of marine algae. The amount of sodium salts absorbed is only such as to attain the osmotic balance of sodium salts in the cell-sap and in sea water, wherea the amount of potassium salts is such as to satisfy the need of the plant for potassium and for the elements associated with it in these salts. The accumulation of io- dine in marine algae is due, not to the demand of these plants for iodine, but rather for the element or elements with which the iodine is combined in sea water : the iodine is. therefore, removed from solution in cell-sap and accumu- lates in insoluble form in the cell. THE MEANS OF ABSORBING NUTRIENT SOLUTIONS From the foregoing discussion of the physical principles underlying the absorption of nutrient solutions, we can now understand how an alga supplies itself with adequate amounts of food-materials. A land plant, however, in addi- tion to its demand for other food-materials, must regulate its absorption according to its demand for water to make good that lost by evaporation. W T e must now consider how the land plant adapts itself to the conditions prevailing on land and successfully employs the physical means of absorb- ing the nutrient salts in the soil. The root is generally regarded as especially the absorbing organ of higher plants. The cells on the surface of the root, being the only ones which are directly in contact with the soil particles and with the soil water, are the only ones which can absorb solutions from the soil. Only the young- est of these cells have walls of such composition and thin- ness that osmosis can take place rapidly. Furthermore, owing to the granular nature of soils, and owing to the fact that the water, at times when it is most needed, is held 8 114 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY longest and most strongly upon the soil particles, and not between them, no smooth cylindrical organ of the size of even the smallest roots will be able to bring enough of those cells capable of absorption into sufficiently intimate contact with a large enough number of soil particles to ensure the osmotic absorption of water from the soil parti- cles into the root. For osmotic transfer, as we have seen before (p. 109), both of the two liquids concerned must be in contact with the permeable membrane. Furthermore, as is the case on soil particles, water strongly held as a thin film over an irregular surface will not rapidly move from part to part of that surface. To ensure the absorption of much water from such a surface, there must be the most extended proximity possible of the osmotically active liquids. The permeable membrane must therefore cover the irregular surface as widely and as closely as possible. The most intimate contact of absorbing cells and liquid to be absorbed will be effected when hairs of such size and length that they will fit the soil particles develop on the root. The length, thickness, and number of root-hairs will vary according to the medium in which they develop, and also according to the amount of water given off by the plant. The root-hairs will be numerous directly in proportion to the difficulty of getting enough water. This can be easily demonstrated by cultivating young seedlings of corn with their roots in moist air, in soil, and in water. The root- hairs will be most numerous in the air, less in the soil, and there will be exceedingly few if any in the water. The length of the root-hairs will also differ strikingly ; they will be longest in the air, shortest in the water. The diameter of the hairs is necessarily limited by the size of the epidermal cells of which they are branches, but within this limit the hairs certainly vary according to the size of the soil parti- cles among and around which they must grow. That the root-hairs not only grow between the soil particles, but actually apply themselves very closely to them, is abun- dantly proved by the common experience of up-rooting plants grown in loose soils. When such plants are pulled up gently, numberless soil particles of minute size cling to ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 115 the roots, held there by the root-hairs, just as larger lumps of soil are held by the root-branches. The function of root-hairs is to absorb nutrient solutions from the soil. They, and their physiological equivalents, the rhizoids of lower plants, are the chief absorbing organs of larger plants. The roots themselves are for the conduc- tion of the solutions absorbed by the root-hairs, and also for the mechanical support of the whole plant. The root- hairs should not be regarded merely as structures increasing the surface through which aqueous solutions are absorbed by roots ; the root-hairs are the main surface through which the absorption takes place. But more than this, they are the very perfect means by which the only parts capable of copious absorption living cells bounded by thin cellulose walls and containing cell-sap of proper composition and density are brought into the necessary intimate contact with the nutrient solutions adhering to the irregular sur- faces of the small soil particles. In other words, the root- hairs are the means of bringing together, so that they are separated only by a thin permeable membrane, two aqueous solutions of such osmotic pressures that the one enclosed will absorb the one held by surface attraction (p. 105). It has been estimated* that the surface of a root is in- creased 5 to 12 times by the production of hairs. From what has just been said, and because the hairs are bounded by w r alls at least thinner if not otherwise more permeable than the cells between, we see that this does not necessarily fairly indicate the increase in absorbing power even of the part producing the hairs. This may be more than 5 to 12 times increased, according to circumstances. The life of a root-hair is necessarily brief. Its delicacy, and the fact that it may be torn and broken by the con- tinued forward growth of the part where it is borne, favor this. The root-hairs are formed by the outward branching of epidermal cells on that part of the root just behind the tip which has almost or quite ceased to grow in length. If any considerable growth in length does occur after the for- * Schwarz, F. Die Wurzelhaare der Pflanzen. Untersuch. aus dem botan. Institut zu Tubingen, Bd. I., p. 140. 116 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY mation of the hairs, these must surely be dragged forward and broken. Secondary growth in thickness of the part will crush them. Each young and growing root or root branch is covered for a time by a zone of root-hairs. This zone will vary in breadth according to growth conditions. The hairs will vary in length, diameter, and number according to soil conditions. As the root grows, the work of the older and less effective root-hairs is taken up by the younger ones newly formed farther forward and nearer the growing point. In this way new soil-particles are relieved of their small stores of water, and the absorbing surface is cor- related with the growth of the plant as well as with its demands in the stationary condition. THE MEANS OF TRANSFER OF NUTRIENT SOLUTIONS Similar to the differences between cell-sap and soil- water in density and in composition, which enable the root-hairs to absorb water and dissolved food-materials, are the differ- ences in the density and composition of the cell-sap of ad- jacent cells. The cell with denser cell-sap will absorb water from its neighbor with more dilute cell-sap, the cell-sap with less of a needed food-material or food will absorb from one with more. Such osmotic transfers are inevitable wherever miscible solutions or liquids of different densities and compo- sitions are on opposite sides of a permeable membrane and in contact with it. By osmosis the distribution of food- materials will take place through the body of a small land plant, P. g. a fungus or a liverwort, and in submersed aquatics. For all plants not subjected to the loss of water by evaporation, and in the bodies of most land plants so small and so simple as the liverworts and the fungi, the rate of transfer by osmosis alone is rapid enough to ensure the adequate distribution of water and of dissolved foods and food-materials. Larger land plants are subjected to such losses of water from their aerial parts that osmotic transfer is too slow always to keep pace with evapora- tion. In plants provided with special organs for excret- ing water (see pp. 126-8) these organs must be copiously supplied. ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 117 Evaporation and excretion, taking place on the exposed surfaces and also from those cells bordering on air-passages, increase the density of the cell-sap of the cells directly con- cerned. These draw osmotically upon their neighbors for water to make good their loss. The neighboring cells in their turn draw upon cells still more remote from the losing surface. In this way the demand for water is developed in cell after cell away from the surface. To meet the demand, water is transferred from cell to cell toward the surface. Ordinarily, cells are small and short, and though their bounding cellulose membranes and their component proto- plasm may be freely permeable, water can move more rapidly in response to other than osmotic forces if only the way is clear. Through living cells water can make its way best by osmosis, but as water will pass more rapidly through a tube in which no filtering membrane is interposed, so water in the plant will pass more rapidly through elongated cells than through a series of short ones, through dead and empty tracheids than through living cells of the same di- mensions (other things being equal), and through con- tinuous ducts than through a succession of tracheids. These stages in the development of conducting tissues one finds in the larger erect mosses, in the Coniferae, and in the Angio- sperms. The most perfect development of a vascular sys- tem is found perhaps in twining plants, especially those of tropical countries, * in the slender stems of which the ducts are large, long, and no thicker walled than is consistent with the necessary mechanical strength. Upon the vascular tissues, throughout their whole length, parenchyma cells abut directly. In the root these paren- chyma cells receive more and more water so long as fhe root-hairs continue to absorb any from the soil, and pres- ently, not being able to expand beyond a certain point by reason of the pressure of their neighbors, they are obliged to get rid of the excess in some way or other. Into the vascular tissues of the root, therefore, the parenchyma cells discharge the water and dissolved matters, the discharge taking place * Schenck, H. Beitrage zur Biologie der Lianen. Bot. Mittheilungen aus den Tropen, Bd. II., 1893. 118 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY in the direction of least resistance, that is, from living and turgid cells into empty tube-like tracheids and ducts. At any point in the plant the adjacent parenchyma cells may absorb water from the vascular tissues just as the root- hairs absorb, water from the soil, and by the same physical means. Whether there are continuous columns of water in the ducts or not, there is a continuous body of water in the walls of the ducts, and so the withdrawal of water at any point will induce a movement of water toward that point from parts better supplied. It is ordinarily from below that water is drawn, for ordinarily the root-hairs supply the needs of the whole plant, but this is not necessarily the case, for through the conducting tissues water will pass up or down according to circumstances. The vascular tissues form a continuous system, often much complicated in arrangement but proportionally in- creased in usefulness, of water-conveying cells and vessels extending from base to tip of the plant. At frequent inter- vals the bundles, which run more or less distinct from one another, anastomose and thus combine the vascular tissues into one effective system. Branches are given off from the main channels, so that buds, leaves, branches, even hairs (e.g. glandular hairs otDrosera), are reached by the con- ducting system. By this means all the parenchyma cells, which are the actively living cells of the plant-body, are supplied directly or indirectly. The amount of water and of dissolved matters supplied to any part will depend upon the demand, upon the amount lost and consumed. For ex- ample, two adjacent vascular bundles, running to two leaves, will convey different volumes of solutions if from the one leaf more water evaporates than from the other, or if in one leaf more water and dissolved matters are used than in the other. We thus see that the amounts transferred through parts, and consequently through the whole, of the vascular system are dependent upon the activities of living cells : first, upon those living cells which absorb nutrient solutions from the soil and from which other living cells osmotically absorb them, the cells abutting upon ducts and tracheids discharging the excess of water into these ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATJER 119 empty spaces; second, upon the living cells of the aerial parts, in the leaves, branches, and stems, in which the solu- tions are worked over and from which the water is given oft'. The living parenchyma cells near the absorbing cells in the roots, and the living parenchyma cells composing the food- making tissues in other parts may be many metres apart. The absorbing and consuming tissues of herbaceous plants are usually close together ; in tall trees they are separated, * but are farthest from each other in some of the "lianes." How is the water raised from the IOW T levels at which it enters the vascular bundles, in the region where it is absorbed from the soil, to the cells needing it but far removed?! This ques- tion has occupied botanists from the time when physiolog- ical experiments were first undertaken until now. Despite the most acute study, the question one of the most allur- ing and important in botany is still unanswered. Hy- potheses, deserving respectful consideration both because of their reasonableness, and also because of the fame of their authors, have succeeded one another in the text-books, have been accepted and then discarded, according to the prevail- ing fashion. As Sachs was for many years the leading plant-physiologist, so his idea, laid down in his writings with all his brilliant power, that the water ascended only through the walls of the wood-elements,! was the only one echoed by the smaller text-books. Then followed Godlew- * From Kerner and Oliver's Natural History of Plants these "certified estimates" of heights and lengths are quoted : Eucalyptus amygdalina 140-152 metres page 722, vol. I., part 2. Sequoia gigantea 79-142 " " " " " " " Calamus Rotang 200 " " 677, " " " " In his Silva of North America, Vol. X., p. 141, Sargent makes the following statement regarding Sequoia sempervirens : "The Redwood, which is the tallest American tree, probably occasionally attains the height of four hundred feet or more. The tallest specimen I have measured was three hundred and forty (340) feet high." f While this book is in the press, Copeland is publishing in the Botanical Gazette, vol. 34, 1902, "The rise of the transpiration: an historical and critical discussion." t Sachs, J. von. The Physiology of Plants, Oxford, 1887, pp. 241-242. Godlewski, E. von. Zur Theorie der Wasserbewegung in den Pflanzen. Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot., 1884. 120 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY skTs hypothesis, on the face of it much more reasonable, /but not directly supported by experiment,(that living cells j adjoining ducts and tracheids exert a pumping action^ By dissolving poisonous substances in the water to be ab- sorbed by the plants selected for examination, Strasburger* attempted to demonstrate that living cells are not con- cerned. Sap-pressure (see pp. 127, 131) was for a time con- sidered the propelling force, but the absence of sap-pressure at the times when water is most needed is sufficient evidence against this notion. The varying pressure of the gases within the body of the plant was supposed to be the answer to the question, until it was shown that gas-pressures do not vary enough and rapidly enough. Then came the era of Jamin's chains, when the ducts and tracheids, found to contain alternating columns of air and water, were supposed to furnish the tubes through which these pass. Schwen- dener,f Dixon and Joly,J and Askenasy have contributed much to a knowledge of the physical qualities of such chains, but no one has succeeded in proving that they have much if anything to do with water-transfer. Eepeatedly botanists have returned, from lack of anything better, to the idea that capillarity conveys the water through the vascular system ; but this notion is inadequate because the vascular system of many plants is composed of tubes so small and so short that, although the capillary force is great, the resistances are also so great that a sufficiently rapid transfer by this means alone is inconceivable. From all the contradictory views this much may be ex- tracted as proved. The water, which certainly permeates the walls of the elements composing the vascular system, is also contained in the cavities and passes through the cavi- ties in the direction of strongest attraction, conversely of least resistance. That the water does actually pass into * Strasburger, E. Bau und Verrichtung der Leitungsbahnen, 1891. tJber das Saftsteigen, 1893. f Schwendener, S. In Sitzungsberichte der Berliner Akademie, from 1886 on. J Dixon and Joly. On the ascent of sap. Annals of Botany, 1894. The Path of the transpiration current. Ibid., 1895. Askenasy. IJber das Saftsteigen. Verhandlung d. naturh. Vereins in Heidelberg, 1895. ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 121 and through the cavities of ducts and tracheids is demon- strated by using a solution of gelatine, which melts at a temperature so low as not to injure the plant, but which is solid at ordinary temperatures. For example, gelatine melted at about 30 C. will be taken into the freshly-cut butt of an amputated branch and can then be hardened by plunging into water at 20 C. If now the branch, with the butt freed from superfluous adherent gelatine, is stood up in a jar of cool water its leaves w r ill wither. They will recover, however, if placed in water warm enough to melt out the gelatine. This experiment is significant in two ways at least. First, solid gelatine permeated with water is no bar to osmotic transfer of aqueous solutions, while paraffine, or any similar material which is impermeable to water but might also be used to fill the cavities of the vessels, would stop osmosis. We see then that osmotic transfer, even if it could take place in the ducts as it does between the paren- chyma cells, is too slow for the conduction of more than small volumes of solutions and for short distances. Second, if the solidified gelatine is properly removed from the sur- face of the butt of the branch experimented upon, little or no penetration of gelatine into the walls of the ducts having taken place^ the permeability and conducting-power of the walls will be only very slightly diminished if impaired at all. Further than this no positive assertions can be made. The water certainly ascends, mainly in the cavities of ducts and tracheids, though also in the walls, and whenever the physical conditions demand it, water and dissolved salts will be drawn from the phloem as well as from the xylem. The main path for the transfer of the solutions of food-materials is the wood ; for the transfer of the solutions of elaborated foods, the phloem or bast-portion of the vascular bundles. The physical force needed to raise the water is still unknown. Of the various views regarding the means of transfer to which reference was made on pages 119 and 120, one is further from disproof, perhaps also from proof, than the others. This is the one put forth by Godlewski, * and advocated in more * See Pfeffer, Pflanzenphysiologie, Bd. I., p. 208 ; Engl. transl., I., pp. 220 et seq. 122 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY or less modified form by a number of other authors. Accord- ing to this view, the living cells which are always found to be the close neighbors of ducts and tracheids participate actively in raising water from roots to leaves. Apart from the anatomical relationship of these living and lifeless ele- ments, which suggests that the living cells may aid in as well as influence the movement in the lifeless ducts and tracheids, it is definitely proved by experiment that it is the youngest wood, that is, the wood containing the most and the most active living cells, which transfers most water and does it most rapidly. The method of proof consists in using solutions of harmless coloring-matters not fixed by living cells ( e. g. Indigo-carmin, Anilin Blue, etc. ) . If amputated branches are placed in such solutions the path of transfer will be indicated by the staining of cell-walls, and if the ex- periment is not prolonged, the stain will be found highest in the youngest, that is, the best-conducting wood. The "sap-wood" conducts most if not all of the water. On the other hand, the " heart- wood " conducts little or none. The heart-wood not only contains fewer living cells the oldest heart- wood none at all but its permeability diminishes as the infiltration of the walls with coloring, hardening, pre- serving, and other substances progresses. In the youngest wood, where there are the most living cells, the maximum transfer of water takes place. Against the idea that living cells are actively concerned in raising water from root to leaf are the conclusions drawn by Strasburger from his experiments. The following will serve as an Illustration of one line along which he experi- mented. * A specimen of Acer platanoides twenty-one metres high was obliquely sawed through at the base, a strong stream of water playing constantly into the cut as the saw- ing progressed. The tree was then placed with the butt in water. After the lapse of a half-hour it was hoisted, the cut surface smoothed with a sharp knife, and then lowered into a 5% solution of copper sulphate. In two weeks it took up nearly 30 litres of this liquid and the presence of the copper could be demonstrated up to, but not in the finest * Strasburger, E. Bau und Verrichtung der Leitungsbahnen, p. 617, 1891. ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 123 and highest branchlets. The rapid ascent of so large a volume of poisonous liquid is alleged to prove that living cells are not necessary to the transfer. One very strong objection to this conclusion is this .-although any cell into which even a small amount of copper penetrates will be poisoned and killed thereby, the cell next above will not cease its activity until it in turn absorbs and is poisoned by the copper. Furthermore, it is weU known that water, which already permeates all cell-walls, will ascend faster than substances dissolved in it but not permeating cell- walls. The poison will ascend less rapidly than its solvent because the copper-salt will be taken up by the cell- wall, and will diffuse osmotically through the cell. If then, living cells do take an active part in the transfer of water, the ones above and not killed by the copper can still pull up the solution though to then 1 own ultimate undoing, and they will pull up water faster than copper salt. Whether living cells are actively concerned in water-trans- fer or not, the popular idea of the lifetime of a cell must be modified somewhat. Those trees which form no " heart- wood" and in which living cells may be found quite to the centre (e. g. Beech and Birch), and the Palms and other Monocotyledons which do not increase in thickness, offer striking examples of the\age attained by living ceUs. Stras- burger* reports finding living cells in large numbers almost to the centre in sections of seventy-year old beech trees. In the wood of trees growing hi regions with pronounced seasonal differences there are seasonal as well as age differ- ences. The " annual rings" are divisible into so-called 'spring- wood" and "autumn- wood," although the latter is formed long before autumn. The anatomical differences which distinguish these layers of the annual ring from one another are accompanied by differences in their conducting power. Spring-wood is formed at the time when sap-pressure is greatest, when the opening of buds is followed by the ex- pansion of the leaf and other surfaces from which w r ater can be 'given off, when the plant resumes all at once the activi- ties which have been suspended for a season, and when most * L. c., p. 534. 124 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY food as well as most water must be carried to the active parts. Spring- wood conducts better than autumn wood, although according to Strasburger, * single rows of cells formed last in the autumn-wood possess higher conducting powers than those formed earlier. This he regards as con- tributing to a better connection between the succeeding rings, and this is especially necessary because the new bundles for the forming and growing parts must be adequately sup- plied with liquid while the young spring-wood, with which they connect, is attaining effective dimensions. (For the cause of "annual ring" formation, see pages 191-4.) Perhaps in all plants, certainly in many plants growing in desert regions and in places where there is a distinct dry season, tissues are developed in which water may be stored and kept for a long time, in spite of the dryness of the sur- rounding air. It is quite possible that the wood-nbres, present always in the xylem of the vascular bundle and sometimes numerous there, serve as temporary holders of water at the same time that they contribute to the me- chanical strength of the plant. After collenchyma has served its first purpose in strengthening the rapidly growing : parts in which it differentiates so early, its thickened and ' chemically modified walls, as well as the living cells which formed them, retain water with considerable power, t The most striking examples of water-storing tissues are to be found among desert plants (.#. in the Cactacea* and Euphorbiace*),! and in the leaves of Sphagnacea\ which live under exactly opposite conditions. The possession by swamp-plants, especially those living in undrained swamps and in bogs, of characters found otherwise only in desert- plants has been remarked by a number of authors. This may be due to the plants trying, by reducing evaporation and therefore the need of absorption, to avoid absorbing in excess any of the poisonous matters (humic acid, etc.) in * 7. c.. p. 592. f Miiller, C. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Formen des Collenchyms. Berichte der Deutsch. Bot. Gesellschaft. 1890. i See Goebel's Pflanzenbiologische Schilderungen find Volkens's Flora der Mgyptisch-arabischen Wiiete, 1887. ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 125 iswamps, or it may be due to the actual difficulty of ab- sorbing water.* SECRETION Before leaving the subject of the osmotic phenomena in the plant-body to discuss those of water vaporization and gas exchange, those osmotic . processes which result in the re- moval of material from the plant should be mentioned. If there is absorption by means of osmotic currents set up and maintained because there are smaller proportions of water and of various other substances inside than outside the cell, there must be excretion by the same means whenever the opposite is true. Such excretion does take place ; there are exosmotic as well as endosmotic currents. They are very different, however, in amount, rate, and character. By the root-hairs of higher plants water and dissolved substances are endosmotically absorbed. Minute quantities of a number of substances are exosmotically excreted also by the root- hairs. Since Sachs's classic experiment in growing roots in contact with polished marble plates, t it has been known that roots can exert a corrosive action on such solid mat- ters as they touch. Recent experiments by CzapekJ have shown that the principal substances diffusing from roots are mainly carbon-dioxide (passing out as carbonic acid, H.,CO 3 ), phosphoric, hydrochloric, sulphuric, and phormic acids and their salts, preeminently substances which would aid the plant to obtain needed food-materials from the soil. Besides the excretion from roots, the secretions in the various glands and reservoirs are dependent upon exosmotic * Cowles, H. C. The ecological relations of the vegetation of the sand dunes of Lake Michigan. Botanical Gazette, vol. 27, 1899. Schimper, A. F. W. Pflanzengeographie auf phisiologischer Grundlage, 1898. t Sachs, J. von. Auflosung des Marmors durch Mais-Wurzeln. Bota- nische Zeitung, 1860. Lectures on the Physiology of Plants, pp. 262, 263, Oxford, 1887. J Czapek, F. Zur Lehre von den Wurzelausscheidungen. Jahrb. f. wiss. Botanik, Bd, 29, 1896. See also Sistini in Atti di Soc. Tosc. di nat., Proc. Verb., 1899 (reviewed in Just's Jahresbericht, Bd. 27, 2te Abth., p. 194), who says roots convert feldspar into clay, working at least four times as fast as the weather. 126 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY movements. Nectaries are special organs on the surface of which sugar is abundantly produced. What causes the for- mation and excretion of sugar by the cells of nectaries is not known, but given the sugar on the surface of a nectary, the excretion of water to dissolve this is inevitable. * Why this sugary solution is not resorbed is also unknown. Ap- parently no clear idea of the action of nectaries can be had un- til the physiological chemistry of these organs is worked out. The accumulation of resins in the intercellular resin-reser- voirs of the Conifers, etc., and the incrustations of lime and iron on the surfaces of various plants, are accounted for in the following way. Certain substances elaborated or formed as by-products by glandular cells, are excreted os- motically into intercellular spaces, or upon the surface, or under the cuticula (in certain hairs), there undergoing such chemical change that they are no longer capable of osmotic movement in water.! The excretion of fluid water by many plants is also ac- complished by purely physical means. Water vapor is uni- versally given off by land plants (p. 136), but the escape of fluid water is a less frequent and regular occurrence. In nectaries the passage of fluid water from the cell is due to osmotic pressure, the attraction of the excreted sugar. In other cases, on the contrary, fluid water is excreted, not because of the attraction (osmotic suction) of substances outside the cell but because of the pressure (turgor, p. 110) within the cell. Turgor will develop in a cell whenever the cell-sap, be- cause it contains a higher percentage of dissolved salts than the water outside, can absorb water. The volume of the cell-sap and of the enclosing protoplasm tends to * Wilson, W. The cause of the excretion of water on the surface of necta- ries. Untersuchungen aus dem Bot. Institut zu Tiibingen, Bd. I., 1881. Schimper, A. F. W. Wechselbezienhungen zwischen Pflanzen und Ameisen, 1888. i See Pfeffer, Pflanzenphysiologie, Bd. I., pp. 115, 116 501; Engl. transl., pp. 129, 500. Kohl, F. G. Kalsalze und Kieselsaure in der Pflanze, 1889. Giesenhagen, C. Die radialen Strange der Cystolithen von Ficus elastica. Berichte der Deutsch. Bot. Gesellsch., 1891. Tschirch, A. Die Harze und die Harzbehalter. Berlin, 1900. ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 127 increase with the absorption of water. Such increase in volume is only feebly resisted by the mechanically weak protoplasm. It can be resisted only by the cell-wall, a strong, elastic, permeable membrane, composed of one of the celluloses. Turgor and sap-pressure result from the resist- ance by the cell-wall to increase in volume. If the sap- pressure in a cell becomes greater than the retaining power of the wall, something will change. The absorption of water may be stopped by modifying the composition of the cell- sap, by exosmosis of the osmotically active salts to other cells, or by chemical change of the salts in the sap ; or water may pass out through the wall in a direction of less pres- sure, either into adjacent cells or out upon the surface of the organ. If none of these things occur and absorption con- tinues, the cell-wall will break. The cortical parenchyma cells in the root, in the region where absorption through the hairs is taking place, are under sap-pressure whence the misleading name of root- pressure and consequently force water into the conducting elements, tracheids and ducts, with which they are in con- tact. The same process underlies the action of water-pores. Certain weather conditions favor the excretion of water by making it possible to develop the necessary sap-pressure. When the air is warm and moist above a warm damp soil, there will be copious absorption through the roots and pro- portionally little loss of water from the upper parts of the plant by evaporation. Sap-pressure necessarily develops, and if these conditions continue, the pressure will presently exceed the retaining power of some or many cells, water will either filter through or break through the cell-walls. If it break through, a wound is formed, and the escape of liquid from it is bleeding (see pp. 130-36). Such wounds are not altogether uncommon.* The filtering of water under pressure through cell-walls does not take place indiscriminately, for the permeability of the walls of the cells composing the different tissues is not * See Pfeffer, Pflanzenphysiologie, Bd. I., pp. 255 et seq.; Engl. transl., I., pp. 272 et seq. Strasburger, E. Bau und Verrichtung der Leitungs- bahnen, 1891. 128 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY equal. Thus, as a rule, the walls of superficial cells are so water-proofed, either by chemical change or by infiltration of the cellulose, that water will be pressed out of other cells before it will pass from them. The so-called water-pores such as occur on the garden nasturtium are merely the openings on the edges of the leaves of cavities at the tips of vascular bundles. The thin-walled cells bordering upon the ducts and tracheids of these bundles squeeze out water into them, the water makes its way toward the surface, escapes into the cavity, and finally passes out through the pore. The excretion of water can, however, be observed on many plants not provided with such highly developed filtering organs. On the leaves of grasses grown under glass in the laboratory, and on the filaments or erect fruiting bodies of various fungi similarly cultivated, water will collect in drops whenever the substratum is so moist that checking the evaporation will raise the sap-pressure to the filtering point. This occurs regularly in grass-plats at night. The "dew" there formed is mainly expressed water rather than moisture condensed from the air. A considerable number of plants, especially those growing in damp tropical regions, rid themselves of superfluous water by means of living glandular hairs on the surface, usually the under surfaces of leaves. According to Haberland* these glandular hairs, to which he gives the name hydathodes, press out liquid only when living. The liquid passing out of water-pores and excreted by hydathodes is usually a very dilute solution, mainly of mineral substances, with little or no sugar or other organic compounds. These organs are therefore quite different as to their products from nectaries. Other water-excreting glands are not uncommon. The accumulation of water in the pitchers of Nepenthes, Sarra- cenia, Darlingtonia, the secretions on the hairs of Drosera, and on the leaves of Dionea, are due to the action of water- glands. The cells composing these glands change not only * Haberland, G. In Sitzungsberichte d. Akad. d. Wissensch., Math-phys. Klasse, Bd. 103, Abth. 1, Wien, 1894; ibid. Bd. 104, 1895; also Jahrb. f. wiss. Botanik, Bd. 30, 1897. ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 129 the rate but, as we have already seen (page 83), the kind of activity in accordance with certain stimuli. On the hairs of Droseraj and on the leaves of other carnivorous plants, the sugary secretion which is used for attracting and cap- turing prey may be more like that formed by nectaries (page 126) due, so far as the water is concerned, to os- motic suction rather than to active pressing out. The fill- ing up of the pitchers of the pitcher-plants is much more likely to result from active excretion of water. The mechanics of the secretions commonly taking place on the surface of stigmas are probably identical with those of nectaries, although it must be seen that the first secretion of sugar, and of the water which carries it, may in both cases be accomplished by active pressing out of these substances by the living cells forming the surface of the gland. When sap-pressure is high in the body of the plant or in the root- hairs themselves, the dissolved substances passing out through root-hairs may be pressed out mechanically by the vital activity of the living protoplasm, as well as by the difference in the osmotic pressures within and without the cell (page 125). The substances passing out exosmotically or by other pressure from the cells are seldom, if ever, such as con- tribute directly to the formation of protoplasm. Proteids, albuminoids, and the like, remain in the cells in spite of the differences in proportional composition of the liquids within and without the cells. Though some of these sub- stances may be soluble, none is freely diffusible. According to the differences in diffusibility, soluble substances have been divided into crystalloids and colloids, respectively sub- stances readily and tardily diffusing. It is now known, con- trary to former supposition, that colloids may crystallize. For this reason the names are inapt and misleading. The hypothetical explanation of the feeble diffusibility of colloi- dal substances is this : the molecules of these highly complex compounds are so large (e. g. egg-albumen, which, according to Lieberkuhn, may have the formula C^H^N^OJ^*) that * Loew and Bokorny. Die chemische Kraftquelle im lebenden Proto- plasma. Munich, 1882. 9 130 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY they cannot pass through the spaces between the molecules, or groups of molecules, of other substances. On the other hand, a colloidal membrane is no bar to the diffusion of crystalloids, for though its molecules and groups of mole- cules are large, it is supposed that the spaces between are large enough for smaller molecules to pass through. Thus, apart from Hertwig's conception ( p. 7 ) that the living proto- plasm is a definite structure and not a substance or mixture of substances merely, we have a reason why the protoplasm, while permitting the free passage of w r ater and of the sub- stances dissolved in it, remains enclosed within the cell-wall, although by the absorption of much water, or for other rea- sons, the density of the protoplasm may be greatly reduced. In this sense the living cell is an apparatus that permits endosmosis while preventing exosmosis. In addition to the failure of protoplasmic (7. e. of colloidal) substances to pass through the cell- wall because of the size of their mole- cules, the living protoplasm (see p. 107) prevents by its bounding membranes the exosmosis of dissolved coloring and of some other substances contained in the vacuoles. SAP-PRESSURE AND BLEEDING The transfer of single cells containing osmotically active substances in abundance for example, ripe pollen-grains into pure \vater, or to an aqueous solution of too low den- sity, will cause the cells to swell and finally to burst, in consequence of turgor-pressure which finally ruptures the cell- walls. Such cells would not swell and burst in air, or in a solution nearly or quite equalling the cell-sap in density. Similarly, the accumulation of osmotically active substances in some of the cells of a multicellular plant which can ab- sorb water in abundance, will result in developing pressure turgor-pressure in those cells. These, exerting pressure upon neighboring cells, will transmit the mechanical force, often for a considerable distance, and it may ultimately be exerted directly upon the soil or other material surrounding the plant. The materials causing the development of pres- sure may pass by osmosis to the cells against which pressure is exerted. Thus, though the pressure in one cell or several ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 131 may thereby be reduced, the means of developing turgor will be extended and the total pressure of the organ or of the plant may remain the same. The turgor-pressure may also be reduced by the living cells which abut on the lifeless ducts and tracheids, pressing out water into these otherwise empty shells. Continuing this process of excre- tion into the wood elements may result in pressure develop- ing in them also. This pressure in lifeless cells may justly be called sap-pressure in distinction from turgor-pressure, which is possible only in living cells or in an apparatus similarly constructed. Perennial plants in temperate climates exhibit all of these phenomena each year with the return of spring. When there are again sufficient warmth and water, the cells in which starch and other reserve foods were stored for the winter are awakened to new life, and form enzyms needed to convert the starch and other insoluble solids into soluble ones. These go into solution in the cell-sap, which thereby in- creases in density and in osmotic potential. The cell-sap in this condition rapidly absorbs water and, tending to in- crease proportionally in volume, develops a pressure equal to the force needed to keep it at that volume. This pressure will necessarily be exerted upon the adjacent cells, will thus be extended from cell to cell, the substances dissolved and the water dissolving them will pass by osmosis in the same directions, 7. e. in the directions of least resistance, mechan- ical or osmotic. Thus the local pressure will be reduced and the danger that the cells may burst will be removed. The total pressure may remain the same, or the local pressure may become so distributed and equalized that in the plant as a whole there will be none. This last is accomplished whenever water is given off, as vapor or liquid, from the surface of the plant in amount equal to that absorbed. The ratio between water absorbed and water given off indicates whether there can be any pressure of the cell-sap in any living cell (turgor-pressure) or in the whole plant (sap-pressure). The greater the absorption in proportion to the loss of water by evaporation, transpiration, or secre- tion, the greater the pressure, local and general ; conversely, 132 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY the greater the loss of water in proportion to the absorp- tion the lower the pressure, local and general. Copious absorption is dependent upon the presence in the cells of a large amount of soluble and osmotically active substance and upon the presence outside of a large amount of water. Small loss of water is dependent upon small surface, upon the impermeability of the walls of the superficial cells, and upon low protoplasmic activities in them. These condi- tions are met especially in spring, but also to a limited extent during and immediately after rain in summer. In spring, water is taken up in quantity from the moisture-laden soil by the dense cell-sap of the root cells; from the still bare branches and the unopened buds water is given off only in very small amount ; * sap-pressure develops in consequence. If a plant in this condition has been so recently trimmed or pruned that the wounds are not yet closed, or if new wounds are opened, we shall have the familiar phenomena of " bleeding" and of sap-flow. The name "bleeding" or "weeping" is given to wholly useless if not injurious ex- hibitions of the phenomena, employed by the farmer in northern North America when he "taps" his maple trees in spring to secure the highly prized maple syrup and maple sugar. What flows from the plant, whether in bleeding or in the run of sap after tapping, is the water expressed into the wood elements by the living cells bordering upon them. This sap, flowing out under pressure, is a solution contain- ing various organic compounds in maple chiefly sugars and mineral salts. The presence of mineral salts in the sap, and their accumulation in the evaporating pans employed in sugar-making, are due to their being taken up, a little at a time, by the plant in the water absorbed from the soil. The amount and the kinds of salts present in the sap will vary with the nature of the soil and with the kind of plant, for the reasons which we have above considered (p. 112). The * It is not a question of surface merely, however, for in evergreens, although the surface is not materially less in winter and spring than in summer, the amount of water given off during winter and spring is much less than in summer. The lessened activities of the protoplasm in leaves and branches, and the decreased evaporation at the lower temperatures, account for this. ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 133 amounts and the kinds of organic matters will vary not only with these two factors, but also with the condition of the individual, both at the time, and during the foregoing- season, when organic substances were being formed and stored by the plant. Sap-pressure, which determines the rate of sap-flow and of bleeding, varies at different times in the season and in the day. The amount of water in the soil and of moisture in the air will directly affect the physical conditions of sap- pressure and of sap-flow. If the soil is dry, only small amounts of water can be absorbed, the turgor-pressure in the living cells of the root will be relatively low, compara- tively little water will be pressed from these cells into the wood-elements, and therefore the sap in the wood will in- crease proportionally little in volume and pressure. If the air is dry, more water will evaporate from the plant, the ratio between the amounts absorbed and given off will be lowered, and the volume and pressure of the sap in the wood will be proportionally lowered. Other factors, acting directly upon the protoplasm and only by this means affecting the physical conditions of sap- pressure, cause the pressure and rate of flow to vary from time to time. Whatever stimulates the protoplasm of those cells in which food is stored in solid form to dissolve the food, will tend, other things being equal, to raise the sap- pressure by increasing the absorption of water and the turgor-pressure. The increased secretion by the protoplasm of diastatic or other enzyms, by means of which more in- soluble solids will be converted into osmotically active solu- ble substances, increases the absorbing power of the cell-sap and proportionally increases its volume and pressure. Con- versely, whatever influences depress the protoplasmic activi- ties also tend to reduce the sap-pressure. Experiments by Wieler* on plants in pots, and there- fore under controllable though somewhat artificial con- ditions, confirm the observations made on plants in * Wieler, A. L. Das Bluten der Pflanzen. Cohn's Beitrage zur Biologic der Pflanzen, Bd. VI., 1893. Gain, E. Action de Peau du sol sur la veg- etation. Revue Generate de Botanique, t. VII., 1895. 134 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY nature* that low temperatures (freezing or lower) decrease the sap-pressure and the sap-flow and may stop the bleeding. With a rise in temperature the pressure will rise and sap- flow will be resumed. Experience shows that cold at night, stopping the sap-flow, and warmth by day, causing it to be renewed with vigor, are most favorable to a copious yield of sap of good quality. The means of measuring the pressure developed by the absorption of water are at the best inadequate, for the various forms of pressure-gauges (manometers) employed cannot be made to measure the total amount of force de- veloped. A manometer measures merely the net force. Each individual cell which is restrained from expanding, and which absorbs more water than it gives off, exerts force, develops pressure. But by no means all the cells of a plant develop pressure simultaneously ; some cells develop no more than average pressure, and some dead parts (e. g. ducts, tracheids, etc. ) cannot develop osmotic pressure under the conditions ordinarily prevailing in the plant. Against these less resisting cells those under pressure and seeking to ex- pand, exert force. This force, being partly or wholly un- resisted, expends itself, the pressing cells expand, the others collapse. Again, water may be forced into tracheids and ducts by adjacent cells and thus the pressure of the latter will be reduced. If, however, tracheids and ducts become filled with sap, as is the case in early spring in the sugar maple, vine, etc., pressure will develop in these dead parts also, be- cause of the force exerted by the osmotically active living cells, adjacent or more or less remote. The pressure developed by one group of cells may, then, expend itself wholly in some other part of the body of the plant, leaving no force to be exerted upon the pressure-gauge. The pressure-gauge indi- cates only that amount of force due to sap-pressure which is not expended in the body of the plant itself, that is, the net force as it may be called, to distinguish it from the total force. * Bibliography in Wieler's paper above and papers by Jones and Orton, Sap-pressure and flow in Sugar Maple. Ann. Report Vermont Agric. Exp. Station, 1898. Morse and Wood. Studies of Maple Sap. Bulletins 24, 25, 32, New Hampshire Coll. Agric. Exp. Station, 1895. ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 135 In spite of the inadequacy of the means for measuring sap-pressure, figures of very considerable magnitude are to be found in the published studies on this subject. For ex- ample in Ricinus communis 6% Ibs. to sq. in. Urtica dioica 9% " " " Vitis vinifera 21% " " " Betula alba 28 " " " Strangely enough, since the researches of Clark* in 1873, little attention has been paid in this country to the phe- nomena of bleeding, hi spite of the facts that the important maple-sugar industry depends upon it, and that there are botanists at the Agricultural Experiment Stations of the sugar-making States. For the very natural but also very poor reason that sap- pressure has often been measured on the stumps of small plants cut off near the ground that is, where the sap-pres- sure must develop almost wholly within the root it has been commonly called root-pressure. That this is a mis- nomer follows not only from the foregoing consideration of the physics of sap-pressure, but also from the introductory experiments of Pitra,f repeated and extended by others, upon the sap-pressures which may be developed in parts above ground, for example, branches cut off from the main stem and thus wholly separate from the root. The sap- pressure of such amputated parts may even be higher than of those left attached to the root. It is true that the sap- pressure develops first in the lowest parts and gradually ascends the stem or branch, but this is owing to the absorb- ing part being below. It is the roots, or the lower ends of amputated branches, which absorb the water, and it is necessarily the cells nearest the absorbing parts that first develop pressure and from which, after a time and after the pressure goes beyond a certain height, sap is pressed out * Clark, W. S. Circulation of sap in plants. Lecture before Mass. State Board of Agriculture, 1874. t Pitra, A. Versuche iiber die Druckkraft der Stammorgane bei den Erscheinungen des Blutens und Thranens der Pflanzen. Jahrb. f. w. Bo- tanih. Bd. XI., 1877. 136 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY into the tracheids and tracheae to make room for the water which continues to be absorbed. Although the sap-pressure is generally greatest at the base of a stem or the butt of a branch, the pressure is clearly due to a condition in some group of cells, whether these are in the root or elsewhere. We should, therefore, abandon the misleading name of root- pressure and use only the equally self-descriptive but correct term sap-pressure. The amount of sap-flow is exceedingly different, not only for different species and different individuals of % the same species, but also for the same individuals in different sea- sons. The reasons for this diversity we have already con- sidered. The following figures will serve to indicate the volumes sometimes obtained Birch in 7 days yielded 36 liters sap (Wieler) (12 years old) daily average 5+ Agave 7.5 " " (Humboldt) (decapitated flower in 4.5 mont hs 995.0 " Sugar maple in 23 days 93095.0 grs. " (Morse) ( cuSference?; r " daily average 4047.0 =3.6 litres " (Sp. gr. 1.32) TRANSPIRATION. From all their surfaces exposed to the air, plants give off water-vapor. This is a physical necessity, for water-vapor will be given off from any mass, lifeless or living, which con- tains water, whenever the surrounding air is not saturated with moisture, or when the mass has a temperature higher than that of the air, or when the mass, in relatively dry air, is not enclosed in a waterproof covering. Other things being equal, the amount of water-vapor given off will be greater the greater the exposed surface in proportion to the mass. With like conditions of humidity, temperature, sur- face-composition, and surface-area, equal masses of different composition will dry, 7. e. lose water by evaporation, at different rates, a gelatinous or slimy mass more slowly than a woody one, for example. The living plant differs from a dead one of exactly the same dimensions in being able to control four of these five factors, and to that degree it is ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 137 able to control the rate and the amount of evaporation. Because evaporation from the body of the living plant is controllable within certain limits by the plant itself, and to this extent is a physiological process, it has been given the separate name of transpiration. With this idea of evapora- tion controlled by the living organism has been coup- led the notion that water is vaporized by the chlorophyll grains illuminated by sunlight and manufacturing carbo- hydrates, and that this water-vapor, produced by physical means acting through the living organs of the plant, is an important part of the total volume of water given off. This process Van Tieghem* distinguishes from evaporation by the name of chloro vaporization. Assuming that water is set free in combining carbon-dioxide and water into carbo- hydrate, it is hard to conceive that the liberation of water in a water-containing cell would be in the form of escaping vapor any more than in the familiar reactions carried on in solutions in the laboratory. The water molecules liberated at the temperatures prevailing in cells photosynthetically active would mix with the water in the cell-sap both in the protoplasm and in the vacuoles. Because light is absorbed in chlorophyll-containing cells, the temperature of these cells may be (but not necessarily will be) higher than of other cells not absorbing light. If this is the case, and if these cells are warmer than the air, evaporation will of course take place. Transpiration is, therefore, a physical process controlled but not carried on by the living plant. Accord- ing to circumstances it may be more or less rapid than simple evaporation. Plants living in regions where the rain-fall is slight or is very unequally distributed through the year, and where the soil is not an efficient reservoir of water, are forced not only to store water in their bodies (see p. 124) but also to check the loss of water by every possible means. The greatest economy of water is shown by the Cacti. In the most condensed forms we have nearly spherical plants, the *Van Tieghem, Ph. Traite de Botanique, t. I., p. 185, 1891. Also Transpiration et chlorovaporisation. Bulletin de la Soc. Bot. de France, 1886. 138 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY outer surface of which is rendered as impermeable as possi- ble to water and water-vapor by the waxy covering of the outer walls of the epidermal cells, by greatly thickening and cutinizing these walls, by forming more than one layer of epidermis, by sinking the guard-cells of the stomata to the second layer of epidermis, by greatly reducing the number and size of stomata, and in some cases by forming a woolly covering of dead hairs which still further insulates the tissues within. From such plants the loss of water is slight in pro- portion to the mass, less in proportion to the surface, least in proportion to the amount of water contained in .the plants. Evaporation from these plants is reduced to the minimum, transpiration is lowest in rate and in volume, first, by reason of the composition of the plant-body, slimy and gelatinous materials holding water, and water-storing tissues, forming a considerable part of the volume of the plant ; second, by the area, composition and covering of the surface ; third, by the small number of openings through the insulating covering ; and fourth, by the body-temperature of the plant being lower than that of the air when the air could otherwise take up most moisture.* The opposite extreme is represented by plants living in the very humid regions of the tropics. There the air is always near the point of saturation, and the almost daily showers at certain seasons attest both the frequency with which the air attains the point of saturation and also the great amount of moisture which can be quickly precipitated. The well-known copiousness and frequency of the tropical down- pours indicate that great volumes of water must somehow be vaporized. It has sometimes been concluded, from the tardy evaporation of water from wet masses having the same temperature as the surrounding air, that all tropical plants must have other means than transpiration for get- ting rid of the water absorbed by them. Some do have other means in the hydathodes (p. 128), but not many * For a further discussion of these interesting adaptations consult Goebel, Pflanzenbiologische Schilderungen ; Volkens. Flora der agyptisch- arabischen Wuste, 1887; Schimper. Pflanzengeographie auf physiolo- gischer (jrundlage, 1898. ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 139 plants are so equipped. Whenever the temperature of the plant is higher than that of the moisture-saturated air outside, transpiration will take place, the water-vapor condensing on the surfaces of the plant and elsewhere. Because the plant in its respiration has a means of develop- ing heat, it must often be the case in the tropics that the plant is warmer than the surrounding air. That transpira- tion into the moisture-laden air of the tropics is sufficient for getting rid of w r ater is evident when we take into con- sideration the following matters. First, the plant absorbs water because it needs and uses both water and the salts dis- solved in it. Of the salts it needs only very small amounts, as shown by culture experiments, and though analyses of the mature plant may reveal the presence of much larger amounts of some or all of the useful salts, it does not by any means follow that these amounts are used, or, if they are used, that the plant is not over-fed. Of the water it needs enough to bring adequate amounts of the indispens- able salts, and if the plant absorb enough water for this pur- pose, it will certainly have sufficient for all other purposes also, because the solutions of needed salts are so dilute. In certain places one of the advantages attained by trans- piration certainly consists in the lower body-temperature of the plant, since vaporization is a cooling process. Second, transpiration even into a very humid atmosphere will suffi- ciently concentrate the cell-sap of superficial cells to ensure an osmotic current into these cells, supplying them with both the water and the salts which they may need. Third, 'no more water will be absorbed than the plant needs, for the living cells control by their activities those physical "conditions which make absorption possible. If the trans- piration of plants living in the humid tropics is less than of plants living in drier regions, the absorption of water will be less. So long as water and needed salts are absorbed in sufficient quantities, growth and the other activities of the plant will be normal. The luxuriant vegetation of the tropics impresses every one with the idea that there growth, food-manufacture, etc., must be more rapid and more abun- dant than in temperate regions. The correctness of this 140 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY view is questioned by Giltay,* at least so far as food- manufacture is concerned. On equally fertile soil in equal lengths of time, the activities of tropical and temperate plants are not unlike. If this is true, there is no need of more rapid absorption and transfer of food in tropical plants than in those of temperate climes, and transpiration may at least be no more rapid, may safely be less rapid, than in dryer temperate regions. It may easily happen in temperate regions that the plant takes in more water and more salts than it really needs, and that while the former evaporates, the latter accumulate in useless forms and quantities with or without chemical change. Whether the transpiration of plants adapted to the climatic conditions of different parts of the world differs greatly must be regarded as still unsettled', f The result of the evaporation of water from any solution is the concentration of the solution and the lowering of its temperature. With the evaporation or transpiration of water from the leaves of plants, the cell-sap of the cells giving off water will tend to increase in density and to de- crease in temperature at a rate proportional to the rate of transpiration. The increase in density of the cell-sap is ac- companied by an increase in osmotic pressure, and the cell- * Giltay, E. Uber die vegetabilische Stoffbildung in den Tropen und in Mitteleuropa. Annales du Jardin Botanique, Buitenzorg, t. XV., 1898. t The discussion of the question is represented by the following papers : Haberlandt, G. Anatomisch-physiolog. Untersuchungen iiber das tropische Laubblatt. I. Uber die Transpiration einiger Tropenpflanzen. Sitzungs- ber. d. K. K. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Wien, Bd. CL, Abth. I., 1892. Uber die Grosse der Transpiration im feuchten Tropenklima. Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot- anik, Bd. 31, 1898. Erwiderung zu Giltay's Abhandlung. Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot., Bd. 33, 1899. Stahl, E. Einige Versuche iiber Transpiration und Assimilation. Botanische Zeitung, 1894. Burgerstein, A. fiber die Trans- pirationsgrosse von Pflanzen feuchter Tropengebiete. Ber. d. Deutsch. Bot. Gesellsch., 1897. Materialien zu einer Monographic betreffend die Erscheinungen der Transpiration der Pflanzen. Verhandl. d. K. K. Zool.- Bot. Gesellsch., Wien, 1901 and earlier. Giltay, E. Vergleichende Studien iiber die Starke der Transpiration in den Tropen und im mitteleuropai- schen Klima. Jahnb. f. wiss. Botanik., Bd. 30, 1897. Die Transpiration in den Tropen und in Mittel-Europa, II., Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot., Bd. 32, 1898 ; Ibid., III., loc. cit., Bd. 34, 1900; Ibid., Bot. Centralbl., Beihefte, Bd. 9, 1900. ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 141 sap draws water from adjacent cells with corresponding force. The decrease in the water-content of the parenchyma cells causes a greater draft upon the water-conducting tissues not only adjacent but throughout the conducting system, for a draft upon one part disturbs the balance throughout the whole. Thus, assuming an adequate force by which water is raised through the ducts from root to leaves, we see that this force is set in motion, and its action is regulated, by the amount and the rate of transpiration. Transpiration must then also affect the root-hairs, regulat- ing the amount of water which they absorb. A current for parts of its course osmotic, for the remainder of much larger dimensions is set up, maintained and controlled by transpiration. Transpiration is, however, only one means of doing this, water-pores (p. 128) and hydathodes (p. 128) being the others, and perhaps equally important for the plants which possess them. The ordinary means by which evaporation is controlled by higher plants are two: fiist, the stomata (p. 142), which control the exchange of gases as well as of water-vapor be- tween the plant and the air ; second, the character of the epidermal and other cells (cork, etc.) covering the plant.* Special means of facilitating or checking transpiration are possessed by plants inhabiting especially damp or especially dry regions, f * Consult De Bary, A. Comparative anatomy of the vegetative organs of phanerogams and ferns. Oxford, 1884. t These topics need not be discussed here. They illustrate no new princi- ples in plant physiology. The following papers may be read by the inter- ested student. Other papers and books have been referred to in the pre- ceding pages. Stahl, E. Regenfall und Blattgestalt. Ann. du Jardin Bot. de Buitenzorg, Bd. XI., 1893. Uber bunte Laubblatter. Ibid., Bd. XIII., 1896. Kny, L. Zur physiologischen Bedeutung des Anthocyans. Atti del Congresso Botanico Internationale, 1892. (Older literature here cited.) Keeble, F. W. The hanging foliage of certain tropical trees. Annals of Botany, vol. IX., 1895. Darwin, Charles and Francis. The Power of Move- ment in Plants, 1880. Stahl, E. Uber den Pflanzenschlaf und verwandte Erscheinungen. Botanische Zeitung, I. Abth., Heft. V.,VI., 1897. Wilson, W. P. and Greenman, J. M. Preliminary observations on the movements of the leaves of Afelilotus alba L. and other plants. Contrib. Botan. Lab- oratory, Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1892. 142 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY STOMATA AND THE AERATING SYSTEM The preceding paragraph leads us to a consideration of those special epidermal structures, the stomata, which are the chief means by which the plant controls the transpira- tion of water-vapor and the exchange of oxygen and carbon- dioxide. The stomata are the guarded openings, on the surface of the plant, of those intercellular spaces which form throughout its body a system of continuous passages through which gases, passing diosmotically into and out of the adjacent living cells, make their way from and to the outside air. Through open stomata and intercellular passages gases can diffuse more rapidly than they can pass by osmosis through cell-walls soaked with water. Besides the uninter- rupted diffusion which these passages and openings make possible, still more rapid movement of enclosed gases and vapors must take place whenever the plant is agitated, swayed by the wind, or by passing animals. Even changes in the positions of the organs of the plant, resulting in changes in the diameter of the intercellular spaces in one region and a consequent change in the equilibrium of the enclosed gases and vapors, will facilitate the movement of gases throughout the whole aerating system. Thus the constant trembling of the leaves of the aspen (Populus tremula, and P. tremuloides), and often of other plants also, in the slightest breeze, and the autonomic movements of the leaflets of Desmodium gyrans are claimed by Stahl* to increase transpiration. If they do this, they must also accelerate the interchange of gases. The intercellular spaces which, uniting together, form with the stomata the aerating system of larger massive plants, .are of very different sizes according to their position and according to the needs of the cells enclosing them. Between the chlorophyll-containing, food-making cells of the leaf the intercellular spaces are comparatively large. In the leaves of plants growing in damp places they are even larger than * Stahl, E. f T ber den Pflanzenschlaf und verwandte Erseheinungen. Bot. { Zeitung, 1897. ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 143 in other leaves. * The large size is due to the need of get- ting rid of water-vapor as rapidly as possible, and of ob- taining sufficient quantities of the carbon-dioxide contained in such minute proportions in the air. There must, there- fore, be a rapid passage of comparatively large volumes of air past these mesophyll cells. On the other hand, the in- tercellular spaces in the deeper tissues, where the cells de- mand mainly, if not exclusively, the much more abundant oxygen, are relatively very small. Merismatic tissues for example, cambium enclose no intercellular spaces, and though aerated only osmotically, they obtain oxygen in suf- cient quantities from the adjacent tissues which do enclose air passages. Hollow stems such as those of the grasses and dead cells are filled with air, but these are not to be regarded as forming part of the aerating system. On the contrary, they merely contribute, like the air chambers, blad- ders, etc., of water-plants, to the lightness of the organism. The cells enclosing the air spaces have walls which are freely permeable to water-vapor and to gases. Because these cell- walls, like all others in the plant except those forming the outermost bark-layers, are saturated with water, the. passage of oxygen, carbon-dioxide, and nitrogen (if this is taken up at all) through them must be in solu- tion, by osmosis, just as salts enter the cells. The cell-walls bordering upon the unconfined air, however, are so modified chemically by cutinization, suberization, and various im- pregnations (e. g. with SiO 2 ), and by being overlaid with wax, that they are far less permeable to gases and still less to water-vapor. The slow exchange of gases through epi- dermis with closed stomata or with none has been re- peatedly demonstrated, f most recently and certainly most simply, however, by the use of dry filter paper impregnated with cobalt chloride and by the iodine test for starch. t It is well known that cobalt paper, blue, when dry, will * Stahl, E. Einige Versuche iiber Transpiration und Assimilation. Botan- ische Zeitung, 1894. tSee discussions of this in Pfeffer, Pflanzenphysiologie, I., 21, 29, 30. Engl. transl., vol. I., 21, 29, 30. t Stahl, E. L. c. 144 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY change to a pink hue when exposed to dampness. This fact has been employed by Stahl in demonstrating that transpira- tion through the walls of epidermal cells is much slower than through open stomata. The iodine test for starch demon- strates whether carbon-dioxide enters the leaf through cell- walls in sufficient quantities for starch manufacture. In most plants the epidermal walls are too impermeable for this. Through the relatively impermeable superficial tissues epidermis and cork there must evidently be openings of the intercellular aerating passages. The most important and the most perfect of these openings are the stomata, found on leaves and other young parts. On older and persisting parts the enclosing cork layer may be interrupted by lenti- cels masses of rounded cells, unchanged as to their walls, and enclosing intercellular spaces continuous with those deeper in the body of the plant. Cork may be replaced on submersed organs, or on those growing in the mud of swamps and marshes, by a homologous tissue, like that composing the lenticels, and called a eren chyma.* Lenticels can be closed, and the passage of gases through aerenchyma can be stopped, only by the growth of new tissue, of cork, which seals the openings. The stomata, on the contrary, are intercellular spaces bounded by a pair of delicately balanced, and in most cases freely movable, epidermal cells. Lenticels are found especially in the bark of stems and branches, though also on older bark-covered roots. Aerenchyma is found almost exclusively on roots. These organs secure mainly the entrance of oxygen in sufficient quantities into the older and not necessarily very active tissues, and at the same time the exit of carbon-dioxide. When they occur on aerial organs they of course facilitate transpiration. Sto- mata, on the contrary, form most abundantly in the epi- dermis immediately covering chlorophyll-containing cells. Oxygen forms about twenty per cent, of the atmosphere and carbon-dioxide one-twentieth of one per cent. The chloro- phyll-containing cells must be very active during the hours when they are supplied by sunlight with the energy neces- * Schenck, H. fiber das Aerenchym : ein dem Kork homologes Gebilde. Jahrb. f. wiss. Botanik, Bd. XX., 1889. ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 145 sary for photosynthesis. Other cells can work at a slower rate and still accomplish as much, for, being independent of light, they can work longer. These constitute some of the reasons for the position and for the number of stomata. Stomata are sometimes called " breathing pores." They do admit oxygen, and whenever respiration exceeds photo- synthesis (e. g. in the dark), the unused carbon-dioxide may pass out through them. For these reasons they are breathing pores, but this is neither their sole nor their main function. Through open stomata water-vapor passes out- ward and carbon-dioxide inward. Through the stomata on the surface of the parts of the flower, little carbon-dioxide passes inward, for these are not food-manufacturing organs. On the contrary water-vapor and expired carbon-dioxide pass outward. On such organs the stomata are essentially organs for increasing and controlling transpiration.* A stoma consists fundamentally of a pair of epidermal cells not completely connected together and, therefore, either constantly separated from each other by a slit-like space, or separated whenever the cells draw or are drawn apart. The pair of incompletely connected cells known as guard-cells are usually strikingly different in size, form, and contents from other epidermal cells. The cells immediately adjacent to them may also depart from the type of epidermal cells both in appearance and in function. Such cells when present are known as accessory or auxiliary cells, for they either sup- plement the guard-cells in their task of opening and closing the stoma, or they themselves open and close the stoma by drawing the guard-cells apart or pushing them together. Strictly speaking, the stoma is the slit-like opening (Spalt- offnung) between these cells, just as the mouth is the cavity opened and closed by the lips. The opening and closing of stomata are accomplished by physical means only, but these means may or may not de- pend upon the irritability of the living protoplasm of the guard-cells and auxiliary cells. Fundamentally, the opening * Chester, Grace D. Bau und Function der Spaltoffnungen auf Blumen- blattern und Antheren. Ber. d. Deutsch. Bot. Gesellseh., Bd. XV.. 1897. Older literature here cited. 10 146 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY and closing of the stomata are due to changes in the tur- gor,* consequently in the form and dimensions, of the guard-cells. These changes in turgor may be due wholly to the absorption and withdrawal of water by means only remotely if at all controlled by the living cells, or they may be due to stimulations of the living cells which cause them to absorb or to expel water or otherwise to change the density of their cell-sap with consequent changes in turgor. The accompanying figures illustrate a stoma without aux- iliary cells (Fig. 3) and with auxiliary cells (Fig. 4). From figures 5 and 6 the differences in thickness of the FIG. 3. FIG. 4. Figure 3. Lower epidermis from leaf of Vicia faba showing stomata without auxiliary cells. Figure 4. Lower epidermis from leaf of Tradescan- tia zebrina showing stoma with auxiliary cells. different walls of the guard-cells are evident. The thin walls joining the guard-cells to their neighbors permit rapid osmotic transfer, the thin walls opposite are pliant. If, for any reason, the guard-cells absorb water, the volume of the cell cavities will increase, the form of the cells will change, and they will occupy the position indicated by the heavy outline in figure 5 ; the stoma will be open. If the reverse is the case, if the amount of water in the cell-sap is dimin- ished by evaporation or expulsion, the volume of the cell cavities will decrease, the thin adjacent walls of the guard- cells will bend out, approach each other and finally come into close contact; the stoma will be closed. From the figures it will be noticed that the guard-cells, provided * Mohl. H. von. Welche Ursachen bedingen die Erweiterung und Vereo- gung der Spaltofmungen ? Bot. Zeitung. 1856. ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 147 with chlorophyll grains, are capable of manufacturing for themselves substances which are osmotically active, con- tributing to the turgor as well as to the nutrition of the cell. The other epidermal cells of most plants, being devoid of chlorophyll, must absorb from their neighbors the osmoti- cally active substances upon which their turgescence depends. But their turgescence will vary according to the proportion sustained between the amounts of water which they absorb and give off. If, as is shown in figure 4, the shape, size, position, and other characters of some or all of the epider- mal cells adjoining the guard-cells are different from the Fig. 5. Fig. 6 Figure 5. Diagram (after Schwendener) to illustrate changes in form of guard-cells in opening and closing stomata. Figure 6. Cross section of stoma of Tradescantki zebrinn, showing relations of auxiliary cells to me- chanics of opening and closing. other epidermal cells, their turgidity will vary at times, at rates, and in degrees different from the ordinary epidermal cells. With these changes in the turgor of the ordinary epidermal cells, of the auxiliary, and of the guard-cells, there will necessarily be changes in the size of the openings, in the degree to which the stcmata are open or closed. As re- cently re-stated by Darwin,* in opposition to the extreme view prevailing of late that the guard-cells alone effect the opening and closing of the stomata, "the pressure of the guard-cells and that of the surrounding epidermis should be looked at as correlated, not as opposed and independent Darwin. Francis. Observations on Stomata. Society of London, Series B , vol. 190, 1898. Philos. Trans. Royal 148 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY factors." Yet it is easily conceivable owing to the different rates at which water may be absorbed or given off by the different cells of the epidermis, that in some plants, or under certain conditions of culture, etc., there may be such differ- ent conditions in the epidermal cells that while the guard- cells may be expanding and so tending to open the stoma, the other epidermal cells may also be expanding and so tending to push the guard-cells closer together and to close the stoma.* According to Benecke,f the auxiliary cells assist in the opening and closing of the stomata only indi- rectly and by neutralizing the mechanical strains brought to bear on the guard-cells by the changes in form of the epidermal and even of other leaf cells. Granting that changes in the turgor of epidermal cells, and especially of those peculiar epidermal structures, the guard-cells, bring about the opening and closing of the stomata, we must enquire how these changes are effected and what are the results as regards transpiration. Whenever a cell loses more rapidly than it absorbs water, the turgor of the cell will decline proportionally. This dif- ference will occur whenever a cell is unable to supply itself, directly or through its neighbors, with water enough to make good the loss by evaporation. The decrease in turgor of the guard-cells of the stomata, and their consequent flattening, are the result of such external conditions; the stomata are closed. The difference in the amount of water- vapor given off from leaves with open and with closed stom- ata has been estimated by various means. The most striking way of demonstrating this is perhaps Stahl's cobalt paper method. t Leaves with closed and with open stomata are compared, under as like conditions as possible, as to their rates of changing the color of dry filter paper impregnated with cobalt chloride. Whereas the sheet of cobalt paper placed against the leaf with open stomata will change * Stahl, E. I.e.. p. 121. f Benecke, W. Die Nebenzelleri der Spaltoffnungen. Bot. Zeitung, p. 602-3, 1892. t Stahl, E. Einige Versuche tiber Transpiration und Assimilation. Bot. Zeitung, 1894. ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 149 within a few seconds from blue to pink, the color remains unchanged for an hour or more (with Tradescantia zebrina, for four hours) in the paper in contact with the closed stomata. In spite of the very minute size of the opening, even at its fullest extent, the great number of stomata give us some idea of the effectiveness of these gates at the en- trances of the intercellular passages. Pfeffer,* quoting figures as to the size and number of stomata, says the effective area of the opening seldom reaches .0046 sq. mm., but that the number of such openings is from 100 to 300 per sq. mm. Estimating 100 to the sq. mm. at the size .0046 sq. mm., we see that nearly one-half the surface can be opened. Assuming that the stomata are on one side of the leaf only, and that on that side they have the propor- tions just given, we see that roughly one-quarter of the leaf-surface can be the free path for the exchange of gases and vapors. The disparity between absorption and evaporation which for physical reasons forces the stomata to close, is often supplemented by the irritability of the protoplasm of the guard-cells. Evaporation insufficient to produce any dimin- ution in turgor visible as wilting may still be enough to irritate the g^ard-cells into reducing their turgor by physi- cal or chemical changes accomplished in the cells by the living protoplasm. Thus various influences which cannot bear directly upon turgor, but which can irritate the proto- plasm, bring about the closing and opening of the stomata. The statements of older authors regarding these influences have been lately tested by Stahl,t and still more recently by Francis Darwin,! from whose papers the following conclu- sions are abstracted. The stomata of most plants are widest open in bright light, less widely open or completely closed in darkness. This one would in general expect, for photo- synthesis in chlorophyll-containing cells ( and the guard-cells contain chlorophyll) is most rapid in bright light. There * Pfeffer, W. Pflanzenphyeiologie, I., p. 177. Eng. transl., I., p. 195. Compare also Brown (Fixation of Carbon, Nature, 1899), and pp. 45, 50 of this book. f 7. c. J 1. c. 150 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY would then be the greatest demand for carbon-dioxide to be elaborated into food, and the gateways of the intercellular passages should be open to allow the free entrance of car- bon-dioxide. If the stomata close in bright light to guard against excessive transpiration, food production diminishes greatly. The closing of stomata more or less completely in darkness, the decrease in the size of the openings as the light diminishes, may be coupled with these facts : the pro- portion of oxygen in the air is so much larger than that of carbon-dioxide, and the rate of respiration so much lower than that of photosynthesis ( see p. 65 ) , that the stomata may well decrease in size, or even close for a time, with- out interfering with respiration ; transpiration on dry nights might be excessive or at all events would tend to cause in the cells an accumulation of salts unnecessary at the time in amount and kinds; the leaf is cooled by transpiration, and loss of heat by this means might be undesirable; in nyctitropic plants, and in others habitually living where the air is damp, the closing of stomata in darkness is less com- mon than in plants growing under more ordinary condi- tions. Stomata which have remained closed during the night, begin to open at daylight in the morning. Heat tends to open the stomata. This may have injurious or fatal re- sults. If the leaves of an evergreen, for example of holly, are warmed by air and sun while the roots are encased in soil so cold and dry that the root-hairs absorb too little water, the opening of the stomata is very likely to be followed by excessive transpiration, by the drying out and death of the plant. Indeed, most cases of " winter-killing" are to be at- tributed to the inability of the plant to balance transpira- tion by absorption, rather than to actual freezing to death. The majority of plants close their stomata when their leaves are wet. This can be demonstrated by putting in water strips of epidermis from the leaves. The advantage is more obvious than the means by which it is attained. If the stomata are the entrances of the passages through which the necessary exchange of gases and vapor takes place, these entrances must be kept free from whatever would hinder the exchange when the stomata are open. ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 151 Kain and dew collecting over the stomata or passing into the intercellular spaces would prevent the diffusion of gases except as they are dissolved hi the water. This disadvant- age is avoided in the first place by placing the stomata ordi- narily on the lower side of the leaf, the one least likely to be wet by rain. It is further avoided by the fact that when the leaf is wet, transpiration virtually ceases while absorp- tion may continue for a time, thus producing such a degree of turgor in the guard and other epidermal cells that their expansion closes the stomata. Certain plants living in extremely moist places, where the danger of excessive transpiration at any season is reduced to the minimum, are unable to close their stomata. Herbs, shrubs, and even trees (notably the willows) possess this character. It is for this reason that these plants cannot bear transplanting to dryer places for cultivation, but are distinctly swamp plants. GASES AND THE MOVEMENT OF GASES If the plant or any part of it dries that is, loses water faster than it absorbs it air takes the place of the evapo- rated water. If the cell-walls and intercellular spaces are equally permeable to gases and to water-vapor, air will pass in as rapidly as evaporation removes the water, but if water-vapor makes its way through cellulose, cuticula and cork faster than air, drying will tend to produce in the plant a gas pressure lower than that of the surrounding air. If again the component gases of the air diffuse and diosmose at different rates, the evaporating water will be replaced by nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon-dioxide in proportions "different from those hi which they occur hi the air. But if the living cells of the plant use any of these gases, the composition of the air hi the plant will be influenced by this means also. In all living cells of higher plants under normal conditions oxygen is consumed in respiration and carbon-dioxide is liberated, usually hi equal volumes. In all chlorophyll-con- taining cells carbon-dioxide is consumed and oxygen lib- erated, under the influence of light. Carbon-dioxide diffuses and diosmoses more rapidly than oxygen, and the latter 152 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY more rapidly than nitrogen, but these gases make their way less rapidly through drying cellulose and lignified mem- branes, though more rapidly through cuticula and cork, than does water-vapor. We have seen that the wood, which consists mainly of the walls of dead cells, is the path of the water-currents from root to leaves, that only rarely if ever are the wood elements filled with water, and that generally they contain air and water in alternating columns ( Jamin's chains ) . Whenever transpiration is more rapid than water- transfer, the air-pressure within the plant will decrease ; there will be the largest volume of air under the least pressure when transpiration has most reduced the amount of water, and when the vessels are fullest of water there will be the least volume of air under a pressure equal or nearly equal to that of the atmosphere. The constant changes in the rate of transpiration, causing differences in the water content of every cell, living and dead, and in the amount of water-vapor in the intercellular spaces, will cause constant changes in the volume and pressure of the gases within the plant. More strictly vital activities also affect the gas pressures. As may most conveniently be demonstrated on submersed aquatics, photosynthesis tends, other things being equal, to produce a gas pressure within the plant greater than that outside. Because the stomata of a land plant are usually open while the plant is manufacturing food, the free ex- change of gases between the plant and the outside air keeps the pressures about equal. But in submersed aquatics e. g. Elodea, Ceratophyllum, Myriophyllum, etc. the gas press- ure may be made evident in two ways. In the first place, the buoyancy of the plant increases while it is illuminated, indicating the accumulation of gas in its body ; and second, the classical experiment of inverting and cutting or prick- ing the stem* shows that a stream of bubbles, often countable and therefore offering an index of the photosyn- thetic activity, issues from the cut surface or from the wound. The explanation of this phenomenon of increased pressure is this : the carbon-dioxide used in the elaboration * For description see Darwin and Acton's or Detmer-Moor's laboratory manuals. ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 153 of sugar passes by osmosis more rapidly into the body and into the cells of the plant than the liberated oxygen passes out. The latter, therefore, accumulates in the large and well developed intercellular spaces and passages, escaping only slowly from these by osmosis, escaping rapidly only when the plant is wounded. The reverse of this result is attained during the night, when the plant is photosynthetically inactive but is steadily respiring, taking in oxygen as fast as it needs it, and giving out the more rapidly diosmosing and diffusing carbon-di- oxide. But since respiration is never so active as photo- synthesis, the negative pressure is never so high as the positive. Since plants are subjected to inconstant but frequent movement by the winds, by passing animals, by the rise and fall of the tide, by waves, etc., the gases contained in their bodies are subjected to varying pressures, are forced out and drawn in, are moved from part to part. These me- chanical influences brought to bear upon plants play a very important role in contributing to the movements of enclosed gases and vapors. Besides these, temperature-changes and, as we have already noted in connection with transpiration (p. 139), the temperature of the plant-body as compared with the temperature of the air outside, also affect the movements of gases in the plant. The effects of these in- fluences, however, are mainly upon the gases enclosed hi the intercellular spaces while the other influences which we have considered affect more directly the gases within the cells. But all of these influences contribute to the perfect aeration and ventilation of the plant-body just as the elaborate musculature of the higher animal automatically maintains the movements of the gases needed by the cells of its body. In both animals and plants, osmosis and diffusion underlie all gas movements in the body, but both are controlled by the vital activities, that is, by the amounts of the gases consumed and liberated by the living cells. From the foregoing it is evident that, in most plants, and under ordinary conditions, the composition of the enclosed gases can differ only slightly and temporarily from that of 154 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY the surrounding air. In certain species, gas of decidedly and permanently different composition from that of the sur- rounding air accumulates in chambers of considerable size. As reported in a preliminary paper by Wille, * the bladders of the Fucaceze contain absolutely no carbon-dioxide and a varying percentage of oxygen, thus Bladders wholly immersed in water contain 35-37% oxygen lying for 10 hours in air " 20% " darkened for 12 hours " 2.7% (( These figures, in connection with what has just been said about the different diffusibilities of oxygen and carbon- dioxide, are significant. The buoyancy of the plant depends upon its photosynthetic activity and upon the consequent accumulation of oxygen which is collected in specially differ- entiated reservoirs. Nitrogen necessarily makes up the greater part of the total volume of gas, but this inert gas varies in proportional amount only because of the produc- tion of oxygen in photosynthesis and of the consumption of oxygen in respiration during the hours of darkness. So in all plants the proportion of oxygen in the intercellular spaces decreases in darkness, and increases, especially in the intercellular spaces of photosynthetically active tissues, in the light. The impermeability of the cutinized membranes of the epidermal cells of the Fucacese permits the develop- ment of high gas-pressure by means of the abundant pro- duction and tardy diffusion of oxygen. Consequently, in spite of their large intercellular spaces, these plants do not collapse even in very deep water, f Their buoyancy is thus maintained largely by gas-pressure, and though the form of the cells is maintained by their own turgescence, the form of * Wille, N. Abstract, in Just's Jahresbericht der Botanik, vol. XVII.. p. 226, 1889, of a " vorlaufige Mittheilung," in Norwegian. Also Gasarten in den Blasen der Fucaceen. Chem. Centralbl., 1890. f Berthold, G. Uber die Vertheilung der Arten im Golf von Neapel. Mittheil. a. d. Zoolog. Station in Neapel, Bd. III., 1882. In this connec- tion it should be mentioned that all seaweeds living between the tide- marks are subjected twice daily to very different pressures. Where the range of the tide is great, as in the Bay of Fundy on the north Atlantic coast, the algae living near the low-tide mark must adapt themselves to the great differences in pressure. ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 155 the whole plant is due to the high gas-pressure in the inter- cellular spaces as well as to the turgescence and form of its component cells. How much of the size, and to a certain extent of the form also, of plants depends upon maintaining the air-spaces in expanded condition can only be roughly guessed from these figures : * | to of the volume of the leaves of most land plants is air-space. 71% of the volume of Pistia texensis (a floating plant) is air-space. 3.5% of the volume of Begonia hydrocotylifolia (succulent) is air-space. 53% of the volume of the leaf of Polypodium setigerum} is air-space. TRANSLOCATION OF FOODS There remains for us to consider in this chapter the trans- location of foods. Through the xylem elements, especially through the ducts and tracheids, aqueous solutions of cer- tain food-materials are transferred from the absorbing root- hairs to the elaborating chlorophyll-containing parenchyma- cells of the leaves. To these same chlorophyll-containing cells the other food-material, carbon-dioxide, makes its way through the stomata and the intercellular spaces. In these cells water and carbon-dioxide are consumed in elaborating a carbohydrate, a food which accumulates hi the same or in chemically closely related form in the cells which manufac- ture it. From these cells the food must be removed, unless it is also to be stored there, to parts needing it at once or , in which it can be kept in reserve for future use. In order to secure the transfer of the non-nitrogenous food manufactured hi the green tissues during the hours of daylight, it is usually necessary to change the chemical con- stitution or composition of the food. If starch or oil is the form in which the carbohydrate elaborated by the * Pfeffer W. Pflanzenphysiologie. I., p. 164. Engl. transl., I., p. 182. Various papers there referred to. in wMch other data may be found. I Estimated from Stahl's figure in Botan. Zeitung. plate IV., fig. 7, 1894. This is a land plant from one of the rainiest regions in the tropics. 156 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY chlorophyll-granule is temporarily deposited in the cell, the conversion of these into portable compounds is advan- tageous. Although oil will pass through cell-wall and living protoplasm, the same amount of nutritious material will pass through the same distance much more rapidly as sugar dissolved in water. Starch, being insoluble, is not only innutritious as such, but is not portable, and hence it must be converted into a soluble substance, also sugar. What is true of the non-nitrogenous foods elabo- rated in those organs receiving the special form of energy needed for their manufacture, is also true of the nitrogenous foods, elaborated probably in all the living cells of the plant, whether illuminated or not. The nitrogenous foods, if temporarily deposited in insoluble form in the cells elabo- rating them, will be much more portable if converted into soluble forms. As we have already seen, the non-nitro- genous foods are transferred mainly as sugars, the nitro- genous mainly as amides. We have seen (p. 116) that the transfer of water and dissolved mineral salts from the absorbing organs to those parts in which they are used as food or from which water is evaporated, would be too slow to secure an adequate supply if the movement were wholly osmotic. In order to satisfy the needs of cells consuming food, and to free the manufacturing cells from elaborated food so that they may continue to make it, the transfer of foods must also be by more rapid means than by osmosis merely. In small and simple plants the manufacture, consumption, and storage of food may go on in the same cells simultaneously. In larger plants, division of labor and differentiation of tissues secure greater efficiency and economy. In these plants there dif- ferentiates a system for distributing elaborated foods from the places of manufacture. The earliest and simplest con- ducting system is for this purpose. We find such a system well developed in the large marine algae (Fucus, Laminarix, Nereocystis, etc. ) . When plants come upon the land it be- comes hard to obtain water and easy to lose it. When plants, by becoming erect, limit their water-absorbing part to one end and place their food-manufacturing cells at the oppo- ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 157 site end of the body, they must^ supply themselves with a tis- sue system for the rapid conduction of water and salts from roots to leaves. The wood, which carries mainly food mate- rials, is so much more conspicuous than the bast, which car- ries foods, that the wood seems the more important and the earlier needed of the two. This may be true of land-plants, but it is not true of aquatics. Phylogenetically the food- conducting system is the older; in aquatics it is the main or only tissue for the rapid transfer of aqueous solutions. The anatomical distinctions between wood and bast are so evident that it is easy to infer that there is per- fect division of labor between these two sets of tissues. But the living cells of the bast need mineral salts, perhaps to maintain turgor (p. 99), to neutralize injurious by- products (p. 100), to assist in the construction of proto- plasm (p. 101) and will receive, transfer and use them just as the living cells of the wood need sugar and amides as food and will receive, transfer, and consume them. From illuminated chlorophyll-containing cells the carbo- hydrates not laid down in solid form like starch or in slowly transferable form like oil, will pass by exosmosis to adjacent cells containing less. Such osmotic transfer will continue while the chloroplastids are manufacturing diffusible food and until osmotic equilibrium has been attained. Osmotic transfer will begin so soon as the carbohydrate deposited as starch or oil is converted into diffusible form, and it will con- tinue so long as starch and oil are converted into sugar. From cell to cell in the leaf parenchyma, and from this into the cortical parenchyma of branch and stem, osmotic transfer will take place ; but it will take place always most rapidly in the direction of least osmotic pressure. This will obviously be toward and into the sieve-tubes of the vascular bundles. The sieve-tubes composed of comparatively large, long cells with thin lateral walls and perforated cross-walls are continu- ous for considerable distances, often forming, by means of anastamoses, a system uninterrupted from tip to base of the plant. In the sieve-tubes, as in the ducts and tracheids, there will tend to be less pressure than in the adjacent cells. In the ducts and tracheids the danger of collapse is avoided 158 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY by the thickened and strengthened walls. In the sieve-tubes permanent collapse always occurs sooner or later ( as may be seen at any time in the older parts of the phloem in perennials or late in the season in annuals ) . It may be pro- duced at any time by cutting off the part leaf, branch, or stem whereupon examination will reveal the sieve-tubes and their contents in the abnormal condition figured in even the most recent text-books. Collapse of the sieve-tubes un- doubtedly occurs more or less completely, though only tem- porarily, in the healthy plant whenever the leaf or branch or stem is unduly bent and whenever the removal of food from the sieve-tubes by the adjacent cells for use or for storage is more rapid than the supply of food from the places of man- ufacture. The pressure in the sieve-tubes will vary, just as pressure varies in any cell, according to the prevailing condi- tions; but because the sieve-tubes are continuous and are in contact with cells which consume or store as well as with cells which manufacture food, the osmotic and other pressures in them are likely to be lower than in the food-manufacturing cells. Because they are composed of long cells, the cavities of which are continuous with one another through the pores in the cross-walls, the sieve-tubes are especially adapted to the translocation of the osmotically less portable nitrogenous foods, especially the proteids. It would appear from the investigations of Czapek* that it is especially in them, not even in the companion and cambiform cells of the phloem, that the diffusible carbohydrates also are transferred. It does not necessarily follow, from the discovery of minute starch-grains in the sieve-tubes, that they pass as such through the sieve-like cross- walls. On the contrary, starch occurring in the sieve-tubes must be regarded as carbohy- drate merely temporarily deposited there after being con- verted from portable to stationary form. These starch- grains in the sieve-tubes, like the great majority if not all of the solid particles in other cells, are too large to pass through pores in the cross-walls. \ * Czapek, F. Zur Physiologic des Leptoms der Angiospermen. Ber. d. Deutsch. Bot. Gesellsch.. Bd. XV. 1897. f Sachs, J. von. Lectures on the Physiology of Plants. Engl. trans. , p. 325. ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 159 The presence of starch-grains in the sieve-tubes has given occasion to the hypothesis that either the sieve-tubes them- selves, or their companion-cells, are the chief elaborators of carbohydrates into nitrogenous matters.* Such is, how- ever, hardly likely to be the fact (p. 69 ). Although very likely the sieve-tubes do form nitrogenous food from nitrates and carbohydrates, this function seems not yet to have been appropriated by any special tissue. Apart from the classical experiments of ringing or girdling plants, with the result that the downward transfer of food is nearly or quite stopped, it must be admitted that exact experiments and definite knowledge on the special functions of the sieve-tubes remain for the future, t The recent discovery by Raciborski J of a substance resembling the haemoglobin of higher ani- mals in that it readily gives up oxygen to the sieve-cells and lactiferous tubes, in which it regularly occurs, suggests that besides conducting and perhaps contributing to the elaboration of foods, these tissues may also obtain needed oxygen from the substances which they conduct. But as Raciborski says in his second paper, this discovery made in the tropics and away from laboratories must be tested and made the starting-point for research by plant-physiologists with laboratory facilities. The milk-tubes or lactiferous ( laticiferous ) tubes or ves- sels, occurring in a very considerable number of plants and forming continuous systems often as extensive as the sieve- tubes, are filled with a mixture of the most diverse com- pounds dissolved or suspended in water. Some at least of these substances are the often very useful by-products formed in nutrition, respiration, or in other vital processes. On the other hand, some being subjected to more or less profound chemical changes, serve as sources of energy in respiration, as materials for the construction of cell- wall, * Sachs. J. von. Lectures on the Physiology of Plants. Engl. transl.. p. 325. f Trelease (Sixth Annual Report. Missouri Bot. Garden. 1894) finds no sieve-tubes at all in Leitnerin floriflana. i Raciborski. M. Ein Inhaltskorper des Leptoms. Ber. d. Deutsch. Bot. Gesellsch.. Bd. XVI.. 1898. Weitere Mittheilungen iiber das Leptomin. ibid. 160 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY and as building-material for protoplasm. Because latex the contents of the milk-tubes is composed in part of such nutritious substances as starch, sugars, fats and oils, and proteids, and because the milk-tubes form a system wholly uninterrupted throughout its extent by cross-walls of any kind, the suspicion is irresistible that these tubes offer the easiest course for the transfer of food from part to part. They occur in plants relatively few r in number and conse- quently cannot be indispensable to food transfer. Their functions too need further investigation. The opposite process to that which goes on in the chloro- phyll-containing cells of the leaves, whereby the elaborated carbohydrate temporarily deposited as starch is dissolved for transport elsewhere, takes place in the organs where carbohydrates are stored in solid form. In roots, rhizomes, and tubers, in pith and medullary rays, and in seeds, parenchyma cells remove the sugar from the solution in which it comes to them by depositing it as starch grains in the protoplasm or as cellulose lining their walls. How the carbohydrates are acted upon by the protoplasm, or by its special organs the leucoplastids, how sugars are converted into cellulose or into starch and by this means are removed from solution, are still unanswered questions. It is easy to see that if sugar is removed from the cell-sap more will go by osmosis to the cells removing it from solution. This last is a necessary physical consequence of the physiological (that is, in this case, of the combined chemical and physical) action of the living protoplasm. But this storing action of the protoplasm is as little understood as the first secretion of sugar in nectaries (p. 126). Still less comprehensible at the present time are the ac- cumulations in limited regions of the plant of substances which ordinarily would move osmotically in one direction as readily as in another. The storage of carbohydrate in the iorm of inulin, dissolved in the cell-sap of dahlia-tubers and in the underground parts of other Composite, is not to be explained by the ordinary laws of physics. The living pro- toplasm which, in one part of the plant, elaborates food and permits its exosmosis, accumulates food and prevents ABSORPTION AND MOVEMENT OF WATER 161 its exosmosis in another part. Similarly in the filamentous alga, the accumulation of sugar in its cells bounded on all sides by membranes permeable by water is conceivable only on the hypothesis, strengthened by analogy ( p. 107 ) , that the living protoplasm in some way interferes, either physi- cally or chemically, with the exosmosis of the sugar. To summarize the results of the discussions in this chapter we may say that diffusion and osmosis underlie the pro- cesses of absorption and transfer of food-materials and of foods, but that the movements of these gases and solutions, and of the separate substances in the solutions, are con- trolled in direction, rate, and amount by the living proto- plasm. Its needs, and the amount and kind of work it does, change or establish physical conditions and set in operation physical and chemical laws. CHAPTER V GROWTH The processes so far discussed supply the plant with the materials and with the energy to carry on other processes popularly regarded as functions peculiar to living beings, and at all events performed with a greater degree of inde- pendence and self-control by them than by lifeless objects. In this respect, however, these processes do not differ from those already examined, for we have seen that respiration is oxidation controlled and, to a certain extent, carried on by the living organism ; that nutrition depends upon chemi- cal syntheses accomplished by living protoplasm, which uses simple substances obtained by itself, through its application of the laws of diffusion and osmosis; that the absorption and transfer of food-materials and of foods are physical processes made possible and regulated by the living organ- ism. The processes which we have still to study growth, irritability, and reproduction involve and consist in chemi- cal changes not confined to living organisms but controlled by them. Growth cannot be understood unless the sensibility of the growing substance is constantly borne in mind. A crystal of copper sulphate in a concentrated and slowly evaporating solution of this salt could not grow if the molecules of cop- per sulphate were not mutually attractive, if those which were still moving freely in the solution did not respond to the attraction exerted upon them by those already settled. The limits of form and size, of rate and direction of growth, of copper sulphate crystals, are fixed by physical laws, but though these laws are universal, the balance in any one spot may be very different from that elsewhere, and the GROWTH 163 growing crystal will conform and must conform to its en- vironment, It is determined by physical law that copper sulphate molecules will not arrange themselves in the crys- talline form without a definite amount of water; if the amount of water be excessive or deficient the copper sulphate molecules, having always the same attraction for one an- other, will still be unable to obey it, to approach one an- other, and to arrange themselves in their due order. The crystals of the same substance will be small or large accord- ing as they are formed fast or slowly. And what is true of the behavior of one substance alone in solution in another is also true of many substances together in solution, whether these find themselves in a cell or wholly outside a living body. The molecules of the different substances will mutually attract or repel one another, they will be indiffer- ent or they will decompose one another, and when a state of balance is attained, the molecules which result from all the changes w r ill arrange themselves in their characteristic ways. Because the living protoplasm itself is composed of molecules forming a definite structure, this structure, like the whole crystal, is subject to physical influences, and its component molecules are obedient to physical laws. So the molecules and groups of molecules forming the living proto- plasmic structure are pulled down by gravitation. The molecules vibrate with lesser amplitude and draw together in cold, vibrating with greater amplitude and so tending to move apart when warmed. And as warmth makes molecu- lar movements in any substance freer, so water makes pos- sible still greater freedom of molecular movement in those substances which dissolve in it. There are substances, how- ever, which neither repel water as do the fats and oils, nor go into solution in it as do many salts, but which still absorb water in great quantity. This absorption results in greater freedom of molecular and even of massive movement. Pro- toplasm is one of these substances; it swells as it absorbs water, and its circulation, as well as its molecular move- ments, becomes more rapid, up to the optimum. If still more water is forced into it, the molecules and groups of molecules composing it will be forced so far apart by the 164 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY molecules of water enclosed, that the definite protoplasmic ; structure will be strained or destroyed, and the massive movements will accordingly change or cease. Without going further into the subject now (see the next chapter), it may be stated that the growth of the living- organism, like that of the crystal, is in accordance with the sensibility of its component molecules and groups of mole- cules to physical and chemical influences. The difference between the lifeless crystal arid the living organism can be suggested not definitely stated, however in this way : the molecules of the crystal, and the crystal as a whole, are entirely subject to the prevailing balance of physical forces ; the living organism, on the contrary, is able to modifj^, change, or maintain the balance of physical forces. When it ceases to be able to do this it dies, it becomes like the crystal. This power peculiar to living organisms, whatever it may be dependent upon, does not necessarily imply any greater sensitiveness to physical forces than would be repre- sentable by the sum of the sensibilities of all the substances composing and contained within the living organism (p. 185). But the organism is sensitive, and its growth cor- responds to the forces or influences to which the organism is subjected quite as much as to the matter with which it is supplied. What is growth? Of this no adequate definition can be given, although for each mind the word possesses a' certain significance. Physiologists have always attempted to state in what growth consists, and have always failed. Our con- ception of growth should be clarified at once by distinguish- ing this phenomenon from the others ordinarily accompany- ing it. Growth is a part of the process of development. Growth and differentiation together accomplish develop- ment. Differentiation is that specialization in structure which follows and contributes to specialization in function. Differentiation is limited by the number of parts and of cells, in other words, by the size of the body. In a small body little differentiation is possible, in* a large one much. But it does not follow from this" that the largest bodies are the most highly differentiated in structure and function; GROWTH 165 they are not yet, nor will they ever be unless differentia- tion keeps pace with growth. Does growth then consist in increase in size? A cell may elongate, but this will not necessarily be growth. We can easily imagine a cell being subjected to a pull which would elongate it, or to a pressure which would extend as well as compress it; or, indeed, within the cell itself a pressure resisted less in one direction than in others would cause the cell to elongate. In the last case there is stretching because of the pressure developed within the cell by its osmotically active contents. In the two preceding cases, the cell changes its dimensions because it is subjected to a force from outside itself which it cannot resist. In none of these cases has growth taken place. If, however, these changes in dimensions are made permanent by work done by the living cell itself in translo- cating and depositing insoluble material in such positions as to fix the new form or the new dimensions, growth will have taken place. Growth, the fixing of the new form or new dimensions, follows the change accomplished from with- out. But permanent change of form or of dimensions may be accomplished by forces wholly outside the plant,; for example, by stretching the cell beyond the limit of elasticity of its walls. This would not constitute growth. Growth, then, does not necessarily consist in an increase in volume, for there are evidently cases of unquestioned growth without this. The boy increasing in stature and the vine increasing in length, decreasing in breadth or thickness meanwhile, are growing though not increasing in volume. There is necessarily increase in volume of parts or organs, but not of the whole organism, in such cases of growth. On the other hand a rise in turgor which increases the volume of a part is not growth ; this is merely expansion. Growth is a process dependent upon the formation of new protoplasm, and though it usually results in increase in volume, in increase in weight or mass, and in increase in substance, it is not essentially any of these. Growth is made possible by cell-division, but it does not consist in the formation of new cells, for new cells can be formed by the mere division of old cells. Each cell, each 166 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY kind of cell, and hence each organism, has a maximum which its size normally never exceeds. Cells which have at- tained their maximum size can continue to contribute to the growth of an organ only after doing what will make possible the formation of new protoplasm. Cell-division, a process of rejuvenation, accomplishes this. The smaller daughter cells, each with its own nucleus instead of with only a share of the single nucleus of the undivided cell, are more vigorous than the mother-cell at maturity ; they form new protoplasm as well as other products from the food furnished them ; and they then increase in size. In a meris- tematic tissue, such as that at the tip of the stem or root or in the cambium, we have the first and the fundamental stage in the process of growth, namely, the formation of new protoplasm and of new cells. Behind the tip of stem and root, and on either side of the cambium, we have the later, the evident stage, when increase in size or volume, in mass and in substance, takes place. Evident growth takes place when the body or any part of it permanently increases in volume or in size. Increase in substance, which results in increase in weight, may take place after all growth has ceased. It may be merely the storing up of food elaborated at one time to be used later, or it may be the absorption of water. This last, however, invariably results in the increase in volume of the parts, or in the increase in turgor, or both at once. Any ab- sorption of water by dry animal and vegetable substances is followed immediately by swelling a phenomenon from which hypotheses regarding the minute structure of organ- ized bodies have been more or less successfully deduced. Beyond the point at which swelling by the intussusception of molecules of water between the molecules or groups of molecules of the formed substances would cease, increase in volume may still go, by reason of the structure and compo- sition of cells. The presence of osmotically active substances in cells which can absorb water ensures increase in pressure within the cells, and this pressure will distend the enclosing- protoplasmic and cellulose or other walls. Up to a certain point, easily conceived but not easily determined, the in- GROWTH 167 crease in volume due to the absorption of water is genuine growth, and the second stage in growth, the one which I have designated as evident growth, consists mainly if not wholly in the absorption of water. But as the water-con- tent of any cell or tissue or organ is subject to fluctua- tion, and as the turgor and, consequently, the volume also fluctuate with the water-content, it is difficult to tell when growth ceases and turgor-swelling begins. Both are vital processes in the sense that they depend upon the physical and chemical conditions established by the living protoplasm, but they are distinct processes, fluctuations in size due to changes in turgor taking place even long after true growth has ceased to be possible (see pp. 167, 168). Whether growth depends upon turgor or vice versa is still to be conclusively shown by experiment. That evident growth consists mainly in the increase of the water-content of the growing part has long been known to be the case in plants, though only recently properly em- phasized for animals. * A longitudinal section through the tip of a growing stem or root, or a cross-section through the stem of a dicotyledonous plant during its period of growth in diameter, w r ill show at least three distinguishable regions. These are indicated in the accompanying figures ( pp. 168, 169 ) of a longitudinally sectioned root of Azolla. In the diagramatic Figure .7 the three regions of cell-formation ( 1 ) , cell-growth (2), and cell-differentiation (3), are indicated. These are shown in detail in the figures 8, 9, 10. Figure 8 (corresponding to 1 in 7) represents the tip of the root with its cap (Cap), dermatogen and epidermis (Ep.), cortex (Cor. ), and central cylinder (c. c. ), aU of which come directly or indirectly from the division of the large apical cell. The meristematic and embryonic cells are full of dense protoplasm. Figure 9, taken from further up in the same root, corresponds to region 2 in figure 7, and shows that the increase in size of the cells of the different layers is accompanied by a great increase in the volume of the cell- * Davenport, C. B. The role of water in growth. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. History, vol. 28, 1897. Experimental Morphology. Part II.. 1899. and the literature there cited. 168 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY sap, which accumulates in large vacuoles, without there being any considerable increase in the amount of protoplasm in each cell. Figure 10 corresponds to region 3 of figure 7, and shows how the cells change in taking on their definitive characters, Ves. indicating some of the changes taking place during the formation of a vessel in the central vascular bundle. In this region the amount of protoplasm decreases Ep. Cor. Ves. FIG. 7. FIG. 9. FIG. 10. Figures 710. Longitudinal sections of Azolla root. Fig. 7 diagram- atic showing region of cell-formation (1). cell-growth (2). cell-differenti- ation (3). Fig. 9. = 2 in Fig. 7 more highly magnified. Fig. 10. = 3 in Fig. 7 more highly magnified. not only proportionally but absolutely. There can be little more if any permanent increase in volume in this region, although there may be increase as well as decrease in vol- ume because of differences in turgor solely. The factors contributing to make growth possible may be grouped under three heads : 1st, there must be an adequate supply of material ; 2d, there must be an adequate amount of room ; 3d, there must be the impulse. Physiologists are not able to reduce to definite physical and chemical terms what is comprehended under this last head, and it has still GROWTH 169 to be ascertained whether the necessary impulse comes from within or from without, whether it is inherited or is new. But without the impulse there will be no growth. Growth will not be possible without the needed materials and space. The substances essential for growth are those essential for life, but they may be grouped into two cate- gories nutritious substances, and otherwise useful sub- stances. The nutritious substances furnish the materials of which the protoplasmic structure and the cell- wall are built, and those compounds which in respiration yield the energy needed by the part to complete the first stage of growth. If the supply of food is constantly sufficient during the period of growth, both construction and enlargement c.c Cor FIG. 8. Figure S. Tip of root of Azolki showing apical cell and region of cell- formation =1 in Fig. 7 more highly magnified. will be uniform, other things being equal; but if the sup- ply varies in amount, the rate of growth will vary cor- respondingly. It is found, for example, that the growth of green and independent plants is periodic in a much more marked degree than that of plants which obtain their food ready-made. During the day, while food is being made and accumulated in the organs photosynthetically active, 170 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY growth is slower than during the night, when food is sup- plied in abundance to the growing parts. * This periodicity is far less marked in seedlings, with an abundant food- supply in the cotyledons or in the endosperm, and in young plants growing up from bulbs, tubers, and other parts in which food is stored. The growth of parasites and sapro- phytes may also vary periodically if they are subjected to periodically varying conditions. Light affects growth quan- titatively, as well as directing it in the ways to be described in the next chapter ( p. 208 et seq. ) . If plants furnished with a constant food-supply are subjected to otherwise constant conditions, their growth rate will be constant for a time. For reasons not wholly understood, but certainly including other factors than food-supply, the growth-rate of any part or organism will rise to a maximum and afterward fall again. For each cell and for each individual there is what has been rather pompously termed "the grand period of growth." This means simply that from its formation by the division of its mother-cell until the time when it ceases to increase in volume, each cell passes through a period dur- ing which it can grow, and during which its rate of growth gradually rises from nothing and falls again to nothing. After growth ceases, differentiation may still go on as a separate process. The maximum growth-rate is not neces- sarily coincident with the maximum food-supply or with the maximum of any other tangible factor. Sachs and other physiologists f have called attention to the fact, without fully explaining it, that the growth-rate * Sachs, J. von. Physiology of Plants. Oxford, 1887. Miss Gardner (Trans, and Proceed., Bot. Soc. Pennsylvania. Vol. I, No. 2. 1901) claims that the growth of roots is faster by day than by night. This re- result is probably due to the favorable action of light on processes upon which growth depends rather than upon growth itself. The question de- serves critical investigation. f Sachs, J. von. Uber den Einfluss der Lufttemperatur und des Tages- lichts auf die stiindlichen und tfiglichen Anderungen des Langenwachs- thums (Streckung) der Internodien. Arbeiten des bot. Institute Wiirzburg, Bd. II., 1872. Gesammelte Abhandlungen , Bd. II. Lectures on the Physi- ology of Plants, English transl., p. 552. Kraus, Gregor. Physiologisches aus den Tropen, I. Annales du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg, vol. XII., 1895. GROWTH 171 does not steadily rise and fall to and from the maximum, but that there are " discontinuous" (stossweise) variations apparently quite independent of the environment of the or- ganism. It may be suggested that our analysis of growth, according to which it consists in two distinct stages the one fundamental, in which new protoplasm is formed, the other evident, in which the cells expand may suggest a partial explanation. Without a sufficient number of new cells, and without a sufficient amount of new protoplasm, no expan- sion can take place. Unless the two processes keep pace with each other, the mensurable one will necessarily be ir- regular. In this connection the fact already referred to ( pp.1 67, 168 ) , that changes in volume may take place quite independently of growth and because of turgor changes only, may be con- sidered in somewhat more definite fashion. Kraus* pointed out long ago, and has confirmed his observations made in Europe by others in the tropics, that there are daily varia- tions in the length and thickness of stems and branches, leaves, buds, and fruits. "The diameter of a tree-trunk, for instance, increases measurably till the early morning hours ; it then decreases till nightfall, when it begins to increase again." This is due to the variation in volume of the cor- tical and other parenchyma cells caused by the difference in the rate of transpiration at different hours of the day. Ab- sorption by the root-hairs continuing at a rate much more uniform than that of transpiration at night slightly higher, by day slightly lower the turgor and the volume of all living and sufficiently thin-walled cells will vary ac- cordingly. This variation, wholly independent of all vital functions, except those which govern the composition of the cell-sap and the permeability of the protoplasm, con- tinues in organs no longer growing, but may also, during growth, contribute to the irregularities in the curve of growth. The otherwise useful substances referred to above (p. 169) * Kraus, Gregor. /. c. II, find earlier in Die Wasservertheilung in der Pflanze, 1881. nnd Die Gewebespannung des Stammes und ihre Folgen. Botanische Zeitung, 1867. 172 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY are mainly water and certain salts not directly entering into the construction of living protoplasm. Some of the water forms an integral part of the protoplasmic structure ( pp. 6-8 ) , but the greater part of it serves as the vehicle of nutritious substances brought to the cell, and as the solvent of all the soluble substances in the cell. As the essential and invariable ingredient of cell-sap, it is the mate- rial which maintains the second or evident stage of growth. The volume of the cell depends upon the water and upon the compounds dissolved in it. The composition of the cell- sap is regulated by the living protoplasm which adds to or takes from it soluble compounds of diverse sorts, assimilable and excreted matters, such as the sugars and organic acids respectively. Besides these, it is claimed that the cell owes its turgescence to certain soil-constituents, especially the salts of potassium. According to Copeland, * the degree of turgescence in ordinary roots, stems, and leaves is only slightly dependent upon food-manufacture, and is mainly due to a substance or to substances which cannot be used to keep the plant from starving. Copeland concludes from his experiments on the effects of light and darkness, heat and cold, that the rate of growth has much more effect upon the turgor of the growing part than vice versa. The fundamental stage of growth, consisting in the for- mation of new protoplasm, implies the intussusception or interpolation of new particles between the older parts of the structure, or the application or apposition of new particles upon the older, or both of these processes. In either some force must be exerted. If the cell is distended while the new particles are being formed and placed, the introduction of new particles between the older will be proportionally easier. So the turgescence of the cell, tending to keep all parts stretched, may contribute to such growth. But Copeland had in mind evident growth, increase in volume, rather than the formation of new protoplasm. The turgor of the cell may be sufficient to stretch it, to increase its vol- * Copeland, E. B. fiber den Einfluss von Licht und Temperatur auf den Turgor. Inaug. Diss., Halle, 1896. GROWTH 173 ume, but this does not necessarily mean growth, as we have already seen; and again, if the cell is stretched, if its volume is increased, by other means, its turgor must either keep pace with this increase in volume, or fall. If it keeps pace, because of the composition of the cell-sap and of the abundance of water to be absorbed, it will be im- possible to determine whether evident growth is dependent upon turgor and is regulated by it, or not. If the turgor fall during the increase in volume, it must be shown that this fall is due to no other cause. On this point decisive experimental evidence is still wanting. From experiments by True* on the different rates of elongation in the roots of seedlings grown in water-culture and suddenly transferred to culture media of higher or lower density, it would appear "that growth and turgor- pressure here stand in no directly proportional relation to each other." Furthermore, Pfefferf has shown, in a case where turgor would be at least equal!}' helpful, namely, in the formation of cell-wall, that it is not necessary. The question resolves itself then into this : is turgor- pressure, so useful and so necessary in maintaining the form of cells, tissues, organs, and organisms the force by which increase in volume is attained, or only the means by which increased volume is maintained? Apparently the latter is more likely to be the case ; but if this is true, what is the force by which the living protoplasm expands, and by which it stretches its bounding walls? If turgor is not the force by which visible growth is accomplished, then the increase in the amount of water and in the volume of cell-sap in the growing part is only the evidence, not the intrinsic quality, of visible growth. After all, we are forced to confess that the physiologist's knowledge of the forces by which the living protoplasm works is very incomplete. Room is needed. Without it growth cannot take place. * True. R. H. On the influence of sudden changes of turgor and of temperature on growth. Annals of Botany, vol. 9, 1895. t Pfeffer. W. Druck und Arbeitsleistung durch wachsende Pflanzen. Abhandlungen d. K. Sachs. Gesellsch. f. Wissensch., Bd. XX., Heft 3. p. 429. 1893. 174 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY Cell-division may take place even where there is not enough room for growth, but it does not constitute an essential part of the process of growth, though it usually precedes growth and makes it possible. An organ consisting of two hundred cells has not grown in any sense when these cells by mere division have become four hundred. Under normal conditions, however, growth will follow, increase in volume and in amount of protoplasm taking place when there is enough room.* Growing parts exert, or may exert, great mechanical force. Illustrations of the truth of this assertion may be observed almost daily. \ Until recently, however, the at- tempts to determine the amount of force which a growing part can exert have yielded only inadequate results. It is necessary to employ such apparatus that all the force de- veloped by the growing plant will be exerted directly upon the recording instrument. The best instrument so far de- vised is Pfeffer's.]; Pfeffer's description of his apparatus will explain the ac- companying illustration, reduced from the original figure. "The spring is supported on an iron bar (d) 14 mm. thick which is rigidly attached by means of double screw clamps (e) to the upright posts (ss) of the stand. The measuring spring (/) can be changed, for the plate (7) which carries it is fastened by the screws (kk) to the solid brass plate (#). By raising or lowering this plate the spring can be moved up or down, to or from the plaster-of-Paris block (a). For this purpose the plate (#) rests upon three screws (7;) which pass through correspondingly threaded holes in the flattened and expanded part of the bar (d). Upon the metal plate on the upper side of the spring is fastened the * On the effects of mechanical restraint on the growth and other behavior of plant-cells and parts, consult Newcombe, F. C. Influence of mechanical resistance on the development and life-period of cells. Botanical Gazette, vol. 19, 1894. Pfeffer, W. Druck und Arbeitsleistung durch wachsende Pflanzen. Abhandlungen d. K. Sachs. Gesellsch. f. Wissensch., Bd. XX., 1893. i Also p. 187 of this book. fFor striking observations under this topic see Kerner and Oliver's Natural History of Plants. Vol. I, part 2. pp. 513-17. J Pfeffer, W. Druck und Arbeitsleistung. GROWTH 175 glass plate ( c ) by means of a small amount of plaster of Paris. The upper needle is fastened within the spring by means of shellac, while the lower one is adjustable by means of the screw (i). The flower-pot (n) containing the root set as in the figure in plaster of Paris is firmly pressed into the iron ring (777) fastened by two screws to the upright ( s ) . The small plaster block ( b ) is now fitted to the root- no. 11. Figure 11. Pfeffer's apparatus for measuring the force exerted by grow- ing roots or stems. (Reduced from the original figure.) tip and fastened by plaster of Paris to the glass plate (c) so that the root-tip is over the middle of the spring. The screws ( h ) are now turned up so that the two plaster blocks (a and b) are pressed lightly together. The saw-dust in the pot should be kept moist. The plaster blocks may be constantly moistened by wrapping them with filter-paper wet through a strip of paper connecting with a reservoir. The horizontal rod (o) pressed down on the pot (n) and 176 PLANT fastened by screws to the uprights ( ss ) holds it securely in the ring." By appropriate modifications of this apparatus, growth in diameter as well as in length can be investigated, in stems as well as in roots. The following table indicates the effective pressures de- veloped by growing roots : LONGITUDINAL PRESSURE NAME OF PLANT. PRESSURE PER SQ. MM. PRESSURE IN ATMOSPHERES. Faba vulgaris Zea mais Vicia sativa Aesculus hippo- eastanum 98+ grams 138 + 111 + 68+ 9.5 12.4 10.7 6.6 Mean = 9.8 TRANSVERSE PRESSURE Faba vulgaris Zea mais 44 + 68 + 4.3 6.5 These figures, obtained by averaging those in Tables I and II of Pfeffer's paper, indicate that although the growing parts are composed of such soft materials, they are capable of developing under resistance a force which makes con- tinued growth possible under all ordinary conditions. Cross and longitudinal pressures developed by stems are probably equal to those developed by roots, but the evident difficul- ties in the way of measurements as exact as those for roots cause the figures reported by Pfeffer to be somewhat lower, as for example, 5.8 and 5.5 atmospheres for the longitu- dinal and cross pressures developed by the stems of seed- lings of Faba vulgaris. The growth of plants and animals is as a rule so slow that accurate measurements are difficult to obtain. Besides this, their behavior in other ways is very likely to compli- cate any attempt to determine either the amount or the rate of growth. The almost constant movement of plant- parts out of doors under the influences of wind, sunlight, warmth, etc., and the constant spontaneous movements GROWTH 177 called circumnutation, make ifc seem absolutely necessary to experiment upon small plants indoors; but when this is done, other complications ensue, such as are due to watering the soil and its subsequent drying, the jarring of the meas- uring instruments, etc., etc. Furthermore, not all plants grow in straight lines. The tips of the stems of many are sooner or later so curved that the length of these parts can only be estimated. To overcome these various difficulties many instruments have been devised. From the direct ob- servation and measurement of small organisms or parts by means of microscopes, vertical or horizontal, to the com- plicated self-recording auxanometers of the well-equipped physiological laboratory, the utmost variety in methods and means exists. Illustrated descriptions of instruments are so accessible that space need not be taken here for them.* Most of these instruments are but modifications and improvements of those invented by the masters in plant-physiology, especially by Sachs. The principle of all is to magnify the growth so that the evidence or the record of it is visible. The need of this is made evident by the following figures Observer. Plant. Part. Growth per minute. growth per minute. Truef Vicia Faba roots growing in 0.012 mm. water KrausJ Bambusa sp? stalk 0.040 mm. Askenasy Triticum sp? stamens 1.05 mm. 37.5 Hofmeister^ Spirogyra cell 7.5 Brefeldff Coprinus etercorarius stalk 0.225 mm. * See Ganong. in Botanical Gazette, vol. XXVII., 1-899. Arthur, XXII., 1896. Stone, XXII., 1896. Golden, XIX., 1894. Frost, ' Minn. Bot. Studies, " XVII.. 1894. f True. R. H.. in Annals of Botany, vol. IX.. p. 371, 1895. Figures in Table I give this average. i Kraus G.. in Annales du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg, vol. XII.. 1895. Askenasy. in Verhandl. d. naturh- med. Vereins in Heidelberg, 1879. * Hofmeister, in Jahreshefte d. Vereins f. Vaterl. Naturkunde in Wurttem- berg, 1874. H Brefeld. Untersuchungen iiber Schimmelpilze. Heft 3. 1877. 178 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY These numbers, however, are much above the average, even the Bamboo being a notoriously rapid grower. The extra- ordinarily rapid growth of the stamens of wheat takes place w r hen they are released from mechanical hindrance by the spreading apart of the scales. Probably the average rate of growth for plants does not exceed, if it equals, 0.005 mm. per minute. Certainly there are many plants which grow so slowly that no one has had the patience and skill to make accurate measurements. The lichens are among such slow growers, though these must GO" 30,u 20/i 70.03 g o Figure 12. Curve of growth in part of a filament of Bacillus ramosus. (From Ward.) grow at different rates as is evident in the parts of California where the very large " lace-lichen" (Rainalinti reticuhita) and crustaceous and small foliose lichens live side by side. * In connection with these figures as to the rate and the percentage of growth of larger and in some cases "higher" plants, it may be of some interest to compare the curve of growth obtained by Marshall Wardf while studying bacte- ria. The accompanying diagram gives the curve of growth * See Peirce. G. J. On the mode of dissemination and on the reticu- lations of Itamalma reticulata. Bot. Gazette, vol. XXV., 1898. Ditto. The nature of the association of alga and fungus in lichens. Proc. -Cal. Acad. Sci.. Series III., Botany, vol. I., 1899. Ditto. The relation of fungus and alga in lichens. American Naturalist, vol. XXXIV., 1900. tWard. H. M. On the biology of Bacillus ramosus. Proc. Roy. So- ciety vol. LVin.. 1895. GROWTH 179 in part of a filament of Bacillus ramosus, 27.30 /* * long at the beginning, 70.03 :>. long at the end of the period of observation, two hours. Cell-divisions occurred at the points indicated by the arrows. Between the first and the second cell-divisions there was an increase of 6.79 /* in length, between the second and third of 9.10 //, between the third and fourth of 14.56 //. Between the first and second cell-divisions there was a lapse of thirty-three minutes, be- tween the second and third, twenty-six minutes, between the third and fourth, thirty-one minutes, an average of thirty minutes. The average growth during these three periods was 10.14 n between each two divisions, or a growth of about one-third of a , per minute. This would appear to be slow growth in comparison with that indicated by the table on page 177 ; but the growth of many-celled organ- isms represents the combined increase in length accom- plished by a large number of comparatively large cells working together. Ward's bacillus is a unicellular organism of minute size. A moment's calculation will show that its average increase in length in every thirty minutes, that is, between each two cell-divisions, is 25%. This is certainly a much higher rate of growth than is possessed at any time by higher organisms, t and it is merely the average rate dur- ing a half-hour. Doubtless its maximum growth is decided- ly higher. Probably the growth-rate of bacteria is higher under favorable conditions than that of any other group of organisms. Their high growth-rate, the rapidity with which they attain the size when cell-division is possible, the promptness with which they divide, the immediate growth of the daughter cells at a high rate, all contribute to the effectiveness of these minute organisms. It was stated on page 166 that each cell, each kind of cell, and hence each organism, has a maximum which its size normally never exceeds. Let us seek a reason for this. * A fi or micron equals yoVfr millimetre. + Since going to press, a review of Buechner's paper (Zuwachsgrossen und Wachsthumsgeschwindigkeiten bei Pflanzen. Dissertation. Leipzig. 1901) has appeared (Bot. Centralbl.. Bd. 90, p. 500,1902) in which the growth of the pollen-tube of Imptitiens Hawkeri is reported at 220% and of branches of higher plants as \% in a unit of time and length. 180 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY Each of the component cells of a multicellular tissue, organ, or organism, is limited in all its behavior by the cells which surround it. The single cell of the unicellular organism is not so limited, being constrained only by the conditions prevailing in itself and in its lifeless surroundings. Attempts have been made to attribute the maximum size ordinarily attained by organisms to one or two of the three conditions named on page 168 as making growth possible. It is said that an organism or a cell cannot grow beyond a certain size because there may not be room. If this be true, then the word room must be used with a broader meaning than that attached to it in our discussion on pages 173 and 174 : it must mean, as stated on page 6, freedom from interference of every sort. This last is un- doubtedly true, for a plant with such an impulse to grow that it might otherwise cover the whole earth would be prevented by the presence, if not by the attacks, of the other organisms living at the same time. So the individual is kept within a certain size. Again, it is said that nutrition fixes the limit of growth. In a growing spherical cell, the increase in surface and in mass are to each other as the square to the cube, "in other words, the smaller the cell, the greater is the surface in proportion to the mass; and the more the cell grows, the less does the surface grow in proportion to the mass."* It is said that since all food-materials are taken in through the surface, the supply of food will be insufficient when the surface becomes too small in proportion to the mass. This implies, however, that the absorbing power does not in- crease proportionally with the mass. The absorbing power, as we have seen, is the osmotic force exercised by the cell- sap upon the solutions and the constituents of the solu- tions outside the cell. This osmotic force depends upon the differences in the composition, absolute and proportional, of -oil-sap and surrounding liquid. The larger the volume of cell-sap, the more slowly can it be made like the liquid out- side, i. e. the more slowly will the osmotic force be dimin- * Verworn, M. Allgemeine Physiologie, Ite Aufl., p. 511, 1895. Engl. transl. by Lee, General Physiology, p. 530. 1899. GROWTH 181 ished. We have no reason to think that the osmotic force is less, for the turgor is not lower in large than in small cells. So it cannot be merely the ratio of surface to mass which is the determining factor. The high turgor and osmotic force maintained in large cells imply, besides the density of the cell-sap, that the enclosing membranes of the cells are not freely permeable. Upon the impermeability of the membranes and upon the composition of the cell-sap depend the turgescence, the plumpness, of cells of large size. The membranes must possess strength as well as impermeability, but it is their impermeability which makes it necessary that they should also be strong. It is this change in the quality of the sur- face rather than in the mere ratio of surface and mass, which is the important factor in limiting size. But this is not all. Whatever may be the distinct functions of nucleus and cytoplasm, it is safe to conclude that neither can be greatly increased or diminished in amount or in activity without affecting the other and the cell as a whole. By chilling cul- tures of Spirogyra while in a state of cell-division, Geras- simow * regularly secured the formation of cells without nuclei, normal cells, and cells with double the usual amount of nuclear substance. He found that the non-nucleated cells grew very slightly in length, that normal cells grew nor- mally, that cells with more than the normal amount of nu- clear substance attained a larger size and divided later than normal cells. Since the volume of the nucleus does not keep pace with the volume of the cytoplasm or of the cell as they both increase shortly after the cell is formed by division, the disparity in the amounts of nuclear and cytoplasmic substances increases. It is conceivable that growth ceases when the amount of cytoplasmic in proportion to nuclear substance has attained the optimum or maximum ; in other words, that the limit of growth is fixed in the first and fun- damental stage, the subsequent increase in size going only to the limit set by the amount of protoplasm formed. * Gerassimow. J. J. Uber den Einfluss dee Kerns auf das Wachsthum der Zelle. Moskau, 1901. 182 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY If the nucleus were larger and the cytoplasm proportion- ally abundant, if the permeability of the enveloping mem- branes and their tensile strength were proportionally in- creased, if the absorbent power (osmotic force) of the cell were also raised proportionally, is there any reason why the cell, the organ, and the organism should not grow larger? The question cannot be answered. Many organisms do not attain larger size when, so far as we can now see, it would be possible for them to do so. Are the bacteria so small be- cause they have so little nuclear substance in proportion to cytoplasmic? On the contrary some authors* have claimed, from the behavior of bacterial cells toward staining agents, that they are mainly nuclear substance w r ith but a thin layer of enveloping cytoplasm. The amount of room and of food which the individual bacteria could occupy and consume would certainly suggest that they might attain larger size. Their enveloping membranes appear to be sufficiently per- meable and strong for larger organisms. Yet the bacteria remain minute, and no reasons now known can account for their size. If our mechanical explanations fail on these organ- isms, are they any more certain to be correct when applied to the growth of larger ones? What limits the size must have to do with the sensitiveness, the irritability, of the living matter, and this leads us to the subject of the next chapter. * See in Migula's System der Bakterien, Bd. I., pp. 72-80. the discussion of this point and the references pro and con. CHAPTER VI IRRITABILITY The preceding chapters have taught us that living or- ganisms are composed of chemical compounds and that they work by physical force. The body of a living plant consists of living protoplasm and of lifeless substances The func- tions of a living plant consist in chemical changes some of which liberate energy, or store it, while others result in the accumulation of matter, lifeless and living. These functions are carried on by the living organism, they do not simply take place ; but the organism lives and carries on these func- tions only by using chemical compounds and physical forces. Just as chemical and physical processes are affected by pre- vailing conditions, so the living organism is affected by each factor of its environment. When the factors change, the organism is differently affected, just as, with changing^ conditions, ordinary chemical and physical processes also change correspondingly. As there is an optimum condition, which consists hi temperature, illumination, supply of water and of other substances, etc., for each chemical reaction taking place in the laboratory and in nature, so there is an optimum condition for that complex of chemical reactions constantly taking place hi the actively living organism. - Any departure from the optimum modifies some or all of the chemical changes in the organism so that there is a different and less favorable balance in the complex. Conversely, any approach to the optimum condition so modifies some or all of the chemical changes that their balance is more favor- able. When we conceive a living organism, even the simplest and smallest, as being a definite structure (protoplasm) consisting of simple water molecules and of other molecules highly complex and therefore comparatively destructible, 184 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY built together and enclosing many other compounds, simple or complex, we have the ground- work for a rational concep- tion of the sensitiveness of living organisms to their sur- roundings, that is, of their irritability. A solid mass of the metals and jewels ordinarily employed in the construction of a chronometer may be subjected to much harsher treatment without danger of destruction than the same weight of the same substances arranged as a chronometer. Though the substances are the same, their arrangement in the two cases is the reason for their sensi- tiveness, or their power of resisting violence. Living sub- stance, protoplasm, is a structure infinitely finer and hence more delicate than a chronometer. Furthermore, proto- plasm is composed of many more chemical compounds than those entering into the structure of a chronometer. The molecules of each of these compounds are composed of so many atoms of so many different elements that they are far less coherent and stable than the simple one, or two, or three atomed molecules forming the substances in a chro- nometer. Besides all this, these large numbers of atoms are combined into molecules, these complex molecules are ar- ranged in groups, these groups enclose and are surrounded by water, and the water holds in solution oxygen and a variety of compounds. The component atoms of these compounds have affinities for other atoms as well as for those with which they are combined. Furthermore, the sub- stances may not all be in the molecular state in the solu- tion; the component atoms of some substances may be more or less completely dissociated. * In this condition they will be still more susceptible to physical and chemical influ- ences than if combined into molecules, and they will affect the protoplasm with correspondingly greater promptness. The intimate contact of the aqueous solution, the cell-sap, with the living protoplasm, and the complete distribution of *See Ostwald, W. Outlines of general chemistry, Eng. transl. by Walker, London and New York, 1895. Nernst, W. Theoretical chem- istry, Eng. transl. by Palmer, London and New York, 1895. Jones. H. C. The theory of electrolytic dissociation and some of its appli- cations. New York, 1900. IRRITABILITY 185 the solution throughout the cell, insure the thoroughness with which the protoplasm will be affected. The complexity of protoplasm hi composition and structure, and the physi- cal and chemical properties of the cell-sap which is every- where within it, help us to see that protoplasm is neces- sarily as well as actually the most unstable and the most complex, structure known. Comprehending these facts, we see reasons for the sensi- tiveness of protoplasm to outside influences. But lifeless protoplasm imagining such a thing for the moment al- though it possesses all this complexity of structure and of composition, and is therefore sensitive to influences from without, is not the seat of the physiological processes, of the destructive and constructive chemical changes, w r hich are constantly going on in living protoplasm. Indeed the dry seed is far less sensitive, as we have already seen (pp. 9, 10 ), than the same seed after water has been absorbed and ger- mination has begun. Wherever there is actively living proto- plasm, i.e. a complex structure among the compounds of which and within which chemical changes are constantly taking place, we have the conditions for irritability : the more complex the structure and its component and enclosed compounds, or the more varied and the more rapid the chemical changes taking place hi the structure, the greater will be its sensitiveness to external influences. The higher the organism, the more complex is its structure, the more varied or the more rapid are the chemical changes taking place in it, and therefore it is the more sensitive. The or- ganism is dormant, unsensitive, unirritable, when its physi- ological processes are slow or simple ; the organism is dead when its physiological chemical changes cease and its struc- ture breaks down. Its component molecules may still be there intact after the organism ceases to live, but their ar- rangement is changed, the sensitiveness of the whole struc- ture and of all its parts is diminished in proportion as the arrangement of the molecules is modified. The irritability, then, of living organisms consists in a sensitiveness to external conditions which is due to the complexity in structure and in composition of the organ- X^13T*AU5S, f Of THE G UNIVERSITY J \ OF J 186 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY isms themselves. To put this in more definite terms we may say that the irritability (which we may represent as x) of a cell, an organ, or an organism, consists in the sum of these factors, viz. (a) the sensitiveness of the component atoms of complex molecules to other forces and affinities as well as to the affinities which hold them together in these compounds. (b) the instability of the groups of molecules. (c) the instability of the protoplasmic structure which consists of water and these complex molecules. (d) the number, variety, and speed of the chemical changes taking place in this structure. (e) the number, variety, and speed of the chemical changes taking place between its component molecules and others enclosed among them or outside. ( f) the number, kinds, and degree of dissociation, of the atoms and molecules of the substances dissolved in the water in the cell. Thus x='a + 5 + c+d+e + /*, a sum greater than is attained in any known combination except the living cell. Let us pass on now from these general considerations as a starting-point, to examine certain phases of irritability : first, the relations of irritability to the amount, kind, etc., of growth ; second, the direction of growth, and movement, as depending upon irritability; third, the growth move- ments not evidently connected with irritability. IRRITABILITY AND THE AMOUNT AND KIND OF GROWTH Every actively growing organism must have, besides an adequate supply of material, an adequate amount of room, and the impulse to grow ( see p. 168 ) , at least the power to direct its growth according to its environment. This power is dependant upon the irritability of the organism and of its separate organs, their sensitiveness to forces and influences wholly external. Since the material of which it is composed came into existence, every organism has been subjected to external influences, some momentary or unequal, some per- sistent and uniform. The effects of these influences are more or less enduring, like the influences themselves, but presuma- IRRITABILITY 187 bly are far from permanent at the utmost. While the effect of one influence still persists, other influences are operating on the organism. The status of the organism at any one time represents the results of all the influences to which it has been subjected up to that time; its form, size, position, etc., are its response to all these influences. The condition of the organism and the influences bearing upon it, together determine how it will grow. The study of irritability at any one time, therefore, necessarily includes the results of irritability at other times earlier in the life of the in- dividual. We may begin our study with those mechanical influences to which plants are or may be subjected. When a growing part is enclosed within a bandage of plaster of Paris, two results follow, one of which has already been mentioned (p. 174).* The other w r e may consider now. The part not only lacks room to grow, but the plaster ligature relieves the enclosed part, as it does a broken arm or leg, of me- chanical strain of nearly every sort. The tissues primarily contributing to the mechanical strength of the growing organ attain within the ligature neither such size nor such strength as ordinarily, f From this we may conclude that the mechanical strength of a part depends upon the strain to which it is subjected. This conclusion, reached from ex- periments in which the mechanical strain was reduced as much as possible, is enforced by experiments of the opposite sort, in which the mechanical strain was increased.* The strain consisted in traction, effected by means of weights *Newcomb. F. C. The influence of mechanical resistance on the de- velopment and life-period of cells. Botan. Gazette, vol. 19, 1894. Reg- ulatory formation of mechanical tissue. Ibid. vol. 20. 1895. f Pfeffer. W. Druck und Arbeitsleistung. Abh. d. K. Sachs. Gesellsch. f. Wissensch., Bd. XX., 1893. Also Pflanzenphysiologie. 2te Aufl.. II., pp. 144-7. 1901. % Hegler, R. Einfluss des mechanischen Zugs auf das Wachsthum der Pflanze. Cohr's Beitrage zur Biologic der Pflanzen. Bd. VI.. 1893. Older literature here cited. See also Pfeffer. W. Besprechung Hegler's Unter- suchungen. Berichte d. K. Sachs. Gesellsch. f. Wissensch.. Sitzung vom 7ten Dec., 1891. A ko Pflanzenphysiologie II.. 36. Derschau. M. von. Einfluss von Kontakt und Zug auf rankende Blattstiele. Inaug.-Diss.. Leipzig. 1893. 188 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY suspended from threads passing over pulleys and fastened to growing parts. The following figures will illustrate the results obtained WEIGHT. SEEDLINGS. PETIOLES. Helianthus. Phaseolus. Heleborus. Enough to break. 160 gr. 180 gr. 400 gr. Used to strengthen 150 " 165 " " test on 2d day. 250 " " " 3d - 300 " " " after several days, 400 " " " on 7th day, 650 " 5th ci 3^ K. Subjecting otherwise weak stems to pull induces them to form strengthening tissues which would not ordinarily de- velop at all. Stems thus acted upon decrease their growth in length in proportion as they are stimulated to grow in thickness. Even a strain too slight to produce any stretch- ing will have this effect. The formation of strengthening tissues is proportional to the need. This is shown each year by fruiting plants. The fertilization of the egg-cells in the ovules of flowering plants leads to the production of seeds, the growth of fruit, and the considerable increase in weight of these and of the adja- cent parts. The development of the fruit and its contents demands a corresponding growth both of conducting and also of mechanically strengthening tissues extending into regions quite distant from the fruit as well as in those near it.* A similar response to mechanical strain is shown by many mosses and liverworts. The stalks bearing the fruits grow greatly in length for a time. Later, when the fruits increase in weight, the stalks cease to elongate and become much thicker and stronger. Plants are everywhere in nature exposed to mechanical strains of more or less force and constancy. The winds, flowing water, tides, waves, and the movements of animals *Pieters. A. J. Influence of fruit-bearing on the development of me- chanical tissue in some fruit trees. Annals of Botany. X. 1896. IRRITABILITY 189 apply mechanical force to living plants, and to these influ- ences they respond by the increased or modified activity of the living protoplasm. The most evident effects of winds are those deformities which usually, however, are more the result of injury than of stimulus. Trees in exposed places are unsymmetrical, their limbs short and broken on the side toward the strong or violent prevailing wind, while on the other side the limbs look as if they had been drawn along with the wind. But the root-syste n of such trees shows the stimulating 'effect of the wind without the deformities exhibited in the branches, the roots being longer and stronger on the windward than on the leeward side, the greatest strength develop- ing where there is the greatest mechanical force to be resisted. The ordinary swaying of stems and branches, and even of leaves on their stalks, acts as a stimulus to the living cells of a plant. The difference in the amounts of mechan- ical tissue in plants which carry their own weight and in those which lean, twine, and otherwise climb, is partly due to the difference in mechanical stimulus to form strength- ening tissues. By tying an erect plant so firmly to a sup- port that it cannot sway in the wind, or by supporting its weight on a frame, the plant will be deprived of those move- ments, stresses, and strains which normally stimulate it to develop strength. Water-currents exercise similar effects to those of wind- currents, whenever they are rapid enough to develop any considerable force. Even slow water-currents have been found to stimulate and direct growth and movement in rather peculiar fashion. Thus the roots of certain plants, if suspended in clean running water, will bend so that the tips point and grow up stream. This phenomenon is known as rheotropism. * The plasmodia of certain Myxomycetes will grow on a vertical strip of filter-paper always in the direc- tion opposite to that of the current of water which is sup- * Juel, H. O. Untersuchungen iiber den Rheotropismus der Wurzeln. Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot., Bd. 34. 1900. Newcombe. F. C. Rheotropism cf roots. Bot. Gazette vol. 33 1902. 190 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY plied to them, whether this be upward or downward. This phenomenon is called rheotaxis, * but it is not certain that it is not a response to obscure chemical stimuli rather than to a current of water merely. Rheotaxis and rheo- tropism are therefore probably distinct phenomena. The significance of rheotropism is not understood. FKJ. 13. Figure 13. PosteMa Palmspformis. Sea-palms at Point Lobos, near Monterey, California. Height about 2 feet. Photograph by Dr. W. A. Shaw. Waves and tides have not been studied experimentally in their mechanical relation to plants. It may be inferred, perhaps, that they produce movements which stimu- late the plants exposed. Certainly plants which are to withstand the pounding of the waves must grow propor- tionally resistant. Is this simply a case of the survival of the accidentally toughest and fittest, or do tide and surf plants irritably react to the rude stimuli to which they are Stahl, E. Zur Biologic der Myxomyceten. Bot. Zeitung, 1884. IRRITABILITY 191 subjected? Of these buffet-ted forms the Sea Palms (Pos- telsia paJm&formis) of the Pacific Coast are the most strik- ing. Living between the tide-marks, always in the most exposed positions, these upright plants hold on and grow in spite of the tremendous pounding to which they are almost continually exposed. In toughness, strength, and elasticity their upper parts are equalled only by the closeness of the attachment and the strength of the hold-fasts. The ,accom- panying figure suggests how rough their habitat may be in a storm. From the foregoing we may conclude that a certain amount both of freedom to move and also of actual agita- tion is good for plants. This is exercise, apparently as de- sirable for plants as for animals, and presumably for the same reasons. It facilitates the transfer of nutrient sub- stances and it stimulates the living protoplasm. Which factor is the more important it remains for experiment to determine. In trees and shrubs the mechanical tissues are found espe- cially in the wood. Where the seasons are sharply con- trasted, as over the greater part of the temperate zones, the wood presents the familiar appearance known as annual rings. In mechanical strength the different parts of the wood vary considerably, the so-called ''spring- wood," be- cause of the larger size of the cells and the comparative thinness of their walls, being decidedly weaker than the thicker-walled, more compact, and often more abundant ''autumn wood." It is through the wood, especially the ducts and tracheids, that the transfer of food-materials from roots to leaves takes place (see pp. 119-124). The wood is, therefore, both a mechanical and a vascular tissue. The one function or the other predominates at different times during the growing season and affects the growing and developing tissues accordingly. Where growth is always possible and is practically con- tinuous, annual rings are not formed. It is only where growth is periodic because of changing seasons, like winter and summer, dry and rainy seasons, that there are decided differences in the character of the wood. Certain other 192 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY phenomena almost or quite coincide with the formation of annual rings. "Spring wood" forms (seep. 123) when sap- pressure is greatest, when the buds open and the leaves expand, when there is a sudden extension of the surface from which water will evaporate. At this time water must be abundantly supplied to the parts just emerged from the bud so that the new cells may expand to their proper size ; food must be furnished these growing parts so that new cells and new protoplasm may form and the parts may con- tinue to increase in size. When the buds unfold there is an immediate and great demand upon the conducting tissues, but as the parts increase in size and weight, the mechanical strength of branchlets, branches, and stem must increase also. With an increasing weight each spring and early sum- mer there is an annually increasing mechanical strain upon the tree or shrub. This increased strain is yearly met by increased strength, and this is contributed largely by the "autumn wood." The time during which the cambium cells give rise by division to new cells differentiating into wood and bast ele- ments is much briefer than the season during which growth is apparently possible. According to Jost, * the greater part of the increase in thickness of stems and branches takes place in May and June ( in Germany ) . This indicates that the activity of the cambium cells and of their immediate derivatives is controlled by influences outside of themselves. These influences are doubtless many, but we may distinguish some of them at least. The young parts growing and developing from opening buds in the spring need much food and water, and they certainly transpire greater or less quantities of water-vapor. There is at this time an especially great and a fairly steady demand upon the conducting tissues for both food and water, not so much for transpiration, perhaps, as for growth in the full sense of the word; for food so that new protoplasm may be formed, for water so that it may prop- erly expand. This demand would make itself felt first in the * Jost, L. Beobachtungen iiber den zeitlichen Verlauf des Dickenwachs- thums der Baume. Ber. d. Deutsch. Bot. Gesellsch., Bd. X., 1893. IRRITABILITY 193 parts nearest opening buds. It is here that the cambium first resumes its activity, the more and more distant parts coming only successively into activity again.* It is pre- cisely the parts nearest the fully expanded leaves and the maturing terminal buds in which the cambium also first ceases to be active. In plants which form no terminal buds such as roses, briars, etc. the cambium continues to be active so long as the temperature, moisture, and other ex- ternal conditions make growth possible. The cambium cells divide more or less early, and a larger or smaller number of times. To a considerable extent at least this is according to the behavior of the parts developing from the opening buds. The living cells in rapidly growing leaves and elon- gating internodes, demanding much food and water, stim- ulate by this demand the earliest cells cut off by division of the cambium cells to grow to such size and to take on such characters that they will best conduct what is needed above. If the ground is so dry that only insufficient quanti- ties of water can be absorbed, or if in the preceding year only insufficient quantities of food were made and stored, the parts coming from the opening buds will develop less rapidly or less perfectly in size, etc., and will be able to exert and will exert less of a stimulating demand upon the con- ducting tissues for food and water than in a better season. In this way nutrition affects everything, the formation of wood as well as the development of new organs. In the various living cells composing the embryonic organs in the bud, the impulse to grow is given by returning favorable conditions. Warmth, light, moisture, etc., stimulate the cells to grow, to divide, to grow again, to differentiate, etc. These cells, stimulated by purely physical influences from outside themselves, develop needs proportioned to their physiological activities. The needs must be met, if the cells are to continue their activities, by materials drawn from their neighbors. So this demand, extending from cell to cell by the osmotic transfer of nutrient solutions, pres- ently reaches the living cells adjoining? the conducting ele- * Jost. L. Beziehungen zwischen der Blattentwickelung und der Gefass- bildung in der Pflanze. Bot. Zeitung, 1893. 13 194 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY ments, the cambium and its daughter cells. According to the demand, the stimulus, thus exerted, these daughter cells develop into the so-called "spring wood." The hypothesis thus outlined would be worthless if it were not for the early growth of the roots which makes possible the supply of the relatively large volume of water demanded by the parts coming from the bud. Goff* has recently shown that growth of the root begins in the spring before there are any signs of growth in the parts above ground. Thus the plant is early provided with the absorbing agent needed. This growth of the root also must be regarded as the irritable response to the stimulus exerted upon it by the moisture and the increasing warmth of the soil. The other half of the annual ring remains to be accounted for. What has already been said regarding the effect of in- creasing the mechanical strains to which growing parts are subjected (see pp. 174, 187-8) prepares us for an hypothe- sis, deserving more experimental tests, to account for the change in the character of the season's growth of wood. After the buds open, the leaves expand and grow, the inter- nodes lengthen, and all the parts and their component cells attain their definitive dimensions, weights, etc. As a result, the mechanical strain upon the parts behind increases. It increases not only with the weight and with the change in position of the weight, which produces a greater leverage, but also with occasional sudden and often very great addi- tions to the weight by wind and rain. Meantime there is little or no increased demand for food, and transpiration, being controllable by the stomata, is not likely to increase greatly. There is ordinarily, therefore, no great addition to the conducting system (see pp. 123-4). Strengthening tissues fibres, tracheids, thick-walled ele- ments are formed by the differentiation of the young cells derived from the cambium. From Hegler's investigations (p. 187 ) it is evident that strengthening tissues develop ac- cording to the strain to which a part is subjected, that an increasing strain is accompanied by the formation of more * Goff, E. S. The resumption of root-growth in spring. Wisconsin Agric. Exp. Sta.. 15th Annual Report 1898. IRRITABILITY 195 and stronger mechanical tissues, and that this development is a response to irritation. We have only to apply these conclusions to the changes taking place in growing wood as the season progresses to gam an idea as to one of the most important influences contributing to the formation of "au- tumn wood." Ordinarily only one ring is added to the wood each year. Many woody plants, if defoliated by frost, caterpillars, etc., so early in the season that growth has not ceased, will open their latent buds, and develop a second set of leaves. Under these conditions, with the sudden increase in the demand for new conducting tissues, the } r oung derivatives of cambium will develop into elements resembling but not quite equalling those of normal "spring wood." In this way woody plants may form in nature two rings of wood in a single year. It is claimed* that "spring" and "autumn" wood may be found repeatedly alternating with one another in a single season's growth in pine, if only during the grow- ing season there are repeatedly alternating and sharply contrasting rainy and dry periods. Pfeffer's caution f "that an apparently similar result may sometimes be produced in various ways" applies to this observation as well as to experiments. The careful study of plants subject to the attack of gall- insects and other pests should throw light on the relation of the growth of wood to the demand made upon it. For example, cross-sections of the younger branches of Monterey Pine (Pinus radiata) which have been attacked by the leaf- galling insect Diplosis pirn-radiate ^% show abnormalities in the vascular tissues. Instead of the clearly marked annual rings of wood, these branches have semi-annual rings which correspond in size, position, and composition with the times at which the plant is attacked by the gall-insect, at which * Lutz, K. G. Beitrage zur Physiologic der Holzgewachse. Fiinfstiick's Beitrage z. wise. Bot.. Bd. I.. 1897. t Pfeffer, W. Pflanzenphysiologie. 2te Aufl.. Bd. II., p. 274, 1901. J Papers by Cannon, W. A. The Gall of the Monterey Pine. American Naturalist, vol. 34. 1900; and Miss Mills in Entomological News, vol. XI., 1900. 196 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY the morbid growth begins and ends, and with the differences in the activities of the galled leaves from those which are normal. The formation of wood and of its different kinds and elements in a season is affected by all the vital activities of the plant and all the external influences which bear upon it. The character of the wood is not the result of any one set of factors. At the same time that we must constantly recognize that the living plant is sensitive to a great many influences and that it responds to these, we may distinguish in the complex of influences some which are more effective than others. We may therefore accept, at least un- til a better one is advanced, this hypothesis : the two kinds of wood in the year's growth are formed in their different ways in response to the different demands, or stimuli, brought to bear upon the cambium and its young deriva- tives; the "spring wood," composed of large elements, essen- tially for the conduction of liquids; the "autumn wood/' composed of small and thick-walled elements, essentially for mechanical strength; and between these two, the wood which is both "spring" and "autumn" in character, formed when there is still need of more conducting tissues and when the need of strengthening tissues is already beginning. So we have the adaptation of the wood to the different needs of the plant in different parts of the growing season, the adaptation being accomplished through the irritability of the growing and differentiating cells. INFLUENCE OF GRAVITATION. So far we have studied mainly the effects of evidently mechanical influences upon the living organism. It is, how- ever, sensitive to many other influences, some of them quite as important. Of these only one is constantly and uni- formly operative the force of gravitation. The plant may change, by growth and movement, the relation of its parts to the force, but the amount of force acting upon the plant continues the same. The other influences are variable, periodic, or occasional. The mechanical influences so far IRRITABILITY 197 discussed may be said to control growth by limiting it. The influences which we are about to study control growth by directing it. Yet this distinction is suggestive rather than exact, and must not be accepted without reserve. The action of gravitation may be considered from its effects on the kind, rate, and direction of growth, and on the position, of plants. Gravity exerts upon all objects a pull toward the centre of the earth. This pull is propor- tioned in intensity to the weight ( mass ) of each object, the heavier the object the stronger the pull. The pull is resisted more or less completely by the medium in which the objects are. An object in a fluid is buoyed up with a force equal to the weight of the fluid which it displaces. Thus the down- ward pull of gravity upon a plant living submersed in fresh water is resisted by a force equal to the weight of the water which the plant displaces. This is 750-800 times greater than the force which an equal volume of air would exert. The average specific gravity of sea- water is 1.2. Hence a plant living in sea- water is supported still more, by a force 1.2 times greater than that of an equal volume of fresh water, and therefore 900-950 times greater than air. The parts of a plant growing in a solid medium, the soil, are completely supported. The soil will ordinarily support much more than the weight of the plants growing in it. It is evident, therefore, other things, being equal, that the mechanical strength which the plant or plant-part must develop is proportioned to the fraction of the force of gravitation which is not balanced by the buoyancy or sup- porting power of the medium in which it lives. The force of gravity exerts by this means a direct influence upon the kind of tissue which the plant forms, the kind of growth which it makes. The force of gravity is one of the most important factors in the complex which constitutes the environment. The rate of growth in most plants seems to be tolerably independent of gravity, other forces being more effective. Parts which normally stand in one direction may grow at a somewhat different rate when their position is changed. Also, when gravity is opposed by an equal or greater force, 198 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY as can be done by a centrifugal machine, the rate of growth may be changed. But when the position of a plant is con- stantly changed or is changed at frequent and regular inter- vals, as by a regular or by an intermittent clinostat, the rate of growth does not seem to be materially affected.* Gravity is one of the most important influences determin- ing the direction of growth. It affects direction and kind much, the rate of growth little. Its action in directing growth is called geotropism. Those organs which grow toward the source of gravitation, downward, are said to be positively geotropic. Roots and rhizoids are positively geotropic organs. Stems which grow in the opposite direc- tion, upward, are called negatively geotropic. Other organs, such as branches, which grow horizontally, are said to be diageotropic, while obliquely growing organs like lateral roots are called plageotropic. For reasons of convenience, roots have long been the favorite objects for the study of the effects of gravitation. Such horizontal organs as leaves owe their position quite as much to the influence of light as to gravitation. Though we may say that gravitation is the chief force directing the growth of stems and roots, it must be remembered that it is only the chief of several or many. The position which any part or organ finally assumes repre- sents the combined influence of all of those forces to which it is sensitive and which act upon it. It may be stated as a general rule that the stems and roots of higher plants, and the corresponding parts of many lower plants, tend to grow in opposite directions. Each organism begins as a single cell. Upon this one cell all the influences which affect the new plant are converged. The directions of growth and of division of this one cell are the result of these influences. In consequence of the first as well as of subsequent divisions, the different cells of the embryo are differently placed, some opposite to others. From this oppositeness in position there follows an oppo- siteness in behavior, which expresses a difference in the cells and organs themselves. It is easy and natural to suspect * For a discussion of this topic see Pfeffer's Pflanzenphysiologie, 2te Aufl., Bd. II., 29, 1901. IRRITABILITY 199 that the direction of the divisions of the fertilized egg-cell and of the first cells in the embryo bears a definite relation to the force of gravitation, and this appears in many plants to be really the case, but other influences may co- operate or predominate in producing the same effect, as, for example, in the ferns.* Whatever may be the origin in the embryo of the different responses which the differ- ent parts make, it is evident that, from the germination of the seed onward, the plant is sensitive to gravitation and is directed in its growth by it as well as by other forces. The responses to the force of gravity are much better known than are the immediate effects of the force in the sensitive parts. Most of our knowledge and interest in the subject are due to Ciesielski,t Darwin,! Sachs, and Pfeffer and their followers. The young root is more highly differentiated, anatomi- cally and physiologically, than its simple external appear- ance suggests. At the extreme tip is the cap, a protective covering of the "growing point." The "growing point" is a mass of permanent meristem which gives rise to all the root structures. Behind this is the region of evident growth, where the young cells are increasing in volume by the ab- sorption of water from their older neighbors (see fig. 9, p. 168). Still further back and adjoining this region is the zone where, through the root-hairs, water is principally absorbed from the soil. If a young seedling with a straight root be laid so that its root will be horizontal, care being taken that the root remain moist, the tip will begin to * See Goebel, K. Organographieder Pflanzen, pp. 188-f, 1898. Campbell, D. H. Mosses and Ferns. 1895. McMillan. C. The orientation of the plant-egg and its ecological significance. Botanical Gazette, vol. 25. 1898. f Ciesielski. T. Untersuchungen iiber die Abwartskrummiing der Wurzel. Beitrage z. Biologic d. Pflanzen. Bd. I., 1872. \ Darwin. C. The Power of Movement in Plants. 1880. Sachs, J. von. Different papers from 1873 to 1879, collected in his Gesa melte Abhandlungen iiber Pflanzenphysiologie. Bd. II., 1893, and in his Lectures on the Physiology of Plants. Eng. transl.. 1887. Pfeffer, W. Geotropic sensitiveness of the root-tip. Annals of Bcftany, vol. VIII., 1894. 200 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY turn downward within an hour from the time when its posi- tion was changed.* The tip is carried downward by the elongation and curvature that take place in the part most rapidly growing, 3-4 millimetres back of the tip. In this case gravity acts as a stimulus. Gravity cannot be the sole force pulling the tip into the soil, for the tip is too light, and the resistance of the soil is too great, for any such result. Darwin believed that the tip of the root, like the brain, is a sense organ, receiving the stimulus of gravitation and sending back to the elongating part tha impulse to respond to it. Sachs and others contended that only the growing part received the stimulus and acted upon it. For years the matter stood thus, and Kothert,t very carefully reviewing the whole subject, had just published his opinion that it could not be decided experimentally when Pfeffer J announced the results of the ingenious experiments conducted under his direction by Czapek. In order to decide the matter it was necessary to employ means which would not in any way injure the root or introduce any new factors into the experi- ment ; decapitation, wounding, and the other devices re- sorted to before being obviously open to objections serious enough to invalidate the conclusions drawn from experi- ments involving such procedure. This was accomplished by taking advantage of the plasticity of the growing tip, caus- ing the roots to grow into tubes, 3-4 millimetres long, of thin glass, bent in the middle at a right angle. While the tips were growing into these tubes, the plants were revolved on a clinostat, so that no directive geotropic irritation * For experiments on roots, seeds may best be germinated in damp tannin-free sawdust. (Stone. Bot. Gazette. XIX.. 1894.) Many experi- ments are described in the laboratory manuals previously named. t Rothert, W. Die Streitfrage iiber die Function der Wurzelspitze. Flora. 1894. t Pfeffer, W. Cber die geotropische Sensibilitat der Wurzelspitze. Sit- zungsber. d. K. Sachs. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch., Sitzung vom 2ten Juli, 1894. Geotropic sensitiveness of the root-tip. Annals of Botany, vol. VIII., 1894. Czapek, F. Untersuchungen iiber Geotropismus. Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot., Bd. XXVII.. 1895. IRRITABILITY 201 should be set up. "If now a specimen," prepared as shown in the accompanying figure, "is placed so that the terminal part points vertically downwards, whilst the rest of the root is horizontal, no geotropic curvature takes place. This, however, always took place, and with about the same promptness as in straight roots, when the terminal portion was placed horizontally, or in general at an acute angle with the normal position. From these experiments it fol- lows that the root thus treated is perfectly capable of reaction. . . . By this means therefore it is proved with the most perfect certainty, that in an uninjured root only the root-tip is geotropically sensitive." With this is also proved that from the part which is sensitive the part of the root ^j\ " with the largest amount (^ of living protoplasm in proportion to its vol- Fierure 14. Root-tip in bent glass tube, ume-the stimulus is (From Czapek . } transmitted to cells cap- able of responding to the stimulus. These are the cells at that time increasing in volume, growing. The posi- tion of the tip is determined by its own sensitiveness, but its position can be changed, except by artificial means, only by the action of the responding part. The stimulus is transmitted from living cell to living cell. The transmission takes time, but the interval, known as the latent period, between exposure and response to the stimulus, is necessarily employed in preparing to execute the response as well as in transmitting the stimulus. The latent period may mean still more, but at least it means these two things. The transmission of the stimulus cannot be understood until it is known in what the stimulus exerted by gravity consists and what it does in the sensitive cells. All the ponderable parts of an organism and of a cell are subject to the physical pull of gravity. From this it follows that while these parts are in place their position is maintained as the result of the activity of living protoplasm. When the position of these parts is changed, either by the living pro- 202 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY toplasm or by means outside of it, the relations of the parts and of the protoplasm to gravity are also changed. The force of gravity acts constantly. Therefore, whether the ponderable parts of a cell are changed or are constant in position, they and the protoplasm are constantly influenced by gravity. Only when there is a change in the relation of the parts to gravity is the protoplasm called upon to change its response. The action of gravity in a cell and upon its parts must be the same as upon any ponderable substance. The heavier (or lighter) the substance, the greater (or less) its specific weight as compared with the protoplasm in which it is imbedded, the more promptly will it exert a different pressure upon the protoplasm and change in position when the position of the cell is altered. In every living cell there are solid particles of greater or less size, living or lifeless, presumably differing among themselves and from the protoplasm in weight. In certain plants, e.g. some Desmids, in rhizoids of Chara, * in the starch-sheath of stems and in the root-cap, etc., of higher plants, f solid particles are conspicuous in size or arrange- ment. The force of gravity will, however, act similarly, though less evidently, upon the solid contents of all cells. The reaction of the living protoplasm to the pull of gravity is very different from that of lifeless material. The reaction may show Itself in a variety of ways, chemical and physical. CzapekJ has shown that a chemical change takes place in root cells stimulated geotropically. In the periblem cells of sensitive root-tips there is present, in larger quantity * Giesenhagen, K. Uber inneie Vorgange bei der geotropischen Kriim- mung der Wurzeln von Chara. Ber. d. Deutsch. Bot. Gesellsch., XIX., 1901. f Haberlandt, G. Uber die Perception des geotropischen Reizes. Ber. d. Deutsch. Bot. Gesellsch.. Bd. XVIII., 1900. Uber die Statolithenfunction der Starkekorner. Ibid., Bd. XX., 1902. Nemec, B. Uber die Art der Wahrnehmung des Schwerkraftreizes bei den Pflanzen. Ibid., Bd. XVIII., 1900. Uber die Wahrnehmung des Schwerkraftreizes bei den Pflanzen. Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot., Bd. XXXVI.. 1901. Noll, F. Uber Geotropismus. Ibid., Bd. XXXIV.. 1900. Zur Controverse tiber den Geotropismus. Ber. d. Deutsch. Bot. Gesellsch., Bd. XX., 1902. f Czapek, F. Ein mikroskopischer Befund an geotropisch gereizten Wur- zeln. Ber. d. Deutsch. Bot. Gesellsch., XV., 1898. Also Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot. Bd. 32, 1898. IRRITABILITY 203 than elsewhere, a readily oxidized substance, perhaps also another which is a vehicle of oxygen. In the irritated root- tip, and directly in proportion to the irritation, the amount of aromatic oxidizable substance increases and the substance or substances serving as a vehicle for oxygen decrease. This transfer of oxygen from one compound to another within the cell is accomplished not by gravity but by the living protoplasm stimulated by gravity. The transmission of a stimulus which caused only mechan- ical changes in the stimulated cell would be very difficult to conceive. On the contrary, when there is a change in the amount or the composition of diffusible substances, it is much easier to form some notion of the means by which the impulse to grow in a definite way is given by the meriste- matic cells at the root-tip to those in the growing region behind. Any change of this sort in one cell is necessarily followed by corresponding diffusion currents between this cell and its neighbors more and more remote. Wherever ST new substance enters the living protoplasm of a cell it will affect the protoplasm chemically or physically, thus pro- ducing a stimulus* The irritated periblem cells of the root-tip give up by diffusion, the changed substances which they have formed. Finally those cells in the grow- ing zone are reached by the diffusing compounds,/ and they change the direction if not also the rate of growth of the organ. -^ Diffusion undoubtedly occurs between the sensitive cells of the root-tip and the cells more or less remote. The trans- mission of an impul&e by diffusion alone is not rapid, and it is difficult to prove. To avoid both of these objections Nemec* has recourse to protoplasmic fibrils to which he attributes the function of conducting stimuli from cell to cell. These fibrils can be seen in suitably prepared fixed material and in certain living cells (e.g. stamen and slime hairs of Tradescantia) , both in tissues which are irritable and which exhibit visible reactions to stimuli > and also in tissues in which no response to stimuli has ever been de- * Nemec. B. Die Reizleitung und die reizleitenden Structuren bei den Pflanzen. Jena. 1901. 204 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY tected.* Since we conceive all living cells to be affected by external influences, whether they give a response which can be seen at any time or not, there is every reason to believe that all the living cells in a body are connected to- gether. Indeed, Strasburger's investigations go far toward proving that such is really the case.f By Nemec's fibrils and Strasburger's continuity of protoplasm the living parts of a plant are united in one system. Granting this to be the case, it is nevertheless difficult to see how these structures convey a purely mechanical stimulus like that of gravita- tion. Nemec's fibrils suggest the nerve structures in ani- mals. Like these structures, their manner of working is a mystery. We may therefore cling to our diffusion hypothe- sis as comprehensible, if difficult of proof, leaving the future to determine the value and the functions of protoplasmic fibrils and protoplasmic continuity. Sachs asserted that when a root-tip is horizontal it is in position to be most strongly stimulated by gravity, and that then the curvature of the growing region will be most rapid and most pronounced. Until Czapek J determined the necessary duration of the stimulus, Sachs's assertion was un- challenged. Czapek ascertained that the root-tips of vari- ous plants require from fifteen to fifty minutes' exposure to the action of gravity in order to bend. The longer the exposure, the more pronounced in rapidity and angle is the bending. Thus roots of Lupinus albus will bend if laid horizontal for twenty minutes, but the maximum effect will follow an exposure of four hours. When the root-tip points upward at an angle of 45, not when it is horizontal, the root bends most, the time of exposure and other conditions being the same. Above this angle, the spontaneous growth- movements, known as nutation or circumnutation, interfere * Haberlandt. G. Uber Reizleitung im Pflanzenreich. Biolog. Central- blatt, XXI.. 1901. tber fibrillare Plasmastructuren. Ber. d. Deutsch. Bot. Gesellsch., XIX., 1902. f Strasburger, E. fiber Plasmaverbindungen pflanzlicher Zellen. Jahrb. f. wise. Bot.. Bd. 36, 1901. J Czapek, F. Untersuchungen iiber Geotropismus. Jahrb. f. wise. Bot.. Bd. 27, 1895. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntniss der geotropischen Reizbewe- gungen. Jahrb. f. wise. Bot., Bd. 32 1898. IRRITABILITY 205 with the action of gravity. Czapek's conclusion is sup- ported by a study of grass-haulms.* When the root-tip is stimulated by the action of gravity a bending takes place further back, in the region which is most rapidly elongating. This region, called the motor zone, can bend only if there are differences in the rate of growth or in the tissue tensions in its different parts. It is not neces- sarily the case that all roots behave alike in the means any more than hi the manner of curvature, although it seems probable that in roots of similar structure the me- chanics of curvature will be similar. This may account hi part for the diverse views regarding the mechanics of geo- tropic curvature. Thus, according to Ciesielski, f the cells of the lower (concave) side of the root are forcibly com- pressed, even wrinkled, by the more than average growth of the cells of the upper ( convex ) side. Sachs J denies that the cells of the upper side always grow faster, and attributes the pronounced bending to the diminished growth rate of the cells of the lower side. MacDougal, employing the imbedding methods now in general use but unknown to Sachs when he wrote on this subject, comes to essentially the same conclusions as the great master hi plant physi- ology more than twenty-five years before. Pollock,! study- ing curvatures induced by injury ( traumatropic ) instead of by gravity (geotropic), concludes that the mechanism of root-curvature consists in changed tissue-tensions in the stimulated roots, the normal tension between cortical paren- chyma and axial cylinder increasing on the upper ( convex ) side and decreasing on the lower (concave) side. Though this last view may be correct as regards some if not all roots, it must be conceded that growth makes permanent * Pertz. Miss D. F. M. On the gravitation stimulus in relation to posi- tion. Annals of Bot., XIII., p. 62 Culturversuche. Forsch. a. d. Gebiete d. Agrik.-Physik., Bd. XVI. ? 1893. IRRITABILITY 239 The net result of the many attempts to hasten the germi- nation or to increase the germinating-power of seeds by subjecting them to electrical action seems to be that there are such great differences between plants of different species that no general rule can be formulated.* Experiments on the possible effects of the X or Rontgen rays upon the I growth of plants, from the pathogenic bacteria up, have led mainly to negative results. It is claimed that the direction of growth is influenced by electrical currents, that plants are galvanotropic or electrotropic, positively or negatively, at least as to their roots.t If Loeb's hypothesis (p. 238) be true that electri- cal currents set up chemical changes in the cell, it would be surprising if these produced no effect as shown by the direction of growth. Still, the subject is far from ex- hausted. Electrotaxis in plants is almost uninvestigated. Some work on the movements of bacteria J with relation to electri- cal currents has been done, but with meagre results. Zoo- spores would suggest themselves as favorable objects of study. INFLUENCE OF CONTACT By the term contact is implied much the same idea as is expressed in the physiology of higher animals and in com- mon parlance by the word touch. When the human finger gently touches a motionless clean glass rod, the temperature and other physical properties of which are similar to those * For description of method and the detail of beneficial effects of elec- trical stimulation see Kinney. Electro-germination. Bull. Hatch Experi- mental Station Amherst Mass.. Jan. 1897. and Stone. Influence of Electricity on plants. Bot. Gazette, vol. 27. 1899. \ Elfving. F. Uber eine Wirkung des galvanischen Stroms auf wachsende Keimlinge. Botan. Zeitung. Bd. 40. 1882. Brunchorts. J. Uber Galvano- tropismus. Ber. d. Deutsch. Bot. Ges.. Bd. II.. 1884. and Bot. Centralbl., Bd. XXTTT. 1885. J Yerworn. M. Die polare Erregung der Protisten durch den galvani- schen Strom. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol.. Bd. 46. 1890. p. 291. Lortet, L. I/influence des courants induits sur 1* orientation des Bacteries vivantes. Co.iptes Rendus de 1'Acad. des Sciences Nat., Paris. T. CXXII., 1896. 240 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY of adjacent objects, the mind is conscious of the contact. Solid object and solid object exert on one another certain influences. The finger imparts a certain amount of warmth, of moisture perhaps, possibly of other forces and substances, to the rod, and the rod also acts upon the finger. The contact of solid objects with plants and plant- parts enables them directly to influence each other. Only when the plant or plant-part is more responsive than the lifeless object, only where there is a visible reaction to the influence thus exerted, can we tell either the character or the extent of the influence. By studying the reactions to the influence exerted by contact we can divine something re- garding the nature of the stimulus. When zoospores and other motile and floating spores of sessile plants come to rest, attaching themselves to the sub- stratum, the attachment is effected through means not yet wholly clear. The course of events is briefly this. When a spore, e. g. of Vaucherm, (Edogonium, Fucus, etc., comes to rest against the surface of a solid object a dead leaf or branch or stone its foi*m changes and the naked mass of protoplasm invests itself with a cell-wall. The part of the cell against the solid object flattens, spreads out somewhat, conforms accurately to the surface of the object, and adheres closely to it. In this way the holdfast of the new plant is begun. The cause of this local and peculiar growth cannot be due to the stimulation of gravitation, for such spores attach themselves as frequently to oblique and vertical as to horizontal surfaces. Nor can it be warmth or moisture, or even chemical stimulation. It must be either light or contact or both. Light or darkness must play a part in controlling the local growth of holdfasts in many plants. It appears, however, to influence locomotion and the direc- tion of division of the spores* rather than to stimulate growth in the parts touching the solid object. We may conclude, then, that contact with the solid stimulates the protoplasm, but it remains for experiment actually to show that the increased rate and the changed direction of growth * Winkler, H. Einfluss ausBerer Factoren auf die Theilung der Eier von Cystosira barbata. Ber. d. D. Bot. Ges., Bd. 18, 1900. IRRITABILITY 241 e 19.-Tendrils of Ampelopsis Veitchii. * before > ft ' a!ter atta * hment - in such cases among plants are due to contact, though it seems to be the case in animals.* Among higher plants, familiar examples of growth stimu- lated by contact are afforded by those species of Ampelopsis which form the curiously branched organs of attachment shown in the accompanying figures (A. Veitchii). The young branches, "ten- drils," (a) are soft, weak, tapering, long and slender, slightly enlarged at the tips and green only there. After the tips come into contact with a suita- ble vertical surface, they broaden and flatten out pressing closely against the surface, forming the little discs which presently be- come very strongly attached (b). If the "tendrils" do not touch a surface suitable for attachment, the tips do not enlarge, the whole organ remains weak, and finally dies and falls away. Stability of the support and prolonged contact with it seem to be indispensable to the formation of the disc-shaped bodies. These are the larger the rougher the surface of the support, other things being equal. The subsequent thickening and strengthening of the "tendril" are due to mechanical pull (see pp. 187-8) rather than to the contact of the tips with a rough object. The direction of growth is controlled in many instances by contact with solid objects. Thigmotropism or stereo- tropism is the name proposed for this phenomenon. The most striking examples are furnished by tendrils, f which have been studied by many observers. The sensitiveness of tendrils to contact varies greatly with the species, the prevailing conditions, and the age * Loeb J. rntersuchungen zur physiologischen Morphologic der Thiere. 1. Uber Heteromorphose. Wiirzburg, 1891. f See Darwin's " Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants" and Pfef- fer's P"anzenphysiologie Bd. II.. 2ter Theil 2te Auflage. 16 242 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY of the tendrils. They are most sensitive when they are half or three quarters grown and until after they have at- tained their full length. A considerable degree of warmth and humidity increases their sensitiveness, warmth being the more important factor. Most tendrils are more sen- sitive on one side than on the others. The part most sensitive to contact is that between the tip and middle, the tip itself and the base not being sensitive to contact. The base is, however, sensitive to gravity and in this re- spect differs from the rest of the tendril. The zones of greatest sensitiveness and of greatest growth, as in roots (see p. 201), are not coincident. A tendril of P&ssiflora in the right stage of growth and under favorable conditions will soon bend toward the side touched, if gently stroked with a pencil. The extent and duration of the bending will be proportioned to the degree of irritation. The rougher the surface of the object which the tendril touches, the more pronounced the bend- ing. Because the surface of tendrils is so smooth, they so slightly irritate each other when they chance to touch that they rarely bend about each other. A succession of light touches, each too light to induce a pronounced or per- manent bending, will stimulate a tendril to the same degree as continuous contact with the same object, but unless the contacts are made at very short intervals, so that the ten- dril finally catches and entwines the stimulating object, thereby producing an enduring contact and a prolonged stimulus, the tendril will cease to bend more and will finally straighten out. Presumably loss of sensitiveness precedes loss of ability to bend, but since the reaction is the only evidence we now have of the sensitiveness, it is impossible to say positively. This experiment shows, among other things, that there is an accumulation of stimuli, that the response is not immediate but induced, and that the ten- dril finally ceases to respond to one degree of inconstant stimulation, becoming either accustomed and unsensitive or else fatigued and unresponsive. This condition has its parallel in the familiar state of the fatigued muscle or organism. A fresh horse lightly touched by the whip re- IRRITABILITY 243 spends to the slight stimulus by increasing his speed, but the same horse at the end of a hard day's journey can- not be made by the same stimulus, or even by a greater, to give the same response. This indicates two things : in the first place, that the touch of the whip or the repeated contact with a solid body do not of themselves increase the speed of the horse or accomplish the bending of the tendril, but that they are merely stimuli, that these slight influences set in operation other forces. Our conception of the stimulus as merely the feeble force which sets other forces in operation is justified by further consideration of the behavior of horse and tendril. Though the fresh horse promptly responds to the light touch of the whip, there is actually the lapse of some time between stimulus and reaction, but this time is brief because the nerve and muscle systems of the horse are exquisitely adapted to receiving and responding to such stimuli. They are especially differentiated to accomplish a few purposes. The tendril responds more slowly to contact. There is what is termecT the "latent period " between stimulation and reaction, ranging from five seconds or less to an hour or more according to the species, but during this period the forces set in operation by the stimulus are working. The means by which a tendril curves around its support is not definitely known, and it may well be that the me- chanics of curvature are not the same in all cases. The older plant physiologists, like Sachs* and de Tries, f as- serted that the bending is due to changes in the rate of growth on the two sides, the side in contact with the sup- port growing less rapidly, the opposite side more rapidly, than before the contact was made. MacDougalJ dissents from this generally accepted opinion, believing that there are not such changes in growth-rate, but that the side in contact with the solid object contracts decidedly and that * Sachs. J. von. Physiology of Plants. Eng. Edition. 1887. f De Vries. H. Langenwachsthum der Ober- und Untereeite krummender Ranken. Arb. d. Bot. Inst. Wurzburg. Bd. I.. 1873. J MacDougal. D. T. Mechanism of curvature in tendrils. Annals of Bot- any, X.. 1896. 244 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY the opposite side may grow less rapidly than when the tendril is free. Presumably either the contraction of the cells on the side touched, or the expansion ( fixed by growth ) of the cells of the opposite side, would develop the mechanical force needed to accomplish the bending, for the resistance to be overcome is slight. Indeed, until they have attached themselves to a support and have developed strengthening tissues as a result of strain (see pp. 187-8), tendrils are mechanically weak as well as irritable. The irritability of tendrils varies greatly, the tendrils of grape-vine requiring prolonged contact with a compara- tively rough object, those of passion-vine ( Passiflora ) responding to extremely slight and transient stimuli in 25 to 30 seconds. The size of the solid object must be pro- portioned to the size, structure, and sensitiveness of the tendril if it is to be successfully clasped. The tendrils of grape, for example, cannot twine about objects of small size, while tendrils of Echinocystis will coil about a spider's thread.* A piece of thread weighing 0.00025 milligram, placed as a rider on a tendril of passion-vine, causes no stimulus if motionless, but induces bending if swinging on the tendril. f All solids except moist gelatine irritate; no harmless liquid, free from solid particles, not even mercury, stimulates the most sensitive tendril to bend. From this we may infer that unless there be a certain amount of adhesion between the tendril and the object by which it is touched, there will be no irritation. This adhesion changes the pressure in the cells of the part touched, increasing or decreasing the pressure according to circumstances. The petioles of several well-known plants are more or less sensitive to contact, e. g. Lophospermum scandens. Solanum j&sminoides, Trop&olum majus, Clematis. The stems of dodder (Cuscuta) are also periodically sensitive to contact. % This parasite twines about its host, forming * MacDougal, Joe. cit., p. 376. f Pfeffer, W. Zur Kenntniss der Contaktreize. Untersuch. a. d. Bot. Inst. Tubingen, Bd. I, 1885. I Peirce, G. J. Contribution to the physiology of the genus Cuscuta. Annals of Botany, VIII., 1894. IRRITABILITY 245 alternately the steep spirals typical of twining plants and short close spirals like tendrils. After it has sent haus- toria into the tissues of its host, dodder elongates very rapidly for a few hours. During this time the stem is not sensitive to contact and it behaves like an ordinary twining plant, circumnutating and obeying the force of gravity. Presently, however, the rate of growth decreases and then it begins to be sensitive to contact. When irritated by con- tact with an object of suitable size, dodder will make two or three or even more close tendril-like turns . about the support. It will not form these close coils about moist gelatine, it cannot twine about objects too large or too small. The longer the contact and the rougher the surface of the support, the more prompt and pronounced will be the bending. Only prolonged contact will induce permanent bending. This is the first effect induced by contact. A second effect consists in the formation of haustoria, lateral root-like organs which the parasite sends into the tissues of its host and through which it draws needed food. Without contact these organs never form, even in rudimen- tary conditions. Without contact with an object able to furnish food as well as mechanical support to the parasite, the haustoria will not fully develop. Contact stimulus in- duces the stem to bend closely about the support and to form haustoria, but chemical stimulus is needed besides to secure the development of the haustoria. In fact, the seedling dodder will not even twine about innutritions supports. Furthermore, the dodder stem is sensitive to gravity and will not twine closely or otherwise about a suitable, even nutritious, support unless the position of this be vertical or only slightly inclined. The dodders, and a few tropical plants like them ( e. g. Cassytha), are exceptional twining plants. The great majority of twining plants are not sensitive to contact, and though they twine about vertical or nearly vertical supports of suitable size and form, they do so by the com- bined action of their spontaneous nutation movements and of gravitation. As Darwin so clearly demonstrated,* * Darwin, C. The power of movement in plants. 246 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY all growing parts, at least of vascular plants, are in con- stant motion, owing to their growth not being equal on all sides at any one time. The rate of growth changes in the different parts, and because this change in rate is fairly regular and takes place in adjacent parts successively around the plant or part, the motion is regular, circular or elliptical in a horizontal plane, spiral in space. Darwin called it circumnutation. Apparently the regularity of the motion is due to external stimuli rather than to causes inherent in the organism. Experiment* seems to show that the cooperation of the forces to which plants are constantly and successively subjected e. g. gravitation, light, heat, etc. reduces the otherwise wholly irregular movements to order and system, and that without these stimuli these movements produced by unequal growth are entirely irregular. The circumnutation of twining plants is through a somewhat wider orbit than that of other plants, probably because of their greater length in proportion to their thickness and mechanical strength. The tips of the stems and branches do not stand out straight for any great distance ; they tend to droop somewhat. The negative geotropism and the ample nutation of the slender and elongated stems of twining plants cause them to grow spirally upward around suitable supports, t Sensitiveness to contact and later their parasitism were probably acquired by dodder and its allies after these plants had developed the twining habit. The nearest relatives of the dodder are still independent twiners, closely resembling the behavior of dodder in its unsensitive periods. Further- more, under stress of insufficient food, the dodder is able to manufacture some food for itself. It will develop chloro- phyll in the usually rudimentary and often otherwise col- ored chromatophores which it contains in large numbers. Thigmotropic sensitiveness of other organs and of lower * Fritzsche, Curt. Uber die Beeinflussung der Circumnutation durch verschiedene Factoren. Inaug.-Diss. Leipzig, 3 899. t For a careful study of the mechanics of twining see Kolkwitz, R. Beitrage zur Mechanik des Windens. Ber. d. D. Bot. Ges., Bd. XIII., 1895. The literature is here cited. IRRITABILITY 247 plants has been demonstrated by various authors, * though Sachs's claim that roots are sensitive to contact seems to have been successfully disproved by Newcombe.f New- combe shows that roots do not bend about harmless sub- stances ( e. g. glass rods and splinters of tannin-free wood ) although they do coil around pins, brass wire, and rods made of wood containing tannin or other injurious mat- ters. The bendings which Sachs described were responses to injury (traumatropic) rather than to contact. J Studies of the thigmotaxis of plants are very few, if any at all exist, yet the behavior of such motile organisms as the diatoms, Oscillatoria, Beggiatoa, etc., and the relations of zoospores to the solid substances to which they attach themselves, offer objects as interesting as they are difficult for investigation. Something must now be said about the so-called "sensi- tive plants." These respond to a touch, a blow, or even a sudden breath of air, to a drop or stream of water upon the leaves, as well as to changes in illumination, tempera- ture, etc. These plants have compound leaves, the petioles of the leaves and the stalks of the leaflets being supplied with cushion-like enlargements called pulvini, which serve as an articulation between petiole and blade or between petiole and branch. A pulvinus is composed mainly of parenchyma tissue, the cell-walls of which are elastic and readily per- meable to water. The fibre-vascular bundles which, in the petiole and in the blade of the leaf, are separated from one another by plates of parenchymatous tissue, are placed close together in the pulvinus forming an axial strand. This axial strand is the part of the pulvinus possessing greatest tensile strength, but the several layers of paren- * Sachs, J. von. Uber das Wachsthum der Haupt-und Nebenwurzeln. Arb. d. Bot. Inst. Wiirzburg. Bd. I, p. 437, 1873, and Ges. Abhandl. Bd. II. p. 826, 1893. Errera. L. Die grosse Wachsthumsperiode bei den Fruchttragern von Phycomyces. Bot. Zeitung. Bd. 42. 1884. Wortmann, J. Zur Kennt- niss der Reizbewegungen. Bot. Zeitung, Bd. 45. 1887. fNewcombe, F. C. Sachs' angebliche thigmotropische Kurven an Wurzeln waren traumatisch. Beihefte z. Bot. Centralbl, xii., 1902. Spaulding, V. M. The traumatropic curvature oi roots. Ann. of Bot., viii., 1894. 248 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY chyma cells by which it is surrounded are what expand or close, raise or lower, the leaflets and the whole leaf by changes in the amount of water which they contain, in other words, by changes in their turgescence. These par- enchyma cells act as the cushion on which the blade of the leaf rests. As has been repeatedly described in the text-books, and in numberless works on "the wonders of Nature/'* the position of the leaves and leaflets varies, or may be made quickly to change, according to the con- ditions surrounding the plant. The accompanying figures illustrate the periodic changes occurring in the position Figure 20. " Sensitive Plant ' ' ( Mim osa pudica ) by day ( a ) , by night ( b ) , and in light and air of excessive brightness and dryness (c) . From MacDougal. of the leaves and leaflets of Mimosa pudica under normal conditions. Figure 20 a, is the ordinary " day position," when the light is fairly strong, the air warm, and water suffi- ciently abundant to allow rapid transpiration without harm. Figure 20 b is the ordinary "night or sleep position/' when the light is weak, the air cool and moist so that dew will form. Figure 20 c is the position taken when the illumina- tion is so intense and transpiration so rapid that there is danger of excessive loss of water, t * For example, see " Living Plants and their Properties," by Arthur and MacDougal, Chapter IV., New York, 1898, from which the following de- scription is mainly drawn. t For a discussion of these movements with relation to transpiration eee pp. 141-2. IRRITABILITY 249 The plants of Mimosa pudica shown in the accompanying figures (21) were stimulated not by touch but by a small flame, though a touch or blow of suffic- ient force would produce the same ef- fect. The figures therefore illustrate what there is to say of the relations of this plant to contact. Comparing these with figure 20 a on p. 248 we find that under favorable conditions of light, temperature, moisture, etc., lightly touching one or more of the leaf- lets of a plant with the finger, a pencil or some similar harmless instru- ment, will induce the leaflets to move quickly upward toward one another and slightly forward, so that they come to lie closely face to face along the leaf-stalk. An exceedingly light touch may induce only one lea flee to move, a touch less light will induce both leaflets of a pair to move, one still stronger will stimulate adjacent pairs and finally all the leaflets of the compound leaf to close. At last the main petiole of the whole leaf sinks, bending at its pulvinus. as is shown in figure 21 b. If the touch be sufficiently strong, a blow rather than a touch, the other leaves and leaflets will behave in all respects similarly ( figure c ) until finally the appearance of the plant will be such as indicated by figure d. Although evidently there is still much work to be done before the subject will be quite clear, it appears from already published investiga- tions that the means by which Figure 21. Sensitive Plant in the leaves and leaflets are moved various stages of stimulation, are found in the parenchyma cells From MacDougal. 250 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY of the pulvini.* These cells, taking up water from the adjacent vascular elements in the axial strand of bun- dles, expand, become turgid, and exercise sufficient force to raise the petiole or the blade respectively of the leaf or leaflet above. The opposite effect follows, leaflet, leaf, and petiole droop when, for any reason, the parenchyma cells of the pulvini, giving up the water which they con- tain to the vascular elements, become smaller, flabby, and contracted, if not collapsed. A great variety of stimuli set in motion the mechanism by which the leaflets and leaves are closed. What is the use of these movements, and what is the means of transmit- ting the impulse to move, are by no means clear. Stahl,f from observations made in the tropics, confirms Darwin's claim that the closing of the leaves is an effective protec- tion, in connection with the thorns which the plant bears, against hungry herbivorous mammals. It is seemingly probable that contact and various other stimuli cause the contraction of some of the cells in the leaf and that, in their contraction, these cells expel water into the vascular ele- ments or intercellular spaces. The contraction of any cell or group of cells will necessarily affect the tensions of adjacent cells. Thus, though we cannot conceive of the transmission of the impulse itself from cell to cell, yet we can readily conceive of the extension to an increasing number of cells of the conditions first produced by the irritant acting upon a small number of cells. Mimosa is not able to respond to stimulus (whether it is then sensitive or not is another question ) when under the influence of an anaesthetic or in a state of chill, heat-rigor, etc. For this reason the inference is easy that the physical changes induced by stimuli are * Stahl, E. Ober den Pflanzenschlaf und verwandte Erscheinungen. Bot. Zeitung, 1897. Cunningham, D. D. The causes of the fluctuations in the motor organs of leaves. Annals of the Botanic Garden, Calcutta, vol. VI., 1895. MacDougal, D= T. The mechani m of movement and transmission of impulses in Mimosa and other "Sensitive" Plants: a review with some additional experiments. Bot. Gazette, XXII., 1896. Haberlandt. G. Das reizleitende Gewebe der Sinnpflanze, Leipzig, 1890. Sinnesorgane im Pflanzenreich. Leipzig, 1901. f Stahl, E. 7. c. IRRITABILITY 251 transmitted only through living cells. This is not neces- sarily the case, as MacDougaPs experiments tend to prove. * Haberlandtf claims the transmission of the stimulus through tubular series of cells hi the phloem of the vascu- lar bundles. Since Fischer! has shown the continuity of the sieve-tubes throughout the plant, it is not unlikely that Haberlandt's tubes are also continuous and may therefore furnish at least one course along which the changed turgor of any group of cells could affect other cells. The stamens of barberry and of some of the Composite, and the stigmas of Mimulus, Torenia, etc., contract on being touched. Presumably these, and other similar move- ments, are due to decreased turgor in the parenchyma cells forming a considerable part of the organ, as well as in (Mimosa. CONCLUSION So far we have separately considered the operations of the more evident influences which direct plants in growth and in other activities. This process of analysis leads us to more definite views regarding the effects of these different forces acting as stimuli, but in nature the plant is subjected to all of these forces more or less constantly and more or less simultaneously. Thus light and gravitation may be acting simultaneously and, because of the action of both, the response of an organ to either force will not be the same as if that one were acting alone (see p. 214). Mois- ture, warmth, contact, and chemical substances may also be acting upon the plant at the same time. The behavior of a plant, then, expresses its adjustment to all the influ- ences operating upon it. Its size, form, color, vigor, etc., represent its response to all the stimuli it has received. Furthermore, as conclusively proved by recent experi- ment^ whatever stimulates or otherwise affects one part or * MacDougal, D. T. 7. c. t Haberlandt. G. 7. c. J Fischer, A. ^eue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Siebrohren. Ber. d. math.- phys. Classe d. K. Sachs. Ges. d. Wiss., 1886. Hering, F. f ber Wachsthumscorrelationen in Folge mechanischer Hem- mung des Wachsens. Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot.. Bd. 29, 1896. Kny, L. Corre- lation in growth of roots and shoots. II. Ann. of Bot.. XV., 1901. Other papers cited by these authors, and by Pfeffer Pflanzenphysiologie Bd. II., Theil 1 1901. 252 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY organ affects all the other parts of the plant. Injury or loss of a part is always followed in healthy plants by the replacement of the part, either by new tissues, or by an- other part assuming the work of that injured or lost. Thus, if the tip of a pine or other perennial with excurrent stem j is injured, the lateral branches change their direction of growth, and finally the strongest and most rapidly growing of these assumes the direction and functions of the main stem. "Cutting back" stem or root is followed by copious branching. When, as in floating specimens of Marsilia, etc., enough water is absorbed by other parts, the roots soon cease to grow and may even finally disappear. We must conclude, then, that the plant is sensitive as a whole because of the sensitiveness of its parts, that the condition of one part affects all the other parts, that cor- relation is a necessity if the organism is to act as an in- dividual or even as an association of cooperating members. Besides the forces which, through analysis, we have been able to recognize distinctly, there are complex influences consisting of forces and influences which have so far eluded analysis. The analytical method has not yet exhausted the subject ; more detailed physical and chemical knowledge will come presently. Meantime it is more or less the fashion, under the name of ecology, to view things in the large way, and by feeling rather than by trt application of exact physiological methods, to reach conclusions regarding the effects of environment and of association. The trees of a given species, presenting one appearance when they grow as members of a thick forest, are very different when growing separately in the open. These differences in appearance are due in great part doubtless to differences in the amounts of light and food, of mechanical strain, and of room, but these are not all, nor do we know the relative importance of the separate influences. We do not know why small plants of characteristic species are the regular associates of certain kinds of trees.* Such phenomena show that plants are * For example, see Hock, F. Begleitpflanzen der Kiefer in Norddeutsch- land. Ber. d. Deutech. Bot. Ges., Bd. XI., 1893; Coulter, Plant Relations. New York, 1899, etc. IRRITABILITY 253 sensitive to all the forces and influences which we combine without analysis under the name environment, and that the cooperation of these influences induces, as i-eactions in the living plants, the qualities which we see and call character- istic of the species, order, or class reactions which are realty characteristic only of the living protoplasm. Proto- plasm is not all equally sensitive to any one influence or to the whole complex of influences which constitute its living and lifeless environment. These different degrees of sensi- tiveness, coupled with different powers of response, are what bring about, in the same environment, the forms, sizes? colors, etc., which characterize individuals and species. The various forces operating upon the living organism set up and maintain in it physical and chemical conditions which can be changed only by the introduction of a new force or by a change in the relative proportions of the old forces. The living differs from the dead organism and from all lifeless compounds and structures in the supreme deli- cacy of its structure, due to the arrangement, complexity, and instability of the compounds composing and contained within it (see pp. 183-6). The sensitiveness of living or- ganisms is different in degree and not in kind from that of lifeless things; the sensitiveness of both is a matter of physics and chemistry. CHAPTER VII REPRODUCTION THE subject of reproduction has been more fully and more exactly studied by morphologists than by physiologists. It has been meditated upon more than it has been investi- gated through experiment. Yet there are certain results of comparatively recent work, and there are certain hypothe- ses, which must be considered in any discussion of the physiology of plants. In the vegetable as in the animal kingdom the span of life of the individual organism is limited. In many cases it is limited by perfectly obvious influences; in most it is limited by means little understood even if apprehended at all. In many plants and animals there are no evident rea- sons inherent in the organisms themselves why they should not continue to live indefinitely. Influences wholly external and only slightly controllable by the organism determine and terminate its career. The effects of these influences are to be distinguished from the irritable responses which we have studied in the preceding chapter. Irritable response depends upon a degree of sensitiveness possessed only by the living organism, although this sensitiveness is dependent upon the sum of the physical and chemical conditions pre- vailing in the organism (p. 186). But the influences which terminate its career exceed the powers of resistance, reac- tion, or response, of the organism. They act upon it as upon any lifeless thing of similar composition and structure, and they produce on the lifeless similar effects to those pro- duced on the living body. For example, the heavy wind which uproots a tree would bring it to the ground were it alive or dead. Uprooted it would dry faster than if its roots were still in the soil. It is after all the drying, follow- ing the uprooting, and not the uprooting itself, which is the REPRODUCTION 255 fatal thing. Again the frost which kills a living herb would produce in another similar but lifeless herb the same injurious mechanical changes, which neither living nor lifeless herb could obliterate or reverse and recover from. Ex- cessive shade or light injure and may be fatal to living plants, the former entailing insufficient food-manufacture, the latter causing undue activity in this or in other ways. Lifeless structures as sensitive to light will also be affected by the same means; the photographic plate is injured or ruined by insufficient or by excessive light. From these examples the inference is obvious that, if the conditions which make life possible ( p. 6 ) were maintained, many organisms which now die at the end of a season or a cycle, would continue to live. The inference could not, however, be extended to all plants, because what de- termines the span of life of the organism is often within it, not outside. This every one knows. Wheat harvest comes long before frost or heat or drought can terminate the lives of the wheat plants. In California the wheat plants are dead before harvest begins. They have ceased to live when they have matured their fruits. They have transferred to the embryos in the fruits the life which they themselves possessed. The one living wheat stalk has formed several or many kernels, each containing a living plantlet. Among these new individuals the life of the parent has been com- pletely distributed. The parent stalk ceases to live, its life is ended, the parent lives only in its offspring. No external influences have contributed to the death of the stalk except as they have contributed to its successful life and to its production of successors. So it is with other plants which fruit once and then die, whether fruiting take place in a month, a season, or a "century." By preventing fruiting, man can artificially prolong the life of many such plants. The flowering plants of our gardens are induced to continue blooming and to live longer by being kept from setting seed. By constantly picking the flowers of sweet-pea, pansy, etc., larger, handsomer and more numerous flowers may be had for a longer time than if the life of the individual plant were allowed to pass over into the new individuals repre- 256 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY sented by the embryos in the seeds. The life cannot pass over, however, without a physical basis; the substance of the parent is given to and forms the offspring. The giving of substance and of life are simultaneous if not identical. When this gift exceeds a certain amount, the parent ceases to be, it abandons its own body, it lives only in its off- spring. Internal causes are what terminate the lives of plants like these, but as we shall presently see (pp. 263- 76), these are profoundly affected by external influences. There are other internal causes which may terminate the life of an individual. If its parent endow it so badly with substance, form, or food that it cannot maintain the bal- ance of constructive and destructive processes in which liv- ing consists, it will die. Its span of life is determined by its own substance, structure, and energy, all of which, or the means of gaining which, were given it by its parents. Such an individual, unable to live long enough to produce off- spring, ceases to live because its internal balance breaks. Its life ceases because destructive processes exceed the con- structive. Its lifeless substance thereupon becomes the source of matter and of energy for living individuals of other kinds. Since living may be said to consist in maintaining the balance between construction and destruction, life may be said to represent the balance of energy-storing and energy- liberating processes. There is as much substance and as much energy when there is no balance. When the balance is attained, there is life; when the balance is not attained, there is no life. When an individual dies without offspring, there is less life in the world but no less substance or energy. When an individual, having given sufficient substance in suitable form to its offspring to start them in their careers, continues to live for a time, there is less life when it dies but no less matter or energy. There is simply a different adjustment of forces, a different arrangement of matter. But this different adjustment is merely local, more or less individual. The population of a given locality may greatly increase, but with the increase in number of human beings there is a decrease in the number of living organisms of REPRODUCTION 257 Certain other sorts. The multiplication of the individuals of one species may often result in an increase in the number of living organisms in the locality, but there is no evidence that, as a whole, the living population of the earth is in- creased. Keproduction is not a process by which more is made out of a given amount, for, if this were so, the be- ginning would be the making of something from nothing. Force and matter remaining constant, reproduction can only maintain, it cannot, beyond a certain point, increase the total number of living organisms. We are thus led to see that reproduction is a process of which the chief end is maintenance and increase of the spe- cies rather than the increase in life. The command "Be fruitful and multiply" is coupled with the law which irre- sistibly forbids increase beyond a certain point. As char- acteristic of the living substance as breathing or feeding is the tendency to maintain and to perpetuate itself. Only by securing more supplies of matter for replacing worn-out parts, and of energy for carrying on its functions, does the living organism maintain itself. When it secures more mat- ter than is needed to repair, and more energy than is needed to operate, already existing parts, it grows. WTien for any reason growth beyond a certain characteristic size is impossible or difficult, while the supply of matter and energy continues the same, there must be some other mode of increase of the individual, whether cell or organism. The one individual, cell or organism, after forming new sub- stance (protoplasm) and furnishing it with energy (heat, etc.), may finally separate this as a new individual. The mother cell divides it off as a new cell, the parent organism separates it as a reproductive body, a sperm or egg, a spore or seed, an embryo or a larva. Reproduction has been defined as "Growth beyond the limits of the indi- vidual." Like growth, it depends upon the successful per- formance of the ordinary functions, and it simply insures their continuance. Again, reproduction is said to be "the effort to bridge the gap of death." This definition is suggestive but misleading. By reproduction living is continued ; the life, the substance, 258 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY and the activities, of the offspring were those of the parents. There is no gap or break, there is perfect continuity. If a gap were to occur, nothing could bridge it, there would be nothing with which to bridge it, the species or the race would be extinct. A new creation would be necessary, and experience does not encourage belief in new creations. Re- production, then, prevents the formation of a gap. When death comes to an organism which has already formed a new individual consisting of and continuing the substance, structure, and activities of the old, death effects no break, there is no gap. When death comes to an organism which has not yet grown beyond itself, a gap is formed, but formed too soon ever to be bridged or closed. The chief end of reproduction is, then, the maintenance of life, the continuity of the species. Another end is only less important, that of increasing the number of individuals. The parent stalk of wheat which has given all its living substance to the two dozen or so new individuals enclosed within the kernels it has produced, is contributing to in- crease the number of wheat individuals living next year. As we know, there will be no real increase, however, unless these kernels fall into spots where no plant or only a weaker one lived before. Under natural conditions, which have so long remained the same that the possibilities of the situa- tion are as fully exploited by the organisms living there now as can be the case at the present stage in evolution, there will be no vacant spots in which an increased number of individuals can live. Under these conditions reproduction cannot effect an increase, it can only continue the life, of the species. However, when any new factor is introduced, when seismic disturbance, or dimatic change, or the entrance of some new arid powerful organism, modifies the conditions, each new individual in a brood or crop has a different chance from before, a better chance or a worse according to the relative characters of the new individual and of the changed environment. Those organisms which have young ready and able to take advantage of the changed environ- ment will thereby have a better chance to increase their kind as well as to maintain it. As the maintenance of the REPRODUCTION 259 species is always more important than its increase, and as the increase of the species is only sometimes possible, such a system of reproduction as will best serve the chief end has been developed by every successful organism. Many or- ganisms possess one means of reproduction which combines these two ends, others have different means leading to the two ends separately.* Two modes of reproduction, almost universal in their occurrence among plants, can be distinguished, the sexual and the non-sexual. In the former, two cells from two different sources unite and thereby form a new individual. In the latter, the new individual is developed from one cell or from a group of cells. The difference between these two would seem very clear were it not for the fact that it some- times happens spontaneously in nature, and may be made to happen in a considerable number of cases in the labora- tory, that one of the sexual elements (cells) develops into a new individual without first fusing with the other sexual element (cell). The development of one sexual cell into a new individual without first fusing with the other sexual cell is called parthenogenesis. Parthenogenesis is, in effect, the same as non-sexual reproduction. Morphologically, sexual reproduction differs from non-sexual reproduction in the fusion of two cells into one. Physiologically, sexual repro- duction differs from non-sexual reproduction in the causes which lead to it and in the results produced by it. In sexual reproduction, one cell is " fertilized" by the fusion with it of the other sexual element. In non-sexual reproduc- tion the cells are "fertile" without this fusion. "Fertiliza- tion" has been regarded as giving the stimulus needed by the sexual cell for development as a new individual. Non- sexual reproductive cells do not require this stimulus to develop as new individuals. In natural parthenogenesis, the one sexual cell, the egg-cell, also develops as a new indi- vidual without the stimulus of fertilization. In partheno- genesis artificially produced in the laboratory, chemical or other stimuli applied to the eggs cause them to develop as * What these means are. may be learned from Campbell's University Text Book of Botany. New York, 1902. 260 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY new individuals.* So far, individuals thus produced have not developed to maturity, though this may be expected to be attained. There is, however, an essential difference be- tween individuals produced on the one hand by non-sexual means, by natural parthenogenesis, and from sexual cells artificially stimulated, and on the other hand by sexual means the fusion of two cells. In the latter case, the one cell absorbs not only simple inorganic compounds, but also all the complex organic compounds contained in the other sexual element ; the structure as well as the substance of the two cells unites ; two sets of organs are combined into one ; nucleus fuses with nucleus, cytoplasm with cytoplasm; the individual characters of the two cells are combined in the new individual. We see, then, that fertilization is more than stimulation ; it is union. f In this union of structure, organs, and characters, although these are composed of chemical compounds, the definite arrangement of the parts in the sexual elements is as essential as the composition of the parts. The result in the new individual will vary with the arrangement of the parts in each sexual element. In other words, there is not only a chemical basis to fertiliza- tion; there is also a mechanical. Fertilization cannot be complete and perfect without both chemical and mechanical effects. What the significance, and what the relative im- portance, of the chemical and mechanical factors in fertili- zation may be is now the subject of hypothesis and experi- ment. The matter is far from settlement. That there are advantages in a mode of reproduction which unites chemical and mechanical effects, and in develop- ment which follows only after these are produced, would seem to be indicated by the development of sexual repro- duction by so many different types of organisms. If non- * Loeb. J. Artificial production of normal larva? from the unfertilized eggs of the Sea Urchin (Arbacia). Amer. Journ. Physiology, vol. III., 1900. Experiments on artificial parthenogenesis in Annelids (Chaetop- terus). Ibid. vol. IV., 1901. Nature of the process of fertilization. Ibid. vol. IV., 1901. Matthews, A. P. Artificial parthenogenesis produced by mechanical agitation. Amer. Journ. Physiol., vol. VI., 1901. t Strasburger, E. f ber Befruchtung. Bot. Zeitung, 1901. Boveri, Th. Das Problem der Befruchtung. Jena, 1902. REPRODUCTION 261 sexual reproduction were the more successful mode of repro- duction, would its relative importance be so greatly reduced among higher organisms, both plants and animals? Yet what the advantages of sexual over non-sexual reproduction are, is by no means certain. Between animals and plants there are striking resem- blances in the processes which constitute and succeed sexual reproduction. Fertilization and the formation of new indi- viduals are the same in the two kingdoms, and the care of the young between the times of their conception in the body of the mother and of their separation from it also cor- respond. Only among the highest animals, the Mammalia, is the care of the offspring carried beyond what is found among plants. The plant-mother cannot nourish her off- spring after it has been separated from her body, though she has supplied it with a store of food. The mammalian mother can and does. This difference of degree in development does not, however, make our comparison less suggestive. One point more needs emphasis in this connection. Since the continuity of the species is the chief end of reproduction, precautions to ensure its attainment must be taken. The lower plants like the lower animals, simple in structure and small in size, as a rule rely on the survival of some of their numerous and but slightly developed offspring rather than upon the better equipment of a smaller number of more completely developed young. Among higher organisms, the opposite is the general rule. The relatively small number of the seeds of the Leguminosse, each seed containing a large, well fed, and highly developed embryo, may be regarded as typical of the higher plants, while the small, not fully de- veloped embryos of the Orchidaceae, Ericaceae, etc., in the seeds of which only small quantities of food are stored, represent a distinctly lower type. There are two kinds of non-sexual reproduction, the vege- tative and the spore. In the former a mass of tissue, capable of carrying on many functions and of developing into a new plant, is separated from the single parent. In the latter, a single cell or, at most, two cells together are cut off. These, though formed sometimes by the cooperation of 262 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY many cells, are never formed by the fusion of cells. Each of the cells cut off is able, by successive divisions, to form a new plant like its parent. The one parent or parent-cell or mass of cells gives its own matter and energy, its own protoplasm, to the new individual. Because the substance of only one parent goes into the offspring there is a radical difference between this non-sexual mode of reproduction and the sexual mode. With the transfer from parent to off- spring of its own substance and means of obtaining energy there are transferred also the same degree of sensitiveness, the same powers of reaction to stimuli, and the results of the reaction to stimuli already accomplished by the living protoplasm of the parent. The offspring are not only like the parent, they are really branches or continuations of the parent. There is introduced into the new individual nothing new, but as soon as it is cut off from the parent, it is subjected to influences some of which may be new and different and which will stimulate the individual to corresponding reactions. The gemmules of certain Mar- chantiaceae, the lateral branches which gradually become the separate plants of Azolla, the runners of the straw- berry, etc., are means of non-sexual (and vegetative) repro- duction. The matter and energy, the substance and struc- ture, of the one parent are carried directly over into these offspring. The condition of the parent at the time of re- production, representing the resultant of all its reactions to all the stimuli to which it has been subjected, is also the condition of offspring made in this way. This fact is still clearer in such a plant as Spirogyra, which, breaking up into the cells of which the filament is composed, * forms new individuals which share its qualities by sharing its sub- stance and structure. In many other low plants the proc- ess of vegetative reproduction is as simple and clear as possible. Similar but multicellular bodies vegetatively re- produce higher plants, continuing and at times multiply- ing the species with nearly or quite the same characters in the new as in the old individuals. The runners of straw- * Benecke, W. Mechanismus und Biologie des Zerfalles der Conjugaten- faden in die einzelnen Zellen. Jahrb. f. w. Bot., 32, 1898. REPRODUCTION 263 berry, the suckers of lilac and Sequoia,* the stolons, off- sets, runners, etc., of other plants, illustrate this matter. In the spore mode of non-sexual reproduction single cells or pairs of cells, each capable of forming a new plant, are cut off by the parent. These reproductive bodies, like the vege- tatively reproductive bodies above mentioned, contain and continue the substance and the condition of the one parent. So soon as they are separated from the parent, they may be so influenced by the factors of their environment as to depart from the character of their parent, to vary. The new individuals produced by non-sexual means are usually more numerous than those produced sexually. Non- sexual reproduction is especially the means by which the species is multiplied. Many species, however, have only one means of reproduction, hence the two ends, of maintaining and of multiplying the species, are met by the same means. Many organisms, however, endowed with both means of reproduction, employ one at one time, another at another time. What determines the organism in its behavior? And what are the advantages of each mode? The first ques- tion is answerable at the present time through the already available means of experimenting; the second is not defi- nitely answerable now, though the interpretation of what is observed in nature, and speculation partially supported by experiment, suggest probable answers. From (Edogomum and Coleoch&te among the green algae to the highest of the flowering plants, the phenomenon of alternating generations is one of the most conspicuous in the life of plants. How this has originated and the influences which now control it constitute one of the most intricate problems in morphol- ogy and physiology, the solution of which remains, how- ever, hidden in the future. The preceding chapter has shown us that the size, form, color, rate of growth, direction of growth and of move- ment, and many other characters, represent the reaction of the organism to the external influences, its response to the stimuli, which are collectively termed its environment. We * Peirce, G. J. Studies on the coast redwood. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sciences. 3d series, Botany, vol. II.. 1901. 264 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY are, therefore, inclined to believe that its reproduction and its reproductive processes may also be similarly affected. Yet this belief is so modern as to be almost heretical. The morphology of reproduction has been studied by many; very few have engaged in experimental studies of the phys- iology of reproduction among plants. Of these few Sachs, Vochting, and Klebs merit first mention. These men have shown that upon external influences quite as much as upon so-called inherited impulses depend the various kinds and stages of reproduction. Klebs* studied certain algae and fungi in order to de- termine the conditions under which they reproduce them- selves. By experiment in culture he found that when cer- tain conditions prevail, Vaucheria will form zoospores, under other influences it will develop sexual organs and reproduce itself through them. These conditions are repre- sented in tabular form thus : VAUCHERIA SESSILIS f ZOOSPORES SEXUAL ORGANS Darkness after sufficient illumina- Light absolutely necessary for the tion for adequate food-manufacture formation of sex-organs. Light suf- invariably induces zoospore forma- ficient for healthy growth may be tion. This will continue in darkness insufficient for formation of sex- till there is no longer enough food, organs. Strong light needed, though there may still be enough Light, apart from its effect on for slow growth. nutrition, is a direct stimulus to form sex-organs. The addition of water to a culture Sex-organs form either in damp in damp air induces active zoospore air or in water ; better in the for- formation. mer. Temperature of 3 C. inhibits zoo- Same for sex-organs, spore formation in all but accli- mated forms. * Klebs, G. Die Bedingungen der Fortpflanzung bei einigen Algen und Pilzen. Jena. 1896. The literature is here cited. A second volume, treat- ing of the general questions of the physiology of reproduction in low or- ganisms, is promised, but not yet published (1902). See also Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot., Bd. 32, 33, 35. Falck, R. Die Bedingungen und die Bedeutung der Zygotenbildung bei Sporodinia grandis. Beitrage z. Biol. d. Pflanzen, Bd. VIII, 1901. f Klebs divides this species into three. The names of these, and the reasons for division, not being essential in this connection, I retain the old name. REPRODUCTION 265 ZOOSPORES 3-8 are constant stimulus to zoospore formation. 26 ' is maximum temperature for zoospore formation but not for growth. No acclimation to this. 10~-20 r are indifferent tempera- tures, exercising neither stimulating nor depressing effects in passing up or down. Raising temperature from indiffer- ent to high, or lowering from in- different to low, exercises no stimu- lus; but raising from 3 to 15 stimulates. Culture in inorganic nutrient solu- tion favors nutrition and growth, but not zoospore formation. Trans- fer from such to less nutritious acts as stimulus to zoospore formation. Sugars and other nutritious or- ganic compounds do not stimulate to formation of zoospores. More oxygen required than for growth. Flowing water, by favoring nutri- tion and growth, retards or pre- vents zoospore formation. Con- versely, transfer to still water acts as a stimulus. Accommodation to still water followed by rapid growth and cessation of zoospore forma- tion. From this table certain influences stand out as especially efficient stimuli to the formation of reproductive bodies. Thus light, which furnishes the energy for the manufacture of the materials needed to form the sexual organs and ele- ments, must fall upon the plant in intensity, not only sufficient for this, but also great enough to act as a distinct stimulus to use the manufactured substance in this special way. Light furnishes the energy for one kind of work ; more energy of this same kind sets and keeps other processes in operation. Food, when available in abundance, thus reliev- ing the plant of the necessity of diligently manufacturing SEXUAL ORGANS Sex-organs form, but develop more slowly than at higher temperatures. Same for sex-organs. Same for sex-organs. Same for sex-organs. Same for sex-organs. Favor formation and develop- ment of sex-organs. More oxygen required than for zoospore formation. No fertile plants in running water. Become fertile in still water. 266 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY food for itself, stimulates to sexual activity, as is shown by the formation and activity of the sex-organs. This seems to be universally true in nature. Given the need of food and the means of manufacturing or obtaining it, the plant will be so especially engaged in the processes of nutrition that reproduction is not undertaken. But on the other hand, given a sufficient supply of food stored in its own body and diminished or suspended means of manufacturing more food, the plant will produce for a time in still water both zoospores and sexual elements, while in the dark the formation of zoospores (not of sex-organs) will continue for some length of time. If plants are healthy, certain conditions will invariably induce them, whether they are old or young, to remain sterile. Certain other conditions will induce them to form bodies for their non-sexual reproduction, still other condi- tions will induce them to reproduce sexually. Reproduction then must be regarded, like movement, as a reaction or response to stimuli. But just as stimuli the same in kind and degree induce one response or the opposite or none at all, according to the kind of organism, so in reproduction, a stimulus or a combination of stimuli which induces one kind of plant to reproduce itself sexually may induce other kinds to reproduce themselves non-sexually or not at all. This may b^ illustrated by Klebs's studies of Hydrodictyon. This plant, the water-net, lives in still or only slowly run- ning water, under normal conditions floats, and is physio- logically as well as mechanically a very sensitive organism. It possesses two very distinct methods of reproduction, by non-sexual zoospores, and by sexual motile spores or gametes. Gametes and zoospores are formed in the ordi- nary vegetative cells, not in specially differentiated organs. Until these cells have attained a certain, though very minute, size they cannot form reproductive bodies. Whether there is a maximum size or not cannot be positively stated. Since gametes and zoospores form in vegetative cells indis- tinguishable from each other, and since all or some of the cells of a net will form zoospores or gametes or neither, it is obvious that each cell possesses in equal measure the ability * REPRODUCTION 267 to reproduce itself by zoospores or by gametes. Observa- tion shows fchat the same cell never reproduces itself by both means. External influences must, therefore, swing the balance hi one direction or the other. The following is a table showing the results of Klebs's experiments on Hydrodictyon : HYDRODICTYON UTRICULATUM ZOOSPORES GAMETES Light absolutely necessary to zoo- spore formation, strong light most favorable. Darkness checks zoospore forma- tion. Transfer from darkness to light stimulates. Flowing water retards or pre- vents zoospore formation, still water stimulates, considerable volume needed. Inorganic nutrient salts very strongly induce zoospores to form. Zoospores especially abundant when transfer in the light from nu- trient solution to water. Cane sugar not stimulating. Maltose very stimulating in light. 32 maximum temperature for zoospores. 8 too low temperature for zoo- spores. Only floating nets form zoospores. Light not absolutely necessary. Darkness favors gamete over zoo- spore formation. Transfer from light to darkness stimulates. Small volume of still water stimu- lates gametes to form. Inorganic nutrient gamete formation. salts retard Cane sugar in O.Sjg-lO^ stimulates. Maltose and cane sugar stimulate in darkness. Cells with slight tendency to zoo- spore formation produce zoospores in lighted, gametes in darkened maltose solution. 33 r -34 maximum temperature for gametes. Same for gametes. Slightly higher temperature will retard zoospore and stimulate ga- mete formation. Nets grown on filter paper wet with water, or better, with cane sugar solution, form gametes. 268 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY This table shows that those conditions which contribute to increase and to maintain those activities which supply the plant with food, also favor reproduction by non-sexual rneans. Light, enabling the plant to manufacture carbohy- drates, and the salts needed in elaborating carbohydrates into amides and proteids, stimulate zoospore formation. On the other hand, the copious supply of already elaborated carbohydrates, especially when no unusual amount of in- organic salts stimulates to the further elaboration of carbo- hydrates into amides and proteids, is most favorable to the formation of gametes. Light is a specific stimulus to zoo- spore formation, apart from its influence on nutrition. Given a vegetating cell, healthy and of such size that it can divide into zoospores or gametes, it will continue to vege- tate until it is subjected to some influence which will cause it to grow more slowly or to cease growing, and which will stimulate it to reproduce itself in the one or the other of the two ways in which it can reproduce. Hydrodictyon shows plainly that the time and the manner of reproduction are not fixed, but that both are determined by the influences to which the plant is subjected and is sensitive. Additional evidence of this is furnished by Klebs's observation that Hydrodictyon nets with an already marked tendency to form zoospores can be so influenced by external conditions that they will cease to form zoospores and will thereupon produce gametes instead. The same net, darkened at one end and illuminated at the other, will form gametes in the one end, zoospores in the other, respectively. Livingston* has studied one of the polymorphic algae, a StigeoclonJum, particularly with a view to determining the influence of varying concentrations of the medium upon the form and reproduction of the plants. He finds that de- creased osmotic pressure acts as a stimulus to zoospore- formation as well as favoring vegetative activities, and that high osmotic pressure checks zoSspore-formation and the * Livingston. B. E. Nature of the stimulus which causes change of form in polymorphic algre. Bot. Gazette vol. 30. 1900. Further notes on the physiology of polymorphism in green algae. Bot. Gazette, vol. 32, 1901. REPRODUCTION 269 vegetative activities. This corresponds with Klebs's obser- vations, but puts one part of them in somewhat more defi- nite terms. We see, then, that so far as the fresh-water algae and certain fungi are concerned, plants react in reproduction, as in other ways, to external influences. In regions where there are clearly marked seasons, during one of which active vegetation is impossible by reason of extreme cold or dark- ness or dryness, these violent conditions determine the behavior of the organisms living there. In milder seasons and in more constantly temperate regions, more moderate influences determine their behavior. Of the forces which act upon algap, stimulating processes which can be accom- plished without them, light and heat are evidently the most important. A certain minimum amount of heat is a neces- sary condition of life; without it action is impossible; but given this minimum amount, more heat will stimulate to reproduction. A certain minimum amount of light is the necessary source of the energy for food-manufacture, but given this amount, more light will stimulate to some form of reproduction. Neither this larger amount of external heat nor the more intense light is necessary as a means of carrying on reproduction; they only set in operation that succession of processes which terminates in the formation of new individuals. Among the fungi, Klebs* claims that changes in the nutrition furnish the stimulus to a well- nourished mycelium to develop reproductive organs. Vochting's work on the conditions of reproduction in flowering plants t yielded results with which those of Klebs harmonize. Flowers are the visible agents of sexual repro- duction in higher plants. When they are suppressed, or even are imperfect, sexual reproduction does not take place. Sexual reproduction in higher plants consists, as in lower forms, in the union of the microscopically small sexual elements. The forces which institute, stimulate, and favor * Klebs G. Zur Physiologic der Fortpflanzung einiger Pilze. Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot.. pp. 146-7, Bd. 35. 1900. \ Vochting. H. f ber den Einfluss des Lichtes auf die Gestaltung und Anlage der Bliithen. Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot.. Bd. 25, 1893. 270 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY sexual reproduction can, therefore, be ascertained by study- ing those forces which influence the conspicuous parts, the flowers. A force which must attain a certain strength before it will stimulate the plant to blossom, and without which the plant blossoms but imperfectly if at all, is one which controls sexual reproduction. Without this force the plant may reproduce itself by non-sexual means, by vegetative processes such as the formation of runners, suckers, etc. Under the influence of this force it will multiply only by sexual means. In such a case, the one force would control reproduction, both sexual and non-sexual. The effect of the force as a controlling agent is due to its own direct influ- ence upon the plant and also to the irritable response of the plant to its influence, the response setting in motion other forces in its own body. The force from without is but the initial energy which releases other quantities of energy, thus setting in operation other processes than those which it can directly affect. Of the many plants studied by Vochting, Mimulus Ti- lingi serves best to illustrate the facts which he has brought out. Figures 22 and 23 in the accompanying illustration indicate the normal habit of potted plants of this species, respectively a blooming and vigorous plant from a last year's cutting, and a much younger one not yet ready to bloom. The vegetative functions, as well as the vegeta- tive mode of reproduction, of the plant, are carried out by the usually more or less creeping leafy branches originating on the stem just above the surface of the soil. When the vegetating period draws toward the close, the new in- ternodes of these branches are successively shorter, the tips of the branches forming finally rosette-like bunches of leaves on the surface of the soil. Such a bunch cut off and trans- planted will presently give rise to the flowering erect branch shown in figure 22. The rosettes will form erect branches, however, only when warm enough. The upper part of an erect branch bears flowers. Just below these are a few pairs of leaves in the axils of which short vegetative branches begin to form. The flowering part of the branch may bear lateral flowering branchlets if the plant is vig- REPRODUCTION 271 orous. After fruiting, the whole branch usually dies to the ground, and then the rosette from which it arose will give rise to the lateral creeping branches by which new rosettes will be formed. Thus non-sexual vegeta- tive reproduction follows the sexual mode, the same plant being capable of both but not of both simultaneously. Before it has flowered, however, a rosette is not likely soon to branch and to form new rosettes. If vigorous young plants which, under ordinary conditions, would presently bloom are so placed that they have only enough light for active vegetation but otherwise are very favorably situated, they will not form the erect flower-bearing branches, but will continue to grow and will presently form creeping branches, spreading and maintaining themselves in this way. Plants may be kept from blooming by this means Fig. 23 Fig. 22 Figures 22. 23. Mimulus Tiling}. Fignre 22. a blooming plant from a cutting of the preceding year. Figure 23, a younger plant not yet ready to bloom. (After Vochting). for an indefinite length of time. Vochting reports having kept plants sterile for three years. The effect of such enforced sterility on the health of the plants appears to be neither favorable nor unfavorable. Under other- wise like favorable conditions plants which have not flow- ered present as vigorous an appearance as those which 272 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY have flowered and seeded. In every way they behave alike. It would seem then that these plants require, as the stim- ulus to form flowering branches, an intensity of light which is more than sufficient to maintain the vegetative activi- ties at a perfectly healthy pitch. Vochting further shows that various degrees of illumina- tion above what is sufficient for the vegetative processes, but insufficient for those connected with sexual reproduc- tion, will produce effects exactly corresponding to the de- gree of illumination. Light enough to induce the formation of an erect branch and its growth to a height of several centimetres may be insufficient to induce the formation of any flower-buds upon it. Still stronger illumination will in- sure the formation of flower-buds and their attaining a very considerable size, but will not induce them to open. The bearing of this fact on the formation of cleistogamous flowers Yochting considers very important. Such a degree of illumination, instead of inducing the perfect development and opening of flower-buds, will stimulate the vegetative buds in the axils of the pairs of leaves, just below the flowering part of the erect branch, to develop. Still stronger light, inducing the opening of the flower-buds, if still in- sufficient, is indicated by the small size of the flowers or by the rudimentary condition of some of the floral organs. The corolla, and in two-lipped flowers the upper lip, give evidence by their imperfect development of slightly in- sufficient light, while to suppress or to reduce the cal^yx still less light must fall upon the plant. The essential organs, stamens and pistils, are least dependent upon light. However, the flower as a whole, all of its parts, and even the branch which bears it, are dependent for their forma- tion upon illumination of sufficient intensity and duration. The light evidently acts as a stimulus, inducing certain effects, for if the formation of a flowering branch has be- gun, its growth will continue for a time even in darkness. If the formation of flowers on the branch has begun, they too will continue to grow in darkness. But to insure the perfect development of the flowers of most plants, suffi- ciently intense illumination, repeated with sufficient fre- REPRODUCTION 273 quency, is absolutely necessary. In other words, the stim- ulus is but transient. Repeated stimulation is needed to continue in operation the processes by which the formation, growth, and perfect development of flowers, and their ac- cessory parts, are accomplished. In some few plants, flowers which have been duly induced to form will develop per- fectly in the dark, but in most plants abnormal characters will appear, varying in importance from an insufficiency of color to deformity or suppression of parts, or the failure of the flowers to open. Sachs's hypothesis, * that certain specific substances, pre- sumably made in the leaves under the influence of light, are necessary for the formation of flowers, breaks down under Vochting's experiments, for we cannot reasonably admit the presence in the plant of corolla-forming material as distinct from calyx-forming, etc. When a plant is so well nourished, has attained such a size, and is under such favorable conditions generally, that it is able to form the organs and substances of sexual re- production, it must be that it will do so whenever the proc- esses concerned in sexual reproduction are set and main- tained in operation by a stimulus from outside. This stimulus is the light. Without it, the higher plant cannot reproduce, or even prepare to reproduce, itself sexually. The plant is sensitive to that force which, in cases where the plant is dependent upon insects for cross-pollination, will in so far as possible ensure the visits of the necessary insects. It would be interesting to determine whether other than entomophilous flowers are so sensitive to light and so dependent upon it. The influence of light is to be distinguished from the in- fluences of food, water, and of the other substances, of heat arid of the other forces, essential to active life. With in- sufficient warmth, food, or water, the plant will be imper- fectly able, or quite unable, to reproduce itself by sexual means ; but this inability is due to the effect of unfavorable conditions upon all of its vital functions. Warmth, food, * Sachs. J. von. Lectures on the physiology of plants. English Ed., Oxford 1887. and his special papers therein referred to (pp. 530. 534. etc.) 18 276 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY to change their behavior accordingly. So, also, changes of other sorts, making the conditions suitable not only for the growth and healthy life of the individual but also for the production and active life of new individuals, will induce plants to form these by sexual or by non-sexual means, according to the species of plant. In the spring, when the conditions for active vegetation are becoming more and more favorable, the Equisetums complete the development of the spores non-sexually formed in the foregoing season, and shed these spores, which germinate at once, if at all, and form new plants, the prothalli. These, if conditions favor, soon develop sexual organs and produce new plants by sexual means. In these alternating generations, the non- sexual and the sexual, which follow one another in suc- cessive years, the conditions of the later growing period of one year induce the mature plants to form spores by non-sexual means. The different conditions of the earliest growing period of the following year induce the same plants to complete the development of the spores already formed. The still different conditions of the days and weeks suc- ceeding induce these spores to germinate, the prothalli to form archegonia and antheridia, the embryos to develop into the larger non-sexual plants. These last vegetate for an indefinite length of time. The successive changes in the seasons, in the soil, and in the water-supply, fix the succession of generations which recur according to the peculiar adjustment of the species to all the factors of its environment. Species, genera, families, and orders differ in their adjustments and in their reactions to the stimuli given by the many different factors composing the environment. Comparing sexual and non-sexual reproduction, we see that the advantage of the parents determines what mode of reproduction, if any, shall be carried out. For a long time it has been supposed that sexual reproduction is distinctly advantageous to the species, if not occasionally altogether necessary to those forms capable of reproducing themselves by this means. Such a view is not quite correct. Many species of plants, among them forms which are eminently successful as judged by their numbers and activity, are REPRODUCTION 277 wholly incapable of reproducing themselves by sexual means. The bacteria, the higher fungi, and many independent plants illustrate this. Some of the higher algae, archegoni- ates, and flowering plants may go on indefinitely, without reproducing themselves by other than purely vegetative means, and with no evidence of injury to the individual or to the species. It is only when special conditions produce special effects on plants, that they need to reproduce them- selves by sexual or non-sexual spores. Under special con- ditions, reproduction becomes a necessity by becoming advantageous to the individual. The species profits ac- cordingly. Certain advantages to the species are conceivable in the spore method of reproduction over any vegetative method, and certain advantages are conceivable in the sexually produced offspring over those non-sexually produced, but these are conceptions rather than proved facts in all but a very few cases. These few cases may or may not be typical of the majority. It is conceivable, for example, that the formation of new individuals by runners, as in the straw- berry, and by suckers, as in the coast red- wood (Sequoia .semper virens ), is advantageous to the species. The new individuals hold the territory won by their parents and may even extend it somewhat. The young are nourished by the parent until they have attained size, strength, and development which give them an advantage in competing with other plants for space and for the means of existence. These means of reproduction are, however, defective in that they do not secure the dispersal of the new individuals and consequently do not tend to insure the survival of the species or to extend its territory rapidly enough. The survival of the well-equipped offspring formed by vegetative means is certain so long as the conditions in the space occupied by the parent remain favorable, but such repro- duction is dangerous, because wide dispersal will secure for the species some positions at least in which it can be main- tained whatever may befall individuals in other places. A puddle may become densely populated through the vege- tative reproduction of the alga? and animals started there- 276 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY to change their behavior accordingly. So, also, changes of other sorts, making the conditions suitable not only for the growth and healthy life of the individual but also for the production and active life of new individuals, will induce plants to form these by sexual or by non-sexual means, according to the species of plant. In the spring, when the conditions for active vegetation are becoming more and more favorable, the Equisetums complete the development of the spores non-sexually formed in the foregoing season, and shed these spores, which germinate at once, if at all, and form new plants, the prothalli. These, if conditions favor, soon develop sexual organs and produce new plants by sexual means. In these alternating generations, the non- sexual and the sexual, which follow one another in suc- cessive years, the conditions of the later growing period of one year induce the mature plants to form spores by non-sexual means. The different conditions of the earliest growing period of the following year induce the same plants to complete the development of the spores already formed. The still different conditions of the days and weeks suc- ceeding induce these spores to germinate, the prothalli to form archegonia and antheridia, the embryos to develop into the larger non-sexual plants. These last vegetate for an indefinite length of time. The successive changes in the seasons, in the soil, and in the water-supply, fix the succession of generations which recur according to the peculiar adjustment of the species to all the factors of its environment. Species, genera, families, and orders differ in their adjustments and in their reactions to the stimuli given by the many different factors composing the environment. Comparing sexual and non-sexual reproduction, we see that the advantage of the parents determines what mode of reproduction, if any, shall be carried out. For a long time it has been supposed that sexual reproduction is distinctly advantageous to the species, if not occasionally altogether necessary to those forms capable of reproducing themselves by this means. Such a view is not quite correct. Many species of plants, among them forms which are eminently successful as judged by their numbers and activity, are REPRODUCTION 277 wholly incapable of reproducing themselves by sexual means. The bacteria, the higher fungi, and many independent plants illustrate this. Some of the higher algae, archegoni- ates, and flowering plants may go on indefinitely, without reproducing themselves by other than purely vegetative means, and with no evidence of injury to the individual or to the species. It is only when special conditions produce special effects on plants, that they need to reproduce them- selves by sexual or non-sexual spores. Under special con- ditions, reproduction becomes a necessity by becoming advantageous to the individual. The species profits ac- cordingly. Certain advantages to the species are conceivable in the spore method of reproduction over any vegetative method, and certain advantages are conceivable in the sexually produced offspring over those non-sexually produced, but these are conceptions rather than proved facts in all but a very few cases. These few cases may or may not be typical of the majority. It is conceivable, for example, that the formation of new individuals by runners, as in the straw- berry, and by suckers, as in the coast red-wood (Sequoia .semper virens), is advantageous to the species. The new individuals hold the territory won by their parents and may even extend it somewhat. The young are nourished by the parent until they have attained size, strength, and development which give them an advantage in competing with other plants for space and for the means of existence. These means of reproduction are, however, defective in that they do not secure the dispersal of the new individuals and consequently do not tend to insure the survival of the species or to extend its territory rapidly enough. The survival of the well-equipped offspring formed by vegetative means is certain so long as the conditions in the space occupied by the parent remain favorable, but such repro- duction is dangerous, because wide dispersal will secure for the species some positions at least in which it can be main- tained whatever may befall individuals in other places. A puddle may become densely populated through the vege- tative reproduction of the algae and animals started there- 278 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY in, but unless these give rise to spore or other resting stages all the species will be locally destroyed when the puddle dries. Vegetative reproduction is in many cases the most effective means of multiplying the number of in- dividuals, but it is seldom effective in securing wide dis- persal or in insuring the permanence of the species. These two needs are generally met by the formation of non- sexual or sexual spores and their products (seeds, fruits). The non-sexually formed spores of the ferns, and arche- goniates generally, and of the lower plants, fungi and alga?, are especially adapted by their small size and in various special ways to secure wide dispersal. They may or may not be very resistant. According to the plant which forms them, and according 'to the season at which they are formed, they will be resting-spores or such as must germinate at once if at all. New individuals vegetatively produced, and those from germinating non-sexual spores, will contain material from their single parent only. By sexual means, there are united in the offspring substances from both parents. Among the lowest plants ( and animals ) the visible differences between the two parents are only slight. In higher plants, however, where the new individuals are formed by the fusion of sexual elements themselves obviously unlike, formed in organs and by parents also obviously unlike, it is evident that a new balance of forces and matters may be, but not necessarily will be, possessed by the offspring. Maternal and paternal characters may offset or intensify one another ; maternal influences during the development of the spore or embryo may or may not neutralize the paternal influence carried into the germ-cell by the sperm. The offspring sexually produced, representing a new adjustment, may be better adapted to prevailing conditions than was either parent. These are all possibilities, seldom probabilities, almost never certainties. The chances are even that the offspring will be like the average of the species. Some may be worse, a few may be better, but unless the better, when it comes their turn to reproduce sexually, mate with others equally good, their offspring will almost certainly be like the REPRODUCTION 279 average of the species. The statistical study of variation,* now so much the fashion among biologists, shows how wide the range of variation is. The inevitable result of combin- ing two different things is the production of a mean or balance. In this balancing or equalizing ( Ausgleich ) , Stras- burgerf sees the essential character of sexual reproduction and its fundamental advantage over all other modes of reproduction. In certain species sexual reproduction seems to be abso- lutely necessary to escape degeneration and extinction. This has been shown to be the case among certain Infusoria and Diatoms, but these are special cases in which the indi- viduals by prolonged division (vegetative reproduction), incompletely offset by growth, have become unduly small and weak. By the fusion of two such individuals the nor- mal amount of substance and the normal means of secur- ing energy are furnished to the new individuals. Except in these special cases, and in the highest animals, sexual reproduction does not seem to be necessary to the mainte- nance of the species in a healthy condition, in which it stands a good chance to succeed in the struggle for ex- istence. HEREDITY The physiologist is confronted with the problem of hered- ity. He sees plants resembling one another in succeeding generations and he hears discussions of the means by which the characters and the tendencies of the parents are trans- mitted to the offspring. What is "heredity," and what are the means by which the offspring are made to possess the characters and tendencies of their parents? "Heredity is the biological law by which living beings tend to repeat their characteristics in their descendants."! The means are of two sorts first, the continuity of substance from parent to * Shull, G. H. A quantitative study of variation in bracts, rays, and disk florets of Aster Shortii etc. Arner. Naturalist, vol. 36, 1902. t Strasburger. E. f ber Befnichtung. Bot. Zeitung. 1901. J See Ritter. W. E. The power and methods of heredity. University Chronicle vol. III.. Berkeley Cal. 1900. 280 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY offspring, and second, the continuity of influences to which organisms are exposed. These means are continually em- phasized and for the most part ignored, respectively. The former are for morphology to describe, the latter are within the province of physiology to discuss. Granting the con- tinuity of substance, which we have already considered (pp. 255-63), what are the influences which are continu- ous? The environment of an organism is made up of many factors, some great, some small, as judged by their visible effects, some continuous, some constant, some variable, some occasional, some periodic. Among continuous factors the following may be mentioned. First, the atmosphere, the composition and pressure of which are unchanging. Second, water, which has the same composition, the same solvent power, and the same carrying power always. Third, grav- ity, a force of uniform strength. Fourth, the earth as a whole, the character of which changes only with inconceiv- able slowness. If these factors are not absolutely continu- ous, taking infinite time into account, they are continuous and unchanging so far as millions of generations of organ- isms are concerned. They are exactly the same for the offspring as for its parents. On the other hand, light and heat are forces which act periodically with great regularity, but which are constant only within rather wide limits. Of the influences which are occasional, other and motile living organisms are perhaps the most striking. The continuous and the periodic influences are the ones which have received least attention from those interested in the problem of heredity. These influences must conserve if the variable and occasional influences introduce differences. But as a basis for all conceptions of heredity and variation, we must concede the irritability of living protoplasm. The egg, which is a part of the living substance of the mother, is penetrated by the spermatozoid, a part of the living substance of the father, and these two fuse into one mass of living substance. Each particle of living substance, while still within the body of the parent, was influenced by REPRODUCTION 281 all the forces, constant and otherwise, which were then operating. Assuming the irritability of living protoplasm, any force which influences it will set up a reaction of some sort in it, though this reaction may not be visible at the time. Between the time of leaving the parent and meeting and fusing with its mate, each sexual element was influenced by and reacted to all the forces then operating. By the fusion of these two living masses into one, the resultant effects of all preceding influences upon the two separate masses are united. From the moment of fusion, the single mass is influenced by all the forces and matters, continuous, constant, and variable, which constitute its environment. If the fertilized egg remain within the body of the parent, it is subjected, during the period of gestation, to mechanical and other influences, some of which absolutely limit it in form and size. For instance, the young zygospore of Spiro- gyra, the young oospore of (Edogonium, the foetal colt, in the body of the mother, are limited as to form and size by the enclosing walls of cell or uterus. They could not grow beyond a certain size, though they may never reach this size, because growth would be mechanically hindered and stopped by the surrounding cell or uterine walls. In form also they are similarly limited, not as the mould fixes the size and shape of the cast, but because, by excess- ive growth in one direction or part, they would encounter the mechanical resistance of the enclosing walls of cell, or uterus. The young and forming individual, whether one-celled spore or many-celled embryo, is affected also by food, warmth, position with relation to gravity, etc. Of these influences, we know least about the most constant. The most constant influences have so far baffled the experi- menter to eliminate. Since they are the most difficult to eliminate, it is reasonable to conclude that they are also the most powerful. If they oppose the experimenter, they must also affect the young and forming individual. If the fertilized egg is not enclosed within the body of the mother, it too is subjected to all the influences composing its environment, to influences which have changed with in- 282 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY conceivable slowness if at all, as well as to changing influ- ences. The dominant power of the unchanging influences is shown by man's inability to make fundamental changes in living organisms by experiment, and by the absence of any proof of the * so-called "inheritance of acquired characters." If man could eliminate the force of gravity in experimenting on an organism, he might obtain other results than now, when all he can do is to expose the organism on all sides to the force, or to oppose gravity by centrifugal or other force. If he could change the composition of water, or find a sub- stitute for it, he might make some fundamental change in the organism under experiment. He cannot remove the air from around a plant or animal without at once changing the conditions of his experiment in other ways also, and the result of such experiment is of little value in the subject under discussion, because it is produced by a combination of changes. We may safely conclude, then, that the unchanging factors in its environment, to which it irritably responds, are among the most powerful, if they are not the only, influ- ences which make the offspring like its parents. The chang- ing factors cause it to vary. Heredity is possible only because of the irritability and continuity of living proto- plasm, and the continuity of certain influences acting upon this. Heredity is a mystery, but so is the form of a crystal of common salt. Spirogyra plants are no more and no less alike than are crystals of common salt. Does common salt " inherit 77 its crystalline form? Crystals of common salt represent the reaction of NaCl molecules to their environ- ment, of which some factors are constant and others chang- ing. Spirogyra cells represent the reaction of the molecules and combination of molecules of which its living protoplasm consists, to their environment, of which some factors are constant and others changing. Given the continuity of the irritable substance (protoplasm) from parent to offspring, heredity and variation are the inevitable results of the constant and of the changing factors respectively, which, REPRODUCTION 283 taken together, compose the environment. These influences at least we can more or less definitely study in their rela- tions to heredity. Though there doubtless are other factors contributing to heredity, they are not yet included within the domain of physiology and need not be discussed here. INDEX. Absorption, Chapter IV., 103-161 Absorption bands, see Chlorophyll Aerenchyma, 144 Aerobic respiration, see Respiration Age of cells, 123 Air passages, 143; variation in size, 142, 143 Air space, proportion, 155 Alcohol, see Fermentation, Intramo- lecular Respiration, and Respir- ation Alpine plants, brilliancy of flowers, * 274 Aluminum, 95 Amides, occurrence, 70; as waste products, 70,71 ; as stages in pro- teid synthesis, 71 Anaerobic respiration, see Intramolec- ular respiration Animals, differences from plants, 1 ; resemblances, 261 Annual rings, 123; causes of forma- tion, 191-196 ; more than one ring per annum, 195 Antherozoids, chemotaxis, 235 AKCEUTHOBITJM, 90 Arctic plants, brilliancy of flowers, 274 Ascent of water, 119; Sachs's hypo- thesis, 119, 121; Godlewski's, 119, 121, 122; Strasburger's, 120, 122, 123; sap-pressure hypothe- sis, 120, 127, 131, 133; gas press- ure, 120; Jamin's chains, 120 Ash constituents, 92+; minimum amounts, 101, 102 Associated organisms, 252. See also root tubercle plants, 72-j- ; humus plants, 78+ ; carnivorous plants, 81+; parasites, 85+; lichens, 91, 92 Autumn wood, 123; causes of forma- tion, 194 Auxanometers, 177 B Bacteria, respiration of, 20, 21 ; in fermentations, 30-37; Engel- mann's bacteria method, 56; nitri- fying, 68; in root tubercles, 72- 76 ; N-fixing, 76 ; associated with carnivorous plants, 83; sulphur bacteria, 20, 98; iron bacteria, 20 ; nitrite and nitrate bacteria, 20 Bacteroids, 74 Bleeding, 127, 132 ; influence of tem- perature, 134 ; pressure in bleed- ing, 134, 135; amounts, 136 Breathing pores, see Stomata BRUGMANSIA, 90 Calcium, 99,100; Loew's hypothesis, 100 Calories, liberated in respiration, fer- mentation, intramolecular respir- ation, see these topics Carbon, source of, 43; percentage in air, 44; quantity in air, 44 Carbon dioxide, rate of absorption, 45; means of maintaining sup- ply, 45, 46 ; change in percentage in air, 46 ; effect of increased per- 285 286 INDEX. centage, 46; principles of diffu- sion, 47; aeration of the plant body, 47, 48, diffusion through cell wall, 48, 49; stomata, 49; Stahl's test, 49; conditions for absorption, 50; for elaboration, 50 ; rate of diffusion, 50 Carnivorous plants, 81; bacteria as- sociated with, 83 ; enzymes, 83 Carotin, 52 Cell-division, relation to growth, 165; relation to gravity, 198, 199 Cell-sap, active agent in absorption, 106; density and composition, how maintained, 111, 112 Chasmogamy, 274, 275 Chemical fertilization, 230, 231, 260 Chemical stimuli, 226, 237 ; conditions of influence, 227 Chemotaxis, 233-237 Chemotropism, 231-233, 236, 237, 245 Chlorophyll, location, 51; physical characteristics, 51; mixture of pigments, 51; associated pig- ments, 51; carotin, 52; solvents, 52; fluorescence, 53; spectrum, 53 ; absorption bands, 53 ; amount of light absorbed, 54; efficiency of chlorophyll screen, 55; pro- portion of light absorbed, 55; amount, 55; dependence upon iron, 57, 58, 101; upon light, 57; in guard ceils of stomata, 147 Chlorophyll grains or granules, see Chromatophores Chloroplastids, see Chromatophores Chlorosis, 101 Chloro vaporization, 137 Chromatophores, body and pigment, 57; photosynthesis in isolated Chromatophores, 57; position af- fected by light, 217, 218. See also Chlorophyll Circumnutation, 246 Cleistogamy, 272, 274, 275 Climate, continental and island, 220, 221 Colloids, 129 Colored screens, 56 Common salt, 93, 227 Comparison of photosynthetic and respiratory activities, 65 Conditions essential to life, 6 Conducting tissues, 156, 157 Contact, irritation by, 239-251; ef- fect 011 amount of growth, 240, 241 Correlation, 251, 252 Corrosive action of roots, 125 Crystalloids, 129 CUSCUTA, 88-90.. 244-246 Cytoplasm, ratio between, and nu- cleus, 181 Cytoplasmic membranes, 106 D Dew, 128 Diastase, 64 Diffusion, principles of, 47; rate of CO 2 diffusion through minute openings, 50 ; physics of, 108 Dissociated atoms, effect of, 228, 229 Dodder, 88-90, 244-246 DROSERA, 82, 83 E Ecology, 252, 253 Ectoplast, 106 Electricity, 237-239; influence on amount of growth, 238; on ger- mination, 239; on direction of growth, 239; on locomotion, 239 Energy, need of, 12 Engelmann's bacteria method, 56 Enzymes, formed in connection with respiration, 19, 29, 30, 33; zy- mase, 33; diastase, 64; effect of light on, 209, 210; in carnivorous plants, 83 , EQUISETUH, reproduction, 276 Excretion, by roots, 125; of water, 126-128 Exercise, advantage of, 191 INDEX. 287 " Fatness " of leaves, 64 Fermentation, definition, 30; distinc- tion from decay and disease, 30 ; alcoholic, 31; by-products in al- coholic, 31 ; zymase in alcoholic, 33 ; amount of alcohol formed by fungi, 31, 33, 34; lactic, 34; bu- tyric, 34; oxidizing, 34, 35; ace- tic, 35; disease, 35; diphtheria, 35; mixed, 36 Fermentations, 30-37 Fertilization, essential feature of, 259; advantage, 260, 261; processes succeeding, 188; chemical, 230, 231, 260 Fischer's hypothesis, 62 Flower-forming substances, 273 Food, influence on reproduction, 265, 266, 273, 274 Food distribution, Chapter IV., 103- 161 ; translation, 63, 155+ Food manufacture, see Photosynthe- sis, Nitrogenous foods Force exerted in growth, 174-176; in geotropic bending, 208; by tur- gor, 110, 111, 130, 131 Formic aldehyd hypothesis, 61; Spi- rogyra cultures as a test, 61 Gall-insects, effect on growth of wood, 195 Galvanotaxis, see Electricity Galvanotropism, see Electricity Gases, movement, 103, 104 ; exchange through stomata, 142 ; rate of dif- fusion through stomata, 50 ; rate through epidermal cells, 143; movement, 151+ ; pressures with- in plant, 151-154; composition of enclosed gases, 152-154; propor- tion of air space in plants, 155 Geotropism, definition, 198; of roots, 198-206; sensitive region, 200, 201; region of response, 200; la- tent period, 201 ; transmission of stimulus, 201, 203, 204; nature of stimulus, 201, 202; effect of stimulus in cell, 202 ; position of greatest sensitiveness, 204; rela- tion of sensitive parts to light, 207, 214, 215; force exerted in bending, 208; comparison with heliotropism, 215 Germination, 9, 10; influence of elec- tricity, 239; influence of light, 213; influence of contact, 240, 247 Gravitation, 196-208; opposed by air, water, soil, 197; effect on rate of growth, 197 ; effect on first divi- sions of egg, 198, 199 ; immediate effects in sensitive parts, 197 ; ef- fect on parts of different specific gravity in cell, 202; chemical changes in cell in response, 202. See also Geotropism Growth, Chapter V., pp. 162-182; effect on respiration, 38 ; depend- ence upon irritability, 162-164, 183, 240, etc. ; definition, 164, 165; relation of cell division, 165; stages, 166; relation of water, 167; factors making pos- sible, 168; time of most rapid, 169-171 ; periodicity, 170, 171 ; ir- regularity, 171 ; relation of tur- gor, 171-173 ; relation of mechan- ical restraint, 174, 187; force exerted, 174-176; measuring in- struments, 177; rates of, 177- 179; maximum size, 180-182; pro- portion between cytoplasm and nucleus, 181 H Halophytes, 94, 95; resemblance to Haustoria. 245; xetrophytes, 95 Heat, one of the conditions of life, 6 ; minimum, optimum, and maxi- mum temperatures, 219, 220; ef- fect on rate of movements, 221, 2 88 INDEX. 222 ; on direction of movements, 221 ; as an element of climate, 220, 221 ; liberated in respiration, fermentation, intramolecular res- piration, see tliese topics Heights of trees, 119 Heliotaxis, 216. See Light Heliotropism, 213-215. See Light; comparison with geotropism, 215 Heredity, 279-283; definition, 279; means, 279, 280; environmental factors, 280; prenatal influences, 281; subsequent influences, 281- 283 Hot springs, plants of, 220 Humus, 78; humus plants, 78; asso- ciation with other plants, 78-80 Hydathodes, 128 HYDKODICTYON, reproduction, 266- 268 Hydrotaxis, 226 Hydrotropism, 224-226; balance be- tween, and geotropism, 224. See Water Hygroscopic movements, 226 Insectivorous plants, see Carnivorous Intercellular spaces, 142, 143 Intramolecular respiration, 16. See Respiration Intramolecular respiration, 16 ; defini- tion, 25, 26 ; inherent in all organ- isms, 25; duration limited in higher plants, 25, 27; substances concerned in, 28; products, 8. See Fermentation and Respiration Inuliu, 160, 161 Iodine, in marine plants, 113 Iron, 101 ; as stimulant, 101 ; relation to chlorophyll formation, 101; in- crustations, 126 Irritability, Chapter VI., 183-253; possible physical reasons for, 184-186; effect on growth, 186. See Geotropism, Heliotropism, Water currents, etc. Jamin's chains, 120 Latent period, 201, 243 Laticiferous tubes, 159, 160 Leguminous plants, growth in steril- ized and unsterilized soil, 75; seeds of, 261. See Root-tuber- cles Lenticels, 144 Leptom, 158, 159 Leptomin, 159 Leucoplastids, 160 Lichens, 91, 92 Life, definition, 256; essential condi- tions, 6 ; how limited, 254-256 Light, one factor essential to life, 6; relation to food manufacture, 50, 58-63, 69, 70; relation to chloro- phyll, 52-58; component rays, 56; values of different rays, 57 ; rela- tion to chlorophyll formation, 57 ; effect on organic substances, 208- 210; effect on rate of growth, 210-213; on form, 211; on perio- dicity of growth, 211 ; on sub- mersed aquatics, 211-213; on germination, 213; on direction of growth, 213-215; relation to geo- tropism, 214; comparison of he- liotropism and geotropism, 215; effect on locomotion, 216; effect on position of cell organs, 217, 218; comparison of heliotropism and heliotaxis, 218, 219; influence on reproduction, 264-268, 271- 276; on brilliancy of flowers, 274, 275 Lime incrustations, 126 Living, definition, 4 Locomotion, influences affecting, see Chemotaxis, Phototaxis, etc. INDEX. 289 Magnesium, 100, 101 Maple sap, 132, 133, 136 Mechanical effect of water, 189-191 ; of other substances, 226 Mechanical force, see Force Mechanical pull, effect on growth, 187, 188 Mechanical restraint, effect on growth, 174, 187 Milk-tubes, 159, 160 MIMOSA, 247-251 MIMULUS, reproduction, 270-273 Mistletoe, 86-88 Motor zone, in roots, 201 ; in tendrils, 242 Movement, of gases, 103, 104, 142; of water, Chapter IV., 103-161 Movements, see Growth, Irritability, Mimosa, etc. Mycorhiza, 79, 80 N Nectaries, 126 NEPENTHES, 84, 85 Nitrates, 69 Nitrifying bacteria, 20, 68 Nitrogen, distribution in plant, 66; occurrence in nature, 67 ; sources, 67 ; nitrifying bacteria, 68 ; N-fix- ing bacteria, 75, 76; cycle of N in nature, 77 Nitrogen bacteria, 20, 68, 75, 76 Nitrogenous foods, occurrence, 70; origin, 70; manufacture, 70, 71; storage, 71, 72; use, 71, 72. See Amides, Proteids Non -sexual reproduction, advantages 277-279 Nucleus, relation to growth, 181 Nutrient solutions, means of transfer, 116-125 Nutrition, Chapter III., 40-102; rela- tion to respiration, 40, 41 ; stages, 41; furnishes material, 42; food materials, 42 ; essential elements, TO 42; characteristic element, 43. See Photosynthesis, Nitrates, Ni- trogenous foods, etc. Osmosis, 106, 108-110 Osmotic pressure, 110; effect of changes in, 229, 230 Oxidation, conditions, 13, 14; in res- piration, 18-20; of NH, com- pounds, 20; of H 2 S and S, 20; of Fe compounds, 20, 21. See Res- piration Oxygen, optimum percentage, 14; effect of excess, 15; in respira- tion, 18-20 Parasites, 85-92; Arceuthobium, 90; bacteria in root-tubercles, 76; Brugmansia, 90; Cuscuta, 88-90; lichens, 91, 92; PJwradendron, 86-88; Rqfflesia, 90; Basoumow- stoa, 90; Viscum, 86-88 Parasitism, 85; advantageous, 86 Parthenogenesis, 259, 260 Petioles, irritable by contact, 244 Phosphorus, 96, 97 Photosynthesis, 58-66 Phototaxis, see Light Phototropism, see Light Physiology, aim, 2 Plageo tropic organs, 198 Plants, differences from animals, 1; resemblances, 261 Poisons, stimulating and other effects, 230 ; action of dissociated atoms, 228, 229 Potassium, 98, 99 Protoplasm, a structure, 7 Pulvinus, 247 R RAFFLESIA, 90 RAZOUMOWSKIA, 90 Removal of manufactured foods, 63 290 INDEX. Reproduction, Chapter VII., pp. 254-283 ; chief end, 257, 258 ; defi- nition, 257; modes, 259; sexual, 259, 271, 272, 275-279; non-sex- ual, 259, 277-279; precautions to secure, 261; vegetative, 261-263; influence of environment, 263- 276 ; stimuli determining mode in Vaucheria, 264-266, 275; in Hy- drodictyon, 266-268; in Stigeodo- nium, 268, 269; influence of os- motic pressure, 268, 269; stimuli affecting reproduction in flower- ing plants, 269-275; in Mimulus Tilingi, 270-273; in Viola odo- rata, 274, 275 ; in Equisetum, 276 ; in Sequoia, 277 Resin, 126 Respiration, Chapter II., pp. 12-39; definition, 13; rates at different times, 15; regulated by proto- plasm, 16; reduction of, 16; sus- pension, 16; object, 16; yield in energy, 17, 22; substances con- cerned, 17, 18; products, 18; characteristic product, 21; heat of combustion of sugar, 22, 23-; heat of alcoholic fermentation^ 23, 24; of butyric, 24; of acetic, 24; of combustion of alcohol, 24; relation of enzymes to respiration, 19, 29, 30, 33 ; optimum temper- ature, etc., 37; effect of injuries, 37, 38 ; rate in relation to growth, etc., 38; ratio of O 2 to CO 2 , 38; variation in ratio, 38, 39 ; amounts of CO a given off, 39; effective- ness of bacteria, 39; summary, 39. See Fermentation, Intramo- lecular respiration Response to stimuli, see Geotropism, Irritability, etc. Rheotaxis, 190 Rheotropism, 189 Roots, 113; corrosive action, 125; early growth in spring, 194; geo- tropism of, 198-206 ; heliotropism, 214; thermotropism, 221; hydro- tropism, 224 ; chemotropism, 231 ; galvanotropism, 239 ; thigmotrop- ism, 247 Root-hairs, 114, 115 Root-pressure, see Sap-pressure Root-tubercles, occurrence, 72; struc- ture, 74; contents, 74; mode of infection, 75; bacteria parasitic in, 76 ; fix free N, 75 Salt, 93, 227, 228 Salt plants, see Halophytes, 94, 95 Sap, composition of maple, 132 Sap-flow, 132, 133, 136 Sap-pressure, distinction from turgor pressure, 131; figures, 135, 136; relation to ascent of water, 120, 127, 131, 133; "root-pressure," 135 SAKHACENIA, 84 Sea-water, 94, 95, 197 Secretion, 125-130 Seeds, respiration in air-dry, 9; dur- ation of vitality, 10 Selective power of roots, etc., 112, 113 "Sensitive plant," see MIMOSA SEQUOIA, reproduction, 277 Sexual reproduction, see Reproduc- tion ; necessary?, 276-279; in in- fusoria, 279; in diatoms, 279 Sieve-tubes, 157-159 Silica, 93 Soil, comparison of, in Eastern and Western States, 11 Soil water, 104, 105 Span of life, how limited, 254-256 "Spring wood," 123, 191-194 Staining living protoplasm, 107 Stamens, sensitive to contact, 251 Starch, proportional and structural formulae, 59; possible mode of formation, 61, 62; translocation, 63, 64, 99; in sieve-tubes, 158; storage, 160 INDEX. 291 Stems, geotropism of, 306, 207 St reotropism, see Thigmotropism STIGEOCLOXIUM, reproduction, 268, 269 Stigma, secretion on, 129; sensitive to contact, 251 Stimulants, 230 Stomata, 49, 142; structure, 145; mechanism of opening and clos- ing, 145-147 ; function of auxiliary cells, 145, 148; size, 149; propor- tion to leaf surface, 149; condi- tions of opening and closing, 148- 150; with fixed guard cells, 151 Storage of foods, 160 Sulphur, 97, 98 Sulphur-bacteria, 20, 98 Sunlight, see Light Temperature, fatal, 8, 9 Tendrils, 241-244 Thermotaxis, 221 Thermotropism, 221 Thigmotropism, 247 Tides, effect on growth, 190, 191 Tonoplast, 106 Toxic substances, see Poisons Traction, iufluence s on growth, 187, 188 Transfer of nutrient solutions, 116-125 Translocation of foods, 63, 155, 156 Transpiration, 136-141 ; conditions, 136, 137; difference from evapora- tion, 137 ; means of reducing, 137, 138; means of increasing, 138; in moist tropics, 138-140; move- ments increasing, 142 Traumatropism, 247 Trees, heights, 119 Tropical plants, transpiration in, 138- 140 Turgor, definition, 111; relation of potassium salts, 99; relation to growth, 171-173 Twining plants, 245, 246 U UTRICULAKIA, 85 Vascular bundles, 117 VAUCHERIA, reproduction, 264-266, 275 VIOLA, reproduction, 274, 275 VISCUM, 86-88 Vitality, suspended, 10 W Water, vehicle of food materials, 6; essential component of active protoplasm, 6-8 ; in air-dry seeds, 8; in soil, 104, 105; conducting tissues, 117, 118; ascent of, 119- 123, 127, 131, 133; storing tissues, 124; secretion, 126-128; pores, 128; glands, 128; flow, 132, 133, 136; relation to growth, 167; ef- fect on growth, 222-226 Water-currents, effect on growth, 189, 190 Waves, effect on growth, 190, 191 Weber's law, 236 Weeping, 132, 134-136 Winds, 189, 226 Winter-killing, 150 Xerophytes, 95 Zinc, 95 "Zinc soil flora," 95 Zoospores, influence of contact, 240, 247 Zymase, 33 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL. 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