r^A UNIV. OF CALIF. LIBRARY, LOS ANGELES LIBRARY OF ARCHITECTURE AND ALLIED ARTS 453 South Spring Street Los Angeles, Calif. CARDS: No book will be issued or received without presentation of card. The person in whose name the card is issued is responsible for all books and plates drawn on it, and for all fines accruing on the same. FINE: Five cents per day will be charged for books and plates kept overtime. DAMAGES: Pencil marks, torn or defaced labels, book plates or card pockets or mutilation of the book or plate itself will be charged to the card owner. See that they are not issued to you with such defects. TIME: Books or plates may be kept 14 days, ex- cept when labeled otherwise. RENEWALS: No book can be renewed if a postal reservation is waiting. Renewal for one week is given upon all 14 day books or plates which have not been reserved by postal, upon presentation of card and book number or by telephone. RESIDENCE: Notify the Library immediately of any change of residence of yourself or guaran- tor. / y s^v:^ 11 Dtted books and mss. IN THE LIBRABT OF THE rota: INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS. 1834-1888. THIS CATALOGUE KNOWN AS Zhc Btanbon IDonatin IS DEDICATED TO DAVID BRANDON, ESQ., F.S.. PAST VICE-PRESIDENT. yi(L \z. W^t llngal Institute of ^ritis^ ^rrl^itftts. INCORPOBATED IN THE SEVENTH YEAB OF WILLUM IV. THE LIBRARY CATALOGUE. PKINTED BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS. 1834-1888. USDI CIVIUM, DECOHI UKBIUM. LONDON : PUBLISHED BY THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS, 9 CONDUIT STREET, HAKOVEK SQUAEB, W. 1889. Urban ria;Luuijt Cl^^ Seagal Institute af ^ritisl^ ^rrl^ittrts. INCORPORATED IN THE SEVENTH YEAR OF WILLIAM IV. THE LIBEAEY CATALOGUE, 1834-1888. THE Library of the Eotal Institute of British Architects consists principally of books presented by their authors, members of the corporate body. Many have been received in large Donations, others by bequest ; and, from time to time, standard works of reference have been purchased out of the Library funds to meet the requirements of the professional student, as weU as to maintain the special character and historic value of the collection. A large number of important works have yet to be acquired, though the lists of Desiderata which are published periodi- cally in the Journal of Proceedings have already resulted in the acquisition of some scarce and valuable books. Catalogues of the books and manuscripts in the Royal Institute were printed and issued in 1838, 1846, and in 1865 ; and supplements in 1871, 1874, and 1877. The Catalogue now issued contains all the works presented and purchased up to the completion of the Session 1886-87 ; and, as many additions have since been made, an Appendix is added, which comprises all the publications acquired up to the 31st December 1888. This edition of the Catalogue will be ever associated with the name of Mr. David Brandon, P.S.A., who, in May 1885, on resigning the office of Senior Vice-President of the Eoyal Institute, made a liberal donation of 250^. towards printing and publish- ing a new Library Catalogue ; and who, moreover, on learning that further expense had been incurred, presented 70Z., making in aU 320/., in order that the Catalogue as now completed might not be a charge upon the funds of the Eoyal Institute. It has therefore been decided that this edition of the Catalogue shaU be known as the Brandon Donation. The task of preparing and publishing a new Catalogue was intrusted to the Library Management Committee, and a Sub-Committee, consisting of Messrs. Octavius vi THE LIBEAEY CATALOGUE, 1834-1888 Hansard (chairman), Wyatt Papworth, and Hugh Stannns, was appointed for this purpose. They held seventeen meetings occupying several hours at a time, and were assisted by Mr. H. B. Verity, the Sub-Editor of the Eoyal Institute pubUcations. New subject-headings were needed ; and these, together with a revised collec- tion of the old headings, were formed into a list, under the items whereof the works in the Library were classified. Some of the headings in this Catalogue, e.g. " Church-House," " Loggia," have no works mentioned under them, but they are inserted in order to make the classifica- tion complete. The Eeferences are contained chiefly under the following headings : — 1. Author's name. 2. Subject or building. 3. Locality. The principal entry of each work is under the author's name, to which the size of the book, the place and date of pubUcation, and, where necessary, the edition are added. Under this head each book of an author is arranged according to the date of publication, whether stated on its title-page, or obtained from the contents, or from other sources. Wlien more than one author's name appears on the title-page, the author of the text is considered as the chief author ; and there is a cross-reference from the others. Wlien there is more than one author of the text, the first-named is considered as the chief author ; and there is a cross-reference from the others. Societies whose offices are in London are arranged alphabetically, according to the name of the society. Non-metropolitan and foreign societies are also arranged alphabetically, according to the name of the city or town in which their offices are situated, with a cross-reference from the name of the society. The subject-headings are arranged in groups, in order to avoid duplicate entries, and to enable readers to find works on cognate subjects. The works under these headings are arranged alphabetically, and references are given from the subjects to the authors' names. Long titles have been abridged to economise space, the contents of the work rather than the wording of the title having been considered ; and in many instances the subject-heading has rendered the insertion of a title unnecessary. Works on specific styles of architecture are arranged under the name of the style, e.g. " Grecian Architecture," " Mediaeval Architecture." Journals and magazines are grouped together and arranged alphabetically under the subject-heading "Journal" only. Dictionaries, encyclopa3dia,s, &c., are arranged alphabetically under the subject- heading " Dictionary.' THE LIBRARY CATALOGUE, 1834-1888 vii Works on foreign cities, &c., are arranged under the name which is most commonl)- known in English, with a cross-refereuce from the national word, e.g. " Aachen see Aix-la-Chapelle. " The heading " London " includes both the City and the Metropolis. The following abbreviations are used : — MS. = Manuscript SP. = Sessional paper CP. = Conference paper Pamph. = Pamphlet. The titles of all the Papers read at the Meetings of the Eoyal Institute, whether printed or in manuscript, have been inserted both under the author's name and under the subject-matter. Pamphlets, classified and bound up in volumes, form a valuable addition to the contents of the Library, for many of them are not accessible elsewhere. On behalf of the Library Management Committee : OCTAVIUS HANSAED, Chairman. 9 Conduit Street, Hanovee Squabe, London, W. 28i'ogress.) 80. Lond. 1858-84- see R. I. B. A. Proceedings. Architects' Engineers' and Building-Trades' Directory. 80. Lond. 18G8 Architectural Association Report on architectural competitions. pamph. 12o. Lond. 1850 Bye-laws and hst of members. Sessions 1851-52, 1852-53, 1853-54, and 1856-57. fo. Lond. 1851-57 Notices of meetings. 80. Land. 1852-59 BroT^ai book. [Li jjrogress.) 80. Lo7id. 1859- Rules and bye-laws, and hst of members. 80. Lond. 1861 Sketch book. Vols. 1-12. fo. Lond. 1867-80 New Series. (/« progress.) fo. Lojid. 1881- Lidex. 1867-80. 80. Lond. [1880] Catalogue of Library. 80. Lond. 1873 80. Lond. 1877 Additions. 80. Lond. [1881] 80. Lond. 1882 Churches visited at Lincoln ; by E. Sharpe. 1871 Domed churches of Charente. 4o. Lond. [1882] A. A. Notes. (Li jnogrcss.) 80. Lond. 1887- Ai'chitectural Education see Education. Architectural Exhibition Reports and papers, various dates. fo. Lond. 1849-70 Prospectus. fo. Lond. 1851 Reports and papers. 80. Lond. 1852-54 Catalogues. 4o. Lond. 1854-57, 1864 Architectural Institute of Scotland sec Edinburgh. Architectural Medals see Numismatics. Architectural Museum Catalogue of, in Cannon Row. 4o, Lond. 1855 80. Lond. 1877 Prospectus for 1856, 1857, 1859. [1856-59] Removal to South Kensington. pamph. 4o. 1857 Annual reports. pamph. 80. 1858, 18C0 Guide ; by Sir G. G. Scott. 1876 Architectural Nomenclature see Dictionary. Architectural Photographic Association Report of the provisional committee, and bye-laws, &c. pamph. 80. Lond. 1857 Catalogue of the exhibitions for 1858, 1860, 1861. [1858-61] Architectural Photographic Association — continued. Sculptm'es, west front of WoUs cathe- dral see CockereU (C R). [1862] Photographs taken for the; by E. W. Godwin. SP. 1867 by J. P. Seddon. SP. 1867 Architectural Physiology see Physiology. Architectural Practice see Professional Practice. Architectural Publication Society Detached essays, with illustrations, 1847-52. 4o. Lond. 1852 The dictionary of architecture, with illus- trations. A — S. (In progress.) 4o. Lond. 1853-87- Architectural Societies by B. J. Bloor. 1869 see Adelaide, see American Institute of Architects. sec Amsterdam. sec Architectural Association. sec Athens. sec Auckland. sec Berlin. sec Birmingham. sec Boston U.S.A. see Bristol. see Bristol and West of England. see Cambridge. see Chester. sec Christiania. sec College of the Freemasons of the Church. sec Darmstadt. see Dublin. sec Edinburgh, see Exeter. see France. see Glasgow. see Ireland, see Leicester, see Leeds. see Lisbon. sec Liverpool. sec London, sec Manchester. see Melbourne. see Nantes, sec New South Wales. see Northampton. sec Northern Architectural Association. see Oxford. sec Royal Institute of British Architects, sec St. Albans. see St. Louis. see St. Petersburg. sec Sydney. see Toronto. see Vienna, sec Wellington, 12 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Architectural Society (afterwards joined the R. I. B. A.) Laws and regulations, instituted a.d. 1831, list of members, &c. pamph. 80. Lond. 1835 Laws and regulations, pamph. 80. Lond. 1838 Kemarks on the advantages likely to result from the establishment of the society ; by T. H. Wyatt. MS. 1833 Architectural Students' Society Eesolu- tions ; and list of architectural stu- dents of Eoyal Academy. pamph. fo. Lond. 1817 Architectural Union Company [Limited] Articles of association. pamph. [1858] Architecture by G. Aitchison. 1883 by L. Alberti. 1512, 1550, 15G5, 1726, 1833 by J. Fergusson. 1862 by H. Hondius. 1628 by C. N. Ledoux. 1840-7 by S. Serlio. 1551, 1611, 1619 by G. B. da Vignola. v. d. Ancient and modern ; by .J. Gailhabaud. 1812, 1846, 1850 And engineering ; annual retrospect of ; by G. R. Burnell. 1861, 1862 And pubhc buildings ; by W. H. White. 1884 And the other fine arts ; analogies _ between ; by W. Whewell 1863 Antica, curvatura delle linee ; by G. B. Basile. 1884 Architectural Director ; by J. BilHngton. 1834 Art and; by G. Wightwick. n. d., 1836, 1849 As a fine art ; its state and prospects in England ; by G. Godwin [1841] Past development of; by E. L. Tarbuck. MS. 1853 Catalogue of pubhcations ; by E. Falkener.- Compositions ; by A. Le Pautre. [1650] Contemporame ; by E. Trelat. 1880 Convenient and ornamental ; by J. Crunden. 1770 Des nations ^trang^res ; by A. Normand. 1870 Discorsi di ; by G. B. NelU. 1753 Disegni e scritti ; by 0. Calderari. 1808 Dissertation sur ; by A. L. T. Vaudoyor. MS. 1823 Domestic see Domestic Architecture. Ecclesiastical see Ecclesiastical Archi- tecture. Elementi di ; by G. Fonda. 1774 Elements of ; by H. Wotton. 1624 Entretiens sur ; by E. Viollet-le-Duc. 1873 Entwurff [Gebiiude des alterthums] ; by J. B. Fischer. 1725 Essay on ; by M. A. Laugier. 1755 by J. B. Watson. MS. 1835 Esercitazioni architettoniche ; by P. G. Marquez. 1808 Architecture — continued. Et archeologie ; instruction pour le peuple ; by A. Lenoir. 1851 Etudes de ; by P. Patte. 1755 Fragments de, et de sculpture; by G. Bourgerel. 1863 Genie de ; by .J. A. Coussia. 1722 Geometry and optics of; by J. Penne- thorne. 1878 History of; by E. Boutmy. [1809] by L. Batissier. 1845 de I'art monumental ; by L. Batissier. 1843 by D. Eam^e. 1872 by J. Fergusson. 1865 by E. A. Freeman. 1844 —-^ ^ by F. Kugler. 1859 Historical essay on ; by T. Hope. 1835 Illustrated handbook of; by J. Fer- gusson. 1855 In pictures ; by H. Twining. SP. 1854 In relation to music ; by H. H. Statham. SP. 1873 Lifluence des femmes sur ; by C. Daly. 1864 Le passe et I'avenir ; by Le Due de Valmy. 1864 Lectures on ; by E. M. Barry. 1881 ' by T. L. Donaldson. 1842 by J. L. N. Durand. 1823 by J. Euskin. 1854 by T. Sandby. 1768 • by F. Thiollet. 1847 by G. Wightwick. Lettere sulla ; by J. Bottari. 1754-57 Lettres sur ; by L. J. Jay. 1817 Manuale ; by G. Branca. 1718 Merveilles de ; by A. Lefevre. 1865 Memoires sur les objets les plus im- portans ; by P. Patte. 1769 Modern ; by E. Aiken. 1808 ■ and its assailants ; fi'om Edin- burgh Review. 1875 by C. A. Jombert. 1764 National ; by T. Harris. 1860 Newleafe discourses on the fine art ; by E. Kerr. 1846 OfBce and duties of; by J. H. Chamber- lain. 1858 Origin and progress of ; by W. J. Smith. 1831 and decay ; by L. Vendramini. 1837 of building ; by J. Wood. 1741 Palace of; by G. Wightwick. 1840 Palladian school of ; by W. Papworth. MS. SP. 1848, 1850 Papers on, and art ; by G. Wightwick. 1836-49 Past, present, and future ; by T. G. Elgood. MS. 1854 Principes de ; by A. FeUbien, 1676, 1699 PBINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 13 Architecture — continued. Profan-arcbitektur ; by A. Reicben- sperger. 1886 Progress of, in Europe ; address by W. Tite. SP. 1859 Prospects of arcbitectural art ; by A. J. B. B. Hope. 1863 Quarterly papers on ; by J. Weale. 1844-45 Recueil elementaire de ; by [J.-F.] de Neuflforge. 1757-7G Eegole del cliiaroscuro in ; by C. Amati. 1802 Revival of true principles of; by G. E. Street. 1853 Rudimentary manual ; by T. Mitcbell. 1870 treatise on ; by T. T. Bury. 1849 Seven lamps of ; by J. Ruskin. 1855 Short hints to the student ; by J. B. Roberts. ' 1852 Synopsis of; by 0. E. Papendiek. 1826 System of (Natural) ; by W. P. Griffith. 1845 (Complete) ; by W. Halfpenny. [1749] (New) ; by W. Pickett. 1845 The first and chief gi'ovndes of ; by J. Shute. 1563 Th^orique et pratique ; by F. Tliiol- let. 1842-47 Treatise ; by A. Ashpitel. 1867 by S. le Clere. 1723-4 by W. Hosking. ■ by L. Reynaud. 1850 Universale ; by V. Scamozzi. 1615, 1678 Architecturesque see .Esthetics Architekten-Verein zu BerUn see Berlin. Ardfert Cathedral ; by A. Hill. 1870 Areudt (M) Recherches faites dans la cathddrale d'Aix-la-ChapeUe pour retrouver le tombeau de Charle- magne, pamph. 8o. Brussels [1862] Arenstein (J) Austria at the International exhibition of 1862. 4o. Vienna 1862 Arezzo (C M) see Bonanni and MirabeUa. Argenville sec Dezalier d' Argenville (A N). Argus The royal engineer department ; its work and the estimates. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1862 Aristotele (N de) sec Vitruvius. 1535 Arithmetic see Mathematics. Aries Antiquities of ; by A. Caristie. 1839 Armagh Ancient churches ; by W. Reeves. 18C0 Armand (A) Plans, coupes et Elevations du Grand Hotel construit h Paris en 1861-62. fo. Paris Les m6dailleurs italiens des 15"^ et 16" siecles. 3 vols. 8o. Paris 1883-87 Armenia by C. Texier. 1842-52 Monuments d'architecture ; by D. Grimm 1864 Travels in ; by A. H. Layard. 1863 Armfield (H T) The legend of christian art illustrated in the statues of Salisbury Cathedral. 8o. Salis. £ Lond. 1869 Armitage (E) Mural painting. CP. 3 June 1878 Lectures on painting. 8o. Lond, 1883 Army Medical School Extract from the official reports of a scries of compara- tive trials of water filtration. 8o. Lond. 1880 Arnaldi (E) Delle basiliche antiche di Vicenza di Andrea Palladio. 4o. Vicenza 1767, 1769 Arnaud (A F) Voyage archeologique et pittoresque dans le d^partement de I'Aube et dans I'ancien diocese de Troyes. 4o. Troyes 1837 Arnold (F) Der herzogliche palast von Urbino. fo. Leipzig 1857 Arnold (T) An account of St. Columba's Abbey, Inchcolm. 4o. pamph. 1867 Arnot (D H) Animadversions on the pro- ceedings of the regents of the Smith- sonian Institution, in their choice of an architect for their edifice at Wash- ington, pamph. 8o. N. York 1847 Arnott (N) Elements of physics, or natural philoso- phy, general and medical. 2 vols. 5th edit. (Part ii. of vol. 2 not pub.) 8o. Lond. 1833 Warming and ventilating ; with direc- tions for making and using the ther- mometer stove, or self- regulating fire. 8o. Lond. 1838 Arras Notes on ; by T. L. Donaldson. MS. SP. 1848 Arrow (J) Construction of an arch for preserving buildings from the effects of fire. fo. MS. 1770 Art Address on ; by G. Aitchison. 1882 Ancient, and its remains ; by C. 0. Miiller and J. Leitch. 8o. Lond. 1847 new edit. 8o. Lond. 1850 Ancient, and ancient geometry ; by John Pennethorne. SP. 1879 And architecture ; by T. H. King. 1858-59 by A. Thomson. 1877 by G. Wightwick. n. d., 1836, 1849 Artistic materials in architecture ; by T. H. Lewis. 1883 Bildende kunst ; by A. Reichensperger. 1884 British, influenced by foreign artists ; by M. D. Wyatt. SP. 1868 Classic ; by R. P. Pullan. 1871 Correspondence respecting the attitude of the State towards the fine arts, in Great Britain and abroad, fo. Lond, 1876 14 PRINTED BOOKS, MANtrSCRIPTS. SESSIONAL PAPERS Art — continued. Domestic ; by M. B. Adams. by H. Havard. [1882] 1884 Ecclesiastical, German medifeval ; byW. Liibke. _ 1876 Engineering and ; by C. H. Driver, 1879 Ethics of ; by E. C. Robins. 1885 Exposition des beaiis-arts appliques a I'industrie ; by C. Robaiilt de Fleury. 1864 Fine, as a branch of academic study ; by W. J. Beaimiont. 1863 Ministry of; by T. G. Parry. 1887 For persons of limited income ; by G. Aitchison. 1877 Handbuch der kunst-industrie ; by J. H. Wolff. 1855 History ; by W. Liibke. 1868 by Perrot and Chipiez. 1882-87 by Seroux d'Agincoiu't. 1847 by J. Winckelmanu. 1766 of the fine arts ; by R. A. Bromley. 1793-95 • by A. G. Schlegel, translated by A. F. Cou- tui'ier-de-Vienne. 1880 by Sir M. D. Wyatt. 1870 Imitation dans les beaux-arts ; by A. C. Quatremere de Qumcy. 1823 Industrial, of nineteenth century ; by M. D. Wyatt. 1851-52 Intervention de I'^tat ; by VioUet-le-Duc. 1864 Kunst und kunsthandwerk ; by A. Reich- ensperger. 1880 Kunstgeschiehte &c. see Berlin Tech- NISCHE HOCHSCHULE. 1886 L'art dans ses diverses branches ; by J. GaiDaabaud. 1863 Lessons on ; by .1. D. Harding. 1849 Library at Marlborough House ; by R. N. Wornum. 1855 Literature of the fine arts ; by Sir C. L. Eastlake. 1870 Manufactures and ; report fi'om select committee. fo. Lo7id. 1836 Moderue ; by T. Gautier. , 1856 Monumental, histoire ; by L. Batissier. 1845 Mouvement de ; by A. Pigeon. 1886 National collections ; by A. J. B. B. Hope. 1867 Gallery ; by C. Philhps. 1886 Notes on, British sculptors, &c. ; by Anonymous. 1861 Patronage of British ; by J. Pye. 1845 Philosophie des beaux-arts ; by D. Sutter. 1858 Pre-Raffaellitism ; by E. Young. 1867 Prmciples comiected with revolutions of ; by E. Yomig. 1867 Progress of; fi-om the Westminster Review. 1844 Art — continued. Religious; from British Quarterly Review. 1875 Reports of the commissioners on fine arts. fo. Lond. 1842-44 Revival, notes on the present ; by T. Bonnar. 1879 Science, literature, and, promotion of; by T. L. Donaldson. 1838 Teoria e historia ; by J. Manjarres. 1859 The connection of the fine arts with edu- cation ; by T. H. Lewis. 1865 The year's art, 1880 ; by M. B. Huish. 1880 Trowel, chisel, and brush ; by H. Grey. 1884 W^issensehaft, Industrie und ; by G. Semper 1852 Workman's position ; by A. J. B. B. Hope. 1864 Art School and Stndio Bombay ; by W. Burges. SP. 1867 Buildings for ... art instruction ; by E. C. Robins. SP. 1883 Canon Row ; by C. B. Allen. Directions for ; by Science and Art De- partment. 1854 For artist workmen ; by C. B. Allen. 1851 Li the metropohs ; by C. B. AUen. Proposal for estabhshing, &c. ; by C. B. AUen. 1854 Suburban ; by W. C. Thomas. 1850 Art Life in the West of England. Nos. 1, 2, 3. 8o. Lond. 1863 Art Union of London Annual Reports, with lists of members. 8o. Lond. 1841-79 {In jnvgrcss.) 8o. Lond. 1883, 1884, 1886- Correspondenee with the Board of Trade relative to the proposed interference with the society's plan. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1848 Artaud (F) Discours sur les medailles d'Auguste et de Tibere au revers de I'autel de Lyon. 4o. Lyons 1818 Artesian Well sec Water, &c. Artificial Stone by R. Kerr. SP. 1863 by D. Pincot. 1770 by J. L. Schroder MS. SP. 1842 Observations upon experiments ; by 0. Hansard. SP. 1864 Report of the committee of R.I.B.A. SP. 1864 Specification ; by F. Ransome. 1857 Artillery Construction of ; by J. A. Longridge. 1860 Mackay gun, opuiions of the press on the. pamph. 8o. Artis (E T) The Durobrivfe of Antoninus identified and illustrated by remains in the vicinity of Castor, Northants. fo. Lo7id. 1828 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAX PAPERS 15 Artisans' and Industrial Dwellings by J. Chamberlain. 1883 by Lord Salisbury. 1883 Aiiotber blow for life ; by G. Godwin. 1864 Artisans' and Laboubeks' Dwellings Act, 1868. fo. Lond. 1868 Return. fo. Lond. 1875 Return from English, Scotch, and Irish authorities. (41.) fo. Lond. 1881 Retm-n fi'om commissioners of sewers and other authorities, &c. (331.) fo. LoJid. 1883 Abtisans' and Laboubees' Dwellings Impeovement Acts Act, 1876. (38 & 39 Vict. P. 86.) fo. Loml. 1878 Acts, 1875 & 1876. Little Coram Street, &c. ; provisional orders confirmation Bill, 1879. fo, Lond.imSi Acts, 1875 & 1876. Metropohs im- provement schemes modifica- tion Bill, 1880. fo. Lond. 1880 Act, 1879. (42 & 43 Vict. P. 63 & 64.) fo. Lond. 1879 Buildings erected in the metropolis, &c. (C. 4697.) fo. Lond. 1886 Returns from commissioners of sewers, &c. (315.) fo. Lond. 1885 Returns from local authorities. (Scotland.) fo. Loiul. 1877-78 Aetisans' Dwellings Acts Act (18G8) ; Amendment Act (1879) ; Amendment (43 Vict.) fo. [Lond.] 1880 Act, 1882 (45 & 46 Vict., c. 54). fo. Lond. 1882 Returns fi'om commissioners of sewers, &c. fo. Lond. 1876-79 Artisans' Dwellings Bill. fo. Lond. 1875 ■ Report on application of; by L. H. Isaacs. 1875 (Scotland). fo. Lond. 1875 Circular of Local Government Board to Town Comicils, &c., urging destruc- tion of unsanitary dwellings. (C. 337.) fo. Lond. 1883 Derby. Provisional orders coniirmation Bill, 1879. fo. Lond. 1879 Devonport and Newcastle-on-Tyne. Pro- visional orders confirmation Bill, 1878. fo. Lond. 1878 Labourers' and Artisans' dwellings Bill for increased facHities for erection, &c. fo. Lond. 1874 Dwellmgs for the poor ; by A. Ashpitel and J. Whichcord. 1855 by H. A. Dar- bishiru. SP. 1876 Artisans' and Industrial Dwellings — cent, DweUinga for the poor ; by C. F. Hay- ward. SP. 1875, 1877 by R. Kerr. SP. 1866 for the working classes in London. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1866 by 1867 by 1867, 1868 by 1848, 1849 by 1881 in 1855-61 by 1856 by 1850 by J. Wylsou. _ 1848 of the London poor ; memorial A. Peuot. H. Roberts. 1 C. Rohault de Fleury. 1 J. Salmon. Scotland see Edinburgh. G. B. Tremeuheere. W . Wigginton. from Royal College of Physicians. fo. Lond. 1874 of the poor ; by Charity Orga- nisation Society. 1881 by A. Ford. 1877 Home reform, or advice to the labouring classes ; by H. Roberts. [1859] Homes of the working classes ; by J. Hole. 1866 London shadows, homes of the thou- sands ; by G. Godwin. 1854 Model house for industrial classes ; by B. Fletcher. 1871 Town swamps and social bridges ; by G. Godwin. 1859 What is to be done with the slums ? by W. T. M. Torrens. 1879 see Agricultural Labourers' Dwellings. sea Labouring Classes' Dwellings Act. Artists see Biography. Artists' Annuity Fund Society Calendars {hi progress.) pamph. 8o. Lo7id. 1885- Arundale (F) Edifices of Palladio ; selec- tion from his buildings at Vicenza. fo. Lond. 1832 Arundale (F) and Bonomi (J) Gallery of Egyptian antiquities, selected from the British Museum, with descrip- tion by S. Birch. 4o. Lond. 1842 Arundel Sussex History and antiquities of the castle and town ; by M. A. Tierney. 1834 Arundel Society Catalogue of select examples of ivory carvings, from the second to the sixteenth century, by E. Oldfield. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1855 16 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Arundel Society — continued. Descriptive notice of the drawings, &c., exhibited November 1855, in the Crystal Palace, Sydenham. pamph. 80. Loud. 1855 Notices of sculpture in ivory ; by M. D. Wyatt. 4o. Loud. 1856 Cathedral of Santiago de Compostella in Spain, showing the sculpture of the portico de la Gloria; Text and photos. 4o. Loud. 1868 fo. Lo7id. 1868 Sculptured ornament of monastery of Batalha. fo. Land. 1868 Ashiesteel Bridge over the Tweed ; by J. and T. Smith. MS. SP. 1848 Ashpitel (A) Different theories respecting the forum at Pvome, particularly those of the Commendatore Canina. SP. 9 Mar. 1857 ; 20 April 1857 Description and key to view of ancient Rome. pamph. 80. Lond. 1858 Crypts in Christian churches from the earliest periods. SP. 4 June 1860 Itahan architectural drawings in the royal library at Windsor. SP. 16 June 1862 Description and key to the views of Rome as it was and Rome as it is. pamph. 80. Lond. 1866 Newstead abbey ; by T. J. Pettigrew. [1853] Treatise on architecture ; including the arts of construction, building, stone .masonry, arch, carpentry, roof, joinery, and strength of materials. Edited by A. A. 4o. Edlnb. 1867 Memoir ; by W. Papworth. SP. 1869 Ashpitel (A) and Whichcord (J) Baths and vvashhouses, their history ; abstracts of the acts of parhament. 80. Land. 1853 Town dwellings. Erection of fire-proof houses in flats. 80. Loud. 1855 Ashton (H) Windsor castle ; by A. Poynter and H. Ashton. 1841 Asia Minor by C. Texier (plates only). 1839-49 by C. Texier. 1862 Antiquites asiatiques ; byRaoulRochette. 1835 Catalogue of views in ; by R. P. Pullan. 1876 Journal during an excursion m; by C. Fellows. 1839 Karamania ; by T. Beaufort. 1818 Manuscripts relating to ; by C. Texier. Principal ruins, illustrated and described ; by C. Texier and R. P. Pullan. 1865 Tour m ; by W. M. Leake. 1824 : Travels m ; by R. Chandler. 1817 Asia 'Kmor— continued. Turkish empire ; by R. Walsh. 1839 see Lycia. Aspdin, Ord, & Co. Results of experiments testing the strength of patent Port- land cement. pamph. 80. Lond. 1853 Asphalte, Bitumen, &c. Asphalte of Seyssel ; by H. Eyquem. MS. SP. 1836 by F. W. Simms. 1837 Asphalte roofing ; by Dorn and Richter. 1837 by G. Linke. 1837 Bitumen and petroleum of Trinidad ; by Earl of Duudonald. 1837 sec Materials. Assisi Chmch of S. Francesco ; by C. H. Wil- son. SP. 1844 by J. B. Atkm- son. SP. 1875 and decorative art ; by T. Bonnar. 1877 Assize Courts see Law Courts, Associated ArcMtects Resolution, with the report of a committee ap- pointed to consider the causes of the frequent fires, and the best means of preventing the like in future. pamph. 80. 1793 Associated Architectural Societies of Lincoln, &c. Reports and papers read at the meetings. 80. Lond. 1850-62 {Li progress.) 80. Lmcoln 1867- Lidex to first 8 vols. (ed. by G. Rowe). 80. Lincoln 1867 Associated Arts' Institute Papers read (Session 1868-69) ; edited by P. S. Potter. 80. Lond. 1869 Association for Improvement in the Dwel- lings of Agricultui-al Labourers in Scotland see Edinburgh. Association for the Promotion of Improved Paving, Cleansing, and Drainage Annual report, with appendix. pamph. 80. Lond. 1845 Assos American explorations ; by J. T. Clarke. 1883 Assyrian and Chaldean Architecture Alluvia of Babylonia and Chaldrea ; by C. T. Beke. 1839 Assyrian ornamentation in sculpture, &c. ; by S. Smirke. SP. 1850 Discoveries in Babylon and Nineveh ; by A. H. Layard. 1853 Further discoveries ; by A. H. Layard. MS. 1847 Histoire de Part : Chalde et Assyria ; by Perrot and Chipiez 1884 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPEES 17 Assyrian and Chaldean Architecture — cont. Nineveh and its palaces ; by J. Bononii. 1853, 1857 and its remains ; by A. H. Layard. 1849 architecture of ; by J. Fergus- Bon. 1851 court at the Crystal Palace ; by A. H. Layard. 1852 et I'Assyrie ; by V. Place. 1867-70 monuments of; by A. H. Layard. 1849-53 palace restored; by J. Fergusson. 1851 sculptures ; by S. Smirke. MS. 1847 topography ; by W. F. Ains- worth. 1850 Travels and researches in Chaldea ; by W. K. Loftus. 1857 Aston near SheflSeld Polychromatic con- struction at the church ; by M. E. Hadfield. SP. 1863 Astronomy by W. Whewell. 1887 And natural philosophy ; by D. Lardner. 1828 New or improved uistruments ; by C. P. Smyth. 1855 Observations at Edinburgh for 1860-69 ; by C. P. Smyth. 1871 at Washington observa- tory ; by M. F. Maury. 1846 Asylum Arrangement and construction of lunatic ; by C. Fowler. SP. 1846 England ; reports from the committee on madhouses. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th reports, 1815. fo. Lond. 1819 1st, 2nd, and 3rd reports, 1816. _ fo. Lo7ul. 1819 Fondation et construction ; by M. Par- chappe. 1853 Ireland ; particulars of lunatic ; by W. Murray. SP. 1835 report from select committee on lunatic poor, with minutes of evidence, &c. fo. Lond. 1843 appendix to minutes, &c. ; with plans and specifications of union workhouses. fo. Lond. 1843 report of the commissioners for enquiring into the erection of dis- trict lunatic asylums. fo. [1855] Limerick lunatic ; report for the year 1834, by the manager. pamph. 8o. Limerick 1834 Middlesex ; report from select committee on pauper lunatics and on lunatic asylums. fo. 1827 Particulars of competition. 1837 Norwich lunatic, remarks on design for ; by E. M. Phipson. 18G8 Asylum — continued. Practical hints on lunatic ; by S. Tuke. Eeports of the Commissioners in lunacy. (Numbers x.-xxi.) 8o. Land. 1856-71 Suggestions and mstructions on sites, construction, and arrangements of lunatic asylums, with plans. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1856 West Biding of Yorkshire lunatic ; by Watson and Pritchett. 1819 Wilts county lunatic ; by T. H. Wyatt and J. Thurman. 1852 Athenaeum Club Catalogue of the library, hst of members, &c. 8o. Lond. 1848 Athenian Architecture see Greek Archi- tecture. Athens Acropole d'Ath^nes ; by C. E. Beule. 1853-54 Addresses ; by L. Kautanzoglos. 1846-58 Ancient ; by H. S. Pittakys. 1835 Antiquities of ; by J. Stuart, N. Eevett, and others. 1762-1816 and 1830 Art at ; extracts from a letter ; by L. Kautanzoglos. SP. 6 Jan. 1868 Atheniensia ; by W. Wilkins. 1816 Erechtheum ; by H. W. Inwood. 1827, 1831 by J. Fergusson. SP. 1876 by J. Fergusson, transl. by H. Schliemami. 1880 Supplement to ; by J. Fer- gusson. SP. 1879 Et ses environs (map) ; by E. Kalergis. [1863] Inscription runique du Piree ; by C. C. Eafn. 1856 Jounaal of a residence at ; by C. Words- worth. ^ 1836 Konigspalast auf der Akropolis ; by K. F. Schinkel. 1862 Letter from ; by C. Kelsall. 1812 Letters fi'om ; by F. C. Penrose. 1847 Mischief done at, on 26 Oct. 1852 ; by Et. Hon. T. Wyse. SP. 1852 Odeum des Herodes Atticus restaurirt ; by W. P. Tuckermann. 1868 Opinions on plan of modern ; by L. Kau- tanzoglos. 1868 Parthenon ; by J. Fergusson. 1883 by A. Michaelis. 1870 adapted to the purpose of a national monument ; by A. Eobert- son. 1838 Details ; by J. J. Scoles. SP. 1846 Proportion and curves of; by D. E. Hay. SP. 1853 Proportion of, exemplified ; by W. W. Lloyd. 1863 Proportions of ; by J. Jop- 1855-56 Remarks on ; by E. C. Lucas. 1846 line 18 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPEBS Athens — continued. Parthenon. Remarks on Lucas's models ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1846 Restitution des deux frontons du ; by Quatremere de Quincy. 1825 Tempel der Nike Apteros ; by L. Eoss, E. Schaubert, and C. Hansen. [1836] Temples, columns of; by T. Allason. 1820 Topography of ; by W. M. Leake. 1821 To Trieste — " a communication ; " by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1869 Visit to ; by E. Giffard. 1837 Voyage to ; by De la Guillati&-e. 1676 Vue g4n6rale de la ville ; by Casas and Bence. 1813 Works for University ; by L. Kautan- zoglos. 186.5 ABCH^oiiOGiCAri Society of Geeece / Ephemeris. 4o. Atlicns 1838-40 I Resume des actes, 1837-46. 8o. Athens 1846 1 8o. Athens 1847 ^ {Bound together.) Abstract of contents of Ephemeris ; by W. M. Leake. MS. SP. 1838 Actes de la 12=^ reunion gendrale. pamph. 8o. Athens 1848 Organisation de la Socidte. pamph. 8o. Athens 1848 Erechtheum. 4o. Athens 1853 Reports of proceedings. 4o. Athens 1853,1860-67 Transactions. pamph. 8o. Atheiis 1848, 1878-79 British Schood Report of committee. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1885, 1886 Rules and regulations, pamph. 4o. Lond. 1886 Atkinson (E) see Ganot (A) 1863 Atkinson (J B) Church of St. Francis, Assisi. SP. 19 Ap. 1875 Atkinson (J W) Gothic ornament. 4o. Lond. Atkinson (W) Cottage architecture. 4o. Lond. 1805 Atlas see Geography. Attica see Greece. Auber (I'Abbe) Instructions de la com- mission arch^ologique dioc6saine, 6tablie k Poitiers, sur les 6glises. pamph. 8o. Paris 1851 Aubry Lecointe (H L V J B) Notice of ; by A. Gahmard. 1860 Auch Monographie de la cath6irale ; by I'Abbd Can6to. 1857 Stalles de la cathcdrale ; by L. Sancet. 1862 Auckland Institute of Architects Rules and bye-laws, pamph. 8o. Auckland 1881 Auction Mart Prospectus, with plans, &c. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1809 Audsley (G A) Notes on Japanese art. 4o. Liverp. 1872 Audsley (G A) and Bowes (J L) Keramic art of .Japan. 2 vols. fo. Lond. 1875 Audsley (W J & G A) Outlines of ornament in the leading styles. fo. Lond. 1881 Popular dictionary of architecture and the allied arts. Vols. 1-3. {In progress .) 8o. Liverp. & Lond. 1879-82 Auer (A) Appareil polygraphique, ou les differentes branches artistiques de I'imprimerie imperiale royale de Vienne. pamph. 8o. Vienna 1855 Auer (H) and Lange (P) Monuments de Vienne. Vol. 1. L'oi^era de la cour. Vol. 2. Le palais de justice. fo. Vienna 1885 Augsburg Basilica St. Ulrich and Afi-a ; by B. Hertelfelder. 1712 Aulnette du Vautenet Stability comme principe primordial, appliqu^e a I'origine du style ogival. 8o. Bcnncs 1849 Austin (H) Abuses of the present system of competition in architecture ; in a letter to the Earl De Grey. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1841 Australia (Western) sec ExMbition. Australian Builder (The) Two numbers relating to the Victorian Listitute of Architects. 4o. Malb. 1856-57 Australian International Exhibitions see Exhibition. Australian (South) Association of Archi- tects, &c. see Adelaide. Austria Bauordnungen 1848-75. 12o. Vienna 1875 Mittelalterliche kmistdenkmale des osterreichischen Kaiserstaates ; by G. Heider, v. Eitelberger, and Hieser. 1858-60 Autobiography sec Biography. Autographs, &c. Original letters and autographs of archi- tects and others. see R. I. B. A. Transactions. 1837 Auvergne Churches of Le Puy-en-Velay ; by G. E. Street. SP. 1861 Les eglises du Puy-de-D6me ; by A. Mallay. 1838 Auvray (L) see Revue Artistique et Lit- teraire. 1685 Aveling (J H) History of Roche Abbey, from its foundation to its dissolution. 8o. Lond. & Worksop 1870 Aviler (A C d') Cours d'arcliitecture, qui eomprend les ordres de Vignole, avec des com- mentaires, les figures et descriptions PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 19 Aviler (A C d') — contimied. de ses plus beaux batiments, et de ceus de Micbel-Ange, plusieurs nou- veaus dessins, &c. &c. 2 vols. 4o. Paris 1691 Cours d'architecture, &c. 2 vols in 1. 4o. Paris 1696 Revu et augmente, Ac. 2 vols. 4o. Paris 1710 2 vols. 4o. Paris 1720 Ayzac ( Madame F d') Du symbolisme dans r architecture. pampli. 8o. Azzurri (G) Sull' antico tabulario capitoliuo ; ragiona- mento recitato alle Pont. Accad. riunite di San Luca e di Archeologia, il di 28 di Dec. 1842. 8o. Borne 1842 Progetto di altare maggiore per la chiesa del Gesu in Roma. fo. Borne 1843 B. B Remarks upon the unsuccessful designs for the Houses of Parliament. pamph. 8o. Lond. Baalbec by R. Wood. 1757 A so-called Tuscan column at ; by Sir G. Wilkinson. MS. SP. 1847 Reports on the six columns ; by C. R. Conder. 1873 Babbage (C) The Swedish tabulating machine of G. Scheutz. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1856 Babcock (C) Diagrams and papers connected with architectural course at Cornell Uni- versity. 8o.-fo. [Boston] 1883-84 Vaults. pamph. fo. Boston 1884 Babylon see Assjrrian &c. Architecture. Baden Ban- u. feuerpolizei. pamph. 8o. Tauh. 1876 verordnung. pamph. 8o. Carisnihe 1869 Baeumer ("W) Das biirgerliche wohnhaus. 4o. Stutt. 18G2 Baggallay (F T) Italy. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1883 The use of flint in building, especially in the county of Suffolk. SP. 20 Ap. 1885 Baglione (G) Vite di pittori, scultori, architetti ed mtaghatori. 4o. Najjles 1733 Baigent (F J) Church of St. John, at Winchester, and the paintings dis- covered on the north wall. pamph. So. 1852 Bailey (A M) Useful machines and models. see Society of Arts. 1776 Bailey (G) A general description of Sir John Soane's museum. pamph. 8o. Lond. Composition and proportion of the ma- terials used in forming the concrete employed by Sir J. Soane in certain buildings. SP. 18 Jan. 1836 Experiments made by R. Watson on slate. Prize essay. MS. SP. 24 Feb. 1845 Description of a series of drawings of buildings in Southern India, in the possession of General Monteith. MS. SP. 23 June 1845 Sale catalogue of his library, &c. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1861 Bailey (S) On nature, measures, and causes of value, &e. 8o. Lo7id. 1825 Baillie ( ) Improved and transparent and metallic hopper ventilator. MS. SP. 5 Dec. 1836 Bailly ( ) Aqueducs de Rome ; by S. J. Frontinus. 1849 Bally (C) Remarks on timber houses. 4o. Lond. 1869 Baja by P. A. PaoH. 1768 Bakehouse Rapport sur les nouveaux ap- pareUs de paniiication ; by Rolland. 8o. Paris 1863 Baker (B) On the strengths of beams, columns, and arches. 8o. Lond. 1870 The Forth bridge. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1884 Baker (T) Principles and practice of statics and dynamics. 12o. Lond. 1851 Land and engineering surveying. 12o. Lond. 1859 Treatise on mensuration. 6th edit. 12o. Lond. 1861 Baker (W L) Specification of his patent for hanging clock tower, turret, and other like bells. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1854 Alterations in bells and bell machinery. SP. 5 Mar. 1855 The great bell of Westminster : a letter to E.B. Denison. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1857 Balcony Wrought-iron ; by J. C. von Las- saulx. 1842 Baldacchino see Church Fittings. Baldi (B) see Vitruvius. 1649 Baldinucci (F) Vita del Cav. G. L. Ber- nino, scultore, architteto e pittore. 4o. Florence 1682 Baldus (£) Palais du Louvre et des Tuileries, motifs de decoration int^rieure et ext6- rieure. 2 vols. fo. Paris 20 PRINTED BOOKS, MAJ^USCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Baldus (E) — contimied Recueil d'ornements d'apr^s les maitres les plus celebres des XV'-XVIIP sieeles. fo. Paris 1869 Bale (J E) Native buildings on the Gold Coast. SP. 5 Dee. 1881 Balfour (T G) Vital statistics of cavalry horses. pamph. 8o. Land. 1881 Ballanti (V) II palazzo de' Cesari ; by C. Thon aud V. Ballanti. 1828 Ballard (R) The solution of the Pyi-amid problem. 8o. N. York 1882 BaUu (T) Monographic de I'eghse de la Sainte- Triiiite a Paris. fo. Paris 1868 Saint - Ambroise a Paris. fo. Paris 1874 Memoir ; by P. Sedille. 1886 Notice ; by H. Daumet. 1886 Balmerino Abbey ; by G. S. Aitken. 1884 Baltard (L) Paris et ses monumens. fo. Paris 1803 Eeunion du Palais Imperial des Tuile- ries et du Louvre, et plans de di- verses dispositions pour I'acheve- ment de la place du Carrousel. fo. Paris 1811 Baltard (V) Villa Mcdicis a Eome. fo. Paris L'ecole de Percier. pamph. 4o. Paris 1847 1873 1874 1874 Elogio historico ; by .1. P. N. da Silva. Life of ; by P. Sedille. Baltard (V) and CaUet (F) Monographie des halles centrales de Paris. to. Paris 1863 Baly (P P) Statement of the proceedings of the committee appointed to promote the estabhshment of baths and wash- houses. 4o. Lond. 1852 Appendix. 4o. Lond, 1853 Bancroft (R M & F J) Tall chimney con- struction. 8o. Manch. d Leaves 1885 Bank Banking Invention for the purposes of practical banking ; by G. Sharpe. 1852 Banks (R R) and Barry (C) Proposed new National Gallery. fo. Lo7id. 1867 Bannat3me Club Registrum de Dunfermelyn. Liber carta- rum abbatie Benedictine SS. Triai- tatis et B. Margarite regine de Dunfermelyn. Edited by C. Iiuies. 4o. Ediub. 1842 Eegistrum episeopatus Glasguensis. Mu- nimentaecclesie metropoUtane Glas- guensis a sede restaurata seculo in- emite xii ad reformatam religionem. Edited by C. Innes. 2 vols. 4o. Edinb. 1843 fo. Venice, 1569 Barbaro (D) La pratica deUa perspettiva see Vitruvius, Barbary Architecture des Arabes, &c., by Girault de Prangey. 1841 Barbat (P) Chalons-sur-Marne. (no text.) fo. Chdlons-s.-M, [1855] Barber (F) Darton Church, Yorkshire. SP. 30 Mar. 1868 ScroU fi'om church of St. John the Bap- tist, Chelmortou, Derby. SP. 30 May 1870 see Chaffers (W). Barber (J) On heatuig of public buildings, churches, &c. SP. 17 Feb. On the ventilation of hospitals. A critical notice of M. Pauli's communication. SP. 3 Feb. Barber (W) Farm-buildings : designs for cottages, farm-houses, lodges, &e., also mode of building in pise. 4o. Lond. Barbet de Jouy (H) Les mosaiques chretiennes des basUiques et des eglises de Eome. 8o. Paris Barbey (A) see Rossi (D de). Barca (A) n bello di proporzione in archi- tettura. 4o. Bassano 1806 Barclay (E) Notes on the Scuola di San Eoeeo at Venice, and its decorations by Tmtoretto. pamph. 8o. Lond. Bardwell (W) Temples, ancient and modern ; or notes on church architecture. 8o. Lond. Ancient and modern Westminster, with observations on former plans, &c. 8o. Lond. Baretti (J) Italian and English diction- ary ; by J. Davenport and G. Come- lati. Barff (F ) The corrosion of iron. CP. 5 June 1878 Barichella (V) Notizie sul teatro di Berga. pamph. 8o. Barker (E H) see Sillig (J). Barking Eastbury manor house ; by Streatfield. History of Barking convent ; Margin. Barlow (H C) Symbolism in reference to art. SP. 19 Mar. Brief memoir of H. C. B. pamph. 8o. II conte Ugolino e 1' arcivescovoEuggieri. pamph. 8o. Lond. II gran rifiuto ; what it was, who made it, aud how fatal to Dante AUghieri. pamph. 8o. Lond. The Young King and Bertrand de Born, pamph. 8o. Lond. Essays on sjinboUsm. 8o. LoJid. 1873 1873 1802 1857 1876 1837 1839 1868 T. E. by P, C. SP. J. SP. 1872 1872 1860 1861 1862 1862 1862 1866 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 21 Barlow (J) On silica and some of its appli- cations to the arts, pampb. 80. Lond. 1854 Barlow (P) Strength of timber, cast iron, malleable iron, and other materials ; with rules for application in architecture, &c. 80. Lond. 1837 Revised by I. Heather and R. WiUis. 2nd edit. 80. Lond. 1851 Tables of squares, cubes, &c.; fi-om plates of 1840 ; edited by A. De Morgan. 80. Lond. 18G0 sec Tredgold (T). 1853 Barlow (P W) Observations on the Niagara Railway Suspension Bridge. 80. Lond. 18G0 Lambeth Bridge. fo. Lo7id. 18G0 Letter to the chairman and directors of the South Eastern Railway on the supply of water to be obtained from the North Kent District. pamph. 80. Lond. Barlow (W H) On the roof of St. Pancras station. SP. 20 Feb. 1871 Barnard (H) School-house architecture : report. pamph. 80. Hartford 1842 School architectm-e. 3rd. edit. 80. N. York 1849 Barnett (H V) The work of the late Mr. Street. pamph. 80. Lond. 1882 Barnfather (W) Observations accompany- ing the model of a wood bridge, erected at Alnwick in 1838. MS. SP. 8 July 1839 Baroda New college at ; by R. F. Chis- holm. SP. 1883 Barozzi da Vignola (G) Regola delli cinque ordini d' architettura, con la nuova agionta di Michel' - angelo Buonaroti. fo. Rome V. ordmes architecture. 4o. Venice Eegola delh cinque ordini d' architettura, con la nuova aggionta di Michel- Angelo Buonarroti. fo. A^nst. 1019 The regular architect ; or the general rule of the five orders of architec- ture, fo. Lo7id. 16G9 Eegola delli cinque ordini d' architettura. fo. Bolog. 1736 Le due regole della prospettiva pratica. fo. Borne 1744 Vignola illustrato. fo. Borne 1770 Ragles des cinq ordres d'architecture, avec un ordre dorique de Peestum ; le9ons elementaires des ombres, by C. M. de Lagardette. 4o. Paris 1786 QiiUvres completes ; by H. Lebas and F. Debret. fo. Paris 1815 see Amati (C). 1805 1842 Barozzi da Vignola (G) — continued. see AngeU (S). SP. 1850 see Folchi (C); 1848 .sec Moxon (J). 1702 see Thiollet (F). [1840] Barqui (F) L'architecture moderne en France. fo. Paris Barr (T) Anglican church architecture, with some remarks upon ecclesias- tical fmniture. 12o. Oxford Barrack by H. Horeau. Architecture applied to military build- ings ; by J. P. Seddon. Military architecture ; by C. H. Harts- borne. SP. by F. R. Wilson. ancient, of the north of England ; by P. E. Wilson. middle ages ; by G. T. Robinson. E. E. VioUet-le-Duc. of York ; H. F. Loekwood and A. H. Gates Monuments des croises ; by G. Rey. by by 1874 1850 1871 1871 1859 1860 1834 1871 On the accommodation of; report from an official committee. fo. Lond. 1855 Specification of works ; and index of the second portion ; by G. Morgan. 1860-63 The modern ; by E. I. BeU. SP. 1880 Barrett (G) Description of Dr. Fox's patent mode of constructing fire-proof roofs, floors, and ceihngs. MS. SP. 18 Dec. 1848 see Fox and Barrett. Barry (A) Life and works of Sir C. Barry, with illustrations of some of his principal works. 80. Lond. 1867 The architect of the new palace at West- mmster ; a reply to statements of E. W. Pugin. pamph. 80. Lond. 1868 2nd edit. 80. Lond. 1868 Barry (Sir C) Design for houses of parliament, plan and view of. 21 May 1836 Travellers' club house ; by W. H. Leeds. 1839 Remuneration for services ; Houses of Parliament, for 1849, 1856, 1857. Architectural career of ; by M. D. Wyatt. SP. 1860 Notice historique ; by J. I. Hittorff. 18G0 sec Barry (A). Barry (C) Fire-proof flooring, Beardmore's patent. MS. SP. 19 Feb. 1849 Description of the mechanical scaflblding used at the new palace at Westmiii- 22 PEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Barry (C) — continued. ster, particularly in reference to the three main towers of the building. SP. 15 June 1857 Proposed new National Gallery; by R. R. Banks and C. Barry. 1867 Terra-cotta employed in new buildings, Alleyn's college, Dulwich. SP. 22 June 1808 Discussion on. SP. IG Nov. 1868 Memorandum as to strength of certain building materials. 25 May 1871 Opening address. SP. 6 Nov. 1876 SP. 5 Nov. 1877 SP. 18 Nov. 1878 Barry (E M) Accomit of the new palace of West- minster, and the progress of building the same. SP. 1 Feb. 1858 Construction and re-building of the Royal Italian Opera House, Covent Garden. SP. 6 Feb. 1860 Description of design for new law courts. fo. Lond. 1867 The new Law Courts, and the National Gallery. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1872 Lectures on architecture ; edited (with memoir) by A. Barry. 8o. Lond. 1881 Barry (J) Letter to Dilettanti Society as to im- provement of public taste, &c. 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1799 Etchings from his original paintings in the great room of the Society of Arts, &c., Adelphi. fo. Lond. 1808 Pictures by, in room of Society of Arts ; by H. T. Wood. 1880 Bartels sec Bauer. 1846 Barthes and Lowell Catalogue general des livres fran9ais, italiens, espagnols, &c. 8o. Lond. 1857 Bartholomew (A) Hints relative to construction of fire- proof buildmgs. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1839 Specifications for practical architecture ; essay on the decline of excellence in the structure and in the science of modern English buildmgs, &c. 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1846 Bartlet(WH) Biography of; byJ.Britton. 1855 Bartoli (C) see Albert! (L B). Bartoli (F) see Rossi (D de). Bartoli (P S) see Santi Bartoli (P). Barton Turf Norfolk Painted screens ; by G. Y. Wardle. 1872 see Norwich. Basile (G B Fj Alcmie speciaUta dell' esposizione univer- sale, pamph. 8o. Palermo 1868 Principi di aussetismo arehitettico. pamph. fo. Falermo 1871 Basile (G B F) — eontvmed. Piazza Vittoria in Palermo. pamph. fo. Palermo 1874 Calcolo di stabilitfl della cupola del teatro massimo di Palermo. 4o. Palermo 1876 Relazione sul tema III. pamph. 8o. Palermo 1876 Architettura odierna all' esposizione 1878 in Parigi. pamph. 8o. Palermo 1879 Curvatura deUe linee dell' architettura antica. Text 4o. Palermo 1884 Plates fo. Palermo 1884 Sorgenti e condotti in Sta. Lucia del Mela. pamph. 8o. Palermo 1884 Discorso. pamph. 8o. Palermo 1885 Basilica by E. Burgess. SP. 1853 bv L. Canina. 1843 by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1836 Ancient, of Viceuza ; by E. Arnaldi. 1767, 1769 Basilica style of architectiu-e ; from the Westminster Review. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1844 Basiliken des christlichen Roms ; by C. C. J. Bimsen. Brixworth ; by C. F. Watkins. 1867 Byzantine ; decoration of ; by R. P. Pullan. SP. 1875 Bassae Roofs of hyi^ffithral temples at ; by J. W. Papworth. SP. 1865 Temple at ; by C. R. Coekerell. 1860 Bassi (M) Dispareri in materia d' architet- tura et perspettiva, con pareri di ec- cellenti et famosi architetti, che Li risoluono. 4o. Bressa 1572 Batalha Church of ; by J. Murphy. 1836 Sculptured ornament of monastery ; by Arundel Society. 1868 Bateman (J F) Report on sewerage of Cambridge. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1872 Bath Somerset Abbey church, history of ; by J. Britton. 1825 Illustrations ; by J. Carter. 1798 Prior Birde's chapel ; by E. Davis. 1834 Architecture of ; by C. P. Edwards. [1878] Historic houses ; by R. E. Peach. 1883 Mineral baths of ; Roman baths of ; by C. E. Davis. 1883 Roman villa near ; by H. E. Goodi-idge. SP. 1838 Bath, Laundry, Washhouse Autonin Caraealla a Rome ; by G. A. Blouet. 1828 Baths and washhouses ; by A. Ashpitel and J. Whichcord. 1853 by P. P. Baly. 1852 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 2^ • Bath, Laundry, Washhouse — continued. Baths and washhouses ; by G. A. Cape, jun. 1854 Suggestions for building and fittmg-up parochial or borough establishments, &c. pamph. 80. Land. 1850 Mineral, at Bath ; Roman, at Bath ; by C. E. Davis. 1883 Of ancient Rome ; by R. Burgess. 1842 Of the ancients ; by A. Palladio. 1785 Of the Romans ; by C. Cameron. 1775 Piscine de natation a Vanves ; by A Normand. [1881] Queen Ehzabeth's bath at Charing Cross ; by W. Knight. 1884 Steam laundi-y buildings and machinery ; by W. C. Street. 1879 Batissier (L) Elements d'arch^ologie nationale, avec vme histoire de I'art monumental chez les anciens. 80. Paris 1843 Histoire de I'art monumental dans I'anti- quite et au moyen age ; suivie d'un traitedelapeinturesurverre. 80. Paris 1845 Battle Abbey Sussex ; by M. E. C. Wal- cott. SP. 1866 Batty (R E) Some particulars connected with the history of baptismal fonts. pamph. 80. Aylesh. & Lond. 1848 Battye (J) Examples of groined vaulting. pamph. 80. Baud (B) Architectural illustrations of Windsor Castle ; by M. Gandy and B. Baud. 1842 Baudelot de Dairval (C C) L'utilitc des voyages, quiconcernela connoissance des medailles, inscriptions, statues, &c. 12o. Paris 1693 Baudot (A de) Eglises de bourgs et villages. 2 vols. 4o. Paris 1867 Baudusson (M) Le rapportem* exact, ou tables des cordes de chaque angle depuis uue minute jusqu'ix cent quatre-vingts degres pour un rayon de mille parties egales. 12o. Paris 1842 Bauer ( ) sec Gartner (F von) and others. Bauer (F) Tapisseries du XVII'^ siecle, executees d'apres les cartons de Raphael, par J. Raes de Bruxelles. 80. Paris 1875 Baumer (W) sec Workshop (The) Bauzeitung see Journal Allgemeine Bau- zeitung. Bavaria Bauordnung ; bau- u. feuerpohzei bestim- mungen. 12o. Munich 1881 fiir Mimchen. pamph. 12o. Munich 1879 Das bauwescn im konigreiche Bayern. 2nd ed. 80. Bamberg 1878 Bayeux Cath6drale de ; by H. de Dion and L. Lasvignes. 1861 Operations lately carried on at ; by G. R. Bumell. SP. 1861 Bayldon (J S) Art of valuing rents and tillages, and claims of tenants upon quitting farms. 8th. edit. 80. Lond. 1864 Bayne (R R) Excavations on the site of Old Fort William, Calcutta. pamph. 80. [Calcutta] 1883 Bayonne Une ^'isite au Chateau Caradoc, &c., by Besen9on and C. D. 1866 Bazalgette (J W) Dramage and water supply of Rugby, Sandgate, Tottenham, St. Thomas's, Exeter, and Barnard Castle. pamph. 80. Loml. 1854 Lecture on the main drainage of the metropolis. pamph. 80. Lond. 1857 Report upon metropohtan railway and other schemes. 80. Lond. 1864 Report on river Cam. pamph. 80. Lond. 1866 see Drainage, Sewage, &c. Bazalgette (J W) and Law and Chatterton Report to improvement commissioners on diversion of sewage of Cambridge from the Cam. 80. Lond. 1878 Description of scheme for interception and disposal of sewage of the Lee valley. pamph. 80. Lond. 1882 Beam, Girder by W. Humber. 1857, 1870 by W. and T. Philhps. 1870 by W. Turnbull. 1833 Iron girders and roofs ; by T. Timmins. 1882 Laminated beams ; by J. Martin. MS. 1837 Patentteusionbeam;byJ.White. MS. SP. 1844 Strength of beams ; by B. Baker. 1870 Theorie des poutres droites ; by E. Collignon. 1856 To resist pressure and impact ; by R. Addams. MS. 1831 Weights of iron and steel girders ; by J. H. W. Buck. [1883] Wrought iron girders ; by E. Olander. 1880 Beamont (W) Tour in France. 80. Nexuton 1860 Fine art as a branch of academic study. pamph. 80. Camb. 1863 Castra Borealia sec Antiquarius. Beamont ("W J) Fine art as a branch of academic study. pamph. 80. Camb. 1863 Specimens of examination papers in architecture, painting, and sculpture. pamph. 80. Camb. 1865 Beardmore (N) Mode of constructing iron fire-proof flooring, patented by. MS. SP. 1849 24 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Beardmore (N) — continued. Fire-proof flooriug ; by C. Barry. MS. SP. 1849 Beaufort (F) Karamania; or a brief de- scription of the south coast of Asia Minor, and of tlie remains of anti- quity. 2nd edit. 80. Lond. 1818 Beaumont (A) Hints for preventing damage by fire in the construction and warming of buildings. pamph. 80. Lond. 1835 Beaumont (E de) sec Dufrenoy (A). Beaurepaire (R de) Notice biograpbique sur M. de Caumont. pamph. 80. Caen 1874 Beauty see .Esthetics. Beauvais Remarks on the cathedral of ; by E. I'Anson. SP. 1851 Beauvoisis Monuments religieux de I'an- cien ; by E. J. WoUlez. 1839-49 Beaux-Arts sec Art. see Journal. Beazeley (A) Notes on domestic buildings in Southern Sweden. SP. 23 Ap. 1883 Swedish building law. SP. 15 Feb. 1886 Beazley (S) jun. Gothic architecture sec London Architectural Society. 1806 BeccMo (A) Sepulchral monuments; by F. M. Tosi and A. Becchio. 1843 Beccles Suffolk Accomit of the corpora- tion of Beccles Fen, mth translation of their charter and other documents. 80. Beccles 1826 BecM (G) Memoireiuedit.ainsi que le plan d'un theatre excave a PosiUpo. MS. fo. Naples 1843 Becket (T a) sec A'Beckett (T). Beckett {Sir E) see Denison (E B). Beckwith (A) Pottery ; observations on the materials and manufacture of terra- cotta, stoneware, fire-brick, &c. 80. Nau York 1872 Bedford (Duke of) see Russell. Bedfordshire sec Associated Architectural Societies. see Parker (J H). 1848-55 Bee Architecture of the honey bee ; by S. Smirke. SP. 1853 Beejapoor Architectural splendour of the city ; and Muhammed's tomb ; by J. Fergus- son. SP. 1854 Architecture at; by M. Taylor and J. Fergusson. 1866 Principal buildings at ; pubUshed for the Hon. East India Company, with photographs of di-awings ; by Capt. Hart and others. fo. Lond. 1859 Beeston (F) Archaeological description of Saltvvood Castle. pamph. 80. Lond. [1885] Behnes (W) Nelson testimonial ; a letter to the committee appointed to select a design. pamph. 80. Lond. 1839 Beisbarth (C) see Heideloff (C). Beke (C T) On the alluvia of Babylonia and Chalda>a. pamjih. 80. 1839 Enquiry mto A. d'Abbadie's jom-ney to Kaifa, 1843 and 1844, to discover the source of the Nile. pamph. 80. Lond. 1851 Summary of the recent Nilotic discovery. pamph. 80. Lond. 1851 Belgiojoso (C) A. Manzoni, commemora- zione. pamph. 80. Milan 1872 Belgium Academic Eoyale de Belgique see Brussels. Ancient monuments of ; by L. Haghe and J. 0. Delepierre. 1845 Architectural grandeur ; by C. Wild. 1837 Buildings in ; by G. Godwin. 1843 Code beige des architectes ; by Micha and ' Remont. 1840 Etchings in ; by E. George. 1878 Handbook ; by J. Murray. 1873 Histoire de 1' architecture; by A. G. B. Schayes. [1863] Maisons et ecoles communales ; by L. Blandot. 1869 Monumens et maisons des Pays-Bas ; by P. J. Goetghebuer. 1827 Parallele des maisons et des villes ; by A. Castermans. 1856 Eestauration des monmnents pubHcs ; by W. H. J. Weale. 1862 Voyage historique et pittoresque ; by Paquet-Syphorien. 1813 Belidor (B) La science des ingenieurs dans la con- duite des travaux de fortifications et d' architecture civile. 4o. Paris 1729 Architecture hydraulique. 6. vols. 4o. Paris 1788-90 Bell and Bell Machinery by W. L. Baker. _ SP. 1855 by C. H. Smith, and discussions. SP. 14, 28 Jan. ; 11 Feb. 1856 Belfi'ies and ringers ; by H. T. Ella- combe. 1861 Church bells ; by H. T. EUacombe. 1872 Founding ; by T. C. Lews. 1878 Grande cloche de Moscou ; by A. Eicard de Montferrand. 1840 Great, of Westmmster ; by W. L. Baker. 1857 Hanging, patent for ; by W. L. Baker. 1854 Einging ; by H. T. Ellacombe. SP. 1863 PRINTED BOOKS, MANtTSCRlPTS, SESSIONAL PAPEES 25 BeU (EI) On the criticism of architecture. SP. 15 Mar. 1869 The modern barrack. SP. 15 Nov. 1880 Bell (J) Observations on Italy. 4o. Edinh. 1825 Bell (J A) Letter to Lord Farnborough, on the expediency of having a char- tered society for the advancement and protection of architecture. pamph. 8o. Birm. 1834 Bell (James) Adaptation and modification of the orders of the Greeks by the Romans and moderns. MS. SP. 22 Mar. 1847 Remains of the architecture of the Roman proraices. SP. 4 Nov. 1850 BeU (John) Compositions from morning and evening prayer. 4o. Loncl. 1844 British sculpture in connection with the Department of Science and Art. pamph. 8o. Loncl. 1858 Application of the entasis to the obelisk. SP. 31 May 1858 Geometrical treatment of sculpture. SP. 13 Dec 1858 Composite vital forms and creatures of art, in relation to architecture, &c., and as symbols. SP. 28 Mar. 1859 Bell (R) Objections to Mr. Bazalgette's scheme for the drainage of the metropolis. pamph. 8o. Loncl. 1856 Bell (W) Altertliiimlicheswortregisterder baukunst. From " Glossary of Ar- chitecture," by J. H. Parker. With condensed translation of introduc- tion to a " History of Church Archi- tecture," by W. Liibke. pamph. 8o. Loncl. it Lcip. 1855 Bellamy (T) Fire-proof construction. 4o. Loncl. 1872 Memoir of; by T. L. Donaldson. 1877 Belli (0) Scritture inedite di ; by A. Ma- grini. 1847 Belli (P) Vita, &c. ; by S. Betti. 1833 Bellori (G P) Vite de' pittori, scultori ed architetti moderni. 4o. Borne 1672 Fragmenta vestigii veteris Romse ex lapidibus Farnesianis nunc primum in lucem edita cum notis. fo. Borne 1673 Bellori (G P) and Santi Bartoli (P) Admiranda Romanorvm antiqvitat\an ac veteris scvlptvrac vestigia. fo. Rome [1693 Lucernffi vcterum sepulehrales iconiciu, ex cavernis Romfe subterraneis col- lects ; by P. Santi Bartoli and G.P. Bellori. 1702 Columna Cochlis M. Aureho Antonino Augusto dicata. fo. Borne 1704 Belmas (M) Las construceiones econ6micas del sis- tema Belmas, bajo lospuntos de vista social, constructivo y economico. pamph. 8o. Maclricl 1881 Discusion acerca de la mortalidad de Madrid. pamph. 8o. Mculricl 1882 Medios para dar solucion al problema de las construceiones econ6micas. pamph. 8o. Maclricl 1882 La casa. pamph. mo. Madrid 1886 Bence ( ) Itineraire pittoresque de Rome ; by L. F. Cassas and Bence. 1813 Benedict (E) Cast-iron pipes. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1878 Bengal Government architecture in ; by W. H. White. SP. 1874 Handbook ; by J. Murray. 1882 Pubhc works in ; by G. B. Tremenheere. 1858 Bennett (S) The temple of Ezekiel. 4o. Lond. 1824 Benois (N) Resanoff (A) and EJrakau (A) Monographie de la cathedrale d'Orvi6to. fo. Paris 1877 Benson (C) Sketches of Corsica in 1823. 8o. Lond. 1825 Benson (G) and Jefferson (J E) Pictur- esque York. 4o. York 1886 Benson (W) Principles of the science of colour ; with their application in the decorative arts. 4o. Lond. 1868 On science of colour. SP. 15 Feb. 1869 Manual of science of colour. 8o. Lond. 1871 Bentham (J) History and antiquities of the cathedral of Ely ; 2nd edit, by W, Stevenson. 2 vols. 4o. Canib. 1812 Bentham (Rev J) sec Warton (T). 1800 Berain (J) Decorations interieures ; style Louis XIV. fo. Paris Berbrugger (M) Algorie historique, pitto- resque et monumentale, recueil des vues, monuments, costumes, &c. 3 vols. fo. Paris 1843 Beresford-Hope sec Hope (A J BB). Berga Notizie sul teatro ; by V. Barichella. sec Vicenza. Bergner (T) Recent improvements in drawing boards, pamph. 12o. Phil. Berkshire sec Parker (J H). 1848-55 Berlin Architektonische mittheilungen ; by C. T. Ottmer. 1830-38 Architektur; by II. Licht. 1882 Bau-,gewerbe-, strassen-, &c. polizei ; by G. Stumpf. 1879 Cost of certain works ; by P. C. W. Beuth, SP. 1840 26 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Berlin — contiimed. Die baulichkeiteu des zoologiscben gar- teus ; by Ende and Bockmaim. 1877 Krankenhaus im Friedriclisliam ; by Gropius and Schmieden. 1876 Laboratory at ; by A. W. Hofmauu. 1866 Museum, das neue ; by A. Stiller. 1850-62 umbau der gemalde-galerie ; by J. Merzenich. 1886 Neue synagoge ; by G. Knoblauch and F. HoUin. 1867 Parlaments-gebaude fiir den deutschen Eeichstag vom jahre 1872. fo. Berlin 1882 Polizei-verordnung fiir haus- u. gruud- besitzeru ; by E. Klaus. 1883 Victoria-theater ; by H. Kammerling. 1861 Abchaologisches Institut Geschichte des deutschen archaolo- gisehen instituts. 8o. Berlin 1879 Akohitekten-Veeein Statuteu gestiftet im jahre 1824. 4o. [Berlin 1824] Architektonische entwiirfe aus der samm- lung. Parts i. and ii. fo. Berlin 1833-35 Part iv. fo. Potsdam 1842 Notiz-blatt, 1833-35, 1838-39. 4o. Potsdam Architectonisches album. Parts 1 to 9. fo. Potsdam 1838-42 Entwiirfe. 1869 (part ii.)-1886. [In progress.) fo. Berlin 1869- Berlin und seine bauteu. 8o. Berlin 1877 List of members, 1883. pamph. 12o. Berlin 1883 VeroffentHchungen aus dem gebiete des ingenieurwesens. fo. Berlin 1886 Katalog der bibliothek. 4o. Berlin 1887 KoNiGLicH Peeussische Obek-Bad- Deputation Entwihie zu kii-chen, pfarr- u. -schul- hausern, &c. Parts i., ii., and vii. to xiii. fo. Potsdam 1844-52 Konigliche Technische Deputation FtJB GeWEEBE. Vorbilder fiir fabrikanten mid hand- werker. Text 2 parts. 4o. plates 2 vols. fo. Berlin 1821-37 Vorlegebliitter fiir zimmerleute. Text fo. plates fo. Berlin 1827 fiir maurer. Text fo. plates fo. Berlin 1830 fiir maurer mid zimmer- leute ; by G. Stier. fiir baumeister. Text 4o. plates fo. 1841 Berlin 1844 Konigliche Technische Hochschdle Krankenhaus ; by T. Stein. 1850 ProNisorisches verfassungs-statut. pamph. 8o. Berlin 1879 Diplompriifungs-ordnung fiir die Ab- theilung iii. der. pamph. 8o. Berlin [1880] Berlin — continued. Vorschriften fiir die studierenden. pamph. 8o. Berlin 1880 Programm fiir das studienjahr 1881-82. pamph. 8o. Berlin [1881] Festschrift zur feier der euiweihimg des neuen gebaudes. 4o. Berlin 1884 by H. Eiickwardt. 1885 Bestimmungeu iiber die benutzung der bibUothek. pamph. 8o. Berlin 1885 Die grenzen zwisehen malerei u. plastik. pamph. 8o. Berlin 1885 Katalog der bibliothek. 8o. Berlin 1885 Die kmistgeschichte als wissenschaft u. lehrgegenstand. pamph. 8o. Berlin 1886 Die fortschritte der chemie. pamph. 4o. Berlin 1887 Eerlyn (P) and Fowler (C) Crystal Palace ; its architectural history and con- structive marvels. 8o. Lond. 1851 Bermudez ( J A C ) see Cean-Berniudez (J A) Bernan (W) Warming and ventilating. 2 vols. 12o. Lond. 1845 Bernardi (B) see Carbonaz and Bemardi. Bernardino (F) Terra Santa, fo. Flor. 1620 Beruays (E A) Chatham dockyard exten- sion works. fo. Chatham 1879 Bernhard (R) and Papworth (W i Fall of dome of Koltovskoie church, St. Petersburg. SP. 18 Mar. 1872 Bernhardt (F A) Questions relating to fire in general, the draught of smoke, and the saving of fuel. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1835 Warming and airing buildings ; fomided upon certain principles of natural philosophy. pamph. 8o. Berlin 1835 Bernini (G L) Vita ; by F. Baldmucci. 1862 Berti (G F) Cemii storico-artistici per serrae di guida ed Qlustrazione alia insigne basilica di S. Miniato al Monte. 8o. Flor. 1850 Berlin (D) see Vitruvius. 1565 Bertini (A) Projet de reunion du Louvre avec les Tuileries. 8o. Lond. Berty (A) La Eenaissance moiiumeiitale en France. 2 vols, in 1. 4o. Paris 1864 BerwicksMre Naturalists' Club Proceedings and amiual addresses. 8o. 1859-63-66-70 Brinkbum priory ; by F. E. Wilson. Melrose abbey ; by J. Stuart. Besencon and C. D. Visite au Chateau Caradoc, et lettres d'un touriste. pamph. 8o. Bayonne 1866 Bethell (J) . New patent improvements in preserving, drymg, and seasoning timber. pamph. 8o. Westm. 1854 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 27 Bethell (J) — continued. Patent creosotiiig process for preserving timber from decay, &c. pampb. 80. Lond. 1856 Specification for rendering ■wood, cork, etc., more dm-able. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1857 Beton sec Cement. Betti (S) Notizie intorno e alia vita e alle opere di P. Belli. pampb. 80. Borne 1833 In parentalibus A. Poletti arcbitecti notse fiiuebres. pampb. 80. Rome 1869 In funere A. Poletti inscriptiones. fo. Rome 1869 Bettoli (A I E N) Principali monumenti di Parma ; by P. Toscbi and A. Bettoli. 1824 Beule (C E) L'Acropole d'Atbenes. Vol. i. 4o. Paris 1853 2 vols. 80. Paris 1853-54 Etudes sur le P61oponnese. 80. Paris 1855 Fouilles k Cartbage. 4o. Paris 1861 L'6cole de Rome au XIX '^ siecle. pampb. 80. Paris 1863 Eloge de J. I. Hittorff. pampb. 4o. Paris 1868 Beuth (P C W) Cost of certain public buildings erected in Berlin. SP. 13 July 1840 Memoir of. {Incomplete.) MS. 1846 Bevan (B) Treatise on the sliding rule. 80. Lond. 1822 Beveren — Pays de Waes La tour de I'eglise ; by E. Serrure. 1871 Beverley Outline views of Beverley Min- ster ; by J. Jobnson. 1845 Beyer (A) MittelalterUcbe baudenkmale aus Scbwaben ; by J. v. Egle, A. Beyer, and C. Riess. 1872 Beyle (H) see Stendhal. Beyschlag ( ) see Gartner (F von) and others. Bianchi (L) Le due Sicilie ; by C. Cuci- niello and L. Biancbi. Bianchi (P) see Re (L) 1812 Bianohini (F) Palazzo de' Cesari. fo. Verona 1738 Bibiena (F G) Direzioni della prospettiva teorica, pittura e architettura. 2 vols. 80. Bologna 1783 Bibiena (G G) Arcbitetture e prospettive. fo. Augsburg 1740 Bible Illustrations Queen Mary's psalter ; by N. H. T. Westlake and W. A. Purdue. 1865 Bidder (G P) Address as president of In- stitution of Civil Engineers. pampb. 80. Lond, 1860 Bidder (G P) jun. National defences. 80. Lond. 1861 Biddestone Wiltshire Church of St. Peter ; by T. L. Walker. 1838 Biddle (N) Account of the laying the corner stone of Girard College, Philadelphia. pamph. 80. Phil. 1833 Bidlake (W H) Pugin travelling studentship 1885 : aceomat of tour in Lincolnshire, &c. 1 vol. MS. fo. Lond. [1885] Sketches in South Lincolnshire. SP. No. XXV. Biet (J E) Souvenirs du mus6e des monumens fran9ais. fo. Paris 1821 see Gourlier (C) 1825-50 Bigioli (F) Le gesta di sessanta eampioni del cristianesimo rappresentate in venti composizioni artistiche pel leg- gendario. fo. Rome 1849 Billing (A) Mural painting, and the decorations of churches generally. pamph. 80. Lond. 1851 2nd edit, pampb. 80. Lond. 1868 4tb edit. pampb. 80. Lond. 1876 Restoration of the church of St. Sepul- chre, Loudon. pamph. 80. Lond. 1881 Billings (R W) Architectural illustrations, &c., of the Temple church, London. 4o. Lond. 1888 Architectural illustrations, history, and description of Carlisle cathedral. 4o. Lond. 1840 Geometric proportions of Gothic archi- tecture as illustrated by cathedrals of Carlisle and Worcester. pamph. 4o. Lo7id. 1840 Illustrations of geometric tracery, from the paneling of Carlisle cathedral. 4o. Lond. 1842 Architectural illustrations and descrip- tion of Durham cathedral. 4o. Lo7id. 1843 Geometric tracery of Brancepeth church, Durham. 4o. Lond. 1845 Architectural antiquities of Durham (comity), ecclesiastical, castellated, and domestic. 4o. Durham 1846 Baronial and ecclesiastical antiquities of Scotland illustrated. 4 vols. 4o. Edinb. d Lond. 1847-52 Infinity of geometric design as regards tracery. SP. 4 Dec. 1848 Ancient architecture of Scotland. SP. 3 April 1848 SP. 3 Dec. 1849 SP. 27 .Jan. 1851 Infinity of geometric design exemplified. 4o. Lond. 1819 28 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPEES Billings (R W) — cojitinued. Power of form applied to geometric tracery. 80. Lond. 1851 BUlington (J) Architectural director ; being a guide to builders, &c. 2nd edit. 80. Lond. 1834 Bumie ( A E.) Water-supply, rainfall, re- servoirs, conduits and distribution. fo. Chatham 1878 Binzer (A D) Cathedrale de Cologne, ou description de ce monument d'arcbi- tecture germanique du moyen age. Translated fi-om the German by [E.-H.-E.] Adler-Mesuard. 4o. Col. d Paris Biography Abadie P., notice ; by H. Daumet. 1886 Abecedario pittorico ; by P. A. Orlandi. 1719 Adrien, I'empereur-architecte ; by C. Lucas. 1869 Allen G., memoranda for memoir ; by himself. MS. 1848 Ah-ino E., cenno necrologico ; by E. Rodriguez. 1876 Architects ; by F. Mihzia. 1826-28 trans, by Mrs. E. Cresy. 1826 butch ; by J. B. Weenink. MS. 1848 Early mediseval ; by B. Ferrey. SP. 1864 Francais ; by Callet, pere. 1843 of Spain ; by E. Llagimo y Amirola. 1829 Artists ; by G. Baglione. 1733 by G. B. Bellori. 1672 by J. F. Felibien. 1725 by G. Passeri. 1772 by G. Vasari. 1846-57 trails, by Mrs. Forster. 1850 of antiquity ; by J. SiUig, trans, by H. W. WiUiams. 1837 of the Enghsh school ; by S. Eedgrave. 1878 ■ of Perugia ; by L. Pascoli. 1732 of Spain ; by A. P. Velasco. 1744 Autobiography ; by G. L. Taylor. 1870 by G. Wightwick. Ballu T., notice ; by H. Daumet. 1886 Baltard V.; by P. SediUe. 1874 by J. P. N. da Silva. 1874 Bishops of England ; by M. E. C. Walcott. 1858 British painters, &c.; by A. Cmmiagham. 1829-33 Cannissie P.; by E. Vandenbergh. Caumont A. de ; by R. de Beaurepau'e. 1874 Charher L. V., biographical account of. Constant-Dufeux S. C. ; by A. Lenoir and others. 1871 Correggio and Parmegiano, sketches of the lives of. 1823 Biography — continued. Dei pill celebri architetti, &c. ; by G. A. Monaldini. 1768 et scultori Ve- neziani ; by T. Temanza. 1778 Delaunoy F. J. ; by Anonymous. 1839 DeU' arti, &o., m Bologna ; by C Masini. 1862 inLombardia; byA. Caimi. 1862 Derand E. P. F. ; by P. Morey. 1868 Dictionary of reference ; by L. B. Phillips. 1871 of Greek and Roman ; by W. Smith. 1850 Dictiomiaire des architectes £ran9ais ; by A. Lance. 1872 Duban F. ; by C. Daly. 1871 Early mediaeval supermtendents, &c. ; by W. Papworth. SP. 1860-61 Eminent persons ; by Society for Diffu- sion of Useful Knowledge. 1833 Esperandieu H. ; by J. Richaud. 1874 Estense P. S.; by G. Cittadella. 1880 FolchiC; by Busiri. 1869 Foreign artists in England in sixteenth centm-y ; by M. D. Wyatt. SP. 1868 Gilbert E.; by L. Cemesson. 1875 Godwia G. ; by Anonymous. 1880 Histoirc.des plus celebres architectes; by Quatremere de Quincy. 1830 Hittorff J. I. ; bv A. Normand. 1867 by C. E. Beule. 1868 John of Padua; by J. E. Jackson. 1886 Kaftangioglu L. 1885 Lanfi-anc ; by M. A. Charma. 1849- Le Bas ; by L. Vaudoyer. 1869 Matas N. ; by M. Maroni. 1872 Medailleurs itahens ; by A. Armand. 1883 Memorials of workers ; by G. Godwin. 1860 Milton J. ; by Antiquitatis Historica? Studiosus. 1862 Mique R. ; by P. Morey. 1868 Painters and engravers ; by M. Bryan. 1816 Poletti A. ; by S. Betti. 1869 Sequeira I. da ; by J. P. N. da Silva. 1873 Sketches of lives of French architects ; 1874-75 Vantini R. ; by A. P. ZambeUi. 1857 Vici A. ; by C. Folchi. 1836 Bioul ( de) see Vitruvius. 1816 Bii'ch (B) City Latin ; or critical and po- litical remarks on Latin inscription of laying first stone of New Black- fryars bridge ; by B. Thornton. 3rd edit. 80. Land. 1761 Birch (G H) Notes on seventeenth-century domestic architecture in and about London. SP. 18 Dec. 1876 Birch (J) Examples of labourers' cottages. 80. Lond. 1871 Birchington-on-Sea and its bungalows ; by A. Mayhew and S. W. Kershaw. 1881 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 29 Birkbeck (G) Preservation of timber by Kyau's patent for preventing dry rot. pampb. 80. Lond. 1835 Birmingham Architectural Association Annual reports, {hi progress.) 12o. & 80. Birm. 1879-86 Bishop (W E) Views of churches in the hundred of Hoxne, Suffolk. 4o. Harleston 1833 Black (C C) Catalogue of paintings, porce- lain, bronzes, decorative furniture, &c., in Bethnal Green branch museum. 80. Lond. 1872 Black (W H) Letters to eminent anti- quaries on the primitive site of Roman London ; its roads, &c. 80. Lond. 18G0 Blackburn (E L) Crosby Place, London. 80. Lond. 1884 Blackburne (G L) History of decorative painting dining the middle ages, ap- plied to architecture. fo. Lond. 1847 [Blackie (R)] Villa and cottage architec- ture : select examples of country and suburban residences recently erected. fo. Lo-rid. 1880 Blagrove (G H) Shoring and its applica- tion. 80. Lond. 1887 Blair (J) Chronology and history of the world, from the creation to the year of Christ, 1753, illustrated in fifty- six tables. fo. Lond. 1756 Blair (W N) Building materials of Otago and S. New Zealand generally. 80. Dunedin 1879 Blake (J) Descriptive particulars of the remains of Kilconnel abbey, Ireland. SP. 22 Mar. 1858 Blake ( J H) Address at anniversary meet- ing of Norwich Geological Society, 8th Nov. 1881. pamph. 80. Hertford Blanc (G) Grammaire des arts du dessin, architecture, sculpture, peinture. 80. Paris 1867 Blanchard ( ) Porte principale du Bap- tistere de Florence, par L. Ghiberti. fo. Paris Bland (W) Essays on principles of con- struction of arches, piers, buttresses. 80. Lond. 1889 Blandot (L) Maisons et ecoles communales de la Belgique. fo. Paris 1869 Blashfield (J M) History and manufacture of ancient and modern terra cotta, and its uses in decoration. 80. Lond. 1855 Blashill (T) Ualv or chesnut in old timber roofs. SP. 15 Ap. 1878 Blashill (T) — continued. Guide to Tintern abbey. paniph. 80. Monmouth The tenure of land for building purposes. CP. 7 May Blavignac (J D) Histoire de I'architecture sacree du IV°"^ an X™'= siecle, dans les anciens eveches de Geneve, Lau- sanne et Sion. 80. plates fo. Leipzig Blenkarne (J) Practical specifications of works executed in architecture, civil and mechanical engineermg, and in roadmaking and sewering. 80. Lond. Bloem (H) Een constich boeck van de %'ijf columnen van architecture, te weten Tuscana, Dorica, lonica, Corinthia, ende Composita. fo. Amst. Blois Account of the palace of ; by J. G. Grace. SP. Le chateau de ; est^rieur et uiterieur, ensemble et details — decorations — Ac. Texte par E. le Nail. fo. Paris Blomfield (A W) Eemarks on concrete building. CP. 25 May SP. 5 June Blondel (F) Cours d'architecture enseign6 dans FAcademie royale d'architecture. 2 vols. fo. Paris 1879 1884 1858 1865 1598 1847 1875 1871 1871 1675 2ud edit. 2 vols. fo. Paris 1698 Blondel (J F) Distribution dcs maisons de plaisance, et de la decoration des edifices en general. 2 vols. 4o. Paris 1737 Architecture frauQoise, ou recueil des plans, elevations, coupes et profiles des maisons royales, de quelques ^glises de Paris, &c. 1st edit. fo. Paris 1738 Cours d'architecture, ou traite de la decoration, distribution et construc- tion des batiments. Text 6 vols. 80. plates 6 vols, in 3. 80. Paris 1771-7 Blondel (M) et Ser (M L) Piapport sur les hopitaux civils de la ville de Londres. 4o. Paris 1862 Bloome (H) The booke of five collumnes of architecture. fo. Lond. 1660 Bloor (B J) Architectural and other art societies of Europe ; origin, forma- tion, and administration. pamph. 4o. New York 1869 Blore (E) Monumental remains of Great Britain. 4o. Lond. 1826 Account books relating to Worsley Hall. 1 vol. and 7 parts {one a duplicate). MS. fo. 1840-46 30 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Blore (J) Ancient architecture of England, its pro- gress and applicability to modern purposes. MS. 1834 History of the English school of Gothic architecture. MS. SP. 4 & 18 Dec. 1837 Blore (T) History of manor-house of South Winfield, Derbyshire. 2nd edit. 4o. Lond. 181G Blotnitzki (von) sec Gartner (F von) and others. Blouet (G A) Eestauration des Thermes d'Antonin Caracalla A, Rome. fo. Paris 1828 Expedition scientifique de Mor6e ; archi- tecture, sculptures et vues du Pelo- ponnese, des Cyclades et de I'Attique. 8 vols. fo. Paris 1831-33-38 P^nitenciers des Etats-Unis ; by Demetz and G. A. Blouet. 1837 Niagara Falls, sketched from nature in 1837. Eng. and Fr. text. fo. Paris 1838 Projets de prisons departementales. fo. Paris 1841 Projet de prison cellulaire pour 585 con- damnes, precede d'observations sur le syst^me pcnitentiaire. fo. Paris 1843 Traits theorique et pratique sur Part de batir ; by J. Eondelet ; supple- ment. 1847-48 Paroles prononcees sur la tombe ; by M. Godebceuf. pamph. 4o. Paris Discours prononces aux fun&'ailles ; by MM. Eaoul-Eochette, Dumont et Caristie. 1853 Sa vie et ses travaux ; by A. Lance. 1854 Etude ; by A. Hermant. 1857 Bloxam (M H) Principles of Gothic eccle- siastical architectiure ; and Com- panion. 11th edit., 3 vols. 8o. Lond. 1882 Blunt (J H) Tewkesbury abbey and its associations. 8o. Lond. 1875 Board of Health On interference with rights and arrangements of local authorities of provincial towns. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1852 Bock (F) Das heiligthum zu Aachen. 8o. Kolntt- Ncuss 18G7 Bodin (J F) Eecherches sur la ville de Saumur — ses monumens, &c. 2 vols. 8o. Saumur 1812-14 Boetius Tombe et dpitaphe de; by H. Eevoil. 1864 Boetticher (C) sec Botticher (C). Boflfrand (G) Notice sur la vie ; by P. Morey. 1866 Bogan (Z) Archscologife Attiese ; by F. Eous and Z. Bogan. 1670 Bohn (H G) Catalogue of books (The guinea). 8o. Lond. 1841 Bohn (H G) — continued. Catalogue of books vol. i. 8o. Lond. 1847 Pictorial handbook of London. 8o. Lond. 1854 Boisseree (S) Denkmale der baukunstvom 7*^" bis zum 13'™ jahrhmidert am Nieder-Ehein. fo. Munich 1838 Histoire et description de la cath6drale de Cologne. New edit, plates large fo. text 4o. Munich 1843 Boito (C) DeUa facciata per Santa Maria del Fiore di Firenze. pamph. 8o, Milan 1866 Francesco Talenti. Eicerche storiche sul duomo di Firenze dal 1294 al 1367. pamph. 8o. Milan 1866 Boletim de Architeetura see Lisbon. Bologna Claustro di S. Michele in Bosco ; by L. Caracci. 1694 Deir arte e dei principali artisti ; by C. Masini. 1862 Fossile in coUina Bologna; by G. Capel- hni. 1862 Geologia del Bolognese; by G. Capellini. 1862 On designs for completion of S. Petronio ; by H. L. Florence. SP. 1870 Palazzi e cortili ; by G. A. Landi. 10 — Studii topografici di ; by G. Gozzadiui. 1868 Bombay Handbook ; by J. Murray. 1881 School of art at ; by W. Burges. SP. 1867 see Royal Asiatic Society. Bonanni (D G) and Mirabella (D V) Delle antiche Siracuse, &c. 2 vols, in 1. fo. Palermo 1717 Bonanni (P) Templi vaticani historia. fo. Borne 1696 Bondone (A) called Giotto Tower at Flo- rence ; by L. Eunge. 1853 Boni (G) Antiche murature veneziane. pamph. 8o. [Venice] L' awenire dei monumenti in Vonezia. pamph. 8o. Venice 1882 II ferro inossidabile. pamph. 8o. Venice 1884 Muro di fondazione del campanile di S. Marco. pamph. 8o. Venice 1885 Vecchie mura. pamph. 8o. Venice 1885 Una cloaca antica veneziana. pamph. 8o. Venice 1886 The Ca' d'Oro and its polychromatic de- corations. SP. No. XXIV. Sta Maria dei MiracoU in Venezia. 4o. Venice 1887 Bonn Et ses environs ; by C. Lucas. 1869 Laboratory at ; by A. W. Hofmann. 1866 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCEIfTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 31 Bonnar (T) Ecclesiastical decorative art in connection with the cliiircli of St. Francis, Assisi. pampli. 80. Lond. Past of art in Scotland ... as house decorators. 80. Edln. Notes on the present art revival. 80. Lond. & Edin. Bonnaud (E) L'Espagne et son avenir. pamph. 80. Paris Bonney (T G) The holy places at Jeru- salem, pamph. 80. Lond. Bonomi (J) the elder Biographical notice of. MS. Memoir of; by W. Papworth. SP. Bonomi (J) ObeUsk of Materiah ; and model of a medallion of Her Majesty. MS. SP. 15 Jan. Similarity between the tower of Babel and the pyramids of Egypt. MS. SP. 27 June Gallery of Egyptian antiquities ; by F. Arimdale and J. Bonomi. Nineveh and its palaces : the discoveries of Botta and Layard applied to the elucidation of Holy Writ. 80. Lond. 3rd edit. 80. Lond. Handbook of the Egyptian Court ; by 0. Jones, J. Bonomi, and S. Sharpe. Proportions of the human figure. pam^ih. 80. Lond. 3rd edit. 80. Lond. Greek canon of the proportions of the human figure, quoted by Vitruvius. SP. 29 Nov. Catalogue of the Egyptian antiquities in the museum of Hartwell House. 4o. Lond. Project of an instrument for the identifi- cation of persons, pamph. 80. Lond. General description of Sir John Soane's museum. pamph. 80. Lond. see Sharpe (S). Bonomi (J) and Sharpe (S) Alabaster sar- cophagus of Oimenepthah I., king of Egypt. 4o. Lond. Borde (A de la) sec Laborde (A de). Bordeaux Fontaines pour ; by L. Visconti. Qiluvres d'art ; by C. Marionneau. Salle des spectacles ; by Louis. Bordeaux (R) Traits de la reparation des eglises : principes d'archuologie pra- ti(jue. 80. Evrcux Borgnis (J A) Traits clementaire de cons- truction appliquee a I'architecture civile. 3rd edit. 4o. Liiyc 1877 1878 1879 1860 1864 18G9 1838 1842 1842 1858 1857 1854 1856 1872 1858 1858 1872 1876 1849 1864 1860 1861 1782 1862 1840 Boring Well-digging see Water. Bornhohn Kirkebygninger ; by II. J. Holm. Boromino (F) Opere, chiese e fabbriche di Roma. fo. Borne Borromeo (C) Instructions on ecclesias- tical building ; translated by G. J. Wigley. Borsato (G) Costruzione dei terrazzi. MS. Venice Opera ornamentale di ; con cenni storici deir ornato decorativo italiano di G. Vallardi. fo. Milan Tavole d' aggiunta. fo. Venice 1878 1720 1857 1831 1848 Bosc (E) Dictionnaire raisomi6 d'architec- ture et des sciences et arts qui s'y rattachent. 4 vols. 80. Paris 1877-80 Bosc-D'Antic CEuvi-es de, contenant plusieurs memoires sur I'art de la verrerie, sur la faiencerie, la poterie &c. 2 vols. 12o. Paris 1780 Bostock (J) Natural history see Pliny. 1856 Boston U.S.A. Architectural Sketch Book, July 1873- Feb. 1874. 4o. Boston 1873 Aechitectukal Association Sketch Book. 1st issue. fo. Boston 1883 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Annual catalogues of officers and stu- dents, and programme of the course of the school, {hicovipletc.) pamphs. 80. Boston 1865-86 Supplement to third annual catalogue : programme of architectural instruc- tion, pamph. 80. Boston 1868 By-laws of Society of Arts. pamph. 80. Boston 1870 President's report, 1878. pamph. 80. Boston 1873 1884. pamph. 80. Boston 1884 Society op Architects Constitution and by-laws. Botany Architectural, considered in reference to the arts of design ; by W. H. Harvey. by W. P. Grifath. by J. K. Colling. SP. Botfield (B) Catalogue of pictures in his possession at Norton Hall. 80. Boston 1887 1849 1852 1858 1848 80. Lond. lettere suUa architettura. 80. Rome 1754-57 80. Berlin 1883 Bottari (J) Eaccolta di pittura, scultura ed 2 vols. Botticher (A) Olympia. Botticher (C) Die holzarchitectur des mittelalters. Heft iii. fo. Berlin Der hypilthraltempel, auf gruiul des Vi- truvischeu zeuguisses. 4o. Berlin 32 PHINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERg Botticher (C) — continued. Ornamenteii-buch. [odd 2:lates.) fo. BcrVm Die liolzarcbitectur cles mittelalters, &c., [with MS. notes by J. Willement] Nos. 1-4. fo. Berlin [1841] Die tektonik der Hellenen. 2 vols. Plates and text. 4o. Potsdam 1852 Bouchet (J) Compositions antiques. fo. Paris 1851 Le Lam'entin, maison de campagne de Pline le Consul. 4o. Paris 1852 Bouchet (J) and Raoul-Rochette La villa Pia des jardins du Vatican, architecture de P. Ligorio, avec una notice liistorique sur I'auteur de ce monument. fo. Paris 1837 Boudin (A) C. F. M. Texier. pamph. 8o. Paris 1870 Boudroum see Halicarnassus. Bouillart (J) Histoire de I'abbaye royale do B. Germain des Prez. fo, Paris 1724 Boulencourt le Jeune (de) Description generale de I'hostel royal des Inva- lides, etabli par Louis le Grand. fo. Paris 1G83 Boullay (Le Sieur B) Le tailleur sincere, contenaut ce qu'il faut observer pour bien tracer, couper et assembler toutes les principales pieces qui se font dans la profession de tailleur. 8o. Paris 1671 Boulnois (H P) Municipal and sanitary engineer's handbook. 8o. Lond. & N. Yk. 1883 Boulnois (W A) Drainage of buildings and streets in the metropolis. SP. 20 March, 3 April, 15 May, 1854 Fomidation of some of the metropolitan bridges in the river Thames. SP. 30 Nov. 1857 Boiilogne-sur-Mer Description of column of the grand army. pamph. Bo. Boulogne 1877 Palais de justice ; by M. Epellet. 1853 Boult (J) Notes of evidence on the metropolis water supply, pamph. 8o. Liverp. 1853 Remarks on the Liverpool building-act. pamph. 8o. Liverp. 1856 Alleged submarine forests on the shores of Liverpool bay and the river Mersey. pamph. 8o. Liverp. 1865 Further observations on the alleged sub- marine forests on the shores of Liverpool bay and the river Mersey. 8o. Liverp. 1866 Speculations ou the former topography of Boult (J) — continued. Liverpool and the neighbourhood. Partsi.andii. pamph. 8o. Lffcrjj. 1866-67 Pedantry in architecture. SP. 29 Ap. 1867 Structural requirements of the fire pre- vention acts within the borough of Liverpool. pamph. 8o. Liverp. 1869 8o. Liverp. 1875 Address to the Liverpool Architectural and ArchiEological Society (1874-5). pamph. 8o. Liverp. 1875 Opening address to Liverpool Architec- tural and Archaeological Society (1874-5). pamph. 8o. Liverp. 1874 Uniformity in building and sanitary regu- lation. SP. 6 Feb. 1882 Bourasse (L'Abbe J J) Les cathedrales de France. 8o. Tours 1843 Bourgeois ( ) Vignole des charpentiers. fo. Paris 1838 Traite de stereotomie ou coupe despierres. [Bound in one.) fo. Paris 1838 Bourgerel (G) Fragments d'architecture et de sculpture. fo. Paris 1863 Bourges Eglise de ; by J. L. Romelot. 1824 Monographie de la cathedrale ; by A. Martin et C. Cahier. 1841-44 Bourgoin (J) Les arts arabes. fo. Paris 1873 Boussard (J) Etudes sur Part funeraire modeme. fo. Paris Boutell (C) Monumental brasses and slabs. An his- torical notice of the incised memo- rials of the middle ages. Large paper copy, India proofs, fo. Lond. 1847-48 Monumental brasses of England. 8o. Lond. 1849 Christian monuments in England and Wales. 8o. Lond. 1854 Heraldry, historical and popular. 8o. Lond. 1863 Boutmy (E) Litroduction au cours d'his- toire comparee de I'architecture. pamph. 8o. Paris [1869] Bowdler Memorial Saint Bartholomew church, Sydenham ; by E. Nash. 1858 Bownian (H ) and Crowther (J S) Churches of the middle ages, plans, sections, and details. 2 vols. fo. Lond. 1845-53 Box (T) Practical treatise on the strength of materials. 8o. Lond. & N. Yk. 1883 Boxgrove Sussex Priory of; by J. L. Petit. 1861 Priory church ; by L. W. Eidge. 1864 Boyes (J) Scheme for fish-market ; by J. J. Cayley, J. Boyes, and H. H. Bridgman. 1881 Boyle (Hon. R) Experiments and consi- derations touching colours. 8o. Lond. 1664 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 33 Boyle (R) Memoir ; by L. Sauuders. 1885 Boys (T) sec Rouargue (A). Braby (F) Instructions for and examples of appHcatiou of zinc to roofing pur- poses, ob. 4o. Loud. 1869 Brace (H G) Middle-class bouse arcbitec- ture. pampb. 8o. Loud. 1881 Bracebridge (C H) Memorandum respect- ing some fragments witb colour re- cently discovered at Atbeus. MS. SP. 24 July 1837 Brade (D) Picturesque sketches in Italy. fo. Loiul. 1886 Bradford-on-Avon St. Laurence cburcb ; by W. H. Jones. Bradley (J W) Blanual of illumination. 12o. Lond. 1861 Braidwood (J) Fire-proof buildings. pampb. Bo. Lond. 1850 Bramab Lock Controversy. Bo. Lond. 1851 Bramah (T) Warming and ventilatuig ; by T. Tredgold and T. Bramab. 1836 Bramante Estampes attributes a ; by L. Courajod and H. de GeymliUer. 1874 Bramati (J & A) Duomo di Milano ; by P. & J. Vallardi and J. & A. Bramati. 1863 Bramshill History and architecture of ; by Sir W. H. Cope. _ Branca (G) Manuale di architettura. 12o. Borne 1718 Brancepeth Durham Church at ; by R. W. BiUings. 1845 BrancMdae Discoveries at ; by C. T. New- ton and E. P. Pullan. 1862-63 Brande(WT) OutUnes of geology. 8o. Lond. 1817 Brandenburg Bau-, gewerbe-, strassen-, kc. pohzei ; by G. Stumpf. 1879 Brandon (R) Palace of Justice. Report submitted with design. Five photo- graphs, fo. Lond. 1867 Brandon (R & J A) Parish churches ; views of English eccle- siastical structures ; plans and de- scription. Bo. Lond. 1848 Analysis of Gothic architectm-e, with re- marks on the several details of an ecclesiastical edifice. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1849 Open timber roofs of the middle ages. 4o. Loiul 1860 Brard (C P) Traite des pierres pr6cieuses, dcs por- phyres, granits, marbres, albatres et autres roches. 2 vols. 8o. Paris 1B08 Rapport fait a la Soci^ted'encouragement pour rindustrieNationale, sur le pro- cede propose par C. P. Brard, pour re- connaitre immediatement les pierres qui ne peuvent rcsister a la gelee, &c. ; by Vicomte Hdricart de Thm-y. 4o. Paris 1824 Brash (R R) Ecclesiastical architecture of Ireland, to close of 12tb century. 4o. Dubl. 1875 Brass sec Bronze, &c. Brass (Monumental) by H. Haines. 1861 Bishop Hallum at Constance ; by R. Pearsall. 1844 Continental ; by W. F. Greeny. 1884 Elford chui-cb ; by E. Richardson. 1B52 Enghsh ; by C. Boutell. 1849 Great Britain ; by C. A. Stothard and A. J. Kempe. 1817 Great Marlow church ; by R. T. Cocks. MS. SP. 1843 Manual for the study of; by Oxford Architectural Society. 1848 Peacock Feast, the; by R. T. S. see Monuments. Brassey (T) Lectures on the labour question. 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1878 Rise of wages in building trades of London. SP. 4 Feb. 1878 Braun (E) and Gruner (L) Specimens of ornamental art. fo. Lond. 1850 Explanatory text and additional plates to. 4o. Lond. 1850 Braybrooke (Lord) see Griffin (R). Brayley (E W) Westmmster abbey ; by J. P. Neale and E. W. Brayley. 1818-23 Historical and architectural accomit of Henry VII's chapel. [1821-23] {bound in vol. i. of Neale and Braylctf s Westminster Abbey.) Londiniana. 4 vols. 12o. Loiul. 1829 Ancient chapter house belonging to the abbey church of Westminster. {hi Neale & Brayley.) pamph. Description of the monuments of 0. J. Fox and S. Perceval in Westminster abbey. (Jh Neale & Brayley.) pamph. Christchm-ch, Hants ; by B. Ferrey and E.W. Brayley. 1834 Brief memoir of ; by J. Britton. 1B55 sec Graphic and Historical Illustrator. 1834 Brayley (E W ) jun. Two lectures on stone for the houses of Parliament. MS. 1840 Brayley (E W) Brewer (J N) and Night- ingale (J) London and Middlesex ; an historical and descriptive survey, &c. 5 vols. 8o. Lond. 1810-16 Brayley (E W) and Britton (J) History of the ancient jwlace and late bouses of Parhament at Westminster. Bo. Lond. 1836 Breakwater, Harbour, Landing-stage, Pier Harbours of refuge, &c. ; by J. White. 1840 F 34 FEINTED BOOKS, MAi^USCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Breakwater, Harbour, Landing-stage, Pier- ce «iJ«Mcd. Marine engineering ; by J. B. Redman. 1877 Fortes antiques ; by C. Texier. 1858 Report and memorial on the state of Folkestone barbour. fo. Lond. 1838 Report of the commissioners . . . bar bom's of the south-eastern coast. fo. Lond. 1840 Reports of engineers in charge of harbours. fo. Lond. 1868 Report upon harbours of Holyhead. fo. Lond. 1869 Brees (S C) Railway practice : working plans and practical details of construction in the pubUc works. 1st series. 2 vols. 4o. Land. 1837 • 2nd series. 4o. Lond. 1840 plates, fo. • 3rd series. 4o. Lond. 1847 Glossary of civil engineering, comprising its theory and modern practice. 1st edit. 8o. Lond. 1841 Bres (^ ) sea Normand (L M). [1880] Brescia Museo Bresciano ; by R. Vantini and G. Saleri. 1838 Pubbhche fabbriche ; by B. Zamboni. 1778 Bretez (L) Plan de Paris, commenc6 rann(§e 1734, achev6 de graver en 1739. Breton (E) Pompeia ddcrite et dessin6e. 8o. Paris 1855 Temple of Vesta at Tivoli ; trans, from J. Gailhabaud. 4o. Brettingham (M) Plans, &e., of Holkham, in Norfolk. 1st edit. fo. Lond. 1761 Brewer (H W) Mediaeval architecture of Central and Southern Germany. SP. 19 Mar. 1868 Revival of Gothicarchitecture uiGermany and Holland. SP. 20 Nov. 1871 On churches of Brittany. SP. 21 Ap. 1873 Brewer (J N) Descriptive and historical accomit of palaces and public buildings, English and foreign. 4o. Lond. 1810 see Brayley (E W). Breweiy, Bistillery Construction and arrangement of breweries ; by G. Scammell, jun. SP. 1872 Distillery and its appurtenances ; by D. Mocatta. MS. SP. 1846 Brewster (E H) Method adapted to pre- vent an obnoxious business becoming ofi'ensive. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1873 Breyman (G A) and Lang (H) AUgemeine bau-constructions-lehre. 2 vols. 4o. Stuttgart 1863, 1868 Brick, Brickmaking History and manufacture of; by S. J. Nicholl. Prize essay. MS. 1845 by T. Worthington. Prize essay. MS. SP. 1846 Hollow ; used in ceiling at Liverpool ; by R. Rawlinson. MS. 1849 Introduction of coloured bricks, &c. ; by H. A. Darbishire. SP. 1865 Manufacture ; by C. T. Davis. 1884 by E. Dobson. 1850 see Manchester Society OP Architects. 1868 Memoranda relating to their manufacture. MS. 1849 Moulded ; in Normandy ; by W. Bromet. MS. SP. 1846 Specifications relating to patents ; by T. R. Smith. 1862 Brickwork Backstein-architectur Italiens ; by L. Rimge. _ [1846] Brick and marble architecture in the north of Italy in the middle ages ; by G. E. Street. 1855, 1874 Brick-bond, observations on ; by G. Saunders. 1805 Brickwork constructions, method of binding ; by M. I. Brunei. SP. 1836 Der backstein-rohbau ; by A. F. Flei- scbinger and W. A. Becker. 1862-63 Ecclesiastical architecture ; by T. James. 1847 Expansion of; by E. M. Foshall. SP. 1845 Mason's, bricklayer's, plasterer's, and decorator's guide ; by R. Robson. Mediasval ; of north-west of Germany, &c. ; by C. Fowler, jun. SP. 1850 of Pomerania ; by J. T. Perry. SP. 1873 Mittelalterliche backstein-bauwerke des preussischen staates ; by F. Adler. 1862 Mode of ventilating ; by E . Merrell. MS. SP. 1848 Mosaik aus backsteinen ; by J. C. von Lassaulx. 1889 Moulded bricks, application to modern architecture ; by E. Locke. 1869 Norddeutschlands backsteinbau im mit- telalter ; by H. Essenwein. Ornamental; and architecture of Western Flanders, &c. ; by R. D. Chantrell. MS. SP. 1856 Outline of a course of practical architec- ture, &c. ; by C. W. Pasley. 1826 Strain and expansion of ; by W. Hawkes. SP. 1861 Vorlegebliltter ; by G. Stier. 1844 Bridge, Bridge-building by E. Cresy. 1839 by W. Hoskiug. 1841-42 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 35 Bridge, Bridge-building— confwM^ed. by Pitron. 1756 by C. C. Schramm. 1735 by G. Semple. 1780 by J. White aud T. F. Pritchard. 1832 Ahiwick ; by M. Bamfather. MS. SP. 1839 And vaults ; by S. Ware. 1822 And \'iaducts of the present day ; by J. Clayton. SP. 1856 Britannia and Conway ; by E. Clarke. 1850 by E. Cowper. 1851 by G. D. Demp- sey. 1850 by Sir W. Fair- bairn. 1849 Cast- and wrought-iron bridges for rail- way structm-es ; by W. Humber. 1857, 1870 Construction and improvements ; by C. Marquand. 1749 De France et d'Angleterre ; by C. Dupin. 1818 Designs for stone and timber ; by A. Swan. 1757 Failure of Falshope ; by J. and T. Smith. MS. SP. 1839 Limerick ; reports on see Limerick. 1841 Forth ; by B. Baker. 1884 France, Switzerland, and Italy ; by M. Shanahan. Fribourg suspension ; by Anonymous. 1839 Glasgow iron ; by A. Thomson. MS. SP. 1849 Hampton Court ; by C. Parker. MS. SP. 1844 Improvements in ; by I. Town. 1839 Iron cylinder piers ; by J. Newman. 1875 Large span ; by M. I. Brmiel. SP. 1836 London bridges ; by H. Carr. SP. 1871 Old and New ; by G. Cooke. 1833 pamph. 8o. Land. 1831 Westminster and foreign ; by N. 1736 Hawksmoor. Malleable iron beam ; by A. Thomson. SP. 1849 Method of forming a foundation for a stone bridge, &c. ; by Anonymous. MS. Moulins ; by M. de Eegemortes. 1771 Neuilly, Mantes, Orleans, &c. ; by J. E. Perronet. 1782-89 Niagara and Lambeth ; by P. W. Barlow. 1860 Oblique ; by G. W. Buck. 1839 Over the Calder ; faU of; by P. Legh. SP. 1836 Moine ; by W. Bromet. SP. 1844 Tweed, at Ashiesteel ; by J. and T. Smith. SP. 1848 Piers ; by F. W. Conrad. MS. SP. 1850 Plans ; by J. Paine. 1767-83 Prmciples of ; by C. Hutton. _ 1772 Pubhc works of Great Britain ; edited by F. W. Simms. 1838 Bridge, Bridge-building — continued. Putney sec Metropolitan Board of Works. 1884 by J. F. Wadmore. 1885 Suspension ; by J. and T. Smith. SP. 1836 — improved ; by E. A. Cowper. 1847 Thames, and metropoUtan communica- tions ; by E. Hall. 1857 Foundations of ; by W. A. Boul- nois. SP. 1857 Th6orie des ponts m^talliques ; by E. CoUignon. 1856 Theory ; by J. Hann and others. 1843-50 Trinita at Florence ; by L. Vulliamy. 1822 Walsefield ; by P. Legh. MS. SP. 1836 Westminster ; by B. Langley. 1748 by C. Labelye. 1751 new ; by E. Hall. 1856 report of select committee. 1856 Bridge Chapels by S. W. Kershaw. 1882 by N. Scatcherd. 1848 Bridgens (R) Sefton church ; with part of the interior decoration. fo. Lond. 1822 Furniture, with candelabra and interior decoration, applicable to modern embellishments. fo. Lond. 1825 Bridgman (H H) Scheme for fish-market ; by J. J. Cayley, J. Boyes, and H. H. Bridgman. 1881 Street re-alignment and reconstruction of Central London. 8o. Lond. 1886 see Society of Arts. 1886 Bridlington Yorkshire Priory Church ; by M. Prickett. 1836 Briggs (R) Eeport on ventilation of Hall of Representatives, and of the south wing of the Capitol, U.S. pamph. 8o. Philadelphia 1876 Brighton On fall of iron dome of the Anthseum ; by W. Papworth. SP. 1872 Specification of works for Brighton ter- minus ; by D. Mocatta. MS. Brindley (W) Marble : its uses as suggested by the past. SP. No. XXVIIL Marble pavements from old examples ; by Farmer & Brindley. 1885 Brinkburn Northumberland Notice of priory of ; by F. R. Wilson. 1859 Brisse (A) and Rotrou (L de) The draining of Lake Fucino, accom- plished by Prince Alexander Torlo- nia. 1ey.i (Fr. and Emj.) 4o. Borne 1876 Plates. fo. [Florence] Brisson ( ) Thdorie des ombres et de la perspective ; by G. Monge and Brisson. 1847 F 2 36 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Bristol Antiquities of; by J. Skelton. Calendars of Al-hallowen, Brystowe ; by H. Kogers. 1846 Cathedral church ; by J. Britton. 1830 Cathedral ; sculpture and carving in ; by E. C. Lavars. 1863 History of; by J. Corry and J. Evans. 1816 Preservation of an ancient building at. SP. 6 Feb. 1865 St. Mary Eedcliffe church ; by J. Britton. 1813 Mouldings of door and tower pier; by E. Willis. SP. 1844 Keport on ; by J. Britton and W. Hosldng. SP. 1842 Sixteen years' doings in the restoration of; by the Eestoration Committee. pamph. 8o. Bristol 1858 Beistol and West of England Akchi- tectueal society Keports. pamphs. 8o. Bristol 1842-50 Beistol Society foe Peomoting the Study of Gothic Aechitectuee Reports of the proceedings. 8o. Bristol 1842 Eeport of proceedings at a special gene- ral meeting. pamph. 8o. Bristol 1842 Notes, historical and architectural, of the church of St. John the Evangelist, Slymbridge, Gloucestershire. Draw- ings by F. Niblett. pamph. 8o. Bristol 1845 Beistol Society of Aechitects Rules established April 3, 1850. 12o. Bristol 1850 Report for 1851. By-laws and regula- tions. List of members, fo. Bristol 1851 Report for 1852. fo. Bristol 1852 Ofiice-bearers for 1863-64. Bo. Bristol 1863 Meechant Ventueees' School Preliminary prospectus 1885. pamph. 8o. Bristol 1885 Evening class dept., session 1885-86. pamph. 12o. Bristol 1885 University College Calendar 1884-5. 8o. Bristol 1884 British Almanac and Companion 1828 to 1883. 56 vols. 8o. Land. 1828-83 Lidex to vols. 1828-43 8o. Lotid. 1843 British and American Archaeological Society of Rome sec Rome. British Archseological Association Eeport of special general meeting ; by A. .J. Dmildii. 1845 Collectanea Ai-chajologica. Vol. i., parts 1-2 ; vol. ii., parts 1-3. 4o. Bond. 1861-71 British Association for the Advancement of Science Eeport of the first and second meetmgs at York in 1831, and at Oxford in 1832. 8o. Bond. 1833 British Association for the Advancement of Science — continued. Address to the 34th meeting at Bath, on museums, their use and improve- ment ; and on acclimatization of animals ; by J. E. Gray. pamph. 8o. Loud. 1864 British Museum (Trustees of the) Collection of ancient terra-cottas. 4o. Loud. 1810 Collection of ancient marbles. 11 parts. 4o. Bond. 1812-62 Catalogue of MS. maps, charts, plans, and topographical drawings. 2 vols. 8o. Bond. 1844 Catalogue of Greek and Etruscan vases. 2 vols. 8o. Lund. 1851 Statements and suggestions respecting the want of space m that institution. pamph. 8o. [Bond. 1857] Report of Committee on Treasury minute of 13th Nov. 1861. pamph. 8o. [Booid. 1862] Discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus, and Branchidfe ; by C. T. Newton and R. P. Pullan. Text parts i. and ii. 4o. ; plates vol. i. fo. Bond. 1862-63 Guide to second vase room. pamph. 8o. Bond. 1869 Guide to first vase room, Greek and Roman antiquities. 4th edit. 8o. Bond. 1871 Books of reference in Beading Room. 2nd edit. 8o. Bond. 1871 Catalogue of a series of photographs from the collections of the British Museum. 8o. Bo7id. 1872 Catalogue of Greek coins (Italy) in British Museum. 8o. Bond. 1873 Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum ; political and personal satires. Vol. ii. 8o. Bond. 1873 Catalogue of the Eoman medalhons in the British Museum ; by H. A. Grueber and E. S. Poole. 8o. Bo-jid. 1874 Catalogue of Greek coins (Sicily) ; edited by E. S. Poole. 8o. Bond. 1876 Catalogue of Greek coins (Thrace) ; edited by R. S. Poole. 8o. Bond. 1877 Catalogue of satirical prints and draw- ings. Vol. iii. parts i. and ii. 8o. Bond. 1877 Catalogue of the Greek coins ; the Se- leucid Idngs of Syria. 8o. Bond. 1878 Catalogue of Greek coins (Macedon, &c.) ; by B. V. Head. 8o. Bond. 1879 Guide to the first vase room, Greek and Roman antiquities. 7th edit. pamph. 8o. Bond. 1879 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCEIPT SESSIONAL PAPERS 37 British Museum (Trustees of the) — continued, sec Library of Entertaining Knowledge. see London. sec Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. British Quarterly Review (The) Religious art. pampb. 80. Loud. 1875 Brittany Churches of; by H. W. Brewer. SP. 1873 Excavations at Carnac ; by J. Mibi. 1877 Promenade arcbdologique ; by A. de Caumont. 1850 Britton (J) Beauties of Wiltshire. 80. Lond. 1801 Architectural antiquities of Great Britain. 5 vols. 4o. Lond. 1807-26 Eedcliffe chiircb, Bristol. 80. Lond. 1813 Cathedral antiquities, viz. Peterborough 1828. Gloucester 1829. Sahsbury 1814. Winchester 1817. Norwich 1816. Lichfield 1820. Oxford 1821. Wells 1824. Exeter 1826. Bristol 1880. Hereford 1831. Worcester 1835. York 1819. Canterbiu-y 1821. 6 vols. 4o. Lond. 1814-35 Norwich cathedral church. 80. Lond. 1817 Graphical and literary illustrations of Fonthill Abbey, Wilts. 4o. Lo7id. 1828 Bath abbey church. 80. Lond. 1825 Beauties of Wiltshire, topogi-aphical, his- torical, and descriptive sketches. Vol. iii. only. 80. Lond. 1825 Union of architectui-e, sculpture, and painting ; account of the house and galleries of J. Soane. 4o. Lond. 1827 Normandy ; by A. Pugia, J. Britton, and J. Le Keux. 1828 Picturesque antiquities of English cities. 4o. Lond. 1830 Sketches of Tmibridge Wells and the Calverley estate, &c. 80. Lond. 1832 Brief memoir of Sir J. Soane. 4o. Lond. 1884 Memoir of Sir J. Wyatville. 4o. Lond. 1884 Testimonies of friendship ; specimens of Enghsh graphic art {introduction only). pamph. 80. Ciiiswick 1836 Palace of Westminster ; by E. W. Bray ley and .J. Britton. 1836 Cassiobury Park, Hertfordshire, fo. Lond. 1837 Cathedral church of Lincoln; by C. Wild. 2nd edit., with adtlitions and cor- rections. 4o. Lond. 1837 Dictionary of architecture and archiTjology of the middle ages. 4o. Lond. 1838 Toddington, Gloucestershire. 4o. Lond. 1840 Historical account of Wuidsor Castle ; with illustrations by M. Gandy and B. Baud. 1842 Catalogue of the fourth portion of his Ubrary. pamph. 80. Lond. 1846 Britton (J) — continued. Cathedi-al church of Wells. 12o. Lond. 1847 Memoir of H. Hatcher. 80. Lond. 1847 The authorship of the letters of Junius elucidated, including a memoir of Lieut.-Col. I. Barre, M.P. pamph. 80. Lond. 1848 Autobiography, with appendix contain- ing essays, &c. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1850-69 Observations on church towers and spires of the medifBval period. SP. 8 April 1850 BriefmemoirofE.W.Brayley. 12o. Lond. 1855 Brief memoir of E. J. Wilson. pamph. 12o. Lond. 1855 Brief biography of W. H. Bartlett. pamph. 12o. Loitd. 1855 Brief notices of T. Cubitt. 12o. Lond. 1856 On the prescribed styles ; a letter to the Mornmg Chronicle. Memoir of ; by M. D. Wyatt. SP. 1857 see Godwin (G) and Britton (J). Britton (J) and Hosking (W) Report as to restoration of St. Mary EedcUffe church, Bristol, pamph. 4o. Lond. 1842 Britton (J) and Pugin (A) Illustrations of the public buildings of London, with accounts of each edifice. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1825-28 Supplement ; by W. H. Leeds. 1838 Britton Testimonial Account of a pubhc dinner given to J. Britton at the Castle Hotel, Richmond. 80. Lond. 1846 Brixworth Church, Northamptonshire ; by E. Roberts. [186.3] BasiUcan church ; by C. F. Watkins. 1867 Brockedon (W) Illustrations of the passes of the Alps. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1828-29 Egj-pt and Nubia ; by D. Roberts and W. Brockedon. 1847 Brodrick (C) Enlargement of the National Gallery. pamph. 80. Lond. 18C7 Bromet (W) Moulded bricks found in the walls of a chm-ch at Sanson-sur-Eille, in Nor- mandy. MS. SP. 28 Mar. 1846 Upton church, Buckmghamshire. pamph. 80. Lond. 1846 Communication respect- mg one of the arches. SP. 25 Jan. 1847 Position of the earthen vases inserted in the vaulting of the church of St. Martin at Angers. SP. 22 Feb. 1847 Method of hardening chalk, by immer- sion in a solution of siliceous sand and potash, as invented by Prof Kuhlmann of Lille. SP. 22 Mar. 1847 On certain modes of joggUng in ancient columns. MS. 1818 38 PKINTED BOOKS, MANUSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 95 1836 1876 1836 1885 1860 Bromley (R A) Philosophical and critical history of the fine arts, painting, sculpture, and architecture. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1793 Bromley College Kent Eeport on repair- ing and improving. pamph. 8o. Lond. [1863] Brondsted (P 0) The bronzes of Siris now in the British Museum, fo. Lond. Bronze Of European origin in S. Kensington Museum ; by C. D. E. Fortnum. Of Siris in British Museum ; by P. 0. Brondsted. Brooks (J) Eeport on design for Liverpool cathedral. fo. Lond. Brooks (S H) Designs for cottage and villa architecture. 4o. Lond. Treatise on theerection of dwelhnghouses. 12o. Lond. Brou Monographic de Notre-Dame ; by L. Dupasquier. [1842] Brown ( ) sec Innocent and Brown. Brown (F M) Mural painting and coloured decoration ; the Gambier Parry process. CP. 12 May 1881 Brown (G) Water-closets. 12o. N. York Healthy fomidations for houses. 18o. N. York Eeport on experiments in trap siphonage. pamph. 8o. Wash. Brown (G B) From schola to cathedral : a study of early Christian architec- ture. 8o. Edinh. Brown (J A) Eeport to General Sir T. M. Brisbane, Bart., on the completion of the ob- servations made in his observatory at Malierstown. 4o. Edinb. see Edinburgh (Eoyal Society of). Brown (R) Principles of practical perspective ; rules for shadowing ; and elements of painting. 2nd edit. 4o. Lond. Domestic architecture, with observations on layuig out and ornamenting gromids. 4o. Lo7id. Sacred architecture, its rise, progress, and present state . . . also, the elements of church design. 4o. Lond. Brown (W) Letter on decimal coinage. 8o. Lond. Brown (W T) Summary of torn- as Pugin student, 1877. MS. fo. WclUnghoro' 1878 Browne (E H) Sketch of the hfe, and ob- servations on the works, of Sir J. Vanbrugh. MS. do. 1834 1884 1885 1886 1886 1850 1835 1842 1845 1854 Browne (G F) Inscriptions and supposed inscriptions : Wihie, Monkwearmoutli, Jarrow, Hawkswell. pamph. 8o. Camb. 1884 Ancient sculptured shaft in parish church at Leeds. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1885 Pre-Norman sculptured stones of Derby- shire, pamph. 8o. Lond. 1885 Scandinavian or Danish sculptured stones fomidiu London, pamph. 8o. Lond. 1885 Stones with interlaced ornament in Eng- land ; by J. E. Allen and G. F. Browne. 1885 Eemains of the original church of St. Peter, Monkwearmouth, and sculp- tured stones found in the restora- tion, pamph. 8o. Camb. 1886 Browne (G W) Pugin travelling student- ship : paper descriptive of tour, 1878. MS. 4o. Lond. 1878 Browne (J) History of the metropolitan church of St. Peter's, York. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1847 Browne (T) Eestoration of the roofs to the north aisle and Hmigerford Chapel, Wellow Church, pamph. 8o. Bath 1880 Browning (H B) Proposed system for the more ready and correct valuation of carpenters' and joiners' work. 8o. Lond. 1847 An algebra of ratios founded on simple and general definitions ; with a theory of exponents extended to incommensurable ratios. 8o. Camb. 1849 Theory of the negative sign. pamph. 8o. Stamford 1852 Brownlow(J) Foundling hospital, London; with a memoir of the founder. 8o. Lond. 1858 Bruce (C L C) Memoir regarding Bruce's journeys and drawings in northern Africa. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1837 SP. 15 May 1837 Bruce (J) see Camden Society. 1868 Bruce (J C) Guide to the castle of New- castle-upon-TJ^le. 8o. Neivcastle 1847 Bruce (W D) Chronological tables, or the antiquary and genealogist's com- panion. 12o. Lond. 1847 Briicke (E) Des couleurs au point de vue physique, physiologique, artistique et industriel ; traduit de I'allemand par J. Schutzeuberger. 8o. Paris 1866 BruflF(P) Engineering field work. 8o. LowL 1838 Bruges Ancient domestic edifices ; by C. Verschelde. 1875 Quatre jours en Belgique. pamph. 8o. Sketches of old buildings ; by E. S. Cole. 1851 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 3d Bruin (G) Novellanus (S) and Hogen- bergius (F) CiNdtates orbis ter- rarum. fo. Cologne & Antwerp 1572 Brnmund (J F G) B6r6-Boedoer ; by F. C. Wilseu and J. P. G. Brumund. 1873-74 Brunei (I K) Report ou City of London sewers ; by J. Walker, W. Cubitt, and I. K. Brunei. 1848 Brunei (M I) Experiments on the mode of binding brick constructions. SP. 14 Mar. 1836 Brunet (F) Dimensions des fers qui doivent former la coupole de la HaUe aus Grains. fo. Paris 1809 Brunet-Debaines (L F) Projet de restaura- tion et de reunion des TuUeries au Lou'STe. fo. Paris 1885 Brunswick Bauordnung. pampb. 8o. Brunswick 1876 anweisung zur ausfiihrung. pamph. 8o. Brunswick 1877 Herzoglicbe tecbnische bocbscbule. Pro- gramm fiir das studieujahr 1881-82. pampb. 8o. Brunswick 1881 Neubau der bocbscbule ; by Ubde and Korner. [1881] Brussels Hotel de Ville paratonnerres ; by L. F. H. Melsens. 1877-79 Palais de justice ; by T. F. Suys. 1838 Parallele des maisons ; by A. Caster- mans. 1856 Rapports, estraits, &c., d'^clairage parle gaz dans les habitations. pampb. 8o. acad^mie royale des sciences, des Lettkes et des Beaux-Aets DE BeLGIQUE Arretds royaux concernant sa vk- organisation. 8o. Brussels 1845 Annuaire. 12''-16'' ann^e. 12o. Brussels 1846-50 Bulletins. Vols, xiii.-xvii. part i. 8o. Brussels 1846-50 Bulletins des Stances de la Classe des Beaux-Arts. 17 vols. Bo. Brussels 1847-62, 1864 Catalogue des livres de la biblio- tbeque. 8o. Brussels 1850 Annuaire de I'observatoire royal de Bruxelles ; by A. Quetelet. 12o. Brussels 1851 Annuaire. [In proyress.) 8o. Brussels 1855- BuUetins. 2nd S. Vols. i.-l. 8o. Brussels 1857-80 3rd S. {In progress.) 8o. Brussels 1881- Brussels Academie Royale des Sciences, &c. — emit. Centi^me anniversaire de fondation (1772-1872). 2 vols. 8o. Brussels 1872 Notices extraites de I'amiuaire de I'observatoire royal de Bruxelles pour 1873 ; by A. Quetelet. 12o. Brussels Congees General d'Hygiene Session de 1852. 8o. Brussels 1852 SociETE Centkale d'Akchitectuee Belgique L'Emulation. (In progress.) fo. Brussels 1886- Les coneours pubbcs. pampb. 8o. Brussels 1887 Bulletin 1880. pampb. 8o. Brussels 1887 Bruti (0 R) Li cinque ordiui d' arcbittet- tura. 4o. Vicenza 1627 Bruton (E G) Private halls and collegiate additions ; their architecture and ecclesiology. pampb. 8o. Oxf. (C Lond. 1854 Ecclesiastical dilapidations — a few words ou the law thereof, with suggestions for its amendment. pamph. 8o. Oxf. <& Lond. 1865 2nd edit. pampb. Oxf. c£ Lond. 1865 Handy book on the Ecclesiastical di- lapidations act, 1871. 8o. Lond. & Oxf 1871 with the Amendment act, 1872. 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1873 Bruxelles see Brussels. Bruyere (L) Etudes relatives il I'art des constructions. Vol. i. Ponts en pierre; Greniers pu- bhcs, &c. ; Ponts en fer ; Foires et marches ; Abattoirs et boucberies. Vol. ii. Portesd'ecluse,petites maisons de vUle et de campagiie, &c. 2 vols. fo. Paris 1823-28 Bryan (M) Biographical and critical dic- tionary of painters and engravers. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1816 Bryce (D) Account of Fettes College, Edinburgh. SP. 24 Ap. 1865 Bucharest De Paris k ; by Lancelot. 1866 Buck (G W) Essay on obHque bridges. 4o. Lond. 1839 Buck (J H W) Graphic table for computation of weights of wrougbt-iron and steel girders &c. {on a sheet.) Lond. [1883 Buckingham Palace sec London. Buckiughamshire Ecclesiastical, &c.. To- pography of England; by J. H. Parker. 1848-5] 46 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Buckland (W) Artesian wells. SP. 19 Nov. 1849 Buckler (G) Twenty-two of the cburches of Essex architecturally described and illus- trated. 8o. Lond. 1856 Colchester Castle a Koman building. 8o. Colchester 1876-82 Buckler (J) Memoir, pamph. 8o. Lond. 1851 Buckler (J C) sec Oxford Akchitectueal Society. 1844 Buckler (J C & C A) History of the architecture of the abbey church of St. Alban. 8o. Lond. 1847 Cathedi-al, or abbey church of lona. 4o. Lond. 1866 Euda-Pesth Visit to; by F. R. Farrow. SP. 1885 Buddhist Architecture in the Jellalabad valley ; by W. Simpson. SP. 1880 Architecture of India ; by .J. Fergusson. 1848 Buddhism in Tibet ; by E. Schlagintweit. 1863 Sculptured tope at Dras ; by W. Simp- sou. 1882 Budrum see Halicarnassus. Builder Builders' assistant; byB. Langley. [after 1788] dictionary ; by E. Neve. 1726 by T. Neve. 1703 by A Society of Ar- chitects. 1779 by W. Salmon. 1762 jewel ; by B. and T. Langley. 1741 Magazine, the New ; by A. G. Cook. 2 vols. 1800 price book ; sec Price Book. repository ; by E. Hoppus. 1737 treasury of designs ; by B. Langley. 1750 work, &c. ; by H. C. Seddon. 1886 City and country purchaser ; by S. P[rimatt]. 1667 Guide for ; by W. Leybourn. 1685 Notes on the building trades ; by H. C. Seddon. 1877 Statement of the master builders of the metropoHs, referring to the " Trades' Union." pamph. 8o. Lond. 1834 Vorlegebliitter fiir baumeister sec Berlin KoNIGL. TeCHNISCHE DErUTATION. 1844 Builders' Society Acts regulatmg build- ings, &c., in the metropohs. 80. Lond. 1856 Building And monuments ; by G. Godwin. 1850 Causes and mcrease ; by Anonymous. 1085 Private, inspection of by public autho- rity ; by E. B. Ellice-Clark. 1883 see Construction. see Berlin Konicl. Technische Depu- tation. Building Acts, Local Regulations Model by-laws as basis ; by J. D. Mathews. CP. 1878 Eegulations and improvement of boroughs ; report fi'om select com- mittee, fo. Lond. 1842 see Alsace. see Austria. sec Baden. sec Bavaria. see Belgium, see Berlin. see Brandenburg. see Brunswick. see Builders' Society. sec Carlisle. see Chevron (J N) see Fortsch (R) and Caspar (W) see Fremy-Ligneville. see Hamburg. sec Hesse. sec Houba (E). sec Jaschke (C) & Seydel (F) see Local Government Board. see London. see Lorraine. sec Metropolis. see Munich. see Norway. see Paris See. Cent, des Akch. see Plymouth. sea Prussia. see Rasp (C) see Rbnne (L von). sec Saxony. see Schiiz (L). see Sweden. see Woolrych (H W). see Wiirttemberg. Building Art of Art de batir ; by J. Eoudelet. 1812, 1832-33 chez les Eomains ; by A. Choisy. 1873 Book on ; by Sir E. Beckett. 1880 Kunst an den bauwerken ; by G. von Neureuther. 1877 Origin of ; by J. Wood. 1741 Outline of a course of practical architec- ture, &c. ; by C. W. Pasley. 1826 Eeprmt. 1862 Eudimentsof; by E. Dobson. 1849 Science of; by E. W. Tarn. 1870 Treatise on architecture ; by A. Ashpitel. 1867 by W. Hosldng. Present knowledge and how to improve ; by H. C. Seddon. SP. 1872 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 41 Building Art of — continued. Wbiustone construction ; by J. and T. Smith. SP. 1836 see Materials. Building Land ; Laying out of Estates. General text book ... of landed pro- perty &c. ; by E. Eyde and J. Donaldson. 1854 Improvement of Land Act, 1864. fo. Loud. 1864 Notes explanatory of the objects and machinery of the act. So. Lond. 1864 Management of landed estates ; by Mar- shall. ■ 1806 Selection of sites ; by D. T. Ansted. SP. 1870 Tenure of ; by T. Blashill. CP. 1884 Building Materials Decay and preservation of; by D. T. Ansted. 1860 Die baumaterialen-lebre ; by B. Grueber. 1863 Improvements in, during present cen- tury ; by G. E. BurneU. SP. 1860 Livented ; by J. W. Hiort. 1833 Lectures on ; by W. Y. Dent. 1872, 1878 New, and recent inventions ; by T. E. Smith. SP. 1875 New Zealand ; by W. N. Blair. 1879 Paris and the Lower Seme ; by G. E. Burnell. SP. 1849 Schweiz ; by U. Meister and others. 1884 Test of ; by Philadelphia Commissioners of Public Buildings. 1882 Building Societies Laws and Eules sec Metropolitan Society of Operative Bricklayers &c. 1859 Keturn of abstract of accounts. (241.) fo. Lond. 1885 see Master and Workmen. Buildwas Shropshire Abbey church ; by J. Potter. {In " Ancient Monas- tic Architecture.") 1847 Buleau (T) see Popp (J) and Buleau (T). Bulengerus (J C) De theatro, ludisque scenicis. Edit, prima. 12o. Troyes 1608 Bulteau (L'Abbe) Description de la cathe- dralo de Chartres, suivie d'une notice des 6glises de St. Pierre, St. Aignan et St. Andre. 8o. Chartres 1850 Bunnett (F E) see Lubke (W). Sunning (J B) Isometric view, &c., of the improvements in the neighbourhood of Smithfield, proposed by the Corporation of Lon- don, fo. Lond. 1851 Notice of; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1863 Bunsen (C) Forum Romanum expliqu6 selon I'^tat des fouilles le 21 avril 1835. pamph. 8o. Bunsen (C)— continued. Les forum de Eome restaur^s et expliqa(5s. 2 parts. pamph. 8o. Borne 1837 Bunsen (C C J) Die basiliken des christlichen Eoms. Aufgenommen von den architecten J. G. Gutensohn und J. M. Knapp. text. 4o. Munich [1842] plates, fo. Borne 1823-24 Die basiliken des christlichen Eoms nach ihrem zusammenbange mit idee und geschichte der kircbenbau- kunst. 4o. Munich 1842 Buonamici (G) Metropolitana di Eavenna ; architettura. fo. Bologna 1748 Buonarrotti (M A) Life of; by R. Duppa. 1807 Etude sur ; by W. P. Smith. 1870 see Harford (J S). 1857 Burdett (H C) Cottage hospitals. 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1880 Burge (G) Drainage and cleansing the Thames. pamph. 8o. Burge (W) Temple Church, London ; ac- count of its restoration and repairs. 8o. Lond. 1848 Burges (W) King's College, Cambridge. Sketches for competition drawings for new build- ings, fo. Orfevrerie, domestic. (Designs and sketches.) fo. ecclesiastical. (Designs and sketches.) fo. Stone-work. Designs and sketches. fo. Architectural drawing. SP. 19 Nov. 1860 Reprint, with ad- ditions by W. Papworth. SP. No. XXXIX Iconographie de la Eagione de Padoue. 4o. Paris Proposed school of art at Bombay. SP. 16 Dec. Report to the courts of justice commis- sion, fo. Lond. La Eagione de Padoue : description des peintm'es de la grande salle. 4o. Paris Architectural drawings ; measured ex- amples from France, England, and Italy, illustrating 13th century work, with costume, &c. fo. Lond. Cologne cathedral. SP. 2 May Report on the condition of the eastern part of King's College Chapel [Cam- bridge]. Text and tracings. fo. Lond. The works of; by R. P. Pullan. SP. 1860 1867 1867 1869 1870 1870 1874 1882 42 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Surges (W) — continued. Arcliitectural designs of ; by R. P. Pullan. 1883 The late ; by G. Aitchison. CP. 1884 Surges (W) and Didron (A N) leono- graphie des cbapiteaux du palais ducal, k Venise. 4o. Paris 1857 Burgess (J) The temples of Satruiijaya. fo. Bombay 1869 Notes ou the Amaravati stupa see India Archaeological Survey of. 1882 Burgess (R) Cu-cus ou the Via Appia, near Rome; with some account of the Circensian games. 8o. Lond. 1828 Topography and antiquities of Rome : including the recent discoveries made about the Forum and the Via Sacra. 2 vols. 8o. Lond. 1831 Greece and the Levant. 2 vols. 12o. Lond. 1835 Nomenclature, forms, parts, and uses of the temples of Greece and Rome. MS. SP. 7 June 1841 Thermae of ancient Rome. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1842 Theatres and porticoes of ancient Rome. SP. 12 June 1848 Mausoleum of Hadrian, now the Forte S. Angelo, at Rome. SP. 4 Mar. 1850 Ancient Roman roads and modern British railways. SP. 30 June 1851 Topography of the Roman forum and the Chvus Capitolinus. SP. 28 June 1852 Ancient basilica as compared with the early Christian temple. SP. 27 June 1853 Topography and antiquities of Con- stantinople. SP. 26 June 1854 Egyptian obehsks in Rome and monoUths as ornaments of great cities. SP. 31 May ; and 14 June 1858 sec Tite(W). 1862 A city for the Pope ; or the solution of the Roman question. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1860 The Leonine city, Vatican. SP. 31 Mar. 1862 Water supply of ancient and modern Rome. SP. 12 Mar. 1866 Stamboul and the Bosphorus. SP. 7 June 1869 Nomenclature and uses of temples of Greece and Rome. Ext. in SP. 1881-82 Burgess (W & H) Churches of Lincoln- shire. (11 plates only.) fo. Fleet 1800-05 Burgh Police & Health (Scotland) Bill Report from select committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. (189.) fo. Lond. 1885 Burgh-by-Aylsham Church : notes on chancel ; by R. M. Phipson. ■ Burgh Castle Suffolk Particulars of estate sale. fo. 1846 Garianonum ; by J. Ives. 1803 St. Peter's church, roof of; by J. J. Scoles. _ _ SP. 1847 Burgon (T) Enquiryinto the motive which influenced the ancients in their choice of the various representations which we find stamped on their money. 8o. Lond. 1836 Burgos Studies, architectural and sculp- tural ; by J. B. Waruig. 1852 Burgoyne (Sir J) Blasting and quarrying of stone. 12o. Land. 1860 Burial Heart-burial in Suffolk ; by R. M. Phipson. 1866 Burial Place see Cemetery. sec Statistics. Biirkleim ( ) sec Gartner ( F. von) and others. Burlington Fine Arts Club Exhibition of drawings of architectural subjects by deceased British artists. Cata- logue, pamph. 4o. Lond. 1884 Bum (J H) Descriptive catalogue of the London traders, tavern and coffee house tokens cm'rent in the 17th century. 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1855 Burn (R) Rome and the Campagna ; historical and topographical description of the buildings of ancient Rome. 4o. Camh. £ Lond. 1871 Old Rome, and the architectural history, compared and contrasted ; by J. H. Parker. 1882 Bum (R S) Working drawings and designs ; by E. S. Eyland, F. Lightbody, and R. S. Burn. Book of farm buildings ; by H. Stephens and R. S. Burn. 1871 Burn (W) Memoir of ; by T. L. Donald- son. SP. 1870 Burnby ( ) see Canterbury. 1783 BurneU (G R) Building materials employed at Paris and in the valley of the Lower Seine. SP. 4 June 1849 Peculiar and distinctive character of the gypsum (sulphate of lime) found near Paris, and its preparation and application as plaster in French buildings. SP. 8 April 1850 Modes of filtering water for the supply of towns. SP. 2 June 1851 Excursion in the south-west of Galicia, Spain. SP. 13 Dec. 1852 PEINTKD BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 43 Bnrnell (G R) — continued. Influence of some external agents on the durability of building materials. SP. 5 June 1854 Practical observations on pile driving. SP. 18 June 1855 Limes, cements, mortars, concretes, &c. 12o. Lond. 1857 Application of hydraulic limes and other cementitious materials to construc- tive purposes. SP. 22 Feb. 1858 Sixty years since, or improvements in building materials and construction during the present century. SP. 9 Jan. 1860 Operations lately carried on at Bayeux and Chichester cathedrals. SP. 27 May 1861 Annual retrospect of engineering and architecture. Vol. i. 8o. Lond. 1861 Builder's and contractor's price book. 12o. Lond. 1861, 1863, 1865-67, 1870-71 Present tendencies of architecture and architectural education in France. SP. 24 Apr. 1865 Discussion. SP. 29 May 1865 Ecclesiastical monuments of Paris, erected during the middle ages, and principles of their restoration. SP. 16 Apr. 1866 Engineer's, architect's, and contractor's pocket-book. 12o. Lond. 1867 Bridges ; sec Hann (J) and others. BurneU (H H) French method of constructing iron floors . SP. 9 Jan. 1854 Discussions. 23 Jan., 6 and 20 Feb. 1854 Burnet (R) Address to Her Majesty's Commissioners for the Exhibition, 1851. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1850 Burnham (S M) History and uses of lime- stones and marbles. 8o. Boston 1883 Bums (A) GeodfEsia improved ; or survey- ing made exceeding easy. 8o. Chest. 1771 Burns (W) Report on the sanitary condi- tion of Sheerness. pamph. 8o. Sheerness Burton (J) jun. Catalogue of his collec- tion of Egyptian antiquities. 8o. Lond. 1836 Burton (RF) Remains of buildings in Midian. SP. 16 Dec. 1878 Discussion on. SP. 13 Jan. 1879 Gold in Midian. SP. 13 Jan. 1879 Bury (T T) Remains of ecclesiastical woodwork. 4o. Lond. 1847 Rudimentary architecture for the use of begimiers ; the history and descrip- tion of the styles. 12o, Lond. 1849 Memoir ; by T. H. Wyatt. SP. 1877 Buscemi (N) Basilica di S. Pietro detta la capella regia. 4o. Palermo 1840 Busiri (A) Brevi notizie intomo al com- mendatore Clemente Folchi. pamph. 8o. Rome 1869 Busk (G) Human skull and bones of red- deer at Birkdale, Lancashire. pamph. 8o. Busse (C) Ausgefiilirte bauwerke. Parts 1 and 2. fo. Berlin [1858] Butler (J) and Hodge (H) Architectural scrap book. Part 1. 4o. Lond. 1849 Butler (W F) Ventilation of buildings. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1873 Butter field (W) see Oxford Architectural Society. 1844 Buttress see Arch, &c. Byron and " the abbey ; " by H. A. Driver 1838 Byron (Lord) Manfi-ed, and the Prisoner of Chillon ; outlines by F. Thrupp. Bystander (A) Public competition for pubhc works. 8o. Lond. 1858 Byzantine' see Romanesque. C. C (E I) see Carlos (E I). Cabinet du Roi see Recueil d'Estampes. fo. [1660-69] Cabinet Making and Work see Furniture. Cadorin (L) Studii teorici e pratici di architettura e di ornato delle fab- briche in terra cotta. fo. Venice Caen Abbey churches of; by J. H. Parker. SP. 1863 Church of St. Stephen, &c. ; by J. H. Parker. SP. 1866 Cours d'antiquit6s ; by A. de Caumont. Notes on, and its quarries ; by T. L. Don- aldson. MS. SP. 1848 Caen Stone sec Lithology. Caerleon Tesselated pavement ; by 0. Morgan and W. Wakeman. 1866 Caesar (J) Commentaries ; by A. Palladio. 1618 Csesar Caesarianus An account of; by J. S. Hawkins. 1813 see Vitruvius. 1521 Cahier (C) Nouvoaux melanges d'archco- logie, d'histoire et de httorature sur le moyen age. 4 vols. fo. Paris 1874-77 Cailliaud (F) Voyage a Mero6 et au fleuve blanc, dans le midi du royaume do Semiar. Text. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris 1826-27 Plates. fo. Paris 1823 r(5dig6 par E. F. Jomard. 1861 G 2 44 PBINTED BOOKS, MANUSCBIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Caimi (A) Delle arti del disegno e degli artisti nelle provincie di Lombardia, dal 1777 al 1862. 8o. Milan 1862 Lo scultore Cav. B. Cacciatori ; com- memorazione. pampb. 8o. Milan 1872 Cairo Art arabe ; by Prisse d'Avennes. 1873 Boorg ez Ziffir ; by T. H. Lewis. 1882 lUustrations of; by E. Hay. 1840 Monuments du Kaire ; by P. Coste. 1839 Calcutta Excavations at Old Fort Wil- liam ; by K. E. Bayne. [1883] Calderari (0) Disegni e scritti d' architettura. 2 vols. fo. Vicenza 1808 Arcbitettura di ; by A. Magi'ini. 1847 Calendi (G) Bassirilievi della Porta Mag- giore del tempio di San Giov. Bat- tista di Firenze. fo. Florence 1796-1800 Callet (F?) Pere Notice bistorique de quelques arcbitectes fran9ais du XVI<= siecle. 2nd edit. 8o. Paris 1843 Callet (F) Monograpbie des balles cen- trales de Paris ; by V. Baltard and F. Callet. 1863 Callet (F) aad Lesueur (J B C) Arcbitec- ture italienne : Edifices publics et particuliers de Turin et de Milan. fo. Paris 1855 CaUiat (V) Hotel de \'ille de Paris ; avec mie his- toire ; by Le Eoux de Lincy. fo. Paris 1844 Supplement. 1856 Eglise Saint-Eustacbe a Paris, fo. Paris 1850 Parallele des maisons de Paris con- struites depuis 1830 jusqu'a nos jours. 2 vols. fo. Paris 1850-64 Calliat (V) and Lance (A) Encyclopedie d'arcbitecture, journal meusuel. 11 vols. 4o. Paris 1851-61 Calliaud (F) Carte geologique du d^parte- ment de la Loire-Inferieure. pampb. Bo. Nantes 1861 Calvert (F C) On coal-tar colours and re- cent improvements in dyeing and calico printing, pampb. 8o. Manch. Cambrian Archseological Association ArcbiEologia Cambrensis. Nos. 1 & 14 ; 3rd S., vols, iii.-ix. (Imperfect.) 8o. Lond. 1846-63 Monastery at Newport ; by T. Wake- man. 1859 Pavement at Caerleon ; by 0. Morgan. 1866 Penbow Castle ; by 0. Morgan and W. Wakeman. 1867 Wentwood, Castle Troggy, Llanvair ; by 0. Morgan and W. Wakeman. 1863 Cambridge Addresses on opening of Corn Exchange, 6 November, 1875. pampb. 8o. Cavib. 1875 Almshouses of the foundation of Edward Storey ; by Anonymous. pampb. 8o. Camb. Cambridge improvement commissioners ; by-laws under tbe Sanitary Acts. pampb. fo. Camb. 1875 Cantabrigia depicta ; by E. B. Harraden. 1811 illustrata ; byD. Loggan. 1688 Cburcb of St. Mary tbe Less ; by J. W. Clarke. 1857 — tbe Holy Sepulchre ; by Cambridge Camden Society. 1844 Eestoration of Bound chui-cb ; by Cambridge Camden So- ciety. 1845 Contract for Ugbting the town with gas. pampb. 8o. Camb. 1868 Corporation maces and rest ; by L. Jewitt and W. B. Eedfarn. 1879 Downing College ; by T. Hope. 1804 Exhibition of designs for completing King's College. pampb. 4o. 1823 'Historia collegii Jesu Cantabrigiensis ; by A. J. Sherman. Edited by J. 0. HaUiweU. 1840 Improvement commissioners' account. pampb. Camb. 1863 Kmg's college ; by W. Burges. 1874 chapel, construction of roof ; by F. Mackenzie. 1840 vaulting of; by C. Fowler. MS. SP. 1837 Memorials of; by J. L. Le Keux. 1841 Observations on plans for a new library. Instructions for the architects. 16 pamphlets, &c. 8o. 1823-37 Pugin torn- ; by W. Henman. 1872 by W. J. N. MiUard. 1880 . by A. Webb. 1874 Eeport of the Fitzwilliam syndicate. pampb. fo. 1834 Eeport of proceedings of Architectural Society held at ; pampb. 8o. 1860 Eeport on design for Corn Exchange ; by E. E. Eowe. 1869 by A. Waterhouse. 1869 Eeport on laying foundation stone of the Cambridge Corn Exchange. pampb. 8o. Camb. 1874 Eeport on sanitary condition ; by B. Amiingson. 1876 Eeport on sewage ; by J. F. Bateman. 1872 by G. W. Stephenson. 1870 by J. W. Bazalgette. 1878 St. Matthew's church. Laying of the foundation stone ; by Anonymous. 1864 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 45 Cambridge — con tinucd . Sanitary condition of river Cam, report on ; by R. R. Rowe. 1864 University and college antiquities ; by H. A. Woodbam. _ 1841 Warming and ventilating as applied to some of tbe public edifices ; by S. Whitwell. 1834 Cambridge Antiquarian Society Reports to general meetings. 8o. Camh. 1841-43 Description of the Sextry Barn, at Ely, lately demolished ; by R. Willis. 1843 Architectural nomenclature of the middle ages ; by R. Willis. 1844 Cambeidge Architectueal Society Annals of the church of St. Mary the Less ; by J. W. Clarke. 8o. Lond. 1857 Cambridge Camden Society A few hints on the practical study of ecclesiastical antiquities. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th edits. pamph. 8o. Camb. 1839-40-42-43 Report for 1840 ; address ; list of the members, laws, &c. 8o. Camh. 1840 Account of the church of St. Mary the Virgin, Stow, Lincolnshire. pamph. 8o. Camh. 1841 Argument for the Greek origin of the monogram I.H.S. pamph. 8o. Camh. 1841 Few words to church builders. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd impressions. pamph. 8o. Camh. 1841 With an appendix, containing lists of windows, fonts, and rood screens, intended to serve as models. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd edits. pamph. 8o. Camh. 1841-44 Few words to churchwardens on churches and church ornaments. No. 1. Suited to country parishes. 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th-10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th edits. pamph. 8o. Camh. 1841-4G Few words to churchwardens on churches and church ornaments. No. 2. Suited to town and manufacturing parishes. 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and Oth edits. pamph. 8o. Camh. 1841-43 History of pews ; with an appendix con- taining a report on the statistics of pues. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd edits. pamph. 8o. Camh. 1841-43 Supplements. pamph. 8o. Camh. 1842-43 Twenty-three reasons for gctthig rid of church pews (or pues). pamph. Bo. Camh, [1848] Cambridge Camden Society — continii^d. Twenty-four reasons for getting rid of church pews (or pues). pamph. 8o. Camb. [1843] Transactions, 1839-44. Parts i.-iii. 4o. Camh. 1841-45 Church enlargement and church arrange- ment, pamph. 8o. Camh. [1843] Few words to the parish clerks and sex- tons of country parishes. 1st and 2nd edits. pamph. 8o. Camh. 1843 Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Cam- bridge, pamph. 8o. Camh. 1844 Restoration of the Round church. pamph. 8o. Camh. 1845 Churches of Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely. 8o. Camh. 1845 Plans, &c., of the chancel of All Saints chiu'ch, Hawton, Nottinghamshire ; with descriptive account ; by G. G. Place. fo. Lond. cC Camh. 1845 Diary of John Manningham (1602-1G08) ; ed. by .J. Bruce. 4o. Westminster 1868 see Eeelesiological Society. sec Ecclesiologist (The). Cambridge Improvements Acts Report of the Cam purification com- mittee, pamph. 8o. Camb. 1868, 1869 Cambridge School of Art Fifth annual report, pamph. 8o. Camb. 1863 Cambridge University Reporter Building report on museums and lecture rooms. 4o. Camb. 1878 Cambridge Mass. Austin Hall (Harvard Law School). fo. Boston 1885 Cambridgeshire Churches of; by A. G. HiU. 1880 by Cambridge Camden Society. 1845 see Parker (J H) 1848-55 Cambuskenneth Abbey Excavations ; by W. Mackison. SP. 1867 Camden (W) Britannia ; or, a chorogra- phical description of Great Britain and Ireland, with the adjacent islands. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1772 Camden Society Chronicle of the first thirteen years of the reign of Edward IV. ; by J. Warkworth. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell. 8o. Lond. 1839 Cameos, Intaglios, and Gems Due cammei e due intagli in onice ; by R. Politi. 1847 Introduction k I'etudo des pierres gravies ; by A. L. Milhn. 1796 Camera Lucida see Mathematical Instruments. Cameron (C) I'.atlis of the Romans ; with the restorations of Palladio. fo. Lond. 1775 46 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Campana (G P) Due sepolcri romani del secolo di Augusto, scoverti tra la via Latina e I'Appia presso latomba degli Seipioni. fo. Borne 1840 Antiche opere in plastica. 6 parts. fo. Rome 1842 Catalogue of Greek and Roman coins. 8o. Lond. 1846 Campanari (S) Litorno i vasi fittili dipinti rinvenuti ne' sepolcri dell' Etruria. 4o. Borne 1836 Antichi vasi dipinti deUa collezione Fcoli. 8o. Bome 1837 Campania Sotterranea ; by G. Sanchez. 1836 Campanili sec Tower, &c. Campbell (C) Vitruvius Britannicus, or the British architect. 8 vols. fo. Lond. 1717-25 ■ Continuation of ; by E. Woolfe and J. Gandon. by G. Eichardson. by P. F. Eobinson. Campin (F) Construction of iron roofs — a theoretical and practical treatise. 4o. Lond. 1866 Camporesi (P) Volpato (J) & others Loggie di Eafaele nel Vaticano. (Draivn by P. Camporesi, 0. Savorelli, & L. Teseo ; engraved by J. Volpato d J. Ottaviani.) 43 plates. (?io title.) fo. Bome 1774-76 Camus (F) L'art de tremper les fers et les aciers. 8o. Paris 1846 Canadian Institute of Architects see Toronto. Embankment, Retaining engineering ; by D. Canal, Dock, Wall Canal and river Stevenson. Canaux de navigation et sp^cialement du canal de Languedoc ; by D. La- lande. De Languedoc, Histoire ; by Anony- mous. 1877 1778 1805 Ganges ; by Sir P. T. Cautley. 1860-64 History of inland navigation ; by J. Philhps. 1795 Irrigation in India ; by A. Cotton. 1875 by F. H. Eiuidall. 1876 Meuse au Rhin ; by A. Hageau. 1819 Navigation, and use of steam on ; by Sir W. Fairbau-n. 1831 systems of ; by W. Chap- man. 1797 Public works of Great Britain. Edited by F. W. Sunms. 1838 Canal, Dock, &c. — continued. Eegent's canal : prospectus. 1811 Stability of retaining wall ; by J. Murray. 1855 Candelabrum by P. Santi Bartoli and G. P. Bellori. 1702 Vasi, &c. ; by G. B. Piranesi. [1778] by H. Moses. 1811 Candelabrum of Herculaneum see Naples Accademia Eecolanesi. 1792 Caneto (F) Sainte-Marie d'Auch, atlas monogra- phique de cette cathedrale. fo. Paris 1857 Notre-Dame de Lourdes, ^tude monogra- phique. pamph. 8o. Auch 1871 Canina (Cav. L) Le nuove fabbriche della viUa Borghese, denominata Pmciana. fo. Bome 1828 L' architettura antica. Sezione 1. Archit. Egiziana, 1 vol. 2. Greca, 2 vols. 8. Roma, 2 vols. 8o. Plates, 4 vols. fo. Bome 1834-43 Descrizione storica del Foro Romano e sue adiacenze. 8o. Bome 1834 Sul Porto Neroniano di Anzio et sui Rostri del Foro Romano. 4o. Bome Descrizione di Cere antica, &c. fo. Bome del luogo denominato antiea- mente la Speranza veccliia, del mo- numento deUe acque Claudia ed Anienenuova,e delsepolcro di Marco Vergilio Eurisace. 8o. Bome Sul circo, edificato da Adriano vicino al suo mausoleo per celebrare il uatale di Roma nell' anno 874. 4o. Bome Sulletrenta colonic albane, dissertazione. 4o. Bome Sugli antichi edifizi, gi^ esistenti nel luogo ora occupato daUa chiesa di S. Slartiua, &c. fo. Bome Pelasgic tomb discovered at Cervetri, near Rome. MS. SP. 30 Mar. Descrizione deU' antico castello di Pirgi. pamph. 8o. Bome Descrizione dell' antico Tusculo. fo. Bome Indicazione topografica di Roma antica. 3rd edit. 8o. Bome Esposizioue topografica di Roma antica tanto estesa in tutta 1' area circuita daUe mure Am'eliane quanto dimos- trata in piu grandezza nella parte media. fo. Bome Ricerche sull' architettm'a piu propria dei tempj cristiani, e applicazione deUa medesuna ad mia idea di sostituzione dellachiesacattedraledi S. Giovanni in Torino. fo. Bome 2nd edit. fo. Bome 1837 1838 1839 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1841 1841 1842 1843 1846 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRltTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 47 tianina (Cav. L) — continued. Opere principal! del. pamph. 80. Bo7ne 1843 Ricerche sul genere di architettura pro- prio degU antichi Giudei ed in par- ticolare sul tempio di Gerusalemme. fo. Borne 1845 Esposizione del Foro Romano e sue adia- cenze ; edit, secunda. (Text and plates.) 4o. Borne 1845 Antica Etruria Marittima, compresa neUa dizione pontificia. 2 vols. lb. Borne 1846-49 Antica cittS, di Veii descritta e dimostrata con i monumenti. fo. Borne 1847 Gli edifizj di Roma antica cogniti per alcune importanti reliquie. Text, vols, i, iii, V. Plates, vols, ii, iv, vi. fo. Borne 1848-56 Particolare genere di architettura domes- tica, decorato di ornamenti di svelte forme. fo. Borne 1852 Via Appia dalla Porta Capena a Boville, descritta e dimostrata con i monu- menti superstiti. 2 vols. 4o. Borne 1853 Memoir of ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1856 Discorso in eneomio del ; by G. Folelii. 1857 Illustrations of the genius of M. A. Buo- narroti see Harford (J S). 1857 Canini (G A) Iconografia, cioe disegni d' imagini de' famosissimi monarchi, regi, filosofi, poeti ed oratori dell' antichit;\. fo. Borne 1669 Cannabic Composition for ornaments ; by B. Albano. MS. SP. 1844 Cannissie (P) Notice n^crologique ; by E. Vandenbergh. Canopy see Church Fittings. Canova (A) Vita ; by Melchior Missirimi. 1825 Canterbury Ancient documents relating to the cathe- dral and precincts ; by Anonymous 1881 Architectural history of; by R. Willis. 1845 Photographs to ; by J. H. Parker. 1868 Architectural history of Christ Church monastery ; by R. WiUis. 1869 Cathedral church ; by W. Woolnoth. 1816 Capitals in crypt ; by J. Donkin. 1881 Conventual arrangement of; by M. E. C. Walcott. SP. 1862 Heraldic notices of ; by T. Willement. 1827 Historical description of ; an account of its antiquities, &c. ; [by Burnby]. 2nd edit. 80. Cant. 1783 by J. Britton. 1821 History and antiquities of ; by J. Dart. 1726 Escerpta e compoto thesaurarias monas- terii S. Augustini ; by Anonymous. 1881 Canterbury — continued. Historical memorials of; by A. P. Stanley. 1868 Pilgrimage ; by J. & E. R. Pennell. 1885 Pugin tour ; by E. C. Lee. [1870] Rambles round ; by F. W. Cross and J. R. Hall. 1884 Cape (G A) Baths and washhouscs. 4o. Lond. 1854 Capellini (G) Balenottera fossile nelle argille plioceni- che di S. Lorenzo in colhna Bologna. pamph. 80. Bologna 1862 Geologia e paleontologia del Bolognese. Bologna 1862 Capes (J M & A) The old and new churches of London. 4o. Lo7id. 1880 Capital see Orders (Classic). see Periods (Mediaeval"). Caporali (G) see Vitruvius. 1536 Cappadocia Histoire de I'art ; by Perrot and Chipiez. 1887 Capitato ( ) Mode of constructing the enamelled floors, called Venetian pavements, used in Naples under the name of " lastico." MS. SP. 25 July 1842 Capronnier (J B) see Levy and Capronnier. Caracci (A) see Cesio (C). 1657 Caracci (L) II claustro di S. Michele in Bosco di Bologna, descritto dal C.C. Malvasia. fo. Bologna 1694 Carbonazzi (G A) and Bernardi (D) Cenni sulle condizioni attuali della Sar- degna. 80. Torino 1849 Carburi de Ceffalonie (Comte M) Monu- ment de Pierre-le-Grand, ou rela- tion des travaux et des moyens me- chaniques qui ont 6t6 employes pour transporter ;\ Petersbourg un rocher de trois millions pesant, &c. fo. Paris 1777 Cardinali (F) Dizionario portatile della lingua italiana. 4o. Bologna 1827 Careme (A) Le patissier pittoresque. 80. Paris 1828 Carey (J) see Ainsworth (R). 1852 Cargill (T) Strains upon bridge girders and roof trusses. 80. Lojul. 1878 Caria, Lycia, Lydia by G. Scharf and Sir C. Fellows. 1847 Introductory remarks ; by Sir C. Fellows. 1847 Caricature Histoire de la caricature antique ; by Cliampileury. 1865 Carisbrooke Isle of Wight Roman villa ; by W. Spickernell. I860 Caristie (A) Plan, &c., d'une partio du Forum Re- main, et des monuments sur la Voie Sacr6e, indiquant les fouilles qui 48 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Caristie (A) — contimicd. ont 6t^ faites dans cette partie de Eome depuis I'au 1809, jusqu'en 1819. fo. Paris 1821 Arc d'Orange et des tliMtres antiques d'Orange et d'Arles, itc. 4o. Paris 1839 Discours prononc6 aux fim^railles de A. Blouet. 8o. Paris 1863 Monuments antiques h, Orange, arc de triomphe et theatre. fo. Paris 1856 Carlisle Catliedi-al ; by E. W. Billings. 1840 By-laws as to new streets, &c. see Public Health Act 1875. [1885] Local government act, 1858. pamph. 8o. Carlisle 1868 Carloni (M) see Rome Baths op Titus. Carlos (E I) Crosby Hall, London. 12o. Lo7id. 1832 Norman buildings recently discovered in Southwark. pamph. 8o. 1832 Crypt at St. Saviour's church, South- wark. pamph. 8o. 1835 Church of St. Edmund on the bridge, Exeter. pamph. 8o. 1835 Nateley church, Hampshire, pamph. 8o. 1836 Nursted Court, Kent. pamph. 8o. 1837 Winchester House, London, pamph. 8o. 1839 Churches of St. Bartholomew by the Exchange, and St. Benet Fink, . London. pamph. 8o. 1840 Shottesbrooke chm-ch, Berks, pamph. 8o. 1840 Niche in St. Bartholomew church, Lon- don, pamph. 8o.' 1841 Carlsruhe Model'sche haus ; by H. Lang 1882 Carmichael (J W) see Metcalf (J). Carmona (M S) Antigiiedades arabes de Granada y C6rdoba. fo. [Madrid 1780] Carnac see Brittany. Caroto (G) Antichita di Verona, fo. Fcj-owa 1764 Carpenter (R C) Cathedral of St. Patrick, Dublin. (Imperfect. Bound ivith Throndhjem Domkirke.) fo. Loud. 1847 Carpenter (R H) King Edward Sixth's school, and the Benedictine Abbey of St. Mary, Sherborne. pamph. 8o. Loud. 1874 The Benedictine Abbey of St. Mary, Sherborne, with notes on restoration of its chm-ch. SP. 19 Mar. 1877 The mosque-cathedrals of Cordova and Seville, and some contemporary Arabic buildings. SP. 19 Feb. 1883 Notes on Wisby. SP. 14 Dec. 1885 Carpenters' Company sec London. Carpentry and Joinery Art de la charpenterie ; by A. E. Emy. 1841-42 by M. Jousse. 1702 by J. C. Krafft. 1805, 1819-21 Carpentry and Joinery — contimicd. British ; and Gothic roofs ; by T. Morris. 1871 Builder's new director ; by P. Nicholson. 1824 Carpenters' and joiners' assistant ; by J. Newlands. 1860 Complete instructor ; by A. Swan. 1768 Construction in ; by J. Eobison and T. Tredgold. 1859 Elementary principles [from Tredgold] ; by E. W. Tarn. 1873 by E. L. Tarbuck. Elements and practice of; by P. Nicholson. 1825 Fortegnmger for haandv£erkere ; by G. F. Hetsch. Holzarchitectur des mittelalters ; by C. Botticher. [1841] Joints in woodwork ; by H. Adams. 1877 Menuiserie ; by F. Thiollet. 1837 Of bridges ; by Pitrou. 1756 Principles of; by T. Tredgold, edited by P. Barlow. 1853 Specimens of ancient ; by J. Smith. 1787 Treatise on ; by F. Price. 1753 architectm'e (carpentry) ; by A. Ashpitel. 1867 Vignole des charpentiers ; by Bourgeois. 1838 Vorlegebliitter fiir zimmerleute see Berlin Konigliche Technischb Deputation, &c. 1827, 1841 see Price-Book. see Timber Construction. see Woodwork. Carr (H) The bridges of London. SP. 4 Dec. 1871 Carr (M W) see Madras Government. Carter (J) Ancient sculpture and painting, from the earliest period to the reign of Henry the Eighth. fo. Loud. 1780 Ancient architecture of England. fo. Lond. 1795-1807 see Society of Antiquaries. Carter (0) Picturesque memorials of Win- chester. 4o. Winchester 1830 Carthage Excavations and researches at ; by N. Davis. 1861 FouUles i\ ; by C. E. Beule. 1861 Carton Park Kildare Elevation of bridge ; by M. Shanahan. [1770] Carton-pierre, Compo, Papier-Mache Fi- brous slab or patent wood ; by C. F. Bielefield. 1858 Carusso (C D) Importance de la carto- graphic ofEcielle. pamph. 8o. Geneva 1886 Carving see Sculpture. Cary (H) Herodotus ; a new and a literal version, from the text of Baeln. 8o. Lo7id. 1852 PBDJTED BOOKS, MAHUSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 49 Gary (J and W) New universal atlas. fo. Loiid. 1808 Caserta Disegni del Palazzo ; by L. Van- viteUi. _ 1756 Cash (J) Views of public buildings ia DubUn ; by E. Pool and J. Cash. 1780 Caspar (J) Denknialer der architektur ; by V. Voit, J. Caspar, and others. 1860 Caspar (-W) Elsass-Lothringisches bau- recht ; by E. Fortsch and W. Caspar. 1878 Cass (F C) South Minuns ; history of church and parish. 4o. Westminster 1877 Monken Hadley. 4o. Lo)ul. 1880 East Bamet. Part i. fo. Westminster 1885 Cassas (L F) Voyage pittoresque de la Syrie, Phenicie, Palestine et Basse- Egj-pte. fo. Paris [1799] Cassas (L F) and Bence ( ) Itmerau-e pittoresque de Eome, di%'is(i en sept coUines, et vue geuerale de la xille d'Athenes. fo. [Paris 1813] Cassel Die baudenkmaler ; by H. v. Dehn- Eotfelser and W. Lotz. 1870 Gemiildegalerie-gebaude ; by H. v. Dehn- Eotfelser. 1879 Mittelalterhche baudeukmiiler ; by H. v. Dehn-Eotfelser and F. Koeberleiu. 1882 Cassina (F) Le fabbriche piii cospicue di MUano. fo. Ililan 1844 L' Italia monumentale o gaUeria delle principali fabbriche antiche e mo- derne d' ItaUa. 2ud edit. 2 vols. fo. Milan 1873 Cassiobury Park History of ; by J. Britton. 1807 Cast Iron sec Iron. Castell (R) ViUas of the ancients illus- trated, fo. Lond. 1728 Castermans (A) Parallele des maisous de BruxeUes et des xUles de laBelgique, construites depuis 1830 jusqu'a, nos jours. fo. Paris 1856 CastiUioni see Galli (G P C) Vitruvius. Castle Ahiwick ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1856 Ancient architecture of England ; by J. Carter. 1795-1807 miUtary architecture of England ; byF.E.WHson. CP. 1871 Anet ; by E. Pfuor. 1866 Architecture civile et militaire ; by A. de Caumont. 1858 fianyoise ; by J. F. Blondel. 1788 Arundel ; by M. A. Tiemey. 1834 Blois ; by E. Le Nail. 1875 Caradoc ; by Beseni,-ou and C. D. 1866 Castle — continued. Castellated architecture of England ; by J. Hadfield. Chambord ; by Vergnaud-Romagnesi. Chateaux de la valine de la Loire ; by V. Petit. Colchester ; by G. Buckler. by H. Jenkins. Conway ; by C. H. Hartshorne. 1848 1832 Coucy ; by VioUet-le-Duc. Dudley ; by E. Roberts. Dui'ham ; by R. W. BDIiags. Framlingham ; by R. M. Phipson. Frederiksborg ; by H. Hansen and C. Kobke. GaiUon ; by A. Deville. Heidelberg; by E. I'Auson. by Ramee and Pfnor. HohenzoUern ; by A. Stiller. 1861 1876-79 1869 1853 1861 1873 1846 1863 S. 1872 1850-51 SP. 1857 1859 1866 by Kenilworth, Warmck, and Maxstoke ; G. T. Eobiuson. Kirby Muxloe ; by W. Jackson. Leicester ; by W. Jackson. Llanvair ; by 0. Morgan and W. Wake- man. Mihtary architecture of the middle ages ; by VioUet-Ie-Due. Mount Orgueil ; by W. Prj-nne. Newcastle-on-Tyne ; by J. C. Bruce. Nimegue ; by A. Oltmans. Of the reign of Francis I. ; by E. I' Anson, SP. Penhow ; by 0. Morgan and W. Wake- man. Pierrefonds ; by R. P. Spiers. SP. by VioUet-le-Duc. 1859 1885 1885 1863 1860 1838 1847 1847 1855 1867 1873 1869 Rheiuhardsbrunn ; by the Berliu Archi- tekten-Vereiu. Saltwood ; by F. Beeston. [1885] Sandown and Sandgate ; by T. H. Lewis. 1884 Schwerin ; by Stiller, Prosch, and Wille- brand. 1866-67 Sheriff Huttou ; by S. Sharp. SP. 1839 by G. Todd. 1824 Skipton ; by the Yorkshire Archieo- logical Association. 1877 Tattershall ; by F. H. Reed. 1872 Thornbuiy ; by R. EUis. 1839 Tunbridge ; by J. F. Wadmore. 1885 Wmdsor ; by A. Poynter. SP. 1841 by J. Wyatville. 1841 illustrations of ; by Gandy and Baud. 1842 reports from select committee. 1830, 1831 (Royal residences) ; by W. H. Pyne. 1819 work at ; by Mela Britannicus. 1827 York, fortifications of ; by H. F. Lock- wood and A. H. Cates. 1834 50 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Castle-Acre Norfolk Priory ; by E. P. Willins. 1881 Castle Ashby Vitruvius Britanuicus ; by P. F. Kobinson. 1841 Castle (H J) Laud sm-veying and levelling, with plans, &c. 8o. Lond. 1845 Engineering field notes on parish and railway surveying and levelling. 2ud edit. 8o. Lond. 1847 Castle Howard Mausoleum at ; by C. H. Tatbam. 1812 Castor see Northamptonshire, Catacombs see Cemetery. Catalogue of Collections, Exhibitions, Libraries, &c, Botfield (B). Pictures in his possession at Norton Hall. 8o. Lond. 1848 BurHngtou Fine Arts Club. Exhibition of drawings (architectural subjects) by deceased British artists. 1884 Grace (F). Plans, maps, and views of Westmmster. 1878 Edwards (E). Medals struck in France, 1789-1830. 1838 Evans and Sons. Books on the fine arts. 8o. Lond. Palkener (E). PubHcations on architec- ture and art. Hutton collection of fossils ; by A. Lebour. 1878 National portrait exhibition. First and second special exliibitions. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1866-G7 Descriptive of portraits, 1868. 8o. Lo?ul. 1868 Portraits, 1868. 8o. Lond. 1868 National portrait gallery. Pictures. 8o. Lond. 1859 Naval and Submarine EngLneermg Ex- hibition, 1882. 8o. Lo7id. 1882 Nichols (J G). Pictm-es at Stationers' Hall. 1863 Oldfield (E). Ivory carvings, fi-om 2nd to 16th century, in various collec- tions. 1856 Parkes museum of Hygiene. Inter- national exhibition, 1881. Pullan (R P). Catalogue of views in Asia Minor. 1876 Renaissance ornamental casts ; by R. Wornum see Science and Art Department. 1854 Robinson (J C). Soulages collection at Marlborough House, with photo- graphs. 1856 Universal, of books on art see Science and Art Department. 1876-78 Uzielli (M). Art coUection. 1860 Verzeichuiss von grosseren architectoui- schen werken ; by R. Weigell. 1842 Weale (J). Architectural and engineer- ing books. 1840-41 Catalogue of Collections, Exhibitions, Libraries, &c. — cont'mued. LiBEAEY. Architectural Association. 1873-77 Berlin Architekten-Verein. 1887 Britton (J), Fourth portion of. 1846 Christiania : Norsk I. & A. Porening. 1885 East India Company. 1845-51 Guildhall see Corp. City of London. .1859-79- Institute of Actuaries. 1851 Institution of Civil Engineers. 1866-74- Mechanical Engineers. 1881 Surveyors. 1874-83- Klenze (L von). 1864 Librairie Fran9aise ; by C. Reinwald. 1859-67 Liverpool Free Library. 1872-81- Mauchester Free Library. 1864- Literary and Phil. Soe. 1875- Marlborough House ; by R. N. Wornum. 1855 Museum of Practical Geology. 1878 Radclifle, Oxford. 1835 Royal Academy of Arts. 4o. Lond. 1877 Royal Geographical Society. 1851-71- Royal Institute of British Architects. 1838-68-78-88 Royal Institution ; by B. Vincent. 1857-78-81- Royal Society. 1839- Soane collection. 1844-78- Soeiety of Antiquaries. 1816-61- Stowe, Buckinghamshire. 1849 Sydney Free Pubhc. 1878-80- Turuer (D), Yarmouth. 1841 United Service Institution. 1842 see Barthes and Lowell. see Bohn. see London, British Museum. see ftuaritch. sec under names of towns. Cataneo (P) I quattro primi Ubri d' archi- tettm-a. fo. Venice 1554 Catania Autichi edifici ; by S. Ittar. 1812 Excavations in the theatre ; by S. Ittar. MS. SP. 1837 Cates (A) Biogi'aphical notice of the late Sir J. Penuethorne. SP. 18 Dec. 1871 Concrete and fire-resisting constructions. CP. 6 Ju. 1878 BiUs of quantities. CP. 7 May 1881 Duties, obUgations, and mutual relations of architect, chent, and contractor, with reference to Enghsh and foreign practice. CP. 6 May 1884 Cates (A H) Fortifications of York ; by H. F. Lockwood and A. H. Cates. 1834 Cathedral Albi ; by L. Aillaud and others. 1882 Ancient, of France, Germany, Holland, and Italy ; by J. Coney. 1832 PRmXED BOOKS, MANUSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 51 Cathedral — con t inued. Chichester, early statutes of ; by M. E. C. Walcott. 1877 Continental ; by B. Winkles. 1836 Copenhagen ; by H. C. Hansen. English ; see Society of Antiquaries. by J. Brittou. 1814-35 by C. Wild. documentary history of; by M. E. C. Walcott. of nineteenth century ; by A. J. B. B. Hope. and Welsh ; by Winkles. H. & B. 1865 1861 1836-38 1836-42 handbooks ; by E. J. 1861-77 1843 King. P^ench ; by J. J. Bourasse. by N. M. J. Chapuy, P. T. de Joliment, and A. du Mege. 1823-30 by B. Wmkle. 1837 Freiburg ; by H. Schreiber. 1829 Gloucester ; by F. S. Walker. 1856 Hereford ; by F. T. Havergal. 1882 Milan ; by P. & J. Vallardi and J. & A. Bramati. 1863 Strasburg ; by N. M. J. Chapuy and J. G. Schweighfeuser. 1827 by H. Schreiber. 1829 St. Albans see St. Albans. St. Paul's see London. Throudl)jem see Throndhjem. Traditions and customs ; by M. E. C. Walcott. 1872 Ulm ; by J. v. Egle, A. Beyer, and C. Reiss. 1872 Worcester, inventory of; by M. E. C. Walcott. Zurich ; by S. Vogelin and F. Keller. sec under names of towns. Catherwood (F) Mode of moving houses in New York. MS. SP. 5 Dec. 1836 Ancient monuments in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. fo. Land. 1844 sec Stephens (J L). Catholic Priest, A Explanation of the parts of a catholic chiu'ch ; with a de- scriptive chart. 2nd edit. pamph. 18o. 1867 Catlin (G) Steam-raft ; security to human life on the ocean. pamph. 8o. Manch. 1860 Cattois (F) Architecture civile et domestique ; by A. Verdier and F. Cattois. 1855-7 Essai sur deux edifices dc la renaissance chrdtienne. 4o. Paris 1861 Caudebec L'abbaye de Saint-Wandrille ; by E. H. Langlois. 1827 Caumont (A de) Cours d'antiquit^s monumentales profess6 a Caen : histoire de I'art dans I'ouest de la France. 5 vols, in 2. 8o. Paris 1830-41 Plates, ob. fo. 1841 Histoire de I'architecture religieuse au moyen age. 8o. Paris 1841 Eapport verbal sur les antiquites de Treves et Mayence. 8o. Caen 1843 Definition dlementaire de quelques termes d'architecture. 8o. Paris 1846 Statistique monumentale du Calvados : — Vol. I. Arrondissement de Caen. 8o. Caen 1846 „ II. Falaise. 8o. Caen 1848 Bulletin monumental; ou collection de memoires, &c. 2nd ser. vol. iv. 8o. Paris 1848 3rd ser. vol. x. 8o. Paris 1864 4th ser. vols, i-viii. 8o. Paris 1865-72 Abecddaire ou rudiments d'archdologie. 8o. Paris 1850 Architecture civile et militaire. 2nd edit. 8o. Paris 1858 Relation d'une promenade archdologique faite en Bretagne, Sept. 1849. pamph. 8o. Paris 1850 Rapport verbal sur une excursion archdo- logique en Lorraine, en Alsace, i, Fribourg, &c. pamph. 8o. Paris 1851 Architecture rehgieuse. 4th edit. 8o. Paris 1859 Ere gallo-romaine. 8o. Paris 1862 Archeologie des ecoles primaires. 8o. Caen 1868 Notice biographique ; by E. de Beau- repaire. 1874 Cautley (Sir P T) Report of the Ganges canal works 20 vols. 8o. 1 vol. 4o. aiad 1 vol. fo. Lond. 1860 Reply to statements on the projection of the Ganges canal works. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1863 Heads of the Ganges and Jumna canals. 8o. Lond. 1864 A valedictory note to Sir A. Cotton re- specting the Ganges canal. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1864 Cauty (W) On the construction and build- ing of chimneys, including an enquiry into the common causes of their smoking. 8o. Lond. 1772 Cave sec Rock-cut Work and Cave. Caveler (H) Architectural illustrations of Warmingtou Church, Northampton- shire, fo. Lond. 1850 Caveler (W) Select specimens of Gothic architecture. 4 parts. 4o. Lond. 1835-36 Cavos (A) Die architectonische einrichtuug der theator-gcbitudcn. 4o. Leipzig 1849 Cawdor (Earl of) see Vaughan (F J). 52 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCBIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPEES Cayley (J J) Boyes (J) and Bridgman (H H) Scheme for a central fisli market for London. pamiDb. 80. Lond. 1881 Cean-Bermudez (J A) Diccionario hist6rico de los mas illustres profesores de las bellas artes en Espaua. 6 vols, {in 3.) 12o. Madrid 1800 see Llagimo y Amirola (E). 1829 Ceiling Book of ; by G. Eicbardson. 1776 Construction of brick arch ceiling ; by E. Eawlinson. 1848, 1849 Earthen tube, at Syracuse; by J. J. Scoles. SP. 1847 Low, advantage of, in small houses ; by J. Honeyman. 1883 Celtic and Druidical Celt (The), the Eoman, and the Saxon ; by T. Wright. 1852 Cement, Lime, Stucco, Mortar, Concrete by G. E. BurneU. 1857 by T. L. Donaldson. 1840 by J. H. Hassenfratz. 1825 by C. W. Pasley. 1838, 1847 by L. J. Vicat. 1818 Apphcation of cement to exteriors ; by J. T. Knowles. SP. 1850 Betons agglomeres ; by P. Coignet. 1862 employment of ; by G. Eennie. 1858 Calcareous cement ; by J. L. Schroder. MS. Cementitious architecture ; by J. White and T. F. Pritchard. 1832 materials ; by G. E. Bur- neU. SP. 1858 Concrete ; by G. Godwin. SP. 1836 and asphalting ; by H. Lock- by wood. — and fire-resisting constructions ; A. Cates. CP. — as a building material ; by A. Payne. SP. building ; by A. W. Blomfield. SP. by C. Drake. experiments on ; by T. H. Lewis. SP. materials used for, by Sir J. Soane ; by G. Bailey. MS. SP. Portland cement, experiments with ; by T. Hyatt. — — for buQd- mg ; by T. H. Wonnacott. SP. underpinning at Chatham Docks ; by G. L. Taylor. SP. Concrete used at Westmmster New Bridewell : by E. Abraham. Water percolating through ; by T. Little. SP. 1886 1878 1876 1871 1874 1857 1836 1877 1871 1886 1836 1848 Cement, Lime, Stucco, Mortar, Concrete — cont. Gypsum, sulphate of lime ; its peculiar character and use in Paris ; by G. K. BurneU. SP. 1850 Hardening of ; by W. C. Unwm. 1886 Improved mortars ; by H. Y. Scott. SP. 1872 Keene's cement ; by J. B. White. SP. 1842 Pise, art of building cottages, &c. ; by W. Wilds. 1835 mode of building ; by W. Barber. 1802 Plaister and cement ; by E. F. Martin. MS. SP. 1839 of Paris ; by V. de Lassaux. MS. SP. 1846 Portland cement; by T.H.Womiacott. SP. 1871 by H. Faija. SP. 1880 for users ; by H. Faija. — manufacture of ; by H. Eeid. testing ; by W. C. Un- 1877 wm. 1886 Eegulations for construction of concrete buildings ; by Metropolitan Board of Works. Eoman mode of mixing ; by C. F. L. Schultz. SP. 1837 Specification of manufacture of lime, cement, &c. ; by W. E. Newton. 1856 Stucco, stamped or incised; by B. Ferrey. SP. 1857 pamting on; by J. White. SP. 1842 Cemetery Ancient British, on Sunbury Common ; byE. Eoberts. 1871 Catacombs at Alexandria ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1861 de St. CaUxte ; by C. Eohault de Fleury. 1866 City of London, at Little Ilford, Essex ; by W. Haywood. 1856 Designs for Kensal Green ; by H. E. KendaU. 1832 Green-wood ; exposition of the plan and objects. 80. N. York 1839 Merovingien de Montmartre ; by G. Eohault de Fleury. 1883 see Sepulchral Memorials. see Statistics. Cenis (Mont) Particulars of the railroad proposed to be constructed on ; by A. B. GranviUe. SP. 1850 Centrolinead (The) see Mathematical Instruments. Ceramic Art see Terra Cotta. Ceri Antichi monumenti sepolcrali ; by L. Canina. 1838 by L. Grifi. 1841 byP.E.Vis- conti. 1836 PRINTED BOOKS, MANTTSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 53 Cernesson (L) Emile Gilbert, sa vie, ses CBuvres. pampli. 80. Paris Certosa see Pavia. Cervetri near Rome ; on some Pelasgic tombs ; by L. Canina. MS. SP. Cesare Cesariano see Hawkins (J S). see Vitruvius. Cesio (C) Galeria nel Palazzo Farnese in Roma. fo. Ro7ne Cesnola (L P de) Cyprus, its ancient cities, tombs, and temples. 80. Lond. Ceylon by J. E. Tennent. Chabat (P) Dictionnaire des termes em- ployes dans la construction. 2 vols. 80. Paris 1875 1839 1813 1521 1657 1877 1859 1875 Chaffers (W) JIarks and monograms on pottery and porcelain of the renaissance and modern periods. 3rd edit. 80. Lond. 1870 sec Leeds. Chaillou des Barres ( ) L'abbaye de Pontigny. 80. Auxerre 1844 Chain see Mathematical Instrument. sec Rope, &c. Chaldea see Assyria. Chaldon Surrey Painting in church ; by J. G. Waller. 1885 Chalgrin (M) Plan, &c., de I'^glise de St. Philippe du Roule. fo. Chalk and Flint Mode of hardening chalk by Kuhlmann's process ; by W. Bromet. SP. 1847 Use of flint in building ; by F. Baggallay. SP. 1885 Chalons-sur-Marne by P. Barbat. [1855] Chamberlain (E) Attempt to answer the question : " Are synchronism and uniformity of style essential to beauty and propriety in architec- ture?" Prize essay. MS. SP. 10 July 1843 Chamberlain (J) Labourers' and artisans' dwellings. pamph. 80. Lond. 1883 Chamberlain (J H) Introduction of colour, including paint- ings in fresco, to promote or heighten the effect of architectural composi- tion generally. Prize essay. MS. 1853 Office and duties of architecture. pamph. 80. Birm. 1858 Chambers and Flats America ; by J. B. Gass. SP. 1880 Paris and London ; by W. H. White. SP. 1877 Town dwellings ; by A. Ashpitel and J. Whichcord. 1855 see Journal The Builder, 1855 Chambers (Sir W) Designs of Chinese buildings, &c. fo. Lond. 1757 {French text.) fo. Lond. 1757 Plans, &c., of the gardens and buildings at Kew, in Surrey. fo. Lond. 1763 A dissertation on Oriental gardening. 4o. Lond. 1772 Treatise on the decorative part of civil architecture. 3rd edit. fo. Lond. 1791 with notes, and essay on Grecian architecture ; by J. Gwilt. 80. Lond. 1825 4th edit., with notes, and essay on the principles of design ; by J. B. Papworth. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1826 Heroic epistle to ; by M. Macgreggor. 1805 see Clerc (S le). 1723-24 Chambord Chateau de ; by C. F. Vergnaud-Roma- gnesi. 1832 Palace of ; by J. G. Grace. _ SP. 1847 Champfleury Histoire de la caricature an- tique ; by [Jules Fleury], 12o. Paris 1865 Champion ( W S) Tracery : its origin, rise, and progress. Prize essay 1868. 80. Henley-on-Thames 1869 Champollion-Figeac (J-J) see Pfnor (R). Chancel Screen see Church Fittings. Chandler (R) Travels in Asia Minor and Greece. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1817 see Society of Dilettanti. Channel Islands by D. T. Ansted and R. G. Latham. . . , . ^^^^ Chantilly Promenades, ou itineraire des jardins ; by Anonymous. 1791 ChantreU (R D) Yorkshire stone, Springfield quarry, near Leeds ; and the mode of quarrying. MS. SP. 18 Dec. 1837 Remains of Norman roof over the chancel of Adel church, Yorkshire, MS. SP. 25 .Jan. 1847 Geometric system applied by the me- dia-val architects to the proportions of their ecclesiastical structures. SP. 14 June 1847 Domestic buildings of western Flanders in the 16th century, illustrating or- namental brickwork. MS. SP. 2 June 1856 Chapman (R) Rope makmg, &c. 12o. Lond. 1858 Chapman (W) Various systems of canal navigation, &c. 4o. Lond. 1797 Chappie (J) sec St. Albans Akchitectueal Society. Chapter House sea Cathedral. 54 PEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Chapuy (N M J) Le moyen age pittoresque, monumens et fragmens d'architecture, meubles et armes du X™<= au XVI™"" siecle. 2 vols. fo. Paris 1837 Le moyen age monumental et archeolo- gique ; by D. Ramee and N. M. J. Chapuy. 4 vols. fo. Paris 1843-47 Chapuy (N M J) Joliment (F T de) and Mege (A du) Cathedrales fran- 9aises. 4o. Paris 1823-30 Chapuy (N M J) and Schweighaenser (J G) Cathedrale de Strasbourg. {Bound in one.) 4o. Strasbourg 1827 Charente Domed churches of; by Archi- tectural Association. [1882] Charges see Professional Practice. Charity Organization Society Eeport on dwellings ; by Committee on dwell- ings of the poor, pamph. 8o. Loud. 1881 Charlemagne On mystery of tomb of; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1870 Charles (R) Decorative designs by Robert Adams. 1st issue. fo. Lond. 1883 Charleton (W) Stone-heng see Jones (I). 1725 Charma (M A) Lanfranc, notice biogra- phique, Utt^raire et philosophique. 8o. Paris 1849 Chartres Cathedrale de ; by L'Abbe Bulteau. 1850 Monographie ; by J. B. A. Lassus, A. Duval, and P. Durand. 1842-81 Rapport du comite historique des arts et monumens. pamph. 8o. Paris 1888 Eglise de St. Pierre et St. Andi-e; by I'Abbe Bulteau. 1850 Chateau (L) Histoire et caracteres de I'arcbitecture en France. 8o. Paris 1864 Chateaudun Mosaique et antiquites ro- maines ; by C. F. Vergnaud-Roma- gnesi. 1835 Chateauneuf (A de) Translation of extracts from the " Ham- burgischen correspondenten " relat- ing to the competition for the Ham- burg exchange. 1837 Architettura domestica. Germ, and Engl. text. 4o. Lond. 1839 Life of ; by C. Fowler, jun. SP. 1857 Architectura publica. Nachgelassenes werk. fo. Berl. d Hamb. 1860 Chatham Dockyard extension works ; by E. A. Bernays. 1879 Underpinning at docks ; by G. L. Taylor. SP. 1836 Royal Engineer Institute Occasional papers. (In iiroqress.) 8o. CJiatham. 1878-87- Chautard (I) and Lejenne (T) Descrip- tion du tombeau de I'empereur Napoleon I, Paris, pamph. 12o. Paris 1853 Cheetham (S) Dictionary of Christian an- tiquities; by W. Smith and S. Cheetham. 1876- Chelmorton Derbyshire Scroll in church ; by F. Barber. SP. 1870 Chelmsford County HaU ; by J. Johnson. 1808 Chelsea And its environs ; by T. Faulkner. 1810 Chemistry by G. Wilson. [1860] Elementary; by H. E. Roscoe. 1869 For beginners ; by G. Fownes. 1859 For students ; by A. W. Williamson. 1868 Fortschritte ; by Kon. Tech. Hoch- schule, Berlin. _ 1886 Laboratories at Bonn and Berlin ; by A. W. Hofmann. 1866 Manual of elementary ; by G. Fownes. 1861 Of the four ancient elements : fire, air, earth, and water ; by T. Griffiths. 1842 Pyrology ; by W. A. Ross. 1872 Spectrum, chemical effect of; by J. M. Eder. 1883 Synoptic tables of; by A. F. Fourcroy. 1801 Chenavard (A M) Voyage en Grece et dans le Levant. Text, 8o. Lyons 1849 Plates, fo. Lyons 1858 Fontaines esquisses. fo. Lyons 1864 Sujetstiresdespoemesd'Ossian. fo. Lyons 1868 Les poetes. fo. Lyons 1874 Theatres antiques : leur grandeur com- paree 8o. Lyons 1880 Sa vie et ses cEuvres ; by C. Lucas. 1884 Chertsey Excavations on site of abbey at ; by S. AngeU. 1862 Pugin tour ; by F. Hooper. SP. 1883 HisTOKic Society of Cheshieb Trans- actions for 1856-7. Cheshire (E) Results of the census of Great Britain in 1851 ; description of the machinery and processes employed to obtain the returns. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1858 Abstract of the pamphlet. 8o. Lond. 1853 Chestnut Assmned use of, in old buildings ; by W. Papworth. SP. 1858 In old timber roofs ; by T. BlashUl. SP. 1878 Chester MedifEval architecture ; by J. H. Parker. 1858 Past and present ; by H. H. Vale. 1869 Pugin tour; by E. J. May. 1877 St. John Baptist collegiate church ; by F. Grosvenor. 1857 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 55 Chester — continued. Akchitectueal and Akch^ologicad Society Journal. Parts i-iii. 80. Chest. 1850-54 Chesterfield Spire of All Saints church ; by W. G. Coldwell. SP. 1855 Letter ; by G. G. Scott. SP. 1855 Chevetot (J M) Grand escalier de Ver- sailles, fo. Paris Chevreul (M E) De la loi du couleurs, objets color6s. Text 80. plates 4o. transl. by C. Martel. transl. by J. Spanton. Chevron (J N) Architecture legale 12o. contraste simultane des et de rassortiment des Paris 1839 1859 1860 Liege 1861 Chicago 1879 Chiapas see Catherwood (F). see Stephens (J L). Chicago Gaff building, opera house, and office building ; by Kerfoot & Co. Pullman building ; by Turner & Bond. Safe & Trust Co.'s building ; by W. K. Nixon and J. F. Rhodes. Chicago Public Libeaby. Seventh annual report, June 1879. paniph. 80. Chichester Cathedral ; by R. WilUs. the fall of tower and by E. WiUis. Statutes of cathedi-al ; by M. E. C. Walcott. Chinmey see Fireplace, &c. Chimney-pieces And chandeliers, &c., designs for; by Liiigo Jones and W. Kent. Collection of ; by G. Eicliardson. Designs for. ob. fo. Loud. by G. G. Hoskins. 1884 1884 spire ; SP. 1861 1861 1877 1744 1781 1871 1811 Fmishings for rooms ; by W. F. Poeock. Maniere d' adornare i cammini ; by G. 15. Piranesi. 17G9 China Architecture and scenery ; by T. Allom. 1843 Canal navigation ; by W. Chapman. 1797 Chinese Architecture by T. AUom. 1843 by W. Chambers. . 1757 by J. Lamprey. SP. 1867 by W. Simpson. SP. 1873 Buildmgs at Kew ; by Sir W. Chambers. 1763 Chinese ornament ; by O. Jones. 1867 Chipiez (C) Histoire de I'art dans I'anti- quit6 ; by G. Perrot and C. Chipiez. 1882-87 Chippendale (T) The gentleman and cabinet maker's director ; a collection of designs in Gothic, Chinese, and modern taste. 2ud edit. fo. Lond. 1755 Designs of interior decorations in the old French and antique styles, for carvers, &c. 4o. Lond. 1834 Chisholm (R F) Tiroomal Naik's palace, Madura. SP. 28 Feb. 1876 New college for the Gaekwar of Baroda, with notes on style and domical con- struction in Lidia. SP. 11 June 1888 Chitty (J) jun. Treatise on the law of contracts, and upon the defences to actions thereon. 6tli edit. ; by J. A. Russell. 80. Loitd. 1857 Choisy (A) L'art de batir chez les Eo- mains. fo. Paris 1873 Choquet (C) Perspective lineaire, a I'usage des artistes, &c. fo. Paris 1823 Chorley Lancaster Dramage and sewage in ; by E. Eawlinsou. 1857 Chorlton Hospital ; by T. Worthington. 1867 Christ-church Hants by B. Ferrey audE. W. Bray ley. 1834 by M. E. C. Walcott. 1883 Christian (E) Skelton church, Yorkshire. 4o. Lond. 1846 Condition of the ancient church of S. Mary, Scarborough, &c. pamph. 80. Scarb. 1847 Opening addi-ess, SP. 3 Nov. 1884 SP. 2 Nov. 1885 Liverpool cathedi-al competition : report. MS. fo. Lond. 1886 Christian Architecture, &c. by H. Hiibsch. 1866 Alt-christlichebaudenkmalevonConstan- tinopel ; by W. Salzenberg. 1854 bauwerke von Ravenna ; by A. F. von Quast. _ 1842 Anweisuug zur architektur des christ- lichen cultus ; by L. v. Kleuze. 1835 Apology for revival of; by A. W. Pugin. 1843 Christian art ; by Lord Lindsay. 1847 buildings ; by G. Godwin. 1859 Classic and early Christian ; by T. R. Smith and J. Slater. 1882 Early, in Ireland ; by M. Stokes. 1878 Elementary lectures on ; by R. P. Pul- lan. 1879 From schola to cathedral ; by G. B. Brown. 1886 History of ; by Lord Lindsay. 1847 Iconographie chretienne ; by 1' Abb6 Cros- nier. 1848 In Italy ; by W. S. Okely. 1860 56 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCELPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Christian Architecture, &c. — contlmted. Temples chretiens, et rarcliitecture reli- gieuse de I'autiquite ; by Van Over- straeten. 1850 True principles of ; by A. W. Pugin. Ibll see Mediaeval Architecture. Christiania FOEBNINGEN FOR NoESKE FOKTIDS- MINDESM^RKEKS BEVAEING. F«irst aarsberetning. fo. Christ. 18-14 Norsk Ingenioe- & Aekitekt-Foeening Forenings organ. Vols. 1-5. 4o. Christ. 1878-82 Norsk tekiiisli tidsskrift. {In jnvgress.) 4o. Christ. 1883-87 Indberetning fra Kontorclief Feuger- Krog. pampb. 4o. Christ. 1885 Katalog over bibliotbeket. pamph. 8o. Christ. 1885 List of members. jjampb. 8o. Christ. 1886 Christopher (J C) Buildings may now be constructed fire-proof ; notes of a visit to Northwoods. pamph. 8o. Loud. 1848 Chromatography sec Colour. Chronological Tables see History. Church Abyssinian ; by W. Simpson. SP. 18(J9 Ancient Irish ; by A. Hill. SP. 1870 Annual reports of H. H. Commissioners on new churches. Nos. 1 to 32. {Wants Nos. 26-28.) fo. Land. 1821-53 contracts, particulars, and sug- gestions, fo. Loud. Architectographie des temples chretiens ; by H. D. L. van Overstraeten. 1850 Arrangement for a town chm'ch ; by G. H. GuiUaume. 1870 Arrangement of see Cambridge Camden Society. : Considerations of the principles of ; by Anonymous. Auvergne ; by E. I'Anson. SP. 18G6 Bornholm ; by H. J. Holm. 1878 Byzantine, decoration of; by R. P. Pul- lan. SP. 1875 Cambridgeshire ; by A. G. Hill. 1880 and Ely ; by Cambridge Camden Society. 1845 Catholic, explanation of the parts of ; by A Catholic Priest. _ 1807 Central- u. kuppolkirchen der renaissance in Itahen ; by H. Strack. 1882 Churches and church building in arch- deacom-y of Lindisfarue ; by R. C. Coxe. 18G0 Circulairesd'Angleterre; byC.Lucas. 1871, 1882 Condemned city chm-ches ; by R. P. Spiers. SP. 1877 by W. M. Teulou. SP. 1877 Church — continued. Cornwall ; by G. E. Street. 1850 Decoration of early Italian churches ; by C. H. Wilson. SP. 1844 Denbighshire ; by R. L. Williams and M. Underwood. 1872 Derbyshire ; by J. C. Cox. 1875-79 Designs for, in the Norman and Gothic styles, by various architects. Part i. ; by S. Lewin. 1844 by J. C. Hart. 1857 by W. F. Pocock. 1819 by G. Truefitt. 1850 Di Roma e suburbane ; by G. Fontana. 1838-38 Domed, of Chareute ; by Architectural Association. [1882] Double, at Schwartz-Rheindorf ; by A. Simons. 1846 Eglises de bourgs et villages ; by A. de Baudot. 18G7 Eglises principales de I'Europe ; by L. Rupp. (2 cojnes.) 1824 Eglises romanes et romano-bysantines du Puy-de-D6me ; by A. Mallay. 1838 Essex ; by G. Buckler. 1856 Great Britain ; by J. P. Neale and J. Le Keux. 1824-25 Kent ; by S. R. Glynne. 1877 Kingston-on-Thames ; by A. Heales. 1883 Kirchen der renaissance in Mittel-Italien ; by P. Laspeyi'es. 1882 Kirks and manses in Scotland ; by R. W. Eraser. Les ^glises de la Terre-Sainte ; by M. de Vogu(§. 1860 Lincolnshire ; by W. & H. Burgess. 1800-05 London ; by G. Godwin and J. Britton. 1838-39 Middle ages ; by H. Bowman and J. S. Crowther. 1845-53 Modern, designs and estimates ; by R. Tress. 1841 Modern parish ; by J. T. Micklethwaite. 1874 Moorland and border, in Devon ; by J. Hine. Nene Valley ; by E. Sharpe and others. 1880 Northampton ; by J. H. Parker. 1849 Ornaments of; [by C. Wilson]. 1761 Parish ; by R. Brandon. 1848 Parochial and collegiate, of Scotland ; by T. S. Muir. 1848 Poitiers : Instructions sur la restaura- tion, &c. ; by I'Abbe Auber. 1851 Proportion of mediaeval interiors, illus- trated with photographs ; by H. Conybeare. _ [1868] Prussia sec Berlin Koniglich Preus- siscHE Ober-Bau-Dei'utation, &c. Restoration and arrangements ; by W. White. SP. 1863 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 67 Church — continued. Ketui'u of chiu'ches, iu every diocese, which have been built or restored since 1840. fo. Loiul. 187G St. Engrace-du-Port, notice historique ; by H. Duraud. 1865 Southampton and around ; by C. Monk. 1886 Suggestions for the new churches ; by W. F. W. Usk ; by S. W. Wilhams. 1886 Wooden, hints on ; by F. de J. Clere. 1887 sec Crypt. see Ecclesiastical Architecture. Church Building Society sec Incorporated Society, &c. see Londou Diocesan Society. Church Decoration by A. Bilhug. 1851, 1868, 1876 And altar decorations, &c., at Eome ; by J. H. Parker. 1876 Atlas complet ; by J. P. Schmidt. In Italy ; by E. Oldfield. 1870 Painted, chiefly roofs ; by G. Y. Wardle. 1870 Principles of; by W. Lightly. SP. 1863 Remarks on ; by R. P. Pullan. 1878 Church Enlargement see Cambridge Camden Society. 1840-43 Church Fittings Ancient woodwork ; by W. Twopeny. 1859 Baldachin and reredos ; by E. P. Pullan. 1873 Canopy, EngUsh ; by H. Sirr. 1883 Chancel screen at Dartmouth church ; by J. J. Cole. SP. 1837 at York ; by P. F. Robinson. SP. 1835 and rood screens ; by C. Rolfe. 1876 and rood lofts ; by A. W. Pugin. 1851 Ecclesiastical woodwork ; by T. Bury. 1847 English woodwork, 13th and 14th cents.; by G. E. Street. SP. 1865 Fonts, ancient baptismal ; by F. Simpson. 1828 baptismal ; by F. A. Paley. 1844 historical particulars ; by R. E. Batty. 1848 Instrumenta ecclesiastica ; edited by Ecclesiological Society. 1847-56 Painted screens in Norfolk and Suffolk ; by G. Y. Wardle. 1872 Pews, history, statistics, &c. ; by Cam- bridge Camden Society. Pulpits in England ; by F. T. Dollman. 1849 Mahnes, &c. ; by G. Godwin. MS. SP. 1842 Rood screens and lofts ; by A. W. Pugin. 1851 Notes on ; by G. W. W. Mimis. 1867 by H. Sirr. 1883-84 Raudworth, Barton Turf, and Fritton see Norwich Norfolk and Norwich ARCHaSOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Church Fittings — continued. Rood screens, &c., at Winchester cathe- di-al ; by G. W. Kitchen. Scottish woodwork, 16th and 17th cents. ; by J. W. Small. 1878 Seats ; by W. White. 1884 Specimens of ancient sepulchral crosses, &c. pamph. 4o. Oxford 1843 Church of England Church builders ; by E. Yorick. 1842 subjects ; by E. Scobell. _ 1843 Constitution and canons ecclesiastical. pamph. 8o. Camh. 1825 Minor accessories to services ; by G. J. French. 1844 Worship in ; by A. J. B. B. Hope. 1874 Church House Churton (E) Monastic ruins of Yorkshire ; by W. Richardson and E. Churton. 1843-48 Ciampini (J) Vetera monimenta, iu quibus prfecipu^ musiva opera, sacrarumprofanarum- que ffidium structura, ac uonnuUi antiqui ritus, dissertatiouibus iconi- busque illustrantur. 2 parts. fo. Borne 1690-99 De sacris aedificiis a Constantino magno constructis. fo. Bome 1693 Ciborium see Church Fittings. Cicognara (L) Storia deUa scultura dal suo risorgimento in Italia sino al secolo di Napoleoue. 3 vols. fo. Venice 1813 Cicognara (L) Diedo (A) and Selva (G) Fabbriche e i monumenti cospicui di Veuezia. 2 vols. 2nd edit. fo. Venice 1838-40 Cincinnati Young Men's Mercantile Li- brary Association. 21st annual _ report. 8o. Cincinnati 1855 Cipriani (G B) Monumenti di fabbriche antiche. 4o. Bome 1796 Vedute priucipali e piu iuteressanti di Roma. 12o. Bome 1799 Circle sec Mathematics, Circular Buildings Chui-ch at Little Maplestead; by W. WaUeu. 1836 Edifices circulaires, &c. ; by E. Isabelle. 1855 sea Dome, Circus see Amphitheatre. Cirencester (Richard of) see Richard of Cirencester. Cistercian sec Monastic Architecture, Cistern sec Water, &c. City and Town Ciutates orbis terrarum. G. Bruin, S. Novellanvs, F. Hogeubergivs . 1st edit. fo. Cologne & Antwerp 1572 58 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS City and Town — continued. Eastern cities and Italian towns ; by E. P. PuUan. 1879 Improvement Bill. fo. Lond. 1847 On laying out ; by J. B. Waring. SP. 1873 Open spaces in ; by J. Honeyman. 1883 Eegulations ofbuildings in ; by W. Hosking. 1848 Su la nettezza delle citta ; by Marulli. 1808 Unwholesome air in ; by A. Walker. 1777 Cittadella (G) Fmieral discourse on P. S. Estense. pampb. 8o. Padua 1880 City Church and Churchyard Protection Society Report of 2nd annual meeting. pampb. 8o. Lond. 1881 Civil and Mechanical Engineers' Society Transactions. (In progress.) 8o. Lond. 1883-87- Address ; by B. Haugbton. 1868 Civil Architecture by B. Belidor. 1729 by G. Guariui. 1787 by P. Milizia. 1825 by C. C. Osio. 1686 by J. P. Penther. 1744-48 by J. Poley. 1770 by D. de Eossi. 1711-21 by P. Ruggieri. 1722-28 by G. Vinci. 1795 by C. P. Wiebeking. 1827-31 Ad Vitruvii disciplinam ; by H. Aldricb. 1789 And historical ; by J. B. Pischer. 1730 Construction apphqu6e t\ ; by J. A. Borgnis . 1840 Decorative part of ; by Sir W. Chambers. 1791 Designs for buildings ; by Sir J. Soane. 1829 Elementos de toda ; by J. C. Rieger. 1763 Encyclopasdia ; by C. L. StiegHtz. 1792-8 Et domestique au moyen age et h la renaissance ; by A. Verdier and 'F. Cattois. 1855 Et rehgieuse de la Syrie centrale ; by M. de Vogu6. 1867 Handworterbuch ; by J. G. Grohmann. 1804 I qvattro primi hbri di ; by P. Cataueo. 1554 II primo libro ; by S. Serlio. 1651 Key to ; by T. Skaife. 1774 Lectures on ; by H. Pulton. 1842 Civil Engineers sea Institution of C. E. Civil Service Estimates for the year ending 31 March 1861. Nos. iv. and vii. 4o. Loiul. 1861 Public works and buildings, fo. Lond. 1850 fo. Lond. 1858 fo. Lond. 1877 Report from the select committee on ambassadors' residences at Paris and Madrid. fo. Loml. 1856 Reports of commissioners, with appen- dices for 1855-62. 6 vols., vol. vi. wanting. 8o. Lond. 1858-62 Civilisation And public opinion, history of ; by W. A. Mackimion. 1849 Clarac (C F J B Comte de) La statue antique de Venus victrix. pamph. 4o. Paris 1821 [Bound with Piale's " Alcuni monmnenti.") Du Louvre et des Tuileries ; notice biogra- phique sur I'auteur, by A. Maury. Part of vol. i. 8o. Paris 1853 Clark (D K) sec Simms (F W). Clark (H) Introduction to heraldry. 12th edit. 8o. Lond. 1834 Ancient and medieval ivories. pamph. 8o. Livcrp. 1875 Clarke (C) The plaisterer's bill for work done at the new buildings, Somerset House in the Strand ; by the late Mr. T. Clark and 0. Clarke, plaisterer. 8o. Loml. 1783 Clarke (C) Architeetura ecclesiastica Lon- dini. 4o. Lond. 1820 Clarke (C P) and Lewis (T H) Persian architecture and construction. SP. 31 Jan. 1881 Clarke (E) The Britannia and Conway tubular bridges. Text, 2 vols. 8o. Lond. 1850 Plates, fo. Lond. 1850 Clarke (G S) Remarks in explanation of designs for the National Gallery. fo. Lond. 1866 Clarke (H) The early history of the Medi- terranean populations, &c. 8o. Lond, 1882 Clarke (J) Schools and schoolhouses for rural parishes. 4o. Lond. 1852 The church of St. Nicholas at Wade. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1878 Clarke (J T) American explorations at Assos. pamph. 4o. Camh. [U.S.A.) 1883 Clarke ( J W) Amials of the church of St. Mary the Less, Cambridge. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1857 Clarke (T C) Modern building in the City. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1877 Popular criticism as applied to the archi- tectural profession. SP. 20 May 1878 Clarke (T H) Domestic architecture of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. 8o. Lond. 1833 History of the collegiate church of South- well ; by W. B. Killpack and T. H. Clarke. 1839 Clarke (W B) Gothic architecture. 4o. Lond. 1832-33 Guide to Hayhng. 12o. Hayling 1836 Clarkson (D A) Ancient iron-work from the 13th century. fo. Lond. 1860 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCKIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 59 Claude le Lorrain sec Gelee. 1777-1819 Clavering (B,) Dissertation on the con- struction of chimneys. 80. Lond. 1779 Clayton (A B) Eltham palace ; by D. King and A. B. Clayton. 1834 Clayton (J) Ancient timber edifices of England. fo. Lond. 184G Remains of the Norman refectory in the Bishop's palace at Hereford ; and of the roof of the hall at Oalcham. MS. SP. 25 Jan. 1847 Works of Sir Christopher Wren ; the dimensions, plans, &c., of the paro- chial churches erected m London and Westminster. fo. Lond. 1848-49 Abbey Dore church and monastery, near Hereford. SP. 24 Feb. 1851 Towers and spires of the city churches, the works of Sir- C.Wren. SP. 5 & 26 Apr. 1852 Bridges and viaducts of the present day. SP. 19 May 1856 Cleaning Process see Decay. Cleansing and Drainage Association for the Promotion of Improved Paving Annual report. 1845 Cleeve Somerset Old Cleeve abbey ; by M. E. C. Walcott. SP. 1876 Clemens (...) Mellin (...) and Eosenthal (...) Der dom zu Magdeburg. fo. Magdeburg 1852 Clener (A) see Millin (A L). Clerc (S le) Treatise on architecture, translated from the French by [E] Chambers. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1723-24 Practical geometry, or a new and easy method of treating that art, trans- lated fi'om the French. 80. Lond. 1764 Clere(FdeJ) Hints on building wooden churches, pamph. 12o. Wellington 1886 Clergyhouse, Parsonage, Manse, &c. Designs for parsonages ; by T. F. Hunt. 1827 Kirks and manses in Scotland ; by E. W. Fraser. Clerisseau (C) and Legrand (J G) Antiquites de la France. fo. Paris 1778 vol. i. only. fo. Paris 1804 Clerkenwell Report on sanitary state of; by J. W. Gi-ifKth. 1857 Clerks of Works Society Rules and regula- tions, pamph. 80. Lond. 1838 Clermont-Ferrand Auvergne. Account of Notre-Dame du Port ; by T. L. Donaldson. ^ MS. SP. 1839 Clermont-Ganneau (C) La stele de Mesa roi de j\Ioab, lettre h M. le C"= de Vogiiu. pamph. 4o. Paris 1870 Clifford (E) Arithmetic considerations on Marquoi's parallel scales, and the protractor. pamph. 12o. Lond. 1841 Climate Tropical, buildings for ; by J. R. Smith. SP. 1868 Proposed school of art for ; by W. Burges. SP. 1867 Clochar (P) Palais, maisons et vues d'ltaUe. fo. Paris 1809 Clock and Clock Tower by B. L. Vulliamy. _ 1831 Reprint of a portion of the papers relating to the great clock for the new palace at Westminster [by B. L. VuUiamy]. 4o. Lond. 1848 see Bell. Close (S P) Holy Cross Abbey, county Tipperary. fo. Belfast 1868 Club House Travellers', by C. Barry ; by W. H. Leeds. 1839 Cluny Abbaye de ; by M. P. Lorain. 1889 Clutterbuck (J C) Letter to Sir J. Sebright. pamph. 80. Watford 1841 Supply of water to the metropohs fi-om the valley of the Cohie. pamph. 80. Watford 1842 Periodical dramage and replenishment of the subterraneous reservoir in the chalk basin of London. 1st & 2nd edit. pamph. 80. Lond. 1842-48 Clutton (H) Domestic architecture of France, from the accession of Charles VI. to the demise of Louis XII. fo. Lond. 1853 A narrative and correspondence relating to restoration of AH Souls' College Chapel, Oxford, pamph. 80. 1872 Cluverio (F) sec Bonanni and Miiabella. Cluysenaar (J P) Chemin de fer de Dendre et Waes (d'Ath h Lokeren) et de Bruxelles vers Gand par Alost. 4o. Brussels 1855 Batimentsdes stations et maisons de garde du chemin de fer de Dendre et Waes, et de Bruxelles vers Gand par Alost. 4o. Paris 1862 Cnidus Discoveries at ; by C. T. Newton and R. P. PuUan. 1862-63 Coal Exchange see London. 1850 Coal Gas see Gas. Cobom S. Matthias kapelle ; by E. Dronke and .7. C. Lassaulx. 1837 Cochrane (A B) The Thames embankment and New Law Courts. pamph. 80. Lond. 1869 Cochrane (C) Importance of well made and efficiently cleansed streets. MS. SP. 19 Feb. 1844 GO PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Cockerell (C R) Athens, supp. vol. sec Stuart (J) and Revett (N). 1830 Foundations of the church of St. Bartho- lomew by the Exchange, London. MS. SP. 4 Dec. 1843 Iconos;raphy of west front of Wells cathe- dral. 4o. Oxf. d; Lo7icl. 1851 On the genius of ]\I. A. Buonarroti see Harford (J S). 1857 Temples of Jupiter Panhellenius at ^gina ; and of Apollo Epicurius at Bassas, near Phigaleia, in Arcadia. fo. Loud. 18C0 Addi-ess delivered at the E.I.B.A. SP. 23 Ap. 1800 Accomrt of sculptures, west front of Wells cathedral. pamph. 4o. Professional hfe of ; by S. Smirke. SP. 1863 Cockerell (F P) Architectural accessories of monumental sculpture. SP. 22 Ap. 1801 Description of the design for the proposed National Gallery, pamph. fo. Loncl. 1807 Biographical notices of deceased foreign members, viz., F. Duban, L. Vau- doyer, H. Labrouste. SP. 27 Mar. 1870 Memoir of; by Anonymous. SP. 15 Dec. 1879 Cocks (R T) Monumental brass, lately erected in Great Marlow church. MS. SP. 24 Ap. 1843 Codford St. Mary Wiltshire, Memorials of the parish of ; by the author of the memorials of Oxford [-J. Ingram]. 8o. Oxford 1844 CoigTiet (F) Betons agglomerds pour forti- fications, ponts, &c. 8o. Paris 1802 Coins see Numismatics. Cointeraiix (F) Construction dos manu- factures et des maisons de cam- pagne. 12o. Paris 1791 Colchester Castle ; by Rev. H. Jenkins. 1869 a Roman building ; by G. Buckler. 1870-79 Essex AECH^OLOGiCAii Society Transactions. Vol. i. part 2. Vols, ii.-v. 8o. Colch. 1858-73 New Series. {In 2»'ogress.) 8o. Colch. 1878-85- Coldwell (W G) Advantage to architecture derived from the use of iron. Prize essay. MS. 1852-53 Spire of All Saints church, Chesterfield. SP. 8 Jan. 1855 Cole (A S) On art of " SgrafBto " decora- tion. SP. 17 Mar. 1873 Cole (E S) Architectural beauties of Wells and Glas- tonbury, fo. Land. 1851 Cole (E S) — continued. Sketches of old buildings in Bruges. 4o. Land. 1851 Cole (H) Functions of the science and art departments. pamph. 8o. Land. 1857 Cole (J J) Painted screen at Dartmouth church. MS. SP. 18 Dec. 1837 Examples of the Gothic geometric system. SP. 14 June 1847 Coleridge (S T) Rhyme of the ancient mariner ; outhnes by F. Thrupp. Colibert (E) Building for Great Exhibition at Madrid. SP. 15 Nov. 1875 College sec University. College of the Freemasons of the Church Proceedings, 1845. pamph. Bo. Lond. 1840. pamph. 8o. Lond. Laws, &c. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1847 Address ; by G. R. French. 1847 Collie (J) Plans, &c., of the cathedral of Glasgow. fo. Lond. 1835 Collier (C) History of Wolvesey. pamph. 8o. Winch. 1804 Collier (J P) sac Cunningham (P). 1848 CpUignon (E) Thcorie elementaire des poutres droites, ponts metaUiques, am6ricains, &c. 8o. Paris 1856 Colling (J K) Examples of English mediaeval foliage, 12th to 15th century. 4o. Lond. Gothic ornaments, from existing autho- rities. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. [1848-50] Details of Gothic architecture, from ex- isting examples. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1852-56 art foliage. SP. 4 Dec. 1865 Natural and architectural foliage. SP. 8 Feb. 1858 Art foliage for sculpture and decoration. 4o. Lond. 1865 History and restoration of Holkham church, Norfolk. SP. 17 Jan. 1870 Architectural foliage. SP. 24 Mar. 1879 Collins (H H) Suggestions relative to some defects in the Metropolitan Buildings Act as applied to dwelling houses. pamph. 8o. 1873 Hints on home sanitation. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1881 Sanitation as an increment of value in house-property, pamph. 8o. Lond. 1881 Collins (W) Life of'; by W. W. Collins. 1848 Collins (W W) Memoirs of the hfe of W. Collnis, R.A. 2 vols. 8o. Lond. 1848 Collis (J) Builder's portfolio of street architecture. fo. Lond. 1831 Collmann ( ) sec Gartner ( F von) and others, PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 61 Cologne Catbedrale de ; bj' A. de Biiizer. by S. Boisserce. 1843 by W. Surges. SP. 1870 by G. Moller. 1837 by J. de Noel and N. B. Saute- let. 1835 by P. Schmitz and L. Emien. 1871, 1877 by J. E. Vulpius. 1836 Die Kircbe zum beiligeu Gereou ; by A. Reiebensperger. 1869 Colosseum sec Rome. Colour Analogy and harmony of ; by G. Field. 1817-41 As appUed to architecture ; by G. Aitcbi- son. SP. 1857 Bemalte architektur und plastik bei den alten ; by G. Semper. 1834 Coal-tar dyeing, &c. ; by F. C. Calvert. Colour to Sculpture ! Is it applicable ? by C. D. Griffith. 1862 Des couleurs au point de tog physique, artistique, &c. ; by E. Briicke. 1866 Experiments and considerations touching colours ; by the Hon. E. Boyle. 1764 In churches, on walls and in windows ; by E. Sharpe. 1870 In pictures, a mode to assist the eye in the right perception of; by S. Smirke. 1856 Li the decorative arts ; by 0. Jones. 1852 Introduction of, including paintings in fi-esco ; by J. H. Chamberlain. MS. 1853 Loi du contraste simultane des couleurs ; by M. E. Chevreul. 1839 transl. by C. Martel. 1859 transl. by J. Spanton. 1860 Manual of science of ; by W. Benson. 1871 On the colours found on ancient build- ings ; by K. S. Pittakys. SP. 1837 Principles of the science of ; by W. Ben- son. 1868 Eesearches on, and coloured decorations; by T. H. Lewis. SP. 1862 Science of ; by W. Benson. SP. 1869 Symbolic ; by W. S. Inman. 1845 Colthurst (Miss) Comparative view of the various standards used by geogra- phers to express vertical distances. Column and PiUar Cast-iron, strength of; by J. B. Francis. 1865 Coloima Traiana in Roma ; by P. Santi Bartoli. by A. L. T. Vaudoyer. MS. 1840 by G. B. Piranesi. by J. H. Pollen. 1874 Colonne de .Juillet, 1830, inauguration ; by A. L. T. Vaudoyer. 1840 by J. L. Due. MS. 1840 Column and Pillar — continued. Columna Cochlis M. Aurelio Antonino Augusto dioata ; by Bellori and Santi Bartoh. 1704 Jachin and Boaz ; by P. Legh. SP. 1837 Mode of constructing shafts of ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1846 Monument a I'empereur Alexandre ; by A. Ricard de Montferrand. 1836 Report on ; by A. L. T. Vau- doyer. MS. 1840 Strength of ; by B. Baker. 1870 Colvin (S) Restoration and anti-restora- tion, pamph. 8o. Lond. 1877 Comelati (G) Baretti's Italian and English Dictionary ; by J. Davenport and G. Comelati. 1868 Comite Historique des Arts et Monuments sec Paris. Commission Ilhcit commissions, mercantile and pro- fessional, pamph. 8o. Lond. 1877 Professional see London Houses op Paeliament. 1849-56 Published correspondence on commis- sions, mercantile and professional. 4o. Loml. 1877 see R. I. B. A. see Professional Practice. Commission des Monuments Historiques see Paris. Commissioners of Sewers see Sewers. Committee of Council on Education Mmutes. 2 vols. 8o. Lond. 1839-41 Rules for planning and fitting up schools. pamph. fo. Lond. New code of regulations relative to schools by the Lords of the Privy Council. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1873 see Education. see School. Common Council see London. Compensation by B. Fletcher. 1874 Digest of law of ; by G. V. Yool. 1864 Liverpool ; by J. H. McGovern. 1882 Valuation of estates, &c. ; by T. Morris. 1863 Competition Architectural ; by T. Porter. SP. 1880 Report of the committee of R.I.B.A. appointed to consider the subject of public competitions. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1839 Discussions on. SP. 31 July 1888 SP. 8 May 1843 CP. 10 May 1881 by W. Hosking. 1842 Austin. On the abuses of; by H. 1843 62 PBINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Competition — continued. Architectural ; Report of Arcliitectural Association. 1850-51 by G. Morgan. SP. 1858 by T. Porter. SP. 1880 by R. P. Hodges. 1887 Barony Church, Glasgow : correspon- dence, pamph. fo. [Glasgow] 1886 Commercial aspect of architectural ; by R. Kerr. 1871 Des concours pour les monuments publics ; by C. Daly._ _ 1861 Edinburgh Municipal Buildings. pamph. fo. Edinb. 1886 For public works, letter on ; by "A By- stander." ■ 1858 Kansas City Exchange Building. (2 pamplis.) 8o. ' [N. York] 1886 Les concours publics ; by Soc. Cent. d'Arch., Brussels. 1887 Liverpool cathedral ; by E. Christian. 1886 Milan cathedral ; new facade. 1886 Museum of Science and Art, Dublin. 1883 Museum, Stockholm. 1888 New Admiralty and War Office, London. 1883 New Law Courts and National Gallery ; by E. M. Barry. 1872 Papers of instructions with plans of com- pietitions of churches, public build- ings, &c., in Great Britain and Ire- land from 1840-64. fo. Lond. 1840-64 Perspective views in ; by E. Sharpe. SP. 1871 Suggestions on the best mode of procur- ing designs for public buildings ; by J. Savage. 1836 sec R.I.B.A. Compo sec Cement, see Carton-pierre. Composition in Art sec iEsthetics. see Skyline. see Vertical line. Compton (Rev. Lord A) On a proposed pavement in Ely Cathedral. pamph. 8o. [Ely] Concrete see Cement. Conder (C R) Report on condition of temple of Jupiter, and the sis columns at Baalbec. fo. MS. 1873 The High Sanctuary at Jerusalem. SP. 2 Dec. 1878 Conder (F R) Dangers to which members of Parliament are exposed from sewer gas. pamph. 12o. Guildford Limit of the habitability of London. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1878 Conder (J) Notes on Japanese architecture. SP. 4 Mar. 1878 Further notes on Japanese architecture. SP. 81 May 1886 Domestic architecture in Japan. SP. No. XXXI. Conder (R T) The mausoleum at Nikko. SP. 31 May 1886 A Japanese gentleman's house at Tokyo. SP. No. XXXVII. Coney (J) Beauties of continental architecture. fo. Lond. Ancient cathedrals ; hotels de ville ; and other public buildings of celebrity in France, Holland, Germany, and Italy. fo. Lond. 1882 Ecclesiastical edifices of the olden time. 2 vols. fo. Lond. 1842 Conference of Architects President's address. 22 May 1871, 10 June 1872. Programme. 3 June 1878. see 3R..I.B.A. Proceedings and Transac- tions. Conference Papers see under Author CP. Congres Archeologique de France scK Paris Socip'te Franc;. d'Aecheologie. Conic Sections Treatise on ; by G. Salmon. 1850 Connon (J W) Kirkstall Abbey. pamph. 8o. Leeds. 1886 Conrad (F W) Damming and construc- tion of the piers of a bridge on the railway fi-om Amsterdam to Rotter- dam. Trans, by J. B. Weenink. MS. SP. 22 Ap. 1850 Conservation see Restoration. Conservatory, Greenhouse, and Hothouse Art in ; by M. B. Adams. [1880] Artistic ; by E. W. Godwui and M. B. Adams. [1880] Horticultural buildings ; by F. A. Fawkes. 1881 Hothouse stove, &c. ; by W. Robertson. 1798 Constance Brass in cathedral ; by R. Pearsall. 1844 Kirchcn ; by Anonymous. 1825 Constant-Dufeux (S C) Discours fun6- raires ; by A. Lenoir and others. 1871 Constantinople by C. Texier. MS. Account of the work of W. Salzenberg ; by C. C. Nelson. SP. 1855 Ancient buildings ; by W. Salzenberg 1854 Aya Sofia, &c. ; by G. FossatL 1852 Illustrations of ; by J. F. Lewis. 1837 Memorial church : instructions to archi- tects, pamph. 8o. Loud. 1856 Mosaics, &c., of Sta. Sophia ; by M. D. Wyatt. SP. 1855 Palais imperial ; by J. Labarte. 1861 The Turkish Empire ; by Rev. E. Walsh. 1839 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 63 Constantinople — continued. Topography and antiquities of ; by Eev. E. Bm-gess. SP. 1854 Topography of; by P. Gyllius. 1632 Voyage en Moree, &c. ; by F. PouquevUle. 1805 Conslruction Allgemeine bau-coustructions-lehre ; by G. Breyman and H. Lang. 1863, 1868 Apphquee h, I'architecture civile ; by J. A. Borguis. 1840 Architectural, iron as a material for ; by J. A. Picton. SP. 1880 Arts of; by A. Ashpitel. {In " Treatise 011 Architecture.") 1867 Cours de ; by A. Demanet. 1861 by J. Sganzin and — Reibell. — — • Programme ; by J. Sganzm and — Reibell. 1840 Dictiounaire des termes ; by P. Chabat. 1875 En bois et briques ; by L. Degen. 1860-66 Etudes relatives a I'art de construction ; by L. Bruyere. 1823-28 Examples of ; by H. Laxton. 1855-63 by W. R. Ware. 1877-80 Hints on ; by G. Godwin. InAmericanarchitecture;byA. J.Gale. SP. 1882 In ancient Roman buildings ; by J. H. Parker. 1868 Maniere de bastir ; by P. Le Muet. 1623 dans les pays chauds, &c. ; by D'Albaret. 1776 Manual ; by W. J. M. Ranldue. 1869 Mechanics of ; by S. Fenwick. 1861 by \V. Whewell. 1841 Modern domestic ; by G. Robson. 1876 New system of ; by L. Laves. 1839 Notes on building ; compiled by Science and Art Dept., South Kensington. 1875-79 Notes on building trades and ; by H. C. Seddon. 1877 Principles and history of; by L. Eeynaud. 1850 Prmciples ; by E. W. Tarn. 1870 Science des ingeniem's ; by B. BeHdor. 1729 Verofl'entlichungen aus dem gebiete des ingenieurwesens see Berlin Aechitekten-Veeein. 1886 see Failure. see Timber Construction. Contant (C) et Filippi (J de) Parallele des principaux theatres modernes de I'Europe et des machines theiUrales, fran9aises, allemandes et an- glaises. 2 vols. fo. Paris 1860 Contencin (J) and Smith (T) Steetley chm'ch, Derbyshire, plans, &c. fo. Worhso'p 1860 Contract For churches ; by H.M. Commissioners. For lighting town of Cambridge with gas ; by Anonymous. 1868 Contract — contimied. For the construction of the palace of Westminster. fo. General conditions of ; by Victorian In- stitute of Architects. Law of; by C. G. Addison. by J. Chitty, jun. for works and services ; by D. Gibbons. by E. Jenkms and J. Raymond. by J. W. Smith. Law of building leases and bmldmg con- tracts ; by A. Emden. see R.I.B.A. Contrast sec .Esthetics. see Colour. Convalescent Home sec Hospital. Conventual Arrangement sec Monastic Architecture. Conway Castle; by C. H. Hartshorne. Conybeare (H). Ten canons of proportion and composi- tion in Gothic architecture ; Synop- sis. 8o. Loud. Photographic illustrations of proportions. fo. Lond. Futm-e of London architecture. pamph. 8o. Lond. Conze (A) and others Ausgrabmigen zu Pergamon fo. Berlin Cooke (A G) The New Builders' Magazine, or universal dictionary for architects, etc. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. Cooke (C H) Belong and Co.'s patent steam- sawn metal work, applied to architectural decoration. SP. 26 Jan. Cooke (E W) Old and new London bridges ; by G. Rennie and E. W. Cooke. fo. Lond. Cooke (J E) The sculptor caught nap- ping ; designs for children. 4o. Lond. Cooke (M ) History and articles of masom-y , from a MS. in the British Museum. 8o. Lond. Cooke (T F) Authorship of the practical electric telegraph of Great Britain ; or the Brunei award vindicated in VII letters. 8o. Bath Cooke (W B) Itahan scenery. Descriptions by Donaldson. 4o. see Pinelli (B). Cooper (C H) Memoir of. pamph. 8o. Cooper (E J) Egyptian scenery. 4o. Cooper (W R) Index to dravvings in Sir J. Soane's museum. MS. 4o. Lond. Cooper's Hill Royal Indian Engmeering College. Calendar, 1875-76 8o. Lond. 1847 1856 1857 1857 1873 1860 1882 1853 T. L. Loml. Lond. Lond. 1867 1880 1800 1874 1833 1874 1861 1868 1836 1866 1824 1870 1875 64 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Cope (Sir W H) Bramshill : its history and architecture. 4o. Lond, Copenhagen Domkirken ; by H. C. Hansen. Frederiksborg ; by H. Hansen and C. S. Kobke. 1872 Samling af forslrjellige offentlige og pri- vate bygninger ; by C. F. Hansen. 1825-34 SoorfiT:^ EoYALE des Antiquaiees du NOBD Transactions. Bo. Copen. 1851-58 Inscription runique du Piree ; by C. 0. Eafn. 1856 Copyhold and Customary Tenure Act By J. Seriven. 1841 Copyi-ight see Law. Coquerel (A J) Des beaux-arts en Italie au point de vue religieux. 12o. Paris 1857 Cora Antichitil di ; by G. B. Piranesi. [17G2] Corbett (J) sea Society of Ai'ts. 1886 Cordova Antigiiedades arabes ; by M. S. Car- mona. [1780] The mosque-cathedral; by R. H. Car- penter. SP. 1883 Corfield (W H) Water supply, sewerage, and sewage utilisation, to. Chatham 1874 Corfu Temple at ; by W. Railton. 1830 Corn Exchange sec Market. Cornell University see New York. Cornwall Handbook ; by J. Murray. 1865 Middle pointed churches of; by G. E. Street. 1850 Corps Papers and Memoirs on Military Subjects see Royal Engineers. sec Chatham Eoyal Enginbees' Insti- tute. Correggio and Parmegiano Sketches of the lives of. Bo. Lond. 1823 Corrosion see Decay. Corry (J) and Evans (J) History of Bristol, civil and ecclesiastical ; in- cluding biographical notices. 2 vols, in 1. 4o. Brist. 1816 Corsi (F) Catalogo ragionato d' una colle- zione di pietre di decorazione. (With MS. additions.) Bo. Borne 1825 Corsica Sketches of, in 1823 ; by C. Ben- son. 1825 Corthell (E L) The interoceanic problem, and its scientific solution. pamph. 8o. Ann Arbor 1885 Cortot (J P) Discours prononce a ses funerailles ; by Raoul-Eochette and Dumont. 1843 Coste (P) Architecture arabe, ou monuments du Kaire. 2nd edit. fo. Paris 1839 Coste (P) — continued. Monuments modernesde la Perse, fo. Paris 1B66 La cathedrale de St.-P4tersbourg — la future cathedrale de Marseille. pamph. 8o. Marseilles 1874 Palais de la Bourse de Marseille. pamph. 8o. Marseilles 1874 sec Paris Academie des Beaux- Arts. Coste (P X) Notes et souvenirs de voyages (1817-77). 2 vols. 8o. Marseilles 1878 sec Flandin (E). Costume Dresses, &c., of the middle ages ; by H. Shaw. 1843 Ecclesiastical, glossary of; by A. W. N. Pugin. 1846 Le taillevr sincere ; by B, Boullay. 1671 Les arts somptuaires ; by C. Louandre. 1858 Of the ancients ; by T. Hope. 1809 Cotes (J) Young siirveyor's guide. 2nd edit. 12o. Lond. 1808 Cotgreave (A) Library indicators v. book- keeping, pamph. 8o. Lond. 1885 Cotman (J S) Architectural antiquities of Norfolk. fo. Lond. 1818 Normandy : notices by D.Turner. 2 vols. fo. Lond. 1822 Cotman (J S) Turner (D) and Rickman (T) Specimens of architectural remains in various comities in England. 2 vols. fo. Lond. 1838 Cottages sec Agricultural labourers' Dwellings. Cottam ( ) Manufacture of bricks by machinery. SP. 16 Dec. 1839 Cotterill(JH) Applied mechanics. Bo. Lond. 1884 Cottillon (J) Etude sur les lignes d'egale teinte et le lavis;\teintes plates, pamph. 8o. Mdcon 1878 Etudes de lavis a teiutes plates. Text. Bo. Paris 1883 Plates. 4o. Paris 1883 Cottingham (L N) Plans, &c., of the chapel of King Henry VII. at Westminster abbey church ; history and account of its restora- tions. 2 vols. fo. Lond. 1822-29 Elevation, sections, and details, West- minster Hall, fo. Lond. 1822 Workmg drawings for Gothic ornaments. fo. Lond. [1823] Ornamental metal worker's director ; series of designs for iron and brass work. 3rd edit. 4o. Lond. 1824 Catalogue of the museum of mediaeval arts, collected by him. 4o. Lond. 1850 sold Nov. 1851. pamph, 8o. Lond. 1B51 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 65 Cottle (J) Cburcb of St. Mary Magdalene, Taunton, and restoration. 80. Lond. 1845 Cotton (A) Irrigation works in India. fo. Chatham 1875 Couchaud (A) Clioix d'eglises byzantines en Grece. fo. Paris 1842 Coucy near Noyon Cbateau ; by E. Viollet-le-Duc. 1861 Courajod (L) et Geymiiller (H de) Les estampcs attribuees a Bramante aux points de vue iconograpbiqne et arcbitectonique. pampb. 4o. Lond. 1874 Courvoisier ( ) Twenty views of public buildings in Paris. fo. Paris Cousinery (B E) Recueil des tables a I'usage des ingenieurs. 80. Paris 1846 Coussin (J A) Du genie de I'arcbitecture. 4o. Paris 1822 Coussin fils (A) sec Vitruvius. 1837 Couturier-de-Vienne (A F) Histoire des beaux-arts, trans, from A. G. Scble- gel. 80. Paris 1830 Coventry And its antiquities ; by W. G. Fretton. 1873 Coventry Cross; by T. W. Wbiteley. 1880 St. Mary's Hall : tapestry in ; by G. Scbarf. 1856 Cowell (H B ) Description of bis invention to facilitate tbe taking out of window- sasbes, for tbe purposes of cleaning, &c. SP. 5Dec.l836 Cowper (E) Conway and Britannia tubular bridges. SP. 13 Jan. 1851 Cowper (E A) Description of an improved suspension bridge. pampb. 80. 1847 Plate to illustrate ditto. Birmingham 1849 Cox (H) Tbe law and science of ancient bgbts. pampb. 80. Lond. 1869 Cox (J C) Tbe cburcbes of Derbysbire. 4 vols. 80. Chester/., Lond., Derby 1875-79 Coxe (E, C) Cursory survey of tbe cburcbes and cburcb buildings witbiu tbe arcbdeaconry of Lindisfarne. pampb. 80. Lond. 1860 Crabbe (G) Cburcb restoration. pampb. 80. Lond. 1878 Crace (H) Restoration and preservation of wood car\augs. SP. 28 Apr. 1856 Grace (J D) Ornamental features of Arabic arcbitec- ture in Egypt and Syria. SP. 31 Jan. 1870 Coloured decoration of pubbc and private buildings. CP. 12 May 1881 Crace (J G) History and manufacture of paper bang- ings. MS. SP. 4 and 18 Feb. 1839 Observations on modern frescoes by Cornelius, Hess, and otbers. MS. SP. 6 Nov. 1843 Crace (J G) — continued. Accoiuit of tbe palaces of Blois and Cbambord. SP. 31 May 1847 Decoration of some of tbe buildings at Municb. SP. 10 Feb. 1851 Furniture ; its history and manufacture. SP. 23 Mar. 1857 Crannoges by M. D. Wyatt. SP. 1858 Cranstoun (J) sec Oxford ArcMtectural Society. Craufurd ( ) Galvanised and corrugated non. pampli. 80. 1851 Crawford (W) Eeport on tbe penitentiaries of tbe United States, addressed to H.M. principal Secretary of State for tbe Home Department. fo. Lond. 1835 Crawford & Balcarres sec Lindsay (L). CredenhUl Ancient glass in cburcb ; by F. T. Havergal. 1884 Creeny (W F) A book of facsimiles of monumental brasses on tbe conti- nent of Europe. fo. Norwich 1884 Crematory Seance a Milan ; by A. Nor- mand. 1880 Cresswell (0 E) Ventilation of sewers and drains. pampb. fo. Lond. 1884 Cresy (E) Architectural antiquities of Eome ; by G. L. Taylor and E. Cresy. 1821-22 Analytical index to " Historical essay on architecture," by tbe late T. Hope. 1836 Practical treatise on bridge building, and on equilibriiun of vaults and arches ; with tbe professional life and selec- tions from works of Eennie. {Bnpcrfect.) fo. Lond. 1839 Encyclopaedia of civil engineering, his- torical, theoretical, and practical. New edit. 80. Lond. 1861 Cresy (E) and Taylor (G L) Ai-chitectm-e of the middle ages in Italy ; plans, &c., of tbe cathedral, baptistery, leaning tower or campanile, and campo santo, at Pisa, &c. 4o. Loud. 1829 Cresy (Mrs E) Lives of celebrated archi- tects, ancient and modern ; trans, from F. Mihzia. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1826 Crete Theatre, and other remains ; by E. Falkener. 1854 Crispi (L) Dissertazione anti-critica contro il sentimcnto di chi creda cbe S. Luca evangelista fosse pittore. 4o. Faenza 1776 Criticism see .Esthetics. Croker (T C) Subterranean chambers at Carrigtohill and at Ballyhendon, Cork. 4o. Lond. 1830 Croly (G) Holy Land ; by D. Roberts and G. Croly. 1842 66 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Cromwell (T) The Druid : a tragedy ; notes on the antiquities and early history of Ireland. 80. Lond. 1832 Crosby (...) Builders' new price book. 80. Lond. 1804, 1812, 1821 Crosby Hall and Place by E. J. Carlos. 1832 Architectural antiquities of; by H. J. Hammon. 1844 Account of; by E. L. Blackburn. 1854 (from C. Knight's "London"). Memoir of ; by J. W. Papworth. MS. 1841 Crosby Lockwood & Co. Builder's and contractor's price-book, 80. Lond. 1880-86 The engineer's, architect's, and con- tractor's pocket-book. 80. Lond. 1880-85 Crosraguel Abbey ; by J. A. Morris. 1886 Crosnier (I'Abbe) Iconographiechretienne, ou I'etude des sculptures, peintures, &c., sur les monuments religieux du moyen-age. {hicompletc.) 80. Paris 1848 Cross Architectural and iconographical applica- tion of ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1845 Churchyard ; by E. L. Cutts. SP. 1867 Coventry ; by T. W. Whitley. 1880 English ; by A. Eimmer. 1875 Gloucestershire ; by C. Pooley. 1868 Of middle ages ; by E. L. Cutts. 1849 Somerset ; by C. Pooley. 1877 sec Iconology. Cross {F W) and Hall (J R) Rambles round old Canterbury. 3rd edit., rev. 80. Lond. & Cant. 1884 Crossland (W H) The Eoyal Holloway College. SP. No. XXXIII. Crunden (J) Convenient and ornamental architecture. 4o. Lond. 1770 new edit. 4o. Lond. 1791 Crypt Christian churches ; by A. Ashpitel. SP. 1860 Winchester cathedral ; by G. W. Kitchen. 1886 Crystal Geometrical isomorphism of; by W. Mitchell. 1872 Crystal Palace and Ferro -vitreous Buildings Architectural history of Crystal Palace ; by P. Berlyn and C. Fowler, jun. 1851 Handbook to the Nineveh or Assyrian court ; by A. H. Layard. 1854 —to the Egyptian court; by 0. Jones, J. Bonomi, and S. Sharpe. 1854 — — to the Greek court ; by G. Scharf. _ 1854 Apology for the colouring of the Greek court ; by 0. Jones. 1854 to the Roman court ; by G. Scharf. 1854 1854 Crystal Palace and Ferro-vitreous Build- ings — continued. Handbook to the Alhambra court ; l)y 0. Jones. 1854 to the Byzantine and Roman- esque court ; by M. D. Wyatt and J. B. Waring. to the Medifeval court ; by M. D. Wyatt and J. B. Waring. 1854 to the Renaissance court ; by M. D. Wyatt and J. B. Waring. 1854 to the Italian court ; by M. D. Wyatt and J. B. Waring. 1854 to the Pompeian court ; by G. Scharf. 1854 to the Portrait Gallery ; by S. Phillips. 1854 to the courts of modern sculp- ture ; by Mrs. Jameson. Handel commemorative festival, 1859, with plans and dimensions of the principal orchestras of the country. pamph. 80. Lond. 1859 Triennial, with sections of cathedrals and music halls, &c. pamph. 80. Lond. 1862 ■- 1862. pamph. 80. Lond. 1862 1875 Enquiry on prosperity and utility of the Crystal Palace ; by F. Fuller. Cubitt (J) Wren's work and its lessons. pamph. 80. Lond. 1884 Cubitt (T) Chimney recently erected at Thames Bank, Pimlico, with some observa- tions on the expansion of brickwork by heat ; by E. M. Foxhall. 1845 Works and life of ; by J. Britton. 1856 Cubitt (Sir W) see Drainage, Sewerage, «&c. Cuciniello (C) and Bianchi (L) Viaggio pittorico nel regno delle due Sicilie. 8 vols. fo. Najjles Cuitt (6) Wanderings and pencillings amongst ruins of the olden time in England and Wales, 1838. fo. Lojid. 1855 Cuma by P. A. Paoli. 1768 Cunningham (A) Lives of the most eminent British painters, sculptors, and archi- tects. 6 vols. 12o. Lond. 1829-33 Cunningham (A) see India AKCH^EOLOGiCArj Survey. Cunningham (P) Planche (J E) and Collier (J P) Life of Inigo Jones, &c. 80. Lond. 1848 Cupola see Dome. Currey (H) London bridge railways terminus hotel. SP. 8 Mar. 1862 St. Thomas's hospital. SP. 23 Jan. 1871 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 67 Curzon (R) jun. Visits to monasteries in the Levant. 80. Lond. 1849 Cusani (N) sec Vitrnvius. 1543, 1550 Cust (Sir E) Letter to the Right Hon. Sir E. Peel, Bart., M.P., on the expedience of a better system of control over build- ings erected at the public expense ; and on the rebuilding the Houses of Parliament. pamph. 80. Lond. 1835 Second edition. 1837 Eeply to ; by an Ai-chitect. 1835 Cutler (T W) Grammar of Japanese orna- ment and design. fo. Lond. 1880 Cutts (E L) Manual of sepulchral slabs and crosses of the middle ages. 80. Lond. 1849 Examples of mural painting. SP. 16 May 1864 The churchyard cross. SP. 11 Mar. 1867 Desirabihty of restoring chiu'ches of the Italian style of architectm-e. SP. 28 Mar. 1870 Cyclopian see Pelasgic. Cymagraph sec Mathematical Instruments. Cypher (P) History of Eothwell. pamph. 12o. Northamp. 1869 Cyprus Buildings in ; by E. I' Anson. SP. 1883 Cities and temples ; by L. P. di Cesnola. 1877 Histoire de Part ; by Perrot and Chipiez. 1885 Travels in ; by H. Light. 1818 D D (E) Biogi-aphical notice of E. Alvuio. SP. 23 June 1879 D'Abbadie (A) Journey to Kaffa ; by C. T. Beke. 1851 Da Crespi sec Crispi (L) D'Agincourt see Seroux d'Agincourt. Dahl (J C 0) Denkmale einer sehr ausge- bildeteu holzbaukunst in den iunern landschaften Norwegens. fo. Dresden 1837 Dahlberg (E) Suecia antiqua et hodierna. obi. fo. 3 vols, in 2. Stockholm 1693-1714 Dahlerup (V) Holm (H J) Koch (0 V) and Storck (H) Teguinger af ickke nordisk architectm-. Parts 1-5. fo. Copenhagen 1872-82 Daines (J B) Specification for preservmg the surfaces of stone and cement fi'om decay. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1856 Patented process for vulcanizing and pre3er\"ing stone work ; report. [1860] D'Albaret ( ) see Albaret ( d'). Dalemagne (I) Sihcatisation ; with translation of "La stereochromie pemture moniunen- tale," by J. N. Fiichs. pamph. 80. Paris ■ appliquee a la conservation des monuments. pamph. 4o. Paris Note sur. pamph. 4o. Paris 1861 1867 1867 1867 1833 1887 1861 1861 Notice sur les materiaux silicatises. pamph. 12o. Paris Dallaway (J) Discourses upon architectm-e in England, fi-om the Norman sra to the close of the reign of Queen Elizabeth ; and historical accomit of master and free-masons. 80. Lond. Dalmatia Architecture ; by T. G. Jackson. SP. Mittelalterliche kmistdenkmale ; by E. von Eitelberger. Daly (C) Monument de Juillet. 4o. Paris 1840 Symbohsme dans I'architeeture, par F. d'Ayzac ; re\iew of. pamph. 80. Paris 1847 Architecture privee au XIX" siecle sous Napoleon HI, nouvelles maisons de Paris et des environs. 3 vols. fo. Paris 1860-64 Des concourspour les monuments publics, dans le passe, le present et I'avenir. pamph. 80. Paris Nos doctrines, reponse a deux objections. pamph. 80. Un puits de la Eenaissance a Toulouse. pamph. 80. Ce que pent raconter une grille de fer, de I'influence des femmes sm- I'archi- tectm-e au XVIIP siecle. pamph. 80. Motifs historiques d'arehitecture sculpture. 2 vols. fo. Fimerailles de Felix Duban. pamph. 80. Architecture funeraire. fo, De la societe et de I'architeeture a propos de notre architecture funeraire. pamph. 80. Paris L'architecture privee au XIX'' siecle (2nd series). 3 vols. fo. Paris Decorations exterieures et int^rieures. fo. Paris Decorations mterieures des etabHsse- meuts de commerce. fo. Paris Villas, chalets, jarduis. fo. Paris Des hautes etudes d'architectm-e et de rAcadeniie des beaux-arts a propos du prix Due. pamph. 80. Paris see Bevue Geaerale de rArchitecture. Paris et de Paris Paris Paris 1864 1870 1871 1871 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1884 68 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPEKS Daly (C) and Davioud (G J A) Les thea- tres de la Place du Chatelet. Text and plates. fo. Paris Damascus Antique portico ; by W. A. Hamilton and Sir G. Wilkinson. MS. SP. 1845 Five years in ; by J. L. Porter. 1855 Some accomit of recent discoveries in the Hauran, &c. ; by T. L. Donald- son. SP. 1864 Damp and its Prevention by L. Vaudoyer ; trausl. by T. L. Donald- son. MS. SP. 1846 On walls ; by C. H. Smith. SP. 1843 To render buildings impervious to damp ; by J. Sylvester. MS. SP. 1843 observations on ; by B. Ferrey. MS. SP. 1843 Dance (G) Specification of works at Newgate prison, London. Loiid. Life of; by S. AngeU. . SP. 1847 Danckerts (C) sec Schenk (P). Dandolo (T) Studii sul secolo di Pericle, libri sei. 8o. Milan 1835 Dangerous Structures and Operations see Shoring, &c. Daniell (T) Oriental scenery. Twenty- four views in Hindoostan, taken in 1789 and 1790. Text only. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1795 Daniell (T and W) Oriental scenery. Twenty-four views in Hindoostan, taken in 1792. Text only. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1797 Antiquities of India. Twenty-four views from drawings taken in 1790 and 1793. Text only, pamph. 8o. Lond. 1800 Oriental scenery. Twenty-four views in Hindoostan. Text only. pamph. Bo. Lond. 1801 Twenty-four landscapes (fourth series) views in Hindoostan. Text only. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1807 Daniell (T) and Wales (J) Hindoo exca- vations in the momitain of Ellora, near Aurungabad. Text only. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1804 Dante Allighieri II gran Kifiuto ; by H. C. Barlow. 1862 D'Antic (P Bosc) sec Bosc D'Antic. Danzig Seine bauwerkc ; by J. C. Schultz. 1872 Darbishii'e (A) On public abattoirs. SP. 1 Feb. 1875 DarbisMre (H A) Suggestions on the introduction of coloured bricks, &c., in elevations. SP. 23 Jan. 1865 Dwellings for the poor. SP. 13 Dec. 1875 Darcel (A) sec Lassus (J B A). see Rouyer (E) and Darcel (A), Dardel (R) Monographie du palais du commerce si Lyon. fo. Paris 1868 D'Argenville (A N) see Dezalier d'Argen- ville (A N). Darley (G) System of popular geometry. 8o. Lond. 1827 Darmstadt HeSSISCHE VeBEINB FiJE DIE AUFNAHME MITTELALTEELICHEK KuNSTWEEKE. Statuten. 8o. Mainz 1845 .Jahresberichte. 8o. Darmst. 1846-63 Deiikmaler der deutschen baukunst. Plates fo. Darmst. 1846-60 Dart (J) History and antiquities of the abbey church of St. Peter, Westminster. 2 vols. fo. Lond. [1726] History and antiquities of Canterbury cathedral. fo. Lond. 1726 Dartein (F de) Etude sur I'architecture lombarde at sur lesorigines de I'architecture romano- byzantme. Text 4o. Paris 1865-82 Plates fo. Paris 1865-82 Eeponse aux observations de M. A. Eame sur I'eglise de S. Ambroise, Milan. pamph. 8o. Paris 1883 L^once Eeynaud, sa \ie et ses oeuvres. 8o. Paris 1885 Dartmouth Painted screen at church ; by J. J. Cole. MS. SP. 1837 Darton Yorkshire Church ; by F. Barber, SP. 1868 Da Silva sea Silva (J P N da). Date see History. Davenport (J) and Comelati (G) Baretti's Italian and English dictionary. 2 vols. 8o. Lond. 1868 Daumet (H) Mission archeologique de Mac&loinc ; by L. Heuzey and H. Daumet. 1876 Nouvelles tribunes pour les courses h Chantilly : Maisou a Meaux : Cha- teau de Chantilly. 4o. Paris 1883-85 Eapport sur la manufacture nationale de Beauvais. pamph. 4o. Paris 1884, 1885 Notice sur M. Abadie. pamph. 8o. Paris 1886 M. Th. Ballu. pamph. 4o. Paris 1886 Davie (W G) Architectural studies in France. fo. LoJid. [1876-77] Davies (J) Memoir ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1867 Davies (J) and Ryder (G V) Eeport on Perkin's system of warming buildings by hot water. pamph. 8o. Manch. 1841 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCKIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 69 Davies (J) and Ryder (G V) — continued. Reply to Perkiii's answer to the report ; report of W. Fairbairn. pampli. 80. Manch. 1841 Davies (T S) Mathematics ; by C. Huttou. 1841 D'Aviler sec Aviler (A C d'). Da Vinci (L) see Vinci (L da). Davioud (G[J A]) Les theatres de la Place du Chatelet ; by C. Daly and G. [J. A.] Davioud. Le palais du Trocadero. 80. Paris 1878 Sur la vie et les ceuvres ; by D. Destors. 1881 Davis (C E) Eomau baths of Bath, pamph. 80. Bath 1883 Miueral baths of Bath : the bathes of Bathe's Ayde in the reign of Charles II. 4o. Bath 1883 Davis (C T) Practical treatise on the manufacture of bricks, tiles, terra- cotta, &c. 80. Phil. & Lond. 1884 Davis (E) Gothic ornaments, illustrative of Prior Birde's oratory in the abbey church, Bath. 4 parts. fo. Lond. 1834 Davis (N) Carthage and her remains ; ac- count of excavations and researches there, and adjacent places. 80. Loml. 1861 Davis (W) Land surveying. 80. Lond. 1798 Davison (T R) Eambhng sketches. Vol. i. 4o. Lond. & Manch. 1882-83 Gleanings fi'om the past and memorials from the present. 4o. Lond. 1884 Davy (C) Artificial foundations. 80. Lond. 1839 Architectural precedents. 80. Lond. 1841 Dawson (C J C) Street pavements. 80. Livcrp. 1876 Daylight in Buildings .sec Light and Lighting of Buildings. D'Ayzac (Mad. F) see Ayzac (Mad. F d'). Deane (T N) Cathedi-al of St. Canice, and other Kil- kenny antiquities. SP. 12 Feb. 1866 Report on his proposed design for the new courts of justice. fo. Dublin 1867 Quin Abbey. pamph. 80. Dublin 1883 see Public Works Ireland. Debacq (F J) Metaponte ; by le Due de Lupies and F. J. Debacq. 1833 De Baines (F) see Brunet de Baines (F). De Boulencourt see Boulencourt le Jeime ( de). 1683 De Caumont (A) see Cauniont (A de). Decay and Preservation of Materials Cleaning stone buildmgs, use of steam jets ; by E. C. Robins. SP. 1874 Corrosion of iron mains ; by H. Spencer. 1860 Decay of building materials ; by D. T. Anstcd. 1860 Decay and Preservation of Materials — continued. Decay of building materials ; by G. R. Bm'neU. SP. 1854 Dry rot, brief enquiry ; by R. Pering. 1812 Causes of; by J. B. Papworth. 1803 Essay on ; by E. McWilliam. 1818 Investigation into causes of ; by J. Liugard. 1842 Kyan's patent ; by G. Birkbeck. 1835 by E. Dickson. 1838 report from the committee appointed to investi- gate, &c. fo. Lond. 1835 Observations on; by Anonymous. 1795 Philosophical enquiry; by J. EandaU. 1807 Practical prevention of ; by M. Faraday. 1836 Natm-e of vegetable, &c.; by L. Spallan- zani. 1799 Preservation of stone ; by -J. B. Daines. by C.H.Smith. SP. 1856 zopissa process ; by N. C. Szerelmey. 1861 by W. Tite. SP. 1861 reports on ; by Sir E. Murchison and M. Faraday. 1860 De Chateauneuf (A) see Chateauneiif (A de). Decimal System of measurement, &c.; by F. C. Penrose. SP. 1863 Vindication of ; by J. Yates. 1860 Letter on coinage ; by W. Brown. 1854 Proceedings of Decimal association, with an introduction by A. De Morgan. 80. Lond. 1854 see International Decimal Association. Deck (N) Memoir of the late. pamph. 80. Camb. 1870 Decker (P) Fiirsthcher baumeister. New edition. fo. Berlin 1885 Decloux (...) et Doury (...) Histoire archcologique, descriptive et gra- phique, de la Sainte-ChapeUe du Palais. fo. Paris 1865 see Le Pautre (J). Decoration and Decorative Art Albano's camiabic for decorations ; by T. Ponsonby. MS. SP. 1844 An aesthetic principle in ; by J. W. Papworth. SP. 1862 Applique a I'architecture et a la peinture ; by L. Gaucherel. 1857 Architectural ; by W. P. Griffith. MS. 1855 Cinque-cento and arabesque ; by F. M. Hessemer. 1842 Colour in the decorative arts ; by W. Benson. 1868 by 0. Jones. 1852 70 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Decoration and Decorative Art — continued. Coloured, of public and private buildings ; by J. D. Grace. CP. 1881 the Gambler Parry process ; by F. M. Brown. CP. 1881 Dekorationen inuerer raume ; by Gropius and Schmieden. 1877 Designs of R. Adam ; by E. Charles. 1883 Di nobili sale ; by G. Albertolli. 1787 Ecclesiastical, recent examples ; by J. P. Seddon. SP. 1870 Et d'ornement en bois et briques ; by L. Degcn. 1860-66 Examples of decorative design from the Uflizi ; by M. D. Wyatt. 1869 Exterieur et interieur en France ; by E. Eouyer and A. Darcel. 1863-66 Floral design ; by F. E. Hulme. FoUage in decoration ; by J. K. Colling. 1865 Form in the decorative arts ; by M. D. Wyatt. 1852 French of Louvre and Tuileries ; by E. Baldus. of Louis XIII. and XIV. ; by L. Adams. — of Louis XVI. verdo. by F. M. Quer- by E. Pfnor. 1865 1864 Fresco painting ; by J. Goldicutt. MS. SP. 1838 by L. Gruner and A. Hittorff. 1844 by B. R. Haydon. 1842 byE.Latilla. 1842 by E. T. Parris. MS. SP. 1842 del Campo Santo di Pisa ; by C. Lasinio. 1822 in Germany and north of Italy ; by J. G. Crace. MS. SP. 1843 Fiir architekten mid stubenmaler, &c. ; by C. Boetticher. Filrsthcher baumeister ; by P. Decker. 1885 House, amateur ; by J. Marshall. 1883 Household furniture, &c. ; by T. Hope. 1807 Laterieures ; by .J. Berain. by Percier and Fontaine. 1848 Itahan from Eaffaello ; by J. W. and W. Papworth. 1844 Leather hangings (ornamental) ; by A. Poynter. SP. 1848 Les ouvrages de tapissier et de decora- teur ; by J. Dioterle and M. D. Wyatt. 1808 Mason's, plasterer's, and decorator's guide ; by E. Eobson. Menuiserie et decorations interieures et exterieures ; by ThioUet and Eoux. 1837 Middle ages, decorative arts of; by H. Shaw. 1851 Mosaic ; by A. H. Layard. SP. 1868 Decoration and Decorative Art — continued. Mosaic ; by M. D. Wyatt. SP. 1847 Motifs historiques d'architecture et de sculpture ; by C. Daly. 1870 Mural; by E.Armitage. CP. 1878 by E. L. Cutts. SP. 1864 by E. I' Anson. SP. 1847 by T. Purdie. 1855-56, 1863 at Chaldon church ; by J. G. Waller. 1885 at Wallington, Northumberland ; by W. B. Scott. SP. 1867 in Great Britain and Ireland ; by Science and Art Dept., South Kensington. 1872, 1883 in temples of Greeks and Eo- mans ; by J. A. Letronne. 1836 mittelalters in den Eheinlanden ; by E. Weerth. 1879 painting, &c.; by A. Billing. 1851, 1868 pamtings for Penkill Castle, Ayr- shire ; by W. B. Scott. SP. 1868 St. Georgskirche in Oberzell ; by A. Eeichensperger. 1884 technique de nos vieilles pein- tures ; by N. M. Mandelgren. 1873 ' New or revived processes ; by G. T. Eobinson. _ SP. 1875 Of basilicas and Byzantine churches ; by E. P. Pullan. SP. 1875 Of churches ; principles to be observed and processes employed ; by W. Lightly. SP. 1863 Of St. Margaret's, Westminster ; by [C. Wilson.] 1761 Opera ornamentale ; by G. Borsato. 1831-48 Ornamental designs for ; by L. Gruner. 1848 Ornamentation de toutes les epoques ; by P. Pfnor. 1867 Pauited, of the early Italian churches ; by C. H. Wilson. SP. 1844 Paper-hangings and other mural decora- tion ; by H. Morton. 1875 Paris Exhibition, 1855 ; by M. D. Wyatt. 1856 Polychromatic ; by G. Semper. 1851 All Saints, Maidstone ; by J. Whichcord. 1845 Ca' d'Oro and its poly- chromatic decorations ; by G. Boni. SP. Dorische ; by L. P. 1886 Fengcr. 1886 From the Foreign Quar- terly Eeview. 8o. Lond. 1836 Grecian ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1852 by W. E. Hamilton. SP. 1836 by J. I. Hit- torflf. 1851 PBINTED BOOKS, MANUSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS n Decoration and Decorative Art- Polycliromatic ; by F. Kugler. by -contimied. .. Miel. Crystal Greek court, Palace ; by 0. Jones. Italian ; by E. Adams. XII<" to XVI"» century ; by M. D. Wyatt. SP. Letter from K. S. Pit- takys. MS. SP. Bracebridwe. Middle ages Whiebcord. C. MS. by H. SP. J. of the various styles of art ; by A. Eacinet. MonumentaleenFrance, renaissance ; by P. Sedille. SP. of various buildings ; by J. P. Seddon. SP. Pompeian ; by G. Abbate. SP. by M. D. Wyatt. SP. Principles of chromatic ; by J. P. Seddon. which govern ; by A. Jowers. Eecueil, &c. ; by C. Percier and P. F. L. Fontaine. Eeport on, at Exhibition of 1867 ; by M. D. Wyatt. Sgraffito, Art of; by A. S. Cole SP. Decoration process ; Science 1835 1854 1850 1837 1837 1818 1873 1886 1880 1853 1853 1871 1871 1827 1868 1873 1873 and Art Dept., South Kensington. Stereochromatic and other technical processes of painting ; by T. Purdie. SP. 1863 Tempera painting ; by E. Latilla. 1842 Town and coimtry house ; by A. Jowers. 1871 True and false in ; by 0. Jones. 1863 see Foliage. see Orders and Details (Classic). see Ornament. see Periods (Mediaeval). Decorative Art Society Abstracts of papers and transactions from Jan. 1844 to Jan. 1846. 8o. Lond. 1847 Decorative part of Civil Architecture see Orders and Details. Dedaux ( ) Chambre de !Marie de Mudicis au palais du Luxembourg, fo. Paris 1838 Dee sec Geography. De Gamond (MAT) Account of plans for project of submarine tunnel between England and France. 2nd edit. fo. Lond. £ Paris 1870 Atlas ; with plans and sections. 4o. Lond. it Paris 1870 Degen (L) Motifs de decorations et d'omement des constructions en hois et en briques. fo. Paris 1860-64-66 1824 1833 1884 1835 De Grey lEarl) sec Robinson (P). Dehn-Rotfelser (H von) Die stiftskirche St. Petri zu Fritzlar. 2 parts. fo. Cassel 1864 Mittelalterliche baudenkmaler in Kur- hessen. fo. Cassel 1865 Gemilldegalerie-gebaude zu Cassel. fo. Berlin 1879 Dehn-Rotfelser (H von) & Koeberlein (F) Mittelalterliche baudenkmaler in regie- rmigsbezirk Cassel. Part 1. {In progress.) fo. Cassel 1882 Dehn-Rotfelser (H von) «& Lotz (W) Die baudenkmaler im regiermigsbezirk Cassel, in topographisch alphabeti- scher reihenfolge zusammengesteUt. 8o. Cassel 1870 De Joly (J) see Joly (J de). De la Beche (Sir H T) Selection of the geological memoirs con- tained in the " Annales des Mines," with a synoptical table of equivalent formations, &c., transl., with notes. 8o. Lond. Geological manual. 8rd edit. 8o. Land. Eesearches in theoretical geology. 12o. Lond. How to observe ; Geology. 8o. Loiid. De la Beche (Sir H T) and Reeks (T) Catalogue of the specimens illus- trative of the composition and manu- facture of British pottery and por- celain, from the occupation of Britain by the Eomans to the present time. 8o. Lond. De Laborde ( A) sec Laborde (A de). Delaborde (H) La peinture des coupoles : la nef de Saint- Eoch. pamph. 8o. Paris Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de M. Lefuel. pamph. 4o. Paris De Laet (J) see Vitruvius. De la Fite (H) sec Luc (J A de). De Lagardette (C M) sec Barozzio da Vignola. De la Guillatiere sec Guillatiere (de la). De la Hooke (H) City of Paris. Budget for the year 1866. 4o. Lond. 1866 Statement presented by the Prefect of the Seine to the Municipal Council of Paris. 4o. Lond. 1866 De Lalande sec Lalande (de). Delamare (L'abbe) Origine et vicissitudes de la cathcdrale de Coutances. 4o. Caen 1841 Delannoy (F J) Souvenirs de la vie et des ouvrages ; by Anonymous. 1839 1855 1863 1882 1649 1809 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPEES Delaqueriere (E) and Langlois (E H) Maisons de Koueu les pins remar- quables pour leur decoration exte- rieui'e et par leur ancieimete. 2 vols. 80. Paris cC Boucn 1821-41 Le Lassaulx (J C) see Lassaulx (J C von). Delassaux (V) New mode of preparing plaster of Paris in an economical manner. SP. 11 May 1846 Delepierre (0) and Haghe (I) Monuments anciens recueillis en Belgique. fo. Brussels d: Leipz. 1845 Delft EcOLE POLYTECHNIQUE Annales. (In progress.) 4o. Leydcn 1884-85 Delices de Tltalie Description exacte du pais, des principales villes, de toutes les antiquitez et de toutes les raretez qui s'y trouvent ; by De Eogissart and H. 4 vols. 12o. Paris 1707 De rOrme (P) sec Orme (P de 1'). De los Santos (F) see Francisco de los Santos. Delpech (C) British Museum ; gallery of celebrated men. pamph. 80. Lond. 1859 Delsaux (J C) Eglise St. -Jacques a Liege, plans, &c. fo. Liege 1845 Architecture et monuments du moyen- iige k Liege. 80. Liege 1847 Monuments de Liege, reconstruits, agran- dis ou restaures. fo. Paris 1858 De Luc (J A) see Luc (J A de). De Luynes (Due) see Debacq (F J). De Malortie see Malortie (de). Demanet (A) Memoire sur I'arcliitecture des eglises. 4o. Brussels 1847 Cours de construction. 2 vols. 2nd edit. 4o. Paris 1861-62 plates fo. Paris 1862 Considerations sur la question posee au congres artistique d'Auvers. pampb. 80. Paris 1802 Demetz ( ) and Blouet (G A) Rapports a M. le Comte de Montalivet sur les penitenciers des Etats-Unis. fo. Paris 1837 Demmin (A) Encyclop^die des beaux-arts plastiques ; architecture et mosaique, ceramique, sculpture, peinture et gravure. 3 vols, (in 5.) 80. Paris 1873 De Montferrand (A R) see Ricard de Montferrand. De Morgan (A) Contents of the correspondence of scientific men of the 17th century, in the collection of Et. Hon. the Earl of Macclesfield, pamph. 80. Oxford 1862 see Decimal. Dempsey (G D) Tubular iron girder bridges, especially the Britannia and Conway. 12o. Loud. 1850 Drainage and sewage of towns and build- ings. 12o. Lond. 1854 Drainageof districts and lands. 12o. Lond. 1859 Denbighshire Village churches ; by R. W. Williams and M. Underwood. 1872 Denecourt (C F) Palais et foret de Fontainebleau. 8rd edit. 80. Font. Denham (H M) Point Lynas to Liverpool, with charts, coast views, &c., for navigating the Dee and Mersey. 80. Liverjj. 1840 Denison (E B) Lord Grimthorpe Lectures on church-building. 2nd edit. 80. Lo)id. 1856 Mathematical theory of domes. SP. 6 Feb. 1871 A book on building, civil and ecclesiasti- cal ; includuig chm'ch restoration. 2nd edit., enlarged. 12o. Lond. 1880 Denmark Danske mindesmferker ; by C. F. Holm and others. 1869-77 Den danske Vitru\-ius ; by L. de Thurah. 1746-49 Frederiksborg ; by H. Hansen and C. S. Kobke. 1872 Handbook ; by J. Murray. 1848 Tegninger af feldre nordisk architectm" ; by V. Dahlerup and others. 1872- Dennis (G) Cities and cemeteries of Etruria. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1848 De Noel (J) see Noel (J de). Denon (V) Travels in Sicily and Malta, from the French. 80. Lond. 1789 Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte. 2 vols. fo. Paris 1802 Dent (W Y) Lectures on building mate- rials, fo. Chatham 1872, 1878 Denton (E F B) Handbook of house sani- tation. 80. Lond. d- N. York 1882 Denton (J B) Farm homesteads of England, plans, sections and details, with description, &c. 4o. Lond. 1864 Sanitary engmeeriug. 80. Lond. & Neio York 1877 De Pambour see Guyonneau de Pambour (FM) Department of Practical Art see Science and Art Department. De Prangey see Giraiilt de Prangey. De Prony see Riche de Prony (G C F M) De ftuincy see ftuatremere de ftuincy. Derand (F) Notice sur la vie ; by P. Morey. 1868 Derant (F) L'architecture des voutes ou I'art des traits et coupe des voutes. fo. Paris 1743 Derby Arboretum ; by J. C. Loudon. 1840 FEINTED BOOKS, MANU?CEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPEES 73 Derbyshire ArcliiEology of Peak ; by H. H. Vale. 1867 Churches of; by J. C. Cox. 1875-79 Gathermgs ; by J. B. Robiuson. 18C6 Pre-Norman sculptured stones ; by G. F. Browne. 1885 Derick (J M) sco Oxford Architectural Society. De Rogissart sea Rogissart (... de) De Rossi (D) see Rossi (D de). De Rossi (G G) see Fald.a, Ventarini, and Rossi. De Rubeis (J J) see Rossi (G G de). Desaguliers (J T) Ou chimneys ; trans- lated from ... Gauger. 12o. Land. 1715 Descamps (H P V) et le Maistre d'Anstaing Vitraux de la cathedrale de Tournai. avec texte. fo. Brussels 1818 Deseille (E) Les debuts de Mariette-Pacha. pamph. 8o. Boulogne 1881 Desgodetz (A) Les edifices antiques de Kome (with MS. notes by J. Stuart). fo. Paris 1682 fo. Paris 1779 Ancient buildings of Rome ; translated by G. Marshall. 2 vols. French and Enghsh text. fo. Land. 1771-95 Cours d'architecture. MS. fo. Deshayes (C A) Abbaye royale de Jumieges. 8o. Bouen 1829 Design Architectural, of Giocoudo ; by Gey- mtUler. 1882 of W. Burges ; by R. P. Pullan. _ 1883 principles and practice of ; by G. Wightwick. study and ; by G. Moore. 1843 1851 1884 1888 1802 Compositions antiques ; by -J. Bouehet. et ; by Viollet-le-Duc. Des arts du ; by P. A. Mazure. Dizionario del ; by F. Milizia. Essay on ; by J. F. Blondel and F. Frauqu6 Grammaire des arts du ; by C. Blanc. 1867 Grands prix d'architecture ; by Allais, A. Detournelle, and A. L. T. Vaudoyer. 1806-34 In architecture ; by R. and J. Adam. 1773-79 by -J. Soane. 1778 princi]5les of; by E. L. Garbett. 1850 by W. Mitford. 1819 Liddits de sculpteurs et architectes lorrains ; by P. Morey. 1866 L'enseigncment des arts du ; by Viollet- le-Duc. 1804 L'id^al dans les arts ; by A. C. Quatrc- mere de Quincy. 1837 1866 1801 1873 1867 1865 1881 Part i. Paris Design — continued. National academy of ; by P. B. Wight. Plans et, de la belle architecture ; by C. L. Stieglitz. Proportional in architectural ; by W. W. Lloyd. 1863 Storiadelleartidel; byG. Winkelmann. 1788-4 Treasmy of, for the city builder ; by B. 1750 Langley. Uniformity in works of early Britons ; by J. S. Phen6. see Milan. Desjardins (T) Monographie de I'Hotel de villc de Lyon. fo. Paris Desor (E) Constructions lacustres du lac de Neuchiitel. 8o. Paris Destors ( D) Notice sur la vie ct les ccuvres de Gabriel Davioud. pamph. 8o. Paris De Supperville see Humbert-de-Supperville (D P G) Details see Orders. see Periods. De Thurah (L) sec Thurah (L de). Detournelle (A) Recueil d'architecture nouvelle. an XIII. 4o. Grands prix d'architecture ; by Allais, A Detournelle, and A. L. T. Vaudoyer. 1806 De Verneilh (F) see Verneilh (F de). Device see Alphabet, &c. Deville (A) Comptes de d^penses de la construction du chateau de GaOlon. Text. 4o. Paris Plates, fo. Paris Devizes sec Wiltshire. De Vogiie (C J M) see Vogiie (C J M de). Devon Devonpokt Mechanics' Insti- tute Report, pamph. 8o. Devon Devonshire Handbook ; by J. Murray. History and antiquities of Clyst St. George ; by H. T. Ellacombe. j\Ioorland and border churches ; by J. Hine. Dewsbnry Water supply ; by T. Wick- steed. Dezalier d'Argenville (A N) pratique du jardinage. Dezobry (C) Rome au siScle 4 vols. D'Hancarville see Hancarville (le Sieur d') Dharwar and Mysore Architecture in ; by M. Taylor and .J. Fergusson. Dianoux (L) see Ronzani (F). Dibdin (Rev T F) Bibliographical, anti- quarian, and pieturesquo tour in France and Germany. 3 vols. 8o. Bond. 1829 [1805] 34 1850 1851 1852 1865 1865 Theorie et 4o. Paris d'Auguste. 8o. Paris 1856 1709 1846 1766 1860 74 PEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCBIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Dick (W R) Inscriptions and de%dces in the Beauchamp tower, Tower of Loudon ; liistory of the building, and the prisoners formerly confined therein. 4o. Lond. 1853 Dickinson (W) Antiquities and architec- tural itinerary in Notts, comprising Southwell and Newark. (Vol. I.) 4o. Neivark 1801 Dickson (R) Lecture on the dry rot, and on the most effectual means of pre- venting it. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1838 Dictionary, Encyclopsedia, and Glossary Archeology, Christian antiquities ; by W. Smith and S. Cheetham. 1876- Greek and Eoman antiqui- ties ; by W. Smith. 1851 sacred ; by M. E. C. Walcott. 1868 Architecture ; by Architectm-al Publica- tion Society. 1853-87- by A Society of Architects. 1779 by E. Bosc. 1877-80 by J. Britton. 1838 by A. de Caumont. 1846 by A. Felibien. 1676 by J. G. Grohmann. 1804 by R. Neve. 1726 by T. Neve. 1703 by P. Nicholson. 1835 by B. Orsini. 1801 by Quatremere de Quuicy. 1832 by D. Eam^e. 1866 by W. Eeveley. MS. by C. F. Eoland le Virloys. 1770 by W. Salmon. 1762 by E. Stuart. [1830] by J. Weale. 1849, 1850, 1873 and allied arts ; by W. J. and G. A. Audsley. 1879- ci^ile ; by U. Vitry. 1840 encyclopaedia ; by J. Gwilt. 1867 fran9aise ; by E. E. Viol- let-le-Duc. 1854-68 glossary of Gothic ; speci- mens, &c. ; by A. W. Pugm. 1822 terms ; by J. H. Parker. 1866 nomenclature ; by E. WiUis. 1844 &c., of tern- Dictionary, Encyclopsedia, and Glossary — continued. Biography, architectes fran9ais ; by A. Lance. 1872 artists of antiquity ; by J. Silhg. 1837 of the English school ; by S. Eedgrave. 1878 de profesores en Espaua ; by J. A. Cean-Bermudez. 1800 and mythology, Greek and Koman ; by W. Smith. 1850 reference ; by L. B. PhiUips. 1871 Dates ; by J. Haydn. 1868 Construction, encyclopaedia ; byE.Cresy. 1861 glossary ; by S. C. Brees. 1841 Geography, Greek and Eoman ; by W. Smith. 1854-57 Language, English ; by S. Johnson. 1785 appendix and ortho- grapher ; by C. Vines. 1854 English-French, Freuch-Ens- Ush ; by A. Spiers. 1869 -German, German- Enghsh ; by Bailey-Fahrenkriiger, edit, by A. Wagner. 1822 by Fliigel. 1873 Italian, Italian-Eng- hsh; byBaretti. 1868 -Latin, Latin-English; 1841 pies of Greece and Eome ; by E. Burgess. MS. SP. vocabularium ; by C. de Aquinus. 1784 Arts and sciences ; by Society of Gentle- men. 1757 fine ; by J. Elmes. 1826 by A. L. Millin. ^ 1806 plastiques ; by A. Demmin. 1873 terms of; by F. W. Fairholt. by E. Ainsworth, abridged by T. Morell and improved by J. Carey. 1852 Frangais ; by E. Littre. 1881-82 French- German, German- French ; by Mozin. 1842-44 Greek-English ; by Liddell and Scott. 1849 Italian ; by F. Cardinali. 1827 and English ; by F. C. Meadows. 1852 Latiu-EngUsh ; by J. T. White and J. E. Eiddle. 1876 Mobilier fran9ais ; by E. Viollet-le-Duc. 1871-72 Penny cyclopjedia see Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 1833-58 Technological ; by Tolhauseu and Gar- dissal. 1855-64 Didron (A N) Les annales arch^ologiques. 3 vols. 4o. Paris 1844-45 Notre-Dame-de-la-Treille. 4o. Paris 1856 Iconographie des chapiteaux du palais ducal a Venise ; by W. Burges and A. N. Didron. 1857 Didron (A N) and Durand (P) Manuel d'iconographie chretienne, grecque et latine. 8o. Paris 1845 Diedo (A) sec Cicognara (L). 1838-40 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 75 Diet ( ) Notice sur M. Abadie. pamph. 4o. Paris Dieterle (J) and Wyatt (M D) Eapport sur les ouvrages de tapissier etde decora- teur a I'Exposition Universelle de 1867. 80. Paris Dietterlin (W) Livre de rarcliitecture ; recueil de planches dormant la divi- sion, sym^trie et proportion des cinq ordres. 4o. Liige Dijon Hotel de Vogiie ; by C. Sauvageot. Dilapidations see Law. Dilettanti sec Society of Dilettanti. Dilke (C W) Catalogue of a collection of works on the Exhibition of 1851. 4o. Lond. Dimock (J F) Architectural history of the church of the Blessed Mary the Virgin of Southwell, Nottingham- shire. 80. Dindorfius (L) Pausanise descriptio Grjecias. Greek and Latin test. 80. Paris Dion (H de) and Lasvignes (L) Cath&lrale de Bayeux ; reprise en de la tour ccntrale, par 188G 18C7 1867 1863 1855 1845 1861 1816 sous-ceu\Te E. Flachat. 4o. Paris Dionigi (M) Precetti elementari sulla pittura di paesi. 80. Borne Dionigi (M C) Viaggi in alcune citta del Lazio che diconsi fondate dal re Saturno. fo. Borne 1809 Diorama see Panorama. Diploma see Professional Practice. Discount sec Tables, &c. Distillery sec Brewery, &c. District Surveyor Examination for see R.I.B.A., Kalendar, &c. Office and duties of; by W. L. Donald- son. District Surveyors' Association Bye laws, awards, &c. 12o. Lond. 1850 Dix (T) Treatise on land surveying. 2nd edition. 80. Lond. Dobson (E) Student's guide to the practice of mea- suring and valuing artificer's work, &c. 80. Lond. Rudiments of the art of building. 12o. Lond. — • 3rd edit. 12o. Lond. Rudimentary treatise on masonry and 1856 -52 1802 1843 1849 1859 stonecuttmg. Plates 4o. Text 12o. 2nd edit. 12o. Lond. 1849 Lond. 185C on the manufacture of bricks and tiles. 12o. Lond. 1850 Foundations and concrete works. 12j. Lond. 1850 Dobson (E) — continued. On the progress of applied science in Canterbury. pamph. 80. Christch. (N.Z.) 1880 Dobson (E) and Tarn (E W) Students' guide to measuring and valuing artificers' work, &c. {New edit) 80. Lond. 1871 Dobson (J) Memoir ; by M. J. Dobson. 1885 Dobson (M J) Memoir of John Dobson. 80. Neioc.-on-Tyne 1885 Dock see Canal, &c. Dodsworth (W) History of Salisbury Cathedral 4o. Lond. 1814 DodweU (E) Classical and topographical tour through Greece. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1819 Cyclopian, orPelasgic, remains in Greece and Italy. fo. Lond. 1834 Doherty (H) L'homme et la nature. 80. Paris 1884 Dollman (F T) Ancient pulpits existing in England. 4o. Lond. 1849 Examples of ancient domestic architec- ture ; hospitals, bede houses, schools, &c., of the middle ages. 4o. Lond. 1858 The Priory of St. Mary Overie, South- wark. 4o. Lond. 1881 Dollman (F T) and Jobbins (I R) Analysis of ancient domestic architecture in Great Britain. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1861-3 Dome and Cupola At Beejapore ; by J. Fergusson. SP. 1854 Construction of; by T. H. Lewis. SP. 1859 by S. Ware. 1809 Determination of form ; by C. W. Merri- field. Dome du Pantheon fran9ais; by J. Eondelet. Fall of cupola at Pesth ; by F. Lange. SP. Halle au ble, coupole de ; by J. Eonde- let. aux grams, coupole de ; by F. Brunei. Indian ; by W. Emerson. SP. Internal treatment ; by H. Stannus. SP. La peinture des coupoles ; by H. Dela borde. Les edifices eirculaires ; by C. E. Isabelle On mathematical theory ; by E. B. Deni son. SP Remarks on ; by T. H. Lewis. SP Stability of; by E. W. Tarn. Teatro di Palermo, calcolo di stabilitii by G. B. F. Basile. Domenichi (L) see Alberti (L B). Domestic Architecture by L. Canina. by A, de Chateauneuf. [1797] 1868 1848 1809 1884 1884 18C3 1855 1871 1857 186C 1876 1852 1839 7i5 PEINTEB BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Domestic Architecture — continued. by F. Goodwin. 1833-84 A house for the suburbs ; by T. Morris. 1860 Abitazioni lacustri ; by P. Lioy. 1865 Construction of modern ; by G. Kobson. 1876 Economical application of Gothic archi- tecture ; by E. Trotman. SP. 1845 English gentleman's house ; by R. Kerr. 1865 Hints on ; by T. F. Hunt. 1825 Present and future ; by G. G. Scott. 1858 Belgium, fronts of town houses ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1843 Egypt, ancient ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1861 England ; by E. Brown. 1842 by J. Hadfield. 1848 by T. H. Turner and Parker. Analysis of ; by F. T. and I. E. Jobbins. Ancient ; by F. T. by E. B. Artists' homes ; J. H. 1851-53-59 DoUman 1861- Dollman. Lamb. by M. B. Adams. Elizabethan ; by T. H. Clarke. by C. J. Palmer. mansions; by J. -63 1858 1846 1883 1833 1838 Nash. J. Eichardson. halls and 1839-49 byO. 1841-48 edi- fices sbon. ; by S. C. Hall. Half-timbered ; by J. Clayton. by M. Haber- Middle ages Old halls by W. Twopeny. in Lancashire and Cheshire ; by H. Taylor. Old halls near Manchester ; by C. H. Heathcote. SP. Plans of buildings executed; by 1858 1846 1836 1840 1884 1872 1788 1787 1876 1869 1837 29 J. Soane Seats of nobihty and gentry ; by W. Angus. Seventeenth century ; by G. H. Birch. SP. ■ Timber ; by C. Baily. • Tudor ; by P. F. Eobinson. Views of noblemen's seats, &c.; by J. P. Neale. 1824 Vitruvius Britannicus ; by C. Campbell. 1717-25 France ; by H. Glutton. 1853 r emplacement du chateau du due Eaoul a Nancy ; by P. Morey. 1865 Maisons de Eouen ; by E. Dela- qiieriere and E. H. Langlois. 1821-41 Middle ages and renaissance ; by A. Verdier and F. Cattois. 1855-57 Eenaissance ; by C. Sauvageot. 1867 Domestic Architecture — continued. Japan ; by J. Conder. SP. Japanese gentleman's house ; by E. T. Conder. SP. Eoman : city houses ; by P. Marquez. House of Pliny ; by P. Mar- quez. 1887 1887 1795 1796 1838 1883 1868 1858 Villas of the Augustan age ; by T. Moule. Sweden, Southern ; by A. Beazeley. SP. United States ; by G. Wheeler. SP. Western Flanders, buildings of ; by E. D. Chantrell. MS. SP. see Dwellings. sec Rural Architecture. sec Agricultural Labourers' Dwellings. sec Artisans' and Industrial Dwellings. Donaldson (J) Text book for landowners ; by E. Eyde and J. Donaldson. 1854 Donaldson (T L) Selection of ornamental sculptures ; by H. Moses. Descriptions by T. L. D. 1828 Athens ; supp. volume see Stuart (J) and Kevett (N). Examples of doorways, from ancient buildings in Greece and Italy. 4o. Lond. 1833 in French; byF.Thiolletet E. Simon, d'apr^s I'ouvrage anglais. 4o. Paris 1837 from modern buildings in Italy and Sicily. 4o. Lond. 1836 Address read at the opening meeting of the I.B.A. MS. SP. 15 June 1835 Substance of an opinion delivered at a court of sewers for Westminster, &c. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1835 Particulars relating to MSS. of Vitruvius preserved in various European hbraries. SP. 1835 Italian scenery ; by W. B. Cooke and T. L. Donaldson. 1836 Itahan towers. MS. SP. 1 Feb. 1836 Geological phenomena connected with the origin and sources of porphyry, syenite, serpentine, and other rare marbles used ui architectural embel- lishment. SP. 19 Dec. 1836 Memorandum respecting buildings at Paris. MS. SP. 16 Jan. 1837 Eeview of the professional life of Sir J. Soane. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1837 MS. SP. 6 Feb. 1837 Architectural notation. MS. SP. 18 Dec. 1837 Letter to H.E.H. the Duke of Sussex, with a plan for the promotion of art, science, and literature. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1838 Memoir of T. Lee. MS. SP. 27 Dec. 1838 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 77 Donaldson (T L) —conthiued. Charge delivered to a jury summoned to make presentments on the districts of the RanelagL and Coimters Creek sewer. pampb. 80. Land. 1839 Translation of A. L. T. Vaudoyer's life of M. Percier. MS. SP. 4 Feb. 1839 Accomit of Notre -Dame du Port at Cler- mont-Ferrand. MS. SP. 10 June 1839 Lime, mortar, stucco, and cement. 4o. Lond. 1840 New Royal Escbange ; statement of facts respecting No. 50 design, fo. Lond. 1840 Translation of A. L. T. Vaudoyer's Colonne Alexandi'ine i\ St.-Peters- bourg. SP. 21 June 1841 Translation of A. L. T. Vaudoyer's life of Gu^nepin. MS. SP. 16 May 1842 Prebminary discourse ; lectures on arcbi- tecture at University College, Lou- don, pampb. 80. Lond. 1842 Court of Sewers for Westminster ; ad- dress upon the report from the Poor Law Commissioners. pampb. 80. Lond. 1842 Description of the church at Ani, in Ar- menia. SP. 23 Jan. 1848 Architectural and iconograpbical ap- plication of the form of the cross durmg the middle ages. SP. 26 May 1845 Report on drawings by Palladio, at Chiswick ; by A. Poynter and T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1845 University College, London. Midsum- mer exammation, session 1845-46. Architecture as a fine art. pampb. 80. Lond. 184G Remarks on the models of the Parthe- non made by R. C. Lucas. MS. SP. 9 Feb. 1846 Translation of " Damp m buildings, its prevention and cure," by L. Vau- doyer. MS. SP. 25 May 1846 Different modes of constructing the shafts of columns of large dimensions. SP. 22 June 1846 Architectural maxims and theorems. 80. Lond. 1847 translated in " Moniteur des architectes," Nos. xiii, xiv, xv. 4o. Paris 1847 Account of the church of Sta. Maria del Fiore, at Florence ; and design by II Cav. N. Matas for completing the fav'ade. MS. SP. 15 Nov. 1847 Caen, with remarks on its quarries, stone, and buildings ; and upon Arras. MS. SP. 24 Jan. 1848 Cathedral church of St. Isaac, St. Peters- burg. MS. SP. 20 Nov. 1848 Donaldson (T L) — continued. IManufacture of glass, and its applica- tion to architectural purposes. SP. 17Dec. Polychromatic embellishments in Greek architecture, as illustrated in the work of J. I. Hittorff. SP. 12 Jan. Present condition of the royal tombs in Westminster Abbey. SP. 23 Feb. Remarks on a certain class of Gallo- Byzantine churches in and near Perigueux, in France. SP. 10 Jan. Architectural medals and coins of the an- cients, as illustrative of the edifices of the Greeks and Romans. SP. 24 Jan. Discours prononce aux fun^railles de M. Fontaine. pampb. 4o. Paris Remarks upon the buildings of Lille, in France ; and a description of original drawings presented by the late Che- valier Wicar. SP. 14 Nov. Notice of the professional career of Le- clerc, Visconti, and Gau. SP. 9 Jan. Brief account of the palaces of the Louvre and Tuileries, at Paris. SP. 6 Mar. Description of some of the constructions now in course of execution between the Louvre and the Palais Royal, at Paris. SP. 22 Jan. Triumphal arches of the Romans. SP. 31 Mar. Memoir of the late Commendatore Canina. SP. 3 Nov. Account of Alnwick Castle, Northumber- land. SP. 3 and 17 Nov. Description of the streets proposed to be formed by the Metropolitan Board of Works. SP. 9 Feb. Memoir of L. de Zanth. SP. 16 Nov. Wayside memoranda during a tour in Ireland. SP. 26 Ap. Architectura numismatica, or architec- tural medals of classic antiquity. 80. Lond. Description of M. Mariette's excavations at CTbizeb and Saccara : observations on the domestic architecture of the ancient Egyptians as existing among the present Arabs ; and account of the catacombs at Alexandria re- cently discovered. SP. 28 Feb. Memoir of C F. Nepveu, of Versailles. SP. 3 Nov. Description of the tribunal de commerce, erectmg by A. BaiUy, at Paris. SP. 18 May Opening address. SP. 2 Nov. Communication in reference to the de- cease of J. B. Bunning ; and of W. Cubitt, M.P, SP. 16 Nov. 1849 1852 1852 1853 1853 1853 1853 1854 1854 1855 1856 1856 1856 1857 1857 1858 1859 1861 1862 1863 1863 1863 78 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Donaldson (T 1) — continued. Memoir of Joseph Woods. SP. 18 Jan. Recent discoveries of places and buildings of the fourth to the seventh cen- turies in the Houran, near Damas- cus, and in the country about Aleppo and Antiocheia. SP. 4 Ap. Description of the working di-awings of the new opera house at Paris. SP. 4 Ap. On the death of D. Roberts, R.A. SP. 6 Dec. Necrological notice of the Duke of North- umberland. SP. 20 Mar. of J. M. Lockyer. SP. 20 Mar. Memoir of late J. Davies. SP. 15 May Opening address at R.I.B.A. SP. 7 Nov. meeting on the Address delivered at opening of the the new gallery of the Female School of Art, January 3, 1866. pamph. 8o. Lond. Practice of architects, and law as to ease- ments of hght and air. SP. 28 May Memoir of the late C. Fowler. SP. 4 Nov. of the late J. I. Hittorff. SP. 8 Ap. Translated by F. Duban. pamph. 8o. Paris Brief notices of Sir R. Smirke and Lord Llanover. SP. 29 Ap. Antiquities of Frejus m the south of France. SP. 19 Mar. Roof of St. Pancras station, Midland rail- way. SP. 19 Mar. A communication dated " on the Archi- pelago, en route from Athens to Trieste." SP. 4 Jan. A communication dated " Rome." SP. 15 Mar. On tomb of T. C. VitaUs, in the Villa Volkonski, Rome. SP. 21 Jmie Description of ruined buildings in Pales- tine. SP. 21 Jrme Notice of the inscriptions, called the Testamentum Augusti, in temple of Augustus and Rome at Anc^Ta. SP. 28 Feb. On autograph drawings of great masters of architecture. SP. 28 Feb. Memoir of late W. Burn. SP. 28 Mar. Memoir of the Commendatore Poletti. SP. 28 Mar. Notice of late R. Pohti. SP. 5 Dec. On mystery of tomb of Charlemagne. SP. 19 Dec. On autograph drawings of great masters in architecture, in pubUc libraries of Italy. SP. 8 Jan. 1864 1864 1864 1864 1865 1865 1865 1865 1866 1866 1867 1867 1867 1867 1868 1868 1869 1869 1869 1869 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1872 Donaldson (T L) — continued. Biographical notice of L. Vaudoyer. SP. 4 Nov. 1872 Notice of the recent travels of Lt.-Col. Playfair. SP. 4 Dec. 1876 Temple a la Victoire, monument com- m^moratif k Messene ; plan geome- tral et vue avec explication his- torique. 4o. Paris 1876 Biographical notice of the late T. Bel- lamy. SP. 28 May 1877 Obehsks ; their purpose, materials, and position. SP. 8 Ap. 1878 Biographical notice of G. Semper. SP. 23 Jime 1879 The ChaBroneian Lion. SP. 7 Jime 1880 Connection with the R.I.B.A.; by W. Papworth. SP. 1886 Memoir ; by E. A. Grumng. SP. 1886 Notice of ; by C. Lucas. 1886 Memoir ; bv A. Kaplanidou. 1887 Donaldson (T"L) and Glen (W C) Hand- book of specifications, with a re\'iew of the law of contracts. 2 vols. 8o. Lond. 1859 Donaldson (W L) Heraldry and its comiection with Gothic architectm-e. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1837 Summary of a report made by M. Re- mont, architect of the city of Liege, on works relating to the health and pubhc utility of London. SP. 21 May 1855 0£5ce and duties of a district surveyor. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1856 Donatus (A) Roma vetus ac recens utriusque fedificiis ad eruditam cog- nitionem expositis. 4o. Borne 1725 Doncaster Christ church ; effect of lightning upon ; by J. Scott. MS. SP. 1836 House of the Franciscans, friars mmors or gi'ey friars. pamph. fo. Doncaster 1842 Plans, &c., of mansion house ; by J. Paine. 1751 St. George's church ; by J. E. Jackson. 1855 St. Mary Magdalene church ; by J. E. Jackson. 1853 Donkin (J) The capitals in the crypt of Canterbury Cathedral. 4o. Lond. 1881 Donnet (A) Architectonographie des theatres de Paris. 8o. Paris 1821 Door, Doorway, Gate, and Gateway Designs for gateways, &c.; by I. Jones and W. Kent. 1744 of Central Park, New York ; by R. M. Hunt. 1866 Doorways ; by W. H. Picton. 1867 In Greece and Italy ; by T. L. Donaldson. 1833 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 79 Door, Doorway, Gate, and Gateway — continued. In Greece and Italy ; in French, trans- lated by F. Thiollet. 1837 In Italy and Sicily ; by T. L. Donaldson. 1836 Porte di cittS, e fortezze, &c.; by F. Albertolli. 1815 Dorchester ^ Abbey church ; by H. Addington. 1815, 1882 ■ History of ; by J. H. Parker. 1882 {Bound together.) Doric Order sec Orders and Details. Doric Race History and antiquities ; by C. 0. Muller. Dorn (J F) and Rictter (J H) Praktische anleitung zur ausfiihruug der ueuen flachen dachbedeckuiig, anlegung kiinstlicher fuszwege, &c. 8o. Berlin Dorsetshire Handbook ; by J. Murray. Douce (F) Foundation stone of the original church of St. Mark at Venice, &c. 4o. Land. Dover Harbour, report. fo. Loud. St. Martin's priory ; by J. T. Perry. Downing (A J) Cottage residences, or designs for rural cottages and cottage-villas, adapted to North America. 8o. iV. York & Lond. The theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America. 4th ed. 8o. N. York & Loud. Downing Street London sec London. Doyere (L) Conservation des grains par I'ensilage. 8o. Paris Doyne (W T) Second report upon the river Waimakariri, and the lower plains of Canterbury, New Zealand. 4to. Christch. N. Z. Drach (S M) The circle-area and hepta- gon-chord, pamph. 8o. Lond. Drain and Drainage see Sanitary Science, &c. 1839 1837 1859 183G 1810 1871 Drake (C) Building in concrete. pamph. 8o. Lond. Draper (G) Description of the Sir H. B. Neale testimonial, at Lymington, Hampshire. SP. 9 Jan. Drapers' Company Reports of deputations who visited the estates of the company in London- derry, 1817-39 8o. Loml. Sixth report, with illustrations. 8o. Lond. Draughtsmanship and Drawing And shadow composition ; by S. Prout. Architectural illustrations ; by M. B. Adams. 1842 1849 1862 1865 1864 1874 1843 1841 1833 1848 1877 Draughtsmanship and Drawing — continued. Architectural illustrations; by M. B. Adams. SP. 1886 from measured examples ; by W. Burges. 1870 in the middle ages ; by W. Burges. SP. I860, 1887 Artistic, &e. ; by J. Smith. 1843 Autograph ; of great masters in Italy ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1870, 1872 Elements of ; in examples from paintings by Benjamin West. obi. fo. Lond. 1820 Italian architectural drawings at Wind- sor ; by A. Ashpitel. SP. 1862 New method of teaching ; by J. Kumpa. 1855 Practical mode for striking Gothic tracery ; by R. W. BiUhig. SP. 1848 Gothic arches ; by J. B. Watson. SP. 1840 Working dramngs and designs ; by Ey- land, Lightbody, and Burn. ■ for Gothic ornaments ; by L. N. Cottmgham. [1823] of new opera house at Paris ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1864 sec Perspective. see Sculpture. Drawing Instruments sec Mathematical Instruments. Dresden Die bauteu technischen und industriellen anlagen von Dresden ; herausgege- ben von dem Dresdener architekten- verein. 8o. Dresden 1878 Hoftheater ; by G. Semper. 1849 Driver (C H) Iron as a constructive material. SP. 5 Ap. 1875 Engineering and art. pamph. 8o. Lond, 1879 Driver (H A) Byron and " The Abbey ; " with suggestions for a national edi- fice to contaui the monuments of our great men. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1838 Driver (Messrs.) Particulars with plans of the Tong castle estate, Shropshire. fo. Lond. 1855 Dronke (E) and Lassaulx (J C von) Matthias kapelle auf der oberen burg bei Kobern an der Mosel. 8o. Gobi. 1837 Drouyn (L) L'architecture au moyen-age dans la Gironde. fo. Bordeaux 1846 Druitt (R) Construction and management of human habitations considered in relation to public health. SP. 20 Feb. 1860 Dry Rot see Decay and Preservation of Materials. Drysdale (J) and Hayward (J W) Health and comfort in house building 8o. Lond. 1872 80 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Duban (F) Notice sur J. I. Hittorff. the memoir by T. L. Translation of Donaldson. 80. Paris 1867 1871 Funerailles de ; by C. Daly Dublin Cathedral, restoration ; by G. E. Street, E. Seymour, and Sir T. Martin. 1882 Cathedral of St. Patrick ; by K. C. Car- penter. History of; by J. Warburton, K. White- law, and K. Walsh. 1818 Museum of Science and Art and National Library buildings : Instructions in regard to competition, &c., with plans. fo. Diibl. 1883 Views of buildings ; by E. Pool and J. Cash. 1780 Institute of Aechitects of Ireland Congratulatory address to the Earl de Grey on his appointment as Viceroy of Ireland ; and reply. MS. 4o. 1841 Introductory lecture ; by Sir R. Morrison. 4o. DiM. 1844 see EoYAL Institute of Aechitects OF Ireland. Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland Transactions. Vols. 1-3. 80. Diibl. 1845-49 Vol. 4, part i. 80. Dubl. 1851 Vols. 5-17- [In progress.) 80. Dull. 1860-86- General index to vols. 1-9. 80. Dubl. 1871 Royal Dublin Society Scientific proceedings. N.S. [In inogrcss.) 80. Scientific transactions. N.S. {In 2)rorjress.) 4o. Royal Historical and ARCHa;oLOGiCAL Association of Ireland. Journal, 3rd series. Vol. 1, 1868-69. 80. Duhl. 1873 4th series. (In inogress.) 80. Dubl. 1878-86- EOYAL Institute of Architects of Ireland Sessional papers, 1863-4 to 1869-70. 4o. DiM. 1872 Royal Irish Academy Catalogue of the antiquities of, in the museum ; by W. E. Wilde. 80. Dubl. 1857 Diibner |F) sec Strabo. Du Bois (A) and Lucas (C) Biographic universelle des architectes celebres. {In inogress.) 80. Paris 1868-76- Duc (J L) sec Vaudoyer (A L T). 1841 see Sedille (P). 1879 Dubl. 1877-86- Dubl. 1877-85- Du Cerceau Les du Cerceau ; by H. de Geymiiller. 1887 Du Cerceau (J A) see AndroUet du Cerceau (J). Dudley Castle Staffs ; by E. Roberts. 1878 Dufour (A) Letter on raising the naval pillar. 4o. Lond. 1800 Dufrenoy (A) and Beaumont (E de) Carte geologique de la France. 6 sheets. 1840 Explication de la carte geologique de la France. 2 vols. 4o. Paris 1841, 1848 Dugdale (Sir W) The history of St. Paul's cathedral. fo. Lond. 1658 Monasticon Anglicanuni ; new edit. ; by Caley, Ellis, and Bandinel. 8 vols. fo. Lond. 1849 Dulwich College Terra cotta in the new buildings at ; by C. Barry. SP. 1868 Du Molinet (C) see Molinet (C du). Dumont (A L) Discours prononce aux funerailles de J. P. Cortot. 1843 de A. L. T. Vaudoyer. 1846 de A. Blouet. 1853 Dumont (G M) Details des plus interessantes parties d'architecture de la basilique de St.- Pierre de Rome. fo. Paris 1763 Parallele des salles de spectacle d'ltahe et de France, avec , les details des machines th^atrales. fo. Paris 1774 Duncan (W H) Report to Health Com- mittee, Liverpool, on the health of the town, 1847-50. 80. Livcrp-. 1851 Dundee Plans and sections of new streets, altera- tions and improvements ; by W. Mackison. ob. fo. Edinb. 1870 Book of reference to intended works and lands to be acquired. fo. Dundee 1870 Dundonald (Earl of) Use, properties, and products of the bitumen and petro- leum of Trinidad. pamph. 80. Lond. 1857 Dunfermline Scotland see Bamiatyne Club. Dunhill (T) Health of towns. Selection from papers on sanitary reform, with minutes of evidence on Smithfield cattle market, and estabhshing public abattoirs. pamph. 80. Lond. 1848 Dunkin (A J) Report of the special meet- ing of the British Archseological Association. 80. Lond. 1845 Dunkirk see Paris Societe Feancjaise d'Aiiciieologie. Dunlap (,W) History of the rise and pro- gress of the arts of design m the United States. 2 vols. 80. N. York 1834 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPEES 81 Dunmow TTnion Communications to and from the Poor Law Commissioners, concerning the erection of a work- bouse, fo. Lond. 1839 Dunnage (H) and Laver (C) Plans, &c., of thegreat hall of the palace of Eltbam, Kent, with essay. 4o. Lond. 1828 Dupain de Montesson Science des ombres par rap25ort au dessein. 8o. Paris 17C0 Dupasquier (L) Monographie de Notre- Dame de Brou. fo. Paris 1842 Dupin (C) Commercial power of Great Britain ; atlas of plans, elevations, sections. 4o. Lond. Memoires sur la marine et les ponts et chauss6es de France et d'Angleterre. 8o. Paris 1818 Duppa (R) Life and works of Michel Angelo Buonarroti. 2ud edit. 4o. Lond. 1807 Dupuy (P) Trait6 concernant I'histoire de France, S9avoir la condamnation des Templiers. 8o. Paris 1700 Durand (H) Notice bistorique et archeolo- gique sur le monastcre et I'eglise de Sainte Engrace-du-Port, au pays de Soule. pamph. 8o. Paris 18Co Durand ( J N L) Precis des lemons d'arcbitecture donnees a I'ecole poly technique. 3 vols. 4o. Paris 1821-23 La vie et les ouvrages ; by A. Rondelet. 1835 Durand (J N L) and Legrand (J G) Eecueil et parallele des edifices de tout genre, anciens et modernes, remar- quables par leur beauts, par leur grandeur ou par lem* singularite. plates fo. Paris Plates fo. Text 8o. Brussels 1842 Raccolta delle fabbriche classicbe. Text French and Italian 1 vol. plates 2 vols. fo. Venice 1833 Durand (?) Iconographie, &c. ; by A. N. Didron and P. Durand. 1845 Monographie de Notre-Dame de Chartres : explication des planches. 4o. Paris 1881 Monographie de la cathedrale de Chartres ; by J. B. A. Lassus, A. Duval, and P. Durand. 1842-81 Durand-Claye (A) Etude sur la stabibt^ de la coupole projetee par Bramantc pour la Basilique de Saint-Pierre de Rome. (Bound with Geymiiller's " Projets i^rimitifs.") 1879 Durandus (W) Symbolism of churches and church ornaments : a translation of the first book of the " Rationale Durandus (W) — continued. Diviuorum Ofliciorum," with intro- ductory essay, notes, and illustra- tions, by J. M. Neale and B. Webb. 8o. Leeds 1843 Durelli (G and F) La certosa di Pavia, de- scritta ed illustrata. fo. Milan 1828 Durham Antiquities of the county ; by R. W. BiUings. 1846 Cathedral ; by E. W. Billings. 1843 by J. Carter. see Society of Antiquaries. 1801 Finchale Priory ; by E. Roberts. 1867 Li ye olden tyme ; by H. T. Gradon. 1883 Medieval antiquities ; by J. T. Perry and C. Henman, jun. 1867 by J. T. Perry. SP. 1866 Pugin tour ; by J. T. Perry. [1865J St. Giles's church. (Imperfect.) pamph. 8o. [1872] Sewage ; in letter from board of health ; by C. May. 1862 Sketches and architectural notices ; by G. Orusby. 1846 Strata of Northumberland and see N. of Eng. Inst, of Mining and Mech. Engrs. 1878-81 sec Surtees Society. Durrington Sussex Chapelry of; by J. W. Warter. 1853 [Du Sommerard (A)] Les arts au moyen- age. (50 odd 2}latcs.} fo. Paris [1838-46] DUsseldorf Konigliche Kunst-Akademie ; und die Diisseldorfer kiinstler ; by R. Weigmann. 1856 Dutch Architects Lives of; by -J. B. Weenink. MS. 4o. 1848 Dutch Architecture see Amsterdam. Duval ( ) see Jourdain ( ) Duval (A) Fontaines de Paris ; by ... de Moisy and A. Duval. 1812 Monographie de la cathedrale de Chartres ; by 3. B. A. Lassus, A. Duval, and P. Durand. 1842-81 Du Vautenet (A) De la stabilitu comma priucipe primordial de touts theorie architectonique apphque h I'origine et k I'ctablissement du style ogival. 8o. Paris 1849 Dwelling by W. Baeumer. 1862 Appliances to increase comfort ; by J. Lanyon. SP. 1877 Back-to-back bouses : report ; by J. N. Radchffe and P. G. Smith. 1878 Choice of a ; by G. Wheeler. 1871 Conference sur 1' habitation a toutes les epoques ; by C. Lucas. 1879 M 82 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Dwelling — continued. Construction of healtby ; by S. Salter. 1872 Habitations of man ; by E. Viollet-le- Duc. 1876 Hints to bousebunters and housebolders ; by E. Turner. 1883 Houses or bomes ? by [W. H. Wbite]. 1877 Improvement of, in tbe metropolis ; by tbe Society of Arts. 1864 Native, on tbe Gold Coast ; by J. E. Bale. SP. 1881 On improved, and their effect on health ; by C. Gatliff. _ 1875 Eeports of H.M. representatives abroad on the system of tenure of dwelling- houses in the countries in -which they reside. (C. 4136.) fo. Lond. 1884 Taxation as affecting housing of the poor ; by J. Honeyman. 1886 sec Agricultural Labourers' Dwellings. see Artisans' and Industrial Dwellings. see Domestic Architecture. see House. sec Rural Architecture. Dyck (E) Prayer-book, in Dutch. MS. 4o. 1647 Dyer (C) Notes for memoir ; by J. H. Dyer. MS. 1848 Dyer (J H) Notes for memoir of C. Dyer. MS. 8o. Chelmsford 1848 Dyer (T) Pompeii ; its history, buildings, and antiquities. 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1868 Dynamics sec Statics. E Eagles (T H) On vaulting. (Prize essay.) SP. 1 June 1874 Earl (G W) Correspondence relating to the discovery of gold in Australia. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1853 Earlom (R) Liber veritatis ; or collection of prints after the original designs of Claude le Lorrain. 3 vols. fo. Lond. 1777-1819 Earthen Construction Mud architecture ; by W. Simpson. SP. 1887 see R.i.B.A. Proceedings. 1887 Easements see Law. Eassie (W) Healthy houses ; a handbook to history, defects, and remedies of drainage, &c. 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1876 EastBarnet Parish of ; by F. C. Cass. 1885 East India Company Catalogue of tbe libravv. 2 vols. 8o. Lond. 1845-51 Illustrations of Beejapore ; by P. D. Hart. 1859 Lond. Lond. Lond. Lond. Eastbourne Improvement Act, 1879 (42 & 43 Vict.) fo. Lond. Eastbury Manor House; by T. E. C. Streatfield. SP. Eastern Counties Railway see Railway. Eastlake (Sir C L) National Gallery ; unfitness of the pre- sent building for its purpose ; a letter to the Rt. Hon. Sir E. Peel, pamph. 8o. Lond. Contributions to the literature of the fine arts. 2nd series ; with memoir of the author by Lady Eastlake. 8o. Eastlake (C L) Hints on household taste. 8o. A history of tbe Gothic revival. 8o. St. Paul's cathedral, pamph. 8o. Historical sketch of the Institute. SP. 12 June Eastover St John the Baptist church, particulars see Incorporated Society, &c. Eaton (F A) Educational work of tbe Eoyal Academy, pamph. 8o. Lond. Ebbetts (D J I Examples of decorative wrought ironwork of the 17th and ISth centuries. fo. Lond. Ebrington (Viscount) see Health of Towns Association Ecclesiastical Architecture by M. H. Bloxam. by J. Hadfield. by J. Mihier. Ancient, of the north of England ; by P. K. Wilson. Anglican ; by J. Barr. Applicable to modern churches Shaw. Brick, use of ; by T. James. Byzantine ; by H. Hiibsch. by W. Salzenberg. Catholic church, the parts of Catholic Priest. Church and conventual arrangement ; by M. E. C. Walcott. SP. Church building ; by G. Godwin. SP. De sacris fedificiis a Constantino Magno construct] s ; by J. Ciampini. Edifices of the olden time ; by J. Coney. England, history ; by G. A. Poole. France and England ; by T. Eickman. by G. D. Whittington. Introduction to a history of ; Liibke. Ireland ; by G. Petrie. Italy ; by G. Knight. from Quarterly Review. 1879 1872 by J. SP. by A by \V. 1845 1870 1868 1872 1873 1876 1848 1883 1879 1849 1848 1835 1871 1842 1839 1847 1866 1854 1867 1860 1843 1693 1842 1848 1833 1811 1855 1845 1842 1845 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAI, PAPERS 83 Ecclesiastical Architecture — continued. Lectures on church building; by E. B. Denison. 185G London ; by C. Clarke. 1820 Memoire sur ; by A. Demanet. 1847 Modern Scottish ; by J. Honeyman. 1872 Moyen-age ; by A. de Caumont. 1841 by J. F. A. Peyi-^. 1848 Notes on ; by W. EardweU. 1837 Practical study of ; by Cambridge Camden Society. 1839-43 Present state of; by A. W. Pugin. 1842 Remarks on ; by J. L. Petit. 1841 Sacred architecture ; by K. Brown. 1845 St. Carlo Borromeo's instructions on ; by G. J. Wigley. 1857 Seven periods of English ; by E. Sharpe. 1851 see Berlin Koniglich Peeussischb Ober-Bau-Deputation. see Church. sec Crypt. Ecclesiastical Commissioners Eeport in reference to certain house property in Southwark. (41.) fo. Lond. 1884 Ecclesiastical Dilapidations see Law. Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Act Act, 1871 (34 & 35 Vict. c. 48). fo. Lond. 1871 Report from select committee. fo. Lond. 1876 Ecclesiastical Surveyors' Association Re- port on proceedings of the select committee on Ecclesiastical Dilapi- dations Acts. pamph. fo. Land. 1877 Ecclesiological Society (formerly Cam- bridge Camden Society) The Ecclesiologist. Vols. 1-29. 8o. Lond. 1843-68 Reports, 1845-46 ; 1850-53; 1859-60. 8o. Lond. 1845-60 History of christian altars. 2nd edit. pamph. Bo. Lond. 1847 Listrumenta ecclesiastica. 2 vols, in 1. 4o. Lond. 1847-56 Eighteenth annual report. 8o. Lond. 1857 Eck (C L G) Traite de construction en poteries et fer, a I'usage des biltimens civils, industrielsetmilitaires. Suivi d'un recueil de machines appropri^es a I'art de batir. fo. Paris 1836 Eckstein (G F) Practical treatise on chimneys. 8o. Lond. 1852 Economic Museum Brief programme. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1860 Eder (J M) The chemical effect of the spectrum. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1888 Edinburgh Fettes College, account of ; by D. Bryce. SP. 1805 Heriot's hospital ; by J. Goldicutt. 1826 Edinburgh — continued. Municipal buildings see Competition. 1887 Pa\-ilion for Grey Festival ; by T. Hamil- ton. SP. 1884 Sir J. Robison's house ; by J. Mikie. 1842 Edinbuegh Architectural Associ.vtion Illustrations of Fortrose Cathedral ; from drawings by A. R. Scott. ob. 4o. Edinh. 1873 Sketch book. Vols. 1-3. fo. Edinb. 1875-82 New series. Vol. i. 1883-86. {Li inogress.) fo. Edinh. 1886- Reports. {Lijjrogress.) pamph. 8o. Edinb. 1888- Architectueal Institute op Scotland Laws and bye laws, constituted 28th November, 1850. pamph. 8o. Edinb. 1851 Proceedings 8rd session, 1st to 9th ineetings. 8o. Edinb. 1852-53 6th session, 5th to 11th meetings, and two extra. 1856 7th session, 1st, 4th to 9th meetings. 1856-57 8th session, Gth and 8th meetings. 1857-58 Transactions. 5 vols. (vol. iv. part ii., and vol. v. part i. wanting). . 8o. Edinb. 1851, 1861 Seventh report of the council of manage- ment. 8o. 1856 Illustrations of an essay on mural deco- ration ; by T. Purdie. fo. Edmb. 1856 Illustrations of ancient Scottish build- ings, fo. Edinb. 1856-70 Art Manufacture Association Cata- logue of the second exhibition held at Edinburgh. 4o. Edinb. 1857 Association foe peomoting Improve- ment IN the Dwellings and Domestic Condition of Ageicul- tueal Laboueees in Scotland 1st, 3rd, 5th, Gth, and 7th annual reports. 8o. Edinb. 1855-61 Institute of Architects of Scotland Bye laws. 4o. Edinb. 1840 EoYAL Scottish Academy Descriptive catalogue of the casts by C. H. Wilson. 2nd edit. 8o. Edinb. 1839 Royal Society op Edinburgh Transactions. Vols. xiii. to xvi. 4o. Edi7ib. 1836-45 Vols. XX. to sxiii. 4o. Edinb. 1849-08 Proceedings. 5 vols. 8o. Edinb. 1838-03 Makerstown magnetical and meteorolo- gical observations for 1841-46. 4o. Edinb. 1841-50 Eeport to Sir M. Brisbane, Bart. ; by .7. A. Brown. 4o. Edinb. 1850 see Scotland. 84 PEINTED BOOKS, MANTJSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Edis (R W) Notes on the late fires in Paris. SP. May 1871, June 1872 Edmeston (J) jun. Use of zinc in roofs. SP. 9 Jan. 1860 Proposed embanknaent of the Thames. SP. 24 June 1861 Education Architect's guide ; by F. Rogers. 1877 Architectural ; by J. T. Knowles, jun. 1853 by T. H. Lewis. SP. 1871 by W. J. N. Millard. 1886 by J. W. Papworth. SP. 1855 by C. E. Pink. 1886 diagrams and papers ; by C. Babcock. 1883-84 diploma ; by A. Lance. 1855 in France ; by G. E. Bur- neU. SP. 1865 and Germany ; by E. P. Spiers. CP. 1884 in our schools ; by J. Eus- kin. SP. 1865 in the United States ; by W. E. Ware. SP. 1867 maxims and theorems ; by T. L. Donaldson. 1847 outline of a course ; by W. E. Ware. SP. 1866 . report on ; by E. I. B. A. SP. 1865 Cours classique d'architecture ; by E. Serrure. 1874 d'architecture ; by F. Blondel. 1798 by A. Desgodetz. Course of instruction in Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1868 Ecoles d'apprentissage ; by H. Tolain. 1881 English, recent measures for the promo- tion of. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1839 Fine arts and their connection with ; by T. H. Lewis. 1865 Hautes etudes d'architecture ; by C. Daly. 1884 Hints to young architects ; by G. Wight- wick. 1846 Katechismus der Baustyl ; by E. F. Sacken. 1861 Lectures on ; at the Eoyal Institution. 8o. Lond. 1855 civil engmeering ; by W. Hosking. 1841-42 L'enseignement de I'architecture en 1881 ; by V. M. C. Euprich-Eobert. 1882 Expense a M. Euprich-Eobert; by J. H6nard. 1882 National ; speech by Marquess of Lans- downe in House of Lords. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1889 Phantasm of an university ; by C. Kel- sall. 1814 Education — continued. Student's text book, proposed to be pub- lished by E. I. B. A. ; by R. P. Spiers. SP. 1871 What profession shall I choose ? by A. D. White. 1885 see Committee of Council on Education. see Science and Art Department. sec Technical Education. Educational Department sec Schools. Edward I Liber quotidianus, &c., 1299- 1300. Printed by the Society of Antiquaries. 1787 Edward IV Chronicle of the first thirteen years of the reign of; by J. Wark- worth. Printed by the Cambridge Camden Society. 1839 Edwards (C P) The architecture of Bath. 12o. [Lond. 1878] Edwards (D 0) New method of converting gas and other elastic fluids into fuel for fire. SP. 10 June 1850 Enquiry into principles of architectural physiology. SP. 26 Mar. 1866 Edwards (E) Letter to B. Hawes, Esq., M.P., on the minutes of evidence taken before the select committee of the British Museum. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1836 Descriptive catalogue of the medals struck in France and its dependen- cies between 1789 and 1830, in the British Museum. 8o. Lond. 1837 Napoleon medals : complete series of the medals struck in France, Italy, Great Britain, and Germany, from 1804 to 1815, engraved by the pro- cess of A. CoUas, with notices. fo. Lond. 1837 Edwards (F) Memoir of H. H. Seward. MS. 1848 Edwards (F) jun Treatise on smoky chimneys ; their cure and prevention, pamph. 8o. Lond. 1864 2nd edit.' 8o. Lond. 1865 5th edit. 8o. Lond. 1868 Ventilation and heat. 8o. Lond. 1868 London smoke and fog ; with observa- tions on " the Country Parson's Grate," &c. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1880 The ventilation of dwelling-houses, and the utilization of waste heat from open fire-places. 2nd edit, revised. 8o. Lond. 1881 Edwards (M) A guide to modelling m clay or wax. 8o. Lond. 1879 Edystone Lighthouse Construction of ; by J. Smeaton. 1793 PBINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Eggert (F) Sammlung gotliisclier verzie- rungen. (Imperfect.) fo. Munich Egle (J von) Mittelalterlicbe baudenk- male aus Schwabou : — Der mimster in Ulm ; by J. v. Egle, A. Beyer, and C. Eiess. fo. Stuttgart 1872 Egle (J von) and others Der Wormser dom. pampb. fo. Worms 1885 Egypt and Egyptian Architecture by H. Horeau. 1841 by H. Light. 1818 by D. Roberts and W. Brockedon. 1847 Ancient, &c. ; by G. H. Wathen. 1843 and modern ; by T. H. Lewis. SP. 1876 Aper9U de I'bistoire ; by A. Mariette-Bey. 1867 Customs of the ancient Egyptians ; by Sir J. G. Wilkinson. 1837-41 Description de I'Bgypte, ou recueil des observations et des recherches qui ont ete faites pendant I'expedition de I'armee fran^aise, pubhe par ordre du Gouvernement. Text, 10 vols. fo. Paris 1809-22 Plates, 18 vols. fo. Paris 1809-22 Discoveries in, and Ethiopia ; by R. Lepsius. 1853 History ; by S. Sharpe. 1859 Modern; and Thebes; by Sir G. Wilkin- son. 1843 Observations on ; by R. Pococke. 1743 Phoenix and Sothic periods ; by S. Sharpe. 1850 Proposals for a scientific exploration ; by J. J. Wild. 1850 Scenery of; by E. J. Cooper. [1824] Scenes and impressions in ; by the author of " Sketches in India," &c. 8rd edit ; by Anonymous. 1825 Sketches in ; by H. Pilleau. 1845 Topography of, and Thebes ; by J. G. Wilkinson. 1835 Travels in ; by H. Light. 1818 by C. S. Somiini. 1800 \oyage dans la basse et la haute ; by V. Denon. 1802 pittoresque ; by L. F. Cassas. [1799] Antiquities by L. Canina. 1834 by G. R. Gliddon. 1849 by F. L. Norden. 1780 British museum ; by G. Long. Hartwell House ; by J. Lee and J. Bonomi. 1858 Catalogue of the collection of J. Burton, jun. 183G Gallery of; by F. Arundale and J. Bonomi. 1842 Mummies ; by T. J. Pettigrew. 1834 Musee de Boulaq ; guide; by G. Maspcro. 1883 Egypt and Egyptian Architecture — continued. Aechitectube and AllT by Quatremere de Quincy. 1803 by Sir G. Wilkinson. 1850 Arabe ; by P. Coste. 1839 Court at the Crystal Palace, handbook ; by 0. Jones, J. Bonomi, and S. Sharpe. 1854 Denkmaler ; by R. Lepsius. 1849-59 Histoire de I'art ; by Perrot and Chipiez. 1882 Monuments arabes, &c. ; by Girault de Prangey. 1846 Monuments of Upper Egypt ; by Mariette- Pacha. 1877 Monuments of Arab art, preservation of ; by Society for Protection of Ancient Buildings. 1883 Ornamental Arabic ; by J. D. Grace. SP. 1870 Chbonology by J. B. C. Lesueur. 1848 by J. W. Papworth. SP. 1849 And geography of ancient ; by S. Sharpe. _ 1849 Antiquity of the Egyptian calendar ; by D. W. Nash. 1850 Siriadic monuments ; by Hekekyan Bey. 18G3 Nile Summary of recent discovery ; by C. T. Beke. 1851 Views on the ; by 0. Jones and J. Goury. [1843] Obelisks at Rome ; by E. Burgess. SP. 1858 Pybamids by H. C. Agnew. 1838 by J. Grobert. 1801 by J. Landseer SP. 1836 by J. J. Scoles. SP. 1844 by H. Vyse. 1840 Tombs Alabaster sarcophagus ; by J. Bonomi and S. Sharpe. 1864 Eisenlohr (F) Ornamentik in ihrer anwen- dung auf verschiedene gegenstiinde der baugewerke. Parts 1-6. fo. Carlsr. [1850] Eitelberger (E von) Die mittelalterlichen kunstdenkmale Dalmatiens in Arbe, Zara, Traii, Spalato mid Ragusa. 4o. Vienna 1861 sea Heider (G). Electric Exhibition 1884 see Exhibition Inteknational Electric. Electricity and Electric Light Applications of electricity ; by C. W. Siemens. 1881 see Insti- tution of Civil Engineers. 1884 Electrotype manipulation ; by C. V. Walker. 1845 Exposition universelle see Vienna. 1883 86 PBINTED BOOKS, MANUSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Electricity and Electric Light — continued. Gas and electricity as heating agents ; by C. W, Siemens. L'^lectro-vigile, an alarum ; by L. Vin- cent. The dynamo-electric cm-rent ; by C. W. Siemens. Uses to which electricity may be put ; by P. Flower. Electric lighting ; by J. Slater. SP. 1881 • Central-station ; by K. W. Hedges. 1887 Experiments of electric light on Indian railways ; by L. Schwendler. Phoenix Fire Office rules for electric light installations. 7th edit. pamph. 8o. Lond. Practical application of electric light ; by J. N. Shoolbred. Precautions to adopt in houses with elec- tric hght ; by K. W. Hedges. SP. Prevention of fire risks from electric lighting; by Society of Telegraph Engineers. pamph. Supply of electricity by local authorities ; by K. W. Hedges. Useful information on electric hghting ; by K. W. Hedges. 1882 Electeic Lighting Act, 1882 (45 & 46 Vict. c. 5G.) (Pub. 56.) fo. Lond. Kules made by the Board of Trade with respect to ap]5lications for licenses and provisional orders, &c. fo. Lond. sac Gas and Gas Works. Eleusis sec Society of Dilettanti. Elford Staffordshire Church at; by E. Eichardson. Elgin Marbles see Greek Architecture and Antiquities. Elgood (J G) Architecture ; its past, present, and fu- ture. MS. Quantities : London and provincial pro- cedure. CP. 7 May Elis Euins of the city ; by J. S. Stanhope. Elizabethan Architecture by G. H. Birch. SP. 1876 by T. H. Clarke. 1833 by J. Hakewill. 1835 by S. C. Hall. 1858 " ",Nash. 1839-49 J. Palmer and H. Shaw. 1888 1881 1874 1880 1879 82 1878 1885 1879 1884 1882 1883 84 1882 1882 1852 1854 1881 1824 by J. byC. byC. J. Eichardson. by H. Shaw. Ellacombe (H T) Sundry reprints concerning bell-ringing." Bristol church-goer, pamph. 1836, ' bells and 1837 1839 8o. Bristol 1849 Ellacombe (H T) — continued. Practical remarks on belfries and ringers. 8o. Lond. 1861 Eight to ring church bells ; and some- thing more about them, pamph. 8o. 1862 Bells of the church, pamph. 8o. Lond. 1862 _ 4o. Exeter 1872 Some information relative to bell-ringmg, &c. SP. 30 Nov. 1863 Management of church bells, especially with reference to ringers. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1863 History and antiquities of Clyst St. George, Devonshire. 4o. Exeter 1865 Ellice-Clark (E B) Further remarks on ventilation of sewers. pamph. 8o. Liverp. 1878 On asphalte and its application to street paving. 8o. Lond. 1879 Some anomalies in administration of the sanitary laws. {Ext. in SP.) 20 Feb. 1882 Supervision of private building by public authority. pamph. 8o. Liverp. 1888 Ellis (R) History of Thornbury castle. 8o. Lond. 1839 Elmes (H L) ,Some information relating to; by W. Tite. SP. 1863 Letters of, relative to St. George's Hall, Liverpool ; [by B. EawHnson]. 1871 Ehmes (J) Lectures on architecture. 4o. Lond. 1821 Life and works of Sir C. Wren ; with progress of architecture in England, &c. 4o. Lo7id. 1828 Dictionary of the fine arts. 8o. Lond. 1826 Practical treatise on architectural juris- prudence. 8o. Lond. 1827 Metropolitan improvements, &c. ; by T.H. Shepherd and J. Elmes. 1827 Practical treatise on ecclesiastical and ci\'il dilapidations, reinstatements, waste, &c. 8o. Lond. 1829 Topographical dictionary of London and its environs. 3rd edit. 8o. Lond. 1831 sec Gutch (G). MS. 1836 Elsam (R) Builder's perpetual price-book. 8o. Lond. 1836, 1842 Eltham see Palace. Ely Cathedral church and conventual build- ings ; by G. Millers. 1834 Statement of works in progress ; by H. Goodwin. 1865 Description ; by G. Millers. 1807, 1808 Eestoration of. pamph. 8o. Guide to architectural history ; by E. Sharpe. 1869 by D. J. Stewart. 1868 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 87 Ely — coniimicd. Cathedral, History and antiquities of ; by J. Beutlaam. 1812 Octagon and lantern ; by K. E. Rowe. SP. 1876 Pavement in ; by Lord A. Compton. Form used at the consecration of churches and chapels in the diocese of Ely. pamph. 8o. Ely Sextry barn at ; by E. Wilhs. 18-i3 Water works ; report upon filtration ; by B. Latham. 1864 Local Bo.U4d of Health Report of committee on memorial of rate- payers, pamph. 8o. Ely 1858 immph. fo. Ely 1876 Embankment sec Canal, &c. Emblems sea Iconology Emden (A) The law relating to building leases and building contracts. 8o. Loud. 1882 The Metropolis Management and Build- ing Acts (Amendment) Act, 1882. 8o. Lond. 1882 The law relating to builduig, building leases, and building contracts. 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1885 Emden (H) and Wetter (J) Der dom zu Mainz, und seine bedeutendsten denkmiiler, in 30 originalphotogra- phien. fo. Maim 1868 Emerson (W) On the Taj Mahal at Agra. SP. 30 May 1870 Description of some buildings recently erected in Lidia, with remarks on domes and muigling of styles of architecture. SP. 19 May 1884 Report on design for proposed Liverpool cathedral. fo. Lond. 1885 Emmery ( ) Statistique des ^gouts de la ville de Paris, annde 1836. pamiih. 8o. Paris 1837 £my (A E.) Art de la charponterie. 2 vols, text 8o. plates fo. Liege 1841-42 Enamel Dans I'antiquite et au moyen age ; by J. Labarte. 1856 Eapport concernant la peinture en ; by Mirault. 1834 Encaustic Painting see Decoration. Encaustic Tiles see Tiles. Encyclopsedia see Dictionary. Encyclopedic d' Architecture Revue men- suelle des travaux publics et parti- culiers. (Li progress.) 4o. Paris 1872-87- see Calliat & Lance. Encyclopedic Methodique 27 vols. 4o. Paris 1782-96 Ende ( ) and Bockmann ( ) Die baulich- keiten des zoologischen gartens in Berlin. fo. Berlin 1877 Endowed Schools Commissioners Eeport. 8o. Lond. 1875 Engineers (Corps of Royal) see Royal Engineers. see Chatham Royal Engineeks' Insti- tute. Engineers (Institution of Civil) see Institution of Civil Engineers. Engine, Machine, &c. Locomotive engines ; by F. M. Guyon- neau-de-Pambour. 1836 Machines, useful ; by A. M. Bailey. 1776 Mecanicien constructeur ; by F. Tom'neux. 1845 Mills and mill work ; by Sir W. Fairbairn. 1865, 1871 Pumping engines, relative power of; by T. Wicksteed. 1841 England and Wales Abbey churches ; architectural parallels ; by E. Sharpe. 1845 Supplement, being mouldings to full size. 1848 Ancient timber edifices ; by J. Clayton. 1846 by M. Habershon. 1836 Anglife et Walhae taxatio ecclesiastica ; circa a.d. 1291 see Records Commission. 1802 Antiquities of ; by F. Grose. 1784-87 Aston Hall, Warwick ; by W. Niven. [1881] Audley End, History of ; by R. Griffin. 1863 Baronial halls, &c. ; by S. C. Hall. 1858 Cathedrals of; by J. Carter see Antiquaries (Society of). by H. Winkles. 1836-38 Old EngUsh mansions; by C. J. Richard- son. 1841-48 Parish churches ; by R. and J. A. Bran- don. 1848 Public buildings in west of; by J. Foul- ston. 1838 Ruins of the olden time ; by G. Cuitt. 1855 Spas of ; by W. B. Granville. 1841 Vitruvius Britaimicus ; by C. Campbell. 1717-25 Continuation by J. Woolfe and J. Gandon. 1707-71 by G. Richardson. 1802 by P. F. Robinson. 1827-35 Temples et eglises circulaires ; by C. Lucas. 1871 sec English Architecture. Englefield (H C) sec Society of Antiquaries. English Architecture by II. Ro.se. 1843 88 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS English Architecture — continued. And freemasous ; by J. Dallaway. 1833 Epitome of the history of ; by G. God- win. From Knight's "Pictorial History of England." [1837-38] Hope of ; from Quarterly Eeview. 1874 by W. H. White. 1874 Modern ; by H. H. Statham. 1874 by P. Sedille. 1886 Practical considerations for promotion of see Journal Westminster Review. 1844 Present condition and prospects of ; by G. Godwin. by W. Tite. SP. 1855 by G. Wightwick. 1845 Eecent reaction of taste m ; by J. J. Stevenson. 1874 School of; by AnonjTuous. 1836 State of ; from Quarterly Review. 1872 Thirty years hence ; by R. Kerr. CP. 1884 Ancient ; by J. Blore. MS. 1834 by J. Carter. 1705-1807 by J. Johnson. by J. Potter. 1848 Monastic ; by J. Potter. 1844 Anglican church architecture ; by J. Barr. 1842 Ecclesiastical ; by A. W. N. Pugin. 1842 by J. Hadfield. 1848 Gothic, analysis of; by R. and J. A. Brandon! 1849 Ancient domestic ; by P. T. DoUman and I. R. Jobbins. 1861-68 Apology for revival of Christian ; by A. W. N. Pugin. 1843 Elucidation of ; by J. Kendall. 1818 Examples ; by A. Pugin. 1838 Seven periods of; by E. Sharpe. 1851, 1871 Specimens ; by F. Mackenzie and A. Pugin. by A. Pugin. 1821 Styles of; by T. Rickman. 1819-31 — True principles of ; by A. W. N. Pugin. 1841 Tudor ; by T. F. Hunt. 1830 see Elizabethan Architecture. see England. see Rural Building. Englishman (An) Lighthouse manage- ment : report of the royal commis- sioners on lights, buoys, andbeacons, 1861, examined and refuted. pamph. 8o. Lond, 1861 Entablature see Orders and Details. Entasis see Orders and Details. Epellet ( ) Palais de Justice de Boulogne- sur-Mer. fo. Bozil. 1853 Ephesus And the temple of Diana; by E. Falke- ner. 1862 Description of tile tubes from : by E. Falkeuer. MS. SP. 1848 Discoveries at ; by J. Fergusson. SP. 1883 by J. T. Wood. 1877 Memorandum on excavations ; with plan of temple of Diana. pamph. fo. Lond. 1880 Temple of Diana ; by J. Fergusson. SP. 1877 by J. T. Wood. SP. 1875 Eeplv to Mr. Fergusson's paper ; by J. T. Wood. SP. 1884 Epinal Notice sm- un ancien tableau ; by P. Morey. 1869 Ercolani (G A) see Neralco. Ermeland sec Germany. Escorial Description from G. Thompson's work ; by E. Hayward. MS. SP. 1841 by A. Ximenez. 1764 Real monasterio ; by Francisco-de-los Santos. 1698 translated by G. Thompson. 1760 Escosura (P de la) see 'Villa-Amil (G Pde). Esperandieu (H) Necrologie ; by J. Ri- chaud. Essay Medal see Premium. Esse (C H) Die krankenhauser, ihre ein- richtimg und verwaltung. 2nd edit. 8o. Berlin Atlas of jilates. 4o. Berlin Essenwein (H) Norddeutschlands back- stembau im mittelalter. fo. Carlsruhe Essex Churches of; by G. Buckler. Ecclesiastical architecture ; by J. Had- field. Excursions through ; by Anonjinous. 1818-19 Pugin tour ; by W. J. N. MiUard. 1880 Essex Archaeological Society see Colchester. Estense (P S) Funeral discourse on ; by G. Cittadella. 1880 Estimate sec Measuring. Ethnology see History. Etruria Antiquities ; by A. F. Gori. 1687 by le Sieur d'HancarvUle. 1766 by W. Tischbein. 1791-1809 Architectural monuments ; from the Westminster Re\'iew. 1844 Architecture, &c. ; by G. L. Taylor. SP. 1858 Cities and cemeteries ; by G. Dennis. 1848 Citta del Lazio ; by M. C. Dionigi. 1809 Etruria Marittima ; by L. Canina. 1846-49 1868 1868 1856 PRINTED BOOKS, MANU; CRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 89 Etruria — continued. Gli antichi sepolcri in Roma ; by P. Saiiti Bartoli. 1768 of Ceri ; by P. E. Viscoiiti. 1836 Peintures des vases antiques ; by A. L. Millin. 1808 Stones of, &c.; by G. L. Taylor. 1859 Tazze dipinte del real museo di Berlino, provenienti dalle scavazioni d' Etru- ria. fo. Borne 1842 Tomb of Porsenna ; by J. Fergusson. 1885 Tour to sepulchres ; by Mrs. H. Gray. 1840 Vases of ; by S. Campanari. 1836 Veil ; by L. Canina. 1847 Euclid see Mathematics. Evans (J) History of Bristol ; by J. Corry and J. Evans. 1816 Evans (T) Metopes at Selinus; by S. Angell, W. Harris, and T. Evans. 1826 Evans ( ) and Son see Catalogue. Evelyn (J) Silva ; or a discourse of forest trees, and the propagation of timber, etc.; with notes by A. Hunter. 3rd edit. 2 vols. 4o. York 1801 see Freart (R). 1733 Evreux Reconstruction des eontre-forts ; by G. Lucas. 1877 Ewbank (T) Account of hydraulic and other machines for raising water, ancient and modern, &c. 8o. N. York 1842 Ewelme Oxfordshire Historical notice ; by H. A. Napier. 1858 Examination Papers In architecture, painting, and sculpture, by W. J. Beamont. 1865 see Civil Service Commissioners. 1858-62 see Geological Survey. 1867 see Royal Institute of British Architects. see Surveyors' Institution. see University College, London. 1883 Excavation see Foundation. Exchange see Market, Market House, see London. Exeter Cathedral Church ; by J. Carter see Society of Antiquaries. 1754 by J. Britton. 1826 Misereres in the choir ; by J. 1849 W. Hewett. Church of St. Edmund on the bridge ; by E. I. C[arlos]. 1835 Exeter Diocesan Aechitectueal Society Transactions, vols. 1-6. 4o. Exet. 1842-61 Index. (In vol. G.) 4o. Exct. 1861 New series, (hi progress.) 4o. Exct. 1862-84- ExMbition CoLONiAr. AND Indian Exhibition, 1886 Illustrated handbook of Victoria. 8o. Melbourne Industry of all Nations, 1851 Classified list of objects which may be admitted. pamph. Bo. Loncl. pamph. 4o. Loncl. 1886 1850 1850 Suggestions for general arrangement of the buildings etc. pamph. 4o. Lond. [1850] Statement of proceedings preliminary to the Exhibition ; by J. S. Russell. 1850 Decorations proposed ; by 0. -Jones. SP. 1851 Descriptive and illustrated catalogue 3 vols. Official catalogue. Index. Handbook 4o. Lond. 4o. Lond. 4o. Lond. to: bv R. Hunt. Reports to the crown, 1 vol. ; reports of the juries, 4 vols. ; official catalogue, 3 vols. ; list of medals and certifi- cates, 1 vol. — 9 vols. fo. Lond. Considerations on productions connected with architecture ; by J. W. Pap- worth. SP. Reports of the juries. 4o. Lond. Commissioners of the : Second repoi't. 8o. Lond. Third 8o. Lojid. Fourth 8o. Lond. Fifth 8o. Lond. Sixth 8o. Lond. Catalogue of a collection of works on ; by C. W. Dilke. Description of designs submitted in com- petition for proposed memorial of the Great Exhibition. pamph. 4o. Lond. International, 1862 Catalogue, official. Industrial and fine art. 2 vols. 8o. Lond. ■ Austria ; by J. Arenstein. France. 8o. Paris. Italy. 8o. Lond. Western Australia. 8o. Lond. Mining and metallurgical pro- ducts of the Zollverein. 8o. Berlin • illustrated, of industrial dept., British section. 2 vols. 8o. Lond. Notice sur les modeles, cartes et dessins. 8o. Paris Detailed statement for repairing the build- ing, report on ; by R.I.B.A. SP. Reports by the juries. 4o. Lond. International, 1871 Official catalogues, industrial and fine art. 2nd edit. 2 vols. 8o. Lond. Report on architectural designs and drawings ; by T. K. Smith. 1851 1851 1851 [1851] 1851 1852 1852 1852 1856 1863 1867 1879 1855 1858 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1863 1863 1871 1871 W 90 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCBIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Exhibition International, 1871 — continued. Report on miscellaneous painting ; by Sir M. D. Wyatt. 1871 International, 1872 Official catalogues, industrial and fine art. 2 vols. Bo. Lond. 1872 International, Annual Special report for 1871-74. 8o. Lond. 1879 International, Australian Report of Royal Commission. 8o. Lond. 1882 International Electric, 1881-82 Oificial catalogue. 8o. [Lond. 1881] International Health, 1884 Health literatui-e. Vols, i.-xix. 8o. Lond. 1884 Gleanings from the past, &c.; by T. R. Davison. 1884 International Inventions, 1885 Oificial catalogue. 8o. Lond. 1885 South African, 1885 Official guide. 4o. Port Elisabeth [1885] see Florence. see Moscow. see Paris. see Sydney. see Vienna. Expansion and Contraction see Materials. Eyes (E) A littoral survey of Port of Liver- pool, pamph. 8o. Lircrp. 1870 Eyland (E S) Lightbody (F) and Burn (R S) Working di'awings and designs in architecture and building. fo. Edinh. d Lond. Eyquem (H) Description, &c., of the as- phalte des mines de Seyssel de Sasseuay. MS. SP. 18 July 18.36 F Fabretti (R) De aqvis et aqvaedvctibvs veteris Romae. 4to. Rome 1680 Inscriptionum antiquarum quae in redibus paternis asservantur expHcatio et additamentum. 4o. Borne 1699 Fabris (E de) Sistema tricuspidale per la facciata di S. Maria del Fiore : scguito, &c. pamph. 8o. Florence 1867 Factories and Workshops see Manufactory, &c. Faija (H) Portland cement. SP. 23 Feb. 1880 Portland cement for users. 8o. Lond. 1881 Failure Bradfield Reservoir ; by W. Naylor. 1864 Brighton, dome of Authicum at ; by W. Papworth. SP. 1872 Falshope Bridge ; by Messrs. Smith. MS. SP. 1839 In construction ; by E. Nash. SP. 1867 Koltovskoie church, St. Petersburg ; by R. Bernhard and W. Papworth. SP. 1872 sec Northleach. see Oldham. Fairbairn (Sir W) On canal na\-igation, illustrative of use of steam as a moving power on canals. 8o. Lond. 1831 Report on Perkins's hot water apparatus, &c. _ _ 1841 Construction of Britannia and Conway tubular bridges. 8o. Lond. 1849 Application of cast and wrought iron to building purposes. 8o. Lond. 1854 Useful information for engineers. 4th edit. 3 vols. 8o. Loiul. 1864-67 On mills and miUwork ; part II., on machinery of transmission; con- struction and arrangement of miUs. 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1865 Treatise on iron ship building. 8o. Lond. 1865 L'on, its history, properties, &c. 3rd edit. 8o. Lond. 1869 Application of cast and wrought iron to building purposes. 4th edit. 8o. Lond. 1870 On mills and millwork ; part I., principles of mechanism and on prime movers. 3rd edit. 8o. Lond. 1871 sec Davies (J) and Ryder (G V) 1841 Fairbairn (W) Leslie (J) and Johnson (R) Report, the smoke case in causa Procurator Fiscal v. C. Todd and Higginbotham. pamph. 8o. Glasgow 1854 Fairholt (F W) Dictionary of terms in art. 8o. Lond. Falaise Statistique monumentale de I'ar- rondissement ; by A. de Caumont. 1848 Falda (G B) Roma moderna ; by G. G. de' Rossi and G. B. Falda. 1665 S. Pietro in Vaticano. Plans, &c. sec Padredio (C) 1673 Giardini di Roma. fo. Borne Palazzi di Roma ; by P. Ferrerio and G. B. Falda. Falda (G B) Venturini (G F) and Rossi G G de') Fontane di Roma nelle piazze e luoghi pubhci della citta. Fontane deUe ville di Frascati nel Tusculano. Fontane ne' palazzi e ne' giardini di Roma. Fontane del giardino Estense in Tivoli. 4 vols. fo. Bome FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 91 Falke (J von) Eitelberger (R von) and Konig (C) Heinricb von Ferstel : festschrift. pamph. 4o. Vienna 1884 Falkener (E) Catalogue of publications on architecture and art. MS. 12o. Description of two pieces of tile tubes, from Ephesus and Miletus. MS. SP. 18 Dec. 1848 Museuna of classical antiquities ; pro- spectus, pamph. 8o. Lond. 1850 Inscriptiones Graecs ; by W. Henzen. 1852 Theatres and other remains in Crete. 8o. Lond. 1854 Museum of classical antiquities ; being a series of essays on architectural art. New edit. 8o. Lo7id. 1860 • Opmions of the press. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1852 Daedalus, or the causes and principles of the excellence of Greek sculpture. 8o*. Lond. 1860 Hypjethron of Greek temples ; with ob- servations in reply to the reviewers of Diedalus. 8o. Lond. 1861 Ephesus and the temple of Diana ; pro- spectus, pamph. 8o. Lond. 8o. Lond. 1862 Falshope Failure of bridge ; by Messrs. Smith. MS. SP. 1839 Famin (A) Architecture toscane ; by A. de Grandjean and A. Famm. 1875 Fantozzi (F) Firenze disegnata e descritta. vol. ii., part 1. fo. Florence 1846 Faraday (H) Gas in the house ; some hints and suggestions. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1879 Faraday (M) Practical prevention of dry rot in timber. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1836 see London Houses of Paehament, Fargue (P C la) sec Fokke (S). Farm Buildings see Agricultural and Farm Buildings. Fanner and Brindley Specimens of marble pavements from old examples. 8o. Lond. 1885 Farnborough (Lord) sec Long (C). Farrow (F R) Godwin Bursary : Visit to Vienna and Buda-Pcsth. SP. 5 Jan. 1885 Fasch. (J R) Anderer versuch seiner archit. wercke, bestehendin allerhand grund- hauptrissen und profile uuder- schiedener gebiiuden. 5 parts. fo. Nuremh. 1722-25 Faso Pietrasanta (D lo) Duca di Serradi- falco. Autichita della Siciha. 5 vols. fo. Palenm 1834-42 Faso Pietrasanta (D lo) — continued. Duomo di Monreale e di altre chiese siculo-normanne. fo. Palermo 1838 Faulkener (J) Designs for shop fronts, doors, door and bookcases. 4o. Lond. 1835 Designs for mural monuments, tombs, &c. 4o. Lond. 1835 Faulkener (T) Designs for organs. 2nd edit. 4o. Lond. 1838 Faulkner (T) Chelsea and its environs. 8o. Lond. 1810 Faussett Collection (The) of Anglo-Saxon antiquities. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1854 Fawkes (F A) Horticultural buildings. 8o. Lond. 1881 Fazello (F T) see Bonanni and Mirabella. Fea (C) Dei diritti del principato sugU antichi edifiz] pubhei. 8o. Borne 1806-7 Feiling (C A) see Fltigel [F G]. Felibien (A) ,Maison de Vaux. 4o. Origine de la peinture. 4o. Paris 1660 Description de Fare de la place Dauphine. 4o. Paris 1660 Eeines de Perse aux pieds d'Alexandre. Peinture du cabinet du roy. 4o. Paris 1663 Portrait du roy. 4o. Paris 1663 Les quatre elemens ; peints par C. Le Brun. 4o. Paris 1665 {Bound together.) Principes de I'architecture, de la sculp- ture, de la peinture, kc. ; avec un dictionnaire des termes. 4o. Paris 1676 3rd edit. 4o. Paris 1699 Description de la grotte de Versailles. fo. Paris 1679 see Paris Academie Eoyale, &c. 1669 Felibien (J F) Entretiens sur les vies et sur les ouvrages des plus excellens pemtres anciens et modernes ; avec la vie des architectes, &c. 6 vols. 12o. Trev. 172 Felibien (M) Histoire de I'abbaye royale de Saint-Denys en France. fo. Paris 1706 Felix Hall Essex Works of ancient Greek and Roman art. pamph. 4o. Colclies, Fellows (Sir C) Journal during an excursion m Asia Minor. 4o. Land. 1839 Lycia, Caria, Lydia ; by G. Scharf and Sir C. Fellows. 1847 Introductory remarks to ; by G. Scharf. 1847 Fenger (L P) Dorische polychromie. Text 4o. Plates fo. Berlin 1886 92 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Fenwick (S) The mechanics of construc- tion, including the theory of the strength of materials, roofs, arches, and suspension bridges. 80. Lond. 1861 Ferard (J) Fixtures ; by A. Amos and J. Ferard. 1847 Ferguson (J) Lectures in mechanics, hy- drauUcs, hydrostatics, &c. 5th edit. 80. Lond. 177G Fergusson (J) lUustrations of the rock-cut temples of India. text 80. plates fo. Lond. 1815 Picturesque illustrations of ancient archi- tecture in Hindostau. fo. Lond. 1817 Essay on the ancient topography of Jeru- salem. _ 80. Lond. 1817 Ancient Buddhist architecture of India. SP. 6 Mar. 1848 Historical inquiry into the true principles of beauty in art, more especially with reference to architecture. 80. Lond. 1849 British museum. National gallery, and National record office, with sugges- tions for their improvement. 80. Lond. 1849 Proposed new system of fortification ; with hints for its application to our national defences. 4o. Lond. 1849 History of the pointed arch. SP. 18 June 1849 Architecture of Southern India. SP. 7 Jan. 1850 Architecture of Nineveh, as elucidated by recent discoveries. SP. 10 Mar. 1851 Palaces of Nineveh and Persepolis re- stored; an essay on ancient AssyTian and Persian architecture. 80. Lond. 1851 Architectural splendour of the city of Beejapore. SP. 27 Nov. 1854 Great dome of sultan Muhammed's tomb at Beejapore. SP. 11 Dec. 1854 Illustrated handbook of architecture. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1855 Notes on the site of the Holy Sepulchre. 80. Lond. 1861 Mode in which light was introduced into the Greek temples. SP. 18 Nov. 1861 Lecture on " Architecture." pamph. 80. Lond. 1862 Mausoleum at Hahcarnassus restored. 4o. Lond. 1862 History of the modern styles of architec- ture. 80. Lond. 1862 Eecent changes in the delta of the Ganges. pamph. 80. Lond. 1863 Rock-cut temples of India. 80. Lond. 1864 The Holy Sepulchre and the Temple at Jerusalem. 80. Lond. 1865 History of architecture in all coun- tries, from the earliest time to the present day. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1865-67 Fergusson (J) — continued. Tree and serpent worsliip. 4o. Lond. Illustrations of various styles of Indian architecture, B.C. 250-a.d. 1830. 2nd edit. 80. Lond. Eude stone monuments in all countries ; their age and uses. 80. Lond. Notes on the Saka, Samvat, and Gupta eras. pamph. 80. Lond. Indian and Eastern architecture. 80. Lond. On the Erechtheum. SP. 14 Feb. Brochs and rude stone monuments of the Orkney islands. 80. Lond. Temple of Diana at Ephesus and the hypffithrum of the Greeks. SP. 22 Jan. Temples of the Jews and other buildings in the Haram area at Jerusalem. 4o. Lond. Supplement to paper on the Erechtheum and temple of Minerva Polias at Athens. SP. 23 June Das Erechtheion. {German ed. by H. Schliemann.) pamph. 4o. Leipzig The Parthenon ; an essay on the mode by which light was introduced into Greek and Eoman temples. 4o. Lond. Temple of Diana at Ephesus, with espe- cial reference to Mr. Wood's dis- coveries of its I'emains. SP. Jmie Archffiology in India, with reference to the works of Babu Rajendralala Mitra. 80. Lond. Eestoration of Westminster Hall. pamph. 80. Lond. The tomb of Porsenua. pamph. 80. [Lond.] Biographical notice; by W. H. White. Fergusson (J) and Burgess (Jj The cave temples of India. sec Hope (T C) sec Taylor (M) Ferrario (6) Monumenti di S, in Milano. Ferrerio (P) and Falda (G B Eoma de' piu celebri architetti ; libro primo. Nuovi disegni dell' architet- ture e piante ; libro secondo. fo. Borne Ferrey (B) Priory of Christchurch, Hants ; plans, &c. Account of the church, &c., by E. W. Brayley. 4o. Lond. Letter relative to the process described by J. Sylvester, to render bricks and stone impervious to moisture. MS. SP. 18 Dec. Notes on the hfc of C. Miles. MS. SP. 19 Mar. 80. Lond. Ambrogio fo. Milan Palazzi di 1868 1870 1872 1875 1876 1876 1877 1877 1878 1879 1880 1883 1888 1884 1885 1885 1886 1880 1866 1866 1824 1834 1843 1849 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 93 Ferrey {B)— continued. Notice ou stamped or incised stucco. SP. 15 June Recollections of A. N. Welby Pugin and Augustus Pugin. 80. Lond. Remarks upon the works of the early me- diiEval architects, Gundulph, Flam- bard, William of Sens, and others. SP. 18 Ap. Observations on west front of Wells cathedi-al. SP. 21 Nov. Ferrey (E B) South Wiufield manor house ; plans, elevations, sections anddetails, with test. 4o. Lond. Ferstel (H von) Festschrift; by J. V. Falke and others. Festival, Fets, Pageant, Pyrotechnics. Banqueting hall at London; by H. E. Kendall. Edinburgh ; by T. SP. Leeds ; by R. D. SP. Liverpool; byJ.W. SP. I. Hamilton. Chantrell. Wild. Bapteme du due de Bordeaux ; by J Hittorff and J. Lecointe. Carrousel by Louis XIV. in 1GC2 sec Recueil d'Estampes Vol. is. Couronnement de leurs majestes Napo- leon et Josephine ; by C. Percier and P. F. L. Fontaine. Girandole fatte incendiare sul monte Pincio ; by V. Vespignani. Improvement of the Lord Mayor's show; by G. Godwin. Inaugural ceremony Paisley. Mariage de Napoleon ; by C. Percier and P. F. L. Fontaine. Mariage de Napoleon avec Marie-Louise ; by N. Goulet. Pavilion at Liverpool for Royal Agricul- tural Society ; by J. W. Wild. SP. Versailles in 1GG4 see Kecueil d'Estampes Vol. xiv. Ville de Paris au mariage de Louise- Elizabeth de France et de Philippe, grand-amiral d'Espagne. fo. Paris Fibrous Slab see Carton-pierre. Fidelio see Wehnert (E H). Field (G) Chromatics ; or, an essay on the analogy and harmony of colours, •lo. Lond. Outlines of analogical philosophy : being a primary view of the principles, re- lations, and purposes of nature, science, and art. 2 vols. 80. Lond. Chromatography ; or treatise on colours and pigments, and on their powers in painting. New edition. 80. Lond. 1857 1861 1861 1870 1870 1884 1836 1838 1841 1827 1807 1867 1850 1868 1810 1810 1841 1740 1886 1817 1839 1841 Field (G) — continued. Rudiments of the painter's art ; or, a grammar of colouring. 12o. Lond. 1858 Fielder ( ) Construction of iron beams and girders. pamph. 80. Lond. Filter see Water Supply. Finchale Durham Priory ; by E.Roberts. 1867 Fine Art see Art. Fir Deal and house painting in England ; by W. Papworth. SP. 1857 Fire and Fire Prevention and Escapes Anti-combustive solution ; by C. Wetter- sted. SP. 1838, 1841 Causes of, and prevention ; by Associated Architects. 1793 Fire protection of mansions; by J. C. Merryweather. 1884 plates, invention and uses of ; by D. Hartley. 1834 Fires, fire engines, and fire brigades ; by C. F. T. Young. Fire engine establishment ; report on ; by E. M. Shaw. Hints for preventing damage by ; by A. Beaumont. Notes on causes of ; by W. Papworth. spontaneous combustion ; by W. Papworth. Preservation of Hfe and property ; by J. H. Heathman. Prevention Acts, Liverpool ; by J. Boult. of, in the metropolis ; by Society of Arts. Questions relating to ; by F. A. Bern- hardt. sec Shaw (E M). sec London Metropolitan Boaed of Works. Reports. Fireplace, Grate, Stove, Chimney and Shafts Chimney construction ; 1866 [1865] 1885 1853 1855 1882 1869 1874 1835 stein. by W. Cauty. by G. F. Eck- 1772 hurst. ■by ... Gauger. • by C. Gourlier. by J. W. Hiort. by J. Moon. SP. 1843 by J. White- 1852 1715 1830 1826 Cubitt's, Thames Bank ; byE. M. Foxhall. SP. Cure of smoky ; by A. Walker. Dissertation on ; by R. Claver- 1794 1845 1777 1779 Domestic fireplaces and chimneys ; by F. Edwards, jun. 1804, 1865, 1868,1880,1881 Fireplaces; by B. Thompson, Coimt Rumford. 1862 and stove construction ; by S. E. Rosser. SP. 1856 94 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Fireplace, Grate, &c. — continued. Improved flue ; by J. W. Hiort. Iron stoves, improvements in ; by J. C. von Lassaulx. Morris's improved chimneys. MS. SP. Prevention and removal of smoke. 80. Ecllnh. Sweeping chimneys, the trade ; by R. Steven. Bill for the regula- tion of. Stoves, improvements m ; by C. J. Hen- derson. TaU chimney-shafts ; by R. Eawlinson. by R. M. and F. J. Bancroft. Fire- and Thief-proof Construction by A. Bartholomew. by T. BeUamy. by J. Braidwood. by A. Gates. by C. Fowler. by H. H. Fox and G. Barrett. by L. Hornblower. by T. H. Lewis. by P. B. Wight. Closing of openings under Met. Building Act ; by W. White. SP. Fire-proof floors ; by H. H. Burnell. SP. by T. H. Lewis. by J. T. Marsh. Fox and Barrett's tern ; by G. Barrett. MS. CP. SP. SP. sys- SP. wood: 1825 1836 1845 1776 1840 1840 1887 1858 1885 1839 1872 1850 1878 1871 1849 1865 1869 1885 1854 1871 1878 1848 1848 1849 1876 1886 Notes of a N-isit to North- by J. C. Christopher. PatentofN.Beardmore; by C. Barry. MS. SP. National Safe Deposit Company ; descrip- tion of premises ; by J. Whichcord. SP. Some American methods ; by J. B. Gass. SP. Firenze sec Florence. Fireworks sec Festival, &c. Fischer (FT) Biographical notice of; by C. C. Nelson. SP. 1868 Fischer (J B) Entwurfi' einer historischen architectur in abbildung miterschiedeuer be- riilimten gebiiude des alterthums und fremder volcker, auch teutschen und franzosischen besehreibungen. obi. fo. Leipzig 1725 A plan of civil and historical architec- ture, &c., with notes by J. Lediard. fo. Lond. 1730 Fitzgerald (J V V) Pubhc Health and Local Government Act, 1875, and the statutes incorporated therewith. Brdedit. 80. Lond. 1881 Fixtures sec Law, &c. Flachat (E) CathMrale de Bayeux ; by H. de Dion and L. Las^■ignes. Flacheron (L) filoge historique de P. de I'Orme. 80. Lrjons Flamboyant Architecture Interpenetra- tion of ; by R. WiUis. SP. Flanders and Germany, sketches ; by S. Prout. Flandin (...) sec Paris Academie des Beaux-Aets. Flandin (E) and Coste (P) Relation du voyage en Perse. 2 vols. 80. Paris Voyage en Perse pendant les amines 1840 et 1841. 6 vols. fo. Faris Flaxman (J) Letter to the committee for raising the naval pillar or monument. 4o. Lond. Lectures on sculpture, delivered before the Royal Academy. 2nd edit. : to which are now first added an intro- ductory lecture, and two addresses on the death of T. Banks in 1805, and of A. Canova in 1822 ; and an address on the death of Flaxman, by Sir E. Westmacott. 80. Lond. Fleischinger (A F) and Becker (W A) Der backsteiurohbau in semem ganzen umfauge. VIII hefte. 4o. Berlin 1862 Fleming (S) The adoption of a prime meri- dian to be common to all nations. pamph. 80. Lond. Flemish Architecture Domestic buildings of Western Flanders, in 16th century ; by R. D. Chantrell. SP. Early examples at Tenby ; by C. Non-is. Fletcher (B) Model houses for the industrial classes. 80. Lond. Dilapidations : a text-book for architects and sm'veyors, ui tabulated form. 80. Lond. Arbitrations. SP. 6 Jan. Compensations ; a text-book for surveyors in tabulated form. 80. Lond. Arbitrations ; a text-book for surveyors in tabulated form. 80. Lond. Light and air ; a text-book for architects and surveyors. 80. Lond. Quantities ; a text-book for surveyors, m tabulated form. 2nd edit. 80. Lond. Metropohtan building acts : 1855-82. 80. Lond. Fleury (C R de) sec Rohault de Fleury. Flint see Chalk. 1861 1814 1840 1851 1851 1799 1838 -63 1881 1856 1812 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1879 1879 1882 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 9S Flood (J C H) An hour in the Temple, Loudon. 12o. Lo)id. 1884 Floor Account of means taken to raise a sunken floor ; by E. I' Anson. SP. 1853 Designs of ; small pieces of -n'ood inlaid see PaUadio (A) by G. Richards. 1733 French method of constructing iron floors ; by H. H. Bm-nell, SP. 1854 Wooden and fire-proof ; by J. T. Marsh. 1878 see Fire-proof Construction. Florence by F. Fantozzi. 1840 Bassirelievi deUa porta maggiore da L. Gliiberti ; by G. Calendi. 179G-1800 by ... Blanchard. 1837 Esposizione itahana agraria, iudustriale e artistica. 8o. Florence Examples of decorative design ; by M. D. Wyatt. Le tre porte del battisterio; by G. P. Lasinio. Studio d' architettura civile di ; by F. Ruggieri. 1722- Views of ; by W. Gail. Beidge The Trinita ; by L. VulUamy. Chdech, &c. Basilica di S. Miniato al Monte ; by G. F. Berti. Duomo di ; by C. Boito. by G. Mohiii. by L. Runge. Voti e pareri diversi sulla fac- ciata. 4o. Florence by 1861 1869 1821 ■28 1829 1822 F. Martini. by 0. Eaggi. Sta. Croce e la sua facciata ; by 0. Raggi. Sta. Maria del Fiore ; by E. de Fabris. cupola ; by G. B. NelH. facciata. C. Boito. del concorso per la 4o. Florence ■ della facciata ; by design for a new 1850 1866 1820 1853 1865 1807 1803 1863 1867 1753 1863 1806 1848 1859 facade ; by N. Matas. 2nd edit. — description of de- sign by N. Matas ; by T. L. Donald- son. MS. SP. 1847 Florence (H L) "A communication " re- specting designs for completion of St. Petronio at Bologna. SP. 19 Dec. 1870 Flower (F) A few remarks upon the various uses to which electricity can be put. 8o. Lond. 1879 Fliigel [F G] Dictionary, English-German, German-English; edit, by C.A. Fei- ling and others. 2 vols. 8o. Lond. 1873 Fogerty (W) Condition and prospects of architecture in United States. 4o. Dubl. 1875 On some differences between British and American architectural practice. pamph. 8o. Dubl. 1875 Foggo (G) Letter to Lord Brougham on the history and character of the Royal Academy, pamph. 8o. Lond. 1835 Fokke (S) /Chambre et lit de parade sur lequel le corps de S.A.R. Anne, Princesse Eoyale de la Grande Bretagne, &c. drawn by ... De Swart. French and Dutch text. fo. The Haggle 1759 Convoi funebre de S.A.R. Anne, &c., di-awn by P. C. La Fargue. French and Dutch text. fo. The Hague 1761 (Bound togetJier.) FolcM (C) Ragionamento sulle scoperte recentemente fatte in Tivoh. 4o. Borne 1834 fatte in Ti- voH dal maa'zo 1833 all' aprile 1834. 4o. Borne 1834 Biografia del CavaUere Andrea Vici. pamph. 8o. Borne 1836 Discorso sulle operazioni che si richieg- gono per la bonificazione delle terre deir Agro romano. pamph. 8o. Borne 1847 n portico detto del Viguola esposto nell' anno 1824. fo. Borne 1848 Discorso archeologico-artistico in enco- del defonto Commendatore L. mio by pamph. Busiri. 8o. Borne K. Colling, and decoration ; SP. by SP. Canina. Bre\'i notizie ; Foliage Architectural ; by J, Art ; for sculpture J. K. Colling. by J. K. Colling. English mediffival ; by J. K. Colling. Natural and architectural ; by J. K. Col- ling. SP. Folkestone Harbour Report, by G. Elliot and E. W. Parry ; with memorial. fo. Lond. Fonda (G) Elementi di architettura civile e militare. 2 vols. 4o. Borne Font see Church Fittings. Fontainebleau Le palais et la foret ; by C. F. Dene- court. Monographic du palais de ; by R. Pfnor and Champolliou-Figeac. Fontaine (P F L) Chapelle expiatoire 61ev6e A, Louis XVI et i\ Marie-Antoinette, il Paris. fo. Paris 1857 1869 1879 1805 1865 1858 1838 1774 1863 9t) FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Fontaine (P F L) — continued. Palais Eoyal ; by J. Vatout and P. F. L. Fontaine. 1829 - Histoire du Palais Koyal ; by J. Vatout and P. F. L. Fontaine. 1830-34 {Bound together.) Histoire du Palais Royal ; by J. Vatout and P. F. L. Fontaine. 1834 Fun&-ailles de ; discours de Lebas, Gau- tbier et Donaldson. Prononces 12 Oct. 1853. pampb. 4o. Paris 1853 Eaccolta di decorazioni interne; by C. Percier and P. F. L. Fontaine. 1843 see Percier (C) and Fontaine (P F L). Fontana (C) Templum Vaticanum et ipsius origo, cuin ffidificiis maxime conspiouis antiqui- tus et recens ibidem constitutis. (Latin and Italian text.) fo. Borne 1694 Anfiteatro Flavdo. fo. The Hague 1724 Fontana (D) Contignationes, ao pontes Nicolai Zabaglia, una cum quibusdam ingeniosis praxibus, ac descriptioue translationis obelisci Vaticani, alio- rumque. [Latin and Italian text, tvith plates.) fo. Borne 1743 Fontana (G) Raccolta delle migliori cbiese di Roma e suburbane. 4 vols. fo. Bo7ne 1833-38 FontMll Abbey Wiltshire History and description of ; by J. Eutter. 1823 Illustrations, graphical and literary ; by J. Britton. 1823 Foppiani (C) Fabbriche e i disegni di A. Palladio. Part 1. fo. Genoa 1842 Forbes (E) Travels in Lycia ; by T. A. B. Spratt and E. Forbes. 1847 Forchlianimer (P W) Ueber die kyklopischen mauern Griechen- lands und die schleswig-holsteini- schen felsmauern. 4o. Kiel 1847 Ueber reinheit der baukunst auf gruud des ursprmigs der vier haupt-bau- style. 8o. Hamb. 1856 Ford (A) The dwellings of the poor. pamph. 4o. Portsea 1877 Foreign Oflfice see London Foreign Office. Fbrster (C F L) see Journal Allgemeine Bauzeitung. Forsyth (J) Remarks on antiquities, arts, and letters, during an excursion in Italy, 1802 and 1803. 8o. Lond. 1813 Fortification by J. Fergusson. 1849 Attack of fortresses ; by T. Fraser. 1877 National defences ; by G. 0. Bidder, jun. 1861 Nouvelle citadeUe de Gand ; by G. van Pitting. 1843 Primitive, of Rome ; by J. H. Parker. 1878 Fortification — continued. Works in ; by B. Belidor. 1729 Fortnum (C D E) Bronzes in South Ken- sington Museum. 1876 Fortsch (R) and Caspar (W) Elsass-loth- ringisches baurecht. 8o. Strasburg 1878 Forum see Rome Fossati (G) Aya Sofia, Constantinople, as recently restored by order of H.M. the sultan Abdul Medjid. fo. Lond. 1852 Foster (J) Account of the republic of Nicaragua, Central America ; the cathedral of St. Peter, Leon, its do- mestic architecture and present con- dition. MS. SP. 2 July 1849 Foster (Mrs. J) Lives of the most eminent painters, sculptors, and architects. Translated from the Italian of G. Vasari. 5 vols. 8o. Lond. 1850 Fotheringay Church sec Oxford Architectural Society. 1841 Foulston (J) Public buildings in west of England. 4o. Lond. 1838 Foundation, Pile, and Excavation by C. Davy. 1839 by W. R. Slacke. 1878 ^Foundations and concrete works ; by E. Dobson. 1850 for a stone bridge ; by Anony- mous. MS. for St. Bartholomew's by the Exchange;byC.R.CockereU.MS. SP. 1843 of the metropolitan bridges ; by W. A. Boulnois. SP. 1857 submarine ; by A. Mitchell. 1848 1836 Foundation Stone of St. Marc's at Venice ; by F. Douce. Fountain Del giardino in Tivoli ; by G. F. Ven- turini. Fontaines esquisses ; by Chenavard. 1864 monumentales ; by L. Vis- conti. 18C0 Paris ; by ... de Moisy and A. Duval. 1812 Rome, &c. ; by G. B. Falda and others. Vases, fountains, &c. ; by Wyatt, Parker, & Co. [1841] Fountains Abbey Yorkshire. Delineations of; bv J. andH. S. Storer. Discoveries at ; by" J. R. Walbran. MS. 1849 Excavations at ; by Earl De Grey. MS. SP. 1849, 1854 Views of ; by T. Sopwith, J. Metcalf, and J. W. Carmichael. [1832] Fourcroy (A F) Syiioptic tables of che- mistry ; translated by W. Nicholson. fo. Lond. 1801 Fowler (C) Plan for the revival of Hungerford market. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1830 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 91 Fowler (C) — continued. Description of the metal roof at Hunger- ford market. SP. 15 Feb. 1886 Terrace roofs at Hungerford market. SP. 9 May 1836 Proposed site of the new Houses of Par- liament, pamph. 8o. Loncl. 1836 Construction of the roof of Kmg's College chapel, Cambridge. SP. 12 June 1837 Warming the long room of the Custom House. SP. 13 July 1840 Arrangements and construction of hmatic asylums. SP. 22 June 1846 Terra cotta and artificial stone as con- nected with architecture. SP. 10 June 1850 Eemarks on Hungerford market (now removed). SP. 15 Dec. 1862 Memoir of ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1867 Fowler (C) jun. Mediaeval brick buildings in the north- east of Germany, and on the coast of the Baltic. SP. 18 Feb. 1850 [reprint) 1874 Crystal Palace ; by P. Berlyn and C. Fowler. 1851 Memou" of the late A. de Chateauneuf. SP. 9 Feb. 1857 Fire-resisting materials and construction in reference to proposed new Build- ing Act. 25 May 1871 Cistercian abbey of Maulbronn. SP. 28 May 1883 Fowler (F H) Facts and fallacies relative to the main drainage scheme of the Metropolitan Board of Works. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1859 Fowler (H) sec St. Albans Aechitectubal Society. Fowler (W) Stained glass from Selby abbey church, Yorkshu-e. 4o. 1820 Mosaic pavements, &c., collation ; by L. Lmdsay, Earl of Crawford and Bal- carres. 1888 see Edinburgh Association foe peo- MOTING ImPEOVEMENT IN DWEL- LINGS, &c. Fownes (G) Chemistry for beginners. 12o. Lond. 1859 Manual of elementary chemistry, theo- retical and practical. 8th edit. 12o. Lond. 1861 Fox (C) Nature and construction of skew arches. SP. 28 Mar. 1836 Fox (H H) and Barrett (G) Construction of public buildings and private dwell- ing houses on a fire-proof principle without increase of cost. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1849 Foxhall (E M) Description of the chimney at T. Cubitt's premises, Thames Foxhall (E M) — continued. Bank ; with observations on the expansion of brickwork. SP. 31 Mar. 1845 Foy (General) Monument erected to his memory, 1831, P. J. David, sculptor; by A. L. T. Vaudoyer. 1831 Framlingham Norfolk Castle at ; by R. M. Phipson. 1863 France Anjou et ses monuments ; by V. Godard- Faultrier and P. Hawke. 1839-40 Antiquities of ; by A. de Caumont. 1880-85 by C. Clerisseau and J. G. Legrand. 1804 by S. Maffei. 1734 Ecclesiastical ; by G. D. Whittington. 1811 Arch^ologie du Loiret ; by C. F. Ver- gnaud-Romagnesi. 1826-86 Carte geologique et explication ; by A. Dufrenoy and E. de Beaumont. 1840-48 Cathedrales ; by L'Abbd Bourasse. 1843 by N. M. Chapuy, F. T. de Joliment, and A. du Mege. 1823-30 by J. Coney. 1832 by B. Winkles. 1837 Chateaux de la vallte de la Loire ; by V. Petit. 1861 maisons, &c., des XV<^ et XVP siecles ; by V. Petit. [1855] of the age of Francis I. ; by E. I'Anson. SP. 1855 Choix d'edifices publics ; by C. Gourlier and others. 1825-36 Cities, citadels, the Carrousel, sculpture, Versailles, grottoes, labyrinths, fetes, pictures, the Louvi-e, the Tuilleries, palaces, tapestries, the InvaUdes, &c.; sec Recueil d'Estampes. [1660-69] Collection de documents inedits ; histoire de see Paris Comite, &c. 1839-40 Congres arch^ologique see Paris. Departement de I'Aube ; by A. F. Ar- naud. 1837 Des soci6t^s savantes ; by A. d'Hericourt. 1866 Dictionnaire du mobilier ; by E. Viollet- le-Duc. 1858 Eglises de bourgs et villages ; by A. de Baudot. 1867 Guides et itindraires ; by A. Joanne. 1868-73 Handbook ; by J. Murray. 1873 Histoire de, dans les archives priv6es de la Grandc-Bretagne ; by F. de Schickler. 1878 Letters of an architect ; by J. Woods. 1828 Maisons de plaisance, &c. ; by J. F. Blondel. 1737 Monumons class6s chronologiquement ; by A. de Laborde. 181636 de Louis XV ; by P. Patte. 1767 98 PEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPEKS France — continued. Moyen age pittoresque ; by N. M. J. Cliapuy. 1837 Notice liistorique sur le service des tra- vaux des batimeiits civils ; by C. Goui'lier. 1848 Palais, chateaux, hotels et maisons ; by 0. Sauvageot. 1867 Fonts et chaussees ; by C. Dupin. 1818 Eomanesque art in the south of ; by J. B. Waring. SP. 1861 Eoyal residences see Recueil d'Estampes. [1660-69] Sketches ; by A. B. Mitchell. SP. 1886 and Switzerland ; by S. Prout. 1839 — age of Francis I. ; by W. Miiller. 1841 Some towns of Southern Gaul ; by E. A. Freeman. [1887] Statistique monumentale de la Charente ; by J. H. Michon and others. 1844 Statues, bas-reliefs, and pictures ; by J. and J. Eichardsoa. 1754 Thresor des antiquitez de la couronne de France, representees en figures d'apres leurs originaux ; en pierre, dans les batimens anciens, en pein- ture, gravure, &c. 2 vols. fo. The Hague 1745 Tour m ; by T. F. Dibdin. 1829 and notes on works and workmen ; by W. Beamont and K. Eowe. 1860 Various plates of buildings ; by W. B. Granville. Veues des plus beaux lieux de France et d'ltalie. fo. Paris [1680] Soci:BT:ifi DES Aeohitbctes du Nokd de LA Finance Statuts et reglement. pamph. 8o. Lille 1868 Bulletins. [In progress.) 8o. Lille 1870-86 Question des honoraires. pamph. 8o. Lille 1873 Eeglement. pamph. 8o. Lille 1883 Statuts. pamph. 8o. Lille 1883 *ec Androuet du Cerceau. 1576-1611 see Lille. see Moniteur des Architectes. see Paris Commission des Monuments HiSTOBIQUES. 1855 Franceschelli (A) Breve cemio riguardante la vita e le opere del F. Antolini. pamph. 8o. Bologna 1859 Franchetti (G) Storia e descrizione del duomo di Milano. fo. Milan 1821 Francis (F J) Brief survey of physical and fossil geology. 12o. Lond. 1839 Fine arts of Greece during the age of Pericles. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1839 Francis (J B) On the strength of cast-iron pillars. 8o. Neio York 1865 Francisco de los Santos Descripcion del real monasterio de San Lorenzo del Escorial ; and Translation. 4o. Madrid 1698 Franklin Institute see Philadelphia. Fraser (J B ) Address as President of Leeds Architectural Society. pamph. 8o. Leeds [1881] Fraser (R W) Parish kirks and manses in Scotland. 4o. Edinb. Fraser (T) The defence of a position selected as a field of battle. 8o. Woohvich 1875 The attack of fortresses in the future. 8o. Lond. 1877 Freart(R) Parallel of the ancient architecture with the modern ; transl. and added to by J. Evelyn. fo. Lond. 1680 Parallel of the ancient architecture with the modern ; account of architects and architecture, &c. ; with L. B. Alberti's treatise of statues, by J. Evelyn ; with elements of architecture, col- lected by Sir H. Wotton. 4th edit. fo. Lond. 1733 Free Admission to National Buildings Eeport of the proceedings at a public meeting, 29 May, 1837. 8o. Lond. 1837 Eeport of the committee to the society. 8o. Lond. 1841 Freeman (E A) History of architecture. 8o. Lond. 1849 Origin and development of window tracery in England. 8o. Oxf. & Lond. 1851 Preservation and restoration of ancient monuments. pamph. 8o. Oxf. 1852 History and architecture of Switzerland. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1863 Certain early Eomanesque buildings in Switzerland and the neighbouring comitries. SP. 13 June 1864 History of cathedral church of Wells. 8o. Lond. 1870 Address to historical section of Eoyal Archaeological Institute, Cardiff, 1871. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1871 Address at annual meeting of Somerset- shire Archaaological Society, Crew- kerne, 1871. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1871 Origin and growth of Eomanesque archi- tecture, pamph. 8o. Lond. 1872 Some less known towns of Southern Gaul. pamph. 8o. [Lond. 1887] see Jones (W J). Freemasonry History of; by M. Cooke. 1861 inEngland; byJ.O.Halliwell. 1844 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 99 Freemasonry — continued. Institution of ; by G. Godwin. SP. 1836 Short view of the history of; by W. Sandys. 1829 sec Papworth ( W). Freemasons of the Church see College of the Freemasons, &c. Freiburg im Breisgau Minister; by H. Schreiber. 1829 Frejus France Antiquities of; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1868 Forum Julii, note descriptive, &c. ; by V. Petit. 8o. Caen Memoires sur la ville et le port de ; by C. Texier. 1847 Fremy-Ligneville (...) Traite de la legisla- tion des biitiments et constructions. 2nd edit. 2 vols. 8o. Paris 1848 French (G J) Practical remarks on some of the minor accessories to the services of the church, with hints on the prepara- tion of altar cloths. Bo. Leeds 1844 Origm and meaning of the early interlaced ornamentation found on the ancient sculptured stones of Scotland, Ire- land, and the Isle of Man. pamph. 8o. MancJiester 1858 French (G R) Address delivered on the sixth anniversary of the college of the Freemasons of the church. pamph. 8o. Land. 1847 French Architecture Byzantine ; by F. de Vemeilh. 1851 Dietionnaire de; by E. Viollet-le-Duc. 1854 Grandeur of; by C. Wild. 1837 Histoire de ; by L. Vaudoyer. 1846 et caracteres de ; by L. Chateau. 1864 Professional observations on ; by G. Tappen. 1806 Eomane ; by H. R6voil. 1864-73 Romanesque and pointed ; by T. Inkers- ley. 1850 Studies in ; by W. G. Davie. 1877 by .J. L. Petit. 1854 Mediaeval by E. J. Johnson. 1864 by E. W. Nesfield. 1862 by D. Ramee and N. M. J. Chapuy. 1843-47 by A. Rouargue and T. Boys. [1836] Domestic ; by H. Glutton. 1853 Gironde, dans la ; by L. Drouyn. 1846 Municipal, commercial, and street, 12th- 15th century ; by R. Anderson. see Mediaeval Architecture. Modern Architecture Fran9oise ; by J. F. Blondel. 1738 • by P. J. Mari- ette. 1727-38 French Architecture Modern — contimied. Architecture Fran9oise ; by J. Marot. 1727 moderne en France ; by F. Barqui. De I'epoque Louis XVI ; by R. Pfnor. 1864 (Euvres d'architecture ; by J. Marietta. by J. Marot (le grand). see Daly (C) see Revue Generale de 1' Architecture. Renaiss.\nce Art architectural en France ; by E. Rou- yer et A. Darcel. 1863-66 Monumentale en France ; by A. Berty. 1864 see Renaissance Architecture. see France. see Paris. Fresh (T) Report to Health Committee, Liverpool, on sanitary operations in the nuisance department. 8o. Liverp. 1851 Fretton CW G) Coventry and its antiqui- ties, pamph. 8o. Coventry 1873 Frezier (A F) Theorie et pratique de la coupe des pierres et des bois, pour la construction des voiites et autres parties des batimens, ou traite de stereotomie. 3 vols. 4o. Stras. and Paris 1737-39 Fribourg Excursion arch^ologique ; by A. de Cau- mont. 1851 Grand pont suspendu en fil de fer ; by Anonymous. 1839 Friedmann (A) Designs for the construc- tion of markets, warehouses, and sheds. fo. Lo)id. 1877 Friedrichs (R) Gesetz betreffend anlegung u. veritnderung von strassen, &c. pamph. 8o. Berlin & Leipzig 1882 Friezes see Orders and Details. Fritton Norfolk Rood screen at ; by R. Hart. 1872 see Wardle (G Y). 1870 Frogmore Berks ; by W. H. Pyne. 1819 Froissart (J) Twelve plates to " Chronicles of England, France, Scotland," &c. 4o. [Lond. 1805] Chronicles of England, France, Scotland, &c. Text. 3rd edit. 12 vols. 8o. [Lond.] 1808 Frontinus (S J) sec Vitruvius various edits. 1496-1550 Comentario degli acquedotti della cittS, di Roma. 8o. Perugia 1805 Les stratagemes et aqueducs de la ville de Rome ; new trans, by C. Bailly. 8o. Paris 1848 100 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Frontinus (S 3)— continued. De aqufeductibus urbis EomfE. (French trans, by D. Nisard.) pampb. 80. Paris Fry(H) London in 1887. 80. Loud. Fuchs (J N ) Silicatisation ; conservation des monvi- ments et sculptures. 80. Paris Stereocbromie, peinture monmnentale ; translated witb notes by L. Dale- magne. pampb. 80. Paris Fucino Draining of lake ; by A. Brisse and L. de Eotrou. Fuller (F) A letter to court of enquiry on restoration of prosperity and utility to tbe Crystal Palace. pampb. 80. Loud. Fulton (H) Introductory lecture on tbe state and study of civil arcbitecture. 80. Dublin Fulvio (A) Anticbita di Eoma, con le aggiuntioni di G. Ferrucci. 12o. Venice Fundukley (I) Antiquities of Kieff. 4o. Kieff 1847 Furnace and Kiln 1877 1887 1859 1861 1876 1875 1842 1588 Furniture And decorations, report; byM. D. Wyatt. And interior decoration ; by R. Bridgens. Cabinet-maker and upbolsterer's draw- ing book ; by T. Sberaton. • guide ; by A. Heppelwbite. Cabinet-making, Loudon book of prices. 4o. Loud. Catalogue of cabinet work ; by tbe Science and Art Department. Designs for bousebold ; by T. Sberaton. by A. Cbippen- dale. by C. L. East- 1856 1825 1802 1788 1803 1853 1801 1755 1868 1807 lake. — by T. Hope. Dictionnaire du mobilier ; by E. Viollet- le-Duc. 1858 Ecclesiastical ; by J. Barr. 1842 Gotbic ; by A. W. Pugin. 1835 Gotbic forms applied to; by B. J. Talbert. 1867 Gotbique en France ; by L. Adams. 1859, 1866 Irisb decorative ; by A. J. Jones. 1853 Les arts somptuaires ; by C. Louandre. 1858 Of old Englisb mansions ; by C. J. Kicbardson. 1841-48 Recueil de decorations ; by C. Percier and P. P. L. Fontaine. 1827 Scottish woodwork, 16tb and 17tb cents. ; by J. W. Small. 1878 Specimens of ancient ; by H. Shaw and Sir S. R. Meyrick. 1836 Furniture —contimicd. Vorbilder fiir fabrikanten, &o. see Berlin Konigdiche Technische Deputation, &c. 1836 Furttenbach (J) Architectura civilis. [Text in German.) fo. Ulm 1628 Fuseli (H) Lectures on painting, delivered at tbe Pioyal Academy. 4o. Loud. 1801 G G (W M) see Potter (E T) Gabb (T) Finis p3a'amidis : or, disquisi- tions concerning tbe antiquity and tbe scientific end of tbe great pyramid of Giza, or ancient Mem- pbis, in Egypt, and of tbe first standard of linear measure. 80. Lond. [1805] Gable see Pediment. Gage (J) Accomit of tbe falling-in of a portion of wall and roof of St. Alban's abbey church. 1832 Gail (W) Ermnerung an Florenz, Rom, Neapel. 6 parts. fo. Munich 1829 Gailhabaud (J) Ancient and modern architecture ; con- sisting of views, plans, &c., of the most remarkable edifices in the world, chronologically arranged. Parts i, V, xxxvi-xxsviii, xli, xlii, Ivii-lx, xciii, xciv, of first series. 4o. Lond. 1842 2nd series. 4o. Lond. 1846 Monuments anciens et modernes ; collec- tion formant vine histoire de I'archi- tecture des diflerents peuples ix toutes les epoques. 4 vols. 4o. Paris 1850 Arcbitecture du V" au XVIP siecle et les arts qui en dependent, &c. 4 vols. 4o, and plates 1 vol. fo. Paris 1858 L'art dans ses diverses branches ; ou I'arcbitecture, la sculpture, la pein- ture, &c., cbez tons les peuples. 4o. Paris 1863 Gaillon D^penses du chateau de ; by A. Deville. 1850 Gale (A J) American architecture from a construc- tional point of view. SP. 18 Dec. 1882 Godwin Bursary : Tour in the United States of America. SP. Nov. 1882 Gale (C J) Law of easements. 3rd edit. by W. H. Willes. 80. Lond. 1802 Gale (J M) Glasgow waterworks. pampb. 80. Glasgow 1864 Galiani (B ) see Vitruvius. 1758 Galiffe (J A) Italy and its mhabitants in 1816-17. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1820 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 101 Galimard (A) Les grands artistes contemporains : Aubry Lecointe. paiuph. 80. Paris 18G0 Examen des peiutures murales de I'eglise Saint-Germain des Pres, par H. Flandrin. pampb. 80. Paris 1864 Gallaccini (T) Trattato sopra gli errori degli architetti. fo. Venice 1767 see Visentini (A) Galli(GPC) secVitruvius various edits. 1544-1649 Gallicia Notes on an excursion in the soutli-west of Gallicia ; by G. E. Burnell. SP. 1853 Gallo (A) Elogio storico di P. Novelli da Monreale in SiciUa, pittore, archi- tetto ed incisore. 3rd edit. 4o. Palermo 1830 Galton (D) Keport to the Right Hon. the Earl de Grey and Ripon, descriptive of the Herbert Hospital at Woolwich. 4o. Land. 1865 On general principles in construction of hospitals. 80. Lond. 1869 Some of the sanitary aspects of house construction. SP. 12 Jan. 1874 Sanitary engineering. fo. Chatham 1877 Galvanised Iron see Iron, &c. Gamucci (B) Libri quattro dell' antichit:\ deUa citti\ di Roma. 4o. Venice 1565 Gandon (J) Vitruvius Britannicus ; by J. Woolfe and J. Gandon. 1767-71 Life of ; with original notices of contem- porary artists, and fi-agmeuts of essays, collected by J. Gandon, and prepared for publication by T. J. Mulvany. 80. Dublin 1846 Gandy (J P) Pompeii; by Sir W. Gell and J. P. Gandy ; trans, by J. I. Hittoi-ff. 1827 Gandy (M) and Baud (B) Architectural illustrations of Windsor Castle ; with historical account by J. Britton. fo. Lond. 1842 Ganges Canal ; Letter by Sir P. T. Cautley. 1864 Canal works ; by Sir P. T. Cautley. 18G0 Changes in delta of ; by J. Fergusson. 1863 River, &c. ; by Sir P. T. Cautley. Ganot (A) Elementary treatise on physics, experimental and apphed. Trans- lated from the 9th edit, by E. Atkin- son. 12o. Lond. 1863 Gant (S C) Notes and queries on PubUc Health Act, 1848, with suggestions for a new bill. 80. Lond. 1855 Gaol see Prison. Garbett (E L) Rudimentary treatise on the principles of design in architec- ture. 12o. Lond. 1850 Gardening, Plant and Tree Architecte des jardins. 80. Book of the garden ; by C. M'Intosh. 1853-55 Curiosities of nature and art in. [Anonymous.] 80. Lond. 1707 Dendi-ology ; by J. Walhs. 1833 Encyclopaedia of ; by J. C. Loudon. 1850 Giardini di Roma ; by G. B. Falda. Grottos, labyrinths, &c., at Versailles see Recueil d'Estampes. Vol. xiii. [1660-69] Landscape ; by A. J. Downing. 1849 by H. Repton. 1840 La theorie et la practique du jardinage. 4o. Paris 1709 Mazes ; by E. TroUope see Morgan (0) and Wakeman (W). 1866 Oriental ; by Sir W. Chambers. 1772 Ornamental ; by J. B. Fapworth. 1823 Theory and practice of; by -J. James. 1712 Gardet (J) and Bertin(D) sec Vitruvius. 1565 Gardiner (J B) Ruins recently exposed in St. Martin's- le-Grand, in clearmg the ground for a new post-office. 4o. Lond. 1821 Description of the mode adopted to warm the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' synagogue in Bevis Marks in 1815. MS. SP. 14 Dec. 1846 Gardissal (CD) Technological dictionary ; by Tolhausen and Gardissal. 1855-64 Gargiulo (R) I vasi fittili italo-gi-eci. pamph. 4o. Naples 1831 {Bound with Piale's " Alcuni monumenti.") Garianonum see Burgh Castle. Garland (R) see Winkles (B). Garling (H B) Application of sculpture to architecture. Prize essay. MS. SP. 29 May 1848 Remarks on the contents of the album of Villard de Honnecourt. SP. 15 Nov. 1858 New courts of justice ; design submitted. fo. Lond. 1867 Garnier (J L C) He d'Egine, temple de Jupiter Panhel- lenien. pamph. 80. Paris 1854 histoire, monuments, pays, &c. pamph. 80. Paris 1857 Rapport sur les theiltres de I'Europe. pamph. fo. Paris 1863 Nouvel Op6ra ; rapport des travaux. pamph. fo. Paris 1863 Eclairage de la salle. pamph. fo. Paris 1864 Economies — marche des travaux. pamph. fo. Paris 1866 Marche des travaux pendant rami6e 1866. pamph. fo. Paris 1867 102 PKIKTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Gaxnier (J L C) — continued. Working drawings of new opera house, Paris ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1864 Le theatre. 80. Paris 1871 Le nouvel Opera de Paris. Text, 2 vols. fo. Paris 1878-81 Plates, vols. lb. Paris 1875-80 Literary works ; by C. Lucas. SP. 1886 Qarrick (N) Extract from Kugler's essay on the polychromy of Greek archi- tecture, published at Berlin, 1833, as far as it relates to the forms of architecture (used in essay by W. R. Hamilton). MS. SP. 29 Feb. & 18 July 1836 Gartner (F von) and others Architectoni- sche entwitrfe zu pracht- und civilge- biiuden ; entworfen von den archi- tekten. 2 parts. fo. Munich 1846 Gas, Gasworks, and Fittings Coal combustion, &c. ; by C. W. Wil- liams. 1854 Contract for lighting town see Cambridge. 1868 Conversion of gas into fuel for fire ; by D. 0. Edwards. SP. 1850 Construction of retort house ; by W. S. Inman. SP. 1836 Eclairage dans les habitations see Brussels. For illumination ; by W. Pole. 1873 Gas and electricity as heating agents ; by C. W. Siemens. 1881 Heating and cooking by ; by W. J. Nixon. SP. 1871 In the house ; by H. Faraday. 1879 Leakage, effect of, on street earth ; by T. Spencer. 1860 Lighting ; by W. Matthews. 1832 Manufacture of, &e. ; by F. Aceum. 1819 ■ by G. L. Taylor. SP. 1848 see Contract. see Electricity. Gass (J B) Godwin Bursary 1885 : report of tour in America. MS. fo. Bolton 1885 Godwin Bursary 1885 : portions of report of visit to United States and Canada. SP. 15 Mar. 1886 Some American methods. SP. 15 Mar. 1886 Gate and Gateway see Door, &c. Gateshead Companion through ; by M. A. Richardson. 1838 GatUff (C) Improved dwellings, their effect on health. pamph. 80. Lond. 1875 Gau (F C) Antiquites de la Nubie, ou monumens in6dits des bords du Nil. fo. Stuttgart & Paris 1822 Gau (F C) — continued. Ruines de Pomp6i ; by F. Mazois and F. C. Gau. 1812-38 Memoir; by Anonymous. [1854] Professional career of; by T. L. Do- naldson. SP. 1854 Gaucherel (L) Exemples de decoration appliques a I'architecture et a la peinture. 4o. Paris 1857 Ganger ( ) Fires improved ; being a new method of building chimneys, so as to prevent their smoaking ; made English and improved by J. T. Desaguliers. 80. Lond. 1715 Gauthey (EM) Bridges see Hann (J) and others. Gauthier (M P) Les plus beaux edifices de la ville de Genes et de ses environs, fo. Paris 1818 Discours prononce aux funerailles de P. F. L. Fontaine, 12 Oct. 80. Paris 1853 Gautier (T) L'art moderne. 80. Paris 1856 Gavard (C) Galeries historiques de Ver- sailles. I" serie. sec. 1 & 2. fo. Paris 1838 Gavrici (P) see Vitruvius. 1649 Gawsworth Cheshire Pamtings in Church ; by W. H. Massie. 1853 Gayangos (P de) Historical notice of the kings of Granada ; in Alhambra Court, Crystal Palace, by 0. Jones. 1854 Gazetteer see Johnston (K) Geier (F X) and Gorz (R) Denkmale romanischer baukunst am Rhein. fo. Frankf. o. M. 1846-47 Gelee ( C) called Claude le Lorrain see Earlom (R). 1777-1819 GellfSir W) Itinerary of Greece ; with a commentary on Pausanias and Strabo ; and an account of the monuments of an- tiquity at present existing in the comitry. 4o. Lond. 1810 Itinerary of Greece ; contaming one hundred routes in Attica, Boeotia, Phocis, Locris, and Thessaly. 80. Lond. 1819 Gell (Sir W) and Gandy (J P) Pompeiana ; topography, edifices, and ornaments of Pompeii (first and second series). 3 vols. 80. Land. 1819-32 Vues des ruines de Pompeii d'apres I'ouvrage publie a Londres ; [Partly trans, by J. I. Hittorff]. 4o. Paris 1827 Gelnhausen Prussia Gebiiudedesmittel- alters ; by J. E. Ruhl. 1831 Gem see Cameo. Gem (H) Letter on the proposal to build the new law courts in Lincoln's Liu PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 103 Gem (H) — conthmed. Fields, in reply to W. Lewis and Prof. R. Owen, pampb. 80. Lond. Genealogist (The) &c. ; by J. G. Nicbols. 1843 Genelli (H C) Exegetiscbe briefe iiber des M. Vitruvius Polbo baukimst. (Hefte I. and II.) 4o. Brunsw. & Berlin 1801-4 Geneva Histoire de I'arcbitecture sacree du 1^""= au X°>^ siecle; by J. D. Bla\'ignac. 1853 Genoa Dei bacini di carenaggio ; by D. Sauli. 1852 Les plus beaux Edifices ; by M. P. Gau- tbier. 1818 Palazzi anticbi di ; by P. P. Kubens. 1663 moderni di ; by P. P. Eubens. Progetto del doc commerciale ; byD. Sauli. 1852 Geography Atlas of modern ; by A. K. Johnston. 1877 of physical and historical ; by D. T. Ansted and C. G. Nicolay. Chart of the river Dee ; by H. M. Den- bam. Importance de la cartographic officielle ; by C. D. Carusso. 1886 New universal atlas ; by J. and W. Gary. 1808 Geological Society Transactions. 2ud series. Vol. iv, parts i and ii. 4o. Lond. 1835-37 Vol. V, part i. 4o. Lond. 1838 Geological Survey of Great Britain, and the museum of economic geology in London. Memoirs. Vol. i. 80. Lond. 1846 Vol. ii, parts i and ii. 80. Lond. 1848 Museum of practical geology, and royal school of mines. Report, syllabus, and examination papers, 1867-68. 80. Lond. 1867 Geology, Mineralogy, &c. Advanced text book ; by D. Page. 1857 Brief survey of physical, &c. ; by F. .J. Francis. 1839 Carte g^ologique de la Loire-Inferieure ; by F. Calliaud. 1861 Chemical denudation in relation to geo- logical time ; by T. M. Reade. 1879 Course of ; by D. T. Ansted. 1856 Elementary course ; by D. T. Ansted. 1856 treatise ; by J. A. de Luc. 1809 Explication de la carte g(5ologique de la France ; by A. Dufrdnoy and E. de Beaumont. 1841-48 Extracts from a geologist's note-book ; by D. T. Ansted. 1854 For beginners ; by G. F. Richardson. 1842 Fossil plants sec N. of Eng. Inst, of Milling and Mech. Engineers. 1877-78 Geology, Mineralogy, &o. — continued. Geologia del Bolognese ; by G. Capelhni. Glacial beds of the Clyde and Forth ; by T. M. Reade. In relation to architecture ; by D. T. Ansted. SP. Introductory text book ; by D. Page. Lectures on ; by D. T. Ansted. by G. Henwood. London clay, bed of; by C. Parker. MS. SP. strata, sections of ; by R. W. Myhie. Mosaic ; commentary on the first and second chapters of Genesis ; by Ano- nymous. Mountain ranges, origin ; by T. M. Reade. National geological surveys of Europe ; by W. Topley. Of Lancashire ; by T. M. Reade. Of the Mersey ; by T. M. Reade. Submarine forests : Boult. Outlines of; by W. T. Brande. by W. Phillips. by J. byW. Physical condition of the earth M. Higgins. Plea for, as part of an architect's educa- tion ; by T. M. Rickman. SP. Post-glacial, a problem m, for Irish geo- logists ; by T. M. Reade. Principles of ; by G. B. Greenough. Eocks, treatise on ; by J. Pinkertoa. Sea level at various periods on the coast of Italy ; by A. Niccolini. Treatise on ; by .J. E. Portlock. sec De la Beche (Sir H J). sec Lyell(C). sec Reade (T M). Geometric Design sec Proportion. Geometry see Mathematics. George (E) Sketches, Swiss and German, fo. Lojid. Etchings on the Mosel, with descriptive text. fo. Lond. Loire and in the south of France. fo. Lond. in Belgium. fo. Lond. Georgia Monuments d'architecture ; by D. Grimm. Gerbier (Sir B) Brief discourse concerning the three chief principles of magnificent building. 80. Lond. Council and advice to all builders, for the choice of their surveyors, clerks of their works, masons, carpenters, &c. 80. Lond, 1862 1880 1867 1869 1865 1855 1840 1850 1886 1885 1875 1872 1865 1817 1816 1836 1885 1879 1819 1811 1839 1859 1870 1873 1875 1878 1864 1662 1663 104 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Gerbier (Sir B) — continued. Account of his worli ; by S. Smirke. MS. SP. 1849 German Architecture by C. Hoffmann. 1851 by H. Otte. 1854 by J. F. Penther. 1744 by C. F. Schinkel. 1829 Auderer versuch seiner archit. wercke ; by J. R. Fascb. 1722-25 Architeetouische entwiirfe ; byE. Kopp. 1831 by J. F. Fi- scher. 1725 Ausgefiihrte bauwerke ; by F. Hitzig. [1850] Frescoes, &c. ; by J. G. Grace. MS. 1843 Kunstdenkmiiler in den Eheiulanden ; by E. aus'm Weerth. 1857-66 Pre-Gothic age of; by C. F. Hayward. SP. 1855 MEDiaJVAL by H. W. Brewer. SP. 1868 by G. Moller. by G. Moller. 1821 Transl. by W. H. Leeds. 1886 Backsteinbauwerke des preussischen staates ; by F. Adler. 1862- Baudenkmale aus Schwaben ; by Egle, Beyer, and Riess. 1872 Baudenkmiiler in Kurhessen ; by H. von Dehn-Rotfelser. 1865 Brick buildings in the north-east ; by C. Fowler. SP. 1850 Churches, architectural notes of; by W. WheweU. 1835 Ecclesiastical art ; by W. Liibke. 1873, 1876 Gothic and pre-Gothic ; by W. WheweU. SP. 1849 Gothische verzierungen ; by F. Eggert. Norddeutscher holzbau ; by C. Laohner. 1885 sec Mediaeval Architecture. Modern by H. Licht. 1882 Present school of ; from Foreign Quarterly Review. 1832 see Berlin. sec Germany. see Renaissance Architecture. see Romanesque Architecture. Germany Art revival in ; by A. Reicheusperger. 1877 Bericht iiber die XIV. versammlmig deutseher architekten und ingenieure 1864 zu Wien. 4o. Vienna 1865 Cathedrals of ancient ; by J. Coney. 1832 Ermeland : denkmale der baukunst ; by A. F. von Quast. Godwin Bursary tour ; by H. McLachlan. 1883 Lettres adress6es d'AUemagne; by E. VioUet-le-Duc. 1856 Cento disegni Germany — continued. Monuments aus dem sachsischen erzge- birge ; by Rommler and Jonas. 1875 North, handbook ; by J. Miurray. 1845, 1860, 1877 Notes abroad ; by " A Traveller." 1837 Painting, modern ; from Quarterly Re- view. 1846 Sketches in, and Belgium ; by L. Haghe. 1840 and Flanders ; by S. Prout. [1833] South, handbook ; by J. Murray. 1840, 1858, 1864 Spas of; by W. B. Granville. 1837 Tour in ; by T. F. Dibdm. 1829 see Berlin. sec Darmstadt. see Dresden, sec Klein and Lassaulx. Gessert (M A) Art of paintmg on glass, or glass staining, &c., trans, by W. Pole. 4o. Lond. 1844 Geymiiller (H de) Notizie sopra i progetti per la fabbrica di S. Pietro in Roma. pamph. 8o. Borne 1868 Les projets primitifs pour laBasilique de Saint-Pierre de Rome. Text 4o. Plates fo. Paris & Vienna 1875-80 di architettura . . . di Fra G. Giocondo. pamph. 8o. Florence 1882 Samothrace. pamph. 8o. Paris 1882 Documents inedits sur les Thermes d'Agrippa, le Pantheon et les Thermes de Diocletien. 4o. Lausanne 1883 Eaffaello Sanzio come architetto. fo. Milan 1884 Les du Cerceau, leur vie et leur ceuvre. 4o. Paris 1887 Geyser (G W) jun see Puttrich (L) Ghent Nouvelle citadelle ; by G. van Pittius. 1843 Ghiberti (L) Bassirelievi della porta maggiore, by G. Calendi. fo. Florence 1796-1800 Porte principale du baptistere de Flo- rence ; by ... Blanchard. 1837 Gibbon (E) History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire. 11 vols. 12o. Lond. 1827 Gibbons (D) Manual of the law of fixtures. 12o. Lond. 1836 Treatise on the law of dilapidations and nuisances. 8o. Lond. 1838 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1849 Metropolitan buildings act. 12o. Lond. 1844 Law of contracts for works and services. 12o. Lond. 1857 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 105 Gibbons (D) and Hesketh (R) Metro- politan building act, 18 and 19 Vic- toria, cap. 122, with notes, index, and engravings, 1855. 12o. Lond. 1855 12o. Lond. 1859 Gibbons (G) Kemarks on ; by W. G. Eogers. SP. 1867 Gibbs (J) Book of architecture, containing designs ofbuildings and ornaments, fo. Lond. 1728 Rules for drawing the several parts of architecture in a more exact and easy manner than has been hereto- fore practised. fo. Lond. 1732 Bibliotheca Eadcliviana ; or description of the Radcliffe library at Oxford, &c. fo. Lond. 1747 List of drawings of; by G. Gutch. MS. SP. 1836 Gidde (W) Book of sundry draughts, &c.; by H. Shaw. 1848 Giffard (E) Visit to the Ionian islands, Athens, and the Morea. 8o. Lond. 1837 Gilbert (A P M) Description historique de I'eglise de St.-Ouen de Eouen. 8o. Boiien 1822 Gilles (P) De Constantiuopoleos topogra- phia lib. iv. 24o. Lcydon 1632 Gillingham Kent Parish and church ; by J. H. Leach. 1868 Giocondo (G) Cento disegni di architettura ; by H. de Geymiiller. 1882 sea Vitruvius. 1511, 1513 Giotto sea Bondone (A). Girard College see Philadelphia. Girault de Prangey ( ) Monumens arabes et moresques de Cor- doue, Seville et Grenade, dessines et mesures en 1832 et 1833, fo. Paris 1836-39 Essai sur I'architecture des Arabes et des Mores en Espagne, en Sicile et en Barbaric. 8o. Paris 1841 Monuments arabes d'Egypte, de Syrie et d'Asie Miueure, dessines et mcsur^s de 1842 a 1843. {Incomplete.) fo. Paris 1846-52 Choix d'omements moresques de I'Alhambra, ouvrage faisant suite i\ " Monumens arabes, &c." fo. Paris 1847 -Notice sur les portes gallo-romaines de Langres. fo. Langres 1847 Langres. Fragments gallo-romains. fo. Langres 1848 Eglise Saint-Etienne de Vignory. fo. Langres 1851 ^ {BoiLiid together.) Girder see Beam. Gisors (A de) Lc Palais du Luxembourg. 8o. Paris 1847 Giulini (G) Extracts from Storia di Milano, 4o. Milan 1776, as to the geometric combmations employed by the medi- ajval architects ; by J. W. Papworth. MS. 1854 Gizeh Arched tomb at ; by J. J. Scoles. SP. 1844 Excavations at ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1861 Operations at ; by H. Vyse. 1840 Pyramids of ; by H. C. Agnew. 1838 by J. Grobert. 1801 Gladbach (E) Der Schweizer holzstyl in seinen cautonalen und constructiven verschiedeuheiteu vergleichend dar- gestellt, mit holzbauteu Deutsch- lands. fo. Darmstadt 1868 Glasgow Barony Church see Competitions. 1886 Cathedral ; plans, &c. ; by J. CoUie. 1835 Letter to the subscribers to the stained glass windows in ; by J. Salmon. 1857 Improvements in ; by Sir J. Watson. SP. 1879 Tubular beam bridge on the Carmunnoek road ; by A. Thomson. 1849 Waterworks ; by .J. M. Gale. 1864 see Bannatyne Club. Glasgow Aechitectdeal Association Sketch-book. {Li 2}rogress.) fo. Glasgoiu 1885- Glasgow Institute of Akchitects Report 1883. pamph. 4o. [Glasgow] 1883 Glasgow Philosophical Society Proceedings, vols, vii.-xi. 8o. Glasgoiu 1870-79 vol. xvi. {Li progress.) 8o. Glasgow 1884-85- Scottish Society of Literature and Aet Constitution, rules, and Ust of members. pamph. 8o. Glasgow 1886 Glass and Glazing Book of sundry draughts for glazing ; by W. Giddes, 1615 ; reprinted by H. Shaw. 1848 Glass vessels in the South Kensington Museum ; by A. Nesbitt. 1878 History ; by Bosc-d'Antic. 1780 Manufacture ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1849 curiosities of ; by A. Pel- latt. 1849 Glass-painting and Stained Glass Glass-painting ; by L. Batissier. 1845 by M. A. Gessert, trans. by W. Pole. 1844 by H. Usher. Ancient, in Credenhill church ; by F. T. Ilavcrgal. 1884 Catalogue of drawings from ancient ; by J. B. Waring. 1876 106 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Glass-painting and Stained Glass — continued. Glass painting ; enquiry into tbe differ- ence of style observable in ; by " Aii Amateiu'" [C. Winston]. Parts i. and ii. 80. Oxford 1847 Mode of, &c. ; by J. S. Hawkins. 1813 Peintres verriers fran- 9ais ; by L. Magna. 1885 Plea for ; by T. Oli- pbant. 1855 Present state of; by G. Godwin. 1840 — Selby church ; by W. Fowler. _ 1820 Vitraux de Tournai ; by H. P. V. Descamps and le Maistre d'Austamg. 1848 -see Winston (C). Histoire de la peinture sur verre en I'Europe ; by E. Levy and J. B. Capronnier. 1860 Stained glass, history of ; by W. Warring- ton. 1848 Glastonbury Abbey, Architectural history of; by E. Willis. 1866 History of, and town ; by K. Warner. 1826 Its history and rums ; by J. Williamson. 1862 WeUs, &c. ; sketches of the archi- tectural beauties of; by E. S. Cole. [1851] Glazing sec Glass, &c. Glen (W C and R C) Metropohtan Build- ing AcDS, 1855-82. 12o. Loud. 1883 Glennie (A) Drawings of Pola in Istria ; described by C. C. Nelson. SP. 1851 Gliddon (G R) Otia /Egyptiaca : discourses on Egyptian arclireology and hiero- glyphical discoveries. 80. Lond. 1849 Glossary see Dictionary. Gloucester Cathedral ; by J. Carter. see Society of Antiquaries, 1807 by J. Britten. 1829 by F. S. Waller. 1856 East window; by C. Win- ston. [1863] Glue Experiments to test strength of ; by A. Jeffery. SP. 1842 Glynne (S R) Notes on the churches of Kent. 80. Lond. 1877 Godalming Almshouses at ; by E. B. Jupp. [1848] Godard-Faultrier (V) and Hawke (P) L'Anjou et ses monuments. 2 vols. 80. Angers 1889-40 Goddard (J I) A treatise on the law of easements. 2nd edit. 80. Lond. 1877 Godeboeuf ( ) Paroles prononcees sur la tombe de G. A. Blouet. 80. Lond. 1858 Godwin Bursary Reports see Gale (A J) SP. 1882 see McLachlan (H) MS. 1883 see Farrow (F R) SP. 1885 see Gass (J B) MS. 1885 sec Oldrieve (W T) 1886 Godwin (E W) Photographs taken for the Architectural Photographic Society, 1866. SP. 11 Feb. 1867 Temple Bar, a sketch. 4o. Lond. 1877 Godwin (E W) and Adams (M B) Artistic conservatories. obi. 4o. [Lond. 1880] Godwin (G) Ancient architectural remains in Lower Normandy. pampli. 80. Memoranda of a course of lectures on architecture, by Sir J. Soane, deli- vered in 1835. Also of the pre- sentation of the " Soane medal." 4o. Nature and properties of concrete and its application to construction up to the present period. Prize essay. SP. 1886 4o. Lond. 1836 Listitution of freemasonry. pamph. 80. Lond. 1836 Letter on the state of architecture in the provinces. pamph. 80. Lond. 1887 Obelisk from Luxor, elevated m Paris. pamph. 80. Lond. 1887 Appeal to the public, on the subject of railways. pamph. 80. Lond. 1837 Chronological epitome of the history of architecture in England. A card. Lond. [1837] Hints on construction, addressed to architectural students. pamph. 80. Lond. [1888] Present state of the art of glass-painting in England and France. pamph. 80. Lond. 1840 Kemarks on the question raised by Sir G. Wilkinson, respecting the origin of the vertical line in architecture, and the return to the horizontal line after the " Eevival." pamph. 80. Lond. 1840 Architecture as a fine art ; its state and prospects in England. pamph. 80. Loiul. [1841] Architectural notes from Paris. pamph. 80. Lond. [1841] Pen and pencil sketches in Poitiers and Angouleme, with some remarks on early architecture, pamph. 12o. Lond. [1842] Buildings in Belgium. SP. 19 Dec. 1842 Tournay cathedral. pamph. 12o. Lond. [1843] PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 10? Godwin (G) — continued. Description of pulpits in Malines cathe- dral and some churches in Belgimu. MS. SP. Dec. 1842 Certain marks discoverable on the stones of various buildings erected in the middle ages. pamph. 4o. Loud. 1843 Ancient structures in Winchester and Romsey. pamph. Bo. Lond. [1843] Chapter on church building. pamph. 8o. Lond. [1843] Buildings and monuments, modern and medifEval. fo. Lond. Improvement of the Lord Mayor's show. 12o. Lond. History m ruins ; a series of letters to a lady, &c. 8o. Lond. London shadows; a glance at the" homes " of the thousands. 8o. Lond. Town swamps and social bridges. Bo. Lond. Early Christian buUdmgs and their deco- rations, illustrated by Wilton church. Bo. Lond. Sketch of the history of scene painting. pamph. 12o. Lond. [1859] Memorials of workers, pamph. Bo. Lond. 1860 Another blow for life. 4o. Lond. Masons' marks m various countries. SP. 1 Mar. Addi-ess on health. pamph. 8o. Lond. Desirability of obtaming a national theatre not wholly controlled by the prevailing popular taste. 8o. Lond. Sketch of the life and works of; by Anony- mous. sec Journal The Builder. Godwin (G) and Britton (J| Chm-ches of London : history and description of the ecclesiastical edifices of the metropolis. 2 vols. Bo. Lond. 1838-39 Godwin (H) Enghsh archfeologist's hand- book. Bo. Lond. 1B67 Godwyn (T) PiomanfB historic anthologia exposition of Piomane 3rd edit. Moses and Aaron : civil and ecclesiastical rites used by the ancient Hebrewes. 2nd edit. Bo. Lond. Goerz ( R) Die Peterskirche zu Mainz con- structiv erliiutert. fo. Mayence 1847 Goetghebuer (P J) Monumens, Edifices et maisons des Pays-bas. fo. Ghent 1827 Goguet pere and Nonnand (C H) Epures d'escaliers en pierre ; augmente de la coupe des pierres. 4o. LUge 1838 Gold Fields Statistics Victoria see Melbourne. 1861 Gold and Silver Smiths see Metal Work. 1850 1850 1853 1854 1859 1859 1864 1869 1871 1878 1880 : an Enghsh antiquities. 8o. Oxford 1620 1626 Goldicutt (J) Specimens of ancient decorations &-om Pompeii. 4o. Lond. 1825 Heriot's Hospital, Edmburgh. fo. Lo7id. 1826 Address read at the general meeting of I.B.A. MS. SP. 3 Feb. 1835 Testimonial to Sir .J. Soane ; minutes of the committee, with the correspond- ence. MS. fo. 1835 Extract from a paper "on the art of fresco painting." MS. SP. 11 June 1838 Competition for the erection of the Nelson monument, critically examined. Bo. Lond. 1841 Goldring (G) and Inman {W S) Specifica- tion of works m building the London Orphan asylum at Clapton, fo. Lond. 1B23 Goldstraw (W) Manual of the builduig regulations in force m the city of Liverpool. Bo. Liverp. 1882 Gondoin (...) Les ^coles de chirurgie a Paris. fo. Paris 1780 Goodridge (A S) Memoir of H. E. Good- ridge. SP. 20 Mar. 1865 Goodridge (HE) Description of the remains of a Boman villa discovered at Newton, near Bath. SP. 29 Jan. 1838 Memoir of ; by A. S. Goodridge. SP. 1865 Goodwin (F) Domestic architecture : designs for man- sions, vOlas, and other houses, &c. 2 parts. 4o. Lond. 1833-34 being a second series of designs for cottages, &c. 4o. Lond. 1834 Rm-al architecture : first series of designs for rustic, peasants', and ornamental cottages, &c. 2nd edit. 4o. Lond. 1835 Goodwin iH) Statement of works m pro- gress at Ely cathedral, pamph. Bo. Ely 1865 Gordon (G H) Earl of Aberdeen An en- quiry into the prmciples of beauty in Grecian architecture. Bo. Lond. 1822 Gorgel (C) Architectural ornaments ; by C. Heideloff and C. Gorgel 1838-40 Gori (A F) Museum Etruscum exhibens insignia veterum Etruscorum monumenta aereis tabulis cc. 2 vols. fo. Florence 1737 Notizie del scoprimento dell' antica citt^ Ercolano. Bo. Florence 1748 Gori (F) D carcere Jlamertino ed il robore Tulhano visitati e descritti. pamph. 8o. Rome [1868] Gori (F) and Parker ( J H) The ancient streets of Rome and roads in the suburbs, pamph. 8o. Bonie 1869 The Lupercal of Augustus, the cave of Picus and Faunus, and the Mamer- tiae prison. pamph. 8o. Borne 1869 108 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Gbrz ( R ) Denkmale romanischer baukimst am Rbein ; by F. X. Geier and R. Gorz. 1846-47 Goslin (SB) A review of the facts and records in connection with boiler explosions. pamph. 80. Lond. 1881 Gosset (A) Constniction des theatres. fo. Paris 1886 Gotch (J A) The buildings erected in Northamptonshire by Sir Thomas Tresham. fo. Noythavip. d Lond. 1883 Goethe (J W voni and Sehultz (C F L) Briefwechsel zwischen G. mad S. aus dem rhemischen museum fiir pbilologie. pamph. 80. Bonn 1836 Gothic see Mediaeval Arohitectva-e. Gough (R) see Society of Antiquaries. Goulet (Nl Fetes a I'occasion du mariage de Napoleon avec Marie-Louise. Avec una description. 80. Paris 1810 Gonrlier (C). Construction des tuyaus de cheminee, &c. 80. Paris 1830 Notice historique sur le service des tra- vaus des batiments ci\dls a Paris et dans les departemeuts depuis la creation de ce service en Fan IV (1795). 80. Paris 1848 Voies publiques et habitations parti - cuheres a Paris. 80. Paris 1853 Gourlier (C) Biet (J E) Grillon ( ) and Tardieu ( ) Choix d'edifices pu- bUcs projetes et construits en France depuis le commencement du XIX"^ siecle. 3 vols. fo. Paris 1825-50 Goury (J) and Jones (0) Plans, &c., of tlie Alhambra. 2 vols. fo. Lond. 1842-45 Gozzadini (G) Studii archeologico-topografici di Bologna. 4o. Bologna 1868 Gozzini (V) Monumenti sepolcrali della Toscana. 4o. Florence 1819 Gradon (H T ) Ye auncieut citie of Durham in ye olden tyme. pamph. 4o. Durham 1883 Grady (S G) The law of fixtures with reference to real property, to which is added the law of dilapidations, ecclesiastical and lay. 3rd edit. 80. Lond. 1876 Graham (A) Remains of the Roman occupation of North Ah'ica, with special reference to Algeria. SP. 18 May 1885 Remains of the Roman occupation of North Africa, with special reference to Tmiisia. SP. 17 May 1886 Granada Alhambra ; by .J. Goury and 0. Jones. 1842-45 by J. F. Lewis. 1835 Antigiiedades arabes; byM. S.Carmona. [1780] Granada — contimied. Historical notice of kings of; by P. de Gayangos. 1854 see Girault de Prangey. Granary, Silo, &c. Conservation des grains ; by L. Doyere. 1862 Grandjean (A) de Montigny Recueil des (plus beaux tombeaux executes en ItaUe dans les XV'^ et XVP siecles. fo. [Paris "^1 Grandjean (A) de Montigny and Famin (A) Architecture toscane ; palais, ( maisons et autres edifices, fo. Paris '• {Bound together.) Grands Prix d' Architecture by ... Allais, A. DetourneUe, andA. L. T. Vaudoyer. Projets couronnes par I'Academie de I'architecture et I'Listitut. fo. Paris Granite Short accomit of Mountsorrel and the workuig of its granite quarries. pamph. 80. Leicester Use of ; by Sir G. Wilkmson. SP. Grantham (R B) Arterial drainage and outfalls. pamph. 80. Lond. On water supply for country mansions. SP. 26 Jan. Grantham (R F) The working of the separate system of sewerage. pamph. 80. Lond. Granville (A B) Plates of French public buildings, en- graved for his work " Actual state of science in France." 4o. Guide to St. Petersbm-g : a journal of travels to and from that capital. 2 vols. 80. Lond. Spas of Germany. 2 vols. 80. Lond. Letter to the Duke of Wellmgton on the Nelson memorial, and report of the sub-committee, pamph. 80. Lond. Spas of England, and prmcipal sea- bathuig places. 3 vols. 80. Lond. Particulars of the railroad proposed to be constructed on Mont Cenis, and the mode in which it is intended to ex- cavate the tunnel fi'om Modane to Bardonneche. SP. 22 Ap. GranviUe (W L B) Description of six designs for a rostral column to the memory of Nelson. pamph. 80. [1839] Some of the methods and contrivances employed by the ancient Greeks in their buildings. SP. 17 Jmie 1844 Graphic Statics sec Statics. Grapuldus (F M) De partibus sedium, lexicon utilissimum. 80. Basle 1541 1875] 1875 1811 1806 1870 1860 1862 1874 1886 1835 1837 1839 1841 1850 PRINTED BOOKS, MANtTSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 109 Grapheus (C) Triiimphe d'Anuers, faiet en la snsception du Prince Pliilips, Prince d'Espaign. 4o. Anhoern 1550 Grate sec Fireplace, &c. Graves (J) and Prim (I G A) History, architecture, and antiquities of the cathedral church of St. Canice, Kil- kenny. 4o. Dublin 1857 Gravina (D B) II duomo di Monreale. 2 vols. fo. Palermo 1859 Gray (Mrs H) Tour to sepulchres of Etruria in 1839. 8o. Lond. 18-10 Gray (J E) Addi-ess, on museums, &c., at the Slth meeting of the British Association in Bath. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1864 Great Britain Ancient funeral monuments m ; by J. Weever. 1631 Architectm-al antiquities of; by J. Brit- ton. 1807-26 Catalogue of tracts, kc, illustrating topo- graphy and antiquities ; by .J. R. Smith. 1878 Cathedral antiquities of; by J. Britton. 1814-35 Chorographical description ; by W. Cam- den. 1772 Collegiate and parochial churches ; by J. P. Neale and J. le Keux. 1824-25 Commercial power of ; by G. Dupin. Mihtary architecture of; by C. H. Harts- horns. SP. 1850 Nouveau theatre de ; by L. Knyffe and J. Kip. 1708 Pubhc works of; edit, by F. W. Simms. 1838 Renaissance and Italian styles in ; by W. Papworth. 1883 Seats of nobihty and gentry ; by W. Angus. 1787 see England. see Scotland. see Wales. Great Chalfield Wiltshire Church; by T. L. Walker. 1837 Great Haseley Oxfordshire Church ; by the Oxford Architectural Society. 1840 Great Yarmontli Norfolk Perlustration of ; by C. J. Palmer. 1870-75 St. Nicholas church ; by J. P. Seddon. SP. 1865 Greaves (J) Pyramidographia ; or, a de- scription of the pyramids of Egypt. 12o. Lond. 1646 Greco-Russian Ecclesiasticalarchitectm-e ; by A. Hallmann. SP. 1840 Greece And the Levant ; by R. Burgess. 1835 Boeotian Orchomenus exploration ; by H. Schliemann. 1881 Classical and topographical tour ; by E. Dodwell. 1819 Greece — continued. Description of ; by Pausanias. 1824 Handbook ; by J. Murray. 1884 History of; from the earliest times to its final subjection to Rome ; by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 1829 Itinerary of; by Sir W. Cell. 1810, 1819 ■ Letters of an architect ; by .J. Woods. 1828 Notes during tours m 1881 and 1884 ; by T. H. Lewis. SP. 1887 Pelopounesiaea ; by W. M. Leake. 1846 Peloponnesus, Etudes sur ; by C. E. Beule. 1855 Pericles and the arts in ; by Anonymous. 1815 Studii sul secolo di ; by T. Dandolo. 1835 Platsea, battle of ; by J. S. Stanhope. 1817 Select views ; by H. W. WiUiams. 1827 Strabonis geographica, ; by C. Miiller and F. Diibner. 1853-58 Travels in ; by T. S. Hughes. 1820 Travels in Asia Mmor and ; by R. Chandler. 1817 Voyage ; by A. M. Chenavard. 1849-68 by F. Pouque\'ille. 1827 see Athens. Greek Architecture and Antiquities Antiquities ; by L. Canina. 1834-43 by D'Hancarville. 1766 by .J. Potter. 1699, 1804 Dictionary of; by W. Smith. 1851 Elgm marbles ; by Society for Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 1833 Report of committee, R. I. B. A. SP. 1837 1758 1670 Ruines des plus beaux monu- ments ; by -J. D. Le Roy. — • The Chaironeian lion ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1880 Archffiologia Attica ; by F. Rous and Z. Bogan. Archiiologie der baukunst ; by C. L. Stieghtz. 1801 Architecture ; by R. Mitchell. 1801 and Italian contrasted. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1837 and Greek monuments ; by G. Knowles. SP. 1845 and polychromy ; by F. C. Penrose. 1851 and sculpture ; by A. Blouet. 1831-38 Daedalus, or the excellen- cies of Greek sculpture ; by E. Fal- kener. -Die Tektonik der HeUenen; 1860 by C. Boetticher. 1852 Enquiry into principles of beauty in ; by G. Gordon, Earl of Aberdeen. 1822 110 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Greek Architecture and Antiquities — continued. Architecture ; Geometrical proportion of ; by W. P. Griffith. 1843 Optical refinements of ; by F. C. Penrose. SP. 1877 Peculiar characteristics of; by E. Hall. MS. 1838 Prolusiones architectonics; by W. Wilkins. 1837 Theory of ; by L. le Brun. 1807 Eglises Byzantines ; by A. Couchaud. 1842 Fine arts, during the age of Pericles ; by F. J. Francis. 1839 by Anonymous. 1815 L'origine et progres ; by Sieur 1785 D'Hancarville. Greek architects, geometrical lines and optical corrections of ; by F. C. Pen- rose. 1848 Mathematical principles of ; by J. Pennethorne. 1844 Methods and contri- vances employed by ; by W. L. B. Granville. SP. 1844 Greek court at the Crystal Palace. An apology for the colouring ; by 0. Jones. 1854 Hand- book ; by 0. Jones and G. Scharf, jun. Leben der Griechen und Romer ; by E. Guhl and W. Koner. 1862 Temples; Hypsethron of; by E. Fal- kener. 1861 • by J. Fer- gusson. 1862 1854 Mode in which light was uitro- duced into ; by J. Fergusson. SP. 1861 Roofing and lighting of ; by W. R. West. 1866 Roofs of hypsethral ; by J. W. Papworth. SP. 1866 see Athens. see Society of Dilettanti. see Stuart (J) and Revett (N) &c. see Temples. Green (G R) Extracts from the MS. of Vitruviusin the Eton College library, with notes and observations. MS. SP. 1836 Greenhouse sec. Conservatory. Greenough (G B) Critical examination of the first principles of geology ; in a series of essays. 8o. Loud. 1819 Greensted Essex Church ; by T. H. Wyatt. SP. 1849 Greenwich Offices for Board of works ; by E. Power and Wheeler. 1875 Gregory (C) Slate quarries of North Wales. MS. SP. 15 Feb. 1836 Gregory (0) Mathematics sec Button (C). 1841 Grellier (W) Biographical notice of ; by H. C. Barlow. [1860] Grey (H) Trowel, chisel, and brush. 12o. Lond. 1884 Griffin (R) Lord Braybrooke History of Audley End. 4o. Lond. 1863 Griffith (C D) Colour to sculpture : Is it applicable ? A letter to T. C. Grat- tan. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1862 Griffith (J W) Report on sanitary state of Clerkenwell for 1856. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1857 Griffith (W P) Proposed nomenclature and eras, forming a hint for, and index to, a history of architecture in England. A card. Geometrical proportion of architecture ; suggestions for developing the temples of Greece by geometrical proportion, forming a sequel to all their harmony and beauty. fo. Lond. 1843 Natural system of architecture, as opposed to the artificial system of the present day. 4o. Lond. 1845 The geometric system which appears to have guided the mediaeval architects in constructing their minsters, cathe- drals, and churches in England. SP. 14 Jmie 1847 Ancient Gothic churches, their proportions and chromatics. 3 parts. 4o. Lond. 1847-48-52 Architectural botany; settmg forth the geometrical distribution of fohage, flowers, fi'uit, &c. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1852 Principles or laws which govern the formation of architectural decora- tions and ornaments. Prize essay. MS. 4o. 1855 Extracts from the essay. SP. 19 Mar. 1855 Suggestions for a more perfect and beautiful period of G othic architecture than any preceding. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1855 Griffiths (T) Chemistry of the four ancient elements : fire, air, earth, and water. 8o. Lond. 1842 Grifi (L) Monumenti di Cere Antica, spiegati colle osservanze del culto di Mitra. fo. Borne 1841 Grillon ( ) see Gourlier (C) and others. 1825-50 Grimm (D) Monuments d'architecture en Georgie et en Armenie. fo, Petersburg 1864 PRINTED BOOKS, MANtTSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPEES 111 Grissell (H and M D) Experiments upon cast iron, and M. Stirling's patent toughened cast iron. pamph. 12o. Lond. 1849 Grobert (J) Description des pjTamides de Ghize, de la viUe du Kaire, et de ses environs. 4o. Paris 1801 Grohmann (J G| Handworterbuch iiber die biirgerlicbe baukunst. 2 vols. 8o. Leipzig 1804 Gropius (M) Die provinzial-iiTonanstalt zu Neustadt- Eberswalde. fo. Berlin 1869 Memoir- of. MS. fo. [Loud. 1882] Gropius (M) and Schmieden (H) Das stiidtische aUgemeine kraukenbaus im Friedricbsbain zu Berlin. Text bearbeitet von V. von Weltzein. fo. Berlin 1876 Dekorationen innerer riiume. Hefte I, II, III. {In progress.) fo. Berlin 1877- Grose (F) Antiquities of England and Wales. 8 vols. New edit. 4o. Lond. 1784-87 Antiquities of Ireland. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1791-97 Antiquities of Scotland. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1797 Essay on Gothic architecture ; by T. Warton and others. 1800 Grosmont Monmouth Onshormgofchm-ch tower ; by .J. P. Seddon. SP. 1873 Grosvenor (F) Historical accoimt of colle- giate chiu'ch of St. .John the Baptist, Chester. pamph. 8o. Chester 1857 Grotesque see Ornament. Grove (G ) On exploration of Jerusalem and the Holy Land. SP. 17 Feb. 1868 Grueber (B \ Die baumaterialien-lehre. 8o. Berlin 1863 Gruner (L) Fresco decorations. Stuccoes of churches and palaces of Italy, dm'ing the loth and 16th centuries, with descrip- tions ; and comparison between the ancient arabesques and those of the 16th century ; by A. Hittorff. Text 4o. plates fo. Lond. 1844 Ornamental designs for decoration and manufacture. Part i. only. fo. Lond. 1848 Specimens of ornamental art selected from the best models of the classical epochs, illustrated by E. Braun. fo. Lond. 1850 Explanatory test and additional plates. 4o. Lond. 1850 Terra-cotta architecture of North Italy (Xllth-X Vth centuries) ; from draw- ings by F. Lose. 4o. Lond. 1867 Gruner (L) and Platner (E) I fi-eschi nella cappella della villa Magliana fuori di porta Portese di Koma, inventati da R. Sanzio. fo. Lond. 1847 Gruning (E A) Memoir of the late Pro- fessor Donaldson. SP. 1 Feb. 1886 Gualdi (P) Monumentos de Mejico. fo. Mexico 1841-42 Gualtero ( G) sec Bonanni and Mirabella. Gualther(D) icc Vitruvius. 1548,1614 Guarini (Gl Architettura civile. 2 vols. fo. Turin 1737 Guenebault (L J) Dictionnaire iconogra- phique des monuments de I'antiquite chretienne et du moyen-age. 2 vols. 8o. Paris 1843-45 Guenepin (A J M) Edifices in Paris completed in the year 1836, and those now m progress. SP. 16 Jan. 1837 Notice sur ; by A. L. T. Vaudoyer, trans- lated by T. L. Donaldson, MS. SP. 1842 by ... Lequeux. 1842 Guerdza North Afi-ica Bas-reliefs from ; by C. Texier. SP. 1868 Guhl (E) Denkmaler der architektur ; by V. Veil, E. Guhl, and others. 1860 Guhl (E) and Koner (W) Das leben der Griechen und Edmer. 8o. Berlin 1862 Guide Book see Bohn. sec Clarke (W B). see Joanne (A). see Murray i J). see under names of toiuns, itc. Guildhall sec London. see Municipal Architecture. see under names of towns, etc. Guilhermy (F de) Itineraire archcologique de Paris. 8o. Paris 1855 Guilhermy (F de) and Viollet-le-Duc (E E) Description de Notre-Dame, cathedi-ale de Paris. 8o. Paris 1856 GuUlatiere (de la) Accomit of a late voyage to Athens, containing the estate, both ancient and modern, of that famous city, and of the present empire of the Turks. 12o. Lond. 1676 Guillaume (G H) On best principles of ar- rangement for a town church, having reference to the difficulties of lighting. Prize essay. MS. fo. 1870 Guillim{J) Display of beraldrie. 4th edit. Collected by F. Newer. 4o. Lond. 1660 Guilmard (D) Histoire de Tornement et des arts qui s'y rattachent. 4o. Paris Gulielminus (Di Opera omnia; mathe- matica, hydraulica, &c. 2 vols. 4o. Geneva 1719 112 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Giuidulph Bishop of Eoeliester Buildings of ; by J. H. Parker. [18G3] see Ferrey (B). Gunn (J) Rood-screen at Barton Turf aec Norwicli Noefolk and Noewich Arch^ologicad Society. 1869 Giuin (W) An inquiry into the origin and influence of Gothic architecture. 80. Lond. 1819 Gunter (E) The description and use of the sector, crosse-staffe, &c. 2nd edit. 4o. Lond. 1636 Gutch (G) Some account of the original drawings and designs by Inigo Jones, Sir C. Wren, and J. Gibbs, preserved at Oxford. With two catalogues and remarks thereon, by J. Elmes. MS. SP. 11 Ap. 1836 Gutch (J) History of Oxford ; transcribed by A. a Wood. 1786-96 Gutensohn (J G) and Knapp (J M) sec Bunsen (C C J ) Guy (W A) Health of towns, as influenced by defective cleansing and drainage ; and on the application of the refuse of towns to agricultural purposes. pamph. 80. Lond. 1846 Guyonneau-de-Pamboiir (F M) Practical treatise on locomotive engines upon railways, &c. 80. Lond. 1886 Gwilt (J) Notitia architectonica italiana. 80. Lond. 1818 On equilibrium of arches, demonstrated on mathematical principles. 2nd edit. 80. Land'. 1826 Observations on communication of Mr. Wilkins relative to the National Gallery. pamph. 80. Lond. 1833 Elements of architectural criticism, for the use of students, amateurs, and reviewers. 80. Lond. 1837 Observations on the heights of entabla- tures. " SP. 21 Jan. 1839 EncyclopaBdia of architecture ; historical, theoretical, and practical. 1st edit. 80. Lond. 1842 Supplement. 80. Lond. 1851 edit, by W. Papworth. 1867, 1876, 1881 Catalogue of his library. 80. \Lond.] 1854 Memoir of ; by J. G. Nichols. 1863 by S. Gwilt. 1864 see Chambers (Sir W). 1825 see Vitruvius. 1826 Gwilt (J and J S) Project for a national gallery on the site of Trafalgar Square, Charing Cross. pamph. 80. Lond. 1838 Gwilt (S) Memoir of J. GwUt. SP. 15 Feb. 1864 Gwynn (J) Essay on harmony, as it relates chiefly to situation and building. pamph. 80. Lond. 1739 London and Westminster improved ; illus- trated by plans, to which is prefixed a discourse on public magnificence. 4o. Lond. 1766 Gyllius (P) see Gilles (P). 1632 Gypsum sec Cement, &c. H H[ale] (T) Account of several new inven- tions and improvements now neces- sary for England. Proceedmgs relating to the mill'd lead-sheath- ing. With a treatise on naval philosophy by Sir W. Petty. 12o. Lond. 1691 Haarlem Het landhuis " Lindenheuvel ; " by I. Warnsinck. [1848] Habershon (M) Ancient half-timbered houses of England. 4o. Lond. 1836 Habitation sec Dwelling. Hachette (M) Traite elementaire de sta- tique, a I'usage des ecoles de la marine ; by G. Mouge and M. Hachette. 1835 Hackert (F) Lettera al Cav. Hamilton suir uso della vernice nella pittura. pamph. 80. Perugia 1788 Haddenham Cambridge Report on re- opening of church. pamph. 80. Camh. 1877 Haddon Hall History of; by S. Rayner. 1836 Haddon (J) Elements of algebra. 12o. Lond. 1859 Hadfield (C) On restoration of lodge at Sheffield Manor. SP. 18 Jan. 1875 Hadfield (J) Ecclesiastical architecture of Essex. 4o. Lond. -- — Ecclesiastical, castellated, and domestic architecture of England. 4o. • Lond. 1848 Hadfield (M E) Polychromatic construc- tion at Aston church, near Sheffield. SP. 18 May 1863 Hageau (A) Description du canal de jonc- tion de la Meuse au Rhin. Test 4o. plates fo. Paris 1819 Hagemann ( ) sec Gartner (F von) and others. Haggitt (J) Two letters on the subject of Gothic architecture, containing a Printed books, manuscripts, sessional papers 113 Haggitt (J) — continued. refutation of Milner's objections to Whittington's " Historical survey of the ecclesiastical edifices of France." 80. Camb. 1813 Haghe (L) Sketches in Belgium and Germany. 2nd series. fo. Loud. 1840-45 Monuments anciens recueillis en Belgique; notices historiques, by 0. Delepierre. fo. Brussels 1845 Hagioscope At Alderton church, Wilts ; by J. Thomson. SP. 1845 Haig (A H) Notes on Wisby and other towns in Gotland. SP. 14 Dec. 1885 Hailstone (E) jim Notice of a ring found at Montpensier and supposed to have belonged to the Black Prince. pamph. 80. [Camb.] 1878 Haines (H) Manual of monumental brasses. 2 vols. 80. Oxf. d Loud. 1861 HakewiU (A W) Academies, &c., paper read at a meetmg of the Architectural Society. MS. 1834 Apology for the architectural monstrosi- ties of London. (Reply to T. Juvara.) pamph. 80. Loud. 1835 Thoughts upon the style of architecture to be adopted in rebuilding the houses of parhament. (Reply to A. W. Pugm.) 80. ioTOfZ. [1835] Modern tombs ; or, gleanmgs from the public cemeteries. 2 parts. 4o. Loud. 1849-51 Thorpe Hall, Peterborough. fo. Lond. 1852 Architecture of the seventeenth century. Parts i. ii. and iii. fo. Lond. [1853] HakewiU (J) History of Windsor and its neighbour- hood. 4o. Lond. 1813 Picturesque tour in Italy, from drawings made in 181G-1817. 4o. Land. 1820 Attempt to determme the exact charac- ter of Elizabethan architecture ; illustrated by parallels of Dorton house, Hatfield, Longleate, and Wollaton, in England ; and the palazzo della Cancellaria at Rome. 80. Lond. 1835 Halevy (L) Discours prononc6 aux fund- railles de M. Le Bas. pamph. 80. Paris 18G7 Halfpenny (J) Gothic ornaments in the cathedral church of York. 4o. York 1795 Halfpenny (W) Art of somid building demonstrated in geometrical problems. 4o. Lond. 1725 Complete system of architecture, deUne- ated in a variety of plans and eleva- Halfpenny (W) — continued. tions, &c., and estimates of each design, &c. fo. Lond. [1749] Half-timbered Work sec Timber Construction. Halieamassus Discoveries at ; by C. T. Newton and R. P. PuUan. 1862-fi3 Observations on the recent discoveries ; by W. Tite. SP. 1858 Papers respecting the excavations at Budrum. fo. Lond. 1858 Further paper, fo. Lond. 1858 Remarks on the art of the marbles ; by C. Newton. SP. 1846 The mausoleum restored; byJ.Fergussou. 1869 Hall (Sir B) see Llanover (Lord) HaU (E) Analytical investigation of the peculiar characteristics in design and con- struction which distinguish Roman from Grecian architecture. Prize essay. MS. 1838 Iron roofs, showing their comparative ex- pense, durability, and strength, as contrasted with timber roofs. Prize essay. SP. 19 July 1841 Observations on propriety of style, parti- cularly with reference to the modern adaptation of Gothic architecture. SP. 26 June pamph. 80. Lond. 1843 1843 New Westminster bridge pamph. 80. Lond. Metropolitan commmiications and Thames bridges, pamph. 80. Lond. Hall (Sir J) Origin, history, and principles of Gothic architecture. 4o. Lond. Hall (J G) On the mediasval type of front-faced seated figure. pamph. 80. Lond. Hall (S C) Baronial halls and ancient edi- fices of England ; fi'om drawings by Harding, Cattermole, Prout, «S:c. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. HaUiwell (J 0) Hints to novices in manuscript litera- ture, pamph. 80. Lond. Early history of freemasonry in England. Reprint of MS. in the British Museum. 2nd edit. 80. Lond. see Cambridge Camden Society. see Historical Society of Science. see Sherman (A J). Hallmann (A) History of Greco-Russian ecclesiastical architecture. SP. 20 Jan. Hamburg Baupolizei-gesetz (Building and street act). pamph. 4o. 1862 or pamph. 12o. Hamburg 1882 Q 1857 1857 1813 1884 1858 1839 1844 1839 1841 1810 1840 1863 114 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Hamburg — continued. Bericht iiberdie 15te versammlung deut- scher ai-cliitekten und ingenieure iii Hamburg. 4o. Hamburg 1868 Der neue ratbhaus-bau ; by C. F. Reicbardt. 1855 Eight premiated designs for the town ball from the original drawings. Plans, sections, elevations. fo. Hamburg 1877 Exchange. Competition prospectus. MS. 1837 Neues rathbaus in ; auffordermig zur ein- reichung von entwiirfen. pamph. 4o. Hamb. 1854 Translation. MS. 1837 Strassenordnung. pamph. 12o. Hamburg 1881 Hamilton (T) Description of the padlion, for the festival in honour of Earl Grey, Sept. 1834. SP. 20 Jmie 1836 Hamilton (Sir W) Collection of antiquities sec Hancarville (Sieur d'). 1766 see Tischbein (W). 1791-1809 Hamilton (W J) Euius of the city of Anni, in Armenia. SP. 1836 Hamilton (W R) Letter to the Earl of Elgin on the new houses of parliament. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1836 2nd edit, pamph. 8o. Lond. 1836 Propriety of adopting the Greek style (in Westminster palace). 2nd letter. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1836 3rd letter, pamph. 8o. Loiid. 1837 Polychromy of Greek architecture. SP. 1836 Description of an antique portico at Damascus. MS. SP. 21 July 1845 see Jackson (J R). 1837 Hanunon (H J) Architectural antiquities of Crosby Place. 4o. Lond. 1844 Hampshire Handbook ; by J. Murray. 1865 Hampton Court Middlesex Bridge, &c. ; by C. Parker. MS. SP. 1844 Palace ; by W. H. Pyiie. 1819 by E. Law. 1885 Hancarville (Sieur d') Collectionof Etruscan, Greek, and Eoman antiquities, from the cabuiet of the Hon. W. Hamilton. {Engl, and Freneh text.) 4 vols. fo. Naples 1766 Reeherches sur I'origine, I'esprit et les progres des arts de la Grece. 3 vols. 4o. Lond. 1785 Handel Festival sec Crystal Palace. Hann (J) Gauthey (E M) Moseley (H) Hughes (J) Hill (L) Stevenson (R) Hosking (W) Isherwood (B T) and Burnell (G R) Tlieory, prac- tice, and architecture of bridges. (With siipplement.) Text and plates. 4 vols. 8o. Lond. 1843-50 Hanover Akchitecten- & Ingenieue-Veeein Mittelalterliche baudenkmiiler Nieder- sachsens. Vol. i. fo. Hanover 1861 Hansard (0) Remarks accompanymg the prints of the Banqueting House, Whitehall. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1849 Mosaic in Eavemia. [Translation of work by T. Landoni.] MS. 1853 Observations on " Experiments on arti- ficial stone, &c.," upon reading the report of the committee of R.I.B.A. SP. 30 May 1864 Hansen (C) see Ross (L) Schaubert (E) and Hansen (C). Hansen (C F) Samling af forskjelHge of- fentlige og private bygninger. 12 parts. fo. Copenh. 1825-34 Hansen (H C) Domkirken Kiobenhavii. fo. Copenh. Hansen (H) and Kobke (C S) Frederiks- borg ; med historisk text af C. An- dersen, obi. fo. Copenh. 1872 Harbour sec Breakwater, &c. Harcourt (Comte d') sec Morey (P). 1863 Harding (G P) and Moule ( T) Antiquities in Westmmster Abbey, fo. Lond. 1825 Harding (J D) Sketches at home and abroad, fo. Lond. Lessons on art. 2nd edit. 4o. Lond. 1849 see Pugin (A). Hardwick Hall Derbyshire 'Vitru\'ius Britannicus ; by P. F. Robinson. 1833 Hardwicke (W) PubHc mortuaries for large towns. SP. 13 Dec. 18G9 Sanitary report of district of Paddington. 1871-72. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1872 Abohtion of private slaughter-houses in towns. pamph. 8o. Land. 1874 Hare (J C) Privileges imply duties ; a charge to the clergy of the arch- deaconry of Lewes. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1842 Harford (J S) Canina (L) and Cockerell (C R) Illustrations, architectural and pictorial, of the genius of M. A. Buonarroti, with descriptions of the plates. fo. Lond. 1857 Hargrave (C T) On the construction of walls. Prize essay. MS. 1853 Harland (J) Historical account of the Cis- tercian abbey of Salley, in Craven, Yorkshire, &c. 8o. Lond. 1853 Harmonic Laws in Architecture sec Proportion. Harou-Romain (...) Projets de prisons d^partementales. fo. Paris 1841 i'BINTED BOOKS, MANITSCRn'TS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 115 Harou-Romain (...) — continued, sec Paris Soci^te Centkale des Architectes. sec Rohault de Fleury (C). 1850 Harraden (K B) Cantabrigia depicta. 4o. Camb. 1811 Harris (T) Victorian architecture. A few words to show that a national architecture adapted to the wants of the XlXth ceutiu-y is attamable. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1860 Brief account of the parish church of St. Maiylebone. pamph. 18o. Lond. 1885 Harris (W) The king's palace and gardens at Loo, with an account of Holland. 4o. Land. 1G99 Metopes at Selinus ; by S. Angell, W, Harris, and T. Evans. 1826 Harrison (J P) St. Giles's church, Oxford sec Oxford ARCHiTECTtrEAL Society. 1842 Letter on the fitness of Gothic architec- ture for modern churches. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1848 Harrison (S B) Law of landlord and tenant ; by W. Woodfall. 7tli edit. 1856 Hart (J C) Designs for parish churches in the three styles of English archi- tecture. 8o. N. York 1857 Hart (P D) Architectural illustrations of the principal Mahometan buildings of Beejapore. Executed under the direction of B. Frere, president at Sattara. Edited by J. Fergusson. fo. Lond. 1859 Hart (R) Kood-screen at Fritton see Norwich Norfolk and Norwich Arch-eological Society. 1872 Hartley (D) Accoimt of the invention and use of fire plates, for the security of buildings and ships against fire. pamph. 8o. Lotul. 1834 Hartshorne (C H) Dramage of the Nene Valley. Eeport submitted to a public meeting of proprietors, witli others, by J, Beasley and G. Lloyd. 8o. Northavip. 1848 System of cottage building pursued by Duke of Bedford. 8o. Lond. 1850 Military architecture of Great Britain. SP. 13 May 1850 Conway castle. pamph. 8o. Tenby 1853 Harvard College Alumni Hall : an appeal to the alumni and friends of Har- vard college. pamph. 8o. Cambridge (U.S.) 18G6 Harvey ( L) Semper's theory of evolution in architectural ornament. SP. 15 Dec. 1884 Harvey (W H) Botany considered in reference to the arts of design. pamph. 8o. Dubl. 1849 Haskell (W D) Eailway construction for the use of the engineer, contractor, &c. 2 vols. fo. Lond. 1857 Hassenfratz ( J H) Trait6 theorique et pra- tique de I'art de calciner la pierre calcaire et de fabriquer toutes sortea de mortiers, cimens, batons, &c. 4o. Paris 1825 Hastings (G W) History and objects of the National Association for the pro- motion of Social Science. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1862 Hatcher (H) Life and writings of; by J. Britton. 1847 Hatfield House Herts Vitruvius Bri- tannicus ; by P. F. Kobinson. 1833 Haudebourt (L P) Palais Massimi k Rome; by F. T. Suys and L. P. Haudebom-t. 1818 Haughton (B) Addi-ess to Civil and Mechanical Engi- neers' Society, pamph. 8o. Lond. 18G8 The paying and non-paying weights pulled by the locomotive engine in 1867, considered as to charges of passengers and goods. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1869 Railway amalgamation. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1872 The railways amalgamated and grouped in competing systems. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1873 Haupt (L M) Supplement to American Engineering Register. pamph. 8o. Philad. 1885 Hausman (A) Sciogi-aphia Vitruvii, pubHcffi disquisitionis palffistrte. 8o. Halle 1648 Havard (H) L'art dans la maison. 8o. Paris 1884 Havergal (F T) / Guide to the cathedral church of Here- ' ford. 6th ed. 4o. Heref. & Walsall 1882 Records of the parish of Upton Bishop. 4o. Walsall d Hcrcf. 1883 Ancient glass in Credenhill church. 4o. Walsall d Heref . 1884 [Boxind in one.) Havergal (F T) and Haddon (G C) Fasti Herefordenscs, and other antiqua- rian memorials of Hereford. 4o. Edinb. 1869 116 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Haviland (J) Description of the balls of justice, or house of detention. New York, with a list and cost of some other buildings, &c. (with di-awLags). MS. SP. 1846 Hawich (C) and Netirohr (J M) Abbil- dimg des romischen monuments in Igel. fo. Trier 1826 Hawke (P) L'Anjou et ses monuments ; by V. Godard-Faultrier and P. Hawke. 1839-40 Hawkes (W) Transverse strength of bricks ; and expansion of brickwork in a fur- nace chimney. SP. 21 .Jan. 1861 Hawkins (G) Description of the king's scholars' pond sewer, particularly with reference to some recent con- structions at Pimhco. SP. 10 Feb. 1845 Hawkins (J S ) History of the origin and establishment of Gothic architec- ture ; account of Cffisar Cfesarianus ; investigation into the principles and proportions of the Gothic style ; and enquiry into the mode of painting upon, and staining, glass. 8o. Lond. 1813 Hawkshaw(J) Address; on election as president of the Listitution of Civil Engineers. Bo. Lond. 1862 Hawksmoor (N) Short historical accoimt of London bridge ; with a proposi- tion for a new stone bridge at West- mmster. As also an account of some remarkable stone bridges abroad. 4o. Lond. 1736 Hawton Nottinghamshire All Saints church ; by G. G. Place. 1845 Hay (D R) Natural principles and analogy of the harmony of form. 4o. Edin. tC Lond. 1842 Proportion : or, the geometric principle of beauty analysed. 4o. Edin. £ Lond. 1843 First principles of symmetrical beauty. 8o. Lond. 1846 Attempt to develope the principle which governs the proportions and curves of the Parthenon of Athens ; with a few observations on the application of {esthetic science to architecture generally. SP. 7 Feb. 1853 Extracts from a paper on the harmonic law of nature in the orthography of architectural design. SP. 13 Nov. 1854 Hay (R) lUustrations of Cairo, fo. Lond. 1840 HaydniJ) Dictionary of dates ; 13th edit. by B. Vincent. 8o. Lond. 1868 Haydon ( B R) Eelative value of fi-esco and oil painting as applied to the archi- tectural decorations of the Houses ofParhament. 8o. Lond. 1842 Hayling Guide to ; by W. B. Clarke. Hay ward (C F) Architecture of the pre-gothic age in Germany, or the Romanesque de- velopment of the Pihine and Central Europe. SP. 30 Ap. Architectural notes on Layer Marney hall, Essex, and parish church ad- joining, pamph. 8o. Colches. Memoir of late J. James. SP. 7 June Eemarks on dwellings for the poor. SP. 13 Dec. Dwellings of the poor. . pamph. 8o. Lond. Hay ward (J W) On health and comfort in house-building. SP. 9 June Hayward (R) Description of the palace of the Escorial. MS. SP. 20 Dec. Haywood (W) Plans and views of the city of Loudon cemetery, at Little Ilford, Essex. fo. Lond. Eeport on improvements — city of Lon- don — upon the projects of railway and other companies, 1864. pamph. 8o. Lond. On drainage, sewerage, &c. Report of the works executed for the com- missioners of sewers of the City of London durmg 1865. 8o. Lond. Report of commissioners of sewers on Captain Liernur's pneumatic system of sewerage. paraph. 8o. Lond. Heads (use of) in Architecture sea Sculpture. Heales (A) Archfeology of the Christian altar in western Europe. 8o. Lond. Church of Kmgston-upon-Thames and fi-ee chapel of St. M. Magdalene, Kingston. 8o. Lond. Tanridge priory, Sm-rey. So. Lond. Health Exhibition sea Exhibition. Health of Towns saa Sanitary Science. Health of Towns Association Eexjort of the committee to the members, on Lord Lincoln's sewerage, di-aui- age, &c. of towns biU. Bo. Lond. Unhealthiness of towns, its causes and remedies. A lecture by Viscount Ebrington, M.P. 8o. Lond. Heat sea Warming. Heathcote ( C H) Old halls in neighbour- hood of Manchester. SP. 16 Dec. Heather (J F) Elementary treatise on descriptive geo- metry ; with a theory of shadows and of perspective ; and the princi- ples of isometrical perspective. 12o. Lond. 1836 1855 1862 1875 1875 1877 1873 1B41 1856 1864 1866 1876 18B1 18B3 1885 1846 1846 1872 1851 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 117 Heather (J F) — continued. btreustli of timber sec Barlow (P). 1851 Heathman (J H) Preservation of life and property from fire. 80. Lond. 1882 Hebb (J) On taking out quantities and measm-ing works. SP. 23 May 1871 Hebrews Civil and ecclesiastical rites ; by T. Godwyn. 1626 Hecke ( van) System of warming and ven- tilation ; by W. W. Phipson. 1859 Heckmondwike Water-supply ; by T. Wicksteed. 1856 Hedges (KW) Useful information on electric lighting. (Ith ed.) 80. Lond. £ N. York 1882 Supply of electricity by local authorities. pamph. 80. Lond. d N. York 1883 Precautions to adopt on introducing the ' electric light into houses. SP. 18 Feb. 1884 Precautions to be adopted on introduc- ing the electric hght. pamph. 12o. Lond. 1886 Central-station electric lighting. pamph. 80. Lond. 1887 Heene Susses Chapelry of; by J. W. Warter. 1853 Hefner-Alteneck ( I H de | Serrurerie ou les ouvrages en fer forge du moyen- age et de la renaissance. 2 vols, in 3. fo. Paris d Frank/ . 1869-85 Hegel (G W Fl Essai analytique sur "I'es- th(itique. 80. Paris 1852 Heidelberg Monographie du chateau ; by D. Eamee and R. Pfnor. 1859 The rum of; by E. I' Anson. SP. 1857 Heideloff(C) Die lehre von Vignola's saulenordnun- gen. fo. Nureni. Niimbergs baudenkmale der vorzeit oder musterbuch der altdeutschen bau- kunst fiir architekten uud gewerb- schulen. Part i. 4o. Niirem. 1839 23 plates. (Wants text and title.) 4o. Nurem. 1839- Les ornements du moyen-age. 4 vols. in 2. 4o. Nurem. 1845 Die kmist des mittelalters in Schwaben, denkmiilcr der baukunst, bildnerei und malerei ; miter mitwirkung von C. Beisbarth. (Text by F. Miiller.) 4o. Stuttgart 1855 HeidelofF (C) and Gorgel (C) Architectm-al ornaments of the middle ages m the Byzantine and Gothic styles. {Engl., Fr., and Germ, text.) Parts i and ii. 4o. Nurem. 1838-40 (English text.) 8 vols. 4o, Nurem. [1847] Heider (G) Eitelberger (R von) and Heiser (J) Mittelalterliehe kunstdenkmale des osterreichischen kaiserstaates. 2 vols. 4o. Stuttgart 1858-60 Heimann (A) sec Flugel (F G). Hekekyan Bey Treatise on the chro- nology of Siriadic monuments. 80. Lond. 1863 Hellyer (S S) The plumber and sanitary houses; a practical treatise on the principles of mtemal plumbing work. 80. Lond. 1877 Lectures on the science and art of sani- tary plumbing. 80. Lond. 1882 Henuning (G W) The Law Eeports. Part xii. 80. Lond. 1875 Henard (J) L'architecture a I'ecole des beaux-arts en 1881 : reponse a M. Euprich-Eobert. pamph. 80. Paris 1882 Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de J. B. Lesueur. pamph. 80. Paris 1884 Henderson (C J) Improvements in the construction of stoves. pamph. 80. Edinb. 1887 Henfrey (A) see Photographic Society. Henley (J) Antiquities of Italy ; by B. de Montfaucon. 1725 Henman (C) sec Perry (T T). Henman (C) jun. Notes on mediaeval buildings in Herefordshire (Pugiii Tour, 1868). MS. ob. fo. Croydon 18C9 Henman (W) Description of Pugin Tour, 1871. MS. 4o. StocU.-on-Tees 1872 Henslow (J S) Account of the Eoman antiquities fomid at Eougham, near Bury St. Edmunds. pamph. 80. Bury 1843 Henszlmann (I) Lille. Notre-Dame de la Treille ; me- moire sur le projet. pamph. 4o. Laws of mediasval church architecture. SP. 6 Dec. 1852 Eeport of committee of R.I.B.A. SP. 7 Feb. 1853 Henwood (G) Lectm-es on geology and mining. 80. Lond. 1855 Henzen (W) Inseriptiones Graecae in itinere Asiatico collectae ab E. Falkenero. 80. Rome 1852 Heppelwhite (A) The cabinet-maker and upholsterer's guide. fo. Lond. 1788 Heraldry Apphcation of, to miiversity and colle- giate antiquities ; by H. A. Wood- ham. _ 1841 Armorial insignia of kings and queens of England ; by T. Willement. 1821 Display of ; by J. Guilliin. 1660 118 PBINTED BOOKS, IHANUSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPEKS Heraldry — cov tiimed. Heraldic notices of Canterbury cathedral ; by T. Willement. _ 1827 origin of Gothic architecture ; by H. Lascelles. 1820 Introduction to ; by H. Clark. 1834 Its connection with Gothic architecture ; by W. L. Donaldson. 1838 Notes on ; by C. R. Pink. 1884 Ordinary, of British armorials ; by J. W. Papworth. 1858-71 Practical and popular ; by C. Boutell. 18G3 Herbault (J) Kapport sur le plan arch^o- logique en relief de la cathedrale d' Amiens ; et note sur le musce a Amiens par C. Lucas. pamph. 8o. Paris 1867 Herculaneum Antiquities; by E. Pistolesi. 1842 Notizie del scoprimento dell' antica cittft Ercolano ; by A. F. Gori. 1748 Ornamente ; by W. Zahn. 1828-29 Scavi ; by M. Euggiero. 1885 sec Naples Accademici Eecolanesi Here de Corny (E) Notice sur la vie ; by R. Morey. 1863 Hereford Abbey Dore church, &c., near ; by J. Clayton. SP. 1851 Cathedral church ; by J. Britton. 1834 by F. T. Havergal. 1882 Letter to the land- owners of the diocese of Hereford, on the prospect of a further appeal for the restoration of; by R. B. Philhps. 1847 condition of, &c., in 1841 ; by J. Merewether. 1842 Report of a survey ; by R. Wilhs. 1842 Fasti Herefordensos ; by F. T. Havergal and G. C. Haddon. 1869 Norman refectory at ; by J. Clayton. MS. SP. 1847 Pugin tour ; by E. J. May. 1877 by J. Neale. 1879 Herefordshire Pugin tour; by C. Hen- man, jun. 1869 Hericart de Thiiry (Vicomte) Rapport sur le procdde propos6 par C. P. Brard pour reconnaitre immediate- ment les pierres qui ne peuvent resister il la gelce, &c. 4o. Paris 1824 Hericourt (A d') Annuaire des societes savantesde la France et de I'etranger. 4 vols. 8o. Paris 1866 Hermant (A) Maison de repression de Nanterre. fo. Paris Abel Blouet : etude, pamph. 8o. Paris 1857 Heme Kent Last resting-place of a lord mayor; by J. E. Buchanan. 1887 Herodotus translated from the text of Baehr; by H. Gary. 1852 Hertelfelder (B) Basilica. Bassist herrhche kirche des fi'eij -reichs klosters St. Ulrich und Afi-a in Augsburg. Trans, fi'om the Latin by P. Romano Kistler. fo. Augsburg 1712 Hervieu (A) Revival of pictorial decora- tion in England, pamph. 4o. Land. 1856 Hesketh (R) Synopsis of the metropohtan buildings act, 7th & 8th Vict. cap. 84. So. Lond. 1844 Project for improving the communication between the central parts of the metropolis, situate on either side of the valley of the Fleet. 4o. Lond. 1851 Admission of daylight into birildmgs, particularly m the narrow and con- fined localities of towns. SP. 17 May 1852 ShaU the new street which is to form the grand commmiication between the eastern and western parts of the metropolis, be straight or crooked ? pamph. 8o. Lond. 1854 Enquiry as to the method which is most advisable to adopt, in the metro- politan bill, for regulating the thick- ness of walls. SP. 11 June 1855 Metropolitan building act ;by D. Gibbons and R. Hesketh. 1855, 1859 Hesse Allgemeine bauordnmig ; by F. Pfaff. 1883 Hessischer verein see Darmstadt. Hesse ( ) sec Gartner (F von) and others. Hessemer (F M) Arabische und altita- lienische bauverziermigen. 2 vols. fo. Berlin 1842 Hetsch (G F) Leitfaden zu dom studium und der an- wendung der perspective. 8o. Copenh. 1840 Cm tegneunderviisning. 8o. Copenh. 1847 Fortegninger for haandvserkere. fo. Copenh. Heuzey (L) and Daumet (H) Mission archeologique do Maccdoine. 2 vols. 4o. Parts 1876 Hewitt (J W) Misereres in the chou- of Exeter cathedral. 4o. Shoreham 1849 Hejrwood (J) Assize courts at Manchester ; by E. P[ocknell]. [1864] Hickey (T) History of painting and sculp- ture from the earliest accounts. {Eng.andltal. text.) 8o. Calcutta 1788 Hieser (J) sea Heider (G). PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS lid Holy Lond. Higgins (W M) The eartlj : its physical condition and most remarkable phenomena. 80. Lond. 1836 Description of the recent restoration of the spire of the chiirch of St. Stephen at Viemia. MS. SP. 8 Jan. 1844 Hill (A) Ardfert cathedral, co. Kerry. 4o. Cork 1870 Kilmalkedar church, co. Kerry. 4o. Corh 1870 Some ancient Irish churches. SP. 2 May 1870 Temhlenahoe church, Aixlfert, co. Kerry. 4o. Cork 1870 Monograph of Cormac's chapel, Cashel. 4o. Cork 1874 HUl (AG) Architectural and historical notices of the churches of Cambridgeshire. 80. Lond. 1880 Organ-eases and organs of the Middle Ages and Eeuaissauce. fo. Land. 1883 Hill (G J) sec King (T H). HiU (L) Bridges sea Hann (J) and others. Hill (T) History of the parish of Trinity, Minories. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1851 Hillary (W) Suggestions for improve- ment and embellishment of metro- polis. 2nd edit, pamph. 80. Lond. 1825 Hills (G M) Review of the architecture and history of the round towers of Ireland. SP. 11 Jan. 1858 Earthenware pots (built into churches) called acoustic vases. SP. 21 Nov. 1881 Hindustan see India. Hine (J) Notes on some moorland and border churches in Devon. pamph. 80. Plympton in the olden time. 80. Plymouth 1867 Samuel Prout, artist. 4o. [Plymouth] 1880 Hine (T C) Prize model cottage. Plans, &c. 4o. Lond. 1848 Warming and ventilation. pamph. 80. Lond. 1874 Hiort (J W) Improved chimney flue or tunnel. pamph. 12o. Lond. 1825 Construction of chimneys, containing an examination of the common mode in which they are built; with de- scription of the newly invented tunnel, &c. 80. Lond. 1826 Description of various building materials, invented by him. pamph. 12o. Lond. 1833 Hiort (J W) — continued. Improved patent terminal smoke vent. pamph. I80. Lond. 1852 Autobiography. pamph. 80. {Lond. 1861] Hippodrome sec Ampitheatre. Hipsley (W) Equational arithmetic, ap- plied to questions of interest, an- nuities, and hfe assurance. 12o. Lond. 1854 Hirt (A) Die baukunst nach den grund- siitzeu der alten. fo. Berlin 1809 Historical Manuscripts Commission Ninth report. Part 1. {G. 3773.) fo. Lond. 1883 Historical Society of Science Letters illus- trative of the progress of science in England, from Queen Elizabeth to Charles II. Edited by J. 0. HaUi- well. 80. Lond. 1841 History and Chronology Architecture, chronological tables of ; by W. D. Bruce. Classic and early christian ; by T. R. Smith and J. Slater. Course and current of; by S. Huggins. Denkmiiler ; by F. Kugler and others. Gothic and Renaissance ; by T. E. Smith. Handbook of ; by J. Fergus- son. 1847 1882 1863 1860 1880 1855 E. Boutmy. L. Chateau, history of; by L. Batissier. 1843, 1845 by G. Godwin. 1853 — Comparee ; by [1869] — en France ; by 1864 — by J. Fergusson. 1865 — by E. A. Free- man. B. Lesueur. by F. Kugler. et thtorie ; by J. by D. Ramee. Hope. Historical essay on ; by T. to ; by E. Cresy. ■ Index Review of sec Hope (T). Inquiry ; by J. Fergusson. Styles of; by A. Rosengar- ten. Chronological tables of history ; by J. Blair. 1844 1859 1879 1872 1885 1836 1835 1849 1857 1756 fo. Oxford 1885-40 120 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS History and Chi'onology — continued. Dates, dictionary of ; by J. Haydn. 1868 Indications of; by A. W. Morant. 1870 Greece, history of; by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 1829 Historie of the world, commonly called the natural historie of C. Plinius secundus ; by P. Holland. 1634 Mediterranean populations, early history of; by H. Clarke. 1882 HittorfF (A) Comparison between the ancient arabesques and those of the 16th century see Gruner (L). 1844 Hittorflf (J I) Vues des mines de Pomp6i, d'apres I'ouvrage public a Loudres. Par Sir W. GeU et J. P. Gandy. [Partly translated by J. I. H.] 4o. Paris 1827 Antiquit^s in^dites de I'Attique, con tenant les restes d'architecture d'Eleusis, de Ehamnus, de Sunium et de Thoricus, par la Societe des Dilet- tanti: traduit del'anglais, augmente de notes et de dessins. fo. Paris 1832 Considerations sur I'^glise de la Made- leine, en reponse h un article insert dans le " Journal des Artistes." pamph. 8o. Paris 1834 Precis sur les pjTamidions en bronze dore, employes par les anciens Egyptiens comme couronnement de quelques- uns de leurs ob(51isques, &c. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1886 Eapport sur la maison et le musee du Chevalier Soane, fi Londres. pamph. 8o. Paris 1886 Suggestion as to the manner in which the dilapidated apex of tlie Luxor obeUsk (at Paris) should be restored. SP. 27 Feb. 1837 Eapport sur I'lnstitut des Architectes Britanuiques, et sur le recueil de ses memoires, 1835-86. 8o. Paris [after 1838] Description ''de la rotonde des panoramas 61ev6e dans les Champs-Elysees, &c. fo. Paris 1842 Description of the roof suspended over the panorama in the Champs-Elysees, Paris. MS. SP. 11 July 1842 Parallele antra las arabesques peintes des anciens et celles de Eaphael et de ses eleves. pamph. 8o. Paris 1844 Eestitution du temple d'Emp&locle a S61inonte, ou I'architecture poly- chrome ehaz les Grecs. Text 4o. plates fo. Paris 1851 Eeport on ; by ... Miel. Biographical account of J. I. H. [by RainceUn de Sergy]. 1855 HittorfF (J I) — continued. Notice historique de C. F. Schinkel. pamph. 4o. Paris 1857 Inauguration du monument dleve a la m^moire de L. Visconti, 29 Dec. 1859. pamph. 8o. [1859] Notice historique et biographique sur la ^de et les ceuvres de Sir C. Barry, architecte anglais. 4o. Paris 1860 Notice ; by A. Normand. 1867 Discours ; by C. E. E. H. Lehmann. see Donaldson (T L). see Normand (A). Hittorff (J) and Lecointe (J) Description des ceremonies et des fetes qui ont eu lieu pour le bapteme du Due da Bordeaux, &c. fo. Paris 1827 Hittorff (J I) and Zanth (L) Architecture moderne de la Sicile, ou recueil des plus beaux monumens religieux et des edifices publics et particuliers les plus remarquables. fo. Paris 1835 Architecture antique de la Sicile. Text 4o. plates fo. Paris 1870 Hitzig (F) Ausgefiihrte bauwerke. 2 vols. ' inl. fo. Berlin [1850] Hoare (P) Epochs of the arts ; painting and sculpture in Great Britain. 8o. Lond. 1813 Hodge (H) Architectural scrap-book; by J. Butler and H. Hodge. 1849 Hodges (R F) Architectural competitions in general, with some reference to one in particular. pamph. Bo. Lond. 1887 Hodgkinson (E) Experimental researches on the strength of pillars of cast iron and other materials. 4o. Lond. 1840 Cast iron see Tredgold (T) 1842 Experimental researches on the strength and other properties of cast iron, &c. 8o. Lond. 1846 on the strength of pillars of cast iron from various parts of the kingdom. 4o. Lond. 1858 Hoffmann (C) Zeitschrift fiir bauwesen. Parts i. to viii. fo. Berlin 1851 Hofmann (AW) Chemical laboratories in course of erection in the universities of Bonn and Berlin. 4o. Lond. 1866 Hoffstadt (F) Gothisches abcbuch. fo. Frankfurt 1840 Hogarth (W) Analysis of beauty. 8o. Lond. 1810 Hogenbergius (F) see Bruin (G). Hogg (J) The iron trades' guide, engineers' and mechanics' companion, &c. 12o. W. Bromioich 1869 Hohenzollerii Burg ; by A. Stiller. 1866 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 121 Holbrook 8utiolk Heart burial at Hol- brook ehurcli ; by E. M. Pbipson. 1868 Holden (J) Easements and rigbts of light. ijampb. 80. Manch. 1885 Hole (J) The homes of the worldng classes, with suggestions for their improve- ment. 80. Lond. 1866 Holkham Norfolk by U. Brettingham. 1761 History and restoration of church ; by J. K. CoUing. SP. 1870 Holland Ancient cathedrals (with France, &c.); by .1. Coney. 1832 Handbook ; by J. Murray. 1873 King's palace at Loo ; by W. Harris. 1699 Mededeelingen van de rijks-adviseurs voor de monumenten. (Historical and art monuments.) 2 parts. 4o. The Hague 1876-78 Ouvrages d'architecture ; by P. Post. 1715 Holland (P) The historie of the world, commonly called the natural historie of C. Plinius Secundus. 2 vols. fo. Lond. 1634 Hollin (F) Neue synagoge in Berlin ; by G. Knoblauch and F. HoUin. 1867 Hollis iT) Monumental effigies of Great Britain. 4o. Lond. 1840 Holm (C F) and others Danske mindes- niffirker. Vols. i. and ii. fo. Copenhagen 1869-77 Holm (H J) Tegninger af seldre nordisk architectur ; by V. Dahlerup, H. .J. Holm, 0. V. Koch, and H. iStorck. 1872-82 Bombolms ieldgamle kirkebygninger. fo. Copenhagen 1878 Holtzapffel (C) New system of scales of equal parts, applicable to various purposes of engineering, architecture, and gene- ral science. 80. Lond. 1838 Turning and mechanical manipulation. Vol. i. only. 80. Lond. 1843 Holy Bible. 12o. Lond. [1885] Holy-Cross Abbey Tipperary ]\leasured drawings with text ; by S. P. Close. 1868 Holy Land sec Jerusalem. sec Syria. Home (H) Lord Kames Elements of criti- cism, nth edit. 80. Lond. 1839 Homersham (S C) Report on supply of surplus water to Manchester, Salford, and Stockport. 80. Lond. 1848 London (Watford) spring water company : report. 80. Lond, 1850 Hondius (H) L'architecture . . . avec quelques belles ordonnauces . . . par lean Vredman. fo. Amst. 1628 Honeyman (J) Sarcophagus in Govan churchyard. pamph. 4o. ■ Modern Scottish ecclesiastical architec- ture. SP. 12 June 1872 Trades Unionism, the bUght on British industries and commerce. pamph. 80. Glasg. 1877 Bills of quantities : their proper relation to contracts. SP. 19 May 1879 Advantages of low ceihngs in small houses. pamph. 80. Lond. 1883 Open spaces in towns. pamph. 80. Glasg. 1883 The incidence of taxation as affecting the housmg of the poor. pamph. 80. Glasg. 1886 Honnecourt (V de) Album ; by J. B. A. Lassus and A. Darcel. 1858 Eemarks on the contents ; by H. B. Garhng. SP. 1858 Hood (C) Practical treatise of warming buildings by hot water ; and an enquiry into the laws of radiant heat and con- ducted heat, &c. 80. Lond. 1837 2nd edit. 80. Lond. 1844 3rd edit. 80. Lond. 1855 Practical treatise on warming buildings by hot water, steam, and hot air. 5th edit. 80. Lond. 1879 Hoole (E) A summary of Mr. Ruskin's earlier architectural criticism. SP. 14 Feb. 1870 Hooper (F) Pugin travelling studentship, 1882 : report of tour in Cheshire and Lancashire. SP. June 1883 Hope (A J B B) Public offices and metropolitan improve- ments, pamph. 80. Lond. 1857 Lecture on the common sense of art. pamph. 80. Lond. 1858 English cathedral of the XlXth century. 80. Lond. 1861 Condition and prospects of architectural art. pamph. 80. Lond. 1863 World's debt to art. pamph. 80. Lond. 1868 Art workman's position. 80. Lond. 1864 Skyline in modern domestic buildings. SP. 14 ]\far. 1864 Opening address at R.I.B.A. SP. 6 Nov. 1865 SP. 5 Nov. 1866 Notice of decease of Prof. W. Whowell. SP. 12 Mar. 1866 Letters and remarks in reference to the late W. Hodgkinson. SP. 6 Nov. 1806 122 PEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCKIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPEES Hope (A J B B)—co7itmued. Speech on Mr. Cowper's motion for the appomtment of a royal commission of the national art collections. pamph. 80. 1867 Worship in chm-ch of England. 80. Lond. 1874 The late G. E. Street. CP. 7 May 1884 Hope (T) Observations on the plans and elevations, designed by J. Wyatt, for Downing college, Cambridge. 4o. Lond. 1804 Household furniture and interior decora- tion, executed from his designs. fo. Lo7id. 1807 Costume of the ancients. 4o. Lond. 1809 Historical essay on architecture. Illus- trated from drawings made in Italy and Germany. 2 vols. Lond. 1835 Lidex ; by E. Cresy. 80. Loml. 1836 Review of ; fi'om the Foreign Quarterly Review. 80. Lond. 1835 Hope (T C) and Fergusson (J) Architec- ture of Ahmedabad. 4o. Lond. 1866 Hopper (T) Explanation of the proceedings of the architects who petitioned for an ex- amination into the propriety of the selection made by the commissioners for procuring designs for the new houses of parliament. 4o. Lond. 1837 Letter to Lord Viscount Dmicannon on the new houses of parliament. 4o. Lond. 1837 Letter to Lord Viscount Melbourne on the rebuilding of the Royal Ex- change, pamph. 80. Lo7id. 1839 Hoppus (E) Gentleman's and builder's repository; or, architecture display'd, containing geometry, the five orders, doors, ceiling-pieces, &c., truss roofs, stair- cases, &c. 4o. Loiul. 1737 Practical measuring. 80. York 1806 see Palladio (A). I735 Horeau (H) Prisons departementales. Projet compre- nant cinquante-trois cellules. fo. Paris 1841 Panorama d'Egypte et de Nubie. fo. Paris 1841 Nouvelles observations sur le projet de halles centrales d'approvisionnement pour la ville de Paris. pamph. 4o. Paris 1846 Description du projet de campement ou de easernement normal pour infau- terie ou cavalerie. 4o. Lond. 1856 Nouveaux egouts purificateurs de la Tamise. 80. Lo?ul. 1858 Horeau (H) — contiimed. Proposition for the improvement of London. pamph. 80. Loml. 1859 Edilite urbaine miss a la portee de tout le monde. pamph. 80. Paris 1868 Horizontal Line in Architecture see .Esthetics. Horn (H) see WoodfaU (W). Hornblower (L) Improvements in the con- struction of fire-proof buildings : specification, description, &c., of in- vention. 80. Lond. 1874 Horticultural Society of London Charter and bye-laws of the society. 80. Lond. 1830 Horticulture see Gardening. Hosking (W) Treatise on architecture and building. 4o. Lond. 1832 Preliminary essay on bridges. 80. Lond. [1841] Litroductory lecture, delivered at King's college, London, addressed to the class of civil engineering and archi- tecture, pamph. 80. Lond. 1841 Two introductory lectures delivered at King's College, London, on the prin- ciples and practice of architecture. pamph. 80. Lond. 1841-42 Restoration of St. Mary Redcliffe church, Bristol ; by J. Britton and W. Hos- king. 1842 Introductory lecture, delivered at King's college, London, on the principles of architecture. To which are added a few notes and some further remarks on the modern practice of competi- tion, pamph. 80. Lond. 1842 Essay and treatise on the practice and architecture of bridges. 80. Lond. 1842 Guide to the proper regulation of build- ings in towns. 80. Land. 1848 Observations upon the recent addition of a reading room to the British museum, with plans and other illus- trative documents. fo. Lond. 1858 Bridges see Hann (J) and others. see Jenkins (J). Hoskins (GG) Designsfor chimney pieces. fo. DarUngton 1871 Hosmer (J) Cleansing the house drains and sewers of the metropolis and large towns upon a self-acting prin- ciple. 80. Lond. 1848 Hospital, Infirmary, and Lazaretto Aberdeen Royal Infirmary ; by H. S. Snell and W. & J. Smith. 1887 Allgemeines la'ankenhaus im Friedrichs- hain ; by Gropius and Schmieden. (Text by V. von Weltzien.) 1876 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 123 Hospital, Infirmary, and Lazaretto — continued. Aiicieut, in England ; by F. T. DoU- man. 1858 "~ Biloque de Gand ; by E. Serrure. 1881 Charitable and parochial establishments ; by H. S. SneU. 1881 Chorlton Union Hospital ; by T. Worth- ington. 1867 Cu-cular system of wards ; by J. Mar- shall. 1878 wards ; by H. S. Suell. 1885 Construction, modern ; by E. C. Eobins. 1883 '■ and management ; by F. J. Mouat and H. S. SneU. 1883-84 Cottage ; by H. C. Burdett. 1880 Die krankenhiiuser, ibre einrichtung und verwaltmig ; by C. H. Esse. 1868 Etudes sur les hopitaux ; by A. Husson. 1862 For infections diseases see Local Government Board. 1882 Herbert Hospital at Woolwich ; by D. Galton. 1865 Hopitaux de Londres ; by . . . Blondel and L. Ser. 1862 Paris ; by J. E. Tenon. 1788 Hull Royal Infirmary ; by H. S. Snell. 1885 Lifirmaries and dispensaries ; by F. Oppert. 1867 Lazarettos in Europe ; by J. Howard. 1791 Notes on ; by F. Nightingale. 1863 Nouvel, de Nancy ; by P. Morey. 1883 Plans of; at Paris, Munich, and St. Petersburg ; by F. Oppert. SP. 1868 Principles in construction ; by D. Galton. 1869 Proposed, at Zurich ; by ... Wegmann and ... Zeugheer. 1836 Proposed infirmary at Highgate ; by E. C. Robins. 1868 Ste-Eugenie fi Lille ; by A. Mourcou. 1874 St. Marylebone Infirmary ; by H. S. SneU. 1886 St. Nicholas, Belgium ; by E. Serrure. 1862 St. Thomas's; by H. Cm-rey. SP. 1871 Tents and barracks in ; by F. Oppert. SP. 1869 The royal, and church of St. Katherine ; by J. B. Nichols. 1824 Ventilation of ; by J. Barber. SP. 1873 by Pauli. SP. 1872 Hotel and Restaurant Grand, ;i Paris ; by A. Armand. — London Bridge railways terminus ; by H. Currey. SP. 1862 Modern restaurant ; by T. Verity. SP. 1879 Richmond Hill ; particulars, plans, and conditions of sale. pamph. fo. Lend. 1867 Westminster palace ; by A. Moseley. SP. 1862 sea Inns of Court Hotel. Houba (E) Code a I'usage de proprietaires, ingenieurs . . . architectes. 8o. Bruss. (£' Liege 1880 Houghton Norfolk Plans, &c.; by I. Ware and W. Kent. 1760 Houlston (W) The circle secerned fi-om the square ; and its area gauged in terms of a triangle common to both, &c. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1862 House Architecture privee au XIX'= si^cle ; by C. Daly. 1860-64 Comitry, a small ; by R. Kerr. 1873 Enghsh gentleman's ; by E. Kerr. 1865 2nd edit. 1865 3rd edit. 1871 Healthy ; by W. Eassie. 1876 and comfortable ; by H. J. Lan- 1873 cheater. Hints to househunters and householders ; by E. Turner. 1883 La casa ; by M. Belmas. 1886 Middle-class, architecture ; by H. G. Brace. 1881 in Paris and London ; by W. H. W'hite. SP. 1877 Mode of mo\ing ; in New York ; by F. Catherwood. MS. SP. 1830 in the United States ; by A. J. Mason. SP. 1842 Noblemen's and gentlemen's : plans ; by J. Pame. 1767-83 Old Staffordshire ; by W' . Niven. 1882 Old Warwickshire ; by W. Niven. 1878 see Domestic Architecture. see Dwellings, House Building Coustruccioues econ6micas ; by M. Bel- mas. 1881, 1882 Health and comfort in ; by J. Drysdale and J. W. Hayward. 1872 by J. W. Hay- ward. SP. 1873 House architecture ; by J. J. Stevenson. 1880 How to build a house; by E. VioUet-le- Duc. 1874 How not to build a house ; by E . W. C. F. Schmidt. 1884 Maniere de bastir ; by P. Le Muet. 1623 Plea.sures of ; by J. F. Mackenzie. Practical hints on ; by E. Roberts. SP. 1872 see Construction. House of Correction see Prison, &c. House Moving sec Removal. House Painting sec Paint. House Property sec Value. Houses of Parliament see London. see under names of capita Is, 124 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Howard (J) Account of the principal lazarettos in Europe : with various papers relative tc the plague, &c. 4o. Lond. 1791 Hoxne Suffolk Views of churches in the hundred of; by W. E. Bishop. 1833 Hubsch (H) Bauwerke. Parts i. and ii. Text 4o. plates fo. Garlsr. <& Baden 1838 Sein lebeu imd seine werke. pamph. 8o. [1864] Monuments de I'architecture chretieune depuis Constantin jusqu'a Charle- magne. Atlas fo. Paris 1866 Huddersfield Archaeological and Topogra- phical Association Photographs of archiEological interest from National Exhibition, Leeds, 1868, with letter- press. 4o. Lond. 1869 Hugall ( J W) Guide to York cathedral ; by G. A. Poole and J. W. Hugall. 1850 Huggins (S) Course and current of archi- tecture ; with a chart of the history of architecture. 8o. Lond. 1863 Hughes (J) Bridges see Hann (J) and others. Hughes (T S) Travels in Sicily, Greece, and Albania. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1820 Hugo (T) St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1876 Huillard-BrehollesJiA) see Luynes (le Due de). Huish (M B) The year's art ; 1880, 1882. 8o. Lond. 1880-82 Hull (E) Treatise on building and orna- mental stones of Great Britam and foreign countries. 8o. Lond. 1872 Hulme (F E) Suggestions in floral design. {Wants plate xlvi.) fo. Lond. Human Figure see Sculpture. Humber (W) Treatise on cast and wrought iron bridges and girders, as applied to railway structures, &c. 4o. Lond. 1857 Cast and wrought iron bridge construction, including iron foundations. 3rd edit. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1870 Humbert de Supperville (D P G) Essai sur les signes uiconditioiiuels dans I'art. fo. Leijden 1827 Humewood Sketch of new House ; by W.White. SP. 1869 Eumphreys (D) Antiquities ; translation of the work by B. de Montfaucon. 1721 Humphreys (H N) and Jones (0) Illu- niinated books of the middle ages ; from the IVth to XVIIth centuries. fo. Lond. 1849 Hungerford Market sec London. { Hunt (R) Handbook to the official catalogue of the exhibition of 1851. 2 vols. 12o. Lond. [1851] Manufacture of British serpentme. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1855 Hunt (R M) Designs for the gateways to the southern entrances of the Cen- tral Park, with a description of the designs, and a letter in relation to them. 4o. N. York 1866 Hunt (T F) /Half a dozen hints on picturesque do- mestic architecture. 4o. Lond. 1825 Architettura campestre : displayed in lodges, gardeners' houses, &c. 4o. Lond. 1827 Designs for parsonage houses, alms- houses, &c. 4o. Lond. 1827 Exemplars of Tudor architecture, adapted to modern habitations. 4o. Land. 1830 ^ {Bound together.) Hunter (A) see Evelyn (J). 1801 Hunter (J) Stone-planing machine; by J. C. Robertson. 1835 Huntingdonshire Ecclesiastical and archi- tectural topography ; by J. H. Parker. 1848-55 Hurley Berkshire Some account of the church. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1839 Hurst (J T) Handbook of formulae, tables, and memoranda for architectural surveyors, &c. 13th edit. ob. mo. Lond. 1882 Hurst (T J) Education of the surveyor. pamph. 8o. [1880] Husenbeth (F C) Emblems of saints by which they are distinguished in works of art. 8o. Lond. 1850 Hussenot (...) Memoire sur un mode d'application de la peinture a I'huile ou a la cire. pamph. 8o. Metz Hussey (R C) Specifications ; by T. & E. Riekman and others. 1827-38 Husson (A) Etude sur les hopitaux, leur construction, distribution de leurs batiments, ameublement, &c. 4o. Paris 1862 Husson (F) L'architecture ferronniere ; ex- emples de construction et d'ornemen- tation anciennes et modernes. 4o. Paris 1872 Hutchinson (H) Specifications; by T. and E. Riekman and others. 1827-38 On practical drainage of laud. 8o. Lond. 1844 Hutchison (W) Specification for making pasteboard and other articles compact, waterproof. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1856 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 125 Button (C) Treatise on mensuration, both in theory and practice. 4o. Netvcastle-on-Tyne 1770 Principles of bridges ; mathematical demonstrations of properties of arches, thickness of piers, &c. 80. Newcastle 1772 Course of mathematics. 8th edit, in 3 vols. (Vol. ii. only.) 80. Lo7ul. 1824 amended by 0. Gregory. 12th edit., alterations, &c., by T. S. Davies. 2 vols. 80. Land. 1841 Huve (J J M) Diseours prononce aux funerailles de A. L. Vaudoyer, 29 mai 1840. 4o. Paris Notice biographique ; by Le Normand. Huyot (J N) Notice necrologique ; by A. L. Vaudoyer. MS. fo. Catalogue des li\Tes sur I'architecture et les antiquites du cabinet de Huyot. 80. Paris Huyton-with-Roby Lancashire Sewerage of ; by T. M. Eeade. Hyatt (T) Account of experiments with Portland cement-concrete combined with iron, as a building material. 4o. Loud. Hydraulics sec Water, &c. Hygiene sec Sanitary Science. Hypaethron see Greek Architectui-e. -43 1846 1853 1840 1841 1875 1877 I I' Anson (E) Description of a modification of the Pol- maise system of warming, applied to a pinery near London. SP. 14 Dec. 1840 Communication relative to some mural pamtings recently discovered by him in the church at Lingfield, Surrey. MS. SP. 29 Nov. 1847 Principles and practice of building sewers. SP. 13 Dec. 1847 Probable form and design of the temple of Solomon at Jerusalem. SP. 5 Mar. 1849 Cathedral of Beauvais. SP. 16 .June 1851 Means taken by Alderman Humphrey to raise a sunken floor of a warehouse at Hay's wharf, Tooley Street. SP. 16 May 1853 I'Anson (E) — continued.. Some French cliateaux, of the age of Francis I. SP. 17 Dec. 1855 Euin of Heidelberg on the Rhine. SP. 12 an. 1857 Recent improvements in Paris. SP. 10 .Jan. 1859 Some notice of office buildings in the city of London. SP. 6 Dec. 1864 Restoration of the Dutch church, Austin Friars. SP. 29 Jan. 1866 Notes on the Auvergne churches. SP. 29 Jan. 1866 Kremlin of Moscow. SP. 20 Jan. 1868 Memoir of late E. Walters. SP. 19 Feb. 1872 Valuation of house property in London. SP. 2 Dec. 1872 Architecture of Norway. SP. 21 Jan. 1878 Iron ribs ; roof of Corn Exchange, Mark Lane. CP. 7 June 1878 Recent excavations of the Roman Forum. SP. 9 June 1879 Mediseval and other buildings in the island of Cyprus. SP. 20 Nov. 1883 Opening address. SP. 1 Nov. 1886 Iconology, Emblems, &c. by G. A. Canini. 1669 Dictionnaire iconographique de I'anti- quite ; by L. J. Guenebault. 1843-44 Emblems of saints in works of art ; by F. C. Husenbeth. 1850 Forms and creatures of art, &c. ; by J. Bell. SP. 1859 Manuel d'iconographie chretienne ; bv A. N. Didron and P. Durand. " 1845 Svastika Symbol ; by M. J. Walhouse. 1880 Symbolism ; by F. d'Aysac. by H. C. Barlow. SP. 1860, 1866 by W. Durandus. 1843 Early Christian ; by J. E. Allen. West fi-ont of Wells Cathedral ; by C. R. Cockerell. 1851 Idumaea By D. Roberts and G. Croly. 1842 Igel near Treves Romisches monument in ; by C. Hawich and J. M. Neurohr. 1826 Illuminated Works and Art of Illumination Art of ; by H. Shaw. 1866 by M. D. Wyatt. I860 Hints on ; by H. M. Lucien. Manual of; liy J. W. Bradley. 1861 Manuscripts, as illustrative of the arts of design ; by M. D. Wyatt. SP. 1860 of Lambeth library ; by S. W. Kershaw. 1873 of the middle ages ; by H. N. Humphreys and O. Jones. 1849 Ornaments from MSS. &c. from 8rd-17th centuries ; by Shaw and Madden. 1888 126 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Imbard (E F) Tombeaux de Louis XII et de Francois I. fo. Paris 1815 Imitation in the Fine Arts sec Esthetics. Imola Nuovo teatro, pianta, &c. ; by C. Morelli. 1870 Inchcolm St. Columba's Abbey ; by T. Arnold. Ibb? Incorporated Society for Promoting the Enlargement, Building, and Repair- ing of Churches and Chapels in England and Wales Particulars of tlie churcli of St. John the Baptist, at Eastover, Somersetshire. 8o. Lond. 1843 Keports, Nos. i.-xxxiii., and Nos. xli., xHi., xlvi. Bo. Lond. 1849-64 Reports read at the several annual meet- ings held since its formation, 1818, to May 23, 1854. 8o. Lond. 1855 India Archaeology of; by J. Fergusson. 1884 Explorations in Kistna district ; by S. SeweU. _ 1878 — — Lists of antiquities in Madras. {Li progress.) Vols. i. andii. 4o. Madras 1882-84- Memorandums. {In progress.) Nos. 1-10. 4o. Bombay 1874-81- Monuments. Curator's 1st report. 8o. Simla 1882 Survey. Eeports (A. Cunnuigham). {Li progress.) Vols. i.-xvi. 8o. Calcutta 1871-83- Western. Reports. [In progress.) Vols. i.-v. 4o. Bombay 1874-83- ■ Southern. {In pirogress.) No. 8. 4o. Madras 1882- Civil engineering in ; by J. G. Medley. 1866-67 Handbook ; by J. Murray. 1859 Irrigation works in ; by A. Cotton. 1875 by F. H. Eundall. 1876 Latitudes and longitudes of India and High Asia ; by H. A. and E. de Schlagintweit. 1861-62 Patents and their relation to wants of India ; by Messrs. Eemfrey. 1881 Scientific mission to ; by H. A. and R. de Schlagintweit. 1866 sec Ahmedabad. see Amaravati. see Beejapore. see Bengal. see Calcutta. see Daniell (T and W, see Dharwar. sec Sanchi. see Satrunjaya. see Somnath Gates. 1847, 1850, 1870, SP. E. SP. G. SP. Indian Architecture by J. Fergusson. by M. Kittoe. by Earn Eaz. by W. Simpson. And for tropical climates; by T. Smith. Buildings in Southern India ; by Bailey. MS. recently erected ; by W. Emer- son. SP. Cave temples ; by J. Fergusson and J. Burgess. In Himalayas ; by W. Simpson. SP. Lahore new church ; by E. J. Martin. Recent changes in delta of the Ganges ; by J. Fergusson. see Cautley (Sir P T) 1876 1838 1834 1862 1868 1845 1884 1880 1883 1863 1864 1875 1868 Eock-cut temples ; by -J. Fergusson, 1844-45, Saka, Samvat, and Gupta eras ; by J. Fergusson. Tree and serpent worship ; by J. Fergus- son. sec India, &c. Induration and Preservation of Stone -sec Decay, &c. Infirmary see Hospital Ingram (J) Memorials of Oxford. 3 vols. 8o. Oxf. £ Lond. 1837 Memorials of the parish of Codford St. Mary, Wilts. 8o. Oxford 1844 Inkersley (T) Enquiry into the chrono- logical succession of the styles of Eomanesque and Pointed architec- ture in France. 8o. Lond. 1850 Inman (W S) Loudon orphan asylum ; specification by G. Goldring and W. S. Inman. 1823 Eeport of the committee of the House of Commons on ventilation, warming, and transmission of sound, with notes. 8o. Lond. 1836 Construction and strength of timber girders, invented by J. Martin. SP. 10 July 1837 Essay on symbolic colours, in antiquity, the middle ages, and modern times. From the French of Baron F. de Portal. 4o. Lond. 1845 Innes (C) see Bannatyne Club. Innocent (C J) and Brown (...) Illustra- tions of public elementary schools for Sheflield school board. 4o. Sheffield 1874 Inscriptions Greek ; by W. Henzen. 1852 see Fabretti (R). 1699 Institut de France see. Paris. PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 127 Institute of Actuaries Constitution and laws ; list of mem- bers ; aaid catalogue of books. 80. LoM. 1851 The Assurance magazine. Nos. vi. and vii. 80. Loiul. 1852 Institute of Architects (American) sai New York. Institute of Architects of Ireland sec Dublin. Institute of Ai'chitects of Scotland see Edinburgh. Institution of Civil Engineers Transactions, vols, i.-iii. 4o. Lond. 1836, 1838, 1842 vol. i., 2nd edit. 4o. Lond. 1842 Minutes of Proceedings. (In progress.) 80. Lo7id. 1837-87- Index to vols. 1-20. 80. Lond. 1865 21-30. 80. Lond. 1871 Subject index to vols. 1-58. 80. Lo7id. 1881 vols. 59-86. pamph. 80. Lond. [1886] Name mdex to vols. 1-58. 80. Library Catalogue. 80. 2ud edit. 80. supplement. 80. Lond. 1870 Address, on election as president, of G. P. Bidder. pamph. 80. Lond. 1860 Lond. 1885 Lond. 1851 Lond. 1866 Hawkshaw. pamph. 80. Lond. T 1862 R. McClean. pamph. 80. Lond. T 1864 Fowler. pamph. 80. Lond. n 1866 H. Gregory. pamph. 80. Lond. n 1868 B. Vignoles. pamph. 80. Lo?id. T 1870 Hawksley. pamph. 80. Lond. 1872 E. Stephenson. pamph. 80. Lond. — J. 1876 Abernethy. pamph. 80. Lond. 1881 National defences ; by G. P. Bidder. pamph. 80. Lond. 1861 Mont Cenis Tumiel ; by T. Sopwith, jun. pamph. 80. Lo7id. 1864 Lists of members, pamph. 80. Loiul. 1866- 77, 1870, 1871, 1874, 1876, 1879, 1887 Report from Coimcil on building ques- tion, pamph. 80. Lond. 1868 Education and status of civil engineers. 80. Lond, 1870 Institution of Civil Engineers — contimced. Charter, bye-laws, kc, and list of mem- bers. 5 vols. 80. Lond. 1876,1879, 1881, 1883, 188 5 Benevolent Fund : Rules, &c. pamph. 80. Lond. 1880 Electricity, practical application. 80. Lond. 1884 Heat in its mechanical application. 80. Lond. 1885 Hydro-mechanics. 80. Lond. 1885 Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland see Dublin. Institution of Mechanical Engineers Proceedings. (In progress.) 80. Lond. 1880-87- Index, 1874-84. 80. Lond. 1885 Library catalogue. 80. Lond. 1881 Institution of Surveyors Transactions. (In progress.) 80. Lond. 1868-87- Bye-laws and regulations. pamph. 80. Lond. 1870 Library catalogue. 80. Lond. 1874, 1883 Syllabus of subjects and examples of papers set at prelimuiary and pro- fessional examinations. (Appendix; Transactions, Vol. XV.) 80. Lond. 1883 List of members. pamph. 80. Lond. 1886 Institute di Corrispondenza Archeologica sec Rome. Intaglios see Cameos. Interest sec Tables. International Decimal Association Narrative of the origin and formation of the association ; by J. Yates. 1856 British branch. First reports of the comicil to the general meeting, with appendix. pamph. 80. Lond. 1857 Fifth and sixth reports of the council ; and improvements in arithmetic ; by J. Yates. 1861-62 International Exhibition see Exhibition. Invention and Improvement see Patent. see Smith (T R). Inventories Of abbeys, cathedrals, &c. ; by M. E. C. Walcott. v. d. Inwards (R) The temple of the Andes. 4o. Lond. 1884 Inwood (H W) Erechtheion at Athens ; fragments of Athenian architecture, and a few remains in Attica, Megara, and Epiru.s, &c. fo. Lond. 1827 lona Antiquities of ; by H. H. Vale. 1869 Cathedral church ; by J. C. and C, A. Buckler. 1866 128 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Ionia Antiquities of see Society of Dilettanti. Ionian Islands ; by D. T. Ansted. 1863 Short visit to ; by E. Giffard. 1837 Ionic Order see Orders and Details. Ipswich Eeport on enquiry into sewerage ; by W. Eanger. 1856 Sparrowe's house at ; by K. M. Phip- son. [1854] Irac-Arabi Arab tribes of; by C. Texier. Ireland Antiquities of; by F. Grose. 1791-97 by T. Cromwell. 1832 Catalogue of tracts, &c., illixstrating topograpliy and antiquities ; by .J. R. Smith. 1878 Handbook ; by J. Murray. 1866 of antiquities ; by W. F. Wakeman. 1848 Illustrated : churches, antiquities, &c. ; by G. N. Wright. 1831 Reports on bogs. 3 vols. fo. Lond. 1812-19 Pubhc works, fo. Lond. 1834-48 Scenery and geology of; byT.W. Eeade. 1879 see Dublin. see Asylums. see Public "Works (Ireland). see Railways (Ireland). see Record Commission. Irish Architecture Abbeys ; by -J. L. Petit. SP. 1863 Ancient Irish churches ; by A. Hill. SP. 1870 Early habitations of the Irish, and the Cramioges or lake castles; by M. D. Wyatt. SP. 1858 Early Christian architecture ; by M. Stokes. 1878 Ecclesiastical architecture ; by R. R. Brash. 1875 round towers, &c. ; by G. Petrie. 1845 Towers, round ; a review of the archi- tecture, &c. ; by G. M. Hills. SP. 1858 and temples ; by M. Keane. 1867 Wayside memoranda of an architect ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1858 see Dublin. see Ireland. Iron and its Manufacture Art de tremper les fers, &c. ; by F. Camus. 1846 Cast ; and M. Stirling's toughened cast iron ; by M. Stirling. 1849 Strength of ; by J. Owen and M. Stirlmg. 1847 and wrought, for building purposes ; by Sir W. Fairbairn. 1870 beams ; by W. Turnbull. 1833 Iron and its Manufacture — continued. Cast, pipes ; by E. Benedict. 1878 Corrosion of ; by P. Barff. CP. 1878 iron mains, and the effect of gas leakage ; by T. Spencer. 1860 Enquiry into relative properties of wrought-iron plates ; by D. Kir- kaldy. 1876 Perro inossidabile ; by G. Boni. 1884 Fracture of cast ; by J. Love. 1880 malleable ; by J. Love. 1879 History, properties and manufacture ; by Sir W. Fairban-n. 1869 Iron and mild steel ; properties of ; by D. Adamson. Preservation ; by W. Meakm. 1878 Railway carriage axles, strength of see Railways. Relative strength of; by C. Parker. MS. 1838, 1845 Remarks on ; by F. W. Shields. 1867 Strength of, &c. ; by P. Barlow. 1887 east iron and other metals ; by T. Tredgold. 1842 Tensile strength of wrought ; by D. Kirkaldy. 1862 , Trade's guide ; by J. Hogg. 1869 Iron and Steel Institute Journal. {1)1 progress.) 8o. Lond. 1880-87- Iron Construction Application of cast and wrought iron ; by W. Fairbairn. 1854 to railway structures : report of the commissioners, with plans, &c. 2 vols. fo. Lond. 1849 Arches of large span in ; by J. White and T. F. Pritchard. 1832 Architecture ferronniere ; by F. Husson. 1872 Artistic treatment ; by H. Stannus. SP. 1882 Beams and girders ; by W. and T. PhiUips. 1870 by W. Turnbull. 1833 Bridge and roof structures ; by E. Matheson. 1873 Cast and wrought bridges and girders ; by W. Humber. 1857, 1870 Construction en poteries et fer ; by C. L. G. Eck 1836 Coupole de la Halle aux grains ; by P. Brunet. 1809 Experimental researches on the strength of pillars of cast iron ; by E. Hodg- kinson. 1840 Iron as a building material ; by G. Ait- chison. SP. 1864 as a constructive material ; by C. H. Driver. SP. 1875 by J. A. Picton. SP. 1880 • girders and roofs ; by T. Timmins. 1882 PRINTEB BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 129 Iron Construction — contin ued. Iron girders; weights of ; by J. H. W. Buck. [1883] New forms in architecture ; by W. V. Pickett. 1849 Progressive use iii building ; by G. Ait- chisou. 1871 Roofs, their expense, &c. ; by E. Hall. MS. SP. 1841 Examples of; by J. H. Porter. by A. T. Walmisley. 1884 Ship building ; by Sir W. Fairbaim. 1865 Strength of cast iron ; by E. Hodgkinson. 1846 < piUars ; by J. B. Francis. 1865 by E. Hodgkhison. 1858 materials ; by C. Barry. 1871 Use in construction and embellishment ; by W. G. ColdweU. MS. 1852-53 by W. White. SP. 1865 Wrought iron girders ; by E. Olander. 1880 sec Oldham Cotton Mill. 1845 Ironwork sec Metal Work. Irrigation see Canal, &c. Isaacs (L H) Practical treatise on sewerage and drain- age of towns and buildings. 8o. Lond. 1859 Report on application of artisans' dwell- ings bill to courts and alleys of Gray's Inn Lane. 8o. Lond. 1875 Isabella (C E) Les edifices circulaires et les domes, classes par ordre chro- nologique. fo. Paris 1855 Isherwood iB T) Bridges see Hanu (J) and others. Isometrical Perspective see Perspective. Italian Architecture by Callet and Lesueur. 1855 by J. L. Petit. 1855 by J. B. Waring and T. R. Macquoid. 1850 Art connected with ; by J. B. Waring. 1858 Brick and marble ; by G. E. Street. 1855, 1874 Buildings and architects ; by J. Gwilt. 1818 Christian ; by W. S. Okely. 1860 Court at the Crystal Palace ; by M. D. Wyatt and J. B. Waring. 1854 Notitia architectonica itahana; by J. Gwilt. 1818 Professional observations on ; by G. Tappen. 1806 Medieval by E. W. Nesfield. 1862 by E. Sharpe. SP. 1865 by R. Wilhs. 1885 Ecclesiastical ; by G. Knight. 1842-4 from Quarterly Review. 1845 Kunst in Unter-Italien ; by H. W. Schulz and F. von Quast. 1860 Italian Architecture Mediaeval — continued. Mmiicipal, commercial, and street ; by R. Anderson. [1862] Renaiss.\nce by F. L. Schuelt. 1821 by A. Schiitz. 1882 Backstein ; by L. Runge. [1846] Central- u. Kuppelkirchen ; byll. Strack. 1882 In Great Britain ; by W. Papworth. 1883 Kh-chen in Mittel-Itaheu ; by P. Laspey- res. 1882 Monumentale ; by F. Cassina. 1870 Recueil des plus beaux tombeaux dans les XV™« et XVI°"^ siecles ; by Grandjean de Moutigny. [1875] Terracotta of North Italy ; by L. Gruner. 1867 Tuscan ; by A. Grandjean and A. Famin. 1875 see Italy. see Rome, &c. Italica near Seville Pavimento en mo- sayco ; by A. de Laborde. 1806 Italy by F. T. Baggallay. 1883 by J. Bell. 1826 And its inhabitants ; by J. A. Galifl'e. 1810 Ancient cathedrals, &c. ; by J. Coney. 1832 Antiquities, &c. ; by J. Forsyth. 1813 of Magna Grascia ; by W. Wilkins. 1807 Arti primitive di ; by L. Poletti. 1838 Beaux-arts, au point de vuereligieux ; by A. J. Coquerel. 1857 Present aspect of; by M. D. Wyatt. 1862 Central, handbook ; by J. Murray. 1861, 1867 Delices del'Itahe; by...deRogissardand H * * 1707 Excursion en ; by A. Lance. 1859 Histoire des Normands dans I'ltalie ; by the Due de Luynos. 1844 n viaggiatore in Girgenti ; by R. Politi. 1826 Itmerario ; by F. Scotti. 1750 Journey to Rome ; by H. Sass. 1818 Letters &-om, and Vienna ; by Anony- mous. 1852 of an architect ; by J. Woods. 1828 Musei di documenti ; by Anon}-mous. 1880 North, handbook ; by J. Murray. 1869 Notes abroad, &c. ; by " A Traveller." 1837 Notizie degli scavi di antichita. [In pro- gress.) 4o. Rome 1877-83 Index in vol. for 1882. Palais, maisons, kc. ; by P. Clochar. 1809 Picturesque sketches ; by D. Brade. 1886 Picturesque tourni ; by J. Hakcwill. 1820 Real Museo Borbonico sec Museo. 1824-57 Renaissance of art in ; by L. Scott. 1883 Scenery ; by \V. B. Cooke and T. L. Donaldson. 1836 130 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Italy — continued. Scenes and impressions in ; by author of " Sketches in India." 3rd edit. 80. Lo7id. 1825 in Egypt and ; by Anonymous. 1825 Sketches ; by A. B. Mitchell. SP. 1886 by S. Prout. 1839 South, handbook ; by J. Murray. 1868 Statues, bas-reliefs, and pictures ; by J. and J. Eichardson. 1754 Vetera monumenta ; by G. G. Ciampini. 1690-99 see Italian Architecture. see Lombardy. see Naples. see Rome, &c. Ittar (S) Raccolta di antichi edificj di Catania. fo. Catan. 1812 Rapporto sugli ultimi scavi fatti del teatro antico di Catania. MS. SP. 21 .July 1837 Ives (J) Remarks upon the Garianonum of the Romans : the site and remains fixed and described. pamph. 80. Yarm. 1803 Ivories and Ivory Carvings Ancient and mediaeval; by H. Clark. 1875 Examples of ivory carvings from the 2nd to the 16th century ; by E. Oldfield. 1856 Notices of sculptiare in ; by M. D. Wyatt and E. Oldfield. 1856 Jackson (C) The practical arbitrator. 80. Lond. 1879 Jackson (J E) History of the ruined church of St. Mary Magdalene, discovered 1846, withm the old town-hall of Doncaster. Il- lustrated by J. P. Seddon. 4o. Lond. 1853 History and description of St. George's church, Doncaster, destroyed by fire February 28, 1853. 4o. Lond. 1855 Jackson (J G) Account of the empire of Marocco, district of Suse and Tim- buctoo. 4o. Lond. 1809 Jackson (J E) John of Padua. pamph. 4o. Devizes 1886 Jackson (J R) Observations on a letter from W. R. Hamilton, on the houses ofparhament. 80. Lond. 1837 Jackson (T G) Ragusa : il palazzo rettorale, il duomo, il rehquiario del teschio di S. Biagio. pamph. 80. Zara 1885 The architecture of Dalmatia. SP. No. XXXV. Jackson {W) Leicester castle, Kirby Muxloe castle, Trinity hospital. pamph. 80. Leicester 1885 Jacquin (J) and Duesberg (J) Rueil ; le chateau de Richelieu, la Mahuaison. 80. Paris 1845 James (J) Translation of A. Pozzo's Perspective. [1697] Translation of Perrault's Five Orders. 1708 Gardening, wherein is fully handled all that relates to fine gardens, com- monly called pleasure-gardens. 4o. Lond. 1712 James (J) Memoir ; by C. F. Hayward. SP. 1875 James (T) On the use of brick in ecclesiastical archi- tecture, pamph. 80. Northamp. 1847 Notes on cottage building. pamph. 80. ■ 1861 Jameson (Mrs A) Handbook to the courts of modern sculpture at the Crystal Palace. 80. Lond. 1854 Japan Account of; by E. Kaempfer. 1853 Japanese Architecture Domestic ; by J. Conder. SP. 1887 Further notes on ; by J. Conder. SP. 1886 Gentleman's house ; by R. T. Conder. SP. 1887 Grammar of Japanese ornament ; by T. W. Cutler. 1880 Mausoleum at Nikko ; by R. T. Conder. SP. 1886 Notes on ; by J. Conder. SP. 1878 Art ; by J. Leighton. 1863 Notes on ; by G. A. Audsley. 1872 Keramic art ; by G. A. Audsley and J. L. Bowes. 1875 Jaschke (C) and Seydel (F) Preussische baupoUzeigesetze. 5ih ed. 80. Berlin 1882 Java Boro-Boedoer ; by F. C. Wilsen and J. F. G. Brumund. 1873-74 Jay (L J) Lettres sur la peuiture, la sculp- ture et I'architecture. 80. Paris 1817 Jebb (J) Modern prisons : their construction and ventilation. 4o. Lond. 1844 Report to Viscount Palmerston upon the system of drainage pursued in the metropolis. 80. Lond. 1864 Jebb (R) Report on Pentonville prison. 80. Lond. 1844 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 131 JeflFerson (J E) Picturesque York ; by G. Bensou and J. E. Jefferson. 1886 Jeffery (A) Experiments to test the strength and adhesive quahties of the cement for joining wood, invented by him. MS. SP. 13 .June 1842 Jeffreys (J) Improvement of the chief thoroughfares of Londoii, by means of glass-floored open galleries. 4o. Land. 1861 Jenkins (Rev H) Colchester castle, shown to have been the templed citadel which the Roman colonists built ... to their deified emperor Clau- dius. Eevised edit. 8o. Colchester 1869 Jenkins (J) Notices on the slate quarry in Carmarthenshire. MS. SP. 15 Feb. 1836 Jenkins (R C) Church of St. Oswald, at Paddlesworth, Kent. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1875 Jenkins (W) Further elucidations. Supp. vol. to Antiquities of Athens, by J. Stuart and N. Revett. 1830 Jenkins (E) and Raymond (J) On buikhng contracts ; legal handbook for architects, builders, &c. 8o. Lond. 1873 The architect's legal handbook. Brd edit. 8o. Lond. 1880 Jenkins (J) and Hosking (W) Architec- tectural and other ornament ; Greek, Roman, and Italian. fo. Lond. 1827 Jersey ISIont Orgueil castle ; by W. Prynne. 1888 Jerusalem by T. Lewin. 1861 by P. Wolff. 1857 Ancient topography of; by J. Fergus- son. 1847 and antiquities of ; by J. J. Scoles. SP. 1849 And iloly Land ; exploration of; by G. Grove. SP. 1808 Anglican cathedral church on Mount Zion ; by .J. W. Johns. 1844 Archseological studies in ; by G. J. Wigley. SP. 1856 Buildings m the haram area ; by J. Fer- gusson. 1878 Explored ; by E. Pierotti. 1864 a defence of; by G. Williams. 1864 Fergusson's theory of holy places at ; by G. Williams. 1864 Holy places at ; by T. G. Bomiey. 1864 coUected opmions on Mr. Fergusson's theory ; by Anony- mous. Holy sepulchre ; notes on the site of the ; by J. Fergussou. 1861 1 Jerusalem — continued. Holy Sepulchre ; Chmxli of the ; bv R. Wilhs. and Temple ; by J. Fergusson. Jehosaphat ; some monuments in the valley of; by J. J. Scoles. SP. Recovery of; by C. W. Wilson and C. Warren. Eicerche sul genere di architettura ; by L. Canina. Temple and the sepulchre ; by S. Smith. of Solomon ; by E. I' Anson. SP. by L. Canina. by E. C. Robins. — — — by M. de Vogiie. Jacliin and Boaz ; proportions of ; by P. Legh. MS. SP. or Tomb ; by Sir C. Warren. 1849 1865 1844 1871 1845 1865 1849 1845 1886 1864 1837 1880 1878 1879 1884 The High Sanctuary ; by C. E. Conder. SP. by E. C. Robins. SP. Jessopp (A) Daily life in a mediaeval monastery. pamph. 8o. Lond. Jeuch (...) sec Gartner (F von) and others. Jewish Architecture In Palestine; by E. Pierotti. SP. 1862 sec Jerusalem. sec Sjrria. Jewitt (JO) and Le Keux (J) Handbook to Oxford. 8o. Oxford 1875 Jewitt (L) and Redfarn (W B) Cambridge corporation maces and rest. pamph. 4o. 1879 Joanne (A) Guides et itin^raires pour la France. 10 vols. Bo. Paris 1863-73 Jobbins (I R) Analysis of ancient domes- tic architecture ; by F. T. Dollman and I. R. Jobbins. 1801-63 Jocundus sec Vitruvius. 1511, 1513 Johns (J W) Anglican cathedral church of St. James's, Mount Zion, Jerusa- lem, fo. Lond. 1844 Johnson (J) Plans, &c., of the Essex county hall at Chelmsford. fo. Lo)id. 1808 Johnson (J) F.S.A. Reliques of ancient English architecture. fo. Lond. OutUne views of Beverley mmster. fo. Loud. Johnson (J | Churches of the Nene Valley ; by E. Sharpe, J. Johnson, and A. H. Kersey. Johnson (R J) Specimens of early French architecture. fo. Newc.-upon-T. & Land. [1845] 1880 1864 132 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Johnson (S) Dictionary of the English language. 6tli edit. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1785 Johnston (A K) Eoyal atlas of modern geography. New edit. fo. Lond. 1877 Johnston (K) General gazetteer. 8o. Lond. 1868 Joinery see Carpentry. Joliment (F T de) Catliedrales francaises ; by N. M. Chapuy, F. T. de Joliment, and A. du Mege. , 1823-30 Joly (J de) Plans, &c., de la restauration de la chambre des deputes. fo. Paris 1840 Jombert (C A) Architecture moderne, ou I'art de bien batir. 2 vols. 4o. Paris 1764 Jonas ( ) see Rommler ( ) Jones (A J) Sculptured decorative furni- ture, illustrative of Irish history and antiquities. 4o. Dublin 1853 Jones (E) Athenian or Grecian villas : de- signs, fo. Lond. 1835 Jones (H) Some accomit of the alterations and new buildings at the Guildhall, city of London. SP. 26 June 1865 Metropolitan meat and poultry market. pamph. Bo. Lond. 1868 The new metropolitan markets. SP. 7 Jan. 1878 Opening address. SP. 6 Nov. 1882 SP. 5 Nov. 1883 Jones (Rev H L) see Le Keux (J). Jones (I) The most notable antiquity of Great Britain, vulgarly called Stone-Heng, on Salisbury Plain, restored ; to which are added, the Chorca-Gigan- tum, or Stone-Heng restored to the Danes, by Dr. Charleton : and Mr. Webb's vindication of Stone-Heng restored, in answer to Dr. Charle- ton's reflections. fo. Land. 1725 And others ; designs of ; by I. Ware. [1756] Designs ; published by W. Kent. 1835 Some account of original drawings of ; by G. Gutch. MS. SP. 1836 Life of the architect ; by P. Cunningham : remarks on some of his sketches for masques and dramas, by J. E. Planche ; and five court masques, edited from the original MSS. of Ben Jonson, J. Marston, &c. ; by J. P. ColUer ; accompanied by facsimiles of drawings by I. Jones, and by a portrait from a painting by Vandyck. 8o. Lond. 1848 Architecture of the 17th century ; by A. W. Hakewill. [1853] Jones (J) Notes by see Palladio (A). Jones (0) Plans, itc, of the Alhambra, from draw- ings by J. Goury and 0. Jones. 1842-45 Illuminated books ; by H. N. Humphreys and O. Jones. 1844 Translation of Serouxd'Aginoourt's His- tory of art. fo. Lo7ul. 1847 Decorations proposed for the exhibition bmlding, Hyde Park. SP. 16 Dee. 1850 Attempt to define the principles which should regulate the employment of colour in the decorative arts. pamph. Bo. Lond. 1852 Alhambra court in the Crystal Palace. Bo. Lond. 1854 Apology for the colouring of the Greek court. 8o. Lond. 1854 Grammar of ornament ; illustrated by examples from various styles of orna- ment, fo. Lond. 1856 Leading principles in the composition of ornament of every period. SP. 15 Dec. 1856 Psalms of David ; illuminated, fo. Lond. 1862 The true and the false in the decorative arts. Bo. Lond. 1863 One thousand and one initial letters. fo. Lond. 1864 Examples of Chinese ornament, selected from objects in the South Kensmg- ton Museum, and other collections. fo. Lond. 1867 Description of designs for the proposed enlargement of the National Gallery. fo. Lond. 1867 J[ones] (TE) Mottoes and aphorisms from Shakspeare. 8o. Lond. 1869 Jones (W H) An account of the Saxon church of St. Laurence, Bradford-on-Avon. pamph. 8o. Devizes [1874] Trust deed of the Saxon church of St. Laurence. pamph. Bo. Devizes 1874 The finding of the Saxon church of St. Laurence at Bradford-on-Avon. pamph. Bo. [Lond. 1B76] Jones (I) and Kent (W) Designs. fo. Lond. 1744 Jones (0) Bonomi (J) and Sharpe (S) Handbook to the Egyptian court of the Crystal Palace. Bo. Lond. 1854 Jones (0) and Goury (J) Views on the Nile, from Cairo to the Second Cataract. fo. Lond. 1843 Jones (0) and Scharf (G) jun. Handbook to the Greek court. 8o. Lond. 1854 Roman court. 8o. Lond. 1854 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SKSSIONAL PAPERS 133 Jones (0) and Warren (H) Paradise and the Peri ; illuminated. 4o. Lond. 1860 Jones (W J) and Freeman (E A) History and antiquities of St. David's. 4o. Lond. 1856 Jopling (J) Examples of entasis, pamph. 8o. Lond. 1848 Description of instrument for drawing the entasis ; by F. C. Penrose. SP. 1850 Key to the proportions of the Parthenon. Nos. i. and ii. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1855-56 sec Waistell (C). Jordan (H) Tempel der Vesta. 4o. Berlin 1886 Jorio (A de) Guida di Pozzuoli e contorno. 8o. Ncqilcs 1817 Ricerche sul tempio di Serapide in Poz- zuoli. 4o. Naples 1820 Jourdain ( ) and Duval ( ) Les stalles de la cathedrale d'Amiens. 8o. Amiens 1843 Journal A. A. Notes see Architectural Association. Allgemeine bauzeitung, mit abbildungen fiir architekten. Text. 4o. Vienna 1886-73 Plates, fo. Vienna 1836-73 {In inogress.) fo. Vienna 1874-87- Lihaltsverzeichnissder, fiir die zwan- zigjahrgange von 1836-55. 4o. Vienna 1857 Gesammtinhaltsverzeichniss 1836- 85. 4o. Vienna 1887 American Architect and Building News. (In jyrogress.) 8o. Boston 1876-87- Institute Journal see New York. Antiquary (The)- Vols, i.-iii. 4o. Lond. 1880-81 Architect (The) A journal of art, civil engineering, and building. {In progress.) fo. Lond. 1869-87- see St. Petersburg Society OF Aechitects. and Building Gazette Vol. ii. only. 4o. Lond. and Building Operative An illustrated weekly join-nal for 1850 architects, builders, amateurs, civil engineers, &c. 2 vols. lb. Lond. 1849-50 Architectural Magazine ; edited by C. J. Loudon. 5 vols. 8o. Lond. 1834-38 Quarterly Review No. 1. 8o. Lond. 1851 Art Student An illustrated magazine of fine and illustrated arts. Nos. 1-10. 8o. Lo7id. 1864 Journal — continued. Art Workman (The) A monthly journal of design for the artist, artificer, &c. 3 vols. fo. Lond. [1874-80] Artizan(The) A monthly journal. {Vol. for 1848 wanting.) 19 vols. 4o. Lond. 1843-62 A jom'nal of civil and mechanical engineering, ship build- ing, &c. 4o. Lond. 1871 Assurance Magazine Nos. 6 and 7. Bo. Lond. 1852 Athenfeum (The) Journal of literature, science, and the fine arts. (In progress.) 4o. Lond. 1842-87- Atlantis (The) Register of literature and science conducted by the members of the catholic university of Ireland. Nos. 1 and 2. 8o. Lond. 1858 Boletim de architectura e de archeologia see Lisbon Real Associa(,ao dos Architectos, &c. Bombay Builder (The) Vol. i., Nos. 1 and 12 ; vol. ii., No. 12. Vol. iii., Nos. 1-12 ; vol. iv., 1-11. 4o. Bombay 1865-69 British Architect (The) (In progress.) fo. Lond. 1874-87- Builder (The) An illustrated weekly magazine ; edited by G. Godwin, fo. Lond. 1843-83 Later vols., edited by H. H. Statham. {Li progress.) fo. Lond. 1884-87- Lidesestovols. i-2, 4-51.fo. Lond. 1843-86 Builders' Weekly Reporter. fo. Lond. 1885-87- Building and Engineering Times (The) N.S. vols, vii.-xi. fo. Lond. 1884-86 Budget (The) {In progress.) 4o. Chicago 1885-87- News (The) An illustrated weeldy journal. 4o. Lond. 1856-61 (In progress.) fo. Lond. 1862-87- World (The) {In pirogress.) 4o. Lond. 1887- Cahfornia Architect and Building News (In progress.) 4o. S. i^'rawc. 1879-87- Canadian Journal First series, vols, i.-iii. 4o. Toronto 1852-55 New series, vols. i.-x. 8o. Toronto 1856-65 Church Builder (The) A quarterly jour- nal of church extension in England and Wales. 18 vols. 8o. Lond. 1862-79 Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal A monthly journal. 29 vols. 4o. Lo7ul. 1837-66 De Opmerker see Amsterdam Architectura et Amicitia 134 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Journal — continued. Dublin Builder (The) An illustrated Irish architectural, engineering, me- elianics', and sanitary journal. Vols. ii.-x. (Imperfect.) ' 4o. Dubl. 1860-68 Re^'iew(The) : Present state of ec- clesiastical architecture in England ; by A.AV.Pugin ; and Stephens' ancient cities of Central America. 80. Dubl. 1842 Ecclesiologist (The) see Ecclesiological Society. Edinburgh Review (The) : — The three cathedrals dedicated to St. Paul in London. pamph. 80. 1873 Modern architecture and its assail- ants, pamph. 80. Lond. 1875 Emulation (L') see Brussels Society Centkale d'Architecture Encyclopedie d'architecture, journal men- suel ; by Calliat and Lance. 1851-61 {In progress.) 4o. Paris 1872-87- Fine Arts Quarterly Review No. 1. 80. Lond. 1863 Furniture Gazette N.S., vol. v. fo. Lond. 1876 Gaceta del Constructor. (In progress.) fo. Madrid 1886-87- Gazette des architectes. 4o. Paris 1863-86 des Beaux-Arts Vols. 1867-70. 80. Parts 1867-70 Graphic and Historical Illustrator (The) Edit. byE. W. Brayley. 4o. Lond. WM Gentleman's Magazine (The) Vols, for July to Dec. 1856, and for the years 1857-63. 15 vols, m 8. 80. Lond. 1856-63 Illustrated Polytechnic Review Vol. i. (Incomplete.) 4o. Lond. 1843 Industries. (In pirogress.) 4o. Lond. 1886-87- Inland Architect. (In proqress.) fo. Chicago 1886-87- Irish Builder (the) (In progress.) fo. Dubl. 1870,1872-87- •lornal dos Architectos e Archeologos Portuguezes Archivo de architec- tura civil. Nos. 1-5. fo. Lisbon 1865-66 Journal of Decorative Art (The) Vols, iv.- (In progress.) 4o. Manch. 1884-87- Hellenic Studies see Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies. La Construction modcrne. (In jjrogress.) 4o. Paris 1885-87- Literary Gazette (The) and journal of belles lettres, science, and art. 10 vols. 4o. Lond. 1852-61 London Review (The) and weekly jour- nal of politics, literature, art, and society. Vols. ii. iii. iv. (Impierfect.) Vol. v. fo. Lond. 1861-67 Journal — continued. Mechanic's Magazine (The) Museum, register, journal and gazette. Vols. i. to XX., and xxiv. to xxvii. 80. Lond. 1823-37 Weekly Journal (The) or artisan's miscellany of inventions, kc. Vol. i. 80. Lond. 1824 Nederlandsche Kunstbode Vols, i.-iii. 4o. Haarlem 1879-81 Notes and Queries A medium of inter- communication for literary men, &c. 3rd series. 4o. Lond. 1862-67 Lidex. 4o. Lond. 1880 4th series. 4o. Lond. 1868-73 — Index. 4o. Lond. 1880 5th series. 4o. Lond. 1874-79 Index. 4o. Lond. 1880 6th series. 4o. Lond. 1880-85 Index. 4o. Lond. 1886 7th series. (In progress.) 4o. Lond. 1886-87- Plumber and Decorator (The) (In progress.) fo. Lond. 1886-87 Polytechnic Review (The Illustrated) (Incomplete.) 4o. Lond. 1843 . Quarterly Review (The) : — Ecclesiastical architecture of Italy. pamph. 80. Lond. 1845 Modern German paintmg ; Reid- ventilation ; and Spanish archi- tecture, pamph. 80. Lond. 1846 State of English architecture. pamph. 80. Lond. 1872 Completion of St. Paul's. pamph. 80. Lond. 1872 Hope of English architecture. pamph. 80. Lond. 1874 Revista de la arquitectura ) Revista de la Sociedad ) see Madrid Sociedad Central de Arquitectos. Revue Artistique et Litteraire ; edited by L. Auvray. 2 parts. 80. Paris 1865 Revue des Beaux-Arts see Paris SociBTK Libre des Beaux-Arts. Revue Grenerale de 1" Architecture, &c. ; by C.Daly. (In progress.) 1840-87- R.I.B.A. Journal sec Royallnstitute of British Architects. Sanitary Engineer (The) (In ptrogress.) 4o. N. York 1882-87- Sculptor's Journal (The) and Fine Art Magazine. Nos. i., ii., iii. 80. Lond. 1863 Semaine des Constructeurs ; C. Daly directeur. (In progress.) 4o. Paris 1877-87- Society of Arts Journal see Society FOR the Encouragement of Arts, &c. PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 135 Journal — continued. Surveyor, Engineer, and Architect (The) edited by R. Mndie. Nos xiv.-xxv., xxxi. and xxxii. 4o. Loud. 1841-42 Topographer and Genealogist (The) by J. G. Nichols. '1 parts. 8o. Lond. 1843 Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Re- view (The): Architectural study and records. 8o. Lond. 1846 Review (The) : Progress of art ; Basilica style of architecture ; Architectural monuments of E truria ; Practical considerations for the pro- motion of British architecture, &c. 8o. Lond. 1844 Wiltshire Archieological and Natural His- tory Magazine Nos. xviii.-xxiii., xx\1ii. 8o. Devizes 1860-63 Wochenschrift sec Vienna Oester- REICHISCHEE InGENIEUK- UND Ar- CHITEKTENVEEEIN. Workshop (The ) A journal of the useful arts ; edited by Prof. W. Baumer, J. Schnorr, &c. 4o. Lond. [1870-73] Zeitschrift sec Vienna Oesteereichi- SCHEE InGENIEUE- UND AeCHITEK- TENVEEEIN. see Newspaper Cuttings and Extracts. Joumet (P| Listrument invented by him for taking mouldings, and called the morpho- graph. MS. SP. 4 Mar. 1844 Machine employed for raismg materials employed in building, and adapted to the unloading of ships and ware- housingofgoods, &c. MS. SP. 3Jmie 1844 Jousse (M) Le secret d'architecture. fo. La Fleche 1642 L'art de charpenterie. fo. Paris 1702 Jowers (A) On the principles which should govern the decoration of a suite of apartments in a first-class town mansion, &c. (Prize essay.) 8o. Lond. 1871 On modern art-architectural criticism. (Prize essay.) 8o. MS. 1873 Judaea Histoire de Part ; by Perrot and Chipiez. Vol. iv. 1887 Judge (G) Notes of the papers read at the ordinary general meetings of the R.I.B.A. during the Session 1844-45. (Prize essay.) MS. 1845 Judge (M H) Sanitary arrangements of dwelling houses. 8o. Lond. 1884 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1884 Julian (G R) The appropriate ornamenta- tion of works m iron. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1885 Jumieges Histoire de I'abbaye ; by C. A. Deshayes. 1829 Junius Authorship of, elucidated ; by J. Britton. 1848 Jupp (E B) Historical account of company of car- penters. 8o. Lond. 1848 Genealogical memoranda relatmg to Richard Wyatt, citizen and carpen- ter ; with an account of his alms- houses at Godalming. 8o. Lond. [1848] Jupp (E B) and Pocock (W W) Historical account of the Worshipful Company of Carpenters. 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1887 Jurisprudence (Architectural) see Law. Justen (Jj Romanesque architecture in Germany, with an especial reference to the monuments on the Lower Rhine. pamph. 8o. Liverp. 1860 Juvara (T) Strictures on architectural monstrosities, and suggestions for an improvement in the direction of pubhc works. Replied to, by " An Architect." pamph. 8o. Lond. 1885 K Kaempfer (E) Account of Japan, abridged from the translation of J. G. Scheuch- zer. 8o. Lo)id. 1863 Kaffa Enquiry into A. d'Abbadie's journey to ; in 1843 and 1844 ; by C. T. Beke. 1851 Kalergis (E) Athenes et ses (il/ap in case.) Kaltenbach (G G) Atlas zur geschichte der deutsch-mittel- alterlichenbaukunst. ob. fo. Munich 1847 Kamnierling (H) Das Victoria-theater zu Berlin. fo. Berlin 1861 Kansas City Exchange see Competitions. Kaplanidou (A) Memoir of Professor T. L. Donaldson. pamph. fo. Athens 1887 Karamania by F. Beaufort. 1818 Karlsruhe are Carlsruhe Kautanzoglos [Kaftangioglou] (L) Annual addresses dehvered before the royal school of fine arts, Athens. 8o. Athens 1846-51, 1855-57-58 Artistic examination of works executed for completion of University of Athens (text in Greek). 8o. Athens 1865 Opinions on modifications of plan of mo- dern Athens (text in Greek). pamph. 8o. Athens 1868 environs. Paris [1863] 136 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPEES Kautanzoglos (L) — contimied. Art at Athens ; extract of a letter from. SP. 6 Jan. Foundation of Temple of Constantino (text in Greek), pampli. 80. Athens Eecent discoveries at Myeenje. SP. 11 Ju. Reports of Arcliasological Society of Athens (text in Greek). pamph. 80. Athens Discussion on the destruction (?) of the tower in the Acropolis at Athens (text in Greek), pamph. 80. Athens Necrology. pamph. 80. Athens Keane (M) The towers and temples of ancient Ireland. 4o. Dublin Keller (F) Grossmiinster in Zurich ; by S. Vogelin and F. Keller. KelsaU (C) A letter from Athens, addressed to a friend in England. 4o. Loud. Phantasm of a university, with prolego- mena. 4o. Lond. Classical excursion from Eome to Arpino. 80. Geneva Kelsey (R) Surveyor's report as to the main lines of sewer withm the city of London. pamph. 80. Lond. Kempe (A J) Introduction to monumental effigies ; by C. A. Stothard. Historical notices church of St. London. Sepulchral effigy of bishop of Rochester. KendaU (H E) Specification for works to the house of correction at Louth, Lincolnshire. fo. [Louth] to court house, &c., at Spilsby, Lincolnshire, fo. [Spilshy] Approved designs of a chapel and gate- way entrances intended to be erected at Kensall Green for the General Cemetery Company. fo. Lond. Temporary paviUon erected for the city of London Conservative festival 4o. Lond. Kendall (H E) jun. Designs for schools and school-houses, parochial and national. fo. Lond. Kendall (J) Elucidation of the principles of Enghsh architecture usually deno- minated Gothic. 80. Lond. Kennedy (A B W) " Mild steel " and its application to build- ing purposes. SP. 19 Ap. — ■ Adjourned discussion on. SP. 24 May of the collegiate Martin's-le-Grand, 80. Lond. ■John de Sheppy, 4o. Lond. 1868 1871 1877 1878 1878 1885 1867 1812 1814 1820 1842 1817 1825 1833 1824 1824 1832 1837 1847 1818 1880 1880 Kennedy (J) Description of antiquities and curiosities in Wilton House. 4o. Salisbury Kennel sec Stables &c. Kennett (B) Eomffi antique notitia ; or antiquities of Rome. 80. Lond. Kenilworth Castle ; by G. T. Robinson. Kent A corner of ; by .J. R. Planche. Churches, notes on ; by S. R. Glynne. Famous Kentish houses ; by S. W. Ker- shaw. Perambulation of ; by W. Lambarde (1576). St. Oswald church, Paddlesworth ; by R. C. .Jenkins. Kent Archaeological Society see Maid- stone. Kent (J C) Translation of " Imitation in the fine arts," by A. C. Quatremere de Quincy. Kent (W) Designs ; by I. Jones and W. Kent. Houghton, Norfolk ; by I. Ware and W. Kent. Designs of Inigo Jones, consisting of plans and elevations for public and private buildings ; with some addi- tional designs by A. Palladio, &c. fo. Lond. Kerfoot & Co Gafi' building, Chicago. pamph. fo. Chicago Opera house and office building, Chicago, pamph. ob. fo. Chicago Keratry (A H) Du beau dans les arts d'imitatiou. 2 vols. 80. Paris Kerr (J) Metric system; its prospects in this country. pamph. 80. Glasg. Kerr (R) Newleafe discourses on the fine art archi- tecture. 80. Lond. Remarks upon the historical references to building and art in the earher writings of the Old Testament. SP. 5 Mar. Artificial stone. SP. 23 Feb. Competition design for Kensington mu- seums, fo. Lond. English gentleman's house. 80. Lond. 2nd edit, revised. 80. Lond. 3rd edition. 80. Lond. Ancient ights, and the evidence of sur- veyors thereon. 80. Lond. Obstruction of ancient lights ; evidence of architects thereon. SP. 30 Ap. Problem of providing dwellings for the poor. SP. 3 Dec. Discussion. SP. 17 Dec. 1866 and 14 Jan. 1769 1713 1859 1864 1877 1880 1826 1875 1837 1744 1760 1885 1884 1884 1822 1863 1846 1860 1863 1864 1865 1865 1871 1865 1866 1866 1867 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 137 Kerr (R) — continued. Calculations of crushing weight. SP. 13 Dec. 1869 Development of theory of the architec- turesque. SP. 18 Jan. 1869 Suggestions on architectural voluntary examination of the Institute. SP. 13 June 1870 Hints on the commercial aspects of architectural competitions. SP. 23 May 1871 A small country house, &c. 8o. Lond. 1873 English architecture thirty years hence. CP. 9 May 1884 The consulting architect. 8o. Lond. 1886 Observations on the architect's functions in relation to building contracts. SP. No. XXXII. Kerrich (T) Catalogue of Roman coins, presented to the Society of Anti- quaries. 8o. Lond. 1852 Kersey (A H) Churches of the Nene Valley ; by E. Sharpe, J. Johnson, and A. H. Kersey. 1880 Kershaw (S W) Ancient bridge-chapels. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1882 Art treasures of the Lambeth library ; a description of the illummated MSS. &c. 8o. Lond. 1873 Famous Kentish houses ; their history and architecture. 8o. Lond. 1880 Birchington-on-Sea and its bungalows ; by A. Mayhew and S. W. Kershaw. 1881 Thanet in former days, with notes on the island. (Bound with Mayhew and Kershaw's Birchincjton-on-Sea.) 8o. Lond. 1881 Kew Gardens and buildings ; by [Sir] W. Chambers. 1763 Keyser (C E) see Science and Art Dept., S. Kensington. Kilconnel Ireland Abbey : descriptive particulars of the remains; by J.Blake. SP. 1858 Kilkenny Antiquities ; by T. N. Deane. SP. 1866 St. Canice cathedral ; by J. Graves and J. G. A. Prim. 1857 Killpack (W B) and Clarke (T H) History and antiquities of the collegiate church of Southwell, and descriptive account. 4o. Lond. 1839 Kilmalkedar Kerry Church ; by A. Hill. 1870 Kiln see Furnace. King (C R B) Altar canopy or baldacchino of St. Mary's, Totnes. pamph. 8o. [Lond. 1880] King (D ) and Clayton ( A B ) Subterranean passages at Eltham palace, lately discovered and explored. pamph. 8o. Greenwich 1834 King (P S ) & Son Lists. (Parliamentary Papers, &c.) {In iwogress.) 8o. Lond. 1803-87- King (R J) Handbook to cathedrals of England and Wales. 7 vols. 8o. Lond. 1861-73 King (T) Shop fronts and exterior doors, for the use of the architect, builder, and joiner. 4o. Lond. King (T H ) Orfevrerie et ou\'rages en metal du moyen-age. fo. Bruges 1852 King (T H) and Hill (G J) Mediaeval architecture and art ; series of work- ing drawings of monuments of middle ages, plans, details, &c. 4 vols. 4o. Lond. 1858-68 Kingston-on-Thames Church , early history ; by A. Heales. 1883 Kinnard (W) Antiquities of Athens and Delos. Supp. vol. to Antiquities of Athens ; by J. Stuart and N. Eevett. 1830 Eanross (J) Details from Italian build- ings, chiefly renaissance, fo. Edinb. 1882 Ki^benhavn see Copenhagen. Kip (J) Nouveau theatre de la Grande Bretagne ; by L. Knyffe and J. Kip. 1708 Kirby (J) Dr. Brook Taylor's method of perspective made easy, both in theory and prac- tice. 2 vols. 2nd edit. 4o. Ijjswich 1755 Perspective of architecture. A work en- tirely new ; deduced from the prin- ciples of Dr. Brook Taylor, fo. Lond. 1761 Kirby Muxloe Castle ; by W. Jackson. 1885 Kircher (A) Latium, id est nova et parallela Latii turn veteris tum novi descriptio. fo. Amsl. 1671 Kirk (T) Balfour (J M) and Ward (E Wl Eeports on durability of New Zealand timber in constructive works, &c. pamph. 8o. Wellington 1875 Kirkaldy (D) Comparative tensile strength of various kinds of wrought iron and steel. 8o. Lond. 1862 Results of experimental enquiry into me- chanical properties of steel. 4o. Lond. 1873 into re- lative properties of wrought-iron plates. 4o. Lond. 1876 KirkstaU Abbey ; by J. W. Connon. 188C Kitchin (G W) Great screen of Winchester cathedral. pamph. 4o. Winch. 138 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Kitchin (G ^fJ)— continued. The crypts of Winchester cathedral. pamph. 80. [ Winoh.] 1886 Kite (J) Ventilation, and the prevention of smoke. SP. 9 June 1845 Kittoe (M) Illustrations of Indian archi- tecture from the Muhammadan con- quest downwards ; from buildings at Agra, DeUii, Juanpur, Benares, Chunar, &c. fo. Calcutta 1838 Klaus (R) Polizei-verordiiungen von haus- und grundbesitzern in Berlin zu beaehten. pamph. 80. Berlin 1883 Elein (J A) and lassaulx (J C von) Rheinreise von Strassburg bis Rot- terdam. Mit architelctonisch-his- torischen bemerkungen iiber die bau- werke am Rhem. 2nd edit. 80. Coblem [1841] Klemm (G) Der dom zu Meissen. 80. Meissen 1885 Klenze (L von) Der tempel des olympischen Jupiter zu Agrigent. 4o. Stuttgart d: Tubingen 1821 Die schonste iiberbleibsel griechischer ornamente der glyptik, plastik und malerei. 4 parts [all ■published. No title-page.) fo. Munich 1823-66 Anweisung zur architektur des christ- hcheu cultus. fo. Munich 1834 Peripteral Ionic temple erected by him in Munich park, decorated with poly- chromatic embellishments. MS. SP. 4 Dec. 1837 Walhalla, in artistischer und technischer beziehung. fo. Munich 1842 Sammlung architectonischer entwiirfe fiir die ausf iihrung bestimmt oder wirk- Uch ausgefiihrt. 2nd edit. fo. Munich 1847-50 Necrology ; by C. C. Nelson. SP. 1864 Catalogue de la biblioth^que. 80. Paris 1864 Knapp (J Iffi) see Bunsen (C C J) Knight & Co see London Local Goveen- MENT BOAED. Knight (C) Account of Crosby Place. 80. Land. 1841 Knight (C) & Co. History of architecture in England. 80. ^ Lond. [1837-38] sec British Almanack and Companion. Knight (H G) Architectural tour in Normandy : with some remarks on Norman architec- ture. 80. Lond. 1886 Normans in Sicily ; being a sequel to " Architectural Tour in Normandy." 80. Lond. 1838 Saracenic and Norman remains : to illus- trate the " Normans in Sicily." fo. Lond. [1838] Knight (H G;)— continued. Ecclesiastical architectiu'e of Italy : from the time of Constantine to the 15th century. 2 vols. fo. Lond. 1842-44 Knight (J G) Treatise on colonial build- ing stones, pamph. 80. Melbourne 1859 Knight (H P) Analytical inquiry into principles of taste. 4th edit. 80. Lond. 1808 Knight (S) Influence of business require- ments upon street architecture. SP. 20 Nov. 1876 Knight (W) Queen Elizabeth's bath, King's Mews, Charing Cross. 4o. Lond. 1834 Knightley (T E) Stable architecture. fo. Lond. 1862 Knoblauch (6) and HoUin (F) Die neue syuagoge in Berlm. fo. Berlin 1867 {Bound with Staler, "Neue ^iniversitdts- gebaude.") Knowles (G) Present state of the Acro- polis and recent discoveries at the Parthenon, Athens. SP. 12 Jan. 1846 Knowles (J T) Application of cements to exteriors of buildings. SP. 27 May 1850 Knowles (J T) jun Architectural edu- cation : Prize essay. pamph. 80. Lond. 1853 Knyffe (L) and Kip (J) Nouveau theatre de la Grande-Bretagne. fo. Lond. 1708 Kobern see Coborn. Koeberlein (P) Mittelalterhche baudenk- maler in Cassel ; by H. von Dehn- Rotfelser and P. Koeberlein. 1882 Koch (A) BaumateraUen der Schweiz ; by U. Meister, A. Koch, and others. 1884 Koch (0 V) Teguinger af jeldre nordisk architectur ; by V. Dahlerup, H. J. Holm, 0. V.Koch, and H. Storck. 1872-82 Koner (W) Leben der Griechen und Romer ; by E. Guhl and W. Koner. 1862 Kbniglich-technische Deputation fiir Ge- werbe sec Berlin. Kbnigliche Akademie der Kiinste see BerUn. Kbnigsberg Universitats-gebaude ; by A. Stiller. 1865 KonstantinoflF(...) Application des fusdes au jet des amarres de sauvctage. Test 80. Plates 4o. St. Petersb. 1863 Kopp (E) Beitrag zur construction der altdeut- schen bauart. Parts i. and ii. fo. Erfurt 1831-34 Architektonische entwiirfe. fo. Erftirt 1881-36 Beitrag zur darsteUung ernes reinen eiafachen baustyls. Hefte i.-v. fo. Dresden (& Stuttgart 1837-39 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 139 Kbrner ( ) Hocbschule zu Braunschweig; by Uhde and Korner. [1881] Zornerup (J) see C F Holm & others. Krafft (A) see Wanderer (F) Krafft (J C) Plans, &c., de diverses productions de I'art de la charpente. fo. Paris 1805 Traite sur I'art de la charpente. (Text French, German, and English.) {Wants liarts iv.,v., and vi.) 3 vols. fo. Paris 1819-21 Kecueil d'arcbitecture civile, contenant les plans, &c., des chateaux, maisons de campague, &c., situ6s aux envi- rons de Paris et dans les departe- mens voisins. fo. Paris 1829 Choix de maisons et d'edifices publics de Paris, &c. 2nd edit. fo. Paris 1838 Portes-cocberes et portes d'entr^es de Paris, &c. 2nd edit. fo. Paris 1838 Krafft (J C) and Ransonnette (N) Plans, &c., des plus belles maisons et des hotels construits h Paris et dans les environs. (French, German, and English text.) fo. Paris Krafit (J C H) and ThioUet (F) Choix des plusjolies maisons de Paris et de ses environs, edifices et monuments pubhcs. New edit. fo. Paris 1849 Krakau (A) Orvieto cathedral ; by Benois, Resanofl', and Krakau. 1877 Krause (J H) Civitates neocorae sive feditutC. 8o. Leipzig 1844 Krepp (F C) The sewage question ; being a general review of all systems and methods for draining cities and uti- lising sewage. 4o. Lond. 1867 Kreutz (G and L) La Basilica di San Marco in Venezia, espostanei suoimusaici, storici orna- nienti, scolpiti e vedute arehitet- tonicbe. Sezione prima, fo. Venice 1843 Mosaici secondarii della Basilica di S. Marco in Venezia. 4o. Venice 1854 Kugler (F) Ueber die polychromie der griechischen arcbitektur und sculptur und ihre grenzen. 4o. Berlin 1835 Geschicbte der baukunst, mit illustratio- nen. 3 vols. 8o. Stuttgart 1859 Denkmiiler der architectur, 57 plates, kc. fo. Stuttgart 18G0 Kiihlmann (F) Mode of hardening chalk ; by W. Bromet. SP. 1847 Waterglass ; its use and application. pampb. 8o. Lond. 1858 Eeport of the commission,' with the exa- Kiihlmann (F) — continued. minatiou of the process of silicifi- cation. (Translation.) pampb. 8o. Lond. 1858 Application of waterglass m the arts. pampb. Lond. 1859 see Fiiolis (J N). Kumpa (J) New method of teaching draw- ing, invohnng (it is stated) the principle of a new system of archi- tecture ; and discussion thereon. 8o. Lond. 1855 Kurdistan Travels Ln Armenia, &c. ; by A. H. Layard. 1853 Kurkhi Observations regarding the site of Kurkhi, the residence of the Pan- dyan kings of Madura. pampb. 8o. Madras 1838 Kyan ( ) see Decay. L Architectural study and records. pampb. 8o. Lond. 1846 L (A) Frdd^rie Sauvage et ses inventions. pampb. 8o. Boulogne 1881 Labacco (A) Libro d' A. L. appartenente a r arcbitettura. fo. Borne [1568] Labarte (J) Peinture en email dans I'antiquit^ et au moyen-age. 4o. Paris 1856 Le palais imperial de Constantinople et ses abords. 4o. Paris 1861 Labelye (C) A description of Westminster bridge, with an account of the methods made use of in laying the foundations of its piers. 8o. Lond. 1751 Laboratory see Science School. Laborde (A de) Descripcion de un pa\'imento en mosilyco descubierto en la antigua ItiUica, hoy Santiponce en las cercanias de Se- villa. fo. Madrid 1806 Voyage pittoresque et historique de I'Espagne. (Im]}erfect.) fo. Paris 1806 Les monumens de la France, classes chronologiquement, et consid^r^s sous le rapport de I'etude des arts. 2 vols. fo. Paris 181G, 1836 Laborde (L de) Journey through Arabia Petreea, to Mount Sinai, &c. 8o. Lond. 1836 Labour sec Master and Workmen. Labourers' Cottages and Dwellings see Agricultural Labourers' Dwellings. Labouring Classes Dwelling House Act Copy of bye-laws (1866). fo. Lond. 1867 140 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS LabouringClassesDwelling House Act— coMimwecZ. Return of applications for loans under the Act, 1868. fo. Lond. 1874 Return of amounts advanced for im- pro\'ing. fo. Lond, 1875 Labrouste (H) Les temples de Psestum. fo. Paris 1877 Labyrinth, Maze, &c. see Gardening. Lachez (T) Acoustique et optique des salles de reunions publiques, theatres et amphitheatres, spectacles, con- certs, &c. Suivi d'un projet de salle d'assemblee constituante pour neuf cents membres. 8o. Paris 1848 Lachner (C) Geschichte der holzbaukunst in Deutschland. fo. Leipz. 1885-87 Lacustrine or Lake Dwellings Du lac de Neuchatel ; by E. Desor. 1865 Habitations lacustres ; by F. Troyon. 1860 Nel Vicentino ; by P. Lioy. 1865 Laet (J de) see Vitruvius. 1649 Lafolie ( C J) Memoires relatifs a la fonte et a I'elevation de la statue equestre de Henri IV a Paris. 8o. Paris 1819 La Force (P de) Description de Versailles et de Marly. 3rd edit. 2 vols. 12o. Paris 1713 Lahore see India. Laing (D) Plans, &c., of buildings, public and private, executed in various parts of England, &c., including the new custom house and St. Dunstan's in the East, London, &c. fo. Lond. 1818 Lalande ( J J de) see Le Francois (J J). Lamb (E B) Etchings of Gothic ornament, fo. Lond. 1830 Memoir of J. C. Loudon. MS. SP. 18 Dec. 1843 Studies of ancient domestic architecture, principally selected from original drawings in the collection of the late Sir W. Burrell, Bart., with some brief observations on the application of ancient architecture to the pictorial composition of modern edifices. 4o. Lond. 1846 Lambarde (W) Perambulation of Kent. [Beprint of ed. 1576.) 8o. Chatham 1826 Lambert (A) Madonna di San Biagio. fo. Stuttgart 1884 Lambert (H) Necrologie : F. Nepvue. pamph. 8o. Paris 1862 Lambeth see London. Lamprey (J) Chinese architecture. SP. 20 May 1867 Lamy (B) Perspective made Easie. 8o. Lond. 1710 Lancashire Pugin tour ; by F. Hooper. SP. 1883 West, post-glacial geology of; by T. W. Reade. 1872 Lancashire and Cheshire (Historic Society of) Transactions, session 18oG-57, Vol. ix. 8o. Lond. 1857 Lancaster On disfranchisement of ; byE. Sharpe. 1867 Lance (A) Encyclopedie d'architecture ; by V. Cal- liat and A. Lance. 1851-64 Abel Blouefc, sa vie et ses travaux. 8o. Paris 1854 Diplome d'architecte. 8o. Paris 1855 by J. W. Papworth. SP. 1855 Exposition uuiverselle des beaux-arts ; architecture, compte rendu. 8o. Paris 1855 Excursion en Italie. 8o. Paris 1859 Annuaire de I'architecte pour I'annee 1864, premiere annee. 8o. Paris 1864 Dictionnaire des architectes fran9ais. 2 vols. 8o. Paris 1872 see Paris Societe Genteale des Ar- chitectes. 1850 Lancelot ( ) De Paris a Bucharest. pamph. 4o. Paris 1866 Lanchester (H J) How to make a house healthy and com- fortable. 8o. Lond. 1873 Report upon a proposed new bridge over the Thames, and a new routebetween the south and east of London. pamph. fo. Lond. 1878 Further report, giving reasons why a new low level bridge over the Thames is required. pamph. fo. Lond. 1879 Land see Building Land. see Surveying. Land Revenue Reports by the Surveyor !?eneral, for the years 1797-1812. fo. Lond. 1812 Lande (de la) see Lalande (de). Landesio (E) and Rosa (P) Ricordi della villa Pinciana di S.E. il Principe M. A. Borghese. fo. Borne 1842 Land! (G A) Raccolta di alcmie facciate di palazzi e cortili di Bologna. fo. Bologna [16 — ] Landing Stage see Breakwater, &e. Landlord and Tenant see Law. Landon (C P) Description de Paris; by .T. G. Legrand and C. P. Landon. 1808 Landoni (T) Del musaico che sussisteva nella chiesa che fu di S. Michele in Ravenna. pamph. 8o. Bavcn. 1847 Translation ; by 0. Hansard. MS. 1853 Lands Clauses Consolidation Act see Law. Landscape Gardening see Gardening. PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 141 Landscape Painting Elements of picturesque scenery ; by H. Twining. 1853-70 Lanfranc Notice biographique ; by M. A. Charma. 1849 Lang (H) Das Model'sche bans, und pavilion im garten des palais, in Karlsruhe. fo. Vienna 1882 see Breyman (0 A) and Lang (H). Lange (F| Fall of the cupola of the Leopoldstadt basilica, Pesth. SP. 8 -June 1868 Memorandum to determine the pressure of the wind. SP. 8 June 1868 Lange (P) Monuments de Vienne ; by H. Auer and P. Lange. 1885 Langenmantel ( ) see Gartner (F von) and others. 1846 Langley (B) Practical geometry appUed to the useful arts of building, surveying, garden- ing, and mensuration. fo. Lond. 1726 Ancient masonry, both in the theory and practice. 2 vols. fo. Lond. 1736 Reply to .J. James's reviews of schemes offered for building a bridge at Westminster. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1737 Builders' jewel : or the youth's mstructor and workman's remembrancer. 12o. Lond. 1741 Survey of Westminster bridge as it is now sinkuig into ruin, &c. 8o. Lond. 1748 The city and country builders' workman's treasury of designs, or the art of drawing and working the ornamental parts of architecture. 4o. Lond. 1750 Builders' complete assistant, or a hbrary of art and sciences, necessary to builders and workmen in general. 4th edit. 2 vols. 8o. Lond. [after 1788] Langley (B and T) Gothic architecture. 4o. Lond. 1747 Langley Park Kent ; by H. Repton. MS. 1790 Langlois i £ H) Description historique des maisons de Rouen ; by E. Delaqueriere and E. H. Langlois. 1821-41 Essai historique et descriptif sur I'abbaye de Sainte-Wandrille. 8o. Paris 1827 Stalles de la cathedrale de Rouen. 8o. liouen 1838 Langres Catalogue du musee des antiquites de Langres. 8o. Langres 18G1 Portes gallo-romaines ; by Girault de Prangey. 1847 St.-Etienne de Vignory ; by Girault de Prangey. 1861 Languedoc Canal de ; by J. J. de Lalande. 1778 Histoire du canal ; by Anonymous. 1805 Monuments de dioceses ; by J. Renouvaer. 1840 Languedoc (Bas) Monumens ; by J. Re- nouvier and J. B. Lam-ens. 1840 Lansdowne (Marquess of) see Education. 1839 Lanyon (J) Sanitary and practical ap- pUances to increase the comforts of dweUings. SP. 8 Jan. 1877 Lapides Capitolini by G. B. Piranesi. 1761 Lapidge (E) Artesian well and reservoir sunk at the county lunatic asylum, at Spring- . field, Wandsworth, 1889, by T. Clark, of Tottenham. SP. 25 Jan. 1841 MS. 25 Jan. 1841 Lapparent ( de) Prevention of decay m timber for ship-building and other purposes. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1862 Lardner (D) Advantages of natural philosophy and astronomy as part of a general and professional education. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1828 Handbook of natural philosophy. 4 vols. 8o. Land. 185G-61 Lascelles (R) Heraldic origin of Gothic architecture. 8o. Lond. 1820 Lasinio (C) Pitture a fi-esco del Campo Santo di Pisa. fo. Florence 1822 Lasinio (G P) Le tre porte del Battistero di San Giovanni di Firenze. fo. Florence 1821 Laslett (T) Timber and timber trees, native and foreign. 8o. Lond. 1875 Laslett (T N) Description of the metro- scope. SP. 4 Dec. 1876 Laspeyres (P ) Die kirchen der renaissance in MittelitaUen. fo. Berl. d Stuttg. 1882 Lassaulx (J C von) Besehreibung eines sehr einfachen mittels den iibeln geruch der abtritte zu beseitigen, &c. pamph. 12o. Cologne 1836 Matthias kapelle auf der Oberonburg bei Kobern an der Mosel ; by E. Dronke and J. C. von Lassaulx. 1837 Besehreibung einer neuen art niosaik aus backsteinen. pamph. 8o. Cohl. 1839 Rhemreise von Strassburg ; by J. A. Klein and J. C. von Lassaulx. 2nd edit. [1841] Bausteino. 4o. Cohl. 1847 Lassaux (V de) see Delassaux (V). SP. 1846 Lassus (J B A) and Darcel (A) Album de Villard de Honuecourt, public en fac-simil(5. 4o. Paris 1858 Some remarks on ; by H. B. Garling, jun. SP. 1858 142 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 1864 1878 1842 1671 1809 1824 Lassus (J B A) Duval (A) and Durand (P) Monograpbie de la cathedrale de Cliar- tres. Plates, to. Paris 1842-67 Text. 4o. Paris 1881 Lasvignes (L) Cathedrale de Bayeux ; by D. de Dion and L. Lasvignes. 1861 Lateral Support sec Law. sec. Shoring. Latham (B) Report upon filtration at the Ely water works. 8o. Ely Sanitary engineering ; sewerage and bouse drainage. 2nd edit. 8o. Loud. (£ New York. Latilla (E) Treatise on fresco, encaustic, and tempera painting. 8o. Loud. Latium by A. Kireber. Citta del Lazio ; by M. C. Dionigi. by L. Eossini. Laugier (M A) Essay on architecture. Translation of the 1st edit. 12o. Lond. 1755 Laundry see Baths, &c. Laurens (J B) Monuments du Bas-Langue- doc ; by J. Eenouvier and J. B. Laurens. 1840 Laurentin ]\laison de campagne de Plme le consul ; by J. Boucbet. 1852 Reproduction du Laurentin see Paris Academie des Beaux-Arts. Laurus (J) Antiquas urbis splendor ; hoc est prfficipua ejusdem templa, amphi- tbeatra, tbeatra, circi, &c., imaginum descriptio. ob. 4o. Borne 1612 Lausanne Histoire de I'architecture sacree du IV au X« siecle, &c. ; by J. D. Blavignac. 1853 Lavallee ( ) Reville ( ) and Roquefort (B de) Vues pittoresques et perspec- tives des salles du mus6e des monu- ments fran9ois. [Wants title-2)age.) fo. [Paris] Lavars (E C) Sculpture and carved work in Bristol. 4o. Bristol 1863 Laver (C ) Eltbam palace ; by H. Dunnage and C. Laver. 1828 Laves (L) Memoire explicatif d'un nouveau systeme en constructions. 4o. Havre Letter relative to a new system of con- struction. 1839 Law (E) History of Hampton Court Palace in Tudor times. 8o. Lond. 1885 Law (H) Rudiments of civil engineering. 12o. Lo7id. 1859 Law (H) — contimied. Elements of Euclid, with additional pro- positions : and an essay on logic. 12o. Lond. Law and Chatterton see Bazalgette (J W) Law and Law Reports Arbitrations ; by B. Fletcher. SP. by B. Fletcher. by C. .Jackson. by W. H. Watson. jurisprudence ; by J. 1860 Architectural Elmes. Building leases and contracts, law of ; by A. Emden. De la legislation des batiments ; by Fremy-Ligne\'ille. Construction, digest of cases ; by E. S. Roscoe. 1879, Contracts ; by C. G. Addison. by J. Chitty, jun. by E. Jenkins and J. Ray- mond. — by J. W. Smith — ■ ■ Architect's function in relation to building ; by R. I{err. SP. for works and services ; by by D. Gibbons. Copyright in art and manufactures T. Turner. in France ; by J. Pataille. in mechanical invention ; by T. Turner. suggested by T. A. Eomer. improvement in ; Dilapidations ; by J. Elmes. •■ by B. Fletcher. by T. Morris. by J. Woods. and nuisances ; Gibbons. by D. Report of the select com- mittee of the R.I.B.A. Ecclesiastical ; by Anony- by E. G. 1865, 1871, by R. R. and lay ; Bruton. Rowe. by S. G. Grady. Easements ; by C. J. Gale. by J. L. Goddard. by C. L. Webb. SP. Fixtures ; by A. Amos and J. Ferard. by D. Gibbons. by S. G. Grady. Landlord and tenant ; by J. W. Smith. by W. Woodfall and S. B. Harrison. 1873 1875 1879 1846 1827 1882 1848 1883 1862 1857 1873 1860 1887 1857 1849 1866 1847 1882 1829 1872 1865 1808 1838 1869 1881 1873 1875 1876 1862 1877 1877 1847 1836 1876 1855 1856 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 143 Law and Law Reports — continued. Light and air ; by H. Cox. by T. L. Donaldson. by B. Fletcher. by J. Holdeu. Koscoe. 1869 SP. 1866 1879 1885 digest of cases ; by E. S. 1881, 1886 Proceedings, E.I.B.A. 17 Mar. 1881 " Yates V. Jack." Bill of complaint. Report of the case, ■with plans, elevations, and sections. fo. Lond. 1865-66 Ancient, and evidence of architects thereon ; by R. Kerr. SP. 1866 of surveyors thereon ; by R. Kerr. 1865 Admeasurement of sky in cases of ; by E. W. Tarn. SP. 1870 Measurement of obstruction of ; by W. White. SP. 1866 und fenster-recht ; by E. Paris. 1879 Opinions of the Judges on questions of law m the cause of the Commis- sioners of H.M. Works and Pubhc Buildmgs v. Angus & Co. ; Dalton ■y. Angus & Co. (No. 60.)fo. [Lond.] 1881 Practice of the Supreme Courts of Judi- cature ; by L. Webb. 1877 Registration of designs in manufactures ; by T. Turner. 1851 Reports of cases ; by G. W. Hemming. 1875 Newspaper cuttings. 1 vol. Times cuttings. 2 vols. 1879-87- Tenure of dwelling-houses ; Reports of H.M. representatives abroad on the system in the countries iu which they reside. (C. 4136.) fo. Land. 1884 Trusts ; by T. Lewm. 1879 Waste, nuisance, and trespass; by G. V. Yool. 1863 Waters ; by H. W. Woolrych. 1851 Ways ; by H. W. Woolrych. 1847 Act. Land Clauses Consolidation Act (1845). fo. Lond. 1871 Amendment Act (1860). fo. Lo7id. 1878 Bill. For regulating buildings in large towns. fo. Lond. 1842 Employers' Liability Bill. fo. Lond. 1879 Employers and Workmen Act Bill (1875). Extension to seamen. fo. Lmid. 1878 Law Courts sec London. see Manchester. see Winchester. Lawes (E) Proceedmgs under the metro- politan buildings act. 8o. Lotid. 1846 Lawrence (E) Progress of a century. 4o. Lond. 1886 Laxton (F W) Metropolis buildmg act, 18th & 19th Vict. cap. 122, and notes of cases explanatory of its law and practice. 8o. Lond. 1855 Laxton (H) Examples of building construction ; being a series of working drawings to a large scale, exemphfying the arrange- ments and details adopted in carry- ing out the several branches of trade requisite for public and private edi- fices. 2 vols. fo. Lond. 1855-58 see Price. Laxton (W R) The Architect and BuUding Gazette. Vol. ii. only. fo. Loiid. 1850 sec Price. Layard (A H) Ruins of the palace of Al Hather. MS. SP. 2 Nov. 1846 Communication relative to further dis- coveries at Nimroud. MS. SP. 14 June 1847 SP. 10 Jan. 1848 Monuments of Nineveh. 1st series. fo. Lond. 1849 2nd series. fo. Lond. 1853 Nineveh and its remains. 2nd edit. 2 vols. 8o. Lotid. 1849 Discoveries in ruins of Nineveh and Babylon ; with travels in Armenia, Kurdistan, &c. 8o. Lond. 1853 Nineveh court of the Crystal Palace. 8o. Lond. 1854 Mosaic decoration. SP. 23 Nov. 1868 Suggestions for a National Gallery. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1868 Layer Marney Hall Esses ; by C. F. Hay- ward. 1862 Laying out Land sec Building Land. Lazaretto sec Hospital, &c. 1791 sec Prison. Leach ( J H) Parish and church of Gilling- ham, Kent. pamph. 12o. 1868 Lead, Tin, &c. Account of the new inven- tion of milled lead ; by T. H[aleJ. 1691 Leake (W M) Topography of Athens, with some remarks on its antiquities. 8o. Lond. 1821 Tour in Asia Minor, with comparative remarks on the ancient and modern geography of that comitry. 8o. Lond. 1824 Travels in the Morea. 3 vols. 8o. Lond. 1830 144 PRIKTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAX PAPERS Leake (W M) — continued. Abstracts of the contents of the " Athe- nian ephemeris of archaeology." MS. SP. 9 July 1838 Peloponnesiaca. 8o. Loud. 1846 Leaning (J) Quantity surveying; for the use of surveyors, architects, and engineers. 8o. Lond. £ Neiu York 1880 Leather Hangings see Decoration. Lebanon Mount Travels in ; by H. Light. 1818 Lebas ( ) Discours prononc6 aux funerailles de C. Percier. pamph. 4o. Paris 1838 de P. F. L. Fontaine, pamph. 4o. Paris 1853 Lebas (A) L'obelisque de Luxor, histoire de sa translation a Paris, &c. 4o. Paris 1839 Le Bas (L H) Discours prononce aux funerailles ; by L. Halevy. 1867 byC. E. E. H. Lehmann. 1867 Notice historique sur la vie et les Guvrages ; by L. Vaudoyer. 1869 Lebas (H) and De'bret (F) sec Barozzio da Vignola. Leblan ( ) Eecueil des maisons modernes ; by Adam, Leviel, and Leblau. 1858 Le Brun (C) La petite gallerie du Louvre, fo. Paris 1695 see Felibien (A). 1665 Le Brun (L) Theorie de Tarchiteetm-e grecque et romame. fo. Paris 1807 Leclaire (J E) Recherches concernant I'influence que peut avoir I'essence de terebenthine sur la sante des ouvriers peintres en batiments. pamj)li. 8o. Lond. 1861 Le Clerc (S) see Clerc (S le). Leclere (A) Memoir ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1854 Lecointe (J) Baptemc du due de Bordeaux ; by J. Hittorfl' and J. Lecointe. 1827 Leconte (E) Choix do nouveaux modeles de serrurerie. fo. Paris 1838 Lectern sec Church Fittings. Ledoux (C N) L'architecture consideree sous le rapport de I'art, des mocurs et de la legisla- tion. Vol. i. fo. Paris 1804 Architecture ; collection de tous les genres de batiments employes dans I'ordre social. 2 vols. fo. Paris 1846-47 Lee (E C)« Pugin studentship, 1870 ; ac- count of tour. MS. fo. [1870] Lee (J S) The Great Pyramid Triangle. 8o. Lond. Lee (T) jun. Memoir of ; by T. L. Donald- son. MS. SP. 1838 Lee (J) Catalogue of Egyptian antiquities in the museum of Hartwell house ; by J. Bonomi and J. Lee. 1858 Lee Valley see Sewage. Leeds Church ; ancient sculptured shaft ; by G. F. Browne. 1885 National exhibition of works of art (1868). Official catalogue. 8o. Leeds 1869 Photographs of archffiological objects, with description by W. Chaffers and F. Barber. 4o. Lond. 1869 Report on design in competition for public offices, under the motto " Leodiensia7i." 4o. 1876 Leeds Aechitectueal Association Address of the president, 1880. pamph. 8o. Leeds 1880 Annual reports. {Li progress.) pamph. 8o. Leeds 1881-86- Leeds and Yobkshirb Architectural SociETy Reference catalogue of museum. pamph. 4o. Leeds 1884 President's address, 1885. pamph. 8o. Leeds 1885 'Leeds (W H) Descriptionsof views illustrativeof Gothic architecture sec liash (J). 1830 Translation of " Memorials of German Gothic architecture," by G. Mol- ler. 1836 Supp. vol. to Illustrations of the public buildings of London, by J. Britton and A. Pugin. 8o. Lond. 1838 Studies and examples of the modern school of English architecture. The Travellers' club house, by C. Barry. fo. Lond. 1839 Lefebvre (P) and Benoit-Champy (G) Me- moire pour MM. Bordeaux et Richardiere, liquidateursdela soci6t6 J. Mires et C'*^ contre M. Delfau de Pontalba. pamph. 8o. Paris 1861 Lefevre (A) Les merveilles de l'architec- ture. 8o. Paris 1865 Lefevre (J G Shaw) Public works in London. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1882 Statues and monuments of London. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1884 Le Francois (J J) de Lalande Canaux de navigation et sp6cialement du canal de Languedoc. fo. Paris 1778 Lefuel (H M) La vie et les ouvrages de ; by H. Dela- borde. 1882 Notice biographique ; by A. Normand. 1881 Legend sec Mythology. PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 145 legh (P) Music of the eye ; or essays on the prin- ciples of beauty and perfection of architecture, and Payne (E J) OfiScial and other correspondence relating to the plan promnlsated by M. Le Play, Frencl) Commissioner-General for the Exhibition palace, 1867. pa'uph. 8o. Loud. 1866 Maxims and Theorems see Esthetics. Maxstoke Castle ; by G. T. Eobinson. 1859 May (C) Durham sewage: letter to local board of health. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1852 May (E J) Diarv of Pugin tour 1876. MS. fo. 1877 Mayence Bausteine ; by J. C. von Lassaulx. 1847 Der Dora, und seine bedentendsten denkmaler ; by H. Emden and J. Wetter. 1858 Die Peterskirche zu Mainz ; by R. Goerz. 1847 Rapport Rur les antiqnites ; by A. de Caumont. " 1843 Mayer (F) Die interessantesten chorlein aus Niirnberg's mittelalterlichen ge- biiiiden. 4o. Nnremh. Mayfield Sussex : by E. Roberts. 1867 Mayhew (A) and Kershaw (S W) Birch- ington-on-Sea, and its bungalows. 8o. Lond. 1881 Maze see Gardening. Mazois (F) Palais de Scaurus, ou descrip- tion d'une maison romaine. Frag- ment d'un voyage fait a Rome, vers la fin de la Republiqne, par Merovir, prince des Sucves. 8o. Paris 1819 Mazois (F) and Gau (F C) Les ruines de Pomp^i. 4 parts. fo. Paris 1812-24-29-38 Maznre (P A) Philosophie des arts du dcssin. 8o. Paris 1838 Meadows (F C) New Italian and English dictionary, with a new and concise grammar. 12o. Lond. 1852 Keakin (W) The preservation of iron. pamph. So. Lond. 1873 Measures and Weights Architectural notation ; bv T. L. Donald- son. ' MS. SP. 1837 Continental ; by W. S. Woolhouse " see Moller (G). 1836 Measures and Weights — contimied. Decimal and metrical systems ; bv F. C. Penrose. " SP. 1863-64 Metric system ; by .1. Kerr. 1863 Of building stones ; by C. H. Smith. SP. 1860 sec International Decimal Association. Measuring. Quantities and Estimate Measuring, practical ; by E. Hoppus. 1806 the marrow of; by V. Man- dey. 1717 valuation, &c. ; students' guide ; [by E. Dobson]. 1843 by E. Dobson and E. W. Tarn. 1871 Mensuration ; by C. Hiatton. 1770 by P. Nicholson. (In " Princifiles of Architecture.") 1795-98 Quantities. I5au-anschlag ; bv J. F. Pen- ther. " 1765 Bills of ; by A. Cates. CP. 1881 their proper rela- tion to contracts ; by J. Honeyman. SP. 1879 Edinburgh system ; by R. Morham. CP. 1881 Glasgow system; by R. Scott. CP. 1881 Importance of being done bv the architect ; by M. Taylor. CP. 1881 London and provincial pro- cedure ; by .1. G. Elgood. CP. 1881 Method of taking out ; by Manchester Society of Architects. 1868, 1873, 1886 On taldng out, and measur- ing works ; by .T. Hebb. 1871 Responsibilities of architect and surveyor ; by S. Young. CP. 1881 Surveying ; by J. Leaning. 1880 — Text-book for surveyors ; by B. Fletcher. 1879 Young surveyor's preceptor ; by .1. Reid. 1857 Mechanics Applied ; by .J. H. Cotterill. by W. J. M. Rankine 1884 1868 Elementary ; by C. Tomlinson. 1859 Treatise on ; by W. Whe- well. 1841, 1847 Lectures in ; by .1. Fergusson. 1776 Mechanischer kunstkammer ; by G. Ubaldi. 1629 Of Engineering; by W. Whewell. 1841 Rrsistance des mat6riaux ; by P. Planat. 1887 see Turning. Mechlin Catalogue des objets d'art re- hgieux, Ac, exposes h, 1864 ; by W. H. J. Weale. 1864 Medal see Numismatics. z 170 PBINTED BOOKS, MANUSCBIFTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Mediseval Architecture by T. H. King and G. J. Hill. 1858-59 by J. Nasli. 1838 by Sir G. G. Scott. 1879 by [A. du Sommerard]. 1838-46 by E. Willis. 1835 Architecture parallels ; by E. Sharps. 1848 Baudenkmaler Niedersachsens sec Hanover Arch.- & Ing.-Veeein. 1861 Bauhiitte des mittelalters ; by A. Eeichensperger. 1879 Baukimst des mittelalters ; by F. Mer- tens. 1850 Brick and marble of the middle ages ; by G. E. Street. 1855 ChapeUe du chateau de Neuville ; by A. L. Lusson. 1889 Christlichen mittelalters m den Rhein- landen ; by E. Weerth. 1868 Christian architecture, true priaciples of; by A. W. Pugin. 1841 Church architecture, laws of ; by I. Henszlmann. SP. 1852 Churches, triforium of; by E. WiUis. SP. 1848 of Cornwall, middle pointed ; by G. E. Street. 1850 of England ; by H. Bowman and J. S. Crowther. 1845-53 Civile et domestique ; by A. Verdier and F. Cattois. 1855-57 Classic or Pseudo-Gothic : a reply to " Shall Gothic be denied fair play ? " by Anonymous. 1860 Du V"^ au XVII« siecle ; by J. Gailha- baud. 1858 France and Italy ; by E. Nesfield. 1862 ■ chronological succession of ; by J. Likersley. 1850 Gebiiude zu Gehihausen ; by J. E. Euhl. 1831 German ; by G. MoUer. v. d. by G. G. Kallenback. 1847 Germany, central and southern ; by H. W. Brewer. SP. 1868 Ecclesiastical art in ; by W. Liibke. 1873, 1876 Gironde, dans la ; by Drouyn. 1846 Gothic, A B C of ; by -J. H. Parker. 1882 by F. Hoffstildt. 1840 Analysis of; by E. and J. A. 1849 1880 Brandon — and renaissance; by J. R. Smith Application of, to modern domes- tic purposes ; by E. Trotman. SP. 1845 arches ; by J. B. Watson. MS. SP. 1840 details ; by .J. K. Colling. 1852-56 by H. Shaw. 1823 ■ Employment of; by M. J. Stutely. MS. 1884 Mediaeval Architecture — continued. Gothic, England ; by J. Carter. 1795-1807 by T. Eickman. 1817-1881 and France ; by A. Poynter. SP. 1839 English origin of ; by J. H. Parker. 1870 school of ; by J. Blore. MS. SP. 1837 sixteenth century ; by J. D. Sedding. SP. 1881 Essay on ; by R. Mitchell. by T. Wartou and others. 1800 Examples of ; by Pugiu and Willson. 1838 ■ continuation ; by T. L. Walker. 1886-38 Fitness of, for modem churches ; by .J. P. Harrison. 1848 Flamboyant ; by R. Willis. SP. 1840 French, details of ; by L. Adams. 1859, 1866 Geometric proportions of, at Car- lisle and W^orcester ; by R. W. Bill- ings. 1840 — Geometric system; by -J. -J. Cole. SP. 1847 — Germany ; by W. Whewell. 1849 and Holland ; by H. W. Brewer. SP. 1871 — Heraldic origin of; by R. Las- celles. 1820 — History of; by J. S. Hawkins. 1813 re\-ival ; by C. L. Eastlake. 1872 — Litroduction to the study of; by .J. H. Parker. 1861, 1881 — Les trois ages de I'architecture ; by .J. Popp and T. Buleau. 1841 — Manual of ; by F. A. Paley. 1846 — Model book ; by A. Eeichensper- ger and others. — Modern adaptation of ; by E. Hall. SP. 1843 Monumens d'arehitecture, &c. ; by J. Pollet and H. Roux. de I'Europe ; by G. Simonau. — Mouldings ; by F. Paley. by E. Sharpe. Nature of ; by J. Ruskin. Origin of; by W. B. Clarke. and influence of; by W. Guan. history and principles of ; 1841 1843 1845 1871 1854 1819 by Sir J. Hall. 1813 Ornaments ; by E. B. Lamb. 1830 by J. K. Colling. 1852-56 by A. Pugin. 1831 PEINTKD BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 171 Mediaeval Architecture — continued. Gothic, Principles of; by M. H. Bloxam. 1849 by J. Kendall. 1818 Proportion and composition of ; by H. Oonybeare. Rise and progress of; by S. Beaz- ley. 1808 by Q. D. Whittington. 1811 — Select specimens of ; by W. Cave- ler. 1835-36 — Spain ; by G. E. Street. 1865 — Specimens of, from Oxford ; by Mackenzie and Pugin. — StabOite com me principe primor- dial ; by Aubiette du Vautenet. 1849 — Study of ; by T. L. Walker. MS. 1833 — Suggestions for a more perfect period of; by W. P. Griffith. 1855 — Two letters on ; by J. Haggitt. 1813 — vaulting ; by B. Ferrey. SP. 1840 Wisby ; by C. Tottie. SP. 1841 Handbook to Court at Crystal Palace ; by M. D. Wyatt and J. B. Waring. 1854 History of the pointed arch ; by J. Fer- gusson. SP. 1849 Holzarchitectur des mittelalters ; by C. Boetticher. [1841] Interiors, proportions of; by H. Cony- beare. Italy ; by E. Sharpe. SP. 1865 by H. W. Schulz and P. von Quast. . 1860 Military ; by Viollet-le-Due. 1860 Monastic remains of ; by J. Potter. 1844 Monimaents scandinaves; by N. M. Man- delgren. 1862 Moyen-ilge monumental et arch^ologique ; by N. M. J. Chapuy and D. Eamee. 1848-47 pittoresquo ; by N. M. J. Chapuy. 1837 Municipal, commercial, and street, of France and Italy ; by E. Anderson. Nomenclatm-e of; by Pi. Willis. 1844 Norddeutschlands backsteiubau ; by A. Essenweiu. Objets d'art &c. exposes a Maliues, 1864 ; by W. H. J. Weale. 1864 Orfe\i-erie, &c. ; by T. H. King. 1852 Ornaments of; by C. Heideloff. 1845, [1847] Preussischen staates, backstein-bauwerke des ; by F. Adler. 1862 Eeligieuse ; by J. F. A. Peyre. 1848 Sachsen, baukmist in ; by I;. Puttrich. 1836-50 Sachsischen erzgebirge, monumente aus dem ; by Rommler and Jonas, and C. Andrea. 1875 Schwabeu, baudcnkmale aus ; by J. von Egle, A. Beyer, and C. Kiess. 1872 Mediaeval Architecture — continued. Schwaben, die kunst in ; by F. MiUler. Serrurerie ; by I. H. de Hefner- Alteneck. Shall Gothic architecture be denied fair play, &c. ? by Anonymous. Specimens of 12th and 13th century ; by W. E. Nesfield. Spires and towers ; by C. Wickes. Timber houses ; by C. Baily. Toscane ; by Eohault de Fleury. 1855 1869 1860 1862 1858-59 1869 1866 Vaults of; by E. Willis. 1841, 1842 see Antiquarian Cabinet. 1816 Medley (J G) Roorkee treatise on civil engineering in India. 2 vols. 8o. Roorkee 1866-67 Mege (A du) Cathedrales fran9aises ; by N. M. Chapuy, F. T. de Joliment, and A. du Mege. 1823-30 Meiningen Hoftheater u. Casino ; by C. T. Ottmer. Meissen Dom ; by G. Klemm. 1835 Meister (TJ) Locher (F) Koch (A) & Tet- majer (L) BaumateriaUen der Schweiz. 8o. Zurich 1884 Mejico see Mexico. Mela Britannicus Letter to the society of the Dilettanti, on the works in pro- gress at Windsor. 12o. Lond. 1827 Melbourne Australia Universal Exhibition, 1880 List of awards made to exhibitors from the United Kingdom. pamph. 8o. Loiul. 1881 Notices on the designs, models, and works pertaining to the services of the " ponts et chaussees," the mines, and the pubUc edifices and national palaces. 8o. Paris 1880 Official catalogue of exhibits. Vol. i., 2ud ed. 8o. Melbourne 1880 Victorian Institute op Architects General conditions of contract adopted by the Institute. 2 sheets. fo. Proceedings. pamph. 1856-7 Rules, bye laws, &c. 8o. Melbourne 1856 Scale of charges. 8o. Melbourne Eeportsor and pceediiigs for 1881-83. pamph. 4o. Melbourne Melbourne Derbyshire Pugin tour ; by J. Neale. Mellin ( ) see Clemens ( ) Melrose Abbey by F. Pinches. Account of; by J. Stuart. Melsens (L F H) Notice sur le coup dc foudre de la gare d'Anvers, 1865. pamph. Bo. Brussels 1874 1888 1879 1879 1859 1875 172 PEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Melsens (L F H) — continued. Description detaillee des paratonnerres etablis sur I'hotel de ville de Bru- xelles en 18G5. 80. Brussels 1877 Cinquieme note sur les paratonnerres a I'hotel de ville de Bruxelles. pamph. 80. Brussels 1878 Menard (L) Histoire des antiquites de la viUe de Nismes. 80. Nmnes 1826 Mengoni (G) Progetto Mengoni per la nuova piazza del duomo, via Vittorio Emanuele, 2 maps and photograph. pamph. Ho. Paris 18G4-65 Mensuration sea Measuring, &c. Merewether (J) Condition and circum- stances of the cathedral church of Hereford in 1841. 80. Hereford 1842 Meridian Prime, common to all nations ; by S. Fleming. 1881 Meroe Voyage, &c. ; by F. Cailliaud. 1823-27 Merrell (E) Mode of ventilatiug brick- work. MS. SP. 1848 Merrifield (C W) Determination of the form of the dome of uniform stress. pamph. 80. Lond. Mersey Buried valley of; by T. M. Eeade. 1872 Chart of the river, &c. ; by H. M. Denham. 1840 Mertens (F) Baukunst des mittelalters. (3 chronologi- cal charts, said to be all imhlished.) fo. Berlin [1851] pamph. 80. Berlin 1850 Merry weather (J C) Fire protection of mansions. 80. Lond. 1884 Merzenich (J i Umbau der gemalde-galerie in dem alten museum in Berlin. pamph. 4o. Berlin 1886 Mesopotamia Armenia, &c. ; by C. Texier. 1842-52 Messina Cathedrale de ; by P. Morey and H. Rous aine. 1841 Temple a la Victoire ; by T. L. Donald- son. 1876 Metal and Metallurgy Marine metal ; by C. Wetterstedt. MS. SP. 1837 Metal Work by M. D. Wyatt. 1852, 1857 Ancient and modern gold and silver- smiths' work ; by J. H. Pollen. 1878 •^— ironwork, hom 13th cent. ; by D. A. Clarkson. 1860 Architecture metallique antique ; by C. Normand. 1883 Designs for brass, gold, iron, and silver ; by A. W. Pugm. 1836 Director ; by L. N. Cottingham. 1824 by W. Metal Work — co)itinued. Domestic and ecclesiastical ; Burges. Essay on . . . introduction, in buildings. Prize essay. [Anonymous.] SP. 28 Feb. Fortegninger for handvserkere ; by G. F. Hetsch. Moyen-age ; by T. H. King. Ornamental ; by H. Shaw. Patent steam sawn ; by C. H. Cooke. SP. Serrurerie ; by E. Leconte. by F. ThioUet. du moyen-age et de la renais- sance ; by I. H. de Hefner-Alteneck. Metapontum in Italy ; by Due de Luynes and F. J. Debacq. Metcalf (J) Carmichael (J W) and Sop- with (T) Eight views of Fountains abbey , with description. fo. Bipon (t Neivc. Meteorology Distribution of rain ; by A. E. Bmnie. over the British islands during the years 1860-61 ; by G. J. Symons. ' Memorandum to determine wind pres- sure ; by F. Lange. SP. Victoria meteorological reports. Makerstoun's observations see Edinburgh Royal Society of Meteokology. Metric. System see Measures and Weights. v.d. 1842 1852 1836 1874 1838 1869 1833 [1832] 1878 1862 1868 1856 C. SP. Metronomy Outlines of ; by W. Thomas Metropolis and Metropolitan Bills Building Bill 10 April. 1 March. 17 May (as amended by the committee). Amendment BlU, May. For metropoHs and neigh- bourhood, November. (Amendments as proposed by the council), February. For metropolis and neigh- bourhood, April. Special report from select 1869 1843 1844 1844 1847 1849 1851 1855 committee, with minutes of evidence and plans, &c. fo. Lond. Subways BiU ; minutes of evidence, with proceedings of committee. fo. Lo7id. Local Management Act Amendment Bill, as amended by select com- mittee, fo. Lond. 1874-75 Report 1874 1867 from select committee, and proceed- ings, fo. Lond. 1875 PBINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPEES 173 (104. Metropolis and Metropolitan Bills- co«i. Mauagement and Building Acts Araend- ment Bill, as amended by select committee. fo. Lond. 1878 Eeport. fo. Lond. 1878 1882. fo. Lond. 1882 (107.) fo. Lo7id. 1882 Improvement Scheme Amendment Bill. Wbitecliapel and Limehouse. fo. Lond. 1879 Provisional orders confirmation. fo. Lond. 1879 Modification ; provisional orders, 43 Vict., Bill 77. fo. [Lond.] 1880 .4.CTS Building Act, 11 George III. 1774. 8o. Land. 1787 8o. Loud. 1791 with notes and cases ; by A. Aiuger 1836 1844. 7 & 8 Vict. fo. Lond. 1844 with notes and an index ; by D. Gibbons. 1844 Synopsis ; bv B. Hesketb. " 1844 Proceedings under ; by E. Lawes. 1846 1855. 18 & 19 Viet. fo. Lond. 1878 by D. Gibbous and R. Hesketb. 1855, 1859 by F. W. Laxton. 1855 and ex- tracts from various Acts ; by E. W. Lower. 1855 Digest of the law ; prepared for the Builders' Society. 8o. Lond. 1856 Abstract of reports of cases (edited by C. Fowlerj. pamph. 12o. Lond. 1869, 1870, 1873 Sugges- tions as to some defects ; by H. H. Collins. 1873 Local Management Act, 18 & 19 Vict. ; 19 & 20 Vict.; 20 & 21 Vict., with notes and index. 12o. Lond. 1858-59 Building clauses of ; by E. Lower. 1855 witli notes ; by J. J. Scott. 1855 Metropolis and Metropolitan Acts — cont. Local Management Amendment Act, 1862, 25 & 26 Vict. fo. Lond. 1877 and Building Acts Amendment Act, 1878, 41 & 42 Vict. fo. Lond. 1878 Acts ; by E. H. Woolrych. 1880 and Building Acts Amendment Act, 1882, 45 Vict. fo. Lond. 1882 by A. Emden. 1882 Building Acts ; by H. W. Woolrych. 1877 1855-82 ; by B. Fletcher. 1882 by W. C. and R. C. Glen. 1888 Fireproof closing of open- ings ; by W. White. SP. 1885 see London. see Met. Board of Works. Metropolitan Association of Civil Engineers and Surveyors Lecture on the main drainage, &c. ; by J. W. Bazal- gette. 1857 Metropolitan Board of Works Bye-law as to the formation of new streets ui the metropolis. pamph. fo. Lond. [1857] Accomit in abstract. March 1859-60 showing the receipt and expenditure under the several distinct heads for the year ending December 81st, 1878. fo. Lond. 1879 for the year ending December 31st, 1880. fo. Lond. 1881 (M. B. W. Act) Amendment Bill : copy of correspondence. fo. Lond. 1876 Angel, Ishngton, Improvement — Form of Tender. fo. Lond. 1879 Appold Street, Finsbury — Form of Ten- der, fo. Land. 1879 Bye-laws, &c., for their proceedings, and for parks, slaughterhouses, &c. (801.) pamph. 8o. Lond. [1877] made by the Board under the provisions of the Metropolis Manage- ment and Building Acts Amendment Act, 1878, sect. 16. fo. Lond. 1879 Artisans' and Laboureks' Dwellings Ijipkovembnt Act, 1875 Statement relative to the operation of the Act in the metropohs. (No. 941.) 8o. Lo7td. 1880 Report of sub-committee. (No. 974.) 8o. Lo?id. 1880 Statement of operations of board under the Artisans' Dwellhigs Acts. (No. 1106.) pamph. 8o. Lond. 1883 Eeport by the sohcitor as to powers under Torrens' Acts. (No. 1107.1 pamph. «o. Lond. 1883 174 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Metropolitan Board of Works — continued. Channg Cross Road and Shaftesbury Avenue : particulars of building-sites. fo. Lo')id. 1887 Commumcations between tbe N. and S. of the Thames below Loudon Bridge: Eeport by Sir J. W. Bazalgette. (No. 1050.) pamph. Land. 1882 Electric hghting Act, 1882 ; report by solicitor. (No. 1055.) pamph. 8o. Lond. 1882 FiEB Beigade Report of Captain E. M. Shaw on state of brigade and fires in London during 1875. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1875 Report from select committee. (G. 342.) fo. Lond. 1877 Reports of the chief officer of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade. 8o. Lond. 1879-87 Eeport of the Fire Brigade Committee. '■■ (No. 1002.) 8o. Lond. 1881 Expenses Bill. (Bill 31.) fo. Lond. 1886 Pish market sites. Eeportby the engineer and superintending architect. (No. 1001.) Bo. Lond. 1881 Supplemental Report. (No. 1005.) Bo. Lond. 1881 FoKM OP Tender foe Building Plots Clerkenwell Road. fo. Lond. [1870] Great Eastern Street. fo. Lond. [1870] High Street, Shoreditch. fo. Lond. 1877 Northumberland Avenue. fo. Lond. [1870] Theobald's Road. fo. Lond. 1878 Victoria Embankment and Somerset Street. fo. Lond. 1878 Wapping High Street. fo. Lond. 1877 Whitechapel and Limehouse. fo. Lond. [1879] Gas explosion near Tottenham Court Road : Eeport by the engineer and the Consultmg Chemist. (No. 962.) 8o. Lond. 1880 Gas testings (Metropolis). Report of the Chief Gas Examiner. (Nos. 951, 966, 969, 976, 987, 1004, 1083, 1157, 1192, 1204, 1210, 1219.) 8o. Lond. 1880-87 Observations on scheme of amalgamation of the Gas Light & Coke Co. and the South Metropolitan Gas Co. (No. 1105.) pamph. 8o. Lond. 1883 Report on proposed alterations in ar- rangements for gas-testing. (No. 1115.) pampL. So. Lond. 1BB4 Eeport on defective indices in gas meters. (No. 1116.) pamph. 8o. Lond. 1884 Index of streets and places in metropolis, according to existing nomenclature. 8o. Lond. 1868 Metropolitan Board of Works — continued. Keeping of firewood BiU. (BUI 81.) fo. Lond. 1886 Leicester Square : Eeport firom select committee, and minutes of evidence. fo. Lond. 1871 Mare Street, Hackney : Form of Tender. fo. Lond. 1879 Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862 : General line of buildings : Judgment of Court of Queen's Bench on jurisdiction of superintending architect. (No. 916.) 8o. Lond. 1879 Metropolis Management and Building Acts Amendment Act, 1878 ; Eegu- lations as to Theatres, &c. pamph. fo. Lond. [1879] Metropolitan Bridges : Eeport by Sir J. W. Bazalgette as to repairs urgently necessary. (No. 955.) 8o. Lond. 1880 Metropolitan Street Improvement Act, 1872: Eeturn. fo. Lond. 1877 Metropolitan Street Improvement Act, 1877 : Accommodation for labourers displaced. (No. 968.) 8o. Lond. 1880 Charing Cross to Tottenham Court Eoad and Eegent Circus to Oxford Street. (Extract fi'om report No. 913.) 8o. Lond. 1879 Letter 1880 from the Home Secretary. (No. 934.^ 8o. Lond. Money BiU: arrangement of clauses. (176.) fo. [io?irf.]1882 Money Act, 1883, 46 & 47 Vic, c. 27. (P. 27.) fo. Lond. 1883 Monthly report of the progress of the several special contract works. (Nos. 1003, 1161, 1177, 1187, 1189, 1191, 1196, 1201, 1203, 1208, 1209, 1213, 1216, 1220, 1228.) pamph. 8o. Lond. 1881, 1885, 1886-87 Municipality of London Bill : Analysis of clauses. (No. 960.) 8o. Lond. 1880 London Government BiU : epitome of provisions. (No. 1123.) pamph. 8o. Lond. 1884 Speech of Mr. W. E. Selway. (No. 1125.) pamph. 8o. Lond. 1884 Overhead wires : replies as to damage by snow-storm, 6 .January 1886. (No. 1199.) pamph. 8o. Lond. 1886 Peckham-rye common : notes of decision at Lambeth police court. (No. 1086.) jjamph. 8o. Lond. 1883 Pleuro-pneumoniain cattle ; Extract from the report on Murrain in horned cattle. (No. 953a.) 8o. Lond. 1880 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 175 Metropolitan Board of Works — continued. Pleuro-pnemuouiain cattle : Extracts from various autliorities as to the fitness of the flesh for food. (No. 953.) 80. Lond. 1880 Poplar District Board v. North Metro- politan Tramways Company, and judgment of the court thereon. 80. Lond. 1879 Proposed regulations for construction and management of the larger theatres in St. Petersburg. (No. 1087.) pamph. fo. Lond. 1883 Putney bridge : description of. (No. 1132.) pamph. 80. Lond. 1884 Programme of opening, &c. (No. 1198.) pamph. 80. Lond. 1886 Regulations for the construction of con- crete buildings under Met. Build. Act 185.5. pamph. fo. [Lond.] — - — • in force in Berlin and Vienna for the protection of theatres, &c., and regulations for Central Theatre, Hambm-g. (No. 1037.) pamph. fo. Lond. 1882 in force in Lower Austria and Brussels as to theatres. (No. 1075.) pamph. fo. Lond. 1883 Theatres, &c., Bill. (Bill 44.) fo. Lond. 1886 Water supply, Ac, Bill. (Bill 34.) fo. Lond. 1886 Reports of the Board, pursuant to the 18 & 19 Vic, c. 120. (Imperfect, hi progress.) 1860-8G- Ninth and tenth annual reports of the monthly retin-us of district sirrveyors. pamph. 80. Lond. 1805-66 Twenty-third to thirtieth annual reports on the monthly returns of the district surveyors. 80. Lo7ul. 1879-86 Report on the duties of the Board under the Metropolitan Building Act. 80. Lond. 1856 Report of the experiments with the elec- tric light on the Victoria Embank- ment. 80. Lond. 1879 Report as to suggested alterations in test- ing petroleum. (No. 1101.) pamph. 80. Lo7id. 1883 Report on fees and charges relating to dangerous structures. (No. 1119.) pamph. 80. Lond. 1884 Report of the main drainage connnittee on the application of sewage at Rugby, Croydon, Carhsle, and Edinburgh. pamph. 80. Lond. 1864 Report on railway schemes, 1864 ; by J. W. Bazalgette. • 1864 Reports upon Metropolitan Railway and other schemes. (6 pamphlets.) 80. Lond. 1880-87 Metropolitan Board of Works — continued. Report by the superintending architect on railway and other schemes aflect- ing the metropohs. (5 pamphlets.) 80. Lond. 1880-87 Reports of the engineer and solicitor re- lative to the maintenance of tram- ways in the metropolis. 80. Lond. 1879 Report on metropolitan tramways, ses- sion 1883. (No. 1065.) pamph. 80. Lond. 1883 Report showing amomit of precepts made upon the City of London since the establishment of the Board, &c. (No. 1000.) fo. Lond. 1881 Returns of names of streets in metropolis ; streets re-named and abolished, &c. 80. Lond. 1868 Returns of permanent and temporary staff. fo. ioM«^, 1867 Return of special clerks of works. (No.j 1124.) pamph. 80. Lond. 1884 Thames conservancy and main drainage outfalls : Report by Sir J. W. Bazal- gette, C.B., on the arbitration be- tween the Board and the conser- vators. (No. 954.) 80. Lond. 1880 Thames Crossings Bill : Reports from se- lect committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. (255.) fo. Lond. 1884 Thames Crossings Bill : index to report. (255.) fo. Lond. 1884 Thames embankment ; Middlesex side. Tv/o contract drawings : — (1) Between Waterloo and Westmin- ster bridges. (2) Between Waterloo and Liner Temple. fo. Lond. 1808 Treatment of sewage. (Nos. 1190, 1190*.) pamph. 80. Lond. 1886 Ventilation of sewera ; further report by the engmeer. (No. 1060.) pamph. 80. Lond. 1882 Working-class dwellings : epitome of the Board's proceedings. (No. 992.) 80. Lond. 1881 Works and impi'ovements carried out by the Board, 1855-82. (No. 1077.) pamph. 80. Lond. 1888 Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers see Sewers. Metropolitan Local Government and Local Taxation Second report from select committee and proceedings. fo. Lond. 1867 Metropolitan Sanitary Commission First report. fo. Lond. 1847 Metropolitan Sewage Manure sec Sewage. Metropolitan Society of Operative Brick- layers, &c. Laws. 80. Lond. 1859 176 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Metroscope see Mathematical Instruments. Mexican Antiquities From the Foreign Quarterly Review. 80. Lo7id. 1836 Mexico Due anticbi monumenti di architettura messicana ; by P. Marquez. 1804 Mouuinentos ; by P. Gualdi. 1841-42 see New Mexico. see Yucatan. Meyer (G) and Gleim (C 0) Das tecb- niscbe Vereiuswesen des Auslandes und die daraus zuziebende Nutzan- wendung fiir die deutscben Verbiilt- nisse. pampb. 80. Berlin 1880 Meyer (T) Letter from Rome contradict- ing tbe report of recent fractures in the dome of St. Peter's. MS. SP. 11 May 1846 Meyrick (S R) sec Shaw (H) and Meyrick. Mezger (E) Formenlebre zur rmidbogen architectur. fo. Munich 1851 Mezieres (N le Camus de) Plans et dessbis de la nouvelle Halle aux grains de Soissons. fo. Paris 1769 Micha (F) and Remont (J E) Code Beige des arcbitectes et entrepreneurs de constructions, ou legislation et juris- prudence civiles et administratives snr les constructions et les objets qui s'yrattaebent. (l^partie.) 80. Li^.ge 1840 Michael Angelo see Buonarotti. Michaelis (A) Der Parthenon, {plates only.) fo. Leipzig 1870 Michela (I) Deserizione e disegni del palazzo dei magistrati supremi di Torino. fo. Turin 1841 Michon (J H) and Others Statistique mo- numeutale de la Charente. 4o. Paris 1844 Mickleham Surrey Church ; by P. F. Robinson. ' 1824 Micklethwaite (J T) Modern parish churches ; their plan, design, and furniture. 80. Lond. 1874 Microscope see Mathematical Instruments. Middle Ages see Mediaeval. Middlesex Historical survey ; by Brayley, Brewer, and Nightingale. 1810-lG Parishes ; by D. Lysons. 1800 Middleton (C) Plans, &c., of the House of Correction for the county of Middlesex, to be erected in Cold-bath fields, London. fo. Loud. 1788 Architect and builder's miscellany ; or pocket library, containing original picturesque designs in architecture, &c. 12o. Lond. 1799 Middleton (J H) Ancient Rome in 1885. 80. Edi7ib. 1886 Middleton ( R E) House drainage, sewerage, and ventilation, pampb. 80. Lond. 1881 Midian Gold in ; by R. F. Burton. SP. 1879 Remains of buildings in ; by R. P. Bur- ton. SP. 1878 Miel (E F A M) Rapport sur un m^moire de J. L Hittorff, intitule : " Reclier- ches sur I'architecture polychrome chez les Grecs." 80. Versailles [after 1851] Milan Antiche colonne presso S. Lorenzo ; by C. Amati. 1831 Architecture italienne ; by F. Callet and J. B. C. Lesueur. 1855 Cathedral ; competition for new facade. Particulars and plates. pampb. fo. Milan 1816 by G. Franchetti. 1821 by P. & J. Vallardi and J. & A. Bramati. 1863 by A. Nava. 1845 Eglise S. Ambroise, reponse a M. Rame; by F. de Darteiu. 1883 Extracts from the records, relating to geometric combinations ; by -J. W. Papwortli. MS. 1854 Fabbriche cospicue ; by F. Cassina. 1844 Monumenti di S. Ambrogio ; by J. Fer- rario. 1824 Opere dei grandi concorsi premiate dell' I. R. Accademia delle belle arti in Milano. fo. Milan 1825 Ritratto di ; by C. Torre. 1714 S. Carlo Borromeo ; bv C. Amati. 1834 Miles (C) Plan for proposed farm buildings, with description. jjampb. 4o. Life of; by B. Ferrey. MS. 1849 Miles (W) Stables and stable fittings. 80. Lond. 1860 Miletus Et le golfe latmique ; by 0. Rayet and A." Thomas. " " 1877- Tile tubes from : by E. Falkener. MS. SP. 1848 Military Architecture see Barracks. see Castles. see Fortifications. Milizia (F) Dizionario del disegno. 2 vols, in 1. 80. Milan 1802 Principj di architettura civile. 3 vols. 80. Bassano 1813 — 4th edit. 8 vols. 80. Bassano 1825 Lives of celebrated architects, ancient and modern. Translated from the Italian by Mrs. E. Cresy. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1826 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 177 Milizia (F) — continued. Opere complete. 9 vols., 1 vol. plates. 8o. Bologna 1826-28 Mill and Mill-work by Sir W. Fairbairn. 1865, 1871 Millar ( E. C) Description of apomecometer, for measuring inaccessible heights and distances. SP. 15 Nov. 1869 Millard (J) Letter to the Eight Hon. T. Spring Eice, M.P. : containing a plan for the better management of the British Museum. 8o. Lond. 1836 Millard (W J N) Paper descriptive of " Pugin Tour " in. the eastern counties, 1879. MS. fo. Lond. 1880 Architectural sketching and sketching trips. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1883 Some thoughts on architectural tramiug. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1886 Millers (G) Description of the cathedral church of Ely ; with some aocomit of the con- ventual buildings. 8o. Lond. 1807 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1808 3rd edit. 8o. Loiid. 1834 Millet (E) Sa vie, ses ceuvres ; by C. Lucas. 1881 Millett (F D) Some American tiles. pamph. 8o. Boston [1882] Millin (A L) Etude des pierres gravies. 8o. Paris 1796 Dictionnaire des beaux-arts. 3 vols. 8o. Paris 1806 Peintures de vases antiques vulgah-ement appeles fitrusques. 2 vols. fo. Paris 1808 Jlythologische gallerie. 8o. Berlin 1836 Milman (H H) Annals of St. Paul's cathedral. 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1869 Handbook to St. Paul's cathedral see Murray (J). 1879 Miln (J) E xcavations at Carnac (Brittany) . fo. Edmb. 1877 Milne (J) Description of Sir J. Eobison's house, Edinburgh. 8o. Lond. 1840 Milner (J) Essayon Gothic architecture, in " Essays," by T. Warton, J. Mihier, and others. 1800 Treatise on the ecclesiastical architecture of England during the middle ages. 8o. Lond. 1811 8rd edit. , with corrections. 8o. Lond. 1835 Milton Abbas Dorsetshire Illustrated particulars with plans of the estate. fo. Lond. 1852 Milton (J) A Milton memorial : sketch of hfe ; by " ^Vntiquitatis Ilistoricse Studiosus." 1862 Minardi (T) see Rome Pontificia Acca- DEMiA Di San Luca. 1835 Mine Mining statistics and surveying see Victoria. Ventilation of coal-mine ; by J. Martin. 1849 sec Newcastle N. op Eng. Inst, of Mining and Mechanical Engi- NEEES. Mineralogy see Geology. Minns (G W W) Notes upon rood-screens. pamph. 8o. Nonvich 1867 Minton (H) Influence exercised by, on ceramic manufactures ; by M. D. Wyatt. 1858 Mique (R) Memoire ; by P. Morey. 1868 Mirabella (D V) Siracuse ; by D. G. Bo- uanni and D. V. Mirabella. 1717 Mirault ( ) Eapport concemant la pem- ture en email sur lave de Volvic 6maillee, fait h la Societe Libre des Beaux-Arts. pamph. 8o. Paris 1834 Missirini (M) Vita di A. Canova. 3rd edit. 8o. Milan 1825 Mitchell (A) Submarine foundations, par- ticularly the screwpUe and mooruigs ; and an account of the Maphn Sand lighthouse, by J. B. Eedman. Ee- ^^sed by C. Manby. 8o. Lond. 1848 MitcheU (A B) Shottesbrooke church, Berkshire. fo. Lond. 1885 Sketches in Italy and France. SP. No. XXVI. Mitchell (R) Plans, &c. , of buildings erected in England and Scotland ; and also an essay to elucidate the Grecian, Eoman, and Gothic architectm'e, accompanied with designs. {English and French text.) fo. Lond. 1801 Mitchell (T) Kudimentary manual of architectm-e, with glossary. 8o. Lond. 1870 Mitchell (W) On geometrical ismorphism of crystals, and derivation of all other forms from those of the cubical system. 8o. Lond. 1872 Mitford (A B) Tower of London. pamph. Bo. Lond. 1882 Mitford ( W) Principles of design in archi- tecture. 8o. Lond. 1819 Moberly (6 H) Life of WiUiam of Wyke- ham. 8o. Winch. & Lond. 1887 Mocatta (D) Book of specifications and biUs, &c. fo. MS. Specification of works to be done in erecting the Brigliton terminus. MS. Description of a distillery and its appur- tenances, erected in Loudon. SP. 14 Dec. 184C A A 178 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Model Cottage see Agricultural labourers' Dwellings. see Artisans' and Industrial Dwellings. Modelling sec Sculpture. Mbgling (D) sec Ubaldi (G). 1629 Moisture see Damp. Moisy ( ) and Duval (A) Fontaines de Paris, anciennes et nouvelles. fo. Paris 1812 Molinet (C du) Cabinet de la bibliotheque de S'-" Genevieve, contenant les anti- quitez de la religion des Chretiens, des Egyptiens, et des Remains. fo. Paris 1692 Molini (G) La metropolitana fiorentina illustrata. 4o. Flor. 1820 MoUer (G) Denkmiller der deutschen baukunst. Part 2, 2nd edit. fo. LeijJzig Beitriige zur kenutniss der deutschen baukimst des mittelalters, enthal- tend eine chronologisch geordnete reihe von werken, aus dem zeit- raume vom achten bis zum secb- zehnteu jahrlmndert. 2 vols. fo. Darmst. 1821 Essay on the origin and progress of Gothic architecture, traced in, and deduced from, the ancient edifices of Germany. (From the German.) 8o. Lond. 1824 MoUer's memorials of German Gothic architecture : with notes, kc, from Stieghtz, by W. H. Leeds ; to which are added tables of contmental lineal measures, by W. S. Woolhouse. 8o. Lond. 1836 Bemerkungen iiber die aufgefiuidene ori- ginal-zeichnung des domes zu Koln. pamph. 4o. Leipz. & Darmst. 1837 Monaldini (G A) Vite de' piii celebri ar- chitetti d' ogni nazione e d' ogni tempo, precedute da un saggio sopra r architettura. 4o. Borne Monastic Architecture and Institutions Abbey, Altenberg ; by C. Schimmel. Arbroath, Balmermo, and Lin- dores ; by G. S. Aitken. Battle, and its conventual re- mams ; by M. E. C. Walcott. SP. Benedictine, arrangement of ; by M. E. C. Walcott. SP. • Churches: architectural parallels ; by E. Sharpe. — Cleeve ; by M. E. C. Walcott. SP. — Crosraguel ; by J. A. Morris. — Glastonbury ; by R. Warner. by J. Williamson. by R. Wilhs. — L-eland ; by J. L. Petit. SP. Kirkstall ; by J. W. Connon. 1768 1832 1884 1866 1866 1848 1876 1886 1826 1862 1866 1863 1886 Monastic Architecture and Institutions — co7it. Abbey, LilleshaU ; by E. Roberts. [1862] Maulbronn ; by C. Fowler. SP. 1888 Pontigny ; by Chaillou des Barres. 1844 H by Quin ; by T. N. Deane. Romsey ; by H. Littlehales. ruins of the Severn valley H. Vale. — St. Columba, Inchcolm ; by T. Arnold. — St. Mary's, York; by C. Wellbe- loved and F. Nash. — Salley ; by J. Harland. — Westminster ; by R. Ackermann. see London. Ancient ; by J. Potter. 1883 1886 1868 1867 1829 1853 1812 1847 Architecture monastique ; by A. Lenoir. 1852-56 Bosgrove priory ; by J. L. Petit. 1861 Brinkburn priory ; by F. R. Wilson. 1839 Castle- Acre priory ; by E. P. Wilhns. 1881 Christ Church, Canterbm-y ; by R. Wilhs. 1869 Church and conventual arrangement ; by M. E. C. Walcott. SP. 1860 Cistercian architecture ; by E. Sharpe. SP. 1871 • Condamnation des templiers en France ; by P. Dupuy. 1700 Conventual arrangement of Canterbury Cathedral; by M. E. C. Walcott. SP. 1862 Customs, &c., of Templars ; by R. W. BiUings. SP. 1838 Daily life in a medifeval monastery ; by A. Jessopp. 1884 Levant ; by R. Curzon, jun. 1849 Monasticon AngHcanum ; by Sir W. Dugdale. 1849 Gallicanum. Province eccl^- siastique de Reims ; monasteres de I'ordre de Saint-Benoit. obi. 4o. Paris 1864 Religious houses in Lincolnshire ; by G. Oliver. 1846 Remams of, in England ; by J. Potter. 1844 Ruins of, in Yorkshire ; by W. Richard- son and E. Churton. 1842-^5 St. Benedict, Subiaco ; by M. D. Wyatt. SP. 1857 St. Mary Overie ; by F. T. Dollman. Tanridge Priory ; by E. Heales. Monge (G) and Brisson (...) Geometric descriptive, suivie d'une theorie des ombres et de la perspective. 7th edit. 4o. Paris Monge (G) and Hachette (M) Traite ele- mentaire de statique, a I'usage des ^coles de la marine. 8o. Paris Monicke( ) see Reichensperger and others. Moniteur des Architectes l"'"' vol. Livr. xiii., xiv., xv., containing transhition of" Architectural maxims and theorems," by T. L. Donaldson. 4o. Paris 1847 1881 1885 1847 1885 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 179 Moniteur des ArcMtectes — continiied. Revue de I'art ancien et moderne. 3 vols. 4o. Paris 1850-56 2nd series. Liv. xxxix. ■lo. Paris 1857 Monk (C) Churches in and around South- ampton. 1st series. pamph. 4o. Southampton 1886 Menken Hadley Parish of; hy F. C. Cass. 1880 Monkwearmouth Church : restoration ; by G. F. Browne. 1886 Monnier (M) Pompei et les Pompeiens. 8o. Paris 1864 Monogram see Alphabet. Monreale Architecture moderne de la Sicile ; by .J. I. Hittorff and L. Zanth. (Plates only.) 1835 Duomo di ; by D. lo Faso Pietrasanta, Duca di Serradifalco. 1838 by D. B. Gravina. 1859 Monstrelet (E de) Chronicles ; account of the wars between Orleans and Burgundy, &e. ; from 1400 to 1516. Translated by T. Johnes. {Text.) 12 vols. 8o. 1810. Vol. xiii., plates. 4o. Lond. 1810 Montani (F) Confessione della Basilica Liberiana rinnovellata di Papa Pio Nono. fo. Rome 1867 Montano (G B) Architettura con diversi ornamenti cavati dell' antico. 2 vols. fo. Borne 1686-88 Mont Cenis see Tunnel. Montenari ( G) Teatro Ohmpico di A. Pal- ladio in Vicenza. Discorso. 8o. Padova 1733 Montfauoon (B de) Antiquity explained, and represented in sculptui'e. Translated by D. Hum- phreys. 5 vols. fo. Loud. 1721-22 Supplement. 5 vols, in 2. Lond. 1725 Antiquities of Italy, edited by J. Henley. 1725 Montferrand (A R de) see Ricard de Montferrand (A). Montiroli ( G) Osscrvazioni sulla topografia della parte meridionale del Foro Romano. (Bound with C.Bavioli.) 8o. Borne 1859 Mont-OrgTieil Jersey Castle; by W. Prpine. ' 1838 Montreal McGill University ; examina- tion papers and ammal calendar, 1876-77-78-. {Li progress.) 8o. Montreal 1878- Montrouge (St Pierre de) Monographie de I'cglise ; by Vaudremer. 1878 Monument A la memoire de I'empereur Alexandre ; by A. Eicard de Montferrand. 1836 Monument — contimied. Anciens monuments de Portugal ; by J. da Silva. 1868 Ancient, and rehcs ; results of investiga- tion ; by J. S. Phene. SP. 1873 Ancient monuments Bill ; with various amendments. fo. Lond. 1874-78 Antiquite, de 1' ; by C. F. "Wiebeking. 1838 Bill to place pubUc statues within the metropolitan police district under the control of the commissioners of H.M. Works. fo. Lond. 1854 Bishop de Sheppy, Rochester ; by A. J. Kempe. 1833 Christian, in England and Wales ; by C. Boutell. Conservation of ancient architectural ; by G. G. Scott. SP. 1862 Conservazione dei monumenti architet- tonici; by G. Poggi. 1876 Ecclesiastical, of Paris, and their resto- ration ; by G. R. Burnell. SP. 1866 English, of 16th and 17th centuries ; by E. J. Tarver. SP. 1883 Fabbriche antiche ; by G. B. Cipriani. 1796 Fmierall monuments in Great Britaine, Ireland, and ilands adjacent ; by J. Weever. 1631 L'Influence de Topinion publique sur leur conservation ; by V. M. C. Ruprich-Eobert. 1882 Inscriptions at Wihie, &c. ; by G. F. Browne. 1884 Memorial stones, pillars, kc. ; by J. .J. Scoles. SP. 1845 Monumens 6rigds en France ^ la gloire de Louis XV ; by P. Patte. 1797 fim^rau-es ; by L. M. Normand. 1832 Monuments of christian art ; by J. W. AppeU. 1872 Monumental effigies and tombs in Elford church ; by E. Richardson. 1852 of Great Britain ; by J. Hollis. 1840 of the Temple church ; by E. Richardson. 1843 sculpture, architec- tural accessories of; by F. P. Cockerell. SP. 1861 Napoleon, sur la n6cessite de lo mettre au coneours ; by Anonjnnous. 1840 National and sepulchral ; by W. Wood. 1808 and works of art; report from select committee, with the minutes of evidence and appendix. fo. Lond. 1841, 1877 Nelson memorial, description of design for ; by " M. M." 1839 by " Utmam." 1839 180 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Monument — continued. Nelson memorial, letter on ; by A. B. GranviUe. 1839 Report of committee and description of designs. 4o. [Lond^ 1838 Eeturn of the ar- 1840 1884 1885 range ments for erecting ; and plan approved for Trafalgar Square. fo. Loud. Rostral column de- scribed ; by W. L. B. GranviUe. [1839] Selection of design for ; by W. Belmes. 1889 by .J. Goldicutt. 1841 Parisiens, Societe des amis ; by C. Nor- mand. Prehistoric, of Corn-wall ; by W. C. Lukis. Pre-Norman sculptured stones of Derby- shire ; by G. F. Browne. 1885 Public statues, returns. fo. Lond. 18C9 Religieux ; de Beauvoisis ; by E. J. Woillez. 1839-49 Rude stone ; by J. Fergusson. 1877 by T. R. Smith. CP. 1878 Scandinaves du moyen-age ; by N. M. Mandelgren. 1862 Scandinavian sculptured stones in London; by G. F. Browne. 1885 Sculptured stone at St. Madoes ; by J. E. Allen. _ [1885] Sepulchral, report on ; by Society of Antiquaries. 1872 della Toscana ; by V. Goz- zmi. 1819 di Ceri ; by P. E. Viseonti. 1836 Memorials at Rome ; by F. M. Tosi and A. Becchio. 1848 monument at Pisa ; by S. Smirke. _ 1880 Sculptured stones found in restoration of Monkwearmouth chm-ch ; by G. F. Browne. 1886 Stone, and tumuli ; by -J. B. Waring. 1870 Stones with interlaced ornament ; by J. R. Allen and G. F. Browne. 1886 sec Tomb and Sepulchre. Monuments (Historical) see Paris. see Spain. Moon (J) New constructions of drains ; drain, arch, and coping bricks. 8o. Lond. 1832 New mode of constructing chimneys. SP. 9 Jan. 1843 Construction of chimneys with circular flues. 8o. Lo7id. 1844 Improved flue bricks and chimney tops. MS. SP. 23 June 1845 Moore (G) Essay on perspective. MS. 4o. 1835 Essay on those powers of the mind which have reference to architectural study and design. 4o. Lond. 1843 Moore (G B) London promenades, or sug- gestions for preserving and improv- ing the suburban roads. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1856 Moore (T) Paradise and the Peri ; illu- minated by 0. Jones and H. Warren. 4o. Lond. 1860 Moorish ArcMtecture see Saracenic Architecture. Moraldi (N) see Rome Pontificia Acca- DEMiA DI San Luca. 1836 Morant (A W) Lidications of date, pamph. 8o. Lond. 1870 Dictionary of coats of arms ; by J. W. Papworth and A. W. Morant. 1874 Memoir ; by W. Papworth. 1881 Morea Expedition scientifique de Moree ; by A. Blouet. 1831-38 Short visit to the ; by E. Gifi'ard. 1837 Travels in ; by W. M. Leake. 1880 - Voyage en Moree ; by P. Pouqueville. 1805 Morel ( ) see Journal Gazette des Arid. 1837 Eestitution des deux frontons du temple de Minerve k Athenes ; ou disserta- tion pour servir k Texplicatiou des sujets que la sculpture y avait repr6- sent^s, &c. fo. Paris 1825 Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages des plus celebres architectes. 2 vols. 4o. Paris 1830 Dictionnaire historique d'architecture, comprenant dans son plan les notions historiques, descriptives, archeolo- giques, &c., de cat art. 2 vols. 4o. Paris 1832 L'ideal dans ses applications pratiques aux ceuvres de I'imitation. 80. Paris 1837 ftueriere (E de la) see Delaqueriere (E). Questions Upon various subjects connected with architecture see R. I. B. A. 1835, 1841 see Royal Asiatic Society. 1832 ftnetelet (A) Du syst^me social et des lois qui le rdgis- sent. 80. Paris 1848 Annuaire de I'observatoire royal de Bru- xelles; an 18'=. 12o. Brussels 1851 ftueverdo (F M) Decorations int^rieures, 6poque Louis XVI. fo. Paris ftxiilter ^H) An Academy catechism. pamph. 80. Lond. 1886 ftnin Abbey ; by T. N. Deane. 1883 R Race Stand see Stable, &c. Racinet (A) Polychromatic ornament. fo. Lond. 1873 Radcliffe (J N) and Smith (P G) Eeport on back-to-back houses. MS. fo. [Lond.] 1878 Radclyffe (C W) Memorials of Charter- house, fo. Lond. 1844 Radford (W T A) What style ought we to employ in additions to old work ? pamph. 80. Exeter 1871 RaflFaelle see Sanzio (R). Rafn (C C) Liscription runique du Pir6e, publiee par la Socidte Eoyale des Antiquaires du Nord. 80. Copen. 1856 Raggi (0) La chiesa di Santa Croce e la sua facciata. pamph. I2o. Florence 1863 Considerazioni intorno alia facciata di S. Maria del Fiore. pamph. 12o. Florence 1868 Ragstone (Kentish) see Lithology. Ragusa Palazzo rettorale, &c. ; by T. G. Jackson. 1885 Railton (W) Temple at Corfu. Supp. vol. to Antiquities of Athens ; by J. Stuart and N. Eevett. 1830 Railway Amalgamation; by B. Haughton. 1872 Analysis of ; by F. Whishaw. 1837 Appeal to the public on the subject of; by G. Godwin. 1837 Branch, letter on; by E. Sharpe. 1857 Carriage axles. Versuche welche in der borsigschen maschinen-fabrik zu Berlin mit verschiedenen eisenbahn- wagenachsen angestellt worden sind. 4o. Berlin 1850 Shorthand writers' notes, Stokes and others. pamph. 80. Stratford 1861 Charges : the paying and non-paying weights ; by B. Haughton. 1869 Chester and Holyhead. Eeport on the accident by the falling of the bridge over the Dee (May, 1847). fo. Lond. 1847 Construction ; by D. Haskoll. 1857 Die Wiener stadtbahn ; by Anonymous. 1881 Ireland. First report of the commis- sioners appointed to consider and recommend a general system of rail- ways for L-eland. fo. Lond. 1888 Second report of the commis- sioners, fo. Dublin 1837 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 219 Railway —continued. Ireland. Atlas to accompany second re- port of the commissioners, fo. Dublin 1838 Report of railway from Kings- town to Dalkey, on atmospheric sys- tem. 4o. Lo7id. 1844 Making, ensamples of; by J. Weale. (With railways of Belgium in 1842 ; by E. Dobson.) 1843 Metropolitan ; third report. fo. Lond. 1863 Eeports by W. YoUand. 1863 Practice ; by S. C. Brees. 1837-40-47 Pubhc works of Great Britain ; edit, by F. W. Simms. 1838 Schemes and street communications in London. Discussion on the several proposed schemes, &c. SP. 1864 Street ; by T. W. Rammell. 1857 Railway Station and Shed by J. P. Cluysenaar. 1855, 1862 Bombay terminus ; by Anonymous. 1886 Brighton terminus : specification of works ; by D. Mocatta. MS. Report on the appUcation of iron to ; with plans. fo. Lond. 1849 see Competition. see Inst, of Civil Engineers Lidex. see Roof. Rain and Rainfall see Meteorology. Raincelin de Sergy (...) Revue historique des notabilites contemporaines : bio- graphic de M. Hittorff. 8o. Paris 1855 Raine (J) see Surtees Society. Rainy (A) Description of design for new site for Houses of Parliament. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1836 Ralph (J) Critical review of publick build- ings, statues, and ornaments in and about London and Westminster. 8o. Lond. 1734 Rambuteau (Comte de) Rapport presente au conseil mmiicipal de la ville de Paris, 27 Dec. 4o. Paris 1834 5 Fev. 4o. Paris 1836 Compte-rendu de I'administration du d^partement de la Seine et de la ville de Paris, pendant I'annee 1836. 4o. Paris 1837 Ramee (D) Manuel de I'histoire gen^rale de I'archi- tecture. 2 vols. 12o. Paris 1843 Le moyen-age monumental et archeo- logique ; by N. M. J. Chapuy and D. Ramde. 1843-47 Dictionnaire gdn^ral des termes d'archi- tecture, en fran9ais, allemand, an- glais et italien. 8o. Paris 1866 Histoire g^nerale de I'architecture. 2 vols. 8o. Paris 1870-72 Ramee (D) and Pfiior (R) Monographic du chateau de Heidelberg. fo. Paris 1859 Ramee (D) and Vitet (L) Monographic de I'Eglise Notre-Dame de Noyon. Text 4o. plates fo. Paris 1845 Rammell (T W) New plan for street rail- ways. 8o. Lond. 1857 Ram-Raz Essay on the architecture of the Hindus. 4o. Lond. 1834 Randall (J) Philosophical inquiry on the cause of, with directions to cure, the dry rot in buildings, pamph. 8o. Lond. 1807 Randoni (C) Ornamenti d'architettura e delle loro simmetrie. 4o. Parma 1813 Ranger (W) Report to general board of health on inquiry into sewerage, &c., of Ipswich. pamph. 8o. [Jpsjyjc/i] 1856 Rankine (W J M) Manual of applied mechanics. 4th edit. 8o. Lond. 1868 Manual of civil engineering. 6th edit. 8o. Lo7id. 1869 Ransome (F) Specification for artificial stone. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1867 Raoul-Rochette (D) Antiquites asiatiques. pamph. 8o. Paris 1835 La Villa Pia ; by J. Bouchet and D. Raoul-Rochette. 1837 Notice historique surla vie et les ouvrages de C. Percier. 4o. Paris 1840 Discours prononce aux funerailles de J. P. Cortot. pamph. 4o. Paris 1843 de G. A. Blouet. pamph. 4o. Paris 1853 Rasp (C) Miinchener bauvorschriften. 8o. Munich Ratisbon sec Regensburg. Ravenna Altchristliche bauwerke ; by A. F. von Quast. Architettura metropolitana ; by G. Buonamici. Mausoleum of Theodoric ; by S. Smirke. Mosaic in San Michele ; by T. Landoni. Translation by MS. 0. Hansard. pictures ; by J. H. Parker. Palace of Theodoric ; by S. Smirke. Ravioli (C) Ragionamento del foro romano e de' principali suoi monumenti. 8o. Rome Rawlinson (R) Arch ceiling of St. George's Hall, Liver- pool : specification of construction. MS. Report to the committee of St. George's Hall, Liverpool. MS. Extracts on the evils affecting the health and comfort of the population, &c. MS. SP. 16 Ap. 1880 1842 1748 1830 1847 1853 1866 1834 1859 1848 1848 1849 220 PEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Eawlinson (K) — continued. Remarks on hollow bricks as used in the great ceiling over St. George's Hall, Liverpool, and on brick and arch constructions in general. SP. 16 Ap. 1849 Report to local board for Tynemouth on completion of public sewage works. pamph. 8o. N. Shields 1857 Reports on sewage and drainage in Chorley. pamph. 8o. Chorley 1857 Designs for factory furnace and other tall chimney shafts. fo. Lond. 1858 Report on the completion of the public sewerage works, for the district of West Ham, Essex. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1862 Corres^Jondence relative to St. George's Hall, Liverpool. 8o. Lond. 1871 Rayet (0) and Thomas (A) Milet et le golfe latmique : fouilles et explora- tions archeologiques. (In progress.) Text 4o. Plates fo. Paris 1877-80- Rayner (S) History and antiquities of Haddon Hall. 8o. Lond. 1836 Re (L) Osservazioni sull' arena e sul podio deir anfiteatro Fla\'io, fatte del P. Bianchi. fo. Borne 1812 Eeade (T M) Post-glacial geology of west Lancashire and the Mersey estuary. pamph. 8o. [Liverp.] 1872 The buried valley of the Mersey. pamph. 8o. [Lwerj;.] 1872 The drift-beds of the north-west of Eng- land, pamph. 8o. [Liverp.] 1874-83 Tidal action as a geological cause. pamph. 8o. Liverp. 1874 Papers on glacial geology. pamph. 8o. Liverp. 1875 Report on sewerage of Huyton- with-Eoby, Lancashire. pamph. 8o. Prescot 1875 Geological time. pamph. 8o. Liverp. 1877 How to drain a house. pamph. 8o. Liverp. 1877 The age of the world, pamph. 8o. Lond. 1878 A problem for L'ish geologists in post- glacial geology, pamph. 8o. Dublin 1879 Chemical denudation in relation to geo- logical time. 8o. Lond. 1879 Notes on the scenery and geology of Ireland. pamph. 8o. Liverp. 1879 Oceans and continents. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1880 The glacial beds of the Clyde and Forth. pamph. 8o. Liverp. 1880 Notes on the southern drift of England and Wales. pamph. 8o. Liverp. 1881 Rivers. pamph. 8o. [Liverp.] 1882 The Cromer forest-bed. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1883 Eeade (T M ) — continued. Formby and Leasowe marine beds. pamph. 8o. Liverp. 1883 Age of the earth. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1883 Human skull found near Southport. pamph. 8o. [Lond.] 1883 Miniature domes in sand. pamph. 8o. [Lond.] 1884 The island of South Georgia. pamph. Bo. [Lond.] 1884 Ripple-marks in drift, Shropshire and Cheshire. pamph. 8o. [Lond.] 1884 A delta in miniature. pamph. 8o. [Lond.] 1884 Experiments on the circulation of water through sandstone. pamph. 8o. Liverp. 1884 Denudation of the two Americas. pamph. 8o. Liverp. 1885 Drift-deposits of Colwyn Bay. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1885 The Mersey tunnel : its geological aspects and results. pamph. 8o. Liverp. 1885 The North Atlantic as a geological basm. pamph. 8o. Liverp. 1885 The origin of momitain ranges. Bo. Lond. 1886 Reader (The) A review of Uterature, science, and art. Vols, i.-vii. 8o. Lond. 1863-66 Recipe for processes, &c. by G. T. Robin- son. SP. 1875 Record Commission Report on the pubUc records of Great Britain. fo. Lond. 1800 from the commissioners, 1800- 1819. 2 vols. fo. Lond. 1819 Anglias et WaUiffi. Taxatio ecclesiastica, circa a.d. 1291. fo. Lond. 1802 Report on the public records of Ireland. 2 vols. fo. Lo^id. 1810-20 Recreation Ground sec Park «&c. Rectory sec Clergy House. Recueil d'Estampes de differents auteurs concernant les batiments, les tapis- series, tableaux, conquetes et autres sujets qu'on trouve dans lesmaisons royales. 22 vols. fo. Paris [1660-69] Reculver Antiquities of ; by C. R. Smith. 1850 Reddle (J) Vis inertise victa, or fallacies affecting science. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1862 Redgrave (S) Dictionary of artists of the English school. 8o. Lond. 1878 Redman (J B) Maplin lighthouse see Mitchell (A). 1848 Lectures on marine engineering, de- livered at Chatham, 1875-76. pamph. fo. Chatham 1877 PBINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 221 Redman (J B) — eontimied. Loudon Bridge aud our metropolitan bridges ; are more wanted ? if so, where ? pampli. 80. Lond. Eeed (F H) Illustrations of Tattersball castle, Lincolnshire, fi'om measured drawings. fo. Lond. Reeks (T) see De la Beche and Reeks. Reeves (W) The ancient churches of Armagh. pampb. 80. L%ish Regemortes (M de) Description du pont de pierre sur la riviere d'Allier k Mouhus. fo. Paris Regensburg Architecture gothique ; by J. Popp and T. Buleau. Walhalla ; by L. von Klenze. Reibell (...) Cours de construction; by J. Sganzin. Reichardt (C F) Ueber den ueuen rath- hausbau. 80. Hanib. Reichensperger (A) Festgabe zur 800jahrigen Jubelfeier der volleudung mid einweihung der kirche Gereons zu Koln. pamph. 80. Cologne Ueber monumentale malerei. pamph. 80. Cologne A. W. N. Pugin, der ueubegriinder der chr. kunst in England. Frage von der wiederbelebung der kunst, &c., in Deutschland. pamph. 80. Freiburg Die bauhiitten des mittelalters. pamph. 80. Cologne Parlamentarisches iiberkmist mid kmist- handwerk, nebst glossen dazu. pamph. 80. Cologne Baugeschichtlicbes aus Italien. pamph. 80. Wiirzb. Notice of Transactions, Sess. 1882-83, of the R.I.B.A. pamph. 4o. Wiirzb. Bebauung der museums-insel. pamph. 80. Berlin Bildende kunst. pamph. 80. Milnster Essenwein's Culturhistorischer bilder- atlas. pamph. 4o. Wiirzb. Wandgemalde der St. Georgskirche in OberzeU. pamph. 4o. Wiirzb. Darstellung der iilteren bau- u. kunst- denkmiiler Sachsens. pamph. 80. Profan-architektur. pamph. 80. Reichensperger (A) gewitter (G) Translated by Reid (A) Principles of acoustics, warming and ven- tilation, &c. MS. 1835 Ventilation. pamph. 80. Lond. 1846 Milnster Cologne Statz (V) and TJn- Gothic model book. .. Monicke. fo. Lond. 1878 1872 1860 1771 1841 1842 1840 1855 1869 1876 1877 1879 1880 1883 1883 1884 1884 1884 1884 1885 1886 Reid (H) The science and art of the manufacture of Portland cement. With observations on some of its constructive applications. 80. Lond. it N. Yk. 1877 Reid (J) Young surveyor's preceptor; or, the art of architectural mensuration. 2nd edit. 4o. Lond. 1857 Reims Monastfires de I'ordre de saint Benoit see Monasticon Gallicanum. Reinwald (C) Catalogue amiuel de la Hbrairie fran9aise. 80. Loud. (£ Edin. 1859-68 Relaudus (H) Palisstina ex monumentis veteribus illustrata. 2 vols. 4o. Utrecht 1714 Remfrey (H H) Patents : India, Ceylon, Straits-settlements, and Hong-Kong. pamph. 80. Calctitta 1885 Remfrey & Remfrey (Messrs.) Patents ; aud their relation to the wants of India. pamph. 80. Calcutta 1881 Remont (J E) Code beige des architectes ; by M. F. Micha aud J. E. Eemont. 1840 Eapport au college des bourgmestre et echevius de la ville de Liege, con- tenant les renseignements recueillis a Londres sur les travaux d'assainis- sement et d'utilite publique de cette ville. 80. Liege 1850 Summary ; by W. L. Donaldson. SP. 1855 Removal of Buildings Mode of moving houses in New York ; by F. Cather- wood. MS. SP. 1836 Remuneration see Professional Practice. Renaissance by J. PoUet and H. Roux. 1841 by J. A. Symouds. 1868 by M. D. Wyatt. 1856 Architecture civile et domestique ; by A. Verdier and F. Cattois. 1855-57 du cinquieme au dix-septieme siecle; by J. Gailhabaud. 1858 Central- u. Kuppelkircheu der renais- sance in Italien ; by H. Strack. 1882 Chateau de Blois ; by E. le Nail. 1875 Chretiemae, deux edifices ; by F. Cattois. 1861 Court at the Crystal Palace ; by M. D. Wyatt and J. B. Waring. 1854 Dark ages of architecture ; by J. P. Seddon. SP. 1861 Geschichte der deutschen ; by W. Liibke. 1878 Gothic and ; by T. R. Smith. 1880 Great Britain ; by W. Papwortli. 1888 Italy ; by A. Schiitz. 1882 by C. Timler. 1865 222 PRINTED BOOKS, MANTJSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Renaissance — conthmed. Italy ; of art iu ; by L. Scott. 1883 Kirclieu der renaissance in Mittel-Italien ; by P. Laspeyres. 1882 Lombardei ; by T. V. Paravicim. Monumentale en France ; by A. Berty. 186'! Mouumente des mittelalters und der re- naissance aus dem siichsischen erzgebirge ; by Eommler and Jonas, and C. Andrea. 1875 Objets d'art, &c., exposes a Malines en 1864 ; by W. H. J. Weale. 1864 Precis historique ; by L. Vendramiui. 1837 Serrurerie dii moyen-age et de la renais- sance ; by I. H. de Hefuer-Alte- neck. 1869 Renaix Eglise coUegiale ; by Euttiens and Serrure. 1878 Rennes Maison de force et de correction ; by A. Normand. [1879] Rennie (G) Expansion of arches ; expansion of iron under tbe atmospheric variations of temperature ; and expansion of stone bridges. pamph. 4o. Land. Eeport on the supply of water to be obtained from the district of Bag- shot. 4o. Lond. 1850 Employment of rubble beton, or concrete, in works of engmeeriug and archi- tectiu'e. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1858 Rennie (G) and Cooke (E W) Old and new London bridge ; with notices, &c. fo. Lond. 1883 Rennie (Sir J) Description of the break- water iu PljTxiouth Sound. MS. SP. 8 Ap. 1889 Renouvier (J) Monuments de quelques an- ciens dioceses de Bas-Languedoc. 4o. Montpellier 1840 Renouvier (J) and Laurens (J B) Monu- ments de Bas-Languedoc. 4o. Montpellier 1840 Repairs sec Restoration. sec Shoring. Reports and Papers sec under various Societies. Repton (H) Eeport on Langley park, in the county of Kent. MS. 4o. 1790 Landscape gardening and landscape arehitectm-e ; edited by J. C. Loudon. Colom-ed edition. 8o. Lond. 1840 Reredos sec Church Fittings. Resanoff(A) Orvieto cathedral ; byBenois, Eesanoff, and Krakau. 1877 Reservoir see Water, &c Restaurant sec Hote- Restoration, Preservation, and Conservation And anti-restoration ; by S. Colvin. 1877 Ancient churches ; by G. G. Scott. 1850 Architectural, principles and practice ; by J. J. Stevenson. 1877 Atlas complet ; by J. P. Schmit. Belgique, monuments publiques de ; by W. H. J. Weale. 1862 Book on ; by Su- E. Beckett. 1880 Church restoration ; by G. Crabbe. 1878 by W. White. 1886 Dutch chm-eh, Austin Friars; by E. I'Auson. SP. 1866 Ecclesiastical monuments of Paris, &c. ; by G. E. Burnell. SP. 1866 English cathedrals and their restoration ; by Anonymous. 1878 Historical documents ; by J. J. Stevenson. SP. 1881 In connection with historical monuments ; by E. VioUet-le-Duc. 1875 Instructions, &e., a Poitiers ; by Abb6 Auber. 1851 Lisbonne, eglise de Belem ; by J. da Silva. 1867 Little Shelford church and SnaUwell chm-ch see Little Shelford. [1879] Memorandum ; by Society of Anti- quaries. 1855 Prmciples of ; by G. Aitchison. 1877 St. Albau's church ; Ely and Norwich cathedrals, &c. ; by Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings. 1879 St. George's chapel, Windsor ; by T. Willement. 1844 St. Michael, Penkevel, Cornwall ; by G. E. Street. SP. 1862 Sixteen years' doings at St. Mary's Eed- chffe sec Bristol. 1858 Thorough ; by W. J. Loftie. 1877 anti-restoration ; by G. G. Scott. 1877 Thoughts on ; by G. Aitchison. 1878 Traits de la reparation des eglises ; by E. Bordeaux. 1862 Wellow church ; by T. Browne. 1880 What style in additions to old work ; by W. T. A. Eadford. 1871 see R, I. B. A. Retaining Wall sec Canal, &c. Reveley (W) Dictionary of architectm'e, and journey through Italy, Greece, Egypt &c. MS. fo. 1785 see Stuart (Ji and Revett (N) Antiqui- ties of Athens. Vol. iii. 1794 see Society of Dilettanti. Reversion see Tables. Revett (N) Antiquities of Athens ; by J. Stuart and N. Eevett. 1762-1816 see Society of Dilettanti. PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPEBS 223 flevoU (A H) Fouillea arch^ologiques ; trois phaleres trouv6s dans rampliithdatre de Nimes. pamph. 80. Paris 1872 Eloge de Leon Vaudoyer ; discours de reception, en seance de I'academie de Marseille. pamph. 80. Marseilles 1877 Conference sur le theatre antique d'Orange. pamph. 80. Tours 1883 EevoU (H) Tombeau de Monseigneur Carte, 6veque de Nimes. fo. Paris 1859 Notice sur la chapelle de Saint-Gabriel, pr^s Tarascon. pamph. 80. Nimes 1863 Architecture romane du midi de la France. 3 vols. fo. Paris 1864-73 Tombe et epitaphe de Boetius, 7* eveque de Carpentras. pamph. 80. Paris 1864 Rapport sur les fouilles de 1' amphitheatre de Nimes. pamph. 80. Nimes 1866 Fouilles archeologiques. Nos. 1, 2. pamph. 80. Nimes 1867 Kevue Mensuelle des Notabilites Contem- poraines Biographie de H. et C. Rohault de Fleury. pamph. 80. Eey (G) Etude sur les monuments de I'architecture mihtaire des croises en Syria et dans Tile de Chypre. 4o. Paris 1871 Reynaud (L) Traite d'architecture, contenant des no- tions generates sur les principes de la construction et sur I'liistoire de I'art. Premiere partie, Elements des Edifices. Text 4o. Plates fo. Paris 1850 Sa vie et ses oeuvres ; by F. de Dartein. 1885 Eeynolds (Sir J) Complete works of ; with an original memoir and anecdotes of the author. Vols, ii and iii only. 12o. Loud. 1824 Bezzonico (G B) Delle ville e de' piii nota- bili monumenti antichi di Tivoh. 80. Boinc 1779 Rhanmus see Society of Dilettanti. 1840 Rheinhardsbrunn Castle of see Berlin Architekten-Veeein. Rhine Handbook ; by J. Murray. 1873 Rhine Valley see Romanesque. Rhone (A) Augusta Mariette : esquisse de sa vie et de ses travaux en Egypte. pamph. 80. Paris 1881 Ricard (...) see Gartner (F von) and others. Ricard de Montferrand (A) Plans et details du monument consaer6 fi, la m^moire de I'empereur Alexandre. fo. Paris 1836 Colonne Alexandrine il St. P6tersbourg ; report by A. L. T. Vaudoyer. 1840 Ricard de Montferrand (A) — continued. Description de la graude cloche de Mos- cou. fo. Paris 1840 Eglise cathedrale de Saint-Isaac. fo. St. Petersb. & Paris 1845 Ricauti (T J) Eustic architecture. ob. 4o. Lond. 1840 Richard of Cirencester Description of Britain : a translation, with the ori- ginal treatise. 80. Lond. 1809 Richards (G) see Palladio (A). 1733 Richardson (C J) Observations on the architecture of Eng- land duruig the reigns of Ehzabeth and James I. 4o. Lond. 1837 Popular treatise on the warming and ventilation of buildings ; showing the advantages of the improved system of heated water circulation. 80. Lond. 1837 Description of the warming and venti- lating apparatus at the residence of C. Babbage. pamph. 80. Lond. 1839 Architectural remains of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. Vol. i. {All published.) fo. Land. 1840 Studies from old English mansions ; their fm-niture, gold and silver plate, &c. Fourseries. fo. Lond. 1841-42-45-48 Letter to Sir H. EUis, accompanying a drawing, with details, of the sandal- wood gates of Somnath. 4o. Lond. 1843 see Luard (...). Studies of ornamental design. 2 parts. fo. Land. 1848-52 Design for economically and effectually raising Holborn valley. pamph. 80. Lond. 1863 Richardson (E) Mediaeval sculpture and workings in alabaster in England. pamph. 80. Lond. Monumental elBgies of the Temple church, London. 4o. Lond. 1843 Monumental efSgies and tombs in Elford church, Staffordshire, with a memoir and pedigree of the lords of Elford. fo. Lond. 1852 Richardson (G) Book of ceilings, composed in the style of the antique grotesque. {English and French text.) fo. Lond. 1776 New collection of chimney-pieces, orna- mented in the style of the Etruscan, Greek, and Roman architecture, &c. (English and French text.) fo. Lond. 1781 Five orders of architecture. {English and French text.) fo. Lond. 1787 New designs in architecture. {English and French text.) fo. Lond. 1792 •224 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Kichardson (G) — continued. Capitals of columns and friezes measured from the antique. ob. 4o. Lond. 1793 New Vitruvius Britannicus : a continua- tion of C. Camjibell's work. 2 vols, in 1. {English and French text.) fo. Lond. 1802-08 Richardson (G F) Geology for beginners, comprising a familiar explanation of geology and its associate sciences. 12o. Lond. 1842 Richardson (J & J) Account of the statues, bas-reliefs, pictures, &c., in France and Italy. 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1754 Richardson (M A) Descriptive companion through Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Gateshead. 8o. Neu-castle 1838 Richardson (T A) Architectural modelling ui paper. 12o. Lond. 1859 Richardson (W) The monastic ruins of Yorkshire ; with historical descrip- tions by the Kev. E. Churton. 2 vols in 1. fo. York 1842-55 Richaud (J) Necrologie de H. Esperan- dieu. pamph. 8o. [Marseilles] 1874 Richborough Antiquities of ; by C. E. Smith. 1850 Richmond Hill Hotel Particulars, plans, and conditions of sale. pamph. fo. Lond. 1867 Richter (J H) Praktische anleitung zur ausfiihrung der neuen flachen dach- bedeckung, anlegung kiiustlicher fuszwege, &c. ; by J. F. Dorn and J. H. Eichter. 1837 Richter (J P) Literary works of Leonardo da Vinci. Vol. ii. " As Architect," by H. de Geymiiller. fo. Land. 1883 Rickman (J) Autobiography of T. Telford. 1888 Rickman (T) Attempt to discriminate the styles of architecture in England, from the Conquest to the Eeformation. 2nd edition, with additions. 8o. Lond. 1819 3rd edit. 8o. Lond. 1826 4th edition. 8o. Lond. 1835 5th edition. 8o. Lond. 1848 6th edition, with considerable additions ; by J. H. Parker. 8o. Oxford 1862 7th edit., with considerable addi- tions and a sketch of the Grecian and Eoman orders, by J. H. Parker. 8o. Oxf. d Lond. 1881 Four letters on the ecclesiastical architec- ture of France and England. 4o. Lond. 1833 Further observations. 4o. Lond. 1834 Specimens of architectural remains in England ; by J. Cotman and others. 1838 Rickman (T) and Hutchinson (H) Speci- fications of work and materials in various chmxhes and pubUc build- ings. 8o. Birmingham 1827-38 Rickman (T M) Metropolitan improvements as affected by the bills now before Parliament. SP. 21 Feb., 7 and 21 Mar. 1859 Professional lessons fi-om a boulder : a plea for geology as part of an archi- tect's education. SP. 8 June 1885 Riddle (J E) Latin-English dictionary ; by J. T. White and J. E. Eiddle. 1876 Ridge (L W) Illustrations and descrip- tion of the priory church of SS. Mary and Blaise, Bosgrove, Sussex. fo. Lond. 1864 Rieger (P C) Elementos de toda la archi- tectura civil ; aumentados y traduci- dos al castellano por el P. M. Bena- vente. 4o. Madrid 1763 Riess (C) Mittelalterliche baudenkmale aus Schwaben ; by J. v. Egle, A. Beyer, and C. Eiess. 1872 Riffault (J R D) Notice sur ; by C. F. Vergnaud-Eomagnesi. 1826 -Riley (H T) Natural History see Pliny. 1856 Rimmer (A) Ancient stone crosses of England. 8o. Lond. 1875 Ringsted Kirke ; by J. J. A. Worsaae. 1858 Ripley (T) Houghton, Norfolk see Ware (I) and Kent (W). 1760 Ritter (J C W) Des G. Low architecto- nisohe zeichnungen der deutsch- lutherischen kirche zu Camberwell, London. fo. Schweig. 1858 Rivius (G H) see Vitruvius. 1548 Roads and Streets ; Laying out and making Act for improving and regulating the streets of the metropolis, 57th George III. cap. 29 see London. 1817 And roadways ; by G. W. Willcocks. 1879 Anlegmig und veriinderung, gesetz be- treffend ; by E. Friedrichs. 1882 Cleaning and making ; by C. Cochrane. MS. SP. 1844 Designs for, in London and Southwark ; by G. Allen. 1828 Etudes sur la voirie ; by C. Eohault de Fleury 1864 Improvement of ; by J. Jeffreys. 1861 Law of ways ; by H. W. Woobych. 1847 London promenades, or suggestions for improving the suburban roads ; by G. B. Moore. 1856 Memoir and plan of Watling Street, in Durham and Northumberland ; by A. MacLauchlan. 1853 Patent biangular for ; Prospectus. 8o. Lo}id. 1826 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 225 Roads and Streets, &c. — continued. Public ; report from the select committee on M'Adam's petition, relating to his improved system of constructing and repairing public roads, fo. Lond. 1823 Road making ; by J. L. M'Adam. 1824 Eoman ; by Antiquarius. and British railways ; by R. Burgess. SP. 1851 Street pavement ; by C. J. C. Dawson. 1876 Turnpike ; by J. L. M'Adam. 1825 sec Cleansing and Drainage Association. see London Impeovements, &c. see Metropolitan Board of Works. Roberts (D) Picturesque sketches in Spain, taken during the years 1832 and 1833. fo. Lond. 1837 On death of ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1864 Roberts (D) and Brockedon (W) Egypt and Nubia. 3 vols. fo. Lond. 1847 Roberts (D) and Croly (G) Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Egypt, and Arabia. 2 vols. fo. Lond. 1842 Roberts (E) Lilleshall abbey, Shropshire. pamph. 8o. Lond. [1862] Wenlock priory, Shropshire. pamph. 4o. Lond. [1862] Brixworth church, Northamptonshire. pamph. 8o. Lond. [1863] Finchale priory, Durham. pamph. 8o. [Lond.] 1867 Mayfield, Sussex : the manor, hall, and church. pamph. 8o. [Lond.] 1867 Ancient British cemetery on Sunbury common, at Ashford, Middlesex. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1871 Leominster priory church. pamph. 8o. [Lond.] 1871 Some practical hints on house building. SP. 19 Feb. 1872 Dudley castle. Staffs, pamph. 8o. Lond. 1873 Roberts (G) Some account of Llanthony priory, Monmouthshire. 8o. Lond. 1847 Roberts (H) Home reform, or advice to the labouring classes on the improvement of their dwellings. pamph. 8o. Lond. Arrangement and construction of the dweUings of the labouring classes. SP. 21 Jan. 1850 Traduit et public par ordre du president de la Republique. 4o. Paris 1850 Dwellings of the labouring classes, their arrangement and construction. {Bc- print of SP.) pamph. 8o. Lond. 1850 Model houses for families, built in con- nection with the Great Exhibition of 1851. 8o. Lond. 1851 Roberts (H) — continued. DweUings of the labouring classes. 4o. Lond. 1853 Physical condition of the labouring classes. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1855 Lnprovement of the dwellings of the labouring classes. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1859 Healthy dwellings, and prevailing sani- tary defects in the homes of the working classes. 12o. Lond. [1861] Progress and present aspect of the move- ment for improving the dwellings of the labom'ing classes. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1861 On the essentials of a healthy dwelling. SP. pamph. Bo. Lond. 1862 Discussion. SP. 20 Jan. and 17 Feb. 1862 Dwelhngs of the labouring classes. 8o. Lo7id. 1867 Report on dwellings for the working classes, in connection with Paris Exliibition, 1867. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1868 Roberts (I) The pressure of wheat stored in elongated cells or bins. pamph. 8o. Liverp. 1882 Roberts (J B) Short hints to the student in architecture. 12o. Lond. 1852 Robertson (A) The Parthenon adapted to the purpose of a national monument to commemorate the victories of the late war. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1888 Robertson (J C) Value to architecture of the stone-planing machine, lately invented and patented by J. Hunter, of Leysmill, Arbroath. MS. SP. 27 July 1835 Robertson (W) Collection of various forms of stoves, used for forcing pine plants, fruit trees, &c. ob. fo. Lond. 1798 Designs in architecture for garden chairs, small gates for villas, park entrances, aviaries, temples, boat houses, mau- soleums, and bridges, &c. fo. Lond, 1800 Robins (EC) Practical view of the sanitary question ; being the report of the proceedings of the St. Pancras Local Board of Health. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1854 Proposed infirmary at Higligate for St. Pancras parish ; description of de- sign, pamph. 8o. Loud. 1868 Introduction and use of steam .jets for cleaning the stone of Hanover church, Regent Street. SP. 26 Jan. 1874 High Sanctuary at Jerusalem ; and a muniment chest belonging to the Worshipful Company of Dyers. SP. 23 June 1879 a o 226 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Robins (E C)— continued. Sanitary science iu its relation to civil architecture. SP. 29 Nov Some account of the history and antiqui- ties of the Worshipful Company of Dyers, London. 4o. [Land. Eevelations of sanitary science. pamph. 80. Lond. Original experiments of Dr. Kenk on sewer gas, and the mode of its ex- clusion from dwelling-houses. pamph. 80. Lond. The work of the Sanitary Institute of Great Britain, pamph. 80. Land. Buildings for appHed science and art instruction. SP. 5 Feb. Disabilities of inspectors of nuisances. pamph. 80. Lond. Fittings for applied science instruction buildhigs. SP. 19 Nov. Heating and ventilation necessary for applied science instruction buildings. SP. 3 Dec. Modern hospital construction. pamph. 80. Lond. VentUation and warming of chemical laboratories, &c. pamph. 80. Lond. Papers on technical education, applied science buildings, fittings and sani- tation. 4o. Lond. The ethics of art. pamph. 80. Lond. Review of theories respectmg architecture of the Temple of Solomon. pamph. 80. Lond. The artistic side of sanitary science. pamph. 80. Lond. Eobinson (F) Kefutation of Lieut. Well- sted's attack upon Lord Valentia's work upon the Red Sea ; with com- parative diagrams, showuig the in- ventions of Bruce. 4o. Lond. Robinson (G T) Military arehitectm-e of the middle ages, as illustrated by KenUworth, War- wick, and Maxstoke castles. pamph. 80. Lond. Certain new or recently revived processes in decorative art. SP. 1 Mar. Robinson (H) Presidential addi-ess to Society of Engineers. pamph. 80. Lond. Robinson (H) and Mellis (J C) Purifica- tion of water-carried sewage. 80. Lond. 1877 Robinson (J) sec Pennethome (J) and Robinson (J). Robinson (J B) Derbyshire gatherings; memoirs of natives, views of re- markable places, antiquities, &c. 4o. Lond. 1866 1880 1880] 1881 1882 1882 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 [1885] 1885 1885 1886 1886 1842 1859 1875 1887 Robinson (J C) Catalogue of the Soulages collection at Marlborough house, with photo- graphs. 80. Lond. 1856 various works of art forming the collection of M. Uzielli. 80. Lond. 1860 Itahan sculpture of the middle ages and period of the revival of art. 80. Lond. 1862 Robinson (P F) Attempt to ascertain the age of the church of Mickleham, Surrey, with remarks on the architecture of that building. fo. Loyid. 1824 Designs for ornamental villas. 4o. Lond. 1827 Vitruvius Britannicus : History of Woburn abbey shire. Hatfield house. Bedford- fo. Lond. Hertford- shire, fo. Lond. Hardwicke hall, Derby- shire, fo. Lond. Castle Ashby. fo. Land. £c. Newly discovered crypt at York minster. SP. 6 July Observations relating to the proposal for remoTOig the choir screen in York minster. MS. SP. 6 July Rural architecture ; or designs for orna- mental cottages. 4th edition. 4o. Lond. Domestic architecture in the Tudor style. 4o. Lond. Ornamental cottages and villas ; new de- signs. 4o. Lond. Robinson (W) Proportional architecture, or the five orders regulated by equal parts. 80. Lond. Parks, promenades, and gardens of Paris, described and considered in relation to wants of our own cities. 80. Lo7id. Robison (J) and Tredgold (T) Principles of construction in carpentry and joinery. Text 12o. Plates 4o. Lond. Robison (J) Price (F) and Tredgold (T) Principles of construction in car- pentry and joinery of roofs. Text 12o. Lond. Plates (iron roofs). 4o. Lond. Robson (E R) School architecture. 80. Lond. 2nd edit. 80. Lond. Robson (G) Modern domestic building construction. fo. Lond. Robson (R) Mason's, bricklayer's, plas- terer's, and decorator's practical guide. 4o. Lond. 1883 1833 1835 1841 1835 1835 1836 1837 1838 1736 1869 1859 1859 1859 1874 1877 1876 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 227 Koche Abbey Yorks History ; by J. H. Aveling. 1870 Rochester Effigy of Bishop John de Sheppy, in the cathedral ; by A. J. Kempe. 1833 Rock-cut Works and Caves Buddhist caves of Afghanistan ; by W. Simpson. Temples of India ; by J. Fergusson. 1845 Rode (A) sec Vitruvius. 1800 Rodriguez (E) In morte di Errico Alvino, ceiuio necrologico. pamph. 8o. Naples 1876 Roe (F) Description of a patent watercloset. MS. SP. 18 Dec. 1837 Improvements in the common pump, &c. MS. SP. 27 June 1842 Roeskilde sec Roskilde. Rogers (F) The architect's guide ... a text book of useful information for architects, engineers, surveyors, con- tractors, clerks of works, &c. 8o. Lond. 1877 Rogers (H) Calendars of Al-Hallowen, Brystowe. An attempt to elucidate some portions of the history of the priory or Ffraternitie of Calendars, whose library once stood over the north or Jesus aisle of All Saints' church, Bristol. Bo. Bristol 1846 Rogers (W G) Remarks on Grinhng Gib- bons. SP. 3 June 1867 Rogissart (... de) and H * * * D^Uces de ritalie, contenant mie description exacte du pais, des principales viUes, de toutes les antiquitez, et de toutes les raretez qui s'y trouvent. 4 vols. 12o. Paris 1707 Rohault de Fleury (C) Compte rendu des travaux de la Societe Libre des Beaux-Arts, pendant I'ann^e 1843-44. pamph. 8o. Paris Prix compares de diverses constructions il diverses epoques. pamph. 8o. Paris 1865 Discours prononce sur la tombe de C. Percier. 4o. Paris 1838 Museum d'histoire naturelle, serres chaudes, galerie de mineralogie, &c. fo. Paris 1844 Rapport pr6sent6au club de I'Union Poly- technique sur la construction de loge- ments pour les ouvriers. pamph. 4o. Paris 1848 sur la construction de logements pour les ouvriers. Etudes sur la voirie. pamph. 8o. pamph. 8o. Paris Paris 1849 1864 Rohault de Fleury (C) — continued. Exposition des beaux-arts appliques k I'industrie. pamph. 8o. Paris 1864 Visite dans les catacombes de Saint- CaUxte, sous la conduite de M. le ChevaUer de Rossi. pamph. 8o. Paris 1866 (Euvre de ; by G. Eohault de Fleury. 1884 see Revue Mensuelle des Notabilites, &c. Rohault de Fleury (G) Campanile de Pise. fo. Paris 1859 Monuments de Pise au moyen-age. Test Bo. Plates fo. Paris 1866 La Toscane au moyen-age ; architecture civile et militaire. 2 vols. fo. Paris 1873 lettres sur I'architecture civile et mihtaire en 1400. 2 vols. 8o. Paris 1874 Le Latran au moyen-age. fo. Paris 1877 Cimetiere merovingien de Montmartre. pamph. 8o. Paris 1883 (Euvre de C. Rohault de Fleury. fo. Paris 1884 Rohault de Fleury (H) Biographic. see Paris Societe Centkale des Aechitectes. Roisecco (G) Roma amphata e rinovata, descrizione della citta di Roma. 8o. Borne 1739 Rokewood (J G) Account of the painted chamber in the royal palace at West- minster see Society of Antiquaries. fo. Lond. 1842 Roland le Virloys (C F) Dictionnaire d'ar- chitecture civile, militaire et navale, antique, ancienne et moderne, &c., en fran9ais, latin, italien, espagnol, anglois et allemand. 3 vols. 4o. Paris 1770 Rolfe (C) Chancel screens and roods. pamph. 8o. Beading 1876 Rolland (...) Rapport sur les nouveaux appareils de panification. 8o. Paris 1863 Rolland (J) and others La cath^drale Sainte-Cecile d'Albi. fo. Toulouse 1882 Roman Antiquities by T. Godwyn. 1620 by Sieur d'Hancarville. 1766 by B. de Montfaucon. 1721 Antichi sepolcri ; by P. Santi Bartoli. 1768 Baudenkmale in Trier ; by C. W. Schmidt. 1843 Bucklersbury tesselated pavement ; by J. E. Price. 1870 Chateaudmi ; by C. F. Vergnaud-Roma- gnesi. 1835 Decouverte d'une ville romaine en Portu- gal ; by J. P. N. da SUva. 1882 228 PRINTED BOOKS, MA2^USCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Roman Antiquities — continued. Dictionary of; by W. Smith. 1851 Discovered in London ; by C. E. Smith. [1852] Durobrivffi of Antoninus identified and il- lustrated by remaias ui the vicinity of Castor ; by E. T. Artis. 1828 Garianonum in Sufibllc ; by J. Ives. 1803 Leben der Griechen und Eomer; by E. Guhl and W. Koner. 1862 Livre des edifices antiques remains, &c. ; by Androiiet du Cerceau. 1584 Mansion House, London ; by J. Wbich- cord and J. E. Price. 1873 Monumeuti dell' architettura antica ; by G. G. Napione. 1820 Monuments in Igel; by Hawich and Neurohr. 1826 North Africa; by A. Graham. SP. 1885, 1886 Palais de Seaurus ; by F. Mazois. 1819 Kougham ; by J. S. Henslow. 1843 Select ^'iews ; by G. Wightwick. 1827 Treves ; by J. H. Wyttenbach. 1839 Villa ; by R. Castell. 1788 at Carisbrooke, I. of W. ; by W. Spickernell. 1860 at Morton; by J. E. and F. G. H. Price. 1880 at Newton, near Bath ; by H. E. Goodridge. MS. SP. 1838 of Pliny ; by D. P. Marquez. 1796 of the Augustan age ; by T. Moixle. 1838 Woodchester ; by S. Lysons. 1797 see Italy. see Parker ( J H). see Rome. Roman Architecture by L. Canina. 1834-43 by G. A. Eusconi. 1590 Ancient ; by J. Gwilt. 1818 ArchJiologie der baukuust der Griechen und Eomer ; by C. L. Stieglitz. 1801 Characteristics of; by E. Hall. MS. 1839 Court at the Crystal Palace ; by 0. Jones. 1854 Delle citta ; by Marulli. 1808 Essay on ; by E. Mitchell. 1801 and Etruscan ; by G. L. Taylor. SP. 1859 and Grecian, their peculiar characteris- tics ; by E.Hall. MS. 1838 Libro appartenente a ; by A. Labacco. [1568] Of Roman provinces ; by J. Bell. SP. 1851 Prolusiones architectonicas ; by W. Wil- kins. 1837 Sketch of early history ; by .J. H. Parker. SP. 1869 Theory of; by L. Le Brun. 1807 see Rome. Roman Building Case di citta degli antichi Romani ; by P. Marquez. 1795 Roman Building — continued. Construction in ancient ; by J. H. Par- ker. 1868 L'art de batir chez les Romains ; by A. Choisy. 1873 Roman Empire Decline and fall of ; by E. Gibbon. 1827 Roman Roads see Roads. Romanesque, Byzantine, and Lombard Ar- cMtecture by J. Pollet and H. Eoux. 1841 Altchristhche baudenkmale von Con- stantinopel ; by W. Salzenberg. 1854 Architecture chretienne ; by H. Hiibsch. 1866 lombarde ; by F. de Dar- tein. 1865-82 Byzantine architecture ; by C. Texier and E. P. Pullan. 1864 churches, decoration of ; by R. P. Pullan. SP. 1875 remarks on; by J. L. Petit. SP. 1858 collection of ornaments ; by C. Heideloff. ^ 1838-40 eglises en Grece ; by A. Cou- chaud. 1842 en France ; by F. de Ver- neilh. 1851 Court at Crystal Palace, handbook ; by M. D. Wyatt and J. B. Waring. 1854 Du midi de la France ; by H. Eevoil. 1864-67 Eglises romanes et romano-byzantines du Puy-de-D6me ; by A. MaUay. 1838 Formeulehre zm' rundbogen architectur ; by E. Mezger. 1851 In France ; by T. Likersley. 1850 the south of; by J. B. War- ing. SP. 1861 Gallo-Byzantine churches ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1853 In Germany ; by J. Justen. 1860 Lombardy, Delle arti del disegno e degli artisti nelle provincie di ; by A. Caimi. 1862 Die bauwerke m ; by F. Os- ten. 1846 Ecclesiastical brickwork of ; by T. James. 1847 Eenaissance-architekturder; by T. V. Paravicini. Origm and growth of; by E. A. Free- man. 1872 Rheinreise von Strassburg bis Rotter- dam; by E. Dronke and J. C. von Lassaulx. [Prior to 1842] Rhine and central Europe ; by C. F. Hayward. SP. 1855 valley, deschristlichenmittelalters in ; by E. aus'm Weerth. 1860, 1866 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 229 Bomanesque, Byzantine, and Lombard Ar- chitecture — continued. Rhine valley Denkmale tier baukuust ; by S. Boisseree. 1833 romanisclier baukunst ; by F. X. Geier and E. Gorz. 1846-47 Rambles in ; by J. P. Seddon. 1868 In Switzerland ; by E. A. Freeman. SP. 1864 Borne A city for the Pope : a solution of the Roman question ; by R. Burgess. 1860 A commimication ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1869 Accademia di S. Luca ; concorso Poletti al premie di uno scritto di belle arti. pamph. 4o. Rome 1870 Admiranda Romanorum antiqvitatvm . . . vestigia ; by Bellori and Santi Bartoli. [1698] Ampliata e rinovata, descrizione della citta ; by G. Roisecco. 1739 Ancient Rome in 1885 ; by J. H. Mid- dleton. 1885 And the Campagna ; by R. Burn. 1871 by F. Wey. 1872 Antica; by F. Nardini. 1704, 1771, 1818-20 Ritratto di ; by F. de Rossi. 1645 — moderna ; by G. G. de Rossi and G. B. Falda. vetus, &c. ; by A. Donatus. 1665 1725 Antichita dei contorni ; by L. Rossini. 1824 di ; by B. Gamucci. 1565 by F. Piranesi. 1748, 1756 by G. G. de Rossi. 1693 by L. Rossini. 1829 by V. Scamozzi. 1583 see Canina (L). 1848-51 Antiqufe urbis splendor ; by J. Laurus. 1612 Antiquities of ; by R. Burgess. 1831 by B. Keunett. 1713 by G. L. Taylor and E. Cresy. 1821-22 by G. Wightwick. 1827 ArchsEology and architecture ; catalogue of photographs ; by .J. H. Parker. 1868-69 Architectural history ; by J. H. Parker. 1881 Au siecle d'Auguste ; by C. Dezobry. 1846 British Archaeological Society report, 1868-9 sec Parker (J H). 1869 Carcere Mamerthio ed il robore Tulhano ; by F. Gori. ^ [1868] Choix des plus celebres maisons de ; by C. Percier and P. F. L. Fontaine. 1824 Descrizione della cittil ; by G. Roisecco. 1739 Early history ; by J. H. Parker, pamph. Edifices ; by Uggieri. 1809 antiques ; by A. Desgodetz. 1682 moderues ; by P. Letarouilly. 1840-60 Borne — continued. Edifices modernes ; by G. Percier and P. F. L. Fontaine. 1830 Etudes statistiques sur Rome et les Etats romains ; by Comte de Tournon. 1831 Excavations made in 1868 ; by J. H. Parker. 1868 Excursion from, to Arpino ; by C. Kel- sall. 1820 Giornale del genio civile. 4th S., vol. i., No. 6. pamph. 8o. Borne 1881 Handbook ; by J. Murray. 1862, 1871 Indicazione topografica di Roma antica ; by L. Canina. 1841 Investigations at ; by J. H. Parker. 1867 Itineraire pittoresque ; by L. F. Cassas and Bence. [1813] Itinerario di Roma ; by M. Vasi. 1818 Journey to ; by H. Sass. 1818 Lapides capitohni ; by G. B. Piranesi. 1761 Lapides Farnesiani ; by T. P. Bellori. 1673 Latium, or la Campagna ; by Anony- mous. 1805 Leonine city, Vatican ; by R. Burgess. SP. 1862 Les restes de I'ancienne Rome ; by M. d'Overbeke. 1768 Lupercal of Augustus, the Cave of Picus and Faunus, and the Mamertine prison ; by Gori and Parker. 1869 Moderna, descrizione topografica ed is- torica ; by R. Venuti. 1747 Notizie degli scavi di antichita itahana. see Italy. 1877- Old Rome, and " The architectural his- tory," compared and contrasted ; by J. H. Parker. 1882 Recent excavations at ; by J. H. Parker. SP. 1 Nov. 1875 Vedute principali di ; by G. B. Cipriani. 1799 di ; by G. B. Piranesi. Vestigia delle antichita di Roma ; by M. Sadeler. 1660 Viaggio antiquario ; by A. Nibby. 1819 Aqueduct Acquedotti di Roma ; by S. J. Fronti- nus. 1805 De aquasductibus urbis Romse ; by S. J. Frontinus. 1877 De aqvis et aqvaedvctibvs ; by R. Fa- bretti. 1680 Of Rome ; by J. H. Parker. 1868 Abchway Septimius Severus ; by J. M. Suaresius. 1676 Basilica by C. C. J. Bunsen. Baths Arabesques antiques des bains de Livie ; by N. Ponce. 1789 230 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Rome Baths — contimied. Collection des tableaux et arabesques antiques trouves a, Rome dans les ruines des thermes de Titus ; by N. Ponce. 1805 Of the Eomans ; by C. Cameron. 1775 by A. Palladio. 1785 TbemifE of Rome ; by E. Burgess. SP. 1842 Thermes d'Agrippa et de Diocletieu ; by H. de GeymuUer. 1883 Vestigia delle terme di Tito e loro in- terne pitture ; M. Carloni inc. ob. fo. Bomo [1780] Buildings Ancient ; by A. Desgodetz. 1771-95 Description and key to view of ; by A. Asbpitel. 1858 Construction in ancient ; by J. H. Parker. 1868 Dei diritti del principato sugli antichi edifizi pubblici, sacri e profani. 8o. Borne 1806 Insigni fabbricbe di ; by G. Valadier et F. A. Visconti. 1810-26 Churches Chiesa del Gesii, altare maggiore ; by G. Azzurri. 1843 Chiese di ; e sub urbane ; by G. Fontana. 1838-38 Church in the catacombs ; by C. Maitland. 1846 Insignia Romfe templa ; by G. G. de Rossi. 1684 La confessione della basihca Liberiana ; by F. Montani. 1867 Le Latran au moyen-age ; by G. Rohault de Fleury. 1877 Mosaic pictures ; by J. H. Parker. 1866 Panteon di Marco Agrippa ; by G. Fea. 1806-7 Pantheon ; by H. de Geymiiller. 1888 d'Agrippa ; by T. F. Suys. 1838 S. Pietro Basilica di, detta la cappella regia ; by N. Buscemi. 1840 Reported state of insecurity of dome ; by T. Meyer. MS. 1846 Details des parties ; by G. M. Dumont. 1763 Progetti per la fabbrica ; by E. von Geymiiller. 1868 Projets primitifs ; by H. de Geymiiller. 1875-80 Etude sur la stabilite de la coupole ; by A. Durand-Claye. 1879 (Bound torjether.) by C. Padredio. {Plates and list of ditto.) 1673 Vatican, Sistine chapel, cantoria and cancello ; by Anonymous. 1861 et la basilique de S. Pierre ; by P. Letarouilly. 1882 della gran cupola ; by J. Pole- nus. 1748 Rome — continued. CiEcus On the Via Appia ; by E. Bur- gess. 1828 FOEUM Foro Romano, Esposizione del ; by L. Canina. 1845 Ragionamento del ; by C. Ravioli. 1859 — • e anfiteatro Flavio, &c. ; by A. Nibby. 1819 Forum Romanum ; by C. Bunsen. 1837 by L. Canina. 1834 Topography of the, &c. ; by R. Burgess. SP. 1852 Different theories re- specting the ; by A. Asbpitel. SP. 1857 Plan, &c., d'une partie du ; by A. Caristie. 1821 et Magnum; byJ.H. Parker. 1879 Trajanum ; by F. Albertolli. 1824 The recent excavations ; by E. I' Anson. SP. 1879 Fountains Fontane di Roma ; by G. B. Falda, G. F. Venturini, and G. G. de Rossi. Nuova raccolta di fontane ; by G. G. de Rossi. [1618] Gabdens Giardini di Roma ; by G. B. Falda. Maisons de plaisanee, &c. ; by C. Percier and P. F. L. Fontaine. 1824 Monuments and Tombs Antichi sepolcri ; by P. Santi BartoU. 1768 Column of Trajan ; by G. B. Piranesi. by J. H. Pollen. 1874 by P. Santi Bartoh. 1768 by A. L. T. Vaudoyer. MS. 1840 Columna Cochlis M. Aurelio Antonino Augusto dicata ; by Bellori and Santi Bartoh. 1704 Due sepolcri romani ; by G. P. Cam- pana. 1840 Mausoleum of Hadrian, now the Forte S. Angelo ; by E. Burgess. SP. 1850 Monumenti ; by F. A. Tosi. 1856-60 Monumenti di Roma antica ; by S. Piale. 1818-33 Romanas magnitudinis monumenta ; by D. de Rossi. 1699 Tomb of T. C. VitaHs, architect, Villa Volkonski ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1869 Vatican obelisk ; by D. Fontana. 1743 Vetera monimenta ; by G. Ciampini. 1690-99 Palaces and Houses by P. Ferrerio and G. B. Falda. by P. Letarouilly. 1840-60 .^des BarberinaB ; by H. Tetius. 1642 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 231 Rome Palaces and Houses — continued. Choix des plus celebres maisous de plaisance, &c. ; by C. Percier and P. F. L. Fontaine. 1824 Palais, maisons, &c. ; by C. Percier and P. F. L. Fontaine. 1830 Palais de Venise ; by E. Miintz. 1884 Palazzo de' Cesari ; by F. Bianchini. 1738 sul monte Palatuio ; by C. Thon and V. Ballanti. 1828 Farnese ; by C. Cesio. 1657 GiuHa ; by G. Stern. 1784 Massimi ; by F. T. Suys and L. P. Haudebourt. 1818 Portico detto del Vignola ; by C. Folcbi. 1848 Tabulario capitolino ; by G. Azzurri. 1842 Templum Vaticanum ; by C. Fontana. 1694 — ■ — ■ by P. Bonamii. 1696 Vatican, decorations at ; by J. W. and W. Papwortb. 1844 Loggie see Sanzio di Urbino. 1774-76 see Villas. Steeets and Roads Ancient; by F. Gori and .J. H. Parker. 1869 Temples Vesta ; by H. Jordan. 1886 Theatkes And porticos of Eome; by R. Burgess. SP. 1848 Anfiteatro Flavio ; by L. Re. 1812 Model of ; by C. Luc- angeli and P. Dalbano. 1816 Of Marcellus ; by A. L. T. Vaudoyer. 1812 Views by Anonymous, by W. GaU. by B. Pinelli. by T. Silvestre. 1778 1829 1834 1642-58 Description and key to ; by A. Ashpitel. 1866 Villas Adrienne et Ville-madame ; by N. Ponce. 1789 Borghese ; by .J. Manilli. 1650 by L. Canina. 1828 sculture ; by E. Q. Visconti. 1796-97 Di Giulio III. ; by G. Stern. 1784 Magliana ; by L. Gruner. 1847 Medicis ; by V. Baltard. 1847 Pia ; by J. Bouchet and D. Raoul- Rochette. 1837 Pinciana ; by E. Landesio and P. Rosa. 1842 Walls by A. Nibby. 1821 by G. L. Taylor. 1859 Eai-ly fortifications ; by A. Pearson. 1877 Primitive fortifications ; by J. H. Parker. 1878 British and American Akch^ological Society Prospectus. pamph. So. [Borne 1885] Journal. (In progress.) 8o. Borne 1886-87- Bome — continued. CONGBESSO 1883 DEGLI InGEGNEKI ED Abchitetti Italiani Atti. 8o. Borne 1884 Instituto di Coeeispondenza Aecheo- logica Annali. 56 vols. 8o. Bovie 1829-84 Biillettino. 56 vols. 8o. Borne 1829-84 Mouumenti. 8 vols. fo. Borne 1829-84 Eepertorio universale, 1834-73. 8o. Bo^ne 1848-75 Storia dell' Instituto, 1829-79. 8o. Bovic 1879 SoCIETX DEGLI InGEGNERI E DEGLI Abchitetti Italiani Annali 1887. (In progress.) No. 1. 8o. Borne 1887 Aunuario 1887. pamph. 8o. Borne 1887 Pontificia Accademia Romana di San LucA DI Belle Aeti Statu ti. fo. Borne 1818 Ragionamento detto alle Ponteficie Acca- demie romane di Arclieologia e di San Luca ; by T. Minardi. 4o. Borne 1835 Eaccolta dei concorsi, &c., dal 1822 al 1836. fo. Borne 1836 Distribuzione de' premi del concorso, 1834, 1836, 1842. 3 vols. fo. Borne 1842 see Italy, Romelot (J L) Description bistorique et monumentale de I'eglise de Bourges. 8o. Bourges 1824 Romer (T A) Suggestions for the improve- ment of the law of copyright. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1882 Rbmmler ( ) Jonas ( ) and Andrea (C) Monumente des mittelalters und der renaissance aus dem siichsischen erzgebii-ge. fo. Dresden 1876 Romford Byelaws as to new streets &c. 1882 sec Sanitary Science. Romsey Hampshire Abbey church ; by C. Spence. Abbey ; by H. Littlehales. 1886 Ancient structures in ; by G. Godwin. [1843] Rondelet (A) Notice bistorique surla vie etles ouvrages de J. N. L. Durand. pamph. 8o. Paris 1835 Essai bistorique sur le pont de Rialto a Venise. 4o. Paris 1836 Rondelet (J) M6moire bistorique sur le dome du Pan- theon fran9ais. 4o. Paris [1797] Traite theorique et pratique de I'art de batir. 5 vols. Text 4o. Plates fo. Paris 1812 Supplement ; by G. A. Blouet. 2 vols. Text4o. Plates fo. Paris 1847-48 232 PRINTED BOOKS, MANITSCREPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Rondelet (J) — continued. Memoire siir la reconstruction de la coupole de la halle au ble de Paris. pampb. 4o. Paris Rbnne (L von) Baupolizei des preussi- sclien staates. 3rd edit. 80. Breslau. Ronzani (F) and Luciolli (J) Le fabbriclie civili, ecclesiastiche e mili- tari di M. Saiimiclieli. fo. Venice Les monuments ci\ils, religieux et miU- taires de Michel Saumicbeli .... Nouvelle edition . . . par L. Dianoux. fo. Genoa Rood Screen, Loft, &c. sec Church Fittings. Roof and Roof Construction Admiralty docks ; by G. L. Taylor. SP. Ancient timber ; by .T. Smith. Aspbalte ; by Dorn and Eichter. by G. Linke. Carpentry and joinery of; by .J. Robison, F. Price, and T. Tredgold. Construction of flat ; with tiles ; by C. Fowler. SP. Collar beam ; with arched 1848 1872 1831 1878 trusses ; by Earl of Lovelace, iron ; by F. Campin. Examples; by E. W. Trendall. iron building and roofing ; by J. H. Porter. History and principles of Gothic ; by T. Morris. Hungerford market ; by C. Fowler. SP. In " Treatise on architecture ; " by A. Ashpitel. Iron ; by A. T. Walmisley. Atlas of see Robison (J). girders and ; by T. Timmins. their expense ; by E. Hall. MS. King's College chapel, Cambridge ; by C. Fowler. MS. SP. by F. Mackenzie. Les combles et leurs transformations ; by A. Lenoir. Old, oak or chesnut m ; by T. Blashill. SP. Over nave at West Church, Stirling ; by J. MacLean. SP. Praktische anleitung, &c. ; by J. F. Dorn and J. H. Eichter. Roof coverings ; by R. Nevill. SP. Eules and instructions for fi-aming ; by W. Pope. St. Pancras station, Midland railway ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. by W. H. Barlow. SP. — ' TraveUing stage in erection of ; by Sir J. G. N. Alleyne. SP. 1837 1787 1837 1887 1859 1836 1849 1866 1843 1871 1835 1867 1884 1859 1882 1840 1837 1840 1883 1878 1868 1837 1885 1733 1868 1871 1872 Roof, &c. — continued. St. Peter's, Burgh, Suffolk; bv J. -J. Scoles. ' SP. 1847 Slate compared with plain tiles ; by M. Searles. 1779 Syrian or cyhnder ; by G. Underwood. 1838 Timber ; of the middle ages ; by E. and J. A. Brandon. 1850 Westminster hall, &c.; by T. Morris. SP. 1850 Rope and Chain Treatise on ; by E. Chap- man. 1858 Rosa (P) Villa Pinciana ; by E. Landesio and P. Eosa. 1842 Rosa ( Salvator) sec Salvator Rosa. Roscoe (E S) Digest of building cases. 80. Load. 1879 2nd edit. 80. Lond. 1888 Addendum to "A digest of building cases." 80. Lond. 1880 A digest of the law of light, with an ap- pendix of statutes and forms. 80. Lond. 1881 2nd edit. 80. Lond. 1886 Roscoe (H E) Elementary chemistry. 12o. Lond. 1869 Rose (H) Lectures on architecture in England from earUest to present time. 80. Lond. 1843 Rosengarten (A) Die architektonischen stylarten. 80. Brunswick 1857 Rosenthal ( ) see Clemens ( ). Rosini (G) Sonetto, all' egregio architetto N. Matas. Roskilde Domkirke ; by Anonymous. [1852] by C. F. Holm & others. 1877 Ross (A) Microscope. pamph. 4o. Ross (L) Schaubert (E) and Hansen (C) Die Akropolis vou Athen ; tempel der Nike Apteros. fo. Berlin [1836] Ross (W A) Pyrologv, or fire analysis. pamph. 80. 1872 Rosser (S E) Open fire-places, with re- marks on their construction. SP. 14 Ap. Rossetti(WM) and Swinburne (AC) Notes on Eoyal Academy exhibition, 1868. pamph. 80. Lond. Rossi ( D de) Eomana magnitudinis monu- menta, &o. ob. fo. Borne Rossi (D de) Studio d' architettura civile sopra gli ornamenti di porte e finestre, tratti da alcune fabbriche insigni di Roma. [Plates by A. Specchi, G. Quadri, P. Bartoli, and A. Barley.) fo. Borne 1702 1856 1868 1699 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 233 1645 Eossi (D de) and Maffei (P A) Baccolta di statue antiehe e modeme. fo. Eovie 1704 Studio d' architettura civile. Vols. 2 and 3. fo. Borne 1711-21 Bossi (F de) Ritratto di Roma autica. 8o. Rome Rossi (G G de) Foutane di Roma ; by G. B. Falda, G. F. Veuturini, and G. G. de Rossi. Nuova raccolta di fontane che si vedano nel alma citta di Roma, Tivoli e Frascati. fo. Rome Insigniivm Romte templorum prosisectus exteriores iuterioresque, a celebriori- bus architectis inveuti. fo. Rome Urbis Romse sciograpliia ex antiquis monumentis accuratissime delineata. fo. Rome Rossi (G G de) and Falda (G B) II luiovo teatro delle fabric-he at edificii in prospettiva di Roma moderna. ob. fo. Rome Rossini (L) Le antichita dei contorni di Roma, ossia le pill riuomate citta del Lazio. fo. Rome Anticbita Romane, ossia raccolta delle piii Lnteressanti vedute di Roma antica. fo. Rome Rothley Leicester Chm-ch of St. John Baptist ; reopening after restoration, pamph. 8o. Leicester Rothwell History ; by P. Cypher. Rouargue (A) and" Boys (T) Architecture pittoresque dessinee d'apres nature. fo. Paris Rouen Eghse de St.-Ouen; by A. P. M. Gil- bert. Histoire de I'abbaye royale de St.-Ouen ; by F. Pommeraye. Maisous de, les plus remarquables ; by E. Delaqueriere. 1821-41 Normandy ; by A. Pugin and others. 1828 StaUes de la cathedrale ; by E. H. Langlois. 1838 Rougham near Bury St. Edmunds. Ac- count of the Roman antiquities ; by J. S. Henslow. 1843 Round Edifice sec Circular Building. Roimd Tower Origin and uses of, in Ire- land ; by G. Petrie. 1845 Rous (F) and Began (Z) Archseologiae At- ticie libri septem. Attick antiqui- ties, containing the description of the cities, glory, government, &c., with customes in marriages, burials, &c. 7th edit. 4o. Oxford 1670 [1618] 1684 1693 1665 1824 1829 1878 1869 [1836] 1822 1662 Rousseau (P) Projet d'un palais national et d'une place pour le roi. With MS. translation. 4o. Paris 1790 Roux (H) Nouveau recueil de menuiserie, &c. ; by Thiollet and Roux. 1837 Monuments d'architecture ; by J. PoUet and H. Roux. 1841 Roux (H) and Morey (P) Charpente de la cathedrale de Messine. 1841 Rouyer (E) and Darcel (A) L'art architec- tm-al en France, depuis Fran(;ois 1" jusqu'a Louis XVI, motifs de decora- tion interieure et exterieure. 2 vols. 4o. Paris 1863-66 Rows (R R) Notes on French works and workmen, in " Tour in France," by W. Bea- mont. 1860 Report on the sanitary condition of the river Cam. 4o. Camb. 1864 Report to accompany design for new Corn Exchange, Cambridge. pamph. fo. Camb. 1869 Report on sewage works of some towns in England. pamph. 8o. Camb. 1869 Ecclesiastical dilapidations. pamph. 8o. Camb. 1875 The octagon and lantern of Ely cathedi-al. SP. 3 Jan. 1876 Rowlandson (T) Report on the schemes for a new supply of water to the me- tropohs. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1851 Royal Academy of Arts, London Address to the students ; by Sir M. A. Shee. 1841 Catalogues of annual exhibitions. 4o. Lond. 1827-71 of exhibitions of works of the old masters (1870-72). pamph. 8o. Loiid. 1870-72 of books m hbrary. 4o. Loud. 1877 Official illustrated, 1886. fo. Lond. 1886 Catechism ; by H. Quilter. 1886 Educational work of ; by F. A. Eaton. 1883 Glance at the rise and constitution ; by J. Pye. 1859 History of; by W. Sandby. 1862 Inquiry into the rise and establishment of ; by Sir E. Strange. 1775 Laws relating to the schools, the library, &c. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1834 pamph. 8o. Lond. 1862 Letter to Lord Brougham and Vaux on the history and character of the aca- demy ; by G. Foggo. 1835 u H 234 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Royal Academy of Arts, London — continued. Notes on Royal Academy exhibitions ; by J. Euskiii. 1855-56 by W. M. Eossetti and A. C. Swin- burne. 1868 Eeport from the council to tbe general assembly of academicians. 4o. Land. 1860 see White (W H) Architecture and public buildings. 1884 Royal Agricultural Society of England Journal. Vol. v, part ii. 8o. Loud. 1845 see Wnd (J W). Royal Asiatic Society Desiderata and in- quiries connected with the presi- dencies of Madras and Bombay. 4o. Lond. 1832 Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland ArchsBological journal. {In progress.) 8o. Lond. 1845-87- Index to vols. 1-25. 8o. Lond. 1878 Proceedings at the annual meeting at Winchester, September 1845. 8o. Lond. 1846 York, July 1846. 8o. Lond. 1846-48 Lincoln, July 1848. 8o. Lond. 1850 Norwich, July 1847. 8o. Lond. 1851 Oxford, June 1850. 8o. Lond. 1854 at ordinary monthly meet- 8o. Lond. mgs. ao. Liona. 1848 Transactions and excursions at meeting at Northampton, 1878. pamph. 8o. NortJiainp. 1878 Annual meeting 1885, general programme. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1885 at Cardiff 1871, address ; by E. A. Freeman. 1871 Inaugural address at Crewkerue ; by E. A. Freeman. 1871 Survey of Watliug Street, read at New- castle, 1851 ; by H. MacLauchlan. 1852 Royal Commission on the Fine Arts Catalogue of decorative works sent in for exhibition in King Street. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1844 Catalogue of works of art sent in for ex- hibition in Westminster Hall. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1844 Royal Engineers (Corps of) Professional papers on subjects connected with their duties. 8o. Lond. 1849-50 New series. {In progress.) Bo. Lond. 1851-86- Department ; its work, &c. ; by Argus. 1862 Royal Engineers (Corps of) — continued. Eemarks on their duties, with sugges- tions for greatly increasing their numbers, &c. [Anonymous.] 8o. Lo7id. 1862 Royal Exchange see London, Royal Geographical Society Journal. 8o. Lo7ul. 1848-78 Catalogue of hbrary to May, 1851. 8o. Lo7id. 1852 Dec, 1870. 8o. Lond. 1871 Anniversary addresses. 8o. Lond. 1852, 1854, 1857 Proceedmgs. 22 vols. 8o. Lond. 1856-78 New Series. {Li progress.) 8o. Lond. 1879-87- Index Vols. 1-20. 8o. Lond. 1863 Vols. 31-40. 8o. Lo7id. 1881 Charter and regulations. 8o. Lond. 1877 Royal Historical and Archaeological Asso- ciation of Ireland see Dublin. Royal Institute of the Architects of Ire- land see Dublin. Royal Institute of British Architects by C. Lucas. 1885 Address, explanatory of their views, ob- jects, and regulations, with MS. and pamph. 4o. Lond. 1834 Coalition between the society for the pro- motion of architecture and the society of B.A. 8o. Land. 1834 Proceedings. 32 vols. 4o. Lond. 1835-78 6 vols. 4o. Lond. 1878-84 New series. {In progress.) 4o. Lond. 1884-87- Address and regulations ; with a hst of members, &o., and report of the pro- ceedings at the opening general meeting, on 15 June 1835. 12o. Lond. [1835] Eegulations. 8o. Lond. 1835 Questions upon various subjects con- nected with architecture, suggested for the direction of correspondents and travellers, &c. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1835 2nd edit. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1841 Translated into " Museum- Blatter fiir bildende kunst." 1835 On the formation of see Leipziger Zeitung. 1836 Transactions. (Sessional papers.) 35 vols. 4o. Lond. 1836-84 New Series. {In progress.) 4o. Lond. 1884-87- Each paper read and printed has been entered imder the author's name and under the subject matter icith the date. PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 235 Eoyal Institute of British Architects — continued. Address from the council to the members, upon laying before them the charter of incorporation. SP. 6 Feb. 1837 Keview of the transactions. From the Foreign Quarterly Eeview. pamph. 8o. Land. 1837 Due opuscoli compilati dall' Instituto di Architetti Brittannici, volti dall' inglese nell' italiano. 8o. Naples 1837 Manuscripts of sessional papers. MS. 4o. 1887-49 4 vols. MS. fo. 1885-58 7 vols. MS. fo. 1835-49 Reporter's notes. 2 vols. MS. 4o. 1849-54 — 2 vols. MS. fo. 1854-58 Report of the committee appointed to examine the Elgin marbles, in order to ascertain whether any evidences remain as to the emplo}Tneut of colour in the decoration of the architecture or sculpture. SP. 24 July 1837 — — On the subject of public competitions. 8o. Land. 1839 On the marbles recently discovered by C. Fellows among the ruins of Xanthus, with a view to ascertain as to the em- ployment of colour, &c. SP. 23 .Jan. 1843 — ■ On dilapida- tions. 8o. Loud. 1844 - Relative to the Royal Institute of British Architects— cow^mwefi. Report to the comicil by the Paris archi- tectural committee. 17 Feb. 1868 Catalogue of the library and collection. 8o. Loud. 1838 2nd edit, with MS. additions. 1846 4o. Lond. 1865-77 Revised to end of session 1886-87. 4o. Lotid. 1889 Rapport surl'Institut see Hittorff (J I). [after 1838] Charter and bye-lawa. 4o. Lond. 1839 8o. Lond. 1853 _ 8o. Lond. 1868 Notes of papers read ; by G. Judge, jun. MS. 1844-45 by S. J. Nicholl. MS. 1845-46 position of the equestrian statue on the archway at the entrance to the Green park. SP. 16 Nov. 1846 On Henszl- mann's alleged discovery of the con- structional laws of mediaeval church architects. SP. 7 Feb. 1853 — On the Sou- lages collection. SP. 9 Feb. 1857 On the pro- posed Thames embankment. 1862 On the Ex- Description Barry. of the funeral of Sir C. 1860 C. R. Cockerell. 1863 Address to C. R. Cockerell. _ 1861 Voluntary architectural examination. Report of the council. SP. 11 Nov. 1861 Regulations and curriculum ; hibition building of 1862. SP.29 June 1863 Appointed for the purpose of making experi- ments on artificial stone. SP. 30 May 1864 — On architectu- ral education. Discussion. SP. 21 Nov. 1865 of the council on the origin and awards of the royal medal. 30 Ap. 1866 on award of the royal gold medal. 28 Jan. 1867 of the committee of professional practice as to the remuneration paid by the commissioners of works and public buildings to the architects employed. July 1867 form of examination papers. 1862 Questions, and reports of moderators and examiners. 1863, 1864 Lectures :— MS. fo. 1865 Ashpitel (A.) B&sume and general Bell (J. S.) On physics, &c. Burges (W.) History and litera- ture of architecture. I' Anson (E.) Professional practice. Jennings (J.) Materials. Kerr (R.) Constructive science. Lewis (T. H.) Science and geology. Papworth (J. W.) Perspective, colour, &c. Penrose (F. C.) Mechanics. Smirke (S.) History and literature of architecture to end of 4th century. Wyatt (M. D.) History and Utera- ture, &c., 16th to 19th century. Report of revising examuiers, 1866. 1866 Report of examiners and mode- rators. Discussion. 1866 Course of examination, regula- tions, papers of questions, hst of books recommended. 1866 Professional practice and charges of archi- tects. 1863 Statement of the regulations and prac- tice respecting the pubhcations of the I.B.A. SP. 19 Jan. 1868 Copy of deed of trust for the Pugin travel- 'ling studentship, dated 7 March. 1864 236 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Royal Institute of British Architects — continued. Presentation of gold medal : addresses sec Proceedings, Suggestions on architectural voluntary SP. by CP. R. CP. 1870 1871 1871 [1880] [1881] 1882 examination ; by R. Kerr. Student's text-book of the Institute ; R. P. Spiers. Vohmtary examinations ; by T. Smith. President's address. 22 May 1871, 10 Ju. 1872 Notices of deceased foreign members ; by F. P. Cockerell. SP. 1876 Historical sketch of ; by C. L. East- lake. SP. 1876 Index to transactions 1842, 1859-79 ; by J. T. Perry. Presentation of gold medal 1881. pamph. 8o. Loud. Obituary notices of members see Proceedings. Heads of conditions of builder's contracts. pamph. fo. Lond. Professional practice and charges of architects. pamph. fo. Lond. 1882 Kalendar. 8o. Lond. 1884-87 {In progress.) Examination in architecture ; regula- tions and programme, advice to candidates, list of selected books. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1885 Biographical sketches of members. pamph. la. 4o. Lond. 1887- Royal Institution of Great Britain Lists of the members, ofBcers, &c. 8o. Lond. 1851-86 Proceedings, {hi progress.) 8o. Lond. 1851-87- Lectures on education. 8o. Lond. 1855 Classified catalogue of the library ; by B. Vincent. 1857 Library catalogue and additions thereto. 8o. Lond. 1858-86 Royal Irish Academy see Dublin. Royal Literary Fund Summary of facts ; report of proceedings at annual meeting. 8o. Lond. Royal Scottish Academy see Edinburgh. Royal Society Addresses deUvered at the anniversary meetings in 1831-38, 1886, 1846. 4o. Lond. List of the members for the years 1836- 37, 1839, 1841, 1846. 4o. Lond. Philosophical transactions of the society, from their commencement in 1665 to the year 1800. 18 vols. 4o. Lond. 15 vols. 4o. Lond. 1836-50 1858 v.d. v.d. 1809 Royal Society — continued. List of instruments and apparatus belong- ing to the society. 4o. Lond. 1834 the portraits in the possession of the society. 4o. Lond. 1884 Abstracts of the papers printed in the Philosophical Transactions, from 1880-43. Vols. iii. and iv. 8o. Lond. 1887, 1843 Defence of the resolution for omitting A. Panizzi's bibliographical notes from the catalogue, pamph. 8o. Lond. 1838 Catalogue of the scientific books in the library. 8o. Lond. 1889 Letter addressed to the fellows, by the Marquis of Northampton, president. 1841 Proceedings — Vols, iv., v., vi. {all imperfect). 1843-54 Vols, vii., viii. 1854-57 Vols. ix. X. (imperfect). 1857-60 8o. Lond. 1860-87 Descriptive catalogue of the portraits ; by C. R. Weld. 1860 Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom Transactions. Vol. i., parts i. and ii. 4o. Lond. 1827-29 Vol. ii., parts i. and ii., with supplement. 4o. Lond. 1832-34 Essay on the state of literature and learn- ing under the Anglo-Saxons ; by T. Wright. 1839 Report, 1886. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1886 Rubeis (D de) see Rossi (D de). Rubeis (J J de) see Rossi (G G de). Rubens (P P) Palazzi antichi di Geneva, fo. Antivcrp 1663 moderni di Geneva, fo. Antwerp 1663 {Bound together.) Rtickwardt (H) Konigliche technische hochschule Berlin-Charlotteuburg. fo. Berlin 1885 Rueil Chateau de Richelieu ; by J. Jac- quin and J. Duesberg. 1845 Ruggieri (F) Studio d' archittetura civile sopra gli ornamenti di porte e finestre, colle misure, tratte da alcune fabbriche insigni di Firenze. 3 vols, in 1. fo. Florence 1722-28 Ruggiero (M) Discorso pronunziato in Pompei. pamph. 4o. Naples 1879 Pompei e la regione sotterrata dal Vesuvio neir anno 79. 4o. Naples 1879 Scavi di Stabia dal 1749 al 1782. 4o. Naples 1881 Storia degli scavi di Ercolano. 4o. Naples 1886 [hi p)rogress.) 4o. Lond. 1873-86- Ruhl (J E) Gebiiude Gelnhausen. des mittelalters m fo. Frankf. 1831 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 237 Rumford (Count) see Thompson (B). 1862 Rundall (F H) Irrigation works in India. fo. Chatham 1876 Runge (L) Beitrage zur kermtniss der backstein- architectur ItaUens nacb seinen reiseskizzen herausgegeben. {Fr. and Germ, text.) fo. Berlin [1846] Der glockentburm des doms zu Florenz, nebst eutwurf zur west-faijade des doms. fo. Berlin 1853 Runic Monument and Inscription by C. C. Eafn. 1856 Rupp (L ) Eglises principales de I'Europe. 2 copies. fo. Milan 1824 Ruprich-Robert iV M C) L'^gbse et le monastere du Val-de-Grace. 4o. Paris 1875 L'influence de Fopiniou publique sur la conservation des aucieus mouiunents. pampb. 8o. Paris 1882 Keflexions sur reuseiguemeut de I'arcbi- tecture en 1881. pampb. 8o. Paris 1882 L'arcbitecture normande aux XP et XII'= siecles. {In jyrocjress.) fo. Paris 1884-87- La catb^drale de Seez. pampb. 8o. Paris 1885 Les arcbitectes diplomes par le gouverue- ment. pampb. 8o. Paris 1886 Rural Building by W. Atkinson. 1805 by F. Cointeraux. 1791 by J. C. Krafft. 1849 by E. Morris. 1750 by J. B. Papwortb. 1832 by C. Parker. 1832 by J. Plaw. 1800 by T. J. Eicauti. 1840 by P. F. Eobinson. 1827, 1830 by J. Sanderson. by W. Wilds. 1885 by W. Wrigbt. 1790 Bedford cottages ; by C. H. Hartsborne. 1850 Cottage residences ; by A. J. Downing. 1842 and villa ; by S. H. Brooks. Designs for villas ; by P. F. Eobinson. 1827, 1838 Eucyclopaidia of; by J. C. Loudon.) 1833 Engbsb country bouses ; by W. Wilkin- son. 1875 Farm buildings ; by W. Barber. 1802 Frencb suburban villas ; by W. H. Picton. 1870 Improving country residences ; by J. Loudon. 1806 Eecueil d'arcbitecture en Italie ; by F. L. Scbuelt. 1821 Villa de Boisrond ; by P. Sedille. 1884 rustica ; by C. Parker. 1832 Rural Building— coM^Miwci. Villas ; by J. Woods. of tbe ancients ; by E. CasteU. and cottages in U.S. ; by C. Vaux. icbnograpbic distribution ; by J. 1808 1728 1857 1785 MacPacke. see Domestic Architecture. see Dwellings. see Rome Palaces and Houses. Rusca (L) Eecueil des dessins de differens batimens construits a St. -Petersbourg et dans I'interieur de 1' empire de Eussie. fo. St.Petersb. 1810 Rusooni (G A) Delia arcbitettura. 4o. Venice 1590 Ruskin (J) Lecture on architecture and painting debvered at Edinburgb. 8o. Lond. 1854 Nature of Gothic architecture, and herein of the true functions of the work- man in art. pampb. 8o. Lond. 1864 Seven lamps of architecture. 2nd edit. 4o. Lond. 1855 Notes on principal pictures in the Royal Academy. 3rd edit. pampb. 8o. Lond. 1855-56, 1875 and Society of Painters in water- colours, pampb. 8o. Lond. 1856 The stones of Venice. 2nd edit. 3 vols. 8o. Lond. 1858-67 The elements of perspective. 8o. Lond. 1859 Conditions at present affecting the study of architecture in our schools. SP. 15 May 1865 On the old road. 2 vols, in 3. 8o. see An Architect. Russell (F) Duke of Bedford Cottages on his Bedford estate. 4o. Lond. 1849 System of cottage building on the Bedford estate ; by C. H. Hartsborne. 1850 Russell (J S) Interior forms of buildings, with reference to the law of sound. SP. 8 Feb. and 8 Mar. 1847 Statement of proceedings preliminary to the Exhibition of Industry of all Nations, 1851. fo. Lond. 1850 On central dome of Vienna exhibition building. SP. 9 Feb. 1874 Discussion. SP. 23 Feb. 1874 Russia Art russe ; by E. E. Viollet-le-Duc. 1877 Buildings in ; by L. Rusca. 1818 Character of the Russians ; by R. Lyall. 1820 History of architecture, &c. ; by E. Lyall. 1828 History of Greco-Russian ecclesiastical architecture ; by A. Kallmann. SP. 1840 Orpington 1885 238 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPEES Ryde Russia — continued. Kieff : antiquities ; by I. Fundukley. 1847 Three cities in ; by P. Smyth. 1862 sec Moscow. see St. Petersburg. Rustic see Rural Rutherford (W) Earthwork tables; by C. K. Sibley and W. Eutherford. 1847 Rutter (J) Illustrated history and descrip- tion of Fonthill abbey. 4o. Shaftesbury 1823 Ruttiens (J) and Serrure (E) L'eglise col- 16giale de Saint-Hermes a Eenaix. pamph. 8o. Brussels 1878 Ryde (E) and Donaldson (J) General text book for architects, engineers, sur- veyors, sohcitors, auctioneers, land agents and stewards, and for gentle- men engaged in transfer, manage- ment, or improvement of landed property ; with chapters on agricul- ture and landed property. 8o. Loncl. 1854 (H T) Illustrations of the New Palace of Westminster, from draw- ings by J. Johnson, G. S. Clarke, E. N. Holmes, and J. Thomas ; and history of the Palace of Westmin- ster. {1st series.) fo. Lond. 1849 Ryder (G- V) Eeport on Perkin's system of heating, and reply to Perkin's answer ; by J. Davies and G. V. Ryder. 1841 Rylands (W H) and Bullen (G) Ars mori- endi. {Reprodxtction of editio prin- ■ ceps, c. 1450.) 4o. Lo7id. 1881 s S (D P G H de) see Humbert de Supperville (D P G). S (R T) The peacock feast ; a brass in St. Margaret's church, Lynn Eegis, Norfolk. fo. Saccardo (P) Saggio di mio studio storico-artistico sopra i musaici della chiesa di S. Marco in Venezia. pamph. 8o. Venice 1864 La basHica di S. Marco in Venezia nel suo passato e nel suo awenire. pamph. 4o. Venice 1883 Sacken (E F von) Katechismus der bau- style. pamph. 12o. Leipzig 18G1 Sadeler (M) Vestigi delle antichita di Roma, Tivoh, Pozzuolo ed altri luochi. ob. fo. Borne 1660 Safe and Strong-room sec Fireproof Construction. Sageret (P F) Almanach et amiuaire des batimeuts, des travaux publics et de I'industrie. 8o. Paris 1850, 1854, 1857, 1858, 1868 Saint Albans Abbey church ; by J. Neale. Account of the fall of the roof; by J. Gage. Architecture of ; by J. C. and C. A. Buckler. Early history and descrip- 1878 1832 1847 tion of conventual church ; by H. J. B. Nicholson. 1851, 1856 Handbook to. 8o. Lond. 1877 History ; by P. New- come. 1793 History of Verulam and. 8o. Lond. 1815 Inventory of ; by M. E. 0. Walcott. Notes on ; by J. Neale. SP. 1877 sfic Wardle (G Y) Painted decorations. 1870 Plans, &c. ; by J. Carter see Society of Antiquaries. 1810 Proposed restoration ; re- port of a public meeting. pamph. 4o. Hert. 1856 Eeport on restoration of ; by G. G. Scott. 1871 Akchitectueal and Aech^ological So- ciety Papers read at meetmg, 1876 : — Chappie (J.) Eestoration of Abbey Church of St. Alban. 4o. St. Albans 1876 Fowler (H.) Boundary waU of the monastery of St. Alban. 4o. St. Albans 1876 Lloyd (R.) Paintings on the choir ceihng of St. Albans abbey church. 4o. St. Albans 1876 see Associated Architectural Societies Eeports and papers. Saint Aubyn (J P) Account of the re- pairs lately effected at the Temple church, London. SP. 16 May 1864 Saint-Benolt-sur-Loire Eestauration du mausolee de Philippe I ; by C. F. Vergnaud-Eomagnesi. 1831 Saint Davids History and antiquities; by W. J. Jones and E. A. Freeman. 1856 Saint Leonards near Hastings. Views. fo. Lo7id. 1829 Saint Louis Institute of Architects Con- stitution and by-laws. pamph. 8o. St. Louis 1870 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 23d Saint-Nicolas Belgium Eglise paroissiale ; by E. Serrure. 1880 New hospital ; by E. Serrure. 1862 Saint Petersburg Cathedral ; by V. Serafinof and M. Pomin. 1865 by P. Coste. 1874 de St. -Isaac; by A. Eicard de Montferrand. 1845 by T. L. Donald- son. MS. SP. 1848 Colonne Alexandrine ; by A. L. T. Vau- doyer. MS. SP. 1841 by A. Eicard de Montferrand. 1836 Dessins de batimens ; by L. Eusca. 1810 Edifices coustruits a ; by G. Quaren- ghi. 1810 Fall of dome of Koltovskoie church ; by M. Beruhard and W. Papworth. SP. 1872 Guide to ; by A. B. Granville. 1835 Monument de Pierre le Grand ; by M. Carburi de Ceffalonie. 1777 PubUc and other buildings ; by Anony- mous. Society op Architects The Architect. [Imperfect. In progress.) 4o. St. Petersb. 1872-87- Saint-Wandrille Essai sur I'abbaye ; by E. H. Langlois. 1827 Ste-Barbe (C) Eecords of the corporation of the borough of New Lymington in the county of Southampton. 4o. Lo7id. [1861] Sainte-Engrace du Port Monastere et eglise ; by H. Durand. 1865 Saint see Iconology. Saleri (G) Museo bresciano illustrate ; by E. Vantini and G. Saleri. 1838 Salisbury Cathedi-al ; by .J. Britton. 1814 by W. Dodsworth. 1814 by F. Price. 1753 Chapter house ; by T. H. Wyatt. SP. 1843 Christian art of ; by H. T. Armfield. 1869 Salisbury (Lord) Labourers' and artisans' dwellings. pamph. 8o. Loiid. 1883 SaUey Abbey Yorkshire ; by J. Harland. 1853 Salme (L) Traite de perspective theorique et pratique. 12o. Paris 1843 Salmon (G) Treatise on conic sections. 2nd edit. 8o. Dubl. 1850 Salmon (J) Letter to the subscribers to the stained- glass windows for the Glasgow cathedral. 8o. Glasgow 1857 Dwellings for the industrial classes. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1881 1762 Salmon (W) Palladio Londinensis ; or, the London art of building ; to which is annexed the builders' dic- tionary. 6th edit. 4o. Lond. Salomons (E) The Alexandra theatre of Liverpool ; and on construction of theatres generally. SP. 20 Mar. 1871 Salter (S) On ventilation of sewers, cess- • pools, and house drains, and con- struction of healthy dwelling-houses. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1872 Saltwood Castle ; by F. Beeston. [1885] Salucci (G) Memorie della vita e delle opere di ; by G. Ponsi. Salvator Rosa Etchings, reproduced by lithography ; by C. T. Whitley. Salviati (A) On mosaics. pamph. 8o. Lond. Salzenberg (W) Altchristliche baudenlimale von Con- stantinopel, vom V bis XII jahrhun- dert. 2 vols. fo. Berlin see Nelson (C C). see Wyatt (M D). 1850 1872 1865 1854 1855 1855 Sammiclieli [Sanmicheli] (M) Cinque orduii dell' architettura dal A. Pompei. 4o. Verona 1785 Porte di citt^ e fortezze, &c. ; by F. Al- bertoUi. 1815 Fabbriche civili, ecelesiastiche e militari ; by F. Eonzani and G. Luciolh. 1831, 1878 Samothrace by H. de Geymiiller. 1882 San Bertolo (N) Istituzione di architettura statica ed idraulica. 2 vols. 4o. Bol. 1826-27 San Biagio Church at ; by A. Lambert. 1884 San Carlo Borromeo Instructions on eccle- siastical buildings ; translated by G. J. Wigley. Sancet (L) Stalles du chceur de la cathe- drale d'Auch. 4o. Par. Sanchez (G) Campania sotterranea. pamph. 8o. Lond. Sanchi Identification of tope ; by W. Simpson. pamph. Sculptures of Buddhist topes ; by J. Fer- gusson. Sand Sea and pit ; by G. Wilson. Sandby (T) Six lectures on architecture, read at the Eoyal Academy. MS. 4o. Sandby (T and P) Catalogue of exhibition drawings and paintings by. pamph. 4o. Nottingh. Sandby (W) History of the Eoyal Aca- demy of Arts. 2 vols. 8o. Lond. 1862 Sanderson (J) Eural architecture. 12o. Lond. Sandgate Castle ; by T. H. Lewis. 1857 1862 1836 1868 1848 1768 1884 1884 240 FEINTED BOOKS, MAKUSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Sandown Castle ; by T. H. Lewis. 1884 Sandys (W) Short view of the history of fi'eemasonry. 80. Land. 1829 Sanitary Assurance Association Fifth annual report. pamph. 80. Loud. 1886 Sanitary Institute of Great Britain Calendar. 80. Loud. [1879-80] Transactions. (In progress.) 80. Lond. 1880-86- Work of the ; by E. C. Robins. 1882 see Tatter sail (W). Sanitary Science and Sanitation Address on health ; by G. Godwin. 1871 Architecture, in relation to ; by E. C. Robms. SP. 1880 Artistic side of; by E. C. Eobins. 1886 Arrangements of dwelling-houses ; by M. H. Judge. 1884 Clean drains and improved mortars ; by H. Y. D. Scott. SP. 1872 Cleansing house-drains and sewers ; by J. Hosmer. 1818 Congres general d'hygiene see Brussels. 1852 Dangers to health ; by T. P. Teale. 1879 Deodorization of sewage, &c. ; by J. C. von Lassaulx. 1836 Drainage and cleansing the Thames ; by G. Burge. of buildings and streets ; by W. A. Boulnois. SP. 1854 of districts and lands ; by G. D. Dempsey. 1859 of laud; by H. Hutchinson. 1844 of Nene Valley; by C. H. Hartshorne. 1848 of Rugby ; by J. W. Bazal- gette. 1854 of the metropolis ; by J. W. 1857 — Facts on the ; by F. H. Fowler. 1859 Objections Bazalgette. to Bazalgette's scheme ; by R. Bell. 1856 Report on ; by R. Jebb. 1864 by W. W. Pocock. by T. Wicksteed. of towns, with projects of im- 1856 1854 portant national measures. 80. Lond. 1855 and buildings ; by G. D. Dempsey. 1854 Houses of Parliament ; by I. Shone. 1887 by H. R. Newton. 1886 Westminster ; by J. Phillips. SP. 1687 I Sanitary Science and Sanitation — continued. Essentials of a healthy dwelling ; by H. Roberts. 1862 Experiments on sewer gas ; by E. C. Robins. 1882 Health of towns ; by W. A. Guy. 1846 Healthy fomidations for houses ; by G. Brown. 1885 House drainage, sewerage, and ventila- tion ; by R. E. Middleton. 1881 House sanitation ; by E. B. Denton. 1882 How to drain a house ; by T. M. Reade. 1877 Hygiene urbaine ; by E. Trelat. Municii5al and sanitary engineer's hand- book ; by H. P. Bouhiois. 1883 Model town dwellings ; by W. Wiggin- ton. 1850 Pipe-di-ains or sewers, report on ; by J. W. Bazalgette. 1853 Practical hygiene ; by E. A. Parkes. 1878 Report by the officers of the health com- mittee of Liverpool. 1851 Revelations of ; by E. C. Robins. 1881 Sanitary aspects of house construction ; by D. Galton. SP. 1874 building appliances ; by -J. Tay- lor, jun. SP. 1863 engineering ; by J. B. Denton. 1877 by D. Galton. 1877 by B. Latham. 1878 reform for comfort of dwellings ; by J. Lanyon. SP. 1877 Information for metropo- Utan vestries and local boards of health. pamph. 80. Lond. 1856 Papers on ; by T. Dun- hill. 1848 report of Paddington ; by W. 1872 Hardwick. work of an architect ; by E. Turner. 1881 Sanitation ; by H. H. Collins. 1881 Sewer gas and house drainage ; by H. Masters. 1876 Trap siphonage ; by G. Brown. 1886 L.\w Anomalies in administration ; by E. B. Ellice-Clark. 1882 Bill for improving the health of towns. fo. Lond. 1847 the better drainage of towns and villages. fo. Lond. 1841 Book of; by M.Ware, jun. 1866 Byelaws made and ordained by the local board of health of the district of Weston - super- Mare. pamph. 80. Weston 1862 Drainage Acts ; by H. W. Woolrych. 1849 London Drainage Bill : mmutes of evi- dence, fo. Lond. 1853 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 241 Sanitary Science and Sanitation Law — continued. Nuisances, Luspectors of, disabilities ; by E. C. Eobins. 1883 Removal Bill : copy of letter ; by T. Smith. 1855 Evidence on ; by T. Smith. 1855 Letter to Sir B. Hall on pubhc ; 1855 by J. Snow. Public Health Act 1848 : notes and queries on ; by S. C. Gant. 1855 ■ 1872 : reports of local government board inspectors. fo. Lond. 1875 Reports of medical officer of Privy Council. 8o. Lond. 187C 1875,38 & 39 Vict., c. 55. fo. Lond. 1881 by J. V. V. Fitz- gerald. 1881 Carlisle : byelaws as to new streets and builduigs. pamph. 8o. Carlisle [1885] Romford : byelaws as to new streets and buildings. pamph. 8o. Bomford 1882 Suggestions as to preparation of district maps, and of plans for main sewerage, dramage, and water supply ; by C. B. Raw- linson, revised to 1878, with plans. lb. Loud. 1878 Bill, 1855 : letter and evidence on ; by T. Smith. 1855 — — Petition of proprietors of Lambeth water-works against. pamph. 8o. [Lond.] 1855 Bill. fo. Lond. 1875 — 188C. Improve- ment Expenses Bill. (Bill 7.) fo. Lond. 188G Acts. Improvement Ex- penses BiU. (143.) fo. Lond. 1886 Sanitary Registration of Buildings Bill. (BiU 255.) fo. Lond. 1886 Sanitation of Houses Bill. (Bill 80.) fo. Lond. 1886 Uniformity iu ; by J. Boult. SP. 1882 see Health of Towns Association. see Municipal and Sanitary Engineers' and Surveyors' Association, sec Parkes Museum. sec Sewerage. Sankey (J Gi Pugin travelling student- ship 1884 : in the valley of the Severn. MS. 4o. Cambridge [1885] Sanmicheli (M) sec Sammicheli (M). Sansovino (F) Venetia, citta nobUissima e singolare, descritta in XIII hbri. 4o. Venice 1G63 Santiago de Compostella see Arundel Society. Santi Bartoli (P) Colonna Traiana nel suo foro m Roma. fo. Bo7ne Gh antichi sepolcri, owero mausolei romani ed etruschi trovati in Roma, ed iu altri luoglii celebri. fo. Borne 1768 Santi Bartoli (P) and Bellori (G P) Admiranda Eomanornm antiqvitatvm ac veteris scvlptvrae vestigia, fo. Borne [1693] Lucernse veterum sepulchrales iconicas, ex cavernis Romfe subterraneis collectae. Trans, by C. Begeri. fo. Koln 1702 Columna Cochlis M. Aurelio Aiitonino dicata. 1704 PictursB autiquse cryptarum Romanorum et sepulchri Nasonum. fo. Borne 1750 Santos (F de los) see Francisco de los Santos. Sanz (J Ortiz y) see Vitruvius. 1787 Sanzio di Urbino (R) Ornamental designs of frescoes, arabes- ques, statues, bas-reliefs, &c. En- graved by Audran, Doriguy, Faucci, &c. fo. Borne 1695 Loggie nel Vaticauo see Camporesi (P). 1774-76 Ornati d' invenzione di : esistenti nel coro di San Pietro in Perugia. fo. Borne 1811 Specimens of decoration from the Vati- can palace ; by J. W. and W. Pap- worth. 1844 Villa Maghana ; by L. Gruner. 1847 Eaffaello come architetto ; by H. de Gej-miiller. 1884 see Poynter (A). 1840 Saracenic Architecture by Girault de Praugey. by Sir G. Wilkinson. _ SP. 1861 And Norman remains in Sicily ; by H. G. Knight. 1838 Arabian architecture ; by P. Coste. 1839 ornamental features ; by J. D. Grace. SP. 1870 art ; by Prisse d'Avennes. 1869-73 by J. Bourgoin. 1873 in Egypt ; by Society for Protection of Ancient Buildings. 1883 ■builduigs ; by R. H. Carpenter. SP. 1888 Saracenic decoration ; by F. M. Hessemer. 1842 see Granada. Sarcophagus see Monument. Sardinia Condizione attuale ; by G. A. Carbonazzi and B. Bernardi. 1849 Description atatistiquo ct politique ; by Count de la Marmora. 1840 1 1 242 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Sardinia — continued. Histoire de I'art ; by Perrot and Chipiez. Vol. iv. 1887 Itiaeraire de I'ile ; by Count de la Mar- mora. I860 Present state ; by W. H. Smyth. 1828 Sarnelli (P) and Muzio (M L) Guide des etrangers curieux de voir et de con- noitre les choses les plus memora- bles de Poussole, Bayes, Cumes, Misene, Gaete, et autres lieux des euvirous, &c. 18o. Naples 1709 Sass (H) Journey to Eome and Naples in 1817. 8o. Lond. 1818 Sasso (C N) Napoli monumentale. Bo. Naples 1858 Satrunjaya Temples ; by J. Burgess. 1869 Saturday Review (The) 6 vols. fo. Lond. 1869-71 Sauli (D) ,Bacini di carenaggio, e particolarmente di quello costrutto nel porto di Genova dal 1847 al 1851. 8o. Genoa 1852 Dicbiarazione di una riserva fatta da uno de' membri della commissione pel progetto del doc nel rapporto. {Bound together.) 4o. Genoa 1852 Sault (R) Treatise of algebra. see Leybourn (W). 1694 Saumur Kecherches sur la ville ; by J. F. Bodin. 1812-14 Saunders (G) Treatise on theatres. 4o. Lond. 1790 Observations on brick bond. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1805 Enquiry concerning the situation and extent of Westminster at various periods. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1835 Saunders (L) Robert Boyle, inventor and philanthropist. 12o. Lond. 1885 Saunders (W S) Guildhall library, its origin and progress. pamph. Bo. Lond. 1869 Sautelet (N B) Cath^di-ale de Cologne, by -J. de Noel and N. B. Sautelet. 1835 Sauvage (F) Et ses inventions ; by A. L. 1881 Sauvageot (C) Hotel de Vogiie k Dijon. fo. Paris 1868 Palais, chateaux, hotels et maisons de France du XV^ au XVIII'' siecle. 4 vols. fo. Paris 1867 Sauval (H) Histoire et recherches des antiquitesdela\'illede Paris. 3 vols. fo. Paris 1733 Savage (J) Observations on the proposed new Lon- don bridge. fo. Lond. 1823 Prospectus of a plan for the Surrey quay. fo. Lond. 1825 Savage (J) — continued. Style in architecture ; with suggestions on the best mode of procuring de- signs for pubhc buildings, &c. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1836 Memoir ; by H. and C. W. Savage. MS. 31 May 1852 Savage (W) Guide to Winchester. pamph. 8o. Winch. 1884 Savorelli (C) Loggie di Rafaele see Cam- poresi (P) 1774-76 Saxon Architecture see Norman Architecture. Saxony Bau- u. kunstdenkmaler ; by A. Eeichen- sperger. 1885 Baudenkmaler Niedersachsens see Han- over Arch.- & Ing.-Veeein. 1861 Baukuust des mittelalters in Sachsen; by L. Puttrich. 1836-43, 1844-50 BaupoUzeirecht ; by C. E. Leuthold. 1879 Mouumente des mittelalters und der Renaissance aus dem siichsischen erzgebirge ; by Rommler & Jonas and C. Andrea. 1875 Sayer (A) London main drainage. Nature, value, and disposal of sewage ; sketches of the water supply, and of the legislation on sewers, ancient and modern. 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1858 Scaffolding see Shoring. Scales see Mathematical Instruments. Scamell (G jun) Construction and arrange- ment of breweries and maltings. SP. 5 Feb. 1872 Scamozzi (0 B) H forestiere istruito deUe cose piu rare di architettura, e di alcune pitture della citta di Vicenza. 4o. Vicenza 1761 {Bound tvith Arnaldi's " Basiliclie Antiche," 1769.) Thermos des Remains see Palladio (A). 1785-86 Scamozzi (V) Discorsi sopra 1' antichita di Boma. 4o. Venice 1583 L' idea della architettvra vniversale. fo. Venice 1616 German translation. fo. Nuremh. 1678 Bouwkonstige wercken. fo. Amst. 1661 Vita, &c., and appendice ; by F. Scolari. 1837-38 — — see Leybourn (W). Scandinavia see Sweden. Scarborough Yorkshire St. Mary's church, report on ; by E. Christian. 1847 Scatcherd (N) Chapel of king Edward III. on Wakefield bridge, and other ancient bridge chapels. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1843 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 243 Scanrus Palais de ; by F. Mazois. 1819 Scene Painting Sketch of the history. pamph. 12o. Loud. [1859] Schaller ( ) Memoire sur le chemin de fer metropolitain de la ville de Vienne. pamph. 8o. Paris Scharf (G) jun Lycia, Caria, Lydia ; by G. Scharf and Sir C. Fellows. fo. Lond. 1847 . • introductory remarks to. 8o. Lond. 1847 Handbooks to the Pompeian, Greek, and Roman courts at the Crystal Palace. {Bound ivith Wyatt and Waring's Handbooks, 1854.) 1854 Old tapestry in St. Mary's hall, Coventry. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1856 Scliarrer (J) Fine woche in Niirnberg, &c. ; by C. Mainberger and J. Scharrer. 1837 Schaubert (E) sec Ross (L) Schaubert (E) and Hansen (E). Schayes (A G B) Histoire de I'architecture en Belgique. 4 vols, in 2. 12o. Brussels [1863] Schenectady New York Capitals in church ; by E. T. Potter. 1864 Schenck (P) and Danckerts (C) Views in Amsterdam. 8o. Amst. Scheuchzer (J G) see Kaempfer (E). 1853 Scheutz (G) Tabulating machine ; by C. Babbage. 1856 Schiekler (F de) L'histoire de France dans les archives privies de la Grande-Bretagne. fo. Paris 1878 Les ^glises fran9aises de Londres. pamph. 8o. Lymington 1886 Schiener ( ) sea Gartner (F von) and others. Schimmel (C) Die Cistercienser-abtei Altenberg. fo. Miinster 1832 Schinkel (C F) Collection de projets d'ouvi-ages d'archi- tecture, &c. 24 parts. 150 plates. 2 vols. {Text in German.) fo. Berlin 1829-85 102 plates, with portrait and title-page. ( Text in French.) fo. Berlin 1829 Notice liistorique ; by J. I. Hittorff. 1857 Entwurf zu einem konigspalast auf der Akropolis zu Athen. fo. Berlin 1862 Schirmer (H E) Throndheim cathedral ; by I'. A. Jlunch and H. E. Schirmer. [1869] Schlagintweit (E) Buddhism in Thibet. Text 4o. plates fo. Leipzig & Lond. 1863 Schlagintweit (H and A and R de) Scientific mission to India and High Asia : astronomical determinations of latitudes and longitudes, &c. Text, vols, i, ii, and iii- 4o. Plates, parts i, ii, and iii. fo. Leipzig & Lond. 1861-62-68 Meteorology of India. Text 4o. Atlas fo. Leipzig & Lond. 1866 Schlegel (A G) Histoire et theorie des beaux-arts ; sui™s des articles du conversations-lexicon concernant Tarcbitecture, la sculpture et la pem- ture ; translated by A. F. Couturier- de-Vienne. 8o. Paris 1830 Schliemann (H) Troy and its remains. 8o. Lond. 1875 The architecture of Troy. SP. 80 Ap. 1877 Mycenas : a narrative of researches and discoveries at Mycense and Tiryns. 8o. Lond. 1878 Ilios : the city and the comitry of the Trojans. 8o. Lond. 1880 Exploration of the Bceotian Orchomenus. With 2 plates, pamph. 8o. [Lond.] 1881 Eeise in der Troas im Mai 1881. pamph. 8o. Leipzig 1881 Troja : results of the latest researches and discoveries on the site of Homer's Troy, &c. 8o. Lond. 1884 Tiryns : prehistoric palace. 4o. Lond. 1886 Schmidt (C W) /Die Liebfrauen-kirche zu Trier, {plates only.) fo. Cologne 1836 Baudenkmale in Trier mid seiner umge- bung : romische periode. Parts 1 & 2. {plates only.) fo. Treves 1843 {Bound together.) Schmidt (C W) Wyttenbach (J H) and MiiUer (J G) Baudenkmale in Trier und semer umge- bung. Text 4o. Treves 1836-39 Plates fo. Cologne 1836 Schmidt (E W C F) How not to build a house, &c. pamph. 8o. Eastb. 1884 Schmieden ( ) see Gropius. Schmit (J P) Atlas complet du manuel de I'architecte des monuments reli- gieux ou trait6 d'application pratique de I'archeologie cliretienne k la con- struction, a I'entretien, a la restau- ration et a la decoration des 6ghses. ob. 8o. [Paris 1820] Schmitz (F) and Ennen (L) Der dom zu Coin. Text 8o. Cologne 1871 Plates fo. Cologne 1877 Schneider (J G) see Vitruvius, 1807-08 Schnorr (J) see Journal Workshop (The). 244 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Scholander (F W) Den blodande rosen. fo. Stockholm Notice sur sa vie et ses ouvrages. [An- onymous.] MS. 4o. Memoir of. [Anonymous.] MS. fo. [Lo7id. 1882] Utstallning af bans aqvareller, m.m. ; by Anonymous. 1882 Schbning (G) Dom-kirke i Tbrondhjem. 4o. Throndhjcm 1762 School House Arcbitecture ; by H. Barnard. 1849 by E. E. Robson. 1874, 1877 by F. Narjoux. 1880 Bill to extend and explain tbe provisions of tbe acts for tbe granting of sites for scbools. fo. Lond. 1849 Ecoles communales de la Belgique ; by L. Blandot. 1869 Endowed scbools ; report of Endowed Scbool commissioners. 1875 Extracts from communications respecting the condition of more than eight bxmdred school houses. pamph. 8o. Hartford, U.S. 1842 Prussian see Berlin K6niglich. Peeussischen Obee-Bau-Deputa- TiON. 1842-52 Public elementary, at Sheffield ; by C. J. Innocent and ... Brown. 1874 Rules for planning and fitting up scbools sec Educational Department, 1861 Rural parishes ; by J. Clarke. 1852 by H. E. KendaU, jun. 1847 school architecture ; by Bureau of Education, Washington. 1880 Schoolhouses. Minutes, with plans, &c., of Committee ot Council on Edu- cation sec Educatioa. 1839-40, 1840-41 Town and country ; by T. E. Smith. SP. 1874 Villa rustica ; by C. Parker. 1832 see Art School. see Science School. School of Design see Art School. see Science and Art Department. Schramm (C C) Historiscber schauplatz, in welchem die merkwiirdigsten briicken aus alien vier theilen der welt vorgestellet und beschrieben werden. fo. Leipzig 1735 Schreiber (H) /Das miinster zu Strassburg. fo. Karlsruhe 1829 ■\ Freiburg, fo. Karlsruhe 1829 {Bound with Anon. " Kirchen in *• Constanz.") • ■ Freiburg im Breisgau. fo. Karlsruhe 1829 Schroder (J L) Essay upon the chemical compositions of calcareous cements. MS. fo. Lond. 1806 Observations upon artificial stones formed from sulplaates of lime and alumiue. MS. SP. 13 June 1842 Schuelt (F L) Recueil d'architecture, dessin^ et mesm'e en Italie, dans les annees 1791-92 et 93. fo. Paris 1821 Schultz (C F L) see Gbthe (J W von) and Schultz (C F L). Schultz (J C) Danzig imd seine bauwerke. Text 4o. plates fo. Berlin 1872 Schulz (H W) and ftuast (F von) Denk- miiler der kmist des mittelalters in Uuteritalien. Plates fo. text 4o. Dresden 1860 Schutz (A) Die renaissance in Italien. 4 vols. fo. Hamburg 1892 Schuz (L) Neue allgemeine bauordnung fiir das konigreich Wiirttemberg. 2nd ed. 8q. Stuttgart 1873 Schwach (C N) Throndhjems domkirkes bistorie og beskrivelse. pamph. 4o. Throndhjem 1838 Schwartz-Rheindorf Doppelkirche ; by A. Simons. 1846 Schweighauser (J G) Catb^drale de Stras- bourg ; by N. M. Chapuy and J. G. Schweighauser. 1827 Schwendler (L) Precis ofreport on electric light experiments chieily on Indian railways. fo. Lond. 1878 Schwerin Das scbloss zu ; by A. Stiiler, E. Prosch, and H. WiUebrand. 1866-67 Science And Industry ; by C. W. Siemens. 1881 Applied, in Canterbury, N.Z. ; by E. Dobson. 1880 Fallacies affecting ; by J. Reddie. 1862 Progress of; in England, fi'om Queen EUzabeth to James II.; by J. 0. HalhweU. 1841 Wissenschaft, Industrie mid kmist ; by G. Semper. 1852 Science and Art Department, South Ken- sington Copy of report by Mr. Dyce, on an en- quiry into schools of design in Prussia, Bavaria, and France. fo. Lond. 1840 Letters and depositions of the students at Somerset House. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1845 Catalogue of specimens of cabinet work exhibited at Gore House, Kensington. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1853 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 245 Science and Art Department, South Ken- sington — continued. Catalogue of ornamental casts in the possession of the department. Third dinsion ; the Eenaissance styles ; by R. Womum. pamph. 80. Lond. 1854 Instruction in art. Directions for esta- bUshing and conductmg schools of art. pamph. 80. Lond. 1854 First, second, third, and fourth reports. pamphs. 80. Lond. 1854-57 Account of the library ; by E. N. Wor- num. 1855 Directory ; revised to Nov. 1856 ; with regulations for establishing and con- ducting schools of art. 80. Lond. 185G sec Cole (H). Introductory addresses on the Science and Art Department and the South Kensington Museum. pamph. 80. Lond. 1858 Fifteenth report of committee of council on education. fo. Lond. 1868 Catalogues of reproductions of objects of art, in metal, plaster, fictile ivory, etchings, &c., fi'om South Kensing- ton Museum, and other collections. 80. Lond. 1870 Universal catalogue of books on art. {First proofs.) 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1870 Supplement. 4o. Lond. 1877 List of buUdings in England having mural or other painted decorations of dates previous to middle of 10th century. 80. Lond. 1872 Great Britain and Ireland having mural &c. decora- tions of dates prior to latter part of ICth century. 3rd edit. 80. Lond. 1883 Notes on monuments of early Christian art ; by Dr. Appell. 80. Lond. 1872 Report on mosaic pictures for wall deco- rations, and notes of objects in Italy suitable for reproduction. 80. Lond. 1872 Twentieth report (containing description of Sgraffito decoration process). 80. Lond. 1873 Descriptive catalogue of the bronzes of European origin in the South Ken- sington Museum, with an intro- duction by C. D. E. Portnum. 80. Lond. 187G Science conferences, 1876. 2 vols. 80. Lond. [187G] Ancient and modern gold and silver- smiths' work, with introduction by J. H. PoUen. 80. Lond. 1878 Science and Art Department, South Ken- sington — continued. Catalogue of the glass vessels in the South Kensington Museum, with introduction by A. Nesbitt. 80. Lond. 1878 Thirty-second report of Committee of Council on Education. (C. 4352.) 80. Lond. 1885 Thirty-third report of Committee of Council on Education. (C. 4707.) 80. Lond. 1886 Syllabus of third grade examinations. pamph. 80. [Lond.] 1887 Depaetment op Pbactical Art Addresses at the opening of a di'awing school at Westmmster. pamph. 80. Lond. 1852 First report. 80. Lond. 1853 Science School and Laboratory Buildins;s for applied science and art in- struction ; by E. C. Robins. _SP. 1883 Fittings for apphed science instruction buildings ; by E. C. Robins. SP. 1883 Heating and ventilation for applied science instruction buUdiugs ; by E. C. Robins. SP. 1883 Laboratories at Bonn and Berlin ; by A. W. Hofmann. 1866 Papers on technical education, applied science buildings, fittings, and sani- tation ; by E. C. Robins. 1885 Ventilation and warming of chemical laboratories ; by E. C. Robins. 1885 Scientific Society of London Proceedmgs : Nov. 1838 to June 1839. Vol. i. 80. Lond. 1839 Sciography by C. M. de Lagardette see Barozzio. 1786 Etudes de la vie a teintes plates ; by J. CottiUon. 1883 In " Principles, &c. ; " by P. Nicholson. 1795-98 Rules for shadomng ; by R. Brown. 1835 Science des ombres ; by Dupain de Mon- tesson. 17C0 Sciographia Vitruvii ; by A. Hausman. 1648 Theorie des ombres ; by Monge and Bris- son. 1847 Theory of ; by J. T. Heather. 1851 Scobell (E) Few thoughts on church sub- jects, viz. uniformity, daily services, gown, surplice, private di-ess, pews, and preachuig. pamph. 80. Lond. 1843 Scolari (F) Vita ed opere di V. Scamozzi, com- mentario. Giimtevi le notizie di A. Palladio. 80. Treviso 1887 Lettera d' appendice. 80. Treviso 1838 246 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPEES Scoles (J J) Pyramids of Gizeh. SP. 22 Feb. 1841 Abou Eoasli, and to the southward, inchidmg those in the Faiyoum ; and the arched tomb ex- isting m the vicinity of Gizeh. SP. 15 Feb. 1844 Some monuments existing in the valley of Jchosophat, near Jerusalem. SP. 16 Dec. 1844 Antiquity of setting up stones, pillars, &c., as memorials to commemorate events. SP. 7 July 1845 Observations connected with the details of the Parthenon. SP. 23 Feb. 1846 Coustructiou of the ceiling of a passage in connection with other ancient ruins near the convent of Santa Lucia at S}T.'acuse, formed by earthen cyhndricai tubes. MS. SP. 11 Jan. 1847 Construction of the roof of St. Peter's church, Burgh, Suffolk. SP. 25 .Jan. 1847 Topography and antiquities of Jerusa- lem ; with illustrative drawings. SP. 5 Feb. 1849 Scotland Antiquities of ; by F. Grose. 1797 Handbook ; by J. Murray. 1867, 1868, 1873 Eeports on gaols. fo. Lond. 1835 Vitruvius Scoticus ; by W. Adam. 1720-40 sec Billings (R W). see Scottish Architecture. Scott (Sir G G) Plea for the faithful restoration of our ancient churches. 8o. Lond. 1850 Report on the royal monuments in West- minster abbey. fo. Lond. 1854 Letter respecthig Chesterfield spire. MS. SP. 6 Feb. 1855 Letter in reply to " Some Remarks " by W. Tite. MS. SP. 11 Feb. 1856 Removal of the Architectural JIuseum. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1857 Remarks on secular and domestic archi- tecture, present and future. 8o. Lond. 1858 Gleanings from Westminster abbey. SP. 5 and 19 Dec. 1859 Conservation of ancient architectural monuments and remains. SP. 6 Jan. 1862 Gleanings fi-om Westminster abbey ; with appendices completing the history of the abbey buildings. 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1863 New law courts ; description of design ; with plans. fo. Lond. 1867 Report on restoration of St. Alban's abbey. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1871 Scott (Sir G G) — continued. On Westminster abbey. CP. 12 June 1872 Opening address, R.I.B.A. SP. 3 Nov. 1873 SP. 2 Nov. 1874 — ; SP. 1 Nov. 1875 Guide to the Royal Architectural Museum. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1876 Reply to paper of J. J. Stevenson. SP. 11 June 1877 Discussion on same. SP. 11 June 1877 Thorough anti-restoration. pamph. Bo. Lond. 1877 Lectures on the rise and development of medieval architecture. 2 vols. 8o. Lond. 1879 Scott (H Y D) Specification of his cement. 4o. Lond. 1856 Account of a new cement. SP. 15 Jime 1857 • pamph. 8o. Lond. [1858] Clean drains and improved mortars. CP. 13 June 1872 Construction of Albert hall. SP. 22 Jan. 1872 Seott (J) Effects produced by lightnmg upon the spire of Christ church, Doncaster, in Nov. 1836. MS. SP. 27 Feb. 1837 iScott (J J) Act for the better manage- ment of the metropolis, 18 & 19 Vict. c. 120. 8o. Lond. 1855 Scott (L) The renaissance of art m Italy. 4o. Lond. 1883 Scott (R) Quantities : the Glasgow system. CP. 7 May 1881 Scott (W B) Mural decorations at the mansion of Sir W. Trevelyan, Bart., at Wallington, Northumberland. SP. 2 Dec. 1867 Mural paintings for Penkill castle, Ayr- _ shire. SP. 6 Jan. 1868 Scotti (F) Itinerario ouero nvova descrit- tioue de' viaggi principal! d' Italia. 8o. Borne 1650 Scottish Architecture Abbey of Crosraguel ; by J. A. Morris. 1886 Descriptive notices of some of the ancient parochial and collegiate churches of Scotland ; by T. S. Muir. 1848 Kintyre ; arehseological sketches ; by J. P. White. 1873 Kirks and manses ; by R. W. Frazer. Modern ecclesiastical architecture ; by J. Honeyman. 1872 Past of art ; by T. Bonnar. 1878 Pugin tour ; by G. W. Browne. 1878 Villa and cottage architecture ; by [R. Blackie]. 1880 see Billings (R W). see Scotland. Screen sec Church Fittings. Screw Pile sec Foundation. PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 247 Scriven (J) Copyhold and customary te- nure act, 4 & 5 Vict. c. 35, with ana- lytical notes and index. 8o. Lond. 1841 Sculpture, Carving, Modelliug by J. Gailhabaud. 1863 Application to architecture ; by H. B. Garling, jun. MS. SP. 1848 Architectural accessories of monumental ; by F. P. CockereU. SP. 18G1 modelling in paper ; by T. A. Kichardson. 1859 Guide to modelling in clay or wax ; by M. Edwards. 1879 History ; by T. Hickey. 1788 by Seroux d'Agincourt. 1847 Human figure, Greek canon of propor- tions ; by J. Bonomi. SP. 1858 Proportions of the ; by J. Bonomi. 1856 Ivory ; by M. D. Wyatt. 1856 Lectures ; by J. Flaxman. 1838 Lettere sulla ; by J. Bottari. 1754-57 Lettres sur la ; by L. J. Jay. 1817 Mechanical processes ; by C. H. Smith. SP. 1851 Notes on art, British sculptors, sculpture, &c. ; by Anonymous. 1861 Restoration and preservation of carving ; by H. Grace. SP. 1856 Wood ; by R. F. Williams. 1835 Ancient ; of England ; bv J. Carter. 1780 sec British Museum. 1812-62 Antique, en terre cuite ; by Seroux d'Agin court. Antiquity represented in ; by B. de Mont- faucon. 1721 Architectural and sculptural studies in Burgos ; by J. B. Waring. Bas reliefs from N. Africa ; description by C. Texier. SP Bristol cathedral ; by E. C. Lavars. Casts from antique statues in Royal Scottish academy ; by C. H. Wilson. Casts from Greek, catalogue ; by N. F. MartLuelli. Catalogo ragionato d' una collezione di pietre di decorazione ; by F. Corsi. Daedalus . . . Greek sculptm'es ; by E. Falkener. Figurine antique trouvee h Tigy ; by C. F. Vergnaud-Romagnesi. Founding statue of Henry IV. at Paris ; by C. J. Lafolie. Fragments de ; by G. Bourgerel. Handbook to the courts of modern sculp- ture at the Crystal Palace ; by Mrs. Jameson. Heads over arches ; by Sir G. Wilkinson. SP. 1863 1814 -25 1852 18G8 1863 1839 1881 1825 1860 1833 1819 1863 1854 Sculpture, Carving, Modelling — continued. Itahan, of the middle ages ; by J. C. Robinson. 1862 Italy, France, &c. ; by Messrs. Richard- son. 1754 Ivorv, select examples of; by E. Old- 'field. 1856 Jupiter OhTupien, ou Part de ; by Quatre- mere de Quiucy. 1815 Marmora Oxoniensia ; by H. Prideaux. 1676 Mediaeval ; and workings in alabaster in England ; by E. Richardson. Mcmoire sur des sculptures antiques ; by C. F. Vergnaud-Romagnesi. 1834 Monumeus de ; by A. Lenoir. 1802 Ornamental ; in architecture ; by L. Vul- hamy. 1825 Ornamentation of interlaced sculptured stones ; by G. French. 1858 Paris and France see Recueil d'Estampes. [1660-69] Phigaleian marbles ; by the Society for Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 1838 Principes de ; by A. Felibien. 1676, 1699 Raccolta di statue antiche e moderne ; by D. de Rossi and P. A. Maffei. 1704 Recueil de sculptures gothiques ; by L. Adams. 1859, 1866 Scultori veueziani ; by T. Temanza. 1778 Statuary ; by L. B. Alberti. 1726 Statue antique de Venus victrix ; bv C. 0. F. J. B. de Clarac. ' 1821 Storia della ; by L. Cicognara. 1813 Venezia sino ai nostri giorui ; by P. Sel- vatico. 1847 V^nus di Milo ; by P. Morey. 1867 WeUs cathedral, west front of ; by C. R. CockereU. 1851 Searles (M) Cost of artificial slate in roof- ing compared with that of plain tiles and of slate. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1779 Seaux Chateau de Decorations see Recueil d'Estampes vol. xxii. [1660-69] Seaward (J) Observations on the rebuild- ing of the London Bridge. 8o. Loiid. 1824 Sedding (J D) On sixteenth century English Gothic. SP. 13 Mar. 1876 Seddon (H C) Our present knowledge of building mate- rials and how to improve it. SP. 22 Ap. 1872 Discussion. SP. 27 May 1872 Notes on the building trades and build- ing construction. fo. Chatham 1877 Tables on strength of timber. pamph. 8o. Chatham 1881 Builder's work and the lauildiug trades. 8o. Lond. 1886 248 PEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Seddon (J P) Progress in art and architecture, with precedent for ornament. 4o. Lond. 1852 St. Mary Magdalene, Doncaster ; by J. E. Jackson and .J. P. Seddon. 1853 Dark ages of architecture. SP. 10.Jime 1861 Sundry notes upon some miscellaneous subjects. SP. 15 Feb. 1864 Account of St. Nicholas church, Great Yarmouth. SP. 6 Feb. 1865 New law courts : description of design. fo. Lond. 1867 Photographs taken for the Architectural Photographic Association, 1867. SP. 2 Dec. 1867 Kambles in the Ehine provinces. 4o. Lond. 1868 Recently discovered examples of ecclesias- tical decoration. SP. 13 June 1870 On the principles o chromatic decoration. CP. 23 May 1871 The Universily college of Wales, and other buildings at and near Aberyst- with. SP. 17 Ap. 1871 On the shoring, &c., of Grosmont church tower. SP. 3 Feb. 1873 The art of architecture, as applicable to military buildings. fo. Chatham 1874 The polychromatic decoration of various buildings. SP. 5 Ap. 1880 Sedille (P) Victor Baltard, architecte. pamph. 8o. Paris 1874 Introduction du premier volume des annales de la Societe centrale des architectes. pamph. 4o. Paris 1875 Joseph-Louis Due. pamph. fo. Paris 1879 Les magasins du Printemps. pamph. 8o. Paris 1883 Grands magasins du Printemps. 4o. Paris 1885 Monuments, musses et paysages de I'Espagne. pamph. 8o. Paris 1876 Villa a Auteuil. pamph. 4o. Paris 1882 Villa de Boisroud. pamph. 4o. Paris 1884 Theodore Ballu. pamph. 8o. Paris 1886 L'architecture modeme en Angleterre. pamph. 8o. Paris 1886-87 Etude sur la renaissance de la poly- chromie monumentale en France. SP. No. XXIII. Seez Cathedrale de ; by V. M. C. Ruprich- Eobert. 1885 Sefton Lancashire Church at ; by R. Bridgens. 1822 Segesta Architecture antique de la Sicile ; by J. I. Hittorff and L. Zanth. 1870 Seine Monument des sources ; by C. Lucas. 1869 Selby Yorkshire Abbey churcli ; stained glass ; by W. Fowler. 1820 Selinus Sicily Architecture antique de la Sicile ; by J. I. Hittorff and L. Zanth. 1870 Metopes at ; by S. Angell and W. Harris. 1826 Temple at ; by J. I. Hittorff. 1851 Selva (6) Maniere di descrivere la voluta ionica, e particolarmente della regola ritrovata da G. Porta detto Salviati, con al- cune riflessioni sul capitello ionico. 4o. Padua 1814 Fabbriche, &c., di Venezia ; byL. Cico- gnara, A. Diedo, and G. Selva. 1838-40 Selvatico (P) Architettura e scultura in Venezia dal medio evo sino ai nostri giorni, studi. 8o. Venice 1847 Selvatico (P E) Sulla cappellina degli Scrovegni nell' arena di Padova. 8o. Padua 1836 Semper (G) Vorlaufige bemerkungen fiber bemalte architektur und plastik bei den alten. 8o. Altona 1834 Konigliches hoftheater zu Dresden. fo. Brunsio. 1849 Ueber polychromie und ihren urspruug. 8o. Brunsv). 1851 Wissenschaft, Industrie und kmist. 8o. Brunsw. 1852 Der stil in den technischen und tektoni- schen kiinsten. 2nd edit. 2 vols. 8o. Munich 1878-79 Biographical notice of ; by T. L. Donald- son. SP. 1879 Semple (G) Treatise on building in water ; to which is added Hibernia's free trade ; or, a plan for the general improvement of Ii-eland. 4o. Diibl. 1776 2nd edit. 4o. Lond. 1780 Senese (P C ) see Cataneo (P). Sepulchral Memorials see Monument. Sequeira (J da C) Elogio historico ; by J. P. N. da Silva. 1878 Seraiimof (V) and Fomin (M) Description of the cathedral of St. Isaac at St. Petersburg. (Text in Bussian.) pamph. sm. fo. Petersburg 1865 Sergy (E de) see Raincelin de Sergy. Serlio (S) Architettura. (5 books.) fo. Venice 1551 The bookes of architecture, entreating of perspectiue, translated out of Dutch into English. (2nd-5th books.) fo. Lond. 1611 Tutte r opere d' architettura e prospet- tiva, &c. (7 books.) 4o. Venice 1619 Architettvra. (5 books.) fo. Venice 1663 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 249 Seroux d'Agincourt (J B L G) Recueil de fragmens de sculpture antique en terre cuite. 4o. Paris 1814 History of art by its monuments, from its decline in the lY"' centmy to its restoration in the XVI"*, translated from the French by 0. Jones. 3 vols, in 1. fo. Lond. 1847 Serpentine see Marble. Serradifalco (Duca di) see Faso Pietrasanta (D lo) Serrure (E) Plans and elevation of the new hospital of St. Nicholas, Belgium. 8o. 1862 La tour de I'eglise de Beveren, pays de Waes. 8o. Anhverp 1871 Cours classique d'architecture. {French and Flemish Text.) fo. Ghent 1874 L'^gUse Saint-Hermes a Renaix ; by J. Euttieus and E. Serrure. 1878 EgUse paroissiale de Saint-Joseph, a St.- Nicolas. 4o. Bridges 1880 Monographie de I'hopital la Biloque de Gand. 4o. Bruges 1881 Sernire (L) Notice historique sur la tour de I'eglise Notre-Dame d'Anvers. Text. Plans, fo. Antwerp 1840 Sessional Paper R.I.B.A. see under author's iumie with SP. and date. Seth-Smith (W H) The proposed statutory registration of architects. pamph. 8o. Lond. [1886] Severn Valley Abbey ruins ; by H. H. Vale. 1868 Pugiu tour ; by J. G. Sankey. [1885] Seville The mosque-cathedral ; by R. H. Carpenter. SP. 1883 Sewage Application of, at Rugby see Metropolitan Board of Works. 1864 Cambridge ; by J. F. Bateman. 1872 by J. W. Bazalgette. 1878 by G. W. Stephenson. 1870 Chemical Manure Company. Report from surveying officers. fo. Land. 1847 Chorley ; by R. Rawlinson. 1857 Clean diains and improved mortars ; by H. Y. Scott. CP. 1872 Collection and disposal ; by J. B. War- ing. 1871 Country houses ; by T. E. C. Streat- feild. 1881 Disposal of ; by A. Sayer. 1858 Durham ; letter from board of health ; by C. May. 1852 Lee valley; by J. W. Bazalgette and others. 1882 Matter of the metropolis ; by T. Wick- steed. 1854 Sewage — continued. Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers. Copies of orders ; and correspondence in relation to experiments on disin- fecting fluids, &c. to. Lond. 1848 Metropolitan Sanitary Commission. Mi- nutes of evidence before the commis- .sioners ; 2nd and 3rd reports. fo. Lond. 1846-47 Metropohtan sewage manure. Analysis of evidence ; value of refuse of towns applied to agriculture, &c. 3rd edit. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1848 Metropolitan Sewage Manure Company. Report of the first meeting, with analy- sis of evidence, &c. Bo. Lond. 1846 Minutes of evidence before committee ; and minutes on bill of same. fo. Lond. 1846-47 Report on company's amendment bill. fo. Lond. 1847 Pneumatic system of Liernur ; by W. Haywood. 1876 Purification ; by H. R. Newton. 1887 by H. Robinson and J. C. Mellis. 1877 Report of works for London ; by W. Haywood. 1866 Systems for draining cities, &c. ; by F. C. Krepp. 1867 Public sewage works for T3rQemouth ; by R. Rawlinson. 1857 Utilization of ; by W. H. Corfield. 1874 by W. Mackison. 1869 by D. Nicoll. [1886] Value of London ; by W. W. Pocock. 1856 see Metropolitan Board of Works. see Sewerage. Seward (H H) Memoir of ; by F. Edwards. MS. 1848 Sewell (E) Report on explorations in the Kistna district (Amaravati, Bezwada, and Undavilli), and orders thereupon. {G.O. No. 1620.) pamph. fo. [Madras] 1878 Report on the Amaravati Tope, and exca- vations on its site in 1877. 4o. Lond. 1880 Sewerage, &c. by W. H. Corfield. 1874 by L. H. Isaacs. 1859 City of London sewers. Report on mam lines ; by R. Kelsey. 1842 Report on ; by J. Walker, W. Cubitt, and L K. Brunei. 1848 Demand of fees ; by E. Mullins. 1886 Holborn, &c., sewers. Regulations for the construction of sewers and drains. fo. Lond. [1845] K K 250 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Sewerage, &c. — continued. Huyton-witli-Eoby ; by T. M. Eeade. Ipswich ; by W. Ranger. Law of ; by H. W. Woolrych. Liege : Eapport, &c., de ; by J. E. Re- mont. London main drainage ; value and dispo- sal of sewage ; legislation on sewers ; &c. ; by A. Sayer. Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers : Remarks on the plan proposed by, for the drainage of the Surrey side of the metropolis. 4o. Lond. -Reports to; 1875 1856 1849 1850 1858 1850 by Sir W. Cubitt, and Messrs. Bazal- gette, Haywood, and Stephenson. 8o. Lond. 1853-54 Report by J. W. Bazalgette on tubular pipe drains or sewers. fo. Lond. Plan for diverting the sewage of London and Westminster ; by J. Martin. Principles and practice of building sewers : by E. I'Anson. SP. Purification of the Thames ; by H. Horeau. Separate system ; by E. P. Grantham. Sewer gas and members of parliament ; by F. R. Conder. Some towns in England; by R. R. Eowe. Statistique des 6gouts de Paris ; by Emmery. Surrey and Kent sewers. Eeports relat- ing to the sewage, with reference to the observations of the Poor Law Commissioners. 8o. Lond. Surrey and Kent Sewers Bill. Minutes of evidence on, and report of survey- ing officers. fo. Lond. Syphon sewers ; by T. Morris. MS. SP. Ventilation of; by C. E. CressweU. by E. B. EUice-Clark. by S. Salter. West Ham, Essex ; by E. Eawliuson. Westminster and part of Middlesex. Ac- count of the receipt and expenditure for 1842. fo. Lond. Address upon report of Poor Law Com- missioners ; by T. L. Donaldson. — Copies of papers complaining of administration. fo. Lond. — — Descrip- tion of King's scholars' pond sewer ; by G. Hawkins. SP. Ranelagh and Counter's Creek sewers districts ; charge by T. L. Donaldson. 1853 1850 1847 1858 1886 1869 1837 1843 1847 1854 1884 1878 1872 1862 1843 1842 1847 1845 1839 Sewerage, &c. — continued. Westminster and part of Middlesex. Re- port on the duties of the officers of the surveyors' department, fo. Lond. 1843 Report of the special committee upon the alle- gations contained in a pamphlet pubhshed by J. Leslie. 8o. [Lond.] 1845 Statutes relating to sewers within their juris- diction. 8o. Lond. 1839 Substance of an opinion, &c. ; by T. L. Donald- son. 1835 see Sanitary Science. see Sewage. Seymour | E) Restoration of Dublin cathe- dral ; by G. E. Street, E. Seymour, and Sir T. Martin. 1882 Sganzin (J) and Reibell ( ) Programmes ou resume des le9ons d'un cours de construction. 5th edit. Text 4o. plates fo. Li&ge 1840 Sgraffito sec Decoration. Shadows sec Sciography. Shaft - see Fireplace. see Column. Shakespeare Society Life of Liigo Jones, by P. Cunningham ; Remarks on some of his sketches for masques and dramas, by J. R. Planche ; and five court masques, by J. P. CoUier see Jones (I) 1848 Shakspeare (W) Mottoes and aphorisms, arranged alphabetically for reference ; by T. E. J[ones]. 1869 Shanahan (M) Plans and elevations of bridges in France, Switzerland, Italy and Savoy, &c. obi. fo. Sharpe (E) Architectural parallels ; or, the progress of ecclesiastical architecture, &c. fo. Lond. 1848 Supplement, containing the mouldings. fo. Lond. 1848 Rise and progress of decorated window tracery in England. 2 vols. 8o. Lond. 1849 Seven periods of Enghsh architecture. 8o. Lond. 1851 The seven periods of Enghsh architecture defined and illustrated. 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1871 Subordination and distinctive character- istics of the mouldings of the seven periods, &c. SP. 19 May 1851 On branch railways, pamph. 8o. Lond. 1857 Architectural history of Shoreham colle- giate church, Sussex. 4o. Chich. 1861 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 251 Sharpe (E) — continued. Letter on mediaaval architectitre of Italy. SP. 7. Jan. 1865 to the chancellor of the exchequer on the disfranchisement of the borough of Lancaster. pamph. 8o. La7ic. 1867 Card guides to architectiu-al history of Lincoln and Ely cathedrals. 8o. 1868 On Lincoln cathedral, pamph. 8o. 1868 Four letters on colour in churches, on walls and in windows. pamph. 8o. Lond. & Birm. 1871 An account of churches visited during the Lincohi excmsion of the Architec- tural Association, August 1870. 8o. Lond. 1871 Perspective views in arehitectui-al compe- titions. CP. 23 May 1871 The architecture of the Cistercians. SP. 19 June 1871 The mouldings of the six periods of Gothic architecture. (Incomplete.) 4o. Lond. 1871 The ornamentation of transitional period of British architecture, 1145-1190. 4o. Lond. 1871 The architecture of the Cistercians. (7m- complete.) 4o. Lond. 1874 Illustrated papers on church architectm-e. No. II. Cistercian architecture. 4o. Lond. 1876 Memoir and list of published works (Domed churches of Charente) ; by Architectural Association. [1882] Sharpe (E) Johnson (J) & Kersey (A H) The churches of the Nene VaUey, Northamptonshire. 4o. Lond. 1880 Sharpe (G) Prize essay on the appUcation of recent inventions collected at the Great Exhibition of 1851 to the pm'poses of practical banking. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1852 Sharpe (E. R) Calendar of letters from the mayor and corporation of the City of London, circa a.d. 1350-1370. 8o. Lond. 1885 Sharpe (S) Chronology and geography of ancient Egypt, illustrated by plates of the king's names, pubhshed by J. Bonomi. 8o. Lond. 1849 On the Phoenix and Sothic periods. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1850 Handbook to the Egyptian court at the Crystal Palace ; by 0. Jones, J. Bo- nomi, and S. Sharpe. 1854 History of Egypt from earliest times till A.D. 640. 2 vols. 8o. Lond. 1859 Shaw (B) Specification of improvements in the construction of windows. pamph. fo. Lond. 1858 Shaw (E M) Superintendent's report to the general committee of the London fire engine establishment, pamph. fo. Lond. [1865J Eeports of Metropolitan fire brigade, and on London fires, from 18G6 to 1878. 13 vols. 8o. Lond. 1866-78 Eecords of the late London fire engine establishment. fo. Lond. 1870 Fire protection ; a manual of the organi- zation and general working of the brigade of London. 8o. Lond. 1876 Fire surveys ; principles to be observed in estimating the risk of buildings. 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1876 Fires in theatres. 8o. Lond. 1876 Shaw (G) Ee^-ived guild action ; sugges- tions to the Warden and Assistants of the Company of Plumbers. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1878 Shaw (H) Details of Gothic architecture, selected from various cathedrals, churches, &c. fo. Lond. 1823 History and antiquities of the chapel of Luton park, a seat of the marquis of Bute. fo. Lond. 1829 Examples of ornamental metal work. fo. Lo7id. 1836 Details of Elizabethan architecture. 4o. Lojid. 1839 Encyclopedia of ornament. 4o. Lond. 1842 Dresses and decorations of the middle ages, from 7th to 17th century. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1843 Booke of sundry draughtes, principaly serving for glasiers, and not imperti- nent for plasterers and gardeners, besides sundry other professions. [First published by Walter Gidde, 1615.] 8o. Lond. 1848 Decorative arts, ecclesiastical and civU, of the middle ages. 8o. Lond. 1851 Handbook of mediseval alphabets and de^^ces. 8o. Lond. 1853 Specimens of tile pavements ; with de- scription. 4o. Lond. 1858 Art of illumination during the middle ages. 8o. Lo7id. 1866 Shaw (H) and Madden (F) Illuminated ornaments selected from manu- scripts and early printed books from the 6th to the 17th centuries. 4o. Lond. 1833 Shaw (H) and Meyrick (Sir S R) Speci- mens of ancient furniture. 4o. Lond. 1836 252 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Shaw (J) Letter on ecclesiastical architecture, as applicable to modern churches, ad- dressed to the Bishop of London. 80. Lond. 1839 SP. 18 Feb. 1889 Shaw (J) and Pownall (G) Report of Courts of Justice Commission. 80. Lond. 1867 Shaw (R N) Architectural sketches from the Contment. fo. Lond. 1858 Shaw (R N) and Adams (M B) Sketches for cottages. obi. 4o. Lond. 1878 Shed ace Railway Station. Shee (Sir M A) Address to the students of the Eoyal Academy. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1841 Sheerness Kent Sanitary condition of ; report by W. Burns. Sheffield Public elementary schools ; by C. .J. Innocent and Brown. 1874 Sheffield Manor Restoration of lodge ; by C. Hadfield. SP. 1875 Shepherd (T H) and Elmes (J) MetropoUtan improvements ; or, London in the XlXth century. {Incom- plete.) 4o. Lond. 1827 London in the nineteenth century. 1st series : earlier edifices, antiquities, &c. 4o. Lond. 1829 Metropolitan improve- ments. 4o. Lond. 1831 Sheraton (T) Designs for household furniture. fo. Lond. 1801 The cabinet-maker and upholsterer's drawing-book. 3rd edit. 4o. Lond. 1802 Sherborne Benedictine abbey, and restoration of church ; by R. H. Carpenter. SP. 1877 The school and Benedictine abbey ; by R. H. Carpenter. 1874 Sheriff Hutton Castle ; by G. Todd. 1824 Sherman (A J) Historia coUegii .Jesu Can- tabrigiensis. Edited by J. 0. Hal- liwell. 80. Lond. 1840 Sliields (F W) Strains on structures of ironwork, with remarks on iron con- struction. 2nd edit. 80. Lond. 1867 Shobdon Herefordshire Church ; by G. R. Lewis. 1851 Shone (I) i\Iain drainage of the Houses of Parliament. pamph. 80. Lond. 1887 Shone (W E) Gleanings about Sir C. Wren and St. Paul's Cathedi-al. pamph. 80. Lond. 1871 Shoolbred (J N) Electrical lightmg and its practical application. 80. Lond. 1879 Shop by T. Faulkner, by T. King, by .J. Young. Shoppee (C J) Pictures, &c., court room of the Barbers, London. 1831 1828 in the hall and Company of 4o. Lond. 1883 1861 1887 1882 Shoreham Sussex Collegiate church ; by E. Sharpe. Shoring, Scaffolding, Underpinning by G. H. Blagrove. by C. H. Stock. Aiconbury church tower; by E. Chris- tian see Print Catalogue. Contignationes, &c. ; by D. Fontana. 1743 Grosmont church tower ; by J. P. Seddon. SP. 1873 Scaffolding at Westminster palace ; by C. Barry. SP. 1857 for houses, &c. ; by P. Jour- net. MS. 1844 The system of ; by P. Jour- net. MS. 1844 Travelling stage used in erection of roof, &c.; by J. G. N. Alleyne. 1872 Underpinning at Chatham Docks ; by C. L. Taylor. SP. 1830 Shottesbrooke Berkshire Account of church ; by E. I. C. 1840 Church ; by A. B. Mitchell. 1885 St. John Baptist Church ; by W. Butter- field. 1844 Shropshire Pugm tour ; by E. J. May. 1877 by H. D. Walton. SP. 1886 Shute (Ihon) The first and chief gro\'ndes of architecture. fo. Lond. 1563 Sibley (C K) and Rutherford (W) Tables for estimating the contents, m cubic yards, of the earthwork of rail- ways and other public works. And appendix. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1847 Sicily Antiehita ; by D. lo Faso Pietrasanta. 1834-42 Architecture antique ; by J. I. Hittorii' and L. Zanth. 1870 — des Arabes, &c. ; by Girault de Prangey. moderue ; and L. Zanth. by J. I. Hittorff Guida per la ; by G. Power. History ; by W. W. Lloyd. La Campania sotterranea. 80. Lond. Lettres sur la ; by E. VioUet-le-Duc. Normans m ; by H. G. Knight. Recollections of ; by S. Smirke. SP. Travels in ; by De Non. by T. S. Hughes. Viaggio pittorico ; by C. Cuciniello and L. Bianchi, 1841 1835 1842 1872 1836 1860 1838 1860 1789 1820 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 253 Sicily — continued, see Monreale. see Selinus. Siemens (C W) Communications regarding the smoke question. pamph. 80. Loud. 1880 On the dynamo-electric current, and on certain means to improve its steadi- ness, pamph. 4o. Lond. 1880 The electro-dynamic current in its appli- cation to metallurgy, to horticulture, and to locomotion. pamph. 80. Lond. [1880] Applications of electric energy to horti- culture and agriculture : and a con- tribution to the history of secondary batteries. pamph. 80. Lond. 1881 Gas and electricity as heating agents. pamph. 80. Lond. 1881 Science and industry. pamph. 80. Lond. 1881 Siena Catalogo di fotografie ; by P. Lombardi. 1881 Die obere capelle der Maria ; by H. Spielberg. 1862 Silchester Account of ; by Anonymous. [1878] Silica and its application by J. Barlow. 1854 A la conservation des monuments ; by L. Dalemagne. 1867 Sihcatisation ; by J. N. Fiichs. 1859 Stereochromatic process ; by J. Purdie. SP. 1863 Water glass, &c. ; by F. Kiihlmaun. 1858 Sillig (J) Dictionary of artists of antiquity, ■with chronological tables, translated by H. W. Williams. 80. Lond. 1837 Silo see Granary. Silva (J P N da) Novas salas do real palacio d'Ajuda. pamph. 80. Lisbon 1865 Memohe descriptif du projet d'une res- tauration pour I'eglisemonumentale de Belem a Lisbomie. pamph. 80. Lisbon 1867 Signification des signes qu'on voit graves sur les anciens monuments du Por- tugal. 4o. Lisbon 1868 Dissertation artistique sur I'architecture en Portugal. pamph. 80. Lisbon 1869 Souvenirs du congres mternational d'ar- cheologie prehistorique, &c. 80. Lisbon 1872 Elogio historico do architecto civil J. da C. Segueira. pamph. 80. Lisbon 1873 Notice historique et artistique des prmci- paux edifices religieux du Portugal. pamph. 80. Lisbon 1873 Elogio historico do architecto M. Victor Baltard. pamph. 4o. [Lisbon 1874] Silva (J P IT da) — continued. No9oes elementares de archeologia. 80. Lisbon 1878 D^couverte d'une ville romaine en Por- tugal en 1882. pamph. 80. Paris 1882 Notice sur les baches de bronze prehisto- riques trouvees en Portugal. pamph. 80. Lisbon 1883 Snvestre (T) Engraved views of Paris, Rome, &c. 119 plates. ob. fo. Paris 1642-58 Simms (F W) Practical observations on the asphaltic mastic, or cement of Seyssel, &c. pamph. 80. Lond. 1837 Public works of Great Britain, fo. Lond. 1838 Treatise on the principles and practice of levelling. 80. Lo7id. 1846 Practical tunneUing explamed. (3rd ed. by D. K. Clark.) 80. Lond. 1877 Simon (E) see Thiollet and Simon. Simonau (G) Principaux monuments go- thiques de I'Europe, dessines sur les lieux. fo. Bruss. 1848 Simons (A) Doppelkirche zu Schwarz- Rheindorf. fo. Bonn 1846 Simpson (F) Ancient baptismal fonts, chronologically arranged. 80. Lond. 1828 Simpson (J) Supply of water from artesian weUs ; by R. W. and W. C. Mylne and J. Simpson. 1840 Simpson (W) Buddhist caves of Afghanistan. pamph. 80. [Lo7id. 1860] Tope at Sanchi. pamph. 80. [Lond. I860] Architecture of India. SP. 19 May 1862 Abyssinian church architecture. SP. 21 June 1869 Architecture of China. SP. 1 Dec. 1873 Buddhist architecture in the Jellalabad valley. SP. 12 Jan. 1880 Tope on an old stone at Dras, Ladak. pamph. 80. Lond. 1882 Architecture in the Himalayas. SP. 22 Jan. 1888 Mud architecture : notes made in Persia and other countries. SP. No. XXIX. Sion Switzerland Histoire de I'architec- ture sacree ; by J. D. Blavignac. 1858 Siriadic Monuments Chronology ; by He- kekyan Bey. 1863 Sirr (H) English stall-work, canopies and rood-screens of the 15th century. 4o. Lond. 1883-85 Skaife ( T) A key to civil architecture ; or the miiversal British builder. 80. Lond. 1774 Skelton (J) Antiquities of Bristol, from original sketches by H. O'Neill. 4o. [Oxford 1820] 254 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Skelton (J) — continued. Principal antiquities of Oxfordshire, from drawings by F. Mackenzie, with notices. Oxonia antiqua restaurata. Church : 4o. Oxford 2 vols. fo. Oxford by E. Chris- 1823 1823 1847 1883 1870 1876 Skelton Yorkshire tian. " 1846 Sketch Architectural scrapbook ; by J. Butler and H. Hodge. 1848 Architectural, in France, Italy, and Ger- many; by E. N. Shaw. 1858 At home and abroad ; by J. D. Harding. Buildings at home and abroad ; edited by J. D. Eadclifle. 1872-75 Greece, sketches in ; by J. Stuart. On the Continent ; by G. Truefitt. Rambling ; by T. E. Davison. Sketch book ; by .J. Stuart. Swiss and German ; by E. George. Sketch Book (Serial) John o' Gaunt Vol. i. fo. Lancaster sec Architectural Association. see Boston Architectural Association. see Edinburgh Architectural Association. see Spring Gardens. Sketchuig see Draughtmanship. Sketching Tour Architectural ; by W. J. N. Millard. 1883 Notes on ; by H. Taylor. 1880 Sky-line sec .Esthetics. Skyring (W H) Builders' prices. 8o. Lond. 1854 see Price Book. Skyring (Z) Builders' prices. 8o. Lo7id. 1819 Slacke ( W E) Notes on subsoil drainage, foundations, walls, openings, and arches. fo. Chatham 1878 Slate Different species and qualities ; by S. J. Nicholl. Prize essay. MS. 1845 Experiments on ; by R. Watson. MS. SP. 1845 Quarry near Carmarthen ; by .J. .Jenkins. MS. SP. 1836 of North Wales ; by C. Gregory. MS. SP. 15 Feb. 1836 Slater (J) Electric Hghting. SP. 25 Ap. 1881 Architecture : Classic and Early Chris- tian ; by T. R. Smith and J. Slater. 1882 Recent progress in the electric lighting of buildings. SP. 15 May 1882 Slaughter-houses see Abattoirs. Slymbridge Gloucestershire Church of St. John the Evangehst ; notes on ; by the Bristol Architectural Society. 1845 Small (J W) Scottish woodwork of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. fo. Edi)ib. 1878 fo. Lond. late Sir R. SP. 17 Jime Lond. SP. SP. Lond. Lond. Lond. Smart (J) Tables of interest, discount, annuities, &c. 4o. Lond. Smeaton (G A) Builders' pocket manual. 12o. Lond. Smeaton (J) Narrative of the building and construction of the Edystone lighthouse ; appendix of the hght- house on the Spurn Point, built upon a sand. Smirke (E) Memoir of the Smirke. Smirke (Sir R) Report ; restoration of York Minster ; removal of the choir screen. 8o. Memoir of; by E. Smirke. Notice of ; by T. L. Donaldson. Smirke (S) Mausoleum of Theodoric at Raveima. pamph. 4o. Lond. Seprdchral monument in the Campo Santo at Pisa. pamph. 4o. Church of St. John, Syracuse. pamph. 4o. Remains of the palace at Ravenna. pamph. 4o. Suggestions for the architectural im- provement of the western part of London. 8o. Lond. Architectural history of Westmuister hall. pamph. 4o. Lond. Letter on some peculiarities in the ar- chitecture represented on the bas- reliefs recently brought from Nim- roud. MS. SP. 28 June Account of the contents of a work by Sir B. Gerbier, written in the 17th century, and entitled " Counsel and advice to builders," together with some remarks. MS. SP. 19 Blar. Style of ornamentation prevalent in the Assyrian sculpture recently dis- covered, and on some pecuharities of Assyrian architecture as exhibited therein. SP. 18 Mar. Technical observations on the architec- ture of the honey-bee. SP. 13 June Letter to Sir C. L. Eastlake, suggesting a mode of assisting the eye in the right perception of colour in pictures. {Not published.) 8o. Lond. Water supply to towns. SP. 22 Feb. Recollections of Sicily. SP. 5 Nov. Account of the professional life and cha- racter of the late Professor C. R. Cockerell, R.A., Fellow and late President E.I.B.A. SP. 16 Nov. Smith (A) Patent weathertight fastenings. pamph. 8o. Smith (Bj sec Pugin (AWN). 1726 1825 1793 1867 1830 1867 1867 1830 1830 1833 1834 1834 1836 1847 1849 1850 1853 1856 1858 1860 1863 FEINTED BOOKS, MAmiSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 255 Smith (C H) Various papers on stone for building, and on some other materials, &c.; remarks on sepulchral memorials ; on some edifices, itc; being contri- butions to periodicals, &c. {Ncius- ■papcr and other cuttings, mounted in a scrap book.) 4o. Lithology ; or, observations on stone used for buildings. SP. 17 Feb. and 2 Mar. 1840 Magnesian limestones of Yorkshire, Der- byshire, and Nottinghamshire, with reference to the selection of stone for building the exterior of new Houses of Parliament. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1845 Species of trappean or porphyritic stone (Crediton) used in Devonshire for building purpose.^. MS. SP. 15 Nov. 1847 Various qualities of Caen stone. MS. SP. 8 Jan. 1849 The mechanical processes of sculpture. SP. 24 Mar. 1851 Suggestions for altering and enlarging the present National Gallery. SP. 15 Nov. 1852 Stone for building fi'om quarries in the neighbourhood of Ancaster, Lincoln- shire ; with a few observations on Purbeck and Petworth marbles. SP. 80 May 1853 Letter respecting Kentish ragstone. SP. 22 Jan. 1855 Forms, methods of casting, and ringing, of large beUs, with some suggestions on the subject. SP. 14 Jan. 185G Discussions. SP. 28 Jan. and 11 Feb. 1856 Various methods now before the public of indurating and preserving architec- tural stone work. SP. 1 Dec. 1856 and 26 Jan. 1857 Weights of building stones in most general use. SP. 18 June 1860 Copy of some notes made during the tour in 1838 and 1839, as a member of the commission for selecting stone for the new Houses of Parhament. MS. 8o. 1865 Smith (C R) Antiquities of Richborough, Eeculver, and Lymne. 4o. Lond. 1850 Roman monuments discovered in London. From the Collectanea Antiqua. 8o. Lond. [1852] Museum of London antiquities. Ex- tracts from newspapers relative thereto. 1855 Public dimier at Newport ; and conver- sazione at Eyde. pamph. bo. Lond. Ib55 Smith (G) Construction of cottages suited for the dwellings of the labouring classes, &c. pamph. 8o. Glasgow 1834 Smith (H) The Surrey benefactor ; memoir of ; by J. G. Nichols. 1863 Smith (J) Specimens of ancient carpen- try, consisting of designs for roofs, &c. fo. Lond. 1787 Smith (J) Projection and artistic drawing, containmg the prmciples of these useful and elegant arts. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1843 Smith (J R) Catalogue of tracts, pam- phlets, prints, and drawings, illus- trating topography and antiquities of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. 8o. Lo7id. 1878 Smith (J T) Antiquities of London and its environs. 4o. Lond. 1791 Antiquities of Westminster ; the oldimlace, St. Stephen's chapel, &c. 4o. Lond. 1807 62 additional plates. 4o. Lond. 1809 Smith (J and T) Whinstone construction. SP. 4 Jan. 1836 Causes of the failure of the bridge at Falshope. MS. SP. 27 May 1839 Bridge recently erected by them over the Tweed at Ashiesteel. SP. 18 Dee. 1848 Smith (J W) Law of landlord and tenant ; with notes and cases by F. P. Maude. 8o. Lond. 1855 Law of contracts. 3rd edit., by J. G. Malcolm. 8o. Lond. 1860 Smith (P G) Report on back-to-back houses ; by J. N. Radcliflfe and P. G. Smith. 1878 Smith (RH S) see Science & Ai't Dept., S. Kensington. 1872 Smith (S) The temple and the sepulchre. 8o. Lond. 1865 Smith (T) Copy of letter on nuisances removal bill. pamph. 8o. 1855 Evidence on public health and nuisances removal bill. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1856 Steetley church, Derbyshire ; by J. Con- tencin and T. Smith. 1860 Smith (T M) Stability of arches ; by G. Snell and T. M. Smith. 1846 Smith (T R) Acoustics. SP. 17 Dec. 1860 01 public buildings ; or, the principles of the science of sound applied to the purposes of the archi- tect and builder. 12o. Land. 1861 Patents for inventions. Abridgments of the specifications relating to bricks and tiles. 8o. Lond. 1862 256 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Smith (T R) — continued. Buildings for tropical climates, especially Lidia. SP. 27 Ap. 1868 OfScial report on architectural designs, drawings, andmodelsin International Exhibition of 1871. 4o. Land. 1871 On voluntary examinations of the Insti- tute. CP. 23 May 1871 On professional " esprit de corps." SP. 18 Nov. 1872 On town and country schools. SP. 18 May 1874 On new materials and recent inventions connected with building. SP. 24 May 1876 Discussion. SP. 7 June 1875 Eude stone monuments. CP. 7 June 1878 Architecture : Gothic and Kenaissance. 8o. Lond. 1880 The practice of an architect. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1880 Smith (T R) and Slater (J) Architecture : Classic and Early Christian. 8o. Lond. 1882 Smith (W) Dictionary of Greek and Roman bio- graphy and mythology. 3 vols. 8o. Lond. 1850 Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiqui- ties. 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1851 Dictionary of Greek and Roman geo- graphy. 2 vols. 8o. Lo7id. 1854-57 Smith (W & J) Aberdeen Royal Infir- mary ; by H. S. SneU and W. & J. Smith. 1887 Smith (W J) Origin and progress of archi- tecture. 8o. Lond. 1831 Smith (W P) Etude sur Michel- Ange Buo- narotti. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1870 Smith (W) and Cheatham (S) Dictionary of Christian antiquities. Vol. i. 8o. Lond. 1876 Smithsonian Institution sec Washington. Smoke and Smoke Prevention Conduction and ventilation at Osmaston manor ; by H. I. Stevens. SP. 1851 Defective administration of Smoke Nui- sance Act in the metropolis, &c. (62.) fo. Lond. 1884 Prevention of; by T. S. Prideaux. and remedy ; by C. W. WiUiams. _ 1854, 1856 Report of the select committee appointed to enquire into the means and expe- diency of preventing the nuisance of smoke arising from fires, or fiu-naces, &c. pamph. 8o. Lond. Smoke Nuisance Abatement (Metropohs) Bill 1884. (109.) fo. Loiid. 1884 see Chimney. Smyth (C P) New or improved instruments for naviga- tion and astronomy. pamph. 8o. Edinb. 1855 Astronomical observations made at Royal observatory, Edinburgh. Vol. xiii. obi. 4o. Edinb. 1871 Smyth (P) Three cities in Russia. 2 vols. 8o. Lond. 1862 Our inheritance in the great Pyramid. 8o. Lond. 1874 Smyth (W H) Sketch of the present state of the isle of Sardinia. 8o. Lond. 1828 SnailweU Cambridgeshire Restoration of church. pamph. 8o. Camb. [1879] SneU (G( and Smith (T M) Stability of arches. The Pont-y-tu-prydd over I the river Tafe, Glamorganshire. I 8o. Lo^id. 1846 ' Snell (H S) Charitable and parochial estabhshments. I 4o. Lond. 1881 Experiments to test the accuracy of registering anemometers. [ pamph. 8o. Lond. [1882] Hospital construction and management ; by F. J. Mouat and H. S. Snell. 1883-84 Circular hospital wards. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1885 Hull Royal uifirmary : opening of new wing, &c. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1885 St. Marylebone infirmary, London. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1886 Snell (H S) and Smith (W & J) Aberdeen Royal infirmary. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1887 Snow (J) Letter to Sir B. Hall in refuta- tion of attacks agamst him on sub- ject of pubhc nuisances. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1855 Soane (Sir J) Impressions of private plates by C. J. Richardson, of buildings designed by Sir J. Soane. (Not pziblished .) fo. Designs in architectm-e : consisting of plans, &c., for temples, baths, ca- sinos, pavilions, &c. 8o. Lond. 1778 Plans, &c., of buildings executed in the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, York- shire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Herefordshire, &c. fo. Lond. 1788 Letter to the Earl Spencer (on appoint- ment of a smweyor to the East India Company). pamph. 8o. Lond. 1799 A brief statement of the proceedings respecting the new law courts at Westminster, showing what they PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 267 •Soane (Sir J) — continued. might have been if the original plana had been adhered to, and how the present defects may be remedied. {Not imbli shed.) to. Lond. 1828 Designs for pubUc and private buildhigs. fo. Lond. 1828 CivU architecture, &c., and new law courts at Westminster, fo. Lond. 1828-29 Civil architecture ; designs for complet- ing some of the public buildings in Westminster and for correetuig defects in others. fo. Lond. 1829 Lifeof; by J. Britton. 1834 Address to Sir J. Soane, 24 March, 1835, upon his being presented with im- pressions of the medal struck in his honour. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1835 Memoranda of a course of lectm'es on architecture ; by G. Godwin. 1835 Observations on the rebuilding of the Houses of Parhament. pamph. fo. Lond. 1835 Description of three designs for the two Houses of Parliament. pamph. 4o. [1836] Materials used by him in concrete ; by G. Bailey. MS. SP. 1886 Correspondence and minutes of the com- mittee relative to the medal presented to Sir J. Soane. MS. fo. 1837 Professional life ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1837 Catalogue of original drawii:gs, manu- scripts, and printed books, on art and science, in his library. 8o. Lond. 1844 Recollections of a course of lectures by Sir J. Soane in 1817 ; by W. Tite. SP. 30 Nov. 1846 ; 17 Ap. 1848 Soane Museum (The) Catalogue of the MSS., printed books, engravings, and drawings. 8o. Lo-nd. 1878 Description of the house and museum. fo. Lond. 1835 . Report by J. I. Hittorfif. 1836 ^ by J. Bonomi. 1876 by G. Bailey. Lidex to drawings ; by W. R. Cooper. 1870 Union of architecture, sculpture, and painting: house of J. Soane ; by J. Britton. 1827 see Soane (Sir J). Sociedad Central de Arquitectos nee Madrid. Societe Academique d'ArcMtecture sec Lyon. Societe des Amis des Monuments Farisiens see Paris. Societe Archeologique de Grece see Athens. Societe des Ai-chitectes des Alpes-Maritimes sec France. Societe des Architectes du Departement du Nord see France. Societe Centrale des Architectes see Paris. Societe Historique et Archeologique de Langres see Langres. Societe de Medecine Publique see Paris. Societe Royale des Antiquaires du Nord sec Copenhagen. Societies Annuaire des societ^s savantes ; by A. d'Hericourt. 1866 Society of Antiquaries Archaiologia ; or, miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity. (In progress.) 4o. Lond. 1773-1887- Index to vols, i.-xxx. 4o. Lond. 1809, 1844 Proceedings. Vols. ii. iii. iv. 8o. Lond. 1843-59 2nd S. [In progress.) So. Lond. 1859-86- Liber quotidianus contrarotulatoris gar- derobfB, anno regni regis Edwardi Primi ^dcesimo octavo ; a.d. 1299 and 1300. 4o. Lond. 1787 CoUegiate chapel of St. Stephen, West- minster ; by J. Topham. fo. Lond. 1795 Description of the addi- tional plates ; by Sir H. C.Englefield, Bart. 2 vols. fo. Lond. 1811 Cathedral church of Gloucester, illustra- tive of the plans, &c., by J. Carter. fo. Lond. 1807 Abbey church of St. Alban, illustrative of the plans, &c., by J. Carter ; by R. Gough. fo. Lond. 1810 (Bound together.) Cathedral church of Exeter, illustrative of the plans, &c., by J. Carter; remarks by C. Lyttelton, 1754 ; observations by Sir H. C. Englefield. fo. Lond. 1797 Abbey church of Bath, illustrative of the plans, &c., by J. Carter, fo. Lond. 1798 Cathedral church of Durham, illustra- tive of the plans, &c., by J. Carter. fo. Lond. 1801 (Bound together.) Vetusta Monumenta, containing Woller- ton House, Norfolk ; Glastonbury Abbey ; and Tower of London ; in vol. iv. fo. Lond. 1811-15 ■ Abbey of St. Mary, York ; and of the discoveries re- cently made, by C. Wellbeloved; in vol. v. (plates by F. Nash.) fo. Lond. 1829 258 PBINTED BOOKS, MANUSCEIPXS, SESSIONAL PAPEES Society of Antiquaries — continued. Vetusta Monunienta : Painted chamber at Westminster ; by J. G. Rokewood ; in vol. vi. 80. Lond. 1842 Catalogue of the printed books. 4o. L(ynd. 1816 80. Lond. 1861 Report of the committee appointed to investigate the circumstances attend- ing the recent discovery of a body in St. Stephen's chapel, West- minster, pamph. 4o. Lond. 1852 Letter to Viscount Mahon, president, on the present state of the society ; by T. J. Pettigrew. 1852 Kerrich collection of Roman coins ; catalogue of 80. Lond. 1852 Annual lists of Fellows. {Li progress.) 80. Lond. 1854-87- Memorandum on restorations. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1855 Catalogue of Fairholt collection of works on pageantry. 80. Lond. 1869 Report of the sepulchral monuments committee. pamph. fo. Lond. 1872 Society of Architects (A) Dictionary for architects, &c. 4o. Lond. 1779 Society of Biblical Archaeology Transactions. 80. Lond. 1872-80 Proceedings. {In progress.) 80. Lond. 1881-86- Society for the DiflFasion of Useful Knowledge The Penny Cyclopfedia. 27 vols. fo. Lond. 1833-43 Two supplements. 8 vols. fo. Lond. 1846, 1858 Tables of logarithms. 12o. Lond. 1860 LiBBARY OF Entertaining Knowledge Elgin and Phigaleian marbles, in the British Museum. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1833 Townley Gallery, in the British Museum. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1836 Library op Useful Knowledge History of Greece, from the earliest times to its final subjection to Rome. 80. Lond. 1829 Lives of eminent persons. 80. Lond. 1833 Mathematics (geometry and trigonome- try). Vol. ii. only. 80. Lond. 1835 Natm-al philosophy, with an explanation of scientific terms. 3 vols. 80. Lond. 1829 Society of Dilettanti Antiquities of Ionia : (Part I. fo. iowd. 1769 (reprinted 1821) I ,, II. (Bound together.) fo. Lond. 1797 „ III. fo. Lond. 1840 „ IV. fo. Lond. 1881 Ionian antiquities ; by E. Chandler, N. Eevett, and W. Pars. fo. Lond. 1769 Society of JAlettxati.— continued. Unedited antiquities of Attica ; compris- ing Eleusis, Rhamnus, Sunium, and Thoricus. 2nd edit. fo. Lond. 1833 Traduit et augments ; by J. I. Hittorff. 1832 Two letters from Athens on certain ano- malies in the construction of the Parthenon ; by F. C. Penrose. 4o. Lond. 1847 Principles of Athenian architecture ; op- tical refinements in the construction of ancient buildings at Athens ; by F. C. Penrose. fo. Lond. 1851 Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce Description of the useful machines and models contained in the repository, corrected and revised by A. M. Bailey. fo. Lond. 1776 Transactions. Vols. i. to Iv. 80. Lond. 1783-1844 N.S. Vol. i. [parts 1 ct 2, all published.) 4o. Lond. 1847-49 Analytical index to the first twenty-five volumes. 80. Lond. 1808 Report on the mode of preventing the forgery of banknotes. 80. Lond. 1819 Journal, [hi ^nvgress.) 80. Lond. 1852-87- Index to Journal vols, i.-xxx. pamph. 80. Lond. 1863-84 Report on statistics of dwellings improve- ment in the metropolis. pamph. 80. Lond. 1864 Technical education : report of the com- mittee at a conference, Jan. 1868. pamph. 80. Lond. 1868 Westgarth prize essays on reconstruc- tion of Central London, &c. ; by W. Westgarth, W. Woodward, H. H. Bridgman, and J. Corbett. 80. Lond. 1886 Society of Engineers Transactions. {In progress.) 80. Lond. 1862-87- Index 1861-86, in vol. for 1886 Address of the President. 80. Lond. 1878 Rules, bye-laws, and list of members. pamph. 80. Lond. 1887 Society for obtaining Free Admission to National Monuments and Public Edifices containing Works of Art Report. pamph. 80. Lond. 1841 Society of Gentlemen New and complete dictionary of arts and sciences. 4 vols. 4o. Lond. 1757 Society for Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes sec Roberts (H). PRINTEB BOOKS, MAmJSORIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPKRS 259 Society for PhotograpHng Relics of Old London Vols. 1880 and 1882. P. Land. 1880-82 Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies Journal. (In progress.) Text 8o. Lond. 1880-86- Plates fo. Lond. 1880-86- Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings Annual meetings and committee's re- ports. 8o. & 12o. Lond. 1879-86- Letter from the Secretarj' to the Secre- tary of Restoration Committee re- specting St. Alban's Church. 12o. Lo7id. 1879 Restoration in East Anglia ; Ely and Norwich cathedrals, and certain churches and other buildings. 12o. Lond. 1879 Transactions 1880. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1881 Report on measure adopted for preserva- tion of monuments of Arab art iu Egypt. pamph. fo. Lond. 1883 Society for the Protection of Life and Property from Lightning State- ment of aims, &c. pamph. 8o. [Bedford] 1886 Society for Psychical Research Proceed- uigs. (In i^roarcss.) 8o. Lond. 1882-85- Society for the Suppression of Mendicity 44th report. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1862 Society of Telegraph Engineers and Elec- tricians Rules and regulations re- commended for the prevention of fire risks fi'om electric lighting. (see SP. 15 May 1882, Aijp. H.) pamph. 8o. Lond, 1882 Soissons Nouvelle HaUe aux grains ; by De Mezieres. 1769 Somerset Handbook ; by J. Murray. 1859 Somersetshire Pugin tour ; by W. R. Lethaby. [1881] Somersetshire Archaeological &c. Society see Taunton. Somnauth Gates Letter respecting ; by Luard. MS. 1848 Letter and illustrations of ; by C. J. Richardson. 1843 Sonnini (C S) Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt. Translated from the French. 4o. Lond. 1800 Sopwith (T) AU Saints' church, Newcastle-upon- Tyne ; with plans, &c. 8o. Newcastle 1826 Views of Fountains Abbey see Metcalf [1832J Treatise on isometrical drawing, as ap- plicable to geology and mining plans, &c. 4o. Lond. 1834 Sopwith (T) jun. Mont Cenis Tunnel, and machinery employed, with abstract of discussion. 8o. Lond. 1864 Soulages Collection Catalogue ; by J. C. Robinson. 1856 Copy of correspondence respecting its pm-chase. fo. Lond. 1858 Report of the committee of R.I.B.A. ap- pointed to examine the collection. SP. 1857 Sound sec Acoustics. Sousa (L de) sec Murphy (J C). South African Exhibition 1885 sec Exhibition. South Kensington Museum see London. see Science and Art Department. South Mimms Church and parish ; by P. C. Cass. 1877 Southampton Churches ; by C. Monk. 1886 Southwark see London. Southwell Architectural history of the collegiate church ; by J. F. Dimock. Collegiate church ; history of ; by W. B. KiUpack and T. H. Clarke. 1839 Minster ; by G. M. Livett. 1883 Painted glass in ; by C. Winston. 1848 South Winfield History of manor and manor house ; by T. Blore. 1816 Manor house; by E. B. Ferrey. 1870 South Wraxhall Wiltshire; by T. L. Walker. 1838 Spa, Pumproom England, and principal sea-bathing places ; by A. B. Granville. 1841 Germany ; by A. B. Granville. 1837 Spain An architect's notebook m ; by Sir M. D. Wyatt. 1872 Arch^ologie, notes en Espagne ; by C. Lucas. 1871 Causes of dechne ; by G. H. West. 1867 L'Espagne et son avenir ; by E. Bonnaud. 1860 Handbook ; by J. Murray. 1846 Memoria sobra el estado de las obras piiblicas en Espaiia. 4o. Madrid 1859 Monuments, musees et paysages ; by P. Sedille. 1876 Viage de Espaiia ; by A. Ponz. 1776-94 Views m ; by D. Roberts. 1837 by G. Vivian. 1839 Voyage pittoresque, &c.; by A. de Laborde. 1806 see Paris Univeksal Exuibition 1867. see Spanish Architecture. Spain (New) sec New Mexico. Spalatro Palace of Diocletian ; by R. Adam. 1764 260 PRINTED BOOKS, MANDSCRIPrS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Spallanzani (L) Tracts on nature of animals and vegetables. 80. Edinb. 1799 Spanisli Architecture Arabian antiquities, arcbiteeture, sculp- ture, &c. ; by J. C. Murpby. 1816 Architectural art ; by J. B. Waring and T. E. Macquoid. 1850 Arquitectos y arquitectura ; by E. Llaguno y Amirola. 1829 Artistica y monumental ; by G. P. de Villa- Amil and P. de la Escosura. 1842-50 Burgos, architectural studies in ; by J. B. Warmg. 1852 Diccionario de profesores de las bellas artes ; by J. A. Cean-Bermudez. 1800 Elementos de toda la architectura civil ; by P. C. Eieger. 1763 Gothic architecture; by G. E. Street. 1865 Monumentos arquitect6nicos de Espana. {French and Spanish text.) {In progress.) 1859-86- Monuments arabes, &c. ; by G. de Prangey. 1836-39 Notes archeologiques de I'architecture ; by C. Lucas. 1871 Eecuerdos y bellezas ; by P. J. Parcerisa & others. 1842-56 see Journal Quarterly Eeview. 1846 Spanton (J) Translation of " Contrast of colour," by M. E. Chevreul. 80. Lo7id. 1860 SpeccM (A) see Rossi (D de). Specifications Architectural and engineering construc- tions and materials. (T. Hyatt.) 80. 1877 Book of; byD. Mocatta. MS. • Brighton terminus ; by D. Mocatta. MS. Buildmg ; by C. Palliser & Co. 1880 Coal Exchange, London ; by J. B. Bunning. Columns and other architectural sup- ports. 80. 1878 Construction of walls, partitions, floors, &c. (L. Horublower.) 80. 1878 Copies of several. MS. fo. Essay on architectural practice; by T. L. Walker. 1841 Fire-proof buildings. (M. Allen.) (L. Hornblower.) (J. Whichcord.) ■ ceilings and floors. (J. Moore.) 80. Land. 1878 Floors and roofs. (G. Evans and E. Swaiii.) 80. Lo7id. 1878 — — for warehouses, mills, &c. (G. Netherclift.) 80. 1876 Frame or brick buildings ; by Palliser & Co. 1886 Specifications — continued. Guards' barracks at Chelsea ; by G. Morgan. 1860-63 Handbook of ; by T. L. Donaldson and W. C. Glen. 1859 House of Correction, Louth ; by H. E. KendaU. 1824 London Orphan Asylum, Clapton ; by G. Goldiing and W. S. Liman. 1823 New gaol for the city of London and county of Middlesex, in the Old Bailey ; by G. Dance. fo. Land. Particulars of the materials used in various churches and public build- ings according to the designs of T. and E. Eickman, H. Hutchinson, and E. C. Hussey. 1827-38 Practical ; by J. Blenkarne. 1865 Practical architecture ; by A. Bartho- lomew. 1846 Preparation of heat-resistmg materials. (T. Hyatt and J. Eickett.) 80. 1877 United States. Custom-houses, marine- hospital, post-office, court-house, &c. Text 2 vols. 80. Plates 3 vols. fo. Washington 185&-57 Young surveyor's preceptor ; by .J. Eeid. 1857 Spence (C) Essay descriptive of the abbey church of Eomsey, in Hampshire. 80. Bomsey 1841 Spencer (T) Eeport to the New Eiver Company on the corrosion of u-ou mains, and the effects of gas leakage on the metropohtan street earth. pamph. 80. Land. 1860 Spickernell (W) Eomau viUa, Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight, pamph. 80. Newport 1860 Spielberg (H) Die obere capelle der Maria im palazzo pubblico zu Siena. fo. Berlin 1862 Spiers (A) Dictionnaire general fi-an9ais- anglais et anglais-fran5ais. 2 vols. 80. Paris 1869 Spiers (E, P) On the student's text book proposed to be pubUshed by the Institute. SP. 23 May 1871 The chateau of Pierrefonds and its resto- ration by VioUet-le-Duc. SP. 15 Dec. 1873 Notes on some of the condemned city churches. SP. 9 Ap. 1877 The late Major Mant. SP. 5 Dec. 1881 The French diplome d'architecte and the German system of architectural edu- cation. CP. 9 May 1884 Spilsby Lincolnshire Court house and house of correction ; by H.E. KendaU. 1824 Spires sec Towers. Sporting Architecture see Stable, &c. PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 261 Spratt (T A B) and Forbes (E) Travels in Lycia, Milyas, and the Cibyrates, with E. T. Dauiell. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1847 Springfield near Leeds Description of quarry ; by R. D. Chantrell. MS. SP. 1837 Spring Gardens Sketct Book Vols, i.-vii. fo. Lond. 1866-78 Spurgin (J) Sis lectures on materia medica, and its relations to the animal economy. 80. Lond. 1853 Spurn Point Lighthouse ; by J. Smeaton. 1793 Stabia Omameute ; by W. Zahn. 1828-29 Scavi ; by M. Ruggiero. 1881 Stable, Kennel, Race Stand And stable fittings ; by W. MQes. 1860 Ai-chitecture ; by T. E. Knightley. 1862 Plans of ; by J. Paine. 1767-83 Sporting architecture ; by G. Tattersall. 1841 Vital statistics of cavalry horse ; by T. G. Balfour. 1881 Stadium sec Ampitheatre. Stafford Church of St. Mary ; proposed alterations. pamph. 4o. 1842 Staffordshire Old houses of; by W. Niven. 1882 Stained Glass ncc Glass. Staircase Builder's treasury of ; by A. Swan. 1745 Escahers en pierre ; by ... Goguet and C. H. Normand. 1838 see Carpentry. see Masonry. Stall Work sec Church Fittings. Stamboul And the Bosphorus ; by R. Burgess. SP. 1869 sea Constantinople. Stanhope (J S) Topography illustrative of the battle of Plata^a. fo. Lond. 1817 Olympia, or topography illustrative of the actual state of the Plain of Olympia and of the ruins of the city of Elis. fo. Lond. 1824 Stanley (A P) Historical memorials of Canterbury. 5th edit. 80. Lond. 1868 of Westminster Abbey. 2nd edit. 80. Lond. 1868 Stanley (W F) Mathematical instruments. 80. Lond. 1866 drawing instruments. 5th edit. 80. Lond. 1878 Stannus (H) Artistic treatment of constructional iron- ■'■'■ work. SP. 23 Jan. 1882 Internal treatment of cupolas in general and St. Paul's in particular. SP. 17 Nov. 1H84 Stanton Harcourt Oxfordshire Church at ; by J. M. Derick. 1841 Stark (A) History of the bishopric of Lincoln. 80. Lond. 1852 Starston Suft'olk Notes on Starston church, and mural painting there ; by R. M. Phipson. Statham (HH) Architectiu'e practically considered in reference to music. SP. 20 Jan. 1873 Modern Enghsh architecture. pamph. 80. Lond. 1876 How our public improvements are carried out. pamph. 80. Lond, 1882 sec Journal The Builder. Statics and Djmamics by T. Baker. 1851 Traite elementaire ; by G. Monge and M. Hachette. 1835 Station sec Railway. Statistics Census of Great Britain in 1851 ; by E. Cheshire. 1853 Returns of places of burial and inter- ments within the bills of mortality ; 1830 to June 1833. fo. Loud. 1834 Taxatio Ecclesiastica of England and Wales, of pope Nicholas IV., 1291 ; by the Record Commission. 1802 Statue sec Sculpture. Statz (V) Gothic model book ; by A. Reichensperger, V. Statz, and G. Ungewitter. Steam Engine, Boiler, &c. Boilers, &c., clothing with patent felt ; by T. Wicksteed. 1840 cyhndrical and wagon head ; by T. Wicksteed. Kitchen, explosions of; byS. B. 1841 1881 Goslin. Disk steam engine, report on ; by J. Parkes. 1841 Jet, for cleaning stone ; by E. C. Robins. SP. 1874 Steel Girders, weights of ; by J. H. W. Buck. [1883] Mechanical properties of; by D. Kirk- aldy. 1873 Mild, properties of; by D. Adamson. and its application to building pur- poses ; by A. B. W. Kennedy. SP. 1880 Tensile strength of wrought steel ; by D. Kirkaldy. 1862 Steetley Derbyshire Church at ; by J. Contencin and T. Smith. 1860 Steffen ( ) sec Gartner (F von) and others. Stein (T) Krankenhaus der diakonisscn- anstaltBethanienzu Berlin. 4o. /icWml850 Stendhal Histoire de la peiutui-e on Italie ; [by H. Beyle]. 12o. Paris 1854 262 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Stephens (H) and Burn (R S) Book of farm buildings, their arrangement and construction. 80. Lond. 1871 Stephens (J L) Incidents of travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. 2 vols. 80. N. York 18il see Journal Dublin Eeview. 1842 ill Yucatan. 2 vols. 80. N. York 1843 Eeport on sewage of pampb. 80. 1870 Stephenson (G W) Cambridge. Stephenson (R) London and Westminster Water Com- pany ; report. pampb. 80. Lond. 1840 Eeports on drainage, sewerage, &c. 1858-59 Stephenson ( R M) Machinery for theatres. fo. Lond. Stereochromy see Silica. Stereotomy see Masonry. Stern (G) Piante, &c., della villa di Giulio III, Pontefice Massimo, fuori la porta Flaminia. fo. Borne 1784 Steven (R) Trade of chimney-sweeping. pampb. 4o. Lond. 1840 Stevens (H I) System of smoke-conduc- tion and ventilation adopted at Osmaston manor. SP. 28 Ap. 1851 Stevenson (D) Canal and river engineering. fo. Chatham 1877 Stevenson (J J) On recent reaction of taste in Engbsb architecture. pampb. 80. 1874 Architects and master workmen. SP. 4 Jan. 1875 Architectural restoration ; its principles and practice. SP. 28 May 1877 House architecture. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1880 Historical documents. SP. 28 Mar. 1881 Stevenson (R) Bridges see Hann (J) and others. Stewart (D J) The architectural history of Ely cathedi-al. 80. Lond. 1868 Stieglitz (C L) Encyklopadieder biirgerbchen baukunst. 5 vols. 80. Leipzig 1792-98 Archaologie der baukunst der Griechen und Eomer. 8 vols. 80. Weimar 1801 Plans et dessins tir^s de la belle architec- ture, fo. Paris 1801 Stier (G) Vorlegeblatter fiir maurer mid zimmeiieute. Test fo. Berlin 1841 Plates fo. Berlin 1841 Stirling Eoof over nave at West church ; by J. MacLean. SP. 1868 Stirling (M) Report by J. Owen of the results of experiments on the relative strength of common cast iron and toughened Stirling (M) — continued. cast iron ; with a few additional remarks by M. Stirlmg. 4o. Lond. 1847 Experiments on patent toughened iron and cast iron. pampb. 80. Lond. 1849 Stock (C H) A treatise on shoring and underpinning. 80. Lond. 1882 Stockholm Description of the royal palace ; by C. Tottie. MS. SP. 1840 Programme of a designed building for the Northern museum. pampb. 80. Stockholm 1883 Stockton Heath St. Thomas's church ; reopening of chancel. pampb. 80. Warrington 1878 Stoke Golding Leicestershire Church at; by T. L. Walker. 1844 Stokes (L A S) Pugin tour, 1880: in Lincohisbire, Yorkshire, and part of Northamptonshire and Notttngham- shire. MS. fo. Lond. 1880 Stokes (M) Early Christian architecture in Ireland. 80. Lond. 1878 Stokes & Co see Railway. Stone see Lithology. see Masonry. Stone (E M) The architect and mone- tarian : memoir by T. A. Tefft. pampb. 80. Provid. 1869 Stone Kent Church at; by G. E. Street. 1861 Stonecutting see Masonry. Stone-Heng by I. Jones. 1725 Stone-working Machine and Process Stone-planing machine ; by J. C. Eobert- son. SP. 1835 Stoney (B B) Theory of strains in girders and similar structures, &o. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1869 Storck (H) Tegninger af (eldre nordisk architectur ; by V. Dablerup, H. J. Holm, 0. V. Koch, and H. Storck. 1872- Storer (J and H S) Delineations of Foun- tains abbey, Yorkshire; with notices. 4o. Lo7id. Storm Narrative of the great storm ; by Anony- mous. 176 9 Eemarks on revolving storms ; by Anony- mous. 185 see Meteorology. Story (W W) see Wey (F). Stothard (C A) and Kempe (A J) Monu- mental eflSgies of Great Britain, from the Norman Conquest to Henry VIII. fo. Lond. IBI7 Stoves see Fireplaces. Stove (Forcing) see Conservatory. PEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 263 Stow (J) Survay of London : contayning the originall, increase, modeme es- tate, and government of that city. Begunne in the year 1598. fo. Lond. 1633 Stow (J j and Strype (J) Survey of London and Westminster. 2 vols. fo. Lond. 1720 Stow Lincohishire Church of St. Mary the Virgin ; by Cambridge Camden Society. 18-11 Stowe Buckinghamshire Catalogue of the hbrary removed from. 4o. Lond. 1849 Description of the house and gardens of the Earl Temple, &c. ; [by B. Seeley]. 8o. Lond. 1769 Strabo Geographica Grsece cum versione reficta ; by C. Miiller and F. Dubner. 2 parts. Bo. Parts 1858-58 Strack (H) Central- und kuppelkirchen der renaissance in Itahen. 2 vols. fo. Berlin 1882 Strack (J H) Altgriechische theater- gebiiude, nach siimmtlichen bekann- ten iiberresten dargestellt auf nemi tafelu. fo. Potsdam 1843 Strain Calculations of crushmg weight ; by E. Kerr. 1870 Graphic statics applied to girders ; by E. Olander. 1880 Li girders and similar structures ; by B. B. Stoney. 1869 L:on girders and roofs ; by T. Timmins. 1882 Maxwell's diagrams of stress ; by H. C. Seddon. SP. 1872 On bridge girders and roof trusses ; by T. CargiU. 1873 On structures of ironwork ; by F. W. Shields. 1867 Strange (Sir R) An inquiry into the rise and establishment of the Royal Academy of Arts. Bo. Lond. 1775 Strassburg Cathedi-al ; by N. M. Chapuy and J. G SchweighiEuser. 1827 by H. Schreiber. {Plates only.) 1829 Stratico (S) see Vitruvius. Strawberry Hill Middlesex ..Sides StrawberriansB. Names of pur- chasers and prices to the sale cata- logue. 4o. Lond. [1842] -{ Catalogue of the sale of the classic con- tents collected by H. Walpole. 4o. Lond. 1842 (Bound together.) StreatfeUd (T E C) Eastbm-y manor house. Barking. SP. 8 Ap. 1872 Streatfeild (T E C) — continued. On disposal of sewage of country houses. pamph. Bo. Lond. 1881 Street see Road. Street Architecture by J. Colhs. 1831 France and Italy, 12th to 15th century ; by R. Anderson. Influence of business requirements on ; by S. Knight. SP. 1876 Of the Victorian age ; by F. TaUis. 1861 Street (G E) Distmctive features of the middle pomted churches of Cornwall. pamph. 4o. 1850 Urgent plea for the revival of the true principles of architecture in the public buildings of the university of Oxford, pamph. Bo. Oxf. & Lond. 1853 Churches at Liibeck. pamph. Bo. [1854] Brick and marble of the middle ages ; notes of a tour in the north of Italy. 8o. Lond. 1855 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1874 Church of St. Mary, Stone, near Dart- ford, pamph. Bo. Lond. 1861 Churches of Le Puy-en-Velay in Au- vergne. SP. 7 Jan. 1861 Restoration of St. Michael Penkevel church, Cornwall. SP. 1 Dec. 1862 English woodwork in the 13th and 14th centuries. SP. 20 Feb. 1865 ■ Discussion. SP. 20 Mar. 1865 Some account of Gothic architecture in Spain. 8o. Lond. 1865 Explanation of his design for the pro- posed new courts of justice. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1867 Some remarks in explanation of his de- signs for (1) rebuilding, and (2) en- larging the National Gallery. pamph. Bo. Lond. 1867 Block plans and sections of new law courts. obi. fo. Lond. 1868 Differences of style in old buildings. SP. 29 Nov. 1869 Remarks and suggestions on scheme for completion of St. Paul's cathedral. pamph. Bo. Lond. 1871 Designs for new courts of justice. pamph. Bo. Lond. 1872 New courts of justice, notes in reply to some criticisms. 2nd edit. pami^h. Ho. Lond. 1B72 Opening address. SP. 7 Nov. 1B81 The work of the late ; by H. V. Banictt. 18B2 The late ; by A. J. B. B. Hope. CP. 1884 Street(G E) Seymour(E)andMartin(SirT) Christ Church cathedral, Dublin : restoration. fo. Lond. 1882 264 PRINTED BOOKS, MAITOSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Street (W C) Steam laundry buildings and macbinory. pampb. 80. Land. 1879 Strength of Materials see Materials. Strickland (C W) Cottage construction and design. 80. Land. 1864 Strike see Master and Workmen. Strong-room see Fireproof Construction. Strutt (J) Sports and pastimes of tbe people of England. 80. Lond. 1833 Strutting see Shoring. Strype (J) Survey of London and West- minster ; by J. Stow and J. Strype. 1720 Stuart (J) Sketcb book. 80. Sundry sketches in Greece. fo. [Stuart (James)] Critical observations on tlie buildings and improvements of London. [Anonymous.] 4o. Loud. 1771 Stuart (John) Notice of Melrose Abbey. pampb. 80. Alnwick 1859 Stuart (J) and Revett (N) Antiquities of Athens. 2 vols. Vol. iii., edited by W. Keveley. fo. Lond. 1762-87-94 Vol. iv., edit, by J. Woods. fo. Lond. 181G andotber places in Greece, Sicily, &c. : supplement, by C. K. Cockerell, T. L. Donaldson, W. Jenkins, W. Kinuard, and W. Rail- ton, fo. Lond. 1830 Stuart (R) Dictionary of architecture. 3 vols. 80. Lond. [1830] Stucco see Cement. Studio see Art School, &c. Stuler (Aj Das neue museum in Berlin. fo. Berlin 1862 Bauwerke von zweite abtheilung ; das neue universitats-gebaude zu K6- nigsberg. fo. Berlin 1865 (Das neue universitats-gebaude zu Konigs- berg. fo. Berlin 1865 Die burg Hobenzollern. fo. Berlin 18G6 Bound together with Knoblauch d: Hollin, "Neue Synagoge." see Berlin Architekten-Verein. see Berlin Koniglich Preussischen Ober-Bau-Deputation. 1852 Stuler (A) Prosch (E) and Willebrand (H) Das scbloss zu Scbwerin. fo. Berlin 1866-69 Stumpf (G) Bau-, gewerbe-, strassen- &c. polizei fiir Berlin und Brandenburg. pamph. 80. Berlin 1879 Sturt (J) Plates to Perspective see Pozzo (A) (James's translation). Stutely (M J) Employment of Gothic architecture. MS. 1834 Stuttgard La Wilhelma ; by L. de Zanth. 1855 Style of Architecture by T. Bury. 1849 Arcbitektonische stylarten; byA.Rosen- garten. 1857 Classic, in buildings of Rome ; by G. L. Taylor. SP. 1873 Darstellung eines reinen einfachen ; by E. Kopp. 1837-39 Differences of, in old buildings ; by G. E. Street. SP. 1869 England ; by T. Rickman. 1817, 1825, 1835, 1862, 1881 Katechismus der baustyle; by E. F. von Sacken. 1861 National style in reference to the proposed Foreign Oftice ; by Anonymous. 1860 Popular accomit ; by E. L. Tarbuck. 1855 Studies in ; by R. P. Pullan. 1883 Style and composition ; by G. Aitchison. 1886 Synchronism and miiformity of styles ; by E. Chamberlain. MS. 1842 by J. W. Papworth. MS. 1842 What style in additions to old work ? by W. T. A. Radford. 1871 Suaresius (J M) Prseneste antiqua, libri duo. fo. Leyden Arcus L. Septimii Severi Aug. Anaglypha cum explicatione. fo. Home 1676 Subiaco Grotto of St. Benedict ; by M. D. Wyatt. SP. 1857 Subterranean Chamber At Carrigtohill, and at Ballyhendon, Cork ; by T. C. Croker. 1830 La Campania sotterranea. From Foreign Quarterly Review. 1836 see Rock-cut. Subway see Tunnel. Suffolk Churches in hundred of Hoxne ; by W. E. Bishop. 1833 Pugin tour ; by W. J. N. Millard. 1880 bv A. Webb. 1874 see Parker (J H). 1848-55 Sulman (J) Description of the churches and other buildings visited as Pugin travelling student for 1872. MS. 4o. Sulpitius see Vitruvius. 1484, 1497 Summer House see Gardening, &c. Sunbury Common IMiddlesex Ancient British cemetery ; by E. Roberts. 1871 Sunium see Society of Dilettanti. 1833 Superga see Turin. Superintendents of English buildings in the middle ages ; by W. Papworth. SP. 1860, 1861, 1887 Supperville (D P G H de) see Humbert de SupperviRe (D P G). PEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCKIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPKKS 265 Surrey Handbook ; by J. Murray. 1865 Surrey Archaeological Society List of members and rules. 80. Lond, 1856 Collections. 80. Lond. 1858-85 Surtees Society Briefe declaration of an- cient monuments, rites, andcustomes witbia the monastical cburch of Durham before the suppression. (Ed. byJ. Eaine.) 80. Lond. [18U] Surveying and Levelling by P. Brufl'. 1838 And land engineering ; by T. Baker. 1859 Education of the surveyor ; by T. J. Hurst. [1880] GeodfBsia improved ; by A. Burns. 1771 Guide ; by J. Cotes. 1808 Land ; by H. J. Castle. 1845, 1847 by W. Da%-is. 1798 by T. Dix. 1802 Principles and practice of levelling ; by F. W. Simms. 1846 Surveyors' dialogue ; by J. Norden. 1788 Trigonometrical ; by C. S. de Malortie. 1820 sec Building Land. see District Surveyors' Association. Surveyors' Institution Transactions. {Li ijrogress.) 80. Lond. 1869-87- By-laws and regulations. 80. Lond. 1870 Library catalogue. 80. Lond. 1874 80. Lond. 1883 Transactions, vol. xv., appendix : sylla- bus of subjects and examples of papers set at examinations. 80. Lond. 1883 Charter and by-laws. pamph. 80. Lond. List of members. pamph. 80. Lond. Susa Arco antico ; by P. A. Masazza. Susiana Persia Travels and researches ; by W. K. Loftus. Suspension Bridge sea Bridge. Sussex Domesday Book in relation to the county of Sussex. fo. Lewes Mayfield in ; by E. Eoberts. Parochial fragments of West Tarring, &c. ; by J. W. Warter. • Sussex Akch^ological Society General index to collections. Vols. 1-25. 80. Leioes Collections. {Li -progress^) 80. Lewes 1875-87- Sutter (D) Philosophic des beaux-arts ap- pliquee k la peinture. 80. Paris Suys (T F) Pantheon de Rome : details arehitectoni- ques du peristyle. fo. Bniss. Plan du palais de justice k construire h, BruxeUes. fo. Bruss. 1838 1884 1886 1750 1857 1886 1867 1853 1874 1858 1838 Suys (F T) and Haudebourt (L P) Palais Massimi a Eome. fo. Paris 1818 Swabia Die kuust des mittelalters in ; by C. Hei- deloff. 1855 Mittelalterliche baudenkmale aus ; by J. von Egle, A. Beyer, and C. Riess. 1872 Swan (A) The British architect, or builder's treasury of staircases. fo. Lond. 1745 A collection of designs in architecture, &c., and designs of stone and timber bridges. (2 vols, in 1.) fo. Lond. 1757-58 Carpenter's complete instructor : de- signs of domes, trussed roofs, &c. 4o. Lond. 1768 Swart (... de) Chambre et ht de parade de S. A. R. Anne, &c. ; by S. Fokke and ... de Swart. 1759 Sweden and Norway .Slldre uordisk architectur; by V. Dahlerup and others. 1872- Architecture of Norway ; by E. I' Anson. SP. 1878 Brandordning for Halmstad, Helsuig- borg, Gefle, Malmo, Norrkoping, Orebro, Stockholm, Strengnas, Warberg, Westervik, WesterSs, och Wexjo. pamphs. 1875-77 Building law ; by A. Beazeley. SP. 1866 Byggnadsordning for Halmstad, Hel- singborg, Gefle, Stromsbo, Karls- krona, Malmo, Norrkoping, Orebro, Stockholm, Strenguiis, Warberg, Westervik, Westerns, Wexjo, Jon- koping, och Goteborg. pamphs. 1875-84 — — och brandordning for Christianstad, Lund, Upsala. pamphs. 1875-79 Byggnadsstadga och brandstadga for rikets stader. pamph. 80. Upsala 1875 Bygnmgslov, politi- og sundheds-ved- taegter for Christiania. pamph. 12o. Christiania 1878 Churches of ; by J. White. SP. 1841 Denkmale einer holzbaukunst ; by J. C. C. Dahl. 1837 Domestic buildings in Southern Sweden ; by A. Beazeley. SP. 1883 Handbook ; by J. Murray. 1848 Monuments du moyen-age ; by F. M. Mandelgren. 1862 Views in sec Dahlberg (E). Swimming Bath sec Bath and Washhouse. Swinburne (A C) see Rossetti (W M). Swindell (J G) Well-digging, boring, and pump work, &c. 12o. Lond. 1849 M M 266 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCBIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPEES Switzerland and Swiss Architecture Arcliitecture pittoresque en Suisse ; by A. and E. Varin. 1861 Baumaterialien ; by U. Meister and others. 1884 Certain early Eomanesque buildings in ; by E. A. Freeman. SP. 1864 Der Schweizer bolzstyl ; by E. Glad- bach. 1868 Histoire de I'arcbitecture sacr^e du IV"^ an X*^ si^cle ; by J. D. Blavignac. 1853 History and architecture of; by E. A. Freeman. 1863 Sketches ; by E. George. _ 1870 Swyncombe Oxon Historical notice ; by H. A. Napier. 1858 Sydenham St. Bartholomew's church; account of memorial ; by E. Nash. 1858 Sydney N.S.W. Map of city and suburbs. 8o. Sydney [1884] Post-office carvings : minutes and report. (1029 A.) fo. Sydney 1884 BoABD OP Technical Education Ee- port, 1885. pamph. 8o. Sydney 1886 Feee Public Libeaey Catalogue, 1876, Eeference Department. 8o. Sydney 1878 Supplement to catalogue, for 1877-78. 4o. Sydney 1880 Institute of Abchitects of N.S. Wales Eules and regulations. 8o. Sydney 1884 Annual report, 1885. 12o. Sydney 1885 Inteenational Exhibition, 1879 Awards to exhibitors from the United Kingdom. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1881 Official record. 8o. Sydney 1881 • awards. 8o. Sydney [1879] Sylvester (J) Description of a process to render stone impervious to moisture. MS. SP. 9 Jan. 1843 see Ferrey (B). Symbolism see Iconology. Symonds (J A) The renaissance : an essay. pamph. 8o. Oxford 1863 Symons (G J) British rainfall, 1860-61. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1862 Synagogue Berlin ; by J. Knoblauch and F. HoUin. 1867 Synchronism see Style. Syracuse Ancient city of; by S. Angell. SP. 1847 Delle antiche ; by D. G. Bonanni and D. V. Mirabella. 1717 Euins at ; by J. J. Scoles. MS. SP. 1847 St. John's church ; by S. Smirke. 1833 Syria Arabic ornamental architecture ; by J. D. Crace. SP. 1870 Centrale ; by M. de Vogii^. 1867 Syria— co«^wi;(CfZ. Handbook ; by J. Murray. Histoire de I'art ; by G. Perrot and C. Chipiez. Vols. iii. and iv. 1885 Holy Land ; by F. Bernardino. by D, Eoberts and G. Croly. Eglises de ; by M. de 1858 -87 1620 1842 Pelerinages en ; by M. de Vogu6. Vogii6. Travels in ; by H. Light. Journey through Arabia Petraa ; by L. de Laborde. Monuments arabes ; by Girault de Prangey. Palestine, Illustrata ; by H. Eelandus. Jewish and Eoman architec- ture in ; by E. Pierotti. SP. Euiued buildings in ; by T. L. SP. Donaldson. Voyage pittoresque ; by L. 1860 1868 1818 1836 1846 1714 1862 1869 Cassas. Eecent discoveries in ; byT. [1799] 1864 L. Donald- son. SP. Syro-Egyptian Society of London Original papers read before the society. Vol. i. Part ii. 8o. Lond. 1850 Sessions 1852-53-54-55. 8o. Lond. 1852-55 Szerelmey (N C) Specification for rendering structures waterproof. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1857 Encaustic and zopissa processes, as ap- plied by the ancients for indurating and preserving stone, cements, bricks, timber, sculpture, and paint- mgs : with some account of the re- vival of these processes. pamph. 8o. Lo^id. [1861] Tables and Formulae Annuities, discomat, and interest ; by J. Smart. and payments ; by Count Eumford. and reversionary payments ; by E. Price. Contuiental lineal and square measures ; by W. S. B. Woolhouse. For estimating earthwork ; by C. K. Sibley and W. Eutherford. Handbook of formulse, &c. ; by J. T. Hurst. Logarithms ; by the Society for the Dif- fusion of Useful Knowledge. 1726 1798 1792 1836 1847 1882 1860 PEINTKD BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPEES 267 Tabulating Machine see Mathematical Instrument. Talbert (B J) Gothic forms applied to furniture. fo. Lond. Tallis (F) Examples of London and provincial street architecture of the Victorian age. Part i. 4o. Lond. Tanner (E) Ventilation in India. pamph. 80. Loodiana Tanridge Surrey Priory; byA. Heales. Tapestry sec Textile Art. Tappen (G) Professional observations on the architecture of the principal ancient and modern buildings in France and Italy ; with remarks on the painting and sculpture, and a concise local description of these countries. 80. Lond. Tarascon Chapelle de Saint-Gabriel ; by H. K6voil. Tarbuck (E L) Encyclopfedja of practical carpentry and joinery. 4o. Leipzig & Lond. Historical sketch of the past develop- ment of architecture considered as a fine art ; with an examination into the principles of modern practice and the present state of the profession. Prize essay. MS. Popular account of the styles of architec- ture ; their rise, progress, and pre- sent condition. 80. Lond. Handbook of house-property. 12o. Lond, 2nd ed. 12o. Lond. 1867 1861 1869 1885 1800 1863 1853 1855 1875 1880 Tardieu (A) Colonne de la gi-ande arm6e d'Auster- Utz, ou de la Victoire. Monument triomphal erig6 en bronze, sur la place Vendome a Paris. With a MS. supplement. 4o. Paris 1822 Choix d'edifices pubHcs ; by C. GourUer and others. 1825 sec Vitruvius. Tarn(EW) Mathematical sciences in their relation to architecture. Prize essay. MS. Stabihty of domes. pamph. 80. Lond. Admeasurement of sky in cases of light. SP. 2 May Science of building. 80. Lond. Practical geometry for the architect, en- gineer, and surveyor. 80. Lond. Elementary principles of carpentry, from the work of Thomas Tredgold, with additions and corrections ; . . . and a treatise on joinery. Text 12o. Lond. Plates 4o. Lond. -50 1837 1856 1866 1870 1870 1871 1873 1873 Tarver (E J) Enghsh monuments of the 16th and 17th centuries. SP. 17 Dec. 1888 Tasmania Products of, in the Interna- tional Exhibition ; by G. Whiting. 1862 Tatham (C H) Etchings, representing the best examples of ancient ornamental architecture ; drawn from the originals in Kome, and other parts of Italy, in 1794-96. 3rd edition. fo. Lond. Mausoleum at Castle Howard. 4o. Etchings, representing the best ex- amples of Grecian and Eoman archi- tectural ornaments, collected in Italy. fo. Lond. Tatter sail (G) Sportmg architecture. 4o. Lond. Tattersall (W) Ventilation of factories and workshops. pamph. 80. Lond. Tattershall Castle Illustrations of ; by F. H. Reed. Taunton St. Mary Magdalen church, and restora- tions ; by J. Cottle. SOMEESETSHIEE AeCH^IOLOGICAL AND Natural History Society Proceedings, 1849-51. 80. Taunton 1851' Tavistock Archfeological notes ; by E. Ap- pleton. Taxatio Ecclesiastica sec Statistics. Taylor { ) sec Price Book. Taylor (A T) Architecture of London in 16th century. pamph. MS. fo, Towers and steeples designed by Sir Ch. Wren. 80. Lond. Taylor (A W) Construction of theatres. SP. 19 Dec. Taylor (B) Linear perspective ; or, a new method of representing justly all manner of objects, as they appear to the eye in all situations. 80. Lond. New principles of linear perspective ; or, the art of designing on a plane the representations of all sorts of ob- jects. 80. Lond. sec Kirby (J). .sec Malton (T) Taylor (G L) Pisa ; by E. Cresy and G. L. Taylor. Concrete underpinning of storehouse at Chatliam Dock. SP. 4 .July Roofs constructed over some of the Ad- miralty docks and building slips. SP. IG Jan. 1887 1810 1812 1826 1841 1887 1872 1845 ■52 1866 1874 1881 1864 1715 1719 1755 1779 1829 1836 268 tEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRrPTS, SESSIONAL PAPEES Taylor (G L) — continued. Gasworks, and the introduction of Cannel coal gas (thoroughly purified) into the metropolis. SP. 7 Feb. 1848 pamph. 8o. Loud. 1848 Ancient Eoman and Etruscan architec- ture and remains. SP. 24 Jan. 1859 Stones of Etruria and marbles of ancient Rome. 4o. Loud. 1859 Autobiography of an octogenarian archi- tect. 2 vols. 4o. Loud. 1870 On classic architecture as principally ex- emplified in buildings of Rome, SP. 7 Ap. 1873 Taylor (G L) and Cresy (E) Architectural antiquities of Eome. 2 vols. fo. Lond. 1821-22 Taylor (H) Notes on sketching tours, by an Archi- tect. 8o. Lond. & Manch. 1880 Old halls in Lancashire and Cheshire. 4o. Manch. 1884 Taylor (J) The great pyramid — why was it built, and who built it '? 8o. Lo7id. 1859 Taylor (J) jun. Improved mode of constructing walls. pamph. fo. Lond. 1849 Sundry sanitary building appliances. SP. 12 Jan. 1863 Taylor (M) Importance and advantage of quantities and measuring being done by the architect. CP. 10 May 1881 Taylor (M) and Fergusson (J) Architecture at Beejapoor. 2 copies. fo. Lond. 1866 Architecture in Dharwar and Mysore. fo. Lond. 1866 Taylor (W B S) Origin, progress, and pre- sent condition of fine arts in Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols. 8o. Lond. 1841 Teale (T P) Dangers to health : a pictorial guide to domestic sanitary defects. 8o. Lond. & Leeds 1879 Technical Education Buildings for see Robins (E C). Drawing-room meetmg for the promo- tion of. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1887 Report on ; by Sydney Board. 1886 Report of committee (1868). pamph. 8o. Lond. 1868 Revived Guild action ; by G. Shaw. 1878 Second report of royal commissioners, vol. V. (C. 3981. iv.) 8o. Lond. 1884 see Brunswick. see Berlin. see Education. Tefft (T A) Memoir of; by E. M. Stone. 1869 Telegraphing and Signalling Application de la telegraphic electrique aux usages domestiques ; by L. L. V. [1862] Telford (T) Report on the effects which will be pro- duced on the river Thames by the rebuilding of London bridge. fo. Lond. 1823 Report of water supply to the metropolis. fo. Lond. 1834 Life of; written by himself. Edited by J. Eickman. Text 4o. plates fo. Lond. 1838 Temanza (T) Vite dei piu celebri architetti e scultori veneziani che fiorirono nel secolo decimosesto. 4o. Venice 1778 Tempera Painting see Decoration. Templars see Monastic Architecture. Temple Mgma, and Bassffi ; by C. R. Cockerell. 1860 Proportions of ; by W. W. Lloyd. Ancient and modern ; by W. Bardwell. 1837 Civitates neocorse ; by J. H. Krause. 1844 Ephesus, temple of Diana ; by E. Falkener. 1862 by J. Fer- gusson. SP. 1877 by J. T. Wood. SP. 1875 — reply to Mr. Fergusson's paper ; by J. T. Wood. SP. 1884 plan see Ephesus. 1880 Ezekiel described ; by S. Bemiett. 1824 Garden ; plans of; by J. Paine. 1767-83 Grecian ; by W. R. West. 1866 Introduction of light into ; by J. Fergusson. SP. 1861 Greece and Rome ; by R. Burgess. MS. SP. 1841 parts and uses of ; by R. Burgess. SP. 1881-82 HypiBthral ; by J. W. Papworth. SP. 1866 by C. Boetticher. by J. Fergusson. SP. 1877 India, cave temples ; by J. Fergusson and J. Burgess. 1880 rock-cut ; by J. Fergusson. 1845, 1864 Satruujaya ; by J. Burgess. 1869 Jerusalem, Holy Sepulchre and ; by J. Fergusson. 1865 Jews ; by J. Fergusson. 1878 Olympia of Zeus at ; by 0. E. Norton. 1877 Olympischen Jujiiter, der tempel des; by L. von Klenze. 1821 Pffistum ; by H. Labrouste. 1877 Sul ristabUimento del tempio di Giove ; by E. Pohti. 1828 Selinus, Sicily ; by J. I. Hittorff. 1851 PRIKTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 269 Temple — continued. Serapide in Pozzuoli ; by A. de Jorio. 1820 Vesta ; by H. Jordan. 1886 Tenby Pembrokeshire by C. Norris. 1812 Tennent (J E) Ceylon. 3rd edit. 2 vols. 8o. Lo7id. 1859 Tenon (J R) M^moires sur les hopitaux de Paris. 4o. Paris 1788 Tenure see Law. Term in Art and Science see Dictionary. Terra Cotta, Pottery, &c. by A. Beckwith. 1872 by J. M. Blashfield. 1855, 1857, 1868 by A. Boni & Co. 1864 by C. Fowler. SP. 1850 Ajicient see British Museum. Application to modern architecture ; by E. Locke. 1869 Architecture of North Italy ; by L. Gruner. 1867 Ceramic industrial arts; byM.D. Wyatt. 1851-52 manufactures, influence of M. H. Minton on ; by M. D. Wyatt. 1858 Construction en poteries et fer ; by C. L. G. Eck. 1836 Employed at Dulwich college ; by C. Barry. SP. 1868 Etudes ceramiques ; by J. Ziegler. 1850 Fragmens de sculpture antique ; by Serous d'Agincourt. 1814 Pottery and porcelain ; by Sir H. de la Beche and others. 1855 marks and mono- grams on ; by W. Chaffers. 1870 Studii teorici e pratici di architettura e di ornatodelle fabbriche ; byL. Cadorin. see Brickwork. Teseo (L) Loggie di Eafaele see Camporesi (P) 1774-76 Tessellated see Mosaic. Tetius (H) ^des Barberinse ad Quirina- lem. fo. Borne 1642 Tetmajer (L) Baumaterialien der Schweiz ; by U. Meister, L. Tetmajer, and others. 1884 Teulon (W M) Eemarks on some of the condemned city churches. SP. 9 Ap. 1877 Tewkesbury Abbey ; by J. H. Blunt. 1875 Texier (C) Miscellaneous MS. (bound). fo. Papers relating to the antiquities of Asia Mmor. fo. MS. Les tribes arabes de I'lrac-Arabi. pamph. 8o. Paris [1830] Description de I'Asie Mineure. 3 vols. Text. fo. Paris 1839-49 2 vols. Plates, fo. Paris 1839-49 L'Armdnie, la Perse et la Mesopotamie : — geographic, geologic, monuments an- ciens et modernes, mceurs et coutumes, &c. 2 vols. fo. Paris 1842-52 Texier (C) — continued. M^moires sur la villa et le port de Fr^jus. 4o. Paris 1847 Etude sur les alluvions des fleuves dans le bassin de la Mediterranee. pamph. 8o. St. Germain-en-Laye 1858 Memoire sur les ports antiques situes a I'embouchure du Tibre. 8o. Paris 1858 Asie Mineure, vol. xii. of "L'Univers Pittoresque." 8o. Paris 1862 Note sur la ville de Perga, en Pamphylie, Asie Mineure. SP. 18 May 1863 Description of some bas-reliefs from Guerdza, North Africa. SP. 27 Ap. 1868 Observations sur quelques populations de la Perse. 8o. Paris 1869 Notice de ; by A. Boudin. 1870 Texier (C) and Pullan (R P) Byzantme architecture ; illustrated by earliest Christian edifices m the east. fo. Loud. 1864 The principal ruins of Asia Minor illus- trated and described. fo. Land. 1865 Textile Art and Tapestry by M. D. Wyatt. 1858 St. Mary"s hall, Coventry ; by G. Scharf. 1856 see Recueil d'Estampes. vol. xix. Thanet In former days ; by S. W. Kershaw. 1881 Theatre Construction by C. Garnier. 1871 by A. Gossett. 1886 by C. T. Ottmer. 1838 by E. Salomons. SP. 1871 by G. Saunders. 1790 by A. W. Taylor. SP. 1864 by J. Wetter and A. M. Peyi-e. 1829 Acoustique et optique des salles ; by T. LachSz. 1848 Architecture theatrale ; by P. Patte. 1782 Design for ; by G. Wyatt. 1812 Designs and plans and stage machinery in France and Italy. {Plates only .) fo. Einrichtung der theater-gebiiuden ; by A. Cavoo. 1849 Fires m ; by E. M. Shaw. 1876 Machmery for ; by E. M. Stephenson. Eegulation (Metropolis) Bill, 1886. (Bill 69.) fo. Loud. 1886 Ecgulations by Metropolitan Board of Works. 1876 Eemarks on ; and their vaultmg ; by S. Ware. 1809 State regulations in Lower Austria. {In German.) pamph. 4o. 1882 Ancient Altgrieehische theatergebaiide ; by J. H. Strack. 1843 270 PBINTED BOOKS, MANUSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Theatre Ancient — conlimied. Antiques, leur grandeur comparee A. M. Chenavard. Catania ; by S. Ittar. MS Crete ; by E. Falkener. Posilipo ; by G. Beclii. Roman ; by J. C. Bulengerus. ' by E. Burgess. - Flavian amphitheatre ; by SP. Ee. by A. L. T. Marcellus ; doyer. Modern Aries ; by A. Caristie Bordeaux, salle de Louis. De la place du Chatelet ; by C G. Davioud. Dresden ; by G. Semper. Drury Lane ; by B. Wyatt. Meuiingen ; by C. T. Ottmer. National ; by G. Godwin. Notizie sul teatro di Berga chella. Nouveau theatre italien ; Amateur. Nuovo teatro d' Lnola ; by C. Morelli Orange ; by A. Caristie. by A. H. Eevoil. by 1880 1837 1854 MS. 1843 1603 SP. 1848 L. 1812 Vau- 1812 spectacle ; by V. Daly and ; by V. Bari- by Un vieil 1889 1782 1849 1818 1878 1825 1780 1856 1883 Parallele des theatres de I'Europe ; by C. Contaut and J. de Filippi. [1860] Paris ; by A. Donnet. 1821 Nouvel Op^ra de ; by C. Garnier. 1875-81 Parma ; by P. Toschi. 1829 Eapport sur les theatres de TEurope ; by C. Garnier. Verzaro at Perugia, and the art of scene- painting see Perugia. Vicenza ; by A. Magrini. by G. Montenari. see Palladio (A). Victoria, Berlin ; by H. Kiimmerling. Vienna opera-house ; by H. Auer and P. Lange. see Paris. Thebes Antiquities, ruins, and other curi- osities of ; by F. L. Norden. ThioUet (F) Principes et 6tudes d'arehitecture d'apres Vignole, Palladio, Vitruve, &c. Principes et modeles de dessiu lm6- aire, et recueil de dessins au trait. Geometrie. Applications diverges en menuiserie, serrurerie, marbrerie, mecanique, architecture, fo. Paris Serrurerie et fonte de fer recemment executdes. fo. Paris Choix de maisons, Mifices et monumens publics. ob. fo. Paris 1863 1785 1847 1733 1861 1885 1780 1818 Thiollet (F) — continued. Antiquitcs, monumens et vues pitto- resques du Haut-Poitou. fo. Paris 1822 LeQons d'arehitecture theorique et pra- tique, comprenant I'histoire des or- dres, &c. 4o. Paris 1847 Choix des maisons de Paris ; by J. C. H. Krafft and ThioUet. 1849 Thiollet (F) and Roux (H) Nouveau re- cueil de menuiserie et de decorations mterieures et exterieures. fo. Paris 1887 Thiollet (F) and Simon (E) Portes mouu- mentales de la Grece et de I'ltalie ; by T. L. Donaldson. 1837 Thomas (A) sec Rayet (0). Thomas (W C) Suburban schools for drawing and modelling. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1850 Outlines of metronomy ; or, the science of proportion. SP. 24 May 1869 The revised theory of light. 8o. Loud. 1875 Thompson (B) Count Rumford Essays, political, economical, and philo- sophical. 4th edit. 2 vols. 8o. Lond. 1798 Essay on chimney fireplaces. New edit. 8o. Glouc. 1862 Thompson (G) Eoyal palace and monastery of St. Laurence, called the Escurial. {Translated from Francisco de las Santos.) 4o. Lo7id. 1760 Thompson (P) Designs for the proposed new Houses of ParUament. 4o. Lond. 1836 Thorns (P P) Ancient Chinese vases of the Shaug dynasty, fi-om 1746 to 1496 B.C. pamph. 8o. Lond. [1851] Thomson (A) Malleable iron-beam bridge, constructed in 1889 over the Polloc and Govan railway, near Glasgow. MS. SP. 22 Jan. 1849 Art and architecture, pamph. 8o. Manch. 1877 Thomson (J) Observations on the ancient village chm-ch of Leigh-de-la- Mere, Wiltshire. MS. SP. 15 May 1848 Thon (C A) Proceedings at his jubilee festival. {Text in Bussian.) pamph. 8o. [S. Petersb. 1865] {Translation.) MS. fo. [Lond. 1882] Thon (C) and Ballanti (V) Palazzo de' Cesari sul Monte Palatinorestaurato. fo. Borne 1828 Thoricus see Society of Dilettanti. Thorp (T) Charge delivered at the visitation of the archdeaconry of Bristol. 8o. Bristol 1842 8o. Bristol 1843 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 271 Thorpe Hall Peterborough by A. W. Hake- will. 1852 Throndhjem Domkirke ; by P. A. Munch and H. E. Sohirmer. 1859 by N. Nicolaysen. 1872 by G. Schoning. 1762 by C. N. Schwach. 1838 Thrupp (F) Compositions in outline, from Lord Byron's " Manfred " and " Prisoner of CbLlIon." fo. Lond. Outlines to " Rhyme of the ancient ma- riner " by S. T. Coleridge. fo. Thurah (L de) Den Danske Vitruvius, in- deholder grundtegninger, opstalter, og giennemsnitter af de mserkveer- digste bygninger i kongeriget Dan- nemark, samt de kongelige Tydske provintzer, &c. {Danish, French, and German text.) 2 vols. fo. Copcn. 1746-49 Thumam (J) Wilts comity Imiatic asylum; by T. H. Wyatt and J. Thurnam. 1852 Tiemey (M A) History and antiquities of the castle and town of Arundel, Sussex. 2 vols. 8o. Lond. 1834 Tighe (R R) and Davis (J E) Annals of Windsor, bemg a history of the castle and town ; with some accomit of Eton and places adjacent. 2 vols. 8o. Lond. 1858 Tilers' and Bricklayers' Company Report of the purposes, progress, and the present state of the almshouses belonging to the company, at Ball's Pond, Islington. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1837 Tile and Tile-making American ; by F. D. Millett. pamph. 1882 Ancient Irish pavement; by T. Old- ham. Manufacture of ; by E. Dobson. 1850 Patents for inventions, abridgements ; by T. E. Smith. 1862 Specimens of ; by H. Shaw. 1858 see Mosaic. Timber (as Mateiual) And timber-trees ; by T. Laslett. 1875 Analysis of returns relating to colonial timber. fo. Lond. 1878 Chestnut ; in old buildings ; by W. Pap- worth. SP. 1858 Creosoting process for preserving ; by J. Bethell. 1856 Cultivation of forest trees ; by R . Mc- Wilham. 1818 Duties on ; report from select committee. fo. Lond. 1835 Timber (as Material) — continued. Forest trees and propagation of timber ; by J. Evelyn. 1801 Nature and constitution of ; by T. Lin- gard. 1842 New Zealand, durability ; by T. Kirk, J. M. Balfour, and E. W.Ward. 1875 Preserving, drying, and seasoning ; by J. BetheU. 1854 Prevention of decay in ; by De Lappa- rent. 1862 Strength of; bv P. Barlow. 1837 by H. C. Seddon. 1881 by T. Tredgold. MS. SP. 1886 Testimonials on Mr. BetheU's patent creosotmg process for preserving. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1854 Turning and mechanical manipulation ; by C. Holtzapffel. 1843 see Decay. Timber (Construction) Causes of decay in wooden builduigs ; by R. Permg. 1812 Denkmale einer holzbaukunst in Nor- wegen ; by J. C. C. Dahl. 1837 Der Schweizer holzstyl, mit holzbauten Deutschlands ; by E. Gladback. [1868] Edifices of England, ancient ; by J. Clayton. 1846 Gables ; by A. Pugm. 1836, 1854 Girders ; by W. S. Inman. SP. 1837 Holzarchitectur des mittelalters ; by C. Botticher. 1841 Houses ; by C. Baily. 1869 by M. Habershon. 1836 by A. W. N. Pugin. 1836 Maderas de construccion ; by E. Pld, y Rave. 1881 Norddeutscher holzbau ; by C. Lachner. 1885 Wooden churches, hints on ; by F. de J. Clere. 1887 see Carpentry. Timler (C) Die renaissance in Italien. 4o. Leipzig 1865 Timmins (T) Examples of iron roofs. Girders and roofs. (Graphic strains.) 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1882 Tin sea Lead, &c. Tintern Abbey Abbey church ; by J. Potter, [hi " An- cient Monastic Architecture.") 1847 Architectural parallels ; by E. Sharpe. 1845 Guide to ; by T. BlashiU. 1879 Tiryns Prehistoric palace ; by H. Schhe mann. 1886 Tischbein (W) Engravings from ancient vases, mostly of pure Greek work- manship, discovered m sepulchres in the Two SiciUes, but chiefly near Naples, during 1789-90, now in the 272 PBINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Tischbein (W) — continued. possession of Sir W. Hamilton. (English and French text to vols, i.-iii.) 4 vols. fo. Naples 1791-1809 Tite (W) Proceedings taken in building the origi- nal Exchange by Sir T. Gresham, and that built in 1666 ; with some account of the antiquities discovered in preparing for the foundations of the present building. SP. 15 Dec. 1845 Eecollections of a course of lectures on architecture, delivered at the Eoyal Academy by Sir J. Soane, 1817. SP. 30 Nov. 1846, and 17 Ap. 1848 Descriptive catalogue of the antiquities found in the excavations at the new Royal Exchange, preserved m the museum of the corporation of Lon- don, &c. 8o. Lond. 1848 Letter fiom Rome. SP. 17 May 1852 Remarks on the present condition and future of architecture m England. SP. 5 and 19 Nov. 1855 Recent discoveries of the remains of the mausoleum at HaUcarnassus. SP. 1 Nov. 1858 Progress of architecture in Europe since the estabUshment of the R.I.B.A. SP. 7 Nov. 1859 Address dehvered at the first meeting of the R.I.B.A. in the new rooms, Conduit Street, 7 Nov. 1859. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1860 Opening address. SP. 4 Nov. 1861 Stone preservative processes. SP. 28 Jan., 4 and 11 Feb. 1861 Reprints of sessional papers on Egyptian obelisks, by R. Burgess, J. Bell, and others. 8o. Lond. 1862 Opening address. SP. 3 Nov. 1862 Some information relating to the late Mr. Elmes, architect of St. George's Hall, Liverpool. SP. 30 Nov. 1863 Paris street improvements and their cost. SP. 14 Dec. 1863 — pamph. 8o. Lond. 1864 1868 1869 • Opening address, R.I.B.A. MSS. 8o. Lond. SP. 2 Nov. SP. 1 Nov. autograph of late Sir 8o. Lond. Catalogue of books letters, and engra\'ings W. Tite. 8o. Lond. 1874 Tivoli Inalveazione del flume Aniens ; by F. Massimo. 1838 Le fontane del giardino Estense ; by G. F. Venturini. Monumenti antichi ; by G. B. Rezzonico. 1779 Ragionamento sulle scoperte fatte in ; by C. Folchi. 1834 Tivoli — continued. Vestigia delle antichita di ; by M. Sade- ler. Todd (G) Accoimt of Sheriff Button castle, with church of St. Helen, &c. 8o. York Toddington Gloucestershire byJ.Britton. Token see Numismatics. Tokio Japan Report of Imperial College of Engineering. 8o. Tokio Tolain (H) Rapport sur la creation d'^coles d'apprentissage. pamph. 4o. Paris Tolhausen (F ) and Gardissal (CD) Techno- logical dictionary: English, French, 1660 1824 1840 1877 1881 64 8o. Paris 1855 translated by 8o. Lond. 1885 and German. 3 vols Tolstoi (L) What I believe C. Popoff. Tomb and Sepulchje by E. Blore. 1826 by A. W. HakewiU. 1849 by F. M. Tosi. 1856-60 by C. Tottie. 1839, 1846 And tablets : designs for ; by T. Faul- kener. 1835 Antichi sepolcri trovati in Roma ; by P. Santi BartoU. romani ; by G. P. Cam- pana. Architecture fun^raire ; by C. Daly. L'art funeraire moderne ; by J. Bous- sard. Gdn^ral Foy ; by A. L. T. Vaudoyer. Henri de Lorraine ; by P. Morey. Konigsgriiber bei Sardes mid grabhiigel des Alyattes ; by J. F. M. von Olfers. Louis XII et Fran9ois I ; by Imbard. Mausoleum at Castle Howard ; by C. H. Tatham. Theodoric at Ravenna 1768 1840 1871 1831 1863 by S. Smirke. Monseigneur Carte, Eveque de Nimes ; by H. R6voil. Napoleon I see Paris. Oimenepthah I., king of Egypt ; by J. Bonomi and S. Sharpe. Pelasgic, at Cervetri ; by L. Canina. MS. SP. Porsenna ; by J. Fergusson. Recueil des plus beaux tombeaux executes en Italie dans les XV* et X VP siecles ; by Grandjean de Montigny. Sarcophagus in Govan churchyard ; by J. Honeyman. Sepulchral memorials ; by J. H. Mark- land. J. de Slieppy, at Rochester ; by A. J. Kempe. Tombeau et epitaphe de Boetius ; by H. E6voil. 1859 1815 1812 1830 1859 1864 1840 1885 [1875] 1840 1833 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 273 1843 Donald- SP. 1852 1858 Tomb and Sepulchre — continued. Tombstones ; by F. E. Paget. Westminster Abbey ; by T. L. son. Tomlinson (C) Warming and ventilating. 12o. Land. Introduction to the study of natural philosophy. 6th edit. 12o. Loud. 1859 Eudimentary mechanics. 5th edit. 12o. Loud. 1859 Tong Castle Shropshire Illustrated par- ticulars of sale, with plans ; by Messrs. Driver. 1855 Topffer (E.) Reflexions et menus propos d'un peintre genevois ; ou essai sur le beau dans les arts. 2 vols. 8o. Paris 1848 Topham (J) Account of the collegiate chapel of St. Stephen, Westminster. 8o. Lond. 1834 see Society of Antiquaries. Topley (W) The national geological sur- veys of Europe, pamph. 8o. Lond. 1885 Topographical Society of London Report of inaugural meeting, pamph. Bo. Hertford [1880] Topography And antiquities (Great Britain and Ire- land). Catalogue of tracts, pamph- lets, prints, and drawings see Great Britain and Ireland. 1878 British ; by J. P. Anderson. 1881 Treatise ; by C. S. de Malortie. 1820 Toronto Canadian Institute of Architects. Con- stitution and bye-laws. pamph. 8o. Toronto Torre (C) II ritratto di Milano. 4o. Milan 1714 Torrens (W T M) What is to be done with the slums '? pamph. 8o. Lond. 1879 .ToscM (P) Nuovo teatro di Parma. fo. Parma 1829 Toschi (P) and Bettoli (A I E N) Princi- pali monumenti mnalzati dal 1814 al tutto il 1823 da Maria Luigia, Arci- duchessa d' Austria. fo. Parma 1824 {Bound together.) Tosi (F M) Raccolta di monumenti saeri e sepolcrali scolpiti in Roma nei secoll XV e XVI. 5 vols in one. fo. Rome 1856-60 Tosi (F M) and Becchio Sepulchral monu- ments in Rome. fo. Lagny 1843 Totnes Devon St. Mary's, baldacchiiio ; by C. E. B. King. [1880] Tottenham Local Board of Health Address of local board to parishioners. pamph. 8o. Tottenham 1856 Appendix to address, &c. 8o. Tottenham [1856] Tottenham Local Board of Health— com Report of committee of owners and rate- payers to consider certain proceed- ings of local board of health. pamph. 8o. Tottenham Supplementary report. pamph. 8o. Tottenham Tottie (C) Designs for sepulchral monuments. fo. Lond. Appendix. fo. Lond. Description of the royal palace at Stock- holm. MS. SP. 7 Dec. Extracts relating to the Gothic architec- ture of Wisby, from Laing's " Tour in Sweden " and other works. MS. SP. 8 Mar. Toulouse Un puits de la Renaissance ; by C. Daly. Tournay Cathedi-al; by G. Godwin. SP. Lille-Touruai, notes de voyage ; by C. Lucas. Vitraux de la cathedrale ; by H. P. V. Descamps et D'Anstamg. Tourneux (F) Le mecanicien constructeur, ou description des organes des ma- chines. 4o. Li&ge Tournon (Comte de) Etudes statistiques sur Rome et la partie occidentale des Etats remains. 8o. Paris Tower, Spire, and Campanile Chichester, fall of; by R. Wilhs. City churches ; by J. Clayton. Italian ; by T. L. Donaldson. MS Mediaeval churches ; by C. Wickes. period ; by .1. Britton. Round ; of Ireland ; by G. Petrie. 1856 1856 1839 1846 1840 1841 1842 1874 1848 1845 1831 1861 1852 1835 1858-59 SP. 1850 1845 SP. SP. Town (I) Particular services performed in America, during 1776-9. Compiled from iournals and original papers. 12o. N. York 1835 Suggestions for improving the style and manner of building in the city of New York. pamph. 8o. N. York 1836 Improvement in the principle, construc- tion, and practical execution of bridges for roads, railroads, and aqueducts, whether built of wood or iron, &c. pamph. 4o. N. York 1839 Townley Gallery (The) by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Know- ledge. 1836 Town sec City. Town Hall Manchester ; by A. Waterhouse. SP. 1877 by T. Worthington. 1868 N N 274 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCBIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 1855 1837 1881 1836 1842 Toynbee (J) Ventilation, and how far it may be rendered compvxlsory by legislative enactments. MS. SP. 12 Ap. 1847 Tracery see Masonry. see Periods and Details Medieval. Trade Circulars see separate Catalogue. Tradesmen's Tokens by J. H. Burn. Trades Unions see Master and Workmen. Traveller (A) Notes abroad and rhapsodies at home. 2 vols. (by W. Rae Wilson.) 8o. Loncl. Travers (E) No9oes elementares de archeo- logiade M. da Silva. Compte-rendu. pampli. 8o. Touloiise Tredgold (T) Experiments made on specimens of wood received from J. White in 1821. MS. SP. 5 Dec. Practical essay on the strength of cast iron and other metals; containing practical rules, tables, and examples, founded on a series of experiments. 4th edition, with notes byE. Hodg- kmson. 8o. Lond. Elementary principles of carpentry ; a treatise on the pressure and equili- brium of timber framing, the resist- ance of timber, and the construction of Moors, centres, bridges, roofs, &c. 4th edition, corrected and enlarged by P. Barlow. 4o. Lond. Prmciples of construction in carpentry and joinery; by J. Robison and T. Tredgold. Elementary principles of carpentry see Tarn (E W). Tredgold (T) and Bramah (T) Principles of warming and ventilating public buildings, &c. 3rd edition. With remarks on the nature of heat and light. 8o. Lond. Tree see Gardening. see Timber (as Material). Tregellas (W H) The Horse Guards. Memoranda, views and plans il- lustrative of the history of the buildings. pamph. 8o. [Lond.] Trelat(E) Exposition d'hygiene m-baine. pamph. 4o. Paris Etudes architecturales a Londres en 1862. pamph. 8o. Paris Ecole centrale d'architecture. pamph. 8o. Paris Enseignement des beaux-arts. 8o. Paris Le sitellarium, etude de composition architectural, pamph. 8o. Paris 1853 1859 1873 1836 1880 1862 1864 1864 1870 Trelat (E) — contimied. Ecole speciale d'architecture : Ouverture 1879-80. Discours du Directeur. 8o. Paris 1879 L'architecture contemporaine. 8o. Paris 1880 Le g^nie civil et les congres de 1880. pamph. 8o. Paris 1881 Discours au congres 1882 de 1' Association fran9aise pour I'avancemeut des sciences. pamph. 8o. La lioch. 1882 Influence exercee par la porosite des murs sur la salubrite des habitations. pamph. 8o. Geneva 1883 Architectes et ingenieurs. pamph. 8o. Paris 1885 A6rage et chauffage des habitations. pamph. 8o. Paris 1886 Regime de la temperature et de I'air dans la maison. pamph. 8o. Paris 1886 ■ Tremenheere (G B) Dwellings for the labourmg classes. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1856 Public works in the Bengal presidency. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1858 Trench (F) Collection of papers relating to the Thames quay, &c. 4o. Lond. 1827 TrendaU (E W) Examples of roofs for cottages, villas, schools, churches, &c. 4o. Lond. 1843 Tresham (T) Buildings erected by, in Northamptonshire ; by J. A. Gotch. 1883 Trespass see Law. Tress (R) Modern churches, designs, es- timates, and essays. 4o. Lond. 1841 Treves Baudenkmale in Trier und seiner umge- bung; by C. W. Schmidt. 1836, 1843 Der Dom zu Trier ; by J. N. von Wil- mowsky. Liebfrauenkirche ; by C. W. Schmidt. 1836 Rapport ; by A. de Caumont. 1843 Roman antiquities,; by J. H. Wyttenbach. 1839 Triforium of mediaeval churches ; by R. Willis. SP. 1848 Triqueti (H de) Les trois musees de Londres ; le British Museum, la National Gallery, le South Ken- sington Museum. 8o. I'aris 1861 Tiondheim see Throndhjem. Tropical Climate sec Climate. Trotman (E) Economical application of Gothic architecture to modern do- mestic purposes. SP. 8 Nov. 1845 Troy And My cense ; architecture of; by J. S. Phene. CP. 1878 And its remains ; by H. Schliemann. 1875 Architecture of ; by H. Schhemami. SP. 1877 Ihos : the city and comitry of the Trojans ; by IL Sehhemauu. 1880 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPi'.S, SESSIONAL PApERS Troy — continued. Eecherches arclieologiques dans la Troade ; by P. Morey. Eeise in der Troas ; by H. Scliliemann. Troja : latest researches and discoveries ; by H. Scliliemann. Troyes Voyage arclieologique dans le diocese de ; by A. F. Arnaud. Troyon (F) Habitations lacustves des temps anciens et modernes. 80. Lausanne Truefitt (G) Architectural sketches on the continent. 4o. Lond. Designs for country churches. 4o. Lond. Trumbull (J) Autobiography, reminis- cences, and letters, from 1756 to 1841. 80. N. York li Lond. Trusts see Law. TscMschka (F) Der St. Stephans-dom in ^^'ien une seine alten denkmale der kunst. fo. Vienna Tucci (F P) Trattato della misura delle volte rette ed obblique. 4o. Na2)les Tuckermann (W P ) Odeum des Herodes Atticus mid der Regilla in Atlien restaurirt. 4o. Bonn Tudor ArcMtecture sec English Architecture. Tufnell (H) see Muller (C 0). Tuke (S) Practical hints on the construc- tion and economy of pauper lunatic asylums. {In Watson and Prit- chett's "Pauper Lunatic Asylum.") Tunbridge Castle ; by .J. P. Wadmore. Tunbridge Wells and the Calverley es- tate, Kent ; by J. Britton. Tunisia Remains of Eoman occupation ; by A. Graham. SP. Tunnel, Subway, &c. Anglo-French; by Anonymous. Channel Tunnel, plans for ; by Do Ga- 1854 1881 1884 1887 18G0 1847 1850 1841 1832 1832 1868 mond. W. Low. plans and sections ; by Railway : statement by executive committee, with engineer's report and diagram. pamph. 80. Lond. Mont Cenis; by T. Sopwith, jun. Practical tunnelUng ; by F. W. Simms. Turin by M. Paroletti. Architecture italiemie ; by Callet and Lesueur. Description historique de la basilique de Superga; by M. Paroletti. Et ses curiosites ; by M. Paroletti. Palazzo dei magistrati ; by I. Michela. Tempi cristiani ; by L. Cauina. 1885 1882 1886 1872 1870 1868 1869 18G4 1877 1817 1855 1808 1817 1841 1843 Turnbull (W) Essay, theoretical and prac- tical, on the construction of the five architectural sections of cast-iron beams generally employed as girders, bressummers, and other horizontal supports for buildings. pamph. 80. Lond. 1833 Turner and Bond Pullman build- ing, Chicago. pamph. ob. 4o. Chicago [1888] Turner (D) Antiquities of Normandy ; by J. S. Cot- man and D. Turner. 1822 Antiquities of Treves, translated from the German of J. H. Wyttenbach. 1839 Catalogue of engravings, etchings, and original drawings, collected for the illustration of the topography of Norfolk, in his Hbrary. 80. Yarm. 1841 Turner (E) Sanitary work of an architect. pamph. 80. Lond. 1881 Hints to househunters and householders. 80. Lond. 1883 Turner (T) Remarks on the right of property in me- chanical invention, with reference to registered designs. pamph. 12o. Lond. 1847 On cop3Tight in design, in art, and manu- factures. 80. Lond. 1849 Law of patents and registration of inven- tion and design in manufacture, with statutes, forms, and rules. 80. Lond. 1851 Remarks on the amendment of the law of patents for inventions. pamph. 80. Lond. 1851 Turner (T H) and Parker (J H) Some account of the domestic architecture in England. 3 vols. 80. Oxf.&Lond. 1851-53-59 Turning and mechanical manipulation ; by C. Holtzapffel. 1843 Tuscany Architecture toscane ; by A. Grandjean de Montigny and A. Famin. 1875 Arts connected with architecture in ; by J. B. Waring. SP. 1857 La Toscane au moyen-age ; by G. Eo- hault de Flenry. 1873, 1874 Monumenii sepolcrah ; by V. Gozzini. 1819 Schedule of prices for artificer's work ; by J. Whichcord. MS. 1860 Tusculum by T^. Caiiina. 1841 Tuzzi iV) see Vitruvius. 1830-33 Twigg (R H) Beneficial efifect of the action of mind on force and matter. pamph. 80. Lond. 1880 276 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPEE3 Twining (H) Philosophy of painting : theoretical and practical treatise. 80. Lond. 1849 Description of the artist's goniameter, used to obtam a correct representa- tion of natural objects. SP. 21 Feb. 1853 Elements of picturesque scenery, or studies of nature made in travel, with a view to improvement in landscape painting. 3 vols. 80. Lond. 1858-70 Architecture as represented in pictures. SP. 12 Jime 1854 Brief programme of economic museum. see Economic Museum. 1860 Twining (T) Letters on the condition of the workmg classes of Nassau. 80. Lond. 1853 Twopeny (W) Etchings of ancient capitals.' fo. Lond. 1887 Some observations on the domestic archi- tecture of the middle ages. pamph. 80. [1840] Specimens of ancient woodwork, fo. Lond. 1859 Tymms {W R) see ^Wyatt (M D). 1860 Tynemouth Eeport on public sewage ; by E. Rawlmson. 1857 U TJbaldi (G) Mechanische kmistkammer, &c.; by D. Mogling. fo. Frank/. -on-M. 1629 TJggieri ( ) Edifices de Rome antique. 2 vols. obi. 4o. Borne 1809 Vgolmo (II Conte) by H. C. Barlow. 1862 Uhde (C) and Korner ( ) Neubau der herzogUclien technischen hoch- schule zu Braunschweig. Text 4o. Plates fo. Berlin [1881] Ulm Mittelalterliche baudenkmale aus Schwaben : Der Miinster in Ulm ; by J. V. Egle, A. Beyer, and C. Riess. 1872 Underpinning see Shoring. Underwood (G) Memorandum regarding Syrian or cylinder roofs. pamph. 80. Madras 1838 Underwood (H J) Littlemore church, Oxfordshire. fo. Oxford 1840 Underwood (M) Architectural monuments of Denbigh- shire, &c.; by R. L. WilhamsandM. Underwood. [1872] Village churches of Denbighshire ; by R. L. Williams and M. Underwood. 1872 Ungewitter (6) Gothic model book ; by A. Reichensperger, V. Statz, and G. Ungewitter. United Service Institution Catalogue of the library. 80. Lond. 1842 United States History of arts of design in the ; by W. Dunlap. 1834 Illustrations and specifications for vari- ous buildings. 1856-57 see Specifications. Naval observatory sec Washington. Niagara falls ; by A. Blouet. 1838 suspension bridge ; by P. W. Barlow. 1860 Photographs of buildings, ecclesiastical and domestic. Plans, elevations, sections, and views of works executed or proposed to be executed m U.S. Report on the penitentiaries of ; by W. Crawford. 1885 by Demetz and G. A. Blouet. 1837 Tour in ; by A. J. Gale. SP. 1882 by J. B. Gass. SP. 1886 Villas and cottages ; by C. Vaux. 1857 Bureau op Education, Washington Circulars of information. No. 4 : Rural school architecture. pamph. 80. Wash. 1880 Haevaed College Alumni Hall : an appeal to the alumni and friends of Harvard College. pamph. 80. Camb. (U.S.) W^OECESTEE Institute Address ; by W. R. Ware. Univers Pittoresque Asia Minem-e Texier. University and College Baroda, new ; by E. F. Chisholm. Liverpool ; by J. H. McGovern. Konigsberg ; by A. Stiiler. Private halls and collegiate additions ; by E. G. Burton. Royal Holloway ; by W. H. Crossland. SP sec Cambridge. see Oxford, University College, London Description of design for. pamph Calendar. (Li progress.) 80. Library Catalogue. 3 vols. Unwin ("W C) ]\Iovement of water in a tidal river with reference to position of sewer out- falls, pamph. 80. Lond. Formulae for flow of water in pipes. pamph. 4o. Manch. Rate of hardening of cement and cement- mortars, pamph. 80. Lond. 1886 byC. SP. 1866 1881 1862 1883 1882 1865 1854 1887 80. Lond. 1827 LoM. 1879-87- 80. Lond. 1879 1883 1886 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 277 TJnwin (W C) — continued. Eelations of pressure, &c., in saturated vapours. pamph. 80. [Lond. 1886] Testing of Portland cements. pamph. 12o. Manch: 1886 Upton Church Buckinghamshire by W. Bromet. ISiG On one of the arches ; by W. Bromet. SP. 1847 Upton Bishop Eecords of parish ; by F. T. Havergal. 1883 Urbino Der herzogliche palast ; by F. Arnold. 1857 Urbino (R di) sec Sanzio (R). Urrea (M de) see Vitruvius Spanish. 1582 Usher (H) The art of glass painting. pamph. 4o. pamph. 80. [Newark 1871] Usill (G W) The sanitation and recon- struction of London. pamph. 12o. Lond. 1885 Usk Monmouth Church ; by S. W. Wilhams. 1886 Utinam Six designs for a great rostral or naval column in iron. Nelson com- petition, pamph. 80. Lond. 1839 Uzielli Collection Catalogue of various works of art ; by J. C. Eobmson. 1860 V (L L) Application de la telegraphic 61ectrique aux usages domestiques. pamph. 80. Paris Vacher (S) Fifteenth century Italian orna- ment, fo. Lond. 1886 Valadier (G) L' architettura pratica det- tata nella scuola e cattedra nell' accademia di S. Luca. Text 5 vols. fo. Rome [1829-39] Plates 2 vols. fo. 1829-39 Valadier (G) and Visconti (F A) Raccolta delle piu insigni fabbriche di Eoma antica e sue adiacenze. fo. Borne 1810-26 Vale (H H) Archscology of the Peak of Derbyshu-e. pamph. 80. Liverp. 1867 Abbey ruins of the Severn valley. pamph. 80. Liver}]. 1868 Architectural and archreological sketch of the Romano-British period at Wrox- eter. pamph. 80. Liverp. 1868 Antiquities of lona. pamph. 80. Liverp. 1869 Chester, past and present. pamph. 80. Liverp. 1869 Valenciennes Societe Imperiale d' Agri- culture, Sciences et Arts Eevue agricole, iudustrielle, litteraire et artistique. 17*^ annee. Vol. xix. No. 10. pamph. 80. Valcnc. 1865 Valentia (Lord) Eefutation of an attack on his work upon the Eed Sea ; by F. Robinson. 1842 Valesi (D) Varie fabbriche antiche e mo- derue della cittadi Verona, con alcune statue della galleria Bevilacqua. fo. 1753 Vallardi (G) Opera ornamentale di ; by G. Borsato. 1831 Vallardi (P & J) and Bramati (J & A) II duomo di Milano. fo. Milan 1863 Valmy (le Due de) Le passe et I'avenir de I'architecture. 80. Paris 1864 Value and Valuation Artificers' work ; by H. B. Browning. 1847 by C. Dobson. 1843 by E. L. Garbett. House property ; by E. L. Tarbuck. 1875, 1880 Sanitation as an incre- ment of value in ; by H. H. CoUins. 1881 Value of, in London ; by E. I' Anson. SP. 1872 Nature and causes ; by S. Bailey. 1825 Eents and tillages ; by J. S. Bayldon. 1864 see Price Book. Vanbrugh ( Sir J) Plays, with a Life. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1776 Life and works of ; by E. H. Browne. MS. SP. 1834 Original composition in architecture ; by J. Thomson. SP. 1840 Vandenhergh (E) Notice n^erologique de P. Cannissie. pamph. 80. Vantini (R) Discorso nelle esequie ; by A. P. ZambeUi. 1857 Vantini (R) and Saleri (G) Museo Bres- ciano illustrate. fo. Brescia 1838 Vanves Piscine de natation ; by A. Normand. [1881] Vanvitelli (L) Dichiarazioue dei disegni del reale palazzo di Caserta. fo. Naples 1756 Varin (A and E) L'architecture pitto- resque en Suisse, ou choix de con- structions rustiques. fo. Paris 1861 Varley (C) Method of ventilating rooms for large assembhes, and means of preventing the emission of noxious efiBuvia fi'om the sewers into streets. MS. SP. 26 Ap. 1847 Varro (M T) The three books of; con- cerning agriculture ; translated by T. Owen. 80. Oxford 1800 Vasari (G) Vite de' pill eccellenti pittori, scultori ed architetti. 13 vols. 12o. Flor. 1846-57 278 PBINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 1811 [1778] [1851] 1837 J. 1808 1819-20 1836 1831 G. 1837 1817 1849 Vasari (G) — continued. Lives of the most eminent painters, sculptors, and architects. From the Itahan ; by Mrs. J. Foster. 5 vols. 8o. Lond. 1850 Vase by H. Moses. by G. B. Piranesi. Ancient Chinese ; by P. P. Thoms. Antichi dipinti ; by S. Campanari. Antiques, appeles Etrusques ; by A. Millin. Sir H. Englefield's ; by H. Moses. Etruria ; by S. Campanari. Fittili Italo-greci ; by R. Gargiulo. Portegninger for haandvserkere ; by F. Hetseh. Sir W. Hamilton's ; by W. Tischbein. 1791-1809 Or pots, at Angers ; by W. Bromet. SP. 1847 Selection from the Vatican ; by G. Wightwick. Sepolcrali di Alba-Longa ; by A. Visconti Suite d'apres Petitot et autres. obi. 4o. Paris Vases, fountains, &c.; by Wyatt, Parker, & Co. [1841] Vase fittile rinvenuto in Girgenti ; by R. Politi. see British Museum. see Furniture. see Ornament. Vasi (M) Itinerario di Roma antica e moderna. Ed. by A. Nibby. 2 vols. 8o. Borne Vatican Palace see Rome. Vatout (J) and Fontaine (P F L) Palais royal, Paris. 8o Histoire du palais royal, Paris. Text 8o. plates 4o. Paris 1830-34 Vaudoyer (A L T) Notice necrologique sur A. J. M. Guene- pin. MS. Translated bv T. L. Donaldson. ' 1842 Plan, &c., d'mi projet pour le monument a elever a la gloire de la grande armee sur Templacement de la Ma- deleine a Paris, &c. pamph. 12o. Paris 1807 Theatre de Marcellus a Rome. 4o. Paris 1812 Dissertation sur I'architecture. MS. fo. 1823 Monument au gendral Foy. P. J. David, sculptor. fo. Paris 1831 Plan, &c., du palais de I'lnstitut royal de France. 8o. Paris 1887 N^crologie de C. Percier, with portrait, MS. 1838 Translated by T. L. Donaldson. 1839 1818 Paris 1829 Vaudoyer (A L T)— continued. Fragment d'uii ou\Tage intitule "Notice sur I'ancien chateau de Madrid, au Bois de Boulogne." 4o. Paris 1839 Colonne Alexandrine a St.-P6tersbourg, par Ricard de Montferrand. Rap- port k I'Academie des Beaux-Arts. MS. fo. 1840 Translated by T. L. Donaldson. 1841 Memoire historique sur la restauration de la colonne Trajane faite par C. Percier en 1788. MS. lb. 1840 Notice necrologique sur J. N. Huyot. MS. fo. 1840 Colonne du 29 Juillet 1830; lettre a J. L. Due. MS. SP. 20 Dec. 1841 Discours prononces aux funerailles de A. L. T. Vaudoyer; by J. J. M. Huve aird A. L. Dumont. 1846 Reproduction du Laurentin ; Programme pour le grand prix sec Academie des Beaux-Arts. Vaudoyer (L) Instruction sur les moyens de pr^venir- ou de faire cesser I'humidite dans les batiments. 4o. Paris 1844 Translated by T. L. Donaldson. 1846 Patria. La France, ancienne et moderne, morale et materielle. Histoire de rarchitecture. 12o. Paris 1846 Notice historique sur la vie et les ou\Tages de M. Le Bas. pamph. 4o. Paris 1869 Biographical notice; by T. L. Donaldson. 1874 Eloge ; by H. Revoil. 1877 Vaudremer (E M) Saint-Pierre de Mont- rouge ; monographie de I'eglise. fo. Paris 1878 Vaughan (F J) Earl of Cawdor Cottage plans. 4o. Lond. 1869 Vault and Vaulting by C. Babcock. 1884 by T. H. Eagles. SP. 1874 and bridges ; by S. Ware. 1822 Architecture des voutes : by F. Derant. 1743 Bausteine ; by J. C. von Lassaulx. 1847 Cylinder roofs ; by G. Underwood. 1888 Examples of groined ; byJ. Battye. Gothic, history and development ; by G. H. West. SP. 1874 King's College chapel ; by C. Fowler. MS. SP. 1837 by F. Macken- zie. 1840 Middle ages ; on the construction of ; by R. Willis. SP. 1841 Misura delle volte rette ed obblique ; by F. P. Tucci. 1832 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 279 Vaux (C) Villas and cottages. A series of designs prepared for execution in the United States. 80. A". York Vaxizelle ( ) see Lavallee, Reville, and Roquefort. Vecchia (L) Ceimi su la %'ita e gli scritti dell' abate A. Cav. Magiini di Vicenza. pamph. 80. Vicenza Veil by L. Canina. Velasco (AP) Las vidas de los pintores y estatuarios eminentes espanoles. 80. Lond. Vendramini (L) Precis Listorique et rai- sonne, sur I'origine, le progres, la decadence et la renaissance de I'ar- cbitecture. 4o. St. Petersb. Venice Antiche murature ; by G. Boni. Arcbitettura e seultura ; by P. Selvatico. Basilica di San Marco ; by G. and L. Kreutz. 1843 by P. Saccardo. 1883 1857 1872 1847 1744 1837 1847 Ca' d'Oro and its polychromatic decora- tions ; by G. Boui. SP. Campanile di S. Marco ; by G. Boni. Cbapiteaux du palais ducal ; by W. Burges and A. N. Didron. Cistern for filtering rain-water; by C. Parker. SP. Citta nobilissima ; by F. Sansovino. Cloaca antica ; by G. Boni. Exteriors and iateriors ; by L. Price. Fabbricbe, &c. ; by L. Cicognara, Diedo, and G. Selva. Foundations of; by C. Parker. MS. Foundation stone of St. Mark's ; by F. Douce. Historia ; by P. Selvatico. L' avveuire dei monumenti in Venezia. pampb. 80. Venice Monument! ; by G. Boui. Mosaici secondarii di S. Marco ; by G. and L. Kreutz. Musaici di S. Marco ; by P. Saccardo. Palazzo ducale ; by F. Zanotto. 1846 Pavement called " lastrico ; " by ... Cap- pitato. MS. SP. Pont de Rialto ; by A. Eondelet. uitorno il vero arehitetto del ; by A. Magrini. 1886 1885 1857 1841 1663 1886 1843 1838-40 SP. 1843 1836 1847 1882 1882 1854 1864 61 1842 1836 S. Marco, gl'Iuglesi e noi ; by Anonymous S. Maria dei Miracoli ; by G. Boni. Scuola di San Rocco, and its decorations ; by E. Barclay. Stones of; by J. Ruskin. Ventilation sec Wanning Venturini (G Fj Fontane del giardino Estense in Tivoli. obi. 4q. Home Borne ; by G. B. Falda and others. 1854 187'J 1887 1876 1858-67 Venuti (R) Descrizione topografica ed istonca di Roma moderna. 4 vols. 80. Borne 1747 Verdier (A) and Cattois (F) Arcbitectm-e civile et domestique au moyen-age et k la renaissance. 2 vols. 4o. Paris 1855-57 Verein von Alterthxunsfreunden ini Rhein- lande .Jabrbiicher. Nos. 70-71. 80. Bonn 1881 Vergnaud-Romagnesi (C F) Notice sur J. R. D. Riifault. pampb. 80. Orleans 1826 La restauration du mausolee de Philippe I""' k Saint-Benoit-sur-Loire. pamph. 80. Paris 1831 Notice sur le chateau de Chambord. pamph. 80. Paris 1832 historique sur lefort des ToureUes d'Orleans. pamph. 80. Paris 1832 Memoire sur les mddailles romaines. pamph. 80. Paris 1833 Notice sm- la porte Saint-Jean d'Orleans. pamph. 80. Paris 1833 Rapport sur une figurine antique trouvee a Tigy (Loiret). pamph. 80. Paris 1833 Sur la vie et les ouvrages de M. Pellieux ain6 de Beaugency. pamph. 80. Paris 1833 Memoire sur les sculptures antiques. pamph. 80. Paris 1834 Sur I'emplacement du fort des Tom-elles du pont d'Orleans. pamph. 80. Paris 1834 Memoire sur une mosaique et des anti- quites romaines pres de Chilteaudun. pamph. 80. Paris 1835 I'ancieune porte de Saint- Laurent i\ Orleans. pamph. 80. Paris 1836 Notice sur une aucienne banniere d'Orleans. pamph. 80. Paris 1836 Verity (H B) Architecture and pubhc buildings ; review. pamph. 80. Lond. 1885 French and Enghsh monographs. pamph. 80. Lond. 1885 London remodelled, pamph. 80. Lond. 1886 New Admiralty and War Office site. pamph. 80. Lond. 1886 Verity (T) The modem restaurant. SP. 13 Jan. 1879 Verneilh (F de) Architecture byzautine en France ; Saint-Front de Pdrigueux et les 6gUses k coupoles de I'Aqui- tame. 4o. Paris 1851 Verona Antichita ; by G. Caroto. 1864 Fabbriclie, Ac. ; by D. Valesi. 1753 , Illustrala ; by S. Mati'ei. 1731-32 280 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCBIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Versailles Description de ; by P. de La Force. 1713 Galeries historiques de ; by C. Gavard. 1888 Grand escalier ; by J. M. Cbevetot. Grande galerie de Versailles, et les deux salons qui accompagnent. Peints par C. le Brun, dessin^s par J. B. Masse. fo. Paris 1752 Grotte de VersaiUes ; by [A. Felibien.] 1679 Notice bistorique des peintures et des sculptures du palais de VersaiUes ; by Anonymous. 1837 Plans, profiles et Elevations ; by P. le Pautre. 1714-15 see Recueil d'Estampes Vols. x. xiii. &c. Verschelde (C) Ancient domestic edifices of Bruges. -lo. Bruges 1875 Vertical Line in Architecture see .Esthetics. Vespignani (V) Girandole fatte ineendiare sul monte Pincio dall' eccelso com- mune di Koma. ob. fo. Borne Vetch (J) Consideration of the question relating to an extended and improved supply of water to the metropolis. pamph. 8o. Lond. Vetusta Monumenta see Society of Antiquaries. Viard (F) Peinture a base de caoutchouc rempla9ant les huiles pour les pre- mieres couches sur les platres neufs. pamph. 8o. Paris Vicarage see Clergy House. Vicat (L J) Eecherches exp^rimentales sur les chaux de construction, les batons et les mortiers ordinaires. 4o. Paris Vicenza Architetture e pitture, &c. ; by F. M. Mosca. Basiliche antiche ; by E. Arnaldi. 1767, Edifices of Palladio at ; by F. Arundale. U forestiere istrutto nelle cose piu rare di architettura, e di alcune pitture dellacittil; by Anonymous. 2nd edit. Notizie sul teatro di Berga ; by V. Bari- chella. Palazzo del museo civico ; by A. Magrini. Teatro Olimpico ; by A. Magrini. by G. Montenari. see Palladio (A). 1867 1849 1860 1818 1779 1769 1832 1804 1855 1847 1733 see Scamozzi (OB) fo. Ancona 1734 1836 Viol (A) Arco Trajano ui Ancona. Biografia ; by G. Folchi. Victoria Australia Board of Science ; first and second re- ports, fo. Melb. 1859-GO Victoria — continued. Illustrated handbook ; Col. & Ind. Exhib. 1886. 1886 Meteorological reports ; first, second, and third. fo. Melb. 1856-58 Mineral statistics for 1864. fo. [Melb. 1864] Mining surveyors' and registrars' reports. {Imperfect.) 8o. Melb. 1861-64 Quarterly reports. 3 parts. fo. Melb. 1865 Reports of the mining surveyors and re- gistrars of Victoria for the quarters ending 81st Dec. 1864, and 81st March, 1865. fo. Melb. 1865 Eesults of magnetical, nautical, and me- teorological observations, fo. Melb. 1860 Statistical notes on the progress of ; by W. H. Archer. [1861] register of; edited by W. H. Archer. 1854 Summary of mining statistics. {Imper- Melb. 1862- 8o. 64 feet.) Reports and Papers Building stone. fo. Coal field. Expense of surveys. 'Geological surveys. Gold fields statistics. Harboiu' improvements. Land sales returns. Lmiatic asylum. Mining resources. Murray river district. Public buildings. Removing sludge from gold fields. Roads and bridges. Sewerage and water commission. Telegraphic communication. Victorian Institute of Architects see Melbourne. Vienna Chemm de fer metropolitain ; Schaller. Godwin Bursary tour ; by F. R. Farrow. SP. 1885 Letters fi'om ; by Anonymous. 1852 Monuments (opera-house and palais de justice) ; by H. Auer and P. Lange. 1885 St. Stephans-dom ; by F. Tschischka. 1832 Restoration of the spire ; by W. M. Hig- gins. MS. SP. 1844 Stadtbahn ; by Anonymous. 1852 Exposition Internationale d'Electei- ciTE 1883 Catalogue. 8o. Vienna 1883 Oesteereichischer Ingenieue- und Ae- chitekten-Verein Zeitschrift. [In j)r ogress.) 4o. Vienna 1873, 1879-87- Geschilftsordnung. pamph. 8o. Vienna [1880] Melb. 1858 „ 1853-54 , 1858-59 , 1854-61 , 1861-62 1860 1858 , 1856-57 , 1856-57 1856 , 1851-52 1859 , 1851-56 , 1856-57 , 1856-61 by PEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 281 Vienna Oestebeeichischee Ingeneeur- UND Aechitektex-Veeein— cont. Statuten. pamph. 80. Vieniia 1881 Bericht iiber den ersten osterreicbisclien iugenieur- und architekten-tag in Wien, Oct. 1880. ' pampli. 80. Vienna 1881 Wochenschrift. {In progress.) 4o. Vienna 1882-87- Register zvu* Zeit- und Wochenschrift 1871-80. {Boimd with "Zeit- schrift."} 4o. Viemia 1882 List of members. pamph. 80. Vientia 1884 4o. Vienna 188G Oesteeeeichisch Kaiseeliche Ak-^de- MiE dee Bildenden Kunste statuten. 4o. Vienna 1812 Univees.u, Exhibition, 1873 Eeports on buildings as contrasted with others ; by Sir M. D. Wyatt. Austrian tariff of import duties upon the principal articles of British produce and manufacture. 4o. Lond. 1873 Catalogue of the British section, wth plans and illustrations. 4o. Lond. 1873 OfficieUer general -catalog. 80. Vienna 1873 kmist-catalog. 80. Vienna 1873 Central dome of Vienna exhibition ; by J. S. Eussell. SP. 1874 Eeports. 4 parrts. 80. Lond. 1874 Appendix (maps and plans). fo. Lond. 1874 Vignola (G B da) see Barozzio da Vignola (G). Vignoles (C B) Address as President, In- stitution of Civil Engineers. pamph. 80. Lond. 1870 Vignory EgUse de Sainte-Etiemie de ; by Girault de Prangey. 1851 Villa-Amil (G P de) y^Escosura (P de la) Espaua artistica y monumental. {Spanish and French text.) 3 vols. fo. Paris 1842-60 Villa see Kural Building. see Labourers' Dwellings. Vincent (B) Catalogue of the library of the Eoyal Institution of Great Britain. 80. Lond. 1857 Vincent (J) Country cottages : designs for an improved class of dwellings for agricultural labourers. 2nd edit. fo. Lond. 1861 Vincent (I) L'electro-vigile, ou moyen d'aviser les tentatives de vol et le commencement d'incendie. pamph. 80. Turin 1874 Vinci (G) Saggio d' architettura civile, con alcune cognizioni commmii a tutte le belle arti, 80. Bovie 1795 Vinci (L da) Treatise on painting, translated from the original Italian, with life of the author. New edit. 80. Lond. 1796 As architect see J. P. Richter. 1883 Vines (C) Dictionary appendix and ortho- grapher. 12o. Lond. 1854 Vingboons (P) (Euvres d'architecture, contenant lesdesseins, tant en plans, qu'en elevations, des principaux et des plus nouveaux batimeuts de la ville d' Amsterdam, &c. 2 vols, in 1. fo. Leyden 1715 Viollet-le-Duc (E E) Histoire d'mi hotel de ^ille et d'une cathedrale. 80. Paris Dictionnaire raisonne de I'architeeture fran9aise du XP au XVI" siecle. 10 vols. 80. Paris 1854-68 Lettres adi-ess^es d'Allemagne k M. Lance. 80. Paris 1856 Notre-Dame de Paris ; by F. de Guil- hermy and E. Viollet-le-Duc. 1856 Brochures diverses. 80. Paris 1856-80 Dictionnaire raisonne du mobilier fi-an- ^ais de I'epoque carlovingienne a la Eenaissance. 6 vols. 80. Paris 1858-72 (Vols, i.-iii. only.) 1860 1860 Paris 18G1 I'enseigne- 80. Paris de I'ensei- 1864 80. Paris 1872-75 Essay on the mUitary architecture of the middle ages ; translated by M. Mac- dermott. 80. Oxf. ct Lond. Lettres sur la Sicile. 80. Paris Description du chateau de Coucy. 2nd edit. pamph. 80. Entretiens sur I'architeeture. Text 2 vols. 80. Paris 1863-72 Plates, ob. 4o. Paris 1864 Intervention de I'etat dans ment des beaux-arts. Eeponse a M. Vitet a propos gnement des arts du dessin. 80. Paris Description et histoire du chateau de Pierrefonds. 5th edit. pamph. 80. Paris Memoire sur la defense de Paris, Sept. 1870— Jan. 1871. Text 80. Plates 4o. Paris How to build a house : an architectural novelette, translated by B. Bucknall. 80. Lond. On restoration ; and notice of his works in connection with historical monu- ments of France ; translated by C. "Wethered. 80. The habitations of man in all translated by B. Bucknall. 80. L'art russe. 80. Lond. ages; 1864 1869 1871 1874 1875 Lond. Paris o 1876 1877 282 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Viollet-le-Duc (E B) —continued. Lectures on architecture ; translated by B. Buckiiall. 2 vols. 80. Lo7id. 1877-81 Compositions et dessins, fo. Paris 1884 The late ; by C. Wetbered. CP. 1884 Virloys (C F R le) see Roland le Virloys (CF) Visconti (A) Vasi sepolcrali rinvenuti nelle vicinanze di Alba-Longa. pampb. 4o. Eome 1817 {Bmmd with Piale's " Alcuni monumenti") Visconti (E ft) Sculture del palazzo della villa Borgbese. 80. Borne 1796-97 Visconti (F A) Raccolta delle fabbricbe di Eoma antica ; by G. Valadier and F. A. Visconti. 1810-26 Visconti (L) Vue perspective de la reunion des palais du Louvre et des Tuileries, et plan bistorique des deux monuments. (Engraved by R. Pfnor.) fo. Paris 1853 Professional career of; by T. L. Donald- son. SP. 1854 Inauguration du monument 61eve a la m^moire de L. Y.; Discours de J. L Hittorff. 1859 , Fontaines monumentales construites k Paris et projetees pour Bordeaux. fo. Paris 1860 Visconti (P E) Anticbi monumenti sepol- crali scoperti nel ducato di Ceri. fo. Borne 1836 Visentini (A) Osservazioni sopra gli errori degli arcbitetti ; continuazione al trattato di T. Gallaccini. fo. Venice 1771 Vitalis (T C) Tomb of, at Villa Yolkonsld, Rome ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1809 Vitet (L) Monographic de Notre-Dame de Noyon ; by D. Ramee and L. Vitet. 1845 Vitruvius Britannicus 1717-25 Woolfe and J. Gan- 1767-71 Richardson. 1802-8 F. Robmson. 1833-35, 1841 Vitruvius Den Danske by L. de Thurah. 1746-49 Vitruvius Pollio (M) The " Editio princeps " of Sulpitius. (MS. introduction and index ; and MS. notes in the margins, apparently about the same period as the publi- cation.) fo. [Borne, betiveen 1484-92] De architectura libri decem. — S. J. Fron- tini de aqusductibus liber unus. — A. Policiani opusculum quod . . . in- scribitur. — A. Policiani in priora analytica prtelectio, cui titulus est Lamia. 4o. Florence 1496 by C. Campbell. Continuation ; by J. don. by G. by P. Vitruvius Pollio (M) — continued. Per Jocundum sohto castigatior factus, cum figuris et tabula, ut jam legi et intelligi possit. fo. Venice Vitruvius iterum et Frontinus a Jocundo revisi repurgatique quantum ex col- lationelicuit. {Imperfect at tiieend.) 12o. Florence De architectura libri decem nuper maxi- ma diligentia castigati, atque excusi, additis J. Frontini de aquieductibus libris propter materias affinitatem. 80. Florence summa dili- gentia recogniti, atque excusi. Cum nonnuUis figuris sub hoc signo * positis, nunquam antea impressis. — • Additis J. Frontini de acquseducti- bus, &c. 80. [Lyons'] ad Augustum Cassarem accuratiss. conscripti : et nunc primum in Germania qua potuit diligentia excusi, atque bine inde schematibus non iniucundis exornati. * Adiecimus etiam, propter argumenti conformitatem, S. J. Frontini de aquieductibus urbis Rom® libellum. Item ex libro N. Cusani Card, de staticis experimen- tis fragmentum. Cum indice, &c. 80. Strashurg ad Augustum 1511 1513 1522 1523 Augustum omnibus omnium editio- nibus longe emendatiores, coUatis veteribus exemplis. Accesserunt G. Pbilandri annotationes castigati- ores, & plustertia parte locupletiores. Adiecta est epitome in omnes G. AgricolfB de mensuris et ponderi- bus libros, eodem autore. Cum Grsco pariter et Latino indice locu- pletissimo. 4o. Lyons In decem libros M. Vitruvii Pollionis de architectura annotationes G. Pbi- landri. 80. Bonie 80. Paris 80. Venice 1548 Csesarem accuratissime conscripti, et locis quamplurimis bac editione emendati. Adjunctis nunc primum G. Pbilandri castigationibus atque annotationibus. Una cum libr. 11. S. J. Frontini de aquneductibus urbis RomiB ; et N. Cusani dialogo de staticis experimentis. Cum Grjeco pariter et Latino indice, &c. 4o. Strashurg ad CfBsarem 1550 1552 1544 1545 1557 cum com- mentariis D. Barbari, muitis n'difi- PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 283 Vitruvius Pollio (M) — continued. ciorum, horologiorum, & machina- rum descriptiouibus, & figuris, una cum indicibus copiosis, auctis & il- lustratis. fo. Venice 1567 De arcbitectura libri decern ad Cses. Augustum, omnibus omnium editio- nibus longe emendatiores, collatis ve- teribus exemplis. Accesserunt G. Pbilandri annotationes castigatio- res, et plus tertia parte locupletio- res. Adiecta est epitome in omnes G. Agricolfe de mensuris & ponderi- bus libros eodem auctore. Cum Grffico pariter et Latino indice locu- pletissimo. 4o. Lyons 1586 4o. Lyons 1586 With MS. notes. 4o. Lyons 1586 De arcbitectura libri decern. Cum notis eastigatioribus & observationibus G. Pbilandri integris, D. Barbari ex- cerptis, et C. Salmasii passim inser- tis. Prffimittuntur elementa archi- tecturffi collecta ab illustri viro H. Wottono. Accedunt lexicon Vitru- vianum B. Baldi ; et ejusdem scamilli impares Vitruviani. De pictura libri tres absolutissimi L. B. de Albertis : De sculptura excerpta maxime animadvertenda ex dialogo P. Gavrici : Demoutiosii commenta- rius de sculptura et pictura. Cum variis indicibus copiosissimis, a J. de Laet. fo. Amst. 1649 Exercitationes Vitruvianae primfe ; by J. Polenus. 1739 L' architettura di M. Vitruvio Pollione colla traduzione italiana e comento del B. GaUani. fo. Naples 1758 De arcbitectura libri decem. Ope codicis Guelferbytani, editionis principis, ceterorumque subsidiorum recensuit, et glossario, in quo vocabula artis propria Germ. Ital. Gall, et Angl. explicantur, iUustra^^t A. Eode. 2 vols. fo. Berlin 1800 Fonnae ad explicandos M. Vitruvii Pol- lionis decem libros de arcbitectura masimam partem ad ipsa antiqua monumenta delineat® cum brevibus explicationibus Latinis et Germani- cis, cura A. Rode. fo. Berlin 1801 De arcbitectura libri decem ad optinias editiones collati. Prsemittitur notitia literaria studiis societatisBipontiiifc : accedit anonymi scriptoris vetcris arcbitecturffi compendium cum indi- cibus. 8o. Strasburcj 1807 An mdex of the various published editions of Vitruvius is given therein. Vitruvius Pollio (M) — contifiued. De arcbitectura libri decem. Ex fide li- brorum scriptorum recensuit, emen- davit, suisque et virormu doc- torum annotationibus illustravit J. G. Schneider. 3 vols. 8o. Lcipzig_ 1807-8 Arcbitectura textu ex recensione codi- cum emendate, cum exercitationibus notisque novissimis J. Poleni, et commentariis variorum additis nunc primum studiis S. Stratico. 8 parts in 4 vols. 4o. Udine 1825-30 English Abridgement of the Architecture of Vi- trmius ; containing a system of the whole works of that author. First done in French by M. Perrault, and now englished with additions. 12o. Lond. 1692 Translated by -J. Moxon. 1702 The architecture of M. Vitruvius Pollio ; translated from the original Latin, by W. Newton. 2 vols. fo. Lond. 1791 The civil architecture of Vitruvius ; com- prising those books of the author which relate to the public and pri- vate edifices of the ancients. Trans- lated by W. Wilkms. 2 vols. fo. Lond. 1812 The architecture of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, in ten books. Translated from the Latin by J. Gwilt. 4o. Lond. 1826 Music of the eye ; or, Essays on the Vitruvian analysis of architecture ; by P. Legh. 1831 Particulars relating toMSS. of Vitruvius preserved in various European libraries ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1835 Extracts from MSS. in Eton College ; by G. R. Green. MS. 8P. 1836 Greek canon of the proportions of the human figure quoted by Vitruvius ; by J. Bonomi. SP. 1858 Fbench Architecture, ou art de bien bastir, de M. VitruvePoUion, autheur romain antique : mis de latm en fran9oys, par J. Martin. fo. Paris 1547 fo. Paris 1572 4o. Gcneux 1618 Epitome ou extrait abregd des dix livres d'architecture de Marc Vitruve Pol- lion ; enricbi des figures et pour- traits pour rinti'lligence du livre ; par J. Gardet et D. Bertm. 4o. Paris Les dix livres d'architecture de Vitruve, corrigez et traduits nouvellement en 1565 :J84 PEINTKD BOOKS, MANUSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPBKS Vitruvius French — continued. fran9ois, avec des notes & des figures ; par C. Perraiilt. fo. Paris 1673 2ud edit. fo. Paris 1684 Anotlier copy. fo. Paris 1684 Architecture geuerale de Vitruve reduite en abrege par E. Perrault. (A plate prefixed, entitled " Architecture 1691.") 12o. Amst. 1681 L'architecture de Vitruve, traduite en francjais, avec des remarques, par De Bioul. 4o. Bruss, 1816 Les dix livres d'architecture de Vitruve, avec les notes de Perrault. Nouvelle edition, revue et eorrigee, et aug- mentee d'uu grand nonibre de planches et de notes importautes, par E. Tardieu et A. Coussiu. 4o. Paris 1837 L'architecture de Vitruve, traduction nouvelle par Maufras. 2 vols. 8o. Paris 1847 Traduction en fran^ais sous la direction de D. Nisard. 8o. Paris 1877 Geeman Teutsch. Marci Vitruvij PoUionis zehen biicher von der architektui' und kiinstlichem bawen. Erstmals ver- teutscht mid in truck verordnet durch G. H. Eivium. 4o. Nuremh. 1548 fo. Basle 1614 Des allernamhafftigsten vnnd hocherfar- nesten romischen architecti vnnd kunstreichen werck oder bawmey- sters Marci Vitruuij Polhonis zehen biicher von der architectur ^'nd kiinstlichem bawen. . . . Erstmals verteutscht vnnd in track verordnet durch D. Gualtherum H. Kiuium Medic. & Mathem. fo. Basle 1575 Italian De architectura libri dece traducti di latino in vulgare, afSgurati, com- meutati & con mirando ordme iu- signiti, &c., per Cesare Cesariano. fo. Gomo 1521 Another copy. fo. Como 1521 De architectura, traducto di latino in vulgare dal vero exemplare, con le figure a li suoi loci con mirando ordine insignito : con la sua tabula alpliabetica, &c. fo. Venice 1524 Di architettura dal vero exemplare latino nella volgar lingua tradotto in Vi- negia, per N. de Aristotele. 4o. Venice 1585 Architettura con il suo commento et figure Vitruvio in volgar lingua ra- portato per G. CaporaH. 4o. Perugia 1536 Vitruvius Italian — continued. I dieci libri deU' architettm'a di M. Vi- truvio tradutti et commentati da Monsignor Barbaro. fo. Venice 1556 ■ ■ da D. Barbaro, da lui riveduti & amphati ; et bora in pill commoda forma ridotti. 4o. Venice 1567 4o. Venice 1584 da D. Barbaro, da lui riveduti & ampliati ; et hora in questa nuova impressione, per maggior comodita del lettore,le ma- terie di ciascun hbro ridotte sotto capi. 4o. Venice 1629 L' architettura di VitruTio libri dieci. Tradotta e commentata da D. Bar- baro, &c. 4o. Venice 1641 L' architettura generale di Vitruvio, ri- dotto in compendio dal Sig. Perrault. 12o. Venice 1747 L' architettura di Marco Vitruvio Pollione tradotta e comentata dal marchese Berardo Galiani. 2nd edit. fo. Siena 1790 Dizionario Vitruviano ; by B. Orsini. 1801 Deir architettura di M. Vitruvio Pollione libri dieci : restituti nell' italiana lingua da B. Orsini. 2 vols. 8o. Perugia 1802 Architettura ; di C. Amati. 2 vols. fo. Mikin 1829-30 L' architettura, tradotta in italiano da Q. Viviani, con note di V. Tuzzi. 11 vols, in 3. 8o. Udine 1830-33 L' architettura di Vitruvio in italiano ed illustrata con comenti e tavole da L. Marini. 3 vols. fo. Borne 1836-37 Spanish De architectura, dividido en diez libros, traduzidos de latin en castellano por M. de Urrea. 4o. Alcald 1582 Compendio de los diez hbros de arqui- tectura . . . escrito en frances por C. Perrault. . . . Traducido al cas- tellano por Don Joseph Castaileda. 8o. Madrid 1761 Los diez libros de architectura de M. Vitruvio Polion, traducidos del latin, y comentados pov J. Ortiz y Sanz. fo. Madrid 1787 see GeneUi. Vitruvius Seoticus Collection of plans, &c., of public buildings, noblemen's and gentlemen's houses in Scotland; principally from designs of ^Y. Adam. [1720-40, 1810] Vitry (U) Le propri^taire architecte. 2 vols. 4o. Paris 1827 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 285 1840 1843 Vitry (TJ) — continued. Dictionnaire portatif d'architecture civile. 3rd edit. 12o. Paris Le Vignole de pocbe ; ou memorial des artistes, des proprietaires et des ouvriers. 5th ed. 12o. Paris {Bound together.) Vivian (G) Scenery of Portugal and Spain. 1839 Viviani (ft) .sec Vitruvius Italian. 1880-33 Vogelin (S) and Keller (F) Der gross- miinster in Ziirich, mid das kloster- kappel. 4o. [Zurich] Yogne (C J M de) Les eglises de la Terre-Sainte. 4o. Paris Bulletiu de I'oeuvre des peleriuages en Terre-Sainte. pampb. 8o. Paris Temple de Jerusalem ; monograpliie du Haram-eoh-cherif, suivie d'mi essai sur la topograpliie de la ville sainte. 4o. Paris Syrie centrale ; architecture civile et 1860 1863 1864 ligieuse. VogUe (E M de) Paris 1867 Paris 1881 1774-76 1864 2 vols. 4o. Auguste Mariette. pamph. 8o. Volpato (J) Loggie di Kafaele sec Camporesi (P). Voluntary Architectural Examination see Royal Inst, of British Architects. 1863, Volt (... von) Denkmiiler der architektur ; by ... V. Voit, E. Gulil, .J. Caspar, W. Liibke, and C. v. Liitzow. ob. fo. Stuttgart 1860 Vorbilder fiir fabrikanten und bandwerker see Berlin Konigl. Technische De- putation FUK Gewerbe. Vorlegeblatter see Berlin Konigl. Technische De- putation Ftjii Geweebe. Vredeman (J de) Perspective ; c'est a dire, le tresrenomm^ art du poinct oculaire. ob. fo. Lcydcn 1604 see Hondius iH). Vredeman de Vries (J) see Hondius (H). Vries (J V de) see Hondius (H). Vulliamy (B L) Public clocks, particularly church clocks, with bints for their improvement. 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. Portion of the papers relating to the great clock for the new palace at Westminster. 4o. Lond. Vulliamy (L) The bridge of the SS''. Triniti\ over the Arno at Florence. fo. Lond. Examples of ornamental sculpture in architecture. fo. Lond. Vulpius (J E) Fiibrer durch Koln. {Ger- man and French text.) 12o. Cologne 1836 1831 1848 1822 1825 Vyse (H) Operations carried on at the pyramids of Gizeh in 1837, with an account of a voyage into Upper Egypt. 3 vols. 8o. Lond. w W (W) see WUkins (W). W (W F) Suggestions for new churches. Wade called Lond. Lond. Kent Church of St. Nicolas J. Clarke. Wadmore (J F) History and antiquity of the Company of Skinners, London. 8o. Lond. Old Fulbam bridge, otherwise Putney bridge, pamph. 8o. Tonbridge castle and its lords. 8o. Wage sec Master and Workman. Wagner (A) Bailey-Fabrenkriiger's wor- terbucb der englischen spracbe. 12tb edit. 2 vols. 8o. Jena Waistell (C) Designs for agricultural buildings ; edited by J. JopUng. 4o. Lond. Wakefield Yorkshire Accident to the suspension bridge ; by P. Legb. MS. SP. Chantry on bridge ; by N. Scatcherd. Lunatic asylum ; by ... Watson and Pritcbett. Wakeman (W) see Morgan (0) and Wakeman (W). Wakeman (W F) Handbook of Irish anti- quities. 8o. Dublin Walbran (J R) Recent discoveries at Foun- tains abbey, Yorkshire. MS. Walcott (M E C) Wilham of Wykeham and his colleges. 8o. Lond. The English episcopate ; biographical memoirs of bishops of England. pamph. 8o. Lond. Church and conventual arrangement. SP. 3 Dec. The conventual arrangement of Canter- bury. SP. 15 Dec. Documentary history of English cathe- di-als. pamph. 8o. [Lond.] Battle abbey, and its conventual remains. SP. 21 May Conventual arrangement of Benedictine abbeys. SP. 21 May Sacred arcbfeology ; a popular dictionary of ecclesiastical art and institutions from primitive to modem times. 8o. Lond. 1840 4o. by 1878 1876 1885 1885 1822 1827 1836 1843 1819 1848 1849 1852 1858 1860 1862 1865 1866 1866 1868 286 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Walcott (M E C) — continued. Chantries of Leicestershire and inventory ofOhieston. pamph. 80. [1869] Inventory of the abbey church of St. Albans, Herts. pamph. 80. [1869] The inventories of Westminster Abbey at the dissohition. pamph. 80. Lond. [1870] Inventories of Framland deanery. pamph. 80. [1870] of church goods and chantries of Wilts. pamph. 80. [1870] Inventory of Langley nunnery. pamph. 80. [1870] of Worcester cathedi-al. pamph. 80. [1870] Prices and Aheu priories. pamph. 80. [1870] Inventories and church goods of Devon. pamph. 4o. Exeter [1870] of church goods and chantries in Cheshire. pamph. 80. Liverp. 1871 Inventory of Stanlow pamph. 80. Liverp. Traditions and customs of cathedrals. 80. Lo7id. Old Cleeve abbey. SP- 31 Jan. The early statutes of Chichester cathe- dral, with observations on its consti- tution and history. 4o. Lond. Memorials of Christchurch-Twj-nham, Hants. 8rd ed., by B. E. Ferrey. 12o. Christch. Waldeck (F) Voyage pittoresque et archeologique dans la province de Yucatan pendant les annees 1834 et 1836. fo. Paris 1888 1872 1872 1876 1877 1883 "Wales Cathedrals of by H. Winkles. 1836-38 Handbook to ; by R. J. King. 1873 St. David's, history and antiquities ; by W. J. Jones and E. A. Freeman. 1856 Slate quarries; by C. Gregory. MS. SP. 1886 University college ; by J. P. Seddon. SP. 1871 see Archaeologia Cambrensis. WalhaUa sec Regensburg. Walhouse (M J) The Svastika symbol. in SP. 13 Dec. 1880 Walk see Park. Walker (A) Philosophical estimate of the causes, efifects, and cure of vmwhole- some air in large cities ; causes and cm-e of smoky chimneys. 80. Lo^id. 1777 Walker (C V) Difference between Leyden discharges and lightning flashes, &c. pamph. 80. Lond. 1842 Electrotype manipulation. 2 parts. 12o. Lond. 1845 Walker (H) Pugin travelling studentship 1867 : diary of tour. MS. 4o. Walker (J) City of London sewers ; report. 4o. Land. Walker (J C) Designs for cottages, with report see Edinburgh Association FOR Impeoving Dwellings, &c., in Scotland. 1859, Waler (T L) Study of Gothic architecture. MS. Examples of Gothic architecture : — Vicar's close at Wells. 4o. Lond. Manor house and church at Great Chalfield, Wiltshire. 4o. Lond. Manor house at South Wrashall ; and church of St. Peter at Bid- destone, Wiltshire. 4o. Lond. Essay on architectural practice ; an attempt to supply a guide for stu- dents, &c. 80. Lond. Church of St. Margaret, Stoke Golding, Leicestershire. 4o. Lond. WaU Construction, as influenced by local cir- cumstances and the materials most readily available ; by C. T. Har- grave. Prize essay. MS. Earthen, method of constructmg ; by W. Wilds. Garden ; by J. B. Watson. MS. SP. Improved mode of constructing ; by J. Taylor, jun. Notes on ; by W. R. Slacke. Porosity, influence on health ; by E. Trelat. Eetainmg, stability of; by J. Miu-ray. Thickness, in proposed Metropolitan Building Bill ; by E. Hesketh. SP. Wallen (F) Description of design for im- provements in Holborn Hill and Skinner Street. pamph. fo. Lond. Wallen (W) Round church at Little Maplestead, Essex ; with an histori- cal sketch of the Crusades. 80. Lond. Waller (F S) Cathedral church at Glou- cester, fo. Lond. Waller (J G) Paintmg discovered m Chaldon Church, Surrey, 1870. pamph. 80. Lond. Wallis (J) Dendrology. 80. Lond. WaUon (P) Distribution des medailles decernees par la Societe Centrale des Architectes : rapport. pamph. 80. Paris Walmisley (A T) The bridges over the Thames at London. pamph. 80. Lond. Iron roofs. fo. Lond. 1867 1848 1861 1838 1836 1887 1838 1841 1844 1853 1885 1840 1849 1878 1883 1855 1855 1863 1836 1856 1885 1883 1885 1880 1884 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 287 Walpole (H) Catalogue of the classic con- tents of Strawberry Hill, collected by H. W. (Sale in April, 1842.) 4o. Lond. 1842 Walsh (R) History of Dublin ; by J. Warburton, R. Wbitelaw, and R. Walsh. 1818 The Turkish empire illustrated : Con- stantmople and its environs ; with the scenery of the Seven Churches of Asia Mmor. Drawings by T. AUom. 4o. Lond. 1839 Walter (T ¥) Description of Girard Col- lege, Philadelphia, pamph. Bo. Philad. 1837 Walters (E) Memoir of the late ; by E. I'Ansou. SP. 1872 Walton (H D) Pugin travelluig studentship 1886 : ac- count of tour. MS. fo. Lond. 1887 sketches in Shropshire and Wor- cestershire. SP. No. XXXVI. Wanderer (F) Adam Krafft and his school (1490-1507). A collection of sculp- tures still extant in Nuremberg and its vicinity. {Fr. and Germ, text.) 4o. Nuremb. 1869 Warburton (J) Whitelaw (R) and Walsh (R) History of Dublin, from the earliest accounts to the present time : containing its annals, anti- quities, ecclesiastical history, and charters, &c. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1818 Wardle (G Y) Painted decorations of churches, chiefly roofs. (12 mounted tracings and MS. text.) fo. Lond. 1870 screens in Norfolk and Suffolk. (33 moimied tracings and MS. text.) fo. Lond. 1872 Ware (I) Complete body of architecture, adorned with plans and elevations fi-om ori- ginal designs, with some designs of I. Jones never before published. fo. Lond. 1756 Desims of I. Jones and others. 4o. Lond. [1756] Ware (I) and Kent (W) Plans, &c., of Houghton in Norfolk. fo. Lond. 1760 Ware (M) iun. Handy book of sanitary law. pamph. 12o. 1866 Ware (S) Remarks on theatres and on propriety of vaulting them with brick and stone ; and on domes. 8o. Lo7id. 1809 Tracts on vaults and bridges, contain- ing Forms of vaults ; London bridge ; Principles of arches ; Tables of bridges; Principles of pendent Ware (S) — continued. bridges ; Properties of the catenary apphed to the Menai bridge, &c. 8o. Lond. 1822 Ware (W R) Outline of a course of architectural in- struction. pamph. 8o. Boston, U.S. 1866 Condition of architecture and architec- tural education in the United States. SP. 28 Jan. 1867 Examples of building construction. Text, pamph. 8o. Boston 1877 Plates. 4o. Boston 1880 Address dehvered before the graduating class of the Worcester County Free Listitute. pamph. 8o. Worcester (Mass.) 1881 Modern perspective. Text 8o. Plates 4o. Boston 1883 Warehouse Designs for; by A. Friedmann. fo. Lond. 1877 Waring (J B) Illustrations of architecture and ornament. 4o. Lond. [1850] Architectural, sculptural, and picturesque studies in Burgos, &c. fo. Lond. 1852 Handbooks to the Byzantine, Itahan, Mediaeval, and Renaissance courts at the Crystal Palace; by M. D. Wyatt and J. B. Waring. 1854 Arts connected with architecture in Tuscany. SP. 16 Nov. 1857 m Central Italy. fo. Lond. 1858 Handbook to the museum of ornamental art, in the Art Treasures Exhibition, Manchester : to which is added The Armoury, by J. R. Planche. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1857 Notes on Romanesque art in the south of France. SP. 4 Mar. 1801 Catalogue of drawings fi-om ancient glass paintings by the late C. Winston. pamph. Bo. Lond. 1865 Stone monuments, tumuh, and ornament of remote ages. 4o. Lond. 1870 Cholera and typhoid fever ; a plan for the collection and disposal of sewage on the separate system. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1871 On laying out of cities. SP. 31 Mar. 1873 Waring (J B) and Macquoid (T R) Archi- tectural art in Italy and Spain ; 13th and 16th centuries. fo. Lond. 1850 Warkworth (J) see Cambridge Camden Society. 1839 Warming by N. Arnott. 1888 by W. Bernan. 18^5 288 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Warming — continued. by F. A. Bernliart. 1835 by A. M. Perldns ; and report on ; by J. Davies and G. V. Eyder. 1841 by C. J. Eichardson. 1837 by C. Tomlinson. 1858 by F. Wbishaw. 1848 Gas and electricity as heating agents ; by C. W. Siemens. 1881 Long room of the Custom House, Loudon ; by C. Fowler. SP. 1841 Mechanical applications ; by Institution of Civil Engineers. 1885 Philosophical principles applied to do- mestic purposes, &c. pamph. 8o. Loud. 1836 Polmaise system ; by E. I 'Anson. SP. 1846 Synagogue in Bevis Marks ; by J. B. Gardiner. MS. SP. 1846 Traite de la chaleur ; by E. Peclet. 1844 see Electricity. sec Gas. see Warming and Ventilation. Warming and Ventilation by Boyd and Chapman. by F. Edwards, jun. 1868 by T. C. Hine. 1875 by F. Lloyd. 1854 by C. J. Eichardson. by S. Whitwell. 1834 Apparatus for ; by A. M. Perkins. 1840 Buildings ; by W. F. Butler. 1873 for applied science instruction ; by E. C. Eobins. SP. 1883 Chemical laboratories ; byE. C. Eobins. [1885] Discussion at E.l.B. A. SP. 7 Feb. 1863 Dwelhngs, and utilisation of waste heat ; by F. Edwards, jun. _ 1881 Eeport by commissioners. fo. Land. 1857 Habitations ; by E. Trelat. 1886 Hall of representatives, U.S. ; by E. Briggs. 1876 Heating of public buildings, &c. ; by J. Barber. SP. 1873 Hospitals ; by PauH. SP. 1872 Houses ; by C. Hood. 1837, 1844, 1855, 1879 by W. S. Inman. 1836 by J. Kite. MS. 1845 . by A. Eeid. MS. 1835 Temperature dans ; by fi. Tre- lat. 1886 How far it may be rendered compulsory ; by J. Toynbee. SP. 1847 Lidia ; by E. Tanner. 1869 Principles of architectural physiology ; by D. 0. Edwards. SP. 1866 Public building in Vienna ; by F. E. Farrow. {Godirin Bursary Tour.) SP. 1885 Eeport by select committee, fo. Lond. 1835 Warming and Ventilation — continued. Eeturns : ventilation and lighting of the Houses of Parliament. May and Aug. 1888 Ventilation and drainage of houses ; by W. Eassie. 1876 by E. E. Middleton. 1881 Factories and workshops ; by W. Tattersall. 1887 of brickwork ; by E. Merrell. SP. 1848 of rooms ; by C. Varley. MS. SP. 1847 by T. White- hurst. 1794 Eeid- see Journal Quarterly Eeview. 1846 Sewers and drains ; by C. E. Cresswell. 1884 — ■ by E. B. EUice- Clark. 1878 by S. Salter. 1872 Van Hecke system ; by W. W. Phipson. 1859 AVith warm air by self-acting suction power ; by J. W. Hayward. SP. 1878 see London Houses of Paeliament. see Tredgold (T) and Bramah (T). Warmington Northampton Architecture of church ; by H. Caveler. 1850 Warner (R) History of abbey of Glaston, and town of Glastonbury. 4o. Bath 1826 Warnsinck (I) Het landhuis "Linden- heuvel," te Overveen boven Haarlem. fo. Amst. [1848] Warren (C) The recovery of Jerusalem ; by C. W. Wilson and C. Warren. 1871 The Temple or the Tomb. 8o. Lond. 1880 Warren (H) see Moore (T) Warrington (W) History of stained glass, from the earliest period of the art to the present time. fo. Lond. 1848 Waiter (J W) Parochial fragments relat- ing to the parish of West Tarring, and the chapelries of Heene and Durrington, in Sussex, and Life of T. A'Beckett. 8o. Lond. 1853 Warton (T) Essay on Gothic architecture. 8o. Lond. 1800 Warwick Castle ; by G. T. Eobiuson. 1859 St. Mary's ; by Warw. Nat. Hist. & Arch. Soc. 1844 Wabwickshiee Natueal Histoey and akchieological society St. Mary's, Warwick. 8o. Warwick 1844 PRINTED BOOKS, IVLLN CSCKIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 289 Warwickshire Aston Hall ; by W. Niven. [1881] Houses, illustrations of old ; by W. Niven. 1878 Washhouse see Bath, &c. Washington National Board of Health Annual reports. 5 vols. 8o. Wash. 1879-83 National Institute foe the Pbomotion OF Science 1st and 2ud bulletins. pamph. 8o. Wash. 1841-42 3rd bulletin, Feb. 1842 to Feb. 1845. pamph. 8o. Wash. 1845 Discourse on the objects and importance of; by J. R. Poinsett. 1841 Smithsonian Institution Animadversions on the proceedings, &c., by D. H. Arnot. 1847 Eeports 8o. Wash. 1868-85 List of foreign correspondents to Jan. 1882. pamph. 8o. Wash. 1882 United States Naval Observatory Astro- nomical observations, by M. F. Maury. Vol. i. 4o. Wash. 1846 Wasser ( ) see Gartner (F von) and others. Waste sec Law. Water and Water Supply by A. R. Binnie. 1878 by W. H. Corfield. 1874 by J. Martin. 1834 by E. W. and W. C. Myhie and J. Simpson. 1840 by G. Eennie. 1850 Cam, Sanitary condition of the river ; bv E. E. Eowe. ' 18G4 Cistern for filtering for the supply of towns ; by G. R. Burnell. SP. 1851 ram- water at Venice ; by C. Parker. SP. 1841 self-discharging house ; by J. 1848 1841 Hosmer. Colne, from the valley of the ; by J. Clut- terbuck. Constant supply, evidence in favour of; by T. Wicksteed. 1846 Country mansions ; by R. B. Grantham. SP. 1874 Dewsbury, Heckmondwike, and Batley ; by T. Wicksteed. 1856 Domestic plumbing and water-service ; by W. White. 1880 Domestic use ; by W. A. O'Doherty. 18G2 Filtration, rei^ort of, &c., at Ely water- works ; by B. Latham. 1864 Extracts from reports on ; by Ai-my Medical School. 1880 Flow of, in pipes ; by W. C. Unwin. 1886 Geological conditions ; by J. Prestwich, jun. SP. 1850 Glasgow waterworks ; by J. M. Gale. 1864 Water and Water Supply — continued. Hydraulics ; by N. San Bertolo. 1826-27 architecture ; by B. Beli- dor. 1788-90 by G. C. F. M. Eiche de Prony. 1790-96 buildmg in water ; by G. Semple. 1776, 1780 di'aining of Lake Fucino ; by A. Brisse and L. de Eotrou. 1876 fen floods and the Lower Ouse ; by J. H. H. Moxon. 1878 machines ; by T. Ewbank. 1842 Law of waters ; by H. W. Woolrych. 1851 Lewes and neighbourhood see Lewes. 1833 Liverpool ; by G. H. Whalley. 1876 London, subteiTaneous reservoirs ; by J. Clutterbuck. 1842 water-bearing strata of ; by J. Prestwich, jmi. 1851 Manchester and Salford ; by S. C. Homer- sham 1848 MetropoUtan ; by J. Vetch. 1849 means of supplying with pure water ; report ; by T. Telford. 1834 Notes of evidence on ; by J. Boult. 1853 Reports on ; by General Board of Health. 1856 — Report on ; by T. Eow- landsou. 1851 Report of metropolis. fo. Land. 1834 and fire prevention. Re- port of select committee of Society of Arts. 1874 Movement of, in tidal river ; by W. C. Unwin. 1888 North Kent district ; by P. W. Barlow. Report on the corrosion of iron mains ; by H. Spencer. 1860 Reservoirs ; Bradford, failure of ; by W. Naylor. 1864 Rome, ancient and modern ; by R. Bur- gess. SP. 1866 To towns ; by S. Smirke. SP. 1858 Wells, artesian ; by Rev. W. Buckland, SP. 1849 by S. Lapidge. SP. 1841 digging, boring, pumpwork, &.C. ; by J. G. Swindell. 1849 New River Company's ; byR. W. and W. C. Mylne and J. Simpson. 1840 sec Aqueduct. see London and Westminster Water Company. sec London (Watford) Spring Water Company. Watercloset see Sanitary Science, &c. Water Glass sec Silica. P P 290 FEINTED BOOKS, IVIANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Waterhouse (A) A chapter of the history of strikes. pamph. 80. Manch. 1865 Description of Manchester assize courts. SP. 12 June 1865 Courts of Justice competition : general description of design. fo. Lond. 1867 Report on designs submitted in competi- tion for new Corn Exchange, Cam- bridge, pamph. fo. [1869] The new Town Hall at Manchester. SP. 19 Feb. 1877 Waterhouse (P) Pediments and gables. Prize essay. pamph. 4o. Oxford 1886 Waterproof Process and Material Letter relative to paper by J. Sylvester on waterproof stone ; by B. Ferrey. MS. SP. 1843 Pasteboard and other articles ; by W. Hutchison. 1856 Stone ; by J. Sylvester. SP. 1843 Structures ; by N. C. Szerelmey. 1857 Wathen (G H) Arts, antiquities, and chro- nology of ancient Egypt, from obser- vations in 1839. 80. Lond. 1843 Watkins (C F) Basilican church of Brix- worth. 4o. Lond. 1867 Watling Street In Durham and Northum- berland, survey of ; by H. Mac- Lauchlan. 1852 Watson ( Sir J) Improvements in Glasgow and the City Improvement Acts : origin of the Artisans' Dwellings Act. SP. 21 Ap. 1879 Watson (J B) Essay on architecture. MS. SP. 5 May 1835 Mode of constructing garden walls. MS. SP. 30 Mar. 1840 Mode of drawing Gothic arches, sug- gested by T. Tredgold. MS. SP. 29 June 1840 Watson (R) Experiments on slate ; ex- tracts made by G. Bailey. MS. SP. 1845 Watson (W H) Law of arbitration and awards ; including the act of parlia- ment relating to arbitrations between masters and workmen, with an ap- pendix of precedents. 3rd edit. 80. Lond. 1846 Watson (...) and Pritchett (...) Plans, &c., of the pauper lunatic asylum at Wakefield, Yorkshire. fo. York 1819 Ways sec Law. Weale (J) Catalogue of books on the subjects of architecture, engineering, &c. 80. Lo7id. 1840-41 — — With illustrations. 80. Lond. 1854 Weale (J) — continued. Ensamples of railway makmg ; with rail- ways of Belgium in 1842, by E. Dob- son. 80. Lond. 1843 Quarterly papers on architecture. 4 vols. 4o. Lond. 1844-45 Eudimentary dictionary of terms used in architecture, &c. [Part iv luanting.) 12o. Lond. 1849-50 Dictionary of terms used in architecture, building, engineering, the fine arts, &c. (New edit, by E. Hunt.) 80. Lond. 1873 Weale (W H J) Eestauration des monumens publics en Belgique. 80. Bruss. 1862 Catalogue des objets d'art religieux du moyen-age et de la renaissance, &c., exposes fi Malines, 1864. 2nd edit. 80. Bruss. 1864 Wears (T W) Great Haseley church see Oxford Akchitectukal Society. 1840 . Webb (A) Architectural tour through Cambridgeshire and Suffolk as Pugm student for 1873. MS. fo. [1876] Webb (A) and Bell (E I) Design for new Admiralty and War Offices. fo. Lond. 1884 Webb (B) see Durandus (W). 1843 Webb (C L) Law of easements. SP. 17 Dec. 1877 Webb (E B) and DoUand (J) Shall London Bridge be widened, or shall a new bridge be built near the Tower ? pamph. 80. Lond. 1871 Webb (J) see Jones (I). 1725 Webb (L) Practice of the Sux^reme Court of Judicature, and of House of Lords on appeals. 80. Lond. 1877 Webster (T) On the subject-matter of letters patent for inventions. pamph. 80. Lond. 1841 Weenink (C) see Conrad (F W). Weenink (J B) Biographical sketches of Dutch architects. MS. 4o. 1848 Weerth (E aus'm) Kunstdenkmiiler des christlichen mittel- alters in den Eheinlanden. Text. 4o. Lei^Jzig 1857-60 Plates, fo. Leipzig £ Bonn 1857-66 Wandmalereien des christlichen mittel- alters in den Eheuilanden. Text and plates, fo. Leipzig 1880 Weever (J) Ancient funerall monuments within the imited monarchic of Great Britaine, Ireland, and the ilands adjacent, with the dissolved monas- teries therein contained. 4o. Lond. 1631 Wegmann (...) and Zeugheer (L) Baube- schreibung der jH'ojektirten ncuen PRINTED BOOKS, MAIJUSCRIPXS, SESSIONAL PAPEES 291 183G 183G Wegmann (...) and Zeugheer (L) — continued. anlage eiiies krankenbauses und eines absouderuugshauses iu dem scbonbausgute bei Ziiricb, &c. pampb. 4o. Zurich Wehnert (E H) Reminiscences of Madame Malibran, in a series of iUustrations of ber priucii^al cbaracters. Part i. FideUo. ob. fo. Loud. Weigell (R) Verzeicbniss von grossereu arcbitectoniscben werken. pampb. 80. Leipzig 1842 Weight sec Measures and Weights. Weinbrenner (F ) Grmidpliine der gebiiudeu. fo. Darmstadt Weld (C R) Descriptive catalogue of por- traits belonging to the Eoyal Society of London. 80. Lond. Well see Water, &c. Wellbeloved (C) Abbey of St. Mary, York ; and the dis- coveries recently made. {Plates by F. Nash.) fo. Lond. Eburacum ; or York under the Eomans. 80. York Wellesley (A) Duke of Wellington Characteristics ; by Earl de Grey. Funeral obsequies ; by A. Maclure. Wellington Monument see London Monuments. Wellington Institute of Akchitects AND Civil Engineees Eules and by-laws. pampb. 80. Wellington 1883 Wellow Somerset Eestoration of church roof ; by T. Browne. 1880 Wells Somerset And Glastonbury ; Architectural beauties of; by E. S.Cole. [1851] Antiquities of ; by J. H. Parker. 18G6 Cathedral church ; by J. Britton. 1824, 1847 History of; by E. A. 18G0 1829 1842 1853 1851 Freeman. front Iconography of west front ; by C. R. Cockerell. Observations on west SP. the W. SP. ■by 1870 by B. Ferrey. Photographs of sculptures of the west front ; by Lightly. 18G1 1870 1863 C. E. Cockerell. Vicar's close ; by T. L. Walker. Wellsted (...) see Robinson (F) . Wenlock Priory Salop by E. Roberts West (E) Mc Peschel (C F). West (G H) Causes of the decline of Spam. pampb. 80. Oxford History and development of Gothic vaulting. SP. 30 Nov. 1874 183G 1842 [18G2] 18G7 West (W R) Grecian temples, how roofed and lighted, pampb. 4o. Philadel. 18GG Westgarth (W) see Society of Arts. 188G West Ham Essex Report on sewerage works ; by E. Eawlinson. 18G2 Westlake (N H T) and Purdue (W A) Illustrations of Old Testament his- tory iu Queen Mary's psalter. 4o. Lond. £■ Oxf. 1865 Westmacott (Sir R) Address on the death of J. Flaxman. 80. Lond. 1838 Westminster sea London. Westphalia Mittelalterlicbe kunst ; by W. Liibke. 1853 West Tarring Sussex Parish of; by J. W. Warter. 1853 Westwood (J 0) Fac-similes of miniatures and ornaments of Anglo-Saxon and Irish MSS. fo. Lond. 1868 Wethered (C) Translation of Eestoration, Ac, by E. E. Viollet-le-Duc. 1875 The late E. E. Viollet-le-Duc. CP. 7 May 1884 Wetter (J) and Peyre (A M) Untersuch- ungen iiber die wicbtigsten gegen- stiinde der theaterbaukunst. 4o. Mayence 1829 Wetterstedt (C) Description of new patent marine metal. MS. SP. 18 Dec. 1837 Two letters on an anti-combustive solu- tion invented bv him. MS. SP. 26 Feb. 1838, and 22 Mar. 1811 On lime spunge. MS. SP. 22 Mar. 1841 Wey (F) Eome ; with an introduction by W. W. Story. 4o. Lond. 1872 Whalley ( G H ) Memorandum on Liverpool water supply. pampb. 80. Liverp. 1876 Wheatley (L A) see Liibke (W). Wheeler (G) Peculiarities of domestic architecture in America. SP. 8 Feb. 18G8 SP. 30 Mar. 18()8 The choice of a dwelling. 80. Lond. 1871 WheweU (W) Architectural notes on German churches. 80. Camb. 1835 Astronomy and general physics considered with reference to natural theology. 80. Lond. 1837 Elementary treatise on mechanics. 6th edit. 80. Camb. 1841 7th edit. 80. Cavib. 1847 Mechanics of engineering. 80. Camb. 1841 Remarks on tlie Gothic and after- Gothic architecture of Germany. SP. 5 Nov. 1849 Certain analogies between arcliitecture and other fine arts. SP. 9 Mar. 1863 2^2 PKINTED BOOKS, lUN USCRiPXS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Whewell (W) — continued. On decease of ; by A. J. B. B. Hope. SP. 1866 Sermon in memory of; by J. B. Light- foot. 1866 Whichcord (J) Collegiate chui-ch of All Saints, Maid- stone ; with observations on the Ijolychromatic decorations of the middle ages. 4o. Loncl. 1845 Kentish ragstone as a building material. SP. 1 Dec. 1845 pamph. 8o. Lond. 1846 Sanitary condition of Maidstone. 8o. Maid. & Lond. 1849 Baths and washhouses ; by A. Ashpitel and -J. Whichcord. 1853 Antiquities of Maidstone and the poly- chromy of the middle ages. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1854 ToMni dwellings ; by A. Ashpitel and J. Whichcord. 1855 Church of St. Mary, Aldermary, Bow Lane. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1859 Schedule of prices for artificers' work in Tuscany. MS. 1860 Hydrauhc lifts. SP. 18 Jan. 1864 National Safe deposit company's premises. SP. 17 Jan. 1876 Opening address, E.I.B.A. SP. 1 Dec. 1879 — SP. 1 Nov. 1880 Whichcord (J) and Price (J E) Eomau antiquities recently discovered on site of National Safe Deposit com- pany's premises, Mansion House. 4o. Lond. 1873 Whinstone sec Lithology. Whishaw (F) Holborn Hill improvement. Eeport on the projectecl viaduct from Fetter Lane to Old Bailey, and improve- ment of Farringdon market. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1885 Analysis of railways. 8o. Lond. 1887 Application of heated currents to manu- facturmg and other purposes. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1848 WMtby Stone see Lithology. White (A D) What profession shall I choose ? pamph. 8o. Ithaca, N.Y. 1885 White (J) Proposed improvements of the western part of London, by the formation of the Eegent's Park, the new street, the new sewer, &c. 8o. Lond. 1814 ; 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1815 Experiments made on woods sccTredgold (T). MS. SP. 1836 Formation of harbours of refuge, and the improvement of the navigation of rivers and sea ports, by the adoption White (J) — contimied. of moored floating constructions, as breakwaters of the force of the sea, tides, &e. 8o. Lond. Architectural antiquities of Wisby, Sweden. MS. SP. 8 Mar. Churches of Sweden. MS. SP. 19 Ap. On two specimens of painting on stucco. SP. 31 Jan. Description of a model of a patent ten- sion beam. MS. SP. 17 June White (J B) & Sons Experiments on the strength of Portland and Roman cements, conducted at the Great Exhibition building. pamph. 8o. Lond. White (J) and Pritchard (T F) Cemen- titious architecture, as applicable to the construction of bridges ; with a prefatory notice on the first intro- duction of iron as the constituent material for arches of a largo span. 8o. Lond. White (J T) and Riddle (J E) Latin and English dictionary. 5th edit. 4o. Lond. White (T P) Archaeological sketches in Scotland : Kintyre. fo. Edinb. White (W) Notes on Newland church, Gloucester- shire ; with remarks on church restoration and arrangements. SP. 30 Nov. Iron-work ; its use and treatment. SP. 20 Nov. Measurement of obstruction of ancient lights. SP. 19 Nov. A descriptive sketch of the new house at Humewood, co. Wicklow. SP. 4 Jan. Domestic plumbing and water-service. 8o. Lond. Church seats. pamph. 8o. Lond. Fire-proof closing of openings under the Metropolitan Building Act. SP. 19 Jan. Wisby in the island of Gotland. SP. 14 Dec. Church restoration, pamph. 4o. Lond. White (W H) Government architecture in Bengal. SP. 23 Mar. " Hope of English architecture." SP. 14 Dec. Houses or homes ? an architect's appeal to the Duke of Bedford. pamph. 8o. Lond. Middle-class houses in Paris and central London. SP. 19 Nov. Discussion. SP. 3 Dec. 1840 1841 1841 1842 1844 1852 1832 1876 1873 1863 1865 1866 1869 1880 1884 1885 1885 1886 1874 1874 1877 1877 1877 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 2d3 White (W H) — continued. A brief review of the education and position of architects in France since 1671. SP. 4 Feb. 1884 Architecture and pubUc buildings : their relation to school, academy, and state, in Paris and London. 8o. Lond. 1884 reviewed ; by H. B. Verity. 1885 A protest against the amended design for proposed Admiralty and War Offices. pamph. Bo. Lond. 1885 The antechamber, to-day and yesterday, in French and English plans. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1885 The past, present, and future of the architectural profession. pamph. 12o. Lond. 1885 Biographical notice of J. Fergusson. pamph. 8o. Hertford 1886 Whitehurst (J) Ventilation of rooms ; the construction of chimneys ; and garden stoves. 4o. Lond. 1794 Whitelaw (R) History of Dublin fi-om the earliest accomits to the present time ; by J. Warburton, E. Whitelaw, and R. Walsh. 1818 WMting (G) Products and resources of Tasmania, as illustrated in the International Exhibitioi of 1862. pamph. 8o. Hohart Town 1862 Whitley (C T) An attempt to reproduce by hthography etchings by Salvator Eosa, with notice of his life and works. 4o. Dover 1872 Whitley (W T) The Coventry Cross. pamph. 8o. Warwick 1880 Whitnash Warwickshire Description ; by Anonymous. Whittington (G D) Historical survey of the ecclesiastical antiquities of France, with a view to illustrate the rise and progress of Gothic architecture. 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1811 Whitwell (S) Warming and ventilating houses and buildings, by means of large volumes of attempered air, as applied to some of the public edifices of the University of Cambridge, &c. pamph. 4o. Camb. and Lond. 1884 Wicar (J B) Mus6e Wicar h Lille. 8o. Lille 1856 Eemarks on ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1853 Wickes ( C) Spires and towers of mediffival churches of England ; observations on. the architecture of middle ages, and its spire-growth. 3 vols, in 1. fo. Lond. 1858-59 1840 1841 1846 1854 Wicksteed (T) Eeport upon the advantages to be derived from clothing of steam boilers, pipes, cylinders, &c., with patent felt. pamph. 4o. Lond. Experimental enquiry concerning the re- lative power of, and useful effect produced by, the Cornish andBoulton and Watt pumping engines, and by cyliadiical and waggon-head boilers. 4o. Lond. Analysis of the evidence in favour of the constant supply system (water). pamph. 8o. Lond. Report upon the most advantageous mode of dealing with the sewage matter of the metropolis. 8o. Lond. Eeport on practicability of obtaining sufficient supply of water for Dews- bury, Heckmondwike, and Batley. pamph. 8o. Dcwsbury 1856 Wiebeking (C F von) Architecture ci\dle. Text, 7 vols, {in 8) 4o. Munich 1827-81 Plates, ob. fo. [Munich 1827-31] Analyse descriptive, historique et raison- nee des monumens de I'antiquit^ et des Edifices les plus remarquables. 5 vols. 4o. Munich 1838 Atlas au 5"«^ vol. ob. fo. Munich 1838 Wiegmann (R) KonigUche kunst-akademie zu Diisseldorf, und die Diisseldorfer kiinstler. 8o. Diiss. 1856 Wiegmann (R) and Muller (K 0) Die malerei der alten in ihrer anwendmig mid technik, msbesondere als deco- rations-malerei. 8o. Hanover 1836 Wigginton (W) Sanitary reform : Model town dwellings for industrious classes ; the sanitary movement. 4o. Loiul. Wight, Isle of Handbook ; by J. Murray. Eoman viUa at Carisbrooke : Spickernell. Morton ; by J. E. and by W. 1850 1865 1860 Price. 1880 F. G. H. Wright (P B) National academy of design. Photo- graphs of the new building, with essay. 4o. N. York 1866 Remarks on fire-proof construction. pamph. 4o. N. York 1869 Wightwick (G) Autobiography of G. Wightwick. 8o. Lond. Ulustratious of architectural criticisms, &c. 2 vols. 8o. Cliftua • Principles and practice of architectural design. pamph. 8o. Lo}ul. 294 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCSlPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Wightwick (G) — continued. Seven lectures on architecture. (100 original drawings as illustrations.) MS. fo. Views of Roman antiquities. (18 original drawings for " Select Views.") fo. Borne Select views of the Eoman antiquities. fo. Land. Papers on art and architecture. 8o. [Lond.] 1836, Selection from the museum of the Vatican, consisting of antique vases, altars, chairs, and various architectural frag- ments, fo. Lond. The palace of architecture. 8o. Lond. Present condition and prospects of archi- tecture in England. 4o. Plymouth Hints to young architects. 8o. Lond. — 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. New edit. 12o. Lond. and Prize essay. . ^^• genius of Sir Christo- [With MS. notes, addi- SP. 30 May by G. H. Guillanme Critical essay on the architecture genius of Sir C. Wren. Architecture and pher Wren, tions, &c.] Wigley (G J) Archffiological studies in Jerusalem. SP. 25 Feb. and 10 Mar, Illustrated with a plan and fourteen photographs. 4o. Lond. San Carlo Borromeo's instructions on ecclesiastical building ; translated fi'om the Latin. 8o. Lond, Wilcote Oxfordshire St. Peter's church ; by J. C. Buckler. Wild (C) Twelve specimens from the cathedrals of England. fo. Lond. Architecture and sculpture of the cathe- dral church of Lincohi. fo. Lond. 2nd edit. ; by J. Britton. Architecture and sculpture of the cathe- dral church of Worcester, fo. Lond. Select examples of architectural grandeur in Belgium, Germany, and France. fo. Lond. Wild (J J) Letter to Lord Brougham, containing proposals for a scientific exploration of Egj^pt and Ethiopia. pamph. 8o. Lond. Wilde (W R) Catalogue of the antiquities of stone, earthen, and vegetable mate- rials, in the museum of the Eoyal Irish Academy. 8o. Dublin Wilds (W) Elementary and practical m- structious on the art of building 1826 1827 1849 1837 1840 1845 1846 1860 1880 1858 1859 1856 1856 1857 1844 1819 1837 1823 1837 1850 1857 Wilds (W) —continued. cottages and houses for the humbler classes ; an easy method of construct- 1835 8o. Lond. pittoresques et un precis ob. 4o. Borne 1819 1807 1816 1836 1837 1812 ing earthen walls, &c Wilkins (H) Suite de vues des ruines de Pompei, historique de la ville. Wilkins (W) The antiquities of Magna GriEcia. fo. Camb. 1807 {Incomplete : text MS. with some original outline drawings, and proofs of engravings.) fo. Camb. Atheniensia ; or, remarks on the topo- graphy and buildings of Athens. 8o. Lond. Apology for the designs of the houses of parliament, marked " Phil Archi- medes ; " by W. W. 2nd edit., with supplement. 4o. Lond. Prolusiones architectonicae ; or, essays on ■ subjects connected with Greek and Roman architecture. 4o. Lond. see Vitruvius. Wilkinson (J G) Topography of Thebes and Egypt ; re- marks on maimers and customs of ancient Egyptians. 8o. Lond. 1835 Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians, including their private life, government, laws, arts, manu- factures, religion, and early history. 3 vols. 8o. Lond. 1837 2nd series, including their religion, agriculture, &c. Text 2 vols, plates 1 vol. 8o. Lond. 1841 Question respecting the origin of the vertical Ime in architecture, and the return to the horizontal line in Italian buildings. MS. SP. 16 Mar. 1840 Remarks on ; by G. Godwin. SP. 1840 Modern Egypt and Thebes. 2 vols. 8o. Lond. 1843 Antique portico near Damascus. MS. SP. 21 July 1845 Notes respecting a so-called Tuscan co- lumn at Baalbec. MS. SP. 26 Ap. 1847 Origin and early use of the pointed arch. MS. SP. 16 July 1849 Architecture of ancient Egj-pt, in which the columns are arranged in orders, and the temples classified. Text 8o. plates fo. Lond. 1850 Use of granite. SP. 18 June 1860 Saracenic architecture. SP. 18 Mar. 1861 Heads placed over arches. SP. 18 May 1863 Wilkinson (R) Londina illustrata. Memo- rials of monasteries, churches, halls, theatres, &c., in London and West- minster. 2 vols. 4q. Lond. 1819-25 PEESTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 295 Wilkinson (W) English country houses. 80. Loncl. & Oxf. 1875 Willcocks (G W) Koads and roadways. pamph. 80. Lond. 1879 Willebrand (H) sec Stiller (A) Prosch (E) and Willebrand (H). Willement (T) Armorial insignia of the kings and queens of England, from coeval authorities. 4o. Lond. 1821 Heraldic notices of Canterbury cathedral. 4o. Lond. 1827 Account of restorations of the coUegiate chapel of St. George, Windsor. 4o. Lond. 1844 Williams (C W) Combustion of coal and the prevention of smoke ; chemically and practi- cally considered. 80. Lond. 1854 Operation of smoke nuisance act : pre- vention of smoke, and remedy, &c. pamph. 80. Lond. 1856 Williams (E) New York Annual Register. 80. N. York 1835 Williams (G) Collected opinions on Mr. Fergusson's theories of the holy places of Jerusa- lem, pamph. 80. Lond. 1864 Dr. Pierotti and his assailants : a defence of " Jerusalem explored." pamph. 80. Lond. 1864 Williams (H W) Select \iews in Greece, with classical illustrations. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1827 sec Sillig (J). 1837 Williams (R F) Historical sketch of the art of sculpture in wood. 80. Lond. 1835 Williams (R L) and Underwood (M) Architectural monuments of Denbigh- shhe and mediseval bridges in Wales. {Plates 1-19, all puhlislied.) fo. Denbigh [1872] The village churches of Denbighshire. 4o. Denbigh 1872 Williams (S W) Usk church, Monmouth- shire, pamph. 80. 1880 Williams (W) Oxonia depicta, sive colle- giorum et aularum in inclyta aca- demia Oxoniensi deliueatio. ( Wants plate xll.) fo. Oxford [1732-33] Williamson (A W) Chemistry for students. 80. Oxon. 1868 Williamson (J) Glastonbury abbey, its history and ruins, pamph. 80. Wells 1862 Willins (E P) Monograph of Castle- Acre priory, Norfolk. 4o. Lond. 1881 Willis (R) Architecture of the middle ages, especially of Italy. 80. Camb. 1835 Willis (R) — contimicd. Instrument invented by him for tracing the profiles of mouldings, and called cymagi-aph. MS. SP. 27 Feb. 1837 Characteristic interpenetrations of the Flamboyant style. SP. 7 Dec. 1840 Construction of the vaults of the middle ages. SP. 5 July 1841 pamph. 4o. Lond. 1842 Description of the cymagraph. pamph. 4o. Lond. 1842 Report of a survey of the dilapidated por- tions of Hereford cathedral. pamph. 80. Hereford 1842 Description of the Sextry barn at Ely, lately demolished. pamph. 4o. Camb. 1843 Sextry barn at Ely. MS. SP. 24 July 1843 Architectural nomenclature of the middle ages. 4o. Camb. 1844 Mouldings of the door and tower pier of Eedcliffe Church, Bristol. SP. 4 Mar. 1844 Architectural history of Canterbury ca- thedi-al. 80. Lond. 1845 Photographic illus- trations ; by J. H. Parker. 1867 Successive construction and history of the church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem, from Constantine down- wards. SP. 17 May 1847 Triforium of the medieval churches. SP. 26 June 1848 Architectural history of the church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. 80. Lond. £ Camb. 1849 Strength of timber, &c., by P. Barlow ; revised by I. Heather and R. Willis. 1851 Architectural history of Chichester ca- thedral ; with an introductory essay on the fall of the tower and sphe. 4o. Ckich. 1861 SP. 8 Ap. 1861 Crypt and chapter house of Worcester cathedi-al. SP. 20 Ap. 1863 Architectural history of Glastonbury abbey. 4o. Camb. 1866 Architectural history of conventual build- ings of Christ Chiu'ch monastery hi Canterbury. 80. Lond. 1869 Willson (E J) Brief memoir of ; by J. Britton. 1855 sec Pugin (A) Specimens, &c., and Ex- amples, &c. Wilmowsky (J N von) Dom zu Trier in seinen drei hauptperioden ; plans, &c. (Plates only.) fo. Trier Wilsen (F C) and Brumimd (J F G) Boro- Boedoer op het eiland Java. Text {Dutch ajid French) 80. Plates (4 vols.) fo. Leyden 1873-74 296 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS ■Wilson Bros. & Co. Views of works exe- cuted ill United States. 4o. Phil. 1885 [Wilson (C)] Ornaments of cburclies con- sidered with a particular view to tlie late decoration of the parish church of St. Margaret, Westminster. [Anonymous.] 4o. Oxford 1761 Wilson (C H) Descriptive catalogue of the casts from the antique statues in the Trustee's Academy, Eoyal Scottish Academy. 2nd edit. 8o. Edinb. 1839 Painted decorations of the early Italian churclies, witli illustrations from the church of S. Francesco di Assisi. SP. 2 Dec. 1844 Proposal for the formation of a museum of easts illustrative of the architec- ture of antiquity and of the middle ages. SP. 14 Ap. 1845 Wilson (C W) Warren (C) and others The recovery of .Jerusalem. (2vols.ini.) 8o. Lo7id. 1871 Wilson (E) Our Egyptian obelisk. 4th edit. pamph. 8o. Lond. 1877 Cleopatra's needle, with notes on Egypt and Egyptian obelisks. 8o. Lond. 1878 Wilson (F R) Notice of Brinkburn Priory, Northumber- land. 8o. Alnwick 1839 Address to members of Northern Archi- tectural Association at Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 18C5. pamph. 8o. Nexvc.-on-T. 1865 Architectural survey of churches in arch- deaconry of Lindisfarue. 4o. Newc.-on-T. 1870 The ancient military and ecclesiastical architecture of the north of England. CP. 24 May 1871 Reports of sanitary survey of Alnwick union, under Public Health Act, 1872. fo. Ahmick 1873-74 Wilson (G) Essay on sea sand, with a report of analy- sis of samples of sea sand and pit sand. 8o. Edinb. 1848 Chemistry. 12o. Lond. & Edinb. [1860] Wilton Wilts Antiquities of house ; by J. Kennedy. 1769 Church ; by G. Godwin. 1859 Wiltshire Beauties of; by J. Britton. 1801, 1825 County lunatic asylum ; by T. H. Wyatt and J. Thurnam. 1852 Handbook ; by J. Murray. 1859 Inventories of chantries, &c. ; by M. E. C. Walcott. Wiltshire — continued. Keport of rovigh usage of the county sur- veyor, fo. [1864] Winchester Ancient structures in ; by G. Godwin. [1843] Antiquities and guide ; by Anonymous. Cathedral church ; by J. Britton. 1817 screen and crypts ; by G. W. Kitchen. 1886 Church of St. John ; by F. J. Baigent. 1852 Cross restoration : report of proceedings at a meeting of the committee on 20th December, 1865. pamph. 8o. [Winchester] 1866 Guide ; by W. Savage. 1884 Memorials of ; by 0. Carter. 1830 Old hall and new assize courts ; by T. H. Wyatt. SP. 1874 Proceedings at see Archaeological Institute. 1845 Winckelmann (J) Histoire de I'art ehez les aiiciens ; ouvrage traduit de I'allemand. 2 vols. 8o. Paris 1766 Storia delle arti del disegno presso gli antichi. Tradotta del Tedesco 3 vols. 4o. Borne 1783-84 Wind Pressure sec Meteorology. Window Sash and Casement Improvement in the construction of ; by B. Shaw. 1858 Livention for takuig out sashes to clean ; by H. B. Cowell. MS. 1836 Patent weathertight fastening ; by A. Smith. pamph. 8o. Windsor Annalsof; by E.R. Tighe and J.E.Davis. 1858 History of ; by J. Hakewill. 1813 Windsor Castle, correspondence respect- ing water supply. fo. Lond. 1849 • Illustrations; by M. Gandy and B. Baud. 1842 Eeport from the select committee on the expense of com- pleting the alterations and improve- ment, fo. 1830 Second report, fo. 1831 by Sir J. Wyatville 1841 see Poynter. On works at ; by Mela Britannicus. 1827 Royal residences ; by W. H. Pyne. 1819 St. George's chapel restoration ; by T. Willement. 1844 Winfield see South Winfield. Winkelmann (Gj see Winckelmann (J). Winkles (B) Continental cathedrals. Amiens. 4o. Lond. 1836 French cathedrals; from drawings by R. Garland. 4o Lond. 1837 PKINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 297 Winkles (H and B) Architectural and picturesque illustra- tions of the cathedrals of England and Wales. Drawings by E. Garland, descriptions by T. Moule. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1836-38 3 vols. 80. Lond. 1836-42 Winston (C) Painted glass in New College chapel and hall, Oxford. pamph. 80. Lond. [1846] Enquiry into the difference of styles ob- servable in ancient glass painting ; by An Amateur. 2 parts. 80. Oxford 1847 Account of the painted glass in Lincoln cathedral and Southwell minster. pamph. 80. Lond. 1848 Introduction to the study of painted glass, with remarks on modern glass painting. pamph. 80. Oxford 1849 Revived manufacture of coloured glass used in ancient windows. SP. 14 June 1852 Methods of painting upon glass. SP. 7 Mar. 1853 Application of painted glass in buildings in various styles of architecture. SP. 28 Nov. 1853 Resemblance between medisval and clas- sical art, as exemplified in the glass pamtings of the Xllth and Xlllth centuries. SP. 16 June 1856 Account of the painted glass in the east window of Gloucester cathedral. pamph. 80. Lond. [1863] Catalogue of his drawings from ancient glass paintings ; by J. B. Waring. 1865 Winter ( C J W) Rood-screen at Randworth sec Norfolk and Norwich Archaeolo- gical Society. 1847 Wisby by R. H. Carpenter. SP. 1885 by A. H. Haig. SP. 1885 by W. White. SP. 1885 Churches of ; by J. White and C. Tottie. MS. SP. 1841 Wiseman (Cardinal N) What are the pro- spects of good architecture in London ? 80. Lond. 1864 Witte (S S) Vertheidigung des versuchs iiber den ursprung der pyramiden in Egypten, und der rmnen von Perse- pohs und Palmyra. 80. Leipzig 1792 Woburn Abbey Bedfordshire ; by P. F. Robinson. 1833 Woillez (E J ) Arch^ologie des monuments rehgieux de I'ancienBeauvoisis pen- dant la metamorphose romane. fo. Paris 1839-49 Wolff (C) Rechtsverhiiltnisse von grimdeigeuthii- mer und nachbar, sowie bauherrn und baumeister. 2nd edit. pamph. 80. Berlin 1876 Wolff (J H) Plan und methode bei dem studium der architectur. 80. Leipzig 1831 Beitrage zur asthetik der baukunst. 80. Leipzig 1884 Die wesentlichste gnmdlage der monu- mentalen baukunst. 80. Gott. 1854 Handbuch der kunst-industrie. Text 80. Plates fo. Gott. 1856 Wolff (P) Jerusalem nach anschauimg und den neuesten forschungen. 12o. Leipzig 1857 Wolvesey History ; by C. Collier. 1864 Wonnacott (T H) Portland cement concrete as a building material. SP. 25 May 1871 CP. 5 June 1871 Wood see Timber. Wood (A a) History and antiquities of the University of Oxford ; from the ori- gmal MS. in the Bodleian hbrary; by J. Gutch. With an appendix, and a eontiuuation to the present time. 5 vols. 4o. Oxford 1786-96 Wood (H T) A note on the pictures by James Barry in the great room of the Society of Arts. pamph. 80. Lond. 1880 Wood (J) Origin of building, or the plagiarism of the heathens detected. fo. Bath 1741 Dissertation upon the orders of columns and their appendages ; the whole constituting the orders of architec- ture. Interspersed with a brief account of the various kinds of inter- columniation observed by the an- cients, &c. 80. Lond. 1760 Plans for labourers' cottages. 4o. Lond. 1806 Wood (J T) The temple of Diana at Ephesus. SP. 15 Feb. 1875 Discoveries at Ephesus, including the site and remains of the great temple of Diana. 80. Lond. 1877 Reply to Mr. Fergusson's paper on the temple of Diana at Ephesus. SP. 9 June 1884 Wood (R) Ruins of Palmyra, otherwise Tedmor in the desart. fo. Lond. 1753 Balbec, otherwise Heliopolis, in Coelo- Syria. fo. Lond. 1767 298 PEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCEIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS Wood (W) Essays on national and sepul- chral monuments. 4o. Land. 1808 Woodchester Gloucestersliire Roman antiquities ; by S. Lysous. 1797 Woodfall (W) Landlord and tenant ; added to by S. B. Harrison. 7th edit., by H. Horn. Bo. Lond. 1856 Woodham (H A) Application of heraldry to the illustration of various uni- versity and collegiate antiquities. pamph. 4o. Camb. 1841 Woods, Forests, and Land Revenue of the Crown Eeports. 2 vols. fo. Lo7id. 1787-92 First, third, and fifth reports of the com- missioners, fo. Lond. 1812, 1820, 1826 Second report from the select committee. fo. Lond. 1849 Report of commissioners on letting of Little Pulteney Street site, &c. (167.) fo. Lo7id. 1884 Woods (J) Dilapidations. 1808 Situations and accompaniments of villas. 1808 see London Architectural Society. Letters of an architect from France, Italy, and Greece. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1828 Memoir of; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. 1864 by the Linnean Society. 1864 Woodward (W) Sanitation and reconstruction of Central London. pamph. fo. [Lond.] London as it is and as it might be. SP. 16 Nov. with Acts governing London. fo. Lond. 1884 1885 1886 1886 see Society of Arts. Woodwork. see Carpentry. see Church Fittings. see Furniture. see Sculpture. see Timber Construction. Woolfe (J) and Gandon (J) Vitruvius Britaimicus ; or, the British architect. {English and French text.) 2 vols. fo. Lo7id. 1767 see Campbell (C). Woolhouse (W S B) Tables of continental lineal and square measures. 8o. Lond. see MoUer (G). WooUey (J) Memoir of; by T. H. Wyatt. MS. SP. Woolnoth (W) The cathedral church of Canterbury. 4o. Lond. 181G Woolrych (E H) The Metropohs Local Management Acts. 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1880 71 1886 1836 1849 Woolrych (H W) Treatise of,,the law of ways, including highways, turnpike roads and tolls, private rights of way, bridges and ferries, with the law of the prescrip- tion act 2 and 3 Wm. IV. c. 71 ; and of railways as far as they relate to highways and turnpike roads. 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1847 Law of sewers, including the drainage acts. 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1849 Treatise on the law of waters, including the law relating to rights in the sea, and rights concerning rivers, canals, dock companies, fisheries, mills, water-courses, &c. ; with note con- cernmgthe rights of the crown to the land between high and low water mark. 2nd edit. 8o. Lond. 1851 Metropolitan building acts with notes. 2nd edit. ; by N. H. Paterson. 8o. Lond. 1877 Woolwich Act to enable the rector of St. Mary to grant building leases, &c., and to build a new rectory house. Worcester Cathedral ; fo. Lond. 1809 by E. W. Billings. by J. Britton. by C. Wild. Crypt and chapter house ; by R. WiUis. SP. see Associated Architectural Societies. Worcestershire Pugin tour ; by H. D. Walton. SP. Wordsworth (C) Athens and Attica ; journal of a residence there. Bo. Lond. Workers Memorials of ; by G. Godwin. Workhouse Charitable and parochial establishments ; by H. S. Snell. see Dunmow Union. see Asylum. sec Poor Law Commissioners. Working Classes. see Agricultural Labourers' Dwelling. see Artisans' Dwelling. sec Master and Workman. Working Drawing sec Draughtsmanship. Work of Art see Library, Museum, &c. Worms Cathedral ; by J. von Egle and others. Wornum (R N) Account of the library of the division of art at Marlborough House ; with a catalogue of the principal works. Bo. Lond. Analysis of ornament — the characteristics of styles, &c. 8o. Lond. 1840 1835 1823 1863 1887 1836 1860 1881 1839 1885 1855 1856 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 299 1871 1868 1846 1867 1868 1878 1624 1733 1649 1749 1828 Wornum (R X) — continued. Descriptive and historical catalogues of pictures in National Gallery. 2 vols. 8o. Lond sec Science and Art Department. Worsaae ( J J A ) Eiiigsted kirke. 4o. Copenh. Worthington (T| Essay on the history and manufacture of bricks. Prize essay. MS. SP. 9 Mar. Hospital construction ; an account of the Chorlton union hospital. 4o. Lond. New town hall, Manchester ; general de- scription of design. fo. Manch. Address to members of Manchester Architectural Association. pamph. Bo. Manch. Wotton (Sir H) Elements of architecture, collected from the best authors and examples. 4o. Lond. see Freart (R). see Vitruvius. Wren (Sir C) Copy of a letter to the inhabitants of Portland, dated 12 May. MS. 1705 Designs for public buildings. 15 plates to illustrate " Parentalia." fo. Lond Life and works of ; by J. Elmes. In " Lives of eminent men, " by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 1833 — Essay on ; by G. Wight- wick. MS. 1858 List of drawings at Oxford ; by G. Gutch. MS. SP. 1836 Churches of; by J. Clayton. 1848-49 Towers and spires of his city churches ; by J. Clayton. SP. Architecture and genius of ; by G. Wight- wick. SP. Church of St. Mary Aldermary, Bow Lane ; by J. Whichcord. Gleanings about ; by W. E. Shone. Towers and steeples designed by ; by A. T. Taylor. His work and its lessons ; by J. Cubitt. Wren ( C and S) Parentalia ; or, memoirs of the family of the Wrens, fo. Lond. Wright (GN) Architecture, Ac, in China ; illustrated by T. Allom. 4 vols. 4o. Lond. Ireland : views of towns, antiquities, &c. ; illustrated by G. Petrie, W. H. Bart- lett, and T. M. Baynes. 4o. Lond. Wright (T) Literature, &c., of the Anglo-Saxons. 8o. Lond. The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon ; a history of the early inhabitants of Britain. 8o. Lond. see Le Eeux (J). 1852 1859 1859 1871 1881 1884 1750 1848 1881 1839 1852 1790 1868 1878 1883 1855 1818 1812 1847 1847 1848 1849 1850 Wrighte (W) Grotesque architecture ; or, rm-al amusement, 8o. Lond. Wroxeter Eomano-British period at ; by H. H. Vale. Wurttemberg Bauordnung ; by L. Schiitz. Ortsbaustatut fiir Stuttgart. pamph. 12o. Stuttg. Villa mauresque du roi ; by L. de Zanth. Wyatt (B) Design for the theatre royal, Drury Lane, 1812. 4o. Lond. Wyatt (G) A compendious description of a design for a theatre. 4o. Lond. Wyatt (Sir MD) Art of mosaic, ancient and modern. 4o. Lond. Mosaics as applied to architectural deco- rations. SP. 1 Nov. Specimens of geometrical mosaic of middle ages. fo. Lond. Keport on the eleventh French exposi- tion of the products of industry. fo. Lond. Observations on polychromatic decora- tion in Italy, from the Xllth to the XVIth century. SP. 2 Dec. Industrial arts of the nmeteenth century; a series of illustrations of the choicest specimens produced by every nation at the Exhibition of Works of Industry, 1851. Parts i.-iii. fo. Lond. 1851 Attempt to define the principles which should determine form in the deco- rative arts. pamph. 8o. Lond. Metal work and its artistic design. fo. Lond. Eemarks on G. Abbati's paper on Pom- peian decorations. SP. 4 Ap. Mosaics and other decorations of the church of Santa Sophia, at Constan- tinople. SP. 19 Feb. Notices of sculpture in ivory. 4o. Lond. 1856 Paris Universal Exhibition ; report on furniture and decorations. pamph. 8o. Lond. Renaissance and Italian ornament. fo. Lond. Some notice of the late J. Britton. SP. 12 Jan, Sacred grotto of St. Benedict at Subiaco, and its institutions. SP. 18 May 1857 Specimens of geometrical mosaics manu- factured by Maw and Co. fo. Lond. MetaUic art. 4o. Lond. Textile art. 4o. Lond. Early habitations of the Irish, and espe- cially the crauuoges or lake castles. SP. 11 Jan. 1858 52 1852 1852 1853 1855 1856 1856 1867 1857 1857 1868 300 PEINTED BOOKS. MANUSCBIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPEKS Wyatt (Sir Iff Ji)—contimicd. Influence exercised on ceramic manufac- tures by the late H. Minton. pamph. 12o. Land. 1858 Architectural career of the late Sir C. Barry. SP. 21 May 1860 Art of illuminating ; what it was — what it should be — and how it may be practised ; an essay to a series of plates by W. E. Tymms. fo. Lond. 1860 Illuminated manuscripts as illustrative of the history of the arts of design. SP. 18 June 1860 Pictorial mosaic as an architectural em- belhshment. SP. 17 Mar. 1862 Present aspect of the fine and decorative arts in Italy ; with special reference to the recent Exhibition in Florence. pamph. Bo. Lond. 1862 Mahomedan buildings, Ahmedabad, India. SP. 20 Mar. 1865 Keport to accompany designs for a Na- tional Gallery. Bo. Lond. 1866 On foreign artists employed in England during the ICth century, and their influence on British art. SP. IB May 1868 Discussion. SP. B June 1868 Keport on arts of decoration at Inter- national Exhibition, Paris, 1867. Bo. Lond. 1868 Introduction and notes of examples of decorative design, selected from drawings of Italian masters in the Uffizi at Florence. pamph. fo. Lond. 1869 Fine art; its history, theory, practice.. Bo. Lond. 1870 Report on miscellaneous painting in In- ternational Exhibition of 1871. 4o. Lond. 1871 An architect's notebook in Spain. 4o. Lond. 1872 Report on characteristic features of build- ings of Vienna Exhibition as com- pared with those of previous exhibi- tions. 8o. [Lond. 1873] Wyatt (M D) and Waring (J B) Hand- books to the Byzantine, Italian, Mediffival, and Eenaissance courts in the Crystal Palace. Bo. Lond. 1854 Wyatt (T H) Remarks on the advantages likely to result from the establishment of the Architectural Society. MS. 1833 Chapter house at Salisbury cathedral. SP. 20 Mar. 1843 Remarks on the history, present con- dition, and proposed restoration of Llandaff cathedral. MS. SP. 20 Mar. 1848 Remarks upon the church of St. Andrew, Wyatt (T H) — continued. at Greensted, in Essex, supposed to have been erected for the reception of the body of St. Edmund. SP. 19 Feb. 1849 Memoir of J. WooUey. MS. SP. 3 Dec. 1849 Opening address, R.I.B.A. SP. 7 Nov. 1870 SP. 6 Nov. 1871 SP. 4 Nov. 1872 Old hall and new assize courts at Win- chester. SP. 20 Ap. 1874 Memoir of the late T. T. Bury. SP. 19 Mar. 1877 Wyatt (T H) and Thurnam (J) Wilts county lunatic asylum ; descrip- tion of the building. Bo. Lond. 1852 Wyatt and Parker Figures, vases, foun- tains, &c., executed in marble and artificial stone. 4o. Lond. [1841] Wyatville (Sir J) Life of; by J. Britton. 1834 Illustrations of Windsor Castle ; edited by A. Poynter and H. Ashton. 1841 Wykeham Society An architectural asso- ciation established expressly and ex- clusively for the encouragement and advancement of pure English archi- tecture, ecclesiastical and civil. pamph. 4o. Lond. Wykeham (William of) And his colleges ; by M. E. C. Walcott. 1852 And superintendents of buildings ; by W. Papworth. SP. 1860 Life ; by G. H. Moberly. 1887 see Archseological Institute Proceed- ings at Winchester. 1846 see R.I.B.A. Proceedings. 1B87 Wylson (J) Remarks on workmen's houses in town districts ; with illus- trations, pamph. Bo. Glasgow 1848 Wyse (T) Letter detailing the mischief done to the Erechtheium, &c., at Athens, Oct. 26, 1852. 4o. Lond. [1852] Wyttenbach (J H) Baudenkmale ui Trier ; by Schmidt, Wyttenbach, and Miiller. 1836-89 Stranger's guide to the Roman antiqui- ties of the city of Treves, edited under the direction of A. D. Turner. 8o. Lond. 1889 X Xanthus Marbles : the Nereid monnment ; by W. W. Lloyd. 1846 Report of the committee of I.B.A. on the marbles. MS. 184 PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCKIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPERS 301 Ximenes (A) Descripcion del real monas- terio de San Lorenzo del Escorial, su magnifico templo, panteon y pa- laoio. 4o. Madrid 1764 Yale College see New Haven U.S. Tates (J) Narrative of the origin and formation of the International Association for ob- taining a uniform decimal system of measures, weights, and coins. pamph. 80. Land. 1856 Fifth and sixth reports. pamph. 80. Land. 1861-62 Improvements in arithmetic, with a vin- dication of the decimal principle. pamph. 80. Lond. 1860 Yool (G V) Essay on waste, nuisance, and trespass. 80. Lond. 1863 Compensation to landowners, being a practical digest of the law of com- pensation, pamph. 80. Lond. 1864 Torick (E) Church builders ; or, days of yore and days that are. A poem, in two parts. pamph. 80. Lond. 1842 York Cathedral ; by J. Britton. 1819 by B. Winkles. 1836 and its antiquities ; by G. A. Poole and J. W. Hugall. 1850 Choir screen ; by P. F. Robin- son. SP. 1835 Crypt ; by P. F. Robinson. SP. 1835 History ; by J. Browne. 1847 Ornaments in ; by J. Half- penny. 1795 Trial of J. Martin for set- ting fire to. 1829 Fortifications ; by H. F. Lockwood and A. H. Cates. 1834 Minster ; restoration ; by Sir R. Smirke. 1836 Picturesque ; by G. Benson and J. E. Jefferson. 1886 St. Mary's abbey ; by C. Wellbeloved and F. Nash. 1829 Under the Romans ; by C. Wellbeloved. 1842 see Archaeological Institute. 1846 see Associated Architectural Societies Reports and papers, &c. York Buildings sec London Buckingham Water Gate. Yorkshire Monastic ruins of; by W. Richardson and E. Cborton. 1842-55 Yorkshire — contimied. Pugin tour ; by W. Henman. 1872 by E. J. May. 1877 • by R. C. Page. [1878] by L. A. S. Stokes. 1880 Yorkshire Archaeological and Topographi- cal Association Report of the excursion to Pontefract. pamph. 80. Pontef. 1870 Leeds and neighbourhood, pamph. 80. Leeds 1871 Bolton Abbey and Skipton Castle. pamph. 80. Leeds 1877 Journal. (Li 2}rogress.) 80. Lond. 1871-88- Programme of excursion to Bolton Abbey and Skipton. pamph. 80. Leeds 1877 to Selby and Hemingborough. pamph. 80. Selby 1878 the thirteenth annual pamph. 80. Huddersf. 1879 excm-sion to Ilkley, excursion. Otley, and Farnley Hall. pamph. 80. Worksop 1884 — Howden. pamph. 80. Worksop 1885 — Kirkham and Malton. pamph. 80. Worksop 1886 Yorkshire Stone see Lithology. Young (C D) and Co. Illustrations of iron structures for home and abroad. pamph. fo. Edinb. Young (E) Pre-Raffaellitism, or enquiry into principles connected with philo- sophy, poetry, religion, and revolu- tion of art. 80. Lond. 1857 Young (C F T) Fires, fire engines, and fire brigades. 80. Lond. 1866 Young (I) Designs for shop-fi-onts, porti- coes and entrances, &c. 4o. Land. 1828 Young (J R) Arithmetic for the use of schools. 12o. Lond. 1857 Young ( S) Relative responsibilities of ar- chitect and surveyor in relation to quantities. CP. 7 May 1881 Yucatan Ancient monuments ; by F. Catherwood. 1844 by F. Waldeck. 1838 Travels ; by J. L. Stephens. 1841, 1848 Z 1743 Zabaglia (N) see Fontana (D). Zahn (W) Die schonsten omamente . . . aus Pom- peii, Herkulauum u. Stabise. fo. Berlin 1828-29 302 FEINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SESSIONAL PAPEES Zahn (W) — continued. Ornamente aller classischen kunst- epochen. fo. Berlin Zambelli (A P) Diseorso nelle esequie dell' architetto Kodolfo Vantini. pamph. 80. Brescia Zamboni (B) Memorie intorno alle pu- bliciie fabbriche di Brescia. fo. Brescia Zanotto (F) Palazzo ducale di Venezia. i vols. 4o. Venice 1846 Zanth (L de) Sicile modeme ; by J. I. Hittorff and L. de Zanth. La Wilhelma, villa mauresque de S.M. le roi de Wurtemberg. fo. Paris Memoir of ; by T. L. Donaldson. SP. Zeitschrift fiir bauwesen ; by C. Hoff- mann. 4o. Berlin Zessos (...) see Gartner (F von) and others. 1831 1857 1778 ■61 1835 1855 1857 1851 ZevLgheeT (L) Krankenhaus bei Ziirich ; by Wegmann and L. Zeugheer. 1836 Ziegler (J) Etudes ceramiques. Ee- cberche des principes du bean dans I'arcbitecture, et la forme en general, thcorie de la coloration des reliefs. Text 80. plates fo. Paris 1850 Zinc and Zinc Work Application to roofing purposes ; by P. Braby. 1869 Use of, in roofs ; by J. Edmeston. SP. 1860 Vieille Montague Zinc Mining Company, pattern book. pamph. 4o. Land. 1844 Zopissa process see Decay. Zoppino sec Vitruvius. 1535 Zurich Grossmiinster und klosterkappel ; by S. Vogelin and F. Keller. Krankenhaus ; by Wegmann and L. Zeugheer. 1836 APPENDIX. Additions to the Library from 13i/i June 1887 to %\st Dacemher 1888, exclusive of Transactions and Proceedings of Societies, periodicals, and otlier works in progress commenced prior to 13. U. Edwards) .... „ tj Roof of Westminster Hall i,J'. Morris) 24 Ju 50 R Water-bearing strata (/. Preshdch) 8 Jul 50 S A_rchitectural remains of Roman provinces {Jas. Bell) .... 4 Nov 50 T Palladian School ^IK. Papworth) . 18 Nov 50 U Polychromy in Italy yM. I>. Wijatl) 2 Dec 50 W Decorations of E.\hiljition buihling {0. Jones) 16 Dec 50 X Conway and Britannia Bridges {E. (Jowper) 13 Jan 51 Y Ancient architecture of Scotland l,A'. IV. Billings) 27 Jan 51 Y (2) Decoration of Ijuildings at Munich [J. G. Grace) 10 Feb 51 Y (3) Abbey Dore church {J. Claijlon) . 24 Feb 51 Z Architecture of Nineveh (,/. Fer- giissua) 10 Mch 51 80BJECT. HEAD. Z (2) Mechanical processes of sculpture (C. H. Smith) 24 Mch 51 AA Antiipiities of Pola {A. Glennic) . 7 Ap 51 AB Osmaston Manor {H. I. Stevens) . 28 Ap 51 AC Mouldings of the Seven Periods (£. Sharpe) 19 May 51 AD Filtration (G. B. Burnell) . . . 2 Ju 51 AE Beauvais Cathedral {E. I'Anson) . 16 Ju 51 AF Roads and railways {E. Burgess) . 30 Ju 51 ( Productions connected with archi- | i" -k-^v ''i AG < tecture at Exhibition 1851 (/. JV. V- . ' j, ^. (_ Pupworth) J AG (2j School of Art (C. B. Allen) ... 1 Dec 51 AH Polychromy of Greek architecture {T. L. Donaldson) 12 Jan 52 AH (2) Do. (Discussion) 26 Jan 52 AH (3) Do. Do. 9 Feb 52 A J Royal tombs at Westminster (T. L. Donaldson) 23 Feb 52 AJ (2) Do. (Discussion) 8 Mch 52 AK Do. (Inspection) 15 Mch 52 AK (2) Do. (Discussion) 22 Mch 52 AL Towers &c. of City churches (J. Clayton) 5&26Ap52 AM Admission of daylight into build- ings [E. Hesketh) 17 May 52 AN Do. (Appendix) „ AO Letter from Rome {IV. Tite) . . 31 May 52 AP St. Paul's {F. a. Penrose) .... „" AQ Memoir of Jas. Savage {H. d- C. JV. Savage) „ AR Coloured glass (f. IVinston) . . 14 Ju 52 AS Topography of Forum (A'. Bur- gess) . ". 28 Ju 52 AT Fountains Abljey {Earl de Grey) . „ AV St. Paul's (F. C. Penrose) ... 5 Jul 52 AW National Gallery {C. H. Smith) . . 15 Nov 52 AX Do. (Discussion) 29 Nov 52 AY Medi;eval church architecture (/. Henszlmann) 6 Dec 52 AZ Orense and Galicia (G. R. Bur- Hell) 13 Dec 52 BA Gallo-byzantine churches (7'. L. Donaldson) 10 Jan 53 VUl BB BC BD BE BF BG BH BJ BJ (2) BK BL BM SUBJECT. READ. Medals of the ancients {T. L. Donaldson) 24 Jan 53 Curves of the Parthenon {D. E. Hay) 7 Feb 53 Goniameter {H. Twinincj) ... 21 Feb 53 Painting on glass (C. IFinston) . . 7 Mch 53 Painting of Pompeii {G. Abbate) . 4 Ap 53 Panopticon (T. H. Lewis) . . . 18 Ap 53 Raising warehouse floor {E. I'An- son) ' 16 May 53 Ancaster stone (C. H. Smith) . . 30 May 53 Purbeck and Petworth marbles (C. H. Smith) 30 May 53 Architecture of the bee (S. Sniirke) 13 Ju 53 Basilica {R. Burgess) 27 Ju 53 Death of D. Roberts (2'. L. Donald- son) 6 Dec 64 SUBJECT. READ. BX Letter from Italy {E. Sharpe) . . 3 Feb 65 BO Deaths ; Memoirs ; Ahmedabad . 20 Mch 65 BP Fettes CoUege (D. Bryce) . . . . 24 Ap 65 BQ President's addres.s {A. J. B. Bcrcs- ford-Hope) 15 May 65 BR Roval Gold Medal 29 May 65 BS Deaths of W. Lightly and Sir J. Paxton 12 Ju 65 BT Recent discoveries in Rome (J. H. Parker) „ BU The late W. Hodgkinson ... 5 Nov 66 BV J. L Hittorff '(r. L. Donaldson) . 8 Ap 67 BW Royal Gold Medal 29 Ap. 67 BX Conference 1871 BY Do 1872 BZ Supplement on Erechtheum . . 14 Feb 76 SCHEDULE OF DATES OF THE SESSIONS CONTAINED IN EACH VOLUME. Sessions 1835-36 Vol. 1837-41 Session 1850-53 1853-54 1854-55 1855-56 1856-57 1857-58 1858-59 1859-60 1860-61 1861-62 1862-63 1863-64 . 1864-65 1865-66 1866-67 1. I ii. iii. iv. V. vi. vii. viii. ix. X. xi. xii. xiii. xiv, XV. xvi. *! xvii. - Session '^1867-68 Vol. N 1868-69 ■^ 1869-70 . -N 1870-71 . < 1871-72 . ^ 1872-73 . -1873-74 . ^1874-75 . 1875-76 T 1876-77 -! * 1877-78 . - 1878-79 . ^1879-80 . ^ 1880-81 . - 1881-82 . ^1882-83 . 1883-84 . xvm. xix. XX. xxi. xxii. xxiii. xxiv. - XXV. • xxvi. f- xxvii. '— xxviii.'^ xxix. V XXX. i>^ xxxi. 1^ xxxii. - xxxiii. - xxxiv. INDEX TO THE FIRST SERIES OF THE TRANSACTIONS OF 1835-84. Abattoirs — Public, by A. Darbyshire, xxv. 119. Maiiche.ster, xxv. 119 ; cost, 126 ; disposal of blood and offal, 125 ; drainage, ib. ; flooriug, 126, 133 ; general arrangement, 121 ; hoists and machinery, 123 ; killing, 122, 131 ; material for walls, 126. Private, objections to, xxv. 128, 131. Abbate, G. — On the decorative painting of Pompeii, BF. 1. Abbey — Benedictine, conventual arrangements, by M. E. C. Walcott, xvi. 165. Church and conventual arrangement, by M. E. C. Walcott, xi. 29. Cistercian,of Maulhronn, by C. Fowler, jini.,xxxiii. 129. Cistercian, of St. Mary, C'live, by M. E. C. Walcott, xxv-i. 103. Adare, xiii. 196. Askeaton, xiii. 197. Athassal, xiii. 195. Athenry, xiii. 198. Ballindown, xiii. 201. Ballyitober, xiii. 199. Barking, xxii. 173. Battle. — Abbot's lodge and Gnest house, xvi. 161 ; — Bibliography, 159 ;— Church of St. Martin, 163;— Cloister garth, 162 ; — Conventual remains, 161 ; — Date of buildings, 160 ; — Dimensions, 161 ; — Dor- mitory, 162 ; — Refectory, ib. Beaulieu, xxvi. 130. Benedictine, conventual arrangement, xvi. 159, 165 almonry, 167; chapter-house, ib.; church, ib. cloisters, 165; dormitory, 166; infirmary, 167 misericord, 166 ; parlours, ib. ; refectory, ib. tailory, ib. Boyle, xiii. 201. Burrishool, xiii. 200. Caen, xiii. 117. Cambuskenneth. — Excavations, xvii. 108; — Historical sketch, 102 ; — Restoration of tower, 117. Canterbury. — Almonry, xiii. 73 ; — Chapter-house, 67 ; — Cloisters, 65 ; — Ciose, 73 ; — Conduit, 63, 64 ; — Court gate, 72 ; — Dormitory, 60 ; — Gate and Guest house, 63 ; — Green court, 72 ; — Hog Hall, 75, 76 ; — Infirmary, 59 ; — Long hall, 61 ; — New hall, 72 ; — Officers, 70 ; — Old cemetery gate, 73 ; — Old cham- ber, 69 ; — Prior's chapel, ib. ; — Prior's lodging, 68 ; —Refectory, 62 ;— Table hall, 68. C^risy, xiii. 111. Cistercian, xiii. 192, 204, xxxiii. 129 ; abbot's lodge, xxi. 201 ; chapter-house, 196; church, 193; descrip- tive and historical account, 190, 191 ; dormitories, 200 ; fratry, 197 ; guest-house, 199 ; in England, xxvi. 103," 128 ; kitchen, xxi. 198 ; lavatory, ib. ; library, 200 ; list of monasteries, 203 ; mill, 201 ; offices, 199; parlour, 197; penitentiary, 196; plan, 193 ; refectory, 198 ; staircase, ib. ; sacristy, 195 ; site, 192 ; varieties of arrangement, xi. 51, 60, xxi. 206, 209. Clare, xiii. 198. Clonmines, xiii. 195. Cong, xiii. 199. Crenelea, xiii. 201. Croyland, xxi. 26. Dunbrody, xiii. 195. Fountain.?, AT. 3, iv. 129. Franciscan, xiii. 192, 196. Friarstown, xiii. 201. Holy Cross, xiii. 193. Hole, xiii. 195. Ireland, xiii. 191, 203. Jerpoint, xiii. 194. Kilconneh — Cloisters, viii. 141 ; — General description, xiii. 198 ; — Irregularity of architecture, viii. 139 ; — Monastic buildings, 142 ; — Stonework, 138 ; — Tombs, 140 ;— Tower, ib. Kilcooley, xiii. 194. Kilkenn_y, xvi. 83. Kilmallock, xiii. 197. Knockmoy, xiii. 199. Maulbronn, xxxiii. 129. Moyne, xiii. 200. Old Cleeve.— A Cistercian abbey, xxvi. 103, 130, 133 ; — Buildings of hospitalit.y, 121 ; — Conventual build- ings, 111; — Converts or lay-brothers, 123 ; — Coiu't, 124 ; — Ecclesiastical buildings, 107 ; — Gate-house, 125 ; — Supplementary note, 127. Quin, xiii. 197. Roserk, xiii. 200. Ross, xiii. 199. St. Alban's. — Choir ceiling, recently-discovered deco- ration, xxviii. 74 ; — Choir and nave roofs, ib. ; — Conventual arrangement, xi. 59 ; — Eastern cliapcls, xxviii. 75 ; — General notes, 79 ; — Is it the longest cathedral in the kingdom ? 78 ; — Nave, Trunipyng- ton's work, 71; decorated work, 72; — Norman B INDEX TO FIEST SERIES churcli, 66 ; — Periods of its architecture, 80 ;— Re- cently-discovered shrine, 77 ; — Eestoration, criti- cized, xxvii. 227, xxxi. 179; defended, xxvii. 235, xxxi.187; — Siinctuary, xxviii. 75; — Saxon balusters, 68 ; — Western porches, 69 ; — Western towers, 70. St. Doulach, xiii. 193. Sherborne. — Historical .sketch, xxvii. 137; — Restora- tion, 149;— Vaulting, 145. Sligo, xiii. 201. Tintern, xiii. 195. see Cistercian Architecture. see Monastery. Aberdeen, Earl of— Deceased, xii. 7. Aberystwith — University College of Wales, by J. P. Seddon, xxi. 148. Llanbadern Fawr church, xxi. 152. Mansion at Abernaide, xxi. 154. University College. — Conversion of Castle House, xxi. 148; — Cost, 152; — General description of works, 149. Victoria Terrace, xxi. 154. Abraham, R. — Concrete used at JFestminster Neiu Bridewell, i. 38. Abyssinia — Churches. — Amhara, xix. 234 ; — Dongola, 238 ; — Focado, ib. ; — Rock-cut, 239;— Round or Southern, 235;— Square or Northern, 237 ;— Style of archi- tecture, 241. Acoustics — Acoustics, by T. R. Smith, xi. 73. Architecture practically considered in reference to music, by H. H. Statham, xxiii. 81. Albert Hall, xxii. 85, 95, 99, xxiii. 83, 90, 98. Bibliography, xi. 73. Concert-roorus, xxiii. 84, 85, 90, 91. Crystal Palace, xxiii. 97. Impediments.— Bad proportion of buildings, xi. 83, 92, 94 ;— Echo, 82 ;— Obstacles, ib. Practical application of principles, xi, 84. Propagation of sound, xi. 74. Reflectors and sounding-boards, xi. 79, 93, 94. St. George's Hall, xxiii. 81, 83. Theatres, xv. 39, xxi. 139. Acoustic Vases — Earthen 'pots built into churches, by G. M. Hills xxxii. 65, 88. Ancient and mediaeval mention, xxxii. 65, 88. Examples.— Asia Minor, xxxii. 67 ;— Chaldea, ib. ;— England, iv. 133, xxxii, 72, 78, 94 ; earliest notice of, 75 ;— France, 69, 95, 96 ;— Ireland, 72 ;— Sweden and Denmark, 68, 96 ;— Switzerland, 71 ;— Syria, 67, 93. Probable intention, xxxii. 80, 82, 84, 86. Remarkable example at Leeds near Maidstone, xxxii. 78. Use of horses' skulls as, xxxii. 83. Adams, C. J. — Biographical notice, xxx. 232. Adare Abbey— xiii. 196. Adlington Hall (Cheshire)— xxxiii. 172. Africa — Native buildings, Gold Coast, hv J. E. Bale, xxxii. 97. Agecroft Hall (Lancashire)--xxxiii. 174. Agra — Taj-Mahah— General description, xx. 196 ;— Optical eft'ect, xxxiii. 142 ; — Ornamentation, xx. 198 ; — Tombs and screen, 200. Agrigentum^ Tenijde of Jupiter, restoration by R. Puliti, xxi, 32. Ahmedabad — Architecture of, by M. D. Wyatt, BO. 6. Aitchison, G. — On colour as applied to architecture, viii. 47. — Revival in England, 47 ; — Backgrounds : gold, 48 ; blue, 50; white, 51; — Alhambra good, 52 ;— Pompeii bad, ib. ; — Harmonies, 54. On iron as a building material, xiv. 97. — Strength of materials, 98 ; — castiron, ib. ; wrought iron, 99; — Contraction and expansion, 100 ; — Ornamentation of, 101 ; — New stvle in architecture, 103. The late JF. Burges', A.R.A., Fellow, xxxiv. 204. Tlie progressive use of iron in building, BX. 81. — Early use, 81 ; — Crystal Palace, 82. Aix la Chapelle — Cathedral, and tomb of Charlemagne, xxi. 35, 79 ; bibliographv, 42. Albert Hall- ' Construction of, by H. Y. Scott, xxii. 83. see London. Aldrich, H.— A lollower of Palladio.— Works by, T. 8. Algeria — Celtic, Roman, Moorish, and other remains in, by T. H. Lewis, xix. 59. Algiers and Tunis — Recent travels in, by T. L. Donaldson, xxvii. 33. Antiquities. — Aqueduct of Constantina, xxvii. 35 ; — Assuroj (Zanfour), 37 ;— Hvdera, 40 ; Makther, 36 ; — Sufetula (Sbeitta), 35 ;— Thamugas,40 ;— Thugga (Dugga), 38 ;— Tomlj of Juba II., 34 ;— Tripoli, 39. Allasou, T. — Deceased, xix. 6. Allen, C. B.— On the formation of a school of art for artist workmen, and the establishment of a museum of medimval art, AG (2), 1. Alley, P. B.— Deceased, x.xi, 4. AUeyne, Sir J. G. N.— On the travelling stage used in the erection of the roof over St. Pancras Station, xxii. 71. AUom, T.— Deceased, xxiii. 10. Alnwick Castle — Description of, by T. L. Donaldson, vii. 7. Structural operations at, by A. Sahdn, vii. 16. General description and historical notice, vii. 8, 12. Modern work criticized, vii. 23. Specification for decorations, vii. 18. Alvino, E. — Decease and biographical notice, xxix. 10, 229. America— American architecture from a constructioncd point of view, by A. J. Gale, xxxiii. 45. Peculiarities of domestic architecture in, by G.Wheeler, xviii. 117, 167. Building materials, xviii. 120. Domestic architecture, xviii. 117, 167, xxxiii. 47 ; Rural dwellings, xviii. 121, 171 ; cost, 128 ; Town dwellings, 117, 167 ; cost, 128, 168. Sanitary legislation, xxxiii. 64. OF TEANSACTIONS. United States, Godwin Bursary tour, xxxiii. 57. see TTnited States. Amphitheatre — Xismes. — Dimensions and accommodation, A A. 5. Pola. — Drainage, A_A. 4 ; — General description, 3 ; — Plan and dimensions, 4 ; — Stone and mortar, 7,9. Verona. — Dimensions and accommodation, AA. 5. Ancient Lights— .'tc Light and Air. Ancient Monuments — Conservation of, by G. G. Scott, xii. 65, 85. Sesidts of a recent investigation into, bv J. S. Phen^, xxiii."l81. Rude stone monuments, by T. R. Smith, xxviii. 316. Avenues, xxviii. 323. Blowing Stone, xxiii. 195. Causes of decay, xii. 66. Circles, xx\'iii. 321. Committee on conservation, xii. 85. Dolmens, xxviii. 319. Menhirs, xxviii. 324. Mode of conservation recommended, xii. 69. Sacrificial images of the Druids, xxiii. 191 ; identified at Wilmington, 192. Tumulus. — Ach-na-goul, xxiii. 184 ; — British, xxviii. 318;— Gt. Cumbrae, xxiii. 181;— Loch Nell, 187;— Monteviot, 188 ; — Skelmorlie, 190 ; — Timpendean Moor, 183. src Restoration. Anderson, A. W. — Institute Medal awarded, xxxiv. 236. Anderson, J. M. — The Onrdl Park Observatory, xxv. 15. — Appendix, 27. Andro-sphynx — Assyrian, ix. 99. Egyptian, ix. 98. Anet Chateau — \i. 54. Angell S.— (Jn the open spaces of our metropolis, iv. 107. — Tower Hill, 107 ;— Primrose Hill, 108 ;— Parks, ih. ;— Public gardens, 109;— Lincoln's Inn Fields, 110 ;— Squares, ib. ; — Greens, yards, markets, 112; — St. Paul's Churchyard, ib. ;— Modern Improvements, 116. Some account nf the life and icorhs of Baldassare Peruxzi, ix. 103. The life, the genius, and the works of G. B. da Viynola, F. 1. Angels — Figured representation of, ix. 94, 96. Anglo-Saxon Architecture — A liranch of Romauosque, xiv. 185. Compared with Swabian, xiv. 189. Anni — Ruins of, by W. J. Hamilton, i. 100. Ansted, D. T. — Relations of geology to architecture: considerations on the selection of buileling sites, xxi. 45. — Importance of geology as regards foundations, 45 ; its influence on style, 46 ; — Rock, 48 ;— Clay, ib. ;— Alluvial beds, 49 ; — Gravel, 50. Relations of geology with architecture, xviii. 19, 61. — Constructive materials, origin, 17; varieties, 18; — Mode of formation of various kinds of stone, 20 ; — Weathering and protection of stones, 23 ; — Ce- ment.*, 26. AnthsBum (Brighton) — Fall nf dome, by W. Papworth, xxii. 138. see Dome. Antwerp — Cathedral tower, ii. 186. Apomecometer — Ikscription of, by R. C. Millar, xx. 22. Apse — Decoration of, xxvi. 21. Arab Architecture — (Irnamental features, liy J. D. Grace, xx. 71. Composite character, xi. 223. In Egypt. — Ancient monuments, xx. 71 ; — Exterior ornaments of buildings ; arches, 81 ; columns, 80 ; domes, 77 ; door- and window-openings, 79 ; min- arets, 78; walls, ib. ; — Fellah architecture, xi. 193; — Interior decoration ; ceilings, xx. 83 ; cupolas, 82 ; screens, 84. see Saracenic Architecture. Arbitrations— On arbitration.?, by B. Fletcher, xxiii. 69. Area flnalis — xxvi. 97. Ai'ch, Arches — Heads placed over, by Sir G. Wilkinson, xiii. 235. Ancient Egyptian, xxvi. 33. Heads placed over. — Examples at Nismes, xiii. 236 ; Rhossili, 235 ; St. Perran, ib. ; Tidmarsh, ib. ; Volterra, 236. Pointed, derived from the Arabs, xi. 220, 226. Round r. Pointed, v. 94. Architects — And. master workmen, by J. J. Stevenson, xxv. 79. Appreciation of architecture, by E. Nash, xxv. 100. Hope of English architecture, by W. H. White, xxv. 53. Professional ^esprit de corps,' by T. R. Smith, xxiii. 19. Remarks on Mr. Stevenson's imper, by Sir E. Beckett, xxv. 104. The architect, the workman, and the critic, by W. Jackson, xxv. 101. And workmen. — Contrasted, xxv. 54 ; — Designs of churches &c. not made by workmen, 59 ; — In France, 57 ; — Statements respecting, 79 ; criticized, 81. Declining influence of, xix. 154. Honour anciently paid to, xix. 225. India, influence on public works in, xxv. 63. Medieval, xiv. 130, xvi. 193 ; were they workmen? BY. 23, xxv. 54, 59, 84, 85. Jlodern depreciation of, BY. 3. Office of Works and, BX. 7 ; xxvii. 7, 12, xxviii. 244. Relations between, and clients, xxviii. 242, xxxiv. 175. Treatment by Parliament, xviii. 236, xix. 5. AVant of public confidence in, BY. 25, xxvii. 7, xxviii. 240 ; causes of this, xxvii. 9. see Professional Practice. Architects and Civil Engineers — X. 5, 6, xv. 141, 151, xvi. 2, xix. 7, 154, 155, BX. 85, x.xiii. 155, 170, xxv. 180, xxxi. 83. Architects' Drawings— Ownoiship, »((■ Professional Practice. Architectural Alliance — BX. 1, 5. Architectural Art — Address by Sir JI. D. Wyatt, BY. 10. see Art. Architectural Association — Memorial on diploma in architecture, vi. 37. Tite, W. on, vi. 2, 159. INDEX TO FIRST SERIES Architectural Competitions — Architectural Competitions, by T. Porter, xxx. 65. Commercial aspect of, by B. KeiT, BX. 24. Perspective views in, by E. Sharpe, BX. 63. Public,for architectural designs, b}' G. Morgan, viii. 155. Action of B.I.B A. with respect to, BY. 19, xxx. 88, 93, 96, 102. American, BX. 5. Discussion on, xxxi, 266. Fallacy of some objections, xxx. 95. German, BX. 4. Government, viii. 159. Government offices 1857, xxx. 76. How to succeed in, xxx. 85, 86. Improved conditions proposed, viii. 160, 165. Legal aspects, xxx. 96, 105. Liverpool Exchange, xxx. 79. Manchester Assize Courts and Town Hall, sv. 165, x.Kvii. 118, xxx. 78, 79. National Gallery, xix. 2. Natural History Museum, S. Kensington, xxx. 79. New Law Courts, xvii. 4, 14, xix. 3. Objections stated, viii. 156, 162, 164, 166. Open, evils of, xxvii. 8, xxx. 74, 94, 100. Questionable results, xxxiv. 229. Recent minor competitions, xxx. 81. Regulation of. — Early attempts, viii. 155 ;— Rules adopted by B.I.B.A., BY. 19. Report of committee, BY. 16. Statistics, xxx. 76, 84, 107. Suggested improvements, viii. 160, 165, xxx. 75, 108. ArcMtectural Conference — see General Conference of Architects. Architectural Criticism — Criticism of architecture, bv E. I. Bell, xix. 148. Popular, by T. C. Clarke.'xxviii. 240. Absence of recognized standards, xix. 151. Anonymous, evils of, xix. 152. General incompetency of critics, and its causes, xix. 150, 156, 158. Professional and non-professional, xix. 149. Buskin's earlier, xx. 91. Architectural Design — AppHcation of the harmonic law of nature in the ortho- graphy of, by D. R. Hay, v. 1. Objects and principles of, xxiii. 145. Architectural Drawings — sec Drawings. see Plans and Drawings. Architectural Education — Architectural education, by T. H. Lewis, BX. 32. Education and piosition of architects in France, by W. H. White, xxxiv. 93. French dipltime d'architecte and German architectural education, by R. P. Spiers, xxxiv. 121. Student's Text-Book, by R. P. Spiers, BX. 37. Voluntary architectural examination of the Institute, by R. Kerr, xx. 209. Voluntary examinations of the R. I. B. A., by T. R. Smith, BX. 29. Artistic, discussion on report of committee, xv. 15. English course of instruction, xxi. 7, xxiii. 5, xxxiv. 125, 131, BX. 33. French course of instruction, xxxiv. 104, 112, 125 ; prizes and diplomas, 106. German course of instruction, xxxiv. 123. Grands prix de Rome, xxxiv. 107, 115. Languages and mathematics, their importance, BX. 35. Present tendencies of, in France, xv. 127, 157. Proposed text-book of, xx. 5, BX. 37. Regulations for. — Berlin, vi. 5 ; Paris, 32. United States, xvii. 86. see Diploma in Architecture. Architectural Examination — Meeting to consider, xi. app. Obligatory, for associateship, xxxii. 9. Voluntary, xx. 209, BX. 29. Architectural Photographic Society — Photographs for 1866, xvii. 91 ; for 1867, xviii. 47. Architecture — As represented in pictures, by H. Twining, iv. 155. Conditions at present affecting the study of, by J. Ruskin, XV. 139. ' Criticism of, by E. I. Bell, xix. 148. Dark ages of, by J. P. Seddon, xi. 266. Objects connected with, in the Paris Exposition 1855, by J. W. Pap worth, vi. 11. Pedantry in, by J. Boult, xvii. 145. Present condition and future prospects in England, by W. Tite, vi. 1, 32, 87, 89. Theory of the architecturesque, by R. Kerr, xix. 89. Analogy between, and the other fine arts, xiii. 175. Artistic successes in, xxxii. 2. Has it retrograded ? xxviii. 241. Illustrations of buildings in old MSS., xi. 16. -Influence of constructive and scientific principles, xvii. 148. Is it an imitative art ? xiii. 175. Present tendencies of, in France, xv. 127, 157. Utilitarian, business, and artistic principles in, xvii. 146, 147. Style, see Style. Arden Hall (Lancashire) — xxiii. 55. Aries — Romanesque art, xi. 201, 206. Armitage, E. — Mural painting, xxviii. 254. Arnott, Dr. — Principle of warming and ventilating at Custom House, ii. 169. Classic, by R. P. Pullan, BX. 46. Early Irish, viii. 62. English, at close of 15th century, xviii. 209. German renaissance, xviii. 215. Italian renaissance, xviii. 213. Mediaeval and classical exemplified in glass paintings, vi. 153. Prejudices against classic, BX. 47. References to, in Old Testament, x. 80. Artesian Well — Surrey county lunatic asylum, Wandsworth, by S. La- pidge, ii. 187. Artificial Stone — Artificial stone, by R. Kerr, xiii. 141. Observations on, by O. Hansard, xiv. 169. As a building material, xxv. 203. As connected with arcliitecture, P. 1. Methods.— Austin's, xiii. 1 44 ;— Barft's, 149, 154;— Bousfield's, 148;— Coignet's, 145;— Ellis's, 148;— Ransome's, 145, 150, 157 ; used in St. 'Thomas's Ho.?pital, xxi. 67, 74; — Westmacott's, xiii. 148, 152. OF TRANSACTIONS. Report of committee, si v. 159. Victoria Stone Paving, xxi. 68, 75. Artists — Foreign, employed in England during the 16th centiiry, by M. D. Wyatt, xviii. 209, 241. List of foreign, of 16th century in England, xviii. 217; — of Mary's reign, 235. Artizaus' Dwellings Act — Origin of, xxix. 153. Asbpitel, A. — Italian architectural dramngs in the royal library at Windsor, xii. 193. Oh the different theories respecting the Forum at Rome, particularly those of the Commendatore Canina, vii. 105, 125. — Ancient authorities, 106 ; — Capitoline plan, ib. ; — Historical notice, 107 ; — Principal build- ings, 110; and their location, ib., 125 ;^Caligula's bridge, 127 ; — Capitol, ib.; — Tarpeian rock, 129 ; — Jupiter C'apitolinus, 130. Origin and development of the use of crypts in Christian churches from the earliest periods, x. 138. — Early caves, 138 ; — Etruscan sepulchral chambers, 139 ; — Burial v. burning. 140 ; — Catacombs, 142. Decease, xix. 178, xx. 2. Notice of architectural and literary worls of, by W. Papworth, xix. 164. Ashton, H. — Deceased, xxiii. 8. Asia Minor — Greek architecture in, BX. 48. Askeaton Abbey — xiii. 197. Assisi — Church of St. Francis, by J. B. Atkinson, xxv. 185. Assize Courts — Manchester, xv. 165. Winchester, xxiv. 157. Assyria — Chronology of art, Z. 3. Ornamentation and architecture, K. 1. Aston Church — Polychromatic construction, xiii. 240. Athassal Abbey — xiii. 195. Athenry Abbey — xiii. 198. Athens — Erechtheum, by J. Fergusson, xxvi. 139, BZ. 1. Letter from, by L. Kaftangioglu, xviii. 95. Sujjplement topaper on Erechtheum and Minerva Polias, by J. Fergusson, xxix. 218. Acropolis, plan of, xxix. 109. Erechtheum. — Ancient authorities, xxvi. 141; — Communications from P. W. Forchammer and L. Bernier, BZ. 1 ; — Inscribed slab, xxvi. 143 ; — Other notices, 146; — Pausanias's account, 142; — Pro- posed restoration, 147 ; — Vari(jus theories of res- toration, 140. Excavations at, xiv. xix. Atkinson, F. — Deceased, xxvi. 4. Atkinson, J. B. — The church of St. Frcmcis, Assisi, xxv. 185. — Historical notice, 185 ; — General description, 186 ; — Restora- tions, ib. ; in the Lower church, 187 ; in Upper church, 188 ; — Marble choir, 189 ; — Painted decor- ations, 190. Augsburg — Cathedral and churches, xviii. 153, 154. Austria — Revival of Gothic architecture in, xxii. 21. Austin, H. — Deceased, xii. 11. Autograph Drawings — see Drawings. Auvergne — Churches of Le Puy en Velay and, by G. R. Street, xi. 97. Notes on churches, by E. I'Anson, xvi. 76. Churches. — Cathedral, xi. 99 ; — Constructional poly- chrome, 117 ; — General type, 110; — Polignac, 109; —Roofs, 116 ;— St. Michael, 107 ;— Vaulting, 116. see Reprint of and index to Mr. Street's paper, N.S. Avenues (prehistoric) — xxviii. 323. Avignon — Romanesque art, xi. 200. B. Bachhofi6ier, Q. H.— Discourse on the electrotype, ii. 189. Baguley Hall (Cheshire)-— xxui. 59, xxxiii. 173. Bailey, G.— Deceased, xii. 12. Baker, H. — Biographical notice, xxix. 6. Baker, W. L. — Description of some alterations in bells, and bell ma- chinery, V. 57. Baldachin — Definition of, xx. 140. Bale, J. E.— Native buildings on the Gold Coast, JVestern Africa, xxxii. 97. Ballindown Abbey — xiii. 201. Ballyitober Abbey — xiii. 199. Baltard, V.— Deceased, xxv. 2. Bamberg — Cathedral, xviii. 147. Banks, B. K,.— Deceased, xxiv. 2. Barber, F. — Remarks on All Saints' Church, Darton, xviii. 159. Scroll from the church of St. John the Baptist, Chel- morton, county of Derby, xx. 204. Barber, J. — On the heating of public buildings, churches, etc., xxiii. 113. On the ventilation of hospitals, xxiii. 111. Barff, F.— 2'he corrosion of iron, xxviii. 265. Barking — Histnnj of convent, by P. J. Marvin, xxii. 173. Barlow, Dr. — Sijraholism in reference to art, x. 97. Barlow, P. — Deceased, xiii. 7. Barlow, W. H.— On the roof nf St. Pancras Station, xxi. 117. — Reasons for adopting large s])an, 117 ; — Description, 118 ; — Cost, 1 19, 121, 128 ;— Strength, 119. Barracks — Modern, plan and construction, by E. I. Bell, xxxi. 15. Planning and construction. — Cavalry and artillei-y, 6 INDEX TO FIRST SERIES xxxi. 27 ; — Cost, 26, 30, 36, 37 ;— Dimensions and arrangement, 20 ;— Expenditure and ^vorks under Military Forces Localization Act 1872, 15, 20 ; — First, built at TVliitehall, 16; — General considera- tions as to site, 20 ; — Historical sketch, 16 ; — Hygiene, 26, 30, 32 ;— Proposed, in Hyde Park, 19 ; — Report of Commission, 38 ; — Warming and ventilating, 22, 33, 37, 73. Barry, Sir C, — Architectural career, by M. D. Wyatt, x. 118. Presentation of bust of, xxiv. 51. St. Thomas's Hospital, new wing, claimed for him, x. 122 ; denied, 136. Barry, C. — Description of the mechanical scaffolding used nt the New Palace at Westminster, particularly in reference to the three main toivers of the building, vii. 156. Descriptive memoranda o?i the uvrks executed in terra cotta at Nero Alleyn's College, Duhcich, xviii. 259. Memorandum as to strength of certain building materials, BX. 85. Opening ccddress of Conference 1878, xxviii. 253. Presentation of Eoyal Gold Medal, xxvii. 237. President's address,xxvii. 1. — Progress of E.I.B.A., 2; — Members deceased, ib. ; — Excavations at Olympia and Hissarlik, 6 ; — Ai'chitectural competitions, 7 ; — Want of public confidence in architects, 8 ; — its causes, 9. President's address, xxviii. 1. — Progress of E.I.B.A., 1 ; — Members deceased, 7 ;— Co-operation of the Institute with Administrative Bodies, 12 ; — Elicit commissions, 14 ; — New public offices, 15 ; — Foreign explorations, 16. President's address, xxix. 1. — Progress of the R.I.B.A., 1 ; — Library, 2 ; — Premises, 3 ; — Members deceased, ib. ; — Paris Exposition, 10 ; — Metropolis Manage- ment &c. Act 1878, 13 ;— Cleopatra's Needle, 14 ;— Competitions, ib. ; — Mason's strike 1878, 15 ; — General conference 1678, 16 ; — Archfeology, ib. ; — Sessional papers, 17; — Past and future of the E.LB.A., 18. Barry, E. M.— Account of the New Palace at Westminster, and the progress of building the same, viii. 79. — Preliminary estimates, 80 ; — River wall, ib. ; — Ventilation and warming, 81 ; — General arrangement of plan, 82 ; — External features, 84 ; — Pugin as art -designer, 85; — Towers, 86; — Interior decoration, 87; — Statues, 89 ; — Cost, 90 ; — Westminster new bridge, 91. Construction and rebuilding of the Royal Italian Opera House, Covent Garden, x. 53. — Historical notice, 53 ; — New building, 55 ; — Plan, ib. ; — Constructive de- tails, 56 ; — Eoof, 57 ; — Auditorium, 59 ; — Interior decoration, 62 ; — Stage and accessories, ib. Biographical notice, xxx. 201. Case of, and Office of Works, xx. 147, 171, 189. Basilica — Ancient, and the early Christian temple, by E. Burgess, BL. 1. Altar, its position, BL. 10. Atrium and vestibule, BL. 4. Decoration of, xxvi. 15. General description, BL. 4, xi. 37. Internal arrangement, xi. 33. Jerusalem, vi. 97. Narthex, BL. 5. Perga, xiii. 234= Eome, BL. 1, xxiii. 159. Term loosely applied, xxvi. 22. Battle Abbey — Conventual arrangement of, by M. E. C. Walcott, xvi. 159. see Abbey. Bayeux Cathedral — Operations at, by G. E. Burnell, xi. 251. Shoring and imderpinning, xi. 254, 261; cost, 255; materials, 257. Spire, xvi. 93. Beam — Iron, McConnel's, vi. 131. Stone, at Lincoln cathedral, ii. 180, 184. Bearing Power — London clay, viii. 33, 42. Beaulieu Abbey — xs\'i. 130. Beauty — In architecture, by J. W. Papworth, vii. 93. Beauvais — BanarJis on eatliedral, by E. I'Anson, AE. 1. Beazeley, A. — Notes on domestic buildings in southern Sweden, xxxiii, 117;— Primitive, 117; — Bad-stofva, 117;— Medios- val, Kg-stofva, 118; blockhouse, 119; — Town dwellings, 121; — Masonry, 123; — Bricks, ib.; — Stoves, ib. — Timber buildings, joints in walls, 125; —Floors, *./— Doors, 126;— Window.s, 127. Bee, A. — AVorks of, xvi. 199. Beckett, Sir E. — Remarks on Mr. Stevenson's paper, xxv. 104. see E. B. Benisou. Bee— Architecture of the, by S. Smirke, BK. 1. Beejapore — Architectural splendour of, by J. Fergusson, v. 5, 15. I\[os(pie. — Jumma Musjeed, v. 8. Tomb of Ibrahim, v. Y; of Muhammed, 6, 9, 15. Belgium — Architectural notes, xv. 53. Diimestic architecture, vi. 143. Bell, E. I.- On the criticism of architecture, xix. 148. — Professional and non-professional papers, 149; their incompe- tence, 150; — Absence of recognized standards, 151; — Evils of anonymous criticism, 152; — Fagades and false fronts, 153; — Architects v. engineers, 154. The modern barrack: its plan and construction, xxxi. 15. Bell, James — see Spencer-Bell, J. Bell, John— Application of the entasis to the obelisk, ^iii. 176, 183. On the composite ntal forms and creatures of art, in relation to architecture, painting, sculpture and decor- ation; and as symbols, ix. 93. — Angels, 94, 96 ; — Genii, 95; — Cherubim and seraphim, ib., 96; — Andro-sphinx, 98. On the geometric treatment of sculpture, ix. 29. — Con- nexion with architecture, 29; — Regular and irregu- lar contours, 30 ; — Pyramid and Vase contour.?, 31; — Busts, 33 ; — Treatment in a tympanum, ib. ; — Circular forms, 34 ; — Crowning forms, 35. Bell, R.— Deceased, xxvi. 4. OF TRANSACTIONS. Bells— Descri2)tion of some alterations in, and hell machinery, by W. L. Baker, v. 57. Forms, methods of casting, and ringing of large bells, by C. H. Smith, vi. 59. Casting, vi. 01, 72. Chiming and swinging, vi. 64, 75, 77. Deterioration of, and injmies to, vi. 61, 82. Form, vi. 61, 68, 77. Hanging, v. 57, vi. 76, 78, 84 ; Baker's improvements, V. 58. Metal for, v. 61, vi. 61, 71. New, at St. Paul's, xsix. 99. Pitch, \-i. 73, 83, 85. Ringing.— Effect on belfries &c., vi. 59, 78, 81, 83, 85, xxix. 99, 101, 103 ; — Length of rope proper for, xiv. 40, xiii. Table of principal, vi. 74, 79. ■Wrought instead of cast, vi. 62. Bellamy, T. — Biographical notice, by T. L. Donaldson, xxvii. 215. Deceased and necrological notice, xxvii. 2, 5. List cif works, xxvii. 218. Benedictine Abbeys — see Abbey. Bengal — Government architecture in, by W. H.White, xxiv. 141. Benson, W. — On the science of colour, xix. 105. Benvignat, C. C. — Biograjiliical notice, xxix. 9. Beresford-Hope, A. J. B. — President's address, BQ. 1. President's address, xvi. 1. — Architects r. civil engineers, 2 ;— The R.I.B.A. and the Royal Academy, 3 ;— Conservation of ancient monuments, 5; — The R.I.B.A. and the Office of Works,- *.;— Inter- national exhibition 1867, 6 ; — London architec- ture, 8. President's address, xvii. 1. — " Royal" prefixed to title of Institute, 1 ; — Sir C. Eastlake's death, ih. ; — Re- moval of Royal Academy, ib. ; — Burlington House, 2 ; — National Gallery, 3 ; — Competition for New- Law Courts, ib. ; — Paris Exhibition, 5 ; — Architec- tural Museum, 6 ; — Successful intervention of R.I.B.A., 10; — Restoration of Westminster Chajjler House, 11 ; — Member deceased, 12 ; — Metropolitan improvements, ib. Tlie late G. E. Street, R.A., F.S.A., President, xxxiv. 199. Tlie sky line in modern domestic buildings, xiv. 108.- — Somerset House and Pavilion de Flore contrasted, 108; — Superiority of older architect, 109; examples, 1 10; — Elements of good sky-line. 111 ; — Towers, ib. ; How to improve, 112; — Roofs, ib.; — Towers and cupolas, 115; — Chimney-pots, 116. Presentation of portrait, xxiii. 1. Berkeley, J. — Deceased, xiii. 8. Bernard!, T., A., and L. — Their works in England, xviii. 227, 243. Bernhard, B. — On the fall of the dome of the Koltovskoie church at St. Petersburg, xxii. 127. — Description of work and material employed, 130 ; — Calculations of stability, 131 ; — Measures for restoration, 134. Bernier, L Letter on Erechtheum, BZ. 5, 9. Bertbier, P.— Deceased, xii. 8. Besia, Prof. — Deceased, xxiii. 11. Betbel— Church at, xix. 230. Bethell, W. W.— Honourable mention, Pugin Studentship, xxv. 2. Beuth, Cbev. — Some particulars respecting the cost of certain public buildings, ii. HI.— BerUn, 112, 113, 115, 116;— Potsdam, 114. Billings, B. W.— Ancient architecture of Scotland, B. 2, Y. 1. Deceased, xxvi. 4. Bills of Quantities — see Quantities. Biography — see the respective names. Blot, J. B.— Deceased, xiii. 6. Birch, G. H.— Notes on seventeenth century domestic architecture in and about London, xxvii. 49. — Regulations for rebuild- ing after the Great Fire, 50 ; — Improvements under James I., 51 ; — Ancient houses in Bishopsgate, ib. ; — Great St. Helens, ib. ; — Scrope mansion. Lime St., 52 ; — Inns, 53 ; — Elizabethan remains, 54 ; — Lam- beth palace, 55 ; — Middle Temple Hall, ib. ; — Lincoln's Inn, 56 ; — Gray's Inn, 57 ; — Charter House, ib. ; — Houses built immediately after the Fire, 58 ;— Leadeuhall St., ib. Bireh or Beeroth — Churcli at, xix. 230. Birmingham Bailway Station — Roof, xxi. 128. Black-board — Mode of suspending, xxxiv. 24. Blake, J. — Descriptive particulars of the remains of Kileonnel Abbey, Ireland, viii. 137. — Stonework, 138 ;. — Irregularity of architecture, 139 ; — Tower, 140 ; — Tombs, ib. ; — Cloisters, 141 ; — Monastic buildings, 142. Blashill, T.— The question of oak or chestnut in old timber roofs, xxviii. 231. 77)6 tenure of land for building purposes, xxxiv. 190. — General considerations, 190 ; — Spain, 193 ; — Scot- land, 194. Blois Chateau — General description, vi. 51, 53; restoration, 57; staii'- case, 54. Blomfield, A. W.— Eentarks on concrete building, BX. 96, xxi. 181. Blore, E.— Decea-sed, xxx. 1. Blount, G. B.— Decease and biographical notice, xxviii. 11. Bologna — St. Petronio, designs for completion, xxL 43. Bombay — Proposed School of Art, by W. Surges, xWii. 83. Bonomi, J. On the Greek canon of the proportion of the human figure, quoted by I'itravius, ix. 21. Memoir, by W. Pap worth, xix. 123. Bonucci, C. — Deceased, xxiii. 11. 8 INDEX TO FIRST SERIES Booth, W. J.— Deceased, xxiii. 9. Bordeaux — Romanesque art, xi. 203, 204. Bosphorus — Currents, shores and villages, xix. 212, 213. Boulnois, W. A. — Foundations of some of the metropolitan bridges in the river Thames, viii. 31. — Westminster, 31 ; — Black- friars, 32 ; — Waterloo, 33 ; — London, ib. ; — Soutli- wark, 34 ; — Vauxhall, ib., 36 ; — Hungerford, 34, 36; — Chelsea, 35 ; — Westminster New, ib., 37. On the drainage of buildings and streets in the metro- polis, iv. 87, 99, 123, 154. Boult, J.— On jjedantry in architecture, xvii. 145. Uniformity in building and sanitary regulation, xxxii. 133. — Variation in existing codes, 133 ; — Essentials and non-essentials, 134 ; — Laying out land for buildings, 136; — Unbuilt areas, 137; — Damp course, 139 ; — Foundations 140 ; — Drains, 141 ; — Plumbers and drainers, 147 ; — Modes of construc- tion, 148 ;— Classification, 149 ;— Walls, 151 ;— Ruinous structures, 153 ; — Projections, ib. ; — Ex- empted buildings, ib.; — Plans, ib.; — Surveyors of buildings, 155 ; — Conclusion, 156 ; — Appendix, 180. Boyle Abbey— xiii. 201. Bramall Hall (Chesliire) — xxiii. 57, xxxiii. 172. Brandon, R. — Decease and biographical notice, xxviii. 10. Brard's test for building-stone — ii. 165. Brassey, T. — 0?i the rise of wages in the building trades of London, xxviii. 147, 162. Brewer, H. W.— On the churches of Brittany (north coast), xxiii. 167. — Morlaix, 167; churches, 168; domestic architecture, 169; — St. Jean du Doigt, 170; — Plougasnou, 172; its resemblance to Rosslyn chapel, ib.; — St. The- gonec, it. ; — Landernau, 173 ; — Notre Dame de Folgoat, 174; — Roscoff, 175;— St. Pol de Leon, ib. On the mediceval architecture of central and southern Germany, xviii. 144. — Wurzburg, 144 ; — Bamberg, 147; — Ratisbon, 150; — Land.shut, 153; — Mo.ssburg, ib. ; — Augsburg, ib. The revival of Gothic architecture in Germany and Holland, xxii. 17. — Munich, 17; — Hamburg, 18 ; — Cologne, 19 ;— Au.stria, 21;— Holland, 22. Breweries — Construction and arrangement of, and maltings, by G. Scamell, xxii. 101. Construction and arrangement. — Boilers, xxii. 105 ; — Copper-house, 104 ;— Cost, 108 ; — Drying-kiln, 109 ; — Fermenting-rooms, 106 ; — General arrangement, 102 ;— Malt rolls and stores, 103 ;— Makings, 108 ; —Roofs, 107 ;— Vaults, *. Bricks — Coloured, in elevations, by H. A. Darbyshire, xv. 63. Transverse strength of, by W. Hawkes, xi. 121. Absorption of water, xi. 122, 136, xiii. 82. Adhesion of mortar to, xi. 134, 136. American, xi. 123. Ancient Roman, .\i. 124. Calcutta, xi. 125. Carved and moulded, xxiv. 23, 26, 28, 30. Chinese, xvii. 157, 176. Decay, iv. 146. Dutch, xi. 124. English, vi. 150, xi. 126, xiii. 82. Facing, improved, xiii. 82 ; their use with concrete, 85. French, xi. 124. German, vi. 149, 151. Glazed, vi. 150. Hollow, xi. 134, xiii. 83. Moulded, vi. 150, xiii. 84. Pomeranian mediaeval, xxiv. 25. Russian, xi. 125. South African, xi. 126. Strength, xi. 122, 135, BX. 87, 89. Swedish, xxxiii. 123. Table of various, xi. 130. Brickwork — Experiments on binding, by M. I. Brunei, i. 61. Mediceval, of Pomerania, by J. T. Perry, xxiv. 15. Bond in United States, xxxiii. 54. Hoop-iron bond, i. 61. Medi;eval brick buildings of N.E. Germany and Baltic coast, O. 1. Ornamental, of Western Flanders, vi. 143. Resistance to fire, xv. 113, 115, BX. 74. Pomeranian medireval. — Bibliography of the subject, xxiv, 15 ; — Character of work, 2i ; — Dimensions of bricks, 25 ; — Examples at Anclam, 19 ; Neu- braudenburg, 21; Pasewalk, 20; Preuzlau, ib. ; Rugen, ib. ; Stargard, 19 ; Stettin, 18 ; Stralsund, 17; — Terra cotta, 24. Bridges — Bridges and viaducts of the present day, by J. Clayton, vi. 133. Conway and Britannia, by E. Cowper, X. 1. Foundations of some of the metropolitan, in the Tlmmes, by W. A. Boulnois, viii. 31. Of London, by H. Carr, xxii.' 31. Blackfriars. — First use of elliptic arch in England, viii. 33 ; — Foundations, ib., xxii. 36. Blackfriars New. — Arches, xxii. 44 ; thrust, 41 ; — Foundations, 38 ; — Ironwork, 39 ; — Temporary bridge, 42, 51 ; — Proposed completion, xxxiv. 2. Blackfriars Railway. — Foundations, xxii. 38. Britannia. — Dimensions and weight, X. 3, vi. 135. Cast iron. — Boston, vi. 134 ; — Buildwas, ib. ; — South- wark, ib., xxii. 35, 39 ; — Sunderland, vi. 134, xxii. 39 ; — Westminster New, vi. 134. Centering, i. 57. Charing Cross. — Foimdations, xxii. 38. Chelsea. — Foundations, viii. 35, 38. Chinese, xvii. 173, 177. Compound. — Chep.stow, vi. 138 ; — Saltash, 139. Crumlin viaduct, wi. 136. Ettrick, i. 53. Falshope, i. 53. Hermitage Water, i. 53. Himalayan and Scandinavian, resemblance between, xxxiii. 73. Hungerford. — Foundations, viii. 34, 36. Lattice girder. — Boyiie, vi. 139; — Sitter viaduct, 138. London. — Foundations, viii. 33, xxii. 37, 47 ; — Historical notice, 31, 36 ;— Widening, 34, 49. Metropolitan, over the Thames. — Present, xxxiv. 2 ; — Proposed new, 3. St. James's Park, vii. 102. Southwark. — Arches, vi.l34,xxii.39;thru3t,41; — Cost, OF TRANSACTIONS. 35; — Foimdations, \-iii. M; — Objections to, and pro- posed improvement-s,xxii.34; — Span and rise, vi. 134. Suspension. — Drvbui-f;li, i. 58. Table of principal bridges and viaducts, vi. 140. Timber. — American, vi. 135, 136 ; — English, 135. Tubular. — Britannia, X. 2, 3, vi. 135 ;— Conway, X. 3 ; — Experiments on various sections, 2 ; — Mr. Tile's opinion of, 2 ; — Principle and nietliods of construc- tion, 1, 3. Tweed (Selkirk), i. 53. Vauxhall. — Foundations, viii. 34, 36. Warren girder.— Crumlin viaduct, vi. 136 ; — Newark Dyke, 138. Waterloo. — Foundations, viii. 33, xxii. 36. Westminster. — Foundations, viii. 31, xxii. 36 ; — His- torical notice, 33. Westminster New. — Arches, xxii. 41 ; — Foundations, viii. 35, 37, 43, xxii. 37 ; — General character and design, viii. 91 ; — Gradients, xxii. 35. Whinstone rubble, i. 52. Wrought iron. — Chester, vi. 134 ; — Gainsborough, 135 ; — Lea, 134 ; — Liverpool canal, 135 ; — New- castle high-level, 135. Yarrow Kirk, i. 53. Bridgman, A. — Decease and biographical notice, sxxni. 2, 6. Brittany— Churches of, by H. W. Brewer, xxiii. 167. Churches. — Landeniau, xxiii. 173 ; — Morlaix, 168 ; — Notre Dame de Folgoat, 174 ; — Plougasnou, 172 ; ■ resemblance to Roslvn chapel, i6.; — Roscoff, 175; — St. Jean du Duigt, 'l70 ;— St. Pol de Leon, 176;— St. Thegonec, 172. Domestic architecture, xxiii. 169. Britton, J. — Observations on toirers and spires of churclies of (he mediceval period, L. 1. Sovu notice of, by M. D. Wyatt, vii. 55. Brooks, J. M. — Medal of Merit (Grissell Medal), xxviii. 251. Brown, F. M. — The Gamhier Parry process, xxxi. 273. Brown, W. T.— Medal of Merit (Institute Medal), xxv. 3. Browne, G. W.— Pugin Studentship, xxviii. 252. Browne, J. H. — Biographical notice, xxxii. 59. Browne, B. P. Deceased, xxiv. 2. Brunei, M. I. — Particulars of sortie experiments on the mode of binding brick construction, i. 61. Bryce, D. — The Fettes College, Edinburgh, BP. 1. Decease and biographical notice, xxvii. 2, 4. Buckeridge, C. — Deceased, xxiv. 2. Buddhist Architecture — In the Jellalahad Valley, by W. Simpson, xxx. 37. Caves, xxx. 57. Corinthian pilasters, xxx. 55. Examples.— Ahin Po.sh, xxx. 44, 48 ;— Ali Musjid, 39 ; — Chardeh, 41 ;— Gimda Cliismeh, 51 ;— Hada, 43, 56 ; — Lundi Khana, 40 ; — Nagara Goondi, 53. Influence of Greek Art, xxx. 37 ; disputed, 60. Masonry, xxx. 39, 41. ■ Openings with sloping jambs, xxx. 56. Topes, xxx. 41, 43, 45 ; ex])lorations, 47, 53 ; square- based, 46 ; terraces round, 51. Traces of Byzantine art, xxx. 60. Building — Sundry sanitary buildiitg appliances,hy J. Taylor, jun., xiii. 77. Eapid, a cause of failure in construction, xvii. 135. References to, in Old Testament, x. 80. Building Land — Tenure of by T. Blashill, xxxiv. 190. General considerations, xxxiv. 190. Laying out, defects of Model By-laws, xxxii. 136. Scotland, xxxiv. 194, 195. S|iain, xxxiv. 193. Building Law — Uniformity in building and sanitary regulation, by J. Boult, xxxii. 133. Want of uniformity in existing codes, xxxii. 133, 162, 165, 170, 176. see Metropolitan Buildings Acts. see Model By-laws. Building Materials — Improvements in, during the present century, by G. R. Burnell, x. 28. Influence of some external agents on durability of, by G. R. Burnell, iv. 137. New materials and recent inventions, by T. R. Smith, xxv. 199. Our present knowledge of, and how to improve it, by H. C. Seddon, xxii. 143. American, xviii. 120. Chinese, xvii. 158. Fire-proofing of, xv. 120. Kirkaldy's testings, xxii. 156, 164, 183. London prices of, 1865-75, xxviii. 150. Mineral. — Origin, xviii. 17. ; — Varieties, 18. Steel, mild. — Effect of punching, xxx. 167 ; anneal- ing, 168 ; — Government regulations respecting, 235 ;— Manufacture, 163, 173 ;— Strength, 168, 176, 189; — Value as constructive material, 166, 174, 177. Swedish, xxxiii. 123. see Stone. see Strength of Materials. Building Sites — Genlogy ill connection with, xxi. 45. Building Stone — see Stone. Building Trades — Rise of wages in, in London, by T. Brassev, xxviii. 147, 162. Bunning, J. B. — Deceased, xiv. v. Bunsen, C. C. J. von— Deceased, xii. 7. Burges, W. — Architectural dratcing, xi. 15. Proposed School of Art at Bombay, xviii. 83. Decease and biograi)hical notice, xxxii. 7, 17. Tlte late, by O. Aitchison, xxxiv. 204. Works of the late, by R. P. Pullan, xxxii. 183. Burgess, H. W.— Biographical notice, xxix. 7. Burgess, B. — Ancient Roman roads and modem British raihmys, AF. 1. 10 INDEX TO FIEST SERIES Mausoleum of Hadrian, noro the Forte St. Angelo, H. 1. Nomenclature, forms, •parts and uses of the temples of Greece and Rome, xxxii. 60. 071 the ancient temples of Greece and Rome, ii. 190. On the Egyptian obelisks in Rome and monoliths as orna- ments of great cities, viii. 107, 183. On the Leonine City, Vatican, xii. 140. On the water supply of ancient and modern Rome, xvi. 103. Stamboul and the Bosphorus, xix. 209. — Walls and gates, 210 ; — Sliores of the Bo.sphonis, 212 ; — Ancient anrt modem building.?, 217. The ancient basilica and the early Christian temple, BL. 1. Topography and antiquities of Constantinople, iv. 161. — Historical notice, 161;— Gate.s, 162;— Walls, 163;— The Seven Hills, 166; — Hippodrome. 167; — Mosques, 169;— Cathedral, 170. Topography of the Roman Forum and the Glivus Gapi- tolinus, with the nomenclature of temples thereon, AS. 1. Deceased, xxxii. 59. Literary 'vvorks, xxxii. 60. Original connection with R.I.B.A., xxxii. 59. Burgundian Architecture— xiv. 190, 193. Burlington, Earl of— A follower of Palladio, works by, T. 8. Burlington House — New, description of, xxii. 59; criticism on, 62. Burn, W.— Deceased, xxi. 4. List of his works, xx. 125. Memoir, by T. L. Donaldson, xx. 121. Burnell, G.' B.— Application of hydraulic limes and other cementitious materials to constructive purposes, viii. 109. Different systems of filtration in use for the supply of large towns, AD. 1. Influence of some external agents on the durability of building materials, iv. 137. — Granite, 139; — Whin- stone, 140; — Slate, 141 ;— Sandstones, ib. ; — Marbles and Limestones, 142 ; — Brick.s and tiles, 146; — Limes and cements, 147; — AVood, 148; — Metals, 149. Observations made during an excursion in the province of Orense, in the kingdom of Galicia, Spain, AZ. 1. On some of the ecclesiastical monuments of Paris erected during the Middle Ages, and on the principles observed in their restoration, xvi. 131. — St. Eustaohe, 131; — St. Germain I'Auxerois, 132 ; — St. Germain des Prfes, *.;— St. Severin, 133;— St. Jiilien des Pau- vres, 134; — Notre Dame, ib.; — Ste. Chapelle, 136; — St. Gervai-s, 137;— St. M(5ry, ib.;—St. Nicholas des Champs, 138 ; — Conservatoire ties arts et metiers, ■i6.;— St. Jacques la Boucherie, 139; — Montmartre, ib.; — Principles of French restorations erroneous, 140. On the operations lately carried on at Bayeux and Chichester cathedrals, xi. 251. — Chichester, dimen- sions and weight of spire, 251 ; structure of piers, 252, 256 ; cost of underpinning, 255 ;— Bayeux, repairs, 254 ; cost, 255 ; materials em- ployed, 257. On the peculiar and distinctive character of the gypsum found near Paris, and its pireparation and application as a plaster, M. 1. I hi the present tendencies of architecture and architectural education in France, xv. 127, 157. Practical observations on pile driving, v. 115. — Timber forpiles, 115; — Resistance of piles, 116; — " Refusal" in driving, ib. ; — Pile driving machines, 117; — Nasmylh's hammer, 118 ; — Screw piles, 121 ; — Atmospheric method, ib. Sixty years since : or improvements in building materials and construction during the present century, x. 28. — Foundations, 29 ; — Cast iron, 31 ; — Tools and machinery, 34 ; — Iron architecture, 36. Deceased, xix. 6. Burnell, H. H.— Description of the French method of constructing iron floors, iv. 36, 41, 53, 63. Burrishool Abbey — xiii. 200. Burton, D. — Deceased, xxxiii. 2. Burton, R. F.— Gold in Midian, xxix. 83. Remains of buildings in Midian, xxix. 61. Burwell, T.— Deceased, xxvii. 2. Bury, T. T.— Deceased, xxviii. 9. List of principal works, xxvii. 153. Memoir, by T. H. Wyatt, xxvii. 152. Business requirements in architecture — Cotton brokers, xvii. 146. Biisse, K. F.— Decease and biographical notice, xxviii. 11. Butterfield, W.— Presentation of Royal Gold Medal, .xxxiv. 163. Byzantine Churches — Remarks on, by J. L. Petit, viii. 123. Constructive principles, viii. 123. Decoration of, xxvi. 15. Triple, viii. 130. Types, viii. 126, 127, 129. Caen — Abbey churches of, by J. H. Parker, xiii. 99, xvi. 89. St. Nicholas. — Capitals, xiii, 119 ; — Date, ib. St. Peter.— Spire, xvi. 94. St. Stephen. — Abbey, xiii. 117 ; — Alterations in de- sign, 111 ; — Hall of the guards, 118 ; — Historical notice, 100 ; — JIasonry, 104, xvi. 95 ; — Peculiar capitals, xiii. 107, 111; — Spire, xvi. 94; — Various periods of building, xiii. 101, xvi. 90 ; — AVindows originally unglazed, xiii. 107. Cairo — Fountain.s, Gates, and Khans, xx. 74. Mosques. — Dates, xi. 220, 224, xx. 73 ; — Decoration, xxvi. 37. Private houses, xx. 75. Calcutta — see India. Cambuskenneth Abbey — Recent excavations at, and restoration of tower, by W. Mackison, xvii. 101. see Abbey. Came, R. A. — Students' Book Prize, xx. 146. Campana de Cavelli, J. P. — Biograpliical notice, xxxii. 30. OF TRANSACTIOXS. 11 Campanile — Comparison of Norman, and Italian, bv E. I'Anson, ii. 186. Italian, table of heights, AL. 8. Campbell, C. A follower of Palladio, works by, T. 8. Canina, L. — Brief Memoir, by T. L. Donaldson, vii. 1. Particulars respecting. — Early life imknowu, vii. 2; — Employed with Vasi, ih. ; — Excavations on Via Appia, 4; — Literary works, 3;— Personal traits, 5; — Specification of decorations at Alnwick Castle, 18 ; — ■ Theorv of the Forum at Rome, 105, 125; criticized, 105. Cannon Street Railway Station — Roof, xxi. 124, 128. Canopies over Doors — Old English timber, xv. 97. Canterbury — Conventual arrangement of , by M. E. C. Walcott, xiii. 59. see Abbey. Carpenter, R. H. — The Benedictine abbey of St. Mary, Sherborne, with notes on the restoration of its church, xxvii. 137. The mosque-cathedrals of Cordova and Seville and some contemporary Arabic buildings, xxxiii. 101, 116. Carr, H.— Tlie bridges of London, xxii. 31. — Historically con- sidered, 31 ; — As means of communication, 34 ; — As mechanical structures, 36; — As works of art, 42. Carving (Architectural) — Decorative, for churches, xiii. 251. Modern, criticized, viii. 102 ; defended, 104. Cast Iron — see Iron. Castles — Alnwick, date of erection, N. 3. British mediajval, classified, vii. 7. Caernarvon. — Date of erection, N. 3 ; — Cost, 6. Conway, date of erection, N. 4. Cost of construction and repair, N. 2. Keep, form of, X. 3. see Military Architecture. Catacombs — Alexandria, xi. 195. Use of, liy early Christians, x. 142. Cates, Arthur — Biographical notice of the late Sir Jas. Pennethorne, xxii. 53.— Birth and education, 53 ; — Metropolitan im- provements, 54, 58 ; — Record Office, 55 ; — Uui^'er- sity of London, 58; — Burlington House, ib. Concrete and fire-resisting constructions, xxviii. 296. — Bibliography, 296 ; — Various systera.s, Allen's, 297; Hornblower's, 298 ; Northcroft's, ib. ; Lake's, ib. ; Brannon's, 299 ; Hyatt's, ib. Duties, obligations and mutual relations of architect, client and contractor, until reference to English and foreign practice, xxxiv. n 5. Introductory remarks [BUls of Quantities], xxxi. 227. Cathedrals — English, which is the longest ? xxviii. 78. French, and their designers, xxv. 84. Caumont, N. de — Deceased, xxi v. 2. Cavelli, Marquis — -see Campana de Cavelli. Ceilings — Arabic buildings, xx. 75, 83. English mediaeval, xv. 97. Fire-proof, iv. 51, 69, BX. 76. French, M. 1. Swedish, xxxiii. 126. Cement — Clean drains and improved mortars, by H. Y. Scott, BY. 26. On the propriety of application to exteriors of buildings, by J. T. Knowles, 0. 1. Portland, by H. Faija, xxx. 109. Chemical characteristics of, xviii. 26. Durability and decay, iv. 147. Scott's patent, vii. 152. Selenitic, xxii. 155, 177, BY. 26, xxv. 202, 214, 222. Cemeteries — Egvjrtian, xxvi. 39. Centering — Bridge, i. 57. Cerisy Abbey — Alterations in design, xiii. 111. Chasroneian Lion, by L. Kaftangioglu, xxx. 197. Chambord Chateau — General description, vi. 52, 57; staircase, 55, 57. Champion, "W. S. — Institute Medal, xviii. 196. Chantrell, R. D. — Domestic buildings of Western Flanders in the 16th cintury, illustrating the ornamental bricl~work of that period, vi. 143. Chapter House — Benedictine, xvi. 167. Canterbury, xiii. 67. Ci.stereian, xxi. 196. General characteristics, xi. 62. Maulbronn, xxxiii. 134. Westminster, x. 14; restoration, xvii. 11. Worcester, xiii. 218. Charing Cross Railway Station — Roof, xxi. 124, 128. Charlemagne — Letter respecting tomb, by A. de Reumont, xxi. 79. Mystery of the tomb of, by T. L. Donaldson, xxi. 35. Charlesworth, J. — Deceased, xxii. 5. Chateauneuf, A. de — Brief memoir, by C. Fowler, jim., vii. 87. Chelmorton (Derby) — St. .John Baptist Cliurcli, scroll from, xx. 204. Chenonceaux Chateau — Historical sketcli, vi. 53. Cherubim and Seraphim — Figured representation of, ix. 95, 96. Cheshire — Pugiu tour, xxxiii. 169. Chesterfield Church — On the spire of All Saints' Church, h\ W. G. Coldwell, V. 21, 124. Construction, v. 22. Twi.st in, v. 21, xv. 95. Chestnut — see Timber. Chichester Cathedral — Architectural histoni of, and on the fall of the spire, bv R. Willis, xi. 231. Operations at, by G. R. Bnrnell, xi. 251. Historv and details, — Dimensions and weight of spire, xi. 251 ;— Fall of spire, 232, 252;— Historical sketch. 12 INDEX TO FIRST SERIES 231 ;— Materials, 256 ;— Structure of piers, 232, 237, 252, 256, 262;— Underpinning, 264; cost, 255. Chimney — Furnace. — Construction, xi. 131 ; — Expansion of brick- work in, 132. Smoky, sxv. 208. Stacks, failures, xvii. 142. China — Architecture of, by J. Lamprey, xvii. 157. Architecture of, by W. Simpson, xxiv. 33. Bricks and tiles, xvii. 157 ; tlie cliief building ma- terial, xsiv. 33. Bridges, xvii. 173, 177. Buildings.— Numerical proportions in, xxiv. 41 ; — Raising money for, 47. Dagobas, xvii. 173, xxiv. 43. Domestic architecture, xvii. 159. Dragon, symbolical meaning, xxiv. 39. Frieze, xxiv. 35. Fung Shuie, xxiv. 34. Great Wall, xxiv. 45. Orientation of houses, xxiv. 34. Pagodas or Taas, xvii. 166, xxiv. 45; iron, 46. Pai Fongs, xvii. 169. Pai Loos, xvii. 168, xxiv. 44. Peking, Temple of Heaven at, xxiv. 39. Temple and palace architecture, xvii. 163. Timber and materials, xvii. 158, xxiv. 33. Tombs, xxiv. 36, 38. Tumuli, xvii. 170. Chisholm, R. F.— Neiv College for the Gaehoar of Baroda, with notes on style and domical construction in India, xxxiii. 141. —Optical effect of Taj Mahal, 142;— Koran texts on European manufactures, 143; — Dome of college, dimensions, 144; construction, cost, 144; — Thrust of a dome, 145; — False construction, ib., 146. Tiroomal Naik^s palace, Madura, xxvi. 159. — Historical and general sketch, 160; — Description, 161; — Vaulting, *., 162, 164;— Style, 164, 170 ;— Mould- ings, 165 ;— Stucco used, ih., 175 ; Polychromy, 166 ;— Restorations, 167; theii- cost, 168 ;— Date, 169 ; — Influence of Western ideas on its style, 170 ; — Anecdote of Tiroomal's wife, ib.; — Robert de Koliili.s, ib. Chromatic. — see Polychromatic. Churches — Ancient Irish, by A. Hill, xx. 151. City, toioers and spires, the works of Wren, by J. Clayton, AL. 1; table of, 2. Remarks on a certain class of Gallo-B>i::antine churches near Perigueux, by T. L. Donaldson, BA. 1. Abyssinian, xix. 234. Arrangement. — Belgium, xi. 41 ; — England, 46 ; — France, 42 ;— Germany, 39 ;— Ireland, 45; — Por- tugal, 42 ;— Russia, ii. 93, xviii. 108 ;— Scotland, xi. 45, xxii. 13; — Spain, xi. 42. Auvergne, xi. 97, xvi. 76. Brittany, xxiii. 16/. Byzantine, viii. 123, xi. 30; decoration, xxvi. 15. Characteristic disposition of parts. — Apse, xi. 54 ; — Chapels, 43 ; — Choir, 54 ; — Doors, ih. ; — Gallery, ib. ; — Ground plan, 49 ; — Lady-chapel, 56 ;— Porches, 53 ; — Sacristy, 58; — Screens, 57; — Transept, 54 ; — Wall-passages, 57; — West fronts, 53. Circular, xi. 30, xix. 235. Coptic, in Egypt, xxvi. 35. Double, xi. 37. Gallo-Byzantine, BA. 1, 7. Irish ancient, xx. 151. Jerusalem, vi. 97, 98, 101. Kremlin, xviii. 101. Palladian school, T. 2, 4. Perigueux, BA. 1 ; list of, 7. Puy en Velay, xi. 97. Russian. — Chronology, ii. 88, xviii. 1 1 1 ; — Compared with Western churches, ii. 98;— Exterior, ii. 96, xviii. Ill; — Interior decoration, ii. 95, xviii. 109; — Modern, ii. 101; of Moscow, xviii. 108; — Plan and arrangement, ii. 93, xviii. 110. Shared between Moslems and Christians, xi. 218. Sweden, ii. 189. AVestern style, xi. 33. Church Architecture — Abyssinian, by W. Simpson, xix. 234. Mediaeval, constructional laws of, by I. Henszlmann, AY. 1. Mediaeval style, claims of, vi. 4, 87, 89, 159. see Ecclesiastical Architecture. Church Fittings — English mediaeval, xv. 99, 105. Galleries and pews objectionable, xxvii. 252. Churchyard Cross — Un the churchyard cross, by E. L. Cutts, xvii. 121. CipoUa, A. — ' Deceased, xxvi. 4. Circles (prehistoric) — xxviii. 321. Cistercian Architecture — Architecture of the Cistercians, by E. Sharpe, xxi. 189. see Abbey. Cisterns — Filtering, at Venice, ii. 187. City Offices — Office buildings in the city of London, by E. I' Anson, XV. 25. Cost of, XV. 25, 27, 33. New York, xxxiii. 45. Clare Abbey— xiii. 198. Clarke, C. P. & T. H. Lewis— Persian architecture and construction, xxxi. 161. Clarke, G. S.— Deceased, xxxiii. 2. Clarke, T. C— Popular criticism as applied to the architectural pro- fession, xxviii. 240. — Unfavom-able opinion enter- tained of architects, 240;— Has architecture retro- graded? 241; — Relations between architect and client, 242 ; — Attitude of Government departments, 244. Clayton, J. — Bridges and viaducts of the present day, vi. 133. — Cast iron r Sunderland, Buildwas, Boston, Sijuthwark, We.stminster New, 134; — Wrought iron: Lea, Chester, ib., Liverpool canal, Gainsborough, New- castle high level, 135;— Timber: American, 135, 136 ; English, 135 ; — Warren girder : Crumliu ^da- duct, 136, Newark Dyke, 138; — Compound: Chep- stow, Saltash, ib. ; — Lattice girder : Boyne, 139 ; — Table of principal bi'idges, 140. Towers and spires of the city churches — the icorks of Sir Christopher Wren, AL. 1. Deceased, xii. 11. OF TRANSACTIONS. 13 Cleeve Abbey — see Old Cleeve Abbey. Clive Abbey — see Old Cleeve Abbey. Cloghauns — viii. 63. Cloisters — Benedictine, xvi. 165. Canterbury, xiii. 65. Kilconnel, peculiar, viii. 141. Particulars of, xi. 60. Timber, sv. 97. Westminster, x. 14. Clonmines Abbey — xiii. 195. Cluysenaar, J. P. — Biographical notice, sxx. 204. Cockerell, C. R.— Presidenfs address, x. 111. Decease, xiv. 1. Account of the professional life and character of the late, by S. Smirke, xiv. 17. Chronological list of his designs and drawings, xiv. 27, viii. Cockerell, F. P. — Un the architectural accessories of monumental sculpture, xi. 239.— Pedestals, 239; Egyptian, 240; Greek, ib. ; Roman, 241; Ornamentatiuu of, 242; — Proportion of statue to pedestal, 243 ; for colossal statues, 245 ; equestrian, ih Biographical notice, xxix, 9. Memorial sketch, xxx. 21. Cobbett, D. A. — Deceased, xxvii. 2. Coldwell, W. G.— On the spire of All Saints' Church, Cliest^rfield, v. 21. Cole, A. S.— On the art of " sgraffito" decoration, xxiii. 127. Colibert, E.— Description of the building adopted by the Spanish govern- ment for the Great Exhibition at Madrid, xxvi. 28. Colling, J. K.— Architectural foliage, xxix. 137. — Its use iu ancient work, 137 ; — Errors in method of applying enrich- ments, 138 ; in Corinthian capital, ib. ; — Festoons, 139. — Natural and conventional styles, 140. — Prin- ciples and their application, 141. — Best positions for foliage, ib. — Geometrical and tyjjical form.s, 142. — Treatment of natural forms, 143. — Light anil shade, 145.— Undercutting, ib. ; —Materials and distance, 146 ; — Foreshortening, 147. Art foliage, \vi. 31. Natural and architectural foliage, viii. 97. On the history and restoration of Holkham church, Nor- folk, XX. 59. Collumpton — Lane chauntrv in church, t>l)ical of 16th centurv English Gothic, xxvi. 206. ' Cologne Cathedral — Alteration of west window, xx. 150. Colour — Science of, by W. Benson, xix. 105. Ancient Qreek, analysis, ii. 106. Decorative, BG. 4, xiii. 15. Columns — Arabic, wooden cushion, xx. 81. Egyptian and Greek, proportions, xxix. 122. Ionic volute, xxix. 123. Colunmiation — Palladian, T. 1, 4, 7. Concert Rooms — Acoustics, xxiii. 84, 90. Decoration, xxxi. 282. Plan and arrangement, xxiii. 84, 90. Concrete— As a building material, by A. Payne, xxvi. 179. Concrete and fire-resisting constructions, by Arthur Gates, xxviii. 296. Experiments upon, for Architectural Publication Society, by T. H. Lewis, viii. 45. Nature, properties cmd application, by G. Godwin, i. 1. Westminster New Bridewell, by R. Abraham, i. 38. Bulk, i. 28, 37, 39. Construction, i. 5 ct seq. viii. 112. Early use of, xxvi. 187, 248. Foundations, i. 9 et seq. Materials and proportions. — Abrahams', i. 21,38; — Anglo-Saxon, 9; — Belidor's, 10; — Greek, 5; — Macintosh's, 24 ; — Mexican, 4 ; — Modern in general, 14, 17, 19, 21, viii. 113, 117, 120, xxi. 176, BX. 91, 92, xxii. 155, xxvi. 186, 228, 232, 234, 243, 246, 248 ; — Norman, i. 9 ; — Ranger's, 21, 42 ; — Roman, 5, 6 ; — Semple's, 11, 18 ; — Smeatou's, 12 ; — Soane's, 15. Mixing and throwing-in, i. 22, 38, viii. 113, 117, 120, xxi. 186, xxii. 155. Pantheon, roof, viii. 120, xxxiv. 159. Specification, i. 35; for Government works, xxxi. 23,24. Strength of cement concrete, xxi. 177, 184. see Concrete Building. Concrete Building — Portland, as a building material, bv T. H. Wonnacott, BX. 90, xxi. 175. Remarlcs on, 1)V A. W. Blomfield, BX. 96, xxi. 181. Allen & Son's", BX. 77. Barracks, xxxi. 23. Cases where applicable, BX. 95. Church at Vesinet, xxv. 224. Condensation of moisture, xxvi. 189,226,235, 237, 250. Contraction and expansion, BX. 93, xxi. 178, xxvi. 190, 229, 232, 238, 243, 245, 250. Cost, BX. 94, 97, xxi. 178, 185, xxvi. 186, 239, 240, 242, 247. Cracking of walls, xxv. 217, 221, 226. Domes, viii. 120, xxvi. 184, xxxiv. 159. Drawbacks and objections, BX. 91, 97, xxi. 161, 186, xxvi. 191, 192, 242, 251. Dryness of walls, xxv. 216, 223, 224, xxvi. 242, 247. Fire-proof qualities, xv. 115, 122, xxvi. 186, 225, 227, 235, 250. Flooring, xxvi. 230, 232, 236, 245, 246. Historical notice, i. 2, viii. 112. Hydraulic works in, viii. 113. Iron framework and ties, xxvi. 181, 183, 230, 248, 252. Manner of forming walls, xxvi. 180, 185, 187, 225, 240. Not water-proof, BX. 94. Ornamentation, xxvi. 182, 185, 239, 245. Paving, xxi. 180. Rapidity of construction, BX. 97. Strength, BX. 93. Timber in, xxvi. 189, 192, 226, 231, 247, 252. Window and door openings, xxvi. 226, 227. see Concrete. see Lime. Conder, C. R.— The High Sanctuary at Jerusalem, xxix. 25. 14 INDEX TO FIRST SERIES Conder, J. — Notes on Japanese architecinre, xxviii. 179, 209. Conference of Architects — see General Conference of Architects. Cong- Abbey— xiii. 199. Conservation of Architectural Monuments — xxvi.C. Constantinople — Remarks on the mosaics and other decorations of Sta. Sophia, by M. D. Wyatt, v. 43. Some notice of an illustrated work by W. Sahenherg, liy C. C. Nelson, v. 33. Stamboul and the Bosphorus, by E. Burgess, xix. 209. Topography and antiquities, by R. Burgess, iv. 161. Ancient and modern buildings, xix. 217. Cathedral, iv. 170. Gates, iv. 162, xix. 210. Hippodrome, iv. 167. Historical notice, iv. 161. Mosques, iv. 161, 171. S. Sophia.— Dome, v. 17, 37 ; — Historical notice, 34 ; — Mosaics and decorations, 38, 43 ;— Pavement, 48. Seven Hills, iv. 166. Shores of the Bo.sphorus, xix. 212. Walls, iv. 163, xix. 210. Construction — Failures in, by E. Nash, xvii. 131, 187. Convent — see Abbey — see Monastery. Conventual Arrangement — In general, xi. 58. see Abhey and under the several place-names. Conway Bridge — Raising of tube, X. 3. Cooke, C. H.— Delong <£■ Co.'s patent steam-sawn metal work, xxiv. 101. Cooking by gas — BX. 90. Copings for garden walls, xiii. 89. Copper — Corrosion, iv. 151. Hardening, xxvii. 200. Corbett, W.— Deceased, xxiv. 2. Cordova — Notes on cathedral, h\ W. Papworth, xxxiii. 115. Cathedral, xxxiii. 105, 115. Coste, P.— Biographical notice, xxx. 205. Cowper, E. — The Conway and Britcmnia tubular bridges, X. 1. Crace, H. — On the restoration and preservation of wood carvings, vi. 129. Crace, J. D. — On the ornamental features of Arabic architecture in Egypt and Syria, xx. 71. — Ancient monuments, 71 ; — Cairo, dates of mosques, 73 ; drinking foun- tains, 74 ; gates, ib. ; khans, ib. ; private houses, 75 — Damascus, private houses, 76 ; — Exterior orna ments of buildings, domes, 77 ; minarets, 78 walls, i6.; door and window openings, 79; columns. 80 ; arches, 81 ; — Interior decoration, cupolas, 82 ceiling.s, 83 ; screens, 84. The coloured decoration of public and private build- ings, xxxi. 276. — General principles, 277 ; — Proper aims of decoration, 278 ; — Gold grovmd, its value, 279 ; — Theatres, &c. 281 ;— Ball and conceit rooms, 282 ;— Museums, 283. Crace, J. G. — On furniture, its history, and mannfactu,re, vii. 113. Crannoges — Observations on, by M. D. Wyatt, viii. 61. Cremation — Burial v. Burning, x. 140. Crenelea Abbey — xiii. 201. Croyland Abbey — Sculptures of W. front, xxi. 26. Crushing Weight — Enor in tables of, xx. 56. Crypt— Origin and development of, in Cliristian churches, by A. Ashpitel, x. 138. Canterbury, xiii. 214, 230. Gloucester, xiii. 214. Guildhall, XV. 180. Particulars of various, xi. 50. St. Paul's cathedral, xxix. 93. Winchester, xiii. 214. Worcester, xiii. 213, 226. York cathedral, i. 105. Crystal Palace — Decorations proposed for, by O. Jones, W. 1. Productions connected icith architecture in the Exhibi- tion o/ 1851, by J. W. Pap worth, AG. 1. Acoustics, xxiii. 97. Condemned as unartistic and unscientitic, BX. 84. Design well suited to its purpose, xxx. 160. ' Roof, xxi. 124. Cubitt, Sir W.— Deceased, xii. 10. Cubitt, W.— Deceased, xiv. r. Cupolas — Greco- Russian, ii. 97. Romanesque of Germany, v. 82. see Dome. Currey, H. — London Bridge Raibvays Terminxis Hotel, xii. 116. St. Thomas's Hospital, London, xxi. 61. — Old site re- quired for railway, 61 ; — Temporary site, 62 ; — New ditto, ib.; — General description of buildings, 63 ; — Foundations, 65 ; — Construction, 66; — Warm- ing and ventilation, 69 ; — Hydraulic lifts, 70 ; — Cost, 71. Cutts, E. L. Desirability of restoring churches of the Italian style of architecture, x\. 130.— St. Martin-in-the-Fields, 130; —St. Mary-le-Strand, 132;— St. Mary Woolnoth, *.;— St. Stephen's, Walbrook, 133. On some examples of mural painting, xiv. 147. — Little Coggeshall church, 147; — Little Braxted, ib.; — Great Coggeshall, 148;— St. Brelade, 149;— Head- ington, ib.; — Wilton, 150. (_)ii the churchyard cross, xvii. 121. Cyclopean Masonry — xxviii. 326. Cyprus — Media'val and other buildings in, by E. I'Ajison, xxxiii. 13, 30. Notes, by S. Vacher, xxxiii. 19. Buildings and remains. — Benedictine monastery at Bel! Pais, xxxiii. 26; — Classic remains, 14; — His- torical notice, 13, 20; — Italian renaissance remains, 16;— Mediseval churches, i6., 19, 28; — Pie-Roman remains, 14; — Tombs, ib. OP TRANSACTIONS. 15 D. Sagobas — Chinese, xvii. 173, xxiv. 43. Damascus— Mosque, xxxiii. 102. Private houses, xx. 76. Damp in walls — see Walls. Damp-course — Kind and position, xxxii. 139, 157, 158, 178. Ox'dinaiy, xiii. 78. Stoneware, xiu. 79. Darbishire, H. A. — A few suggestions on the introduction of coloured bricks, d-c, in elevations, XV. 63. On dioellings for the poor, xxvi. 45. — Two classes of poor, 46 ; — Early plans and their modifications, 48 ; — Peabody houses in Pimlico, 48 ; — cost, 54. Darbyshire, A. — On public abattoirs, xxv. 119. — Manchester abattoir, 119; site,120; general arrangement, 121; killing ring, 122; hoists and machinery, 123; drainage, 125; dis- posal of blood and oifal, ib.; flooring, 126; cost, ib. Darton — All Saints' Church, by F. Barber, xviii. 159. Davioud, G. J. A. — Decease and biographical notice, xxxii. 8, 31. Deal timber — Early introduction in England, viii. 2. Deane, T. N.— On the Cathedral of St. Canice, and other architectural antiquities, Kilkenny, Ireland, xvi. 79. — Cathedral, 79 ;— Priory of St. John, 82 ;— Abbeys, 83 ;— St. Mary's, ib. ; — Castle, ib. ; — Hospital of Sir K. Steele, ib. De Baines, B. — Deceased, xiii. 8. Debris on sites of ancient cities — Amount, at Troy, xxvii. 190; Populonium, Tiryns, Mycena;, 191; Jerusalem, 204; — Causes of, 191, 197. Decimal System — A feu- words in favour of, by F. C. Penrose, xiv. 43. Merits and demerits, xiv. 43, 91. Decoration — ^Esthetic principle in, by J. W. Papworth, xii. 179. Basilicas and Byxantinec hurches, Ijy E. P. Pullai), xxvi. 15. Ecclesiastical, recently discovered examples, by J. P. Seddon, xx. 207. Principles to be observed in designing medkeval decor- ations and ornaments, by W. P. Griffith, v. 65. Scroll from Chelmorton church, by F. Barber, xx. 204. Aghia Neamone church, xxvi. 18. Alnwick castle, vii. 18. Araliic, xx. 74, 82. Ball and concert rooms, xxxi. 282. Basilicas, xxvi. 15. Baveno church, xxvi. 23, 25. Chelmorton church, xx. 204. Classic system of design, v. 66. Constructional, xiii. 25, 250. Ely cathedral, xxvi. 76, 80. Enamelling, xxv. 155, 157, 159. Floral and ^•egetable forms, v. 65 ; mediieval, 67. Houses of Parliament, We.stmiiister, viii. 87. Llanbadcni church, xx. 207. Marble-staining, xxv. 154, 156. Moureale cathedral, xxvi. 20. Mosaic, xix. 31, xxv. 155. Mosques. — Cairo, xxvi. 37. Museums, xxxi. 283. Painted cloth, xxv. 151, 158, 160. Plants suitable for, v. 73. Proper aims of, xxxi. 278. Ravenna cathedral, xxvi. 17, 19, 25. Rome. — S. Maria Maggiore, xxvi. 17;— S. Paolo f. 1. ni., 15. Russian churches, ii. 95, xviii. 109. St. Paiil's cathedral, AP. 1, AU. 1, xxi. 157, 166, xxxiii. 33. Salonica. — S. George, xxvi. 17; — S. Sophia, 18. Sgraffito, xxiii. 127. Theatres, x. 62, xv. 41, 43, xxi. 139, xxxi. 281. Walls and vaults, xiii. 258. Wood-staining, xxv. 153, 156. Yarmouth. — St. Nicholas, recently discovered, xx. 207. see Polycliromatic Decoration. see Mural Decoration. Decoration of Churches — Principles to be observed, and processes employed, b)' W. Lightly, xiii. 243. see Decoration. Decorative Ai-t — Xew and revived processes in, by G. T. Robinson, xxv. 149. Deflection of Axis in Churches — Examples. — Lichfield cathedral, xxix. 97, 104 ; — Lincoln cathedral, 98 ; — Norwich cathedral, ib. ; — Peterborough cathedral, ib. ; — St. Mary, Guildford, 104 ;— St. Mary, Oxford, 98 ;— St. Paul's cathe- dral, 95, 97, 101, 103, 104 ;— St. Peter's, Rome, 98; — Whitljy abbey, 97 ;— York cathedral, 98. De Grey, Earl — Fountains Abbey, AT. 3, iv. 129. Opening address, x. v. Deceased, x. vii. Denison, E. B. — 0(1 the mathematical theory of domes, xxi. 81. — General considerations, 81 ; — Problem stated, 82 ; — Tapered domes, 95 ; — Eyes, 97 ; — Ribbed and panelled domes, 98 ; — Arches, ib. ; — Pointed domes, 101 ; with ribs, 1U3; — Lanterned domes, 104; do. tapered domes, 106; do. pointed domes, ib.; — Arches carry- ing a lantern, 108 ; — Cones and spires, 109 ; — Poly- gonal domes and spires, 110. see Sir E. Beckett. Denton, A. B. — Deceased, xxiii. 10. Design^ Illuminated MS. as illustrating history of, x. 154. Didyme — Temple of Apollo, xxvii. 89. Dillon, C. B.— Biographical notice, xxix. 8. Diploma in Architecture — A briJgment of M. La nec's essay, by J. W. Pap worth,vi. 23. French, xxxiv. 121. Proposed ailoption in England, vi. 5, 30, 33, 38, XX. 209, 215, xxvi. 268. Diseases — Camp and barrack, .\. 6.^. Contagious, x. 69. Hospital, X. 70. 16 INDEX TO FIRST SEEIES Dolmens — xxviii. 319. Dome — Central, of Vienna Exhibition building, by J. S. Russell, xxiv. 103. Construction of, by T. H. Lewis, ix. 111. Fall of, of Antlueum, by W. Papwortli, xxii. 138. Fall of, of KoUovskoie church, by E. Beiiihard, xxii. 127. Matliematical thfort/ of, hy E. B. Deiiisou, xsi. 81. Eenwrks on, by T. H. Lewis, vii. 139. Ancient, vii. 140, 149, ix. 112. Antbaum, xxii. 138 ; cause of fall, 139 ; construc- tion, 138. Baroda College, xxxiii. 144, xxxiv. 161 ; construc- tion, xxxiii. 144, 146 ; cost, 144 ; dimensions, ib. Best form, xxxiv. 156. Byzantine, vii. 142, ix. 113. Calculations of stability, xxi. 83, xxii. 131. Conic. — Columns, walls, and foundations, xxiv. 114, 121 ;— Criticisms on, 129 ;— Defence of, 134 ;— Mechanical principles, 106 ; — Strength and inde- structibility, 117 ; — Theory of thrust, xxi. 109. Diameter of principal, v. 7. Double, ix. 114 ; condemned, xxxiv. 155. Earthen pots, ix. 116. Eccentricities in, vii. 145. Etfect upon, of earthquakes and hurricanes, xxiv. 1 15. Eyes, xxi. 97. Gothic, vii. 147. Greek, vii. 139, ix. 112. Iron, BG. 2, xxii. 138, xxiv. 103. Italian, vii. 142, 148, ix. 113. Koltovskoie, St. Petersburg, xxii. 127; calculations of stability, 131; description of work and materials employed, 130; measures for restoration, 134. Lanterned, xxi. 104, 106. Lighting and decoration, vii. 146, 148, 149, xx. 77, 82. Modern, vii. 145, 148. Muir College, Allahabad, xxxiv. 153. Oriental, v. 9, 11, 15, %ii. 140, 147, ix. 113. Panopticon, BG. 2. Pantheon, constructiou, viii. 120, xxxiv. 159. Pointed, xxi. 101, 106. Polygonal, xxi. 110. Ribbed and panelled, xxi. 98, 103. Roman, vii. 140, ix. 112. Romanesque and Renaissance, vii. 142. St. Paul's, vii. 145, ix. 115, 117, 124, xsix. 100. St. Peter's, vii. 145, ix. 114. Sta. Sojjhia, v. 17, 37. S. Vitale, Ravenna, ix. IIG. Strength, ix. 114, 118. Takhtsingji Hospital, Bhownuggur, xxxiv. 154. Tapered, xxi. 95, 106. Theodoric at Ravenna, vii. 141. Thrust and pressure, xxi. 114, xxii. 131, xxxiii. 145. Tomb of Muhammed, Beejapore, v. 6, 18. Venetian, vii. 143. Vienna Exhibition, xxiv. 103. Wren's, vii. 145. Dom.estic Arcliitecture — Domestic buildings in S-iceden, bv A. Beazeley, xxxiii. 117. Domestic buildings in Western Flanders, by R. D. Chantrell, vi. 143. Peculiarities of, in Aiunrica, by G.Wheeler, xrai, 117, 167. Seventeenth century, in London, bv G. H. Birch, xxvii. 49. America {see below. New Yorlt). — Arrangement of rooms, xviii. 167, 172;- -Arrangement of stories, 119, 168;— Building materials, 120;— Cost of build- ings, 128, xxxiii. 64; — Entrance doorwavs, xviii. 118;— Roofs, 118;— Rural dwellings, 121, 171;— Style, 119;— Warming, 169, xxxiii. 47, 59, 61;— Water supply, xviii. 119. Ancient Egvptian, existing among present Arabs, xi. 193. Belgium, \i. 143. Brittany, xxiii. 169. Cairo and Damascus. — Bay-windows, xx. 80, 82; — Ceilings, 75, 83; — Doors and windows, 79; — Plan 75, 77. China, xvii. 159, xxiv. 35. Egypt, xi. 193, xx\'i. 39, 43. Gold Coast, Native, xxxii. 97. Himalayas, xxxiii. 66. Japan, xxviii. 180, 181. London, ancient examples. — Charter House, xxra. 57; — Bishopsgate, 51; — Elizabethan houses, 54; — Gra}-'s Inn, 57;— Great St. Helens, 51;— Houses built immediately after the Fire, 58; — Inns and taverns, 53; — Lambeth palace, 55;— Leadenhall St. mansion, 58; — Lincoln's Inn, 56; — Middle Temple Hall, 55; — Scrope mansion in Lime St., 52, 59, 64; — Westminster School library, 63. ' Mansion at Humewood, xix. 78. New York. — Apartment-houses, xxxiii. 47, 58; — Cost, 64;— Floors, 47, 59, 62;— Roofs, 59;— Warming, 47, 59, 61. Old halls near Manchester, xxiii. 55, xxxiii. 172, 173, 175. Persian, xxxi. 166, 171. Ratisbon, xviii. 152. Sweden. — Construction and materials; bricks, xxxiii. 123; doors, 126; floors, 125; masonry, 123; .stoves, ib.; windows, 127; — Mediaeval style, blockhouse, 119; lag-stofva, 118; — Primitive style; bad-stofva, 117; — 'Timber buildings, joints in walls, 125; — Town dwellings, 121. Thorpe's buildings, xxvii. 57, 61. Tropical climates, for European occupation, xviii. 197. Western Flanders, vi. 143. see Dwellings. see Houses. Donaldson, T. L. A brief notice of the late Sig. Raffaelli Politi, ofGirgenti, Sicily, Hon. and Corr. Member, xxi. 31. A communication, xix. 73, 145. Architectural medals of the ancients, as illustrating the edifices and customs of the G-reeks and Romans, BB. 1. A short description of the series of working drawings of the nerv opera house 7iow building at Paris, presented to the Institute by the architect, M. Charles Gamier, xiv. 121. Autograph drawings of tlie great masters of architecture, preserved in the libraries, dec. of Italy and other countries, xx. 110. — Bologna, 110; — Florence, 111; —Rome, 112;— Berlin, 114;— Paris, ii.;— LUle, i6.; — London, ib.; — Oxford, 117; — Index to drawings in Soane Museum, ib. Biographical notice of M. Leon Vaudoyer, xxiii. 2. OF TKANS ACTIONS. 17 Biographical notice of the laic T. Bcllamij, Fillow, xxvii. 215. Brief account of the palaces of the Louvre and Tailcries, Paris, from their Jirst erection to the y?rs(')(( time; with general description of projects for completion, particalarhj the one by Visconli, iv. 75. — Feudal epoch, 75; — Renaissance epoch, 77; — E.xtension epoch, 80; — Imperial epoch, 82 ; — Curapletion epoch, 83; — Visconti's design, 84. Brief memoir of the Gommendatore Poletti, Hon. cC- Corr. Member, xx. 144. Brief memoir of the late Commendatore Canina, Hon. A Corr. Member, vai 1. — Eaily life unknown, 2; — Em- ployed with Vasi, ib.; — His literary works, 3; — Excavations on the Via Appia,4; — Personal traits, 5. Description of M. Mariette's e.rxavations at (lhi:xh and Saccara ; some observations iijion the domestic archi- tecture of the ancient Egyptians as existing among the present Arabs; and an account of catacombs at Alex- andria recently discovered, xi. 189. — Excavations at Ghizeh and Saccara, 190; tomb near great Sphinx, ib.; — of Serapeion of Memphis, 192; — Fellah Arab architectm-e, 193;— Catacombs at Alexandria, 195. Description of some of the constructions now in course of execution between tlie Louvre and the Palais Royal at Paris, v. 27. Description of some ruined buildings in Palestine, xix. 228.— Jerusalem, 229; masonry, ib. ;— Bireh, 230; —Bethel, ift.;— Shiloh, 231. Letter from Paris, iv. 31. Letter from Home, xxii. 14. Manufacture of glass, and its application to architec- tural jjurposes, C. 2. Memoir of the late IV. Burn, Fellow, xx. 121. Memoir of the late Charles Fowler, Felloxi; xviii. 1. — His design for New London Bridge, 3; Totnes Bridge, 5; Hungerford JIaiJvet, 6; Covent Garden Market, 7 ; Exeter Markets, 8; conservatory at Sion, 9; Honiton church, V6.; Devon Lunatic Asylum, 11; London Fever Ho.spital, &c. ib.; Wax Chandlers' Hall, 12. Memoir of J. I. Hittorff, BV. 1. Memoir of Mons. C. F. Nepveu, architect, of Versailles, xiii. 10. Memoir of J. Woods, Hon. Member, xiv. xv. Memoir of Louis de Zanth, architect of the King of Wurtemberg, &c., viii. 15. Notice of the recent travels of Lt. Col. Playfair in the provinces of Algiers and Tunis, on the footsteps of Bruce the traveller, illustrated by Bruce's draivings, xxvii. 33. On obelisks, their purpose, proportions, material and position, xxviii. 213, 223. On the practice of architects and the law of the land in respect to easements of light aiul air, xvi. 169. — The Law, 169;— Yate.s v. Jack, 170, 171;— Martin v. Headon, 170; — Currier's' Co. v. Corbett, 171, 176; — Clarke v. Clarke, 171; — Tapling r. Jones, 172, 176; — Isenberg r. Ea.st India Ho. Estate Co., 175; — Jackson v. Duke of Newcastle, ib. ; — Lawrence v. Austin, Durell r. Pritchard, 176; — Auction Mart Co., 177. On the tomb of T. C. Vitali.'!, in the Villa Volkonski, Pome, xix. 223. — General description, 223; — In- scriptions, 224; — Interior, ib.; — Honour anciently paid to architects, 225. 0)1 the triumphal arches of the Itomans, vi. 111. (Iprninij addre.is: Conxtruction and Scienc, HX. 6t*. Pdli/rhroinatir emheUishment.i in Orceh architidiirc, AH. 1, AH (2). 1. Present condition of the royal tombs in U'eslmrKs'cr Abbeii, around the shrine of Edward the Confessor, AJ. i. President's address, xiv. 1.— Members deceased, 1_; — Institute o])poses preservation of Great Exhibition Building 1862, 4 ;— Architectural education, 5;— Architectural ] mlilicatic ms, 9 ;— Professional charges, 10;— Metropolitan improvements, ib.; — Pugin Stu- dentship, 12; — Tite Bamjuet, 13. President's address, xv. 1.— Suggestions for papers, 4; — Metropolitan improvements, 6 ;— Members de- ceased, 7; Library, 9. Remarks on a certain class of (kdlo-ByMntine churches in and near Perigueux in France, BA. 1, BB. 6. Remarks upon the buildings of Lille in France, and a descrijilion of a fine collection of original dran-ings by the great Italian masters, bequeathed by Mons. JVicar, iv. 1. Some account of recent discoveries of places and buildings of the 4th to the 1th centuries in the Hauran, near Damascus, and in the country about Aleppo and Antiocheia, xiv. 124. Home account of the antiquities at Frejus, on the south- east coast of France, from information firnished by the President, IV Tite, Esq., M.P., xviii. 141.— City gates, 141; Porta Romana, ib.; Golden gate, 142; — Circus, ib. ; — Theatre, ib. ; — Aciueduct, ib. Some descri2)tion of Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, the seat of his Crace the Duke of NortMmberland, vii. 7.— Classification of British medieeval castles, 1; —General description, 8 ; — Historical notice, ib., 12. Some notice of the celebrated inscriptions, commonly called the Testa mentum Augusti, in the temple of Augustus and Rome, at A^icyra, XX. 105. Some particulars relating to manuscripits of Vitritviiis preserved in rarioiis European libraries, i. 115. — British Museum, 117;— Oxford, 119;— Eton, 120;— Venice, 121;— Paris, 122;— Leyden, 123. Summary of a report made by Mons. Re'mont, architect of the city of Li^ge, on works relating to the hcedth and public utility of London, v. 89. — Water supply, 89 ;— Sewers, 90 ;— Paving, ib. ; — Working-cdass dwellings, 91 ; — Fire-prevention, ib. Supplementary description of auiograph drawings of the great masters in architecture preserved inpublic libraries in Italy, xxii. 80. Tlie late Gottfried Semper of Vienna, xxix. 233. The mystery of the tomb of Charlemagne, and the re- searches made of late years to discover its actual site in the cathedral of Aix la Chapelle, xxi. 35.— Cathe- dral, 36;— Mvths relating to Charlemagne, 37;— His burial, 38;— His tomb opened by Otho III., ib.; by Louis XL, 39; sought by the King of Prussia in vain, ib.; later attempts to discover it, ih. 40; — Relics, 41 ;— Bibliography, 42;— Tomb of William the Connueror, ib. The terminus of the Midland Railway, near King's Cross, London, xviii. 156. The Tribunal de Commerce, Paris, xiii. 241. Wayside memoranda of an architect during a tour in Irehnd, more cs2)ecially with reference to some of its ancient remain.':, viii. 145.— Drogheda, 145; — Ath- D 18 INDEX TO FIRST SERIES liine, 146;— Mallow castU', t6.;— Hovels, 147; — Kilmallook, 148 ;— Casliel, 149 ;— Kilkenny, ih. ; rouml t(j\ver at, luO; — Glendalougli, ib. Presentation of portrait, xxiii. 1. Testimonial to, xvi. i. Donaldson, W. L. — Deceased, xii. 13. Doors — Arabic, public and private buildings, xx. 79. Swedish, xxxiii. 12(i. Tropical Imildiui^'s for Europeans, xviii. 199. Drains, Drainage — BiiikUiKia ((III! streets in the metropolis, by W. A. Boul- nois, IV. 87, 99, 123, 154. Abattoirs, xxv. 125. Ce.sspools V. drains, xii. 97, 101, 10/. Details of construction re(iuiring attention, xxii. 115, xxxii. 141. Flushing, iv. 9.3. New York houses, xxxiii. 48. Pipe-drains, iv. 89, 100, 103, 106; objections to, 92, 95. Sanitary aspect of, xvi. 123. see Sanitary Science. Drawings — Architeetiiral, by W. Burges, xi. 15. Autograph, of great masters of architecture, by T. L. Donaldson, xx. 110, xxii. 80. Italian architectural, in the royal library at Windsor, bv A. Aslipitel, xii. 19.3. Medieval, xi. 16; All.iert Durer's,21 ; Michael Angelo's, 22; thickness of lines in, 19, 21, 24, 26, 28. Royal Institute of British Architects, xx. 119. Soane museum, index, xx. 117. see Plans and Drawings. Driver, C. H.— On iron as a constructive material, xxv. 165. — Historical sketch, 165 ;— Present mode of using iron, 166 ; reasons, 168 ; proposed improvement, 169; — Con- structive ornamentation, 173. Druitt, Dr.— Construction and vumagement of human habitations, considered in relation to the public health, x. 65. — Camp and barrack diseases, 65 ;— Malaria, 67 ; in London, 68 ; influence of drainage on, 69 ; — Con- tagious diseasp.s, it).; — Hdspital diseases, 70; — Sewer infection, 71;— Need of sanitary science among architects, 74. Duban, F. — Biographical notice, xxvi. 209. Deceased, xxii. 5. Due, J. L.— Decease and memoir, xxx. 1, 210. Presentati(]n of Royal Gold Medal, xxvi. 255. Dulwich College — Terra cutta used at, xviii. 259. Dunbrody Abbey — xiii. 195. Durham — Medict^ral antiquities of the county uf, Ijy J. T. Perry, xvi. 193. Dwellings — Artificial lighting, xxii. 118. Conditions essential to health of, xxiii. 200. Irish, ancient, viii. 61. Sanitary appliances for, xxvii. 65. Sanitation of. — Cesspools r. drains, xii. 97, 101, 107; — Ventilation and warming, 95, 99, 103, xxii. 119, 121, 124, xxiv. 74, xxxiii. 48 ;— AValls, absorbent and non-absorlient, xii. 96, 99, 105. Site, xxii. 115, xxiv. 68. Water supply, xxii. 116, 122. see Domestic Architecture. sec Houses. Dwellings for the Poor — Or dwellings for the poor, by H. A. Darbishire, xxvi. 45. Problem of providing, in towns, by R. Kerr, xvii. 37, 49, 63, 74. Remarks on, by C. F. Hayward, xxvi. 58. Accommodation provided, table of, xvii. 64. Amount of accommodation recj^uired, xxvi. 62. Cost, xxvi. 54, 64, 66. Niuuber of dwellings demolished and persons un- housed 1871-75, xxvi. 58. Peabody buildings, Pimlico, described, xxvi. 48. Rent of unimproved and improved dwellings, xxvi. 54, 64, 66. Dyers' Company — Muniment chest, by E. C. Robins, xxix. 232. E. Eagles, T. H.— (Jn. raiilting, xxiv. 187. — Appendix, 203. 'Medal nf Merit (Institute Medal), xxv. 3. Earle, W.— Letter relating to the late Mr. H. L. Elmes, xiv. xi. Easements — Law of, by L. Webb, xxviii. 88. Particular.— Light and Air, xxviii. 94, 101;— Nui- sances, 93 ; — Running water, 92 ; — Sewers, 93 ; — Subterraneous channels, 92, 103. see Light and Air. Eastbury — Maiiiir hi/use, by T. E. C. Streatfeild, xxii. 165. Eastlake, Sir c! — Deceased, xvii. 1. Eastlake, C. L. — .4/1 liistorical sl,rfeJ( of the Institute, xxvi. 258. Resignation of Secretaryship R.I.B.A., xxviii. 161. Ecclesiastical Architecture — Church and conventual arrangement, by M. E. C. Walcott, xi. 29. Greco- Russian, by A. Hallniann, ii. 88. Modern Scottish, by J. Honeyman, BY. 11. Ancient, of the North of England, BX. 43. Irish, peculiarities of, xx. 152, 154, 156, 158. , see Churches. Ecouen Chateau — vi. 54. Edinburgh — Fettes College, by D. Bryce, BP. 1. Scott monument, xxv. 88. Edis, R. W.— Notes on the late fires in Paris, BY. 32. — Exceptional character of these fires, 32 ; — Effects of great fires on various nuiterials, 33. Edmeston, J. — On the use of zinc in roofs, and the causes of failure therein, x. 182. Proposed enibankmeid of the Thames, xi. 280. — Require- ments, 280 ; — Various schemes, 281. OF TRANSACTIONS. 19 Educational Buildings — Buildings for applied science and art instruction, by E. C. Robin?, xxxiii. 81. Fittings for, by E. C. Robins, xxxiv. 5. Heating and ventilation for, by E. C. Robins, xxxiv. 25. Central Tedniical Institution, S. Kensington, xxxiii. 94, xxxiv. 26. Chalmers Industrial School, Gothenburg, xxxiii. 94. Chemical laboratory. — Aachen, xxxiii. 89 ; — Berlin, 85 ;— Bonn, ih. ;— Graz, 90 ; — Munich, 87. Grammar School, Manchester, xxxiii. 98. Mason College, Birmingham, xxxiii. 98. Merchant Venturers' School, Bristol, xxxiii. 99, xxxiv. 27, 36n. Owen's College, Manchester, xxxiii. 97. Physical Institute, Wiirzburg, xxxiii. 92. Physiological Institute, Berlin, xxxiii. 89. Technical College, Finsbury, xxxiii. 96, xxxiv. 25. Technical High School. — Hanover, xxxiii. 92 ; — Stockholm, 93. Trade School, Chemnitz, xxxiii. 90. Univer.sity College, London, xxxiii. 97. York.shire College, Leeds, xxxiii. 95, xxxiv. 28. Fittings. — Black-board construction, xxxiv. 24 ; — Chemical laboratories, 6 ; — Mechanical labora- tories, 18. General principles in planning, xxxiii. 81, 83. Ventilation, xxxiii. 89, 98, xxxiv. 28. see Schools. Edwards, D. O. — Description of a nev) method of converting gas, and other elastic fluids, having an affinity for oxygen, info fuel for fire: ivith some observations on its bearing upon the sanitary condition of towns, P. 7. Enquiry into certain principles of architectural phy- siologif, xvi. 115. — Architectural covering, 116 ; — Ventilation, 117; — Clothing, light, and warmth, 120 ;— Drainage, 123 ;— Tables of Life, 125; of Temperature, 126. Egypt— description of Mariette's excavations; domestic archi- tecture of the ancient Egyptians ; and cataco7nbs at Alexandria, by T. L. Donaldson, xi. 189. Notes on ancient and modern, by T. H. Lewis, xxvi. 31. Architectui'e. — Ancient, proportions and principles, xxix. 105, 119, 122;— Arab and Fellah, xi. 193, XX. 71 ;— Columnar, xxvi. 40, 43;— Domcistic, 39, 4.3. Excavations at Ghizeh and Saccara, xi. 190. Flint imjdement.s, xxvi. 31. Greek art, remains of, xxvi. 34. Memphis, the Serapeion at, xi. 192. Recent discoveries, xxvi. 31. Electric Lighting- - Electric lighting, by J. Slater, xxxi. 193. Precautions on introducing, into houses, liy K. Hedges, xxxiv. 133. Recent progress in, by J. Slater, xxxii. 201, 225. Accumulators, xxxi. 215, xxxii. 205; economic value, 223. Advantage.', xxxi. 205, 213. Application in practice, xxxi. 204, 212. Arc-lights, xxxii. 209; alternating currents, xxxi. 199; Carlsons, 201; continuous currents, 200. Board of Trade rules, xxxii. 232. Circuit, arrangement of, xxxii. 214. Connectors and joint.s, xxxiv. 138. Cost, xxxi. 210, xxxii. 207, 220, 223, xxxiv. 142. Distribution, xxxiv. 135. Dvnamo-electric machines, xxxi. 195 ; effective re- 'sults, 197, 206, 213. Electric Lighting Act 1882, xxxii. 225. Fire-risks of, xxxii. 218, 221, 235; sources of danger, xxxiv. 137. Fittings, electroliers, xxxiv. 145. Historical .sketch, xxxi. 193. Incandescent lights, xxxi. 203, xxxii. 203; cost, 207, 220. Objections, xxxi. 209. Quasi-incandescent lights, xxxi. 202. Safe area of conductors, xxxiv. 137. Self-regulating or compound shunt, xxxiv. 136. Short circuit, xxxiv. 139; prevention of, ih. Testing an installation, xxxiv. 140. Theatre-s xxxii. 213. "Wear and tear, xxxiv. 141. Electrotype — Diseoiirse on, by G. H. BachhofFner, ii. 189. Elgin Marbles — IvL'piirt of Committee on polychromy of, ii. 102. Elgood, J. G. -- (J)iantities: London and provincial procedure, xxxi. 240. Ellacombe, H. T.— Letter relating to length of rope A-e. for hell-ringing, xiv. xiii. EUice-Clark, E. B.— Some nnoniiilies in the administration of the sanitani liin-s, xxxii. 180. Elmes, H. L. — Information relating to, by W. Earle, xiv. xi. Testimonial, v. 12. Elmes, J. — Deceased, xiii. 7. Eltham Hall— R....r, (,). 7. Ely Cathedral— Octagon and lantern, by R. R. Rowe, xxvi. 69. Report on lantern, by Sir G. G. Scott, xxvi. 83. Ely Chapel (HolbornJ— xxv. 3. Emerson, W. — Description of some buildings recently erected in India, vnth some remarks on domes and the mingling of styles of architecture, xxxiv. 149. — Climate of India, and value of thick walls, 149 ; — Scamping of native work, 150; its results on designs, 151 ; — Indo- British architectural style, 152; — Dome of Muir college, 153; of Takhlsing.ji hospital, 154; — Double domes wrong, 155; — Best form of domical construc- tion, 156. Oyi the Taj Mahal at Agra, xx. 195. Encaustic — see Painting. Engineering Education — Regulations for, in Sjiain, \'i. 41. English Architecture — Thirty years hence, by R. Kerr, xxxiv. 218. Mouldings of the seven periods, AC. 1. Present condition and future prospects, vi. 1, 32, 87, 89. English Renaissance — Monuments of sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, by E. .1. Tarver, xxxiv. 39. English Sovereigns — Date and place of burial, talde of, AK. 5. 20 INDEX TO FIRST SERIES Entablatures — Observations oil heights of, by J. Gwilt, ii. 123. PaUadiaii school, T. 5, 11. ' Entasis — Method invented by Mr. Jopling for describing, by F. C. Peurose, J. 1. Applied to obelisks, viii. 176, 185. Greek, xxvii. 109. Necessity of, viii. 185. Ephesus (Temple of Diana) — Temple of Diana, by J. T. Wood, xxv. 135. Temple of Diana at, by J. rergus.son, xxvii. 77. Temple of Diana, with reference to Mr. Wood's discoveries, by J. Fergussoii, xxxiii. 147. Observations on preceding paper, by J. Fergusson, xxxiv. 171. Replij to Mr. Fergusson'.i paper, by J. T. Wood, xxxiv. 165. Base or podium, xxvii. 86, 96. Columns, xxv. 137, 139, 142, xxvii. 83, 85, 94, 97, 98, xxxiii. 162, xxxiv. 169. Excavations at, xxiii. 1.5, xxv. 136, 143, xxvii. 79. Foundations, xxv. 138. Greek and Asiatic art, xxv. 140. Historical sketch, xxvii. 80. Hypaithrum, xxvii. 84, 92, 96. Last temple, dimensions, xxv. 138, xxxiv. 165. Pavement round steps, xxv. 141, 142. Peristyle, xxvii. 81. Restoration lay J. Fergusson, xxxiii. 153. Roof, xxvii. 84, 91. Site, x.xv. 135, 141, 147. Successive structures, xxv. 135, xxxiii. 151, 152, xxxiv. 166. Erechtheum — see Athens. Errington, J. — Deceased, xiii. 8. Esperandieu, H. — Deceased, xxvi. 4. Estense, S. P.— Biographical notice, xxx. 217. Etruscan Architecture — Ancient, remains of, ix. 58, 59. Sepulchral chambers, x. 139. Excavating-machinery- -xxv. 207. Exeter Cathedral — Sculptures of W. front, xxi. 25. Stone screen in Speke's chauntry, xxvi. 205. Exhibition Building's — Description uf bnililinfj at Madrid, by E. Colibert, xxvi. 28. London, 1862. — Its preservation opposed by R.I.B.A., xiv. 4, XV. 3. Madrid. — Description, xxvi. 28; — Mode of construc- tion, 29; — Taking down and re-use of materials, ib. Vienna. — Dome, xxiv, 127; — -History and practical execution of building, 119. Fabris, E. de — Deceased, xxxiv. 1. Fagades — PaUadian .school, T. 3, 7. Faija, H. — Portland cement, xxx. 109. Failures in Construction — see Construction. Falkener, E. — Recent excavations at Rome, D. 7. Fergusson, J. — Architectural splendour of the city of Beejapore, v. 5, 15. — Tomb of Muhammed, 6, 9, 15; of Ibrahim, 7; — Jurama Musjeed, 8; — Oriental domes, 11, 15. Architecture of Southern India, D. 1. Observations on the temple of Diana at Ephesus, xxxiv. 171. On the architecture of Nineveh, as elucidated by recent discoveries, Z. 3. On the Erechtheum, xxvi. 139. — Various theories of restoration, 140; — Ancient authorities, 141; — Pau- sanias's account, 142; — Inscribed slab, 143; — Other notices, 146; — Proposed restoration, 147; — Com- munications from P. W. Forchammer and L. Bei'- nier, BZ. 1, 5. On tlie mode in ichich light was introduced into the Greek temples, xii. 17. — Vitruvius's statements and their interpretation, 18; — Evidences aft'orded by existing remains, 21 ; —Egyptian practice, 23 ; — Effect of light as admitted, upon statues and paint- ings, 25; — Objections considered, 26, 35. Supplement to paper on the Erechtheum and temple of Minerva Polias at Athens, xxix. 218. Temple of Diana at Ephesus, with especial reference to Mr. Wood's discoveries of its remains, xxxiii. 147. The temple of Diana at Ephesus, and the hypcethrum of the Greeks, xx\'ii. 77. — Former discussions re- viewed, 77; — Mr. Wood's excavations, 79; — His- tory of tlie temple, 80; — Peristjde, 81; — Interior, 82; — ColumniB crelata?, 85; — Base or podium, 86; — Temple of Apollo at Didyme, 89; — Smaller Greek and Roman temples, 92. His architectural career, remarks by himself on, xxi. 146. Presentation of Royal Gold Medal, xxi. 145. Ferrey, B. — ,1 short notice on stamped or incised stucco, vii. 151. Observations on Gothic vaulting, ii. 186. Observations on the west front of Wells cathedral, xxi. 17. — Restoration, 23; — Compared with Exeter, Sali-sbury, and Lichfield, 25 ; with Croyland Abbey, 26. Some remarks upon the works of the early medice.val architects, Gundulph, Flambard, William of Sens, and others, xiv. 130. — Names of inventors of styles unknown, 130; — Reticence of mediajval architects contrasted with modern, 131; — Attempt to trace authorship by examination of work, ib., 141, 142; — Gunduliih, memoir, 133; architectural works, ib.; — Lanfranc, works, 134; — Flambard, memoir, ib. ; works, 135, 136; — Pudsey, builds Norham Castle, 135; — William of Sens, works, 138; — WUliam of Wykeham, style, 140. Biographical notice, xxx. 219. Deceased, xxxi. 2. Presentation of Royal Gold Medal, xx. 145. Ferrey, E. B. — Institute Silver Jledal, xviii. 196. Ferstel, H. von — Deceased, xxxiv. 1. Presentation of Royal Gold Medal, xxxii. 238, OF TRANSACTIONS. 21 Field, H.— Biographical notice, xxx. 232. Filtration — Different systems of, in use for supply of large towns, by G. R. Biu-nell, AD. 1. Fine Arts — Analogies between architecture and, by W. Whewell, xiii. 175. Department of, necessity for a, xxxii. 6. Vital forms in relation to, ix. 93. Fir- Early introduction as a building material in England, viii. 1. Fires — Tlie late, in Paris, by R. W. Edis, BY. 32. Effects of, on various materials, BY. 33. Great conflagrations, temperature of, BX. 73. Moderate long-continued heat, ettect in producing ignition, xv. Ill, 124. Fires and Fire Prevention — In countiy mansions, xxiv. 93, 94. Loudon, V. 91. Fire-places — Open, u-ilh remarks on their construction, bv S. E. Rosser, vi. 119. Grates. — Batty's ventilating, xiii. 165; — Lanyon's ven- tilating, xxvii. ()G; — Low c. high, vi. 121, 126; — Osmaston Manor, AB. 3; — Stail'ordshire, vi. 121, 125, 126;— Sylvester's, 121. Open, objections to, vi. 119, xiii. 91. Rumford's improvements, vi. 119. Suggested improvements, vi. 124, 127, xiii. 91. see Stoves. Fire-proof Construction — Concrete and, by Arthur Gates, xx^dii. 296. Fire-jiroof floors, by T. H. Lewis, BX. 72. Fire-proof maierials and construction, by T. H. Lewis, XV. 109. Fire-reskting mattirials and construction, by 0. Fowler, jun. BX. 76. Bil>liography, xv. 109, xxviii. 296. Brickwork, resistance, xv. 113, 115, BX. 74. Ceilings, iv. 51, 69, BX. 76. Concrete, resistance doubted, xv. 115; a.sserted, 122, XX vi. 186, 225, 227, 235, 250. Fireprooting of materials, xv. 120. Floors, iv. 36, 41, 53, 57, 59, 63, 64, 66, xv. 117, BX. 78, xxv. 208, xxvi. 93; failures in, xvii. 139. * Heat, efi'ect of moderate long-continued, xv. Ill, 124. Hot air, danger of, xv. 112. Iron. — Resistance, BX. 79 ; — Weakness if unprot«cteil, XV. 110, 114, 123, BX. 72, 74. Memorancla. — J. N. Pedder, xxviii. 311; — A. C. Pon- ton, 309;— G. F. Trench, 310. Plaster, resistance, xv. 110, 115, 123. Stair.?, XV. 119. Stone, weakness, xv. 113, 119, 122, BX. 73, 76, BY. 33. Systems. — Allen's, xxviii. 297, 305; — American, xxxiii. 63, 62; — Brannon's, xxvi. 235, 249, xxviii. 299, 309;— Gunningham'.s, BX. 78;— Fowler'.s,76;— Fox & Barratt's, iv. 41, 57, 64, 66; cost, 58, 67, 73; — French,36, 43, 45, 53; — Groves's, BX.75; — Horn- blower'.s, xxviii. 298;— Hyatt's, 299;— Lake'.s, 298; — Lincolnshire, iv. 59, 63; — XorthcroiVs, xxviii. 298. Temperature of great tires, BX. 73, United States, xxxiii. 53. ^Valls XV. 115. Wood, resistance, xv. 114, 120. Fischer, F. T. — Biographical notice, xviii. 116. Flambard, R. — Memoir, xiv. 134. Works and style of, xiv. 135, 136, xvi. 194. Flamboyant Style — C'liaracteristic iaterpenetrations of, by R. Willis, ii. 81. Flaxman, J. — Funeral present from R. Politi, xxi. 32. Fletcher, B.— On arbitrations, xxiii. 69. Floors — American, xxxiii. 47, 59, 62. English mediaeval, .xv. 97. Failures in, xvii. 139. Fire-proof, iv. 36, 41, 53, 57, 59, 63, 64, 66, xv. 117, BX. 78, xxv. 208, xx\-i. 93; failures in, xvii. 139. Iron. — French method of constructing, bv H. H. Burnell, iv. 36, 41, 53, 63;— Cost, 38, 46, 58^ 68. Manchester abattoirs, xxv. 126, 1.33. National Safe Deposit, xxvi. 93. Swedish, xxxiii. 125. Warehouse, raising, BH. 1. Westminster Palace Hotel, xii. 114. Florence — Jledicean lilirary, design by Michael Angelo, iv. 4. Florence, H. L. — Communication respecting designs for completion of St. Petronio at Bologna, xxi. 43. Tite Prize, xviii. 195. Fogerty, W. — Biographical notice, xxix. 7. Foliage — Architectural foliage, by J. K. Colling, xxix. 137. Art foliage, by J. K. Ccdling, xvi. 31. Natural and architectural, by J. K. Colling, viii. 97. Adaptation to materials and position, xvi. 43, xxix. 146, 147. Ancient, xvi. 33, 39. Anglo-Norman, xvi. 35, 38. Best positions for, xxix. 141. Byzantine, xvi. 40. Festoons, xxix. 139, 151. (Geometrical and typical forms, viii. 98, 101, xvi. 41, 45, xxix. 142. Greek and Roman, x\'i. 39. Light and shade, xvi. 35, 46, xxix. 145. Mediaeval, xvi. 38, 40, 45. Natural and conventional styles, viii. 100, xvi. 31, 38, xxix. 140. Outline and relief, viii. 101, 102. Principles, and their apiplication, xxix. 141. Treatment of natural forms, viii. 100, 105, xvi. 37, xxix. 143. Use in ancient work, viii. 97, xvi. 32, 39, xxix. 137, 140. Wall-surfaces, xvi. 33. Fontainebleau Chateau — vi. 50. Forchammer, P. W. — .Communicaliiiii on Knchthium, BZ. 1, 5. Foreign Architectural Notes — ilemoranda on Belgium, xv. 53; France, 55; Portu- gal, 51. 22 INDEX TO FIRST SERIES Forster, E. M.— Biographical notice, xxxii. 59. Foundations — Anglo-Saxon, i. 9. Bridges, viii. 31, xxii. 36. Calcutta, xxiv. 147. Concrete, i. 7, 13, 21, 30; specification, 35. Egyptian, i. 3. Ely Cathedral, xxvi. 69. Failures in, xvii. 132. Geology in reference to, xxi. 45. Greek, i. 5. Improvements in, since 1800, x. 29. Jewish, i. 2. London Bridge Terminus Hotel, xii. 116. London clay, supporting power, viii. 33, 42. Mexican, i. 4. Panopticon, BG. 3. Piles, i. 3, 13, viii. 39, 42 ; bearing power, 39, 42; failure of, xvii. 135; iron, x. 30. Roman, i. 7. St. Thomas'.*: Hospital, xxi. 65. Vienna Exhibition building, xxiv. 114. Westminster Palace Hotel, xii. 111. Fountains Abbey — Excavations and discoveries at, AT. 3, iv. 129. Fowler, C— Metal roof at Hungerford Market, i. 44. On warming and ventilating the Long Room of the Custom House, London, upon Dr. Arnott's principle, ii. 169. Remarlcs on terra cotta and artificial stone as connected with architecture, P. 1. Some remarks on Hungerford Market, xiii. 54. Terrace roofs, i. 47. Memoir, by T. L. Donaldson, xviii. 1. Principal works and designs. — Conservatory at Sion, xviii. 9; — Covent Garden JIarket, 7; — Devon Luna- tic Asylum, 11; — Exeter Markets, 8; — Hcmiton Church, 9; — Hungerford Market, 6; — London Fever Hospital, 11; — New London Bridge, 3; — . Totnes Bridge, 5;— Wax Chandlers' Hall, 12. Fowler, C. jun. — Brief memoir of the late Alexis de Chateaiineuf, Hon. d- Corr. Member, vii. 87. Fire-resisting materials and construction with reference to the proposed New Building Act 7iow before the House of Commons, BX. 76. Mediceval brick buildings in the north-east of Germany, and on the coast of the Baltic, G. 1. The Cistercian abbey of Maulbronn, Wurtemherg, xxxiii. 129. Framework — English mediaeval timber, xv. 96. France — Present tendencies of architecture and architectural edu- cation in, by G. E. Burnell, xv. 127, 157. Architectural notes, xv. 55. Franciscan Abbeys — see Abbey. Fraser, J. W. — Deceased, xxii. 15. Freeman, E. A. On certain early Romanesque biiildings in Svntzerland and the neighbouring countries, xiv. 182. — Political history as connected with architecture, 183 ; — Anglo- Saxon and pre-Norman architecture, 184; a variety of Romanesque, 185; — Swabian and Anglo-Saxon compared, 189;— Swabian and Burgundian, 190, 193. Frejus — AntiquAties at, by T. L. Donaldson, xviii. 141. French chateaux — Of the age of Francis I., by E. I'Anson, vi. 49. Description and historical sketch. — Anet, vi. 54; — Blois, 51, 57; — Chambord, 52; — Chenonceaux, 53; — Ecouen, 54; — Fontainebleau, 50, 57; — Pierrefonds, xxiv. 54. Eonfs a great featuie of, vi. 55. Fresco painting and Frescoes — Are thev suitable for England ? xxviii. 256, 259, 263, xxxi. 285. Medium.— Kaulbach's, xxxi. 284;— Others, 285. .^ce Mural Decoration. sec Painting. Friarstown Abbey — xiii. 201. Fuel— Neic method of converting gas into, bv D. 0. Edwards, P. 7. Fung-Shuie — Chinese tutelary deity over buildings, xxiv. 34. Furniture — Historg and manufacture, by J. G. Grace, vii. 113. Ancient. — Egyptian, vii. 113; Greek, ib.; — Roman, ih.; veneering of, ib. Modern. — Louis Quatorze, vii. 118; — Medii^vnl, 115; — Recent, 119; — Renaissance, 117. ' Paris Exposition 1855, \± 18. G. Gale, A. J. — American architecture from a constructional point of view, xxxiii. 45. — New York, ofiices, 45; apart- ment-houses, 47 ; plumbing and house-drainage, 48; ventilation of buildings, ib.; — Philadelphia, new public building.s, 50; post-office, 51; — Baltimore, John Hopkins hospital, ib.; — Iron fronts for buildings, 52; — Fireproof construction, 53; — Bond of brickwork, 54; — Decorative woods, ib. — Joinery prices, ib. Report of a tour in the United States of America xxxiii. 57. Galicia — Excursion in the province of Orense, by G. R. Burnell, AZ. 1. Galton, D. — /S'oiyi/; of the sanitary aspects of house construction, xxiv. 67. — Site, 68; — General arrangements, 69; — Ma- terials, 71; — Ventilation and warnnng, 74. Gambler Parry process — see Mural Painting. Gardella, I. — Deceased, xxii. 7. Garling, H. — Deceased, xxi. 4. Garling, H. B.— »So//ie remarks on the contents of the album of Villard de Honnecourt, ix. 13. — Discovery of the MS., 13; — Contents, ih.; — Character of the author, 15. Gas — Heating and cooking on Leoni's system; letter i'vimi W. J. Nixon, BX. 90. OF TRANSACTIONS. 23 Gau, F. C— Biiigiapliioal notice, iv. 34. General Conference of Architects 1871 — OpeniiHj (uldrts,, liy T. H. "Wyatt, BX. 1.— Olit^ili of the confen-uoes, 1; — Practice and charges, German, 2; American, 3; — Competitions, German, 4; Ame- rican, 5; — Quantities, 6;- -Architects and the OIHce of Works, 7; — Architectnral education, 8. Opening address: Construclion and Science, bv T. L. Donahlson, BX. 68. Resolutions, BX. 99. General Conference of Architects 1872^ Upeiiinij address, by T. H. Wyatt, BY. 1. — American architectural congress, 2; — Modern depreciation of architects, 3. General Conference of Architects 1878 — Opening address, by C. Barry, xxviii. 253. General Conference of Architects 1881 — Opening address, by J. Whichcord, .\x.\i. 221. — Archi- tectural competitions, 222 ; — Obligatory e.xamination for Associates R.I.B.A., 224. Genii — Etruscan, Greek, and Roman, figures of, ix. 95. Geology — Connection of, with architecture, by G. F. Richardson, ii. 190. Relations of, with architecture, by D. T. Ansted, xviii. 17, 61, -xxi. 45. Importance of knowledge of, as regards foundations, xxi. 45; as regards influence on style, 46. Germany — Mediceval architecture of central and soutliern, by H. W. Brewer, xviii. 144. Mediceval brick buildings in tlie north-east of, by C. Fowler, jun., G. 1. Examples of mediaeval buildings. — Augsburg, xviii. 153; — Bamberg, 147; — Landshut, 153; — Moosburg, ib.; — Ratisbon, 150 ; — Wiirzburg, 144. Gothic and After-Gothic architecture of, A. 3. Gothic revival, examples. — Austria, xxii. 21; — Co- logne, 19; — Hamburg, 18; — ilimich, 17. Romanesijue architecture, v. 77. Gibbons, Grinlin — Remarks on, Ijy W. G. Rogers, xvii. 179. Principal works.— Blenheim, xvii. 184; — Cambridge, Trinity College, 179, 182;— Cashioburv, 181;— Kirtlington Park, 184;— Lyme Hall, 181;— Oxford, Queen's College, 184; Trinity College chapel, 183; — Upper Grosveuor Street, 184; — Winchester, ib. Gilbert, A.— Deceased, xxiv. 2. Gilbert, E. J.— Deceased, xxvi. 4. GUI, E— Deceased, xxv. 2. Girders — Failures of, xvii. 139, 140, 141, 142. Glasgow — Tmprorements in, by Sir J. Watson, x.xix. 153. Former condition, xxix. 153. Improvements. — Commencement, xxix. 154; — Cost, 159, 170;— Extension, 155;— Results, 158. Glass — Manufacture of, and application to architectural pur- poses, by T. L. Donaldson, C. 2. See Stained Glass. Glennie, A.— 1 h'scription of the antiquities of Pola, in Istria, AA. 1. — General description and historical notice, 1; — Temple, 2; — Byzantine works, 3; — Amphitheatre, (').;— Porta Gemina, 5; — Arches, 6; — Theatre, ib. Godwin, E. W.— On tin: photograplis taken for the Architectural Photo- graphic Society for the year 1866, xvii. 91. Godwin, G. — Nature and properties of concrete, and its application to constructioii, up to the present period, i. 1. Something about masons' marks in various countries, xix. 135. Bursary proposed, xxxi. 219. Presentation of Royal Gold Medal, xxxi. 217. Godwin Bursary — Report of tour in United States, by A. J. Gale, .xxxiii. 57. Gol Goomuz — see Beejapore (tomli of Muhammed). Goniameter — Description of, by H. Twining, BD. 1. Goodridge, A. S. — Briif memoir of the late H. E. Goodridge, of Bath, Fellow, BO. 3. Goodridge, H. E. — Deceased, xv. 7. Memoir, by A. S. Goodridge, BO. 3. Gossaert, J. — Known also as Mabuse, xviii. 216; paintings by, ib. Gothic Architecture — Contemporarij styles in England and France, by A. Poyuter, ii. 70. Gothic and After-Gothic architecture of Germany, by W. WheweU, A. 3. Revival of, in Germany and Holland, by II. W. Brewer, xxii. 17. Sixteenth century English, liy J. D. Sedding, xxvi. 193. Contrasted with Greek, xviii. 247. Derived from the Holy Land, vi. 99, 107. Development, historical sketch, xix. 95. English. — Alleged decrepitude of, xviii. 209, 248, 255; denied, 244, 251 ; — Typical sixteenth-century buildings, Collumptou, xxvi. 206; Exeter, 205; Tiverton, 203. Revival, xxii. 17, xxxiv. 223. Gould, C. A.— Biographical notice, xxx. 233. Grainger, E.. — Deceased, xii. 10. Granite — On tlie use of, by Sir G. Wilkinson, x. 152. Rough, walling at Humewood, xix. 79. see Stone. Grantham, R. B. — On water supply for country nmnsions, xxiv. 87. — Sources of supply, 88; — Quality of water, 89; — Quantity, 92; — Modes of supply, ib.; — Details of tire-service, 93; — Danger of tire, and instances of prevention, 94; — Necessity for practising an or- ganized fire-service, 95. Grease in sinks and drains — Accumulation and inconvenience, xxvii. 73; preven- tion, xxix. 89. Trap for, xxxi. 95. Greek Architecture — Optical refinements of, by F. C. Peniose, xxvii. 101. Contrasted with Gothic, xviii. 247. 24 INDEX TO i'lKST SEEIES Curvature of horizontal lines, xxvii. 107, 114; luodern example of, 114. Development, historical sketch, xix. 94. Entasis of columns, xxvii. 109. Genei'al principles of construction and pruportious, BX. 51. Inclination of columns and walls, xxvii. 109. Influence on Buddhist architecture, XXX. 37; disputed, 60. Principles of design, xxvii. 113. Proportions and principles of design, xxix. 107, 120, U-2, 126. Proportions of various parts tabulated, xxvii. 103; variable, 112. Remain? of, in Asia Minor, BX. 48; in Egypt, xxvi. 34. Griffith, W. P.— On the jjrinciples to be obsirved in designing inediiKcal decorations and ornaments, with reference to the sources of ornament offered bij the natural kingdom, v. 65. — Collection and preservation of specimens, 66; — Classic system of design, ib. ; — Symbolism, 67. Grissell Bequest — xxv. 3, xxvi. 5. Gropius, M. — Biographical notice, xxxii. 36. Grosmont — St. Nicholas church, shoring of tower, xxiii. 101. Grove, G. — On the exploration of Jerusalem and the Holij Land, xviii. 129. Guerdza — Bas-reliefs from, by C. Texier, xviii. 190. Guesten Hall (Worcester) — Roof, XV. 91, 93. Guildhall— Alterations and new buildings at, by H. Jones, xv. 177. see London. Guillaume, G. H. — Institute Medal, xx. 146. Gum-colour — sec Painting. Gundulph, Bp. of Rochester — Asserted to Vie no architect, xiv. 144; — Memoir and works of, 133. Gunpowder — Eti'ect of, upon a wall, xxi\'. 64. Gutch, G.— Deceased, xxvi. 4. Gwilt, J.— Observations on the heights of entablatures, ii. 123. Deceased, xiv. 3. Memoir, by S. Gwilt, xiv. xxvi. Gwilt, S.— Memoir of Mr. .Joseph (hvilt, architect, xiv. xxvi. Gypsum — On the peculiar and, distinctive character of the gypsum found near Paris, and its preparation and application as a plaster, by G. R. Burnell, M. 1. H. Hadfield, C — The restoration oftlie lodge at Sheffield Manor, xxv. 109. Hadfield, M. E.— A fcxc notes on some polychromatic construction at Aston church, xiii. 240. Hakewill, E. C— Dece.'ised, xxiii. 9. Jlemoir, xxiv. 212. Hakewill, J. H.~ Ijingraplucal notice, xxx. 233. Halicarnassus — Mausoleum. — Ancient de.scriptions, ix. 4; — Destruc- tion, 2, 6; — Historical notice, 1; — Rediscovery, 7; — Restorations, 8, 11; —Statues, 10. Hall, E.— Iron roofs, showing their comparative expense, durability, and strength, as contrasted irith timber roofs, ii. 191. Hallmann, A. — Histonj of Greco-Russian ecclesiastical architecture, ii. 88. — Chi'onology, 88; — Plan, arrangement, and de- coration of churches, 93; — Decoiation of interior, 95; — Extei-ior, fa(;ade, roof, cupolas, 96; — Comjiari- son with Western churches, 98; — Modern churches, 101. Hamilton, T. — Description of the pavilion erected at Edinburgh for the festival in Iwnor of Earl Grey, September 1834, i. 65. see Kugler, translated by T. H. Hamilton, W. J. — Account of the r)dns of the city of Anni, in Armenia, i. 100. Hansard, O. — Some observations upon ecperiments on artificial stone, (Oc, xiv. 169. 'Hansen, C. — Deceased, xxxiv. 1. Hardwick, P. — Deceased, xxii. 4. Hardwicke, W. — On public mortuaries for large towns, xx. 47. — Incon- veniences of present dead-houses, 47; — Provisions of Sanitary Act, 48; — Proposed arrangement and management, 50; — Cost, 51. Harrison, W. G. — Deceased, xxxiv. 1. Hartshorne, C. H. — On tlie military architecture of Great Britain, N. 1. Hauran — Discoveries of places and buildings in, by T. L. Donald- son, xiv. 124. Havely, — Deceased, xiii. 8. Hawkes, W. — Transverse strength of bricks, and on expansion of brick- work in a furnace chimney, xi. 121. — American, 123; — Dutch, 124; — Ancient Roman, ib.; — French, ib.; Calcutta, 125; — Russian, ib.; — South African, 126; English, ib.; — Table of, 130; — Description of fur- nace-chimney, 131; expansion of, 132. Hay, D. R.— AppUccdion of the harmonic law of nature in the ortlw- graphg of architectural design; illnstrated by a Gothic ■ elevation, similar to that at the east end of Lincoln cathedral, v. 1. Attempt to develope the principle which governs the pro- portions and curves of the Parthenon of Athens; with a few observations on the application of (esthetic science to architecture generally, BC. 1. Hayward, C. P. — Architecture of the pre-Gothic age in Germany, or the Romanesque development of the Bhine and Central OF TRANSACTIONS. 25 Europe, v. 77. — Basilican type, 78;- -German cathe- drals, 79; — Example in Eii'f;lan(l, 81 ;— Cupolas, 82; Windows and doors, 83. Bemarks on dwellings of the poor, xxvi. 58. — Number of dwellings demolished and persons unhoused, 58; — Sanitary condition of the poor, 60; causes and remedy, 61; — Accommodation required, 62; — Minimum "standard of hahitability,' 6."?. The late Mr. Joseph James, xxv. 220. Hayward, J. W. — Health and comfort in house building; or ventilation with warm air by self-acting suction power, xxiii. 200. Heathcote, C. H.— The old halls in the neighbourhood of Manchester, xxiii. 55.— Arden, 55; — Marple, 56; — Bramall, 57; — Withenshawe, 59; — Bagulev, ib.; — Lyme, 60; — Reddish, *. ;— Trali'ord, 63;— Ordsall, ih. ;— Hulme, 64; — Ancoats, ib.; — Chetham's Library and Hos- pital, ib. Medal of Merit (Institute), xviii. 196. Heat — Effect of moderate lontj-continued, (in inflannnaliility of wood, XV. Ill, 124. Heating — see Warming. Hebb, J.— (hi taking out quantities and measuring works, BX. 19. Hedges, K. — Precautinns to adopt on introducing the electric light into Iinuscs, xxxiv. 133. Heidelberg — Jhiin of, by E. I'Anson, vii. 58. Heights and Distances — J[easureineut of. — Apcjmecometer, xx. 22; — Metro- stupe, xxvii. 44. Henderson, G. — Dereaseil, xiii. 7. Henman, W. — Institute Silver Medal, xviii. 196. Henszlmann, I. — Remarks explanatory of a series of dravnngs illustrative of the alleged discovery of th« constructional laws of medifcval church architecture, AY. 1. Hesketb, B,.— An enquiry as to the methods which it is most advisable to adopt in the Metropolitan Buildings Bill for regu- lating the tluckness of walls, v. 103. — Rules now in force, and their defects, 104; — Rondelet's rule, 105; — Proposed improved rule, 106. On the admission of daylight into buildings, particularhj in the narrow and con/ined localities of towns, AM. 1, AN. 1. Biographical notice, xxx. 233. Hessemer, F. N. — Deceased, xxiv. 2. Hill, A.— 0/( some ancient Iri.th churches, xx. 151. — Kilmel- cheder, 153; — Templenahf)e Ardfert, 155; — St. Brandon Ardfert, 156. :M.-dal (if Merit, xx. 146. Hill, T K. - Biographical notice, xxx. 233. Hills, G. M.— Earthen pots (built into churches) wliich hare been called acoustic rases, xxxii. 65. — Appendix, 88. Review of the architecture and history of the round towers of Ireland, viii. 66. — Origin, 66;— General character, 67; — Position with reference to adjunct churches, ih.; — Dimensions, ih.; — Interior, 68; — Decoration, 69, 75; — Construction of walls, 70; — Dates, 72, 76. Himalayan Architecture — Architecture in the Himalayas, liv W. Simpson, xxxiii. 65. Buildings and con.struction. — Bridges, xxxiii. 72, 75; resemblance tii Scandinavian, 73; — Fortified houses and temples, 66, 67;— Roofs. 66, 68, 77, 79;— Stone and wood construction, 66, 77; — Style formed from a wooden construction, 65, 78; — Temples, 66, 67,70. Hissarlik — sre Troy. History — Political, a.s connected with architecture, xiv. 183. Hittorff, J. I.— Memoir, by T. L. Donalds.m, BY. 1. Hodgkinson, E. — Deceased, xii. 9. Hodgkinson, W. — Letters and remarks in reference to, BU. 1. Hoists — Manchester abattoirs, xxv. 123. Holbein, H. His works in England, xviii. 228. Holborn Viaduct — Failure at, attriViuted to failure in foundation, xxi. 45; cause explained, 58. Holford Hall (Cheshire)— xxxiii. 173. Holkham (Norfolk)— Histoni and restoration of church, by J. K. Colling, XX. 59. Holland — Revival of Gothic architecture in, xxii. 22. Holy Cross Abbey — xiii. 193. Holy Land — A coinmnnication, by T. L. Donaldson, xix. 73. Homer — Birthplace, xxvii. 193. Honeyman, J. — Bills of quantities : their proper relation to contracts, xxix. 181. — Present state of the matter, 182; London, 183, 184, 199; Edinburgh, 183, 186; Glasgow, 189; — Proposed changes, 190. On modern Scotch ecclesiastical architecture, BY. 11. Honnecourt, V. de — Remarks on the contents of the cdbum of, by H. B. Garling, ix. 13. Hoole, E.— Summary of Mr. Raskin's earlier architectural criticism, XX. 91. Hoop-iron bond — i. 61. Hooper, F. — Report nf a tour in Cheshire and Lancasmre, xxxin. 169. — Combermere, 170;— Nantwich, it.;- Sandbach, ,7,.;_Brereton, id. ; — Congleton, ?J.;— Moreton Hall, 171 ; — Astbury, ib. ; — Marton, ih. ; — Gaws- \vort'h,i6.;—Pre.stbur'v, 172;— Adlingtou Hall, ii.;— Brandiall, //-.;— Mande Hall, 173;— Baguley, •)//.;— Holford Hall, rt. ;— Nether Peover church, ih.; — Chester, ih.; — Manchester, 174; Chetham's college, ih.; Ordsall Hall, ih.; Agecroft Hall, i7).;— Peel Old Hall, !7j.;— Smithills, i7j.;— Towneley Hall, 175;— Whalley, (7).;— Hoghton Tower, ib.; — Samlesbury, jT,. .—Ruilbrd Old Hall, iT).;- Speke Hall, ib. E 26 INDEX TO FIKST SERIES Hopkins, J. D. — Deceased, xxi. 4. Hore Abbey — xiii. 195. Hosking, W. Deceased, xii. 11. Hospitals — Pa r is, Mil nkh a ml St. Petersb urgh, byF.Oppert,xviii. 281 . St. Thomas's, by H. Cnrrey, xxi. 61. Tents and barracks in, by F. Oppert, xx. 54. Ventilation of, by J. Barber, xxiii. 111. Ventilation of, by Pauli, xxiii. 36. Baltimore, xxxiii. 51. King's College, London, xxvii. 216. Lariboisiere, Paris, xviii. 281, xxi. 62, 72. Munich, xviii. 281. St. Petersburgli, xviii. 281. St. Thomas's, London, xxi. 61; cost, 71. Hotel— London Bridge Terminus, by H. Currey, xii. 116. Westminster Palace, by A. Moseley, xii. 111. Chemins de Fer, or Loim-e, Paris, v. 28, 32. Cost. — London Bridge Terminus, xii. 118; — Westmin- ster Palace, 112. Houses — Middle-class, in Paris and London, by W. H. White, xxviii. 21, 55. Himalayan, fortified, xxxiii. 66, 67. London, xxviii. 31, 57; suggestion.s for improvement, 40, 48, 61. Maison.s-iVloyer in Paris, xxviii. 22, 32, 56. Taylor's waterproof walls, xxv. 206. Timber, imported, xxv. 206, 228. see Domestic Architecture. see Bwellings. House Building — Practical hints on, by E. Roberts, xxii. 115. House Painting — Attempt to determine the periods, in England, ichen first introduced ; with remarks on processes, by W. Pap- worth, viii. 1. Houses of Parliament (Westminster) — Account of the Xeic Palace at JVestminster, by E. 51. Barry, viii. 79. Description and "particulars.— Cost, viii. 90 ; — Ex- ternal features, 84; — General arrangement of plan, 82; — Interior decoration, 87; — Preliminary esti- mates, 80; — Pugin as art-designer, 85; — River wall, 80 ;— Scaffohling, vii. 156;— Statues, viii. 89;— Towers, 86; — Ventilation and wanning, 81; — West- minster new bridge in connexion with, 91. House Property — Valuation of, in London, by E. I'Anson, xxiii. 39. Valuation. — London, calculation of value, xxiii. 43; — City districts of special liusiness value, 40; — Dor- mant value in property, 49. Hulme Hall (Lancasliire) — xxiii. 64. Human Figure — (j-reek canon of proportion of, by J. Bonomi, ix. 21. Proportions altered by position and circumstances, ix. 25. Humbert, A. J. — Biographical notice, xxix. 6. Humewood — Mansion at, by W. White, xix. 78. Hungerford Market — Metal roof at, by C. Fowler, i. 44. Remarks on, by C. Fowler, xiii. 54. Description and particulars. — Area of site, xiii. 56; — Cost of building, ib.; — Historical .sketch, 55; — Re- moval for Charing Cross Station, 54; — Roofs, i. 44. Hydraulic Lifts — On hydraulic lifts, by J. Whichcord, xiv. 77. Criterion restaurant and theatre, xxix. 89. Osmaston Manor, AB. 4. St. Thomas's Hospital, xxi. 70. AVestminster Palace Hotel, xii. 115. Hypsethrum — see Temple. I'Anson, E. — Account of the means taken by Alderman Humphrey to raise a sunken floor of a warehouse at Mill Lane, Tooley Street, BH. 1. Account of the restoration of the Dutch church, Austin Friars, xvi. 67. Comparison of Norman and Italian cam/panili, ii. 186. MedicEval and other buildings in the island of Cyprus, xxxiii. 13, 30. Notes on a visit to the Auvergne churches, xvi. 76. On soine French chateaux of the age of Francis L, vi. 49. — Fontainebleau, 50, 57 ; — Blois, 51 ; — Chambord, 51, 57; — Chenonceaux, 53; — Anet, 54; — fcouen, iJ), ; — Roofs a leading feature, 55. On the architecture of Nor^oay, xxviii. 131. — Thrond- hjem cathedral, 131 ; — Stavanger church, 134;— dhristiania, ib. ; — Stor Hamor cathedral, ib. ; — Bor- gund church, 135; — Hitterdal church, ib. On the Kremlin of Moscow, xviii. 97; — General des- cription, 98; — Cathedral of the Assumption, 101; — Church of the Annunciation, 103; — Church of the Twelve Apo.stles, 104; — Belfry of Ivan, ib.; — Palace anil Treasury, 105; — Church of St. Basil, 106; — Kitai Gorod, 107; — Modern churches of Moscow, 108; — Russian churches in general, 109; — Russian .style of architecture. 111, 113. On the recent improvements in Paris, ix. 41. — Improve- nuMits made under Napoleon I., 41 ; under Louis Pliili])pe, ib.; under Napoleon III., 43; cost, 45, 46, 48;— Tomb of Napoleon I., 43;— Hotel de Ville, ib. On the ruin of Heidelberg, vii. 58. — Historical notice, 58; — Description, 59; — Style of art, 63 ; criticised, 64. On the valuation of house property in London, xxiii. 39. — City districts of special business values, 40; — Calculation of value, 43; — Dormant value in pro- perty, 49. Scmie notice of office buildings in the city of London, xv. 25. — Early examples, 25; — Busines.s localities, 26; — Langbourne Chambers, 27; — St. Helen's, ib.; curious case of ancient lights, ib.; — Colonial Cham- bers, ih.; — Bell Court and Seething Lane, 28; — Cost of buildings, 25, 27, 33;— Light and air, 29. Some remarks on the cathedral at Beauvais, AE. 1. The iron ribs: roof of the Corn Exchange, Mark Lane, xxviii. 313. The recent excavations of the Roman Forum, xxix. 201. India — Architecture of, by W. Simpson, xii. 165. OF TRANSACTIONS. 27 Architecture of Southern India, by J. Fergus-son, D. 1. Buildings recenth/ erected in India, with remarks on domes, by W. Emerson, xxxiv. 149. Neii; college at Baroda, and domical construction, by R. F. Chisholm, xxxiii. 141. Ajmere, buildint;*, xii. 172. Buildings for European occupation. — Aichitectuial style, xviii. 207 ; — Doors and windows, 199; — Gen- eral arrangement of plan, 200; — Internal details, 201; — Materials, 203; — Mode of executing work, 205; — Peculiarities of tropical climates, 198; — Structural details and peculiarities, 202. Calcutta. — Bad foundations, xxiv. 147; — Buildings in, 145, 148; — Building materials, 147. Cashmere, buildings, xii. 172. Cbeetore, buildings, xii. 170. Climate of, and value of thick walls, xxxiv. 149. Mahomedan style, xii. 175. No stone building earlier than Alexander the Great, xii. 178. Rock-cut temples, xii. 167. Scamping of native work, xxxiv. 150 ; results ou designs, 151. Topes, xii. 165, xxx. 41, 43, 48, 51, 53. Want of architectural art in Emopean constructions in, xxiv. 150. AVooden origin of Indian architecture, xii. 169. see Himalayan Architecture. ludo-British Architecture — Style advocated, xxxii. 103, 104. xxxiii. 141, xxxiv. 152. Inman, W. S. — Deceased, xxx. 1. Inscriptions — Testameiitum Augusti, at Ancijra,hy T. L. Donaldson, XX. 105. Assyrian, Z. 7. Tomb of Vitalis, Rome, xix. 224. Ireland — Abbeys of, by J. L. Petit, xiii. 191. Wayside memoranda of an architect, by T. L. Donald- son, viii. 145. Ancient churches. — Kilmelcheder, xx. 153 ; — St. Brandon Ardfert, 156; — Templenahoe Ardfert, 155. Round towers. — Construction of wall.*, viii. 70; — Dates, 72, 76; — Decoration, 69, 75; — Dimension.s, 67; — General character, ih. ; — Interior, 68 ; — Kil- kenny, 150; — Origin, 66; — Position with reference to adjunct churches, 67. Iron — As a building material, by G. Aitchisou, xiv. 97. Corrosion of, by F. Barft', xxviii. 265. As a building material, xiv. 97, xxii. 147. Barff's preservative process, xxviii. 268. Contraction and expansion, xiv. 100. Ornamentation of, xiv. 101, xvi. 25, xxv. 173. Resistance to fire, BX. 72, 74, 79. Rust, lialiility to, iv. 150, xxv. 176; causes affecting thi.'^, iv. 150, xxv. 177; protection against, iv. 151; xxii. 40, 48, 50. Strength of, xiv. 98, 99, xxii. 149, 164. Talile of tensile tests, xxii. 150. Iron Construction — As material for architectural construction, by J. A. Picton, xxx. 149. Iron as a constructive material, by C. H. Driver, xxv. 165. Progressive itse of iron in building, by G. Aitchison, BX. 81. Anthasum dome, xxii. 138. Cast and wrought. — Appropriate uses, xxv. 171, 175, 176, 178; — introduction as building materials, x. 31, 36. Condemned as not architecture, xxx. 158, 178, 187; Defended, xxx. 159, 174. Cruciform section preferable to hollow one for columns, xxxii. 120, 123. Crvstal Palace, BX. 82; condemned, 84; defended, XXX. 160. Domes. — Anthfeum, xxii. 138; — Panopticon, BG. 2; — Vienna Exhibition, xxiv. 103. Durabilitv, xxx. 184. Early use', x. 31, BX. 81. Historical sketch, x. 31, xxv. 165, xxx. 150, 181. Inevitable necessity of adopting, xxx. 191. Panopticon, BG. 3, 7. Payne's improvements in, xxv. 183. Present mode of using iron, xxv. 166, 175, 181, 201. Requires new architectural forms, xxxii. 129. Special advantages, xxv. 180. Strength of joists, xxx. 189. United States, xvii. 84, xxxiii. 52. Vienna Exhibition building dome, xxiv. 103. Why more used by engineers than by architects, XXX. 183, 185. see Iron. Ironwork — Constructional, artistic treatment of, by H. Stannus, xxxii. 113. Legitimate %ises and proper treatment, by W. White, xvi. 15. Isle of Wight— Roman remains at Morton, by J. E. & F. G. H. Price, xxxi. 125, 160. Roman remains formerly supposed to be wanting, xxxi. 127. Italian Architecture — Eemarks on, by J. L. Petit, v. 93. Italy— Letter from, by E. Sharpe, BN. 1. Ithaca — Antiquities ; and claim to be considered Homer's birthplace, xxvii. 193. Jackson, W. — The arehitcd, the workman, and the critic, xxv. 101. James, J. — Memoir, by C. F. Hayward, xxv. 220. Japan — Domestic habits, xxviii. 180, 182. Japanese Architecture — Kotes on, bv .J. C'onder, xxviii. 179, 209. Buildings and construction.— Chiefly of timber until recent! v, xxviii. 179;— Godowns, 180,211 ;— Military buildings, 185;— No true architecture in Japan, 210;— Palaces, 183;— Private dwellings, 180, 181; —Tea houses and hotels, 181 ;— Temples, ib., 186, 191, 2U9;— Timber work, 209;— Wood carvings, 190. Jerpoint Abbey— xiii. 194. 28 INDEX TO FIRST SEKIES Jerusalem — Archceolofjical studies in, by G. J. Wigley, vi. 93. Exploration of, and of the Holy Land, by G. Grove, xviii. 129. Higli Sanctuary at, by C. R. C'ouder, xxix. 25. Higli Sanctuary at, by E. C. Robins, xxix. 231. Aksa mosque, xxxiii. 103. Architecture, dates of, vi. 109n. Buildings within the area, xxix. 33, 42, .50, 52; arches, 3t); piUars, ?7i. ; wooden beams, ib. Churches, vi. 97, 98, 101. Masonry, vi. 94, 106, xix. 229, xxix. 26. Temple, vi. 95, 109, xxix. 30, 39. Tombs, vi. 93, 96, Ki2. Topograpliv, xxix. 25, 38, 49, 51. Walls, xix. 229, xxix. 25. Jewish. Architecture— vi. 94, I09n, xii. 149. Jewish Art— x. 90. John of Padua — His Work in England, and uncertainty respecting him, xviii. 234. Joinery — Egyptian, xxvi. 41. Mechanical, xxv. 205. Prices in United State.s, xxxiii. 54. Jones, Horace — On the New Metropolitan Markets, xxxiii. \\Z. — Site, 116; — General de.scription, 117; — Roofs, 118; — Style of architecture, 119; — Quantity of meat supplied from, 120, 127; — New central Poultry market, 121;— Billingsgate, 122. President's address, xxxiii. 1. — Members deceased,l; — Compulsory Examination fur Associate, 3; — Archi- tectural education, 4 ; — Restorations, 6 ; — Metro- politan improvements, 7; — Competitions, 8; — Pros- pects of R.I.B. A., ib. President's address, xxxiv. 1. — Members deceased, 1 ; — Thames Bridges, 2. Some account of the alterations and new buildings at the Guildhall, City of London, xv. 177. — Early history of London, 177; — Guildhall, historical sketch of the building, 178; court of hustings, 180; porch and crypt, ib. ; chapel and library, 181; roof, 182. Jones, Inigo — A follower of Palladi(,., T. 6. Buildings doubtfully ascritied to, xxxiv. 49. His style in ceilings,T.7 ; decoration, ib. ; doors, windows and chimney-pieces, ib.; plans, ib.; staircases, ib. Works by, iu Deuniark, xxxi\-. 56. Jones, Owen — Leading jirinciptes in the cmnposition of ornament of every period, from the (Iramniar of Ornament, vii. 41. — Beaut}' re.sults from I'epose, 43; — In nature, construction is decorated, never vice-versa, ib.; — Beauty Irom curved lines, ib. — General forms, 44; — Lines from a parent stem, ih.; — Junction of curves should be tangential, 45; — Leading ideas simple and few, ii. ; — Fret decollation, 47; — Mohammedan art commended, 48; — A new style of ornament and architecture yet possible, 50. On the decorations proposed for the Exhibition Building in Hyde Park, W. 1. Deceased, xxv. 2. Presentation of Royal Gold Medal, vii. appendix. Jopling, J. — His instrument for describing entasis, J. I. Kaftangioglu, Xi. — E.ctracts of a letter from Athens, xviii. 95. The C'hrEroneian Lion, xxx. 197. The recent discoveries at Mycewe, xxvii. 239. — Charac- teristics of objects found, 240; resemblance to those found at Nineveh, ib. Kairwan — Mosque, xxxiii. 104, 113. Kendall, H. E.— Deceased, xxvi. 4. Kennedy, A. B. W.— Mild steil and its applications to building purposes, xxx. 162. — Manufacture, 163, 173; — Value as con- structive material, 166, 174, 177; — Effect of punch- ing, 177; annealing, 168; — Strength, 168, 176,189; — Government regulations respecting, 235. Kent, W.— A folb Aver of Palladio.— Works liy, T. 8. Kerr, Robert — A development of the theory of the architecturesq^ue, xix.' 89. — Pugin's rules, 89; — Development of column and entablature, 91; arch, 92; cornice, ib.; plinth, 93 ; curve of profile, ib. ; — Historical sketch of development, Greek, 94 ; Gothic, 95 ; systematic scheme, T)7; — Examples; 98. English architecture thirty years hence, xxxiv. 218. — Condition at commencement of the Victorian ' age, 219;— Gothic revival, 220, 223;— Great Exhi- bition, 221 ; — South Kensington, 222 ; — Queen Anne style, 226; — The coming style, 227; — Composition, 229; — Position of architects in respect of business, ib.; — Conclusions, 230. Hints on the commercial aspect of architectural com- petitions, BX. 24. On artificial stone, xiii. 141. — Austin, 144; — Rausome, 145;— Westmacott, 148;— Bousfield, i6.;— Ellis, ih.; — Barff, 149. On the problem of providing dwellings for the poor in towns, xvii. 37, 49, 63. — Present position of the case unsatisfactory, 37; — Statement of the problem, 38; solution hitherto adopted, 40; — What is really wanted? 41; — Experiment in single rooms, 43; — Conchuling notes, 74. Remarks on the evidence of architects concerning the obstruction of ancient lights, and on the practice of proof by ^neasurernent ; with reference to recent cases in the courts ef equity, xvi. 149. — Tlie law, 149; — Testimony, 150; — Principle of computation, 151; — Diagrams, 152; — Stokes v. City Ottices Co., 153; — Auction Mart Co., ib.; — Eavenhill v. Brown, 154; — Mason •('. Read, ib. ; — Arden v. Parry, ih. ; — Clarke v. Clarke, 156; — Explanation of diagrams, 157. Remarks upon the historical references to building and art in the earlier writings of the Old Testament, x. 80. — Historical value of the record, 80; — Clialdean tradition, 81 ; — Pastoral tradition, 82 ; — Ark of Noah, ib. ; — Primitive cities, ib. ; — Baljel, 85 ; — Period of Abraham and Jacob, 86; — Teraphim: the rise of art, 87; — The Exodus, 88;— Jewish art, 90. Suggestions on the architectural voluntary examination of the histitute, xx. 209. Khorsabad — Ancient remains. — Cornices, vi. 107; — Date, Z. 8; — OF TRANSACTIONS. 29 General deacription, 4 ; — Inscriptions, 7 ; — Poly- ehroniy, 5; Roof, 5, 6. Kilconnel Abbey — I iisrrij)th-e paiiiculars, by J. Blake, viii. 137. Gi-iR'ial (k'scriptiou, xiii. 198. Kilcooley Abbey — xiii. 194. Kilkenny — Callndnd of St. Canice, and otiier architectural anli- qiiitieti, by T. N. Deane, xvi. 79. Architectural aiitiiiuities. — Abbeys, xvi. 83; — C.istle, ib.; — Cathedral, 79; — Hu.spital of Sir R. Steele, 83; —Priory of St. Juhn, 82;— St. Mary's church, 83. Kilmallock Abbey— xiii. 197. King's Cross (G.N.) Railway Station — Hnoi, xxi. 127, 129. Klenze, L. v. — Memoir, xiv. xxix. Knight, S.— Tilt itifluence of business requirements upon street archi- tecture, xxvii. 15. — Anachronism of small panes in windows, 16 ; — Changes caused by use of plate glass, ib.; and great demand for light, 18; — Quad- rant colonnade,17 ; — Oxford Street arcade, ib. ; — City warehouses, ib.; — Constructive materials, 19; — Bay windows, 20; — Utilization of roof-space, ib. ; — In- ternal plan, 21 ; — Conversion of private houses into shops, ib.; — Effect of the foregoing matters upon .--tyle, 22. Knockmoy Abbey — xiii. 199. Knowles, J. T.— On the propriety of the .application of cements or other artificiaUii funned materials to the exteriors of build- ings, O. 1. Koran — Texts from, on European manufactures, xxxiii. 143. Kranner, J. — Deceased, xxiii. 11. Kremlin — see Moscow. Kugler, F. — Oh the pohjchromy of G-reek architecture, i. 73. — Intro- ductory observations, 74 ; — Testimony of ancient writers, 76; — Remains of colour on ancient monu- ments, 85 ; — Remains in Attica, i'5. ; — Sj'stem uf polychromy, 93; — Bibliography, 99. L. Labourers' Dwellings — /)ireUinii.< uf the labouring classes, by H. Roberts, E. 1. Labrouste, H. — Decease and biographical notice, xxvi. 4, 218. Laing, G. E. — DcceasL-d, xxvi. 4. Lamprey, J. — Oh ( 'liltiesearchitecture,xvn. 157. — Bricksand tiles,157; — Timberaud other materials, 158; — Domesticai'chi- tecture, 159; — Temple and palace architecture, 163; — Pagoda.s orTiuis, 166; — Pai Loos, 168; — Pai Fongs, 169;— Tumuli, 170;— Dagobas, 173;— Bridges, ib. Lancashire — Pugin t.air, xxxiii. 169. Lance, A. — Aliiidgiueut of his e.s»ay on diploma in architecture, vi. 23. Landernau — Church, xxiii. 173. Lange, F. — Decea.sed, xxvii. 3. Lanyon, J. — Some sitnitary and practical appliances calculated to increase the comforts uf dwellings, xxvii. 65. Lapidge, S. — Description uf Artesian well sunk at the Surrey county lunatic asylum, at Springfield, in the parish of IVandsu'orth, ii. 187. Laslett, T. N.— Description of the " Metroscope," xxvii. 44. — Principle and construction, 45; — Manner of using, 46. Layard, A. H. — Un mosaic decoration, xix. 31. — Christian, distinguish- ing features, 34;— St. Mark's, 35;— Palermo, 37;-- Ravenna and Orvieto, 38; — Legitimate use, 39; — Suitable to English work, 40; examples, 44, 46; — Cost, 47. Presentation of Royal Gold Medal, xviii. 191. Laying out of Cities and Towns — (Jn tlie hniing-uut of cities, by J. B. Wju-ing, xxiii. 141. Seaside towns, xxiii. 153. Leclere, A. — Biographical notice, iv. 31. Lee, E. C. — Scott Prize, xviii. 196. Soane Medallion, xx. 146. Lefuel, H. M.— Decease and biographical notice, xxxii. 8, 38. Lepsius, R. — Presentation of Royal Gold Medal, xix. 161. Lewis, T. H.— A brief account of some experiments upon concrete, made in chief part expre.'isly for the committee of the Archi- tectural Publication Society, viii. 145. Description of the Royal Panopticon Institution, mth th-tails of the construction and decoration, BG. 1. — Plan, 2; — Dome, ib.; — Foundations, 3; — Internal decoration, 4; — Gas lighting, 6; — Iron girders and consti'uction, 3, 7. Fire-proof materials and construction, xv. 109. — Biblio- graphy, 109 ; — Effect of long-continued moderate heat on combustibles. 111 ; — Untrustworthiness of stone, 113; — Brick, i6.; — Metal, 114; — Wood, ib., 120;— Concrete, 115;— Walls, *.;— Floors, 116;— Stairs, 119. Notes on ancient and modern Egypt, xxvi. 31. — Recent discoveries, 31; — Flint implements, ib.; — Arch, 33; — Remains of Greek art, 34; — Mortar, 35; — Coptic churches, ib. ; — Saracenic and Norman styles mixed, 37; — Cairo, Mosques, ib. ; illuminated MSS., 38 ; cemeteries, 39 ; — Domestic architecture, ib. ; — Co- lumnar architecture, 40. Xotes on fire-proof Jlours, BX. 72. — Disadvantages of iron, 7.3; — Advantages of brickwork, 74. Notes on the Celtic, Roman, Moorish, and other remains in Algeria, xix. 59. — General description, 59 ; — Historical notice, 60; — Remains, Celtic, 61; Roman, 62; Byzantine, 66; — Modern buildings, 69. On architectural education, BX. 32. — Methods, 33; — Drawing, 34; — Design, 35; — Languages, ib.; — Ma- thematics, ib. Un the construction of domes, ix. 111. — Greek, 112; — 30 INDEX TO FIRST SERIES Roman,i6. ; — Byzantine, 113; —Indian, ib. ; — Italian, ib.; — Double, 114. Some remarlcs on color and colored decorations, xiii. 15. — Theory,15; — Application of pi'inciples,18; examples, 21; — Tints, 22; — E.xtenial decoration, 24; construc- tional, 25. Sonie remarks on domes, vii. 139. — Greek, 139; — Koman, 140; — Indian, ib.; — Byzantine, 142; — Romanesque and Renaissance, ib.; — Wren '.9, 145; — Lighting and decollation, 14H. Lewis, T. H. & C. P. Clarke— Persian ajrliitccture and construction, xxxi. 161. Lewis, W. G. B.— Grissell Medal, xxviii. 251. Lichfield Cathedral — Deflection of axis, xxix. 97, 104. Sculptures of AV. front, xxi. 25. Life, tables of — xvi. 125. Light and Air — Admeasurement of ski) in cases of light, hv E. W. Tarn, xx. 160. Evidence of architects concerning obstruction of ancietit lights, and the proof by measurement, hv R. Kerr, xvi. 149. Measurement of the obstruction of ancient lights, by W. White, xvii. 17. Practice of architects and the law of the land, by T. L. Donaldson, xyi. 169. Alteration of ancient lights, xxviii. 100. Angle of 45°, xxviii. 98, 103, 106. City offices, xv. 29, 32, 35. Common-sense decision on, xvi. 188. Curious case at St. Helen's, xv. 27. Effective light passing into a room, AM. 4. French law, xvi. 174. Kerr's diagram system, xvi. 152, 181, 184. Law cases cited. — Arden v. Parry, xvi. 154; — Attor- ney-General V. Nichol, xxviii. 95 ; — Aynsley r. Glover, 97, 110;— Back v. Stacey, 95;— Birkett t\ Hughes, 104 ; — City of London Brewery Co. r. Tenant, 96, 98, 99 ;— Clarke r. Clarke, xvi. 156, 171; xxviii. 95, 111; — Curriers' Co. r. Corbett, xvi. 171, 176;— Dent r. Auction Mart Co., 153, 177 ; xxviii. 95 ; —Dickey (■.Pl'eil,94;— Durell v. Pritchard, xvi. 176; — Dyers' Co. v. King, xxviii. 96; — Hackett V. Baiss, 98; — Harris ?'. Lond. & S. AVestern Bank, 100; — Hutchinson v. Copestake, 100; — Isenberg v. East India House Estate Co., xvi. 175; — Jackson V. Duke of Newcastle, 175; xxviii. 103, 110; — Kelk V. Pearson, 96, 105;— Kidd i: Wagner, 94;— Kino V. Rudkin, 98; — Lawrence v. Austin, xvi. 176;— Leech v. Schweder, xxviii. 97,107,111,112;— Martin v. Headon, xvi. 170; xxviii. 96, 111 ; — Mason v. Read, xvi. 154; — Nat. Prov. Plate Glass Ins. Co. V. Prudential Ass. Co., xxviii. 100, 107, 112;— Palmer r. Fletcher,109;— Rand r. Cook, xvi. 188; — Ravenhill v. Brown, 154; — Renshaw r. Bean, xxviii. 100;— Riviere v. Bower, 109;— Stokes v. The City Offices Co., xvi. 153; — Straight r. Burn, xxviii. 96; — Swansborough r. Coventry, 109; — Tapling r. Jones, xvi. 172, 176; xxviii. 95*, 100, 105;— Theed V. Debenham, 99; — Yates r. Jack, xvi. 156, 171 ; xxviii. 95, 105, 111. Principle of computation, AM. 1, xvi. 151, 180, 183, 186, xvii. 17, 24, xx. 160. Tables of values, xx. 163, 164, 169, 170<(. Tarn's investigation, xx. 160. White's system of computation, xvii. 24; xx. 169. Lighting — Admission of daylight into buildimjs, particularlij in tmmis, by R. Hesketh, AM. 1. Mode in which light roas introduced into the Greek temples, by J. Fergusson, xii. 17. Dwellings, xxii. 118. Schools, xxiv. 174. Shops, XX vii. 16, 18, 27. Temples, xii. 17, 23, 27, xvi. 57, xxvii. 77, 84, 92, 96. Theatres, xxi. 138, xxix. 87. Lightly, W.— On the photographs of the sculptures of Wells cathedral, issued by the Architectural Photographic Society, xiii. 209. On the principles to be observed, and the processes employed, in the decoration of churches, xiii. 243. — Neutral comliination of colours, 243; — Pavements, 246; — Constructional decoration, 250; — Carving, 251; — Mosaic, 252;— Painting, 254;— Wall and vault de- coration, 258. Deceased, BS. 1. Lightning — Action of, on metals and chimneys of buildings, by Hon. A. Parnell, xxxiv. 57. Lille— Buildings of, and description of drawings bequeathed by JVicar, by T. L. Donaldson, iv. 1. iiivae — AiqAication of hydraulic limes to co7>striictive purposes, liy G. R. Burnell, viii. 109. Durability, iv. 147. Early use in mortar, xx. 14, 19. Hydraulic, composition, viii. 111. sec Cement. Lincoln Cathedral — Deflection of axis, xxix. 98. Roof, XV. 93. Stone arch or beam, ii. 180, 184. Lithology — mi Stone. Liverpool Railway Station — Ko..f, xxi. 128. Livesay, A. F. — BioL;raphical notice, xxx. 233. Llanbadern Fawr — Clmrch. — Decoration at, xx. 207; — Description of church, xxi. 152. Lloyd, W. W.— General theory of proportion in architectural design and its exemplification in detail in the Parthenon, ix. 129. Locks — Blackett's patent, viii. 44. Lockyer, J. M. — Donation to Institute collection, xi v. i. ; elected Fellow for life, vi. Notice of decease, BO. 2. London — Open spaces of our metropolis, by S. Angell, iv. 107. Summary of a report by Mons. Remont on works of health and public utility in London, by T. L. Donald- son, V. 89. Albert Hall. — Accommodation, xxii. 88; — Acoustics, 85, 95, 99, xxiii. 83, 90, 98;— Decoration, xxii. 91, 94, 98;— Dimensions, 85 ; — Fowke's design, 83; OF TRANSACTIONS. 31 modifications of, 85; — Roof, 88, 96;— Warming and ventilation, 91, 97. Ancient domestic iirchitecture, xxvii. 49. Bridges of, vii. 102, xxii. 31 ; considered as means of communication, 34 ; as mechanical structures, 36; as works of art, 42 ; historically, 31. Churches, see London Churches. City OHices. — Bell Court, xv. 28; — Business localities, 26, xxiii. 40; — Colonial Chamhers, xv. 27;— Cost, 25, 27, 33;— Early examples, 25; — Langbourne Chambers, 27 ; — St. Helen's, ib. ; — Seething Lane, 28. Commercial Sale Rooms, xiv. xvi. Corn Exchange. — Roof, xxviii. 313. Covent Garden Theatre, x. 53. Criterion Theatre, xxix. 87. Custom House. — Failure in foundation, xvii. 132; — Warming and ventilating, ii. 169 ; dimensions of Long Room, 171, 172. Guildhall. — Chapel, xv. 181 ; — Court of hustings, 180;— Crvpt, !?).;- Historical sketch, 178;— Library, 181;— Porch, 180;— Roof, 182. Hospitals, sec Hospitals. Improvements under .James I., xxvii. 51. Law Fire Ottice, xxvii. 217. Markets. — Hungerford, i. 44, xiii. 54; — New metro- politan, xxviii. 113; Billingsgate, 122, 125, 126; central poultrv, 121 ; general description, 117 ; meat supplied^ 120, 127 ; roofs, 118 ; site, 116 ; style of architecture, 119; — Scheme of the late C. Pearson for uniting the metropolitan markets, 127, 129. Nation.al Gallerv. — Suggestion for altering and enlarg- ing, by C. H. "Smith, AW. 1, AX. 1 ;— Competition, xix. 2. New Law Courts. — Competition, xvii. 4, 14, xix. 3. Northumberland Avenue, control byR.I.B.A.,xxxii.3. Open spaces. — Greens, markets, and yards, iv. 112; — Linc-prus, xxxiii. 26. Conventual arrangement, xi. 58. see Abbey. Monoliths — As ornaments of great cities, viii. 167, 175, 183. Montmajour — Romanesque art, xi. 207. Monumental Sculpture — Architectural accessories of, by F. P. Cockerell, xi. 239. see Tombs. Moreton Hall (Cheshire) — xxxiii. 171. Morgan, G. — iJn puhlic competitions for architectural designsjviu. 155. Morham, B. — Quantities: the Edinburgh system, xxxi. 241. Morlaix — Church, xxiii. 168. Morris, T. — Glances at the structural principle of the roof of IVest- minster Hall, and the indications of a distised method of supporting roofs, afforded by existing evidences in this country, and analogous continental examples, Q. 3. Timber roofs of the middle ages, ii. 190. JVest End new streets aiid street improvements, promoted by the Metropolitan Board of Works, with suggested modifications and extensions, xxvii. 175. Mortar — Ancient Egyptian, xxvi. 35. Linie-mortar, early use, xx. 14, 19. see Cement. see Lime. Mortuaries — Puhlic, for large toicns, by W. Hardwick, xx. 47. Mosaics — Mosaic decoration, by A. H. Layard, xix. 31. Pictorial, as an architectural embellishment, by M. D. Wyatt, xii. 122. Byzantine, U. 2, xii. 127. Christian, distinguishing features, xix. 34. Churche.s. — Ravenna, v. 50, 51 ; — Rome, ib. Classic, xii. 124. Cost, xii. 131, 136, xix. 47. Florentine, xii. 129. Greco-Italian, xii. 127. Historical sketch, xii. 122. Indian, xii. 130, 136. Italian, U. 2, 10, xii. 128, 129, xix. 37, 38. Latin, xii. 125. Legitimate use, xix. 39. Principles of application, xii. 13.3, xiii. 252. Revival in England, xii. 132, xxv. 155, 204; suitable- ness to English work, xix. 40, 44, 46. St. Mark, xix. 35. Sta. Sophia, v. 37, 43. Moscow — IJn the Kremlin of Moscow, by E. I'Anson, xviii. 97. Kremlin. — Belfry of Ivan, xviii. 104; — Cathedral of the AnTiunciation, 103; of the Assumption, 101; — Church of St. Basil, 106; of the Twelve Apostle.s, 104; — General description, 98; — Kitai Gorod, 107; — Palace and Treasury, 105. Moseley, A. — An outline of the plan and construction of tlie West- minster Palace Hotel, xii. 111. — Foundations, 111 ; — General plan, 112; — Cost, ib.; — Ventilation, 113; — Construction of floors, 114; — Hydraulic lift, 115. Mosque — Mosque-cathedrals of Cordova and Seville, by R. H. Carpenter, xxxiii. 101, 116. Aksa at Jerusalem, xxxiii. 103. Cairo, xi. 220, 224, xxvi. 37 ; ceilings, xx. 83 ; dates ' of l)uildings, 73 ; domes, 77 ; doors and windows, 79; minarets, 78; plan, 74; pointed and other arches, 89. Cordova, xxxiii. 105, 115. Damascus, xxxiii. 102. Early, xi. 218, 229. Hebron, xii. 155. Kairwan, xxxiii. 104,113. Minarets, xi. 225, 230, xx. 78. Seville, xxxiii. 110. Mouldings — Subordination and distinctive pieculiarities of, of the seve7i periods of English Architecture, by E. Sharpe, AC. 1. Greek, BX. 47, xxix. 120. Indian, at Madura, xxv. 165. Moyne Abbey — xiii. 200. Munt, E. J.— Institute Silver Medal, xx. 146. Medal of Merit (Pugin Studentship), xxv. 2. Mural Decorations — Mansion of Sir IF. Trevelyan at Wallington, by W. B. Scott, xviii. 31. PenUll Castle, by W. B. Scott, xviii. 85. Attachment of canvas to walls and ceilings, xviii. 45. Churches, xiii. 258. Fresco r. water-glass, xviii. 87, 89. Tuscany, viii. 24. Worcester chapter-house, xiii. 218. Mural Painting — Examples of, by E. L. Cutts, xiv. 147. Gambier Parry process, by F. M. Brown, xxxi. 273. Mural Painting, bv E. Armitage, xxviii. 254. Cost, xxviii. 255, 259, 260, 263. Examples at Great Coggeshall, xiv. 148 ; Heading- ton, 149; Little Braxted, 147; Little Coggeshall, ii.; St. Brelade, 149; Wiston, 150. " OP TBANSACTIONS. 35 Impediments to xsviii. 254, xiv. 151. Methods, xiv. 152, 154, xxxi. 273, 274. Water-glass, xxviii. 263, xxxi. 275. Wax-painting, xviii. 87, xxviii. 257, 263, xxxi. 275. Murray, W. — District lunatic asylums established in Ireland under the Commissioners for general control, i. 126. STuseums — Decoration, xxxi. 283. Musical Scales — Ancient, xxxii. 84, 89, 90. Metronomy of, xix. 195. Musicians — Foreign, in England during Henry VIII.'s reign, xviii. 218. Mycenae — Architecture of, by J. S. Phene, xxviii. 325. Recent discoveries at, by L. Kaftangioglu, xxvii. 239. Accumulation of debris at, xxvii. 191 ; causes, ib. Agora, xxviii. 331. AJitiquities, xxvii. 201, 240. Date of remains, xxvii. 200, 205. Tombs, xx\-ii. 191, 196. Walls, xxviii. 329. N. Nash, E.- Appreciation of architecture, xxv. 100. Remarks upon failures in construction, xvii. 131, 187. — Foundations, 132; — Custom House, ih.\ — Cause.s, variety of height, 133 ; water in foundations, ih. ; errors in piling, 135; rapid building, ih.; flat inverts, ib.; crushing, 136 ; — Quay on the Thames, 134; — Tower-stairs, 138; — Stone stairs, i'ft.;— Cornices, 139; — Brick floor-arches, ih.; — Fire-proof floors, ih.; — Cast-iron beams, ib.; — Boiler-plate girders, 140; — Wood beams, 141; — Flitch girders, ih.; — Suspension girders, 142; — Hard-wood, ih. ; — Breastsumniers, ih. ; — Chininev stalks, ib. ; — Underpinning, 143 ; — Fall of old buildings, (7,. National Safe Deposit Company — Antiquities discovered, by A. White, xxvi. 96. Premises, Mansion House, by J. Whichcord, xxvi. 87. Construction. — Doors, xxvi. 92; — Excavation, 89; — Floors, 93;— Stonework, 93. Neale, J. — Architectural notes on St. Alhan's Ahhetj, xxviii. 66. Necrology — see Members Deceased. Nelson, C. C— Home notice of an illustrated work bij IV. Salxenhcrg, entitled Earlij Christian monuments of Constantinople, from the 5th to the 12th century, v. 33. Biographical notice, xxix. 8. Nepveu, C. F. — Decease anil memoir, xiii. 7, 10. Newland Church — Notes on, by W. White, xiv. 29. Newman, A. S. — Decease and memoir, xxiv. 2, 21.3. New Tork — Building. — A])artment-houses, xxxiii. 47; — Olfices, 45; — Plumbing and house-druinage, 48; — Ventila- Nicholas of Modena — His works in England, xviii. 226. Nicholson, W. A. — Rcjiort on- the construction of a stone arch between the ^cest toicers of Lincoln cathedral, ii. 180. Nismes — Amphitheatre, AA. 5. Romanesque art, xi. 208. Nineveh — Architecture of, as elucidated by recent discoveries, by J. Fergusson, Z. 3. Chronology of art in, Z. 3. Honevsuckle ornament, Z. 6. Nixon,' W. J.— Letter on cooking and heating by gas, BX. 90. Noble, J.— Decease and biographical notice, xxvii. 2, 5. Nonsuch Palace — Built by A. Nunziata, xviii. 225. Norham Castle — Built by H. Pudsey, xiv. 135. Norman Architecture — Bad quality of masonry, xxvii. 143, 151. Details, mixed with Saracenic, at Cairo, xxvi. 37. Inherent defects of construction, xi. 232. Towers, xiv. 187. Northumberland, Duke of— Deceased, BO. 1. Norwegian Architecture — Architecture of Norway, by E. I'Anson, xxviii. 131. Churches. — Borgund, xxviii. 135, 144; — Christiania, 134;— Hitterdal, 135;— Stavanger, 134;— Stor Ha- mor cathedral, ih.; — Throndhjem cathedral, 131. Wooden churches, xxviii. 135, 144. Norwich Cathedral — Deflection of axis, xxix. 98. Notre-Dame de Folgoat — Church, xxiii. 174. Nunziata, A. — Architect of Nonsuch palace, xviii. 225. Nursted Court — Roof, Q. 6. Nystrom, A. — Deceased, xxviii. 11. O. Oak — see Timber. Obelisks — Application of Entasis to, by J. Bell, viii. 176. Egyptian, in Rome, by R. Burgess, viii. 167. Pm-pose, propiortions, material and position, by T. L. Donaldson, xxviii. 213, 223. Capping, xxviii. 214. Cleopatra's Needle. — Proposed transport to England, viii. 185, 190,191;— Site in London, xxviii. 226, 228. Entasis applied to, viii. 176, 185. Ethiopian pillar.s, xxviii. 217. Etymology of name, xxviii. 213. Horizontal curvature of faces, viii. 177, 181. Inscriptions, xxviii. 214. Luxor, at Paris, xxviii. 216. Manner of quarrying, xxviii. 218. Nelson, at Glasgow, viii. 182. 36 INDEX TO FIRST SERIES Obtainable from English quarries, viii. 167, 179, 190. Pedestal, xsviii. 216, 219, 223. Position in situ, xxviii. 219. Sliaft, shape and dimensions of faces, xxviii. 215, 219. Suitableness for English monuments, viii. 175, 180. Table of dimensions of, xxviii. 221. Transport of, viii. 181, 189. Obituary — see Members Deceased. Observatory — Construct ioti of, bj- A. Poynter, ii. 188. Onoell Park, by J. M. Anderson, xxv. 15. Orwell Park.— Dome, xxv. 19, 21, 23 ;— Equatorial room, 19; — Foimdation, 17; — Lighting, 23; — Mounting equatorials, 22;— Pier, 18;— Shutter, 22; —Site, 17; — Vibration caused by railway trains, 25, 27. Office of Works- Relations with R.I.B.A., xvi. 5. Ogle, C. C— Biographical notice, xxix. 7. Oil Painting — see Painting. Old Cleeve Abbey — Cistercian abbey of St. Mary, by M. E. C. AValcott, xxvi. 103. see Abbey. Old Testament — Historical references in, to building and art, by R. Kerr, X. 80. Oliver, G. D.— Institute Medal, xxv. 3. Olympia — Excavations at, xxvii. (5. Omnibus routes in London — xxvii. 177. Opera House — see Theatre. Oppert, P.— Short description of the plans of hospitals at Paris, Munich, and St. Petersburgh, xviii. 281. The system of tents and barracks in hospitals, xx. 54. Ordsali Hall (Lancashire)— xxiii. 63, 67, xxxiii. 174. Organ — Manchester town-hall, xxvii. 125. Originality in design — xxv. 85. Ornament — Leading principles in the composition of, by 0. Jones, vii. 41. Style of ornamentation prevalent in the Assyrian sculp)- tures, by S. Smirke, K. 1. Arabic, xx. 77, 82. Constructive, in iron, xxv. 17.3. Erroneous methods of applying enrichments, xxix. 138. Honeysuckle, at Nineveh, Z. 6. Repousse, Hellenic, Assyrian, Greco-Phcenician, xxvii. 201. Runic, is it Byzantine ? xxviii. 135, 139, 145. Sham, xvi. 25. Osmaston Manor — Smoke-conduction and ventilation at, and other construc- tive and economical arrangements, by H. I. Stevens, AB. 1. Ouvry, F. — Deceased, xxxii. 8. Oxford- Pig market, explanation of term, xiii. 75, 76. Oxfordshire — Pugin tour, xxxiv. 234. Page, R. C- Pugin Studentship, xxv. 2. Pagodas — Chinese, xvii. 166, 177, 178, xxiv. 45; iron, 46. Pai Pong, Chinese — xvii. 169. Pai Loo, Chinese — xvii. 168, xxiv. 44. Paine, J. — A follower of Palladio, works by, T. 9. Paint — IJ'ilkins's improvements in, bv F. C. Penrose, xxviii. 138. Composition of, for liouse-painting, viii. 8. Painting — Connection with architecture, by T. G. Parry, xvi. 41. Stereochromatic and other processes, by T. Purdie, xiii. 261. Caseum, xiii. 268. Encaustic, xiii. 269, 275, xvi. 42. Fresco, xiii. 271, xvi. 43, xviii. 87, 89; (see Fresco.) Gum-colour, xiii. 268. Oil painting, xiii. 263. Stereochromy (AVater-glass), xiii. 272, 275, 278, xviii. 87, 89, xxviii. 263. Tempera, xiii. 265, 277, xvi. 43. see House Painting. see Mural Painting. Palestine — Description of some ruined buildings in, by T. L. Donaldson, xix. 228. Jewish and Roman architecture in, by E. Pierotti, xii. 149. Palgrave, Sir F. — Deceased, xii. 7. Palladio — Peculiar characteristics of the Palladian school, by W. Papworth, T. 1. English followers: R. Adam, T. 9; H. Aldrich, 8; Earl of Burlington, ib. ; C. Campbell, ih. ; W. Cham- bers, 9; J. Gibbs, 8; I. Jones, 6; J. Kent, 8; J. Paine, 9 ; Earl of Pembroke, 8 ; R. Taylor, 9 ; J. Welib, 8. Italian followers, T. 6. School of, characteristics, T. 1. Panopticon (Leicester Sq.j — Descriptitin, by T. H. Lewis, BG. 1. Pantheon (Rome) — Rouf of concrete, viii. 120, xxxiv. 159. Papworth, J. B. — Beiiefits resulting to the manufactures of a country, from a well-directed cultivation of architecture, and of the art of ornamental design, i. 111. Suggestion referring to the stone arch at Lincoln cathe- dral, ii. 184. Papworth, J. W.— An abridgment of M. Lancets essay, entitled ' On a diploma in architecture,' with remarks and suggestions, vi. 23, 32. Beauty in architecture and its alliance with the past, vii. 93.— Mr. Ruskin, 94, 101 ;— Restoration, 95;— Styles, 96; — Copyism, 97; — Corrigenda, 104. Considerations upon some of the objects connected with architecture in the Exposition des produits de I'in- duMrie, at Paris, 1855, vi. 11. — Building materials, 13; — Stained glass, 14; — Porcelain and china, 15; — or TEANSACTIONS. 37 GoM- and silver-smiths' work, 16; — Ironwork, 17; — Furniture, 18; — Paper-hangings, ib.; — Architec- tui'al drawings and models, 20; — Honorary decora- tions of merit, 22. Cmisideratioiis upon some of the producttmis connected with architecture in the Exhibition of 1851, AG. 1. On an wsthetic principle in decoration, xii. 179. Suggestions respecting the roofs of temples, called hy- pxthral, at JEgina and Basscc, xvi. 57. — Vitruvius's statements, 57; — Evidence of tombs, 58; of other ancient remains, 59, 60; — Grecian tiling, 59, 61; — Explanation of diagrams, 66. Deceased, sxi. 4. Papwortli, W. — Attempt to determine the periods, in England, when fir, deal, and home-painting were first introduced; xcith remarks on the processes of the latter, viii. 1. — Early importation of fir and deal, 1; — Earh- painting of woodwork, 3; — Whitewashing, ib.; — Prices of painted work in 1667, 4; — Preparation of work for painting, 5; — Composition of paints, 8; — Distemper, ib.; — Varnish, 9; — Early graining and marbling, ib. Fall of the iron dome of the Anthceum, at Brighton, xxii. 138. Memoir of Joseph Bonomi, architect and A.E.A.: with a description of some draicings of his design for Bose- neath, erected for the Duke of Argyll, xix. 123. Notes on Cordova Cathedral, xxxiii. 115. Notes on the assumed use of chesnut timber in the car- pentry of old buildings, viii. 192. — Arguments for and against, 192 ; — Chesnut, how discerned from oak, 196, 199. Notice of the architectural and literary works of the late Arthur Ashpitel, F.S.A.; formerly Vice-President R.I.B.A., xix. 164. On the superintendents of English buildings in the middle ages; iinth especial reference to William of IVykeham, X. 38, 49a. On the superintendents of English buildings in the middle ages; collections for an historical account of masons, their customs, institutions, tfcc, xii. 37. — Index to both Papers, 61. Peculiar characteristics of the Palladian school of archi- tecture, T. 1. Paris — Description of some of the constructions beticeen the Louvre and the Palais Royal, by T. L. Donaldson, V. 27. Opera House, description of working drawings, by T. L. Donaldson, xiv. 121. Recent improvements in, by E. I'Anson, ix. 41. Tribunal de Commerce, by W. L. Donaldson, xiii. 241. Academy of Architecture. — Historical sketch, xxxiv. 95; — Its rise, 93; — Original members, 94;— Sa]i- pression, 99. Ecclesiastical monuments, restoration of, xvi. 131. Exposition des produits de I'iudustrie 1855, vi. 11. Fires in Mav 1871, BY. 32. Hotel de Vi'lle, vi. 54, ix. 43. Louvre, v. 27. National Institute, xxxiv. 99. Opera House, xiv. 121, 128. Palais Royal, v. 27. School of Fine Art.s, course of instruction, xxxiv. 104. Street improvements, xiv. 48, 63, xxii. 65; cost, ix. 45, 46, 48. Tomb of Napoleon I., ix. 43. Trilnmal de Conmierce, xiii. 241. Paris Exposition 1878 — Ari-'lutectural section, xxix. 10. Parker, C. — Description of tlie cisterns constructed for filtering rain water at Venice, ii. 187. Parker, J. H. — On the abbey churches of Caen, xui. 99, xvi. 89. Sketch of the early history of Roman architecture, xx. 9. — Early habitations, 9; — Topography of ancient Rome, 10 ; — Fortifications, ib. ; — Earliest use of lime-mortar, 14,19; — Roman masonry, ib. ; its dura- bility, 16; — MedifBval buildings, 17. Some remarks on recent archceological investigations at Rome, BT. 1. Parnell, Hon. A. — The action of lightning strokes in regard to the metals and chimneys of buildings, xxxiv. 57. — Records of cases of lightning-strokes, 58; — Precautions, as to metals, 84; chimneys, 86; — Accidents from defec- tive earth-connection, 88; — Conductors, relative merits of sharp and blunt points, 90. Parquetry — Floors, price of, vii. 123. Parry, T. G.— On painting in connection ivith architecture, xvi. 41. — General considerations, 47. Parthenon — Proportion and curves, by D. R. Hay, BC. 1. Theory of proportions, ix. 129. see Greek Architecture. see Straight Lines. Partitions — French, M. 1. Pasley, Sir W.— Deceased, xii. 9. Patte, P.- Desigu for draining Paris, xxxi. 43. Pauli— On the ventilation of hospitals, xxiii. 36. Pavements — Basilican and Byzantine churches, xxvi. 20. Decorative, for churches, xiii. 246. Holy Cross church, Jeiusalem, vi. 97. Sta. Sophia, v. 48. Pavilion — Edinburgh, Earl Grey festival, by T. Hamilton, i. 65. Paving — London, v. 90. Streets, xxiii. 146. Tile, xiii. 80, xxv. 203. Paxton, Sir J. — Deceased, BS. 2. Payne, A. — Coticrete as a building rnateriat, xxvi. 179. Pearson, J. L. — Presentation of Royal Gold Medal, xxx. 193. Pedestals — For Sculpture. — Egyptian, xi. 240; — Greek, ib.; — Ornamentation, 242 ; — Pniportion to statue, 243 ; for colossal statues, 245 ; for equestrian, ib. ; — Rcmian, 241. Peel Old Hall (Lancashire)— xxxiii. 174. Pellechet, A. J.— Deceased, xxvi. 4. 38 INDEX TO FIRST SERIES Penkevel — Restoration of church, xiii. 32. Penkill Castle- Mural paintiii<;s at, xviii. 85. Pennetlioi'ne, Sir James — Biogrnjiliical notici; liy Arthur Gates, xxii. 53. Deceased, xxii. 5. Presentation of Eoyal Gokl Medal, BR. I. Testimonial to, vii. app. Works by. — Burlington House, xxii. 58; — Metropoli- tan improvements, 54, 58; — Record Office, 55. Pennethorne, John — The connection between ancient art and the ancient geometry, as illustrated by worls of the age of Pericles, xxix. 105. — Egyptian architecture, 105; — Greek architecture: Athenian porticoes, 107; pro- jections, 108; position, ib. ; — Plan of Acropolis, 109; — Points of sight, it.jlll; — Measurement of masses, 111; — Apparent magnitudes, 112; — Executed di- mensions, 113; Result of calculations, Vfe. ; — Whole height, 114; — Curvature of horizontal lines, ih. ; — Curved lines of entablature, 116 ; of upper step, 117; — Levels, 118 ; — Details of ancient architec- ture, ib. ; — Egyptian ornaments and entablatures, 119; — Greek entablatures, mouldings, and orna- ments, 120; — Lotus and papyrus ornament, 121; — Colunins,122; — Doric capital, it. ; — Ionic volute,123. Penrose, F. C. — A few words in favour of the decimal but against the metrical system of measurement ; and an endeavour to show how all the advantages of the metrical system may be obtained without giving up the English stand- ards, xiv. 43. Description of a method invented by Mr. Jopling for describing the entasis of a column, or spire, and some other curves adapted to architectural lines, J. 1. Notes on St. Paul's cathedral, xxix. 93. Observations on the iiiodels for the Wellington monu- ment lent to the Institute by the Government, x. 114. On certain improvements in paint materials invented by W. Noy Wilkins, Esq., xxviii. 138. On the decoration of St. Paul's cathedral, xxi. 157. Remarks on St. Paul's and its appropriate decorations, AP. 1, AU. 1. The optical refinements of Greek architecture, xxvii. 101. Various matters connected tcith St. Paul's cathedral, ix. 61. Presentation of Royal Gold Medal, xxxiii. 137. Perga— Note sur la ville de, by C. Texier, xiii. 231, 234((. Perkins, W. — Deceased xxv. 2. Perry, H. R. — Student's Prize in liooks, xxv. 3. Perry, J. T.— On the medicuval brickwork of Pomerania, xxiv. 15. Some remarks on the medicKval antiquities of the count}/ of Durham; xvi. 193.— Works by Flambard, 194; Pudsey, 195; Poor, 197; Bee, 199; Skirlaw, 200. Persepolis — Columns at, Z. 5. Persian Architecture — And construcfiou, liy C. P. Clarke and T. H. Lewis, xxxi. 161. History and details. — Domestic buildings, xxxi. 166, 171; — Historical sketch, 161, 169; — Influence of Greek art, 163; — Ornamentation, 167, 172; — Plaster work, method of, 173. Peruzzi, B. — Life and u'orks, by S. Angell, ix. 103. Peterborough Cathedral — Deflection of axis, xxix. 98. Petersburg — Fall of the dome of Koltovsko'ie church, by R. Bernhanl, xxii. 127. Report on Alexandrine column, by L. Vaudoyer, ii. 190. Petit, J. Ii.— Oh the abbeys of Ireland, xiii. 191. Refiiarks on Byzantine churches, viii. 123. — Construc- tive principles, 123; — Tvpes of churches, 126, 127, 129;— Triple churches, 130. Remarks on Italian architecture, v. 93. — Distinction between Gothic and Roman architecture, 93; — Arch, 94; — Early renaissance, 96; — Suggestions for a new style, 98, 100. Phene, J. S. Results of a recent investigation into ancient monuments and relics, xxiii. 181. Tlie architecture of Troy and Myceme, xxviii. 325. Philadelphia — New public buildings, xxxiii. 50, 51. Photographs — ArcJiitcctural Photographic Society's, for I86(i, by E. W. Godwin, xvii. 91 ;— Ditto for 1867, by J. P. Seddon, xviii. 47. Picton, J. A. — Iron as a material for architectural construction, xxx. 149. Pierotti, E.— Jewish and Roman architecture in Palestine, from the earliest period to the time of the Crusades, xii. 149. — Before the reign of Solomon, 149; — Ephrath, 150; — Deir-el-Benat, ib.; — Sepulchral valley at ..Jeru- salem, 151; — Sepulchre of Samuel in Ramah, ib.; Period from Solomon to Herod, 152; — Solomon's reservoirs in Etham, 153; — Mosque of Abraham at Hebron, 155 ; — Epoch of Herod, ib. ; — Period of Constantiue, 158 ; — Epoch of Justinian, 160 ; — Epoch of the Arabs, 161. Pierrefonds — Chateau of, and its restoration, by E. P. Spiers, xxiv. 54. Communication respecting, by G. H. West, xxiv. 61. Description and history. — General description, xxiv. 55; — History, 54; — Restoration, 57. Piles and Pile-driving — Practical obscr rat ions, by G. R. Burnell, v. 115. Atmospheric method, v. 121, y. 30. Iron, X. 30. Na.smyth's steam-hammer, v. 118. Pile-driving machinery, v. 117. Refusal in driving, v. 116. Screw piles, v. 121. Supporting power of piles, v. 117. Timber for, v. 115. Pinches, F. — Medal of Merit (Institute Medal), xxviii. 252. Pite, "W. A.— E.rtracts from an account of principal features of build- ings seen in Oxfordshire, xxxiv. 234. — Bloxhani, 235;— East Adderbury, iJ.;— King's Sutton, it.; — Bampton-in-tho-Bush, 236 ; — Burford, ib. ; — Stan- ton Harcourt, ib. OF TRANSACTIONS. 39 Plans and Drawings — Ownershiii of, xx. 147, 171, 189, 193, xxxii. 153, 173, 177. Plans of Buildings — Palla.liau school, T. 3, 7. Plastering — Fire-resisting qualities, xv. 110, 115, 123. French, M. 1. Persian, xxxi. 173. Swedish, xxxiii. 126. Plougasnou — Church, xxiii. 172; its resemblance to Roslvu chapel, ih., 179. Plumbing — New York, xxxiii. 48. Pointed Arcli — Origin, XXV. 33. Pola— Antiquities of, bv A. Glennie, AA. 1. Poletti, L.— Deceased, xx. 2. Memoir, \iv T. L. Donaldson, xx. 144. Politi, B.— Bii'f notice of, by T. L. Donaldson, xxi. 31. Polychromatic Construction — Asloii Church, by M. E. Hadtield, xiii. 240. Auvergne churches, xi. 117. Polychromatic Decoration — Color riiiil colored d'Corations, by T. H. Lewis, xiii. 15. //( Italy, by M. D. Wyatt, U. 1. Of public and private btiildings, by J. D. Cracc, xxxi. 276. Of various huililings, by J. P. Seddon, xxx. 129. Principles of, by J. P. Seddon, BX. 55. Irrcligiousness of, asserted, xx. 139; denied, 141. Polychromy — Colour as applied to architecture, by G. Aitchison, viii. 47. Greek architecture, by F. Kugler, i. 73. Polychromatic emhellishnients in Greek architecture, by f. L. Donaldson, AH. 1. ^Egina, AH (2). 5, 8, AH (3). 1. Alhanibra, viii. 52. Backgrounds. — Blue, viii. 50; — Gold, 48, xxxi. 279; — White, viii. 51. Bililiography, i. 99. Choragic monument, Athens, i. 89. Corinth, AH (3). 1. Crystal Palace, W. 1. Egyptian, AH (2). 6, AH (3). 3. English. — Byzantine style iu, U. 9; — Crv.stal Palace, W. 1;— Italian style m, U. 9;— Panopticon, BG. 4; — St. Paul's, decoration, U. 8. Erechtheum, i. 88, ii. 102, 104, AH (2). 6. General ])rinciples, xxxi. 277. Greek. — Svstem of, i. 93; — Testimonies of ancient writers, 76.— Example.*, AH., AH (2)., AH (3). Harmonics, viii. 54. Instinct r. Rule, viii. 58. Italian. — Ajiprenticcship to, U. 8; — Fictile ware iu, 6; — German element in, 4; — Influence of (ireek art, 1; — Mosaic, 2, 10; — Painted, 3; — Successive coats of coloured plaster, 7; — Systems of colouring, 6. MediiPval, xxx. 129. Neutral combination of colours, xiii. 243. Nineveh, Z. 5. Panopticon, BG. 4. Parthenon, i. 87, ii. 103, AH (2). 3, 5. Pompeii, BF. 1, viii. 52. Proportions and effects of adjoining colours, BG. 4, xiii. 243. Propylaea, i. 87, ii. 103. Remains of colour on ancient monuments, i. 85; ii. 102. Revival in England, viii. 47. Temple of Ceres, Eleusis, i. 89. Temple on Ilissus, i. 89. Temple at Rhamnus, i. 89. Temples at Selinus, AH (2). 1. Temple of Theseus, 1. 85, ii. 105, AH (2). 3. Pomerania — Mediaeval brickwork of, G. 1, xxiv. 15. Pompeii — Decorative painting of, liy G. Abbate, BF. 1. Poor, B. — Works of, xvi. 197. Populonium — Accumulation of debris on site, xxvii. 191 ; causes, ib. Porches — Old English timber, xv. 97. Porter, T. — Architectural cmnpetitions, xxx. 65. — Question opened, 65; — Evils of open competitions, 74; — Suggestions for improvement, 75; — Government Offices 1857, 76; — Manchester As.size Courts, 78; — Liverpool Ex- change, 79; — Natural History Museum, ih.; — Man- chester Town Hall, ib. ; — Recent small competi- tions, 81;— Tabulated statistics, 84. Portland — Quarries and stone, ii. 1.34, 152 et seq. Portland Cement — Manufacture, xiii. 144. see Cement. Portugal — Architectural note.s, xv. 51. Powell, W.— Deceased, xxiii. 10. Poynter, A. — Construction of observatories, ii. 188. Contemporary styles of Gothic architecture in England and France, ii. 70. On tlie state of JVindsor Castle previously to the 14th century, ii. 189. Preservation of Stone — Stone preserciitiri' processes, by Sir W. Tite, xi. 137. Assyrian method, xi. 138. Barratt's method, vii. 33, 77. Bethell's method, xi. 147. Brard's method, xviii. 25. Causes of decay, vii. 27, 67, xi. 137. Daines's method, vii. 33, 70, 75, xi. 141, 146, 150, 156, 165, 169, 182, 186. Fuchs's or Knhlniann's method, vii. 71, 77, xi. 167, 178, xviii. 26. Hutchison's method, xi. 148, 149. Imitation of natural process of induration, vii. 37, 72. Newton's method, xi. 150. Oily aiul resinous preservatives, vii. 31, 69, xi. 146. Page's method, vii. 33, 77. Paul's method, xi. 146. Ransome'.s metliod, vii. 35, 72, 74, xi. 146, 150, 178, xviii. 26. 40 INDEX TO FIRST SERIES Kochas's method, vii. 39, 76, 79. Sylvester's method, xi. 157, 170. Szerelmey's method, see Zopissa. Tests for efficiency of methods, vii. 35. Tevchenne's method, vii. 33, 73. Water-glass, vii. 30, xi. 146, 167. Presidents' Addresses — Barry, C, xxvii. 1, xxviii. 1, xxix. 1. Beresford-Hope, A. J. B., BQ. 1, xvi. 1, xvii. 1. Cockerell, C. R., x. 111. Donaldson, T. L., xiv. 1, xv. 1. Earl De Grey, x. v. Jones, Sir H., xxxiii. 1, xxxiv. 1. Scott, Sir G. G., xxiv. 1, xxv. 1, xxvi. 2. Street, G. E., xxxii. 1. Tite, Sir W., xii. 1, xiii. 1, xix. 1, xx. 1. T^Hiichcord, J., xxx. 1, xxxi. 1. Wyatt, T. H., xxi. 1, xxii. 3, xxiii. 4. Prestwich, J. — Geological conditions which determine the relative value of the water-hearing strata of the tertiary and creta- ceous series, and on the prohahility of finding in the lower members of the latter, beneath London, fresh and large sources of water supply, tending possibly to rise to heights considerablij above the lower levels of the metropolis, R. 1. Price, J. E. & F. G. H.— Remains of Roman bitildings at Morton, Isle of Wight, xxxi. 125. — Historical sketch of Roman remains discovered in Isle of Wight, 126, 128; their formerly supposed absence, 127; — Discovery of present re- mains, 130; — Description, 131; — Svastika symhol, 140, 157, 159;— List of coins discovered, 160. Prices — Particulars respecting cost of certain public buildings, bv Chev. Beiith, ii. 111. Berlin. — Castle Bridge, ii. 115; — Corps de Garde, 114; — Institute of Architects, 113 ; — Museum, 112 ; — Theatre Royal, 113;— Werder Church, ib. Brickwork (Berlin), ii. 121. Builders' and Workmen's (Berlin\ ii. 116. Foundations (Berlin), ii. 120. House-painting (England) in 1667, viii. 4; in 1696, 11. Ironwork (Berlin), ii. 122. Joinery (United State.s), xxxiii. 54. Materials (Berlin), ii. 118. Plastering (Berlin), ii. 121. Potsdam. — Casino, ii. 114; — New Church, ib. Roof covering, zinc (Berlin), ii. 122. Stonecutting (Berlin\ ii. 117. Prince Consort — Deceased, xiii. 1. Professional Practice and Charges — American, BX. 3. Austria, xxxiv. 176, 177, 181, 183. Bonomi's terms and charges, xix. 134. Denmark, xxxiv. 176, 181, 183. English, xxi. 6. France, xxxiv. 176, 179, 181, 183, 185. Germany, BX. 2, xxxiv. 176, 177, 183, 186 ; tabular scale of charges, 189. Ownership of architects' drawings, xx. 147, 171, 189, 19.3, xxxii. 153, 173, 177. Report of committee on, BY. 6, 38. Schedule of charges adopted by R.I.B.A., BY. 7. Sweden, xxxiv. 178. Proportion — Connection between ancient art and ancient geometry, by John Pennethorne, xxix. 105. General theory of, in architectural design, by W. W. Lloyd, ix. 129. Egyptian architecture, xxix. 105, 119, 122. Greek architecture, BC. 1, ix. 129, xxix. 107, 120, 122. Harmonic, xxix. 131. Human figure, xix. 192, 202; applied to architectural proportion, 198. Mean, the, doctrine of perfection of, xix. 190; denied, 205. Partlienon, BC. 1, ix. 129. Quantity the fundamental form of, xix. 184. Rooms &c., xix. 197, 201. Science of, xix. 183. Pudsey, H. — Works of, xiv. 135, xvi. 195. Pugin Travelling Studentship — Tour in Cheshire and Lancashire, by F. Hooper, xxxiii. 169. Tour in Oxfordshire, by W. A. Pite (extracts), xxxiv. 234. Page, R. C, xxv. 2. Perry, J. T. (Durham), xvi. 193. Deed of trust, xiv. xxxiii. Honourable IMention : W.W. Bethell, W.Wilson, jun., xxv. 2. Medal of Merit, E. J. Munt, xxv. 2. Pullan, B. P.— 1 decoration of the dome of St. Paul's cathedral, xxxiii. 33. On classic art, BX. 46. — Variety in Greek mouldings, 47 ; — Prejudices against classic art, ib. ; — Description of Greek remains, 48; — General principle of Greek construction and proportion, 51. On the decoration of basilicas and By::antine churches, xxvi. 15; — San Paolo, Rome, 15;— Ravenna cathe- dral, 17, 19; — Sta. Maria Maggiore, 17; — St. George, Salonica, ib.; — Sta. Sophia, Salonica, ib.; — Aghia Neamone, ib.; — Monreale cathedral, 20; — Pave- ments and walls, ib. ; — Apses, 21; — Basilica a term loosely applied, 22 ; — Modern decoration at Ba\eno, 23. The umrks of the late W. Purges, A.R.A., Fellou), xxxii. 183. Purdie, T.— The stercodiromatic and other processes of painting con- sidered with reference to their employment in mural decoration, xiii. 261. — Oil-painting, 263; — Tempera, 265; — Gum-colour, 268; — Encaustic, 269; — Fresco, 271;— Stcreochromy, 272. Puy en Velay — Churches, by G. E. Street, xi. 97. Pyramids — Gizeh, by J. J. Scoles, ii. 188. a. Quantities— Edinburgh system, by R. Jlorham, xxxi. 241. Glasgow system, by R. Scott, xxxi. 244. Importance and advantage of their being done by the architect, by 51. Taylor, xxxi. 249. London and provincial procedure, by J. G. Elgood, xxxi. 240. OF TRANSACTIONS. 41 Re^onnbilitus of architect and surveyor in relation to, bv S. Young, xxxi. 233. Taking out, by J. Hebb, BX. 19. Tlieir proper relation to contracts, by J. Honeyman, ssix. 181. Bills of, BX, 10, 19; remarks by Arthur Gates, xxxi. 227. Edinburgh, xxix. 183, 186, xxxi. 241. Glasgow, xxix. 189, xxxi. 244. London, xxix. 183, 184, 199, xxxi. 240. Present .'state of the matter, xxix. 182. Proposed changes, xxix. 190. Queeu Anne Style — Character, xxxiv. 226. Should he named Stuart Style, xxvii. 61, 62. Quin Abbey — xiii. 197. R. Railways — British, average cost, AF. 6. Proposed, from St. Pancras to Charing Cross, xxvii.184. Termini in London, ix. 75, 80, 85; St. Pancras, xviii. 156, xxi. 117, xxii. 171, xxvii. 177. Rainfall — Metropolitan area, R. 11. Paris, R. 12. Randall, G. T.— Decea.sed, xxiv. 2. Ratisbon — Cathedral, xviii. 150. Domestic arcliitecture, xviii. 152. St. L^lrich church, xviii. 152. Ravenna — Cathedral, xxvi. 17, 19, 25. Tomb of Theudoric, vii. 141. Reddish Hall (Lancashire) — xxiii. 60. Remont, J. E. — Notice (if his report on works of health and public utility in Lcjudon, v. 89. Renaissance Architecture — Contraste.l with Gothic, v. 93, xviii. 442. Early, v. 96. Spread of, in England, xi. 273; France, i6.; Italv, 271. The twilight of the Dark Ages, xi. 268. Restaurant — The modern, by T. Verity, xxix. 85. Criterion. — Con.struction, xxix. 90; — Cost, 91; — Drainage, 89 ; — General arrangements, 85 ; — Lifts and water-supply, 88; — Lighting, 87; — New Ijuild- ing, 91 ; — Ventilation, 87. Gaiety, xxix. 91. Mansion House Station, xxix. 92. Restoration — Architectural, its principles and practice, liy J. J. Stevenson, xxvii. 219. Church of St. Michael Penkevel, by G. E. Street, xiii. 32. Desirability of, for churclies in Italian style, by E. L. Cutts, XX. 130. Historical documents, by J. J. Stevenson, xxxi. 175. Of ecclesiastical monuments in Paris, by G. R. Bumell, xvi. 131. Reply to Mr. Stevenson, by Sir G. G. Scott, xxvii. 242. Balliol college, xxvii. 226. Blois chateau, vi. 57. Burford church, xxvii. 228. Camliuskenneth abbey tower, xvii. 117. Canterbury cathedral, xxvii. 227. Chester cathedral, xxvii. 226. Church, xiv. 37, xxvii. 220, xxxi. 182. Difficulties of restorers, xxxi. 183. Durham cathedral, xxvii. 225. Dutch church, Austin Friars, xvi. 67. Eton college, xxvii. 228. French. — Paris, enumerated, xvi. 131; criticized, 140. Glasgow cathedral, xxvii. 227. Holkham church, xx. 59; cost, 68. How to restore, xii. 73, xxvii. 229, 244, 253, 260. London churches, xx. 130. Mistakes of restorers, xxvii. 225, xxxi. 178; examples, Burford, xxvii. 228; Canterburv, 227; Chester, 226; Durham, 225; Eton, 228; Gla.sgow, 227; Oxford, Peterboro', 226; St. Albans, 227, xxxi. 179; St. Cross, Salisbury, xxvii. 229; Yarmouth, 225. Modern over-restoration, xii. 72, xxvii. 250. Newland church, xiv. 36. Not rebuilding, xxiv. 64. Penkevel church, xiii. 32. Peterboro' cathedral, xxvii. 226. Pierrefonds chateau, xxiv. 57. Principle and details recommended, xii. 70, 73, 87, xxvii. 253, 255. Proposed, of London churches, xx. 130, 136. Restorations criticized, xii. 70, 72, xxiv. 9, xxvii. 221, 225, 249, 263, xxxi. 178; defended, 232, 234, 243. St. Alban's.— Criticized, xxvii. 227, xxxi. 179;— De- fended, xxvii. 235, xxxi. 187. St. Francis, Assisi, xxv. 185. Sheffield Manor lodge, xxv. 109. Sherborne abbey, xxvii. 149. Tiroomal's palace, Madura, xxvi. 167; cost, 168; date, 167. Wells Cathedral, xxi. 23. Reumont, A. de — Letter respecting Cliarlemagne's tomb, xxi. 79. Re'voil, H.— His Teleiconographe, xx. 21. Richardson, G. F. — Connexion of geology with architecture, and the structure and (piaiity of stone for building, ii. 190. Rickman, T. M. — On metropolitan improvements as affected by the bills now before Parliament, ix. 71, 79, 85.— Historical sketch, 71; — Requirements of London, 75; — Rail- way termini, ib. ;— Proposed new streets, 77. Roads — Ancient Roman roads and modern British railways, by R. Burgess, AF. 1. Roman.— Classification, AF. 1;— Cost, 6;— Materials and con.struction, 1, 4, 10. Spanish, classification, AZ. 5. Robert de Nobilis — Missionary entei-jjiize, xxvi. 170. Probable influence on style of Madura palace, xxvi. 171. Roberts, D. — Deceased, BM. 1. Roberts, E. — Some practical hints on house building, tic., wW. 115. — Site, soil, and drainage, 115;— Utilization and dis- G 42 INDEX TO FIRST SERIES posal of water, 116 ; — Artificial lighting, 118 ; — Warming and ventilation, 119; — Summary of prin- ciples, 120. Decease, xxvi. 4. Memorial notice, xxvii. 3. Roberts, H. — Dioel lings of the lahotiring classes, E. 1. Decease and biographical notice, xxvii. 2, 4. Robins, E. C. — Buildings for applied science and art instruction, xxxiii. 81. — General principles, 81; — Arrangement of plan, 83; Examples: Foreign, 85; English, 94. Fittings for applied, science instruction buildings, xxxiv. 5. Heating and ventilation necessary for applied science instruction buildings, xxxiv. 25. Introduction and use of the steam jet for cleaning the stone of Hanover (Jliurch, Regent Street, xxiv. 98. Muniment chest belonging to the Worshipful Company of Dyers, xxix. 232. Sanitary science in its relation to civil architecture, xxxi."41.— Appendices, 105, 113, 117, 118, 123. The High Sanctuary at Jerusalem, xxix. 231. Robinson, G. — Presents Inist of P. F. Robinson, xx. 21. Robinson, G. T. — Certain new or rece7itly revived processes in decorative art, XXV. 149. — Painted cloth, 151; — Wood-stain- ing, 153; — Marble-staining, 154; — Mosaic, 155; — Enamelling, ib. Robinson, H. M — Soane Medallion, xxviii. 251. Robinson, P. F. — On the newly discovered crypt at Yorh Minster, i. 105. Bust of, presented, xx. 21. Rock-cut churches— xix. 239. Rock-cut temples — xii. 167. Rogers, "W. G.— Kemarks on Gri)din UHihons, xvii. 179. Roman Antiquities in England — Area finalis, xxvi. 90, 97. Remains. — Mansion House, xxvi. 90, 96; — Morton, Isle of Wight, xxxi. 125. Roman Architecture — Ancient, and remains, by G. L. Taylor, ix. 53. Architectural remains of the Roman provinces, by J. Spencer-Bell, S. 3. Early history of, by J. H. Parker, xx. 9. Remains in Africa, S. 5, xix. 59, xxvii. 33 ; Asia Minor, S. 6, 7 ; Egypt, 5 ; France, 3, 6 ; Palestine, b, xii. 158; Spain, S. 4. Roman Cement — Manufacture, xiii. 144. Romanesque Architecture — Arcliitictnre of the pre-Gothic age in Germany, by C. F. Hayward, v. 77. Early Romanesque buildings in Switzerland and adjoin- ing countries, by E. A. Freeman, xiv. 182. Romanesque Art — Notes on, in the south of France, by J. B. Waring, xi. 199. Examples.— Aries, xi. 201, 206 ;— Avignon, 200;— Bordeaux, 203, 204; — Moissac, 202; — Slontmajour, 207;— Nimes, 208;— St. Gilles,202;— Toulouse, 210. Rome — A communication, by T. L. Donaldson, xix. 145. Classic architecture, as principally exemplified in the buildings of, by G. L. Taylor, xxiii. 156. Forum, different theories respecting, by A. Ashpitel, vii. 105,' 125. Forum, recent excavations, by E. I'Anson, xxix. 201. Forum, topography of, by R. Burgess, AS. 1. Leonine City, Vatican, by R. Burgess, xii. 140. Letter from, by T. L. Donaldson, xxii. 14. Recent archceological investigations at, by J. H. Parker, BT. 1. Recent excavations at, by W. Tite, AO. 3. Ancient.— Fortifications, xx. 10; — Topography, i6. Arch of Constantine, xxiii. 158; of Titus, ib. Colosseum, dimensions, xxiii. 157. Early habitations, xx. 9. Forum. — Ancient authorities as to topography, vii. 106; — Arx, 127; — Bibliography, ix. 57;— Caligula's bridge, vii. 127; — Capitol, ib. ;— Capitoline plan, 106; — Jupiter Capitolinus temple, 130; — Principal buildings and their location, 107, 125; — Tarpeian rock, 129 ; — Topography, AS. 1, vii. 106, ix. 54, XX. 10, xxiii. 156. Mausoleum of Hadrian, H. 1. Mediaeval buildings, xx. 17. Temple of Venus and Rome, xxiii. 158. Tomb of Vi talis. --General description, xix. 223; — Inscriptions, 224. Vatican, historical sketch, xii. 140. Villa Madama, Raphael's design for completion, xx. ' 111. Recent excavations, D. 7, AO. 3, xxvi. 11, xxix. 201. Water supply, xvi. 103. Rood-screens — see Screens. Roofs — Corn Exchange, by E. I'Anson, xxviii. 313. Iron, comparative expense, durability, and strength, as contrasted with timber, by E. Hall, ii. 191. Metal, at Hungerford Market, by C. Fowler, i. 44. Structural principle of the roof of Westminster Hall, and a disused method of supporting roofs, by T. Morris, Q. 3. Terrace, by C. Fowler, i. 47. Timber, of the middle ages, by T. Morris, ii. 190. Zinc, and causes of failure, by J. Edmeston, x. 182. Albert Hall, xxii. 88, 96. America, modern, xvii. 85, xxxiii. 59. Birmingliam Railway station, xxi. 128. Breweries, xxii. 107. Cannon Street Railway station, xxi. 124, 128. Capo di Bove, Q. 5. Charing Cross (S.E.) Railway station, xxi. 124, 128. Chequers Court, xv. 107. Chinese, xvii. 177, 178; curved, origin of, xxxiii. 80. Churches in Auvergne, xi. 116. Corn Exchange, xxviii. 313. Covent Garden theatre, x. 57. Crystal Palace, xxi. 124, 129. Eltham Hall, Q. 7. English medifeval, Q. 3, xv. 87, 103. French chateaux, vi. 55. Great Northern Railway terminus, King's Cross, xxi. 127, 129. Guesten Hall, xv. 91, 93. Guildhall, XV. 182. Hartlepool church, Q. 5. Himalayan, xxxiii. 66, 68, 77, 79. OP TRAXSACTIONS. 43 Humewood, xix. 83. Hungerford Market, i. 44. Lincoln cathedral, xv. 93. Liverpool Railway station, xxi. 128. Load and strains on, x.\ii. 159. Kursted Court, Q. 6, xv. 106. Osmaston Manor, AB. 4. St. Mary, Bury St. Edmund's, Q. 7. St. Mary, Reading, xv. 91. St. Pancras Railway terminus, xviii. 156, xxi. 117, xxii. 171. St. Peter, Northampton, Q. 5. Salisbury cathedral, xv. 88, 104. San Miniato, Florence, Q. 5. San Zeno, Verona, Q. 6. Shingled, xvii. 85. Stirling, West Church, xviii. 93. Temple-like, on sarcophagi, xvi. 58, xx\ni. 85. Tile, xiii. 88, xix. 83. Timber, mediaeval, Q. 3, xv. 87, 103. AVells cathedral, xv. 88. West Church, Stirling, xviii. 93. Westminster Hall, Q. 3, xv. 90. Zinc, X. 182. Rooms — Tables of proportions for, xix. 197, 201. RoscoflF— Church, xxiii. 175. Boseneath. (Dumbarton) — Mansion. — Description and plan, xix. 129; — Designed and executed by J. Bonomi, ib.; — Details, 132; — Drains, ih. ; — Novel arrangement of columns in fac,'ade, 131. Boserk Abbey — xiii. 200. Boslyn Chapel — Resemblance to church at Plougasnou, Brittany, xxiii. 172, 179. Ross Abbey — xiii. 199. Bosser, S. E. — Opi'Ji fire -places with remarks on their construction, vi. 119. Roumieu, R. L. — Decease and liiographical notice, xxviii. 11. Round Churches — Abyssinian, xix. 235, 244. Round Towers of Ireland — Architecture and histunj of, by G. M. Hills, viii. 66. Details.- — Construction of walls, viii. 70; — Dates, 72, 76; — Decoration, 69,75; — Dimensions, 67; — General character, ih.; — Interior, 68; — Origin, 66; — Position with reference to adjunct churche.s, 67. Bovezzano, B. — His works in England, xviii. 220, 224. Rowe, R. R. — The octagon and lantern of Ely catludral, xxvi. 69. — Foundation, 69 ; — Octagon, 70 ; — Lantern, 72 ; — Scaffold, 75; — Decoration, 76. Royal Academy — Relati.iiis with R.I.B.A., xvi. 3. Eoyal Gold Medal Presentations — C. Barry, xxvii. 237;— W. Butterfield, xxxiv. 163;— J. L. Due, xxvi. 255; — J. Fergus.son, xxi. 145; — B. Ferrev, xx. 145;— H. von Ferstel, xxxii. 238;— G. Godwin, xxxi. 217; — O. Jones, vii. app.; — A. H. Layaid, xviii. 191; — R. Lepsius, xix. 161; — J. L. Pearson, xxx. 193; — James Pennethorne, BR. 1; — F. C. Penrose, xxxiii. 137; — E. Sharpe, xxv. 217; — G. E. Street,13;— C. Texier, BW.l ;— Sir W. Tite, vi. 116; — Viollet-le-Duc, xiv. xxxvii.;—G. 3. M. de Vogiie, xxix. 211; — A. Waterhouse, xxviii. 249; — M. D. Wyatt, xvi. r.;— T. H. Wyatt, xxiii. 197. Declined by J. Ruskin, xxv. 10. Boyal Institute of British Architects — Historical sketch, by C. L. Eastlake, xxvi. 258. Abstention from joining, xxxii. 11. Constitution criticized, xix. 8. Control over buildings in Northumberland Avenue, xxxii. 3. Influence on English architecture, vi. 2. Library, xiii. 9. Memorial ixgainst destruction of Colston's house, BY. 1 . Past and future of, xxix. 18, xxxiii. 8. Progress of, xix.l, xx.l, xxi. 2, xxii. 3, xxiii. 4, xxiv. 3, xxv. 5, xxvi. 3, xxvii. 2, xxviii. 1, xxix. 1, xxx. 1, xxxii. 7. Relations with Office of Works, xvi. 5, xxxii. 4; with Royal Academy, xvi. 3. Remarks on Transactions and Library, xiv. Hi. Voluntary architectural examination, xx. 209. Eude Stone Monuments— by T. R. Smith, xxviii. 316. —Tumuli or cairns, 318 ;— Dolmens, 319;— Circles, 321;— Avenues, 323;— Menhirs, 324. Bufford Old Hall (Lancashire) — xxxiii. 175. Buskin, J. — An enquirii into some of the conditions at present affecting the study of architecture in our schools, xv. 139. Declines the Royal Gohl Medal, xxv. 10. Sumnmrii of hU earlier architectural criticism, Ijy E. Hoole^ XX. 91. Bussell, J. S. — On the central dome of the Vienna Exhibition building, xxiv. 103, 127. — General description, 105 ; — Me- chanical principles, 106; — Columns, walls, founda- tions, 114; — Indestructibility of dome, 117; — History and practical execution of the building, 119. Bussian Architecture — Style of, ii. 88, xviii. Ill, 113. S. Sacrificial Images — British, xxiii. 191. Safes — Public—American origin of, xxvi. 87 ; — National Deposit Co.'s premises, London, 87, 101. Streeter'.s, Conduit St., xxvi. 99. St. Alban's Abbey — Archil' rtnral notts on, by J. Neale, xxviii. 66. .yt Abbey. St. Aubyn, J. P.— Accotiiil of the repairs lately effected at the Temple Church, London, xiv. 155. St. Doulach Abbey— xiii. 193. St. George's Hall Liverpool) — AcMU.-tics of, xxiii. 81, 83. St Jean du Doigt — Church, xxiii. 170. St. Mary ^Bury St. Edmunds)— Honf, (). 7. 44 INDEX TO FIRST SERIES St. Mary (Guildford)— DeHection of axis, xxix. 104. St. Mary (Oxford)— Dertfction of axis, xxix. 98. St. Mary (Reading)— Eoof, XV. 91. St. Nicholas — so Yarmouth. St. Pancras Railway Station — Roof of, by W. H. Barlow, xxi. 117. Termmiis at King's Cross, by T. L. Donaldson, xviii. 156. Travelling stage for erection of roof, by Sir J. G. N. Alley ne, xxii. 71. Roof.— Cost, xxi. 119, 121, 128;— Description, 118;— Reasons for adopting large span, 117; — Scafifolding for, xxii. 71 ; construction, 72; quantities, 74; — Strength, xxi. 119. St. Paul's Cathedral— Decoration of, by F. C. Penrose, AP. 1, AU. 1, xxi. 157. Decoration of dome, by R. P. Pullan, xxxiii. 33. Notes on, by F. C. Penrose, xxix. 93. Variom matters connected with, by F. C. Penrose, ix. 61. Acoustics of, ix. 64. Bells, xxix. 99. Completion of, xxv. 6. Crypt: records of Old St. Paul's, xxix. 93. Decoration, AP.l, AU. 1, ix. 67, xxi. 157, xxxiii. 33; opinion of G. E. Street, xxi. 166; T. G. Parry, 170; E. Poynter, 172; J. T. Micklethwaite, 173; various, xxix. 99; E. C. Robins, 102. Deflection of axis, xxix. 95, 97, 101, 103, 104. Dome, ix. 124, xxix. 100. Fire-protection, xxvi. 249. Historical sketch, ix. 61. Proposed alterations in churchyard, xxix. 99. "Warming and lighting, ix. 65. " Wellington tomb, ix. 63. Windows, xxi. 163. Wren's original design, ix. 121; design as executed, 122. St. Peter (Northampton) — Roof, Q. 5. St. Peter's (Rome)— Deflection of axis, xxix. 98. St. Pol de Leon— Church, xxiii. 175. St. Thegonec — Church, xxiii. 172. Salisbury Cathedral — Roof, XV. 88, 104. Sculptures of W. front, xxi. 25. Salomons, E. — Description of the Alexandra theatre, of Liverpool, and on the construction of tlieatres generally, xxi. 131. Salvin, A. — Description of the structural operaHojjs [Alnwick Castle], vii. 16. Biographical notice, xxxii. 59. Deceased, xxxiii. 2. Samlesbury Hall (Lancashire) — xxxiii. 175. Salzenberg, W. — Notice of his work on Constantinople, v. 33. Sanitary Science — Anomalies in administration of sanitary laws, by E. B. Ellice-Clark, xxxii. 180. Appliances to increase comfort of dwellings, byJ.Lanyon, xxvii. 65. Architectural physiology, by D. O. Edwards, xvi. 115. Construction and management of human habitations in relation to public health, by Dr. Druitt, x. 65. Relation to civil architecture, by E. C. Robins, xxxi. 41, 64, 75, 88, 105, 113, 117, liS, 123. Sanitary aspects of house construction, by D. Gallon, xxiv. 67. America, regulations, xxxiii. 64. Causes of impurity in air, xxiv. 69. Condition of the poor, xxvi. 60. Damp and dryness, xxxi. 67. Damp walls objectionable, xxiv. 72. Difficulties of architects, xxiv. 80. Diseases. — Camp and barrack, x. 65; — Contagious, 69; — Hospital, 70; — Malaria, 67; influence of drainage on, 69; in London, 68; — Sewer infection, 71. Drainage, xxxi. 45, 75, 76, 80, 87, 95, 103; precautions in, xxiv. 70, 83. Drains at Addiugton, defect cured, xxxi. 71. I\Iedical theories controverted, x. 75; defended, 78. Need of, among architects, x. 65. Openings should extend up to ceiling, xxiv. 70, 83. Public school, xxxi. 85. Sanitary building ai:ipliances, xiii. 77. Ventilation through walls of difterent materials, xxiv. 71. Want of uniformity in sanitary regulations, xxxii. 133. San Miniato (Florence) — Roof, Q, 5. San Zeno (Verona) — Roof, Q. 6. Saracenic Architecture — Un Saracenic Archittcture, by Sir F. Wilkinson, xi. 216. Norman detjiils, mixture of, xxvi. 37. see Arab Architecture. Savage, J. — MeuKjir of, AQ. 3. Scaffolding — Mechanical, used at the Neio Palace at Westminster, by C. Barry, jun., vii. 156. Travelling stage for erection of roof of St. Pancras Station, by Sir J. G. N. Alleyne, xxii. 71. Brunellesco's, fur dome of Sta. M. del Fiore, xxxiv. 160. New Palace at Westminster, vii. 156 ; central tower, 158; clock tower, 159; cost of working, 163; stiff- ness against wiml, ib. ; Victoria tower, 161. Repair.s, &c. of Ely Cathedral, xxvi. 75. St. Pancras Station, xxii. 71; construction, 72; quan- tities, 74. Scamell, G. — Construction and arrangement of breweries and mailings, xxii. 101. Schliemann, H. — The architecture of Troy, xxvii. 190. — Accumulation of debris on sites of ancient cities: Troy, 190; Populonium, Tiryns, MyceUtB, 191; its causes, ib. ; — Style of Trojan buildings, 192; — Ithaca, antiqui- ties, 193; its claim of being Homer's birthplace, t6. ; — Tombs at Mycenas, 195. Elected Hon. Coir. Member, xxvii. 189. Scholander, F. W.— Biogiaphical notice, xxxii. 52. School of Art — For artist worhnen, by C. B. Allen, AG (2). 1. OP TRANSACTIONS. 45 Bombay, xviii. 83. Method of teaching' proposed iu, AG (2). 2 ; — Neglect of Biitish anticiuitics, 5 ; proposed remedy, 6. Schools — Town and country, by T. R. Smith, xxiv. 171. Details and requirements. — Class-room system, xxiv. 179, 183; — Class-rooms, 176; — Cost, 181; — Dimen- sions, 174, 175, 179; — Fittings, 174;— Graded, 173; — Infant, 172; — Lane 1859-60 „ XL . . . „ 1860-61 „ XII. . . . „ 1861-62 „ XIII. . . . „ 1862-63 „ XIV. . . . • ,, 1863-64 „ XV. . . . „ 1864-65 „ XVI. . . . ,, 1865-66 „ XVII. . . . » 1866-67 Vol. XVIII Session 1867-68 XIX „ 1868-69 XX „ 1869-70 XXI „ 1870-71 XXII „ 1871-72 „ XXIII „ 1872-73 „ XXIV „ 1873-74 XXV „ 1874-75 „ XXVI „ 1875-76 „ XXVII „ 1876-77 „ XXVIII „ 1877-78- „ XXIX „ 1878-79 XXX „ 1879-80 „ XXXI „ 1880-81 „ XXXII „ 1881-82 „ XXXIII „ 1882-83 ,. XXXIV „ 1883-84 This Numbering of the Volumes has been adopted for the purpose of the Index, in order to facilitate reference. UCLA-AUPL Z 5945 R81I L 005 862 057 6 mi;^j,M^ ^■v-.^ *i ;'.i'<'