Af ric. Dent. Main Lib. BIOLOGY r LIBRAHK XI A N l_J A. HISTOLOCf AND BACTERIOLOGI INCLUDING A CONCISE STATEMENT OF THE IMPORTANT FACTS OF MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUE AND URINALYSIS, A LABORATORY COURSE OF SEVENTY PRACTICAL EXERCISES PROVISION FOR NOTES AND DRAWINGS. BY WILLIAM OSBURN, A. M. Professor of Histology, Bacteriology, and Botany, Meharry Medical College. 18W9, PRESS OF THE MARSHALL & BRUCE COMPANY, NASHVILLE, TENN. COPYRIGHT, 1899, BY WILLIAM OSBURN. TWO COPIES RECEIVED. COPY, CONTENTS. PAGE. PREFACE 5 INTRODUCTION 7 PART 1. MICROSCOPY. CHAPTER I. Microscope and Accessories 8 CHAPTER II. Microscopic Technique 16 CHAPTER III. Reagents and Stains 30 PART 2. HISTOLOGY. CHAPTER IV. The Cell 35 CHAPTER V. Tissues and Organs 53 CHAPTER VI. The Blood 55 CHAPTER VII. Epithelial Tissues and Endothelium .. 61 CHAPTER VIII. Connective Tissues 66 CHAPTER IX. Muscular Tissues 75 CHAPTER X. Nervous Tissues and Systems 79 CHAPTER XI. The Circulatory System 92 CHAPTER XII. The Lymphatic System 96 CHAPTER XIII. Membranes and Glands 100 CHAPTER XIV. The Skin . . .... . 106 CHAPTER XV. The Alimentary Canal Ill CHAPTER XVI. The Liver 118 CHAPTER XVII. The Tongue and the Teeth 121 CHAPTER XVIII. The Respiratory System 127 CHAPTER XIX. The Kidney and Urinary Tract 131 CHAPTER XX. The Genital Organs 135 CHAPTER XXL The Eye, Ear, and Nose 141 PART 3. BACTERIOLOGY. CHAPTER XXII. Characteristics and Classification of Bacteria 143 [3] 268471 4 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXIII. Morphology, Kinds, and Products. . 145 CHAPTER XXIV. Size, Numbers, and Distribution. . . 149 CHAPTER XXV. Cultivation and Systematic Study of Bacteria 151 CHAPTER XXVI. Microscopic Technique 156 CHAPTER XXVII. Non-Pathogenic Bacteria 160 CHAPTER XXVIII. Pathogenic Bacteria 164 CHAPTER XXIX. Toxins, Immunity, Germicides, etc. . 170 PART 4. URINALYSIS. CHAPTER XXX. Physical, Chemical, and Microscopic Urinalysis 172 PREFACE. This modest manual has been prepared by the writer for his classes in Histology and Bacteriology. The condensed statement of many important facts of these subjects will be appreciated by those who have a limited amount of time for their study. The absence of diagrams may be a disappointment to some and, at first thought, appear as a disadvantage; but the study of nature is primarily the study of objects, and not of books and diagrams, though these are ad- mitted helps. Its end should be the interpretation of facts and the demonstration of truth, and this is accomplished by going direct to nature, the source of facts and the embodiment of truth. A fact is any reality, and truth is the correspondence between a proposition and a reality a quality rather than an essence, the substantive sug- gested by the adjective true. Not every proposition is true, but every reality in nature embodies a truth. When we prove the agree- ment between a proposition and the real thing at issue we demon- strate the truth. The same thing is accomplished,, and doubt- less a higher discipline attained, when we accurately observe a re- ality of nature and then frame a proposition that truthfully ex- presses that reality. One of the highest acts of the human mind is correctly to observe a fact and accurately state the truth embodied in that fact. A diagram may embody the truth. When a student correctly interprets nature and then prepares a diagram that truth- fully represents that interpretation, he has performed an act of the highest disciplinary and practical value. Nothing will convey to the mind of the teacher a student's conception of a subject so fully as an effort on the part of that student to represent by a diagram that which he observes. It is well, therefore, to encourage students to copy nature rather than the conceptions of others, even though their delineations may at times appear crude. The motto of the teacher should be : " Nothing goes in this laboratory without draw- ings." [5] 6 PREFACE. The provision made for drawings in this manual will greatly facil- itate that work. The foot-notes will indicate what the student is to observe and illustrate, and by lettering the structures drawn, as indicated in the descriptive foot-note, time and labor will be saved. In connection with this work, black-board diagrams, hand-made charts, and lantern projections can be used, that the student may have the clearest possible conception of what the microscope reveals before beginning his task with pencil or pen. A word to the student will not be amiss. The faithful student will not be content to let another do his work. He will be deter- mined to make every demonstration count. He will strive to be ac- curate in his observations and painstaking in his notes and draw- ings. Blots, finger marks and erasures will be studiously avoided. In the laboratory he will keep everything in its place and clean up after each exercise. He will not be satisfied with the statements of one author, but will seek information from every available source. These seem minor things, but they enter into character. Like straws, they show the direction of the current. The writer desires to acknowledge his gratitude to kind friends for encouragement, and especially to Dr. G. W. Hubbard, Dean of Meharry Medical College, and J. H. Holman, M.D. , Instructor in Histology and Bacteriology. He is under obligation to many sources for the materials herein presented, but more especially to the valuable texts of Stirling and Piersol on Histology, and of Mc- Farland and Williams on Bacteriology. The student who would in- vestigate these subjects more thoroughly is advised to secure one or more of these works. The writer is aware that no new facts are herein presented, and is fully conscious of the imperfections and shortcomings of this manual, but hopes that the plan proposed will be of service to some, and with this hope sends it forth to accom- plish its purpose among others of kindred nature. WILLIAM OSBURN. NASHVILLE. TENX., Aug-ust, 1899. INTRODUCTION. The scope of this manual is intended to cover a brief statement of the important facts of Microscopy, Histology, Bacteriology, and Urinalysis. Microscopy, in a liberal sense, is the microscopic study of natural objects. In a more restricted sense, it is the study of the microscope, its structure and manipulation, and of microscopic technique. Histology is that department of Biology which treats of the mi- nute anatomy of plants and animals. Animal Histology deals with the microscopic structure of animals ; Vegetable Histology, with that of plants. Animal Histology consists of two departments name- ly, Normal Histology and Pathology. Normal Histology deals with cells and tissues in their normal, or healthy, state. Pathology deals with these structures as affected by disease. There is an intimate relation between Normal Histology and Pathology. Disease affects the cells, and the student must understand the character of the cells in a condition of health before he can adequately comprehend their pathological condition. Bacteriology is that department of Botany which treats of bac- teria minute, unicellular, chlorophylless fission-plants. Urinalysis is the examination of the urine by physical, chemical, and microscopical tests, by means of which its normal or patholog- ical condition is determined. [7] I. MICROSCOPY. CHAPTEE I. THE MICROSCOPE AND ACCESSORIES. The microscope is a lens or combination of lenses designed to aid the eye in the examination of minute objects. KINDS OF MICROSCOPES. There are two kinds of microscopes, simple and compound. A simple microscope is a single lens (or group of lenses) which is so used that the object to be examined is between the focus and the lens. It produces an erect virtual image. A compound microscope is a combination of lenses, by means of which an inverted image is produced, and this is viewed by the eye, not the real object. STRUCTURE OF THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE. The following parts should be carefully studied, and the use of each part thoroughly understood: The base rests upon the table and supports all the other parts. The pillar is the upright column which supports the arm. The arm is attached to and works upon the pillar by means of the hinge-joint. The reflector is the mirror by which the object to be examined is illuminated. The stage is the platform upon which rests the slide containing the preparation to be studied. Clips are springs attached to the stage to hold the slide in position. The aperture is the circular opening in the stage. The diaphragm is the circular disk which regulates the amount of light required for illumination. The body is the cylindrical attachment supported by the arm. The draw-tube is the tube which moves within the body. [8] THE MICROSCOPE. 9 The nose-piece is attached to the lower end of the body and bears the objectives. The objective is the lens attached to the body or nose-piece. It often consists of several pieces of glass cemented together. The objectives commonly used are the two-thirds, one-sixth, and one-twelfth inch. By a two-thirds inch objective is meant one whose magnifying power is equal to that of a lens whose focal length is two-thirds of an inch. The eye-piece comprises the lenses which fit into the upper end of the draw-tube. It contains a field-glass and eye-glass, each a piano convex lens, with the convex surface downward. The coarse-adjustment consists of the two vertical milled-heads and the rack and pinion. The fine-adjustment is secured by the horizontal milled-head. Laboratory exercise No. 1. Examine a compound microscope and make out each part named above. Make a study of the diagram on page 10. Substage Attachment with. Condenser. Bausch k Lomb Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y. MICROSCOPE, SHOWING PARTS. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y. Parts: A, base; B, pillar; C. arm; D, body; E, nose-piece; F. ojectives; G-, eye-piece; H, draw-tube; I, collar; J, coarse-adjustment; K, milled-heads; L, fine-adjustment; M, stage; N, clips; O, mirror; P, mirror-bar; Q, substage; R, substagebar; S, diaphragm. THE MICROSCOPE. 11 PHYSICAL PRINCIPLES. The image produced by a compound microscope is a magnified inverted real image. Imagine an innumerable number of lines proceeding from the object to be examined in a direction perpen- dicular to the long axis of the objective. These lines represent the rays of light proceeding from all points of the object. As they pass through the objective they are bent, or refracted, and converged to a common point called the principal focus. No image is produced at this focus. The accompanying diagram illustrates how this focus is produced. A B, object; C, lens; F, principal focus. It is at the conjugate foci that the image is formed. There are as many conjugate foci as there are emergent points on the sur- face of the object. They are situated between the principal focus and the eye-piece. Let us suppose an innumerable number of emer- gent rays of light to have proceeded from any point of the object. These rays, striking the lens of the objective upon every point of its surface, are refracted and converged to a point called the conjugate focus. The following diagram will illustrate how the A B, object; O, objective; A and B', conjugate foci; E, eye-piece; A B', in- verted image produced by the objective; A" B" magnified inverted image viewed by the eye. 12 MICROSCOPY. image is formed at the conjugate focus and hew this image is mag- nified by the eye-piece, thus producing the magnified, inverted, real image which is viewed by the eye of the observer. MANIPULATION AND CARE OF A MICROSCOPE. Handling. The microscope should be handled with more than ordinary care. In moying it from place to place it should be caught firmly by the pillar. Reagents of any kind should not be allowed to come in con- tact with it. Alcohol will destroy the lacquer, and acids will pro- duce corrosion of its surface. The hands, therefore, should be kept perfectly clean. Cleansing. The microscope may be cleaned with a linen cloth. Reagents should not be used in cleansing the objectives and eye-piece without the direction of the teacher. To remove balsam from the objective, alcohol or xylol may be used, but should be quickly removed with Japanese paper, a soft paper especially used for cleaning lenses. Obtaining a Focus. To obtain a focus, place the slide upon the stage so that the ob- ject to be examined appears in the center of the aperture; adjust the reflector so as to illuminate the object. Lower the objective by means of the coarse-adjustment until it is below the focal point; then, with the eye at the eye-glass, work upward until the object ap- pears, making the focusing perfect by means of the fine-adjustment. Cautions. To save harm to the eyes in the use of the microscope it is a good plan to keep both eyes open; let the eye be used as though viewing some distant object; there should be no conscious strain to obtain a focus, but let the hand with fine-adjustment aid the eye ; do not use the microscope long at a time, so as to produce an aching sensation in the eye. Allow nothing to touch the lenses, except Japanese paper or soft linen, which may be used in cleaning them. THE MICROSCOPE. 13 ACCESSORIES. The sub-stage. This is an attachment supported beneath the stage and is designed to receive the iris diaphragm, Abbe condenser, .etc. Iris diaphragm. This is supported by the sub-stage and is so constructed that the aperture for admitting light may be regulated by turning a milled-head. Abbe condenser. This is an apparatus containing a lens of very short focus, and is capable of producing intense illumination. It is supported by the sub-stage. Mechanical stage. This is attached to the microscope so as to work above the stage, and is designed to hold the slide and so change its position as to bring every part of the object into the field of view. Camera Lucida. This is an apparatus which is attached to the tube of the microscope, and is designed to assist in making diagrams of the object .studied. Polariscope. Polarization consits in reducing vibrations of light to one plane. This is accomplished by the polariscope, which con- sists of a polarizer and an analyzer. The polarizer consists of a crystal of Iceland spar, which by double refraction separates the or- dinary from the extraordinary ray. The analyzer generally used is a Nicol's prism, which consists of a crystal of Iceland spar split diag- onally and the pieces then cemented together with Canada balsam. The Canada balsam produces the total reflection of the ordinary ray, while the extraordinary ray passes through. The analyzer is used to detect polarized light. Micrometer. There are two kinds ofmicrometers the stage mi- crometer and the eye-piece micrometer. The stage micrometer is a small glass slide, upon which is a graduated scale, the graduations being in millimeters and tenths of a millimeter. It is used in de- termining the magnifying power of the microscope. Laboratory exercise No. 2. To obtain a focus. Place upon the stag-e a prepared slide; adjust the reflector so as to illuminate the object; using- first the low power, by means of the coarse-adjustment lower the objective until it is below the focal point. If the objective be a two-thirds inch, the focal point will be somewhat less than two-thirds of an inch from the object. Now, with the eye at the eye-piece work upward until the object appears in view^ Perfect the focusing- by using- 14 MICEOSCOPY. the fine-adjustment. When using- the microscope it is always a good plan to keep the hand upon the fine-adjustment, using- it constantly to bring- different planes of the object into the field of vision. To determine the magnifying power. Place upon the stage a stage-mi- crometer and focus with both eyes open. The lines upon the microm- eter will also be seen by the eye not in use. Place under the microscope or upon the stage a sheet of white paper. Now, with a pencil mark the apparent, or magnified, distance between two lines. Knowing the real distance, one-tenth of a millimeter, the magnification can readily be determined. For example, should the magnified distance between two lines be thirty millimeters, the real distance being one-tenth of a millimeter, the magnification would therefore be ten times thirty, or 300. Microtome. The microtome is an apparatus employed in cutting microscopic sections of tissues. It is provided with a microtome knife, a knife-carrier, and the milled-head which operates a mechan- ism for regulating the thickness of the sections. The student micro- tome manufactured hy the Bausch & Lomb Optical Company, of Eochester, N. Y., is a most excellent instrument for all ordinary work. Paraffin Bath. This is designed for use in infiltrating and em- bedding tissues in paraffin. The heat should be so regulated as to keep the paraffin as near the melting point as possible. Where gas is available this may be accomplished by means of a thermostat. Cornet Forceps. This is a forceps especially useful in holding cover-glasses when staining preparations of sputum, bacteria, etc. Centrifuge. This apparatus utilizes the centrifugal tendency and is employed to separate substances of different specific gravity. It is provided with two important attachments, the sedimentation tubes and carrier and the haematokrit. The sedimentation tube contains fifteen cubic centimeters and is graduated into 100 equal parts, up to ten cubic centimeters, and above that each cubic centi- meter is graduated into four equal parts for the measurement of re- agents employed. Tty means of these the solid matter in urine, water, etc. may be precipitated and the exact per cent determined. The haematokrit is provided with graduated tubes; each tube is fifty millimeters in length and is divided into 100 equal parts. The diameter of the bore is 0.5 millimeter. These tubes are used in deter- mining the percentage composition of the blood. By revolving the handle of the centrifuge seventy-seven times in a minute the haema- THE MICROSCOPE. 15 tokrit is caused to rotate 5,000 times. This rapid rotation precipitates to the outer end of the tube the red blood corpuscles, which are of the highest specific gravity. Next to these will be arranged the white corpuscles, which are heavier than the plasma, while the plasma fills the remaining portion of the tube. A tube is also provided for sputum, by means of which bacteria may be precipitated, thus in- creasing the accuracy of a microscopic analysis. Slide and Cover-glass. The slide consists of a piece of glass one inch wide and thige inches long, and is used to receive the object to be examined. The cover-glass is a thin piece of glass, rectangular or circular in shape. In cleaning slides and cover-glasses, tissue paper or a linen towel may be used. They should always be seized by their edges, never allowing the fingers to touch the flat surfaces. Student Microtome. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y. NOTE. Nearly all the illustrations of this manual are from electro- types kindly loaned the author by the Bausch & Lomb Optical Company, of Rochester, N. Y. Students and others desiring to purchase micro- scopes and microscopic supplies will find this firm courteous in its deal- ing's. The goods sent out by this house are reasonable in price and first- class in quality. 16 MICROSCOPY. CHAPTER II. MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUE. I. THE HISTORY OF THE SLIDE. The history of a slide from the crude tissue to the finished mount includes the following processes : Fixing, hardening, infiltrating, em- bedding, sectioning, fixation, staining, dehydrating, clearing, mounting, labeling. 1. Fixing. This process consists in so killing the cells as to pre- serve them in their natural form and structure. The reagents com- monly used for this purpose are alcohol, corrosive sublimate, chromic acid, Perenyi's fluid, etc. To fix tissues in absolute alcohol, they should be allowed to remain from one to six hours, according to the character of the specimen. Objects are left in Perenyi's fluid from three to twelve hours and then transferred to seventy per cent al- cohol. Specimens hardened in corrosive sublimate solution should be removed in one to three hours, according to size. To fix tissue in chromic acid requires from a few days to a few weeks. After fixing in the last reagent, the tissue should be thoroughly washed with water and then run through increasing strengths of alcohol in the dark. Picro-sulphuric Acid, Erlicki's Fluid, Muller's Fluid, and Flemming's Solution are also commonly used for this purpose. 2. Hardening. This consists in dehydrating the tissues so as to make them rigid and suited for sectioning with the microtome. For this purpose alcohol is commonly used. The tissue should be run through increasing strengths seventy per cent, eighty per cent, ninety per cent, ninety-five per cent, and absolute alcohol. Objects should not be allowed to remain long in absolute alcohol (from one to five hours), as this renders the tissue brittle and causes it to crum- ble under the knife of the microtome. The objects may remain in the other strengths of alcohol about twenty-four hours for each. 3. Infiltrating. This process consists in removing the hardening agent and filling up the pores of the tissue with an embedding me- MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUE. 17 drum. As soon as the object is removed from absolute alcohol it should be thoroughly dried with blotting paper. If it is desired to embed with paraffin, the specimen should be placed in xylol, chloro- form, turpentine, or cedar oil for at least twelve hours, and then transferred to a solution of paraffin and xylol, allowing it to remain twelve to twenty-four hours. It may now be transferred to melted paraffin, which should be kept as little above the melting point as possible. After remaining until it becomes thoroughly saturated with the paraffin, which usually requires from twelve to twenty- four hours, it may then be embedded. To infiltrate with celloidin, two solutions are necessary, a thin and a thick. The celloidin is dis- solved in equal parts of absolute alcohol and ether. To make the thin solution, use five grams of celloidin in 100 cc. of the mixture. The second solution should have the consistency of thick sirup. The dehydrated tissue is placed in a mixture of equal parts of absolute alcoHol and ether from twelve to forty-eight hours, then in the thin solution for about the same period. It may remain in the thick solution twenty-four hours, or longer if desired. It is then ready for embedding. 4. Embedding in paraffin Embedding L's or paper boxes may be used. To accomplish this process, the following method may be pursued: Place upon a pane of glass a clean piece of paper. Ar- range the embedding L's so as to form a receptacle of the required size. Pour into this a small quantity of melted paraffin. Now ar- range the tissue in the position desired and fill the receptacle with paraffin. As soon as the paraffin becomes sufficiently hardened the embedding L's may be set in a vessel containing ice-cold water. Care should be taken that the water does not run over the top of the paraffin. To Embed with Celloidin. A cork or block of wood which has been soaked in equal parts of absolute alcohol and ether may be used. Place upon the cork or block a small quantity of thick cel- loidin.. Then place in position the piece of tissue and cover it with the celloidin, adding a little at a time, layer after layer as each hardens, until the tissue is completely embedded. The whole may now be transferred to chloroform for one or two hours, and then to seventy-five per cent alcohol, where it may be left indefinitely. 2 18 MICROSCOPY. 5, Sectioning. This consists in cutting thin sections of the ob- ject to be examined. It is accomplished by the use of a razor, or mi- crotome knife, which may be used free-hand or with a microtome. To cut paraffin sections, first pare the block to the right size and then fasten it in the clamp of the microtome. The paraffin should be kept at the right temperature. This may be accomplished by using cold or hot water, applying it with a camelVhair brush, or with the heat of the hand or a flame. The knife should be drawn at a slight angle. If sections curl, they may be placed upon the surface of moderately warm water to flatten them. Curling may be prevented by holding the sections in place with a cameFs-hair brush as they are cut. Celloidin sections are cut in the same way, with the exception that the knife and celloidin block must be kept constantly flooded with seventy-five per cent alcohol. The sections when cut may be removed to a vessel containing seventy-five per cent alcohol, and there kept indefinitely. 6. Fixation. This consists in attaching sections to the slide. Paraffin sections may be affixed with collodion mixture, or with egg- albumen and glycerine. To affix with collodion, make a thin layer with camelVhair brush upon the slide. Then apply the section, flattening it out with finger or brush; now apply the heat of a spirit or Bunsen flame until the paraffin melts, being careful to avoid excessive heating, such as would injure the tissue. To affix with egg-albumen and glycerine, a thin coating is made with a camel's- hair brush, and the section is then transferred to the center of the slide, care being taken to flatten it out with finger or brush. Heat is then applied to coagulate the albumen. To avoid overheating, the slide should be frequently applied to the surface of the hand. When the paraffin becomes thoroughly melted the section is usually properly affixed. If desired to affix celloidin sections, a drop of ether may be ap- plied to each section after placing it in the desired position, or they may be affixed with the collodion and clove-oil mixture in the fol- lowing manner : Apply a thin layer of collodion mixture to center of slide ; when the collodion is dry apply the section, together with the thin piece of paper upon which it has been placed, and press upon MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUE. 19 the whole with a dry blotting paper. The section will now adhere and the paper may be removed. Now cover the section with a thin layer of collodion mixture, and it will be thoroughly affixed. Centering. The process of fixation should also include the cen- tering of the section. This may readily be accomplished by means of a diagram of the slide, which may be drawn upon the under sur- face of the cover of a mailing box. See laboratory exercise No. 3. 7. Staining. This process consists in tinting the structures of the section with certain stains, so as to produce a differentiation of the different elements and render them more readily studied. It de- pends upon the principle that certain structures have an affinity for certain stains, but not for others. For example, a stain that will affect the protoplasm and nucleus may have no effect upon the cell- wall. A stain that will affect certain cells may have no effect upon others. Haematoxylin will stain the leucocytes, but not the red cor- puscles. Eosin will stain the red corpuscles, but not the white. Staining should always be preceded by certain processes so as to prepare the tissue to receive it. First, if a paraffin section is to be stained, the paraffin must be removed. This is accomplished by immersing it in xylol, turpentine, chloroform, or benzole. These reagents dissolve out the paraffin. The xylol, etc., may then be re* moved by applying alcohol. Should an aqueous solution of any stain be used, the section should be washed with water before ap- plying the stain, and followed with the same. If the stain be alco- holic, its application should be preceded and followed by alcohol of the same strength. The different staining methods are given on page 23. 8. Dehydrating. This consists in the removal of water from the specimen, water being generally the enemy of the histologist. It is accomplished by running the section through increasing strengths of alcohol, using first an alcohol of the same strength as the stain- ing solution. The object of this is to prevent the precipitation of the stain, by which the preparation becomes filled with dark granular masses. 9. Clearing. This consists in the removal of the alcohol so as to prepare the sections for balsam and in so clearing up the section as to render it transparent. By closely observing the change in color 20 MICROSCOPY. or by placing the finger nail beneath the section, the student can de- termine whether the process is complete. The reagents commonly used for clearing purposes are creosote, cedar oil, xylol, benzole, clove oil, and aniline oil. 10. Mounting consists in permanently attaching the cover- glass for the protection of the specimen. Balsam and glycerine- jelly are generally used for this purpose. For laboratory work the balsam method will be found the most convenient. Place upon the cover-glass, while holding it between the fingers, a drop of balsam, and then (balsam down) let it fall gently upon the section. After centering the cover-glass, apply gentle pressure by means of a dis- secting needle, so as to force the balsam out to the edges of the glass. Should too much balsam be used, it may be removed (when thor- oughly dried) with a pen-knife. This method will be found more satisfactory than to undertake its removal with cloth or brush by means of xylol. The safest plan is to use just enough balsam, no more, no less. 11, Labeling. Two labels should be used, one on each end of the slide, and they should be so applied that the edges of the labels will be the same distance from the edges of the slide. The left hand label should indicate the number of the preparation, the staining fluid, the mounting medium, the date, and the name of the student. The right hand label should indicate the kind of tissue, the character of the section (whether transverse, longitudinal, vertical, or oblique), the condition of the specimen (whether normal or abnormal), and the animal from which it has been obtained. After labeling, the preparation should be placed in the slide-box in a horizontal posi- tion, with the cover-glass up, and kept in that position until the bal- sam hardens. II. SPECIAL TREATMENT OF TISSUES AND ORGANS. The structures required for microscopic work may be obtained from some animal, such as the cat, rabbit, or guinea pig. Should a cat be used, it may be killed by placing it under an inverted bowl (resting upon a heavy sheet of paper upon a table or floor), and then inserting a sponge saturated with chloroform. In twenty minutes the animal will be dead and ready for injection. Injecting. To inject the animal, the following process may be MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUE. 21 pursued: Sever the costal cartilages on each side of the sternum; lift up the sternum and bend it forward so as to expose the heart. Make a slit into the right auricle to allow the escape of the blood. Snip off the end of the heart and slit open the left ventricle- Insert the canula of the injecting syringe into the aorta, carefully tying the same upon the end of the canula. Now, having filled the syringe with normal saline solution at body temperature and having filled the canula with the same, using pipette, attach the two, and with a gentle pressure force the liquid through the system until the ar- teries and veins have been thoroughly relieved of blood. Eepeat the same process, using Carter's Carmine Mass. By observing the lips and other structures it can be determined when the circulatory sys- tem is filled with the injecting fluid. ISTow, make a ligature around the aorta, just beyond the canula, and the syringe can be removed. In fifteen minutes the tissues can be cut up into small blocks (these blocks should be in the form of cubes or rectangles from 1 cc. to 2 cc. in size), and placed in the fixing fluids. Epithelium. For purposes of study epithelium may be obtained from the casts of a frog or newt, from the scrapings of the human lip, from the throat of a frog, and the scrapings of the trachea of a pig. This material may be readily obtained by macerating the ob- ject in weak alcohol. Keep the specimens in eighty per cent al- cohol, and use when required. Cartilage. Fix in absolute alcohol; harden with increasing strengths of alcohol, and embed in paraffin. Stain with carmine. Mucous Tissue. Fix small pieces of the umbilical cord with ab- solute alcohol, harden with alcohol, embed in celloidin, and stain with hsematoxylin. Bones and Teeth. Fix in ninety-five per cent alcohol three days; decalcify in a saturated aqueous solution of picric acid or in a ten per cent solution of nitric acid. This process will require from five to ten days. When the bone or tooth is thoroughly softened, trans- fer to ninety-five per cent alcohol, changing in three days to fresh alcohol. Embed in celloidin. Specimens embedded in paraffin should not be overheated. Muscle. Fix in absolute alcohol; harden with increasing strengths of alcohol ; embed in paraffin ; stain with lithium carmine. 22 MICROSCOPY. The muscle of a salamander will be found excellent for demonstrat- ing the structure of the fibers. Brain and Spinal Cord. Fix and harden in Muller's fluid or Erlicki's fluid, two weeks for the former and fifteen days for the latter. Wash thoroughly in water before embedding, which may be done in paraffin. Heart. Fix in absolute alcohol; harden with alcohols; embed in paraffin; stain with haematoxylin. Blood Vessels. Fix and harden with alcohol; embed in paraffin or celloidin; and stain with lithium carmine or haematoxylin and eosin. Lymphatic Glands. Fix and harden 1 with alcohol ; embed in cel- loidin ; and stain with haematoxylin and eosin. Skin. Fix and harden with alcohol; embed in paraffin; and stain with haematoxylin and eosin. The Spleen. Fix and harden with alcohol; embed in paraffin; stain with haematoxylin and eosin. (Esophagus. Fix with corrosive subliniate or Perenyi's fluid; harden with alcohol ; embed in paraffin ; and stain with haematoxy- lin and eosin. Stomach. Fix with corrosive sublimate; harden with alcohol; embed with paraffin or celloidin ; stain with haematoxylin. Intestine. Fix with corrosive sublimate; harden with alcohol; embed in celloidin ; stain with hgematoxylin and eosin. Tongue. Fix with absolute alcohol ; harden with alcohols ; embed in paraffin : and stain with haematoxylin and eosin. Trachea. After filling the trachea and lungs with a two-tenths per cent solution of chromic acid, suspend them in a large volume of the same for two days ; then cut into small pieces and place in two- tenths per cent of chromic acid for two or three weeks ; wash thor- oughly with water; embed in celloidin; and stain with haematoxylin. Lungs. These may be treated as the trachea; embed in par- affin or celloidin; and stain with lithium carmine or haematoxylin and eosin. Liver. Fix with corrosive sublimate, one per cent solution, twen- ty-four hours; harden with alcohol; embed in paraffin: and stain with hsematoxvlin and eosin. MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUE. 23 Kidney. Fix and harden with alcohol; embed with paraffin; and stain with haematoxylin and eosin. Ovary. Fix and harden with alcohol; embed in paraffin; and stain with haematoxylin and eosin. The Fallopian tube may be treated in the same way. Uterus. Fix and harden with alcohol; embed in paraffin; and stain with haematoxylin and eosin. Testis. Fix with corrosive sublimate, and harden with alcohol; embed in paraffin ; and stain with lithium carmine. Eye. Cut across the eye so as to partly divide it into an anterior and posterior half; suspend in 150 cc. of chromic acid (0.25 per cent) for twenty-four hours; sever the halves and renew the fluid; after several days' wash in water, and harden in alcohol in the dark ; embed in paraffin ; and stain with haematoxylin and eosin. Pancreas. Fix with Flemming's solution, twenty-four hours; harden with alcohol ; stain with lithium carmine ; embedding may be done in paraffin. III. STAINING METHODS. Sections to be stained may be fresh specimens or those that have been cut from embedded tissue. They may be free that is, unat- tached to the slide, or affixed. The following schemes for staining are intended to be sufficiently comprehensive to include all of these conditions : No, 1. METHOD FOR STAINING FRESH VEGETABLE SECTIONS. ( 1 ) Apply section to slide and add rosanilin violet, one to five min- utes. (2) Wash in water to remove excess of stain. (3) Dry with blotting paper and add glycerine to dehydrate. (4) Remove excess of glycerine and add glycerine again to thor- oughly dehydrate. (5) Wipe off excess of glycerine and add xylol twice. (6) Apply to cover-glass a drop or two of xylol-balsam, and, hav- ing wiped off the excess of xylol from the slide, drop it gently (bal- sam down) upon the section. Then apply gentle pressure with dis- secting needle to spread out the balsam. 24: MICROSCOPY. (7) Label and keep in a horizontal position until the balsam is hardened. Vegetable Sections. To stain paraffin or celloidin sections of plant structures, the methods are practically the same as those given below for animal objects. Methods for Animal Sections. No. 2. CARMINE METHOD FOR FREE SECTIONS. (1) Apply section to slide and wash with thirty-five per cent al- cohol. (2) Add lithium carmine sufficient to cover section., one to five minutes. (3) If necessary, remove excess of stain with acid alcohol, five to ten seconds. (4) Dehydrate with increasing strengths of alcohol thirty-five per cent, seventy-five per cent, ninety-five per cent, and absolute. (5) Wipe off excess of alcohol, and when section is partly dry add creosote to clear up, five to ten minutes. (6) Wipe off excess of creosote and mount with balsam. (7) Center cover-glass and apply pressure to spread out the bal- sam. (8) Label and lay aside in horizontal position, cover-glass up, until the balsam hardens. No. 3. CARMINE METHOD WITH AFFIXED PARAFFIN SECTIONS. (1) Apply to the center of the slide a thin layer of collodion- clove-oil mixture. (2) Center and attach the section, applying the heat of a spirit or Bunsen flame. (3) Immerse in xylol two minutes and in turpentine ten min- utes to remove paraffin. Sections immersed in turpentine alone should remain twenty minutes. (4) Wash with alcohol, decreasing strengths, using thirty-five per cent alcohol last. MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUE. 25 (5) Apply lithium carmine, one to ten minutes. (6) Remove excess of stain with acid alcohol. (7) Dehydrate with alcohol, increasing strengths. (8) Dry and clear up with creosote, five to ten minutes. (9) Wipe off excess of creosote and mount in balsam. (10) Center cover-glass. (11) Label and lay aside in horizontal position until balsam hardens. No. 4. CARMINE METHOD FOR AFFIXED CELLOIDIN SECTIONS. (1) Center section and affix with collodion mixture. (2) Stain with lithium carmine, one to five minutes. (3) Remove excess of stain with acid alcohol, five to ten seconds. (4) Apply seventy per cent alcohol. (5) Apply eighty per cent alcohol. (6) Apply ninety-five per cent alcohol a few seconds. (7) Clear up with creosote. (8) Remove excess of creosote with blotting paper. (9) Mount with balsam and center cover-glass. (10) Label and lay aside in a horizontal position. No. 5. H^IMATOXYLIN METHOD FOR FREE SECTIONS. (1) With section on slide, apply alcohol of the same strength as staining solution. , (2) Stain with diluted ha3matoxylin, one to ten minutes. (3) Remove excess of stain with thirty-five per cent alcohol. (4) Dehydrate with alcohols, increasing strengths. (5) Clear up with creosote or cedar oil. (6) Center section and apply balsam and cover-glass. (7) Center cover-glass. (8) Label and lay aside in horizontal position until balsam hardens. No. 6. KffiMATOXYLIN METHOD FOR AFFIXED PARAF- FIN SECTIONS. (1) Apply to slide a thin layer of egg-albumen and glycerine. 26 MICROSCOPY. (2) Center section and flatten it by gently touching with end of finger. (3) Apply heat of flame until paraffin melts (sections that have been flattened upon water should be heated much longer than others). (4) Eemove paraffin with xylol or turpentine. (5) Eemove xylol, etc., with alcohol, decreasing strengths. (6) Stain with diluted haematoxylin, one to ten minutes. (7) Remove excess of stain with thirty-five per cent alcohol. (8) Dehydrate with alcohol. (9) Clear up with creosote, five to ten minutes. (10) Wipe off excess of creosote and mount with balsam. (11) Center cover-glass. (12) Label and keep in horizontal position until balsam hardens. No. 7. HJEMATOXYLIN METHOD FOE AFFIXED CELLOIDIN SECTIONS, (1) Center section and affix with collodion mixture. (2) Stain with diluted hgematoxylin, one to ten minutes. (3) Remove excess of stain with acid alcohol. (4) Apply seventy per cent alcohol. (5) Apply eighty per cent alcohol. (6) Apply ninety-five per cent alcohol a few seconds. (7) Clear up with creosote, five to ten minutes. (8) Remove excess of creosote with blotting paper. (9) Mount with balsam and center cover-glass. (10) Label and lay aside in a horizontal position until balsam is hardened. No. 8. KEMATOXYLIN-EOSIN METHOD. ( 1 ) If desired, affix section to slide with egg-albumen and glyc- erine or collodion and clove-oil. (2) If a paraffin section, remove paraffin with xylol or turpen- tine or both; remove xylol, etc., with alcohol. (3) Apply thirty-five per cent alcohol. (4) Stain with diluted hsematoxylin, one to five minutes. (5) Apply thirty-five per cent alcohol to remove excess of stain. MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUE. 27 (6) Stain with alcoholic eosin about five minutes. (?') Apply ninety-five per cent alcohol to remove excess of stain and dehydrate. (8) Clear up with creosote. (9) Eemove excess of creosote and mount with balsam. (10) Center cover-glass and label. (11) Lay aside in horizontal position until balsam hardens. Staining Unicellular Organisms. It is often desirable to examine material without staining. This is accomplished by placing upon the glass slip a drop of the ma- terial to be examined and applying cover-glass. A hair placed un- der the cover-glass will prevent the object from being crushed and allow of free motion in the case of living organisms. Should it be desired to stain such preparations, two methods may be pursued, irrigation and cover-glass staining. No. 9. IRRIGATION AND STAINING MICRO-ORGANISMS. (1) Place upon the slide a drop of material to be studied. (2) Apply cover-glass. (3) At the edge of the cover-glass, by means of a pipette, place a drop or two of the reagent or stain. (4) By means of a triangular piece of blotting paper applied at the opposite edge of the cover-glass, absorb the moisture from the preparation, thus drawing under the stain. No. 10. COVER-GLASS PREPARATIONS. (1) Make a thin spread of the substance to be examined upon a sterilized cover-glass. (2) Using a Cornet forceps, dry the preparation by holding it between the fingers above a flame. (3) When dry pass the cover-glass three times through a flame, keeping the preparation up. (4) Apply stain. (5) Wash in distilled water by dipping the cover-glass in the water two or three times. (6) Examine as a water mount or, if desired, dry and mount in balsam. 28 MICROSCOPY. (7) Label and lay aside in a horizontal position until balsam hardens. Note. The above method may be used for all simple staining. Special methods, however, are often used, and they will be given as required. Laboratory Exercise No. 3. Centering and labeling. Upon the under side of your box-cover make an outline of a slide. The pencil should have a needle point. Connect opposite angles and place over the inter- section of the lines a cover-glass. Be sure that the center of the cover- glass coincides with the center of the diagram. Now, carefully make an outline of the cover-glass. This outline may be used for centering both the sections and the cover-glass. Make a drawing of this outline on page 29, also a drawing of a slide with labels and cover-glass in situ. Fill in the forms of labels in second diagram, using the following data: A transverse section of the muscle of a normal cat was stained with lithium carmine and mounted in balsam on October 1, 1891, by John Smith. Drawings. For this work the student should provide himself with a No. 5 or a No. 6 H Faber pencil, a small rule or triangle and a sheet of thin blotting paper. The pencil should be kept sharpened to a needle point. The majority of students will say: I cannot draw. An honest and faithful effort will often produce gratifying results. Let every line mean something. Be scrupulously neat in all your work. Remem- ber that this work will furnish a better exhibit of character and abil- ity than any other task of the laboratory. Abbreviations. The following abbreviations are employed in this text: Transverse section T. S. Longitudinal section L. S. Vertical section V. S. Low power L. P. High power H. P. Cubic centimeter c. c. Micro-millimeter /z. Millimeter mm. Gram g. MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUE. Diagram of Slide and Cover Glass. Diagram for centering: (a) Slide; (b) Cover Glass; (c) Center. Labels in situ. Labeling: (a) Label properly filled out for reagents, etc. ; (b) Label descriptive of section. 30 MICROSCOPY. CHAPTEE III. REAGENTS AND STAINS. In preparing the following reagents it is well to remember that the weight of a cubic centimeter of water is one gram, and that a liter contains 1,000 cubic centimeters. The formulae that are given are those most commonly used and are briefly stated : NORMAL FLUIDS. Distilled water. A supply of distilled water should be constantly at hand for the preparation of the reagents and stains. Normal saline. This is prepared by dissolving one part, by weight, of sodium chloride in 150 parts of distilled water. MACERATING FLUIDS, Dilute alcohol. This may be prepared by mixing one part of ninety-live per cent alcohol with two parts of distilled water. Other fluids used for this purpose are solutions of potassium bi-chromate, two per cent, and caustic potash, twenty-five per cent. DECALCIFYING FLUIDS. Picric acid. Make a saturated aqueous solution of picric acid. This is an excellent fluid for decalcifying bones, serving at the same time as a staining reagent. Crystals should be added from time to time, so that some undissolved crystals will always remain in the bottom of the vessel. Nitric acid. Use a ten per cent volumetric solution in water. Decalcification occurs in five to ten days. FIXING REAGENTS. Absolute alcohol. Specimens should remain in this reagent from one to six hours, according to size. Perenyi's fluid Nitric acid (ten per cent) 40 cc. Chromic acid (0.5 per cent) 30 cc. Alcohol . . . 30 cc. REAGENTS AND STAINS. 31 A good reagent for embryos and adult tissues. Time, three to twelve hours ; dehydrate with alcohol. Erlicki's fluid Potassium bi-chromate 2.5 grams. Cupric sulphate 0.5 grams. Water 100 cc. A good reagent for general use, for embryos and nervous tissues. Time, ten to fifteen days ; dehydrate with alcohol. Corrosive sublimate Aqueous Solution Corrosive sublimate 1 gram. Water 95 cc. Alcoholic Solution Corrosive sublimate 1 gram. Alcohol (ninety-five per cent) ...... .99 cc. Used for general purposes, and specially for alimentary tract. Time, twenty-four hours, hardening in alcohol, to which a few crystals of iodine have been added. Chromic acid. Use a 0.5 per cent solution, dehydrating with alcohol in the dark. Muller's fluid- Potassium bi-chromate 25 grams. Sodium sulphate 10 grams. Water 1,000 cc. Pulverize the solids before adding water, and use a piece of cam- phor in the solution to prevent the formation of fungi. Good for general use and especially valuable for central nervous system. Re- quires from two to six weeks. Wash in water for several days, and dehydrate with alcohol. Flemming's fluid Chromic acid (one per cent solution) ... .46 cc. Osmic acid (two per cent solution) ...... 12 cc. Glacial acetic acid.. . 3 cc. 32 MICROSCOPY. Especially valuable for delicate tissue. Time, two to twenty-four hours ; dehydrate with alcohol. HARDENING REAGENTS. Muller's fluid, corrosive sublimate solution, chromic acid, and others of the reagents named above may be used for hardening pur- poses. For general use, alcohol will be found invaluable. The tis- sue should be passed through increasing strengths of alcohol, seven- ty per cent, eighty per cent, ninety per cent, ninety-five per cent, and absolute. It should be allowed to remain twenty-four hours in each, except that one to six hours will suffice for absolute alcohol. Ethyl alcohol should be used, or, in lieu of this, methyl alcohol makes a good substitute. To prepare absolute alcohol, dehydrated copper sulphate may be added to the ethyl or methyl alcohol. This will ab- sorb the water present. EMBEDDING MEDIA. Paraffin and celloidin are extensively used for embedding tissue. The process for each has been fully explained in the chapter on " Microscopic Technique." FIXATIVES. Collodion and clove oil mixture. Mix one part of collodion with three parts of clove-oil. Egg-albumen and glycerine. Filter the whites of several eggs and add to the filtrate an equal volume of glycerine. To the mix- ture add a few drops of carbolic acid or a small piece of thymol to prevent putrefaction. PARAFFIN SOLVENTS. Xylol, turpentine, chloroform, and benzole are commonly used to remove paraffin from sections. A good plan is to immerse the slide containing the section for a few moments in xylol, and then transfer to turpentine for ten minutes. STAINING SOLUTIONS. The following staining preparations are those most frequently used, and will be found adequate to the work required by this text. Should others be needed, the formulae can be obtained from more advanced works. REAGENTS AND STAINS. 33 Hanstem's rosanilin violet Methyl violet 1 gram. Fuchsia 1 gram. Distilled water 100 cc. Note. This is a valuable stain for vegetable sections. It should be diluted for use as desired. Lithium carmine Carmine 2.5 grams. Lithium carbonate (saturated solu- tion) 100 cc. The carmine should be dissolved in cold solution. Sections stain rapidly, and should be decolorized with acid alcohol. Dalafield's haematoxylin 1. Hasmatoxylin 1 gram. 2. Absolute alcohol 6 cc. 3. Ammonia alum (saturated sol.)... 100 cc. 4. Glycerine 25 cc. 5. Methyl alcohol 25 cc. Process. Dissolve (1) in (2) ; add this solution to (3) ; expose to air and light for a week; filter and add (4) and (5) ; allow it to stand for a long time exposed to air and light. Eosin Alcoholic Eosin for Sections. Make a saturated alcoholic solu- tion. This is used as a ground stain in connection with haematoxy- lin; also as a blood stain. Magenta for hlood, etc. Magenta . 1 gram. Alcohol (eighty-five per cent) 50 cc. Water 150 cc. Glycerine 200 cc. Methylene blue for hlood Make a saturated aqueous solution. 34 MICROSCOPY. Carter's carmine mass for injecting Carmine 3 grams. Strong ammonia 6 cc. Glacial acetic acid 6 cc. Coignet's French gelatin 7 grams. Water 80 cc. Process. " Place the finely cut gelatin in 50 cc. of water for five hours ; dissolve the carmine in a mortar with a little water, and add the ammonia; let stand for two hours and then pour into a bottle, rinsing the mortar with the remainder of water; place the gelatin and water on a water-bath until the gelatin melts. To the carmine fluid add the acetic acid, a few drops at a time (rinsing mortar thor- oughly) until the fluid becomes crimson. To the melted gelatin add the crimson carmine, little by little, with continual stirring. Keep in a cool place with surface covered with methylated spirit. When wanted for use, dissolve on water-bath and filter through flannel wrung out of hot water." (Fearnley's Method.) CLEARING AGENTS. Those commonly used are cedar oil, creosote, clove-oil, xylol, and aniline oil. Clove-oil cannot be used with celloidin sections. MOUNTING MEDIA. Glycerine jelly and Canada balsam are commonly used for mount- ing purposes. For the laboratory balsam will be found a satisfactory medium. Should xylol be used for clearing, the balsam should be dissolved in xylol. Chloroform balsam may be used in sections cleared with chloroform. For the formulae of reagents and stains required for work in bac- teriology and urinalysis, the reader is referred to the chapters in which is discussed the micro-technique of these subjects. NORMAL HISTOLOGY. 35 PART II. NORMAL HISTOLOGY. This brief discussion of the facts and principles of normal histol- ogy is applied chiefly to animal structures, with special reference to the human body. The animal body is composed of organs. Organs are constituted of tissues, and tissues consist of cells and intercellu- lar substances. The histologist has to do chiefly with cells. There- lore, a thorough knowledge of the nature, structure, and functions of the cell is necessary to an adequate comprehension of this sub- ject. CHAPTEE IV. THE CELL. The cell is a mass of protoplasm containing a nucleus and gen- erally enclosed in a thin membrane called the cell-wall. The nu cleus is believed always to be present, though there are some in- stances in which no nucleus has yet been discovered. The cell-wall is not an essential part, and is often absent ; example, leucocytes and amcebaB. Miller's Paraffin Bath.. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y. NORMAL HISTOLOGY. OUTLINE OF THE CELL. Structure f Cell wall. Protoplasm Centrospheres. Nucleus j Vacuoles ! / f C h r o m a t o - Nucleolus. Chromatin. Water vacuoles. Food vacuoles. Chloroplasts. Cell contents... - phores ....... < Leucoplasts. salts. I Chromoplasts. Volatile oils. Alkaloids. Ferments. Kinds of cells.. | Sr Support. Reservoirs of nutriment. Cell multiplica- Functions - - < Free cell forma- tion. [ Karyokinesis. Asexual { ' Normal fission. Budding 1 . Free cell forma- tion. Reproduction of individuals. . . -j 1 Sexual Rejuvenescence Spore forma- tion. 1 Conjugation. Parthenogen- ,,.,,. ( Anabolism. , Metabolism . . . . | Katabolism . esis. Fertilization. THE CELL. 37 STRUCTURE OF THE CELL. The parts of a cell are the cell-wall, protoplasm, controspheres, nucleus, and vacuoles. (1) The cell- wall. This is the thin membrane inclosing the protoplasm. With animals, the cell-wall consists of protein; with plants, it is composed of cellulose. Protein is a compound possess- ing the same elements as starch, but with nitrogen added. Cellu- lose, C 6 H 10 O 6 , is an isomeric form of starch, having the same com- position, but differing from it in being homogeneous in structure, not granular, and in being less easily dissolved and less readily con- verted into dextrin. (2) Protoplasm, This is the living substance of the cell, the or- ganic basis of life. It contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, and sometimes phosphorus, iron, and other elements. No chemical formula can be given for its composition, but it consists of unstable, constantly changing molecules. When dead, its chem- ical nature is changed, and it consists of protein, f carbo-hydrates, water, and mineral salts. Of these, protein alone possesses nitrogen. Living protoplasm is irritable, unstable, deoxidizing ; has the power to eliminate carbon di-oxide, and can reproduce itself, and, by as- similation, manufacture the innumerable products characteristic of plants and animals. The protoplasm of adjacent cells is sometimes connected by delicate threads, which pass through their walls. Protoplasm is a viscid, transparent substance resembling egg-al- bumen. It is never completely fluid. It is not homogeneous, but somewhat complicated in structure. It consists of two parts, the cytoplasm and the nucleoplasm. The cytoplasm constitutes the bulk of the protoplasm in the cell. It consists of an outer, dense film, the ectoplasm, and an inner, semi-liquid portion, the ento* plasm, containing a fibrous sponge-work holding in its threads the microsomes, centrosplieres, and nucleus. Microsomes are minute spherical masses supposed to contain nutrition for the growing cell, but their real functions are not well understood. The neucleoplasm enters into the structure of the nucleus and nucleolus. (3) The centrospheres. --These are minute bodies associated with the nucleus and scarcely larger than the microsomes. Each centrosphere consists of an outer, hyaline film of cytoplasm, within 38 NORMAL HISTOLOGY. which is a fibrous sponge-work containing a dense body, the centro- some. The centrosphere multiplies by division, and thus initiates the complicated processes by which one cell develops into two. (4) The nucleus. This is the larger, rounded, dense portion of protoplasm. Its protoplasm is styled nucleoplasm. Its structure is similar to that of the cytoplasm, consisting of an outer, dense ecto- sarc and an inner sponge- work containing one or more nucleoli and the chromatin, a substance very susceptible to stains. The nucleus and centrospheres constitute the centers of vitality, the sources of growth and vital phenomena. (5) The valcuole. This is the cell cavity and contains a watery fluid or food masses for the nourishment of the cell. There may be several vacuoles in a cell. In very young cells there is no vacuole, the protoplasm filling the entire space. Old cells lose their proto- plasm and may be empty or filled with the products of assimilation. With plant cells the cytoplasm often forms a layer within the cell-wall, called the primordial-utricle. CELL CONTENTS. Besides the structures above named, the cell contains the chromat- ophores, starch, mineral salts, proteids, fat, volatile oils, alkaloids, ferments, and pigments. (1) The chromatophores are the color bearers. Among plants there are three kinds the chloroplasts, leucoplasts, and chromo- plasts. The chloroplasts contain the green coloring matter, called chlorophyl. Some animals contain chlorophyl, as, for example, the Green Euglaena. Chlorophyl has the power to decompose carbon- di-oxide. Its chemical composition is unknown. It is soluble in alcohol. The chromoplasts are the proteid products which contain the coloring matter that gives the color to flowers and fruits. The leucoplasts, or amyloplasts, are corpuscles which engage in the manufacture of starch granules. They are found in portions of a plant removed from light. (2) Starch, C 6 H 10 O 5 , is found in the cell and is produced within the chloroplasts by the union of carbon (obtained from C0 2 ) and water. Reaction : C0 2 =C+20 6C + 5ff 2 0=C 6 H 10 5 THE CELL. 39 This process is carried forward under the influence of sunlight. Thus the plant stores up the energy of the sunbeam in complex molecules to be utilized by man and other animals. Other carbo-hydrates often occurring in a cell are dextrin, glu- cose, cane sugar, etc. (3) Mineral salts. These often occur in a cell in crystalline form. Crystals in plant cells are called raphides. (4) Proteids. These occur in plant cells as crystalloids and aleurone grains. Crystalloids are protoplasmic bodies, crystalline in form, but not in character. Aleurone grains are proteid granules generally associated with crystalloids. (5) Fat occurs in the cell as globules. It contains the same ele- ments as starch, but the hydrogen and oxygen are not in the pro- portion of water. It serves as a reserve food supply. (6) The volatile oils, such as turpentine, bergamot, and asa- fetida, occur especially in plant cells, and give to plants their per- fumes. (7) The alkaloids are organic bases bearing nitrogen. The solid alkaloids contain oxygen, whereas those that are liquid and volatile do not. When reacting with acids they form soluble salts. They furnish many powerful poisons and useful medicines, and are char- acteristic of plants. (8) The ferments are nitrogenous compounds which have the power to bring about important chemical changes in organic sub- stances. KINDS OF CELLS. The important kinds of plant cells are parenchymatous and prosenchymatous cells, traclieids, and vessels. Some of the varieties of animal cells are leucocytes, epithelial cells, cartilage cells, bone corpuscles, marrow cells, lymphoid cells, etc. FUNCTIONS OF CELLS. The cell is the laboratory of the body in which are manufactured all those complex products which enter into its structure. The processes by which these products are elaborated are andbolism (building up) and Jcatabolism (breaking down). The two proc- 40 NORMAL HISTOLOGY. esses together constitute metabolism, the former being constructive metabolism and the latter destructive metabolism. The cell, by the rigidity of its walls or its contents, gives support to the structures of the body. The cell often serves as a reservoir for the products of assimila- tion. The cell is the agent by which new cells are formed and by which the plant or animal is reproduced. The method by which new cells are formed is a process of divi- sion. There are four forms of cell division viz., normal fission, budding, free cell formation, and karyokinesis. Normal fission is the simple division of a cell in which the proto- plasm divides and a partition is formed between the two halves. Sometimes it takes place by a constriction of the cell-wall. Budding. This consists in the formation of a rounded projec- tion, or bud, on the wall of the parent cell. This bud develops to normal size, becomes cut off by a partition, and generally separates from the original cells ; example, yeast. Free cell formation takes place when the protoplasm of the cell separates into one or more distinct masses, each mass forming for itself a cell-wall. The new cells are finally set free by the bursting of the wall of the parent cell. Karyokinesis. This is a form of fission in which the cell under- goes a cycle of changes, eventually producing two cells from one. It is more common among animals than plants. For the study of karyokinesis the growing- tips of onions and the larvae of salamanders may be used. The cells may be fixed with Flem- ming's solution or chromic acid. Stain by the usual methods. The different stages through which the cell passes in karyoki- nesis are : "Resting nucleus, the skein, the rosette, the aster, the di- aster, daughter rosettes, daughter skeins, and daughter nuclei. REPRODUCTION. Plants and animals reproduce asexually and sexually. (1) Asexual reproduction. This method is usually accom- plished by the individual cell, and there are, therefore, no distinc- tions of sex, the new cells formed being exactly like the parent cell. THE CELL. 41 Often spores are formed which differ from the parent cell, but the spores are evidently asexual, neither being produced by sexual or- gans nor presenting sexual characteristics. The varieties of asexual reproduction are the following : (a) Normal fission, in which a unicellular animal simply divides into two ; example, bacteria and amoeba?. (6) Budding. In this the unicellular organism produces a bud wlncl. eventually becomes cut off, forming a new individual; ex- ample, yeast. (c) By endospores.In this method new cells are formed with in a large cell; example, lichens. (d) Rejuvenescence. By this process the protoplasm assumes a rounded mass, escapes from the cell-wall, and forms for itself a new cell-wall; examples, spirogyras and diatoms. (e) Spore-reproduction. The spore is a modified cell, whose function is to perpetuate and reproduce the species. Spores are generally formed in a spore case, or sporangium. The structural elements of the spore are the exosporium,, or outer coat; endospo- rium, or inner coat ; and the protoplasm. . . (2) Sexual reproduction. This occurs when one or two sexual cells engage to reproduce a plant or animal. Among plants the sexual elements are the spermatazoids and the oospheres. The sexual elements of animals are the spermatazoa and the ova. The varieties of sexual reproduction are conjugation, parthenogenesis, and fertilization. (a) Conjugation. This consists in the union of two like cells. In some cases the protoplasm of one cell is discharged into that of another, the resulting cell being called a zygospore, or auxospore; example, Spirogyra. It may occur, also, by the union of the proto- plasm of two distinct cells which have previously discarded their cell-walls. In this method the cells are structurally the same, but as the process is analagous to that of the sexual method that is, cytoplasm fusing with cytoplasm, and nucleus with nucleus, it is considered by the best authorities as sexual in character ; examples, diatoms and animalcules. (#) Parthenogenesis. This occurs when one sex alone pro- duces a new individual. A single sexual cell may be concerned or 42 NORMAL HISTOLOGY. two cells of the same sex. It is illustrated among aphides and cer- tain of the humbler lepidoptera. (c) Fertilization. This occurs when two sexual cells unite to produce a new individual. It is a process common to higher plants and animals. It is evident, therefore, that each individual plant or animal has its origin in a single cell, and that its organism is developed by a process of cell-multiplication. For example, by the fusion of the sexual elements the primordial cell of the animal body is formed. This cell divides by a process of karyokinesis and forms two cells. Each of these divides, similarly, forming four cells; the four like- wise produce eight ; and the eight produce sixteen. This gives what is called the morula, or mulberry stage. By rearrangement of these cells in the form of a pouch there is formed the gastrula, the cells disposing themselves in two layers. From these layers is produced a middle layer, thus forming the blastoderm, consisting of three distinct layers, epiblast mesoblast, and hypoblast. From these layers, by cell-multiplication, growth and differentiation, all the structures of the body are produced. Laboratory exercise No. 4.. The structure of a cell. Peel from the outer surface of a scale of an onion bulb a piece of the epidermis. Ap- ply to a slide and stain for a few moments with rosanilin violet. Wash with water, apply cover-glass, and examine. Observe first the form of the cells and their relative positions, then the structure of each cell. Make out the cell-wall, the nucleus with its nucleolus, and the gran- ular protoplasm surrounding it. Do you observe any vacuoles? Make a drawing of several cells, exhibiting the structures above named. Laboratory exercise No. 5. To demonstrate protoplasm and cellulose. Make a preparation similar to the above and apply a drop of iodine solution. Examine. The protoplasm will be stained brown, but the cell-wall is not stained. Now remove cover-glass and apply a small drop of sulphuric acid. This changes the cellulose into soluble dex- trin, which is attacked by the iodine and turned blue or black. This is the iodine test for starch. Look for crystals of iodine and for the Brownian movement among the molecular particles. THE BROWNIAN MOVEMENT. This is a molecular movement purely physical in character. It occurs amoiur bacteria and may be mistaken for independent mo- tion due to vitality. THE CELL. 43 A STUDY OF CELLS. In the following studies it is designed to illustrate the different forms of cells and the methods of cell-multiplication. Types are presented which are believed to have a special bearing on the work of the histologist. Yeast, Protococcus, and Spirogyra have been selected to illustrate plants, and the Amoeba, Green Euglaena, and Slipper Animalcule, to illustrate animals. STUDY OF THE YEAST PLANT. The Yeast Plant is a unicellular, chlorophylless saprophyte, which reproduces by budding and ascospores. Classification: Kingdom Vegetable. Series Cryptogamia. Sub-kingdom Thallophyta. Class Fungi. Sub-class Ascomycetes. Life History and Morphology. The Yeast Plant, Saccharomyces cervisice, is the common species used by brewers and bakers. It con- sists of cells, round or oval in outline. Each plant, or cell, is called a torula; when the cell produces spores the term gonidia, or asco- spores, is applied to them, while the term ascus is applied to the cell. The cell-wall is transparent and composed of cellulose. The protoplasm contains one or more clear spots (vacuoles), and is be- lieved to contain a nucleus. Multiplication occurs by budding. A spherical projection, or papilla, is produced on the wall of the parent cell, which forms for itself a cell-wall, and, eventually, by a parti- tion, becomes separated and assumes an independent existence. Be- fore separation occurs, however, owing to rapid growth, the daugh- ter cells often throw out buds, thus forming a colony or chain. Ee- production also occurs by the formation of endospores. The proto- plasm of the parent cell divides into four masses, each of which forms a new cell-wall. These are called ascospores and have the power to perpetuate the plant under unfavorable conditions. By the dissolution of the wall of the parent cell the ascospores are set free and, under favorable conditions, reproduce the plant. In size, the yeast plant ranges from T(T Vir to *iW inc ^ * n diame- 44 NORMAL HISTOLOGY. ter. In form, the torula is spherical or ovoidal. It has the power to produce fermentation, thus changing sugar into alcohol and C0 2 . C 6 H 12 6 =2C 2 H 5 OH + 2C0 2 . Some of the sugar breaks up into glycerine and succinic acid Yeast contains no chlorophyl, and, therefore,, has not the power to de- compose C0 2 . The elements necessary to form its protoplasm, cel- lulose, fat, etc., are carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. These are ob- tained chiefly from complex substances, which are broken up by its action, and their elements appropriated to form the new com- pounds required for its growth and reproduction. Saccharomyces cervisice is used in making bread, the 00^ formed permeating the dough and making it spongy. Several species are used in making beer and other fermented liquors, different flavors being produced by different species. Laboratory exercise No. 6. Teast. Place in a test tube, half filled -with water, a small portion of a cake of Fleischman's yeast, and let stand for a few hours in a warm place. Place a drop of the liquid upon the slide; cover and examine with H. P. Look for single cells; then for a large cell with a small one attached; the small cell is a bud. Find a group of cells; this is a colony. Look also for a chain. Irrigate with magenta, and search for protoplasm and a nucleus. Upon the freshly cut surface of a potato sow some yeast cells. In a day or so examine some of the growth and search for ascospores. They will appear as rounded masses within the larger cells. Make drawings to illustrate a single cell, a colony, a chain, buds, and ascospores. PROTOCOCCTJS. Protococcus is a unicellular, chlorophyl-bearing plant which re- produces by normal fission and by endospores. Classification : Kingdom Vegetable. Series Cryptogamia. Sub-kingdom Thallophy ta . Class Algaa. Sub-class. Chlorophyceae. Order Protocaccales. Family Protococcaceae. Genus Protococcus. Species Protococcus vulgaris. Protococcus pluvialis. Protococcus nivalis. THE CELL. 45 Life History and Morphology. Protococcus vulgaris, Green Pro- tococcus, is a spherical organism ranging in size from 1-10,000 to 1-350 of an inch in diameter. It consists of a cell-wall (cellulose), protoplasm, nucleus, and nucleolus. Within the cell the protoplasm is in green-colored masses containing chlorophyl. These are the cliromato'phores, or ehloroplasts. Multiplication takes place by fis- sion. The protoplasm divides first; then a partition is formed be- tween the two portions, and the cells thus formed separate. Often, however, before the new cells separate, one or both may again divide, thus forming groups of three or four cells; these also may be subject to fission, so that groups of six, eight, etc., may occur, the number generally being some multiple of two. There are two states of protococcus: The quiescent, just described; and the motile form, which is ovoidal in shape and is provided with two ftagella which, by their contraction, give to the cell a whirling mo- tion. This state of protococcus is called a zoospore. In course of time the zoospore loses its flagella and becomes a quiescent cell. Protococcus pluvialis is found in the gutters of houses, and dif- fers from the foregoing in possessing a small amount of red pig- ment. It, also, reproduces by endospores. The protoplasm of the resting cell divides into four portions or into many portions, in the former case producing megazoospores, and in the latter, microzo- ospores. These are set free by the bursting of the wall of the parent cell. Protococcus nivalis is the so-called red snow of Arctic regions. Habitat. Protococcus vulgaris is found on brick, rocks, fences, houses, and the bark of trees. Laboratory exercise No. 7. Protococcus. From the north side of a tree or fence obtain some bark or wood containing' a coating' of green Protoccecus. Moisten and place under a bell jar or in a Petri dish for twenty-four hours in a warm place. When the cells have begun to vege- tate, apply the surface of a cover-glass. Some of the cells will adhere. Add a small drop of water if necessary, and examine with H. P. Ob- serve the shape, color, and size of the cells. Find a single cell; then one with a partition showing normal fission. Find also a triplet and groups of four, eight, etc. Search now for motile forms. These are the zoospores. Irrigate your preparation with acetic acid, and discover, if possible, a nucleus. Make drawings illustrating a single cell, doublets, triplets, and groups of four or more; also zoospores. 46 NORMAL HISTOLOGY. SPIROGYRA. Spirogyra is a unicellular, chlorophyl-bearing plant which repro- duces by normal fission and by conjugation. Classification : Kingdom Vegetable. Series Cryptogamia. Sub-kingdom Thallophyta. Class Algas. Sub-class Chlorophyceae. Order Conjugatales. Family Zygnemacese. Genus Spirogyra. Species Spirogyra nitida. Spirogyra maxima. Life History and Morphology. Spirogyra maxima, commonly called Brook Silk, consists of a cylindrical cell, longer than broad. The cells, placed end to end, are united into long filaments by a gelatinous secretion. They contain chlorophyl bodies arranged in spiral form, hence the generic name. These are the cliromato- phores, or chloroplasts. A nucleus is always present, but not easily seen. Fission occurs by the normal method and may take place in any cell of a filament. Eeproduction also takes place by conjuga- tion i. e., two adjacent cells of filaments lying near, or in contact with each other, unite by the protoplasm of one being discharged into that of the other. This is accomplished by tubular projections being thrown out from each cell, which meet and form a passageway be- tween the cells. In this case the cells are alike and distinction of sex has not yet been discovered. The new cell produced by the conju- gation is called a zygospore. The encysted zygospore becomes em- bedded in the mud and preserves the life of the plant through the winter. If develops into a new plant by the protrusion of the in- ner coat through the broken outer coat, when fission takes place, and a filament is produced by the vegetative process. By some, spirogyra is supposed to illustrate sexual reproduction, the conjugating cells being the gametes and producing by their union the zygospores. The sexual character of the cells may yet be proven, for there may be THE CELL. 47 sexual differences (physiological at least) of which we are yet ig- norant. The chromatophores often contain bright spots, called pyrenoids, and are instrumental in producing starch, which, as minute granules, occurs surrounding the pyrenoids. The cell ex- hibits cell-wall, primordial-utricle, protoplasm, nucleus, chromato- phores, starch grains, pyrenoids, and chlorophyl. Habitat. Spirogyra may be found in ponds and slow-running creeks, and is widely distributed. It is somewhat smooth and slimy to the touch. Laboratory exercise No. 8. Obtain from some pond or brook a quan- tity of Sphogyra, placing it in a large jar with water. Examine with H. P., observing the filaments composed of cells attached end to end. Make a study of a single cell. Observe the spiral arrangement of the chloropiusts. Use the 1-12-inch objective and search for the pyrenoids and starch granules. Find cells in the process of fission. This is to be observed where the cells are much shorter than normal size. Irrigate with a drop of acetic acid, and search for a nucleus. Make drawings to illustrate filaments and a single cell containing nucleus, chloroplasts, and cell-wall. A STUDY OF ANIMAL CELLS. AMCEBA. The Amoeba is a unicellular animal devoid of a cell-wall, having the power to produce pseudopodia, and reproducing by normal .fis- sion. Classification: Kingdom Animal. Series Protozoa. Sub-kingdom Protozoa. Class Monera. Order Amoebea. Genus Amoeba. Species Amceba proteus. Life History and Morphology. The Amoeba is an animal which appropriates food without a mouth, digests without a stoimich, breathes without lungs, and has sensation without a nervous sys- tem. It is simply a mass of protoplasm consisting of cytoplasm and 48 NORMAL HISTOLOGY. nucleoplasm. The C3^toplasm consists of two layers, the ectoplasm, or dense, outer hyaline layer, and the endoplasm, or inner layer, containing the microsomes. The nucleoplasm constitutes the nu- cleus and contains masses of chromatin, which is very susceptible to staining reagents. The animal has the power to throw out protrusions, or pseudo- podia, from its body. A bulb is formed on the surface of the cyto- plasm, and then all the protoplasm flows in this direction until, often, the whole animal has passed into the pseudopodium. In the meantime,, other pseudopodia are produced. The movement exhib- ited by the leucocytes of the blood is similar to this and is called the amoeboid movement. Food is obtained by flowing around it. There nre two kinds of vacuoles, food vacuoles and water vacuoles. The contractile vesicle serves the function of excretion. The Amoeba reproduces by normal fission that is, the nucleus and protoplasm divide into two masses, without undergoing any process of mitosis. There are two stages of this animal, the active stage, just described, and the encysted, or quiescent, state. When the animal is placed under unfavorable conditions it contracts into a sphere, forms an enclosing tough membrane, and in this condition may be wafted by the air from place to place. Under favorable conditions the proto- plasm breaks through the enclosing wall, and the animal again en- ters the active stage. Habitat. The Amoeba may be found in ponds or brooks upon submerged leaves and stems, or in the ooze which collects at the bottom. To obtain material for laboratory use, collect some grass and leaves from the side of a stream, also some submerged plants and ooze from the bottom of a pond or stream, and place in glass jars for five or six weeks. At the end of this period amoebas should be obtained in numbers. Laboratory exercise No. 9. Amccbce. From the infusion, prepared as directed, carefully pick out a submerged leaf, and apply some of the ooze upon its surface to a slide. Cover and examine with L. P. and H. P. Observe the ectoplasm, endbplasm, and nucleus. Make out the vacuoles and contractile vesicles. Observe the formation of pseudopodia. Make drawing's to illustrate protoplasm, nucleus, pseu- dopodia, and encysted stage. THE CELL. 49 THE SLIPPER ANIMALCULE. The Slipper Animalcule may be found in hay infusion. It is a unicellular animal, provided with a cell-wall, and reproduces by normal fission. Classification: Kingdom Animal. Series Protozoa. Sub-kingdom Protozoa. Class Infusoria. Order Ciliata. Genus Paramoecium. Species Paramcecium candalum. Life History and Morphology. The Slipper Animalcule is a sin- gle cell provided with cell-wall, protoplasm, a double nucleus (macro-nucleus and micro-nucleus), two contractile vesicles, and food and water vacuoles. It receives its food through a mouth. Leading to the mouth is an cesophagus which terminates near the middle of the body surface in a depression called the vestibule. This depression, as well as the whole surface of the cell, is provided with cilia. The cilia are minute, hair-like, protoplasmic projections which by their rapid motion enable the animal to move from place to place. Excretion is accomplished by means of an anal spot. This is not a permanent opening, but a thin place in the cell-wall through which the excretions are forced by means of the contractile vesicles. Reproduction occurs by normal fission, and is accomplished by the division of the nucleus and protoplasm into two halves and the con- striction of the cell-wall. Laboratory exercise No. 10. Slipper Animalcule. Examine some of the scum which forms on the surface of hay infusion. Examine with the high power, and, having- found a specimen of the animalcule in a quiet condition, observe the following structures: Cell- wall, cilia, vesti- bule, oesophagus, mouth, protoplasm, double nucleus, food masses, the water vacuoles, and the contractile vesicles. Make a drawing to illus- trate the structures thus named. 4 50 NORMAL HISTOLOGY. GREEN EUGL^INA, Green Euglsena is a unicellular animal which possesses chloro- phyl, secures its motion by means of flagella, and reproduces b^ normal fission. Classification: Kingdom Animal. 1 Series Protozoa. Sub-kingdom Protozoa. Class Infusoria, Order Flagellata. Genus Euglsena. Species Euglcena viridis. Life History and Morphology. Euglwna viridis is an interesting animal because of the fact that its cell- wall is composed of cellulose and because it possesses chlorophyl. The cell is fusiform in shape, and is provided with cell-wall, mouth,, flagellum (extending from an anterior depression), an eye spot of red pigment situated near the mouth,, and protoplasm, chloroplasts, and nucleus. It has a rotary motion. Fission takes places in a longitudinal direction in- stead o'f transversely, as with the Slipper Animalcule. Habitat. The Green Euglsena may be found in damp soil, in sewerage, and upon the surface of stagnant water. Laboratory exercise No. 11. Green Euglaena. Obtain some Green Euglsena, preferably from the surface of water. Examine with the high power. Make out carefully the structures mentioned above. Do you find any evidences of cilia? In what two respects does Euglaena re- semble a plant? What is your conclusion as to its nature? Drawings. VEGETABLE CELLS. Onion Cell. B. Yeast. A. Onion cell : (a) Cell-wall : (b) Cytoplasm ; (c) Primordial utricle ; (d) Nu- cleus; (e) Nucleolus; (f) Vacuoles. B. Yeast plant: (a) Single cell; (b) Cell wall; (c) Protoplasm; (d) Buds; (e) Colony ; (f) Chain ; (g) Ascospores. A. Protococcus. B. Spirogyra. A. Protococcus: (a) Single cell; (b) Cell wall; (c) Chloroplasts ; (d) Cell di- vision; (e) Groups of three, four, six, etc.; (f) Zoospores; (g) Flagella. B. Spirogyra: (a) Single cell; (b) Cell wall; (c) Spiral of chloroplasts ; (d) Nucleus; (e) Pyrenoids; (f) Starch granules ; (g) Cell division ; (h) Conjugation. [51] ANIMAL CELLS. Amoeba. Amoeba: (a) Active stage; (b) Cytoplasm; (c) Nucleus; (d) Pseudopodia ; (e) Food vacuoles; (f) Water vacuoles; (g) Contractile vesicle ; (h) Microsomes; (i) Normal fission ; (j) Encysted stage. A. Slipper Animalcule. B. Green Euglsena. A. Slipper Animalcule: (a) Cell-wall; (b) Cilia; (d) Vestibule; (e) CEsophagus; (f) Mouth; (g) Protoplasm; (h) Macronucleus; (i) Micronucleus; (j) Food masses; (g) Vacuoles; (h) Contractile vesicles; (i) Normal fission. B. Green Euglaena: (a) Cell-wall; (b) Chloroplasts ; (c) Mouth; (f) Eye-spot; (g) Flagellum. [52] NORMAL HISTOLOGY. 53 CHAPTEE Y. TISSUES AND ORGANS. A tissue consists of intercellular substance and an aggregation of cells of common origin which usually exhibit a common form, struc- ture, and function. The intercellular substance may be very slight in quantity (merely a delicate layer of cement between the cells, as in epithelial tissue), or it may make up the bulk of the tissue, as illus- trated in the calcareous deposit of osseous tissue. It is deposited by the cells and is usually formed by their agency. In some tissues the cells vary in form; for example, in epithelial tissue, the newly- formed cells are almost spherical and are rich in protoplasm, while the old cells are merely flattened scales devoid of protoplasm. In osseous and nervous tissues the young cells may be spherical or oval, while the older cells are provided with protoplasmic processes. An organ is a single tissue which exhibits a special function or a group of tissues so associated as to accomplish some .definite pur- pose in the plant-or animal economy. It is often the case that an organ may serve several purposes; as, for example, the tongue, which aids in mastication, deglutition, and articulation, and is an organ of taste and secretion. There is usually, however, one function which is preeminent. In the structure of an organ it is not the rule that all its tissues are derived from the same source. The tissues of the stomach, for example, are derived from the epiderm, mesoderm, and hypoderm. As has been suggested in the preceding chapter, all the organs and tissues of the animal body are derived from a single cell. This cell is produced by the fusion of a sperm nucleus with a germ nucleus. From this primordial cell, by a process of segmentation, there is produced, first, the morula; then the gastrula, with its two layers epiblast and hypoblast. From these layers is de- rived a third layer, the mesoblast. We now have the blastoderm, consisting of three distinct layers of cells epiblast, mesoblast, and hypoblast. From these layers are produced the primitive layers of the embryo epiderm from the epiblast, mesoderm from the meso- 54: TISSUES AND ORGANS. blast, and hypoderm from the hypoblast. From these primitive tis- sues are derived all the structures of the body. From the epiderm are developed the nervous system, the epithe- lium, covering the surface of the body, the enamel, the nails, the hair, the organs of special sense, and all glands except those which open into the alimentary tract from the oesophagus downward. From the mesoderm are derived the blood, blood-vessels, all the connective tissues (cartilage, bones, tendons, etc.), the muscles, the dentine, and cementum. From the hypoderm are developed the epithelial lining of the alimentary canal and the glands opening into it. Tissues may be classified into four groups : (1) Epithelial tissues, (2) Connective tissues, (3) Muscular tissues, (4) Nervous tissues. The organs of the body are constituted of these tissues. For ex- ample, the tongue consists of epithelial, muscular, connective, and nervous tissues. In the following studies tissues and organs are treated in the order considered most convenient for practical work. The first structure to be considered is the blood. MEMORANDA. NORMAL HISTOLOGY. 55 CHAPTER VI. THE BLOOD. The blood is a tissue of mesodermic origin. It consists of cells, called corpuscles, and an intercellular substance the plasma, or liquor sanguinis. The following outline will exhibit its composi- tion as well as its structural elements : OUTLINE OF THE BLOOD. Corpus- cles . . Colored Color- j ...1 Nucleated and bi-convex (amphibia, etc.). Non-nucleated and bi-concave (mammalia). ( Platelets. f Lymphocytes. T Polynuclear elements. I Leucocytes j Eosinophilous leucocytes. [ Phagocytes. Fibrinogen. Plasma. Serum. f Fibrin-ferment.. Serum-globulin. Serum-albumin. Serosity Water. .Fibrin. Mineral salts. . . NaCl. Na 2 CO 3 . Na 3 P0 4 . Ca 3 (P0 4 ) 2 . Mg 3 (P0 4 ) 2 . Sulphates. The corpuscles are the cellular elements of the blood. In man the red corpuscles, being devoid of protoplasm, are not alive, but the leucocytes exist in the blood as so many distinct amoeboid ani- mals. They can produce pseudopodia, and have the power of re- producing themselves by normal fission and karyokinesis. The red 56 NORMAL HISTOLOGY. corpuscles occupy about fifty per cent of the volume of the blood in man,, thirty-five per cent in woman. The volume of the white corpuscles is about two per cent. Colored corpuscles, In the blood of man these are usually styled red discs ; as seen on edge, they appear to bulge at the ex- tremities and have concave centers. They are devoid of cell-wall, and on account of their flexibility are capable of crowding through very narrow spaces. In the fish, salamander, reptile, and. bird the red corpuscle is nucleated and bi-convex. Among mammals, including man, it is bi-eoncave and non-nucleated. Under the microscope the color ap- pears jrellowish. The red corpuscles are smooth and flexible. Their color is due to the Ji&maglobin, which is suspended in the pores of the stroma, or ground substance, of the corpuscle. The haBmaglobin contains iron, which has a strong affinity for oxygen, forming with that element oxyk&maglobin, which gives to the blood its bright red tinge. The dark color of the venous blood is due, therefore, to the haBmaglobin. The chief function of the red corpuscles is to serve as a carrier of oxygen. When exposed to the air the red discs arrange themselves in rows or stacks, which is called the formation of rouleaux. Water will remove the haemaglobin. Sirup causes the corpuscles to shrivel. Normal saline produces crenation, due to the fact that the salt has an affinity for the stroma and produces con- tractions upon the surface by exosmosis. The red corpuscles are manufactured in the liver, spleen, and red marrow of the bone. When first formed they are nucleated, but afterwards lose their nuclei by mitosis. The size of the red disc in man is ^Vir of an inch, or about 7.5 p. It would require 40,000 of them to cover the head of a pin. There are about 350 colored discs to one leucocyte. Colorless corpuscles. The white corpuscles consist of the pla- telets and leucocytes. The platelets are colorless elements, about TTJVfr ^ an mc ^ m diameter. They are sometimes very abundant. In man the leucocytes are spherical in shape, nucleated, and larger than the platelets and red disks. They are alive and ex- hibit the amoeboid movement, throwing out pseudopodia, by means of which they move from place to place. There are four impor- THE BLOOD. 57 tant varieties. The lymphocytes are the mono-nucleur elements, and may be large or small, according as the nucleus more or less than half fills up the space of the cell. The polynucleur leucocytes pos- sess more than one nucleus, sometimes four or five nuclei. The eosinophilous leucocytes are those which take the eosin stain. They do not act as scavengers in the system. The phagocytes comprise all leucocytes which are not stained by eosin, or about seventy-five per cent. They serve as scavengers in the body, removing fat and for- eign substances from the blood and attacking and destroying ob- noxious microbes. The leucocytes also assist in the process of anab- olism, migrating through the stigmata of the capillaries to build up worn-out tissues and going to the relief of diseased structures. Leu- cocytes have no cell-wall. The plasma is the liquid part of the blood and consists of the fibrinogen and the serum. The fibrinogen is a proteid compound \\hich under the stimulus of the fibrin-ferment forms the fibrin. The fibrin is formed when the blood is exposed to air, heat, etc., solidifying in slender fibres which collect in their meshes the cor- puscles, forming a clot. This process is known as coagulation. The liquid which oozes from the clot is the serum. The serum contains the fibrin-ferm.ent, the serum-globulin, the serum-albumen, and the serosity. The first three of these are proteids and contain nutritive material for the growing cells. The serosity consists of the water and the mineral salts. The mineral salts commonly found in the blood are sodium carbonate, sodium chlorid, sodium phosphate, mag- nesium phosphate, calcium phosphate, and a small amount of sul- phates. The microscopic study of the blood is an important aid in de- termining the condition and relative number of its structural ele- ments and the presence of invading parasites. The serum of the blood is believed to be germicidal, but under abnormal conditions it becomes infested with certain species of bacteria. A species of Vermes, Distoma Hwmatobium, and a protozoan, Plasmodium malariw, are two important animal parasites which infest the blood. Plasmodium malariae. This parasite is considered by some au- thorities to be a plant; by others it is placed (with other organisms) in a separate kingdom, called Protista. The view here adopted (that 58 NORMAL HISTOLOGY. it is an animal) is the one generally accepted. This organism at- tacks the red corpuscles, destroying the haemaglobin. It may be stained with methylene-blue, aqueous or alcoholic solution, and can be detected as a minute body, irregular in shape, filling about one- fourth of the corpuscle. Its life history includes five distinct stages : (1) The spore; (2) the protoplasmic, or fission, stage; (3) the amoeboid form; (4) the plasmodium, consisting of several amoeboid forms united; (5) the encysted stage, containing a cell- wall within which the cell contents break up into spores. This cycle of changes through which the organism passes accounts for the fact that per- sons afflicted with malaria experience a recurrence of the symptoms at stated intervals. Laboratory exercise No. 12. Corpuscles., rouleaux, and fibrils of fibrin. Clean a slide and cover-glass. This step should precede nearly all the exercises that follow. Wrap the ring finger with a kerchief from the base to the first joint. Apply a few drops of alcohol to cleanse the exposed surface, and then, with a lance or sterilized needle, with a quick motion puncture the skin just above the root of the nail. Wipe off the first drop of blood, and to the next apply the surface of a cover- glass. Place this upon a slide, blood down. Now examine with H. P., observing first the red corpuscles, which will be found to be collecting by their flat surfaces into rows, called rouleaux. Examine one of the discs on edge, then in profile. With fine adjustment focus up and down. Why does the center of the disc appear alternately dark and light? Examine now the platelets and leucocytes. They may be found in the clear spaces between the red discs, and, as they adhere to the glass, do not float about in the serum. Lay aside this preparation until the next period and examine for the fibrils of fibrin, which will appear as deli- cate threads beneath the cover-glass. Crenation and Amoeboid Movement. Make a second preparation by the method above described. Add to the blood a small drop of normal saline. Examine and observe the crenated appearance of the colored discs. This is due to exosmosis. Gently warm the slide and look for the amoeboid movement of the leucocytes. To observe this may re- quire that the slide be kept warm for a considerable period. Acetic acid brings into view the nuclei of leucocytes. Water removes the ha?maglobin from red corpuscles, while sirup causes the disc to shrivel. Laboratory exercise No. 13. Preparation of a blood slide. Secure a drop of blood by the method described, and apply a clean cover-glass. To this apply a second cover-glass, and with gentle pressure spread out the blood. Then, with a quick motion, keeping the cover-glasses paral- lel, draw them apart so as to leave a thin film of blood on each. Select the best preparation, lay it upon a piece of writing paper, blood up, and THE BLOOD. 59 hold it over a flame, being careful not to ignite the paper, until the film turns brown. The blood is now properly affixed, and may be stained by the following method: No. XL Scheme for Staining Blood Preparations. (1) Make a cover-glass preparation and affix by the method given above. (2) Using Cornet forceps, stain with alcoholic or glycerine eosin, thirty minutes to one hour. (3) Wash off eosin by dipping cover-glass vertically into distilled water one or two times. (4) Apply Delafield's haematoxylin fifteen minutes. (5) Wash in water, dry with gentle heat, and mount in balsam. (6) Label and study. Observe that the colored discs are stained red by the eosin, while the nuclei of the leucocytes are stained blue by the haematoxylin. Find sev- eral lymphocytes and compare the sizes of their nuclei. Study the poly- nuclear elements. How many nuclei do you find? Make drawings to represent the red corpuscles on edge and in profile, rouleaux, crenation, fibrils of fibrin, lymphocytes, and polynuclear elements. Laboratory exercise No. 14. Staining for Plasmodium malariae. (1) Make a cover glass preparation from a malarial patient by the usual method. (2) Stain with alcoholic methylene blue, fifteen minutes. (3) Wash in water and examine. (4) Dry, mount and label, if a good specimen. Search for the organism in the red corpuscles, also in the plasma. It has no definite form, but may be semi-lunar, spindle-shaped, spher- ical, etc. It can be recognized by its color, the discs not taking the blue stain. Laboratory exercise No. 15. Counting the Uood corpuscles. Probably the most satisfactory device for counting the corpuscles is by means of the centrifuge. Pursue the following method: Attach to the graduated blood tube a piece of rubber tubing. Having secured a large drop of blood, fill the graduated tube by gentle suction, and then place it in the ha3matokrit, making the bearings secure. Revolve the handle of the centrifuge seventy-seven times in one minute. This will give 5,000 rota- tions of the haematokrit, resulting in the precipitation of the red cor- puscles to the outer end of the tube, the leucocytes being arranged next, and the plasma filling the other end. If the red corpuscles fill half the tube, standing at the graduation marked " fifty," it indicates that there are 5,000,000 corpuscles in a cubic millimeter of the blood; if it stands at the mark " thirty-five," there are 3,500,000 in a cubic millimeter. The numbers given above indicate the normal amount of corpuscles for man and woman respectively. Should there be less than the normal number, it indicates anaemia. Should there be the required number of red disks, but too many leucocytes, there is an indication of leukaemia. What other method may be employed for counting corpuscles? BLOOD. Structural Elements. Blood: (a) Red discs in profile showing dark and light centers; (b) Disc on edge; (c) Rouleaux; (d) Crenation ; (e) Platelets; (f) Leucocytes; (g) Nucleus; (h) Amoeboid movement; (i) Fission; (j) Fibrils of Fibrin: (k) Crystals of hae- matin. A. Leucocytes. B. Plasmodium malarise. A. Leucocytes : (a) Large lymphocyte ; (b) Small lymphocyte ; (c) Polynuclear elements. B. Plasmodium malarias : (a) Corpuscle ; (b) Plasmodium; (c) Spores. [60] NORMAL HISTOLOGY. 61 CHAPTER VII. ENDOTHELIUM AND EPITHELIAL TISSUES Endothelium, This structure is of mesodermic origin and con- sists of a single layer of very thin polyhedral cells united edge to edge by a cement substance. It lines surfaces not directly ex- posed to the external atmosphere, such as the surfaces of serous and synovia! membranes, forming the linings of the heart, blood tubes, and other organs. EPITHELIUM. Epithelium is derived from the epiderm and hypoderm of the embryo. It consists of cells of various shapes, which are united by cement and are devoid of blood-vessels. The important functions of epithelium are protection, secretion, and elimination. The shape of the cells depends upon the amount and kind of pressure exerted upon them. As a rule, when first formed, they are spherical. New cells are produced by karyokinesis. Blood vessels being absent, nourishment takes place by absorption. The following are the important varieties : Squamous. Simple and Stratified. Columnar. Simple and Stratified. Ciliated. Simple and Stratified. Modified. Goblet, Pigmented, and Transitional. Specialized. Glandular and N euro-epithelium. Squamous epithelium. This structure consists of irregular, polyhedral, flattened cells, united edge to edge in the form of a pave- ment. The cells, when seen on edge, are found to be somewhat bi- convex. The nucleus is somewhat eccentric. Squamous epithelium is found wherever surfaces are subjected to considerable friction. There are two varieties viz., simple and stratified. Simple squamous epithelium consists of a single layer of cells and is found lining the air cells of the lungs, the capsule of the Malpighian body, the descending limb of Henle's arch, parts of the brain-ventricles, and a few other places. The stratified variety consists of several layers and is found cov- 62 NOKMAL HISTOLOGY. ering the skin, mouth, tongue, lower half of pharynx, oesophagus, epiglottis, upper part of larynx, pelvis of kidney, ureter, bladder, beginning and end of male urethra, and the whole female urethra. The deeper layers of this tissue have cells more nearly spherical, which are often connected with each other by slender processes. These procesess give rise to the so-called prickle cells of the deeper layers of the epidermis. The cells of the outer layer become much flattened., lose their protoplasm, and by constant friction are worn away and cast off. This process is called desquamation. Columnar epithelium. This form of epithelial tissue is consti- tuted of cells which are colummar in shape as seen from the side, but from above they appear hexagonal. The first layer, resting upon the membrana propria, consists of spherical cells, but those of the next layer are oval. Simple colummar epithelium is found lining the mucous membrane of the alimentary tract from the car- diac orifice downward. The stratified variety is found in the ex- cretory ducts of glands leading into the alimentary tract and in a portion of the male urethra. This tissue is of hypodermic origin. Ciliated epithelium, This resembles columnar epithelium, but the outermost layer of cells is provided with cilia. Cilia are delicate protoplasmic projections which by their motion produce outward currents of mucus and other products. The cells are nucleated and rest upon a basement membrane. Ciliated epithelium occurs in the nasal cavities, the Eustachian tubes, larynx, trachea, bronchi, a por- tion of the uterus, Fallopian tubes, vasa efferentia (partly), the ven- tricles of the brain, and the central canal of the spinal cord. Modified epithelium. This is represented by modifications of the types given above. The important varieties are goblet cells, pigmented epithelium, and transitional epithelium. Goblet cells are modifications of columnar or ciliated cells. Each cell is generally isolated from others of like character and is formed by the elaboration of mucin from the protoplasm, which so fills up the cell as to cause it to become swollen and elliptical in. shape. Eventually the cell bursts, discharging its contents upon the surface of the membrane. This is one source of mucus, and hence the term mucous membrane. Pigmented epithelium. This is represented by cells of the squa- ENDOTHELIUM AND EPITHELIAL TISSUES. 63 mous type which have become impregnated with melanin, a dark pigment that gives coloration to the structure. The pigmeiited epithelium of the retina is the best illustration. Transitional epithelium. This occurs in the urinary tract and is illustrated by modifications of squamous and columnar cells, where the one kind merges into the other. It occurs in the pelvis of the kidney, ureter, bladder, and urethra. The cells are round, spindle- shaped, cuboidal, or pear-shaped, and often exhibit one or more slender processes. Specialized epithelium. This form of epithelial tissue consists of cells so specialized as to engage in the elaboration of secretions ; or to perform some special function. There are two varieties glandular epithelium and neuro-epithelium. Glandular epithelium. The terms cuboidal and secretory also apply to this tissue, the former arising from the general shape of the cells, the latter from their functional character. It occurs in the intestinal, gastric, and salivary glands, the pancreas, and liver. Neuro-epitlielium. This comprises highly specialized cells which aid in nerve sensation. They are found at the terminations of the nerves of special sense. The cells are generally elongated and con- tain an inner nuclear part and an outer part directed toward the periphery, which is often provided with hair-like processes. The rods and cones of the retina and the olfactory and taste cells are illustrations. The following ten characteristics of epithelial cells should be carefully considered: (1) The cells are superficially disposed; (2) they are united by cement; (3) they contain no blood-ves- sel? : (4) they vary greatly in shape ; (5) they perform various func- tions, those of protection and secretion being the more common; (Cl) the cells multiply by karyokinesis ; (7) they are nourished by absorption; (8) they have eccentric nuclei; (9) they rest upon a ba?emenl membrane, or membrana propria; (10) the cells contain mucin, melanin, etc. It should be borne in mind that all these char- acteristics are not universally present. Laboratory exercise No. 16. Study of epithelial cells. Collect upon the end of the tongue a quantity of saliva and apply the same to the center of a slide. Cover and examine with high power. Observe the 64 NORMAL HISTOLOGY. cells, scarcely visible, and note the protoplasm, nuclei, and nucleoli, also the cell-wall. View a cell on edge. Is it perfectly flat? Find a group of cells and notice how they are joined together. Search for small spherical bodies. These are the salivary corpuscles, and are in reality escaped lymphoid cells from the adenoid tissue at the root of the tongue. Place upon the slide some of the scrapings from the pharynx (upper part) of a frog. Examine with H. P. and observe the elongated cells with cilia in motion. Ciliated cells may also be demonstrated from scrapings of the macerated trachea of a pig or ox. Examine the scrapings of the stomach of some animal. Observe the columnar cells. Scrape the cut surface of a liver with a scalpel and mix the scrapings with normal saline. Examine and search for hepatic cells, representing glandular epithelium. Epithelium of a frog. Macerate the larva of a frog or salamander in dilute alcohol, cut the casts from, the skin into small pieces, and apply one of these to a slide and stain with haematoxylin, method No. 5. MEMORANDA. EPITHELIAL TISSUE. A. Squamous epithelium. B. Columnar epithelium. A. Squamous epithelium: (a) Squamous cell; (b) Cell -wall; (c) Protoplasm; (d) Nucleus; (e) Nucleolus; (f) Cell on edge; (g) Group of cells; (h) Salivary cor- puscle ; (i) Epithelium of a frog. B. Columnar epithelium : (a) Columnar cells from stomach showing cell -wall and nucleus flat surface ; (b) Columnar cells end view. A. Ciliated epithelium. B. Glandular epithelium. A. Ciliated cells: (a) Cells, showing cell- wall and nucleus; (b) Cilia; (c) Gob- let ceUs; (d) Section of stratified ciliated epithelium. B. Glandular epithelium: (a) Cuboidal cells from liver; (b) Nucleus. 5 [65] NORMAL HISTOLOGY. CHAPTER VIII. CONNECTIVE TISSUE. Connective tissue is derived from the mesoblast and consists of cells and intercellular substance. It is found between the skin and mucous membranes. It differs chiefly from epithelial tissue in having a greater amount of intercellular substance. Its functions are to connect different structures and furnish support to the or- gans of the body. The cells entering into it are of two kinds, fixed and wandering. The fixed cell is a flattened plate with nucleus, protoplasm, and enclosing membrane. Sometimes there are projec- tions of the cell-wall which give a stellate appearance. Wandering cells (such as leucocytes) are those which migrate from place to place in the tissue. There are ten important kinds of connective tissues viz., white fibrous tissue, yellow elastic tissue, areolar tissue, adipose tissue, mucous tissue, retiform tissue, basement membranes, cartilage, bone, and dentine. I. WHITE FIBROUS TISSUE. This form is composed of delicate fibrils, often collected into bun- dles. The bundles may run parallel with each other or interlace, forming a mesh-work. This tissue is found in tendons, the omen- turn, subcutaneous tissues, etc. In a tendon the fibrils compose parallel primary bundles, and these unite to form secondary bun- dles, each of which is enveloped in a delicate sheath. All are bound together to form the tendon, which is encased in a tough sheath of connective tissue, septa from which extend inward, enclosing the secondary bundles. laboratory exercise No. 17. Tendon. Embed a piece of tendon in celloidin. Stain sections with carmine, method No. 2. Make out the ex- ternal sheath and the septa of connective tissue. Observe the branched spaces for tendon cells. Demonstrate, if possible, the primary bundles and the ends of the fibrils. Label and preserve. Drawing's. II. YELLOW ELASTIC TISSUE. This consists of highly refracting fibres which form a network and are often associated with the preceding tissue. The fibres, when CONNECTIVE TISSUE. 67 free from their attachments, become bent or coiled, and, when boiled, yield elastin, and not gelatin, as is the case with white fibres. This structure occurs in the ligamentum nuchw, ligamenta subflava, walls of bronchioles and alveoli of lungs, arteries, vocal cords, and in connective tissue generally. This and the preceding form of con- nective tissue are intercellular in character and are, therefore, asso- ciated with cells in the formation of tissues. For the practical study of elastic fibres,, the ligamentum nuchw of an ox may be used. III. AREOLAR TISSUE. Areolar tissue is composed of cells and an intercellular substance which consists chiefly of white and elastic fibers. It lines the un- der surface of the skin, forms the muscle sheaths, and is found in the mammary gland and other structures. IV. ADIPOSE TISSUE. Adipose tissue is almost wholly cellular. The cells are probably formed from connective tissue corpuscles, in which fat globules ap- pear, increase in size, and finally coalesce. Thus is formed one large globule of fat, which distends the cell-wall, crowding the protoplasm and nucleus outward. The cells are well supplied with blood capil- laries. They are bound together by areolar tissue into lobules, and the lobules into lobes. For practical study, a section of the tongue will be found satisfactory. It is widely distributed, occurring al- most everywhere that connective tissue is found. V. MUCOUS TISSUE. This occurs in the umbilical cord and comprises cells and a gel- atinous intercellular substance called the jelly of Wharton. The cells are stellate in form, and the protoplasmic processes anasto- mose with each other, forming a mesh- work throughout the struc- ture. This tissue contains but few fibrous elements, except as the cord approaches full time. Laboratory exercise No. 18. Umbilical cord. Embed pieces of a three-months' umbilical cord in celloidin. Stain with haematoxylin, method No. 5. Observe (1) a thin layer of superficial cells; (2) the blood-vessels, two arteries and one vein, surrounded by the mucous tissue, the jelly of Wharton, or mucin, containing- the stellate cells; (3) look also for white or elastic fibres. In what other structure is mucous tissue found? 68 NORMAL HISTOLOGY. VI. ADENOID TISSUE. Adenoid tissue consists of a network of fibrils holding in their meshes lymphoid cells and leucocytes. The fibrils are supposed to be derived from cell-processes, which anastomose with each other. The nuclei of the cells appear at the intersections of the fibrils. It occurs in lymphatic glands, tonsils, solitary glands, and Peyer's patches, many mucous membranes, spleen, and thymus gland. VII. BASEMENT MEMBRANE, OR MEMBRANA PROPRIA. The basement membrane, or membrana propria, consists of a delicate homogeneous membrane, composed of flattened plates of cellular origin, and occurs as a supporting base for the epithelial cells which line mucous membranes and the acini and ducts of glands. VIII. CARTILAGE. Cartilage is a dense tissue made up of an enclosing sheath, the perichondrium, a somewhat hyaline matrix, either homogeneous or fibrous, and cells. The perichondrium is the enclosing sheath of connective tissue, and consists of two layers, an outer layer of dense fibrous tissue and an inner, looser layer. The terms fibrous and chondrogenetic apply respectively to these layers. The latter is so called because it is chiefly engaged in the formation of cartilage. It contains cells ar- ranged in parallel rows, which multiply by mitosis. The matrix is a dense, intercellular substance of a white, bluish, or yellowish color. It may be homogeneous or more or less supplied with white or yellow fibres. Embedded in the matrix are the cartilage cells. These cells are usually oval in outline, but are sometimes flattened on one side, the flattened surface being toward the periphery. They are arranged in pairs and groups, and are seldom crowded, except toward the perichondrium. Each cell is enclosed by a capsule. The space within the capsule, which is filled up by the cell, is called a lacuna. There are three varieties of cartilage, determined by the presence or absence of white and yellow fibres. They are hyaline cartilage, elastic cartilage, and fibro-cartilage. CONNECTIVE TISSUE. 69 (1) HYALINE CARTILAGE. THis is characterized by a bluish- white, semi-transparent matrix, free from fibres It occurs in costal cartilages, the articular ends of bone, the trachea, bronchi, larynx, the auditory meatus, and in the early cartilage of the foetus. Laboratory exercise No. 19. Hyaline cartilage. Harden pieces of costal cartilage, or of the sternum of a newt, in picric acid; embed in celloidin; stain with hsematoxylin, method No. 5, or carmine, method No. 2. Examine with L. P. and note the following- structures: (1) The perichondrium with its fibrous and chondrogenetic layers; (2) the matrix, free from fibres, in which are embedded the cells; (3) the cells, lying in their lacunaB with inclosing capsule, and arranged in groups of two or more. Compare the form, size, and disposition of the more centrally located cells with those toward the surface. Do you observe nucleoli? Drawings. (2) ELASTIC CARTILAGE. This form is characterized by the presence of yellow elastic fibres in the matrix, They first appear as minute granules, which arrange themselves in linear rows and, coalescing, form the fibres. The color of the matrix is yellowish. Elastic cartilage occurs-:- in the epiglottis, the external ear, the Eustachian tube, etc. Laboratory exercise No. 20. Elastic cartilage. Harden portions of the ear of a pig in picric acid, embed in celloidin, and stain with hsema- toxylin, method No. 5. Observe, as in the preceding preparation, the perichondrium, matrix, and cells. Note also the yellow, interlacing fibres, which extend from the matrix into the perichondrium. Minute granules of elastin will also be seen with the high power. Make out the capsule, lacuna, and cell structure. Prepare drawings to illustrate all of these structures. (3) FIBRO-CARTILAGE. Here we have the same structures as exhibited in hyaline carti- lage, but the matrix is provided with many bundles of white fibres, running in different directions and interlacing. It occurs In the intervertebral disks, sesamoid bones, etc. Laboratory exercise No. 21. Fil)ro-cartilage. Decalcify and harden with picric acid pieces of the vertebral column of a cat so as to include the intervertebral disk, or use the intervertebral disk of an ox. Freeze or embed in celloidin. Stain with lithium carmine, method No. 2. Examine and note the numerous bundles of wavy fibres, between which TO NORMAL HISTOLOGY. are the cartilage cells, each inclosed in a thick capsule. Make drawings of all cartilage structures. IX. BONE. Bone is a compact, hard form of connective tissue. It comprises two varieties spongy and compact. The spongy form occurs in the v.'itebra* and the ends of the long bones. Compact bone is formed from the spongy variety by the deposit of lamellae in the intrat rabec- ular spaces. It is found chiefly in long bones between the articular ends. A bone comprises three characteristic structures viz., the periosteum, the lone-proper, and the marrow. The periosteum consists of two layers, the fibrous layer of dense fibrous connective tissue which, as a protecting sheath, covers the outer surface, and the osteogenetic layer, a somewhat loose struc- ture, rich in cells and blood-vessels. This layer is so called because it assists in forming bone. Its cells eventually become the osteo- blasts, which are the bone builders. There are slender portions of the periosteum which project into the bone proper. They are called the perforating fibers of Sharpey. They are fibers of the periosteum which have failed to ossify. The bone-proper is composed of cartilage and the carbonate and phosphate of lime. Structurally considered, it comprises the Haver- sian systems, the inter-Haversian systems, and the fundamental lamellce. A Haversian system comprises the Haversian canal, the lamellw, lacunae, canaliculi, and the bone cells. The Haversian canal is a minute channel, from 20 // to 100 >j. in diameter, extend- ing longitudinally and opening upon both the inner and outer sur- face of the bone-proper. It contains an extension of the marrow, and is rich in blood-vessels, cells, and lymphatics. The lamellae are plates of bone substance formed in the spaces between the lacuna? and arranged concentrically around the canals. The lacunae are the cavities which contain the bone cells. The cavi- ties which are excavated by and contain the osteoclasts are called How ship' s lacunw. The canaliculi are the slender tubes which ra- diate from the lacuna? and serve as lymph channels, distributing nu- trient fluids throughout the Haversian system. They anastomose with each other and are connected with the canals. The bone cells are the corpuscles within the lacunae. They send out processes into CONNECTIVE TISSUE. 71 the canaliculi. They are derived from the osteoblasts by the in- corporation of the latter within the bone matrix. Besides the Ha- versian system (with its lamellae) just described, there are the inter- Haversian, or interstitial lamella;, and the fundamental lamella?. The fundamental lamella cover the free surfaces of the bone ad- jacent to the periosteum and the marrow. The canals of these lamel- lae are styled Volkman's canals. The medulla, or marrow, occupies the central cavity. It is de- rived from the osteogenetic layer of the periosteum. It is composed of a connective tissue reticulum filled with cells and supplied with an elaborate system of blood-vessels. The connective tissue cells, or marrow cells, in young bone, become the osteoblasts; but, in old bone, deteriorate into fat cells. Primary marrow is. red, but in the adult bone it becomes yellow, owing to the formation of fat. The marrow also contains certain large cells which are agents in the de- struction of bone. They are called giant cells, osteoclasts, or my- eloplaxes. They multiply by free cell-formation, and are also founl in the osteogenetic layer of the periosteum. The marrow is con- sidered an extension of this layer. Bone formation. Bone is formed by two methods centrally, within the cartilage., and superficially, by the periosteum. By the first method a center of ossification is produced by the transforma- tion of the cartilage cells into osteoblasts. By these cells a cen- tral core of bone (or bone areas) is formed. At the same time a layer of bone is formed beneath the periosteum, and trabecula? are thrown out from the osteogenetic layer, which extend to the center of ossification and absorb the endochondral bone, thus producing a central cavity for the marrow. By means of the osteoblasts the permanent bone is now produced between the marrow-cavity and the periosteum. Spongy bone is constituted of periosteum, a mesh- work of trabeculaa, and marrow, rich in osteoblasts, etc., filling up thi- spaces. Laboratory exercise No. 22. Bone. Harden and decalcify pieces of long bone in picric acid, freeze or embed in paraffin, and stain with picro-carmine or hsematoxylin, method No. 5. Examine with L. P. and H. P. Make a study of the periosteum, observing the fibrous layer, con- sisting of dense fibrous tissue, and the osteogenetic layer, consisting of a loose fibrous reticulum rich in cells and blood vessels. Search for 72 NORMAL HISTOLOGY, lacunae in the bone proper and note their arrangement; also find Haver- sian canals and make out, if you can, Haversian systems. Examine the marrow and demonstrate marrow cells and osteoclasts. Prepared specimens of dry bone should be examined to demonstrate lacunae and canaliculi. The bone of a foetus may be prepared for the study of bone development. The preparations need not be preserved unless especially good. What is the average diameter of the canaliculi? Drawings. X. DENTINE. Dentine is one of the connective tissues, being derived from the mesoderm. It is commonly known as ivory and is found in the teeth. It differs from bone in composition and structure. Its inti- mate structure will be given in the chapter on the teeth. MEMORANDA. CONNECTIVE TISSUES. A. White Fibrous Tissue. B. Mucous Tissue. A. Tendon: (a) Tendon sheath; (b) Septa; (c) Bundles; (d) Fibrils; (e) Branched cell spaces; (f) Longitudinal section. B. Umbilical cord: (a) Superficial cells from amnion; (b) Arteries; (c) Vein; (d) Jelly ofWharton; (e) Stellate cells; (f) Connective tissue fibres. Hyaline Cartilage. Hyaline cartilage: (a) Fibrous layer of perichondrium; (b) Chondrogenetic layer; (c)Matrix; (d) Capsule; (e) Lacuna; (f) Cartilage cell; (g) Group of cells. [73] CONNECTIVE TISSUES. A. Elastic Cartilage. B. Fibro-Cartilage. A. Elastic Cartilage (ear): (a) Ferichondrium; (b) Matrix; (c) Capsule; (d) Lacuna and cell; (e) Interlacing elastic fibres. B. Fibre-cartilage: (a) Matrix; (b) Bundles of fibres; (c) Capsule; (d) Cells and osteoblasts. Bone. Bone: A. Periosteum: (a) Fibrous layer; (b) Osteogenetic layer; (c) Cells; (d) Fibres of Sharpey. B. Bone proper: (e) Haversian system: (f) Haversian canal; (g) Lamellae; (h) Lacunae; (i) Canaliculi; (j) Bone cells; (k) In ter-Haversian systems; (1) Fun- damental lamellae; (m) Howship's lacunae and osteoclasts. C. Marrow: (n) Marrow cells; (o) Osteoclasts; (p) Osteoblasts. [74] NORMAL HISTOLOGY. 75 CHAPTER IX. MUSCULAR TISSUE. Muscle is a tissue derived from the mesoderm. It is composed of cells and a small amount of intercellular substance, and is endowed with the property of contractility. OUTLINE OF MUSCULAR TISSUE. 1. Kinds. 3. Functions. 2. Structure. . Smooth in all involuntary muscle except heart and pharynx. Striated in heart, O3sophag % us, and all voluntary muscle. ' Smooth muscle . . J Form. Structure. Striated muscle. . f Cells Bundles. Strata. f Epimysium. Sheaths . . but quickly succumb to a high temperature. The temperature at which a species dies is called its thermal death point. The thermal death point of a considerable number of spe- cies is about 60 degrees Centigrade. There is a certain temperature most favorable to the growth of each species. This for many spe- cies is about 35 degrees Centigrade. Laboratory exercise No. 5Q.^-Bacteria in air, water, soil, etc. Expose to the air the agar-agar in a sterilized Petri dish for a few moments. Examine in a day or so and observe and count the colonies upon the surface of the medium. Note that they differ in form and color. In- oculate five test-tubes of agur-ag-ar, one with each of the following sub- stances: Soil, ordinary drinking* water, milk, urine, and saliva. These materials should be collected in sterilized containers. Label each tube, and in a few days examine for any growths which may have appeared. BACTERIOLOGY. 151 CHAPTER XXV. CULTIVATION AND SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF BACTERIA. CULTIVATION OF BACTERIA. This is accomplished by the use of certain media upon which the species to be cultivated will grow. Such are potato, blood serum, gelatin, and agar-agar. The medium, when prepared, is placed in cotton-stoppered tubes and then sterilized. In the case of gelatin and agar-agar, a steam sterilizer can be used, and sterilization should be made on three successive days, from fifteen minutes to one hour each day. CULTURE MEDIA. The following formulas for the preparation of culture media will be useful: 1. Meat broth. To one liter of water add one pound of finely- chopped lean meat,, free from all fat. Let stand over night, or heat for one hour, but do not boil. Filter. 2. Bouillon. To one liter of meat broth add ten grams of pep- tone and five grams of sodium chloride. The peptone and sodium chloride should be thoroughly mixed in a mortar with water, until a thin paste is formed, before adding them to the meat broth. Cook one hour, filter, and alkalize with a solution of sodium carbonate. Sterilize. 3. Agar-agar. To one liter of bouillon add fifteen grams of agar. Cook in sterilizer, or double sauce-pan, until agar is dissolved, one to three hours. Neutralize with solution of c. p. Na 2 Co 3 . Filter. Cool to body temperature and add the whites of two eggs, which have been previously mixed with 100 c. c. of water. Cook one hour. Filter with coarse 'filter to remove coagulated albumen. Heat again and filter with best filter paper previously moistened with boiling water. Should any of the medium fail to filter through the first paper, it should be heated again, and a second paper used for that portion. Fill tubes and sterilize on three successive days. Cool with tubes in oblique position. 152 BACTERIOLOGY. 4. Nutrient gelatin. To one liter of bouillon add 100 grams of finest gelatin. Heat twenty minutes in steam sterilizer. Alkalize with solution of c. p. sodium carbonate and filter with filter paper in steam sterilizer. Fill tubes. Sterilize for three successive days, fifteen minutes each day. 5. Blood serum. Collect blood in a sterilized container. When coagulated, loosen clot and let stand twenty-four hours in a cool place. Remove clear serum and fill sterile test-tubes with the same. Coagulate at 65 degrees to 75 degrees Centigrade. Sterilize at 58 degrees Centigrade, one hour each day for six days. 6. Potato medium. After thoroughly washing potatoes in soap and water and removing eyes and spots, immerse in mercuric chlo- ride solution, 1 to 1,000, for ten minutes. Make cylinders of the potatoes the size of tubes; bisect obliquely, placing each half in a tube. Sterilize for three successive days, a half hour each day. As already suggested, each medium, when prepared, is to be placed in cotton-plugged tubes, and then sterilized. The cotton proves a perfect filter for the bacteria. Agar-agar may be kept for months without any indication of growth of any kind, the cotton plug preventing all access of germs from the outside. INOCULATION. The inoculation of the media is accomplished by means of a ster- ilized platinum wire. A small portion of the pure culture of the species desired is caught upon the loop at the end of the wire and then drawn over the surface of the medium. Care should be taken to sterilize the wire both before and after using. PLATING. A pure culture of a species is obtained by plating. This is ac- complished by gently heating, until melted, the nutrient gelatin, or agar-agar, in three tubes. With a sterilized platinum wire, a small portion of the substance containing the bacteria is transferred to the liquefied gelatin, or agar-agar, in tube number one. Then, after sterilizing the wire again, a small quantity of the contents of tube one is transferred to tube two. In like manner, tube three is inocu- lated from tube two. Then the contents of the tubes are trans- CULTIVATION AND SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF BACTERIA. 153 ferred to three sterilized Petri dishes. After numbering and label- ing, the dishes are set aside for future examination. If colonies oc- cur on plates two and three, they are probably pure cultures of the species desired. From these colonies tubes containing media can be inoculated. HANGING-DROP CULTURES. It is often very desirable to make a microscopic study of bacteria and other organisms in the process of growth. This is accom- plished by resorting to the hanging drop culture. A small drop of the liquid media containing the species to be studied is transferred by a platinum loop to the center of a sterilized cover-glass. This is then inverted upon a slide in the center of which a concavity has been ground out. The edges of the cover-glass are then sealed with a layer of vaseline applied with a camelVhair brush. Th<3 prepara- tion may then be studied from time to time, the focusing being ap- plied to the edges of the preparation, rather than the center, which will generally be found opaque. INOCULATION OF ANIMALS. To save human life it is of 1 en quite necessary to sacrifice the lives of lower animals. The experiments of bacteriologists, while ap- pearing to the superficial observer as almost merciless, are in the interests of the highest humanity and are destined not only to di- minish in a large degree the sum of human suffering, but to bring alleviation to lower animals, at whose expense the requisite knowl- edge is sought. The life of man outweighs that of a mouse or " many sparrows.*' For purposes of experimentation, such animals as mice, rats, guinea pigs, and rabbits are generally employed. In- oculations are made in the ear, at the root of the tail, and elsewhere. The hair is first removed by cutting or searing. A V-shaped inci- sion is then made, and the infected material inserted by means of a platinum wire. Inoculation of the blood may be made with a bac- teriological syringe. SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF BACTERIA. The identification of any species can only be made after a thor- ough study of its characteristics. Even then the determination will 154 BACTERIOLOGY sometimes be attended with considerable difficulty and doubt. In the systematic study of an unknown species, the following outline may prove of service: (1) Name, (2) habitat, (3) growth on me- dia, (4) temperature, including that of most favorable growth and the thermal death point, (5) relation of growth to oxygen, (6) gas formation, (7) chemical reaction, (8) formation of indol, (9) pigmentation, (10) pathogenesis, (11) aniline reaction, (12) mo- tility. (13) morphology, (14) size, (15) spore formation. When these tests have been made, the classification may be de- termined by using analytic keys, such as are found in the valuable works of Sternberg and Crookshank. Laboratory exercise No. 51. Culture Media. Let the student prepare or assist the instructor in preparing 1 the following media: Bouillon, agar-agar, blood serum, nutrient gelatin, and potato medium. Make inoculations upon agar-agar as directed above. The tubes should be held in the left hand, between the thumb and forefinger, in such a way that the palm of the hand will be vertical and the tubes but slightly inclined. The cotton plugs, when removed, may be held between the fingers. The greatest care should be exercised, always sterilizing the platinum needle before and after using. .Make a stab-culture of some anaerobic species. This is accomplished by holding the tube in a ver- tical position, using a platinum wire with small loop, and plunging this through the center of the medium from the surface to the bottom of the tube. Experiments with animals. Clip the hair from the base of the tail of a mouse. Make a V-shaped incision and insert into the wound some of the saliva of the mouth. Saliva often contains Diplococcus pneumoniae, which will cause the death of an inoculated mouse in a few hours. Other inoculations may be made as desired. Laboratory exercise No. 52. Hanging-drop Cultures. Prepire a hang- ing-drop culture upon which have been sown some spores of any species of mold, such as Penicillium glaucum. After a few days examine. The spores of molds may sometimes be mistaken for cocci. The hyphae, or slender filaments, which compose their structure, may, when broken into fragments, have some resemblance to the cells of bacilli. The hyphae develop from the spores, producing three characteristic por- tions the root hyphas; the mycelium, or prostrate portion; and the aerial hyphae, upon the extremities of which the sporangia containing the spores are developed. Also make hanging drop cultures of species of bacteria, and study the same from time to time. Laboratory exercise No. 53. A systematic study of Bacteria. Make a systematic study of Bacillus prodigiosus and other common species ac- cording to the method suggested above. Fill out the outline on page 155 and make drawings of agar cultures and the microscopic elements. OUTLINE FOR SYSTEMATIC STUDY. Species , 1. Habitat 2. Growth on media (1) Gelatin (2) Agar-agar (3) Blood-serum (4) Potato 3. Relation to temperature (1) Best growth (2) Thermal death-point 4. Relation to oxygen 5. Gas formation 6. Chemical reaction 7. Formation of indol 4 8. Pigmentation 9. Pathogenesis 10. Anilin reaction (Gram's method) . 11. Motility 12. Morphology 13. Size 14. Spore formation 15. Classification . . [155] 156 BACTERIOLOGY. CHAPTER XXVI. MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUE. I. REAGENTS AND STAINS. (1) DECOLORIZING SOLUTIONS. Twenty-five per cent aqueous solutions of hydrochloric, nitric, and sulphuric acids may be used for decolorizing. (2) ACID ALCOHOL. Hydrochloric acid 1 part Alcohol (seventy per cent) 100 parts (3) IODINE SOLUTION. Iodine 1 gram Potassium iodide 2 grams Water 300 cc. (4) CARBOL FUCHSIN. Fuchsin 1 cc. Alcohol 10 cc. Dissolve and add 10 c. c. of five per cent solution of carbolic acid. Filter. (5) ACID METHYLENE BLUE. Sulphuric acid 16 cc. Water 90 cc. Methylene blue 2 grams This stain should be prepared fresh from time to time. The carbol fuchsin improves with age. (6) LOFFLER'S ALKALINE METHYLENE BLUE. Concentrated alcoholic solution of methy- lene blue 30 c. Potassum hydrate (Aq. Sol., 1-10,000) 100 cc. This is especially useful in staining the baccillus of diphtheria. (7) ANILINE-WATER GENTIAN-VIOLET. Aniline oil 5 cc. Water.. ..100 cc. MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUE. 157 Mix, shake vigorously, filter; the fluid after filtration should be perfectly clear; add Alcohol 10 cc. Alcoholic solution of gentian-violet 11 cc. This solution should be freshly prepared about every two weeks. (8) LOFFLER'S MORDANT FOR FLAGELLA. Tannic acid 2 grams Water 8 cc. Saturated solution of ferrous sulphate 5 cc. Saturated alcoholic solution of fuchsin 1 cc. (9) ANILINE-WATER DYE FOR STAINING SPORES. Saturated alcoholic solution of fuchsin or gentian-violet < 11 parts Aniline oil water 100 parts Abs. alcohol 10 parts Keeps well for ten days. (10) AQUEOUS STAINS. Saturated aqueous solutions of fuchsin, gentian- violet, and methyline blue will be found useful for all simple staining. (11) ALCOHOLIC SOLUTIONS. Saturated alcoholic solutions of fuchsin, gentian-violet, and methyline blue should be kept on hand to be used in simple staining and in connection with other stains. II. STAINING METHODS, (1) SIMPLE STAINING. This consists in using a single stain. The process is given on page 27, method No. 10. (2) DOUBLE STAINING. This consists in using two stains, one to stain spores, protoplasm, etc., and the other as a ground stain. The following methods will illustrate double staining: 158 BACTERIOLOGY. Method No. XII. Staining of Spores. (a) Make a cover-glass spread, dry and pass three times through the flame. (b) Add aniline-water gentian-violet. (c) Heat until the preparation begins to boil; remove for a minute. Repeat this process six times. (d) Wash in three per cent hydrochloric acid-alcohol one minute (e) Wash in water. (f) Counter-stain with aqueous methylene blue half a minute. (g) Wash in water. (h) Dry and clear up with xylol. (i) Mount in balsam. Method No. XIII. Staining of Flagella. (a) Mix upon the cover-glass a portion of the culture with a drop of water, using care not to break off the delicate flagella. (b) Dry and pass three times through a flame. (c) Apply Loffler's mordant one minute, warming gently. (d) Wash in water. (e) Stain with aniline-water fuchsin. (f) Wash in water. (g) Dry and mount in balsam. Method No. XIV. Grain's Method for Bacteria. (a) Make a cover-glass preparation by the usual method. (b) Stain with aniline-water gentian-violet solution, two to five min- utes, warming slightly. (c) Add Gram's iodine solution one and one-half minutes. (d) Apply alcohol, repeatedly, as long as stain continues to come away from the preparation. (e) Wash in water and examine as a water-mount. (f ) If desired, dry and mount in balsam. Method No. XV. Gabbet's Method for Tuberculosis, etc. (a) Make a cover-glass smear of the sputum, pus, blood, or urine to be examined. After the preparation is dry, affix by passing three times through the flame. (b) Using a Cornet forceps, apply carbol-fuchsin five to ten minutes, heating until steam appears. (c) Wash in water. (d) Apply alkaline methylene blue for one minute. (e) Wash in water. (f) Dry and mount in balsam. MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUE. 159 Staining Tissues for Bacteria. Tissues may be stained by Gram's method or by the following process : Method No, XVI. Method for Staining Bacteria in Sections, (a) Using an aqueous solution of fuchsin, gentian-violet or methy- lene blue, apply stain for about five minutes. (b) Wash in water. (c) Apply an aqueous solution of acetic acid, one per cent, for one minute. (d) Apply alcohol one to two minutes. (e) Clear up with xylol. (f ) Mount with balsam. MEMORANDA. 160 BACTERIOLOGY. CHAPTER XXVII. NON-PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. Material for the practical study of non-pathogenic species may be obtained from air, water, soil, and other sources. The biological characteristics of a few of the more common species are here given to assist the student in experimental work. I. Bacillus Prodigiosus. This species is a chromogcnic, non-motile, facultative anaerobic saprophyte. It produces a pigment-forming body, which becomes red by the action of oxygen. The pigment gives rise to the " red mould " of bread. The rods are short, often in filaments, without spores. It grows rapidly upon agar-agar, or potato, at the room temperature, and soon liquefies nutrient gelatin. It grows best at 25 degrees Centigrade. It may be obtained from the air. II. Bacillus Acidi Lactici. Bacillus acidi lactici occurs in sour milk, producing lactic acid. It is a non-motile, facultative anaerobic saprophyte. It produces a whitish growth on agar-agar, does not liquefy gelatin, ancl the rods occur in pairs or short filaments, producing large shining polar- spores. It causes milk to sour, changing its sugar into lactic acid and CO 2 , and precipitates casein. It will grow at 10 degrees Cen- tigrade; but, when cultivated for several generations, it loses its power to produce fermentation.. III. Bacillis Subtilis. This species may be obtained from hay infusions, air, water, soil, etc. It produces a grayish growth on agar, and liquefies gelatin. It is a motile aerobic saprophyte, and grows rapidly at ordinary tem- peratures. The rods are thick and stout, with rounded extrem- ities, and provided with flagella. It produces motile spores. IV. Bacillus Violaceus. This bacillus is found in water. It is aerobic, motile, and chromo- genic; grows at room temperature, and on agar produces a violet- NON-PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. 161 colored covering which lasts for years. The rods are slender, with rounded ends, and produce small oval spores. It grows upon agar and liquefies gelatin. V. Proteus Vulgaris. Proteus vulgaris is found in putrefying animal matter; is a facul- tative anaerobic motile saprophyte; has rods with rounded ends, which grew into flexible filaments; produces a whitish growth on agar, and liquefies gelatin; forms H 2 S, and causes putrefaction, oc- casionally being pathogenic to man. VI. Micrococcus Urese. This species may be obtained from cystitic and decomposing urine. The cocci occur singly, in pairs, or in filaments. It is an aerobic saprophyte, grows readily at room temperature, and does not liquefy gelatin. Plate cultures appear like a drop of wax upon the sur- face. VII. Sarcina Lutea. Sarcina lutea may be obtained from the air. It is an aerobic chromogenic species, whose cocci occur in 'pairs, tetrads, and pack- ets. The pigment is yellow. It liquefies gelatin slowly. VIII. Spirillum Rubrum. This is a motile chromogenic facultative anaerobic species. It may be found in the putrefying cadaver of a mouse. The spirals make three-quarter turns. It groAvs on agar, stab cultures, form- ing a red pigment. Laboratory exercise No. 54. Bacillus subtilis. Prepare a pure cul- ture of this species and inoculate tubes of agar and gelatin. Make a study of the growths upon these media, describing- each. Make a water- mount and demonstrate the motility of the rods and filaments. Make a cover-glass preparation and stain with gentian-violet, method No. 10. Demonstrate flagella, staining by method No. 13. Demonstrate spores by method No. 12. Prepare an outline of this species as indicated on page 155. Make drawings of cultures and rods. Laboratory exercise No. 55. Micrococcus ureae. Obtain plate cultures from decomposing urine. Note the wax-like colonies. Make a cover- glass preparation and stain with gentian-violet. Observe the spherical cells arranged singly, in pairs, and in chains. How does this species 11 162 BACTERIOLOGY. affect urea? Prepare an outline, as with the last species, and make drawings of cultures and cells. Laboratory exercise No. 5Q.8arcina luted. Expose agar-agar in a Petri dish to the air, and from the j^ellowish colonies which develop prepare plates. Inoculate tubes (from the pure cultures thus obtained) of agar and gelatin. Describe the growth in each tube. Stain by method No. 10. Note the cocci, arranged singly, in pairs, in tetrads, and in packets. Make drawings of cultures and cells. Laboratory exercise No. 57. Spirillum rubrum. Obtain a pure culture of this species. Prepare a cover-glass spread, and stain with gentian- violet, method No. 10. Note the spirals and count the turns in each. Drawings. Note. Other species may be substituted for those given above, and additional ones may be required. MEMORANDA. NON-PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. A. Bacillus Subtilis. B. Micro-coccus Ureee. A. Bacillus subtilis: (a) Culture tube; (b) Cells. B. Micrococcus urese; (a) Culture tube; (b) cells. A. Sarcina Lutea. B. Spirillum Bubrum. A. Sarcina lutea: (a) Culture tube; (b) Cells. B. Spirillum rubrum: (a) Culture tube; (b) Cells. [163] 1 64: BACTERIOLOGY. CHAPTER XXVIII. PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. In all practical work with pathogenic bacteria, more than ordi- nary care should be used. While the danger attending such work should not be unduly magnified, the student will do well to attend carefully to any abrasions on the skin; he should be scrupulously neat and cleanly, not allowing the material used to be carelessly scat- tered; he should dispose of all material as soon as used, and care- fully cleanse the hands at the close of each period. It is doubt- less true that Bacillus mallei has caused the death of more bac- teriologists from accidental infection than all other species to- gether. The diseases known to be produced in man by bacteria are tuberculosis, leprosy, glanders, anthrax, tetanus, erysipelas, gonor- rhoea, pneumonia, influenza, diphtheria, typhoid fever, Asiatic chol- era, relapsing fever, malignant edema, bubonic plague, and sup- puration. It is believed that some kind of micro-parasite will be found to be the specific cause of each of the following diseases viz., syphilis, mumps, smallpox, chicken pox, measles, scarlet fever, yel- low fever, whooping cough, and others. The limited space of this Manual will allow but a brief discussion of a few of the more im- portant species. I. Bacillus Tuberculosis. This species is the recognized cause of consumption, or tubercu- losis. It is a non-motile facultative saprophyte, and consists of slender, beaded staves. It may be cultivated on glycerine agar-agar, growing best at 37 degrees Centigrade. It -reproduces by fission, and probably by spore-formation. It is also pathogenic to a num- ber of animals. Man may become infected through wounds, through nutrition such as the milk of tuberculous cows and by inhala- tion. The sputum of the consumptive, if not properly destroyed, dries and becomes pulverized. As dust, it floats in the atmosphere, is inhaled, and under suitable conditions produces infection. It is doubtful whether any one is immune from the disease. PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. 165 Tuberculin is prepared by concentrating with heat the glycerine- bouillon, containing an old growth of tuberculosis, and filtering through unglazed porcelain. It is used for the detection of tuber- culosis in animals. The suspected animal is injected with the tuberculin,, and a sudden rise of temperature, or suppuration of tubercular formations, may be considered as proof that the ani- mal is infected with the disease. II. Bacillus Typhosus. The bacillus of typhoid fever is a motile parasite found in the urine and fecal discharges of typhoid patients. The rods have rounded ends, and sometimes grow out into long filaments. It pro- duces a whitish growth on agar, growing best at 35 degrees Centi- grade. Spore-formation has not been observed. It may be stained with aqueous solutions of fuchsin, methylene blue and gentian- violet. The detection of typhoid in a patient may be made by adding to some serum obtained from his blood a 'quantity of pure culture. It the patient has the disease, the motile germs will soon cease their movements. Flagella may be demonstrated by method No. 13. III. Bacillus Pyocyanus. This species is an actively-motile aerobic parasite, presenting very short, slender staves. It is found in green pus, and produces a greenish- white growth on agar-agar at the room temperature. It may be stained with aqueous fuchsin. IV. Bacillus Anthracis. This bacillus is the specific cause of anthrax in cattle and the so-called " wool-sorter's disease " in men. It occurs in rods, which have truncate ends (slightly indented), and generally grow out into long filaments. It produces a dry, easily-detached growth on agar, and readily liquefies gelatin. Its movements are rotary. The spores are ovoid, may be central or polar, and are very resisting, having been known to live twenty years. It stains well with aque- ous fuchsin or gentian- violet. 166 BACTERIOLOGY. V. Bacillus Diphtherise. This is found in diphtheretic membrane. It is a non-motile, aero- bic species. On agar it produces a yellowish- white growth, with cre- nated edges. The rods are straight, or curved, and, when stained, often present the appearance of a dumb-bell, owing to the deeper staining of the polar protoplasm. It grows best at 35 degrees Cen- tigrade, and stains well with Loffler's methylene blue. The antitoxin of diphtheria is produced by inoculating a horse with a small amount of diphtheria toxin and following this up with an increased dose every six days, until upwards of 1,000 c.c. can be introduced at a time. As a result of this, the serum of the blood becomes immune to the influence of the toxin. A portion of the blood is then removed from the jugular vein of the horse, and, after coagulation, the serum is tested, bottled, and sold in so-called units of strength. A unit of antitoxin has been tersely denned by Mac- Farland as "ten times the least amount of antitoxic serum that will protect a standard (300-gram) guinea pig against ten times the least certainly fatal dose of diphtheria toxin." A child of the writer was supposed to have diphtheria, bacteriological tests made imme- diately proving the suspicion to be well founded. Within twenty- four hours of the first appearance of the diphtheretic membrane, 100 units of antitoxin were administered, and in three days the child was considered well. VI.. Staphylococcus Pyogenes Aureus. This species occurs in suppurations. The cells are spherical in form and occur singly, or in clusters resembling bunches of grapes, called zooglcese. It is a non-motile anaerobic facultative parasite. It produces a yellowish growth on agar, grows at the room tem- perature, liquefies gelatin, and stains well with aqueous solutions. VII. Streptococcus Pyogenes. Streptococcus pyogenes is found in erysipeloid suppurations. The cells are spherical, and occur in pairs and chains. It is a non-mo- tile facultative anaerobe, growing best at 35 degrees Centigrade, producing a grayish- white line on agar-agar. It stains well with aqueous fuchsin, or gentian-violet. PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. 167 VIII. Diplococcus Pneumoniae. This is found in normal saliva and in the sputum of croupous pneumonia. The cells are lance-shaped, occurring in pairs, sur- rounded by a capsule. It is a non-motile facultative saprophyte, and produces round, grayish- white colonies on nutrient gelatin, and is non-liquefying. It may be stained by Gram's method or with the aqueous solutions of aniline dyes. Injected into a mouse, it pro- duces spetic93mia. IX. Bacillus Coli Commune. The colon bacillus is found associated with typhosus in typhoid fever, and with Micrococcus urcw in cystitis. It is recognized as the cause of most of the summer complaints among children, and is almost invariably found in the feces of healthy persons. It is mo- tile, grows luxuriantly on ordinary media; produces acids, gases, and indol; coagulates milk, and does not react with typhoid blood. It may be stained with fuchsin or gentian- violet. X. Micrococcus Gonorrhoeae, This microbe is the cause of gonorrhoea. It occurs in gonorrhceal discharges from the urethra, the somewhat hemispherical cells oc- curring on the surfaces of epithelial cells, or in pus-cells in pairs or tetrads. It is a non-motile facultative anaerobe. The cocci do not stain by Gram's method, but may be stained with Loffler's methylene blue or aqueous solutions of fuchsin and gentian-violet. It does not grow upon gelatin. Other species which may be studied are the Bacillus tetani of tetanus, Bacillus influenza of influenza, Baccillus leprce of leprosy, Bacillus mallei of glanders, Spirillum cholerce of cholera. Laboratory exercise No. 58. StapJiylococcus pyogenes aureus. Make a systematic study of this species and write out a full outline according* to the form given on page 155. Stain by method No. 10. and study with one-twelfth oil-immersion objective. Make out single cells and a zo- oglcea. Laboratory exercise No. 59. Streptococcus pyogenes. Make a sys- tematic study of this species, preparing an outline and making the required drawings. Stain with aqueous or carbol fuchsin. Observe single cells and slender bead-like filaments. 168 BACTERIOLOGY. Laboratory exercise No. 60. Micrococcus gonorrhaxv. Make a cover- glass preparation from gonorrhceal discharges and stain with Loffler's methylene bine or carbol fuchsin, method No. 10. The hemispherical cocci will be found in pairs or tetrads on epithelial cells or within pus cells. Laboratory exercise No. 61. Bacillus tuberculosis. Make a rather thick smear of tubercular sputum upon a cover-glass, dry thoroughly, and stain by method No. 15. Observe the slender, beaded, somewhat curved rods. Find two attached by their extremities forming a V-shape. Account for the beaded appearance. Laboratory exercise No. 62. Bacillus typhosus. Make a systematic study of this species and prepare an outline of your work. Observe the motility of vegetative specimens. Demonstrate flagella, method No. 13. Make a permanent preparation, staining with gentian-violet. Look for small oval spaces in the ends of some of the degenerated bacilli. Laboratory exercise No. 63. Bacillus anthracis. Make, a systematic study of this species and prepare an outline. Stain a permanent prepa- ration with gentian-violet. Make a study of the long filaments. Dem- onstrate spores by method No. 12. Harden, embed, and section the heart and lungs of a mouse that has been killed by Bacillus anthracis, and stain by method No. 16. Search for bacteria. Laboratory exercise No. 64. Bacillus coli commune. Make a sys- tematic study of the colon bacillus. State all the points of difference between this species and Bacillus typhosus. Stain your permanent preparation with fuchsin or gentian-violet. Make drawings of all spe- cies studied. Laboratory exercise No. 65. Bacillus diphtheriae. Make a study of cultures of the diphtheria bacillus on different media. Describe the process of making a bacteriological diagnosis of diphtheria. Stain a cover-glass preparation with Loffler's methylene blue and make a study of the cells. Observe the dumb-bell forms. A good lens will always exhibit complete rods, showing that the protoplasm of the polar ends is connected. Search for involution forms, also for three or four cells joined by their extremities, noting that no chains are formed. Draw- ing. PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. Diagrams Showing Cells, Spores, etc. A. Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus; B. Streptococcus pyogenes; C. Micrococcus gonorrhoeas; D. Bacillus tuberculosis. Diagrams Showing Cells, Spores, etc. . A. Bacillus typhosus; B. Bacillus anthracis; G. Bacillus coli commune; D. Bacillus cliph- theriae. 1713 BACTERIOLOGY. CHAPTEE XXIX. IMMUNITY, TOXINS, ETC. GERMICIDES, ANTISEPTICS, ETC. Ptomaines. This term applies to all compounds of a basic na- ture produced by the agency of bacteria, They act upon the sys- tem to produce the symptoms of the diseases ascribed to the species through whose agency they are manufactured. Toxalbumins. These are proteid poisons produced by bacteria, and they give rise to the symptoms of the larger number of infec- tious diseases. Leucomaines have been defined as " basic substances which re- sult from tissue metabolism in the body/' Toxins, This is a general term applied to all poisons produced by bacteria, and especially to those of unknown composition. Antitoxins. Bacteria also produce another class of compounds known as antitoxins. These act upon the tissues in such a way as to prevent bacterial infection. Immunity. This term is applied to the power of resistance to bacterial infection which may be exerted by an individual man or animal. This may be natural ; or it may be acquired by disease, ac- climatization, vaccination, the injection of antitoxins, and other means. An antiseptic is a substance which simply retards the growth of bacteria. A germicide is a substance which will kill bacteria, The term " disinfectant" has the same significance. Among the commonly used and most effective germicides may be named the following: Car- bolic acid, mercuric chloride, silver nitrate, formaldehyde, sulphur dioxid, calcium hypochlorite, lime, potassium permanganate, and copper sulphate. For the destruction of the sputum of consumptives and the evacuations of cholera and typhoid patients, Crookshank recom- mends the use of carbolic acid, one in twenty, or a strong solution of chloride of lime. Disinfection of the skin is often difficult, as a number of species are of frequent occurrence upon its surface, such IMMUNITY, TOXINS, ETC. 171 as Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus (also albus and citrous), Bacillus tuberculosis, Bacillus pyocyanus, and others. Staphylococcus epidermidis albus finds its normal habitat in the skin. Under ordinary circumstances, sponging the skin with carbolic acid, one in forty, or rinsing it in bichloride of mercury, 1 in 1,000, will give satisfactory results. For the disinfection of wounds, hydrogen peroxide is recom- mended. As a wash for the mouth and throat in cases of inflamma- tion, abrasion, and suppuration, a weak solution of permanganate of potash will be found very efficient when used as a gargle. Fetri Dish. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. MEMORANDA. F= A. T I V. URINALYSIS. The clinical significance of urinalysis renders this subject of paramount importance to the physician. Only a bare outline is here given of some of the important processes of physical and chem- ical urinalysis. ' In the preparation of this outline Purdy's " Prac- tical Urinalysis and Urinary Diagnosis " has been consulted. Those who may contemplate pursuing these investigations more exhaust- ively will not be disappointed if they secure this admirable text. The microscopical examination of urine is valuable in demonstrat- ing pus, bacteria, animal parasites, blood, fat, epithelium, inorganic crystals, and other products, thus affording very valuable assistance in the detection of abnormal conditions. The few practical exer- cises pointed out in this brief discussion are only suggestive of the field which might be explored by the ambitious student. CHAPTER XXX. PHYSICAL, CHEMICAL, AND MICROSCOPICAL URINALYSIS. 1. PHYSICAL URINALYSIS. The physical examination of urine includes the following deter- minations : 1. The amount voided in twenty-four hours. This determina- tion is important as a basis upon which to estimate the quantity of solid matter eliminated in a given period. It also indicates the possible presence or absence of such diseases as uraemia, diabetes, and Bright's disease. The normal quantity passed, in twenty-four hours ranges from 1,000 c.c. to 2,000 c.c., the average in a healthy person being 1,500 c.c. 2. Odor. The odor may be aromatic, ammoniacaL, putrid, or scarcely perceptible. The odor of freshly-voided normal urine is [172] PHYSICAL URINALYSIS. 173 slightly aromatic. A putrid odor indicates tissue degeneration or the decomposition of the urine within the body. 3. Color. The color of normal urine ranges from that of water, through the yellows, to reddish brown, the average being straw,, or amber, color. The color is due to certain pigments. Concentrated urine is more highly colored than that of low specific gravity. Ab- normal urine exhibits greater fluctuations in color than that of health. Red may indicate the presence of blood; a black color in- dicates a certain form of cancer; green indicates jaundice, and occurs sometimes in diabetes ; blue occurs in cholera and typhus. 4. Transparency. Normal urine is transparent when voided, becoming cloudy after standing, owing to the action of bacteria. Pathological urine is often cloudy when first obtained, due to the action of bacteria, the presence of blood, pus, etc., and the precipi- tation of salts. Heat removes cloudiness due to precipitated urates, but not when caused by bacteria., pus, or precipitated phosphates. Acids will clear up any cloudiness due to precipitated phosphates, but will increase turbidity arising from bacteria, albuminous casts, and pus. 5. Chemical reaction, This test consists in finding the action of urine on litmus, an acid urine turning blue litmus red, and that which is alkaline changing red to blue. Normal urine is acid, the acidity being due to the acid sodium phosphate. Excessive acidity is calculated to irritate the urinary passages and favors the forma- tion of uric acid concretions. Alkalinity of the urine may be due to the presence of ammonium carbonate (resulting from the de- composition of urea by the agency of bacteria) or to an alkali of sodium or potassium. In the former case the litmus paper turns red again upon drying ; in the latter case it remains blue upon dry- ing. 6. Specific gravity. Normal urine (1,500 c.c.) has a specific gravity ranging from 1.015 to 1.025, the average being 1.020, water being taken as the standard. Low specific gravity may indicate nephritis and organic albuminuria, though in functional albuminu- ria the specific gravity is above normal. High specific gravity is suggestive of melituria, and when it reaches 1.030 there is indicated 174 URINALYSIS. the probable presence of sugar. The determination of specific gravity is made with a urinometer. 7. Solids. Xormal urine, when freshly voided, is free from visi- ble solids, save a few epithelial scales. The visible solids of abnor- mal urine may be estimated by means of the centrifuge. The quan- tity of invisible solids in normal or pathological urine may be esti- mated by multiplying the last two figures of the number represent- ing the specific gravity by 2.33. This gives the number of grams in a liter of the sample. Thus, in urine whose specific gravity is 1.030, the number of grams of solids held in solution would be 30X2.33, or 69.9 grams. The amount of solids eliminated by the urine, 1,500 c.c. in twenty-four hours, would be represented by the equation : 20 X 2. 33 X 1 . 5 = 69. 9 grams. The quantity of solids for twenty-four hours is affected by age, diet, exercise, etc., the average quantity for a person of 145 pounds being 61 grams. A reduction of solids indicates renal diseases (with a tendency toward uraemia) and defective elimination. The importance of knowing the amount of urine passed in twenty-four hours is evident. Laboratory exercise No. 66. Make a physical examination of some sample of urine, performing* all the tests indicated above. 2. CHEMICAL URINALYSIS. 1. Urea, CO (NH 2 ) 2 . The normal quantity of urea in the urine is about one-half of all the solid constituents, or about 35 grams. It is formed in the liver as the result of destructive metabolism of the tissues and the splitting up of nitrogenous food principles. An excess of urea occurs in acute diseases, such as fevers, in some liver affections, such as diabetes, and accompanies excessive physical and mental exertion, and indicates tissue waste A deficiency occurs in chronic diseases. The average elimination of urea for an adult for twenty-four hours is estimated at 33 grams. The percentage in the urine is estimated by means of the Doremus ureometer as indicated in the following method : Fill the long arm of the ureometer with hypobromite. By means of the graduated pipette add 1 c.c. of urine by compressing the nipple gently and steadily. The hypo- bromite causes the liberation of nitrogen gas, which collects in the CHEMICAL URINALYSIS. 175 upper end of the cylinder. The readings on the ureometer will in- dicate the number of milligrams of urea in 1 c.c. ; from this deter- mination may be calculated the total amount eliminated in twenty- four hours. Hypobromite may be prepared as follows : To 250 c.c. of water add 100 grams of sodium hydrate. When ready to make the test, add to 10 c.c of the sodium hydrate 1 c.c. of bromine, and then a quantity of water equal to this mixture. 2. Uric acid. Uric acid is a nitrogenous compound supposed to be formed in the liver by the union of ammonia and lactic acid. The quantity eliminated in twenty-four hours by the healthy adult is about 0.5 gram. An excess occurs in leukaemia, fevers, lung and heart diseases, tumors, etc.; an absence of uric acid occurs in Bright's disease, gout, and other affections. A qualitative test may be made by strongly acidulating with hy- drochloric acid a beakerful of urine. After standing twenty-four hours, uric acid crystals will be deposited, which may be examined with the microscope. 3. Glucose. Sugar occurs temporarily in the urine with such diseases as cholera, gout, intermittent fever, etc. Its presence be- comes persistent in diabetes. It may be detected by Fehling's solu- tion, Haynes' test, fermentation test, etc. Fehling's solution is prepared by dissolving 6.9 grams of copper sulphate in 100 c.c. of distilled water. Then a second solution is prepared by dissolving 34 grams of potassium sodium tartrate and 25 grams of potassium hydrate in 100 c.c. of water. In making the test, place about 5 c.c. of each of these solutions in separate test tubes, heat to boiling, and, after adding one to the other, add a few drops of the suspected urine. If a yellowish-red precipitate is formed, it indicates the presence of sugar. Hay lies' solution is prepared by mixing 30 grains of copper sul- phate with one-half ounce of distilled water, then adding one-half ounce of pure glycerine, and, after mixing, adding five ounces of liquor potassse The test is made by boiling five to ten cubic centi- meters of this solution in a test tube, and adding six to eight drops 176 URINALYSIS. of the suspected urine. Boil again, and, if sugar be present, a yel- lowish-red precipitate will be formed. A quantitative test for sugar may be made with the fermentation saccharometer as follows: To 10 c.c. of urine add one gram of Fleischmann's yeast; shake thoroughly in a test tube; pour the mixture into the saccharometer. The yeast produces the decompo- sition of the sugar with the formation of carbonic acid gas. The quantity of gas evolved indicates the amount of sugar present, and may be determined by the readings of the graduated scale. 4. Albumin. The presence of albumin in urine may be due to degeneration of the kidney tissues, excessive blood pressure, or an increased diff usibility of the serum-albumin of the blood. It is prob- ably more often due to kidney degeneration, and in such cases is in- dicative of chronic albuminuria, known as Bright's disease. It may be detected by the following methods : (1) Heat Test. Pour into a test tube about 10 c.c. of the sus- pected urine; heat the upper portion to boiling. If a cloudiness appears, which is not removed by nitric acid, albumin is present. (2) Nitric Acid Test. Pour into a test tube 5 c.c. of nitric acid; then, with a pipette, add, drop by drop, some of the suspected urine, allowing it to run down the side of the tube. If albumin is present, a white ring will be formed at the plane of juncture of the two fluids. (3) Quantitative Test. Using Esbach's albuminometer, fill the tube with urine to the graduation U; then add the test solution (10 grams picric acid, 20 grams citric acid, water to make one liter) to fill the tube to graduation E. Cover the end of the tube and shake the contents thoroughly: close the tube with rubber stopper, and set aside for twenty-four hours. The precipitated albumin can then be estimated from the graduated scale, each graduation indi- cating one gram of albumin in a liter of urine. 5. Chlorides. The quantity of chlorides eliminated by the urine in twenty-four hours is from six to ten grams. When the amount becomes less than five grams, it indicates weakness of digestion. An excessive excretion occurs in diabetes, and is considered a favor- CHEMICAL URINALYSIS. ITT able sign in dropsical conditions. The presence of chlorides may be tested by acidulating with nitric acid and adding silver nitrate. A white precipitate of chlorides is formed. Quantitative test: Dilute 10 c.c. of urine with 100 c.c. of water; add a few drops of potassium chromate solution; then add slowly a solution of silver nitrate (17 grams to a liter of water) until the color of the solution changes from yellow to red. Each c.c. of silver nitrate (standard solution) used will precipitate 0.00354 gram of chlorine, from which may be estimated the percentage by weight of chlorine in the urine. 6. Phosphates. The earthy phosphates are those of calcium and magnesium; the alkaline phosphates are those of sodium and potas- sium ; triple phosphate is ammonio-magnesium phosphate ; the acid phosphates of the alkalies give the acid reaction to the urine, and are represented by the formulas NaH 2 P0 4 and KH 2 P0 4 . An excess of phosphates occurs in diabetes. A diminution generally occurs in nephritis, gout, rheumatism, and acute infectious diseases. The earthy phosphates may be detected by adding ammonium hydrate and gently heating; a white precipitate is formed, which is dissolved by the addition of acetic acid. A quantitative deter- mination may be made by filling a test tube whose diameter is two centimeters with urine to the depth of 5.3 centimeters; to this add a few drops of ammonium hydrate and heat until the phosphates are precipitated; set aside and in fifteen minutes examine. If the height of sediment be 1 centimeter, the quantity of earthy phos,- phates is normal, but diminished or increased if the height should be less or greater than 1 centimeter. To determine approximately the quantity of alkaline phosphates, proceed as follows : Kemove the earthy phosphates by precipitation and filtration, and to 10 c.c. of the filtered urine add 3 c.c. of mag- nesium mixture. Magnesium fluid is prepared by dissolving magne- sium sulphate and ammonium chloride, one part each, in eight parts of distilled water and one part of ammonium hydrate. The amount of turbidity formed by the precipitate indicates the quantity of alkaline phosphates present. If it is simply milky, the quantity is 12 178 URINALYSIS. normal; if heavy, increased; and if no precipitate, there is a de- crease. 7. Sulphates. The total amount of sulphuric acid in combina- tion excreted by an adult in twenty-four hours is between two and three grams. An increase of sulphates occurs in serious stoppages of the food in the intestines, the pus forming diseases, as in fetid bronchitis, diphtheria, etc., and in acute fevers, meningitis, and rheumatism. They may be detected by adding to a portion of the urine one-third the amount of barium chloride acidulated with hy- drochloric acid. A white, milky precipitate indicates the presence of sulphates. An approximate quantitative determination may be made as follows : To 10 c.c. of urine add 3 c.c. of barium chloride solution, which is prepared by mixing four parts of barium chloride, one part of hydrochloric acid, and sixteen parts of distilled water. If a milky turbidity results, the quantity of sulphates is normal; if the precipitate is heavy, having the consistency of cream, it is in- creased. Laboratory exercise No. 67. Chemical examination. Make an analy- sis of a sample of urine by the chemical tests suggested above. Write out your analysis in systematic form. 3. MICROSCOPICAL URINALYSIS. The microscopical examination of urine is of value in confirming the results of physical and chemical analyses and in throwing light upon certain pathological conditions light obtainable from no other source. The sediments of urine may be organized or unorgan- ized. Organized sediments comprise epithelium, blood, pus, tubu- lar casts, spermatozoa, bacteria, and vermes. The unorganized sediments comprise crystals of the phosphates, urates, etc., amor- phous compounds, and inorganic concretions. UNORGANIZED SEDIMENTS. Among some of the forms of crystals which may be demonstrated by microscopical urinalysis are those of calcium oxalate (Fig. 1), triple phosphate (Fig. 2), uric acid (Fig. 3), leucin and tyrosin (Fig. 4), nitrate of urea (Fig. 5), calcium sulphate (Fig. 6), cal- cium phosphate (Fig. 7), and hamiin (Fig. 8). UNORGANIZED SEDIMENTS. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Calcium Oxalate. Triple Phosphate. Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Uric Acid. Fig. 5 Nitrate of Urea. Fig, 7 Calcium Phosphate. Fig. 6 Calcium Sulphate. Fig. 8 Haemin Crystals. [179] 180 URINALYSIS. Amorphous sediments, such as mates, phosphates, etc., are of occasional occurrence. Laboratory exercise No. 68. Organic sediments. Obtain some cys- titic urine by means of a pipette; apply a drop of the sediment to the slide; cover and search for epithelium, noting- the forms of the cells; search also for pus and bacteria. Of what significance are these ele- ments ? Bacillus coli commune, Micrococcus urece, and the species of Staphylococcus invariably occur in cystitic urine. What other ele- ments do you observe ? Make a cover-glass preparation, and stain with gentian- violet. Mount in water, and make a search for pus, bacteria, epithelium, blood, crystals, and other structures. Obtain samples of urine from cases of nephritis, Bright ? s disease, etc. Examine the sediments by the usual method, and demonstrate epithelium, blood casts, bacteria, etc., such as may be present. Patty, granular, epithelial, and blood casts may be easily demon- strated. Hyaline casts should be precipitated by means of a centri- fuge. A drop of the sediment is placed upon a slide containing a cell, covered, and then examined. The casts are of small or large diameter and transparent. Laboratory exercise No. 69. Crystals. Allow cystitic urine to stand for twenty-four hours. Examine some of the sediment and determine the kinds of crystals present by comparing their forms with those of the illustrations on page 179. Clean five slips; upon each place a drop of urine. Allow the first to dry without adding any reagent; to the second add a small drop of ammonium hydrate; to the third, a drop of hydro- chloric acid; to the fourth, nitric acid; and to the fifth, dilute sul- phuric acid. When these preparations are dry, or nearly so, cover and examine. Preparation No. 1 may exhibit crystals of calcium oxalate, leucin, tyrosin, and uric acid ; No. 2 will exhibit crystals of triple phosphate (Fig. 2) and calcium phosphate (Fig. 7) ; No. 3 may illustrate crystals of uric acid (Fig. 3) ; No. 4 will exhibit nitrate of urea (Fig 5) ; and No. 5 will show crystals of calcium sulphate ( Fig. 6 ) . Determine any other forms which may be ob- served. ORGANIZED SEDIMENTS. 181 ORGANIZED SEDIMENTS. 1. Epithelium. Epithelium occurs in urine as isolated cells; or, occasionally, groups of attached cells may be demonstrated. In normal urine there is always a limited number of epithelial cells due to ordinary desquamation, but under pathological conditions the number becomes greatly increased. This may be due to inflam- mation, suppuration, friction, and the action of bacteria. The elements from the renal tubules are generally small round cells, columnar or cuboidal cells ; those from the excretory duct are of the tall columnar variety ; and those from the pelvis, ureter, and blad- der are of the transitional type, exhibiting irregular forms spindle- shaped, polyhedral, and large round cells, some having more than one nucleus, and some exhibiting pointed processes ; cells from the prostatic portion of the urethra are of the squamous type, while those from the free portion are low columnar cells. In the female, squamous epithelium lines the entire urethra. 2. Blood (Fig. 10). Blood occurs only in pathological urine; it may be detected microscopically by the presence of the red disks. These are known by their form and the absence of nuclei ; they sel- dom form in rouleaux, but often exhibit crenation. Tuberculosis of the kidneys, pyelitis, cystitis, and other affections are suggested by the presence of blood. 3. PUB (Figs. 9 and 14). Pus consists of dead or dying leuco- cytes, which have escaped from the vascular channels. Leucocytes are concerned in repairing diseased tissues and the destruction of microbes. \ 7 ast numbers die in the conflict, and these constitute pus. Pus cells may be distinguished from other elements by their size, granular appearance, and nuclei. They often contain several nuclei in each cell and occasionally exhibit amoeboid movement. Pus is invariably present in cystitis, gonorrhcea, tuberculosis, etc. 4. Casts. These originate in the renal tubules and comprise several varieties : Blood casts, epithelial casts, granular casts, fatty casts, and hyaline casts. Blood casts (Fig. 13) are the result of hemorrhage in the urinary tubules, and indicate such infections as haematuria, renal congestion, and acute nephritis. ORGANIZED SEDIMENTS. Fig. 9 Fig. 10 o Pus Cells. 1Z.4 Stf* fi$f % Blood. Fig. 11 Fig. 12 Hyaline Casts. Epithelial Casts. Fig. 13 Fig. 14 Fig. 15 Blood Casts. Pus Showing Amoeboid Movement. Granular Casts. [182] ORGANIZED SEDIMENTS. 183 Epithelial casts (Fig. 12) result from the disintegration of the epithelium of the renal tubules; their presence indicates nephritis and other kidney infections. Granular casts (Fig. 15) result from the disintegration of pas, epithelium, and blood, and are indicative of pathological conditions of the kidney. Fatty casts are the result of changes in the kidney which indicate the destruction of the protoplasm of the cells. Hyaline casts (Fig. 11) are probably produced by the coagulation of certain elements of the blood which have gained access to the renal tubules. They are almost colorless and difficult of demon- stration; their presence indicates interstitial-nephritis. 5. Bacteria. Normal urine is free from bacteria, The species most commonly met with in pathological urine are Micrococcus urece, Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, albus, and citreus, Strepto- coccus pyogenes and Bacillus coli commune. Bacillus tuberculosis is of occasional occurrence. These organisms can be demonstrated by the usual methods of staining. 6. Vermes. Two species of vermes are of occasional occurrence namely, Distoma hwrnatobium and Filaria sanguinis Jiominis. Laboratory exercise No. 70. Make a complete analysis of some sam- ple of urine, and fill out the form presented on pages 184-185. MEMORANDA. 184 URINALYSIS. ANALYSIS OF URINE. Sample Physical Tests. f Normal urine 1. Amount in 24 hours. . < ^ Sample examined . . f Normal urine 2. Odor j (_ Sample tested ( Normal urine 3. Color { t Sample f Normal urine 4. Transparency <^ t Sample f Normal urine 5. Chemical reaction . . . -j [ Sample f Normal urine 6. Specific gravity j [ Sample f Normal f Visible... <| [_ Sample 7. Solids <[ f Normal ^ Invisible . < [ Sample Chemical Tests. f Normal 1. Urea <^ [ Sample f Normal 2. Uric acid { t Sample f Normal 3. Glucose < [ Sample . f Normal 4. Albumin