■ ^H ; ■ A^ AS n = = 0^ 4 — 6 = 4 — ^__ m ^^H 4 m = ^ ^^H — ^^ 2 ^^M 9 = .lifomia ional lity HHSHMBHBr' >fMli^^li^^^^^^^^^^^l ^m ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^■Brco'^c;:!;-^''':;!;-. -;.-.: , .^^>::.';'/:-;gd^^^^^K; i I«44 %mJ HAND-BOOK OF HEBREW ABBREVIATIONS. . WITH THEIR EXPLANATIONS IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH. FOR THE USE OF 'JITS OF THE OKAL LAW AND EABBINICAL LITEEATURE. BY JOSEPF EZEK TKT HEAD MASTER, DAVID .\'-s . SECRETARY TO TI ^/^ . #• FELLOW OF Tl (Ail rights reserccd.) BOMBAY: , PRINTED AT THE ANGLO- JEWISH AND VERNACULAR PRESS. (Opposite Musjid Bunder Railway Station). 1887—5647. ^ '■■■€ 2 Rupees. J /- nnm wn"! DB^DN u^''^:!:!^ p^^Di t^^iipn pti^^:: y'j pt^t^ ^1*1 y n W iSDn n^nn ^t)^D ^«iti^^ ''jn ppn man ^ti> isid • <^n^3i»i^V«V > 'k'I^'i S3):}D I-'I^D DfilJ >'^r\ iDj^s pt)^jD ^vHpth'' i' n ^t^ Difiin n'^aa KETHONETH YOSEPH. "- cceco c otri. A HAND-BOOK OF HEBREW ABBREVIATIONS, WITU THEIR EXPLANATIONS IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH, FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS OF THE OEAL LAW AND RABBINICAL LITERATURE, BY JOSEPH EZEKIEL, HEAD MASTER, DAVID SA8S0ON BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION ; SECRETARY TO THE BENE-ISRAEL IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY ; AND FELLOW OF THE UNIVERSITY OF BOMBAY. ^4// rights reserved. BOMBAY: PRINTED AT THE ANGLO- JEWISH AND VERNACULAR PRESS. (Opposite Musjid Bunder Railway Station). 1887—5647. Price 2 Rupees. on iti>s iin^i n:3n^5 nisSi SRLF URL ^^, DEDICATED TQ THE PATRONS or THE DAVID SASSOON BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION, WHO LIBERALLY PROMOTE THE CAUSE OF EDUCATION AND HUMANITY IN GENERAL, AS A TOKEN OP GRATITUDE, AFFECTION AND RESPECT, BY JOSEPH EZEKIEL, THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. Of all literatures, the Hebrew is, I think, the most difficult to master. Its student has to surmount numerous obstacles before he can acquire any degree of freedom with the idiom and the phraseology of its language. Except the Holy Scripture and the Liturgy, almost all Hebrew works are printed in Eabbinical round characters, and those, too, without any vowel-points. It is well known that words of this kind can be read in several ways : consequently the student has with great difficulty to make out the true reading and sense of such words from the context. Again, the language in which most Hebrew works are written, though generally it goes under the common name of Hebrew, presents certain diversities of dialect and style. But the greatest difficulty is the short and abbreviated forma of certain words and phrases, and the names of Eabbies, and their works; which, again, are not used by every writer in the same uniform way. As every author is at liberty to contract any words or phrases he likes, the student is often utterly at a loss. But a good writer who coins any new abbreviations, uses the original words and phrases first in their complete forms before using their contractions. Such Abbreviations are generally marked by two oblique strokes over them ; but as words used technically, rhetorically, and in other special ways, are also marked with similar strokes, it is often most difficult to distinguish between them. Some, however, take but one stroke and show thereby that they want only their terminations. The student has also to use his discretion as to where a servile letter may or may not be included. It is only for the use of tyros in Hebrew literature, and purely with the object of removing this last and the greatest difficidty, which I myself had to experience for a long time, and not at all with the object of displaying my knowledge either of Hebrew or of English— the former of which being self -acquired i;3 11 but limited, and the latter, no; la-ing my o-wn tongue, is not one in •^liicli I can claim to be proficient — that I have ventured to give publication to this little TIaxd-Book of Hebrew Abbiietiations. I therefore hope that the learned will connive at the errors that (besides those given in the errata) may have crept into this my first attempt — which is also, I believe,the first attempt that has been made in this direction at all — to present this little work to the public. And I should most thankfidly welcome the kindness of any of my readers who would send me corrections or suggestions which might tend to make a second edition more accurate and useful, should I receive enough encouragement, in the approval of my readers, and in the sufficient sale of the present issue, to warrant me in attempting a eecond one. J. E. Initials used in this work: — N. B.=Name of a Book. N. P.=Name of a Person. N. Pl.=^Nam6 of a Place. N. E.=Name of a Eabbi. HEBREW ABBREVIATIONS. 1^ Stands for 1 ; as a sign of the 1st person sinoular future; also for 'iHt^ one; 5^7ts thousand; ^"'li^ air^ CIS man ; ^)ib5 he said. ii'i^ = 1)21^, '^M I say, ''2K ''i'l^ my honoured father; )T]^h^ "l^*li^ saysEhjah; "IH^ 1^^ says one; *^h^5 ]5i< a means, way or manner; tyCi^ '7^ the true God; ^^£)« ^S impossible; J):^^ \)2ii Amen Amen; W"'Kr)li^^5 wife of a man ; r\1)2^ ^ii, if you say • p^1t)t^ ^« if we say ; D'^l^li^ J-'i; they do not say ; i:J^n« CHin^X our father Abraham ', D^DH^ n^'^W a lovely hind ( a loving address to a woman); ^DS ''Si^ the father of Asaph ; N. B ; D^3i< "|"li< long suffering ; ^''SJwS pfe< Ions: face ; smilino- cduntenance ; lono- sufferino-. ^a a = St)Siyn m^5< ^5< if you say or state at full length. hi 'an = 5^^^^^ 1^1"!^^ '^^ '^"^^ ^-^y honoured father of blessed memory; (used by a son when speakino- of his deceased father). ff r DN fr? = P ^^ ^''^ unless thus or in this way. on a = ^^^ 1^^ 1^^ ^i^^'ii Amen Selah or for ever; 2 r^is^n ^ri DJIIlDt C3'')2::h l^^i^ say the wise men of blessed memory, Drt a - ^^^ ^1711 int< a diiferent version writes -^ ^D 'inx after this, i^S'^nj^ = "I>:i1^^ yi int< after this he says. tSK'i^ ~ -^^'^ ^)^inn pi^ we the undersigned.. 6 ^^n^n ^t»♦^<"-l Sn fc^ - ns DlDin jtS ear, nose or muzzle, mouth. l^"X ^ ^^^1^ C:'^^^ g-oocl stones ; N. B. HD ^i^ ~ ^ cabbalistic commutation of the letters of the alphabet. ^"^ = i^n^'S there is ; Sslt^'' pi< the land of Israel ; DVS Job; ni'lp'' *T1&5 the light of the precious ; N.B. J^/'j^ r: D^n^S i^T )l^^i< a man fearing God, y"^ = rT'^nJ mm'^ 1)DS says Judah Gedaliah, n^"j< = D^n n^T t:t< if God please j Dti^H "lltl^^ d>^ if God help. Sn'^N r= inniDI^n nVT] niil^ Q^^ if God be pleased in his service or worship ; D'^^HD D^H 1)]^"^ QS if God destine it with life. tt'^J^ = npl^^ pnii'' OrriDi^ Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. )^i"if = ir)ty ']"lDn^ ^:ilS God whose name is blessed. *ni^"^i< = ^3"^ ^""^^ ^"^^ \'^^ Amen, may His great name &c. irrilDX^ri Thou, God, protect him, and compass him with favour as with a shield. 3"^ :- (D Di^ if so; niS:i1iD n):iV^< terrible as fur- nished with banners; N. B. nO'K = ^n h:^ DS the mother of all living. •^/'3J< = p'li'n •'H'^ 1:3 l):iS Amen, may such be His will or pleasure. il^^'^ = 1)D1p)i Ji^lD J'^i^ his or its place is not here. i^!D"i? " ^^^ "^^'l^^ t^e ^whWc ; the whole world. /"N = n^^ 1)2^ or 1^ ItJS said he to him ; # "Myh p« not to be said \ I^Sd^ if not 5 pJliS n^l^ the cedars of Lebanon ; N. B. Q3 *^Ji{ a cabbalistic commutation of the letter's of the alphabet. 57 ^ = p fc5^ Qt< if not so. 'i^'^ = liD^t) la^ns our Father, our King ; ''Ji^ \'\yCi I intend ; IDSI^^S ^r^^\^ lover of justice ;.8^^^ ^in^^ one complete or perfect; ''^S'D tOi< my honoured father ; d^lli):: pfe^ the land of Egypt; fc^ ^^ although. D3J^"N = p '3 ^^ ^b? although it be so. ■'' t3t^ '^ fli'" Arabic Ibnu of the Ilcbivw ^^ son. B''N = ""^^^ possible. T]5l a = ^^'^ I^^S^ tliougli it be so. >S"i? = *l^^^t< though. Jf^'j,} = ^^1^ J^i< it is] not required ; ^^^ f 1^5 the glorious or beautiful land ; Q*'p'^*l^ riin^1t5 the ways of the righteous ; N. B ; JVli nDHi^ the love of Zion ; N. B. j^ ^ = i^lp ^)2i^ the scriptural passage says ; Tl^ P^Iilp the first or original light ; ])ty\p C3lS the first or original man. 13"pi< = ^^"^^"^ Vnili)2D IJ^Ip'lti^i; who has sancti- fied us with his commandments, and has commanded us. *^'^ = ^'ll "D^i^ or ni 1)2^ says Rabbi— ,i^ni in^'SvS the senior Elijah ; N. B ; ''D^DI ''Si^ the countenance of great men; N. B ; ''DIIH ^7ti^^ the plantations of great men ; JST. B ; ^2*1 1^^ says Rabba, a "la = "1^^^^ ^^^ ""^^ says Rabbi Elazar. in'Tl^n 'Ihi^ one j)rincipal of his unity, one beginning of his individuality, his vicissitude is one. ffi JIN = ^^''^^^ b«D^^ ^^5^in:i ^x3i ^t<^ii^^ Uriel, Rephael, Gabriel, Michael, Nuriel (names of angels). hi^'a = n::in^ CDJIID^ )yr\):i1 11^^ say our Rabbles of blessed memory. f?3*''^N = '1^ P ^^^f^' '^^ '^^^ says Rabbi Joshua the son of Le\ i. 10 nn^n •'tt^tn hia = ^V^ ^''^ ^'^^ ^^y^ ^^^^^ Laklsh. 2^^"*li< = ISi^ n^)2 nn litfc^ fire, air, water, earth ( tlie four elements.) ir"*1i< = P^'^^ '^"1 "1^^ says Rabbi Simeon, ja'^iy'lN = ^^''^^^ P pi>)2W pi "l)2i< says Rabbi Simeon the son of Gamliel. '\i}"ii = ni^tt n^i; these are the names ; N,B.^ ra^l^ pi< a magnet ; "iSti^ ''I^IJ^ goodly words ; N.B ; D^)::ityDti^ li^^n^fc^ our Father who is in heaven ; ^1)^ Sk Almighty God ; ^^<1):)iy nai):iK the faith of Samuel ;N.B, tD^'li^N ^ ^''^ ^^ ^^^ s^y^ ^^^^ '^^^^• ni?''ti^J< = dl^ti^n V^;^ rM^hl^ "I^X says Solomon, may peace be on him. 1i^"t2?J< = nhw ^S1)2ti^ 1^t< says Samuel Shulam. n 'N = "yOi^T\ Di< if you say ; "l^^^i^H ^i^ say not ; "llfci min the light of the law ; N. B ; ^Ipn h^ read not. 12^3 nt? ~ ^ cabbalistic communtation of the letters of the alphabet. 7J^"i{ = "^h 'I^D^ri Qfe^ if you say to me ; H^^n Qt^ 1)D*I^ if you find (any reason) to say. rr. 3 = stands for 2 ; as a prefix it signifies on, in,with through, for, against. ^ 3 = D1^ ** J3 the children of Adam or human be- ings; Di< T\'^'2 a family circle; 1)V^ \'2 the son of Asher; * * Ben Asher was a principal of a college of the Masorites who differed from Ben Naphtali in reading the Hebrew text of the scripture chiefly in vowel points and tonic accents. rrin^n ^v^i^i ii {"'llt^ 13 a learned scholar of the Law ; jnDt< *1!3 the son or descendant of scholar of the law ; pHfc^ '^^'2 the sons of Aaron ; d"^n^S ri^n the house of God. n^D pti^K^ the first temple of Jerusalem JN' 3 = V^^^ V^^ ^'^ the house of Aaron Gershon ; N. B. nj<"a = ]'^^^ ri'^n the house of Aaron; N. B ; 3*^10*^1 1S3 well explained, (a commentary on \T\h)i^ ^H"^ = ''^ nm ^1in blessed art thou Lord; h^l)^"^ pi<3 in the land of Israel. blessed art thou Lord our God, King of the universe. rrtJ^''*Ni = ^^^^ ^^''^ ''^ ^^^ T"^^ blessed art thou Lord hearer of prayer. *li ^3 = ^D1 i^l^J }''fe<3 having nothing wanting. ^J.}"^ = n):iWnJ1^t;n with perfect honesty, with perfect faith, ^"jj = d'^rin 'h^'l house owners ; members of a congregation; *\2^)2>^2 TtlTit^^ speedily in our days, ^1T\'2 t5Dl the hinder gate, a tract in the Talmud ; ''JD n'^n household ; J^'in ^ ''in two by two; ^'J'^n ^2^2 meanwhile ; by and bye. 3n''n23 = ^^^^ P'^^ '^^^^ i^ the book called Bedek Habbaith ( repairing the breeches of the house ). f]'2'^ - li^in n^'n ISDn in the book called Baith Hadash ( new house ) ; U^^T\ ''v^D^ in or among living creatures. 12 nin^n ^t'^i f)53 = n^S^n Sx^n ''n^n tlic Being that has no limit ; the Intinite Being-. j'S = i<1)2.in in the Gemara; ^^<^^):^.*l p the son of Gamliel; ^-1 HD ()r]:3 the son or daugliter of a proselyte n^V-1 T)2 or \'2 the son or daughter of a proselytess ; n'7'':i nn or \:i delightful son or daughter ; C]^i:i hw^l (food) cooked by gentiles. *l"j3 = Sn l^:a in order that. n''j3 = Dtyn n"lin:a by the power of God; 3nlt.13 dti^n by the decree of God ; ^^T] P-*1D on such account. ♦"j3 = ^^1lD):i^:a by numerical value. 2 J3 = 'l^ I'^'l^ on such account. *^"j3 = \^VJ^^ nti^Sti^D ^vith three heads ; with three letters called Kesh, ^'^5 = pi n'^D a tribunal or court ; i^^)2^1 i^1^t)2 by the support of God; t<^)2tyi ^nit^^'DD by the help of God; Til Ti^^ the house or family of David ; C^IDI 7l^D one who has a law suit ; an eloquent speaker. it*! !2 = ^''^'^'^^ t3^"^D"l rM2'2 this is only applicable; this is understood ; to what is this applicable ? nj<''ll3 = CD^IX^n n*lt;5< pi n^n a tribunal of the heathens or a heathen court. {^^'^3 = THri^n liniD in the commencing word or matter. 5p''*^3 = n^nn plln repairing the breeches of the house; N. B. J-|*^"3 = TM^'DVi 'npi nJ'^D understanding, know- ledge, wisdom. ^^"3 = h^l^^ p^ n^D a tribunal of the Israelites or an Israelitish court. 3)sV'n3 = -^^^ ''^P^^ '^^^'^ ^^^-^ ^^^ ^^^ article fit to be sworn upon. f^"3 = D'')2*'n ^inin in the Chronicles ; t^lp^^H D^n the holy temple; DDJlDnn^Da synagogue; T)^2T] h^2 the master of a house or host ; DIp^^H '^IID blessed be the Omnipresent ; i'33 = 1):i1p^t) ^"^ "I1DD ^"lID blessed be the gloiy of God from its place. fi' DD = ^^^ ^^^^ in full price ; Q^p)2 S^DD in every place ; TiWCi ^tD'D^ bj^ double. money; in the book called Keseph Mishne. ntt 33 = ^rilDl"! ntJ^n in several places. 7 3 = ''*17 p the son of Levi ; D7 p the son of Lcb; D^n^I^S nj^D knowledge of the times ; N. B. t?' 73 = tJ^Dti^S pt^Vn in German language ; ^^ity'^^i 5 p the son of Ezra ; h^^WV \2 the son of Uzziel ; CD7li^ r)i<^1D the creation of the world ; r)''1!3 xhw an everlasting covenant ; UlW ^^"2, an everlasting habitation i. e. grave ; pti^^ Ti'^l the house of contention N. B; pti^i^ 1SD the well of contention ; N. B ; N. PI; 'l^'^)^^ ''JS the children of our people. *1i^' 3 = n'^hl in^ ^11:3 blessed is He who helps the poor. nj^''3 = h^T] or Qli^n miT^n by the help of God; OJn b^'2 worker of wonders. Sn i}^ ~ ^^'^'^ ''^^ t^e owner of a house ; or the host ; i^DH u^)V'2 in the future world. <|p|''j^3 = in^lW^I Vt^n ri1t:^:i by the help of God and His salvation. this matter. blessed God. Hfin"j?i - innt^n ^:^:i the author. j^Jl"*^^ = lltD^n ^i^:: the owner of the crown ; the .author of the book called Ha-ittur. •i|j-^''M^ = d^'Din IJ'^niJII^n on account of our numerous sins. &?3 'lV!l = D^lp ^^"ini ^h:\P'2 speedily and in a short time. ^y\'])'2 = ^^^'^^'^ ^^"^ ^^^'^ ^^ *^^ ^^^y ^^^^^ mother town of Israel. nnV'l^D - d^'n'nn li^ni^li^n on account of our numerous sins. f]^''2 - ^'^^'^ ''^^-^ ^^"^S beings. 20 niD'Ti ''t^♦t<1 23 1^' 3 = iniD h^2 Ijcing" compelled, ilif'V^ = ^''^''^ ^^ m^rjIX^n in the tribunals or courts of the gentiles. n^li^'^J^i - nniwn ^):}'' niti^Xtn during the ten penitential days. Di?' 3 = "^^^ P^^i^ "Ifl^^ may it be built by the help of the Most High. S''a = •'13 ^511D the Creator of the fruit of—; p ••JlbS) the son of so and so; D^'^iDi^S "^W twice. jn Si = \^^^ ^^^ ^"l*!^ t^G creator of the fruit of vine. ^S' 3 = ^OV irnS p Joseph is a fruitful bough (used in expressing prosperity). j;g"a = M::^'^^ ^JSn by himself. J{' 3 = ^)^ nitltn by the help of the Rock ; "^niU^D pTli 1 have preached righteousness ; N. B. J»{J{' 2 = na:Dty^ V^^bl^S Besalel Ashkenazy. p 5 = ^"Ip-'riD a divine oracle ; S^p ^DD the front gate ; a tract in the Talmud. J{/'n3 = p"irii< D^ltDJIpD in the last notes or treatise ; in the latter writing. ^) p3 = ^'^ v^p3 with a loud voice. ^"5 =: ^n"l in or p the son of Rabbi— ; n^li^SlD KlUl the allegorical exposition of the book of Genesis; which is a part of SD1 'l^'H'O ^n n]3 = TtVT\ T\Wy2 private place; jn-ivate juris- diction. nin^n ^li^^^i 21 ^^ '^^ = niD7n hDID the blessing said at the sight of the new moon. ^)J^p] "^2 = P^^'^ ri^lD grace after meals. ^^''3 = ''Jli^ n*'^ the Second Temple of Jerusalem ; ^^)2iV n^n the college of Shammai ; 1)::^^ "jllD blessed be He who said &c, the portion of the prayer which com- mences with the words ^mti^ '^IID ; U^l^^h)^ "^m two thirds ; D^iti^ ^^lin blessed be His name; ^2)^ 1^'2 the weU of an oath; N. B; also N. PI; hi^))2t; n^in the house or family of Samuel ; N. B ; 7i<1^ty tl^lD the blessing of Samuel ; N. B ; Jlti^ti^ ID the son of Sheshath; N. B; Nt^' 3 = Q^"»^1^ ""^^^ ^^^ the college of Shammai says. nN^iyS = d^lhi^ d^n in the name of Rabbi Meer ; in the name of others. rr *1 12^3 = fc<^)2t!^1 ni^n^n by swearing in the name of God. f^ NT 1^3 = ^n^illi^l ni^UWn by swearing upon the Law. NfflT"iy3 = ^"^^^ ^^^ n^iati^n by swearing be- fore the Rabbi of the place. Dn''t^!l = nnton \rhw2 in the clear book called Shulhan Aruch. nii^' 5 = n"l1):5r! ni^n^n by a solemn oath. S<^''£?!3 = d^'l^l^ ty^ diyn in the name of Rabbi Nathan ; in the name of some who say. 22 nn'^n >T^^i blessed be the name of the Glory of his Kingdom for ever and ever. niy' 3 = ^^^ ^^^ in the name of Rabbi.— f)' 3 = n^Sriri ^Itn a finite being ; r\'2Wr\ hP2 a J3enitent person ; IS^'Din h^ you should not add. ^S"11 the discourses of Rabbi Judah Levi. )2*^''*^ = rr^^D ""^H^l the Avays of Moses; N. B. y^'^ - d'^DJ li'^DI ni^'ll the discourses of our Rabbi Nissim. 5^^"T = i^n'^pl^ ^n"l '^'HD'l the sayingsof Rabbi Akiba. ^•^''^ = ^^^):5"li^ "^nl '^"im the sayings of Rabbi Samuel ; h^\ty^ '^n'l mu^l^ the discourses of Rabbi Saniueh ^li^*n"T = '^"''' ^^^ ''^"''^ according to Rabb^ Solomon Yarchi ; ^pH^i'' HD^ti^ ''Dll according to Rabbi Solomon Ishaki. ]^*^ *^ = D3n 1J*'!3'Tl according to our Rabbi Tarn. ^"•^ = dlW ''"G"! words of peace, "j^lVtit tyil"! one who seeks your welfare ; 7i^1)^ti^ ^3*1 the word of Samuel ; N. B. T\*0 T ~ P"^^ li^^ti^ ^'^'2'^ the commencing words of the three Haphtaroth of the three Sabbaths before the fast of the ninth of Ab. £)/ t^T = \''^''T\t^ "h ^^"^ ini a thing which is allowed by some in some instances. 28 nin^^n ''ti»«"i ]^*^ = rrilln ^^21 words of i]\e Law ; matters con- cernhig tlie Law. n niN ^ = Stands for 5 ; as a sign of iiitervogatiop and as tlie definite f^vticle. "pl = ^"^ or D^n God. Ji^ J^ = i^J*')^^^ Sin we were saying • we would have said ; ^S ni^^Sn the ways of God ; N. P> ; U^rhi^ ^H the hill of God ; N. B ; in«n the one ; \W^^T] the -first. which is used to show. SfV fii"\ li'^^n this is the same what those that speak in proverbs say. ^niJ^^n that is thus; ^1i:in ti^^i^H the great man; i<^n i^in is it ncjt hel "pITi ^IH that is the way; ^'':i^n DIM the Rabbi who informs ; the editor of a newspaper ; C^^il'l^n 'Iti^n the exalted prince. ^n''n = ^^^^'^ ^in t^in this is what is written ; as it is written ; DTl^*! ^H IJ'^'^n this is the same which is written ; l^ri'^fc^^ "^n 111*'*'!! this is the same what m said, <|3"nn - ^^"^^^ ^'^^ tl^e chief Rabbi. ^'l^Tir] = ^^^^ inh1J):i h>^^:^r^] t^-^t^n the great man, may his rest be glorious, a phrase used after the name of" a deceased person. pn 'n = "^^"^pT} ^^^n the holy temple. Pp'^nn = ^^3p mipn h:2^T] the holy temple, a tradition ; N. E. nn n - ^^"^ b)1^T\ D^nn the great wise man Rabbi—; ^) n =•^'^^^^1 ^in this is what is written. ^«)"p = rr^S nin he had. ^li^'^in = ^^'^ nJI^ti^in the great Hoshana or the seventh day of the feast of tabernacles. ^"•-| = ^it^DU^n the seventh; Ht ^IH behold this; be- hold this is considered ; T]\ lil^'^n that is this ; Q'^Jpt nilH the glory of the aged ; N. B. fl ^ = d'^^Dh n^52n five mercies. y'f^J^ = dhli^) D^nn the wise and perfect or devout — ^^ f^p] - pDJI d^nn the Avise and prudent. — ^"p] - \P)'0 ni^D^n the rules of arguing ; also N. B. ♦''j-| = ^inn^ dtyn the blessed God; )'n^)2]t;^ dt^n mny God protect him ; rhvTi'' dti^H may God be exalted. )i'^ =: )rh^V) or in^n^l ini):ili'^ dti^n may God pro- tect him and grant him long life or deliver him. ^ySp^ ="nt"»=J^ ^'1^^ S^'^ ^'''^ lie was obliged to be sworn. ^pin ^ ^l^l^P ^"l^^n smaller rules. ly V'n = 1^^ 1^^^ )^i^'mT] save us for thy name's sake. )2"n = ^^^ ^^^^'^ ^^^ses was wllHng ; N. B ; rn^sS^^n the kingdom ; n?^!! the word ; ^h):^ ''JH the words (are applicable to) ; ''t^^ ^^T\ what is this ; JTlSn JlD^II)^ a compound syllable ; HDII^ 'IDSH a great loss or damage ; Qhl'l^^n one who has obtained mercy, a phrase used before the name of a deceased person. n^^an = ^^^ T"^^ D^p^n the Omnipresent who is blessed. 7l' fin = ^'''^"^ ^5^^1^n the pul^lisher. il"^f^ = PD3'I S^D^^'^n the intelligent and prudent. 32 nn^n ^]i;^i ttfi'n - ^^^^ ^'^'^ ^"1^ tl^e deputy or delegate Chief* Kabbi ; the author of ^lasforid Mishne, ^3^"^*-| = )^"1 n^n rrti^I^^n the work of n tribunal- ni?"Qn = ^'^^^ vSi^ i"inn):i s'^!5i):in he who proves (his claim) by the evidence of liis' cftJDpanion. ^''pl = *'):5J '^^DH also so ; HIJ n^lD^H the laws concern- ing menstrual uncleanness. J^J^^'^p^ = r))2i^2 n^I^ntyjn those Avho swear in truth nV'^n = ^^^"^ P^-^*^ ^^^^ prudent and wise ; p^JH ni^ni the prudent rtlld esteemed. J^"p; = ID^n the said. ^f"ip| = rh^)::h or V^;^^ 'nntJn the abovemcntloned. ^^'^ ='^n"l ^^^Jn let my Rabbi enter. g"f^ = niTSD nt^^H five Sephiroth or attributes of God ; ''J^D "in Mount Sinai. Sn on = Q^pt5*lSn n):ilDDn the approval (fv sanction of the arbiters. gf^^' gn = D'^pD^lSn nil ri):iiDn the approval or sanction of most of the arbitei*s. J^''n = ^"^^^ r\)yhT] the ways of the world ; N. B. '^^^f^Ti = ^^^ oSlI^n the future world. tn"j>n =^^5^ D^^rn this world. 5 P = "li^T3 ''^n it is thus inter2)reted or explain- ed ; ntDlti^S n*l5n a simple syllable. ^g p = HDII)^ HDSn a great loss or damage. Jj"j^ = Timlin the humble or small. p''n = ntS^p i^n this is difficult, "Dlit^p ^r)n thus he says; ^^p ''^n this is the passage 5 ti^llp ri'lin the Holy Majesty • N. B ; m:t:Dp ni:D^n the smaller rules ; ^:)n nt!^p thus he objects. na 'pn = ^'^'l^ T""^ ^'''^P'^ the holy and blessed One. •^ pj^ = ^'ib dllpii he who comes first. 7)D''pn = \^ X^^ti^^ «p ^^n here it appears to us ; here it teaches us. '^p"'^ = ^21 ti^llpn the holy Kabbi— . ^"*-^:=nni nJX^ti^in the great Hoshana or the seventh day of the feast of tabernacles ; IJ'^lnl or ''Dl DIH my or our learned Rabbi, a phrase used before the name of a learned man ; dD)2l n):i'lpn the proposition, preface or introductory remarks of Maimonides. ^ai^'Sn = 'Tl^ P tDHIDi^ ^S1 n^n the learned Rabbi Abraham the son of David. ili^'Sn = ^^^^ l"^^^^ ^^^ ^^ the learned Rabbi Aaron the Levite^ n3i.f''^n = ^^^^ P ^5^'^^ ^^"l ^""^ tl^e learned Rabbi Elijah the son of Haeeni.- ^i<''*in = ^^""^^ ^'^^^^ ^^^ ^^'^ t^^e learned Rabbi Mijah Mizrachi ; Hl^^^Ci i^'^^"I^pS>D« SIH the' author of Aspaklarya Meira. li^i^'Wn = "1^^ ^^^^^ ^"^^ oiir learned Rabbi Asher. ♦ 2 '^n = ^^'l^ ^'^ ^'^^ t^^e author of Beth Yoseph. ^i''n*in = ^""^"^ P '^^^ ^^^' ^^^^ the learned Rabbi David the son of Zimra. 5 34 riD^n ^ivii'^ nf"nn = '^^'^ '^'^^^ '^^ ^"^^ ^^^^ learned Rabbi Zerachya the Levite. g/'*-^p|-^^D3^S pn^'' ''Dinin the learned Rabb Isaac Alphasi. DD^'Sn = r^''^ ^^ 5^^^ '^"1 ^"in the learned Kabbi Moses the son of Maimon^ commonly called Maimonides. pX!i"nn = ]^^^ "^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^'^ the learned Rabbi Moses the son of Nachman, commonly cal led Nachmanides. 7^Q''^n = l^^^^l^ """^ C:rtJ^ Din the learned Rabbi Menahem de Lonzano. Pjq"»^P^ = ^iSn 'n^^):^ ^D"1 nin the learned Rabbi Meir the Levite. pffl ''in = I'l^^l'^'lV ^^"f^ ''^'1 ^^5^ t^e learned Rabbi Moses Kordovero. f^'j^ - D^DJ i:i^ni Din our learned Rabbi Nissim. XJ^T\ = J^^^^ "^^^^^ ^^^ o^^^ learned Rabbi Solomon. 3iy'Sn - '1^^^'f'l^ ^1^^ ^^'^ tl^c learned Shalom Bozaglo. K3 'iy*in = ^'^'^^ t^ '^^^'^ ''^'^ -^'^^ *^^^ learned Rabbi Solomon the son of Addereth. ^"j1 := ^S'D^'ii^ jH^l^n the allegorical narration of Samuel. ^jy"n = T'2^'' ^^^ t^^e blessed God. f]'^ - D^)2ri '^Sin one who walks uprightly. nn'^ri ^v^'^ 35 ff. IT) r\ = '^^^ ^^^p^'n n^lpn the preface or intro- ductory remarks on Tikkone Zohar. 1 niN ^ stands for 6 ; at the commencement of a word for the conjunction and ; and at the end as the suffix of the third person. Drt a) ~ 1^ '^n^l and afterwards. 1^^''i<1 = l^^^^l X^nti^nS ^1^^ 1i^t<1 and one who cannot be sworn must return (the thing he has robbed from his neighbour). ^Q''3X1 = T'^^'^''^ ^?^ t^-' r^'' ^1^^ t^^i« is not the place to lengthen the matter. ha') = ^^'^P^^ V^^ and it is not to be disputed or argued ; 1)2r7 \^^) and it is not to be said ; ^^^1 T)w and he said to him ; )^b dtsi and if not. i^'^H) = nn"l^ rM2W tD^J1« J^«^1 and to those who have no might He increaseth strength. ^S"i<1 = 1t)lS ^^lli J^^i^l and it is not required to be said. ^a 1 ~ Jni^ti^ rh^) and these are the names ; the name of the second book of Moses; i. e. Exodus. *n£^''N1 - '^-^'^ ri^l^ti^ n7i<1 the allegorical exposi- tion of the book of Exodus ; 1^1 t2)b]^ Ylii,) and many compliments to him. Jl J^''^ = 'n):it^n O^^l and if you say. «)f'l-ia«) = ij^nrti or iJnn::i lairit D^^n isdsi and remember and write or seal us in the book of life. 3G mn^n ^ty^^i 371 D1 =?^2in:: niirai and written in the Law. Ij'l ="^^1-11 etcetra. n"l ^ CD^II^i^n ^11 the nails or hooks of the pillars ; N. B. 1i<''ni '-^^^ ^^'^ ^^"^ and behold Rabbi— says. hn'^ni =^""^ "l^T"'' ^''^^"' ""^^ nmsni and one who opens (this letter) without permission will be gtabbed by a sword. J-|"p|^ = J^^n «ini and that is the rule. j;/'p«| = iJ^IJ-^Xt T^-^ ^^1 and God will enlighteu us (on the ijiatter). /T\ 1 ~ '^'^^ ^'^'^'^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^-*^ counted to him. ^pl' ^ = ^hti ^1T^^ and these words (are applicable to). 3)D''ni - ^P^-^ p1^^*ini and it is easily understood- NoV'^m = P^ ^^^^ T"^^ ^^^^ 7^1):ini and may he who carries (this letter) to the hand of the addressed person be blessed. Amen. ^^''f^^ - ^^'n*' S^5ti>):im and the prudent will under- ^tand ; Dl"!^ ]^D):ini and the intelligent will be silent. Xa^ p^l^n and may He who dwells in Zion bless him, who carries (this letter) to the hand (of the addressed person). Amen. ySi"T\ ^a"ni= ^^^'^ ^^^^ i^ian 1*1^^ i>^^m^ ?^nd may blessing- come upon him who delivers (this letter) in the hand (of the addressed person), pp*'% z=: 'TiD tsim and it is a mystery. *|JJJ ^ = )^Wb ntl and this is Ills language; and these are his words. rr 5t 1 = ^"'^ ^'^'^^ ^^d this is the mystery. ^^'') = 1)2i?''nt = ^^ ^^^^ ""^^ jnWn nt this is the table which is before the Lord. 7pl J = Jlti^bn nf this (is the) language ; these( are the) words. ^^)i'hT\'t = 1^ ^^'1^'' ^Y^'i ^^^ ii^ti^n n: this is the gate of the Lord, into which the righteous shall enter. ppl''^ = mipr\ int the holy Zohar ; N. B. ; ^)'^ = J^nplJI "1^^^ the smaller and the female attributes. f '7 = DHt It golden wreathe ; N. B. Jl''f = ti^in ^nt The new Zohar ; N. B ; HtJll ^int the radiance of the sun ; N. B. p] fl^ = nD5n npn rii^t this is the ordinance of the Passover ; N. B. r( t^t = '^^'^'^ ''^''^ 51X^:3^ seven best or leading members of the city. y"f = h^l^V"^ X^lt the seed of Israel; pViV ni^^lt the plantation of Isaac ; N. B. ii)}"^t = 1^^ "^^^^^ P^ ^^"^^^ "^^y l^i^ "^^^i* protect us, Amen.^' 5 7 = d'^SIS^ ^plt He who raises those who are bent down. 7 7 = n^inS DJIIDt or 131i::t of blessed memoryjf *\^wh r\\ this is his language ; these are his words ; DID? 1)^\ remembered for good.t * This is a eulogy used after the name of a learned and pious deceased man. t This is a eulogy used after the name of Prophet Elijah. 6 i'2 nin^n ^ti^s-n ri'ilht = ^^5^ ^h)VT] ^^rh 1J')i::\ may his memory be for the future world.* 7 / ^ = J^^ / nt one to another. a"? = ^^^^^ ^^'^ the royal seed. ff 7Q t - "^"^"^ '^'^ one from another ; one than the other. g ^ = 1*lD T]\ this is the order or arrangement ; )T\^ ^1D this is a mystery; DIISD ni^Dti^ seven Sephiroth or attributes. ,ff ffli? t = \^'^^ ^'^"'^) •^"''1^^ f^*"^^ adultery, idolatry, riches. g ^ = HDS hl3t the offering of Passover ; N. B. pl^13 J'Dt time of repayment. hp ))ii = n^inS t^llpl p^l^ i:Dt may the memory of the just and holy man be blessed.* 7 3{? - n^'nlv p'^l^ IDt may the. memory of the just man be blessed.* p'f = ty'llp i^lt or i^Jn Y')b'n he that has his shoe loosed *; D*'\1'n d^h a wise man acquaint- ed with the mysteries of the Kabbala ; '^Wil tDlH a scar- let thread ; N. B ; ninn^H mih the duties of the hearts ; N. B. Q*-^''j^ = l^)):^:] hit} the middle days of a feast; Jti^h iDSIi^^^n the breast plate of judgment ; N. B ; a part o^ Sffl 'nn = ^^^ ^I^1^5^ ^If^ the middle days of the feast of Passover. )'f^ = nS^Sni on or Dm rh^hn far be it ; \D)hm DH God forbid. J^^ 1^ = ni^'DI n^^Dh wisdom and understanding. ^'{'t^ = ni^lD^I "ion grace and power. ^J^'''^)^ = ^^l^n bin the middle days of a feast. J^^"f^ = IDni \t^ favour and grace. ~~ * See Deut. XXV. 5—10 i)"f\ ^ l^bi^ n))n Chawwotli Yair ; N. B ; also N.Pl. ^1 tl - ''Jl^l '*)2'D'n the wise men and Rabbles of — 7/'n = n:D"a^ Q^ll^t d^^^Dh wise men of blessed memory. ri ri "= I^^l^^ nnih obligation or debt involving risk. )3n"n = lD3ti^)2 Ityn pSh the part of ^"111^ p^ti^ called tDSti^^ Jti^H. J^ }^ := DIlD Jh good favour. ♦ f] = 'I*' n^'^nn the signature or seal of — ; d'^JI^'^h outward things. ^♦''n = ni^^l niV p^n the part of ^111^ jn^tit called ni^i nil'' J»{*^'Sn = ^S^lt^ '111 d^^'^n Haeem David Azulai. l^i'f] = ''J^ID ^DV ^m'ltl new work of Joseph Taranee; notes by Joseph Taranee. ^/'fl = npi^^ pn the -statute of Jacob ; N. B. J«{3"l-| = d^1):i1i^ d^^^rin wise men say. ^y"3j-| = 'n):hx:^ n^^^n wisdom of Solomon ; N. B. 7 n = Y^'i^h ni^in out of the (Holy) Land ; all countries except the Holy Land; i:^)):h piH vision of the appointed time ^W'f} = ^)12'2 d^'ltS din excommunication by ^11 J to others (who open the letter). n^i:in ll^;)^ d1ti>1-1 l^^nil «n^ty din excommunication by Niddui, Cherem (and) Shemmatta, of our Rabbi 46 T\)2^T) ^'\^^1 Gerehom, the light of thc.captivity, to] others ( who open the letter). Sn^J^^n ^^' n / n = ^^^ D^I^^ p^n a portion in the future world. ^'f\ = ntD^ ^^inn or dinn the undersigned ; pplHD np^n a portion of the lawgiver ; N. B ; 1):in t^^n Moses desired or was delighted; N. B ; tDS1i^)2 ''p^lH the statutes of judgment"; N. B. P^'^n = '^llDJn ])2 fin except the stranger. JQ^'n = nt)2 fin except this. ^fi 'n = ''^ ^^^ ^''''^ li^e ^I'om God. 5Q tl = ^1^^^ fin except your honour. ^'f] = pn '^lin half damage. ni ri = np7'in niJ n7n separating the first cake of the dough, monthly uncleanness, lighting the Sabbath lamp, the duties requiring particular attention of Jew- ish females. U)i 1i} ^!Dii tl = ^^^ t^^e sun, n:i1J Venus. 3^1^ Mercury, nJnS the moon, ^T)2]^ Saturn, plli Jupiter, t2^1ii,)2 Mars. tl — ^l^d ^ton a vowel point called short or composite Segol. 7D ri = ^T\1'2^b ion mercy towards Abraham;"N'.B. g 1^ r: nnS3 ^ton a vowel point called short or composite Patha ; HS Dmin one wlio signs here. ♦2 fl = 'IV t^ = \'m'lp ni^DD the wedding ring. li^ Q = ^P'^ Ji^'ltD an imposter ; a pretender. m"j pr' a 3N"D niy'Si = ^^^ Aries, the Earn; 11^ Taurus, the Bull; D"^):iisn Gemini, the Twins; ^tD^D Cancer, the Crab ; H'^l^ Leo, the Lion ; D^inD Virgo, the Virgin ; t2^2]^)2 Libra, the Balance ; 2^pP Scorpio, the Scorpion; rili^p Sagittarius, the Archer; ^"1)1 Capricor- nus, the Goat; ''^^ Aquarius, the Water-bearer; D^^l Pisces, the Fishes, ♦ = stands for 10 ; at the beginning of words a sign of the third person future ; and at the end as a sign of the first person singular. ^"i = D^inife^ ^^ some say ; they say ; dS^; nJV a dumb dove ; N. B; DlVti^a^ 1'' the Pillar of Abshalom ; N. B; O^nb^ n^"!*' the fear of God; ^'T' n^rhiH one who fears God. H)"^^ = )Tr\):ii^ ^nWl la^n^X '^nhe Lord our God, and the God of our fathers ; l^i^ '^n^'l *Tlt^ ''H"' let there be light, and there was light. Hi"i^i = 'in^ ^'^ )yrh^ ''^ the Lord our God is one Lord. 7 50 niD'^n ^"^t I>"lt n^;l^ may he see his seed, (and) may he prolong his days. Amen. n"t = inmn ^"1^ through his duty ; ^IH DV a common day ; D"^p7iri ti^^ some dispute ; X^ltl tD*lpT a new purse ; N. B; T]"W}^ n:!):^!^^ eighteen (blessings) i.e. the prayer offered in a low voice on common days.* 3"j-|t = nJ*^!! n^Dn ntS^It^ he win work wisdom and understanding; he will act with wisdom and under- standing. J^ ♦ = nitD UY a solemn feast day. * This prayer originally consisted of eighteen blessings, hence its name. The nineteenth, which stands twelveth in order, was added by Rabban Ganiliel of the first century ; or as others hold by Eabbi Samuel the little, one of GandieFs desciples as a deprication against slanderers and apostates. It is properly called rh^Tl P™y«^''. -"^Tid sometimes ri^*^)2i^ ^^ it is offered in a standing position. 52 mn'^n •'ti^s^i J{Q"t = P^'^^ ^1^ Q^' '^'oin Tob Sahlon ; N. P. y i = rTTirT^ T* the hand or power of Judah ; N. B; ^DV I*' the hand or power of Joseph ; N. B. He prolong your days in happiness and your years in pleasure. ^/'m =Stnti^*' t^.l^t^^ ^l^P^ h^^ Jacob shall rejoice, Israel shall be glad. «|9'n = ni^T aW^ "jlS):}^ ^'^ the Lord shall reign for ever and ever. 3 ^^ = 102 p"^ wine offered to an idol. 2 ^ = HD '"IS"^ to make good one's title.or authority. p3 '3* = p^lliD p;}"* may it (the city or community) be established in righteousness. ^'S = ^^1^ ti^"* it is to be said ; nitt^pH^ li;^ some object ; it is to be objected to. ^"i = Q'^li^lD^ ty^ some explain ; ni"l)2fc^^ t^'^ there are some passages ; D^'^IS)^ rii<"'!i'' Exodus from Egypt ; ni::V)2 nin^ unity of kingdom ; r\)^h)2 'TlD'' the basis of the kingdom ; (the attributes) basis and kingdom ; ''^*' nii^ts the hands of Moses ; N. B ; 0^2)2^ i^)'2^ the Com- forter shall come ; ili^^'D DS'' well favoured ; fair looking. 3^V 3^* = T""^^^ ^^^^ ^'^^^ T'^^ TV^ ^^^ may thy fountain be blessed, and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. n ^^ ~ ^^^"^ t^ ^^''^ an exception to a general rule; one who separates himself from the general body of the congregation. D**)^ may thy fountains be dispersed abroad ; and rivers of water in the street. n^'S = ^"11^ P^ '21'' the Day of the Gift of the Law; HDIti^n ^l^*^ the penitential days. i'S = m: n^n^ may he live for ever ; J'^^lllJ ]V^ there are some who possess ; the chapter of the Talmud which commences with the words ^7^113 l^'^ *, D'^JHIJ ^*' some have the custom. Q y = m^^SD "1)^^ the ten Sephiroth or attributes; d^'ISID "^"^ some write; d'^'lSD li^'' there are some books. ^ Qt =d"'Tt2^ ^ID'' the principle rules of poetry. t^ t =: D"^ J'^i^ '^S'^ having beautiful eyes or countenance. J^J^'S = d^nSs rriti^'' may God help it ; 11^:^ pir>^ or \)2^^ Ul'^^ may He establish his or their city. Amen \)2^ ]V^i^ n^ilD'' may the Most High establish it, Amen J):i^5p"*^I^ ri1)21^^ may the Most High protect it, Amen; TVhi^ "1^ "ll^^"^ may it stand until the coming of Elijah ;* d^'^^S^ ''inil^ d*'bi^X:ti^'' IshmaeUtes (and the) worship- pers of images. ^^"y = d^i^n ^\)P ''•' God is the supporter of the feeble or needy. li^l J?* " ^^ r*''^'' ^^ ^^y ^^® ^^ ^^^^^ there. 3p"j^t = ^•'t^llD ^Jlp '^^Wllt ^^IliV thy Former * These abbreviations are used after the name of a city. thy ^lakor, tliy Possessor, thy Creator. 3 S^ = n:D ""IS^ to make good one's title or authority. i^' 3^ = ^^^ n5^ a fair branch ; N. B. l^n'^Sf^ = ^^^^^ ^"^^ good imagination. *^n 'if ♦ ^ ^^^ "1^' evil imagination. ))i"i= )hi<^:i) )^)^ ini^ti^^ may his Eock and Kedeemer protect him ; in^^H^I lllli in'l):^!^'' may his Rock protect him and grant him (long) lite ; ^insii^l^J^ 1X1D1 may He watch his going out and coming in ; •''^i^VI') ''Ills ^^ God is my Kock and Kedeemer ; ^Slti^'' ^li^^l p^'lli Israel is just and upright. »''5{^r= r^'l^V formation. ^"jft = ):i)^^ nii' may his name be blotted out. ^J V^ = ^^^^^ ^"^^ the salvation of God; N. B. he shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil. rr ^^ t z= ll^tl ))2i]^ n^** may bis name and his me- mory be blotted out, i^''i = :2pX>^ ^^'ix^^ Jacob shall sprout; N. B. y)^ ♦ = 11^ ^l^ti^'TT' may his name live or last for ever. )^)i}''i = nt^^ n^ti^^ Moses will rejoice; K B. p^'S = ]^1)p D^"^ DV the holy Sabbath day. ^•jy'S r= r\):h]^ hl^ d^ Solomon^s molten sea ; N. B; n"> = ^'iSn^ blessed; D^liri jnJV Jonathan translates; riDlti^ri IID'' the basis of repentance ; 'l^in TiS'' a goodly person ; HDIli^ri ^12^ the jDcnitential days. fj^ypt = rhVT\^) "Jinrr^ may He be blessed and extolled. pp" j-)t = nSnp nirp iti^i^ ^in n^r^i^^ isaiah, the twelve minor prophets, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes. * 'QfJ^ t = 1?^ti^ 'l^nri'^ may His name be blessed. * Tliis abbreviation shows the books on finishing the reading of which the Israelites repeat the verse before the last, as they do not end with propitious passages. 56 nia'-n ^vmi 3 = stands for 20 ; at the beginning of words, according to, as ; and at the end, as a sign of the second person singular ; also for '2T\^ he wrote ; writing ; llTiD written. Ji{ 3 = ^^ ''^ ^^'^' if ; but ; *irit< 75 each one ; every one ; ^^i< HD thus says. ^5>} 3 ^ ^^^^1 ^^^ ^5 each and every one. ^7 JO = D*lS^ 'h "l^i< ^5 peace be to all that is his. vH^'iO = n^^aS dJi"ir)t li^n^iD"! i^^t< n^ thus say our Rabbles of blessed memory. 3"3 = )2 h:i all in it ; N. B. J 3 = y^"^^ ]'*^^ a high priest. ^"^ = 11:^^1 n^D^) as he says ; 'l^t^m'l S)!2r) as it is said; 1D1 7^ every thing; ^^21 HD such are the words of; ^1^1 1)212 it resembles the saying or word. N^ 'D = 'n):iSm*l iiX^2 as it is said. f^n^'Ss = '^^'^^^ DJii^Dt ):i^r\)2i ii^Dsi nr)!: as our Eabbies of blessed memory say. n D = ^1»^ p so it is ; iDl'^in \n2 a common priest; Yn ''^ for so ; for even as ; in^DH HDD the throne of glory ; riV^DH 1)22 respect of living creatures ; 12 h^pn a measure of flour ; N. B. KH' D = '^'^^ ^"^^ P thus he says. jn' 3 = ^^^^ P^ a high priest; i<:i1i:i ^fc^niD of this colour or kind ; in this manner. ^7'p|3 = "^:iD?2 nty^^ HD^HD according to the rule given to Moses on Sinai. pn '3 = "^"^"ip^ "^Snrj the Sacred Writings ; the Holy Scripture. *iri"3 = ^^"^ "^''^^^ "ll^l^ the honourable gentle- man Kabbi — . *Tl nS - "'^^ S^nTlD^ the honourable and learned Rabbi — . n^n'nS = ^^^^"^^ ^'^ ^^^^ n^ty:in h'D let every thin"" that has breath praise the Lord ; praise ye the Lord. y'3 = n'iSI "Tiri5!3 knop and flower ; N. B. j^f^''^2 = HDIlD HT^'^rim nn^riD a good writing or entry and seal. ttl D = m^t^l D'^DDID stars and planets or the signs of the Zodiac. ^^''2 ~ '^p'^-^1 ^^^ ^ general and first principle; at all. j"3 r= n\ "^n all this ; J)2t S:: an the time. f] 2 = ri1)^n '^7^ costly vessels or articles ; N. B. 3n 3- T\2'^'2 rTD^n iri^ crown; wisdom, under- standing. ♦ 3 = 'Ip'' '^75 a percious vessel or article ; N. B. V):^*' ^:J all his days ; h^l]^^ HDJlD the congregation of 58 r\)Tr\ ^ti^«i Israel or the Jwish church; ^"i niD'^riD ^ manuscript; hand ■writing ; nJV ""^JD the wings of a dove ; N. B. •^^ 3 = pli'1 '^Ti^ p may such be His pleasure. ^♦"3 = r\)^W^ t})'^ a cup of salvation ; N. B. 5 '3 = "]5 b:3 so much ; i'^nn p thus it is written; Dri^ p thus he writes ; 3ri^ 7D the whole writing- p^D ^D all like this ; n:i"inD ^ril) the priestly mitre. ^^'^ = S^Vl^ ''^I^JlJ as the whole world. ■J 3 = ^)21 Vl3 as to say ; i^wb 75 every language ; whole saying. fl7 3 = "l"!Dn Dbi;^S '':3 for His mercy endureth for ever. ♦7 3 = W"ni^^ ''1^ jns aPriest, a Levite^an Israelite. 10 3 = y^b^'^ ^IDn your honourable rank ; n^l^ p thus it is argued or refuted ; I'^^^ p thus it is understood ;thus it appears-, n^t^^Ii ^D5 double money; N. B ; pp1t):5 ^D5 refined silver N. B ; ni:)^)D "IDD crown, kingdom ( two attributes ); the royal crown j K B ; •'HK^^ p thus I found ; Dlp^ ^D every place. ^^''5 = 1)2t<"l t«^D as what he says. J{^'')23 = "l^^ri^"! 1^5 as it is said. y^ITi vDD for he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. *1ffi"3 = '^"' ^^^^ ^^^^ the honourable rank of Rabbi—. lifl^'^D - ^^^^ or *1^S^ 1):i5 as he says or writes; ^^Wti' D1p)D 7^ every place where it is said. TW'i^'D ~ D^):iDnn T^r^\X^ y^'2 as the wise men Bay ; V\^TW 1^5 as it was. W")D3 = rhv):h nn^Diy or 1^«^ 1)D!3 as he says or writes above. Xyf^'"^ = ^ril^S^ rh^):^ "inD your honourable and glorious rank. ^"3 = "inni ^D:d choice silver ; N. B ; Hi^li p thus it appears. jn 'i3 or nJ '3 = ri^1'i:in DDJ:: the great Synods Assembly or Synagogue.* J^ 3 = ^2tJ5 as it is mentioned. hi y2=' ^^^^^ or ^^^^ "l^^J^ as mentioned above. ^7 Ji3 = r\^i:h 1^^:1:3 as mentioned below. ^ J 3 = ^i^'^'Si''' HDJi the congregation of Israel; the Jewish church; ^^pth"^ riDJD the assembly or syna» gogue of Ezekiel. ■J^ 3 = ^ '^ n^lJ p thus it appears to me; ^DtJ> h'^vh as mentioned above; J^p7 1'2\^'2 as mentioned below or within. 22) 3 = C3"'p*l^S ''S'^D ^^ all periods or full stops. * This name is applied to the great Synod presided over by Ezra, and consisting of 120 members, and is alleged to have been engaged in restoring and reforming the worship of the Temple after the return of the Jews from Babylon, 60 1^^^'ri ^U^^^l J^"3 = ^i:h^ "^^I^D (.r uhMi^ *^D the whole world ; ril^ h^ the whole subject or matter ; p** 71^ HD the highest or greatest Power; \)^h^ "^Vi^ the highest crown ; n^^J)!^ >*1^ by a slip knot. g^'^ = pD3 p thus he decides ; Di^S 7!D every time; D^J3 ^D all looks, modes, or reasons; '^^^Ss ''D if there be any difference of opinion ; tS '^SlD a vessel of pure gold ; N. B ; D^'DS t\2)T\^ a coat of many colours ; N. B* J{''3 = p*^^ l"^^ t^^^ true priest ; the priest of righteousness. v5{"!D = ^^^^^ T"^^ 1-^ ^^ ought to be so. ^ p"^ = fc^^'lp ^r) the whole passage ; ti^llp ^DHD the Sacred Writings ; the Holy Scripture. ^'^3 = Dnrity or ^ti^^ti^ l^n as he says or writes i DiriD^ 17213 as it is written ; M:iV 1*12!) his honoured name ; p^ ^2 much more so ; i^^lHti' 72 all that may be ; a little ; H^HiSli^ riJIlS tha devotion or object of Solomon ; N. B. Q12^ 3 - ^'^'^ ^"^ ^^^ ^^^^ crown of a good name. l^i'li^S = ^^ ^^P-^ ^inti'*^ as it is joined or tied to. j-j^''^ - in'Tiri Dti^ 1122 the honour of his learned name ; iniSSD U^^ 1122 the honour of his glorious name. f)'^ = init^Sn 1122 the honour of his glory ; in2 • nun the crown of the Law. ^TM^DD = ^^^^^ ^^^'^^^ ^^^^^ 1"^?^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^' ed by wise men of blessed memory. tr)"3 = |niV Dlliri p thus translates Jonathan. ni3>n/ii»si 61 h DIN ^" stands for 30 ; as a sign of the dative, to, for ; also for Jltl^^ tongue or language. ^'^ = nns \wh one language; IHi^ \'wh another word or language ; D'^'irii^ \Wh the language or saying of others ; tJDti^^ \wh the German language; ^^ ^^7 a quiescent verb having i^ for its third radical. Ni?' 7 = ''^^ ^^'^'^^ to or of my honoured father. i?2l Dh? a sorrowful bread ; N. B. ^ *^7 = Dl7pJ1i^ T\^l7 according to the opinion of Onkelos. 63 nin^n Wi^^ 2^i<"n7 = ^^^^ P^ ^^^"^ according to the opinion of Eben Ezra. ♦^ 7 = l^^^l'' T\^\? according to the opinion of Jonathan. p^ ^ = nbsp ^117 according to the Kabbala ; or tradition; ''IDip T)^lb according to the opinion of Kinichi ; Vt^p T\^v7 according to the opinion of 8ome ; IDK^'^p ^5'')0'1 ^7 its reading has no parallel. f)*^ 7 = n^l^ l'''^v according to the judgment or rule of the Law. p"^ = ''^S to God; D^n JI^^V for God's sake ; ••Sn t<^"'7 he ought to have said so ; ^H l^ly? a quies- cent verb having H for its third radical. •^p]"^ = r\):^)1 ISin nt}^ what is this thing like. gpl''^ = tD^JSn On^ the shew bread; N. B. pp''f^ = t^Tlpn p^S the holy language i. e. Hebrew ; h)2pn lDp7 gleaning of the flour; N. B. •«)p"^ = ;>in \wh slander. %"■> = ^iti uh)Vh for ever and ever. j"^ = n^ ]112^^ this language; this saying ; \wh ^^\ a word of the masculine gender. ^^"^ = 'n^S T\'^\h for this he says. f\'^ = ^'Tin^ of the month ; D^^:Dn JI^S Kabbani- cal language ; riHI^n DM? costly or pleasant bread; N. B; ]n ^'^'ch to find favour. mi''^ r= D^l^nS Dnb princely food ; N. B. f^"jy'|^7 = 'lDh7l jn? to (grant) favour and mercy. h)'^n? = ClI^'^Sl Q^DID D^^n^ to a happy -and peaceful life. ^n"^ = nJtyD nrh double bread ; N. B, J^"-;j = nilD np^ a good doctrine ; N. B. i"^ = rri^n^ n^li'S for or of the additional year ; iDpS P\W the gleaning of Joseph N. B; TU^n'' Uuh the bread ofJudah;N. B; TH^ pti^^ a word of the singular number. ^y = \T)2vh of or to Jonathan. J^/'"3I = V^hVi ''S^l"'^ to those who come out of his loins ; to his descendants. ^7 ^7 = ni^l Q^II^^ nar)*' ^h may it not be ex- tinguished for ever. n3p'^^ = ^in ^^13 i^^iip nin^ Qti'^ in tho name of the unity of the Holy and Blessed One ; in the singular name of the Holy and Blessed One. J^> "JJ = n^in '^Dlp''? gleanings or extracts from tha Law. 5^3''^ = "1^i< p^ therefore he says; "inx hJl o every one. ^2 / = ^ri^I^l^ "l^iiD? to your honourable rank. 32 7 = ^^^^ ^y^ for this it is said ; for this we Bay. J^^' / = n^7i^ ^h)y7 according to the general opinion. ■j"^ = "lIlS rT*^? accompanying one to ashortdist- 64 nin^n ^z'i^i ance of his journey ; D'''Tl^7 \wh the language of the learned •, the practised tongue ; 1)::i*')^7 t^lD**? there is none to say or saying ; ^'27 I^HX^? for or in the future; •'7 Tiiy? why to me? why have I ? H"^? T^ul why to him? why has he &c. ^"7 = ii.y)2 \wh language of the Scripture ; UVh n^ti^t! double bread ; N. B ; ^"^I^n^D ^h not required ; not asked ; not questioned. ♦2"^ 7 = ^^^'^^ ^^^ ISD^^ according to the num- ber of the children of Israel. HQ 7 = '^'^^^ 1^^ *o him who says. 3)D / - '111^5 ri7l^^7 to your honourable rank. f]^'^^ = )T\1)T\ IID:) rhi^l^h to the honourable rank of his learning. ^"■j = "V^^^ \J7 therefore it is said ; therefore we say ; Hi^lJ "^h to me it nppears ; HDpJ \wb a word of the feminine gender. g' 7 = D*^iriD Dh^ hidden bread ; N. B. ^^'^t- _ «,>, ri'^'inD *l3p^*lS7 for thy salvation do I hope, Lord. ^^''^ _ ^riP^ nVJI^b to my poor knowledge. ^j-^y V^ _ ^'2T\ uhM^h in the world to come. jj^' 7 = ^\ nV \wh the language of a strange people. ^>"j^£^ = nitD DV n'li^^ for the eve of a holiday. tjji"IL, _ ^'^h 'T'D^h for or in the future. J^'V / = ^'^^ ^^^ ^0^ t^ii« *i"^e ; 1i^ ^):h):^h for everlasting. hii'i^h = ^*1^^ "^'^i^^ foi' ov in the future. 5) 7 = ^^1/37 to so and so^ -VSs iD'^b there is no disagreement in it ; 7l^S 1^7 the third letter of the root ; D115 ''tDIp^? gleanings in a garden N. B. JS / = 711^ ID'IS? of great reckoning including thousands. ^) 3/ = ^J^^ Q1!}7 according to the law. 7S 7 = nt Q1S7 or nt ^th according to this. ^S' 7 = "^^D^S^ therefore; jn^l^ ti^l^^sS of or accord- ing to the translation of Jonathan. *7j^ 27 = ^T\^1 ni^JXt ''sS according to my poor knowledge. p2 / — \'^P tD'iBb of small reckoning, omitting thousands. 3{"^ = ^^lli ^S not required. p''^ = ^1p i<^ not read ; Hti^p ^S not difficult ; ^^)^p ^h not disputed or argued ; ^)2p i^W^h former language or saying ; 1'^'p pli^7 short language or few words. ip"^ = ^^ ^n^lp ^ni^l^'^S for thy salvation do I Avait, Lord. )2"p^ = ''^^ nti^p ^S there is nothing difficult, it is not to be disputed at all; there is nothing to be dis- puted. '^"p^ = a^WW ''tDlp^S gleanings of lilies ; N. B. 6'6 niD^n "^tyi<^ *^ 7 = D'^D'H pt!^7 a word of the plural number ; 2^ t2nh much bread; N. B. 2^' 7 = "l^"^^ iih not suitable ;. t^W ^h he did not teach; n^^ty t2tlh the feread of Solomon; N. B. V'ly 7 = ^^^"^ nniDtit ''tSlp^V gleanings ;or extracts from the rules relating to the sheaf forgotten in the field and the corner of the field; N. B. * ^IJt' 7 = t:^):^)^ t:]i;h for the name of God. n 7 = nti^I^n K7 thou shalt not do ;. a negative precept ; ri7^n li^nT a purple dress ;. N. B. iiT)h = Vl^lty^ "iX^tin ifh his footsteps shall not totter, fi DIN Q stands for 40 ; at the beginning of words for fi'om; than; also for "11^ lord ;. H'l^S lady; (terms of res- pect to an elder relation); ri1lD7^ kingdom ;t^11^ college;: allegorical exposition. J*{ Q r: int< 7p1i^)2 one or same weight; one or same grammatical form ; ^Hi^ 7p'^^ another weight ; an- other grammatical form ; ^iHts J'')^ one kind ; ti^^l)^ n^^t< an allegorical narration ; D"^n7^s Dl 5^X^)2 armies of God ;: N". B" ;• U^rhi^ m^I^3)2 works of God ; N. B. pint5 ntD):^ the rod of Aaron r N.. B. CDHini^ p):i th^ shield of Abraham ; N. B; d'^'llDS 1*^n)2 He who set» * See Ex. xix 0, 10; and Dcut. xxiv. 19—21. r\)'2^r\ •'tyta '67 prisoners at liberty; Q*'31'1hSQ^DJast water -^fc 'nnt^Q1p)2 another place. 03 'Xffl = ^^''^ P "^^^^^ "11'^ the honoured Elijah the son of Haeeni, i'a*!^ - ^^'^'^ '^''^^ ^ mvfii luminary ; N. B. ^J,j''^ = n^^ ^i^t)>5 ^yo whence have we said to him ; whence have we said it ; I^^D^ t^D'^Nt ^i^):5 what is there to be saicL D&?"tS = ^^'^ r^^ ^^^^^^ t^^® Infinite, ^/ HNQ = n^Din^ n:ir\^\ i:i'^ni:3"l 1^«)^ the say- ing of our Rabbies of blessed memory. *2'^ - rh'h'2 nnJD a mingled offering ; N. B. n^'ti^&^'nn TW^'d the work of creation, a description of the beginning or creation ; J):^''^^ in^ti')^ the portion of Benjamin; K B. ])2^Jn ni^DD the travels of Benjamin ; N. B.; Y\^"2, 1D1)^ one speaking of himself ; the first person in grammar, \2'ih = ^^^ "1^^ i^^ a human king. N* I3?3 - *1^ ^^-''^ ^t\D2 ]ri)^ a secret gift appeases anger. P3''q = pllD p Dm^ Menahem the son of Seruk. ♦J^"3Q = ^"^^ ^"^^^^ while it is yet the day. f)3")2 = T^^ hr^i^^ d^^J):5 blessed may she be above women in the tent { a phrase used after the name of a female). J Q =: rrit^^ by decree ; h'l'l^ 'nSD)^ a great number *■ Water for washing hauds after a meal is called last water. G8 nin^n '^tyt^i greater calculation i. e. counting units as tens, hun- dreds &c ; vl"!^ 11th)2 the great or solar cycle; n'TlD)^ n^11.1 the great Masora ; N. B ; rh)i:i nn:i):i a great pre- sent ; jST. B. iii^i^ = "iriDi^ rh^):^ the book of Esther ; p)^ dn^nj; the Shield of Abraham ; K. B ; niDi< p):i the Shield of the patriarchs ; N. B. ^a JtD - V^^ ^^^'""^ shields i.e, princes of the earth; N.B. ^n'^JlQ = ri1ti>"n 11"! bi:i)D Lectures called Migdal David ; i. c. the tower of David ; N. B. g J ^ = D"^^3^D tr?^)^ a scroll of mysteries ; N. B- 5?j''^ = mp1)2X^ nS.*l):i the revealer of deep or hid" den things ; N. B; pX^ \^)2i from the garden of Eden ; Y^ JS^ n^n)2 food, vine, (fruit of) a tree >k li^y^S = ^'^^^ ''^'^^ tl^e shields of Solomon; N.B; niti^ n"lL1?:i by analogy. T)ii')^ = n'^Ji^ri nS:i):i a tract of the Talmud on fasts ; ri^^iSn T^1)'2^ 3ni;D7):: kingdom, power, beauty. ^"a = ""^^"^ 1^^ l^e who says ; D^n^Jl ^i^^ what is it that is written ; what is the meaning of the words or passage ; J^I^H ]^^)2 male waters ; ^^Ci^fTl in)D Avhat is it that you say ; 1^^1)2 a college ; an allegorical exposi- tion ; 'l^^ p):5 the Shield of David; N. B; «^)D niti^'Tl full of discourses. J,^"^^ = "D^sn^n r\)2 what is said. ^n'SSi = r""^ '^^^ ^^^ attribute of justice. * After eating these a particular grace is to be said. •^p|''»^)2 = d'^^^nm ni)2 the attribute of mercy. *^ ^^ = ^nD^ tyn^?!) an allegorical exposition of Law and the five Megilloth. • pl"^ = ^^):i or Dti>n)2 from God ; nVv^H "llS):i the light of the captivity ; ''iDn 011^)2 on such account ; in the name of such; J^IH Jll^ the attribute of justice; D1)2n "l^^^ the angel of death ; lllti^n ^:iiih):i the ministering angels ; Dvll^n T!!)^ extent of the world ; usao-e of the world ; ri1)^1^sn ""^btH heathen kinsfs • •"^ ^ti^pn):^ those who seek God; dbi^JH ti^"11):i the hidden exposition; N. B; '^wH ri1J)D portions of the Levite N. B; n^rin n"l):iti^^ watching the house; N. B. ; ^1^]^ "li^Tlhn one who proclaims the new moon. jn'')D = ^^^^^ 01' ^^^^^ r\):hT]):^ from the laws of ivobbery or theft. vin'^n^D = ^^^^^ Qninn^:^ from the undersigned. i^Ti )^ = ^^l^n 1^1)12 He who sends the dew. hr\'^ = "ll^^ ^^^"i't:^^ ri«^ from the publisher. *}^T\'l2 = J^"!^^'^ riin^n):^ from the laws of sale ; niS):i nilD'Snri from the laws of loan ; ni)^n ']«^^ the angel of death. N^''n)^= ^"^^"^^^ ni^^DS^ r\)J7in)2 from the laAVS of forbidden food. ^n^^'^^HQ = pni i:ini ^h^'O •'Jn t^J^ whence or how are these words,which our Babbies teach,applicable. fii'^n^ = pt)):) Y^^ n^lD^n):^ from the laws of the loss of money. vo nin^n ^ii^«i n DD )3 = '^'^^ ^^"^ from or on Mount Sinai. J^n'^Q = ''^^^ ^^^^ a newspaper. our honoured and learned Rabbi. ♦N^nnta = li^SlD^X ^ni nin i:inri our honoured and learned Rabbi Isrelash. fiN*l' nti = '^^^^ ""^'^^ '^^ ^l'^^ IJ'^^^ our honoured and learned Rabbi Elyahoo Mizrahee. fi^N'i'nffl^r^^ v^^'^ ^^^ ^^^ i^"ii^ our honoured and learned Rabbi Aaron Sason. in*l' na = ^^^'1 CD^'f^ '^"I '^^^ l^^l^ our honoured and learned Rabbi liaeem Wital. t^m Hfi = '^^^ CD'^'^ ^^^ ^^'^ l^'ll^ our honoured and learned Rabbi Haeem Shabbethai. i?n''rtfi= ^nin^5 pn^^ ''Di Din iJii):^ our honoured and learned Rabbi Isaac Abuhab. ^3nnQ = ^^ P ^"^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^'^^^^ our honoured and learned Rabbi Joseph the son of Leb. V^''nO - ^^^1'' ^P^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^'^^^'^ our honoured and learned Rabbi Jacob AYawayal. D*'n"nffl = '':3«"ltD^DV ^n"l n"in IJII^ our honoured and learned Rabbi Joseph Taranee. TD^'Snfi -=■ X^^"^ ^^^ ^'^^ ^^^ ^^^ ''^"'*'^ our honoured and learned Rabbi Yom Tob Sahlon. r^T\i^ = ^^ ^P^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ our honoured and learned Rabbi Jacob Levi ; pHli^ "^ni Din \Tm ^^'yh our honoured and learned Rabbi Isaac Luria. P*^"ntD = I'^^p ^'^^^ ""^^ ^^'^ ^^^'^'^ our honoured and learned Rabbi Joseph Karoo; pSip ^DV '^D"! niH 1i"l^ our honoured and learned Rabbi Joseph Kolon. noured and learned Rabbi Levi the son of Chabib. fc^fi^^n^ = ti^^^iD^t^ nti^)2 ^21 Din ia"ii):5 our honoured and learned Rabbi Moses Isrelash, honoured and learned Rabbi Moses Taranee. t)2''*^n)D = '^^^ ^^^'^''^ ^^^ ^^'^ ^^'^'^^ <^^i' honoured and learned Rabbi Mordecai Yaphe. QQ"*^nQ^ t<11'l!))::i l-^fc^^ ^D1 Din 1311^ our honoured and learned Rabbi Meir of Padua. honoured and learned Rabbi Menahem Azariah. JJ*j"nfi = ^'^^^ ^^"^ ^^'^ ^^ '"^^ o^^ honoured and learned Rabbi Ozer. m' 'nriQ = ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^'^ our honoured and learned Rabbi Haeem Weetal. S?^l''nQ = ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ '^^^ ^^^^'^ our honoured and learned Rabbi Solomon Edlash. Wn'nffl = P^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^""^ ^^^^'^ our honoured and learned Rabbi Solomon Cohen. f?ll^^''nffl = ^'"''^^ '^'^^^ '^^ ^^'^ l^'Tl^ our honoured and learned Rabbi Solomon Luria. t?n''Si =:ntD^nW miD^n^D from the laws of slaughtre- 72 mn'^n ^)^^i ing animals ; H^^H ''^i<7)^ the ministering angels. Jnn ^ = nSsn ni^bn):^ from the laws of prayer. nn n^D = ^^^^^ "l^^^^ niD^n):^ from the laAvs of the study of the Law. n) )^ = ''^^ '^''^ iiiy honoured father-in-law. ^^"ifil 01' *1i")D = ^^^ ^^^ ^'^^^ the bearer of this letter. ^)''f^ = "llt^^ ^^li"l):i a publisher. ^)"'Q = ^n)^)2^ D1p1)2 transposition ; nm^:) Vti^nX^DI from now and henceforth; |ri)21t^ti>)D buying and selling ; trade. il tD - D'^^I^J n'Tl'D a guide for the perplexed ; N. B. 5{V'fi = pnii rrnl^^ an upright teacher. 7' Q = '^''^^ '^^^^ sodomy. O/'fi = ^1^ ^^^ ^ good luck. ♦ ^"^ = npi^'^ nn^)::^ Jacob's altar ; N. B. J^ Q = n?2^n 'l'^^)^ the spring or source of wisdom; N. B; d^'^n ^)p)2 fountain of life ; N. B; D^I^Dn riWi:^ the teaching of pious men;n'^*'n Hti^i^^ the work or story of Chiyah. lyn'^MQ = ^p^^ 5n^^n^ half a shekel. ht fM^ = n:D"Q^ □ai'int latjlDH 1):ii<^ the saying of our wise men of blessed memory. jn^Q = p:j ^ILT] dW^ paying half damage. D 'fi = fc<)^I^tD ^^tJ or dX^tD n^ what is the reasoii or object ; niD h\):i a good luck ; D^nitD n^"ti^I^)D good works ; n^SllO ntyi^)D the story or work of Tobiyah. *D'')D = ^Dl'^ ntO):^ the tribe of Joseph -, N. B. XiD^tD = "^^^ "^^^ *^® ^^^ ^^ Moses ; N. B. ^ tD ~ jri^'T' t<3)2 whence do we know or under- stand ; ''"' mtinSt) the wars of God ; nniH^ "in"!)::^ the desert of Judah ; N. B ; ni^H^ Ti'n^'^ the offering of Judah; N. B; Spl^^ nnj^Ii the offering of Jacob ; N. B. Ei*''fl = nib QV "^m^hiri dress for hoHdays. 3 fi = ^*in!D Th^)^ your honourable rank ; mhJ)^ inn the offering of a priest; N. B; HJinn nijn)2 the gifts of priesthood ; N. B ; Dinn ^ni Hl^)^ the duty or merit of attending a funeral ; Tv7^)2 ni^7)2 higher and higher ; HD)^ ntD)2 lower and lower ; MtD^ Tv7^)2 more or less; nty^lJ ntD^ the rod of Moses ; N. B, ♦m"fiQ 01- nXi'a = l='^ ^^'"^^"^ from the regions of the sea. )Dnffl"ffl = ^'^^'^'^ '^^^ 1^^ the Supreme King of Kings. 2)2 )^ = WSJ n^)2 in whatever way you wish. t^ffl'^ffl = "1^^^ or ^^^^ '^^^ fi'on^ what he wrote or said. i ffl = 1^^^ "^^^ ^^^ whatever way you wish ; t^SJ ra^ti^^ restoration of life ; \T\2 n^11t<^ the lumi- naries of Nathan ;N. B; )^ip1J |^^^ female waters: D**51DJ ni'DD a guide for the perplexed ; N. B. nj^fi = ^"^^^ ^''^^ portions of the Levite ; N. B. Hi' iQ = "^''^^^ ^"'''^'^ a candlestick for light; N.B. ■jli )Q = l^ t\pSJ ^J^ whence is it produced for us > whence do we find it. ti^y'^ = dSw ptJ dSty^ one paying the whole damage. aii^ iffl = ^^'^ '"^^^ D^li^):5nD from the fifty gates of understanding. D t^ = ^SD)2 from the book ; number ; flDDll^ a tract; "130 1?:^ a teacher thinks ; d^iriD n^'^:)^ the scroll of secrets ; ^SD ri7^^)D the scroll of a book ; D^'ISID n^DDt) the tract on scribes ; Hi^^'TlD i«n*l^ the closed brain. JD^ft = ^^^"^^ nilD^ the great Masora ; N. B. J^YDQ = X^^ V^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ on polite- ness or mannerly behaviour. fy^ gQ = *l^in ^Sh IT'D^ one speaking uninten- tionally. pO' ffl = "^^^P n'TlD):^ the small Masora ; N. B. J^"^ = ntJ^it nili^ an affirmative precept ; d^^^i^ 11S)2 light of the eyes ; a friendly countenance ; Th^)2 ri1p1)2l^ revealer of hidden things ; TlX^ Dr)^)D a newspaper; iT'lt^ dW^ Menahem Azariah ; N. B.; 7*1^^ tl^ the tower of strength. ni>"ffl = ^^ ^^^^ the work of God. 76 nia'^n '')^^i Sn^'l^fi = ^1^^^ ^^^^ ^^^'^ ^« is considered in Scripture. tl^"i^ = ^^^^ V^ ""^^^ f'^orn the book called yi^ D'^'^n the tree of life ; n^CJ^jH J''i>):i the fountain of wis- dom ; N. B ; D'')^:}!! nt^I^)2 the work of wise men. t^l/^'fij = D*'31tD D^ti^I^):: good works. ♦5^"ffl = p^'' ""^^^ ^^6 ^^^^ ^^ Jabbok ; N. B. 05 'i^^ = 1^"''^^ '^'^^^ ^^^^ *^® elevated charac- ter of your learning. hif'^ = ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^i^® *o ti«^e ; ns ^i^ niStj lending verbally i. e. without any writing. 12i}'l^ = 1^^ '''^"'^^ ^oyal dainties ; N. B. D3?")S= ^^"^^^ 3nsSi:>r> a thino- overlaid with sapphires ; N. B. 3ni^''j^Q = ^)r\^11 )^h:^ nVi^^ he is considered in Scripture. )i'p'l2i = p^"^ '^-li'^ paths of righteousness ; right paths ; N. B. pj^'^ffl = \^P ^^'1^ "1^^^ a discourse on the theory of microcosm. *1J?''ffl = J^^^i^^ an host ; an army. iTE^^yS = ^'''''^ "^^^^ ^^6 st^^y ^^ work of Hiyah ^W^") the name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous runneth into it and is safe. DJ^"q = "ini^DD rhi^):^ your elevated glory. B )D = P^I&S' ^^^ *^® middle of a sentence. f]Q J2 = \^u7^ ^ti^S^ the interpreter of dreams. ^Sl'li = V^^^ '^^ ^^o^^ *^ie mouth of the Most High. JT^"BQ = Qn IJ^ni tt^lfi^ our Rabbi Tarn ex- plains. 3{"ffl = p'lli nilt) an upright teacher ; p1^ tDfiti^fi an upright judgment ; ril^S^i Ht^l^ the sight or vision of hosts ; N. B; pi'i ^'lllSt^*^ upright judgments ; N. B. & fi - t^P '^^''^ 3- minor festival ; a tract in the Talmud ; ly'Tip i<1p^ a holy convocation ; JlDp ISD^ a small number; units; smaller calculation i.e. counting tens and hundreds as units ; |tOp Tl^h^D the smaller or lunar cycle ; fl'S^ = D^^n 'l^p):i the fountain of life. ^K'pQ = mty*n D^^Nn "llp^ discourses called 11p?2 J>t^K'pQ= T"^^ P^^ ^^^'^ ^^?^ ^ commentary on^li;^ |nbti^ called D^^n llp^ j^J)''^ = ty'Tlp ''^Ip^ holy convocations. ^'^ = "^21 '''Tl^ my master (and) my teacher ; 'nXl V^'l)::i the allegorical exposition of the book of Ruth ; n*!*! T\'l)):i grief of mind ; )y^1 n^)2 our master Moses ; T\21 li^l'TD the allegorical exposition of the La-w- and the five Megilloth;d*'^h1 tf\):i the attribute of mercy. 78 ni:}^n ••tJt't^i J»{''*)Q = Iti^^W ''Dl riili'^D the Mishna or teaching of Rabbi Eliezer. J^' *1Q = mSD'llSn nit<1^ adomers' looking-glasses ; nJt:^n l^i^^'O from the new year. PI3 '"^Q - 'nW):iT\ ra^Dl^ the second chariot ; N. B. ^»^"^ = ti^SIlV n5"l^ a cure for the soul ; ^2^'^1 HD 11017 what does he wish or mean to say. >*)")2 = ^):iDJ D"'Jni D^ns):i certified by two hun- dred Rabbies. nj^'Sfi = Q1 Wn vVi^ )2^'2l nty):i Moses our master may peace be on him. 1!^'^ = ^^l^t^ ^"1"^^ the school of Samuel ; the allegorical exposition of Samuel ; N. B.; D^'Tl^Ot!^ T\)^):i Passover breads prepared from wheat carefully pre- served ; N. B ; rati^ ^S!i1)2 the close of Sabbath ; H^ DH^ti^ or 1)2tlDti^ H^ what is written ; i^W "^i^i:^ what does it teach; h^)):i)^ ""lOSti^^S the judgments of Samuel ; N. B. TVlf"^ = ninnn I^Sti' r^^ what the Scripture says; what the writing says. D^'li^Q = SlJ^^ti^ ^^ what is written ; p \''iW n)3 what is not so. plif )^ = "^"llp ^^^ ^^^""^ t^ie close of the holy Sabbath. ^n"li^fi = HDinS q:)1i:d^ i:i^nni iim^ n^ what our Rabbies of blessed memory say. a copy of the Law ; Hlin '^ty^n^^ those who deny the truth of the Law ; infidels. ^ stands for 50 ; at the beginning of verbs as the characterestic prefix of Niphal ; as first person plural common future ; at the end as third person plural feminine ; also for ]D son. ^"^ = ^n^ rtDU or i<:3"^^n« ^noia another version; ''jni^ t<: I pray, lord ; D^t; D^Jti^J the soul of man ; N. B ; riISS nSnJ an inheritance from the fathers ; N. B. f^J^ ^ = Tlht^ ^IDJ drawing- or holding back, ]|J J = yr\'^2 T])2 she who dwells in your house ; the beauty of your house ; your wife ; 111^!2 '2T\'D2 written on its side ; \)2^2'2 riTTlJ the inheritance of Benjamin ; N. B. P5 'i = niin pitD WQ2 may his soul rest in Eden. If *^ J = )^'2l ni\1J his word becomes clear. y""^^ = Si^lW^ ^niJ the outcasts of Israel. n'i = t^^^pn "lU the holy mitre ; ^in mj triumph, glory. ♦n''i = ""^^^ "^^^ ^^^ triumph, glory, basis. i^ added without being required by the context ; added without any purpose. 5{7 7 J = T^^ ^"^^ ^'^^^ added unnecessarily. ^ J = 'n'^2)2 i^pSJ we infer from it ; hence it follows; ni^)2 12 the commandment is a lamp ; ^17)D ''DDll paraphernalia ; property brought by a bride beyond her dowry. J ^ = nbnj ntJ^I^J it becomes a carcass or forbidden for food. rr Q^ 3 = iriDJ nj a syllable, the last consonant of which is silent. *13 i ~ ni\*1i (13 a syllable, the last consonant of which is sounded. 11 8:^ mn'^n ^t^'i )q'^ - 11^1 n^D n^i for ever, ever aiicl ever. V'^ = P^ ''^^^ ^^^^^y ^""^ ^'^^^ ^'^ ^^^ ^^^^ Garden of Eden ; a i)]n-asc used after tlie name of a deceased person ; DI^ "^IMJ the rulers or leaders of the people. W i - '1^*' V^ ^*^^ ^ quiescent verb having 1 for its second radical. T]V'i = °^^f^ T^ ^1^ ^^^^ volume called D^^H y^ J^g ^ = D^'Si^ riTSJ falling prostrate on the face in daily prayers ; ^^H, S3 ^113 a rpuescent verb hi^ving S for its tirst radical. '^3 3 = IV SS T!!3 a quiescent verb having "^ for •its hret radical. 5{ 3 = "^Dli ri7nj the inheritance of the glorious land; JVli nr^m the consolation of Zion ; D'Slli nSIJ a honeycomb ; N, B. 35{ i - ^^"^^ t^^ ^"^'^ property like sheep con- sidered as iron, p i = ^\*lpJ we read ; we call ; he or it is called. 3n"pi = ^^^^ r])^)p2 studs of silver ; N. B. )1i'i= n^p"l£}1 SJ)2ni n^DJ may the Merciful protect and save him; PT'^'IDI SJ):ini JTlDJ may the Merciful protect and bless him ; irT^^Jl^l t*^"3 = n>::^»: n^l ti^SJ life, spirit, soul. f]i"ni = n^nn)::ti^Jmiti^2J life,spirit, soul, breath. ra\"i ^t^^^ 8-3 TJ^"3 = DiStt' niJ the dwelling of peace ; qSi^ ptJ full (laiuage ; 7S.l):iti^ ''pl)^"'-!) annotations of Samuel; ni^nty ri^nj the inheritance of the seven aboriginal nations of the Holy Land ; N. B. !}iy"'i = ^^^^ ^^^^ n^'\^^):iVi the fiftj gates of im.- derstanding. Hli^' J = V^^ ^^'^ ^"^^^^ Naphtali Is satisfied with Hivours; N. Ix fy'^ = mSnn i<"113 fearfal in praises ; N. B ^.nJ'^Jm n*nn the giving of the Law. her rest be in Eden ; a phrase used after the name of a deceased person. t^^ D n1^? 5 stands for GO; also for 15D a book;. ]):i^D a chapter ; an omen ; a sign ; n^^lHD closed • closely written ; ^""VO a section. ^"q zz "in^ 1SD another book ; d^"in^5 D^"l5D other books ; rint^ HDD one cause ; 'IHS^ J^^^D another chapter; another sign ; \Wi^1 ^^>^D section first ; i^in^^ XltOD the spirit opposed to virtue or holiness ; ^J'^^h^s isl^D another opinion ; nn):2i< ''ISD books of faith. }1J<"D = ^^'"^ nin^llS "IBD a book called nihllt^ C**^!! the ways of life. 3''q = pSiSd rho mingled flour ; N. By ^W ^^^D S3ction second &c. 84 min^n '^^si jj' 5 = ^'•\)2:i ^1D tlie end of Gemara-; t2'^h):h:i 'ISD a book on spheres or transmigration of souls ; 12)1 y^O the order or manner of divorce. •^' 23 = i^J^n ^?15D the book of secrets ; a hook on modesty; ^T\P1 &>p7D do 3:'ou suppose? ^Dl ^1D the end of a thing ; at last ; r]^)2'\^'l t^lX^D the help of God. ai! D = ^:^^^^ '^nxtn SpSo do you suppose our saying (to be correct )1 m D - ^"^^^ '^"^D tl^G prayer and portions of the Scripture &c. prescribed for the day. 5{^"q = «mi?^:i!in i^nSD the book of secrets ; a book on modesty. rr T] D ~ ^'^'^'^ ^^^ t^i6 book of Zohar or splendour ; nsl^n 15D the book on the fear of God ; 1ty\n 15D the book of Jasher ; UVT) IID the prayer and portions of Scrijjture &c.prescribcdfor the day 7^11 "ID the total sum. 3n' D = r^^"^ P"*^ *^^® ^^'&i^ or characterestic of the conjugation. *^n D = ^^l^'l'in 11D a series of generations ( an historical work). ?n D = ^'^'^'^ ^^^ tl^G hook of Zohar or splendour. nn'O = t:ninn ISD the book of Quakers ; N. B. ^T\ D = ^"'^'ll^^ '^^^ the book of devotions ; N. B. an'D =^ ^:T^*^^^ pii^Dthe sign of the inflection; Y):iT) J'O'^D the sign of the gender. %^j-^"g^ ^)^)^r\ n^'^BD the numbering of the Omer.^ ^")Q = '^n"^ ^1D the end of a thing ; at last. ^"q = niJinriT "ISD a chronicle'; N. B. f^"Q = D^'TI DD nectar ; 0*^1^011 15D the hook of pious men ; H^''?)! "TlD the order or manner of release given to the widow of a deceased brother, who dies childless. J^ g = DItO \)2)'^0 an auspicious omen ; DIlD **S1D may my end be good. i^D D - ^^^'^^ fc^lt^D the spirit opposed to virtue or holiness ♦ g = J^^^'D a sign; an omen ; a chapter ; ITVV ^SD the book of device or creation ; N. B; 7^^1i^'' 1SD the book of Israel ; N. B. ^t g = J'^DhT^ 1SD the book of geneologies (an his- torical work ). tQ7 Sg = n^rr^ HDIID^ r^'^'r> may his or its end be for good. ^ Q = T\w ri'l'^DD he is of opinion. 'Pi^'^Q = ItJ^n rh^):h DD turn above singer ; j^'^D 7lpn ri1JU^7 a sign to change the voice. *j^"q = ^D)):^ "ISD the book of morals; N. B.; hi^H^D the anf^^el of death. i'd'O = ^^^^ ^^^^ '^^^ t^^® l^^'^^i' ^ook of precej^ts. * The numbering of forty nine clays from the Second Day of Passover to the Feast of Weeks is called the numbering of the Omer, ^'j^'O = '''' ri*l^n^^ 15D the book of tlie wars of God. J^^' D = ^'^'^ ^"''^^ ""^^ tlie book called ni^i^n D'^J''^ enlightening of the eyes. P'd'O = PP ^'l^'^ "1^^ t^ic smaller book of pre. cepts. ^Q''D = O^^"" ^^1^^ ""^^ ^^le book of precepts by Maunonides B"D = l^^'^ ^'l'^ ^^^^ end of chapter-; J^ID ^)ti- the perfect end of a matter; ^p''5D 'p^'O the slfghtest doubt. ^''q - nh)V "1"ID the chronicle of the world;: N. B;. n^lDX^ IID the manner of worship. J^J^'^Q rz pt»^1 "1)1^^ ^)D the end of the first page or column. g"^ = p*lS ^1D the end of chnpter-V ip)^^ ^1D a tonic accent at the end of a sentence equal to a period ; nty^B ^^D the end of a section of the Law read on a Sabbath day ; p*lD5 "IID tlie mystery of a sentence. Mg^'g = nJI'in^ ntDllS ^*1D to the last farthing. ^t\Q = t<)^P P^^ ^"1^ the end of the first chapter, J^ D ~ l^P ^*^^^ ^ small branch ; a small section ; {"^tynp pSD doubt of betrothal. »^'q - nJlt^S"! riDD The First Cause ; God. 2i"^D = "^^^^ ^"^p ''l^'l ri^:D^t:D construct state, plural number, feminine gender, pronoun. niD^n ^ti'i^l 87 *11i^ D - ^^"^ 5^*l^ti^ "^St: the allegorical exposition of the i)ook of Exodus. J-)"q = n^nn "ISD the book of the Law ; Hlin ^"inD anysteries of the Law ; T\)'2^t) "'SID tinal letters. nn D ~ ^^'^ T^ ^"^^ ^^^^^' middle, beginning. t^ stands for 70;also for *T)^I^ pa;re or column ; ^1i^ order or arrangement ; '2'!^ the eve of. ^''^ = ]Wiin 11?:^:? first page or column; IMt^ J^'JI^ one subject or matter ; 1h^ pJI^ another subject or matter; 'nHiN 111^ still another one; IH^s 111^ one more; a^h^hi^ nnni^the worship of idols ; U^h^hii ^12)^ wor- shippers of idols ; ^T^^s QSiI^ the world of emanation; d'^'lSi^ T])hh)^ the gleaning of the grapes of Ephraim. ID 'ii^ see the book called '':d^3 ^DV Joseph's knees. J ^ = ''n:i Sl^ or n:i h^ on the back of ; generally the j)repositions on, upon, over. pn ^i) = np^pn >2:\ h^ on the surface of the ground. T ^ = im 71^ on account of; "pi h^ by the way of; fe^T h^ on this ; r\V^ h^^ according to the opinion of ; Tl^l nVJi^ my poor knowledge ; "IH 1^^ the city of David ; \YW'l t

n^ The Most Ancient ; God. n*l''l? = ^^^^ 1^^ ^i^ or ^n?^i^n ^1^ h^ in truth. )^')J = T]\ "ll^l ^It on account of this ; Mt y^1 h^ by this way. )^^"^ = h^^'O ^11 h^ for example ; figuratively; Jl^ ^D1 71^ on account of what ; on some account. \^*^ t^ = D17ty y^l b^ in or by a peaceful way. J^' t^ = l^'^^iHn th)^ the continual burnt offering ; N.B; DlS^n rr*?!^ or V^>^ peace be unto him or her ;* dlWn p^^:^ or Dn^^>^ peace be unto them ; n\T\ |''JIt this subject or matter ; ^7)^n p)^^ the king's vale; N. B;']V):in miDI^ the service of the king; b^llpH pi^ the eye of the reader ; Y'l'^T^ ""l^^ or D^ people of the land; illiterate person or persons ; n7^n DI^ with the word. tD^n *1tit the help of God ; Dti^H "l^X^ the servant of God ; nvnii^n nP with the letters ; n:Dinn p^I^ the vale of blessing ; n^7n p)^1I^ the obscurity of the * These phrases are used after the names of deceased i^ersons. niD'^n ^"irsi 89 rule; ^m^T] n:i1"llta bed of spices-, mi^SJn dSiI^ the world of spirits ; ini^n m)^i^ the pillar of dawn or morning; 770n CDI^ with the whole. 3ri''li^^>i'3n V "^ ^^^ ^^''^ ^^^® ^^^^^"'^ world. jn"j^= "^JVki^lJin mnit the service of the Gershonite; N. B. trC)]} or ^pl^ rz ntn dSiI^ this world. fl nj^ = Dinnn Sl^ about the signatures or seals. pn V "= ^^ V^ ^^^^^ t^ie ^^o^y worship; ti^'llpn T^^ the Holy City. in 'j? = ^^^ V^ the evil eye. nn 'j^ = nn'^nn D:^ with the word. f^ = n: DIt with this ; Ht Sl^ on or about this ; ni^nti^ n^"nt5l^ its seven pillars; N. B.; T\1\ niini^ strange worship or idolatry ; D^Jpt niDi^ the crown of the old ; N. B. J^j"j^ = ^Di^ n^ h>j^ on or about this he says. J^"j^ = 'l):ji^i nt hi^ on or about this it is said. n''j^ = D^^n Y^ the tree of life. fin"l? = nD?2 ''^inn C^^li^ the undersigned witnesses. t"j^ = 'T' h^ through; by ; ''T 71^ by means of; ^ilV rh)^ the burnt offering of Isaac ; N. B; 2p^^ \^^ the eye or fountain of Jacol^ ; N. B. ; tDDti^in'' p>^i^ the vale of Jehoshaphat ; N. B.; p^V p^Hi^ The Ancient of Davs ; God. 12 90 nin^n ^tyt^' i^ll that. 73" J^ = Ultt^b ;«:: ^r so tar is what he says *1ffl''DJ^ = n^riDT n)2 ^D ^:^ about all what i« written. 9 'DJ? = O'^S ^^ ^^ at all events ; W)1'B \^'D "IX^ so far is his explanation. Jfj'y = ni5 ^D Sl^ on every side. ^''j^ z= h^^h Y^^ refer or consider above ; ]"*^I^ |)2p^ refer or consider below or within. ^"j^ = '^pty)2 h^ according to the weight ; accord- ing to the grammatical form ; ni^)2i^^ T^1]^l^ the ten sayings or commandments; DJ'D b^ on condition; h)^ ypV)^ the yoke of a worker of abomination or of an idolator ; 1i;'2^)2i hi^ on the press. J^q''j^ = 'in^ Spti>):i h^ according to one or the same weight ; according to one or the same grammati- cal form. WV'^^^V ^ 'f^^'^ °^^^ ^^'^"^ '^ °^^ ^^'^^ "^^' help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth, a?')^]) = ^^^ ^^P^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^' ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ i-eceiv- in": a reward. l^^^'j^ = '2T\y^ or "irji^t* n):5 b^ on or about what he says or writes ; 15^^ ^11t!l^ pillars of marble ; N. B.; U^W nt<)^ ^I^ until a hundred years. i ]} = 'T^^^J V^I^ it is said about him or it. Ji'j^ = P "inJ pl^ Eden, river, garden. ♦ 3'j^ = Dn^ nS^D: Sl^ (blessing after) washing- hands. 92 nin^n ^ti^s") q"^ = t]^D "^^ to the end ; J^^'D "!i> until chapter—; mn^BD "Iti^i^ the ten Sephiroth or attributes ; nSlD IDX^ pen of a writer ; ri*)3D DII^ the eve of the Feast of Tabernacles ; D'^ISID TlDI^ the removal of some letters from the text of the Scripture by the scribes. J^S'DJ^ = s:i"ini< fc^DI^S ^)D n^ to the last farthini!'. ^"p = ^"inr "13:^ a HebreAv servant ; HSIli^ n^:il^ the heifer whose neck is broken ; VhV \^^^ refer or consider over it ; 1)^ \^'^^ look or consider again ; \'^j^ \'^V a verb having the same letter for its second and third radicals. J^J^'^J^ = G-^^^W niin:^ ^12)^ the worshippers of idolp. fp"p = r]^\ niinit ^12)1^ the worshippers of strange gods ; the devotees of strange worship. Ut V \} = Dti^ "IM^ \^^1^ look or consider there again. Q ^ rr "'S 7i^ by the command of-; according to — ; ''JS Sl^ on the face of ; D^^^^^S H^t!:;!^ ten times ; ^1^ T}ti^ the eve of the Feast of Passover ; pIDS bv on a certain sentence ; Hty'lS b^ on a certain portion of the Law ; 7X^5 ]''i^ the second radical letter. Sn'^Si^ = n"11D)^n ^B h^ according to the Masoreth. ^S"l^ = ^^ ^B h^ by the command of God. t{"j^ z= 1^ h:^ on the side of—; ^:3"1»* r\1\^^ a crown of glory ; N. B. ^ J{''j^ = ^DV ri)):^'^^ the bones of Joseph. p"p = nt*p ^)^ still more difficult ; t^tt^^^p Hp'W ri)Tr\ ^t'i^"i 93 The Ancient and Holy One; God; pDp 21^ a security admitting the terms of an agreement. )p'^ = •iJn'ISSni )W1p 1^^ our holy and glorious city. ip ^ = pT^V riT^pI^ the binding or offering of Isaac ; N. B. hp']} = ^h ntJtp 111^ still more difficult to me ; he opposed me again. pp"^ = n:it:p "l^p n^^^i^ a little chamber ; N. B. ^ t^ = 0*^^1)2^ D^^DI^ wine of pomegranates ; N. B. ni"S? = ^^^^ '^^^ ^'^^ ^^^ <5^^® of a New Year. |-|^"j; = '^^^ '^^^ ^^^ tlie eve of a New Moon ^"^ = ri2^ ni:^ the eve of a Sabbath ; mi^lDli^ 21^^ the eve of the Feast of Weeks ; W^ p**^ refer or consider there ; D1 W Di^ with peace ; with compliments ; b^ Dty in the name of—; nStit h^ on the bank of—; r^^^))2i^ ni^nty its seven pillars ; N. B.; ro^ii^ nS^it the burnt offering of Sabbath ; IpV^ T\)^^ false evidence. 3li^"i^ = l"'*'^^ ^^ V^^ ^efer there for full parti- culars. n*''iyj^ = T^^WT\ *»^^ n"l^»I^ the ten penitential days. p^"^ = )^1"ip nn^ n"lX^ the eve of the holy Sabbath. Jll'\y - 'y^tT\ Th^)> the continual burnt offering ; N. B.; ]*')2irin ^^\^)> joining limits for Sabbath day's journey. rr 94 nin^n ^lysi ON^inj^ = Wltr'^n Di<1 nSnn "I'^It the celebrated city and mother town of LsraeL ^^ ' s ni« 5 ' stands for 80 ; also for p^5 chapter; d'^^^i^S times; p1D3 a sentence or verse ; ti^^^S lie explains ; Dli^^S a portion or section of the Law ; nmriS) open ; openly written ; ''J 173 such a one. JJ g = n^S a corner; XW^'^ pIS chapter first ; *'p1D 3n"11^5 chapters of the Fathers ( on ethics), a tract of the Talmud ; ^Hi^ ti^I'lS another interpretation ; riHS 0X^3 once ; ^ns 0X^3 again ; D1S "^JS a man's face ; N. B.; n^lb^ ^1^ a lion's face; N. B.; ^7t^ t53 a quiescent verb having ^ for its first radical. 7^"a = ^^1^ '^^'"'^ ""^^ the smaller book called ''^ti n'^'IS a lion's face. t^N^D = l^VSltD lVt« p'lS the chapter of the Talmud commencing with the words m^'S^D l7i<* tDt?' S = r'^'^^^ r^ P""^ tl^e chapter of the Talmud commencing w'ith the words J''*T*)2i>^ p^s Si^"S - ^^ ''^ "^^ ^^^^ to face. 3"g = ^W p"lS chapter second &c ; ^niDD p'lS the last chapter. ♦2''S = rTTirr^ ri*'^ J^tD^75) the escaped of the house of Judah ; the deliverance of the house of Judah. *Every chapter of the Talmud is thus named from its commencing "Prord*, Si' 3 = Q^^S^ °'^5 ^^C6 to face ; ^2)hf^ p ''JlS!) such a one the son of such a one. j"g = nSn:i sninSs a great part ; HDij:) hns furtive Patha. nJS = 5^^^^ "'^'^ P""^ *^iG chapter of the Talmud commencing with the words Hti^^n ^"'Jl i^''j3 = ^^' ''^^^ '■^^^"^ ^^^ Y^^^ ^ serpant shall bite him, who breaks an hedge or trespasses a limit. ^ g = i^^SDT nn^nS the introduction or opening of a book ; siSDn i.; IV lf>3 a verb having ** for its first radi- cal ; i<^V 7i^S a transitive verb. HD S = D'^^S^n ^:d pis the chapter of the Talmud commencing with the words d^'^blin 70 ^dS = ^^^^ ^^ p'l^ the chapter of the Talmud commencing with the words ^liT\^ 75 5f 3 9 = r^l^ "l^'^ P^^ the chapter of the Talmud commencing with the words J^'T'I^ *^V^ 7 3 = pJD^ ni3 the flower of Lebanon ; N. B. ^' S = T\1i;)2 ^J5 the face of Moses ; N. B. Nffl' 9 = r*^^^ 5^^^ ^"'S the rod of Aaron bud- ded ; N. B. ifi' 2 = ^^^^^ ^^^ precious fruits ; N. B. D^^'S = Jnl1^nD):i D^JS a smiling face ; N. B. ^ tj = p3 ts3 a defective verb having 3 for its first radical ; J^OtO^ ^S bere is buried ; l^pJ 113 here is entombed ; "^S^ JI'^'lS the ransom or redemption of a soul. 5 3 = n^^iriD nninS an open paragraph, a closed paragraph.^ p' g = 1)2})^ ^>>S an intransitive verb ; D^J^^ linS an open ])lace. pn 'PS = 1^'1'lp^ ^^^ ^^ ^ere in the holy city of-. * The open paragraph is so called because it commenced the line ; and the other closed, because it is Bcparated M-ithin the line by ft space. *l'^J^3 = ^"^"^ ^^^^ t^® revealer of secrets ; N. B- Q '2 = n3 pnna an excuse; hope; ^^St^3first radical letter. n*J{' 3 = "^^^^ '^^'^^ P"""^^ ^^ ^^^ mouth of the righteous meditates on wisdom. p^'g = nJtOp ^13113 a small coin ; a farthing ; p13 nDp the first chapter ; D'^'lDilp ti^1*l5 explanatory notes; ;tDp D^113 the little Purim. *l''S = r^*^ ^''^ apiece of pomegranate ;N. B.;D1'l3 d*'J1^1 an orchard of pomegranates. J^*^' g = "l^P^hi^ ^n^l ^p'lS chapters of Kabbi Eliezer ; N. B. Dl'^'HS = '^''^ ^^'^ ^'^'^ ^^'^ literal sense, figurative sense, explanatory sense, mysterious sense; the four different modes of interpreting the Holy Scripture. p*^'''-^|3 = ^nup *Tn ^'21 m'l^ commentary of Rabbi David Kimchi. n'^"S = ^^^^^^ ^311^^*1"^!) Rabbi Channanel explains; U^in ni: a new fruit ; N. B. ^*=)"g r: nt^'ti ''pis chapters of Moses ; N. B. ^D"*13 = P^l?^^ ^*^^ ^^^ ^^"^ ^"^^ ^^ Aaron budded ; N. B. ^^''•-)g = ^p"^^^ ntoW ^31 ti^*l*lS commentary of Rabbi Shelomo Ishaki. n^'^S = ^'^ ^y^'l t^TS our Rabbi Tarn explains, ^''g = ni^t^* p'lS the chapter containing the song of objects in nature; N. B.; D^^^ '5 double portion ; doubly . . 13 95 nin'^ri ^t^^n r)"l3 = f^lp^ ^^^ the gate of hope ; N. B. ' nn 9 = P^^^ P^""^ n^yii'^JS inner, middle, outter. ^n £} ~ nri^ri>) an opening; the introduction of ^ book. has = '^^''^ ^^^^ t^ perhaps you will find an occasion to say. ''y stands for 90. ^")^ = "in^ T^ one side; IHi^ 1^ another side. 7K''5J ^ ^"^r^ i^J^^ 'y'^'^ yo^^ are required to say. ff'' 13 y = '7t"1D l^li sheep considered as iron. y^ = rxh^:^ ni^ the fast of Gedaliah ; 1*l^:i p^llS a jDerfectly righteous man. )^l"jy = '^'^^l '^^'^'^^ ^P^^ ^ gi'^^t '^^^ ^i^t^^ ^O"'- ^"jf = ll'n n)21^ the Branch or Sprout of David ; the Messiah ; N. B. ; ti^D"! ^n a honeycomb ; N. B. pl"^ = ^\C:r\ 11"115 a bundle of myrrh ; N. B.; ^^"i Ji:i^n sorrowful afflictions ; d"^DniDn nxi^ the rising of stars; D^'l^^in T\)2\'t, a knot or contraction of the senews. DV^nif = ^"^^ ^T\Vr\ "r^ the better side. lDn"l{ ~ Q^^^l^'^ ^^^ tl"^® rising of stars. Nl"i» - ^^"1^^*^ nplli righteousness and truth. ^l"l{ = D1"n"I1 pfilS north and south. n"y ^ »^np-i^ '^npn^'l "jnplli the three verses na.ine ly P^alm xxxvi. 7; Lxxi. 10; and cxix, 142; which are recited on Sabbath days in the afternoon prayer. J-)tJ{t''\{ = n^^n Yr\W^ T^S^ p^n!2 the righteoua eeparates his fring-es always. 7 3{ = nvnb y^'"«jp = n^iin'' Sip the voice of Judah ; N. B. f^ p = n)^sn n^p acquire wisdom ; he acquired wisdom, 0*^' Dt5 = ^"^p^ c^r^m n^nto n^iip holiness, purity, mercy, hope. s'p = n"!in'' Sip the voice of Judah ; N. B.; nSnp Dp^** the congregation of Jacob ; QIH'' t^'^'^lp the praise called my repeated by an orj)han. ^/'p = I? bs):i*'"'p it is confirmed with us. te^"fe^ _ ^x:^ Q^ Di^'^'np the dividing. of the Red Sea. H 'ry - \''2Th Sp easy to understand ; "htW^ it is difficult for me ; "h ^""W^ he questioned me ; he objected to my proposition. Xy) Ty = ''^S "ti^llp holy unto God ; dedicated to the worship of God. ^'p = nnitJ p'lp an offering of a gift; a meat offering ; N. B. q"*^ = ^11D J^'ip an oath upon an handkerchief ""Trhia is^thefirsTof the thirteen lof^ical rules laid dowu by Rabbi lubraa^l foi e^tpotiudin^ the Iiaw. or any other article fit to be sworn upon. ^D'p = ^^^^^ ^p^^ ^P do you suppose ? ^^"p = t^nn'^S"! mJIJi^ D*'"ir:)J*lp notes on the laws of the seclusion of a deserted wife. p'S = mip Snp or n^ii^np nSnp a holy congrega- tion ; D^li^lp ti^llp holy of holies. pp p = "^""^P ^'^'^P ^^^? ^^^y' ^*^b'' ^^^y- J^Jl' ^*p = niirin m^^'lp the reading of the Law. ^3 V'*1p = D'p''"t^ "'^nsn nitl^^'l mi ^1p the voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous. ^' p= :^)2ti^ n^^^lp the recital of ^«1ti^^ :^?2t5^ " Hear Israel the Lord our God is one Lord.'' niy"p = l^^hn ^W t^lp he read and studied H^^n. jpl'p = ^npnn ti^^'lp a praise in the liturs^y called ti^'^'lp containing a sentence commencing with the word Sapnn. "^ stands for 200 ; also for pi .^Dl -Dl Rabbi. ^"•^ = ItX^^^ SI Rabbi Elazar ; 1^^ ^Dl the Rabbi says ; ron^ ^')'^^ paved with love ; mntit^*t< ^^1 first watch of the night ; Itl^^^^ ^21 Rabbi Eliezer. IS 'j<^ = W p Qmn^ ^D1 Rabbi Abraham the son of David ; ll^-l 13 Dni35< ^31 Rabbi Abraham the son of Deor, 102 nn^n "«tttt5i n3"K1 = !=''^ P •l^'*':'^ '^^ Rabbi Elijah the son of Haeem. n*3"i'' ^n^ Rabbi Jacob the son of Eliezer. ff , JI3 n = P*^"!^^ P ^^"^^ ^^^ Rabbi Joseph the son of Goreon. n3*l = D^IVlDH ^1^3 np:;^ ^S1 Rabbi Jacob the author of D^^IItDH h^^l. J5'S<-^ = ^«:Df in pnV ^ni Rabbi Jochanan the son of Zakkai. ^a't^ = '^"^ P I^lti^in^ ^D^ Rabbi Joshua the son of Levi ; D7 p ^Dl** "^21 Rabbi Joseph the son of Leb. ttS'^n = "^'^^ ^^ ^^^' '^^ I^abbi Joseph the son of Meir. p"n = iri: ^D pn^^ ^D"! Rabbi Isaac the son of Nathan. *lD''n = ^"l '^ ^P^' '^^ Rabbi Jacob Be Rab. X^'2'^'^ = ntl^^ti'-D pm^ •'Dl Rabbi Isaac the son of Sheshath. Jjt"*^ = pi<:i min^ ^D1 Rabbi Judah Gaon.» l^y'"^ = jnnn ^i^a^ '^m Rabbi Yanai the priest. * The word ^i^^ literally means eminence ; but it is also a title added to the name of certain eminent Rabbles. niD'Tl ^l^'i^l 105 )"i^ = h^^)) DpXt'' ''ni Rabbi Jacob Wawecl. ^t''*l zz ^J5<1tD ^Dl"' ''Dl Kabbi Joseph Taranee. 50J^"t"n = C]ninb5 in nilD DV ^ni Rabbi Yom Tob the son of Abraham. t^D '♦^ = p^ri^^1I3 DV^'niRabbi Yom Tob Sahlon. 7t''^ =: «''1lb pnii^ ^31 Rabbi Isaac Luria. )2t"*) = Y^^):^ n^nn^ '•ni Rabbi Judah Meiitz. ^♦''^ = ppj rriin^ "^31 Rabbi Judah Nakdan. pi'^ = pSlp 5^DV ''ni Rabbi Joseph Kolon. J^t *^ =: l^n^Jn ''*' nil may the spirit of the Lord lead him. 9S = "1^ '^^ Rabbi Levi ; ^)2)h n^ll wishing or meaning to say ; 1^17 Hlil he wished or meant to say ; ]prh '')^1 fit to amend ; ^^pS t^^l Resh Lakish; N, R. ; the chief of a band of robbers. JI3 7*1 = ^^'^^^ P ^*l^ ^^^ R^^^^^i Levi the son of Gershom. *^'^ - Ti^):i ^ni Rabbi Meir ; SJti^ntJ ^5^^"! the faithful Shepherd ; Moses ; snn^n^ ti^^'l the princi- pal of a college ; tsH^ Xl^^l the chief of a city or place. J.}^''*^ = l^li^ "l"'i<):5 ^21 Rabbi Meir says ; ''31 ^itSlD'^t^ nii^):i Rabbi Moses Esralash ; yi^hi^ Mti^^D ^D1 Rabbi Moses Alshech. PI3"q*^ = D3n hpn 1^^>:5 '^m Rabbi Meir worker of wonders. f/ 14 106 nin^'n ^iy«^ of Maimon, generally known as Mainionides. p''Q*l = 1^5^^ "^^ ^^^ ^^^ Rabbi Moses the son of Nachman, generally known as Nachmanides ; "'D^ jnj 12 T^<^ Kabbi Meir the son of Nathan. ni^'^SQI = ^^^ ^^^ "l^^^ ^^"^ Ra^^i ^^^i^ work- er of wonders. i)^"^ = ''DJsV:! nti>):i ^n^l Kabbi Moses Galanti. t'd'l = ^''^^ "^^^ 1^''^'^ our Rabbi Moses Zekhuth. nfi'S = V^ ^^^ ^^^ I^abbi Moses Hazzan or Minister ; the numerical value of this abbreviation shows also the 248 negative precepts, and the 248 members in the human body. ^^"^ = jnn r\V)2 **D"I Rabbi Moses the priest. hd'^l = r^^''^ '^'^^ '^^ I^^bbi Meir Lublin. fflfi'S = Y^^^ 5^^^ ^^^ R'^^^i ^oses Mentz. pfi"*1 = ITimip nti>):i 13^ni our Rabbi Moses Cordaviro. i"*n = \)2i^2 n:^1 the faithful Shepherd; Moses; d^DJ i:i''ni our Rabbi Nissim. Ji'S = r^^ pti^hJ i:]^ni our Rabbi Nahshon Gaon. g ^ = ))2^D ti^^l the beginning of chapter — . JD'S^P'^^ n^^lI^D IJ^DI our Rabbi Saadiah Gaon. y"^ = nn^pi^ ^D1 Rabbi Akiba 5 D^I^I^ ''D1 Rabbi Azariah. a))'^ = ^'^^^ 5^^?^ '^"I I'^a^^^^j ^kiba says ; '^D^ niD^n ^)^^i 107 ^)D1S rr^ltlt Rabbi Azariah says ; \W^1 "1)1:^^ t^S^ the top of the first page or column. plj^"*^ = Dl^ti^n vbl^ 1J'':i^ our Rabbi may peace be on him. B''^ = D'^riS n"l many pearls ; N. B. ; pIDS li^t^l the beginning of sentence — ; p13 1^^^ the beginning of chapter — ; ''3173 ''Dl Rabbi so and so. IV'^T = ^^^^ f^P^^ ^""^"^ lie that followeth after righteousness and mercy ; IDlTIl nplli *'S^1'1 they that follow after righteousness and mercy. Tip *1 - IP'f'^ D1):i^JlVlp IJ^'n") our Rabbi Colonimos the old. 'Q}^'^ = n^l^l^ti^ ^2)1 D11 many many compli- ments U^'^T = \)^i:i'^ pi Rabban Simeon ; hiV D^l Samuel's Ramab * ; N. B. ; HD^ti^ 13^1 our Rabbi Solomon ; I'^^^tJ^ t^t^l the head of a goat ; D^Jt!; lif«1 the beginning of years. Na'tS^T= dnint^ p {ii^)2t^ ij^di our Rabbi Simeon the son of Abraham; nils p TM^hl^ ^D1 Rabbi Solomon the son of Addereth. J3 '^J^*^ = ^«^^^:3 p J1X^):5ti^ pi Rabban Simeon the son of GamlieL i^li}*! = ''^^''^ ""^ pi^^tS^ 'ni Rabbi Simeon the son of Yohai. * Ramah is the name of a city where Samuel the prophet and his parents lived. 108 mn^Ti "^ti^si /^"lyn = ^1^ P \)V):^]^ ^^"^ Raljbi Simeon the son of Levi ; l^^ph JD Jll^^^t^ ''ri") Rabbi Simeon the son of Lakish. fi!l"li^n ^ ""^^^ P lli^^t^ ^3"! Rabbi Simeon the son of Meir. Y^'lif^ = P'''^^ "^^ ^'^^^ ^^^ ^'^^^^ Solomon the son of Sadok. IQ^'tyi - ^^^"1^ "^"l ^^^^ ^^^ ri^^^i Solomon De Medina. Ei^"*n = D^tD dti^ 21 Rab Shem Tob. ^t!^"^ = T^^^ ^^^^ ^^"^ ^^"^^^^ Solomon Ishaki, generally known as Rashi ; ^H^l^ T]):h]^ ^:2l Rabbi Solomon Yarchi ; bslti^'' ^tOD^ t^Sl the head of the tribes of Israel. ^t^'S = P^ "^^^^ ^'^'^ Kabbi Solomon the priest. hlif "1 = ^^"'l^ nriSt!^ ^ni Rabbi Solomon Luria. J?7 'li^l = ^^'l^ ^^ ''^'1^"' Lord of the universe. present. f)"^ = dn i:3^n"l Our Rabbi Tam ; nin^D ^t^i^"! initial letters or abbreviations. 2^ stands for 300 ; at the beginning of words for the relative pronomi 1)^^ who, which or that ; and for the conjunction that ; also for "ll^ti^ a gate ; a part generally of a book. ^"^ =r. ^n^ li^iy a gate ; a part ; \W^1 "l^^ti^ the first gate ; the first part ; \Wi<'l S^lt)ti^ First book of Samuel ; r^^WitTi I^inii^ the first week ; C3''"lSS "Ij^t^ the gate of Epliraiin ; N. 13. ; d''13i< l^li/ the remnant of Ephraim ; N. B. ; n"11&< "^^P]^ the gates of light or prosperity r\:)^^ ''^''rili^ the ways of faith; N. B. mi 1i? = "^^^^ '«^ which is impossible . ^ii'llf = ^P^' ^^^^'^ the remnant of Jacob ; N. B. h^'mif = "1^^ ini^ty'' n^^ ^):^W may He who observes truth protect him for ever. 3V'N2^ = \^^^ C3«^ which if not so. ^l{''i<2^ = l^t^ Y""^ r^^ ^^i^ich is not required to be said; n51^7 Ti^^^'^ HJ*'^^ which is not required for its purpose. ^'^ = •'ItyD "l^ti^ near of my kin ; ^ins 1i<^ my kin after me ; 1)^1p)^!3 \^W one dwelling in his place. ^"i'llli} = ^'1"'^^'' I^ni^nti^ which is, or which are in the four elements. t^"^ = n^lin^ tonti^ the tribe of Judah; the sceptre of Judah ; N. B. J3 ^ = ti^J '^^ DT^ any son of man ; any human being. Sl>''3t^ = ^^ ^^^^ which is oral. ^'•^ = d^*nin:i ''tsSt:^ shields of mighty men ; N. B. ; C^)^ 7ty belonging to the gentiles. ^"^ = I^DIi^ I^V the fourth gate ; the fourth part; 110 mn^'n ^i^^^'i 1^1 '^1]^ the root of a word ; the source of a thing ; d^)2"l nin^Sty bloodshed ; n^"l ''bSti^ the lips of under- standing ; N. B.; t^lll ''li^ti^ the gates of the plain of Dura ; N. B.; ""^^ TSt!^ a good resemblance. ^"i'lif = '^' '^^^ 5^^^^ Solomon, David, Jesse ; hi<1'^^ ni^n ^):iW the Guardian of the dwelling of Israel. ^^"^J^ = t^J^h'Tl n^W a messenger of the Merci- ful, a title given to a messenger from the Holy Land sent to make a collection in aid of some charitable institution. n 'l2^ = Qtyn lltt^ the gate of the Lord ; dVH rati^ it is Sabbath^to-day ; D^p)2itn TiW)^ the lily of the val- leys; N. B.; d^Tti^n l^ti^ the Song of songs ; N.B.; nWbti^ n^npn a chain of traditions ; N. B.; d'^lDDn pti^ who decides thus ; SlDD ^JSti^ it differs here ; dnn ^JSti^ it differs there. ii^^TW = ^^"^^ |):5tn';i^ which is occasioned or specified by time. ♦nS*"niy = ^'''^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^* ^^ Sabbath to-day, it is Passover to-day. f^Vi'lif = 1^^^ -^^^^ ^^^^S Solomon ; ^11S)2n dti^ the ineffable name of God. DTi'lif = 'TlDt^in^ which is a mystery ; ni'lID dDtS^ which are mysteries. VTi'tf ^ CD^p):iI^n r\WW the lily of the valleys; iV. B. ; Dlii^n dty a substantive. mn^n ^tysi iii ni^^ntZ? = Dl^ti^n V^r ^S)2nn):5St^ King Solomon may peace be on him. lifil'lif = ^^^^'^^ "l^ty the Song of songs ; N. B. nn''li^ = '^^^'^ ^^ ^^^ adjective. ^ g^ = D^I^I Tlti^ warp and woof; a cross. ^)'V = ^^^ ^'^^ any one. 31 lif ~ p'^*'^'' 12'^1'Si^ the slaughterer and examiner (of meat) ; Jlp'^IDI HD'^riti^ slaughtering and examining ( meat ). the first six Parashiyoth of the book of Exodus ; fasts observed on Mondays and Thursdays of the weeks during which these Parashiyoth are read. t^3 )]^ = D1t5 7^1 Dlvti^ peace and every good. f)^ '^ = T])2WT)^ T\)b^'^ questions and answers. J ^Jf = ^^t Qti^ a raascuHne noun ; X^^t T)2'D)^ con- jugal intercourse ; seed of copulation. t\ X^ - DJJ^ T\i^W causeless enmity ; envy; \2i^^T] T\)W years of life ; N. B. ptiVf = V^P ^'^^^ ^"1^ Sheva, Cholem, Kamets, three vowel points. i;^''^ = nib Dty a good name ; nilD IViW he that seeketh good. HD '12^ = ^^^ "1^^ ^ bond of debt. ^H'wif = "^^ ^''^ ^^'^ ^^^^^ bon^ ^^ ^^^^• t"^J^ = iDpi^"' nnii' the Captivity of Jacob ; N. B. ; b^lty"' nSti^ the language of Israel ; N. B.; \2''W^ ^HSt^ 112 n^iD'Ti ^iv^^i the words of old men; N. B.; ^'^'^ l^'lW the root of Jegsi; N. B. ; ^"Qn'' l^-li^ His blessed name ; 1^ bt^ of the hand; J^DI'^ n^lSty the renmant of Joseph ; N. B.; It^'' d^ a noun in the nominative case. n3 '^2^ = n^snn nitt^tn ns^ np^nty silence is appropriate at the time of prayer. f]ll W = ^^^^ 1"'"' ^^''l'' ""^^ double guide to the way of wisdom ; N. B. ahW = P^ 1^ J^'"'^'' ^^'^'^ "^ay peace be unto him ; Amen. S^Qt^'^tZ^ = \)2^ D^DIID tl^l^'^h iT^JT'ti^ that he may live a hapi^y life ; Amen. T)/ W = ""^^^ ^"^^^"^ ""^ ''^'''1^ I P^^^® ^^^ always before me. ^t''^^ = r^'^^ n^n^iy that he may live for ever. ^'^ = I'n'D ^T\^1^ the lips of a priest ; N. B. T\^ li} - d"'^^'^ P''^ ^^^ decides thus. f?5"iy = ^P^ T^t^'Dli^ (rules about the sheaf) for- gotten in the field at the time of gleaning; iDpS )h)'Dt^ the whole of which is to be gleaned ; the whole of which is in extracts. ^^"l^ _ ^n:D^)D T\h^ TOIl^ Sabbath is a bride and a queen. n^'^Dli? - ^^^'^^ \)^^1^5 ^"1^^ ^^y *^^y reward be double from heaven. in" 331!? = nSll-in nOiD '^Tli^ the surviving members of the Great Synagogue. ^"^ - tops nVinti^ a gleaned ear of corn ; N. B. ; nin^n ^ti^^i 113 • h'^i^h ^^"^tS^ agreeable to the above ; ^^^^ li^t^n^ which we have sinned against thee; b>*''1l7 T\)y7)if Solomon Luria. n? t^ = ri'^'inn nihl^ ^m the two tables of the covenant ; N. B. H'D'^hvf = 1^^ tD^'nilD D^):i''S n'^n^tS^ that he may live a happy life ; Amen. J^/'^^Jf = "^inrr h^h nnti^ praise or thanks to the blessed God. 1!?7 !2? ~ ^1^^ 1^ ^''^^ P^^^®' P®^^^ ^^ ^^^^ *^^^- )D ^J^ - rT'i^ i^^"ty we understand or learn from it 5 1^1^:5 n^^Dti^ lying on deathbed ; rh^12 h)^ celestial ; d''^?^ jri7"Ii^ the table of kings ; royal feast. nV'ffllJ^ = ^"l^"^^ "'^^*' ^y^ ^''^'^ reading every verse of the text of the Law twice and its Chaldee paraphrase once. J^q"^ = ^^^"^^ ^^^'^ rr^inti^ the morning, the afternoon, and the evening prayer. li^Q^t^ = ^^1^^ t:^ a name applicable to differ- ent things. ^'^ = imJti^ as it is said ; DDp: Oti^ a feminine noun ; ntDIJ Qti^ a collective noun. 33 'li^ = ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^y Whose word or command all things came into existence. ni"t^ = ^^ ^'l^ ^^ silent Sheva. 3i 'li^ = n^Di ^"153 ntO^nty meat slaughtered by a gentile is like a carcass. 15 114 nn^n ^)^i;n ^i'\if = "hP^ I^^J ^^^ty one whose work is not remembered or considered. Q ^ = Q'^I'ID nti^ti^ the six orders or parts of the Mishna. no tJ^ ~ the numerical value of this abbrevia- tion shows the 365 affirmative precepts correspond- ino- to the 365 veins in the human frame and to the number of days in a year. ^"^ - rillJXt ^:^)^]i; the eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles; ^111^ jnSti^ a prepared table; N. B.; nTli^i^ Tl^l^i]^ eighteen blessings. * ^P"^ = ri^)2"t ^"lit^ the gates of tears ; N. B. t^Q J^ty ~ "f^^ ^^"^"^ I^^ti^carding,spinning, twisting. Dl^"t^ = ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ a common noun. ^id'p"^ = ^^^^' ^^'^ ^^ ^^ ^"^^^ peace to the whole seed of Israel. SJ^'^t^ = ''^"'^ ^^^ ^'^ ^ proper noun. f?n"l?tt^ = ^'^1^ P"^^ ^^^ T""^ 1^^^ the book called ']1*1^ jriSti^ by Rabbi Isaac Luria. iyj?''l2^ = pty)^ty ^^^)^ the gates of Samson ; N. B. g''^ = riDIIS ni^ worth a farthing. HQ"^ = ^"f:^^ ''^^^ the lips of truth ; N. B. " QS'lZ^ = ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ abundance of dew ; N. B. ♦S 'tZ^ = ^"^ D^i^nS 1)D1tii^ the Lord is the protector of the simple. *■ See note page 51. *^^"Ti} = rilJJI ^nStit the singing lips ; N. B. )i"li} = P^^ ^^^'^ tl^e gates of righteousness ; N. B.; ^11^ in^b)^ the messenger i. e. the minister of a con- gregation. /DJn")S3{2^ = ^i^nn^ Saturn; pIlS Jupiter; C^liiX^ Mars ; Hi^n the Sun; n:i*lJ Venus ; nnilD Mercury; nJD^ the Moon. p'^ = li^"I1p rinti^ the holy Sabbath. ^ ^y = i'l d17ti^ much peace ; many compliments ; Jl^l X^Dti^ satisfied with favour ; N. B. ; t^ni ni):5ty the allegorical exposition of the book of Exodus. ♦ *^"iy = Spl^ D^'I^ti^l Dti^ the name of the wicked shall rot. vlti^D)^ great peace have they who love thy Law, they shall have no stumbling block. ^ ^ = i^W ril^lDI^* a vain or unnecessary oath ; yi^ riX^nti^ a false oath ; \2^12)^ nt^ the name of God ; Dl7ti^ D'^ti^ keep peace ; the last portion of the H'T'^^i^ or the prayer offered silently ; C3'^'li^1ti^*«Jti^two roots ; I^^Iiti^ n^vty the fame of Solomon ; N. B. hUf'll} = ^^^^^ ^^^'^ ^^ the name of God in vain. J-^"^ = i^J^jn S^W a second compliment ; i^j:^'^ ^)2>^T\ perhaps you will say ; M^iri flh^^ the rejoicing of the Law; the ninth or last day of the Feast of Taber- nacleg ; nSlt^H T\2)^ the Sabbath of repentance i.e. 116 T\)'2^'n ''tS^i^l the Sabbath that falls within the ten penitential days ; rh^T) ^r^W the Hearer of Prayer; God. n n stands for 400 ; at the beginning of words as the sign of the second person and third person feminine ; and at the end of the second person ; also for riDlti^ln the answer of — ■; ppD ordination or direction; T\tlT\ in- stead of ; under ; D^I/OD a substitute of-. ^ f) = ^T\^ dl^in another paraphrase or interpre- tation ; D*)7pi1i< Ql^liri the Chaldee paraphrase by On- kelos ; 7&< ri1):5lhin divine consolations; N. B. ; m^'JI^n ITWDi^ the Fast of Esther; JI'lH^ ni'l^in the generations of Aaron ; notes of reference in some editions of the Scripture showing where certain passages are quoted in the Talmud. 1i{"n = ^"^^"^ tJlfc^ rrri^in the generations of Adam and Eve ; N. B. ; nini D1« niin the law of Adam and Eve. 5Q''i"gn = ^11:1 Wlt!^^ nii t^ = nnat^ -, n = nj^nn ; the different modes of blowing the trumpet. J^"n = nnn "Il^Sn the study of the Law. 122 nin'Ti ^tri<^ APPENDIX. The abbreviations marked with asterisks are repeated in the Appendix for further explanation. t"fc<* = nt di? if this. n^"^=^ - dti^n Tit:)'' d!^ if God decree. y'S^A-=''):i3 ^fc^ if so. ^ti'^'t^ = rr^W n^^rity n/'^^^ eating, drinking and accompanying. 1)i''D^^ = iok. It"v: - ^^^ the price. n*l"l^^ = ti^ll^n *^'Tl 7i^ according to the Mitlrasjli. )2"i^^ = ypti^?2 b)^ the perversion of the abominable or idolater. h^"^ = Th^)::ih l^f J \^^^ the abovementioned subject. V^ ^>h — D'^^7^ '^'lUl'lI^ tlie worshippers of images. tit"^* = Dtit ^1i^ again there. ^"fi» = n7l*1^ nri^l73 a great controversy. h^''p = n^^ l^i^p he says to hira. iDp'^p ^'I'TlD \'^^V 7inp accex>tancc of the oath on an handlcerchief. nti^"p* = HJ7T\ i^2)^ T\1p the Scripture, the Mishna, the Gemara. "^^''l = D'^J^^h^ ''JD D'^J^^h^ the merciful, who are the children of the merciful. h"^^'- = DJn ^)2lti^ (^^'^ "^^'^10 undertakes a charge without any remu- neration. h':r]"i^1^z=\^1Th *1i3t pSn^i^ lin^ white on Uack is in memory of the destruction of Jerusalem. ^"ti^ = X^^ Dli^ an evil name. V'f''W-:< = ^"D)^ TDl"^ o"6 ""^^° undertakes a charge for wages. ^n"ni^n = ^n)2s f^^i^n vsn i^:i^"i ^n'' •^nti^n (EHjah) the Tishbite shall come and tell the true explanation with his own mouth. ■» ERRATA. Page. Lino. 4 8 for V)i< read 3^1« 5 9 fur hDinS read HDlS^ 8 1 for ^)^^ read \^)y^ b IG for end a sentence read end of a sentence. 8 24 for the abbreviation Ji^fc\ should be above i^ii^S » 19 for inn^^n ihi^ rm<^ nn^5 imi^n 10 17 for comniuntation read commutation. 12 8 for i<1 read ^T 17 16 for word read words. 24 8 for the way o read the way of. 2!* 14 for it is he who said read this is what they sar. 32 13 for '•31 'hv'lTy let my Eabbi enter rmd ">31 Th^2T\ ths eminent Kabbi. 37 10 for a7n"l read D^Hl 53 21 for n'h:>)y^^ read D'^t^X^Dt^^ 56 17 for ^f^l read '''01 57 9 for ^1T} read DIH 58 14 for 1)22 read llDD 63 21 for every one read to every one, 64 25 for ^IHtO read h)T]1::i 71 26 for slaughtre read slaughter. 67 10 for niDinS read DD'^^h 72 23 for 13):iDn read W::)2U 73 18 for Gods read gods 83 9 for r\y2r\2 read Tl^^Ti^ 92 6 for i^D119 read DDIIS 103 24 for b^ini read h^)'ni 103 26 for ^m read ^^1 -"^ ) » C University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 • Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. 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