HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY of the HOLY LAND PC-NRLF SB WILLIAM WALTER., SMITH Other Works by The Rev. Wm. Walter Smith, M.A., M.D. The History and Use of the Prayer Book (15 lessons). Fourth Edition. For Scholars from 10 to 16. Paper, 10 cents net. The Making of the Bible (15 lessons). Third Edition. For Scholars from 1 1 to 20. Paper, 12 cents net. * The Ageless Hymns of the Living Church A course of 20 lessons on the sweet stories of sacred songs and their singers. Designed for the adolescent period of from 14 to 20 years of age. Beautifully illus- trated. Price, 20 cents. X From the Exile to the Advent; or The Period of Prepa- ration for Christ. A course of 15 lessons to precede the Senior Life of Christ. Price, 2O cents. X The Doctrines of the Church (40 lessons). Fifth Edition. For Scholars of the Con- firmation Age to Bible Class requirements. Paper 20 cents net. Sunday School Teaching A Manual for Teacher-Training. .Third Edition. Sun- day School Pedagogy, Child-Study and School Organiza- tion. A Manual for Teachers and Normal Classes. Manilla cover, 50 cents net. Postage 5 cents. % A Complete Text Book of Religious Education 526 pages, illustrated, covering Aim and Plan of Teach- ing, Preparation of the Teacher, Psychology, Child Study, Progress of Mind Growth, every detail of Religious Peda- gogy, and the entrancing and suggestive History of Re- ligious Education, combining the best thought of all other books, carefully compiled into one. ,$2.oo. Order through The Sunday School Times Company or the New York Sunday School Commission, Inc. The Students' Illustrated Historical Geography of the Holy Land By THE REV. WILLIAM WALTER .SMITH A.B., A.M., M.D. Corresponding Secretary of the Sunday School Federation, Secretary of the New York Sunday School Commission, Inc., Secretary of the New York Sunday School Association, Member of the General Board of Religious Education, Member of the Executive Committee and of the Teacher Training Committee of the New York County Sunday School Association, etc. Author of "The History and Use of the Prayer Book," "Christian Doctrine," "The Making of the Bible," "From Exile to Advent," "Sunday School Teaching," "Religious Educa- tion," "The Ageless Hymns of the Church," etc. Illustrated with One Hundred Halftone Pictures of Bible Places and Thirty-five Maps, many of them in colors. WITH FOREWORD BY THE REV. MILTON s. LITTLEFIELD A Popular Reading Manual and Text Book for Teachers and Clergy. An Illuminating Course of Lessons for the Sunday School, to be used in the History and Geography Ages PHJLADELPHIA THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES COMPANY 1911 COPYRIGHT, 1911, BY THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES COMPANY CONTENTS FOREWORD v INTRODUCTION vii REFERENCE BOOKS FOR FURTHER READING ix PICTURES OF PLACES AND SCENERY xiii LIST OF MAPS IN APPENDIX xxiii CHAPTER I THE BIBLE WORLD . i CHAPTER II THE ZONES OF PALESTINE CHAPTER III THE THIRD ZONE OF PALESTINE. SAMARIA 12 CHAPTER IV THE THIRD ZONE OF PALESTINE. CONTINUED. JUDEA . 18 CHAPTER V JERUSALEM AND ITS ENVIRONS 22 CHAPTER VI JERUSALEM, CONTINUED. FOURTH QUARTER AND SUR- ROUNDING ROADS 28 CHAPTER VII THE FOURTH ZONE CF PALESTINE. THE JORDAN VALLEY TO THE GHOR 33 iii iv Contents CHAPTER VIII THE REMAINDER OF THE JORDAN VALLEY 39 CHAPTER IX THE FIFTH ZONE OF PALESTINE. THE EASTERN TABLE LAND 44 CHAPTER X THE SIXTH ZONE 51 CHAPTER XI THE EASTERN EMPIRES 54 CHAPTER XII THE LANDS OF ST. PAUL'S LABORS. ASIA MINOR, THE MEDITERRANEAN, GREECE, ROME 59 INDEX FOREWORD God's revelation is given to the world in three chapters. The first is the story of the land of Palestine. The second is the history of the men who made the land their home. The third is the message which the seers of Israel gave to the world. The background of the message of the Bible is the unfolding providence of God expressed in the development of the political and religious ideas of God's people of Israel. We must know how they lived and with whom, what they did and what they thought. The background of the history is the geographical setting which made the history what it was. The story of the Hebrews is the romance of history, and Israel's place in the world has been determined in no small degree by her place on the world. Geography and history are vitally connected. The study of the one must be interwoven with the study of the other. Geography, apart from history, is abstract and uninteresting. History, apart from geography, is meaningless. History makes geography vital because it reveals the hills and plains, the rivers and seas as the homes of men and the theatre of stirring events. Geography gives history vividness and reality. In the light of Bible geography the men of the Bible stand out as real men who lived in our world, who thought out their truth, and wrought out their destiny as all nations must. There are two forms of geographical study which apply to religious education, physical geography and historical geog- raphy. The first gives the setting and the second the se- quence of events. Purely descriptive geography study is in- cluded in historical geography. Physical geography at once determines and interprets much of the history and many of the stories of the Bible. Confined within narrow limits by the desert, the sea, and the mountains, Palestine seems to be as distinct among the lands as its people among the vi Foreword nations. The physical characteristics of the land are both striking and of profound significance. It lay as a narrow strip between the desert and the sea, a connecting link be- tween the great civilizations of the Nile and the Euphrates. The strip itself is broken into zones of widely different character. Going inland from the sea, there is first a fertile coast plain, which was a highway and a battleground for all nations. Rising from the plain, along its entire length, as the Catskills rise from the Hudson River Valley, and to the same height, extends the central range. Beyond that is the deep Jordan Valley. The fall from the Judean hills to the Dead Sea is four-fifths of a mile in a distance of twenty miles. Beyond the valley the eastern plateau stretches off to the desert. In all literalness the people of Israel were enisled among the nations. In two directions they faced the desert and the desert men. On the other sides the men and the life of all the known world lured and- imperilled them. The men of Israel were at once in touch with all nations and yet, by the paradox of history, were isolated from them by their mountain homes and their natural bulwarks. The current of the world's life flowed beside them, but they were suf- ficiently separated to develop their own life. The study of the physical geography will give the back- ground and the setting for the history as nothing else will. Historical geography will locate events both in place and in time. To associate places with the events will invest the places forever with reality. To associate the events with places will show them in their relationship and sequence and will thus be an invaluable aid to the memory. The most ef- fective method of study is by means of such expressive ac- tivities as Dr. Smith has outlined in the following pages. In relief and in color work the four zones of Palestine, with their determinating influence on the history, will be made clear. By coloring in political boundaries the pupil will learn the rela- tion of the nations to each other, and the broad sweep of history will be made clear. By placing events in order upon a map, the details of history will be made clear. MILTON S. LITTLEFIELD. INTRODUCTION For many years there has been a crying need for Bible Geography to make real and vivid the stirring stories of Sacred Writ. A number of large text-books, like the splen- did volumes of George Adam Smith, John B. Calkin and Robert Laird Stewart, have been available; but their very size, thoroughness, and cost withal, have precluded their general study by the average lay teacher. There has also been demand for a satisfactory course in this subject in the Subject-Graded Curriculum of progressive Sunday-schools. Only one such course has hitherto been produced, and that is too abstract and difficult, as well as lacking in picturesque interest. We have endeavored in this little hand-book to provide for both of these requirements at a minimum cost. We have compiled a reading book, presenting the Holy Land in travel form, not separating the mountains, rivers, etc., into separate skeleton chapters ; but fusing the entire physical picture, placing each in contiguous relations, and welding with the description, picture, and map of each city or site, the Biblical events in chronological order, associated with that locality, together with the Scripture reference. This has thus developed an excellent hand-book for the teachers and clergy. In addition, for the school classes and individual pupils, we have appended to each chapter questions for clinching the reading and directions for manual and map work, tend- ing to fix and test the results of study. They will be found invaluable for the adult reader as well. For those who desire to pursue deeper research, or to ac- quire additional material for application as teachers and leaders of classes, a list of useful reference books is given. WM. WALTER SMITH. December, 1910. REFERENCE BOOKS FOR FURTHER READING For the advantage of teachers and pupils, who may have access to books from public or private libraries, or who may be able to purchase such, a list of the best books bearing upon Biblical Geography and Customs, as well as of the best Maps and Materials for Self-Expression, is appended below. Those marked with a star (*) are particularly commendable. BOOKS ON BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY. *Historical Geography of the Holy Land. George Adam Smith. $4.50. * Historical Geography of Bible Lands. John B. Calkin. $i. *The Land of Israel. Prof. Rob- ert Laird Stewart, D.D. $1.50. The Rand McNally Bible Atlas. Rev. J. L. Hurlbut. $2.75. *Bible Places. Rev. H. B. Tris- tram. $1.50. *In the Master's Country. (Pal- estine) Miss Martha Tarbell. 5oc. Sacred Geography and Antiqui- ties. Rev. E. P. Barrows, D.D. 75C. * Peasant Life in Palestine. Rev. C. F. Wilson. $3.50. Galilee in the Time of Christ. Rev. Selah Merrill. $i. Today in Palestine. Rev. H. Dunning, Ph.DT $2. *Out of Doors in the Holy Land. Rev. Henry J. Van Dyke, D.D. $1.50. MAP BOOKS AND ATLASES WITHOUT DESCRIPTION. *The Commission Atlas. Paper. 62 Maps. isc. *The S. P. C. K. Atlas. 16 Maps. Suarto page. 250. et Atlas. 12 Maps. Good, but not up to date. 50. * Travis Handmap Books, (a) Old Testament. (b) Times of Christ. (c) Apostolic Times. 4oc. each. WALL AND CLASS MAPS. SMALL. *Ways, Walks and Words of the Master. Meigs. Gives place and event. Pa. soc. Cloth, *New Testament Wall Map. Smith & Lamar. 250. *Collotype Relief Map. Arm- strong. $1.25. Gem Clay Relief $5. . Map. Packing extra. Class Map Charts, in case. Six maps. $2.65. Each map 500. 'The Kent Wall Maps, eight sheets, 12 maps. Set $15. Each $2.50 and $2. 'The MacCalla Wall Maps. Old Test., New Test., Relief, Journeys of Christ, Jerusalem Picture. $2.50 each. A. S. S. U. Cloth Maps, un- mounted. Very accurate. Five maps. $i each. LARGE RELIEF. *Relief Wall Map of Palestine. Burton. $14. Reduced from $50. Papier mache. *Palestine Exploration Fund Plas- ter Map. Palestine. Very fine. ix Reference Books for Further Reading OUTLINE WALL MAPS, PAINTED ON BLACKBOARD CLOTH. Four Maps, Palestine, Sinai and Egypt, Mesopotamia. Roman World. $3 each. OUTLINE CLASS MAPS ON PAPER. THE LITTLEFIELD AND COMMISSION OUTLINE BIBLE MAPS. All 2c. each, i2c. per dozen, ;sc. per 100, in any mixture. a. Palestine in the world on Mer- cator Projection. 1. Period of the Patriarchs and Exodus. 2. Period of the Judges, 1270- 1030. 3. Period of the Kingdom of Saul, 1030-1010. 4. Period of David and Solomon, 1000-937. 5. Divided Kingdom to Revolu- tion of Jehu, 937-842. 6. Early Assyrian Period, 842- 824. 7. Syrian Conquests in Reign of Hazael, 814-797. 8. Assyrian Conquests of Syria, 797-783. 9. Period of Jeroboam II., 780- 740. 10. Conquests of Tiglath-Pileser HI., 733-727. 11. Fall of Israel and Period of Hezekiah, 727-695. 12. Scythian Invasion and Period of Josiah, 639-608. 13. Babylonian Period, 605-586. 14. Period of the Exile, 586-536. 15. Persian Period, 536-332. I. Palestine in Time of Christ. III. Palestine for Early Apostolic History. *THE BAILEY SERIES. Provides Maps and Key Maps. (Map i) The Hebrew World. (Key i) Positions of Eastern Empires in times of Abraham, Moses, David, Hezekiah, Zede- kiah, and Nehemiah. (Key i a) Eastern Empires at times of Alexander, Eleazar II., the Maccabees, Caesar, Christ, and Present Age. (Map 2) Con- tour Maps of Palestine. (Key 2) Physical Maps of Palestine, with Cross Sections. (Key 2 a Special, 2c.) The same, small size, for coloring. (Key 2 a) Location of Old Testa- ment Places. (Key 2 b) Lo- cation of New Testament Places. (Map 3) Sinai, with Egypt and Palestine. (Key Map 3*) Routes of the Ex- odus and Wilderness Wan- derings. (Map 4) Plain of Esdraelon. (Key Map 4*) Important New and Old Tes- tament Places. *Note that Keys 3 and 4 are on one sheet. (Map 5) Contour Map of Jerusalem and Environs. (Key Map 5) City Walls and Important Old and New Tes- tament Sites. (New Map 5) The same in Half-tone. (Map 6) The Early Christian World. (Key Map 6) The Journeys of St. Paul. These maps are accurate even to the smallest details, on good paper to take ink, crayon, or water color. Of uniform and standard size. A complete historical series of fifteen maps. (Two sizes, 7^/2 x g l / 2 inches, zc. each; 7sc. per hun- dred; $6.75 per thousand. Small size, 4^ x 6^ inches, ic. each; loc. per dozen; 45c. per hundred; $4 per thousand. Key Maps, sc. each sheet, in any quantity retail.) *THE BLAKESLEE OUTLINE MAPS. They may be used by any school or class desiring the best and most practical outline maps for Sunday School use. Map No. i. Large Outline Map of Palestine. Map No. 10. Large Outline Map of the Roman Empire. Size of these maps, 8 x 12^/2 inches. Printed on heavy bristol board for class use. They are to be developed by the class* as the lessons are studied from week to week. The maps have a good sur- face to take ink, water color, or colored crayons. Either map, 10 cents each; 75c. per dozen, not prepaid. Map No. i A. Map No. 10 A. These maps are the same as those of same number, Nos. i and 10 above, except that they are printed on regular thin map paper. These can be mounted Reference Books for Further Reading XI on cardboard or folded and used in the note-book. 50. each; 3oc. per doz. Map No. 2. Egypt and Palestine. For tracing Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem, the Flight into Egypt, and the Re- turn to Nazareth. Map No. 3. Palestine. Showing rivers, seas and boundaries. Map No. 38. Palestine. Showing rivers, seas, plains and moun- tains. Map No. 4. Palestine, Showing the Principal Roads in the Time of Christ. Map No. 5. Galilee. Showing mountains and plains, etc. Map No. 6. Central Palestine. Showing mountains and plains, etc. Map No. 7. Jerusalem and Vi- cinity. For the events in and around Jerusalem. Map No. 8. Syria and Adjacent Countries. In S. Paul's early life, conver- sion and first missionary jour- ney. Map No. 9. Eastern Part of the Roman Empire. In S. Paul's missionary journeys and voyage to Rome. These nine maps are each 4x5^ inches, and are printed on good paper, to take ink, crayon or water color. (Maps 2, 3, 36, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, any assortment, xoc. per dozen; 500. per 100.) Colored Map of Palestine. Colored Map of the Roman Empire, (2c. each, isc. per dozen.) OUTLINE WALL MAPS IN ONE COLOR. THE COOK SERIES. Journeys of the Patriarchs, Canaan After the Conquest, Empire of David and Solomon, The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, Ancient Jerusalem, Palestine in Time of Christ, Journeys of Jesus. S. Paul's First Missionary Journey, Mission- ary Travels of the Apostle Paul. Size 15 x 21 and 21 x 24 inches. On heavy paper, with eyelets for hanging, ioc. each; the same series on good cloth, 2oc. each. New Testament Palestine. Out- line. Cloth. No. 150. S. S. Com. SQC. Roman World. Outline. Cloth. No. 151. S. S. Com. SQC. THE HODGE SERIES. Wall Maps (on heavy manila pa- per), to be developed by the class. (A) Palestine, 60 x 40 inches. (B) Old Testament World, 20 x 30 inches. (C) Nen.' Testament World, 20 x 30 inches. 35c. each; $3 per doz. GENERAL MATERIALS FOR HAND WORK. *Sand Tables. "The Commission Table," the best made, tilting, revolving, zinc lined, 3 feet by 4 feet. $12. *Rockaway Sand. $1.25 per bar- rel. *S. S. Men Poles for Cities, etc. SGC a box. *Hailmann's Lentils, No. 458. 3oc. per box of % inch. 6 Colors. 1,000. * Crayola Crayons, 12 colors with key. Made up Expressly for Littlefield Old Testament Maps. ioc. a box; 8 colors, 7c. a box. Japanese Water Colors, on sheets, assorted colors. 8c. a sheet. *Paper Pulp, Green, Gray or White. 2oc. a pound, dry. Made just for map-work. *Map Boards, for Paper Pulp Maps. Best Cypress. Every School NEEDS them. 3 oc. each. *Heavy, i4-ply Cards for Mount- ing Pulp Maps. 2c. each; $1.25 per hundred. Plasticine, colored clay, brown, yellow, green, gray, blue. 400. per pound. *Lane's Liquid Inks. All colors. $1.25 per doz. *Note Books, Ruled or Unruled. 144 pages, stiff cover. gc. each. The Same, 72 pages, Sc. each. Note Book Covers, University Adjustable. 2sc. each. *Dennison's "024" Stickers, for Picture Mounting. isc. per box of 1,000. *Sand Tables. 3x3 ft., $10; 3 x 4 ft., $12; 3 x 4 ft. trays. $5-75- xii Reference Books for Further Reading Borders and Initial Letters for Perry, Eliott, Heidelberg, Coloring and Mounting Book's. Sunday School Times Co. 2c. a sheet. Card, etc., from J^c. to sc. Binder's Boards for Note Taking. each. 5c. each. Made of Swedish *Picture Catalog, listing 14,000 Collerboard. Bible Pictures, in Order, from * Religious Pictures. Tissot, over 35 Publishers, 8c. post- Brown, Wilde, Union Press, paid. PICTURES OF PLACES AND SCENERY A number of attractive pictures have been inserted in this Course. Separate pictures illustrative of the Places in these Chapters may be found in the list below. A Special Hand- book, with over 14,000 listings of Religious Pictures, ar- ranged in Bible order, has been compiled by the Secretary of the New York Commission, as a manual of 122 pages, selling at 5 cents, postage, 3 cents extra. Every teacher ought to possess this Hand-book, and supply material for those who are able and willing to do advanced work in Illus- trated Essays and Notebooks, inserting pictures, maps, draw- ings, etc., as is becoming now the custom in progressive Bible Class Work. Picture Hand-book. Rev. Wm. Walter Smith, M. D., 5 cents, postage, 3 cents. Bible Places. H. B. Tristram. (London, imp. by Gorham, cloth, $1.50 net.) There are also fine series of Palestinian Views for the Stereoscope, by Underwood & Underwood, and White, at 20 cents each, with stereoscopes extra at 90 cents and $1.00. All of these pictures are furnished in any assortment at the publishers' prices by the New York Sunday School Com- mission, Inc., 416 Lafayette Street, New York, the largest purveyors of religious pictures in the world. See Note as to Lantern and Reflectoscope Lectures, page xxi. Key Initials. Bm., B. Geo. P. Brown, Beverley, Mass. Pm., P. Perry Co., Maiden, Mass. W. Wilde Pictures, W. A. Wilde Co., Boston and Chicago. Co. Cosmos Picture Co., New York. Cdr. Card Series, Sunday School Commission. H. Heidelberg Co., Philadelphia, Pa. U. P. Union Press, Philadelphia, Pa. T. Tissot Co., S. S. Commission. S. S. T. The Sunday School Times Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 5cu. Smu. Soule Co., Boston, Mass. U. & U. Underwood & Underwood, New York, N. Y. A. A. C Detroit Photochrome Co., New York, N. Y. XIV Pictures of Places and Scenery The prices range thus : Half-cent Pictures, Elliot, Brown, Perry. Penny Pictures, Perry, Brown, Wilde, Union Press, Heidelberg, Tissot, The Sunday School Times. Two-cent Pictures, Cosmos, Card. Five-cent Pictures, Perry, Brown, Cosmos. Seventeen-cent Pictures, Underwood & Underwood. Twenty-cent Pictures, Soule Co., Scu. Twenty-five-cent Pictures, Soule Co., Smu. Thirty-five-cent Pictures, Detroit Co. LIST OF PICTURES. PALESTINE. Palestine, Relief Map of. U. & U. Ster. Ch. 7. ANTIOCH. Antioch, General View. S. S. T. 100. ARABAH. Arabah, The Region of. S. S. T. 202. ATHENS. Athens, Interior View Theatre of Bacchus. W. 458. Athens, the Acropolis. A. A. C. 17292. Athens, Mars' Hill. W. 457; U. & U. Ster. Greece (no num- ber). BABYLON. Babylon, Restoration of. S. S. T. 102. A Mound at the site of Ancient Babylon. S. S. T. 101. BETHANY. Bethany, Lower Road to. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 33. Bethany, S. S. T. 238; W. 222; Co. 3104; A. A. C. 15045; B. 893; W. 223. Bethany, Where Our Lord was Anointed by Mary, S. from eastern slope of Olivet. Pal- estine U. & U. Ster. Ch. 27, Pal. 36. Bethany, Palestine, House of Mary and Martha. S. S. T. 250; U. & U. Ster. Pal. 37- Bethany, Palestine, Tomb of Lazarus. W. 224; A. A. C. 15045; S. S. T. 249. Bethany, Home in. S. S. T. 103. BETHEL. Bethel (General View), U. U. Ster. Pal. 3334; Scu. 12351; A. A. C. 15054; S. S. T. 104. Bethel, Palestine, The Gathering of Tares from Wheat, in the Stony Fields. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 3, Pal. 53. Bethel, Stony ground of. S. S. T. 105. Bethel and Dan. S S. T. 112. BETHLEHEM. Bethlehem (General View). W. 175; Co. 3109; Scu. 12352; Smu. 12352; A. A. C. Pan. s. 4515; A. A. C. ex. 3071; S S. T. 106. Bethlehem, the Birthplace of Christ. Co. 3110; U. & U. Ster. Pal. 39; Scu. 12353; Smu. 12353. Bethlehem, Birthplace of St. Helena. Scu. 12354; Smu. 12354- Bethlehem, Peasants of the Neigh- borhood of. A. A. C. 15138. Bethlehem, View within the Walls. A. A. C. 15143. Young Women of Bethlehem in Costume. A. A. C. 15109. Bethlehem, Group of Women of. A. A. C. 15114. Bethlehem, Field of the Shep- herd's Watch. W. 177; U. & U. Ster. O. T. 30; S. S. T. 107. Bethlehem, Pools of Solomon. A. A. C. 15042. Bethlehem, General View of the Well of David. A. A. C. 15038. Bethlehem of Judea, where King David and Our Lord were Born. Palestine U. & U. Road to Bethlehem, from Jaffa Ster. Ch. 3. ilehem, from Jc Gate. Scu. 12347; Smu. Bethlehem, David's Well, W. 176; A. A. C. 15038. lectures of Places and Scenery xv Bethlehem of Judea, A Barley Harvest near. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 29; Pal. 40. Bethlehem, Church of the Nativ- ity (Interior). U. & U. Ster. Pal. 38. Bethlehem, Grotto of the Nativ- ity. W. 174; Scu. 12356; Snui. 12356; A. A. C. 15041. Bethlehem, Cave and the Cradle. A. A. C. 15040. Bethlehem, Manger at. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3314. Bethlehem, Main Street of, lead- ing from the Church of the Nativity (looking N. W.). Palestine U. & U. Ster. Ch. 2. Bethlehem, Entry of Pilgrims on Christmas Day. Co. 3108; Scu. 12355; Smu. 12355; S. S. T. 108. BETH-SHAN. Beth-Shan, where Saul's Body was Taken. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3346. Beth-Shan, up the Valley of Jez- reel. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 32. From Beth-Shan to Hill of Moreh. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3347 ' CANA. Cana of Galilee. W. 212; U. & U. Ster. Pal. 80; Scu. 12357; Smu. 12357; A. A. C. 15067; S. S. T. 138. Cana of Galilee, Palestine, In the Court of a Village Home. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 28; Ch. 17. Canaan, The Borders of. S. S. T. 206. CAPERNAUM. Site of Capernaum and Sea of Galilee. W. 213; S. S. T. no. Capernaum. The Ruins of. A. A. C. 15073. Galilee, Christ's Home in. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 87. A City Set on a Hill. S. S. T. 207. CAESAREA PHILIPPI. Old Gate to Caesarea Philippi, at the foot of Mt. Hermon. Pal- estine U. & U. Ster. Ch. 25; Pal. 90. Summer House at Caesarea Phil- ippi; probably the "Taber- nacles" referred to by St. Peter. U. & U. Ster. Ch. 19; Pal. 91. Caesarea Philippi. S. S. T. 109. CORINTH. Corinth, General View. A. A. C. 18121; S. S. T. in. Site of Old Corinth, and Temple. U. & U. Ster. Greece, 2413. Corinth, The Temple in. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 2444. DAMASCUS. Ancient Road from Palestine to Damascus. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 89. Damascus, from Saliah. A. A. C. 15080. Damascus, General View and Min- aret of the Bride. A. A. C. 15081. Abana River. "The Sweetened Waters of Damascus." Syria U. & U. Ster. O. T. 42; S. S. T. 232. Damascus, Stream of Barada. A. A. C. 15086. Damascus and Its Gardens. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 43; Pal. 97. Damascus, An Interior of a House. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 99; A. A. C. 15087. Damascus, The Court of a House. A. A. C. 15088. Church of St. John, Tomb of St. John the Baptist. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3339- Damascus, Tomb of St. John the Baptist. Co. 3128; Scu. 12338; Smu. 12338. Damascus, The Gate of the "Street Called Straight." A. A. C. 15083. Damascus, "The Street Called Straight." A. A. C. 15082; U. &. U. Ster. Pal. 98. Damascus, Wall Over which Paul Escaped. A. A. C. 15084. Damascus, An Oriental Prison!. S. S. T; 208. DEAD SEA REGION. Dead Sea, North Shore of. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 45. Dead Sea, On the North Shore of, looking S. W. Palestine U. & U. Ster. O. T. 6. Dead Sea. Pisgah's Slopes over. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 17. DOTHAN. Dothan, Plain of, where Joseph was Sold to the Ishmaelites. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 10; Pal. 64. Dothan, "Josenh's Well." U. & U. Ster. Pal. 65. Dothan, Joseph's Pit. S. S. T. XVI Pictures of Places and Scenery EGYPT. Egypt, Palm-Fringed Nile. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 14. Egypt, Road to Pyramids. U & U. Ster. O. T. n. Egypt, Pyramids and Sphinx W. 179. Egypt, Pyramids and Inundated Palms. W. 178. Egypt, Ruins of the Granite Tem- ple, the Sphinx and Great Pyramid. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 12. On Banks of River Nile. S. S. T. 2 37- The Suez Canal and the Red Sea. S. S. T. 231. Egypt, Brick Store Chambers of Pithom, the City Built by Hebrew Bondsmen. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 15. Egypt, Heliopolis. W. 181. Egypt, Coptic Pilgrims from. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3327. Egypt, Cairo, Interior of Coptic Church. W. 316. A Section of the Fertile Land of Goshen. S. S. T. 212. EMMAUS. Emmaus, Village of Amwas. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 7. ESDRAELON. Esdraelon, Plain of. Scu. 12360; Smu. 12360; S. S. T. 229. Esdraelon, Laborers, Plain of. Scu. 12360; Smu. 12360; A. A. C. 15141. The River Euphrates. S. S. T. 233. GALILEE. Galilee, Sea of. W. 214; Smu. 12370; S. S. T. 255. Galilee, Sea of (View of Tiber- ias). W. 215. Galilee, Sea of, Fishing. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 85. Galilee, Fishing Boat on Sea of Tiberias. W. 308; S. S. T. 210. Galilee, Life on the Shores of, at Tiberias. U. & U. Ster. Ch. 13; Pal. 84. Galilee, Looking S. E. along the Eastern Shore of, where the Draught of Fishes were taken. U. & U. Ster. Ch. 36. Sycamore Trees in Holy Land. S. S. T. 342. Looking N. E. from the Mt. of Beatitudes to Capernaum and the Sea of Galilee. U. & U. Ster. Ch. 20; Pal. 81. Palestine, Cornfield. S. S. T. 213. Road Building in the Holy Land. S. S. T. 334. Shepherd and His Dog. W. 243. Druse Shepherd with a Lamb. W. 244. On Mountains of Galilee. S. S. T. 209. HARAN. Haran, A Modern View of. S. S. T. 116. GAZA. Gaza. S. S. T. 115. HEBRON Hebron, General View. A. A C 15043; A. A. C. Pan. s. 4537; S. S. T. 117. Hebron, the Home of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 4; Pal. 41. Hebron, Abraham's Tree. Scu. 12378; Smu. 12378; A. A. C. 15044; S. S. T. 200. Hebron, Tombs of the Patriarchs. A. A. C. 15144- Hebron, Entrance to the Burial Place of Abraham. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3317. Mosque Machpelah, the Burial Place of Abraham. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 7; Pal. 42. Hebron, King's Pool. U & U Ster. Pal. 3316. ITALY (See also Rome). Italy, Modern (Turner), B 1747. Florence, Rn. 5036; RL. 55H2. Rome, Baptismal Fount (St. Peter's). Rn. 746. Pozzoull. W. 304. JABBOK. Jabbok Brook, where Jacob and Esau Met. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 9. JAFFA (Joppa). Jaffa, from the Sea. A. A. C. 15001. Jaffa, from the Garden. Scu. 12363; Smu. 12363; A. A. C. 15002. Jaffa, the Joppa of Bible Times. U. & U. Ster. Pal. i; Ch. T. Jaffa, House of Simon the Tan- ner. W. 302; U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3. Jaffa, Boat and Boatmen of. Scu. 12364; Smu. 12364; A. A. C. 15134- Jaffa, Bazar of. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 2. Jaffa, Kiriath-jearin, Terusalem Road. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 1855- Pictures of Places and Scenery XVll JERESH. Jerash in Gilead, on the Pathway of Jacob's Return to Canaan; most extensive ruins east of Jordan, looking north. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 8. JERICHO. Jericho, from the Plains. W. 210. Jericho and Mt. Quarantana. W. 209. Jericho, the Dead Sea. A. A. C. 15148-15050. Tericho. W. 211, S. S. T. 119. Jericho, General View. A. A. C. 15049. Mountains of Judea from Jericho. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 48. Wilderness of Judea. S. S. T. 244. Jericho, on the road to the Para- ble of the Good Samaritan. U. & U. Ster. Ch. 26. Scene of the Good Samaritan Epi- sode. Scu. 12369; Smu. 12369. Khan-el-Ahmar, on the Road to Jericho. A. A. C. 15047. Bedouin Robbers, Road to Jeri- cho. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 33i8. Jericho, Modern. S. S. T. 118. JERUSALEM. From Mt. Ebal to Jerusalem. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 22. Jerusalem, from Mt. Scopus. A. A. C. 15031. Jerusalem, the City of the Great King, from Mt. Olives. U. & U. Ster. Ch. 30. Jerusalem, the Holy City, from N. E., near the place from which it was first seen by Jesus. U. & U. Ster. Ch. 8. Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 12; Ch. 32. Jerusalem, Mount of Olives. Co. 3100. Jerusalem, from Mt. of Olives. B. 997; W. 192-193; P. 1924; Co. 3101; U. & U. Ster. Pal. 18; A. A. C. 15030; A. A. C. Pan. med. 4516. Jerusalem, A Glimpse of. S. S. T. 137- Jerusalem, the Holy City, from the N. E. (showing the whole city). U. & U. Ster. O. T. Jerusalem, Valley of Jehoshaphat. W. 189; U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3280; A. A. C. 15035; S. S. T. 243- Jerusalem, Valley of Hinnom. U. & U. Ster. 3281; S. S. T. 242. Jerusalem, Brook Kedron. Scu. 12332; Smu. 12332. Valley of Kedron and Village of Siloam from the South. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 14; O. T. 48. Siloam. W. 220; Scu. 12374; Smu. 12374. Siloam and the Tyrophean Valley. A. A. C. 15036. Jerusalem. B. 997; U. & U. Ster. Pal n; O. T. 46; A. A. C. ex. 3072. Jerusalem, Wailing Place. W. 197; U. & U. Ster. O. T. 51; A. A. C. 15024. Jerusalem, Walls and Golden Gate. W. 187; U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3287. Jerusalem, Golden Gate. W. 204; A. A. C. 15025; S. S. T. 123. Jerusalem, the Jaffa Gate. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 10; A. A. C. 15008. Jerusalem, Inside the Jaffa Gate. W. 198; Scu. 12335; Smu. 12335. Jerusalem, S. Stephen's Gate. W. 201; U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3289; A.- A. C. 15026. Jerusalem, Damascus Gate. W. 203; U. & U. Ster. Pal. 29; A. A. C. 15027. Jerusalem, the Towers of David and Hippicus. W. 205; A. A. C. 15009. Jerusalem, Street of the Tower of David. A. A. C. 15010. Tower of David. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 9. Jerusalem, Tower and Gate. S. S. T. 120. Jerusalem, David's Castle. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3288. Jerusalem, Tomb of David. W. 184. Jerusalem, Upper Room over Tomb of David. W. 191. Jerusalem, Tomb of the Kings. W. 200; U. & U. Ster. Pal. 16; A. A. C. 15029. Jerusalem, Tomb of Rachel. Scu. 12376; Smu. 12376; A. A. C. "Ne 15037- Calvar ivarv :!, > and "Tomb of Jeremiah." U. & U. Ster. 0. T. 47- Jerusalem, Jeremiah's Grotto. A. A. C. 15028; S. S. T. 220. Jerusalem, Site of Solomon's Tem- ple. W. 202; U. & U. Ster. Pal. 30; O. T. 35; A. A. C. 15018. XV111 Pictures of Places and Scenery Solomon's Temple. W. 384; Scu. 12336; Smu. 12336. Jerusalem, Stables of Solomon. Scu. 12348; Smu. 12348; U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3285. Jerusalem, Tower of Antonia. W. 185; A. A. C. 15016. Jerusalem, Site of the Tower of Antonia. A. A. C. 15021. Jerusalem, Lane Leading to Herod's Palace. W. 196. Street Leading to Herod's Palace. S. S. T. 214. Herod's Temple. W. 385; Scu. 12338; Smu. 12338; S. S. T. 246. Mt. Moriah, where the Temple Altar Stood. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 31. Nero's Temple. Scu. 12339; Smu. I2 339. Jerusalem, Temple Area. S. S. T. 122. Jerusalem, Mosque of Omar. W. 193; Co. 3141; U. & U. Ster. O. T. 36; Scu. 12341; Smu. 12341; A. A. C. 15019; A. A. C. ex. 3069. Jerusalem, Mosque of Omar, Trib- une of David. Scu. 12343; Smu. 12343. Jerusalem, Rock of the Mosque of Omar. Scu. 12342; A. A. C. 15020. Jerusalem, Mosque of El-Aksa. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 32; Scu. 12340; A. A. C. 15023. Jerusalem, Pool of Bethesda. W. 1 88; B. 891; S. S. T. 248. Jerusalem, Pool of Hezekiah. W. 288; U. & U. Ster. O. T. 44; A. A. C. 15011. Pool of Siloam. W. 221; P. 1934; U. & U. Ster. Pal. 15; U. & U. Ster. Ch. 28; Scu. I2 3445 Jerusalem, The Rich Man's House. W. 1 86. Mount of Olives and Gethsemane. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 34; U. & U. Ster. Pal. 17; A. A. C. 15034- Jerusalem, Garden of Gethsem- ane and Mt. of Olives, from the Eastern Wall. U. & U. Ster. Ch. 12. Brook Kidron and Gethsemane. S. S. T. 252. Garden of Gethsemane, Ancient Olive Trees. U. & U. Ster. Ch. 33; Pal. 35. Garden of Gethsemane (View i). W. 232; P. 1925; Co. 3103; A. A. C. 15033; A. A. C. ex. 3128. Garden of Gethsemane (View 2). W. 231. Garden of Gethsemane (View 3). W. 233. Jerusalem, the Way to the Sta- tion. A. A. C. 15007. Jerusalem, Arch of Ecce Homo. W. 190; A. A. C. 15017. Jerusalem, Via Dolorosa (Way of Tears). U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3286; A. A. C. 15015. House of S. Veronica, Jerusalem. W. 292. Jerusalem, Via Dolorosa Sta- tions Ten and Eleven (Latin Altar). W. 296. Jerusalem, Via Dolorosa Sta- tions Twelve and Thirteen (Greek Altar). W. 297; Scu. 12349; Smu. 12349; A. A. C. 15014. Golgotha, or Calvary. W. 234. Golgotha, Place of Skull. S. S. T. 253. Jerusalem from Calvary. S. S. T. 257. Jerusalem, Potter's Field. W. 199. Fountain of the Virgin. W. 303; U. & U. Ster. Ch. 5; Pal. 72. Tomb of the Virgin and Cave of Agony. A. A. C. 15032; Interior of the Grotto of Agony. A. A. C. 15152. Rock Tomb showing Stone Rolled Away. S. S. T. 241. "Tomb of Our Lord," New Cal- vary, outside of Jerusalem. U. & U. Ster. Ch. 35; Pal. 27; S. S. T. 240. Supposed Tomb of Our Lord. S. S. T. 240. "The New Calvary," outside Damascus Gate. U. & U. Ster. Ch. 34; Pal. 26. Jerusalem, Easter Procession of the Greek Patriarch, enter- ing the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 22. Jerusalem, Church of the Holy Sepulchre. W. 287; U. & U. Ster. Pal. 20; A. A. C. 15012. Jerusalem, Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Gates). U. & U. Ster. Pal. 21; Scu. 12333; Smu. 12333. Jerusalem, Stairway Leading to Church of Holy Sepulchre. W. 194- Jerusalem, Interior of Church of Holy Sepulchre. W. 195; A. A. C. 15013. Pictures of Places and Scenery XIX Traditional Room of Our Lord's Supper. S. S. T. 251. Jerusalem, Stone of Anointment, Church of Holy Sepulchre. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3295. Jerusalem, Beautiful Church of the Armenian Christians. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 24. Mount of Olives, Church of the Ascension. W. 236. Jerusalem, Pulpit of the Cadi- Borhan-ed-din. A. A. C. 15022. Jerusalem, Road of the Captivity. Sou. 12346; Smu. 12346. Jerusalem, Gate of the Prison of St. Peter. W. 300; Scu. 12345. Rock of the Apostles. W. 298. Jerusalem, Types of Jews in. A. A. C. 15129. Jerusalem, Christian Street Mot- ley Life in the Holy City's Bazar District. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 19; O. T. 50. "Unclean, Unclean" Wretched Lepers Outside of Jerusalem. U. & U. Ster. Ch. 18; Pal. 34- Jerusalem, Cattle Market Day in the Lower Pool of Gihon, Valley of Hinnom. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 13. Sacrifices Near the Gates of Jeru- salem. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 49; Ch. 31. JEZREEL. Jezreel, The Ruins. A. A. C. 15061. Mt. Gilboa and Valley of Jezreel. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3348. An Old Watch Tower in Jezreel. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3349- Gideon's Battlefield and Hill of Moreh, North from Jezreel. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 26; Pal. 68. "By the Side of Still Waters," on the Plain of Jezreel. U. & U. Ster. Ch. 6; Pal. 67. JORDAN VALLEY. Benias, Source of Jordan. W\ 305; U. & U. Ster. O. T. 5; Pal. 88; Scu. 12350; Smu. 12350. Tel-el-Kadi, Site of Dan and Source of the Jordan. A. A. C. 15074- Plain of the Jordan. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 20; Pal. 50. Plain of the Jordan, Southeast, from the Ruins of Ancient Jericho. U. & U. Ster. Ch. ii. Jordan River. P. 1921; Scu. 12367; Smu. 12367; A. A. C. 15051; S. S. T. 236. Jordan, Palestine. P. 1922; S. S. T. 234. Fords of the Jordan. W. 206; S. S. T. 235. Jordan, Place of Baptism. A. A. C. 15052. Baptizing in the Jordan. U. & U. Ster. Ch. 10; Pal. 47. Bedouins of the Jordan District. A. A. C. 15125. Ain Karin Convent St. John's- in-the-Desert. W. 306. Kadesh-Barnea. S. S. T. 221. LEBANON. Cedars of Lebanon. A. A. C. 15106. LYDDA. Lydda (The Biblical Lod), View from Southwest. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 5; A. A. C. 15003. Lydda, Birthplace of England s Patron Saint, St. George. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3278. Lydda, Crusaders' Chapel Over Tomb of St. George. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3279. Lydda, Syrian Travelers near. U. & U. Ster Pal. 6. MACHAERUS. Machaerus. S. S. T. 124. MAGDALA. Magdala, Birthplace of Mary Magdalene. W. 214; A. A. C. 15072. MAR-SABA. Mar-Saba Convent. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 43; A. A. C. 15053. MIZPAH. Nebi-Samuel, or the Plain of Mispah. A. A. C. 15006. From Mispah to Rama. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 21. MOUNT OF BEATITUDES. Mount of Beatitudes. W. 217; Scu. 12366; Smu. 12366; A. A. C. 15069; S. S. T. 225. Mt. of Beatitudes and Mt. Tabor. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3356. West Shore of Galilee, Plain of Gennesaret, and Mt. of Beati- tudes, from Bethsaida. U. & U. Ster. Ch. 23. Bethsaida, Sea of Galilee, and Mt. of Beatitudes. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 86. XX Pictures of Places and Scenery MOUNT CARMEL. Mount Carmel. A. A. C. 15076; S. S. T. 222. River Kishon and Mt. Carmel. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 76. Carmel, the Mount of a Thousand Valleys. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 1932. Plain of Esdraelon and Mt. Car- mel. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 75. Rock of Elijah's Altar, on Mt. Carmel. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 40; Pal. 77. Village of Dalieh, Mt. Carmel. U. &. U. Ster. Pal. 1936. MOUNT GERIZIM. Mount Gerizim. Scu. 12373; Smu. 12373; U. & U. Ster. Pal. 58; A. A. C. 15057- Mt. Gerizim, where the Samari- tans Worshiped, and Steps to Jacob's Well, looking southwest. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 56. From Mt. Ebal to Mt. Gerizim. U. & U. Ster. Ch. 15. Sychar and Mt. Gerizim. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3338. Passover as Celebrated To-day by the Samaritans, Mt. Geri- zim. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 16. MOUNT GILBOA. Gideon's Spring, Mt. Gilboa. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 25; Pal. 66. MOUNT HERMON. Mount Hermon and Plain of Ta- bor. A. A. C. 15149. Mount Hermon, Where Jesus was Transfigured. Co. 3135; Scu. 12365; Smu. 12365; A. A. C. 15075- MOUNT HOR. Mount Hor. S. S. T. 223. MOUNT NEBO. From Mt. Nebo to the Promised Land. U. U. Ster. O. T. 18; Pal. 46; S. S. T. 224. MOUNT TABOR. Mount Tabor. A. A. C. 15063. From Mt. Tabor to the Hill of Moreh. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 70. Looking South from Mt. Tabor to the Hill of Moreh. Pales- tine U. & U. Ster. O. T. 24. NAIN. Nain. W. 218; A. A. C. 15062. Village of Nain and Mt. Tabor, looking northeast. U. & U. Ster. Ch. 21; Pal. 69; S. S. T. 125. NAZARETH. Nazareth. W. 183; B. 890; P. 1923; U. & U. Ster. Pal. 71; A. A. C. 15064; A. A. C. ex. 3073; S. S. T. 126. Nazareth, across the Plain of Esdraelon. U. & U. Ster. Ch. 4. From Mt. Ebal to Mt. Gerizim. U. & U. Ster. Ch. 15. Nazareth; from Road to Cana. A. A. C. 15065. Nazareth and Hill Country. W. 182; Co. 3123. Christian Girl of Nazareth. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 74. Nazareth, the Place the People Wished to Throw Christ Over the Precipice. W. 183. Nazareth, Interior of the Church of the Annunciation. A. A. C. 15151. Carpenter Shop. S. S. T. 127. PETRA. Petra, An Altar of Baal. S. S. T. 201. RAMAH. Ramah, A Street in. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 52. Ramah, A Woman of. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3329. Ramah, A Greek Priest Blessing the Village Children. U. & U. Ster. Ch. 29. RAMLEH. Ramleh Tower of the Forty Mar- tyrs. A. A C. 15005. Ramleh, Panoramic View Taken from the Tower of the Forty Martyrs. A. A. C. 15004. ROME (See also Italy). Rome, Bird's Eye View from St. Peter's. A A. C. Pan. med. 4555; U. & U. Ster. Rome 4. Rome, Appian \Vay. P. 1743; Tba. 3050, 3051; W. 315; Tsa. 3050, 3051; Tpa 3050, 3051; Rn. 614, 5143, 615; RL. 2024, 2025; A. A. C. 3136; U. & U. Ster Rome 44- Rome, the Coliseum. U. & U. Ster. Rome 30; A. A. C. 1176; A. A C. 3138. Rome, Sculpture, Showing the Seven-Branch Candlestick in the Arch of Titus. S. S. T. 337- Pictures of Places and Scenery xxi Rome, Palatine. A. A. C. 3135 Rome, General View from the Palatine. A. A. C. 8577. Rome, the Forum from the Pala- tine. A A. C. 8587. Rome, the Forum, U. & U. Ster. Rome 1991; A. A. C. 1177. Rome, the Parthenon. A. A. C. 8573; U. & U. Ster. Rome Romef'St. Paul's House. S. S. T. 256; P. 1769. SAMARIA. Samaria, General View. W. 229; Scu. 12368; Smu. 12368; U. & U. Ster. O. T. 39; A. A. C. 15058; S. S. T. 130. Samaria, Herod's Capital City. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3340 Samaria, Ancient City of. U. & U. Ster. 62; S. S. T 131. House-tops of Samaritan Houses. W. 227. Samaria, the Colonnade. A. A. C. 15059- Samaria, Threshing Floor, at. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3341. Road from Samaria to Jerusalem S. S. T. 239. The Inn of the Good Samaritan. S. S. T. 219. Samaria, Group of Lepers. W. 228. Samaria, Jacob's Well. W. 312; S. S.'T. 247. A Samaritan Woman at Jacob's Well. U. & U Ster. Ch. 16; Pal. 57. Mr. Ebal and Joseph's Tomb. U. U. Ster. Pal. 3375 Road from Samaria to Jenin. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3345. Herod's Street of Columns. U & U. Ster. Pal. 63. SHECHEM. View from Mt. Ebal, S. W., over Shechem, Mt. Gerizim and the Seacoast Plain to Joppa. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 2. Nablous (Shechem). W. 226; A. A. C. 15055; S S. T. 133- Nablous and Mt. Gerizim. Scu. 12373; Smu. 12373; U. & U. Ster. Pal 58; A. A. C. 15057. Shechem, Mount Ebal. Scu. 12372; Smu. 12372; U. & U. Ster. O. T. 38. Shechem, from Mt. Ebal. U. & U. Ster. O. T. 23. Nablous, Vale of Nabulus. A. A. C. 15056. Shechem, Grave of Joseph. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3336. Samaritan High Priest and Penta- teuch Roll, Supposed Writing of Aaron's Great-grandson, Shechem. Palestine U. & U. Ster. O. T. 45; Pal. 59; S. S. T. 336; S. S. T. 335- SHILOH Shiloh, Resting Place of the Ark. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 54. Shiloh. S. S. T. 134. SIDON. Sidon. Scu. 12375. Traditional Hill of the Swine. S. S. T. 215. Ancient Citadel in the Sea of Sidon. Syria U. & U. Ster. Pal. 93- SYRIA (See also Damascus). House in Syria Built upon a Rock. S. S. T. 217. Baalbek, Syria. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 3396; U & U. Ster. Pal. Syria, Ruins of Baalbek. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 95. Syria, Mount Lebanon. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 94. Tomb of Hiram, King of Syria. U. & U. Ster. 3390. THESSALONICA Salonica, Ancient Thessalonica. U. U. Ster. Greece 2467. TIBERIAS. Tiberias, View of Tiberias. W. 215; U. & U. Ster. Pal. 82. Tiberias, Panoramic View. A. A. C. 15069. Tiberias, View from the Fortress. A. A. C 15070. Tiberias, Fisherman's Boat on the Lake. U. & U. Ster. Pal. 83; A. A. C. 15071; S S. T. 351. TYRE Tyre, Harbor. U. U. Ster. Pal. 3388. Tyre. A. A. C. 15078; S. S. T. 136. Ruins of Ancient Tyre Wonder- ful fulfillment of Prophecy. U. U. Ster. Ch. 24; Pal. 92. The N. Y. S. S. Commission has also prepared a special Type- written Stereopticon Lecture with about 100 Slides, covering the ma- terial and places of this book. Separate Slides may be purchased at 40 cents each, plain; $1.00 each, colored. The One Cent Prints, noted above, also furnish a complete outfit for Opaque Projectors, such as the Reflectoscope and the Balopticon. LIST OF MAPS IN APPENDIX 1. World on Mercator Projection. 2. Physical Map of Palestine. 3. Western Asia in Early Times. 4. Egypt, Sinai, and Canaan. 5. The Period of the Patriarchs. 6. Route of the Exodus. Colored. 7 Period of the Tribal Settlements. Colored. 8. Period of the Judges, 1270-1030. Colored. 9. Period of the Kingdom of Saul, 1030-1010. Colored. 10 Period of David and Solomon, iooo-937- Colored. 11. Divided Kingdom to Revolution of Jehu, 937-42- ored. 12. Syrian Conquests in Reign of Hazael, 814-797. Colored. 13. Assyrian Conquests of Syria, 797-783- Colored. 14. Period of Jeroboam II., 780-740. Colored. 15. Conquests of Tiglath-Pileser III., 733-727- Colored. 16. Fall of Israel and Period of Hezekiah, 727-695. Colored. 17. Sythian Invasion and Period of Josiah, 639-608. Colored. 18. Babylonian Period, 605-586. Colored. 19. Period of the Exile, 586-536. Colored. 20. Persian Period, 536-332. Colored. 21. Palestine in the Time of Christ. Colored. 22. The Roman World in the Time of the Apostles. Colored 23. St. Philip's Journey. 24. St. Peter's Journey. 25. Saul's Early Journeys. 26. Saul's Conversion. 27. St.- Barnabas' Journeys. 28. St. Paul's First Missionary Journey. 29. St. Paul's Second Missionary Journey. 30. St. Paul's Third Missionary Journey. 31. St. Paul's Voyage to Rome. 32. Roman Empire with St. Paul's Journeys. 33. Road Map of Palestine. 34. Ancient Jerusalem. 35. Jerusalem in Nehemiah's Time. CHAPTER I THE BIBLE WORLD What the Bible World Includes. Speaking generally, one may say that all the principal events noted in the Bible oc- curred within lands bordering on the eastern portion of the Mediterranean Sea, and countries almost adjacent. The Old Testament history (Appendix) is embraced between the four great seas of Western Asia, the Mediterranean, the Black, the Caspian, and the Persian Gulf. The history of the life of Christ lies in Palestine proper. The Book of Acts and the early apostolic history includes Palestine, Syria, Asia Minor, and the Roman Empire, bordering on the Mediter- ranean. The Old Testament world runs from the mouth of the Nile to the Persian Gulf on the south (see maps through- out) and from Mount Sinai to Mount Ararat, near the Caspian Sea. Its total extent is about 1,400 miles east and west, and about 900 miles north and south. Its land area is about 1,110,000 square miles, or one-third that of the United States proper. Of this area, however, more than two-thirds is a vast desert, so that the occupied land amounts in extent to less than one-eighth of the United States. Chief Physical Features of the Old Testament World. Looking at the map (Appendix) we see, in Egypt the River Nile, with its broad Delta ; then traveling eastward, the Gulf of Sues, the Sinai Peninsula, containing the Desert of Paran; and next the Gulf of Akabah. In Palestine, if we cross from Joppa, we pass in order through the Maritime Plain, a Central Range of Mountains, the Jordan River and its wide valley, the Eastern Range of Mountains in Gilead, then the Arabian Desert, the Euphrates River, Mesopotamia and Chaldea, the Tigris River, the huge Zagros Range of Mountains, and finally the land of Media. (All these places should be looked 2 Students' Historical Geography up on the map and sketched in an outline map, made by the student.) Limits and Names of Palestine. The region is rather indefinite, especially in differing times in history. The early name was Canaan (Num. 13 : 29), from the Canaanites, who lived there before the entrance of the Hebrews. When the ancient Hebrews took possession they called it the Land of the Hebrews, or the Land of Israel. Canaan referred to the country between the Jordan and the Mediterranean (the Great Sea) and between Mount Lebanon and the Southern Desert. Palestine is often given as a title to this section Palestine comes from a Greek word used to designate Philistia (Psa. 60 : 8), originally in Greek "Palaistine," and later altered by the Romans to Palestina. Philistia meant the land inhabited by the Philistines. This region of Palestine covers only 6,600 square miles, smaller than Massachusetts by some 1,200 square miles. Palestine proper embraces both Canaan and the land east of the Jordan, often loosely termed Gilead, covering in all about 12,000 square miles, or equal to Massachusetts and Connecticut. Another name, given by the prophet Zechariah (Zech. 2 : 12), is the Holy Land. (See also Gen. 13 : 14-17 and Deut. 7:6.) In Hebrews n : 9, it is called the Land of Promise. (See Num. 34.) Western Palestine has about the same area as the state of New Jersey and about the shape of New Hampshire. It would extend from New York up the Hudson to within about ten miles of Albany. Palestine lay at almost the precise center of the then known world. If one were to draw a circle of 1,600 miles diameter, with Jerusalem as the focus, all the great cities of ancient times would be included, Rome, Athens, Ephesus, Nineveh, Babylon, Mem- phis, Thebes, and Alexandria. It was a land shut in by mountains, which in turn shut out many enemies. Neverthe- less it was the great highway between Egypt and Babylon, because, lying between both, the caravan routes passed through it with the commerce of these two mighty countries. One of the common Old Testament modes of limiting the extent of Canaan was by referring to it as "From Dan to Beersheba" (Judg. 20 : i). The Bible World 3 In Northern Africa (Egypt) and the Sinaitic Peninsula, we should note the following fixed features: EGYPT lies along the two sides of the river Nile. There have always been two Egypts, Northern and Southern. Northern or Lower l:t lies in the Nile Delta, triangular in shape, a huge, splendid garden, with the richest soil of the then known world, the grain lands of the Roman Empire. Southern or Upper Egypt winds along the Nile Valley, from two to ten miles wide, with barren hills on either side, beyond which lay desert. These two Egypts were always so separate that the very crowns, worn by the kings, were double. The main stream of the Nile is known as the White Nile, while the lUne Nile flows into it in Nubia, rising far back in Abyssinia. The Land of Goshen lay southeast of the Delta. It was the home of the Israelites during their long sojourn in Egypt as slaves. The only cities of Bible note in Egypt were Heliopolis, called On in the Scriptures, on the eastern branch of the Delta (Gen. 41 : 45, 50; 46 : 20), Alexander, in late'r times the metropolis of Africa (Acts 6 : 9, 18 : 24, 27 : 6, 28 : n) ; while Thebes was the chief city of Upper Egypt, and its capital. The great SINAITIC PENINSULA lies between Egypt and the Gulf of Suez on the one side and the arm of the Red Sea known as the Gulf of Akaba on the other. It forms a huge triangular desert. To the northern end lies a plain of white sand, the wilderness of Shur, then below a barren tableland of limestone, known as the Wilderness of Paran, "the great and terrible wilderness" of the Forty Years' Wan- derings of the Israelites (Deut. i : 19). It is still called Et Tih, "the Wandering," and is crossed by two drear caravan routes, marked by dry bones of victims to its scourge. At its lowest point is the Wilderness of Mount Sinai, bordered by the Wilderness of Sin, not to be confounded with the Wilderness of Zin, lying just below the foot of the Dead Sea. Much discussion has arisen as to the site of Mount Sinai, the terms Horeb and Sinai being seemingly used in- terchangeably. Several peaks have been claimed, presuming that Horeb applied to the range of Mountains and Sinai to a particular peak. Jebel Musa, the Mountain of Moses, is the 4 Students' Historical Geography Mountain of the Law, according to local tradition. Ras es Sufsafch has the preference of many modern writers, and, if the mountain lay at all in the south, is the most likely from its nature. The most recent critical research, favoring the shorter route of the Exodus straight across the Peninsula to the head of the Gulf of Akaba, places the Mountain of the Law near that spot. The places of Bible interest are Rameses in Goshen, the starting-point of the Exodus; Succoth directly south a short space; Etham on the edge of the Lake above the Gulf; Pi- hahiroth and Baal-Zephon near the Gulf. The sites of other places mentioned as Marah, Eliin, and Rephidim are al- together uncertain. (Read Exodus 12-14; Numbers 33.) Physical Palestine in Detail. It is most important that we study the physical geography of the Holy Land in quite some detail, for, while it is true in general that geography has always left its stamp upon the history and character of mankind, it is especially true of the Hebrews, for no people of antiquity ever lived in closer contact with Nature than did they. We shall find this study, of entrancing interest, for Palestinian characteristics are reflected in almost every psalm, prophecy, and parable given us in Holy Writ. "The Cedars of Lebanon, Mount Hermon, the flowing springs, the restless sea, the roaring lion, the eagle, the lily, even the sparrows" are all pictured in Bible literature. As we traverse the land, the gloomy Valley of Michmash becomes the scene of the heart-stirring attack of Jonathan upon the Philistines, that gave the Hebrews their independence from the giants. On the Plain of Megiddo, Thothmes III, Necho, and Napoleon have trodden the same paths of battle. Here is a land that Nature destined to be the great highway over which would pass and repass nations upon nations, bent on war or commerce. As we wit- ness the location of the Hebrew homes, high on towering mountains, we can see God's plan for seclusion and education, a preparation for their contribution to the world or the world's greatest religion. And it has been the physical con- tour and characteristics of this land of sacred memories that has moulded the life of the dwellers among the mountains and valleys and plains that mark its face. What at first The Bible World 5 seems but a confused, unthreaded series of valleys and hills is revealed on closer inspection as an orderly, naturally-de- veloped set of six zones, each with a type of life and char- acter peculiar to its environment, each contributing directly to the special production of a distinct race and religious standard. We shall study each zone and include in each its <>\vn mountains, rivers, valleys, and cities, thus connecting them together in orderly pictorial sequence. Questions and Manual Work on Chapter I. 1. On a world outline map (Sunday School Commission Mercator Map, 2c. each) color in green crayon or water tint Egypt, in red Palestine, in indigo Mesopotamia, in yellow the lands beyond the Tigris eastward, in violet Greece, in black Asia Minor, in orange Italy. Put all rivers and seas in blue. Leave all the rest blank. 2. Write the names and origin of all names of Palestine. 3. Print on the map the chief physical features of the Old Testament world. 4. Copy an outline map of Palestine (S. S. Commission) or a map in this book, or trace it if you cannot copy it. 5. Why is the study of Bible geography of value? How did the land determine Bible history? CHAPTER II THE ZONES OF PALESTINE Detailed Study of Zones I, II, and part of III. The First Zone THE MARITIME PLAIN. Here lie the sea-coast plains, along the eastern coast of the Mediter- ranean. At the northern portion this is a narrow strip of land, the cradle of those ancient mariners the Phoenicians ; a fertile region, but too small for aught but a meager popu- See PP- P- 6 lation. Its principal cities were Tyre and Sidon. (See S. Mark 7 : 24.) It was in this locality that Christ met the Syrophoenician woman. In Syria, beyond the boundaries of Palestine proper, are two of the lofty parallel ranges of mountains, the Lebanon and the Anti-Lebanon. The former has an average height of 7,000 feet, and is the starting-point of all the great Palestinian systems of mountains. The latter is noted for Mt. Herman, which rises 9,200 feet, and is generally regarded as the Mount of the Transfiguration of Christ. In its neighborhood is Ccesarea Philippi, which we believe to be the farthest limit north of our Lord's missionary work. Through these moun- tains flows the Litany River, in Bible times termed the Leontes. Farther south, the Plain of Acre broadens out till it ends at See opp. p. 6 Mount Carmel, or the Carmel range of mountains, as it really See opp. p. 6 i s . Then comes the River Kishon, at the foot of this moun- tain range, "that ancient river" (Judg. 5 : 21). Here De- borah ruled and Sisera, captain of Jabin's army, was delivered into her hands. (Judg. 4 : 4-15.) Here Elijah slew the prophets of Baal. (i Kings 18 : 40.) Next is Carmel, reaching 1,750 feet high ; but sloping down to 500 as it meets the sea. Here Elijah lived (i Kings 18 : 18 : 20) ; here he met Ahab ; and here he won the victory for Jehovah. 6 TYRE SIDON From the Sea MT. CARMEL RIVER KISHON Photo by S. U. Mitman JOPPA, OR JAFFA HOUSE OF SIMON Photo by Rev. S. U. Mitman CAESAREA IN PALESTINE Copyrighted by Underwood & Underwood CAESAREA St. Paul's Prison The Zones of Palestine 7 Below Carmel stretches the ever-widening fertile Plain of Sharon, with its forests and fruitful fields, its undulating flower-beds of vernal beauty, dotted with the "Tents of Kcd.'tr." Solomon refers to "the rose of Sharon" (Song of Sol. 2:1). Isaiah refers to it frequently for its beauty and rich fertility (Isa. 33 : 9; 35 : 2 ; 65 : 10). A little farther south, it widens to twenty-five miles, and was the home for centuries of the warlike Philistines (from which the name Palestine, as we have said, was derived). In Old Testament times it was never inhabited by Hebrews. Even in Christ's time, though many Jews inhabited it, they felt like strangers in it. It was in all ages a famous war-path. Over it marched the armies of Thothmes, Rameses, Sennacherib, Cambyses, Alexander the Great, Pompey, and Napoleon. Like all coast plains, it was exposed to attack from all sides. This will account for the bravery developed in the hardy Philistine warriors. The sea-coast is remarkably regular, there being only one promontory or cape, where Carmel juts into the sea. There are few good harbors. We have noted Tyre and Sidon. Below are Ptolemais, Cccsarea, and Joppa (Jaffa). The See PP- P- 7 sea is shallow all along the coast. Cccsarea was built by See PP- P- 7 Herod in Roman times, and was of unusual beauty and wealth. S. Paul was a prisoner here for two weeks on his last voyage See PP- P- 7 to Rome. From Joppa, Jonah set sail to escape God (Jonah i : 3) and centuries later S. Peter had his vision of the sheet, and his call to Cornelius and the Gentile world (Acts 10 : 1-16). At Lydda (now Lod or Lud), S. Peter preached the See O PP . p. 10 gospel. (Acts 9 : 32.) In PHILISTIA, the chief cities are Gaza, in the southwest corner, three miles from the sea, See PP- P- I0 mentioned from earliest times down into the book of Acts and still a city to-day (see Gen. 10 : 19; Josh. 10 : 41 ; 11 : 22; 13 : 3; 15 : 47; Judg. i : 18; 16 : 21 ; Acts 8 : 26). The reference in Acts is to the noteworthy baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch. Ashkelon was noted in Philistine times and in the days of the Crusades. Ashdod was the chief seat of the worship of Dagon, the fish-god. Ekron was the last resting-place of the Ark previous to its return. Gath, now un- known as to site, was the home of Goliath the giant, (i Sam. 17 : 4, 23; i Sam. 5 : 10.) 8 Students' Historical Geography The Second Zone THE SHEPHELAH. This is the district composed of low foothills lying between the Maritime Plain and the Central Uplands. It is an open, rolling region. Here in the days of the Judges raged the intermittent war- fare between the lowlanders and the Highlanders. These foothills are about 500 feet only above sea-level. In the early times these combatants were Israelites and Canaanites ; later, they were Israelites and Philistines ; then the Maccabees fought here with the Syrians; and in the time of the Cru- sades Richard of England and Saladin the Saracen led the opposing armies. The Shephelah proper lies only between Beersheba and the Valley of Aijalon. The word means Low Country, being low r er than the neighboring mountains to the East. (See 2 Chron. 28 : 18.) The Valley of Aijalon runs across the top of the Shephelah, just north of Jerusalem. Along this valley, Joshua pursued the Amorites, at the time when he bade the sun to stand still. (Josh. 10 : 1-14.) Through this valley, the Philistines came to attack King Saul, when Jonathan repelled them, (i Sam. 13, 14.) Gezer, an important city of which King Horam was ruler, is at this valley, on the surrounding hills. (Josh. 10 : 33 ; 12 : 12.) Next, south from the Shephelah, lies the Valley of the Sorek, where Samson, born at Zorah, worked his wonderful deeds. Here too was Timnath, where Samson's first love dwelt. South of Sorek, was Beth-Shemcsh, to which the ark was brought from Ekron, and there still spread out wheat-fields like those the lowing kine passed through, (i Sam. 6.) A little farther south lies the Valley of Elah, a level plain, the battlefield where David killed the giant Goliath (i Sam. 17). Near by is the Cave of Adullam, where David hid with his four hundred followers. (i Sam. 22.) At the southern boundary of the Shephelah is the Brook Besor, while farther south still is the city of Beersheba, which marks the extreme limits of the Land of Israel. It was at different times the home of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It lay on the caravan highway, and was noted for its seven great wells. The Third Zone THE CENTRAL PLATEAU. This is the rough, jagged, towering mountainous system, running north and south, between the Shephelah and Maritime Plain The Zones of Palestine 9 and the Valley of the Jordan River. It has three distinct divisions, each with clearly marked characteristics. They are known on New Testament maps as Galilee, Samaria, and Judea. GALILEE is the most northern division. It is enriched by the streams that flow from Mt. Hermon, making it well- watered and very fertile. The Leontes, rising near ancient Baalbac, flows south through Coele-Syria (Hollow Syria) 120 miles to the sea. Numerous brooks or wadies follow in parallel lines southward, ending with the River Kishon, at Carmel's base. The name Galilee means a round object or region, i.e., well-defined and distinct. It was thus first given to a small portion or spot and then extended to include more. (Josh. 20 : 7.) At first nations not of Israelitish descent dwelt in this region. Hence it was frequently called "Galilee of the Gentiles." (Isa. 9:1.) The district reaches north to the Leontes, east to the Lake of Galilee and south to the Plain of Esdraelon. Upper Galilee was much higher than Lower Galilee, its mountains rising to 3,000 feet, while almost all mountains in Lower Galilee are below 2,000 feet. The mountains are in most cases broad plateaus, broken by wide, deep valleys. Of the mountains of Galilee, Mount Tabor See opp. p. 10 (over i, 800 feet high), on the northeast of Esdraelon, shows out clearly. (Psa. 89 : 18; Jer. 46 : 18.) Here Deborah and Barak met Sisera (Judg. 4 : 6-14). (See also River Kishon, First Zone.) Little Hermon (1,800 feet) is known as the Hill of Moreh. (Judg. 7:1.) It is on the Plain, south- west of the Sea of Galilee. Endor is on the northern slope. The witch that Saul visited lived here, (i Sam. 28 : 7-25.) Seven or eight miles away is Gilboa, where Saul camped. In Old Testament times the tribes of Asher and Naphtali set- tled in this section. After the early settlement there is little mention of Galilee for years, until Christ's time, when a large portion of His ministry was located here. Of the cities, the following are of most importance : Kedesh (Kedesh-Naphtali) was both a city of refuge and a fortified city, west of the head of Lake Huleh (Lake Merom). It was the site of the old Temple of the Sun, the ruins of which are still there, and the capital or sanctuary io Students' Historical Geography of the great tribe of Naphtali. It was also the home of Barak. (See Josh. 20 : 7 ; 21 : 32; Judg. 4 : io; 2 Kings 15 : 29; Judg. 4:6; Josh. 19 : 32.) Shunem lies about eight miles south of Mount Tabor. It belonged to the tribe of Issachar, and is noted for the story of Elisha given in 2 Kings 4 : 8. Three miles south of Kedesh is Hazor, once a royal town, now a collection of broken cisterns. It is of note in the Bible. (Josh, n : io; 2 Kings 15 : 29.) See opp. p. io In Lower Galilee lies Nazareth, the home of S. Mary the Virgin and S. Joseph her husband ; the place where our Lord was reared to manhood. Although shut in by hills, it was the great junction town at which converged all the many caravan routes rom lower Palestine and Egypt into Asia Minor and Assyria. From the heights of the Nazareth Range near by can be seen many of the famous places in upper Palestine. The scene of more than twenty battles, most momentous in the history of the Chosen People, lay before our Master's vision as he climbed His native hills around. Here he dwelt See opp. p. ii until thirty years of age. Cana of Galilee was a little north See opp. p. ii of Nazareth and nearer to Capernaum, which lay on the Lake of Galilee. It was the town of Christ's first miracle (the wedding feast) and also the home of Nathanael the disciple. See opp. p. ii (See S. John 2 : n ; 4 : 46; 2 : i ; 21 : 2.) Nain is on the northwest of Little Hermon. Here Christ raised the widow's son to life. (S. Luke 7 : ii.) The highest point in Galilee is Mt. Jebel Jermuk, northwest of the Sea of Galilee, 4,000 feet high. A few miles west of the middle of the same Lake stands the Kurun Hattin or Horns of Hattin, a mountain 1,200 feet high, with two peaks. It is known as the Mount of the Beatitudes, and on its side our Lord preached his famous sermon on the Mount. Here too He fed the five thousand. (S. Matt. 5, 6, 7.) Hattin is also the historic landmark that overlooks the spot where the army of the Crusaders made its last memorable stand, and was almost utterly annihilated by the vengeful hosts of Saladin, in 1187 A. D. Esdraelon itself we shall consider as the Sixth Zone of Palestine. LYDDA GAZA ROAD Photo by Williams, Brown & Earle MT. TABOR Plains of Esdraelon NAZARETH CANA OF GALILEE SITE OF CAPERNAUM NAIN Photo by S. U. Mitman BETHEL The Zones of Palestine 1 1 Questions and Manual Work on Chapter II. i. Learn to make a map of Palestine quickly. Fold a sheet of paper of the proportion of 8 x 12 inches in three divisions lengthwise. Unfold and again fold three times sideways. This gives nine squares. Draw the coast line of the Carmel Range in the upper middle square. Continue coast line to the middle of right-hand center square, lower edge. In lower right- hand corner of upper middle square place the Sea of Galilee, and at the center of its right edge Lake Huleh. Continue Jordan River southward in middle square, and place Dead Sea in upper right-hand of lower-center square. Then mark the zones on the map in colors, searching the chapters forward to find their limits. Use crayons or water colors. j. Mark on First Zone, and print names of all cities, places, mountains, and rivers mentioned in the lesson. 3. Make a list, from west to east, and from north to south, of these same places, and write opposite each name the event in Bible history connected with it, and in a third column the Bible reference. Do not fail to look up always the Bible reference and read the passage over. 4. Do the same (as under 2 and 3) for each division of the Second and of the Third Zones. CHAPTER III THE THIRD ZONE OF PALESTINE. SAMARIA Beyond the Plain of Esdraelon, we come to the second division of this Third Zone of the Central Plateau, i.e. SAMARIA. As we pass southward we enter a land of fruitful valleys and rounded hills, covered to their tops with trees and fields, and well-watered by copious springs. The in- fluence of this physical environment upon the inhabitants is most clearly marked. They became a pleasure-loving people, eager for ease and enjoyment, running after idols and wealth, making alliances with powerful nations that might enrich or protect them. Thus Samaria became a buffer-state, between the northern and the southern nations. Egypt and Judea on the south used it as a huge battlefield when in conflict with Syria, Assyria, Persia, etc., on the north. Samaria conse- quently always suffered. See opp. p. ii As we pass below Bethel, the landscape becomes more grim, the valleys narrower, more rocks appear, and stern Judea, the land of the shepherd, in contrast to Samaria, the haven of the farmer, lies before us. Judea spelt a desperate strug- gle, and it alone could produce men of courage and deep intensity, such as Isaiah, Amos, and the like. The real stamina of all Palestine was developed and nourished in this southern section of the wild Judean plateau. Let us traverse Samaria and Judea in detail. See opp. p. 14 Samaria of the New Testament was always Mount Ephraim of the Old. Here Ephraim, half of Manasseh, and the tribe of Dan dwelt. Many of the greatest events of Bible history occurred within its borders. After the captivity of the Northern Kingdom of Israel it was filled by foreign peo- ples sent in by the Assyrians and Babylonians. At Christ's coming, "the Jews had no dealings with the Samaritans," re- The Third Zone of Palestine. Samaria 13 garding them and their land as polluted. Samaria stretched from the edge of Esdraelon on the north to below Bethel on the south, and from the Jordan to the Plain of Sharon. Al- though only about twenty-five miles in length, the Jews were so averse to passing through it that they usually crossed the Jordan at the Beth-shan Fords and recrossed at Jericho, in journeying from Galilee to Judea. Samaria has an average elevation of about 2,000 feet above sea-level, being not so much a mountain mass as a series of high ridges, with plains and elevated valleys between. The slope on the west, towards the Maritime Plain, is gradual ; while that on the east to the Jordan River is exceedingly steep and precipitous. In the southern part, it rises 2,800 feet in only nine miles. The chief mountains of Samaria are Mounts Carmel, Gilboa, Ebal, Gerizim and Baal-Hazor. Mount Carmel is a ridge rather than a single mountain, just as are Mt. Hermon and Mt. Lebanon. It runs in from the only cape or promontory of the sea-coast, below Phoenicia, with the River Kishon at its base, in a general direction midway between the foot of the Sea of Galilee and the head of the Dead Sea. It is about 12 miles long. At the south- eastern end, where it slopes out into low hills, lies the rich Valley of Dothan, in which Joseph found his brethren tend- See opp. p. 14 ing their flocks the day they sold him as a slave. (Gen. 37 : 17.) The Carmel range is of limestone, honeycombed with long, winding caves. Carmel means "Park," and in the Hebrew it is usually "The Park." (See Isa. 35 : 2 ; Cant. 7:5; Amos 1:2.) The mountains became a sanctuary or holy spot, in which worship was offered both to Jehovah and to idols, (i Kings 18 : 19.) Mount Gilboa is a barren peak, See opp. p. 14 1,700 feet high, running as a ridge along ten miles, edging the southern border of the Plain of Esdraelon. Here oc- curred the defeat and death of Saul and Jonathan. (2 Sam. i : 17-27.) Here too Gideon gathered his little army of the faithful three hundred. (Judg. 6-8.) Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim lie about the center of Samaria, Ebal (mount of cursing) lay northward; while Gerizim (mount of blessing) lay southward, with the bases not more than a quarter of a mile apart. The valley and city of Shechem lay between See opp. p. 14 14 Students' Historical Geography them. Ebal is 3,076 feet high ; Gerizim is 2,848 ; while the val- ley is 1,672 feet. Into this valley, Joshua led the entire as- semblage of Israelites after the crossing of the Jordan. All came, men, women, and children. The Levites stood in the Valley, with the tribes, half-and-half on the mountains on either side. The Levites read the curses of the law on sin, the tribes on Ebal replied in answer "Amen." They then read the blessings of the law on virtue, and the tribes on Gerizim replied "Amen." Later on, before his death, Joshua again gathered the people here, to listen to his parting coun- sels. (See Deut. 27; Josh. 8, 24.) Some years later, Jotham (Judg. 9) told the men of Shechem his parable of the tree* choosing a king, speaking from a bluff near by, and then ran away to escape their anger. In the period of the res- toration of Jerusalem, after the exile, the Samaritans were rejected from participation in the worship of the Temple at Jerusalem. They then set up a temple on Mount Gerizim. When Christ met the woman of Samaria, she spoke to Him of that worship, saying "Our fathers worshipped in this moun- tain." (S. John 4 : 20.) That temple however had been de- stroyed 170 years before. Shechem has had many names. Its present name is Nablous. It is also practically the site of See opp. p. 15 Sychar, where Jacob's Well stands, and where our Lord met the Samaritan Woman, referred to above. It has been the common opinion that Shechem and Sychar were the same ; but much recent research seems to indicate that they were two separate towns, Sychar being about two miles to the southeast of Shechem. Sychar has been identified with As- kar, at the base of Mount Ebal. The Samaritan name She- chem closely resembled Sychar, and the two were confounded by the Crusaders, so that Shechem was said to be Sychar. Explorations have made the situation of Jacob's Well one of the most assured spots in Palestine, and located Askar and Sychar as identical. The proximity of the two towns however makes them practically one situation. At Shechem, Abimelech, the usurper, set up his brief kingdom. Another usurper, Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, was crowned here by the Ten Tribes, (i Kings 12 : 25.) Another name seems to have been Neapolis, in the Grecian Period. In the early REMAINS OF SAMARIA PLAIN OF DOT HAN Copyrighted by Underwood & Underwood BATTLEFIELD OF GIDEON Copyrighted by Underwood & Underwood SHECHEM Copyrighted by Underwood & Underwood SYCHAR Copyrighted by Underwood & Underwood JACOB'S WELL JEZREEL Photo by S. U. Hitman RAMAH The Third Zone of Palestine. Samaria 1 5 dawn of the history of Israel, Abram, coming across the Jordan, built his first altar to God, and rested in Shechem. (Gen. 12 : 7.) Before the exodus was completed by the conquest of Canaan, the people regarded it as holy. (Deut. ii : 29; Josh. 24 : 32.) Near it were Joseph's Tomb (Gen. 33 : 19 ; S. John 4 : 6) and Jacob's Well Baal-Hazor, twenty See O PP . p. 15 miles south of Gerizim, five miles north of Bethel, is the highest mountain of Samaria, 3,300 feet. On its slope Ab- salom had his sheep-shearing farm, where at a great feast he had summoned, he treacherously killed his brother Amnon. (2 Sam. 13 : 2-29.) Among other cities to be considered is Jezreel, seated on a See o p. p. 15 foothill of Mount Gilboa. It commanded a vista over the entire valley of Jezreel. (2 Kings 9 : 17.) Ahab and Jezebel made it their capital, when that wicked king reigned in Is- rael. His royal palace stood on the eastern wall of the city, and from its window Jezebel was cast down to the hungry dogs below, in the open space where the city refuse was thrown. (2 Kings 9 : 30-35; I Kings 21 : I.) The vineyard of Naboth was hard by the palace. The modern name is Zerin, though only a collection of ruined huts re- mains. Tirzah is another city of this region, probably near Shechem, though its site is not yet definitely fixed. It was noted for its beauty and was, at one time, the second royal city. Zimri was besieged there, and to avoid capture, set fire to his palace and was burned himself. (Song of Sol. 6:4;! Kings 14 : 17; 15 : 33; 16 : 18.) Six miles north- west of Shechem and twenty-three miles from the sea- coast, lies the Mount or Hill of Samaria, standing isolated and alone in the midst of a wide green basin. King Omri, the father of Ahab, bought it of Shemer, its owner, for two talents of silver. From the name of its owner, Omri gave the town the title of Shomeron, which became altered to Samaria. From that time on it was the capital of the Northern King- dom of Israel. The city was almost impregnable. It with- stood two severe sieges, 901 and 910 B. C, and Shalmaneser finally took three years to capture it. (i Kings 20 : i ; 2 Kings 6 : 24-27 : 20; 18 : 9, 10.) Under Ahab and Jezebel, it became the center for an ornate idolatrous worship, in its most 1 6 Students Historical Geograpliy licentious forms. (Isa. 28 : 1-4.) Near the time of Christ it was rebuilt by King Herod, and named Sebaste, the Greek of Augustus, equivalent to Augusta. The colonnades and pil- lars of Herod, all in ruins, still remain standing, as a mute witness to the city's pristine grandeur. The old name clung to it, and it was known in Christ's time as Samaria. S. Philip preached with great success in the city in its power, "there was great joy in the city." (Acts 8 : 5-8.) The ruins of the Church of St. John the Baptist, built by the Cru- saders, still stand upon the slope of the hill, erected in the twelfth century. It ran more than 3,000 feet with its sweeping colonnade. The remains of an old reservoir, the Pool of Samaria, are also to be seen, where was once washed the blood-stained chariot of Ahab, when the infamous king met his doom, (i Kings 22 : 38.) Well indeed has the prophecy of Micah the prophet been literally fulfilled. (Micah i : 1-6.) Shiloh, now called Seilun, lies in a secluded valley, twelve miles southeast of Shechem, nine miles north of Bethel. Its site is definitely named in Judges 21 : 19. Its ruins have been positively identified. For about 400 years, in the period of the Judges, Shiloh was the seat of the tabernacle worship, and the Ark of the Covenant was kept here. It was the most esteemed sanctuary of the whole land. (Josh. 18; Judg. 21 : 19.) In later years the ark was lost to Shiloh through its capture by the Philistines, (i Sam. 4.) When the tribe of Benjamin had been all but exterminated by the other tribes, the men repaired to Shiloh and captured the young women of the town, to be their wives, and so rehabilitate the tribe. (Judg. 21 : 19-23.) At SHILOH, Joshua completed the division of the land among the tribes. (Josh. 18 : 6.) Here Eli ministered as high priest, and Samuel grew up as a child. At Shiloh lived the prophet Ahijah, whom the wife of Jeroboam came to visit, concerning the life of her sick son. (i Kings 14 : 2.) Gilgal, seven miles north of Bethel, should be distinguished from the Gilgal near Jericho, where Israel encamped after crossing the Jordan. This northern Gilgal is the place where The Tiiird Zone of Palestine. Samaria 17 Samuel set up a school of the prophets, from which Elijah \\ent to Bethel, and then on to Jericho, on his last visit to the "sons of the prophets." (2 Kings 2 : I ; 4 : 38.) Besides the rivers flowing into the Mediterranean, which take their rise in the mountains of Ephraim or Samaria, all of which we have studied under the Maritime Plain, we have one river of Bible mention, flowing eastward into the Jordan, the Farah. It rises at the base of Mount Ebal. It is "the waters of Enon," mentioned by S. John. (S. John 3 : 23.) Questions and Manual Work on Chapter III. 1. What Old Testament events are connected with the places of the Maritime Plain? the Plain of Sharon? Philistia? 2. What Old Testament events are connected with localities in the Shephelah? In Galilee? 3. What New Testament events, if any, are connected with these several divisions? 4. Draw an outline map of the region of Samaria, alone, making it on a scale at least four inches across. On it locate the places, mountains, rivers, etc., in proper order, by dot and name. 5. Make a list, as in previous chapter, of places in order of events and Bible references. CHAPTER IV THE THIRD ZONE OF PALESTINE. CONTINUED. JUDEA The third great division, southward, of the Third Zone, that of the Central Plateau, is JUDEA, that portion of Ca- naan which in the settlement of the land was assigned by Joshua to the tribes of Benjamin, Judah, Simeon, and Dan. Judah and Benjamin were the most important, and the former, in fact, the chief ruling tribe of all. Simeon seems to have had part of the dry South Land or Negeb, next the desert. Dan was west of Benjamin, between the valleys of Aijalon and Sorek. (Josh. 15-19.) All this territory became prac- tically the kingdom of Judah, the southern kingdom, after the division ensuing upon Solomon's death. It was called the Kingdom of Judah. After the return from exile it became Judea and its inhabitants Jews. The exceedingly mountainous character of this part of Palestine has ever made the sturdy nature of this people. Every nation and tribe that dwelt there developed hardihood and courage, high principles and noble morals. For many centuries, the inhabitants kept very much to themselves, hemmed in by rocky walls. They took no part in the wars of Gideon and Barak, and held aloof from either progress, conquest, or commerce. Yet this very isolation enabled Judea to hold out against the great world powers, Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, Rome, for a century and a half after the Northern Kingdom was extinct. The entire size of this territory was but thirty miles wide, from the Jordan to the Philistine Plain, and fifty- five miles long, from Geba to Beersheba, 1,500 square miles in all (see 2 Kings 23 : 8), less than half as large as the State of Rhode Island. Judea has always been a land of shepherds, although as a whole it is a rocky, barren, rugged land mountains, wilderness, stones everywhere and in the 18 * Tlic Third Zone of Palestine. Continued. Judea 19 southern extremity, wild, desolate, and uninviting. It is also an unusually dry section. In the whole length and breadth there are not more than six or seven streams that have water the entire year. Scanning the country in detail, from the north downwards, as we did the other sections, we would locate two towns by name, for their sites are uncertain, just below Gilgal, our last town in the Middle Section, Samaria. One of these towns is Gophna, probably the modern village of Jufna, the most northerly on the western plateau of Judea. It was called Ophni at the time of the conquest. (Josh. 18 : 24.) It was the last halting-place of Titus on his ill- fated march to Jerusalem. Orphrah, the second, was a frontier town on the northeast corner, thirteen miles north of Jerusalem. It has been identified with Ephron or Ephraim, mentioned in 2 Chron. 13 : 19 and S. John n : 54, where Christ rested from the throng, after the raising of Lazarus. Bethel, "the house of God," modern Beitin, is on the main road, ten miles north of Jerusalem, seven south of Gilgal. The ridge of mountain on which the ruins of the ancient city still stand, is almost 2,900 feet above the sea. There are now, says Dr. Schaff, "about two dozen Moslem hovels, the ruins of a Greek church, a very large cistern, and wild rocks." Scarcely any spot in all the Holy Land has so many events gathered around it. Abraham first rested here on his journey south from Shechem. (Gen. 12 : 8.) Here Lot surveyed the land and selected his future residence. (Gen. 13 : i-io.) Here Jacob in his flight rested on a stone and dreamed his vision of angels. (Gen. 28 : 10-22.) It was one of Samuel's sacred sanctuaries. (Judg. 20 : 18, 26-28; 21 : 4; i Sam. 7 : 16.) Jeroboam made it a city of idol worship, (i Kings 12 : 27-29, 32, 33; 13 : i-io.) Part of the time it was held by the Northern Kingdom and part by the Southern. (See Picture 15.) Ai or Hai, mentioned in Joshua 8, is probably the heap of ruins two miles east of Bethel. Rock Rinnnon, a small village four miles east of Bethel on the edge of the plateau on the side of a mountain sloping down to the great ravine filled with numberless caves is the spot to which the survivors of the tribe of Benjamin fled after the battles noted in Judges 20 : 28-47. Michmash (Mukmas} has 2O Students' Historical Geography been placed at the modern village four miles southeast of Bethel. The rocky gorge up which Jonathan climbed and the spot from which he began his perilous descent (i Sam. 14 : 13) are both seen here. The Philistines had come to Michmash by way of the Valley of Aijalon, while the handful of soldiers belonging to Saul were encamped at Gibeah, on the other side of the gorge. The bravery of Jonathan and his armor- bearer saved the day for Israel. Here, too, Joshua had fought, in aid of his allies the Gibeonites. (Josh. 10 : 1-14.) Michmash was also on the route of the Assyrians, as they marched south, noted in Isaiah 10 : 28. After the exile the remnant of the tribe of Benjamin reoccupied the spot. (Neh. ii : 31.) Geba or Jeba was on the south side of this same chasm, and at the time of Josiah was the frontier town of Judah. (2 Kings 23 : 8.) It was also again inhabited after the exile. Ramah of Benjamin, six miles south of Bethel, is one of the many Ramahs (high places) of the Old Testament, where sacrifices were offered. It is men- tioned several times in the Bible, but not with any very special event. (Look up I Kings 15 : 17, 22; Josh. 18 : 25; Judg. 4:5.) It is not the Ramah where Samuel was born. See opp. p. 15 (i Sam. i : i.) Gibeah of Benjamin, also' known as Gibeah of Saul, may be the same as Geba; but is most likely to be the name of a general district, including Geba and Gibeon, on the edge of the plateau. Here occurred the almost total destruction of Benjamin. (Judg. 19 and 20.) Here also was the lonely watch of Rizpah, the mother of the two young men hanged here. (2 Sam. 21 : 1-14.) Gibeon is to the west of Geba, on a hill about six miles from Jerusalem. At the foot of this hill is the Pool of Gibeon, where the hosts of Abner and Joab met in battle. (2 Sam. 2 : 13.) It was the chief Hivite city that surrendered to Joshua. At this spot was fought the great battle of the Amorite Con- federacy, which decided its fate, when the Amorites were driven headlong down the steep Beth-horon Pass. Read the thrilling account in Joshua 10 : 10, n. At the great Stone of Gibeon Amasa was slain, and at the same spot, years later, his murderer, Joab, met his punishment by death at the hand of Benaiah, Solomon's captain. (2 Sam. 20 : 10; T/ic Third Zone of Palestine. Continued. Judca 21 i Kings 2 : 29-34.) At Gibeon the Tabernacle was set up after Saul slew the priests ; and on the brazen altar in front of the Tabernacle, Solomon offered a thousand burnt-offer- ings, and here this same king made the choice of wisdom, above all other rewards. (Josh. 9 : 3-15; 2 Sam. 20 : 8; i Kings 3:4.) Just south of Gibeon is Mizpah, but five miles northwest of Jerusalem. It is the highest point on the plateau, nearly 3,000 feet. Mizpah is identified as the \\ ntch-Tower of Benjamin. It was the center to whicn the people gathered to consult regarding the rebellion of Ben- jamin (Judg. 20 : i-n) ; and again to offer sacrifices (i. Sam. 7:5) and to elect Saul their king, (i Sam. 10 : 17.) It was also one of the three Judgment Cities of Samuel, (i Sam. 7 : 16.) Gedaliah was killed here with his few followers around him. (2 Kings 25 : 22-25; Jer. 41 : 1-8.) Nob, a priestly city, lies near by to the east, though its site is somewhat uncertain, (i Sam. 21 : i; 22 : 9.) Still east- ward is AnatJioth, three miles northeast of Jerusalem, a Levitical town (Josh. 21 : 18), to which Abiathar was ban- ished (i Kings 2 : 26), and the birthplace of Jeremiah the prophet. (Jer. i : i.) Questions and Manual Work on Chapter IV. 1. What do you consider the four chief localities and events of the First Zone of Palestine? Of the Second? 2. What are the Divisions of the Third Zone? 3. W'hat'are the chief localities of Galilee? Of Samaria? 4. What territory did the third division of the Third Zone cover? 5. What is the chief physical characteristic of this region? How did it affect the character of the inhabitants? 6. Draw on the general map the places mentioned. 7. Make a list of the events connected with them, and a column of the Bible references. CHAPTER V JERUSALEM AND ITS ENVIRONS We are now approaching the great city of all Palestine; See opp. p. 24 indeed, the most sacred city of all the world, Jerusalem, passing out of the country assigned to Benjamin into that belonging to the tribe of Judah. We shall consider certain mountains, rivers, and cities, in direct relation to this capital of the Southern Kingdom, in order to fix them in mind more readily. Jerusalem is situated, roughly speaking, about one-third of the way across the head of the Dead Sea, towards the Mediterranean Sea. To be exact, it is on a mountain tableland, 2,500 feet above the Great Sea and 3,800 feet above the Dead Sea, thirty miles from the former and eighteen miles from the latter. Ravines and gorges surround the city on every side, save the north. The Valley of Jehoshaphat, in which the River Kidron flows, is to the east, separating the town from the Mount of Olives. The western valley is the Valley of Hinnom. It separates Jerusalem from the Hill of Evil Counsel, where the plot to betray Christ was hatched, at the base of which is the Potter's Field, Aceldama or the Field of Blood, bought with the price of Judas' betrayal of our Lord. The lower part of the Valley of Hinnom was called Tophet or the Place of Fire or Gehenna, and was used as a place for burning the refuse of the great city above. Let us now examine more closely some of these surrounding fea- tures, before studying the city. The Mount of Olives is a curved ridge, 2,637 feet high, to the east of Jerusalem. It was along this route that David passed when he fled from See opp. p. 24 Absalom. (2 Sam. 15 : 23, 30.) Here, in the Garden of Geth- semane, on its western slope, near Jerusalem, the Agony of our Blessed Lord took place. (S. Matt. 26; S. Mark 14; S. 22 Jerusalem and its Environs 23 Luke 24; Acts i : 12.) Two small mountain torrents, prac- tically not more than winter streams, flow from this western mountain region, in this locality, and empty eastward into the Dead Sea. One is the Brook Cherith, probably the present See opp. p. 24 \Vaily Kelt, near Jericho. It was by this brook that Elijah hid from Ahab, and in his solitude was fed by God's ministrations, (i Kings 17 : 3.) The second stream, the Kidron, flows through the Valley of Jehoshaphat, along the eastern side of the City of Jerusalem, between it and the Mount of Olives. Flowing southeasterly, it passes Bethlehem and runs through the crags and wilderness of Judea, ending with a dash over the rough rocks on the shore of the Dead Sea. The valley is referred to by Joel (Joel 3 : 2, 12) and is called else- where the King's Dale. (Gen. 14 : 17; 2 Sam. 18 : 18.) Rubbish to the depth of 70 or 80 feet has accumulated in this valley, and the original bed of the river has moved eastward as much as 70 feet, on account of the huge piles of debris that have poured down from the heights above. The Brook Kidron is mentioned often in Bible history. Over it the bridge crossed into the City of cities, and this bridge formed part of the path the Master and His Disciples trod each time they entered the Sacred City. Ezekiel's Vision pictures it, through his creative power, as a spiritual river, rising in a tiny stream from beneath the Temple and flowing, with ever- growing volume and power, until it empties as a mighty torrent into the sea below. This, of course, was imaginative ; but the symbolism of divine grace, to which it was applied, is forceful. (Ezek. 47 : 1-12.) The Wilderness of Judah, through which this river flows, called often the Jeshimon, is a long, narrow district, 10 miles wide by 35 miles long, lying on the western side of the Dead Sea. It is formed of plains of barren limestone rock, which mountain streams have furrowed with deep channels. It is a barren, desolate region, until the rainy season sets in, when, for a brief period, the "desert rejoices, and blossoms as the rose." (Isa. 35 : i.) Somewhere in this wilderness was the cave where David cut off Saul's robe (i Sam. 24 : 1-22) and where our Lord was tempted by Satan. (S. Matt. 3 : i to 4 : i.) About twelve miles from Jerusalem, along the dreary gorge 24 Students' Historical Geography of the Kidron, on high rocks on the very edge of the gorge, stands the famous Monastery of Mar Saba, of the Greek Church, founded in the fifth century by S. Saba. There are only about 60 monks there now, though at one time it was filled with an assemblage of unusual men. Half way down this Wilderness of Jeshimon, the sea edge of the desert, is a fertile and wonderful oasis, called En-gedi, half a mile square, filled with delightful fruits and vineyards, made so by being in a hollow 400 feet lower than the surrounding plain, and so nourished with abundant water. (See Song of Solomon i : 14.) It is called to-day Ain Jidy. The old Bible name was Hazason-tamar, or Hazazon of the Palm. (Gen. 14 : 7; 2 Chron. 20 : 2.) Through the Pass of En-gedi, from the rugged plateau above, the hosts of Ammon and Moab climbed up from the Dead Sea and entered that plain near Tekoa, known as the ascent of Ziz. (2 Chron. 20 : 16-20.) A few miles south of En-gedi, back of the desert, about half- way between En-gedi and the lower end of the Dead Sea, stands Masada, which was the last refuge of the Jews after the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus (70 A. D.). It is one of the strongest natural fortresses in all the world, 1,300 feet higher than the surrounding land, and can be reached only by men in single file, climbing a narrow, step-cut rock. The Maccabees first made a fortress of this rock. Herod the Great fled there in danger. Returning to the country immediately around Jerusalem, See opp. p. 24 we note Bethany, on the road to Jericho, near the Kidron, two miles from Jerusalem, on the Mount of Olives. It was and is but a small village. Here lived S. Mary and S. Martha ; here Christ raised Lazarus, their brother, from the dead; and here he often sojourned with the trio, and spent the last few nights previous to the Crucifixion. (S. John n : 1-44: S. Matt. 21 : 17; S. Mark n : 12, 19.) The site of Bethphage. mentioned in connection with the Palm Sunday entry, is not definitely known, but is, of course, between Bethany and the Mount of Olives. We come now to the study of Jerusalem itself. The city has been known by a different name in each great period of its checkered history. In the Patriarchal time, as the seat JERUSALEM GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE BROOK CHERITH BETHANY TOWER OF DAVID Jerusalem LANE LEADING TO HEROD'S PALACE POOL OF HEZEKIAH CHURCH OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE Exterior Jerusalem and its Environs 25 of Melchizedek's priestly kingdom, it was called Salem, pro- nounced Shalem. (Gen. 14 : 18; Psa. 76 : 2.) During the Jebusite period it was known as Jebus. (Judg. 19 : 10.) After its capture by David, the first time it was held by the Israelites, Jerusalem, properly Jeru-shalaim. It is first men- tioned thus in Judges i : 7, 8, where it may have come by euphony from Jebus-shalem. It means thus "possession of peace." It was called by the prophets by the poetic name Ariel, "the lion of God" (Isa. 29 : i), and in S. Matt. 4 ' 5, 27 : 53, the "Holy City." After it was destroyed by Titus (70 A. D.) it was rebuilt by the emperor Aelius Had- rianus, A. D. 135, and named Aelia Capitolina, a name it held till 536 A. D., when it resumed its old name, Jerusalem. It is now named by the Arabs, El Khuds esh-Sherif, "the Holy City," shortened to El Khuds. We would recall that the Valley of Jehoshaphat, through which the Kidron flows, runs around the east and southeast ; the Valley of Hinnom (Josh. 15 : 8) around the south and southwest, joining the former valley at Siloam, which we shall study later; and the Valley of Gihon (i Kings i : 33) completes the western side, though some place this in the lower part of the Kidron Valley. A shallow valley, the Ty- ropoeon, shaped like a new moon, runs through the city itself, dividing the lower part into two hills. The entire city is composed of four hills. Towards the southwest, be- tween the Tyropoeon and the Valley of Hinnom, was Mount Zion, 2,540 feet high. It was the highest of the hills and the one on which most of the city was built in Christ's time. On it stood the old Jebusite fortress, which was at last captured by David. Zion was known as the Upper City and also as the City of David. (2 Sam. 5 : 7-9; i Chron. IT : 4-7.) The Palace of Herod, Agrippa's Palace, and Da- See opp. p. 25 vid's Tomb were all on this mountain. Most of this portion is now the Armenian Quarter. The Armenian Convent, the See opp. p. 25 largest modern building in Jerusalem ; the English Church, the Church of St. James, and the Environments of the Holy Sepul- chre are all in this quarter. On the northwest hill is Acra, 2,490 feet high, known as the Lower City, the Christian Quarter. In the lower southwest corner of this quarter is 26 Students' Historical GeograpJiy See opp. p. 25 the Pool of Hezekiah, a large reservoir with a capacity of nearly three million gallons. It is supposed to be the "pool and conduit" constructed by Hezekiah to bring water to the city. (2 Kings 20 : 20.) The water comes through the con- duit from the Mamilla Pool, far up in the Valley of Hinnom. See opp. p. 25 The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is almost in the center of this quarter, and is really a collection of several churches and chapels. It seems to be proved without much doubt that it is not the actual locality of the burial-place of our See opp. p. 28 Lord, for a great many satisfactory reasons. It could not have stood without the second great wall of the city, without a formation in the wall-line that would have been ridiculous. The tomb is unlike the hundreds of rock-hewn tombs all around that locality and does not agree with the Bible story, and the accumulation of a large number of other impossible sites fixed around it, for manifest convenience, all tend to dis- credit in every way this as the true spot. As this site, with this church and a former one, has been the same since the days of Constantine, it would seem that we do not know just where the real tomb was. Perhaps this is wisely so, since God has apparently intended that none of the materials of sacred story should come down to man for superstitious veneration and perhaps idolatry. The Moslem (Mohct)ii- inedan) Quarter lies northeast, and is the largest division of the modern city. Here are located the Governor's Palace, the Church of S. Anne, the Pool of Bethesda, and the Via See opp. p. 28 Dolorosa. In the wall of this quarter is S. Stephen's Gate, through which S. Stephen is supposed to have passed on the See opp. p. 28 way to his fateful stoning. The Pool of Bethesda has been recently excavated, near the Church of S. Anne, with a flight of twenty-four stone steps leading down to it, and supporting arches and porches along the sides. The Crusaders built a church over the pool, and a fresco on the wall of the crypt shows an angel troubling the water, a manifest indication that they were certain of the right site. The Via Dolorosa, along which our Blessed Lord is supposed to have passed on the way to Calvary, runs from the Governor's Palace to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, as we have it placed to-day. Under the rock surface of the northern part of this section Jerusalem and its Environs 27 lie the Royal Quarries, from which the huge stones used in the construction of Solomon's Temple were undoubtedly cut. Questions and Manual Work on Chapter V. 1. Transfer localities noted on special map of Samaria to the general map you are making. 2. Get an outline map of Jerusalem (Bailey Series, S. S. Commission) and locate carefully, with dot and name, (a) the chief places outside the city walls, (b) the four divisions of the city itself, and the sites mentioned in the first three of them. 3. Make a list of places and events, as in previous Chap- ters, with Bible reference for each. 4. If time, try to mold a relief map in sand, clay or plasti- cine of the city and its valleys. CHAPTER VI JERUSALEM, CONTINUED. FOURTH QUARTER AND SURROUNDING ROADS The last Quarter of Jerusalem lies to the southeast, be- tween the Tyropoeon Valley and the Kidron Valley. It is Mount Moriah. On the northern corner is the site of the Temple and the southern section was known as the Hill Orphel. It is to-day the Jewish Quarter. It contains several Synagogues ; but has no large buildings. Its streets are dark and narrow, densely populated, with buildings close together. Over the Temple Area, originally a sharp-pointed rock rising many feet above the surrounding land, but later made level by a wall 70 feet high, filled in with stones and earth, is a raised platform of almost five acres, paved with white marble. The original rock rises through this platform fifteen feet high. Tradition says that here Abraham sought to sacrifice Isaac; later it was the Threshing Floor of Araunah (i Chron. 21 : 20; 2 Sam. 24 : 18-20) ; and still later the site of the Holy of Holies of the Temple. On this sacred spot have stood the Temples of Solomon, 1,000 B. C. ; of Nehemiah (2 Chron. 3:1), often known as the Temple of Zerubbabel (586 B. C.) ; the Temple of Herod (time of Christ) ; and is now occupied by the wonderful structure, the fane of the Mohammedans, the most beautiful building in Jerusalem, See opp. p. 28 the octagonal Dome of the Rock, often but wrongly called the Mosque of Omar. Next after Mecca it is to the Moslems the most sacred spot in all the world, and "after Cordova, the most beautiful in any land." From the great wall to the west ran a bridge spanning the Tyropoeon, one of the remains of the arches being discovered recently by Dr. Robinson, and See opp. p. 29 named after him, Robinson's Arch. The Wailing Place of the Jews, gigantic stones of the wall on the eastern boundary of 28 ' CHURCH OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE Interior ARCH OF ECCE HOMO POOL OF BETHESDA MOSQUE OF OMAR WAILING PLACE OF THE JEWS Wall of the Temple GOLGOTHA S. STEPHEN'S GATE POOL OF SILOAM Quarter and Surrounding Roads 29 the Quarter, is the place of weekly assemblage of the He- brews, who weep over the lost glory of the Sacred City. The Place of the Crucifixion of our Lord, Calvary, is pretty See opp. p. 29 definitely settled in a rounded knob or hill, outside the Damas- cus date (the shape of a skull), north of the Mohammedan See opp. p. 29 Quarter, not far from the Grotto of Jeremiah, outside the City Wall. The water supply of Jerusalem came partly from natural springs and partly from reservoirs collecting rain . water. The Pool of Siloam lies on the southeast of the city See opp. p. 29 in the Valley of Jehoshaphat (Kidron) near the mouth of the Tyropoeon Valley. It received intermittent supplies of water from a spring on the northeast of the city, brought down by a long underground aqueduct. Tophct, or Gehenna, was a name for the lower basin of the Valley of Hinnom. Here were practised the awful rites of Moloch, and, later on, it was used as a place in which to burn the offal of the great city, so that a perpetual fire and smoke arose, and its name naturally became a synonym for the Place of Punishment. (See 2 Kings 23 : 10; Isa. 30 : 33 ; 66 : 24 ; Jer. 19 : 6, etc.) The Fountain of the Virgin is the only spring of running water in or about Jerusalem. It issues from a hidden source, under the foot of Mt. Orphel, about 950 feet south of the city gate. It is probably the "Fountain of Siloam," referred to by Josephus, the En Rogel, or Spring of the Fuller men- tioned frequently in the Old Testament, and the source or headwaters of the Pool of Siloam. The Village of Siloam See opp. p. 32 is perched on a lofty cliff, across the Kidron, opposite this Fountain. It is mentioned in S. Luke 13 : 4, in connection with the fall of its tower. The Pool of Siloam at the mouth of the Valley is fed by a long underground aqueduct, re- cently discovered and explored, from the Fountain above noted. At En Rogel, Adonijah held his feast, (i Kings i : 19.) Solomon was anointed by the Pool of Siloam (i Kings i : 38-46.) The canal or rock-hewn aqueduct is 67 feet long, so that the distance is not very great from these several sites. (See also Josh. 15 : / ; 18 : 16; 2 Sam. 17 : 17.) The Fountain was probably the Upper Gihon and the Pool the Lower Gihon. (See 2 Chron. 32 : 30; Isa. 7 : 3.) The recently recovered Pool is surrounded by massive stone steps, 30 Students' Historical Geography recalling Nehemiah 3 : 15 and the descent of the Blind Man. (S. John 9 : 7.) It was the Pool from which the golden pitcher of water was brought on the last, great day of the Feast of Tabernacles. (S. John 7 : 37.) Having thus explored Jerusalem and its immediate en- virons, let us glance back at the City of cities, e'er we follow and examine the six chief roads leading from its portals. It was an almost impregnable city in Bible times, particularly in the period of the Old Testament. Encircling ravines, much deeper then than now, surrounded it on three sides. On the east, south, and west, it was practically unassailable, owing to the combined natural ravine-defenses and the walls erected above them. On the north there is no natural break between the City and the surrounding plateau. Before the siege of Titus (A. D. 70), this quarter was protected by three massive rows of walls, at some distance from each other, with towers and deep moats or ditches. Each time these walls were broken down by enemies they were rebuilt, not always precisely in the same spot however, so that iden- tification of the old lines to-day, for certain periods, is some- what doubtful. Thus the Jebusites were able to hold it a long period, and even sent a mocking defiance to David. (2 Sam. 5 : 6.) Six roads diverge from the Sacred City in as many direc- tions. We shall note them and follow several to important neighboring towns. The Northern Road starts from the Damascus Gate and runs straight north, through Shechem to Damascus. All the important towns along this route have been visited by us in our previous chapters. The Eastern Road traverses the region of crags and caves of robbers which have ever frequented its pathway since the days of the Good Samaritan, the road leading down to Jericho, a continuous descent from 2,700 feet above the Sea to 1,300 feet below it in a distance of but twenty miles. It is the road See opp. p. 32 around the Mount of Olives to Bethany, on its slope. The Southern Road follows the crest of hills to Hebron. On it are several important sites not yet considered. Just south of the City is the Plain of Rephaim, where David twice over- came the Philistines, after the capture of Jerusalem. (2 Sam. Fourth Quarter and Surrounding Roads 3 1 5 : 18-25.) Six miles southeast of Jerusalem, on this road, is Bethlehem, one of the three most important cities in all the See opp p. 32 world, Jerusalem and Nazareth being the other two. Here See opp. p. 32 lived Jesse and David, and here was born the great Son of David, Christ our Lord. It stands on the side and summit of a steep hill, and to-day has about 8,000 inhabitants. In a cave near this village, Jerome wrote his Vulgate translation See opp. p. 33 of the Holy Bible, the standard version of the Roman Church, The old name of the town was Ephrath. About a mile from the town is shown Rachel's tomb. (Gen. 48 : 7.) Bethlehem was the home of Boaz, the site of the exquisite story of Ruth and Naomi. (See Ruth. Also S. Luke 2. : 4-14.) Just a little beyond Bethlehem lies the Valley of Elah, in which David fought with Goliath of Gath, leader of the Philistines. (i Sam. 17.) Passing on through the Jeshimon, or "the Waste," the desolate region south, the Wilderness of Judea in which lay the Mount of the Temptation, we come to He- See opp. p. 33 bron, eighteen miles below Jerusalem, one of the most ancient towns in the world, occupied before the days of Abraham. In the Bible, it is called the Vale of Hebron (Gen. 37 : 14), and the expanse north of the town is called the Plain of Mauire. Hebron was built seven years before the town of Tanis or Zoan in Egypt. (Num. 13 : 22.) Abraham dwelt here, the See opp. p. 33 Patriarchs were buried here, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph called it their home. (Gen. 37 : 14.) It was a Hittite city in the time of Abraham and a stronghold later of the Anakim. At the Conquest it went to Caleb and became a City of Refuge. See opp. p. 33 (Josh. 14 : 10-15.) David reigned first at Hebron and here Absalom set up his rebellion. (2 Sam. 5 : 5; 15 : 7-12.) The Southwestern Road runs from Jerusalem down "to Gaza, which is desert." (See map.) (Acts 8 : 26.) It traverses ravines and deserts and has no towns along the route. The Western Road runs to Joppa on the sea-coast. Four miles or more from the Sacred City it reaches Emmaus, recently identified. This is the town and this the road where the Risen Lord appeared to his two disciples as they journeyed from the Capital the evening of his Resurrection. (S. Luke 24 : 13.) Kirjath-jearim, where the Ark rested when it was brought from the Philistines at Beth-shemesh lies along this 32 Students' Historical Geography road, (i Sam. 6 : 21 ; 2 Sam. 6:2.) The Northwestern Road emerges from the Northern Road just beyond Gibeah, and winds down the hills to Joppa. On it are Mizpah, Gibeon, and Beth-horon, all of which we have visited. One other city only remains to be considered, Beer-sheba, which marks the southern limit of the country, far south, on the great highroad between Palestine and Egypt. It was at various times the home of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Abraham's wells are still there. (Gen. 21 : 31.) It was the center of patriarchal history. Here occurred most of the events mentioned in their lives. (Look up carefully Gen. 21 : 33; 28 : 10; 46 : i ; 22 : 3, 19; 25 : 34; 27 : 23 ; Josh. 19 : 2; Judg. 20 : i ; i Sam. 3 : 20; i Sam. 8 : 2.) Hither Elijah fled from the wrath of Jezebel. (i Kings 19 : 3.) Later it became a seat of idolatrous worship and was severely denounced by God's prophets. (Amos 5:5; 8 : 14; 2 Kings 23 : 8.) All this south country, centering at Beer-sheba, was called the Negeb, meaning "dry," border- ing on the Arabian Desert, a dry, parched land. The nature of the country demanded a nomadic life. Consequently its See opp. p. 36 inhabitants always were a roving people. Kadesh-Barnea, still farther south, 48 miles from Beer-sheba, almost out of the Negeb, has been identified recently. A in Qadis or Ain Quadis had .been located in 1842 and then lost track of, until the present generation. Most of the events in Numbers 13-20 (which see and read) occurred here. Mount Hor, where Moses viewed the Promised Land is just above it. (See Deut. 10 : 6 and Num. 20 : 22-28.) Questions and Manual Work on Chapter VI. 1. Draw from memory a rough outline map of Jerusalem, and locate the surroundings. Make the same on the sand table. 2. Tell or write all you know of the several Temples that have stood on the rock in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem. 3. With what localities is the name Siloam connected? 4. Write down the name of each road diverging from the City and tabulate, in order, the chief places and the events and Bible references. SI LOAM VILLAGE MOUNT OF OLIVES BETHLEHEM CHURCH OF THE NATIVITY Interior FIELD OF THE SHEPHERDS HEBRON MT. OF TEMPTATION Photo by S. U. Mitman TOMBS OF THE KINGS CHAPTER VII THE FOURTH ZONE OF PALESTINE. THE JORDAN VALLEY TO THE GHOR The Fourth great Zone of Palestine, to the east, is the VALLEY OF THE JORDAN RIVER, a vast depression or rift, extending north and south, practically the entire length of the country. The Valley itself is the largest and most wonderful in the world, extending from the foot of the Taurus Mountains to the Gulf of Akabah, a distance of 550 miles. There are only three other such tracts comparable to it, one in Asia, near the Caspian Sea; one in the Sahara in Africa; and one in southeast California. In ancient times, the whole of Palestine was undoubtedly under the ocean. Then came the upheavals, causing moun- tains on either side, with a fall or fracture forming the gigantic valley. At the Dead Sea it reaches a depression of 1,300 feet, the lowest valley in the world. Professor George Adam Smith well says : "there may be something on the surface of another planet to match the Jordan Valley, there is nothing on this." Let us study this unique region more closely. The name Jordan means "the Descender" or "the Down-comer," be- cause of the rushing descent of the river. The Jordan has See opp. p. three (some say four) sources, small streams far up north in the Hermon Range that unite to form the Upper Jordan. The longest of these streams, forty miles long, rises 1,700 feet above the sea level, in the Fountain of Hasbany, at the base of a cliff near the village of Hasbeiya on the western side of Mount Hermon. The largest branch is the Leddan, rising at the site of the ancient city of Dan, in a clear, deep pool, the largest single fountain in the world, and from it an im- mense body of water rushes down the valley, though the 33 34 Students' Historical Geography elevation of the fountain is not more than 500 feet above the Sea. Dan was the old Laish, and was conquered by the Danites. (Judges 18.) After the Conquest, the Danites set up a heretical worship and a graven image for idol service. (Judg. 18 : 29-31.) Later, at Dan,, the worship of the golden calf was instituted, and it ever thereafter remained a heathen temple. (i Kings 12 : 28, 29; Amos 8 : 14.) The third, and most beautiful, source of the Jordan is at the Fountain of Banias, a stream issuing here, -midway in size between the Leddan and the Hasbany. This source is on the south- ern base of Mount Hermon. Banias is the equivalent of the Greek name Paneas, the shrine of the god Pan, sacred to the worship of Baal, the weird god of the Phoenicians, long be- fore the Greeks adapted the grotto to the Pan-god worship, the shepherd-god. When Rome followed Greece as Master, Herod the Great built here a temple of exquisite white marble, in honor of his patron the Emperor Augustus Caesar. Philip the Tetrarch, Herod's son, beautified the city and called it Csesarea, distinguishing it from the other Csesarea on the See opp. p. 36 coast, as C&sarea Philifpi. In time, the name Paneas was restored to it, and the Arabs call it Banias. It marked the northern limit of our Lord's travels and ministry. Near by is Mt. Herman, probably the Mount of the Transfiguration. (S. Matt. 16 : 13-20; 17 : 1-8.) The main source recognized by the Jews is the one at Banias. From the highest source, at Hasbeiya down through the Dead Sea, the river is divided into three sections, three stages or levels, each of which con- tains a noted lake or sea. The river passes through two of these lakes and discharges all of its waters into the third. The most northern and smallest lake in the first basin is Lake Huleh, known as the Waters of Merom in the days of Joshua, a triangular sheet of water three miles across, sit- uated in an enormous swamp of dense and huge canes and papyrus, about level with the Mediterranean Sea, never more than 7 feet above. The second and next largest, the Lake of Galilee called Lake Chinnereth in the Old Testament, and the Lake of Tiberias in Christ's time, is a pear-shaped lake, 14 miles long by 9 miles wide, 682 feet below the sea level, in the section we have studied as Galilee or the Esdraelon Tkc Jordan Valley to the GJior 35 region. The third basin, far south, the Dead Sea, the largest Seeopp.p.36 of all, is 46 miles long, with its surface 1,290 feet beloiv the Mediterranean, and in some places 1,300 feet deeper still. Note carefully again, the downward flow of this remarkable river. At the Hasbeiya Springs, it rises 1,700 feet above the Sea, Mts. Hermon and Lebanon on either side. At Lake Merom it is on a level with the Sea. Below Merom, it de- scends with a fearful drop of 60 feet to the mile, until at the Sea of Galilee it is 682 feet below the Mediterranean. Here begins the gorge 65 miles long to the Dead Sea. It flows so rapidly through the Sea of Galilee that it scarcely mingles the waters. Along the gorge below it drops 610 feet farther in depth. It flows through the Plain of Jericho on the way, which at this point is a valley 14 miles wide and 400 feet above the level of the Dead Sea, the mountains around rising to the height of over 3,000 feet. The distance from Hasbeiya to Lake Merom is about 40 miles, from the entrance of Merom to the Sea of Galilee about 15 miles, from the northern end of that Lake to the Dead Sea 79 miles, making a direct descent in length of 134 miles. During this descent, it falls over 3,000 feet, an average fall of 22 feet to the mile. It varies from 80 to 180 feet in width and from 5 to 12 feet in depth. We will now explore each of these three great basins. Lake Huleh or Merom occupies the lower portion of the Huleh basin, 12 miles below the site of Dan. At the upper end of the basin is the huge marsh, of which we spoke, an area practically impassable, through its reeds and papyrus, even for a canoe. West of the lake is a rich farming region, extending to the foot of the mountains. On this plain, by the Waters of Merom, Joshua fought his victorious battle with the Confederate Kings of the North. (Josh, n : 5-8.) Yet, owing to its malaria and its insecurity from attack, it is a forsaken, desolate, uninhabited area, not a single permanent dwelling being found save at the border town of Banias. From Lake Huleh, it is 11 miles in a straight line to the Lake of Tiberias. About two miles below the upper lake the river is spanned by a very ancient bridge, with a ruined khan at one end, a ford of the Jordan for centuries, and probably 36 Students' Historical Geography the identical spot that Saul the persecutor crossed on his way from Galilee to Damascus, to imprison the Lord's dis- ciples. The Jordan on leaving Huleh Lake is 60 feet wide and 15 deep, flowing rapidly through a narrow gorge. The Sea of Galilee is also called the lake of Tiberias (S. John 6 : i), the Sea of Chinnereth (Josh. 12 : 3), and the Lake of Gen- nesaret. (S. Luke 5:1.) Its length and breadth we have given. Its depth of water is about 200 feet. On its eastern side, the banks rise 1,000 feet or more. On the west, the Galilean hills descend in terraces, ending in moderate cliffs, with generally a broad belt of lowland between the cliff and the water. On the north, this gradual slope forms the fertile Plain of Gennesaret. The entire region is volcanic, and lava and pumice stone lie scattered about everywhere. There are but few trees, and a deserted aspect belongs to it. This Lake is little mentioned in the Old Testament ; but is full of in- cidents of Christ's Life in the New Testament record. In the days of the Romans Gennesaret was a garden spot, all the tiny streams flowing through its plain being utilized, and for ten months each year its orchards and vineyards and fields yielded luxuriant harvests. In our Saviour's day, numerous towns and villages were nestled on its hillsides and lowlands on the western side, and every foot of land was cultivated. On the eastern side, neglect and barreness prevailed, the desert places, to which our Lord so often retired for rest. (See S. Mark 4 : 35, 36; 5 : 21 ; S. Matt. 14 : 13-15.) Only two of the many towns of this wonderful Lake, as mentioned by the Evangelists, are now inhabited, Tiberias and Magdala; and both of these are sadly changed since the See opp. p. 37 glorious days of Rome. We will commence with Tiberias, on the western shore about half-way towards the southern end. The city was built by Herod Antipas, and named by him for Tiberius the Emperor. Recent research shows that the enclosing wall was almost three miles long. Huge and splendid buildings were within, a citadel, theaters, amphi- theaters, forum, temples, synagogues, baths, dwellings, a noble scene from across the Lake. There is no direct mention of Christ's work there; though he most certainly must have visited it. Near by were noted hot springs, which rendered KADESH BARNEA JORDAN RIVER CAESAREA PHILIPPI Photo by Williams, Brown & Earle DEAD SEA TIBERIAS MAGDALA Photo by W. H. Rau BETHSAIDA OF GALILEE Photo by S. U. Mitman BROOK JABBOK Copyrighted by Underwood & Underwood The Jordan Valley to the GJior 37 the place particularly attractive to the Romans. Its present population is about 5,000. Magdala comes next, as we go up the west shore of the Lake. It is the modern village of Mcjdcl (Migdol or watch-tower) at the lower end of the See opp. p. 37 Plain of Gennesaret. It was the home of S. Mary of Magdala, the devoted friend of the Master, known in briefer form to- day as the Magdalene. (S. John 20 : 16-18.) The town is also mentioned in S. Matthew 15 : 39, which look up. Capernaum, next north, is uncertain as to site (see cut 13) ; but the most likely one is at the northern end of the Plain. The city undoubtedly stood on a great thoroughfare, roads from it leading in all directions. Of the two sites, one about five miles from the mouth of the Jordan and the other about two, most arguments from the records seem to favor the former. Capernaum was an important Biblical city. It was the home of Jesus after his rejection at Nazareth ; it was in fact called "his own city." (S. Matt. 9 : I.) Many of our Lord's miracles occurred here, as the healing of the nobleman's son, healing of the demoniac, healing of S. Peter's mother-in-law, first draught of fishes, healing of the paralytic, healing of the Centurion's servant, healing of the blind and dumb demoniacs, raising of Jairus' daughter, healing of a woman with an issue of blood, of the dumb demoniac, and of two blind men, the tribute money in the fish, etc. Here also He called Levi or Matthew the Publican. Two at least of His Apostles, S. Peter and S. Matthew, had homes here, and after the rejection at Nazareth His mother, S. Mary, transferred her own home here. (See S. Mark i : 29; 2 : 14, 15 ; S. Matt. 12 : 46;.S. John 2 : 12. Also S. Matt. 8 : 14-17; S. Mark i : 21-34; S. Luke 4 : 33-41.) The town of Bcthsaida of Galilee is just above Capernaum. Note also the other Bethsaida Julias, which lies a little east and See opp. p. 37 north, up the Jordan. The former Bethsaida certainly lay near Capernaum (S. Mark 6 : 45 ; S. John 6 : 17), with a jutting headland between them. Some ruined buildings and an octagonal fountain mark the probable site. This town was the birthplace of S. Peter, S. Andrew, and S. Philip. Above this Bethsaida may have been Chorasin, but its site is really unknown. (See S. Matt, n : 21.) Bethsaida Julias was 38 Students' Historical Geography originally a small fishing town. Later it was enlarged by Philip the Tetrarch and given to his daughter, Julias, hence its name. On a slope near by, our Lord fed the Five Thou- sand. (S. Luke 9 : 10-17.) On a mountain adjacent He was praying alone when the storm broke over the disciples, on their way across the Lake to Bethsaida of Galilee. (S. Mark 6 : 45, 46; S. John 6 : 15-17.) Gergcsa may have been where the ruins of a town called Gersa, or Khersa on the eastern shore of the Lake, have recently been discovered. It may have given its name to the surrounding country. (S. Matt. 8 : 28.) The healing of the demoniacs occurred here and the destruction of the herd of swine. (S. Luke 8 : 26; S. Matt. 8 : 28-34.) The modern railroad to Damascus runs up the Lake to Gersa, and thence turns eastward. The Lake of Galilee is noted to-day for its sudden and violent storms. On it was the stilling of the tempest. On it S. Peter walked to Jesus. It was renowned the world over for its variety and unusual abundance of fish, and the two miraculous draughts of fishes came from its bosom. To-day, not more than fifteen or sixteen small boats ply the entire Lake, and they may often be seen all together, tied up at Capernaum. Questions and Manual Work on Chapter VII. 1. Write down fifteen chief localities and events of the Third Zone of Palestine, the great mountainous backbone or ridge. 2. Tell all you can, in description, of Jerusalem and its environs. 3. Make a new outline map of Palestine, and draw in the full Jordan Valley and River System. 4. Take an outline map of Esdraelon and Sea of Galilee (Bailey or Bible Study Co., S. S. Commission) and place each city and special locality (mountain, etc.), in the Galilee region, studied thus far. 5. Make a list of these cities and the events and Bible references. CHAPTER VIII THE REMAINDER OF THE JORDAN VALLEY The Fourth Zone of Palestine. The natives call the Valley of the Jordan, lying between the Lake and the Dead Sea, the Ghor, that is the gorge or _A rift, 65 miles long. On both sides the highlands rise up from 2,000 to 3,000 feet. The winds sweep across the top of these mountains, making the Ghor itself of the utmost tropical climate, a veritable hotbed. Two rivers flow into the Jordan on its way south, both coming from the east. They are the Yarunik or Jarmiik or Hieromax, entering four miles from the foot of the Lake ; and the Jabbok which comes in about See opp. p. 37 twenty miles above the Dead Sea. Within the Ghor lies an inner, smaller, and deeper valley, known as the Zor. At the north, it is but 20 feet below in depth ; but at the south it is fully 200 feet deeper. Its width varies from one-fourth of a mile to two miles. It is jungle of tropical growth, and filled, even now, with wild animals, wolves, leopards, and formerly lions being among them. Still again, within the Zor, at a lower level, runs the tortuous, dashing Jordan, from 100 to 200 feet wide usually ; but in the rainy season a veritable flood, covering the entire Zor ofttimes. (See Jer. 12 : 5 ; 49 : 19; 50 : 44; Zech. 11 : 3; Josh. 3 : 15; i Chron. 12 : I5-) The Fords of the Jordan are numerous. The river is from three to ten feet deep, and in ancient times there was not a bridge the whole way down. The Hebrew language did not possess a word for bridge. There were few towns along this Jordan Valley, partly on account of the river and partly from the prevailing malaria, the danger of in- vasion from wild beasts and hostile robber tribes from the eastern side of the river. On the western side, we have 39 4O Students' Historical Geography Beth-shan, at the foot of the Valley of J ezreel, on the brow of the hill as it drops. It was held by Canaanites, though allotted to Manasseh. (Judg. i : 27.) Ten miles south of Beth-shan was Abel Meholah, the Meadow of the Dance, whence the Midianites fled (Judg. 7 : 22) and where Elisha lived, before he became a prophet, (i Kings 19 : 15-18.) The city of Adam was probably near the mouth of the Jab- bok, on the east side of the Valley. (See especially, Josh. 3 : 16.) Zaretan, which has not been placed, was near this same river, and the district of Zaretan we know extended all along that region. Succoth, the place of booths, has been fixed as about a mile north of the Damieh Ford, which lies just below the junction of the Jabbok and the Jordan. Here Jacob dwelt for a time and built booths for his cattle. (Gen. 33 16, 17.) Solomon's brass foundries were also near this See opp. p. 52 place, (i Kings 7 : 46.) Jericho, a very important city, was situated on the western side of the Valley, here a great broad plain, about six miles from the Jordan, a mile and a half above the modern town of that name. It was the first city captured by the Israelites in the actual conquest of the land, after the wanderings in the wilderness following the Exodus. (Read Joshua 2.) Its beautiful groves of palms gave it the name City of Palm Trees. (Deut. 34 : 3.) It was a very wealthy city at the Conquest. (Josh. 6:19; 7:2.) The city walls then fell under providential inter- position, though God, here, as elsewhere, may have used natural means, for since walls were not built strongly in those ancient days, it may well have been that the steady rhythmic stamp of many marching feet may have set up vibrations that rendered the wall quite ready to topple over when the mighty shout went up. In Christ's time the new Jericho, built below, was a noted and famous city, beau- tified by Herod the Great with wonderful palaces and archi- tectural splendors. Here too the great king died. In the old Jericho, Rahab lived. (Josh. 2; 6 : 22-25.) On its fall, the curse was proclaimed against any one ever rebuilding its walls. (Josh. 6 : 26.) In the time of Ahab, Hiel of Bethel tried to revive it, and fell under the curse, (i Kings 16 : 30- 34.) One of the Schools of the Prophets was situated at The Remainder of the Jordan Valley 41 Jericho, a school which both Elijah and Elisha visited. (2 See opp. p. 52 Kings 2.) It should be carefully noted that there have really been three Jerichos. We have mentioned the original one and also the Roman one, farther south. The modern one, prob- ably not older than the twelfth century, was in between the two, as we have said not two miles from the original city. It is a small Arab village of rough houses. Very recently a hotel and a Russian Hospice have been erected there. Gil- f^i t.n> MAI- PALESTINE, - XxSf^-^V 2 ' * Ife^:-^ y .-.v^ feO'*;,^* PHYSICAL MAP OF PALESTINE. (By permission of the Palestine Exploration Fund] [The original of this map, mounted on rollers, may be obtained of the N. Y. Commission, at $1.25. Postage 10 cts. additional.] EGYPT. SINAI AND CANAAN. -^- Based on Jhe roosl recent InformaHo Copyright, 1893, by The Bible Study Publishing Company. THE PERIOD OF THE EXODUS T^e Littlefield O.T. Historical Maps ' ' N.v. Sunday School Commissloa las.' RIOD OF THE RIBAL SETTLEMENTS feXrtfefUl O.T. Historical Maps / Copyright 1911, by Wm. Walter Smith I - Published for NTT. Sunday School CommlMlon Ibc. r SCALE OF MILES 10 , 20 30 40 50 r e a t Syrian THE PERIOD OF THE JUDGES 127O-1O3O EOF MILES 20 4" fiO 11>C TheLitflefield O.T. Historical Map Copyright 1SU, by Wm..Valter Smith Published for "SLY. Sunday School Commissioa Inc. THE KINGDOM OF SAUL 1O30-1O10 SCALE OF MILES TheLltflefield O.T. Hitoricl Maps Copyright 1911, by Wta.TValter Smith Published for K. Y. Sunday School CommiaaioiUnc. TVT I T E S I A N S TadmoT-o 6 / e a t Syrian Desert THE EMPIRE OF DAVID AND SOLOMON 1OOO-937 The Lltflefield O.T. Historical Maps Copyright 1911, 1>J Wm.WaUer Smith Published for X.V. Sunday School Commission Inc. of Ezion-geber Red Sea ^ THE DIVIDED KINGDOM TO THE REVOLUTION OF JEHU 937-842 SCALE 0_F MILES 20 40 ^0 80 TOO ThtLittlefleld O.T. Historical Mapi Copyright 1911, fcj Wm ."Walter Smith Published for N.V. Sunday School Commisoion Inc. R I A N S Syrian Desert THE SYRIAN CONQUESTS IN THE REIGN OF HAZAEL About 814 to 797 SCALE OF MILES TheLitfleBeld O.T. Historical Maps Copyright 1911, ty WnuWaltet SmHh Published foiS-lT. Sunday School Commission. Inc. ' /* , ,'\ ,'.. J I * J * 5 *** r i a n THE ASSYRIAN CONQUEST OF SYRIA 797-783 The Llttleflld O.T. Historical Maps Copyright 1911, by Wm .AValter Smith Publlihed for X. V. Sunday School Commission Inc. THE PERIOD OF JEROBOAM II 7 $0-7 40 TheLittlefleld O.T. Historical Maps Copyright 1911, by Wm.TV'alter Smith Published for N..VT. Sunday School Commission ! we at Syrian Desert Red Sea/ THE CONQUESTS OF TIGLATH-PILESER III 733-727 SCALE OF MILES TheLitfleBeld O.T. Historical Maps Copyright 19U, \>j Win/Walter Smith Published for S. V. Sunday School Commission IDC. THE FALL OF ISRAEL AND THE PERIOD OF HEZEKIAH 721 : 727-695 SCALE OF MIIES 20 40 60 80 100 Thelitflefield O.T. Historical Maps Copyright 1911, \>y Wia/Walter Smith Published for N.V. Sunday School Commissioalnc. .,..11. y ASSYRIA / Deser THE SCYTHIAN INVASION AND THE PERIOD OF JOSIAH 628: 639-6O8 The Littletteld O.T. Uietorical Mp Copyright V9U, \>J Wm.TValter Smitt Published tor K.r. Sunday School Commission Inc THE BABYLONIAN PERIOD 605-586 SCALE OF mars Sea The Littlefield O.T. Historical Maps Copyright 1311, bj AVm/Waller Smith Published for S.1T- Sunday School Commission Inc. THE / PERSIAN PERIOD Red/ (.,' Sea/ -pr The Litrtefield O.T. Historical Mpa Copyzlght 10U, by Wm..'WaUer Smith Publiahed for JLV- Sunday School Co ' 10 20 30 40 T It I A TIME OF CHRIST BASED ON THE MOST SAREPTA* RECENT SURVEYS. DAMASCUS / / C/SAREA PHILIPPI KADESH^.,^ HAZOR* C&flO*) 1 I T U R E A PTOLEMAIS *^ ZEBULON CHORAZIN^ BETHSAlDA JULIAS A U R A N I T I S * 8EPPHORI8. C ANA ^ ^* ' s CANATHA* NAZARETH MT . TAB)R HA.H. K^ O ~ BETHABAR * 8CYTHO*OU8 SA MARIA SAMARIA 8YCHAR 6HECHEM* SALIM QERASA, JK>* .NTIMTRIS SHILOH * ^EPHRAIM ^ - AM8A JERIC HO. j u^^iJ- E A AZOTUS JERUSALEM > PHILADELPHIA JERICHO. ~ BETHABARA? A *HE8HBON A.CALON BETHLEHEM' . MERODIUM BETHSURA* HEBRON* GAZA CEBAR . JUTTA. DE/1D SEX \ RAND. MCNALLY A CO. THE PROVINCES OF SYRIA AND PALESTINE SCALE OF MILLS Outline Map Copyright, 1906, by the New York Sunday School Commission THE PROVINCES OF SYRIA AND PALESTINE SCALE OF MILLS Outline Map Copyright, 1906, by the New York Sunday School Commission I THE PROVINCES OF SYRIA AND PALESTINE SCALE. OF MiLCS THE PROVINCES OF SYRIA AND PALESTINE SCALE OF MILtS Outline Map Copyright, 1906, by the New York Sunday School Commission .X' THE PROVINCES OF SYRIA AND PALESTINE SCALE OF MIL ELS Outline Map Copyright, 1906, by the New York Sunday School Commission Outline map of the Bailey Series Outline ir.ap of the Bailey Series Outline map of the Bailey Series Outline map of the Bailey Series / s / 3 y lil!; SilSlS CE- ! UJ llil ffi S H sno\vixo THE PRINCIPAL ROADS IN THE TIME OF CHRIST Ji 'V -,. . .S__LI * .^ 'o s jX ftk;/ > J > Ofl, ,< ANCIENT JERUSALEM Scale of One Roman >Ji!o 8 4 6 3,000 H <,000 SStftdk c \ I JERUSALEM in the days of NEHEMIAH and at the time of tbe GOSPELS. INDEX Abana, 44. Abel Meholah, 40. Abel Shittim, 42. Abila, 44. Aceldama, 22. Adam, 40. Admah, 41. Adullam, Cave, 8. Aelia Capitolina, 25. Ai, 19. Aijalon, Valley, 8. Ain Gadis, 32. Ain Jalud, 52. Ain Jidy, 24. Ain Quadis, 32. Akabah, 61. Alexandria, 3. Amathus, 63. Amphipolis, 61. Anathoth, 21. Ancyra, 60. Angora, 60. Anti-Lebanon Mountains, 6, 44, 56. Antioch in Pisidia, 60. Antioch in Syria, xiv, 57. Appian Way, 64. Appii Forum, 64. Arabah, xiv. Arabian Desert, i, 54. Aram, 56. Aram-naharaim, 55. Argob, 46. Ariel, 25. Armenian Convent, 25. Ashdod, 7. Ashkelon, 7. Asia Minor, i, 5. Asshur, 55. Athens, xiv, 62. Awaji, 44. B. Baalbec, 57. Baal-Hazor, 15. Baal-Zephon, 4. Babylon, xiv, 54. Bagdad, 54. Banias, 34. Barada, 44. Beersheba, 8, 32. Beitin, 19. Berea, 62. Besor, Brook, 8. Bethany, xiv, 24. Bethel, xiv, 12, 19. Bethesda, 26. Beth-horon, 32. Bethlehem, xiv, xv, 31. Beth-peor, 49. Bethphage, 24. Bethsaida Julias, 37. Bethsaida of Galilee, 37. Beth-Shan, xv, 40, 52, 53. Beth-Shemesh, 8. Bithynia, 59, Black Sea, i. Blue Nile, 3. Books, ix. Borsippa, 55. Bozrah, 50. Brook Besor, 8. Brook Cherith, 23. Brook Jabbok, 46. Brook Jalud, 52. Brook Zered, 49. C. Caesarea, 7. Caesarea Philippi, xv, 6, 34. Calah, 55. Calvary, 29. Cana, xv, 10. Canaan, 2. Candia, 63. Capernaum, xv, 10, 37. Cappadocia, 59. Carchemish, 57. Caria, 59. Carmel, xx, 6, 13. Caspian Sea, i. Cave Adullam, 8. Cenchreas, 62, 63. Central Mountain Range, i. Chebar, 55. Cherith, Brook, 23. Chinnereth, Lake, 34. Chios, 63. Chorazin, 37. Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 26. Church of St. Anne, 26. Church of St. James, 26. Cilicia, 59. Citium, 63. City of Palm Trees, 40. Coele Syria, 56. Colosse, 61. Coos, 63. Index Corinth, xv, 62. Crete, 63. Garden of Gethsemane. 22. Gath, 7. Cyprus, 63. Gaza, xvi, 7. D. Damascus, xv, 44. Damieh Ford, 40, 42. Gehenna, 22, 29. Gennesaret, 36. Dan, 33. Dead Sea Region, xv, 35, 42. Derbe, 60. Desert of Paran, i. Gerasa, 48. Gergesa, 38. Gerizim, xx, 13. Gersa, 38. Desert of Sin, 3. Desert of Zin, 3. Geshur, 45. Gethsemane, 22. Dibon, 49. Gezer, 8. District of Jedur, 45. District of Hauran, 46. Dome of the Rock, 28. Ghor, 39. Gibeah of Benjamin, 20. Gibeon, 20, 32. Dothan, xv, 13. Gideon ^2. Dur-sharrukin, 56. Gilboa, xx, 9, 13. Gilead, i, 2. E. Gilgal, Samuel, 16, 17. Gilgal, Passover, 41. Eastern Mountains in Gilead, i. Eastern Road, 30. Gihon, 25, 29. Gomorrah, 41. Ebal, 13. Gophna, 19. Edessa, 55. Goshen, 3. Edom, 49. Governor's Palace, 26. Edrei, 46. Gulf of Akabah, i. Egypt, xvi, i, 3, 5. Gulf of Persia, 56. Ekron, 7. Gulf of Suez, i. Elah, 8. 31. Elim, 4. El Lisan, 42. H. El Khuds esh-Sherif, 25. Emmaus, xvi, 31. Hadad Rimmon, 52. Endor, 9, 53. En-gedi, 24. Hai, 19. Hamath, 57. En Rogel, 29. Haran, xvi, 55. Ephesus, 60. Hasbany, 33. Ephraim, N. T., 19. Ephraim, O. T., 12, 47. Hasbeiya, 33. Hauran, District of, 46. Ephrath, 31. Ephron, 19. Esdraelon, xvi, 52. Hazazon of the Palm, 24. Hazazon-tamar, 24. Hazor, 10. Etham, 4. Hebron, xvi, 31. Euphrates, i, 54. Heliopolis, Egypt, 3. Heliopolis, Greece, 57. p f Hermon, Mount, xx, 6, 34 Hermon, Little, 9, 53. Fair Havens, 63. Heshbon, 49. Farah, 17. Hezekiah, 26. Field of Blood, 22. Hieromax, 46. Fords of the Jordan, 39. Hill of Evil Counsel, 22. Fountain of Banias, 34. Hill of Moreh, 9, 53. Fountain of Gideon, 52. Hill of Orphel, 28. Fountain of Hasbany, 33. Hinnom, 22, 25. Fountain of Jezreel, 52. Hollow Syria, 56. Fountain of Siloam, 29. Fountain of the Virgin, 29. Holy Sepulchre, 25. Hor, Mount, xx, 32, 50- Huleh, 9, 34, 35. G. Gadara, 47. I. Galatia, 59, 60. Iconium, 60. Galilee, xvi, 34, 36. Idumea, 49. Garda, 47. Italy, xvi, 5. Index J. abbok, Brook, xvi, 39, 46. abesh-Gilead, 47. acob's Well, 15. aflfa, xvi, 7. alud, Brook, 52. armuk, 46. aulan, 45. eba, 20. ebel Jermuk, 10. ebfl Musa, 3. ebel Osha, 47. ebus, 25. Tebus-shalem, 25. Jedur, District of, 45. ehoshaphat, 22, 25. eresh, xvii. ericho, Modern, xvii, 41. ericho, N. T., 40. ericho, O. T., 40. ericho, Plain of, 35. erusalem, xvii, xviii, xix, 22, 24, 25- Jeru-shalaim, 25. eshimon, 23. ewish Quarter, 28. ezreel, xix, 52. ob's Country, 46. oppa, xvi, 7. ordan Valley, xix. ordan, i, 33, 39. oseph's Tomb, 15. Judah, 23. K. Kadcsh-Barnea, 32. Kedar, 54. Kedesh, 9. Kenath, 46. Khersa, 38. Kidron, 23. Kingdom of the Ammonites, 47. Kingdom of Antiochus, 59. Kingdom of Geshur, 45. Kingdom of Og, 46. Kirjath-jearim, 31. Kir of Moab, 49. Kishon, 6. Kurun Hattin, 10. Laish, 34. Lake Chinnereth, 34. Lake of Galilee, 34. Lake Huleh, 9, 34, 35. Lake Merom, 9. Lake of Tiberias, 34. Lake Urumiah, 56. Lake Van, 54. Land of Goshen, 3. Land of the Hebrews, 2. Land of Israel, 2. Land of Kedar, 54. Land of Moab, 48. Land of Promise, 2. Land of the Twin Rivers, 54. Land of Uz, 46, 54. Lantern Slides, xxi. Laodicaea, 61. Lebanon, xix, 2. Lebanon Mountains, 6, 56. Lechaeum, 62. Lejah, 46. Lejjun, 52. Leontes River, 6, 9. Lesbos, 63. Liddan, 33. Litany, River, 6. Little Hermon, 9, 53. Lod, 7. Lower Egypt, 3. Lower Gihon, 29. Lower Ford, 42. Lud, 7. Lycaonia, 60. Lydda, xix, 7. Lycia, 59. Lydia, 59. Lystra, 60. M. Machaerus, xix. Madai, 56. Magdala, xix, 36. Mahanaim, 47. Malta, 63. Mamre, 31. Manual Work. Maps. Marah, 4. Maritime Plain, i. Mar-Saba, xix. Masada, 24. Medeba, 49. Media, i. Mediterranean Sea, i. Megiddo, 51, 52. Meidel, 37. Melita, 63. Merom, Lake, 9, 35. Mesopotamia, i, 5, 54. Michmash, 19. Migdol, 37. Miletus, 60. Mitylene, 63. Mizpah, xix, 21, 32, 48. Moab, 42, 48. Monastery of Mar Saba, 24. Moreh, 9, 51, 53. Moriah, 28. Mount of Beatitudes, xix, 10. Mount Carmel, xx, 6, 13. Mount Ebal, 13. Mount Ephraim, 12. Index Mount Gerizim, xx, 13. Mount Gilboa, xx, 13, 53. Mount Hermon, xx, 6, 34. Mount Hor, xx, 32, 50. Mount Jebel Jermuk, 10. Mount Lebanon, 2. Mount Moriah, 28. Mount Moreh, 51. Mount Nebo, xx. Mount of Olives, 22, 30. Mount Pisgah, 47. Mount of Samaria, 15, Mount Seir, 49. Mount Sinai, 3. Mount Tabor, xx, 9, 53. Mount of Temptation, 31. Mount of the Transfiguration of Christ, 6. Mount Zion, 25. Mountains of Anti-Lebanon, 6, 44, 56. Mugheir, 55. Mukmas, 19. Myra, 60. N. Nablous, 14. Nazareth, xx, 10. Nain, xx, 10, 53. Neapolis, O. T., 14. Neapolis, N. T., 61. Nebo, xx. Negeb, 32. Nifur, 55. Nile, i, 3. Nimrim Ford, 42. Nimrud, 55. Nineveh, 55. Nippur, 55. Nob, 21. Nobah, 46. Northern Egypt, 3. Northern Road, 30. Northwestern Road, 32. Og, 46. Ophni, 19. Orfa, 55. Orphel, 28. Orphrah, 19. O. P. Palace of Herod, 25. Palestine, xiv, i, 2, 5. Palmyra, 57. Pamphylia, 59. Paneas, 34. Paphlagonia, 59. Paphos, 63. Paran, i, 3. Patmos, 63. Pella, 47. Peniel, 48. Penuel, 48. Perea, 47. Pergamos, 61. Persian Gulf, i, 56. Persipolis, 56. Petra, xx, 50. Pharpar, 44. Philadelphia, 48, 61. Philippi, 61. Phrygia, 59, 60. Pictures, xiii-xxi. Pihahiroth, 4. Pisgah, 47. Pisidia, 60. Plain of Abel Shittim, 42. Plain of Esdraelon, 52. Plain of Gennesaret, 36. Plain of Jericho, 35. Plain of Mamre, 31. Plain of Moab, 42. Plain of Rephaim, 30. Plain of Sharon, 7. Pontus, 59. Pool of Bethesda, 26. Pool of Gibeon, 20. Pool of Hezekiah, 26. Pool of Samaria, 16. Pool of Siloam, 29. Potter's Field, 22. Pozzuoli, 64. Ptolemais, 7. Puteoli, 64. R. Rabbalh-Ammon, 48. Rachel's Tomb, 31. Ramah, xx. Ramah of Benjamin, 20. Rameses, 4. Ramleh, xx. Ramoth-Gilead, 48. Ras es Sufsafeh, 4. Reference Books, ix. Region of the Dead Sea, xv. Rephaim, 30. Rephidim, 4. Rheggio, 64. Rhegium, 64. Rhodes, 63. River Abana, 44. River Awaji, 44. River Barada, 44. River Chebar, 55. River Euphrates, i, 54. River Farah, 17. River Jabbok, 39. River Jordan, i, 33. River Kishon, 6. River Litany, 6. River Nile, i. River Pharpar, 44. Index Riblah, 57- River Tigris, i, 5, 54. River Xanthus, 60. River Yarmuk, 39. Robinson's Arch, 28. Rock Rimmon, 19. Roman Empire, i. Rome, xx, xxi, 64. Royal Quarries, 27. Salamis, 63. Salem, 25. Saloniki, 62. Samaria, Hill of, 15. Samaria, Modern, xxi, 13. Samaria, N. T., 12. Samaria, O. T., 12. Samaria, Pool of, 16. Samos, 63. Samothracia, 63. Sardis, 61. Scythopolis, 52. Sea of Galilee, 36. Sebaste, 16. Seilun, 16. Seir, 49. Selah, 50. Seleucia, 57. Sharon, 7. Shechem, xxi, 13. Shephelah, 8. Shiloh, xxi, 16. Shinar, 54. Shunem, 10, 52. Shur, 3. Shushan, 56. Siclon, xxi, 6. Siloam, 29. Sin, 3. Sinai, 3. Sinai Peninsula, i, 3. Six Zones, 5. Slides, xxi. Sodom, 41. Sorek, 8. Southern Desert, 2. Southen Egypt, 3. Southern Road, 30. South Galatia, 60. Southwestern Road, 31. Spring of Gideon, 52. Stanchio, 63. St. Paul's Port, 63. St. Stephen's Gate, 26. Stereopticon Slides, xxi. Succoth, 4, 40. Suez, i. Suf, 48. Supplies, ix. Susa, 56. Sychar, 14. Syracuse, 64. Syria, i, 55. T. Taanach, 52. Tabor, xx, 9, 53. Tadnor, 57. Tarsus, 60. Tekoa, 24. Thebes, 3. The Holy City, 25. The Holy Land, 2. Thessalonica, xxi, 62. Three Taverns, 64. Threshing Floor of Araunah, 28. Thyatira, 61. Tiberias, xxi, 34, 36. Tigris, i, 5, 54. Timnath, 8. Tirzah, 15. Tophet. 22, 29. Trachonitis, 46. Troas, 61. Trogyllium, 63. Twin Rivers, 54. Tyre, xxi, 6. Tyropoeon, 25. U. Um-Keis, 47. Upper Egypt, 3. Upper Gihon, 29. Ur of Chaldees, 55. Urumiah, 56. Uz, 46, 54. Vale of Hebron, 31. Valley of Aijalon, 8. Valley of Dothan, 13. Valley of Elah, 8, 31. Valley of Gihon, 25. Valley of Hinnom, 22, 25. Valley of Jehoshaphat, 22, 25. Valley of Jezreel, 52. Valley of the Jordan, 39. Valley of Megiddo, 51. Valley of Shechem, 13. Valley of the Sorek, 8. Van, 54- Via Dolorosa, 26. Village of Siloam, 29. Wailing Place of the Jews, 28. Watch-tower, 37. Waters of Merom, 34, 35. Western Road, 31. White Nile, 3. of Judah, 23. Wilderness of Mount Sinai, 3. Wilderness of Judah, 23. Wilderness of Paran, 3. Wilderness of Shur, 3. Wilderness of Sin, 3. Wilderness of Zin, 3. Wood of Ephraim, 47. Index Xantfaus, 60. Yarmuk, 39- X. Y Zagros Mountains, i, 56. Zaretan, 40. Zeboim, 41. Zered, Brook, 49. Zerin, 15, 52. Ziz, 24. Zoar, 41. Zor, 39. Zorah, 8. Return to desk from which borrowed. date stamped below . |jan52AM,6 /> :Iov'55j L L ^MAl** '9*6 CTD LD SEP15' * YC 38380 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY