THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES A SIMPLIFICATION OF PITMANIC SHORTHAND A new Manual entitled "COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORT- HAND." Copyright 1903. Contains 191 pages, of which 94 are full- page engravings. A complete Shorthand Course for the Beginner. An excellent textbook in every way. Better for both teacher and student. Each line of shorthand has its key opposite on the previous page. Every principle is so well illustrated, so simple and uniform that no formal rules are needed. No multitude of exceptions to worry the student. No confusing word-signs and tangled principles to be prac- ticed. No new Vowel Arrangement to be learned. The order of vowels as everybody knows them, a e i o u, is at once applied. No swinging of stems in making R and L hooks, as all R hooks ar-e uniformly made small (keeping their former place on straight stems), and all L hocks are uniformly made large, but on same side as R hooks, thus avoiding a great deal of confusion. This entire uniformity is very valuable. Greater speed is obtained in writing and in less than half the time it takes by other systems. It is read more easily and correctly. The lessons are original, very practical, and nicely graded to encourage the student. Beginners become interested in the study at once. Students do not give it up in discouragement. Once learned, it is easily retained. It embodies the greatest advance in shorthand since 1840. Much valuable time is saved for the student, as he can begin position writing and reading (page 7) immediately after the Introduction. Beginning with page 14, easy phrases are constantly applied throughout the book so that the student is accus- tomed to their use on completion of the course, as experience has shown that students do not take kindly to phrasing unless introduced early and applied frequently. Vowel Marks are introduced later (page 29) as helps to the student, not as a new study to retard his progress. Not for general application in the future, but only for such occasional discriminate use that will put the student at once on his guard to make his shorthand notes legible. The words your, which, much, &c., are classed as abbreviations, and the student is occasionally shown where he can abbreviate to advantage. Price $1.25. Discount to Schools and the Trade. Francis J. Stein, Author and Publisher. Address: 3 1st and Cumberland Streets, Philadelphia. COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. A SIMPLIFIED SYSTEM OF PITMAN PHONOGRAPHY BY FRANCIS J. STEIN. PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR. Copyright, 1903, by FRANCIS J. STEIN, Philadelphia. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE. 4. The Consonant Alphabet. 5. Introduction. 6. Straight Line Words. 10. S and Z. 12. Ses and Th. 14. A and The. 16. Curved Line Words. 18. As and Is. 22. Additional Words. 28. Vowels. 34. N and TION Hooks. 36. F and V Hooks. 40. H, W and Wh. 44. Word Signs. 46. Abbreviations. 50. Table of L and R Hooks. 52. R Hook on Straight Lines. 60. L " 72. R " " Curved Lines. 80. L " " 86. Review of Abbreviations. 88. Triple Consonants. 94- Ing. 102. Ings. PAGE. 104. Ing the. 106. " a. 108. Halving. 126. Doubling. 132. Mp and Mb. 134. Mpr, Mbr, Nkr and Ngr. 136. Triple Lengths. 142. Ses. 144. Loop St and Sd. 148. " Str. 150. Phrasing Drill. 164. Prefix Com. 1 66. " Con. 168. Other Prefixes. 174. Kw, etc. 176. S tion. 182. Business Letters. 184. Names of Places. 186. " Persons, etc. 188. Intersections, etc. 190. Double Vowels. Phrases : Pages 14, 18, 26, 36, 42, 44, 46, 58, 66, 88, 104, 106, 116, 118, 136, 150, 152, 170, 188, 190. 448396 v I I t d ch j (^downwar.1) V \g sH zK mp ') ') -.- INTRODUCTION. The Consonants form the framework of Shorthand Writing. The Vowels are generally omitted, but are indicated by the posi- tion of the Consonants. There are three kinds of positions used for Shorthand Writing : i, above ; 2, on, and 3, through (or under) the Writing Line. Then by dividing the Vowels a e i o u into three sections, we can indicate a certain section by each of the three positions, thus : O U In the last section we include the diphthongs oi and ou. First Position of Consonants (above the line) therefore indi- cates some sound of the vowel a. Second Position of Consonants (on the line) indicates some sound of e or i. Words like by, my, why, fly, etc., are written in second position because the y has the sound of i. Third Position of Consonants (through or under the line) in- dicates some sound of o or u, including the diphthongs oi and ou. Words like few, new, etc., are written in third position because the ew has the sound of u. The Consonants R and S have each two shoithand signs, for convenience. Sometimes one form is more useful, sometimes the other. The signs for CH and J, and the straight form of R are derived from the small u in slanted handwriting. From the upward stroke we derive the straight r, and from the downward stroke we derive the ch and j. The other Consonant signs are derived from four circles divided into quarters as on the opposite page. C in cap, come, etc., is written as k in shorthand. C in face, ice, etc., is written as s. X is a double letter, and is represented by ks or gz. The straight form of r should always be written upwards ; 1 is generally written upwards, and sh is written upwards in a few instances. All silent consonants are omitted in shorthand. COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. T & D. 1. at it out day do P & B. 2. pay up be by buy EXPRESSIONS. 3- Do it. Pay it. Pay out. By day. 4- Do pay it. Do pay out. Pay by day. K & a. 5- Take took keep copy back pick 6. bag beg big tag dig go EXPRESSIONS. 7- Take it up. Keep it up. Copy it. 8. Take it back. Keep at it. Take copy. 9- Pay it back. Pick it out. Took it up. 10. Go back by day. Dig up. Go out. ii. Tag it. Day by day. Go up. Take bag. \ V X L v \ L J_ \L \ / \ r L COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. Ch, J & R. 1. catch attach teach touch cheap check age edge 2. judge job are or our wrap ripe 3. reach rich urge ready carry outer power EXPRESSIONS. 4. Attach it. Touch it. Pay by check. Attach copy. 5. Take job. Keep it ready. Buy 'cheap. Keep copy. 6. Keep our check. Judge by it. Reach it. 7. Or carry out. Or do it. Or check it. 8. Catch up. Take power. Be ready. Do urge. 9. Take our copy. Keep our job. Took job. Review. 10. copy go up power out touch took outer do judge job 11. or our urge pick be by buy beg big it teach 12. dig cheap check edge reach rich ready ripe keep carry catch 13. pay bag back at attach take tag day age are wrap \ / I / . 1 V \ L_ 10 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. s& z. 1. as say says ask pays space days attaches raise carries 2. case asks takes tags is see sees piece its reduce 3. desire desk dispose reaches desires receipt receipts desks discuss 4. disguise digs begs six guess keeps so us copies 5. pose suppose does choose touches judges ours succeed goes 6. ease easier seize seizes size sizes busy use uses 7. (Expressions.) Picks it up. Goes back by day. Goes out. 8. See our desks. Says it goes up. Ask its use. 9. Carries it out. Attaches our copy. See it go out. 10. Discuss it. Disguise it. Are so big. Are so busy. 11. Keeps us back. Begs us take it. Ours are ready. 12. Takes us days. Reaches us. Desires us. Our desire. 13. Use big tags. Use big size. Judge its use. 14. Took our receipt. look receipts back. Reach us easier. 15. Use our tags. Use our desks. Discuss its uses. ) 3 1_\\ I j 12 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. Ses. 1. case cases guess guesses exist exists 2. exercise resist resists reduce reduces success 3- discuss discusses disguise disguises dispose disposes 4. pass passes space spaces piece pieces 5- possess pose suppose supposes choose, chooses Th. 6. they thee though this those bathe 7- bath path thick earth teeth tooth EXPRESSIONS. 8. Take our cases. They are ready. 9. They see it by our success. 10. They resist its use. It reduces its power, n. They possess our copy. They use big pieces. 12. They are back at six. They took it up. 13- This goes easier. Take those copies. 13 /f /I a ,1 _ o L O J I X X. 4 L c/ \ .( / I /i, i \S 11 V (/ \ XT 14 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. A & The. 1. They take a copy. They see a use. 2. " " the " " " the " 3. (Joined) " " a " " " a " 4. " " " the " " " the " Phrases. 5. At a, see a, sees a, reach a, reaches a, do a, does a. 6. At the, see the, sees the, reach the, reaches the, do the, does the. 7. Pay a, pass a, passes a, be a, by a, buy a, suppose a, possess a. 8. Pay the, pass the, passes the, be the, by the, buy the, suppose the, possess the. 9. Take a, takes a, go a, goes a, desire a, desires a. 10. Take the, takes the, go the, goes the, desire the, desires the. EXPRESSIONS. 11. They take the cases. They took a receipt. They see the use. 12. It takes a day. It takes us a day. It took a day. 13. Do they use the desk ? Do they desire a copy ? 15 L_ L_ / _L. Z ( 1 } I I 1 / i t- S \ \ X u J^ U t I /I L t L/ - ( \ COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. F & V. 1. face faces faith 2. vase advice advices n & rip. five receive receives 3. am same came make tame 4- camp damp miss dismiss time N & Ng. 5- any name many in on 6. bank sank ink sink sunk Sh. 7. shape cash ship shop push Y. 8. yes young yoke youth . ( abbreviation )your W & downward R. 9. way wash wake week woke 10. arm room far fire 17 L I i U U U I V 18 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. L. 1. all also lamp sample simple 2. yellow like lump long low As & Is. 3. It is as long as the desk. 4. (Joined) Phrases. 5. Is it, it is, it is a, it is the, this is, this is a, this is the, same as the. 6. As far as, as many as, as the, as a, they are, as they are, if it is, as busy as, as long as. EXPRESSIONS. 7. This is the easier way. This is a long way. 8. It took us five days on this job. 9. As it is time. As it takes some time. 10. If it is our make. They take a long time. 11. This is all. This is ready. This is a sample. 12. It is our desire. As far as they took it up. n /^- JU 19 L L I- (X V 1 (. . 1 / L U / ' 1 / A 20 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. Review. Any day. Make it any day this week. 2. In a day. In the day time. At some time. 3. In a week. Be ready this week. It is ready. 4. Ship it any day this week. At any time. 5. If it is your desire. Receive your check this week. 6. Receive all. Go as far as. Are the same as yours. 7. It is a long time. If they are like sample. 8. It takes all our time. As far as they desire it. 9. On receipt. On the same case. On the same day. 10. If it reaches us on the same day. If they use it. 11. On your success. This is as long as your desk. 12. As our sample. Receive it some time this week. 13. Pick out a sample. On our advice. Advises us. 14. In bank. On any bank. At our bank. 15. It takes many days. They make it in this way. 16. Keep it so long. Our lamps are so simple. C \ A ( \_l i XI / ' c K/X. A. U/V (X T^ 7 ..V x/ \ L C 7 171, ,/ 22 COLLEGE COURSE 01- SHORTHAND. 1. Additional Words, ate eat add aid die died dyed due duty 2. pipes petty pity putty, bay body beauty 3. dab tap tip deep dip top tub tube 4. ache key oak cue cake kick cook 5. coke tack tick deck dock docks duck 6. pack peck poke book cap cab cope cup 7. gay egg gig keg cog ago 8. gap peg pig bog bug tug dog dug 9. jay jack chalk cage gauge pages patches batch 10. arches racks tarries Saturday air ear ridges reap rip 11. ribs peaches pitch ditch (exception)each (abbrev.) which etch chip cherry 12. chew (ab)much chop choke chuck joy joke jug coaches 13. couches pouch botch budge dodges rocks rugs ruddy 14. oar oars hour hours ropes robs robes rub 15. sacks sake casks cakes ax Sches 16. seek sick sixty sixes tax taxes axis j I ILL v \ L_ l_l_ / U Z_ -TJ-Z 7 -A-f- --/ -. v v i .; > > ) 4 14 o X / X / N L, LD 24 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. (Addl. words ; continued) an and assay assets acid assign assigns shakes shadows shave rash dash 2. mass masses mask mason aim may (exceptions )me my 3. matches marries caustic calm game sagacious sagacity gazette 4. sang rank sanitary sandy knack annex answer arrange 5. satisfy fair fame famous safe save fasten facility ails lays lack 6. lakes lax lags lame lamb lap layers lashes 7. latch lath lathe laugh balm palm jamb James 8. essay essence sea seas sheath sheathe sheep Chicago dish fish miles 9. empties image beam beset besides team deem dim timely Messrs, (ab)him 10. nice inches Cincinnati dynamo necessary incite insight inside 11. fees physiology fix fixes specify vice vices exit excite exceed 12. dispatch disobey dislike excuse ill less lease leases leaks leaf leaves lives 13. device righteous recede reside wreath wrench refusal resume resolve 14. O oh owe sew show shock shower bush bushy push fewer officer money 15. mouth month move comb foam poem dome dumb custody (ab)come 16. unrighteous untie knotty noise noisy Sunday enough knock nuisance 1 V \ V ^ t-r>> U^ rrt \ 'A 26 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. (Atldl. words ; concluded) office offset funny follows vouch voyage Rome roam room pulley possessor 2. low lock look luck log loom lodge love 3. possessive both oath sing song sung wring wrong wrung 4. Phrases. And a, and an, and the, and at the, and at your, and at any, and at my, and as far as, and advise us. 5. And as, and all the, and also, and all my, and this is the, and as this is the, and if it is a, and it is necessary, and as long as, and suppose a. 6. And do a, and does a, and do the, and does the, and judge, and come, and came, and go. 7. (Expressions. ) And as it is time. And if it is our make. And this is a sample. 8. And advise us on receipt. And as far as they are ready. And do the necessary. 9. Advise me in a week. Advise him in a day. 10. Receive an advise. It is my aim. And this is the way they desire it. 11. And they leave us this week. And the time is long enough. 12. It takes him a month. They took it an hour ago. 13. They came an hour ago. Some sizes are as big as an egg. 14. They pay him by check. Your money is ready. 15. They come this week. Do they come in a case ? 16. They owe us five days' pay. It is an oak log. tv \ v \ 27 s. X ; r \ i X> V_ t, h I - - u\ L/i ( K .. ( /V . C -1. I L I \ ^ / 28 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. Vocalizing. aim am may make name came camp 2. damp cab gap catch cage gauge patch batch 3. pay bay obey tape day chase race case gay 4. bake back take tack rake rack cake gas 5. ate at aid add age air ache ax 6. attach tap tag bag pass passes spaces stay 7. ah awe all law lame lamb lamp lack 8. mass masses game calm ash shake shame sham 9. chalk talk walk way away bathe bath path 10. sap sat sad sage sag sake sack ask 11. safe save face vase same sample sang sash 12. peace piece be bee peach beach peak beam 13. feel week weak eat tea teach teeth team 14. deep see sea ease seize cease thee she 15. sheep cheap cheek cheese ear reap wreath ream 16. key keep lease leaf leave leak knees niece 2,9 u S N I I L_ - 7 ZL z: L V^ N f f / \x> V^> X X \ ^L 30 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. peck beg deck desk check etch edge yes 2. earth wreck less else elm sex guess neck 3. pitch petty pity pick big if tip tick 4. ditch dip dig dim dismiss this easy busy 5. chip ship ill live rich ridge rip rib 6. ready risk resist sick six kick exist 7. empty miss simple nick in ink sink 8. I eye ice eyes icy item by buy 9. pipe fire five vice tie time die thy 10. size life like ripe exercise sign nigh nice ir. O oh owe pose both foam . Rome owed 12. oath though those so sew joke show yoke 13. oar row rope robe low loaf oak soak 14. coke cocoa coach cope comb go ago 15. body odd dodge dock top job shop shock 16. fog follow folly sorry rock rob lock log i- /- / / f 31 -v x\ U \ \ I- 6 V 1 32 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. long along copy knock on knotty song mock 2. push bush booth poor pulley boom room fully 3. tooth do took choose look loom move cook 4. few view due sue lieu new beauty duty 5. fuse views dues sues news fume tube duke 6. use uses cue cube up upper putty budge 7. tuck duck dug dumb dump touch tub us 8. judge jump young lung lump luck rub rug 9. urge cup sung sunk toy oil noise power pouch vouch 10. out outer tower ours hours rouse allow lounge couch 11. Useful Vocalizing. apathy affairs atom assignees Iowa annex acme mealy mellow 12. beset bestow ream rim item idea Eugene else envy issue refuse refuses 13. fowl euphonious few fury sue youth eulogy sore sorry new now annoy 14. (Expressions.) Or else reduce its size. It is our idea. 15. If this is your idea. This is the item. Pay the assignees. 16. They may take a few boxes. They envy me. 33 5i ^ V, _) _3 ' L. L 7 10 / i ./ r. x v _ r L . 1 ^u r U ^^L^x- 34 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. N hook, ran rain rainy rains raise race rang (Uon hook) ration rations lawn lane lain yawn 2. lawns laws lace (ab)can cane cans case cause ax sack sake 3. caution occasion auction auctioneer action actions gain again gains gas 4. man main many mansion nation national (ab)examination sanguine sanguinary sanction 5. pan pane pain pains pass pace space passion fawn fan fans fancy face phase 6. fashion fashions faction cabin ban base van vain vein vase vanish avenue (ab)anyone 7. machine (ab)machinery tan sat stay task station stationary stationery ( ab)satisfaction dance days sad said than 8. chain chains chance chase (ab)change changes iron Rhine irons rise sir region residence earthen response 9. reason renew refine revision lean lien line liens lines less lies election selection legion 10. risk keen sex six seek kitchen section (ab)signify signification significance 11. men mean mine men's means mines miss smell seam seem 12. mission mention mix nine nice intimation census sense since 13. pen pin pine pens pins piece spice spy (ab)specification speak spike pension suspense (ab)suspension 14. fin fine fence fines finely finance finish fiction fix fees 15. been bin bean bins beans bees vine vines vice vessel vessels vex 16. win wine windy window Wednesday ten tin tiny set seat seats sit sits sight site cite situation tension ^ V^ V. V \\xv. r r j_j O ^ J> Q. 9 V V. 36 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. den din dine dense dies (ab)dissatisfaction seed deepen edition education dictionary derision 2. invasion innovation division devotion deviation divine thin then thence (except ion) these this seen session sessions science 3. sign signs chin China cheese gin Jenny shine shines shiny run runs 4. urn ruin rose sore sour loan alone lonely loans loss lotion location 5. cone coin socket cushion occupation gone gown gun guns goes 6. moon money smoke motion Monday none known noon noun /. nose knows news notion open upon opens pose spoken option optional 8. Fun funny office fusion bone bony bounce box voice won (ab)one unwritten 9. ton tone tune town tons tones towns toss Tuesday suit done down sudden those thus, yon yeoman 10. song sung son sons sun sunny soon Sunday snow suction zone chosen 11. chose choose origin join joins June John Jonah Jotjes Jonas Johnson Johnston ocean oceans shone shows 12. F or V hook. calf cave calves gave pave (ab) advertisement (ab)advantage advance chaff chafe tariff chief achieve review beef deaf (ab) difference 13. reserve reservation deserve derive river mischief sensitive defence define defeat devote divide devoid disadvantage 14. (ab)give exhaustive cough cuff puff above positive observe observation rough roof tough (ab)govern 15. (Expressions.) Observe the changes. In the meantime. Divide the loss. Keep in reserve. Receive a selection. 16. Can take action. Mention this advertiseni' nt. Phrases. In response, in receipt of, set of, we are in receipt of yours of the i6th. I I l J M i l l i 37 c .) .) ,) '// / ./ /. j V y \ \5 _; v > \\l\\\\i\ \ j J. f C C / / / / _ / / /ZL_/L V \ T c 448396 38 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHOKTHANU. 1. Can they finish a section ? In this week. In this line. 2. On these lines. On those lines. On this motion. In this fashion. 3. Pay this. Pay those. At this. At those. As tin's. As those. Can this. Can those. 4. I am done. I can arrange it now. If it is done at 5. The machine runs easily. Can they see anybody ? They saw nobody. 6. As they sow the seed, so do they reap. Observe the difference in time. 7. It may suit me Monday or Tuesday. Can they lay the sidewalk at once ? 8. Saw the advertisement. Receive your answer. It is necessary. Mention this advertisement. 9. Make an advance. Make no defence. Are they in sight ? 10. If this is the same. Divide the sessions. Devote the time. See it above the roof. 11. When it is done. If this is done. Gone down the river. Gone away. 12. Save time. If by any chance. Are seen. In this one. 13. Make a motion. Deserve success. Refine the spices. Assign the spaces. 14. Can gain time. Took pains in vain. Gone since Monday. 15. Upon receipt. Gave the reason. Run the risk. Change the finish. 16. Advertise the above. Advance the money. Pay in advance. Stay as long as I can. v 17 I \ / I .ilM- .V. / I. '.!/ i U/ ) I . ,/ IY J t T// 40 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. H. li.uv liny ham hammock hawk hack hall haul hail hali" happy happily 2. hair harsh harrow Harry Harrison hearth harness hark hearty hardy harp 3. hat hate haughty hasten hasty hasp hassock ha/y hawser hazardous harm harmless hash hatch 4. he high hem hymn hiccough hexagon heal heel hill health healthy 5. helm hereby herein hereon her hire higher hereof inhale inhalation enhance 6. heap hip heat hit height head heed hid hide hitch hedge hygiene hiss hisses 7. who ho hoe hew hue whom home homeless homes hook hog hogshead 8. howl hull hole whole wholly holy hollow wholesome unwholesome unharmonious unhealthy horse hoarse horrify 9. hurry horizon horrid hustle hush husk house hose hop hope hoop hobby hub hood hot hut huge 10. Upward H. hang haven havoc heavy heave heaven hive Henry hung honey hove n. H omitted, half halves have had has his him how whose houses help behalf behave hear here somehow 12. W. way weigh away sway wane wash watch wages wave wavy wasp walk wake awake 13. wax wagon swallow wary weak week wedge switch wise widen widow win wine 14. windy window Wednesday weary wiry willow wife wives weave sweep weep wipe web 15. wing swing women woman wove woven woe (ab)one won awoke woolly worry 16. Wh. whack why whisp whip whiff whisk whiskey whistle (ab)when 41 ff .\\f f -f f f M /// ) ) f/- w w VXV.I 42 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. Phrases. He has, lie is, as he, has he, as tin-, has the, is he, is the, has been, it has been, has clone, is done. it is done. 2. I had the, I had a, and had the, and had a, I had your, and had they, and had this, I had this, I had been, (ab)l have been. 3. 1 have the, I have a, and have the, and have a, I have your, I have its, I have this, (ab)I have done, I hope you will, I hope you are. 4. (Phrasing drill.) And a, and an, and the, and as, and is, and it is a, and it is the, sees a, reaches the. 5. Pay a, pay the, passes a, passes the, possess the, are the, are they, receive a, receive the. 6. Pay this, at this, in this, on this, does this, and all the, in the, on the, in your, on your. 7. At your, at one, as many as, and as far as, as if it, and if it is, and as long as the, and as they are, and can they. 8. And at the, and if this is the, and also, and came, and give, and come, and go, and advise us, this is done. 9. As soon as it is done, I do, do they, I can, I gave the, I ask, I see, I am, I make. 10. I give, I come, I go, I use, as many as they, as many as it, as long as they, as long as it. 11. (Expressions.) He advises us. He had been here. As the case is now here. 12. Do they know why it is here? And as this half is done. We have the machinery. 13. If it had been necessary. Receive this answer on May 2oth. 14. They have taken the chance. If they help me this week. 15. I hope they can give us some. If it goes up higher. r6. And this is the house. These are the houses. They are in a hurry. f> f> p p 1 1 1 u / ~7 t / ~7T I, . K ) \ / / t V n L^L x^ r "I/// ~ ' ' r v / 1 J l 50 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. R and L hooks. 1. rr kr pr tr chr gr br dr jr 2. rl kl pi tl chl gl bl dl jl 3. Ir mr nr fr thr shr ngr vr vvr thr yr /hr 4. 11 ml nl fl thl shl ngl vl wl thl yl /hi 5. (r and 1 hook words) rare crane crab pray prays praise tray trays trace chair chairs 6. gray grass grace brass brace brave draw draws dray jar jars 7. rear cry cries per press price tree try tries cheer cheers 8. green grease agrees brief bring dress dry dries germ 9. roar cross gross proof produce broom true drew drum juror 10. rail rule class close glass gloss place please plows able bill blue 11. tall tell tool deal dull chill gill Mr. more near nor 12. free three through share shore very either other year leisure 13. ware were wore nail kneel null mail mill bushel 14. fall flee fly flow bevel wall well wheel while wool 15. Please mail to me at once. Do you know the price per bushel ? 16. Will you please give us bill for same? Please ship two tons of rails. "\ 1 7 V ( 7 _ \ 1 / _ 'Xl 7 51 i l / / X 1 / / v x.v 1 1 1 7 / V X 1 1 1 A t-h X 1 1 1 1 77 V ( V V r c e X_ V ^r <>. > -^v 5 X ^ N. X , 52 COLLEGE COURSE OK SHORTHAND. 1. Kr. care car crack crave crane crayon craze crash 2. acres crab carboy carbon carriage cargo carman cramp 3. carnation crank crawl careless (ab)carelessness carry carrier cracker 4. talker shaker lacquer maker baker baker's packer fakir walker 5. cry cries crease creep creeper creak creek cricket 6. crisp crib creosote kerchief christen kerosene cream crimp 7. cremation Christmas crimson increase incurable incur S. recurs recrosses recurrence excursion picker weaker decrease checker 9. crew cure cross coarse course curve corn crown (ab)corporation 10. crop crops curb crowbar crossbar corroboration (ab) correct 11. crock crockery cork cursory crossroad curl curly 12. cruel corrugate corrugation corrosion corrosive corrode curtain crosswise crush 13. crotch crutch crouch chrome crumb poker rocker chronic 14. Or. gray grain grains grass grace grassy graze grave graphic 15. graphite gravity gravitation gratuity gradation graduation gracious graciously aggregate 16. gram guarantee granger grape grasp grab autograph 53 54 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. agree green greenish grief grieve egress agrees grease greasy 2. egregious eagerly gregarious Greek Grecian grirvous grievance greedy 3. grip grim grimy gristle grizzly rigor rigorous meagre 4. degree (ab)disagree diagram biography vigorous geography engrave (ab) telegram 5. grow grew grove groove gruff groan grown gross grows 6. grossly growl grocer grocery grope group grub growth grudge 7. groom grumble sugar (ab) monograph (ab) monogram (ab)phonograph outgrown 8. Pr. pray prays praise praises prance partition prayer prairie wrappers prank' caper 9. taper snapper vapor paper pepper per press price priceless prince prize preach presage (ab)prestige 10. precede preside presidency pretense pretty perceive previous previously privation prevention perfection preamble 11. prime primary premier prism presume presumption permission primitive primage 12. perish precious precaution persecution precarious prepay perhaps precipitous perpetual perspire (ab)perpendicular 13. preface prefix perform (ab)prerogative (ab)preparatory prepare preparation oppression deeper depress deprive presentation 14. keeper express expressive expressly expense expose impress impressive impervious 15. improvement improve sweeper cheaper sleeper repair riper reprove reproach 16. person prison persons presence preserve preservation prior (ab)preliminary perilous - . p . 55 \ X ^^ X V / V\ /\ s\ y\.^\ 56 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. prone prune proof prove proofs proves (ab)profrssor proffer prophet profit approve purse pursue pursuit 2. proceed procedure proceeds produce pru s 58 COLLKCK COTKSK OK SHORTHAND. 1. trap transpose transpire translation trail hattT daughter auditor tare tarry (ab)cliapter 2. tree try tries tier tire terrace term trim terms terminus 3. triumph tiresome tremble trench trip trespass tribune trick terrific trial trestle 4. beater bitter tighter determine (ab)delermination destroy disturb heater terror (ab)territory creator 5. true (ab)truth trough torch trudge torture turbine trump trunk trolley truly 6. truss trusses turn turns turnip turnpike tropic troop truck turkey poetry outer 7. Dr. draw dray withdrawn drawn drain drainage drayage drape drapery dark darken drag drawback drawer 8. dare dairy ladder dear dry dresses dress dries drive dredge drip derrick direction dream 9. driven drink drill dearer drier drizzle leader elder spider feeder 10. reader rider readers redress dyer diary derivation drew withdrew drown 11. drove drop droop drug drugs drum drummer louder fodder powder 12. Chr. charm chairman charge charges charity cheer cheers cherry cherish teacher discharge pitcher preacher church voucher 13. Jr. jar jars (ab)larger badger wager (ab)danger dangerous gauger major majority Jersey 14. jerk germ ledger exaggeration journey journeyman jury juror (ab)jurisdiction dodger (abs)New Jersey junior 15. Rr. rare rarely rarer rarity Raritan rear arrears errors reorganize rearrange roar 16. Phrases. Care of, list prices, per annum, terms are, dear sir, errors and omissions, our prices, yours truly, truly yours. < u u uu u/.i 1 ] 1 i_ L-V-r / \ IX I/I f f I |j VI ^ L\[ V ^^ 1 1 T. I I I 1 I^L- 1 ,1 _ri/v:K vl /I /I, /l -HV-J- ^ L I V V -^ f 60 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. Kl. call clay calls class clause classic classical calcine 2. calcimine calcium claim clamp (ab)calculation clash 3. clap clasp calipers calibre classify (ab)classification tackle (ab)mackerel 4. (ab)clerk kill kiln cleave cliff cleaver clean cleanse clinch 5. clinic clear clearance clearances clearness (abs)clerical mechanical technical 6. climax climb clip skill sickly cycle thickly ticklish 7. nickel incline inclose inclusive exclusive exclusively decline 8. trickle tricycle bicycle briskly fiscal physical fickle disclose (ab)declaration 9. declare likely circulation circular recall recline reclaim (ab)recollect cling 10. coal coil cool cooler collar collars scholars close clothes 11. clock cloak closer closely colossal cloth clothe clumsy 12. (ab)collect collection collation collision collide collapse college colleges clutch 13. club cloves colony colonies colonize column coalmine 14. clog colleague clump (ab) Brooklyn buckle vocal local locality (ab)logical 15. GI. gala gale glass glasses gallon gallons glance glances 16. glassy glaze gallop gallery glare galleries glares galvanize 61 .1-1- X / / 62 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. glee eagle glean glisten glycerine gleam glimpse (ab) neglect 2. engulf inglorious (ab)regular (ab)irregular regal wriggle legal illegal legally legality 3. glow glue glows gloss glossy gluten gulp globe glove 4. golf gulf glory glorious glossary gloom gloomy glucose 5. PI. play pall pawl plan plans plain plane place places plaque plank plague player 6. plantation placid palisade plateau plaza splash chapel plea ply please pleases spill splice 7. peel pill appeal pillow pillar pillars pliers pledge 8. pilgrim people (ab)principal triple deeply display displace discipline diploma deplore implore 9. repel repeal reply replace replenish expel explore 10. explain plow pull pulp plows pulls plus pulse plums plumes plumage plumber 11. plumb-line plumb plum plump plumbago plunge plunger plush polish 12. pluck plucky plug polygon pupil topple duplex couple gospel 13. pole pulley poles pulleys police supply supplies policy policies 14. Bl. able ball balance balances bale label blank black cable balcony 15. blame ability blaze payable passable plausible table dabble audible (abs)advisable answerable tangible 16. (ab)taxable (ab)navigable (ab)blackberry (ab)blamable bell bill bills bless billion bleach oblige blemish 7 V \ \ k I Ix k k k k \ \ \ N> \ \/ x-o ^ x- 9 xo ^7^- 64 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. belong libel liable syllable enable inability peaceable pebble pliable 2. bible feeble feebly feasible visible terrible edible disable (abs)disagreeable desirable reasonable 3. (abs)receivable responsible irresponsible irrepressible irresistible eligible illegible legible 4. (abs) miserable sensible insensible divisible enviable insoluble incurable 5. (abs)biblical bibliography republic republican reliable perishable below blow 6. blew blue blows blouse blown bluff bulb bullion (abs)problem probable probably probability 7. noble unable nobly curable crucible gobble globule 8. block bulk bulky bulge blush double due-bill trouble (abs)suitable possible possibly 9. bloom blossom blower blur bowl boil boiler (ab)objectionable 10. soluble (ab) polysyllable public publish publication publicity movable immovable monosyllable 11. (abs)unreasonable unanswerable noticeable unsuitable unstable undesirable 12. Tl. tall tale tail tailor talc tally tallow chattels tell till teller tiller 13. settle tile title kettle metal telephone (abs)telescope telegram telegraph telegraphic 14. instill toll toil tool subtle until shuttle total totally tolerance (ab)tolerably 15. Dl. saddle ladle idle deal dealer deleble bridle (ab)indelible medal muddle dull (ab)dollar 16. Chi. (ab)challenge satchel bachelor chill chilly Mitchell mutual Jl. gill jelly geology (ab)geological jolly July S\ /\ 65 V. U \ \ \ \ \ \ N \ v v \ \ \ \ \ _ ^_ V T -f ,- 'i |,^- i -- f -" ^,., J ,Yn i i y y ^K Y n 1 r 1 v t \ \ 7/77/7- 66 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. Rl. rail (ab)railroad railway real really religious spiral early eariier 2. oral royal royally royalty rural hourly neuralgia plural mural roll rule 3. Phrases. As far as possible, as soon as possible, railroad station, railroad depot, railroad company, railway company, bill of sale, in relation, as much as possible. 4. Ten days, ten dozen, terms are, right track, this city, out of, \ve hope, National Bank. 5. Expressions. When the train arrives. The traffic is heavy. If yon try again you may succeed. 6. You are on the right track. Tarry until we arrive. We have a larger size. 7. Our terms are cash in ten days. Will they be ready for Christmas sales ? 8. We guarantee all machines. We may use as many as ten dozen or even a gross. 9. Engrave this design. Dear Sir, We have your postal of May loth, and beg to say. 10. On the Sixth National Bank of this city. Difference in price. They are too dear. 11. We are anxious to procure them. We hope to receive the empty jars to-day. 12. This finishes the major portion of the program for to-morrow. 13. We hope to make the journey this month. General Manager in this city. 14. An advertisement of the day of sale will appear in the daily papers. We wish to purchase. 15. Which gives them the perfection you desire. You will save much in expressage. 16. When shall we receive your illustrations ? We can see no trace of them. 67 rt; P-A./U. 1 X ~7 I W-T^ ^ J tr T/ T ll 68 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. If you can give me the figures. They object to the price. 2. He will be on the same train. Do you rely on your memory ? 3. Transship the iron. They are now on the track. If the crop increases. 4. It affects half of the increase. The decrease may he due to the high price. 5. Is this the preparation you wish ? They are too small in proportion. If you will prepay. 6. Do you propose to engrave them ? Is this the price per dozen gross? We will take a portion. 7. Live so you will deserve praise even if you receive none. 8. We shall take the proper precautions. We can attain some degree of perfection. 9. We notice an improvement. Out of proportion. It is too poor for our use. 10. We promise to pay. And if you will try them. If you will give them a fair trial. 11. We have yours of the gth. This is proven to be true. Unless the price will drop. 12. We promise to finish them within one month. They come in bags and barrels. 13. We had barely time to haul them. Can you give us directions? We agree to the price. 14. This is drawn out too long. You will receive them in due course. In a few days. 15. He may sign in your presence. It increases our chance. For the expenses you incur. 16. Of course \ve can make them as long as you desire. If you will take the same course. ^ i . | - o V V \ K X V u c "b 7O COLLEGE COURSE OK SHOK'I HAMJ. 1. They are in a high degree of perfection. It has a vigorous growth. 2. At an increase of. At a decrease. It will change the whole group in this way. 3. These are the gross receipts. Gross tonnage. We give you diagram herewith. 4. We are eager to hear the news. We agree with you on this subject. 5. We ship you five cars to-day. We shall give you a day of grace. In the 'aggregate. 6. If you agree to take the whole crop. It is as green as grass. It is a grave situation. 7. We forgot it in the press of business. The price has gone up. We prize it highly. 8. And this can precede the ceremony. He will preside to-morrow, He will proceed to-morrow. 9. We will proceed as soon as you are ready. It is a pretty piece of music. We have his permission. 10. This charge is for petty expenses. It was the prime cause. We presume you are done. 11. Your impression is correct. Will you pay this on presentation ? 12. Please proceed to make the repairs. Does this agree with your plan ? 13. In answer to your telegram. We have your telegram. As per our telegram. 14. We ship you to-day two cars of provisions and inclose bill herewith. 15. Plumbago is graphite. It is a greasy black substance. We can write with it. 16. A pawl is a small bar or catch. A plateau is a high plain. ri 1777 i -r/ 1 I _V V All\ n/.!\ \r / r 72 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. Lr. lark larceny larynx angular large larger largely larva laureate 2. laurel lawyer layer auxiliary tabular learner learn learns 3. lyric secular singular circular (abs)regular regularity perpendicular peculiar enlarge 4. pillar cellular binocular vernacular similar simpler seller 5. dissimilar titular lore lure lurid lurk lurch coupler 6. roller ruler hustle hustler solar lower forlorn polar 7. collar cooler color jocular muscular globular ocular 8. Mr. Mars mar mark marks marker marine maroon 9. mariner mayor marry hammer marshes marshy marriage margin margins 10. marble clamor grammar armor admire (abs)admiral admirable March 11. Mr. Mrs. mere merry mire America mercury miracles 12. miraculous merino meringue merely merrily merrier mirror simmer smear 13. myriad meridian schemer glimmer swimmer trimmer tremor demure 14. merge mirth mercy merciless misnomer premier primary primer 15. to-morrow .'ab)remark (ab)remarks (ab)remarkable (ab)remarkably (ab)reformer more mourn 16. mourns morrow mower humor Homer Morocco moral morally immoral ^v^ f\ / 5 \l 1X7 74 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. humorous numerous numeral numerical muriatic muriate (ab) mortgage 2. tumor drummer rumor comer (ab)customer gossamer summer (ab)nmrmur 3. Nr. narrow narrowly narrower narration narrate narrative (ab)narcotic banner tanner 4. manner mannerly grainer gainer plainer parishioner (abs)practitioner January 5. near inner nigher signer senior nearness nearer nearly 6. nearsight nerves nervous nervously miner minor minus imaginary 7. pioneer spinner petitioner finer (ab) venerable veneration veneer winner beginner 8. tenor tenure dinner designer demeanor pensioner (ab)preliminary cleaner 9. listen listener ignore examiner engineer nor honor nurse nourish 10. north (ab)northern (ab)northwestern owner sooner (ab)commoner corner mourner 11. donor joiner (ab)junior gunner runner nursery domineer (abs) monarch governor 12. Fr. fray far fare fair affairs fuirly frail fraction fractions fragile wafer 13. frank fairness Fahrenheit franchise frame (abs)transfer transform atmosphere farm farmer 14. free fry fear fire fears fierce fearless freely ferrule friction firkin ferry fiery 15. freeze freezing fierceness French fringe fire-engine firm affirm affirming 16. ferriage Friday fireside ferret cipher firmer firmly firmness (abs) prefer before . V r / I f 76 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. fireproof fireplace fire brick fresh freshen ferocious freshness freshly 2. fire-surface fresco fire-escape fire-clay infer decipher defray deform defer 3. (abs)inform reform refer reference misinform misfortune 4. frown froze force furl furnish forge forehead (ab forcible (ab) forcibly fusible purifier offer suffer 5. foreign furnace frozen, foreigner forth fourth fork frock frog forego 6. frugal frolic (abs)from for four forthwith forever forgave forgive forgotten 7. (abs)forenoon foresee fortune fourteen foresight forestall foretell forbear fore-runner foreclose foreman 8. (abs)form formation former formerly forsake forsook forsaken 9. (abs) uniform formal formally formality forms forget forgot 10. Vr. vary various variation variety adversely variable variance varnish n. (ab) average (ab) favor favorable favorably (ab)very every ever verse version aversion verily severe sever 12. everything veranda vermin (ab) evergreens vernacular lever verge (ab) Virginia virtue virtuous 13. veracity virtually versatile vertex persevere (ab)recover (ab)discover (ab) never invariably endeavor 14. (ab)everybody verb verbal verbally (ab)every-one verify fervor fever (abs)feverish feverishness 15. diver devour diverge driver (ab)Penver (ab)deliver (ab) behavior reversible weaver shiver river revere clever engraver receiver 16. (abs) over overlook overlap over-run over-rule over- issue over-shoe over-shadow O v^iy- i i P f I !> vy -I L. v r V-' 78 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. (abs)overdo overdue overdoes overdose overdone overdrawn overturn oversight overtaken overtime overwhelm overcome overgrown 2. (abs)overcharge oversee overhear overpay overpower overflow overvalue overhead overhaul overhear overhang 3. voracity vortex drover hover lover mover poverty observer clover 4. (ab)cover universe university universal (abs)forever however governor pulverize moreover 5. Wr. war ware wear aware warn wares warehouse swear wary warm swarm anywhere 6. warp wharf wharves where whereas wherein whereon whereunto whereby whereupon whereof wherever wheresoever 7. wherewith wherewithal wherefore everywhere were wire weary wiry vveatily whirl 8. beware piecework (abs)brickwork ironwork earthenware tinware Delaware overwork work workmen 9. wore worn worry worm worthy worth worthless worship no-where unaware unworthy 10. Thr. author author's authorize authority (abs)there their theirs thereat therefor therefore thereof therefrom thereupon thereby therewith therein thereon thereunto 11. ether either hither three thrice threaten thirteen thirty thirsty threepence thrive ethereal thrill thresh 12. other throw threw through throughout through-train Thursday throttle throb otherwise overthrow pother bother brother 13 throws throes thrown throne thorn thorough thoroughly through-line (abs)southern southerly brother 14. Shr. and Zhr. share shares sharp sharpen sharper sharply shrank cashier (abs)glazier Hampshire 15. erasure washer washery dasher shears shrine shrill shriek shirk shrink shrinkage shrimp 16. fisher fissure finisher fresher insure insurance censure ;u v iv t i v ,,-rrr r c c r "C C C C _ . \ \ \ & / J 8O COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. leisure leisurely pressure pleasure sea-shore sei/un treasure treasury treasures treasurer displeasure (ab)extinguisher 2. exposure measure measures measurably immeasurably (ab)euclosure shore sure assure azure usher shower 3. shrub shrubbery shrug shrunk shrunken polisher burnisher (ab)publisher crusher (abs)closure foreclosure New Hampshire 4. Yr. yarn yearn year yearly yearling year-book yore York (abs)your yours Europe European New York 5. LI. Carlisle parallel (ab^ parallelogram lily lilac lull loyal lowly 6. Ml. male mail mails mail-car (ab)amalgam malaria malarial mail-train 7. malleable familiar (ab)familiarly abnormal animal namely 8. mill meal melon million millionaire milliner millinery 9. mellow mealy milk (ab)milligram miller miller's mill-vvright 10. timely tremulous female vermilion militia enamel 11. mileage melody melodious mill-work formal formally (abjformality 12. mule molar mulberry normal corn-meal oat-meal turmoil 13. Nl. nail annual annually manly mainly manual Manila 14. canal panel painless plainly marginal channel (ab)acknowledge kneel ineligible 15. meanly (ab)mineral keenly kernel terminal final finally finely 16. vernal lineal knoll null annul unlike unlikely unlock 81 /v f c r n ,-S/r^ ^/l, L-v T V V, \, c~ ^ x C_ / 82 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. colonel colonial only unless unlatch openly tunnel funnel (ahs)funeral knowledge 2. Ngl. angle angular mangle wrangle spangle tangle daringly charmingly amazingly 3. alarmingly laughingly mingle single singly seemingly swimmingly 4. willingly feelingly obligingly perseveringly wrinkle jingle tingle triangle (abs) English England 5. smilingly tremblingly appealingly kingly right-angle enticingly exceedingly 6. untangle grudgingly touchingly wrongly unwillingly lovingly provokingly bungle 7. unerringly unknowingly knowingly longingly cunningly Mongolian 8. Fl. fall flaw fail falls false flaws flashes fallacious failure fallacy 9. flake flakes flax flask falsehood (abs) flange flavor careful carefully faithful 10. flap flaps flabby falsify flare fallen flanks phalanx flame flannel 11. flee fly fell fill feel fellow fleece flies flesh fellowship 12. affliction flicker flexible filth fleecy affiliate (ab)Philadelphia filch flitch flinch philology 13. flip Philip Philippine philosophy philosopher (ab)philanthropy (ab)philanthropic flier fling flimsy befall briefly chiefly 14. trifle stifle defile deflect deflection defalcation refill rifle fearful fearfully 15. merciful inflame inflammable inflexible inflection influential influence (ab)inlluences 16. flow flew full awful follow folly foil foul fuel flourish 83 <r favorable favorably farm have available valuable average 3. transfer satisfaction had advertise advertisement advantage danger dangerous Danville advisable admirable thank there their theirs therewith 4. therefore therefrom thereof thereon therein was challenge change changeable charge chargeable January Jacksonville large larger shall railroad 5. give signify signification significance him Mr. Mrs. mineral misfortune miserable 6. neglect never inform invariably enviable sensible incurable thing English 7. his with principal principally perishable prefer privilege specification suspension behalf before Phoenixville festival very Virginia Philadelphia preliminary clerical 8. territory differ difference Denver telegram deliver Delaware declaration determination dissatisfaction disagreeable desirable reliable welcome 9. think thent especial especially which general generally hear here herewith regular irregular regularity remark remarkable legible help 10. receivable responsible reasonable republic republican refer reference iron-work earthenware 11. customer movable mortgage New York New Jersey New Hampshire unsuitable unusual unusually 12. object objectionable subject substantial substantially public publish publication publicity possible purpose proper prospective proportion probable probably brother 13. problem Brooklyn for four from forthwith forcible forever foreman forms formation formality formal 14. formally formerly former phonograph over overcharge overdo overdone overtime overhaul 15. one workmen overwhelm overlook suitable truth southern southerly much junior jurisdiction your yours Europe European usual usually Louisville 16. whose come common corporation correct collect govern governor monarch -7 i 14- ( ( C ( y ^~ s J- K\ ^ \ \ r v ^ S. ^. y 7 t f f ^ i i i s~ s- C v t t J r f "T 88 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. Skr. scrap scrape scraper scratch scratcher scn- i h scrip sciven scream 2. scare scarce scarcely scrawl scramble secure securely scribble 3. Scrub scruples scrupulous scrupulously score scour screw-driver scroll 4. (sk -used for skr) transcribe describe prescribe proscribe subscribe (a bs) description prescription inscription subscription 5. Spr. spray sprain sprang sparingly sprig spring sprinkle supreme superior (ab)surprise (ab) surprisingly (ab)surprises spruce suppress supper spurious 6. spurn sprung (ab)superscription Str. straw stray administration demonstration stress strife strenuous strike stricken striven stride stripe strew 7. Phrases. In all, in all the, in all their, I am aware, I am sure, you may be sure, as there, as there is, there is, there are. 8. There will be, there may be, there may be some, there is nothing, there is no possible, there is no difference, there lias been, as there was, there are other, was there. 9. All our, smaller than, larger than, where has this been, where is this to be, whereby you will, whereas .it is, wherever it is, per day, perhaps it is, per hour. 10. Ever yours, every day, very truly yours, vice versa, as well as, as well as possible, by express, deeper than, higher than, in reference, with reference, we refer you, we refuse. it. Is there, in so far, more than, more or less, more and more, other than, your own, yours very truly, yours is, yours is the, yours is a, does this, for sale, over and over, over and above, from you, from the, from a. 12. (Expressions.) We have your favor of March 8th in reply to our postal of February 28th. 13. They are worth all we ask for them and we hope you will give them a trial. 14. We shall gather all data available and mail to you as soon as possible. 15. We shall inform you at the proper time. This is probably due. Where this has been done. 16. In all of them. While in transit. We refer you to our telegram. 89 L-A-, I A \ V \> <\ <\ \ * 9 * \ v \ v UUl. f C C '(> / -{ 17 V/ ,/\, 90 COLLKGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. At such a reduction we will sell them only on these terms. 2. If you can furnish them at a lower price please advise us. 3. The paper is published regularly. It comes however at irregular times. 4. The lawyer is in his office. He was one of the signers of the declaration. 5. The annual inspection will occur in a few days. 6. In reply to yours of the 8th of March we enclose plan of the iron-work herewith. 7. Please be sure to call on Mr. Brown before Saturday. 8. We hope you will obtain a fair share of the business at this place. 9. You will receive them from our warehouse before to-morrow noon. 10. We receive praise for our wares wherever we sell them. We guarantee satisfaction. IT. We can hammer wrought iron more easily than malleable iron. 12. Vermilion is a fine red color. The collar is circular. 13. An obtuse angle is larger than a right angle. A right angle is 90 degrees. 14. If a triangle has a right angle then the sum of the other two angles is 90 degrees. 15. A meridian is an imaginary line which runs north and south on the earth. 16. There is no use for worry. There is always use for work. 91 W X xi J v^ r " A U c. 30 / 1 / 1 P/ A ' 92 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. Broom -corn in America. Broom-corn is . a native <>t India. 2. It is said all the broom-corn in America sprang from a seed Franklin 3. took out of a whisk which had come over from England. 4. Ivy. The American Ivy or Virginia Creeper is a very pretty vine. 5. Everybody ought to be able to tell it from the poison ivy. The poison ivy has its 6. leaves in groups of three and the Virginia Creeper in groups of five. 7. They are both native in North America. The Virginia Creeper, however, is harmless. 8. Glycerine. Glycerine is an oil. If you drop some into ink, 9. the ink will stay damp a long time, so a press copy may be taken of it. 10. Clay. Clay is alumina and silica. It generally has some iron, 11. lime or magnesia in it, too. We can bake it to make bricks and porcelain. 12. The common clay has enough iron in it to make the bricks burn red. 13. Calcium. Calcium is the base of lime and chalk. To calcinate or 14. calcine means to bake or to reduce to powder by heat ; for instance, 15. to burn lime in a kiln. The lime is then oxide of 16. calcium. We can also calcine chalk in this way. 94 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. r. Ing. aching caking caulking catching gauging cashing capping gaping 2. carrying canning caning gaining casing causing cautioning caving 3. paying patching bathing packing backing baking balking bagging passing spacing basing paving 4. adding aiding attaching clashing auditing tapping talking attacking taking tagging taming tallying staying dancing advertising 5. aging jabbing chalking jacking jamming chaining chancing chasing changing chafing airing arching raging wrapping raking 6. raining raising racing ranging arranging aiming massing matching masking making 7. gnawing napping naming fanning fancying facing saving vanishing thanking saying sawing asking thanksgiving 8. shaping shaking laying ailing lapping laughing lacking lagging lashing lacing 9. hawing haying hawking hacking hauling hailing harrowing harping hating hastening harming hatching hanging having weighing swaying 10. washing watching waving waiving walking awaking swallowing caring carving crashing cramping crawling graining 11. aggregating guaranteeing grasping praying preying praising tapering . barring bearing bracing breaking bragging branching 12. laboring neighboring tracing tracking trafficking tramping trailing transposing transpiring tarrying drawing training draining 13. draping dragging daring charming charging jarring calling classing clausing calcimining claiming 14. clamping clapping clasping clashing classifying glaring galvanizing playing planning placing splashing 15. planking cabling labeling balancing blaming bla/ing dabbling answering taxing (ab)naviga(ing saddling narrowing 16. narrating marrying hammering marking admiring marching framing farming averaging varnishing 17 95 . L. L. i_. u r r j i {L..L.L. JJL,/ 1 / 96 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. varying favoring authorizing gathering sharing sharpening warning wearing wanning swarming warping nailing tangling mailing 2. falling failing flashing flaking flavoring flapping flaring flanking flaming availing veiling valuing marveling; 3. marshaling scarring scrawling scrambling scratching scraping transcribing transgressing spraying straying straining 4. keeping kicking seeking guessing being buying pitching pitying piping picking begging spinning pinning piecing (ab) speaking 5. tying eating dying dyeing tipping dipping ticking decking digging discussing disguising dismissing desiring seating setting sitting citing 6. dining differing diving defeating devoting dividing deepening defining deriving (ab)cliscovering achieving reaching reaping ripping ripening 7. ribbing deserving rising risking reasoning refining reviewing receiving (ab) recovering reserving missing emptying seeming 8. meaning mining mentioning mixing smelling smiling signing eyeing singing sinking 9. fearing firing fining evening fixing fishing finishing winning thinking thinning seeing sighing icing easing seizing sizing 10. Sheathing shipping shining lying leaving living leaning lining lessening leaking liking 11. healing helping hearing hiring hemming heaping heating hitting heading heeding hiding hitching wedging behaving weaving 12. sweeping wiping swinging whistling wishing giving crying creeping crimping 13. increasing incurring decreasing recurring recrossing agreeing greasing gripping 14. engraving figuring pressing pricing prizing preceding presiding presuming preaching prepaying prefixing perishing 15. preparing depressing depriving preserving expressing exposing impressing improving repairing bringing brimming 16. bridging breathing bristling trying trimming trespassing destroying disturbing drying dressing driving dredging dripping .x 1 \\\ \ sH II I I L.L.L U.C.K K-f \\ M, M. \ ? AF; /v \ \ \ A \. \ \ \ V 98 COLLEOE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. dreaming ^ drinking drilling cheering discharging (Iran ing cleansing clinching clearing climbing 2. clipping inclining inclosing declining disclosing de- claring reclining clinging 3. reclaiming plying applying piling pleasing pledging displaying displacing deploring 4. repelling replying replacing exploring billing blessing- bleaching belonging 5. libelling enabling disabling telling settling tiling tele- phoning telegraphing instilling 6. dealing idling Hearing veneering ignoring engineering lessening listening learning 7. smearing simmering merging remarking freeing frying freezing affirming freshening 8. deciphering defraying differing deferring inferring in- forming reforming referring severing verging persevering pre- serving 9. endeavoring verifying devouring diverging delivering shivering threatening thriving thrilling shrieking shirking shrinking 10. insuring censuring measuring treasuring wiring weary- ing whirling bewaring kneeling entangling IT. singling mingling wrinkling milling enameling fleeing flying felling filling feeling flickering 12. affiliating flinching flinging trifling deflecting leveling beveling developing enveloping shriveling shelling shilling 13. shelving initialing yelling yelping wheeling willing swelling screening screaking securing 14. screaming screeching scribbling describing prescribing springing sprinkling striving striking 15. towing toying outing doing touching dodging tubing puttying bowing buoying botching budging coaching copying coping cooking 16. going poking booking tucking tugging docking choking chucking joking 99 k k \ V \ \ \ , /A , .* k V\ r ^ \ \ \. v v j c V t- ; N^ \ zx,a k/V v V>"7" .V-.L.'L-. i_. z_. 100 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. rocking urging rowing roping robbing nibbing sew- ing suing using oozing showing shopping 2. pushing showering moving coining owning knowing knocking following oiling allowing 3. locking looking owing running ruining loaning losing smoking opening bouncing boxing 4. voicing tuning tossing dunning noticing snowing summing choosing joining puffing observing roofing cover- ing governing 5. hoeing hewing hooking hollowing hurrying husking hustling hopping hoping whooping worrying viewing objecting subjecting curing crossing 6. curving crowning curbing correcting curling corrugat- ing corroding crushing 7. growing grooving grouping proving approving profit- ing pursuing proceeding producing professing provoking proposing prospering 8. proportioning procuring progressing approaching purchasing purging prolonging promising coopering boring burning 9. brushing broiling bronzing bruising borrowing turning drowning during dropping drumming coaling cooling 10. coloring closing colliding collecting collapsing glow- ing plowing pulling plumbing ir. plunging polishing plugging coupling supplying' propelling blowing bluffing bulging 12. blushing blocking troubling doubling blooming blossoming blurring gobbling boiling toiling 13. totalling rolling ruling honoring nursing nourishing mooring morning mourning humoring 14. enumerating murmuring frowning forcing furnishing forging foraging purifying offering suffering 15. foregoing foreseeing forestalling foretelling forerun- ning foreclosing forming forbearing forsaking forgetting 16. hovering overlooking overlapping overrunning over- ruling overshadowing overcoming overgrowing 101 ^>. >. 1 ' f V ^ M ) n v- v \ v a rv n (\ i (\ rv rv ry x - -T V^ XV 102 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. overseeing overdoing overturning overtaking over- charging overbearing overpaying overpowering overflowing overvaluing overwhelming overhanging 2. overworking throwing bothering shoring assuring working worshipping annulling unlocking unlatching bungling 3. untangling flowing following flourishing fulfilling flooring flowering muffling ruffling flocking 4. unveiling shoveling vulcanizing subscribing proscribing scoring scouring screwing suppressing strewing 5. Ings. ' awnings wrappings casings sayings saplings lashings shavings savings washings failings 6. carvings bearings tracings trappings drawings railings callings markings gatherings warnings scrapings 7. beings pickings diggings writings tidings meanings evenings icings sittings ceilings leavings 8. headings hearings herrings weavings sweepings en- gravings trimmings dressings dredgings drippings settlings 9. clippings blessings swellings dealings fillings feelings filings shillings belongings screenings 10. doings openings bookings crossings proceedings rulings couplings mornings workings forgings sufferings 11. We are shipping you to-day two barrels of Nova Scotia herrings. 12. Are you taking any more bookings for woolens this month ? 13. Hoping to hear from you at an early day I remain yours truly. 14. We hope to finish the ceilings by Saturday this week. 15. In balancing our books we notice a small difference in your favor. 16. We enclose you several clippings from the Saturday morning papers. 103 V V V 11 -W ^ ^ ~T \ /L I. 1 \ \ ^ 1 L_ f \ C -v- \ 104 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. Phrases. Catching 1 the, cashing the, gaining the, causing the, casing the, paying the, passing the, patching the" packing the, hearing the. 2. Adding the, aiding the, advertising the, advancing tin-, taking the, changing the, wrapping the, raising the, arranging the, making the. 3. Saving the, thanking the, asking the, laying the, lacking the, hauling the, hastening the, hanging the, having the. 4. Washing the, watching the, waiving the, guaranteeing the, grasping the, praising the, breaking the, tracing the, transposing the, drawing the, training the, draining the. 5. Charging the, claiming the, clasping the, classifying the, galvanizing the, planning the, placing the, balancing the. 6. Answering the, marking the, admiring the, varying the, favoring the, authorizing the, gathering the, sharing the, wearing the. 7. Nailing the, mailing the, valuing the, scratching the, spraying the, straining the, keeping the, seeking the, guessing the. . 8. Being the, buying the, picking the, speaking the, tying the, digging the, discussing the, disguising the, dismissing the, desiring the. 9. Setting the, defeating the, dividing the, defining the, discovering the, reaching the, deserving the, risking the, recovering the, reserving the. 10. Receiving the, missing the. meaning the, mentioning the, mixing the, signing the, fearing the. 11. Fixing the, finishing the, winning the, thinking the, seeing the, seizing the, shipping the, leaving the, hearing the, hiring the, heating the, hitting the, hiding the. 12. Swinging the, wishing the, giving the, increasing the, decreasing the, recrossing the, engraving the, preceding the. 13. Prepaying the, preparing the, repairing the, bringing the, trying the, destroying the, drying the, dressing the, enclosing the, pleasing the, billing the. 14. Displaying the, replacing the, telling the, delivering the, telephoning the, telegraphing the, ignoring the, learning the, remarking the, insuring the. 15. Wiring the, swelling the, filling the, feeling the, doing the, touching the, pushing the, working the, forming the, producing the, promising the, supplying the, turning the, during the. 1 6. Cooking the, going the, robbing the, using the, showing the, following the, knowing the, owning the, owing the. 3- I "1 I L. U/ /\ i. \ \ f n '- - K \ j^ \\ /\\ .in 1. 1 . 1 106 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. Doing a, during a, touching; a, turning a, producing a, promising a, working a, forming a, pushing a, supply- ing a. 2. Telephoning a, telling a, delivering a, displaying a, re- placing a, trying a, drying a, dressing a, addressing a, insur- ing a, filling a. 3. Heating a, hitting a, heading a, hiding a, decreasing a, preceding a, prepaying a, preparing a, inclosing a, in- creasing a, engraving a. 4. Signing a, fearing a, fixing a, finishing a, leaving a, winning a, seeing a, seizing a, shipping a, hearing a, hir- ing a. 5. Dividing a, reserving a, deserving a, risking a, reaching a, receiving a, missing a, mixing a, mentioning a. 6. Keeping a, seeking a, giving a, being a, buying a, picking a, (ab)speaking a, tying a, setting a, mailing a, scratching a, straining a. 7. Marking a, tracing a, drawing a, training a, draining a, planning a, placing a, answering a, charging a, gathering a, wearing a. 8. Laying a, lacking a, hauling a, making a, hanging a, having a, breaking a, asking a. 9. Causing a, gaining a, passing a, packing a, bearing a, adding a, advancing a, taking a, raising a. 10. Giving an advantage. Causing a break. Giving the time. Mailing the books. 11. Passing the place. Packing the cases. Bearing a proportion. Advertising the sale. Adding the profit. 12. Taking a car. Changing the subject. Wrapping the parcels. Keeping the wares. Raising the price. 13. Making a copy. Making a larger size. Making tin- other. Giving a reasonable time. 14. Wiring the answer. Going the other way. Having the form. Forming an angle. Overlooking the city. 15. Using the blue paper. Showing a break. Following the common custom. Destroying the samples. Speaking the truth. 16. Acknowledging the receipt. Finishing the repairs. Answering the telegram. Discovering a difference. Setting an example. tor 1 1 1 \J -f f f "f U V \ \ \ \ \ V-i X \_,V I L,, L, Vv, 108 COLLEGE COl'RSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. Halving, check checked receive received leave left keep kept copy copied 2. ask asked act catalogue (ab)after state separate did send get good goods could account put but 3. We asked Mr. Thomas for the information you desire on this subject. 4. These papers have been carefully copied from the originals in our office. 5. We wish you could get the goods for us before the i5th of February. 6. Please put them up in packages of two dozen each. 7. Did you change the advice to read ten gross of pencils ? 8. If you state size you desire we will ship them at once. 9. Mr. Williams will act for us in making the purchase. 10. The goods were carefully checked off on your invoice, n. But they are as fine as can be had anywhere. 12. We are sending you our catalogue in separate wrapper. 13. We shall reduce the price on all goods left after the holidays. 14. We think this will prove to be very useful if \\vll kept up. 15. We have received higher prices for our produce this year than ever before. 16. I am much obliged to you for settling up our account with Mr. Lincoln. 1O9 Z A/-V V . .. 1 \r y ( k CX v A, t 110 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. act caught candidate gained Scranton crate crated cart carted cartage card grate great guard 2. gardener graduated gratitude gratuity gratify grand grant granted called glad gland grantee guarantee 3. grandeur affect variegate ragged argued actual actually cradle greatly catalogue Catskill gradually 4. talked tact attacked tracked tract attract target transact asked (ab)practical (ab)practicable (ab) practicability practice basket marketable markets 5. kind kindly Kentucky get exact executive execute executed credit credited greeting greetings 6. credence extract extricate expect expected wrecked rigged (ab)regard regret record include including 7. perfect persecuted perceptive (ab) perspective spectrum picturesque respect respectfully respective respectively 8. effect retract detract dictator ticked ticket etiquette discount decreed decorate decorated (ab)democratic (ab)rectangle inspect reject checked 9. accordingly accordance prospect prospects (ab)pros- pectus (ab)prospective prosecute procured booked buckets foreground cutter gutter culture rocked rugged 10. coat cut could God got good goods count account country accounts crowned current cord chord crowd accord according 11. apt aptitude pad padded paid bad paint painting paintings band abandon broad abroad broader part (ab)party (ab)particular particle partner 12. plat plate plant (ab)Baltimore transport adapt pattern batter aptly badly battle (ab)capital accept carpet (ab) Great Britain 13. platform (ab) manuscript pet pit bed bid spread spirit spiritual sped speed pint bend bind (ab)behind binding bindings print printing printed 14. billed blend blind British debit disband disappoint deprived depart (ab)department seaport seaboard (ab)perpendicular per- petuate perpetually predict pyrotechnic kept except expend 15. expert improved bituminous pedal peddle betwi-n better bettering report proved approved profit profitable port board bored aboard (ab) nobody 16. put point appoint pound but bought about bound bond (ab)beyond bounds bonds sport sprout butter bottle bodily porter Puerto Rico boarder border bordering Ill I'll "rr 7- T\X ILL-iLLL v . , - ,- \ ' N, \ \ < V ^ \ \\ u VA, \ \ 112 COLLEGE COl/KSK OK SHORTHAND. 1. prodigy prodigious prodigiously protect protecting product produce (ab)protection (ao) production (ab)protective (ah) productive propriety propound appropriate ovcrspn-ad output adopt adopted beautiful (ab)Pottsville 2. copied correspond corresponding (ab) correspondence prodigal Portugal polytechnic (ab)political daughter auditor dater straighter 3. date dated state stature stand withstand trade draft straight strained (ab)trademark accident (ab)valedictory debt dead did deed deeded died dyed 4. edit edited tent tend attend attended tinned dent tread tried territory dread dried stereotype street identity identify (ab)identical extend 5. instant incident indeed dedicate deduct dedication deduction detention detonation debtor (ab)delivered editor deter tighter Detroit dividend 6. testator resident president obedient doubt stout towards told doubtful rotate rotator torture totter tutor prudent (ab)prudently obtained potatoes prostrate (ab)substitute 7. (ab)agent (ab)agent's (ab)agents (ab)gentleman (ab)gentleman's chart charter charterer agitator attached arranged changed (ab)gentlemen (ab)gentle merchants (ab)merchandise enriched obliged 8. wretched rigid urged urgent judicious joined joint jointed (ab)objects (ab)objected (ab)subjects (ab)subjected projects projected unchanged art heart hard aired 9. hardy ratify apparent apparently transpired assert assort ascertain saturate (ab) exaggerate certain certify (ab) certificate heard herd hereto heretofore 10. preponderate separate obliterate import imported im- ports importing importance (ab)memorandum (ab)tnemoranda 11. expired unreserved unheard unhurt soared soured round around surround tolerate adulterate support rate rates rattle standard rated 12. writ right write writing writings retail return returned retreat rightful retainer retention retain written red read ride 13. road rode rude sort rut wrote root hand handle abandon ascend ascent assent assigned anterior St. Louis St. Paul 14. ascertained (ab)assortment (ab)pavement apprehend granite end ended net need needed knit night indicate indicated syndicate 15. indication index indexes ignite intend Indian Indiana send cent scent sent 16. sending sentence eminent permanent pre-eminent defend defined (ab)settlement renewed interior (abs) represent representation representative 113 J .I ,l ,1 1 1 1X1 111 I I l L t tJS f X. v ^. tt y > .3 S\_* >^^^V 1 x ^ x Il8 COLI-EGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. -Had not, did not, do not, I had not, we had not, you had not, I did not, we did not, you did not, I do not, we do not, you do not, we are not, you arc not, were not, is it not. 2. Had it, had not it, did not it, had it been, had not been, and that the, and that a, that it is, that it has been, that we, as that which you, that which can be, that which can not be. 3. That which has been, that such is the case, that has been, and that is the, that is not the, that we are not, that you are not, all that is, we are satisfied, at all events. 4. At any rate, at the rate, at some time, at the same time, take it, was it, was not, was it not, I was not, United States, Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen. 5. Gentlemen of the Jury, we will, we will gladly, will you kindly, in regard, with regard, we regard, with regret, we regret, in reply to, a little, send you, send' it, might as \\ell. . 6. Bill of lading, bills of lading, Trenton Junction, it would, it would be, it would not be, that it would be, is to be, will not^ it will not, it will not be, it seemed, it is no doubt. 7. It is important, it is impossible, it can not be, it is better than, there is no doubt, did not change, did not have, did you expect, did you get, I did not know, I do not know. 8. Did you receive, did you mention, I could not, you could not, could you, could not be, could not do, can not account. 9. Receipt of goods, it is a good plan, so good, some goods, some of the goods, price of the goods, a large amount, amount of bill, amount of the statement, whole of the amount. 10. Some time since, not the, not accountable, it is not, it is not general, it has not been, please send, this is not, that it is not, must not be, for the most part. 11. Upon it, Portland cement, Board of Trade, about your own, about which you are, about that, about some, about something, on the one hand, word for word. 12. Which would be, would have been, you would, we would, I would, would the, and would you, there should he, they should be, we should be, you should not, I should have. 13. Saving Fund, State Treasurer, Passenger Agent, Freight Agent, General Agent, Medical Society, Building Association, Board of Publication, Board of Public Education, Board of Education. 14. Carting the, granting the, getting the, crediting the, expecting the, regarding the, respecting the, counting the, painting the, adapting the, adopting the, appointing a. 15. Accepting the, spreading the, binding the, printing a, predicting a, attending the, dreading a, extending the, deducting the, substituting the, separating the. 16. Retailing the, returning the, indicating the. sending the. representing the, presenting the, loading the, holding the, unloading the, limiting the, mounting the. 119 1J J_ 1J J 5 *, S <, J I 5 c c / cX-P \ \ J L > ^ , <=L ^ <}^ N U^-^ L_ L > -f U U L I L^J-> I J I, ' \^ 7 I2O COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. Please ship them by freight and have them securely crated to prevent breakage. 2. Please send us the window shades by messenger to-day without fail. 3. We ship you prepaying freight 200 bags of potatoes which please sell for our account. 4. You may send us half a gross. We are now prepared for the Christmas trade. 5. Have you received any information from our agent in regard to this subject ? 6. We were not aware of the fact that you had advertised for them already. 7. We loaded the pig-iron on the cars to-day and it should reach you by Monday. 8. The goods left here this afternoon and you will receive them in due course. 9. Although we delivered 20 barrels yesterday, we wire unable to haul any to-day. 10. We have not tried them as there was no opportunity to make the improvement. 11. Had you asked for them, we would have been glad to send them to you Saturday. 12. We are running short of cars and would beg you to return them promptly. 13. The new train schedule was put in operation after the midnight train left. 14. I beg to call your attention to the delay at the place of loading. 15. I have received your check for 24 dollars, for which I am also obliged. 16. We cannot give you any definite answer. Please advise the exact amount delivered. V . J> \ e \ 1 \ a . 1 1 M V _, , ^ ( V L 22 COLLEGE fol'KSK OK SHORTHAND. j. We might try them. \\V herewitli remit tin proceeds. We beg to report progress. 2. They do not sell well owing to the high price. We have not sold many. 3. We are unable to procure any at this time. They were made expressly for this purpose. 4. If you do not expose it to direct sunlight. We do not mind the expense. 5. Have you decided on your purchases? This would certainly be a bargain at the present time. 6. The price in barrels is 15 cents a pound. How many shall we provide? 7. And this is the paper we intend to furnish. It is a good paper for documents to be preserved. 8. I am sorry I have not been able to sec you. There has been no change in price of cotton goods. 9. We will accept the goods if you give us 30 davs time on 'each delivery. 10. There is no -change in the situation. We hope that you can grasp the situation. ir. There was no parallel at all in this case. He is a man of eminent merit. 12. With pleasure we reply to yours of the i6th in reference to insurance. 13. You will have ample time to make your monthly report. 14. I am glad you have arranged to put the changes into effect. 15. We will be glad to advise you after the agent's report is received. 16. They will be able to settle with you in two or three weeks. V v. I =4 \ / C ^ \ r > . v V / I ,- X / V ). V 124 COLLEGE COURSE OF SlIOK'l IIANlJ. 1. A prosperous business house can not do without them. May we send you sonic on trial ? 2. We have sent you to-day by express a large assortment of samples in your line. 3. Will you kindly inform us on the price of your Portland cement delivered f. o. b. cars Cincinnati ? 4. The price of our Portland cement is four dollars per barrel in wood. 5. Cotton sacks charged extra at 10 cents each, and credited at same when 6. returned to mill freight prepaid. There are 4 bags to a barrel. 7. Your favor in reference to railroad lands and bonds we received yesterday. 8. We herewith return all papers in reference to our claim No. 450. 9. Please send us by express as follows. Please forward the goods at our expense. 10. There are many odd lots which you could use in your wholesale trade. 11. I will not have much time to sell, as the transfer is to be made in June. 12. You will always find our goods as represented. We guarantee them in every respect. 13. Received the above amount as settlement in full to date. Errors and omissions excepted. 14. We have been referred to you by Mr. Allen of your city for information. 15. This is a wonderful advance in the science and art of shorthand. 16. Hoping to hear from you soon, we remain Your obedient servants. \V~ ) T i (. \ JVL -^ i ~v / k (/ V- XT \ \ :v V, v \ \ i 16 \ ^v 126 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. Doubling. another nature natural naturally Anderson saunter 2. anthracite adventure adventurous asunder guarantor (ab) Alexander 3. neither enter entire entering entered endorse 4. hinder hindered centre centered sender central 5. enterprise enterprising interpret intrepid interrupt interrupted 6. intersect (ab)intrinsic intricate hindrance Henderson 7. interfere interview interviewed intervene intervened (ab)indorsement 8. nitre nitrate entertain entertained introduce (ab) introduction 9. intercede interceded interwoven intermingle intercourse 10. miniature interchange eccentric signature tender u. defender denominator re-enter cylinder generator 12. under underrate understand understood sunder hunter 13. underlies underlying underlaid neuter neuiral neutralize 14. undertake (ah)northern northerly nutritious (ab)nutrinient pn ivemler 15. underbid underwent undersigned undervalue donator 16. underhand undercurrent underground undergo undergone m t; 128 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. matter matters maternal mature maturing matured 2. material materially materialize immaterial immature armature 3. meter metric mender meander symmetrical 4. millimeter remitter remainder remainders reminder 5. premature diameter decimeter denominator (ab)thermometer 6. motor mother muttering muttered smother smoother 7. monitor mortar murder murdered molder chronometer 8. motor-car motor-cycle enumerator prompter promoter 9. father farther fraternal flatter flattering flattered laughter lavender feather feature fitter 10. feathers fetters fender finder offender vender venture verdure filter filtering filtered filtration federation federal IT. lifter elevator invader inventor future voter softer founder further furthering furniture overture 12. fodder folder flutter flounder volunteer volunteering forfeiture cultivator curvature Theodore theatre theatrical amphitheatre 13. thither thunder thundered shudder shutter shoulder shouldered shelter sheltered shatter shattered shadier 14. latter altar alter altering altered psalter slaughter slander slandered halter larder landholder falter lau r ladder 15. elder letter lettering lighter lightering lender slender literal literally lighterage illiterate leader (ah)leather 16. beholder relator ventilator (ab)legislature legislator milder (ab)sculpture smolder bolder bowlder loiter older louder ultra 1Z9 5 V T \ I3O COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. cater catering scatter scattering scattered candor 2. water waiter wander wandered Walter pander painter banter planter carpenter capture rapture (ab)chapter watered janitor 3. calendar calender calendering clattering (ab)agriculture 4. weather weathering wither withering wider whiter whether whither sweeter winter wintering wilderness swelter sweltered wintered 5. manufacture factor fracture gather gathering greater 6. ardor harder reader rider render rendering rendered disorder disordered order ordering rounder surrender surrendering surrendered ordered 7. (ab)altogether alligator grander grantor (ab)creditor creature 8. bewilder bewildering tide-water printer binder (ab)expenditure expounder scripture departure bewildered weathered withered gender engender 9. executor executors encounter encountered encountering 10. rather arbitrator writer separater deserter orator supporter porter operator co-operator underwriters 11. girder grinder together interrogator glittering 12. stricter stricture director picture (ab)spectator victor 13. decorator reflector recorder rector regulator ligature 14. lecture lecturing elector electricity counter curator 15. forwarder forwarders wonder wondered ponder pondering pointer pounder plunder blunder proprietor (ab)co-partner yonder 16. structure doctor proctor procurator (ab Superstructure protector ? r '\s r r~ .V 14 132 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. Mp & mb. camp campaign (ab)cambric cramping cramped clamp 2. scramble gamble ample amply sample maple Mabel amplify 3. ambulance map mapping ambition ambitious ambush ambuscade amputate Hampton 4. Sampson swamping rambling trampling trampled damp dampen dampening 5. lamp champagne champion crimping impecunious impact exempt exemption 6. example exemplify imply impel implement implant employ employed 7. impulse implicate implicit impulsive impalpable implore emptoyer 8. employment simple symbol embellish impolite imbecile impose imposing embassy 9. emboss impatient hemp hempen impugn impugned impound impending impassioned 10. impeach impute imputation impetus impetuous impetuosity impotent impudent impudence impediment n. impeding imbedding embodying impeded imbedded embodied sympathies sympathize empanel 12. (ab) impossible impassable impassive resemble re- sembled resumption presumption preamble shrimp temple 13. template trembled trembling limp inflammable clump Columbia Columbian 14. hump humble mobile mobility immobility New Hampshire rhomboid rhombus pumped pump 15. pomp pompous pumps Pompeii pompously plump plumbago tumble tumbling 16. tumbled trump dumping dumped (ab) Southampton jump jumble lump lumped jumped O V N uu u. A s~&~tT^r X \ , -^^ "^A \7 r^rvr ^r =5|- ' ^^~ ^t^ \ 16 Hr "TT 134 COLLEGE COURSE UK SHORTHAND. 1. Mpr and mbr. tampering tampered damper raw-umber hamper Hamburg 2. temper timber timbers temporize tempered temperate 3. temperance temperant temporary (abs) imperfection December September 4. extemporize extemporaneous extempore (abs) member membership remember remembered 5. reimburse embers empire imperial emperor 6. imperceptible embarrassing embracing importer embark impair impaired 7. disembarked embarked embarkation important impertinent embargo improvise 8. impartial imperative import imports imported importance importune 9. impart imparting imprint impure impress empress imperious impervious 10. imperfect imprecation (ab)impracticable impregnate impregnable (abs)improve improvement improved 11. imprisoned imprison imprisonment impersonate imperil imparted impurities 12. imprudence imprudent (ab)improperly (ab) improbable impressible impressionable impressive 13. sombre jumper burnt-umber lumber (abs) November number 14. Nkr and ngr. anchor anger hanker hanger ranker rancor 15. banker tinker tincture finger lingering clinkers 16. singer longer hunger younger juncture puncture u s L */ t- v \ 1 x 136 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. Triple length. caterer manufacturer architecture character 2. characteristic electric literature temperature 3. intruder spectator collector 4. Not doubled, angry factory manufactory victory dilatory cemetery symmetry inventory involuntary voluntary country 5. proprietary prothonotary century sentry notary sundry sundries hungry boundary boundaries poultry 6. Phrases. Paint their, print their, bind their, if their, if theirs is, for their, when their, \von their, gain their, attend their, can their. 7. Can there, been there, if there, if there is a, for there, when there, the other, the others, in all the other, some other, near future, sooner or later. 8. We are in receipt of your letter, at sender's risk, New York Central Railroad Company, Board of Underwriters, in order, in order that, in order to. 9. Your letter, in your, letter, we have your letter, \ve received your letter, your order received, in your order, on your order, further orders. 10. Entering a, entering the, endorsing the, intersecting the, interpreting the. 11. Interrupting the, interviewing the, entertaining the, introducing the, introducing a, tendering the. 12. Undertaking the, understanding the, underbidding the, underrating the, underlying the, neutralizing the. 13. Undervaluing the, undergoing a, flattering the, filtering the, furthering the, fracturing the, scattering the. 14. Gathering the, gathering a, altering the, shattering the, sheltering the, shouldering the, capturing the, manufacturing the, encountering the. 15. Rendering a, rendering the, ordering a, ordering the, surrendering the, employing a, employing the, embossing the, impeding the, embodying the, remembering the. 16. Embracing the, resembling the, impairing the, im- porting the, imparting the, improving the, dumping the, numbering the, characterizing the. V / .-7 *s? r ^/^? 138 COLLEGE COURSE OK SHORTHAND. 1. Hoping to receive your further orders, we remain Yours truly. 2. Will you kindly look into this matter and oblige us. 3. Please let us know promptly what has been done, so we can trace them further. 4. We would prefer to leave this matter entirely to your judgment. 5. We send you this day, by mail, the samples you asked for in your letter. 6. Of course the whole matter hinges on the amount of discount to be allowed. 7. We think you have misunderstood part .of our letter of the agth ultimo. 8. Will you please advise me, as early as possible, of the materials ne-di-d. 9. Please get this information from the recorder at an early day. 10. Be sure you give a date with each name you send to the printer. 11. I hope your determination to try electricity will have a good effect. 12. Your order received to-day and we will give it our prompt attention. 13. We send you this day, by express, the books you ordered in your favor of the 24th ultimo. 14. I have read your letter with great anxiety and hope you will be able to carry out the project. 15. Please accept our thanks for your order which we will endeavor to fill promptly. 16. We can discuss the matter fully after you arrive here. V. ^ \ , /v c T-r L . ./ z_L > 12 ~= V 14 o V^ 1G I4 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. r. We have referred your letter to our Ticket Agrnt, Mr. C. W. Hay. 2. This will introduce to you, our salesman, Mr. Harold M. Lippincott. 3. We have carefully gone over the matter with Mr. Charles A. Rigg. 4. We herewith render the accounts for the months of September and October. 5. We enclose bill herewith and hope to receive your further orders. 6. We have shipped you two thousand bags of salt, but can not say whether they will reach you this week. 7. On December 4th we shipped you sixty tons of on- for which we paid lighterage. 8. We could not obtain the material you desire us to use on this work. 9. We received your letter in response to our advertisement in Saturday's Herald. 10. Hoping to receive your further valued favors at an early date, we remain Very truly yours. 11. We have your letter of the 3oth ultimo advising us that winter rates to European points are lower than summer rates. 12. I have seen the agents in regard to this matter and they will send you bills of lading immediately. 13 Please tie the willows in 5 pound bundles and ship by Pennsylvania Central. 14. Cartersville is justly celebrated for its natural beauty and fine location. 15. For further information please address our Passenger Agent, Mr. A. S. Anderson. 16. Dear Sir, We have received your letter of January 2nd in reference to appointing salesmen. LJL ^ J41 / , 4 <> / S J v >/ x 8 c ' 9 A XV 1- ^ 12 T r V J \ V \ 142 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. Ses. causes cases access axis classes Kansas accessible gases Arkansas 2. taxes passes paces praises places bases basis traces dances sustain sustaining sustained chaces chances races raises 3. accessory accessories masses amasses mazes amazes narcissus announces laces atlases 4. faces phases effaces vases advices excess excesses excessive excessively inaccessible 5. mixes fixes affixes prefixes Texas exhaust exhausting exhaustion exhaustive 6. exist existing exists existence exhausted existed persist persisting persistance persistent persisted 7. pieces spices presses prices precise precisely princes pleases predecessor suspend suspending suspends suspense suspension (ab) suspension 8. suspicion suspicions suspicioned suspicious suspiciously prepossessing dispossess dispossesses disposes displeases ellipsis ellipses replaces 9. impresses embraces induces reduces desist decisive sister sister-in-law system systematic systematize 10. recess recesses rises exercise exercises exercising embarrasses resist resisting resistance resisted differences 11. misses Mrs. premises Mississippi witnesses season seasonable seasoned census sciences defences 12. denounces renounces enhances incessantly insisting insisted necessity necessitating (ab) references refuses verses versus 13. defaces diffuses devices infuses invoices empliasi/es emphasizing enforces (ab) beneficence accuses successes successive successful 14. successor unsuccessful proxies boxes poses opposes possessing possesses supposes process processes possessed proposes (ab) purposes abuses subsist 15. substances possessor chooses juices roses rouses arouses horses sources noises ounces unsuspicious neutral i/.es 16. unnecessary allowances Moses amuses promises offices fuses forces suffices voices losses loses _ O . 143 \> f.3 \ \ o (L 1 , r r 152 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. In this city, in this state, in your rity, in your state, New York State, New York City, must be, (ab)nnist have been, must not, you must. 2. Most important, post office, please us, n-aches us, keeps us, takes us, takes us four days, it is as, it is said, as far as possible, as fast as possible, as rc'at as. 3. As is, as his, has as, is as, is his, ins is, as soon as ever you can, as soon as they arrive, as soon as done, as soon as they are done, as soon as there is a chance. 4. Last of all, last week, first class, at first, at last, at last account, last time, last day, last day of the month, last of the cases, last of the week. 5. We take pleasure in forwarding you catalogue. We have been advised by our Superintendent. 6. Please make them as fast as possible. Please forward them as fast as you can. 7. They have proven to be very useful. We hope to pay you a visit next month. 8. There has been a great falling off in price. There are many opportunities for you at this season. 9. We have a large stock on hand. We will settle with you at the end of each month. 10. I am surprised to hear of this. Accept our thanks for your promptness. IT. We are pleased to hear from you. When they are received by us. 12. Are subject to the following restrictions. Are payable at the First National Bank. 13. We beg to call your attention to the following publications. Send them as early as you can. 14. Will you kindly send us as follows. You will find them perfect in every respect. 15. They will be sent by express. Please let us hear from you soon. We have not received your price-list. 16. We remain yours respectfully. Please let us know immediately what we shall do, and oblige. O o o 153 \ L \ V iu - V. '( I 10 12 ,3 \ 14 A. L5. \ 77 V V TV 154 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. We are in receipt of yours of the 41)1 inst., enclosing directions for the cement work. 2. We expect to remove our office about the middle >! next month. 3. Replying to your favor of the 2ist inst. \ve incite bill herewith. 4. We hereby return your remittance of the ist inst. as there is an error in the deductions. 5. Your letter of the i6th inst. received with remittance for which please accept our thanks. 6. We allow two percent discount if paid before the first of next month. 7. We will send you shipping instructions for tin- carriage next week. 8. The pig iron must be shipped on or before Saturday of next week. 9. Replying to your letter of the second inst. we wisli to state that the main 10. difference occurs in the foundation stone selected for these buildings. 11. We sent you telegram this morning which was worded as follows : six 12. cars coke just arrived and now on switch but two cars 13. are reported broken down on road 100 miles from here. 14. Dear Sir : We have received your check in settlement of bill of March ist for which we thank you. 15. We did not examine the first case until it had been taken to our warehouse. 16. We must first get their permission, as we do not care to assume any risk. 155 s ^ x No NT IT L v \ 10 T (3 -4 \_2 (5 .1 16 c 156 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. We will guarantee both kinds and would be pleased to have your order. 2. We thank you for the remittance and will be pleased to have further orders from you. 3. Thanking you for your kindness and hoping that you will be pleased with the goods, we remain Yours very truly. 4. We are sure you will be pleased, as our goods have proven to be a success wherever introduced. 5. If you have occasion to use more lumber, we would be pleased to furnish same. 6. We are pleased to announce a number of great attractions for the approaching season. 7. I think you will be pleased with the investment we made for you, as it will assure you regular dividends. 8. Before retiring I sold the old stock at a reduction from regular prices. 9. We intend to install such presses as we need for our afternoon edition. 10. These prices are subject to two percent discount for cash in ten days. 11. You must bear in mind that our prices are subject to change without notice. 12. We herewith enclose catalogue and price-list of china ware in stock. 13. In reply to yours of September 29th we beg to enclose price-lists. 14. Enclosed find specifications for upholstery needed for these cars. 15. Enclosed please find check for $25.00 to the order of your company. r6. In the enclosed circular you will find a description of this machine. isr t X /V ; 1 ^ ^HI 1 , c , ^L -t; \0 i . ^ L ^ rr |3_ 14 V 15 -V-> 158 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. Wishing you the best of success in this undertaking, I beg to remain Your friend. 2. We declined to take the two cases after we found them to be damaged. 3. I have sold my retail business and beg to refer you to my successor. 4. To-day we ship you, freight prepaid, 8 crates machinery and two boxes fittings. 5. Trusting that we may be favored with your order, which will have our prompt attention, we are Yours truly. 6. We would not like to have any trouble as this is our first shipment to them. 7. This is the only company I know of that keeps a large stock of these tools. 8. We would like to have your advice on this subject as early as possible. 9. We would be obliged to you for any information you can give us on this subject. 10. We can not yet give any definite information on this subject. 11. Will you please make delivery as soon as possible after the goods are received by you? 12. If unable to forward to-day, they will be sent to-morrow by first messenger. 13. These goods are first class in every particular and we feel sure they will please' you. 14. Please pay storage charges and collect from us on your next bill. 15. We have been notified th;it storage charges must be paid at once or goods will be forfeited. 16. We expect our agent to pay you a visit next week and deliver policy. 159 c.^ 1_ vi V ? V AV ff 4^ ^ \ \ 10 ^ ^-Jr / ^ /A ___ P I6O COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. We beg to call your attention to our bill of August i4th which still remains unpaid. 2. By express we send you this day the steel plates you ordered in your letter of June 2oth. 3. They claim to have received only 14 cases by the last shipment. 4. Please advise us whether you can furnish the stock before the last of the month. 5. Please use interlocking tiles as per sample submitted last week. 6. Gentlemen: We have been referred to you by Mi. Thomas in regard to price of sheet steel. 7. This money should have been paid last week as all accounts are payable on the first of each month. 8. Gentlemen : I enclose ' check herewith for shipments made by your company last month. 9. They lost a great opportunity by their refusal to take the goods last month. 10. Hoping these goods will prove satisfactory we be to solicit your future trade. 11. Hoping tin's order will prove satisfactory, and soliciting your further favors, we remain Very respectfully yours. 12. Having received your favors in the past and wishing to hear from you again, 13. we take pleasure in sending you circulars of some of our new publications. 14. I will visit your society at the very first opportunity and hope that we 15. can arrange matters to the satisfaction of both parties. 16. They have promised us that we shall have no trouble of this kind in the future. 161 \> ^ V M III * \\VXVX\AV-\ v \N Vvv m . . .1 c \,v-^\-,N i \-X^A.'\...\\\\^ 6 . . .^ ^,.^ ._,, ^/>^f~ 9 x f ^/ ^. \ \ \ \ \ \ 'v^ \ s ~Y~ '+- ~1 -' J ^^_ 3 ^^^__^_^ _^ l\ ix t,\ L L '4- X \ \" 15 16 _\ s^\ 166 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. Con. confab conflagration convey conveyance con- veyancer convalescent contain contagion contagious con- taminate contamination 2. contact contract contracted contraction contractor contrast constancy contrary constant constantly constrained constraint contained concave concavity 3. conclave consecrate congratulate congratulation connect connected connection consecutive consecutively concrete 4. conquered conquer congress congressman congressional congregation congregate 5. conception conspicuous conspicuously conspire confide ^confine confines (ab)confinement confections confectionery confess confession confessed 6. confiscate configuration conflict confident confidence (ab)confidential confirm confirmative confirmation o>nl \J^ 12 P .p.') j L i. r 1 i 1 ij J T) ^T 13 I U L L L U.oA: \ x/ { 1 168 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. conformable conformity confound confounded confront convoke convocation convolute convolution convoy con vulse convulsion 2. control controller contour contortion construe construct (ab)construction constructor (ab)constitute (ab)constituic(l constitution constitutional (ab)constit.utionality 3. conduce conduces conducive conducible conduct conductor condole (ab)condolence conscious consciously conjure conjunction consonant conundrum 4. consume consumer consumable consummate con- summation consumption Congo conglomeration 5. concussion concur concurrence concurred concord concurrent concordant conclude conclusion 6. conclusive conclusively console consul consolation consulate consultation consolidation consolidate consular consoled consult 7. disconnecting disconnected discontent discontented discontinue discontinuation disconsolate disconcerted pre- concerted inconstant inconstancy incontestable 8. incontinently inconsistent inconsistency inconsiderate inconsiderable inconspicuous inconspicuously inconceivable inconceivably 9. inconclusive incongruity inconsolable misconduct misconstrue misconstruction misconstrued misconception misconceive 10. unconnected unconstitutional unconditional uncontrolled uncontrollable unconfined unconverted unconscious un- consciously unconsciousness 11. unconcern unconcerned nonconductor reconstruct re- construction reconsidered reconsider reconsideration recon- vey reconnoissance 12. reconnoiter reconcile reconciled reconciliation recon- cilable unreconciled cone conic 13. Coun. council counsel councilor counselor counsel- fees (ab)councilman. 14. Contra, contro & counter, contradict contradiction contradictory contradistinction (ab)controversy 15. counterfeit counterfeited counteracted counterpart countermarch 16. counteract counteraction countermand countermine 169 P ' f f I I J^xJ k i ^ / / v T T =E7 IJO COLLEGE COrRSK OK SHORTHAND. 1. Cog. recognize recognition unrecognized cognomen cogwheel 2. Circum. circumstance circumstances circumstantial circumjacent circumnavigate circumspect circumspectly cir- cumspection circumference circumflex 3. circumvent circumscribe circtimpolar circumlocution circumlocutory Self-con. self-constraint self-conceit self- confessed self-confidence self-control 4. Self, self-made self-same self-sacrifice self-aggrandize- ment self-defence self-denial self-evident self-esteem self- willed selfish 5. selfishness selfishly self-registering self-respect self- interest self-possessed self-sufficient self-love unselfish 6. itself thyself themselves myself himself herself yourself yourselves ourselves one's-self 7. Magn. magnified magnitude magnanimously magna- nimity magnify magnificent magnificence 8. magnificently magnifier magnet magnetize magnetized magnetism magnesia magnesium 9. A-com, &c. accommodate accommodation accompany accompanied accomplice accomplish accomplished accomplish- ment. A constant, a comparison, a continual, a considerable. 10. A condensed, a consistent, a comprehensive, a con- venient, a complete, a combined, a conservative, constitu- tional, a construction, a conductor, a compound, a consumption. 11. The-com, &c. The complainant, the contract, the con- trast, the contrary, the committee, the contest, the con- tinuous, the qontention, the continuation, the condition, the contents, the competition, the combined. 12. The convenience, the convention, the consent, the component, the confusion, the constitution, the construction, the control, the consumer, the compound, the consumption. 13. Phrases. At the commencement, we congratulate, can consist, any contingency, I am convinced, we have commenced, we have completed, we have concluded, place of concealment. 14. Chamber of Commerce, was completely, we are compelled, please commence, please convey, please continue, please communicate, if convenient, it commences. 15. It is commendable, it is composed, it comprised, it comprises, it will complicate, they comprise, they combine, they contain, they conflict, they are controlled, in conclusion. '16. Might confound, will confine, will convene, will con- vince, will control, we completed, we complied with, were com- missioned, our connection, our complaint, with our compliments. 171 r\ / X v o o a ~V C^O T , ; 13 M (5 K \\, k k K (\. (\ V> ' \ ' ^o ' v-' v ^ 16 ^ f\ 172 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. When this is done please furnish us with a complete copy. 2. We will take advantage of the first opportunity to consult you about this matter. 3. We are awaiting you with considerable anxiety as we would like to complete our contract. 4. We are greatly indebted to you for delivering them at their destination in such perfect condition. 5. We are well satisfied with the conditions expressed in your report. 6. We must adapt our business to the wants of consumers. 7. At a meeting of the committee on finance the following report was adopted. 8. We consider the adoption of this system a great advantage to the company. 9. We are favorably impressed with the accompanying proposal. 10. He is general manager of his company and has ai> office in this city. 11. With pleasure we recommend the bearer to your kind consideration and confidence. 12. You will be convinced that our statements, regarding them, are not overdrawn. 13. After consultation with our president I am authorized to order four (4) motors. 14. We trust they have reached you in good time and ii) first class condition. 15. We were well satisfied with the consignments received from Rochester last week. 16. I am willing to accept your draft for the amount of this consignment. 1 >, , 173 "-f t T ' I p_ - i . M fi H. / a s- N f J^ 174 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. Kw. quack quake quaker quasi quadrille (ab)quadri- lateral quadrant 2. quackery quarter quarterly quarry quarried quart quartette quarto 3. quarrel quash quassia (ab)quartermaster squabble squander square <(ab Quarantine 4. quadruped quadruple quandary quantity quantum quaint acquaint acquaintance acquainted quaintness 5. aqua-ammonia equation equator equanimity Kwl. quail quality equality 6. qualify qualifier qualification qualified quick quicklime quicksilver 7. quicksand quickness quicken quickly queen 8. queenly equine quest conquest queer query choir quire acquire 9. quiver quibble equable quench quiz quinsy Quincy quinine 10. quite quiet quintal queen's quince squeeze sequester sequence (ab)consequence consequent 11. consequently consequential quit acquit quitted acquitted acquittal acquiesce acquiescent acquiescence equilateral equidistant 12. equestrian equity equinox equinoctial equitable equip equipment equipoise equivocate 13. equivocal equivalent quell quill equal equally (ab)equilibrium equals equalize 14. quelled equalled disqualified disquieting perquisite iniquity inquisitive inquest inquire 15. inquiry inquirer request requested requisite requital require 16. requirements unqualified quorum quota quotation quoth quotient quote quoted 175 1)7 ie fij ' 1 L l [5 16 176 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. Qw. guano Guam Guayaquil (abjlanguish (ab)language (ab)lingual (ab;linguist (ab)distinguisli. Qwl. Guelph 2. Tw. twain twang twin twine twice twist twisted twins twines twig tweezers twitch twinge twilight twinkling Twl. twelve twelfth twill twilled 3. Dw. dwarf dwarfed dwarfish dwindle dwindling dwindled DwI. dwell dwells dwelling-house dwelling- houses dwelling dwellings dweller dwelled 4. S-tlon. taxation transition transitional transposition annexation accession accessions acquisition requisition question 5. questionable precision preposition compensation physi- cian physicians physician's vexation conversation a conver- sation conversational civilization secession 6. decision decisions condensation digestion deposition depositions disposition dispensation decomposition congestion exposition sensation 7. sensational incision incisions indecision indigestion imposition accusation succession 8. possession self-possession possessions position positions opposition composition compositions the composition suppo- sition procession processions 9. pronunciation proposition propositions pulsation com- bustion suggestion (ab)unquestionable musician musicians 10. At present we have not yet come to any decision in this matter. 11. If you will make a proposition to that effect we will consider it. 12. In accordance with your request we send full line of samples. 13. In reply to your inquiry for slate laundry tubs, we beg to state that we have a 14. large stock on hand but we are also prepared to furnish soapstone tubs. 15. We herewith send samples and prices in response to your inquiry. 16. We quote you prices on Portland cement in bags as follows. X" -7 s^>~* 177 r r r/r / / ' i i ' INT I I I j J k / V 6 s V 7 q- T7 8 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 9 t\ c\ \ P 10 ^ I ^ rf V 12 4 15 16 -\ X) ^-j? 178 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. BOOKKEEPING AND COMMERCE. The objects of commercial bookkeeping are : 2. ist. To record the liabilities and assets, gains or losses, 3. of an individual, partnership, company or other corpo- ration. 4. 2d. To enable the financial position of the foregoing to be placed before 5. those interested either in the credit or capital of the concern. 6. These objects are generally attained by means of the final accounts as 7. prepared from the ledger balances and known as trading and profit and loss accounts 8. and balance sheet. The trading account is used for the purpose of arriving at the gross profit 9. of a business. Cost accounts are used to obtain sep- arate results for departments. 10. It is of great practical importance and pecuniary value to know u. precisely where profits are made and where losses are incurred. The cost of the 12. manufactured article consists of material, wages and indirect charges. 13. The chief trouble is usually met with in apportioning the indirect charge^. 14. The most important of these are rent, taxes, heating, lighting, motive power, management, 15. office expenses, advertising, traveling expenses, etc. They must be apportioned to the departments by percentage. 1 6. (From address of James Mar (in before the London Chamber of Commerce, March 6th, 179 / 4 ^ , . v V V V V 12. 13 r 1 ^ , . 1 02 l8o COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. " All new orders from the big railway companies are for 2. monster freight engines these days, and not a few are of the compound 3. type. The Union Pacific, Oregon Short Line, Rio Grande system, Burlington, /4. Illinois Central, Northern Pacific, Pennsylvania, New York Central, Rock Island, 5. Colorado Midland, Colorado & Southern, Missouri Pacific, the Erie road and others, have large 6. orders in for locomotives and all of them include great 7. freight-hauling machinery. For the past year or two a particular study has been made 8. of the power problem, and while there is some difference of opinion among 9. master mechanics and enginemen upon some points, yet there is 10. unanimity with reference to some general facts, and among these 11. latter is the preference for heavy engines as money savers. 12. "Probably no more praiseworthy feat is recorded in the 13. annals of American railroading than the performance of the trains sent 14. by the New York Central and Pennsylvania Railroads over the roads between New York 15. and Chicago. At a speed which sometimes exceeded 80 miles 16. an hour, and which averaged some 50 miles an hour including 181 C I "Vf / V 10 AT 7 ^ 12 13 rl \ 14 \ 15 IG 7s -o 182 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. all stops, these trains, traveling east and west, m\ ered the respective 2. distances of 980 and 912 miles three minutes ahead of tile 3. schedule time of 20 hours. With these two remark- able records, American railroads 4. hold the record for fast, long runs." Scientific American, 6-28-^02. 5. Mr. F. J. S. . Dear Sir, In reply to your letter of the 25th inst. I beg to say that we 6. receive a certain amount per ton for handling the company's shipments at the junction, 7. but as it does not pay us to keep a man there per- manently 8. we employ Mr. Hughes at so much per shipment to look 9. after things during the quiet season. We lose ol course in all these 10. transactions, but save the expense of a permanent rep- resentative there. Very truly yours . . . May i2th, 1903. 11. Messrs. W. R. & Co. Gentlemen, We beg to confirm our verbal order of this morning 12. to go ahead on the work of making the improvements as set forth 13. in your letter of January 3ist, and as per specifica- tions furnished by you. 14. You to do the whole work for the sum of $5000 ( Five thousand dollars), 15. and we to retain all old material that is of any value and which 16. we will dispose of later. Respectfully yours . . . May lath, 1903. C 3 183 L -I A K, t \ y \ ,/ 12 13 31 \ H 5 J X J"cnro ,5 ,0 * /\ 184 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. States and Territories. New York New Jersey New Hampshire New Mexico North Carolina North Dakota Rhode Island 2. Louisiana Oregon Oklahoma Colorado Montana Georgia Florida South Carolina South Dakota Porto Rico 3 Illinois Michigan Minnesota Missouri Mississippi Nebraska Nevada Indiana Pennsylvania 4. Kentucky Vermont Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Texas Connecticut Tennessee Delaware District oi Columbia 5. Massachusetts Maine Maryland California Arkansas Arizona Alaska Alabama Kansas Washington Iowa Idaho Utah 6. Countries &c. Canada Equador Great Britain Manitoba Paraguay Spain Brazil France Wales 7. Japan Argentine Republic Arabia Austria Australia America Mexico United States England India 8. Guinea Guiana Persia Belgium Venezuela Ireland Sweden Switzerland Peru Siberia 9. Denmark Italy China Germany Egypt Norway Nova Scotia New Zealand Europe Russia 10. Portugal Prussia Bolivia Turkey Cuba Colombia Scotland Holland Hungary 11. Cities, &c. New York City Newport New Haven Newark New Orleans Honolulu Omaha Montreal 12. London Portland Long Island Cornell Buffalo Rome Worcester Yonkers Rochester 13. Cincinnati Indianapolis Minneapolis Milwaukee Quebec Pittsburg Princeton 14. Jersey City Sheffield Lincoln Liverpool Philadelphia Vienna Wilkesbarre Williamsport Wilmington 15. St. Paul St. Louis St. Lawrence San Francisco Man- chester Madrid Hartford Harvard Jamaica 16. Albany Paris Harrisburg Hamburg Halifax Havana Savannah Havre 186 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. St. Petersburg Santa !'< Antwerp Amsterdam Baltimore Charleston Charlestown Saratoga 2. Atlantic City Danville Denver Seattle Springfield Berlin Bremen Birmingham Belfast Boston Brussels 3. Persons. Grant Madison Washington Adams Jackson Jefferson Lincoln Monroe Roosevelt 4. Matthew Martin Samuel Andrew Anderson Paul Patrick Ahram Abraham 5. Baldwin Frank Francis Harold Wales Wallace Walter David Daniel Charles Jacob James 6. Allen Albert Alfred Alexander Lawrence Arthur Harry Harrison Ralph 7. Michael Mitchell Henry Henderson Peter Benjamin Bennett Philip Frederic Evan Stephen William 8. Edwin Edward Edgar Edison Theodore Isaac Eugene Richard Morris Moses Cornelius Burns 9. Roger Russel Thomas Hughes Joseph George John Jones Jonah Jonas Johnson Johnston Louis Oliver Robert Howard 10. Kate Catharine Caroline Clara Agnes Grace Anne Anna Annie Hannah 11. Mary Mabel Margaret Martha Fanny Frances Rachel Jane Alice Sarah Emma Emily 12. Bertha Eva Ida Edith Jenny Lizzie Eliza Elizabeth Ellen Helen Susan Dorothy Dora Louisa Sophie Florence 13. Months. August May March April January Decem- ber September February October November June July ultimo proximo 14. Days. Saturday yesterday Friday Wednesday Sunday Monday Thursday to-morrow Christmas Fourth of July 15. Numbers, i 2 3 )4 l /j % 10-12 400 5,000 .006 7,000,000 16. Punctuation, comma semicolon colon period exclama- tion-mark question-mark paragraph parenthesis brackets dash hyphen capital-initials underscoring caret canceling-mark ^ I L LI f- L-/X ) 10 , \ f I P O ,/<> . 13 . J i 3 2 16 7~ ^ 188 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. Initials. ABODE F G H I J K L M 2. NOPQRSTUVWXYZ 3. Abbreviations of Titles. D. D. M. D. Ph. I) A. M. A. B. LL. 1). 4. Other Abbreviations used in Writing. A. D. B. C. U. S. N. Y. a. m. p. m. E. E. E. & O. E. c. o. d. f. o. b. 5. Abbreviations for Intersecting. Company, Bank, Com- mittee, Department, Exchange, Railroad, Railway, Society, Association. 6. Phrases. Manufacturing Company, Railroad Company, Railway Company, Telegraph Company, Telephone Company, Express Company, Publishing Company. 7. Standard Oil Company, Adams Express Company, Penn- sylvania Company, Lippincott Company, American I'.onk Company, United States Express Company, Barnes & Co. 8. Fisher & Co., Mitchell & Co., Mitchell Bros. & Co., Na- tional Bank, First National Bank, Bank of North America, Merchants Bank. 9. National Committee, Executive Committee, Finance Com- mittee, Committee on Finance, Committee on Furniture, Com- mittee on Appropriations, Committee on Schools. 10. Navy Dept., War Dept., Department of State, Treasury Dept, Department of the Interior, Department of Agriculture, Post Office Dept., Water Dept. ir. Fire Dept., Dept. of Gas and Electricity, Dept. of Public Safety, Dept. of Public Works, Dept. of Police, Police Dept., Survey Dept., Passenger Dept. 12. Commercial Exchange, Merchants Exchange, Stock Ex- change, Produce Exchange, Wabash Railroad, Pennsylvania Railroad, Reading Railroad, Atlantic Railroad, Western Kail- road, Hudson River Railroad. 13. Long Island Railroad, Central Railroad, Central Rail- way, Reading Railway, Pacific Railway, Western Railway, Northern Railway, 14. Saving Society, National Society, Building Society, Medi- cal Society, Benevolent Society, Charitable Society, National Association, Building Asso'n, Western Asso'n, Eastern Asso'n. 15. Receiver of Taxes, Tax Commissioner, Board of Alder- men, Board of Education, Board of Publication, Board of Health, Bureau of Buildine Inspectors, Bureau of Highways. 16. Bureau of Water, Bureau of Police, Bureau of Taxes, Bureau of Information, Auditing Bureau, Bureau for the Collec- tion of Taxes, Bureau of Health. \ ) I -I 183 _2 CL r ) \ \) I / \ -P N-J>~-_P V r 14 v 15 16 ,. Vb / 190 COLLEGE COURSE OF SHORTHAND. 1. President of the United States, Vice President, Secre- tary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, Supreme Court, Attor- ney General, United States Senate, House o! Representatives. 2. Borough of Manhattan, Municipal Assembly, Board of Education of the City of New York, Sheriff's Office, District At- torney, City Solicitor, Assistant '1 reasurer, Assistant Secretary. 3. Deputy Sheriff, Deputy Surveyor, Deputy Collector, S iving Fund, General Agent, General Superintendent, Business College, Postal Telegraph, W. U. T. Co. 4. Again and again, over and over, each one of you, time of day, bill of lading, bills of lading, bill of sale, bills of sale, in the world, nevertheless, point of view. 5. Act of Congress, Acts of Congress, Act of Assembly, Acts of Assembly, day of the week, quality of the goods, quality of the material, letter of the i8th, answer of the j< th. 6. Date of the ist, date of the and, date of the 3rd, date of the 4th, many of the best, many of the difficulties, state of the market, one of the best, one of the most. 7. From day to day, from place to place, from time to time, from year to year, from hour to hour, from house to house, from month to month, from 10 to 12, 10 or 12, hand in hand. 8. Step by step, hope to have, as soon as convenient, many of the circumstances, circumstances of the case, condition ol the goods, value of the contents, concerning the, Constitutii n of the United States, under the circumstances. 9. Omitting "con" &c. contract contrary circum- stances consist contingent contingency discontinue continue confidential convenience inconvenience inconsistent 10. Similar Words. (Verbs.) Appeal apply, accept except expect, " cancel excel, adapt adopt, advise devise, regard re- gret, wish issue. n. (Nouns.) Case cause, passions patience, failings feel- ings, signature significance, proportion appropriation, portion operation. 12. (Adjectives.) Valuable available, necessary unnecessary, inevitable unavoidable, known unknown, poor pure. 13. Double Vowels. chaos gayety gaseous mania payee barrier area Arabian radius 14. Amelia miasma meander Pierre preeminent pia//a fealty Vienna 15. deity deify theory reoccupy towage Dewey duet showy Georgia Judea Julia 16. notorious ammonia Pompeii folio oleo Owen owing Noah poem \ \ 101 n^ U_LJ j_ i s