BERKilCY LIBRARY U^4tvE(t5ITY OP CALIFORNIA 4/# 6o ^; A GREEK GRAMMAR NEW TESTAMENT, AND TO THE COMMON OR HELLENIC DICTION OF THE LATER GREEK WRITERS: ARRANQED AS A SUPPLEMENT TO DR. PHILIP BUTTMANN'S " INTERMEDIATE OR LARGER GREEK GRAMMAR.' Rev. Wm. TROLLOPE, M.A., OP PEMBROKS COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE ; AND FORMKHLY CLASSICAL MASTElt OP CHRIST's HOSPITAL, LONDON. LONDON: WHITTAKER & CO., AVE-M AR I A- L ANE. MDCCCXLIl. LONDON: Printed by William Clowes and Sons Stamford Street. TO THE Rev. EDWARD RICE, D. D., HEAD MASTER OF CHRIST's HOSPITAL, &c. &c. &c., IN GRATEFUL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OP MANY AND ESSENTIAL SERVICES, AND AS A TESTIMONY OF RESPECT FOR HIS HIGH ATTAINMENTS AND BENEVOLENCE OF HEART, THIS WORK IS DEDICATED By the author. April, 1841. b2 PREFACE. There can be no doubt that the genuine sense of the writers of the New Testament, as of any other ancient writer whom- soever, is more readily ascertained by due attention to the principles of grammatical construction ; and many of those dangerous errors, upon which different Christian sects have built the peculiarities of their respective creeds, find an easy refutation in the same quarter. The want of some standard book of reference in this important branch of sacred philology is therefore a constant source of perplexity, not only to the editor of the Greek Testament, who is not apt to regard the endless discussion of minute points of grammar as a legitimate portion of his labours, but to the university professor, the col- lege tutor, and the masters of public schools ; and, in this country at least, no such work has hitherto appeared, to which • the student can be satisfactorily directed. As far as classical Greek is concerned, almost all that can be wished or expected has been performed in the laborious works of Buttmann and Matthi^; one of which, in the excellent translation of Bol- lean, (re-edited from the learned professor's last corrections by Dr. Supf,) or the other in that of Blornfield, is in the hands of every scholar. It formed no part of their object, however, to illustrate the Greek language, except in its state of purity and vigour ; and their citations are taken exclusively from those writers who preceded the times of Alexander the Great. MatthicB had once indeed entertained the design of making his Grammar complete, by the collation of an unbroken series of examples from writers of every age, the earliest to the latest, of Grecian literature; but the idea seems to have been abandoned ; and the Complete Greek Grammar of Buttmann, of which his death in 1830 unhappily interrupted the progress VI PREFACE. would not, even had it been brought to a conclusion, have superseded the necessity of a Grammar exclusively devoted to the peculiar dialect of the writers of the New Testament. It is but very recently, and only in Germany, that the grammar of the New Testament has been separately and sys- tematically investigated on correct philosophical principles, and with reference to the true constitution of the language. The first humble effort in this department of philological in- quiry was that of Solomon Glass, whose Philologia Sacra, published in 1643, contained two chapters on Grammatica Sacra, which are included in the first book of the new ar- rangement by Dathe. His remarks are confined to Hebraisms only. In 1650, Gaspar Wyss published his Dialectologia Sacra; in qua quicquid per universum Novi Foederis contex- twn, in Apostolica et voce et phrasi, a communi Grcecorum lin- gua, eoque Grammatica analogid discrepat, methodo congrud disponitur, accurate definitur, et omnium sacri contextus exem- plorum inductione illustratur. As a collection of examples, this work is very valuable. The peculiarities of the New Tes- tament diction are arranged under seven heads, as belonging respectively to the Attic, Ionic, Doric, JEolic, Boeotic, Poetic^ and Hebraistic dialects ; and, though betraying no very ex- tensive acquaintance with Greek, the several sections exhibit ample proofs that the language of the Apostles and Evange- lists contains something from all the ancient dialects, mixed up with much that was extraneous and new. A more accurate idea of what was required in a Grammar of the New Testa- ment seems to have been possessed by George Pasor, the author of a small Lexicon which has passed through several editions, who left behind him, at his death, a Grammar of con- siderable merit, which was edited by his son, Matthias Pasor, with additions and emendations of his own. The title is, G. Pasoris Grammatica Grceca Sacra ISovi Testamenti, in tres libros distributa a jilio M. Pasor. TheoL Prof. 1655. This work, which is now very scarce, contains much that belongs to Greek grammar in general ; but the syntax is copious and ac- curate, and there is an appendix, relating to the dialects of PREFACE. Vll the New Testament, which is particularly valuable. From this period, until Ph. H. Haab published his Hebrew-Greek Gram- mar (Hebrdisch-Griechische Grammatik fur das N. T.) in 1815, no work expressly devoted to this subject appeared ; and the arbitrary manner in which this author has referred the common properties of all cultivated languages to a Hebrew origin ren- ders the utility of his work extremely questionable. In the mean time, however, the attention devoted by philo- logists to the structure of the Greek language had greatly in- creased the stock of grammatical knowledge ; and the labours of Fischer, Hermann^ Matthice, Buttmann, Lobeck, and Elms- ley, had entirely exploded the system of the older gramma- rians. Under these circumstances. Dr. George Benedict Winer, Professor of Theology at the University of Erlangen, in Ba- varia, published, in 1822, his Grammatik des neutestament li- chen Sprachidioms, als sichere Grundlage der neutestament lichen Exegsse bearbeitet; and the work has been greatly augmented, and altogether remodelled, in subsequent editions.^ Availing himself of the researches which have been so successfully insti- tuted, more especially by Sturx, Planck, Tittmann, and Lobeck, into the character and composition of the New Testament dic- tion, he has distinguished what is really Hebraism from that which belongs equally to the Greek or to all languages indif- ferently ; and has shown that, although many of the forms and constructions may find a parallel in the most approved speci- mens of Attic elegance, still the true basis of the language, employed by the sacred writers, is the popular dialect of con- quered Greece. A New Testament Greek Grammar, written in Latin, was published in 1829 by /. C. G. Alt ; but it con- tains little, if any thing, which is not to be found in Winer, whose extensive, and, for the most part, very accurate re- searches will form the necessary groundwork of all future in- quiries into this highly important branch of biblical inter- pretation. The different ingredients, which enter into the composition ^ The references in this work are to the fourth edition, publihhed at Leipsic in 1836. VIU PREFACE. of the New Testament diction, indicate three methods of ar- rangement in the treatment of its grammar. Either the Greek basis and Hebraistic peculiarities may be separately considered; — or those instances in which it so frequently agrees with the purest Attic models, and those which belong to the later speech, whether written or spoken, may be investigated apart; the Hebraisms being also thrown together by themselves ; — or the language may be regarded as a perfect whole, and exa- mined on the general principles of philosophical grammar. The inconveniences attending the two first of these methods will be apparent from the most cursory perusal of those trea- tises, in which either the same or different authors have eluci- dated the Greek idiom of the sacred penmen, and the Hebra- isms with which it abounds, under distinct heads. Not to speak of the contradictions, real or apparent, which continu- ally recur, there are so many forms of inflexion, which belong equally to two or more of the dialects of ancient Greece, as well as to the later speech, and so many syntactical expressions which may be referred either to a Greek or Hebrew origin, that innumerable repetitions are unavoidable, and ambiguities continually arise. Hence the latter method is not only infi- nitely preferabk in itself, but is open to the adoption of some approved work, in which the grammatical rules of classical Greek have been established and illustrated, as the foundation upon which it may rest. Such is the plan pursued in the present volume, which has been constructed with immediate reference to the Larger or Intermediate Grammar of Buttmann ; a work which is di- gested on the strictest principles of philosophical accuracy, and presents the utmost perspicuity of connected arrangement. By following the order of that work, section for section, with the exception of such as have no bearing upon the subject, the student is enabled to perceive at once in what points the seve- ral forms of inflexion and construction accord with, or vary from, those of the best writers. In the former case, the ex- amples from the New Testament are to be compared with those which Buttmann has adduced, to which in some few instances PREFACE. IX one or two others are added ; and;, in the latter, the New Tes- tament forms either stand alone, or are illustrated by corre- sponding examples from the later Greek, the LXX version of the Old Testament, Josephus, or the Christian Fathers. He- braismsy whether perfect or imperfect, are rel'erred in either case to those passages in the Hebrew Scriptures in which the original expressions occur; and, when it is doubtful to which language the idiom belongs, parallel constructions are given from both. It is obvious to remark, however, that, when the same mode of speaking is common both to the Greek and Hebrew, the sacred writers, from their national propensities, would be more likely to have derived it from the latter. With respect to the nature and use of the prapcsitive article, the theory of the late lamented Bishop Middleton has been adopted, in the firm and settled conviction of its truth. It was not proposed by its highly-gifted framer without that severe and impartial scrutiny, for which his deep critical acu- men and thoughtful turn of mind rendered him so peculiarly qualified ; and though it has been frequently disputed, and a few impracticable examples have been brought against some of its canons, no definite objections have been urged against it as a whole, nor are the violations of its rules either so numerous cr important as to invalidate, in the slightest degree, the soundness of the hypothesis. That it accounts for the inser- tion or omission of the article upon the same unvarying prin- ciple is at least a strong presumption in its favour; and a mere comparison of the sound reasoning by which the doctrine is supported, with the careless and unphilosophical manner in which this part of the subject is treated even by Winer, will show that it is not a few detached exceptions which will be able, without a full discussion, to set it aside. Bishop Middle- ton's work is cited as one of Winer s authorities ; and it is therefore curious, and even painful, to wade through his con- fused mass of examples, which, without even an allusion to Mr, Sharjje's Canon, tend to its complete vindication. He seems to have thought that the use of the article depends, in some manner, upon the sameness or difference of the number PREFACE. or gender of the nouns ; and the exceptions will be found to be almost as numerous as the proofs, independently of much carelessness and inaccuracy in the classification. Many of them even violate his own rules ; whereas it will be found, on the other hand, that a large proportion of those citations, which militate against the Bishop's theory, are derived from the poets. It was only after mature deliberation that the Grammar of Buttmann was selected as the basis of the work, which indeed was originally designed as a supplement to that of Mattfii(£ ; but the consideration that the former is now more generally adopted in our schools and universities, that it is less volumi- nous and expensive, and that a new and improved edition of it, in which the syntax is discussed and illustrated on a less meagre and contracted scale than formerly, was on the eve of publication, determined the question. At the same time a table of reference to the corresponding sections of Matthiae has been given, for the use of those students who give that work the preference. The present work was in a state of considerable forwardness, when a New Testament Greek Grammar, by Professor Stuart, ofAndover, in the United States, was reprinted in this country ; and, had it appeared to pre-occupy the same ground, the undertaking would necessarily have been abandoned. To detract from the merits of a fellow-labourer in the same field would be little in accordance with the views of the author, even if such an expedient were necessary to justify the publication of his own book. Suffice it to observe, that the two volumes are designed for very different classes of students ; and that a Grammar, intended as a supplement to those of Buttmann and Matthice, is required to be more copious in its illustrations, and more critical in its details, than one in which the New Testament peculiarities are only a somewhat more prominent feature than usual, and which is adapted solely or principally to the use of schools. W. T. TABLE OF CONTENTS. § 1 . Of the Language of Palestine in the time of Christ. § 2. Of the Common or Hellenic Dialect of the later Greek writers. § 3. Interchange of Letters. § 4. Moveable Final Letters. § 5. Hiatus; Contraction; Crasis ; Apostrophus. Of the Noun. First Declension. Second Declension. Third Declension. Anomalous Declension ; MetaplasmuSy &c. Declension of Hebrew-Greek Proper Names. Defectives and Indeclinables. Adjectives. Degrees of Comparison. Numerals. Pronouns. Of the Verb. Augment and Reduplication. Formation of the Tenses. Verbal Adjectives. Unusual Forms employed in the New Testament. Irregular Conjugation. § 20. Verbs in /xt. §21. "Ir/^t, EtyLtt. § 22. Anomaly of Signification ; Causatives and Immediatives. § 6. § 7. § 8. § 9. § 10. § 11. §12. § 13. § 14. § 15. § 16. §n. § 18. § 19. XU CO INTENTS. § 23. List of Iriegular Verbs. § 24. Termination of Words. Syntax. § 25. Government of the Noun. § 26. Apposition. § 27 — 35. Article and Pronouns. § 36. Neuter of the Adjective. § 37. Subject and Predicate. § 38, 39. Vocative and Oblique Cases; § 40. Accusative; § 41 — 44. Genitive; § 45—47. Dative. § 48. Passive Voice. § 49. Middle Voice. § 50. Tenses. § 51 — 56. Moods; Particles av, tt, eav, and others. § 57, 58. Infinitive; Attraction. § 59. Construction with the Relative, and its Attraction. § 60. Construction with the Participle; § 61. Casus Absoluti. § 62. Particles. § 63 — 65. Prepositions. § 66, 67. Negative and other Particles. § 68. Peculiar Phrases. §69. Particular Constructions : 1. Attraction; 11. Anacohiihon ; III. Ellipsis ; IV. Pleonasm; V. Asyndeta; VI. Hendiadys. §70. Rhetorical Figures : I. Metonymy; 11. Hyperbole ; 111. Synec- doche ; IV. Antanaclasis ; V. Paranomasia. §71.. Metrical Lines. INDEX. English and Latin, Greek. Texts of Scripture. Xlll Table of the Sections in Matthi-s's Greek Grammar, which correspoml with those of the present work. Matthm!. Introduction Sect. 42. . 43 et s(iq. . 48—52. . 53,54 . . 68, Obs. % 9 69, Ohs. 1 69, Obs. 3 70, Ohs. 2 73,2. . . 78, Ohs. 7 81 ... . 83, Obs. 6 83 b, and 84 85. . . . 90. . . . 91, I . . 92,3 . . 95, 96 . . 113,06*. 1 116—118 . 119 b, 06«. 3 130. .. . 133. . . . 136. .. . 138. .. . 148. .. . 162, Obs. 3 165, Obs. 2 165, Obs. 3 167,6 . , 168, Obs. 1 168, Obs. 2 169,06*. . 170 ... . 177 b. . . 181, 2 . 184,06*. . 185. .. . 193, Obs. 7 198, Ob». 1 198, Obs. 5 198, Ofc. 6. 198,3. . . 200,2 . . 200, 4, 06*. 201.5 . . 203, Obs. 1 208.6 . . 208,6. . . 210, Obs. 1 210, Obs. 2 210, Obs. 5 210, 6, Obs. 1 211,11. . . 216. .. . 220. .. . Supplement. § 2 § 5,1 § 4, and 5, 4 § 5,2 §5,3 § 6, Obs. 1, 2 §5,2 ^ 7 \ 7, Obs. 2 § 8, Obs. 1 § .^2 6 8, Obs. 2 § 8, Obs. 3 § 8, Obs. 5 § 9, 1 § 9, 06*. 1 10, Obs. 1 9,2 § 9, 3, and Obs. 3 § 8,4 § 12 § 8, Obs. 2 6 13, 06*. 1 § 13, 06*. 2 § 13, 05*. 3 § 15,2 § 16, 06*. 2 16, Obs. 3 16, 06*. 1 § 16, 06*. 4 \ 16, 06*. 6 § 16, 06*. 7 § 16, Obs. 4 § 16, 06*. 8 17, 06*. 3 17, 1 22, Ohs. 9 17, 06*. 4 17,2 19, 06*. 3 19, 06*. 1 19, 06*. 2 20, 06*. 7 19, 06*. 8 19, 06*. 7 19, 06*. 6 19, Ohss. 4, 5 20, 06*. 5 § 20, 06*. 4 § 20, 06*. 2 " 20, 06*. 1 20, Obs. 6 20, 06*. .-^ 21,1. 21, II. 18 MATTHtfl?. Sect. 222—255 264 . . 26-), 266 267 . . 268 . . 268, Obs. 1 26S, 06*. 2 269—271 272, 273 274 . . 275 . . 276 . . 277 . . 280 . . 282 . . 283 . . 286 et sqq 292 . . 293 . . 295 . . 296 . . 298,1 . 300 . . 302 . . 304 . . 306 . . 307 . . 311 . . 312 . . 315,316 318 et sqq 325 . 326, 3, 06* 327 . . 328, 329 330 . . 331 . . 334, 335 342 . . 344, 345 347 . . 348 . . 349 . . 350 . . 351 . . •352 . . 353 et sqq. 356 . . 363 . . 367 . . 373 et sqq 377 . . 378, 379 380 . . 382 . . 384 . . Supplement. 06*. XIV TABLE OF SECTIONS. Matthia?. Sect. 385, 386 387 . . 388 . . 391, 392 393 . . 394 . . 395 . . 396 et sqq 401 . . 402 . . 403, 404 405 . . 406 . . 408 . . 409 . . 411 . . 412, 413 414 . . 415 et sqq 420 . . 421 . . 424 . . 425 . . 427, Obs. 429, 430 430 . . 431, 432 434 . . 435 . . 437, 438 439. 440 441 . . 442, 443 443 . . 453 . . 455 . . 457 . . 458 . . 459) 463/' • 464 . . 465, 1 . 466 . . 467 et sqq, 470, 471 472 . . 473 . . 474 . . 475 c. . Supplement. Matthije. 6 46,4 §45,7 § 45, Obs. 13 Sect. 478 ... . 487 ... . §45, 5 488 ... . §45,2 §46,5 489 ... . 490 ... . §48,2 491,492 . . 6 47 § 45, 8 493 ... . 495 ... . §45, 06«. 16 496 ... . §46,3 497 ... . §46,2 498 ... . § 47, Obs. 15 499 et sqq. . § 40, 4 § 40, Obs. 8 502 . . . . 504 et sqq. . §40, 1 507 et sqq. . §40,2 511 . . . . §40,3 513 et sqq. . §40,5 §40,6 516,517 . . 518 et sqq. . § 40, Obs. 15 521 . . . . 6 48,3 522 ... . §40,7 523 et sqq. . § 69, II. 2 527,528 . . § 25, 7 531 ... . r§ 41, Obs. 16 532 ... . § 25, Obs. 13 533 ... . §26 534 ... . §25,1,2 536,537 . . §25,3 540 et sqq. . §37,5 545 ... . §25,4 546 ... . §25,5 548,549 .1 550 et sqq.j* §36 § 25, Obs. 10 556 et sqq. . [§68 559 . . . . §43,2 560 et sqq. . § 43, 3 568 . . . . § 43, Obs. 4 § 13, Obs. 4 570 ... . 572 et sqq. . §41, Obs. 2 577 ... . 578,579 . . § 43, Obs. 7 580 et sqq. . §37,6 5S3 et sqq. . § 34, 4 594 et sqq. . § 44, 2, Obs. 5 597 et sqq. . § 15,2 608 . . . . §34,2 609 et sqq. . §34, 1 630 . ; . . §34,2 631,632 . . §59,1 634 ... . §59, 2 635 ... . §59,4 636 ... . Supplement. § 69, II. 2, Obs. 1 §15,4 §34,3 6 15,3 § 34, 2, Obs. 13 §48,1 §49 § 22, Obs. 6 § 22, 4 § 22, 1—3 § 50, 1—3 " 50, 4, 5 50, Obs. 6 § 50, Obs. 4 § 50, Obs. 5 § 51 §52 § 53, 1, 2 § 53, 3—5 § 56 § 55, 1, 2 § 55, 3 54 59, Obs. 9 §57,1 6 57, Obs. 1 §57,2 § 58, 1, 2 § 58, 3—5 §57,4 " 57,3 58, Obs. 6 §60,4 §60,5 § 60, Obs. 16 §61 60, Obs. 5 60, Obs. 19 §63, 2 §63,3 §63,4 §64 §65 § 65, Obs. 5, &c. §62 §66 §67 § 69, I. and V. 69, II. 69, III. 2 § 69, III. 1 § 69, IV. INDEX OF PASSAGES MORE FHLLY ILLUSTRATED. 237 Chap. Verse. Page. XV 8 . . 64 29 . 132 33 . . 11 35 . 132 2 Corinthians. i. 17 . . 66 20 . . 65 ii 4 . 171 IV. 13 . 163 V. 21 . 189 vi. 13 . . 49 14 . 118 vu 3 . . 51 VUl. 3, 20 163 X. 3 . 123 13 . . 62 XJ. 4 . 178 Xll. 13 . 177 19 . 200 Galatians. ii. 6 . 207 in 5 . 164 IV. 9 . . 32, Note 17 . 148 Ephesiatis. i 16 . 148 18 . 167 11. 11, 12 84 21 . . 76 111. 1 . . 59 16 . 148 IV. 9 . . 48 16 . . 91 Chap. Verse. Page. V. 2 . . 93 13 . . 35 Philippians. James. Chap. Verse. Page. ii. 20, 26 60 iv. 1 . 143 V. 10 . . 93 1. 28 . 158,06s. 6 iii. 5 . 116 16 . 156 19 . 166 20 . . 43 1 Peter. iii. 3 . . 62 14 . . 43 21 . . 48 Colossians. ii. 14 . 119 2 Peter, i. 3 . 176 1 Timothy. i. 5 . 171 ii. 8 . . 18 ii. 5 . . 22 iii. 2 . Ill 5 . 163 15 . . 80 V. 13 . 162 1 John. iii. 20 . . 84 2 Timothy. i. 8 . . 69 . V. 16 . . 83 20 . . 69, 72 Titus. i. 12 . . 22 2 John. ver. 7 . . 61 Philemon. ver. 18 . . 92 Revelation. i. 4 . . 18 iii. 17 . .59, Note Hebrews. vi. 1 . 110 3 . 143 8 . 163 ix. 1 . . 69, Note 2 . . 95 28 .. 77 iv. 3 . . 18 vi. 8 . . 56 viii. 4 . 119 11 . . 56, 171 X. 9 . 156 xii. 7 . 152 XV. 4 . . 84 xix. 13 . . 56 London : Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford-street. GREEK GRAMMATt NEW TESTAMENT. § 1. — Introductory Notice of the Language of Palestine in the time of Jesus Christ. 1, There are two circumstances, which tend materially to affect the peculiar character of a language — conquest and commerce. While the Jews maintained their independence, and had but little intercourse with surrounding nations, the Hebrew, gra- dually developing itself towards that degree of perfection in which we meet with it in the Scriptures of the Old Testament, yet still the same original language which was spoken by the patriarchs and the native tribes of Canaan, continued to be the national speech of the inhabitants of Palestine. The schools of the prophets, established by Samuel, contributed greatly, no doubt, to its richness and purity ; and it was be- tween the judicature of the last judge of Israel and the Baby- lonian captivity that the principal portion of the sacred writings of the Jews was composed. From their intimate connexion with the Chalda^ans, however, during a period of seventy years, it would almost necessarily happen that the Aramcean dialect of the country, Avhich differed very little from their own, except in its pronunciation, should at first be intermingled with, and at length entirely supersede, the native Hebrew of the captive people. So completely, indeed, did the one give place to the other, that, on the return from captivity, the Syro-Chaldaic, or Babylonian-Aramaic, became the national language of the B 2 A GREEK GRAMMAR Jews. Hebrew still, indeed, existed as the language of lite- rature, though fragments of Aramaic are introduced into the books of Daniel and Ezra; but Chaldee Targums, or para- phrases, were universally employed in the synagogues for the benefit of the unlearned, to whom the original scriptures had become utterly unintelligible.^ 2. The extreme aversion of the Jews from anything foreign would have presented an insuperable obstacle to any revolution in their language, which extended beyond a simple change of dialect. Both the Hebrew and the Aramaic were branches of the same parent stem : the grammar of both, as of the other Shemitic tongues, was essentially the same ; and the name of the former, which in the time of Christ had become totally extinct even as the language of literature, was universally applied to the latter. This practice is followed in the New Testament and Josephus, in the Rabbinical writings, and many of the early Fathers. ^ It was this strong nationality that, after the victories of Alexander, and during their subjection to their Grseco-Egyptian and Syro-Macedonian rulers, resisted the introduction of the Greek language, which prevailed at the courts of those princes, and had been very generally adopted in their conquered dominions. It seems, indeed, that Greek was held in peculiar abhorrence ; probably because it had been sometimes employed in the service of treachery.^ Such being the case when Pompey laid siege to Jerusalem, a curse was denounced against every one who should teach Greek to his children ; and during the war with Titus the Jewish youth were expressly forbidden to learn that language.* Inde- pendently of these considerations, however, the more distin- guished families among the Jews had too much national pride to seek the acquisition of a foreign tongue ; ^ and the doctors and scribes considered the knowledge of Greek to be entirely ^ Rab. Azarias in More Eieajim, c. 9. Servatus est mos interpret andi legem vulgo lingua Aramcea toto tempore templi secundi, mansilque ista lingua semper inter eos usque ad captivitatem Hierosolymitanam. ^ See John v. 2, xix. 13. Acts xxvi. 14. Joseph. Ant. i. 3. 3, ii. 1. 1, iii. 10.6. Kpiphan. t. ii. pp. 117, 188. Jerom. Comra. ad Matt. xii. 13. Compare also Lightfoot's Hor. Hebr. in John v. 2. • ^ Pfannkuche's Essay on the Language of Palestine in the Apostohc Age, iii. 1. * Bava Kama, fol. 82, b. Sota Mischnae, c. ix. 14. ^ Joseph. Ant. xx. 10. 2. Ila^' hf^7v ya^ ovx. Ixtivoui uTTohi^ovTui T T : •• ; Ba^ '\uvoc ; xxiii. 7, pa^fi), Aram. >3,'l ; xxvi. 2, 'xa.ffxa-y Aram. KPTDB 5 xxvii. 16, Ba^a/S/saj ; 33, yoXyo^ci; 46, 'HX), 'HX/, Xecf^a. ffaliax^'>iv) (in Mark W. 24, 'EXm is another form, ^J^7J^, instead of vJ^)? Mark Hi. 17, fioan^yts, Aram. Ilj'^y^ "J^^; V. 15, Xiyiuv, Aram. p^j)7 (hdA. Legio); v. 41, ruXiBa xovfn ; \i, 27, ff^nxovXaTa^, ^ Mcnach. fol. 99, b. Age igitur, reputa tecum, qucenam sit iUa horo, qucenec ad (linn, nee ad noctcm pertineat : quam si inveneris, licebit tibi sapienticB Grcecce ope- ram navare. There is a reference to the precept in Josh. i. 8. 2 Joseph. Ant. xviii. 7. 10. ^ Talm. Babyl. Erubbim, fol. 53. Homines Judcece, qvi polita utuntur lingua : — homines GalilcBiB, qui impoliia. See also Lightfoot's Hor. Heb. in Act. Apost. ii. 7. Schoettgen. H. H. in Matt. xxvi. 73. Pfeiffer de dial. Qalilcecc, Excurs. x., and Bux- torf's Lex. Ch. in v. 7>7J|. B 2 4 A GREEK GRAMMAR Aram. '^'jJ^^^ptSp (Lai. Sj)ecu/afor or Spiculalor); vii. 11, xfl«/3av ; 34, l:p!pec^a ; X. 46, Buprlfzaioi; 51, f>a(i(hov)', xiv. 33, 'A/3/3«, Aram. i>^21i^ 5 ^"*^ ^' ^^> (rijcioa, Aram. J^")^ti^; xix. 20, irovha^iov, Aram. TI^^D (Lat. Sudor ium) ; John i. 43, V ; • • T Ktita;; iv. 25, M£j3to-^« ; xix. 13, ya/Sj3«Sa ; yifc/s i. 19, 'AkiX^u/jju ; 24, Ba^(ra/3a; ; iv. 36, Baava'/Saj ; ix. 36, Ta/S/Sa ; xiii. 6, BajiVj this class belong the technical significations affixed to such words as ^t/Vt/;, 'ipyft, iiKBCtov(r^a.i, ixXi>cToi, xXnro), ecyiot) &C. * i.YA^Tinx'x Observation es Sacree, Traj, ad Rhen. 1720; J. Alberti Observa/iones Philologiice in Sacros N. T. libros, Lugd. Bat. 1/25 ; G. Raphelii Annotationes in S. S. ex Xenophonie, Polybio, Arriano, et Hei'odoto, Lugd. Bat. 1747; Krebsii Ob- servationes e Josepho ; Kypkii Observationes, &c. TO THE NEW TESTAME^T. FIRST PART. GRAMMATICAL FORMS. WRITING AND PRONUNCIATION. § 3. — Interchange of Letters. (Buttm. § 15 & seqq.) A considerable difference seems to have prevailed in the manner of writing and pronouncing words according to the respective dialects of ancient Greece, of which vestiges are to be found in the books of the New Testament. In addition to the variations thence derived, and other more recent innova- tions introduced into the later speech, an orthography has been attributed to the Alexandrians entirely distinct and peculiar to themselves. According to this method of writing, adopted in certain manuscripts, it should seem that they interchanged certain letters with each other, as on. and s, s and yj, i and st, y and x; that they omitted some which were necessary, and others which were superfluous; and neglected the various rules of euphony practised by the other Greeks. Obs. 1. In Illustration of these peculiarities examples have been adduced in such forms as ^air/XsaV) vvxrav, in Matt, xvii.24, and a yet more remarkable instance is found in 1 Cor. xiii. 2, where very ancient manuscripts, and some of the Fathers, read ovHv u/jui, instead of the common reading ovUv.'^ § 4. — Moveable final Letters. (Buttm. § 26.) 1. The N EtpgXxc/jTiKov is not always thrown off in the manu- scripts of the New Testament before words beginning with a consonant. Thus also evehev is used before a consonant in Matt, V. 10, xix. 5, 2 Cor. iii. 10, and so in the LXX continually. See Gen. xviii. 28^ Isa. v. 23^ lix. 20, Jer. xxvi. 3. Obs. 1. Corrections have nevertheless been very generally made in the printed text. For example. Cod. Diez. gives ^xouffiv (puvhv, in Acts ix. 4 ; and aTrnyxytv xiXivffas, in Acts xxiv. 7, 2. There is also a considerable want of uniformity in the in- sertion of the final s at the end of the adverbs ovrcu, fj-exqi, and ccxqh before words beginning with a vowel; and the v is con- tinually rejected from adverbs ending in Osv.* Obs. 2. In Matt. xxiv. 38, Luke i. 20, a%^/ ris still holds its place in the text ; but elsewhere the manuscripts have Ux^'h ^^en before a consonant, though the editions in general omit the final j. See Luke xxi. 24, Acts xiii. 6, Rom. v. 13, viii. 22, Gal. iv. 2. In Acts xxvii. 33 a few manuscripts have a^^is ov, without the particle SL § 5. — Hiatus — Contraction — Crasis — Apostrophus» (Buttm. § 28—30.) 1. The Greeks in general, and the Attic writers more espe- cially, carefully avoided the harshness of sound produced by the concurrence of two vowels, whether in the middle of a word, or at the end of one word followed by another beginning with a vowel; and the hiatus was remedied by Contraction, by Crasis, and by the Apostrophus or Elision. 1 Phrynich. pp.76, 134; Thorn. M. pp. 554. 676 ; Athen. iii. p. 110, C; Gre- gor. de dial. p. 165 ; Etym. M. p. 671, 30. 2 Phrynich. p. 142 ; Thom. M. p. 46. 3 Sturz. de dial. Alex. p. 185; Fischeri Prolusiones de vitiis N.T. p. 676. * Phrynich. p. 76, OhSus ha rod f u xa.) X^vffi-:fTo; «a< ol ocfjuip' avrov ovreu kiyooffi, ffv Ti a'^oTPiTov Xiyiiv' ol ya,^ a^x"^^"' ^'^ '^"^ ^' ^^>"»'<''^v ov'^iig' See Planck t/bi supra. ^ See Matt. Gr. Gr. § 41 ; Lobeck ad Phryn. pp. 14. 284, TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 11 2. The contractions which arc usual in other writers prevail in the New Testament. There are a few deviations in the phiral of certain nouns ; but the usage is not constant. Thus we have oarex, ogteuv, for 6c«/>o£ ; Matt, xxvii. 57, rovvofAca; Gal. ii. 7, Tovvdvnov.'^ 4. The same prepositions, particles, and other words ordi- narily suffer elision in the New Testament as in the Attic Avriters ; but the neglect of the Apostrophus, as exhibited in manuscripts and editions, is very frequent, and altogether arbi- trary. Among a multiplicity of instances, we find in Matt. ii. l,a9ro avaroXoiv ; vii. 9, C'^o l^ovalav, xxi. 22, Trdvrx ogol av; Mark ii. 17, aXX' o\ xaxft^f, olKKix ufj^x^rcoXouf ; vii. 5,6, ettsitcjc kTTEiqco- rci'aiVf hXKa. dviTTToi^, o ^g d-TroKpi^sls ; xi. 33, o^^g eycu. See also Luke xix. 42, John i. 3, vi. 29, xi. 53, Acts xx. 25, 1 Cor. x. 29, XV. 11, Col. iv. 17. Again, the Alexandrian manuscript has ETTi d^xispEuy in Luke iii. 2 ; /xgra cciGyJj^ris, Luke xiv. 9 ; and two Vienna manuscripts have aXXa akn^ziOLs, Acts xxv. 25. Obs. 2. A remarkable instance of this uncertainty occurs in 2 Cor. vii. 11, where the printed editions have akXa d'ToXoyiecv, dkka. dyavdjiryKrtVf but aXX' Ix^txnirtv. Doubts seem to have existed respecting the word ;^^>j(rTa, in 1 Cor. xv. 33 ; but as it occurs in a regular Iambic senarius cited from Menander, the true reading must be X^riff^'- The LXX, Josephus, and the early Fathers, present the same irregularities. Thus, Gen. xvii. 22, a-ro 'A/3gaa^; xviii. 15, dxxd, iytkeitrxs ; Joseph. Ant. iv. 6. 2, d-ro Ev^^drov ; Iren. Haer. iii. 3, v^o d-xoffroXuv. In the manuscripts of the New Testament the particles a^a, utx, iti^ "va, never suffer elision. ^ Leusden de Dialect. N. T. c. 1. p. 14. 12 A GREEK GRAMMAR Obs. 3. From the very general neglect of the Jpostrophus in Ionic writers, amples of similar usage in the New Testament have been called lonisms. ^ Declension. § 6. — First Declensio7i. (Buttm. § 34.) The terminations and o^enders of this declension are the same in the New Testament as in Attic Greek. Oi6. 1. There is a solitary deviation from the Attic rule, which forms the genitive of nonns ending in a purcy or ^a, in a,;, in the case of the substantive a-';ruoa, of which the genitive o-Tni^n; is found in Acts x. 1, xxi. 31, xxvii. 1. Obs. 2. Proper names of this declension, ending in xs, make the genitive, with very few exceptions, in a, instead of ov: Luke iii. 27, 'Juxwa. ; 30, 'luJ^a; 31, MsXsa; 35, IdXa; xiii. 29, Rev. xxi. 13, Boppdi; Lukexvi. 9, Maf/.fiuva', Johnviii. 13, Kaia(p«; xix. 25, KX«^« ; xxi. 15, Matt. xii. 39.41, 'l^va Acts xi, 30, xv. 12,Col.iv. 10,Ba^vai3a; Acts xix. 14, 2x£ya ; 1 Cor. i, 12, Kjjfa ; i. 16,xvi. 15, 2r£(pava ; 2 Cor. xi. 32, 'Aoiru; Col. i. 7, *E'ra(poa. ; 2 Thess. ii. 9, Rev. iii. 9, :ZxTavcc. The regular form occurs in Matt. i. 6, ol^iov, Luke iii. 3, Za;^a^/<3y ; Luke iv. 17, Acts xxviii. 28,'H(rai'oy ; Luke iv. 25, 'Ux'iov'y John i. 45, ^Avh^iov. In the Fathers, and later writers generally, the termination a is continually recognised. Thus Origen c. Cels. i. p. 7, Uv^ayo^a', Phot. Bibl. n. 254, Ns^^/Sa.'^ Obs. 3. Many proper names in -«j seem to be popular abbreviations ; as 2/Xa; (Acts XV. 32), for 'S.iXovuvos (1 Thess. i. 1). In like manner "Awa? (Luke iii. 3) is perhaps the same as 'Avav/aj (Acts xxiii. 2); Aovko,; and Anfjca,? (Col. iv. 14) the same as Aovxio; (Acts xiii. 1, Rom. xvi. 21) and Ar,f^ex,^Ko$ or Anfiy,r^to?.^ Obs, 4. Names of dignities, compounded of the verb a^x^iv, are formed in the earlier writers after the second declension ; but in the New Testament they prin- cipally belong to the first. Thus Matt. xiv. 1, Luke iii. 19, ix. 7, rir^oi^x^^^ Acts vii. 8, 9, rovf TTKr^id^x"^ 5 '^' !• ^2,^x,''^s ; xxiv. 23, xxvii. 2. 31, ixxrovra^xV >^ xxviii. 16, ffr^xro-rilnoxn] 2 Cor. xi. 32, l&va.^'^ris. There is, howevei*, no uniformity of declension, for \x,cx,tovtdc^x°s repeatedly occurs, as in Matt. viii. 5. 8, Luke vii. 6, Acts xxviii. 16, and elsewhere ; and ;^/>./a^X''? is declined solely after the second declension. Neither is the usage of the Attic writers altogether constant ; but, as a rule, they adopted the termination in o;, and later authors that in «;. Hence Gen. xli. 34, Dan. ii. 3, ToTx^x^i ■> 2 Mace. xii. 2, Kyzpiai^^rii ; xiv. 12, ikij;.' This was also the form which the Latins followed. Cic. Epist. Att. ii. 17, Abelarches ; Auctor Hist. Bell. Alex. c. 67, Telrarckes ; Spartian.v. Hadrian, c. 13, Toparcha ; Tertull. de Anim. c. vii. 55, Patriarchal Cod. Theodos. xv. 9.2, Asiarcha. Of course the genitive case, whether singular or plural, is doubtful \ as 'Arid^X'^^i Acts xix. 31.^ ^ Georgii Hierocrit. i. 3. 9 ; Wyssii Dialect. Sacr. p. 17. '' See Alt. Gram.N.T. §6. 3 Lobeck ad Phryn. p. 433 ; Winer's Sprachidioms, § 2, 23. Another form of abbreviation is lu-Traros, for laxrl-Trar^os. Compare Acts xx. 4 ; Rom. xvi. 21. 4 Parkhurst gives barovra^;^*;;, x£oj, according to the third declension. See Lex. in V. This must have been an oversight. 5 Alt. Gr. Gr. § 5; Poppo ad Xen. Cyr. ii. 1. 22. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 13 Obs. 5. With respect to declension in general (Buttm. ^ 33.), and conjugntirm also, it may be observed that the Dual number, which is very rarely used by the later Greek writers, is never employed in the New Testament. Hence the plural is used in the strict sense of the dual in Rev. xii, 14, kki^ov xa) xxt^ovj ko.) "fjbitrv xaioov, three times and a half. § 7. — Second Declension. (Buttm. § 35 — 37.) In the flexion of nouns the remains of the ancient dialects, which occur in the New Testament, are exclusively Attic ; in~ accordance with which the nominative ^sos is always used, with a single exception, for the vocative. This exception is Matt, xxvii. 46, where the vocative S-se is employed in rendering the words from Ps. xxii. 1, which were uttered by Christ upon the cross. In the parallel place, Mark xv. 34, the nominative is used. There is also an example of the vocative S-ee in Judg. xxi. 3, LXX. Obs. 1. Of contracted nouns of this declension, both the uucontracted and con- tracted forms occur indiscriminate!}'. See §5.2. Obs. 2. Proper names of the Attic second declension ending in us. as 'A7, in Luke xix. 8, of which the Attic form, whether adjective or substantive, is hfAiffia, without contraction.'* (Buttm, § 51. Obs. 5.) Obs. 3. According to the old grammarians, the accusative plural of nouns in -tl; was not contracted by the Attics from -ixi into -li;. This assertion is made with too great confidence ; and it is impossible to refer such contractions exclusively to the later writers. As examples, we have yon7s, Matt. x. 21, Luke ii. 27 ; yfa,izfji.a' ru;, Matt, xxiii. 34.^ (Buttm. § 52. Obs. 1.) * Lobeck ad Pluyn. p. 4G0 ; Passov. Lex. in v. xXiU \ Alt. Gr. Gr. § 8, 5. * Phrynich. (ed. Lobeck, p. 432,) aju-u^ravouiriv ol t-x vifzierri xiyovrss, xcc) ou ra, 'hy-icrioc,. See also Lobeck ad p. 78 ; Fischer, Prolus. p. 60G. ^ Fischer, Prolus. p. 663. 14 A GREEK GRAMMAR Obs. 4. Nouns ending in -»}?, with a vowel before it, usually contract the termina- tion -la of the accusative into a ; but the form uyiTJ, which is fcuud constantly in Plato, occurs in John v. 11. 15, Tit. ii. 8.' (Buttra. 6 53, 1.) Obs. 5. Of neuters in -as, the Attic contraction of the dative occurs in yr.^a, from yrpas, in Luke i. 36. Griesbach, indeed, upon the authority of certain manuscripts, has admitted the Ionic form yv^u into the text, but without due consideration. In the plural, xe^aj and rt^as are universally uncontracted in the New Testament, con- trary to the Attic usage.* See Acts ii. 43, v. 12 ; Rom. xv. 19 ; Rev. v. 6, ix. 13, xiii. 1.11, xvii. 12. The contracted accusative x^sa, from »^ias> is found in Rom. xiv. 21, 1 Cor. viii. 13. (Buttra. § 54.) § 9. — Anomalous Declension. (Buttm. § 56.) 1. There are many nouns which have more than one form of inflection, or are declined in a different way from that which the nominative indicates. Of these the New Testament is not without its examples : as, for instance, the accusative vocvm, from the Attic nominative vxvs, in Acts xxvii. 41,^ and some others. Obs, 1. Perhaps the substantive vovs, as inflected by the writers of the New Tes- tament, can scarcely be classed with nouns abimdantia casibus, as it invariably fol- lows the form of the third declension. Thus the genitive voo; occurs in Rom. xii. 2, 1 Cor. xiv. 19, Eph. iv. 17. 23, Col. ii. 18, and the dative votxn Rom. vii. 25, 1 Cor. i. 10, xiv. 15. The same maybe said of jrXoyj, of which the genitive -rXoos is found in Acts xxvii. 9. Examples of this mode of inflection, which is peculiar to the later writers, may be seen continually in Simplicius, Philo, and the ecclesiastical Fathers.* 2. By metaplasmus, the dative plural of o-a/3/3*rov is always aoc^^dcai, after the form of the third declension. See Matt, xii. 1. 10, 11, 12, Mark i. 21, Luke iv. 31. So also in Joseph. B. J. i. 7. 3, Ant. xiii. 8. 4, and elsewhere. Obs. 2. The proper form ffafifidTots is found in Numb, xxviii. 10; 2 Chron. ii. 4, LXX; Joseph. Ant. xi. 8. 6. In other writers, a,fft is frequently used for 'xoo- fidrots ; but although the noun occurs repeatedly in the New Testament, it is never employed in the dative plural. 3. Of neuters plnral in -a, from masc. in -os, St. Luke uses ra Izafxa, in Acts xvi. 26, xx. 23, xxii. 30, xxiii. 29, and else- where. St. Paul has the Ionic ^Etr/xot in Phil. i. 13.^ The plural ra. air a, occurs in Acts vii. 12. Obs. 3. Not only in the form and inflection, but in the genders of nouns, there were frequent varieties in the ancient dialects ; and peculiarities of this kind are observable in the New Testament, in accordance with the usage of the later writers. They made /Saro,', a bush or bramble, masculine; but in the New Testament it is ^ Heindorf ad Plat. Charmid. p. 64. ^ Moeris, pp. 366, 369 ; Thom. M. p. 840. ^ Planck, de Orat. Gr. N. T. ii. 3. * Fischer ad Weller, ii. p. 181 ; Herodian. Herra. p. 303. ^ Schleusner and Bretschneider in v. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 15 always found in the feminine, and so al»o in the writers of the later epoch. See Mark xii. 26 ; Luke vi. 44, xx. 37 ; Acts vii. 35 ; Theophr. H. Plant, iii. 18 ; Dios- corid. iv. 37.^ There is little doubt that in Luke xv. 14 the true reading is X/^o; iVxf^a, and in Acts xi. 28, Xtfiov fnyetkhv, accordinj^ to the best manuscripts, al- though l(rx,u^o{ and fji.iyav are still retained in the printed text. If the masculine adjectives be genuine, it is impossible to account for the introduction of the feminine into so many copies; whereas h xif^os, which is Doric, seems to have been adopted into the later tongue.' Generally, ffKom occurs in the neuter (Matt. iv. 16, vi. 23, viii. 12); but in Heb. xii. 18 it is masculine. Both forms were also in use among the Attics. There is also a feminine noun ffnoriot. (Matt. x. 27 ; John vi. 17, xx. 1)' which is peculiar to the Doric dialect.^ In Attic, vaXo; is feminine ; in Rev. xxi. 18 it is masculine. The word Xjivoj is feminine in Rev. xix. 15, and masc. in Gen. xxx. 37, 42, LXX. Hence some would account for the remarkable reading in Rev. xiv. 19, rrtv Xnvov rov fjuiyuv, for which t'/jv /^syoiXyiv now stands."* Besides these variations of gender, which accord with one or other of the ancient dialects, it is remarkable that the noun 'ixto;, which is masculine in all the Greek writers, is neuter in the New Testament and in the LXX. See Luke i. 50, 78, Rom. ix. 23, 1 Pet. i. 3, and compare Gen. xix. 9, Numb. xi. 15, LXX. So also in the writings of the Fathers.^ § 10. — Declension of Hebrew-Greek Proper Names, 1 . To the head of Anomalous Declension may be referred a large proportion of the proper names which occur in the New Testament. Many of them, indeed, though derived from the H ebrew, are declined in Greek after the first declension, except that they make the genitive in a, instead of ov, as before mentioned in § 6. But others have a more simple form of in- flection, changing the final s of the nominative into v in the accusative, and rejecting it altogether in the other cases, which are all alike. (Buttm. § 56. 1. Obs, 1.) To this class belong, 1. Nom. 'Uaods (Matt. i. 16) Gen. Dat. Voc. 'UgoC (Matt. i. 1, xxvi. 17 ; Mark i. 24) Ace. '[nr (Matt. xiii. 55) Gen. 'Icuarj (Matt, xxvii. 56) Dat. 'IP>a,ra, in the plural denotes not only a week or period of seven days (Matt, xxviii. 1, Mark xvi. 2, Luke xxiv. 1, John xx. 1. 19, Acts xx. 7, 1 Cor. xvi. 2), but also the Sabbath day (Luke iv. 16, Acts xiii. 24, xvi. 13, xvii. 2), the usage doubtless originated in the former meaning. Thus Joseph. Ant. iii. 10. 1, ifi'ho(jt,vi yif^i^ct, nrti ffufificira xakiTrau Some have thought the word not so much a real plural as a mere imitation of the Aramaean ^^Jl^^^; but its occurrence ia the T ; — oblique cases (Mark i. 21, ii. 23), independently of its easy reference to this class of nouns, renders this supposition entirely inadmissible.* 2. Several indeclinables, as ro 7rx(s%cc, and the names of let- ters, aX(pa, cjfXEyoL, Icoroc, occur in the New Testament. There are also, besides those already adduced (§ 10), many other in- ^ See Passov. Lex. in v. * The usage is the same as in the Hebrew □''^^i^. ^ There is the same usage in the Latin Saturnalia, Litpercalia, &c Josephus (Ant. xii. 7. 7) uses ra, (pu-u. for ra iyKoc'tvix. * Winer's Sprachidioms, § 27. % 3 ; Alt, Gram. N, T. § 21. 2, 3. • 18 A GREEK GRAMMAR declinable names from the Hebrew ; such as Btj^XseV, Na^a^sV (Matt. ii. G. 23), 'A^i^ (Luke i. 5), 'Ll\cu^^x (Luke xiii. 2), Kavc^ (John ii. 1. IL iv. 46, xxi. 2), J^r,hsaU (John v. 2), ^ux^ix (Acts vii. 16), Mdl.a^. (Acts vii. 29), 2iva (Acts vii. 30. 38, Gal. iv. 24. 25), &c. &c. Obs. 2. In addition to the indeclinable form 'U^ovffcckii/u, (Matt, xxiii. 37, Mark xi. 1, Gal. iv. 25), the neuter plural 'li^o(roXvfz.u, -uv, is very generally used ; and so So'^a^a, -/wv, in Matt. x. 15, xi. 23, Rev. xi. 8. Some commentators understand a third form, regarding 'U^oirdXu/xa, in Matt. ii. 3 as the nom. sing, of a. feminine noun ; but it is far more probable that ^ao-a agrees with toP.h understood. At the same time TofjLoppa is declined both as a fetn. sing, and a neut. plural. Compare Matt. X. 15, 2 Pet. ii. G. Obs. 3. The formula expressive of ^Christ's eternity, o uv xa.) o ^v xui o l^x'^M^o^t assumes the character of an indeclinable noun in Rev. i. 4, et alibi. § V2.— 0fthe Adjectives. (Buttm. § 59-— 64.) The declension o^ Adjectives in the New Testament presents very little variation from the ordinary usage. It is merely necessary to remark that compound adjectives in -os, and those in -;or, which are derived from substantives (Buttm. § 60. 4. and Obs. 3.) are not always common in the New Testament. Thus a/jyos- is formed with a feminine termination in the verse of Epimenides, cited in Tit. i. 12, K/jryres- ast -^^varofA, ycacxai ^riploc, yxtjTEpss' dpyoci. We have also in 2 Thess. ii. 16, Trct^oLickinaiv aicuviQcy, Heb. ix. 12, alcovlxv 7^vrpcoGiv. On the other hand, oaios, which has almost universally three terminations,^ is com- mon in 1 Tim. ii. 8, k7rcx,{povroi,s haiovs j^sT^as-. To refer h'jiovs to avlpoLs in the preceding clause, is extremely harsh ; and the various reading, oaiixs, is but weakly supported. Obs. Griesbach would also read T^/j ofzoio;, instead of o^a/a, in Rev. iv. 3, upon very good authority.^ § 13. — Of the Degrees ofCompcmson. (Buttm. § 65 et seqq.) 1. The New Testament writers follow the ordinary rules in forming the degrees of comparison ; though a few later forms are also observable. Obs. 1. The comparative of raxtj; is raxiuv in the New Testament, not the more Attic form ^aa-a-uv, or B-ccTTcov.^ See John xiii. 27, xx. 4, 1 Tim. iii. 14, Heb. xiii. 19, 23. (Buttm. § 67. 3.) 1 Matthiae (Gr. Gram. ^ 118.) says always ; but there is an exception^ if genuine, in Plat. Legg. viii. p. 831.' D. ^ Alt, Gram. N. T. 6 7. ^ Fisch, Prolus. p. G72. Phryn, p. 76. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 19 Obs. 2. Of superlatives, which have no regular positive, there is a new instance in the form a-inrTos, which is not employed by the more ancient Greeks.^ Heroilian. p. 473. ffiTivravs oovi^ai, ovi vvv ffirtiTTov; Xiyovcri. The word occurs iu Matt. xxii. 4, and iu Joseph. Ant. viii. 2. 4, Atheu. xiv. p. C5G. E. It is formed from the ob- solete adjective cItos^^ or probably from the substantive correspoudingtoit. (Buttm. § 69,3, and Obs. 1.) Obs. 3. New forms of comparison sprung up rapidly in the later speech ; of which two only are found in the New Testament. In Kph. iii. 8 we have the new comparative \>.a,x,KTroTi^o;, from the superlative £^a;^;/^raf ; and ^s/^ars^a; from the comparative f^uiuv, in 3 John 4.^ (Buttm. § 69. 3. Obs. 3.) Obs. 4. The positive is put with fia>.Xov for the comparative in Mark ix. 42, xaXov iffrtv abru (x,aXXov it, ». r. A. This adverb is also frequently put with the com- parative, thereby forming a sort of double comparative ; as in M9,rk vii. 36, 2 Cor. vii. 13, fjt,a.xXov Ti^iira-on^ov. And, with a yet greater degree of emphasis, in Phil. i. 23, ^okXu iu.aXXoy x^sTo-trov. The Latins also have a like usage. Thus Plant. Men. v. 4. 22, 3Ia(/is dulcius^ 2. There are some modes of expressing a svperlative in the New Testament which indicate a Hebrew origin. Thus a subst. is sometimes repeated in the genitive; as in Heb. ix. 3, a,yix a,ylcov, the Holy of Holies, i. e. the most holy place. Rev. xix. 16, ^aaiXivs ^aca-iXecov xou ytvpios au^iaiv. Precisely similar is 1 Tim. vi. 15, (Sxa-iXsu^ rajv (SoccsiXsuovtcov, y.%\ kv^ios rcoy ytu^izvovrcov. So in Levit. xxiii. 32, ad^^ocTo, aoc^^drm. Obs. 5. A similar form is also used to imply eternity: as in Luke i. 50, u? yiviu? yiviuv, Gal. i. 5, 1 Tim. i. 17, Rev. i. G. 18, us rohs aluvxs tojv ocluvuv. In 2 Pet. iii. 18, it is us y>fJi>s^oiv aiZvos. The Hebrews expressed the same idea by a copula, us ytvidv xa) ysvidv. There is an analogous repetition of the same word to express con- tinuity in 2 Cor. iv. 16, dvaxaivcvrcti ri/ai^a, xa.) v\[jt,k^a. .^ Obs. 6. It is also according to the Hebrew idiom that the name of God is frequently used, with or without an adjective, to denote some superlative quality of an object. See Gen. xxii. 6, Exod. iii. 1, 1 Sam. xiv. 15, Cant. viii. 6, Isai. xxviii. 2, xxiv. 1. It will be observed however, that the usage obtains only with the names of real substances, or visible effects, and never with abstract nouns ; so that it is improperly applied by some commentators is such cases as the following: 2 Cor. i. 12, iv zlXtx^ivua, Biou, the sincerity which God approves, not per/eel since) ity: Col. ii. 19, T«y av^ijffiv rod ©soy, a growth in grace which God requires, not an exceeding growth: Markxi. 22, -rlffriv Qiov, faith in God, not a s/rotig faith (see § 44. 1) ; Rev. xxi. 1 1, rhv ^o^av rouQiou, the glory derived from God, not an exceeding glory ; James v. 11, tixos Kv^'tov, the end which God put to Jub''s troubles, not the glorious end of them. Nor is the idiom required in Luke i. 15, f^'tyas IvaTiov rou Giou. 1 Thess. iv. 16, Iv trdkTiyyi Biou (Compare 1 Cor. xv. 52) ; Rev. xv. 2, xt^d^us rou @ioZ. Much less will it admit of an extension, so as to include such expressions as those in Rom. xiii. 1, Tx7s y^JtiirffUis ruv ctyyiXcov. 2 Cor. xi. 10, dX'/iBsia X^itrrou. Col. ii. 18, ^oviffxila, tuv ayyikuv. Compare Actsvi. 15, Rom. ix. 1, Rev. xxi. 7.* These passages are, indeed, ^ Mceris, p. 794. » pianck de Orat. N. T. ii. 5. 3 Winer's Sprachidioms, § 37, 2, Alt, Gr. N. T. § 23, 3 and 35. I b. Gesen. § 173, Obs. 1. * See Haab's Heb.-Gr. Gram. N. T. p. 162. c 2 20 A GREEK GRAMMAR more readily intelligible from the simple meaning of the words employed ; and even in Acts vii. 21, the expression kariloi tu Sty, though it may well be rendered exceedingly beautiful, will admit of explanation upon ordinary principles. See § 47, 2, Obs. 6. Ohs. 7 . Certain figurative expressions, and others indicative of intensity or emphasis, may be herenoticed ; though they do not, in reality, partake of the nature of a super- lative. Such are Matt. xvii. 20, Ihv 'ix^n v'kttiv us k'okkov ffivd'nui, i. e. (he least degree of faith ; 1 Cor. xiii. 2, Tria-riv, uffrt opvi fzi^iffrdntv, i. e. the greatest faith ; Rev. i. 14, a'l T^/%£?, Xivxa,) util t^iov Xst/xov, *\ x^iuv' xai ot o^B^aXfioi cchrou, us cpXo^ -rupos, x. t. X. Such also are those passages, in which two or more words of the same or cognate meaning are joined by a copula; as in Matt. ii. 18, S^jjvo; xa) KXav^f^o; Ka) o^voyJ; •roXvs', Luke i. 14, 'icrTeti ;^a^a ffoi xa.) a.yuXX\acis. See also Rom, ii. 8, 1 Thess. ii. 9. A like reason will probably explain the expression in Heb. x. 37, //.ixoov 'o(rov oa-ov, which signifies a very verg short period. Precisely similar are Arist. Vesp. 213, oVav offov friXm, Arrian. Iridic. 29, oVav o(^oiTuv, Mark xvi. 2, -pt^ul 7r,s f^icis (fci(h(^u.Tuv. Also in Luke xxiv. 1, John xx. 19, Acts xx. 7, 1 Cor. xvi. 2. In enumerations sT? may generally be rendered either as a cardinal or an ordinal. See Gal. iv. 24, Rev. vi. 1, ix. 12, and compare Thucyd. iv. 115, Herod, iv. 161, Herodian vi. 5. 1. Thus also, in Latin, Cic. Orat. pro Cluept, c. 64, unum, alteriim, tertium diem quiescebat. In the Hebrew the cardinal number is con- stantly put for the ordinal, as in Exod. xl. 2, Levit. xxiii. 24, Numb. i. 1, 18, xxix. 1, Deut. i. 3, Ezra iii. 6, x. 17, Ezek. xxvi. 1, Hagg. i. 2, ii. 1. Sometimes also, though more rarely, in Greek and Latin. Thus in Diod. Sic. iii. 16, /*/«? 'OAi/^Tia- Ba;. Cic Senect. c. 5, unoet octogesimo anno. See also Herod, v. 89.^ 1 Winer, § 37. Alt, § 35. Georg. Hierocrit. i. 3, 29. 2 Alt,Gr. N. T. § 45. 1 . Winer, § 17. Obs. 3. Ast ad Plat. Legg. 2 1 9. Schiefer ad Longi Past. 399. Passov. Lex in v, r/j. Turselliu. de Partic. Lat. in v. unus , n. 17. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 21 Obs. 3. In Matt, xviii. 22 the cardinal number t^ra is used, euphonice causa ^ for the adverb i-rrcixi;, seven times. A similar usaj^e occurs in the Hebrew of Ps. cxix. 164, and is preserved by the LXX in Gen. iv. 24. It may also be remarked by the way, that the number seveii, bein<^ constantly employed by the Jews as a round number (Isa. iv. 1, xxiii. 14, Jerem. xxv. 11, et a/ihi), is used with the like iude- fiuiteness in the New Testament. See Matt. xii. 45, xviii. 21, Luke xi. 26. 2. The numeral ^vo is frequently undeclined in the New Testament. It occurs in the genitive, for instance, in Matt. xxi. 31, xxvii. 21, John i. 41, Acts i. 24. Obs. 4. In Acts xii. 6 tbe dative W; is used. So also in Gen. ix. 22, LXX, and constantly by Aristotle and Theophrastus. Matthlse' cites a solitary example from Thucydides ; but there "^vaTv is probably the correct reading.^ 3. Instead of the compounds oh'^cU and [xri^sU, for which the Hebrews have no corresponding expression, the writers of the New Testament, in accordance with their vernacular idiom, sometimes employ the adjective Trar, with a negative particle closely connected with the verb. Thus, in Matt. xii. 25, iraia-ac ttoKls fAspia^sTcrcx xaQ' kxuTris ov arcc^ricrErai, xxiv. 22, Mark xiii. 20, Qvyt av kdcL'^n iracrx adp^. Luke i. 37, ovic d^uvxrin'ysi ttx^oc 0£a» TTav prii/^Qc. (Here priixa, signifies a thing according to the Hebrew usage ; and, indeed, the passage is cited from Gen. xviii. 14. In Greek, however, sVos- has frequently the same import.) John vi. 39, 7va ttSv, o ^s^o^xe ptoj, pcrj (xTroXeaco. Acts X. 14, ov^e- TTors sipayov Troiy x-oivov. Eph. iv. 29, Tras" Xoyos (JocTrpof ex rov crro- IX(x.ros VIJ.CUV fx-h kycTTOpEvsa^oj. 1 John ii. 21, Trav -^ev^os ex. rris aXn- ^iloLS ovK eari. Rev. xxii. 3, Trav xacravoi^s/xoc ovk sdToci %ri. Add John iii. 15, Rom. iii. 20, 1 Cor. i. 29, Eph. v. 5, 2 Pet. 20, 1 John ii. 21, Rev. vii. 1, 16, ix. 4, xviii. 22, and compare Judith xii. 20, Susan. 27. A similar expression, but some- what stronger, is Matt. x. 29, 8v £$ auruv ou vrecreTrai ettI rm ym, (Compare Isai. xxxiv. 16, in the Hebrew.) Obs. 5. When the negative particle is not immediately connected with the verb, but with 5ra,-, the exclusion is not necessarily universal. Thus in Matt. xix. 11, oy !Tai"r£; x^^''^"'' ■''*'' ^^7^^ rourov, aXX' oTs Vi'^orici, i. e., not a//, but some only. So 1 Cor. XV. 3i), ch -Traffo. ca.f\ n al/Th (ra^^, all jlcsh is not the same flesh, i. e., there are different kinds of flesh. Ste also Matt. vii. 21, Rom. ix. 6, x. 16. Although both these forms are philosophically accurate, the former is not found in classical Greek, nor is it very common in the New Testament.^ 4. Reciprocity is sometimes expressed by the repetition of 1 Matth.Gr.Gr. §138. « Thorn, M. p. 253. Lobeck ad Phryn. p. 211. Wahl's Lex. in v. ' Winer, §26, 1. Alt, H-^j 3- 22 A GREEK GRAMMAR elf in a different case ; as in 1 Cor. iv. 6, Tvac ju,-^ eIs Ctte^ rov Ivof (pv(jiov(7^s, one ov €7' another. So 1 Thess. v. 11, olxo^o/jisrre eh rov Ev^. Equivalent are the forms in Acts ii. 12, aKKos it^ls aXKov. Rom. XV. 2, £xai7Tor rco TrXajd/ov.^ 5. The Greeks and Romans, as well as the Hebrews, omit- ted the names of measures and monies after numerals ; and thus ^^(x-yjxuv must be supplied in Acts xix. 19, dpyvplav ij.upi- doQCf TTEvrs. This is the only example in the New Testament.^ 6. An ordinal number may be concisely employed, so as to include the companions of the individual designated; as in 2 Pet. ii. 5, oy^oov No/s E(pvXa^£, i. e., Noah with seven others. In such cases a.urbs' is usually added, as in Polyb. xvi. 2, Tplros- avros Aiovvao^co^of (xTiEVYi^ocro. Sometimes, however, the pro- noun is omitted, as in Plutarch. Pelop. p. 284, e\s o\yclocv ^co^i- KocTos xocteX^wv. Appiau. Punic, p. 12, rqirof ttote Iv aTrriXaicj Kpvnro^/.EM'is sXaS-s. Compare 2 Mace. v. 27.'' § 15.— Of Pronouns. (Buttm. § 72—80.) 1. In the New Testament the gen. of the personal pron. is more usually employed than a possessive pronoun. See § 34. 4. (Buttm. § 72. 4.) Obs. 1. Instead of a possessive pron. the adj. "Iwi is occasionally employed, as in Matt. xxii. 5, ol ^s aTiiX%v, o fAv ih "rov "hov uy^ov, o Ti tU If^.-ro^iav aurov. XXV. 14, IxaXifft Tov; Wiov; ^ovXovi. 1 Pet. iii. 1, ul yvvecTxts, iiToraa'a-o/u.ivxi 7o7s loi'ai; av^^dcrtv (iirri). So Josh. vii. 10, Prov. xxvii. 8. LXX. More generally, however, this adjec- tive is not simply equivalent to a possessive pronoun, but implies an antithesis or distinction, as denoting one^s own, in opposition to that of another. Thus, Matt. ix. 1, rXSsv £/V 'rhv tViav -roXiv. So Polyb, xxiii. 9. 14, tiiXvirav s/; rcc? iVia.; 'iKatrroi ToXug. Again, Matt. XXV. 15, l»d(rrM Kara rhv iVtav "hvvafAiv. Rom. xiv. 4, ffv ri; ti o x^tvuv aXXor^iov olxirtiv ; ru I^i'm xv^iat ffTwu, Pi Ti'^rn. Compare also Luke X. 34, John x. 3, 4, Acts ii. 6, iv. 32, Rom. viii. 31, xi. 24, Heb. vii. 7. The antithesis is clearly marked in 1 Cor. vii. 2, 'ixaffro; r^v lavrov ywaTxa s%£r«, xa) Ixatrrn Tov'i%ov civ^^a ix,iru. When a pronoun is added, as in Tit. i. 12, i'^/a; alruv •r^oipyirnsyii merely indicates a possession which is more distinctly marked by the adjective. The meaning therefore is a native poet, not ^foreigner. Compare ^schiu. c. Cte- siph. 143. Xen. Hell. i. 14. 13, In a similar way the later Roman authors use proprius, 2. The pronoun avros has the following senses (Buttm. § 74. 2.) :— 1. Joined with a noun, or as the nominative to a finite verb, it signifies self, as in John xxi. 25, oy^s olvtq^ oT/xa< » Winer, § 20, 2. Alt, Gram. N.T. § 45, 4. '' See Kuinoel ad loc. 3 Winer, § 6. 1, 2. Alt, Gram. N. T. § 40, 4, 5, 6. Wetstein & Kypke on 2 Pet. ii. 5. Tursellin. Partic. Lat. in v. unus, n. 18. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 23 Tov xocT/uiov %(jji^rt(TOL\, Toc y^x(pofji.£vcc ^i^xloi. See also Rom. viii. 16, 1 Cor. ix. 27, 2 Cor. xi. 14. Obs, 2. Connected with this sense is its use to point out, emphatically, a person or thing of peculiar dignity, as when servants speak of their masters, children of their teachers, &c. Thus also it is used of God in Rom. x. 1'2, Heb. xiii. 5 ; and of ans/in Matt. 1.21. r 2. It is used in the oblique cases as a mere personal pro- noun, though generally with reference to some preceding word, as in Matt. i. 18, 19, 20, el alibi passim, Obs. 3. There are many places in which it appears to he used in a reflexive sense for avros. Thus in Matt. xxi. 45, ol ^a.^i(ra.7oi 'iyvatrctv on ^s^< a-vruv Xiyn. John iv. 47, h^ura. avrov, 'iva, la,ffnra.i avrov tov vVov. Add Matt. iii. 16, John 1. 48, xiii. 11, Eph. i. 9, Heb. xi. 21. This may be a Hebrew idiom, though it may also be supported by a similar usage in the Greek writers. Thus Diod. Sic. xvii. 64, t^v -r^hs al/rov iuvoiav. Add Herod, ii. 2, Thucyd. vii. 5, Aristot. Ethic, xi. 4, Arrian. Epict. i. 19. 1 1, Herodian. i. 17. 9, ii. 4. 13, iv. 11. 13. Compare also 1 Mace. i. 2. It is sel- dom, however, that in such cases some manuscripts do not exhibit a variation in the breathing.^ 3. With the article prefixed it signifies the same, as in Matt. XV. 46, xxvi. 4, Luke ii. 8, Acts i. 15, xv. 27, 1 Cor. vii. 5, 1 Thess. ii. 14, Heb. i. 12, xiii. 8. 4. It is used sometimes, though rarely, in the sense of sponte. Thus in Luke xi. 4, kqu yx^ aurol d<^i£iJisv tT'^vtI 6(psiXovTi YifMv. Compare John xvi. 27, 1 Pet. ii. 24.^ 5. It stands sometimes for (xovo^, as in Mark vi. 31, ^evts VIJ.ZIS acuroi year MIqcm, See also 2 Cor xii. 13.'* 6. For the sake of emphasis it is sometimes added to the subject of the verb, when the sentence contains some case of the reflexive pronoun socvrovy so as to exclude any other agent. Thus Rom. viii. 33, o^.ctas- avrol ev socuroT^ GTsvx^ofxsv. Add 2 Cor. i. 9. Obs. 4. There is also an emphasis, when ecvros is connected with a primitive pro- noim; as in Luke ii. 35, xa,) trou ll ccvTris rhv -^vxvv hiXiva-irai po/u,(paict. John iii. 28, 3. In the New Testament the interrogative pronoun tU (Buttm. § 77.) is used, as in other writers, both in direct and indirect questions. See Matt. v. 25. 31, Mark v. 9. 30, 31, ix. 33, 34, Luke vi. 11, Acts xiii. 25, ct alibi. So also when Tjy is equivalent to sT t/^, as in 1 Cor. vii. 18, Trsqir^rfjinfXEvo^ rU hiikri'hrr, porj ETTicTTrxcr^aj. Compare James iii. 13, v. 13. ^ See Heinsius ad Hesiod. Op. D. p. 226. « Winer, § 22. 5. Alt, C^ram. N. T. ^ 38. 3. Matt. Gr. Gr. § 148. Obs. 3. '^ Alt, Gram. N. T. § G. Passov. Lex. in v. * Kuster ad Arist. Achiirn. 506. 24 A GREEK GRAMMAR Obs. 5. The interrogative power, though still less direct, is also plainly discerni- ble in such passages as Matt. vi. 3, fj//i yvuru « cc^ttrri^d gov tI •xoiu tj di^id, crou. xx. 22, evx oChart rl aJruaBi. Compare John X. G, xix. 24. It also retains this import in the formula -ris lernv i| v/uav iivB^a^os ; and the like, in which Is there any one ? is put for who? Compare Matt. vii. 9, xii. 11, xxiv. 45, Luke xi. 5, 11, xii. 45, xiv. 5. Obs. 6. There are many passages in which, however rare the usage may be in classical Greek, r/j is used for the relative oo-tis. Thus in Matt. xv. 32, ovx 'ix^ufft Ti (pdyuffi. Luke xvii. 8, iroifiaffov v'l htTTvriffu. Add Matt. X. 19, Mark vi. 36, xiv. 36, Rom. viii. 26, 1 Tim. i. 7. Obs. 7. On the other hand, the relative is put for the interrogative pronoun in Matt. xxvi. 50, IraT^i, l(p'' Z •Tra^ii. Obs. 8. Frequently r); is used for •rars^o?, which of two: as in Matt. xxi. 31, tis l» Tuv '^vo l-roitiffi TO BiXyi/u,a, rod <;ruT^'os ', xxvii. 21, r/va BiXtn ocro tuv ^va a.-roXiffo) v(mv; So Matt. ix. 5, xxiii. 17, xxvii. 17, Luke v. 23, xxii. 27, John ix. 2, Phil. i. 22. Obs. 9. Followed by a negative particle, tU implies a strong aflBrmation, as in 1 John ii. 22, -ov anf^onffu In the former of these passages, however, av^^ewro; is plainly opposed to Qiog, and in the latter may be appro- priately rendered a man among ike crowd: nor is there any reason against a similar rendering in other places, though it is true that the Hebrew words ti/^^ and J3'1J»J • T X are rendered by r/j in Nehem.iv. 17, Prov. vi. 27, Ecclus. vi. 8, LXX. Compare Matt, ix.9, Luke v. 18, vi. 31, Acts x. 5, et afibi. The same remark will also apply to the alleged use of av^owro; for 'ixciffroi, since a man, or mankind generally, will equally meet the sense ; as in 1 Cor. iv. \,ouru; rifMas koyt^iirSii) avBoM-ro;, u; Ltc^oitk; Xpi!ti, in the tenses which take the augment; and the MSS. variations are propor- tionably numerous.* Thus we have in Matt. iii. 17, ihVo}iriira.y Luke iii. 22, nvloKtjffa, Acts xvii. 21j svxciipovv, Mark vi. 31, nhxai^ovv, x. 16, y,l\oyu, Acts xi. 29, yih-ro^uro, xxvii. 29, ailxevro. For texts in which the readings vary, see Luke xii. 16, Acts ii. 26, xxvii. 35, Rom. i. 21. It may here be observed that the verb ivecyyiXt^uv in- variably takes the augment after £y, in the manner of verbs compounded with preposi- tions : Gal. iii. 8. '^^oivnyyiXitraTo, Heb. iv. 2, 6, ivnyyiXierfiivoi, Rev. X. 7, iV'/iyyiXi(n. (Buttm. § 84. 5. and 86. 2.) Obs. 5. In John xix. 31, xanay&io-i, 3 pi. aor. 2, pass, of KxrKywfjLi, has the syllabic augment, instead of the temporal. (Buttm. § 84. Obs. 5.) Obs. 6. The syllabic augment is prefixed to the temporal in the per/. lu^otKa, in Luke ix. 36, and elsewhere. With respect to the verb avotynv, instead of the forms uviculcc, oiviM^^nv, anciynv, employed by the Attics, the New Testament writers use r,voi%a, &c. Thus John ix. 17, 21, '^W^s, Acts xii. 10, rivoix,^yi, Rev. xi. 19, xv. 5, ivoiyyj. Sometimes this verb is found even with a triple augment, as in Rev. iv. 1, 3y^a ^viMyfzivy], XX, 12, '/ivsMp^^B-tj. So in Gen. vii. 11, LXX, ^vs^'^Sj^o-av, viii. 6, ^vf»|s. The regular form occurs in Luke i. 64, John ix. 14, 30, Rev. x. 2.^ (Buttm. § 84. Obs. 8.) Obs. 7. A reduplicate form in the perfect of verbs beginning with a vowel, which is very common in the Attic dialect, is not unusual in the New Testament. For instance, axwoot, in Luke vii. 24, John iv. 42, 1 John i. 1 ; acia>, Rom. x. 19, Tra^o^yiu, Heb. ix. 14, xaOccpieT, X. 37, xpovLsT, James iv. 8, EyyiiT, 1 Pet. V. 4, Kofj^isTa^E. On the other hand, Matt. iii. 11, ^txTrriasi^ xxv. 31, xaS^tVei, Mark xvi. 3, dTroycuXlcrEi, 2 Cor. ix. 6, ^spiasi. To these may be added a-aXma-Ei, which is used in 1 Cor. XV. 52, for the more regular form aoiXmyhi.^ (Buttm. 95, 9.) 1 Poppo on Thucvd- 1. i. p. 228. Leusden de Dial. N. T. p. 17. 2 Air, Gr. N. T. ^S 16. Georg. Hier. i. 3. 13. 3 Planck de Orat. N. T. ii. 3. ^ Georg. Ilierocrit. i. 3. 1 1. * Thom. M. p. 789. Lobeck ad Pbrvn. p. 191. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 2? Ohs. 1. There is a similar analo<;y in the noun ffciX-rnrrhy for which the older writers used (raXcr/yxr^,-, Rev. xviii. 22. 2. The formation of the second aorist after the manner of the ^r^^ has been attributed to the Cilicians/ but it was equally prevalent with the Alexandrians. It is followed by the LXX in a multiplicity of passages. Thus 1 Sam. x. 14, Ei'^a/XEV, 2 Sam. X. 14, sl^av, %(pvy(x,v, xvii. 20, zv^oLy, xix. 42, eipaya/otev, xxiii. 16, eXa^av, 2 Chron. xxix. 6, lyxarsXiTrav, Esth. v. 4, sX^oirco, Ps. Ixxvi. 18, Epocvxv, Prov. ix. 5. eX^octs, Isai. xxxviii. 14, E^g/XotTo, dipslXixro, Amos iv. 4, luXn^vvoLTE, rivEyaocrs. There is one unquestionable example in the New Testament, where we fmd svp(i(j.svof, in Hebr. ix. 12. Nor is there reason to doubts from the very great consent of the best MSS., that the true reading is in Matt. xxv. 36, ^xS-arc, Luke vii. 24, e^v-jX^ars, xi. 52, EljyjXS-aTE, John vi. 10, h£7r£<7xv, Acts ii. 23, dveiXocre, vii. 10, xii. 11, E^Et'XaTo, vii. 21, dvsiXxro, xxii. 7, sVsffof, Rom. xv. 3, ETTdTrefy^zv, 1 Cor. x. 8, Rev. vi. 13, 'stteo-qcv. (Buttm. § 96. Obs: 1. note.)' Obs. 2. In the second person singular, and, in the infinitive, this form never appears ; unless, which is probably the case, the aorist utx, from il-riTv, should be referred to this head. It occurs in the second person sing, in Matt. xxvi. 25, Mark xii. 32, Luke XX. 39. The imperative s;Vov is found in Gen. xii. 13, xx. 13, Exod. vi. 6, viii. 5.16, Levit. xxi. ], and elsewhere repeatedly; and the manuscripts vary be- tween ti-PTov and j/Vs in Acts xxviii. 26. In other places, however, it is always s/Ve, even when a vowel follows. See Matt. iv. 3, xxii. 17, Luke iv. 3, vii. 7, x. 40. Nevertheless we have uTart in Matt. x. 27, xxi. 5, Col. iv. 7 ; and j/Va^rwo-av in Acts xxiv. 20. The Alexandrian manuscript has also giWv, indie. 3 pi. in Mark xi. 6, Luke xix. 39, Acts i. 11, and the part, i'l'-ras in Acts xxii. 2^.^ Obs. 3. From a^-rd^a, the aor. 2. pass. Ti^-ray/iv, and part. u^Tayi);, are found 2 Cor. xii. 2, 4. Some copies also read fi^rdy^v, for h^'^iff^nv, in Rev. xii. 5. This aorist is rarely used by the Attics. (Buttm. § 100. Obs. 9.) Obs. 4. It may admit of a doubt whether the Attics gave the preference to >j or a in the aorist of verbs in -oclvu. Grammarians, however, decide in favour of the former, although the exceptions are almost as numerous as the proofs of the rule, independently of various readings.* In the New Testament we have i-xitpava. in Luke i. 79 ; Uriftava in Acts xi. 28, xxv. 27. (Buttm. § 101, 4, and Obs. 2.) § \^,— .Verbals. (Buttm. § 102.) Verbals, derived from verbs pure, have s before the final syllable, which however is frequently omitted. Thus the more ancient Greeks used aVe/^aror, or lonice, dTrsipnTos, as in Hom. 11. M. 304. Find. 01. xi. 18. Nem. i. 33. But although ccTrsipota- ' Ileiaclides ap Kustath. p. 1 709, 10. ^ Stiirz. do Dial. Alex. ])!>. GO, seqfji. '^ Matt. Gr. Gr. ^ 201, 6. and, 232. * Lobeck ud I'hvyu. p. 24. 28 A GREEK GRAMMAR ros is used in James i. 13, and in the Epistles of Ignatius to the Philippians, the latter can scarcely be considered as a new form, since both were indifferently employed by the Attics in other instances ; as yvcoaroi and yvcoro^, in Soph. OEd. 7. 361, 396. d^iixKyrof and d^Efjiiros, in Xen. Cyr. i. 6. 6.Eurip. Ion. 1093. respectively.^ Obs. 1. The above remarks are equally applicaLle to the noun (itaa-Ths, IMatt. xii. 12. With this orthography it is found only in Philo, and in the Ecclesiastical writers. It is elsewhere ^larvn, as in Find. Nem. ix. 130.* Obs. 2. New compounds, however, were frequently formed by tbe later writers, which were not to be found in their predecessors. For example, scKara'TaverTos, unceas- ing, for which a-recva-Tos was formerly used, occurs in 2 Pet. ii. 14; and a^riyivv/iro;, new-born for noyivh; or a^riysv*;;, in 1 Pet. ii. 2. Compare Polyb. iv. 17. 4. Lucian. Dial. Marin, xii. 1 . § 19. — Verbs Barytone and Contract. (Buttm. § 103, 105.) The Paradigmas of rvTrrco, ttoieoj, riixioj, and pctcr^oo;, are equally applicable to the conjugation of the verbs in the later writers^ and the New Testament. It is merely necessary to subjoin the following remarks : — Obs. 1. The termination -j/. The contract form in -u, which is commonly employed in three verbs only, is found in two of them, oy^ii and (iovku. See Matt, xxvii. 4, Lukexxii. 42. Of the third, oUt, there is no example ; but there is another instance of the same form, if the word be genuine, in Luke vii. 4. Here, however, the best manuscripts read t«^£?>7, according to the common orthography, which should probably be re- ceived into'the text. (Buttm. § 103. III. Obs. 3.) Obs. G. Peculiar to the later speech is the termination of the third person plural, both in the imperf. and second aorist, in -oauv, instead of -ov. Of this form there is one example in the New Testament, viz., Vha'Atavfav for lloXioZv, in Rom. iii. 13. Some manuscripts also read IXafiotrav for -ra^iXex.(ii, in 2 Thess. iii, 6. In the LXK the form is very frequently found, which proves it to have been essentially Alexan- drian,* though it has been also referred to the Chalcidians and the Asiatic Greeks.^ Thus, Gen. vi. 4, iyiwuffxv, Kxod. i. 1, ila-^k^offav, xvi. 24, xanXiTratrav, xviii. 26, iKoivoirav, Deut. i. 24, IXaf^offuv, Ps. xiii. 3, 'ihoXiovtrav, xlvii. 4, i^x^offav, Ixxvi. 16, illoffctv, &c. &c. It was also commonly employed by the Byzantine historians : as in Niceph. Greg. vi. 5, s'/Wav, Nicet. xxi. 7, ^sT/^xSao-av, Since verbs in -^< have precisely the same formation, the ending may be traced to the ancient lan- guage of the Greeks, and Phavorinus ascribes it to the Dorians.^ (Buttm. § 103. V. Obs. 1.) Obs. 7. The termination -av for -airi in the third pers. pi. of the perfect active is said by some to have been in use at Chalcis/ but it seems to have prevailed more especially in the Alexandrian dialect,^ It might readily arise out of a confusion between the similar inflexion of the first aorist.^ Besides the various readings, Luke ix. 36, Rom. xvi. 7, and elsewhere, there is in John xvii. 7, 'iyvajKuv, Rev.xix* 3, u^nKKv. In the LXX the usage is much more frequent; as in Deut. xi. 7, lu^ocKavy Isai. v. 29, '^fa.^iffTnKav. (Buttm. § 103. V. Obs. 3.) Obs. 8. Instead of the usual Attic forms -Truvh and h^'^v, the New Testament writers use the contraction into a; as, for instance, in John vii. 37, Rom. xii. 20. We find also the {\xi\ue -rtivdiru for -pruvr.ffu, in Rev. vii. 16; but the other form, h4'r,tru, in the same text. So the aorist i'Tiivaa-u in Matt. xii. 1, Mark ii. 25, xi. 12 ; and again in John vi. 35, where, however, it is coupled with \%l^r)ffu. The verbs %nv and x;^5i(rSa/ follow the Attic usage.7 (Buttm. § 105, Obs. 5.) § 20.— Verbs in (xi. (Buttm. § 107.) The Paradigms of the Conjugation in -fjn suggest the follow- ing observations : — ^ Planck, ubi supra : Sturz. de Dial. Alex. pp. 59, 60. ^ Kustath. pp. 1759, 35 ; 1761, 30. Tzetzes ad Lyeophr. 21. 252. ^ Fischer in Prolus. p. 681. Phavoriu. in v. i(puyo(rctv. The third person plural of the optative in -oitrav and -ata-av, for -onv and -a;=v, ia frequently met with in the LXX. For example, Psalm xxxiv. 25, urata-etv, J oh xviii. 7, l^yiozua-cna-uv. In the New Testament this form does not occur. See Matt. Gr. Gr. p. SiH. * Tzetzes ad Lyeophr. 252. The form is found in the inscription on Trajan's Pillar, and in the Oxford Marbles. * Sext. Kmpir. adv. Gramm. 6 213, ki^i; n '^a.^k toI; "x\tl»v\tv(rtv, iX>jXi/Sav xu) uTtXvkv^av. See Sturz. de J)ial. Alex. p. 58. " Planck de Orat. N. T. ^ ii. 3. 7 Lobeck ad Phryn. pp. 61. 204. 30 A GREEK GRAMMAR Obs. 1. There are occasional instances of the third person plural of the present in -uffi: as T/Ssatr/, for T/S£ in Matt. V. 15, xxiii. A, Mark xv. 17. (Buttm. § 107. Obs. i. 1.) Obs, 2. The contract form of verbs in -^tt/, which passed from the Ionic and Doric dialects into the later speech, is common in the New Testament. Thus we have Matt. xiii. 13, 2 Cor. x. 12, ffwioZffi, Matt. xiii. 23, Rom. iii. 11, ffwiuv, Matt, xviii. 8, xxvi. 26, Mark xv. 23, Wi^ou, Acts iii. 2, Wi^ow, Rom. iii. 31, l(r7ufitv, 2 Cor. iii. 13, st/Sh/, iv. 2, ffwurravTii. In Rev. ii. 20, many copies read a(pti7i, instead of !«;. For these forms in the LXX see 1 Chron. xxv. 7, 2 Chron. xxxiv. 12, Psal. xli. 1, Jerem. xx. 12, and elsewhere.^ (Buttm. § 107. Obs. 1, 2.) Obs. 3. Although the aor. 2 opt. ^^jjv is very generally ceiisured by the old gram- marians, it is sometimes regarded as a regular Ionic forni, contracted from BaZ/jy.* It is found in Rom. xv. 5, Eph. i. 17, iii. 16, 2 Tim. i. 18, iii. 7, and in Gen. xxviii. 4, xliii. 14, LXX, and elsewhere. In Plat. Gorg. p. 481, Lysias c. Andocid. t. iv. p. 215, recent editors have substituted 'hu for ^uri. Later writers frequently em- ployed it. See Themist. Orat. 13, 174. Appian. Punic, xviii. 324.^ (Buttm. ^ 107. Obs. i. 3.) Obs. 4. There is an instance of the plusq. perf. UrnKuv, with the simple aug- ment, in Rev. vii. 11. Some manuscripts have also io-r'^Kitrav for iia-r^Kitirav, in Luke xxiii. 10, Acts i. 10, ix. 7. (Buttm. § 107. Obs. i. 7.) Obs. 5. Among the unusual inflexions of this class of verbs which the New Tes- tament exhibits, may be noticed the aor. 1 conjunctive ^wo-jj, from j'Wa, for 'i^Mxa, in John xvii. 2, Rev. viii. 3, xiii. 1, 6. This has been regarded as a Doric form ; but the texts are most probably corrupt. In every instance the copies vary between ^eoff'/i, ^uffUf and luffiv, of which %cu(ru is probably the true reading. Many critics, indeed, regard ^uxri^, not as the aorisf, but as the future conjunctive.* Examples of this tense are occasionally met with in the older Greek writers, but they are universally attributed to the errors or ignorance of transcribers. Instances also occur in the New Testament, which are still retained in the text ; as in 1 Cor. xiii. 3. xav^'/j(ra/u,ai, 1 Pet. iii. 1, Ki^n^r,ffuvTui. The various^readings also give in Rom. xi. 26, ffu^nffyirai, 1 Tim. vi. 8, a^xi(rB>:(r&>f/,iBa. In no one passage, however, is there even a tolerable consent among the manuscripts ; so that the future indicative should unquestionably be replaced in every instance.^ Obs. 6. With respect to the second person singular of the imperative, we have S/^oy, for ^i^oS/, in Matt. v. 42, Luke vi. 30. In compound verbs, ccvda-Tu, for dva- ffrti^i, is found in Acts xii. 7, Eph. v. 14. So also Mark xv. 30, Kardfia, Rev. iv. 1. dvdlict. Nevertheless we find dvaffrtj^i, in Acts ix. 6, 34, I'mrTn^i, 2 Tim. iv. 2. (Buttm. 107. Obs. i. 14.) Obs, 7. Syncopated forms of the perfect participle of /W^^/ frequently occur, both in the simple and compound verb. See Mark xiv. 70, Luke i. 11, John xi. 42, Acts xxii. 20, xxiii.^4, xxviii. 2. So also the infinitive 'nrrdvai, for Iffrtixivat, in 1 Cor. X. 12. (Buttm. § 107. II. Obs. 3.) 1 Georg. Ilierocrlf. ii. 3. 17. 2 Thorn. M. p. 326. 3 Lobeck ad Phryn. p. 346. Georg. Hierocrit. 3. 1.5. Sturz. de Dial. Alex. p. 52. There is a similar contraction in the substantives, <7rccT^a.Xclias and fiYir^aXcuUi in 1 Tim. i. 9. See Wetstein m loc. The Attic form 'xar^a.Xo'ta.i occurs in Plat. Ph8ed.'§62. * Glass. Phil. Sacr. t. i. p. 313. Georg. Hierocrit. p. 253. ^ Lobeck ad Phryn. pp. 720, seqq. Abresch. Diluc. Thucyd. pp. 293, 795. Obss. Misc. t. iii. p. 13. Lipsius de indicativi usu in N. T, § 6. Gebser on James iv. 13. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 31 S 21. — TJie rerh,^ 'if\ixi and elfxl. I. iV;/xi, to 6'encL (Buttm. § 108. 1.) 1. The imperfect of the compound ^(p/ooiun has frequently the augment at the beginning; as Y,(pie, in Mark i. 34, xi. IG.^ 2. The third person plural of the perfect, ^(psojvTxi, for a(pervTa<, occurs in Matt. ix. 2, 5, Luke v. 20, 23, 1 John ii. 12, and elsewhere. Obs. 1. This form has been attributed to the Attics, and supposed to be analogous to the word ilu^a, which is prolonged in a similar manner frgm u^a.^ But it is nowhere employed by any other writer ; and the grammarians more generally refer it to the Doric dialect.^ The syntax will not admit of the supposition that it is an aor. conjunctive,* as cl 1 Sam. xv. 35, i(iacrikiv(rz rov laovX It) 'l(r^ar,k. See also 1 Sam. viii. 22, 2 Kings xiv. 21, Ps. Ixxi. 21, cxix. 50, cxxxii. 17, Isai. xvi. 5, Ezek. xvii. 24. As frequently, however, by a periphrasis with -ronTv, as in Deut. xxxii. 39, ^ijv jroiJio'-i;, Isai. xxix. 21, Toiovvrt; afx,a^- * Alt, § 49. — As the active sometimes bears the sense of the Hebrew Hiphil, so it has been thought the passive may express that of the Hophal ; and examples of this signification have been adduced from 1 Cor. viii. 3, xiii. 8, 12, iv. 9. In each of the passages it has been argued that ytv^trxitrB-xt signifies, to be caused to know, L e) to be taught ; but in the first outo; iyvaa-rai, he is known, refers to God, not to him\i'ho loves God, In the last yvuff^ivris will more appropriately mean approved, or lovnd, which is a common sense of the verb. Compare Matt. vii. 23, John viii. 55, llifb. vii. 15, 2 Tim. ii. 19, Heb. xiii. 23. In 1 Cor. xiii. 8, the insertion of ««/, after KuStii^ is altogether overlooked in the proposed translation : whereas jca^ati xa) iTiynod^'/iv, clearly indicates a sense identical with the preceding word, Tors iTiyvuffoy-ai, then shall I know even as also J am known, i. e. of God : or in other words, my knowlege will be perfect and universal. Compare Glass. Phil. Sac. p. 253. Pott, ad 1 Cor. viii. 3. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 33 d(jaksvTOf. 43, sKeKEVffs rovi ^uyccfMevovs xoXuix^^v, ocTToppl-^avraf {scil. hxurovs- sU ^dXaaa-ocv) ^ TTpcorovs ettI rr/v yojv E^isvtzt. Here also belongs ccv^oIvbdi, to grow, in Matt. vi. 28, Luke i. 80, and elsewhere ; which intransitive sense it also bears in the later Greek writers. Obs. 2. Somelimes a noun is required to complete the sense ; as in Matt. vii. 1, !r^(j(rj;^£iv, sci/. Tov vovv, to observe; Mark xiv. 72, iTt^aXXnv, scil, rtjv'^ta.voia.v., io reflect. (Some understand simply laurov; but compare Diod. Sic. ii. 7 ; M. Anton. X. 30. The omission is supplied in Diod. Sic. xx. 44, ^^os ollh IriflaXt rhvliavotav.) Luke V. 3, 11, iTavdyuv and xardynv, scil. nrnt vxvv, to put out to sea and to make the land, respectively; Acts xxvii. 15, In^ihovui, sciL to -rXoTov. So Heliod. .^th. i. 3, Ixlo'vTos ra> avif^a. Here also some supply Ixvtovs. We have in Sil. Ital. xi. 275. Puppini dat vento.^ To this head of transitives used intransitively has been also referred, but improperly, John xiii 2, rov 'hiufhoXou nl'/i (iifixyixoros u; rhv xa^'^iav 'loJ^cc, where the object is implied in the subsequent words Vva avTov ^a^cc^ui:^ Also in Acts ix. 19, the verb Ivia-xiJuv is naturally intransitive, though it has an active sense in Luke xxii. 43.^ The verb "a-r*ifzt is used in various senses both transitive and in- transitive ; the present, imperfect, aor. 1, and fut. 1. tenses bearing an active signi- fication, and the perfect, plusq. perfect, and aor. 2, a neuter one. For examples, see Matt. iv. 5, x. 3, xii. 46, 47, xiii. 2, xxvi. 15, Mark ix. 36, Luke ix. 47, xix. 8, John i. 26, viii. 44, Acts i. 23, viii. 38, xvii. 31, xxvi. 22, Rom. iii. 31, Heb. x. 9, et alibi. Properly the compound luffryifn signifies to separate in an active sense (Isai. lix. 2, Prov. xvii. 9, LXX) ; but it is intransitive in Luke xxi. 59, xxiv. 51, Acts xxvii. 28.* Obs. 3. The middle sense is apparent in many active verbs : as in 2 Cor. xi. 20, u ri; vfjiMi Kar&^ovXol. Compare Gal. ii. 4. Perhaps also 2 Tim iv. 4, ocro rUg a,Xyi~ klas rhv ccKonv aTo5 iTitTToXf) -n^tix^'i' The same verb occurs in its proper active sense in Acts xxiii. 25, 1 Mace. xv. 2, 2 Mace. ix. 18, Joseph. Ant. xi. 4. 9, xiv. 12. 2. There is another example in Ant. i. 1 1, lU iffi;, in Eur. Bacch. 1137. Thuc. i. 20. Obs. 2. It may also be remarked that the above is nut the only change in the forms of substantives, which has been pointed out in the New Testament. Gram- marians have noticed [jbirouKrla, in Matt. i. 11, instead of furoUitris, which is used by Plato (De Legg. viii.), or //.iroiKia, in ^Esch. Eum. 1016. There is also f^ec^nTpia, for ^aS>}T^/f, in Acts ix. 36,^ and xocvxtis'i?, for x.a.'jx^> in Rom. iii. 27, et passim. 1 Passov. Gram. N. T. p. 571. Planck de Orat. N. T. 6 ii. 5. 2 The Attics commonly used KOirayuytov in this sense. See Moeris p. 241. Thorn. M. p. 501. 3 Moeris, p. 263. Thorn. M. p. 693. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT, 41 Analogous with ihis last, however, are the duplicate ibrms ai'^tj and ail^v^n, Plat, Pha;d. p. 1211. D. Xen. CEcon. 5. 1; (iovxh and (iovXuffis, Xen. Hell. vi. 4. 35, Thucyd. vi. 69. 2. The terminations of adjectives were frequently changed by the later usage ; and a prominent example of such change in the New Testament is afforded by those ending in Jt«aj, cognate with o-^if/,os, with which it is found in conjunction in James v. 7. These, however, are rather lexicographical distinctions, and, as well as others of a like character, are duly marked by fi'ahl, and in the late edition of Parkhurst, by Bose. 42 A grp:ek grammar PART II. SYNTAX. § 'Ib.^Ofthe Noun. (Buttm. § 123.) 1. An yJdjectivey whether used as an epithet or predicate, ought properly to agree with its substantive in gender and number; and the same is true of adjective pronouns and rela- tives. From this rule there are some deviations in the New Testament ; as, for example, when the concord is regu- lated by the sense of the substantive^ so that a noun is accom- panied by an adjective, participle, or pronoun, in a different grammatical gender. Obs. 1. This construction occurs with an adj. or part. inEph. iv. 17, rxXoi'^a, 'i^vn cTiPi'^a.Ti?, iffKoritrfAivoi t55 havoix ovTis. 2 John 4, l%a^;jy X/av, or/ ivpriKcx, [rivci) Ix ra/v TiKvuv erov •ffi^tTcx.rouvTce.s. Rev.iv. 8, Titrffoi^a, ^mo,'ra.vaiv ovk 'ix,ovffiv, Xiyovrtg. (Another reading is Xiyovra.^ xix. 14, rd, ffT^ariu//,aTcc lv^s^iJf4,ivot (hvffffivov Xivkov xou xaS-aoov. Compare also Rev. v. 13. Some refer to this head Eph. ii. 11, v/u,i7s, to, V^vj? h ffa^x), 01 Xiyo/xivot, ». r. X.; butitis scarcely an example in point. The following are examples of different gender in the pronoun: Matt, xxviii. 19, f^x^^nua-ars ^rdvra to, VSvjj, /SaiTTi^flVTEj ahrov?. Mark V. 41, x^uTriffKS r^j %s/^o? roZ -rccihlov, kiyu ahrvi. Acts XV. 17, TavTO. TO. sS-vJj, £(p' ovs iTTtxix'Krirtx.i, x. r. X. Rom. ix. 23, it) trxiv-n ixiov;, a 'XpoYiTolfJt.ativ SIS ^o^av, oSs kki IxaXiffiv, x. r. X. Gal. iv. 19. Tixv'tex, (aou, oui -proiXiv uhlvu. Col. ii. 19, T^v xi(poiXhv i^ ov ?rav TO aufjt.a, x. r. X, 2 John 1. toIs rixvois ccuryj;, ovs a,ya.ov alrm f^h ^a/SjjSJJts, i, e. raiv xaxovvra/f videos, with reference to o xaxuam in the preceding clause. Sometimes the reference is indicated by some official designation, or an abstract noun, preceding; as in Luke xxiii. 51, oZroi olx viv ffuyxaran^Uf^ivo; rri (iouX^ xcct t55 Tr^ci^ti ochreiv, i. e. of the toioicil, of which Joseph has just beeu desciibed as a member (fiovXivrn;) ; Rom. ii. 25, lav ovv h axoofhuffrloc, rd. 1ixaiufjt.a.rot. rov v'ofAov (pvXdcftrv, olx) h ax^ofivffrloc. avrou us 1 Winer and Alt, ubi supra; Poppo adThucyd. i.92. Passov.Lex. in vv. Ik, o's. 44 A GREEK GRAMMAR tiQirofjiMv XoyKTByjcrirat ; where avrov must mean an uncircumcised individual^ included in the abstractum pro concreto of the foregoing clause. Obs. 5. It is usual to class under this head John viii. 44, ort ^ivirrns iirr), xat -rocrh^ avrov, on the Supposition that avrov refers to ^Jyiv^ovs implied in i^ivarris. But it is manifest that after o ^ocrho ahrov the words -^tUrm Itrn are to be repeated; for if s3a, t^> vfjiZv xard^rifftv. IJy a like enallage the adjective tZ; is used in the masculine or neuter, with reference to a substantive in a different gender and case. Of this there is an example in Mark xii. 28, to/x Ut) ^^uri^ vavTuv hroX'/i. So Thucyd. iv. 52, rdi rt akXet; •jroXit; xat -ravTuv f/,aktffTcc 7h"Av7av\ov. Lucian. Pisc.p. bS3. fticc -rxvruv 'Jiyt aXv^ris (ptXoffa^toc. 5. 1? a.n adj., part., ov pron. refers to two or more substan- tives in the same gender, it is properly in this gender in the plural : as 1 Pet. i. 18. ou (p^ocprois dpyuqlco 7} y^pvaico sXvTpcu^rirs, Very generally however the singidar number is used. Thus in Acts i. 25, X^^/Ssn/ tov yXripov ttis ^iockovI^s tocutt,^ kxI d7ro(TToXr,i. This is even sometimes the case, when one of the substantives is in the plural ; as in Matt. vii. 12, ovros ya,p Icrrtv mo^^os nccl ol 7rpo(pr,Tai. When all are plural, the rule is strictly observed ; as in Matt. iv. 24, Troix-iXocts voaoi^ xal ^aaxvoi^ ouv^y^pixivovs. Mark ii. 15, TToWo) r&Kcuvxi xai u/xocprcoXoi, Acts vi. 8, ettoIsi repccra xocl an/jLs'ia, ixiyaXoc. Obs.9. If the substantives are of different genders, and inanimate objects are signified, the neuter plural is commonly employed ; as in Acts ii. 45, to, Krnfjia.ra »a) ra; vcrd^^ti; iTtT^atrxov, xa) ^is/u,i^i^ov ochrd. -Tfa.ffi. With animated beings the adj. is placed in the masc. as the worthier gender, if one of the substantives be in the inasc. ; as in Matt. xii. 50, abro; (jlov ahi'Kar/. sometimes, though rarely, agrees with the relative in- stead of the substantive, from which it is separated ; as in Rom. iv. 24, \y^d yap oliff6u o civ^^u-ro; Ixiivo?, oTi Xn^iTat Ti -ra^ci Kvpi'oW a.r/>p 'hi^vxos, uxaTocffTOcros, x. t. X. In this case apposition will sometimes agree with a relative, of which the leading word is the antecedent. Thus in Phil. iii. 18, •roXXa/ ya.^ Ti^iTareva-iv, ot; ToXXdxi; iXiyov v/zTv, tov; Ix^^o^S "^^^ ffrocuooZ too 'S.^ictoZ, 1 John ii. 25, avTr) iffrh h iTayyiX'toc, nv avros ccmyyilXaro vfjuv, Tnv ^uhv t'/iV altuviov. Somewhat similar is 1 Pet. iii. 21, ^nff^u^Tia-av ^/ u^aros, o xa.) rii/-a.s uvtItwov vuv ffuZ^ii ^a.irTi(TfJt.a, which still, i. e., its antitype, baptism, saves us. The reading Z has every appearance of being the correction of some transcriber. 2. Instead of an apposition, the latter siilst. is occasionally put in the genitive. This is the case particularly with the names of places, as in 2 Pet. ii. 6, Ttokus 2oSo/xa;v xal Tofji^oppa^. So the Latins said urbs RomcB, fons Timavif Jluvius Evphratist and the like. Obs. 1. The same construction is employed in other instances ; as in 2 Cor. v. 5, 'hov? r,fjt'7v tov appujiaJva tov os TOV ov^avou. Compare Acts ii. 19. In Latin the genitive is used in the same manner ; as, for example, in Cic. Off. ii. 5, Commemoratis cceteris causis, eluvionis, pestilenticp, &c., that is, quce consistunt in eluvione, pestilent ia. 3. A new proposition^ in which of hn may be supplied, occu- pies the place of an apposition in a few instances. Thus in James iii. 8, rriv yXaxJcray ov^sn ^vvccTxi dv'^puTraJv ^a/Jiccaaci' dxacrac- ffj^STOV XaHOV^ /XS<7T73 lov ^OCVXTn^pOpOV. RcV. i. 5, «^0 'ItJCTOi) X^JCTTOl), TO THE NEW TESTAMETsT. 49 fxa^rus o TTia-Tofy x. t. X. Somewhat similar arc the anacolutha, which are noticed in § 69. II. OLs. 2. It should seem that an apposition is involved, as it were, in the concise expression of 2 Cor. vi. 13, tyiv uhrnv uvrifji,Kr^la,v -rXaruvdYin xai i/nTsj i, e. rov uvtov T^oi'ov, lirriy, dvrifiiff'&ix. Of the Articulus Prcepositkus. (Buttm. § 124, 125.) § 27- — Insertions and Omissions of the Article. 1. The difference in the use of the article by the old Greek poets and the Attic writers is rather apparent than real. As to the assertion that there is no article, properly speaking, in Homer (Buttm. § 126. Obs. 7 .), it must be received with consi- derable limitation ; * for it is not to be denied that there are numberless passages which precisely correspond with the Attic usage. Still the pronominal nature of the article is, in some instances, established beyond contradiction ; as in II. ii. 793, ToD V aTTo /Xfcv xqiXTos xvvsnv ^ccKs ^or/Sos- 'A'37'oXXa'V, 'H ^e xuXiv- ^opc£vaj xavax.'^v exs 7ro(jalv v(p' 'iTTTruv. Had the sentence ended here, it is evident that -h would be a pronoun referring to y.vysnv, exactly as tou refers to Patroclus ; but it so happens that a,v- 'kuTTis T^u(pccXBioc follows iu the next verse. Hence the difference between the prcEpositive article and pronoun is not essential, but accidental ; and, consequently, there is in fact no difference at all. It becomes therefore only necessary to inquire whether it ever loses this pronominal character, not only in Homer, but in other Greek writers ; and it will be seen that the article o and the pronoun 6 are essentially the same thing, differing only in having or not having an adjunct. Obs. 1. The adjutict is annexed to the a7-t. by means of the participle of existence understood ; so that the art. ntiay be considered as the stihject, and its adjunct as the predicate of a proposition, which differs from ordinary propositions, only as assump- tion differs from assertion. Thus o uvn^ signifies He, or the male, being, or as- sumed to be a man ; and the same reasoning will hold if the jjredicate be an adjec- tive. Sometimes indeed the participle of existence is expressed^ though the au- thor's meaning would have been equally certain had it been omitted. Thus Arist. Ethic. Nicom. iv. 2, ol fjcdxtffra. u^wt oVtsj riKiffrtt T^ovrovffi. If the predicate be a participle, it is plain that it contains an assumption within itself^ which supplies the place of the participle of existence. Obs. 2. Since the article and its predicate together constitute an assumptive pre ' Winer, § 48. Alt, § 31. Erfurdt ad Soph. (Ed. T. C02. Monk ad Eur. Alcest. 7. Matthiae ad Eur. Phcen. 223. Stalbaum ad Plat. Gorg. p. 228. « See Matt. Gr. Gr. § 264. £ 50 A GREEK GRAMMAR position, it can be employed only where an assumption will be allowed, either from its reference positively to something which has preceded, or hypothetically to some- thing which is about to become the. subject of an assertion. The article therefore may be used, either when conjointly with its predicate it recalls some former idea, or when it is the representative of something, of which, whether known or unknown, an assumption is to be made. In the latter case the use of the article is not, as the grammarians say, indefinite ; but it denotes the whole particular class of objects to which its adjunct can apply.^ 2. When a person or thing recently mentioned is spoken of again, or when the existence of such a person or thing is as- sumed from what has been said, or when a well-known person or thing is mentioned xar' V^oxnv, the article is always inserted.''' Thus in Matt. i. 24, 6 ayyeXor is the angel recently mentioned, and rov vttvou refers to ovaq preceding. Matt. ii. 11, rriv olytlay, scil.f sTToivoij ^s sf^ov rov darspoc ; v. 25, o avTi^txofj o ycptrins, o vtt'A' /5s'T7jf, persons well known in the courts of law ; viii. 12, S KXayS"- ptoj- xat ^^uyixos rm o^ovtwv, scil. of the person last mentioned ; xiii. % TO 5rXotov, the boat appropriated to Jesus and his dis- ciples ; 26, Ta ^i^aivix, a renewed mention from the preceding verse. So again in v. 27; but many MSS. there omit the article, which may be right ; since the servants would rather perhaps express surprise at there being any tares at all, than at ihe particular tares in question. Again, Matt. xxi. 12, rus ir&piarspas, the doves, expressly prescribed for the offerings of the poor ; Luke ix. 16, rot's- ^tevts aprovs rovs ^uo ix^voc$, the loaves and fishes spoken of in v. 12; John vi. 10, sv rw roVw, scil. Iv a> EJTajxev o 'lyiffovf ; vii. 51, rov uv^pcoTTov, the man amen- able to the law ; 1 Cor. iv. 5, 6 sVaivor, the praise, with refer- ence to the action which merits it; 2 Cor. vii. 11, Iv toJ gr^ay- [jiuri, the main business respecting the incestuous person ; and so in 1 Thess. iv. 6, the matter in hand ; Eph. vi. 12, ^ TraXoo, the contest implied in the preceding verses; Heb. xi. 28, 6 oKo^pzvuvj the destroying angel mentioned by Moses ; James ii. 25, rovs dyyeKous, the well-known spies. In John vii. 24, rinv ^Ixaiav x^tViv xqivarE specifies the judgment which is stiictly just, and not in appearance only. The use of the article in this passage is similar to the example cited by Matthiae (Gr. Gr. § 267.) from Eur. Iph. A. 305. Its force will be seen by resolving thus, Yi xplais, c^v x^tvare, ^ikocU sarco. Of words used xar' iz-o^-nv 1 Middleton on the Gr. Art. ch. 1. 2 Middleton on the Gr. Art,, part i ch. 3, § 1, 2. Most of the examples are taken from Winer, but his mode of illustration is generally different. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 51 there are examples in Matt. i. 23, ^ 'jrocp^svos, the virgin fore- told by Isaiah (vii. 14); Matt. xi. 3, 6 £qx°f^^^^^> ^^^ 2^^^^^''^ confessedly expected to comcj i. e. the Messiah ; Mark i. 7, o 'laXi^qorspos, that one ivho is stronger, i. e. Christ ; John i. 2L 7rpo(p'nrr,s, the prophet promised in Deut. xviii. 15, sqq. ; Acts iv. 12, 0^ aurnpU, the expected salvation. Thus also o lid^oXos, 'jroYnpos, TTstpd^^cov, by which expressions the devil is desig- nated KocT E^oyjny. Obs. 3. Under this head may be placed the monadic noun$ ; i. e. nouns indicating persons or things which exist single, or of which, if there be several, only one, from the nature of the case, can be the subject of discourse.^ Thus Matt. v. 15, tIv /jcohmy the measure ; r^v Xy%v/av, the lamp; of which articles only one would probably be found in a house ; Luke iv. 20, ru v^n^iry, the only attendant who was employed in the synagogue ; John xiii. 5, tov viTTtipa, the only basin used on the occasion. In Matt. iv. 5, TO ^rs^uytov is evidently something monadic ; but it is difficult to deter- mine what part of the Temple is meant. By to -rorri^iov, in Matt. xxvi. 27, « single cup is designated, though it may have been filled several times during the Paschal feast. So also, in the preceding verse it has been thought that a single loaf is indicated ; but here some important MSS. omit rh, and the omission is rendered highly probable by a comparison with the parallel places in Mark xiv. 22, Luke xxii. 19.* Obs. 4. It is evidently the reference to a single portion of time which explains such expressions as the following : Matt. xx. 2, Ik 'hnm^iou rhv *i/:jt.i^av. Luke xviii. 12,1)$ rod (TccfifixTou. Heb. ix. 7, U';j'oil rod htauroZ. For the same reason, the true reading in Matt. x. 29 is probably rov avaa^iou, which is found in some MSS. Obs. 5. The numerous examples, in which the article has the sense of a possessive pronoun, may be explained on the same principles. Thus Matt. xi. 29, ra-rsmg r^ xap^ia, lowly in my heart ; Mark vi. 55, roTg K^ufifidrois, their beds ; Rom. xiv. 13, r5 tTta-ToXyi, in my letter. The proper mode of expressing simply by letter is h' i-pria-roXni, or ^<' l-pria-roXuv. See 1 Cor. xvi. 3, 2 Thess. ii. 2. In 2 Cor. x. 10, al I'jrtaro'koCi are his (St. Paul's) J^pistles in general.^ Obs, 6. In connexion with this class of insertions it may also be remarked, that the subject of proverbial allusions has the article ; since allusions naturally suppose the thing alluded to to be generally known. Thus in Matt, xxiii. 24, rov xmwxa, v^t xa/Afi\ot» Obs. 7. It is scarcely to be expected, that no anomalies should present themselves in the use of the article, for which it may be difficult or impossible to account ; but, at the same time, it is satisfactory to find that the deviations from the regular prac- tice may be arranged under specific heads, and that they are omissions where the article might have been inserted, not insertions irreconcilable with its alleged nature. 1. Nouns employed xar' iloxh, and under the similar circumstances noticed above, are frequently anarthrous after prepositions ; and consequently their definiteness or indefiniteness must, in such cases, be determined on other grounds. Thus in Matt. i. 18, \k Tvtvfiaros Uyiov, by the Holy Ghost: and here it may be observed that, in its personal sense, '^nvfi.a. or -rnvfjt.ot. Mym is ^ Middleton, part i. ch. 1. § 3. * Middleton in 11. cc. ^ Middleton on 1 Cor. v, 9. e2 52 A GREEK GRAMMAR never anarthrous, except in cases where other terms, confessedly most definite, lose the article ; but when his influences or operations, which are of various kinds, are indicated, the article, unless there be renewed mention or some other reference, is omitted. Matt. x. 15, xi. 22, h hfit^a x^iffiu;. Acts xvii. 13, -ra^oi •rorcif/,oy. Rom. v. 13, ax^* vo/zov, Iv Koa-f^u. Similar examples abound. 2. Where two or more nouns are coupled together by conjunctions, or where the conjunctions are omitted by the figure Ast/ndeton, the article, which would otherwise be inserted, is frequently rejected. In the New Testament, Enume- rations of this kind are very common : as, for instance. Matt. x. 28, xa) '4'V X*iv Kx) ffufi.a. Luke xviii. 29, yo'tCn n a.'^iX'Pous, k. t. X. xxi. 25, iv hXieo xec) tnX'^vyi Ku) citrT^oii.] 1 Cor. xiii. 13, critrns^ iX-r)?) ayaTni. Heb. iv. 12, ypvx^f Ti Ku) a,'ifjt.ocTos, and again, h^u{jt,'A(Ticav xa) hvoluv. See also Heb. vi. 2, 5, 1 Pet. ii. 13, et alibi passim. 3. It might be expected that ordinals would uniformly be preceded by the article, since, in a series of things of the same class, only one can be Jirst, second, &c. Ordinals, however, for the most part, whether tbe nouns with which they agree be expressed or understood, are anarthrous. Matt. xiv. 26, riTa^rn (pvXccx'^. xxii. 38, T^urnj IvroKn, "hiu-'ipa 1\ of/,olcc avr'^. In Luke xxiv. 21, the anomaly seems to have extended its influence so far as to cause the omission of the article before ravT'/iv, and a similar reason may possibly ac- count for its absence in Acts i. 5, xxiv. 21. See ^ 35. 1. Compare also John xxi. 14, 2 Cor. xiii. 1. Many MSS. omit rhv in Matt. xx. 3, and in other places the same variety is observable : nor can the correct readings be ascertained with any degree of accuracy. The reason of the irregularity seems to be, that while their natural definiteness gives to ordinals a right to the article, it at the same time renders it unnecessary. 4. Superlatives have so close an affinity to the ordinals signifying ^rs/ and last, that they also sometimes reject the article. There are but few, if any, in- stances in the New Testament. Such expressions as vlog v^icrrov (Luke i. 32) may be accounted for upon other grounds.^ The above anomalies will also be found to occur in some other relations, to be subsequently noticed. Ohs. 8. Analogous to the use of the article with monadic nouns, is the reason of its insertion before the great objects of nature : as in Matt. v. 45, vov riktov. vii. 25, 27, h P>^ox^, 01 ^oTaf/.o), 01 avifjLot. viii. 2G, rol? avi/u-ot; xa) Tn ^aXairff'/i. Acts iv. 24, Toy ol^avh, xa) tyiv yr,v, xa) t^v ^aXaffirav. Compare Matt. xxiv. 29, 33, Luke xii. 30, xvi. 17, Acts ii. 20, Rev. v. 13, vi. 12, et alibi. In Matt. xiii. 6 a single MS. has the article ; but there are several instances, both in the New Testament and in the classical writers, in which rtkio; is anarthrous. A principal reason of this may be, that it is one of those nouns, which are closely allied to the nature oi Proper Names; hut in genitives absolute, as in the place in question, the case differs little from an assertion of existence only ; and the same remark will generally hold, when merely the time when an event is said to happen is expressed. So Matt. xiv. 6, yivifftuy a,yr>fjt,ivuv. Luke xxiii. 54, irdlifiaTov WnpaxTxi. Acts xvi. 35, xxiii. 12, vi/u,i^as ys- Obs, 9. Not only the names of the elements, but of many other objects which exist singly, or singly in certain relations, have been supposed to present great irre- gularities in the use of the article ; and Winer^ has given a list of words which, both ^ Middleton, part i. ch. 6. See also his notes on the several examples cited. s Middleton, part i. ch. 3, § 5. See also his note on Matt. 1. c, and compare Krliger on Xen. Anab. ii. 10. 15. » Part iii. ch. I. § 18. 1. See Rose's Preliminary Observations to the last edition of Bishop Middletou's work. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 53 in the New Testament and the best Greek writers, he supposes to take or reject the article ad libitutn, on the ground that they are so definite in their nature as to U^ave no room for mistake. It will be seen, however, on a very slight examination, that the irregularities lie, almost without .exception, within one or other of the limit- ations already indicated. Those from the New Testament alone demand attention in this place. They are the following : — nkiog. Out of thirty-two instances in the New Testament the article is omitted only eight times. Of these, Mark iv. G is parallel with Matt. xiii. 6, which has been already noticed. In Luke xxi. 25, Winer gravely observes that the ar- ticle is omitted, because the sun is mentioned in connexion with the moon and stars. The case is one of Emtmeration ; and so is Acts xxvii. 20. We say, in like manner, Sioi, moon, and stars. Nearly similar is 1 Cor. xv. 41, though it may here depend upon the regimen ; as it does in Rev. vii. 2, xvii. 12, xxii. 5. See also § 30, 1. yn. Regimen prevails in Mark xiii. 27. A preposition precedes in Luke ii. 14, Heb. viii. 4. In Acts xvii. 24 it is a case of Enumeration. So also in 2 Pet. iii. 10, where the article is also omitted in many MSS. before ov^ava/, and, it should seem, correctly. Compare v. 12. With respect to v. 5 of the same chapter, oh^avo) nffot-j ko.) yTi, there were heavens and an earth, is a simple asser- tion of existence. § 27. 4. ev^avos, oh^avoi. The omission of the article is confined to cases of Enumeration^ as those just cited, or to those in which a preposition occurs.' ^aXuffcrcx,. Before this word the article is very rarely omitted. In Acts vii. 36, x. 6, 32, 2 Cor. xi. 26, it fails after a preposition ; and in James i. 6, Jiide 13, the regimen excludes it. The existence of a sea is asserted indefinitely in Rev. iv. 6. Asa case of Enumeration, Luke xxi. 25 has been already noticed ; and Rev. xiv. 7 must fall under the same head, though it is somewhat peculiar. If the received text be correct, however, 2 Pet. iii. 10 is a similar instance. ^ There is an obscurity in Matt. iv. 15, wliere the words ohov ^aXda-eryis are copied from the LXX version of Isaiah ix. I. The translator probably regarded o^ov in the light of a preposition, as the original Hebrew word has sometimes the sense of versus ; but regimen will also accoimt for the omission of the article. fiiiryiufl^iec. There are no omissions except after a preposition ; as in Acts viii. 26, xxii. 6. vv'^. "With this word may be combined «^£^a and o^ioc, though omitted in Winer's list. All the cases in which they occur without the article are either simple assertions made by a verb substantive, and notes of time similar to those above cited,* or they fall within the established exceptions. Matt. xvi. 2, o-^Ut yivofAivvS' XXV. 6, fAiffrii vuKTog. Luke vi. 13, xxii. G6, on iyiviro hfAi^a. Acts xii. 3, tiffocv "hi hf^i^ai tuv a.Z,v(A,uv. The article fails before an ordinal in Acts xxvii. 33; aiter prepositions, and in enumerations, in 1 Thess. v. 2, 5. ayo^d. The article is omitted after prepositions in Matt. xi. IG, Mark vii. 4, Luke vii. 32. It is much more frequently inserted.^ aypof. Mark XV. 21, Luke xxiii. 26, a.Elian. V. H. i. 34. xocTfios. Matt. xiii. 35, Heb. iv. 3, uto Karct^oXra xofffjt,ou. John xvii. 24, ?r^o koct. Ko{^dcpovs. Luke viii. 5, o gtieioojv. Matt. xiv. 14, tovs appoua-rovs. Obs. 8. Although in all such cases it is the article which gives to its adjunct the force and nature of a substantive, still its use is regulated according to the strictest principles. Thus, for instance, o -Tru^d^wv is the tempter xar l^ox^v, and h erTrs/^ay may either be considered as having a special reference to the Messiah, or the article may have the import which it usually bears in proverbs and parables. See above, § 27, Obs. 6. Where a noun thus formed is not intended to be definite, the article may be omitted before the participle. See § 35. 2. Obs. 4. It is, however, in its inclusive sense that the article is thus more frequently employed, as indicating the who/e c/ass of individuals to whom the adjective or participle applies, as in the ex- amples from Matt. v. 4. sqq. Of the art. with a neut. adj., see § 36. 1. § 29. — Article with Attributives. 1 . When two or more attributives, whether sfibs. adject, or part., are joined together by conjunctions, and assumed of the ^ Middleton, part i. ch. 3. § 5. 2 Winer, § 17. 1. Mr. Rose inquires whether this may not extend to interroga- tions, where an exclusion is conveyed, though not in a direct form P Tluis 2 Cor. vi. 15, r't; fii^)s TiffTw /ziTo. ecTtcrrov. This amounts to, there is no portion /or any believer : and if it had been tm 'TrtffTM, the rendering would have been, there is no portion for believers generally. The proposition is equally exclusive with that in the next verse but one, which is cited above; and there seems to be no reason why the same principle should not prevail. Compare also 1 Cor. i. 20. At the same time [jci^ii and -TTiffTu being correlatives, the omission of the article with the former rejects it from the latter. See 6 30. 1. TO THE NEAV TESTAMENT. 61 same person or thing, the article is inserted before the first attributive, and omitted before the remaining ones.' Exam- ples are — Matt. xiii. 23, o d^ovcov xaci auvluv. Mark ix. 25, ro TrvEvfJioc TO aXaXov xai xco(p6v. Mark xvi. 16, o ^larsvaocs xat o /3aV- r/o-9-etj. John vi. 40, o '^ecopaiv aocl TriaTEUMv, xxi. 24, 6 pca^T^rris- o fxacprupajv ttb^i rourcov xoci y^d-^as. Acts ii. 20, t^v v}fJt.Epocv avplou TYiv [/.sydXriv xai £7ri(pxvri. iii. 14, tov ayiov xai ^/)caiov. Eph. i. 3, eCiXoyrifAevo^ o S-sor xai TTxrino. v. 5, ev rri' jSacfJiXsigc rov Xqirrrov ycxi esou. So Phil. iii. 3, Tit. ii. 13, Heb. iii. 1, 2 Pet. i. 1, Judo 4. Add Mark xvi. 16, Luke vi. 49, John vi. 40, x. 1, xxi. 24, Kom. xii. 2, 2 Cor. i. 3, Gal. i. 7, Phil. iv. 20, Col. ii. 2. iii. 17, 1 Thess. iii. 11, 2 Thess. ii. 12, 16, &c. &c. Obs. 1. The remarkable exclamation in John xx. 28, o Kv^ios fj^ov xat o Qsos fj,/iv,iH an apparent exception ; but in this instance the Evangelist has deemed it important to retain the Hebrew idiom in which it was delivered. In this language the affix is necessarily subjoined to both nouns; andtheLXX have translated ^JIJ^^ Nl^i^ by Bii; [1.0V Kcc) o Kv^tog f/,ov, in Ps. XXXV. 23. See also Ps. v. 3. In each case the nominative with the article is used for the vocative.^ 2. When different persons or things are intended, the article is repeated; as in Matt, xviii. 17, o e3-v/xos- xal o rzku^irts. Luke XV. 6, Tovs (plXous Kou TQvs ys'iTovoc^. John ix. 8, 01 ya/rovEf ycxi 0{ ^ECopovvTES auToy. Acts xiii. 50, rsis aE^oixivocs yu^iouKocS xal rov$ TTpajTovs TTjr Tio'Ksojs. xxvi. 30, ^xaikEus y.(xl o riyEyLu)/. xxvii. 11, To; xu^Epv/iTYi xai red vocvKXr]^co. Add Col. ii. 13, v. 1, Rev. vi. 15, xiii. 10. Ohs. 2. The reason of this usage is readily deduced from the nature of the article, considered as a pronoun united with its adjtmct by means of the participle uv under- stood; for if the art. be united to each of two nouns coupled by a conjunction, such nouns cannot refer to the same person without involving the absurdity of joining an individual to himself. Care must be taken, however, to distinguish such pas- sages as John ii. 7, oZroi larnv o TXavo; xat a.vrix^i'^'^oi. Here it is not the intention of Ihe writer to assume the identity of the two characters, but to assert that they are united in certain persons. Compare Rev. i. 11. Be it observed, moreover, that the rnU; is strictly limited to «//W6w/ivix\lov ; for, though we may say, in English, the cub of a lion, yet the accuracy of philosophical language denies that of Xioyros, which is indefinite, there can be any definite a-ycv/xvlov, or vice versa. In Matt. xii. 27, o ^£os- vsKpcuv, if the words were in regimen, could not be tolerated ; but the passage is elliptical, and would stand thus in full : ovy. &ariv o ®zos vex§&;v 9^£os-, aXXa ^£0$ l^covrm. The construction in 2 Cor. x. 13, is not o ©£0f fxirpouy but ou (Jiirpov o ®&os lptg/Jt(T£v y^^mv, Obs. 1. Many examples will occur which are apparently repugnant to this canon. The principle of omission, however, requires that the governing noun should not only be anarthrous^ but also mdejinite in sense ; for it may, though definite, have lost its article by some rule which does not require that tbe governed noun should be- come anarthrous also. In Hebr. i. 3, the ■, former article is omitted after the parti- ciple uvy which the very nature of the article requires ; and again in the same verse after a verb of appointing. See § 27, Obs. 11. Enumeration sometimes also, though extremely seldom, interferes with the laws oi regimen. In 1 Pet. iii. 3, the reading is unquestionably U •r'KoKrii.^ Nor is it only where a noun is indefinite in sense that the usage takes place. Even where it is from its nature definite, as in the case of proper names, &c., if it be anarthrous^ the governing noun is not unfrequently anar- throus also.* Thus Rom. xi. 34, 1 Cor. ii. 16, t/j %yvu voZv Kv^Uu. A very striking instance will also be found in the very first verse of St. Matthew.^ But it may be ^ Middleton ad loc. 2 Middleton, part i. ch. 3. In the Epistles of St. Paul anarthrous foi-ms are pecu- liarly prevalent, and even more so in those of St. Peter. 3 Perhaps, however, v\ou Aa[ii^ may be literally translated from the Hebrew, which in the status constructus does not usually admit the H emphatic ; and /3//3Xflf yin.Xufjt.ivos r^ To^vyi.^ Be it remarked also that genitives, used in an adjective sense, and placed before the governing noun (see below § 44. 6, Obs. 20,) omit the article. Thus Origen, c. Cels. p. 116, rhv ocv^^u-ti-uv (pCfiv, i. e. dv^^uTivviv. Such examples, however, are extremely rare in the New Testament. Obs. 3. Analogous to the case of words in regimen is that of partitives, between which and their respective wholes a mutual relation subsists. Thus Phil. i. 14, rov$ -rXuivas ruv a,h\i 'r^oir 19. 1. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 65 ^uvctToct. LiUke i. 62, to, t/ av ^eKoi xaXsTdS'a* oclrov. xxii. 2, to, TTo/f dysXcuaiv avrov. Acts iv, 21, to^ ttcos KoXocacovrcci aurou^, Rom. viii. 26j TO yap, ri TTpocrcv^a/ixe^a. xoc^o ^a7. Add Luke ix, 46, xxii. 4, 23, 37, Acts xxii. 30, Rom. xiii. 9. Obs. 10. It will be observed, that this mode of writing is chiefly employed by St. Luke and St. Paul. Of the usage before a single word, of which an explanation is offered, there is an instance in Gal. iv. 25, to yoi^^Aya.^ 2/va o^os itrrlv, the name of Agar designates Mount Sinai.^ Closely similar is 2 Cor. i. 20, 'o(rai yd^ i-rayyixlcii Biou, Iv auTM TO Na/, xa,) iv ccItm to \\/u,yiv, i. e., whatever God has promised, he will assuredly fulfil through Christ; in whom is the Yea, and the Amen — vai and a^/jy being well-known asseverations of the Truth.- Obs. 11. Most of the other cases, in which the article is used absolutely by Greek writers generally, may be equally illustrated by examples from the New Testament. It stands, for instance, 1. In a collective sense, before a noun which limits the signification ; as in Matt. xxvi. 51, tuv ( ''\v\irov. Acts v. 17, a< chv uvtm. xii. 1, tuv uto ttj; iKx-Xriffioci. xvii. W^tuviv BiffffoiXov'tKr;. Rom. iv. 14, ol Ix. vofcov. Heb, xiii. 24, 01 ocro rni ^iTuXlas. Phil. iv. 22, oi Ix tjjj Kaiirecpoi o'lxtec;. 2. With a noun understood ; as in Matt. xiv. 35, Ttjv 'n^ix&'^ov Ixuvnv, soil. yyiv. Luke vii. 11, iv t^ £^55;, soil. Ji/jji^a. John viii. 23, tuv xutu, tuv avu. Col. iv. 9, Toi uh. 1 Tim. iii. 7, ol 'i^u^tv. iv. 8, ^ut^s ^ns vZv, 2 Pet. i. 9, tuv •xoiXeci ocuToZ afjcoioTrif^aTuv. When the substantive is not expressed, it may always be readily supplied from the context. 3. With neuter adjectives, adverbs, and adverbial expressions ; as Matt. xxiv. 21, Luke xxii. 69, ro vvv. Luke ix. 3, to xa6^ rif^i^av. Acts iv. 29, tcc vuv, soil. 'TPu.yfia.Ta. xviii. 1, ro xa.&' okov. Phil. iv. 8, to Xoittov. 4. With the genitive of a substantive, either as denoting possession or property, or serving the mere purpose of a periphrasis. Thus Matt. xxi. 21, to Tn? ffvxrti. xxii. 21, TO. Koiiffa^o;, tu. tov 0iou. Luke ii. 49, toT? toZ -TciToo;. Rom. viii. 5, TO. Trii ffa^XOS, roi tov WiVfJt,OC,TOi, 1 Cor. X. 24, TO iUVTOU, TO TOU ITIPOU. James iv. 14, to tjJj av^tov. 2 Pet. ii. 22, to Ttis otXvBoZs Ta^oif^tas, 5. With prepositions and their case : John xxi. 2, Nai^ava-^A o uto KavS. Acts xii. 20, TOV it) T3U xotruvo;. xxiv. 22, TO. Ti^t Tyjs olou. Rom. ii, 8, ol l^ I*/- Biioi;. ix. 11, ^ xetr ixXoynv T^oB^ifti. xi. 27, ri -ffot.^ ifx,ou hcc^^x'/j. Phil. i. 27, Tcc Ti^i v/jcuv. Col. iii. 2, TO. IcTt Tfji yni. Heb. ii, 17, Ta-xoli tov Qsov. Tit. ii. 8, i^ ivavTicts.^ Of the formula el ts^i tivx, see § 68. § 31. — Article with Abstract Nouns and Proper Names. 1. Abstract nouns, or the names o^ Attributes and Qualities, generally reject or take the article, as they are used in a par- ticular or universal acceptation respectively ; and this is pre- cisely what might be expected : for as ol a^ixoi will signify all 1 Alt, Gr. N.T. ^ 22. a. 8. RosenmuUer and Kuinoel on Mark ix. 23. Whitby on Gal. iv. 2 j. * Middleton ad Ine, 3 Alt, Gr. N. T. § 22. a. 7. Matt. Gr. Gr. § 272. The observation of MatthiiP, that this construction is generally explained by supplying the part, uv, is stron^:y corroborative of Bishop AJliddletu/t's Theory, It will be remarked tluit the idiom is very constantly employed by St. Paul. F 6.6 A GREEK GRAMMAR who are imju.^t, so ^ a^iytla will signify every act of which injus- tice can be assumed.^ Obs. 1. The practice is, however, somewhat irregular ; and many instances occur in which the noun is anarthrous, when the mere abstract sense would have been equally true. But there is a wide difference between omitting the article when it might have been used, and inserting it where it would be out of place. Thus after verbs o^ having, obtaining, fulness, «&c., and adjectives allied to the last, the article is always omitted ; for no attribute or quality can belong to one person so exclu- sively, that it cannot be ascribed to any other. Hence such expressions as thes3 in Matt. vii. 29, l^ovo-iav 'i^cav. xxiii. 28, /uicrro) v-proK^tffius text a.vof^tas> Lulce iv. 28, £TX>5j fiic?j /xiXXova-tj; opyri;. John iv. 11, to vhu^ to Z,uv. Phil. iv. 3, Tr,s oivu xXnffiu;. Rom. xi. 24, TTii xciTBC (pvffiv i^ixo-TTi)?' 2 Cor. viii. 4. r^J; 'htuKovioi.i Tns il; tov? ayioug. James i. 1, tcc7; (puXccls Tous h T^ hoiffTo^ci. See also Matt. ii. 7, iii. 17, vi. 6, Mark iv. 31, xiii. 25, Luke i. 70, ii. '\7, iii. 22, vii. 47, viii. 8, xv. 22, 23, xx. 35, John i. 46, xii. 21, Acts ^ Middleton, iihi mpra: and Rose's note at p. §2. Winer, § 17. 7. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 69 xi. 22, xii. 20, xv. 23, xxiv. 5, xxvi, 4, 12, 22, Rom. iv. 11, vii. 5, 10, viii. 39, x. 5, xiv. 19, XV. 26,31, xvi. 1, 1 Cor. ii. 11, 12, iv. 17, vii. 14, xii. 2, xvi. 1, 2 Cor. ii. 6, viii. 22, ix. 1, Gal.iv. 26, Eph. i. 10, 15, 1 Thess. iv. 10, 1 Tim. iii. 13, 2 Tim. ii. 1, James i. 9, iii. 7, 1 Pet. i. 11, iii. 3, 16, Rev. ii. 12, xiv. 17, xvi. 12, xix. 40, xx. 13.^ Nor is this order ever violated, though the first article is sometimes omitted, inas- much as that with the adjective is alone sufficient to correct the indefiniteness of the substantive. Thus in Acts x. 41, fAoi^rvffi rols ^^oxixn^oTovnfiivoi;. Compare Acts X. 41, xix. 11, xxvi. 18, 22, Rom. ix. 30, Phil. i. 11, iii. 6, 1 Tim. i. 4, iv. 8, 2 Tim. i. 13, 14, ii. 10, James iv. 14, 2 John 7, Jude 4.-* In 1 Tim. i. 17, the adjectives a(pBcioTM, ao^drM, are in concord with esa), not with ^atriXiT. Obs. 2. It does not appear that there is any material difference between the two forms aya^o; avB^tuTo; and o ccvB-ouTos o uyaBo;. Thus ro ayiov •rvidf/.a and to ^vtufia TO oiytov are strictly equivalent in the New Testament. There may be some instances which seem to confirm the opinion, that the former is employed when the principal idea is conveyed by the adjective, and the latter when the main stress is to be laid on the substantive ;•' but this is far from being the imiversal practice. At the same time it is not always a matter of indifference, which of the two forms is used. The former, as it is the more simple and natural, is by far the more common ; the latter seems to be employed either in a sense of limitation, or to mark an emphasis or opposition. Although the import of to ^rnv/jjot, for instance, is in general sufficiently clear, yet the addition of to clyiov prevents at once the pos- sibility of misconception ; and, on the other hand, our Saviour calls himself o Troif^hv o xaXo; (John X. 11), as opposed to him who is /uktButos.* Obs. 3. If the ac/j. is the predicate, or where the attribute is not assumed of the substantive, the adjective stands without the article either before or after the substantive. The first case, in which the verb is either expressed or understood, needs little illustration. Such examples as xaXoj ovoujo; {scil. sW/,) continually occur j as, for instance, in Rom. ii. 13, ol y»^ ol ocx^oaTcc) tov vof^ou ViKcx,iot. In the other case, the adjective does not belong to the substantive e5se«/m//y, but as it were incidentallij. Thus Mark viii. 17, sV/ 9ri-7r6opuf/,(vyiv 'ixiTt Tnv xa^^iocv v/u.&iv, i.e. uitti ihcci 'Xi-Tru^ufi'ivnv, Acts xxvi. 24, fjciydXyi Tn(puv7i 'i(pyi, the voice, with which he spoke, was loud ; not that his voice was naturally loud. 1 Cor. x. 3, ^dvrts to avTo /3^&J^a -rvivfzaTtxov 'i^ayov, xk) -tt. t. «. -TTaf/.a. cry. sV/vov, the meat and drink, of which they all partook, had a spiritual import. So also with /)re;:;osjVjyw* and their case ; as in Matt. iii. 4, iJ^^ TO 'iv}v/u.oi avrou utto t^i-x^v xa,y,riXov, the clothing, which he wore, was of camel's hair. Compare John v. 36, Acts xiv. 10, Rom. ix. 3, 1 Cor. x. 18, xi. 5, 2 Cor. vii. 7, Eph. i. 15, ii. 11, Col. i. 4, 1 Tim. vi. 17, Heb. vii. 24, 2 Pet. i. 19. The distinction between this kind of construction, and that with the article repeated, is readily apparent. For example, to render o fiatriXsh; o fitya; ari^an, the King^ who is great, is dead, would be nonsense. It should seem however that Winer and others have never seen the distinction clearly.^ In Luke xii. 12, the true reading is, un- questionably, TO ya^ ayiov vvivf/.a : and in 1 John V. 20, many >'ISS. read h X,'»^ ^ alums, as in cc. i. 2, ii. 25. The clause xara ^umfcn Gtov, in 2 Tim, i. 8, belongs to 1 In Heb. ix. 1, if ayiov and xotrfiixov are both adjectives, it is the latter which must be iaken substantive/g ; but, jjrobably, it is the Rabbinical noun Op^^Hp. which signifies /Mr7 *^' avTov Mzvuva, Kcu T^ixiiv It) roi o^Xx' »l Be xa) 'iffroKrav octtopovvtis. See also ^lian. V. H. xii. 35, Lucian. Timon. p. 68.2 Obs. 2. Instead of Bs, it frequently happens that fjdv is followed by some other word, as HxXos, 'inoof^ &c. Thus in Matt. xvi. 14, 01 [juv 'laccvvm, aXXot Bs 'Hxiav, tTt^ot %i 'h^t/i/,tav. Compare Matt. xii. 5. Sometimes Ss y^h — S; li is substituted; as in Matt. xxi. 35, ov fjiXv s^ii^av, ov Ti a-rixnivav, 1 Cor xi. 21, os f^lv ^s/va, og Be fctB-un. So Matt. XXV. 15, Luke xxiii. 33, Acts xxvii. 44, Rom. ix. 21, xiv. 5, 2 Cor. ii. 16. Also S; uh, uXXoi Ii. Thus Matt. xiii. 4, 5, a f^h ir-in taoa. rhv o^ovj MxXa ^l It) to, ^ir^eudt]. 1 Cor. xii. 8, u fAv 21^orai Xoyo; ido^diTiv ^Inffovv, ov iif/jiTs Txpihunwri, xoe,] riovritrairBi aiiro'v. 1 Cor. Vlll. 6, 'hf4,7v ilg 0£oj •ra'rh^, el oii to. Teivra, xcc) hu^u? ii; ah-rov xa.) iii Kvoios ^I'/iffov; X^iirro;, ^i' oi/ to, -pravTa, xa) ytiAit; li avrov. So 1 Pet. ii. 22, 2 Pet. ii. 3, Rev. xvii. 2. Compare Ps. Ixxxviii. 5, LXX. Very similar also is Rev. ii. 18, rd^i xiyu o vlog rod Qiov, o i'xwv toI; oia 1 Winer, §9 22. 4, 23. 4. Alt. Gram. N. T. § 38. 2. ^ Winer, iibi supra. ^ Winer and Alt, ubi supra; Ast ad Plat. Polit. p. 551. Goltling ad Callim. p. 19. Poppo ad Xen. Cyr. p. 478. Boraemauu ad Xeu. Conv. p. 11)6. 74 A GREEK GRAMMAR understood, as in Heb. x. 33, rouTo /juv, — rouro h, on the one hand and on the other. Compare Herod, i. 30, iii. 132, Lucian. Nicor. 16. Again, in 2 Pet. i. 5, ku) alro Tovro Ti, and for this very caused Obs. 12. In Hebrew the pronoun sometimes refers to a noun expressed in the succeeding sentence ; and a like usage has been pointed out with av7os in two pas- sages of the New Testament. These are, Matt. xvii. 18, t^sr/^jjirsv eclru o 'lr,.i^ofooKoZ(ru tov; ocriffraX- /xivovi 'Z^os ulrhv, 'Xoffu.Ki? 'A^iXriffo, I'^iffwayayiTv to, riKvoc, ffov. Compare Rev. xviii. 23, 24. Thus also a general turn is given to the words of Elizabeth in her address to Mary, in Luke i. 45, »«< (jLUKocpia h •prKrTivffu.ira, 'on 'Urai Tikucain: ro7s XiXuXr,(/Avoii ahrTji •Tea.foc Kvpiov. Such transitions, which seem to originate in the fervour of a writer, who is more intent upon the importance of his subject than the accuracy of his language, are very common in Hebrew.^ Obs. 14. The reflexive pronoun Iccurov is frequently put for the other personal pronouns compounded with abros. Thus, for the 2 pers. sing, in John xviii. 34, a^' lauTov (TV rovTo Xiyus', for the 1 pers. plur. in Acts xxiii. 14, ava.Bif^ccri uvei^ifjcaTla-cc- fiiv iavrovS' and for the 2 pers. plur. in Phil. ii. 12, t^v lauT^y a-uryi^iKv x.u,ri^ya.^iff^i. See also Matt. iii. 9, xxii. 39, xxiii. 31, John xii. 8, Acts xiii. 46, Rom. viii. 23, xiii. 9, 1 Cor. xi. 31, 2 Cor. i. 9, x. 12, 1 Thess. ii. 8. So, in Latin, Ovid. Epist. Heroid. v. 46, Miscuimus lacrymas moesius uterque suas. Obs. 15. The reflexive pronoun is also put fur ay^Xnkojv, as in Col. iii. 16, lilaffKov vii xa) vov^irovvTii laviovs. 1 Thess. v. 13, it^'/ivivin h Iuvtc?;. See also 1 Pet. iv. 8, 10.3 3. The pronoun indefinite rU is eitiicr used alone, or with a substantive in the same case, or followed with a genitive (§ 41. 3), in the sense of some one, a certain one, any one, some- thing, or any thing. Thus in Matt. v. 23, x:jtx£7 /xvojaQ^f on h a^£iX(|/6s" GOV "i'Xfii Ti xara oov. ix. 3, rives' r&5v yqocfj.fjuoircCiJv stVov tv hocuTo'is. xii. 47, bJtts ^i rtr auru>. Acts ix. 36, Iv ^loTTTin ^s rts- rjv fMOi^nrpia,. Add Matt. xi. 27, xii. 19, xxi. 3, xxii. 46, Mark, viii. 26, xi. 13, Luke xxii. 35, Acts ix. 2, xvii. 20, xxvii. 8, 44j 1 Cor. ix. 22, 2 Pet. iii. 16, et alibi Obs. 16. The cases are constautly omitted before genitives taken partitively. Thus in Matt, xxiii. 34, j^ aurm d-yroKTiviTn xa) ffrxv^ucnn, soil, tivo,}, John xvi. 17, iWov oZv Ix ruv f^.K^fiTuv, Add Luke xxi. 16, Rev. ii. 10, xi. 9. Of the omission of r); in the nominative, see § 37. 7. Obs. 17. 4. In the New Testament the use of the possessive pronouns 1 Winer, § 21. 2. Obs. 3. 2 Alt, Gr. N. T. § 37. 4. 3 Winer, § 22. n. Air, § 39. Georgi Hierocrit, i. 3. 30. Viger do Idiot, p. 115. n. 7, and lierm. and Zeun. ad loc. i^assov. Ltx. in v. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. /O is far less common than that of the genitive of the personal pronouns ; and the position of these last is very frequently before the noun, even where there is no apparent emphasis to account for the departure from ordinary usage. (See § 44. 6. Obs, 20.) The practice is particularly observable in St. Luke and St. Paul. See Luke vi. 47, xi. 17, xii. 18, 30, 35, xv. 30, xvi. 6, xix. 35, Rom. xiii. 11, 1 Cor. viii. 12, ix. 11, 27, xi. 24, Eph. ii. 10, Phil. ii. 2, Col. ii. 5, iv. 18, 1 Thess. i. 3, iii. 10, 13, 2Thess.ii. 17, iii. 5, 1 Tim.iv. 15, 2 Tim. i. 4, iii. 10, Tit. i. 15. It is often found also in St. John, and, though less frequently, in the other writers. Compare Matt. v. 16, vi. 4^ 17, xix. 21, Mark ii. 9, John ii. 23, iii. 19, 21, 23, iv. 34, 47, ix. 11, 21, 26, xi. 32, 48, xii. 40, 1 John iii. 20, Rev. ii. 19, iii. 1, 2, 8, 15, x. 9, xiv. 18, xviii. 5. Obs. 17. The possessive pronoun is sometimes expressed by means of a peri- phrasis, formed by the preposition x.aru. with an accusative of the personal pronoun : as in Acts Xvii. 28, rtvi? ruv xaS' ifjiMS TOiriTuv. xviii. 15, vofjuou Tou *aS' vfJCKi. Eph. i. 15, rhv xaS' vfjt,ai -riffriv. So i^Llian, V. H. ii. 42. « xar abrov d^irri' Dion. Hal. ii. 1, ol xaB^ '/ly-as x^oya} § 35. — The Article with Pronouns, ttus, Sfc. (Buttm. § 127. Text, 5, 6.) 1. With the demonstrative pronouns ovrof, oIe, sxeT^/os, the noun, to which they are joined, takes the article in both numbers, because the identity of the noun and pronoun is assumed, and in no case can the sense be more definite and restricted. Matt. iii. 1, rocT^ riiAspais gxe/vats-. 9, roJv 'ki'bu^ rovTcov. James iv. 3, ttjv^s ttjv ttoXiv, Obs. 1. A single MS. has fixi^us TxvTr,v yuvcxTKu, ia Luke vii. 44 : and the only other exceptions are cases of numerals and proper names. See § 27. 2. Obs. 7. 3. and §31.3. If, on the other hand, the identity is .isserted, i. e. if the prououa is the subject, and the noun the predicate, of a sentence, the article, unless the sense be otherwise restricted, is omitted : as in Rom. ix. 8, rxuTa TiKvx tou Siod, These are the children of God. Compare Luke i. 36, xxi. 22, John iv. 18, 54,jGal. iii. 7, iv. 24, 1 Thess. iv. S.^ Obs. 2. In Matthew, Mark, Luke, and St. Paul's Epistles, euro; stands before the noun, and in St. John afer it, with some few exceptions ; but tKiTvot usually follows the substantive, unless when a preposition occurs.* 2. When ttocs or azrar is used in the singular to signify the ' Winer, § 22. 7. Alt, § 40. Lobeck ad Phryn. p. 441. ^ Middleton on Gr. Art. eh. vii. § 5, 6. Winer, § 17. 9. Gersdori's BeitrUge zur Sprach-characteristik der Schriftsteller des N. T. p. 434. 76 A GREEK GRAMMAR whole of any thing, the substantive takes the article; but when every individual of a species is intended, it is anarthrous, since no definite individual can, by the nature of the case, be meant. Thus Matt. xxi. 10, ttoi.'jx -h ttoKis, the whole city ; iii. 10, ttuv IbvI^ov, every tree. Compare Matt. vi. 29, xiii. 47, Mark iv. 1, Luke ii. 1, iii. 5, John ii. 10, Acts iii. 23, 2 Tim. iii. 16. In Eph. iv. 31, Vaja TTiKpla, may be rendered every species of bitterness. So Acts xxiii. 1, 2 Cor. ix. 8, James i. 2, 1 Pet. i. 15. Ohs. 3. There can be little doubt that ?r«5-a h oiKohfz,h, in Eph. ii. 21, is the true reading, though sanctioned by the smaller number of MSS., since the omission of the article would be a soloecism ; and in Eph. iii. 15, -rcia-a. -rar^ia, is every family. Since 'liooa'o'kvit.a. is a neuter noun, h -roXig may possibly be understood in Matt. ii. 3, though proper names are a constant reason of variation in the use of the article (^ 31. 3). It is probable also that in Acts ii. 35, oTko; 'la-^cchx may be regarded as a single proper name. The article is also rejected by the same expression in Matt. X. 6, XV. 24, contrary to the correct usage, which is nevertheless adopted in Heb. viii. 8, 10. A similar diversity prevails in the LXX, and the Hebrew would cor- rectly omit the article. Compare 1 Sam. vii. 2, 3, Nehem. iv. 16. Obs. 4. When a participle is used instead of a noun, the article is inserted after tccs in the sense of each individual ; as in Matt. v. 22, 28, tcc; o ooyi^if^svos, va; o fixirrav. See also Luke vi. 47, xviii. 14, John iii. 20, vi. 40, Act xi. 39, Rom. ix. 33, 1 Cor. ix. 25, Gal. iii. 15, 1 John ii. 23, et alibi. The reason is that the article is required to give the participle the force and nature of a substantive ; and the expressions are evidently equivalent to tS? oVr/; l^yi^irai^ oa-ns iSXsVs/, &c. &c. See below § 42.^ In Luke xi. 4, the case is somewhat different, since (xpuXovn retains its participial character. Some copies, however, insert tw. Obs. 5. In the plural, w-avTss is almost always accompanied by the article in the New Testament.* When the noun has a distinct reference, the law of usage is obvious ; and in those cases where it may be apparently indefinite, it will often happen that a whole class is intended, which will equally account for its insertion. Examples are Matt. ii. 4, Tavras rov; a.^x'^^^~s ^^' y^a./,riTe, i. e. all who were members of the Sanhedrim ; xi. 13, ^dvn; ol cr^oipTirai, the Prophets of the Old Testa- ment ; Rom. i. 5, wao-/ ro7i 'i^viffi^allthe nations of the v\'orld ; Luke xiii, 27, rravrii ol ipydrai, all the workers, namely of the class indicated by the genitive t?,; ahjtia;, Avhich follows. On the other hand, the article is omitted in Rom. v. 12, 'rdvra; av^^AiTov;, all inen, i. e. without exception or limitation ; and it is also remarkable that, in a great majority of cases, the word without the article is avB^wroi. Obs. 6. The position of the article is commonly between tu? and the substantive. There are, however, some few exceptions in the New Testament, in which ?rS; ^ Middleton, ubi supra ; and in his notes to the several passages cited. Winer, § 17. 10. Gersdorfs Beitrage, pp. 374. sqq. ^ Gersdorfs Beitrage, p. 386. He observes that the few exceptions are, for the most part, suspected readings. There exists, however, no doubt respecting Luke xiii. 4, Acts xvii. 21, xix. 17, xxii. 15, Rom. v. 12, 18, 1 Thess. ii. 15, 1 Tim. ii. 4, Tit. iii. 2. Matthias's notice respecting the use of was with the article is extremely brief, and he has not adduced a single example from any classical writer : but the different usages are abimdantly illustrated by Bishop Middleton and his recent Editor, Mr. Rose. See Matt. Gr. Gr. § 265. TO TTIE NF.W TESTAMENT. 11 follows, and still fewer in which it is between the article and substantive. Of the latter usage, Acts xix. 7, xx. 18, Gal. v. 14, ] Tim. i. 16, are perhaps the only instances: for the former, see Matt. xxv. 29, Luke vii. 35, John xvii. 10, Acts vi. 2(i, viii. 40, 1 Cor. vii. 17, xiii. 2, xv. 7, 2 Cor. i. 1, xiii. 2, 12, and elsewhere. In such phrases as oZroi Ttivris, ravra 'Trdvra, the article is regularly omitted ; as in Mark X. 20, Luke vii. 18, Rom. viii. 37.^ Obs. 7. The construction of okos is precisely similar to that of 9ra,-. A sub- stantive, being without reference, requires the article ; and vice versa. John vii. 23, okov avB^a';rov, an en/ire man. Rom. viii. 36, okriv rhv fifii^av, the whole day. 3. It is seldom that s-Kocarof is used as an adjective in the New Testament. When so employed, it is always without the article ; as in Luke vi. 44, sKoca-rov ^sv^oov, John xix. 23^ I-hocgtoj (jTpariMTY]. Heb. iii. 13, >ca3"' kycdarriv rjfji.f.pxv.^ In other Greek writers the article is sometimes inserted ; but in cases where the noun has a definite reference. It is only once (Matt. xxvi. IS.) that ^sTva occurs in the New Testament, and of course with the article. With roiovro^ the article is employed to designate a person or thing marked by some specific quality or appurtenance, which has been previously mentioned or implied. Thus Mark ix. 37, roiovroov rajv ttocI^cov, such children as those before them. In 2 Cor. xii. 2, 3, the reference is to av3-§6;97-ov as limited by the words Iv X/jto-ra). When such an one, or any such, is intended, the article is omitted, as in Mark vi. 2, ix. 8, Acts vi. 24, 1 Cor. xi. 16, and elsewhere. 4. In the employment of aXKos, ttoKus, qlvtos, &c. the New Testament usage is similar to that of the classical Greek. Thus aXKos is simply another ; h aXkos, the other, the remaining one of two ; ol aXXot, the others, the rest. Compare Matt. iv. 21, V. 39, John xx. 25. Ohs. 8. In John xviii. 15, some MSS. omit the article, and Griesbach has marked it as possibly spurious ; but the weight of authority is greatly in favour of its being genuine. It is highly probable that there was some peculiar connexion between the two Apostles, Peter and John ; so that after the mention of the former, uXXo; f/.aB^Tris would in early times be readily understood to designate the latter. The same expression recurs in John xx. 2, 3, 4, 8 ; nor does the addition in the first of these verses render the explanation above given unnecessary.^ Obs. 9. In many texts of the New Testament ol -roXXo) is used in a sense equi- valent to Tuvrti, so as to denote the bu/k or generality of mankind, or the collective body of Christians ; as in Rom. v. 15, 19, compared with vv. 12, 18. See also Rom. xii. 5, 1 Cor. X. 17, et alibi. It may mean also a definite multitude, as the many with whom ^the disciples were acquainted, in 2 Cor. ii. 17. In Heb. ix. 28, Bentley • Gersdorf, p. 447. * Wuier, who cites Orellius ad Isocr. Antid. p. 255, sqq. ^ Middicton ud bcit>n. 78 A GREEK GRAMMAR would supply the article before 'toXXuv ; but the conjecture is devoid at once of all authority, and as unnecessary to the sense of the passage as in Matt. xx. 28, xxvi. 28, Mark x. 45, Heb. ii. lO.i Obs. 10. With respect to alros it is sufficient to remark, that, whenever in the New Testament it is joined to a substantive in the sense of ipse, the article is always inserted. Thus John xvi. 27, airoi o -raryi^. Rom. viii. 2C, uLro to rtnvfjLo,. 1 Thess. xiv. 16, alroi o Kv^iot, The exception in Luke xxii. 42, is a proper name. In other writers, where the emphasis is not so distinctl}' marked, it is frequently omitted.'* § Se>,—Ofthe Neuter Adjective. (Buttm. § 128.) Adjectives and participles are used in the neuter, singular or plural, with the article,, to express a colleclive whole, which might equally be expressed by the masculine or a substantive. Thus 1 Cor. i. 27, ra. i/^oopoc, ra adS'ev^, ra. lay^v^tx, ra, oiyz^r, rov k6(ti/.ov, the foolish, the weak, SiC, portion of the world ; to whom the Apostle opposes rot/r cofpovs. 2 Thess. ii. 6, to Kocriy^pv, the restraining power, which is generally supposed to indicate the Roman Empire. Heb. vii. 7, to eXaTTov vttq rov xpsirrovo^ svXo- ysiraci, i. e. inferiors are blessed by their superiors, (Thucyd. iii. 11, Tic xpccriaroc ettI rous v7ro^£B(yr£pouf ^uvsTTToyoy.) 1 John v. 4, Troiv TO ygyevvajptevov ek tov 0£oy vix^ tov x.6(JiJi.ov. Obs. 1. Thus also the article is a frequent annexation to adjectives of the neuter gender, when used to indicate an attribute or quality in its general and abstract idea.* Examples are Luke vi. 45, ro uyei^ov, to ^ovn^ov. Rom, i. 19, to yvusTov. ii. 4, TO ;^^>jdrTav. In the plural to. uoouto.. Obs. 2. Instead of agreeing with its substantive, a neuter adjective with an article is frequently followed by a substantive in the genitive, to which it seems to bear the relation of a part to its whole. Thus 2 Cor.iv. 17, to Ixaip^ov rti; Sx^Vsa;?, i. e. \Xu,(p^a, Bxl-^ii. Phil. iii. 8, to ycrs^s^ov t7i$ yvuffiui, i. e. vvioi^ovo'av yvutriv. Heb. vi. 1 7, TO afjctToi^iTov T)is (iovXiis avTov, i. e. a.f4,iTa,^tTov /3flf X'/^v. It is less frequent that the genitive singular of a masculine or feminine substantive is preceded by an adjective in the neuter plural ; but there is an example in 2 Cor. iv. 2, to. x^vtto, TY,i Obs. 3. In the same way the neuter plural of uItos is followed by a genitive in 1 Pet. V. 9, Tct uvraTuv TaByifiuTuv, for Tci ^a^rftuTcx. Of the neuter article with a genitive see § 30. 4. Obs. 11.4. Obs. 4. Adjectives are often put in the neuter singular or plural, with or without the article, for adverbs: Matt. v. 33, Z,y,Ts7Ti tt^utov ty.v (ouffiXtUv tov QioZ. xxi. 29, ^ Middleton ad locum. ^ Winer, 6 17. 11. See Krtlger ad Dion. Kal. p. 454. B irnemann ad Xen. Anab. p. 61. Poppo's Index to Xen. Cyrop. in v., and compare Xen. Cyr. i. 4. 7. v 2, 29. Diog. Laert. iv. 7. 6. 3 Winer, § 27. 4, and 34. Obs. 3. Alt, § 32. 1. Poppo ad Thucyd. p. 104. Seidler ad Eur. Troad. p. 61. * Middleton classes this use of the article among the insertions in reference ; but it seems clearly to belong to the hypothetical division. '" Winer, §34. 1. Alt, § 32. 1. TO Tlir. NEW TESTAMENT. 70 vffnpo* fitru/xtXfiBsli. Mark v. 43, ^tifruXecro alroli toXXd.. xli. 27, vfjA7i euv j o'^uvcufjisvoi i^ooroy/u^Ev era. viii. 19, TTu^'sys- vovTo Trpof auroy ^ (jt.'nrYiq kocI ol a^£X(pc) ajJroy. Acts XV. 35, Ylav- Xos- xal Bxpyxi3af ^isTpi^ov ev 'Avriox^la. Frequently, however, it is governed by the subject nearest to it, if it be a singular or a neuter plural. Thus, Luke ii. 43, oux, syv^ ^Icoariip xat ^ fxvirY.p aurou. 1 Cor. xiii. 13, v^vt^ ^£ fxsvsi Trians, kXmSf x. t. X. 2 Pet. iii. 10, )ixi yri ycai ra sv aurr] E^yx ycQ(,rxy.xri} oIk'iu, ov ffra^wirat. Compare Matt, xviii. 8, 1 Cor. vii. 15, xiv. 24, 1 Tim. v. 16. The rule, indeed, that the verb should be in the plural, if what is said applies to all the substantives alike, does not seem to have been very strictly observed even by the best writers. An example in point will, however, be found in James ii. 15, lav a,liX(pos n dhkcph yvf/.vo'i vtu^x'""''' 3. Nouns of multitude with the verb in the plural occur in Matt. iii. 5, Trciaac % ^lou^ccia, xacl ^aioXovBii uvtm ox^og vroXvi, xou ffvvi^Xi(iov kut'ov. So ix. 15, John vi. 2, 1 Cor. xvi. 15. Add 1 Tim. ii. 15, ffco^riffirai {h yvvri) ^/a rris nxvoyovlcis, \a.v f^uveotrtv iv TiffTH x. t, X, In this last ex- ample, which has been otherwise incorrectly explained, the change of number indi- cates that '/) yvv'/i has assumed a collective sense.^ Obs. 5. The same idiom is constantly employed with 'ixair-ro;. John xvi. 32, ffxo^- ^iff^flTi 'ixaffro;. Acts ii. 6, i^xovov it? ixucTTo;. xi. 29, ugitrav 'ixaffrog. Rev. V. 8, SvTE- ffov 'i^ovTii 'ixatrroi xi^d^as- In like manner the Hebrew ^^^^J often takes a plural verb.^ Obs. 6. Of the use of the singular in a collective ox generic sense, instead of the plural, the sacred writers furnish some instances in Gentile and other nouns and adjectives, which have a similar import ; as in Gal. iii. 28, ohx hi 'loulalos, olli "EX- X>7V ovx ivi BawXflj, ovTi ikiv^i^os' olx ivi ci^ffiv xcci S>jXy. Col. iii. 11, "EXXjjv xol\ 'Isy- ^cuoi, •TTi^irofjt.ri xoCi d.x^o(iva'rici, (hd^fla^o;, 'Sx-j^r,;, ^ovkos, IXsySs^aj. Such comprehensive expressions as o roc^uirffuv (Gal. v. 10), o ytxaio;, o dffif^vi; xcc) K.fji,a^ruXos (1 Pet. iv. 18), and the like, have been referred to this headj^ but they depend rather upon the hypothetic or inclusive sense of the article (§ 28. 1). Obs. 7. It not unfrequently happens that a substantive in the singular is joined with another in the plural, where both must equally be understood in the same number. Thus Luke xxiv. 5, xXivoZffuv (^yuvaixuv) ro tt^oo-utov us t^v yTJv. 1 Cor. vi. 19, TO ffu/xci v/jjuv. Rev. vi. 11, ilo^y) avTo7s ffroXvi Xiuxri. So also in Jerem. xvi. 21, LXX, Ix ;^ti^os ^ov'/ioav, 1 Mace. i. 44, xaxol tyiv ^j/v^riv. Polyb. iii. 49. 12, tovs ^Xiiffrovs itr^tJTi xa) ^r^o? Tovrotg v'^'oViffH xofffjtriffoi.s. 4. The use of the plural ri^sis for syou, by means of which a writer associates himself, as it were, with those whom he ad- dresses, is very common in St. Paul's Epistles. See Rom. ii. 8, 2 Cor. X. 12, Gal. ii. 4, Tit. iii. 3, et scepius. So in many cases where the singular is absolutely intended, as in John iii. 11, o oioaposVj XaXoD/xev, kcu o lo'^aKapcsv, fJiaprv^' kocI ttjv (Aocprupiocv ^ See Hammond, Macknight, Schott and Stolz in loco. •^ Winer, § 47. 1. a. Alt, § 47. 1. See also Kriiger ad Dion. Hal. p. 231 Ja« cobs ad Achil. Tat. pp. 446, 622. VVesseling ad Diud, Sic. p. 1U5. ^ Winer, § 27. 2. Alt, § 21. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 81 ^ptcDv oJ \aiM^xv£T£. Compare 2 Cor. i. 8, sqq., 1 John i. 1, sqq/ Obs. 8. The use of nouns ia the phiral instead of the sinj^ular, when a writer would express in general terms what is more immediately referable to a single indi- vidual, is very common in most languages; and a due attention to this idiom will serve to reconcile many apparent discrepancies in the New Testament. Compare, for instance, Matt. viii. 28 with Mark v. 1, Luke viii. 26; Matt. xiv. 17, Mark vi. 38 with John vi. 8, 9; Matt. xv. 15 with Mark vii. 17; Matt. xxiv. 1 with Mark xiii. 1 ; Matt. xxvi. 8 with John xii. 4 ; Matt, xxvii. 44 with Luke xxiii. 39 ; Matt, xxvii. 48, Mark xv. 36, with John xix. 29 ; 1 John v. 9 with John v. 34, 36.2 xhe same idiom occurs in Matt. ii. 20, Ti^vnxocift ya.^ ol ^^rovvm k. t. X., where Herod only is meant; though there may be a reference to Exod. iv. 19, where the plural is properly employed. See also Matt. ix. 8, xxiv. 26, Mark i. 2, John vi. 45, Acts xiii. 40, et alibi. Obs. 9. Some writers ^ have imagined that the plural sometimes indicates a high degree of excellence, after the manner of the Hebrew. The examples quoted in il- lustration are John ix. 3, 2 Cor. xii. 1, 7, Heb. vii. 6, ix. 23, James ii. 1. In all these passages, however, with the exception perhaps of Heb. ix. 23, there is no reason to suppose that the writers intended to express themselves otherwise than in a general way ; nor does it appear that the Hebrew usage in question is ever em- ployed without a reference to the name of God.* 5. An adjective often stands as ?i. predicate in the neut. sing. when the subject is masc. or fem., or in the flural. So, in Latin, Cic. Off. i. 4, Commune omnium animantium conjunctio- nis appetitus. See also Virg. ^n. iv. 569, Ov. Amor. i. 9. 4, Stat. Theb. ii. 399.5 Obs. 10. In like manner, ovhh and fji.nhh are used with subjects of all genders ; as in John viii. 54, iav lyu to^d,Z,u if^ctvrh, h Vo^a. (jt-ov ovhiv ivff7ioe, ovViv Iffriv. aXXa T'/j^riffn \vroXuv Siou. xiii. 2, lav ciyoi- Tv^v (An 'iy^oj) ovhiv il/xt. So also t/, as in Gal. iii. 19, ri ovv o vofios ; of what use then is the law ? vi. 3, u yap 'hoKii ris tivut rt, f/,yiTiv uv, Iccwrov (poiyaTarcc. Plato has the same form in Apol. Socr. in fine : idv ^oxairi t< ilvai, f/.yiHv ovn;, k. r. X. The mascu- line is also used in the same import ; as in Acts v. 36, xiyuv iiveci nva, lauTov, where, however, several manuscripts and editions add /niyav, as in Acts viii. 9. But the received text is parallel with Epictet. Ench. 18, xciv Vo'^ni rta-t stvai rU^a.-rKml fftaurZ.^ Obs. 11. When the demonstrative pronoun is the subject, it usually takes the gender of the predicate; as in 1 John v. 3, avrn ya^ ia-rtv h dyoczfi rov &iou. See also vv. 4, 9, 14. Sometimes, however, it is in the neuter ; as in 1 Pet. ii. 19, rovro yu^ X^^ii, Also in the plural ; as in 1 Cor. vi. 11, ravrol Tins ^rs, for roiouTot."' ' For a similar usage in Latin, see Zumpt's Lat. Gr. § 694. * In these parallel passages, the prominent part, which is attributed by one Evangelist to the individual who acted it, is by another divided among all the parties concerned therein. ^ Glass. Phil. Sac. T. 1. p. 59. Haab's Heb. Gr. Gram. § 49. *■ Winer, «ii supra: Gesenii Lehrgeb. § 171. 1. ^ Winer, § 47. 1. Alt, 6 32. 2 and 74. 2. Ast ad Plat. Polit. p. 413. Wetstein, Kypke, and Palairet on Matt. vi. 34. Zumpt's Lat. Gr. § 368. " Wetstein and Kypke on Acts v. 36, and Gal. ii. 6. 7 Alt, Gr. Gr. N. T. § 42, 3. 6 82 A GREEK GRAMMAR Ohs. 12. Precisely similar is the use of tu 'Tta.^Ta, in the plural in 1 Cor. xv. 28, i'va 'AO @io; ra ^dvra'lv <^a,(nv. Col. iii. 11, ccXkoi, ru, •TTuvroc, x.a) Iv j o vcf^os fifiuJv x^ivu rov elvB^uTov, lav juri aKovff'/i 'TTa^ a.hrav ^oon^ov k, t. X. unless One hears, &c. ; viii. 44, oTccv A.aX55 TO ^piv^os, If any of you speaks falsely ; 2 Cor. x. 10, a\ f/Xv WicrroXa), (P'/iff), (oa^iTcct Iff^vpa), says some one / Heb. X. 38, lav vTroffTuX-'^ra.t, scil. ov /ji-'/j XoyiZ,vira.i Kv^tos afiapriuv. James i. 12, f^coixa^io; av>j^, o; v-ro/u,ivti 'rn^afffjt.ov. Compare Matt. v. 3, 6,sqq., Kom.xiv. 22. Also with the interrogative pronoun rU- Mark v. 9, t'i got ovofza; Luke iv. 36, rU o Xoyo; oZ-res. So Matt.xxvii. 4, John xxi. 21, Acts X. 21, Rom. iii. 1, viii. 27, 1 Cor. v. 12, 2 Cor. vi. 14. To the same head may be referred the formula ri on in Markxi. 16, Acts v. 4. We have at full T« yiyoviv on in John xiv. 2. Likwise ia-ri fails Avith a verbal j as in Mark ii. 22, Luke v. 33, oTvcv vsov t/'j atrxovs Xdivoh; jltkyiriov, Obs. 19. Where a substantive, or its equivalent, is the predicate, the same usage prevails. Thus Rom. x. 4, riko; vofiov {Icrn) X^io-tos. 2 Cor. iii. 11, il ya^ ro xara^ yovfiivov (J.v) lia, lo^nf, rroXXu ficiXXov to fAivev (la-T<) \v ^c^j?. See also Rom. xi. 11, 12, 15, 16, Eph. iv. 4. 1 Winer, ^ 49. Alt, § 48. 3. Wolf ad Demosth. Leptin. p. 288. Wyttenbach ad Plutarch. Mor. T. ii.p. 105. g2 84 A GREEK GRAMMAR Obs. 20. The first and second persons are never omitted, except where the pro- nouns iyM or (Til render mistake impossible ; as in John xiv.'ll, iyu h tm -rccr^), xa) o ^ocrri^ iv ifjt,oi. Heb. V. 6, ffv It^ihs iis tcv aiavcc. Compare Mark xii. 26, and see above, § 28. Obs. 7. There is, however, a remarkable exception in the case of the second person in Rev. xv. 4, ort f/.ovog oa-io;, sci/. li trv. (compare Plat. Gorg. p. 487, D. Very- rare also are omissions of the third person plural. Winer's example from Heb. V. 12 is not in point ; for after a neuter plural the verb would have been in the sin- gular. In Luke ix. 28, riirav is understood with the words ufftl 'hfjcioat oktu, which form a parenthesis : for they can scarcely be construed with lyiviro. See below § 69. II. 3. Obs. 2. More frequently, but still rarely, the imperative is wanting. Thus Rom. xii. 9, h a.ya.'vn ctvuTox^irsg, sell. 'iaru. The ellipsis is repeated through several verses. See also Matt. xxi. 9, Luke i. 23. 9. When other verbs are omitted, they are either to be re- peated, and sometimes with the subject also, from a preceding sentence, or they will be readily suggested by the context. The following are examples : Matt. xxvi. 5, Mark xiv. 2, /x^ £v TTi lo§T7], scil. TouTo 'yz^kd^oo. Acts ix. 6, ^£ K^§tOf iifos avTov, sail. eJttev, as in the preceding verse. Eom. ix. IG, apx ovv ou rov hiXovrof x. r. X. (roDro scrri.) 2 Cor. i. 6, £iT£ S"X{/3o/X£3"a, vTrzp rra inx,uy cajTYtpluS (^Xt/SopcsS'a). Eph. V. 24, oogtie^ rt sxxKna-lx virordaa^rcti rco X^tcrTo;, qutm ocl yv^xiyiss roTs ocv^paGiv (y'Jiorcx.aaia- 3"a/(Tav). 2 Tim. i. 5, rins IvJiKr.cnv \v rr} fxctix^'/^ aou, '^sTTBiafJUOii ^b, on Kocl h (Tol (IvoiKBi). To these may be added Matt, xxiii. 25, xxvi. 5, Mark xiv. 29, Luke vii. 43, John ix. 3, xv. 4, Rom. ix. 32, xiv. 23, 1 Cor. xL 1, 2 Cor. ii. 10, v. 13, vii. 12, 1 John ii. 19, Rev. xix. 10.^ 06*. 21. It has been thought that the sense requires the particular word, which is inclosed in brackets, to be supplied in the following passages. Acts x. 15, (puvyj Tcckiv Ik 'hivr'i^au 'T^og avrov (Xsysi). Rom. iv. 9, o /xctxa^tfff^os Iti rhv Ti^iTo/u,riv n It) rhv ax^olivffrtav (j^r't-rTii); I Cor. vi. 13, rx. (^^', rZ, xotX'ta, xa) « xoiXioc ro7s P>^ufji,a.iTiv {-r^offnxu). In the first case, however, ihe ellipsis may be supplied by iyiviro, and in the two latter by so-t/. Some would repeat yi\,uffKoi/.iv before the second on in 1 John iii. 20. This particle, however, is in like manner doubled in Eph. ii. 11, 12; where it equally encumbers the sense : so that in both places its insertion is probably owing to the inattention of the writer, or the interpolation of a copyist. There is also a similar exuberance of the Latin ui in Cic. Epist. Att. v. 3, Tantum te oro, ut, quu- niam meipsum semper amasti, ut eoclem amcre sis. The repetition of yivM(rxo/ziv, in the passage under consideration, would be fully as superfluous as the particle itself. 10. Instead of the nomln., the prep, alf with an accus. is oc- casionally used for the predicate in the New Testament, after efvai or y/v£(T3-a<, in citations from the Old Testament, or expres- sions adopted from the Hebrew. Thus Matt. xix. 5, Mark X. 7, 1 Cor. vi. 16, Eph. v. 31, £aovrai o\ ^m BIS ad^xoc (xixv, i. e., * Winer in Append. § 66, 1, 2. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 85 (Ta§^ fjifx (from Gen. ii. 24). Matt. xxi. 42, oi/ros lyevo^S-r) elr xc(pxXriv yuy'ias (from Ps. cxviii. 22). So also with Xoy/^grrS-ai in Rom. iv. 3, 22, iXoyla-hn ocvtu &\s ^lycacioa-vyYiy (from Gen. XV. 6). Compare Rom. ix. 8, 1 Cor. xv. 45, Heb. viii. 10, 1 Pet. ii. 7: and, for similar forms in the Hebrew and LXX, Gen. ii. 7, viii. 20, xii. 2, xvii. 8, xxiv. 67, Deut. xxviii. 13, Ps. xciv. 22, Jerem. xxxi. 33, 1 Mace. i. 4, 33, 35. Obs. 22. Although the above may be Hebraisms properly so called, this mode of explanation must be carefully confined within its proper limits. There are many passages in which the phrase iivai, or y'lncrBaiy us n is strictly Greek, either in the sense of io become something, i, e., to undergo a change, or to serve some purpose. As an instance of the former ssiise, in Acts v. 36, yivi and lixiffBou are constructed with its and an accusative ; and the later Roman authors adopted a similar phraseology. Thus Tacit. Ann. vi. 13, Silentium ipsius in superbiam acci- piebaiur.^ The construction of esse with a dative, in such forms as auxilio esse, honori esse, more appropriately affixes the- import of the New Testament idiom. Matt. X. 41, Acts vii. 53, have been classed under the same head; but they are plainly irrelevant. See below, §47.2. Obs. 5. The verb Xoyi^iir^cn is followed by eis with a nominative in Rom. viii. 36, ikoyia-^y.fiiv &>s T^ofiarce, ff(pcx.yns. Obs. 23. Another construction which has been supposed to supply the place of the predicate after sTva/ or ylyviff^xi, is that of the preposition Iv with a dative, to which the sense of the Hebrew ^ {Beth essentia-) has been attributed.^ The pas- sages adduced in support of this opinion are Mark v. 2h,yvvri ns oZ-o^i) "''«■ oclrnin^rai rov Ba^afoliav, Acts xiii. 43, 'i-Xii^ov ochrovs iX'/iy.ivn '7rop(pvoa, xoc) xoxxivm. 6. Those verbs, which in the passive take a double nominative, as to call or nam,e, to make, to choose, to appoint, take in the active a second accusative of a substantive or adjective, which expresses some quality of the object pre- dicated by the verb. Matt. iii. 3, iv^uois TfoiiiTi to.; T^ljiovs ovtov. xix. 4, Ufffiv xx) B^^iXv \'roir,ffiv uvtov;. 17, t'i [jijI kiyn; dyxB-ov ; xxi. 13, vfAi7; ^l uvtov WoiriffUTi ff'TT'A'kaiov X'/tffTuiv. So Mark xii. 37, Luke vi. 13, 14, John vi. 15, XV. 15, Acts XX. 28,'Ht;b. i. 2, 1 John i. 10. Obs. 13. Sometimes these verbs employ the infinitive i^ivuci to connect the object with the predicate; as in Matt. xvi. 13, r/va f^i Xiyovtriv oi dvB^coroi iJvea. In like manner, au infinitive, as Xufsuv, ix-'^y &c« ^s redundant with verbs oH ashing, and giving. Thus Acts iii. 3, ijoura \Xiif/,oavv/iv Xa(ii7v. vii. 46, ^T'A(roiTo ii/^ut tfxnvet)iJi.oi, Tf esf '\axu(o. So donat habere in Virg. Mn. v. 262. Winer refers to this head James v. 10, v'rohuyf/.ot. Xd(i-Ti tovs d'TocrTo'kov;, which is evidently an apposition. See § 28. Obs. 14. The preposition £/; is sometimes prefixed to the predicate accusative; as in Acts vii. 21, dvi^^i^ocTo ocvtov locvrn us vl'ov. xili. 22, tysi^sv avTo7s tov Aot,ll\% tls /Sair/Xia. 47, Ti^uxd at us (^us i^vuv. This construction is derived, as in the similar substitution for the nominative (§ 37. 10), from the Hebrew ; and it is constantly retained in the LXX. See Gen. xliii. 18, 1 Sam. xv. 11, 2 Kings iv. 1, Isal. xlix. 9, Judith V. 11. Those examples are altogether distinct, which have been pro- ^ Winer, § 32, 4. a. All, Gr.Gr. N. T. § 30, c. 94 A GREEK GRAMMAR duced as parallel from Greek writers ; as, for instance, from Herod, i. 34, -rivm ro7fft x{-'^'^^^ ^'i '^oXifj.ov. Compare Eurip. Troad. 1207 ; and, in the New Tes- tament, Phil. iv. 16, iU rh x^s/av fjuoi Wifz-^ccri. See also § 46. 5. {Daf. com.) ; and of Acts vii. 53, see § 47. 2. Obs. 5.^ Obs. 15. In classical Greek the vevhs xouTtruv and awoxgyVrj/v are followed either by two accusatives, or by a simple acct/safive of the person; but in the New Testament the person is put with a?ra in the genitive. Thus Matt. xi. 25, Luke x. 21, k^tK^v-^ai TavTo, aTo ffo^uy xu) ffvnrZv. Compare Luke xviii. 34, xix. 42, John xii. 36, Col. i. 26 ; and Dent. vii. 20, LXX. It frequently happens indeed, both in the sacred and profane writers, that verbs are found with two accusatives, although another construction may be equally or more common. To some which have been already noticed, the followint^ from the New Testament may be added : — 1. a.vct(jLifjt.vr,ffx,iiv, See § 42, 3. 1. 2. /*av3yv, to qualify : 2 Cor. iii. 6, o; xa; ixdvatrtv h/u.ccs 'hiaxovou; KUivrii ^ix^r,K7ii. Otherwise in Col. i. 12, ih;^a,^i(;ToZvrii tm ^rar^) tS ixavutrccvTi 'h/^a; ih rhv /u,tot^oi rod xXyi^ou rZv ccyluv, 3. o^-KiZ,iiv, to conjure ; Maik v. 7, o^xiZ,u ci rev QiU. So Acis xix. 13, 1 Thess. V. 27 ; and Gen. 'xxiv. 3, LXX. But in Matt. xxvi. 63, X^o^xIZ^m si xura. rou QioZ Tou X>^vro;. We have in Acts iii. 25, LXX, o^xl^uv h ru QiZ. Compare 1 Kings ii. 42, 2 Kings xi. 4 ; Xen. Symp. iv. 10. See also Obs. 2. 7. 4. ir£/Sj;v, to persuade, soil, by teaching : Acts xxviii. 23, ty)v rou IxS-sTv Trpos v^jiois. Compare Luke xxiv. 16, Acts X. 47, xx. 27. Obs. 1. The whole of this class of verbs, however, are far more commonly fol- lowed in the New Testament by a genitive governed by U or u'^'o. Take the fol- lowing examples from Matt. vi. 13, pZ^xi f]ficcs uto rou tov/i^ou. ix. 16, a'/^u to -rk^i- pu/u,a auTou ocro tou tfj^otriou. Mark vii. 6, ri xot,oVioc avruv Toppa/ aTix^i ^^' '^f^ou. So Luke vii. G, xii. 58, xiii. 15, Acts i. 4, ii. 40, v. 2, 3, xv. 20. Again, Acts xviii. 1, x^S''^" BtU ix Tuv ^A^r.vuv. xix. 16, ix(puyuv ix rod olxov. See also Rom. vii. 24, 1 Cor. x. 14, 2 Tim. iv. 17, Tit. ii. 14, Heb. v. 7, 1 Pet. i. 18, Pet. iii. 10, Rev. xiv. 13. Add Matt.i. 21, Lukei. 74, xi. 4, xxiv. 13, Acts xviii. 2, Rom. v. 9, viii. 2, 21, 35, 1 Cor. vii. 10, 27, Heb. vii. 26, James v. 20, 2 Pet. ii. 9, Rev. xx. 7. To this head may be added the expressions Xay's/v a.vo rtvo; (Acts xvi. 33, Rev. i. 5), and xec^a^l^uv uto tivo; (2 Cor. vii. 1).^ Compare Tobit iii. 14, Diod. Sic. i. 24, Appian. Syr. 59. In James v. 4, o /^iirBoi o cc'^iffn^Tii/Jm df vuuv, the recomjpence fraudu- lently withheld by you, does not belong here. 1 Winer, § 32, 6. Alt, Gr. N. T. § 30. 2. Lobeck ad Phryn. p. 366. 2 Winer, § 30, 6. Alt, h\ 27, 2 and 67, ,iS. Bornemann ad Xen. Anab. p. 56. 96 A GREEK GRAMMAR 3. All kinds of partitives are, from their very nature, fol- lowed by the genitive ; and most of the cases which occur in other writers are found repeatedly in the New Testament. Thus with such adjectives as oXlyoi, ttoXXoI, r^^Aiahs, &c., when the substantive is considered as the w^hole, and the adjective as a part: — Matt. iii. 7y ttoWou^ tSjv Oxpiaalcov xai ^oc^^ovaocicuv, XV. 37, TO 7rspi(T(Jcuov rcuv xKaaiJ.a.rcuy. Luke xix. 8, Ta riixlan rojy vTicaoyJiMroo^ [J.QU. Heb. xi. 21, to axoov T73J- pd^^ou. With ris, as in Matt, xxvii. 47, r/vef rcov UeH haruruv, Luke xiv. 15, tis tcDv Ohs. 2. Hence the superlative is followed in the New Testament, as in classical Greek, by the genitive plural of the substantive to which it belongs. Thus in 1 Cor. XV. 9, l>.a%/(rTflj tuv aToffroXuv. Another construction, however, with h and a dative, occurs in Matt. ii. 6, cited from Micah v. 2, xa) cv, B>jSX£s^, yyt 'Iou^k, ov- 'hctfjcui IXa^lffTn u Iv ro7s hyif^offtv 'lovta. Somewhat akin to this exception from the usual form, is the similar use of the positive, to which the addition of a noun, indi- cating the class of persons or things to which it belongs, gives the force of a super- lative ; as in Mark x. 43, (Ji.iyu.s Iv Ifjuti. Luke i. 28, tvXoyfi/u.iv'/i av Iv ywai^iv, blessed among women, i. e. most blessed of women. This has been regarded, and perhaps with justice, as a Hebraism, which the LXX have preserved in Cant. i. 8, xaX-h h yvvail'i. At the same time it is very similar to the Greek expressions Z (ptX' kvh^uv, and the like, in which the positive is supposed to be put for the superlative;^ not to mention that the exact form occurs in Pind. Nem. iii. 138, odiroi ukvs iv ToTct- vo7s. So in Latin, Liv. xxiii. 44, Magna inter paucos, for maxima. There are also other passages, in which the positive has been thought to be put for the superlative: as, for instance. Matt. v. 19, ours; f^iya; KX^^'^enrcct, where, fAiya; is opposed to ixd- Xiaroi in the preceding clause, xxii. 36, '^oia. ivroXyj fisydXti iv tu vof^u -, (Compare V. 38.) Luke ix. 48, oZros ta-rai fizya;. X. 42, Maa/a tjjv dya^yiv fiiol'^a. i^iki^aro. 1 Cor. vi. 4, Tol; l^ovS-ivTif^ivovs iv Tn \xxXn the unjust steward; Rom.i. 26, ^ccBn a.rifjt,ia,; , for oirifjLa.. Eph. i. 13, 14, ru -X'tivfia.n rni i^ctyyiXiai, tU ayroXu- r^uffiv rvs •n^i'Totriffiui, i. e., ru iT^iyyiX/jjivu and ^i^iToinBiTffav. iv. 29, ir^o; oiKo^ofAriv riis Xi^'^^'i-) useful edification. Add Acts ii. 19, arfiila. Kct-rvov, smoky vapour (Hos. xiii. 3, LXX, ir/Mg xei'rvio^yii) . ix. 15, a-xivos iKkoyyis, for tKktxrov. Rom. i. 4, Tvid/AX aytuffvvtis. Eph. ii. 2, roTg viols rris cicru^uas. 1 Pet. i. 14, rixvcc u^uxofis. The prin- cipal, not the qualifying, noun is placed in the genitive 4, iv xamrnn ^uvis. Gal. iii. 14, rnv l^ayytXicnv rov •rviv/n.ccros, i. e., •rvidf^ec 'i^nyyi}.f/.ivov. 2 Thess. ii. 11, m^yiiccv Tkeivfif, strong delusion. 1 Tim. vi. 17, it) 'jrkovrov a.'^tiXornri. A pronoun is sometimes added, which, though it relates to the entire idea included in both nouns, stands after that in the genitive; and, if an adjective, agrees with it in num- ber and gender. Thus in Acts v. 20, ^ravra ra p^iMara ryjs ^atis ruurvS' xiii'. 26, o Xoyof rrii aurrt^'toci ravrnf, Rom. vii. 24, ir&ifictros rod B-avcirov rovrov, i. e., ffcufAotret roirov Bavxr)^(po^ev. Heb. i. 3, r&i prifjt,a.rt r^s ^vveifjiitui avrev, by his powerful word. Rev. xiii. 3, fi TXriyh rev Bavcirou avrov, its mortal wound. So Judith ix. 10, LXX, tx x^ttXiuv aTurns f/.ov. When the governing noun has the force of the adjective, the idiom is rather to be regarded as an Hebraism ; as in Luke i. 48, rhv raTtivutriv t^s ^ovXnti for "hovXt^v rocrimv. In Rom. vi. 6, ro atufLot. rni u/xu^rtecs might perhaps be rendered the sinful body, or the body in which sin exists ; but the metaphor seems to indicate that Sin is represented, as it were, with a body, and that body nailed to the cross. It is clear that those passages cannot be referred to this head, in which one of the nouns is not qualified by the other, but exhibits some particular charac- teristic of it, as in Col, ii. 5, (ixij«st/ v/neif Ti^tTanTv iv fjt,araiorriri rov voos ui/ruv. 1 Pet. i. 2, txXsxroTs iv ayiocfffiZ Tvivfjbetros. Again in 1 Cor. x. 16, ro Torv^iov rtjs ivXoyieif is not the blessed cup, but the cup of blessing (so called) ; in Eph. v. 2, Phil. iv. 18, offiii tvuViots, which is rendered in the English Testament a sweet-smelling savour, is rather, perhaps, an odour arising from sweet incense., in allusion to the Levitical sacrifices (Exod. xxix. 18, Levit. i. 9, 13, ii.2, iii. 5, LXX, et alibi) ; and in Heb. I Winer, § 30. 2, 4. Alt, Gram. N. T. § 26. 2, 4. * Wetsteiu on Luke xvi. 24. See also Matt. Gr, Gr. \ 375. 06*. 2. h2 100 A GREEK GRAMMAR ix. 2, fi 9r^sha-ii ruv a^ruv should probably be translated the setting on of bread; though it may also be convertible with the a^roi rr.s T^o^iixiusy shew-bread, of the Evangelists (Matt. xii. 4, Mark ii. 26, Luke vi. 4).^ § 42. 1. Words which express ideas of relation take the object of that relation in the genitive ; and the rule, with certain excep- tions, is observed b}^ the writers of the New Testament. To this class belong, 1. Verbal adjectives whether used in an active or passive sense ; as in James i. 13, dTr^lpaaros xaxcc-v. 2 Pet. ii. 14, a.Kocrae.'Trcx.iKJTOus: a/ma^r/as". 2. Words which represent an action or affection of the mind ; as, for instance, adjectives denoting experience, ignorance, lust, zeal, &c. Thus Acts xxi. 21, ^nXuron rov vofxou. xxvi. 3, yva/crrYiv s^cuv ycou ^-j^Toj/xaTwv. I Cor. X. 6, iTn^vfjt.'nroi^ Kxaa-v. Heb. v. 13, iir^iipos Xoyou 'Sr/.aio- 2. Words which indicate fulness or want take a genitive expressive of that whereof anything is full or empty : as, 1. Adjectives. Matt, xxiii. 28, /xeiTrot vTrox^la-cco^ xal dvo- fjiioi^. Luke v. 12, 7rXiopr,f 'kiirpocs. John i. 14, TrXr^pris '/jxpiTd^ xou dXrt'^cicx.f. Acts ix. 36, nXr^pfH oiycc^aiv E^ycuv xaci sKEinfxofjuyajy. Rom. xv. 14, ptsaroi ea-rs dyu^cocuvris. Add Matt. xiv. 10, XV. 37, Mark vi;43, viii. 19, Lukeiv. 1, John xix. 29, xxii. 11, Acts vi. 3, 5, 8, vii. 55, ix. 36, xiii. 10, Rom. i. 29, xv. 14, James iii. 8, \7, 2 Pet. ii. 14. Sometimes, however, the relation is expressed by ccTTo or Ix. Thus Matt, xxvii. 24, d^ajoi z'n^i utto rov aliXQLros rov ^txaioy toutou. Acts XX. 26, xaS'a^cf d-^o rov aT/xaror. 1 Cor. ix. 19, kXeuBspof o/v lyt liiyrm. Also by a dative, as in Rom. vi. 20, kXBv^s^oi rjrs rri ^ixocio'juvri. Obs. 1. Hence the names of vessels take the gen. of that with which they ai'e filled; as in Matt. xiv. 13, xi^df^iov v^xros, a. pitcher fu^l of water. Compare Jerera.xlviii. 1, 1 Sam. X. 3, LXX. Dion. Hal. iv. 2023. Theophr. Char. 17. Diog. Laert. vi. 1. 4, vii. 1.3. Athen. i. p. 177.2 2. Verbs. Matt. xxii. 10, gTrXTjjS-oj 6 yaj/xof avaxcipt6va;v. Mark viii. 4, 7r69"£v rovrovf ^vynasrocl m m^s yji^rxaca a^Tuv ' Winer, § 34. 2. Alt. § 23. 3. Hermann ad Viger, p. 890. 2 Matt. Gr. Gr. § 353. c. Winer, § 30. 2. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 101 €CT* epfiixloLs ; XV". 36, ye/juVas- aTroyyov oJol/s-. Luke IV. 28, ETrXiQff&nffav 'TTavr^s ^ufxov. xi. 39, to ^e eVwS'sv z5/:Aa/v yefXEi aq'TTxyrif xccl TTovoj^/ar. XV. 17, TTo^roi (Jiiabiot tov nocr^os f/.ou TTiqiaazvovaiy aprcuv, iycu ^e Xt/j.:^ dTroXT^ufMxi ; John ii. 7, ysfj.ia-ccT£ ras v^qlas v^cctos. Acts ii. 28, TrXinpcoans /xa zv^poavvfts. xxvii. 38, xopejS-evTEj- T§o(|Jr>s'. Add Matt, xxvii. 36, Luke i. 15, 53, v. 26, John vii. 13, Acts v. 28, xiii. 52, xix. 29, Rom. iii. 14, et alibi. Again Luke xxii. 35, KQcl eTttev avrois, "Otz ocffsarsiKoc C/xois arsp ^ocXum- rlou xal TTinpas xai vTro^r^iAcHra)^, f/^ri n-Jos varEprioot-rz ; ot oe EtTTQv, OvIevos. Acts xvii. 25, ovVe 3-e§a9reverai 9r/50J^eo//.£V05- riMos. Rom. iii. 23, Travrsr ^'/:xa§Tov, vanpoVMrcci rr^s ^o^ns rov 0£oi;. James i. 5, £1 Je Tis^ i5/ui&/v XsiVsrai ao(^ia,s, aiTEirco X, T. X*. 06«. 2. All or most of these verbs, however, are equally followed by a genitive withj ix or uTo.^ Thus in Matt, xxiii. 2S, 'Uu^iv yif/.ovfftv i% ap-rayrtS xca ochxiccs' Luke XV. 16, 'tTiBvfMt ytfiiffai rhv KOiXt'av avrou tt. oixiec WXrj^cki^*} Ix rr.; C(rfjcri;. Heb. xil. 15, vtrn^uv aTo rrn ;^d^iTos rod Biov. Rev. xix. 21, ^dvra, to, o^vict i-x^ooraff^nffecv tx ruv ffct^xav avruy. We have likewise, Tkn^ovv and Trt^tva-ivnv with a dative in 2 Cor. vii. 4. So in Ecclus. xi. 12, Truxtia -rt^ifffivu. See also Rom. i. 29. Obs. 3. When followed by the prepositions Iv or s/j, the verbs ^t^itrcnviiv and iitm- ^uffBai, have the sense of making progress, or falling short, respectively. Thus in 1 Cor. i. 7j fm vffTi^iTff^oct Iv fjt,vitiv) ^u^ifffiaru XV. 58, •^i^io-ffiuovrts iv rZ i^yco tov Kv^iou 'pravTOTS. 2 Cor. ix, 8, ^wxrot Ti o Szog •'i ;^af jWj rov/zov cJfAa. The verb h^l^Hv is followed by a dative in Exod. xvii. 5, LXX, sJ/V»?«» » ^aos v'Setru 4. Verbs including an idea of superiority, inferiority, for- bearance, dominion, and the like, often take the object ^ Compare Schleusner and Wahl with Bretschneider, in v. « Winer, § 30, 7. * Winer, ubi supra : Wetstein and Eisner on Matt. v. 6. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 103 of comparison in the genitive. Thus in Matt. xvii. 17, Z yevea aTTiarrof, ems ttots dvE^ofMoci vfxuv ; Acts xviii. 12, raXX/ft;vof uvbuTrxr&uovros rriS" h'/jxia.s. 1 Tim. ii. 12, yt/vagX. Acts vii. 10, fiyoufiivov l^r' a7- yvTrov. XX. 28, xoif^amiv t^v s»xX>j(r/av Qiov. 2 Cor. xii. 13, t/ ya^ ia-riv, o ^ttjjSjjt* vfip rag Xoijf. Gal. iii. 1, v. 7, t« aXff Sua //.h 'TiiBio-Bai. Add Mark i. 27, iv. 41, Luke viii. 25, xvii. 6, Acts v. 36, 37, 40, vi. V, xxiii. 21, xxviii. 24, Rom. vi. 12, x. 16, Eph. vi. 1, Phil. ii. 12, 2 Thess. iii. 14, Heb. v. 9, xi. 8, xiii. 17, James iii. 3, 1 Pet. iii. 6 ; and compare Gen. xvi. 3, xii. 40, Deut. XX. 12, xxi. 18, Dan. iii. 12, ^lian, V. H. i. 34, iii. 23, Polyb. iv. 17. 7. So with aTTti^iTv, as in John iii. 36, o Tg oi-ruB'cov ru vIS, olx o-\^irat Z,uri)i. Rom. ii. 8, a-ru^evffi f^h rn aXn^iix, j ffri)idZ,iTi xar^ ocXXriXuv. Compare 1 Mace. viii. 32, x. 61,63, xi. 25. Instead of the accusative of the thing charged against one, which is usual in classical writers, the genitive is employed in Acts xxv. \\,uy ovToi xxrnyo^ovffl fjcou. Of the same class is xaratp^ovuv rivos, to think against, \.e, to despise or slight, any one, in Matt. vi. 24, xviii. 10, Rom. ii. 4, I Cor. xi, 22, Heb. xii. 2, et alibi; xarafucoru^iTv r I rives, in Matt. xxvi. 62, xxvii. 13; xaraytXav rive;, in Matt. ix. 24, Mark v. 39 j xaraffTpriviav nvog, in 1 Tim. v. 1 1 ; xturccyivuffxnv r/v»f, in 1 John iii. 20, 21. Other examples will continually present themselves, as well as frequent instances in, which like compounds take an accusative. Thus in 2 Cor. iii. 18, Tjjv Bo'^av Kv^i'ou xex.rz^oM Trap'' ocurous ovopoa, where it will also be observed that ^rcc^' ai;rot/$^ is concisely put for ttc^o' auroj^j ovopca. iii. 3, 57"Xe/ovo5- ^o^ns' ovro^ TTx^oi Mjv/ay, be/ore Cyrenius was Governor of Syria. The true meaning, however, seems to be, that the census in question, though decreed by the Emperor some years previously,^;**/ took effect under the presidency of Cyrenius.^ § 44. — The Genitive in some particular connexions. 1. The gen. frequently denotes the object, with respect to which the governing noun denotes some circumstance of action, speech, or sentiment. Thus in Matt. xiii. 18, t-^v Tracpx^oXviy toD a-Triiqovro^, the Parable relative to the sower ; John xvii. 2, e^ov ff/av TTxa-ns axpytos, power over all flesh ; Rom. xiii. 3, (p6/3or t&/v dya.'buv eqyouv, terror with respect to good works ; 1 Pet. i. 2, pavri(7fA.ov alfxaros, sprinkling with, or^ by means of, blood. So with verbs : as in 2 Pet. iii. 9, ou ^qoc'^uyei o Kvpiof rv^s aTracyyeXi^xs, with respect to his promise. And with adjectives ; as in Luke xxiv. 25, /3§a^£7s- rri yccc^igi, tov Triarevsiv, slow with regard to believing. See also Eph. ii. 12, iii. 6, James ii. 5. Obs. 1. An analogous usage is that of the genitive with substantives or verbs, in cases where tti^i is otherwise used ; as in Matt. iv. 24, axov avrov, the fame of him, or concerning him; for which we have rj^^of ^i^) avrou, in Luke iv. 37. Thus again in Acts vii. 19, ixaxua-t rat/j -rxri^as hf/uv rou touTv 'ixStra, x. r. X., ill-treated them in regard to the exposition : xx. 3, yveofj.n rov v-rotrr^iipuv, an intention of returning, i. e. in respect to returning. See also Matt. xiv. 1, Acts iii. 12, xxvii. 1, 1 Cor. ii. 2, vii. 37. Obs. 2. A remoter relation, which requires to be more fully developed, exists in the following : Mark i. 4, (iavrrtirf^x [AiTocvoias, baptism which inculcates repen- tance; Luke xi. 29, trnfuTov 'Java, the sign which Jonah affords; Rom. vii. 2* rou vofAOu rou av^^oS) the law which binds to the husband; viii. 36, rr^ofiaroi (ri^ayrti, sheep destined for slaughter ; Phil. iv. 9. o SsaV tJJs u^^vyis, the God who gives peace ; Col. i. 20, rod ectfjixro; rod ffrav^ou, the blood shed upon the cross ; ii. 19, xtl^no'iv roll Biou, an increase required by God ; 2 Thess. iii. 5, rvv iiTofioviiv rou X^ia-rou, patience similar to that of Chnst ; James ii. 4, x^trai haXoyio-f^aJv tovv^Sv, judges who decide upon evil principles. To the same head may be referred the expression Tiffr/s *diou (Mark xi. 22), v'raxoYi X^itrroZ (2 Cor. x. 5), and the like. Thus also Rom. i. 5, vTaxohi Tiffriuf, obedience upon a principle of faith. Pet. i 22, rri vraxo^ rris ^ See Interpp. ad loc. ]08 A GREEK GRAMMAR aXnBi'iai, the obedience required by the Gospe/. For additional instances, see Matt. X. 1, xii. 31, xxiv. 15, John v. 29, vii. 35, Acts iii. 16, xiv. 9, Rom. iii. 22, ix. 21, 1 Cor. ix. 12, 2 Cor. v. 19, Gal. ii. 16, iii. 22, Eph. ii. 3, Phil. i. 27, iii. 9, Col. i. 23, Heb. vi. 2, James ii. 1, Jude 11, Rev. xiv. 12, xv. 2. The LXX. use the genitive in similar relations in Numb. xxvi. 9, Job xxi. 4, Obad. 2, Ecclus.iii. 14, Wjsd. viii. 3, 1 Mace. iii. 14. Compare Thucyd. i. 129, Heliod. ii. 4. 65, Theodoret,iv. 1140. Obs. 3. There are also a class of expressions, which admit of different explana- tions in different contexts. Thus ayK-rrj S-ov may mean either the love which man owes to God, (John v. 42, 1 John ii. 5, 15, v. 3), or the love of God towards mankind j (Rom. v. 5, viii. 35, 2 Cor. v. 14). Similarly in Pausan. viii. 7, o^xei Biuv, oaths by, or in the name of, the Gods. The Latins likewise employed the genitive in a two- fold application after certain words, as observed in A. Gell. ix. 12, Metus quoque et injuria aique alia qucedam id genus, sic uiroque versum did possunt : nam metus hostiura recte dicitur, et cum timent hostes, et cum timentur.* Obs. 4. It may be doubted whether the expression ro tvayyiXiov rev X^kttov, which repeatedly occurs, is to be rendered the Gospel concertiing Christ, or the Gospel preached by Christ. In support of the former acceptation, Winer remarks, that it appears to be abridged, as it were, from the more complete form in Rom. i. 2, 3, tvayyiX/ov 0iov Ti^) rod vtov ccvtoZ. He refers also to the similar expression, ro tvxy- y'iktov rtii (ia>v uvccf/.vfi(rtv, > Winer, § 30, 1. Alt, § 26. .1, 2. Dor\'ill. ad Char. p. 498. Markland ad Eur. Suppl. 838. Ast ad Plat. Legg. p. 72. « Winer, § 30, 1. 4. Monk ad Eur. Alcest. 751. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 109 in rememhrance of me ; Rom. xi. 31, t« vfurieu tXiu, the mercy extended to you; 1 Cor. XV. 31, T>jy iifjLiTi^av xavxnifti »iv 'ix'^> ^U fioasting of you, Winer adds 2 Tim. IV. 6, xetiooi T}ji (fitif avaXvo'iai; ifitrrnxi, which is not a case in point. The Latins have the same usage ; as, for example, in Torent. Phorm. v. 8. 27, Neque negligentia tua, neque id odio fecit tuo ; i. e. erga /e. O'ls. G. Instead of a genitive, the dative with h is put after a verb expressive of a mental affection in 2 Cor. v. 2, |y rovru ffTivcc^ofAiv. ^s. 7. The word svop^e; is properly constructed with a dative in Matt. v. 21, 22, tvo^o; iffTcti rr, x^ltru, ru ffvvih^iu. In the latter of these two verses it is also followed by %U with an accusative, and manifestly in the same sense. It is found with the genitive, x^lftun or some like word being understood, in Matt. xxvi. 66, Mark xiv. 64, ivo^oi Bavd'ToUf Mark iii. 19, hox^s aluviou x^i' Compare Herod, iv. 10, Xen. Mem. iii. 10. 13. Obs. 11. Analogous to this usage is that of XafifiuvurBat and some of its com* pounds, with ci^na-^at, and txiff^m, signifying, in the middle voice, to take hold of. Thus Matt. xiv. 31, o 'ir^ffoZs^ iKnlvai rnv ^i^^oc, iTiXafiiTO avrov. Xvii. 7, T^offiX^uv ^Itiaovs Hiyparo etlruy. Luke i. 54, dvriXec(iiro 'l^^«^^ Tailog avreu. XX. 20, 26> i^tXdfiia-Sm Xoyov, to lay hold of one'' s words, i. e. with a view to make them a subject of accusation or blame ; Heb. vi. 9, \x,ofAtva, ffum^lcci, things laying hold o/*, i. e. con- nected with, salvation. Other examples will be found in Matt. vi. 24, viii. 15, ix. 20,21,29, Marki. 41, v. 30, vi. 46, viii. 23, Luke ix. 47, xvi. 13, xxii. 51, Acts XX. 35, xxiii. 19, 1 Thess. v. 14, 1 Tim. vi. 2, Tit. i. 9 ; and in Gen. xxxix. 12, Job i. 19, xxxiii. 34, LXX. In the sense of el-^rrter^aii we find ^tytTv with a genitive in Heb. xi. 28, xii. 20. It is to be remarked however, that the verb lcr/Xa^/3av$(rSa/ is also found with the accusative ; but in a sense which indicates the forcible seizure of the entire person; as in Acts xvi. 19, l-rtXafiofjuvoi rov IlaZkov kk) rov ^Ixav^ itkKv}. So Gen. iii. 24, LXX, fi oSo; rov \vXov ri^i ^uiji. Jerem. ii. 18, ^ o3o; Aiyv-rrov. Compare Numb. xxi. 33. See however, Obs. 2, supra. Obs. 18. A circumlocution by means of a preposition and its case is sometimes used, not indeed instead of a genitive, but to express more accurately, what a genitive might have rendered ambiguous. Thus in Mark iv. 19, « ruv Xei-rui iTi^vfiia. might perhaps have been substituted for fi Tt^i ra Xoi-ra. i^iBvfAia, but the latter does not so much mean lust of o'her things, as iust which has relation to other things. The same form of expression occurs in Heliod. ^th. i. 23,45, 'fri^vfila vi^i 1 Winer, § 30, 2. 8. * Kuiuoel ad loc. ^ Q«$emus, § 17. Obs. 2. 112 A GREEK GRAMMAR T>3v Xa^lxXiixv. Arist. Rhet. ii. 12, «< vrt^) to trufict i-ri^vfjuau Again in 2 Cor. viii. 7, ry. tl vftZv ocyu-xn removes the ambiguity which would have existed in rn vfjjZv a,yu,Tyi, See below § 65. So Acts xxiii. 21, Tnv ato irov tTayyiXUv. Dion. H. p. 2235. 13, jroXvv i» ruv -JToc^ovruv x,tvy,ffcii tXiov, Plat. Polit. ii. p. 363. A, rag wt' uurtjs iuhoxifjiYKnii. See also Arrian. Ind. xxix. 5, Polya;n. v. 11, Diod. Sic. i. 8, v. 39* Very different, again, from to, Tx^rificcTu, X^ierrov is 1 Pet. i. 11, ra i'k X^kttov vraBn- fixra, which means the sufferings, which, according to the Prophets, were to fall upon Christ. Other instances are Acts xvii. 28, Rom. ix. 11, xi. 21, Eph. ii. 21, Tit. iii. 5, 1 Pet. ii. 9, v. 2, 2 Pet. ii. 7. It may be added that the form of the titles to the 4 Gospels, To xxric, MarSarsv, &c. EyayysX/uv, of which the correct import is the Gospel written by Matthew, &c. prevents any ambiguity similar to that which is noticed at § 65. Obs, So Polyb. iii. 6, at xar' 'Aw/'/Jav Tfulus, the exploits performed by Annibal, Obs. 19. Certain nouns, by which the genitive is governed, are commonly wanting ; as vUg, in Matt. ix. 21, 'idxufiov tov tou ZifiihaUv. So also in Matt. iv. 21, Mark ii. 14, Luke vi. 16, John vi. 71, xxi. 2, 15, Acts i. 13, xiii. 22, et alibi. Other words thus omitted are ywn, ^arii^, /zijTyio, a.h\(po's. Thus Matt. i. 6, 'tx. rtii rou Ou^iou, soil, yuvaixof. Mark xv. 47, Ma^/a 'lufftj, soil, ftnrr,^. (Compare Matt, xxvii. 56, Mark xv. 40,) Luke vi. 16, Acts i. 13, 'loySa; 'lecxtufiov, soil, a^ikipos. (Compare Jude 1,) Acts vii. 16, 'E^^a^ rou :Euxi/^> soil. jx>jj. John xix. 25, Malice 71 TOU KXu-ffa. Compare Matt. iv. 21, x. 2, Mark iii. 17, 1 Cor. i. 18. The genitive precedes the governing noun, 1. When it belongs to several substantives; as in Acts iii. 7, auTov al fidcrus *«< Toi e^v^oi. 2. When it is emphatic, and especially where there is an antithesis. Thus Acts xiii. 23, TOUTOU 0soj a.'To TOU ffTi^f/.uTo; fjyupt ffiurr,pot.. 1 Cor. iii. 9, Siou ydp ifffjtiv ffvvieyoi' Qiou yiu^yiov, Qtou oJxo^o/xn iffri. Phil. ii. 25, ffuffTootTiuTnv [jlov. vfjtuv Ss d.-roffToXov. See also Matt. i. 18, Rom. iii. 29, xiii. 4, 1 Cor. vi. 15, ix. 11, Gal. iii. 15, iv. 28, Eph. ii. 8, 10, vi. 9, Heb. vii. 12, x. 36, James i. 26, 1 Pet. iii. 21. 3. When it contains the leading idea of the proposition : as in Rom. xi. 13, ISvi/v d^oiTToXos. 1 Tim. vi. 17, It) tXoutov d^nXornrt. Tit. i. 7, Q-oZ oixove/u,ov. It may here be observed also, that, in St. Paul's Epistles more especially, the genitive is frequently separated by some intervening word from the noun upon which it depends. Thus 1 Cor. x. 27, tl Vi th xaXil vfid: tuv olTriffruv. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 113 Eph. ii. 3, TtKva (pvfftt o^ynS' 1 Thess, ii. 13, Xa'yav aKoni Tetf^ hfJMV raZ Qtov, i. e. xiyo* Siov -ra^' ru,uv dxouofjbtvov. Compare Luke vii. 36, xiii. 11, xx. 36, John iv. 39, Phil. ii. 10, 1 Tim. iii. G, Heb. viii. 5. Similar instances are found in profane writers. Thus Plutarch. Timol. 20, rt; uvi ruv arpa.Tiuo § 45.— Dative. (Buttm. § 133.) 1 . Where there is 'relation to an object, the general rule is that the person or thing, to or for whom or which the action takes place, is put in the dative ; and the principle, with certain qualifications, prevails in the writings of the New Testament. 2. Thus the verbs signifying to give, to yield, to tell, are properly followed by the dative ; as in Luke xi. 6, xpr^aov (xoi rpsTf ocprous. Gal. iv. 5, ols ov^l tt^os up(x.v sI^ociazv. Of ^i^ovoci and eiTren/ so governed examples abound ; but it' may be well to observe that ev is sometimes added, as in Acts iv. 12, ^a^optivov £v Tor? dv^pojTToif, i. e. given among men. So 2 Cor. viii. 1, t^v yjxpiy rou ©eoy Je^opisvyjv ev rocTs sxxX'ntjia.ii. Obs. 1. We have 5 x^tryi. When, however, the object is pimishment or miser?/, this verb is followed by us and an accusative ; as in Matt. v. 17, 21, xxiv. 9, Rom. i. 28, 2 Cor. iv. 11.^ Both are united in 1 Cor. v. 5, -raoa^ouva,! rov rotourov tm larava. il; oXtS-^ov T»jj ffcc^xo;. Obs. 2. Many verbs signifying to announce^ &c., which properly govern a dative, are found in the New Testament with u; or -rooi and an accusative. Thus Luke xxiv. 47, xtiov^B-tivat f/.ird.vo{ecv u; ^dvrcc roc sSv*?. 1 Thess. ii. 9, Ixn^v^af^iv sif v^m; noov, vfuv Vi ccff(paxU. 2 Tim. li. 21, iux^vtrrov rSJ ^laTorri. \\. 1 1, 'iffri yoif (jloi lilx^yKf^oi s/j ^lUKov'tav. Tit. iii. 8, TavTci, iffTt TO. xaXa Kcc) u'^iXifjLct, rols uv^^uvoi;. Sometimes with a preposition ; as in 2 Tim. ii. 14, f/f ovhh %j;jir;^/ace, or when an action has reference to- some , one, with respect to some feeling or qualification ; a participle expressive thereof is sometimes, but rarely, employed in the dative. The two follow- ing are examples : Luke i. 36, oSto; fjt,nv 'Ixto; Itrr'iv avr^ rn xxXovfjbivr^ ffTu^a,. James iv. 17, i'lhoTt ovv xttXlv toiuv, xa) ^>j ^roiovvn^ ufzcc^ricc ccvtm Iffrtv, i. e. if one knows, Sec, Another form occurs in Acts xxiv. II, ou TXnovi tiff! (aoi fifiipdi >j "^ixu^vo, ccpoxofjt,vi. Epiph. Vit. p. 340. D. ^yaytv aurov * ABaveiffiu tm '^a-rTa. Obs. 15. The ordinary construction with lU or •tt^Is is perhaps more frequent. Thus in Matt. ii. 1 1, IxSovns iis rhv oIkiuv. iii. 14, y ffvv'i(ia.XXov aurA. Rom. viii. 16, avroro Tvsvfca, ffV[if/,afrvoi7 tm Tvivfjt,ari 'AfjLut. XV. 30, trvvayuviffaa-^ai /aoi Iv ra7s fT^offivx^'^i' 1 Cor. iv. 8, 'Iva xcci ttfuTs vft7v ffVfjt.p)affiXivffufjt.iv. Phil. iv. 3, alrtvis Iv r^> tvayysXiu cvvri^Xntroiv fjt,oi.^ Add Acts X.27, a?iX\ng Eph. ii. 15); and by others again, among whom is Winer, rois Voyfjcccffiv is made to depend upon l^aXsZ-v^-a?. The true meaning is, having cancelled the iont^ together with its ordinances ; and this is con- firmed by the reading of a few manuscripts which have erm to7s 3. So Clem. Rom. Hom. ii. TOV vo/xov c iitriv yi/u,7v ^XiTov ri 'Tivri a^rot x,cu ^vo l^Bvi;. xiv. 10, 'iffrai ffoiVo^a. Rom. xii. 19, \fjt.oi iKViKyi- ffis, soil. i(TTi. This last example is a citation from Dent, xxxii. 35, where, be it ob- served, the same idiom obtains in the Hebrew. 0^5. 14. So likewise xotvo; is constructed with the dative ; as in Acts iv. 32, r,v al- roii a'Tavra, xoiva. Whence the phrase in Matt. viii. 29, r/ hicc7v koc) ffol ; Compare Luke viii. 28, John ii. 4. It occurs also in Judg. xi. 12, 2 Sam. xvi. 10, LXX. §47. The dative occupies the place of the Latin ablative in most of its applications. Thus it expresses — 1. The means zfjAere^y, or the instrument wherewith, any thing is done; as in Matt. iii. \2, ro ll ocx^pov ycxraycav- (TEi TTv^i a(T^ifjrco. Mark XV. 19, srvirrov avTov rriv xetpaXriv y.(xX(ki^cCi Jliuke iii. 16, kyu ptav li^ari ^oltttI^m vy^xs. John xxi. 8, 10, Tw TrXoiaqlco ^x^ov. (Compare Matt. xiv. 13, Acts xxviii. J 1.) 19, aniMalvcov ttoico ^ayd-rco ^o^dasi rov Ss6y. Add Acts iv. 12, Kom. vii.'25, Eph. iv. 28, v. 18, Heb. i. 3. Obs. 1. Hence the constmction of ;:^^?(r^a< with a dative ; as in 1 Cor. ix. 12, oujc £%tf»j^a^£Sa T^ i^ovff'ia, ravrn^ 2 Cor. i. 17, fji,r,rt a^a, rh i>.a.(p^ia l;^^)jjT/ x(ti iiXtx^inta. Qtou, olx h (roc.BiBzTai gov oh -xi^i'^a.TOvat xara. rhv <7ra^^offiv ruv -Tr^itr^vri^uv. Acts ix. 31, 'To^ivofjt.ivoi ru (fio'^M rod Kvoiov. So Luke i. 6, Kom. vi. 4, xiii. 13, 2 Cor. xvi. 18, Eph. ii. 10, Col. i. 10, 1 Pet. iv. 3, 2 Pet. iii. 3. Of the same class are Rom. iv. 12, ToTi iTToi^ova'i Tali 'l^vifft T»is TiffTiu; rod 'A/B^aa^it. Phil. ii. 16, ra) avToJ ffT0f)(^i7v xavo'vi. Compare 1 Sam. xv. 20, 2 Sam. xv. 11, Prov. xxviii. 26, Tobit iv. 5, 1 Mace, vi. 23.« Obs, 5. In Acts vii. 53, iU hxrayai may be put for Iv tia.To.youi, indicating the manner of delivery. Compare Gal. iii, 19, Heb. ii. 2. If so, it is a Hebraism ; but see § 63. 4. Obs. 10. Obs. 6. Frequently the dative signifies with respect to: as in Matt. xi. 29, ra.'xuvo; T^ xx^Via, humble in respect to my heart. So in Luke i. 51, v-ri^nipiivoui ^lavot'a, xa^'tai avTuv. Acts vii. 51, acrt^ir/u.vrot tm xa^la, xui ro7s utrlv. Add Acts xviii. 2, 1 Cor. vii. 34, xiv. 20, 2 Cor. xi. 6, Eph. iv. 18, Phil. ii. 8, Heb. v. 11, xii. 3. In some few instances a preposition is employed ; as in Luke xii. 21, lU ©sov tXovtZv. Pos- sibly such forms as aaruoi tZ %iZ (Acts vii. 20), Iwara. tZ %iZ (2 Cor. x. 3), may belong to this head.^ See \ 13. 2. Obs. 6. Obs, 7. A quality wherein any one is proficient or deficient is commonly put in the dative ; as in Luke ii. 52, T^oixocrn iro(pia, xoCi riXixia, xu) %a^/T/ tocpo, &ta> xou avB^tu- -roi;. 1 Thess. iii. 12, Tn^ifftriva-at rri ayccTri. Tit. ii. 2, vytaivovrxs rjj -^iffru, rri uya-rvt TV v-roijjovri. Frequently, however, Iv is inserted, or an accusative substituted with xara, expressed or understood. Luke i. 7, 18, ii. 36, ). Gal. i. 14, •pr^oixoTTov iv rZ ^lov^a'ifffjM, Phil. iv. 13, TavTO, lir^vu. Tit. i. 13, 'Iva, vyiu'tvuffiv iv rn 'x'kttii. Obs. 8. The dative expresses the relation of measure or magnitude; as in Matt, xii. 12, •rocriu ovv iia(pi^tt avB^wxoi a,rov. Obs. 9. The dat. of the measure, and sometimes the accus., is joined with the ^ Middleton on the Gr. Article, note in loco. « Winer, § 31, 1. » Winer, § 31, 3. Alt, § 29, 5. 124 A GREEK GRAMMAR comparative; as in "Matt. vi. 30, et scepuis, ^roXXco fiakXev. vii. 11, ireeref> /xeiXXov. 2 Cor. viii. 22, ^oXi/ a-rovlcct'o^i^ov. 1 Pet. i. 7, -roXv mf^iMTi^ot. (Griesbach reads, in one word, •ro'kvrtfji-tuTi^ov?} The comparative is also strengthened by sV/, as in Heb. vii. 15, Tioia-ffon^ov 'in. Hence it has been conjectured that iri fiilZ^mv is the true reading in 1 John iii. 20 ; for -which, however, there is no authority, and the common text is not without parallel. In Phil. i. 9, 'in-t fiaXXov ku) f/.aXXov has been regarded as a Hebraism ; but the same phraseology is found in Xen. Cyr. iii. 2. 18, Achil. Tat. vi. 13, Dion. Hal. iv. p. 2228, 6. So magis magisque in Cic. Epist. ii. 18. Two comparatives are also united by octm and rotrovru. Thus in Heb. 1. 4, roffovTM x^i'tTTuv ytv'ofjcivos ruv ayyiXuv, oero) ^laipo^art^ov x. r. X. Some- times rotfovru is omitted in the first member; as in Heb. viii. 6, 'htix.v s'laoocov^Yiaov- rxi, by virtue of their much speaking, xiii. 21, ycvoy^syrts ^l hxl-i^ECos ^ ^icoy(/.ov ^lai tov Xoyov, Buoys' (JX-ocv^xXi^sroci. xiv. 9, ^la. rovs opy.QVS xcct rous (Juyavaxsi/xsvou^ ekeXsvos ^o- S'r/V;?^/. xix. S, eI s^sdTiv dv^pcoTTCj} airoXvaxi rhv yuvcuyix avrov Kccra. 7roi.Gav airlx)/ ; 8, Mwcrryj- Trpos rr,y axXripoKxp- ^ixv vfAoov ETTerpeNj/sv vfJiXy (XTToXvaoci, rocs yuvouKocs vixuv. Add Luke xxii. 45, xxiv. 41, 2 Cor. ix. 15. Ohs. 10. To this use of the dative belongs the phrase a^xtlff^al rm, to he con- tented zvith any thing. Luke iii. 14. a^xs7tr^i roli o-^av/oig vfiav. 1 Tim. vi. 8, sp^ovrsj Ti ^iciroo(poi; xat cxiTcciffjtarcc, rovrotg aoxiff^nffofti^u. Obs. 11. In like manner the dative sometimes expresses the cause or object of any passion or emotion of the mind : as in Matt. v. 2.2,opyiZ,'of/,ivo; ru a.^iX(pZ, Rom.xii. 12, Tn iXvi'Si ^ai^ours;. 1 Pet. iv. 12, f/,h Isv/^so-Ss t55 Iv vfjuv "TTv^uan, The construction, however, is more frequently with 'i-^ri, or h. Thus Matt.^xviii. 13, %a/^£/ W aur^. Mark xii. 17, l^avf/^uerav i^r^ avrZ, 1 Cor. xv. \9, TjX'Tfixori; h H-^KfTM. (Compare 2 Cor. i. 10.) Phil. i. 18, h rourw xa/^w. 20, iv ovlivi alo'x'J^^^ia'ofJi-a.i. So Luke i. 14, iv. 22, Rom. vi. 21, xv. 12, Rev. xii. 17. Sometimes an accusative is placed after this class of verbs. See § 40. 3. There is a peculiar construction in Rev. xiii. 4, IBavfiafftv oXn h yri oTicrca rov ^'/joiov, where the sense seems to be, to follow with admiration. Obs. 12. When an affection or disposition of the mind is represented as the motive 1 Winer, 6 31, 36. Ast ad Plat. Polit. p. 392. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 125 of an action, the dative is sometimes employed ; as in 2 Cor. viii. 22, toXXukis fffovl'uo^ oyreCf vvv) Ti 5 tv u; vftu;, from his great confidence in you ; Phil. ii. 3, tyi Tacruv'):p^oov rZv ^lovtuiuv. Phil. i. 15, Sqq. T/v£f fJtXv Ko.) ^/a (p^ovov sea) 'ioiv, rivii "hi xai Bi' ivdoxiccv, tov Xoitrrov xyjovircroiia-iv' o't fiiv s| lai^uitg, 01 Ti 1% a.ya,Tri;, Obs, 13. To this head is to be referred the verb cr/CTsys/v, which in the New Testament is constructed, not only with a simple dative (Mark xvi. 13, 14, John v. 38, 46, vi. 30, x. 37, 38, Acts v. 14, 2 Tim. i. 12, &c.)'; but also with W) and a dative (Matt, xxvii. 42, Luke xxiv. 25, Acts xiii. 12, Rom. ix. 33, x. 11, 1 Tim. i. IG, 1 Pet. ii. 6, &c.) ; with Itt) and an accusative (Acts ix. 42, xi. 17, xxii. 19, Rom. iv, 5, &c.) ; with sJj and an accusative (Matt, xviii. G, John ii. 11, xiv. 1, 29, Acts x. 43, Rom. X. 14, Gal. ii. 16, 1 Pet. i. 8, 21, &c.) ; and with h and a dative (Mark i. 15, 'Acts xiii, 39). Many commentators would distinguish between the import of the simple dative, and the cases governed by prepositions ; attributing to the verb in the first instance the sense o^ giving credit to a person or thing ; and, in the latter, of believing in Christ as the Messiah, including a sincere reception of the Gospel, and obedience to its doctrines. An examination of the preceding references will show that no such distinction obtains ; and that the context is the only guide in which of the above acceptations the word is applied. The construction is, in fact, arbitrary; but in the New Testament and the later Greek, the use of prepositions is far more frequent in all cases where the simple dative is more commonly found in other writers.^ Obs. 14. When the cause and the means are mentioned together, the former is put in the dative, and the latter is expressed by ^icc with a genitive. Thus in Eph. ii. 8, T« ^d^tri Iff-TS ffiffcuff/iiiyot ota t^> ^iittsus. Obs, 15. The time when an action is performed is sometimes expressed by a dative ; as in Matt. xvi. 21, r^ rpiry h(^i^a lyi^Smcci. Mark vi. 21, 'U^uln; ro7i yinerUis alrou ^iT-^vov Itoiu. Luke viii. 29, -proXXol; %f^ovoti ffvvri^'pra.xii airov. xii. 20, raurn rn vvxr't. Acts xxi. 26, rri ixofiivri vifii^a. Continuance of time is once so expressed in Acts viii. 11, ha, TO ixavZ x,i°^V '''^'^ f^xyila,i; i^iff'Ta,xivai ccutov;.^ The place where any thing occurs is invariably marked by the preposition Iv. Thus in John ii. 1, 11, ly KavK rr,; TaXiXocixf, iv. 21, oiiTZ Iv tm oou tovtZ, o'jTi Iv 'li^oC v/xiv opcu Tr^'Troccy^i^a,.^ Other examples are Luke xxiv. 35, ky^ua-'^'in avrois. Acts vii. 12, oivsyvcopiu^'n ^lc(j(jri(p rois ao£>.(poTs" avrov. xvi. 9, o^apca ^la rr/j- vuktos &;(p3"73 rco Y\(xv\oj. XX. 9, xa.r(X(psp6(ji.svo^ vitrei) /SaS'ei. 1 Tim. iii. 16, u'p'bYi dyyiXois. James iii. 7, ^rajct ya^ (^vais hnpluv ^acf/^cz^Ercci ycou ^E^ccfj^aarat rr) (puaEi rri dy^qcoTTivri, So also most probably V. 18, xxpTTos- T^f ^iKociofJuyy]^ h sl^invri GTT&iqsrai roTs" TToiovaiv ^'ipmYtv. Add 2 Pet. iii. 14, aTrov^daxTs aairiXoi y.a.1 dp^ufj^riroi avrcp svpE^rivoci. Compare Dion. Hal. xi. p. 70, Diog. L. viii. 1, 5, Philostr. Her. iv. 2.^ 3. Those verbs which govern a double accusative in the active, retain in the passive the accusative of the thing ; as in Mark xvi. 5, eT^ov vExvlatcov Trspi^s^KinfJi'ivov aroXriv XEUKrt)'. Acts Xviii. 25, ovrof ^v xarT^^rj/XEvos' t-^v o^ov rov ycvpiou. 2 Thess. li. 15, Kparsirs r^^ TTocpoc^oijEis, as k^i^ocyPnTE. 2 Tim. iv. 3, xv7]3"6/x£vo< r^v ajto'^v. Rev. i. 13, Tri^iE'C^ooa^xivov iipos roiS (xccdTots ^gJvtjv j^^t/aryv. Here also belongs Luke xii. 47, ^apviarai TroXXaf, \scil. TrXnyds. Compare Lucian. Tox. 61, Dion. H. p. 2162, 8. Obs. 1. Nor is this construction limited to the case of two accusatives in the active; but those verbs also, which take in the active a dative of the person, and even when such dative is used for the genitive, retain in the passive an accusative of the thing; the dative of the person becoming the subject nominative. Thus Gal. ii. 7, irs^/V- TivfJi.oci TO iuayyiXiov Tij; aKfiofovtrrtas. And SO in Rom. iii. 2, 1 Cor. ix. 17, 1 Thess. ii. 4, Tit. i. 3. So again, for clkva-i; -^npiKUTai [jloi, we have in Acts xxviii. 20, rnv clkva-iv Tuvryiv ^z^iKiiuai. And in Heh. \. 2, uvros cnoiKurut affB^ivimv, Other examples are Acts xxi. 3, a,vcc(pa,v'ivri{ t^v KyV^av. 2 Cor. iii. 18, rhv aurhv ilxova f^irci.f/,o^(povfji,i^a.. 1 Tim, vi. 5, .2 Tim. iii. 8, ^ii(pBa^/u.ivoi tov vovv. Hence too, perhaps, Col. i. 9, "va ^ ^ See Kuinoel ad loc, * Wetstein and Kypke ad loc, ^ Winer, §31.6. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 127 vXrtpeoB-iiTi t^v iTtyv&xriv rav BiXvi/jtaro; avrov. See above § 40. 2. Obs. 3. Instead of the accusative in the above construction the dative is also sometimes used ; as in Acts vii. 22, i-raihuBn Taa-yi aoipla,. See also § 40. 5, Obs. 12. We have, besides, in Luke i. 4, Tio) Zv xaryi^ri^ra Xoytiiv.^ Obs. 2. To -ritfTivuv Ti simply, must be referred 2 Thess. i. 10, Wttrnv^ti to (jLa^ru^i- ev fifiuv. 1 Tim. iii. 16, i-ria-rsu^yi U KO(Tfjt,u. To the active construction with a dat. and accHs. belonjj Matt. xi. 5. Luke vii. 22, ■rrux,oi ihccyyiXi^ovrai. Heb. xi. 2, \f/.u,oTVon^niTa,v ot T^itrfovTi^oi. Also Pleb. Vll, 11, o Aaoj ya^ Itt avr^ vivof^oBiTnroy the people were placed under the Law with reference to this pi'iesthood. The active form vof^oBiTsTv Tivd 71 occurs in Psal. cxviii. 33, LXX ; and the regular construction of the passive in Deut. xvii. 10, oVa av vo/i^o^iTyi^Ti ffoi? % 49.— The Middle Voice, (Buttm. § 135.) 1 . By the middle voice the action of a verb is represented as returning upon the subject ; or, as it is gTammatically termed, its usage is either directly or indirectly reflective. This signification, however, is variously modified. 2. In its most simple form, the subject of the action becomes also the immediate and proper object of it, so that the middle voice is precisely equivalent to the active followed by the pro- nouns klXOCUrOMy (7£(X,VT0V, &C. Obs. 1. There are but few instances of this its most direct and proper application. With the exception of a few personal actions, the active is commonly used with its appropriate pronoun to indicate it. Thus in Matt, viii. 4, tnavTot ^ulfiii. John viii. 22, a.'Teoicri'iu laur'ot. Examples, however, of the true middle sense are Matt, xxvii. 5, a.'vny\aTo, he hanged himself. Mark vii. 4, pxzTTiffuvroct. Luke xxii. 30, Ka^icnT^i. 1 Pet. iv. 1, oVX/Vao-Ss. To this head may probabh^, but not necessarily, be referred Matt. viii. 30, (iotrao/xivn. xxvi. 46, lyii^iff^i. Acts xxvii. 28, Ktvo'jf/.i^cc, and some others, which also admit of a passive signification. Obs. 2. It often happens that the middle sense may be equally and more appro- priately expressed by an intransitive verb ; as in Matt. v. 22, o^y'iZ,iff^tx.i) to provoke oneself to anger, i. e. to be angry : Luke v. 4, 'xa.viff^a.i, to make oneself rest, i. e. to cease : xii.K), (pvXaa-iriff^cct, to protect oneself, i.e. to beware : Acts xxvi. 26, cr5i'^£j iTav^tov ^XiTH o ^laicivvtis rov 'iwovy, xa.) Xiyn. 46, iuglffxn iiXt^7>.j xx) Xiyn alrZ, ix. 13, cLyovinv avrov T^og rohs ^cc^iffoctoviy vov 9ror\ Tvfko'v. Hence ihe present and the aorist are frequently united in the same sentence, as in Matt. ii. 13, ava;^w^»)jyo), ^i^ippy<^avTis TO. \fji.i,Titt,, ixiXivov pa/SB/^wv. Compare also Mark iv. 10 with vii. 17. — 2. When there is reference to something said before, the imperfect y^v is some- times used for the present, as in John i. 15, oZros rtv, Sv uttov. So also with some verbs impersonal, as in Col. iii. 18, at ywcuKis, v-roTua-ffiirBi toTs iVtois uvh^airiv, us avtixiv Iv Kv^iei.', Some manuscripts have xaS^riKtv, for xetByjxov, in Acts xxii. 22. This is different from the use of 'ihi, and some other imper- fects, which, like the Latin oporiebat, denote that something should be, or should have been, which is not : as in Matt. xxv. 27, 'i^u en ftcckiTv to apyv^i'ov fzov ro7s T^aTi^iTats. (Compare Matt, xviii. 33, Acts xxvii. 21, 2 Cor. ii. 3.) So Matt. xxvi. 9, ri'hvvoiTO ya,^ TOVTO to fji.voov rr^ocB^voci toXXov, xa.) BaSjJva^ ^ru^ols' Also u(piiXav, in 2 Cor. xii. 11, lya ya^ clxpuXov v(p' vfMv ffvnffraffBui.^ See also § 51.6, Obs. 6. And 3. Sometimes the imperfect has the sense of the plusquam- perfect f as in Acts iv. 13, iTiyivucrxov avToh;, oti irvv tm 'Ivtirov yjerav. This is more commonly the case after the particles il or civ. See the examples in § 51. Obs. 6. infra ; and these will also show that the usage is not confined to the verb bI//,), which has no plusquam-perfect, as some have supposed.* 6. The perfect is used for the presen/, when an action, commenced in past time, is still continued ; as in John v. 45, 'ittTiv h xuTfjyoouv iifiuv, Mua-Tis^ its ov v/ii7s viX-rixuTi, in whom ye trust ; i. e., have placed your trust. Again, John xx. 1 Winer, § 41. 2. Alt. Gram. N. T. § 54. Hermann ad Viger. pp. 211, sqq. 2 Winer, \ 41. 6. Zeune ad Vijijer. p. 212, sqq. 3 Winer, §41.2. Stallbaum ad Plat. Syrap. p. 74. * Winer, § 41. 3. Alt. Gram. N. T. § 54, b. 2, 3. Poppo ad Thucyd. p. 155. Kuinoel ad John i. 15. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 133 29, oTt tM^axds /u,i, Qufjua, Tiviffrtuxat, where the origin of present belief is in- dicated. Add Matt. ix. 2, Mark ii. 5, John v. 42, viii. 40, 52, ix. 37, 2 Cor. i. 10, 1 Tim. V. 5, vi. 17. As the perfect is properly employed to indicate the rapid execution of an action, so, like the present, it is put for ihafuturef when an event is so vividly present to the mind of the writer or speaker, that he seems to regard it as already past. Thus in John iv. 38, aXkoi Kixo-ria,- xaa-i, xat v/u,i7i (Is re* xotto* ahruv UfftXijkv^ari. V. 24, o rot Xoyov fAov ccxovuv «%£/ Z,uriv cciuviov, xa.) ug x^ifftv ovx i^')(^irai, xa,) //.iTOC^ilinxiv Ix tow ^avdrov sig Trjt Z,unv, where the certainty of the event is indicated first by the present, and then by the perfect. (Compare 1 John iii. 14.) Some refer to this head John xiv. 7, ocr' a^ri yivuyyi'>JiZ,i(r6a,i crru^oTg' airs- (TTaXKi fjct lua-cttrSai roug j TO (pajg. Acts xxii. 15, av tu^aKUg xou ^xovffoig. 1 John i. 1,0 aKtiKoet- f^iv, lupaxaf^iv Toig on aTo ot£va/ sv vfjuv, TrdXaci oiv sv aaixxco y.ou ano^co poersvoooffav, if the miracles had been done, they would have repented. Similar examples are John viii. 42, gl 6 0£Of na.rrip z5/x&/v ^v, riyxirars oiv Ifxs, ye would love me ; Heb. iv. 8, si yap auTQus ^Iy,(JovS xacrsTTOiuasVj ovx, av 'nspl aXKfii iXaXet puETti TQivrcx, ri/AE^ac^, if Joshua had given them rest, then God would not speak respecting another day ; i. e. in the words just quoted from the Old Testament. Compare also Matt. xii. 7, xxiii. 30, xxiv. 43, Luke x. 13, xvii. 6, John iv. 10, v. 46, viii. 39, ix. 41, xiv. 28, xv. 19, xviii. 30, 36, Acts xviii. 14, llom. ix. 29, 1 Cor. ii. 8, xi. 31, Gal. iii. 21, iv. 13, Hebr. viii. 7. 0!'S. 3. Instead of the indicative with s/, the participle is used in Luke xix. 23, \yu iXB&fv ffvv TOXrU oiv sv^alae, alro, if 1 had come, 1 should^ &C. The pluperfect is employed in John xi. 21, x,v^a, il h uh, c ahxiXe}. Oh ! that it had been already kindled! To this head Luke xix. 42, xxii, 42, have also been referred ; but the former is pro- bably, and the latter, certainly, a case of aposiopesis. See § 69. III. 4. Obs. 2. There is another mode of expressing a wish by «7^' axpiXov, with an infini- tive ; instead of which the later writers use o'^sXav, in its proper number and person indeed, but as it were adverbially, with the indicative, and the same usage is found in the New Testament. Thus in 1 Cor. iv. 8, xot.) o(piXov yt i(ia(nXivtrecri, and truly J wish that ye did reign. 2 Cor. xi. 1, o(peXav avux;^ffBi f^ou, would that ye could bear with me. See also Gal. v. 12, Rev. iii. 15, and compare Exod. xvi. 3, Numb. xiv. 2, XX. 3, Job xiv. 13, Ps. cxix. 5, LXX. ' Winer, § 44. Alt. Gram. N. T. § 59. « \Yiner, § 42. a. 5, Alt. Gram. N. T. § 60. 142 A GREEK GRAMMAR 2. It is not often that the optative is used with av in the New Testament in independent sentences ; and then only with inter- rogative particles. When thus employed, therefore, it has reference to some supposed contingency, or conjectural circum- stance, passing in the enquirer's mind ; and indicates uncer- tainty or indecision as to the reply. Thus in Luke i. 62, hivzvov TO) TTurp], ro, ri av ^iXoi xocXs'iff^aci avrov ', what he woidd wish him to he named, if he were consulted : John xiii. 24, TTv'^ia'^a.i tU oiv eloj ; who it could he ? Acts ii. 12, ^iviTropovv, ri av bsXoi rovTo sJyxi ; they douhted what this coidd mean, i. e., if it were explained, viii. 31, 'jius ya,p oiy ^vva,tix'nvj lav ix'h k. r. X. ; xxvi. 29, sv^^lfxm oiv ru Sso) as yBvia-^xi k. t. X. Compare Luke vi. 11, ix. 46, Acts v. 24, x. 17, xvii. 18. The distinction be- tween the optative and indicative is accurately marked in Acts xxi. 33, iTTtyv^avETo, r'ls oiv ftVj, xal ri saTi TTsTToiriKcof ; who he might be, and what he had done ?^ So Xen..Ephes. v. 12, erg^at'/uiaxsf, Tt'vEf T£ ^ffofv, xai r/ /SoiyXotvTo. See also Heliod. ^thiop. i. 25. 46, ii. 15. 81,Polysen. ix. 25. Ohs. 3. Although some hypothetical circumstance may have suggested itself to the writer's or speaker's mind, such is not necessarily the case ; and hence it arises, perhaps, that the omission of av with the optative in interrogations, whether direct or indirect, is by no means uncommon: as in Luke i. 29, htXayi^iro, ToraTos uv o a,ffva,fff4.os OVTOS' Acts xvii. 11, avatiptvovTis ras y^aipag, il £%«i raura ourus. Add Luke iii. 15, viii. 9, xv. 26, xviii. 36, xxii. 23, Acts xvii. 27, xxv. 20, xxvii. 12. Com- pare Herod, i. 46, iii. 28.* Xen. Cyr. i. 4. 6, Anab. i. 8. 15, Diog. Laert. vii. 1.3. 3. The conjunctive mood expresses the possibility of an action, with reference to external circumstances ; and thus from its very nature is more generally employed in dependent proposi- tions. It is used in exhortations and admonitions ; and chiefly in the first person plural : as in Matt. xvii. 4, Luke ix. 33, TTOiYiacofj.zv u^B Tpst^ aKTivocS. Johu xlv. 31, sysi^sa'^s, ayufj^sv syTEV-r 9"EV. 1 Cor. XV. 32, (pdyufXEV xat 'TTicofXEv, ocv^iov yaq aTTo^yna-xofJiEV. Add Luke viii. 22, John xix. 24, Rom. iii. 8, 1 Thess. v. 6. Obs. 4. Many good manuscripts have the future indie, instead of the conjunctive in James iv. 1, er^ftt^ov >} av^iov -ro^ivtra/f^i^a, *. r. A.. So also in Phil. iii. 15. A like variation occurs in 1 Cor. xiv. 15, Heb. vi. 3 ; but in these instances the/«/«re is preferable. Obs. 5. All the persons of the conjunctive are also used with "fit, so as to mitigate the force of a direct imperative. Thus in Mark v. 23, to ^vyar^tov (lov itrxoirus 'iz*'' 'ivcc ixBuy sTiS^f avTv Ta.$ %fr^af, o-prus ffuB?,. 2 Cor. viii. 7, 'Ivcc ku) iv ravrvi rr, %«^iTi » Winer, § 43. 4. « Winer, § 42. 4. c. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 143 trt^ifo-ivtiTi. Probably an Ellipsis of hof^ai treu, Ta^uxaku a-i, or something similar suggested by the context, is required to complete the sense. Compare 1 Tim.i. 3. The imperative import of the form is clearly marked by its interchange with that mood in Eph. v. 33, 'iKatrros riiv iaurou yvtaiKO. ourais aya-ruTU, ui lavroV » oi yvvvi, 'Iva. (pofivrat rov avJ^a. Here o^dru may be supplitd. Other examples are Jobn i. 8, ot/K «v ixiJyos ro ipeHs, oikk' '/va fia^rv^nff^ -n^t rov (puros, i. e., he was sent or commis- sioned to bear witness. Gal. ii. 10, f/,avov ruv -rru^Zv "va /ucvrifzoviv/iofitv, sail. Tct^iKuXovv hfias.^ With these are not to be confounded such cases as Mark xiv. 49, John i. 19, ix. 3, xiii. 18, xv. 25, Rev. xiv. 13, et similia. See §. 67. 4. In questions o^ iiidecision or doubt, the conjunctive is used also without av, and with or without an interrogative particle : as in Mark xii. 14, ^oJ/xsv, ^ /x^ lutxzv ; are we to give, or are we not to give ? Again in Matt, xxiii. 33, ttws- (pyyoirg dTro Tr,s Kplasus rvif ysswYis ; How are ye to escape ? xxvi. 54, ttms ov Obs. 6. In such questions, and in others with the idea should, the future indie, is more commonly used. Thus in Matt. xi. 15, t;v< ^e ofjijoiuffu tJjv yinav rctvrzv; John vi. 5, flToSsv ayo^a,trof/.iv a^rovi ; Rom. vi. 2, olrtvis a'^i^avo//,iv t55 a/iu^ria, vl-<^^i rols , (p&Js- Et/xt rov xoafxov, whilst, &c. 1 Cor. xi. 25, rovro 'ttoieXts, oaa- xif av Trhnrsy eU rrtv sixrtv ava/mvyjfjtv. Add Matt. XV. 2, Mark xi. 25, Luke vi. 22, xi. 34, 36, 1 Cor. iii. 4, xi. 26, Rev. xi. 6. Obs. 1. Sometimes only a simple future is expressed ; and if it be the aorist con- junctive, the futurum exactum. Thus in Matt. ii. 8, \9rav l\ tv^tirs, u'rayyi'tXari fjt.01, when you shall have found him^ Mark xiii. 7, oVav %\ aKovcrnri xo>Sfjt,ovi, when ye shall hear of wars. Luke xvii. 10, oVav 'roimyiri TrocyTd, ksyin, x. r. X. 1 Cor. xi, 34, TO. Se Koi^a, us av iX^co, ^laTa^ofAcci, 2 Cor. iii. 16, '/iv!x,a V av iTiffrpi-^yi <7i'pos Kw- oiov, 9ri^icii^i7rai ro xdkvfif^a. See also Matt. ix. 5, xxi. 40, Mark iv. 15, viii. 38, xii. 23, Luke ix. 26, xi. 22, John ii. 10, iv. 25, vii. 27, viii. 28, xiii. 19, xiv. 29, xv. 26, xvi. 13, Acts xxiii. 35, Rom. xi. 27, 1 Cor. xv. 27, 28, Phil. ii. 23, 1 John ii. 28. Obs. 2. Instead of the conjunctive, the future is used in Rev. iv. 9, xa) orav luffoutn TO, ^aa ^o^av xai Ttf^hv x. r. X. Some manuscripts also read in Matt. x. 19, -ra^oHhu- aovffiv, and in Luke xiii. 28, o\piff^&.^ Obs, 3. The usage of on, Wii, &c., with a conjunctive is very doubtful in the best writers, though not unusual with Homer. In the New Testament we find in Luke xiii. 35, on uTtin. In Rom. xi. 22, the expression is elliptical. See § 69. iii. Much more unusual are orav, l-nihav, with an indicative ; but we have in Mark iii. 11, ra '^viiifcara ra axa^a^ra, orav ahrov l^iu^n, ^r^oiri^i^rnv ahrZ. A few manu- scripts also have the indicative in Mark xi. 25, xiii. 4, Luke xi. 2, 21, Rom. ii. 14, 1 Cor. iii. 4. The same construction is sometimes found in the later Greek writers.^ 3. Of the remaining particles of time, ecos, or ems ou, ckx^is ov, fMEXpis ou, until, are employed with an indicative, iinperf or aorist, when an action is spoken of as lasting to a point of time already past. Thus in Matt. i. 25, ovyc kyivua-KEv avrm, ecus ou ETSKE rov vVov oLuTYis Tov 'TtpajToToxov. 11. 9, daT-hp 9r§or/7£v au- rous, Ecos IxS'o'v ecToj Eirccvco ou r,v ro Tixi^lov. Luke xvii. 27, ^ff9'ressing any- aim or purpose. (BuTTM. § 139. E.) 1. Of ihe particles which mark an aim or purpose, 'Ivoe. and oTTus are found with the coiijunct. in the New Testament ; and their usage will be found to conform with that of the best writers. The general rule requires a conjunctive after verbs of present ox future time, and an optative after verbs of past time. There is no instance of the latter usage in the Greek Testament, although there are many passages, in which it would have been appropriate ; as, for instance, in John iii. 16, vii. 32, Acts xvii. 15, Eph. iv. 10, Heb. xi. 35, and elsewhere; nor is it common in the LXX or the later writers, by whom indeed the optative was very "sparingly employed. After a present, the conjunctive appears in Matt. vi. 2, wait^p o\ vTroycpirou iroiQvaiv, o'Kws '^o^cca'^aiaiv vtto ruv dv^pouTTCov. Add Matt. vi. 5, » Winer, §§ 42, 3 j 45, 6. Alt. Gram. N. T. § 64, 2. Hermann ad Viger. p. 792. Reitz ad Lucian. iv. 501. L 2 148 A GREEK GRAMMAR Mark iv. 21, Rom. xL 25, Phil. i. 9, 1 Tim. i. 18, v. 21, 2 Tim. ii. 4, 10^ Heb. ix. 15, I John i. 3. Here the cG77Junctivemdi- cates an object^ of which the attainment is assumed to be cer- tain ; and so also after the future, or an imperative, which, from its very nature, has a future reference. Thus in Matt, ii. 8, aTrayyeiXari fj.oi, ottco^ x.dya) sK^wv 'TTpo'JKVVYi'ycj avru:. Mark X. 17, Ti Troirto-co, 'lyx ^curiv aicovioy y.XvipoyofJiYi'Jco ; 1 Tim. iv. 15, Iv Tourois laS'i, 7va aov v) TrqoxoTrr} (pocvspa. ri Iv Traffiv. See also Matt. ix. 38, Mark v. 12, Luke x. 2, Acts viii. 19, 24, xxi. 24, xxiv. 26, Rom. iii. 8, 1 Tim. v. 7, 16, 20, vi. 1, James v. 16/ Obs. 1. The deviations from the above rule in the New Testament may be ac- counted for as in other writers. They are the following : — 1. When the verb, which depends upon the conjunction, denotes an action, which either in itself or its consequences is continued to the present time, the conjunctive is frequently used after a past tense. Thus in Luke i. 3, i'5a|« )caf/,o) ypa-^j/oci, 'Iva {-TTtyvMS x. r, X. John XV. 11, rocvTo, ki>.dXnx,a, vfzTv, 'iva'tj X'''-i°'' ^ '^f^^ '^^ ^f^~^ /Jjitvy. Acts ix. 17, xv^ios aTiffraXKi f>ct, oTeus ava[ixi\pr,i. So 1 Tim. i. 16, John jii. 5. Add Luke xvi. 26, Rom. vi. 4, 1 Tim. i. 20, Tit. i. 5, ii. 14, 1 John iii. 8, v. 13, 20 ; and Compare Xen. Mem. i. 1. 8, Plat.. Crit. p. 43. b, ^lian. V. H. xii. 3. 30. 2. The conjunctive is also used after past tenses, when the result, which it ex- presses, is announced by the writer or speaker as certain and definite ; as in Mark vi. 41, lyi^ov ro7s /ua^yiraTs avrov, "vcc -ra^ccB^uirtv ochrols' Acts V. 26, T^yet- yiv uvrou;, "vx f^h Xi^ccff^ufftv. So Mark viii. 6, xii. 2, Acts ix. 21, xxv. 26. Closely analogous is the usage in narrations, in which the writer transports himself, as it were, to the time when each event took place, and represents it as present. Hence the use of the conjunctive regularly in Thucydides ; and so likewise in Matt. xix. 13, 'pr^oirmix^''^ ahrZ TaiVia, 'Iva, rag x'-'oas ItS'^ avToTs. Acts XXvii. 42, rav Je ffr^ariuTuv l^ovXh iyiviro, 'Iva rovg ^ifffjiMTUs aira- xTuvuffi. Compare Matt. xii. 14, John xviii. 28. Hence the cotijimct. is also used after the preesens historicum in Mark xii. 13, u.'PtoffTiXXovffi nvag, 'Iva, ai/rov uy^iuffutrt XoyM. 3. With reference to a prayer or wish, the optative is found after a present in Eph. i. 16, ftviiav ii/LtMV 'Ptoioufjbivoi It) tuv T^otrivx^v /u.ou, 'iva o Qiog "houri vfjuv Tviv/ji-a co(pia;. So again in Eph. iii. 16. In both places, however, many manu- scripts give ^M for Iti*}; and as the prayer is decisive, not contingent, the former is preferable. Obs. 2. The particle 'Iva is sometimes joined in classical Greek with an indicative of a past tense, to indicate that something should have happened, which has not ; and a like usage with the present indicative occurs in 1 Cor. iv. 6, 'Iva /taS'/jrs to uh yirf^ yiy^aTrai (ppoviiv, 'iva f/.ri u; v-rl^ rou Ivoj jXou- triv v/bcaS} oh xaXu;- aXXa iKxXiicrat i/juag ^iXovffiv, 'Iva auTov; %nXovTi. Here there IS a caution against something which may be done. Both passages, however, are con- tested; and in 1 Cor. iv. 6, there are various readings (pvtrtoTa-^i and ipvo-iaierBs, of which the former would coincide with the general rule. Obs. 3. From the close relation between the future and the conjunctive, it might be expected that the particles of design would be joined with that tense. In clas- 1 Winer, § 42, b. 1. Alt, Gram. N. T. § 62, 1. a. Hermann ad Viger. p. 850. Devar, de partic. Gr, pp. 174, 253. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 149 sical Greek this usage is very general with oVa/? ; and though in the New Testa- ment it only occurs with 7y«, it will be remarked that the latter particle is far more commonly employed by later writers than the former. Thus in 1 Cor. ix. 18, ris oZv fiot IffTiv fUffSoi ; 'Ivec ivayyiXii^ofjt,ivoi adciTavov ^nau to ivxyyiktov. In John XVJl. 2, Rom. V. 21, 1 Cor. xiii. 3, 1 Put. iii. 1, Kev. xiii. 16, and elsewhere, the readings vary. A future indicative is united with tlie conjunctive in Eph. vi. 2, ri/tAx rev 9ra,ri^a ce(paX':ov, qitojs (Jir) (pocvr,i x. r. X. John xi. oXov TO e^vos aiToKnron. Add Matt. V. 29, 30, xxvi. 5, Luke viii. lO/xvi. 26, John iii. 16, Acts xx. 16, 1 Cor. i. 10, 29. Ohs. 4. The same observation will apply to ^v\, fx-riTus, fAri-pron^ fj^nTHy where 'iva. may be considered as understood ; as in Matt. v. 25, iVS/ imout tm avrXxu, fjcrfroTi ffi vu.^a.'hoo avritiKOi rZ k^i-tTi. 1 Cor. ix. 27, v'Tco'Xioi^u fji-ov ro ffajfia, f^ri-rui ohoKifAos yivufiau See also Matt. vii. 6, xiii. 15, xv. 32, Mark xiv. 2, Luke xii. 58, 2 Cor. ii. 7, xii. 6. With the optative after a present in Acts xxvii. 42, /Sai-X^ lyiviro, "vet roh l)i(Tfji.uTai a,ToxTtivear or caution, the same usage prevails. Thus in Matt. xxiv. 4, fiki^iri, ^ttjj tj; y/*aj TXavy.iryi. 2 Cor. xi. 3, (po(iovfiKt ll, fjt.n'^rui (pBoc^ip ra. vo'/ificara v/^uv. Add Luke xxi. 8, Acts xiii. 40, xxiii. 10, xxvii. 17, 29, 1 Cor. viii. 9, X. 12, 2 Cor. xii. 20, Heb. xii. 15. These verbs are also followed by the indica- tive present, perfect, and future. For example, in Luke xi. 35, ffxoxii ovv, /u,h ro (pus iv ffot ffx'oroi \trr)v, whether the tight in you is darkness. Gal. iv. 11, (pofioZfitai iif^as, jtoj- ?r5V, X^tcTTOf xa* to aTTo^^vsrv, y.iplos. So Gal. iv. 18, Phil. i. 29, et alibi. Obs. 7. Frequently the article is omitted ; as in Matt. xii. 1 0, tl i^iffn roTs irapt- (iufft ^i^a-rivuv ; Rom. xiii. 5, ho avayxri v^oraia-ina-^ai. 1 Cor. vii. 9, x^ilffffsv yd^ Itrri ya.fjLnffa,t, r, 'Tv/yovirBon. Add Matt. XV. 26, xix. 10, Eph. V. 12, James i. 27. In 1 Thess. iv. 3, sqq. it is partly inserted, and partly omitted. 2. In the genitive : after noiinsj as the latter of two sub- stantives, and after verbs, adjectives, and prepositions governing a genitive ; as in Matt. vi. 8, of^e itqo rov Cfxois alr^aai avrov. Luke i. 9, eXaj^e tov ^vimiocuoci. xxii. 6, E^riTEi Ev>c»iqiav rov Trapac^ovvxi aurov. Acts xiv. 9, TnaTiv £X,£* '^'^'^ Toohriyoii. XX. 3, yycijfji.'n rov v'7ro(jrpE(p£iv. xxiii. 15, Eroifjioi hfx&v TOV aveXErv aj^Tov. Rom. XV. 23, iTTiTTo'^iocv rov eK^eTv TT^oi vixois. 1 Cor. ix. 6, ovx, %y^oiAEV £^oucri»v Toy (/.rt 1 Winer, § 45. 3. Alt, § 67. a, /3, &c„ Ast ud Flat. Legg. p. 117. ^ Alt, Gr. N. T. § 70. 152 A GREEK GRAMMAR iqyoi}^e(T^oci. 2 Cor. vil. 12, gVvcXsv Tou (pavcfco^riyai rr/V dTTou^'hy vfjL^v. Phil. iii. 21, Kara, rm ivipyeiav tou ^vvaff^ai aurov. Hcb. ii. 15, ^la Tiavros rov ^tJv. James iv. 15, avrl rou Xeyeiv vfxas. See also Luke i. 57, ii. 21, xxiv. 25, John i. 49, Acts xv. 23, 1 Cor. x. 13, xvi. 4, 2 Cor, viii. 11, Heb. V. 12, 1 Pet. iv. 17; and compare Gen. xix. 20, XXV. 24, xlvii. 29, Ruth ii. 10, Neh. x. 29, Ezek. xxi. 11, Judith ix. 14, 1 Mace. v. 39, LXX. Of the usage with verbs o^ preventing, see % A\, siij^ra; add Acts xiv. 18, 1 Pet. iii. 10 ; and compare Gen. xxix. 35, 3 Esdras ii. 24, v. 69, 70, Susan. 9. Ohs. 8. The infin. with rov is also used to indicate a purpose with an ellipsis, perhaps, of htxa, or ?r£^/; and sometimes the idea of with respect to (§ 44. 1.) will explain the usage. Thus in Mark iv. 3, ll^xSsv o ffTu^uv rov o-TiT^on, in order to sow : Luke iv. 10, ro7s ocyyiXois avrov \vriXi7rai Ti^) ffov, rov 'hiot.:^vXtt,'^ai ffi. With respect to their care of thee : xxii. 31, v[ rov ffiviaffon us rov fflrov. Xxiv. 29, s/V^xSe rov fj.ilvu.i trvv avroT?. Acts vii. 19, iKKKooffi rovs Tari^ag VfJ'Uy, rov TonTv ixBirit ra, (i^i^n avruv in regard to the exposition : xx. 30, XaXovvns ^nffr^oif^fiiycc, rov ai-offTav rovs fjca^fjroi; o'Tiffu othruv. xxvii. 1, us ix^lByi rov a^ro-rXuv, when it was decided in respect oi sailing : Heh. x. 7 , rixa rov '^oir^ffat ro BiXyjfAx ffov. James v. 17, 'r^offnv\o'-ro rov /Liri fi^ilat. See also Luke ii. 27, v. 1, ix. 51, Acts iii. 2, xv. 20, xviii. 10, xxi. 12, xxvi. 18, Rom. vi. 6, 1 Cor. vii. 37. On the other hand, where the insertion of rod might be expected, as, for instance, where a purpose is indicated, it is frequently omitted; as in John xiv. 2, To^ivofiai \rotf/,a.ffai ro-yrov Ifjuv. Eph. iii. 16, Vva ^mt^ v/juv "hwaf^u x^aruiu^tivai^ xarotxriffoct rov Xoiffrev iv roCls xct^'iais vy^uv. Occasionally two infinitives stand together, of which one has rov, and the other is without it ; as in Luke i. 72, 79. See the entire context. Obs. 9. But although most of the numberless passages, which come under this head in the New Testament, may perhaps be satisfactorily explained on the above principles, and be assimilated with others of a like nature in profane writers, still there are many which cannot be so interpreted. Such are Acts iii. 12, hf^lv rl anvt- Z,iriy us lyia ^wdfcii 'ffi'ToinKoffi rov ^i^fzranTv avrov ', Rom. i. 24, ^uoQaxiv avrov; tls dxa^a^ffiav^ rov arifAa^iff^Ui ra au[x.ara avruv. In the former example some would resolve 'Xi'^roinxoffi into -ffoiYirals ovffr, but it is better to take rov ^rsot^aruv as a simple infinitive ; and in the latter the infinitive must be rendered, as in many places, by so as; in order that. Compare Luke xxi. 22, Rom. viii. 12, xi. 8, 1 Cor. x. 13. The fact is, that the use of rov with the infinitive is extremely lax in the New Testament : and even much more so than in the later Greek writers, who are less observant of its strict import than their predecessors. See Isocr. ^^gin. p. 932. Strabon. xv. 717, Heliod. ^.th. ii. 8. 88, Dion. H. iv. 2109, Arrian. Alex. ii. 21. In the LXX the practice is equally vague ; so that a like uncertainty, in the construction of the Hebrew infinitive Avith 7, may have had some influence in producing it. For examples of regular usage in the LXX, see Gen. i. 14, iii. 6, viii. 12, xxv. 16, xxxviii. 9, xliii. 17, Judges v. 16, ix. 15, 52, x. 1, xi. 12, xv. 12, xvi. 5, xix. 3, 8, 15, XX. 4, Ruth i. 1, 7, ii. 9, 15, iv. 10, 1 Sam. ii. 28, ix. 13, 14, xv. 27, 1 Kings i. 35, xiii. 17, Nehem. i. 6, Joel iii-. 12, Judith xv. 8, 1 Mace. iii. 20, 31, 39, 52, v. 2, 9, 20, 48, vi. 15, 26, ix. 69. Of irregular usage, see Josh. xxii. 26, Ruth i. 16, 1 Kings viii. 18, xiii. 16, xvi. 19, Joel ii. 21, Judith xiii. 12, 20, 1 Mace. vi. 27, 59. It TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 153 may also be well to compare Gen. xxiv. 21, xxyii. 1, xxxi. 20, xxxiv. 17, xxxvi. 7, xxxvii. 18, xxxix 10, Exod. ii. 18, vii. 14, viii. 29, ix. 17, xiv. 5, Josh, xxiii. 13, Judj^. ii. 17, 21, 22, viii. 1, ix. 24, 37, xii. 6, xvi. 6, xviii. 9, xxi. 3, 7, Ruth i. 12, 18, iii. 3, iv. 4, 7,. 15, 1 Sam. vii. 8, xii. 23, xiv. 34, xv. 26, 2 Sam. iii. 10, 1 Kings ii. 3, iii. 11, xii. 24, Ps. xxvi. 13, Judith ii. 13, v. 4, vii. 13, 3 Esdr. i. 33, iv. 41, v. 67. We have only to add that in Luke xvi. 1, Acts x. 25, the best MSB. omit the article ; and in Rev. xii. 7, rod ToXty.i^Txi has been properly corrected into WoXiUjn^av. 3. In the dative the infinitive denotes cause in 2 Cor. ii. 13, ouK ^iayjriKCK avsdjv tw Trysv/LLari (/^ov, rev ixr\ hvpziv //£ T/tov, because I did not find Titus. Compare Lucian Abdic. 5, Agath. v. 16, Diog. L. x. 17, Joseph. Ant. iv. 10. 1. Like the genitive it im'^Mes purpose in 1 Thess. iii. 3, Ttx^ctxaXirya.i v(xa.s, ru ixr^ivoc aaivsahoci Iv raus S^X/xj/ear. A few MSS. have roi), and others to. Compare, how- ever, Achil. Tat. ii. 163. With a preposition, it occurs in Matt. xiii. 25, sv tw xx^sv^biv rovs ky^^ouitovs, while men slej)t : Luke i 22, eS^aj^post^ov Iv rw xpoyl^siy avroVi because he tarried : Acts iii. 26, svXoyovvrac v[j.ais ev rco a7ro(jrps(p£iv Exaa-rov diro rojv ttowidiuim uixaiy, bij your conversion. See also Matt. xiii. 4, Luke i. 8^ v. 1, ix. 36, xi. 37, xiv. 1, Acts viii. 6, Gal. iv. 18, et alibi. 4. In the accusative, as the object of a verb, the infin. with the article is used in Luke vii. 21, Ty(pXorf ttoXKoTs' hx^ocpiaocro to (SKsTreiv. 1 Cor. xiv. 39, ^riXours to 7r§o(py}r£y£iv, xacl TO XaXsry yKa)(y<70cis /xr) xcoXvsrs. Phil. ii. 6, oi5% ocpTTocyfjiov TiyrifyacTo TO efvat ^cra, ©cw. Add Acts iv. 18, Rom. xiv. 13, 2 Cor. ii. 1, viii. 10. With prepositions, in Matt. vi. 1, TTpo^ TO 3"ca3"ryvat ai^ToTs". xiii. 5, ^la. to fxr] £%siv ^oi^oS yris. John ii. 24, ^ta to at'Tov ytvo/'Txeiv iroLMxas. 1 Cor. xi. 25, /XETa TO ^ct7rvry(7«i. 2 Cor. vii. 3, us TO (Tv^oLTtrihcty^i^ XOfi (tvIt^^. See also Matt. v. 28, xxvi. 32, Mark i. 14, v. 4, Luke xii. 5, Acts viii. 11, xii. 20, xviii. 2, xxvii. 9, 1 Cor. x. 6, 2 Cor. iii. 13, viii. 6, Phil. i. 7, 10, 1 Thess. ii. 9. Ohs. 10. A verbal noun with lU or ir^oj is frequently used by St. Paul instead of this Infinitive. Thus in 2 Cor. iv. 6, -r^h (^wrifffjt.h ryjs yvutr'nus. Eph. iv. 12, -r^os Tov x.u.ra.^riffiA.O'i tuv ayluv, u; 'ioyov ^laxavioii, x. r. X. Heb. xi. 11, laUoi ^tjvKuiv its xarafioXhv ffTri^fiaros sXa/Ss.^ 1 Winer, § 45, 4. 5. 6. Alt, Gram. N. T. § 69. Georg. Vind. p. 325. Valcknaer ad Eur. Hipp. 48. Ast ad Plat. Legg. p. 56. Schsefer ad Demosth. ii. 10, sqq. et V. 378. 154 A GREEK GRAMMAR §58. 1. The infinitive is used to designate the object after verbs which signify to say, to affirm, to deny, to hope, to believe, to think, to mean, to seem,, &c., which in Latin also are followed by an infinitive. Thus in Luke vi. 34, c8(voL' diToXuEiv. XV. 11, 7ricovov yey EvriO'^oci rris '^spirofxris. 1 Cor. vii. 26, vopc/^cy ouv rovro xacXov vitapXEiM. Add Luke ii. 44, Acts vii. 25, xiv. 19, xxi. 4, 21, Phil. iii. 8. With or\, in Matt. ix. 18, \kym, on t) '^vyxr'ng (mou apn £r£Xsvr'/i(JEV. Luke xxiv. 21, rnJiEl!^ ^E riXTri^oLLsv on avros iariv X. T. X. Acts ix. 26, (XT) marEvo\rEs on Ean i/.x^inrris. Add Mark vi. 14, Acts xxiv. 26, Rom. vi. 8, 1 John v. 2. Ohs. 1 . After verbs which contain a negation the particle ^tt^ is frequently added to this infinitive; as in Luke xx. 27, o\ avriXiyovrss avxirTatriv fjcr} itvai. xxii. 34, rp); 3. If the subject of the infin. is the same with the subject of the preceding fijiite verb, it is usually omitted with the injini- tive; and being understood to be in the nominative, the adjec- tives and participles dependent upon it are put in that case. Thus in Rom. i. 22, (paVxcvrsf eivoli ao(pol. xv. 24, sXttI^co ^ioltio- pEUOfAEVO^ ^Ecca-acr^xi vfxois. 2 Cor. X. 2, ^ioixxi ro fjivi TTupcuv ^appr/- (7X1. 2 Pet. iii. 14, (JTrov^xaxrE xaTTikoi kxI df^oufMriroL EupE^rjvxt. Obs. 2. For the sake of emphasis, the subject is sometimes repeated in the accu- sative; as in Phil. iii. 13, I^m if^cavrov oh Xoyi^ofi,ext xariiXrjipivau So in Xen. Cyr. v. 1. 20, vofjt.iXoif^i yap IfAavTov UiKivai x. r. X. Compare Xen. Anab. vii. 1. 30, Mem. ii. 6. 35, Diod. Sic. i. 50, Anacr. Od. xlv. 8, Philostr. Apoll. i. 12. » Alt, Gram. N. T. § 67. b. Lobeck ad Phryn. p. 753. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 155 4. On the other hand, if the subject is the same with the object of the preceding clause, all defining adjectives, &c., should be in the case of the words to which they refer. Obs. 3. Still, especially where emphasis is intended, the accusative is often found with the infinitive. Thus in Matt, xviii. 8, xa,Xov ao't Iffrtv ua-tX^uv us rhv ^uriv p(^akof yj xuXkov X. r. X. Acts XXV. 27, akoyov ya,^ fji,oi ^0Ks7, TrifA-rovrci "hiff/ztov f/,h xa.) ras xecr uvTov alrlocs ffti/Accvcti. 5. Again, if the Injin. has a different subject from that in the preceding clause, it is put, together with its definitions, regularly in the accusative. To the instances which have been already given may be added Luke xxiv. 23, ol Xiyoua-iv ai/Tov ^yjv. Acts ii. 24, ovK rjv ^uvxrov ycpxTETa'^oci avrov vtt olvtov. Add Acts xxvi. 26, 1 Cor. vii. 10, 2 Pet. i. 15. Obs. 4. If the leading verh govern any other case than the accusative, the usual construction is not necessarily preserved. For instance, the accusative does not ac- company the infinitive in 2 Pet. ii. 21, x^urrov riv alrols f^h l^tyveaxivcct rhv o'^ov rjj; otxenoffvvns y ») itiyvooffiv iTitrr^S'^ai x. r. X. Here uvtovs and l^r/yvoyvraj would be regular. Lastly, tru/a^fiaivn and other impersonals are often found with an accusa- tive and infinitive in classical writers ; and so we have in Acts xxi. 35, ffuv'tfi'/i (oaa-rci- Z,iff6oe,t avrov. Thtis ly'iviro in its impersonal sense, it happened, it came to pass, is very frequently so constructed, especially in the Acts. See Mark ii. 23, Acts iv. 5, ix. 3, 32, 37, 43, xi. 26, xiv. 1, xv. 16, xix. 1, xxi. 1, 5, xxii. 6, 17, xxvii. 44, xxviii. 8, 17, et alibi. This usage, which has been regarded as a Hebraism, is also com- mon in the LXX and Josephus. Compare Gen. xlii. 38, 2 Mace. iii. 2, iv. 30, Jo- seph. Ant. vii. 14. 7, and elsewhere; and also, among the Greeks, Diod. Sic. i. 50, iii. 22. 39, Theogn. v. 639.i 6. The subject is sometimes wanting in dependent proposi- tions, and construed, by attraction, in another case with the verb of the preceding proposition. This especially, though not exclusively, happens with verbs of knowi7ig, seeing. Sic, followed by Vva, on, ttus, tto^zv, rts", &c. Thus Matt. xxv. 24, eVvwv (Ti, ort a-KKfipos sT h^qcoTTo^. Mark i. 24, Luke iv. 34, oT^a. as, ris si. John v. 42, dXX syvojxcc vixxs, on, ttiV ayocnriv rov ®sov OVK 'sy^srs h sacvroTs. 1 Cor. xvi. 15, o'l^xrs ttiv olxiocv Xrs(p(x,vai, on s;(ra. Sometimes the imperative and infinitive are combined, and as the usage is by no means uncommon, especially in the Greek poets, there seems to be no valid reason for assigning other interpretations, which are equally harsh and uxmecessar)^. Thus in Luke ix. 3, ^s^Bb u'l^tn lU rhv olov, yy/tri dva "hiio x''^'"^"-' c;^iiv. (Some would supply ciffn.) Rom. xii. 15, x^^l^nv (Jt.ira, ;^(Xt^ovjo-/«(r«^sS« h tm Qim '/i/nav Xa,Xv(fon, we have been emboldened to speak, not we spoke boldly. Tit. iii. 12, tr'n-ovloc- ffov iX^ilv, hasten to come, not come quickly. Nor is it quite clear that (^iXiiv in Matt, vi. 5, is adequately rendered by the adverb gladly.^ Obs. 8. It is by no means necessary that the tense of the Injinitive should corre- spond with that of the principal verb ; but the usual distinction prevails in this, as in the other moods. In expressing an action freqt(e7itly repeated^ or continued in itself or its consequences to the present time, the present of the Injinitive is employed, whatever be the tense or import of the preceding verbj whereas in the narration of past events, in speaking of what is transient or momentary, or oi future actions which ar considered as certainly impending, the aoridt is used. Examples of the present are Matt. vi. 24, oh "huvuff^i @iM 'hovXivuv tcou fjt.ot.fjt.iJi.w'Da.. John vii. 17, l«v t/j S^Ix^ to BiX'/if^a ciVTov -proiiTv. ix. 4, Ifjbi "hi? l^ya^KrS^ai, 'iug ti/j^i^oi tffnv. See also Mark ii. 19, iv. 32, Luke xvi. 13, et alibi. With reference to past actions, the aoj-ist occurs in Mark ii. 4, fjun %vvd,fjijivot ^^otnyyia'ai uvtm ^tct vov o'xXov, a'Tio'Tiycuroiv ttiv ffnyriv. v. 3, ovh); r^uvuTo c(,v7ivl7tffat. So Luke xviii. 13, xxiv. 46, John vi. 21, 1 Thess. ii. 18, and 1 Alt, Gram. N. T. § 86. 1. Notes 1.2. 2 Winer, § 47, 7. Alt, § 71. Georg. Hierocrit. i. 58. Bos, EUips. p. 597. Her- mann ad Viger. p. 745. Kuinoel on Luke xxii. 42. Ast ad Plat. Polit. p. 522. 3 Winer, §58, 4. Wetstein on Matt, vi, 5, Kuinoel on John vi. 21. Passov. Lex. in vv. (pix'iu and l^ixo). TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 157 elsewhere. Oi' transient events in Matt. xix. 3, uilifriv av^^utu utoXuffott tyw yvvu7xa avTov, with reference to the act of divorce. Mark xiv. 7, erecv BikriTS, ^vvxaBt uurovs Ew Totwat. Add Mark ii. 27, xiv. 31, John iii. 4, ix. 27, xi. 37, xii. 21, Acts iv. 16, 2 Cor. X. 12, Eph. iii. 18, 1 Thess. ii. 8, Rev. ii. 21. 0( future actions, chiefly after verbs of commanding, thinking, hoping, and the like, in Matt. xii. 38, Bikofnv a-ro a-ou fyjf^uov t^iiv. Mark xiv. 11, iTfiyytiXxvro avru uoyv^tov "hovvcci. Acts X. 48, T^otriTcc^tv KUTou; ^a^Ttff^rivat. So Luke vi. 34, Acts ii. 30, iii. 18, vii. 5, Rom. xv. 24, 1 Cor. xvi. 7, Phil. ii. 19, 1 Tim. iii. 14. Hence the aorist after iroi[/.oi in Acts xxi. 13, 2 Cor. X. 6, xii. 14, 1 Pet. i. 5, iv. 5. Compare Dion. Hal. viii. 17, Joseph. Ant. vi. 9. 2, xii. 4. 2. These niceties, however, are by no means universally observed. Thus the present indicates a transitory act, Matt. iii. 23, tus ^vva.ra.t ^etravcci 2aTavav ix.- (idxkuy; See also John xvi. 19, 1 Cor. vii. 36, Phil. i. 17. On the other hand, the aorist denotes a permanent act in Luke xix. 5, cr^fn^ov iv tZ oIku (tou h7 /jbt f^.uvai. Com- pare Matt. V. 14, Luke xiv. 28, xvii. 25, xx. 22, John v. 44. At the same time be it observed, that in all these passages the action may have been referred in the writer's mind to some particular point, with reference to which it may be considered as complete. Both the pres. and aor. are sometimes combined; as in Matt. v. 13, its euTiv t5'Ja;vraj. Lj|£v o xv^iot. Various readings also occur in Mark xiii. 19, John iv. 5, xvii. 11, Acts vii. 17, Tit. iii. o. The syntax is peculiarly remarkable, where a verb of cognate signification with the preceding noiui follows ; as in 2 Cor. i. 4, J/a rn; 'pra^ccxXtiirtus, vs TraoecxaXoufuBcc, Eph. ii* 5; xyciTrnv, nv 'hy^Trniriv hfAUi. iv. 1, rJjf xX'^tnu;, ni ixkriSyirs. » Winer, § 45, 8. Alt, § 72. Lobeck ad Phryn., pp. 745, sqq. 158 A GREEK GRAMMAR Obs. 2. If the antecedent be a demonstrative pronoun, it is generally omitted, and the relative takes its case ; as in Mark xv. 12, r/ oZv SjXsts •roiY,ffu ov xiyin ^\icc ruv ^lovtaicov ; Luke ix. 36, ovhin ocTriyyiiXuv ovh\v, uv icoouxxaiv. John vi. 29, \va •riffTiiiffYiTi us ov ocr'iffTU'kiv iKiJvos- Rom. vi. 21, l(p' of; vvv i-ratffx>^vi(T^i. Add Luke V. 25, John xvii. 9, Acts viii, 24, xxi. 24, xxvi. 16, Rom. xiv. 22, xv. 18, 1 Cor. vii. 1, X. 29, 2 Cor. ii. 3, v. 10, xii. 17, Eph. iii. 20, Heb. v. 8. Sometimes, but rarely, the demonstrative pronoun is simply omitted ; as in John xiii. 29, ayo^atrov uv x^£/av s;(^ofiiv. So Xen. Cyr. vi. 2. 1, aTvyyuXas av iYiou. Compare also Col. ii. 10. Both constructions are found in Rom. x. 14, ?r»; evv l^ixxkiirovTeii us ov ovx l^itmuffuv, -raJs U ^ttrnuffooffiv ou ohx. Tjxovffav ; A like Omission occurs also in the case of relative adverbs. Thus in Matt. xxv. 24, awaym o^sv oh '^nvKo^^Kras , for UerSsv otov. Mark V. 40, iiff'xro^ujirui o'^ou «v to •rai^i'ov. So John xi. 32, xx. 19.^ 2. On the other hand, the relative being put in the case required by the verb, the substantive is put in the same case, either before or after it. Thus, before it, in Matt. xxi. 42, Luke XX. 17, 1 Pet. ii. 7, X/S'ov, ov dTrB^onifxocaocv o; otJto^o/xot'VTgs', ovto^ eyevTjS-y) sir xsCpaX-wv ycovia^. Luke xii. 48, ttxvti. ^s, cb l^oS-oj ttoXv, TtoKv ^TJTOl^TjVETai TTQCp^ avTOV. 1 Cor. X. 16, TOV Of^TOV, OV xXaJ/x.£V, o^x,* x-oiycovlx rov (/IfAocros rot; 'Kpi <7c«;pcarf x. t. X. Terent. Eun. iv. 3. 11, Eunuchum, quern dedisti nobis, quas turbas dedit ? Obs. 3. Here also should probably be referred Luke i. 72, fjLvm^rivcci ha^r,»y)s ayias ahrov, o^xov ov S)fjt,o(n ». r. X., unless xara, be understood before o^x.ovr' 3. It is generally, when the clause with the relative pre- cedes, containing the principal thought, that the antecedent is put in the same case after it. Thus Mark vi. 16, ov I7&) aW£)C8(paX/cra 'Ict;avva}v, ovros sanv. Rom. vi. 17, v'nnyLOv(Ta.r& eIs- ov Tra^E^o^^Ts ri)7rov ^i^^.n. i. 18, Urbs cintiqua fuit ; Tyrii tenuere coloni. And V. 53-1, Est locus; Hesperiarn Graii cognomine dicunt. Somewhat similar is Rev. i. 5, reu dyetTfifcivri fifiaSf xa) Xovaecvri hf^as oi'To ruv a/ubaoriav hfjtuv \v tu oilfACCTt ciuTov, xai i^oinifiv hu,ai (iacnXiti, alrao r, ^o^a, xa.) ro xpuros us Tohg alaJvocg. More pro- perly, however, this is an example of anacoluthon. See § 69. ii. 4. ^ 4. When another noun is added by way of explanation, the relative sometimes agrees with that which jorecec^e^'; as in 1 Cor. iv. \7 3 Tt/a6S"£0v, OS ka-ri reK^ov fxov dyocTrnrov. Eph. i, 22, rr) ex- y.Xina-lac, riris hari ro (Twixol avrov. Col. i. 24, rou auixocros avrou , o £(Trtv ri lyiycknaioc. iii. 14, r^v oiydTiYtv, yirif sa-ri Gvy^sa^xos rr^s reXsi- ornros. (Some manuscripts here read os, and others o.) More generally, however, the concord is with the subsequent noun ; as in Mark xv. 16, rris a^vXris, o kari Tr^airupiov. Eph. iii. 13, Iv reus hXi-^Bai (jlov vTrep ufxcoVy rjTir Icrri ^o^oc vi/.uv. Add Gal. iii. 16, Eph. i. 14, vi. 17, Col. i. 27, 1 Tim. iii. 15. So also in Phil, i. 28, where r^ns refers to the constancy of the Philippians, re- ferred to in the preceding context. Obs. 6, Sometimes also the neuter pronoun o is used with reference neither to the antecedent nor subsequent noun, but to the word ptifiec, understood ; as in Mark xv. 22, v is omitted after an adjective in Acts xxvii. 33, a^iroi (ovrts) TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 163 Ohi. 10, The verb u^x^ffBat, which in the Greek writers often takes the participle, is always in the New Testament followed by the infinitive* Obs. 11. In may cases the governing verb may be expressed by an adverb in English ; as in Matt. xvii. 25, •pffoi^Bafftv aurov xiyvv, Jirst addressed him : Heb* xiii. 2, 'iXetBov rms ^ivia-ecvns ayyixovs, have entertained angels unawares. Obs. 12. To this class belongs xecXag ^onTv, which is followed by a participle in Acts X. 33, ffu xaXuf iTrottKras ^cc^ayivofiivest you have done well to come. Compare Phil. iv. 14, 2 Pet. i. 19, 3 John 6. Also many verbs which express an emotion of the mind; as joy, f ear ^ gratitude^ &c. Thus in Acts xvi. 34, v^yaXKiaactvo tffTu 1 Pet. ii. 18, ol oiKiroci, v^oraffco/xtvot roTs iiff^rorats, scil, Iffri. 2 Pet. i. 17, Xec^a/v ya^ •ra^a, Siou rifji-m, scil. tjv. To this head, however, are not to be referred a variety of passages, in which the verb substantive is to be taken independently ; such as Mark v. 5, h rols (jLt-nfiaai') ^v, xouZ,uv, xcu xurtx.KO'rruv luvrov KiBots. Luke ii. 8, •rotfAivis nffav iv t"^ ^d^a rrt alTri,.aiy^avXovvTis, xai (fvXciirffovTis X. t. X. vii. 8, iy&i ccvB^w^'os UfJt,t ii-ro i^ovtrlav ratraofjijivos. See also Mark X. 32, xiv. 4, 49, James i. 17; and compare Jerem. ii. 6, v. 5, 11. Neither is it necessary to supply the verb substantive in proverbs, viaxims, and citations; as in 1 Cor. iii. 19, Heb. i. 7, 2 Pet. ii. 22. In Gal. iii. 5, tovto ^on7, not ia-r), must be supplied.^ Obs. 1 7. The verb fx ivXoyav ivXeyriffu ffi, xa) -rXijBvvav crXtj^vvS ffi. A like usage is found in the best Greek writers. See also Arrian. Ind. iv. 15, Lucian. D. M. iv. 3, xxviii. 1. Since, however, the above passages are exclusively Old Testament citations (Gen. xxii. 16, Exod. iii. 7, Isai. vi. 9), and the construction corresponds with the Hebrew infinitive absolute, it may probably be more accurately referred to that source. The LXX abounds with similar examples. See Gen. xviii. 18, xxvii. 28, xxxvii. 8, 10, xliii. 6, Judg. i. 28, iv. 9, vii. 19, xi. 25, xv. 16, Ruth ii. 16, 1 Sam. xiv. 28, 1 Mace. v. 40, et alibi.^ Obs. 19. It has already been seen that participles, when they have the article, * Winer, § 46, 2. Alt, Gram. N. T. § 73, 6. Hermann ad Viger. p. 77&. Bornemann ad Xen. Conviv. p. 146. Doederlin. ad Soph. CEd. C. p. 593. s Winer, § 46, 8. Alt, § 73, 2. Ast ad Plat. Polit. p. 597. Boissonade ad Philostr. 660. et ad Nicet. p. 81. ^ Winer, § 46, 7. Alt. § 73, 3. Georg. Vind. 196. Lobeck ad Soph. Aj. p. 370. TO Tin: NEW TESTAMENT. 165 are equivalent to substantives (§ 28. 4) ; and in this case it is to be observed that, like substantives, they may have a gen. dependent upon them: as in 1 Cor. vii. 35, ravrt Vi •r^h to iiftaiv avruv (rvfjb Luke xvii. 12, xviii. 40, xxii. 10, 53, xxiv. 5, Acts xxi. 17. For examples of either usage in the LXX. and later Greek writers, see Gen. xliv. 4, Exod. iv. 21, xiv. 18, Polyb. iv. 49. 1, Plutarch ii. p. 845, Heliod. ^th. ii. 30, 113.^ 2. Instead of the gen, is frequently used, L The nominative absolute, which stands without 2i finite verb, and the sentence passes into another construc- tion, of a different form from that which it had been the writer's first intention to adopt. Matt. xii. 36, ttocm pYJixoc dpyov, lav XaXo^Xwcxv ol oiv^qcoTroi, dTTo^cuaovffi itlpl ccvtov. Luke xiii. 4, IxElvot, !({)' ovs ettso-sv h Trupyos, ^oxerre on ovroi K. T. X, ; John vii. 38, o ttkjtevmv sis kfxs, Trorccf^oi psv- aouai X. r. X.* Acts vii. 40, o yoip ^oouans o5roy, ovk o'i^ac(ji.zv, ri yiyovBv avrcp. Add Matt. x. 32, Mark ix. 20, Luke xii. 10, Acts xx. 3, Rom. viii. 3, Gal. i. 20, Rev. ii. 26, iii. 12, 21, et alibi; and compare Dio Chrysost. ix. 124, Philostr. V. Apoll. vii. 16.^ Obs. 1. The nom. is used absolutely in an exclamation in Rom. vii. 24, rakat- 'jra^os lyu av^^u^of \ To this head Winer refers Mark xii. 40, Luke xii. 20, Phil, iii. 19, The first and last of those passages, however, are cases of anacoluthon (^ 69. ii.) ; and in Luke xii. 20, the nam. is put for the voc. Some MSS. indeed read a o^Xoi lioKKoi, So in vv. 5, 23, ix. 27, xxi. 23. 1 Winer, § 30, 8. Obs. Poppo ad Thucyd. p. 119. Schaefer ad Apoll. Rhod. ii.p. 171. ^ Some would repeat -riviru from the last sentence, as the verb to which o tKfriuui is referable ; but this impedes the sense. See Lampe and Kuiuoel ad ioc. » Winer, § 28, 3. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 167 Obs, 2. It has been urged, however, and with some appearance of reason, that these are not to be taken as cases absolute, but that the second pronoun is redun- dant, as in Matt. iv. 16, John xv. 2, et alibi. So also in Xen. Cyr. i. 3. 15, Ttu^dtro- fieu tZ TtxTira., dya^eHv ivrjriatv x^drifrof av Ivrttvs, ffviAfiaxuv avru} See § 45. 7. Obs. 13. 2. 3. The accusative absolute; as in Acts xxvi. 2, Tiynixaci lyuauToy /motxa/j/ov, fxeXkcuy aTToXoys'ia^aci sttI aov arnJ^spov' fMcH- Xiaroc yvdxJT'nv ovra as TTacMTCoy ytccroc ^lov^cc'iovs l^uy re xou l^rimfxairuvj because you are well informed, &c. Obs. 3. To this head has also been referred Luke xxiv. 46, ovrus 'ihi -prahTv rov X^ifro9, XXI x»i^y%3^yai e-ri tZ ovofiurt ecvrov fAirdvoiav xa) d(pi(riv dfjM^riuv us •rcdtToc rd %^fn, d^^dfjtitov d-xo 'UpovffaXrifjc. But dp^dfiivov should rather be taken as an im- personal participle, applied in the nominative absolute, like ?ra^£x«y, liov, i^ov, ^ec^ov, &c. It may then be rendered, a beginning being made, or so as to begin ; and the very same expression is used in the same manner in Herod, iii. 91. Compare also Joseph. B. J. i. 11. 2, and 24. 7. Some have also explained Eph. i. 18, as an accusative absolute, but it is an apposition ; or 'Ivtx, %dn is to be repeated from the preceding verse.* § ^%-^Ofthe Particles, (Buttm. § 146.) 1. The Particles are Conjunctions, Adverbs, and Prepositions. With respect to the first it may be observed, that, as the same thought may frequently be differently expressed, it is advisable to be cautious in assigning to one conjunction the sense of another, without a due consideration of the manner in which the sentence is expressed. The alleged interchange of these parts of speech with each other will thus frequently appear to be without foundation ; and their usage in the New Testament be found to depend, with very few exceptions, upon strict grammatical principles. From the variety of modes by which the thoughts of the mind, expressed in words and sentences^ may be connected or separated, the conjunctions admit of various combinations, in which their appropriate meaning is nevertheless sufficiently discernible. The most remarkable usages will be seen in § 67. 2. It is unnecessary to adduce examples of each individual adverb employed in the New Testament. Their use and their meaning, except in some of the more remote significations, are the same as in classical Greek; nor is the neuter o^ the adjective, » Winer, § 31, 6. Obs. 3. Alt, § 29. 7. Kuinoel ad Matt. viii. 1. 2 Winer, § 32, 7. Alt, § 30. 4. Hermann ad Viger. p. 341. Raphol. and Kuinoel on Luke xxiv. 46. 168 A GREEK GRAMMAR which the later writers so frequently employ in an adverbial sense, particularly conspicuous. Adverbs, formed from adjec- tives by means of the termination co^, prevail to a much greater extent, as they do also in the LXX and the later writers generally. It may also be remarked, with respect to the particle ay, that the peculiar niceties of its construction are only to be found in the more perfect specimens of the lan- guage ; and its use throughout the New Testament is exceed- ingly limited. In treating of the moods, its import and application have been abundantly illustrated. Certain idioms, which have an adverbial signification, have also been considered in tj^eir proper places : such as those effected by adjectives expressive of time (§ 25, Obs. 14.); by (p^avw, XavS-avcy, &c. (§ 60. Obs. 11.) ; and hy finite verbs followed by an infinitive (§ 58. Obs, 7.). See also § 63. 3. Obs. 6. A few additional observa- tions remain to be made. 3. The following adverbial jjrepositions govern a gen. in the New Testament. — -"Avei/, without, 1 Pet. iii. 10. — aj^^t and /xix^h o^ place and time, as far as, until; Matt. xiii. 30, Acts xi. 5, Rom. V. 13, XV. 19. Hence the Elliptical phrase oixp^^ ^^y until, whilst, in Mark xiii. 30, Acts vii. 18, xxvii. 33, Gal. iii. 19, Heb. iii. 13. — lyylts, near, John iii. 23, vi. 19, Heb. vi. 8, viii. 13. — £/x'7r§o(T3'£v, before, with reference io place, in Matt. v. 24; in the presence of. Matt. vi. 1. See also Matt, xxiii. 13, xxvii. 11, Luke xiv. 2, Acts xviii, 17. It dienoies precedence, either of time or dignity, probably the former, in John i. 16, 27, 30, efXTrpoa-^Bv fxou yiyov^v? — evavTi, havrloy, hoomoy, before, in the presence of, Mark ii. 12, Luke i. 8, vii. 7, xx. 26, Acts vii. 10, viii. 32, 1 Cor. i. 29. — evexck or evexev, on account of, Luke iv. 18, Acts XXV. 31, Rom. viii. 36. In the same sense, xipiy is some- times used; as in Gal. iii. 19. — iTrdyu, above; o^ place, price, and dignity. Matt. xxi. 7, Mark xiv. 6, Luke xix. 17, 18. — tus, as far as, o^ place. Matt. xxiv. 21, 31, xxvi. 58, Actsxi. 22, xvii. 15, 23 ; and until, oi time. Matt. ii. 15, xxvi. 27, xxvii. 45, 64. Hence the phrase Icos ov, scil. xp^^iov, in Matt. i. 25, and elsewhere. — oTna^ev, behind. Matt. xv. 23, Luke xxiii. 26. — oTTio-u}, behind, after, of place, in Matt. iv. 10, 19, x. 38, Luke xxi. 8, Acts V. 37, Rev. i. 10; after, of time, in Matt. iii. 11, John i. 15, 27, 30. Compare Nehem. xiii. 19, Dan. ii, 19, ^ See Lami;e, Tiltmau, Ktduoel, and other luterpp. ad he. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 169 LXX. — TrXna-iov, near, John iv. 5. So in Deut. xi. 30, Josh. XV. 46, xix. 45, LXX. Obs, 1. With reference to p^acp, tlie adverb Vwj is seldom used except by the later writers. The LXX usually add a prep. ; as in Gen. xxxviii. 1, ^us ^^os ccvB^u-ro» rna. Levit. xxiii. 14, 'lug us rhv hfji-ieav. So in Luke xxiv. 50, 'lus tl; Bn^avtuv, Compare 1 Mace. ii. 58,Polyb. ii. 52. 7, Diod. Sic. i. 27. Sometimes, however, in the LXX, it governs a.gen. ; as in Isai. xxxviii. 1, 'ius ^ocvarou. So in Exod. xvi. 28, Numb. xiv. 11,2 Sam. vii. 18, and elsewhere.^ 4. Besides adverbs which govern a genitive there arc two, a/aa and itx^x7r'Kna-iQ)i, which govern a dative. Matt. xiii. 29, a/xa avroHs. Phil. ii. 27, TrxpxTrXrKjiov ^ocyaTO}. Obs. 2. The former of these is joined with the preposition ffvv in 1 Thess. iv. 17^ V. 1 0. Elsewhere it is a simple adverb ; as in Acts xxiv. 26, xxvii. 40, Rom. iii. 12, Col. iv. 3, 1 Tim. v. 13, Philem. 22. 5. The adverbs of place IxeT, mov, ottov, which properly in- dicate rest, are not unfrequently joined in the New Tes- tament with verbs of motion; as in Matt. ii. 22, E(po(3ri^Yi Ixg'i uttsX^bTv, for sKsTas. John iii. 8, tiou vTrdyei, for iroT, which does not occur in the New Testament. Again in John viii. 21, oirov syui vTrdyco. xxi. 18, oicret as ottou ou ^eXsis, where Ixelje is understood; and so in Matt. xxv. 24. See above § 59. 1. Obs. 2. Add Matt. xvii. 20, Luke xii. 18, xxi. 2, John vii. 3, viii. 14, xviii. 3, Rom. xv. 24, Heb. vi. 20. Obs. 3. In John xi. 34, ^rov TiBtixeiTi avrov, the adverb bears its proper import. On the other hand i»t7(n is once used in the place of Us? in Acts xxii. 5, a^uv xa) rehi IxiTffiovras', So in Hippocrates : el Ixutrt olxiovrtS''^ Obs. 4. As adjectives are sometimes used for adverbs^ so it has been supposed, on the other hand, that adverbs are put for adjectives; as in Matt. i. 18, rou l\^lr,ffov "XeiffTev h yivvvfis ovtms ?v. xix. 10, «/ ouru; \trT)v h cclrla. And so ill Matt. xxiv. 39, Rom. iv. 18, 1 Pet. ii. 15. In these passages, however, outus la-rt is merely a phrase of equal import with ovrug ix^h which occurs in Acts vii. 1, xii. 15, et alibi. Yet more unreasonable is it to render ,ucikko)i as an adjective, greater, instead of construing it with the verb, in Matt, xxvii. 24, fjMXXov Bo'^vpc; ymTat. See also Acts xxii. 2, Phil. i. 12.« § 63.— Of the Prepositions. (Buttm. § 147.) 1. A Preposition is a particle which is intended to designate the relations existing between one thing and another, or rather to represent the relative situation and condition of things, which the different cases are of themselves incompetent to express. 1 Passov. Lex. in v. « Winer, ^ 58, 7. Alt, 82. 7. Lobeck ad Phryn. pp. 43, 127. Hermann ad Vit;er. p. 790. Stallbaum ad Plat. Euthyphr. pp. 95, sqq. •' Winer, § 58, 2. Alt, § 82, 9. Ast ad Plat. p. 371. Reitz ad Luciau. T. vii. p. 137. Lobeck ad Phryn. p. 42G. 170 A GREEK GRAMMAR The many important relations, which each case is adapted to indicate, have been already pointed out ; and it has been seen that many or most of them, by the later writers more particu- larly, are often more distinctly marked through the medium of a preposition. Such preposition must, in the very nature of things, have an obvious analogy with the fundamental import of the case which it governs ; and nothing is more unphiloso- phical than the notion that prepositions and cases may be combined with each other ad libitum. Now it seems that the original idea involved in every preposition is that of place, and that they severally indicate either a state of rest or a state of motion. Referred to the same basis, the cases used to express motion to or from a place are the accusative and the genitive respectively ; whilst that which is fixed and stationary belongs to the dative ; and it is according as the signification of each preposition is more extended and varied, that they are con- structed, some with one case only, others with two, and others with all the three. Hence, though one preposition and its case may sometimes occur where another might have been ex- pected, it will generally be found to be an anomaly in appear- ance rather than reality. An instance in point is Luke xi. 13, o irarrip o 1^ oupctvov ^cuaei 'ffVEVfJi^a, aytov Tot's- alroixriv ccvrov. The parallel place has o Iv toTV oy/)avotV (Matt. vii. 11); but in writing I? oupayov, the mind of St. Luke connected the expression more immediately with Idffsi. Obs. 1 . To trace out the various senses of the prepositions is the business of the Lexicographer, but a few examples from the New Testament must be given in illustration of their construction, as connected with the fundamental import of each. It will be of course unnecessary to reproduce those usages, so frequent in the sacred writings, by which verbs, which in the earlier Greek authors govern the simple case, are followed by a preposition. It was natural that foreigners should endeavour to express any particular related with the greatest perspicuity ; and the manner in which they have done so by the constant employment of prepositions, has been abundantly exemplified in the remarks upon the several cases. 2. Of those prepositions, which govern only one case, avrl^ d'TTo, Ix, TTgo, take the genitive.^ Obs. 2. *Avr), in return for, instead of, denotes the exchange of one object for an- other, and therefore, as involving the idea of removal from a place, takes a genitive, expressive of succession, price, retribution, &c. Matt. ii. 22, 'A^x^kaes (ia^tXivu avrt 'Houlov. v. 38, o(pBccX/Aov avTi o(p^a,XfJt,ov, xa) ohovTO. avr) oVovro?. XX. 28, 'hovveu r^v ■\^yv»jv tciirov XvTflov avri TfoXkav, Rom. xii. 17, fiviSiv't »ax,ov avr/ xaxoZ a-roli^ovTig. ^ Winer, § 51. Alt, Gram. N. T. § 77. Wahl and Passov. Lex. in vv. ayr), »j ofjt.vviri. See also 1 Pet. iv. 8; and compare Herodian. v. 4. 21. Sometimes there is a trajection in the use of this preposition ; as in John xii. 1, -r^o s| ti/jui^uv rov j, during the time of his humiliation : Rom. ii. 20, i-m fio^ipao'iv rns yvainug xa) rvs aXyt^ilas \v tm vofcu, the system of true knowledge laid down in the Law, 1 Cor. iv. 6, "va b ^/mv fidB^tjTi, that ye may learn in us, i. e. by the example exhibited in our conduct. Here also may be men- tioned the phrase yin.«y iruv "'^^ ifAoU In Luke i. 56, vm al/ry means at her house : and is equivalent to the French, chex elle. 4. With the accusative alonCj els, and, in the New Testa- ment, dvoc, are used.^ Obs, 9. E/Vj to, into, indicates motion to an object ; and in this its primary local sense it occurs in Matt. ii. 11, ixBovrts s'V tjjv olxUv. iii. 10, tig tv^ fidWirai, Luke viii. 8, t-TTiffiv lU rm yh. Acts iv. 3, eSsvra j.hfA troifAus txf' See also Mark v. 14, Luke i. 20, xi. 7, John ix. 7, xx. 7, Acts vii. 4, viii. 23, 40, xix. 22 ; and compare Orph. Argon. 599. i^lian. V. H. vii. 12. Other passages, which have been referred to this head, do not belong to it ; as Mark i. 9, ifiaTrio-Bt] us Tov 'lo^'^dvnv, he was baptized by immersion into the Jordan, v. 34, t/Vaye us ti^vvvv, ad salutem: and so in Luke vii. 50, et alibi passim. Compare 1 Kings xx. 13, 2 Kings XV. 9, LXX. In John i. 18, o uv us rov xokTov, is probably a Hebraism ; and the expression in Acts vii. 53, us harayas ayyikuv is clearly parallel with Gal. iii. 19, ^/araysvra h' ayyiXav, but Upon what grammatical principle, it is difficult to determine. Compare also Heb. ii. 2 ; and see § 47, 2. Obs, 5. Obs. 11. 'Ava, in, through, is sometimes joined with a dative in other writers, but with an accusative only in the New Testament. Thus in Matt. xiii. 25, iff-ru^i l^iZ,a,via, ava fziaov roZ trirov, in the midst of, i. e. amongst, the wheat : 1 Cor. xiv. 27, avx f/.i^os, in turn. See also Mark vii. 31, 1 Cor. vi. 5, Rev. vii. 17, With a numeral expressed or understood, it implies distribution; as in Matt. xx. 9, 10, tXa/Ssv ava Invd^iov, a penny each : Luke ix. 3, «»a ^vo x^ruvus «%«iv, two coats apiece. Com- pare Mark vi. 40, Luke ix. 14, x. 1. It is used adverbially without a case in Rev. xxi. 21, uia, us 'ixatrrcs, each one severally. These are the only forms in which the preposition appears. §64. 1. The Prepositions governing two cases are ^li, xara, vTrsq, and, in the New Testament, /xsra, tte^I, and vtto. They govern the genitive and the accusative. Obs. 1. A/a, through, takes (1.) the genitive, inasmuch as, in a local sense, the idea 0^ passing through includes that o^ proceeding from, and passing out* Mark xi. 16, oux v(piiv 'Ivd Tis ^nviyKTi itksvos S/a tov Is^ou. 1 Cor. iii. 15, avTos Ss a'u^^o'iTai, ourus 5s us tia ^v^os- Heb. ix. 11, B/a t5Jj fjiju^ovos ffKTtvris ila-^xBiv us fd, ctyta. Hence, with reference to time, it denotes a period throughout, or after which an event took place ; as in Luke v. 5, 5/* okyis tTis wxros xo^idtravris. ovTiv Ixd^ofAiv. Gal. ii. 1, Vcrs/ra, ^id lixartartrdpuv \ruv, crdkiv dvi^tiv us *li^offoXu[jua.. See also Matt. xxvi. 61, Mark ii. 1, Acts i. 3, xxiv. 17, Heb. ii. 15. In a general sense, it denotes any cause whatso- ever, whether principal, ministerial, or instrumental, through the medium of which an action passes to its accomplishment. Thus in Matt. i. 22, ro pti^h v-ro rod Ku^i'ou S/a TOV 'r^o(priTov. Jolm i. 3, ^dvToc, Bi' xvtoZ lyiviTo. Acts iii. 16, h Tiffrts h 5/ auTov. 1 Cor. iii. 5, 'hidxovoi, 3/ uv Wiffrtvcran. xvi. 3, 3/' tTno-ToXuv rovrovs Tif^-^u, by means of letters of reconvmendation, not with letters : 2 Pet. i. 3, rov xaXia-avros '/ifids ^td ^o^tts xat d^irvs, by his glorious goodness. This last passage is rendered by Schleusner qui vos ad religiomm Christianam adduxit eo consi/io, ut consequamini felicitatem; 176 A GREEK GRAMMAR which cannot be correct, since the genitive never denotes 2. final cause.^ For other examples see Mark vi. 2, xvi. 20, Luke i. 70, John i, 17, Acts iv. 16, v. 12, viii. IS, XV. 23, xviii. 9, xix. 26, xxi. 19, Rom. i. 5, iii. 20, iv. 13, v. 1, 2, 1 1, xi. 35, 1 Cor. i. 9, vi. 14, Gal. i. 1, Heb. ii. 10. Sometimes ^genitive with lux. is used adverbially ; as in Heb. xii. 1, V iiTo/^ov^s, patiently. Compare Luke viii. 4, Acts xv. 27, Rom. viii. 25, Heb. xiii. 22, 1 Pet. v. 12. (2.) With an accusative, S/a denotes the impulsive or ihe final cause ; and signifies on account ofy because of ; as in Matt, xxvii. 18, S/a (p^flvflv '^a.^ituxav alnrov, Mark ii, 27, ro trdfifieiTev het rov av^^wrov lyinro, olx. ^ avB^wroi iici TO (Toififiarev. Compare, for the impulsive cause, Mark ii, 4, John xi. 42, xii. 9, 30, Rom. iii. 25, iv. 23, 24, xi. 28, xiii. 5, 1 Cor. xi. 23, Heb. ii. 9. In some cases the cause and the means are so closely allied, that ^/a may be rendered by means of; as in 1 Cor. vii. 5, 'Iva fih Trupd^v y^Sf larctva.s ^id T«y uK^aftav vfi-uv* Compare Xen. Mem. iii. 3. 15, ^schin. Dial. Socr. i. 2, Diog. L. vii. 1. 12, Longi Past. ii. p. 62.* Obs. 2. Kara, down., or down upon, signifies Xyu>. Gal. iv. 28, xard ^Iffadx. Compare Job i. 8, ix. 32, xii. 3, xiii. 15, Ecclus. X. 2, xxxvi. 23; and Lucian. Pise. 6. 12, Plat. Apol. 1, Arrian. Exp. iii. 27. To these may be added Matt. xix. 3, xard -raffav alrtav, for every reason; Rom. viii. 27, xard Qiov, according to God's will or appointment. Phil. iv. 11, ov xa^' vffrigytfftv xiyu, with respect to want, i.e., as if I were in want. See also Matt. 1 See Vitringa in Diss. iii. Lib. i. c. 7. p. 224. Suicer. Thes. i. p. 706. Pott, and Wolf ad 1. c. 2 Winer, §§ 51. i. 53, c. Alt, Gram. N. T. § 80, 1. Brunck ad Arist. Thesm. 414. Wyttenbach ad Plat. Op. Mor. ii. p. 2. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 177 ii. 16, ix. 29, xxiii. 3, Luke i. 18, ii. 29, xxiii. 56, Acts iii. 17, xviii. 14, xxvi. 5, Rom. viii. 1, ix. 5, xi. 28, xv. 5, 1 Cor. iii. 3, 2 Cor. vii. 9, 10, Gal. i. 11, iii. 15, Eph. iv. 24, 1 Tim. v. 21, 2 Tim. i. 1, 9, Tit. iii. 5, 1 Pet. i. 15, iv. 14. Thus it is that xctTu. with an accusative frequently supplies the place of an adjective or adverb ; as in Acts xviii. 15, roZ «a9-' ^^Sj, your law ; Rom. vii. 13, xaS-' ii'n^lioX.yiv af/.a^- ruXof, exceedrngly sinful; xi. 21, ruv xara, (fvffiv xXahuv, the natural branches. Com- pare Luke X. 31, Acts xiv. 20, xxv. 23, xxvii. 2, Rom. i. 15, et alibi. Lastly, with reference to tijne and place, and also with numerals, xara, implies distribution ; as in Luke ii. 41, xar "iros, yearly, from year to year ; viii. 1, 4, x-arci to).!)/, from city to city; John xxi. 25, x«:^' sv, singly, one by one. See also Matt. xxiv. 7, xxvi. 55, Luke xi. 3, xiii. 8, 22, Acts xv. 21, xx. 20, xxi. 19, xxii. 19, 1 Cor. xiv. 27, 31, Eph. v. 33, Tit. i. 5, Heb. ix. 5, 25; and compare 1 Sam. vii. 16, 2 Chron. ix. 24, Zech. xiv. 16, LXX.i Obs. 3. 'Tirs^, above, over, does not occur in the New Testament in its primitive local sense; from which it is readily applied, (1.) with a genitive, to what is done instead of, in lehalfof, in defence of, on account of, any object. Thus in Mark ix. 40, o; ycc^ ovx, 'iffrt xaS-' vfjcuv, vxio vfiuv iffriv. John Xviii. 14, ffvijt,<^'i^it 'iva avB^u- Tot aTo>^i(rBai i'r\^ rou Xaeiu. Acts V. 41, ^Ui^ovns, ort u'ri^ rov ovof^aros auroZ kuth^i- aSyia-av arifiUffBrivai. Rom. V. 6, X^iffros vtI^ affii-tuv o.'ffiBavi. 2 Cor. V. 20, i'Tsg X^ta-rod ^^itrjiivofAiv. Add Matt. V. 44, Luke ix. 50, xxii. 19, 20, John xi. 4, 50, Acts ix. 16, xxvi. 1, Rom. v. 7, 8, viii. 31, xiv. 15, xv. 8, 9, 1 Cor. xv. 3, 2 Cor. i. 6, V. 14, 15, 1 Thess. v. 10, 1 Tim. ii. 1, 6, Tit. ii. 14, Philera. 13, Heb. v. 1, 3, vii. 27, 1 Pet. ii. 21, 1 John iii. 16. It indicates a motive in Phil. ii. 13, v-zri^ rvis luloxiecf. Sometimes also it may be rendered concerniiig ; as in Rom. ix. 27, 'Ho-utas x^ec^ii vTip rou ^Iff^ccriX, 2 Cor. i. 8, ou BiXofji.iv vftjcis ayvoiTv VTTi^ rr,; Sx/'v/'$&/j yif/,Zvt See also 2 Cor. viii. 23, 2 Thess. ii. 1 ; and compare 2 Sam. xviii. 5, Tobit vi. 15, LXX. In the same sense the Latin super is used in Virg. JEn. i. 754, Multa super Priamo rogitans. (2.) With an accusative, wtrs^ denotes the place of dignity to which any one is raised ; as in Matt. x. 24, oux 'ia-rt fixB-nrh; y^s^ rev 'hi^oiffxaXov, Compare Eph. i. 22, Phil. ii. 9, Philem. 16. Closely analogous is its comparative import : as in Matt. X. 37, o (ptXuv -xarifa. >j f/,yiTifa utfi^ IfAt, oux ia-Tt f4,ou a^io;. Acts xxvi. 13, u^i^ rhv XufA-TrpoTyiTct rov hxlou ';ripiXuf/.-^oi,v [JjI (pug. So in 1 Cor. iv. 6, Gal. i. 14, Eph. iii. 20. Hence the use of this preposition with comparative adjectives ; of which see § 43. 3. There is an apparent confusion of ideas in 2 Cor. xii. 13, ri yap Iffriv, S iirrriBvrt v^\^ rocs Xoi^ras ixxXnalus, The direction of the action must clearly be considered as inverted ; and thus, though the expression is certainly ex- traordinary, it may be accounted for. Two manuscripts read ira^a.^ Of utI^, used adverbially, see § 65. Obs. 5. 2. In the New Testament jutsra, tte^I, and vito are also found with two cases only, though in other writers they take three cases after them. Obs. 4. MsT«, with, denotes society^ companionship ; but, whereas vvv with a dative indicates that which is, as it were, united with another object, ^sra with (1.) a geni- tive, denotes a somewhat looser connexion of various descriptions. Thus in Matt, viii. 11, a,vu.xXiBri(Tovro!.i fitr* 'A/3^aa,««. xii. 3, avro; xui ol fjctr uhrou, his companions ; xiii. 20, /ttsra X"^?^! XafifidvMV aur'ov. Luke XX. 28, o\ 'htafjcifjuivrixorii /Jbir Ifiou. Xxiv. 5, ri l^nrtTrt rov ^ayru fiirci ruv uxouv', Acts V. 26, tjyccytv ccvrovf, ou /Jtsrd fiiec;. xvii. 11, » Winer, §§ 51, k. 53, d. Alt, Gram. N. T. § 80, 2. Raphelius ad Rom. xv. 5. Wetstein and Kypke on Gal. iv. 28. Blomfield's JEach. Theb. 421. 2 Winer, § 51.1. 53, e. Alt, Gram. N. T. § 80, 3. Raphelius ad Rom. viii. 31. Wetstein ad 2 Thess. ii.l. N 178 A GREEK GRAMMAR ioi^avro rov Xoyov fAtrct 'Xairni "r^oB^vf^ieiS' 1 Cor. vi. 6, ahXus l^iTiiffaTi ?r«g/ Tov TTuth'ov. vi. 28, 9ri^i ivlvft-aros ti fAi^ifjc-vocTi* ix. 36, IcirXctyx^''''^*! 9ri^i auTuv. XX. 24, viyotva.KTyitru,v ?re^/ tuv ^vo ahxjf , during or at the reading, Phil. i. 3, It) Tucrri rv fivua, vfjL,uv, ai every remembrance, i. e. whenever I remember you. Sometimes it must be ren- dered after; as in Acts xi, 19, \t) ^r%(poiva), after the death of Stephen. Heb. ix. 17 n2 180 A GREEK GRAMMAR ^la^^Kt} yao l-r) vtK^oTf fi-fiaia, after men are dead. Compare Xen. Hell. iv. 4. 9, ^lian. V. H. iv. 5. (3) With an accusative, i-rt denotes motion or /ocal direction t/pon or towards an object ; as in Matt. ix. 18, IrBa rh x^''i"' '"^" ^'^' '^t'^''''- xiv. 19, avatcXiBnvKi l-rt rovg ^a^rayj. Luke iv. 25, lyiviro Kif/,os f/.iyas It) <7ra,au.v rhv y^iv. Even with verbs of rest^ the idea of motion is frequently included ; as in John i. 32, Kurx- fiaTvcv 'ifciiuv iv avrov. Combining a notion oi hostility, it should be rendered against; as in Matt. x. 21, I'^avocffr'/iffovrai riKva, ivi yovus. Compare Luke xii. 52. Hence, generally, it marks the end or object, towards virhich any action or feeling is directed. Thus in Matt. iii. 7, i^x^/^'^^ovs It) to fiu-rrterfio, airov, in order to receive his baptism, xiv. 14, iff-rXecy^viffBt} {•r* ecurovs, he had compassion upon them. Mark ix. 12, yiy^cfr- rui It) T6V vlov rod av^^ci^ou, with reference to the Son of Man. That, too, over which power is exercised, is marked by g[Ji,uov. Phil. iv. 18, ^i^dfitvoi Ta^' 'Ecraip^o'^irou ra. tcc^ vfJi,uv, See § 41, 6. This last passage affords an example of another cognate sense, in which this preposition indicates that which is connected with, or concerns any one. Hence the above formula tu, Tct^a nvos, the business or property of a person ; and, in the mas- culine, el Ta^d Ttvos, one's connexions or kinsmen, in Mark iii. 21. It will be ob- served that in the New Testament, as well as in other prose writings, Ta^a is usually prefixed to the names of animated existences. (2.) With a dative, -rx^oa denotes absolute proximity, and is to be rendered with, at, or near. Thus in Matt, xxii. 25, ^o-av To.^ hpi'Tv Itto. a,hX(po), living with us, or, in our neighbourhood. John xix. 25, IffT'^Kuerav Tu^a, tm ffrecv^Z. Acts ix. 43, (ji.uva.i Ta^d rivi ItfAuvi. 1 Cor. xvi. 2, rSiru Tao* iocuru, at home. Compare Lucian, D. D. xxvi. 3. Frequently it is applied in a /ro;>jca/ sense ; as in Matt. xix. 16, Tccfd avB^uTots touto ahuvarov icrrt, Tct^d. Bs ^lu Tuvra "^uvard, lirrt. Luke i. 30, iv^i$ ^a^^v Toc^d rZ Stu. So in Luke ii. 52, Rom. ii. 11, et alibi. In similar expressions it may sometimes be rendered be- fore, i. e. in the presence of, or in the judgment of; as in Rom. xi. 25, ?ra^' lavroTg jv. Compare Xen. Cyr, ii. 4. 17, Polyb. i. 50. 1. It follows a verb of motion in Luke xix. 37, lyyi^ovres 3t avrov ij}ri T^of rn »a.ra(iaru rov o^ovg. Perhaps it should be rendered, As he drew near the city, being at the foot of the mount. Another reading is rhv xarcc(iKiriv. (3.) The primary import of -r^os appears in its construction with an accusative ; as in Matt. iii. 5, i^tToptviro -r^os oclrov. John xx. 10, ocxnXBov -^r^os lauTovi, to their own homes, 1 Thess. ii. 6, Ik^ovrog T^h ^^a? a.v xa^rifAivog, 1 Cor. X. 11, \y^a,(^n '^T^og vov^ieriav hfJt-uv. That which is of concern or importance to any one is so indicated; as in the expression, rl T^og fj/Aag -, what is that to us ? See Matt, xxvii. 4, John xxi. 22, 23 ; and compare Polyb. v. 36. 8, Diod. Sic. i. 72. Hence such periphrases as those in Luke xix. 32, ra -r^og u^vvnv, things which tend to peace, i. e. peace itself. Acts xxviii. 10, ra v^og rhv %gs/ay, necessaries. After substantives and adjectives it is constantly used in its appropriate signification; as in Luke xxiii. 12, h Ix^Z^ ovrig /u,uv, with reference to, or because of, your hardness of heart. In definitions of time it signifies towards as in Luke xxiv. 29, T^og U-ri^av la-n. A period of short duration is indicated by the phrase vr^og xat^ov, or -^r^og u^av, which occurs in Luke viii. 13, John v. 13, Gal. ii. 5, et alibi. There are occasional instances in which -r^cg is found with an accu- 1 Winer, h\ 51, b. 52, d. 53, g. Alt, § 81, 3. Heindorf ad Plat. Phad. p. 216. Schajfer ad Dion. Hal. p. 117. 182 A GREEK GRAMMAR sative after verbs implying rest ; but the idea of motion is generally, though not always, included; as in Matt. iii. 10, >j}yi 5s xa.) h a,^lvv\ -r^os rhv pt^av ruv Wivl^uv ztirai. Compare Matt. xiii. 56, xxvi. 18, 55, Mark iv. 1, ix. 10, Luke xxii. 56, Acts v. 11, 1 Cor. xvi. 6, 7, 10, and elsewhere. So Diod. Sic. i. 77, Diog. L. i. 37. ^ Obs. 4. Although several of the prepositions, in their primary significations, express ideas not very distinct from each other ; still the difference is sufficiently perceptible to render the investigation of their various relations a desirable pursuit. Thus the four prepositions, which more directly express the general idea of motion from a place, uto, Ik, j in Mark xiii. 14: and al^a tre^i iraXX^v Ix^v- vofjiivov in Matt. xxvi. 28, with to ^onn^iov , xa) rris l^ovffias rod laroLva, iTri rov ©sflv. See also Acts vii. 38; and compare Aristot. Eth. Nic. vii. 11. 1, x. 9. 1, Diod. Sic. V. 31, Diog. L. prooem. 6, Strabon. xvi. 778. D, Chrysost. xxiii. p. 277. It is also to be observed that the preposition is seldom repeated before a relaiivef which is in the same case with its antecedent' Thus in Luke i. 25, h hf^i^ats, aTs tTil- hy X. r. X. So Acts xiii. 2, 39. Compare Xen. Anab. v. 7. 17, Conv. iv. 1, Plat. Legg. ii. 5, x. 15, xii. 7, Phsed. 21, Pausan. ix. 39. 4, Dim. Hal. i. 69. There are a few cases where the preposition is repeated ; as in John iv. 53, b Ixuvi^ ry nffav rhv i^u^^kv ^dXafffctv, as ^la. ^v^as. On the other hand, a different preposition accompanies the same noun in order to express a different relation ; as in Rom. iii. 22, "hixaiotrvvvt Biou S/a -Trlarieas 'invov Xotffrov us trdvrccs xa) itt) •xdvr&s rovs ^/ffrtvovraS' xi. 36, 1^ aurou xa) }/ ai/rou, xat us etvrov ra, ^dvra. Gal. i. 1, ScjeoffroXos ovk ocjt avS-pu^av, oi/Ti h' dv^pu-xov. See also 1 Cor. viii. 6, xii. 8, 2 Cor. iii. 11, Eph. iv. 6, Col. i. 16, 2 Pet. iii. 5. The same mode of ex- pression is also found in classical Greek; particularly in the later writers. Thus in Heliod. ii. 25, ?rgo -xavruv xa) W) trao'/y. Philostr. V. Apoll. iii. 25, rohs Itt) ^akdrTvi rn kk) iv BciXdrry. Acta Ignat. h' ou xec) /xsS' ov rw ^arp) h Vo^a? § 66. — Of the Negative Particles, (Buttm. § 148.) 1. Of the two simple negative particles, ov and (^rt, the former conveys a direct and absolute denial ; the latter that which is merely mental or conditional. Accordingly ov is used : — 1. With single verbs, substantives, or adjectives, which, with the negative, form only one idea, and that very frequently directly opposite to the import of the word itself. Thus in Matt. xxiv. 22, o^ waaoc ooip^, no flesh ; ^ Winer, § 54, 7. Stallbaum ad Plat. Sympos. p. 104, ad Gorg. pp. 38. 112. 247. Ast ad Plat. Legg. ii. 5. Schffiier ad Dion, de Comp. v. p. 325, Melet. p. 124. Herm. ad Vig. p. 854. 2 Winer, 6 54. 1, 6. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 185 Luke XV. 13, /xet' oh 'jroWais r^ixspoLs, after a few days ; xxi. 9, ovx. zv'bicos, at a distant period ; Acts xvii. 4, 12, ovK okiyoi, many ; xix. 35, ou yivuaKEi, is ignorant ; xx. 12, ov ixiT^lcosy exceedingly; Rom. i. 13, otJ ^aXw, lam unwilling. See also Gal. iv. 27, Eph. v. 4, Hcb. xi. 35, 1 Pet. i. 8, et alibi. Here also belongs the citation from Deut. xxxii. 21, in Rom. x. 19, lyoo 'Koc.Q^aiC^rikuGca vyJas lit ovx. E^vsi. Compare Rom. ix. 25, 1 Pet. ii. 10. 2. In propositions, where any thing is directly denied; as in Matt. v. 16, ovk riX^ov xara\va-xi. xiii. 28, ^iXsif ovy awsXS'ovTss- avXKs^cofxsv avrd. ; o ^s £(p73, Ov. Xxi. 27, ^Tttov, ovy. oCBccyi^y. John i. 21, ripur'naoLv avrov, 'Hx/ar gf (TV', xat Xeyej, Oi^'x B\y^i. 'O 7rpo<^rirr]s sT au ; xa\ dTrExpi^n, Ov. This is the case, where the negation is positive, even in conditional sentences ; as in 1 Cor. ii. 8, si yoiq eyvcucroiVj ovk oiv rov xvpiov rvis ^o^ns hravqcoatxv. 3. In the sermo obliquus, and when on is used with a finite verb;, as after verbs implying knowledge, belief, &c., ov is still used, where the statement involves a direct negation ; as in Matt. xvi. 11, irous ov vo^tn, ori ov in^X aprov elTTov vfjuv ; Luke viii. 47, l^ova-ac ^s ^ yvvh on ovx, fXaS's. John iv. 17, xolKus eT7ra.S, on av^poc oux ^i%oo. ix. 31, oI'^a/UiEV on txfxocqrcoKuv o 0£O5- ovx dxovst. Acts xxvi. 26, Xacv^oivEiv yap avrov n rovrcov ov Trsi^oixaci ov^iv. The usage, however, in these cases is somewhat arbitrary ; since the proposition may generally be treated as a mental conception. Thus in Acts xxv. 24, sTrifiooovrcs fjt^Yi ^stv ^riv avTov (xrixen. 2. On the other hand, fj^rj is used in all independent sen- tences, containing a wish, jjrohibition, petition, or the like, with an imperative, conjunctive, or optative. Thus in Matt, i. 20, fX'h (^o^vihris. V. 17, /x-^ vofj-iainrs on ^x9-ov xarxXvcron rov v6iJ,ov. vi. 19, (Jt^T) S^ajdatz/Ji^ers vfxXy ^na-acv^ovf eirl t^s yr^s. Mark xi. 14, f/.'/iXETt EX GOV slf rov aicovcf (AnleU xocqTTov (paiyot. Luke xx. 16, fATi ysyotro. Acts i. 20, /xtj sarcfj o xxroixuv ev avrr]. Rom. xiv. 16, ptrJ) ^\xa-(py]fjt.sia^co ovv vixcuv ro dy»^6v. Sometimes the verb is not expressed, as in John xiii. 9, Kupie, (Mrt rom ttoIocs ixov pcovov, scil. ^/i-^Tis. Compare Eph. v. 15, Col. iii. 2, James i. 22, et alibi. It is not used in probitions with ^future indicative in the New Testament. Obt. 1. The distinction between ou and ^^, and the conditional import of the latter, will readily appear from the following examples : Mark xii. 14, 'iliffri xhirov 186 A GREEK GRAMMAR Kala-ei^i ^ouvect, veil; IZfiiv, vi fAn^oJfjt,iv', where the first clause puts the question of tribute in a positive^ and the latter in a speculative form. John iii. 18, h 'TritfTivuv SIS avrov oh x^ivirar o Ti f/,f) -rKTrivuv i^ln xiKotrat, ort [Jt.n •^I'^rlixriVKiv x. r. X. Here eu K^inrai simply denies the believer's liability to condemnation ; whereas o //,*> Tiffnvcov indicates a supposed, not a definite, individual, and fjtM et /x>j. Schaefer. Melet. Cr. pp. 71. 91. Stallbaum ad Plat. Phaed. pp. 43. 144. liermaua. ad Soph. CEd. T. 5(i8. Aj. 76. Schaefer ad Demosth. in div. loc, Fritzsche ad Matt. xxvi. 42. Passov. Lex. iu vv ov et (/.ri. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 187 are used, the former alone is interrogative, and the latter belongs to the verb; as in Horn. x. 18, 19, /xtj OVA rjKou(Ta,y ; iJ^vi oun 'lyvcu ^lo'qocn'k', Add 1 Cor. ix. 4, 5, xi. 22 ; and compare Judg. xiv. 3, Jerem. viii. 4, LXX, Ignat. Ep. ad Trail. 5. c. After the conditional particles si, loiv, whence el /tx,'^, except. Thus in Matt. v. 20, lav peri TrepiaasudYt w ^ixato- (jvvn vyLwv X. T. X. Mark vi. 5, el /A'^ oXiyois appojarois £7rt3"£i$- ras %eT§as". Luke ix. 13, ovx. slatv ^/xTv vcXziov ^ TTEvrs aproi xat ^vo /p^S'Z'ss-, el fJLinrt TTopsv^ivrsf dyopd^ajfjiEV. John XV. 24, e! rd egya fxri eTToima, Compare Mark xii. 19, John XV. 4, 2 Cor. xiii. 5, Gal. i. 7, James ii. 17. Here also belongs the elliptical phrase el ^e /xo^ye. Matt. ix. 17, oy^e ^cxXKovGiv ofvov vsov els- daxovs TTokociovs' ei II /mriye, x. r. X. Add Matt. vi. 1, Luke x. 6, xiii. 9, xiv. 32, John xiv. 11, Kev. ii. 5. It is not, however, to be denied that o^ is very frequently found after e/. But it will be seen that, in such cases, the two particles have no connexion, and ov either coalesces with the verb so as to form a single and opposite idea, or conveys a di- rect and absolute negation to the entire period. In- stances of the former alternative are Matt. xxvi. 24, el oux. iyevv^S'a), if he were unborn ; 42, e! ov ^^'arcct, if it is impossible ; John v. 47, el oJ ^io-reiJeTe, if ye disbelieve. When it combines with the whole clause, it is not a condition which is represented by et, but a positive denial or exception indicated by ov. Thus in Luke xi. 8, Et xal ov ^cuasi ocuto) dvarsrocs, though he will not rise up to give him; 1 Cor. ix. 2, el oiXkois ovx. el/xt dTrouroKof, dXKd ys vyuy s\(ai. To one or other of the above cases may also be referred Luke xii. 26, xiv. 26, xvi. 11, 12, 31, xviii. 4, John i. 25, x. 37, 1 Cor. xi. 6, xv. 13, sqq. 29, 32, xvi. 22, Rev. xx. 15. Compare Diog. L. i. 8. 5, ii. 5. 16, Sext. Empir. adv. Math. xii. 5, ^sop. F. vii. 4, Aristid. Orat. i. 56. d. After relatives used in a conditional or indefinite sense, and with the article, when, with its adjective or par- ticiple, it may be resolved by a relative. Thus in Matt. X. 28, /x-^ ^o/3io9">9Tc duo rcuv TYiV ^l^v^rtv y^'Ti ^vvacfxivco:/ dito- xreTvat. xi. 6, (XQixdpios IcrriVj bV sdv ixrt (jKocv^ocXia^Yi iv epco/. xii. 30, 6 lATo avvdyooy /xer' e/utoi), aKopTTi^si. Mark vi. 11, 188 A GREEK GRAMMAR oaoi av tx'h ^E^wvrai vi^as, x. r. X. John V. 23, o ixri ri/xouv Tov uVoVj ov rifMgc rov ^ccr'spx. Col. ii. 18, a /xt? eo/^axev e/x/Sa- TEvcuv. Tit. i. 1 1, ^t^acrxovTSf a /xoi ^eu So with the parti- ciple only ; as in Matt. ix. 36, 9r§6/3ara /a-^ gj^ovra TroifMevoc. Compare Matt. iii. 10, xiii. 19, xviii. 13, xxii. 24^ xxv. 29, Mark xi. 23, Luke viii. 18, ix. 5, x. 10, John xii. 48, XV. 2, Acts iii. 23, Eom. xiv. 3, 1 Cor. vii. 29, Col. i. 23, 2 Thess. i. 8, 2 Pet. i. 9, Rev. iii. 15. It frequently happens, however, that, to maintain a negative assertion with greater assurance, oD is employed in a relative sentence. Thus in Matt. x. 26, oiJ^ev yag san xexaXf/x- fjiivov, oux. oc7roxa\v(p^Yi iithircc "^aaiv d^£.xXuv, we are not able not to declare, i. e. we must declare. Here the negatives belong to difTerent verbs ; and it happens much more frequently, that two negatives, joined to the same verb, render the negative stronger. Thus in Mark v. 37, ovk aip)j»iv ollivoi, avru ffuvaxoXou^^a'ai. John XV. 5, x'^f'i '^/^"^ "^ ^tjvata<. See ^ Winer, § 57, 6. Fritzche ad Matth. Excurs. i. Lucke's Comment, on John, ii. \ 144. Tholuck on John xv. 16, Rom. v. 20. Alt, Gram. N. T. § 85, 4. Hermann. [ ad Viger. p. 852. ' 2 Winer, § 57, 4. Alt, Gram. N. T. § 85, 7. Kuinoel ad Luc. vii. 47, Acts i. 17. Passov. Lex. in V. er/. Wahl in v. oVa»;. J92 A GREEK GRAMMAR also Luke xi. 8, xvii. 2, xviii. 4, Kom. xl. 17, 1 Cor. ix. 2. Sometimes it indicates the event, and may be rendered tJiat or whether ; as in Mark xv. 44, kh(xviMO(.(TQcv el v,ln rkh- yYiXs. John ix. 25, el ufxacqrcoXoi sariv, ouk oJ^x. Also, as an interrogative particle it denotes whether. Thus in Matt, xii. 10, E7rripcuTin(j(Xv ocvrov Xfyo vres". El e^sgti rois crcx-^^ocji S'e^a- TTBVEiy; Luke xiii. 23, el oXlyoi ol (ju^ofMEMoi; Add Matt, xxvii. 49, Mark iii. 2, viii. 23, Luke vi. 7, xxii. 49, xxiii. 6, Acts i. 6, vii. 1, x. 18, xvii. 11, xix. 2, xxi. 37, xxii. 25, J Cor. i. 16, vii. 16; and compare Gen. xvii. 17, xliii. 6, 1 Kings xiii. 14, 2 Kings xx. 20, Ruth i. 19, Job v. 5, LXX. This use of si in direct questions is not found in the earlier Greek writers.^ OIjs. In oaths and solemn assertions, the particle £« has sometimes the force of a negative ; as in Mark viii. 12, a/u.riv 'K%yu vfjuv, il ^oBriCtron rri yivia, TaJry trnfjciTov. (Compare Matt. xii. 39, xvi. 4, Luke xi. 29.) Heb. iii. 11, iv. 3, us u^ocra. h rn cpyvi [Mv, il ilffO.ivffovrat us rijv Kxrd-x'a.vffiv /^ov. This is an Hebraism, arid occurs ])eut. i. 35, I Sam. iii. 17, 2 Sam. iii. 35, Ps. Ixxxviii. 35, xciv. 11, cxxxii. 44. The form is in fact elliptical, and is given in full in Exod. xiv.'16, ^u iyu, il vlo) »j Buyoc- ripis ffuB'/iirovrai. Very similar is Aristoph. Equit. 2, lav ^>j «•' lx(f>vyu, ohVi-zon p>tu- aoyi.a.1. So in Latin, Cic. Papist. Fam. ix. 15. 7, moriar, si habeo. On the other hand, lav /uch is sometimes used in the LXX as an affirmative ; but it is very injudi- cious to explain such passages as Mark iv. 22, x. 30, 2 Thess. ii. 3, by this idiom. The latter involve an ellipsis, which is readily supplied from the context j and in the former, the relative is followed by lav according to common usage.* etteI, e92'£»^7]. See § 55. 1. £av, >5v, oTav, oTToTav, ETTEiEdv, See § 55. 2. and § 56. 7j, or, and, after a comparative, than, requires no illustration. It is never used for xa/, as some have thought it to be; though, in the very nature of things, the employment of either particle, in a variety of passages, may be indifferent, and therefore equivalent. See Luke xx. 2 (compare Matt, xxi. 23), Acts i. 7, Eph. v. 3, et alibi. In 1 Cor. xi. 27, xal is a various reading : and other instances in which the particles have been interchanged by the copyists, are John viii. 14, 1 Cor. xiii. 1. Sometimes the two particles 9j xa», or even, are united; as in Luke xviii. 11, Rom. ii. 15, 2 Cor. i. 13. In a double question, yi introduces the second member, either with or without an interrogative * Winer, § 61, 2. Alt, Gram. N. T. § 84. Bornemann. ad Xen. Apol. Socr. 5. p. 39. Wahl de il et us in N. T. usu. 2 \Yiner, § 59, «, Obs. Alt, Gram. N. T. § 83, 6. Bos Ellips. Gr. p. 803. Wahl Lex. in v. idv. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 193 particle in the preceding clause. Thus in Luke xx. 4, TO l2d.7rTia-f/.oe. 'lojxvvou s'^ oupccvov riv, tj e^ dy^pcoTTcuv ', 1 Cor. i. 13, fji^ TlavKo^ sdTacvpco^'/i virlp vixuv, ^ c\s to ovopca YlxuXou s^xTTTia-^nrs ; See also Mark iv. 30, Luke xiv. 31, xv. 8, XX. 2, Rom. ii. 4, 1 Cor. ix. 5, Gal. i. 10, James iii. 12. Where there is only a simple question, the former mem- ber may be considered as suppressed; as in Matt. xx. 15, ^ ovK E^sa-rl (xoi TToirjUQci o ^eXco iv rors" sfxoT^ ; So in Matt. vii. 9, xii. 29, Rom. vii. 1, xi. 2, 1 Cor. x. 22, xi. 14, 2 Cor. xiii. 5. Once only r, is repeated, namely, in 1 Cor. xiv. 36, h a.Qp' z5/xa/v 6 Xhyos rot) 0£oi} Vz^y^zv, ^ sts" i^/xSi" ixq^jovs nocrriy' TYtazv; Of rjToi, with r, following, there is an example in Rom. vi. 16.^ Kai, and, has the same uses in the New Testament which ob- tain in other writers. Thus it is used, though its con- junctive force is still apparent, as a particle of time : — Mark xv. 25, ^v ^s aiq» r^irvi, y.oc\ larxvpojaa.\ ocvroy. Add Matt. xxvi. 2, 45, Luke v. 17, xix. 43, xxiii. 44, Acts v. 7. So Plat. Symp. p. 220. C. '^^03 ^v jU,E(Tr)/x,^§/a, xa*^ h^pcoTtoi ^(T^a'vovTo. In comparative sentences: — Acts vii. 51, us ol 'TTaripss vfxcov, xocl vfxsTs, i. e. ovrco xa,i vixst^ sTroiYiaars. See also Matt. vi. 10, John vi. 57, xx. 21, and elsewhere; and so Thucyd. viii. 1, o/s- s^o^sv ccvrois, kou sttoIouv ra,uTx. In questions, where it marks a strong emphasis : — Mark x. 26, xat TiV ^uvaroci (7a;3'^vai; 2 Cor. ii. 2, xxi rU eariy £u- (pqxivcov fxs ; Also before imperatives ; as in Luke xii. 29, xal v/j,cTs- per] ^rireTrs I'l (pgcyTjrs, k. t. X. It is frequently ex- planatory, and may be rendered even^ namely ; as in the expressions, S-soV xal Trocrri^, hcos y.ou a-corvip. See above, § 29. Thus also Matt. xiii. 41, auWs^ouaiv Ttdvroc tx ay.d,\- ^otXa. xcci rous TTOiovvTx^ rrtv dvofxixv. John X. 12, 6 fj^Lrr^ajrof, xacl oun a>v TTolfj^Yiv. In such explanations, however, xocl often adds something stronger to what precedes ; as in 1 Cor. ii. 2, ov ya.0 sy.pivoc rov Ei^ivcci tI iv z^ptTv, el (xy) 'lina-ovv ^piarov, Kou rouTov ia-ravocofxiyov. It has, moreover, the sense of aho, likewise ; as in Mark xii. 22, gj^^araj Trx^ruy dTri^avs x^i Yi yuvYi. Luke xii. 35, kx{i y.ou Y) xocp^ia. CfJiouy aarai. But, besides these ordinary usages of xai, there are others, which, though not perhaps wholly unexampled in pure ^ Winer, § 57, 3. Alt, t^bi supra. Passov. Lex. in voc. w. O 194 A GREEK GRAMMAR Greelv, seem rather to have originated with the antithetic import of the Hebrew \ Thus it frequently signifies but, and yet; as in Matt. vi. 26, ra Trsretva ov ffTTEipouinv, ov^e ^spi- ^ouaiv, xccl TTarrip vixaiv rpi(pEi avra.. xi. \7 , rivX'no-afjt.EV vfjuy, Kocl ovy. apy^Yi'yscd^E' i^p7iyYi(JX(/.EV vfjJiv, kou ouk SHOvI/aaS'e. Add Matt. i. 25, vii. 26, x. 29, 39, xii. 5, 35, 39, 43, John iii. 14, 32, viii. 49, ix. 30, xx. 29. On the other hand, it may sometimes be rendered 7ior ; as in Matt. x. 26, John xii. 40, Kom. ii. 27, 2 Cor. xii. 21, et alibi. Its frequent use after iysvaro, it came to pass j is also a Hebraism. See Matt. ix. 10, Luke v. 17, vi. 1, viii. 1, Acts v. 7; and com- pare Deut. ii. 16, 17, Josh. xvii. 13, Judg. xiii. 20, 1 Sam. xiii. 22. With respect to the repetition of the copula, the double xccl is found in Luke xxii. 33, Kv^is, pcsra aov sroiixos slfxi xat sh (puKaycYiv kolI sir 3"avaTov iro^zvza'^a.i. So in John ix. 37, Acts xxvi. 29, Rom. xi. 33, et alibi. Instead of which, rs is followed by kocI, in Luke ii. 16, Acts xx. 21, et scppias. In Acts xxvi. 16, tc is doubled. Sometimes also, xa/ is combined with other particles ; but it is only necessary to notice xocl ^s, and besides^ which frequently occurs in the New Testament with the intervention of one or more words between them, as in other writers. Thus in Jolm vi. 51, kyco sl/xi ocpros o (^cuV lav rif (pdyri ex rourou tov oiprou, (^rj(Tsroci eU tov alcDva* xi a(pe3"'3i(TeTat ocvro}, outs ev rourco rci oclcuyL, outs h tco pcsXXovTj. So in Luke ix. 3, 1 Tim. i. 7, James v. 12. Occasionally also outb or fx-nrs is referred to a simple oh or |M,79, which has the import of ovre or (j.-nrs ; as in John i. 25, si au ouk ef o ^^laros, ours 'Hx/as-, oute h 7rpo(py\rns, So in Eph. iv. 27, Rev. v. 4, vii. 1, ix. 20, 21, XX. 4. ou — ov^l, iJ^ri — /xoo^e. Matt. vi. 26, ou aTTEipoua-iv, ov^h ^spi- i^ov(Jiv, ouoe avvsiyoutJiv £i$" dTTo'^inKocf. x. 9, fMri xroojyjaS'e Xpvaov, perils apyu^ov, fAin^s xxXytov, vt. r. "K. So Matt. V. 15, vi. 25, 28, vii. 6, 18, x. 14, xii. 19, xxiii. 9, Mark xiii. 15, 32, xiv. 68, Luke vi. 44, xiv. 12, xvii. 23, John i. 13, iv. 15, xiii. 16, xiv. 17, Acts iv. 18, ix. 9, Rom. ii. 28, vi. 12, ix. 11, xiv. 21, 2 Cor. iv. 2, Col. ii. 21, 1 Tim. i. 4. Sometimes there is no incipient ou or /XT), as in Mark viii. 26, /xTj^e z\s rriv xcc^/x^jv slniX- S-rir, ixfi^l sIVips- TivX Iv rr^ xai/jiri. There are a few in- stances in which oure or fjL-nrs follows ou^s and fjirt^L Thus in Acts xxiii. 8, Xoc^^ouxaXoi, Xiyoua-i ixr\ ^1\oli dvx- (Tra,aiv, /xa)5a ayyeKov fxrira TTviviJ^oi. In such cases it should seem that there are two references ; that of fxri^s to /xr/, and that of /xtIte to the second /xri com- prised in fxri^E : and the explanation is confirmed by the fact that, in the present instance, «/x(p6re§af in the next clause evidently indicates only two articles of belief, namely, a resurrection, and the existence of immaterial spirits, which are subdivided into angels and sjnrits. Compare Gal. i. 12, 1 Thess. ii. 3. Some passages also occur with ours or pc/jre, where ouls or pcoo^s would rather be expected ; as in Mark iii. 20, ucm (/.'h cuvaca^oci ccuroui (xinrs aproy (payen/. V. 3, xai ourz akuaeaiv ozJ^els" 'h'^ aurov J^(T«i. Luke xii. 26, gl ouy ours eXux^ttov ^ovocj^s, x. t. X. In 1 Cor. iii. 2, some manuscripts read ou^e, and the correctness of the text may probably be questioned in the generality of such cases. Sometimes, however, it seems to be immaterial whether ouce or oute, fMvi^z or /jltjts were employed. Thus in Matt. xxiv. 20, Trqo'jEux^a^E Ss "vx fXYi yivftToti Vi (puyvi u[Acuv x^i/jLuyos, ptoj^e iv aa/S/Saro;. See also Matt. xxii. 29, xxv. 13, 2 Pet. i. 8, I John iii. 18; and compare Matt. x. 9 with Luke ix. 3. 198 A GREEK GRAMMAR Instead of a repetition of ours, the second member of the sentence has sometimes an affirmative copula ; as in John iv. 11, oiyrs avr'Kni/.a, ex^J$^, xax to (ppioc^ sari ^oc^v. 3 John 10, ovTS avros' iTTi^E^erat rot/r a^eXcpowi", Kocl Toui' ^ovXofxivou^ xcoXevei. Compare Aristot. Rhet.^ ii. 16, Lucian. D. M. xiv. 1, Philost. V. Apoll. ii. 24. This copula is sometimes to be understood negatively; as in James iii. 14, /w^yj xaranayx^^^s ^** •J/ej^^saS'e. See also Matt. xiii. 15, Mark iv. 1*2, John xii. 40, Acts xxviii. 27, 2 Cor. xii. 21, Gal. iii. 28; and compare Diod. Sic. ii. 48, Sext. Emp. adv. Math. ii. 20.^ 'AxXa is used simply as a disjunctive particle, implying contra- distinction or opposition ; and hence it is used in a series of questions involving distinct or opposite ideas ; as in Matt. xi. 7, t/ £^>)X3"£T£ eIs- t^v Epriixov S'eao-a^rS'ai ; ytaXaiAov V7I0 avs^ov (yaXBUofjisvov ; dXka. rl l^73X3"srs l^siv ; ay^pcuTTov Iv IXQLkoLKois l/LLocrloi^ rif/.(piE(T(jt.&voy ; (xkXoi t/ s^YiK^sTs \osiv ; Trpo' (piOTTiv ; vocl Xsyco vfjfiv, yaxi Trspia-a-orsqov Trqaiprirou. Compare Luke xvii. 7, 8, Heb. iii. 16. Hence also its use in intro- ducing an objection, or a series of objections ; as in Horn. x. 16, sqq., 1 Cor. xv. 35. Compare Xen. Cyrop. i. 3. 11, Mem. i. 2. 9. It is found in the conclusion, after condi- tional particles, to mark an opposition, or superaddition to the subject of a former clause ; as in Rom. vi. 5, el yap o'vfji,(puroi yayovxijisv ro) o(jioiui{Jiia,rx- ^Y^bi. Add Matt. ix. 18, Mark ix. 22, xvi. 7, Acts xxvi. 16; and compare Xen. Cyr. i. 5. 13, ii. 2. 4, v. 5. 24, Ar- * Winer, § 59, 6. Alt, Gram. N. T. § 83, 5. Engelhardt ad Plat. Lach. pp. 64, 69. Stallbaum ad Phileb. p. 3 1 . Gataker in Advers. Misc. ii. 2, p. 268. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 199 rian. Alex. v. 26. Preceded by a negative, it may some- times be rendered except ; as in Matt. xx. 23, oux eanv Efxov ^ovvoct, aX\' off riToi/xxa-raiy except to those. So in Herod, i. 193, y^picuvrai ^s ou^sv EKa'ico, aXX' ax, rouv (y/iO'diJicov TToiEvvTss. Compare Mark ix. 8 with Matt. xvii. 8. At the same time, dxXa. is not convertible with si [j,r,, but some word must be supplied or repeated ; and so ^oS-'^- ffsrai will complete the sense in Matt. 1. c. Nor indeed is dXXoi ever put for other particles, as 7a§, ^s, ovy/, &c. ; but in all the passages which have been adduced in sup- port of such an alleged interchange, its adversative import is clearly apparent; as, for instance, in Rom. v. 14, 15, vii. 7, 1 Cor. ii. 9, xv. 10, 2 Cor. viii. 7, Eph. v. 24, et alibi. Sometimes o^x' is omitted in the reply to a negative ques- tion before dXKx. Thus in John viii. 48, fju-n ns sk rajv dp- ^ovTCfjy ETTiaTauaBV sh avrov ; aXX' o o'^Xos ovro^ x. r. X. So in 1 Cor. X. 20. In connexion, aXX* ^ signify but rather, but only ; as in Luke xii. 51, ^oxerrf ori eI^tjvoov irapzysvoixr^v ^ov- vat £v TT) yr\ ; ov"/), Xsyco v/jl,Tv, dXX^ ^ ^lacfAspiaixov. See also 1 Cor. iii. 5, 2 Cor. i. 13. Where the opposition between the clauses of a sentence is sufficiently apparent, dXXd is sometimes left out ; as in John iv. 22, ufxeHf Tr^o^jxyvstrs o ouK oI'^aTS* 7)iJi.e7f 7r^o<7xvyov/j,ev o oY^ccfxsv, So in John ii. 10, Heb. iv. 15.^ See also § 69. v. 2. 2. Obs. It has been laid down as a rule by some commentators, that in many sen- tences, which contain a negative followed by aXXoi, the denial is rather comparative than absolute; but it roust always be borne in mind that, in all such cases, a negative clause is employed with a view to make the opposed affirmation more em- phatically prominent. Thus in Matt. x. '20, ou ya^ vf^sTs i7si ti iv ocvTY]. Acts viii. 22, ^sYi^nri rov (^EOv, el aqac oi(pF.^ria-sroil aot 7) ETTivoioc rr,s xxq^ias aov. Xvii. 27, ^^inraTv rov 0eov, el apa. ye \|/7)Xa(p^crctav avrov. Compare Numb. xxii. ^11, LXX. As an interrogative particle, apac (with a circumflex) oc- curs singly, and with the same combinations. Thus in Matt, xviii. 1, rU apex, ijlsi^cov etrrtv ; Luke xviii. 8, TrXrtv vVos rov av^qcuTTov iX^aiv apa. evqri^si rriv Tilariv IttI rris yr,s ; Acts vii. 1, si acqix ravra. ovrcos e'x^t ; viii. 30, cx^x ye yivwGKeiS ' Winer, ubi supra. 202 A GREEK GRAMMAR oi dvayivcucTiiEi^ ; Gal. ii. 17, £t ^e zv^Bhmy.zv a-ixxprcoXol, apa. X§io-TOf ocixa^rUs ^taxovoj- ; And with a negative in Acts xxi. 38j ouK ccqx 05c ttjJ TTocp- ^e'voy, Ma^ia'pt. In like manner the name follows ycxXziahoci or Xiy-co-'^ai in the nominative; as in Matt. x. I, 1,'nxuv o Xsyo/XEvos" IIsV^o.c. Luke ix. 10, ttoKsojs Kxhouy-ivris Bo^S^dal'^a. Evidently opos is to be repeated in Luke xix. 29, sis- to opr TO xxXovixzvov 'EXaciuiv. So also in Acts i. 12. Even where the accusative would properly have been employed, the nominative is sometimes found. Thus John xiii. 13, (pw- vcTte /x£, lild(7)caXof. Similar examples occur in the LXX and the ecclesiastical writers ; as 1 Sam. ix. 9, rm 7rpo(prjrriv sxaXej 6 Xaor £/x?7'^oj3"ev o ^KiTrcuv. Theodoret. iii. 241, rriv ^£os' Trqoariyo^iacv. Add iv. 454. 1304. There is also, it may be remarked, another mode, in which persons are indicated by name, where the name is put in apposi- tion with the preceding noun, and ovo/xaTt is added in the dative. Luke i. 5, Upsvi^ rif 6v6/j.octi ILccyjx.ploi.s , Acts xxi. 10, '^^oipyirryj^ ho^o^n '^ Ay x^os. Compare Acts ix. II, 12, xviii. 2, xix. 24, xxvii. 1, xxviii. 7.^ ixeKXco. K future is frequently made up of ixeWcj and an iiifi- nitive of the present, aorist, or future, corresponding with the \^2ilmfuturus sum, and to be expressed in English by about to do, intending, is to be, &c. Thus in Matt. ii. 13, txiX'Kzi ^r3T£n/ to Trat^/ov, is about to seek, or intends to seek ; xi. 14, oiuros hanv Wxtocs h [AsXXcov £^5(,e'T3"«t, tvho was to corne ; Luke vii. 2, ripofXXs TeXs^T^v, was about to die, i. e. was at the point of death; Acts xi. 28, X/ptov pcEyav iMiw^iy £ff£(T^a<, simply that there would be. Add Matt. xvi. 27, Luke xix. 11, xxiv. 21, John iv. 47, vi. 15, Acts iii. 3, xvi. 27, xxi. 27, Gal. iii. 23, llev. i. 16, ii. 10, iii. 2, 10, 16, et alibi.^ ^ Winer, ^ 29, 2. Lobeck ad Phryn. p. 517. * Winer, § 43, 8. Alt, s^ 72, 2. 206 A GREEK GRAMMAR ol TTspi rim. This remarkable expression demands attention. In Mark iv. 10, ol tts^I qcvtov is simply his companions. Generally the person named is included ; and so in Acts xiii. 13, xxi. 8, ol vrspi rov HxvXov, Paul and his companions. Compare Ezek. xxxviii. 6, xxxix. 4, LXX. But some- times the form is even so employed as to mean the prin- cipal person exclusively ; and thus it occurs in John xi. 19, Tas TTE^I Ma/)3'av y.oi\ Mxplxv, where Martha and Mary only are intended. (In some manuscripts the words roif TTs^i are omitted.) Compare ^sch. Dial. Socr. xii. 20.^ § 69. — Some peculiar Constructions. (Buttm. § 151.) I. Attraction. 1. This is a mode of construction, by which the parts of a proposition, which are logically distinct, are grammatically united. The two principal forms of this syntax have been already considered. See §§ 58. 6, and 59. 1. To this head may also be referred the combination of two distinct questions into one proposition, as in Mark xv. 24, ^dXKovTzs xX>3§ov Iti' av- raiv rlf ri Qc^ri. Compare Luke xix. 15. Somewhat of the same nature is Rom. iii. 7, ri et; y.oiyu us ocfAa.prco'KQs xpivoixxi ; xai /x^ (jcxbcus ^Kxa(pYj[AoufX£^iz, Kocl xaS'o'S- (pxai rivss rnxais Kiysiv), on ttoit,- acofxsy roc xaxa, 5/xa be taken in apposition with Xoyov, as 'Ivi- ffovvy in the next verse, is again in explanatory apposition with both. A more apposite example is Rom. viii. 3, to yoip a^t^vi^trov ToD vofjiou. £v cb 'y)(r3"£V£i ^loc Tris aoL^Kos, 0eos" icocri^xpiyz rriv ocfjix^riuv Obs, 1. Tlie neuter pronoun is also sometimes put absolutely a.t the beginning of a sentence, probably with the preposition xaroc understood, in the sense of quod ailinet ad. Thus in Rom. vi. 10, o ycto uTiSavi, rrt ocfiaoria. uTiBaviv ItpaTa^- o Bs ^«, Z,n Tu ©j&J. Gal. ii. 20, o Vi vvv Z,u h a-aoxi, iv miTTu Z,u. In like manner the Latins use quod. 3. When the leading proposition has been interrupted by a parenthesis, and the subject is resumed at the end of tlie di- gression, there is frequently no grammatical connexion between the first and last parts of the discourse. Thus in Gal. ii. G, aTro o£ To/v ooxoL'vTa;v efva/ ri, {oTroiol ttotb oo^qcv x. t. X.), sfxol ya^ ol ^oxoDvTcj^ ovl&v 9r/30(Tave'3'evro. Here, instead of completing the construction with the passive verb Tr^oaocvsri^in, it is thrown into an active form after the parenthesis. Obs. 2. It may here be necessary to observe that great caution is necessary in ascertaining the limits, and even the reality of parentheses in the New Testament. Editors have frequently marked them, where they do not exist; and there is so great difference of opinion with respect to their commencement and termination in many passages, that Tittmann has rejected the signs, by which they are distin- guished, from his edition. At the same time it is often, if not always, essential * Winer, 6 32, 7. Hermann, ad Vlger. p. 341. 208 A GREEK GRAMMAR to an author's perspicuity, that, where real parentheses occur, they should be accu- rately defined; more especially as, in the writings of St. Paul, they are not only very numerous, but sometimes long and intricate. Now parentheses are, lor the most part, of two kinds, and exist either when the words of the writer are inserted between those of a speech which he recites (Matt. i. 21, 23, Luke xxiii. 51), or when a proposition is interrupted by the introduction of explanatory matter (Rom. vii. 1, 1 Cor. vii. 10, et alibi). Sometimes, however, it is immaterial whether a clause be regarded as parenthetical, or as a continuation of the period. See, for instance, Mark xv. 42, John iv. 9, ix. 7, xix. 23, Rom. iv. 11, 1 Cor. xvi. 5, 2 Cor. v. 7. When a parenthesis is short, it is inserted between two clauses grammatically con- nected, either with or without a connecting particle, such as Ti, n, ya^, uXXa, xat. Thus in Matt. ix. 6, ha li s/^jjrs ». t. X. (tots Xiyii tm TotpuXvrtxu), 'Eyio^u; u^ov vov Tjjv kXiv'/jv. Mark vii. 26, iX^ova-ec T^oa-iTicn T^og tov$ v'o^ix.i ecvroZ- (Jav Ti ri ywh 'EXX'a- vi;.^ John i, 39, ol ^s itTov uuTM, *Pa/3/3/ (a Xiyirai io[/,yivivfii/.ivov, Ai^ua-xccki), "ffou fiive/i ; So Acts i. 15, Rom, vii. 1, 1 Cor. viii. 3, Eph. ii. 5, Col. iv. 10. See also Mark xv. 42, Luke xxiii. 51, John xix. 31, Acts xii. 3, xiii. 8, Rom. i. 20, 1 Cor. xv. 52, 2 Cor. vi. 2, X. 10, xi. 21, 23, xii. 2, Gal. ii. 8, Eph. v. 9, 1 Tim. ii. 7, Heb. vii. 11, 19, 20, ix. 26, X. 7, 23, xiii. 17, Rev. ii. 9. Of Luke ix. 28, see § 37. Obs. 20. Sometimes a parenthesis of this kind is of considerable length, as in Rom. i. 2 — 6 ; and within this parenthesis itself it will be seen that shorter ones are inserted after vlou alrou and Ku^iov yiju,uv. More usually, however, after a parenthesis of more than ordinary dimensions, the conclusion of the interrupted clause is repeated, with or without variation. Thus in John vi. 24, o oxXoi lluv on •TrXota.piov aXXo ohx. h Uu, (aXXa It iiXB-i '^rXoioiota, x,. r&/v uluXo- ^VTuv o'/^cufcit, (on ^avTis x. r. X.), crtot rr,; pi^uffia; raJv u}ukoBurav ol^u^iv on x. r. X. 1 John 1. 1, axnxox/xiV} lu^dxufztv Tip) Tou Aoyev Tns ^^>Jfj \xa.) h ^u'/i x. r. X.), o iu^a- xocfziv, xou a.xnx'ooi.ui'i, a-rayyixXofiiv u/uTv. In Ephes. iii. 1, the sentence is interrupted by a long parenthesis of twelve verses, and resumed in v. 14. Compare also Rom. V. 12 — 18, 2 Cor, v. 6 — 8. When the construction is varied without a repetition of so much of what has gone before, as to make the resumed clause complete in itself, it is then a proper Anacoluihon.^ 4. Anacolutha frequently occur without a parenthesis, the incipient construction being entirely relinquished, and the sentence proceeding in another form; as in Mark vi. 11, oaoi av pcr^ ^i^coyroci v^xas, ixTToqiivo/XEVOi ekei^sv eKrivci^ocrE tov y^ovv sU IxoL^rupiov oiVTOis. Acts xxiii. 30, ixr,-\iv^Elarts ^i /xot rr^s ETn^ouXris sir TOV av^§a //.eXXctv ^gbg^qh, for (jlcKKovgi^s. Rom. ii. 7, ToTs fxlv ^coviv oc'iMvioy {^(XTlo^wGEi)' tgjV ^£ S'tz/AOf ytocl opyviy scil. dTTo^obriGsroLi. 2 Cor. viii. 23, g'trs v'^lp l.irov (Ksysi ns), s'ite d^EKj. On the other hand, the direct form sometimes passes into the indirect ; as in John xiii. 29, Hokow, on Xsysi uvro) o ^IiTic^ovsj 'Ayogacov c5v y(^pslav s'x,oix£V sh r'hv loprriy ri to7s" itrojyjns Tvat t1 %oj. Acts xxiii. 23, sfTTsv, 'Eroi/xctcrars aTparicuras '^iocy.oalovs, xr^voo te TTccpacaTricrQci. In some cases an intermixture of the sermo directus et obliquus is found ; as in Acts i. 4, Trap- inyyeiXsv ctvrovs TrspifAivsiv rriv eTTpcyyeXiocv rov Trccrqo^, yjv oiy.ouaa.Ts fji.ov. See also Acts xiv. 22, xvii. 3, xxiii. 22. So in 1 Mace. xvi. 21, aTrriyyEiXsy 'Icyavvr), oti uTTouXfiTO o TTxTYiq avTOv, x.xi oti xtts- ffTaXxe xa/ ds ctTroiTeTvoii. Compare also Gen. xii. 13, 19, LXX. Obs. 4. Closely analogous is the change which sometimes occurs of the subject or person of the verb; as in 1 Cor. vii. 13, yvvvi) n^is 'ixn av^^u aTriirrov, »ai ulroi ffunvloKil oIkiIv fitr^ aiiTTis, f^yi u oThoi ovi i^iXi^cc/u,r,v, aXX^ 'Ivec h y^on^h -rXn^d^ti,, soil, ovrui iTotno'ci. See also Mark xiv. 49, xv. 8, John i. 8, ix. 3, xv. 25. 3. Sometimes the sense requires that a word or words should be supplied, which are directly the reverse of those in a pre- ceding clause. Thus in 1 Cor. vii. 1 9, c^ TrspiToi^r^ ovIev san, xat '/) oLK^o^varloL ou^ev so-riv, dXXa. r-npmais evroXo/v ©eoi), scil. sari ri. xiv. 34, ov yap ETririT^ocTrraci ocuracis XocXeTv, o-XTC v7rora,GOEa-^xi^ sciL KsXsvo^rai, 1 Tim. iv. 3, TccoXuoyrajv ya/txsiv, a^£'^£ff3"a/ ^pcjfxdTOJv (scil. KEXsuayrcuv). In Acts xxvii. 43 a similar form is complete. It does not seem that James i. 9, 10, belongs here. Obs. 6. The same verb is even employed in two different acceptations j as in Luke xix. 43, i}a(piov(ri ff% xtxj ra, rixva. aov iv tro), where i'haipi^uv signifies both to level with the ground, and to dash against the ground. In this last sense it occurs in Ps. cxxxviii. 9, Hos. x. 14, LXX. Obs. 7. Somewhat analogous to this is the figure called Zeugma, by which a verb is grammatically connected with two substantives, but in sense only with one of them ; as in Luke i. 64, kvsmx^^ ^^ ''■o tfTOf^a, alrou vrK^cc^^r,fji,a, xa) h yXuffffa alrav', where tt.nux,^i^ can be strictly applied only to ffrofia,, and IXuSu, or some like word, must be supplied with yXutraa. So again in Luke xxiv. 27, a^jla^svaj acre Mooffias xut a-ro ^avreuv tuv ^oetpt^Tcov., scil. v^ofiifix^ckiv. 1 Cor. iii. 2, ydXcc. ufjb^i i'X'ontra, xut ev ^pufia, scil. \'^6uf/,itra. Obs. 8. To this head also belongs the cotistructio prcegnans, when a verb derives an additional force from a preposition, with which it is improperly constructed. Thus in Luke iv. 38, avaffras ix ryis ffvvayuytj;, arising and departing yVo7?i the syna- gague. Acts xxiii. 24, '/va liaffuffeoai <^gh ^nXixa,, to conduct him in safety. 2 Tim. ii. 26, avavri-\i/uffiv ix rr,; rod %ta(hoXov -^ayths, they should recover from their stupefac- tion, and be delivered /row the snare of the Devil. See also Acts xx. 30, Gal. v. 4, 2 Tim. iv. 18, 1 Pet. iii. 20 -, and compare Xen. Anab. 3. 11, Polyb. vi. 58. 5.^ * Winer, Append. § 66, 1. 7. Alt. Gram. N. T. § 47, 4. Hermann, ad Viger. p. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 213 4. Under the head of Ellipsis should perhaps be classed the suppression of the whole or part of a sentence, which the emo- tion, or energy, or studied conciseness of a writer may lead him to omit. This is called Jposiopesis ; and the import of a clause thus suppressed, which in conversation is collected from the tone, manner, or gesture of the speaker, is indicated in writing by the tenor of the discourse. Thus in Luke xix. 42, si syvcu^ KCX.I (TV ra, TT^Qs el^o^voov aou' vuv ^e ek^v^yi oino o{p3"aX/xa>v Ti k, t. X.), fjjiff^ov ovK 'ix^Ti* So in Matt. ix. 17, Mark ii. 21, 22, Luke x. 6, Rev. ii. 5, and elsewhere. There is a douhle aposiopesis in Luke xiii. 9, xav (Av 'roim'^ xoc^tov — $1 Js /n.^yi, — «ryiv ii;^ov ahrov. Luke XV. 19, ^olj^tro'v fici us iva ruv ftiff^tuv ffav. 1 Cor. iv. 1, hf^ois Xoyt^itr^u us vTn^iTas. Hence also the addition of tbe nei^a- tive particle after verbs of denying and preventing; the formulae its iKaffros, us rts, &c. ; and the preposition repeated after compound verbs. See §§ 15, 4 ; 58, 2. Obs. 3 ; and 65. Obs. 6. 2. The next degree of pleonas7n is the use of two equivalent terms, with a view perhaps of giving energy to the style, but still altogether or nearly synonymous ; in which case the re- dundancy may consist either in a simple word, or in one of the elements of a compound one. Thus in Matt. v. 20, iaiv f^rt TrsqiaasvcTY} r^ ^ lytotiocrvvn vfxou^ ^rXeTov twv yqacfx/jiQir&ajv. x. 38, axo- Xou^&X oTTiacij IX.QV. xxvi. 42, TrdXiv in ^cUTspou. 58, oiTio fAaxpo^sv. 869. Poppo ad Thucyd. i. pp. 282, 292. Stallbaum ad Plat. Apol. p. 78, Symp. p. 80, Eiithyphr. p. 60. Kuinoel on Luke i. 64, Acts xxiii. 24. Pott on James' i. 9. 214 A GREEK GRAMMAR xxvii. 51, h,7rh ava^S-cv. Luke xiv. 10, 7rpo} appear to be intermixed. Of the pleonastic use of the relative pronoun see § 34. 2. 3. From Pleonasm, properly so called, are to be separated the following cases : — 1. Words repeated for the sake of emphasis, or in expres- sions of vehement emotion; as in Matt. xxv. 11, nupis, ytupiZi avoi^oy rjfJiXy. 1 Cor. vi. 11, dXXd. dir^XovcrccG^z, dXkd, 7)yix(y^7)re, ccXXa E^ix.atcu^'/iTS. xiv. 26, orccv auvspy(Yi(r^s, BKxa-ro^ v[Jiouv •J/'SfXpcov exet, ^i^ccx'nv E^^h yXcua-a-ocv sx^*, (xtto- xaXy\)/iv sxsi, E^fj^nvslacv sp^s/. See also Matt. vii. 21^ John xix. 10, Acts ix. 4, xxvi. 14, Phil. i. 9, iii. 2, Col. i. 28. Obs. 5. Of a similar character is the accumulation of synonymes which are in- tended to add force and even variety to the sentiment. Such are Mark xii. 30, uya- iTTiffii; Kv(iiov rov &iov ffov l| oXm rm xa^^iei$ ffou, kcc) i^ oXn; r>ii y}/t>X^S """^f **' ^1 oXyis Tiis hoi,voixs ffov, xec) i^ oXm '^ni 'iffxvos ffov, Rom. ii. 4, >j rov TXovrov t^j x^nffTornros avrov, xai rni avo^fj;, xa) rns fiotx^o^vf^'tai xoc,raioZvtos Iv t^ io^f^V) ^or fiouv. Compare Isai. xl. 3, (pvcris. James iii. 7, ^aa-ci (P'jeris B^yj^ieov ts kou 'xrtrtivuv, i^'^riTuv rs xa) ivaXiuv, ^oifid'^tTcti xa) %i^a,fjiot,ffTai t« (pvirn Tri uvB-^/uTtvyi. %&!^a. Luke iii. 1, Ttjs ^iTv^aiag xa) Tpa.x^v'iTihos %wpai. ''^v^ri. Luke ii. 35, ffoZ Vt etVTT^s ^hv ^^w;^^v "hnXivffiToct pof£;rs TjVt;* a? k'okkov (Tivktius. III. Synecdoche. By this figure a part is put for the tvhole, or the whole for a part; and a genus for a sp^ecies, or a species for a genus. Thus in Acts ii. 41, xxvii. 37, -^vyjfi indicates the entire man; and in Matt. iv. 8, Rom. iv. 13, y(.oa[/.os, the world, is Judcea only. In like manner, ri olytovfAsv/i signifies the Roman empire in Acts xvii. 6, xxiv. 5, Rev. iii. 10; and probably Judcea in Luke ii. 1, iv. 5, Acts xi. 28. Again, in Mark xvi. 15, the general term TTacra ycricns means only all mankind; and in Matt. vi. 11, the specific name aproi, bread, includes all the necessaries of life. Thus also a certain and definite number is frequently put for an uncertain and indefinite one; as in Matt. xii. 14, TrappiXafA- /Savst /xeS"' eacvrov ettt'x. tTepac TTVEVLnocra., where etttoc., as commonly among the Jews, is used of any number whatsoever. Cora- pare Gen. iv. 15, Ruth iv. 1.5, 1 Sam. ii. 5, Ps. cxix. 164, Prov. xxiv. 16, Isai. iv. 1, Jerem. xv. 9, et alibi. Again, Matt, xix. 29, Luke viii. 8, syiOrrovraTrXcxaiovx Kri-^Erxi. See also 1 Cor. xiv. 19, Rev. i. 4, et passim. IV. Antanaclasis. A word is sometimes used in two different senses, or modifi- cations of its primary sense, in the same sentence ; and the figure is called Antanaclasis. Thus in Matt. viii. 22, a,(^Es tovs vEKpous ^xylytzi rous exutum vsaqous, let those spiritually dead bury > Glass. Phil. Sacr. T. ii. pp. 55. 897. sqq. Turretin. de Interp. S.S. p. 206. TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 221 those naturally dead. Rom. xiv. 13, ixr^xin ovv aXKrikovs xpiyco' pcev, dXXai rovro x§/vars /xaXXov, x. r. K., where x^/veiv signifies first to censure, then to resolve. See also 1 Cor. iii. 17, James i. 9. V. Paranomasia. 1. Paranomasia, or the employment of two or more words of similar form or sound in close connexion, is a figure of very frequent occurrence in the Hebrew writers ; and, though some- times apparently unpremeditated, it is more generally the re- sult of design. The New Testament has also several examples of this figure, especially in the Epistles of St. Paul. 2. The most simple form o^ paranomasia is that of two words alike in sound, but unconnected in sense ; as in Matt. xxiv. 7 , Luke xxi. 11, Xcrovrxi Xi(xo\ kocI XoifAoi. Heb. v. 8, e/xaS-gv a(p' aiv ETTu^s. Add Acts xvii. 25 ; and compare Herod, i. 107, Jerem. xxvii. 6, xxxii. 24, LXX. Sometimes several pairs of words follow each other in the same sentence; as in Rom. i. 29, 31, TToovEigc, TToyri^igc' (pS'ovot/, (povou' davverouf, afffvSsToys". 3. The more elegant kind of paranomasia is that in which the words are not only similar in sound, but give an emphatic or antithetic import to the sense. Thus Rom. xii. 3, ptTj v7ri:p' (p^ovclv 7ia.p ^e^ (ppovsTv. 2 Cor. iv. 8, dTropovfXEvoi, aXX' ovk k^oc- TTopovixsvoi. V. 4, ov S"£Xoptsv E>c^6(yxa^a.i, aXX' sTrsv^va-acff'^ai. Phil, iii. 2, ^Xe'^sts rriv KOLrccroi^m' rtfJi^sTf yap e(tij.ev n TTspiroix'r), x. t. X. See also John xv. 2, Acts viii. SO, Rom. v. 19, 1 Cor. xi. 29, 31, 2 Thess. iii. 11, Heb. x. 34 ; and compare Dan. xiii. 54, 55, 58, 59, Wisd. xiv. 5, 3 Esdr. 5, LXX. Similar instances are found in classical writers. Thus Thucyd. ii. 62, fjiri (p^ovYifAocrt fxovov, dXKa. koli K(ZTix(pqovriiJ^(Xri. Plat. Pheed. 74, oyt^or^o'^os rz xccl oixorpofpo^ y/vEjS-ai. Compare Diod. Sic. xi. 57, Xen. Anab. v. 8. 21, ^schin. c. Ctesiph. 78, Lys. in Philon. 26, Diog. L. ii. 8. 4, V. 1. 11, vi. 2. 4. So in Latin, Terent. Hecyr. Prol. 1, Orator ad vos venio ornatu prologi, sinite exorator sim. Obs. 1. Another case of the same word, or one of its derivatives, occasionally form a kind of paranomasia; as in Matt. xxi. 41, xaxovs xaxcos ccToXicm avrovi. 2 Cor. viii. 22, Iv ToXXoTs ^oXXdxts a-Trouhctlov. ix. 8, h •^kvt) ^avron Toia'av avrd^Ktiav sxovTSf, Add 1 Ctir. ii. 13, vi. 2, 2 Cor. x. 12. So Xen. Anab. ii. 5. 7, -rtivTyi ya^ ta) -ravTax,*! tccvtmv 'icov ol Bto) x^arovffu See also Anab. 1. 9. 2, Mem. iii, 12. 68, iv. 4. 4, Diog. L. ii. 8. 4, Alciphr. iii. 10. Obs. 2. In order to effect a paranomasia, unusual forms of words are frequently employed ; and occasionally a new word seems to have been coined exjin ssly for the purpose. An instance of the latter description occurs in Gal. v. 7, r'n vfiZf Jvs- xoypi rij aX»jSl/a /Ari rruB^fff^at ; h 'TUfffAOvn ovx Ix rov xuXovvrof vfAcis. 222 A GREEK GRAMMAR TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. Obs. 3. If rendered into Hebrew, the words of St. Paul would have somewhat the cliaracter of a paranomasia in 1 Cor. i. 23, rifitTg Be x,r^6ffcro/jciv Xpia-rov Iffrav^atf^ivov, lovbalois fjiXv ffK(X.vha,\oVy"'EXX^ ^ cross, and /i^^DD' " stumbling-block ; 7^^, foolish, and 7^^^^, wisdom. A concealed para- l ' T X V V nomasia has also been pointed out in Gal. i. 6 ; nor is it impossible that in the dis- courses of Christ, who taught the Jews in the Syro-Chaldaic dialect, tbere may- have been instances of this figure, which could not have been preserved in the Greek idiom. At all events, it must be confessed that the search after such matter is not likely to yield any very profitable result.^ § 71. — Metrical Lines in the New Testament. 1. That St. Paul at least was not altogether unacquainted with the beauties of Grecian literature is evident from the fact that he has quoted three metrical lines_, or parts of lines, from the Greek poets. The first, which occurs in his address to the Athenians (Acts xvii. 28), is half an hexameter line from Arat. Phoen. 5. It will not be amiss to give the line in full : — Toi; ya,p y,ou ysvos Icptev* ^' yjTnof dv^quTroiai ■ ^s^ioi arifJLCJCivsi. An Iambic senarius (Trim. Acat.) from the Thais of Menan- der is cited in 1 Cor. xv. 33, ^'^ZipQUcriv ^S'oj X^o^dS"' ofAiKiaci Kocxtzl. And lastly, an entire hexameter of Epimenides of Crete is found in Tit. i. 12. K^qriTss dil yl/EVCTToci, xacKoi ^Yiplac, yacuri^Bf dpyoci. 2. As a mere matter of curiosity, it may be added that two metrical lines have been pointed out, which fall accidentally into the prose of two other writers in the New Testament. One is an Iambic senarius beginning with an anapaest ; and the other a Dactylic hexameter, of which the first syllable of the second foot is lengthened by the arsis. They occur in John iv. 35, Ter^a'/XTjvov kari, yjo S'e§/c7/uios- e§x,sTar. James i. 17^ Yiaiaa ^ocrif dyoc^ri, xocl ttocv ^cooY^fxa tsXeiov. See Quintil. Inst. Orat. ix. 4. 52.» 1 Winer in Append. § 62. 1, 2. Glass. Phil. Sacr. i. p. 1335. sqq. C B. Mi- chaelis de Paran. Sacra. Bottcher de Paran. S^c. Paulo Ap.frequentatis. Wetstein on Heb. v. 8. Kruger ad Xen. Anab. i. 9. 2. Schaefer ad Soph. Elect. 742. Eich- horn's Introd. N. T. i. p. 521. Eisner. Diss. ii. {Paulus et Jesaias inter se com- parati.) 2 Winer in Append. § 68. Jacob, ad Lucian. Alex. p. 52. THE END. ENGLISH AND LATIN INDEX. The Numerals refer to the Pages. Abbreviated forms of proper names, 12 — of verbs in ^/, 30 Abstract nouns in apposition, 47 — with article, 65 Abstractum pro concreto, 47, 219 Abundantia cosibus, 14 Accusative in v instead of «, 13 — of nouns in us and y, and *is pure, ib. Obs. 2 and 4 — of proper names in &»j, ib. § 7. Obs. 3 — p/ur, of nouns in tug, ib. § 8. Obs. 3 — with verbs which in Latin take other cases, 87, sqq. — with neuter verbs, 90, Obs. 5 — with cognate verb, 91, 214 — with iv, Kccxuf ^oitTv, 92 — with tls for nominative, 84, 93 — double after certain verbs, 92, sqq. — used adverbially, 94, Obs. 16 and 17 — absolute, 166 — to be rendered by quod attinet ad, 207 Active verbs for middle, 33 — with re- flexive pronoun for middle, 127 Adjective, compound and ending .in lo; not always common, 18 — agreeing with subst. in sense, not in gender, 42 — with collective nouns, ib. — re- peated in the negative, 46 — instead of subst., ib. — instead of adverb, ib. — neuter, 78, 81 — before a genitive, 100— with the article, 60, 64, 78— verbal adj., 27 — new forms of, 28 Adjuration, forms of, 192 Adverb, 167 — with gen., 168 — with dat., 169— for adj., i6.— with article, 65 — of time, with gen,, 96 uEolicaor. 1, 28, Obs. 2 Affinity between Hebrew and Aramaic, 2 Affirmation and negation combined, 215 Affirmative interrogation, 24 Alexander the Great, effects of his con- quests upon the Greek language, 4 Alexandrian orthography, 9 Anacoluthon, 206 Anomaly in declension, 14 — in gender, ib. — in the signification of verbs, 31 Antanaclasis, 220 Antecedent attracted into the case of the relative, 158 Antiptosis, 210 Aorist 1 of verbs in aUu, 27, Obs. 4 — un- usual forms of aor. 1 employed in the New Testament, 36 — Alexan- drian form of aor. 2 in a, 27 — 3 plur. aor. 2 in offctv, 29, Obs. 6 Aorist, perfect, and imperfect, their dif- ference, \2^— aor. pass, as middle, 34 — aor. 1 conj. with ol [jun, 143 — aor. infin. after 'iroif^os, 157 — aor. signifying to be wont, 130 — iov pre- sent and/w/., 1 33 — for per/I a.ndplusq. perf., 134 — aor. part., use of, 165 Aposiopesis, 213 Apostrophus, 11 Apposition, 47, sqq. — when the article is employed, 57, 63 Aramaic forms in the New Testament, 3 Article, its nature, 49, 71 — its adjunct, ib. — its use in renewed raention and xar'' t^o^hv, 50 — with monadic nouns, 51 — in expressions of time, as possessive pron., and in proverbial allocutions, ib. — with natural ob- jects, 52 — with nouns implying relationship, 53 — when existence is assumed, 56 — after verbs signifying to call or name, ib. — in apposition, 57, 63 — its hypothetic or inclusive use, 57 — in universal propositions, ib. — with subject, not with predicate, 58 — with both subject axidi predicate, ib. — after «/^i, 59 — its exclusive use, 60— with adj. and part.., 60, 164— 224 ENGLISH AND LATIN INDEX. by way of definition, 64 — with a(- iributives, 61 — in regimen, 62 — with ffen. employed as an adj., 63 — in divisions, tb. — with certain words understood, 64— used ahsoluiely, ib. — with adverbs, preps., &c., 65 — with abstract nouns, ib. — with pro- per names, 67 — its use in Homer, 67, 70 — as a pronoun, ib. — for pron. relative.) 71 — with ulroi, o%i, ixitvos, 75 — with 5ra?, ib. — with okoi, 77 — with neut, adj., 78 — with infin., 150, sqq. — omitted with irifin., 151 Jrticle omitted after prepositions, 51 — in enumerations., with ordinal numbers, and superlatives, 52 — wiihgen. abs,, 53 — when existence is affirmed or denied, 56 — after verbs of appoint- ing, choosing, &c., 57 — after verbs of having, partaking, &c., 66 — wrongly supposed to be inserted or omitted ad libitum with certain words, 53, sqq. — position of the art. in concord, 68 — with s, and or/, ib. — redundant, 93 — with ^^h, 147, Obs. 7 — with fjiM, 188 — with ^^, after verbs of denying, 154, Obs. 1 — denoting an object after certain verbs, 154 — after verbs of giving, of motion, &c., 150, Obs. 3 — after verbs oi fearing, 154 — its subject in the accus., or in a clause formed with ort, ib. — its subject omitted, 154, 155 — its subject repeated emphati- cally, ib. — its subject in the accus., ENGLISH AND LATIN INDEX. 227 when different from that of the leading verb, 155 (5.) — attracted into the accus., 155 (6.) — instead of the imperat., 156 — with yt/ijVe verb, used adverbially y 156, Obs, 7 — in- stead of the part.y 162, Obs, 8 — irifin. aor. after trotfjt.os, 157, Obs, 8 Interchange of letters, 9 — of pronouns, 74 — of tenses, 131 — of prepositions, 173, 175, 182— of «y and ^^j, 189 Interrogations, affirmative and negative, 24 Interrogative pronoun t<;, 23 Intransitive verbs for transitive^ 31 lonisms in the New Testament, 10, 12 Irregular verbs, list of, 36, sqq. Jews, their repugnance to any thing foreign, 2 — to the Greek language, ib. Language of Palestine in the time of Jesus Christ, 1 Later writers, their peculiar ortho- graj)hy, 10 — altered the forms of words, 40 Letters, interchange of, 9 Litotes, 220 Measures and monies, not named after numerals, 22 Metaplasmus, 14 Metonymy, 218 Metrical Lines, 222 Middle voice, instead of active, 35 — with reflexive pronoun, ib, — instead of passive, 36 — its true import, 127 — directly reflexive, ib, — rendered by an appropriate verb in English, 127, 128, Obs. 2, 3, and b— indirectly re- flexive, 127 — signifying to get a thing done, 128 — denoting recipro- city, ib. Monadic nouns, with the article, 51, Obs, 3 Moods, 135, sqq. — indicative, 135, § 51 — imperative, 139, § 52 — conj. and opt., 141, § 53 to b6—inflnitive, 149, § 57, 58 Moveable flnal letters, 10 Name o/Qod in Hebrew superlatives, 19 Names of countries, in the genitive, 96 Names of dignities, compounded with ei^X^iv, declension of, 1 2 Names of natural objects with the article, 52 Negative interrogations, 24 Negative particles, 184 — two negatives either destroy or strengthen the negation, 189 — accumulation of negatives, ib. — ^« redundatit after v&xhs oi denying , 154 Neuter adjective, its use, 78 — instead of adverb, 78, Obs. 4 Neuter pronoun, with reference to subst. in the abstract, 44 — added per exe- gesin, ib. — with pt]/u,a, understood, 158 Neuters in as, contract forms of, 14 — in fjbdt, their use by the later writers, 40 Neuters plural in a, from tnasc, in es, 14 — with verb in the sing., 79 New Testament, its Greek idiom, 6 — its dialectic varieties, 9, Obs. 2 Nominative for vocative, 13, 86 — in appo- sitio7i with the voc, 86 — repeated, 82 — omitted, 83 — expressed by us with an accus., 84 — nom. abs., 166 Noun, government of, 42, sqq., § 25 — to be supplied in an opposite sense, 105 Nouns, indeclinable and defective, 1 7 Numerals, 20 — with avu, 175 — with xara, 177 Object, ellipsis of, 211 Oblique cases, 86 — oi personal pronouns, ib. Oblique discourse. See Sermo obliquus Optative, in the sermo obliquus, 136 — expressive of a wish, without av, 141— with il, 141, 144, 145— r/jiVA and withottt av, in interrogations, 142 — with ^r^Jv, 147 — with pron. rel., 159, Obs. 9— with ^>j, 185 Ordinals, inclusive use of, 22 — with plu' ral noun, 43 — with art. omitted, 52 Orthography, the Alexandrian, 9- — of the later Greek writers, 1 Paranomasia, 221 — concealed, 222 q2 228 ENGLISH AND LATIN INDEX. Parentheses, \heir nature and design, 207 — numerous in St. Paul, 208 — pron. demonst. redundant after them, 72 Participle^ its nature and use, 160 — ren- dered by a conjunction, 160, 161 — with jta,) or xa/Vs^, 161, Obs. 2 — with verbs of motion, 161 — with as, 161, Obs. 5 — with verbs of sense, 162 — with verbs signifying to know, to observe, persevere, desist, ib. — with fActv^dvuv, 162, Obs. 6 — with ^ecvnv and Xav^dvsiv, 163, Obs. 11 — after KccXas cronTv, 163, Obs. 12 — part, uv omitted, 162, Obs. 9-~part. instead of indie, with si, 138, Obs. 3 — in- stead of/mVeverb, 164, Obs. 15— with itfii and «p^« instead oi Jtnite verb, 164, Obs. 16 and 17— with tense of its own verb, 164, Obs. 18 — used with the art. as a subst., 60, 164 — rendered by is qui, 165 — with a pron. demonst. redundant, 72, Obs, 5 — used impersonally, 167, Obs. 3 Particles, negative, 184, § 66 — various, 189, §67 Partitives, in regimen, 63 — followed by a gen., 96 Passive verbs for active or neuter, 34 — with dat. instead of gen. with v^o, 126 — followed by an accus.^ ib. Paulo -post-futurum, 130 Perfect tense, instead of present, fut.y and plusq. per/., 133 — perf. pass, as middle, 34, Obs. 6 Periphrastic forms, 75 Person, the 3 pi. plusq. perf. in utretv, 28, Obs. 1 — 3 pi. imperat. in reaa-eiv, 28, Obs. 3 — 2 sing. pass, in «ra/, 28, Obs. 4 — in ii, 29, Obs. 5 — 3 pi. im'perf. and aor. 2 in efav, 29, 06s. 6 — 3 pi. perf. act. in av, 29, 06*. 7 — 3 pi. pre*, of verbs in /jui in a^itrxdvtiv, 66, 06$. 1 avo'iyu, with double and /r/p^e augment, 26, 06s. 6 — avolyuv, scil. ^ygav, 21 1 dyr), 170 atr' a^r<, 182 d^r* d^x^^i 171 d'^iikrjs l/jcrviiiv, 99, 06s. 14 airo, 171 — dcro, lb. d^a^avuv a/^ct^ria, and like phrases, 116 dvro fjo'i^ovs, 171, 06s. 3 and 4 d^ro •pri^vff), 182 d-ro ^^ai, ib. dfeo TOTS, ib. a^TSff^ai, with gen., 110, 06s. 11 apa, 201 — a^a, ib. — a^xyi, ib. — a^a ovv, ib. upyoSf 18 d^iffKiiv, with dat., 115, 06s. 9 a^^a^svav, used impersonally, 167 ag?ray£/;, 27, 06s. 3 «g;^e/v, declension of nouns compounded with, 12 a^X^ov- X.ofjt,nv, ifiovXofjjnv av, 139 ya^, elliptical use of, 200 — its reference remote, »6. yiviat yiviuv, 19 ytviff^ai, constr., 98 ytyviff^ai, partitive use of, 97 — with dat., 122, 06s. 14 — yiviff^at its ovTiv, its Ti, 85, 06s. 22— Vv Tm, 85, 06s. 23 — ?» Tivos, 98, 06s. 12 — \y iavToo, 174, 06s. 7 yovv ^I "^j *^'^' X^^vw, 172 l^ravft/, with numerals, signifying excess, 204 8^$i, iTiihri, with indie, 145 ^-a-s/Ta, after ^ev, 196 liT^v, eTSiSay, with conjune, 145 s^r), with gen., 179 — used adverbially, ib. — with dat., ib. — with accus., 180 iTikuTtiv, constr., 88 iTt'TXvffffuv, with dat., 114 tTt Tokv, 180 'friTtf/,a,v, with dat., 114 Wi T^/Vj 180, 182 tTtfaviiv, 10 iTixtiiiih if redundant, 214 t^r«, instead of WraKt$, 21 232 GREEK INDEX. i^yov, in circumlocutions, 215 i^u;, from i^is, 13, Obs. 1 i^X^f^ai, in a future acceptation, 132, Obs. 5, 4 i^corav rivd ri, 92 IcrS-iiiv ri, rtvo;, ?» rtvog, 98, 06*. 10 fj/4<, 31 ^Ififfovs, declined, 15 Ixavovv, with two accus., 94 iva, with conjunct., 143, 147 — with conj. instead of injin., 150, Obs. 3 — with pres. and fut. indic, 148 — instead of oTi, denoting event, 190 — as a particle of titne, ib. — 'tvec fth, with conjunc, 149 Ivan, 203 'Itrrn/ju, its different significations, 33, 06*. 2 -tw, Attic futures in, 26 ^laxrrjsf declined, 15 xa^ec^i^Btv d^ro rtvos, 95, Obs. 1 xa), its Hebrew usages, 194 — after lyinro, ib. — doubled, ib. — redundant, 214 — with verb instead of part., 160, 161 — xa) Ti, 194 — difference be- tween xec.4 and Ti, ib. — ««) or xal-rip vi'ithpart., 161, 06*. 2 xa) iyivtro, 83, 06*. 15 xKt^os, in circumlocutions, 215 xaxoXoytTv, constr., 92, 06*. 11 xecx&js 9ron7v, constr., 92 (5.), and 06*. 10 xccXui ^oiiTv, with part., 163, 06*. 12 xa,fji.fjcviiv, 9 xoc^^la, dat. used adverbially, 66, 06*. 2 xard, with gen..^ 176 — with accus., ib. — with ace. instead of adj. or adt\, 1 77 -—with numerals, implying distribu- tion, ib. — understood, 73, 94 xardyitv, scii. r^v vocvv, 33 xard, xaioov, 1 76 xarava^xav nvos, 103 xKpxXh, in circumlocutions, 215 GREEK INDEX. 233 ^jj^yfTCj/v, constr., 113 xtv^vvivnv, with injln., 154 xXiTv, xXiii, 13, 06*. 1 xkti^ovo/xiTv, with accus., 110 xX//3a»af, 9 Kkivv, ellipsis of, 211 KOlvh ^idkiXTOS, 5 Koms, with rfa/., 122, Obs. 14 «flivft;v£rv, constr., 97, OZ>s. 6 x^ar^rv T/y«, 110, Obs. 10 x^oviiv, soil. Sw^av, 211 x^vTTiiv, a-roxfiuTTsiv, constr., 94, Obs. 15 xv^tos, with or without the article, 54 Xay;^avs;ii, with ^ren., 110, 06s. 12 Xafjt^dvuv, with £/f and accus., 85, 06s. 22 A.a^/3av£.xvffrixov, 10 vayy, 14 vo^oSsTsrv, constr., 126 v'ofAos, with and without the article, 55 vofftr'tov, 10 vows, 14, 06s. 1 oSs, «^T«j, and Ixsrvflj, their difference, 71 o^ov BoiXufftrTii , 53 us, one of two, 71, Obs. 1 01, instead of t/vsj, 70, 06j. 1 oJxos, understood, 112, Obs. 19 — in cir- cumlocutions, 216 o7os r ufM) 202 ei 9ra.^a. rivos, 180 el vrt^i Ttva, 206 01 -rokko), instead of -rdvrts, 77, Obs. 9 ekos, with the art., 77, 06s. 7 fi,h, Se, put partitivehj, 96, 06s. 5 fiiv, Si fjbivi followed by aXXoj, srtgoy, &c., 70, 06s. 2 ofivvtiv, constr., 89 ofjLoios, with gen., 121, 06s. 9 ofAoXoyuv, constr., 118, 06j. 3 ofjiov, constr. of verbs comp. with, 118, 06s. 2 ovaff^ai, with gen., 98 234 GREEK INDEX. o»£/^/?£/y, with accus., 114 ovoficn, in circumlocutions, 216 — ovefiei iffri, ovofiMTi, &c., 205 oV&>f, with conjunct., 147 — denoting event, 190 — oTus f^h, with conjunct., 149 o^xi^uv, with two accus., 94, 06s. 15 -o(ray, termination of 3 pi. imperf, and aor. 2, 29, 0J«. 6 OS IffTt, understood, 48 oo-ios, its terminations, 18 orav, o^orav, with conjunct.) 145 — with indie, 146, 06s. 3 oTs, o-rors, with indie, 145 — with con- junct., 146 or/, with cow/, instead of tn^w., 1 50 — with injin., 151, Obs. 6 — after verbs sig- nifying to remember, 162, Obs. 7 — used as a relative, 191 — denoting the sign, not the cause, of an event, ib. — used in citations, ib, — redund- ant, 84, Obs. 21 oit, with single words, 184— in direct de- nials, 185 — after verbs of knowing, &c., with oVi, ib, — after t\, 187 — with relatives, 188 — with parti- ciples, ib. — instead of fii\, 189 — dif- ference between oh and fjiMi 184 — oh and ^« united, 185 — oh, and oh fjm, in interrogations, 186 — oh f^h, with, conjunct., 143 (5.), and Obs. 2 evhi, fii^Vi, and e'uTi, f^vrt, 196, sqq. oh^sy, in the predicate, 81, Obs. 10 eh^iv, 10, Obs. 3 oZv, 201 0^ ?ra?, 21 (3.), and Obs. 5 evTu, our us, 10 «yT«f l^r/, 169 opXev, with tnc&'c. in wishes, 141 o(pXiir»dvuv avotav, 66 ^'^;.g/, 29, 06s. 5 uv xa) riv xcii o i^%ofAivos, 18, Obs. 3 ^cus, understood, 64, Obs. 6 ?rav^fl;^£~«v, 9 {r«gai) with ^fn., 180 — ol ^a^d rtves, tk tct^d rivos, ib. — with dat., ib. — with accus., ib. — its comparative import, 105, 106, Obs. 5 'Tet^ec^thovatf COnstr., 113 ^et^aivtTv, with accus., 87 ^a^axaXu at, ellipsis of, 143 ir«^a^X>?(r/ov, with dat., 169 ^as, with plural noun, 43, Obs. 3 — ^with the article, 75 — with the art. and a participle, 76, Obs. 4 — its position with the art., ib. Obs. 6 — o\ ri, in circumlocutions, 216 %8/^, in circumlocutions, 216 XS^tr^cci, 29, Obs. 8— with dat., 122 X^'i'V} constr., 94 X^tg-rov svayyiX/ev, 108, Obs. 4 ^u^a, in circumlocutions, 216 4"JX^i ^^ circumlocutions, 216 \Pa/jt'i^uv, constr., 94 us, 189 — with indie., 145 — with injin., 151— with part., 161— omitted, 151 — redundant, 213 us tTes uTiTv, 151 ufTi, with injin., 151 u(piXitv, with accus., 88 — with two accv».j 92 236 INDEX OF SOME PASSAGES OF THE GREEK TESTAMENT WHICH HAVE BEEN MORE FULLY ILLUSTRATED. Chap. Matthew. Verse. Page 1 VI. viii ix, X. xi. xii, XIll. xiv. xvii. xix. XX. xxi. xxiv. xxvi. 18 . 3 . . 23 . 5 . 15 . , 16 . . 21 . 37 . . 44 . . 5 . 12 . 13) 2or 1 , . 27 . . 29) 35r 14 . 3 . 18 . . 10) 21/- 42 . . 2 . 24 . 26,27 24 . 62 169 76 175, 06s. 10 51 f53 191, Obs. 8 58 126 85 92, Ois.lO 156 57 }99 43 62 116 173, Obs. 7 74, Obs. 12 169 44 182 106 51 169 Mark. iv 12 149 vii , 15 , 59 19 . 48 36 124 xii 5 163 11 . 44 26 179 36 . 59 40 166 xiii 2 182 xiv 8 156 12 143 Luke. i. 17 . . 44 37 56 72 ii. 3 , 21 174 158 . 79 21 . 214 Chap. Verse. Page. Chap. Verse. Page. ii. 27 173, 06«.7 V. 29 . . 79 41 117 36 . , 81 49 112 vii. 20 . 123 vi. 16 . 64 21 . . 20 vii. 4 . 29 53 . 123, 175 47 191 viii. 26 . . 72 viii. 43 118 ix. 7 . 104 ix. 3 156 9,10 45 28 . 84 X. 15 . . 84 xi. 4 . 76 25 . 152 33 . 44 36 . 207 xii, 12 . 69 xii. 21 . . 74 20 166 XV. 7 . 119 xiii. 9 213 22,25 36 xiv. 19 164 38 . 171 xvi. 1 152 xviii. 17 , 100 xviii. 27 . 58 xix. 19 , . 22 31 116 xxi. 16 . 117 xix. 37 181 xxii. 9 . 104 42 142 XXV. 16 . 147 XX. 37 179 xxvi. iQ , .34 xxii. 9 143 xxvii. 10 . 151 42 141, 156 42 . 149 xxiii. 51 . 43 167 xxiv. 46 Romans. i. 24 . 152 John. ii. 17 . 208 1.16 171 25 . . 43 18 175 iii. 7 . 206 iii. 10 . 54 20 . 132 36 132 iv. 9 . . 84, Obs. 21 iv. 37 . 54 V. 10 . 163 44 200 vi. 17 . 103, Obs.S vi. 9 . 42 ix. 17 . 128, Obs. 4 vii. 38 164 xii. 15 . 156 viii, 44 . 44 xvi. 10, 11 64 58 147 159 ix. 40 1 Corinthians. xi. 19 xiv. 7 xviii. 15 206 133 . 77 i. 11 . . 64 23 . 222 iv. 6 . 148 XX. 15 . 44 V. 1 . . 54 9 . . 51 Acts. vi. 13 . . 84 i. 2 159 vii. 31 . 122 ii. 4 . 83 viii. 3 . . 32, iVo/e 27 112 X. 16 . . 95 32 117 xi. 3 . . 63 36 . 76 20 . . 55 42 218 27 . 192 iii. 12 152 xiii. 4 . . 66 24 159 8, 12 32, Note V. 4 199 xiv. 15 . 143 .;;':;!