:hoice Compiled by PRACTICAL HOUSEKEEPERS 01 Sonoma County, California , {900 . iSfiiS M A LEADING AMERICAN COMPANY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, CONN. ANNUAL STATEMENT, JANUARY 1, 19OO Capital $1,000,000 oo Assets 4,551.283 55 ASSETS Real Estate $ 327,315 49 Stocks and Bonds 2, 784,854 50 Loans on Bonds and Mortgage 736,040 oo Cash in Banks and in Office , 231,616 16 Premiums in Course of Collection (net) 348,443 90 Other Assets 123,013 50 Total Assets $4,551.283 55 LIABILITIES Losses in Process of Adjustment and Settlement $ 210,857 74 Reserve for Unearned Premiums 1,784,168 02 Commission, Brokerages, and all other Claims against Company 58,302 82 Reserve Fund for Contingencies 25,000 oo Total Liabilities $2,078,328 5& Capital Stock Paid in 1,000,000 oo Net Surplus over Capital and all Liabilities 1,472,954 97 $4,551,283 55 Principal Office, 95 Pearl Street, Hartford, Conn. JAMES NICHOLS, President. B. R. STILLMAN, Vice-Pres. and Sec. H. A. SMITH, Assistant Secretary. PACIFIC COAST DEPARTMENT 409 CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. GEO. D. DORNIN GEO.W. DORNIN MANAGER ASS'T MANAGER N Capital .. Assets . . Real Estai Stocks am Loans on : Cash in B; Premiums Other Ass THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 9OO . . .$1,000,000 oo ... 4,551,283 55 * 327,315 49 2,784,854 50 736,040 oo 231,616 16 348,443 90 123,013 50 .$4,551,283 55 LIABILITIES Losses in Process of Adjustment and Settlement $ 210,857 74 Reserve for Unearned Premiums 1,784,168 02 Commission, Brokerages, and all other Claims against Company 58,302 82 Reserve Fund for Contingencies 25,000 oo Total Liabilities $2,078,328 5& Capital Stock Paid in 1,000,000 oo Net Surplus over Capital and all Liabilities 1,472,954 97 $4,551,283 55 Principal Office, 95 Pearl Street, Hartford, Conn. JAMES NICHOLS, President. B. R. STILLMAN, Vice-Pres. and Sec. H. A. SMITH, Assistant Secretary. PACIFIC COAST DEPARTMENT 409 CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. GEO. D. DORNIN MANAGER GEO. W. DORNIN ACS'T MANAGER Choice Recipes COMPILED BY PRACTICAL HOUSEKEEPERS OF Sonoma County, California 1900 & -j wg C3 u **< PREPARED FOR AND ISSUED BY _ fy t g PACIFIC DEPARTMENT << C^- W *^ OF THE CO W NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY p; < OF HARTFORD, CONN. o 5 AND ^ SPRINGFIELD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE Co. OF SPRINGFIELD, MASS. GEO. D. DORNIN, MANAGER SAN FRANCISCO THE WHITAKER & RAY CO. (NCORPORATED) COPYRIGHT 1900 GEO. D. DORNIN Of all appeals although I grant the power of pathos and of gold, Of beauty, flattery, threats, a shilling no Method's more sure at moments to take hold Of the best feelings of mankind, which grow More tender, as we every day behold, Than that all-softening, overpowering knell, The tocsin of the soul the dinner bell. Byron. CONTENTS Breads 7 Pudding Sauces 30 Soups II Pies 31 Fish 13 Frozen Dainties ... 32 Entrees 14 Cakes 34 Meats 15 Pickles 43 Vegetables 17 Confectionery 47 Salads 19 Breakfast and I/uncheon Dishes 49 Fish and Meat Sauces 24 For the Invalid's Tray 56 Puddings 25 Table of Weights and M ;asures 60 BREAD "Would you know how first he met her ? She was cutting bread and butter." Gxthe. PERPETUAL YEAST Mrs. Briggs A quart preserving can is the most convenient thing to start and to keep this yeast in. To begin a can of this perpetual yeast, dissolve a compressed yeast cake in a quarter of a cup of lukewarm potato water that is, the water in which the potatoes for dinner are cooked. Fill a quart can of glass half full of lukewarm potato water. Add half a cup granulated sugar to it, and when this is dissolved add the quarter of a cup of dissolved yeast. Stir well and set the can containing the yeast in a moderately warm place, but not where it will be heated perceptibly, and let it stand until the whole is very light. Seal up the can and the day before you are ready to make bread, fill the can full of lukewarm potato water and add another half cup of sugar. Let the can stand for about twenty- four hours. Beat the foaming white yeast and use a pint, or half the can, for four small 6r three large loaves of bread. Use as much lukewarm water as you do of yeast, and mix the bread at once, kneading it thoroughly. Seal up the can of yeast, set it away and a day before the yeast is needed fill up the can again with lukewarm potato water, in which the potatoes were boiled, and a half cup sugar, and it is ready for use again when it is risen. GRAHAM BREAD Mrs. Baldwin Stir into a quart of water (warm in winter and cold in summer) enough wheat flour to make a soft batter, also a cup of yeast. Let rise over night. In the morning add salt, one-half tea cup molasses, one teaspoon soda in cup of boiling water and enough Graham flour to make batter thick enough to pour into well greased tins. Let rise very light and bake in moderate oven. 8 BREAD POTATO CAKES Mrs. Eldredge One quart flour, one cup mashed potatoes, one half cup butter, two teaspoons baking powder, little salt. Rub butter in the flour dry, then add potato, milk enough to moisten. Roll out an inch thick, cut with biscuit cutter and bake in moderate oven. RICE GEMS Mrs. Wilkinson One heaping cup flour, two-thirds cup cold boiled rice, one and one-half cups sour milk, one tablespoon butter, one egg, pinch salt, one teaspoon soda. Beat hard and bake in buttered gem pans, in hot oven about twenty minutes. GOOD BROWN BREAD Mrs. A. Faught One cup Indian meal, one cup of rye, one cup of wheat flour, one cup sour milk, one-half cup molasses, one teaspoon salt, two teaspoons soda. Steam four hours and then put it in the oven a little while. BISCUIT -Mrs. Jas. H. Laughlin One quart flour, one teaspoon soda, two teaspoonfuls of cream tartar and one teaspoon salt. Sift all together. Rub in one table- spoon lard, mix with sweet milk to soft dough and bake imme- diately. CORN MEAL GEMS Mrs. Bryant One egg beaten well, one and one-half tablespoon sugar, two tablespoons melted butter, one cup milk, one heaping cuf w" 'te flour, one scant cup corn meal, one and one-half teasp< powder, pinch of salt. Bake in gem pans about twenty POP-OVERS Mrs. Dornin Two eggs, two cups milk, two cups flour, pinch of salt. Bake in very hot well greased gem pans in hot oven. BOSTON BROWN BREAD-Mrs. MaKee Two cups cornmeal, one cup flour, two cups sweet milk, one cup sour milk, one cup syrup, one teaspoon soda, one tablespoon salt. Boil three hours in a two quart pail in a kettle of boiling water. BREAD 9 BOSTON BROWN BREAD Mrs. Wilkinson Mix two cups Yankee Rye meal, one cup yellow corn meal, one cup whole wheat flour. Add tablespoon salt and sift. Dissolve level teaspoon soda in about two tablespoons warm water, add it to one and a half pints sour milk or butter-milk. Then add to this one cup of molasses. Thoroughly mix; pour over dry ingredients, mixing well. Pour into greased two-quart molds, cover tight, and steam five hours. Lift out, allow to cool, and bake half an hour. BREAKFAST MUFFINS Mrs. Meacham Three eggs, one breakfast cup of milk, one tablespoon melted butter, one tablespoon sugar, a pinch of salt, two heaping teaspoons of baking powder. Beat the eggs well and mix with the milk; put melted butter with the above ingredients, mixing in flour enough to make batter. Bake in round tins, and when almost done wash the tops of each with a feather dipped in milk. POP-OVERS Miss Laughlin One cup milk, one cup flour, three eggs, one teaspoon salt. Beat thoroughly and cook in hot oven. COFFEE CAKE Mrs. Voss One cup brown sugar, one cup butter, one-half cup molasses, two eggs, one cup strong cold coffee, one teaspoon soda, two tea- spoons cinnamon, one teaspoon cloves, one cup raisins or currants. Add the fruit last rubbed in a little of the dry flour. Bake about one hour. ^RN BREAD (NEW ORLEANS) Mrs. Baldwin md one-half pints corn meal, one-half pint flour, one table- .gar, one teaspoon salt, two heaping teaspoons Royal Baking . owder, one tablespoon lard, one and one-quarter pints milk, two eggs. Sift together corn meal, flour, sugar, salt and powder; rub in lard cold, add eggs (beaten) and the milk. Mix into a moder- ately stiff batter; pour from bowl into a shallow cake-pan. Bake in rather hot oven thirty minutes. MARYLAND BISCUIT Miss Annie Laughlin Rub one tablespoon butter and one tablespoon lard into one quart sifted flour, one teaspoon salt, milk enough to make a stiff 10 BREAD dough. Use the hands in mixing dough. When the milk, flour and shortening have been thoroughly mixed, flour the bread-board, lay dough on it and beat it with rolling pin until it blisters and cracks loudly. This beating will occupy at least one half hour. When the blisters are abundant, tear off pieces of dough as large as an egg, mold with hand in the form of a biscuit. Prick the top of each biscuit with fork and bake in moderate oven. TREMONT HOUSE ROLLS-Mrs. A. Faught Take two quarts of flour, add one teaspoon salt; make a hole in the middle and put into it one tablespoon of sugar, butter about the size of an egg, one pint of boiled milk and one teacupful of yeast. Do not stir, but put them together and knead fifteen minutes. Set in a cool place for six hours and then roll out about one-half inch thick and cut with a biscuit cutter. Moisten one edge with butter, and fold together like rolls; lay in the pan so they will not touch. Set for half hour in a warm place to rise and bake in quick oven. FRENCH ROLLS Miss Laughlin At noon scald one pint of new milk and let cool. Sift two quarts flour into which rub two tablespoons butter and then make a hole in the center. Stir a spoonful of yeast and two tablespoons sugar into your milk, then put all into the center of flour. Let it stand several hours until foaming, then mix in all the flour; cover and set away over night. In morning knead it down and set to rise again. Roll out not too thin, spread over with butter, and cut in rounds lapping one edge. Do not place the rolls near together in the pan. Let them rise about two hours, then bake in quick oven about twenty minutes. MUFFINS Mrs. A. Patent One pint new milk, one egg, one tablespoon sugar, one table- spoon butter, half teaspoon salt, half cup home-made yeast. Mix with flour until a very stiff batter is formed; leave in a warm place over night and bake in the morning in rings. CORN MEAL GEMS Mrs. Jas. H. Laughlin One egg and one tablespoon sugar beaten together, one cup sweet milk, one heaping cup corn meal, two tablespoons flour in which one teaspoon ful of baking powder has been well mixed, and a pinch of salt. Stir well and bake in hot gem-pans. SOUPS "Appetite comes with eating, says Augeston." Rabelais, SOUP STOCK To a two-bit shin of beef I add what beefsteak and other meat- bones I may have, add six quarts of water, cover tightly, and boil gently all day. Strain at night and set away to cool. The next day skim the fat from it and if the stock is not a thick jelly, put it on the stove and boil still longer. This should make three quarts of rich jelly, to which you can add rice, barley, macaroni, vermicelli or vegetables, or whatever you fancy, as a flavoring. (The fat I skim from the soup I put on the stove and boil until it is trans- parent, pour it into a small pan or tin and use it in the place of butter or lard for cooking. It is much superior to butter or lard for frying or shortening.) BEAN SOUP Mrs. Ford Wash and boil your beans with a piece of salt pork. When the beans are soft take them out and press through a colander, then put them back in the water they were boiled in, together with four hard boiled eggs quartered and half a lemon sliced, a little pepper and salt. Boil up and serve. ASPARAGUS SOUP Miss Laughlin Boil two bunches of asparagus one half hour. Put one quart milk on stove, press tender stalks through colander into milk. Thicken with two tablespoons flour rubbed into one tablespoon butter. L,et come to a boil and serve hot. Season with pepper and salt. CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP Mrs. A. L. House One quart milk, one can tomatoes strained, one teaspoon of soda in tomatoes just before removing from the stove. Butter size of an egg, salt and cayenne pepper to taste, two crackers rolled fine. Heat milk and tomatoes separately. Mix in tureen just before serving. OYSTER STEW Mrs. R. H. Thomson One can of best cove oysters, one quart sweet milk, one tablespoon 12 SOUPS butter, two tablespoons flour, salt and pepper to taste. Strain the liquor from the oysters and to this add the milk. When it has reached the boiling point thicken with the flour into which the butter has been rubbed. When this has boiled, pour over the oysters which are in the soup tureen and serve immediately. POTATO SOUP Mrs. Eldredge Four medium sized potatoes cut in very small pieces. Pour on one quart boiling water, little salt, pepper and good slice of butter. Let boil until soft. Rub through a sieve. Just before serving add one teaspoon of flour mixed with cold water, two cups of milk and let boil up once. ONION SOUP Mrs. Bryant Slice and fry six large onions until quite brown, add two quarts rich milk, one tablespoon butter, one teaspoon cayenne pepper and salt to taste. Thicken with two tablespoons flour mixed with cold water. Serve very hot. SPLIT PEA SOUP Mrs. R. H. Thomson One cup split peas, one and one half Ibs. lean neck of beef ( no bone), two thin slices of salt pork, three quarts cold water. Wash and soak peas for an hour, cut meat in small pieces. Put all together in soup kettle and cook for three hours, you may have to add some boiling water at the last. When done thicken with one tablespoon of flour rubbed smooth in one-half cup of creamy milk; strain and serve with toast bread cubes. CREAM CELERY SOUP Miss S. E. Polhemus Take the root and several stalks of celery cut in small pieces, cover with water (being careful not to use too much) add a lump of butter and salt and pepper. Boil until celery is tender, then add a quart of milk and let come to the boiling point. Take three or four slices of bread cut in small squares and fry in a little butter to a light brown, place in tureen and pour the soup over them. BEAN SOUP Mrs. R. H. Thomson One large cup of small white beans, two Ibs. lean neck of beef. Soak the beans over night and boil three-fourths of an hour, changing water twice. Put the beans into the soup kettle with meat, eook until the beans cannot be found, and the meat to shreds. Salt and pepper to taste, add a cup of creamy milk, strain and serve. This is also nice with toast cubes instead of crackers. FISH "The silvery fish, Grazing at large in meadows submarine, Fresh from the wave now cheers Our festive board." Anon FISH Miss Laughlin Pick to pieces, fish previously boiled, season with salt, pepper, and butter, mix in rolled crackers or bread crumbs, cover with cream and bake. CREAMED SALMON Miss Laoghlin Make a white sauce of one half pint milk and as much cream, two tablespoons butter and two tablespoons flour. Melt butter, stirring in flour and diluting with hot cream and milk. Season with salt, cayenne, and nutmeg. To this add a can of nice salmon freed from skin and bone. Stir until hot and serve in little individual cases. FILLETS OF FISH WITH BECHAMEL SAUCE Miss Annie Laugfhlin Slice salmon or any white fish; fry lightly in butter for six minutes, then dip in beaten egg, roll in crumbs, season, dot thickly with butter and place in a good oven for fifteen minutes. Serve with a sauce made by melting one tablespoonful of butter, rub smoothly in this one of flour, and dilute with a half-pint of stock made from chicken or veal; season nicely, lift out fish, sprinkle thickly with minced parsley and pour the sauce over. You can prepare the fish beforehand, cooking it only ten minutes, and then merely place in the oven to heat while the soup is being served. The sauce will keep if stood in a vessel of hot water. ENTREES "The turnpike road to people's hearts I find Lies through their mouths, or I mistake mankind." Dr. IVolcot. PATTY SHELLS Mrs, Bryant One pint flour, two teaspoons baking powder, half teaspoon salt. Sift all together. One-half pound good butter, work half the butter by degrees into the prepared flour and mix with a little more than a gill of cold water or enough to make a stiff dough. Rollout the paste and strew over it a part of remaining butter, divided into little pieces dredged with flour. Roll up dough like jelly roll, and roll out again. Repeat latter process once more and add remaining butter. Roll one-half inch thick, cut into rounds two inches in diameter. Press a small cutter one inch in diameter on each round a quarter of an inch deep. Place on buttered tins and bake brown. CHICKEN AND OYSTER PATTIES Mrs. House Put two tablespoons butter and three of flour, one-half tea- spoon salt and one-fourth teaspoon white pepper on the fire, and when melted and mixed well, add one pint cream or rich milk. Stir until it thickens, then add one pint diced chicken. Simmer five minutes, then add one pint oysters (drained), and cook until edges curl. Fill heated patty shells and serve. OYSTERS A LA RICHELIEU Mrs. A. L. House Put one tablespoon of butter in chafing dish. When melted add one-fourth teaspoon paprika, two tablespoons chopped celery and two dozen large oysters free from liquor. Cook, and when plump add four tablespoons of sherry and serve on hot buttered toast. DEVILED CRAB-Mrs. A. L. House One crab, two hard boiled eggs chopped fine, two (2) table- spoons cracker crumbs rolled very fine, juice of one lemon, two tablespoons sherry, red pepper, salt ; mix well. Butter size of an egg ; flour to thicken. Cook, then thin with milk and season with salt, spoonful mustard and mace. Mix well with the crab, sift over cracker crumbs and cover with bits of butter. Heat in oven until nice brown. MEATS "Some hae meat and canna eat, And some would eat that want it, But we hae meat, and we can eat, Sae let the Lord be thankit." Burns. RULES FOR COOKING MEATS Put all salt meats in cold water; all fresh meats, excepting for soups, into hot water, then cook slowly. All roast meats, excepting veal, are put dry into a very hot oven; veal requiring a little more moisture. When well browned, add hot water; and when about half done, salt. Never salt meat until partially cooked. Rare meat requires about fifteen minutes to the pound. Baste all roasts frequently. Roast beef requires a hotter oven than any other meat. MOLDED VEAL Miss Laughlin Ten cent knuckle veal and boil until it can be pierced with fork. Take from liquor and cool. When cold cut into small pieces. Have ready three hard boiled eggs. Slice eggs lengthwise. Com- mence by putting slices of egg in mold, then meat and alternate in this wise until all is used with an occasional all clove and pepper corn. When all is ready pour over the liquor which is boiling hot, and has been freed from grease or settlings. Set away to cool. Serve cold cut in slices. If liquor seems too thin, add one teaspoon Knox Gelatine. DUMPLINGS Mrs. Miller To each cup full of sifted flour add one teaspoon of baking powder, add a little salt, sift until thoroughly mixed, then add half as much milk [as flour (by measure) and beat a minute. Drop by spoonfuls into the stew, cover tightly and boil twelve minutes. STUFFING FOR A TURKEY For a turkey weighing from eight to ten pounds allow one loaf of stale baker's bread, one quart of oysters, one lemon, two roots of celery and one-quarter of a pound of butter. It is taken for granted that the turkey is thoroughly cleaned and wiped dry before putting 1 6 MEATS the stuffing in. Crumble the bread till very fine ; season with pepper and salt. Drain the oysters, setting the liquor aside. Now take a very sharp knife and peel off the outer rind of the lemon, being careful not to have any of the bitter and tough white skin left on. Cut the peel in very small bits, chop the white part of the celery very fine, adding the butter and the juice of the lemon. Mix the ingredients mentioned, stirring until thoroughly mixed ; then proceed to stuff body and crop. A turkey of the size spoken of requires at least two hours baking, and it should be basted frequently ; the liquor of the oysters should be put in the pan when the pan is first set in the oven, and this is to be used in basting. The giblets and livers should be cooked in a basin on top of the stove, then chopped fine, and when the gravy is made, add them to it. VEAL OR BEEF LOAF Miss Annie Laughlin Three pounds chopped veal or beef, three well beaten eggs, salt and pepper to taste, one-half cup butter. Powdered cracker to make the above the consistency of dough. Make into a loaf and bake until done, basting with butter. Use hot water to moisten the ingredients if it is too dry to mold with hand. BOILED TONGUE Miss Annie Laughlin Soak tongue over night and boil four hours in milk and water, peel and place on platter ; garnish with parsley. VEGETABLES CANNED CORN Mrs. Jas. Lai^hlin Use one ounce tartaric acid to eight quarts corn. Cut corn from cob, use sufficient water to cook corn. Dissolve the acid in a little water, stir well into corn just before putting into can and seal. BAKED TOMATO AND EGG PLANT Mrs. House Take a deep earthenware dish, pour into it a cup of cream, cut several slices of egg plant very thin, salt well, and line the dish with them; slice two large tomatoes, place a layer of these on the egg plant, next a layer of spaghetti (cooked); sprinkle with grated cheese, pieces of butter, salt and pepper; cover this with layer of tomatoes, salt well and sprinkle with chopped green pepper and a top layer of egg plant, which also salt and pepper well. Cook gently an hour and half in a slow hot oven. CREAMED SQUASH Miss Annie Laughlin Bake Hubbard Squash in the oven and when done, scrape from shell and place in a granite kettle on the stove; add sweet cream, salt, pepper and butter; beat to a cream and serve hot. TO BAKE SWEET POTATOES Mrs. Dwinelle Boil until almost done, then pour off water and stand them in a hot oven about fifteen minutes. Remove skins and serve. SWEET POTATOES AU CARAMEL Miss Laughlin Boil sweet potatoes, peel and cut in long strips, lay in a baking dish that can be sent to table, dredging with two tablespoons flour, two teaspoons cinnamon. Dot with four tablespoons butter cut in bits, sprinkle with four tablespoons sugar, and pour over all a cup of hot water. Bake until brown. I 8 VEGETABLES CORN PUDDING Mrs. Compton Dozen large ears of sweet corn, one quart of sweet milk, three eggs well beaten, butter size of an egg, salt and pepper to taste. Mix altogether and bake in a moderate oven until the milk and eggs are thick. CORN SOUFFLE Mrs. A. L. House One can corn (chopped fine), one pint milk (scant), two eggs, salt to taste, one-half teaspoon yeast powder, one tablespoon of flour stirred into the milk. Beat eggs very light, add to the other ingredients. Put all into a buttered pudding dish and bake about forty minutes. To be eaten immediately. CREAMED POTATOES- Miss Polhemus Peel the potatoes and boil till well done. Place on the stove a little milk or cream in which you put a lump of butter ; let this come to the boiling point. Mash the potatoes until there are no lumps; salt to suit the taste, then add the hot milk and beat until creamy ; add a white of egg beaten stiff, put in a dish and set in oven until the top is slightly browned. Serve at once, as it will spoil them to wait long. Use a dish for the baking that can be brought to the table. SPINACH A LA CREME Miss A. Laughlin Boil the spinach ; drain off and press out all the water ; chop and heat, with two spoonfuls of thick cream, one of butter and seasoning to suit taste, dredging with a spoonful of flour as you stir. Serve in small mounds on piece of buttered toast, with a poached egg on top. POTATOES SCALLOPED RAW Miss S. E. Polhemus Cut the raw potatoes in thin slices; butter a baking dish and put a layer of potatoes, salt and pepper and bits of butter; repeat until dish is full. Pour over all until it is covered, sweet milk or cream, and then bake. SALADS "To make a perfect salad there should be a spendthrift for oil, a miser for vinegar, a Wise man for salt, and a madcap to stir the ingredients up and mix them well together." Spanish Proverb. POTATO SALAD Mrs. Harvey Slice cold boiled potatoes enough to fill a quart dish ; salt and pepper to taste. Chop two small onions very fine and add to potatoes. Put half a cupful of vinegar and one teaspoon of butter in a pan and let it heat gradually. Beat the yolks of two eggs well, pour into a cup, and fill the cup with thick sweet cream. Beat well together and stir in hot vinegar. Stir constantly till it reaches the boiling point, then pour it immediately over the potatoes and mix thoroughly. CHICKEN SALAD-Mrs. J. R Faught Boil two young chickens until very tender, cut into shreds (do not chop). As much celery and white tender part of cabbage as will measure as much as the meat, chopped fine. DRESSING. Boil six eggs, chop the whites, mash yokes with two tablespoons mustard, one teaspoon black pepper, one-half teaspoon cayenne. Scald one cup vinegar, into this stir one cup butter and yolks of eggs. When thick, take from fire and cool. Then stir into other ingredients with four tablespoons olive oil, several hours before serving. FRESH FRUIT SALAD-Miss Laughlin One-third box Cox's gelatine and one pint of hot water soaked for an hour. When ready, pour over either prepared peaches, sliced bananas, strawberries, blackberries, grapes, plums, oranges or a combination of any two of the fruits; sugar to taste and flavor to judgment. Set aside in cool place. 2O SALADS CREAM SALAD DRESSING Mrs. Dwinelle Yolks of two hard-boiled eggs, one teaspoon of salt, small one-half teaspoon mustard, one tablespoon sugar, two tablespoons vinegar, two tablespoons thick sweet cream to each egg. Beat all thoroughly. SALAD DRESSING-Mrs. Bryant One teaspoon mustard, yolk of one egg. Mix well and add, drop by drop, olive oil and lemon juice, alternately. Season with cayenne pepper and salt. DRESSING FOR APPLE AND NUT SALAD Mrs. Eastwood Four tablespoons vinegar, two well-beaten eggs, butter size of an egg, one teaspoon made mustard, two and one-half scant salt- spoons salt, one-quarter teaspoon red and white pepper, one teaspoon sugar, equal amount whipped cream. Let vinegar come to a boil; stir in egg until it thickens; cool; stir in seasoning and add cream just before serving. Use equal amounts chopped apples and walnuts. SALAD DRESSING Miss Annie Laughlin Place on stove one-half pint vinegar, one tablespoon butter; heat slowly but not boil. When hot, stir into it this mixture: two thoroughly beaten eggs, one teaspoon salt, one-half teaspoon mustard, one-half teaspoon pepper, one tablespoon flour, one table- spoon sugar. Turn into hot vinegar and let thicken, stirring all the time. Set aside to cool. Thin with sweet cream. Keeps well if kept in cool place. SALAD DRESSING-Mrs. Dwinelle Mix a tablespoon of dry mustard and a heaping teaspoon of salt to a stiff paste with a little vinegar. Into this beat thoroughly one egg. Then pour in best olive oil, about a wineglassful at a time, stirring it in well each time till quite smooth before adding more ; continue until a generous one-half pint has been used, when the mixture ought to be thick like cake batter. Add Cayenne pepper to taste and one wineglassful of vinegar, stirring until smooth. This will keep in a tightly covered jar in a cool place for some time. SALADS 21 SWEETBREADS SALAD Miss Laughlin Soak sweetbreads one hour in cold water and parboil twenty minutes. When cool, slice thin, rub the bottom of dish with sliced onions. Arrange leaves of lettuce on it, put on sweetbreads and more lettuce and pour mayonnaise over all. CABBAGE SALAD Mrs. R. H. Thomson One cup vinegar, one cup water, one heaping tablespoon butter, one tablespoon sugar, one tablespoon corn starch, one-half teaspoon mustard, yolks of two eggs. Place water, vinegar, salt and butter in an enameled saucepan. When it boils, add mustard and corn- starch, which has been moistened and rubbed smooth in one-half cup cream. When this has boiled two or three minutes add the well beaten yolks of the eggs. L,et remain over fire a moment longer and put aside to cool. Thin part of this with cream and a teaspoon sharp vinegar and mix with cabbage which has been shaved, not chopped. MOCK CHICKEN SALAD Miss S. E* Polhemus Take three pounds of veal and boil till well done; when cold chop fine; chop one head of celery, mix veal and celery well together, season well with salt and pepper, toss up lightly with silver fork ; pour any good salad dressing over it, tossing and mixing until the bottom of the mass is as well saturated as the top; turn into salad bowl and garnish with the white of egg (boiled), cut into rings and sprigs of bleached celery tops. DUCK SALAD Miss Annie Laughlin Cut cold roast duck into dices. To six pints allow four pints of diced celery and two pints mayonnaise, season duck with salt and cayenne. Heap in dome. Mask with thick mayonnaise and put stoned olives on and over it. CHICKEN SALAD Mrs, Sutherland To furnish salad for thirty guests requires three large chickens. Boil thoroughly, then remove the bones and chop the meat fine, season to taste, mix with this the thoroughly blanched part of two bunches of celery cut fine. When ready to serve pour over all the following dressing, toss and mix well. 22 SALADS DRESSING Beat two eggs well, then add one teaspoon sugar, one-fourth teaspoon salt, one-fourth teaspoon prepared mustard, one-third small teacup sweet cream, one teacup vinegar. Place bowl containing mixture in a pan of boiling water, stir until thick as cream. Season with pepper according to taste. CARNIVAL SALAD Miss Annie Laughlin Boil unbroken string beans until tender, garnish a flat salad dish with lettuce leaves; on one half of dish place beans laid parallel, on the other sliced fresh tomatoes. Serve with mayonnaise dressing. TOMATO JELLY (SALAD) Miss Annie Laughlin Stew a can of tomatoes with a small sliced onion and salt and pepper until reduced one half. Strain through fine sieve pressing the pulp through. To two pints of juice add one teaspoon Knox gelatine that has been soaked in a little water fifteen minutes, one tablespoon taragon vinegar, season sharply with cayenne pepper. When firm, cut in two inch squares, place on blanched lettuce leaf. Turn into square dish to cool. When set, should be one inch thick. Serve with either French or mayonnaise dressing. National of Hartford This great American Company was chartered under the laws of the State of Connecticut, June 4, 1869, and was organized and commenced business in November, 1871. Its progress has been invariably prosperous and its agency system now extends to all parts of the United States, including our later acquisition, Hawaii. At the close of 1871, its financial condition showed a Cash Capital of $500,000, and Total Assets, $517,204.83. The close of 1899 twenty-eight years shows a Paid Up Capital of $1,000,000, and Assets, $4,551,283.55. Its Net Surplus, over Capital and all Liabilities, has increased from $5,613.16 at the close of 1871 to $1,472,954.07 on December 30, 1899. During this period, the National has disbursed to policy holders for losses incurred, the enormous sum of $14,984,664.58. The income of the National for 1899 was $2,368,786.56. MEAT SAUCES MINT SAUCE FOR LAMB Miss Laughlin One handful mint leaves and tender stems. Stir wellfwith one cup sugar, one cup vinegar. Set on back of stove for one half hour, stirring occasionally. When mixture is consistency of syrup it is done. MUSTARD SAUCE Miss Annie Laughlin One cup vinegar, one cup sweet cream, two tablespoons mus- tard, one tablespoon salt, three eggs well beaten. Stir eggs, mustard, salt and cream together. Let vinegar come to boil, then stir in mixture and let boil a few minutes, stirring all the while. ONION SAUCE One tablespoon butter, one tablespoon flour mixed with one half pint soup stock; add one half dozen small onions which have been boiled and mashed. Season with pepper and salt. For roast duck or chicken. CRANBERRY SAUCE -Mrs, Wilkinson To two quarts of cranberries put one quart water. Let it come to a boil, then mash all the berries. When this is done add one quart sugar; let it boil fifteen minutes, stirring all the time; when done sift through a colander; it will all go through but the skin. Then pour into molds. It is better to do it the day before wanted for the table. CRANBERRY SAUCE Mrs, Delano One quart cranberries, one pint sugar, one-half pint water. Boil fifteen minutes. Do not strain. PUDDINGS " Love in a cottage and cottage pudding with it." COTTAGE PUDDING Miss Laughlin One cup sugar, one cup milk, two and one-half cups flour, two eggs, two tablespoons butter, two teaspoons baking powder. Flavor with vanilla and bake in shallow pan. SAUCB One pint boiling water, one tablespoon flour moistened and boiled in water, two tablespoons butter, two tablespoons .sugar creamed together. Pour on boiling water, boil up and flavor with nutmeg and lemon juice or tablespoon sharp vinegar. PLUM PUDDING- Mrs. Wilkinson One cup molasses, one cup brown sugar, one cup sweet milk, two cups finely chopped suet, two eggs, one cup currants, three cups chopped raisins, four cups flour, one teaspoon cinnamon, one teaspoon cloves, one teaspoon allspice, one teaspoon soda. Boil in double boiler four hours and serve with hard sauce. EGGLESS PLUM PUDDING-Mrs. MaKce One heaping cup of bread-crumbs, two cups flour, one cup suet chopped fine, one cup raisins or prunes chopped fine, one cup molasses, one cup sweet milk, one tablespoon soda, one teaspoon salt, one teaspoon each cloves and cinnamon. Boil two and one- half hours in a two quart pail set in a kettle of boiling water. SAUCE One-half cup sugar and one tablespoon cornstarch mixed well. Then add one cup boiling water and one teaspoon lemon, boil ten minutes. 26 PUDDINGS COFFEE JELLY Miss Annie Laughlin One package Knox's gelatine dissolved in one pint cold water. Stand one hour. Put two cups strong coffee and one pint of sugar in a quart cup, add gelatine soaked and fill measure with boiling water. Stir well and strain. Pour in mold. Serve with whipped cream and sugar. PLUM PUDDING Mrs* Purrington One pound flour, one pound of bread crumbs, one pound suet chopped fine, one pound citron, one pound sugar, two pounds cur- rants, two pounds raisins (seeded), five eggs, three teaspoons baking powder mixed with flour, one cup brandy, one tablespoon cloves, one tablespoon allspice, two tablespoons cinnamon, two grated nut- megs, add a little water in mixture, boil six hours. Hither cook in small cake pans in a steamer or sprinkle pudding cloth with flour, put the pudding in and tie up as tight as possible. Put a plate; in bottom of your pot to keep the pudding from burning. These will keep -some time. FRUIT PUDDING-Mrs. Bryant One half dozen bananas, one-half dozen oranges, two lemons, one can pineapple, one box gelatine, soaked in three-quarters cup cold water until dissolved, then add three-quarters cup boiling water. Sweeten to taste and set away to harden. COTTAGE PUDDING Mrs, Voss One heaping pint flour, one-half cup sugar, one cup milk, one teaspoon soda, dissolved in the milk, one tablespoon butter, two teaspoons cream tartar, flavor with nutmeg. Bake in a moderate oven. Cut in slices and serve warm with wine or brandy sauce or sweet sugar sauce. DRIED PEACH PUDDING Mrs, Dwinelle Put some slices of bread in the oven and dry until they are very crisp, making about a bowl of crumbs. Add to these crumbs an equal quantity of stewed peaches, two or three eggs, one pint of milk, one-half cup sugar and bake about twenty minutes, browning a little. It should not be milky. Eat either hot or cold with a sauce made of sugar and lemon juice. PUDDINGS 27 STEAMED PUDDING Mrs, Meacham One cupful of suet chopped fine, one cupful molasses, one cup- ful currants washed and dried, one cupful sour milk, one teaspoon soda, a little salt and flour. Mix well, using flour enough to make a stiff dough. Pour into a mold and steam three hours. BANANA CREAM Mrs. Bryant Five ripe bananas, remove skin and pound the fruit with five ounces white sugar. Whip one-half pint cream to stiff froth and add mashed fruit and one-half glass sherry wine and juice of one lemon. Mix well together and add one-half ounce of dissolved gelatine. Set in a mold to cool and harden. Serve with cream. SUET PUDDING-Mrs. J. H. Patent One half cup suet (chopped), one cup raisins, two-thirds cup molasses, one and one-half cups sweet milk, two cups flour, one heaping teaspoon soda. Steam two hours. SAUCE One-half cup butter, one cup sugar, one cup cream, one-half nutmeg, three eggs well beaten. Cream, butter and sugar well to- gether, then add other ingredients. SNOW PUDDING Mrs. Dwinelle Soak one-half box of Cox's gelatine in one-half pint of cold water, set it on back of stove until dissolved. Add one-half pint of boiling water and just before it hardens beat well with the whites of three eggs, one cup sugar, and a little lemon juice. Put this in a mold. When served pour over it a custard made of one pint of milk, yolks of three eggs, two-thirds cup of sugar and one teaspoon vanilla. FAVORITE PUDDING-Mrs. Sutherland Beat two eggs light, add one cup milk, one cup breadcrumbs, one cup finely chopped sour apples, one cup currants, one cup sugar. Bake brown and serve with sauce. STRAWBERRY SPONGE Mrs. Bryant One quart strawberries, one-half package of gelatine, one and one-half cups of water, one cup sugar, juice of one lemon, whites of four eggs. Soak the gelatine two hours in one-half cup of the water. 28 PUDDINGS Mash strawberries and add half the sugar to them. Boil remainder of sugar and the cupful of water gently for twenty minutes. Rub strawberries through a sieve. Add gelatine to the boiling syrup and take from fire immediately, then add strawberries. Place in pan of cold water and beat five minutes. Add the well beaten whites of eggs and beat until thickens a little. Pour in mold and set away to thicken. Serve with cream. RICE PUDDING-Mrs. Dwindle One cup rice (uncooked), one cup of sugar, nine cups milk, butter size of walnut, salt and nutmeg, raisins if desired. Bake one and three-quarters or two hours. To be eaten cold. The oven should not be too hot, should cook slowly and stirring it several times in the first hour is well. Everything is in the baking. SPONGE PUDDING-Mrs. House One teacup flour, one-half teacup sugar, one pint sweet milk. Boil all together till thick, then add three-quarters cup of butter. Beat to a froth, and separately, the whites and yolks of eight eggs. Stir well together and bake in a pudding dish set in a pan of water nearly an hour. SAUCE Rub to a cream one cup powdered sugar and one-half cup butter. Add by teaspoonful, one-half cup sherry, ard set in a dish of hot water to dissolve. STRAWBERRY PUDDING Mrs, Bryant Make a custard of one quart milk, one cup sugar and yolks of four eggs; flavor with vanilla. Slice one stale plain cake and cover the bottom of a dish with it. Moisten with custard ; over this put a layer of preserved strawberries, then another layer of cake, then custard, then strawberries. Repeat until your dish is full. Make a meringue of the whites of two eggs, and color with some of liie strawberry juice. Spread on top and serve with cream. POOR MAN'S PUDDING Mrs. Dwinelle Four cups flour, one cup milk, one cup chopped suet, one cup New Orleans molasses, one cup raisins, one-half teaspoon of soda dissolved in a little water. Citron and currants if you wish, and salt. Boil three hours in tin with stem through center and tie cover on tight. To be eaten with hot sauce. PUDDINGS 29 STEAMED APPLE ROLL Miss Annie Laughlm One cup suet, beef or butter, two cups flour, later add flour to make dough right consistency, two teaspoons baking powder, pinch of salt, one cup sweet milk. Mix up soft dough and roll to about one inch thick ; spread on this two cups hashed apples. Spread over apple, plum or cherry preserves. Jelly and raisins take place of preserves. Roll up and put in buttered mold and steam three hours. SAUCE Butter, sugar, little flour heated together; pour on boiling water; add a little vinegar and nutmeg. PRUNE PUDDING Mrs. Eldredge Soak forty prunes in cold water over night. When well swollen, pour off the water and cover with boiling water ; let boil for twenty or thirty minutes. When soft, pour off water and rub prunes through a sieve. Put three tablespoons of sugar in this and then add the well-beaten whites of six eggs. Mix well and bake about thirty minutes in a moderate oven. Serve with cream. TROY PUDDING Miss Annie Laughlin One cup raisins, one cup chopped suet, one cup molasses, one cup sweet milk, three and one-half cups flour, one teaspoon soda, cinnamon, nutmeg. Boil in pudding dish three hours. Serve with either brandy or hard sauce. TAPIOCA CREAM Mrs. Eldredge Two tablespoons tapioca soaked in one cup of water about an hour. One pint milk in double boiler, when hot pour in the tapioca and let cook for one hour. Pinch of salt, yolks of two eggs, into which beat one cup sugar. Then mix well with a little cold milk and pour into the hot milk, stirring a few minutes. Beat up the whites of the eggs and stir into the mixture after removing it from the fire. Add one teaspoon vanilla and set away to cool. INDIAN. AND APPLE PUDDING Mrs. Wilkinson One-half cupful Indian meal, one-half cup molasses, one quart milk, one teaspoon salt, one and one-half tablespoons butter, one pint pared and quartered apples, one-quarter teaspoon ginger, one- quarter teaspoon grated nutmeg. Put the milk on in double boiler, 30 PUDDINGS when it boils, pour gradually on the meal; return to boiler and cook half an hour, stirring often. Add molasses, butter, seasoning and apples; butter pudding dish, pour in mixture and bake slowly three hours. APPLE DUMPLINGS -Mrs. A. K. Voss Make a rich biscuit dough. Roll out a piece of dough as thin as pie crust and cut in squares large enough to cover an apple. Put into the middle of each piece, two apple halves pared and cored. Put a pinch of cinnamon and a spoonful of sugar on the apples and lap the dough around them; lay the dumplings in a well buttered dripping pan. Put a piece of butter on each, and sprinkle over a large handful of sugar and turn in a cupful of boiling water. Bake in a moderate oven three-quarters of an hour. Serve with pudding sauce. STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE Miss Laughlin One cup sugar, one-half cup butter, one egg, one cup sweet milk, three cups flour, two teaspoons baking powder. Bake in layers; serve with sauce hot. SAUCE One and one-half cups sugar, one-half cup butter, one pint strawberries mashed until juicy. Beat butter and sugar to cream, then stir in the berries and beaten whites of two eggs. CHARLOTTE RUSSE-Mrs. McKisick One pint whipped cream, one-half pint milk, one-half gill of wine, two-thirds cup gelatine, four eggs. Boil milk and gelatine untiMatter is dissolved. Beat yolks with four tablespoons sugar, -mix into the gelatine, add whites well whipped and last the cream. Line a deep glass dish with sponge cake and fill with above mixture. PUDDING SAUCE-Mrs. Parloa One cupful butter, two cups powdered sugar, whites of two eggs, five tablespoons wine or three of brandy, one-fourth tea cup boiling water. Beat the butter to a cream and gradually beat the sugar into it. Add whites of eggs, unbeaten, one at a time and then the brandy or wine. When all is a light smooth mass add the water, beating in a little at a time. Place the bowl in a basin of hot water and stir until smooth and frothy, about two minutes. HARD SAUCE Mrs. Bryant One-third cup butter, add gradually one cup powdered sugar and two tablespoons cream or milk, drop by drop. Add one-third teaspoon vanilla. PIES "No soil upon earth is so dear to our eyes, As the soil we first stirred in terrestrial pies." Holmes. PUMPKIN PIE Mrs. Estinghausen One cup pumpkin, .one cup milk, one-half cup sugar, two eggs, one rolled cracker, cinnamon and ginger to taste. This makes one large pie. LEMON PIE FILLING Mrs. McKisick One and one-half cups sugar, yolks three eggs, two lemons, one and one-half tablespoons corn starch, with a cup and a half of boil- ing water poured on it, a little salt. Cook above mixture until it begins to thicken, then pour it in the pie and cook again in the oven until brown, then add the whites with four tablespoons of sugar whipped in them. This will make one thick pie. MOCK MINCE PIE Mrs. Wood One cup sugar, one cup raisins, one cup of clabber milk. Spices and one teaspoon flour, tablespoon vinegar and little salt. MINCE MEAT Miss Laughlin One-half pound suet chopped fine, two pounds beef and two pounds apples chopped, one cup sugar, two pounds raisins seeded, one-half pound currants, two cups boiled cider, two cups juice of sweet spiced fruit, one piece candied lemon peel, one piece citron (cut fine) , one teaspoon salt, little cinnamon, one teaspoon nutmeg and t allspice, a few raisins left whole, one cup vinegar. GREEN TOMATO PIE Mrs. Wood One pint minced tomatoes, one pint minced tart apples, two cups sugar, one-half cup strong vinegar, two tablespoons flour, one teaspoon each of cloves, allspice, cinnamon, nutmeg and black pepper. (I sometimes add one teacup raisins, which is an improve- ment.) APPLE MERINGUE PIE Miss Laughlin Stew seven apples until soft, while hot add one tablespoon butter, two tablespoons sugar and mash well. Beat four eggs, leav- ing out the whites of two, and stir into hot apple. Flavor with nutmeg and lemon juice. Bake with under crust as in custard pie. When done, spread meringue made with whites of two eggs and one tablespoon of sugar, over top and return to oven to brown. FROZEN DAINTIES "An't please your Honour," quoth the peasant, This same dessert is very Pleasant." Pope. ICE CREAM Mrs. Sutherland To make one gallon, take one quart rich cream, one and one- half quarts milk, one and one-half cups sugar, one and one-half teaspoons vanilla or other flavoring as preferred. Freeze, then pack for one hour or more. ICE CREAM Mrs. Dwindle One quart milk scalded (not boiled), with three well beaten eggs, one and one-half cups sugar and one-third box of Cox's gela- tine first dissolved in bowl of milk. Put this in a cool place over night. In morning add one quart of cream, two or three teaspoons vanilla and either new milk or more cream, enough to fill one gallon freezer within two or three inches of the top. Then freeze. ICED TEA OR TEA PUNCH Miss Annie Laughlin Juice of three oranges and three lemons. Juice and pulp of one pineapple shredded finely with a silver fork; over this pour two cups sugar, add six lumps sugar rubbed briskly over the peel of the lemons and oranges; one quart strong cold tea, half ceylon and half green and one quart of Apollinaris Water, or ice water. Pour all this over a large lump of ice in a punch bowl and throw in one pint of any fresh fruit in season strawberries, raspberries or currants. FROZEN PUDDING Mrs. Bryant One generous pint milk, two cups granulated sugar, scant one- half cup flour, two eggs, two tablespoons gelatine, one quart cream, one pound French candied fruit, four tablespoons wine. Let milk come to a boil. Beat the flour, one cup of sugar and the eggs to- gether and stir into the boiling milk. Cook twenty minutes and add gelatine, which has been soaking one or two hours in \vater, enough to cover it; set away to cool; when cool add wine, sugar and FROZEN DAINTIES 33 cream; freeze ten minutes, then add fruit and finish freezing. Take out beater, pack smoothly and set away for an hour or two. When ready to serve, dip the tin in warm water, turn out cream and serve with whipped cream heaped around it. PINE APPLE SHERBET Miss Laughlin One can pineapple, one pint sugar, one pint water, two table- spoons gelatine (Cox's), juice of three lemons. Boil sugar and water ten minutes, cool, add gelatine which has been dissolved in cup of water one hour. Add pineapple and lemon juice. At last add beaten whites of two eggs and two tablespoons Jamaica rum. Freeze. NECTAR Mrs, Sutherland Take the pulp and juice of one dozen naval oranges, one and one- half dozen large bananas mashed to a smooth paste, one pineapple chopped fine, one cup shredded cocoanut, one and one-hall cups sugar. Freeze. MY DOCTOR'S ICE CREAM Miss Laughlin One tablespoon gelatine soaked in one cup of milk one hour. Beat one egg yolk with one cup sugar, add one cup cold milk and stir this with cup of milk and gelatine. Put on stove and bring to scalding point, stirring well, and set away to cool. Take sufficient cream to nearly fill freezer (three pints) and whip with egg beaten until light, not stiff, add another cup sugar. Add prepared ingred- ients and flavor. Beat well and then add whites of seven or eight eggs beaten light. Freeze. PLOMBIERE Miss Laughlin Take the above receipt of ice cream and after the cream first begins to freeze add glazed fruit (sliced) of peaches, apricots, cherries, and pineapple. AMBROSIA Mrs* Sutherland One dozen sliced bananas, one-half dozen oranges sliced very thin, one can pineapple chopped fine, one cup sugar. Mix thoroughly and serve ice cold. CAKES "Aye, to the leavening, but here's yet in the word hereafter, the kueading, the making of the cake, the heating of the oven, and the baking. Nay, you must stay the cooling, too, or you may chance to burn your mouth." Shakespeare. APPLE JELLY CAKE Mrs. McKisick One and one-half cups sugar, one-half cup butter, one-half cup milk, three eggs, white of one left out, two and one-half cups flour, two teaspoons yeast powder. Bake in layers. FILLING One large grated apple, one lemon (grated rind and juice), one large cup sugar, one egg. Boil till jelly (ten or fifteen minutes). NUT CAKE Mrs. A. Fattght One cup butter, one cup sugar, one-half cup milk, three cups flour, three eggs, one cup raisins, one cup walnuts (do not chop them but break them in pieces), one-half teaspoon soda, one teaspoon cream tartar. Bake two hours. Put walnuts on the frosting. NUT CAKE Mrs. McKisick One cup butter, two cups sugar, one cup milk, three cups flour, four eggs, two teaspoons baking powder, two cups finely chopped walnuts. CREAM PUFFS Mrs. A. Faught Melt one-half cup butter in a cup of hot water and while boiling beat in one cup flour. Take from fire and when cold stir in three eggs one at a time without first beating them. Drop mixture on tins in small spoonfuls and bake in a moderate oven. FILLING One and one-half cups milk, two eggs, four tablespoons flour, sugar to taste and flavor with vanilla. Beat up eggs and sugar, and CAKES 35 stir in the milk with flavoring and when it comes to a boil, stir in flour mixed smooth in a little milk, cool and fill puffs by opening them a very little. BELMONT CAKE Mrs. McKisick One cup butter, three cups sugar, four eggs, one cup sweet milk, five cups flour, two pounds raisins, two teaspoons baking powder, one teaspoon cloves, one teaspoon cinnamon, one teaspoon nutmeg. Boil raisins fifteen minutes; when cold, flour them well to prevent them from falling. Bake one hour. This will make two loaves. LEMON COOKIES-Mrs. Eldredge Two and a half cups sugar, two eggs, one large cup lard, one pint milk, flour enough to make rather stiff dough, five cents worth of baking ammonia dissolved in the milk, five cents worth of oil of lemon. Bake in quick oven. GINGER BREAD Mrs, Tarttcr One cup sugar, one tablespoon lard, one-half cup molasses, one teaspoon soda, one cup sour milk, two cups flour, one teaspoon each of ginger, cinnamon and cloves. WALNUT WAFERS-Mrs. Eldredge One cup brown sugar, two eggs, pinch of salt, three heaping tablespoons flour, one cup chopped walnuts. One teaspoon for each wafer dropped on buttered tins and on top of each wafer place half a walnut. Bake in quick oven. CREAM PUFFS Mrs. Bryant One-half pint hot water, four ounces butter, six ounces flour (sifted), five eggs. Boil water and butter; and while boiling stir in flour and beat until smooth ; remove from stove and when lukewarm add beaten yolks and then beaten whites of eggs. Drop on buttered pans and bake in moderately hot oven. Fill with whipped cream. PLAIN DOUGHNUTS Mrs. Tartter One cup sugar, one cup sour milk with a scant teaspoonful of soda, one or two eggs, one large spoon of melted butter. Nutmeg for flavoring, flour sufficient to roll out. 36 CAKES COOKIES-Mrs. Ford Cream half a pound of butter and half pound sugar, add two eggs, two tablespoons milk, then three-quarters pound flour and half pound corn starch and two teaspoons baking powder. Mix into stiff dough, roll out quarter inch thick. Sprinkle over with sugar, cut with round cutter; flavor to taste. FRUIT CAKE Mrs. MaKee One pound sugar, one-half pound butter, five well beaten eggs (reserve whites until the last), one teaspoon ground cinnamon, one teaspoon ground cloves, one teaspoon ground allspice, one-half a nutmeg, one teaspoon of soda in six cups sifted flour, one pound each of currants and raisins, one-half pound citron, one cup shreded cocoanut, one cup almonds or walnuts. Stir well, and just before baking, add one cup thick sour crearn. Bake slowly for three hours. M BRACKEN " SPICE LAYER CAKE Miss Annie Laughlin One-half cup butter, one cup sour milk, one and one-half cups brown sugar, two and one-half cups flour, two eggs, one teaspoon soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, cocoa and a little cloves. After all is well beaten, add one teaspoon baking powder. Bake in layers. FILLING FOR CAKE WITHOUT EGGS ' Two cups sugar, butter size of egg, three-quarters cup sweet milk. Boil twenty-five minutes, then beat until stiff. ORANGE CAKE Mrs. Dwinelle Two oranges, two cups sugar, two cups flour, one-half cup water, five eggs, one-half teaspoon soda and one teaspoon cream tartar. Use the juice and grated rind of oranges. This makes a good moist sponge cake or a layer cake, by reserving the juice and rind of one orange and whites of one egg to mix with powdered sugar for spreading on each layer. MARBLE CAKE Mrs. J. H. Faught One-half cup butter, one cup brown sugar, yolks of four eggs, one-half cup milk, one teaspoon (each) cinnamon, allspice, cloves, two and one-half cups flour. WHITE PART One-half cup butter, one cup white sugar, whites of four eggs, one-half cup milk, two and a half cups flour. Flavor with lemon. CAKES 37 LEMON CAKE Mrs. Harvey Break two eggs into a common sized cup, and fill with rich sweet cream. Turn into a mixing bowl, add one cup of sugar, one cup flour, two teaspoons baking powder. Beat together thoroughly. Bake in two pie pans, when almost cold, split with a broad bladed knife and put in the following filling : FILLING One cup boiling water, one cup sugar, two tablespoons corn starch, mixed smooth with little cold water, butter size of a walnut, yolks of two eggs and juice of two lemons. Have water boiling, add corn starch, sugar and butter. I^et boil until clear and then add eggs and juice of lemon. Boil a few minutes. SPONGE CAKE-Mrs. Dwinellc Take the weight of ten eggs in sugar, add to this the yolks of twelve eggs and beat to a froth. Add the juice and grated rind of one lemon. Beat the whites of twelve eggs to a stiff froth and mix them with the sugar and yolks. Beat the whole without stopping for fifteen minutes, then stir in gradually the weight of six eggs in sifted flour. As soon as the flour is well mixed in, turn into pans lined with buttered paper (shallow pans). Bake immediately in a quick but not too hot oven about twenty minutes. SPICE CAKE Mrs. Compton Two cups sugar, one cup of butter, one cup sour milk, three cups flour, one cup fruit (currants and raisins), three eggs, one teaspoon cloves, one teaspoon cinnamon, one teaspoon nutmeg, one teaspoon soda put in dry. GINGER SNAPS Mrs. Wood Two cups sugar, two cups molasses, one cup butter or lard, four eggs, six teaspoons soda, twelve teaspoons of ginger. Flour enough to make a stiff dough. CREAM CAKE Mrs. Compton One cup of sugar, one cup of cream and milk mixed, one egg, two and a half cups flour, one teaspoon soda, two teaspoons cream tartar, pinch of salt. CRKAM FOR FILLING One cup sweet cream whipped, two tablespoons sugar, one tea- spoon lemon. (I usually put lemon in cream and vanilla in cake.) 38 CAKES SOFT GINGER BREAD-Mrs. McKisick One cup molasses, one-half cup butter, one cup brown sugar, one cup sour milk, three cups flour, three eggs, one teaspoon soda. Flavor with ginger and a little cinnamon. CHOCOLATE CAKE AND FILLING-Miss Ella Wood One cup sugar, one-half cup butter, one-half cup sweet milk, one and one-half cups flour, two teaspoons baking powder. Whites of four well beaten eggs, added last. FILLING Three-quarters cup grated chocolate, three-quarters cup sweet milk, one-half cup sugar. Yolks of four well beaten eggs, one tea- spoon vanilla. Boil until it strings from spoon. APPLE FRUIT CAKE Mrs. Jeff. Maddux Soak two cups of dried apples over night. In the morning drain and chop fine, add one cup of molasses and let it boil slowly for three or four hours, until the molasses thickens. Let stand until cool, then add one and a half cups brown sugar, one cup butter, half cup sour milk, one teaspoon cloves, one teaspoon allspice and one of cinnamon, one teaspoon soda, three eggs, three and one-half cups flour. Bake in two square or one five-quart tin. If baked in the large tin, bake slowly for two and a half hours. A teaspoon of baking powder added, makes the cake lighter. DRIED APPLE CAKE Mrs. A. Faught One and a half cups brown sugar, one-half cup melted butter, four eggs, four and a half cups flour, two and a half teaspoons soda. Soak two cups dried apples over night, drain and chop fine in the morning. Boil apples two hours in three cups molasses. Let mix- ture cool then add two cups seeded raisins, cloves, cinnamon and allspice to taste. Mix with first mixture and bake. STRAWBERRY SAUCE FOR PLAIN CAKE-Mrs. Bryant Beat one-half cup butter and one cup sugar to a cream. Add the white of one egg beaten stiff and a large cup of ripe strawberries mashed. Pour over plain cake and serve. LEMON FILLING- Mrs. Miller One cup sugar, one teaspoon flour, one tablespoon water, one lemon, juice and peel, one egg. Boil until thick, in double boiler. CAKES 39 BOILED WHITE FROSTING Mrs. Bryant One pint sugar, just enough water to moisten it. Boil until it strings from the spoon. Have the whites of two eggs beaten to a stiff froth and pour drop by drop the hot syrup on it. Beat con- tinually until thick enough to spread on cake. Flavor with vanilla. ICING Mrs. Tartter Two cups sugar, butter size of an egg, three-quarters cup milk. Boil about ten minutes, then beat until thick. MARSH-MELLOW FILLING Mrs. Bryant Dissolve over night, three-quarters of a pound of marsh-mellows in one-half pint cream. In the morning, beat until smooth and spread between layers and on top of cake. ANGEL CAKE Miss Laughlin Whites of eleven eggs, one and one-half tumblers (one and one- half pints), sifted granulated sugar, one tumbler sifted flour, one tea- spoon vanilla, one scant teaspoon cream tartar. Sift the flour four times, then add cream tartar and sift again. Sift sugar four times; mix flour and sugar and sift four times; beat the whites of eleven eggs on a large platter until very light, add pinch of salt, vanilla and three tablespoons cold water, beating continually. Sift in dry ingredients, stirring just enough to take it all up. Bake about forty- five minutes, using a new cake pan or a pan that has never been greased. Do not open oven door until cake has been in fifteen minutes. When done, take from oven and turn cake pan upside down to cool, letting edge of pan rest on three cups. When cold, take out of pan by loosening around edge with knife; then ice. ICING One and a half tumblers sugar, one-half tumbler cold water, one-fifth teaspoon cream tartar. Stir until all melted and strain; now place on stove and boil until it hairs. Do not stir while boiling. When done pour in a platter and when partially cool, add one tea- spoon lemon juice. Beat until cold; if icing gets too cold or stiff, set platter on stove. WALNUT CAKE Mrs. M. E. Slusser Whites of six eggs beaten light, one and one-half cups white sugar, two cups flour, one-half cup sweet milk, one teaspoon baking 40 CAKES powder, two cups walnuts chopped fine. Mix cake thoroughly and then add nuts and bake in a moderate oven ; flavor with lemon. ICING One cup white sugar, enough water to dissolve it. Boil until it strings. Pour over the beaten white of one egg while hot, beating all the time. LAURA'S BIRTHDAY CAKE-Mrs. Laughlin One cup butter, one cup sweet milk, two cups pulverized sugar, three cups flour, one-half cup cornstarch, four eggs, two teaspoons baking powder, one teaspoon vanilla. Bake in loaf. CHOCOLATE CAKE Mrs. M. E. Slusser Two cups white sugar, one cup butter, one cup sweet milk, two cups flour, one cup cornstarch, whites of five eggs well beaten, one heaping teaspoon baking powder. FILLING Two bars of Eagle brand chocolate dissolved, whites of two eggs beaten stiff, two cups sugar, boil until it strings. Flavor with vanilla. COOKIES Mrs. Voss Two eggs, one and one-half cups butter, two cups sugar, one cup milk, one teaspoon soda, two teaspoons cream tartar, flavor with vanilla ; flour enough to make a stiff batter. GINGER COOKIES Mrs. Voss One cup sugar, one cup molasses, one cup butter, one egg, one tablespoon vinegar, one tablespoon ginger, one teaspoon soda dis- solved in boiling water, mix like cooky dough, rather soft. SCOTCH FRUIT CAKE Mrs. J. H. Shearer One cup butter, two cups white sugar, one cup milk, four cups flour well sifted with two heaping teaspoons baking powder, nine eggs beaten yolks and whites separately, one pound raisins, one- half pound currants, one-quarter pound citron. Cream the butter and sugar, add milk gradually, then beaten yolks of eggs, and lastly, while stirring in the flour, the whites well whipped. Flavor with one teaspoon each lemon and vanilla. Have raisins seeded and citron sliced thin. Wash and dry currants before using, and flour CAKES 41 all fruit slightly. In putting in pan place first a thin layer of cake, then sprinkle in some of the three kinds of fruit, then a layer of cake and so on, always finishing off with a thin layer of cake. Bake in a moderate oven for two hours. (Tested by many and never failed.) DELLA'S CHOCOLATE CAKE Miss Laughlin One cup butter, two cups sugar, one cup sweet milk, three cups flour, whites of seven or eight eggs, two teaspoons yeast powder, one teaspoon vanilla. Bake in dripping pan. FILLING One cup chocolate, three cups sugar, three-quarters cup sweet milk, three eggs. Mix thoroughly and boil twenty minutes. Let it cool a little before putting on cake. COCOANUT POUND CAKE Mrs. Voss One-half cup butter, two cups sugar, one cup milk, five eggs beaten stiff, one teaspoon soda and two of cream tartar stirred into four cups sifted flour. After beating all well together add a small cocoanut grated. Line the cake pans with well-buttered paper. Spread over the top a thin frosting sprinkled thickly with cocoanut. NANNIE'S LAYER CAKE Miss Laughlin One-half cup butter, one cup milk, two cups sugar, three cups flour, four eggs, two teaspoons baking powder. Flavor to taste. Put sugar and flour in mixing bowl and stir well. Beat eggs separately, add milk to yolks, add this to flour and stir well. Add butter warmed and beat thoroughly. Now add baking powder, and last cut and fold in the whites of eggs well beaten. FAMILY FRUIT CAKE Mrs, Briggs Three pounds dry flour, one pound sweet butter, one pound sugar, three pounds stoned raisins, two pounds currants, three- quarters pound sweet almonds blanched, one pound citron sliced fine, twelve eggs, one tablespoon each allspice and cinnamon, two tablespoons nutmeg, one teaspoon cloves, one wine glass wine, one- half pint brandy (wine may be omitted, if desired), one coffee cup molasses with spice in it, steep this gently twenty or thirty minutes, not boiling hot ; beat the eggs very light, put fruit in last, stirring it gradually ; also a teaspoon of soda dissolved in a tablespoon of 42 CAKES water. The fruit should be well floured ; if necessary add flour after the fruit is in. Butter a sheet of paper and line the pan, bake three or four hours according to thickness of loaves, in a tolerably hot oven and with steady heat. Let it cool in the oven gradually. Ice when cold. It improves the cake to add three teaspoons baking powder to the flour. This is a fine wedding cake recipe, and can be made smaller by taking one-third of all the ingredients required. WHITE CAKE WITH CAROMEL FILLING Miss Annie Laugfhlin Whites of eight eggs, two cups white sugar, one cup butter, one cup milk, three and one-half cups flour, one-half cup cornstarch, two teaspoons baking powder. Bake in layers. CAROMEL FILLING One and one-half cups cream, one and one-half cups brown sugar, three tablespoons butter, three tablespoons vanilla, two table- spoons flour. Cook until thickens and spread between layers. PICKLES "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers." GRAPE PICKLES-Mrs. Jas. H. Laghlin One gallon grapes, one quart vinegar, one quart sugar, two tablespoons cinnamon, two tablespoons cloves. Free bunches of muscat grapes (of withered grapes) and wash well. Now dip several times into a kettle of boiling water and place in stone jar. Boil sugar and vinegar together with spice which is tied up in thin cloth and pour over grapes hot. Let cool and tie up well. PICKLED GRAPES-Mrs. A. Faught Fill a jar with layers of sugar and nice bunches of grapes, not too ripe; fill one-third full of good cold vinegar and cover tightly. PLUM JAM Mrs. Dwindle To seven pounds of Damson plums, add four pounds sugar, one pint vinegar, one tablespoon ground cloves and one small spoonful whole mace. Put spice in a bag. Boil four hours over slow fire, stirring occasionally. PICKLED GREEN TOMATOES Mrs. James Laughlin One peck green tomatoes, one dozen onions. Slice tomatoes and onions, thin and sprinkle with one pint salt. Let stand over night; next morning drain and cover with vinegar and one-quarter pound of mustard seed and a few sticks of cinnamon. Tie up loosely in cloth, one-half pound mustard, one ounce cloves, one ounce, of ginger. Let all simmer about twenty minutes. TOMATO CATSUP Mrs. Purrington Twenty large ripe tomatoes, six good sized onions, three large green peppers, three tablespoons salt, six tablespoons brown sugar, three teaspoons ground cinnamon, two small teaspoons ground ginger, one-half teaspoon ground cloves, six cups good vinegar. Mash the tomatoes, chop or slice the onions and peppers. Mix all 44 PICKLES in a porcelain kettle and boil till perfectly soft and when cool, rub them through a colander and cook down to a proper consistency, that of catsup, and bottle for use. GREEN TOMATO PRESERVES Mrs. Jeff. Maddux Eight pounds of small green tomatoes (pierce each with a fork) , seven pounds sugar, the juice of four lemons, one ounce of ginger and mace mixed. Heat altogether slowly and boil until fruit is clear. Take from kettle in a perforated skimmer and spread on dishes to cool. Boil syrup till thick, put fruit in jars and pour syrup over hot. Keep in a cool dry place. PICALILLI Mr s. J. H. Faught Two dozen cucumbers, two heads cabbage chopped fine and let stand over night with two cups salt mixed in it. Fifteen long green peppers chopped fine, five dozen small silver onions. Soak peppers and onions well in salt water, drain all thoroughly, two ounces white mustard seed, two ounces celery seed, one ounce timmeric powder, one-half pound mustard dissolved in vinegar, one-half pound brown sugar, cover all with cider vinegar and boil thirty minutes. CHILI SAUCE Mrs. Baldwin Two red peppers, eighteen ripe tomatoes, six large onions, three cups of vinegar, two tablespoons salt, six tablespoons sugar, one tablespoon mustard, one tablespoon cinnamon. Chop tomatoes, onions and peppers fine. Boil one hour; then add vinegar, mustard, salt and sugar. Seal well. HYDEN SAUCE Miss Laughlin One gallon finely chopped cabbage, one-half gallon finely chopped green tomatoes, one quart finely chopped onions, one pint finely chopped green peppers. Remove seeds from green peppers, sprinkle with a tea cup of salt. Let stand about six hours and then bag and hang up to drain. Let hang all night. In morning place on stove two quarts vinegar, two pounds brown sugar, two ounces Tumeric, one tablespoon celery seed, one tablespoon cinnamon, four tablespoons ground mustard. Heat to boiling and add the chopped greens. Set on back of stove and simmer twenty minutes. Set in small jars and cover with grated horseradish. PICKLES 45 ADELE'S PICKLES Miss Laughlin Pick small cucumbers fresh from vine, put in a jar and cover with water, allowing one pint of salt to one gallon of cucumbers. Let soak over night. Next morning place one-half gallon of vinegar on stove, let come to near a boil, put pickles in and let simmer about ten minutes (be sure and not let them boil). At the same time put on the stove in another kettle one-half gallon vinegar (more or less according to how many jars are to be put up). To this vinegar add one pint sugar, one-half teaspoon alum, two tablespoons black pepper, mustard, ginger, cinnamon and mace. Tie spices up in a bag and boil slowly ten minutes. When pickles have simmered long enough pack down in glass jars. Pour over the hot spiced vinegar, put in a good piece of horseradish and five or six cloves to each jar and seal! SPICED CHERRIES -Mrs* R. H. Thomson Eight pounds Queen Anne cherries (stones removed), four pounds sugar, one-half cup vinegar, and two tablespoons cloves, just enough water to moisten sugar. Let them come to a boil, then put in two tablespoons whole cloves tied in a thin cloth. In a few minutes put in the vinegar, then remove the fruit into the jars and let the syrup boil down a little. Pour into the jars and seal. APPLE AND CRANBERRY JELLY Mrs. Thomson Two cups apple juice, one cup cranberry, three cups sugar. When you are tired of making plain apple jelly, this is very pretty and the flavor is excellent. GKO. U. DORNIN, MANAGER PACIFIC DEPT. GEO. W. DORNIN, Assx. MANAGER Springfield pire $ /T\ari9e tl Tke Standard" (Boston} of January 2jth, says: "EXCELLENT SHOWING OF THE SPRINGFIELD F 4. M . The largest fire insurance company chartered by the State of Massachusetts, the Spring- field Fire and Marine, increased its assets during 1899, $132,281, making the total amount, January 1, $4,906,939, and added $88,523 to surplus, giving it a surplus to policy-holders of $8, 185,092. Since organization in 1849, the Springfield has paid $26,316,489 for losses, its policies ranking A No. 1. The growth of the company has not been spasmodic, but rather year by year, each recurring annual statement showing a gain over the previous one. At the close of 1899 the amount at risk reached $282,066,182. Premium receipts for the year were $1,692,182, losses paid, $1,066,240, and dividends to stockholders, $150,000. The Springfield not only is fortunate in its official staff, the members of which work in perfect harmony with President Damon, but also in its ability to attract to itself agents of unquestioned loyalty, who contrib- ute their full share towards upholding the banner of the Springfield and making its continued success assured." "The proof of the pudding is in the eating," is an axiom with all good housekeepers. In like manner, we make claim to the superiority of good insurance companies in the test which years of service, steady accumula- tions of reserve sufficient to meet all emergencies, and honorable dealing with agents and policy holders, present. 1 ^ The record of the National Fire Insur- ance Co. of Hartford, Connecticut, and the Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of Springfield, Mass., in all these respects, is shown in the figures presented in this vol- CONFECTIONERY "Sweets to the Sweet." CREAM CANDY Mrs. Bryant Two coffee cups granulated sugar, one teacup hot water, one large kitchen spoonful of glucose, pinch of cream tartar. Stir on stove until sugar is dissolved, then boil without stirring until it strings or threads fromthe spoon. Pour into platter, flavor with one teaspoon vanilla and let cool for five or ten minutes, them beat until it turns a white creamy mass. UNCOOKED CREAM CANDY Miss Annie Laughlin Put the white of one egg in a glass. In another glass meas- ure the same amount of water.- Beat the egg to a not very stiff froth. Now add the water and beat well. Add confectioner's sugar until it is the consistency of soft dough. Divide into portions; to some add chocolate, to some cocoanut, fruit coloring, chopped nuts; flavoring each of these portions to suit the fancy. Mold these into any desired form, if too dry add a few drops of water. FUDGE Mrs. "Wilkinson One cup brown sugar, one cup white sugar, one cup milk, two heaping tablespoons grated chocolate, piece of butter size of an egg, one cup chopped nuts. Boil all together from twenty to thirty minutes. Test by stirring a small quantity in a cup. Stir the mixture while boiling constantly and also after taking off stove until it is cool. PANOCHE Miss Annie Laughlin One and one-half cups brown sugar, one half cup white sugar, one tablespoon butter, two tablespoons milk; place these ingredients in a granite pan, set over a good fire, and stir constantly for about four minutes after it begins to boil. Test by dropping a bit in cold water; if it gets tough, but not brittle, it is done; stir in one cup of shelled peanuts and pour on buttered plates. 48 CONFECTIONERY MAPLE SUGAR CREAMS Mrs, Bryant . Three cups maple syrup, one large kitchen spoon glucose, a pinch of cream tartar. Boil until it threads from the spoon; Pour on platter and beat until cold. Reheat in double boiler or chafing dish and drop by teaspoonfuls on buttered paper. STUFFED DATES AND FIGS Miss Laughlin Prepare filling of whipped white of egg, stirred thickly with chopped nuts and powdered sugar, a few drops of lemon juice or sherry-brandy gives change to flavor. Stone dates and cut open the figs. Put in a little filling, and press neatly together, sprinkle with powdered sugar. STUFFED DATES Miss Laughlin Chop fine any or several kinds of nuts, moisten them with a few teaspoonfuls of sherry, brandy or orange juice, and sprinkle with confectioner's sugar to make them stick together. Remove stones from dates and press in a little of mixture. Roll in sugar. SALTED ALMONDS Mrs, Bryant Crack and blanch your almonds, then dry with cloth. Have ready a small pan with olive oil heated very hot. Drop in your almonds, a few at a time and brown, stirring all the time. When a good brown, take out and put in colander and sprinkle with salt. If your olive oil is not burnt you can use it again. Breakfast and Luncheon Dishes "Dinner may be pleasant; So may social tea; But yet, methinks the breakfast Is best of all the three." Anon. BAKED EGGS Mrs. Dornin Two cups of cold chopped ham, two tablespoons cracker crumbs, moistened with water. Put in baking pan, making round holes in the mixture; break into each hole one egg, season with pepper, salt, and small pieces of butter. Bake in hot oven until eggs are cooked, and serve hot. CODFISH BALLS Mrs. K. Two cups salt codfish, one quart raw potatoes (six good sized ones), two teaspoons melted butter, two eggs, one saltspoon pepper, salt if needed. Wash fish and pick apart in cold water in one-half inch pieces ; pare raw potatoes and cut into quarters, put potatoes and codfish into boiling water, cook twenty-five minutes, or until they are soft ; drain very dry and shake over the stove ; mash together until you cannot distinguish one from the other ; beat eggs light, mix into fish with pepper and butter ; work together with masher until light. Have fat very hot, make mixture into small balls with floured hands, and cook in wire basket until a rich brown. Drain on brown paper before serving. GERMAN TOAST Miss Laughlin Take stale bread, slice, dip in sweet milk and lay in baking pan. Over this pour four, five or six well beaten eggs, seasoned with salt, pepper and one teaspoonful of cornstarch. Bake a few minutes and serve hot. EGG TOAST Miss Laughlin Slice stale bread and dip in sweet milk ; now dip in well beaten eggs and fry quickly in hot lard. Serve immediately. 5O BREAKFAST AND LUNCHEON DISHES EGGS AND TOMATOES SPANISH M. R. R. (THREE PERSONS) Three tomatoes, three bell peppers, six eggs, one tablespoon butter, little Worcestershire sauce, salt and a little sugar. Take three firm ripe tomatoes, three mild bell peppers ; peel tomatoes and slice, also slice peppers. Put in hot frying pans, the butter, add toma- toes and peppers, also a little salt and a pinch of sugar. When tender, break over this six eggs do not break the yolks. Season with a dash of Worcestershire. SAUTED CHICKEN A LA REGENCE Miss Laughlin Joint young chicken, roll in flour and fry. Remove from fat when done. Stir in two tablespoons flour and dilute with one-half pint stock made from trimmings of chicken or beef, one gill mush- room j uice and one gill cream. When all is smooth, boil up and add half can of chopped mushrooms, and pour over the fried chicken. This is a most delectable dish. MINCED TURKEY WITH POACHED EGGS Mrs. Dornin Take all small pieces of cold turkey, the quantity you wish, add to it some celery chopped very fine, season with pepper and salt. Put a little butter in hot frying pan, put above mixture in and moisten with turkey gravy or soup stock. Drop as many eggs as needed in boiling water, when done have the meat arranged on pieces of buttered toast. Spread meat away from center and put one egg in place on the toast. Cold lamb, chicken or other meats are good fixed this way. CHEESE FONDU Mrs. Wilkinson One-half cup rich cheese grated, one-half tablespoon butter, one cup hot milk, one egg, one salt-spoon salt, one-half salt-spoon pepper, one cup soft bread crumbs. Melt the cheese and butter in the hot milk, add the egg, well beaten, the seasoning and crumbs. Bake in a quick oven until brown. POT ROAST OF LIVER Miss Laughlin Cut two in squares of liver and drop into an iron kettle that has had two tablespoonfuls of lard or drippings in it and made very hot. Stir the liver often and when browned, pour in two pints water, salt, pepper and an onion. Cover and simmer until done. Thicken gravy with cracker crumbs. BREAKFAST AND LUNCHEON DISHES 5! LUNCH DISH Mrs, Porcher One cup chopped cold beef or chicken mixed with one and one- half cups cold rice, two hard boiled eggs chopped fine, little gravy, small piece butter, pepper, and salt, water enough to moisten it. Put in frying pan and stir with fork until light, and then brown. CHICKEN AU SUPREME -Miss Annie Laughlin Cut the chicken as for frying; salt, pepper and flour each piece as it is laid in the spider with hot lard and butter, fry to a light brown, dredge in two tablespoons flour, cover with hot water, simmer slowly until tender. Lift out chicken and finish the sauce with seasoning to taste and half-pint minced mushrooms. Place chicken in deep dish and pour on sauce. GARDEN PEPPERS STUFFED WITH MEAT Mrs, Bryant Take two cups of cold beef, mutton, chicken or veal and chop fine. Mix with equal amount rice (boiled) or breadcrumbs, one chopped onion, salt and pepper. Remove tops and seeds from six bell peppers, then scald and wash. Fill with meat mixture and stand in baking pan, add one-half cup of soup stock or water, two tablespoons of butter and bake in slow oven one hour, basting often. HAMBURG LOAF Mrs. R. H. Thomson Two pounds of Hamburg steak, one quart of bread crumbs, one heaping tablespoon butter, salt and pepper to taste. Put all in a mixing bowl and pour into it boiling water, stirring until it is well mixed and quite moist. Put into a long narrow baking pan and bake three-fourths of an hour; if the loaf is thick give it fifteen minutes more. STUFFED EGGS Miss Laughlin Boil fresh eggs about fifteen minutes, when cold, remove shell, cut in halves. Now mash yolk with silver fork, add salt, pepper, celery, salt and salad dressing. Cream well and fill white cups. BAKED HARD BOILED EGGS-Mrs. Bryant Six hard boiled eggs cut in thin slices. Place in a baking dish with alternate layers of grated cheese, sprinkled with pepper and salt. Cover the top with a layer of bread crumbs dotted with butter, and bake fifteen minutes; brown well and serve hot. 52 BREAKFAST AND LUNCHEON DISHES CHICKEN PIE Two nice tender chickens, one sweetbread, two dozen raw oysters and one onion. Stew the chickens with the onion the latter must be taken out whole. Season with salt, pepper and butter, thicken with flour and add one cupful of sweet cream, then set aside to cool. Stew the sweetbread, and when cold, cut in thin slices. Make a nice puff paste, line your dish and place a cup in center. Next lay the chicken and sweetbread in the dish and strew oysters evenly over them. Cover with upper crust, make a small hole in the center and bake. SPANISH STEW Miss S. E. Polhemus Take a good sized round steak, cut into small pieces and fry with an onion until nicely browned. Dredge with flour and cover with water. Add one quart of ripe tomatoes, salt, small red peppers to suit the taste. Cook this until meat is thoroughly done, at least two hours. LANCASHIRE PIE Miss Laughlin Take cold meat, beef, veal or mutton, chop fine and season as for hash. Take hot mashed potatoes ready for table. Place layer of meat, then potatoes, meat, then potatoes. Potatoes come last. Smooth with knife and place in oven. Bake until brown and serve in same dish. A LUNCH DISH Miss Laughlin Nearly fill a pudding dish with cooked macaroni. Make a hole in center and put in chopped cold roast, mutton or steak which has been seasoned. Pour over all the juice of cooked tomatoes. Cover whole with bread crumbs, over which pour gravy or melted butter. CORN OYSTERS Mrs, Dwindle Grate six ears of corn ; mix with the grated corn one table- spoon of flour, yolks of two eggs, and a little salt. Beat all well together, then fry in the shape of oysters in fresh lard or butter. MEAT SCALLOP Miss Annie Laughlin Cracker crumbs, macaroni, cold meat, gravy or soup stock. Boil macaroni until soft. Take pudding dish, cover bottom first with cracker crumbs, then a layer of meat cut fine and seasoned BREAKFAST AND LUNCHEON DISHES 53 with pepper and salt. Then a layer of macaroni, bits of butter, then a layer of crumbs, meat, etc. , until dish is filled, but crumbs last. Pour over all gravy ; milk would do if no gravy. Bake about three-quarters of an hour. MEAT AND TOMATO (SCALLOPED) Made the same as meat scallop, ripe tomatoes taking the place of macaroni. Season with pepper, salt, butter, and add no gravy or milk. Last layer is to be tomatoes and bread crumbs. Bake in moderate oven. CURRIED EGGS Mrs. Bryant Mix one tablespoon of cornstarch or wheat flour and one tea- spoon of curry powder to a smooth paste with a little cold milk. Pour this into one pint boiling milk, stirring until it thickens. Break an egg carefully in a saucer, slip it into the boiling liquid and let it poach until it sets (about two minutes). Have ready squares of buttered toast, and as the eggs are cooked, lift them out and lay one on each. When all done, pour remaining liquid around them. MEAT POT PIE Cut meat in small pieces, stew in water in which is cup of milk. When tender add one egg and one tablespoonful of butter, salt and pepper. Crust as for pie. POTATOES A LA DUCHESSE Mold out potatoes into cakes, size of biscuits. Glaze with beaten egg and bake to light brown. OYSTER ON TOAST Chop fine fifteen oysters, add salt and pepper and a little nut- meg, one gill cream, one tablespoon flour. Place on buttered toast. CODFISH BROILED Mrs. Dornin Cut pieces of white codfish in halves and soak over night. Change water two or three times in evening and rinse in clear water in morning. Dry on cloth, brush a little butter over each piece and broil. Serve with lemon juice. PRESSED HAM Chop fine cold boiled ham, add a few spoonfuls of hot soup stock and melted butter ; put in mold and press. When cold turn out and slice. 54 BREAKFAST AND LUNCHEON DISHES HAM CROQUETTES Miss Laughlin Chop fine cold cooked ham, one egg to each person. Beat egg, mix with chopped meat, make into balls and fry in butter. HASH ON TOAST Miss Laughlin Chop any cold meat, season and cook the same as hash. Have ready bread nicely toasted and buttered. Place a spoonful of hash on each slice, set in oven a few moments and send to table smoking hot. CHICKEN RICE PIE -Mrs, Porcher lyine a crock with four slices raw bacon ; around sides put cold boiled rice. Fill bottom of dish with boiled chicken and six hard boiled eggs. On top put good rich crust. Bake one hour and a half. Serve hot. EGGS ON TOAST Miss Laughlin Toast as many slices of bread as persons. Take as many eggs. Separate yolks from whites and do not break. Beat whites to stiff froth, place on the buttered toast, make a small hole and drop on yellow and place in oven a few minutes. PAULINE'S RICE PAN CAKES Miss Laughlin Three cups rice, one-balf pint flour, two teaspoons baking powder, one egg, one tablespoon sugar, milk to make batter not too thin. Serve hot with maple syrup. OMELET -Mrs. Briggs Four eggs, salt to taste, two tablespoons cream. Beat the yolks alone to a smooth batter, add cream, salt and pepper, lastly the well beaten whites. Have frying pan very hot, put in a tablespoon of butter which should instantly hiss. Follow it quickly with the mixture and do not stir this after it goes in. Cook over a hot fire and as the egg sets, loosen it from the edge of the pan without breaking, turn half of the omelet over upon itself before turning from pan upon a hot dish. Serve hot. WAFFLES Miss Laughlin Beat well the yolks of three eggs. To this add one and a quarter cups sweet milk, one pint flour, one-half teaspoon salt, one teaspoon baking powder. Sift flour and add the liquid gradually. BREAKFAST AND LUNCHEON DISHES 55 lastly, cut and fold the whites of the eggs beaten stiff. Serve with syrup made as follows: One cup sugar, one-quarter cup water, when thick add one tablespoon lemon juice and one teaspoon butter. Do not boil after adding lemon juice. CORN MEAL WAFFLES Miss Laughlin One quart buttermilk, three egg yolks (well beaten), one tea- spoon soda, dissolved in a little warm water, little salt and corn meal to make batter a little thicker than for pan-cakes. For the Invalid's Tray "Simple diet is best, for many dishes bring many diseases, and rich sauces are worse than even heaping several meats upon each other." Pliny. NOURISHING DRINK Miss Ella Wood One teaspoon dry coffee in one cup milk brought to a boil. Have ready a well beaten egg, add strained milk to the egg, sweeten if desired. CHEESE STRAWS Miss Laughlin Take a pint of flour and one-half pint grated cheese. Mix them and make a paste with lard as you do for pies. Roll out in a thick sheet, cut in strips half an inch broad and five or six inches long, bake a light brown. BEEF BROTH Mrs. Baldwin Trim off all the fat from one pound round steak, add three coffee cups cold water, also salt and pepper and let simmer about one-half hour or until there is a pint of broth. Strain through fine sieve and serve hot. EXTRACT OF BEEF BLOOD Catch in bowl warm beef blood and let stand until it clots, which will not be long. Now take out and lay on a clean and smooth board and cut in narrow strips, tilt board and stand in hot sun. In a short time all watery substance will have run away and that left is dry and will crumble. It must crumble or it is not ready, rub in palm of hand until a fine powder, sift through fine wire sieve, bottle and it will keep for years. This can be taken in plain soup or dry as most acceptable to patient; the strength gained is wonderful. When cutting to dry, cut in as narrow strips as possible. To be given to any person with little strength or vitality. FOR THE INVALID'S TRAY 57 GRAPE JUICE Mrs. Wm. Woolsey Take Zinfandel grapes and run through a cider mill. Put juice in earthen jars, where it stands over night. Next morning pour into preserving kettle only what looks clear, rejecting sediment, which is the sugar that ferments. Put kettle on fire and bring juice to a good boiling point only. Skim if needful. Bottle while hot, straining through a thin cloth. Seal bottles and keep in a dark place. BLACKBERRY CORDIAL Pick over and wash the berries, and drain ; place in double boiler and let them steam, the water boiling well about them for good thirty minutes. Turn them into a jelly bag and hang up to drain ; do not squeeze the bag. To one pint of juice put one-half pound sugar and boil five minutes. When cold add half as much brandy as juice. Bottle and cork tight. MUTTON TOAST Cut in pieces one pound of mutton, the bony part is the best, and put on the stove early, in one quart of cold water. Cook slowly. When the meat is tender, strain the broth through a sieve and set away to cool. After removing the grease that has risen to the top, let the broth come to boiling, and add flour thickening, with a little cream or butter. Meanwhile toast slices of white or brown bread, and dip in hot water to soften. Pour the stew over the bread, adding the pieces of mutton. OAT MEAL BLANC MANGE Stir two heaping tablespoonfuls fine oat meal into a little cold water and then stir in a quart of boiling milk ; boil a few minutes, salt, turn into a mold. When cold, eat with jelly and cream. PURE BEEF JUICE Take good juicy round steak, remove all fat. Place in hot skillet, sear both sides of meat, gash pieces with knife, place on earthen plate, cover with another plate and set in hot oven. Let remain until all juice leaves meat. One tablespoon of this juice is equivalent to one cup of broth. REFRESHING DRINK Cover raspberries with vinegar and soak over night. Drain off or squeeze out the juice, to every pint of which add one pound of sugar. Let it simmer about fifteen minutes; when cool, bottle, and when used as a drink put in as much of it to a glass of water as is palatable to the invalid. COOKING DRIED FRUITS TO MAKE a most delicious conserve of either apples, apricots, pears, peaches, figs or prunes, proceed as follows : Pick over the fruit and wash it thoroughly but quickly. Put it in a dish, earthen is preferable, at about noontime and, covering it generously with water, allow it to soak during that afternoon and night. In the morning take the fruit carefully out into a cooking utensil a granite-ware kettle or saucepan or an earthen crock and pour over it, being careful not to disturb the sediment at the bottom the water in which it was soaked ; then cover the dish tightly and set it either on the back of the range or in a moderate oven, where it will quietly simmer, and let it remain there for eight or ten hours. If you have an unreasoning sweet tooth, and must spoil things with sugar, add that article not more than twenty minutes before removing the cooked fruit from the range, and add it sparingly, since, by this method of cooking, all the natural flavor and sacchar- ine quality of the fruits are preserved, and nearly every one who is privileged to taste them thus prepared readily concedes that they are quite "sufficient unto themselves." Prunes and dried grapes become simply "idealized" under this treatment plump, smooth, juicy and generally delicious, and the sliced or quartered fruits rival the daintiest and richest of preserve, in their amber-hued translucency, as well as in flavor. Verily, if the cooks and housewives would add to their little bills of fares the dried fruits of California, cooked after the fashion herein prescribed, the cry for "more" would be so loud and so unanimous that all the State's broad orchards would be quite inade- quate to supply the demand of even the home market. Fulton P. O., Sonoma County, Cal. GEO. D. DORNIN. TABLE OF WEIGHTS OR MEASURES (SELECTED) WEIGHT I quart of Sifted Flour (well heaped) i pound i " " Unsifted Flour i pound, i ounce 3 coffee cups Sifted Flour (level ) i pound 4 teacups " i " 1 pint Soft Butter (well packed) i " 2 teacups " " i " i^ pints Powdered Sugar i " 2 coffeecups " " (level) i " 2^ teacups " " " i " 1 pint Granulated Sugar (heaped) 14 "ounces \y t cofFeecups " " (level) i pound 2 teacups " " " i " 1 pint Best Brown Sugar 13 ounces i% coffeecups Best Brown Sugar (level) i pound 2^ teacups " " i " 2 tablespoons (well rounded) Powdered Sugar or Flour i ounce 1 " " " Soft Butter I " 3 Sweet Chocolate, grated i " 2 teaspoons (heaping) Flour, Sugar or Meal equal i heaping tablespoon f LIQUIDS i pint contains 16 fluid ounces (4 gills) 1 teacupful equals 8 fluid ounces (2 gills) 4 teaspoonfuls equal i tablespoonful 2 teaspoonfuls equal i dessertspoonful 4 teacupfuls equal i quart A common sized tumbler holds about one-half pint 1849 LARGEST FIRE INSURANCE CO. J ()()() Chartered by the State of Massachusetts INCORPORATED 1849 CHARTER PERPETUAL Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Co. OF SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Annual Statement, January 1st, 1900 CASH CAPITAL 1,500,000 DOLLARS ASSETS i Cash on hand, in Banks and Cash Items $ 135,541 49 Cash in hands of Agents and in course of Trans- mission 362,994 63 Rents and Accrued Interest 48,142 94 Real Estate Unincumbered 126,400 oo Loans on Bond and Mortgage (first lien) 647,800 oo Loans on Collateral Security 39.525 oo Bank Stocks Market Value 589,15500 Railroad Stocks " " 2,391,630 oo Railroad Bonds " 379, 500 oo United States Bonds " " 93.75 oo Miscellaneous Bonds " " 92,500 oo Total Assets $4,906,939 06 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $1,500,000 oo Reserve for Re-insurance ..... 1,476,584 27 Reserve for all unsettled Claims 245,262 45 Net Surplus 1,685,092 34 Losses paid since organization 26,316,489 49 A. W. DAMON, President. CHAS. E. GALACAR, Vice-Pres. F. H. WILLIAMS, Trees SANFORD J. HALL, Secretary. W. J. MACKAY, Asst. Sec'y. Pacific Coast Department, San Francisco, Cal. EO. D. DORNIN, Manager || L GEO. W. DORNIN, Asst. Manager