UC-NRLF £f f Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/biographicalrecoOOyalerich *7f BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD OF THE CLASS OF 1874 IN YALE COLLEGE PART FOURTH 1874 - 1909 NEW HAVEN The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Co. 1912 V ***> PREFACE Dear Classmates: The death of George Dickerman saddened our last meeting, and put upon his successor a task for which he has little aptitude or time. These drawbacks have been enhanced by the fact that it has been hard in not a few cases to secure from members of the Class prompt replies to the biographical questions, and harder still to obtain the photographs needed to illustrate the book. Many of the Class seem to have been too modest to have themselves photographed in recent years. For- tunately the Secretary possesses an almost complete set of the Class photographs, so that each member's face, either past or present, will look out from the pages of the record and greet each living member of the Class even if he never attends a Class meeting. It will be noticed that the book aims to give a complete account of the life of every member since graduation, and is, therefore, not merely a supplement to previous issues. The Secretary desires to express his thanks to all who have assisted him by sending contributions or photographs, and especially to his fellow members of the committee, George Gunn and Harry Hatch, and to Dave Kennedy, who very kindly made the final revision of the copy for the press. He acknowledges gratefully the valuable aid given by the Class Secre- taries Bureau, without which the gathering of the material would have involved greater delay and less accuracy. He is also indebted to the Bureau for the permission to use without charge a number of plates of old college buildings prepared for the use of other classes. Henry W. Farnam. 250974 PREVIOUS PUBLICATIONS BY THE CLASS Biographical Record with Report of the Triennial Meet- ing of the Class of 1874 in Yale College. Compiled for the Class by George L. Dickerman, Class Secretary. 130 pages. New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, Printers, 1879. Biographical Record with Report of Sexennial and Decen- nial Meetings of the Class of 1874 in Yale College. Part Second. Compiled for the Class by George L. Dickerman, Class Secretary. 68 pages. New Haven: Hoggson & Robinson. Printers, 1889. Biographical Record with Report of Quindecennial and Vicennial Meetings of the Class of 1874 in Yale College. Part Third. Compiled for the Class by George L. Dickerman, Class Secretary. 72 pages. New Haven: The Price, Lee & Adkins Co., Printers, 1899. Copies of any of these volumes may be had on application (enclosing 12 cents per volume for postage) to the Class Secretary, Henry W. Farnam, 43 Hillhouse Ave., New Haven, Conn. CONTENTS The Old Brick Row and the Fence . Frontispiece PAGE Reunions, illustrated by groups and scenes . xi Recounting the meetings held in 1877, 1880, 1884, 1889, 1894, 1899, 1904 and 1909. Biographies, illustrated with photographs of the members at graduation and in later life Graduates ....... 1 Non-Graduates 252 Statistical Summaries for Graduates only Marriages and Births ..... 265 Yale Sons 269 Occupations 270 Geographical Distribution of Living Gradu- ates 271 Roll of the Class 272 REUNIONS REUNIONS Triennial Sixty-nine graduate members of the Class, and four non-graduates, seventy-three in all, turned out to celebrate our Triennial. Of these, sixty-nine took part in the supper, held June 26, 1877, after which the cup was presented to the son of Alec. Nevin with elaborate and appropriate ceremonies. A feature which was a surprise to most of the Class was introduced by Bin- inger, who, after the cup had been received b}^ Baby Nevin, arose and in a few characteristic words presented a consolation cup to Arthur Dodge's small baby, who had lost in the race by only three days. The proceedings in full, with the speeches of Joy, Bininger, Witherbee, E. D. Bobbins, Olmsted, Zacher, Benton, Stapler, Walker, Gunn, Jenkins, Howe, Whittemore, Townsend, Kennedy, Dennis, Wickes, and Beaver, together with many of the songs and poems, are printed in the report of the meeting issued in 1879. Sexennial The Sexennial was held June 30, 1880, but only about thirty turned up at the Class meeting. The dinner which was served by Redcliffe at the Athenaeum was presided over by Stapler. Decennial The Decennial meeting was held June 24, 1884, the supper being served by Delmonico at the Athenaeum, and forty being present. Waterman presided. QUARTER CENTENARY xiii QUINDECENNIAL The Quindecennial Class meeting was held in South College, June 25, 1889. The Class attended the Harvard game, and had the pleasure of seeing Yale win by a score of 8 to 4. The dinner was served at 8.30 p. m. in Music Hall on Church Street. Jenkins presided. Thirty-six were present, and the evening was enlivened by a visit from the Class of '86, which came in a body, as well as by delegations from the classes of '64 and '69. After breaking up we returned the visit of the Class of '69 in Brothers' Hall, and the affair was generally pronounced to be very successful. Vicennial The Vicennial meeting was held June 26, 1894. The Class went in a body to the Yale-Harvard game and contributed its share of noise towards securing a victory for Yale. After the game there was a reception for the Class together with its wives and daughters at Farnam's, 43 Hillhouse Avenue, and the supper was held at the New Haven House. Sixty members were present, the largest number on record since Triennial. One of the pleasant features was the movement inaugu- rated to secure for Harry Robbins, who unfortunately was obliged to leave college shortly before the Class graduated, the dignity and emoluments of the degree of Bachelor of Arts. A petition to this effect was presented to the Corporation, and Harry Robbins is now enrolled with the Class. Quarter Centenary Our Twenty-fifth anniversary was celebrated June 27, 1899. At the Class meeting, which was held as ALUMNI HALL HAMILTON PARK GATE TRICENXIAL xv usual in the forenoon in E 1 Osborn Hall, the old songs were sung, and the old jokes warmed up. In the afternoon we went in a body to the Yale-Harvard game, but our enthusiasm was unable to turn the scale in our favor, for Harvard won by a score of 4 to 3. Mr. and Mrs. George L. Dickerman received the Class hospitably in the afternoon at their house, 320 Temple Street, and the dinner was held at 8 p. m. at the Xew Haven House, with the following men present: — Benedict, Blodgett, Bowers, Bristol, G. S. Brown, S. C. Bushnell, Campbell, Clark, Curtis, Dickerman, Dimock, Dunning, Farnam, Fox, Frissell, Gunn, Harrison, Henderson, Harris, Heron, Howe, James, Joy, R. W. Kelley, Kennedy, Leal, Marsh, Mendell, Minor, Morris, Munroe, Parkin, Reid, E. D. Bobbins, H. S. Robbins, Sherman, Stapler, Teale, Thacher, Van Horn, Walden, Walker, Washburn, Waterman, Wilcox, Witherbee, Wood, Zacher. Tricennial Our Thirtieth anniversary took place June 28, 1904. A notable event was the address in medicine delivered in the afternoon of June 27 in College Street Hall by Halsted, upon whom the degree of LL.D. was conferred on Commencement Day. Our Class meeting was held at noon in B 1 Osborn Hall and in the afternoon we attended the Yale-Harvard baseball game together. The dinner was held at the Momauguin at 7.30. John Brady acted as toastmaster, and many speeches were made by the members of the Class. The following were present: — Adams, Blod- gett, Bradstreet, Brady, G. S. Brown, S. C. Bushnell, 11 - ; * «!f\V5^^ ^ 1 «(*»'-i\-A> : ii -* i ^| * M wH&i c ;>' "v»a I^IWi is QUINTRICENNIAL xvii Curtis, Cuyler, Dickerman, Dimock, Farnam, Fox, Frissell, Gunn, Halsted, Hatch, Henderson, Howe, Ingersoll, James, Joy, R. W. Kelley, William Kelly, Kennedy, Lyon, Minor, Morris, Munroe, E. D. Rob- bins, H. S. Robbins, Sherman, Starkweather, Stokes, Tenney, Townsend, Walden, Wilcox, Witherbee, Wood, Zacher, Clark, Dunham, Harris. QUINTRICENNIAL The Thirty-fifth anniversary began with an unusual feature. Aldis had shown his interest in golf and in the Class by proposing to give a cup which was to be competed for by members of the Class at the time of the reunion. Aldis himself was unfortunately at the last moment prevented by a sprained ankle from coming, but the tournament took place on Monday, June 28, at the Xew Haven Country Club under the auspices of George Gunn and was won by Henderson. The regular Class meeting was held Tuesday morn- ing, June 29, in B 1 Osborn Hall. The minutes of the meeting are as follows: The meeting was called to order by George M. Gunn, who was thereupon unanimously elected chairman. Henry W. Farnam acted as secretary. The treasurer's report for the meeting of 1904 was read by Henry W. Farnam, who also made a brief statement regarding the deaths which had occurred in the Class within the past five years and explained the program of the present meeting. David A. Kennedy then addressed the Class as follows: Fellow Classmates: On that beautiful Sunday of May 30, Decoration Day, as the sun was climbing down the western slope and the twilight was drawing nigh, our beloved friend and classmate, George L. Dickerman, passed over the bar. And now it is my sad duty to bear a momentary tribute to one whose friendship I BATTELL CHAPEL CAMPUS FROM FENCE QUINTRICENNIAL xix value as one of the choice things of my life, a friendship formed forty-one years ago in the old Hopkins Grammar School and continuing throughout college and mature life even unto the parting and the consignment of his human frame to the ground. And ever there float through my soul the words of Milton: But oh! the heavy change, now thou art gone, Now thou art gone, and never must return. You, who have seen him from time to time as the Secretary of our Class, knew the integrity of his character, the fidelity of his trust, the loyalty with which he followed our move- ments, and the exceeding care he showed in making arrange- ments for our gathering. If you make inquiries in this community you will find that his seemingly uneventful life was full of interests to which he closely devoted himself. On acccount of his well known probity many a trust of the property of widows and orphans was placed in his hands. And in the faithful, conservative care of these interests he won from his circle of business and professional acquaintances a high regard, an implicit confidence, a thorough belief that he could be depended upon. Such was the character of our friend and such the reputa- tion he bore, both worthy of the utmost respect and admiration from us, his friends and classmates. It devolves upon me, therefore, to present this resolution: Resolved: that we, the Class of 1874, assembled at our thirty-fifth reunion, wish to pay tribute to the fidelity, the careful accuracy, the unswerving interest, that George L. Dickerman ever manifested in his service through all these years as our Class Secretary; that we deeply mourn the loss of our friend; that we extend our heartfelt sympathy to his wife and sisters at this time of their bereavement and grief and assure them that the members of this Class will always retain feelings of affectionate remembrance for him who was so dear to them and so close in friendship to us. Voted: that the Secretary be instructed to forward a copy of these resolutions to Mrs. Dickerman and that they be published in the Yale Alumni Weekly. QUINTRICENNIAL xxi The chairman stated that the next business was the election of the Class Secretary. Henry W. Farnam was nominated, but as he declined to serve, and a general proposition with regard to the organization of the Class was suggested by Ansley Wilcox, the nomination was withdrawn. After some discussion, it was voted, on motion of Ansley Wilcox, that we proceed to organize the Class by the election of a president, a secretary-treasurer, and an executive committee of three, consisting of the officers and one other member, with power to add to their number. Upon motion the following were elected members of the execu- tive committee: George M. Gunn, president; Henry W. Farnam, secretary-treasurer; H. P. Hatch. After a discussion regarding the desirability of issuing a large and full report of the Class, it was voted to refer the matter to the executive committee. The meeting adjourned at 12.15. After the meeting the Class met on the steps of the old library to be photographed. In the afternoon the members attended the Yale-Harvard baseball game as usual, two of Smedley's electric trucks being used for the trip, and had the pleasure of seeing Yale win by a score of 4 to 0. This trip presented dangers of an unusual character for which even experienced auto- mobilists were quite unprepared. As Waterman remarked, on the return, we were in constant danger of a rear end collision; but everthing that left the field after us succeeded in passing us in safety, and we had power enough, not only to get to the center of the town, but even to climb half way up the steep declivity of Hillhouse Avenue. The Class then marched with its banner to President Hadley's house and returned to the house of the Secretary, 43 Hill- house Avenue, for an informal reception at which many of the wives and some of the daughters were present. xxii REUNIONS The dinner was held at the New Haven House, at 8 p. m., George M. Gunn presiding. Speeches were made by Bushnell, Bouchet, Farnam, Fox, Harris, Henderson, Morris, Parkin, E. D. Bobbins, H. S. Bobbins, Wilcox, and Wood. The Class Poet, Beid, read the following poem: "O days, so fraught with glad fruition, O years, the happiest we shall live." {Seventy-Fours Class Poem.) So thought we in those other days When careless free life's current ran, When we knew little of the maze Which tests the worth of every man. We pictured then a thornless way Leading to summits high and fair. But thorns have thronged in stout array, And heights have faded into air. Hard roads we've marched, fierce trials borne, And sometimes mourned a project lost, — Perchance have led a hope forlorn, And failed, heart-heavy with the cost. Yet through the years that now are gone The joys of victory we have known, The crises we have fallen upon Have never our real strength o'erthrown. For something we have been or done May generations yet inspire, — A battle fought, a victory won With weapons tempered in our fire. We're near the sunset, it is true, More years are gone than yet shall be; But there is something still to do, That Seventy-Four in memory QUINTRICENXIAL xxiii May long be held, and through the years The influence of her generous might Shall thrill the pulses, calm the fears Of men who live to do the right. For no life ceases when its day Is ended by the falling shade, Even though it seems to pass away, As flowers that droop when day beams fade. Our numbers lessen, but the tone We've given to our surroundings here Has power beyond the narrow zone Which circumscribes this life's career. So pushing on with courage high, As when we left these classic halls, Our energy can never die, Whatever our brief life befalls. And when we here shall meet no more, Life's work and victories all done, We leave behind a gallant store Of vigor that has but begun To stir the world to larger things, To rouse in men a purpose high For deeds, whose worth a poet sings, And ruthless time shall e'er defy. The following, 43 in all, were present: Blodgett, Bouchet, Bowers, Bradstreet, Brady, Bristol, G. S. Brown, S. C. Bushnell, Campbell, Curtis, Cuyler, Dimock, Farnam, Fox, Frissell, Gunn, Harrison, Hatch, Henderson, Heron, Howe, Harris, R. W. Kelley, William Kelly, Kennedy, Leland, Minor, Morris, Parkin, Reid, E. D. Robbins, H. S. Robbins, Sayles, Sellers, Sherman, Tenney, Thacher, Walden, Walker, Waterman, Wilcox, Wood, Zacher. The meeting broke up at about 1.30. The Class then visited the Class Ivy. BIOGRAPHIES , . '. > 1 ) ) > •> i 1 ) , 5 , » > ' BIOGRAPHIES OF GRADUATES Thomas Means Adams President of the Norton Iron Works, Ashland, Ky. Address — Ashland, Ky. Born February 15, 1854, in Buena Vista Furnace, Ky. He prepared at Marietta College and at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. He was married in September, 1892, in West Newton, Mass., to Miss Emma Louise Sheldon, Wellesley '91 (died April 5, 1897), daughter of William E. Sheldon of West Newton, an educator, at one time president of the National Educational Association. Two daughters were born to them: Mary Means, born July 19, 1893. Louise Sheldon, born April 5, 1897. Adams spent one year in Europe, five months of which he passed in Hanover pursuing the study of German. Upon his return he became engaged in the banking business at Ironton, Ohio. In the summer of 1882 he began selling general merchandise in Montana, hauling his goods in wagons one hundred miles from the nearest railroad station, prior to the completion of the Northern Pacific Railway. His customers were cowboys, ranchmen, and Indians. After three years in Montana, during which time Adams says he "speedily amassed a fortune, not exactly in money, but in health," he located in Ashland, Ky., where he became engaged in ice manufacture and pig-iron speculation. Concerning his life he writes: "After graduation I spent one year abroad. Upon my return home it seemed best that I should enter • • • • •• • • • • • •• c •»_•.••«<■«•••• BIOGRAPHIES THOMAS MEANS ADAMS upon some sort of a post-graduate course, as it were, and I accordingly started in without any loss of time to grapple with the rudiments of business. The lapse of four and twenty years found me still wrestling with said rudiments. My tuition during this period was something extreme. To meet same it was necessary to draw heavily on the reserves, and to work vacations. As may be conjectured from the foregoing during the above mentioned period my only success was in evading success. Encouraged by the fact that I had led my class at Yale (alphabetically) , I struggled on. Within the last ten years close application to my work has been rewarded with prizes that will suffice to wipe out all old scores, and provide a fund for the further prosecution of my studies. GRADUATES 3 "As a part of this post-graduate course, I have suc- cessfully administered the estate of my grandfather, according to the true intent and purpose of his will, without any outside aid, save that furnished by a co- administrator, a full complement of lawyers, one Judge of a Federal District Court, three Judges of a Federal Court of Appeals and nine Justices of the U. S. Supreme Court. The lawsuit was styled "The Means Case," and not inaptly so, as it was the means of sup- port of half a dozen lawyers for nine years. The underlying principle of the higher court decision was in accord with that of present-day legislation, viz: A man has a perfect right to die rich as long as he does not enrich his heirs by so doing. "As a part of this post-graduate course, I also cleared land in Florida for pineapple culture, mer- chandised in Montana, operated a machine shop and foundry in Ohio, ice factories in Kentucky and Penn- sylvania, and am now the president, manager and con- trolling shareholder of the Norton Iron Works of Ashland, Ky., a plant producing wire, wire nails, cut nails and pig-iron." Owen Franklin Aldis Lawyer, retired Residences — 120 Bellevue Place, Chicago, 111. 1347 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, D. C. Aldis Cottage, York Harbor, Maine Business address — Care Aldis & Company, 247 Monadnock Build- ing, Chicago, 111. Born June 6, 1852, in St. Albans, Vt., the son of Asa O. and Mary T. Aldis. BIOGRAPHIES OWEN FRANKLIN ALDIi He prepared "nowhere in particular and everywhere in general" and entered the Class in September., 1871. He was married December 18, 1878, in Chicago, 111., to Miss Leila R. Houghteling, who died in 1885. A son, Owen, born in 1880, is also dead. After graduation Aldis studied law during one win- ter in Washington, D. C, and during one summer in Vermont, and was admitted to the Chicago Bar in September, 1876. He has now retired from active business. He writes: "Lawyer for ten years in Chicago, 111., then real estate. Xo political offices. I have spent most of the last five or six years in travel in various parts of the world. Xo special pursuits except sport and reading. Have been connected with the World's Fair, Chicago; GRADUATES the Field Columbian Museum, Chicago ; and have been trustee, director, and so forth of other institutions." He belongs to the Chicago, University, Caxton, Cliff Dwellers and Chicago Literary clubs ; the Metro- politan Club of Washington, D. C; the Century, University, and Grolier clubs of New York, and various country clubs in Chicago, Washington and at the sea shore. William Lathrop Bailey Nevada, Mo. Born November 27, 1854, in Bridgeport, Conn., the son of George and Mary L. Bailey. He was prepared for college at Wilton, Conn. After graduation Bai- ley went abroad and, after several months of travel, studied at the Polytechnic School in Stuttgart, and later at the University of Hei- delberg. At the latter place he devoted his at- tention to the study of medicine with the idea of pursuing that profes- sion upon his return to America. The Secretary has been unable to elicit any reply to his many requests for information and nothing further is known about his career. WILLIAM LATHROP BAILEY BIOGRAPHIES Henry Baldwin Farmer HENRY BALDWIN Address — South Canterbury. Conn. Born July 24, 1850, in Cen- tral Village, Conn., the son of Elijah and Sarah Mathewson Baldwin. He prepared at Phillips Academy, Exeter, N. H., was a member of the last advanced class, and entered the Class of '74< in September, 1871. He is unmarried. Since graduation Bald- win has been a farmer in South Canterbury, Conn. He is a member of the American Free Trade League. Address- Pearce Barnes Lawyer 1 West Fifty-fourth Street, New York City Born in Mount Sterling, Montgomery County, Ky., the son of Thomas C. Barnes and Emily Amelia (Howard) Barnes. He prepared in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is unmarried. Concerning his life since leaving Yale, Barnes writes : "Immediately after graduation I went to the Colum- bia Law School in the city of New York, where I was graduated with the degree of LL.B. in 1876. I com- menced to practice law in that city in the fall of 1877, GRADUATES PEARCE BARNES and have been located there ever since, except for an interval of about seven years which was caused by ill health and which ended some four years ago. I am now in good shape. "I am a member of the University Club and of the Association of the Bar in New York City. I have been abroad three times, visiting England, Ireland, Wales, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, and France. I have also been in Quebec, Ontario, Mani- toba, Assiniboia, and Saskatchewan, Canada. My favorite and only recreations and sports are hunting and fishing, and in indulging them I have visited twenty-six states in the Union. I hold the memory of my classmates, the living and the dead, in deep affec- tion. I see much too little of them — I cannot see too much." BIOGRAPHIES George Lincoln Beaver Horticulturist, formerly Lawyer Address — 661 Gilman Street, Palo Alto, Calif. Born February 10, 1854, in San Francisco, Calif., the son of George W. and Mary M. Beaver. He prepared at the San Francisco Latin High School and at University Mound College, and also spent three months as a Freshman in the California State University. He was married on December 14, 1892, near Campbell, Santa Clara County, Calif., to Miss Ella Laurette Lovell, formerly a student at the University of the Pacific, daughter of Ira Joseph Lovell (now deceased), a pioneer farmer and fruit grower of the Santa Clara valley. They have one son and two daughters, all born in Campbell, Santa Clara County: George Lovell, born October 6, 1893. Mary Ann, born January 4, 1895. Mildred, born July 25, 1896. He writes: "After graduation I entered the Columbia Law School in New York City in the fall of 1874, but returned to San Francisco in February, 1875, on account of ill health. In July, 1875, I entered the law office of Messrs. Jarboe (Yale '55) & Harrison, and in April, 1877, upon examination, was admitted to practice law in all the courts, by the Supreme Court of the State of California. In May, 1877, I made a trip East and was fortunate enough to be able to attend the Triennial reunion of the Class in New Haven on June 26. In the fall of the same year I returned to San Francisco and entered the law office of Bishop & Fifield and afterwards that of Garber, Thornton & Bishop, with whom I remained until June, 1880, when I again made a trip through the western states visiting GRADUATES 9 GEORGE LINCOLN BEAVER relatives, principally in the state of Indiana. In November, 1880, I returned to California and shortly afterwards relinquished the profession of the law and in February, 1881, I removed to Santa Clara County and became engaged in horticultural pursuits near the town of Campbell. "While in San Francisco I was a member of the Bohemian Club, a well known social and literary club; of the Chit Chat Club, a literary club; of the Delta Kappa Epsilon Alumni Association, and of the Yale Alumni Association. In Santa Clara County I was a member of the Pacific Coast Fruit Association, the California Cured Fruit Association, and am now a member of the Santa Clara County Fruit Exchange and the West Side Fruit Growers Association. 10 BIOGRAPHIES "In 1904, in company with my wife, I visited the St. Louis Exposition and was away from home about six weeks. In St. Louis I saw my classmate Fred A. Cline, and in Chicago my classmates Owen F. Aldis and Harry S. Robbins. Our former classmate, Nathan E. Beckwith, lives about six miles from me, about a mile back from Los Gatos in the hills. I have not seen any classmates lately except Tom Wickes, who is now a practicing attorney in San Francisco. "I have simply led the quiet life of a fruit grower in what is probably the finest fruit section of the world, the famous Santa Clara Valley, for the last thirty years." *George Willis Benedict Died 1907 GEORGE WILLIS BENEDICT Born September 25, 1852, in South Norwalk, Conn., the son of George and Amanda (Benedict) Benedict. He prepared at Wilton Educational Institute, Wilton. Conn. He was unmarried. After graduation Bene- dict spent two years in the Yale Medical School. He finished his course at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, receiving his degree in 1878. He then began practice in South Norwalk and in GRADUATES 11 1885 was appointed postmaster of that city. Upon the expiration of his term he resumed his practice. Benedict died August 23, 1907, at a sanitarium in Westport, Conn., where he was receiving treatment for nervous trouble. He was a member of the South Norwalk Club and the Norwalk Yacht Club. He was also a member of the Congregational Church. *Thomas Armstrong Bent Died 1876 Born April 23, 1844, in Westchester, Pa., the son of David J. and Emeline M. Bent. He prepared at the West Chester Academy in West Chester. He entered the Class of '72 in the fall of 1868 but remained only a few weeks. The re- mainder of that year he spent at the Hopkins Grammar School in New Haven, and in 1869 joined the Class of '73. He continued with this Class until the end of Junior year. He entered '74 during the early part of Junior year, and remained with it until gradu- ation. He was unmarried. In the fall Bent began study at the Protestant Episcopal Divinity School in West Phila- delphia, and was in the Senior Class at the time thomas Armstrong bent 12 BIOGRAPHIES of his death. During the last year of his life he was lay reader of a little mission chapel at Clifton, a suburb of Philadelphia. While actively engaged in these duties he was stricken with pleuro-pneumonia and, after an illness lasting a little more than two weeks, died October 31, 1876, in Clifton Heights, Pa. Charles William Benton Professor of French and head of the department of Romance languages, University of Minnesota Residence — 516 Ninth Avenue, S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Born January 20, 1852, in Tolland, Conn., the son of William Austin and Loanza G. Benton. He received his preparation at the National College, Beirut, Syria, 1864-1869, and in New London, Conn. He was married May 29, 1899, in Fergus Falls, Minn., to Miss Elma C. Hixson, a graduate of Hamline University, St. Paul, Minn., daughter of Daniel W. Hixson, senator from Grant County, Minn. They have two sons: William B., born April 1, 1900. Daniel H., born November 19, 1901. After graduation Benton attended the Yale Theo- logical Seminary for two years, and spent one year at Union Seminary, New York, taking a course of gradu- ate study in connection with his theological study. This course in theology was in line of preparation for a Ph.D. in the Semitic languages. He was a candidate for this degree at Harvard, 1879-1880, but left his work in the Oriental languages to accept his present position in Minnesota. Since 1880 he has been profes- sor of French in the University of Minnesota, where GRADUATES 13 CHARLES WILLIAM BENTON he is now head of the department of Romance lan- guages. There are nine members in the department and seven hundred and seventy-four students. He received the degree of M.A. from Yale in 1897 and the degree of Litt.D. from the Western University of Pennsylvania in the same year. He writes: "During the thirty years since 1880 the University of Minnesota has grown from an institution of four hundred students to one of six thousand. During this period I have crossed the ocean eight times, and have traveled in Spain, Italy, Germany, France and Eng- land. In 1894 I was given one year's leave of absence, which was spent in study in Berlin and Paris. "The only members of the Class whom I have seen in Minnesota are John L. Scudder, who was pastor of the First Congregational Church for four years, and 14 BIOGRAPHIES Governor Brady, who visited me a number of times while traveling through the country. Yale has given us a president in Cyrus Northrop, '57, for twenty-seven years, and we have paid back the debt by giving Yale a dean in the person of Prof. Frederic S. Jones, '84. In this connection it is interesting to note that Yale has again furnished Minnesota with a president, George E. Vincent, '85, elected in 1911. "We have several Yale men in our faculty. I think now of Dr. Eddy, dean of our graduate school, Albert B. White, '93, Ph.D. '98, and Wallace Notestein, M.A. '03, of the history department; Nichols of the rhetoric department; John J. Flather, '85, of the college of engineering and Frank LeR. McVey, Ph.D. '95, recently elected to the presidency of North Dakota University." Benton has been president of the local branch of the Alliance Francaise since 1908. He has written "The Golden Periods of Literature: Italian, Dante," published by the Chicago Record Company, 1897, and has edited a series "College French Plays," published by Scott Foresman & Company, Chicago, 1909, 1910 and 1911. *William Burger Bininger Died 1908 Born June 11, 1852, in New York City, the son of Abraham and Elizabeth E. (Draper) Bininger. He prepared for college with a private tutor and was a member of the Class of '73 until the end of Junior year, joining the Class of '74 for the last half of the course. He was unmarried. GRADUATES 15 From the time of grad- uation until September, 1885, he was engaged with his father in the wine business. He then became a member of the staff of the Xew York Star. Upon the death of the owner, Bininger took an editorial position on the Xew York Herald in May, 1889, and was well known among news- paper men for twenty years. Bininger died of apo- plexy, May 15, 1908, at "Oakwood," Xew Ham- burg, N. Y. i* WILLIAM BURGER BININGER Samuel Fairbank Blodgett Superintendent of Public Schools, Framingham, Mass. Residence address — 4« Thurber Street, South Framingham, Mass. Business address — High School, South Framingham, Mass. Born September 24, 1849, in Jacksonville, 111., the son of Willard and Margaret T. Blodgett. He prepared at Phillips Academy, Exeter, N. H. He was married June 6, 1878, in Stoneham, Mass., to Miss Annie Elizabeth Parker, daughter of Samuel W. Parker, a piano manufacturer of Leominster, Mass. They have one son: George Parker, born May 14, 1884. 16 BIOGRAPHIES SAMUEL FAIRBANK BLODGETT He writes: "After graduation I spent one year at my home in Jacksonville, 111., but since that time have been con- stantly engaged in educational work. In 1875-1876 I was engaged in grammar school work at Hinsdale, 111. From 1876 to 1887 I was located in Southboro, Mass., as a grammar school teacher for three years and for eight years as principal of the Peters High School. From 1887 to 1896 I was superintendent of schools in Milford, Mass., and since 1896 have held the same position in Framingham, Mass. "I am a member of the Episcopal Church and was for five years junior warden of the Trinity Episcopal Church of Milford. I was president of the Framing- ham Country Club at the time of its organization and am still a member. I am devoted to outdoor sports GRADUATES 17 and have derived much pleasure from hunting, fishing, golfing, and tennis in days when the muscles responded more quickly than at present. "As a member of the Boston Yale Club I meet Bushnell and Brady more frequently than any others. Bradstreet and I try to get together once a year to see who plays the poorer golf." Edward Alexander Bouchet Teacher Residence — 837 Third Avenue, Gallipolis,' Ohio Permanent address — 94- Bradley Street, New Haven, Conn. Born September 15, 1852, in New Haven, Conn., the son of William F. and Susan C. Bouchet. He prepared at Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn. He is unmarried. Concerning his life since graduation Bouchet writes: "In the fall of 1874 I entered the post-graduate department of my Alma Mater as a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, in science, taking experimental physics under Professor A. W. Wright, Yale '59, calculus with Professor H. A. Newton, Yale '50, and chemistry and mineralogy in the Sheffield Scientific School under Professors Allen, Yale '61 S., and Brush, Yale '52 S. At commencement, 1876, I received my Ph.D. "In September, 1876, I began teaching physics and chemistry in the Institute for Colored Youth, Phila- delphia, Pa., and continued to fill that position until June, 1902. From September, 1902, until November, 1903, I was connected with the Sumner High School, 18 BIOGRAPHIES EDWARD ALEXANDER BOUCHET St. Louis, Mo., as teacher of physics and mathematics. From November, 1903, until May, 1904, I was business manager for the Provident Hospital, a private institu- tion located in St. Louis, Mo. From May, 1904, until March, 1905, I was United States Inspector of Cus- toms at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis, stationed at Ceylon Court. This appointment was obtained through the good offices of the Honorable Charles F. Joy and other St. Louis friends. In Octo- ber, 1906, I became director of Academics at the St. Paul Normal and Industrial School, located at Law- renceville, Va., where I remained until June, 1908, and in September, 1908, I accepted the position of principal of the Lincoln High School at Gallipolis, Ohio. GRADUATES 19 "My favorite recreations are walking and rowing. The classmates I have met most frequently have been George L. Dickerman, Henry W. Farnam, George L. Fox, George M. Gunn, Charles F. Joy, James C. Sellers and Edmund Zacher." William Cutler Bowers Physician 336 State Street, Bridgeport, Conn. Born March 17, 1852, in Springfield, Mass., the son of Caleb B. and Fannie (Cutler) Bowers. He prepared for college at the Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven. He was married June 1, 1882, to Miss Katharine Suffern, of Haverstraw, N. Y. They have two daughters: Mary Dwight, born March 5, 1883. Katharine S., born February 18, 1885. After graduation Bow- ers studied medicine for two years at the Yale Medical School, and six months at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Xew York City, gradu- ating at the latter place in 1877. He has prac- ticed medicine in Bridge- port, Conn., since that time and has failed to reply to the requests of the Secretary for a more detailed account of his interests. william cutler bowers 20 BIOGRAPHIES Edward Thomas Bradstreet Physician Address — Meriden, Conn. Born February 15, 1852, in Thomaston, Conn., the son of Thomas J. and Amanda Thomas Bradstreet. He prepared at Thomaston, Conn. He was married December 25, 1875, in Thomaston, Conn., to Miss Alice E. Pierce, daughter of Hiram Pierce of Thomaston. secretary of the Seth Thomas Clock Company. They have had three children: Alice Pierce, born November 23, 1876, died August 30, 1882. Edward Dudley, Yale '01, born November 11, 1878. Mary Thomas, born November 20, 1884, married Roswell B. Hyatt, Yale '03. Bradstreet entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, immediately after gradua- tion, and received the degree of M.D. in 1877. In 1912 he was elected president of the Connecticut State Medical Society. "I have practiced medicine in Meriden, Conn., since 1877," he writes. "My professional honors have been chiefly the good-will of the other doctors and their kind regard. That I have remained honest I think is proven by the fact that I examine for fifteen old-line life insurance companies. "My favorite recreations have been tennis, until I grew too old for it, then golf and chess and bridge ; am a bum golfer though I have played enough to be a star ; the same with chess. I learned whist at Yale and there- fore play bridge pretty well. I take a walking trip every thirty-five years. Walked through the White Mountains in 1907; climbed Mount Washington and GRADUATES 21 EDWARD THOMAS BRADSTREET found my wind good in spite of coffee and tobacco, in the use of which I think I could be found to hold the Class record. "Socially, I am proudest of having been president of the Meriden Golf Club since its organization and for several years president of the Yale Alumni Association of Meriden. With the exception of a trip to England in 1903 my travels have been short. "Of my classmates I have seen Sam Blodgett the longest at a time as we sit up late when he visits me on his way to New Haven. Sam Bushnell has been my most regular correspondent. He writes me every two years for my football tickets. "My son graduated from Yale in 1901 and has taken up painting. He spent one year at the Yale Art School and three years at the Art Students League in New 22 BIOGRAPHIES York, and is now in Vienna. My daughter was a stu- dent at St. Margaret's School in Waterbury, Conn., and is now married to Roswell B. Hyatt, Yale '03, and resides in Meriden. "In taking the inventory of my life it seems to me that I have had much more happiness than is usual. My home-life has surpassed a young man's dreams. I inherited just enough money to keep me from worry but not from work. I have friends I cannot account for and to whom I cannot pay adequate tribute. " 'I've had a good time! A good, good time, 'Nobody knows how good a time but me.' ' John Green Brady Residence — 530 West 122d Street, New York City Born May 25, 1848, in New York City. He prepared largely by his own reading and private instruction. He was married in Cochranton, Pa., October 20, 1887, to Miss Elizabeth Patton, Maplewood Institute, Pittsfield, Mass., '83, daughter of Hugh Patton, a merchant of Cochranton, Pa. They have five children, all born in Sitka, Alaska: John Green, Jr., born August 1, 1889. Hugh Picken, Yale '14, born February 19, 1891. Sheldon Jackson, born September 22, 1892. Mary Beattie, born April 29, 1894. Elizabeth Coley, born September 1, 1896. Brady was governor of Alaska from 1897 to 1906 and is now temporarily residing in New York. Of his life both before and after coming to Yale he writes: "I was born in Pearl Street, New York City, May 25, 1848, and did not know this date until two years ago when I learned it at the Baptismal Record of St. GRADUATES 23 JOHN GREEN BRADY Andrew's Church near City Hall Square. My mother died while I was very young. My father was a long- shoreman and worked along South Street. He married again. I was called a bad boy and got pun- ished accordingly. I took to the streets and they were most delightful. I was taken to Randall's Island, where I was sent to school. After two years of train- ing there, I was taken West with twenty other boys and six girls to Xoblesville, Ind., where we were placed in the homes of the people who applied for us. "Mr. John Green of the country town of Tipton, north of Xoblesville, happened to be present and took me. He had a farm near the town. I was kept upon it and put to work. At that time Mr. Green was a state senator, and in the election of 1860 was elected common pleas judge, having a circuit of five counties. 24 BIOGRAPHIES "Growing up in this household I learned to read The Indianapolis Journal and the Cincinnati Daily Gazette. "When the Civil War broke out I was intensely excited and wished to be taken as a drummer boy or in some other capacity but was repeatedly rejected. On account of numerous changes in the family, farm life became irksome, and I applied for a position as a real Hoosier schoolmaster, and obtained a place at the Fairbanks school house on Mud Creek, about two miles east of Sharpsville. "It was here that my religious feelings were stirred very profoundly, and as a consequence started me on a new course. Some months after the school was out I went to Waveland to enter into a preparatory course in study with the view of entering Hanover College, near Madison, Ind. At this school I was fortunate enough to be under a most excellent teacher, Mr. H. S. Kritz, whose memory is revered by many men in that part of the state. "When I arrived at this town I had some means which I had saved. I reduced my expenses by sawing cord wood, milking the cow, and making garden for my landlady, and acting as janitor at the Academy, and sexton of the church. "It entered my head somehow to go to an Eastern college, and the more I thought it over the more desir- able it seemed. We had studied the text-books of Professor Henry N. Day, and I learned from them that he resided in New Haven. I recalled the fact too, that while I was on Randall's Island some men called one day and spoke to us. We were told they were from Yale College, for I can recollect that the old Elm City used to go by the island. We used to notice it and GRADUATES 25 say that she was bound for New Haven. With this meager stock of thoughts I ventured to address a letter to Professor Day. In due time to my great joy I received an encouraging but cautious reply. This buoyed me up mightily, and I wrote to Mr. Green from Waveland informing him of what prospect I had to go to Yale, and although I did not plainly ask it, I let him understand that I would like his assistance. He replied that if a young man was going to spend his life in the West he did not see why a western college was not good enough. My going to Yale College might be like a Mussulman going to Mecca: there might be something in it, but as far as he was concerned he was resolved to let every fellow hoe his own row. I was sorely disappointed for I had scarcely a dollar and I needed to study very closely during vacation in order to make a possible entrance. I replied that I was going to Yale College if I had to walk. "A good old farmer, Asa Fordice, for whom I had worked in vacation, took me into his family for the summer, giving me most of the time for study, and when the time came to start, he gave me forty dollars. "I have a very lively recollection of my entrance into Xew Haven. Professor Day had not returned from his vacation and I did not know which way to turn. I had but a few dollars and at one dollar per night for lodging in the old Merchant's Hotel, where the depot then was, it was still less when on the morning I went to hunt the place where examinations were to be held that day for those desiring to enter. I had all my belongings in a black oil cloth bag patterned after the old fashioned carpet bag. I had a sick heart and felt lonesome as I sat beneath a large elm just 26 BIOGRAPHIES inside the fence at the corner of the Campus opposite Old South. "At last I ventured to ask two young fellows whom I had noticed, as they had passed in and out several times, where the place for examinations was? They asked if I wished to enter college and upon hearing my answer each tried to pledge me to his society as they were scouts for that purpose. As I afterwards learned they were Day and Elder of '73. After a stubborn refusal on the ground that I was not in college and for the stronger reason which I did not care to give, namely that I could not afford it, Elder, I believe it was, answered my question and I could well discern that they felt that they had found a curiosity on the Campus. 'Go around this way,' he said pointing, 'to the corner of the grounds and you will see a building of red sandstone with embattlements like a castle, that's the place.' I asked if they could tell me where I could leave my bag and one pointing said, 'Over there at the Xew Haven House.' I have never forgotten the kind- ness with which I was treated when I entered that house and asked if my bag could remain there for a few hours. The clerk must have taken in the situation at a glance and very gently and promptly relieved me. I found the building 'like a castle' and we all no doubt associate our greenness with Alumni Hall. Did ever a boy more utterly lonely and green come upon that campus? I soon got into an environment and began to work hard to get rid of two conditions under Professor Packard and Tutor Woods. The Rush at Hamilton Park was a profound experience just after leaving Hoosierdom. GRADUATES 27 "I desire to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the members of the Class ; for not by look or manner or by ill remark did any ever try to wound my feelings or make me uncomfortable on account of my poverty. This is part of the Yale Spirit and I pray God that it may ever abide and possess the hearts of each succeeding class. "I received many substantial tokens of kindness. During the summer of 1874 I had charge of Phelps Mission on East Thirty-fifth Street, New York City. In the fall of that year I entered Union Theological Seminary, then at 9 University Place, New York, where I graduated in the Class of 1877. "I spent the vacation of 1875 on the ocean and in London, England. During my Seminary course I took an active interest in city missionary work, espe- cially in Camp Mission, then on Elizabeth Street, and often visited the lodging houses for boys under the care of the Children's Aid Society. When about through my Seminary course I addressed a letter to my old pastor, Dr. Isaac Monfort, then at Denver, Colo., seeking advice. He turned this over to Dr. Sheldon Jackson, Synodical Missionary for the Pres- byterian Church. He urged upon me a mission field at Silverton in the San Juan mountains of Colorado and I consented to go. But the condition of boys from twelve to sixteen years of age whom I met in the lodging houses appealed to me strongly. "I thought I understood well the reasons why boys of their age, as a rule, do not do well when placed upon farms in the West. The boy does not know the farm nor its owner ; the farmer does not know the city boy. The lad needs a certain amount of preliminary 28 BIOGRAPHIES training in practical every day affairs of farm home. He will thus be saved from scolding, ridicule and chastisement at the hands of a man who feels outraged by the loss of property by a boy who has done it wil- fully and should know better. I therefore, conceived the idea of organizing a large training farm where a boy could be prepared to be placed with a farmer. I believed that such a farm, once under way, could be made self-supporting by the labor of the boys. "Arthur M. Dodge of our Class was then in the lumber business at Jersey City and I called at his office and told him of my plan. He entertained it favora- bly and brought it to the attention of his father. I thought that Texas would be the best western field for such an enterprise. The soil is rich and yields gener- ously, and a variety of crops can be grown; it was growing rapidly, being settled largely by young families, and would thus be the best area in which to find suitable homes for the boys. Accordingly, I spent the summer of 1877 in going over that vast state by rail and on horseback. I selected a farm of 1700 acres on the Brazos River, southwest from Weather ford, and was given an option on it for a small sum. In due time I returned to New York, rich in nothing save enthusiasm. The fall of 1877 was a severe one in money matters and Mr. William E. Dodge told me that he did not see how he could take on a new project. "While I was in Texas, Dr. Sheldon Jackson was on his first visit to Alaska, and what he saw and learned was a wonderful revelation of the worth and value of our new possession in that corner of the continent. When we met in New York he was more urgent for me to go to Alaska than to Colorado. It was with GRADUATES 29 great reluctance that I gave up the hope of organizing the boys' training farm in Texas and consented to be shunted in an opposite direction to the verge of the continent and live perhaps in an igloo. "Dr. Jackson had to be persistent and use every effort to get the Presbyterian Board of Home Missions to take up work in Alaska. While the Board was coining to a decision I was kept waiting for about three months and, becoming weary, began to seek another field. When they finally decided to take on the field and sent for me it was with still greater reluctance that I gave my consent. "I landed on March 13, 1878. I shall not attempt to impose upon the Class in this sketch the story of my life in Alaska. I was but one year under the commis- sion of the Board drawing a salary. I should like to tell why but refrain. I am a believer in missions, and practically I have been a missionary all these years and have been so classed by my enemies. "I soon learned to appreciate Alaska for the beauty and grandeur of its scenery and the great wealth of its resources. In 1880 I entered into an active busi- ness life and continued in it until my appointment as Governor of the District in 1897 by President McKinley. I received a second appointment at his hands and again a third appointment to the same office by President Roosevelt. While holding this important office for so many years, 1897-1906, I tried to do many things besides drawing my breath and salary. The revision of the code of laws under which we were trying to live was largely accomplished through my efforts, lobbying for three winters at Washington, at my own expense. The boundary line, the protection of seals, 30 BIOGRAPHIES the increase of the judiciary for the proper protection of life and property, etc., etc., were some of the weighty subjects which were treated in my nine annual reports to the President. In 1906 I resigned to go into mining and embrace the opportunity to move my family east and place my five children in school. "I still hold my mining and other interests in that territory. Much of my time is now given to lecturing with globe, charts, maps, and slides, trying to tell and instruct the people what Alaska really is and how much it has in store for our young people who will be brave and resolute enough to go there and appropriate their share." [In the summer of 1912 Brady's children were situ- ated as follows: Hugh P. was about to enter upon his Junior year at Yale; John G., Jr., was about to enter Princeton; Seldon Jackson was expecting to enter the Freshman Class at Yale; Mary B. was about to enter the Freshman Class at Vassar, and Elizabeth C. was a Junior in the High School.] Henry Dayton Bristol Vice-president Johnson Service Company Business address — 123 East Twenty-seventh Street, New York City Born February 21, 1851, in Birmingham (Derby), Conn., the son of William C. and Mary Ann Betts Bristol. He prepared at the Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn. He was married June 27, 1904, to Miss Lucie M. Wilson. Since 1895 Bristol has been vice-president of the Johnson Service Company of New York City. Concerning his career since graduation he writes: GRADUATES 31 HENRY DAYTON BRISTOL "In the fall of 1874 I entered the Scientific School for the purpose of taking a course in Civil Engineering. In February I was taken sick with varioloid and did not continue the course after my recovery. In the summer of 1875 I accepted a position with a division of the United States Coast Survey under Professor Bache, who had charge of a special topographical sur- vey of some ten square miles around New Haven, which I think was being made through a request or the influence of Professor Dana. I remained with this division until the fall. During the winter of 1875 and 1876 I taught school in Wallingford, Conn. For a period of six years following I was employed by the Bradstreet and R. G. Dun Mercantile Agencies at New Haven, Conn. From 1881 to the fall of 1887 32 BIOGRAPHIES I was the secretary of the Strong Firearms Company of New Haven. About October 1, 1887, I went to Kansas City and remained until the following spring, when I went to Chicago, 111., and became interested in the Somerset Coal & Coke Company. This company was not a financial success, and I entered the employ of the Chicago Electric Service Company in the spring of 1890. About July 1, 1891, I accepted a position with the Johnson Service Company of Milwaukee, Wis., which latter company, as well as the Chicago Electric Service Company, was engaged in the business of installing a system of temperature regulation in build- ings of all kinds for the automatic control of all methods of heating. About February 15, 1893, I returned to the employ of the Chicago Electric Service Company and remained until January 1, 1895, when I went to New York as the manager of the Metro- politan Electric Service Company, later and at present known as the Johnson Service Company. I was elected vice-president of this company about July 1, 1895, and have continued in the same position to the present time. "My interest in the Class and all matters pertaining to Yale has never diminished, and I feel as young in spirit as ever. But when I look over the Quinquennial Catalogue, and note how fast the names of the Class of '74 are moving to the front of the list, and how many names have been added since our graduation, I cannot help realizing how fast the years are passing, and what progress the Class is making towards the group of oldest living graduates." GRADUATES 33 GEORGE SELAH BROWN George Selah Brown Connected with the Bristol Brass Company Address — 50 Cedar Street, New Britain, Conn. Born March 27, 1851, in Forestville, Conn., the son of George W. and Elizabeth R. Brown. He prepared at the New Britain (Conn.) High School. He was married October 11, 1876, in New Britain, Conn., to Miss Florence R. Graham, daughter of Franklin Graham of New Britain. They have one daughter: Maude H., now Mrs. Mazeine, born October 10, 1881, in New Britain, Conn. Brown writes: "I graduated from the Columbia Law School, New York City, on May 17, 1876, and was admitted to the New York Bar, but for private reasons decided on a 34 BIOGRAPHIES business career. Since that time I have been connected with the Bristol Brass Company of Bristol, Conn., in various positions, after the death of my father in 1889 becoming agent of the company. "During the past few years I have traveled consid- erably on business intent. I belong to the Connect- icut Sons of the American Revolution, the New Britain Club of New Britain, Conn., and the Yale and Hardware clubs of New York City. I am also a mem- ber of the Palestine Commandery ( Knight Templars ) , and Mecca Shrine, New York City." *Joseph Unangst Brown Died 1899 JOSEPH UNANGST BROWN Born July 8, 1851, in Eas- ton, Pa., the son of William David and Susan Margaret (Unangst) Brown. He prepared for college at S. T. Frost's School, Amenia, N. Y., and entered with Class of '73. He entered the Class of '74 at the beginning of its Junior year. He was unmarried. After graduation Brown studied law at Easton and was admitted to the bar of Northamp- ton County, Pa., in the winter of 1876, and prac- ticed there until the fall GRADUATES 35 GEORGE VANDERBURGH BUSHNELL of 1887, when he engaged in the lumber business in Mehoopany, Pa., remaining in this work until the sum- mer of 1895. At that time he was admitted to the bar of Lackawanna County, Pa., and practiced law in Scranton until his death, which occurred on May 30, 1899, in his forty-eighth year. George Vanderburgh Bushnell Ranchman Address — Monrovia, Calif. Born September 11, 1851, in Hillsdale, N. Y., the son of Elisha and Emma Bushnell. He prepared at Winchester Center, Conn. He was married December 26, 1878, in Freeport, L. I., to Miss Edna V. Carman, daughter of Samuel A. Carman, a merchant of Freeport, L. I. They have had three children: 36 BIOGRAPHIES Georgia C, born November 5, 1879, married Rev. Charles I. Taton, Presbyterian minister at Northport, L. I., October 19, 1904. Elisha W., born October 25, 1881. Mabel E., born April 1, 1887, died in Denver, Colo., September 7, 1906. After graduation Bushnell taught during the fall and winter months in Chatham Village, N. Y., and was engaged in farming during the summer. He taught from 1877 to 1889, and was school commissioner of Columbia County, N. Y., from 1879 to 1882. He is now a ranchman in California. Samuel Clarke Bushnell Pastor Congregational Church, Arlington, Mass. Address — 11 Maple Street, Arlington, Mass. Born March 8, 1852, in New Haven, Conn., the son of Cornelius S. and Emily Clarke Bushnell. He prepared at the Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn. He was married October 14, 1880, in Boston, Mass., to Miss Mary Elizabeth Kendall, daughter of Isaac Kendall (deceased), a Boston merchant. They have two children: Alice Kendall, born March 20, 1887, in Boston, Mass. Samuel Kendall, Yale '14, born May 29, 1892, in Arlington, Mass. After graduation Bushnell entered the Yale Divinity School for a three years' course of study, receiving the degree of B.D. in 1877, and being chosen Class Secretary of the Divinity School Class, which position he still holds. He spent one year in traveling around the world, and began his ministry on December 1, 1878, at Acushnet, Mass., as pastor of the First Congrega- tional Church of New Bedford. After eleven years GRADUATES 37 SAMUEL CLARKE BUSHNELL in this parish he accepted a call to the Congregational Church in Arlington, Mass., beginning his work on February 6, 1890. He has been identified with the Yale men of Boston through his membership in the Boston Yale Club, of which he was for several years president. He is secretary of the Winthrop Club, and a member of the Fortnightly, Monday, and Congregational clubs, the Arlington Boat Club, and the Oakley Country Club. His services have been desired as preacher at many of the preparatory schools, such as Andover, Exeter, Milton Academy, Westminster, and Cornwall-on-the- Hudson. Bushnell has kept in touch with his college chum, William Halsted, visiting him frequently in Baltimore, where he says he has often seen him operate at Johns 38 BIOGRAPHIES Hopkins, and rejoices in his great success and many notable contributions to surgery. He also calls atten- tion to the esteem in which Ellis Mendell, '74, is held in Boston, where he had a long and faithful ministry, an evidence of which may be found in the use of his name for one of the new school houses of Boston, a fitting memorial to a noble career. His writings consist of numerous sermons and addresses, a few of which, printed at the time of their delivery, have been collected in a small volume for private circulation. Robert Speir Bussing Lawyer Residence — 20 Garden Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Business address — 26 Court Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born January 29, 1853, in Brooklyn, N. Y., the son of Robert Speir Bussing (deceased) and Mary Kingsland Bussing (deceased). He prepared in Brooklyn, N. Y. He was married April 26, 1904, in Brooklyn, N. Y., to Mrs. Mary L. Read, Packer Institute (Brooklyn) '79, daughter of James F. Pierce (deceased), a lawyer of New York City, formerly state senator and superintendent of insurance. Bussing writes: "I have lived in Brooklyn, N. Y., all my life. Graduated from Columbia Law School in 1878, and was assistant district attorney of Kings County, N. Y., from 1881 to 1884. I went to Australia and New Zealand in 1884 in behalf of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, in the matter of mail contracts. GRADUATES 39 ROBERT SPEIR BUSSING In 1885-1891, I was associated with the New York firm of Hoadley, Lauterbach & Johnson, and in 1891 was made attorney for the American Casualty Insur- ance Company, in whose behalf I traveled extensively in the United States for the purpose of supervising its law cases. That company failed in 1897, and for three years I was busy winding up its affairs. Soon afterwards I went to England for the Phonograph Company and while there, in London, met Frank Witherbee, '74, through whose kindness and with whom I had the great pleasure of spending three days with Andrew Carnegie at his magnificent country place at Tunbridge Wells, Sussex, England." 40 BIOGRAPHIES John Ammi Butler Lawyer, retired Residence — Crooked-Lake-Farm, Oconomowoc, Wis. Permanent address — Wells Building, Milwaukee, Wis. Born in Milwaukee, Wis., October 14, 1851. He prepared at Markham's Academy, Milwaukee, and Phillips Academy, Exeter, N. H. He was married October 25, 1877, in Bangor, Maine, to Miss Fanny L. Dana, daughter of Amos Dana (deceased), formerly a general railway superintendent of Indianapolis, Ind. They have three children: Mary Orvilla, born July 25, 1878, in Milwaukee, Wis. Katharine Dana, born November 29, 1880, in Milwaukee, Wis. Frances Eleanor, born August 2, 1885, at Crooked-Lake-Farm, Oconomowoc, Wis. Butler did not graduate with the Class but, by vote of the Corporation in 1905, was granted his degree and enrolled with the Class. He has been a permanent resident of Milwaukee, Wis., where after a year in Columbia College Law School, he was admitted to the bar. He continued in prac- tice in the firm of Butler, Williams & Butler for several years, with uniform and gratifying success ; but a serious injury, together with the prospective decline of litigated business, led him to retire. He had pre- viously attended lectures in the law department at Gottingen and Leipsic. In addition to several articles which were published in Harper's Magazine in the eighties, Butler represented the Chicago Times and several other papers as a European correspondent and sent them weekly letters. In 1894 he read a paper before the first great conference for better city govern- GRADUATES 41 JOHN AMMI BUTLER ment in Philadelphia. He has since delivered many addresses before the National Municipal League and has for many years been a member of its executive committee. He founded and was for eight years president of the Milwaukee Municipal League, which at his suggestion and with his cooperation, drafted and secured the passage of a civil service law for Milwaukee, placing several thousand city employees on the merit basis. He has also been for a long period a member of the council of the National Civil Service Reform League, and as chairman of the Executive Council of the Wisconsin Civil Service League he was instru- mental in securing the formulation and passage of a civil service law for the state. In this he was assisted by Mr. Richard Henry Dana, Mr. Elliot H. Goodwin, 42 BIOGRAPHIES and other members of the National Civil Service Reform League. Butler was also the founder and first president of the Milwaukee City Club. He has traveled a great deal in the old world and elsewhere, but has rarely met any of his former class- mates with the exception of the late Class Secretary, Dickerman, Ansley Wilcox, and Henry W. Farnam of New Haven. Besides articles for Harper's and Century magazines and for newspapers, he is the author of a book entitled, "Pen Pictures of Dresden's Past." Wellington Campbell Physician Address — Short Hills, N. J. Born September 27, 1852, in Milburn, N. J., the son of Welling- ton and Mary T. Campbell. He prepared at Milburn, N. J. He was married February 8, 1888, in New Haven, Conn., to Miss Carolyn S. Foote, daughter of Frederick Foote of Northford, Conn. They have had four children: Agnes Foote, born April 13, 1893. Katharine Wade, born July 18, 1896. Wellington Foote, born October 7, 1897. Ruth, born September 25, 1898, died December 20, 1898. Campbell writes: "After graduation I studied medicine at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, from which I was graduated in 1877. I began practice in North Branford, Conn., in 1878, where I remained until 1881. Then I began practice in Short Hills, N. J., where I have been ever since. GRADUATES 43 WELLINGTON CAMPBELL "I belong to numerous medical societies and have had some experience in political matters, having been a township committeeman for seven years." *Horace Hatch Chittenden Died 1909 Born January 24, 1855, in Burlington, Vt., the son of Hon. Lucius Eugene and Mary Yates (Hatch) Chittenden. He prepared for college at W. C. Wilkinson's School, Tarry town, N. Y. He was married October 11, 1877, to Bertha Borridil Peters of New York, the daughter of Dr. George A. and Julia (Coggill) Peters of New York City. They had two sons: George Peters, B.A. Yale 1901, born July 20, 1879, in New York City. Gerald, B.A. Yale 1904, M.A. Yale 1908, born September 26, 1882, in New York City. 44 BIOGRAPHIES After graduation Chittenden spent two years in the Columbia Law School and received his degree in 1877. Both summers he spent in Europe, principally in England, Ireland and Scotland. He was associated both before and after admission to the bar with the firm of Chittenden & Hubbard, was later a member of Chit- tenden, Townsend & Chittenden, until May 1, 1888, and then continued practice with his father under the name of L. E. & H. H. Chittenden. His father died in 1900 and in 1902 Chittenden moved to Burlington, Vt. He died December 26, 1909, in Burlington, from a shock following an operation, in his fifty-fifth year. HORACE HATCH CHITTENDEN GRADUATES 45 FREDERICK ADDISON CLINE Frederick Addison Cline Lawyer Residence — 4321 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Business address — Security Building, St. Louis, Mo. Born November 16, 1853, in St. Louis, Mo., the son of George W. and Livonia Dodds Cline. He prepared at the Preparatory Department of Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., and entered the Collegiate Department of that university, where he remained two years. He became a member of the Class of '74 at the commencement of Sophomore year. He was married February 4, 1880, in St. Louis, Mo., to Miss Frances E. Holmes, a former student of Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Conn., daughter of Robert Holmes (now deceased), a merchant of St. Louis. They have five children: Frederick Holmes, born January 11, 1881. Louis Chauvenet, born June 17, 1882. 46 BIOGRAPHIES John Holmes, born September 2, 1883. Alan Purnell, born August 14, 1885. Isabel Violet, born March 18, 1894. Cline received the degree of LL.B. from the St. Louis Law School in 1876, together with the prize for the best legal thesis. Since that time he has been practicing law in St. Louis, and in November, 1894, was elected justice of the peace. William Anderson Coffin Landscape Painter and Art Critic Addresses — Box 3, Jennerstown, Pa. Lotos Club, New York City Born January 31, 1855, in Allegheny City, Pa., the son of James Gardiner and Isabella Catharine (Anderson) Coffin. He was prepared by private tutors. He is unmarried. In September, 1874, Coffin engaged in the business of fire insurance with the firm of J. G. Coffin & Com- pany of Pittsburgh, Pa. He remained with them until October, 1875, when he returned to New Haven and entered the Yale Art School, where he studied painting for a year under Professor Weir. He con- tinued the study of art in the United States until 1877, when he went to Paris and became a pupil of Leon Bonnat, under whom he studied until 1882. He then returned to America and opened a studio in New York City, where he has since spent the greater part of his time. His summers have been spent at his country studio or in Europe. GRADUATES 47 WILLIAM ANDERSON COFFIN Coffin is a painter of landscape and figure pieces, and has exhibited frequently at the Paris Salon, the National Academy, and the Society of American Artists, New York City. He was awarded the Hall- garten prize at the National Academy in 1886; a medal at the Paris Exposition in 1889; the Webb prize, Society of American Artists, 1891; a gold medal, Art Club of Philadelphia, 1898; silver medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902, and two medals at the St. Louis World's Fair. He has been a director at the following exhibitions: Exhibition of Historical Portraits and Relics in con- nection with the centennial celebration of the inaugu- ration of George Washington as first President of the United States, New York, 1889; The Loan Exhi- 48 BIOGRAPHIES bition, Columbian Celebration, 1892; and the first portrait show, Portraits of Women, 1894. He was Director of Fine Arts at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo in 1901 and served as a member of the superior jury. He has been a member of the jury of award at other expositions such as the one at Atlanta in 1895. In New York City he acted as a member of numerous advisory boards in connection with the great expositions in Paris, St. Louis and elsewhere. He wrote in 1910: "This sort of work, organizing and conducting art exhibitions, and committee and executive work in various enterprises such as the erection of Washington Arch in Washington Square, competitions for mural paintings and other commissions, choosing sites for art buildings, building committees and other activities, took a good deal of my time between the years 1890 and 1904, in New York. I also served constantly on the juries of selection of the Society of American Artists, before it was merged with the Academy of Design in 1906. "In 1906 I took up my permanent residence here in the Allegheny Mountain country in Pennsylvania, where I greatly enjoy country life and have a good studio that I built on the farm in 1907. It is probable that I shall return next year to New York for winter residence and continue to spend my summers here as I have done for many years past. I cannot say that I have been much of a college man in the way it is understood generally. It has always been pleasant to meet and work with college men whether from Yale, Harvard, or elsewhere, though it often happened that we never thought of speaking of our affiliations in that GRADUATES 49 respect, until it came up in some way outside of the business in hand. I have been in Boston frequently and had to do with many Harvard men as a matter of course, and I have not been in New Haven as often as I should have liked. When I come to think of it most of the Yale men I know best and have seen most of in all these thirty-five years were not in my Class, and the great majority of them graduated in earlier classes than ours. "I have had a very busy life, but my occupations have permitted me to have so much freedom that I have been very happy. My health has always been good and beyond the little premonitions of endurance becoming less of a factor than I could count upon a few years ago, I have never felt better and heartier than I do at the present time." Coffin has written many articles for the Century, Scrzbners, and other magazines, for the most part critical reviews of the work of celebrated artists native and foreign, and was art critic on the New York Evening Post and Nation, 1886-1891, 1903-1904; and art critic on the New York Sun, 1896-1900. He has also done some biographical work and critical writing for encyclopaedias, notably Johnson's. He has been a regu- lar contributor to all the important picture exhibitions in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Portland, Seattle, Pittsburgh, and Cincinnati. He has given lectures on art in many of the leading cities and universities of the country and on four or five occasions has spoken in Washington before the Ways and Means Commit- tee of Congress in favor of free art. He has been a delegate to numerous congresses and in 1900 was one of the two delegates sent from the United States to 50 BIOGRAPHIES the International Congress of the Arts of Design in Paris. He is an associate of the National Academy of Design, and served as secretary of the Society of Amer- can Artists from 1887 to 1892, is a member of the Architectural League of New York (vice-president for two terms) ; founder and member of the Municipal Art Society of New York (first vice-president, serving for three terms) ; and a member of the Advisory Board of the Public Education Society of New York. He is also a member of the Lotos and Fencers clubs. A list of some of his best known pictures follows: "The Rain" — (Webb prize) in permanent collection, Metropolitan Museum, New York City. "At Break of Day" — in Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. "September" — in William T. Evans National Col- lection, Washington, D. C. "A Maple in Spring" — in International Art Society Collection, Venice, Italy. Pictures in collections of City, Lotos and Fencers clubs. *Edward Lewis Curtis Died 1911 Born October 13, 1853, in Ann Arbor, Mich., the son of William S. and Martha A. (Leach) Curtis, who was a member of the second class ('39) to graduate from Mount Holyoke Seminary, now Mount Holyoke College. He prepared at Elmira Free Academy, Elmira, N. Y., was a member of the Class of '73 at Beloit College during its Freshman and Sophomore years, and joined the Class of '74 at the beginning of Sophomore year. He was married April 27, 1882, in Ottumwa, Iowa, to Miss Laura Elizabeth Ely, Rockford (111.) College, '81, daughter of the Rev. GRADUATES 51 EDWARD LEWIS CURTIS B. E. S. Ely, D.D., a Presbyterian clergyman of Des Moines, Iowa. They had four children, all born in Chicago, 111.: Elizabeth Eudora, Vassar '05, born March 8, 1883. Margaret Martha, Smith '06, Bryn Mawr M.A. '07, born May 30, 1884. Edward Ely, Yale '10, born July 4, 1888. Laura Dorothea, Vassar '11, born October 19, 1890. Curtis wrote in 1911: "During the year after graduation I taught as an assistant in a high school at Pittsfield, 111., and also at the same time made my first efforts in preaching in connection with revival meetings. I was urged at that time to enter the ministry at once, but thanks to the counsel of my parents I refused to entertain such an idea. The next year, 1875-1876, I taught in Biddle 52 BIOGRAPHIES Institute (now University), a Presbyterian institute for colored people at Charlotte, N. C. This was one of the best years of my life. "On the way to my home in Rockford, 111., I spent three delightful weeks with Sellers at his home in West Chester, Pa., near Philadelphia, visiting the Centennial Exposition. Ragan and Reid were with us some days. "In the fall of 1876 I entered Union Theological Seminary, N. Y., where I found Brady and Scudder enrolled as Seniors. I remained three years, having Frissell, who was in the same Class, as a roommate for two years. In the summer of 1877 I preached in the back woods of New Brunswick, Canada. On gradu- ation in May, 1879, I was awarded a fellowship for study abroad. Sailing in June for Scotland, I took a brief trip through Scotland and England and settled down in July near Neuwied-on-the-Rhine in a German pastor's family to learn the language. In October I entered the University of Berlin, where I studied during three semesters, but my student life was interrupted by severe illness and I spent two months in the hospital. "During the summer of 1880 I traveled in Germany and Switzerland. I returned home in the late spring of 1881 and the following fall I began teaching Hebrew and Old Testament subjects at the McCormick Theo- logical Seminary, Chicago. From there I was called to my present position at Yale Divinity School in the summer of 1891. I was ordained to the Presbyterian ministry in November, 1884, and when in Chicago I supplied churches during the greater number of the Sabbaths. Since coming to New Haven, owing to more exacting labors and considerable ill health, I have preached far less. GRADUATES 53 "While living in Chicago tennis was my favorite outdoor sport. In New Haven I played golf for a number of seasons. During the summer of 1900 I took my family abroad, leaving them to spend the winter in Germany. The next spring I joined them and tramped with my children in Switzerland. There I strained my heart, already weakened by hard bicycle rides. Since then I have been compelled to go slow and in January, 1906, I lost at a stroke, through embolism, half my sight in both eyes. This has deprived me completely of any participation in outdoor sports except fishing, which, from a boat, I indulge in during the summer. "I received the honorary degree of Ph.D. from Hanover College, Ind., in 1886, and the degree of D.D. from Yale in 1891." Curtis held the chair of Hebrew Language and Literature at the Yale Divinity School 1891-1911 and served as acting dean of that School after the retirement of Dean Sanders in 1905. Bibliography Some features of Messianic prophecy illustrated by the book of Joel. 0. Test. Stud., Ill, 97-102, 141-145, 1883-84; The blessing of Jael. 0. Test. Stud., IV, 12-18, 1883-84; Some features of Hebrew poetry. 0. Test. Stud., V, 1-8, 1885; The advent of Jehovah. Presb. Rev., VI, 606-612, 1885; The Old Testament. 0. Test. Stud., VI, 25-26, 1886; Some features of Old Testament prophecy illustrated by the book of Amos. 0. Test. Stud., VI, 136-139, 1887; The Old Testament for our times. In addresses at the inauguration of Rev. Edward Lewis Curtis, Ph.D., as professor in the McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, April 6, 1887, 10-23; Divine love in the Old Testament. Presb. Rev., IX, 199-207, 1888; The prophecy concerning Immanuel. 0. and N. Test. Stud., II, 276-280, 1890; The pro- 54 BIOGRAPHIES phecy concerning the child of four names, Isaiah IX, 5-6. 0. and N. Test. Stud., II, 336-341, 1890; Isaiah's prophecy con- cerning the shoot of Jesse and his kingdom, Isaiah XI. 0. and N. Test. Stud., XII, 13-19, 1891; Cheyne's Bampton lectures on the Psalter. 0. and N. Test. Stud., XIV, 198-205, 1892; Messianic prophecy in the book of Job. Bibl. World, I, No. 2, 119-121, 1893; The present state of Old Testament criticism. Century Mag., XLV, No. 5, 727-734, 1893; The higher criticism and its application to the Bible. The Andover Review, XIX, No. 110, 135-155, 1893; Higher criticism under review. Chris- tian Thought, XI, No. 2, 92-97, 1893; Hexateuch. Johnson's Univ. Encyclopedia, IV, 268-271, 1894; Messiah (Revision). Johnson's Univ. Encyclopedia, V, 685-689, 1894; The literary features and inspiration of the historical books of the Old Testa- ment. New Christian Quart., IV, No. 3, 64-71, 1895; The Old Testament reckoning of regnal years. Jrl. of Bibl. Lit., XIV, parts 1 and 2, 125-130, 1895; Early cities of Palestine. Bibl. World, VII, No. 6, 411-424, 1896; Date of the Mosaic legislation. Bibl. World, VIII, No. 4, 312-314, 1896; The old and new in Old Testament study. The Expository Times and Christian Lit., IX, No. 3, 37a-42a, 1897; Chronology of the Old Testament. Hastings Diet, of the Bible, I, 397-403, 1897; The book of Daniel. Hastings Diet, of the Bible, I, 551-557, 1897; The literary products of Israel from Josiah to Ezra. Bibl. World, XI, No. 6, 435-446, 1897; Genealogy. Hastings Diet, of the Bible, II, 121-137, 189 v 9; The outlook in theology. Bibliotheca Sacra, Jan., 1899, 1-11; The Message of Ezekiel to the human heart. Bibl. World, XIV, No. 2, 125-132, 1899; The Old Testa- ment. Hastings Diet, of the Bible, III, 595-604, 1900; The coronation of Joash. Bibl. World, XVII, 272-277, 1901; The tribes of Israel. In Historical and Critical contributions to biblical science, N. Y., Scribner's, 1-41, 1901 ; The Old Testament in religious education. Bibl. World, XXII, No. 6, 424-436, 1903; An interpretation: Psalm XLV, 8-11, Bibl. World, XXIV, No. 2, 112-116, 1904; The messages of biblical criticism to the preacher. Yale Divinity Quart., I, No. 2, 43-50, 1904; George Edward Day: A memorial address. Yale Divinity Quart., No. 3, 85-95, 1906; A critical and exegetical commentary on the books of Chronicles. In the International critical commentary, N. Y., GRADUATES 55 Scribner's, 534, 1910; The return of the Jews under Cyrus. In Essays in modern theology and related subjects. Papers in honor of Charles Augustus Briggs, N. Y., Scribner's, 33-40, 1911. In Memoriam Before his death, which occurred suddenly on August 26, 1911, Curtis had prepared for the class history a full bibliography and a brief account of the events of his life. These together tell the story; he was a teacher, a scholar, and an officer of the University, in all three capacities equal to the obligations which rested upon him. The greater part of his teaching was given to the two lower classes of the Divinity School, in the form of instruction in the elements of Hebrew. This work, not in itself especially inspiring, even with mature students, he repeated with successive classes here for twenty years, finding his sufficient reward in the sense of duty faithfully done. He also gave a considerable variety of courses in the more advanced interpretation of certain books of the Old Testament. Such elective work connected itself directly with his activities as a scholar, for which Curtis had begun to prepare himself immediately after leaving Union Seminary. The long bibliography is evidence of the steadfastness with which he held to his early ideals. No one who has not had some experience of the kind of work represented in this list can quite understand the industry and deter- mination that such a bibliography represents. It seems a piece of good fortune that his most important book, the Commentary on Chronicles, in the Interna- tional Series, should have been finished before his strength failed, but it was not mere good fortune. 56 BIOGRAPHIES This fine piece of critical exegesis, the fruit of many years of study, was put into final form by him after his health had seriously declined, while he was under the heavy pressure of other duties and, I think, with the shadow of the end already visible. There is a sober heroism here. Curtis had in him also a vein of practical judgment which made him efficient as an executive, and his colleagues in the Divinity School recognized this some five years ago by selecting him to act as dean. His modesty led him to refuse the formal title and he appears in the catalogue only as acting dean. This was a quiet life, freed from the intensity of the struggle and remote also from the rewards which men usually desire. Its reward is in the recognition and the intelligent appreciation of colleagues and pupils and friends and classmates. E. P. Morris. Thomas DeWitt Cuyler Counsellor and Attorney at Law Residence — Haverford, Pa. Business address — Arcade Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Born September 28, 1854, in Philadelphia, Pa., the son of Theodore and Mary DeWitt Cuyler. He was married May 3, 1881, in Philadelphia, Pa., to Miss Frances Lewis, daughter of John T. Lewis of Philadelphia. They have four children: Mary DeWitt, born March 3, 1882. Frances Lewis, born August 10, 1883. Helen Scott, born December 28, 1887. Eleanor DeGraff, born May 7, 1898. GRADUATES 57 THOMAS DEWITT CUYLER After graduation, Cuyler read law with his father, and was admitted to the bar in 1876. Born in Phila- delphia and living there, or in the immediate vicinity, at Haver ford, his entire life, he has pursued the practice of his profession since his admission to the bar. While he has been active in his professional work, his duties and engagements have been varied and responsible. In his earlier life, he became connected with the military organization of the State and was for years active in the service of the First City Troop of Philadelphia, and finally became judge advocate general of the State. In 1899, he became a director of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company and later on he was elected a direc- tor and member of the executive committee in the following railroads: Long Island Railroad Company; Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company; 58 BIOGRAPHIES New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Com- pany, and various subsidiary lines in association with these systems. Cuyler is also a director in the following financial institutions: Commercial Trust Company; Girard Trust Company; Pennsylvania Company for Insur- ances on Lives and Granting Annuities; Franklin National Bank and Philadelphia Saving Fund Society. Of the Commercial Trust Company, he subsequently became, and now is, its president. In addition to these local connections, he is a director in the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States; Mercantile Trust Company; United States Mortgage and Trust Company; Guaranty Trust Com- pany; Metropolitan Trust Company; Bankers Trust Company; Audit Company and Equitable Trust Company, of the City of New York. He is connected with various philanthropic, educa- tional and charitable institutions, both in Philadelphia and New York, notably the American Museum of Natural History, Pennsylvania Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, the Philadelphia Zoological Society, and is a commissioner of Fairmount Park. He is a member of the following clubs : Rittenhouse, Philadelphia, Racquet, Merion Cricket and Phila- delphia Country, all of Philadelphia, or its vicinity; of the Order of the Cincinnati and of the Holland Society of New York; of the Union, University, Century, Lawyers and Yale clubs of New York City. He represents the Philadelphia Yale Alumni Association in the Alumni Advisory Board of Yale. He spent the winter of 1910-11 in Egypt. GRADUATES 59 *Clark Dewing Died 1895 Born March 4, 1853, in Rocky Hill, Hartford County, Conn., the son of Hiram and Susan (Burkett) Dewing. He entered with the Class of '73, and remained with them until the third term of their Senior year. In January, 1874, he joined the Class of '74 but did not receive his degree until 1875. He was married October 12, 1875, to Miss Catharine Haven Fleming (died in Stamford, Conn., May 16, 1893), daugh- ter of Frederick N. Fleming of Stamford. They had one son: Hiram Edwin, born August 15, 1876. Dewing entered busi- ness in 1874, first as a stockbroker in partner- ship with Henry Hooper and afterwards with his father. After the death of his wife in 1893, his own health failed, and early in 1895 he went to Palm Beach, Fla., for re- lief. His father brought him, on his return jour- ney, as far as St. Augustine, where his death from consumption occurred on March 14, 1895, at the age of forty-two. CLARK DEWING 60 BIOGRAPHIES *George Lewis Dickerman Died 1909 Born April 12, 1852, in New Haven, Conn., the son of Charles and Jane (Foote) Dickerman. He prepared for college at the Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven. He was married October 14, 1885, in Wilkes Earre, Pa., to Miss Elizabeth Shoemaker, daughter of Lazarus Denison Shoemaker, Yale '40, and Esther (Wadhams) Shoemaker. They had no children. After graduation from college Dickerman entered the Columbia Law School, receiving the degree of LL.B. there in 1876. Returning to New Haven, he engaged in the practice of his profession, giving his attention mainly to the care of estates and trust funds. His office was continuously in the White Building next to that of his friends, the White brothers. In December, 1884, he was elected a member of the board of aldermen, and held the office for two terms of two years each, during half of this period being also chairman of the board of finance, but declined further public office. Since graduation he had been Class Secretary, and had issued for the Class three biographical records. While busily engaged in preparing for the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Class at Commencement he was stricken with apoplexy, of which he died at his home a week later, May 30, 1909, in his fifty-eighth year. He was in San Francisco at the time of the earthquake, and the shock and exposure incident to getting away from the city affected him nervously, and, in the opinion of his friends, hastened his end. GRADUATES 61 GEORGE LEWIS DICKERMAN In Memoriam When the Class gathered for its reunion in 1909 the hearts of many of the classmates were saddened because they missed the cheery greeting and firm hand clasp of our Secretary. The pleasures of our meeting were lessened, for while the programme which his mind had formulated was carried out minutely, we realized that the originator of the plans, having given the instructions, had passed out of our visible presence. I feel myself constrained as I sit down, at Farnam's request, to write the story of Dickerman's life since graduation. The concise details which he gave of himself in his three published reports were so charac- teristic of his modesty and unobtrusiveness that the influence of his restraining hand seems touching me 62 BIOGRAPHIES as I set forth the simple annals of his quiet life. After graduation he studied law at Columbia and in the office of Benjamin Silliman, a member of the New York Bar, where, as he often said, he learned more than legal knowledge, for Silliman taught him the ethics of the profession and gave him an example of honesty and loyalty to his clients' best human interests which he ever endeavored to keep in mind in his dealings with his own clients. Returning to New Haven in 1876, he was with Talcott H. Russell (Yale '69) for several years and later shared an office with his classmate Gunn. Depre- ciating his own powers as a pleader, he soon abstained from appearance in the courts and confined himself to office practice. The particular care with which he carried out every case intrusted to him, the clearness of his advice and his scrupulous honesty, steadily won him the trust of his clients and through their com- mendation he kept adding to the volume of his business. As the years went by more and more there was placed in his hands the management of estates, which were carefully administered for the sole interests of the beneficiaries, usually widows and orphans. And his dealings with the tenants of these brought him into close relations with people of small means who so absolutely trusted him that they brought their cares and troubles to him for adjustment. Much of this work for these women was done without any compen- sation and his aim seemed to be rather to have justice done than to take advantage of any legal quibbles. He was extremely painstaking in having them under- stand clearly the real crux of a situation. So careful of their interests was he that whenever he was called GRADUATES 63 away from New Haven for a few weeks he tabulated accurately his list of wills, the details of management, and other matters that might arise, ready for any successor to take in hand. In 1884 he took his sole dip into politics and while he filled with credit his position as alderman for four years and served as president of the City's Board of Finance, he did not take kindly to the political exactions connected with his duties and henceforth devoted his time wholly to his vocation. He lived quietly at his father's house on Howe Street, where so many of us were hospitably enter- tained during our college days, until his marriage in 1885 to Miss Elizabeth Shoemaker of Wilkes Barre, Pa., and then established a home of his own, first on Howe Street and then on Temple Street. This latter place gave him the opportunity to gratify his delight in beautiful old furniture; for with the aid of Hotch- kiss, the Yale guardian, he gathered many a fine old piece of colonial fame from New England and along with his wife produced a homelike atmosphere of hospitality which many of us have ofttimes appreciated. His devotion to work kept him tied to New Haven, but regularly with his wife and sister when the sum- mer heat came round he would flit for a month or two to Seal Harbor, Maine, where he regained strength and vigor through his favorite pastimes, sailing and golf. His close attention to affairs and the anxiety pro- duced by sickness and death in his family affected his health to such an extent that in 1906 he started on a long deferred journey to the Pacific Coast. Unfor- tunately he reached San Francisco to be there during the time of the earthquake, and the bitter experience 64 BIOGRAPHIES which he had to undergo and his trials in conveying a party from the hotel to the government reservation shattered his constitution to such an extent that he did not regain his vigor. Returning to New Haven that fall he made a brave fight to recuperate but his health steadily declined until his death in May, 1909. The same care he gave to his business he gave to the secretarial work. He delighted in the fugitive calls which his classmates, whenever returning to the college, made to his office; he kept on record every detail he could glean of their lives. He was unstinting of the time he gave to the preparation of records and the arrangements to be made for the various reunions, and he made his guests whom he entertained at those times enjoy thoroughly his home hospitality. Modest, unobtrusive, painstaking, he lived his life, and his various clients and friends bear staunch tribute to the honesty, probity and justice of his dealings with them. D. A. Kennedy. George Edward Dimock Broker, retired Residence — 907 North Broad Street, Elizabeth, N. J. Business address — 2 Wall Street, New York City- Born March 10, 1854, in Baldwinsville, Mass., the son of Anthony V. and Susan Weston Dimock. He prepared at Elizabeth, N. J. He was married July 5, 1881, in Elizabeth, N. J., to Miss Elizabeth Jordan, daughter of the Hon. Edward Jordan, solicitor of the United States Treasury, a resident of Washington, D. C, and later of Elizabeth, N. J., where he died in 1899. They have four children: GRADUATES 65 GEORGE EDWARD DIMOCK Elizabeth Ricker, Vassar '04, born January 14, 1883, married June 12, 1909, to Edgar Albert Knapp of Elizabeth. Mary Jordan, Vassar '06, born July 12, 1886. Edward Jordan, Yale '11, born January 4, 1890. George Edward, Jr., Yale '12, born October 17, 1891. Concerning his life Dimock wrote in 1910: "My residence has been continuously in Elizabeth, N. J., to which place I was brought in early childhood. On graduating I attempted to combine Wall Street business for a living, in the mornings, with the study of medicine for a profession at the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons in the afternoons and evenings. After three years the call of business seemed imperative and since 1877 I have devoted myself actively and exclusively to the business life of a Wall Street broker. 66 BIOGRAPHIES A legend of the Street is that any one who looks back will die of remorse, but I can say that my business life has been most happy, and I believe that with my experience as a member of the Class of '74 and with my long connection with the New York Stock Exchange, I view life as broadly as if I had been trained in a profession. "I was early made an officer in my home church and I have been much honored with official positions in religious, charitable and educational organizations. My most interesting connections are with the Pingry School of Elizabeth, N. J., and with Vassar College. At Vassar I have an opportunity for real work as a member of its executive committee. "I have taken no part in politics. I have received no degrees since graduation. As I live practically in New York I have joined many clubs and societies, here also the most interesting to me being educational. "Without being a great traveler I find in replying to the travel question that I have been pretty well over our own country, having crossed the continent by each one of the great routes from the mouth of the St. Lawrence to John Brady's home in Alaska, and with my family I have seen the Pacific Coast from Seattle to Santa Catalina and have gone some distance into Mexico. I have visited London and Paris and, in search of health, I have spent a season in the south of France and among the Italian Lakes. I feel still better acquainted with Rome and Florence and the Italian Riviera, for, in addition to two visits of my own, I corre- sponded with my son, who spent a winter in Rome and Athens, and with my two daughters, who spent last winter in Italy. GRADUATES 67 "My chief desire at present is to be a real partner in the active family which is my pride. I seem to be living my college life over again on a higher plane in the experiences of my two boys at Yale. A great interest has always been the collecting of books, and I derive great satisfaction from the contemplation of my library, which, while not notable, contains something of interest for every book-lover. A pleasant recreation is burning cord wood in the big fireplace in my summer home in Sullivan County, N. Y., and in trying to follow Professor Graves' suggestion to keep the fire in the fireplace and out of the forest. A very great pleasure has been to follow suggestions of Professor Morris as to how I could be of some use to the graduate department at Yale." Dimock is a member of the following: The New York Academy of Sciences ; the Metropolitan Museum of Art; the American Folk Lore Society; the National Geographic Society; the Horticultural Society of New York ; the New Jersey Historical Society ; the Grolier Club ; the American Museum of Natural History ; the American Anthropology Association; the American Geographical Society; the American Forestry Associ- ation; the New York Botanical Garden; the Quill Club, and the Yale Club. The Class Secretary may be permitted to add to Dimock's biography that for some ten or a dozen years he has been in the habit of making liberal contributions to the libraries and work of the various departments of the Yale Graduate School, and financed the bicen- tennial publications at an expense of some $15,000. He has thus contributed most effectively and unosten- tatiously toward promoting the higher scholarship of the University. 68 BIOGRAPHIES * Arthur Murray Dodge Died 1896 Born October 29, 1852, in New York City, the son of William Earl and Melissa (Phelps) Dodge. He prepared for college with a private tutor in New York City. He was married October 9, 1875, in Hartford, Conn., to Miss Josephine Marshall Jew- ell, daughter of Hon. Marshall Jewell. They had five sons: Marshall Jewell, Yale '98, born in Hartford, Conn., Au- gust 27, 1876. Murray Witherbee, Yale '99, born in New York City, April 30, 1878. Arthur Douglas, Yale '03, born in New York City, Au- gust 30, 1879. Pliny Jewell, born Septem- ber 16, 1885, died January 12, 1889. Geoffrey, Yale '09, born in New York City, October 8, 1886. ARTHUR MURRAY DODGE After graduation Dodge spent a few months in foreign travel. In March, 1875, he became associated with the lumber firm of Dodge, Meigs & Company, of New York City, later becoming a member of the firm, a position which he retained until his death. After nearly a year of ill health he died at his country home in Simsbury, Conn., on October 17, 1896, at the age of forty-four. GRADUATES 69 *George Fingland Doughty Died 1882 Born October 14, 1852, in Cincinnati, Ohio, the son of George E. and Louisa F. Doughty. He prepared at the Woodward High School, Cincinnati, and was with the Class but three years, having been absent on leave during Junior year. He was unmarried. Doughty returned home after graduation with the purpose of devoting himself to a literary life ; but in the meantime thought it best to learn some mercantile business, and went into the employ of Stribley & Company, manufacturers of shoes in Cincinnati. About 1879 he took the position of secretary and treasurer of a company organized in the same city for supplying naphtha lights. In this position he manifested untiring energy and extraordinary executive ability, so that when in 1880 the Southern Railway, run- ning from Cincinnati to Chattanooga, was offered for lease, he was able to form a company for taking the lease. Though the bid offered by his com- pany was not the successful one, the financial power GEORGE FINGLAND DOUGHTY 70 BIOGRAPHIES which he had shown was duly appreciated, and he was offered the position of secretary of the new corporation. This position he held with increasing credit until his sudden death, resulting from diphtheria, in Cincinnati, May 25, 1882, in his thirtieth year. Jacob Abramse Robertson Dunning Real Estate and Insurance Residence — 97 Heywood Avenue, Orange, N. J. Business address — 141 Broadway, New York City Born July 1, 1854, in New York City, the son of William Henry and Eliza Bogardus Dunning. He prepared at the Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn. He was married October 11, 1888, in Orange, N. J., to Miss Florence Hoag, a graduate of the Dearborn-Morgan School, daugh- JACOB ABRAMSE ROBERTSON DUNNING GRADUATES 71 ter of Francis M. Hoag of New York City. They have three children : Margaret B., born in New York City, December 31, 1891. C. Agnes, born in New York City, January 2, 1894. Archibald Robertson, born in Orange, N. J., in 1908. Dunning writes: "Lived in New York City until 1900 and since then in Orange, X. J. Shortly after graduation I was in the importing dry goods business, then in the dry goods commission business. Since 1886 have pursued my present occupation and have been in business for myself and without partners since 1880. "I am or have been a member of the University Club, Yale Club, New York Athletic Club, Seventh Regi- ment, Orange Club, Essex County Country Club, and others. I was a non-commissioned officer in the Seventh Regiment of New York and served some ten years or more. I have traveled abroad and am glad to be at home." *Thomas Grier Evans Died 1905 Born October 22, 1852, in Kingston, N. Y., the son of James Sidney and Mary (DeWitt) Evans. He prepared at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. He was married June 6, 1899, to Mrs. Elida Woodhull Van Hoevenberg, widow of James Dumond Van Hoevenberg, and daughter of Joseph Miller and Adeline Anna (Hallock) Woodhull. They had no children. After graduation Evans entered the Columbia Law School, receiving the degree of LL.B. in May, 1876, and then studied in the office of Hon. Clarence A. 72 BIOGRAPHIES Seward. In September of that year he began the practice of his profession and steadily continued the same until the year of his death, making a specialty of real estate law. He was an extensive collector of valuable books and manu- scripts, principally on historical and literary sub- jects, and was secretary of the Grolier Club. He became greatly interested in genealogical matters, and since 1884 has been a member of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, of which he was president the last five years of his life. He was editor of the Record of the Society for many years, and sub- sequently on the publica- tion committee. He wrote a history of the DeWitt family of Ulster County, which was printed in the Record. Since 1899 he had resided in New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y., where he was a trustee and treasurer of the Staten Island Academy and Latin School, and trustee of the Staten Island Club. He was a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church. He died of endocarditis at his home, March 28, 1905, in his fifty-third year. THOMAS GRIER EVANS GRADUATES 73 Henry Walcott Farnam Professor of Economics, Yale University Address — New Haven, Conn. Born November 6, 1853, in New Haven, Conn., the son of Henry and Ann Sophia (Whitman) Farnam. He spent four years in preparatory study in Germany at Heidel- berg and Weimar, and his last year at the Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven. He was married June 26, 1890, in New Haven, Conn., to Miss Elizabeth Upham Kingsley, daughter of William L. Kingsley of New Haven. They have had five children: Louise Whitman, Vassar '12, born September 11, 1891. Katharine Kingsley, born May 17, 1893. Henry Walcott, Jr., born May 12, 1894. A son, who died a few days after birth, born October 1, 1896. A daughter, who died a few days after birth, born June 29, 1901. He has written the following sketch: "My first year after graduation was spent at Yale, where I qualified for the degree of Master of Arts. I then went to Germany, studying in the universities of Berlin, Gottingen, and Strassburg, and returned in 1878 with the degree of R.P.D., which I obtained, magna cum laude, in Strassburg. I had already been appointed tutor and went through this apprenticeship from 1878 to 1880, generously sharing the small stock of Latin which I possessed with the classes of 1881, 1882, and 1883. In 1880, I was appointed university professor of political economy and in 1881 I was appointed to the professorship in the Sheffield Scientific School left vacant when General Francis A. Walker was called to the presidency of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I retained this chair until 1903, teaching economics, history, constitutional law 74 BIOGRAPHIES and international law. At the same time, I lectured in the Graduate Department and cooperated in 1887 with Professor Sumner, Professor Hadley, and others in developing the courses of graduate study in economics and public law. "I need hardly say that my work for Yale has not been confined to teaching. Of the many other activities which demanded my attention, mention will be made here only of the campaign for the preservation and restoration of Old South Middle in 1904-05. There were decided differences of opinion among the gradu- ates of the university about the wisdom of this move at the time, but it has been a satisfaction to me to feel that very few would now like to see the building torn down, and its utility, both for dormitory purposes and for the offices of the dean since 1910, is unquestioned. In 1903, I gave up my position in the Scientific School in order to devote myself to the Graduate Department and to have more time for research and the many extra-academic duties which had fallen upon me. "A few of these should be mentioned in order to give this biography its proper proportions. For five years, 1882-1887, I served as chairman of the Prudential Committee of the New Haven Hospital. From 1884 to 1890, I was interested in the New Haven Morning News, which took an active part in the Cleveland campaign of 1884 under the editorship of Clarence Deming, Yale '72. The presidency of this company brought much work and many experiences, not all of a pleasant nature. The reform of the civil service appealed to me from the beginning and I helped to organize the New Haven Association which was formed in 1881. This was expanded in 1901, into the GRADUATES 75 HENRY WALCOTT FARNAM Connecticut Association, of which I have been the president since that time. I have also been for many years a member of the Council of the National Civil Service Reform League. When the new charter of New Haven went into effect in 1898, I was appointed chairman of the New Haven Civil Service Board and held that office until the summer of 1900. I have also been interested in the Organized Charities, and in New Haven's social settlement, known as Lowell House. In 1892, when Mr. William L. Kingsley's failing health obliged him to give up the management of the New Englander and Yale Review, I bought out his interest and organized a board of editors, changing the title of the magazine to The Yale Review and limiting its scope to history, economics, and public law. From that time until 1911 I was chairman of the board of editors. I 76 BIOGRAPHIES was a member, from 1893 to 1905, of the Committee of Fifty on the Liquor Problem, and took an active part as secretary of one of the sub-committees in preparing the volume on the Economic Aspects of the Liquor Problem. In 1907 I was appointed president of the American Association for Labor Legislation, which is trying to promote greater care and scientific study in the enactment of labor laws. From 1910 to 1911 I was president of the American Economic Association. A good deal of my time since 1902 has been devoted to the Department of Economics and Sociology of the Carnegie Institution, especially since the death of Col. C. D. Wright in 1909, when I was asked to take his place as the chair- man of the board of collaborators. In company with my eleven colleagues and some 150 assistants I am gathering materials for the economic history of the United States. From 1887 to 1910 I was a member of the State Commission of Sculpture, serving until 1903 as clerk and after that date as chairman. "I have always been fond of travel. In 1880, 1882, 1887, I made vacation trips abroad, in the latter year taking a walking tour in Switzerland with A. T. Hadley, '76, now president of the university, A. L. Ripley, '78, now a member of the corporation, and J. B. Gleason, '76. In 1890, I started off with my bride on a trip around the world, visiting Japan, India, Egypt, Greece, Italy, and other parts of Europe. In 1899-1900, I spent another year abroad, partly for the education of the children, and partly to get over the effects of over- work. In 1907 I again went abroad with my family for a year, partly for the education of the children, partly to recover from the indirect results GRADUATES 77 of a railroad accident in which I was injured in 1905. The greater part of this year was spent in Switzerland, though we also did a little traveling. "In 1911 I took my family for a trip to the far West. We first made the tour of the Yellowstone Park and then left Seattle for Alaska, June 28, on the steam- ship Spokane. On the following night at about 11 o'clock, our steamer, which was passing through Seymour Narrows on a strong tide, was driven by the current against the rocks and went down in about half an hour. Though two of the passengers were lost, the rest of us were fortunately able to reach land by means of life preservers and life boats. We were picked up the next day by the steamship Admiral Sampson, and brought back to Seattle, where my classmate Shepard, and his brother Charles, of the Class of '70, showed us every attention. "My favorite means of recreation are photography, riding, and farming. I have a farm and piece of woodland covering about 370 acres in Stockbridge, Mass., where I spend as much as possible of my sum- mers with my family. Of the latter, my daughter Louise graduated at Vassar in 1912, Katharine is in the Class of 1914 at Vassar and Henry is preparing for college at the Westminster School, Simsbury, Conn. "My clubs are the Century, University, Yale, and Reform clubs of New York; the Graduates, Lawn, and Country clubs of New Haven; the Cosmos Club of Washington; and the Casino and Golf clubs of Stockbridge. "I have made a number of hunting trips to the Rocky Mountains, the last with my son in the summer of 1909. My writings do not, unfortunately, contain 78 BIOGRAPHIES the titles of any important works, and it is only to conform to the usual scheme of Yale Class records that I have compiled this Bibliography Note: — Many of my writings have consisted of book reviews, reports, notes and comments, contributed to the Yale Review, of which I was one of the editors for nineteen years. During a good part of that time I wrote most of the Comment which appeared anonymously at the beginning of every number. No book reviews, notes, or comments are included in the following list: The philosophy of Montaigne. N. Englander, CXXXII, 405- 418, 1875; Die innere franzosische Gewerbepolitik von Colbert bis Turgot. Schmoller's Staats- und Socialwissenschaftliche For- schungen, I, No. 4, Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, viii + 85 pp., 1878; Die amerikanischen Gewerkvereine. Schriften des Vereins fur Socialpolitik, XVIII, Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 39 pp., 1879; The German socialist law of October 21st, 1878. A paper read at the meeting of Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc, Sept. 9. Jrl. Soc. Sci., XIII, part 2, 36-53, 1880; Manual training for boys in the public schools. N. Englander, VII, 561-577, 1884; Die Reform des Zivildienstes in den Vereinigten Staaten. Jahrb. Gesetzge- bung, V erwaltung und Volkswirtschaft im Deutschen Reiche, VIII, 23 pp., 1884; The clergy and the labor question. Princeton Rev., II, 48-61, 1886; Progress and poverty in politics. N. Eng. and Yale Rev., CCV, April, 1887, 335-345; Report of a committee appointed to enquire into the advisability of establishing a town workhouse and into the methods of supporting the town poor. Presented at the annual town meeting, New Haven, Dec. 8, 1887, 60 pp.; The state and the poor. Pol. Sci. Quart., Ill, 282-310, 1888; Memoir of Henry Farnam. Privately printed. New Haven, 1889, 136 pp. -f- portrait ; Some recent writings of an Indian Rajah, (anon.) N. Eng. and Yale Rev., Dec, 1891, 519-523; German tariff policy, past and present. Yale Rev., I, 20-34, 1892; The bimetallic theory in the light of recent history and discussion. Yale Rev., Ill, Aug., 1894, 203-222; Some effects of falling prices. Yale Rev., IV, Aug., 1895, GRADUATES 79 183-201; International bimetallism. Yale Rev., V, Nov., 1896, 312-315; The Sheffield Scientific School, 1847-1897. (Reprinted with additions from Yale Scientific Monthly, I, No. 1, Oct., 1894, 1-9.) 1897, 16 pp.; Labor crises and their periods in the United States. Yale Rev., VII, Aug., 1898, 180-196; Economic aspects of the liquor problem. Report of the Economic Sub-Committee to the Committee of Fifty. Printed as an intro- duction to Economic aspects of the liquor problem, by John Koren: an investigation made for the Committee of Fifty, under Henry W. Farnam, secretary of the Economic Sub-Committee. Houghton- Mifflin & Co., 1 899, 39 pp. ; Economic aspects of the liquor problem. Atlantic Monthly, May, 1899, 644-653; Historical sketch of the Organized Charities Association of New Haven. Twenty-fifth Annual Rept., 1903, 27-48; Government insurance. Vol. II, 283-303 of Yale insurance lectures. 1903-4. Revised edition, 392-412 of Yale readings in insurance, 1909; Operation of com- pulsory workingmen's insurance in Germany. Vol. II, 304- 328 of Yale insurance lectures, 1903-4. Revised edition, 413-436 of Yale readings in insurance, 1909; The psychology of German workmen's insurance. Yale Rev., XIII, May, 1904, 98-1 13 ; Workmen's insurance in Germany — a postscript. Yale Rev., XIII, Feb., 1905, 435-438; The quantitative study of the labor movement. Paper before the Am. Econ. Assoc. Annual meeting, Baltimore, Dec. 27-29, 1905. Pub. Am. Econ. Ass'n, Ser. 3, VII, No. 1, 1906, 160-175; Joseph Earl Sheffield, the father of the Sheffield Scien- tific School. Read October 9, 1901. Printed New Haven Colony Hist. Soc. Trans., VII, 65-119, 1907; Deutsch-Amerikanische Beziehungen in der Volkswirtschaftslehre, 31 pp., in Die Entwick- lung der deutschen Volkswirtschaftslehre im neunzehnten Jahr- hundert. Gustav Schmoller zur siebenzigsten Wiederkehr seines Geburtstages, 24 Juni, 1908, in Verehrung dargebracht, Leipzig, 1908; The Relation of State and Federal Legislation to the Child Labor Problem, Child Labor Conference, Hartford, Conn., Dec. 4, 1908. Printed in Proceedings of the Conference, 1909, 32-39. Reprinted Twenty-third Rep. Conn. Bur. Lab. Stat, for the two years ending Nov. 30, 1908, 242-249; The Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung, an attempt to socialize capital. Yale Rev., XVIII, May, 1909, 63-83; Some fundamental distinctions in labor legislation. Presi- dential address, Dec. 29, 1908, annual meeting of the American 80 BIOGRAPHIES Association for Labor Legislation. Am. Econ. Ass'n Quart., X, April, 1909, 105-119; Gustav Schmoller at seventy. Yale Rev., XVIII, Feb., 1909, 436-8; Labor legislation and economic prog- ress. Presidential address Dec. 28, 1909, before the American Association for Labor Legislation. Am. Ass'n for Labor Legisla- tion, IX, 1910, 37-50; Carnegie Institution of Washington, Depart- ment of Economics and Sociology. Annual report of the director. Carnegie Institution Year Booh for 1909, 71-83; Carnegie Institution of Washington, Department of Economics and Sociol- ogy. Annual report of the director. Carnegie Institution Year Booh, IX, 1910, 67-74; William Graham Sumner, the pioneer. Yale Rev., XIX, May, 1910, 1-4; Uniformity in State labor legis- lation. Nat. Civic Fed. Rev., Ill, Sept., 1910, 11 pp.; Practical methods in labor legislation. Presidential address, Dec. 28, 1910, before the American Association for Labor Legislation. Am. Labor Leg. Rev., I, No. 1, Jan., 1911, 5-15; Economic principles of labor. Am. Year Booh, 1910, 424-425; The good Samaritan and the good citizen. Presidential address at the Connecticut Con- ference of Charities and Correction, New Haven, April 4, 1911, 14 pp.; Carnegie Institution of Washington, Department of Economics and Sociology. Annual report of the director. Carne- gie Institution Year Booh, X, 1911, 69-77; Bibliography of the Department of Economics and Sociology of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Prepared for the Exhibit of December, 1911. 16 pp.; The economic utilization of history. Presidential address at the annual meeting of the American Economic Association, Washington, D. C, Dec. 27, 1911. The Am. Econ. Rev., II, No. 1, Supplement, March, 1912, 3-18. Walter Penrose Fell Stock Broker Residence — Riverton, N. J. Business address — Care Fell & Nicholson, Land Title Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Born January 1, 1853, in Philadelphia, Pa., the son of Penrose and Mary Jane Fell. GRADUATES 81 He prepared at the Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn. He was married in 1878, to Miss Mary W. Moore, of Riverton, N. J., who died July 15, 1891. Two children were born to them: Frances Boyer, born in 1878. Albert D., born in 1890, died in 1895. Fell entered the office of Fell, Wray & Com- pany, bankers and bro- kers of Philadelphia, Pa., in November, 1874, where he remained for several years. He is now a part- ner in the firm of Fell & Nicholson, with offices in the Land Title Building, Philadelphia. WALTER PENROSE FELL Frank Wade Foster Farmer Address — Buckhead, Ga. Born in Madison, Ga., October 30, 1852, the son of Albert G. Foster and Caroline (Colbert) Foster. He prepared at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. He was married February 2, 1882, in Augusta, Ga., to Miss Mary C. Vason, Madame Lefebre's School, Baltimore, Md., '77, the daughter of William J. Vason, a lawyer of Augusta, Ga. They have one daughter: Annie, born October 23, 1883. Foster gives the following account of his life since graduation : 82 BIOGRAPHIES "For the first six months after graduating I managed a plantation near Macon, in the county of Bibb, state of Georgia. From January, 1875, I was a deputy collector of internal re- venue with headquarters at Milledgeville, Ga., for one year and eight months ; at Savannah for one year and at Augusta for three years. Septem- ber 1, 1880, I entered the cotton commission busi- ness at Augusta under the firm name of McCord & Foster. At the expi- ration of three years McCord retired and I continued the business alone until April 1, 1887. I then engaged in the cotton compress busi- ness under the firm name of Foster & Doughty. In the spring of 1892 that firm was merged into the Augusta Cotton & Compress Company and engaged in the business of buying, selling, exporting and com- pressing cotton. In January, 1899, that firm or corporation liquidated. Since that time I have resided near Buckhead, Ga. For seven years I was manager of the Buckhead Ginning & Milling Company. For the past five years I have devoted my time exclusively to farming. "While a resident of Augusta I was a member and for several years president of the Commercial Club of FRANK WADE FOSTER GRADUATES 83 that city. I was also a member of the city council for one term. Since our Class reunion in 1884, I have seen onty three of my classmates, Bussing and 'Dooney' Harris once each, and Cam Waterman several times. "I have never been a member of a military organization and have never aspired to author- ship. My travels are very limited, and I am only familiar with that portion of our own country east of the Mississippi. My favorite recreation is hunting. That includes all of the game we have about here, such as quail, fox, duck, doves, wild turkeys, and squirrels, and the larger game, deer and bear in Southern Georgia and Florida." *William Foster Died 1898 Born June 10, 1854, in Warren, R. I., the son of Daniel and Waitte Abbon Foster. He received his preparation in the Hawaiian Islands and in Oakland, Calif. He was married August 4, 1885, to Miss Mary Winter (died about 1895), of Galesburg, 111. After graduation Foster studied in the Yale Law School, where he received the degree of LL.B. in 1876. WILLIAM FOSTER 84 BIOGRAPHIES In September of that year he settled in San Francisco, where he practiced his profession until December, 1881, at first in the office of Milton Andross, and later in that of Charles Page, Yale '68. He then returned to Honolulu, where he was occupied as treasurer of the Inter-Island Steam Navi- gation Company until July, 1883. He was then appointed clerk of the supreme court of the islands, and filled that office until the close of 1888, when he assumed the position of judge of the district and police court of Honolulu. When the royal government, of which he was a pronounced adherent, was overthrown in 1894, he removed to San Francisco. He found employment there in his profession and in editorial work for a law-publishing firm, the Bancroft- Whitney Company. He died in St. Luke's Hospital, San Francisco, from a stroke of paralysis, November 27, 1898, in his forty-fifth year. Herbert Greene Fowler 1 West Thirty-fourth Street, New York City Born August 18, 1850, in Stoneham, Mass., the son of Benjamin C. and Sophia C. Fowler. He was prepared for college at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. After graduation he spent some time in teaching at Xashua, N. H., and at Norwich, Conn. He was admitted to the bar in 1881. In a letter written in July, 1910, Fowler says: "In 1884 I went to the seal fisheries in Alaska as a special representative for the government, where I remained one year. Upon my return I engaged in the real estate business. GRADUATES 85 HERBERT GREENE FOWLER "In 1898 I retired from active business. But took it up again about a year ago in this city, where I am at the present." George Levi Fox Principal of the University School, New Haven, Conn. Address — 7 College Street, New Haven, Conn. Born November 16, 1852, in New Haven, Conn., the son of Levi G. and Elizabeth Hamlin Fox. He prepared at the Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, and was for six weeks a member of the Class of '73. He is unmarried. Fox writes: "Since graduation I have spent all my life in New Haven, engaged in the work of teaching, which is my delight. For three years after graduation I was 86 BIOGRAPHIES GEORGE LEVI FOX engaged in private tutoring, and in December, 1877, when the Classical course was re-established in the Hillhouse High School, New Haven, I was appointed teacher of Greek there, and remained in the school as chief teacher of the classics until June, 1885, when I was appointed rector of the Hopkins Grammar School in New Haven. I continued in that position until July, 1901, when I established my own private school called the University School. It is a small tutoring school, devoted to the intensive method of dealing with small classes of pupils. This work has been most enjoyable and I expect to continue in this occupation until I retire from active work. "I received the degree of LL.B. from Yale Univer- sity in 1879, and the degree of M.A. in 1885. From 1896 to 1900 I was lecturer on comparative municipal GRADUATES 87 government in the graduate department of Yale University. In 1893 I gave a course of twelve lectures before the Lowell Institute in Boston, on the Great Public Schools of England. The general lecture of this course I have delivered nearly one hundred times in different portions of the United States, and two or three times in England. "In 1887 I visited Europe for the first time, and since then I have made twenty-one round trips across the Atlantic. My fondness for European travel is so great that I find it hard to resist the Trans- Atlantic impulse when July approaches. A most enjoyable trip to Eng- land was in December, 1909, when, on the invitation of three Liberals, I went over to assist the Liberals in the famous Budget Election campaign. This was one of the most novel and interesting experiences possible. My especial mission was to explain to English audi- ences that the Budget in its land clauses was not Socialism as the Tories claimed, but simply the Amer- ican and Canadian systems of local taxation. I was everywhere received with great cordiality by the audiences, who seemed very glad to listen to an American who discussed the burning political questions of English politics. I delivered fourteen speeches in London and within a hundred miles of the metropolis, while if I had had the strength and time I could have had the opportunity of delivering as many more. "Again in December, 1910, I visited England and took part in the campaign against the House of Lords and in favor of the veto resolutions. My experience this time was even more delightful than before, and in the course of both campaigns I made twenty-four political speeches. 88 BIOGRAPHIES "My favorite recreations are swimming, tennis, walking through the Alps, debating, and the study of English politics, which is to me one of the most fascinating, uplifting and broadening occupations of the mind. "In American politics since 1884 I have been a consistent Independent and glory in the name of Mugwump. "I was a member of the Committee of Seven of the American Historical Association on the Teaching of History, and besides sharing in the preparation of the report, I contributed to the appendix the article on the 'Teaching of History in English Secondary Schools.' "I belong to the Graduates Club of New Haven, the New York Yale Club, the American Historical Asso- ciation, the American Political Science Association, the Connecticut Civil Service Reform Association, and several small educational organizations." Bibliography The Study of Politics. Chicago, 111., Pub. C. H. Kerr & Co., 1885; A Comparison between English and American Secondary Schools, in Special Reports on Educational Subjects. Pub. by the Board of Education of Great Britain. Vol. II, 1900. London, England; The London County Council. Yale Rev., 1893, New Haven, Conn. ; The Defects of English Public Schools. Jrl. of Ed., London, Dec, 1893; The Municipal Condition of New Haven, Conn. Proceedings of Louisville Conference for Good City Government. N. Y., Maemillan & Co., 1897; The Teaching of History in English Secondary Schools, page 210 in The Study of History, Report of Committee of Seven of the American Historical Association, N. Y., Maemillan & Co., 1899; President's Roosevelt's Coup d' Etat: The Panama Affair in a Nutshell. Was it Right? Will the Canal Pay? New Haven, Conn., Pub. G. L. Fox, 1904; Corrupt Practices and GRADUATES 89 Election Laws in the United States since 1890. Proceedings of the American Political Science Association for 1906. Baltimore, Md. ; The Panama Canal as a Business Venture. Boston, 1908; The British Budget of 1909. Yale Rev., Feb., 1910; The British Election Address. Yale Rev., Feb., 1911; Exam- inations the best test for admission to college. Yale Alumni Weekly, April 7, 1911. Hollis Burke Frissell Principal of the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, Hampton, Va. Address — Hampton, Va. Born July 14, 1851, in Amenia, N. Y., the son of A. C. and L. B. Frissell. He prepared at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., and entered with the Class of '73, with which he remained for three years, being a member of '74 only through Senior year. He was married November 8, 1883, in Bloomfield, N. J., to Miss Julia F. Dodd, daughter of the Hon. Amzi Dodd of Bloom- field, judge of the court of appeals and president of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company. They have one son: Sydney Dodd, Yale '08, born in Hampton, Va., March 10, 1885. After graduation Frissell taught for two years in a young ladies' seminary at Rhinebeck, N. Y., which place he left to enter Union Theological Seminary in September, 1876. He was graduated from the latter school in 1879 and became assistant pastor of a church in Xew York City, where he remained until 1880. In 1880, he became chaplain of Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va. He was elected to the principalship of Hampton Institute in 1893, and writes: "Since my last report to the Class I have pursued the even tenor of my way as principal of the Hampton Insti- 90 BIOGRAPHIES HOLLIS BURKE FRISSELL tute, with its fourteen hundred students and over one hundred and fifty teachers. I have been interested in educational work outside of the school, having become a member of the General Education Board, to which Mr. Rockefeller contributed several millions, and of the Southern Education Board, which has helped to increase the appropriations for education in the Southern sjtates and to create a general interest in the public schools throughout the South. I am also a member of the Negro Rural School Fund Board, other- wise known as the Jeanes Fund Board, which is com- posed of northern and southern white and colored men who work together for the improvement of the negro schools in the country districts. I am also a member of the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission for the eradica- tion of hookworm disease. I have been greatly inter- GRADUATES 91 ested in education in the state of Virginia, having been a somewhat active member of the Cooperative Education Association of this state. "My son, Sydney Dodd Frissell, who was graduated from Yale in 1908, has taken a farm in Virginia and has had charge of demonstration farm work under the Government, with the idea of showing what can be done in improving the worn out soil of the Old Dominion. He is at present helping in the rather difficult work of raising sufficient funds for the yearly maintenance of the Hampton School. "I am entering upon the thirty-third year of my work in Virginia, and have had a most interesting and happy life." Frissell received the degree of D.D. from Howard University in 1893; the degree of S.T.D. from Har- vard University in 1900; the degree of LL.D. from Yale University in 1901, and the degree of LL.D, from Richmond College in 1909. He is a member of the Century, City, and Yale clubs of New York, and of the Cosmos Club of Washington. *Thomas Williams Grover Died 1893 Born November 29, 1846, in Nashua, N. H., the son of Zuinglius Grover, Brown '42, and Mary (Williams) Grover. He prepared for college at the Chicago High School and at the Boston Latin School. He was married November 30, 1881, to Miss Lily Winston of Chicago, daughter of the Hon. Frederick H. Winston, late United States minister to Persia. They had three children: Maria Winston, born in September, 1882; died in March, 1883. Margaret Dudley, born in December, 1883. Ruth, born in September, 1886; died in March, 1887. 92 BIOGRAPHIES After graduation Grover studied law at Columbia College, receiving the degree of LL.B. in 1876. The same year he was admitted to the bar of New York, and in 1877 to the bar of Illinois. He taught almost continu- ously in Chicago from that date until his death, being instructor in the classics for most of the time in the University School. In this work he followed his father, who had been a teacher in the Chicago schools for many years. He died in Chi- cago from pneumonia, after a brief illness, No- vember 17, 1893, at the age of forty-seven. THOMAS WILLIAMS GROVER George Miles Gunn Lawyer Residence — Milford, Conn. Business address — 179 Church Street, New Haven, Conn. Born August 10, 1851, in Milford, Conn., the son of Samuel B. and Caroline E. Gunn. He prepared at the Collegiate and Commercial Institute, New Haven, Conn. He was married October 25, 1882, in Milford, Conn., to Miss Harriet C. Fowler, daughter of John W. Fowler, a business man of Milford, Conn. They have had two children: Jasper, born October 29, 1883, died at birth. Marjorie, born January 13, 1885. GRADUATES 93 GEORGE MILES GUNN Gunn writes: "After graduation in 1874 the bread and butter ques- tion presented itself and I betook myself to that path of roses and emolument known now-a-days as pedagogy but then called school-teaching, accepting a position (notice the expression) in the Episcopal Academy of Connecticut. To tell the truth, I was blessed glad to get it. There I remained three years with great benefit to myself, for I was obliged to learn the things I hadn't succeeded in doing in college, and at the end of that time had a fairly decent knowledge of Latin, Greek and human nature. The principal of the school had lost the sight of one eye, and I found it easy by getting on his blind side to get by with my store of ignorance. Meantime I studied law and by taking examinations was enabled to graduate at the Yale Law School in 94 BIOGRAPHIES 1878, receiving the degree of LL.B. At that time I knew more law than IVe ever felt I knew since and altogether was a bigger man in my own opinion than later years have justified me in thinking myself. "I became interested in politics in 1880 and became a member of the Connecticut General Assembly, repeating that experience a number of times since, having been a member of the lower body for eight years and of the upper for two years. I have served as state auditor for two terms, was prosecuting attorney of the Court of Common Pleas for fourteen years, and served as Judge of Probate in the District of Milford for eight years. "I have been interested in educational matters in my own town, serving as president of the Board of Educa- tion there. I am president of the Milford Savings Bank and a member of the board of directors of a National Bank in New Haven. In 1896 I was a member of the convention at Indianapolis which nominated Palmer and Buckner, and stumped the state of Connecticut for them. Since that date I have, I need hardly say, had very little outlook in politics, and it has been a mighty good thing for me. I have sat by the wayside and watched the procession with a great deal of amusement to myself, and admired the grace and agility with which my Republican friends have adopted the doctrines of Mr. Bryan and scooped the offices. It has been a fine game to watch and my work meantime in my profession has been to my taste. I have not yet attained the proud position where people employ me so that the other fellow can't get me, but I have my share of business, and it has afforded me an income sufficient, with my simple tastes, to provide for GRADUATES 95 my immediate needs, and those who are near and dear to me have not suffered as yet for bread and butter with an occasional taste of treacle to accompany it. "I am a member of several clubs; the Quinnipiack, Graduates, and Country clubs of New Haven, a social club in Milford, the Metabetchouan Fishing Club in Canada, and the Hammonasset Fishing Club in Connecticut. I try to play golf. Some of my class- mates tell me they do play it, but I have never reached this high state. Looking it all over, I find that I am about the same kind of man as I was a boy in college, not much to brag about. Sincere I hope, and loyal in my friendships, not willing to sacrifice my opinions, how- ever foolish, to attain my ends, and so perhaps a little stubborn. "I guess that I have had all and more than I deserve in life. There is no classmate of whose successes I am not proud, and none of them have met with loss or failure with whom I do not feel sympathy. I can pray with the pious, eat with the hungry, and drink with the thirsty, and will at any and all times be glad to do either with any member of the Class of '74 who will look me up." Gunn was elected president of the National Tradesmen's Bank of New Haven in 1911. William Stewart Halsted Professor of surgery, Johns Hopkins University, and surgeon-in-chief, Johns Hopkins Hospital Residence — 1201 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Md. Born September 23, 1852, in New York City, the son of William M. and Mary L. Halsted. He prepared for college at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. 96 BIOGRAPHIES WILLIAM STEWART HALSTED He was married June 4, 1890, in Columbia, Millwood, S. C, to Miss Caroline Hampton, daughter of Col. Frank Hampton, a planter and soldier who was killed in the Civil War. They have no children. Halsted writes as follows of his life since graduation : "In the summer of 1874 I matriculated as a medical student in the College of Physicians and Surgeons (Columbia), New York. Dr. Henry B. Sands, Xew York's brilliant surgeon, was my preceptor, and I soon became laboratory assistant to Prof. John C. Dal ton, the renowned physiologist. On competitive examina- tion was admitted to Bellevue Hospital as surgical interne, fourth surgical division, in the summer of 1876. Dr. George E. Munroe of our Class was admitted to the same surgical division, and the intimate association GRADUATES 97 with him in our work at Bellevue was most advanta- geous and delightful to me. Graduated from the Medical School in the spring of 1877 and was awarded a prize in money for leading the Class in scholarship. It was of great benefit to me to have known as well as I did certain of my teachers at the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Dalton, Sabine and Sands were men of rare charm and attainments, and I regret that it is not fitting at this time to say more to emphasize my indebt- edness to them. Was appointed house physician to the New York Hospital in the spring of 1898 and had the privilege of inaugurating the medical department in this newly erected hospital. The two years from November, 1878, to September, 1880, were spent in Europe and devoted to the study of most of the clinical medical subjects, but particularly to anatomy and embryology. The greater part of this time was passed in Vienna. Billroth was in his prime and it was my good fortune to become well acquainted and dine often with Wolfer, the distinquished first assistant of this famous surgeon. A month in Wiirzburg with K61- liker, a few weeks in Leipzig with Thiersch, Cohnheim, Wagner and Weigert, and a week with Volkmann in Halle was time profitably and enjoyably spent. "Immediately on my return from abroad, I was appointed assistant demonstrator of anatomy at the College of Physicians and Surgeons (Columbia), New York, and the following year (1881) demonstrator, which position I held for three or four years. From 1880 to 1881 was attending physician to the Charity Hospital (now the City Hospital), Blackwell's Island. Was associate attending surgeon to Roosevelt Hospi- tal and chief surgeon to the out-patient department of 98 BIOGRAPHIES this hospital from 1881 to 1887; surgeon-in-chief to the Emigrant Hospital, Ward's Island, New York, from 1881 to 1884, and attending surgeon to the Bellevue and Presbyterian Hospitals from 1885 to 1887. Gave a course of thirteen lectures at the College of Physicians and Surgeons during the illness of Dr. Sabine, pro- fessor of anatomy, on the anatomy and embryology of the central nervous system. "Kept house in New York from 1881 to 1886 with Dr. Thomas A. McBride, to whom and to Dr. W. H. Welch, Yale '70, I owe such success as I have had in medicine more than to all other men. During these six years in New York I supported myself mainly by teaching, serving as preceptor to students who took private classes. "I recall so well the occasion of the visit of my first students. Three came at the same moment to my office, recommended by Prof. Thos. R. Sabine, and, almost without preliminaries, each handed me a check for $100 with as much confidence, apparently, as if they had been depositing the money in a bank. I had just returned from the two years' period of study abroad, and, altogether without experience as a teacher, was to the students, and, I might say, to myself, an unknown quantity in this regard. The sensations experienced on receipt of this money or booty were peculiar. Opposed to the idea of the 'cram quizes' greatly in vogue in those days, I organized, with the aid of Dr. Munroe of our Class, of Dr. George M. Tuttle, Yale '77, and others, a class with the purpose of instructing the men by practical methods in the laboratory, in the dispensary, and at the bedside. We had excellent facilities for this manner of teaching. Dr. W. H. GRADUATES 99 Welch, professor of pathology at the Bellevue Medical School during four of those years, was heartily in sympathy with our plan and gave to the members of our Class, although not in the same school, special instruction in pathology in his laboratory. He was in great measure responsible for the success of the experi- ment. Only graduates of colleges were admitted to the class. Our students discovered after a time that attendance of the didactic lectures at the College was not, for them, essential, and perhaps not, altogether, a desirable thing. The good results of this method of teaching manifested themselves quickly, and success beyond our fondest imaginings attended the experiment. "In the winters of 1887, 1888, and 1889, I worked with Dr. Welch in the pathological laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University; and in the spring of 1899, on the opening of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, assumed the duties of director of the surgical depart- ment of this hospital. The following year was made surgeon-in-chief to the hospital and accordingly became professor of surgery in the Johns Hopkins University. Am still occupying these positions. "Of the honorary degrees received in this country and abroad, there is not one that I prize so dearly as the LL.D. conferred by Yale University at the solicitations of my classmates of 1874." Halsted received the degree of LL.D. from Yale in 1904 and from Edinburgh University in 1905, and that of Sc.D. from Columbia in 1904. He is an honorary fellow of the Royal Chemical Society of England and Edinburgh, an associate fellow of the American Aca- demy of Arts and Science, and a fellow of the American Surgical Association and of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie. 100 BIOGRAPHIES Contributions to Surgery 1880-1881 — Introduced gutta percha tissue as a dressing for granulating wounds, employing it later as a drainage material. 1884- — Directed attention to the effects of abduction and adduc- tion on measurements in fractures of the neck of the femur. 1884 — Performed and recommended transfusion of blood centri- petally into an artery in the human subject and returned by transfusion the patient's own blood after it had been mechanically freed of the poison (CO) of illuminating gas. 1885 — Devised and described the distention or infiltration method of employing cocaine for local anesthesia; noted also that the injection of cocaine into a nerve produced anesthesia in the parts supplied by that nerve, and that cutting off or diminishing the blood supply of the cocainized part increased and prolonged the anesthetic effect. 1885 — Discovered that local anesthesia might be produced by the injections of exceedingly weak solutions of cocaine and even of water. 1886 — Recommended and practiced the treatment of urethritis by irrigation with antiseptic solutions. 1887 — Directed the attention of surgeons to the submucous coat of the intestines and to the necessity of including a portion of this coat in the stitches in making an intestinal suture. Performed on animals operations of reversal of the intes- tines and the isolation of an intestinal loop. 1888 — Made the discovery, with Sir Victor jMersley, and independ- ently, that after removal of a portion of the thyroid gland in dogs there occurs a characteristic hyperplasia of the part remaining; and that the glands of puppies of thyroidectomized parents become likewise hypertrophied. 1889 — Devised the buried plate and screw method for the treatment of certain fractures. 1889 — Introduced the teaching of operative surgery on animals. 1889-1891 — Described a radical operation for the cure of cancer of the breast. 1890 — Practiced and recommended the open-air treatment of surgical tuberculosis. GRADUATES lOl 1891-1893 — Devised the so-called Bassini-Halsted operation for the cure of inguinal hernia. 1892 — Performed the first successful ligation of the first portion of the left subclavian artery; also the first and only excision of a subclavian aneurism. 1895 — Devised a method of skin transplantation by progressive rotation of the transferred piece. 1896 — Performed the first excision of a cancer of the diverticulum of Vater — of the common bile duct. 1896 — Introduced silver foil as a dressing for closed wounds, covering for skin grafts, etc. 1901 — Discovered with Opie in a case of acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis upon which I had operated that retrojection of bile into the pancreatic duct might be a cause of this lesion. 1903 — Recommended the use of the cremaster muscle in the treat- ment of the oblique form, and the sheath of the musculus rectus abdominis in the direct form of inguinal hernia. 1905 — Devised a method for the partial, progressive and complete occlusion of the aorta and other large arteries by the use of metal bands, also an instrument with which to curl and apply these bands. 1906 — Operated upon the aortic arch in the human subject and (1906) upon the thoracic artery in animals and man, and demonstrated that after partial occlusion of the aorta (thoracic) the blood pressure might remain lowered for many months. 1906 — Cured aneurism of some of the principal arterial trunks by partial occlusion of the artery proximal to the aneurism. 1906—1908 — Demonstrated on dogs the possibility of the trans- plantation of the parathyroid glands and obtained absolute proof of a vital function of these epithelial bodies. Established certain laws relative to the transplantation of the parathyroid glands. 1906 — Treated tetany successfully by the administration of the parathyroid glands of beeves. 1906 or 1907 — Made use of measurements of the mammary radii to assist in the diagnosis of breast tumors and in the deter- mination of the age and relative malignancy of cancer of the breast. LC2 BIOGRAPHIES 1910 — Contrived with Dr. Willis D. Gatch the obturator or bulk- head method of performing aseptically end-to-end suture of the intestines. Bibliography The effects of adduction and abduction on the length of the limb in fractures of the neck of the femur. N. Y. Med. Jrl., 1884; Refusion in the treatment of carbonic oxide poisoning. Ann. of Anat. and Surg., 1884; Circular suture of the intestine — an experimental study. Am. Jrl. of the Med. Sci., 1887; The treat- ment of wounds with especial reference to the value of the blood clot in the management of dead spaces. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Repts., 1891; Ligation of the first portion of the left subclavian artery and excision of a subclavic-axillary aneurism. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., 1892; Intestinal anastomosis. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., 1893; The radical cure of inguinal hernia in the male. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., 1893; The results of operations for the cure of cancer of the breast performed at the Johns Hopkins Hospital from June, 1889, to January, 1894. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Repts., 1894. Ann. of Surg., 1894; The operative treatment of hernia. Am. Jrl. of the Med. Sci., 1895; An experimental study of the thyroid gland of dogs, with especial consideration of hypertrophy of this gland. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Repts., 1896; A clinical and histological study of certain adenocar- cinomata of the breast and a brief consideration of the supracla- vicular operation and of the results of operations for cancer of the breast from 1889 to 1898 at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Trans, of the Am. Surg. Ass'n, 1898; Miniature hammers and the suture of the bile ducts. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., 1898; Contribu- tions to the surgery of the bile passages, especially of the common bile duct. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., 1900; A contribution to the surgery of foreign bodies. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Repts., IX, 1901; Retrojection of bile into the pancreas, a cause of acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., 1901 ; The cure of the more difficult as well as the simpler inguinal ruptures. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., 1903; The training of the surgeon. The Annual Address in Medicine delivered at Yale University, June 27, 1904; The partial occlusion of blood-vessels, especially of the abdominal ' aorta. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., 1905; GRADUATES 103 Results of the open-air treatment of surgical tuberculosis. Trans, of the First Annual Meeting of the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, 1905; The results of radical operations for the cure of cancer of the breast. Trans, of the Am. Surg. Ass'n, 1907. Ann. of Surg., 1907; Hypoparathyreosis, Status parathyreoprivus and transplantation of the parathyroid glands. Am. Jrl. of the Med. Sci., 1907; (With Herbert M. Evans, M.D.) The parathyroid glandules, their blood supply, and their preservation in operation upon the thyroid gland. Ann. of Surg., 1907; The transplantation of the parathyroid glands in dogs. Proc. of the Society for Exper. Biol, and Med., 1908; Auto- and iso-transplantations, in dogs, of the parathyroid glandules. Jrl. of Exper. Med., 1909; Partial, progressive and complete occlusion of the aorta and other large arteries in the dog by means of the metal band. Jrl. of Exper. Med., 1909; Circular suture of the intestine by a bulk-head or obturator method. Trans, of the Am. Surg. Ass'n, 1910; Beitrag zur Behandlung der Basedowischen Krankheit. V erhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Chir- urgie, Berlin, 1911; Report of a dog maintained in good health by a parathyroid autograft 0.25 in diameter, and which died of tetany on its removal a year later. Jrl. of Exper. Med., 1912. Wallace Kasson Harrison Physician Residence — 1244 North State Street, Chicago, 111. Business address — 1604 Masonic Temple, Chicago, 111. Born August 11, 1848, in Bethlehem, Conn., the son of William R. and Susan L. (Kasson) Harrison. He prepared at the Connecticut Literary Institute, Suffield, Conn. He entered the Class of '73 but remained with it only two terms, becoming a member of the Class of '74 at the beginning of Freshman year. He was married July 27, 1882, in Pawtucket, R. I., to Miss Emma Geneva Wheaton, daughter of Joseph Wheaton, a black- smith of North Rehoboth, Mass. They have had four children, all born in Chicago, 111. : 104 BIOGRAPHIES WALLACE KASSON HARRISON Louise Lillian, born April 27, 1883. Wallace Kasson, Jr., born January 8, 1885, died February 4, 1897. Constance Milsted, born December 7, 1890. Geneva Wheaton, born March 10, 1898. Harrison writes: "I came to Chicago in the fall of 1874 and found temporary employment in a fire insurance office. In December of the same year I obtained a position as tutor in a family residing at Arlington Heights, 111., for about seven months and began the study of medicine. In the fall of 1875 I matriculated at Rush Medical College and there took my first course of lectures and clinics with E. M. Reading, '74, for a classmate and companion. During the summer vaca- tion I found work in a hotel and in a real estate office, GRADUATES 105 and in the fall of 1878 matriculated at Bennett Medical College and took my second course of medical lectures. I received my degree of M.D. in March, 1877, and soon after hung my shingle in Wauconda, Lake County, 111. Practice was not remunerative there and after three months I returned to Chicago to do a little research work in the employ of a physician. I opened an office in Rogers Park, 111., in the fall of 1878, and remained there until the following spring, when I received an appointment as demonstrator of anatomy in Bennett Medical College. I was glad to accept the position and at once opened an office in Chicago, where, since that time, I have been continuously in practice. I held the position of demonstrator of anatomy for two years and was then elected to the chair of medical chemistry in Bennett Medical College which I held until 1882. During that year I received a call to teach medical chemistry in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago, which I accepted and at the same time took up some postgraduate work. In 1884 I received the degree of M.D. from the College of Physicians and Surgeons. The years since that date have been devoted to the general practice of medicine and life insurance examinations. In 1894 I received the appointment of Supreme Medical Examiner of the Royal League, a fraternal insurance society, and a few years later was appointed medical director of two other insurance organizations, which positions I still hold. "I am a member of the American Academy of Medicine, the American Medical Association, the Illinois State Medical Society, and the Chicago Medical Society. For the present year I am president of the medical section of the National Fraternal Congress. 106 BIOGRAPHIES I am a member of the Unitarian Church and hold membership in various local and civic and charitable organizations. "Gardening is my favorite recreation. Reading, Leighton and L eland are the classmates whom I most frequently meet. Looking back over the years, I desire to bear witness that life is worth living and that its rewards for me have in large measure sprung from the influences of college years." His writings have consisted of a few papers upon medical and life insurance subjects which have been printed in the annual reports of the National Fraternal Congress. Charles Sidney Hartwell Mining Address — Care The Oil & Metals Leasing Company, Banning, Calif. Born July 1, 1847, in Forestburg, N. Y., the son of Alfred and Mary Hartwell. He prepared for college under the instruction of his cousin, Samuel S. Hartwell, Yale '59, at Mount Retirement, N. J. He is unmarried. After graduation Hartwell taught school one year in Brooklyn, N. Y. In the fall of 1875 he entered the Columbia Law School and received the degree of LL.B. from that institution in May, 1877. After practicing law in Xew York City for a time, he removed first to Rugby, N. D., then to Rolla, and finally to Leeds, N. D., as cashier of the bank of Leeds. The panic of 1893 caused the bank to suspend because GRADUATES 107 CHARLES SIDNEY HARTWELL collections could not be made and land was of almost no value. One could buy all the land he wanted at from three to five dollars per acre, which now cannot be bought for less than fifty to one hundred dollars per acre. The bank paid every dollar to the depositors and returned to the stockholders all the money they had put in the bank. From Leeds he went to Helena, Mont., and while there learned assaying. From Helena he went first to Leonia, Idaho; from there to Troy, Mont., and from Troy to Sylvanite, Mont., as assayer and bookkeeper for the Goldflint Mining Company. The ore of the mine was low grade gold ore, and the bad management caused the company to close the mine. The mill was built in the wrong place and the company put in steam power when they should have put in water power, for the Yakt River was only a few 108 BIOGRAPHIES hundred feet from the mill with plenty of water to run the mill twelve months in the year. A new company now owns the mine with these improvements and is doing well. The largest gold brick the mine produced in two weeks' run was some fifteen pounds of gold. From Sylvanite, he went to Spokane, Wash., where he was in the mining business. From Spokane he went to Libby, Mont., where he was engaged in the assay business and had charge of the money order and book- keeping department of the Post Office. The money order business amounted to from three thousand to six thousand dollars per month. From Libby, Mont., he went to Coulterville, Calif., where he was offered a large block of stock in the Nevada California Gold Mining Company if he would put in money enough to build a ten stamp gold mill. He was unable to raise the money and went to Los Angeles, Calif., where he had mining interests and is now working for the Oil & Metals Leasing Company, near Banning, Calif. The mines are some sixty-eight miles from Banning, in Riverside County, in the San Bernardino mountains. Henry Prescott Hatch Banker Residence — 124 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Business address — 71 Broadway, New York City Born August 22, 1852, in Brooklyn, N. Y., the son of Waiter Tilden and Rebecca Taylor Hatch. He prepared in Brooklyn, N. Y. He was married August 18, 1883, in St. Peter's Church, London, England, to Miss Adela Elizabeth Lopes (died in March, 1890), daughter to Sir Massey Lopes, baronet, a resident of Maristow, GRADUATES 109 HENRY PRESCOTT HATCH Roborough, South Devon, England, and of 28 Grosvenor Gardens, London, and a member of the House of Commons for twenty-eight years. They had no children. Hatch wrote in 1909: "For the past thirty-seven years I have resided in Brooklyn, N. Y. My business from the start has been banking and I have been an active member of the New York Stock Exchange for thirty- two years. I have been connected with only one firm during that time, namely that of W. T. Hatch & Sons, bankers, of Xew York City. "I am a member of the Union League Club, the University Club, the Yale Club, and the Players, of New York City; and of the Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn, N. Y. My favorite recreation is riding 110 BIOGRAPHIES and driving. The classmates whom I have seen most frequently in the past years are Russell Walden, T. DeWitt Cuyler, George Dimock, Pearce Barnes, and Charles J. Harris." William Hedges Congregational Minister Residence — Colebrook, Conn. Permanent address — Care Samuel O. Hedges, Bridge Hampton, Long Island, N. Y. Born June 21, 1851, in Sag Harbor, N. Y., the son of Henry Parsons and Glorianna Osborne Hedges. He prepared at Bridge Hampton, N. Y. He was married June 8, 1880, in Mattituck, L. I., to Miss Harriet S. Hamlin (died April 22, 1887), daughter of the Rev. James T. Hamlin (died at Mattituck in 1892), formerly a Presbyterian minister. They had no children. Hedges writes: "After graduation I spent one year in Bridge Hampton, L. I., tutoring. In 1875 I entered the Yale Divinity School and was graduated from there in 1878 with the usual degree of S.T.B. I returned to Bridge Hampton and remained there one year, until June, 1879, supplying the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church of that place. In June, 1879, I became stated supply of the Presbyterian Church of Mattituck, L. I., remaining in that relation until June, 1882. I was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Long Island in session at South Hampton, L. I., in September, 1878, and was ordained by the same body at Moriches, L. I., in October, 1879. In July, 1882, I returned to GRADUATES 111 Bridge Hampton and stayed there until November, 1882, when I removed to Jamesport, L. I., and became acting pastor of the Congregational Church there. In 1885 I was installed as regular pastor of the Church. I lived in Jamesport until November, 1893. My wife died there and is buried at Mattituck. In November, 1893, I became pastor of the Harwinton Congrega- tional Church of Har- winton, Conn., where I stayed until October 1, 1898. Then I removed to New York City and studied for one year in the post graduate depart- ment of Union Theologi- cal Seminary. During that year I became pastor of the Congregational Church of Wading River, L. I. But I finished out my year at the Union Seminary, supplying the Church meanwhile. In April, 1899, I removed to Wading River, remain- ing there until September, 1901, when I became pastor of the Congregational Church of Colebrook, Conn., my present position. "I am a member of the Litchfield County University Club, and of the Litchfield North Association of Congregational Ministers. When on Long Island for four years I was secretary of the Suffolk Association of Congregational Churches and Ministers. I have 112 BIOGRAPHIES met few classmates since graduation. Tenney and I were roommates and for several years kept in touch with one another, but lost sight of each other about fifteen years ago. I have seen no member of '74 during that time." William Olin Henderson Lawyer Residence — 50 South Third Street, Columbus, Ohio Business address — 613-618 New First National Bank Building. Columbus, Ohio Born October 28, 1850, in Liberty Township, Union County, Ohio, the son of James Allen and Mary Josephine Henderson. He prepared at Marysville, Ohio. He was married October 14, 1886, in Wallingford, Conn., to Miss Sarah Wilcox Ellis, a graduate of Miss Brace's School, New Haven, daughter of Robert Ellis (died in 1893), a merchant of Columbus, Ohio, and later of New York City. They have no children. After graduation, Henderson went to Cheshire, Conn., as teacher in the Episcopal Academy, where he taught for nearly three years. He devoted his time largely to teaching mathematics, and he also read and studied law, having registered as a law student in July, 1874, in the office of James W. Robinson of Marysville, Ohio. He was admitted to the Ohio State Bar in July, 1877. Resigning his position in the Academy, he removed to Columbus, Ohio, September 17, 1877, and, upon the first of October, opened a law office in partnership with George O. Hamilton, then practicing in Marysville, the firm name being Hamilton & Hen- GRADUATES 113 WILLIAM OLIN HENDERSON derson. That firm continued about three years, when it was dissolved on account of the failing health of Mr. Hamilton, who died in 1882. Henderson then con- tinued to practice alone until 1883, after which he was associated for one year with William E. Guerin, under the firm name of Guerin & Henderson. In July, 1889, he joined the Hon. Richard A. Harrison and the Hon. Joseph Olds, Yale '53, leading members of the bar of Ohio, under the well-known firm name of Har- rison, Olds & Henderson, which continued until June, 1902. Henderson was again alone until August, 1903, when he was joined by Theodore M. Livesay, forming the firm of Henderson & Livesay. Later Karl E. Burr was admitted to the firm, which still exists. They engage in general practice, but have a large amount 114 BIOGRAPHIES of corporation work chiefly as representatives of rail- road interests. The firm of Harrison, Olds & Hender- son was local counsel for many years for the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Company, a large part of the legal work devolving upon Mr. Hen- derson. The firm of Henderson, Livesay & Burr are solicitors for the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Company. Since 1906, Henderson has been general counsel for the Sunday Creek Company, which is one of the largest coal companies operating in Ohio and West Virginia. His clientage is of an extensive and important character, which fact indicates that he stands in the foremost rank of the able lawyers of the Columbus Bar. Henderson is a Republican, but has never been active as a party worker, except to assist friends. In 1902, however, he was a candidate for nomination for judge of the supreme court. In March, 1907, he declined an appointment as United States district judge, and in the fall of 1908 he was presidential elector for the twelfth congressional district on the Republican ticket, casting his vote for William H. Taft, between whom and Henderson there has long existed a warm friendship. From 1884 until 1890, he was a member of the standing committee of the supreme court for the examination of applicants for admission to the bar, and for three years was chairman of that committee. He has held membership in the Ohio State Bar Association since 1889, and for many years has been identified with the Franklin County Bar Association. He was at one time a member of the Disciples Church and afterward GRADUATES 115 became a communicant of the Trinity Episcopal Church of Columbus, Ohio, of which he served for a period as vestryman. For many years he has been a member of the Columbus Board of Trade, has served on various committees, and for one term was its first vice-president. A popular and prominent member of the Columbus Club, he was for six years chairman of its house com- mittee, and for many years has been its first vice- president and one of its directors. He is president and one of the directors of the Arlington Country Club, is a member and director of the Castalia Trout Club, was for two years director of the Western Golf Asso- ciation, and in 1908 and 1909 was president of the Ohio Golf Association. This indicates that trout fishing and golf are his chief recreations. At the thirty-fifth year reunion of the Class, he won the cup kindly put up by Aldis for the best golfer of the Class, the contest which the committee made an attractive feature of the reunion. With a well developed physique, which served as a foundation for his mental growth, he has steadily progressed in lines demanding strong intellectual force and activity, and his position in his profession has given him honorable distinction as a member of the Ohio bar. Henderson has been abroad twice on short trips. The first, in 1893, was a sudden and important business trip to Holland; and the second, in 1908, was golfing and motoring trip through England and Scotland. "Your request for my writings suggests an expression of General Joe Geiger, a quaint local character, now dead, who, after he was admitted to the bar and had 116 BIOGRAPHIES hung out his shingle in Circleville, was asked if he was practicing law. 'Yes,' said he, 'I am doing a little obscure writing.' My writings are my briefs and other legal papers, which are quite as obscure and ephemeral as are and have always been those of the ordinary lawyer engaged day by day in the very practical work of safeguarding and promoting the interests of clients." John Brown Heron, Jr. Lawyer, retired Residence — South Linden Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Born October 18, 1852, in Pittsburgh, Pa., the son of John and Susanna Herron. He prepared for college partly in the Pittsburgh High School and partly with Prof. Griggs, Yale '43. He was married February 5, 1884, in Philadelphia, Pa., to Miss Emily Sprankle, daughter of Walter M. Spran- kle, a merchant of Philadel- phia, who died October 9. 1895. They have four chil- dren, all born in Pittsburgh, Pa.: Martha, a graduate of Miss Dana's School, born October 13, 1884. Elizabeth, a graduate of Mrs. Dow's School, born April 30, 1888, married April 9, 1910, Henry M. Curry, Jr., Cornell '09, of Pittsburgh. They have one daughter, Elizabeth Heron, born January 7, 1911. JOHN BROWN HERON. JR. GRADUATES 117 John Brown, Jr., Yale '10, born November 20, 1889, attending Harvard Law School. Walter Sprankle, Yale '11 S., born June 3, 1892. In October, 1874, Heron entered Harvard Law School, where he remained until March, 1875, when he went into the law office of George Shiras, Yale '53, at Pittsburgh. He was admitted to the Allegheny County bar in January, 1877, and practiced his pro- fession until about twenty years ago. He is not engaged in any business at present, and although a stockholder in a number of corporations, he takes no active part in any except the Union Storage Company of Pittsburgh, of which he has been a director for many years. DeWitt Clinton Holbrook Fruit Grower Address — Freewater, Ore., R. F. D. No. 1 Born May 25, 1851, in Detroit, Mich., the son of DeWitt C. and Mary May Holbrook. He prepared at the Detroit (Mich.) High School. He was married October 30, 1884, in Walla Walla County, Wash., to Miss Mary J. Wellman, daughter of A. C. Wellman, a farmer of Clyde, Wash. They have four children: Wellman, born August 1, 1884. Helen Merritt, born August 11, 1885. Mary Louise, born January 6, 1889. DeWitt Clinton, Jr., born in Great Falls, Mont., January 23, 1900. After graduation Holbrook studied law for six months in his father's office in Detroit, and afterwards 118 BIOGRAPHIES went to Montana Territory, where he engaged in stock farming and quartz min- ing. From June, 1875, to January, 1888, he was in the sheep business in Washington and Mon- tana, and later became toll collector on Wagon Bridge, at Great Falls, Mont., and then inspec- tor of weights and meas- ures at Great Falls. While in Montana in the sheep business, on March 14, 1885, he received a paralytic stroke from which he has never fully dewitt clinton holbrook recovered. Daniel Robinson Howe Banker, retired Residence — 1008 Asylum Avenue, Hartford, Conn. Business address — Connecticut General Insurance Company Building, Hartford, Conn. Permanent address — Care Daniel R. Howe, Box 708, Hartford, Conn. Born in 1851, in Hartford, Conn., the son of Edmund G. and Frances K. Howe. He prepared at the Hartford (Conn.) Grammar School. He was married February 16, 1876, in Hartford, Conn., to Miss Henrietta Atwood Collins, daughter of Erastus Collins, a merchant GRADUATES 119 of Hartford. They have three children, all born in Hartford, Conn. : Edmund Grant, Yale '06, born November 22, 1883. Henrietta Collins, born July 14, 1885, married May 6, 1908. Marjorie Frances, born June 15, 1887. Since graduation Howe has resided in Hartford, Conn. He was for a while in the wholesale dry goods business with Collins, Fenn & Company, and later became clerk and bookkeeper in the Hartford National Bank, where he remained until 1879. In 1881, Atwood Collins, Yale '73, became his partner under the firm name of Howe & Collins, private bankers. Howe has now retired from active business. He was superintendent of the Warburton Sunday School ( Congregational ) for many years ; is a deacon of the First Church of Christ in Hartford (a Congrega- DANIEL ROBINSON HOWE 120 BIOGRAPHIES tional Church otherwise known as the Center Church) ; president of the Hartford Y. M. C. A., and vice chair- man of the State Y. M. C. A., and is president of the Hartford Federation of Churches. He was treasurer of the Hartford Street Railway Company until it was sold to the New York, New Haven & Hartford Rail- road Company; is vice-president of the Society for Savings, director of the Connecticut Trust & Safe Deposit Company, the National Exchange Bank, the Connecticut Fire Insurance Company, the Hartford & New York Transportation Company, and the Collins Company; is treasurer of several religious and philan- thropic organizations, and a trustee of several like enterprises and estates. He is a member of the Hartford Club, and of the University, Golf, the Twilight and Archaeological clubs of Hartford. He has traveled west as far as Helena, Mont., and Wichita, Kans. ; south as far as Savannah, Ga., and Selma, Ala., and north as far as Ha-Ha Bay, Canada. He has visited Europe six times, traveling through England, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Holland, Belgium, the Azores and Bermuda. * Charles Edward Humphrey Died 1881 Born January 23, 1854, in Brooklyn, N. Y., the son of Jeffrey Amherst and Julia Frances Humphrey. He prepared for college at Englewood, N. J., and was connected with the Class of '73 for three months, being obliged to leave college in the winter of 1869 owing to ill health. He then entered and completed his course with '74. He was unmarried. GRADUATES 121 After graduation Humphrey began the study of law in New York City in the office of Chapman, Cro- well & Scott, and also in Columbia College, where he received the degree of LL.B.inl876. Soon after this he began prac- tice by himself, and was making good progress in his profession when he was attacked by Bright's disease. After an illness of twelve months, he died at his father's residence in Englewood, December 7, 1881, in his twenty- eighth year. CHARLES EDWARD HUMPHREY Francis Gregory Ingersoll Retired Address — East Haddam, Conn. Born June 14, 1852, in New Haven, Conn., the son of the late Gov. Charles Roberts Ingersoll, Yale '40, LL.D. '74, and Virginia Gregory Ingersoll. He prepared at the Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn. He was married October 10, 1899, in New Haven, Conn., to Miss Lucy Parkman Trowbridge, Yale Art School '82, daughter of William P. Trowbridge, deceased, professor of physics and chemistry at Columbia University. They have one child: Lucy Parkman, born January 9, 1901. 122 BIOGRAPHIES After graduation Ingersoll studied at the Yale Law School, receiving the degree of LL.B. in June, 1877. He writes: "I lived in New Haven from 1877 to 1890, prac- ticing law. From 1890 to 1907 I was employed in busi- ness with the following companies: the Harlan & Hollingsworth Company, shipbuilders of Wilmington, Del., electric department; the Thomson-Houston Elec- tric Company, Boston, Mass., marine depart- ment; the General Elec- tric Company, New York City, sales department ; the Central Electric Heating Company, New York City, office work; the Staten Island Land & Improvement Com- pany, New York, office work; the Standard Trust Company, New York, bookkeeper ; and the Mutual Trust Com- pany, Port Chester, francis Gregory ingersoll N. Y., secretary and treasurer. "In October, 1909, I purchased a place at East Haddam, Conn., where I now live and expect to live in the future. I have no business connection at the present time." GRADUATES 123 *Charles Ives Died 1883 Born February 14, 1853, in New Haven, Conn., the son of Charles and Catharine M. Ives. He prepared for college at Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven. He was unmarried. After graduation Ives studied law in the Yale Law School, receiving the degree of LL.B. in 1876. Before leaving the law school he entered his father's office and was soon admitted to the bar in Xew Haven. He con- tinued in practice after his father's death in 1880, applying himself with signal ability and indus- try, but was seriously affected for several years by hereditary rheuma- tism. He died at his summer residence in West Haven, Conn., August 31, 1883, in his thirty-first year, of typhoid fever, after a few days' illness. CHARLES IVES 124 BIOGRAPHIES Henry Amnion James Lawyer Residence — 20 West Twelfth Street, New York City Business address — 30 Broad Street, New York City Born April 24, 1854-, in Baltimore, Md., the son of Henry and Amelia (Cate) James. He was prepared by a private tutor. He was married September 21, 1891, in East Hampton, L. I., to Miss Laura Brevoort Sedgwick (died November 1, 1907), daughter of William Ellery Sedgwick (deceased), a lawyer, of New York City and Lenox, Mass. They had two children: Dorothy, born in New York City, May 15, 1892. William Ellery Sedgwick, born in East Hampton, L. I., August 4, 1895. James writes: "Immediately after graduation I spent two years in Europe attending lectures at Jena and at the Univer- sity of Berlin, coquetting with the arts and sciences and traveling in the intervals. I had Robbins, '74, for a companion in Jena, and Farnam, '74, in Berlin — need it be said to my great enjoyment and satisfaction? Returning to America in the fall of 1896, I entered the Yale Law School and passed two delightful years in New Haven, graduating with the degree of LL.B. in the Class of '78. I thereupon began the practice of law in Baltimore, Md., my home and native city, in the office of Mr. Luther M. Reynolds, an old and well-known lawyer there. "After a year or more of strenuous endeavor I suffered a serious breakdown in health and passed through an acute illness which put me out of commis- sion for some time and reduced me to a state of GRADUATES 125 HENRY AMMON JAMES amazing humility. My recovery was in defiance of the physicians, who got even with me by prescribing for me for the future an existence devoid of excitement and strenuous effort — a warning which I have apparently heeded. In pursuance of my convalescence I made a voyage in a sailing ship to South America in the summer of 1880. "I resumed the practice of law, in rather a leisurely fashion, in New York City, in 1881, serving at first as clerk to Major Edward Heaton, '69 (now deceased) . Later I occupied for about a year and a half the position of managing clerk in the law office of Anderson & Howland, of which Henry E. Howland, '54, was a member, and my close intimacy with him since that time I count as the chief fruit of that connection. I then took offices in association with Howard Mansfield, '71, 126 BIOGRAPHIES and continued in that pleasant association for about ten years. Circumstances devolved upon me the care of properties belonging to relatives and turned me aside from the more active practice of my profession, and the struggle for its honors, for which I was also perhaps otherwise little fitted. In the management of these affairs I found congenial occupation without too strenu- ous effort, and sufficient compensation, added to a modest patrimony, to supply my material wants. "My marriage, the birth and care of my children, the love of my wife, filled my life amply for a brief hour with the homely romance of humanity, and her passing has left me with memories, and thereby no particular purpose or ambition save the upbringing of my children and their welfare and happiness. "I have never held any public office as far as I can remember, and am guiltless of print, unless I be held accountable for the publication by Henry Holt & Company, at the instance and expense of the Kingsley Trust Association of New Haven, of an essay on 'Communism in America,' a treatise now universally disregarded by an inept and heedless world." Frank Jenkins Coal Merchant Residence — The Ansonia, Seventy-fourth Street and Broadway, New York City Business address — 1 Broadway, New York City Born March 19, 1851, in Boonton, N. J., the son of George and Hannah Morgan Jenkins. He prepared at Mowry and Goff's School, Providence, R. I., and entered college with the Class of '73, but owing to illness GRADUATES 127 FRANK JENKINS remained out for a year and joined '74 at the beginning of its Freshman year. He is unmarried. Jenkins writes: "Until a year or so ago I kept Boonton, N. J., as my permanent address, although I have been in busi- ness in New York since graduation. When I first came to New York I went to live with General H. C. King in Brooklyn, who was an intimate friend of Henry Ward Beecher. Through this connection I became secretary of Henry Ward Beecher, and was connected with his paper, the Christian Union, in various positions, being the publisher from 1878 until June, 1879, when I went into the banking firm of W. B. Hatch & Company, as a junior partner. In 128 BIOGRAPHIES 1881 the firm of Collins, Bouden k Jenkins was formed and continued in business until 1887, when the firm, owing to the death of the senior partner, became Bouden k Jenkins and remained in business until June 10, 1890. "If I had retired from business in 1884, I would have had a very comfortable fortune, but our firm was induced to go into a railroad enterprise, and joined a syndicate to build the Lackawanna k Pittsburgh Railroad, now known as the Pittsburgh, Shawmut k Northern Railroad, of which Frank Sullivan Smith, '72, is now receiver. This venture proved to be a most unfortunate undertaking, not only involving our firm to an amount exceeding one million dollars, but sub- sequently causing the failure of Marquand k Company. Our firm made an assignment in 1890. "In 1893 I became the financial secretary of Merritt Brothers of Duluth, Minn., who at that time were the largest owners in the Mesaba Ore Range of Minnesota. They were large borrowers and lost most of their properties when their loans matured in 1894. I then went to Cuba, and became the agent for some manga- nese mines which were then considered the largest known deposit of manganese in the world. As soon as the railroad was completed the insurrection broke out which was followed by the Spanish- American War, and the property was bought by the Carnegie Steel Company. The two greatest chances that I had of regaining my lost fortune had gone, and not knowing how to make bricks without straw, I went into the wholesale coal business, my present occupation. "When my troubles began I resigned from the following clubs: the Lawyers, the Down Town Asso- GRADUATES 129 ciation, the Manhattan, the Racquet, the Lambs, the Players, the Seawanhaka Yacht, and three fishing and shooting clubs. I still keep my membership in the University Club, which I joined in 1879, and also in the Cumberland Club of Portland, Maine, and the Country Club of Westchester, N. Y. "I look upon my association with Mr. Beecher as the happiest period of my life. I traveled with him extensively and naturally met many of his friends, among whom I formed lasting friendships. I enjoyed particularly delightful companionships with Charles Dudley Warner, Lawrence Hutton, Clarence Stedman, Tom ]S T ast, Dean Hole, Dr. Parker (of London), Mark Twain, Bill Nye, James Whitcomb Riley, Ike Bromley, Max O'Rell, Henry Watterson, and many other brilliant and interesting men. When a member of the Lambs and Players, I had very pleasant acquaintances and many friends among the leading actors of our day. I often met Lester Wallack, Edwin Booth, Jefferson, John McCullogh, Jim Lewis, John Gilbert, Harry Becket, Harry Montague, and a score of others of the old school, and many who are now prominent on our modern stage. "Well — I have said enough — I am neither a captain of industry from Pittsburgh, nor am I serving time in the Atlanta prison. After many vicissitudes and ups and downs I have come out of it all in good health and spirits, and am ready to meet you all at our next reunion." "Pigmaei gigantum humeris impositi plus quam ipsi gigantes vident" 130 BIOGRAPHIES Charles Frederick Joy- Lawyer and Recorder of Deeds Address — 4954 Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. Born December 11, 1849, in Jacksonville, 111., the son of Charles and Georgianna E. A. Joy. He prepared at Clark Seminary, Aurora, 111. He was married in October, 1879, to Lillian A. Ordway, of Hartford, Conn., who died December 19, 1880. He was married May 11, 1895, at San Mateo, Calif., to Mrs. Elizabeth Ina (Grant) Ryer, daughter of Michael Charles Grant, land owner. They have no children. After graduation Joy spent one year at Shamokin, Pa., preparing a young man and a young woman, the one for admission to Yale College and the other for admission to Vassar College. While teaching he studied law in the office of George W. Ryan, then a prominent practitioner at the Northumberland County Bar. In September of the year following, 1875, Joy proceeded to St. Louis to engage in the practice of the law and has lived there continuously since that date. In September, 1875, he was admitted to the Missouri Bar and opened a law office at the corner of Fourth and Market Streets in partnership with Joseph R. Harris, and has since practiced law in St. Louis with several different partners. In 1892 he was candidate on the Republican ticket for representative in Congress, and was elected and sworn in to the Fifty- third Congress on March 4, 1893, at the same time that Mr. Cleveland commenced his second term as President of the United States. Joy was reelected to the four succeeding Congresses and closed his term of office on March 3, 1903, having GRADUATES 131 CHARLES FREDERICK JOY served ten years, four years under the administration of President Cleveland, four years under the administra- tion of President McKinley, and two years under the administration of President Roosevelt. During his incumbency in the House of Representatives he served first under Charles R. Crisp, Democratic speaker, and afterwards under Thomas B. Reed, David G. Hender- son and Joseph G. Cannon, Republican speakers, and was a warm personal friend of all the speakers and the presidents under whom he served. In November, 1906, Joy was elected recorder of deeds of the city of St. Louis, which position he still holds. He has been connected with the following law firms : From 1875 until 1879 with the firm of Harris & Joy; from 1880 until 1884 with the firm of Joy & Sampson, 132 BIOGRAPHIES and from 1884 until 1892 with Joy & Kribben. Since the latter date he has not been associated with any partners. From 1885 until 1898 he was president of the Standard School Book Company, a corporation engaged in making school books which supplied a large part of the United States, by contract, with all books used in the public schools. This corporation was dissolved in 1898. Joy is a member of the St. Louis, Mercantile, Oasis, Aero, Elks, and Western Rowing clubs and the Amateur Athletic Association, all of St. Louis. He is a member of the Chevy Chase Club of Washington, D. C, and of the New York Yale Club. He is also a member of the Missouri Historical Society, the St. Louis Art Museum, the Artists' Guild and the Franklin Club (a literary organization) of St. Louis. He has visited every one of the United States during the past thirty-five years, and has been twice abroad visiting England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, and the upper coast of Africa. Robert Weeks Kelley Cement Manufacturer Residence — 1 West Fifty-fourth Street, New York City Business address — 26 Beaver Street, New York City Born March 2, 1853, in New York City, the son of James E. and Roxanna (Drew) Kelley. He prepared at H. H. Fay's School, Newport, R. I. He is unmarried. GRADUATES 133 ROBERT WEEKS KELLEY Kelley wrote in 1910: "After graduation I traveled west, and later located in Baltimore, Md., for a short time, and then in Phila- delphia as secretary of the Philadelphia Manufacturing Company. About 1877 I went to Oswego, as account- ant for the Georgian Bay Lumber Company. I left there in 1881, and from 1881 to 1888 lived in Litchfield, Conn., as president of the Echo Farm Company. In 1888 I was elected president of the Kanawha & Ohio Railway Company, and was later receiver of that com- pany. I then became president of the Kanawha & Michigan Railway Company, and lived in Charleston, W. Va. In 1890 I moved to New York and joined the New York Stock Exchange. From 1900 to 1904 I lived in Calais, Maine, as general manager of the Washington County Railway Company. In 1904 134 BIOGRAPHIES removed to New York and became president of the Brewster Oil Company, which position I held during 1904 and 1905. In the latter part of 1905 and part of 1906 I traveled in Europe. In the spring of 1908 I was assistant to the receiver of the Third Avenue Railroad Company, president of the Kingsbridge Railway Company, and was elected president of the Warren-Burnham Company, Vulcan Portland Cement Company, Ltd., the Virginia Portland Cement Com- pany, and vice-president of the Colloseus Cement Com- pany, which positions I still hold. I am also director of the Canada Cement Company, Ltd. "I have lived in New York City since 1904 and am a member of the University, Yale and Ardsley clubs. As to writings, none of my enemies have yet detected me writing a book." William Kelly Mine Manager Address — Vulcan, Mich. Born in New York City, the son of Robert and Arietta A. Kelly. He prepared at a private school conducted by Dr. W. C. Wilkinson at Tarrytown, N. Y. He was married June 24, 1886, in Hopewell, Pa., to Miss Annie Ashcom, daughter of John Wesley Ashcom (deceased), of Hopewell, Pa., owner of an iron foundry. They have had one child: William Ashcom, born August 31, 1887, died August 20, 1898. Kelly wrote in 1910: "Immediately after graduation Horace Chittenden, Arthur Dodge, Frank Olmsted, and I went abroad. We landed at Queenstown and were together in Ireland, GRADUATES 135 WILLIAM KELLY but after reaching London, Frank and Arthur went to the Continent, while Horace and I accompanied Horace's parents and sisters in a tour through England and Scotland with a short trip to Paris afterward. "Returning to New York in October, I entered the regular course of the School of Mines, Columbia University, and graduated with the degree of M.E., in June, 1877. An honorary election to the Columbia Chapter of the scientific society of Tau Beta Pi was given me in 1904. "The summer of 1876 was spent at Phoenixville, Pa., in the laboratory of the Chemical Copper Company under Dr. James Douglas. Professor T. S terry Hunt and Professor Benjamin Silliman were frequent visitors ; all three men were brilliant conversationalists. After graduating from the School of Mines, I went 136 BIOGRAPHIES into the office of my uncle's estate in New York. A part of the year 1878 I worked for the Himrod Fur- nace Company of Youngstown, Ohio, as chemist and assistant bookkeeper. The greater part of the years 1879-80 I was at Phoenixville, assisting Dr. Douglas at the copper works. In December, 1880, I went to Riddlesburg, Bedford County, Pa., as assistant mana- ger of the Kemble Coal & Iron Company, and was there until its failure in the summer of 1885. During that summer I was appointed by Governor Pattison, a member of the Board of Examiners of Bituminous Mine Inspectors of Pennsylvania, and was elected president by the board. The work of this board was an interesting experience. In the fall I accepted the position of superintendent of the Glamorgan Iron Company at Le wist own, Pa., but returned to Riddles- burg in December, 1885, as assistant manager of the Kemble Iron Company. In June, 1889, I resigned to accept a position in Vulcan, Mich., as general superintendent of the Penn Iron Mining Company, a branch of the Cambria Iron Company, now Cambria Steel Company, of Johnston, Pa., becoming general manager two years later, which position I still retain. In August, 1902, I also became general manager of the Republic Iron Company, whose mines are located about sixty miles north of Vulcan. "I am treasurer of the Penn Store Company of Vulcan, and vice-president of the Commercial Bank of Iron Mountain, Mich. I was superintendent of the Methodist Sunday School at Vulcan for fifteen years, resigning in 1908. I am president of the Board of Education of Norway Township, and chairman of the Board of County Road Commissioners of Dickinson GRADUATES 137 County. In June, 1897, I was appointed a member of the Board of Control of the Michigan College of Mines at Houghton, Mich., of which board I have been chairman since June, 1904. In June, 1909, I was appointed a member of the Public Domain Commission of Michigan. Formerly I was a Democrat, but in 1895 I made 'sound money' speeches in favor of Mclvinley, and have since been a Republican. "I am a member of the following societies and clubs: American Institute of Mining Engineers (councilor 1910) ; Institution of Mining and Metallurgy of Lon- don, England; Mining and Metallurgical Society of America; Lake Superior Mining Institute (president for the year 1899) ; Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education; American Association for the Advancement of Science ; National Geographic Society ; University Club, New York; University Club, Chicago; Pine Grove Golf Club, Iron Mountain, Mich.; and Houghton Club, Houghton, Mich. "I have not been abroad since 1874, but Mrs. Kelly and I have made trips to Quebec, Halifax, and Cape Breton in 1900, to Florida in 1904, to Cuba, including trips to iron mines east and north of Santiago, in 1908, and to the Pacific Coast in 1906 and 1909. In the former of these, in Southern California, we met Lyon and had several meetings with George Dickerman and his wife a short time before they were caught in the San Francisco disaster. In the fall of 1910 we visited the Isthmus of Panama. "I have attended all the reunions of the Class includ- ing the Bi-centennial, with the exception of the meetings in 1889 and 1899, and hope to attend several more." 138 BIOGRAPHIES Bibliography Sinking through wet gravel and quicksand near Norway, Mich. Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., XX, 188, 1891. A mine dam. Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., XXVII, 400, 1897. A pocket stop. Proc. Lake Superior Min. Inst., II, 111, 1894. President's address — The present condition of the mining business. Proc. Lake Superior Min. Inst., VI, 13, 1900. Balancing bailers. Proc. Lake Superior Min. Inst., VI, 54, 1900. A new changing house at the West Vulcan mine. Proc. Lake Superior Min. Inst., VIII, 70, 1902. An underground magazine and an electric powder thawer. Proc. Lake Superior Min. Inst., X, 66, 1904. The Brier Hill concrete lined shaft. Proc. Lake Superior Min. Inst., XIV, 140, 1909. David Andrew Kennedy Teacher, retired Residence — 245 Dwight Street, New Haven, Conn. Born March 22, 1851, in New York City, the son of John and Jane Lee Kennedy. He prepared at the Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn. He was married December 31, 1877, in New Haven, to Miss Charlotte Adriance Clark, daughter of Joseph W. Clark, a carriage manufacturer of New Haven. They have one child: Chauncey Clark, Yale '04, born in Orange, N. J., February 17, 1883. Kennedy wrote in 1910: "After graduation, two years (1874-1876) were spent in Morristown, N. J., teaching under Perry, Yale '71. Returning to New Haven, the next two years (1876- 1878) saw me in the graduate department studying under Whitney, Packard and Thacher, and gaining the degree of Ph.D. The following year I taught in the Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, and in GRADUATES 139 DAVID ANDREW KENNEDY 1879 went to Orange, N. J., as classical master in the Dearborn-Morgan School. Within two years I pur- chased an interest in the school and became co-principal, which position I have held up to the present time. The school was co-educational and in 1901, with Mead, Yale '84, I founded a boys' preparatory school, called Carteret Academy, while still keeping my connection with the older school. Ill health compelled me to separate from the latter school in 1906. "The New England Society of the Oranges, the Essex County Yale Association, the Schoolmasters' Association of New York and Vicinity (of which three organizations I have been president), the Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools of the Middle States, the Head Masters' Association of the United States, the Archaeological Society and the Greek Club 140 BIOGRAPHIES of Essex County claim me as a member, as also the Graduates Club of New Haven. "My life has been quiet and uneventful in my efforts to be a useful citizen and a good school master, and in my attempts to keep a naturally weak constitution hard at work and in good condition. As for my travels, the summer of 1893 was spent in Colorado regaining my health. In 1897 I traveled with my wife through England and Scotland. In 1900 my son and I were in France, Germany, Italy, and had many pleasant tramps in Switzerland, and again in 1905 with my wife I traveled through Italy, Austria, and Germany. Study, reading, and travel may still be said to be my favorite recreations, and the classmates whom I have seen most frequently have been Dickerman, Stark- weather and Morris." His writings have consisted wholly of educational topics published in proceedings of societies ; commence- ment addresses, and addresses to schools. A runaway accident in Sullivan County, N. Y., in July, 1910, and a subsequent illness prevented his return to work and he has been living quietly in New Haven ever since. Alfred Quinton Kennett Residence — 5099 Waterman Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Mail address — Care Brown, Shipley & Company, 123 Pall Mall, London, England Born July 25, 1854, in St. Louis, Mo., the son of William Covington and Julia Clapp Kennett. He spent one year at Washington University, St. Louis, joining '74 at the beginning of Sophomore year. He is unmarried. GRADUATES 141 ALFRED QUINTON KENNETT Kennett wrote in 1910: "I was born in St. Louis and resided there until 1884, when I removed to Carrollton, 111., where I resided for eight years. In 1892 I returned to St. Louis, where I have since resided. "Entering the St. Louis Law School, the Law School of Washington University, after graduation, I was admitted to the bar in 1876. In 1879 I abandoned the legal profession and during the succeeding twenty-two years my business life was somewhat desultory, mainly mercantile. In 1901 I entered the service of Washing- ton University in the capacity of general assistant and am still in its service as secretary and treasurer. "I am a member of the University Club of St. Louis, the Belleview Country Club, the St. Louis Academy of Science, the Missouri Historical Societv, the St. Louis 142 BIOGRAPHIES Yale Alumni Association, and the St. Louis Civic League. "In 1877, at the close of the great railroad strike of that year, I entered the National Guard of Missouri as a private, resigning in 1879 as a first lieutenant. In 1894 I reentered the military service of Missouri as major in the First Infantry Regiment, National Guard of Missouri. When the Spanish war broke out in the spring of 1898, my regiment was mobilized as a part of the United States Volunteers then raised. I accom- panied my regiment to Camp George H. Thomas, Chickamauga, on May 19, 1898, and remained there until September 4, 1898. My regiment was then ordered to its home, St. Louis, and on October 31, I was mustered out of the service of the United States, ranking then as senior major of the regiment. My military service, both national and state, ended there. "My travels have been entirely in North America. 1 have visited Cuba and Mexico. During the period from 1879 to 1889 my main travel was in the Rocky Mountains, camping, hunting, and fishing. My favor- ite recreation is the royal and ancient game of golf. My meetings with classmates are few and far between. The only ones I meet at all frequently are F. A. Cline and Charles F. Joy." Failing health compelled Kennett to resign from his position as secretary and treasurer of Washington University, St. Louis, in June, 1911. Following his resignation he spent several months in Europe, and in May, 1912, he went abroad again for an indefinite stay, in search of health. His mail address is in care of Brown, Shipley & Company, 123 Pall Mall, London, England. GRADUATES 143 EVERTON JUDSON LATIMER Everton Judson Latimer Lawyer Address — Cleveland, Ohio Born October 14, 1849, in Norwalk, Ohio, the son of Cortland Lucas and Charlotte McEwen Latimer. He was at Western Reserve College one year as a Freshman and entered Yale with the Class of '73, remaining with them until June, 1872. He became a member of '74 at the beginning of Junior year. He was married August 15, 1878, in Cleveland, Ohio, to Miss Ella C. Dodge, Cleveland Academy '72, daughter of Henry H. Dodge, a lawyer of Cleveland. They have had one child: Irene Battell, born and died in 1889. After graduation Latimer read law with his father in Cleveland, Ohio, until the fall of 1875, when he 144 BIOGRAPHIES spent one term at Columbia College Law School. He was admitted to the Cleveland Bar in September, 1876, and has since practiced law in that city. He has been engaged chiefly in office business and in charge of estates, executions of trusts, and so forth. John Leal Principal and Owner of Leal's School for Boys, Plainfield, N. J. Residence — 949 Central Avenue, Plainfield, N. J. Born January 1, 1849, in Meredith, N. Y., the son of Alexander T. and Margaret Leal. He prepared at Walton, N. Y. He was married January 30, 1879, in Manchester, Vt., to Miss Cornelia H. Way, who died July 22, 1890. He was married on April 3, 1893, in Plainfield, N. J., to Miss Elizabeth Dudley Way of Manchester, Vt., Teachers' College (N. Y.) '90, daughter of Henry P. Way, a business man of Manchester. Leal has three children : Henry Way, born September 12, 1880, in Elizabeth, N. J. Margaret, born March 19, 1886, in Plainfield, N. J. Dorothy Dudley, born March 15, 1894, in Plainfield, N. J. Leal wrote in 1910: "The subject of this sketch began teaching in September, 1874, taking charge of the high school at Warren, Mass., where for two years he managed the school and taught most of the subjects in its curriculum- He has yet vivid recollections of physics and botany and physiology dug out under the spur of necessity, and is confident that he spent fifteen times as much energy in preparation as did his pupils. The following year he was principal of the high school at Key West, Fla., where he added much experience in discipline and GRADUATES 145 JOHN LEAL gained a knowledge of that region which was of great value. During the year 1877-78 he taught mathema- tics at the Columbia Grammar School, New York City, under Colonel C. A. Miles, for whom he had and still has much esteem. In 1878 he moved to Elizabeth, N. J., to take a position in the Pingry School, where he remained until 1882. This period was an important one and settled permanently the question of vocation. Then the attraction of Plainfleld, X. J., caused him to open his own school there, and he has been occupied in it for twenty-nine years preparing boys for college. "These years have been uneventful, so far as the writer can judge. He has been far from the madding crowd. He has lived with boys three hundred and sixty-five days per year. He has therefore associated 146 BIOGRAPHIES less with men than his classmates have done. He has had health and energy in good measure and constant joy in work which is able to attract few men. He is confident, however, that were the fates to give him another chance he would make the same choice, in the belief that no other calling presents so large a field for service and claims so great devotion, even though devotion means sacrifice." Theodore Frelinghuysen Leighton Teacher Residence — 3716 Lake Avenue, Chicago, 111. Business address — Hyde Park High School, Chicago, 111. Born August 16, 1849, in Tunkhannock, Pa., the son of Nathan and Ruth Gardner Leighton. He prepared at the Blairstown Presbyterial Academy and Mount Retirement Seminary, both New Jersey schools. He was married July 26, 1875, in Hudson, N. Y., to Miss Gertrude Amelia Scofield, an ex-member of the Class of '66, New Britain (Conn.) Normal School, daughter of Charles W. Scofield, a contractor and builder of Stamford, Conn. They have had six children: Hugh Guthrie, born in Jewett, Greene County, N. Y., June 25, 1877, died in Chicago, 111., March 1, 1903. Kenneth, born in Tunkhannock, Pa., August 8, 1880. Ruth Gardner, born in Tunkhannock, Pa., May 6, 1883, died in Yonkers, N. Y., March 14, 1885. Cordelia Ingersoll, born and died in Tunkhannock, Pa., May 6, 1883. Alden Flagg, born in Yonkers, N. Y., January 8, 1885, died February 19, 1885. Helen Constance, born in Yonkers, N. Y., November 1, 1886. GRADUATES 147 THEODORE FRELINGHUYSEN LEIGHTON Leighton writes: "After graduation, intending ultimately to study law, I sought an immediate engagement to teach. This I obtained under the patronage of some wealthy gentlemen of Stamford, as assembler and teacher of a class of boys in that borough. In 1876 I removed to Norwalk, Conn., to teach a like school, and thence, in 1877, to Yonkers, X. Y., where I continued ten years at the head of a preparatory school for boys. In 1887 I went to Portland, Me., where, with a partner, I taught and directed a military school. In 1888 I sold to my partner and was the head for one year of the mathematics department of Washburn College, Topeka, Kans. The next year I had charge of the department of Greek in the same institution. In 1890, 148 BIOGRAPHIES I was elected principal of Erie Academy, Erie, Pa. In 1891, I came to Chicago to teach in one of the high schools of that city and was in the Lake High School for one year, and in the South Division High School for three years. Since 1895 I have been continuously in the Hyde Park High School, instructing, most of the time, in mathematics. "I am a member of the Hamilton Club of Chicago. I am fond of attending good baseball exhibitions, a par- tiality continued from college days, and strengthened by the participation in sports of my son Hugh, who was substitute catcher and center in Stagg's University of Chicago Baseball and Football teams from 1896 to 1900. "I see infrequently, Harrison, Reading, and Leland of our Class, and occasionally Harry Robbins and Aldis. I have corresponded with my college chum, Hartwell, in Montana. The state of my health kept me from attending the thirty-fifth year reunion of the Class last year, the only one which occurred late enough in June to make it possible for me to get away from my duties in season for it." Lorenzo Leland Banker Address — Care First National Bank, Ottawa, 111. Born October 17, 1853, in Ottawa, 111., the son of Lorenzo and Martha Leland. He prepared at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. He was married October 9, 1878, in Ottawa, 111., to Miss Fannie C. Hamilton, an ex-member of the Class of '79, Northwestern University, daughter of H. M. Hamilton, a manufacturer of GRADUATES 149 LORENZO LELAND Ottawa, who spent the last fifteen years of his life in Pasadena. Calif. A son, Hugh H., born September 22, 1880, now resides on an orange grove near Cucamonga, Calif., with his wife and two sons. Leland writes: "I studied law for two years immediately after graduation, at the same time teaching for a while in the high school at Ottawa. In the fall of 1876 I was admitted to the practice of law on examination before the supreme court of the state of Illinois. Owen F. Aldis, '74, was admitted at the same time. Then I went first to Falls City, Neb., and next to El Dorado, Ivans., where I practiced law diligently in partnership with my brother, C. A. Leland, '65, until 1880, when I returned to Ottawa, 111. I formed a partnership 150 BIOGRAPHIES with Colonel C. H. Brusk, which continued for some years until his health failed, when I continued to prac- tice by myself for a year or so. Then I became a partner of T. E. MacKinlay, '66. After a few years we separated and I carried on the law business alone. In 1894 I became president of the First National Bank of Ottawa, having previously acquired a considerable amount of stock in said bank. I liked the business and gradually gave up the law and devoted most of my time and attention to the bank. Its total assets when I commenced were less than four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000). Now they are over two million, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($2,250,000). I am still active in the bank but take a long vacation every year, generally spent in southern California or in travel. "In a town of this kind an active man is bound to have a share in most of the local enterprises. For instance, I have been a director in a flint glass com- pany, president of a plate glass company, director in an electric light company, also a water power company, and am now vice-president in the King & Hamilton Company, manufacturers of corn-shellers, cultivators, etc. For twenty-five years I have been an officer of the Ottawa Building, Homestead and Savings Association, and there are numerous other things in which I have a share. I have been a member of the high school board for years and take great interest in it. "In the way of amusements I am a member of the Boat Club, Country Club and others. Nearly every man here who can afford it owns a farm. I am no exception and am really a good farmer by 'proxy.' I can drive out and watch the corn grow as well as GRADUATES 151 anyone. I can tell the difference between a Polled Angus and a Hereford at sight. "After all, the banking business suits me best. Our board of directors contains alumni of Michigan University, Northwestern, Columbia, and Yale. "In 1900 I took a trip to Cuba. In 1903 I traveled extensively in Mexico, and in the summer of 1906 traveled in Japan, China, and the Orient. In 1907 I visited the British Isles, France, Italy, and Switzerland. I have also traveled pretty well over our own country, including the Pacific Coast. My wife always goes with me and we travel for pleasure and general information. "The members of '74 whom I often see are not numerous. I loaf and talk with Dr. W. K. Harrison in his office in the Masonic Temple, Chicago, once in a while. Now and then I see T. F. Leighton of Chicago, and when I am in California I often see E. M. Lyon, and have had some very pleasant times with him. "On the whole I can say that life never looked more desirable to me than now." Eldridge Merick Lyon Orange Grower and Packer Address — 25 Summit Avenue, Redlands, Calif. Born November 14, 1853, in Chicago, 111., the son of Isaac L. and Maria D. (Merick) Lyon. He prepared at the Detroit (Mich.) High School. He was married September 18, 1878, in Detroit, Mich., to Miss Clara Grout .(died May 2, 1901), daughter of John R. Grout, general manager of the Detroit & Lake Superior Copper Company of Detroit. Two children were born to them: 152 BIOGRAPHIES Alice Grout, Wellesley '02, born July 9, 1879. Ruth, Wellesley '04, born December 23, 1881. He was married a second time July 16, 1907, to Mrs. Mabel Salter Bliss of New York City. Concerning his life since graduation Lyon writes: "My home was in Detroit, Mich., from 1874 until 1896, when I moved to Redlands, Calif., where I have lived since. In Detroit I was first in the lumber business, then president of the Detroit Carriage Wood- work Company, and director in the Brush Electric Light Company. Was a member of the Detroit Club and the Detroit Country Club. On coming to Red- lands was identified with the orange industry and for ten years have been on nearly every committee connected therewith. ELDRIDGE MERICK LYON GRADUATES 153 "Besides my active business interests, am a member of the Chamber of Commerce, president of the Univer- sity Club, a member of the Board of Associated Chari- ties, the Yale Club of Southern California, headquarters at Los Angeles, and was presi- dent for one year of the Redlands Country Club. "Have formed the habit of taking an annual vaca- tion from the middle of July until the first of Xovember, and have made six trips to Europe and one to China and Japan. "When I can take the time I enjoy a game of golf but play too little to play well. Would be glad to have any of the Class stop and see me. The few who have called have been in too big a hurry." VALENTINE MARSH *Valentine Marsh Died 1902 Born February 15, 1852, in New York City, the son of Theodore Williamson Marsh, a merchant, and Harriet Anne (Peters) Marsh. He was prepared for college by Professor Franklin B. Dexter. He was married April 24, 1878, to Miss Alice Wilson Chase, daughter of Nelson Henry and Sarah (Hurdis) Chase, of Albany, N. Y. They had one daughter: 154 BIOGRAPHIES Minnie T., Rosemary Hall, Wallingford '98, born March 12, 1879. After graduation Marsh took the course in the Columbia Law School and received the degree of LL.B. in 1876. In May following he entered the firm of Crowell & Marsh, and was engaged in the general practice of law. He was second lieutenant of the Ninth New York Heavy Artillery from 1877 to 1882, first lieutenant of the 159th New York Infantry in 1898 and 1899, and commander of Company G, 109th Regiment, U. S. V., New York, during the Spanish war. From 1895 to 1902 he was president of one of the District Republican Associations in Yonkers, N. Y., and in 1901 was president of the Board of Health of that city. He died of apoplexy after an illness of several months, at Yonkers, on October 1, 1902. He was in his fifty-first year. *Leoni Melick Died 1908 Born May 5, 1851, near the village of Light Street, Columbia County, Pa., the eleventh of the thirteen children of Jacob and Elizabeth (Willet) Melick. He prepared for college at the State Normal School in Bloomsburg, Pa. He was unmarried. After graduation Melick traveled abroad and studied at Heidelberg. Upon his return he studied law in the office of Samuel Clarke Perkins, Yale '48, LL.D., in Philadelphia, and was admitted to the bar in 1877. GRADUATES 155 Since then he had been in active practice, entering into partnership with Col. Sheldon Potter, and after- ward with Col. Henry Taylor Dechert, University of Pennsylvania '79, in the firm of Melick, Pot- ter & Dechert. He was president of the Yale Alumni Asso- ciation of Philadelphia, vice-president of the Art Club of Philadelphia and of the Philadelphia Bible Society, a member of the Library Committee of the Law Association of that city, and an active member of the Arch Street Methodist Epis- copal Church. He had been ill for about a month and had been at Cape May for his health. On his return to Philadelphia he died of ursemia, August 24, 1908, in his fifty-eighth year. LEONI MELICK ♦Ellis Mendell Died 1903 Born April 27, 1851, in Acushnet, Bristol County, Mass., the son of Ellis and Catharine A. Mendell. He prepared for college at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. He was married May 1, 1879, to Miss Clara Eliza Whittlesey, of New Haven, daughter of Dr. Charles Barnes Whittlesey, M.D. 156 BIOGRAPHIES Yale '43, and Esther Antoinette (Wilcoxson) Whittlesey. They had three children: Elsie, Vassar '01, born June 7, 1880. Clarence Whittlesey, Yale '04, born June 3, 1883. Katharine A., born June 19, 1892. After graduation Mendell took the course in the Yale Divinity School, receiving the degree of B.D. in 1877, and then spent six months in California. In 1878 he was invited to supply the Congregational Church in Norwood, Mass., where he was ordained and installed on June 4, 1879. After a pastorate of ten years he was called to the Boylston Congregational Church, Jamaica Plain, Boston, where he labored with untiring devotion and marked effectiveness until his death from ty- phoid pneumonia, May 20, 1903, at the age of fifty-two. In Memoriam Ellis Mendell made good. No one who knew him ever doubted that he would. The quality was there, and during twenty- four years of pub- lic service he wrought faithfully and well. He was gentle, genial and unselfish. He made hosts of friends and kept them. He had a keen interest in public affairs and the city of Boston honored his ELLIS MENDELL GRADUATES 157 memory by calling one of her schools by his name. He lived a life of unassuming goodness. It would be a blessing to any community to have such a man in it. Yet his life was not a passive one, nor was his work easy. But he had strength and courage. He never complained or made excuses. He was always brave and cheerful. Difficulty challenged him to do his best and he met the challenge with a stout heart and a willing mind. If the test of a man's life is found in the impression which he made upon others Mendell succeeded where many fail, for the testimony is unvary- ing as to his high excellence and mortal and spiritual worth. S. C. Bushnell. Charles William Minor Lawyer Residence — Stamford, Conn. Business address — 104 West Forty-second Street, New York City Born August 6, 1851, in Stamford, Conn., the son of William T. and Mary C. (Leeds) Minor. He studied at Russell's Military School, New Haven, Conn., from 1864 to 1867. In January, 1867, he went to Cuba with his father, who at that time was consul general at Havana. While there he had a serious illness, and on his return to the United States in April, was sent to Europe to regain his health. He studied at Munich, Bavaria, under a private tutor, and also attended lectures at the University, until the summer of 1869, when he returned home. During the winter of 1869-70 he finished his preparation for Yale under the instruction of Dennis Beach, Jr., Yale '69. He was married June 17, 1884, to Miss Hattie F. deCamp (died July 5, 1900, in Bad Nauheim, Germany), daughter of 158 BIOGRAPHIES CHARLES WILLIAM MINOR John H. deCamp of New York City (died June 24, 1869). Three children were born to them: William Thomas, Yale Law School '05, born in New York City, May 16, 1885. Charles Perrot, born in Tarrytown, N. Y., June 29, 1889. Norman Standish, born in Tarrytown, N. Y., November 2, 1892. On April 7, 1904-, Minor was married to Miss Lottie E. Sprague, daughter of Cornelius J. Sprague of Brooklyn, N. Y. (died March 1, 1868). Minor writes: "After graduation passed the summer in Europe. Entered Columbia College Law School in September of that year and in May, 1876, received the degree of LL.B. and at the same time was admitted to the New York Bar. In connection with the law school studied in the office of Vanderpool, Green & Cuming. Since then have practiced law in New York City. GRADUATES 159 "In November, 1882, was elected from Stamford to the Connecticut House of Representatives and served on the judiciary committee. Have been a director of the Stamford National Bank since 1887. "From 1895 to 1900 spent a part of my time in Europe, where my boys were studying, and during the summers of those years traveled with my family through Germany and Switzerland, where I met a large number of Yale graduates; this meeting of friends and renewing of friendships made at 'old Yale' was one of the pleasantest features of my travels. "After the death of my wife in July, 1900, I returned home with my sons and have since then spent most of my time in Stamford and New York. I am a member of the University Club, New York City; Sons of the Revolution, Stamford Yacht Club, and the Suburban Club of Stamford." Edward Parmelee Morris Dunham Professor of Latin, Yale University Residence — 58 Edgehill Road, New Haven, Conn. Business address — Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Born September 17, 1853, in Auburn, N. Y., the son of Edward D. and Frances E. Morris. He prepared at the Woodward High School, Cincinnati, Ohio. He was married January 2, 1879, in Cincinnati, Ohio, to Miss Charlotte Webster Humphrey, daughter of Reverend Z. M. Hum- phrey, D.D., a professor in Lane Seminary, Cincinnati. They have had four children: Frances Humphrey, Bryn Mawr '02, born in Springfield, Mo., September 26, 1880, now Mrs. John Bruce Orr of Sewickley, Pa. Edward, born in Jena, Germany, May 19, 1885, died in Williamstown, Mass., September 18, 1885. 160 BIOGRAPHIES EDWARD PARMELEE MORRIS Margaret, Bryn Mawr '08, born in Williamstown, Mass., December 10, 1886. Humphrey, born in New Haven, Conn., June 28, 1897. Morris writes: "The two years immediately after graduation I spent in Cincinnati, where my father lived, teaching in small schools and doing some not very intelligent studying. In 1876 I went to Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind., as instructor in Latin, and in 1877 to Lake Forest University as professor of mathematics and Latin. After two years there, during which I was pretty constantly quarreling with the president, my resignation was called for, and I remember that I thought this a rather serious blow to my professional prospects. But it was a piece of great good fortune. I went at once (1879) to Drury College, Springfield, GRADUATES 161 Mo., and spent five years there, in many ways the most valuable years of my life. It was there that I learned something about bearing responsibilities, and I was, during all this time, studying pretty hard. While I was in Springfield I made, with hesitation, my first attempts at scholarly publication. In 1884 I was elected to a professorship of Latin at Williams, with a year's leave of absence for study in Germany. The first semester I spent at Leipzig, and the second at Jena, where I went for work in Plautus with Goetz. "After six very pleasant years at Williams I was called to Yale in 1891, and here I expect to spend the rest of my working life. I am a member of several organizations, but none of them of a public character except the ordinary philological societies. Williams gave me the degree of L.H.D. in 1904, and Harvard the degree of Litt.D. in 1909, at the inaugu- ration of President Lowell. "My favorite recreation is sailing; in fact it is almost my only out-of-door amusement, and I am still so much interested in it that I am almost ashamed of my absorption in it. "I see something of the New Haven men, espe- cially Farnam, and my friendship with Dimock has been a source of pride and pleasure to me. It is one of the advantages of the quiet life of a teacher that it offers many opportunities for intimate friendships, and the happiness of my life — which has been great — has come first from friendships and second from professional work." Bibliography The Mostellaria of Plautus. Boston, Allyn and Bacon, 1880; Malum as an interjection. Am. Jrl. of Philology, 1882; The 162 BIOGRAPHIES study of Latin. Boston, D. C. Heath, 1885; The pseudolus of Plautus. Boston, Allyn and Bacon, 1890; The sentence-question in Plautus and Terence. (Three articles) Am. Jrl. of Philology, 1890-1891; The subjunctive in independent sentences in Plautus and Terence. (Three articles) Am. Jrl. of Philology, 1897; The Captivi and Trinummus of Plautus. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1898; On principles and methods in Latin syntax. Yale Bicentennial Ser., Scribner's, 1901; (With Professor Hanns Oertel of Yale.) An examination of the theories regarding the nature and origin of Indo-European inflection. Harvard Studies, XVI, 1905; Horace: the satires. N. Y., American Book Co., 1909; An interpretation of Catullus VIII. Trans. Conn. Acad., Leipzig vol., 1909; Horace: the epistles. N. Y., American Book Co., 1911; (With Professor Morgan of Harvard.) Edited a series of Latin text-books, published by the American Book Co. ; Various reviews, chiefly in the Am. Jrl. of Philology. J" ^Gilbert Gates Moseley Died 1908 Born November 28, 1853, in Hartford, Conn., the son of David Bingham and Mary (Webster) Moseley. He prepared for college at the Hartford (Conn.) Public High School. He was unmarried. GILBERT GATES MOSELEY After graduation Moseley traveled abroad, and was for many years associated with his father and brother on the Religious Herald in Hartford. GRADUATES 163 GEORGE EDMUND MUNROE He was for seventeen years an invalid, and died of B right's disease in Middletown, Conn., February 14, 1908, in his fifty-fifth year. George Edmund Munroe Physician Residence — 126 Madison Avenue, New York City Born December 9, 1851, on board the ship Mandarin on the Indian Ocean, the son of George D. and Pauline (Washburn) Munroe. He prepared at the Edwards Place School, Stockbridge, Mass. He was married February 3, 1881, in Burlington, N. J., to Miss Jessie Reynolds, of Burlington, N. J., daughter of John Reynolds. They have had one child: Marjorie, born in New York, September 21, 1891. 164 BIOGRAPHIES After leaving college Munroe entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, and received the degree of M.D. from that institution in March, 1877. The same month he accepted an appoint- ment on the staff of Bellevue Hospital. After com- pleting his service there, he served for two years on the staff of the Woman's Hospital and then opened an office in New York City for general practice in which he has been eminently successful. In a recent letter he says: "I am sorry that nothing of any interest, to any but myself, nothing dramatic, nothing epoch-making, has occurred in my life. * * * I am still engaged in prac- ticing general medicine with, I hope, a respect- able reputation and fair success, and that is all." He is a member of the Yale, University, and the Century clubs, of New York City, and spends his summers in East Hampton, L. I. Alexander Brown Nevin Born October 3, 1851, in Pittsburgh, Pa., the son of Theodore Hagh and Hannah Irwin Nevin. He was prepared for college at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. He was married October 14, 1875, to Miss Sophronia E. Har- baugh of Sewickley, Pa. They had two children: ALEXANDER BROWN NEVIN GRADUATES 165 William Harbaugh, M.E. Cornell '00, Class Boy, born July 12, 1876. Hannah Irwin, St. Margaret's School '99, born September 17, 1879. After graduation Nevin became connected with the First National Bank of Allegheny, where he remained until June, 1875, when he accepted a position with the firm of T. H. Nevin & Company, white lead manu- facturers, of Pittsburgh, Pa. He later became assist- ant teller of the First National Bank of Allegheny. Many years ago Nevin unaccountably disappeared and has not been heard of since. *Francis Howard Olmsted Died 1886 Born April 14, 1853, in Chicago, 111., the son of Lucius Duncan and Jessie (Sherman) Olmsted, and grandson of Professor Denison Olmsted, Yale 1813. He prepared for college at the Hartford (Conn.) Public High School. He was married October 13, 1882, to Miss Gertrude Meredith Holley, daughter of Alexander Lyman Holley, the distinguished engineer, and Mary Slade Holley, of Brooklyn, N. Y. They had three children: Alexander Holley, Yale '04, born November 7, 1883. Jessie Sherman, born December 28, 1884. Francis Howard, born January 12, 1886. Olmsted went abroad after graduation and traveled during the summer of 1874, in company with Horace Chittenden, Arthur Dodge, and Will Kelly, settling down to work in the autumn at Berlin, where he studied German and attended lectures. In the spring of 1875 he went to Heidelberg, and was matriculated 166 BIOGRAPHIES at the University, where he spent the summer semester. In August he traveled through Switzerland, and in October went to Munich and spent the winter studying Roman law. In 1876 he traveled in North Italy and the Riviera and in Spain, intending to re- turn to Germany for fur- ther study; but in June of that year he was taken very ill at Avignon and was moved to Geneva, where his family was staying. The illness re- sulted in a permanent lameness. Later he went to Rome, returning to Switzerland in the spring of 1877, and in May he returned to America. He attended lectures at the Columbia Law School, and subsequently entered the law office of Barlow & Olney in New York, of which he became managing clerk. In the spring of 1881 he revisited Europe, where his mother and sisters had remained, at Vevey, Switzerland, and went abroad again in December of the same year. Immediately after his marriage he started with his wife for Australia, where he went as agent of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company on a mission to the Australian Government concerning the mail service of the company. So far from restoring his health, FRANCIS HOWARD OLMSTED GRADUATES 167 which was seriously affected, the climate of Australia had the contrary effect, and on his return to America he went in January, 1884, to Colorado. After visiting health resorts, he settled in Denver, entering the law office of Hon. Edward Wolcott. The condition of his health soon drove him from the law to a life out of doors, and in the spring of 1885 he settled on a ranch near Denver, which he selected with such good judg- ment and improved with such skill that its value increased rapidly. His disease had, however, progressed too far to be checked by this wholesome life, and in its later stages was aggravated by close and characteristically deter- mined application to business, and he died March 26, 1886, in Denver, Colo., in his thirty-third year. William Parkin Lawyer and Clerk of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals Residence — 49 Fifth Avenue, New York City Business address — Room 135, Post Office Building, New York City Born September 3, 1854, in New London, Conn., the son of William Winthrop and Frances Moore Parkin. He prepared at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., and entered the Class at the beginning of Sophomore year. He is unmarried. Parkin writes: "My permanent residence has always been as above given, though for two years, November, 1880, to May, 1882, I lived on Staten Island, and from then until November, 1885, had rooms in New York City, my family living in the country. I practiced law with John B. Whiting, '74, from 1878 to 1884, the firm 168 BIOGRAPHIES being at first Whiting & Parkin, then Gibson, Whiting & Parkin. In 1884 I became connected as clerk with the firm of MacFarland, Reynolds & Harrison, and remained with the head of that firm, W. W. MacFar- land, through various business changes until 1890, when the firm became MacFarland & Parkin. This lasted until 1897, when I was appointed to my present place. "My clubs are the University, Century, and Yale. I have taken an occasional trip to Europe. I play golf a little and this may be called my favorite recreation. "The classmates I see most frequently are George Munroe, Henry James, Alfred Thacher, Pearce Barnes, and E. D. Robbins, and until his death I fre- quently saw H. B. B. Stapler. My life has been uneventful and as it has no history should be called a happy one." WILLIAM PARKIN GRADUATES 169 *Franklin Wells Patten Died 1890 Born May 8, 1855, in Stafford, Conn., the son of Robbins and Louise A. Patten. He prepared for college at Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass. In the fall of 1870 he entered Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., where he remained six weeks, when he became a member of Yale '74. He was unmarried. After graduation Pat- ten went into business at New Haven, afterward studying law at the Yale Law School, from which he received the degree of LL.B. in June, 1876. He practiced law in Philadelphia until Octo- ber, 1882. The following six years, on account of poor health, he was out of business. In 1888 he went to New York and the Greenwich Insurance pneumonia, in New York City, January 6, 1890, in his thirty-fifth year. FRANKLIN WELLS PATTEN became connected with Company. He died of 170 BIOGRAPHIES John Wesley Peck Superintendent of Schools, Derby, Conn. Address — 23 Elizabeth Street, Derby, Conn. Born February 10, 1852, in Trumbull, Conn., the son of John Levi and Eliza Nichols Peck. He prepared at Stratford, Conn. He is unmarried. Peck writes: "After graduation I taught for two years in the Easton (Conn.) Academy. Then I returned (1876) to Yale, where I spent two years in the graduate department studying French, Greek, and Latin. In 1878 I received the degree of Ph.D. In 1879 I became principal of one of the public schools of Derby JOHN WESLEY PECK GRADUATES 171 RUTHERFORD HAYES PLATT (then Birmingham), Conn. This position I held until 1893, when I was chosen superintendent of all the public schools in the same place, and still hold that position." Rutherford Hayes Piatt Lawyer Residence — 414 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio Business address — 13% East State Street, Columbus, Ohio Born September 6, 1853, in Columbus, Ohio, the son of William A. and Fanny (Hayes) Piatt. He prepared at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. He was married January 5, 1887, in Columbus, Ohio, to Miss Maryette Andrews Smith, daughter of Robert S. Smith, a 172 BIOGRAPHIES lawyer (retired) of Columbus, Ohio. They have had six children, all born in Columbus, Ohio: William Andrews, born December 24, 1887, died May 1, 1892. Anne Swan, born September 5, 1889, died January, 1890. Robert Swanton, born December 4, 1891. Rutherford Hayes, Jr., born August 8, 1894. Joseph Swan, born January 8, 1902. Emily, born February 16, 1906. Directly after graduation Piatt went abroad and remained in Europe until the autumn of 1876, studying languages, and traveling. Upon his return he entered the Columbia College Law School in New York City, receiving the degree of LL.B. in 1879, and since that time has practiced law in Columbus. Peter Augustus Porter Address — Niagara Falls, N. Y. Born October 10, 1853, in Niagara Falls, N. Y., the son of Peter Augustus and Mary Cabell Porter. He prepared at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., and joined the Class of '74 at the beginning of Sophomore year. He was married February 13, 1877, in Niagara Falls, N. Y., to Miss Alice Adele Taylor, daughter of Virgil C. Taylor, of Barkhamsted, Conn. They have three children: Peter Augustus, Jr., born November 16, 1877. Cabell Breckenridge, born April 8, 1881. Preston Buell, born March 13, 1891. After graduation Porter went abroad for one year and since that time has lived for the most part in Niagara Falls, N. Y. He was a member of the Assembly of the State of New York in 1886 and 1887, second Niagara County district, and introduced the bill GRADUATES 173 PETER AUGUSTUS PORTER under which the Niagara electrical power has been developed. He was a member of Congress from the thirty-fourth New York district from 1907 to 1909. *Henry Harger Ragan Died 1895 Born August 4, 1850, in Turin, Jefferson County, N. Y., the son of Henry and Mary Ragan. He prepared at Cazenovia, N. Y., and in college was Class orator and won many prizes in composition and speaking. He was unmarried. After graduation Ragan studied for one year in the Columbia Law School and then entered an office in 174 BIOGRAPHIES Dubuque, Iowa, where he was admitted to the bar in April, 1876. He practiced his profession in that city until January, 1881, when he entered the lecture field, for which he had already shown a marked aptitude and in which he achieved signal success. He lec- tured extensively for the rest of his life throughout this country and also in England. His home in later years was in Syra- cuse, ]\ T . Y., and he left that city on September 24, 1895, for a long tour through the Southern States. He arrived in Atlanta, Ga., about a fortnight later and died there of pneumonia on October 11, in his forty- sixth year. HENRY HARGER RAGAN Edgar Mead Reading Physician Professor, Bennett Medical College Address — 6416 Monroe Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born August 18, 1852, in Edwardsburgh, Mich., the son of Edgar and Amelia Mead Reading. He prepared at Milwaukee Academy, Milwaukee, Wis., and entered the Class of '74 at the beginning of Sophomore year. GRADUATES 175 EDGAR MEAD READING He was married June 11, 1879, to Miss Demia E. Myers of Chicago, 111., who died February 6, 1897. He was married June 15, 1898, in Niles, Mich., to Miss Clara J. Burke, Niles High School '86, daughter of John Burke, a farmer of Niles, Mich. They have one child, Edgar Burke Reading. In September, 1874, Reading entered the State Street Savings Bank of Chicago, 111., where he remained until the latter part of September, 1875. He then commenced the winter course of lectures at Rush Medical College, Chicago. In the fall of 1876 he entered the Bennett Medical College of Chicago, where he was graduated in February, 1877, with the degree of M.D. In 1878 he was elected professor of physiol- ogy in the same college. In 1883 he accepted the chair of physiology and histology in Chicago Veteri- 176 BIOGRAPHIES nary College and in 1886 was elected to the chair of diseases of the nervous system, and of the heart, throat and lungs, in Bennett Medical College. In 1889 he was appointed member of the medical staff of Cook County Hospital, and in 1890 received the degree of M.A. from Northwestern University, Evanston, 111. Reading was a member of the board of deacons of the Sixth Presbyterian Church of Chicago until 1902, and in 1910 was elected an elder in the Woodlawn Park Presbyterian Church. He says that he is in closer touch with Harrison and Leighton than with any other members of the Class as they both live in Chicago. George Darius Reid Pastor First Baptist Church, Shelton, Conn. Address — 510 Howe Avenue, Shelton, Conn. Born July 11, 1849, in Suffield, Conn., the son of Samuel Newel and Louisa Maria Reid. He prepared at Edwards Place School, Stockbridge, Mass. He was married February 16, 1876, in Suffield, Conn., to Miss Phebe Margaret Sykes, Abbott Female Seminary (Andover, Mass.) '74, daughter of Henry A. Sykes, M.A., an architect, of Suffield, Conn., and Julia A. Sykes. They have six children: Helen Margaret, born in Newton Centre, Mass., January 9, 1877. George Harold, Yale '01 S., born in Edgartown, Mass., September 8, 1878. Julia Fowler, born in Edgartown, Mass., March 2, 1881. Mildred Ruth, born in Orange, Mass., July 29, 1884. Thomas Pattison, Yale '11, born in Orange, Mass., June 13, 1888. Dorothy, born in Deep River, Conn., February 18, 1892. GRADUATES 177 GEORGE DARIUS REID Reid writes: "After graduation I took one year at the Yale Theological Seminary; then went to the Newton Theological Seminary for two years. In December, 1877, I took a church at Edgartown, Mass., where I remained three years, becoming interested in conchol- ogy and microscopy, which interest I have retained. From Edgartown I went to Orange, Mass., in January, 1881, remaining there nine years, serving on the school board for four years as I had two years previously at Edgartown. In January, 1890, I went to Deep River, Conn., where I was pastor for five years. Dur- ing that time I became a member of the American Conchological Association and continued my interest in conchology, making a specialty of Connecticut 178 BIOGRAPHIES forms. I resigned at Deep River in 1895 and in March, 1896, accepted the pastorate of the East Washington Avenue Church (now the Second Church), Bridgeport, Conn. I held this position for five years, then entered the employ of the Mutual Life Insur- ance Company of New York, continuing in this business until taking the pastorate at Shelton, Conn., in 1904. "One son graduated at Sheff in 1901 and has since been with the General Electric Company of Schenec- tady, N. Y., and is now assistant manager of the power and mining department. The other son was graduated in the Academic department at Yale in 1911 and contemplates entering the Forestry School. "My favorite recreations are conchology, tramping and camping." Edward Denmore Robbins Lawyer General Counsel, New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company Residence — 408 St. Ronan Street, New Haven, Conn. Business address — Care New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company, New Haven, Conn. Born October 20, 1853, in Wethersfield, Conn., the son of Richard Austin and Harriet Welles Robbins. He prepared at the Hartford (Conn.) High School. He was married February 12, 1908, in Hartford, Conn., to Miss Charlotte E. Swan, daughter of Egbert Phelps Swan (deceased), of Hartford. They have two children: Harriet Welles, born in Rockport, Mass., September 1, 1909. Edward Denmore, Jr., born in New Haven, Conn., November 30, 1910. GRADUATES 179 EDWARD DENMORE ROBBINS Robbins writes: "After studying abroad for a year and under a fellowship at Yale for two years, I became a tutor in the Academic department at Yale in the fall of 1877, and continued in that position until 1882. I was afterwards lecturer on jurisprudence and subsequently professor of jurisprudence in the Yale Law School, but was compelled by stress of other work to resign the position in 1903. "In the summer of 1882 I was graduated from the Yale Law School and after fifteen months spent in traveling, which included a winter in a dahabeah on the Nile up to the second cataract, I began the practice of law in Hartford, Conn. The most of my time is now occupied by my duties as general counsel for the New 180 BIOGRAPHIES York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company, with offices at New Haven, Conn., and New York City. "I have lived in Wethersfield, Conn., until recently. During the year 1910 I bought a house in New Haven. I was a member of the Connecticut House of Repre- sentatives in the years 1882 and 1883, and have been a member of the Connecticut State Board of Education since 1884. I have just been reappointed for a term expiring in 1913. "After an attack of pneumonia in 1901 I spent the following winter in India. I had earlier spent a summer in Japan and China. I have been in every country in Europe except Russia and Portugal, and I also spent a summer in Mexico. I have been in every state and territory of the United States with the exception of Alaska, Idaho, and Louisiana. I am a member of the University, Century, and Yale clubs of New York; the Hartford and Country clubs of Hart- ford, and the Graduates, Union League, and Country clubs of New Haven." His principal writings have been law briefs. He wrote a little book on phonetics, published by Benjamin H. Sanborn & Company, Boston, Mass. It has been used to some extent in primary schools. Henry Spencer Bobbins Lawyer Residence — (summer) Lake Forest, 111. Business address — Home Insurance Building, Chicago, 111. Born February 5, 1853, in East Stoughton, Mass., the son of John V. and Anastatia (Ford) Robbins. GRADUATES 181 HENRY SPENCER ROBBINS He prepared at the Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn. He left the Class at the end of the first term of Junior year, but was in 1894 given his degree at the request of his classmates. He was married December 12, 1883, in Chicago, 111., to Miss Frances Fuller Johnston, daughter of H. Morris Johnston, of Chicago, formerly a resident of Cincinnati. They have four children, all born in Chicago, 111.: Marjorie J., born September 21, 1886. Dorothy F., born August 10, 1889. Isabelle M., born August 3, 1891. Frances S., born January 12, 1901. After leaving college Robbins went west and studied law in the office of Gregory & Pinney in Madison, Wis., for a period of about eighteen months, attending at the same time the Law School connected with the 182 BIOGRAPHIES University of Wisconsin. In June, 1874, he was graduated and admitted to the bar. He then went to New York City and was admitted to the bar of New York State in the summer of 1875, and practiced there until the summer of 1876. He wrote in 1910: "I commenced the practice of law in Chicago about September 1, 1876, and have continued in it ever since. I was first a partner of Hempstead Washburne, after- wards mayor of Chicago, and a son of the ex-minister to France, Elihu B. Washburne. I afterwards became, and continued for a number of years, a partner of ex- Senator Lyman Trumbull. Then I became a partner of A. W. Green, now the president of the National Biscuit Company, and since January 1, 1898, I have practiced alone. Since October, 1898, I have been the counsel for the Chicago Board of Trade. I am now special assistant to the United States Attorney- General in his prosecutions of bucket-shops. "In 1896, being a sound money Democrat, I was appointed on a committee of five to bring about the Indianapolis Convention which nominated Palmer and Buckner, and acted as one of the sub-committee of two in the active work incident thereto. I was also the active chairman of the Illinois delegation to that convention. "I am a member of the Chicago, University, Iro- quois, and Onwentsia clubs of Chicago, 111., and the University Club of New York City." GRADUATES 183 Edwin Forrest Rouse Manufacturer of Heading Residence — 1222 Broadway, Bay City, Mich. Business address — Omer, Mich. Born June 17, 1852, in Clay City, N. Y., the son of James M. Rouse. He prepared at the Bay City (Mich.) High School. He was married June 18, 1879, in Syracuse, N. Y., to Miss Georgianna Sadler, daughter of Ambrose Sadler, a retired farmer of North Syra- cuse, N. Y. They have two children : Dorothea, born in Bay City, Mich., February 6, 1881, now Mrs. Orrin K. Earl. Robert Burton, born in Bay City, Mich., May 29, 1883. After graduation Rouse practiced law in Bay City, Mich., for a time, and then became a manu- facturer. EDWIN FORREST ROUSE Whipple Owen Sayles Lawyer Residence — East Orange, N. J. Business address — P. O. Box 1717, and 27 William Street, New York City Born January 14, 1849, in Pascoag, R. I., the son of Whipple and Abigal (Owen) Sayles. He prepared at Lapham Institute, North Scituate, R. I. 184 BIOGRAPHIES He was married October 5, 1878, in Bloomfield, N. J., to Miss Emily Sarah Page, daughter of Enoch W., a merchant (deceased), and Mellissa L. Page (deceased), of Bloomfield, N. J. They have had six children. Mellissa Ruth, born May 31, 1880. Whipple Owen, Jr., born June 20, 1881, died October 12, 1882. Abigal Edna, born July 16, 1883, died August 7, 1883. Ethel Mary, born November 16, 1885. Osmond Lyman, born August 15, 1890. Emily, born September 1, 1892. After graduation Sayles entered the Columbia Law School, New York City, receiving the degree of LL.B. from that institution in May, 1876. Since that time he has practiced law in New York City. He writes merely : "The important thing is that I am still at work (as I view it)." WHIPPLE OWEN SAYLES GRADUATES 185 *Moses Mcllvain Sayre Died 1901 Born November 21, 1819, in Spring Hills, Champaign County, Ohio, the son of Martin and Jane Crocket (Mcllvain) Sayre. He entered Yale and '74 at the beginning of Senior year from Urbana, after spending three years at Oberlin College. He afterward received the degree of B.A. from Oberlin and was enrolled in the Class of '74 there. He was married February 23, 1881, to Miss Ella Morris, daughter of Thomas and Maria (Kellar) Morris, of Urbana. They had four children: Helen Gertrude, born De- cember 16, 1882. Agnes Belle, born December 18, 1884. Paul Morris, born June 21, 1887. Bessie, born June 21, 1887, died July 28, 1887. MOSES MC ILVAIN SAYRE For about three years after graduation Sayre was engaged in teaching and studying law. He was admitted to the Ohio bar in May, 1877, and from January, 1878, practiced his profession in Urbana, Ohio. In October, 1881, he was elected State Senator from his district, and served two years. He died of typhoid fever in Urbana, Ohio, September 21, 1901, in his fifty-second year. 186 BIOGRAPHIES John Lewis Scudder Clergyman Manager of the People's Palace, Jersey City, N. J. Address — 117 Bentley Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. Born December 5, 1853, in India, the son of Henry Martyn and Fanny (Lewis) Scudder. He prepared at the University Mound College, San Francisco, Calif., and entered the Class at the beginning of Sophomore year. He was married May 10, 1877, in Brooklyn, N. Y., to Miss Alice May Abbott, daughter of Benjamin F. Abbott, a merchant of Brooklyn, N. Y. They have two children, both born in Shrewsbury, Mass. : Adelaide, born March 24, 1878. Alice, born March 24, 1878. Scudder wrote in 1910: "In the autumn of 1874 I entered the Union Theo- logical Seminary, New York City, and there I wasted a good part of three years in swallowing but never assimilating a mass of speculative rubbish, which never has been of much service to me, or the congregations I have served. The best thing I did during this barren period was to 'cut' recitations as frequently as possible, and take long walks with the estimable young lady who subsequently became my wife and the mother of the first pair of twins produced by the Class of '74. "After graduation from the aforesaid institution, duly stuffed with a multifarious but useless mass of infor- mation, I was called to preach in the Congregational Church of Shrewsbury, Mass., a suburb of the city of Worcester, and entered upon my duties in December, 1877. Here I illuminated the district for four years, exuded 'sweetness and light,' and endeavored to so GRADUATES 187 JOHN LEWIS SCUDDER live as to reflect credit upon dear old Yale. They tolerated me for the space of four years and upon my departure for another field of labor, my pet deacon, a very orthodox personage, exclaimed, 'Scudder is a good fellow, but he'll never learn to preach the gospel.' "In April, 1882, the First Congregational Church of Minneapolis was venturesome enough to call me; and there I flourished the torch of true and undefiled religion for four years. Ex-Governor Pillsbury was a shining light in my church. We both took a deep interest in the University of Minnesota, which was located near by, and when he consulted me with refer- ence to a president for that institution, I suggested the name of Professor Cyrus Northrop of Yale, whom we duly kidnapped and installed, and whose beneficent influence was exerted upon the Northwest for a quarter 188 BIOGRAPHIES of a century. That transplantation was one of the best things I ever did in my life, and I trust the recording angel gave me a good mark for that distinguished performance. "President Northrop attended my church, and natu- rally I took a deep interest in the University. He was a good critic, but always kind and helpful. The last time I preached in Minneapolis he came up into the pulpit, put his arm around me and said, 'John, it was what you said that brought me to Minneapolis, and I wish what I am about to say might keep you here.' But my wife's ill health made it necessary for me to come East, and in May, 1886, I became the pastor of the First Congregational Church in Jersey City, N. J., where I ministered for nearly twenty-five years. Here, in the thickly settled quarters of a large city I found myself face to face with the great sociological problems, which are engaging the attention of the world, and here I have done a peculiar work. My life stands for an idea which is embodied in a magnificent institution called the People's Palace, which has cost over a quarter of a million dollars, and was erected by Mr. Joseph Milbank, whose sons Dunlevy, '00, and Jeremiah, '09, are both graduates of Yale College. The underlying idea of this institution is that the saloon is the greatest evil in America, and must be fought upon its own ground and by its own methods. My doctrine is that as young people are principally led astray through their love for companionship and amusement, it is the duty of the church to diminish their temptations and elevate them by supplying wholesome recreation. This, our great clubhouse, which has no superior in the United States, accomplishes successfully. It is a GRADUATES 189 palace of delight for all who wish to enter, men and women alike. Here they may play tenpins or billiards, dance, enjoy theatricals, play basket-ball, box, fence, wrestle, and so forth. In this institution, dedicated to humanity, the spirit of good fellowship, refinement and brotherhood prevails. All privileges are given to men for the sum of five dollars ($5.00) a year, and to women for three dollars ($3.00). There is no initiation fee, and the institution is self-supporting. It is doing a big business in the line of health and happi- ness. It has been successful from the start, and is becoming increasingly popular. It diminishes the patronage of the saloons by supplying the amusements that the people want. It 'beats the devil' so to speak. So great has the work become in recent years, that I resigned my pastorate in the year 1910. Now another man does the preaching and the calling, while I manage this sociological department. To this work I shall devote the rest of my life. I shall enjoy the otium cum dignitate that I deserve, and move around this institu- tion as a sort of guardian angel. I am now fifty-seven years of age, but feel like a boy of fifteen. I expect to live at least fifty years more, and be the last member of the Class of '74 upon this earth." James Cadwalader Sellers Lawyer Residence — 14 West Chestnut Street, West Chester, Pa. Business address — 407 Franklin Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Born May 4, 1854, in South Orange, N. J., the son of James and Emmeline Bostwick (Smith) Sellers. 190 BIOGRAPHIES He prepared at West Chester Academy, West Chester, Pa., under the preceptorship of Professor J. Hunter Worrall, Yale '56, Ph.D. '62. He was married April 25, 1878, in West Chester, Pa., to Miss Elma Anita Townsend (died April 5, 1881), daughter of Hon. Washington Townsend, of West Chester, who was a lawyer, banker and congressman. They had one child: James Cadwalader, Jr., born in Philadelphia, Pa., August 26, 1880. He is a mechanical engineer, a graduate cf Lehigh University, and resides in Burnham, Mifflin County, Pa., where he has a position with the Standard Steel Company, of that place. He is married and has two children: James Townsend Sellers, born August 17, 1907, and Marjorie Sellers, born March 17, 1910. He was married a second time in West Chester, Pa., June 18, 1889, to Miss Eleanor Cresson Barber, daughter of the late William E. Barber, a lawyer, who resided in West Chester. They have had two children: JAMES CADWALADER SELLERS GRADUATES 191 Marie, Swarthmore College '10, born in West Chester, June 10, 1890, now teaching at Dayton, Ohio. Elizabeth, born in West Chester, August 14, 1896. Sellers wrote in 1910: "I studied law in the office of Henry Wharton, Esq., of the Philadelphia bar, was admitted to the Phila- delphia bar in December, 1876, and have continued in the practice of my profession since that date. I am also a member of the bar of Chester County, Pa., my residence having been for many years in that county. Since graduation I have resided continuously either in Philadelphia or at West Chester, Pa., by far the greater part of the time at the latter place, although my business location has always been in Philadelphia. For several years I was associate editor of the American Law Register, published at Philadelphia. "My political creed has always been that of the Republican party and my religious connection is with the Protestant Episcopal Church. I have achieved neither fame nor fortune." Thomas Townsend Sherman Lawyer Residence — Rye, Westchester County, N. Y. Ciiy address— 126 East Thirty-first Street, New York City Business address — 60 Wall Street, New York City Born July 28, 1853, in London, England, the son of Edward Standish and Catharine Augusta (Townsend) Sherman. He prepared for college at Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, having previously attended the Fairfield Academy at Fairfield, Conn., and Benjamin W. Dwight's school, and other schools in New York City. 192 BIOGRAPHIES He was married in Rye, N. Y., October 19, 1887, to Miss Anne Loder Wiggin, daughter of Augustus Wiggin of Rye (deceased), a banker and merchant in New York. They have one child: Emily Balch, born in Rye, N. Y., March 3, 1891. Sherman writes: "From September, 1874, to February, 1875, I was a teacher in Mr. Frossard's private school for boys at Irvington, N. Y., during part of the time attending the Columbia Law School. On February 11, 1875, I entered the law office of Evarts, Southmayd & Choate in New York City. Studied law there and at Columbia College Law School, receiving the degree of LL.B. in 1876, and was admitted to the bar of New York State on December 13, 1876, by the general term of the supreme court of the second department. I continued with Evarts, Southmayd & Choate and its successor firm of Evarts, Choate & Beaman formed in 1884, until January 1, 1902, when I became a member of the firm of Evarts, Tracy & Sherman, composed of J. Evarts Tracy, Yale, LL.D. '57, Allen W. Evarts, Yale '69, Thomas T. Sherman, and Herbert J. Bick- ford. This was succeeded January 1, 1908, by the present firm of Evarts, Choate & Sherman, the members of which are Allen W. Evarts, Thomas T. Sherman, Herbert J. Bickford and Joseph H. Choate, Jr. The Hon. Joseph H. Choate, Yale Hon. '01, is associated with the firm as counsel. The office and business to which the present firm succeeded have been continuously in existence for more than seventy-five years. "I have always since September, 1874, had my domicile and legal residence in Rye, N. Y., where I have GRADUATES 193 THOMAS TOWNSEND SHERMAN also actually lived in summer, but usually have had and occupied in winter, an apartment or a house in Xew York City. I have held no political or governmental positions. Have been a member of the vestry of Christ's Church at Rye, X. Y., continuously since 1883, as vestryman from 1883 to April 16, 1906, and as churchwarden since then, serving also as clerk of the vestry since 1893. On February 28, 1895, I delivered an historical address at the two hundredth anniversary of the founding of the parish of Rye. "I am a member of the following: Xew York His- torical Society ; Xew York Genealogical and Biographi- cal Society; the Bar Association of the City of Xew York; University, Yale, and Down Town clubs of Xew York, and the Apawamis and American Yacht clubs of Rye, Xew York; am a member of the Board 194 BIOGRAPHIES of Governors of the Apawamis Club, was the vice- president from 1903 to 1905, and its president from 1905 to 1907, and am now chairman of its golf com- mittee. No military record. Have not traveled as much as I should have liked. Have been to Canada, all the New England and the Middle States and some of the Southern and Western, as far south as New Orleans and only as far west as Cheyenne, Wyoming. Went to Bermuda in 1902, to Europe in 1907, 1909, and 1910, traveling in England, Scotland, Wales, France, Holland and Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. My favorite recreations are golf and genealogy. I have seen most frequently those class- mates who live in or near New York City or who are there often." Wayland Spaulding Clergyman and Teacher Residence — Gerard Apartments, 527 West One Hundred and Twenty-first Street, New York City Born September 26, 1850, in Townsend, Mass., the son of Daniel and Lucy Wyer (Clement) Spaulding. He prepared at Lawrence Academy, Groton, Mass., and Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass. He was married December 31, 1874, in New Haven, Conn., to Miss Mary Mead Peck, daughter of Rev. Whitman Peck, a clergyman and teacher. They have one child: Leila Clement, Vassar '99, Ph.D. Columbia '10, born in Morristown, N. J., August 28, 1878. Spaulding writes: "After graduation I took charge of public schools in Rockville, Conn., and at the end of four years became principal of Morris Academy, Morristown, N. J. In GRADUATES 195 WAYLAND SPAULDING holding that office until the last sickness of my father, 1881, I entered Yale Theological Seminary, and at the close of the three years course accepted a call to the Congregational Church in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., where I was ordained as a minister and installed pastor, May 21, 1884. Remained there over eleven years, nearly two hundred and fifty uniting with the church during that time. In 1890 was chosen moderator of New York State Congregational Association. "In the autumn of 1895, I accepted a call to Bedford Park Congregational Church, in New York City. The church prospered and I superintended the building of a handsome manse. Joined the Clerical Union, a club meeting weekly for essays and discussion, and comprising the Congregational Clergymen of New York and Vicinity. Was chosen president in 1901; 196 BIOGRAPHIES late that year, took me to my birthplace in Townsend, Mass. "During the two years required to settle my father's estate, I acted as pastor of the Congregational Church in Ayer, Mass. In this interval I made a journey of several months in Europe with my family. Have since been a member of the Free Lecture Bureau of the Xew York Board of Education, delivering my lecture 'How I saw Europe, and how you can,' over thirty times in various centers. Returning to New York City, I took charge of the Congregational Church in the suburb, Xorth Pelharn, N. Y. My residence, however, has been on Morningside Heights, in the city, where I have had all the work I could do as a private instructor to young men preparing for college. I traveled through Europe a second time during the season of 1910." On November 22, 1907, he issued through the trade a pamphlet entitled, "When Theodore is King." *Henry Beidleman Bascom Stapler Died 1906 Born February 24, 1853, in Mobile, Ala., the son of James and Maria (Beidleman) Stapler. He prepared for college at Reynold's Classical Institute, Wilmington, Del. He was married November 10, 1880, to Miss Helen Louisa Gause, daughter of John Taylor and Martha J. Gause, of Wilmington, Del. They had four children: Martha Gause, born May 30, 1882. John Taylor Gause, a lieutenant in the Navy, born November 22, 1883. Henry [Beidleman] Bascom, Jr., Yale '08, born October 16, 1885. James Beverly, Christ College, Cambridge '11, born April 16, 1890. GRADUATES 197 The year after graduation Stapler was classical instructor in the Hartford (Conn.) Public High School, and at the same time began his course in the Yale Law School, which he completed in 1876. During his college course he won several prizes in English composition, and at the end of the second year in the law school the Jewell prize for the high- est marks in examination. During the second year of his law course he was also instructor in history in the Hopkins Grammar School. After a clerkship with Fowler & Taylor in New York City, he was ad- mitted to practice in May, 1878, and the following September formed a partner- ship with his classmate, John L. Wood, which continued ten years, after which he practiced alone. From 1891 to 1893 he was assistant district attorney of the city and county of New York, and was then with George P. Breckenridge, in the law firm of Stapler & Breckenridge. He died of pneumonia at his home in Pelham Manor, Westchester County, N. Y., December 1, 1906, in his fifty-fourth year. HENRY B. BASCOM STAPLER 198 BIOGRAPHIES In Memoriam Stapler was dubbed "the General" in Freshman year, when he managed the Kappa Sigma Epsilon campaign against Delta Kappa in June, 1871. His zeal and earnestness in that campaign he kept up all his life, in fact his earnestness often extended to anxiety. He was always struggling to push his way on to the front. Whatever success he had was earned by toil and sweat of brow. On leaving college he returned home to Wilmington, then studied law in Baltimore, then came in 1877 to New York, becoming managing clerk for Taylor & Fowler (Yale '61 and '63). In 1878 he formed a partnership with me, at 32 Nassau Street. How well I recall that little office, divided by a board partition, and his great collision case of the "Grand Republic" vs. "Adelaide." How he toiled night and day over that suit until he obtained a good settlement. I can see the dear old General, now, smoking a cheap black cigar and going over reams of testimony. About 1892 we dissolved and he united with Gibson and John Whiting, '74. Jack Whiting the General loved more than any other man in the world, and when Jack died in 1893, he felt his loss deeply. He con- tinued on with Gibson and Tomlinson, Yale '85, then went into Delancey Nicoll's district attorney's office, where he labored, convicting Carlisle Harris and other miscreants, until 1901, then with Tomlinson & Smith, at 48 Wall Street, until 1904, and then alone at 32 Nassau until his death. He was always well in health until his nerves and brain gave out in May, 1902, I think, when he went GRADUATES 199 abroad, and came back wholly recovered. I think the last time I saw him was when I gave a little dinner at Steven's House, Lake Placid, in September, 1906, to several lawyers, and to Stapler. At that time he told me of his affairs and that he felt in the best of health and prepared for big work at the law. He died, I believe, from going to work instead of to bed. He was a fine, high-souled man in all he did and said. Had he lived, I feel he would have attained, some day, his ambition to sit on the Supreme Court bench. He left a widow and three sons and one daughter, and was exceptionally happy in his home relations. I consider him one of the great successes of '74. J. S. Wood. Chauncey Clark Starkweather Lawyer and Writer Address— Care Yale Club, 30 West Forty- fourth Street, New York City Born November 7, 1851, in Chicago, 111., the son of Charles Robert and Mary (Eager) Starkweather. He prepared at Newton Centre, Mass., and the Lake Forest Academy. He was married November 8, 1882, in New York City, to Miss Isabella B. Anstey, daughter of William Wilson Anstey (died in 1897), formerly of New York City and auditor for the New York Central & Harlem River Railroad, and great-great-grand- daughter of Christopher Anstey, the author of the "Bath Guide," who has a tablet in Westminster Abbey. They have one child: Nina Isabella, born in New York City, January 30, 1887. Starkweather writes: "I entered the Class of '72 in 1868, leaving to go abroad with a tutor, Robert Porter Keep. The fact 200 BIOGRAPHIES that before joining '74 I had spent nearly a year in Athens undoubtedly influenced my after life, as I imbibed a love for modern languages, which I have always cherished. I have spent many years in Europe. During the first year I learned to speak modern Greek. On my second visit I paid more attention to French, which I had, from my youth, spoken fairly well; and while abroad recently for a stay of a year and a half, I spent many months in dear, delightful Italy, and did my best with the fascinating Italian language, speaking it 'fearlessly.' Andreally the old ablatives 'come handy.' I have translated many books from the French, have moiled and toiled for several large publishers in New York, and have been on the editorial staff of several weeklies. But, as before mentioned, I have always CHAUNCEY CLARK STARKWEATHER GRADUATES 201 been able to knock off work and go to Europe when I felt inclined. I have enjoyed lectures at the Sorbonne and browsing in the huge public library in Paris. At one time I was a member of seven clubs and associa- tions, but have dropped all except the Yale Club of Xew York, the Sons of the American Revolution, and the Dwight Alumni Association. "I was graduated from the Columbia Law School in the class of 1877, admitted to the bar in Xew York in 1877 and practiced for several years. I take a case now, semi-occasionally. "We have a place on the Niagara river, at Lewiston, the house having been built by Mrs. Starkweather's grandfather in 1836. The classmate whom I see most frequently is John Seymour Wood." George Milton Stearns Consulting Actuary Address — Palace Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif. Born April 12, 1852, in Concord, N. H., the son of Josiah Milton and Freelove Phillips (Mclntyre) Stearns. He prepared at the Hartford (Conn.) High School. He was married November 26, 1877, in West Hartford, Conn., to Miss Annie M. Thomson. They have three children: Thomson, born in Topeka, Kans., November, 1879. Phillips Bonnel, born in Topeka, Kans., 1880. Malcolm, Dartmouth '07, born in Roxbury, Mass., 1886. Stearns was in the Union Theological Seminary, Xew York City, from 1874 to 1877, receiving the degree of B.D. in 1877. He taught in New York City for a year and was a professor in Washington College, Topeka, Kans., from 1878 to 1886. He then 202 BIOGRAPHIES became eastern manager for the Kansas Loan and Trust Company of Topeka, living in Boston, Mass., from 1886 to 1889. From 1889 to 1895 he was in Springfield, Mass., as investment banker in the firm of Woodbury, Moulton & Stearns. From 1895 to 1896 he was receiver of the Staten Island Life, Heat & Power Company of Port Richmond. Since 1896 he has been connected with the following companies in the capacity of actuary: 1896 to 1897, with the Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia, Pa. ; 1897, with the Merchant's Life Insurance Association of St. Louis, Mo.; 1897, with the Southwestern Life Insurance Company of Marshalltown, Iowa; 1898 to 1899, with the Northern Life Association; 1899 to 1904, in Des Moines, Iowa; 1905, with the Guarantee Mutual Life Insurance Company of Davenport, Iowa ; 1906 to 1907 with the Cedar Rapids Life Insurance Company of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; 1907 to 1909 with the Continental Life Insurance Company, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; 1909 to 1910, with the Beneficial Life Company of Salt Lake City, Utah. In March, 1910, he went to Los Angeles for a vaca- tion, the first in many years, expecting in September of that year to be connected with the San Francisco Life Insurance Company, as assistant secretary and actuary. He decided, however, after a short experience in this position, to settle in Los Angeles as consulting actuary. Stearns has taken active part in politics. In Kansas, as a Republican, he was a candidate (unsuccessful) for the nomination for superintendent of public instruction. He was treasurer of the Kansas State Temperance Union and for three years helped to make prohibition GRADUATES 203 GEORGE MILTON STEARNS there a success. He has also been state treasurer of the Congregational churches. In New York he was a member of the Cherry Diamond Athletic Club while it was in existence. He is a member of the University Club of Salt Lake City, is a Knight Templar, a thirty-second Scottish Rite Mason and a Knight of Pythias. Robert Brown Stimson Lawyer Business address — 1003 South Third Street, Terre Haute, Ind. Born June 23, 1844, in Noblesville, Ind., the son of William Nelson and Mary Wilson (Johnson) Stimson. He prepared at the Wabash College Preparatory School, Craw- fordsville, Ind., and was a member of the Class of '70 in 204 BIOGRAPHIES Wabash until Junior year. He graduated from the Yale Theo- logical School with the Class of '73, and entered '74 Academic at the beginning of Senior year. He was married September 1, 1874, in Alamo, Ind., to Miss Edna Brown, daughter of Ira L. and Elizabeth J. Brown. They have had two children: Mary, Coates College for Women '97, born in Alamo, Ind., September 9, 1875. Lucy, born in Alamo, Ind., September 9, 1875, died in Terre Haute, Ind., April 5, 1903. Stimson writes: "In 1874, on leaving New Haven, I took charge of the Broadway Presbyterian Church in Logansport, Ind. Toward the end of the second year I resigned that charge and took up the study of law. I served two years as deputy prosecuting attorney of D. B. McConnell in Cass and Pulaski counties, Ind. (1876- 1878). Was then appointed United States commis- sioner at Logansport, Ind., by Judge W. Q. Gresham, and held that position until June, 1880, when I removed to Terre Haute, where I have since lived. Just after election of that year, D. P. Baldwin, attorney general of Indiana, appointed me his assistant, with charge of the business of that office in the southwestern part of the state. Held this appointment two years, and then formed a partnership for the practice of the law in Terre Haute, with my brother, S. C. Stimson, which partnership still continues. In 1890 I was elected city attorney of Terre Haute, which office I held two years. Was judge pro tern, of the superior court of Vigo County, for the March term, 1898. Since that I have held no public office, but, in addition to my general practice, have been counsel for the Anti-Saloon League, GRADUATES 205 ROBERT BROWN STIMSON the Terre Haute Civic League and other like organiza- tions. Have departed from Sumner's teachings on political economy, and stumped the county for Harrison in 1888. "I have not been in New Haven or met any of the Class since I graduated, except Baldwin. Aldis I caught sight of once in Chicago. Once I called at Joy's office in St. Louis, but did not find him in. Occa- sional circulars have reached me from the Class Secre- tary, one letter, a business notice from Robbins and one from Stapler. "I was perhaps the oldest man in the Class. On June 23, 1911, I began my sixty-seventh year. I have had one loss; my daughter Lucy, who died April 5, 1903. Otherwise time has used me well." 206 BIOGRAPHIES William Earl Dodge Stokes Formerly a Builder and Contractor in New York City Address — The Ansonia, Broadway and Seventy- third Street, New York City Born May 23, 1853, in New York City, the son of James Stokes, born January 31, 1804-, died August 1, 1881, and Caroline (Phelps) Stokes, born November 30, 1812, died March 9, 1881. He prepared at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. He was married January 5, 1895, in New York City, to Miss Rita Hernandez de Alva Acosta, from whom he has since been divorced. They had one child: William Earl Dodge Stokes, 2d, born in New York, January 3, 1896. He was married a second time February 11, 1911, in Jersey City Heights, to Miss Helen Elwood, daughter of John B. Elwood of Denver. After graduation Stokes became engaged in mer- cantile pursuits in New York City, as builder and contractor. He writes: "I have been building houses for a living, but now since I have gotten old and decrepit, I have been elected president of the Kensico-Kensington Ceme- teries, the largest cemeteries outside of New York, and I am building comfortable homes for the dead. I am president of one or two other companies, but what is there in it when you come to die?" He is much interested in the advancement of farming. He considers that the knowledge of the principles of heredity, of the breeding of horses and domestic animals will add to the mental and physical improvement of mankind. He says that he considers animal breeding quite as important as the careful breeding of the human race. GRADUATES 207 WILLIAM EARL DODGE STOKES He is treasurer of the Onward Construction Com- pany, president of the Kensico- Kensington Cemetery, president of the Chesapeake Western Railway, presi- dent of the Hef Chemical Company, president and proprietor of the Patchen Wilkes Stock Farm. He is a member of the Union League, Manhattan, St. Nicholas, Lawyers' and Yacht clubs of New York City, the Down Town Association, and the Seawan- haka, Westchester, Meadowbrook, Chicago, New England and other clubs. He is associated with the Cuban Junta and is a member of the executive committee of the Cuban League of the United States of America. He has been appointed by the Imperial Russian Government official correspondent for horse, with the rank by courtesy and uniform. He is a member of 208 BIOGRAPHIES the Morgan Horse Club, and is on the executive committee of the trotting Horse Breeders' Club. He has written many articles on breeding. Ambrose Everett Stone Head Master of the Stone Tutoring School Business address — 316 West Fifty-sixth Street, New York City Permanent address — Goshen, Mass. Born October 17, 1850, in Goshen, Mass., the son of Amos H. and Sophia (Parsons) Stone. He prepared at the South Berkshire Institute, New Marlboro, Mass. He was married August 25, 1879, in New York City, to Miss Kate Olive Catterlin, Synodical College, Fulton, Mo., '73, daughter of Solomon Catterlin of Cincinnati, Ohio, a retired steamship captain. They have had one child: born February 10, 1881, and died at birth. Stone writes: "I came to New York in the summer of 1874 and at once began teaching. My first position was that of principal of the Boys' School of the New York Orphan Asylum, at Seventy-fourth Street and Broadway. From 1875 to 1876 I taught in the German American Institute at 1509 Broadway. In 1876 I was for a time principal of the South Berkshire Institute, in New Marlboro, Mass. From 1877 to 1879 I taught Latin, Greek and mathematics, in the school of Mr. Marl- borough Churchill, 450 Madison Avenue, New York City. In the meantime I had been attending lectures at the Columbia College Law School and in 1878 received the degree of LL.B. from that institution, and was admitted to the New York Bar. From 1879 to GRADUATES 209 AMBROSE EVERETT STONE 1881 I practiced law in association with Mr. William Ives Washburn, with offices at 111 Broadway. In 1881 I resumed teaching, first as a tutor, later as Head Master of a preparatory school for boys. From 1890 to 1898 I was located at 561 Fifth Avenue. During the past twelve years I have conducted a boarding and day school for boys at 316 West Fifty-sixth Street. My classes have been small but my patrons are mostly wealthy people, who paid me well for my instruction. Among pupils prepared for college under my tuition were sons of well-known men. I have prepared boys for most of the Eastern colleges, but mainly for Yale, Columbia and Harvard. Since 1900 I have spent a part of every year at the family home- stead in Goshen, Mass., where each summer I have tutored a few boys and combined in a way veiy agree- 210 BIOGRAPHIES able to me, the life agricultural and the life pedagog- ical. I have been for some years past a member of the Broadway Tabernacle Church, whose pastor, Dr. Charles E. Jefferson, Yale Hon. '03, is not un- known at Yale. In later years I have taken a deeper interest in the work of that church and recently I was chosen one of its deacons. "On the whole my life since 1874 has been the life of a student, happy in its domestic relations, fairly prosperous, fairly successful, uneventful, without any great excite- ment or great honors." GEORGE WOODWARD STONE George Woodward Stone Lawyer Residence — Hosea and Oxford Terrace, Cincinnati, Ohio Business address — 122 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio Born January 17, 1852, in Cincinnati, Ohio, the son of Richard H. and Sarah W. Stone. He prepared at the Chickering Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio. He is unmarried. After graduation Stone studied law at the Cincinnati Law School and was admitted to the bar in April, 1876. He is now practicing law in Cincinnati. GRADUATES 211 *Edward Emerson Swallow Died 1887 Born July 20, 1852, in Wilmington, Mass., the son of Rev. Joseph Emerson Swallow, Dartmouth '43, and Maria Elizabeth (Gibson) Swallow. He entered college from the Norwich Free Academy, maintained a high rank throughout his course, and graduated with oration honors, among the first fourteen of the Class. He was married October 15, 1881, to Miss Mary Louise Sewall, of Waltham. On graduation Swallow began a course of study in the Yale Divinity School, but was induced three months later to take charge of the High School in Pottsville, Pa. He continued to teach in Pottsville until 1878, and was then simi- larly employed for a few months in Garden City, L. I. He then began medical studies at the Jefferson Medical Col- lege in Philadelphia, where he graduated in 1880. In January, 1881, he began the practice of medicine in Waltham, Mass. He afterward spent three years, 1884 to 1887, in study in Vienna and Paris, and on his re- turn went to Wilming- ton, N. C, with the idea of settling there permanently. His health, which had been delicate, failed so rapidly that he died December 31, 1887, in Wilmington, N. C, in his thirty-sixth year. EDWARD EMERSON SWALLOW 212 BIOGRAPHIES Charles Lasselle Swan Lawyer, retired Address — Santa Barbara, Calif. Born April 22, 1852, in Clinton, Mass., the son of Charles L. and Lucy (Waters) Swan. He prepared at the Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn. He was married April 17, 1901, in Redlands, Calif., to Miss Kate W. Gardner, daughter of A. H. Gardner, an orange grower of Redlands, Calif. They have had no children. Swan writes: "Graduated from Yale Law School in 1877. I then practiced law in New Haven in association with James Gardner Clark, Yale '61, until 1890, and for shorter periods with James H. Webb, Yale Law School '77, and Ed- ward H. Rogers, Yale '75, and Yale Law School '77. "In 1890 I removed to Redlands, Calif., and con- tinued law practice there until 1894. I then en- gaged in orange raising from 1890 to 1906. Since CHARLES LASSELLE SWAN then f Otium cum dig Recubans sub tegmine fagif much of the time being spent in Santa Barbara, Calif." GRADUATES 213 Levi Sanderson Tenney Lawyer Residence — 66 Plymouth Street, Montclair, N. J. Business address — 27 William Street, New York City Born January 19, 1853, in Orwell, Vt., the son of Levi S. and Maria (Mallett) Tenney. He prepared at Wilbraham, Mass., and at Amenia, N. Y. He was married June 15, 1887, in New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y., to Miss Louise A. Todd, daughter of George W. Todd, a merchant of New York City. They have had seven children: D wight, born in New York City, May 20, 1889. Malcolm, born in New York City, March 26, 1891. Grace Amelia, born in Glen Ridge, N. J., September 3, 1892, died in Glen Ridge, N. J., May 15, 1901. Helen Louise, born in Glen Ridge, N. J., June 18, 1895. Levi Sanderson, born in Glen Ridge, N. J., June 15, 1897. George, born in Glen Ridge, N. J., February 8, 1899. Elizabeth Rundle, born in Glen Ridge, N. J., May 8, 1902. Tenney writes: "In July after graduation I took up my residence in New York City, and entered the law office of Man & Parsons at 56 Wall Street as a law student and later in the year I attended the Columbia Law School in connection with my office work. "After the first year I gave up the law school and became a clerk in Man & Parsons' office on a salary. In September, 1876, I was admitted to the bar as an attorney and counselor-at-law. I remained with that law firm until January 1, 1881, when I took an office alone. In November, 1883, I took a position as clerk with the law firm of Prichard, Smith & Dougherty of New York City, where I attended to my own practice and their real estate work. Mr. Prichard and Mr. 214 BIOGRAPHIES Smith successively retired from business and I con- tinued on with Mr. Dougherty until 1902, when the law firm of Dougherty, Olcott & Tenney was formed, consisting of J. Hampden Dougherty, J. Van Vechten Olcott and myself. In 1908 this firm was dissolved and I have continued my offices with Mr. Dougherty down to the present time. "On account of my family, in 1892, I moved my residence to Glen Ridge, N. J., and resided there until 1905, when I moved to my present residence, in Mont- clair, N. J., about fourteen miles from my office. "I have never held public office. I have been for many years a vestryman in the church in Glen Ridge and a delegate to the Diocesan Convention many times. "I joined the Association of the Bar of Xew York City in 1881. I am a member of the City Club, the LEVI SANDERSON TENNEY GRADUATES 215 ALFRED BEAUMONT THACHER Reform Club, the Alpha Delta Phi Club in New York City and the local clubs in Montclair. I have made one trip to Europe. My favorite exercise is bicycling." Alfred Beaumont Thacher Lawyer Residence — 486 Scotland Road, South Orange, N. J. Business address — 62 Cedar Street, New York City Born March 22, 1854, in New Haven, Conn., the son of Thomas A. and Elizabeth (Day) Thacher. He prepared at the Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn. He was married June 1, 1904, in Orange, N. J., to Miss Emma C, Erkenbrecher, daughter of Cornelius Erkenbrecher, a business man of Cincinnati. They have one child: Mary Day, born in Orange, N. J., December 16, 1906. 216 BIOGRAPHIES Thacher writes: "After graduation I spent the first year in study, having received a fellowship in Yale College. From 1875 to 1877 I was a private teacher in Oakland, Calif. After that I was a tutor in Yale until 1879. From that time to date I have been practicing law in New York City, and am now a partner in the firm of Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett." James Mulford Townsend Lawyer Residence — 535 Park Avenue, New York City Business address — 165 Broadway, New York City Born August 26, 1852, in New Haven, Conn., the son of James M. and Maria (Clark) Townsend. He prepared at the Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn. He was married November 15, 1882, in Lexington, Va., to Miss Harriet Bailey Campbell, daughter of John Lyle Campbell, formerly a professor in Washington and Lee University, of Lexington, Va. They have six children: Harriet Campbell (Townsend) Bottomley, born in New York City, October 3, 1884. James Mulford, Jr., Yale '08, born in Pelham Manor, N. Y., June 20, 1886. John Campbell, Yale '10, born in Pelham Manor, N. Y., January 30, 1888. Edward Howard, Yale '12, born in Pelham Manor, N. Y., February 8, 1890. Virginia Campbell, born in Pelham Manor, N. Y., April 27, 1892. Donald Campbell, born in Pelham Manor, N. Y., April 27, 1892. Townsend writes: "After graduation in 1874, I entered the Columbia Law School in New York City, and at the same time, GRADUATES 217 JAMES MULFORD TOWNSEND the office of Chittenden & Hubbard of the same city. I received the degree of LL.B. from Columbia in 1876 and was admitted to the New York Bar and at the same time became a partner in the above named firm, which soon afterward was changed to Chittenden, Townsend & Chittenden. This firm dissolved in 1888, and I practiced law alone until about eight or nine years ago, when I formed the firm of Townsend & Avery, now Townsend, Avery & Button. "My chief connection with Yale and Yale affairs is that in 1888 I was appointed lecturer in the Yale Law School and lectured there each year for several years. After that the course was much interrupted by various long absences on business. It has been further inter- rupted in the last seven or eight years by my duties as general counsel of the E. I. duPont de Nemours 218 BIOGRAPHIES Powder Company, which I formed in 1903, known as the Powder Trust, which was attacked by the United States Government under the Sherman Act in 1907, since which time I have been continuously engaged in the trial of the case. I have, however, gone back to New Haven and lectured whenever it was possible. "I am a member of the University Club, Century Association and various other clubs and associations, here and elsewhere; also have been for a number of years a trustee of the New York Law School." Burt Van Horn Capitalist and Fruit Grower Address — The Dakota, 1 West Seventy-second Street, New York City, and Niagara Falls, N. Y. Born in Newfane, in Niagara County, N. Y., the son of Burt and Charlotte T. (Goodell) Van Horn. He prepared in Lockport, N. Y. He was married December 22, 1881, in New York City, to Miss Helen Singer Hyde, daughter of B. B. Hyde (died in 1875), formerly a merchant of New York City. They have had one child: Burt Van Horn, 3d, born in Newfane, N. Y., September 21, 1882, died in Brooklyn, N. Y., January 28, 1895. Van Horn writes: "After graduating from college, I was engaged in farming in Niagara County, N. Y., for one year. I then entered Columbia College Law School and gradu- ated in 1878. While in the law school I was a clerk in the New York Customs House. After graduation from the law school I was engaged in loaning money for life insurance companies in western New York, in connection Math my father. In 1880 I bought the farm GRADUATES 219 BURT VAN HORN of three hundred and fifty acres (Niagara County, N. Y.), which my grandfather took up from the state over a hundred and ten years ago, and which my father had owned. This I managed until April 1, 1910, when I sold it. During this time I engaged in the electric railway business in western New York, and was general manager of the Buffalo and Niagara Falls Electric Railway, and subsequently of the International Traction Company, which owned the whole system in Buffalo and in Niagara and Erie counties. I resigned from this position in 1901 and since have been engaged in fruit raising in Niagara County, N. Y., and in the Hood River Valley, in Oregon, and in managing the Cold Storage and Ice Manufacturing Plant in Niagara Falls. 220 BIOGRAPHIES "I have taken the Mediterranean trip and spent two summers in Europe; besides have traveled gener- ally over the United States and Canada, and have been to Alaska and the West Indies. "I am a member of the University and Transporta- tion clubs of Buffalo, N. Y., and of the University and Transportation clubs of New York City." Russell Walden Lawyer Residence — 40 Cambridge Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Business address — 80 Broadway, New York City Born December 8, 1851, in Brooklyn, N. Y., the son of Daniel T. and Caroline A. Walden. He prepared at the Brooklyn Collegiate and Polytechnic Institute. He was married December 21, 1882, in Brooklyn, N. Y., to Miss Katherine Bartling (died on August 25, 1908), daughter of Charles C. Bart- ling. They had no children. He was married a second time, June 5, 1911, at Beach Bluff, Mass., to Mrs. Harriett Louise Waldenburg, daughter of Horace Dickinson Moody, of Canton, N. Y. Walden writes: "I have resided in Brooklyn during the entire period since 1874. After graduation from the Columbia RUSSELL WALDEN GRADUATES 221 Law School in 1876, I was a student in the office of William P. Dixon, Yale '68, for a year or so, and later, a clerk therein; in 1882, I was connected with the firm of Miller, Peckham & Dixon, and became a partner in said firm on January 1, 1896, and continued as such, until the dissolution of that firm on July 1, 1900. Then I became a partner in the firm of Peck- ham, Miller & King, and continued as a partner in the latter firm until its dissolution on July 1, 1906, since which date I have been with the successor firm of Miller, King, Lane & Trafford. "Am a member of the Yale Club and the Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn. Have seen more or less of most of our classmates living in and around New York City." Charles Rumford Walker Physician Address— 18 Park Street, Concord, N. H. Born February 13, 1852, in Concord, N. H., the son of Joseph B. and Elizabeth Lord (Upham) Walker. He prepared at Phillips Academy, Exeter, N. H. He was married on January 18, 1888, in Boston, Mass., to Miss Frances Sheafe, daughter of William Sheafe of Boston, Mass. They have had three children, all born in Concord, N. H.: Sheafe, Yale '14, born November 16, 1888. Joseph Burbeen, born June 21, 1891, died in Concord, N. H., August 4, 1892. Charles Rumford, Jr., born July 31, 1893. Walker writes: "I began the study of medicine at the Harvard Medical School in the fall of 1874, and received the degree of M.D. in June, 1878. From July 1, 1877, 222 BIOGRAPHIES to January 1, 1878, I was medical externe at the Boston City Hospital and for two years, ending January 1, 1879, was a surgical house officer. The following two years, 1879 and 1880, I spent in medical study and travel in Europe. On leaving Boston I went to Dublin, Ireland, for a course in obstetrics at the Rotunda Hospital and later spent some time in London. The summer of 1879 was devoted to the study of German at Heidelberg and that fall and winter were spent in Vienna. The spring found me in Strassburg, and the fall back again in Vienna. "Early in 1881 I began the life of a general prac- titioner of medicine in Concord, N. H., my native town, where I have remained. For twenty-five years I have been on the surgical staff of our hospital and CHARLES RUMFORD WALKER GRADUATES 223 am now serving my eleventh year as physician at St. Paul's School. I have served both as assistant surgeon and surgeon of the New Hampshire National Guard, and am a member of the city board of health. In 1899 I was elected president of the New Hampshire State Medical Society and held the office during the usual term. At present I am chairman of the board of councilors. I am a member of the American Medical Association. "I am an inactive Republican, but served as alderman from 1892 to 1893 and the following year I represented my ward in the State Legislature and was on the public health committee and chairman of the state library committee. "I have little time for outside duties, but am a trustee of the New Hampshire Savings Bank, trustee of the Rolfe and Rumford Asylum, whose funds support and care for twenty girls, and trustee and treasurer of the Timothy and Abigail B. Walker Lecture Fund, which provides free lectures to our citizens. "I am a member of the Wonolancet and Snow Shoe clubs of Concord, and the University Club of Boston, Mass." His writings consist mainly of medical papers. Cornelius Royal Wallace Formerly an Instructor in the Public Schools of New York City Residence — Tuckahoe, N. Y. Born October 27, 1845, in Boston, Mass., the son of Alfred and Harriet (Newell) Wallace. He prepared at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. 224 BIOGRAPHIES He was married March 6, 1885, in Greenwich, Conn., to Miss Anna Schlumberger, of Stuttgart, Germany, daughter of Johann G. Schlumberger, Ph.D., professor at Freiburg, and of Schell Schlumberger. They have no children. Upon leaving college Wallace entered the Union Theological Seminary in New York City, in which he remained for one year and preached part of two years in New Hampshire and Indiana. Late in the fall of 1875 he went to Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, as a private tutor and returned to New York in the fall of 1876, where he entered into a similar engagement. From 1877 to 1905 he was a teacher in the public schools of New York City. Since the latter date he has retired from active business. CORNELIUS ROYAL WALLACE GRADUATES 225 WILLIAM NELSON WASHBURN William Xelson Washburn Manufacturer of chairs, Washburn & Heywood Chair Company Residence — Greenfield, Mass. Business address — Erving, Mass. Permanent address — 3 Franklin Street, Greenfield, Mass. Born July 30, 1851, in Orange, Mass., the son of William B. and Hannah (Sweetser) Washburn. He prepared at Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass. He was married July 21, 1880, in Chicago, 111., to Miss Jennie Eldridge Daniels, daughter of William Yocum Daniels, of Chicago, 111. They have had two children: One died at birth. Leila A. Kinson, born in Greenfield, Mass., April 28, 188k Washburn writes: "Have always lived in Greenfield, Mass., and since graduation have been connected in one and another 226 BIOGRAPHIES capacity with the Washburn & Heywood Chair Com- pany at Erving, Mass. I have been president of the Greenfield Club and also president of the Greenfield Gas Company. "At present I am director of the First National Bank of Greenfield, Mass.; trustee of the Franklin Savings Institution; president of the Greenfield Library Association; treasurer of the Country Club of Greenfield and treasurer of the Washburn & Heywood Chair Company. That's all." Cameron Davenport Waterman Farmer and Real Estate Address — 125 Lafayette Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Born August 9, 1852, in Bath, N. Y., the son of Joshua W. and Eliza (Davenport) Waterman. CAMERON DAVENPORT WATERMAN GRADUATES 227 He prepared at the Detroit (Mich.) High School. He was married February 12, 1878, in Detroit, Mich., to Miss Elizabeth H. Beach, daughter of Eben C. Beach, with the Rathbone Stove Company of Albany, N. Y. They have had two children: Cameron Beach, Yale '01, born December 20, 1878. Ira Davenport, Yale '07, born June 18, 1883. Waterman is a farmer, having purchased a farm on a large island in the Detroit River, near Lake Erie. In a former Class book he writes: "My profession is farming, and I hope to continue in the same all the days of my life." He is a member of the University Club of New York City, Detroit Club, Athletic Club, Country Club, Comedy Club, and the Harmonie Society, all of Detroit, Mich. *Harvey Weed Died 1892 Born August 12, 1852, in Newburgh, N. Y., the son of Francis P. and Harriet L. Weed. He prepared for college at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. He was unmarried. HARVEY WEED After graduation Weed studied law at the Albany Law School and received the degree of LL.B. from Union College in 1876. He practiced his profession 228 BIOGRAPHIES successfully in Newburgh and New York City and was at one time a candidate for the district attorneyship of his county. He died in 1892. Henry deForest Weekes Lawyer Residence — Oyster Bay, Nassau County, N. Y. Business address — 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City Born February 8, 1852, in New York City, the son of John A. Weekes and of Alice D. Weekes. He prepared at the Round Hill School, Northampton, Mass. He is unmarried. HENRY DEFOREST WEEKES GRADUATES 229 Weekes writes: "Became a member of the bar of the State of New York, in May, 1876, and remained in the active prac- tice of my profession until February, 1897, when I retired from active practice. "Since then I have spent much time in visiting such places in the world as promised to give me the most interest and pleasure and my favorite recreation has been the one which promised the same result." Ralph Wells Ranching and Stock-raising Address — Craig, Mont. Born November 27, 1853, in New York City, the son of Ralph and Sarah Wells. He prepared at M. H. Lyon's Collegiate Institute, New York City. He was married December 22, 1890, in Truro, Nova Scotia, to Miss Bessie L. Miller (died February 13, 1908), daughter of Edward Miller, a farmer of Truro. They had two children, both born in Helena, Mont.: Sarah A., Montana State College at Bozeman, born September 16, 1894. Ralph, Jr., born October 8, 1902. Wells writes: "After graduation I held a position with James Boyd & Company, stock brokers in Wall Street, New York City, for over a year and then getting the western fever, in 1876, I started for Fort Benton, Mont. I met Dewey Holbrook, '74, at Fort Benton, and we embarked in the sheep business, which I followed up with varying success for nearly twenty-five years, adding cattle and horses to my sheep interests. 230 BIOGRAPHIES The range becoming crowded, I sold my sheep and now confine myself to cattle almost entirely. My beef steers, thirty-five head, averaging 1,485 pounds each, brought the highest price, seven dollars and sixty cents per hundred pounds, live weight, last October in Chicago, ever paid for range cattle, in any market. "I have resided in this neighborhood since 1876, spending several winters in Helena and New York City and six months in Nova Scotia. Have been justice of the peace for many years, which office I now hold. Was deputy assessor for one year and school trustee for a long time. I took the United States census in my county in 1900 and in 1910. "I believe in the old saying, a rolling stone gathers no moss, and I am liable to spend the rest of my days RALPH WELLS GRADUATES 231 in Montana. Every fall I plan to take a few weeks off for a good time hunting and fishing in the grand old Rockies. "Am a member of the Yale Montana Alumni Association. Hope to meet the old boys some day at their Alumni din- ner in New Haven. If any of you ever come to Montana would be glad to have you hunt me up. Tom Adams, '74, once spent the day with me and I frequently saw Dewey Holbrook in Great Falls, Mont. There are. not many Yale men in Montana, but two years ago we held up * ° r JOHN BOWEN WHITING President Taft at our Helena State Fair and gave him a rousing reception." His writings consist of several articles for Forest and Stream descriptive of life in the far west and some hunting stories published mostly from 1890 to 1892. *John Bo wen Whiting Died 1895 Born October 31, 1852, in Geneva, N. Y., the son of John N. and Sarah L. J. (Sutherland) Whiting. He prepared for college in Orange, N. J., under the tutorship of Reverend F. A. Adams. 232 BIOGRAPHIES He was married October 12, 1875, to Miss Clarissa M. Lyman, daughter of Frederic Lyman of Orange, N. J. They had no children. After graduation Whit- ing spent the first year in the Columbia Law School and the subsequent six- teen months in study in Berlin and Jena. He then completed his course at Columbia and received the degree of LL.B. in 1877. From that date he practiced law continu- ously in New York City, at first with his father and after the latter's death with William Par- kin, Yale '74, and with Hanson C. Gibson. He died suddenly, at his residence in New York City, on February 7, 1895, after ten days' confinement from a heavy cold, which had developed into the grippe. ARTHUR DEXTER WHITTEMORE Arthur Dexter Whittemore Residence — 10 Howard Avenue, Utica, N. Y. Born August 11, 1852, in Fitzwilliam, N. H., the son of Thomas W. and Atossa (Frost) Whittemore. He prepared at Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., and was connected with the College of the City of New York for about six months. He was married December 14, 1876, in Utica, N. Y., to Miss Margaret E. Owen, Utica Academy '74, daughter of James P. GRADUATES 233 Owen, a merchant of Utica, N. Y. They have had three children : Owen, born October 30, 1877, died December 26, 1881. Atossa Frost, born January 24, 1882. Margaret, born May 30, 1883. After graduation and until 1881, Whittemore resided at 9 East Fifty-third Street, New York City. While in New York he was in business with his father and uncle, Whittemore Brothers, Broadway, which firm was in the mirror business. In 1881 he removed to Utica and later became a member of the firm, Tucker, Calder & Company, wholesale clothiers. Shortly after this, his health failed, and he has been able to do very little business since. Thomas Parmelee Wickes Lawyer Business address — 68 Post Street, San Francisco, Calif. Permanent mail address — Care of Hugo D. Newhouse, Kohl Building, San Francisco, Calif. Born April 17, 1853, in Albany, N. Y., the son of Eliphalet and Ellen (Parmelee) Wickes. He was prepared for college at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. He was married December 19, 1878, in New York City, to Miss Harriette Douw Alley, who died May 26, 1899. She was a daughter of George Bolton Alley of New York City. They had two children, both born in New York City: Henry Parmelee, Yale '00, born December 7, 1879. Marie Louise, born December 18, 1882. He was married a second time May 30, 1901, in Lansingburgh, N. Y., to Miss Frances Bliss Gillespy, daughter of John H. Gillespy, of Berkeley, Calif. They have one son: Eliphalet, born in New York City, May 25, 1905. 234 BIOGRAPHIES Wickes writes as follows of his life since 1874: "I entered Columbia Law School in the fall of 1874 and was admitted to the bar of the State of New York in May, 1876, receiving the degree of LL.B. in the same year. In the fall of that year I was appointed by the late William C. Whitney, Yale '63, who was then the counsel to the corporation of the city of New York, to be a law clerk in his office ; and I continued to be a member of the force of the municipal law depart- ment, rising by successive promotions until I was the second assistant in the office, until the fall of 1889, when I resigned, leaving Januarj r 1, 1890. "I then engaged in private practice, being at first largely occupied in various law suits on behalf of the city of New York in which I was retained upon THOMAS PARMELEE WICKES GRADUATES 235 retiring from the law department; and afterwards, on July 1, 1892, I formed a partnership with Edward S. Hatch of New York, under the firm name of Hatch & Wickes. We practiced law together until the spring of 1902, when the firm was dissolved and I resumed private practice, which I continued until 1906. "In July, 1906, I left New York, and, largely at the suggestion of our classmate, Brady, moved to Juneau, the capital of Alaska. Brady gave me many letters of introduction to prominent citizens and officials, and upon being admitted to the bar of the District of Alaska, I enjoyed a good practice. But the climate was very trying, and in March of the following year we all came to Seattle, and a little later to San Francisco, where, in June, 1907, I was admitted to the bar of California, where I have practiced law ever since. "I have always had a desire to return to Alaska, and I am now considering plans to go up there with some clients and friends, who are interested in very rich gold, copper and coal claims in Southwestern Alaska. "Since leaving New York I have not seen any of our classmates except Beaver. I have met him on several occasions and have been most agreeably and hospitably entertained by him at his home in Campbell, Santa Clara County, Calif. "My writings have consisted almost entirely of legal briefs, which are on file in various state and federal courts, in cases with which I have been connected as attorney or counsel. "I am still very much interested in music, which is my favorite recreation and occupation outside of my 236 BIOGRAPHIES profession, although I have not recently been able to devote any considerable time to singing. After leaving college I became a member of the solo quartet at Trinity Church in New York City, where I sang until May, 1875. Then I sang in the solo quartet of St. Thomas' Church in New York for two years. I found, however, that my choir engagements interfered so with my law work that I had to give up regular singing; and since 1877 I have sung in public on occasion only." Ansley Wilcox Lawyer Residence — 641 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Business address — 684 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N. Y. Born January 27, 1856, in Augusta, Ga., son of Daniel Hand and Frances Louisa (Ansley) Wilcox. His first American ancestor was John Willcocks, a native of England, who was one of the original settlers of Hartford, Conn., in 1636. He prepared at the Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn. He was married January 17, 1878, to Miss Cornelia Rumsey of Buffalo, N. Y. (died in Buffalo, December 22, 1880), a daughter of Dexter Phelps Rumsey and Mary Coburn Rumsey. They had one daughter: Cornelia Rumsey, born in Buffalo, in November, 1880, now Mrs. Henry Adsit Bull. He was married a second time on November 20, 1883, in Buffalo, N. Y., to Miss Grace Rumsey (sister of the first Mrs. Wilcox). They have one daughter: Frances, born in Buffalo, in November, 1884, now Mrs. Thomas Fowke Cooke. After graduation Wilcox traveled for a year, and then studied for a year at Oxford, England. In 1876 GRADUATES 237 ANSLEY WILCOX he settled in Buffalo, N. Y., where he has since lived. He was admitted to the bar in 1878. He was connected with the firms of Crowley, Movius & Wilcox, 1882-1883; Allen, Movius & Wilcox, 1883- 1892; and Movius & Wilcox, 1892-1893. From 1894 to 1903 he was head of the firm of Wilcox & Miner, and since the latter date, of Wilcox & Bull. As counsel he assisted in the entrance of the West Shore railroad into Buffalo in 1882. He was counsel for the commission appointed by Governor Cleveland to acquire the land for the New York State Reservation at Niagara Falls, 1883-1885. In the case of Rogers versus the City of Buffalo, he succeeded in establishing the constitutionality of the Civil Service Law of the state. In 1891, he carried to the United States 238 BIOGRAPHIES supreme court the Briggs-Spaulding contest, involving the liability of the directors of national banks for neglecting attention to their official duties, and he has been engaged in many other important cases. He was the head of the movement for jury reform which led to the adoption of the New York Jury Law of 1895. In 1899 he was a member of the board of managers of the State Reformatory at Elmira. He was one of the first and most active members of the Buffalo Charity Organization Society, founded in 1877, the pioneer society of the United States in this field, and is now its president. He held the chair of medical jurisprudence at the University of Buffalo for twenty-one j r ears; and has been for years a trustee of the Buffalo General Hospital. For thirty years he has been connected with the Buffalo Civil Service Reform Association, serving as its president since 1900; and is an officer of the National Civil Service Reform League. He has always taken an interest and an active part in matters affecting city government in Buffalo, and municipal reform movements in general. He has been engaged in all movements for ballot reform and electoral reform, and is at present an officer of the State Ballot Reform Association, and chairman of the Executive Committee of the local Election Laws Enforcement Association. For many years he has been a member of the American Bar Association and has served on several of its committees, including that on copyright law, which took a leading part in the recent revision of the national law on this subject. He is now vice-president of the Association for New York. For years he has GRADUATES 239 RODERIC WILLIAMS been active in the New York State Bar Association, and has served on many of its committees, including its executive committee. His favorite recreations are horseback riding and golf. He has long been a personal friend of ex-President Roosevelt, and it was at his house while his guest, that the latter took the oath of office after President McKinley's death in September, 1901. *Roderic Williams Died 1911 Born August 13, 1852, in Minersville, Pa., the son of Roderick R. and Mary Ann Williams. He prepared at the Woodward High School, Cincinnati, Ohio. He was unmarried. 240 BIOGRAPHIES In 1911 Williams wrote: "From 1874 to 1876 I conducted a private school in Helena, Ark. From 1876 to 1882 was interested in mercantile pursuits in Cincinnati. Up to the year 1893 I was connected with the state agency of the Travelers Insurance Company in the capacity of corresponding clerk and adjuster of claims. From that date to the present time I have been a solicitor of life insurance and a promoter of real estate. "Since 1882 I have been a resident of Denver. The classmates whom I have seen most frequently are Henry Bristol, Henry Bobbins, in Chicago, and while in the East on a trip in 1906 I saw John Brady, Wallace Harrison and Chauncey Starkweather. While in New Haven I met our late Secretary, George Dickerman, George Gunn and Edward Morris. Dur- ing his brief residence here I frequently saw the late Frank Olmsted." Williams died Xovember 3, 1911, in Denver, Colo. k *Jared Willson Died 1889 Born January 19, 1850, in Canandaigua, N. Y., the son of Jared and Mary A. Willson. He prepared for college at the Hartford (Conn.) Public High School. He was married May 4>, 1881, in Brooklyn, N. Y., to Miss Mary Russell. They had two children: Rosalie Stone, born in Brooklyn, N. Y., June 19, 1882. Ernest Russell, Yale '06 S., born in San Antonio, Texas, January 21, 1885. GRADUATES 241 Upon graduation Willson began the study of medi- cine at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City, from which institution he received the degree of M.D. in 1877. He had already been ap- pointed assistant surgeon on the staff of the Kings County Hospital, at Flat- bush, L. I., and for more than a year occupied this position. On leaving the hospital he began the gen- eral practice of medicine in Brooklyn, N. Y., de- voting himself at a later date to his specialty — the treatment of the ear and eye. In the autumn of 1883 declining health compelled him to leave Brooklyn, and in the hope that a change of scene and climate might benefit him he settled in San Antonio, Texas, and there con- tinued his medical practice. The hopes of improvement proved delusive, and after two years and a half he returned to the North, making his home in Meriden, Conn. In June, 1887, his health had failed to such an extent that he was obliged to relinquish entirely the practice of his profession. He died in Middletown, Conn., February 11, 1889, at the age of thirty-nine. JARED WILLSON 242 BIOGRAPHIES Frank Spencer Witherbee Connected with the Corporation of Witherbee, Sherman & Company Residence — Port Henry, N. Y., and 4 Fifth Avenue, New York City Business address — 2 Rector Street, New York City Born May 12, 1852, in Port Henry, N. Y., the son of Jonathan G. and Charlotte (Spencer) Witherbee. He prepared at the Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn. He was married April 25, 1883, in New York City, to Miss Mary Rhinelander Stewart, daughter of Lispenard Stewart of New York City. They have had three children: A daughter, who died at birth in 1884. Lispenard Stewart, Yale '07, born in New York City, June 1, 1886, died in New York City, February 8, 1907. Evelyn Spencer, born in Port Henry, N. Y., July 8, 1889. Witherbee writes: "On the death of my father in 1875, I succeeded him in the copartnership of Witherbee, Sherman & Com- pany, whose business was the mining of iron ore and the manufacture of pig iron in the vicinity of Port Henry. The business of this company was started in 1849 by nry uncle, Silas H. Witherbee, and by my father, Jonathan G. Witherbee, and these two interests have remained intact, some of the third generation now being active in its management. In 1900 the copart- nership was incorporated under the same title and I was elected its first president. Our business has grown from a production of a few thousand tons annually up to an estimated production for this year of about one million tons, and the total output of our mines to date^ if loaded on cars, would make a freight train extending from New York to about Denver, Colo. GRADUATES 243 FRANK SPENCER WITHERBEE "We are the largest producers of separated iron ore in the world. Our separating process consists of crush- ing the crude ore down to its particles or grains of iron and gangue. The reduced material is conveyed by a belt underneath a series of magnets, by which the particles of iron are lifted by attraction to another belt and conveyed to a bin or cars, while the gangue unattracted by the magnets is belted to the dump pile; so that only the pure ore, or so to speak, the cream, is shipped away. Fortunately for us only magnetic iron ores like ours can thus be treated, so our ores are sought after for mixture with other ores. "Since graduation, so far as I can remember, I have been identified in the past with the following companies : as vice-president of the Cedar Point Iron Company ; 244 BIOGRAPHIES Port Henry Furnace Company; First National Bank of Port Henry ; Tennessee Coal, Iron & Railroad Com- pany; as director of the Port Henry Towing Com- pany; Port Henry Ferry Company; Port Henry Gas Light Company; Addison County Railroad; and president of the Troy Steel Company. I am now identified with the following companies: as presi- dent of Witherbee, Sherman & Company; and as president of the Lake Champlain & Moriah Railroad Company; as director in the following companies: Cheever Iron Ore Company; Citizen's National Bank, Port Henry, N. Y. ; Central Hudson Steamboat Company; Equitable Life Assurance Society; Fulton Trust Company of New York; Cubitas Iron Ore Company of Cuba, the Chatham and Phenix National Bank of New York City. "For many years I took an active interest in politics, having served on the Republican National Committee representing the State of New York and I was several times elected a member of the Republican State Com- mittee. I have frequently attended the National and State conventions of my party and have known, during the past thirty years, nearly all of the very prominent men of that period. I have frequently been solicited to take office, but I have always felt I could not spare the time from my business interests and have also felt I could have more influence if I was not seeking any personal advancement. Have had considerable to do with the different tariff bills, frequently going 'to Washington to appear before different Congressional Committees, and with State legislation. I have taken a great deal of interest in the different primary laws and took quite an active part in the creation GRADUATES 245 of the State Adirondack Park. I served on a com- mittee appointed by Governor Roosevelt to formulate our present barge canal system now under construc- tion and was sent abroad to report on the canal systems of Europe. I was appointed by Governor Hughes, a member of the first Champlain Tercentenary Celebration Commission. "I have been a member of the State Committee of the Y. M. C. A., a manager of the House of Refuge, a reformatory for boys, a manager of the Orthopedic Hospital, and I am deeply interested in the work of the Witherbee Memorial Association, an organization of the Witherbee family conducting a workingmen's club house at our mines. In the building we maintain a hospital, reading room, billiard tables, baths, and my wife runs a cooking school for the girls. There is also a large hall for meetings and entertainments and twice a month a free concert and dance is given by a band composed of our own employees. "I am a member of the National Historical Association, National Geographic Society, Academy of Political and Social Science, American Institute of Mining Engineers, the Lake Superior Institute of Mining Engineers, and some other technical societies. "I am also a member of the Sons of the Revolution and of the following social clubs of New York: the Union, Metropolitan, University, Republican, Strollers, and the Tuxedo, and of the Travelers' Club of Paris. "Have visited nearly every State in the Union and have also been as far West as British Columbia and have been to Nassau and Cuba. I have rarely been anywhere in the country without coming across a Yale 246 BIOGRAPHIES man and I have had many pleasant reunions with '74 men. I have made frequent trips to Europe, includ- ing visits to Algeria, Egypt, the Holy Land, Greece, and Turkey. In 1906, I visited some iron mines in Lapland, located within the Arctic Circle and over a thousand miles north of Stockholm. "My domestic life, considering the frequent tempests on the matrimonial sea, has been a very happy one. The only cloud which has crossed my path has been the death of my only son in 1907, the year he was to have graduated from Yale. He was then to have made a trip around the world and I was hoping on his return to have dropped on to his shoulders some of my business cares and responsibilities, and then to have taken life easier myself. Life since has never been the same to me and I little realized before how much I was living and planning for his future." John Seymour Wood Lawyer and Writer Residence — 131 East Nineteenth Street, New York City Business address — 20 Broad Street, New York City Born October 1, 1853, in Utica, N. Y., the son of George W. and Harriet (Clarke) Wood. He prepared at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., also Wyer's Academy, Westchester, Pa., and under Dr. Benjamin Dwight at Clinton, N. Y. He was married September 15, 1880, in Brattleboro, Vt., to Miss Mary Buell Harris, Farmington '74, daughter of Broughton D. Harris, a former railway builder, and resident of Brattleboro, Vt. They have no children. GRADUATES 247 JOHN SEYMOUR WOOD Wood writes: "My history has been uneventful, having resided in simple and harmless flats in New York City since 1874, and practiced the law. I traveled in Europe in 1888, and since then have written several books and short stories. I practiced law in copartnership with dear old, overworked Stapler, '74, from 1878 to 1889 or 1890, and alone, since. Received the degree of LL.B. at Columbia in 1876. "In politics I am independent. I voted for Cleve- land, for Roosevelt and for Taft, and hope to vote for Taft in 1912. "In regard to sports, I took up tennis from 1881 to 1890, bicycling from 1890 to 1900, golf since 1897. I ran a small steam locomobile in 1900, and have had 248 BIOGRAPHIES some kind of auto every year since. My wife and I enjoy auto tours in the summer. I play golf a great deal; I won the 'Harris prize' cup in 1909, at Class reunion, second best gross score. I might add that I have not yet seen the said 'Harris' cup, in esse! Hinc Mae lachrymae. "Am not connected with any corporation except my own increasing one. I was assistant counsel for the Elevated Road from 1890 to 1894. I was editor of the Bachelor of Arts Magazine from 1895 to 1898, a very pleasant experience. "I am a member of the University, Authors, Yale, Columbia, Manhattan Chess and Dyker Meadow Golf clubs, all of New York City, and the Apawamis Golf Club of Rye, N. Y. My philosophy of life is to try to be as little unhappy as possible though poor in this world's goods, and not setting the world on fire. I take in the simple pleasures of opera, concerts, theatres, books, golf, autoing and reading the Sunday papers, (which latter I admit is a bad habit). "My writing has always been a pleasure and not a source of income. Latterly Mrs. Wood has taken up the pen, having stories in Century, Colliers, Bookman, and other serial magazines and a recent book called 'Just Boys.' We grow proud of old Yale's glories and victories, realizing that she now assuredly leads Harvard in all except mere numbers." He adds that at fifty-seven years of age, gout has begun to trouble him a little and to ward it off, under excellent advice of Dr. G. E. Munroe, he takes phosphate of soda in hot water every morning. That as he grows older he believes in eating little, and cutting out all alcohol except two or three times a GRADUATES 249 day, and at dinner. That as long as he plays golf he feels well, and takes life easily. But when the golfing season stops he feels the loss of out-door exercise, and the world grows yellow and sere. He advises every member of '74 to start in and play golf. This applies even to Colonel Doonie Harris, and Owen Aldis. As a member of the Authors Club, Carnegie Hall, Wood invites stray members of '74 any Thursday night in the winter months to drop in and have supper with him. Bibliography "Daughter of Venice"; "Gramercy Park," book, pub. Appleton, 1894; "Yale Yarns," book, pub. Putnams, 1898; "College Days at Yale," book, pub. Outing Co.; "Coign of Vantage," book, pub. Dodd, Mead Co.; besides a number of stories in Scribner's, Century, Outing, etc. Edmund Zacher Lawyer Residence — Branford, Conn. Business address — 219 Exchange Building, New Haven, Conn. Born December 12, 1853, in Hartford, Conn., the son of Louis and Mary Barbara Zacher. He prepared at the Hartford (Conn.) High School. He was married May 18, 1881, in Meriden, Conn., to Miss Julia Anna Meeker Griswold, daughter of Joel W. Griswold (deceased), formerly a merchant. They have had three children, all born in Branford, Conn.: Madolin Russ, Vassar '05, born February 2, 1884. Natalie Barbara, born April 23, 1887; married Norman Daggett Brainard, '06 S., August 24, 1907. Louis Bradstreet, Yale '10, born January 8, 1889. 250 BIOGRAPHIES Zacher writes: "After graduation, I became principal of the High School in Branford, Conn., and remained there two years. Returned to New Haven in September, 1876, entering the Yale Law School and the law office of the Hon. Lynde Harrison. Soon after the fall term opened, I received an appointment as tutor and held the position for five years, instructing, in German, the classes of 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882. Was admitted to the bar in New Haven in December, 1877, and received the degree of LL.B. from Yale in June, 1878. I began the practice of the law in 1878 in New Haven, and have continued to practice there ever since. Was associated with Lynde Harrison at the beginning of my practice and not long afterwards formed a partner- EDMUND ZACHER GRADUATES 251 ship with him under the firm name of Harrison & Zacher, that continued until Mr. Harrison's death on June 6, 1906. I then formed a partnership with W. H. Ely, Amherst '77, and his son, William Brewster Ely, Yale '04, on July 1, 1907, under the name of Ely, Zacher & Ely. This firm was dissolved by the death of Mr. W. H. Ely, May 26, 1909, and since that date the two surviving partners have continued the practice of the law under the firm name of Zacher & Ely. "After my marriage in May, 1881, I went to live in Branford, Conn., and have resided there continuously with the exception of the winter of 1881 to 1882, which I passed in New Haven. "Was executive secretary of the State of Connecticut from 1883 to 1885, appointed by and acting under Governor Thomas M. Waller. Was named as one of the incorporators of the James Blackstone Memorial Library Association of Branford, Conn., in the act of incorporation, approved March 23, 1893, and since that time I have been a member of the board of trustees and for a portion of the time have held the position of secretary of the board. Was appointed judge of the town court of Branford in 1897 and served three terms. "Am a member of the Graduates and the Country clubs of New Haven." BIOGRAPHIES OF NON-GRADUATES Edward Williamson Andrews Banker Residence — 1206 University Street, Seattle, Wash. Born January 15, 1853, in Cincinnati, Ohio, the son of James Andrews. He prepared at the Bliss Classical School, Cincinnati, Ohio. He was married January 25, 1893, in San Francisco, Calif., to Miss Sarah L. Orth, daughter of Joseph Orth, of Steubenville, Ohio. They have had two children: Edward Williamson, Jr. Mary DeHarte. Andrews writes: "Lived in Cincinnati until January, 1892, when I came to Seattle as president of the Seattle National Bank. Before coming to Seattle I was connected with the Lafayette National Bank of Cincinnati. I am also president of the First National Bank of Bremerton, Wash., and am a director of eight or ten corporations. "Prior to 1909 I was president of the University Club of Seattle for eight years." William Porter Beardsley Secretary of the Ohio Tool Company Address — 102 South Street, Auburn, N. Y. Born August 4, 1852, the son of Alonzo G. and Anna Porter Beardsley. He prepared at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., and left college in December, 1870, the middle of Freshman year. NON-GRADUATES 253 WILLIAM PORTER BEARDSLEY He was married June 9, 1875, in Unionville, Conn., to Miss Mary W. Porter, a graduate of Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Conn., daughter of the Honorable Samuel Quincy Porter, a paper manufacturer of Unionville. They have two children: Alice Taylor, born in Auburn, N. Y., May 5, 1876. Glover, Yale '03, born in Auburn, N. Y., August 19, 1881. After leaving college Beardsley entered the employ of the Oswego Starch Factory in the manufacture of starch, and remained actively with this institution for thirty years, until it was absorbed by the Corn Products Refining Company about 1903. During the earlier years he was assistant secretary and treasurer, and later became secretary and treasurer, residing in Auburn, N. Y., where the stock of the company was largely owned and its financial affairs carried on until 1901. The office was then transferred to Oswego, 254 BIOGRAPHIES N. Y., where he moved with his family, residing there nearly three years and returning to Auburn in 1903. In 1874 he formed with others the firm of Beardsley, Wheeler & Company, to manufacture mowers and reapers, and took the active management of the busi- ness, which was successfully carried on for about ten years. Since 1893 he has also been connected with the Ohio Tool Company of Columbus, Ohio, and Auburn, N, Y., as director and secretary. In 1903 he was elected a governor and treasurer of the Owasco Country Club, and the following year chair- man of the house committee, which positions he still holds, and has been intensely interested in the develop- ment of the club and given a great deal of time to its management. He is a member of the City Club of Auburn, a social organization, and was a governor and its first treasurer. In 1907 he was elected a trustee of the Fort Hill Cemetery Association of Auburn, and its secretary and treasurer, and in the same year a vestryman of St. Peter's Church and clerk of the parish. Samuel Shepard Dennis Banker and Railroad Director Residence — Miller Road, Morristown, N. J. Business address — 766 and 768 Broad Street, Newark, N. J. Permanent address — Care Howard Savings Institution, Newark, N. J. Born September 11, 1852, in Newark, N. J., the son of Alfred L. and Eliza Shepard Dennis. He prepared at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., and left college in Sophomore year, because of impaired health. NON-GRADUATES 255 He was married April 15, 1884, in New York City, to Miss Eliza Thomas, daughter of Richard S. Thomas, a lawyer of Chicago, 111. They have three children: Helen Eliza, born in Morristown, N. J., June 27, 1885. James Shepard, 2d, born in Orange, N. J., October 26, 1887. Dorothy, born in Orange, N. J., September 8, 1891. Since leaving college Dennis has lived in Morristown, N. J.; Orange, N.J. ; Buxton, Derbyshire, England; Lakewood, N. J. ; and New York City. Immediately after leaving college he traveled extensively in Europe, visiting also Asia and Africa, and on his return to this country with restored health, he entered the hardware firm of Gifford & Beach, Park Place, New York City, who were at that time engaged in an extensive business. After a few successful years in this connection he retired, in order to give time and attention to aiding his father in the many details of important business operations, and was thus occupied for a period of about twelve years. Since his father's death much of his time has been given to the cares and responsibilities incidental to the management of the estate of the latter, who had large railroad interests. In the meantime other important interests of a personal character claimed his attention, and his services have been sought by large financial institutions and by railroad corporations, in all of which he has taken an active and responsible part. He was elected a director of the United Railroads of New Jersey and has been made a member of the executive committee of the board, and is now its vice-president. He is also on the board of directors of the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Company, of the Pennsylvania system, and of the Naugatuck Rail- 256 BIOGRAPHIES road, identified with the New York, New Haven & Hartford system, and of the Chicago Junction Railways, and Union Stock Yards Company. Dennis has been for several years one of the managers and the first vice-president of the Howard Savings Insti- tution of Newark, N. J., and was recently elected to the presidency. He is at present the senior in service on the board of directors of the National Newark Bank- ing Company, founded in 1804, the oldest bank in the state, with which father and son have been connected for over forty years. He is also a director of the American Insurance Company of Newark, and the Morristown Trust Company of Morristown, N. J., where he lives, and one of the trustees of the Syrian Protestant College of Beirut, Syria, the most prominent and progressive educational institution of Western Asia. He is a member of the advisory board of the Newark Exchange for Women's Work, and the Female Charitable Society of Newark. He has a membership in the Washington Association at Morristown; the New Jersey Historical Society; the New York Chamber of Commerce; the Society of the Cincinnati ; the Morristown Golf Club ; the Dennis SAMUEL SHEPARD DENNIS NON-GRADUATES 257 Library of Newton, N. J. ; the Essex Club of Newark, and the Century, Union, and Down Town clubs of New York City. Dennis has spent about six or eight years of his life in traveling all over the world, alone and with his family. His favorite recreations are lawn tennis, horseback riding, and collecting valuable manuscripts and autograph letters, of which he has a very choice collection. Charles Joseph Harris Manufacturer Address — Dillsboro, N. C. Born September 11, 1853, in Putnam, Conn., the son of William Harris, a farmer, and Zilpah (Torrey) Harris. Three brothers attended Yale: William Torrey Harris, '58; Edward M. Harris, M.D., ex-'68 M. ; and David H. Harris, ex-"7Q M. He prepared for college at the Providence (R. I.) High School. He was married to Miss Florence M. Rust. Two sons attended Yale: David Rust, ex- '05, born October 21, 1882, in Denver, Colo. Robert Ward, ex-'OS, born September 27, 1886, in Denver, Colo. Harris writes: "Graduated from the St. Louis Law School in 1876. Never practiced much, found it too slow. Lived in Colorado mostly from 1876 to 1889. Member of the Colorado legislature in 1886. Largely interested in lands and irrigation near Denver. "Removed to Dillsboro, N. C, in 1889 and estab- lished the Harris Kaolin Company, which has been the 258 BIOGRAPHIES largest producer of standard china clay in the United States, having mines in five different countries. Built the C. J. Harris Tannery in 1902, a strong and flourish- ing institution. The Harris Woodbury Lumber Com- pany owns 50,000 acres of the best virgin timber lands in Western North Carolina. The Harris Granite Quarries Company is in Salisbury, N. C. Am presi- dent of the Jackson County Bank and director in many banks and insurance companies. Am glad to say have the reputation of having done much to develop the industries of North Carolina. I was appointed by President McKinley a member of the United States Industrial Commission in 1898 and served about four years. Republican candidate for governor in 1904; delegate to National Republican Conventions since CHARLES JOSEPH HARRIS XOX-GRADUATES 259 1892. Member of the Ashville Club, University Club of Xew York City and Metropolitan Club of Wash- ington, D. C. Have worked hard, played hard and am ready to rest." Thomas Rochester Shepard Lawyer Address — Valdez, Alaska Born July 81, 1852, in Dansville, N. Y., the son of Charles and Katherine (Rochester) Shepard. He prepared at Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass. He was married October 14, 1879, in Dansville, N. Y., to Miss Caroline Elizabeth MacCartney (died December 9, 1893), daughter of Hugh MacCartney, a farmer, formerly of Dansville, N. Y. (died 1906). They had one son: Arthur MacCartney, Yale '09, born in Milwaukee, Wis., July 18, 1886. He was married a second time, September 28, 1898, to Miss Agnes Wildes Bowen, daughter of Franklin H. Bowen, a banker, formerly of Philadelphia, Pa., died in 1890 in Tacoma, Wash., where the family then resided. They have had four children, all born in Seattle, W 7 ash.: Thomas Rochester, Jr., born August 8, 1899, died May, 1901. Charles, born November 9, 1900. Franklin Bowen, born November 2, 1902, died October, 1903. Wildes Bowen, born August, 1905, died December, 1905. Shepard writes: "After leaving Yale in April, 1871, I followed civil engineering (railroad location and construction work) from August, 1871, until Xovember, 1874. I then studied law at Fond du Lac, Wis., in the office of my brother, Charles E. Shepard, Yale '70, and was there admitted to the bar on February 21, 1876, since which 260 BIOGRAPHIES date I have been continuously engaged in the practice of the law, as follows: From March 1, 1876, until September, 1881, at Fond du Lac, Wis., in the firm of Shepard & Shepard; from September, 1881, until April, 1889, at Milwaukee, Wis., in the firms of Davis, Riess & Shepard and Shepard & Shepard ; from April, 1889, until October, 1906, at Seattle, Wash., individually until June 6, 1889; in the firm of Shepard & Lyon, thence until December 1, 1889; in the firm of Shepard, Shepard & Lyon, thence until November 1, 1890; in the firm of Burke, THOMAS ROCHESTER SHEPARD Shepard & Woods, thence until December 31, 1895 ; in the firm of Burke, Shepard & McGilvra, thence until October 1, 1903; individually, thence until December 1, 1904; in the firm of Shepard & Bailey, thence until October 1, 1906; at Nome, Alaska, individually, from October 1, 1906, until November 1, 1909; and at Seattle, Wash., from November 1, 1909, until this time, in the firm of Shepard & Daly, which still exists. "I am still a member of the Washington State Bar Association, the National Geographic Society of Washington, D. C, the Sons of the Revolution (State of Washington chapter), the Arctic Brotherhood of NON-GRADUATES 261 Alaska, the Arctic Club of Seattle, and a life member of the Seattle Athletic Club. "My favorite recreation is walking, next to that swimming, next to that a gentleman's game of poker, with a small ante and table stakes. I also enjoy the games of solo and chess." In reply to a recent blank, he writes to the Secretary: "Your letter of December 19, asking for my personal contribution to '74's Class History, was addressed to me at Nome, Alaska, where I was in practice, when we met at New Haven two years ago, but I have since returned to my old base of operations, Seattle, as you see. So your letter, forwarded from Nome by Uncle Sam's mail-carrying dog teams over the ice for 1100 miles and then by sea for 1500 more, has but just reached my hand. Inclosed is the blank you sent me — filled out, I fear, too much in detail for so undistin- guished a person as I am, but detail was what the blank cried out for. "I am intensely desirous of attending next year's Reunion. If I'm not on hand, kindly remember me to any of the fellows who may recall me. At all events, I shall be in New Haven again in 1923, when my other boy, now ten years old, will graduate there, and at that time I will have another handshake with you." In June, 1911, the Class Secretary had the pleasure of renewing his acquaintance with Shepard in Seattle and of being hospitably entertained by him in his house on Lake Washington. Shepard was then giving up his office in Seattle and starting again for Alaska, where he resumed the practice of the law. He holds the 262 BIOGRAPHIES office of United States Court Commissioner and lives in Valdez. Among his writings are: (With Charles E. Shepard, Yale '70) Shepard's digest of Wisconsin reports. January, 1884; Placer Mining Law in Alaska. Yale Law Jrl., May, 1909; Sundry letters and other contributions to newspapers from time to time; "Sundry editorial articles in the Seattle Daily News, of which I was the principal owner for about thirty months next preceding its untimely demise in October, 1907, — since which demise I am 'broke' ; " "Large sheaf of indifferent verse, for the most part unpublished." STATISTICAL SUMMARIES ROLL OF THE CLASS STATISTICAL SUMMARIES For Graduates Only Marriages and Births [An asterisk indicates decease in this summary as throughout this volume. Children whose sex is unreported are included in parenthesis in the "boys column."] Name Date of Marriage Children Boys Girls Adams Aldis September, 1892 December 18, 1878 *1 2 Beaver December 14, 1892 1 2 Benton Blodgett May 29, 1899 June 6, 1878 2 1 Bowers June 1, 1882 2 Bradstreet December 25, 1875 1 1 *1 Brady Bristol October 20, 1887 June 27, 1904 3 2 G. S. Brown October 11, 1876 1 G. V. Bushnell December 26, 1878 1 1 *1 S. C. Bushnell October 14, 1880 1 1 Bussing Butler April 26, 1904 October 25, 1877 3 Campbell ^Chittenden February 8, 1888 October 11, 1877 1 2 2 *1 Cline *Curtis Cuyler ^Dewing *Dickerman February 4, 1880 April 27, 1882 May 3, 1881 October 12, 1875 October 14, 1885 4 1 1 1 3 4 Dimock *Dodge Dunning * Evans July 5, 1881 October 9, 1875 October 11, 1888 June 6, 1899 2 4 *1 1 2 2 Farnam June 6, 1890 1 *1 2 *1 266 STATISTICAL SUMMARIES i Children Name Date of Marriage Boys Girls Fell 1878 •l 1 F. W. Foster February 2, 1882 1 *W. Foster August 4, 1885 Frissell November 8, 1883 1 *Grover November 30, 1881 1 *2 Gunn October 25, 1882 *1 1 Halsted June 4, 1890 Harrison July 27, 1882 *1 3 Hatch August 18, 1883 Hedges June 8, 1880 Henderson October 14, 1886 Heron February 5, 1884 2 2 Holbrook October 30, 1884 2 2 Howe February 16, 1876 1 2 Ingersoll October 10, 1899 1 James September 21, 1891 1 1 Joy (2d.) October, 1879 May 11, 1895 Kelly June 24, 1886 •1 Kennedy December 31, 1877 1 Latimer August 15, 1878 *1 Leal January 30, 1879 1 1 (2d.) April 3, 1893 1 Leighton July 26, 1875 1 *2 1 *2 Leland October 9, 1878 1 Lyon (2d.) September 18, 1878 July 16, 1907 2 *Marsh April 24, 1878 1 *Mendell May 1, 1879 1 2 Minor (2d.) June 17, 1884 April 7, 1904 3 Morris January 2, 1879 1 *1 2 Munroe February 3, 1881 1 Nevin October 14, 1875 1 1 *01msted October 13, 1882 2 1 Piatt January 5, 1887 3 *1 1 *1 Porter February 13, 1877 3 STATISTICAL SUMMARIES 267 Children Name Date of Marriage Boys Girls Reading June 11, 1879 (2d.) June 15, 1898 1 Reid February 16, 1876 2 4 E. D. Robbins February 12, 1908 1 1 H. S. Robbins December 12, 1883 4 Rouse June 18, 1879 1 1 Sayles October 5, 1878 1 *1 3 *1 *Sayre February 23, 1881 1 2 *1 Scudder May 10, 1877 2 Sellers April 25, 1878 1 (2d.) June 18, 1889 2 Sherman October 19, 1887 1 Spaulding December 31, 1874 1 *Stapler November 10, 1880 3 1 Starkweather November 8, 1882 1 Stearns November 26, 1877 3 Stimson September 1, 1874 1 *1 Stokes (2d.) January 5, 1895 February 11, 1911 1 A. E. Stone August 25, 1879 (*1) ^Swallow October 15, 1881 Swan April 17, 1901 Tenney June 15, 1887 4 2 *1 Thacher June 1, 1904 1 Townsend November 15, 1882 4 2 VanHorn December 22, 1881 *1 Walden (2d.) December 21, 1882 June 5, 1911 Walker January 18, 1888 2 *1 Wallace March 6, 1885 Washburn July 21, 1880 (•I) 1 Waterman February 12, 1878 2 Wells December 22, 1890 1 1 *Whiting October 12, 1875 Whittemore December 14, 1876 *1 2 Wickes December 19, 1878 1 1 (2d.) May 30, 1901 1 268 STATISTICAL SUMMARIES Children Name Date of Marriage Boys Girls Wilcox January 17, 1878 1 (2d.) November 20, 1883 1 * Wills on May 4, 1881 1 1 Witherbee April 25, 1883 *1 1 *1 Wood September 15, 1880 Zacher May 18, 1881 1 2 86*16 100*15 (*2) Total sons deceased Total daughters deceased Total children sex unreported deceased 102 115 16 15 Total children born Total children deceased 219 33 Members of the Class married Members of the Class unmarried 96 28 Total graduates Living members of Class unmarried 124 14 STATISTICAL SUMMARIES 269 Yale Sons of Members of '74 Following is a list of the sons of members of the Class who have graduated or are attending Yale University. The year of the son's Class at Yale and the name of the department follows the name of the son in each case. Hugh Picken Brady, 1914 John Green Brady, Jr., 1916 Edward Dudley Bradstreet, 1901 Samuel Kendall Bushnell, 1914 George Peters Chittenden, 1901 Gerald Chittenden, 1904, 1908 M.A. Edward Ely Curtis, 1910 Edward Jordan Dimock, 1911 George Edward Dimock, Jr., 1912 Marshall Jewell Dodge, 1898 Murray Witherbee Dodge, 1899 Arthur Douglas Dodge, 1903 Geoffrey Dodge, 1909 Sydney Dodd Frissell, 1908 John Brown Heron, Jr., 1910 Walter Sprankle Heron, 1914 S. Edmund Grant Howe, 1906 Chauncey Clark Kennedy, 1904 Clarence Whittlesey Mendell, 1904, 1905 M.A., 1910 Ph.D. William Thomas Minor, 1905 L. Alexander Holley Olmsted, 1904 George Harold Reid, 1901 S. Thomas Pattison Reid, 1911 Henry Bascom Stapler, 1908 James Mulford Townsend, Jr., 1908 John Campbell Townsend, 1910 Edward Howard Townsend, 1912 Sheaf e Walker, 1914 Cameron Beach Waterman, 1901, 1904 L. Ira Davenport Waterman, 1907 Henry Parmelee Wickes, 1900 Ernest Russell Willson, 1906 S. *Lispenard Stewart Witherbee, 1907 Louis Bradstreet Zacher, 1910 Total, 34. 270 STATISTICAL SUMMARIES Occupations Art: — Coffin ......... 1 Education: — Benton, Blodgett, Bouchet, *Curtis, Farnam, Fox, Frissell, *Grover, Kennedy, Kennett, Leal, Leighton, Mor- ris, Peck, *Ragan, (Spaulding), A. E. Stone, Wallace 17 Engineering: — Hartwell, Kelly ..... 2 Farming: — Baldwin, Beaver, G. V. Bushnell, F. W. Foster, Hol- brook, Lyon, VanHorn, Waterman, Wells ... 9 Finance: — Brady, (Cuyler), *Dewing, Dimock, Fell, Hatch, Howe, Ingersoll, Leland, Nevin, *Patten, Stearns, Stokes, ^Williams 13 Journalism and Letters: — *Bininger, *Moseley, Starkweather 3 Law: — Aldis, Barnes, *J. U. Brown, Bussing, Butler, *Chitten- den, Cline, Cuyler, *Dickerman, *Evans, *W. Foster, Gunn, Henderson, Heron, ^Humphrey, *Ives, James, Joy, Latimer, *Marsh, *Melick, Minor, *01msted, Parkin, (*Patten), Piatt, (*Ragan), E. D. Robbins, H. S. Robbins, Sayles, *Sayre, Sellers, Sherman, *Stapler, (Starkweather), Stim- son, G. W. Stone, Swan, Tenney, Thacher, Townsend, Walden, *Weed, Weekes, *Whiting, Wickes, Wilcox, Wood, Zacher ......... 46 Manufacturing: — Adams, G. S. Brown, Kelley, Rouse, Wash- burn, Witherbee ........ 6 Medicine: — Bailey, ^Benedict, Bowers, Bradstreet, Campbell, Halsted, Harrison, Munroe, Reading, *Swallow, Walker, *Willson 12 Mercantile Business: — Bristol, *Dodge, Dunning, Fowler, Jenkins, Whittemore ....... 6 Ministry: — *Bent, S. C. Bushnell, Hedges, *Mendell, Reid, Scudder, Spaulding ....... 7 Transportation: — ^Doughty ...... 1 Unclassified: — Porter ....... 1 Total, 124 STATISTICAL SUMMARIES 271 Distribution of Living Graduates California: — Beaver, G. V. Bushnell, Hartwell, Lyon, Stearns, Swan, Wickes ........ 7 Connecticut: — Baldwin, Bowers, Bradstreet, G. S. Brown, Farnam, Fox, Gunn, Hedges, Howe, Ingersoll, Kennedy, Morris, Munroe, Peck, Reid, E. D. Robbins, Zacher . 17 Georgia: — F. W. Foster ....... 1 Illinois: — Aldis, Harrison, Leighton, Leland, Reading, H. S. Robbins ......... 6 Indiana: — Stimson ........ 1 Kentucky: — Adams ........ 1 Maryland: — Halsted ....... 1 Massachusetts: — Blodgett, S. C. Bushnell, Washburn . 3 Michigan: — Kelly, Rouse, Waterman .... 3 Minnesota: — Benton ....... 1 Missouri: — Bailey, Cline, Joy, Kennett .... 4 Montana: — Wells . . . . . . . . 1 New Hampshire: — Walker ...... 1 New Jersey: — Campbell, Leal, Scudder . . . . 3 New York: — Barnes, Brady, Bristol, Bussing, Dimock, Dun- ning, Fowler, Hatch, James, Jenkins, Kelley, Minor, Munroe, Parkin, Porter, Sayles, Sherman, Spaulding, Starkweather, Stokes, A. E. Stone, Tenney, Thacher, Townsend, Van- Horn, Walden, Wallace, Weekes, Whittemore, Wilcox, Witherbee, Wood 32 Ohio: — Bouchet, Henderson, Latimer, Piatt, G. W. Stone . 5 Oregon : — Holbrook ........ 1 Pennsylvania: — Coffin, Cuyler, Fell, Heron, Sellers . . 5 Virginia: — Frissell ........ 1 Wisconsin: — Butler ........ 1 Unknown: — Nevin ........ 1 96 ROLL OF THE CLASS Graduates Thomas Means Adams, Ashland, Ky. Owen Franklin Aldis, Care Aldis & Company, 217 Monadnock Building, Chicago, 111.; residences, 120 Bellevue Place, Chicago, 111., and 134-7 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, D. C. William Lathrop Bailey, Nevada, Mo. Henry Baldwin, South Canterbury, Conn. Pearce Barnes, 1 West Fifty-fourth Street, New York City. George Lincoln Beaver, 661 Gilman Street, Palo Alto, Calif. *George Willis Benedict *Died 1907. *Thomas Armstrong Bent *Died 1876. Prof. Charles William Benton, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.; residence, 516 Ninth Avenue^ S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. *William Burger Bininger *Died 1908. Samuel Fairbank Blodgett, High School, South Framingham, Mass. ; residence, A Thurber Street, South Framingham, Mass. Edward Alexander Bouchet, residence, 837 Third Avenue, Galli- polis, Ohio; permanent address, 94 Bradley Street, New Haven, Conn. Dr. William Cutler Bowers, 336 State Street, Bridgeport, Conn. Dr. Edward Thomas Bradstreet, 170 Colony Street, Meriden, Conn. Hon. John Green Brady, 530 West 122d Street, New York City. Henry Dayton Bristol, 123 East Twenty-seventh Street, New York City. George Selah Brown, 50 Cedar Street, New Britain, Conn. * Joseph Unangst Brown *Died 1899. George Vanderburgh Bushnell, Monrovia, Calif. Rev. Samuel Clarke Bushnell, 11 Maple Street, Arlington, Mass. Robert Speir Bussing, 26 Court Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.; residence, 20 Garden Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. ROLL OF THE CLASS 273 John Ammi Butler, Wells Building, Milwaukee, Wis. ; residence, Crooked-Lake-Farm, Oconomowoc, Wis. Dr. Wellington Campbell, Short Hills, N. J. ^Horace Hatch Chittenden *Died 1909. Frederick Addison Cline, Security Building, St. Louis, Mo. ; residence, 4321 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. William Anderson Coffin, Lotus Club, New York City, and Box 3, Jennerstown, Pa. *Edward Lewis Curtis *Died 1911. Thomas DeWitt Cuyler, Arcade Building, Philadelphia, Pa.; residence, Haverford, Pa. *Clark Dewing *Died 1895. *George Lewis Dickerman *Died 1909. George Edward Dimock, 2 Wall Street, New York City; residence, 907 North Broad Street, Elizabeth, N. J. *Arthur Murray Dodge *Died 1896. *George Fingland Doughty *Died 1882. Jacob Abramse Robertson Dunning, 141 Broadway, New York City; residence, 97 Heywood Avenue, Orange, N. J. *Thomas Grier Evans *Died 1905. Prof. Henry Walcott Farnam, 43 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven, Conn. Walter Penrose Fell, Care Fell & Nicholson, Land Title Building, Philadelphia, Pa.; residence, Riverton, N. J. Frank Wade Foster, Buckhead, Ga. *William Foster *Died 1898. Herbert Greene Fowler, 1 West Thirty-fourth Street, New York City. George Levi Fox, 7 College Street, New Haven, Conn. Rev. Hollis Burke Frissell, Hampton, Va. *Thomas Williams Grover *Died 1893. Hon. George Miles Gunn, 179 Church Street, New Haven, Conn.; residence, Milford, Conn. Prof. William Stewart Halsted, 1201 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Md. Dr. Wallace Kasson Harrison, 1604 Masonic Temple, Chicago, 111.; residence, 1244 North State Street, Chicago, 111. Charles Sidney Hartwell, Care the Oil & Metals Leasing Company, Banning, Calif. 274 ROLL OF THE CLASS Henry Prescott Hatch, 71 Broadway, New York City; residence, 124 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Rev. William Hedges, Care Samuel O. Hedges, Bridge Hampton, Long Island, N. Y. ; residence, Colebrook, Conn. William Olin Henderson, 613-618 New First National Bank Building, Columbus, Ohio; residence, 50 South Third Street, Columbus, Ohio. John Brown Heron, Jr., South Linden Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. DeWitt Clinton Holbrook, R. F. D. 1, Freewater, Ore. Daniel Robinson Howe, Box 708, Hartford, Conn.; residence, 1008 Asylum Street, Hartford, Conn. *Charles Edward Humphrey *Died 1881. Francis Gregory Ingersoll, East Haddam, Conn. *Charles Ives *Died 1883. Henry Ammon James, 30 Broad Street, New York City; residence, 20 West Twelfth Street, New York City. Frank Jenkins, 1 Broadway, New York City; residence, The Ansonia, Seventv-fourth Street and Broadwav, New York City. Hon. Charles Frederick Joy, 126 City Hall, St. Louis, Mo.; residence, 4954 Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. Robert Weekes Kelley, 26 Beaver Street, New York City; residence, 1 West Fifty-fourth Street, New York City. William Kelly, Vulcan, Mich. David Andrew Kennedy, 245 Dwight Street, New Haven, Conn. Alfred Quinton Kennett, 5099 Waterman Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. ; mail address, Care Brown, Shipley & Company, 123 Pall Mall, London, England. Everton Judson Latimer, 6907 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. John Leal, 949 Central Avenue, Plainfield, N. J. Theodore Frelinghuysen Leighton, Hyde Park High School, Chicago, 111.; residence, 3716 Lake Avenue, Chicago, 111. Lorenzo Leland, Care First National Bank, Ottawa, 111. Eldridge Merick Lyon, 25 Summit Avenue, Redlands, Calif. * Valentine Marsh *Died 1902. *Leoni Melick *Died 1908. *Ellis Mendell *Died 1903. Hon. Charles William Minor, 104 West Forty-second Street, New York City; residence, 249 West Seventy-sixth Street, New York City. ROLL OF THE CLASS 275 Prof. Edward Parmelee Morris, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.; residence, 53 Edgehill Road, New Haven, Conn. ^Gilbert Gates Moseley *Died 1908. Dr. George Edmund Munroe, 126 Madison Avenue, New York City. Alexander Brown Nevin *Francis Howard Olmsted *Died 1886. William Parkin, Room 135 Post Office Building, New York City; residence, 49 Fifth Avenue, New York City. *Franklin Wells Patten *Died 1890. John Wesley Peck, 23 Elizabeth Street, Derby, Conn. Rutherford Hayes Piatt, 13!/2 East State Street, Columbus, Ohio; residence, 414 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio. Hon. Peter Augustus Porter, Niagara Falls, N. Y. *Henry Harger Ragan *Died 1895. Prof. Edgar Mead Reading, 6416 Monroe Avenue, Chicago, 111. Rev. George Darius Reid, 510 Howe Avenue, Shelton, Conn. Hon. Edward Denmore Robbins, Care New York, New Haven & Hartford Railway Company, New Haven, Conn.; residence, 408 St. Ronan Street, New Haven, Conn. Henry Spencer Robbins, Home Insurance Building, Chicago, 111. ; residence, (summer) Lake Forest, 111. Edwin Forrest Rouse, Omer, Mich.; residence, 1222 Broadway, Bay City, Mich. Whipple Owen Sayles, P. O. Box 1717, and 27 William Street, New York City; residence, East Orange, N. J. *Moses Mcllvain Sayre *Died 1901. Rev. John Lewis Scudder, 117 Bentley Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. James Cadwalader Sellers, 407 Franklin Building, Philadelphia, Pa.; residence, 14 West Chestnut Street, West Chester, Pa. Thomas Townsend Sherman, 60 Wall Street, New York City; residence, Rye, Westchester County, N. Y. Rev. Wayland Spaulding, Gerard Apartments, 527 W r est 121st Street, New York City. *Henry Beidelman Bascom Stapler *Died 1906. Chauncey Clark Starkweather, Care Yale Club, 30 West Forty- fourth Street, New York City. George Milton Stearns, Palace Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif. 276 ROLL OF THE CLASS Robert Brown Stimson, 1003 South Third Street, Terre Haute, Ind. William Earl Dodge Stokes, The Ansonia, Broadway and Seventy-third Street, New York City. Ambrose Everett Stone, 316 West Fifty-sixth Street, New York City; permanent address, Goshen, Mass. George Woodward Stone, 122 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio; residence, Hosea and Oxford Terrace, Cincinnati, Ohio. *Edward Emerson Swallow *Died 1887. Charles Lasselle Swan, Santa Barbara, Calif. Levi Sanderson Tenney, 27 William Street, New York City; residence, 66 Plymouth Street, Montclair, N. J. Alfred Beaumont Thacher, 62 Cedar Street, New York City; residence, 486 Scotland Road, South Orange, N. J. James Mulford Townsend, 165 Broadway, New York City; residence, 535 Park Avenue, New York City. Burt VanHorn, The Dakota, 1 West Seventy-second Street, New York City, and Niagara Falls, N. Y. Russell Walden, 80 Broadway, New York City; residence, 40 Cambridge Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Dr. Charles Rumford Walker, 18 Park Street, Concord, N. H. Cornelius Royal Wallace, Tuckahoe, N. Y. William Nelson Washburn, Erving, Mass. ; residence, 3 Franklin Street, Greenfield, Mass. Cameron Davenport Waterman, 125 Lafayette Avenue, Detroit, Mich. *Harvey Weed ■ *Died 1892. Henry deForest Weekes, 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City; residence, Oyster Bay, Nassau County, N. Y. Ralph Wells, Craig, Mont. *John Bowen Whiting *Died 1895. Arthur Dexter Whittemore, 10 Howard Avenue, Utica, N. Y. Thomas Parmelee Wickes, 68 Post Street, San Francisco, Calif.; permanent address, care H. D. Newhouse, Kohl Building, San Francisco, Calif. Ansley Wilcox, 684 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N. Y. ; residence, 641 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. *Roderic Williams *Died 1911. ROLL OF THE CLASS 277 *Jared Wilson *Died 1889. Frank Spencer Witherbee, 2 Rector Street, New York City; residence, Port Henry, N. Y., and 4> Fifth Avenue, New York City. John Seymour Wood, 20 Broad Street, New York City; residence, 131 East Nineteenth Street, New York City. Hon. Edmund Zacher, 219 Exchange Building, New Haven, Conn. ; residence, Branford, Conn. Total graduates, 124. Living, 95. Deceased, 29. Non-Graduates Included in this Record Edward Williamson Andrews, Seattle, Wash.; residence, 1206 University Street, Seattle, Wash. William Porter Beardsley, 102 South Street, Auburn, N. Y. Samuel Shepard Dennis, 766 and 768 Broad Street, Newark, N. J.; residence, Miller Road, Morristown, N. J. Charles Joseph Harris, Dillsboro, N. C. Thomas Rochester Shepard, Valdez, Alaska. L 19 2^ * u JA+. i" ON ILL ■