c& ff MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE AND WRITINGS LINDLEY MURRAY: IN A SERIES OF LETTERS, WRITTEN BY HIMSELF. WITH A PREFACE AND A CONTINUATION OF THE MEMOIRS, BY ELIZABETH FRANK. Jirto Itorfe: PUBLISHED BY SAMUEL WOOD AND SONS, RICHARD WOOD, COLLINS AND HANNAY, COLLINS AND CO , MAHI.ON DA.V, G AND C. CARVILL, W. B GILLEY, E. BLISS AND E. WHITK, AND A. T. GnODRICH : Philadelphia, B. AND T. KITE, AND TOWAK AND HOGAN ; Boston, RICHARDSOil AND LORU. 1827, ill Samuel Wood and Sons, Printers. PREFACE. IN presenting this little volume to the public, I am solicitous to state the reasons which led to its publication ; and I flatter myself they will prove satisfactory. The celebrity which the subject of these Memoirs had ob- tained, and the interest which he had excited, by his arduous and successful endeavours to promote the literary, moral, and religious improvement of youth, often induced me to think that, after his decease, a short and authentic account of his life and character, would be acceptable to the public. To that part of the public more immediately benefited by his labours, the work would, I apprehended, prove peculiarly pleasing. Under these impressions, I made, at different periods, some notes and observations, preparatory to an undertaking of this nature, f was, however, sensible that, from various circum- stances, particularly from my not having been acquainted with Mr. Murray till he was considerably advanced in life, I was not qualified to execute the task as I could wish. I was convinced too, that no person, except himself, possessed that accurate knowledge of the events of his life, and the formation of his character, which would render the work truly interesting and instructive. His friends in America had had but little inter- course with him, except by letter, since the fortieth year of his age : his friends in England had, of course, known him only since that period, when his character and principles were formed ; and from the ill state of his health, his subsequent life was spent in retirement. I had heard various reports re- specting him, and I had also seen a printed account, which, though apparently not originating in any ill will, or in any ill design, were utterly void of foundation,* I was apprehensive, * I do not, by any means, allude to a short biographical sketch, in- serted in the European Magazine, 1803 ; and thence copied into various periodical publications : that account, as far as it goes, is perfectly au- thentic; and, in every particular, strictly consistent with the tenoiir of these Memoirs. IV that, after his death, some of these accounts, or others of a similar nature, might obtain currency, and even find their way into respectable publications, if not prevented by a true and well authenticated statement of facts. These circumstances induced me earnestly to wish that he might become his own biographer. But I knew that the deli- cacy of his mind would, at least in the first instance, revolt at the proposal. I therefore contented myself with hinting to him my intention of writing, if I should survive him, a short ficcount of his life ; and I requested his assistance only in sup- plying me with a few materials, relative to the period preced- ing my acquaintance with him It was not without many ar- guments, and much solicitation, that I could induce him to ac- knowledge the propriety of my proposal, and to promise com- pliance. The work, however, was not begun till long after- wards ; and it was frequently suspended, on account of his numerous literary avocations, and the weak state of his health, At length, after many interruptions, and demurs respecting its propriety, it was completed in a series of letters addressed to myself. I was so well'pleased with the performance ; and I believed that it would be so much more agreeable and inter- esting in the author's own words and manner, than in any I could devise, that I relinquished my original idea. I could not be satisfied to receive what he had written, as materials only : but I strongly urged him to continue the work to the time of his writing; and to allow me, (if circumstances should seem to require the measure,) to publish it, after his decease, in the form in which he had written it. To this, after much consideration, he consented ; continuing to express an appre- hension, that neither the subject, nor the manner in which it is treated, is worthy of public notice and approbation: an opin- ion in which, I believe, few readers, will concur. As some persons may be inclined to think, that I acted im- properly in inducing him to write these Memoirs, and after- wards to consent to their publication, I must, in justice to my- self, be allowed to make a few observations on the subject. Many pious persons have written memoirs of their own lives, and some even purposely for publication ; and such works have been perused with much interest and edification by the most respectable part of the community. I should not have urged the proposal, had I not been persuaded that Mr. Murray's ob- jections to it. had no other foundation than a humble sense of his own merit, and an unwillingness to intrude himself unne* cessarily on the attention of the world ; and that the removing of these objections, might, without doing him any injury, or exciting any improper sentiments in his mind, be the means of introducing to the public a pleasing and instructive little work. Without his consent, I should not have deemed myself author- ized to publish it ; fully concurring in sentiment with him, that the publishing of any letter, without permission from the writer, is, to say the least, a flagrant breach of decorum, of honour, and of that confidence which is the basis of all social and friendly intercourse. If, notwithstanding this explanation, there should still, in the apprehension of any person, appear the slightest cause of censure, I trust that it will fall on the editor who first suggest- ed the idea of the work, and strongly urged the execution of it ; and not, in any degree, on the departed author. I can truly say, that every sentiment which he expressed, during the whole course of the discussion, was strictly consistent, on the one hand, with the integrity of his principles, and the deli- cacy of his feelings ; and on the other, with the wish which he candidly avowed, of not unnecessarily withholding any thing, that might tend to the gratification of friendship, and of innocent or even laudable curiosity, if not to the promotion of higher objects. The suggestion that the serious reflec- tions with which this little work abounds, might be beneficial, especially to young persons, seemed much to reconcile him to the publication. It may not be improper to state, that these Memoirs are published exactly as I received them from the author : I have neither added, nor diminished, any thing ; not having thought myself at liberty, nor indeed having any wish, to make the slightest variation. VI I have annexed to the Memoirs, a short account of the concluding years of the author's life, his character, and some remarks on his various publications : an addition that seemed necessary to complete the information, which this little vol- ume is designed to convey. In what I have written, I am not sensible that I have, in any respect, departed from the exact truth. I can, on this occasion, fully adopt the sentiment which Dr. Beattie expresses with regard to his son: "In order to convey a favourable notion of the person of whom I speak, I have nothing to do but to tell the simple truth." I had abundant opportunity of being acquainted with the life and character of the late much esteemed Lindley Murray. During many years, from motives of friendship to himself and his wife, I lived under his roof; and afterwards, having remov- ed into a house, which I had purchased in the suburbs of the city of York, about half a mile from his residence, I was in the habit of visiting them very frequently. Some readers may, indeed, think that I have given unnecessary proof of intimate acquaintance, by relating many particulars, which they may deem too minute. To them it may appear that I have, with an unhallowed or injudicious hand, removed the veil, which retirement had cast over my friend, and which shaded him from the glare of public observation. But it must be allowed, that in the representation which I have given of him, I have only exhibited him to the many as he appeared to the com- paratively few, who were intimately acquainted with him; and that the more he was known, the more he was loved and es- teemed. In his character there was no affected singularity ; and in his habits, there were no peculiarities, except such as resulted from a judicious or necessary conformity to unavoida- ble circumstances. Nor was there any thing in his conduct, or even in the detail of his domestic arrangements, which rer quired concealment ; or which could not bear the test of near approach, and close examination. I may further shield my- self under the example and authority of Dr. Johnson. In his Lives of the Poets, he narrates, with evident satisfaction,, what I am sure most persons will peruse with interest, many vn particulars apparently more trivial than any which I have re- lated: and in his Rambler, he judiciously observes ; "The business of the biographer is to lead the thoughts into domes- tic privacies, and display the minute details of daily life." I should with much pleasure, agreeably to my own wish, and to the suggestion of others, have enriched this work with a selection from Mr. Murray's letters, or with copious extracts from them : but I am not authorized to assume this privilege. On a particular occasion he received an application for leave to publish some of his letters ; which, after mature delibera- tion, he declined giving. The subject was thus brought under his consideration ; and in consequence he expressed, very strongly, both at that time and subsequently, his wish and re- quest that after his decease, none of his letters should on any occasion, or in any manner, be published. And that this re- quest might not be forgotten, nor his meaning misunderstood, he has left it in writing. He never, I am convinced, wrote a line of which he had cause to be ashamed : but his letters, though multifarious, were chiefly on subjects of private or family business, or on his literary concerns ; or effusions writ- ten on the spur of the moment, relating to incidents or occa- sions of a local and temporary nature. In objecting to the publication of his letters, he was influenced, not merely by modesty, Jbut by various considerations. Some years since, the proprietors of his works, with great liberality, requested him to allow them to have his portrait taken by an eminent artist ; which I am sorry to say, he de- clined. Several little sketches were made, by various per- sons who occasionally visited him : but all of these had little if any resemblance of him, except a profile, which I have re- ceived through the kindness of Mr. Sansom of Philadelphia. It was taken by him, in 1799, when he was on a visit at Hold- gate ; but it has not yet been engraven. After Mr. Murray's decease, several persons went to view his remains : amongst others, Mr. Westoby, a miniature painter, who, for his own sntisfaction, made a sketch of the features of the deceased ; via from which he afterwards formed the portrait which is now annexed to this volume. It is scarcely necessary to observe that, if any profit should arise to the editor, from the publication of Mr. Murray's Me- moirs, it will, in conformity with his practice, be applied, like that on all his other works, to charitable and benevolent pur- poses. I present to the public the Memoirs which my friend has written of his life, with a firm, but humble confidence, that they will meet a favourable reception ; and that few readers will find any thing (o regret in them but their brevity. They will perhaps not be unacceptable or uninteresting, as a correct and pleasing specimen of the epistolary style, and as the last com- position that will be produced to the world, of an esteemed and highly useful writer ; for with respect to the few manu- scripts which he has left, none are prepared, or designed, for^ publication ; and in regard to his letters, his request will, I doubt not, be held sacred. But this little volume possesses stronger and more important claims to favour and approba- tion than any I have yet mentioned. To the philosopher, it affords a striking instance of a character formed to a high de- gree of excellence, and rising into eminence, not by adventi- tious advantages, but chiefly by its own native energy and exertion; to the moralist, the virtuous principles which it re- commends, and which, in some degree, it exemplifies from the earliest dawn of reason to the latest period of life, will doubt- less be highly gratifying ; to the young, it will, I trust, prove a stimulus to the due improvement of their intellectual and moral powers, and the dedication of them to the glory of their great Creator, and the benefit of their fellow-creatures : and on all, it will, I hope, forcibly inculcate the important lesson of pious acquiescence in the Divine Will, and the duty and hap- piness of cultivating, even under trying and discouraging cir- cumstances, a contented, cheerful, and benevolent disposition. The Mount, York, August, 1826, N XV p 1 ^ A MEMOIRS, LETTER I. My dear Friend, I HAVE not forgotten the re- peated and urgent requests which have been made to me, to communicate some memoirs of my life, especially of its earlier periods, for the gratification of friendship. But a reluctance to write so particularly on the subject of myself, and my own concerns, has hitherto prevented me from engaging in a work of this nature. I can not, however, any longer refuse to comply with a proposal, which is supported by the soothing recommendations of esteem and regard, and by a friendship which has subsisted between us for 3 many years. But after all, I am doubtful whether any parts of such a life as mine has been, can afford much satisfaction, or answer the expectations which may have been formed on the subject. Perhaps, indeed, when I shall have bidden adieu to this transient scene, the events here recorded, may acquire an interest, which, at present, they do not possess. If this should be the case, and they should sometimes excite the recollection of our friendship, and produce reflections of a pleasing or useful nature, they will not have been wholly written in vain. With these views then, I enter on my little history. And as it will have some advantages, I shall form the narrative into a series of familiar letters. It is always a delicate point to speak, or to write, properly, concerning one's self. But as I have been persuaded to undertake a work in- volving this difficulty, I must accommodate myself to it, as well as I am able. Being at once the subject and the narrator, it will not be pos- sible to prevent a very frequent recurrence of the obnoxious pronoun. I will, however, study so to conduct this biographical sketch, as to avoid every species of undue self prominence, as well as to repress whatever may be considered as false delicacy. If I should sometimes err, in prose- cuting these intentions, I have no doubt the veil s of indulgence and friendship will be thrown over my imperfections. I was born in the year 1745, at Swetara, near Lancaster, in the state of Pennsylvania. My parents were of respectable characters, and in the middle station of life. My father possessed a good flour mill at Swetara: but being of an enterprising spirit, and anxious to provide hand- somely for his family, he made several voyages to the West Indies, in the way of trade, by which he considerably augmented his property. Pur- suing his inclinations, he, in time, acquired large possessions, and became one of the most re- spectable merchants in America. In the pursuit of business, he was steady and indefatigable. During the middle period of his life, he had extensive concerns in ships ; and was engaged in a variety of other mercantile affairs. But this great and multifarious employment, never appeared to agitate or oppress his mind : he was distinguished for equanimity and compo- sure. And I have often heard it remarked, that by his conversation and deportment, no person would have imagined, that he had such a weight of care upon him. When in the company of his friends, he was so thoroughly unbent, that per. sons unacquainted with the nature and variety of his business, might naturally suppose that he had very little employment. This trait may be justly considered as an evidence of strong pow- ers of mind. These had been cultivated by atten- tion to business, and by much intercourse with the world. But my father did not possess the advantages of a liberal education; by which his talents and virtues might have been still more extensively useful. My mother was a woman of an amiable dispo- sition, and remarkable for mildness, humanity, and liberality of sentiment. She was indeed, a faithful and affectionate wife, a tender mother, and a kind mistress. I recollect with emotions of affection and gratitude, her unwearied solici- tude for my health and happiness. This excel- lent mother died some years after I had been settled in life. And though I had cause to mourn for the loss of her, yet I had reason to be thankful to Divine Providence, that I had been blessed with her for so long a period, and par- ticularly through the dangerous seasons of child- hood and youth. Both my parents, who belonged to the society of Friends, were concerned to promote the re- ligious welfare of their children. They often gave us salutary admonition, and trained us up to attend the public worship of God. The Holy Scriptures were read in the family: a duty which, when regularly and devoutly performed, must be fraught with the most beneficial effects. I recollect being, at one time, in a situation of the room, where I observed that my father, on read- ing these inspired volumes to us, was so much affected as to shed tears. This, which I suppose was frequently the case, made a pleasing and profitable impression on my young mind, which I have often remembered with peculiar satisfac- tion. Our family was rather numerous. My parents had twelve children, of whom I was the eldest. But the course of time has reduced us to a small number. At the present period, (the summer of 1806,) only four of us remain. That activity of body, for which I was re- markable in youth and mature life, commenced at an early age.* When I was only nine months * The first months of the author's life afforded no promise either of bodily or mental vigour. Till he was about half a year old, he was almost perpetually crying. His countenance gave no indication of intelligence. His mother was little aware of the comfort which she should afterwards receive from him, and of the honourable distinction which awaited him. She often said, that if, at that time, Providence had been pleased to take away her first-born, she should have thought the dispensation mer- ciful, both to the poor little infant and its parents. But after that period, his health gradually improved; and his strength, spirit, and activity, exceeded his age. From various accounts, and from many little anecdotes,, which I have heard, I can not but conclude, that his childhood and youth were lovely ; and formed a natural and beautiful prelude to the wisdom, piety, and benevolence., which his advanced years exhibited. Though old, I frequently escaped, as I have been in- formed, from the care of the family ; and, un- noticed by them, made my way from the house to the mill, which were more than a hundred yards distant from each other. As soon as I could run about, I proved to be, not only an active, but a mischievous child. I played many tricks, which did not denote the best disposition, and which gave a wrong bias to my vivacity. This perverse turn of mind might have been checked in the bud, if it had received suitable, early correction. But I had a very fond grandmother, with whom I was a great favourite, and who often protected me from proper chastisement, when I richly deserved it. This indulgence gave full scope to my propensities; and prevented, for a time, that happy restraint, which is of so much importance to the disposition and habits of chil- dren, and which has so much influence on their happiness through life. The irregular vivacity from his extraordinary vivacity, and exuberance of spirits, fee was inclined to playfulness, and frolic, and, at times, to some degree of mischievousness ; yet he possessed every quality that can adorn that period of life : activity of body and mind ; an ardent desire for knowledge ; docility in submitting to superior reason ; a mild, obliging temper ; a heart, grateful, aflectionate, and highly susceptible of religious feelings. EDITOR. which I possessed, received, however, a very sal- utary control, by my being afterwards placed under the care of a discreet and sensible aunt, who was determined to bring me into some de- gree of order and submission. The great indul- gence with which I had been treated, must have rendered the contest rather severe : for, on a particular occasion, I embraced the opportunity of getting out of a window, and running about on the roof of a small tenement; which was, however, so high, that a fall would have endan- gered my life. My aunt was in great distress ; and I believe endeavoured, but in vain, to in- fluence my fears, and, by this means, induce me to return. I moved about for a while, in this perilous situation, and probably enjoyed my tem- porary independence. She, at last, with great prudence, entreated me very tenderly to come to her. But though this affected me, I did not comply till I had obtained her promise, that I should not be corrected. She kept her word; but I think she did not relax, in any degree, the general rigour of her discipline towards me. I was at length completely subdued, arid brought into regular ohedience : and this event proved comfortable to myself, as well as relieving to every one that had any care of me. To this good aunt I am under particular obligations. Her wise and salutary management, may have 8 prepared me for many enjoyments, and prevent- ed many miseries of life. At an early period, about my sixth or seventh year, I was sent to the city of Philadelphia, that I might have the advantage of a better school than the country afforded. I well remember being some time at the academy of Philadel- phia; the English department of which was then conducted by the truly respectable Ebenezer Kinnersley. He exercised great care over his pupils, and from what I recollect of this in- structer of youth, and what I have read of him, I have reason to regret, that my continuance in that seminary was of short duration. I remem- ber to have read there with pleasure, even at that age, some passages in " The Travels of Cyrus;" and to have been agreeably exercised in the business of parsing sentences. From this academy I was taken, to accom- pany my parents to North Carolina. My father conceived, that some commercial advantages would attend a temporary residence in that pro- vince. When I first landed there, I was much delighted with roving about, after a long con- finement on ship board. In one of these little excursions, I found a few shillings ; which were readily expended in some loaves of bread, for the refreshment of the sailors. These people had been kind to me, during the voyage; and I could not, therefore, think of any more pleasing application of my treasure, than in treating them with some excellent fresh bread. Their grateful acceptance, and enjoyment, of this little gift, was doubtless a rich reward for my attention to them. In the year 1753, my father left Carolina-, and, with his family, settled at New-York. In this city, I was placed at a good school, in which I made the usual progress of young learners. Being extremely fond of play, I believe I rarely neglected any opportunity of indulging this pro- pensity. At the times of vacation, I generally enjoyed myself with diversions, till the period for returning to school approached. I then applied myself vigorously to the task that had been pre- viously assigned me ; and I do not recollect that I ever failed to perform it, to the satisfaction of my teacher. A heedless boy, I was far from reflecting, how much more prudent it would have been, if I had, in the first place, secured the lesson, and afterwards indulged myself in my playful pursuits. These would not then have been interrupted, by uneasy reflections on the subject of my task, or by a consciousness of un- warrantable negligence. Sometimes I absented myself from school, to enjoy a greater degree of play and amusement. During these pleasures, the idea of impending correction, would occa- 4 10 sionally come across my mind : but I resolutely repelled it, as an intruder which would unneces- sarily imbitter my present enjoyment. I con- cluded that if I must be corrected, I would not lose the pleasure I then had : and I gave full scope to my diversions. Had I allowed myself proper time to consider consequences, I might have prevented both the disgrace and the pain of punishment, as well as that degree of insen- sibility to dishonourable action, which such fear- less irregularities are apt to produce. About this period, a very happy impression was made upon my mind, by a piece which was given me to write, and in the performance of which I had to exhibit a specimen of my best hand writing. The sheet was decorated round its edges with a number of pleasing figures, dis- played with taste and simplicity. In the centre, my performance was to be contained. This was a transcript of the visit and salutation of the angels to the shepherds, near Bethlehem, who were tending their flocks by night. The beauty of the sheet ; the property I was to have in it ; and the distinction which I expected from per- forming the work in a handsome manner ; pre- pared my mind for relishing the solemn narra- tive and the interesting language of the angels to the shepherds. I was highly pleased with the whole. The impression was so strong and de- il lightful, that it has often occurred to me, through life, with great satisfaction; and, at this hour, it is remembered with pleasure. The passage has scarcely ever been read by me, without emotions of an interesting nature. Independently of the attractive circumstances which I have depicted, the narrative and message are, indeed, most important and affecting to every serious mind. If parents and others who have the care of young- persons, would be studious to seize occasions of presenting the Holy Scriptures to them, under favourable and inviting points of view, it would probably be attended with the happiest effects. A veneration for these sacred volumes, and a pleas- ure in perusing them, may be excited by agreea- able and interesting associations ; and these im- pressions, thus early made, there is reason to be- lieve, would accompany the mind through the whole of life: a consideration which is of the ut- most importance. But though I might sometimes be disposed, at this period of life, to think and to act properly, I was often impelled by inclinations of a very different nature. I had a curious propensity to discover and observe the natural dispositions of animals. And this curiosity was, in some in- stances, so strong as to make me overlook the uneasiness which, by teasing them, was occa- sioned to the animals themselves. I was not 12 naturally of a cruel disposition ; but was rather pleased to see the animal creation about me, enjoy themselves. The propensity I have men- tioned was, however, sometimes unwarrantably indulged: so much so, as to mark a depraved turn of mind, which, even now, gives me pain to recollect. I ought to have reflected, that all animals have assigned to them by the Author of nature, a pleasurable existence ; and that it is our duty to second his intention, as we have opportunity; and especially to avoid all occa- sions of inflicting upon them unnecessary pain. An additional excitement to this duty, is, that whilst we encourage a disposition to promote the pleasures, or increase the pains, of the animals which surround us, we are cherishing the general spirit of benevolence, or its contrary ; which will naturally be extended towards our fellow. crea- tures. In this point of view, it is of very great importance to cultivate, in young persons espe- cially, proper dispositions and conduct towards the creatures endued with animal life. The unwarrantable curiosity which I have just mentioned, continued to operate, in some degree, for many years; and, occasionally, showed itself long after I was grown up. I recollect a par- ticular instance of it, which was very near proving fatal to me ; and which, though a little out of the course of my narrative, may not 13 improperly be related in this place. As nearly as 1 can recollect, the incident was as follows. When I was in England, in the year 1771, 1 went to see the elephants, which were kept at the Queen's stables, Buckingham-house. Whilst I was gratifying myself with observing the huge creatures, and their various actions and pecu- liarities, I took occasion to withdraw from one of them a part of the hay, which he was collecting on the floor with his proboscis. I did this with my cane; and watched the animal very narrowly, to prevent a stroke from him, which I had reason to expect. The keeper said that I had greatly displeased the elephant, and that he would never forget the injury. I thought but little of this admonition, at the time. But about six weeks afterwards, when I accompanied some other persons, on a visit to the elephants, I found that, though probably several hundred people had been there since my preceding visit, the animal soon recognised me. I did not attempt to mo- lest or tease him at all ; and 1 had no concep- tion of any concealed resentment. On a sudden, however, when I was supposed to be within the reach of his proboscis, he threw it towards me with such violence, that if it had struck me, 1 should probably have been killed, or have re. ceived some material injury. Happily for me, 1 perceived his intention, and being very active, I 14 sprung out of his reach. To every other person present, he was gentle and good-tempered ; and his enmity to me arose, as the keeper declared, solely from the circumstance of the little affront which I had formerly put upon him. This in- cident made some impression upon me ; and per- haps contributed to subdue a curiosity, which could not be gratified but at the expense of the feelings of others. It is now time to make a pause in the narra- tive. My next letter will pursue it, from the period of my leaving school, and being trained to business. I am affectionately, c. 15 LETTER II. My dear Friend, IT is doubtless of great im- portance to the interest and happiness of young persons, as well as of some consequence to their friends and the public, that their inclinations, genius, and bodily constitutions, should be con- sulted, when they are to be entered on an em- ployment, which will probably continue for life. If the bent of their mind and other qualifica- tions, are duly regarded, success may reasonably be expected: if they are opposed, the progress must be slow, and the ultimate attainments very limited. At an early age, I was placed in the counting house of my father, who was desirous of train- ing me to the mercantile profession. I did not, however, relish this employ, and the confinement to which it subjected me. I wished to be any thing rather than a merchant. And this per- haps may be accounted for, by the strictness with which I was kept to business, and the undue restraints as I conceived, which were put, 16 at that early period, on my lively spirits and allowable indulgences. My father kept steady to his purpose. He probably thought that my dislike to the business would, in time, abate. He sent me to Philadelphia, influenced, perhaps, by a hope, that a residence with a merchant at a distance from home, would better reconcile me to the employment. But this expedient did not answer his expectations ; and, after some time, he consented to my return to New-York. About this period, I contracted a taste for read- ing, and a desire for a greater degree of literary improvement. The pleasures of study, and the advantages and distinctions, which learning and knowledge had conferred on individuals who fell under my observation, augmented my wishes for the acquisition of science and literature. Another experiment was, however, made to re- concile me to a mercantile life. My father presented me with a considerable number of silver watches, which he designed as a little trading stock; and which he had just imported, with many other articles, from England. By having the property of these watches, and by the prospect of increasing that property on the sale of them, and thus extending my concerns, in fresh purchases with the product, I began to relish the occupation. The spirit of trading took hold of me; and 1 contemplated with pleasure, the 17 future enlargement of my funds. In short, I entered into the business with ardour and satis- faction. At the same time I continued in my father's counting house ; and occasionally assisted in the routine of his commercial affairs. I doubt not, that he surveyed this success of his schemes for my advantage, with peculiar complacency. But riot long after the commencement of my trading engagements, an incident occurred, which seemed to blast all his expectations, and to threaten the most serious consequences to myself. I have sometimes hesitated, respecting the propriety of cbmmunicating this little piece of my history. But as it is intimately connected with events of this period, and contains some traits of disposition and character in early life, I have at length concluded to relinquish my scruples on this subject. The following is the occurrence to which I allude. Though my father, as the events already men- tioned demonstrate, had an earnest desire to promote my interest and happiness, yet he appeared to me, in some respects, and on some occasions, rather too rigorous. Among other regulations, he had, with true parental prudence, given me general directions not to leave the house, in an evening, without previ- ously obtaining his approbation. I believe that his permission was generally and readily pro- 5 18 cured. But a particular instance occurred, in which, on account of his a.bsence, I could not apply to him. I was invited by an uncle to spend the evening with him; and trusting to this circumstance, and to the respectability of my company, I ventured to break the letter, though I thought not the spirit, of the injunction which had been laid upon me. The next morning, I was taken by my father, into a private apartment, and remonstrated with for my disobedience. In vain were my apologies. No- thing that I could offer, was considered as an extenuation of my having broken a plain and positive command. In short, 1 received a very severe chastisement ; and was threatened with a repetition of it, for every similar offence. Being a lad of some spirit, I felt very indignant at such treatment, under circumstances which, as I con- ceived, admitted of so much alleviation. I could not bear it ; and I resolved to leave my father's house, and seek in a distant country, what I conceived to be an asylum, or a better fortune. Young and ardent, I did not want confidence in my own powers; and I presumed that, with health and strength which I possessed in a superior de- gree, I could support myself, and make my way happily through life. I meditated on my plan ; and came to the resolution of taking my books and all my property with me, to a town in the in- 19 terior of the country; where 1 had understood there was an excellent seminary, kept by a man of distinguished talents and learning. Here I purposed to remain, till I had learned the French language, which I thought would be of great use to me ; and till I had acquired as much other improvement as my funds would admit. With this stock of knowledge, I presumed that I should set out in life under much greater ad- vantages, than I should possess by entering immediately into business, with my small por- tion of property, and great inexperience. I was then about fourteen years of age. My views being thus arranged, I procured a new suit of clothes, entirely different from those which I had been accustomed to wear, packed up my little all and left the city, without exciting any suspi- cion of my design, till it was too late to prevent its accomplishment. In a short time I arrived at the place of desti- nation. I settled myself immediately as a boarder in the seminary, and commenced my studies. The prospect which I entertained was so luminous and cheering, that, on the whole, I did not regret the part I had acted. Past recol- lections and future hopes combined to animate me. The chief uneasiness which I felt in my present situation, must have arisen from the re- flection of having lost the society and attentions 20 of a most affectionate mother, and of having oc- casioned sorrow to her feeling mind. But as I had passed the Rubicon, and believed I could not be comfortable at home, I contented myself with the thought, that the pursuit of the objects before me, was better calculated than any other, to produce my happiness. In this quiet retreat, I had as much enjoyment as my circumstances were adapted to convey. The pleasure of study, and the glow of a fond imagination, brightened the scenes around me. And the consciousness of a state of freedom and independence, undoubted- ly contributed to augment my gratifications, and to animate my youthful heart. But my continu- ance in this delightful situation, was not of long duration. Circumstances of an apparently trivial nature, concurred to overturn the visiona- ry fabric I had formed, and to bring rne again to the paternal roof. I had a particular friend, a youth about my own age, who resided at Philadelphia. I wished to pay him a short visit, and then resume my studies. We met according to appointment, at an inn on the road. I enjoyed his society, and communicated to him my situation and views. But before I returned to my retreat, an occur- rence took place which occasioned me to go to Philadelphia. When I was about to leave that city, as I passed through one of the streets, I 21 met a gentleman who had some time before dined at my father's house. He expressed great pleasure on seeing me ; and inquired when I expected to leave the city. I told him I was then on the point of setting off He thought the occasion very fortunate for him. He had just been with a letter to the post-office; but found that he was too late. The letter, he said^ was of importance ; and he begged that I woult deliver it with my own hand, and as soon as v arrived at New-York, to the person for whom i was directed. Surprised by the request, and un- willing to state to him my situation, I engaged to take good care of the letter. My new residence was at Burlington, about twenty miles from Philadelphia. I travelled towards it rather pensive, and uncertain what plan to adopt respecting the letter. I believe that I sometimes thought of putting it into the post-office; sometimes, of hiring a person to deliver it. But the confidence which had been reposed in me; the importance of the trust; and my tacit engagement to deliver it personally; operated so powerfully on my mind, that after I had rode a few miles, I determined, whatever risk and expense I might incur, to hire a carriage for the purpose, to go to New-York as speedily as possible, deliver the letter, and return imme- diately. My design, so far as it respected the 22 charge of the letter, was completely accom- plished. I delivered it, according to the direc- tion, and my own engagement. I was, however, obliged to remain in New-York that night, a the packet boat, in which I had crossed the bay, .could riot sail till the next morning. This was a mortifying circumstance, as I wished to return very expeditiously. The delay was, however, un- avoidable. I put up at an inn, near the wharf from which the packet was to sail in the morning, and waited for that period with some anxiety. I thought I had conducted my business with so much caution, that no one acquainted with me, had known of my being in the city. I had, however, been noticed by some person who knew me; and, in the evening, to my great surprise, my uncle, whom I have mentioned before, paid me a visit. He treated me affectionately, and with much prudent attention ; and, after some time, strenuously urged me to go with him to my father's house : but I firmly refused to com- ply with his request. At length he told me, that my mother was greatly distressed on account of my absence; and that I should be unkind and undutiful, if I did not see her. This made a strong impression upon me. I resolved, there- fore, to spend a short time with her, and then return to my lodgings. The meeting which I had with my dear and tender parent was truly 23 affecting to me. Every thing that passed, evinced the great affection she had for me, and the sor- row into which my departure from home had plunged her. After I had been some time in the house, my father unexpectedly came in : and my embarrassment, under these circum- stances, may easily be conceived. It was, how- ever, instantly removed, by his approaching me in the most affectionate manner. He saluted me very tenderly ; and expressed great satisfac- tion on seeing me again. Every degree of re- sentment was immediately dissipated. I felt myself happy, in perceiving the pleasure which my society could afford to persons so intimately connected with me, and to whom I was so much indebted, We spent the evening together in love and harmony : and I abandoned entirely, without a moment's hesitation, the idea of leav- ing a house arid family, which were now dearer to me than ever. The next day, a person was sent to the place of my retreat, to settle all accounts, and to bring back my property. I was taken into still greater favour than formerly; and was never reproached by my parents, for the trouble and anxiety whieh I had brought upon them. My father probably perceived that I felt sufficiently on the occasion; and he was, perhaps, conscious, that the disci- pline he had exerted, was not altogether justi- 24 fiable. When I reflect on this rash and impru- dent adventure; on the miseries in which it might have involved me; and on the singular manner in which I was restored to the bosom of my family; I cannot avoid seeing the hand of Divine Providence in my preservation; and feeling that I ought to be humbly and deeply thankful for the gracious interposition. Before I quit this subject, I must observe, that soon after I had left home, inquiries were made to discover the place to which I had re- treated. I knew that this was the case : but I had made up my mind not to return, and subject myself again to a treatment which I had felt to be improper and unmerited. I therefore declined all the proposals and entreaties of individuals who were friends to the family, and who endea- voured to shake the resolutions I had formed. And I am persuaded that, at this period, nothing would have induced me to relinquish them, but a security against the repetition of the harsh dis- cipline which I had experienced. I rejoice, however, that a train of events so unexpected, and so contrary to my fixed purposes, happily brought me again to the paternal mansion, and settled me safely under its protection. A short time after I had returned to my father's family, I solicited the privilege of having a private tutor, to instruct me in classical knowl- 25 edge and liberal studies. With this request, my father very generously complied. A tutor of talents and learning, was procured for me : and I pursued this new career with great alacrity of mind. I sat up late, and rose early, in the prosecution of my studies. In the cold season of the year, I had fuel brought at night into my study, that I might have it ready for kindling a fire at the time of rising, which was frequently before daylight. My tutor was very attentive, and gave me great encouragement to persevere. He stimulated my application, by portraying the advantages of science, and by the commen- dations which he bestowed on my progress. This close attention to study, and confinement to the house, did not, however, agree with my constitution. My sickly hue proclaimed the in- tenseness of my application. I found it neces- sary, therefore, to abate the ardency of my pur- suit, and to intermix bodily exercise with my studies. This procedure had a happy effect. I continued regularly employed in my literary oc- cupation, and could not but be pleased with the advancement I had made, with the augmentation of knowledge, and the improvement of my men- tal powers. It is, however, proper to observe, that my at- tainments under this tutor, were very limited. They served indeed to improve my taste, and 6 26 increase my desire, for learning and knowledge. But this taste and desire, were not, at any future period of life, accompanied by that ardour and steadiness of pursuit, which often ensure great success : and my stock of knowledge and litera- ry improvement has, consequently, been always far from extensive* Though I was a youth of great vivacity, and, by my imprudence and love of pleasure, I had been led into many follies and transgressions ; yet I always entertained a high opinion of the enjoyments which piety and virtue bestow ; and I venerated the character of those whom I deemed to be truly religious. Such was my opinion of their attainments and happiness, that I probably conceived them to be more exempt from trouble, and more raised above the anxieties of life, than they really were. I knew not the trials of their virtue ; the continual watchfulness necessary to resist temptations ; their affliction on viewing the crimes and lapses of their fellow- creatures; their sorrowful recollection of their own past offences, joined to the sense of much remaining imperfection; and their solicitude, lest, amidst the changes of the human state, something might, at last, take place, that would prevent their entrance into the mansions of eter- nal peace. If, indeed, I could have estimated these deductions from the enjoyments of pious 27 and virtuous minds, I believe that I should still have pronounced them the happiest of their species, even in this life : because their satis- factions were of the purest and most elevated kind ; and because their troubles arose from the most generous feelings, and were often mingled with the sweetest consolation, and the noblest hopes. This high opinion of the happiness of virtue, and the respectability of its possessors, (which I have never ceased to entertain,) made me listen, with reverence and affection, to their admonitions. Every thing of this nature, and the animated encouragements to a religious life, which I heard from these exemplary persons, whether in public or in private, made a good im- pression on my mind ; and sometimes produced regret, to perceive how distant I was from that felicity, which I believed these good people pos* sessed. But whatever might be my follies and actual deviations from the line of rectitude, my prin- ciples were never disturbed by infidelity or scep- ticism. I always had the happiness, since I was capable of reflecting on the subject, of having my sentiments fixed in favour of the Christian religion ; and no argument that I ever met with, in company or books, had any injurious effects upon me. Some of my acquaintance were either deists or sceptics: but I always found replies to 28 their reasonings, which perfectly satisfied my own mind. This happy persuasion I attribute, under Divine Providence, to my having occa- sionally looked into, early in life, Leland's View of the Deistical Writers ; Butler's Analogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed, to the Consti- tution and Course of Nature ; Sherlock on Prov- idence ; and Sherlock's Discourses. These books, with some others, were the means of com- municating to my mind, such a survey of the Christian religion and the Divine economy, that I was never much, if at all, embarrassed, by the plausible schemes and objections, which men of prejudiced minds and short-sighted views of re- ligion, had fabricated and produced. I am firmly persuaded, that the perplexity and doubts, with regard to Christianity and its evidences, which many sensible and well-disposed minds have en- countered, and the absolute infidelity of others, may be fairly attributed to the scanty informa- tion which they received, on these subjects, during the period of their education, or that by which it was immediately succeeded. Not long after I had commenced my studies under a private tutor, I entered into a society of young persons, for the purpose of debating on subjects of importance and difficulty, and of ex- ercising ourselves in the art of elocution. The society met weekly ; and as the members knew 29 the subject that would be considered at their next meeting, they had opportunity of preparing themselves for the discussion. I generally em- ployed a considerable portion of this prepara- tory time, in reading books on the question; in reflecting attentively upon it; in collecting the various arguments which bore upon the subject ; in considering objections, with the answers to them; and in disposing the whole into some method and order. This institution enlarged my stock of knowledge, promoted the business of arranging my ideas, and probably produced a small degree of correctness and fluency of ex- pression. These are some of the benefits which result from societies of this nature. But they frequently produce, in young persons, a spirit of disputation and loquacity ; and, at least, an in- clination to scepticism, even on subjects of great importance. By discovering how much may be plausibly advanced against established truths, and by exerting its ingenuity in support of error, the youthful mind, attracted by the gloss of nov- elty, and unaccustomed to distinguish between the solid and the superficial, may lose, or abate* its veneration for truth, virtue, and religion. I scarcely need say, that it is of great conse- quence to young persons, to have a number of important truths, with the arguments which support them, clearly settled in their minds. 30 These established principles, as far as they ex- tend, not only satisfy the understanding, and direct, with confidence, the practice of life ; but serve as foundations to support other truths, to the investigation of which the intercourse with men unavoidably leads. If the juvenile mind were duly impressed with truths thus evident and well supported, it would probably acquire such a degree of strength and perspicacity, such a taste for rectitude of sentiment, as would in- dispose it for the reception of erroneous and sophistical positions. It would, therefore, be highly desirable to cultivate, amongst young persons, such little societies as I have described, for the regular discussion of interesting topics, provided they could be so conducted as to avoid the evils, with which they are too often con- nected. If these conferences could be managed under the superintendence of respectable per- sons, whose sound judgment, and comprehensive minds replete with science and literature, would enable them to sum up the arguments advanced? with correctness and liberality ; to give the side of truth the advantages of eloquence and dig- nity ; and to detect the fallacy of error, and the subtleties of false reasoning; the benefit of such societies would certainly be obtained with the fewest possible disadvantages. But if this privi-* lege cannot be procured, perhaps the next to it 31 would be, to select, from the members of the society, a few persons the most distinguished for talents, learning, and virtue ; who should, by turns, officiate as presidents ; and whose special business it should be, to support the cause of truth and reason, and to lay open distinctly every species of sophistry, which might occur in the course of the various discussions. The first of these plans would certainly, in a superior de- gree, promote order, and inspire a chastened emulation, amongst the members of these little societies. It would, in fact, confer upon them a decorum and respectability, which in many points of view, would prove highly and perma- nently advantageous to young persons. As my mind improved, and my views en- larged, I became still more attached to literary pursuits. I wished for a profession connected with these pursuits ; and the study of the law particularly attracted my attention. When I was about seventeen or eighteen years of age, I expressed this inclination to my father: but it met with his decided opposition ; and he took great pains to divert my thoughts from the subject He represented the temptations which I should have to encounter in the practice of the law; and which, he said, would probably lead me to deviate from the principles and conduct of that religious society of which I was a member. He 32 displayed the advantages I should possess, both in point of emolument and respectability, by the situation in which he was able to place me, as a merchant ; and earnestly entreated me to relin- quish all prospects of a mode of life, to which there were attached so many difficulties ; and to bend my inclinations towards an employment which, I must know, promised almost certain success. I believe I was properly sensible of my father's wishes to establish me advantageously in the world; and of the concern it gave him, to perceive my rooted objection to an occupation, which he very justly considered as both lucrative and honourable. But I found that my inclina- tion was not to be controlled by motives of in- terest; and though I did not then urge the point, I kept my object steadily in view. After some time had elapsed, I applied myself again vigorously to the subject : but I adopted a new mode of proceeding. I stated the case at large in writing. My dissatisfaction with the mer- cantile employment, however beneficial and re- spectable it might be, and my earnest desire for a literary profession, were fully set forth. All the arguments which I could muster in support of this propensity, and the benefits which it was likely to produce, were enumerated ; and every objection which had been advanced against my views and wishes, was distinctly brought for- S3 ward; and such answers given to the whole, as I thought were satisfactory. This little performance which contained seve- ral pages, was shown to my father; it was also occasionally shown to some of our friends, par- ticularly to a gentleman of the law, Benjamin Kissam, Esq. who was my father's counsellor, and a man of eminence and integrity in his pro- fession. The statement had a most favourable effect. The counsellor himself became my advo- cate : and, in a short time, my father consented to place me under his care and tuition. A con- siderable sum of money was advanced to him by my father as a fee for initiating me, in the business of my new and favourite occupation, and I entered into it with great alacrity. Time now rolled on very pleasantly; and the hope of being settled in a profession adapted to my wishes, gilded my future prospects. After some time, my father very generously presented me with an excellent library, which comprehended both books of law, and some parts of general lite- rature ; and which were well calculated to aid and invigorate my studies. I cannot, however, say that I always found the study of the law to be pleasant. It contains many barren and uninvi- ting tracts, and extensive fields of laborious em- ployment. It abounds with discordant views, with intricate and perplexing discussions, and 7 >' 34 requires much deep and patient investigation. But I was not discouraged with my occupation. It was the profession of my own choice : it was a respectable business: and it promised to afford me a competent support. The celebrated John Jay, Esq. late governor of the state of New York, was my fellow student, in the office of our worthy patron, for about two years. His talents and virtues gave, at that period, pleasing indications of future eminence. He was remarkable for strong reasoning powers, comprehensive views, indefatigable application, and uncommon firmness of mind. With these qualifications, added to a just taste in literature, and ample stores of learning and knowledge, he was happily prepared to enter on that career of public virtue, by which he was afterwards hon- ourably distinguished, and made instrumental in promoting the good of his country. This meritorious person, after having occupied some of the highest stations, which the United States could confer upon him, and having lived to see his country abounding in men of eminence and talents, conceived it to be allowable for him, per- haps his duty, to withdraw from the fatigues of office, the contests and anxieties of public life. As a private country gentleman, he has lived on his estate, not far from the city of New York, for many years. Here, in the bosom of an amiable 35 family, and in useful private occupations, he has, I trust, enjoyed that tranquillity which he sought. I hope that whilst the past affords him many pleasing recollections, and the future is contem- plated with composure, the evening of his life will be brightened with the most cheering and animating prospects. This tribute to the merit of an old friend, will not, I believe, be deemed an impertinent digression from the work in which I am engaged. To the regular progress of that work, I now return. After four years from the commencement of my law studies, in the office of my truly re- spectable instructer, I was called to the bar; and received a license to practise, both as counsel and attorney, according to the custom of that time, in all the courts of the province of New-York. I soon commenced business, and prosecuted it with success. It answered the expectations I had formed; and I believe my family and friends were satisfied with the prospects which attended me. Before I entered into business, and about the twentieth year of my age, I conceived a strong attachment and affection for a young woman of personal attractions, good sense, a most amiable disposition, and of a worthy and respectable family. It was not long, before I perceived that 36 my regard met with a favourable reception. Time, and opportunity of knowing each other, confirmed our attachment ; and after two years' acquaintance, we had the satisfaction of being united in the tender bonds of marriage. We have lived together more than forty years; and through the whole course of that period, she has been to me a truly affectionate and excellent wife. In all our varied conditions of life, I have received from her the most une- quivocal proofs of attachment, and solicitude for my welfare. During my long confinement, on account of bodily infirmities, she has cheerfully met our privations; tenderly sympathized with me ; and been cordially disposed to forego her own ease, to afford me assistance and comfort. She has, indeed, been a great blessing to me; and I have abundant cause to be deeply thankful to God, for this unmerited favour, and its con- tinuance to the present time. It yields me great satisfaction, to perceive that our esteem and love for each other, have not diminished with ad- vancing years. The evening of our day has, indeed, been illumined by brighter rays, than those which our morning or meridian light afforded. And I earnestly hope, that, whilst life remains, we shall be favoured, by Divine Grace, to cherish those sentiments and virtues, 37 which will exalt the happiness of our union ; sup- port us under every trial; and prepare our minds for the enjoyment of a better world. * * I now finish this letter, And remain, With sincere regard, &c. LETTER III. My dear Friend, THE two most important events of a man's life, are generally those of his entering into business for himself, and his forming the connexion of marriage. When these events are auspicious, and especially when interest is not too earnestly pursued, there is great reason to look for success, and a good portion of enjoy- ment through life, provided that correct princi- ples and virtuous habits accompany them. I have already observed, that my marriage was happy, and my business promising : and as our connexions were respectable, and disposed to pro- mote our welfare, I had much to make me thank- ful to Divine Providence, and to encourage me to persevere in- a course of industry and useful- ness. I was not influenced by the desire of ac- quiring great property, and was therefore not disturbed by the cares and anxieties which too often accompany that disposition. 39 Not long after I had commenced business, some circumstances rendered it proper for me to make a voyage to England ; where my father had been about a year on commercial matters of importance, which made his presence there, at that time, very expedient. For many years pre- vious to his leaving America, he had been con- siderably indisposed : at the best, his constitu- tion was but delicate. The climate of England, however, proved very beneficial. I found him so much improved in his general health, that I could not but wish that he would continue in this country for a few years : and he was so strongly impressed with the hope of receiving benefit, by such a residence, as well as by the advantages which would result to his concerns in trade, that he communicated his views to my mother, and expressed his wish to see her and his children in England. They accordingly, in the course of a few months, came to him : and as I did not expect to return very soon, my wife was persuaded to accompany them across the Atlantic. I had therefore the comfort and satis- faction of meeting again my beloved wife, mother, brother, and sisters. The whole family, thus met together, in a country so distant from their native shores, could not but feel themselves highly gratified, and peculiarly attached to one another. My dear mother was sensible of the 40 improved state of my father's health ; and cheer- fully consented to reside a few years in England, for its complete establishment. When I first came to this country, I had not fixed any time for my continuance in it : but soon after my arrival, it appeared probable that, in the course of a year, I should return to Amer- ica. There was not, therefore, much oppor- tunity for my dear partner and myself to gratify our curiosity, in surveying what was instructive and interesting in this highly cultivated and happy land. We, however, made a good use of our time ; and were much pleased with the nov- elty and information, which, on every side, con- tinually pressed for attention. It was a peculiar gratification to me that, in these excursions and surveys, I had the society of one, in whose en- tertainment and instruction I felt myself warmly interested. Every enjoyment was, I believe, heightened to both of us, by the consciousness of each other's participation. In the latter part of the year 1771, we re- turned to New-York. My parents and the rest of the family remained in England several years. But after this period of trial, my father perceiv- ed, that the benefit which he derived from the change of climate, was only temporary. His for- mer indisposition resumed its wonted strength. Having therefore arranged his mercantile affairs 41 entirely to his satisfaction, he, with his family, embarked for New York; and arrived safely there in the year 1775. With regard to myself, I observe that, on my return to New York, I resumed the practice of the law. I had many friends and connexions ; which renewed the pleasing hopes I had formerly possessed, of succeeding in business. Attention and industry were not wanting ; and I enjoyed myself in again settling to my profession. An event, however, occurred at this time, which threatened a diminution of my business, par- ticularly among the society of which 1 was a member. This society had lately purchased in the city, a valuable piece of ground, for the pur- pose of erecting upon it a large meeting house, for Divine worship. I was employed to prepare the deed of conveyance. I found every thing regular, drew up the instrument, and, when it was engrossed, delivered it to the trustees, for their inspection before it was executed. When I expected the completion of this business, one of the trustees called upon me, and delicately ob- served, that in consequence of some doubt as to the validity of the instrument, they had applied to a lawyer of distinction and long established practice, who declared that the conveyance was void, being liable to the statutes of mortmain. I was greatly surprised and hurt ; and clearly 8 42 perceived, that if this opinion were not effect- ually counteracted, it would strike deeply at my reputation and practice as a lawyer. 1 there- fore desired the person to leave the instrument with me, for a little time, when, I doubted not, 1 should be able to satisfy the trustees, that it was perfectly regular. I immediately laid the conveyance before the first counsellor in the pro- vince, and requested his opinion of it in writing. He gave it, in the most explicit language, and fully adapted to the case. It was, he said, in every respect, a good deed ; and he observed, in particular, that none of the statutes of mort- main would affect it. My mind was completely relieved by this decision. I produced the opinion to the trustees, who were perfectly satisfied with it ; and appeared to be much pleased, that I had so happily extricated myself from the difficulty. The result of this affair was exactly the reverse of what might at first have been expected. It established my reputation among the members of the society. My business increased; and they applied to me with confidence. In the practice of the law, pecuniary interest was not my only rule of action. When cir- cumstances would properly admit of it, I gene- rally endeavoured to persuade the person who was threatened with a prosecution, to pay the debt, or make satisfaction, without the trouble 43 and expense of a suit In doubtful cases, I fre- quently recommended a settlement of differences, by arbitration, as the mode which I conceived would ultimately prove most satisfactory to both parties. I do not recollect that I ever encour- aged a client to proceed at law, when I thought his cause was unjust or indefensible : but, in such cases, I believe it was my invariable practice to discourage litigation, and to recommend a peace- able settlement of differences. In the retrospect of this mode of practice, I have always had great satisfaction ; and I am persuaded that a differ- ent procedure, would have been the source of many painful recollections. My business was very successful, and contin- ued to increase till the troubles in America com- menced. A general failure of proceedings in the courts of law, then took place. This cir- cumstance, joined to a severe illness, which had left me in a feeble state of health, induced me to remove into the country. We chose for our retreat a situation on Long Island, in the district of Islip, about forty miles from the city of New York. Here we concluded to remain, till the political storm should blow over, and the hori- zon become again clear and settled. This we did not expect would be very soon ; and there- fore made our settlement accordingly. As our place of residence w r as on the borders of a large 44 bay near the ocean, I purchased a very conve- nient, little pleasure-boat; which I thought would not only amuse me, but contribute to the re- establishment of my health. In this situation, I became extremely attached to the pleasures of shooting, and fishing, and sailing on the bay. These exercises probably gained for me an ac- cession of health and strength; and, on that ground, partly reconciled me to an occupation of my time, which was but little connected with mental improvement. I have, however, often re- gretted that so long a period should have elaps- ed, without any vigorous application to study; and without an improved preparation for the re- turn of those settled times, when I should again derive my support from the funds of knowledge and judgment. The loss which I sustained, by not sufficiently attending, at this time, to literary pursuits and professional studies, can not easily be calculated. Every expansion of the mind, every useful habit, and portion of knowledge, at that age especially, is not only so much pre- sent gain, but serves as a principal to produce an ever growing and accumulating interest through life. If this advantage were duly ap- preciated by young persons, it would prove a most powerful stimulus to embrace every proper opportunity, to enlarge the understanding, and to store it with useful knowledge. 45 On this occasion, I must add, that the recol- lection of the time which I spent, in the pleas- ures of shooting, and idly sailing about the bay, affords me no solid satisfaction, in a moral and religious point of view. That time, or the great- er part of it, might have been employed, in doing good to others, in the society and converse of pious and virtuous persons, and in the perusal of the sacred volume, and other religious books, tending to establish the heart and life, in the love arid practice of goodness. I might have so occupied myself, as to have made my most im- portant interests coincide with my health and bodily enjoyments, instead of indulging myself in that dissipation of mind, and those selfish, in- jurious habits, which the amusements I had adopted are too apt to produce. I do not, how- ever, wish to censure the practice of other per- sons, in the pursuits and amusements with which they are well and conscientiously satisfied. My object is, to state my own feelings and regrets, on the retrospect of this part of my life. But occupied as I was with amusement, my mind was not so much attached to it, as to be totally inattentive to every thing of a useful nature. About a year after my residence at Islip, the country became greatly distressed from the scarcity of salt. The British cruisers effect- ually prevented the introduction of that article 46 among the Americans. And the Congress found it necessary to recommend arid encourage the making of it, in every place that was favourably situated for the manufacture. I conceived that salt works might be advantageously erected on an island in the bay near which 1 resided ; and 1 communicated this idea to an ingenious and spirited young man who was my neighbour. He very readily came into the plan, and joined me in the execution of it. We embraced the scheme the more cordially, because we were at- tached to our country, and felt for the distresses in which it was involved. We procured materials at a considerable expense, employed artificers ta construct the works, and were just ready to begin the manufacture, and reap the fruit of our la- bours, when the British forces took possession of New York, and consequently of Long Island. This event entirely superseded our operations ; as the article of salt was then abundantly intro- duced into the country. Our loss was con- siderable: but we had no remedy; and the whole concern was, therefore, without hesitation abandoned. The employment which I had, in devising and superintending these works, was not, however, wholly destitute of advantage to me. The motives which led to it would bear reflection ; the occupation of mind and body to which it 47 contributed, was salutary; and the knowledge which I acquired of the business, made some addition to my little stock. I had occasion too, in this event, for the exercise of that virtue, which submits cheerfully to disappointments. This, indeed, was not, in the present instance, an exercise of much difficulty. I was not naturally disposed to brood over misfortunes: but pos- sessed a facility, in turning from the view of them, and presenting to myself objects of a different complexion. This is a propensity which, under proper limitations and government, is doubtless a happy constitution. But, though generally bene- ficial, I have often indulged it beyond those limits which wisdom prescribes. A habit of mind that is ever seeking for, and presenting, pleasant objects; and which refuses to contem- plate occasionally the disasters and the troubles incident to humanity; nourishes a light and frivolous temper, and prevents the good effects of those salutary lessons, which the adverse oc- currences of life, when properly considered, are calculated to produce. After we had resided at Islip about four years, I became dissatisfied with a mode of life, which consisted chiefly in amusement and bodily ex- ercise. I perceived the necesssity of doing some- thing that would provide permanent funds for the expenses of my family. The British power 48 was still maintained in New York, and appeared likely to be established there : and the practice of the law was completely superseded. I had, therefore, no prospect of any considerable em- ployment, but by settling at New York, and en- tering into mercantile concerns. We removed accordingly to the city, and took a situation favourable for business. My father very gener- ously gave me an unlimited credit, in the impor- tation of merchandise from London: and after forming the best judgment I could of the arti- cles likely to be in demand, I made out a large order. The goods arrived, and I found a ready sale for them. Thus encouraged, I continued to import more of them, and that extensively, every season ; and soon perceived that I had engaged in a very lucrative occupation. Every year added to my capital, till, about the period of the establishment of American independence, I found myself able to gratify our favourite wishes, and retire from business. I purchased a country seat on the banks of the river, about three miles from the city of New York. Here we promised ourselves every enjoy- ment that our hearts desired. Bellevue, for that was the name of our retreat, was most delight- fully situated. A noble river, a mile in breadth, spread itself before us: a rich and pleasant country was on the opposite shore: and our 49 view extended several miles both up and down the river. On this grand expanse of water, vessels and boats of various descriptions, were almost continually sailing. The house was neat and commodious; and accommodated with a spacious and elegant piazza, sashed with Vene- tian blinds; which added to its coolness in sum- mer, and produced a most soothing and grateful effect. At the back of the mansion, was a large garden, well supplied with fruit, flowers, and useful vegetables : and in other directions from the house, were rows of various kinds of fruit trees, distinguished by their beauty and utility. In the rear of the house and garden, was a pleasant and fertile field, which afforded pastur- age for the cattle. This little paradisiacal spot was perfectly to our wishes. Here we fondly ho- ped often to see our dearest connexions, and to en- tertain our friends. Every comfort to be derived from useful and interesting society, would, we imagined, be heightened in this pleasing abode. I thought too, that this retreat would be friendly to study arid mental acquisitions ; that my health would be improved, by the exercise which I should have in rural occupations ; and that the vicinity of the city and its various occupations, would afford me opportunities of being useful to my fellow-citizens. These hopes and views appeared to be rational and well founded; and I 9 50 felt no reluctance, or compunction, in indulging them. But the pleasant prospects were soon overcast: the cup of promised sweets was not allowed to approach our lips. Divine Provi- dence had allotted for us a different situation : and I have no doubt that the allotment was both wise and good ; and better for us than our own fond appointments. Before we removed to Bellevue, I had a severe fit of illness, which left me in a very infirm and debilitated state of body. The tone of my muscles was so much impaired, that I could walk but little; and this relaxation continued to increase. I was besides, in the course of the day, frequently affected with singular sensations of chilness, succeeded by a degree of fever. My situation, at times, became very distressing. I was, however, encouraged by the hope, that a short residence at our delightful retreat, would restore me to my usual state of health and strength. But season succeeded season, without my receiving any salutary effect. I evidently grew worse: and my friends became alarmed at my situation. They generally recommended travelling. Additional exercise, new scenes, and drinking the waters of certain medicinal springs, were thought likely to afford me assistance. As my spirits were good, and life and health very desirable, I cordially entered into the views of 51 my friends, and, with my affectionate and sym- pathizing partner, I set off for Bristol in Penn- sylvania. We remained in this rural and pleas- ant town a few weeks : during which time, I bathed, and drank the water; but without any good effect. The weather then growing ex- tremely hot, Fahrenheit's thermometer being at ninety degrees, we proceeded to some celebrated springs in the mountains of New Jersey. Here, I seemed to grow better for a few weeks : but the water yielded no permanent benefit. From the very elevated situation of those mountains, the air was cool and refreshing : but as the roads were stony and broken, I could not have the advantage of regular exercise in a carriage. To remedy this inconvenience, I made some efforts on horseback, and some on foot : but these ef- forts fatigued me to a great degree, and increas- ed the debility under which I laboured. Perceiving that neither the springs, nor the situation produced any beneficial effects, and travelling being one of the means for the re- covery of health, which had been recommended to me, we left the mountains, and bent our course towards Bethlehem, in Pennsylvania, a healthful and pleasant town about fifty miles from Philadelphia. This is a settlement of the Moravians. The situation of the place, its re- freshing and salutary air, joined to the character 52 of its inhabitants, made a cheering impression up- on us; and we took up our quarters at the inn with pleasure, and with the hope of advantage. A few days after we had settled here, we were most agreeably surprised, by the arrival of my father, and my sister Beulah. This affectionate parent had long been anxious about my health, and solicitous to promote it. And perceiving that we were not likely to return very soon, and that I had not received much benefit, he was desirous of spending a little time with us; which he naturally thought would have a cheering effect oft his children, in their present solitary excursion. This visit was as grateful as it was unexpected. My sister was a sensible and amia- ble young woman, of a gentle nature and en- gaging manners, to whom we were both very nearly attached : we therefore formed a little band, closely united by the ties of affection and consanguinity. This pleasing association, joined to the beauty and retirement of the place, gave an animating impulse to my spirits ; so that I was better at Bethlehem than I had been in any other part of the journey. There was here much to occupy the mind, and to gratify curiosity. The different houses appro- priated to the single brethren, the single sisters, and the widows, with the various economy of the society, were subjects of an interesting nature. 53 The spirit of moderation, the government of the passions.and the tranquillity and happiness,which appeared to pervade every part of this retired set- tlement, made on our minds a strong and pleasing impression. We several times visited the different departments; and^ at our inn, received occasion- ally the visits of a number of their most respect- able members. They were very communicative; and attended, with liberality and good humour, to the ideas which we suggested, for the improve- ment of particular parts of their economy. Among other observations, we took occasion to inquire, whether the practice of the elders and elderesses in selecting a partner for a young man who wished to marry, was not sometimes attended with serious inconveniences. But they seemed to have no doubt, that this regulation produced more happy marriages, than would be effected by leaving the parties to chose for themselves. A lively and sensible person, with whose conver- sation we were particularly pleased, took occa- sion to give us his own experience on the sub- ject. He expressed himself to the following effect. "When I wished to change my situa- tion in, life, I applied to one of our elders, and communicated the matter to him. He asked me whether I had any particular young woman in view. I replied in the negative ; and that I wished my superiors to choose for me. Pleased 54 with my answer, and the confidence reposed ia them, he assured me that the greatest care should be taken, to select for me a partner, who would be, in every respect, proper for me. The elders and elderesses consulted together, and, after a suitable time, fixed on a young woman, whose disposition and qualifications were correspondent to my own, and which they thought were adapt- ed to make me happy. We were introduced to each other, in the presence of our superiors. The interview was favourable : we became mutually attached ; and, in a short time, we were married. The event has perfectly answered our most san- guine hopes. I probably should not have chosen so happily, if I had been left to decide for myself; but I am certain I could not have made a bette t r choice." He concluded his observations with a degree of animation and satisfaction, which precluded all doubt of the truth of his assertions. The roads and scenery about Bethlehem were very delightful. I frequently enjoyed the pleas- ure they afforded, by riding in a small open carriage, which gave me a good opportunity of surveying the beauties of the country. In one of these excursions, I observed a gate which opened into some grounds that were very pic- turesque. Without proper consideration, I de- sired the servant who accompanied me, to open 55 the gate. Almost immediately I observed a group of cheerful, neatly dressed young females approaching. They had been gathering black- berries, a rich fruit in that country ; and each of them had a little basket in her hand filled with this sort of fruit. I soon perceived that I had committed a trespass, in offering to enter the grounds appropriated entirely to the walks of females. When they came near me, I apolo- gized for the intrusion, by alleging that I did not know the peculiar use to which the enclosure was applied. With great good nature, and gen- uine politeness, some of them intimated that I was perfectly excusable. I believe the number of this cheerful group was about thirty, between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five. The sight of so much apparent innocence and happiness was extremely pleasing. And whilst they stood near the carriage, from which I could not con- veniently alight, I thought it would be proper to express my respect and good wishes for them. I therefore took the liberty of addressing them in a short speech ; which, as near as I can recol- lect, was to the following purport. I observed that it gave me particular pleasure, to see them all so happy: that their situation was, indeed, enviable, and singularly adapted to produce much real enjoyment,' and to protect them from the follies, the vices, and the miseries, of the 56 world : that if they knew the troubles and ex- posures, which are to be met with in the gen- eral intercourse of life, they would doubly en- joy their safe and tranquil seclusion from those dangers, and be thankful for the privileges they possessed. My harangue seemed to have a good effect upon them. They smiled, and some of them said that they were indeed happy in their situation. A few of them then held up their little baskets, and desired I would help myself to some fruit. I thanked them ; and took more than I wanted, that I might the better gratify their benevolence. I then parted with this pleasing company, and pursued an other road, well satisfied with a mistake and adventure which had yielded me so much heart-felt satis- faction. I must not omit to mention, that these good young persons reported to their superiors the whole of this transaction, with what had been said on the occasion. But I found that, not- withstanding my intrusion, I had lost no credit with the elderesses. For they sent to inform the sick gentleman, (this was the term by which I was designated,) that he had full liberty, and was welcome, whenever he chose, to ride in the grounds appropriated to the walks of the fe- males. I acknowledged the favour of so great a privilege; but as I could not think it en- 57 tirely warrantable and proper to make use of it, I never repeated my visit to this interesting place. Of the various institutions at this settlement, we particularly admired that for the benefit of widows. This house met our entire approbation. An asylum for those who had lost their most valuable earthly treasures, and who could neither receive from the world, nor confer upon it, much, if any, important service, appeared to have a just foundation in wisdom and benevo- lence. But to detach from many of the advan- tages and duties of society, young persons in the full possession of health, strength, and spirits, seemed to us to be, on the whole view of the subject, a very questionable policy ; though cer- tainly some very important moral uses were de- rived from the institutions which respected the single brethren and the single sisters. Having formed some acquaintance with several worthy persons in this happy town, and being much grat- ified with our visit, we took our leave with regret. I can not easily forget the pleasing impressions which this settlement left upon my mind. The grandeur of the neighbouring hills ; the winding course of its adjacent beautiful river ; and the serene, enlivening state of the atmosphere ; joined to the modest and tranquil appearance of the inhabitants j their frequent and devout per- 10 58 formance of Divine worship; and their unaffect- ed politeness and good humour ; are sufficient to render Bethlehem a most interesting and delight- ful retreat. To the calm and soothing virtues of life, it is, certainly, a situation peculiarly favour- able. But the moral excellences, connected with arduous and dignified exertion, meet, per- haps, with but few occasions here to call them forth. After we left Bethlehem, where we had spent several weeks, it seemed expedient to bend our course towards home. My father was affected with fresh symptoms of a disorder to which he had been long subject ; and he thought it would not be prudent to continue his visit any longer. Under these circumstances, we could not suffer him and my sister to proceed on their journey alone. Had he been as well as usual, it would have been very agreeable to us to have remained longer at Bethlehem ; and particularly to have visited the place of my nativity, which was about fifty miles further in the interior of the country. This visit we had all contemplated ; and purposed to set off for the place in a few days. But my father's sudden indisposition made it necessary to relinquish our views entire- ly. Had we executed our purpose, I have no doubt that the visit would have been to me peculiarly interesting, and attended with emo- 59 tions of a pleasing and serious nature ; and I eould not, indeed, avoid anticipating them in some degree. To have viewed the spot, where I first felt the blessings of existence ; and where my dear parents had extended their early cares over me, and had commenced their settlement in life; must have excited in me sensations highly gratifying. To have reflected on the superin- tendence of Divine Providence, from the first hour of my existence, through a period of nearly forty years; on the numberless preservations from danger which, through that course of time, had threatened my life, or my happiness ; and on the many positive blessings with which I had so long been favoured; could riot, I believe, have failed to excite a lively and extraordinary sense of the unmerited goodness of God to me ; and would probably have proved a peculiarly animating source of humble and grateful recol- lection. But how pleasing and useful soever this visit to Swetara might have been, pru- dence required us to give it up ; and we pro- ceeded, by easy stages, towards New York. There we safely arrived, after an agreeable journey ; in which my father's health had not materially suffered, by the fatigue and exposure which he encountered, and which to him were unusual. 60 This seems to be a proper stage for closing the present letter. My next will enter on a period, which was particularly interesting to me, and which was occupied in a manner very differ- ent from my expectations. I am, with due respect, &c. 61 LETTER IV, My dear Friend, IT is a common and just obser- vation, that the blessings of this life, however numerous and important, lose their relish, when we are deprived of health. Many of them are then imbittered, and others are totally disre- garded. We are therefore naturally solicitous to recover a possession so pleasing in itself, and so necessary to the enjoyment of other pleasures. I was the more sensible of the value of this blessing, because I had lost it; and because I possessed many others, which I found were, in a great degree, dependent upon this. I thought, indeed, that nothing besides this desirable object, was wanting, to render me very happy. But, without doubt, I deceived myself, in the indul- gence of this fond sentiment. Had I possessed health, joined to all the means of happiness with which I was surrounded, it is probable that some unforeseen event, something in myself, or in others with whom I was connected, would soon have overcast the pleasant scene; and convinced 62 me practically, that unmixed enjoyment does not belong to this state of existence. There is, how- ever, enough to be enjoyed ; enough to make us truly thankful to Divine Providence. I was therefore anxious for my recovery, and omitted no promising means to obtain it, whilst life was yet in its prime, and the value of health was proportionably enhanced. When we were again settled at Bellevue, we had rather mournfully to reflect on the little benefit, if any, which my health had derived from our summer excursion ; and we naturally turned our attention to other means of relief that might promise success. During the course of my indisposition, I had found that I was gener- ally better when the weather was cold : a tem- porary bracing was commonly the effect of the winter season. But we had observed that every succeeding summer took from me more than the winter had given. The prospect was therefore discouraging. Under these circumstances, I con- sulted one of the first physicians of the country, who happened at that time to be at New York. He paid a friendly attention to my situation : and after maturely considering the case, advised me to remove to a climate, where the summers are more temperate and less relaxing; and where, consequently, I might not lose, in warm weather, the bracing effects produced by the rigours of 63 winter. From what he knew of Yorkshire, in England, he thought some parts of it might prove a proper situation. On the whole, he re- commended to me, in a sensible and affectionate letter which I received from him, to make the experiment ; and he expressed an earnest hope, that it might be blessed with success. He thought that my disorder was of such a nature, that me- dicines would not be proper for me : " at any rate," he said, " I would advise you not to take much medicine." This advice was consonant with the views and practice which I had long adopted ; and confirmed me in my determina- tion. For more than twenty years, I have al- most entirely declined the use of medicines : and to this I attribute, in a great measure, the good appetite, and unbroken rest at nights, which, during that period, I have generally enjoyed. The natural tone of my stomach has not heen injured by the operation of drugs, nor any new disorder superinduced. I, however^ think that medicines are sometimes of great use : the dis- covery and due application of them, are a bless- ing to mankind. In my particular case, they would, I believe, have been injurious. After deliberately considering the advice of my physician, and the importance of the under- taking, we were fully convinced that it was ex- pedient to try the effect of a more favourable 64 climate, and to make a short residence in Eng- land. Dear as were our relatives and friends, and our native land, we resolved to forego the enjoyment of them. But hope cheered us with the prospect, that the separation would not he long; and that we should return to them, with renewed health and spirits, and capacities of greater happiness in their society. My dear wife did not hesitate a moment, in resolving to ac- company me to a distant country; and to render me every aid, which her affection, and solicitude for my happiness could suggest. Soon after our determination was made, we prepared for the voyage. The trying scene now commenced of taking leave of our relations and friends. Many of them accompanied us to the ship, in the cabin of which we had a most solemn parting. An eminent minister was present at this time, for whom we had a particular esteem and regard, and who prayed fervently on the occasion. It was a deeply affecting time ; and, I trust, produced salutary impressions on all our minds. Our feelings, at the moment of separa- tion, may be more easily conceived than de- scribed. But satisfied with the propriety of our undertaking, and consoled by the hope of success, our minds gradually became tranquil and resigned. With many, if not with all, of those beloved connexions, we parted never to see 65 them agnin, in this life: for many of them have since been translated to the world of spirits. But we humbly trust, that the separation will not be perpetual; that, through redeeming mer- cy and love, we shall be again united to virtuous connexions, and happily join with them, and the blessed of all generations, in glorifying our heav- enly Father, and joyfully serving him for ever, with enlarged minds and purified affections. We embarked in a commodious ship, near the close of the year 1784 ; and, after a prosperous voyage of about five weeks, landed at Lyming- ton. Near the conclusion of the voyage, we nar- rowly escaped some very dangerous rocks, which would, in all probability, have proved fatal to us, if we had struck upon them. Thus preserved by the care of a gracious Providence, we had fresh cause to be humbly thankful to God, and to be encouraged to trust in his goodness, for fu- ture preservation and direction. In contemplating the place where we were to reside, during our continuance in England, it was our frequent and special desire, that our lot might be cast in the neighbourhood and society of religious and exemplary persons ; from whom we might derive encouragement to the practice of virtue. We had lived long enough to per- ceive, how strongly the human mind is influen- ced, and how apt it is to be moulded, by the dis- 11 6(3 positions and pursuits of those with whom it is in- timately connected. We had felt the danger of intercourse with persons, who seemed to make the pleasures of this life the great object of their attention; and we had derived comfort, and some degree of religious strength, from the soci- ety and example of good and pious persons. In this desire of being settled favourably for the cultivation of our best interests, we had the hap- piness of being gratified ; and we consider this privilege, which we have now enjoyed for more than twenty years, as one of the greatest bles- sings of our lives. It may not be improper to mention in this place, that when we left our native shores, we fondly supposed, that in the course of two years, my health might be so established, as to enable us to return to our friends and country. This term was the utmost boundary we had assigned for our absence from home. How short sighted is the mind of man ! How little do we know of the future, and of the events which are to occupy it ! Two and twenty years have passed away since we left our native land, and little hope remains of our ever being able to visit it again. But resignation is our duty. And this should be the more cheerful, as we have been so long preserved together by Divine Providence, in this happy country; where we have been 67 abundantly blessed, and for which we can never be sufficiently grateful. Our attachment to England was founded on many pleasing associations. In particular, I had strong prepossessions in favour of a residence in this country ; because I was ever partial to its political constitution, arid the mildness and wis- dom of its general system of laws. I knew that under this excellent government, life, property, reputation, civil and religious liberty, are happily protected ; and that the general character and virtue of its inhabitants, take their complexion from the nature of their constitution and laws. On leaving my native country, there was not, therefore, any land, on which I could cast my eyes with so much pleasure ; nor is there any, which could have afforded me so much real sat- isfaction, as I have found in Great Britain. May its political fabric, which has stood the test of ages, and long attracted the admiration of the world, be supported and perpetuated by Divine Providence ! And may the hearts of Britons be grateful for this blessing, and for many others by which they are eminently distinguished ! I now return to the narrative. In a few days after our landing, we reached London. Here we were cheered with the society of 'a number of our friends, whom we had known, in the visit which we made to this country in the year 1771. 68 We continued in and near London, about six weeks ; and then proceeded for Yorkshire. Some of our friends advised us to fix our residence at Pontefract, others at Knaresborough. and others at Richmond, Settle, or upon the Wolds. We, however, thought it prudent to visit a number of places, before we concluded to fix upon any one. At length, we came to York : and whether we were influenced by the association of names, by the pleasantness of the surrounding country, or by other motives, we felt some partiality for the place. But it appeared to be difficult to procure a suitable residence in the vicinity : and we left York to visit Knaresborough, Harrogate, and the neighbourhood of Leeds. Soon after we had set off, we observed, about a mile from the city, in a small village called Holdgate, a house and garden very pleasantly and healthfully situated. The place struck our minds so agree- ably, that we stopped the carriage, for a few minutes to survey it. The more we observed the house and its appendages, the more we liked them ; and we concluded that if they could be obtained, they would suit us better than any other we had seen. With this reflection, we passed on, and continued our journey. At Knaresborough and Harrogate, we stayed a short time : but neither of these places appeared to coincide with our views, and we went forward 69 to Leeds. From this place I wrote to a friend at York, and requested him to inquire, whether the house near that city, which had so pleasantly impressed us, could be either hired or purchased, and on what terms. My friend informed me, that the owner of this estate resided upon it, that he had considerably improved it, and that it was perfectly to his mind ; so that he intended to oc- cupy it for the remainder of his life. All pros- pect of acquiring this situation being thus cut off, we employed ourselves in looking at several places near Leeds. But our attachment to York still continued, and after several weeks' absence from it, we returned, with the hope that some suitable place, in the neighbourhood of this city, would yet be found. That we might have the fairer opportunity for selecting such a residence, I hired for six months a house ready furnished, in York; and occasionally made inquiry for a situation in its vicinity. About five months of the time elapsed before any place occurred which was adapted to our wishes. At this period, the house and premises which had appeared to us so desirable, were advertised for sale. The owner, who was an officer in the navy, had unexpect- edly an offer made to him of a ship on a remote station; and being pleased with the appoint- ment, he concluded to take his family with him, and to dispose of his property at Holdgate. I 70 did not hesitate to apply as a purchaser; and, in a short time the contract was made, and the estate secured to me. We soon removed into our new residence; and found it to answer, in every respect, the expectations we had formed. It is healthy, pleasant, commodious, and unites the advantages of both town and country. This little pleasing settlement has lost none of its comforts in our view, though we have now en- joyed it two and twenty years. I hope that I have not dwelt too long on the circumstance of selecting a residence at Holdgate. This place has been our habitation, for so great a portion of our lives, and has contributed so much to our comfort and enjoyment, that I could not pass over the recital, without some marked attention. I can not but trace, and gratefully acknowledge, the goodness of Divine Providence, in the cir- cumstances which led us to this auspicious residence. Though I have described the house and garden at Holdgate, as a desirable possession, yet it is by no means a large or a showy one. It is, how- ever, one that accords with our own taste, and desires. My views and wishes, with regard to property, were, in every period of life, contained within a very moderate compass. I was early persuaded that, though " a competence is vital to content," I ought not to annex to that term 71 the idea of much property. And I determined that when I should acquire enough to enable me to maintain and provide for my family, in a re- spectable and moderate manner, and this accord- ing to real arid rational, not imaginary and fan- tastic wants, and a little to spare for the neces- sities of others; I would decline the pursuits of property, and devote a great part of my time, in some way or other, to the benefit of my fel- low-creatures, within the sphere of my abilities to serve them. I perceived that the desire of great possessions, generally expands with the gradual acquisition, and the full attainment of them : and I imagined, that charity and a gen- erous application, do not sufficiently corres- pond with the increase of property. I thought too, that procuring great wealth, has a tendency to produce an elated independence of mind, little connected with that humility which is the ground of all our virtues ; that a busy and anxious pur- suit of it, often excludes views and reflections of infinite importance, and leaves but little time to acquire that treasure, which would make us rich indeed. I was inclined to think, that a wish for personal distinction, a desire of providing too abundantly for their children, and a powerful habit of accumulation, are the motives which commonly actuate men, in the acquisition of great wealth. The strenuous endeavours of 72 many persons to vindicate this pursuit, on the ground, that the idea of a competency is inde- finite, and that the more we gain, the more good we may do with it, did not make much impres- sion upon me. I fancied that, in general, ex. perience did not correspond with this plausible reasoning; and I was persuaded that a truly sincere mind could be at no loss to discern the just limits between a safe and competent por- tion, and a dangerous profusion, of the good things of life. These views of the subject, I reduced to practice; and terminated my mercan- tile concerns, when 1 had acquired a moderate competency. By what I have said on this occasion, I do not mean to cast any reflection on the prudent efforts of persons, who have large families to support and provide for; or who, instead of adding to the superfluous heap, apply their gains to the relief of want, the instruction of ignorance, or, in any other way, to the substantial benefit of their fellow-creatures. I am, indeed, far from being disposed to censure or disapprove the ex- ertions of such persons, in the steady pursuit of business, and the acquisition of property. My view, in the remarks which I have made on this topic, is, rather to justify my own determination to withdraw seasonably from the pursuit of pro- perty, than to reflect on the conduct of those 73 who, with proper inducements, think it their duty to endeavour to enlarge their possessions. This is a subject, on which it is certainly more charitable and becoming, to suggest hints, for the consideration of others, when we may have occasion, and think it prudent, so to do, than presumptuously to make decisions, respecting their motives and conduct. When I first settled at Holdgate, my general health had been, in some degree, improved; and 1 was able to walk in the garden, without assist- ance, several times in the course of a day. This increase of strength, and ability to walk out in the open air, were highly pleasing; and gave a fresh spring to our hopes, that the period was not very far distant, when we might return to our native country and our friends, with the blessings of established health, and all the com- forts which follow in its train. But these cheer- ing prospects did not long continue. The exer- cise in my garden was so delightful, arid appeared to be so beneficial to me, that I often indulged myself in it ; till, at length, I found my little stock of newly acquired strength, began to de- cline, and that the former weakness of the mus- cles returned. This was not the effect of great and immoderate exertion ; but proceeded from my not knowing how very limited my bodily powers were, and from not keeping within those 12 74 limits. I soon perceived that it was necessary to give up my little excursions in the garden ; but I continued to walk occasionally about the room, as much as I was well able to bear, know- ing the danger of resigning myself to a state of inactivity. This practice was kept up in a greater or less degree, till it became inconvenient and painful. A walk even from my seat to the window, at last overcame me, and produced a distressing weariness and fatigue, which pervad- ed the whole animal system. I occasionally made repeated efforts to overcome these effects : but all to no purpose ; the more I persisted in my exertions, the more painful was my situation. I perceived that I was always better, and more at my ease, when I continued sitting. This in- duced me to try the experiment of relinquishing all attempts at walking, and to keep to my seat through the course of the day. The result was, in every respect, beneficial. The soreness of the muscles abated; the little tone which remained in them, was not disturbed or overstretched ; and I enjoyed an easy and tolerable state of health. I made it a point, however, to ride out daily in my carriage : and this, doubtless, contributed to counteract the injurious effects which would have resulted from constant inaction. The mo- tion of the carriage, the change of scene, differ- 75 ence of air, and the busy or the cheerful faces of my fellow-creatures, produced a pleasing ef- fect on my mind, and greatly tended to reconcile me to the privation of other exercises. Though I had not sufficient strength to get into a car- riage by the usual method, I have always been able to effect it, by means of a board laid nearly level from the garden gate to the step of the carriage. But I have repeatedly found this ex- ertion to be the full extent of my powers. I can, however, generally accomplish it, with little or no inconvenience. This mode of getting into the carriage, has often excited the curiosity of persons who were passing at the time, and given rise to strange surmises, and to some ridiculous stories. Inability to account for facts is an un- easy state of mind ; to get rid of which many people are apt to suppose or admit causes, which, how imaginary soever they may be, are yet suf- ficient to prevent the trouble of further investi- gation. I must, however, allow, that, in my own case, the appearance of general health, and the ease with which I moved on the board, might very naturally induce a belief, that I was capable of greater exertions, and that the weakness ex- isted more in the mind than in the body. If, un- der a change of circumstances, I had been the observer, instead of the person observed, I might very probably have formed a similar judgment. 76 The state of weakness and confinement to which I was now reduced, would, at some periods of my life, have been almost insupportable. But my infirmities had increased upon me gradually, and I had the happiness to perceive that they might be made to conduce to my future and im- mortal interests. I had many enjoyments and advantages yet left to me : I was, in general, free from pain ; I could take a little daily ex- ercise ; my appetite was good ; and my rest at nights commonly sound and uninterrupted. I had the society of worthy and intelligent friends, converse with books, and a regular correspond- ence with my distant connexions. I was able, too, to attend public religious worship, once or twice in the week, which I consider as an inval- uable privilege. There still remained to me the great blessing of an affectionate, faithful friend, my beloved wife ; whose solicitude to promote my comfort, in all respects, has been lively and uniform, through every period of our union. Thus surrounded with benefits so important, it would have been impious to complain, or to de- plore my condition. It became me rather, to number my blessings : and I humbly trust that, through Divine grace, I have been enabled cheer- fully to submit to my lot, and to be thankful for the mercies, the unmerited mercies, which have been bestowed upon me. 77 In the summer of 1786, 1 met with a great loss, in the decease of my father. He had been painfully affected, with a cough and weakness of the stomach, for more than thirty years; and the disorder at length increased so much, that nature could no longer support the conflict. In a letter which I received from his brother, my worthy uncle John Murray, there are some cir- cumstances of his death, which are so interesting to me, that they may not improperly be men- tioned in this place. The circumstances alluded to, are contained in the following extracts from the letter. "Your much esteemed father de- parted this life the 22d of July, 1786, about five o'clock in the afternoon, with all his children in the house, yourself excepted. About four weeks ago, without any apparent cause, but the natural increase of the disorder which he had long had, he was confined to his room, and complained of pain in his head and breast, and that his cough grew more difficult and painful. Soon after, in conversing with him, he told me that his dissolu- tion was near at hand ; and he thanked his God, that, in the whole course of his life, he had never found himself so much resigned as at that time ; and that it was not his wish to live longer. In this sincere composure of mind he continued, perfectly sensible till the moment of his death, which took place at my side, and without a groan. 78 About three days before his decease, your letter by the packet came to hand. It was read to him ; and finding you were recovered, in some degree, from the relapse you had fallen into, it seemed to afford him real pleasure. He thank- ed God for all his mercies ; and said : 4 This is the last time I shall hear from my dear son.' ' Thus peacefully left the world my dear and affectionate father, in the sixty-fifth year of his age ; and, I trust, exchanged this life for one infi- nitely better. After I left America, my father, during the remainder of his life, kindly transacted all my business ; and obliged me with a regular corres- pondence, from which I derived much comfort and satisfaction. The religious state of mind which his letters demonstrated, under the pres- sure of years and infirmities, afforded me pecu- liar pleasure at the time ; and continues to be a source of grateful recollection. The loss which I bad sustained, in being deprived of my fathers kind offices, my truly valuable brother, John Murray, was studious to repair. For more than twenty years, he has attended to my concerns in America; and maintained a correspondence with me, in the most brotherly and affectionate man- ner. Sympathizing with us, in our long and distant separation from our near connexions and our native country, he has been kindly solicitous 79 to diminish our anxieties, by a great variety of communications. We owe much of our relief and consolation, to his unwearied attention, arid to the proofs he has given us of his esteem and love during our long residence in England. We were affectionately attached to each other, in early life : this attachment has not only con- tinued, but it has increased with time ; and I firmly trust it will remain, and brighten to the latest period of our lives. From my dear sisters, 1 have also received, in this long absence, many testimonies of their sincere regard and solicitude for my welfare. These could not fail of being soothing to us ; and they tended to cherish the feelings of mutual affection. The relation which subsists between children of the same family, and between other persons very nearly connected, is of a peculiarly tender and endearing kind ; and it should be cherished, not only as a duty, but as one of the most lively and interesting sources of our enjoyments. It produces and augments affections which may be continually exercised, because their objects are often before us : and, by perpetual offices of love, and solicitude for one an other's welfare, it ac customs the heart to these emotions, and pre- pares it for extending its charities to all around. In this manner, some of the finest feelings of our nature, may be matured and disposed, on all 80 proper occasions, to expand themselves to ob- jects, far and near, in substantial acts of kindness, compassion, and benevolence. This expansive nature of the affections, is so aptly and beauti- fully illustrated by a celebrated poet, that it may not be improper to cite the illustration here. " God loves from whole to parts : but human soul Must rise from individual to the whole. Self-love but serves the virtuous mind to wake, As the small pebble stirs the peaceful lake : The centre mov'd, a circle straight succeeds, An other still, and still an other spreads. Friend, parent, neighbour, first it will embrace ; His country next ; and next all human race : Wide and more wide, th' o'erflowings of the mind Take ev'ry creature in, of ev'ry kind. Earth smiles around, with boundless bounty bless'd ; And Heav'n beholds its image in his breast." But how beneficial soever may be the tendency of this domestic and social intercourse, I am in- clined to believe that its happy effects are often limited, and sometimes lost, for want of due re- flection and encouragement. Enjoyments which are very familiar, and of daily or hourly occur- rence, are apt to pass by us unnoticed : and fre- quently from this circumstance, they almost lose their nature, and become nearly, if not altogether, uninteresting. It is therefore of high importance to our virtue and happiness, that we should often call ourselves to account, for the estimate, and 81 the use, we make of the blessings with which we are surrounded. Our self examination, with regard to the subject under consideration, would perhaps be rendered more effectual, by an indi- vidual inquiry, how far we have attended to the means of augmenting our domestic and social enjoyments. Inquiries similar to those which follow, seriously put to ourselves, would present these enjoyments in lively and impressive points of view. Are we duly sensible how happy we re- ally are, in the possession of affectionate relations, and in the constant interchange of kind offices? Do we consider properly, how much we depend on their attachment and love, for the numerous and the daily pleasures we enjoy? how often we have experienced their sympathy and aid, when we have had to encounter affliction or disappoint- ments? and how ready they would be to fly to our assistance again, if we should need their con- solation and support? Do we sometimes picture in our minds, the wants and distresses which we should feel, if we were deprived of these ten- der and faithful friends? and reflect, that when they are lost, they are lost forever to us in this world? It is scarcely possible, that repeated examinations of this nature, should not be pro- ductive of the happiest effects, by teaching us continually to value and improve our present privileges. A similar process of reflection, with 13 respect to health of mind and body; a competence of property; fair reputation; civil and religious liberty; the light of Christianity; an exemption from numerous evils; and every other favour conferred upon us by Divine Providence ; would not only refine and exalt these blessings in our estimation, but affect our hearts with more fer- vent gratitude to the Giver of all Good, for the continuance of his bounties, both temporal and spiritual. That I may be much more studious than I ever have been, to number and improve my blessings; and to avoid the reproaches of my own heart, for suffering them to pass by me unacknowledged; is my sincere and earnest desire. I am affectionately, &c. 83 LETTER V, My dear Friend, I HAVE often considered it as a special privilege, demanding my grateful ac- knowledgments to Divine Providence, that my afflictions have admitted of great alleviation; and that they have been laid upon me, with a most lenient hand. When I became confined, and incapable of but very little bodily exercise, I was not wholly deprived of every species of exertion. I could still employ myself in reading, in writing, and in conversation. My mind was preserved free and active. I might therefore hope to be exercised in doing something that would be use- ful to myself and others: something that would agreeably employ my mental powers ; and pre- vent that tedium and irritability, which bodily infirmities too often occasion. This might be accomplished in various ways ; and I ventured to believe it might, in part, be effected by a pub- lication which I had in view, and which 1 pre- sumed would be interesting to many readers. In 84 the early part of my life, as well as in its suc- ceeding periods,! had a lively pleasure and satis- faction, in perusing the sentiments of eminent and virtuous persons, on the subject of religion and futurity, when they approached the close of life. From men who had known the world, and who were qualified, and disposed, to give a true estimate of its nature and enjoyments, and whom we could not suspect of dissimulation at that awful period, much important instruction, 1 con- ceived, might be derived ; and I trust I have been, in some degree, benefitted by studies of this kind. Reflecting on the pleasure, arid the good effects, which this species of reading had pro- duced on my own mind, I naturally supposed that it would be attended with similar effects on the minds of others. I thought too, that a col- lection of the testimonies of great and good per- sons, in favour of piety and virtue, would, if they were properly arranged, be more interest- ing, and more efficacious, than a perusal of them detached, as many of them are, in the pages of history and biography. Under these impres- sions, or views of the subject, I commenced my little work. As I wished to form it on liberal principles, and render it acceptable to readers in general, I was careful to introduce characters of various religious prefessions,and of different ages and countries. The concurrence of these, in the 85 recommendation of religion, as the great pro- moter of our happiness here and hereafter, would, I conceived, form a strong persuasive evidence, in the cause of piety and virtue. I flattered myself, that a body of testimonies, so striking and important, would exhibit religion in a most attractive form : and that it would be calculated to console and animate the well-disposed; to rouse the careless ; and to convince, or, at least, to discountenance, the unbeliever. In the course of the work I annexed to many of the charac- ters, such observations as appeared to me to rise out of the subject, and to be calculated to arrest the reader's attention, and promote the design which I had in view. The first edition of this book, which was en- titled, " The Power of Religion on the Mind, &c.," appeared in the year 1787. It consisted of only five hundred copies ; all of which were neatly bound, and distributed at my own ex- pense. I sent them to the principal inhabitants of York and its vicinity ; and accompanied each book with an anonymous note requesting a fa- vourable acceptance of it, and apologizing for the liberty I had taken. It was not without some hesitation, that I adopted so singular a mode of distribution. But, on mature reflection, I be- lieved it to be more eligible than any other, for the purpose which I had in view. And as I 86 was but little known in the city, and the work was anonymous, I perhaps indulged a hope, that the author might not be recognised, and that the business would pass away, without much, if any, reflection upon me. At any rate, I flattered myself, that if the author should be discovered, the goodness of his intentions, would protect him from the severity of censure, even by those who might be disposed to consider his procedure as rather eccentric. I soon found that my publication was well received : and it was not long before I was en- couraged to print a new edition of the work, in London, which met with a good sale. Several other impressions appeared in different places. When, after some time, a sixth edition was called for, I was induced to enlarge the book, and to put my name to it. And as I afterwards found that it continued to make a favourable progress, I conceived that if the copyright were assigned to some booksellers of extensive business and in- fluence, it would be circulated more diffusively, and my design in composing it be still more ef- fectually answered. Under this idea, I extended the work considerably ; made some improve- ments in the language; and then disposed of the copyright, without any pecuniary recompense. With this plan, I have every reason to be per- fectly satisfied. The demand for the book has 87 far exceeded my utmost expectation : and the testimonies of approbation, and of its usefulness, which I have received, have been truly gratify- ing; and have given me cause to be thankful to the Author of my being, that I have been the instrument, even in a small degree, of dissemin- ating excitements to a pious and virtuous course of life. I am sensible it is difficult to write with prop- er delicacy, concerning publications which have been made by one's self; especially if they have been attended with any demonstrations of public favour and respect. I hope, however, that in the preceding account of the "Power of Religion on the Mind," I have not deviated from the dictates of propriety ; and that, in the narrative and ob- servations, which I may hereafter make, respect- ing my other literary productions, I shall be care- ful to offer nothing which may not be warranted by the occasion, and the nature of the subject. These productions have occupied so material a part of my life, and engaged so much of my study and attention, that I shall not, perhaps, be censured, for dwelling upon them with some de- gree of particularity. At the close of the year 1794, 1 was seized with a severe illness, which continued for many weeks ; and reduced me to so feeble a state, that my recovery was much doubted. During the continuance of this affliction, I was often de- sirous, that, if it were the will of Divine Provi- dence, I might be removed from this state of trouble, and landed safely, as I hoped through infinite mercy I should be, on those happy shores, where there is neither sickness nor sorrow. But I must acknowledge, that this desire of being released from life, and its attendant trials, was not consistent with that reverence and resigna- tion to the will of God, which are due to him from all his rational creatures. He who notices the fall of every sparrow, sees us in all our afflic- tions; and knows how to support us under them, and the proper time to deliver us from their pressure; and he will assuredly do what he knows to be best for us. From the greatest dis- tresses, good may proceed : our spirits may re- ceive additional refinement ; and our example of piofas, humble submission, may be edifying and consoling to our friends and others. I have, in the course of forty years, been vis- ited with many illnesses, some of which have been very painful, and brought me near the gates of death. But I have always had the happiness to perceive, that they were a necessary and sal- utary discipline, replete with instruction of the most important nature, and better for me, than if I had enjoyed a uniform tenour of health and strength. In reflecting upon them, I have been 89 so fully convinced of their utility, that I view them as concealed blessings; and have reason to be very grateful to Divine Providence, for this mixture of bitters with the sweets of life. There are many powerful reasons, for our bearing with patience, resignation, and even with cheerfulness, the bodily afflictions with which we are visited. It is the will of God that we should be subject to them. Pain and death are the appointment of Divine Providence, as the lot of man: and therefore, to endure them, with composure and reverence, is our duty. They are designed to let us see our weakness ; the in- sufficiency of the things of time to make us happy; and the necessity of providing for a better state. They tend to refine our minds, to exalt our views, and prepare us for future hap- piness. "These light afflictions, which are but for a moment, work for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory." They form a part of the punishment for sin in general, and often for particular sins. " Why doth a living man complain ; a man for the punishment of his sin?" How light is this correction, when it is compared with what we deserve ! If this, joined to the other sorrows of life, be all the chastise- ment we are to receive, for our ingratitude and numerous offences, how cheerfully should it be endured; especially when the great recompense, 14 90 at last, is contemplated ! Our afflictions, or our works, how grievous or how great soever they may be, can not, indeed, be a satisfaction for sin, and the ground of our acceptance by Heaven. These transcendent blessings are derived to us from an infinitely higher source, the sacrifice and merits of the Redeemer of the world, through the medium of our faith. But works that are truly good, are not to be undervalued. They are the genuine fruits and evidences of true faith ; they are acceptable to the God of love and mercy; and they are required by him, as our indispensable duties. These views of Divine Providence and Grace, if they were thoroughly impressed on our minds, would have a strong tendency to reconcile us, not only to bodily afflictions, but to all the dis- tresses and trials, which the wisdom and good- ness of our heavenly Father may be pleased to appoint for us. I was often solicited to compose and publish a Grammar of the English language, for the use of some teachers, who were not perfectly satisfied with any of the existing grammars. I declined, for a considerable time, complying with this re- quest, from a consciousness of my inability to do the subject that justice, which would be expected in a new publication of this nature. But being much pressed to undertake the work, I, at length, 91 turned my attention seriously to it. I conceived that a grammar containing a careful selection of the most useful matter, and an adaptation of it to the understanding, and the gradual progress of learners, with a special regard to the propriety and purity of all the examples and illustrations ; would be some improvement on the English grammars which had fallen under my notice. With this impression, I ventured to produce the first edition of a work on this subject. It ap- peared in the spring of the year 1795. I will not assert, that I have accomplished all that I proposed. But the approbation and the sale which the book obtained, have given me some reason to believe, that I have not altogether fail- ed in my endeavours to elucidate the subject, and to facilitate the labours of both teachers and learners of English grammar. In a short time after the appearance of the work, a second edition was called for. This un- expected demand, induced me to revise and enlarge the book. It soon obtained an extensive circulation. And the repeated editions through which it passed in a few years, encouraged me, at length, to improve and extend it still further ; and, in particular, to support, by some critical discussions, the principles upon which many of its positions are founded. 9:2 Soon after the Grammar had been published, I was persuaded to compose a volume of Exercises, calculated to correspond with, and illustrate, by copious examples, all the rules of the Grammar, both principal and subordinate. At the same time, I formed a Key to the Exercises, designed for the convenience of teachers, and for the use of young persons, who had left school, and who might be desirous, at their leisure, to improve themselves in grammatical studies and perspicu- ous composition. In forming these two latter volumes, my design was, not only to exercise the student's ingenuity, in correcting the sentences ; and to excite him to the study of grammar, by the pleasure of feeling his own powers and pro- gress: but to introduce, for his imitation, a great number of sentences, selected from the best writers, and distinguished by their perspicuity and elegance; and to imbue his mind with sentiments of the highest importance, by inter- weaving principles of piety and virtue with the study of language. The Exercises and Key were published in 1797 ; and met with a greater sale than I could have supposed. The approba- tion they received made ample amends to me, for the time and labour I had bestowed upon them. And I was encouraged, in the same year, to make an Abridgment of the Grammar, for the use of minor schools, and for those who were 93 beginning to study the language. The four volumes being intimately connected, mutually supported and recommended each other. And this circumstance, I believe, induced many teachers to adopt them in their seminaries of education. As these books, except the Abridgment, were reprinted at York, I consented to correct the press ; by which, I presume, they appeared with a greater degree of accuracy, (a point of consider- able importance to books designed for schools,) than if they had not received the author's in- spection. This circumstance contributed to occupy some of my leisure hours ; and, for a time, afforded a little amusement. Inconvenient as the employment afterwards proved, when it increased much beyond my expectation, I still continued it, with a hope that it would be pro- ductive of good effects. My examination of the new editions, gave occasion to many corrections and considerable enlargements ; which I flatter myself, have improved the books, and rendered them less unworthy of the extensive patronage which they have received. In the course of my literary labours, I found that the mental exercise which accompanied them, was not a little beneficial to my health. The motives which excited me to write, and the objects which I hoped to accomplish, were of a 94 nature calculated to cheer the mind, and to give the animal spirits a salutary impulse. I am per* suaded, that if I had suffered my time to pass away, with little or no employment, my health would have been still more impaired, my spirits depressed, and perhaps my life considerably shortened. I have therefore reason to deem it a happiness, and a source of gratitude to Divine Providence, that I was enabled, under my bodily weakness and confinement, to turn my attention to the subjects which have, for so many years, afforded me abundant occupation. I think it is incumbent upon us, whatever may be our privations, to cast our eyes around, and endeav- our to discover, whether there are not some means yet left us, of doing good to ourselves and to others ; that our lights may, in some degree, shine in every situation, and, if possible, be ex- tinguished only with our lives. The quantum of good which, under such circumstances, we do, ought not to disturb or affect us. If we perform what we are able to perform, how little soever it may be, it is enough ; it will be accept- able in the sight of Him, who knows how to estimate exactly all our actions, by comparing them with our disposition and ability. These considerations, joined to the unexpected success which I had met with in my publications^ encouraged me to persevere in my literary pur- 95 suits. I engaged in a work, which appeared to me likely to prove of peculiar advantage to the rising generation. This was a compilation con- taining some of the most esteemed pieces in the language, both in prose and poetry : which are at once calculated to promote correct reading ; to give a taste for justness of thought, and ele- gance of composition; and to inculcate pious and virtuous sentiments. This work I entitled, "The English Reader:" and I was pleased to find that my hopes respecting it, were not disap- pointed. The book was introduced, as I wished it to be, into many schools and private families; and it has been often reprinted. The approbation given to the English Reader, induced me to publish an " Introduction" and a " Sequel" to that book. These three volumes pursue the same subjects; they all aim at a chaste and guarded education of young persons. And I have great satisfaction in reflecting, that whilst they contain many selections which pre- sent the moral virtues, religion, and the Christian religion in particular, in very amiable points of view, not a sentiment has been admitted into any of them, which can pain the most virtuous mind, or give the least offence to the eye or ear of modesty. The recommendations which these books re- ceived, for the chastity and correctness of seuti- 96 merit, which distinguish the pieces they contain, persuaded me to believe, that a collection, in French, on similar principles, and made from some of the finest writers ; would be received by the public, with some degree of approbation. Animated by this expectation, I produced in the year 1802, a compilation entitled, "Lecteur Franois;" and in 1807, another, with the title of " Introduction au Lecteur Fran9ois." As the contents of both these volumes are extracted from authors of reputation, and are particularly guarded in point of sentiment and morality, I hoped that they would be acceptable to teachers of schools, and private instructers, as well as to the young persons who were under their care, and others who wished to improve themselves in the language. I have had no reason to regret the time and pains, which I employed, in preparing and producing these volumes. In foreign lan- guages, not less than in English, it is of high importance, that youth should be presented with books inculcating sound morality, and purified from every thing, which might stain the delicacy of their minds. And I trust that, in these res- pects, as well as with regard to purity of style and justness of composition, these volumes will bear the strictest examination. In the year 1804, 1 published a Spelling Book. When it first occurred to me to compose this 97 little book, and for some time afterwards, the work appeared to be of so very humble a nature, that I was not in much haste to set about it. On reflecting, however, that a Spelling book is com- monly the threshold of learning; and that by in- troducing into it a number of easy reading les- sons, calculated to attract attention, the infant mind might be imbued with the love of goodness, and led to approve and practise many duties connected with early life ; my hesitation was re- moved, and, after a considerable time, the work was completed. But I found it much more diffi- cult than I expected. The adaptation of lessons to the young capacity, and the exactness required in the gradations of instruction, appeared to de- mand all the judgment and attention of which I was master; and probably called for much more than I possessed. After many essays, I came at length to the end of my labour. I made it a point, in composing the Spelling book, to introduce no matter that is foreign to the objects which such a work ought to have in view; and I was studi- ous to bring the latter reading lessons to such a state of advancement, as would form an easy and natural connexion between this book and the " Introduction to the English Reader." From the friend whom I am now addressing-, c5' and at whose request these Memoirs are written, I certainly received much valuable, and very 15 98 material, assistance, in compiling the Spelling Book, The Introduction to the English Reader, and the two volumes hi French ; and I can not, with propriety, omit, on the present occasion, the acknowledgment of this co-operation. It is also proper to add, in this place, that I received from the same hand, and from a number of my literary correspondents, many very useful sug- gestions and criticisms, with respect to my English Grammar, and some of my other pub- lications. Those hints and criticisms have un- doubtedly contributed, in no small degree, to improve the books, and to render them less unworthy of the attention which they have re- ceived from the public. As I was desirous that my publications should have a circulation as extensive as I could procure for them, I sold the copyrights to one of the first houses in London. These booksellers had it in their power to spread them very diffusively; and they have done it perfectly to my satisfac- tion. They gave a liberal price for the books : and I must say, that in all our transactions to- gether, which have not been very limited, they have demonstrated great honour and upright- ness, and entirely justified my confidence and ex- pectations. I have great pleasure in knowing that the purchase of the copyrights has proved highly advantageous to them: and though it has turned 99 out much more lucrative, than was at first con- templated, they are fully entitled to the benefit. Such contracts always have in them some degree of hazard; and it was possible that these might have been attended with little or no profit. But my views in writing and publishing were not of a pecuniary nature. My great objects were, as I before observed, to be instrumental in doing a little good to others, to youth in particu- lar; and to give my mind a rational and salutary employment. It was, I believe, my early deter- mination, that if any profits should arise from my literary labours, I would apply them, not to my own private use, but to charitable purposes, and for the benefit of others. My income was sufficient to support the expenses of my family, and to allow of a little to spare ; and I had not any children to provide for. There was conse- quently no inducement to warrant me, in devia- ting from the determination I had made : and as I have hitherto adhered, I trust I shall con- tinue faithfully to adhere, to my original views and intentions. By these observations, I do not design any censure on those writers, who apply the profits of their works, to increase the amount of their property. Many persons, from their situation, their connexions, and other considera- tions, find this application proper or necessary. Every case must be decided by its own peculiar 100 circumstances ; and whilst we claim indulgence to our own sentiments and conduct, we should be liberally disposed to make every allowance for those who think and act differently. After the Grammar and the books connected with it, had passed through many editions, the proprietors conceived that an edition of the whole, in two volumes octavo, on fine paper, and in a large letter, would be well received by the public ; and I embraced the opportunity, to improve the work, by many additions which I conceived to be appropriate. These occupied about one hundred pages of the first volume. In its present form, the publication is designed for the use of persons who may think it merits a place in their libraries. To this privilege it may, perhaps, be allowed to aspire, as a work con- taining a pretty extensive exhibition of the principles of English grammar, and a copious illustration of those principles ; with the addition of some positions and discussions, which I per- suade myself are not destitute of originality. It will, therefore, I venture to hope, serve as a book of reference, to refresh the memory, and, in some degree, to employ the curiosity of per- sons who are skilled in grammar, as well as to extend the knowledge of those who wish to im- prove themselves in the art. This octavo edition of the Grammar appeared in 1808. It was fa- 101 vourably received ; and a new edition of it was ordered in the course of a few months. At this period, I had the satisfaction to per- ceive, that all my literary productions were approved ; and that most of them were advan- cing in the public estimation. But 1 was fully persuaded that an author ought to terminate his labours, before the tide of favour begins to turn ; and before he incurs the charge of being so in- fected with the morbid humour for writing, as not to have the discretion to know when to stop. I was so sensible of what was due to the public, for their favourable reception of my productions, that I was extremely unwilling to forfeit their approbation, by presuming too much on what 1 had experienced. It appears to be better to retire from the field of public labour, with some advantages, than to incur the risk of losing all, or of impairing what had been acquired, by feeble and unsuccessful efforts to obtain more. I may add to these observations, that I had, per- haps, pursued this mode of employment rather too closely ; and that I wished for more leisure to prosecute other studies. Influenced by these various motives, I have closed my literary la- bours, for the present at least ; and I shall not resume them, unless some special considerations should alter my views of the subject. There will, I trust, still remain for me, other sources of 102 employment, and some degree of usefulness, bet- ter adapted to circumstances, and to my grow- ing infirmities of body. It may not be improper for me on this occa- sion, to express the comfortable hope which I entertain, that, notwithstanding my infirmities and privations, I have been an instrument of some good to others, by my studies and publica- tions. This is a source of grateful acknowledg- ment to the Giver of all good, and Disposer of all events. But I must not be misunderstood. I arrogate nothing to myself; I have nothing to boast of. If I have done any thing that is ac- ceptable to God, it has been but little ; and that little has been produced by his gracious assist- ance, and accepted for the sake of Jesus Christ. In reflecting on my errors and transgressions through life, my numberless omissions of what I ought to have done, and commissions of what I ought not to have done, I perceive abundant cause for deep humiliation ; and for esteeming very lightly, and exceedingly defective, my en- deavours to promote the interests of virtue, and to do the will of my heavenly Father. I have occasionally, in these Memoirs, made some observations on the importance of learning and knowledge to the human mind : but it may not be improper to express my sentiments more explicitly, on this interesting subject. I con- 103 sider these attainments, as of so great conse- quence to us, in civil, moral, and religious points of view, that it would be difficult to calculate the benefits which they produce. And yet, like most, if not all other, advantages, they may be overvalued, misapplied, or pursued to excess. This is unhappily the case, when they nourish pride and vanity ; occupy too much of our time; or interfere with the great duties of loving and serving our Creator, and promoting the welfare, spiritual or temporal, of our fellow-creatures. All our duties of every kind, all the rational and allowable concerns of life, are perfectly consist- ent, and harmonize together, when they are pur- sued according to their respective importance, and in due subordination to one an other. If, therefore, in the acquisition of learning and knowledge, and in the enjoyments which they af- ford us, we perceive that the supreme love of God prevails in our hearts; that the interests and happiness of others are warmly and properly felt; and that our own well-being hereafter, is the chief aim and concern of our lives; we may se- curely trust, that our studies and literary engage- ments, are not only innocent and allowable, but conducive to the great ends of our existence. These, indeed, appear to be the true tests, by which we may ascertain the rectitude of all our views and pursuits. 104 In the prosecution of classical learning, not only the limitations and tendencies just men- tioned, are to be regarded, but peculiar caution and restraint are requisite, especially in the edu- cation of young persons. It will doubtless be admitted, that several of the ancient celebrated authors contain passages which, in point of reli- gion, morality, and even decency, are very ex- ceptionable ; that they have a strong tendency to corrupt the tender minds of youth ; and to leave impressions which, in mature years, may foster their depravities, or, at least, increase the conflicts of virtue. There are, indeed, ^ome editions of the classics, which have received a considerable degree of purgation; for which the world is not a little indebted to the worthy labourers in this depart- ment of literature.* But there is, perhaps, much yet remaining, in several of them, which calls for the purifying operations of some judicious, learned, and conscientious persons. And till this complete purification takes place, I conceive it is of high importance, that a scrupulously se- lected number of these ancient works should be adopted, not in a few only, but in all our clas- sical seminaries. * A purified edition of the British Poets, was also an object which Mr. Murray had much at heart. EDITOR. 105 This selection would doubtless exclude some books, which are distinguished by the simplicity and elegance of their style, and the correctness of their composition. But this sacrifice would be of little moment, compared with the great benefits which it would produce. Fine language and beautiful composition prove the more dan- gerous, when they are the vehicles of corrupt and pernicious sentiments. They certainly can never compensate for the wounds to virtue, which they serve so deeply, and so often per- manently, to inflict. The exclusion of the ob- jectionable books above alluded to, would be of less consequence, and the less to be regretted, because there would still remain a considerable number and variety of ancient authors, in prose and verse, abundantly sufficient for the classical education of young persons. After all the care that can be taken, in select- ing the best and most purified of those celebrated writers, there will still be found amongst them, great defects in the religion and morality which they inculcate. Much imperfection may remain even where positive vice is excluded. It would, therefore, be of singular advantage to the youth- ful mind, if teachers would, on all proper occa- sions, remark to their pupils these imperfections; and contrast them with the pure and perfect principles of the Christian religion. The ne- 16 106 cessity and importance of Christianity to man- kind, and many of its distinguishing doctrines and precepts, would, by this means, be evinced and unfolded to young persons. And it may be reasonably presumed that, in numerous instan- ces, this procedure would not only make the hap- piest impressions on their susceptible minds, but prepare them for an attachment to our holy reli- gion, which no sophistry or scorn of the infidel, no intercourse with the world, would ever be able to destroy. I have no doubt that the prac- tice I am recommending, is approved and ob- served, by many instructers of youth. But it is highly desirable, that a practice so eminently useful, should be universally adopted by classical teachers, both public and private, as an indis- pensable part of education. At the close of the year 1808, I met with a most affecting event, in the death of my youngest sister, the wife of Gilbert Golden Willett. She had been, for nearly a year, much indisposed ; and the disorder made a gradual progress, till it put a period to her mortal existence, in the forty- fifth year of her age. From the letters of my relations, which mention her decease, and the circumstances attending it, I have derived great consolation. She was so patient, so fully re- signed to the will of God, and so well prepared to leave the world, and enter into a state of 107 blessedness ; that we have no cause to mourn on her account. She has, doubtless, commenced that life, which is free from temptation and sor- row ; and in which she will be unspeakably hap- py for ever. I rejoice that 1 have had such a sis- ter; and I trust that the recollection of her pious and bright example, will prove, through life, a source of thankfulness, and an additional incen- tive to virtue. As I feel so deeply interested in this event, I think that an account of some of her expressions, and her deportment, at and near the closing scene, will not be deemed unsuitable to v a narrative which relates the chief occurrences of my life. For several weeks before her death, she was at times affected with exquisite bodily pain, and was often nearly suffocated by the disorder of her lungs. But her own distresses, which were borne with great patience, did not prevent her from attending to the feelings and situation of her husband and children, her rela- tions and friends. She was solicitous to dimin- ish their care, and to relieve their anxiety about her, as much as possible. Though her hope and trust in the mercy of God, through Jesus Christ, were strong and un- shaken, yet she was very humble, and thought but little of her own attainments. To a person w r ho expressed a desire to take pattern after her, she meekly replied : " I desire to take pattern 108 after the Lord Jesus Christ." In one of her in- tervals of relief from great pain, a person in the room calling her blessed, she answered ; " Not yet blessed." And to her husband who said, he was sure she was going to be happy, she replied : " Not sure, my love ; we can not be sure : but I trust in the mercy of the Almighty." At an other time, her husband speaking of her goodness, as the ground of a lively hope, she put her hand on his lips, as if to silence him on the subject of herself. On observing the grief of her sister, at a particular time, she said to her; " I hope there is no cause for grief:" and, on an other occasion, when her sister was much distressed with be- holding her extreme agony of body, she lifted up her finger, with a view to recommend to her submission to the will of God. Perceiving her husband to be in great afflic- tion she said to him : " Remember who it is that inflicts the blow. It is intended for your good ; and, I trust, for mine." At one time, just after she had recovered from great difficulty in breathing, she said to her friends who were near her : " Fix your heart upon God, arid he will support you in an hour like this. Be good, and you will be happy." To one of her domestics, she addressed herself thus : " Farewell, my dear Remember my advice. If I am happy, 109 you may be so too. You have, I believe, a good heart. May God Almighty bless you!" With great composure, she gave her husband particular directions respecting her funeral: and, at the same time, desired him to communicate her love to her absent relations, mentioning most of them by their names. She expressed a tender concern, that these observations might not afflict him ; and said, that she should not be taken away the sooner, for having made them. It appeared, through the whole of her deport- ment, that though her heart and views were directed towards heaven, she did not forget the duties that remained to be performed upon earth. She thanked her husband, in the most affectionate manner, for his attentions to her; and expressed regret that he had suffered so much confinement. With a countenance unus- ually expressive, she said to him : " My beloved husband, I believe I have been favoured with the sweet spirit of my blessed Saviour. O, the comfort and consolation afforded to my soul! He will support me on this trying occasion. Look to him, my dear : he will sustain you ; and enable you to be an example to our dear chil- dren. O, that you and they, and all my rela- tions and friends, may feel that pleasing hope, which will support you during life ! You must patiently acquiesce in the Divine will. I have, 110 for many years^een a poor, feeble woman : but now my strength and hope are great in Him who gave, and in Him who taketh away ; blessed be his holy name !" The day preceding her death, she put up a prayer to her heavenly Father, beseeching him, in a sweet and melodious voice, that he would be pleased to bless her beloved husband, her dear sisters, and her lovely and loving children ; saying that he could take much better care of them than she was able to do. The same day, whilst she was supported to sit up in bed, she expressed a desire to see her chil- dren, and to speak to them. They came to her; and kneeled down at her bed side, that they might the more reverently attend to the expres- sions of their dying mother. This was a most affecting scene, which totally overcame her hus- band, who was taken out of the room. Her weak- ness of body was so great, that she was just able to give them her last blessing, and to take leave of them, individually, in these expressive words: " Farewell, my beloved !" To her other rela- tions and friends who were present, she gave her hand with the utmost composure, as a token of her love, and final separation from them in this world. The awful period was now approaching, in which her spirit was to sustain its last conflict. Ill When she was near her end, and in great distress of body, she still felt for the sorrows of her hus- band ; and fearing that the scene would tod much affect him, she waved her hand, as a signal for him to leave the room. In about half an hour after this, her pains abated ; and she calm- ly breathed her last, without sigh or groan, ut- tering these consoling words, expressive of her piety and faith : " Sweet Jesus, take me to thy- self!" Thus terminated the life of this good and pious sister ; who exchanged, 1 doubt not, the sorrows of time for the joys of eternity. Though her trials and afflictions were great, yet com- pared with the happiness she now enjoys, and which she will for endless ages enjoy, they are lighter than can be conceived ; and deserve no consideration but that which is derived from their salutary effects. I have reason to believe, that she found the troubles and disappointments of this life, a great incitement to piety and vir- tue ; a powerful motive to look for that felici- ty in a better world, which she perceived was not to be met with in this. One source of per- petual gratitude and praises to her gracious Benefactor, will doubtless be, the afflictions which his good Providence saw meet to dispense, in order to wean her from too great an attach- ment to the things of this life. When we view 112 afflictions in this light, they almost lose their na- ture ; and dispose us to receive them as friendly visiters, as blessings in disguise. I have, at length, after many delays and in- terruptions, brought the Memoirs of my life to the present period, the spring of the year 1809 ; and I hope I shall be able to finish the work, in my next letter. I am, with much respect arid regard, &c. iia LETTER VI. My dear Friend, I SHALL close the account which 1 had undertaken to give of the chief events of my life, with a few reflections and observations, which naturally arise on the review of scenes and transactions that so intimately concern me* I have often deeply regretted, and, if memory lasts, I shall often regret through life, that a great part of my time has been spent in too earnest a pursuit of the enjoyments of this transient scene, and in little attention to the interests of a life that is infinitely better. I always approved of that wisdom, which provides for a distant and permanent happiness, especially an eternal hap- piness, though to obtain it many sacrifices of temporary pleasures are to be made ; and I was fully persuaded, that a course of piety and virtue, notwithstanding the trials which attend it, is 17 114 productive of more solid satisfaction, than all the enjoyments with which the most prosperous worldly pursuits are accompanied. I knew that the consciousness of doing well, the approbation of Heaven, and the well grounded hope of future felicity, are sufficient to raise the mind above all the troubles of time, and to give it a dignity and peace, which nothing earthly can confer. But the busy scenes, and the allurements of the world, were before me, and attracting my at- tention. The animation produced by flattering prospects ; an undue solicitude for the appro- bation of others; the example of numbers around me, in the earnest pursuit of honours, riches, or pleasures; and the expectation that a more con- venient season would arrive, for a truly self- denying and serious course of life ; all concurred to insnare my heart, and to induce me to post- pone, or to pursue irresolutely, those objects which I hoped would, some time or other, form my greatest concern. I did not properly reflect, as I ought to have done, that, besides losing, through these unhappy delays, a great deal of true and solid enjoyment, I rendered the paths of religion more difficult, by strengthening the habits of folly and procrastination ; and laid up for myself a store of afflictive recollections dur- ing life. 115 Time thus misemployed, could not, however, be recalled ; and it was deeply incumbent upon me, to occupy that which remained, in a very different manner ; in gratitude, love, and obe- dience, to my gracious Preserver and Benefac- tor. How happy Avould it be for us, if we were accustomed, in early life especially, to reflect on the nature of sinful indulgences, and their bitter fruits! We should then be disposed, often and earnestly, to pray to God for preservation; and we should escape many gloomy and sorrowful retro- spects. There are periods of our lives, when the sins of youth, as well as those of more advanced years, appear with all their peculiar aggravations, and sometimes occasion great dejection and per- plexity of mind. Though they may seem to sleep for a while, they will assuredly, at some time or other, rise up, and trouble our repose. These are urgent motives to resist the tempta- tions to evil, and to prevent the distressing re- flections by which it is followed. But though the violations of duty, and the sense of our demerits, are productive of such un- easy retrospects; and often induce us, emphati- cally to say, as the patriarch Jacob did, in a time of great perplexity and trouble; "I am not worthy of the least of all thy mercies ;" yet we are not to despond, under this discouraging 116 view of our condition : a gracious remedy is pro- vided, for all these regrets and distresses. To those who truly repent, and believe in Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of the world, a comfortable hope is afforded, that, through his atonement arid intercession, their heavenly Father will par- don all their sins ; prepare them, by the opera- tions of his Holy Spirit, for an admittance into his blessed kingdom; and animate them with gratitude, love, and praises to him, both now and for ever. It is scarcely necessary to observe, that whilst I condemn myself, for rating too highly, and pursuing too ardently, the good things of this life, I do not mean to insinuate, that they can not be innocently enjoyed, or that they are to be undervalued by those whose hearts are fixed on a better world. We sometimes, however, meet with persons of a serious and peculiar cast of mind, who declaim against the enjoyments of life, not only as things of short duration ; but as vani- ties which are not worth our attention, and above which the pious man is so far elevated, as to look down upon them with contempt. This is a sentiment which, 1 think, ought not, on any occasion, to be indulged. The follies and vani- ties of life, are, indeed, to be despised ; and they are despised, by those who are truly good. But 117 the provision which Divine Providence has gra- ciously made, for our accommodation and com- fort, as we pass through this world, demands the attention of a wise and religious man; and it should be received with gratitude to the Giver of every good gift. How elevated soever his mind may be above this transient scene, he con- templates its lawful enjoyments as happily suited to his present state of existence ; and he par- takes of them with a cheerful and thankful heart. On this subject the devout Addison has beauti- fully and gratefully expressed his sentiments. Ten thousand thousand precious gifts, My daily thanks employ ; Nor is the least a cheerful heart, That tastes those gifts with joy. Through ev'ry period of my life, Thy goodness I'll pursue ; And after death, in distant worlds, The glorious theme renew. At the same time that the pious and grateful man perceives, that to him belongs "the promise of the life that now is," as well as " of that which is to come," he is deeply sensible of the dan- ger and temptations to which he is exposed; and he feels it his duty to keep a perpetual watch, lest the continual and urgent solicitation 118 of the pleasant things around him, should draw away his heart from the love of God, and a proper concern for his future happiness. He is anxious to set a due and proportionate value on all the Divine gifts, spiritual and temporal. I can con- ceive of no higher wisdom, or greater enjoy- ment on earth, than this grateful sense of Divine bounty; this due subordination of earthly to heavenly blessings ; joined to a steady reliance on the goodness and mercy of God, for his pro- tection through this life, and an inheritance in his blessed kingdom for ever. Compared with these pious and rational enjoyments, all the vain pleasures of a worldly life, spent in forgetfulness of our great Benefactor, are, indeed, light as air, and empty as the bubbles of the deep. With regard to the privations and trials, with which it has pleased Divine Providence to visit me, I hope I may say, without assuming too much to myself, that I have long acquiesced in my lot, with resignation and cheerfulness. Though I have had for more than twenty years, great debility of body, and almost constant con- finement, proceeding from my inability to walk, I do not recollect that, in the course of this trying period, I ever repined at my situation, or expressed a dissatisfied sentiment respecting it, except on one occasion. This happened in the 119 tirst year of my indisposition, and was produced by the following circumstance. I had made con- siderable efforts to overcome the disorder with which I was affected. But perceiving no good effect from any of them, I began to be tolerably reconciled to my condition. At this time, an o- her physician was called in, to assist the family doctor ; and by his earnest recommendation, I was induced to take a particular medicine, from which he and myself anticipated much benefit. But instead of being useful, it proved injurious to me. The sanguine hope of relief which I had indulged, made me feel the disappointment very severely: and contemplating, at that moment, my prime of life, and the prosperous circum- stances with which I was surrounded, I foolishly said, it was hard that I should be deprived of health, at a time when it appeared to be so pe- culiarly desirable. This expression was scarce- ly uttered, when my heart condemned me for its rashness. I felt remorse for this want of sub- mission to Divine Providence ; and was much humbled under the sense of my folly. The painful reflections which I had, on this occasion, probably contributed to make me more guarded, in future, against the admission of thoughts so unjust and irreverent. There has, indeed, amidst all my privations, been no cause for murmuring. I have possessed so many comforts, so many 120 sources of real enjoyment, that I have often thought my debility and confinement could scarcely be called an affliction. And I sincerely lament, that I have so little improved the bles- sings which have been conferred upon me. When I contemplate my own unworthiness, and the goodness of God to me, through the whole course of my life, I feel that I can not be too humble, nor too grateful for his manifold mercies. I can not, indeed, be sufficiently thank- ful for them. Amidst the numerous blessings which I have received, it has afforded me pecul- iar satisfaction, that I have been disposed to ascribe them all to Him, as the Origin and Giver of every thing that is good ; as the Parent, Re- deemer, and Sanctifier, of men. If I consider him as my Creator and Preserver; as the Author of the laws and operations of nature; as the Control- ler and Director of these laws and operations ; as the immediate Bestower of benefits ; or, as our Deliverer from sin and misery, and our hope of eternal life, through the sacrifice and merits of his beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ: I per- ceive that he is the Source whence every bles- sing is derived, and the great object of gratitude and love. But as this is a subject of high import- ance, and on which I love to dwell, my friend will not, I am sure, think it improper, if I express myself upon it with more particularity. 121 As my Creator and Preserver, I owe to him all the faculties of my soul and hody, all the capa- cities which I have for the enjoyment of corpo- real, intellectual, and spiritual ohjects; and, consequently, all the advantage and pleasure that I have received from these sources. As the Author of the laws of nature, of the material, animal, and rational world, I am in- debted to him for every benefit, which I have derived from this grand system of Divine wis- dom and goodness. He has not only given me powers to receive happy impressions, but he has arranged and disposed his works, so that their regular operations supply those powers with objects, which are calculated to employ and gratify them. When this great machine of nature, or any part of it, produces in me plea- surable or beneficial effects, 1 must attribute them all to its beneficent Author, who superin- tends and permits these operations. If I am, at any time, enabled to conduct myself so hap- pily, as to receive particular benefits from this arrangement and operation of second causes, I still owe them all to Him, who has both pre- sented the feast, and given me power to partake of it, and liberty to choose what is best for me. If, therefore, I am tempted to ascribe any thing exclusively to myself, from the right use of my 18 122 ability, as a free agent, I am instantly checked by the reflection, that this ability itself is the gift of God. I can not, on this occasion, avoid making a few observations, respecting this important sen- timent, the free agency of man. Whatever diffi- culties attend the subject, and how perplexed soever it may have been rendered, by the rea- sonings of subtle and ingenious disputants ; I never had a doubt of its existence. The con- sciousness which we have of such a power in the human mind, and the necessity there is for it, in order to make us accountable beings ; the cor- respondent declarations of the Holy Scriptures, and the dealings of God with men, which always suppose them to be free and moral agents ; afford such evidence of the truth of this fundamental article of religion, as appears to me irresistible. If we are unable rationally to explain this prin- ciple of action, and to reconcile it with other great truths ; we should reflect, that our intel- lectual powers are of a very limited nature ; that there are many things which we do not under- stand, but which we firmly believe ; some points of doctrine which we must admit, without being, at present, able to explain them. That profound philosopher, the venerable Locke, entertained the most unshaken belief, both in the prescience 123 of the Divine Being, and in the free agency of man ; though he confessed that his finite capaci- ty was not able to reconcile them. -When we have sufficient evidence for truths which we can not clearly comprehend, and humbly submit to that evidence, faith becomes a special virtue, and weakness is converted into strength. I will not pursue this subject any further, but proceed in my remarks on the benefits we receive, and in tracing the great Object of our gratitude. As the Controller and Director of the laws of nature, I am under peculiar obligations to him, for all the comforts and benefits, which, in con- sequence of this direction, I have received. This divine interposition to overrule, and ap- point the operation of second causes, natural and moral, and make them answer his sovereign purposes, constitutes the special government and providence of God. And all the good obtained, and evil avoided, from this interposition, must be attributed to Him, who not only superintends, but rules and directs, all things, according to his pleasure ; who can turn aside impending calam- ities, and convert that into good, which, in its natural progress or design, would have been pro- ductive of injury to us. If I consider the Divine Being, as immediately influencing my mind, by the operation of his 124 Holy Spirit; consoling me under affliction; guarding me in prosperity; strengthening my faith ; animating me to piety and virtue, and supporting me in temptation ; I perceive that he is eminently entitled to my gratitude and praise, for all the blessings which I receive by these gracious communications. He has access to the human mind, and knows all its wants and imperfections; and he has promised to give the Holy Spirit, to be a light and defence, a support and comfort, to those who implore his assistance, and put their trust in the Divine Redeemer of the world. And most assuredly he does not fail to perform these sacred promises to the children of men, though the mode of his communications is incomprehensible. I consider myself as under deep obligations to God, for the trials and afflictions with which he has been pleased to visit me, as well as for the prosperous events of my life. They have been the corrections and restraints of a wise and mer- ciful Father; and may justly be ranked among the number of my choicest blessings. I am firm- ly persuaded, that cross occurrences, and ad- verse situations, may be improved by us to the happiest purposes. The spirit of resignation to the will of Heaven, which they inculcate, and the virtuous exertions to which they prompt us, in 125 order to make the best of our condition, not only often greatly amend it, but confer on the mind a strength and elevation, which dispose it to survey with less attachment the transient things of time, and to desire more earnestly the eternal happiness of an other world. I must not omit to mention, on this occasion, that I consider it as a distinguished felicity, de- manding the most grateful acknowledgments to Almighty God, that I have lived in a part of the world, which has been enlightened by the rays of the Gospel ; where the Holy Scriptures, in their genuine purity and excellence, are read and understood ; and where many bright exam- ples of piety and virtue, in the various ranks and walks of life, demonstrate the divine efficacy of the sublime truths and precepts of Christianity. This is a blessing which it is difficult fully to appreciate. A survey of the condition of those nations, in point of religion and morality, on whom the light of the Gospel has not yet shone, may afford us some conception of our inestima- ble privilege, in possessing this Sacred Volume: which, as an excellent writer* observes, " has God for its author ; salvation for its end ; and truth, without any mixture of error, for its matter." * Locke. 126 From the preceding enumeration and view of these most interesting subjects, even in so con- cise and imperfect a manner, it must be evident, that all our benefits, by whatever means they are conveyed to us, are derived from God, the Fountain of life and goodness. And it is scarcely possible to contemplate the blessings which have been so abundantly bestowed upon us ; and to reflect on our own unworthiness; without being deeply sensible of these mercies, and rendering to our Divine Benefactor the tribute of thanks- giving and praise. On this occasion, the exam- ple and devotional spirit of the sweet Psalmist of Israel, naturally present themselves to our minds. He was often and strongly impressed with sentiments of this nature: particularly when he composed the one hundred and third Psalm; in which he thus pours forth his grateful emotions. " Bless the Lord, O my soul ! and all that is within me bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul ! and forget not all his benefits : who for- giveth all thine iniquities : who healeth all thine infirmities : who redeemeth thy life from de- struction ; and crowneth thee with loving kind- ness and tender mercies." This devout prince was ever ready to ascribe all the blessings of his life to the goodness of God ; and took great de- light in recounting his favours, and acknowledg- 127 ing his care and protection. These duties apply to us also; and they are enforced by the most important and interesting considerations. When we reflect on the universal presence of the Deity, his perfect knowledge of all things, and his gracious declaration, that we are so much regarded by him, that the very hairs of our head are numbered; can we have the least hesitation in acknowledging his goodness, and his most par- ticular providence ? his continual, watchful at- tention over us, and all our concerns, in order to promote our comfort here, and to train us up for happiness hereafter? Should not the knowl- edge of his sacred presence and guardianship, excite us also to the utmost circumspection, in our thoughts, words, and actions ? Have we not abundant encouragement, in all our spiritual and temporal exigencies, to apply to him, with filial confidence, for the aid of his Holy Spirit, to en- lighten, relieve, and support us ? Surrounded as we are with danger and temptations, and ex- posed to the assaults of subtle and powerful enemies, how consoling and animating is the thought, that the Lord of heaven and earth knows perfectly our situation; perceives with complacency every virtuous conflict ; and gra- ciously interests himself, as a Father and Friend, in our protection and deliverance ! If we were 128 duly influenced by these devout sentiments, we should be prepared for all the vicissitudes of this mutable world : and we should steadily pursue our journey through it, always thankful, and often rejoicing. In the course of this narrative, I have occa- sionally made a number of observations on serious and religious subjects ; and they are the delib- erate convictions of my understanding, and the genuine feelings of my heart. But I must not be understood, as at all intimating, that I have attained the virtues, the objects to which many of these observations refer. I know that I am, indeed, very far from such an attainment ; that I have great weaknesses, and many imperfec- tions ; and that they are all, in some degree, under the influence of a subtle and powerful adversary, ever watchful to circumvent and de- stroy. I lament their operation and effects : but I trust that, by Divine Grace, through Jesus Christ, I am, and I shall be, enabled to maintain the warfare against them : and a hope lives in my heart, that, for his sake, I shall finally be made victorious over all my spiritual enemies. I can not finish these Memoirs of my life, with- out expressing, still more particularly, my sense of the greatest blessing which was ever conferred on mankind. I mean, the redemption from sin, 129 and the attainment of a happy immortality, by the atonement and intercession of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I contemplate this won- derful proof of the love of God to man, as an act of mercy and benignity, which will stimulate the gratitude and love, the obedience, praise, and adoration, of the redeemed, through ages that will never end. This high dispensation is, in every respect, adapted to our condition, as frail and sinful creatures. In surveying our offences and imperfections, it prevents despondence ; di- rects us where to look for relief; and freely offers us, if we are truly penitent, and believe in Christ, pardon and peace: in reflecting on our re- ligious attainments, it checks presumption, and keeps us humble : and, amidst all the trials and troubles of life, it cheers us with the prospect of a merciful deliverance, and of being soon receiv- ed into those blissful regions, where we shall be secured, eternally secured, from sin and sorrow; where we shall be admitted into the Divine pre- sence, and unceasingly celebrate, in joyful an- thems, the praises of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, one God blessed for ever. To them who obtain this glorious and happy state, all the afflictions of the longest and most painful life, will then appear to have been, indeed, light and momentary ; as a drop of the ocean, as a 19 130 grain of sand on the sea-shore, compared with the greatness of their felicity, and the endless ages of its continuance. That this inestimable blessing, my dear friend, may be ours, v\ hen we have quitted this transient scene, is my very fervent desire. Lindley Murray. MEMOIRS CONTINUED. MEMOIRS CONTINUED. CHAPTER I. CONCLUDING YEARS OF THE AUTHORS LIFE. I HAVE now presented to the reader the short but interesting recollections of the life of Mr. Murray ; which he was induced to write in con- sequence of my urgent request. They were finished in the spring of 1809; and committed to my care in the autumn of that year. On me devolves the task of completing them. Not long before the author's decease, as well as at other times, I wished and earnestly desired him, to bring them down to a much later period; which I believe he would have done if his life had been prolonged. TW addition would, I doubt not, have been peculiarly interesting and edifying; and would perhaps have afforded an almost un- equalled proof of vigour of mind, and warmth of benevolent and devotional feeling, in very advanced age. But as he has performed more 134 than I originally either proposed or expected, I have no cause to complain ; and nothing to la- ment, but my inability to do justice to the sub- ject. A short account of the concluding years of his life, his character, and some remarks on his publications, will, I apprehend, comprise all that is requisite for the information of the reader, and will complete my tribute to the memory of this excellent man. In the course of the narrative, I shall intro- duce a few circumstances, which, according to the strict order of time, shquld have been in- serted in Mr. Murray's own memoirs ; but which, from modesty, and other obvious motives, he has omitted. Soon after the conclusion of his memoirs, he experienced a considerable increase of debility and indisposition ; from which he did not think he should recover. In that expectation, he fre- quently expressed, as on many similar occasions, his assured hope of happiness in the life to come, through the merits and mediation of our blessed Lord Jesus Christ ; utterly disclaiming all con- fidence in any good deeds that ^ fiad been en- abled to do, and all idea of acceptance with God through them, or for them. Till this period he was able to go out daily in his carriage; and in summer, he was fre- quently drawn about his garden in a chair con- 135 veniently made for that purpose. But he was at length induced, though reluctantly, to relin- quish all the little exercise which he had been accustomed to take. He found that even a very small degree of bodily exertion, increased the muscular weakness of his limbs , and that ex- posure to the air occasioned frequent and severe colds, together with other indisposition. The last time he went out in his carriage, was in autumn, 1809. From that time till his decease, the space of upwards of sixteen years, he was wholly confined to the house; with the excep- tion of one or two times, when, after an illness, he went out in a sedan, but without receiving any benefit. The total want of exercise appears to have brought on a painful disorder; which, in June, 1810, terminated in the discharge of a small stone. His sufferings for some days were severe, and, for a few hours, acute: but his mind was, as usual, calm and resigned. In an interval of com- parative ease, he said : "My trust is in the mercy of God, through Christ, my Redeemer. Nothing which I have done, that may seem meritorious, affords me any satisfaction, on reflection, except as an earnest of divine mercy and goodness." Having voided the stone, and finding instant relief, he exclaimed, with lively and grateful feeling: "I am eased of my pain! I have great 136 cause to be thankful, even if the relief should prove but temporary." Some time afterwards he had a slight return of a similar disorder. And for several succeeding years, he was much afflicted with oppressive lan- guor ; and with very uncomfortable sensations in his head, stomach, and bowels. But, upon the whole, his health was not so much impaired as might have been expected, from his total con- finement to the house, his advanced age, and en- feebled constitution. His spirits were, with very slight exceptions, uniformly good ; his de- meanour was, at all times, gentle ; and his dis- position, mild, cheerful, and obliging. When his health would allow, he found, till the close of life, much useful occupation, and even amusement, in revising and improving his Works. His grammatical productions, in par- ticular, engaged a considerable portion of his time and attention. As the public had so liber- ally approved and encouraged them, he thought it was incumbent upon him to bring them as near as he could to a state of completeness. He was particularly solicitous to render them ex- plicit, and free from difficulty; to remove ob- jections which had occurred, and to prevent others which might be formed, to different parts of the works. These objects, though important, he has in many instances accomplished, without 137 much alteration. " By the change of a word," he observes, " a slight variation in the form of a phrase, an additional sentence, or a short note, I have, as I think, frequently removed an objec- tion or difficulty, and made that perspicuous, which seemed to be obscure or ambiguous. And I believe that all these variations have been ef- fected, without any material deviations from the original plan and principles of the Grammar." To the octavo Grammar, he made large and im- portant additions, as well as corrections. The later editions of the duodecimo Grammar, Ex- ercises, and Key, also underwent much amend- ment. To enlarge and improve the Power of Religion, was, from its first publication to the latest period of the author's life, a favourite ob- ject of his attention. But his parental care and regard were bestowed on all his works. What- ever he found erroneous or deficient in one edi- tion, he corrected or supplied in an other. The editions pressed close upon him: but they sel- dom failed to receive from him some portion of attention, and consequent benefit. No author, 1 believe, ever had so much opportunity to re- vise, improve, and enlarge his works; arid no one could have availed himself of it, with greater judgment, or more unwearied vigilance. He was induced, also, to prepare some new publications, which he conceived would be use- 20 138 ful. Having himself derived much benefit and satisfaction from the frequent perusal of bishop Home's Commentary on the Psalms, and being desirous of extending that benefit to others, he made and published " A Selection" from that invaluable work. It was well received ; and has been approved and recommended by several very respectable public critics. He wrote also a little piece, published in 1817, " On the Duty and Benefit of a daily Perusal of the Holy Scriptures." It is well composed ; and, I doubt not, it has promoted, in no small degree, the important object which the author had in view. It expresses, in striking terms, the rev- erence which he felt for the Scriptures ; and the benefit which he derived from that serious perusal of them, which he recommends to others. To endeavour reverently to compose the mind, before any portion of Scripture is read or heard; and when it is finished, to allow time, by a short pause, for devout meditation, or useful reflection, on what has been read or heard ; is advice well worthy of attention, and consonant with Mr. Murray's own practice. The inefficacy which usually attends the reading of the Bible, is not owing to any defect in the sacred volume ; but to the want of serious attention, or of previous preparation in those who read or hear. 139 Mr. Murray, from his retired life and unas- suming character, did not receive any of those academical honours, to which the publication of his grammatical works, no doubt, fully entitled him. A tribute of respect was, however, paid to him by two literary societies at New York. In 1810, he was elected an honorary member of the Historical Society; and in 1816, of the Literary and Philosophical Society. But he was not covetous of honour. The high approbation which his works received, was gratifying to him; chiefly because it was an earnest and a proof of their usefulness. His acquaintance and society, particularly after his works had obtained celebrity, were much courted by respectable and literary per- sons. But there was a genuine humility, and even a diffidence, in his nature, which seemed to shrink from the idea of personally attracting any share of public curiosity or observation. The general debility under which he laboured, and which was usually increased by the exertion ne- cessarily attendant on the receiving of strangers, and conversing with them, was, however, the chief cause which induced him to decline much company. Indeed, the calls, and applications for introduction, which he received, were so numerous, that had he encouraged them, the early and regular hours which he kept, would 140 have been much broken in upon, and the leisure which he enjoyed for literary pursuits, greatly interrupted : and it was highly desirable that his valuable time should be preserved free from invasion. But he did not, on any occasion, decline com- pany, because he was unsocial, or, in the slightest degree, hypochondriacal. His friends frequently visited him : they knew the hours most suitable to him; they were careful not to encroach too much on his time ; and they did not expect him to converse, when higher engagements, or indis- position, rendered it inconvenient. He took a lively concern in the transactions of his domestic circle ; and conversed, with interest, on public affairs. When he was in a tolerable state of health, no one more cheerfully enjoyed, or more agreeably promoted, social intercourse. Far from needing consolation from his visiters, he com- municated it to them. Like a gentle stream by the way side, he enlivened and refreshed them. Many strangers, however, and distinguished literary persons, were at different times, and on various occasions, introduced to him; and ex- pressed, in strong terms, the pleasure which they derived from the interview : amongst these may be particularly mentioned the earl of Buchan, in 1802, and the Edge worths, in 1803. On the lively fancy of Mr. Edgeworth arid his daughter 141 Maria, their visit to Holdgate formed a very pleasing picture, often reverted to with much satisfaction, in which even "the benevolent looks of Mrs. Murray, when she offered them some cake and wine, were not forgotten." Their visit was in the evening, and wholly unexpected. With the kind reception which they received, they were much gratified. Mr. Murray himself far exceeded their expectation. His personal apearance, his unassuming demeanour, and his conversational powers, excited in their minds a most agreeable surprise. When they called at Holdgate, they were on a tour, of which an ex- cursion to Paris had formed part. Mr. Murray's sequestered little abode, and its happy and res- pectable inhabitants, formed, no doubt, a very striking contrast to the gay and literary circles in which they had mixed. They considered Mr. and Mrs. Murray as " the most striking example of domestic happiness, and of religion without ostentation, or the spirit of dogmatising, which they had ever beheld." Mr. Murray bore his honours so meekly ; he was so intelligent, not only on literary subjects,, but also on the common affairs of life ; and he adapted his conversation, so judiciously and kindly, to the capacities, tastes, and characters, of the persons to whom it was addressed, that no one, whether learned or unlearned, young or old, 142 gay or grave, could partake of it without feeling highly gratified. In him no one could observe any vanity, egotism, or eccentricity. Few, I believe, ever visited him, who did not hear something from him, to inform their judgment, or to amend their heart. Seldom did he make his sufferings and priva- tions the subject of conversation. When on any occasion they were mentioned, he never failed to enumerate, and frequently he expatiated very pathetically on, the many alleviating and comfortable circumstances that attended them: the pleasantness of his dwelling; the kindness of his friends ; the constant company, and affection- ate attention, of his wife ; the ability of pursu- ing literary occupations ; and the calm state of his mind. He would sometimes say: "When I first lost the use of my limbs, and saw my friends walking about, and pursuing their res- pective business or amusement, I wished to be, and to do, like them : but now, by long use, confinement has become familiar to me ; and, I believe, it is less irksome and afflictive, than many persons who have not experienced it, would imagine. My blessings far overbalance my afflictions. Indeed, I have so many enjoyments yet left me, and I possess so many comforts, that I can scarcely term my situation an afflic- tion." He often said that what had very much 143 tended to reconcile him to his confinement, was a belief that he had been more extensively use- ful, than he could have been, if he had continued in the possession of that health and strength which he once enjoyed. To pass from an author's works to his life and conversation, frequently occasions disappoint- ment: but with respect to Mr. Murray, the transition was honourable. Personal acquaint- ance increased esteem and regard. Between his life and his works there was a striking coinci- dence. His writings might be truly called a fair transcript of his mind; and his life and conver- sation a beautiful exemplification of the moral and religious principles, which his writings uni- formly inculcate. For many years, his infirmities did not allow him to rise from his seat, on the entrance of a visiter ; and not unfrequently the weakness of his voice, contracted by severe colds, or by over- exertions, prevented his uttering any words ex- cept in a whisper: but on such occasions, his kindly extended hand, and his smile of ineffable benignity, bespoke a welcome far more cordial and affecting, than could have been expressed by any of the usual forms of civility. When I first saw him, he was forty-eight years of age : but both then, and long afterwards, he looked consid- erably younger than he really was. The impres- 144 sion which his noble aspect, his gentle demean- our, his cheerful, sensible, and, occasionally, pi- ous conversation, produced on rny mind, can nev- er be obliterated whilst my memory continues. So excellent was his character, so mild and engaging his deportment, that persons having but a very slight acquaintance with him, or seeing him only occasionally on business, seemed to contract a strong personal regard for him : they frequently inquired, with apparent solici- tude, respecting his health ; and spoke of him in terms of the highest respect and esteem. Even strangers, merely from the report which they heard of him, would solicitously inquire after him; and, not unfrequently, send him some little message, or token, of respect. To know him, though but imperfectly, was to love and esteem him ; and if any persons did not love and esteem him, it was because they did not know him, or had not heard the full and true re- port of his good deeds and amiable disposition. Mr. Murray was much respected by many of his most distinguished cotemporaries in America. When his works had procured for him a high degree of celebrity, the testimony of their appro- bation, especially of those with whom he had been personally acquainted, was peculiarly ac- ceptable to him. From his fellow-student, Mr. Jay, and from many other highly respectable 145 persons, he received, on various occasions, let- ters replete with expressions of esteem, regard, and warm congratulation. Several of his countrymen, at different times, visited him : two of whom having, in their trav- els, given an account of their visit, I shall di- versify this narrative, by giving an extract from each. The first is from " Travels in England, Hol- land, and Scotland, by Benjamin Silliman, profes- sor of chemistry, at Yale College, Connecticut." " Towards evening," (Nov. 19, 1805,) "I went out on horseback to Holdgate, a village in the vicinity of York; for the purpose of seeing a countryman of ours, who is well known to the world, both by his writings and the excellence of his character. I carried an introductory letter, which procured me the kindest reception ; and all unnecessary ceremony being waved, I was seated at once between Mr. and Mrs. Murray. Mr. Murray, I need not inform you, enjoys a distinguished literary reputation ; and this, al- though well deserved, is by no means his most enviable distinction, for he is an eminently good man. Being afflicted with a muscular weakness in his limbs, he removed, about twenty years ago, from New York to England, hoping for relief from the temperate climate of this island. The expected benefit he has not been so happy 21 146 as to obtain; his debility still continues to such a degree, that he can walk only a few steps at once* I found him sitting on a sofa, to which he has been generally confined for many years. Although unable to benefit mankind by active exertions in any of the common pursuits of busi- ness, he has made full amends by the labours of his mind. In the chaste, perspicuous, and pol- ished style of his writings, in the pure and dig- nified moral sentiments which they contain, and even in the simple and yet elegant typo- graphical execution, one may discern proofs of the character of the man. He belongs to the society of Friends; but both he and Mrs. Mur- ray have so tempered the strictness of the man- ners peculiar to their society, that they are pol- ished people, with the advantage of the utmost simplicity of deportment. I was fortunate in finding Mr. Murray able to converse with freedom; for, at times, he is un- able to utter even a whisper, and is compelled to decline seeing his friends. Our conversation related principally to literature, morals, and re- ligion; and the state of these important subjects in the United States and in England. I asked him if he had relinquished the idea of returning to his country, and of observing the great change which these things had undergone in a period of twenty years. He said that he still cherished a 147 faint hope of seeing his native land again ; that hope was, like a star, often obscured, but twink- ling now and then, to revive his spirits. One would suppose that a situation so peculiar as that Mr. Murray, would naturally induce a degree of impatience of temper, or at least of depression of spirits; but I know not that I have ever seen more equanimity, and sweetness of deportment, joined with a more serene and happy cheerfulness, than in this instance. When the painful circumstances of his situation were alluded to, he expressed his gratitude to Heaven, for the many comforts and alleviations which, he said, he enjoyed under his confinement. You would not judge from his appearance that he is an infirm man, for his countenance is rather ruddy; and it is animated with a strong expres- sion of benevolence. His person is tall, and well-formed ; and his manner of conversing is modest, gentle, easy, and persuasive. Being afraid of inducing him to converse be- yond his strength, towards the close of the evening I reluctantly rose to come away; and was solicited, in the most gratifying manner, to protract and repeat my visit. Declining the former, and having no prospect of the latter, I took a cordial farewell of these excellent people; and rode back to York with impressions of the most agreeable kind. 148 Who would not rather be Mr. Murray, con- fined to his sofa, than Napoleon, the guilty pos- sessor of a usurped crown, and the sanguinary oppressor of Europe ?" The second extract is from a work entitled, " A Year in Europe, in 1818 and 1819, by John Griscom, professor of chemistry and natural philosophy in the New York Institution." " Among the social occurrences which I shall remember with the most pleasure, is a visit this afternoon," (27th of February, 1819,) "to our very estimable countryman, Lindley Murray. He still resides at the little village of Holdgate, about three quarters of a mile from the city of York. His increasing infirmity of body has latterly been such, as to prevent him from re- ceiving the visits of strangers. But coming from New York, and being acquainted with his nearest relations, he was induced to yield to my request and grant me an interview. Though so weak as to be scarcely able to bear his own weight, he has been enabled, by the power of a strong and well balanced mind, and by the exercise of the Christian virtues, to gain a com- plete ascendency over himself; and to exhibit an instance of meekness, patience, and humility, which affords, I may truly say, one of the most edifying examples I have ever beheld. His mind is still clear, sound, and discriminating; 149 and he feels the interest of a true philanthropist, in the progress of education, and the general welfare of his fellow-creatures. I have been informed, by persons who were his youthful cotemporaries, that he was possessed by nature of great vivacity of feeling, and passions not less difficult to control, than those which fall to the ordinary lot of humanity. But so effectually have the graces of the Christian surmounted the waywardness of nature, and diffused their benign influence over the whole teriour of his mind, as to produce upon his countenance, a lustre and a sweetness of expression, 'with less of earth in them than heaven.' The temperature of his room is regulated by the thermometer. A constant care of this kind, joined to temperance in diet, has enabled him to live without exercise ; to support a frame of un- usual debility; and to prolong to old age, a life of the greatest usefulness to his fellow-creatures. Having brought with him to England a fortune competent to his moderate wants, he has devoted the whole profit of his literary labours to the promotion of various benevolent institutions, and to other deeds of charity. He has been blessed with a most amiable and intelligent wife; the companion of his early years, and the faithful and sympathizing partner in all that concerns him. A young woman, who serves them as 150 housekeeper, appears also well qualified, by the respectability of her character and acquirements, to perform the duties of an almost filial trust. It is thirty-four years since this worthy pair left their native shores : but their feelings are still American ; and to listen to a particular re- lation of the enlargement of our cities, and the progress of the country, afforded them evidently the most lively satisfaction ; while, at the same time, a consideration of the small number of the numerous acquaintance they left behind, who are now on the stage of life, gave to the con- versation a placid melancholy, which served but to increase the warmth and tenderness of the interview." Mr. Murray lived, during a long course of years, a very retired life. Though an object of general esteem, respect, and admiration, he was known intimately, or even personally, but to few. The following particulars, therefore, re- specting his habits and manners of living, though minute, may perhaps be acceptable to the reader, and not devoid of interest; and, in time to come, they may supply the place of vague, traditionary report. In a physical point of view, they may also be useful. It has frequently been made a subject of inquiry, how a person could support entire confinement to the house, and even to one seat, during many years, and yet preserve to the 151 last, a comfortable state of health, evenness and cheerfulness of spirits, and surprising vigour of mind. Mr. Murray carefully avoided all habits of indolence, both with respect to body and mind. He generally rose about seven o'clock in the morning; but rather later in the depth of winter. When he was dressed, and seated in an arm chair, which had casters, his wife rolled him, with ease, to the sofa,* in his sitting room ; on which, after he gave up taking any exercise, he sat during the whole day. At meal times, the table was brought to him. At other times, a small stand, with a portable writing desk on it, was generally before him. The papers and books which he was using, were laid on the sofa, by his side: but they were usually removed before the entrance of any visiter, as he disliked the parade of literature. His wife sat on a chair close by his side; except when, through courtesy, she relinquished her seat to some friend, or visiter, with whom he wished particularly to converse. The room being rather narrow, the sofa was placed against the wall. Mr. Murray never sat by the fire: but to avoid the draught from the doors and windows, he was obliged to sit nearly * The sofa which he had brought with him, from America; and on which he sat, or lay, daring the voyage. 152 opposite ; from the ill effects of which, he was guarded by a small skreen, between him and the fire. He attributed, in a great measure, the preservation of his sight to extreme old age, to his constantly avoiding the glare of fire and candles. When he read or wrote by candlelight, he used a shade candlestick. His sitting room was of a good size, and particularly pleasant, having a window at each end: the one with a south aspect, looked to the garden; the other to the turnpike-road, and to some fields, across one of which, was a pathway leading to the city of York. The trees and flowers in his garden, the passengers on the road and pathway, and the rural occupations in the fields, afforded a pleasing diversity of scene, cheering to his mind, and relieving to his eyes, when fatigued with composing, reading, or writing. An awning was placed in summer, over the south window, to shade off the rays of the sun. Thus secured, and having a constant but almost imperceptible ventilation, occasioned by two large windows opposite to each other, and also by two doors and the fire, the room was always sweet, fresh, and salubrious. A fire, even in summer, was constantly kept up through the whole day, which, as Mr. Murray justly ob- served, tended to carry off the noxious particles of air ; but the room, in the warmest weather, 153 was considerably cooler and fresher than apart' ments usually are. Mr. Murray could not bear a partial exposure to the air; therefore, he never sat with the doors or windows open. But in the morning, before he came into the room, it was completely ventilated by the opening of both windows for a short time ; and thus a free cur- rent of air was admitted. His bed room was also ventilated once or twice during the course of the day. So sensible was he of the pernicious effects of breathing vitiated air, that he never had the curtains of his bed drawn. As a further preventive from over heating his sitting room, he had two of Fahrenheit's thermometers : the one was placed at the outside of the north window; the other was hung in the room, at a distance from the fire. The temperature of the room was usually from sixty-three to sixty-five degrees. Mr. Murray's bed room was large ; it had the same aspect, and was on the same floor, as his sitting room, and opened into it ; and had also two windows, one at each end. But as the chim- ney could not be made to carry up the smoke, he was obliged in all his illnesses, when the weather was cold, to have a bed brought in'o his sitting room ; and in that room, very near the seat on which he had done so much good, he breathed his last, and passed, I trust, from the employ- ments of time to the rewards of eternity. 22 154 Soon after he came into his sitting room, in the morning, he took his breakfast ; after which, his wife, or some one of his family, read to him a portion of the Scripture, or of some other re- ligious book. Home's Commentary on the Psalms, and Doddridge's Family Expositor, omit- ting the notes and paraphrase, were the books which he chiefly used for this purpose, arid also for his evening meditation. After a short pause, he proceeded to transact the business of the day, of which the hearing or reading of a daily jour- nal formed part; or he applied immediately to his literary avocations. Until he became wholly confined to the house, he took an airing in his carriage, from twelve till half-past one. At two he dined. After dinner, he sat quite still, closed his eyes, and sometimes dozed, for nearly half an hour; a practice which he brought with him from America, and by which he found his strength and spirits much recruited: then he re- sumed his occupations; and continued them for some hours, unless interrupted by company. Religious reading in the family, and meditation, closed the day. At ten, he and all his house- hold retired to rest. This course of life he con- tinued, with little variation, during the whole of his residence in England. There was nothing particular in his diet. It was simple. He did not use tobacco in any 155 shape. He never took spirits, and but seldom wine ; and then only half a glass at most. At dinner, he was accustomed, for many years after he came into this country, to take about a gill of London porter: afterwards, he gradually di- minished the quantity, until he reduced it only to a wine glass, diluted in warm water. His breakfast and supper were, for some years, new milk and baked rice, or sometimes toasted bread; afterwards, chocolate boiled in milk and water, and bread. At dinner, he partook of meat, vegetables, pudding, and other ordinary dishes ; but all cooked in a plain way. He did not, at dinner, eat of more than one dish of meat. In the afternoon, he sometimes took about half a cup of tea, or of milk and water; but more fre- quently instead of it, a small quantity of straw- berries, grapes, or other sweet fruits, out of his garden, or dried plums. Except in serious ill- ness, he took no medicine ; and even then but little : being of opinion that the too frequent use of it weakens the tones of the stomach. Of the beneficial effects of friction, by the hand simply, he was thoroughly convinced. He made fre- quent, if not daily use of it ; and never failed to have recourse to it when his head, or any part of his body, was affected with uncomfortable sen- sations, particularly of a rheumatic nature. He was of opinion that it not only produced local 156 benefit ; but that, in his particular case, it tend- ed, in a considerable degree, to supply the want of other exercise. His appetite, till within a few years previous to his decease, was good, and rather uncommon, considering his sedentary life. Much of that comfortable state of health and vigour of mind, which he enjoyed in his old age, must be ascribed, under the blessing of Providence, to his temperance aud moderation, to his judicious self-management, and to that peacefulness and serenity, which are the usual concomitants of a good and pious life. In the year 1819, Mr. Murray lost his much esteemed brother, John Murray, of New York. In his character, and in some of the circumstan- ces of his life, he bore a striking resemblance to our author. He was of a lively and active disposition ; kind and liberal, humane and pious. Early in life, he engaged in mercantile pursuits ; in which he was highly successful : but, in the prime of life, having acquired a competency, he relinquished them, and devoted the remainder of his days to the service of religion and humanity. He was particularly distinguished by his endeav- ours to promote the abolition of slavery ; to ameliorate the condition of the Indians of North America ; and to establish and support various institutions at New York, for the relief of poverty, and the improvement of public morals. 157 He was of a remarkably liberal and catholic spirit. In the prosecution of his benevolent de- signs, he associated much and freely with per- sons of various religious denominations. He often expressed an earnest desire, that Christians should avoid unnecessary disputes about non- essentials, and unite in promoting the common cause, in which they all profess to be engaged. Some years before his death, being at Albany, on public business, when the streets were cover- ed with ice, he had a fall, from the effects of which he never recovered. He continued lame, and in a disabled state of body ; and suffered great and almost constant pain ; but he endured the afflic- tion with fortitude and Christian patience ; nor did it materially interrupt his career of benevo- lence. He died in an act of supplication to the Lord. His charities did not terminate with his life. By his last will, he made many ample do- nations and bequests for public and private benefit. His name is remembered at New York, with respect and gratitude, as a benefactor of his country. He left behind him two sons, and a widowed daughter : who, in some degree, supplied to Mr. Murray, the loss which he had sustained of a kind and intelligent correspondent, in his native, but far distant land. 158 After the decease of his brother, our author found himself the last surviving child of his pa- rents. They had twelve children: and to him appertained the peculiar circumstance of being the first and the last of them all ; affording thus a striking instance of the uncertain tenure of life. When he left New York, he had a brother living, and three sisters. They were in health and vigour, and considerably younger than him- self. He was feeble and languishing : but, in course of years, they all died; and he lived to mourn the loss of them, and to embalm their memory. When speaking of the many deprivations which he had sustained, of kind friends and re- latives, a circumstance which in his lengthened life, was inevitable, he often said, in the words of the poet : " Our little lights go out one by one/' But after all his bereavements, he still pos- sessed, as he observed, the uncommon privilege and providential favour of having his beloved wife preserved to him. The continuance of this blessing to the end of his days was inestimable. No one, however kindly disposed, could have supplied to him the place of a most affectionate wife; a constant companion and faithful at- tendant ; a beloved friend, with whom, from his 159 youth, he took sweet counsel on all the concerns of his life. He often said, he had abundant cause to value her very highly, and to consider her as the greatest temporal blessing of his life ; and she was indeed fully entitled to his love and esteem. Mrs. Murray is not a showy woman, nor par- ticularly literary : but she possesses a solid un- derstanding, great firmness of mind, and a par- ticularly kind disposition. To the poor and afflicted, she is, in a high degree, liberal and compassionate. By her skill and prudence in the management of her household affairs, she relieved her husband from all care or anxiety on those subjects. She was most tenderly at- tached, and even devoted, to him ; always pre- ferring his gratification to her own. Her aged and beloved father, and a large circle of rela- tives and friends, she freely left to accompany her husband into England. For many years after she came into this country, she still called New York her home ; but she never requested or wished him to return. She encouraged and assisted him, as far as she was able, in every good word and work; and often expressed her solicitous desire, that both she, and her " pre- cious husband," as she frequently called him, " might so pass through this life, as not to fail of future and everlasting bliss ;" adding : If we 160 are but prepared for that happy state, we need not fear how soon we depart hence." During the latter years of her husband's life, she scarce- ly ever quitted the house ; and very rarely the two rooms occupied by him. She said, she was most comfortable with him; and that if he were taken ill suddenly, as was sometimes the case, she could never forgive herself, if she were absent. As Mrs. Murray is still living, it may seem indelicate to speak of her in terms thus com- mendatory. But she is so intertwined with the memory of her husband, that I could not write any account of him without mentioning her ; and I could not mention her except to praise her. On the anniversary of their marriage, the twenty-second of June, which was also the birth- day of his wife, he never failed to congratulate her on the return of that auspicious day. On some of these occasions, occurring in a late pe- riod of their union, he offered his congratulation not only verbally, but also in WTiting : thus giv- ing additional force, as well as permanence, to the expression of his sentiments. In these written testimonials, which she justly esteems amongst the most valuable of her possessions, he assures her that during the whole period of their union, she has been, by far, his greatest earthly treasure: that in health and sickness, in prosperous and adverse situations, in all the varied events of 161 their lives, he has ever found her the same uni- form, kind, and fa'chful friend, the sweetener and improver of every allotment: and he offers her his most grateful acknowledgments for her cor- dial attachment, and affectionate services ; for her kind assiduity, and tender solicitude, to promote his comfort and happiness in every respect. From these beautiful little effusions of devo- tional, as well as conjugal feeling, I have plea- sure in presenting to the reader, a few extracts ; which evince not only Mr. Murray's tender re- gard for his wife, in the decline of life, but also his increasing piety, his deep humility, and the ground of his hope of finding mercy and accept- ance with God. 1809. "This, my beloved Hannah, is the forty-second anniversary of that happy period, when we were joined together in the tender and sacred bonds of wedlock. To me this event has ever proved most auspicious; and I am per- suaded that my choice could not have been hap- pier. I have never seen a single moment, that I could have wished my choice had been differ- ent. But a few more, at the most, can be the returns of this happy day. Perhaps not an other may be given to us. If that should be the case, let the surviver rather be thankful that so much has been bestowed, than murmur because no more was allowed. It is an inexpressible com- 23 162 fort,that our latter years have been the sweetest to us, though every part of our connexion has been pleasant* When the time comes, whether sooner or later, that we must part, may the surviver be blessed with the hope and faith, that a little time will reunite us in the blessed abodes: where we shall have, with purified affections and enlarged minds, to sing the praises of our God and Sav- iour, through the endless ages of eternity." 1812. "This day, my beloved Hannah, it is forty-five years, since we were joined together in the pleasant bonds of marriage. I feel grate- ful to my heavenly Father, for the blessing of so kind, and faithful, and so very suitable a part- ner. Our connexion has continued for a much longer period, than is common; and this is an additional source of thankfulness to the bountiful Author of all Good, But the longer we have been preserved to each other, the shorter must be the time that remains. May it be studiously improved to the glory of God, and our own final happiness ! It is an inexpressible satisfaction to reflect, that our latter days have been our best days; and that a desire for each other's welfare, has in- creased as we advanced in life. May our prayers and labours for each other's future felicity, grow more and more ardent, during the remainder of 163 our short time ; and may the surviver rather be thankful for the mercies that are past, than dwell mournfully on those which are taken away. A little time after the separation, will, I humbly hope, reunite our spirit^ in a better world ; where we shall glorify, praise, and serve our heavenly Father, Redeemer, and Sanctifier, for endless ages, with enlarged understandings and purified affections, as the greatest happiness, and highest perfection, of which our nature is capable." 1817. "This day, my beloved Hannah, we have been united in the sacred bonds of wedlock, for fifty years, half a century ! How very few have lived together so many years, in this happy connexion ! Many are the dangers we have escaped, and the preservations we have expe- rienced, during this length of time, which have been seen and observed by us: but innumerable, perhaps, have been the deliverances and pro- tections, that were unseen and unknown, which a gracious and merciful Providence has extended towards us ! For these, and all his mercies and blessings with which we have been favoured, we are bound to praise and glorify Him, to adore, love, and serve Him, most gratefully, during the short remaining period of our lives here ; and in his holy and happy kingdom hereafter, if we should be blessed, as I humbly hope we shall, to be partakers of that heavenly inheritance. 164 May we, my dear Hannah, be very diligent to improve the remaining portion of time, whether it be longer or shorter : so that we may, at last, when the hour of parting comes, have a well founded hope that the season of separation will be short ; and take leave of each other, as com- panions who have been dearly united, and who, through Infinite love and mercy, will be joined again in the mansions of eternal peace ; where we shall for ever rejoice together, in praising, adoring, and serving our God and Redeemer, with the highest gratitude and love, of which our enlarged minds shall then be made capable. In the course of the long period of our union, we have had our trials and afflictions. But we have been favoured too, with many great and distinguished blessings. Even the afflictions, and what appeared to be adverse occurrences, were designed for our final wellbeing. I hope the gracious intention of these dispensations will be fully answered by our being safely landed, through the atonement and intercession of our blessed Redeemer, on those happy shores, where no clouds nor storms are ever known; and where, after millions of ages of happiness shall have passed away, we shall only seem to have begun our felicity, a felicity that will last for ever. We know not, my dear Hannah, which of us shall be first removed from this earthly scene ; 165 which of us shall have to lament the loss of a partner so long known and beloved. But which- ever of us may be the surviver, let not that sur- viver mourn as one without hope, but endeavour to perform the remaining duties required ; to be humbly resigned to the will of Heaven; and to wait with patience and hope, for a blessed and happy reunion." 1 82 1 . " This day, my beloved Hannah, is the fifty-fourth anniversary of our marriage. At this late period of our lives, we can not, in the course of nature, look for a much longer contin- uance together. Our remaining time here must now be short. Perhaps we may not be permit- ted to see an other anniversary of our union. If this should be the case, or whenever we may be removed from this transient scene, may the God of love and mercy be graciously pleased, through the blessed Redeemer, to give us an inheritance in his holy and happy kingdom; there to be re- united in our spirits, and joyfully employed in thanksgivings and praises, and the most devout and zealous services, to our heavenly Father and Redeemer, for endless ages ! Whichever of us may be the surviver, I hope that Divine Goodness and Mercy will be near to support that surviver under so deeply trying an event, and to produce a humble, reverent 166 submission to the will of Heaven. May we both, my dear Hannah, now when the curtains of the night are soon, or before long, to be drawn around us, be more and more diligent to make our call- ing and election sure; to be prepared for striking our tents, and removing to a better world; where, sinful and unworthy as I am, I hope, through the infinite mercy of God in Jesus Christ, to be admitted: and where, if admitted, we shall be finally delivered from all sickness and sorrow, from all sin, temptation, and imper- fection." As a further proof of Mr. Murray's piety and humility, I present to the reader the following memorandums ; all of which, except the two first, were found in his desk after his decease. They are mere fragments ; written on detached slips of paper, some of them only with a pencil : but fragments of such a mind as his, should be gath- ered up, when it can be done with delicacy and propriety, and without violating any known or expressed wish of the writer. They, as well as the preceding extracts from the little addresses to his wife, are so accordant with the tenour of his memoirs, that I can not doubt but that, if he were living, he would give leave for their inser- tion. Indeed, I think it is not improbable that some of the memorandums were designed as hints or materials for a continuation of the memoirs ; 167 the original notices with which he furnished me, being written in a similar manner. " It may be truly asserted, that a tenth part of the solicitude which we have, to secure a pre- carious happiness, for a few years upon earth, would secure a perfect felicity, for endless ages, in heaven. How greatly will this consideration increase our anguish at last, if we should neglect in time, to procure, at so easy a sacrifice, the blessedness of a future state ! The summer of 1811." " Be watchful. Be humble. Be grateful."* " It is a comfort to me to feel that the longer I live, the greater is my regard for my friends and acquaintance, and my desire that we may all meet in a better world ; where we shall, if we attain it, be for ever grateful, beyond expression, to our Divine Benefactor." " But a little time remains for me, (and how little that may be I know not,) to prepare to meet the God of my life, and to give in to Him an account of my actions." " I am this day seventy-two years of age. How many preservations and mercies have I ex- * These words were addressed to his wife : but they were also the daily rule of his own life ;, and they form a striking summary of Christian duty. 168 perienced in this long course of time ! How poorly I have improved the goodness and for- bearance of God to me ! What has been the de- sign of this long continuance of life, and of the blessings with which my cup has run over? Plainly, that I might improve these mercies, by gratitude, love, and obedience, to my great Ben- efactor ; and be prepared to enter into his holy and happy kingdom, there to glorify and serve him for ever. May this be my joyful experience, through the mercy of God, in Jesus Christ, and for his sake ! I know, by long and repeated proofs in myself, and by the testimony of the Holy Scriptures, that of myself I can do nothing to effect my salvation : my powers are all inade- quate to this great end. It is by the Grace of God alone, that the work can be effected. May I ever look to that, and pray for it, and finally experience it to work in me a most comfortable and steadfast hope, that I shall be made one ol those holy and happy beings, who shall glorify, adore, praise, and serve Him, for evermore, with the highest degree of love and gratitude, that their enlarged spirits shall then be made capable of exerting." "Preserve me from all vain self complacencies; from seeking the applauses of men ; and from all solicitude about what they may think or say of me. May I be made truly humble, and of a 169 meek and quiet spirit ! If I have done any good to my fellow-creatures, or, in any degree, pro- moted the will of my heavenly Father, may I unfeignedly give him all the glory; attributing nothing to myself, and taking comfort only from the reflection, that an employment in his service, affords an evidence that his mercy is towards me, that I am not forsaken by Him, and that he is training me for an inhabitant of his blessed king- dom, there to glorify and serve my God and Re- deemer for ever." From the conclusion of Mr. Murray's memoirs, till his decease, his life proceeded in a pretty uni- form tenour; little diversified by incident, or by any change of circumstance, except the vicissi- tude from sickness to a state of comparative health. The power of employing his time to good and useful purposes, was, through a pe- culiarly benign providence, continued to the latest period of his life. Religious reading and meditation, which, as he advanced in years, be- came increasingly acceptable to him; the ar- rangement of his secular affairs both with respect to his continuance in, or removal from, this sphere of action ; attention to his literary works ; social intercourse ; acts of beneficence and charity ; were employments which rendered the long evening of his days useful and pleasant. 24 170 In the full enjoyment of life, and in the dis- charge of all its varied and important duties, he attained his eighty-first year: which, considering his long confinement, and his general debility, was a remarkable circumstance ; a kind of jubilee in his existence. On his birthday, he appeared so well, and cheerful, and so bright in his mental faculties, that the prospect of losing him seemed as remote as on any similar occasion, during many preceding years. "I am favoured," he piously observed, " with a comfortable state of health, for my time of life ; a state for which I ought, and I desire, to be humbly and deeply thankful to the gracious Giver of all good." But the year which he had so auspiciously begun, he was not allowed to complete. A happier birthday than any which we had anticipated, I, doubt riot, awaited him. Persons who were strangers to him, might suppose from his age and long confinement, that, at this period, he must have been fairly worn out, both in body and mind. But this was by no means the case. His health, towards the close of life, seemed rather to improve. In the autumn and winter immediately preceding his decease, he appeared unusually free from indisposition. His sight and hearing were good. With spec- tacles he could read the finest print. His mem- ory, even for recent events, was remarkably 171 retentive. He appeared as sensible, well-in- formed, and cheerful, as at any former period during my acquaintance with him. His vigour of mind was unimpaired : he was, indeed, in- capable of long-continued attention to any sub- ject; but this seemed rather the effect of bodily than mental decay. His hair had become entirely white : his countenance bespoke age and feeble- ness ; but still retained an expression of mingled intelligence and sweetness. In October, 1825, 1 went from home. Having previously informed him of my intention, he ex- pressed, as he had often done before, an earnest desire that I might not be absent at the time of his decease. As his health then seemed better than usual, the expression of this sentiment ap- peared to me less adapted to the occasion, than his sentiments usually were; and tended, unne- cessarily I thought, to cast a gloom and depres- sion over my mind. But the event fully justified him. I had not been returned many weeks, before 1 visited him on his death-bed, and fol- lowed his remains to the grave. That his desire was accomplished ; and that I saw him in his last hours, and received from him some token of kind remembrance and parting friendship; are circumstances which afford my mind inex- pressible satisfaction. 172 i was at his house, a very short time before his last illness. When I was about taking leave of him, he said to me : " REMEMBER the following lines." He pronounced the word " Remember," and repeated the lines, with an emphasis, which now assumes something of prophetic energy. " Absent or dead, still let a friend be dear : A sigh the absent claims ; the dead a tear." On the tenth of January, 1826, Mr. Murray being at dinner, was seized with a slight para- lytic affection in his left hand ; it was, however, of short duration, and was attended with no visible ill effect. On Monday morning, the thirteenth of February, he had a return of numbness, in the same hand ; but it soon yielded to friction, and wholly disappeared. Soon after he conversed very cheerfully, and even pleas- antly. During the day, he was a good deal engaged, and much interested, in having the newspaper read to him, containing the debates on the commercial embarrassments of the coun- try. In the afternoon of that day, the last time of his taking a pen in his hand, I received from him a short note, as kind, as usual, and as well written and composed. That the last words which he ever wrote, were addressed to me, is a melancholy recollection ; but it is inexpressibly soothing and consolatory to my mind. 173 In the evening, he was seized with acute pain in his groin, accompanied with violent sickness. Medical assistance was procured: but the means used to afford relief proved ineffectual. During the night he had an alarming fainting fit, of long continuance. On recovering, he spoke most tenderly to his wife, and urged her to go to bed. I saw him on the following morning. He then seemed rather better; but said the pain was not removed. When I was going away, he took leave of me with unusual solemnity, saying, very slowly, and with a most affecting emphasis : " Farewell, rny dear friend !" With some diffi- culty, he extended his hand under the bed clothes, and uncovered it, in order that he might, at parting, shake hands with me. In the evening, he was conveyed, in his rolling chair, to a bed prepared for him in his sitting room. Some time after, the aperient medicines took effect ; and this circumstance, together with his disposition to sleep, appeared very favourable, and encouraged a hope of his speedy recovery. But he spent a restless night , and in the morning he was in a state of extreme exhaustion. When his wife went to his bed side, he revived a little ; spoke sweetly to her ; and seeing her soon after- wards, at a little distance in the room, he looked at her very tenderly, and said, " That dear one!" He slumbered most of the morning, except when 174 roused to take refreshment. I visited him about noon. Seeing me at his b3d side, and probably being unwilling, though in a state of great weak- ness, not to notice me, he looked at me very kind- ly, and repeated my name three times, in a low but affectionate tone of voice; and again stretch- ed forth his hand under the bed clothes, towards me. That hand, which had so kindly welcomed me, when first I entered the room, at the com- mencement of our acquaintance, was now ex- tended towards me for the last time ; not to wel- come, but gently to dismiss me. I heard the sound of his voice no more ; nor did I ever again behold his living countenance. In the afternoon, his wife sent me word he was better; and I flattered myself with the hope that he would speedily recover, as I had seen him do on many previous occasions. Great were my surprise and disappointment when I received, on the following morning, the melancholy in- telligence that he was much worse. 1 hastened to his house ; but , before I arrived, " his dear spirit," to use his wife's expression, " had taken its flight." Thus terminated an uninterrupted intercourse of many years' standing, with a most excellent man, and a kind friend. The loss to me is irreparable. In this world of sin and error, a true friend is rarely to be met with : " an old friend," as Dr. Johnson observes, " can never be found." 175 During his short illness, my much esteemed friend expressed his gratitude for the care that was taken of him, and for all the kind attention which he received. He also adverted to the pleasant conversation which he had, on the morning of his seizure ; and remarked, " What poor, frail creatures we are ; and how little we know what is to happen to us !" On Wednesday afternoon he seemed refreshed by sleep; noticed what was passing in the room ; and took sustenance freely. But the night was again restless. His pulse was quick, and his tongue parched. Though he was evidently suf- fering from pain, he made very little complaint : when inquired of, he said the pain was still fixed in the same place. A few times he cried out: " Oh my ;" but checked himself before the expression was completed. In the morning, his servant being at his bed side, and tenderly sympathizing with him, told him she should be very glad, if she could afford him any relief from his suffering. He expressed his sense of her kindness ; but meekly added : " It is MY portion." About seven in the morning, a change for the worse evidently took place. Soon after that time, his wife went to his bed side; he noticed her; and spoke to her in the most tenderly, affectionate manner. A deathlike sickness seem- 176 ed to be coming over him. He cried out : " Oh my groin! What a pain!" Being asked on which side the pain was, he said: " On the right." His wife warmed a cloth, and put it to the part. He turned on his back and lay stretched at his length: his arms were extended, close to his body; the thumb of each hand was gently pressed upon the forefinger, seeming to indicate suppressed agony : and in that attitude he con- tinued during the short remainder of his mor- tal existence. For a few moments, anguish was depicted on his countenance : but it soon gave place to fixed serenity. His eyes were lifted up ; no doubt, in fervent supplication to the God of mercy. His lips moved, though no sound of his voice could be heard. He lay without any perceptible motion, until his eyes gently closed of themselves. About half-past eight in the morning, he expired in peace ; without a strug- gle, or even a sigh or a groan. Thus died, on Thursday morning, the six- teenth of February, 1&26, the much loved and much lamented Lindley Murray; in the eighty- first year of his age, and in the full possession of all his mental faculties. His last illness was of short duration, scarcely exceeding two days: but his life, during a long course of years, was a con- stant preparation for the awful change which has now taken place ; so that death could scarcely at 177 any time have come upon him unawares, or found him in a state, unsuited for removal to a world of glory. The immediate cause of his dissolution can not be ascertained ; nor is it material now. His allotted work was finished : his Lord called him home to receive his appointed wages. Nor can it be known, whether at any time of his short illness, he was sensible that the close of his earthly existence was at hand. The alternation of pain and extreme exhaustion in which the last days of his life were spent, allowed him lit- tle opportunity to say any thing, but what was absolutely necessary respecting the illness of his body. In his final hour, if not before, it is prob- able, the solemn truth was conveyed to his mind; and his soul was lifted up in fervent prayer, to the Father of spirits, and the God of mercy and consolation. The thoughts, the feel- ings, of the mind, especially of such a mind as his, when earth and all connected with it, recede from the view, and the eternal world appears, can never be spoken, or fully made known, on this side the grave. The peculiarly benign providence which had followed him through life, forsook him not in the end. His removal, though a loss to the world at large, and a subject of much regret to his friends, was, no doubt, a dispensation of 25 178 mercy. He was taken away from the evil to come. He was translated to glory, in the lengthened evening of his day ; but in the midst of usefulness and honour, of comfort and happi- ness. The powers of his mind were not suf- fered to waste away, nor to decline into imbe- cility. The loveliness of his character was not sullied, nor the efficacy of his example impaired, by any infirmity of rnind or of body. His old age, to the very latest period of it, was an object, not of commiseration, but of love, esteem, and reverence. His death was easy, both as regards the body and the soul. The bodily suffering which pre- ceded it, though severe, was not protracted; nor did it, at any moment, obscure his under- standing, or disturb the tranquillity of his mind. His passage through the valley of the shadow of death, was short and free from terror. He seemed to have no internal conflict. All within appeared calm and tranquil. Devotedness to God, and love to man, were almost the latest expressions of his departing spirit. His peaceful and happy death formed a natural and beautiful close of his holy and virtuous life. In the extremity of nature, the spirit of the Lord sustained him. The arm of the Lord, though invisible, was underneath him. The Lord was round about him, and made all his bed in his 179 sickness. Like a confiding child, he rested on the bosom of his heavenly Parent. He died in the Lord; he fell asleep in the Lord Jesus. And he verified the Scripture declaration : " Be- hold the upright man; and mark the perfect man: for the end of that man is peace." No doubt, the Lord Jesus, in whom he had trusted, and whom he had served, from his youth, re- ceived his spirit. And he has now, I trust, be- gun that celestial song, and entered upon that elevated sphere of action, of which, while on earth, he had joyful and devout anticipation. " The chamber where the good man meets his fate, Is privileg'd above the common walk Of virtuous life, quite on the verge of heav'n. His God supports him in his final hour : His final hour brings glory to his God." YOUNG, Mr. Murray, in one of his illnesses, expressed an earnest hope that, at the close of life, whenever it might take place, he should be mercifully sup- ported : so that he might not disgrace religion by any unbecoming words or behaviour; but might even, if enabled by divine grace, glorify God in his dying hours, and edify his fellow-creatures. His wish was, in a good degree, accomplished. He glorified God, I doubt not, by the secret as- pirations of his heart; as I am sure he did by his meek, unrepining endurance of pain, and weak- 180 ness, and his kind, considerate attention to all around him. Ou the minds of the survivers, his affectionate regard for others in the midst of his own sufferings, his quiet resignation, his patient sickness, and his tranquil death, are calculated to produce deep and salutary impressions. His death, in some of its circumstances, was awfully affecting : it was, in a manner, sudden ; and it was, to his friends at least, wholly unex- pected. In this respect, also, it is instructive; and, as he wished, edifying to the survivers. It warns them of the uncertainty of life ; it admon- ishes them to prepare, and to live prepared, to meet their Creator and their Judge ; and it urges them, by this most cogent reason, not to delay the preparation, seeing they know neither the day, nor the hour, when they will be summoned to the awful tribunal. " Thus runs Death's dread commission; ' Strike, but so As most alarms the living by the dead.' Is death uncertain ? therefore be thou fix'd ; Fix'd as a centinel, all eye, all ear, AH expectation of the coming foe. Rouse, stand in arms, nor lean against thy spear, Lest slumber steal one moment o'er thy soul, And fate surprise thee nodding. Watch, be strong : Thus give each day the merit and renown, Of dying well ; tho' doom'd but once to die. Nor let life's period hidden (as from most) Hide too from thee the precious use of life." YOUNG. 181 Though the final summons to the eternal world, vouchsafed to Mr. Murray, was but short, he was, through infinite mercy, ready to depart. All his concerns, respecting both worlds, were settled and arranged. He was at peace with all men. And he had, I doubt not, a comfortable assurance, as in all former illnesses, that his sins were pardoned, and his transgressions blotted out. If this had not been the case, how dread- ful would his condition have been ! From the commencement of his short illness till its close, he was incapable of paying attention to any worldly affairs ; far less to the great work of salvation. The thought of unsettled business, or of unre- pented sins, would, no doubt, in his weak state, have overpowered his reason, or plunged him into the agonies of despair. In this point of view also, his death is edifying ; not only to his sur- viving friends, but to all who may read or hear the account. It is calculated to awaken in their minds, an earnest desire that through faith in Christ, and through divine grace, they may be enabled to live the life of the righteous ; and that when their final summons is sent forth, they may be found, like the excellent Lindley Mur- ray, having finished their allotted work, being at peace with all men, and having a humble trust that the Shepherd of Israel, will, with his rod and staff, conduct them safely through the 182 valley of the shadow of death, into the land of promise. Mr. Murray's will, signed Feb. 1, 1821, was written and composed by himself. It affords a striking proof of the vigour of his mind in ad- vanced age, his accuracy in transacting busi- ness, and his solicitous desire to do as much and as extensive good, both living and dying, as his circumstances would allow. To make a suitable provision for his wife, and to afford her every comfortable accommodation, seems to be the pri- mary object of his testamentary attention. He mentions in his will a large number of relatives and friends ; to each of whom he bequeaths a legacy, either in money, or books, or both : the books are partly to be taken from his own library, and partly to be purchased ; and he has, with particular pains, selected and appor- tioned them in such a manner, as he thought would be most acceptable and useful. To myself he bequeaths, besides some books, his papers and letters respecting his literary concerns. Several poor persons whom he occasionally employed, or assisted by his alms, are also mentioned in his will; to each of whom he bequeaths the sum of two guineas. He leaves the following charitable bequests, payable after the death of his wife : to the British and Foreign Bible Society, two hundred pounds ; to the African Institution, the 183 same sum ; and to each of the following institu- tions, or societies, at York, twenty-five pounds j the County Hospital, the Dispensary, the Blue Coat School for Boys, the Gray Coat School for Girls, the Charitable Society, the Benevolent So- ciety, and the Lunatic Asylum. After the de- cease of his wife, and the payment of all his bequests, the residue of his property is to be transferred to New York, and vested in trustees there, so as to form a permanent fund ; the yearly income or produce of which is to be ap- propriated in the following manner : " in libera- ting black people who may be held in slavery, assisting them when freed, and giving their de- scendants or the descendants of other black persons, suitable education ; in promoting the civilization and instruction of the Indians of North America; in the purchase and distribu- tion of books tending to promote piety and virtue, and the truth of Christianity, and it is his wish that ' The Power of Religion on the Mind, in Retirement, Affliction, and at the Ap- proach of Death,' with the author's latest correc- tions and improvements, may form a considera- ble part of those books ; and in assisting and relieving the poor of any description, in any manner that may be judged proper, especially those who are sober, industrious, and of good character." 184 On Wednesday morning, the twenty-second of February, Mr. Murray's remains were inter- red in the burying ground of the Friends, or Quakers, in the city of York ; amidst a large as- semblage of persons, many of whom had come from a considerable distance. From the still- ness which prevailed, one might have thought only few persons were present. All were silent and serious ; many deeply affected. No relative was present. His aged and be- reaved widow, though entirely resigned to the Divine will, was, from affliction, indisposition, and long confinement, unable to attend. All his own relations, and those of his wife, were resi- dent in America. The intelligence of his death could not reach them, till long after his remains were consigned to the silent grave. A large number of his friends, acquaintance, and other persons, followed his corpse to the place of in- terment ; and were truly mourners. Few have departed this life more beloved and lamented : the graves of few have been surrounded by so many persons, who, if they had been allowed to speak, could have told of some favour or benefit, some good advice or kind attention, which they had received from the deceased ; or could, in some way or other, either directly or indirectly, have acknowledged him as their friend and ben- efactor. And thousands who were absent, might. 185 if their voice could have been heard, have join- ed in the acknowledgment. His life and death were blessed, and his mem- ory is blessed. He had great talents imparted to him, and high 'success attended him in the employment of them. By his virtues and his kindness, he will long live in the affectionate and grateful remembrance of his friends and ac- quaintance. His literary works and his good deeds are a lasting memorial of him. His name, wherever the English language is spoken, (and soon, where will it not be spoken?) will be known and revered. The little tribute to his memory which I now present to the world, will, I hope, contribute to make him valued and re- membered, not only as Lindley Murray, the Grammarian, as he is usually designated ; but, in a far higher character, as Lindley Murray, the benevolent and pious ; the friend of man, and the faithful, dedicated servant of the Lord God Omnipotent. 26 186 CHAPTER II. CHARACTER OF THE AUTHOR. THE character of the author is depicted in hig writings, particularly in his Memoirs. And it is deeply engraven on the memories of many, who were personally acquainted with him ; or who have derived benefit from his literary la- bours. But it was so excellent, and in many re- spects, so imitable, that, as editor of his Memoirs, I cannot feel excused from attempting a de- lineation; which I shall intersperse with various illustrative anecdotes. It will thus assume rather an historical form ; but, I trust, it will not, on that account, be the less interesting. Mr. Murray seems to have been raised up by Providence, for peculiar purposes to do good in the world, and to exhibit a beautiful specimen of a Christian character. His endowments, both moral and intellectual, were of a superior order. Few men have left behind them a higher char- acter for wisdom, piety, and benevolence. Good sense and sound judgment were the predominating qualities of his mind. He took a large, comprehensive, and accurate view of the objects presented to his mental eye ; and he dis- cerned, clearly and readily, which of those ob- 187 jects were to be preferred and pursued. His apprehension was quick, his memory retentive, and his taste delicate and refined. There did not appear in any of the faculties of his mind, either exuberance or deficiency. Their gener- al harmony, as well as strength, constituted the distinguishing excellence of his intellectual char- acter. To the appellation of a man of genius, he has an undoubted claim ; if true genius signifies, ac- cording to the definition of a celebrated author, " a mind of large, general powers, accidentally," or rather providentially, " determined to some particular direction." The strength of his in- tellect, and the habit of close, vigorous appli- cation which he acquired early in life, enabled him, at will, to collect his thoughts, and to fix them wholly, and for a sufficient length of time, on any subject under his consideration. Hence, whatever he did, was well done, and with com. parative ease. And hence too, he would have excelled in every pursuit in which he had en- gaged, or on whatever subject to which he had turned his attention. His grammatical works have obtained so much celebrity, and they ex- hibit so high a degree of excellence, that it might not unreasonably be supposed, grammar was the principal study of his life; but it did not partic- ularly engage his attention, until a short time 188 previous to the publication of his first work on that subject Before he began any literary work, or engaged in any undertaking, he considered what was use- ful, practicable, and excellent. His imagination did not bewilder him with a diversity of plans and views. A few obvious and judicious means of accomplishing the end proposed, immediately presented themselves to his mind. These he considered with attention ; selected from them what he thought best ; and then proceeded to action, without any agitating hope of success, or fear of failure. He pursued a straight forward path ; not unnecessarily retracing his steps, nor wasting his powers in idle wanderings, or useless cogitations. He formed a grand outline of what he proposed, from which he seldom deviated : then he filled up all the parts successively ; over- coming the difficulties as they occurred, and, on no account, suffering them to accumulate. He never undertook any thing to which he was not more than equal ; and he seldom relinquished any thing which he had undertaken. He composed, and wrote, with quickness and accuracy. His Grammar, as it appeared in the first edition, was completed in rather less than a year. It was begun in the spring of 1794, and it was published in the spring of 1795 ; though he had an intervening illness, which, for several 189 weeks, stopped the progress of the work. After- wards, indeed, he bestowed much attention, and a considerable portion of time, in improving and enlarging the work for a second, and many sub- sequent editions. The Exercises and Key were also composed in about a year: and none of his succeeding publications engrossed, in the first instance, a larger portion of time. His handwriting was uncommonly and uni- formly neat. " Indeed," as was once justly ob- served of him, " he was neat and accurate in every thing he did." I present my readers with a fac simile of a few lines written by him on his last birthday, June 7, 1825. In 1823, he revised and wrote a fair copy of his Memoirs. This manuscript, from which they are printed, is, as well as his will, a beautiful specimen of neat and correct handwriting, at a very advanced period of life. It is throughout perfectly legible: it has no blots, and but few erasures or interlinea- tions. Mr. Murray's sentiments were elevated and refined ; his ideas and opinions just and well founded ; and always expressed in delicate and appropriate language. They often attracted at* tention by their novelty : accompanied with a conviction of their propriety, in the minds of those to whom they were communicated; to- gether with some degree of surprise that they 190 had not previously occurred, or at least not with so strong an evidence of their justness. Both in writing and speaking, his manner of expression was simple and pleasing, but correct and accu- rate, clear and concise : no one could be at a loss to understand his meaning, or to apprehend its force. He had a happy choice of words, and a clear arrangement of his thoughts ; avoiding all useless repetition, or awkward, unnecessary ex- planation, and all contradiction or inconsistency. The current of his expressions and thoughts was easy and natural, smooth and regular. The powers of his mind were improved and enlarged, not only by study, reading, and re- flection, but also by observation, and by exten- sive intercouse with mankind. His early intro- duction to business, and the diversity of employ- ment in which he was subsequently engaged, gave him an insight into human affairs; and contributed, no doubt, very essentially, to im- prove and exercise his judgment, arid to store his memory with various and useful information. His observations on what he saw in the world, and his reflections on what passed in his own mind, gave him an accurate knowledge of hu- man nature. In his Memoirs, he seems to undervalue his acquirements, particularly his classical and lite- rary attainments. He had a considerable ac- 191 quaintance with the Latin and French languages, and some knowledge of Greek. He was an ex- cellent arithmetician and accountant. With gen- eral literature, including history and geography, he was well acquainted. He used to say, though not designing to disparage what is called learn- ing, that if he had been intimately acquainted with ancient languages, he might, perhaps, by introducing much curious and recondite matter, into his grammatical and other works, have ren- dered them less useful and acceptable. The gen- eral scholar, and the man of business, do not re- quire to know the remote etymologies of words, but their present meaning, and their right appli- cation and arrangement. Mr. Murray seemed to have acquired all the general knowledge which is practically useful. But his knowledge, though general, was not superficial. What he knew, he knew well. One of his early instructers said of him : " II veut tout approfondir." And this character he retained to the end of life, with respect to every object which he deemed worthy of his serious attention. Whatever subject of general importance or interest, that occurred? in conversation, or in the business of life, he either possessed all the requisite information, or he could readily obtain it, by a reference to some written authority, or by judicious questions and observations addressed to those with whom he 192 was conversing. Even in his retirement at Hold- gate, he was much consulted on matters of law and literature, morals and religion, the forming and conducting of public and private institu- tions; and, indeed, on all subjects of importance in themselves, or in the view of those who con- sulted him. The opinion which he gave, was, on most occasions, just ; and satisfactory to those by whom it was requested. His disposition was uncommonly active. When he became incapable of bodily exertion, he turn- ed, with alacrity, to pursuits purely intellectual. His friends sometimes expressed their apprehen- sion that his close application to literary employ- ments, might, in his weak state of health, prove injurious to him; he would pleasantly say: "It is better to wear away, than to rust away." He had an even flow of spirits, and great cheer- fulness of temper. He seems to have been nat- urally mild, gentle, and compassionate, yet firm, steadfast, and resolute. He possessed to the latest period of his life, lively sensibility, warmth of feeling, and tenderness of affection. He exercised great and habitual self control. All his feelings and emotions were, as far as human imperfection will allow, subjugated by reason and religion. He was quick in discerning, and solicitous to check, the risings of evil pas- sions, and to refrain, as far as possi ble, from acting 193 under their influence. He seldom suffered any circumstance, or event, to ruffle his temper, or disturb his rest. And it may almost be remark- ed of him, as of an eminent statesman, that " he could cast off his cares with his clothes." His joys and griefs, his hopes and fears, his purposes and desires, on all occasions on which I ever witnessed them, were tempered, partly by native mildness, and partly by religious con- siderations. The delicacy of taste and feeling, which he cultivated, seemed to have a consider- able effect in inducing a certain nicety and caution, and the avoidance of error and excess, both moral and intellectual. He was free from that vain inflation of mind, and self sufficiency, which too often accompany and disgrace talents; and he was equally removed from despondence, or a groundless distrust of the abilities which he possessed. Of his own character, he formed a just, though humble estimate ; preserving a due medium between pride on the one hand, and degradation on the other. He entertained a high sense of moral obliga- tion. His probity was unimpeachable. He neither allowed nor tolerated in himself, a de- parture, in any degree, or on any occasion, from strict integrity. In all his transactions, particu- larly of a pecuniary nature, he was scrupulously exact: careful to take no unfair advantage, to 27 194 evade no rightful claim, and to omit or delay no just payment, whether with respect to govern- ment or any public body, or to individuals. Both in narration and assertion, he considered it an indispensable duty to adhere inviolably to truth; even on small matters, and on points that are too generally deemed of little moment. He was careful to make no promise or engagement which he could not fulfil ; nor any profession, which he could not justify by his actions, or by the genu- ine feelings of his heart. His tender and humble spirit was the proper soil in which religion could take deep root, and flourish. Often did the tear of sensibility glis- ten in his eyes, when he heard, or read, affecting passages from the Scriptures, and other writings; particularly those which, in pointing out the excellent uses of affliction, applied very forcibly to his own state, and to the feelings of his own mind. From childhood to the latest period of his life, he was, in a high degree, susceptible of religious impressions. The sun of righteousness appeared in the early morning of his days ; shone, as it advanced, with increasing splendour, and set in brightness : and it has now, I trust, arisen in that morning without clouds, which ushers in a day of never-ending, effulgent glory. 195 In early life, Mr. Murray was remarkably live- ly. He engaged in many pursuits and amuse- ments, which his improved reason, and sense of religious duty, afterwards condemned. But he was never a slave to amusement ; never allowed himself in any that are absolutely sinful ; and never became corrupt in principle, or negligent of the duties of life. His buoyant spirits, his ar- dent affections, arid his superior intellect, ren- dered his society much courted, and gave a high zest to social enjoyment. His profession of the law, and his widely extended family connexions, naturally led him into company, and not unfre- quently into parties of pleasure. He entered into the gaieties of the passing scene, with more spirit arid animation than most others did, be- cause he brought to them a purer mind, and he considered them only as relaxations from study or business. But so correct was his conduct, that his companions, who were less restrained than himself, used not unfrequently to say : " Mr. Murray, you are a spy upon us !" and they com- mented on his moderation and self control, some- times sarcastically, sometimes with merited commendation. On some occasions, he may have exceeded the bounds of the strictest temperance and self command : yet he was never intoxicated ? and but two or three times in a condition, in any degree, approaching to it. Doubtless, it is to 196 his circumspection under the trials of youth, that he owed much of the future comfort, happiness, and respectability of his life. Few, I believe, have mixed so much in the gay and busy scenes of the world, and retained a more pure, benevo- lent, and pious spirit, and a more unblemished character. The philosopher who has just notions of the excellence of virtue, will applaud his wisdom, his calm self possession, and his almost complete triumph over the seductions of plea- sure, The Christian will observe in them, as in every appearance of nature, every event in hu- man life, the guiding and protecting hand of a most wise and merciful Providence. Mr. Murray often acknowledged preservation from the snares of youth, as one of the greatest blessings of his life. " I stood," said he, " on the brink of a precipice ; and, through Infinite mercy, 1 was preserved from falling into it." On one occasion, having taken an affecting re- view of his early life, he added, with deep humility: "I have abundant cause of thankful- ness to God, that he has preserved me through those dangerous scenes of folly; and has merci- fully enabled me, in some degree, to live to his praise ; and to cherish a hope, that I shall an- swer the great end of my existence, by glorifying and serving him for ever." 197 Mr. Murray regularly attended public wor- ship, as long as his health would permit ; and often even when his weakness, and extreme suscepti- bility of cold, rendered his attendance rather hazardous. His behaviour, on such occasions, was suited to the solemnity of them; and his countenance bespoke at once the calm, collect- ed, and devout frame of his mind. He had a great and increasing regard for the sabbath. He was highly sensible of the propri- ety, and even necessity, of a due observance of it: considering it as a day peculiarly set apart for social worship, and private meditation ; a day of rest from worldly business; of suspension, as far as possible, from worldly care; and of preparation, by religious exercises and services, for that happy world, where the redeemed of the Lord celebrate a perpetual sabbath. One small instance of his reverence for the sabbath may not improperly be adduced. He took much pleasure in reading a daily newspaper: but that he might not, on any occasion of peculiar inter- est, be induced to look into it, on the sabbath day, he did not, on that day, receive it into his house ; but read, or heard read, two papers on the following day. In one of his manuscripts, he observes: "The public worship of the Al- mighty is a special duty of all men; resulting from the relation in which we all stand to God, 198 as our Creator, Preserver, and Benefactor. Com- mon benefits demand common and united thanks- givings and praises. That this great duty ought to be frequently performed, is evident, from the nature of it, and the end which it has in view. If a day of religious rest and social worship, did not often occur, there would be danger, that the sense of gratitude to God, and of entire depend- ance upon him, would languish, if not expire, in the minds of men. That the observance of a weekly sabbath is entitled to distinguished re- gard, and is supported by Divine authority, ap- pears from its being a part of the ten command- ments ; and written, as with the hand of God, on tables of stone, among moral precepts of the highest importance. If an institution of this kind had not been intimately connected with the re- ligious welfare of men, it would not have been classed, in such a manner, with duties of the most interesting nature." Mr. Murray had a firm conviction of the Di- vine truth and efficacy of Christianity. This conviction commenced with the early dawn of reason; and continued, through life, with un- shaken and even increasing force. It was so satisfactory to himself, that he was solicitous to impress it on others. But he never made a wordy profession; seeming to bear in mind the Scriptural admonition: " God is in heaven, and 199 thou upon earth ; therefore, let thy words be few." He never obtruded his sentiments ; nor lessened their force by pressing them on unsuit- able occasions : at the same time he did not shrink from any opportunity of paying homage to Divine truth, or of supporting it to the utmost of his power. He never spoke on religious subjects, for form sake, or as a matter of course : but al- ways with calmness, seriousness, and reverence. Whatever he said, seemed to flow from the feel- ing of his heart, and the conviction of his un- derstanding. But religion with him was not confined to a barren assent of the mind, or to occasional feel- ing. He experienced, and, with pious simplicity, evinced, its renewing, purifying, and sanctifying influence. It formed his character ; it regulated his conduct; it cherished and directed his tal- ents ; it enlarged his views and affections ; it ele- vated his thoughts, his hopes, and desires, from earth to heaven. He lived in a confirmed belief of the general and immediate agency of Provi- dence; in a spirit of prayer; and in constant, daily trust in God, and dependance on his care and goodness. He regarded the Holy Scriptures with pro- found veneration and love ; as a rule of life and faith, and the record of Divine goodness to fallen, sinful man. He read them ; he meditated 200 on them; he recommended them to others; he esteemed it a favour to be enabled, in any degree, to promote the knowledge and circulation of them. On sending a Bible to a young friend, he observed : " How great a privilege it is, to be blessed with so clear and important communi- cations of the Divine will ! which at once en- lighten and enlarge the understanding, warm and animate the heart, and continually present to the religious mind, a defence, support, and comfort, under all the trials and vicissitudes of life. It is the secret influence of the Divine Spirit alone, which can effectually bless and sanctify the perusal of these invaluable books ; and make them a feast more truly rational and delightful, than can be afforded by the most finished human compositions, that ever were exhibited." On recommending the Bible Society to an affluent friend ; he said : " Should we not count it a privilege that we can, in any degree^ promote the dear Redeemer's kingdom ?" Among men, Mr. Murray knew his compara- tive worth ; he felt and maintained his dignity : but before the Omnipotent he was prostrate in spirit, and deeply humbled; all his honours were laid low ; all his good deeds forgotten ; he im- plored mercy, pardon, and help; he pleaded on]y the merits of the Redeemer. Whilst the world ndmired him, whilst his most intimate friends 201 and acquaintance revered him, and could scarce- ly find any fault in him ; it appears plainly, from many passages in his memoirs, from the extracts which I have given, in the preceding chapter, from his manuscripts, and from his verbal declar- ations on many occasions, that he deeply mourn- ed his transgressions; he felt and lamented his weakness, his infirmity, and his sinfulness ; he acknowledged that he had no hope of deliver- ance from sin, and of eternal happiness, but through the atonement and intercession of the ever blessed Redeemer. Though highly gifted, and eminently success- ful in the exercise of his talents, he never arro- gated any merit to himself; but, in great humili- ty, attributed all the means with which he had been blessed of doing good in the world, to that gracious Power from whom they had been deriv- ed. The following sentiment, though expressed by him on a particular occasion, was, I believe, habitual, whenever he contemplated any good, which he had been the instrument in the hands of Providence of accomplishing : " I feel hum- bled in spirit ; and I adore the condescension of that Great Being, who deigns to employ so fee- ble and undeserving a creature in the advance- ment of his work." The chastened feeling with which he con- templated the great success of his literary pro- 28 202 ductions,and the reputation which they procured for him, is strikingly displayed in the meditation, or prayer, inserted in the preceding chapter. He was, certainly, much gratified at the distin- guished approbation which his works received, and at their uncommon sale. But the pleasure which he felt, was, I believe, unconnected with the gratification of pride or vanity. It seemed only to animate him to fresh exertions; and to ex- cite renewed gratitude to the Giver of all good, and the Disposer of all events. "I hope," said he, " that the praises, both public and private, which I have received, have not, in any degree, puffed me up with pride ; or made me contemptuous in my treatment, or opinion, of others, more worthy, but less distinguished, than myself." On an other occasion, having mentioned the extensive sale, and high reputation of his works, he added : " 1 hope that this flattering success has no improper effect upon me. I am sure that my manifold imperfections are sufficient to check elation of mind, and make me humble. I do, indeed, feel grateful to the Author of all good, that, under my long-continued bodily infirmities, I am not yet a useless being in the world." During the course of a severe though short illness, which brought the prospect of death very near to him, he said to me : " It is a pleasing, though affecting consideration, that when 1 am 203 mouldering in the dust, thousands will probably be perusing my books; and, I hope, deriving from them moral and religious instruction, and treasuring up in their minds sentiments that will influence their future conduct." On the same occasion, he said : " I own I have been pleased, but, I trust, not improperly, with the general approbation and acceptance which my literary labours have received. But if I know my own heart, my satisfaction arises from the belief that my works are useful; and that the wide circu- lation of them will tend to the promotion of vir- tue and piety. Whatever literary reputation I may possess, is certainly derived from my gram- matical works: but the chief, if not the only, satisfaction, which I now feel, or which I ever have felt in the hour of serious reflection, from the publication of them, arises from the con- sideration, that the elements of our language may now be acquired, not only without injury to morals, but they are made the means of in- fusing into the young mind, sentiments of the best and noblest kind. Had I only taught how to put words together, I could not, at this awful hour, have reflected on my literary, labours with that satisfaction which I now feel. I do riot mention these things, or consider them, as merits, in the eyes of my great Creator and Judge. If they were weighed in the balance with my mani- 204 fold transgressions, they would be found light indeed." Mr. Murray's resignation, under suffering and privation, and under all the trials of life, were remarkable. He seemed to have no repining or vexatious thoughts that he deserved better of the Supreme Ruler than he received ; nor was he grieved when he saw others possessed of advantages, which were withheld from him. His amiable disposition, as well as his sense of re- ligious duty, induced him, at all times, to make the best of his condition, and to look at the bright side of surrounding objects. Both in his letters and in his conversation, he often expressed him- self to the following purport: " I am persuaded that Infinite Goodness knows what is best for me ; and has assigned me my proper allotment. In his merciful appointment I acquiesce. To his will I desire humbly and cheerfully to resign myself and all my concerns. It is a blessing that I am preserved from repining at my condition. I have, indeed, no cause for murmuring; but much for humiliation and unceasing thankful- ness." All the ills that befel him, he received, with gentleness and submission, as trials or chas- tisements ; and often mentioned them as bless- ings in disguise. He bore all his afflictions with the most ex- emplary patience ; particularly many very severe 205 illnesses, and, during a long course of years, al- most continued weakness and langour. But even in this respect he fell short of apprehended duty; and he used not unfrequently to lament that he could not attain greater devotedness to the Di- vine will, and bear bodily pain and suffering with more composure of mind. In a very violent ill- ness which he had in America, (a constipation of the bowels,) feeling excruciating pain, he held forth his hand, and gently snapped his fingers, in a manner and with an expression of counte- nance, which indicated, that his sufferings were almost beyond his power of endurance; but he uttered not a word. Debility and confinement must have been, in the commencement at least, a sore trial and grievous affliction, to a person distinguished as Mr. Murray had been by health, strength, and agility. Never, I believe, did a murmur or complaint, on this or any other ac- count, issue from his lips, or arise in his heart. I do not think that any of his afflictions, even when they pressed hard upon him, dimin- ished, in the slightest degree, his love and re- verence for the Supreme Being. Gratitude seemed to be the predominant and warmest af- fection, which he felt for the Almighty ; praise and thanksgiving his favourite theme. He was grateful for every thing ; for his afflictions, be- cause they brought him nearer to God and heav- 206 en ; and for his blessings, because they were an earnest of Divine favour and goodness. He often expressed a fervent desire that all his trials and afflictions might be sanctified to him; and all his blessings carefully numbered, and grate- fully acknowledged. But though so resigned to whatever befel him of an afflictive nature, and so patient and contented under it, few persons enjoyed the blessings of life more feelingly than he did ; few were more grateful to the Supreme Dispenser of good. All his enjoyments were heightened by reflection, and by a tender sense of obligation to his heavenly Benefactor. Both in sickness and in health, he often spoke of his own death, in terms at once calm, serious, and affecting; but never, in the slightest degree, indicating any unmanly or unchristian fear. His affectionate disposition, his lively sensibility, and the many blessings which he enjoyed, rendered life very pleasant to him ; he valued it highly ; he was grateful for it; and he took all judi- cious means to preserve and prolong it : but dur- ing all the years in which I was acquainted with him, and I believe, long before, he seemed ready, at any moment, to resign it into the hands of the great Bestower, in hopes of a better life, and a more glorious inheritance. Once, when recovering from an alarming ill- ness, he said : My life, upon the whole, has 207 been a comfortable one ; and marked by many blessings. I have bad my afflictions ; but these have doubtless been intended for my good. I have felt them to be so : and some of them, I hope, I have properly improved." On the same occasion, he said : " I have had an admonition ; a very gentle one. I trust I shall not soon forget it I wish to be prepared for death ; and to be more and more weaned from life, and all its en- joyments." He had near and affecting views of a future state of blessedness; and often discoursed on the subject with animation. He believed that the happiness of heaven consists in the enlargement of the faculties of the mind, and the complete purification of the heart ; in the adoration of the Supreme Being, with a clear understanding of his wonderful wisdom and goodness ; in com- munion with the spirits of just men made per- fect ; in administering, in some way or other, to the happiness of God's creatures; and in ex- tending the boundaries of his most righteous, holy, and wise government. He believed, in common with most pious persons, that in a state of blessedness, the soul retains a general consciousness of its previous existence on earth ; and also renews virtuous affections and friend- ships, but only in such a way as is freed from 208 every thing painful, debasing, or inconsistent with perfect bliss and purity. Being congratulated on one of his birthdays, he replied : " Many returns of this anniversary, I can not have : but I have a humble trust, that, through the mercy of God in Jesus Christ, I shall be made one of those happy beings, who are employed in his service in the realms of light and joy; and who perform that service with the utmost alacrity ; feeling it to be their highest honour and privilege, to do the will, and promote the cause, of their most gracious Lord and Father." In the last of his little anniversary addresses to his wife, written in his eighty -first year, he says : " For the mercies of preservation, and the continuance of the many blessings we have had together, we have abundant cause to be thankful to our heavenly Protector and Father. May He be pleased to prepare us for his holy and happy kingdom ; where we shall then have to rejoice for ever, in rendering continual thanks- givings and praises, and the most devout and zealous services, to our heavenly Father, Re- deemer, and Sanctifier, one God, blessed for ever !" In one of his manuscripts, he observes : " If it would be a circumstance of satisfaction, that the redeemed shall be with the patriarchs whom 209 they never knew ; may we not believe that it will also be peculiarly rejoicing to meet those whom they did know and love ? No doubt there will be many new and great sources of joy, to those who are admitted into the realms of bliss : but may we not reasonably believe that one of those sources will be the re- union of those who loved one an other here, and promoted each other's best interests on earth? Could they know one an other in a happy state, and remember the spiritual strength and comfort, given and received in the days of trial and trou- ble below, without partaking of a pure and lively joy in the eternal deliverance and happi- ness of one an other ?" Mr. Murray was a member of the society of Quakers, or Friends : by whom he was much re- spected and esteemed, and justly considered as one of their brightest ornaments. From his earliest years, he was educated in the principles of that society, to which he uniformly adhered. In his conduct and conversation, except in some instances in early life, he conformed to all the peculiarities of the sect ; but always with his accustomed delicacy, and regard to the feelings of others. Though attached to his own sect, he had a great respect for truly religious persons of every denomination : he considered them, and 29 often spoke of them, as members of one church, children of one holy and blessed family, and fellow-travellers to a heavenly country. Some of his nearest relations, and many of his friends, were not Quakers ; this circumstance probably tended in no small degree, to preserve him from a spirit of bigotry. But his enlarged views both of divine and human nature, were sufficient, independently of any other consideration, to guard him from the extravagant opinion, which lurks in the minds of some, even pious persons, that to their own sect or party, to those who adopt the same expressions, or join in the same forms of worship with themselves, belong ex- clusively all virtue, piety, and acceptance with God. " Various," Mr. Murray observed, " are the shades and degrees of our understandings and natural dispositions : but if the holy princi- ple is suffered to rule, it will make them all acceptable to HIM who framed them, though it may not model them to any standard of uni- formity. We are long in learning to judge wisely of one an other ; and to make charitable allowances for difference of understanding, dis- position, education, &c. Mankind are all breth- ren, the children of one Father : they should, therefore, when we believe them sincere and upright, be received as fellow-partakers of the same privileges." 211 On an other occasion, he observed : " I respect piety and virtue wherever I meet them. It would be a proof of my own superficiality or depravity, if I valued a truly religious man the less for the name and profession which he sus- tains. I trust that I shall ever be influenced by the cheering sentiment, that every man who sin- cerely loves God and works righteousness, is ac- cepted by him, and is entitled to universal esteem and regard." In all the varied relations of life, Mr. Murray's conduct was excellent. He was attentive to every dictate of affection, and every requirement of duty. He understood well the nature and ex- tent of all his relative duties; he had reflected much upon them ; and he seemed to take pleas- ure in performing them. He possessed, in an uncommon degree, the respect and affection of all with whom he was intimately connected. Few persons ever left their native land, more beloved and regretted by numerous relations and friends, or took with them more blessings and good wishes. During the whole time of his residence in this country, though long and far separated from his relatives, he preserved a most affectionate remembrance of them ; he ren- dered them all the varied services and assistance which circumstances would allow; and he kept up with them a regular and frequent correspond* 212 ence. He said, no time, nor distance, weak- ened his attachment for them. To his parents, particularly to his mother, he was very affectionate. And he was also highly obedient and respectful; except perhaps in a fevr instances, in which the vivacity of his temper, and the peculiarity of his circumstances, may have betrayed him into some violation of filial duty. To his brother and sisters he was uni- formly kind and attentive. As a husband, he was tenderly affectionate, and indulgent. He was the revered guide, and beloved friend of his wife ; her constant moni- tor ; her counsellor in difficulty ; her comforter in affliction. She often said : " I believe it is not possible for any woman to have a kinder or more affectionate husband than I have. I hope there are many husbands as good as he is : but I can not conceive, or allow, that any can be better." They lived together, upwards of fifty- eight years, in uninterrupted harmony. They had no children : but neither this circumstance, nor any other, diminished their mutual affection, or their happiness. During the first years of their union, Mr. Murray rather wished for chil- dren: but he was perfectly satisfied with the allotment of Providence, in this, as well as in every other respect. He used to say pleasantly that his books were his children ; that, he hoped, 213 (hey were well settled and doing good in the world ; and that they had occasioned him less trouble and anxiety than most children give to their parents. He was a humane and kind master. He did not dispense with the performance of necessary or proper duty; but he exercised authority with moderation, forbearing threatening, and all rude or harsh expressions. He never grudged his servants the well earned reward of their services, or any suitable indulgence; and was always desirous that they should have full time arid opportunity, not only to attend public wor- ship, but to all their secular and spiritual con- cerns. He never required, or looked for, more diligence from them, than could reasonably be expected ; and in all their faults and failures, he made due allowance for them, as beings par- taking of the same frail nature as himself, but exposed to peculiar temptations and disadvan- tages. He frequently gave them advice, and moral or religious instruction, adapted to their particular characters and tempers. When they had left his service he did not forget or forsake them; he continued to bestow upon them such marks of attention, or of pecuniary assistance, as their respective circumstances required. One of his servants, who had lived in his family eight years, being questioned as to her future pros. 214 pects in life, said : " I never expect to find a bet- ter place, nor a better master and mistress." The servant who lived with him at the time of his decease, said : " I believe no person's ser- vants are more comfortably accommodated, in health, or more tenderly cared for, in sickness, than I am." After Mr. Murray gave up his car- riage, which, from his own confinement and that of his wife, had become useless, he kept only one regular, stated servant. His family, for some years previous to his decease, consisted, besides himself and his wife, of one servant, and a fe- male friend, who lived with them as a compan- ion ; and who was much employed in reading to them, and in assisting Mrs. Murray in her house- hold concerns. Both these persons, at the time of his decease, had resided in his family nearly twelve years. He has left them, by his will, a handsome acknowledgment of their services, and of his regard. They respected him during his lifetime, and lamented him, after his death, as a father and a friend. The praise of conscientious servants and in- mates, may justly be considered as the highest panegyric that private virtue can receive. That praise Mr. Murray obtained in a high degree; for, I believe, no servant ever lived with him, and no person ever resided in his house, either as an inmate, or an occasional guest, who did not 215 highly respect him, and speak of him in terms of the warmest commendation. He was a kind and sincere friend. He highly esteemed his friends ; he took pleasure in their company; but so just was the estimate which he formed of human life and character, that he entertained no unreasonable expectations from them. With great delicacy and judgment, he performed towards them the best offices of friendship. He admonished and advised them; he assisted them in their difficulties; he con- soled them in their afflictions; and, which is perhaps the severest test of friendship, he bore patiently with their weaknesses and foibles, though perfectly sensible of them, and he usually concealed from others the faults he saw. Few men, none certainly in so retired a situation, ever had so many friends, or was so much be- loved by them. He engaged their warmest at- tachment, and excited in their minds a peculiar- ity and intenseness of interest. " We felt for him," said one of his friends, after his decease, " as we did for no one else." " In other persons, however estimable," said an other of his friends, " we can observe errors, defects, inconsisten- cies : in him, we could discern nothing but what was amiable, just, and proper." Enemies, personal enemies, I believe he had none. Competitors in his literary career, he cer- 216 tainly had : but he practised great forbearance towards them: and always spoke of them with respect and moderation. One of the first of his manuscripts which caught my attention after his decease, contains the following candid abserva- tions: " I not only feel myself very much obliged to my friends for their kind and judicious pri- vate remarks on my grammatical works ; but 1 owe something to the public criticisms of several persons who are not very friendly to these pub- lications. Their strictures have enabled me sometimes to correct a real error, and often to remove doubt, and prevent misapprehension." Mr. Murray was a most pleasing, as well as instructive companion. His voice, though not strong, was clear; and his enunciation remarkably distinct and correct. So great was the versatility of his parts, that he could with ease, enter into all sorts of conversation of a general and useful nature. His discourse was attractive and inter- esting even to children and ignorant persons. With wonderful dexterity and condescension, he drew forth from the rich stores of his reading and experience, facts, anecdotes, and oberva- tions, tending to recommend some moral precept, or to impress some useful information. When he had young visiters, he not unfrequently intro- duced some book or paper, which he requested them to read aloud: thus diversifying their en- 217 tertainment, enlarging their ideas, and suggest- ing to them new subjects of useful and interest- ing conversation. In general discourse he did not talk much, nor long together, except on business or occasions which rendered it necessary; indeed, he was usually prevented by the weakness of his voice. He seldom said more than the subject required ; nor, apparently, more than he intended. He never seemed to talk for the sake of self display, or self gratification. To please or edify those with whom he conversed, or to obtain from them such useful information as they were capable of affording, were his favourite objects. Subjects of importance were most congenial to his mind. These he frequently introduced; and he seldom failed to represent them in a new and striking point of view, indicating the strength and originality of his mind. He was unassuming in opinion; he never contended eagerly about trifles : but, at the same time, he renounced no important truth, or just principle. The general tenour of his conversation may not unaptly be described in the following lines of the poet : " Still turn'd to moral virtue was his speech ; And gladly would he learn, and meekly teach." He seemed to hold in his hand the master key of the heart and understanding of those 30 218 with whom he conversed, or with whom he had to do; and he could, at will, draw forth such tones, grave or gay, soft or strong, as suited the present occasion : but he used this power only for good and legitimate purposes; to allay anger, to sooth discontent, to inspire good resolutions, to prompt judicious decisions. With peculiar aptitude, he discovered, and called forth, the best qualities, the best thoughts and feelings, of those with whom he conversed; these he partic- ularly addressed and cherished : so that in his presence, I have often seen the thoughtless be- come grave; the profligate, serious; the dull, animate; the timid, free; and the reserved, communicative. He had a happy art of conveying instruc- tion, reproof, or advice* Instruction he gave with precision, unincumbered with any extra- neous matter; reproof he administered with tenderness; advice, with persuasive gentleness. No one, on consulting him, or receiving infor- mation from him, could feel humbled, or self abased. He never exulted in the superiority of his knowledge or wisdom. He was slow to contradict, and still slower to blame. He listened patiently; and he did not attempt to answer, or to give an opinion, till he understood the matter. He never exclaimed at the folly, ignorance, or perversity, of those who consulted him, however 219 inwardly convinced of it. He quietly ascer- tained the extent of their capacity : he observed where their difficulty, or misapprehension lay ; and what obstacles pride, passion, or prejudice, placed in the way of truth. By argument clearly and forcibly expressed, by gentle persua- sion, or by innocent pleasantry, he seldom failed to win them over to a right decision, or proper feeling. His letters, like his conversation, seemed dic- tated by a spirit of wisdom and of kindness. On .subjects of business, they were clear, explicit, and concise ; on matters in which self was con- cerned, delicate and cautious : on occasions of giving advice or admonition, (which sometimes occurred even with regard to strangers,) full of candour and tenderness, yet firm and decisive. Sentiments of piety were so deeply impressed on his own mind, that he could not fail to endeavour, by letter as well as in words, to communicate the impression to others. His letters, even on mere business, frequently contained some sentiment, or expression, calling to the mind of the persons addressed, the concerns of an other and a better world. His correspondence was voluminous; and the number of persons to whom he wrote, very great. His separation from his relations, and his literary concerns, independently of other circumstances, naturally gave occasion to 220 much writing. Debarred by his ill health, and frequently by the weakness of his voice, from many opportunities of personal intercourse, he often expressed in writing the sentiments which he would otherwise have spoken; and with as much freedom and ease as most people could converse. His celebrity as an author, and as a man of benevolence, induced many persons, even strangers, to write to him, soliciting advice, or pecuniary assistance : to all these letters he seldom failed to return prompt and kind answers. His letters of consolation and congratulation, in particular, were numerous : for so lively was the interest which he took in the affairs of those persons, with whom he was connected or ac- quainted, that occasions of sorrow or joy seldom occurred to them, or in their families which did not call forth from him an expression of tender and pious sympathy. His letters were not de- signed, nor, as he observed, calculated for the public, but exclusively for the persons to whom they were addressed: he has, therefore, as I have mentioned in the preface, left in writing a re- quest that they may not be published. To all bis correspondents, whose feeling and delicacy are, in any degree, congenial to his own, they will, from that very circumstance, become the more deeply interesting, and the more valuable, not, indeed, in a pecuniary point of view, but 221 intrinsically ; and they will, I doubt not, be pre- served with reverential care, as precious relics of a departed friend arid monitor. As a neighbour, Mr. Murray was highly res- pected, and truly exemplary. He was solicitous to avoid either giving or taking offence ; loath to believe, and still more loath to propagate, any idle tales, or rumours, or to make any censorious remarks; ready to unite, as far as his situation would allow, in every useful plan for general accommodation, or advantage ;* unwilling to interfere in other people's affairs, or to offer his advice, unless he thought it would be acceptable or beneficial ; and very humane and liberal to the poor, particularly in time of sickness. Dur- ing the greater part of his abode in England, he was not able to associate much with his neigh- * Amongst numerous instances of this kind, the following, though comparatively small, is characteristic, and therefore, not unworthy of notice. Unable to walk himself, he conlrib* uted largely towards forming and keeping up a walk, by the side of the road, leading from Holdgate and other places, to the city of York. A seat, on which to rest the weary traveller, was put up, by the side of this walk, entirely at Mr. Murray's own expense : which, it is to be hoped, will not be injured or demolished by rude, rapacious hands ; but will henceforth be called Murray's seat, and preserved as a humble memorial of a great and good man, who lived near the spot where it is placed, and who, by his long residence, has given celebrity to the little village of Holdgate, and its environs. 222 bours : but scarcely any one ever resided in his immediate vicinity, who did not, in some way or other, receive from him, some kind, delicate attention, or some essential service. Both himself and his wife seemed not only to embrace, but to contrive, opportunities of serving and obliging. Mr. Murray preserved an habitual tenderness of mind. With him a spirit of kindness seemed in constant operation. He loved to be at peace with all persons, especially those with whom he was most conversant. He seemed grieved when- ever he perceived, that, through inadvertence, or any unavoidable circumstance, he had given pain, or the slightest cause of offence to any one; and always wished for, and gladly embraced, an early opportunity of endeavouring to remove the impression. On all occasions of provocation occurring to himself, particularly when he received any mark of inattention, unkindness, or even ingratitude, from those to whom he was attached, or whom he had served, he evidently felt keenly ; but he never expressed any sentiment, or uttered any expression, unbecoming a Christian. His emo- tion soon subsided ; and his resentment passed away, quick as a transient cloud on a fine sum- mer's day. Not only the sun never went down on his anger; but even the next hour scarcely saw any traces of it. On manyoccasions, he has 223 been known, to take the earliest opportunity of renewing his civility, to those persons by whom his feelings had been thus tried, or of conferring fresh favours upon them: thus, not encouraging evil, but endeavouring, according to the Scrip- ture maxim, to overcome evil with good. He was full of candour, and Christian charity. Though far removed from that easy credulity which is imposed on by every specious pretence, or artful profession, he certainly appeared quick- er in discerning good than evil, in human charac- ter and conduct : or, at least, he pointed it out, and commented upon it, with greater alacrity. The good was pleasant to him, and congenial to his feelings. The ill he passed by as lightly as circumstances would allow. He condemned with regret; and readily admitted every ex- tenuation. He was pleased with little services and atten- tions, and grateful for them. He was ready to oblige, and willing to be obliged. To confer favours was pleasant to him ; and he could not therefore, refuse to others, in their turn, the gratification which he so often felt. A gift, or mark of attention, however small, however awkwardly presented, when offered by those whom he had obliged, seldom failed to be receiv- ed by him in the most gracioos manner. On such occasions, he would sometimes say : " This 224 person thinks himself indebted to me ; he wishes to discharge part of the debt, or, at least to make some acknowledgment of it : why should I, by my refusal, or cold acceptance, deny him this gratification ?'* In the performance of relative duties, Mr. Murray did not forget humanity to animals ; of which the following is a striking instance, amongst many others that might be given. In early life, he was fond of shooting; but after some years he became dissatisfied with it, from a conviction, not only that it consumes too much precious time, but also that it is improper to take away life for the sake of amusement. He be- lieved that of the birds which are shot at, many more are wounded, than are actually killed and obtained; and, consequently, they gradually pine away, and die through pain, and want of food. He had seen birds so much hurt, as to be inca- pable of performing their natural functions ; and he had reason to believe that instances of this kind are very numerous. These reflections made such an impression on his mind, that he determined never again to indulge himself in a sport, which produced so much distress to the objects of his amusement. He was a true patriot. America, his native land, the abode of his relations, and his own, during a great part of his life, was dear to him : 225 England also was dear to him ; it was his adopted country, and the scene of his greatest usefulness. He rejoiced in the prosperity of both countries ; and particularly wished that peace and amity should prevail between them. He was a friend of liberty, both civil and reli- gious; a warm asserter of the just rights of man, and averse to despotic power, whether lodged in the hands of one, or of many: but, at the same time, he was a friend of order, a strenu- ous supporter of good government, and opposed to all wild theories and useless innovation. The British constitution he much admired: "a fa- bric," as he observes in one of his publications, " which has stood the test of ages, and attracted the admiration of the world. It combines the advantages of the three great forms of govern- ment, without their inconveniences: it preserves a happy balance amongst them : and it contains within itself, the power of recurring to first principles, and of rectifying all the disorders of time." Mr. Murray was a philanthropist in the justest and most extensive sense of the word. His be- nevolence was universal, not confined to any nation, sect, or party. It took in the whole human race, of every clime and colour. It knew no limits but the limits of the whole creation. It sprung from a principle of duty and of love, to 31 226 God and all his creatures. It did not exhaust itself in mere sentiment or feeling: but diffused its benign influence over his character and con- duct. He promoted, by all the means in his power, the welfare and improvement of mankind. He took a deep interest in the success of various public institutions, designed to serve the cause of religion and humanity, particularly the Bible society and the African institution ; and he con- tributed largely according to his means, though sometimes anonymously, to their support. By his writings, by his life and conversation, by the encouragement which he gave not only to public but to private endeavours, of a benevolent and religious nature, he promoted, in an eminent degree, the general diffusion of the spirit of Chris- tianity. The good seed which was intrusted to his care, he cast upon a wide extent of land : the abundant harvest which it has produced, and which, I trust, it will long continue to produce, will, probably, be fully made known to him in the world to come. His acts of private charity were innumerable : indeed, many of them were known only to him- self and his wife, and tq those who were the ob- jects of them. All his favours were rendered doubly acceptable even to the poorest persons, by the civility, kindness, or tenderness, with which they were bestowed. The profit which 227 he derived from his various publications, was uniformly devoted to benevolent purposes, and afforded him a considerable fund of charity. But long before he received any assistance from this source, he was distinguished by his beneficence : he gave much alms ; he distributed books of pi- ety; and he contributed in various ways, to render more comfortable many persons in straitened cir- cumstances. From the commencement of his re- sidence at Holdgate, till his decease, he paid, an- nually, for the schooling of several poor children in his neighbourhood ; which, before the general establishment of Sunday and other schools, was a peculiarly acceptable and useful charity. By his great abilities and application, and his respectable family connexions, he had, through the blessing of Providence, acquired, early in life, a portion of this world's goods amply ade- quate to his own moderate wants and wishes, and those of his wife : the overplus he devoted to the service of God and man. Nay, I think it may be said, he dedicated all he had to the Lord; his fortune, his time, his talents. His house was the seat of simplicity, piety, and benevolence. It was abundantly supplied with every thing necessary for the comfortable accommodation of its inhabitants, and of visiters; but there was nothing for show, or mere ornament, From 228 taste, as well as principle, Mr. Murray was averse to an ostentatious or luxurious mode of living. His income, independently of the profit of his publications, scarcely at any time exceeded five or six hundred pounds a year. With this income, he was hospitable arid generous ; he lived in a plain way indeed, but so respectably, and with so high a character for benevolence, that he was generally esteemed rich. He frequently ac- knowledged as one of the blessings of Provi- dence, that from his first establishment in life, he had always had the means of living with comfort and respectability. His external manners were truly pleasing. He was affable and courteous in his address ; mild, yet dignified in his demeanour. His un- affected civility and kindness readily won their way to the heart. Though a valetudinarian during the greater part of his life, his personal habits were those of uncommon delicacy and decorum. His appearance was noble and prepossessing. He was tall and well proportioned ; and rather stout. His complexion was dark, and somewhat ruddy : it did not exhibit that sickly appear- ance which might have been expected from his general debility, and long confinement. His forehead was open, expansive, and rather ele- vated. His features were regular. The profile 229 of his face, if not handsome, was strikingly noble and pleasing. The general impression of his countenance indicated at once the elevation of his mind, and the sweetness of his disposition. When he received and welcomed any stranger, or visiter, for whom he felt particular respect or regard, his countenance beamed with increased dignity and sweetness ; his eyes sparkled with benevolent animation, and a smile played on his lips: his whole appearance and manner, be- spoke instantaneously and powerfully, superior intelligence sweetly tempered by superior good- ness and benignity. The effect produced on the mind of the beholder, though often felt, can scarcely be described : it was a mingled sensa- tion of admiration, love, and reverence. Some have said after their first introduction to him, that his aspect and demeanour, together with the purity and sanctity of his character, recalled to their minds the idea of the apostles and other holy men ; who, in the early ages of Christianity, were, with a large measure of grace, redeemed from the world, and dedicated to the service of God and religion. 230 CHAPTER III. REMARKS ON THE AUTHOR'S VARIOUS PUBLICATIONS. BEING well acquainted with the publications of Mr. Murray, and having had peculiar oppor- tunities of knowing their merits, and the views of the author, I presume that a few remarks on them, both general and particular, will not be unacceptable to the reader. They are a tribute which seems due to my departed friend, for his meritorious exertions to advance the interests of religion and literature ; and they may be the means of attracting attention to some excellences of design or execution, which might otherwise have been passed over unobserved, or with less consideration than they deserve. It is a striking recommendation of these works, that they have had a considerable influence, in promoting the correct and chaste education of young persons. The strain of piety and virtue, and the elegant taste, which pervade them, have had happy effects, in forming the minds of young persons who have studied them ; and in produ- cing, or expanding, a similar spirit, in the publi- cations since introduced into seminaries. The author was very strongly impressed with the im~ 231 portance of a guarded education of youth : and he thought that if sound principles of piety and virtue, were constantly presented to them, and happily incorporated with the elements of lite- rature, the effect would be incalculably greater than most persons are apt to imagine. This sen- timent induced him to believe, that he could not better employ his time, or render a greater ser- vice to society, than by composing works of edu- cation, in which learning and knowledge should go hand in hand with moral and religious in- struction. This design he has most successfully accomplished : and the universal approbation which it has obtained, is a very pleasing proof of the importance and usefulness of his writings. He had great satisfaction in reflecting on the moral effects which his works are calculated to produce ; and that none of them contains a senti- ment capable of giving him pain in the retrospect of life. He has, I trust, planted, and he will con- tinue to plant, in the minds of a long succession of young readers and students, principles and virtues, which will support and animate them in every period of this life ; and which may, in- deed, have a great influence on their happiness in an other world. Mr. Murray's grammatical works possess dis- tinguished merit, both as to matter and arrange- ment. He has introduced into this branch of 232 science great simplicity and perspicuity. And since these works have appeared, a subject which was before generally considered as dry and unin- teresting, to young persons especially, has be- come very popular, and is now almost univer- sally studied and relished. To render our native tongue an object of peculiar attention ; to excite a general desire to acquire the knowledge of it ; and to facilitate that acquisition ; reflect not a little credit on the productions of our author. It is an additional recommendation of his pub- lications, that they all have the same objects in view, are intimately connected, and naturally in- troduce one an other. The subsequent works generally illustrate and enforce the principles of those which precede. To instil into the youth- ful mind the love of piety and virtue; to infuse into it sentiments of importance on topics of an interesting nature; and to excite a taste for judicious composition, arid a correct and elegant style ; are the objects which are constantly aim- ed at, in all these literary productions. They may, therefore, be properly considered as form- ing a little code of important elementary instruc- tion, adapted to the varied years and capacities of young persons ; and may, with confidence, be put into their hands. It may not be improper to observe, that our author has been of considerable use too, in pro- 233 rooting the printing of works of education, with accuracy and neatness ; on good paper, with a clear type, and in a fair, open manner. All his publications, from the first to the last of them, have appeared in this very proper and attractive form.* He thought it was of no small impor- tance in the business of education ; and his practice, in this respect, has been successfully imitated. His publications are entitled to commendatory notice, on account of their negative as well as their positive merit. Indeed, their freedom from every thing objectionable, constitutes one of their most solid recommendations. There is in them no expression or sentiment of an indelicate nature; nothing which tends to vitiate taste, or undermine principle ; nothing that is vulgar or frivolous, eccentric or dubious ; nor is there, on the other hand, any thing too nice, critical, or refined, for general use and acceptance. Mr. * It must, in justice, be observed, that the typography of Mr. Murray's works, reflects credit, not only on the author, but on the printers, Messrs. Wilson and Co. of York; who were also publishers, and, in part, proprietors of these works. Their extensive printing establishment, only about a mile dis- tant from the residence of Mr. Murray ; the ability, prompti- tude, and obligingness, with which they promoted his views ; were particularly satisfactory to him, and afforded him great facility and accommodation, in the ordering and managing of his various publications. 32 234 Murray aims at nothing which he does not ac- complish ; nor does he aim at any thing, which is not worth accomplishing. His hooks are a considerable and an acknowledged improvement on all existing works of the same nature. He does not pursue ideal or imaginary perfection ; he accommodates his works to the tastes and capacities of young persons, for whom they are chiefly designed, and to the present state of society and literature. The Christian Observer, in noticing his octavo Grammar, says : " We are happy to bear testi- mony that none of the sentences and extracts appear to be selected with relation to the pecu- liar creed of the writer." With equal truth it may be said, that our author's other publications are clear of any expressions or sentiments, pecu- liar to the society of which he was a member. He made it a point, whilst he was writing for the benefit of readers in general, to avoid intro- ducing, in any shape, the tenets of a particular sect; or any thing which could be supposed to relate to those tenets. And for this judicious care arid liberality, he has been much and de- servedly commended. At the same time, it must be observed that he avoided introducing any thing inconsistent with, or contrary to, the tenets of the sect to which he belonged; so that, whilst his works have received the approbation 235 of the public in general, they have been no less highly appreciated by the members of his own society. The preceding observations on Mr. Murray's works, are supported and confirmed by the opin- ions of the public critics, and of various other writers. A statement of some of these opinions, may not improperly be adduced on the present occasion. The British Critic contains the following re- marks : "Our pages bear ample testimony, both to the ability and diligence of Mr. Murray. His different publications evince much sound judgment and good sense ; and his Selections are very well calculated to answer the intended pur- pose." " This author," says the Christian Observer, " deserves much praise and encouragement for the pains he has taken in purifying books of in- struction ; and his English Grammar will estab- lish his character as a writer in this important department of literature." The Eclectic Review observes, that "Mr. Murray's exertions are directed to one of the noblest objects. They are judicious, unremitted, and, we rejoice to add, particularly acceptable to the public. His works are distinguished from the mass of school books, by a correct style, a, 236 refined taste, and especially by a vigilant sub- servience to morality and religion." Thu Anti-jacobin Review gives tbe following very ample recommendation : " The principle upon which all the publications of Mr. Murray, for the instruction of the rising generation are founded, is such as gives him an unquestionable claim to public protection. The man who blends religion and morals with the elements of scien- tific knowledge, renders an eminent service to society ; and where ability of execution is added to excellence of design, as in the present case, the claim becomes irresistible." In the American Review and Literary Journal is the following eulogium on Mr. Murray's works: " Mr. Murray's Grammar, as well as his other publications, has received the uniform approba- tion of literary characters and journalists. We do not hesitate warmly to recommend them to the instructers of youth in every part of the United States, as eminently conducive to pure morality and religion, and to the acquisition of a correct and elegant style. They deserve to take place of all other works of the same kind." Dr. Miller in his " Retrospect of the Eigh- teenth Century," observes that " Mr. Lindley Murray, by his English Grammar, and by several other publications connected with it, and design- ed as auxiliaries to its principal purpose, has be- 237 come entitled to the gratitude of every friend to English literature, and to true virtue." Mr. Walker, author of a judicious and highly approved Pronouncing Dictionary, and of various other works, has, in his " Elements of Elocution," and in his " Outlines of English Grammar," borne a very striking testimony to the merits of our au- thor. "Mr. Murray's Grammar, and Selection of lessons for reading, are the best in the English language."-r-" I need not acquaint the public with the merits and success of Lindley Murray's Grammar; which seems to have superseded ev- ery other. Indeed, when we consider the plain, simple mode of instruction he has adopted ; the extent of observation he has displayed ; and the copious variety of illustration he has added; we shall not wonder that his Grammar has been so universally applauded." The letters which Mr. Murray received, at an early period of the publication of his works, from a celebrated writer on education, and on other important subjects, contain the following passages: "You appear to have simplified Grammar beyond any of your precursors. I am also better pleased with your English Reader, than with any compilation I have ever seen. I am happy to see you so carefully guarding the elements of literature, and fencing off the ob- trusion of any immoral author, or corrupt senti- 238 merit." " We are both, I trust, co-operators in the same great cause, that of impressing young minds with right principles, as well as keeping out of their way, what would serve only to cor- rupt and deprave them. Preoccupying the ground, by safe, early instruction, of various kinds, and supplying, in some measure, their early literary wants, you, I trust, will be enabled so far to form their minds to virtue and religion, that they will reject from taste, as well as avoid from principle, the destructive, and also the vain and idle compositions, to which so much youth- ful time is unthinkingly sacrificed. I never neg- lect an opportunity, when it is fairly offered, of bearing my testimony to your works; and I have never heard them named by any one into whose hands they have fallen, but with respect and approbation. They will, I doubt riot, more and more make their way : and, as they are more known, will be generally adopted." An other highly respectable writer on educa- tion, expresses himself in a letter to our author, in the following terms : " You must allow me to observe, that no man who feels as an English- man or a Christian, can contemplate, without the highest satisfaction, the very extensive circula- tion which your works have obtained. It is books of this description, which the last chapter of my Essay was designed to recommend to our 239 schools : and I still think, that on the use or neglect of them, depend, in no small degree, the principles of the rising generation, and conse- quently our permanence and prosperity as a nation." A letter to Mr. Murray from the president of one of the American colleges, contains the follow- ing sentiments : " Your grammatical works have always been esteemed by me, as the most valu- able yet published ; and hence, I have never ceased to recommend the careful study of them to the youth of this college. The advantage which both students and scholars have derived from such a study, has been great. The knowl- edge, and the proper use, of our own language, have become an indispensable acquirement; and with the lights which you have held forth, that valuable acquirement is accessible to every one. Too long had the study of our own lan- guage yielded to that of Latin and Greek, or of some modern language. You have the merit of producing a reform in this respect ; for which every friend of literature owes to you the great- est obligation." A distinguished and elegant author, having occasion to write to Mr. Murray, on a subject unconnected with his works, embraced the op- portunity of expressing his opinion respecting them. " I can not," says he, " deny myself the 240 pleasure of offering you, upon this occasion, my best thanks, as a part of the public, for the many judicious and truly valuable works, with which you have enriched our language. The rising generation, and those who are concerned in their superintendence, are greatly your debtors : and, if to have been made useful, under God, in promoting sound learning, pure religion, and liberal sentiments, be (as it certainly is) a ground of satisfactory reflection, you are entitled to that enjoyment, in no ordinary degree." I shall only add an extract from an other letter to Mr. Murray, on the subject of his works. It was written by a respectable and learned clergy- man, with whom he had been acquainted in early life. " After your performances have passed the ordeal of public criticism, and receiv- ed the approbation of all the British and Ameri- can Reviews, it would be presumption in me to give an opinion, or to add my feeble voice to the common plaudit. Indeed, I do not recollect any publications, that have so entirely escaped cen- sure, and so universally obtained commendation. I rejoice much in their extensive circulation, because they will not only improve the rising generation, in the knowledge of grammar, and in correct reading, writing, and composition; but strongly impress on their tender minds the principles of morality and religion, and make 241 them not only better scholars, but better men. If generally introduced (as they will be) into our public schools and seminaries, they will counter- act the baneful effects of some late licentious productions; and furnish youth with an armour, which will imbolden and enable them to repel, through life, the weapons of vice and infidelity." Having made these general observations on the works of Mr. Murray, I proceed to consider their merits individually. The first of his publications was, the POWER of RELIGION on the MIND. This work, as he often observed, afforded him the most heartfelt satisfaction. Though it has not procured him the most literary reputation, it was his favourite performance. It was viewed by him in this light, because he conceived that it was more immediately adapted than any of his other works, to lead the readers to a virtuous and happy life, and to excite in them an ardent desire, and earnest preparation, for that state of eternal felicity which is the great end of their being. On his own mind, the lives of good men, and the efficacy of religion in the closing scene of life, had made a happy impression. The elevated hopes and lively faith of pious persons, in their dying moments, who are just entering into the regions of glory, where all their virtuous conflicts will be infinitely over- 33 242 paid, are, indeed, of the most consoling and animating nature. They strengthen confidence in religion; and encourage perseverance in its paths. That the author of this book should be desirous of exciting in the breasts of others, the encouragements to piety and virtue, which he had himself felt from contemplating exalted goodness, was natural and laudable; and he has, in consequence, produced a valuable work, which has been much read, and highly com- mended. Besides the proof of approbation, which the sale of seventeen editions, some of them consisting of three or four thousand copies, has afforded, the author received very gratifying information of several individuals who had been excited to virtue, or strengthened in a religious course of life, by the perusal of this publication. From many persons of piety and learning, he also received letters, which expressed, in strong terms, their approbation of the performance ; and their opinion that it is happily calculated to counteract the growing spirit of infidelity and irreligion. The work is, in every point of view, well executed. The subjects have been judiciously selected from the mass of biography, consisting generally of distinguished individuals of differ- ent periods, countries, and professions ; whose sentiments would probably be listened to with 243 reverence. An historical sketch of each person is given, sufficient to make the reader acquainted with him, and to give an interest to his testi- mony on behalf of religion. This individual testimony does not embrace a great number and variety of expressions, which might be tedious to many readers: it is confined to a few striking and important declarations. And yet the senti- ments of each person, when united together, form a considerable body of religious instruction, copiously varied, and communicated in the most weighty and impressive manner. The facts stated in the work are well authenticated ; the arrangement is judicious ; and the language is simple and correct. In characterizing this little volume, the Monthly Reviewers, with great propriety, ob- serve, that "Mr. Murray has furnished an interesting collection of testimonies; and we wonder not, that a work so instructive and amusing, as well as impressive, should have been generally patronised. It is a book which may be read, with profit, by persons in all situations." The Guardian of Education also speaks in high terms of the publication : " This work, in its present enlarged state, forms, in our opinion, one of the best books that can be put into the hands of young people. The subject is grave and important ; but Mr. Murray has rendered it 244 highly interesting and engaging, by a judicious selection of anecdotes and examples ; which, by the intermixture of pious reflections, he teaches the reader to apply to his own benefit." Mr. Murray considered the extensive circula- tion of this work, and the very general approba- tion which it has received, as a pleasing evi- dence, that a regard for piety and virtue, for true practical religion, is sincere and lively ; and prevails in a much greater degree, than some gloomy and unfavourable circumstances would induce us, at the first view, to suppose. The success of this performance, and the good which it was the means of producing, were considera- tions of the most soothing nature to the heart of the author; and excited his gratitude to God, that he had been made of some use in promoting the best interests of mankind. The next work which Mr. Murray presented to the public, was his ENGLISH GRAMMAR. This is a performance of distinguished merit. " It shows," as one of his literary correspondents justly observes, "an extensive knowledge of the subject; and, what is seldom joined with it, a judicious distinction between the speculative and the practical, the curious and the useful parts of grammar." The author has modestly called this work a compilation. But the critical and attentive 245 reader of it knows, that besides its great im- provement in the arrangement of the various subjects, and the logical division of its parts, it contains many highly ingenious positions that are perfectly original. In particular, the discus- sions, which are dispersed through the book, and intended to illustrate and support the author's grammatical system in general, as well as to defend some special points, will be allowed to be not only new, but to contain much acute and satisfactory reasoning. His views of the cases of English nouns, and the moods and tenses of our verbs, are so judicious, and so consonant with the nature and idiom of our language, that teachers almost universally acquiesce in the propriety of his arrangements. The definitions and the rules throughout the Grammar, are expressed with neatness and per- spicuity. They are as short and comprehensive as the nature of the subject would admit : and they are well adapted both to the understanding and the memory of young persons. The mode of parsing which our author recommends, is admirably calculated to confirm and perfect the scholar in what he has previously learned ; and to enable him thoroughly to understand, arid readily to apply, the rules, both principal and subordinate. 246 It may truly be said, that the language in every part of the work, is simple, correct, and perspicuous; and, consequently, well calculated to improve the taste and habits of the student, in the cultivation of his native tongue. In an elementary work, it is of consequence that no awkward or vulgar expressions, no harsh or irregular constructions, should occur. In the Grammar, at present under review, the reverse of all these imperfections, is very conspicuous. A particular recommendation of this Gram- mar, is, that it embraces all the parts of the science ; and gives to each of them that atten- tion which its relative importance demands. The student, by this means, surveys the whole of his subject ; and derives the advantage which results from such a connected view, at the same time that he is not detained, nor disgusted, by too prolix a discussion of any particular part. The author has, with great propriety, distin- guished by a larger letter, all the rules and observations which are of primary importance ; and, by this means, a judicious outline, or general view, of the more prominent parts of the subject, is happily presented to the student. When this comprehensive view has been taken, the subor- dinate points, contained in the smaller type, will be perused to the greatest advantage. Many of these explain the principles, on which the rules 247 and positions are founded; showing their origin to be in the constitution of the human mind, or in the reason and nature of things ; and, so far as these explanations extend, they may properly be said to exhibit the philosophy of grammar. This work is also valuable, for its occasional re- ferences to the various opinions of other English grammarians; and for the comparisons which it often institutes, on particular points, between the English and other languages. And yet the author has studiously avoided every thing that tends to involve in obscurity, the subjects on which he treats. His system is connected and uniform; his plan and materials are such as are adapted to the present structure of the lan- guage ; and his reasonings are calculated to pre- serve its regularity, and prevent useless and unwarrantable innovations. In these points of view, this Grammar is entitled to high estima- tion. An approved and established system of grammatical rules and principles, judiciously expressed and arranged, according to which the youth of our country are educated, and which may serve as a general standard of rectitude on these subjects, is certainly a great and national benefit; and entitles the author to the respect and gratitude of the literary world. The Appendix to the Grammar is introduced with peculiar propriety. The learner, by his 248 preceding acquirements, is fully prepared to enter upon this part of the work. It will not only confirm the rules of construction which he has already learned; but, by regular transitions, it will lead him forward to the principles and practice of perspicuous and elegant composition. The rules for attaining purity, propriety, and pre- cision of language, both with regard to single words and phrases, and the construction of sen- tences, are exhibited with great order and judg- ment; and illustrated by a variety of examples which clearly show the importance and useful- ness of the rules. This Appendix is, I believe, generally allowed to contain, in a small compass, a greater number of excellent rules and princi- ples, with happy illustrations, for teaching accu- rate and elegant composition, than is to be found in any other publication. The Grammar is closed by a sensible, affec- tionate, and truly Christian " Address to young students," on the proper application of their literary attainments* and the happiness they would find hi a pious and virtuous course of life. This short address, especially with the last additions to it, contains many excellent senti- ments and admonitions; and it is expressed in a style and manner well adapted to make serious and lasting impressions on the minds of youth. It is fraught with just and elevated views of 249 learning and religion; and the solicitude of the author, that the young persons whom he ad- dresses, may answer the great end of their ex- istence, both here and hereafter, can not fail of disposing their minds to listen with reverence to his affectionate recommendations. This address will, I doubt not, be read by many young stu- dents with a lively interest; and confirm or awa- ken in them an attachment to the cause of re- ligion and virtue. Mr. Murray's Grammar being so celebrated a work, and so extensively circulated, a more particular account of the occasion of his writing it, than is given in his Memoirs, may not be un- acceptable to the reader. Some of his friends established, at York, a school for the guarded ed- ucation of young females ; which was continued for several years. Mr. Murray strongly recom- mended that the study of the* English language, should form a prominent part of instruction. The young persons employed as the first teach- ers, not being sufficiently qualified in this respect, he kindly undertook to instruct them at his own house ; and, for their use, he made some extracts from Blair, Campbell, and other writers, which afterwards formed the basis of the Appen- dix to his English Grammar. By these young teachers, he was much importuned to write an English Grammar, for the benefit of their pupils, 34 250 on the same plan of simplicity, clearness, and regular gradation, which he had pursued in his verbal instructions. Their requests were sanc- tioned and enforced, by the superintendents of the school, and by some of his other friends: he was at length induced to comply. In preparing the work, and consenting to its publication, he had no expectation that it would be used, except by the school for which it was designed, and two or three other schools, conducted by persons who were also his friends. Such was the humble origin of his Grammar; which I have often heard him mention, even amongst literary persons, with great humility, simplicity, and candour. The first public recom- mendations of the work which he read, gave him the most lively joy, accompanied by some degree of surprise. The success of the Grammar natu- rally led to the publication of other works, in which general benefit and extensive circulation Were contemplated. The occasion of his writing the " Power of Religion," is mentioned in his Memoirs. It was designed merely for his own distribution amongst his friends and neighbours. Thus his commencing author, did not arise from any overweening conceit of his own abilities, nor from any desire of literary fame, or even any idea that he could attain it; but from a dis- interested and unfeigned desire to do good, in 251 a small circle ; to disseminate useful knowledge, correct literary taste, and above all, moral and religious principles. I have often thought that no part of his life is more exemplary, or strik- ing, than the great humility, and earnest de- sire to do good, with which he began, and in- deed continued, his literary career; and that the eminent success which attended his labours, may, without presumption or superstition, be attributed, in great measure, to the blessing of Providence on motives of action so pure, so pious and benevolent. The excellence of his character contributed also in no small degree to the success of his works : his kindness made him many friends, who were anxious, from regard to him, to receive and circulate them ; and a general impression very justly prevailed, that whatever proceeded from him would be distinguished by good sense, good taste, correct language, and the soundest principles of religion and morality. The next works which were published by Mr. Murray, were his ENGLISH EXERCISES and KEY. The Grammar exhibits the principles and rules of the language : these works contain most copious examples and illustrations of the rules, and display them in almost every possible variety. They give more extended views of 252 each subject than are found in the Grammar, or could conveniently have been there introduced. The great diversity of these illustrations serves also, in many instances, as substitutes for a con- siderable number of minute subordinate rules, which it would have been tedious to have drawn out into regular form. It is not unusual to exhibit grammatical Eng- lish exercises, in the most coarse and vulgar man- ner. The errors are so glaring, that learners can scarcely commit them ; and they are often so ex- tremely awkward, that the proper words and con- struction can not easily be discovered. They are, in short, more calculated to puzzle and mislead the learner, than to afford him any instruction. The author of these Exercises has greatly served the cause of education, by the judicious manner in which they are executed. Both teachers and pupils are under no small obligation to him for these labours. No errors are admitted into his Exercises, but such as are commonly to be met with in respectable writings and conversation : and, for this reason, the Key which corrects the erroneous constructions, will render these books of great use to all persons, who wish to express themselves in accurate and unexceptionable terms. Some parts of the Exercises and Key are indeed adapted to young learners; but many other parts of them are calculated for the im- provement of persons, who have made consider- able proficiency in the study of the language. These books have consequently been found well adapted to inculcate and exemplify the refine- ments and peculiarities of the English tongue. They possess great merit; and it may justly be said of them, in the words of the Monthly Re- view, that, " they occupy, with distinguished excellence,a most important place in the science of the English language ; and may be warmly recommended to the teachers of schools, as well as to all those who are desirous of attaining cor- rectness and precision in their native tongue." A peculiar advantage of these Exercises, is, that they consist almost altogether of sentences which inculcate important sentiments respecting morality, religion, and civil life ; all of which as exhibited in the Key, are expressed in the most correct, perspicuous, and easy language. The author was studious to select illustrations of this nature ; and, by this means, to combine every advantage of which the subject is capable. It is unnecessary to enlarge on the benefits, which Exercises so constructed must produce to the learner, with regard to expression, taste, and composition. These exercises furnish to the student a very pleasing mode of improving himself in the con- struction of our language. In surveying the in- 254 accurate sentence, his ingenuity is exercised in correcting every part which he thinks requires amendment : and on a reference to the Key, either by his teacher, or himself, he has the satis- faction of perceiving that he had made the cor- rections properly, or of knowing the points in which he had failed, and of being guarded, in future, against errors of a similar nature. And he is confirmed in the propriety of these cor- rections, by turning to the rules in the Grammar, on which they are founded. Improvement thus acquired, is not only peculiarly gratifying to an ingenious mind, but must be impressive and per- manent. About the time that the Exercises and Key appeared, our author published an ABRIDGMENT of his Grammar. This is a very neat and judicious little work. It is calculated for two purposes : first, to con- vey a competent knowledge of grammar to those who are not designed to make an extensive pro- gress in the study ; and secondly, to serve as an Introduction to the author's larger Grammar, in those schools where both the books are used. The utility of this work has been abundantly evinced by the very extensive sale which it has had. In this country, about forty-eight thousand copies have been annually sold for many years past; and I believe that the number of copies 255 sold, from the first publication of the work to the present time, amounts to one million. Our author's three volumes of the ENGLISH READER, and the INTRODUCTION and SEQUEL to it, have met with high approbation from the public. The design and execution of these vol- umes are truly excellent ; and well adapted to promote their professed objects, improvement in the art of reading, and storing the youthful mind with the finest moral and religious sentiments. These sentiments possess the additional merit of being so happily diversified, as to comprise a great body of instruction most important to young persons. As the pieces which form these volumes, are taken from the best English writers, the composition is, of course, correct, and the language finished and elegant. The benefit which young students will reap from the perusal of such models of excellence, early and impres- sively set before them, can not be duly appre- ciated but by those who have had the best op- portunities to reflect on the subject. The com- piler has selected, with the utmost care, what he conceived to be particularly adapted to engage the youthful mind, and to present to it the most amiable and striking views of piety and virtue. He has too embraced every suitable occasion to exhibit the Christian religion in the most at- tractive form; and to recommend to the serious 256 attention of young persons its divine and deeply interesting doctrines and precepts. I shall close the observations on these three volumes, by a short extract from the Monthly Review. " We recommend this small volume (the English Reader) to those who wish to attain, without the help of instructers, the important advantages of thinking and speaking with propriety. We have no doubt that the public will be pleased with the additions (the Introduction and Sequel) to both the fronts of the original building. The whole is truly useful, and well arranged. Dis- playing a sound judgment, and actuated by the purest motives, this gentleman is indeed entitled to the fullest praise." Our author's two French publications, the IN- TRODUCTION AU LECTEUR FRANCOIS and the LEC- TEUR FRANCOIS, are highly worthy of commend- ation. They are, in a peculiar manner, accept- able to parents and teachers, who are desirous that their children and pupils should acquire a knowledge of the French language, without im- bibing a spirit of frivolity, or lax principles of morality. Chaste, correct, and elegant, these works exhibit fine specimens of the language; and instruct the learner, by the easiest gradations, in the various styles of the best French writers. The " Preliminary Rules and Observations," in the " Introduction au Lecteur Francois," and the 257 Appendix to that work, are well calculated to facilitate the acquisition of the French lan- guage; and that not in a superficial manner, but radically. The selections in both volumes are of the choicest nature ; and forcibly incul- cate sound morality and religion, adorned with all the graces of language and composition. The "Lecteur Francois," in particular, is a truly classical work ; and it will, doubtless, be long read and admired by persons who have a a taste for French literature, or who'are desir- ous of improving themselves in the language. Correctness and accuracy in the printing of books designed to teach a foreign language, are highly desirable, and indeed indispensable. This advantage the works in question possess in no ordinary degree ; both with respect to orthog- raphy and accentuation. The ENGLISH SPELLING-BOOK composed by our author, though it is a small volume, is a work which bears the marks of great judgment and ingenuity ; and, perhaps, it is not inferior in point of ability and literary execution, to any of his publications. The gradation throughout the work is easy and regular; and well adapted to the progress of the infant understanding. The advances from letters to syllables, from syllables to words, and from words to sentences, are car- ried on by almost insensible degrees. The first 35 lessons of spelling are of the simplest nature, and they imperceptibly slide into those which follow: the reading lessons are so carefully adjusted as to contain no words, which the scholar has not previously spelled. The sections of spelling are constructed and arranged in such a manner, as to afford great assistance in acquiring the true pronunciation both of letters and words. The division of syllables which the author has adopt- ed, and his rules for spelling, are consonant to the best authorities, and to the analogy of the language. The more advanced reading lessons are admirably calculated to attract and interest young readers ; as well as to impress their minds with moral and religious sentiments, suited to their age and capacity. Under a garb of great simplicity, these lessons convey an uncommon portion of instruction, adapted to children in all ranks of life. In the plan and execution of this work, the reader who is skilled in the subject, will find considerable originality, of a truly useful nature. And I believe, that the more accurately this little volume is examined, the more it will be approved. One of Mr. Murray's literary corres- pondents speaks of it in the following terms: " It surpasses every elementary work of the kind, in felicity of arrangement, and in perspicuity, com- prehensiveness, and accuracy of information." 259 The next publication of our author, was his ENGLISH GRAMMAR, in two volumes octavo. It comprises the Grammar, Exercises, and Key, united in one connected and uniform sys- tem. The first volume contains the principles and rules of the language, which are amply and most judiciously exemplified in the second vol- ume. These exemplifications are of so great importance to the clear comprehension of the rules, that the work would have been very de- fective without them. The two volumes, in their present state, are generally acknowledged to constitute the best system of English grammar, which has hitherto appeared. When this new form of our author's grammatical works was contemplated, he thought it afforded a proper occasion, for extending and improving some of the principles and positions contained in the duodecimo Grammar; and he has done this very amply, and doubtless, much to the satisfaction of those who possess a critical knowledge of the subject. Of this w T ork the public critics have given a highly favourable character. The " Christian Observers," in particular, speak of it, as " a work of great correctness and perfection :" and recommend it to teachers, to foreigners, and to young persons who have left school. A dis- tinguished author, in a letter addressed to Mr. Murray, expresses the following sentiments re* 260 specting this publication : " I have great satis- faction in congratulating you on the completion of jour system of English Grammar. The British and American nations owe you a high obligation, for the service you have rendered to English literature, by your learned and elaborate work. You may safely anticipate the gratitude of a long succession of students of English Grammar, in both hemispheres; and of writers in the English language, who will recur to your work as a standard in settling the principles, and adjusting the niceties, of composition." The work has already gone through five editions in this country ; and it has been frequently reprint- ed in America. In contemplating the different publications of Mr. Murray, on grammar, it is peculiarly satis- factory to observe, how happily he has provided every class of students with the means of acquir- ing a knowledge of their native language. The Abridgment is calculated for the minor schools, and for those who use it as introductory to the larger work. The duodecimo Grammar, and the Exercises and Key, are suited to academies, and to private learners. The octavo edition claims the attention of persons, who aim at higher attainments in the language ; who wish for an extensive and critical knowledge of the subject. To many it will serve as a book of reference ; 261 in ascertaining what is proper, and correcting what is erroneous, in English composition. Both as an elegant and a scientific work, it will, I doubt not, find a place in the libraries of all persons, who are desirous of understanding the construction of their native tongue, and of speaking and writing it with accuracy and per- spicuity ; or who wish to encourage and patron- ise the literature of their country. The " Selection from Bishop Home's Com- mentary on the Psalms," and " The Duty and Benefit of a Daily Perusal of the Holy Scrip- tures," having been spoken of in a preceding chap- ter, no further mention of them seems requisite. It will probably be satisfactory to the reader, to be informed of the prices which Mr. Murray received for the copyrights of his different works ; I shall, therefore, present him with an accurate statement. Though inadequate to the subsequent success of the works, they were cer- tainly very liberal at the time they were given ; and, I believe, greater than ever had been given for works of a similar nature. The sale of most of the books far exceeded every expectation which had been formed, when the agreements respecting them were made; but Mr. Murray often expressed his entire satisfaction on the subject. For the Grammar, Exercises, and Key, he received seven hundred pounds; for the 262 Abridgment, one hundred pounds ; for the Eng- lish Reader, three hundred and fifty pounds ; for the Sequel to the English Reader, two hundred pounds; for the Introduction to the English Reader, two hundred pounds ; for the Lecteur Francois, and the Introduction au Lecteur Fran- cois, seven hundred pounds ; for the Spelling- Book, and the First Book for Children, five hun- dred pounds ; for the Selections from Home's Commentary on the Psalms, one hundred pounds. The copyright of the Duty and Benefit of read- ing the scriptures, as well as of the Power of Religion, was presented by him to the booksel- lers, without any pecuniary compensation. The enlargement of the Grammar in the octavo edi- tion, and the numerous improvements in, and addition to his other works, were always gratui- tous on his part. The demand for his grammatical works, and also for his Spelling-Book, has been so great and regular, that excepting the octavo edition of the Grammar, the types which compose them have long been kept standing. The editions which have been worked of though numerous, have not, however, been limited to a small number of copies. For many years past, every edition of the Grammar has consisted of ten thousand copies ; of the Exercises, ten thousand ; of the Key, six thousand ; of the Abridgment of the Grammar, twelve thousand; of the Spelling. 263 Book, and of the First Book for Children, ten thousand. Each edition of the English Reader, and of the Introduction to the English Reader, consists of ten thousand copies; of the Sequel to the English Reader, six thousand ; of the Lec- teur Francois, and the Introduction au Lecteur Francois, each three thousand. That one au- thor should have supplied so many works on edu- cation, each of which is so extensively circulated, and so highly approved, is, I believe, unprece- dented in the annals of literature. The number of editions through which Mr. Murray's gram- matical and other works have passed, may be seen by referring to the list of them, at the end of this volume. In the United States of North America, the sale of his works is rapid ; and the editions are numerous. The success of his publications in his native land, afforded him much satis- faction ; and was, as he observed, peculiarly grateful to his feelings. The high approba- tion which his grammatical works have received, and their extensive circulation, in the United States of North America, as well as in Great Britain, is a very pleasing consideration. They will doubtless tend, in no small degree, to pre- serve the Anglo-American language from cor- ruption ; and to stop the progress of useless innovation. The advantages likely to accrue to 264 both countries, from a common standard of grammatical purity and propriety, are incal- culable. The extended use of the English lan- guage is a distinguishing feature of the times in which we live : it may, perhaps, be one of the means in the hands of a wise and merciful Providence, for conveying the benefit of civiliza- tion, and the knowledge of Christianity, to the whole world. Besides the anonymous extracts given in the preceding part of this chapter, a great number of letters to the author, from persons of high respectability in the literary world, might be produced, which contain the most favourable sentiments of his publications, and reflect great credit both on himself and on his productions. But to publish letters, however honourable to the subject of this work, without the permission of the writers, would be inconsistent with pro- priety, and a violation of my own principles, as well as of those of my deceased friend. They must therefore be omitted. One letter, however, from the celebrated Dr. Blair, may, very prop- erly, be inserted in confirmation of the ob- servations contained in this chapter, on the writings of Mr. Murray. The most material parts of it were, many years since, extracted and sent to the doctor's nephew and executor, with a request for permission to publish them. This 265 permission was readily granted ; in terms so obliging, as make it evident that no objection can arise to the publication of the whole letter. The following is an exact copy of this interesting communication ; so worthy of him who paid, and of him who received, the just tribute of commendation. SIR, I have been honoured with your kind letter ; and can not but be very much flattered with the testimonies of esteem and regard which you are pleased to bestow ; though I am hum- bled, at the same time, by a sense of my charac- ter's having been overrated by you, much above what it deserves. 1 am happy, however, that my publications have been of any service to you, in the very useful works which you have given to the public. I return you my best thanks for the very valua- ble present of your works, which you have made me; and which have come safe to my hands. I have now perused a great part of them, with much pleasure and edification. Your Grammar, with the Exercises and the Key in a separate volume, I esteem as a most excellent perform- ance. I think it superior to any work of that nature we have yet had ; and am persuaded that it is, by much, the best Grammar of the English 36 266 language extant. On syntax, in particular, you have shown a wonderful degree of acuteness and precision, in ascertaining the propriety of lan- guage, and in rectifying the numberless errors which writers are apt to commit. Were I only beginning my course, as I am now (in my eighty- third year) on the point of finishing it, I should have hoped to have been much benefited, in point of accurate style, by your instructions and examples. Most useful they must certainly be to all, who are applying themselves to the arts of composition. On your two volumes of the English Reader, I could bestow much praise for the judiciousness and propriety of the Selection, were it not that my own writings are honoured with so great a place in the work. Certainly the tendency of the whole is of the best kind ; and does honour to the worthy designs and intentions of the author. To all the friends of religion, your book on the Power of Religion on the Mind, with the apt and useful exemplifications it gives, can not but be highly acceptable. I am happy to find the praises of the authors of different Reviews bestowed with so much judgment and propriety as they are on your works. As we have here not much intercourse with York, and as I have no correspondent nor ac- quaintance in that fcity, your name was unknown 267 to me till I received the present of your books, as is also your business or profession. I should presume you are, under some character, con- cerned in the education of youth: and happy I must account all the young people placed under the charge of one, who not only discovers such great abilities in all that relates to English lit- erature, but whose writings bespeak a mind fraught with the best sentiments, and the most earnest zeal for religion and virtue.* I shall be always happy to hear of your health, success, and prosperity ; and, with great regard and esteem, I am, Sir, . your most obliged, and obedient humble servant, *Hugh Blair. 21st Oct. 1800, Edinburgh. * To prevent misapprehension, I think it is necessary to observe that Mr. Murray was, at no period of his life, engaged as a teacher of youth. Many persons, besides Dr. Blair, supposed, from the nature of his writings, that he was en> ployed in the business of education : he even had applications on the subject ; particularly from a respectable person in Hol- land, who, from the favourable sentiments which he had con- ceived of the author, on perusing his works, was desirous of placing his son under the tuition of a person so highly esteemed. From a nobleman of high rank in this country, with whom 268 The appropriate and unqualified approbation contained in the preceding letter, is the more honourable to our author, because it was be- stowed by a person whose literary attainments, and professional studies, qualified him, in a peculiar manner, to judge of the works which he designates ; and whose moral and religious character, as well as his years, precludes the supposition, that he did not express the genuine feelings of his mind. The merits of the works might be safely rested on the testimony which this letter contains, if there were no other recom- mendations of them : but their excellence is incontestably proved by the unanimous judg- ment of the public critics, the sentiments of many writers on education, and the almost uni- versal admission of them into the seminaries, both of this country, and of the North American States. I sincerely hope, that they will long continue to inform and guard the minds of youth ; and to serve as models of correct and Mr. Murray was wholly unacquainted, he received an applica- tion, by letter, not indeed to educate his son, but to supply him with a tutor. Though Mr. Murray was not a teacher of youth, he entertained a high opinion of the office, and a great respect for those, who faithfully endeavour to form the young mind to knowledge and virtue. He often spoke of them, as persons engaged in one of the most important concerns of society ; and whose services merit a very liberal remuneration. 269 chaste instruction, in various departments of science. If any reader should think that the observa- tions in this chapter, are too far extended, and bear the marks of undue partiality ; I beg leave to state that I could scarcely have made them more limited, on an occasion in which the pro- fessed object is, to explain the nature and design, and to portray the excellences, of these publi- cations. I do not, however, wish to exalt the value of them above its proper level, nor to appreciate the author's literary talents more highly than they deserve. In the important business of education, I believe no person will deny that he has been eminently useful; and that his works have produced much practical good to society. And this character certainly entitles them to a respectable rank in the repub- lic of letters. It will secure to the author, the title of the friend of youth ; and the reputation of having successfully employed his time and talents, in promoting the best interests of the rising generation : a reputation which is more valuable, and dearer far, to the mind of a pious man, than the highest acquisition of mere lite- rary fame. The praise which Dr. Johnson bestows on Watts, may, with almost equal propriety, be ap- plied to our author: "Whatever he took in hand 270 was, by his incessant solicitude for souls, con- verted to theology. As piety predominated in his mind, it is diffused over his works. Under his direction it may be truly said, that philoso- phy is subservient to evangelical instruction : it is difficult to read a page without learning, or at least, wishing to be better." THE EN1>. 271 A LIST OF THE BOOKS PUBLISHED BY LINDLEY MURRAY. 1. A FIRST BOOK FOR CHILDREN. The 17th edition. 2. AN ENGLISH SPELLING-BOOK ; with Reading Lessons a- dapted to the capacities of Children : in Three Parts. Cal- culated to advance the Learners by natural and easy grada- tions ; and to teach Orthography and Pronunciation to- gether. The 34th edition. 3. AN ABRIDGMENT OF MURRAY'S ENGLISH GRAMMAR. With an Appendix, containing Exercises in Orthography, in Pars- ing, in Syntax, and in Punctuation. Designed for the younger Classes of Learners. The 92nd edition. 4. ENGLISH GRAMMAR, adapted to the different Classes of Learners, With an Appendix, containing Rules, and Ob- servations for assisting the more advanced Students to write with perspicuity and accuracy. The 40th edition. 5. ENGLISH EXERCISES, adapted to Murray's English Gram- mar : consisting of Exercises in Parsing ; instances of False Orthography ; violations of the Rules of Syntax ; defects in Punctuation ; and violations of the Rules respecting per- spicuous and accurate Writing. Designed for the benefit of private Learners, as well as for the use of Schools. The 34th edition. 6. KEY TO THE EXERCISES, adapted to Murray's English Grammar. Calculated to enable Private Learners to be- come their own instructors, in Grammar and Composition. The 17th edition. 7. AN ENGLISH GRAMMAR: comprehending the Principles and Rules of the language, illustrated by appropriate Exer- cises, and a Key to the Exercises. In two vols. 8vo. The 5th edition, improved. 8. INTRODUCTION TO THE ENGLISH READER: or, A Selection of Pieces, in Prose and Poetry ; calculated to improve the younger Classes of Learners in Reading; and to imbue their minds with the love of virtue. To which are added, Rules and Observations for assisting Children to read with Propriety. The 22nd edition. 272 9. THE ENGLISH READER : or, Pieces in Prose and Poetry, selected from the best Writers. Designed to assist young Persons to read with propriety and effect ; to improve their language and sentiments; and to inculcate some of the most important principles of piety and virtue. With a few preliminary Observations on the principles of good Read- ing. The 19th edition. 10. SEQUEL TO THE ENGLISH READER: or, Elegant Selections in Prose and Poetry. Designed to improve the highest class of learners, in reading; to establish a taste for just arid accurate composition ; and to promote the interests of piety and virtue. The 6th edilion. 11. INTRODUCTION AH LF.CTFITR FRANCOIS: on, Recueil de Pieces Choisies: avec 1'explication des idiotismes, et des phrases difficiles, qui s'y trouvent. The 5th edition. 12. LECTEUR FRANCOIS: ou, Recueil de Pieces, en Prose et en Vers, tirees des Meilleurs Ecrivains. Pour servir a per- fectionner les jeunes gens dans la lecture ; a etendre leur connoissance de la Langue Franchise et a leur inculquer des principes de vertu et de piete. The 5th edition. 13. THE POWER OF RELIGION ON THE MIND, in Retirement, Affliction, and at the approach of Death ; exemplified in the Testimonies and Experience of Persons distinguished by their greatness, learning, or virtue. The 18th edition. " Tis immortality, 'tis that alone, " Amidst life's pains, abasements, emptiness, " The soul can comfort, elevate, and fill." YOUNG. 14. The same Work on fine paper, with a pica letter, 8vo. 15. THE DUTY AND BENEFIT of a daily Perusal of the HOLY SCRIPTURES, in Families. The 2nd edition, improved. 16. A SELECTION from Bishop Home's Commentary on the Psalms. ABSTRACT OF A MEMORIAL OF YORK MONTHLY MEETING OF FRIENDS, RESPECTING LINDLEY MURRAY. THE ancient practice of our Society, of preserving memo- rials of some of its members, whose lives and conversation have eminently illustrated our Christian principles, has, we believe, been in various ways beneficial. The account of those who have fought the good fight, and kept the faith, and Who, through infinite mercy, we have cause to believe, have re- ceived the immortal crown, is calculated to stimulate the lukewarm to enter on the Christian warfare, and to confirm the faith of those who are already engaged, and animate them in the spiritual conflict. It is with these views, that we feel disposed to record a notice of the services and character of our late much beloved friend and elder, Lindley Murray. He was a native of Pennsylvania, North America; and his parents were respected members of the Society of Friends. His father designed him for a merchant, and he gave him an excellent education. But Lindley Murray, having entertained views of mental improvement superior to what is generally afforded by mercantile persuits, on leaving school sought for some employment more congenial with the bent of his mind. 37 274 He gave a decided preference to the law, and having pursued his studies for four years with an eminent solicitor, he com- menced practice in New York ; where his knowledge and tal- ents soon developed themselves, and appeared likely to gain for him considerable practice. But it pleased Divine Provi- dence, to arrest, by sickness, the course of his ardent pursuits; and by a succession of circumstances which might then ap- pear opposed to his usefulness and comfort, to direct his fu- ture life to those purposes which Infinite Wisdom saw best. About the year 1 784 his constitution being very much en- feebled by illness, his physicians advised the trial of a milder climate, as the most likely means to re-establish his health. He had some years before been in this country, which in- duced him to give a decided preference to England. At this time he had been married about seventeen years ; and the prospect of leaving their home and near connexions, was, to him and his beloved wife, a severe trial. They hoped, however, that with the blessing of Providence on the means thus used, they might be favoured, at no distant period, to return to their native country , which they left with the unity and sympathy of their friends, as expressed in the certificate from the Monthly Meeting of New York, addressed to one of the Meetings in London. They landed in the First month, 1785, and in the course of that year fixed their residence at Hold- gate, near York; at which place they continued to live until the time of Lindley Murray's decease. During youth, the natural vivacity of his mind led him into some of the gaieties incident to that period of life ; but there is good reason to believe, that he was easily made sensible of the operation of Divine Grace, and that his morals and principles were preserved from contamination. For some years previous to his settling in England, he had been led to form a correct estimate of the value of all earthly pursuits; to turn his back on the applause of the world ; and had become an humble, consistent, and exemplary member of our religious 275 society ; his mind, as it matured, having made the principles of his education, those of his judgment. Such was the character of our dear friend, when, by a Prov- idence which we desire to acknowledge with gratitude, his lot was first cast among us. The humility of his deportment, and the Christian spirit which breathed through his whole conduct, greatly endeared him to the members of this meet- ing, and afforded him a scope for usefulness, of which he dili- gently availed himself, for the benefit of all around him. His health continued so delicate, as to prevent his taking a very active part in our meetings for discipline, or in the concerns of society at large; yet, contemplating his time, his talents, and all that he possessed, but as a trust of which he had to render an account, he proved by his future life how much may be done for the good of others, under circumstances ap- parently unfavourable, when the love of God and of our fel- low creatures is the governing principle of the heart. In the year 1787, he published the book well known by the title of " The Power of Religion on the Mind." The con- solation which he had himself derived from the hopes and promises of the Gospel, led him, doubtless, to the selection of these striking examples of the influence of religion, "in retirement, affliction, and at the approach of death;" ex- hibiting its efficacy in retreat from the world, and under the most trying circumstances of human existence. His desire that many persons should reap the benefit of this selection, induced him to have a large number of copies printed for gratuitous distribution. At the time of Lindley Murray's coming to York, a school had just been established for the education of girls of the Society of Friends, which soon became an object of great interest to him ; and it was for the benefit of this school that he first attempted to simplify, and thereby facilitate the acquirement, of elementary instruction. In his publications for this purpose, he not only excluded whatever was calcu- lated to impress false principles and sentiments in morals and 276 religion, but he also aimed to make the course of instruction in the elements of useful knowledge, subservient to a still higher object that of imbuing the susceptible minds of youth with the purest principles and precepts of Christian morality. The fruits of these unostentatious labours can not be accurately estimated ; but we have reason to believe that, under the Divine blessing, they have had a decided and extensive influ- ence in the formation of virtuous and religious character. In the year 1795, seven friends were committed to York Castle for refusing to pay tithes; the claimant having pursued the Exchequer process, instead of the more easy mode of recovery provided by law. Lindley Murray assisted the pris- oners in the statement of their case, which was published under the title of" The Prisoner's Defence;" and also in the further support of their cause, in reply to the allegations of the prosecutor. In these works, the soundness of his judg- ment, and his habitual self-government and Christian temper r were strikingly evinced. His opponent had attacked the ob- jects of his severity with harsh invective; the replies return- ed not railing for railing, but displayed the force of truth, clothed in the spirit of Him who prayed for his persecutors. These publications, as well as the Christian conduct of the sufferers, excited a feeling of respect and commiseration for them, which, we believe, tended to strengthen, in the public mind, the testimony they supported, and to call forth, even from the members of his own profession, a general expression of disapprobation of the measures pursued by the claimant. In the year 1812, Lindley Murray published " A Selection from Bishop Home's Commentary on the Psalms ;" a work, which, for many years, formed a part of his daily reading. In the latter years of his life, his bodily infirmities increased ; but his mind was preserved in intellectual and spiritual brightness ; and he was particularly watchful, that his weakness of body should not lead to any habits of indolence or unnecessary self indulgence. 277 A considerable portion of his time, during the latter part of his life, was employed in the correction and improvement of the numerous editions of his various works. His concern for the religious instruction of the youth of our society, led him, when in his seventieth year, to prepare and publish " A Com- pendium of Religious Faith and Practice," chiefly designed, for their use : and shortly afterwards he published a little work on " The Duty and Benefit of a daily Perusal of the Holy Scriptures in Families," which evinced his continued concern for the best interests of society at large. Thus was our dear friend engaged, through the course of a long life, to ex- hibit in his daily walk, and to promote in the world, whatso- ever things were honest, and lovely, and of good report. It remains for us to mention a few particulars more immediately illustrating his religious views and private character, and his general usefulness as a member of our religious society. Whilst health permitted him, he was a diligent attender of our meetings for worship and discipline ; and was in life and conversation, an eminent preacher of righteousness illustra- ting in all his deportment, our Christian testimonies, with uni- form consistency ; and we believe we may truly say, adorning the gospel of God, his Saviour, in all things. His charities, both public and private, but particularly the latter, were extensive. He was a firm friend to the education of the poorer classes of society, which he evinced not only by his liberality in assisting public institutions for this purpose, but by his kind attentions to the wants of those in his own neighbourhood, at a period considerably prior to the general interest being excited on the subject. He was very solicitous for the improvement of the condition of the Indian aborigines of his native country, and of the African race. He took a lively interest in the proceedings of the Bible Society, and in every thing which related to the extension of the Redeemer's kingdom on earth. 278 His exemplary moderation and simplicity in every thing con- nected with his own expenditure, in his dress, in the furniture of his house and table, and the entire coincidence of his beloved and faithful partner in all his views, enabled them to devote a considerable part of their income, and the profits which he de- rived from his numerous works, to objects of piety and benevo- lence. He was, at the same time, hospitable in his house, and, though liberal, discriminating and judicious in his charity. His mind, indeed, was richly imbued with Christian love ; from which Divine root flowed that meekness, patience, gentleness, charity, and forgiving temper, which he so uniformly evinced. Although during nearly the last twenty years of his life, he was unable, from the state of his health, to unite with us in public worship, yet his zeal and devotion were not, we are per- suaded, in any degree diminished. His delight was still in the law of the Lord, and in his law did he meditate day and night. Nor, though necessarily more excluded from their society, were his love and attachment to his friends abated. He was ready and willing, when of ability, to be consulted by them ; and he continued to the last to take a lively interest in whatever related to their welfare. He rejoiced especially in the indication of spiritual growth amongst us ; and was greatly concerned for the due exercise of our Christian disci- pline, in the spirit of meekness and wisdom. He stood in the station of an elder, from the year 1802 to the period of his death ; and the judgment and advice of one whose experience was so extensive, and whose natural pow- ers and acquirements had been so sanctified by Divine Grace, was a privilege to us, for which, while we deplore the loss, we desire to render our humble acknowledgments to the Giver of all good. Our dear friend, notwithstanding his various pri- vations from the state of his health, was remarkable for cheer- fulness : and he was frequently led to number his blessings, and to acknowledge that his afflictions, and what appeared to 279 be the most adverse circumstances of his life, were designed to promote his final well-being. He never repined at his long confinement, but was wont to observe how pleasant was his prison, if he might use the term. Whilst thus cultivating the Christian enjoyment of life, as an evidence of his gratitude to God, he was often led, with great humility, to contemplate the close of it as the commence- ment of a state of infinite enjoyment. He frequently ex- pressed his sense of his own imperfections and unworthiness, and uniformly evinced that his hopes of salvation rested solely on the mercy of God, through the atonement and mediation of Jesus Clirist. On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of his union with his beloved partner, he thus expresses himself in writing : " In the course of the long period of our union, we have had our trials and our afflictions, we have seen a variety of trying events and situations ; but we have been favoured too, with many great and distinguished blessings. Even the afflictions, and what appeared to be adverse occur- rences, were designed for our final well-being. I hope the gracious intention of these dispensations will be fully answered, by our being safely landed, through the atonement and inter- cession of our blessed Redeemer, on those happy shores where no clouds nor storms are ever known; and where after millions of ages of happiness shall have passed away, we shall only seem to have begun our felicity a felicity that will never end." The following memorandum found in his writing desk, but to which there is no date, evinces that habit of watchfulness and self-examination so necessary to the growth of Christian char- acter : "Preserve me from all vain self-complacency; from seeking the applause of men; and from all solicitude about what they may say or think of me. May I be truly humble, and of a meek and quiet spirit. If I have done any good to my fellow creatures, or in any degree promoted the will of my heavenly Father, may I unfeignedly give him all the glory ; 280 attributing nothing to myself, and taking comfort only from the reflection, that an employment in his service affords an evi- dence that his mercy is towards me , that I am not forsaken by Him, and that he is training me for an inhabitant of his blessed kingdom ; there to glorify and serve my God and Re- deemer forever." A few days after entering on his 81st year, he wrote as follows : " For the mercies and preservation, and the con- tinuance of the many blessings we have had together, (allud- ing to his wife,) we have abundant cause to be thankful to our heavenly Protector and Father. May He be pleased to prepare us for his holy and happy kingdom, where we shall then have to rejoice forever, in rendering continual thanks- givings and praises, and the most devout and zealous services, to our heavenly Father, Redeemer, and Sanctifier, One God, blessed forever." These memorandums express, we believe, the daily aspira- tions and acknowledgments of our dear friend's mind ; and fn this state of preparation, and of humble and comfortable reliance on the mercy of God in Christ Jesus, was he, we doubt not, found, when the messenger of death delivered his hasty summons, and called him from the labours of the church militant on earth, to the joys of the church triumph* ant in heaven. On the evening of the 13th of the Second-month, 1826, he was suddenly seized with a severe attack of indisposition, and on the morning of the 16th he breathed his last, in great peace and resignation, in the 81st year of his age. His re- mains were interred in Friends' burying ground at York ; a large number of Friends and other respectable inhabitants at- tending his funeral and the subsequent meeting. Signed in our Monthly Meeting held at York, the 17th of Fifth-month, and 20th of Sixth-month, 1826. By Fifty-seven Persons. REMARKS ON THE EEVIEW OF INCHIQUIN'S LETTERS, PUBLISHED IN THE QUARTERLY REVIEW; XPDHI6SZD TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE GEORGE CANNING, ESQUIRE. 0x SAMUEL, 1. AKMS J ROIS t.^ No. 50, ConiraiLt. 1815. DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS To viits District Clerk's Office. BE IT BEMEMBEIIED, that on the' eleventh day of April, A. D. 1815, and in the thirty-ninth year of the independence of the United ' States of America, SAMUKL T. ARMSTRONG, of the said District, has deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in the words follow- fag, to ivit: "Remarks on the Review of Inchiquin's Letters, published in the Quarterly Review; addressed to the Right Honourable George Canning, Esq. In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, intitled, "An act for the encouragement of Learning, by securing the Copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such Copies, during the times therein mentioned;" and also to an act intitled, "An act supplementary to an act, intitled an act for-^he Encouragement of Learning, by securing the Cop- ies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such Copies during the times therein mentioned; and extending the benefits thereof to thq Ai'ts uf Designing, Engraving, and Etching, Historical and other Prints." WILLIAM S. SHAW, Clerk af the District of Massachusetts. PREFACE, WHEN the following Remarks were almost finished^ I was informed, that Strictures on the Review of Inchiquin's Letters had been just published in New York. As I have not read the Work, I can say nothing of its merit: but some of my friends, who had seen it, urged me to finish what I had proposed, and to send it to the press. I have also been told, that some Observations have been published in one of the Boston news-papers on the same Review; but have not seen them. The general subject of these Remarks has become possessed of considerable importance. Great Britain and the United States are naturally friends; and their friendship to each other cannot fail, if it should exist, of being mutually and extensively beneficial. It has its foundation laid deep in the common origin, lan- guage, manners, laws, and religion; and scarcely less deep in the common interests. Its consequences can only be good: an interruption of it can only be mis- chievous: the destruction of it will be an evil, which cannot be measured. Nor will the injury to the United States be greater, so far as human foresight is able to divine, than to Great Britain. I have ever considered those, who on either side of the Atlantic have been willing to alienate these nations iV PREFACE. from each other, as governed by passion and prejudice, or as acting from ignorance or thoughtlessness. In both countries they have been sufficiently numerous. Here, as writers, they have appeared chiefly in News- papers. In Great Britain they have assumed graver characters.- Both the Travellers and the Literary Journalists of that Country have for reasons, which ifc would be idle to inquire after, and useless to allege, thought it proper to caricature the Americans. Their pens have been dipped in gall; and their representa- tions have been, almost merely, a mixture of malevo- lence and falsehood. As they have been long contin- ued, and very often repeated, it cannot be unkind, or in any sense improper, to examine their character. A great number of these abusive effusions have been published in British Reviews. They began in Sentences, and Paragraphs: they have now become the materials of extended discussion, and indicate with sufficient evidence, a settled hostility against this country. That Britons should feel the common resentment of enemies towards us, during the existence of the present war, is certainly to be expected. But men, whose minds are professedly enlarged with literature and sci- ence, are fairly required to know, that what they write is at least probably founded in truth, and to assert nothing which is not well sustained by evidence. To such men prejudice and passion ought, at least during (heir sober lucubrations, to be strangers. By such PREFACE. f mefl contempt and sneers ought to be admitted into their writings with reluctance. But in the Reviews, which I have mentioned, the Writers, in their Obser- vations concerning this Country, have uttered little be- side the language of contempt and ill nature. The existing Government of these States has labour- ed for a long time to alienate its citizens from Great Britain) and to attach them to France. The attempt has to some extent been blasted, hitherto: but it may be renewed with fresh vigour at no distant period. The only means of rendering it finally successful, of which I can conceive, will be the co-operation of Britons with the existing American Government in its favourite design. In such a co-operation these Writers have embarked with an ardour, scarcely to have been expected. Few measures could with equal efficacy bring forward such a catastrophe. Their writings are extensively read in this Country; and, wherever they are read, produce a resentment and in- dignation, not easily forgotten. Very naturally, they are supposed to be the sentiments of the British nation; and the supposition easily exhibits every prospect of future conciliation as hopeless, and even the wish for it as idle and childish: for who can rationally desire any connexion either with an individual, or a nation, capa- ble of such sentiments? The account, given, in the course of this Work, con- cerning the manner, in which the British Reviews are conducted, and concerning the character of the Re- vi PREFACE. viewers, will go far towards persuading the people of this Country, that they are not to receive their effusions as being the sentiments of the British Nation, but as ebullitions from inmates of the Fleet, King's bench, and Newgate, prisons; or from other base and despicable hirelings, employed to aid the dirty purposes of a dirty bookseller. The Nation has not lost its former nobleness; and Reviewers are not the organs of its will. It still contains a multitude of great, and wise, and good men, who, when the present paroxism is over, will, I trust, act towards us ; as such men may be fairly expected to act. The Review of Inchiquin's Letters, as I have been very lately informed, has in this country been attribu- ted to Mr. Southey. I can hardly admit the supposi- tion, that a man, possessing the reputation of this gen- tleman, can have been the author of so unworthy a production. If it is his; I can only say, I regret it, for the sake of human nature. The attention paid in the course of these Remarks to Mr. Jeffrey, the Conductor of the Edinburgh Re- view, has been abundantly merited by the indecent sneers, and slanders, issued in that Journal concerning the inhabitants of the United States. Scotchmen, and Scotland, have been treated here with every expression of good will; and we deserve from them nothing, but to be "paid in kind." But in a Work, which from the beginning has either openly, or insidiously, been hos- tile to good Government, and Christianity, who, not PREFACE. Vll destitute of Common Sense, can expect any thing, which is just, or honourable. As to Mr. Jeffrey him- self, the civilities, which he received here, turned his head; and have been requited only with insolence. Nothing better could rationally have been expected from a man, who had wickedness enough to go into the field, in order to gain the reputation of a duellist, and baseness enough to agree beforehand with his mis- erable antagonist to fight with powder only. The Edinburgh Review sometimes exhibits superiour tal- ents; but, as a whole, it is a nuisance to the world. It is time that the people of this country should be- gin to estimate the foreigners, who visit it, more justly. Nine, out of ten, so far as their observations are pub- lished, are mere common slanderers; and appear to cross the ocean for little else than to bely us, as soon as they leave our shores. If they dislike our country and its inhabitants, let them stay at home. We shall not molest them. Here they claim, and receive, an attention, due only to persons of worth; and then repay our civilities with contempt and abuse. It is sufficiently painful to be ill-treated by men of respectability; but to be subjected to the heels, and the braying of such creatures, as Janson, Ashe, and Parkinson; and that, in a sense voluntarily, is to be humbled indeed. It is to be hoped, that Americans, before they again open their houses, and their hearts, for the reception of foreign stragglers, will demand some evidence, that they are not scoundrels.- Every worthy man, from PREFACE. every country, I would welcome; and wish my coun- trymen to welcome, to every good office. But it is time, that we should begin to select from so corrupt a mass, such parts, as are at least not putrid. If we can be connected with Great Britain on terms of mutual good will, and mutual respect; I shall hail the connexion with the most sincere pleasure; but, if the people of that country are only to regard us with malignity and contempt, and to treat us with abuse and slander; the sooner, and the farther, we are sep- arated, the better. Feb. 1, 1815. CONTENTS. Mr. Jeffersqti and Mr. Madison, 14 T&e War, 15 Honourable character of the British Nation, - - 16 Conduct of the War, - - - . . . 17 Comparison of British and American Rulers, - 2t Congress compared with the British Parliament, American Elections^ - ... 29 English Eleetions, - - 32 New England Elections, .---- 37 English Electioneering, - - 3* Talents in the House of Commons, - 40 Matthew Lyon, - 4,1 Duels, - - - 42 Courts of Justice, - 44 Toleration, - - .45 Justices of the Peace, - 47 Miranda, ....... ib. Professional education of Lawyers, - - ib. of Physicians, - 48 English Lawyers, - ib. Stealing, .... . 49 Separation of the church from the State and its consequences, - 5O Fanaticism of England, - 52 Education of young men for the ministry in America, - 54 In England, - 56 Character of the English Clergy, S4 Of the American Clergy, - 70 Of American Merchants, - ib. Of British Merchants, 71 Morals and Manners of the Americans, - 7t Landjohbers, ....-- ib. American rudeness, -73 Taverns, . - 74 English Taverns, - - 77 American W T omen, - - - 79 American Slavery, - - - 80 English, 81 West India, 83 Redemptioners, ... % 86 American intemperance, ---- 87 English intemperance, ... 88 Xil CONTENTS. Gouging, 90 Amusements of the English, - 91 Morals of Manchester, - 92 of Birmingham, - .... 93 of London, 97 Mediocrity of wealth in America, - - 101 Genius and Learning of Americans, - 106 Barlow's Columbiad, 107 Mac Fingal, ib. Dr. franklin, - - .108 Dr. Rittenhouse, - - - 109 Hadley's Quadrant, - 111 City of Washington, - . - - 112 Naval Efforts of the Americans, IIS Debates in Congress, - 114 In the British Parliament, - ib. Lord Lauderdale, - ib. Lord Stanhope, - 116 Sir Gregory Page Turner, ib. Lord Stanhope, 118 Mr. Drake, jun. - - 119 Earl of Abingdon, - - 121 Morals of Parliament, - 123 Lord Cochrane, 124 Decency, - - 126 JohnElwes, - - ib. Lewdness in Great Britain, - 128 Edinburgh Reriew, - 129 Conductor of it, 130 Language of the United States, - 1SS of Great Britain, - - 140 Account of British Reviews, - - - 144 Remarks on this account, - - 158 on this abuse of the 1 Americans, - - - - 165 REMARKS, &c. YOU are reported, in this country, to have in- stituted, and to controul, a literary journal, published in London, under the title of The Quarterly Review. Whether the report is just, or not, I am unable to de- termine. If it is just; the following observations are intentionally directed to you. If not; the proper ap- plication of them will be made to some other person, probably unknown to the public as the principal patron. In the twentieth number of this work, Art. llth, is a review of a production, styled "Inchiquin the Jesu- it's Letters, during a late residence in the United States of America" The title you consider, and I presume justly, as fictitious; and attribute the work to a Phil- adelphian, named Ingersoll. There is a man of this name in that city, whom the inhabitants, in one of those fits of delirium, which often seize upon large cities, sent as their Representative to Congress. Here he rendered himself in a very short time both odious and contemptible; and received such a flagellation from the Hon. Mr. Stockton, of New Jersey, as neither he nor his countrymen will soon forget: a flagellation, you will permit me to add, (since you are so ready to accuse us of manual violence,) administered, not with the hand, but with the tongue. That this silly man may have written the book, of which you speak; and that it may be a very silly book; I am not dis- posed to question. As the only knowledge of it 5 which I possess, is derived from this review, I am no* 3 14 Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Madison. Warranted to contradict any assertions concerning it, which are made by the reviewer. Had your strictures been confined to Inchiquin's Letters; you would nev- er have heard from me. In an early part of this paper you inform us, that the book has suggested to yo^ that "it might not be uninstructive, or unamusing to enquire a little into the character of the people, whom its Government are thus endeavouring to inflame into unextinguishable hatred against us, and whom we are so desirous of conciliating." "In doing this," you tell us, "we do not profess to take Inchiquin for our only guide; but shall avail ourselves of many partial, and scattered, hints to- wards a correct portrait of the people of the United States, which are to be found in the works of their own artists, as well as in those of foreigners, who have preceded this Jesuitical author." This is a task, upon which you have entered pretty extensively heretofore; and which has been assumed by several other literary journalists ot Great Britain. The spirit, with which it has been executed, has been the same: and it may be asserted without the least fear of well founded con- tradiction, that it is the very spirit, which you censure with so much seventy; equally causeless; equally ma- lignant; equally dishonourable to him, by whom it is cherished. There are two subjects, on which you have remark- ed extensively, and about which I shall give myself little concern. These are the characters, and the ad- ministrations, of Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Madison. I am a federalist, and a New Englander; a Yankee, as a multitude of your countrymen choose to style us, with the same gentlemanly spirit, with which they call the French frog-eaters; the Italians, fiddlers; and the The War. 15 Russians, bears; with which they see nothing in the Scotch, but dirt and the itch; in the Irish, nothing but bulls, and lies; and in the Dutch, nothing but smoak- ing, cheating, and stupidity; with which Dr. Clarke, otherwise a worthy man, and plainly possessed of re- spectable talents, declares, that every Russian* whom he met, was a rogue; that both sexes in that country, and those even of high rank, are encrusted with filth, and covered with vermin. There is not, I presume, an Englishman, who re- gards the character, and politics, of Mr. Jefferson, and Mr. Madison, with less approbation than myself. The former I consider as a cunning, the latter as a weak, man; and both, as hollow in their professions, insin- cere in their declarations, disposed without reluctance to sacrifice their country to the acquisition, and reten- tion, of power, and actually sacrificing it, so far as they have been able, for the accomplishment of horrid, and despicable purposes. In the progress of their measures I know not one, which wears even the appearance of patriotism, or principle. The war, existing between Great Britain and this country, of which you complain with the best reason, is in my opinion unnatural, impolitic on our part, causeless, and unjust. I do not mean, that you have given us no grounds for complaint. Your Orders in Council were, to say the least, of a very questionable nature; and the treatment, which our commerce has received from you, both before and since that period, is incapable of any vindication. But we, also, had act- ed in a manner, equally censurable towards you. It is unnecessary, that I should recite the provocations, which we have given you. Suffice it to say, that France? to whom with a spirit of drivelling infatuation we at> 16 The War. tached ourselves, had injured us ten times, where you had done it once; and in a degree, which outran cal- culation. Mr. Jefferson, a Spaniel where Bonaparte was concerned, and, while he thought himself safe under the imperial and royal protection, growling and bristling in a manner, somewhat formidable, at Great Britain, thought, poor man! that Great Britain would certainly cease to be an independent nation within twelve months from the date of the treaty concluded by Messrs. Munroe and Pinckney. This, he himself declared to Dr. Logan, was the reason why he reject- ed that treaty: a reason, for alleging which a child ten years old, if such a child could have been found, who would have alleged it, ought to have been whipped. At this time the British nation was employed, and had for many years been employed, in defending what was left of the liberty, and safety, of the human race; the protestant religion; and the remains of liter- ature, arts, science, civilization, and happiness; from the jaws of the Corsican Cyclop. The expense, which she incurred, the bravery of her fleets and armies, the skill and conduct of her officers, the wisdom and firm- ness of her councils, and the unanimity, patriotism and perseverance, of her inhabitants, outrun all praise; and surpass every preceding example. Blasted be the wish- es of the man, who desires to see your nation in any other than prosperous circumstances; and who will not rejoice to see it free, virtuous and happy. The human race are your debtors: and to you, under God, it is owing in a great measure, that the inhabitants of this country are in possession of their own liberty and independence. I say this, because it is true: and not one of my own countrymen, although I am well The War. 17 aware that many of them will deny the position, will be able to refute it. In this situation, that the American Government should wish success to Napoleon was equally a proof of profligacy, and madness. Should he succeed; the only boon, which could be expected for the inhabit- ants of this country, was to be eaten up last; and the period at which they were to be devoured, was at so small a distance, as to render the postponement of the crisis scarcely a privilege. This single fact tinctures the war, deeply, with the character of ingratitude. We were neutrals: but we had the same interest in its issue, as if we had been a party. You were defending our interest; while we were opposing it. Heaven blessed you with success: and glory be to the Author of all blessing, that he was pleased to give it in so bountiful a manner. Far, very far, however, is this from being a complete account of the merits of your countrymen. They have done more to define, and perpetuate, liberty; to form a wise, upright, and stable government; to im- prove agriculture, arts, and manufactures; to extend learning, and science; and to advance the interests of morality, and religion; than any other nation, ancient or modern. Your judicial system is an exhibition of more wisdom than can be found in the internal police of any spot on the globe. The British and Foreign Bible Society, if there were no other monument of your nation to be left, would transmit your character to future generations with a glory, which will expire only with the ages of time. With the Conduct of the war, on our part, I am but little better pleased than with the original declaration. The plan of conquering Canada was equally iniqui- 18 The Conduct of the War. tous, and absurd. The inhabitants of Upper Cana- da were chiefly emigrants from the United States; and left behind them brothers and sisters, parents and children. Those of Lower Canada were perfectly friendly to us. Neither of them had done us any wrong. Yet these were the people, who were to un- dergo the principal sufferings of the war; and no rea- son could be assigned, at the suggestion of which an upright man would not blush, why we should be wil- ling, that they should suffer at all. The acquisition of Canada would have been only injurious to us. To govern it has cost you immense sums. The United States it would have cost much more. To you the pos- session of Canada was safe. Were that country ours; we should be exposed to the discontent, turmoil, and insurrections, of the inhabitants: evils, to which no limits can be foreseen; and the expense of blood, and treasure, which would be necessary to quell, not to say exterminate / them, it would be very difficult to esti- mate: to omit what is much more important; the im- measurable guilt of bringing the miseries, inseparable from such a process, upon a people, to whom we owe nothing but good will. Our Government was ill informed, and weak, enough to believe these people their friends: and un- der this persuasion resolutely attempted, at the com- mencement of the war, to detach them from their all e- giance, and their interests. Alternately, they were threatened, and courted: and the same hand held out to them the torch and the olive branch. The Cana- dians wisely disregarded both; and, unterrified by that preeminent specimen of barbarism, the procla- mation of Gen. Hull, (dictated for that officer, as I am told he declares ; at Washington,) adhered to their The Conduct of the War. 19 interest, and their Sovereign. Since that period we have done what was in our power to alienate them still further, and, it must be acknowledged, have been eminently successful. They now hate us as cordially, as we can desire; and, it is to be hoped, that even the unsusceptible mind of Mr. Madison, illustrious as he is for pertinacity, has already, or will soon, become a convert to this opinion. If not, let him send Gen. Pe- ter B. Porter on two or three more Indian excursions into that country; and all the difficulties in the way of his conversion will vanish. Gen. Hull, who was sent at the commencement of the war to subdue Upper Canada, and who had ac- quired an honourable character as a field officer in the American Revolution, particularly in the resistance made to Gen. Burgoyue, was hurried off to Detroit with an expedition, which indicated, that his employ- ers supposed he had nothing to do, after his arrival, but to say u Ven i, vidi, vici;" and the work would be done. He found at Detroit half an army, half vict- ualled, half clothed, miserably furnished with the means of making war, and with little provision for their own safety, health, or comfort. The disastrous issue of the enterprise was an equal, and signal, proof of the folly of those, by whom it was originated, and of the jus- tice of GOD. A similar character must be given of the succeed- ing attempts of Gens. Dearborn, Hampton, and Wil- kinson. An examination of them, here, would be un- necessary and tedious. I shall not, therefore, weary myself with writing, nor you with reading it. It will be enough to say, that by our various expeditions in- to Canada we have lost much, and gained nothing. We have, indeed, inflicted many evils upon you. Of The Conduct oj the War. this we ought to be ashamed; and for it we have been, and hereafter probably may be still more, severely punished. We have destroyed your people; and you, ours. You have boasted of your victories, and so have we of ours; and both, often without any reason. We have burnt your villages; and you have burnt ours. We blew up the parliament house at Little York; and you blew up the American Capitol, and the Pres- ident's house, at Washington. The destruction was in both cases causeless, and wanton; and both parties exhibited themselves as mere barbarians. Yet I con- fess, we set you the example. Sir George Prevost, however, in a solemn proclamation, published after trie destruction oiBnffalot Creek, and its environs, de- clared, that the work of retaliation had been carried sufficiently far. From this time nothing had occurred, which could justify the ravages at Washington. In your attacks upon ttsyou have had little more success than we in ours upon you. The bargain has been a losing one on both sides; and the sooner it is terminated, the better. A little common sense, and a little good nature, would easily bring the controversy to a close- But it is questionable whether your govern- ment, or ours, will very soon possess enough of either to effectuate so desirable a purpose. That ours will, I confess, 1 have no expectation. Your History of the progress of the American gov- ernment is in some respects just, and in some errone- ous. If you wish to see the subject correctly stated; you wiil find it exhibited in a masterly manner by the Hon. Robert Goodloe Harper, in an Address to his fel- low citizens, assembled at Annapolis, to celebrate the victories of the Allies over Napoleon. Permit me to recommend this work to you ? although it is an Amer- The American Rulers. 21 ican production, and written in a country, which you think a land of barbarism and blunders. It will afford you much useful instruction, which you cannot get elsewhere; and will teach you to write with a bet- ter spirit, and in better language. At the same time it will gratify your spleen against one class of the Amer- icans by shewing you the unworthy character, and disgraceful conduct, of the leaders of that class; and the base manner, in which they collected, and arrang- ed, their political party. The expectation of being gratified in this respect, will, I hope, induce you to read the bookJtti The first theme of your censure is made up of our Rulers, and their Administration. On this subject I presume you will hardly demand of me more liberal concessions than those, which I have already made. Let us now turn our eyes to Great Britain; and see whether in this respect our character will suffer by a comparison with yours. Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Madison are, we will suppose, weak men. To the former, indeed, you allow a plausible address, and considerable talents: and it must be acknowledged, that he possesses, in no contemptible degree, the talent, which is styled Cunning. As to talents of any other nature, I will leave him to display and his friends to admit them. Place both these Magistrates as low as you please. Were they weaker men than your John, Stephen, Henry HI, Henry VI, Edward II, James I, Charles II, and James II? Could not as many, and those equally ridiculous and contemptible, things be written, even now, concerning each of these men, as concerning the two American Chiefs? Were not both their private conduct, and their public policy, at least 4 22 Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Madison. as despicable; Englishmen themselves being the Judges. But u the American Rulers are grossly vicious men." The private deportment of Mr. Madison is, I believe, altogether decent, so far as what is commonly styled morality, is concerned. It is true, he makes no pretensions to the character of a religious man. But, I believe, he never swears, gets drunk, frequents the gambling table, nor keeps a mistress. How small, Sir, do you think, is the number of your princes, of whom this could be said with truth? Look back, if you please, upon the list which I have set before you; and tell me how many it contains, who were not blots, and brands, upon the character of man. You complain, and justly, of the hypocritical pol- itics, and false professions, of these Presidents. Mr. Madison 9 s hypocrisy is clumsy, and awkward. Mr. Jefferson's is adroit, and sits upon him like an accom- plishment; and, visible as it always was to men of sense and integrity, has nevertheless satisfied his party., and kept them in order. That of Charles II, though he was plainly inferiour to Mr. Jefferson in talents, was equally efficacious in controuling the principal men, and the great body, of the English nation. Not only did they unite very generally in his profligate and ruinous measures, but addressed him, and spoke of him publicly and privately, in terms of the most exag- gerated and fulsome adulation; such as on a modern ear produces effects, very similar to those, which are experienced by the palate, when tasting Ipecacuanha. A few of the distinguished Ministers of your church, and a few illustrious Laymen, opposed the abominable measures of this fiend in human shape; but the rest; your Clergy, Nobles, Parliament, and People; united Slave- Trade. 23- together in a vast mob, and followed with a hue and cry of applause this vile man, who was labouring to destroy at once their liberty and their religion. You complain of the injustice of our Rulers to Great Britain. Admit it. Turn your eyes, if you please, upon your own country. Recollect the mis- eries, which you have brought upon the people of Hindoostan, and upon the wretched inhabitants of Africa. Follow for a moment your Slave- factors, prowling through this unhappy region, like a col lee - tion of wolves and tygers,and destroying by the wars, which they kindled, an endless multitude of the inhab- itants, for the purpose of selling another endless multi- tude into hopeless, agonizing bondage; of whom one half perished on the way, and the other became vic- tims, at no distant period, to toil, and torture. You will tell me, perhaps, that we are equally, and even more, interested in this charge than yourselves; that we have not only been active in this infamous traffic, but have bought, and kept, and still keep, these miserable people in bondage. Softly, Sir. Our own share in this business was all begun, and carried on, under your patronage, and controul. When we form- ed our National Constitution, the States stipulated, in effect, that after the year 1808 the importation of slaves should cease. To this stipulation the slave- holding States were parties: and it was the earliest dereliction of this iniquitous traffic, to which they would consent. Blame them for this part of their conduct as much as you please. I shall feel no in- ducement to refute the charge. The other States either abolished slavery in their Constitutions at the first moment of their political existence; or exterminat 24 Oppression of the Hindoos. ed it by the earliest emancipation, which was in their power. This was particularly true of New England. You will perhaps reply, that Great Britain has performed the same act of justice in a manner still more efficacious. 1 rejoice in it. The name of Wil* berforce, Sharp, Clarkson, and their associates, I re- gard with all the respect, which can be due to mere men; and hail with inexpressible delight the triumph, atchieved by them at the end of a war, of near 20 years, over Liverpool slave-dealers, over West Indian slave-holders, and over all the phalanx of avarice, bar- barity, and oppression. They have erected to them- selves a monument of glory, cere perennius. At the same time I remember with no small morti- fication the hostility, the abuse, the base passions, and the despicable sentiments, which through this long period they were obliged to encounter; not only from the West Indian slave holders, and the Liverpool slave- merchants, who, together with their friends, found their way into your Senate, but in many instan- ces, also, from the independent Gentlemen, and even from the Noblemen, of your country. We accom- plished the business with much less difficulty; notwith- standing a great part of our Convention, and after- wards of our Congress, was composed of those, whose property consisted extensively in slaves. In Hlndoostan your public conduct was for a long period, and until very lately, so oppressive to the mis- erable inhabitants, that persons of the first distinction in Great JBritain branded it with the deepest shame. You have begun a reformation, at which every good man rejoices. Our conduct toward the Aborigines of our country, though scandalous, is far from being equally infamous with yours towards the Hindoos? The British Royal Family. 25 and the name of Harrison will go down to posterity with less infamy, than those of C/k>e,and Sykes. But, in this respect, you have begun to reform: we have not. Very unpleasant tales hang upon the private charac- ter of Mr. Jefferson; but he never sacrificed his own daughter, as James the 1st. did the wife of the Elector Palatine; nor his own friend, as the same miserable prince did Sir Walter Raleigh: and his life, with the ut- most enormities attributed to it.cannot be placed by the side of that brute in human shape, Charles the 2d. Nor did he more directly, more universally, or more wan- tonly, sacrifice the interests of the country, which he governed. It has not yet been proved, that he was a pensioner of France; nor was his servile dependence on Bonaparte so servile as that of Charles on Louis \Uh. Nor is the war, in which we are now involved, more despicable, or more directly injurious to our in- terests, than the second Dutch war, carried on by Charles in obedience to Louis, was to those of Great Britain. Charles's whole private life was a mere mass of putrefaction. While we are on this subject, let me turn your atten- tion for a moment to the behaviour of some of the members of the present reigning Family. Recal to your remembrance for a single moment the story of Mrs. Fitzherbert; the present situation of the Princess of Wales; the story of "The Book;" the history of the Marchioness of Yarmouth; and a few other items, of the same unfortunate nature; particularly the whole history of the Duke of York. It is enough for me to direct the eye of an Englishman to these objects?, I shall not insist upon them. 6 Character of British Traveller*. To these, however, I could, as you very easily know, add a terrible list, if I were to go back through the history of your Government. To say nothing of the infernal spirit of Mary the Is?, the capricious and brutal violence of her Father, and the enormous avar- ice of her Grandfather; what do you think of the ex- ecution of Mary, Queen of Scots, and the barbarous treatment of several of her own subjects, by your I believe, Sir, you cannot be ignorant of the manner, in which those systems are carried into effect, or rather are neglected; that Education for the Ministry in England. 57 iht example of too many among the preceptors, and the looseness of conduct suffered among the students, prove how widely our colleges have departed from the intentions of the founders; so that, instead &f re ligion, they too often confer habits, and opinions, de- structive to the individuals, and baneful to those, whose eternal happiness is hereafter to be entrusted to persons, so little qualified, or accustomed, to appre- ciate their own." p. 1. Again. "There are more vice and profligacy coun- tenanced at our universities, where a direct and obvi- ous check exists, than would be suffered to take place among its members afterwards, when they arrive al situations in life, which present no positive restraints; and the scenes of riot and debauchery, which pass un- noticed (or at least are ineffectually noticed) by those, who cannot be ignorant of them, would, in this me- tropolis, subject the perpetrators to the correction of the police: 7 p. 20. The Christian Observer proceeds, "Religion the au- thor conceives to be equally neglected." "Christianity forms little or no part in the regular plan of instruc- tion. Contrary to our experience in every other pro- fession, candidates for our Ministry are taught every branch of science, but that in which they are to prac- tice. Chapel is not attended till it is half over. Ma- ny go there intoxicated as to a kind of roll call: and though the assumption of the Lord's supper is per- emptory upon the students, no care is taken to teach them its importance" &c. p. 22. Letter III opens with similar statements in respect to examination for orders. "Our future clergyman, having taken his degree, (to which the principles of religion form at Cambridge no step whatever, and at 58 Candidates for Orders in the Church. Oxford a very trifling one,) and having, often by Eu- clid alone, attained that object, announces himself a candidate for holy orders." Then "so very lax has become the examination for orders, that there is no man, who has taken a degree at the university, who cannot reckon on ordination as a certainty, whatever his attainments in learning, morals, or religion, &c." "Speaking generally, I believe the only qualifi- cations are to construe a chapter in the Greek Testa* ment, and answer a few questions out of Grotius." A specimen of these answers is then given in the answer of a young man to the question, Who was the Medi- ator between God and man? Answer. " The Arch- bishop of Canterbury." pp. 24 26. Speaking of the difficulties, he would, on the contrary, oppose to the attainment of orders, he says, "I shall, perhaps, be an- swered, "How hard to throw a young man back upon the world! that school learning is not of so much con- sequence, as the moral character of a minister, &c." " To which he replies 1st. by hoping, that, if a change in the mode of examination were once known, candidates would come as well prepared for the lat- ter, as now unprepared for the former; and that, 2dly, it is actually "the want of attention to moral character, which is at present most to be deplored, and which he could wish to see commence even before the time of ordination, &c." This cursory wish, with a single page in Letter X, is the whole of the remedy, our writer has to propose for the cure of such nume- rous, inveterate, and complicated disorders. "The first step to a reform in the church establishment," he tells us, "should be an entire and total revision of the sys- tem of our universities. A knowledge and rigid prac- tice of the duties of religion should be rendered indis- Examination for Holy Orders* 59 pensable. Vice should be not only checked, but made, after a certain limit a positive obstacle to wdination. A preparation, and examination for orders should be a part of the collegiate system, not left to Bishops, or their chaplains; decent attendance on the church ser- vice prescribed; and young men, intended for the church, should declare such intention on their admis- sion to the university." pp. 123 126. You will please to remark, Sir, this account is substantially admitted by the Editors of the Christian Observer. For they say u We might have stirred to jealousy our English universities by a close compari- son of the youth, there under tuition for holy orders, with those in foreign establishments. We might have referred our venerable pastors to that, which is daily asserted without contradiction, the incomparably great- er learning, both literary, and more especially theo- logical, to be found in the youth of our sister ministry in Scotland to that, found amongst our own. Their eyes might have been directed nearer home to instan- ces of religious education, vSuccessfully conducted even in this our own land amongst a class, whom it is alike its own misfortune, and ours, that we must consider as in rivalry with ourselves; and they might have been intreated to consider what ground has been offered for others to assert that even a large majority of regular- ly educated dissenting ministers are better versed hi the common places of theology, and that knowledge of their Bible, on which as a science it rests, than even a small minority of our rising ministry. Our address would then have humbly, but practically, suggested it to the conscience of each authorized instructor of youth, or superintendant of the church, how far the wished-for reform be not dependent, within its own 60 Examination far Holy Orders. sphere, wholly and solely upon himself. We should have advised no waiting here for general regulations, for legislative innovations, or metropolitan societies for the education of the clergy on Dr. Bell's plan, to be simultaneously adopted throughout the kingdom. The change, we should have hinted, as in our minds the only practicable one, would be the private, and perhaps unperceived change, which each collegiate, or episcopal dignitary should at the very next recurrence of public examination think himself bound in duty to adopt in regard to his own charge. We should press upon them (with all due deference to an authority, whose difficulties can only be understood from its ex- ercise) the shameful instances of abuse in these re- spects, which we are constrained to fear, are often known to slip by those, who observe, and who might prevent, them, but do it not. Upon the heads or tutors of colleges, or professors, might be urged the immense advantage, they respectively possess, for impressing on the minds of their pupils the nature of that holy office, into which many are to pass from their hands. And even on the most venerable order itself might be urged its own absolute and uncontroulable power, for repel- ling any, (if they please without a reason) who shall dare to approach them uninformed, unqualified for the sacred office, with lips untouched by the flame of holy zeal, or censers unhallowed, to bear incense in the house of the LORD. Some living example, to this ef- fect, and some \vho live but in grateful recollection, might have been cited, whose salutary exertions still rescue episcopal examination from absolute contempt. And finally, we should have pointed to that great day "when the Chief Shepherd shall appear," and asked, if any temporal ease, or temporary applause for crimin- Examination Jar Holy Orders, 61 al levity, in the discharge of their important duties would be well purchased by a burdened conscience in the recollection of past negligence, or by a single frown from His countenance, before whom "the heavens and the earth will flee away, and there will be found no place for them." Nor, as it would seem, is this deplorable state of ed- ucation for the Ministry in your Church any thing new. "By reason whereof," says Hooker, that is, "the rash and careless ordaining of every one, that hath but a friend to bestow some two or three words of ordi- nary commendation in his behalf; the church groweth burdened with silly creatures more than need; whose noted baseness and insufficiency bringeth their very order itself into contempt." "Oar Ember weeks," says Bishop Burnet, "are the burden and grief of my life. The much greater part of those, who come to be ordained, are ignorant to a degree, not to be apprehended by tose, who are not obliged to know it. The easiest part of knowl- edge is that, to which they are the greatest strangers; I mean the plainest parts of the Scriptures, which, they say in excuse for their ignorance, that their tutors in the universities never mentioned the reading of to them; so that they can give no account, or at least a very imperfect one, of the contents even of the Gos- pel. Those, who have read some books, yet never seem to have read the Scriptures. Many cannot give a tolerable account even of the Catechism itself, how short and plain soever. They cry, and think it a sad disgrace to be denied orders, though the ignorance of some is such, that in a well regulated state of things they would appear not knowing enough to be admitted to the holt/ sacrament" Q 62 Candidates for Holy Orders: I hope, Sir, that when you and your brother jour- nalists shall have read these statements, we shall hear no more of the want of education, or of examinations, or of diplomas, or of testimonials of competency, or of any other qualifications, in the young men, destin- ed to the Ministry in this country. I presume you have not read them hitherto, if you have, your attack upon us is as shameless, as it is unfounded. That you may not suppose me to place an Undue reliance on these testimonies, respectable as they are, I will point you to one or two others. In the 46th Letter of Espriella, you may find the following de- clarations "There is to be found every where a great number of those persons, whom we cannot prove to be human beings, by any rational characteristic which they possess, but who must be admitted to be so by a sort of reductio ad absurditm, because they cannot possibly be any thing else. They pass for men in the world, because it has pleased God for wise purposes, however inscrutable to us, to set them upon two legs, instead of four; to give them smooth skins, and no tail; and to enable them to speak without having their tongues slit. They are like those weeds which will spring up, and thrive in every soil, and every climate; and which no favourable circumstance can improve into utility. It is of little consequence whether they shoot water fow\,attend horse races, frequent the broth- el, and encourage the wine trade, in one place, or anoth- er; but as a few years of this kind of life usually sat- isfy a man for the rest of it, it is convenient that there should be a place appointed, where one of this description can pass through his course of studies out of sight of his relations, and without injuring his character, and from whence he can cqme with the advantage of Non-Residence of the English Clergy. 53 having been at the University, and a, qualification, which enables him to undertake the cure of souls. Th revenues they have only to gabble through a few for- mal offices" &c. Many exceptions indeed he speaks of, and congratulates us on the learning and piety of many in the higher offices of the church. "But for all this I fear a great proportion of the Clergy are the very reverse of these high examples and betray art indifference of conduct, and dissoluteness of manners, which, whilst it is most shameful to them, would not be borne ^ith in any other state of life." He then talks of "the reverend associates, and abettors, of pub- lic corruption and profligacy, walking about our streets, unsilenced, and unchastised. A horse race, a fox chase, or a boxing match, is never without its rev- erend attendants; and the man, who in the house of God hurries over the offices of devotion, as beneath his attention, will be seen the next day the noisy toast- master, or songster, of a club." "Their professional indolence, but one degree removed from positive mis- conduct," he next contrasts with "their occasional ac- tivity at a county election in a cathedral county town, You have the honour of finding yourself in such con- tests acting in concert with deans, chancellors, arch- deacons, prebendaries, and minor-canons without number. On such occasions grave, very grave, per- sons are to be seen, shouting the chorus of some cle( tion ribaldry, whose zeal, or even common industry upon more important topics he had never witness- ed."" pp 3740. After attributing the success of the dissenters tq the luke-warmness of the established clergy, our wri- ter proceeds, in page 60, to state "/Ac great abuse of single duty some-times only every other Sunday;" which he declares to be the case in as great a propor- tion of livings above, as below, five hundred pounds g Neglect of Duty by the English Clergy. per annum, Advertisements to this effect he men- tions, though perfectly irregular, yet as appearing in the very face of the diocesan, &c." "Of the manner, and the time, also, in which single duty is performed, it is equally necessary to speak; often at ten, some- times at nine, in the morning; leaving all the rest of the day to revelling and drunkenness, or, what is more common now, to the itinerant enthusiast. And as to manner; A clergyman, who gallops to the church, gallops through the service, and gallops away again, is generally too unique in his ideas to con- form to others, though sworn to obey them; and has of course a liturgy and a rubric of his own. The Decalogue is hurried over in the desk with as little ceremony, as the detail of a fox chase. And in many parishes the whole morning service does not (includ- ing the sermon) occupy three quarters of an hour. The infrequency of the sacrament is likewise alluded to, and the excuse justly reprobated, that there are no communicants, which only implies a further neglect in the clergyman also the neglect of catechizing con- trary to "the Methodists." There a great part of the Sabbath is set apart for the instruction of children in their particular tenets. And often, while the parish priest is lolling on his sofa, after the imaginary fa- tigues of his unusual exertions, under his very nose are these intruders zealously undermining the estab- lishment, which gives him bread." Original compo- sition, it is next observed, is scarcely known among them; and even their selections are represented as in- judicious, and so often repeated, as to be quite famil- iar to the audience. And finally, "pastoral visits are not only greatly neglected, or wholly discontinued, but even their obligation is denied; and the clergy are Neglect of Duty by the English Clergy. 07 convinced that the duties of hospitality, and of domes- tic instruction and consolation to the young, the de- praved, the decrepid, and the dying, form no part of the demands which their parishioners have upon them. w pp. 68 70. To all which the state of the London clergy is represented as affording a faint, though lau- dable exception." p. 74, &c. Now, Sir, when "the principles of religion form, at Cambridge no step whatever, and, at Oxford, a very trifling one, to a degree;" when the student has "often by Euclid alone attained that object, and become a candidate for holy orders;' 7 when "so very tax has become the examination for orders, that there is no man, who has taken a degree at the university, who cannot reckon on ordination as a certainty, whatever his attainments in learning, morals, or religion;" when "the only qualifications are to be able to construe a chapter in the Greek Testament, and answer a few questions out of Grotius;" when one of these young men to the question, "Who was the Mediator be- tween God and man?" answered "The Archbishop of Canterbury," what must be the future character of the Clergy, thus inducted into their sacred office? Must not "a great proportion of them be, as asserted by this Letter- writer, "a set of men, wrapt up in secu- lar pursuits, with a total indifference to the spiritual duties of their calling?" Is it strange, that "many of them seem to consider that they are appointed to a life of sloth and inactivity, or merely to feed upon the fat of the land; and that in return for immense and growing revenues they have only to gabble through a few formal offices? Can we be surprised that the rev- erend associates, and abettors, of public corruption and profligacy walk about your greets, unsilenced 08 Neglect of Duty by the English Clergy. and unchastised; that a horse race, a fox chase, or a boxing match," which I suppose are in the list of clerical amusements in Great Britain, "is never with- out its reverend attendants, and that the man, who in the house of God hurries over the offices of devotion, as beneath his attention, will be seen the next day, the noisy toast-master, or songster of a clubV Are we to be astonished, when we consider "their professional indolence, but one degree removed from positive mis- conduct, as a contrast to their occasional activity at a county election in a cathedral county town; or that in such contests you have the honour of finding yourself acting in concert with deans, chancellors, archdea- cons, prebendaries and minor-canons without num- ber; or that on such occasions grave, very grave, persons are to be seen, shouting the chorus of some election ribaldry?" Can you, Sir, can any Englishman, wonder, that, when such is the manner of induction into the sacred office, ^'single duty should be sometimes performed on- ly every other Sunday, at ten, or even at nine, in the morning, leaving all the rest of the day to revelling and drunkenness; or that a Clergyman, 'who gallops to the church, gallops through the service, and gallops away again; that he has a liturgy and rubric of his own; that the Decalogue is hurried over in the desk with as little ceremony as the detail of a fox chase; that in many parishes the whole morning service does not (including the sermon) occupy three quarters of an hour; that the sacrament should be unfrequently ad- ministered, and that it should be alleged, as an excuse, that there are no communicants; or that original composition is scarcely known among these Minis- ters: that even their selections are injudicious; and se Neglect of Duly by the English Clergy. 69 often repeated, as to be quite familiar to the audience; or that pastoral visits should not only be greatly neg- lected, or wholly discontinued, but even their obliga- tion be denied; or that the Clergy should be convin- ced, that the duties of hospitality and of domestic in- struction and consolation to the young, the depraved, the decrepid, and the dying, form no part of the de- mand, which their parishioners have upon them?" To these remarks, the Letter-writer mentions the London Clergy as affording a faint, though laudable exception. Is it, then, true, Sir, that the London Clergy furnish the only exception, found in any con- siderable body of your ministers, to such a story as this? And is that only exception a faint one? What man, Sir, besides a Reviewer, and he, sheltered under his anonymous character, could ever be induced, with this picture of the Clergy in his own country before him, to attack, or even to censure, those of any other country? Where is the country, of which this story could be truly told a second time? With these things in view, the account of Lord Har- rowby, in itself apparently surpassing all belief, is easily explained. It ceases to be a matter of astonishment, that many of your Clergy should be non-residents. We should not, indeed, suspect, nor without the most authentic and decisive information believe, that the number of unprincipled Clergymen, so forcibly char- acterized by the Letter- writer, could, out of eleven thousand one hundred and sixty-four, be six thousand one hundred and twenty-four. The fact is wonderful. The number of instances, to which it is extended, is portentous. Most ardently must every good man wish, that it may be rapidly diminished. 10 70 Merchants of the United States. In answer to all these observations you may possi- sibly ask how great a proportion of Ministers are non- residents in the United States. In New England there is not one: there never was one: and, so far as my knowledge extends, there is not one in any part of the American Union. I speak of regular and settled Ministers, and not of Methodists, and other wander- ing preachers, professedly unsettled. Our Ministers, also, perform all the duties, which the Letter-writer complains of, as being neglected by yours. They preach sermons, composed by themselves, twice every Sabbath. They are not guilty of what the Christian Observer calls "that very pernicious ministerial de- linquency; preaching habitually other compositions than their own" " This practice," says the able Re- viewer of the Letters above mentioned, "fraught with every deadening principle, and whose only excuse is that which intimates a man to be no credit to his pro- fession, is, we verily think, the only means, by which the last degree oj ignorance and insensibility can be made compatible with the sacred office" This prac- tice, Sir, would ruin any man, who appeared in the desk, and has neither credit, nor place, here. "The Merchants of the United States, with the ex- ception of New England" you say, "are a very dif- ferent class of men from those, who follow that pro- fession in Europe" As a Yankee, I might fairly ex- cuse myself from paying any attention to this subject; and leave it to the merchants in the other parts oif the Union to defend themselves. I will, however, make a few observations concerning this professedly superi- our character of your merchants. Liverpool, the second trading town in England, has derived a great part of its wealth, and even of its English Merchants. 71 existence, from the most abominable of all traffic; that which is charged upon Babylon, in the Apocalypse, as one of its tremendous crimes; dealing "in slaves, and the souls of men." You will perhaps say, and may undoubtedly say with truth, that the Americans have been guilty of the same traffic. But, Sir, this traffic has here been confined to a few spots, and a very few hands; and, since we have had power to punish it, to such hands only as the diligence of law could not seize: an evil, which will certainly create no surprise in a country, where smuggling is so extensively carri- ed on, as in Great Britain, Your little finger has been thicker than our loins. Such has been the fact from the date of our independence. Of the trade, which about the year 1810 you carri- ed on with France, your own writers declare,* that "it was carried on by means avowedly fraudulent; with false oaths and forged certificates; and diffus- ed profligacy and corruption through the different ranks of the mercantile world; that those employed in it, were a various and motley race of men, possess- ing, many of them, a strange ubiquity of character; were Jews and Gentiles; traders who were at once Englishmen and Americans; transforming themselves into every imaginable shape, as the occasion might re- quire." They say, "this commerce was carried on through the medium of false custom-house entries, or declarations, made either by the merchants, or those employed by them" "Many of the captains, employ- ed by your merchants," they say, "were placed in the unhappy predicament of being obliged to substantiate, by oat h, any false declaration, which had been p < istian Observer. 72 English Merchants. ously made concerning the subject of commerce.^ They also say, that the practice of using false papers, at sea, was another subject for animadversion: and one of your writers says, he had heard, that "rt manu- factory of these documents was carried on to a prodi- gious extent by certain individuals, who were welt skilled in the art of forging them" He subjoins, "there are a thousand other frauds, subterfuges, and contrivances, by which commercial objects are pursu- ed in these unhappy days of the mutual prohibition of traffic among nations. Property, it is pleaded, must be covered. He, that pushes British manufactures into the Continent, is called a benefactor to his coun- try; but there is a whole mystery of iniquity which involves many of these transactions; and few, as I fear, among our foreign merchants, are now able to say, that they "have the testimony of their con- sciences, that in simplicity, and godly sincerity, they have their conversation in the world." 5 ' Circumstanced as this subject is, it will be sufficient to have made these observations. What would have been its appearance, had you traced its serpentine progress, through all the various windings, with the same spirit, with which you have attacked the people of the United States? From your coflection of travellers, you then proceed to give an account of the Morals, and Manners, of the inhabitants of this country. Your first complaint is of our Landjobbers. In behalf of these men, 1 have little to say; and concerning most of them entertain an opinion, as unfavourable as yours. The number of them is inconsiderable. Some of them are proba- bly, indeed 1 know some of them to be, men of irre- proachable characters. Others are rogues: and your Manners in the United S fates. 73 countrymen, as well as mine, have suffered severely from their frauds. Both have, therefore, a right to complain, without any animadversion from me. At the same time you have no lands for sale, by the pur- chase of which men can become landjobbers; and, therefore, are on this score safe from any censure. But, Sir, from this inconsiderable number of men, amounting probably to less than five hundred in the United States, you ought not to have taken the char- acter of a nation. You then inform us, that "the moment a foreigner sets his foot on the quay, he is surrounded by a set of idlers, who very familiarly ask him a thousand ques- tions," of which you give us a string sufficiently long. Permit me to inform you, Sir, that if you believe this tale of a cock and a bull, your confidence has been abused; and that such a set of questions was never asked of any foreigner, in these circumstances, since America was discovered. Foreigners are here treated with more civility than they ordinarily meet with in England, and with incomparably more than most of those, who visit us, deserve. "The unfortunate man," you then inform us, "has- tens to make his escape to the tavern, Here," you say, "he is forthwith beset by a swarm of speculators, of a superiour order. Having run the gauntlet through these, he is left, but, alas! not to a quiet fireside, and a solitary meal. His landlord and landlady," you say, in language, sufficiently coarse, "seat themselves at table with him, together with their dirty children, and perhaps too with their servants; and the children seize the stranger's drink, slobber in it, and often snatch a dainty bit from his plate." More quotations are. I presume, unnecessary. 74 American Taverns. AH this you have said with Lambert in your hands: for you have quoted from him a passage, whieh you thought might aid your attempts to scandalize this country. Had you possessed the least candour, you could not, I think, have failed, (in the midst of the numerous aspersions, which you have heaped together from every dirty source, within your reach,) to quote the following passages from that sensible and fair- minded writer. "Much has been said by former travellers of the familiarity, and rudeness, of the American people. I will not attempt to contradict their assertions; but for myself I must declare, in justice to the American character; that I experienced the utmost civility and even politeness from the inhabitants in every part of the country through which I travelled. The coach- men were civil, and the tavern-keepers attentive; and wherever I had occasion to mix with the country peo- ple, I never met with the least rudeness, or shadow oj impertinence on any occasion: on the contrary, they were civil and obliging." "At the taverns and farm houses, where we rested on the road, we found the people extremely civil and atten- tive. We were treated with as much respect, as if we had been at our own houses: and the landlord, his wife, and daughters, waited on us in the most obliging manner. I do not mention this as a solitary instance: it was general, at every house, wJiere we stopped. Neither have I drawn my conclusions merely from the reception, I met with at taverns, and other places of public resort, but from my observations upon the people in general, with whom / had frequent opportu- nities of mi{cing, whet her they belonged to the highest, f)r the lowest, orders of the community. I believe it American Taverns. 75 is generally allowed, that for a traveller, who wishes to make himself master of the real character and dis- position of a people, it is not sufficient, that he asso- ciates only with the grandees of a nation. He must mix with the plebeians: otherwise he acquires but false ideas of the country, and its inhabitants. u The great mass of nations," says Dr. Johnson, "are neither rich nor gay. They, whose aggregate constitutes the peo- ple, are found in the streets and the villages, in the shops and the farms: and from them, collectively con- sidered, must the measure of general prosperity be taken." From these I have judged of the real char- acter of the Americans; and I found it as difficult to discover a single particle of rudeness, in the beha- viour of the men, as it was to discover an ugly face, or bad teeth among the young women."* I hope, Sir, these testimonies from the only British traveller in the U. S. within my information, who has united intelligence, candour, and veracity, will be ad- mitted even by you, as a proof that the senseless, and brutal calumnies, which you have assembled with so much diligence, are not a just representation even of American taverns. Our inns, I feel assured, are inferiour to yours;f but J am informed by authority, which, if I were to name it, even you would respect, that they are superiour to those of any country on the European Continent. At * Lambert, vol. iii, p. 98. f "It is not common to find poor inns in England; but in this instance w were served with miserable tea, and miserable bread, and attended by a surly waiter. I came to the house with extreme fatigue, and left it with extreme disgust." Sill. Journ. See on this subject the travels of M. Jllorier, a Prussian Clergy- man. The truth is; the inns in England are good wherever there is sufficient travelling, (and that of Avealthy people,) to support the expense of costly accom- modations: where there is not, they are bad; as in other countries. 76 American Taverns. the same time your inns are enormously expensive; and may well afford to furnish many gratifications to an epicure, which are not found, because they cannot be afforded, in ours. Our inn-keepers cannot build so large houses, and of course cannot furnish such a multitude of rooms; nor can they keep such a train of servants. Travellers, here, are not generally rich enough, to be at the expense of such costly accommo- dations. Concerning the food in our inns, take, if you please, the account given by Lambert.* "We put up for the night at a very good tavern, where we were supplied with an excellent supper, composed of as great a vari- ety as we met with for breakfast at Shelburne, and which is customary at all the taverns throughout the northern States" Again. "At the better sort of American taverns, or hotels, very excellent dinners are provided, consisting of almost every thing in season. The hour is from two to three o'clock; and there are three meals in a day. They breakfast at eight o'clock, on rump -steaks, fish, eggs, and a variety of cakes, with tea or coffee. The last meal is at seven in the evening; and consists of as substantial fare as the breakfast, with the addition of cold fowl, or ham, &c. The price of boarding at these houses is from a dollar and a half to two dollars per day. Brandy, hollands, and other spirits, are al- lowed at dinner; but every other liquor is paid for extra. English breakfasts, and teas, generally speak- ing, are meagre repasts, compared with those of Amer- ica: and, as far as I had an opportunity of observing, the people live, with respect to eating, in a much more * Vol. K, p. 122. English Taverns. 77 luxurious manner than we do; particularly in the great towns and their neighbourhoods."* The price of your accommodations would certainly furnish very genteel living in this country. They are stated by the American traveller, whose Journal I have several times quoted, at the following rates; I. s. d. Bed, - - 1 6 Breakfast of tea, or coffee, with toast, and an egg, 1 8 Tea at evening, - 018 Dinner, of two dishes, with a frugal desert, 050 Glass of beer, - 008 Bottle of Sherry, - - 060 Of Port, . 050 Of Madeira, - 090 Waiter, 3d a meal, - 9 Chambermaid,each night,for making your bed, 006 Boots, for every pair of shoes, and boots, which he brushes, 002 Ostler, each night, 006 Porter for carrying baggage, in and out, 006 And these are the lowest rates, which a gentleman ean possibly pay; and none of them can be refused. I have stated these rates, also, at the lowest esti- mates, mentioned by this gentleman. This, Sir, makes the ordinary expense of a traveller, with one horse, and without a servant, a guinea a day at a moderate computation; or more than one thousand seven hundred dollars a year. This sum, in America, at least in New England, would purchase a very libe- ral supply of Epicurean enjoyments for a large family. * Lambert, TO!, ii, p, 132. 11 38 English Taverns. Less than half of it does actually purchase them foi" a single traveller. But there is another fact, which illustrates this sub- ject in a different manner. "The servants at the pub- lic houses in England" says the gentleman, mention- ed above, "are paid by the guests, and not by their em- ployers. They not only receive no wages, but many of them pay a premium for their places: that is, the masters of tne hotels farm out to their servants the priv- ilege of levying contributions; and the consideration is their service. At our hotel ( The Liverpool Arms) the chief waiter assured us, that he paid one hundred pounds per annum for his place, besides paying two under waiters, and finding all the clothes brushes, and some other et ceteras of the house. He had moreover, if we might credit his story, a wife and five children to support. The head waiters are commonly young men of a genteel appearance, and often dress as well as gentlemen."* Were the servants in our inns to pay for their places, we might undoubtedly be furnished with an assortment of them for every inn upon very easy terms. But the custom of taxing travellers in this manner is unworthy of the character of a civilized nation; a despicable mode of plundering strangers by a set of harpies. The remaining part of your Review, Sir, is chiefly made up of attacks, founded on the Works of Ashe. Janson, Porcupine, and Priest. I am not in posses- sion of Priest's Travels; and can, therefore, say noth- ing concerning them. With Porcupine you are suf- ficiently acquainted. The works of the other writers * SilL Jonrn. vol. i. American Women. 7D are as little entitled to credit as those of Sir John Mandeville, of whom I remember to have seen this character given, when I was a boy, that he was the greatest traveller and the greatest Iiar 9 in the world. You accuse us of having civil and military officers for our inn-keepers. I admit the charge, that such persons are in some instances found in this list. Pray, Sir, will you please to inform me what there is in the fact, disgraceful either to them, or to the country. Inn- keepers are, here, generally men of very fair reputa- tion; and why they may not hold these offices, and keep inns, at the same time, cannot be explained; un- less you can prove that your manners, only, are right ? and that we are obliged to conform to them.* Your attack on the Women of this country is equally false, and brutal. I have heard an advanta- geous character of the women of Great Britain; and believe it to be just: but I fear not the result of a com- parison between the fair sex in this country and in any other. There is no country on the globe, where women are more unspotted, more delicate, or more amiable. Had you resided here long enough to form an opinion, you would blush, to your dying day, for the foul treatment, which they have received from you. A countryman of yours has characterized them in the following manner. "The females of the New England States are con- spicuous for their domestic virtues. Every thing in their houses has an air of cleanliness, order, and cecou- * In a debate in the House of Commons, June 1805, Co!. CraieforJ, in a la- boured attack oh the Volunteer system, sneered at the Officers of the Volunteer : orps because they were frequently taken from humble life. A London Pastry Cook, he declared, was, within his knowledge, a Colonel of Voluntcerx. Loiv> Castlereagh, who replied to him, did not deny the fact. It would be difficult to assign a reason, why an American Inn-keeper may not command a regiment <' uUitia with as much propriety as an English Pastry ' 80 American Women. omy, that display the female character to the greatest advantage. The young women are really handsome. They have almost all fair complexions, often tinged with the rosy bloom of health. They have generally good, and sometimes excellent teeth. Nor did I see m< re instances to the contrary among the young wo- men of America than are to be met with in England. Their light hair is tastefully turned up behind in the modern style, and fastened with a comb. Their dress is neat, simple, and genteel; usually consisting of a printed cotton jacket with long sleeves, a petticoat of the same, with a coloured cotton apron, or pin cloth, without sleeves, tied tight, and covering the lower part of the bosom. This seemed to be the prevailing dress in the country places. Their manners are easy, affable, and polite, and free from all uncouth rusticity. Indeed they appear to be as polished and well bred, as the ladies in the cities, although they may not possess their highly finished education."* These observations are unquestionably just, and fall, in various respects, not a little short of the truth. Do- mestic happiness, if the accounts given to mankind of the state of society on the Eastern Continent, by wri- ters of acknowledged respectability, are to be credited, does not exist in any part of the Transatlantic world so generally, or in so high a degree, as in this coun- try. Whatever faults may attach to the male inhab- itants of the United States, the female sex merit the highest estimation for all those attributes, which ren- der women deserving and lovely. Your next remarks are on the slavery of the Blacks in the Southern States: a subject, which you have * Lambert, vol. iii. p. 105. Slavery and the Slave- Trade. 81 touched upon before, and in the mention of which you must be confessed to be unhappy: I do not mean in censuring the African slave trade, or the manner in which the slaves are treated.* To these subjects I make you cordially welcome. They are the proper themes of every moralist: and no severity, with which they are treated, will draw from me a single animad- version. It is the attribution of these iniquities to the Americans, with an intention to make them a charac- teristical disgrace peculiar to them, of which I com- plain. Surely when you wrote this passage you forgot how lately you have begun to wash yourselves clean from this smoke of the bottomless pit. Please, Sir, to take a short trip to Liverpool, and survey the hulks, which, probably in great numbers, are even now rott- ing in the docks of that emporium of African com- merce. Then look around upon the numerous splen- did buildings, public and private. Next, exclaim, "These ships were the prisons, in which hundreds of thousands of miserable Africans, after having been kidnapped by avarice and cruelty, or taken captive in war, kindled by the same insatiable spirit, and torn for ever from their parents, husbands, wives, and chil- dren, were transported across the Atlantic, to bon- dage, and misery, interminable but by death. In these floating dungeons, one fourth, one third, or one half, of the unhappy victims to this infernal avarice perished under the pressure of chains, or retted in the pestilential steams, embosoming, as a vapour bath, the niches, in which they were manacled. This work of * The Southern Planter, who receives slaves from his parent by inheritance, certainly deserves no censure for holding them. He has no agency in procuring them: and the law does not permit him to set them free. If he treats them vi^h humanity, and faithfully endeavours to Christianize them, he fulfils his duly, so long as his present situation continues. 82 British Slave-Trade. death has been carried on, also, a century and a half. What must have been the waste of mankind, which it has accomplished! These houses, these public edi- fices, nay, these temples, devoted to the worship of the eternal GOD, with all their splendour, were built of human bones, and cemented with human blood. Rise, Sodom and Gomorrah; and whiten by the side of men, baptized "in the name of the FATHER, and of the SON, and of the HOLY GHOST."" Are you at a loss, Sir, concerning the justice of this representation? The records of your own Parliament will furnish you with abundant and terrible evidence. Look to the Report of the Committee of the House of Commons. Look to the account, written by the ex- cellent Clarkson. Look to the speeches of Mr. Wil- berforce, the glory of your Parliament, and of your country. Read the speech, which he delivered, April 2d, 1792. You will there read, "Europeans came on the coast of Africa, and hovered like vultures, and like vultures lived on blood. They ensnared at times, and at times by force took away, the natives, and sold them for slaves." Read the examples of villainy, recited by him on this occasion, too long to be quoted by me, and too dreadful to admit of a comment. He there will tell you, that of six hundred and fifty slaves, on board of one ship in the year 1788, one hundred and fifty-five died; of four hundred and five in another, two hundred died; of four hundred and fifty in another, two hundred died: of four hundred and two in another, seventy three died. < From all these sources learn, also, the immense ex- tent of this foul business; the amazing numbers of imhappy wretches, who perished in it; the amazing .numbers who lived, only to be made miserable: the British Slave- Trade . 8 3 portentous iniquity, with which it was carried on; and the vast diilkulty, with which it was broken up. You probably were present, as a member of your Parlia- ment, during most, if not the whole, of the long strug- gle, made by many of your Nobles, of high rank; by your enlightened Statesmen; and by a numerous train of your Gentlemen; not the fox-hunters, men- tioned above, but men of education, of enlightened and superiour minds, and possessed of an honourable character among their countrymen; against the glori- ous effort, made by Mr. Wilberforce and his coadju- tors to terminate this demoniacal traffic. But, Sir, in your zeal to heap scandal upon the Americans, you appear to have forgotten, that you have Colonies of your own; and that in these colo- nies slavery exists in forms, and degrees, incompara- bly more horrid, than in the Southern American States. You have forgotten, that the enormous crimes perpetrated in this system, are committed by native Britons under your own eye, and beneath the con- troul of your own Parliament. I shall take the liberty to refresh your memory concerning this subject. "To the disgrace of Great Britain. and her colo- nies," says the Christian Observer for July 1811, "the British slave code is more severe in its provisions than perhaps any other. Compared with it, the code? promulgated by the Spanish government, is freedom itself." Will you please, Sir, to cast your eye upon the fifth report of the Directors of the African Institution? read to the subscribers, March 27th, 1811. You will there find, substantiated by evidence, which precludes all doubt concerning the facts, that a Mr. Huggins, a distinguished planter in Nevis, "went January 23d 34 Slaver?/ in British Islands. 1810, attended by two of his sons on horseback, with upwards of twenty slaves, men and women, in the custody of drivers, through the streets of Charlestown to the market place, and there proceeded to indulge his cruelty to the utmost, during more than two hours in the face of day, and in the sight and hearing, not only of free persons, but of magistrates, who of- fered him no interruption." To one negro man he gave, by the hands of expert drivers, lashes no less than - . 365; To a second, - 115; To a third, - 165; To a fourth, - 252; To a fifth, 212; To a sixth, - -181; To a seventh, - 187; To a woman, - 110; To a second, 58; To a third, - - 97; To a fourth, 212; To a fifth, - 291; To a sixth, 83; To a seventh, 89; The number of victims, thus specified, was 14. The seven men received 1477 lashes; or 211 each, at an average. The seven women received 940, or 134 each. All these were inflicted with a cail-whip. The whole number of lashes was 2417; inflicted by expert drivers; within the compass of somewhat more than two hours; at the command, and under the eye, of this devil in human shape, and of his two sons, whom he brought to be witnesses of their father's character. Even this is not all: "for he administered," says the Huggins and Hodge. 85 Report, "to various other woftien and men, various other cruel measures of the same punishment, at the same time." One of these miserable sufferers died, soon after, of this merciless treatment. Nor is this all. There were at this time seven mag- istrates in Charlestotvn. Two of them, the Reverend William Green, and the Reverend Samuel Lions, each holding two livings in the Island, were within hearing of the lash; and must have known of the cruel and illegal cause; yet did not interpose. The same was true of Dr. Cassin, a surgeon in that Island, who was present at a part of this scene, and after having counted 236 lashes, given to one negro, coolly said he thought it was enough. Another Magistrate, Mr. Ed- ward Huggins jun. looked on, the greatest; part of the time. If you will read a little farther, you will find, that Mr. Huggins, the master, was acquitted by a jury, al- though the facts were proved beyond a doubt, so as not to be disputed, and although the slaves had been guilty of no offence, of any importance. In addition to this, the printer of the Gazette in St. Christopher's was prosecuted by him for inserting in his paper the minutes concerning this subject, sent to him by order of the Assembly; was found guilty of publishing a li- bel, issued by the House of the Assembly of Nevis, and was sentenced to a month's imprisonment, and to find bail, to keep the peace for three years In the same Report you will find an account of a man, that is a human body animated by a demon; a planter of Tortola, named Hodge. This infernal agent whipped twelve of his slaves so, that they died. Down the throats of two females he poured a quanti- ty of boiling water. A child he ordered to be dipped 12 80 Hodge and Huggins. in a copper of boiling liquor. Frequently he caused the children on his estate to be taken up by the heels, and dipped into tubs of water with their heads down- wards, and kept there till they were stifled; then to be taken out. and suffered to recover and breathe: when they were again treated in the same manner: and so repeatedly, until they have been seen to stagger, and fall On this he has ordered them to be taken up and suspended to a tree by their hands tied together, and in this situation cart-whipped. Among others, a Mulat- to child, reputed his own, named Bella, was repeated- ly whipped by his order: and he was also seen repeat- edly to strike the child with a stick on the head, so as to break her head. I presume, Sir, you ape tired of this tale. So am I. I will only add, that, to the unspeakable joy of every honest man, who has heard, or who ever will hear of it ? this wretch, after many obstacles had been thrown in- to the way of justice, was at last convicted, and hang- ed. Amen, and Amen. I hope, Sir, we shall never more hear any compart son made between your slave holders and ours. Stig- matize both as severely as you please: but let your journalists, and your travellers, when they are brand- ing ours with infamy, remember Hodge and Hug- gins. Permit me, at the end of this recital, to return my most cordial thanks to the members of the African Institution for their noble effort in behalf of these abused people. The hand of God be with them, and make their way prosperous. Your next topic of scandal is the state of those, whom you call Redemptioners', persons, who, wishing to come to America, and not having sufficient proper- Irish Redemptioners. S7 ty to pay their passage, agree with the captain of the ship to become bound, as servants, for such a period of time as that their service will amount to the sum, which they have engaged to pay. These men are usually, though not always, inhabitants of Ireland. If you really think their case a hard one, why do you not prohibit it by your laws? Nothing is easier. Make the transaction penal on the part of the cap- tains. The Americans will thank you for such a law. Whatever you may think, Sir, we are not gratified by the transportation of these people into our country. But, Sir, you totally mistake the facts in your ap- prehensions concerning the condition of these people in America. They are neither more nor less than hired men and women; no more slaves; no more op- pressed; nor in any respect treated with any more un- kindness. In all respects they are as well situated as hired Americans; and have as little reason to com- plain of their circumstances, as any hired people in the world. Believe me, Sir, your lamentations over them are lost. They would only laugh at you for your pains. Another thing, which you attribute to us, is ihe use of strong drink. From Mr. Lambert you take an account, given to him by Mr. Bradley, (of the American Senate,) which he applied exclusively to the Virginians; and with the customary candour of your journalists, and travellers, when speaking of America, you apply it t the whole people of the United States. Had Mr. Lambert known Mr. Bradley, he would have perceived, that the whole story was no more than a piece of characteristical sport, intended merely to amuse his fellow travellers, 88 Consumption of Ardent Spirits. But I readily acknowledge, that far more spirit^ both ferine ted and distilled, are drunk in this coun- try than any man can justify. I hesitate not to pro- nounce the practice, in the degree in which it exists, both shameful and sinful. Yet nothing is more un- just than your assertion, that "the love of ardent spirits prevails pretty generally throughout all classes,* 7 or, (as you prefer the language,) "throughout the whole unclassified, and indivisible community. " The inhab- itants of New England, for example, are, I strongly suspect, much more temperate than those of Old Eng- land; at least than those who come thence to America. I have seen many representations on this subject, made by your own countrymen; and have heard many, made by mine. These could not be made with truth concerning the inhabitants of New England. But we need not have recourse to these, in order to settle this point to our mutual satisfaction. I will barely turn your attention to the "Stranger's Guide through Lon- don" Here you will find, consumed annually in that Metropolis, of Spirituous Liquors, Gallons 11,146,782; Wine, - - Tons, 32,000, or Gallons, 8,064,000; Ale and Porter, Bis. 1,113,500, or Gallons, 35,632,000 The number of inhabitants in London, may, in round i umbers, be estimated at 1,000,000. Every one of these, if we average the quantity consumed, drinks more than eleven gallons of Spirits, more than eight of Wine,and more than thirty five of Ale and Porter. More than half of this number is, however, com* posed of children, and of such women as drink none. Accordingly, the estimate to each individual of the re- Consumption of Ardent Spirits. 89 tnaining 500000, is twenty two gallons of Spirits, sixteen of Wine, and seventy of Ale and Porter; or one hundred and eight gallons of strong drink to eve*- ry individual. The whole quantity of ardent Spirits, supposed by the highest estimate to be imported into this country, or manufactured by its inhabitants, was, in the year 1810, 33,000,000 of gallons. The number of inhab- itants was, according to the census of the same year, 7,28^,903. Dropping the fraction, and stating the number of inhabitants at seven millions, the number of gallons, consumed by each individual, will, at an average be rather more than four and a half; or, (as half drink no ardent spirits,) rather more than nine to each individual in the remaining half. The quantity of Wine, consumed in this country, is not so much as a fourth of the quanti- ty of ardent Spirits; and that of Ale and Porter is tri- fling in its amount. Two gallons to an individual, of both, will be an ample allowance. We have, then, rather more than eleven gailons of strong drink to, each individual in the United States; and 108 gallons to each Londoner: viz. nine gallons of ardent Spirits to the American, and twenty two to the Londoner; one gallon and a half of Wine to the American, and sixteen to the Londoner; half of a gallon of Ale and Porter to the American, and seventy to the Londoner. At the same time it is to be remembered, that one third of the inhabitants of this country have no othei' drink beside ardent spirits, and water; and, therefore, are justified to some extent in drinking spirits. The people of the Northern States drink cider, as their common beverage; but you need not be informed, that cider is a weak liquor, compared with Ale 01 Porter. 00 (Souging. I presume, Sir, we shall hereafter hear no more eoiv eerning the intemperance of the Americans from an Englishman. Yet I acknowledge, that there is much intemperance in this country; and that it deserves se- vere reprobation, and demands the vigorous resistance, as well as discountenance, of all good men. But nothing is more untrue than your assertion, that "the love of ardent spirits prevails pretty generally through all classes." TSie farmers and mechanics of this country, and the gentlemen, (for such, permit me to say, there are in great numbers; as were you to re- side here a little time, you would be obliged to con- fess;) are as sober and temperate a body of people, as can be found in the world, unless perhaps in France, and possibly in some of the countries lying under a hot climate. You will remember, that I am here speaking of the Northern States. Of the temperance, or intemperance, of the others I have very little knowledge, except what is derived from the estimate above. After your eloquent account of our intemperance, you summon up again the story of Gouging. Goug- ing is as infamous and abominable a practice, as even you can paint it; and you have my consent to attack it as often, and as severely, as you please. So far as J know, it has never crossed the Potowmac. As Ma- ryland is a slave State I will, for the present, throw it out of the computation. From Maryland northward, where, it is presumed, not an instance of gouging has happened since the first colonization of this country, the free population amounts to 3,758,851. South of this line the same population amounts to 2,258,430, Let those, who are included in the latter sum, cleanse their hands from the guilt and disgrace of this prac- Bull- Baiting. 91 tice, as well as they can. Among those, included in the former sum, it is unknown: and therefore, the au- thority of WdA and Gen. Bradley notwithstanding, "gouging, kicking, and biting, are" not "allowed in all our fights" Of the number of our fights I will leave you to judge, when I have informed you, that I am advanc- ed far in life, and that I have travelled through a con- siderable part of the Northern States, in both the old and new settlements, in all directions, and that very extensively; that I began this course at an early peri- od of life, and that I have mixed freely, from the be- ginning, with men of most descriptions; and yet never saw but one quarrel between two adult individuals., which came to blows, during the whole progress of my life. Compare with this fact, Sir, your rencoun- ters between Crib and Molyneaux, Mendoza and Hum- phrey, arid a long train of other champions of the fist; with your Gentlemen, Nobles, and Princes, assembled to look on. Compare it with your bull-baiting; and remember, if you please, the debate on this subject in your Parliament; and the speech of Mr. Windham on this occasion. Remember also the decision of that august Body, sanctioning a practice, at which both nature and decency revolt. Let me inform you, Sir, that there never was a bull-baiting in this country;* and that the inhabitants regard the practice itself, the cold-blooded eloquence of Mr. Windham, and the barbarous decision of your Parliament with indignation and horror. * Since these Remarks were finished, I have been informed, that a consider?. We number of years since, there was a tall-baiting in AVrp York, and anetii Eut holds the eel of science by the tail." J*A few months ago the -writer of these remarks, who has himself played a prin- cipal part in this Farce of anonymous criticism, was applied to, on the following occasion, by an old friend, a physician in the west of England, who had some time previously published a medical work, of considerable merit and originality. Dr. Jl. had for several years practised in a large market town; and had secured the confidence of an extensive connexion. A young physician from Edinburgh, had lately settled in the same place; who, having previously passed a winter ia London, had there continued his acquaintance with some younj fellow students, who from necessity had engaged themselves, at three guineas per sheet, to write in certain reviews. Dr. A. at the time of finding a competitor in this stripling, was engaged on the last chapter of a work, upon which he bad been occupied, at intervals, for many years, and which was published iu the following winter. The youth, who on account of the established reputation of Dr. Jl. had obtainel little practice, rejoiced attte anncuacprneat cftliis work, as offering aa opportunity, by Reviews published in Great Britain. 149 "On the contrary, any virulent enemy of an Author may wreak his malice by communicating gratuitous criticisms to the Reviewers; some of whom do not scruple to receive, and insert, such articles from per- which he might avail himself of hfe reviewing connexion, so as to write down> and depreciate, the skill and science of Dr. Jl. He accordingly obtained from one of his friends a promise, that such articles, as he might send up, should be inserted in several of the Reviews. Dr. A. who had for many years unsuspect- ingly read the Reviews, as authorities not to be questioned, inspected them with particular anxiety after the appearance of his book. At length a number, A*hich contained one of the articles written by his rival, fell in his way: and the worthy physician was overwhelmed with mortification to find himself treated as an Empiric, a Blockhead, and an Hypothesis-monger; as one, whose patients, if he had any, were objects of pity; and who was himself to be pitied for the injury, he had done himself and his family by such an exposure of his ignorance. It will b* easier to conceive than to describe the mingled emotions of this worthy man, oa finding himself so basely misrepresented; but let the reader imagine the anguish, of his feelings, when one of his friends brought in a hand-bill, which had the same morning been circulated through the neighbourhood, containing an extract from, this very criticism, and referring to the review, published in London, as the au- thorit) . He found, that the Apothecary, in connexion with the new Physician, had been very industrious in this business; but he was too little acquainted with the arcana of anonymous criticism, to suspect who might be the author. Like an ingenuous man of letters, he printed a reply: but this only made his case the worse; for the dark insinuations, and the broad and coarse assertions, of his con- cealed opponent were too strong, and too operative on the minds of those who read them, to be repelled by cool argument, and by the ordinary language of a well educated gentleman. In the mean time a literary friend of the Doctor's, who knew something of the profligacy of criticism, convinced him, that the article respecting his book was the production of some enemy; and that it would proba- bly meet with similar treatment in some of the other Reviews, if he did not exert himself to prevent it. It was therefore determined as the securest plan to avoid the mischief, that the Doctor should visit the Metropolis, and through the means of his friends there, obtain au introduction to the proprietors, and publishers, of the Reviews. The first place, he drove to, was the house of the narrator of these facts; and they spent two days in searching for, treating, and bribing, the hirelings, ivho write for, or superintend, those journals. The result was, that the Doctor obtained permission to send such accounts of his book, as might be written by himself, or his immediate friends. The Doctor was now satisfied that the former article had been the production of some enemy; and, though his soul revolted at the task, he had undertaken, yet his endeavour to defeat the malice of such a wretch stimulated him to proceed. In the course of the inquiry it appear- ed, that one of the new Reviews was already in possession of an article, relative to the Doctor's book; and that the writer had treated it with great severity. This information afforded a clue for the discovery of the party; but the wary editor 1 could not be prevailed upon to shew the manuscript; nor to promise, that it should not be printed. The Doctor invited him to dinner at his hotel; treated him sumptuously; and, after the bottle had been freely circulated, the article was sent for: when, after what has been stated, the reader will not be surprised at 20 150 Reviews published in Great Britain. sons wholly unknown to them; and instances have occurred, in which with unblushing profligacy the re- ceipt of such anonymous criticisms has been thankfully acknowledged through the public Newspapers. "5. By the Authors becoming their own Reviewers. It may be affirmed without the hazard of denial, that in every number of (a) Review, that is published, there is at least one article, wi*itten by an Author on his own work. As such criticisms never cost any thing; their insertion may frequently be obtained by a suitable application of the Author, or his friends. The proprietor himself, will, under certain circumstances, receive these full and able notices; but more commonly their admission is secured by the person, to whom the examination of the book has been assigned. The article itself values, in account with the proprietor, at a cer- tain number of pounds, shillings, and pence; and is thought by a hungry reviewer to be a good hit; espec- ially if accompanied by a bank note, or an invitation to dinner. "6. By traders in Criticism. In London there are persons, who probably gain as much by composing separate critiques for all the Reviews on the same book, as the author who wrote it. A man of this descrip- tion is generally a smatterer in some particular art, or science; and, when a new book appears on his subject, if he be not applied to by the different conductors of Reviews, he generally tenders his services, which are learning, that the hand writing was that of the young physician, who had for some time been the Doctor's insidious rival in the country. The manuscript was confided to the Doctor, on his promising to furnish another article of equal length gratis; and undertaking to pay for fifty of the - Review, for three months ta come, which he was to circulate, and recommend, in his county. On his return home, the Doctor's solicitor immediately commenced a. course ot legal proceed* ings against the young Scotchman, who, finding that he was in the Doctor's power, agreed to leave that county, uu their being discontinued. Reviews published in Great Britain. 151 always accepted with thanks. Thus one and the same person assumes a dozen Identities; and by varying his language and opinions, so as to meet the character, the views, and the party, of each of his employers, he praises, and censures, and blows hot and cold, in the same instant. Or perhaps a book of high price, or of considerable bulk, and erudition, makes its appearance; of which, at the common price of three or four guineas per sheet, a critic, who would live by his trade, could not repay himself for the cost, and for the labour of perusal, by a single criticism: he therefore accommo- dates various accounts of it to the passions, and parties, of the several Reviews; and thus the labours of the whole life of some learned and ingenious authors are wholly at the mercy of this wholesale dealer in criti- cism; perhaps an unprincipled and malicious charac- ter; who, if known to the world, would be the last man living, whose opinion would be received as an authority on this, or any other subject whatever. "7. By Contracting Critics, Master Critics, or those who review by the lump. Several of the reviews, to save trouble to the proprietors and publishers, are un- dertaken, or contracted for, by one person, at so much per sheet; and this man stands engaged either to write the entire Review himself, or to get it written by others. Delegations, two or three deep, are very com- mon in this species of criticism. The contracting critic receives, himself, perhaps after the rate of seven guineas per sheet; but in paying his journeymen for occasional aid he gives but three or four guineas. The journeyman too employs a species of labourer, whose province it is to skim the book, prepare the general heads of the analysis, mark the extracts, &c. &c.: a business which is paid for by the job, or ac- cording to the size of the book. Reviews published in Great Britain. "8. By the profligate Calculations of the conduct- ors. It is a maxim, which is constantly acted upon in the management of a Review, that it will not please all palates, tinless it be well seasoned; or, in the tech- nical language of the reviewing craft, "T/ie Review will not sell, unless a sufficient number of authors^ and their books, be regularly cut up." It becomes, therefore, part of the ordinary business of every con- ductor to take care, that there is no deficiency of Sauce; and to engage a few Miscreants, well versed in the language of Billingsgate. Accordingly, then, to the degree of honour and feeling, possessed by the conductor, or as the Review is falling or rising, in sale, it will be arranged, whether the proportion of half] a third, or a quarter, of the books, noticed in every num- ber, are to be vilified. This direct ratio between the fall in sale, and scurrility of language; and between the rise in sale, and decency of language; furnishes data, by which any person may, by counting the arti- cles of each Character, calculate at any time the Healthiness, or the Decrepitude of any Review. "9. By the superficial view, which the hired, and anonymous, critic takes of the books, oj which he gives an opinion It is a fact, which will startle some readers of these observations, but which a little attention will confirm, that the persons who write the Mordhly Catalogue in most of the Reviews, do not see half the books, which they characterize; but write their flippant notices, solely from the advertisements in the newspapers. The present or former conduct- ors of certain reviews, may blush to see this "secret of their prison-house" go forth to the world; but the wri- ter pledges himself to give names, and other particu- lars, if the fact, to the extent he has stated, should be contradicted, L*et any person turn over the Monthly Reviews published in Great Britain. Catalogue of various Reviews for a few months, and he will not ;ail to be -struck with the imposition, which has been practised on him; by observing that much above half of the silly Paragraphs, which are append- ed to the titles of Pamphlets, and of the other works in this part, would apply with as much propriety to most other articles in the list, as to those to which they are assigned. This is so palpable, that no more need be urged to prove the existence of this flagrant abuse of the name of Criticism, It may, however, be worth while to explain, that, as reviewers are paid by the sheet, at the rate of three, four, five,, or six guineas per sixteen pages, according to their professional capacity, and experience; and, as the articles in the Monthly Catalogue seldom exceed a few lines each, these would not produce, on an average, more than eighteen pence, or two shillings, a piece; and sometimes not half of the smallest of these sums. It is absurd, therefore, to suppose, that, if Reviewers mean to gain a livelihood, they take the trouble to read, or even to seek, such unproductive trash.* * A picture from the life will illustrate this abase better than a multitude of ob- servations. A principal Reviewer, possessed of more learning than prudence, had been surrendered by his bail to the custody of the Marshal of the Fleet. From one of the Attics of that Dormitory of disappointed enterprise, he address- ed himself to his old Friend, the bookseller in Paternoster-row; who, knowing his talents, and fearing his resentment if neglected, sent a packet of eight or ten new publications for the next month's Review. The Critic, who always compos- ed through the medium of an Amanuensis, caused an inquiry for one to be made in the prison; and presently a young man was enlisted in his service, who was not devoid of intelligence, but hitherto a total stranger to the Mysteries, in which he was speedily to be initiated. He seated himself with hie pen in his hand; when the Reviewer untied the parcel of books; and, taking up a handsome Quarto, vead the title page; and, giving the volume to the Amanuensis, desired him to copylhe title. While this was performing, he took several turns in the room; and, having two or three times asked impatiently whether the title was finished, he or- dered the Amanuensis to write. He then dictated an opening paragraph of con- siderable length; in which he abused without mercy the self-conceit of the Author in supposing himself qualified for such an undertaking; enumerated the attempts, that had been made by various other Persons in the same species of writing; as- cribed this Work to overweening Vanity, Sec. &c. The Amanuensis was struck 154 Reviews published in Great Britain. "Accordingly, the fact is, that this department of the review is committed to persons, kept on the establish- ment, as the manufacturing expression is; who are paid a small monthly allowance, (four or five guin- eas,) for executing it; which is divided among them, if more than one are employed; and is issued regular- ly, in weekly portions, by the bookseller, every Mon- day morning; being then frequently sent to some gaol, with surprise: for he perceived that not a leaf of the book had been opened; and was sensible, that the Dictator had not, till that moment, seen the work. He was however staggered in this supposition, when he again heard himself commanded to write as follows: "The ensuing passages alone will satisfy our readers of the justice of these conclusions; but if we chose to multiply examples of presumption and absurdity, we could fill our number with the dull conceits of this blockhead!" The Reviewer now took up the volume, to seek for the passages^ which were to answer this prejudication, turned over its preface rapidly, and muttered: f( This fellow's determined to give one all the trouble, he can JVb contents I see! - Index perhaps? JVor that neither/ Dies hard; but must be damned for all that" He then angrily turned over the leaves from beginning to end; read the beads of some of the chapters; and at length exclaimed, "Yes, 1 have it. Write, Sir. Begin page 273, "At the same instant, that," to 278, at "hitherto proceed- ed." " Now with the rapidity of lightning opening the volume further on, "Write," he resumed, "This opinionated gentleman, not satisfied with differing from every writer, who has preceded him, from Aristotle to Rousseau, has chosen to refute all his own doctrine by the following whimsical positions. Peace to his spirit! We hope never to wade through such another Augean stable; but long-suffering is the lot of our fraternity. Begin page 417, "with this view," to page 420, at "broad basis." And again, page 432, "It is well known," to page 435, at "indispensably necessary." We should have pitied the unfortunate pub- lisher who ignorantly embarked his money in this wretched performance, if the fellow had not the impudence to fix the price of three half guineas on a volume, which, a,Jter a patient examination, we can pledge ourselves, is nst toorth three farthings" Thus ended the Review of this wo; k, which has since passed through several Editions; and the time, spent in this fatiguing and patient inves- tigation, was exactly twenty-Jive minutes. The Reviewer now took up the next book; which he praised as extravagantly, as he had abused the other; and thus proceeded through the parcel, cutting open not more than twenty pages of the whole, and praising, and damning, as his Caprice, or some secret Feeling, suggested; or just as it seemed to suit the hu- mour of the moment. The time, spent in thus characterizing, in dogmatical and vehement language, tws Quartos, five Octavos, two Duodecimos, and two JPamphlets, -was about two hours and half.' The Amanuensis, on turning af- terwards to the highly reputed Review, in which these elaborate criticisms were displayed, found, that they ocsupied one third of the Number.' He declined any further participation in so disgraceful an employment, and has since communicated the above Facts to various persons, and among others to the writer of these re,. marks,. Reviews published in Great Britain. 155 like the creditors' sixpences, which become due on that day; or given to some of the upper assistants in the booksellers* shops, who are sometimes employed at this business in their spare hours. Such being a cor- rect dtscription of the persons, and the practices, of those who write anonymous criticisms, is it to be wondered at, that these people uniformly deny their craft; and that a greater insult cannot be offered to one of these pioneers of Grubstreet, than to insinuate, that he writes for any review? Not only is the prac- tice disavowed by the whole fraternity, but if you knew a man to be a scribbler in reviews, and were to ask if he wrote an article, in itself meritorious, he would deem even this an insult, never to be forgiven! It is true that some reviewers are well known: but these are generally either young in the trade, and not yet acquainted with the infamy, attached to it; or coxcombs, whose vanity supersedes every other feel- ing. Boys at school, and half informed people in the country, consult these oracles with so much unsus- pecting credulity, that a Stripling from a Scotch Uni- versity, who is admitted to perform the lowest offices in these Temples of Imposition, considers himself as having become part of the Godhead, and gives him- self Airs accordingly.* "There is, however, one class of men, who give occa- sional countenance to Reviewers without intending the mischief, which they thus assist in perpetrating. These*; are certain vain Pedants at our Universities; who, knowing little of the world, consider Reviews as ex- actly what they appear to be; and having no readier means of displaying their knowledge of particular sub- * A certain Northern Review is now written chiefly in London by young men., who have but just finished their attendance on their University Lectures; artd the oldest of them is ssuti lyrt to exceed fire and twenty years of age. 156 Reviews published in Great Britain. jects are often flattered by having some abstruse Work committed to them by the conductor of the Review, Tickled by this kind of compliment, they cannot con- ceal it from certain intimates, who circulate the fact in the university, that Dr. writes for the Re- view; and thus half the world are led to suppose, that' Reviews are written, con amore, by men of real honour and learning. Professors in universities ought to be- ware of thus becoming the dupes of their vanity, by enlisting themselves among a race of impostors, as base and unprincipled as ever disgraced society. Their names, and their talents, ought to be reserved for worthier purposes, than that of giving countenance to hired, and anonymous defamation. "Conclusion. The obvious inference from all, that has been stated, is this; that the great Vice of Review- ing exists in the concealment of the Writers; and thatj while anonymous Criticism is tolerated, it is impossible even for a conductor, who is a man of integrity, to guard against its corruptions, and its abuse. "A learned and gentlemanly Critic would be able, though he signed his name to his criticism, to perform ample justice to an author, and the public. He could not adopt the impertinent, arrogant, and boasting style of the present contemptible race of Anonymous Re- viewers; but his Inferences and Opinions, would be received with Respect; the Public would be enlight- ened; and Error and Imposition would be corrected and exposed. Authors could assure themselves, that their books were seen, and read, before they were de- cided upon, and the public would appreciate justly the value of a decision, thus made, and thus guaranteed. "Those, who contend that Critics, under such a sys- tem, dare not do their duty, either do not understand what is meant by the word Criticism; or do not con- Reviews published in Great Britain. 157 sider what was the object of Reviews. Our essayists, from Addison to Cumberland and Knox, afford speci- mens of criticism, such as no Man could have cause to disown, and such as would always be received with avidity by the public. True literary Criticism in the hands of real Scholars is the opposite of every thing , that characterizes our modern Reviews; it never searches for personal anecdotes of Authors, or con- founds in its Disquisitions his Foibles, or Weaknesses, with the merits of his performance; it never magnifies blemishes, shuts its eye to beauties, becomes the tool of a party, either political or literary, misquotes, delights in abusive and violent epithets, or arrogates its own in- fallibility! It is, in a word, a liberal science, which no honest Man need be ashamed to exercise and avow; but in the hand of a concealed assassin it may be, (and unfortunately is,) converted to the most destructive and diabolical purposes. True Criticism, like Char- ity, "suffereth long and is kind; envieth not; vaunt- eth not itself; is not puffed up; doth not behave itself unseemly; seeketh not her own; (is not selfish;) is not easily provoked; thinketh no evil; rejoiceth not in in- iquity, but rejoiceth in the truth.' 5 "Yet as the vice exists chiefly in the anonymous character of the system, the moral views of the Con- ductor of every Review are not intended to be called in question. One or two of those gentlemen are known to be men of character; who would not wil- fully participate in the grosser Abuses of the reviewing trade: but those Abuses are too inherent in the system to be successfully guarded against; and as these gentle- men must be perfectly sensible of this Truth, it is a Duty which they owe to the world, to affix the names of those, who write in their critical journals, to their respective articles, in order that the public may pos- 21 158 Reviews published in Great Britain. sess the only Guarantee, which can be given of the candour and integrity of such Writers; and also that their journals may secure a continuance of that Confi- dence and Support, which has hitherto been unthink- ingly? an d ignorantly, reposed in them."* "The author of the preceding statement of facts thinks it proper to add, that in drawing it up he has been solely actuated by a love of truth, a hatred of Imposture, and a sense of duty to the literary world, and the public. No honourable or conscientious Re- viewer (though the writer believes that few men of that character can long continue the employment of writing anonymous opinions on others,) will be offended at this just exposition of the misconduct of those, who abuse their office. He hopes to live to see a reformation in the system; and that, if a respectable and independent body of literary characters cannot be persuaded to * "Next in importance to the newspapers are the works of periodical criticism, which are here called Reviews. Of late years it has become impossible to place any reliance upon the opinions, given by these journals; because their party spirit now extends to every thing. Whatever be the object of a book, though as remote as possible from all topics of political dissention, it is judged of according to the pol- itics of the author: for instance, one of these journals has pronounced it to be Jaco- binical to read Hebrew without points. There are other reasons, why there is s^> little fair criticism. Many, perhaps the majority, of these literary censors, are authors themselves; and as such in no very high estimation with the public. Baboons are said to have an antipathy to men, andthese, tvho are the baboons of lit' erature, have the same sort of hatred to those, -whose superiority they at once feel and deny. You are not, however, to suppose, that the general character of these journals is that of undeserved severity: they have as many to praise as to blame; and their commendations are dealt upon the same principle, or want of principle, as their censures. England is but a little country; and the communication between all its parts is so rapid, tbe men of letters are so few, and the circulation of soci- ety brings them all so often to London, as the heart of the system, that they are all directly, or indirectly, known to each other. A writer is praised because he is a friend, or a friend's friend; or he must be condemned for a similar reason. For the most part the praise cf these critics is milk and iuater t and their censure sour small beer. Sometimes, indeed, they deal in stronger materials; but then the oil, ivhich flattery lays on, is train oil, andit stirks: and the dirt -which Malevolence thro-ws, is ordure; and it sticks to her o~xn fingers" Espriella. Letter 56. If Mr. Southey wrote the Review of Incfuquin, I request him to read this pas- sage in Espriella with attention. Reviews published in Great Britain. 159 sanction a Review by their names, the public contempt of anonymous and systematic scurrility will render it harmless and unprofitable." How greatly are mankind indebted to this frank, honest-hearted writer for these disclosures; for open- ing to the day-light this den of Cacus; and exhibiting the deformed beings which it contains; the robberies, which they perpetrate upon the reputation, the peace, and the principles of their fellow men; the foul spirit, by which they are governed; and the fire and smoke poured out upon the world by these collections of banditti. What a story are w told, when we are in- formed by this Writer, that we are indebted to bank- rupts, and inmates of Newgate, the Fleet, and King's Bench prisons for halftJie anonymous criticisms, that is, for half .of all, 'which is contained in the Reviews, published in Great Britian; and that some whole Works, under this name, have been solely written and conducted by knots of imprisoned critics: a set of scoundrels, whom the Justice of your country has driven from among mankind, and confined by bolts and grates. From such wretches what could a sober man expect but just such Reviews, as those, with which Great Britain (deluges the world? J do not deny, that among these efforts there are now and then specimens of talents, and in a few instances of superiour talents; but those of candour, common honesty, and common decency are lamentably rare. Amid all the base re- flections, cast upon the people of the United States, for their destitution of understanding, and worth, in these dirty-minded effusions pf spite and ribaldry, there is not one, half so humiliating, as the &ct,that the Edin- burgh and Quarterly Reviews are republished in country. 160 Reviews published in Great Britain. Among the remarkable things, for which the world is indebted to this Writer, the information that these dictators in the empire of learning and taste do not even read the books which they professedly review. "Mead the books, man?" said Dr Bisset to his friend; "read them? Why do you think that a Reviewer reads the books? That shews, that you know nothing about the matter." I hope my own countrymen will re- member, that the accounts, so magisterially given in these receptacles of folly and falsehood concerning the various works, which they hash with so little de- cency, are given without reading the works them- selves; sentences, pronounced before the cause is ar- gued, the witnesses heard, or the prisoner even known, by a Jury, packed, bought, and perjured. How dif- ferent from all this are the fair, upright, and gentle- manly, Reviews, published in the Christian Observer* In the mean time, a great part of these efforts are ? it seems, the panegyrics of the personal friends, or the invectives of the personal enemies, of the different authors reviewed. "Any author, who will stoop to so wretched a degradation, may influence in his own fa- vour every criticism, that appears respecting his work, by concessions, and by bribery. 77 These volumes of iniquity are, therefore, partly made up of the despi- cable flattery of Toad-eaters, and partly of the snaky virulence of anonymous hatred, pouring out its vindic- tive malice from the burrow, in which it has hidden itself from the public eye. But this in not all. The author himself becomes his own Reviewer. "It may be affirmed," says this respectable Writer, "without the hazard of denial, that in every number of a Review, that is published, there is at least one article, written by an author on his own Work." Proh pudor! A pretty employment, in.- He views published in Great Britain. 161 deed, for a decent man to peruse a series of panegyr- ical observations upon a book, and to learn in the end, that they are the miserable, dishonest self-adulation of the author! Nor is this alh These literary journals are conduct- ed, to a considerable extent, by traders in Criticism; who compose separate Critiques on the same bock, for different Reviews; praise and blame alternately; blow hot and cold with the same mouth, and at the same instant; and, if known to the world, would be the last men living, whose opinion would be received as an authority on any subject whatever. Even all this is not enough. At all events, "the Re- view is to be well seasoned, and will not sell, unless a sufficient member of authors, and their works, are cut up" Every conductor, it seems, as a part of his ordinary business "takes care, that there is no deficien- cy of sauce; and engages a few miscreants, who are well versed in the language of Billingsgate." You, Sir, have the honour of being supposed to be the Pat- ron of a Review. Permit me to ask how many of these miscreants you have engaged; or, if you have not engaged them, and this part of the business is done by a conductor under your patronage (as from your character, and station, I own I am induced to believe,) does it not seem to you, that it is time, that these mis* creants were dismissed from their employment; at least that they should fight no longer behind your shield? A considerable portion of the criticism, published in these Journals, is usually made up in a batch, styl- ed the Monthly Catalogue. In the books named in this list, we are informed, "the Reviewers do not even see one half" This, indeed, is only of a piece with the rest, and after what has been said demands no pe- culiar censure. 162 Reviews published in Great Britain. What a picture is here given of the literary Jour- nals of Great Britain? for the Edinburgh Review is plainly included in the author's list, by the note, which he has added concerning it; and has too many inter- nal proofs of belonging to this foul mass, to suffer a rational doubt of the justice of the inclusion. The whole story wears every mark of truth. The particu- larity, with which the iniquitous system is detailed, and the accordance of the several parts with each other, bear strong testimony to the truth of the representation. Besides, the Writer has openly defied a contradiction to his statement, and has promised, in answer to it, to give names, and other particulars. But no individu- al of this motley tribe has thought it proper to venture upon such dangerous ground. Until this shall be done, the account is to be admitted as true; and those, who are stigmatized by it, whether in prison, or out of it, are to be regarded as a despicable clan of ma- rauders on the principles, the peace, and the happi- ness, of their fellow men. Now, Sir, permit me to ask to which of these class- es the Reviewer of Inchiquin's Letters, belongs. Is he "a literary Adventurer, lately arrived in London from the Provinces; or a Youth from some Scotch University?" Is he a "Bankrupt; an Inmate of the King's Bench, of the Fleet, or of Newgate?" Is he "a trader in Criticism, a Contracting critic; a Master critic;" who employs journeymen and apprentices in his business; one of those, ' Wzo review by the lump?" Is he "a Miscreant, well versed in the language of Billingsgate;" "a disgrace to the moral charade** of his country, and a nuisance to literature?" Or has he passed through all these gradations; rolled on through the slough of scandal; and contracted con- tinually more and deeper stains of baseness and prof- Reviews published in Great Britain. 16* ligacy? I will leave it to you, Sir, to answer these questions. The remarks, which I have proposed to make on this shameful production are fjnishe d. Indulge me now in a few observations concerning the system of con- tempt, and abuse, so generally pursued by English travellers in this country, and reviewers in Great Britain. Let me ask you in the first place, "Cui bono eriW This question is with particular propriety addressed to you, Sir; a man of talents, a professed patriot, and a statesman. This writer asserts, that the Americans indulge an intense hatred towards Great Britain. Whence is the assertion derived? Is the proof found in the war, which our Government has declared against yours? That our Government, independently of this act, is hostile to yours, there can be no reasona- ble doubt, if by our Government we understand Mr. Madison and his minions. But even they did not declare war on this ground. Mr. Madison wanted a re-election. The Georgians wanted to lay hold on the Floridas, that they might no longer be an asylum for their runaway slaves. The people of Tennessee wanted to get possession of the river Mobile. Those of Kentucky wanted to possess themselves of Indian lands; and those of Ohio wished to be delivered from the fear of savage incursions. The people of Virgin- ia wished to preserve the reigning Dynasty, and to keep the throne in the regular Virginian succession. By all these, or by the leaders of all these, it was an- nounced to Mr. Madison, as I verily believe, that, un- less he would consent to the war, they would with- hold from him their suffrages. In the mean time their great friend, the Emperor Napoleon, was expected to drive Alexander from his throne, and to overrun Ru$- 164 Reviews published in Great Britain. sla with French Myrmidons. The Continental sys- tem was to be carried into complete execution: Great Britain was to supplicate, and, if possible, obtain, peace from the French Emperor: and then all these sorts of men were to see themselves in full possession of their wishes. But a just and merciful God has frustrated the de- signs of them all. The whole project was iniquitous, and has been blasted. The Emperor Alexander tri- umphed over the monstrous force which invaded his country. The Duke of Wellington has delivered Spain and Portugal. The allies have redeemed Europe. Great Britain, at the end of a twenty-two years war, during a great part of which she has stood as a barrier against the ruin of the world, and has acquired more glory than she could ever boast before, sees herself in full possession of all her power and greatness. Even France, after suffering miseries which defy computa- tion, and leave the mind s which attempts to compre- hend them, lost in astonishment, is placed under a free and equitable system of government; and hence- forth may, if she pleases, be happy. In all this I, and millions of my countrymen, rejoice. But there is nothing in the American part of this story, which indicates any thing like a national hatred of Great Britain. Every part of it is a spot on our character, so far as we have been concerned in it: but the shame rests, chiefly, on a number of men, not very great; who have cheated into the adoption of it another number, which, I acknowledge, is much greater. Your Reviewer is perfectly aware, that the people of the United States are divided into two great political parties, spread almost evenly over the whole country. The Federalists, who are a decided majority in sev- Effects of Contempt and Ill-nature. 165 en, if not in eight States, and are numerous in most of the others, totally exceed their antagonists in wealth, talents, reputation, and virtue. These men are, in this country, continually reproached by the Democrats for being friends to Great Britain. The charge is false in the sense, in which it is alleged: in a higher and more honourable sense it is true. While they are incom- parably better friends to their own country than the authors of the charge, they are firmer, and better friends to yours, than any equal collection of men in the world, not included in your own dominions. They have most cordially wished you success in your con- test with the enemy of mankind, and exult in your final victory. Your unjust, and unwise, measures to- wards this country; (for you have entered into many such measures;) they censure firmly: our injustice, and folly, towards you they reprobate still more severely, because they are more gross. But, while they know, that it is their first political duty to promote the pros- perity of their own country, it will require a train of injuries, on your part, to make them hostile, or even indifferent, to that of Great Britain. Yet, it is undoubtedly possible by a series of efforts, suited to the purpose, to fritter away the good will of any man, or any nation, towards any other. In private life, contempt and ill nature will usually accomplish this end within a moderate period. No alienations are more absolute than such, as are pro- duced by these means. The sting may be extracted; but the poison will be left behind, and will there ran- kle for a time, to which limits cannot be easily assign- ed. This ill nature, this contempt, have been poured upon the American people for several years in tor- rents of abuse and falsehood. Many of the publica- tions, in which they run. are issued again from our American Commerce. presses: and many more have been imported. Botita are extensively read with answering contempt, and strong feelings of indignation. If you wish us to be your enemies, proceed. The task to a spirit of bitter ness will be easy; and the success certain. The question is, however, worth a little candid and sober consideration; what will you gain by estab- lishing a firm and enduring hostilty between the peo- ple of Great Britain and the people of the United States? Will you promote a single interest of your own country? Commerce is one of its interests; the im- portance of which you announce to the world in al- most all your laws, political regulations, and political books. On commerce a great part of your people sub- sist. For injuries done to your commerce many of your wars have been declared. Some of your people have been disposed to con- sider us as commercial rivals. This opinion is built, not upon truth and good sense, but upon jealousy and avarice. The world is wide enough to furnish com- mercial prosperity to every nation, which will seek it with industry, enterprise and perseverance: and both you and we may labour in this field, to the utmost, with every honest exertion, without doing or suffering. a single injury. A little expansion of views, united with a little equity of disposition, would teach thi<; truth to any man capable of comprehending the sub- ject. A war, of one year, may easily injure your com- merce more than twenty years of our rivalry. War between you and us, on this ground, is of exactly the same nature with a litigation between two brothers concerning their patrimony; which, while it produces alienation, hatred and wretchedness, wastes the very property, about which they quarrel. American Manufactures. 167 But there is another view of this subject, not less important to you, and more easily realized by eager and avaricious men. We are the best customers, which you have or which you can have. We have been so long habituated to the use of your manufactures, that we steadily prefer them to those of any other people. Our commerce with your dominions has amounted, regularly, to two thirds, or three fourths, and always to more than half, of our whole trade. Cherish it with a spirit of moderation and equity, and this proportion will not be diminished. Persecute us for a seasen; and it will be soon shrivelled far towards annihilation. If proofs of this assertion are necessary; the present state of our Manufactures furnishes such as are ample. These, according to the returns, made to the Secreta- ry of the Treasury in 1 8 iO, are estimated at more than one hundred and seventy two millions of dollars. From that period they have increased, not only be- yond all example, but all belief. You may judge for yourself. All the manufactures in the State of Rhode Island amounted, according to this estimate, only to 1,170,074 dollars. In 1814, the Cotton manufactures of this State produced cotton goods, of the value of 8,500,000 dollars. An increase of manufactures, of many kinds, though not equally yet very great, has spread over most of this country. Many of the pro- ducts of these labours are not inferiour to any, of the same kinds, which are imported. This is true of our best Cloths: a manufacture, which has already been extended, and is now extending with a rapidity, ex- ceeding even the sanguine expectation of projectors. The Merino sheep, which have multiplied here with very great success, and which, instead of depreciating, inprove in our pastures, furnish a solid basis for the jei'petuity of our manufacturing establishments, of this 168 American Manufactures. class. Others, of many kinds have been increased with similar rapidity and similar success. A moderate period of time, spent in mutual provo- cations and hostilities, will detach the people of this country from their habits of using British manufac- tures, and rivet th r attachment to their own. When it is remembered, that this country abounds, or may easily abound, in materials of almost every kind for the exercise of manual ingenuity; that we. have wood, iron, leather, wool, cotton, flax, hemp, grain, tobacco, salt-petre, sulphur, dying materials, all the kinds of earths, and every useful species of stone; particularly, immense quantities, and very beautiful varieties, of marble; that silk is already made here in considerable quantities, as easily, and of as good a quality, as in Italy; that mines of various metals are discovered al- most every year; that we have mill- streams, suffi- ciently numerous to supply water-works of every kind for several such countries; that we have invented, and adopted, many modes of abridging labour, and that every such mode is a benefit to the whole community, without being injurious to a single individual; and that we have sufficient capital, ingenuity, enterprise, and perseverance, to carry into execution every thing of this nature, which can be of importance to our prosper- ity: when these things are remembered by a discreet Englishman, he will believe without much difficulty, that we shall soon find both our interests, and our prejudices, advantageously consulted by preferring the fruits of our own labour even to those of British in- dustry. There is another point of view, in which the im- portance of these considerations is still more strongly illustrated. In the year 1810, the people of the Unit- ed States amounted to more than seven millions. In American Imports. 169 twenty five years they will amount to fourteen mil* lious: at least they have hitherto increased in this pro- portion. In twenty five years, therefore, our con- sumption of your manufactures, if the natural course of things should be uninterrupted, will be double. In fifty years it will be quadrupled. In seventy five, we shall take off all the superfluous products of your in- dustry. Such a source of custom was never before opened to any nation in the world. It will be unwise in your Statesmen to promote, either in your people, 01 in ours, any dispositions, or any efforts, which may prevent, or seriously disturb, a progress of things, of which you may avail yourselves with so much ease, and so much benefit. The Returns, which we make for your manufac- tures, are more useful to you than any other. They are either money, or raw materials, on which the indus- try of your people is to operate; essential to their prosperity, and even to their support; furnished on better terms than you could obtain them elsewhere; many of them inexhaustible; and some of them not otherwise attainable without a considerable sacrifice. Were the decision of this question left to a sober mer- chant, common sense would teach him irresistibly., that a voluntary relinquishment of such advantages would be little less than lunacy. You will perhaps reply, that the causes of such an event lie with us, and not with you. As proof, that the assertion is just, you will probably allege the meas- ures of our Government, and particularly its declara- tion of war against you. I readily allow, that the al- legation is plausible, and that to an Englishmen it may very naturally appear decisive. Still it is un- sound: and if you and your countrymen understood the real state of things on this side of the Atlantic, you 170 Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Madison. would acknowledge it to be unsound. Mr, Jefferson and Mr. Madison are unquestionably hostile to Great Britain. Their measures have proved this so clearly, that to doubt it would be an insult to one's own un- derstanding, and to question it, to the understanding of others. But they have been less hostile to you than to us: and a conviction of this truth has spread very far among their own adherents. Except the Missions of Pike, Lewis* and Clark, to explore the Mississippi and Missouri, there is not a single measure originated by either, during the fourteen years of their reign, which has reflected the least credit upon their character, or produced the least benefit to the United States. Mr. Jefferson, indeed, sent a fleet, which he truly styled "the least competent force," to humble the insolence of the Bashaw of Tripoli: but had not Preble and Eaton transcended his orders, and with an elevation of character, of which he never formed a conception, accomplished what he never in- tended, nor believed to be possible; the Bashaw would have laughed at Mr. Jefferson, and continued his dep- redations on our commerce, and our seamen, to the present hour. The truth is; Mr. Jefferson, though possessed of considerable ingenuity, and a good deal of cunning, is absolutely destitute of wisdom, as well as of principle; of that sound, practical good sense, which alone has ever been of any use to mankind in the management of either their public or their private affairs. Of Mr. Madison it is enough to say, that, without the cunning of his Master, he has humbly trodden in his steps. If the art of governing consisted in originating, or defending, abstract propositions, or general principles, Mr. Madison would not have been without his share of reputation among rulers. But as it actually consists in the exercise of practical good sense Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Madison. 171 and skill in the business of man, directed, as well as prompted, by a public, and not a party, spirit; no niche will ever be furnished for his reception among Respectable men of this character. Still, they have been useful instructors to the Amer- ican people. Mr. Jefferson has taught us, that Infi- delity is an unprofitable spirit, and cunning an un- profitable guide, in the management of national inter- ests. Mr. Madison, as well as his Master, has strongly exhibited the visionary nature of theoretical specula- tions in the public concerns of mankind. From both, also, have we learned, that far other moral dispositions, than such as are possessed by these gentlemen, are necessary in the Ruler, who is to do good to his coun- try. Mr. Jefferson found this country, as he says,"i;j the full tide of successful experiment:" under his admin- istration, and that of his successor, these overflowing waters have all receded, and left their channel bare. But we shall not always be ruled by such men, as these. Their measures have already wearied the con- fidence, and nearly exhausted the patience, even of party spirit, blind and bigoted as it is. Like other nations we shall, at times, have good Rulers: and the community will in the end, like other communities, vibrate back to sobriety and common sense. The present generation of Americans may not, indeed, cease to be politically infatuated: the next will see all these things in their true light; and be astonished, that they were not thus seen by their fathers. They will discern, from the experiment, which we have made, what half of the existing generation perfectly under- stood before, that the United Slates have not, and can- not have, any possible interest in making an offensive war; that neither their situation, nor the nature of their government, permit them to engage in such a 17' Character of the English Nation. war; and that all their prosperity is involved in the continuance of peace. These truths every impartial American has long since understood; and they are now extensively believed even by prejudice itself. The present war, therefore, and the present Rulers, furnish no solid evidence, that even our Government will be permanently hostile to yours; much less that the Nation will feel this hostility. The character of your nation is well understood on this side of the Atlantic. By a great part of the peo- ple of the United States full justice is done to your talents and your worth, your institutions and your efforts. We know, that you are a great nation, and have achieved distinguished glory in many ways, and those of supreme importance. But we do not think, that you have any knack at making friends. You form too high an estimate of your own importance to suffer you to be agreeable to others; loftily claim the respect, which other nations solicit; and receive it as a tribute, where other nations receive it as a proof of civility. In their books, and in their conversation, Englishmen are, more than any people, busied in comparing them- selves with other nations, and whatever is contained in England with the same or similar things, found in other countries. The result of this comparison is almost always in favour of themselves, and of what- ever is theirs. Their climate, their soil, their weather, their productions, their talents, their institutions, their religion, their church, their manners, their morals, are all better than the same things in any other country. They, only, are clean, and neat, in their persons, and houses. They, only, have good beef. Their peaches, under a half frosty sun, are better than those of the United States, with all the advantages which the finest seasons can give; and a Scotchman, noting on Insolence of English Travellers. 173 rich fruits of this country, will gravely inform you, that they are not so gude, as those, which grow in the garden of the Duke of Argyle. American apples are exported to England in great quantities; and are cried in your markets at high prices; yet an Englishman, sojourning in the United States, pronounces without hesitation, that they are far inferiour to the apples of his own country. An Englishman, not long since travelling in the State of New York,, stopped at. an inn in Poughkeepsie. Here he called for a beef steak; and at the same time complained bitterly, that he had not found a single good dish, of this kind, since he had been in America. The inn-keeper told him, that he would giv r e him one: and going into the kitchen, ordered the cook to sprinkle the steak with sulphur. The Englishman pronounced it delicious. This comparison occupies a great part of the con- versation of your countrymen; and is regularly made with haughty airs, and in an imperious style; and, however pleasant to him, who makes it, is not apt to be very agreeable to others. Were we to receive it tamely, we should deserve the contempt, which you heap upon us with so much liberality. Nor is this insolence exhibited to us only. Your treatment of other nations is seasoned with the same spicery. Wherever it exists, it is felt, resented, and re- membered. The last Englishman, whom we have seen, has treated us in this manner: we expect the same treatment from the next; and are not often dis- appointed. / never knew Jriends made by this con~ duct. Frenchmen, known to possess scarcely a twen- tieth part of your honesty, and inferiour to you in every other respectable attribute, beside civility, will secure many friends, where you only make enemies. 174 Conclusion. How will you justify this imperious spirit, and be- haviour? Look at the picture, which I have drawn of your character as a people, from your own books; and those, of unquestionable authority. Can you see in it any reasons even to palliate this insolence? The stains are numerous, and dark: while I cheerfully ac- knowledge the ground-work to be bright. The SAVIOUR of mankind, when solicited by the Pharisees to condemn a miserable woman, apprehended in the commission of adultery, directed u him, who was with- out sin" among them, to cast the first stone at this cul- prit. When your nation has cleansed itself, it will be soon enough for you to stone others. In spite of all your contempt, and of all your asper- sions, the inhabitants of the American States will, in the ordinary course of Providence, become a numerous, and, permit rne to say, a great and prosperous nation. Our advantages of situation, soil, and climate, of man- ners, laws, morals, and religion, are such, whatever your Reviewer's, and your Travellers, may think concerning us, that we shall multiply, increase in strength, improve in arts and knowledge, and, I hope, advance in morals, to such a degree, as to compel other nations to respect us; even if we should continue to be hated and despised by you. You will say, perhaps, that our government is bad, Yours, during a great part of your national exis* fence, has been worse. You have made it, in your own opinion, the best in the world. Time may enable us to improve ours. You assert, that our Rulers are weak and wicked. You have had many such. We, as well as you, may at times have better. You censure us for our party spirit. Look at your own people, arrayed against each other under the banners of York and Lancaster; and pouring out the blood of Conclusion. 175 one hundred thousand men, to determine the important question, Whether the White, or the Red, Rose should prevail; and then remember, that in our party jang- lings not a life has hitherto been lost, except that of the brave General Lingan: a martyr to the violence of just such a mob, as you have often seen rolling through the streets of London. Even he was butchered by foreigners. There are many things, which disgrace, and distress, this country: but there is nothing which forbids a rational belief, that it may at no great distance of time, be peaceful, virtuous, and happy. But there is another point of view, in which these attempts to establish alienation, and hostility, between you and us, are still more to be regretted. A great number of your people, with a spirit, in the highest degree honourable to themselves, and singularly glo- rious to your country, have begun, within a few years, to send throughout the world the Word of God, and Ministers to preach it. The progress, which they have made, is scarcely less astonishing than the rise, and the dow r nfal of Na/poleon; and has excited the admiration, and called forth the blessings, of good, and even of bad men, in every part of Christendom. Multitudes, in many countries, have cordially united themselves to these Benefactors of the world. In this country there are many Missionary, and at least sixty-five Bi- ble Societies: and both are increasing in their num- bers, and their efforts. All these are equally desirous to co-operate with your countrymen in this exalted design. To me, Sir, it seems unhappy, that any ob- struction should be thrown in their way. Were you to ask Lord Teignmouth, Mr. Wilberforce, or many thousands of others, who adorn your country with in- telligence and virtue, I am persuaded that they would answer you in similar terms. When it is remember- 176 Conclusion. cd, that the English Language is now established, to a considerable extent, in the four quarters of the globe, and in New Holland also, you will see that a founda- tion is laid for making it the means of communicating the knowledge of Christianity throughout the werld. Those, who speak it, may, and, if wise, will, aid each other in the great work of spreading the Religion of the Gospel over the globe; and through this medi- um of communication will be enabled, with a facility otherwise unattainable, to spread salvation through all "the habitations of cruelty." Men, willing to embark in such a design^ and possessing advantageous means for accomplishing it, should never be hindered in their exertions: nor can any man be justified, who volun- tarily throws obstructions in their way; or wantonly attempts to alienate them from each other. It is high time, Sir, that a nobler spirit should be found in enlightened nations, as well as in enlightened individuals. Rivalry, contempt, and bitterness, have reigned long enough. These dispositions have never reformed either individuals or nations. Sometimes they may have checked insolence and abuse; but they never made a friend, nor conciliated an enemy. Can- dour and generosity achieve triumphs incomparably more numerous, and more honourable; and invest the temples of the victor with wreaths which cannot fade. Permit me to hope that the intelligent men of your nation will, in greater numbers, hereafter believe, that these are triumphs more deserving of their ambition; and laurels, which they may wear with superiour and more enduring glory. THE END. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. RENEWALS ONLY TEL. NO. 642-3405 This book is due on die last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. M- Oti 7 iO/i^ FEB15 197087 KtCL CI& / / 8 *eClVED FEB2 70 -5PM LOAN DEPT- (JUi ^ 3 .... " : : A r\-flT 4*- 1 *** JUNH20QZ JUN 31975 I ' i flEC CI^ W 2 f *?5 o "7 t ^*\ ocp (MR MW ' 1 'I 1 LD2lA-60m-6,'69 (J9096slO)476-A-32 General Library University of California Berkeley UJDUC