REPORT Stat^ Civil Service Commission 5 ^^^ State Board of Control 674 THE SENATE AND THE ASSEMBLY RELATIVE TO Names, Titles, and Salaries of State Officers and Employees February 25, 1921 ^KLiroiiNff 7' T < AI.IKOUNIA STATE PKINTIXG OFFICE SACRAMENTO. 1921 ^ REPORT State Civil Service Commission State Board of Control THE SENATE AND THE ASSEMBLY RELATIVE TO Names, Titles, and Salaries of State Officers and Employees February 25, 1921 CAUFORMA STATE PBnsTlXG OFFICE SACRAifENTO, 1921 9768 LKTTKR OF TRANSMITTAL. SiATK BOAKI) OF CoNTROl.. r>At RAMK.NTo, ('ALircKNiA. Mnrc'li :'.. UI21. Assciiiblij of the Slate of California. Sarrawruto. Californio. (Jenti.emen : I'ursrant to tlio instructions contaimnl in Assembly Concun-fnl Uesolulion No. It. adoiited January 14. wp submit herowitli a comploto roport of the names of all the oltii;M-s and omi)l(;yiHs in oacli and every offi-.e. department, beard, bureau, commission and institulii.n of the soxorninent of the State of California, with their titles and tlnir monthly salaries or wages, all as of January 1. lO'-M. Also is };iven a statement ^1 owinji the number of peisens ensai?ed for temporary i;r emergeney work durin.i: tin- (iseal year -udinir June :UI. 1<.121. and the total am(.uiil expended tiierefor. As a part of the report we are preparing the following four summaries which will show the totals of tie monthly and .yearly expeuditurrs for salaries and wages as of January 1. 1021. (f all the State agencies, the first of which siimaiaries a'-enmpanies this report : (1) All those agencits which appear in the general appnpriatio;! lull. (2) The self-supporting agencies. (3) State Highway C'ommi.ssion. whi< li is limnued entirely by bend issiu's and motor vehicle tax funds. (4) T'niversity of California, which is sui.perled partly by S:ate appro- priations and partly by endowment funds and other income. (The University payroll submitted in the repcrt is the entire payroll, i.aid partly by the Stat<- and partly by endowment funds and ether income.) In these summaries nineteen salary groups have been set up. showing for each agencv the number of oflicers and employees that fall within each salary group, ine lowest of these salary grcups iucUu'e those receiving $7.", or less per mouth, and the -roups range in amounts up to *S(tl to $!jOO per month. The summaries wdl also show what percentage each group is of the whole number of employees. Each of the f.air summari.'s will show the average niimthly salary uf all oH1<-ms nnd cinjiloyees as (1) Departments appearing in the general , appro-,. riaiicn bill, average nu nthly salary. $181.:3"i. (2) Self-supporting depart nienis. average m Prison Directors 1<>2 Prisons : Folsom 99 San Quentin 100 Purchasing Department 102 Railroad Commission 103 Real Estate Department 104 Reclam:ition Board ^--- 105 Redwood Park Commission _ lOfi San Quentin State Prison. See Prisons. Summarv of number and salaries of officers and employees. Table, insert 4-5 Secretary of State -- 107 Supreme Court. See Court. Surveyor General 108 Sutter's Fort, Trustees . lOS Table showing summary of departments supported by budget appropriations insert 4-5 Treasurer IDS University of California 108 Veterans' Home -- 151 Veterinary Medicine, Examiners . 154 Water Commission — 154 Weights and Measures, Department , 155 Whittier School ' 155 See, also. Preston School of Industry. Women, Industrial F'arm. See Industrial Farm, Women's Relief Corps Home l.",? STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTANCY, 311 Califoiiiia Street, Sail Francisco, California. Montlily Salary Namo of Officer or Kmiiloyee ami Title or Daily Wage John F. Forbes, President $5.(K» a day* D„,.,,^l,) V KliTht Vina TJi-ocirlont $5.(10 R Hav« iiini imiu-iii eiiiijm.viiii.-iii KW .„»srs.Sn..« «„*, 0, »p,o„,. ,„.™. .„««. i..u.„ 1, ■.„. .„.„... .„■ ""■« .„o. nMc r£ momhir r.yroll *„.un,., iSri.";, "plojeil' 8801 STOl 8800 tool 8700 8000 mi 8500 tm 8150 8351 8100 8301 8278 8261 8800 1276 8228 <250 8201 «226 8170 8200 8151 ♦176 8120 8150 8101 JUS 810O 50 rs roll TiOMii on 85.595 aa 12 i 1 1 1 3 8 ...... u 82,575 01 1.805 00 l.OOOOO 23.118 16 1.881 « •30 900 1- Ti ' t 1 \ 21 ' 1 :;:::: 8 .„!?- ..." ' 1 1 3 1 2 2 T 32 12 0,022 00 "esooo 2,172 60 i .("i'l :::: ^a 12 1 3 2 5 1 \ 3 ....!. 1 8 11 18 9 "'n " 10 i « 20 88 800 120 19! »7 i 72 8 19 25 137 23 10.7U 16 7.880 SS 5,123 28 2I8U 98 1,126 00 11,280 00 7.201 08 19.890 32 2.118 72 7I&S9 60 1.089 «0 283 88 18.908 22 670 00 17.7«88 13.079 83 88.768 00 11,868 38 10.009 83 2s!o90 3a 3,898 S3 2.119 00 8,916 00 li:i38 30 868 33 8,216 05 75 00 10,877 10 KisJ'S" 7.18.5 00 3.287 19 12I291 20 1,132 17 797 00 7.09i"28' 5.275 33 28.790 02 llo?! 18 aoooo 2.132 05 733 ao 13*0 51 08 50 2 I 17 8 36 10 2,010 00 5 ' » 2 ] mSm £ 1 ^ I ...... 18 '■'io' '? 16 ; 12 1 2,012 80 4 1 :;::;: as 1 18 ...... 1 ...... > ' 2a.5l»io 1 3.000 00 a 2 53 30 a 18 21 3 2 8 J17 2 '■"^SS 18 > 1 5 1 8 11 18 1 2 13 j i 1 ....'. "T 12 179 08 s .— 1- H^w|J;j. ;; ';■" 1,200 60 5 434.070 00 liosriitHi ^' ■ ' 2,010 08 i"" ..... [ 1 40,410 Ofl 281.728 « "if i 13 1,083 80 \l j " ! — ! 10 8 'l",028'a«" } 6 ...... ...... 11 21 ,1 ] a 25.150 «» ::': :::i :::i ....'. ...... 8 ...... 82 7 MlTilnB I'l.' , ;::;::....!.....!. «i>!7'3B N=ls:;;:, :, .^ :::;::::: ;;e ::[ J ....!. ^':!^. ■' 1.598 35 1.020 00 Normul S<-\ - ■■ Pr?8ton •"■ i> ■ 1 ■■■■!' i J 53. 1!-!) 01 w'w'so 160.300 00 180,080 04 oslataoa 346,830 04 7.2nr, 00 fil.376 80 23".860 02 leelsso 32 I8.IM3 60 8,790 80 :::': ...!. ...!!. ...1!. 20 8 1 2 3 168 ...... ....'.. '■'] ....'. ~?!-l RwlwootI Park OommlBelon S?etetary of Stat? 8.400 (5 ...!!?.... ..._ 1 IS -is 80 00 SS9 57 310 08 10 1 \ 8 i ! ' 16 as I 1 » ....!. ::::: ....? ....'. ...1*. I 5 Woman's Relief Corps Homo- «31,rai57 1,011 T zr .20 jl.O = =Jl .ss ^ -^ .08 2.72 .95 8.50 .92 .69 7.82 11.11 17.10 .as == .12 1.220 8555.172 11 Ratio of each group to ffTRod total In tn Brand totiil In ppr c»nl 1.0 — . ' Monthly Salary. c State Highway CommiBBloD. , prieone. reloriuatorlcB. STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTANCY. 311 California Street, San Francisco, California. Monthly Salao' Xanie of Officer or Employee atul Title or Daily Wage John r. Forbas, President - ^.00 a day* Reynold K. Blight, Vice President $5.00 a day* Prentiss Maslin, Member $'.00 a day* B W. Bour.<, Member $5.00 a day* William I>olge, Se.retaryTreasurer $5.00 a day* EMKRGKNCY EMPLOYMENT, li. Larkins, Assistant to .Secretary. 75 cents an liour 1919— 1920— July S!8 18 January $29 25 August 2S ii February 13 l:i September 14 81 March 7 31 October 37 13 April -16 iS November 16 31 May 35 06 December 24 04 June 9 Hi .Tuly 11 44 August 52 31 September 27 IS October 5'i 5fi November 27 Z6 December 'Attending examination* (4 days each year) and attending meetings (3 or 4 each year). THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE. Form of report of cflieers and regular empl'-'yee? employed by this department on January 1, 1021: Xame of Officer or Kniployee and Position Monthly Salary .Statutory employees — Urig. Genl. J. J. Borree, The Adjutant General $416 C" Lieut. Col. J. S. McKnight, Assistant Adjutant General 250 CO Howard S. Mclntire. Chief Clerk 158 33 Jacob Alexander, Clerk 141 67 John E. .Sherburn, Clerk 141 67 ( larif^a E. Bowen, Clerk 141 67 Louise J. Bogert, Stenographer-Clerk 125 0<: John L. Henderson, Military Storekeeper 100 tfi Peter Rouning, Assistant Military Storekeeper 75 CO Non-Statutory Positions- James Wilson, Clerk $V25 OC: Harriet B. Bird, Stenographer-Clerk 110 00 Winni? Brown, Clerk lO) 00 Melva T. Smith. Clerk i:O0f» Charlotte Jensen, Stenographer ICO 00 AdolKh H. Griesel, .Services (State Arsenal) 90 00 Ethel D. Connelly, Typist 90 00 Kdna F. Shaplin, I'ypist 90 00 Florence Wieks, Typist 90 OO Sam Vicari, Janitor 70 00 Richarfl J. Shaplin, Messenger 60 0^ Total $2,575 01 Number of persons engaged f'lr t?m.porary employment, as Clerks, Stenographers, and Typists, in connection with compiling and completing State Military records and records pertaining to operation of Federal Selective Sen-ice Law in California, ■luring fiscal year ended June .3»i, 1!>20 12 Total expenditure for «a!arie-- for same ^ $',50.'5 33 ADVISORY PARDON BOARD OF CALIFORNIA. Rooms 328-9 Mills Buililing, Telephone: Sutter 2311, San Francisco, California. (Report of officers and regular employees employed by this department on January 1, 1921.) Advisory Pardon Board. -Xame of Officer or Kniployee and Titlt Montlily Salary Frank L. Fenton, Secretary $150 00* Miss G. Pursell, Stenographer and Typist 10 OOf Respectfully submitted: Advisory Pardon Board. By Frank L. Fenton. Secretary,. *Statutory salary. +Intermittent employment. STATE OFFICEKS AND EMPLOYEES. THE SIXTH DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. Report of officers and regular employees employed by this department on January 1, 1921. Name uf OfBccr or Employee and Title Monthly Salary W. X. Ilarr:!. Srcretary (Building Manager) $300 00 W. H. Fowler, Processor (Kxhibit Expert) — _ 250 00 Vincent Cech, Cabinet Maker .- 173 00 A. H. Koeli, Multicolor Operator and Processor's Assistant 1% w Mary B. Trelease, Stenographer (OflQce Manager) 150 00 J. A. Benston, Handyman 135 00 Minta Ksterly, Information Bureau Clerk 115 00 Wm. G. Carbi-e, Janitor 105 00 C. R. Kiuisom. Janitor 105 00 Jos. T. Roadhouso, Janitor 105 00 Willard Gregory, Xight Janitor (one half time) i52 50 Dewey A. Niles. Xight Janitor (onelialf time) 52 50 Wage Per Total Wages Xaiiie cf 'remiioraiy Kiiii'loyee ami Title Day or Hour Received Kdouard A. Vysekal, Artist .$6 00 and $7 50 $1,34175 Geo. Feldcamp, Laborer 3 50 and 4 CO 566 31 H. W. Powell, Carpenter 6 00 420 OO Ignace Vysekal, Artist -- 7 50 345 00 Calvin Aerick, Cabinet Maker 5 50 S6 25 J. B. Ingrahaui, Carpenter -- 5 50 56 00 R. Udclowitz, Laborer 50 hr. 47 0.) Douglas Greer, Laborer 50 hr. 38 50 John P. Lobkovich, Laborer .50 hr. 35 94 Lenoyne S. Bloom, Labr.rer 50 hr. 24 CO Donald J. Heintzelnian, Laborer 50 hr. 24 00 W. S. Thorson, Laborer 50 hr. 15 25 Henry E. Curtis, Laboi-er 50 hr. 12 00 Adolf Kunz, Laborer 50 hr. 8 00 A. P. Kmchten, Laborer 50 hr. 6 00 Alfred Huste], Labtirer 50 hr. 3 50 Total- — $3,03S 50 See attached sheet for work performed by each pennanent employee. Duties of Employees of Sixth District Agricultural Association. ITie Board of Dirictors of tlie .Sixth Distiiet .AgiieuHural Association coiisiirts of the following busines.e men, who .eer\'e the institution mthout salary: FranTc .Simpson, President: W. H. Harrison, Vice President: R. W. Burnliam, Clinton E. Miller, Standish L. Mitchell, K. W. Murphy, Walter P. Story, and Albert M. Paul, Manager. Mr. Paul's servic? might properly tie termed Consulting or Advising Manager. He visits the bin'lding at least once each week to discuss and advise in matters of importance, and is available by phone at all times. (Xo compensation received.) \V. X. Harris, Secretary, $303 per month: Mr. Harris's position is that of Secretary to the Board of Directors and manager of all departments of the State Fxpcsition Building, the directing of pul)Iieity, the securing of exhibits, the cr"ation and mnintenanee of relations between this institution and the different agencies in California that are working for promotion and state, county and municipal publicity. Vincent Cech, Cabinet Maker, .$175 per month: Mr. Ccch's duties as c:iliinet maker include the builiiing and entire finishing of exhibit cases. the cutting and fitting of glass for same, painting, staining, installing electric wiring and fixtures. He is particularly valuable to this institution on account of his all-round knowledge of building constnicti' n, wliich makes it possible to conduct almost all the work in the building witliout the necessity f'lr hiring expert workmen in different lines. A. H. K(!Ch, Multicolor Operator and Processor's Assistant, $150 per month: Mr. Koch does all the ]irinting for this institutirn which can be handled on our press. He also assists Mr. Fowler with the pi-ocessing and the installation of exhibits. Mr. Koch casts some of the wax fniits and vegetables which are used in our permanent exhibits and does all the coloring of same, 'niis color work is a decided art, which Mr. Koch does particularly well. Mary B. Trelease. Stenographer, $150 per month: In addition to th!» ordinary duties of the only stenographer and clerk in an office, Miss Trelease has entire charge of the routine business of the office. She also has direct charge of the janitor and working force of the building, which gives her th'» resp':nsibility for the cleaning and routine running of the building. J. A. Benston. Hanilymaii, $13.'. per month: Mr. Benston's duties as handyman include all phuniug. eleetrieal and otiicr miscellaneous repairs in the lullding, the enre of tlie heating system and filter, the repainting- of woodwork and kalsomining of walls. He drives the Ford, doing such errands as the Institution reqm'res. He also opefates the motion picture machine and on Saturday afternoon and Sunday, every other week, acts as floorinan. Minta Kivterly. Information flork, .*lir) pnr month: Miss Estcrly has entire charge of the Information Bureau. It is her duty to see that the stock of literature is kept up, to study same so as to be able to Intelligently give out informa- tion to the public, and to be continually on the lookout lor new literature and information which may be valuable to visitors. NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 7 Will. G. Cai'bee, Janitor, $10.3 per month: In addition to the regular janitor duties in that portion of the building assigned to him, Mr. t'arbee acts as flooinian a part of each day. On account of the very large crowds visiting the building, it is necessary that some of our organization devote some time each day to patrolling the floois. Mr. Cirbee also s-rves as information clerk to reiieve Miss Esterly every other Satur- day afternoon and Sunday. C". S. Ransom, -Janitor, .*105 per mcnth: Mr. Ransom does all the scnibbing and window cleaning in the building. He also cares for the lavatories, wash basins, cuspidors, etc., and does any other cl?aning he may be called upon to do. Jos. T. Roadhouse. Janitor, iJlOo per mcnth: Mr. Roadhouse performs the regular janitor duties for the portion of the building assigned to him. He ahn car?? for the aviary and acts as floorman part of each day and every other Saturday afternoon and Sunday. ' Willard Gregory, Night Janitor, §52.50 per month: Dewey A. Xiles, Night Janitor, $.52..tO per month: These janitDrs do the night work, which consists of sweeping the entire exhibit floor space. This work has to be done after the building is closed to the public. STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Report of ofliters and regular employees employed by this department on January 1, 1921. Name ov Officer or Emploj-ee and Title Monthly Salary Chas. W. Paine, Secretary $250 00 Fred W. Links, Accountant 17> 0> Kleonore Fentzling. Stenographer 110 Oo Stella Boyden, Stenographer KO OO .John Garrett, Trackman 100 CO J. J. Murphy, Watchman 100 00 Chas. Joy, Gardener 75 CO Daily Wage Manuel Graeia. Foreman ?6 CO day Peter Bloom, Laborer 4 00 day R. S. Burgett, Laborer 4 00 day Thos. Floyd, Laborer 4 CO day Jos. Giles, Laborer 4 CO day W. P. Saunders. Laborer 4 00 day J. H. Sullivan, Laborer 4 00 day During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, this department engaged 2»2 persons for temporary and emergency employment. The total anioimt e\)iendeil for such services was S^o.fir/i.n?. STATE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. (Report of officers and regular employees employed by this department on January 1, 1921.') Name anr! Title Monthly Salarj- *G. H. Hecke. Director of Agriculture ?416 65 Dr. J. P. Iverson, Chief, Division of Animal Industry 33:? 30 Geo. P. Gray, Chi'-f. Division of Chemistry 333 30 D. P. Mackie, Chief Quarantine Officer 275 00 F. W. Read, Specialist in Standardization 275 Of> H. S. Smith, Entomologist in Charge i 275 0(i L. A. Strong, Chief Deputy Quarantine Officer 2-50 00 R. H. Ta.vlor, Assistant to Chief, Division of Plant Industry • 250 OC H. H. Warner, District Super\-ising In. (^. F. Hoyt, Supervisor of Dairy Insjicetions 225 (X> W. C. .Jacohsen, Superintendent of Rodent Control 225 00 H. W. Levers, Chief Accountant 225 OCi Jas. H. Newsom. Superintendent and Secretary Cattle Protection 225 00 R. L. Nougaret, Viticulturist in Charge 225 0'': Dr. A. C. Rosenberger, Supervising Inspector 225 01 W. V. Shear. Potato Seed Inspector 225 00 T. D. Urbahns, Entomologist 225 00 H. M. Armitage, Assistant Entomologist, Alhambra 200 0(i Dr. R. E. Duckworth, Veterinary Inspector 200 00 Dr. J. J. Frey. Veterinary Inspector 1 2(0 00 Dr. Geo. tiordon. Veterinary Inspector 3X) Oi;- Dr. F. H. Guldager, Veterinary Inspector 200 03 Dr. A. F. Hanna, Veterinary Inspector 200 00 Dr. John S. Hay, Veterinary Inspector 200 O') Dr. E. M. Kvef, Veterinary Inspector (District) 200 00 Dr. O. W. Kerr, Veterinary Inspector 200 Of/ 'Statutory salary. B STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. * ( STATE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTU RE— Continued. (Report of officers and rcKulur tiiiployecs ciiiiiloyiU by this department on January 1, 1921.) Name ami Titio Monthly Salary Dr. I. (i. LaRiie, Veterinary Insiiector.- - 200 00 K. K. Leighton, Attorney, Cattle Protection, Los Angeles 200 (X) W. G. Mar.shail, Assistant Clieniist 200 Oi) I>r. .Stephen O'Toole. Siiperintemient of Hiologies - 200 00 Dr. U. A. Pfaffnian, Veterinarv Insix'Ctor — 200 00 Dr. F. v.. Whitehead, Veterinarv Inspector 200 00 Dr. F. P. Wilcox, A"eterinarv Inspector 200 00 W. S. Wilkinson, Technical Assistant 200 CO H. «. Asselslin-, Factory Inspector 175 0") Dr. .1. H. Hrown, Veterinary Inspector 175 00 Ceorge Coinpere. Deputy Quarantine Ollicer. San Francisco 1 — - 175 00 Harold Compere, Laboratory .\ssistant, Alhanibra 175 00 Dr. .\rthur Davies, Veterinary Inspector 175 00 .M. n. Kennedy, I>airy Chemist 175 0) Dr. M. K. McDoiudd. Veterinary Inspector... 175 m Dr. .1. K. McMillan. Veterinary Inspector 175 00 M. K. O'Dea, Fruit and Vvgetable Inspector, San Francisco - 175 00 M. A. Reynolds, Kditor 175 CO C. H. Vary, Deputy Quarantine Officer, Los Angeles 175 00 Dr. L. .\. lirown. Veterinary Inspector 175 CO Ralph H. Gray. Inspector of Fruits and Vegetables, Los Angeles 166 65 W. I. Newcomb, District Apple Inspector, San Francisco 166 65 K. W. Rust, Parasitological Entomologist, South Africa 166 65 A. W. Tate, .Ir., District Apple Inspector, Watsonville 166 65 0 0(I (i. R. Wilson. Quarantine Inspector, San Francisco 150 00 I. D. Wiutakcr, Dairy Inspector 150 CO A. S. Taylor, Apple Inspector, Los Angeles 150 00 (iladys M. Kipp, Bookkeeper UO CO C. E. Mace, District Cattle Inspector— Cattle Protection 140 C" Edward Reddy, Cattl? Inspector— Cattle Protection UC 00 bonis Williams, Cattle Inspector— Cattle Protection 140 00 D. B. Conley, Bookkeeper-Clerk 135 Of. .1. M. Olsen, Quarantine Inspector, San Pedro 135 00 Harry Stiner, Codling Moth Inspector, Los Angeles 135 00 (;. S. Wice, Codling Moth Inspector. Los Angeles .- 135 CO -Margaret .1. Colson, Viticultural Assistant, San Francisco IK 00 Caroline M. Delp, Clerk— Quarantine, Los Angeles 125 00 (iirard E. Green, Laboratory Assistant, Alhanibra 125 00 Eda 1/. .fohanns"n, Stenographer 123 00 •lane A. Cain, License Clerk 125 00 Carrie G. Macdonald, Clerk— Cattle Protection 125 00 Elva .McMillan, Stenographer - 125 00 Edith F. Mensing, Stenographer... 125 0() Verda Ervin, Stenographer 115 CO Claire i;. Dutton. Clerk -Quarantine, San Francisco — - 110 00 -Minnie Kaun, Stenographer 110 00 .Myrtle R. .Smith, Slenograjiher 110 00 .Mildred Hickey, Sleiiogruiilier 100 00 .Mildnd HeLucfi, Stenographer. lOO 00 .Mili|r"d I.iiKlen. Stenographer, Los .\ngeles 100 Wi .Mice O'Brien, Sten'igiapher. Cattle Protection 100 00 Sarah C. Tucker, Clerk 103 00 Harry Farros, Laboratory .\ssistant, Chemi.stry Laboratory 90 CO Lillian .lohnson. Stenographer, Los Angeles 90 00 \irgini:i Leal, Stenographer, Cattle Protection 90 00 Katheiine Muller. Stenographer, San Francisco, Qiiaratine _. flO 0<) Bertha Xeiger, Stenographer !X) OC (iertrude M. Thompsrin, Stenographer 90 (K) France> Thompson, Clerk . !!0 0' Sylvia .1. Wall, Sfnographer Xaomi .1. John.s, Stenographer, Watsonville 70 00 +E. E. Kaufman, Statistician.-. 5«J (X) tA. H. Call, Collaborator 25 W tFrederick Maskew, Collaborator 25 00 K). A. Pratt, Collaborator 25 00 tHarold Van Tassell, Collaborator 25 CO tDr. Charles Keane. Chief Inspector, Cattle Protection 175 OO +Dr. H. W. C. I.ielitenwalter, Veterinary Inspector 175 CO tChas. Cooley, Sheep Inspector 150 00 Daily Wage tLouis K. Delaney, Apple Inspector 7 50 tS. K. Elliott, Apple Inspector 7 50 ii'. H. Xohrden, Apple Inspector 7 50 tArthur H?bbrou, Inspector, Cattle Protection 7 00 tDr. H. Bcrgh, Sheep Inspector 6 00 tX. M. Pierce, Inspector, Chemistry Division 5 00 tA. C. I*ickett, In-speetor, Chemistry Division 5 00 + C. E. Graves. Laborer 4 25 tMrs. Marie E. Clisham, Stenographer-Clerk 4 00 tEdgar Nelson, Laborer, Whittier 4 CO tGrace O'Toole, Laboratory Assistant-.. 4 00 State Department of Agriculture. (Report of temporary and emergency help for the fiscal year ending .June 30, 1923.) Xumlier, Title, and Rate Amount 3 Carpenters at S7 per day $262 50 5 Carpenters at SvS per day 226 50 3 Clerks at $85 per mouth. 441 47 1 Janitor at i^^lSO per day 27 25 1 Inspector (Cattle Protection) at $1C0 per month 100 00 1 Inspector (Cattle Protection) at $12) per month .. 60 4ci 1 Inspector (Grape) at $10 per day 70 00 1 Laborer at $0.44 per hour 3 96 2 Laborers at $0.75 per hour 18 0.) 6 Laborer.?, at $:5.50 per day 26 25 6 Laborer.-? at .$4 per day 223 00 1 Laborer at $5 per day 70 00 1 Laboratory Assistant at $0.50 per day 8') 00 1 Jleclianic at $5 per day 27 50 4 Stenographers at $3 per day 303 OO 4 Stenographers at $S5 per month 303 00 1 Stenographer at $85 per month 17<) 0') $2509 71 The carpenters and laborers were employed principally because of change iu location of offices. CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF ARCHITECTURE. Ui3!»-104o Phelan liuilding. Plione Douglas :'>42<>, San Francisco, Cidifornia, .January 29, 1921. .^orthuii District- Clarence R. Ward, President; Sylvain Schnaittacher, .Secretary and Treasurer; .Tames R. Miller, John J. Donovan, Edward Glass Southern District — lohn Parkinson, President; A. M. Edelman, Secretary and 'Treasurer; William J. Dodd, Myron Hunt, William H. Wheeler. State Board of Architecture — Northern District. (Report of officers and regidar employees employed by this department on Jauuary 1, 1921.) Xame of Kniployee and Title " Monthly Salary Isabel F. Panella, Assistant Secretary ._ ^5 0^. R".>^pectfully submitteietaph<)no Operator 125 00 Willa Kelly, Dictaphone Operator... 125 00 L. M. Willson, Dieiaphoiie Operator 125 0.' Helen I- Hoberls. Telephone Operator and Librarian 125 00 Gladys Bremer. .'Lxsistant 120 00 D. B. Courtney, Assistant 120 00 E. Wallerstein, Dictaphone Operator 110 00 E. W. Davis, Attorney (Assistant one-half time) 100 00 Elizabeth Boyer, Assistant 75 00 Submitted in response- to your rciiuest of February 3, 1921. Yours very truly, ( HAKLES F. STEHN, Supcrint"ndent of Banks: by A. G. Briggs, Assistant. To State Civil Service Commission, Sacramento, California, February 9, 1021. tintermittent employment. NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 11 BUILDING AND LOAN COMMISSIONER. San Francisco, California, January 31, 19J1. Salaries of Building and Loan Commissioner and Employees. Salary Per Month Geo. S. Walker, Building and Loan Commisisioner $300 00 ,T. L. Fields, Chief Dt'puty Building and Loan (Commissioner 200 OC Moses Stern, Deputy Building and Loan Commissioner 150 OG L. P. McKinney, Clerk and .Stenographer 115 0«( $765 K All salaries paid from fees collected by Building* and Loan Commissioner from building and loan associations. Geo. .S. Walker, Commission"r. CAPITAL PLANNING COMMISSION. Stait Civil Service Commission, Forum Building, Sacramento, California. Gentlemen: In reply to your circular letter of .January 28, addresse O. W. Erlcwine, Policeman ((iovernor's- Mansion) 110 Oi) N. L. Theobald, Policeman (Governor's Mansion) 110 CO R. H. Jeffrey, Policeman (Governor's Mansion) 110 00 John Marsh, Fireman 110 (it Wm. Wicks, Head Porter 110 00 John Tofft, Assistant Head Gardener 110 00 Thos. Cunningham, Florist, 27 days at $4 108 Oo S. A. Street, Mechanic, 27 Cays at ^ 108 00 G. F. ZentgrafF, Gardener, 25 days at $4 100 00 Wm. Schuler, Gardener, 25 days at %i lOO Oi Robt. Brown, Gardener, 25 days at $4 100 00 W. B. Fouts, Gardener, 2i days at $4 100 00 W. J. D. TTusdale, Gardener, 25 days at $4 100 00 Wm. Roland, Gardener, 25 days at 84 -- 100 00 Thos. Eddy, Gardener, 25 days at $1 100 OO H. W. Budd, Gardener, 25 days at $4 100 OC- J. Eichel, Gardener, 25 days at $4 100 00 C. Strum, Gardener, 25 days at $4 IW 0:1 \. Ozali, Gardener, 25 days at .$4 lOO 00 L. H. Larkin, Gardener, 25 days at $4- 100 CO J. W. Moore, Gardener, 25 days at $4 10<> CO T. J. Olds, Gardener, 25 days at $4 lOO 00 Sam Lunnetta, Porter. 25 days at $1 lOO 00 Jos. A. Perry, Porter, 2-5 days at $1 100 Of, Dan MeGuire, Porter, 25 days at $4 lOO 00 J. Mills, Porter, -25 days at $4 100 00 G. W. Ruberts, Porter, 25 days at $4 100 OC J. A. Read, Porter, 25 days at $4 1"0 00 J. F. Rohr, Porter, 2.5 days at $4 100 00 Wm. Peterson, Porter, 25 days at :?4 100 00 Frank Tosi, Porter, 25 days at .?! 100 00 F. Bailey, Porter, 25 days at $4 1 100 00 James Gallegher, Porter, 25 day.s at $4 100 00 Marco Zarick, Porter, 25 days at $4 100 OO J. M. Shannon, Elevator Attendant 100 OO C. L. Taylor, Elevator Attendant 100 Or Mrs. A. J. Wallouist, Telephone Operator - 90 00 Mrs. R. C. Oakley, Telephone Operator ^ Oi. Miss Nina BuUard, Telephone Operator ^ OO Wm. Brown, Teamster 86 00 Respectfully submitted: W. S. CONGER, Sup?;riutendent. 12 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. STATE BOARD OF CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS. Xarac o' Olflctr or Kiupluyer aiul Titlv Jloulhly Salary Cornelia McKinne Stanwood, Secretary $300 00 Anita Kldridge. Chief Agent 190 00 ?:sther He Turbeville, Agent 190 00 Margaret F. Sirch. Agent 190 00 Mabel AVeed. Agent 17.5 Oo Ora B. Morrison, Stenographer 110 00 Ali'xina P. Brune. Stenographer 110 00 Binilv E. King, Stenogiapher 1 iO 00 Alix G. Smith. Agent 120 00 Louise M. Ploeger, Chief Clerk 125 00 Eva L. Witter, Field Nurse 125 00 Dorothy Botsford, Agent 1:^5 00 San Francisco, February 3, 1921. (Statement of the number of persons engaged for temporary oi- emergency employ- ment during tlie fiscal year ending June 30, 1920.) Name Total Amount Expended Mabel Mollinder, Stenographer 46 61 E. Hoburg. Stenographei' 20 00 Helen Haas, Stenogiapher 68 00 G. A. Kesseler, Stenographer 13 00 Dorothy Barrett, Stenographer 18 00 Marie Muhlman, Stenographer 74 00 Grace Stearns, Special Agent 28 33 Mary L. Gilbert. Statistical Work 25 80 Pauline Ritterman. Stenographer 5 00 Ethel White. Stenographer 80 00 Ethel Fitzpatrick, Stenographer ;^0 00 Louise Ploeger. Special Agent ■ 126 13 $534 87 State Boaril of Charities and (■urrectioiis, Feliriiary 3, 1921. STATE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. David J. Reese, President; Edgar Williams, Charles Wesley Reed. J. C. Whitman, Chief Examiner: Miss Nova .J. Beal, Secretary. Sacramento, February 11, 1921. List of employees ami salaries ms of .lamiaiy 1, 1921. -Nanio and Title Monthly Salary D. J. Reese, *President $250 00 C. W. Reed, *Commissioner 250 00 Edgar Williams, *Commissioner 250 00 Nova J. Beal, Secretary 225 00 E. H. Escher, Assistant Examiner 215 00 H. G. Baugh, Assistant Examiner 175 00 I^dema Shurtleff, Chief Clerk 175 00 .J. C. Whitman. Chief Examiner___$137.50. (Half of salary paid by Board of Control.^ (Gladys Coffnian, Stenographer 100 00 Valverda Milliken, Roster Clerk 100 0{» Ruth Oakley, Certification Clerk 100 00 (Jwendolyne Phaup, Counter Clerk lOO 00 Florence Knuthson, Typist 85 00 Sadie Edgecomb, Stenographer in San Francisco Office 10 00 Numbei- of temporary or emergencv employees during fiscal vear ending ,Iune 30, 1920— 6. " - . o ' :iniiniiil spniil Idr tliis rTliergeiic.\- work — .$.'?09.L'2. STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND. Salary roll as of .January 1. 19lM. NOTP:— All salaries and other expenses paid from ijreiniums collected upon com- pensation insurance policies issued to employers. .Same and Tltl.' Monthly Salary <'. W. Fellows, Manager -_ $8,3,3 33 Dr. I.,ester Newman, Medical Director III I_ZI 400 00 10. R. Welch, Secretary ;j7f, on H. IJ. Ilumjiliry, Los Angeles Branch Manager Z I.-ZIII-IIZ 375 00 Dr. Orta lCdwar<] Kulm, Assistant Medical Director :',oo on Frank .1. (heede. Attorney :;ii(» (lo Grove ,J. Fink, Fiscal Secretary Hijo 00 •Statutory position. NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 13 STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FU ND— Continued. (Koport (){ ()lli<'riscoll.. Inspector lg5 oo Belden M. McPike, Claim Examiner 165 00 Horace Hyatt Wadsworth, Special Agent lg5 oq Howard W. Brune, Payroll Auditor IgO 00 Ralston Whitoomb, Inspector iqq qq Herbert R. White, Claim Auditor ~ IgO 00 Paul C. Trout, Payroll Auditor I60 00 Frank R. Kahn, Payroll Auditor and Special Agent 150 00 Rolland J. McDevitt, Special Agent and Payroll Auditor I 150 00 Walter Durst, Payroll Auditor and Special Agent 150 00 Joseph P. Ryan,' Special Agent 150 00 P. J. Cailteux, Special Agent and Payroll Auditor 150 00 J. H. Friend, Resident Special Agent 150 00 Ben Bloom, Statistician 150 00 Fred Elgin, Compensation Insurance Classification Clerk 145 00 Linda M. Johnson, Chief Clerk, Renewal Division 145 00 Hugh T. Dykes, Counter Claim Clerk 145 00 Mrs. M. Morcom. Bookkeeper 145 00 James E. Nugent. Multicolor press operator 145 00 George S. Beasley, Claim Investigator 135 00 George F. Drury, Hollerith Tabulating Machine Operator 135 00 Esther Anderson, Claim Examiner Division B 135 00 Blanche Kollman, Assistant to Auditor . 135 00 Florence M. Robinson, Stenographer, Secretary 135 00 Muriel J. Roberts, Claim Examiner 135 00 Ella Mae Slinkard, Claim Examiner 135 00 Myra G. Daly. Stenographer 130 00 Frances K. Dolan. Stenographer, Secretary 130 00 Ethel Paetzold, Stenographer, Secretary 130 00 James Thomas Daley. Assistant Claim E.xamlner 125 00 Harold Eugene Gill, Claim Investigator 125 00 Constance C. Dever, Stenographer — 125 00 Ada H. Powell, Nurse and Medical Secretary 125 00 Harrv Roy Palmer, Underwriter-Clerk 125 00 Mrs. "Mnrv C. McCarthy, Clerk 120 00 Hazel Kress, Assistant to Chief Clerk 120 00 Catherine A. Reiners, Comptometer Operator 120 00 Ida A. Gewertz, Stenographer 120 00 Alfred J. Twyford, Chief Clerk — Coverage Division 120 00 B. Brosnan, Assistant to Cashier 120 00 G. Spowart, Comptometer Operator 120 00 Mrs. Amy Jack.son, Chief Clerk (File and Mail.) 120 00 Mrs. Leita A. Davis, Stenographer 115 00 Mrs. Frances L. Young. Compensation Insurance Classification Clerk 115 00 P. H. Shopard, Clerk 115 00 N. Frank A. Schuler, Supply Clerk 115 00 Leona Biber, Stenographer 115 00 Gertrude Mason, Stenographer and Clerk _ 115 00 Irene E Pollok, Assistant Multicolor Press Operator 115 00 M. M. Mitchell. Policy writer 110 00 Dorothv Leftwich, Stenographer and Clerk 110 00 Mattie Grace Klindera, Stenographer and Clerk 110 00 M. P. P. Evans, Chief Statistical Code Clerk 110 00 Sylvia Wiesman, Stenographer 110 00 Lucile B. Shoecraft. Assistant Chief Coverage Clerk 110 00 Mrs. G. H. Becker. Stenographer 110 00 Juliana Schneider. Stenographer 110 00 Helen I. Doherty, Register Clerk li" "" Ruth Dohertv. Addressograph Operator .' 110 Ojj Mrs. G. M. Cardinal, Stenographer l^o "" 14 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND— Continued. (Ktixiit of iirtircr- iiiiil n'Kiilai (•iiiiilii.vtr> I'liijiloywi by tliis cU'iiaituitnt on .lauiiaiy 1, 1921.) Name ami TitU- Monthly Salary Mrs. E. L. Bulin. Stenographer 105 00 Elizabeth Fotheringham, Stenographer-Clerk 105 00 Ethel Borden, Diotaphonist 105 00 Miriam G. Bock, Stenographer-Clerk 105 00 Mildred Eltringham, Policy writer 105 00 Mabel Nelson, Wahl Adding Machine Operator 105 00 Irene Xey, Policy writer 105 00 Effle Stahmer, Stenographer 105 00 Ilene L. Seike, Comptometer Operator 105 00 Helen Schulke, Stenographer 105 00 Mayme E. Guss, Dictaphonist 105 00 Edna F. Danielson, Payroll Classification Clerk 100 00 D. W. Burbank, Counsel, part-time — 100 OOt S. M. Bigelow, File Clerk 100 00 Adelaide Feyge, Assistant to Claim Examiner 100 00 Mildred E. Chapman, Assistant to Claim Examiner 100 00 Esther V. Gilbert, Stenographer 100 00 C. C. Hodnett, Comptometer Operator 100 00 Gladys Stegemann, Comptometer Operator 100 00 Mrs. Mary Hardacre, Classification Clerk ." 100 00 Irene McCloy Williams, Hollerith Key Operator (Punch) 100 00 Mrs. E. M. Wolfe, Stenographer 100 00 Emily S. Terry, Claim Examiner 100 00 Esther Roesch, Comptometer Operator and Telephone Exchange Operator 100 00 Mrs. E. F. Raschen, Payroll Clerk 100 00 Emilia G. Marianetti, Dictaphonist — 100 00 Rosela Orchison, Dictaphonist 100 00 Wm. Leslie, Consulting Actuary, part-time 100 OOt Mrs. M. L. Meeker, Clerk 100 00 Donald A. I^avore, Special Agent 100 00 Fi-ances C. Painter, Clerk 95 00 Gerda Karp, Stenographer 95 00 Mercedese T. Rankin, Coverage Clerk 95 00 Madge E. Rice, Statistical Card Clerk 95 00 Dorothv Rubenstein, Policy writer 95 00 Clotilde L. Chamey, Policy writer 95 00 Rose Gewertz, Dictaphonist 95 00 Margaret Gillies, Key Punch Operator 95 00 Mrs. H. M. Goessi, Burroughs Bookkeeping Machine Operator 95 00 Beatrice H. Guiges, Dictaphonist 95 00 Mrs. E. B. Barber, Multicolor Press Operator 95 00 George Flynn, Assistant Claim Examiner 95 00 G. R. Fredricks, Stenographer 95 00 Mrs. D. D. Tracy, Dictaphonist 95 00 Mable Stone, Stenographer 95 00 Pauline Strause, Policy writer ^ -- 95 00 Olive R. Hampton, Clerk -- 95 00 Claire D. Sullivan, Dictaphonist 90 00 Christina R. Nicol, Hollerith Key Punch Operator 90 00 IA\a. M. Jamison, Stenographer, Clerk 90 00 Maude Ostrom, Key Punch Operator 90 00 Alice L. McCormick, Key Punch Operator 90 00 Ella M. MoCuUough. Typist 90 00 K. Edith McKay, I'olicy writer ^ 90 00 Johannah Munroe, Typist-Clerk 90 00 Asher Lavore, Claim Clerk 90 00 Hope J. Dobner, Typist 90 00 Adrice A. Rice. Clerk 90 00 p:thel Ruebin, Clerk 90 00 Eunice E. Buffum, Check-writer typiist 90 00 Enrico De Paoli, Clerk 90 00 M. E. Ellis, Policy writer 90 00 Assunla Banchero, Stenographer 90 00 Charles Cullen, Jr., Claim Clerk 90 00 Adeline Katlierine Conn, Stenographer 90 00 Adele Walker, Coverage Clerk 90 00 Adele Tarrant. Clerk 90 00 E R. Sikola, Tvpist-checkwriter 90 00 Mrs R. Statler, Coverage Clerk 90 00 Florence E. Striegel, Typist 90 00 Marguerite H. Haaf. Policy writer 85 00 I^a Verne Jester, Typist 85 00 Claire K. Sheehan, Clerk 85 00 Vera Thelma Winterberg, Typist-checkwriter 85 00 Mrs. Verljina M. Thomas, Nurse 85 00 Evelyn A. Ward, Stenographer 85 00 Mrs. A. DeMartIni, File Clerk 85 00 Claire K. Dougherty, Typist-checkwriter 85 00 Ethel F. Bo.scoe, Clork 85 00 Marjory Fritshaw. Clerk SS 00 Annette Fine, Clerk . 85 00 tPart-time service. NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 15 STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND— Continued. (Rcporc of offifors and r.-fenilar employes t'lniiloycl l,y tlii- (l.-paitiiieni on January 1, 1921.) Name aiul Title ,, .,,,., -, . ^, . Mijiitlily Salary Manan Clain-, Clerk _____ se; nn Catherine Labouidette, Dictaphonist ------- so uu Ruth Cliver. Typist ZII"" |c aa Mrs. F. Peddicord. Typist "_ s? nn Florence Ryberg, Clerk 1' Z~_ " o? XX Agnes L. Ritchie, Typist !___! __I_II'I 8^ Oft -Mrs. Blanche C. O'Malley, Chief Index Clerk ' ~ ~ ' 85 oft Mrs. N. McMahon, Typist |? no Mary I. McFarlane, Clerk ~_-III"I~III'III~IIIII 85 00 Mrs. Hilda I. Mayar, Typist-checkwriter - - - - ss no Mary McRae, Index Clerk "IZZT'IZim""!"!!" 80 00 Beatrice Patane, Typist-Interpreter I I_~ ~~ ~__ ~ 80 00 Clarence F. Olsson, Claim Clerk ~ on aa C. Hubert Marelia, Clerk 5a aa Mrs. L. A. Buehler, Typist ~_ " "" Vk m\ Mrs. Fern I. Drew, Clerk ~_ ~_Z~_ In aa Wm. L. J. Bonilla, Clerk I__I __ Vk aa Katheryn C. Swinyer, Typist "I__ _"_ sn ftft Mrs. Violet Beck, Clerk I--_ir_-IZZIZIZ'II"ZZ ZZ 80 00 Isabell C. Concannon, Clerk ~_ _ 80 00 Lorraine M. Colety, Stenographer ~ " Sft ftft Estelle D. Goodwin, Clerk "~ZZ so ftft Martin P. Schinitt, Clerk Z "~ so on Mary E. Howell, Clerk-- ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"~ZZ"" 80 00 Florence Donaghy, Clerk _ "" 75 aa Rometta McDevitt, Stenographer 75 oo Helen McKenna, Typist " ~ ?(; on Elsie F. T. Moylan. Clerk __ "V- 7^ ftO Bertha Lazor, Clerk "~" 7? Aft Rita Lucas, Clerk __" Z ~~ iX nft Maude M. Kazaka. Clerk Z__ 7^ 00 Helen Izabel Pierce, Clerk ZZ"ZZ"""Z -X on Belle F. Power, Index Clerk "~ ' 7c no Loretta Range, Clerk Z i\ m\ Lloyd Palmer, Claim Clerk ' "" 7c aa Myrtle Goldie, Typist ZZ~ZZ n% on Mrs. E. GrifHn, Clerk 7= Aft Mrs. E. Feintuch, Clerk Z "__ n% no Cecelia Crowley, Clerk Z Z__ZZ"ZIZZZZIZZ 75 00 Anna Theresa Cuneo, Typist bill clerk Z ~ 1^ 00 Louise Bauman, Clerk Z_ Z _Z 75 00 Stanley E. Fogeson, Messenger __ " 7^ on Mrs. Betty Bennett, Clerk '" 7? aa Mns. Madaline Fries, Clerk _Z i\ nn Emma L. Emery, File Clerk Z "" X no Mrs. E. E. Arrick, Index Clerk 7^ Aft Rita L. Andre, Clerk Z_ZZ"" 7^ no Sophie Sanko, Typist bill clerk _, n- WK Geraldine G. Uphoff. Clerk ZZ"ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 75 00 Catherine Verheyen, Typist ~ 75; aq Elsie S. Wenderoth, Typist bill clerk Z ~ 7^ 00 Florence Helen Hastier, Clerk Z _Z 7^ ftft Loretta Holcomb, Clerk " "" ni XX Elfrieda Schulz, Post Office Clerk Z ZI 7^ no Cordelia Hambidge, Typist Z-Z"" 1% on Frances Dolan, File Clerk 7n nn Hazel E. Ellis, File Clerk ~_-ZZZZ~ZZZZZZ 70 00 Bernice C. Borkheim, Typist Z Z~ 70 00 Elmer Clyde Berry, Messenger _~___ 70 aa F'rances Basse, Clerk I_ _ _ ~ " 7ft ftft Emily Barreto, Clerk Z Z ZZ"ZZZZZZZ"ZZZZZZZ 70 00 Lois M. Baringer, Clerk Z Z 70 00 Pauline Callawav. Clerk __Z 70 00 Corona Ghirardelli. File Clerk " ~ 7n no Esta Smook, Tvpist-Clerk Z__ 7n on Edith M. Osgoode, File Clerk r_Z__Z-ZZZ~ZZZZZZZZZ~~ "0 00 Lilly Signe Ongman, File Clerk _ ~ ~ 7n no Mary Urbano, Clerk ZZZZZZZZZZZZ"ZZ 70 00 Wm. Mibach, Messenger __" gc qq Edward Maloney, Messenger ~__ Z Z_ 65 00 Jas. Wm. DeLaney, File Clerk-Messenger ~ ' ~ cr aa Sidney C. Hinds, File Clerk Z__ZZZZZZ~I fi^ Oft Menion Bright, Messenger ~_J ~~ ^2 aa Marian Ellis Hammersmith, Index Clerk _Z _ - - - «« nn Richard P. Stevens, Messenger Z en nn Marshal A. Whiting, Messenger Z ___"_ZZ~ZZ 60 00 Lawrencf McDermid. Messenger ~ ~ Sn nn Ardith Sweetland, Clerk -I— II-Z__ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 60 00 Note.— Except for $40 paid to one person for moving assistance when expanding offices, there have been no persons engaged for strictly temporary or emereenov work. In many instances persons have been employed to assist in disposing of accumulated work but such persons have been absorbed in the permanent oreanlza tlon to meet the demands of a rapidly growing business or to fill vacancies caused by separations. v-«,iii,ico (.auseu 16 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. STATE BOARD OF CONTROL. Payroll as of January 1, 1921, for general office. Name, Titli' ami Ui-paitmeiit Monthly Salary Marshall DeMotte, Chairman, Board of Control $416 65* Clyde 1^. Seavev, Member. Board of Control 416 65* H"S. Benedict, Member, Board of Control 416 65* S. P. Allen, Secretary, Board of Control 300 00* F. L. Lathrop, Farm Expert, Board of Control 300 00 H C. Bottorff. Assistant Secretary, Board of Control 275 00 L.. A. Norton, Chief Clerk, Board of Control 200 00 M. L,. Stone, Senior Clerk, Boaid of Control 175 00 K. E. Jeffrey, Estimate Clerk, Board of Control 165 00 Kay Heider, Claims Clerk, Board of Control 165 00 Lenore Calkins, Property Agent, Property Department 150 00 A. O. Hoover, Bookkeeper, Board of Control 150 00* \V. J. Moodv. Clerk. Board of Control 150 00* J. A. Petit. Clerk, Board of Control 150 0(i* J. C. Whitman, Classification Expert, Board of Control 137 50 Maybelle Harris, Bookkeeper, Board of Control 135 00 Marie Hammond, Clerk. Board of Control 125 00 Hazel Baker, Clerk, Board of Control 125 00 Mrs. L. C. Porter, Stenographer. Board of Control 125 00* Alma Schroth, Stenographer, Board of Control 125 00* Eva Keuchler, Stenographer, Board of Control 125 00 Vera E. Pollard, Chief Tel. Operator, Los Angeles OfRce 115 00 Bessie Firlotte, :Minute Clerk. Board of Control 100 00 A. Bone, Janitor, Board of Control 100 00 Mrs. E. Huddleston, Telephone Operator, Los Angeles OfRce 100 00 Mrs. Estelle Erwin, Stenographic Clerk, Board of Control 100 00 Mrs. R. Mclaik, Clerk, Property Department 100 00 Lois Twogood, Clerk, Board of Control 85 00 Mary Soule, Clerk, Board of Control 85 00 Lois Healey, Stenographer. Los Angeles Offlcei 85 00 Berniece McCracken, Information Clerk, Board of Control 75 00 John Parenti, Messenger, Board of Control 75 00* Gaylord Nye, Messenger, Board of Contiol 10 OOf DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTING. Payroll as of January 1, 1921. Xaiiif, Titlf ami IH'iiartiiipiit Monthly Salary Corning de Saules, Supt of Accounts, Dept. of Public Accounting $300 00* S. Gundelfinger, Classification Expert, Dept. of Public Accounting 250 00 ^\■illiam Schleip, Asst. Sup't of Accounts. Dept. of Public Accounting 225 00* A. R. Heron, Asst. Sup't of Accounts, Dept. of Public Accounting 225 00* W. H. Wandesfoid. Senior Accountant. Dept. of Public Accounting 200 On H. E. Smith. Senior Acct)untant. Department of Public Accoimting 200 00 I'. B. Potter. Senior Accountant, Department of I'ublic Accounting 200 00 Clarence E. Malm, Senior Accountant, Department of Public Accounting.- 200 00 R. L. Hatch. Senior Accountant, Department of Public Accounting 200 00 J. W. Krieger. Junior Accountant, Department of Public Accounting 175 00 W. C. Meads, Junior Accountant, Department of I'ublic Accounting 175 00 R. R. Soberanes, Junior Accountant, Department of Public Accounting 175 00 Cameron F. Bradley, Junior Accountant, Dept. of Public Accounting 160 00 C. G. Fallon, Junior Accountant, Department of Public Accounting 160 00 R. S. Mudge, Junior Accountant, Department of Public Accounting 160 00 E. V. Curley, Juninr .\ccountant. Department of I'ublic .Vccounting 150 00 Clair C. Barnes, Junior Accountant, Department of Public Accounting 150 00 Albert Fuller, Junior Accountant. Department of Public Accounting 150 00 Fred B. Sprague, Junior Accountant, Department of Public Accounting— 125 00 Amy B. Warner, Stenographer, Depaitment of Public Accounting 125 00 •Statutory. tPart-time service. NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 17 ORPHAN AID DEPARTMENT. Payroll as of January 1, 1921. Name. Title ami Department Montlily Salary Amy D. Steinhart, Chief Children's Agent, Orphan Aid Department $225 00* Geneva S. Orcutt, Children's Agent, Orphan Aid Department 175 00* Reba Ash Ingols, Children's Agent, Orphan Aid Department 175 00* Mrs. Elizabeth Eshleman, Children's Agent, Orphan Aid Department 175 00* Miley M. Pope, Children's Agent, Orphan Aid Department 175 00* Freida Grunewald, Clerk-Stenographer, Orphan Aid Department 150 00 Sadie McGorvin, Clerk, Orphan Aid Department 125 00 Mrs. Stella Scofleld, Assistant Children's Agent, Orphan Aid Department 125 00 Mrs. M. Wortz, Stenographer, Orphan Aid Department 125 00 Sadie Edgecomb. Stenographer, S. F. Office, Orphan Aid Department 100 00 Jeanette Fleisher, Clerk, Orphan Aid Department 90 00 Charles Fuller, Messenger, Orphan Aid Department 10 OOt STATE CONTROLLER. (Report of officers and regular employees employed by this department on January 1, 1921.J Namo of Officer or Employee ami Title Monthly Salary John S. Chambers, State Controller $416 65* Jas. L. Atteridge, Inheritance Tax Attorney 300 00* H. C. Lucas (ban Francisco), Assistant Inheritance Tax Attorney 300 00* J. W. Carrigan (Los Angeles), Assistant Inheritance Tax Attorney 300 00* C. E. Cooper, Deputy Controller 250 00* ^V. E. Marten (Sacramento), Assistant Inheritance Tax Attorney 225 00* A. W. Brouillet (San Francisco), Assistant Inheritance Tax Attorney 200 00* E. H. Pennock (Los Angeles), Assistant In'neritance Tax Attorney 200 00* W. H. H. Gentry (San Francisco), Assistant Inheritance Tax Attorney 200 00 Dion R. Holm (.San Francisco), Assistant Inheritance Tax Attorney 200 00 F. R. Swain, Bookkeeper 200 00* M. E. Colgan, Redemption Tax Expert 200 00* T. M. Gannon, Franchise Tax Expert - 200 00* L. A. McKee, Superintendent, Franchise Tax Department 200 00* J. W. Hlckey, Statistician 200 00* C. H. Smith, Warrant Registrar 200 00* J. D. Tilden, Abstract Bookkeeper 185 00 A. C. Stanton, Sacramento, Assistant Inheritance Tax Attorney 1T5 00 Karl R. Levy, Los Angeles, Assistant Inheritance Tax Attorney 175 00 Louis B. Diavila, Sacramento, Assistant Inheritance Tax Attorney 150 00 Ruby Sawyer, Warrant Clerk 150 00* E. Foster, Assistant Bookkeeper 150 00* Dorotliy Chambers, Stenographer-Clerk 150 00 Gladys E. Moi'gan, Clerk-stenographer 150 00 George Green, Franchise Tax Clerk__ 150 00 Frank Brooks, Franchise Tax Clerk.' 150 00 Sadieh Ames, Warrant Clerk 133 30* J. A. Cimningham, Redemption Tax Clerk 133 30* Lucile Dobson, Redemption Tax Clerk 133 30* D. T. Jenkins. General Clerk 133 30* Felice Connolly, Steno-Clerk 125 00* Mildred Foss, Sacramento, Steno. -Clerk, Inheritance Tax 125 00 Alice P. Emigh, Sacramento, Clerk-steno., Inheritance Tax 125 00 L. N. Shaw, Sacramento, Bookkeeper, Inheritance Tax 125 00 A. E. Wilson, Los Angeles, Clefk-steno.. Inheritance Tax 125 00 Muriel E. Jones, San Francisco, Clerk-steno., Inheritance Tax 125 00* Alice E. Archer, Los Angeles, Clerk-Steno., Inheritance Tax 125 00 Anna B. McAllister, Stenographer 115 00 Mabel E. Galvin, San Francisco, Stenographer Inheritance Tax Department 110 00 Mildred Griffeth, Sacramento, File Clerk Inheritance Tax Department 100 00 Agnes M. O'Brien, San Francisco, File Clerk Iniieritance Tax Department— 100 00 Estelle Orsatti. Los Angeles, Stenographer 100 00 Jacob Scares, Porter 60 00 F. Boniface, Sacramento, Janitor Inheritance Tax Department 20 OOt Two clerks were employed by this department for a short period during the year July 1, 1919 to June 30. 1920, the expenditure being $68.50. Compiled by L. N. Shaw. *Statutory. tPart-time service. 2—9768 18 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. STATE CORPORATION DEPARTMENT. ( Report of offireis anl le-fiiUir einplovees eiiiploved l>v this dep;iitnient on January 1. Iit21.> Xamo (f Olfli-ei- m- KinplOM-o aiu' Title Monthly Salary E. C. Bellows*. Commissioner $416 67 A. G. Fickeisen. Chief Deputy 350 00 S. G. Miles, Auditor _' 325 00 F. M. Miller. Ensineer 325 00 A. Mirhel. Deputy 300 00 R. L. North, Deputv 300 00 J. C. Murrav, Deputv 300 00 .John I. Davis., Secretary 275 00 D. P. Goodwin. Deputy 275 00 Alfred Grundy, Deputy 275 00 I-:. C. Ea.?ton. Deputy 275 00 1). W. Minier. Assistant Engineer 275 00 W. E. Telfer. Assistant Auditor 250 00 Katheiine I'olan, Stenographer 150 00 Laura Craft, Bookkeeper . 125 00 Cleta Shore, Stenographer 125 00 Muriel Eniei-son. Stenographer 125 00 Edna Huston, Stenographer 125 00 .Jean Jolmson, Stenographer 125 00 Henrietta Burt. Stenographer 125 00 Mellie Ford. Cleik 115 00 Velma Resser, Stenographer 115 00 Maud Jeffery, Stenographer 115 00 Ella Loughridge, Stenographer 115 00 Edith Graves, Stenographer 115 00 Marion Barry, Stenographer 115 00 Mary Cavalier, Stenographer 115 00 Verne Hopper, Stenographer 115 00 Ivv Madeiros. Stenographer 115 00 Lillian Roth, Stenographer 115 00 .Tohn Baileyt, Deputy 100 00 Abbie WilliamK, Stenographer TOO 00 Verna Flinchbaugli. Stenographer 100 00 Pauline Kinsel, Stenographer 100 00 Ethel Hifkey, Clerk-Messenger 05 00 Edith CoDns, Clerk •_ : 85 00 Gertrude Cook, Clerk 85 00 Elizabeth Findlay, Clerk 85 00 Millie Krysto. Clerk 85 00 Hflene J.eo, Clerk 85 00 Hazel Showier. Clerk S5 00 Evelyn Sissell, Clerk __ , 75 00 Antone Heinrich, Messenger 60 00 During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, there were engaged for temporary or emergency employment in the depaitment 10 persons. The ti>tal compensation paid to these 19 persons was $2,705.48. State Corporation Department: By John L. Davis, Secretary. •Statutory. tPart-time service. NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 19 STATE OF CALIFORNIA: DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL, FIRST APPEL- LATE DISTRICT, CLERK'S OFFICE, Wells Fargo Building. San Francisco, February 8. 1921. .1. B. Martin, Clerk; Waltor S. Cliisholm. Deputy. State Ciril tScrricc Commisulon, Sacra iiiciiio, ('alifornia. (Gentlemen : Your letter of January 28. addressed to Presiding .Justice William IL Waste, and enc-losini; form to be fdled out, data being re(iuired for use of the Assr-mbly and Senate, and respecting all ttfiicers and employees in each and every departnunt of the State, has been tnined over to me for reply. I give you below the desired information : (Report of officers and regular employees employed by this department on January 1, 1921.) District Court of Appeal, First District, Divisions One and Two. Name of Officer or Employee and Title Monthls Salary William H. Waste, Presiding Justice, Division One $583 05 Frank H. Kerrigan, Associate Justice, Division One .583 05 John E. Richards, Associate Justice. Division One 583 05 William H. Langdon, Presiding Justice, Division Two 583 05 John T. Nourse, Associate Justice, Division Two 583 05 Geo. A. Stuitevant, Associate Justice, Division Two 583 05 •J. B. Martin, Clerii, both Divisions 225 00 *C. W. Tuclter, Phonographic Reporter, Division One 200 00 *Mary A. Blass, Phonographic Reporter, Division Two 200 00 ♦Walter S. Chisholm, Deputv Clerk, both Divisions 166 66 *Willard W. Shea, Deputy Clerk, both Divisions 166 66 •D. C. McGannev, Bailiff, Division One 133 33 *P. B. Gibson. Bailiff, Division Two 133 33 John F. Tyler, Secretary to Justices, Division One 125 00 Geraldine McCown, Secretary to Justices, Division One 125 00 Christena A. Turner, Secretary to Justices, Division Two 125 00 Josephine McAvoy, Secretary to Justices, Division Two 125 00 *John F. Finn, Janitoi', Division One 90 00 Thos. F. Dunn, Librarian, both Divisions 75 00 John F. Finn, Janitor, Division Two 35 00 Yours truly, J. B. Martin, Clerk. DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL, FIRST APPELLATE DISTRICT, DIVISION TWO. (Report of offlcers and regular eniplovees emploved bv this department on January 1, 1921.) Narao of Officer or Employee ami Title Monthly Salary John B. Martin, Clerk, includes seivice for Divisions One and Two $225 00* Mary A. Blass, Phonographic Reporter 200 00* Walter S. Chisholm, Deputv Clerk, includes service for Divisions One and Two 166 66g* Willard W. Shea, Deputy Clerk, includes seivice for Divisions One and Two__ 166 66g Paul E. Gibson, Bailiff 133 33J* Christena A. Turner, Secretary 125 00 Josephine McAvoy, Secretary 125 00 ♦Statutory. 20 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL, SECOND APPELLATE DISTRICT, DIVISIONS ONE AND TWO. (Rtport of officers aii'l regular einployees employed by this department on .lanuary 1, 1921.) January 1, 1921. Name aii.l Title Monthly Salary Nathaniel P. Conrey, Presiding Justice, Division One $583 33* Victor E. Shaw, Associate Justice, Division One 583 3.3* AV. P. James. Associate Justice. Division One 583 33* Frank G. Finlayson. Presiding Justice, Division Two 583 33* Lewis R. Works, Associate Justice, Division Two 583 33* Gavin W. Craig-, Associate Justice, Division Two 583 33* W. D. Shearer, Clerk 225 00* J. H. Crumriiie. Phonographic Reporter, Division One 200 00* Eugene B. Stanlev. Phonographic Reporter, Division Two 200 00* H. C. Lillie, Deputy Clerk, Division One 166 66* H C. Lillie, Deputv Clerk, Division Two (No salary)* Robert S. Clark. Bailiff, Division One 133 33* A B. Moreno, Bailiff. Division Two 133 33* F. H. Johnson, Porter 145 OOf (This includes his services as Porter for the Supreme Court at Los Angeles, and work as Janitor and Porter for the three courts.) THIRD DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL. Clerk's Office, District Court of Appeal, Third Appellate District, State of California. Sacramento, California, January 31, 1921. State Civil Service Commission, Forum Building, Sacramento, California. Pursuant to your request of January 28, 1921, relative to salaries of officers and employees of the Third District Court of Appeal, the following is hereby submitted: Name and Title Salary Per Year Norton P. Chipman, Presiding Justice $7,000 00 Albert G. Burnett, Associate Justice 7.000 00 Elijah C. Hart, Associate Justice 7,000 00 John T. Stafford, Clerk 2,700 00 Charles H. Adams, Phonographic Reporter 2,400 00 Cavins Hart, Deputy Clerk 2,000 00 George B. Donaldson, Bailiff 1,600 00 Eva Payne, Secretary 1,500 00 George Didion, Secretary 1.500 00 John Conway, Janitor 1,080 00 Respectfully yours. (Signed) John T. Stafford, Clerk Third T^istrict Court of Appeal. CALIFORNIA STATE BUREAU OF CRIMINAL IDENTIFICATION AND INVESTIGATION. (Report of Officers and Regular Kmployces Employed l>y This Department on January 1, 1921.) Name of Emiiloyee ami Title Xloiitlily SiildiT Morrill, C. S., Superintendent $200 00 Sked. Wm., Identification Expert 175 00 Schrader, Hart, Jr. Handwriting Expert 175 00 Blair, Muriel, Finger Print Clerk 125 00 Catron, Viola, Finger Print Clerk 125 00 Bollhalter. Frieda, Typist 100 00 Differding, Mildred, Typist 100 00 Morrison, Anna, Typist 100 00 Boniface, Frank, Janitor 25 00 Tempouary Appointments. Finch, Madeline (No. C. S. R.), Tvpist _' 100 00 Blair, Mrs. W. E. (No. C. S. R.). Typist 100 00 Total amount expended for temporarv appointees during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, $2,040.00. *Statutory. tPart-time service. NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 21 CALIFORNIA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF AND THE BLIND. (Report of Officers and Regular Em]ployees Employed by This Department on January 1, 1921.) Xam» and Titli" Monthly Salary Maintenance Total W. A. Caldwell, Principal $250 f)0 $165 CO $415 GO J. S. Mcl^iillough, Secretary and Treasurer 250 OO . . -. 250 00 B. F. Walderon, I.aiindryman (hires own help) 205 00 sB'oo' -'10 00 F. O'Donnell, Princii)al Assistant 225 00 995 oO H. C. Hartsr, Teacher Blind 225 00 ll^.^^^l^ 225 Of J. G. Gedde.s, Teacher Deaf., 175 oo ._ "I I75 oO J. W. Howson, Teacher Deaf _. 175 co "'.._'_'_'__'" 175 00 W. S. Runde, Teacher Deaf 165 OO . .. 165 (« O. Aintzsn, Chef 130 00 35 Oo" 165 OO N. Perry, Teacher Blind 162 00 #162 00 J. C. .leasen. Teacher Manual Training 163 OO 160 00 J. 'lYevethan, Engineer 160 00 "..-". leO 00 E. Pyc, Teacher Blind 116 65 35 CO 15165 X. Iniholz, Dairyman 110 OO 35 00 145 (0 T. d'Estrella, Teacher Blijid 103 33 35 00 138 3;^ V. Barnes, Head Matron 100 OO 35 O'l 135 00 M. Biron, Baker 100 00 35 00 135 00 S. Blaker, Teacher Deaf..-- 135 00 135 OO A. BiroD, Dairyman ._ 100 00 35 00 135 00 C. B. Cooper, Teacher Deaf 135 OO 135 00 M. Eastman, Teacher Blind 135 OO — 135 CO J. B. Goodrich, Foreman of Grounds 100 00 35 00 135 00 M. Hallett, Teacher Deaf -., 135 W 135 00 B. H, Himt. Teacher Deaf 135 00 135 00 B. D. Johnson, Carpenter and Painter 100 00 35 Oo" 135 CO L. Nourse, Teacher Deaf 135 OJ .._ 135 CO N. Roth, Teacher Deaf — _.. 135 00 .. 135 00 V. Smith, Chief Clerk 100 00 35 00 135 a') M. Vinson, Teacher Deaf 135 00 135 ot C. Land, Supervisor and Gymnasium Teacher 95 00 35 00 130 00 M. Miller, Teacher Blind 130 00 130 00 H. Thine, First Assistant Cook 95 00 35 00 130 CO N. Bailhache, Engineer 95 OO 35 aj 130 00 J. W. Smith, Fireman and Repairman..-- 95 CO 33 00 130 00 O. Fleissner, Teacher Music 125 00 #125 00 H. Ingle, Teacher Deaf 125 (» 125 00 L. Johnson. Teacher Blind__ SO 00 35 OO 125 Cfj H. Carmichael, Bookkeeper 90 00 35 OO 125 00 W. R. L. Jenks. Teacher Painting 120 00 120 00 R. Ghorzo, Gardener 85 00 35 00 120 00 J. Jones, Gardener 82 50 35 00 IIV 50 D. Long, Teacher Deaf 80 CO 35 00 115 00 G. Mast, Teacher Music 115 00 115 CO R. Burnley, Nurse 75 CO 35 00 110 00 S. Carpenter, Teacher Blind Industries 110 00 #110 00 M. Dickhaut, Teacher Domestic Science ir5 OO #1(6 00 M. V. Jenks, Teacher Blind 105 CO 105 00 W. McMeen, Teacher Blind 1C5 00 105 CO G. Forsberg, Clerk -- 70 00 35 00 105 CO F. Wickman, Clerk 70 00 35 00 15 00 L. Briggs, Teach"r Deaf_— - 100 OO lOfJ CO M. L. Em»rson, Physician 100 OO #100 00 V. Hare. Matron 65 00 35 00 100 OO M. Hilton, Matron 65 OO 35 OO 100 CO S. Kirk, Matron 65 OO 35 OO 100 CO M. Tipton, Matron 63 00 35 00 100 OC W. Bailhache, Housekeeper Hospital 60 00 35 OO 95 00 J. Peterson, Potwasher 60 OO 35 00 95 00 C. Danforth, Servant 6t OQ 35 00 95 00 L. Dortch, Waitress 90 00 35 00 95 00 Geo. Peterson, Relief Man ^- - 60 OO 35 OO 00 35 rX> 95 OO C. Hebel, Janitor 60 00 35 00 95 00 W. Miller, Janitor 60 00 35 00 95 00 A. Donahue, Yardman 60 OO 35 00 95 00 E. McClintock, Yardman 60 00 35 OO 95 00 C. S. Daniels, Storekeeper 60 OO 35 00 95 00 A. Bendzumas, Stableman 60 00 35 00 95 00 H. Hecht, Stenographer 95 CO 95 OO E. Coplin. Teacher Gymnastics (1 meal) 85 00 19 00 #104 fO L. Xani. Waiter 35 00 35 00 90 00 E. Hytti, Dishwasher 55 OO 35 00 90 00 E. Vandegrift, Matron 55 CO 35 OO 90 00 E. Gay, Teacher Piano Tuning 90 00 #90 00 E. Servatius, Gardener 55 00 35 OO 90 00 J. Augustin, Janitor 50 00 35 00 85 00 (). Bigby, Janitor 50 OO ;i5 00 85 rr, M. Dillon, Janitress 50 CO 35 00 So 00 J. Farrell, Janitor 50 00 35 00 So 00 35 00 35 00" 35 CO 35 00 35 00 35 00 .35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 0.0 33 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00' 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 rx> 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 19 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 #Part-time employment. 50 00 35 00 85 00 50 CO 35 00 85 €0 50 00 35 00 #85 00 45 00 35 00 80 00 45 00 35 00 80 00 80 00 — 80 00 75 00 .. #75 CO 70 00 .. 70 00 60 00 .. #60 00 60 00 .. 60 00 eo 00 :2«) (M) 80 00 52 50 .- #52 50 50 OO -- #50 00 50 00 -. #50 00 45 00 . #45 00 45 00 - #45 00 30 00 -. #30 00 22 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. CALIFORNIA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF AND THE BLIND— Continued. (K«i)ort of otlU'fis and regrular tinployeos ( inployiNi by tliis department on January 1, 1921.) Name and Title Motitlily Salary Maintenance Total M. Golden, Janitre&5 -- .1. Dondero, Boys' Supervisor F. Stobl)?, Teacher Broommaking A. BaiLhani, Teacher Shoemalcing K. MeOlynn, Teaeli'-r Deaf M Perry, Librarian A. Avenzino, Yardman F. Hansen, Repairman M. A. Duteli, Teacher Reading \V. J.udlow, I>?ntist S. Wyth?, Oculist and Aurist N. BIgelow, Teacher Orchestra M. Von Sturner, Teacher Vocal R. Rice, Teacher Barbering Emergency Employees — 7 extra nurses employed during epidemics and on special cases $430 33 BOARD OF DENTAL EXAMINERS OF CALIFORNIA. (Report of oflBcers and regular employees emi;loyed by tliis department on January 1, 1921.) Namo if Officer or Employee and Title Monthly Salary E. L. Dornberger, President - A. E. Hackett, Vice President C. A. Herrick, Secretary ^300 00 (Report of temporary or emergency employment during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920.) Note.— Attorneys are employed by the case with permission obtained from the Attorney General's office in euch and every ease. Xamn of Employee antl Position Compensation Oliver Dibble, Attorney $291 .50 H. I. Cruzan. Attorney 40 00 E. C. Gridley, .\ttorney 60 OO Note.— C. W. Clarke was employed as detective by the month for a period of five months at a salary of $125. Previous to that she was employed by the case. C. W. Clarke. Detective 821 G2 A. Boyiarid??, Detective 226 57 A. R. Smith. Inspector 100 95 Helen M. Johnson. Detective 72 63 C. W. Clarke, Detective 40 20 Sadie Joubert, Detective 12 00 Total $1665 47 STATE DENTAL SURGEON. Name of Officer and Title Monthly Salary Dr. Leo J. McMahon, State Dental Surgeon $300 00 STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. Xamu of Office;- or Employee and Title Salary Will C. Wood, Superintendent of Public Instruction $5000* yr. Job Wood, Jr., D'puty Superintendent of Public Instruction 250* mo. Sam H. Cohn. Statistician 200* W. S. I)yii.«, B<»okkeener, 'i'e.xtbook Departnv nt 175* JCdna M. Stangland, Secretary, Superintend' nt Public Instruction 150* .Marjorie I.aGravo. Clerk, Textbook Department 120 Helena Clark, .\ssistaiit Statistician 115 Opal St: nsland. StTuitrrinili r 100 Oeorgiana Carrlen, .Attendance Officer .. 75t •Statutory, ■t Part-time service. #Parttime employment. JAIso cottage. NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 23 State Board of Education. Mrs. Margaret S. Mt-Xaught, Commissioner of Elementary School-; $40oO» yr. Albery ('. Olney, Commissioner of Secomlary Selu)ols 4O0O* ]: Clark W. Hi'tliciin.srtcn, Siniervisor of Pliysieal Education .3GntiaLs 200 Mrs. Florence li. Argall, Assistant Secretary, State Board 185 Marion H. Ketcliam, Assistant Secretary, Teach-rs" Retirement Board 170 Henry M. Lynn. Bookkeeper 170 Mrs. Mnrie Milhr Like, Credential Clerk 150 Edith F. Moore, Secretary-Stenographer 125 Abbie T. Pixley, Secretary-Stenographer 125 May Carpenter, Secretary-Stenographer 120 S. Verna Lynn, Secretary-Stenographer 120 Mrs. Edna Lyon, Secretary-Stenographer 115 M. Bernice Edvards, Credential Clerk 115 E;th'l Macph'jrson, Credential Clerk 115 .lennie Renwick, Credential Clerk 115 .Julia Baker, Clerk, Teachers' Retirement Board 115 Ralph Morrill, Mailing and Shipjiing Clerk 115 Elizabeth Edwards. Stenographer 100 Elizabeth K. Haller, Stenographer 95 Fairah Harber, Stenographer 95 An ice Black. Typist 90 Emma Drumgold, Stenographer..: 90 B:ss Watson. File Clerk 90 V'.lda -Aston, Stenographer 85 Eunice l^ittle. Messenger 70 Thirty-eight persons engaged for temporary or emergency employment during the fiscal year endng -lunr 30, 1920, and the total amount expended for such temporary or emergency employment was $1929..59. STATE BOARD OF EMBALMERS OF CALIFORNIA. .\1. P. Booth. Stn Francisco: Bessie ,T. Wood, Oakland: I. J. Reynolds, Pasadena; Claude Woolnian. San Diego: George W. Limt, San Francisco. Bessie J. Wood, Secretary, 1955 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland, California. State Civil Service Commission, Sacramento, California. Information regarding State Board of Embalmers. (1) Department. State Board of Embalmers. (2) S^'cr-'tary, Bessie Wood Gustason. (S) Salary, S75 per month. Salary fixed by statute. Xo other employees. (Signsd) BESSIE WOOD GUSTASON. 'Statutory. tPart-time service. 24 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. Sacramento, California. (Rvport of oftk-er;. and regular oiniiloyP''!' eiiiployeci l)y this ilepaitiuent on Jainiary 1, 1921.) Range-$40l to !?4J0. N«n:i' if Offlcur or Employeo and Titl.. Monthly Salary W. F. MfCkire, State Knginevr ^^^^ 66* Range— $351 to $400. S. 'J'. Harding, Con.«iilting Irrigation Engineer (average) 360 Got (i"(). H. AIcHoHgall, State Areliiteet 400 00* Range— $301 to $3:0. C. F. Dean. Cliief De.siguvr 325 00 J. W. Diitton, Superintendent of Construetion 325 00 C. H. Kronier, Chief Stnietural Engineer 325 00 Geo. J. Adams, Deputy State Architect - 335 00 P. M. Xorboe, Chief Assistant State Engineer 340 00 Range— S276 to $300— None. Range— $-251 to $275. C. K. Aldrich, Chief Estimator 275 00 R. E. Backus, Architectural Designer 275 00 (J. M. Simonson, Chief Electrical Engineer 275 00 H. V. Grant, Superintendent of Construction 275 00 Range— $226 to $2,50. W. W. Woo!. McCready, Hydrographcr 225 00 H. A. Armstrong, Hydrographer. 225 00 •J. E. Tempest, Office Engineer 225 OO G. H. Ru.sscll, Hydrograi.her 250 (10 Chester Marliavc, Hydrographer 250 00 G. N. Bergren, Superintendent of Construction 225 OO B. C. Tarver, Sup-'rinten<1ent of Con.struction 225 00 F. A. Brady, Sujierintendcnt of Construetion 225 00 C. M. Weber, Supprintend"nt of Construction 225 00 Range— $176 to $200. W. A. (iilbert, Carpenter Foreman 185 00 H. \V. DeHaven, Architectural Draftsman 185 (X) F. B. Hilby. Engineering Draftsman 190 00 Glen Rood, Engineering Draftsman 10!) oo W. H. Phillips, Engine'Tiiig Draftsman 190 00 R. A. Z( hnder, Structural ICnginc'T 1 200 Of)* ,1. H. Clarke, Auditor 2(K) 00* A. .1. Beak"y, Enginwr Assistant 2rt of officers and regular employees employed by this flepartment on January 1, 19-21.) Range-ijilSl to !fl75. Name of OfBcer or Kmployee and Title Moiitlily Salary V. S'!ngiiiiietti, Launch Driver Ig0 qq F. F. Huber, Launch Driver ^-I'TIII"! 160 00 .T. Nevins.. Timekeeper TI^II 160 00 R. P. Adams. Engineering Draftsman . "_' igg 66* Paul Dimckhorst, Electrical Kngine-'r 175 qq* C. H. liulkley. Estimator I75 00* H. V. Adams, Architectural Draftsman 175 00* H. .1. Deviuc, Architectural Draftsman 175 OO* Clias. .lolmston, Bookkeeper 175 00 .1. C. McCalmont, Ijookkeepjr 175 oo 'I'hos. McCully, Bookkeeper 175 00 IL M. Kilburn, Hydrographer 175 00 F. M. Stewart, Specification Writer 175 oo* Range— $120 to $150. L. A. Bishop, Stenographer 135 00 .las. D°Orosse, Cook 135 00 D. H. McMillan, Mechanical Draftsman 145 00 S. R. Davies. Architectural Draftsman -- 1.50 00* Dorothy Lenno.x, Clerk l."0 00* K. F. McCafYery, Engineering Assistant 150 00 Range— $101 to $125. ,T. V. Rosecrans, Stenographer 125 00* Elsie Koch, Stenograih^r 125 00* F. .L Butler. Blue Print Pressman 125 OO* A. R. Fink, Clerk 125 00 M. B. Xickerson. Clerk 125 00 F. .1. Schlink, Clerk 125 00 C. \V. Naumnn, Engineering .Assistant 125 0(1 Range— $76 to $lfO. i:>thT Hornbostel.. Stenographer 96 00 Zae Adams, Stenographer lOO OO X. H. Henderson, Filing Clerk 10(1 CO Range— $.'0 to $75. W. H. Hann, Foreman .50 00+ Robt. Moore. Messfuger (H 00 W. H. Cainell, Janitor 75 00* JI. L. Cheshire, Telov'lione Operator 75 OO Edgar A. Brown, Engineer 75 (K) Range— $7.00 to $11.00. Xanvi ci' Oflice.' o.- Kiiiployue anSt;iteineut Sliowiiiii' the Xuml)pr of Persons Kn.iiaged for TenTjorarv or Emerjrenc.v Fmijloyinont Duriiii;- tlip Fiscal Year Eiuline- June oO. IllliO. and the Total Amount Expended for Surli Toinporary or Emersenoy Eniployinents. Number of persons 803 Total amount expended $171,716 00 *Statutory. tPart-time service. 26 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. (Report of oltict-rs and regular eiiiployeos employed by this department fm .Tanuary 1, 1021.) Nainu of Offlcoi- or Employee ami Title Monthly Salary *R. K. Collins:, Member State Board of Kqualizatiou $333 SS-J *John C. Corbett. Member State Board of Kqualization 333 33^ *Jolin Mitchell, Member State Board of Kqualization 3:« 33J *H. (;. C'attell, Member State Board of Kqualization 333 33J *M. D. Lac-k, Secretary State Board of Kqualization 3:J3 33^ A. L. Wyllie. Chief Clerk B:)ard of Kqualization 200 0^ Irene (^ook. St"n :gra;p|K'r Board of Kqualization 133 3.'> (Tsniporary from .Tanuary 1 to .luly 1, each year.) tW. H. Kverliardt, Senior Clerk, Board of Kqualization '. ITO 00 tKva Nichols, Senior Clerk, Board of Kqualization 133 35 tMae Seamas, Senior Clerk, Board of K(|ualization 133 3.j (Temporary from March 1 to .July 1, each year.) fT. M. (iannon. Bank Clerk, Board of Kqualization 200 OT, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ( Report of officer? and repular oinploypes employed by this department en January 1, i;21.) San Francisco District and Administration. Xamo an'. Titlii Monthly Salary Chas. A. Vogelsang, Kxecutive Officer $333 33 .J. S. Hunter. Assistant Kxecutive Officer 250 00 H. C. Bryant, Game Kxpert in Charge of Publicity and Research Work 250 00 R. D. Duke, Attorney 250 00 T>. O'Connell, Cashier 200 O; H. R. Dunbar, Clerk 160 Co K. C. Boucher 150 OCr Dorothy M. Gray, Secretary-Stenographer j3> CO Anna L. Hernon, Finance Clerk 135 00 Phyllis R. .Jordan, Bookkeeper 135 00 Charlotte S. Walker, fr'teno-Clerk 115 00 Carmen J-'lsasser, Stenographer • 115 OO Mildred Kellogg, Offic-e Assistant to Dr. Bryant lOO 00 M. S. ("lark. Deputy 165 0'/ W. H. Armstrong, Deputy l.'Ja OC Karl P. Barnes Deputy . 135 00 Then. M. Benson. Deputy 135 00 O. P. Brownlow, Deputy 135 00 P. A. BuUard, I>eputy 135 CO S. L. N. Kllis, Deputy 135 00 -T. H. Hill, Deputy 135 00 Henry Lencioni, I>eputy 1.35 OU K. V. Moody, IX'puty i3'j 00 W. J. Moore, Deputy 135 OO J. K. Xewsome, Deputy 135 00 Chas. R. Perkins, Deputy 135 (Ki W. B. Sellmer, Deputy 135 0(. L. B. Sherwoofl, r)eputy 135 00 K. W. Smalley, Deputy 135 OC J. H. Hellard, Deputy 130 00 Harry X. Brittan, Deputy 125 00 J. H. Ciroves, I>eputy 125 CO McPhcrson Kough, Deputy 12) CO Tipton Mathews, Deputy 125 0(> H. S. Prcsott, Deputy 125 C^i Geo. R. Smalley, Deputy 125 00 F. W. Failer, Deputy 115 ro Herbert I.ealiy, IX-puty . 115 00 J. I). Dondero, Deputy.- . .. .-. . 115 Oi> n. 11. .Miller, Deputy 115 00 C. 1. Sherwood, Deputy - 110 CO I,. \V. I.oiinewuy, Dtputy 110 Or> Victor K. \ On Arx, Deputy ICJ 00 •lay (.". Bruce, I. ion Hunter 100 00 U L. Koppel, Deputy 80 OC •Statutory. tPart-time. NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 27 FISH AND GAME COM MISSION— Continued. Sacramento Division. (Report of oflBeers and regular employees employed by this department on .January 1, 1921.) Name am! Title Monthly Salary tGeo. Xeale, .Assistant in Charge 150 qq Bessie .J. Wilson, Clerk ., _ _ 135 00 K. I,. W. Siebert, Clerk 125 00 Leslie Rust, Office Assistant 85 0(> T. W. Birmingham, Deputy 135 lo Kdw. Bolt, Deputy 13g oq S. J. Carpenter, Deputy 135 qq Ueo. W. Courtright, Deputy 135 oo O. I. Fleckenstein, Deputy 135 oc Kuell firay, Deputy 135 oo W. .1. Green, Deputy 135 tO (;. O. Laws, Deputy 135 00 Wni. Lippineott, Deputy __.. 135 oi Roy K. Ludluni, Deputy I35 oo -John O'Coniiell, Deputy 135 (<(, R. C. O'Connor, Deputy--^^ 135 oo D. E. Roberts, Deputy 135 oo Jos. H. Sanders, Deputy 135 CO R. L. Sinkey, Deputy 135 OC^ •J. .S. White, Deputy 1.35 00 W. .J. Lee, Deputy 125 CO .John O. Miller, Deputy 125 00 Chas. E. Xewsome. I>Bputy 125 00 E. D. Ricketts, Deputy 125 00 .A. J. Stanley, Deputy 123 00 C. O. Fisher, Deputy 115 Ofi .las. T. Poe, Deputy 115 00 A. H. Willard, Deputy 115 00 Geo. W. Chamberlin, Deputy 110 00 Los Angeles Division. E. L. Hedderly, Assistant in Charge 200 CO Dorothy Nash, Steno-Bookkeeper 125 CO H. I. Pritchard, Deputy — 165 CO E. H. Ober, Deputy 150 00 .T. H. Gyger, Deputy 13> iK) W. L. Hare, Deputy 135 00 C. F. iladdox. Deputy 135 00 Webb Toms, Deputy 135 0' H. J. .Abels, Deputy 125 0«' H. D. Becker, Deputy •... 125 Of; C. O. Brenner, Deputy 125 CC .1. H. Harrington, Deputy 125 CO G. A. McAfee Deputy 1-25 00 t.l. .T. Barnett, Deputy 85 00 tW. C. Malone, Deputy «5 OC tC. B. Tibbetts, Deputy lO CO Commercial Fisheries Department. X. B. Scofleld, In Charge of Department 300 00 W. F. Thompson, Fishery Expert 275 CC L. r. Lingle, Fishery Expert 225 fO C. S. Baudet, Assistant 200 00 H. B. Xidever, Fishery p:xpert 200 09 Harry R. Beard, Chemist - 200 00 Elmer Higgins, .Assistant Fishery Expert 2C0 00 Earle DowTiing, As.«istant 195 00 S. H. Dado, .Assistant 1^ 0/ W. L. Scofleld, .Assistant Fishery Expert 175 00 P. H. Oyer, Assistant in Charge Monterey Office 175 00 .A. L. Manahan. .Assistant in Charge San Diego Office 170 OO Arthur W. Wells, Technical .Assistant 166 66 A. M. Fairfield. Pollution Expert 160 00 Herbert E. Foster, Captain "Quinnat" 160 00 E. M. Nielsen, .Assistant 150 CC Harlan B. Holmes, Assistant Fishery Expert 150 OO Albert Mack, Assistant 140 00 Geraldine Conner, Clerk 135 Oo Chas. M. Bautin, Assistant on 'Quinnat"-.. 135 00 Roy Steele, Captain Launch "Steelhead" 135 00 Clarence Mulder, Engineer Launch ".Albacore" 135 OO Clarence Groat, .Assistant 125 OC tPart-time service. 28 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. FISH AND GAME COM MISSION— Continued. (Keport of officers and regular employees eniploye<1 l)y this; department on January 1, i;i2l.) Commercial Fisheries Department — Continued. Nanu' ami Tiilr Monthly Salary Halsev K. Fink, Assistant 12) C; tl. O. ^Snyder, Fishery Expert 12") OT Cladys Bulger, .Statistical Assistant II.t W Helen M. Kdwards Assistant 110 00 Stephen Spaaii, Deckhand-Cook "Albacore" 85 00 Bert L. DePry, Assistant Si 00 Mrs. B. H. Marshall, Statistical Assistant 85 Ou to. K. Sette, -Assistant Fishery Kxpert 50 00 tF. W. Weymouth, Assistant Fishery Kxpert 50 0() t.Mary Mc(."nnnell, Assistant... 10 W) Department of Fish Culture, Wm. H. Sheliley, In Charge of Department ,300 00 luigene W. Hunt, Field Superintendent 250 Ou Ciles H. Lambson, Superintendent Mt. Shasta Hatchery 195 oo •lohn H. Hoerl, Assistant 193 00 Haniett P. Leitch, Stenographer 110 0. lassett. Hatchery Superintendent 190 00 tiso. McClnid, .Jr., Hatchery Superintendent 180 00 Albert E. Doney, Ladder Inspector 170 00 K. V. Cassell, Hatchery Foreman 165 00 Jas. W. Rieker, Hatchery Foreman 165 00 Geo. E. W"e--:t, Hatchery Foreman 165 OO Alex. E. Culver. Screen Inspector 150 CO Clareuc-e Xixon, Hatchery Foreman 1.^ 00 Lachean McLean, Skilled Laborer 140 Oi) Manfred K. Spaulding, Skilled Laborer 135 OO .1. Cecil Brandenburg, Hatchery Foreman 135 OH' Geo. McCloiid, Sr., Superint'ndent of Fish Distribution Car 1.30 (H) Louis Phillips, Superintendent of Fish Distribution Car 130 CO -las. L. Stinnett, Hatchery Foreman 125 00 Justin Shebley, Hatchery Foreman 125 00 Chas. L. Flame, Hatchery Foreman 125 00 (iuy C. Tabler, Hatchery Foreman 125 03 McClellan Woods, Hatchery Assistant 115 Oj .John Singlaub, Sr., Hatchery Assistant 115 0' ..'. (). .Jacobson, Hatchery Assistant... 115 (X) Wni. H. Pepper, Hatchery Assistant 115 00 .las. Landy, Hatchery Assistant 115 01 Ed. Clcssens, Hatchery Assistant 115 00 Alex. Chappieu, Hatchery Assistant 110 0(' Romauld.) (ialctti. Hatchery As.sistant 110 00 .los. C. Lewis. Hatchery Assistant 110 OJ Edward Lewis, Hatchery .\ssistant 110 00 Fred W. Sifcrs, Hatchery .Assistant 110 00 Bvron Sherry, Hatchery Assistant 110 CO RO.SS A. McCloud, Hatchery Assistant 110 00 Silas T. .Jordan, Hatchery Assistant 105 00 Ross W. Davis. Hatchery A.>-sistant lOO OO Claude C. Dollarhide, Hatchery Assistant 100 OP- .John Franklin, Hatcliiry .\ssistant 1(X) O^f .Vlbcrt Lane, Hatchery Assistant 100 00 Coleman A. Scalf, Hatchery Assistant lOO 00 L. Stout, Hatchery Assistant ..1 10) CO .lohn B. Sollner, Hatchery Assistant 90 OO Daily Wage C. L. Cadle, Watchman $5 00 (). W. Dickey, Watchman ,5 (X; Geo. Olsen, Watchman 5 or Ribert H. Watson, Watchman 5 OO .John A. '/Ann, Watchman 5 00 Robert Rupp, Watchman 2 00 Robert Boyd, Hatchery .Asi^istant 3 50 Richarri .\. Pape, Hatchery .\ssistant 3 OT Riccardo Mattel, Spawntaker 1 (/) During the fiscal year ending .June 30. l!>20, there were 62 persons engaged for temporary or emergency work, .\inount expended for such work, $2,618.50, +Part-timc service, NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 29 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF FORESTRY. (.Report of officers ami regular employees employed by this department on January 1. Idil.) Namci 01 OtTicei- or Employee ami Title Monthly Salary *G. M. Homans, State Forester $-250 00 *M. B. Pratt, D.-puty State Forester 200 00 A. K. Frost, Inspector 150 CO Anna D. Duffy, Secretary 150 00 Gertrude Tonzi, Stenographer l'2o 00 Helen M. liontz, Typist KX> (0 JC. Stowell Smith, Trustee, California Forestry Committee 100 00 Jin March, 1920, a committee called The California Forestrj- Committee was formed to inves- tigate the question of slash disposal and certain other items of common interest in need of solution. This committee was composed of a representative from each of the five following organizations: The State Boar CO 35 00 iSS S2 .Jean M. Hami.ton. Dormitory Watch 65 Oi) So 00 ** ?9 Annie K. Clements, Yard Officer 65 00 35 00 ^^^ U Kleanor Perry. RcUef Officer 65 00 35 00 100 00 Emilv L. Ailing, Relief Officer 65 00 35 00 lOO OO Martha A. Powe I, Relief Officer 65 00 S5 00 100 00 Ethel Tyler, Relief Officer 65 00 35 00 JxX X*' Addie Wood, Re'aef Officer . 65 00 35 00 ITO 00 Charlotte Saxemneyer, Relief Officer.. 65 00 35 00 Jlx XT Lillian Gibson, Assistant Sewing Department 25 00 35 00 60 00 Clarice Wells, Office Assistant 15 00 3» 00 50 00 Persons Engaged for Temporary or Emergency Employment During Fiscal Year Ending June, 1920. Person 1 Kngaged anil For What Amount Expended Dr. D. R. Smith, Dentistry, July, 1919 $49 00 Dr. R. W. Homer, Surgery, July, 1919 9 00 Hirschfelder Shoe Co., Repair of Shoes, July. 1919 36 95 Oxnard Welding Co., Welding Menlo Heater, Aug., 1919 14 00 Bartlett Company, Tuning and Repairing Pianos, Aug., 1919 23 00 Dr. E. K. Roberts, Dental Work, Sept., 1919 29 50 Dr. Geo. A. Morrison, Ojitieal Work, Sept., 1919 42 00 Dr. Geo. A. Morrison, Optical Work, Sept., 1919 — 16 00 Dr. Lewis, Surgery, Sept., 1919 — 10 50 Dr. C. A. Jensen, Surgerv. Sept., 1919 5 00 Hir.>;ehfelder Shoe Co., Repairing Shoes, Sept., 1919 18 35 Dr. R. W. Homer, Surgery (Incurred in June, 1919), Sept., 1919— 9 Oo John Bchn, Recharging Batteries, June, 1919 -. 8 00 Dr. E. K. Rol)erts, D.-ntistry, Oct., 1919 -- 75 00 Dr. Geo. H. Morrison, Optical Work, Oct., 1919 68 00 Dr. C. A. Jensen, Surgery, Oet., 1919 75 00 Hirschfelder Shoe Co., Repairing Shoes, Oct., 1919 29 89 H. P. Seppenfeld, Installing Burner, Oct., 1919 31 53 J. H. Johnson, Blaeksmithing, Nov., 1919- -. 4 4o Geo. A. Morrison, Ocultist, Nov., 1919 38 00 J. A. Johnson, Shoeing Horses, Dec, 1919 8 25 (J. M. Geibil, Rechaiging Batteries, Dec., 1919 1 75 Dr. Geo. A. Morrison, Ocultist, Dec, 1919.. 94 f5 Dr. Geo. W. Brown, Surgery, Dec, 1919 15 00 Hir.'chfeliler Shoe Co., Repairing Shoes, D^e., 1919 12 90 Oxnard Welding Co., Welding and Testing Menlo Heaters, Jan., 1920—. 28 35 F. 11. Roby. Care of Cemetery Eot One Year, Jan., 1920.. -- 10 00 J. J. Street. Vet. Sug., Veterinary Visits, Jan., 1920. 10 00 M. T. Boles, Hauling Coal, Jan., 1920 64 Oo F. M. Barrows. Hauling Ooal, Jan., 1920 59 82 W. T. Kenney, Installing and Adjusting Motion Picture Machine, Jan., 1920 7 50 VV^ L. Magby, Repair Auto, Jan.. 1920 2 00 W. L. Magby, Repair Work. Jan., 1020 _ 8 10 Dr. Geo. A. Morrison, Ocultist, Jan., 1920 ..i 30 00 Hirschfelder, Repairing Shoes, Jan., 1920 13 45 Richardson Bros., Overhauling Battery, Repair Tires, Jan., 1920 25 75 NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 31 CALIFORNIA SCHOOLS FOR GIRLS— Continued. (Report of ottiiers anil ifgiilar (.mployees employed by this dipaniiient on January 1, 1921.) Persons Engaged for Temporary or Emergency Employment During Fiscal Year Ending June, 1920 — Continued. Person-.! JlngaKi-d ami For Wliat Amount Expended M. T. Bole;:, Hauling Coal, .Jan., I9i0 64 Oo Barrows & Sons, Hauling Coal, Jan., 1920 69 97 W. L. Magliy, Work on Dodge Car, Jan., 1920 ._. &1 34 O. X. (ieibil. Recharging Battery. Jan., 19aj 2 .50 Norman Blacksmithinp Co., Shoeing Horses, Jan., 1930 2 5o 'I'rustees Whittier School, Research Work, Jan., 1920 — 50 00 O. H. Hedges, Repairing Leather Belt, Feb., 1920- -■ 35 J. F. Plunkett, Blanking Typewriters, March, 19>0 3 00 Dr. (leo. A. Monison, Ocultist, March, 1920 50 00 Trustees Whittier State School, Pro Rata Research Work, Feb., 1920 50 00 Trustees Whittier State School, Pro Rata Research Work, March, 1920 50 00 Burroughs Adding -Machine Co., Inspecting Adding Machine, March, 1920 5 20 Dr. H. W. Alden, Dentistry. March. 1920 50 48 Dr. Geo. A. Morrison, Ocultist, March, 1920 51 00 Hirschfelder Shoe Co., R<^pairing Shoes, April, 1020 31 35 Trustees Whittier State School, Pro Rata Research Work, April, 1920 .. 50 00 Dr. H. W. Alden, Dentistry, April, 1020 21 00 Mrs. B. W. Tnisors, Music Teacher, April, 1920 25 00 W. L. Magby, Welding Boilers, May, 1920 33 61 J. A. Johnson, Shoeing Horses, May, 1920 8 5o J. A. Johnson, Shoeing Horses, May, 1920 8 75 Oxnard Welding Co., Welding Heater, May, 1920-- 25 00 O. M. Geibel, Recharging, Insulating, May, 1920 20 40 Dr. C. A. Jensen. X-ray, May, 1920 8 Oo Hirschfelder Shoe Co., Repairing Shoes, May, 1920 18 80 Trustees Whittier State School, Pro Rata Research Work, May, 1920 50 00 Dr. Geo. H. Morrison, Ocultist, May, 1920 40 00 Dr. H. W. Alden, Dentistry, June, 192n 21 Oo Oxnard Welding Co., Welding Heater, June, 1920 10 Oo Singer Sewing Machine Co.. Adjusting Sewing Machines, June, 1920, 7 00 Eugene Rogers. Hanging Window Shades, June, 1920 23 00 O. X. Geibil, Recharging Batteries, June, 1920 1 50 J. A. Johnson, Shoeing Horses. June 1920 3 00 Dr. J. J. Streets, Veterinary Visits, -June, 1920 — 26 00 Hirschfelder Shoe Co., Repairing Shoes. June, 1920 23 85 Trustees Whittier State School, Pro Rata Research Work, June, 1^0 50 00 Dr. Geo. H. Morrison, Ocultist, June, 1920 20 00 Mrs. W. B. Truslow, Music Teacher, June, 1929 — 50 00 GOVERNOR'S OFFICE. (Report of officers and regular employees employed by this department on January 1, 1921.) ^.1-$900. .Niinui (•{ Ofliicr or Kmployi'c ami Title Monthly Salary W. D. Stephens, Governor .$8:33 30* ^lOl-iHJiO. Martin C. Madscn, Private Secretary 416 GZ* $276-^'500. Henry A. Frazior, Executive Secretary 390 OO* $151-$175. Mrs. V. Aliiright, Stenographer 1C6 <)5* $1(>1-$125. Myrtle Murray, Stenographer 125 00 W. P. Murray, Messenger 125 00* LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR. (Report of officers and regular employees employed by this department on January 1, 1921.) S301-$350. Xamo of Officer or Employee and Title Monthly Salary C. C. Young, Lieutenant Governor $333 30* *Statutory. 32 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. BOARD OF STATE HARBOR COMMISSIONERS. (Report of officers and regular employees employed by this d'.'partiiieiit on .January 1, 1921.) Nanui of 0!Bcei- or Kmployee and Title Monthly Salar; J. H. MeCallum, President - -- $il6 66 F. G. White, Chief Kngineer 416 60 F. K. Stewart, Superintendent l^elt Railroad 375 00 H. v.. Sduires. Assistant Harbor Kngineer :«5 CO W. A. SAveat, Tratlie Manager _■ 300 CO Clias. H. Witham, Superintendent Const, and Repairs 300 00 Thos. Flaherty, Aeting Chief Wharfinger 30:> 00 VV. K. Shafer, Master Mechanic 260 00 H. H. Cosgrifl'. Commissioner 250 CO P. S. Moody, Connni.ssioner 2.tO CO Hilda (iohrman, .Secretary 2dO GO I.. M. King, Ortiee Kngineer 2o0 CO A. A. M. Hussell, Testing Kngineer 230 0:> <\ N. Voung. Cliief Draftsman iiOO; .1. (\ Symi.ns, General Foreman— T. & D 250 00 C. P. Stanton, P'oreman Kl"ctrician 250 00 .J. Uyrne, ,Ir., Assistant Secretary 240 00 Frank Miller, Tug Captain 240 CO Chas. S. Love, Tug Captain 240 CO A. W. Xordwell, Draftsman 2m 00 .1. B. (iraham. Foreman Painter 230 00 (). W. .Tones, Draftsman 225 00 G. A. Wood, Draftsman 225 00 ,1. G. Webb, Inspector 225 00 .7. T. McQiioid, Inspector 22,5 00 T. .S. (Jarrett, Inspector 225 OO D. R. Dewar, Foreman Blacksmith 220 00 Andrew Mackie, Draftsman 215 00 H. P. Wickersham, Draftsman 215 OO A. D. .lanssen. Draftsman 215 00 S K. Evans, Draftsman 215 00 H. E. .lohnstone. Marine Engineer 215 00 .1. T. DulT, Marine Engineer 215 00 L. K. Palmtag, Chief Transitman 210 OO I',. A. Huler, Head Lev-rman 205 00 F. Ci. (iraham. Head Leverman 205 OO H. .1. Frederick, Chief Accountant 200 CO Daniel A. Ryan, Attorney 20O 00 .John M. LaRue. G. and M. Clerk 20O 00 Ii. G. Fisher, Draftsman 200 OO W. G. Winter, Draftsman 200 00 Frank Nash, Inspector 20O OO H. E. Newsome, Inspector 20O OO .1. F. Edelman, Inspector 20O OO W. F. Branilon, Stationary Engineer 200 00 T. E. Wadsworth, Stationary Engineer 200 OO George .\nd?rson. Stationary Engineer 200 00 C. J. Mitchell, Chief Clerk, B. R. R 20O CO •T. H. Nelson, Foreman of Pavers 190 0) W. A. Pennell, Foreman of Patehers 190 (K> R. W. Cudworth, Foreman of Eaborers 190 OO K. I.. Tuttle, Chief Clerk Wharfinger 185 CO .1. E. Hopkins. Foreman of .Fanitors 185 00 M. (J'I)onn"ll, Roadmaster 185 00 (i. N. Dysrjn, Transitman 180 CO E. Roberts, Leverman - 180 CO .1. H. Smith, Leverman 180 CO F. E. WhorfT, Maintenance Electrician 1 I'S 00 Lawrence O'Kourke, Maintenance Electrician 1"5 Of) U. A. Thompson, Maintenance Electrician 175 CO E. T. .loste. Dockage Clerk 175 GO Chas. Morrison, Toll Clerk 175 03 W. A. Conneau, Clerk 175 00 .1. A. P'.'il, Head Timekeeper- 175 00 .1. E. Fitzgerald, Clerk... 175 00 R. G. Frank, Cost Accountant 1'75 00 Auilrew Skero, F"oreman of Sweepers 172 50 A. E. lU-ckett, Wharfinger 170 OO H. M. Mrown, Wharfinger 170 CO E. M. lUicklcv, Wharfinger 170 00 E. .1. Callan, Wharfinger.. 170 CO L. .1. Caldwell, Wharfinger 170 0) .1. N. Colter, Wharfinger 17X) 00 A. W. Davidson, Wharfinger 170 00 .Jf^s. iK'Martini, Wharfinger.. 170 00 W. F. Dunleavv, Wharfinger.. 170 00 W. F. Eschbacher, Wharfinger .■ 170 00 David Fox, Wharfinger. - On Sick Leave NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 33 BOARD OF STATE HARBOR COMMISSIONERS— Continued. (Report of officors aii'J regular ciiiployccs cinploycd by tliis (lepartincnt on January 1, V.r>\.) Name anil Titio Monthly Salary Gporge Frankr, Whai-flngcr , 170 OO John Oillson, Wluirflnger ]71» €0 J. T. Hank'y, Wharfinger 170 OO ('. F. Kenneally, Wharfinger 170 tO W. C. Maekintosh, Wiiarfinger 170 OJ' ('has;. Mautalen, Wharfinger 170 Od F: A. Xeary, Wiiarfinger 170 OO George Roth, Wharfinger 170 Oil J. A. Sullivan, Wharfinger 170 00 John Wessling, Wharfinger 170 Co Gilbert H. Littlejohn, Port Statistician 165 00 E. L. Harms, Budget Clerk 105 Co W. J. MeWhinney, Clerk .. ICO 0} W. M. Diebles, Clerk 160 o:> J. B. Silva, Clerk im CO J. T. Fitzsimmons, Clerk 160 00 G. S. Bockrath, Clerk '. • IG'J- M R. J. Klliott, Material Clerk .160 00 K. J. Ilahcrty, Chauffeur and Automobile Mschanie 160 CO Jesse Mayer, Engineer's Assistant loC 0> J. B. Kidd, Kngineer's Assistant 150 CO Jos4'ph 'I'ehaney, Kngineer's Assistant 150 0.) C. K. Clark, Launeh Captain 150 Oi Mabel Ci. Jaekson, Private Secretary IW Oi J. P. Lyneh, Policeman 140 CO J. D. Nolan, Policeman 110 00 I>. F. McCarthy, Policeman 1-10 (0 F. Cileason, Policeman 110 i)d J. McNamara, Night i'orcman Janitor 138 50 Clyde Lane, Claims Clerk and Comptometer Operator 135 C'> Lester Stern, Clerk 135 0.) Dennis Mahony, Fireman Tugs 135 OJ Jas. McQuaid, Fireman Tugs ' 135 00 Joseph K. Flynn, Deckhand 135 05 Harry Arata, Deckhand 135 (,i;) J. Hutchings, Deckhand 135 0> G. Stock, Deckhand 135 (X) J. B. Kenney, Deckhand 135 CO L. Cox, Deckhand - i:>5 CO R. ]>martini, Deckhand 135 OJ J. F. Haggerty, Deckhand 135 OO M. Kane, Deckhand 135 OO A. Fallman, Deckhand lo5 0> C. Crilley, Deckhand 135 CO Geo. Buehl, Deckhand 135 Oj Frank Ryan, Deckhand 135 0) Thos. P. Loughran, Deckhand 135 CK) T. B. Parker, Fireman Dredgers 13* CO J. F. Dealer, fireman Dredgers 135 OJ George Pratt, Fireman Dretlgers 135 00 James Cotter, Fireman Dredgers 135 00 F. L. Halby, Storekeeper 125 OJ Philip Diez, Klectrician s Helper 135 CO' Jas. Radford, Fire Marshal 125 CO Nina Clark, Teleph ne Operator 1'25 CO Hattie L. Kcnnard, Bookkeeping Machine Operator 1'2} <0 Mary K. Hughes, Expert File Clerk 12^ CO Berthold, Watchman 120 00 Hector Brodie, Boatman 120 CO G. H. Tait, Watchman V20 OJ G. G. Coleman, Watchman 12) CO J. J. Williams, Watchman 120 CO August Hardors, Watchman 120 OJ Dan Desmond, Watchman l-O ^^ H. A. Harris, Watchman 120 CO L. A. Valentin, Watchman 1^3 *^> H. Ha(1( r. Watchman.. On Sick Leave Marie l.ind, Stenographer H*' "*' Prances L. Wentworth, Stenographer 110 00 Mrs. L. Brennan, Matron 110 Co M. J. Mullally, Matron ^^ Celia Hart, Matron ^ ^■^ 3— 97G8 34 STATE OFFICERS AND KMPTXJYEES. BOARD OF STATE HARBOR COMMISSIONERS— Continued. (Ri'port of otliccrs and regular iniployees employed l>y Ihi- dcpiu tiiunt on .Tanuary 1, ]. Klcctrieian- — - : <) O;) s W. Tyler, Kleetrieian 'J 00 .lohii Lembke, Klectrician V) 0,1 R. .1. licvtr, Kltetrieian 9 00 .1. H. Kcnuaid, Klectrician 9 0> H. .1. Dolierty, Klectrician 9 GO H. H. .lesser, Klectrician 9 00 K. H. Collins, Kh>ctrician- 9 00 W. L. Chamberlain, Klectrician 9 00 L. Cereghino, Carpenter 9 CO G. R. Cowan, Carpenter 9 U> A. K. Cr. ssman, Carpenter 9 CO R. F. Driscoll, Carpenter 9 to VV. B. O'Hanion, Carpenter 9 00 W. H. Salmon, Carpenter 9 00 G. F. MeMath, Carpenter 9 OD E. W. Leiljert, Carpenter . 9 03 M. A. McLeod, Carpenter 9 0» W. H. Dutcher, Carpenter 9 0^ S. G. Pope, Carpenter 9 0» F. W. Gorham, Plumber 9 OO M. R. .Tohnston, .Steamfltter 9 f(0 .1. J. Allen, Tinner 9 0<) W. R. King, Plasterer 9 W Edward Kelly, Paver 9 (0 Maurice Ahem, Paver 9 CO E. Ahcrn, Paver 9 00 C. O'Tools, Paver 9 CO .J. W. Haskins, Pilemau 9 Ct) J. F. McPher.son, Pilenian 9 iX> C. H. Eisenhut, Pileman 9 00 F. H. Herrin, Raftsman 9 00 W. H. Connor, Raftsman 9 OD C. R. Hale, Piledriver Engineer 9 OD .John McConville, Hledriver Engineer 9 00 W. Stelzariede, Piledriver Engineer 9 CO W. .1. McMahon, Piledriver Engineer 9 00 P. D. Schweitzer, Pileman 9 CO L. F. Morris, Pileman 9 CX) Wm. Xcsbett, Pileman 9 CO .J. C. Willis, Pileman 9 00 J. Loney, Pileman 9 CO H. H. Wentworth, Pileman.- - 9 00 .Jas. McCatdey, Pileman 9 <0 Daniel Kain, Mleman 9 CO F. A. Schirmer, Pileman 9 00 T. L. Hanimill, Pileman -• 9 (X) Daniel Mc(iilvray, Pileman. 9 03 G. Maynard, Pileman 9 0.) .J. -J. Collins, Piledriver 9 00 R. D. Painter, Piledriver 9 0) O. T. Walling, Piledriver 9 0.1 C. H. Peebles, Piledriver 9 0) J. W. Brokaw, Piledriver 9 O'J W. T. Wilshire, Piledriver 9 Oj G. E. Witham, Piledriver 9 00 Tom 'J'homsen, Piletjriver 9 (0 C. .1. Qiiiiin. Piledriver 9 CO H. .1. Mc(iowan, Piledriver 9 CO Thos. (iosliind, Piledriver ._ 9 uo E. .]. Migley, Pil-driver 9 CO T. .1. Leo Do Sella, Yariliriaster 8 70 G. L. R >berts, Yardmaster _. 8 70 C P. Allison, Yardmaster 8 70 W. P. Kennedy, Painter 8 50 W. C. Davis. Painter 8 50 tPart-time service. NAMES, 1'ITLES AND SALARIES. 35 BOARD OF STATE HARBOR COMMISSIONERS— Continued. (Report of officers an'l regular employees eiiiploye^l by this ilepartmcnt on .January 1, 1921.) Name of OlBfer or Kmployee ami Title Daily Wage J. J. O'Brien, Painter 8 50 F. R. Gantt. Painter 8 SO G. L. .\utagnp, Painter 8 .5o .T. Toomey, Painter 8 50 \V. J. Driscoll, Painter 8 ."0 P. Benjamin, Glazier 8 HO James Nee, Rammer 8 00 M. P. Stanovicli, Rammer 8 CO C. W. Armager, Locomotive Engineer 7 92 Geo. L. Bieknell, Locomotive Engineer 7 92 G. T. Black, Locomotive Engineer-- 7 92 .1. R. Doyle, Locomotive Engineer 7 92 Manuel Garcia, Loconiotive Engineer 7 92 S. F. Higgins, Locomotive Engineer 7 92 C. D. Ingersoll, Locomotive Engineer 7 92 .1. Leitner, Loc-omotive Engineer 7 i)2t J. E. Moorehead, .Steveriore 7 92 R. N. Foster, Engine Foreman 7 60 .1. E. Feeney, Engine Foreman 7 60 C. R. Gundaker, Engine Foreman 7 60 A. A. Haven, Engine Foreman 7 60 P. M. Kelly, Engine Foreman 7 60 .1. A. Parlin, Engine Foreman 7 60 Fred Sanger, E:ngine Foreman 7 60 R. H. Seberg, P'ngine Foreman 7 60 L. .1. Bergin, Boilermaker 7 20 F. W. Meisenbach, Boilermaker 7 20 L. R. Case, Machinist 7 2ti E. J. Canepa, Machinist 7 20 .1. F. Scullen, Machinist 7 20 F. D. Stevens, Machinist 7 20 C. L. White, Machinist 7 20 A. E. Engstrom. Coppersnnth 7 20 W. C. Wilson, Grane Engineer 7 20 D. K. Bjhn, Macliinist 7 20 R. C. Byrne, Switchman 7 13 H. Christiansen, Switchman 7 13 M. R. Clonan, Switchman 7 13 G. E. Conover, Switchman 7 13 M. H. Cooly, Switchman 7 13 T. F. Curley, Switchman 7 13 Wm. Hartigan, Switchman 7 13 W. .J. Harris, Switchman 7 13 Wm. .Jordan, Switclimau 7 13 Wm. Kelleher, Switchman 7 13 W. B. Knight, Switchman 7 13 .J. D. Lobdell, Switchman 7 13 F. L. Mattice, Switchman 7 13 H. Michel, Switchman 7 13 F. C. Park, Switchman 7 13 E. E. Quinn, Switchman 7 13 J. J. Ray, Switchman 7 13 F. A. Robertson, Switchman 7 13 E. E. Stearns, Switchman 7 13 T. A. Wolfe, Switchman 7 13 C. D. Cooley, Switchman 7 13 E. Trotman, Switchman 7 13 Ora Piatt, Switchman 7 13 W. E. PaulscU, Switchman 7 13 H. C. Padilla, Switchman 7 13 G. M. Haupt, Switchman 1 7 13 C. Lcnnon, Truck Driver 7 03 F. P. Perry, Millman 7 OO C. B. Brown, Loc jmotive Fireman 6 29 M. P. Connelly, Locomotive Fireman 6 29 J. A. Dukey, Locomotive Fireman 6 29 T. S. Malim, Locomotive Fireman 6 29 D. ,L McCarb, Locomotive Fireman 6 29 J. P. Ring, Locomotive Fireman 6 29 S. J. Balkeld, Locomotive Pireman 6 29 C. T. Sperry, Locomotive Fireman 6 2> W. W. Walker, Locomotive Fireman 6 29 D. A. Meyer, Locomotive Fireman 6 2) B. O. Frisbic, Locomotive Fireman 6 23 Michael McGowan, Section Foreman 6 03 M. H. Stcnder, Paint Sprayer 6 OC tParttime service. 36 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. BOARD OF STATE HARBOR COMM ISSIONERS— Continued. (Report of officers ami retfiilar employes eniploycyl I)y tliis departniciit on .laniiary 1, 1921.) Nami' of OllieiT or Kniployw and Title .Tolin McAnineli, Oiler M. ,1. Forbes, Ceimnt Man F. Ghesoii, Klectridan's Helper ,1. S. Sullivan, Tinner's Helper D. Trinsi, Machinist's Helper G. K. Brown, Machinist's Helper J. J. Filzsiuimon.*, Machinist's Helper. M. .r. Hanley, Machinists Helper .\. F. James, Machinist's Helper G. F, Lacey, Machinist's Helper A. E. Manter, Machinist's Helper D. J. Murphy, Machinist's Helper W. J. O'Neill, Machinist's Helper W. Teague, Machinist's Helper A. C. Ttjsich, Machinist's Helper Edw. A. Vogt, Machinist's Helper Geo. Wilkins, Machinist's Helper John Lawless, Blackniith Helper S. J. Charchs, Blacksmith Helper Geo. Doufrhcrty, 'linner Thoma.-- Murray, Plumber's Helper F. J. Cunane, Plumber's Helper-- James Reynolds, Painter's Helper T. F. Fay, Oiler's Helper F. P. Church, Oiler's Helper E. L. Sivyer, Plasterer's Helper C. C Morehead, Truck Driver E. J. Walsh, Patcher J. F. Creamer, Patcher Jcs. Richards, Laborer J. E. Kigney, Laborer John Carey, Laborer John McBcnough, Laborer T. 1-. McCann, Laborer J. H. Boucher, Laborer C. E. Smith, Laborer H. D. Fox, Laborer Michael Barry, Laborer P-.tiick Dever, Laborer J. lAillcr, Laborer A. \Vatts, Laborer P. Amadeo, Laborer B. Webb, Laborer John Ring, Laborer John Mulhern, Laborer E. \'. Sullivan, Laborer John McPake, Laborer William Williams, Laborer James Hyan, Laborer T. Ward, Laborer Fred Smith, Laborer J. H. Dolau, I/aborer M. McCarthy, Laborer E. Lauterbach, Laborer C. P. Necl, Laborer 'J'. F. Roberts, Laborer William .\stride, Laborer E. Riley, Laborer E. Holden, Laborer J. E. Moorehead, Laborer .1. M. -Adams, Se<;tionman M. Costello, Sectionman Jeremiah Doody, Sectionman M. .1. Fay, Sectionman Michael Fogarty, Sectionman Robert (ietliin, Sectionman Camillo Gian'ttoni, Sectionman .lolin (iorham, Sectionman Mark Heney, .Sectionman H. Hirrell, Sectionitian .1. Hurley, Sectionman .1. A. Larson, Sectionman.. Humprey Lynch, Sectionman T. E. Miles, Stctionman T. Murphy, Sectionman T. J. Maloney, Sectionman Daily Wage 6 OO (X) 6 00 6 CO 5 .52 5 52 5 52 5 52 5 52 .-> 53 5 52 5 52 5 £2 5 52 5 52 5 52 5 52 5 52 5 52 5 52 5 52 5 52 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 53 5 50 5 50 5 00 5 CO 5 CO 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 03 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 3 00 5 03 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 500 5 CO 5 (.<} 5 03 5 00 5 00 503 5 00 5 00 5 00 500 5 OOf 5 00 5C0 5 00 5 CO 5 03 5 00 5 00 5 03 5 00 500 5 00 5 0C) 5 00 5 OO 5 00 5 00 tPart-time service. NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 37 BOARD OF STATE HARBOR COMMISSIONERS— Continued. (Report of officers anl regular employees employed by this department on January 1, ]921.) Name of OSHccr or Kinployce and Title B. Riordan, Sectionman W. Shanahan, Sectijnman J. Thorpe, Sectionman Michael Grady, Sectionman J. J. Mullen, Sectionman Fred Conrad, Sweeper __. P. D. Hayes, Sweeper John Hayes, Sweeper Alfred Markey, Sweeper W. J. Young, Sweeper Manuel Vicrra, Sweeper J. Griffin, Sweeper G. C. Jaeobson, Sweeper J. C. Foley, Boat Clerk W. D. Perkins, Boat Clerk J. W. Harrison, Boat Clerk J. E. Heilman, Janitor J. Dennis, Janitor J. W. Byrne, Janitor Jos. Corich, Janitor J. A. Conway, Janitor J. Connors, Janitor W. C. Abernathy, Janitor J. P. Murray, Janitor P. J. Mahoney, Janitor J. J. Quigley, Janitor W. H. Wundus, Janitor Jos. D«Kicchi, Janitor Jos. Rizzo, Janitor J. F. Sullivan, Toolkeeper Daily Wace 5 00 .5 00 5 (X) 5 00 5 00 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 ."0 4 5) 4 10 4 25 4 2i 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 2? 4 25 4 00 Temporary or Emergexct Work. Title of Officer or Employees Total Wag a 1 Law Clerk $i.:0 OO 5 Watchmen 2,143 34 2 Foreman Klectricians 2,082 35 22 Klfctiicians 14,722 03 1 Foreman Ship Carpenter 5il 46 6 Ship Carpenters 1,964 00 1 Foreman Ship Caulker 107 52 3 Ship Caulkers 255 68 1 Piledriver Foreman 1,232 63 2 Hoisting Engineers 1,213 00 9 Pilemen - 8,528 50 1 Steam Fitter 889 i8 3 Stenographers €89 22 1 Tug Captain 284 2a 1 Marine Engineer 231 94 1 Fireman— Tug 154 16 2 Deckhands— Tug 273 71 .1 Head Leverman 241 15 1 Leverman 309 42 1 Fireman— Dredger 133 &7 7 Deckhands 7S4 73 39 Switchmen 7,322 CO 25 Locomotive Firemen 5,450 00 10 Machinists' Helpers 3,824 40 2 Machinist Mechanics 1 , „o^ ,„ 3 Boiler Makers J i.-»0 00 1 Crane Onerator 1,202 40 2 Clerks 1,650 00 1 Watchman 790 03 78 Sectionmen 16,746 7i Total $75,376 59 NOTE.— The above indicates the number of persons engaged for temporary or emergency work during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1020, and the total amount of wages paid. 38 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. BOARD OF HARBOR COMMISSIONERS. Port of Eureka, Humboldt Bay, California. Bonrd: President. W. H. H. Hecknian: Coinmis.«ioners, H. H. Woodcock, Adolph Ohman; Sccrotary. Fred B. Huiimiii; Harbor Master, S. S. Silkwood. (Regular meeting, first Monday in each iiiouth.) Eureka, California, February 3, 1921. State Civil Service Coiniuission, Saoaviento, California. tientleinen: The Board of Harbor Commissioners, for the Port of Eureka, consists of three members ace ;rding to Section i^iiT of the Political Code. The personml of the Board is as follows: Yearly Salary W. H. H. Heckman $400 00 H. H. Woodcock 400 CO AdolF)h Ohman .- 400 OJ S. S. Silkwood, Harbormaster 1,200 0) (.Appointed as per Section 2.570, Political Code.) Freil B. Barnum, Secretary (.Appointed as per Section 2571, Political Code) 1,000 00 This Board has no other appointees and at no time has it had temporary or emergency employees. W. H. H. Heckman, President. BOARD OF STATE HARBOR COMMISSIONERS FOR THE BAY OF SAN DIEGO. Ell. Willoiighby, President; F. L. Richardson; William B. Gross, Stcretary and Treasurer. 920 Eighth Street. San Diego, California, February 16, 1921. RepTrt of the Board of (State) Harbor Commissions for the Bay of San Diego to the State Civil Service Commission of California. Board of Harbor Commissioners for the Bay of San Diego, California. William B. Gross, Secretary and Treasurer, wages average about !f40 a mouth. Ed. Willoughby, Presiding Officer, wages average about $20 a month. Frank L. Richardson, wages average about $20 a month. F. L. Richardson, Attorney f.)r the Board, salary $15 a month. .Ios?ph Brennan, Harlior Ma.ster, serving without pay. Rent per month for office, $2.50. Respectfully submitted. STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. (Report of officers and regular employees employed .January 1, 1921.) Namo of Officer or Kniployec ami Title Mimlhly Salary Dr. W. M. Dickie, Secretary of Board $375 00* Ralph Hilschor, Director Sanitary Engineering Bureau 333 33 Dr. W. H. Kellogg, Director Communicable Diseases Bureau J 333 33 Erwin .J. Lea, Director Food and Drug Bureau 300 00* Dr. Ethel M. Watters, i>irector Child Hygiene Bureau 300 00 Dr. Frank I.. Kellv, Kiiid'-mioiogist.. .300 00 Dr. Allen F. (Hllih n, Health Officer 3()0 00 Dr. (Juvin .1. T-lfer, Health Officer 300 00 Guy P. .Jones, Morbidity Statistician 250 00 .lohn C. Macfarland, .\ttorney 250 00* Mrs. E. E. M. T. Thompson, Director Tiibercuiosi.s Bureau - 230 OO -Vuna C. .Jamiu", Director Xur.scs Registration Bureau 2oO 00 C. H. McCharles, Chemist 350 00 Clyde F. Smith, Assistant Engineer 215 00 Mason E. Franklin, .\ssistant to the Secretary 200 00* E. E. Ross, Registrar of Vital Statistics 200 00* Edward T. Ross, Sanitary Inspector 200 00 Mrs. Elizabeth McManus, Social Service Director 200 00 May L Donald. Chemist and Bacteriologist 200 00 Dr. Esther Rosencrant/, Supervising Physicim I'tiberculosis Bureau 30O OOt Aug. F. Glaive, Chemist 185 00 Wm. H. CJourley, Inspector. Foods and Drugs 185 (lO Caroline M. Christiimson, Financial Clerk 175 00 Kate S. Douglass, .Assistant Inspector. Nurses 175 00 l.ind.'i E Mitschke, Fi'ld Worker. 'lubTcnlosis Bureau 175 00 Ida .M. Theile, Field Worker, Tuberculosis Bureau -- 176 00 M. P. DufTy, Inspector, Foods and Drugs 175 00 •Statutory tPart-time service. NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. » 39 STATE BOARD OF H EALTH— Continued. (Report of oflBcers and regular employees employed Ijy this department on January 1, 1021.) NaiiHi of Officer or Kmiiloyie aiul Title Monthly Salary C. B. Heizer, Inspector, Foods and Drugs - Ho 00 H. C. Peters, Inspector, Poods and Drugs— 175 00 Robt. G. Wray, Inspector, Foods and Drags 1^5 CO Rav F. Goudey, Chemist and Bacteriologist 165 00 Ida May Stevens. .Assistant Epidemiologist IW OO Mrs. E. K. MiddlehofT, Senior Clerk IfO 00 K. A. Reinke, Assistant Sanitary Engineer 150 00 Raymond .T. .A.bernathv, .Assistant to Director Foods and Drugs 150 00* Mary K. Clary, Public Health Nurse 150 00 Mary A. Smeeton. Bacteriologist 150 OO Cath'-rim .\. Morrison, Stcnograiiher to the Board ISO 00 Mrs. Frieda Hodgkinson, Stenographer-Secretary 150 00 Mrs. Grac? D. Na<>- nn Ira G. Thomas, Office KiiKineer " "jV- m Geo. A. Tilton, .Jr., Resident Engin-jer " l^^ OO Clarenc" VVoodin, Draftsman _ 925 00 Francis R. U.kcr. Resident Knginter -"iril-I'rilllllll 220 00 A. X. Ge:)rf!;", Resident Kngineer '.".'S.'.V wo 00 R. P. Lyons, Kesid'jnt JCngineer \-.'.V.V.\.' \ 2^0 00 R. E. Alcssncr, Resident Engineer II"I"'I. 99o 00 (". P. Montgomery, Resident Engineer V..S.\Ji 220 00 Fay H. Allen, Draftsman . " 9J5 qq W. F. Pixby, Chi"f of Party ""^III"" 215 on C. M. ButtS: Resident Engineer 2 215 00 Eli Dallas, Draft-^man 215 00 John \'>. Davi W. C. Miller, Assistant Resident Engineer 200 00 Jas. A. Moriarty. Clerk 200 00 Harry Nelson. Resident Engineer 20O 00 E. G. Poss, Resident Engineer 200 OO C. A. Potter, Resident Engineer 200 00 H. T. Reupkc, Resident Engineer 200 00 H. W. 8chreiber, Resident Engineer 2O0 00 F. J. Seadler, Draftsman 200 00 Wallace A. Smith, Assistant Engineer 200 00 M. E. Snarks, Secretary to Highway Engineer 200 Oo D. C. Wil'ett, Draftsman 200 00 K. N. BMbb. Clprk 190 00 Robt. H. Harding, Resident Engineer 190 00 Palmer H-Mt, Draftsman 190 00 B. T. Millard. Resident Engineer _. 190 00 Chas. H. Rycn. Clerk 190 oO W. A. Smith. Assistant Resident Engineer 190 00 Wm. J. Thompson. Draftsman 190 00 .'\rthur Wallace, Assistant Resident Engineer 190 00 Edw. H. Wi^r, Draftsman 190 00 Pernard .Anawalt. Tnstrumentman 1S5 00 Cha.s. H. Blood, Draftsman 185 00 O. D. Brenning. As.sistant Resident Engineer 185 03 C. G. Burnett. In.«trumentman 185 00 W. W. Compton, Instrumentman 185 OO .\. Coonrod. Assistant Resident Engineer 185 00 W. D. Flaton, Assistant Resident Engineer 185 00 Wallace Peery, Resident Engineer . 185 00 Wm. H. Ringen, Draftsman 185 OO (^. M. Ros'-nlierg. Resident Engineer 185 00 Ralph W. Sand.s, Bridgetender -.. 185 00 E. L. Seitz, Instrumentman 185 00 J. Geo. Smith, Draftsman 185 OO Harvey Stover, Draftsman 185 fO W. K. Tavlor. Assi.stant Resident Engineer ,- ia5 CO F. W. T"sclike. A.«sistant Resident Engineer 185 00 Geo. W. Thompson. Assistant Resident Engineer 1S5 OO C. M. Tunison, .Assistant Resident Engineer 185 00 Arthur F. Ager, Draftsman 180 OC Wm. S. Ba.scom, Draftsman ISC 0« W. H. Johnson, Assistant R"sident Engineer ISO 00 42 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY COMM ISSION— Continued. (Report of officers and regular enu'loyees eiiiiiloyed hy tliis .lepartment on .lamiary 1, l{>21.) Name of Officer or Kiiiployec and Title Montlily Salary Fr"rt \V. Pettit, Draftsman 180 W Bpv°rly T. Ward, Draftsman -— 180 00 H. H Wildv, Iiistnimentman.. -- 180 00 P. T. Alexander, Draftsman 175 OO F K Hlue, Draftsman 1V5 CO \\m. Hoek, Draftsman 175 0:> Howard F. HrigK!^. Draftsman 175 CO Howard Briley, Draftsman 175 00 Krnest .1. Brown, Assistant Resident Engineer 175 00 Edwin Carlstad, Instninieiitnian 175 CK) James F. Cole, Instruincntiiian 175 00 R. R. Cz°ikowitz, Assistant Resident Engineer 175 00 C. C. Darrow. Clerk 175 W Preston J.. Fite, Assistant Resident Engineer . 175 00 J. A. (iilfillan, Draftsman 175 W Douglas H. Greeley, Instrumentman 175 OO Chas. I.. Greene, Draftsman 175 00 Rich n. Holdsworth, Clerk 175 00 Emanii"l Johnson, Instrumentman 175 00 Chas. W. Jones, Draftsman 175 0> E. F. T.ipp-rt, Draftsman 175 CO A. Roger McEwen, Instrumentman 175 CO AVni. MeXeelv, Draftsman 175 OO Fred P. Mesiek, Draftsman 175 OO J. R. lleskinions. Draftsman 175 00 Horaei- S. Miles. Draftsman 175 00 Godwin C. Moore, Draftsman 175 00 John G. Moran, Instrumentman 175 CO L. D. Packard. Assistant Resident Engineer 175 CO Carl L. Rimmele, Draftsman 175 00 Geo. W. Rylander, Clerk 175 CO Seth W. Simpson, Instrumentman 175 00 Dock Sapp, Instrumentman 175 0:> Geo. Sowash, Draftsman 175 00 Joseph E. Sj)ink, Draftsman 175 00 J. E. Stewart. Draftsman 175 OO Elmer L. Stump. Draftsman : 175 CO Clifford J. Temby, Draftsman 175 00 James Upham, Draftsman 175 OO Earl G. Van Leeuwen, Draftsman 175 OO E. C. Weinsheimer, Draft.sman 175 00 W. W. West, Draftsman 175 OO S. A. Moran, Instrumentman 170 OO Thos. F. Rodgers, Instrumentman -- 170 00 Lewis E. Wilson, Instrumentman 170 00 Joseph S. Fite, File and Contract Clerk Ifw 00 E. J. Kal-sehke, Draftsman 165 CO An>ert M. Xash, Draftsman 165 00 Joseph F. O'Hara, Draftsman 165 CO Irwin ]$. Ramsier, Draftsman 165 00 E. X. Sawtelle, Draftsman 165 OO A. E. Thompson, Draftsman 165 00 Chas. E. Thorp, Assistant Purchasing Agent 165 00 E. D. Hreuning, Field Draftsman 160 00 R. X. Piug"ss, Draftsman 160 00 Mrs. Hel°n M. Davidson, Assistant Secretary and Assistant Disbursing Officer 160 OO Wm. T. Diiffy. Instrumentman 160 Oi) Walter A. Eskilsfm. Draftsiiian 160 OO L. C. Evans, Assistant Resilient Engineer 160 00 Katherine A. Fc-ny, Civil Service and Employment Clerk 100 00 H. O. Fletcher, Instrumentman IGl OO E. D. Gardner, Assistant Resident Engineer l(i;()0 Marshall H. Huhhs, Instrum-'ntman 16^ 00 F. X. MvH'in, Assistant Resident Engineer 16') m L. L. Knight, Instnunenfman ._ ]60 00 C. P. Martin, Field Draftsman-.. .. . " .. ' _"' "" 16000 .Mrs. Leona Duden Smith, Clerk ' .. " ".. 16'> i Don II. Van Zanrlt, Instrum'ntman .--I..... Ill II I III "I I 16'J OO H. N. T. Bowden, Draftsman _ . " " ' " ' 155 00 R. P. Green, Draftsman " "" "'" "" ^!\^ m James T. Havs. Clerk.. -.Jil-H.Jlll^llllllllll^'^ " 155 oO Harry Mounday, Laboratory Assistant... ' ' 1.55 00 Harvev Sammons, Assistant BridgetendT.. " i'^5 O'l J. C, Wayne, Assistant Bridgetender . " 155 00 A. I.. Anderson, Clerk .. ikn m James A. Brown, Assistant File Clerk "l"' ' ^tn nn Regis E. Halter, Levehiian " ' "I f^ no Rebecca H', Draftsman "" """ isn rC Carl Kinyon, Levlman ....:'.:"." — — iS XX L. G. Marshall, l^>>irmn?ntmanlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^llllllll^l[[ H 150 150 00 00 NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 43 CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY COMMISSION— Continued. (Report of oflBcers and regular employees employed by this department on January 1, W21.) Name of Officer or Employee and Title Moiitlily Salary 150 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 45 00 45 00 45 OO 45 OO 45 (X) 45 00 40 00 40 00 [40 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 .40 00 35 CO 00 135 OO 35 00 .35 00 35 00 35 OO 35 00 35 CO 35 0) 35 00 135 OO 135 00 35 OO 35 00 35 00 135 no 35 CO 35 00 135 CO 35 00 35 OO 35 00 130 OOi :5 00 25 (0 25 00 25 OO 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 OO 25 CO 25 CO 25 OO 25 00 25 00 25 CO .25 00 25 CO 25 (0 25 00 25 00 25 00 125 00 25 00 25 00 25 OO 25 (0 25 00 .25 OO 25 00 25 00 25 OO 25 OO 25 00 25 (K) 25 CO 20 OO 20 00 ?0 00 H. B. Melendy, Levelman Willis Pefi'er, Draftsman R. F. Reynolds, Field Draftsman Clyda W. Rust, Assistant Resident Engineer T. W, Voss, Draftsman Ross E. Biss^'Il, Field Draftsman Nellie Diam?nt, Stenographer Mrs. Cora L. Gascoign?, Bookkeeper John W. Gray, Rodman Ohas. P. Sweet, Assistant Resident Engineer G. R. Thompson, Clerk Geo. D. .Alexander, Draftsman Florence Cameron, Stenographer H H. Hilderbrnnd, Computer May I. Larkin, Assistant Accountant Mattie K. McComb-r, Stenographer F. R. Merrill, Draftsman M. M. Kewlan, Clerk H. J. Pearce, Assistant .Accountant H. F, Balsz, Rodman N. C. Casmors, Rodman Sam Costello, Cook Jas. D. Cooney, Instnimentman L. G. Corey, Levelman Wm. P. Devine, Rodman.. W. W. Greer, Rodman lulu V. Hague, Stenographer \V. H. Holman. Rodman.. Mrs. L. J. Hoover, Cook H. Glover Hughes, Draftsman Herman Hastens, Cook Kenneth Kirk, Chainman.. J. P. McAndrews, Rodman L. R. McNeely, Chainman R. J. Nickerson, Rodman Lloyd B. Reynolds, Draftsman Oscar H. Rordorf, Field Draftsman I.. E. Roth, Rodman Geo. Souza, Truckdriver and Chainman B. W. Vinsonhaler, Rodman Fred C. Volkman, Rodman and Truckdriver Joseph A. Williams, Rodman H°len A. Edwards, Clerk Zula .Andrews, .Assistant .Accountant -- Kmil Baruch, Clerk Royal F. J. Becker, Assistant Draftsman and Computer. L F. Cramer, Draftsman W. J, C. Dinsmore, Superintendent Donald T. Dozier, Rodman.. Robert J. Frank, Clerk.. Harry A. Frey, Chainman Elmer W. Gardner, Chainman Edmon L. Hobbs, Rodman C. L. Jenck.s, Rodman J. E. Kinyon, Rodman Ira H. Locey, Rodman Fay N. Loveless, Stenographer Mary R. Lutenegger, Stenographer S. Verne Lynn, Clerk C. C. McCalcb, Clerk R. D. Meredith, Draftsman . Ruth Miles, Stenographer Benj. B. Moore. Chainman O. C. Moore, Rodman Verner Oleson, Rodman Newton T. Pratt, Draftsman W. J. Price, Rodman Lida H. Ransom, Stenographer Ralph Ridenour, Chainman Van W. Rosendahl, .Assistant Draftsman Claude S. Simpson, Clerk-Stenographer..-. Mrs. Edna Taylor, Clerk Garland Taylor, Clerk .- .Annie Thorbum, Stenographer O. .A. Troseth, Rodman Fred D. Whit°, Draftsman Elizabeth Wolohen, Stenographer Jos. M. Baroni, Rodman Leslie F. Bertken, Rodman O. G. Brown, Chainman - 44 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY COMMISSION— Continued. (Report of ottieers anil regular employees emj>loyed by this department -on January 1, 1921.) Name of Offioer (ir Kmployee anil Title Monthly Salary C\ C. Huckiiian, Asj-istant Draftsman ]20 00 H. P. I'aiin, Roilinan 12)00 .laeob A. Cariiiifhacl, Chainman 120 00 P. A. C'ariiiicliaol, Axiuan .- 120 00 Mrs. St "lla T. Cost- r, Stvnographcr 12t) 0(> tiro. \V. V. Pohcrty, Rodman 120 00 JCinnia K. Filield, Clerk 120 00 H. F. (iravitt, Chainman — 120 00 ,1. P. Haiiafln, Chainman 120 00 Ksther E. .Tos9.«, Clerk - -.-. 120 OO Mrs. L. P. MassoD, Assistant Draftsman 120 00 Robt. V. Mattea, Chainman 120 00 C. D. Meredith. Cook 120 00 Raymond Miller, Chainman 120 00 Forest Norton, Rodman 120 00 Blaneho Reynolds, Stenographer 120 00 Herbert Robinson, Chainman 120 00 Martin Schultz, Axman 120 00 .Tohanna Stein, Clerk 120 00 I.pwis H. Stone. Chainman 120 00 H. A. Sutherland, Rodman 120 00 .1. E. \Vaterhous9, Chainman .... 120 00 Muriel Yearin, Stenographer 120 00 Madeline Boylan, Clerk 115 CO Chester I.. Caine, Assistant Draftsman 115 00 Sohn A. Case, Rodman 115 00 Mrs. Sara B. Gaillard, Stenographer . 115 00 A. H. Leslie, Rodman 115 00 T. \V. I.oftus, Axman 115 00 Geo. K. McX-i'ly, Assistant Draftsman.. 115 00 A. T. Moore, Axman 115 00 Mrs. P. M. Movnahan, Clerk.... 115 CO Rose Mulligan, Clerk 115 00 Mrs. Hilnia B. Murray, Clerk-Stenographer. .^ 115 00 T. C. Reilly, Chainman -. 115 00 Mrs. Grace V. Stoughton, Steongrapher 115 00 A. R. Smith, Axman 115 00 Esther O. Arvidson, Stenographer 110 00 Frank W. Gordon, Axman 110 00 H. M. Hiatt, Chainman -- 110 CO Alice Jordan, Steongrapher 110 CO Florence Katz, Computer 110 OO Billy Lack, Clerk 110 00 \V. D. Lyon. Chainman 110 OO Mrs. Mary M. McDonnell, Stenographer 110 00 T. Hihnar Xervig, Clerk ^. 110 <;0 Mrs. E. M. Rit.schel, Steongrapher 110 CO Paul A. Russell, Rodman . 110 00 Albert Strubinger, A.ssistant Draftsman 110 OO Mrs. (icorgia Sullivan, Stenographer 110 OO Frank A. Butler, Assistant Blueprinter 105 CO Mrs. Xan Charter, Clerk 105 CO Mrs. Katie B. Cooper, Cook.. 105 00 Helen F. Duggan, Assistant Draftsman 105 00 Dorothy G. Jerauld, Clerk 105 00 Mrs. Marie H. Noble, Cook 105 CO Elizabeth Thompson, nie CTlerk 105 CO J. W. Albery, Bridgetender 100 00 Theresa C. Bernegg, Stenographer lOO 00 Ida Dawson, Stenographer.. lOO CO Carrie R. Doherty, Stenographer 100 OO Myron E. Greer, Assistant Draftsman.... lOO 00 L'ona M. Lennox, Stcnograitlier 100 00 Mrs. Vera B. Longfellow, Stenographer ICO OO L. S. PiTce, A.ssistant Draftsman . 100 00 Win. H. Warden, Jr.. Clerk 100 OO R. D. Patton, Clerk 100 00 Laura Wheeler, Stenographer and File Clerk ^ lOO 00 Judith Younggren, Stenographer — 100 00 K'nneth C. Zeiger, Assistant Resident Engineer -. 100 00 Mrs. ISirtha Miller, Stenographer 95 00 Gladys Penner, Typist ... .. .. 95 00 Mrs. Mabel I. Ruiter, Clerk 95 CO Mrs. Meril B. Ulery, Stenographer-- - - 95 00 Sayde Mae Best, Typist _ _ 90 00 Glayds M. Cole, Clerk.. 90 OO Claire Davenport, Steongrapher 90 00 Mrs. Lulu Grove, Stenographer _ 90 00 Myrtle J. Momson, Stenographer 90 OO Thos. Pearce, Assistant Draftsman .. ... ..— 90 00 NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 45 CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY COMM ISSION— Continued. (Report of officers and regular employees employed by this ilopartnient on .January 1, 1921.) Xame of Officer or Employee ami Title Monthly Salary Edith A. Ralston, Clerk 90 00 Bessie Stcphane, Typist 90 00 Walter R. McLean, Laboratory Assistant g5 oo Harold Peacock, As.'^istant Draftsman S5 (o Winifred Thompson, Typist 80 00 Ima Vaughn, Typist 80 00 Charlotte Barnos, Clerk 75 00 Mrs. Alice Nathan, Switchfcioard Operator -. 75 00 C. C. Ab?r., Timekeeper 35 OO O. F. Spahn, 1^'mekeeper 35 00 Thos. ,J. Whalen, Foreman 33 25 J. S. Cano, Foreman — 33 25 J. A. Mark, Foreman 33 25 W. B. Weathers, Foreman - 33 25 E. S. Day, Foreman 32 9) Ed Wright, Foreman -- 32 90 .1. C. O'Sooner, Foreman . — 32 00 E. G. Bra.^sington, Foreman 32 CO W. V. Darling, Foreman 32 00 C. .1. Ward. Foreman 32 OO Fred Grinncll, Timekeeper 32 00 Geo. B. Stevens, Timekeeper 32 00 H. B. Coleman, Foreman .- 31 50 Chas. A. Preston. Foreman 31 50 H. Washburn. Foreman 31 50 R. R. Davis, Foreman 31 50 H. L. Harmon, Foreman 31 50 tPart-time. 46 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY COMMISSION— Continued. (Report of offlcers and regular employees eiiiploywl by this department on .ramiary 1, 1921.') Name of Officer or Employee and Title Weekly Waue (irville A. E(1?n. Timekeeper 31 40 R. R. Davis, Foreman-.- 31 CO E. R. Samson, For.nian 30 00 Hurley Poppett, Foreman 30 00 A. Anderson, Foreman 30 00 .las. A. StaulT, Foreman 30 00 K. Hroughton. Foreman 30 CO R. P. Blake, Timekeeper 30 00 T. B. Landers, 'ITmckeeper — 30 00 \V. .1. Miller, Timekeeper 30 CO Y. K. ShiehU, Timekeeper 30 00 Nellie Knuekey, Stenographer 22 50 Helen S. Hcndrickson, Stenographer 20 00 Opal \V. Manaugh, Stenographer 18 00 Daily W'ape K. C. Strauehauer, Superintendent $8 20 H. L. Montfort, Superintendent 8 20 G. T. Munson, Foreman Mechanic 8 00 H. B. Mulford, Foreman Mechanic 8 00 ,1. C. Paxson, Foreman Mechanic 8 00 O. F. Georges, Subforeman 8 00 .J. A. Casson, Steam Engineer S OOf L. G. ShalTer, Foreman 7 70 B. W. Bicksler, Superintendent -. 7 20 F. C. Macaulay, General Foreman 7 00 (ieo. C. Xolte. General Foreman 7 00 C. Toole, Foreman 7 00 .1. A. Casson, Foreman . 7 OOt Wm. Archer, 7 00 A. S. Moore, Foreman . 7 00 C. H. Burger, Foreman 7 00 R. A. Sinclair. Foreman 7 OO W. Day, Subforeman 7 OC R. P. Leilje, Suljforeman 7 00 \V. K. Reed, Superintendent 7 00 W. H. Miller, Superintendent 7 00 S. E. Harris, Superintendent 7 00 W. B. Albertson, Superintendent " 00 W. I.. Pyle, Plant Foreman 6 50 Geo. \V. Rice, Grade Foreman 6 50 Harold Houston, Foreman 6 5C Jamc.s Bryson, Subforeman 6 50 V. S. VerBryck, Subforeman 6 50 P. L. Hedrick, Subforeman 6 50 John Holm, Subforeman 6 50 .1. D. William.s, Patrolman 6 50 E. C. Dozier, Timekeeper 6 40 B. H. Milliken, Foreman 6 20 J. S. Wagnon, Foreman 6 00 Ollie Rose, Foreman 6 00 Geo. Statton, Foreman 6 00 J. H. Gates, Foreman 6 CO Wm. Savercool, Foreman ^ JJ2 A. W. McDonald, Foreman ^ w Wm. Bigham, Foreman -- 6 00 P. A. Co.\, Foremen 6 00 B. Fisher, Subforeman 6 00 Stephen Aker.s, Subforeman : 6 OO .1. C. Sanborn, Subforeman .. 6 00 C. W. Whitn-y, Subforeman — 6 00 A. Stuckey, Subfor'uian 6 00 'i"om Lawlor, Subforeman 6 00 .Joe Dtmp-v, Subforeman 6 00 H. E. Egan, Sup''rintend"nt 6 OO H. I,. I.eveiiton Superintendent <* 00 .1. F. Knapp, Superintendent 6 CO F. A. Carlock, Patrolman.- — — ? 00 Frank .1. Ma.ssa, Foreman - 5 90 I.vwis Seymour, Timekeeper.. 5 70 O. G. Tyrer, Foreman- 2 50 .S. c'respo. Foreman ^ 50 F. Walker, Forei7ian * 50 H. Yatsle, For"man-- 5 50 Robt. A. Car.son, Foreman _ * 50 R. W. MrI.ellan, Foreman - g 50 S. R. Tong, Foreman.- -- ^ oO t Part-time. NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 47 CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY COMMISSION— Continued, irteport of oflBcers and regular cinploycts employed by this department on -January 1, 1021.) Name of Officer or Kmployee ami Titlt- Daily Wage K. L. Millvr, Foreman . 5 30 H. J. MrKellop.s, Foreman 5 50 .1. .J. Phillips, Subforeman-- 5 50 ('•. B. Goddanl, Suhforeinan o 50 W. .?. Butz, Foreman 5 45 ■I. W. KoiIkis, Foreman 5 20 Mrs. K. K. liiliiiore, .Stenographer 5 oOt S. A. Martinilale, Foreman 5 00 W. P. Hodgson, Foreman 5 00 R. Brennan, Foreman 5 CO \Vm. Reynolds, Foreman 5 00 L. P. laird. Foreman 5 00 A. D. Kipp, Foreman 5 00 W. H. Rush, Subforeman 5 00 Otto Miller, Subforeman 5 00 Andy Hauser, Subforeman 5 00 L. F. Rugg, .Subforeman 5 00 K. Dietrich, Subforeman 5 CO R. K. Cook, Subforeman . 5 00 A. E. Bi.«coe, Foreman 4 75 Peter J. Butz, Foreman 4 75 I. \V. Musfloh), Foreman 4 75 A. Fast, Subforeman 4 50 Hour Orrel G. Benson, Draftsman 75t Weekly Wase 1 Craneman— A. R. Snell $58 00 1 Truckdriver— G. M. Roe — . 42 00 1 Machinist— F. D. Holmes 42 00 2 Machinists— R. C. Cassels, L. Wayne 40 00 1 Mechanic— R. .Johnson -- Sit 00 15 Truckdrivers— H. M. Bauer, H. R. Booher, H. F. Glea.son, T. R. Cotter, .J. Tally, A. E. Sligh, C. Hasch. Wm. LaDevese, .J. O. McReynolds, G. F. Mayerle, .1. P. Mayerl", G. T. Da\is, V. Strouse. E. Harter, ,J. Clanton 38 50 1 Cook— John Sehroeder 38 .50 2 Mechanics— S. Pritchard. L, Hogan 38 00 7 Flunki°s— -J. .J. Lopez, .J. Harrington, S. BroT^-n, J. E. Farley, Ed. Slawter, B. Held, J. Pickett 37 09 2 Cooks-H. Giles, S. Alexander 36 40 1 Cook'.s Helper— .John 'Wall - 36 40 1 Guard- C. D. Kester 36 30 1 Cook— A. Snvder 33 90 2 Guards— W. F. Kehoe, Geo. Gulick 33 20 1 Baker- Ed. Johnson 32 40 1 Truckdriver- A. M. Brown -- 32 00 10 Mechanics- C. H. Berry. C. B. Barnes, R. Camaeho, E. Read, F. Grinnell, G. B. Stevens, S. Dietriek, L. Hchumaker, H. Erz, R. Leavitt 32 00 1 Truckdriver- H. E. Garris 30 00 3 Mechanics— R. H. Hope, A. Bracemontes, Y. R. Shields 30 00 1 Cook— Ben Low 29 40 4 Mechanics— R. T. Stewart, I. P. Dean, L. Riley, S. Wheeler — 28 00 1 Truckdriver— G. H. Cheescman 26 00 2 Mechanics— E. Bassnot, G. Wender 26 00 . 8 Flunkies- C. Morgan. J. A. Pratton, H. Wiedel, W. M. Loy, C. Fleming, A. Galpin, B. Alexander, F. Ward 24 40 3 Mechanics- Wm. Pate, A. B. Custer, C. F. Hart 24 00 1 Mechanic's Helper— A. B. Custer 24 00 3 Flunkies— X. Fortune, G. Long, F. Willoughby 22 40 Daily Wage 1 Shovel Engineer — B. Toohig - - 9 23 2 Plant Engineers— F. Miller, F. Mores 9 00 1 Rollerman— C. Kraft 9 00 1 MachinL-it — H. Sanders ° ^ 1 Carpenter- W. O. Lowry °^ 2 Blacksmiths— A. Hartwig, E. B. Hatch -— 7 oO 6 Mechanics— B. Young, H. Bean, H. Crane, W. F. Mueller, L. Bixler, S. M. SmaU-- 7 20 1 Blacksmith— W, L Lumry I ^ 2 Mechanics— A. .Johnson, C. Woehl 7 00 7 Carpenters— C. Nelson, R. Marshall, C. Hagaman, W. Granlos, W. G. Walker. J. N. Whitman, M. Lucas ^ 2 Engineers — L. Scates, F. Barnes 1 Mechanic— W. Farrsset „ 1 Truckdriver— R. S Peck ^ ?V 2 Blacksmiths— E. Hogan, R. B. Harris ^ pj} 1 MachinLst— F. Synms — v— ^— VT,— V-o--,V 9 Mechanics— J. S. Lemo.s, J. Brain. E. D. Fisher, C. MelviUe, F. Mendenhall, J. Still- well, F. Campbell, W. Small, D. Lindsay - ^ =* 7 00 7 00 6 80 48 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY COMM ISSION— Continued. (Report of officers and regular employees eiiiployerg, C. B. Bohrman, J. Souza, F. W. Jones, M. I'^rry, E. J. Anthony, M. Hclgrcn, H. C. Nutting, C. Johnson, S. J. Knapp, R. Weston, E. Shockley, F. A. Oarlock, R. Hansen _. g OO 3 Blacksmiths— H. Smith, A. R. Shelton, E. Kelly g CO 3 Mechanics' Helpers— C. Brunett, P. O. Dody, R. A. Horton - 6 00 17 Mechanics— B. Oliver, R. E. Pyle, R. Mott, H. E. Conrov, A. Schafer, J. Finnegan, H. Thomas, C. H. Jones, C. Byers, F. R. Harder, O. Brown, F. Eckman, R. Owens, J. L. Anderson, E. E. Foren, J. E. Shaw, H. M. MeLsner 6 00 5 Carpenters— C. Rogers, G. Thomas, W. Barer, H. Strader, A. Croll 6 CO 1 Painter— S. H. Kelso 6 OO 5 Finishers— E. Bailey, W. Gohlike, W. Logan, E. Esyeheck, J. Noriegd 6 00 4 Rollermen— A. L. Cook, E. M. Shelton, F. R. Garrison, J. D. Byrnes 6 00 2 Tampers— R. BuciO; F. Ramirez 6 00 1 Heaterman— O. Patton 6 00 4 Headerboardmen— E. Edwards, P. Hartman, J. Kirk, P. Jones 6 00 1 Feeder— S. Tryer 6 (K) 1 Pipefitter- W. Johnson 6 00 3 Engineers— T. Oheney, J. Comstock, J. Brabant 6 00 1 Mixer Operator— L. Fowler 6 CO 35 Laborers— C. Miller, F. Fenatto, A. E. Harmsen, F. Volkman, B. D. Forrest, C. Bovey, L. Bro^ra, H. Byroads, J. Baker, W. Stice, A. E. Souza, W. Hanrm, J. Langer, J. Feliz, F. Pink, R. Watson, E. Larsen, T. Slate. G. Pearson, O. Stump, J. B. Carlson, A. Graham, J. J. Phillip.s, T. Marshall, F. Joseph, P. Kennedy, H. Grosser, G. Beach, J. Egan, T. Ridgeway, T. Griifin, T. Johnsen, H. Feldman, J. Graham, J. Xesbitt 5 50 33 Truckdrivers- H. H. Adkins, O. A. Reinking, D. Gibson, F. J. Walsh, F. Wells, H. Wagnon, A. C. Hendryx, R. O. Schoonover, X. W. Bullack, W. L. Butts, R. LaShange, H. Reed, A. B. Gale, C. E. Marshall, F. M. Walker, C. M. Sowash, C. D. Ham. E. Moyle, G. M. Gilmore, J. Stahl, X. L. Spencer, W. E. Ware, X. W. Spencer, J. C. Davis, R. H. Luke, F. K. Romberg, R. B. Anderson, P. T. Bcauchamp, H. Yatsie, A. B. Savage, J. F. Hollingsworth, R. E. Hawkins, R. W. Joseph 5 50 1 Blacksmith's Helper— O. Lofdahl 5 50 6 Mechanics— G. Pryor, P. M. Joseph, F. Jones, R. E. Dies, J. Rolls, P. Ziem 5 50 1 Carpenter — E. Corum 5 50 3 Grademen— L. Boyer, C. G. Wright, A. M. Bayles 5 50 2 Spreaders — A. Louis, G. 5 50 2 Headerboardmen— B. Bradford, H. Adams . 5 50 1 Pumpman — H. P Harrison 5 50 1 Powderman- T. Riley 5 50 1 Mixer Engineer— B. Xaviez 5 50 2 Watchmen— CJeo. J. Stevens, S. Spoulin 5 50 1 Cook— E. Johnson 5 31 6 Barrowmen— S. Eneinas, T. Arrona, J. Rujis, I. Leiva, 0. Jiminez, J. Sains 5 25 1 Dishwasher— W. A. Pnpps 5 20 2 Cooks— E. McCIannaham. J. A. Serviss 5 20' 197 Lalxirers- T. Scott, M. Casillos, G. Seigart, O. Olsen, J. Komyat, J. Little, C. Thompson, W. H. Willingham, C. F. Hart, H. C. Hughes, F. Riley, C. Shields, S. C. Miller, E. P. Born, E. J. Meyers, F. (^. Swan, H. V. Colburn, C. W. Marjory, T. McKinney, C. Bellamore, W. Woods, A. Longacre. A. Sorrels, F. Martin, T. McDonald, C. Bartsch, L. Wells, G. Ortis. B. Calvillo, J. Silvas, S. Mora, J. Castro, W. Bell, F. RodriQuez, F. Caro, W. Stewart, C. McCoy, W. Reed. S. Admire, L. Pittman, J. Morrall, H. Sinclair, D. Marshall, J. McDon- ald, A. Hansen, F. Barten, C. Peterson, D. O'I.earv, X. Sadler. G. Bell, H. Nebin, B. Rhodes, P. McConnell, J. Webber, J. Barker, H. Barker, O. Breeden, W. Pary.sch. E. XeL«on, J. O'Connell, J. Fowble, S. AVaUace, J. fiarcia, A. F. Ross, A. C. Rhoadcs, G. K"ller, J. Morgan, W. F. Rhyne, G. C. Lear, B. Jones, «;. W. Duffleld, V. E. Joerger, W. Eickel. D. J. Bonnivert, P. P. Pingrcc, M. C. Bobo. W. M. Barnes, C. M. Barnes, A. Sane. H. A. Bright. C. E. Garner. .1. Silviera, J. W. Morgan, L. Scharpp, V. Yorks, .1. Boston, J. Calender, J. Woodsin, J. W. Medley, W. J. Ayers, R. Johnson, J. D. t'umley. I). Ruam. I. M. Underwood, !■:. Esse, C. W. Cirupe, T. Kerrigan, M. Murray, J. RalTath, J. Thorpe, J. Berg, W. T. Aue, J. B. Van Arsdale, I. Sharp, F. Boston, H. Charter, M. Vas, F. Stubb", J. Me(ilinchy, B. Salsarella, J. Coleman, J. V. Mannix. C. Garretti, F. Coronado, J. Dibbins, J. D. Martin, Ci. Rossi, C. Matta. J. Flores, ■ F. S-.quplra, J. Martin, J. Sequeira, H. White, M. I. Souza, W. Schumacker, W. J. Aretz, F. Hainm, R. Kynock, T. Xunes, F. I^ecaire. W. Lerez, V. Anderson, A. Felix, C^. William.s, H. W. Bazell, J. Mackey, S. F. Price, W. W. Chapman, NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 49 CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY COMM ISSION— Continued. (Report of officers and regular employees employed by this department on January 1, 1921.) Xame of Officer or Employee and Title Daily Wage J. Halkyard, M. L. Dever, X. O. Grass, O. D. Poston, G. B. Jones, S. M Camp- bell, V. Guisseppe, T. Naziato, P. K. Miller, G. Bertucci, J. Taglaboie, J. Favino A. Garcia, B. Quintanillo, R. Scoby, C. L. Cornish, J. Doron, C. Deln»ro f' Minolotti, A. Zaffaroni, B. Chiarucci, G. Tucci, T. Birmingham, J. B. Borisj S. Papas. l>. Mazzoni, J. J. Post, A. Bertolin, A. Petrelli, A. Lacatelli T d' Langston, W. J. Vollmero, J. lacometti, O. R. Vollmers, J. Thompson \ Wold A. T. Walker, C. W. Post, A. W. Miller, J. Miller, R. Goldthorpe, 0. K. Wilkin- son, A. J. Shelton, H. Mensler, D. Kunkel, L. Davenport. E. C. Swe^t. C. Kitto, P. L. Lockhart, I. H. Garrett, R. M. Sorenson, L. H. Frisbee L Larsen' B. H. Parks, I. E. Eastlick, G. H. Nutting, E. Tourte, F. Walker, C. Hamrick ^ 5 cO 20 Truckdrivers— W. Purdj, E. Shick, W. C^mningham, P. Lindsay, O. Lutz, T. Merrill, C. Reese, J. Struna, J. McLaughlin, E. Moshier, O. Christen'son W. Cordes, G. Trevethick, F. Sheldon, A. Vaile, W. Schisler, A. Winning, J. t! Shelton, D. Johnson, A. R. Johnson '^__ _'_ 5 qq 1 Blacksmith— W. Tierney H '" 5 oq 2 Blacksmith's Helpers— W. X. Ennis, A. P. Paine "... l 5 OO 1 Mechanic's Helper— E. Wagoner ""_" 5 00 1 Carpenter's Helper— L. Gibbens ".._ '__ 5 00 21 Mechanics- E. Kniickey, H. Perrin, J. Roterts, P. Hoopes, T. Stronquist E. Wachter, C. Williams, H. Scott, R. Chambers, R. Madden, B. Hamilton] H. Hoopes, G. Farrio, J. Scott, B. Hoopes, E. Ford, W. Karr, O. Garner, J. Garner, J. Stone, C. Wrench 5 ^q 1 Powderman— J. L. Wilson.— — .'........ 5 co 1 Fireman— J. P, Immel _. "• 500 3 Watchmen— T. Almadoba, J. M. C. Smith, W. Pai;k .. . ."' .5 oo 1 Cook— H. O. Keffler "..'„. i 95 1 Laborer— R. Ricketts __ 4 9^> 50 Laborers— P. Ingomells, A. Rosalez, G. Wernett, J. Bernard, P. Mato, T. Murphy" M. Urias, R. Whitehead, J. Mato, F. Donovan, A. Zaragoza, J. Doyle, M. Bar- reda, G. McGinnis, L. Loya, E. Wilson, T. Gonzales. G. Taylor, M. Vaksallo. y. Velasques, J. Tejeda, P. Rodriguez, T. Pelajio, J. Chavez, F. Leizva, J. Sierra] A. Staff, M. Expinosa. O. Staff, J. Romo, C. Kolstrom, A. Denegas, R. Leon, A. Valdenbra. L. Renteria, M. Carasco, F. Hagen, P. Revers, J. Miller, h! Wooster, J. Cummings, J. Turner, J. Remire, J. Farr. A. Remirez, D. Martinez] F. Blanco, R. Ramirez, W. Maringer, C. Opken, G. Wilson, A. Wilson G Ells- worth, J. Valdez, P. Apel, R. Williams, H. Warren, R. White, R. King .. r. i 75 13 Teamsters— A. Regli, J. Lowell, W. Johnson, E. Russell, G. Kellen, G. Post, G. Schoept, O. McGowan, M. Cuddy, E. Anderson, A. Roach, F. Palmer, G. R. Vivian 4 75 1 Blacksmith— T. Asgood — _. 4 75 2 Mechanics— W. Xieto, X. Valdez 4 75 1 Tamper— J. Pettit 4 75 1 Cook— H. Nugent 4 sji 325 Laborers— W. C. Grant, R. H. Buckman, C. A. Thurow, A. J. Keehn, R. Johns, B. Smith, W. T. Crockett, R. Bogue, J. Burns, T. Merrifield, L. J. Emery, F. S. Emery, O. A. Sellars, E. Schumacher. G. Cook, W. A. Edgmon. J. Hoover, James Hoover, O. Haskins, O. M. DooUttle, C. Dickson, A. J. .Jerry. C. P. Warren. T. H. Richardson, J. A. Allen, S. J. Rhodes, C. C. Jacobs, C. E. Harris, Oby Hopper, G. F. Harris, G. B. Robinson, C. Hopper, J. A. Gray, A. Hincklev, A. H. Harris. H. C. S. Evans. W. G. Carty, C. W. Gentry, E. W. Chest°r, J. L. .Sinclair, S. A. Wyckoff, M. Klindcra, L. Christiansen, V. Requa. C. R. Talkington, W. Beinert, J. Slaughter, C< Mill-r. A. D. Berry, A. Z. Bonhani, S. Pinches, F. P. Cordray, W. H. Harmon, J. K. Branscomb, J. A. Dooley, J. M. Quinhven, T. Shea, M. D. Hack. C. L. Tcel, J. Bau-r, B. C. Hurt, O. Harmon, F. Coffron, W. Lewis, S. Barrisdal", J. Richey, M. Johnson, C. Shilling, J. K. Smith, J. Han.son, W. K. Ure. W. M. White. X. C. TenviUiger, C. Brown, G. F. Spittler, F. Mitchell, R. E. Mitchell, S. Pock. E. A. Davis, R. Wilson, J. X. Cunliffe, S. McCuch, W. Luke, D. Luke, C. P. Bonsall, J. Purdon, E. B. Nichols, L, A. Frazee, L. Giannecchini, B. J. Dashiell, B. Dashiell, P. Swenson, A. Rose, R. Robinson, M. A. Fritts, T. O. Hoag, J. De Bryce, A. Stange, W. Brown. J. B. Gamer, J. R. MuUins, T. R. Miles, J. Dies, W. Stewart, P. J. Ford, J. E. Stevens, N. C. Burgess, H. J. Suxton, R. J. Leake. W, Garetties, ]•;. W. Nix, E. Pearch, G. Angerina, A. E. Bristol, B. Sutter, R. E. Robiason. L. Ervin, J. T. Pearch, F. Stoltmann, F. M. Bradt, F. C. Wolfe, E. P. Conley, J L. Allen, H. C. Beabout, F. Brown, S. J. Ervin, A. H. Leavitt, L. V. Andrews, B. T. Cuttleton, L. Gagliasso, R. Angulo, A. Wheeler, A. Sanchez. L. Cisneros, L. Yzaguirre, H. I. Reese, J. W. Wernett. G. W. Wernett, A. Elizalde, J. Arteas, J. Chaidez, S. Carreno, J. Briman, F. Saucher, M. Abila, J. Eucinas. M. Pma, R Pina. I. Davison. H. O. McCune, C. R. Taylor, M. L. Davitt, D. E. Wilson, W. C. Magee, T. Rowten, H. Smith, S. Ireland, W. Bell. T. Burke, F. Wynn, A Sponsler, O. Botkin, B. Terkev, G. Kennedy, L. Sims, H. Rowland, P. Lopez, W Ryan, J. Kennedy. H. Graham, A. Montour, T McCue. G. Brokaw, M. Kings- ton, J. Ross, G. Fisker, T. O'Hara. J. Miller. W. Evans, J. McDonald, \V. Pace, A. Glenn, J. Barrett, L. McCury, C. Holroid, H. Christenson, P. tTibbons, C. Ditner, C. Kiefer, J. Rehaif, J. Xesbit, E. Bowman, F. Lacey, O. Dork, .L Light, J. Earner, A. Anderson, E. McDaniel, B. Converse, J. Snowdown, W. Chisweu, C. Averitt, H. Wright, J. Winfrav, W. Roche, J. Murphy, J. Potter, F. Craw- ford, J. Anderson, J. Decker, P. Lane. W. Whalen, Wm. Lewis J. Richey, Al. Shanger, P. Cusino, M. Lee, G. Wilson, V. Gitty, C. W. Strong, A. Hegeman, 4—9768 50 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY COMM ISSION— Continued. (Report of officers and regular cinployecs employed by this department on January 1, 1921.) Xanie of OflScer or Employee and Title Daily Wage E. Vargos, J. Thorson, C. Carlson, S. Thompson, H. Christonson, H. Smith, V. Miller. G. Apogge, O. I.ovefold, F. Valos, S. Schaefer, W. Weitz. S. Honer, H. iihiekls, J. Cervantes, K. Davis, C. Foord, W. Foord, L. Price, E. Requa, C. Hargrevaes, G. Johnson, J. McCarty, T. Stilhvell, J. Heidegger, R. Springett, O. Wheeler, F. Farewell, T. Kenne<1y, W. Leesha, E. Dardy, C. Black, J. Banfleld, L. Miller, B. Hunter, F. Ginther, S. Jordan, T. Adams. J. Burrows. G. Brinman, F. Crager, A. Warren, E. Bennett. H. Davis, G. Garrett, K. Benny, B Riggan, H. Baker, D. Wright, P. Miller, C. Bellows, J. McCarly J. Craig, D. Morgan, I.. Summers. E. Thomp.^on, G. Wilson, H. Anderson, W. Kelly. E. Smith, B. lieaeh, D. Boteler, S. Swanzer, F. Varela, J. Arenas, A. Mossberg, C. Shipman, H. Wilkc, J. Bunion, W. Duyer, W. Amador, O. Parrish, H. Enders, M. Walker, .1. Franklin, S. Bryan, (i. Jones, J. Amador, W. Hoor, C. F. Gumels, (J. H. Sher- wood, M. H. Ayei-s, J. A. Rupe, H. Drake, O. Olscn, A. Ro.sso, O. Tindall, A. Arillaries, T. Blake, P., J. Williams, I. Van Gordon, E. C. Kunge, J. Valenzuela, F. Miramla, P. Bronson, A. C. LeRoy, C. J. Sullivan, Wm. Boy- kin, J. Burns, I., l.ugo, L. L. Lugo, 1.. 1,. Wright, V. E. McCartney, J. A. Benton, J. E. Carey, J. Jac^uez, P. Alvarez, J. C. Wheeler, J. Reid 4 50 5 Team.orer— W. B. Gorton 4 25 47 Laborers— H. R. Overman, H. Dsan, E. Romero, B. Vaughn, E. Woolfolk, F. Solus, M. Baldwin, H. Howe, R. A. Plant, F. Burgess, C. Conner, A. Fellipe, L. D. Nichols, M. Francis, R. H. Carter, J. Pierpont, W. G. Taylor, T. Tyrer, A. McCain, T. Cleary, H. H. Scott, F. McDonald, J. P. Daniels, J. McCool, G. W. Juden, J. Solus, A. Morgan, C. Solu^, D. Young, J. Burgess, C. H. Wayant, F. Francis, J. Hall, T. Cardoza, F. Kaufman, A. Tyrer, G. Ross, N. Chase, C. Henry, T. Little, R. Sugg. W. Tieerman, J. Jacobs, W. Gantier, J. Burns, P. Lindemann, J. Hopper 4 00 1 Mechanic— K. Twilling 4 CO 1 Flunkey— F. W. Davis 4 00 10 Laborers— F. Osuua, W. Jackson, L. DeMille, E. Strauss, F. DeMiU, C. Self, S. Martz, G. Bromley R. Hielhouse, E. Thatch 3 To 1 Laborer— E. V. Pitman 2 50 CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL SURVEY COMMISSION. Commission : Herbert E. Bolton, Edward A. Dickson. .Tolin F. Davis. Officers: .John F. Davis. Cliairman : Owen ('. Coy. Dir.-ctor and Archivist. 2.S47 Fulton street, Berkeley, California. Doi-; LiRRARY. Berkeley. February .S. 1021. Sliifc Ciril Scrriri' ('iiniiiiiy!niiii. (i'F:XTiJ:.\iEX : In accorrlaiicc with .Mitir letter of .Tamiary :JS we are seiulin;;- you the following report. ( Ofticers and reirular eniplovees of ("alifornia irist(]rir lioiir ._ _ . _ $3 90 Mrs. Georgie DutTy, Stenographer at S3 pop ,]ay 6 00 Tours very truly, Owen C. Coy. NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 51 AGNEWS STATE HOSPITAL. (Report of officers and rcfrular Hnijilovees employed l)y January 1, 1921.) this department on Name of OfBcer or Employ?e and Title Leonard Stocking, Medical Superintendent $301.0O-$33O.OO Mouthly Salary $333 33 ?2ol.00-|275.00 E. W. Mullen. First Assistant Physician .). A. Cuttinjf, Assistant I'liysiciaii. <". K. Smith, Businfss Manager ?201.00-?225.00 Jljl.00-.$1 75.00 Salary F. Coombs, Chief Kngineer .. .. $j45 qq G. B., Secretary to Medical" Superintende'ntri""" 1.50 00 b. Swanson, Tractor Operator ' ' ]20 00 Moving Picture Operator --II— II-__III-.II"1III"I I "7 $126.00-$150.00 F. S., Electrician VTO no . \V Johnson, Assistant Land Gardener 80 00 F. .) Leslie, Head Attendant and Musician . 80 00 ". -N. Glenn, Assistant Supervisor _ I IMry. F. Glenn, Assistant Matron I I. Scott, Vegetable Gardener I H \\. Htndeison, Second Assistant Cook . . """I . ». ^ocum. Hydro Operator I" II.I E. Xeddersen, Surgical Xurse._ _ "_'"_ R. Hyndman, Head Attendant " "I I I'. 75 00 H. C. Holmes. Head Attendant '" 75 00 A.. F. Meekenstoek. Head Attendant 75 00 «rs L Porter, Head Attendant I..IIIIIIIIIII 75 00 p. Perkins, Head Attendant 7.5 oo S. Phillips, Head Attendant I..IIIIIII 75 oO Maintenance $19 00 8 00 27 00 270 00 175 00 104 00 158 CO 154 50 27 00 H7 00 27 00 147 00 27 00 147 00 27 00 147 00 27 00 137 00 27 00 137 00 27 OJ 132 00 27 00 132 00 27 00 132 00 130 00 27 00 127 00 125 00 $11 00 121 00 120 00 120 00 120 00 120 00 120 00 130 00 11.5 CO IIU 00 27 00 107 00 105 00 27 00 102 CO 27 00 102 00 11 00 101 00 100 CO 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 19 00 99 00 11 00 96 00 95 00 19 00 94 00 11 00 91 00 11 00 91 00 11 00 91 00 90 00 90 00 90 00 90 00 90 00 90 00 11 00 86 00 11 00 %00 11 00 86 00 11 00 86 00 11 00 86 00 11 00 86 00 52 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. AGNEWS STATE HOSPITAL— Continued. (Report of officers and regular employees ciuployeii liy this department on January 1, 1921.) Xaiue of Officer or Employee ami Title Salary Maiiiteiiauce Mou lily Salary A. \V. Clianib'.'rs, Head Attendant "5 00 11 00 83 OO F. Wortham, Head Attendant - 75 00 11 00 86 00 A. D. Stuart, Head Attendant V5 00 11 00 • 86 00 G C. Armstrong, Night Attendant 75 00 11 00 86 00 R. G. Curry, Night Attendant 75 00 11 00 88 00 B. E. Ferry, Niglit Attendant 75 00 11 00 86 00 T H. Miller, Night Attendant 75 00 11 00 S6 00 P P. Ruhde, Night Attendant 75 00 11 00 86 CO H G. Beal, Night Attendant 75 00 11 00 86 00 .1. I.aniarra. Head Attendant 75 m 11 m 86 00 n. H. 'Ihonias, Assistant Accountant So 00 K. Piillock, Clinical Stenographer ■ =0 00 f ; E Pniett, Clinical Stenographer «> 00 W R Sandage, Assistant Attendant 70 oo 11 00 SI 00 .1 S Simmons, Assistant Attendant 70 (Ki 11 Oil 81 00 E Eaglin, Assistant Attendant 70 00 11 00 81 00 J 'Foley, Assistant Attendant 70 CO 11 00 81 00 \V .1. Weirich, Assistant Attendant 70 (lO 1100 8100 R ' R. .Sadler, Assistant Attendant 70 0(i 1100 8100 V L Hildrith, Assistant Attendant 70 OO 11 00 81 00 C. Stroud, Assistant Attendant 70 00 11 0!) SI 00 A. L. Tillenian, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Orchestra Leader and Musician 10 CO SO 00 O. F. Miller, Head Attendant and Musician 80 00 H O Blake, Night Attendant and Musician 80 00 .T Carleton, Assistant Attendant — 65 00 11 00 76 00 L. R. Larson. Assistant Attendant 65 00 11 00 76 00 C C McCormick, Assistant Attendant 65 00 11 00 76 00 G L. Hoffman, Assistant Attendant 65 00 11 00 25 95 ^ E. La Borde, Assistant Attendant 65 00 1100 1%^ L. P. Wilson, Assistant Attendant «> 00 11 00 76 OO $51-$75. E. Buckman, Chauffeur 75 00 N P. Henrieksen, Farm Hand 7o 00 R. L. .Jamison, Farm Hand 7o 00 .lames Whalen, Deliveryman J2 ?? A. Kaller, Deliveryman — - l^ ^ .T. L. Boynton, Seamstress '2 "^ M. .Tackins, Laundress Jj! ^ W. Morrison, Head Attendant -/^ "9 Mrs. .\. Meckenstock, Assistant Attendant and Musician '5 00 George Stoner, Head Attendant 7o 00 .1. K. .Tackson, Assistant Attendant and Musician To 00 M. TVilhelmy, Assistant Attendant and Musician ^ 00 A. C. Earn, Night Attendant 75 00 C D. Murphy. Night Attendant 7o 00 .T. B. Pearce, Night Attendant i? ^ F. M. Quivey, Night Attendant ^ J" W. H. Summers, Night Attendant 12^ "V W. R. Borrco, Night Attendant — iS X? M. B. Coleman, Night Attendant '^ rl T. Kyle, Night Attendant 4» "^ B. S. McDaniel, Night Watch i^ "JJ Geo. Spain, Night Attendant '^ ^ G. Meyers, Head Attendant l2 ^ B. Bcrryman, Head Attendant Jo OO F. Meyer, Head Attendant 'Jl 99 E. Pesch, Head Attendant 75 00 L. Foley, Head Attendant I'l ^0 M. Stevenson, Head Attendant 75 00 M. Wortham, Head Attendant 76 00 Ada Veal, Head Attendant -- 4^ 9? F Fidlcr, Head Attendant H ™ M. Milner, Head Attendant-. ]2 ^ C. Gardner. Head Attendant I? 9^ .T. All.ert, Night Attendant i^ "^ A. .Armstrong. Night Attendant — 7= Sn A. Ferry, Night Att"n.lant 1% Vy .T. Hankins, Night Attendant 45 XX A. Kell, Nicht Attendant- - — ' 4c ^X L. Odlin, Night Attendant - — 4? 99 E. Ruhde, Night Attendant - 4"^ "9 M. Watson, Night Attendant 4X XX M. Hagerty, Night Attendant — 4^99 M. O'Rourke, Night Attendant-— - - ^^ "" NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 53 AGNEWS STATE HOSPITAL— Continued. (Report of officers and regular employees eiuployeon!)ld. Assistant Attendant 6i 00 D. Hnlnifs, Assistant Att-ndant 65 00 Edith Fiillner. Assistant Attendant 65 00 G. Man-ell Assistant Attendant 65 00 Eva Hill. Assistant Attendant 65 01 N. Chambers. Assistant Attemlant €5 00 H. Hoffman, Assistant Attendant 65 00 A. Wilson. Assistant Attendant 65 00 T. Darrell Housekeeper 60 01 F. A. Smith. T-lenhone Operator 60 00 M. Kine. Waitress fO OO H. A. Reiehardt. Kitchen Vegetable Man 60 00 V. W. Buke--. .Assistant Attendant and Musician 60 00 F. Brewer. Assistant Attendant 60 Oo W. Cook. A'^=i=tnnt Attendant _. 60 01 W. G. Conrti«. Porter '^nd Usher _ .. .=^5 On H. F. MeCleMan. Mail Carrier and Fsh-r 55 00 F. Ol-en Cook for Medioal S)inerintendent ^ (^ A. Phillips. Waitress Offlrer*' Dining Room 5.5 00 L. Fretweli. Waitress Outside Fmplovee.s' Dining Room 1 ^^ '^ R C. Hardv. .Assistant Att°ndant and Musician 55 00 F. W. Mnrshall. Assistant Attendant • 55 00 F. W. Kinklpr. Assistant Attendant and Musician 5.5 00 V Mnn^on, .4ssi-tnnt Attendant 55 00 H. 'N'onnffrpn. Maid for Medical Sunerintendent ^ On •Tidia Burrell. Cook>fnid f t Assistant Physiran ^ 00 Susan Norton. Cook-Maid for .\ssistant Physician 3) 00 C. Turk. .Assistant Attendant 50 00 N. S-ndage. .Assistant Attendant -" ^ 54 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. MENDOCINO STATE HOSPITAL. $301.00 to $350.00. Name of Oftlivr or Kmplojee aiKl Title Monthly Salary Robert Lewis Richards, Medical Superintendent $333 33 $251.00 to $275.00. M. J. Rowe, First Assistant Physician 270 00 $201.00 to $225.00. D. R. Smith, Second Assistant Physician 225 00 A. M. Mclntire, Third Assistant Physician 225 00 $176.00 to $200.00. N. S. Biirge, Business Manager 200 00 $151.00 to $175.00. E. C. Caffrey, Chief Engineer — 170 00 $126.00 to $150.00. J. E. Thompson, Secretary 135 00 C. T. Roller, Chief Cook 131 00 $101.00 to $125.00. J. F. Trivett, Accountant 125 00 G. Spjuth. Upholsterer and Musician 115 OO J. A. Carmichael, Carpenter 121 00 Burt Gribbell, Plumber 110 00 F. L. Clark. Plumber — 110 00 J. J. Murphey, Painter 121 00 G. T. Roos, Electrician 110 00 G. J. Butler, Supervisor 105 00 Ada G. Morton, Matron — 105 00 W. E. Broaddus, Druggist- 111 00 L. J. Banks, Dairyman 111 00 W. E. Williams, Storekeeper 111 00 Jos. Richardson, First Assistant Cook 106 00 C. U. White, Laundryman 101 00 Virgil H. Long, Assistant Engineer 106 00 Geo. Garaventa, "Vegetable Gardener 101 00 $76.00 to $100.00. Paul Eichenberger, Head Baker 100 00 Laura Roberts, Surgical Nurse 90 00 J. Laviletta, Second Assistant Cook 85 00 Paul Fredricks, Ranch Ward Cook 85 00 Chas. Vossl^erg. Assistant Baker — 85 00 E. E. Frarv, Farmer 90 00 Gertrude Elliott, Clinical Stenographer 85 00 Jack Brooks, Auto Truck Driver 85 00 Simon Liljeroth, Fireman -- 85 00 C. W. Orr, Fireman 85 00 B. C Brown, Fireman 85 00 M. L. Gibson, Butcher and Slaughtering 80 00 E. L. McNeel, Attendant and Musician — 91 00 T. B. Force, Charge Attendant 86 00 E. W. Husted, Charge Attendant — 86 00 J. H. Laughlin, Charge Attendant 86 00 R. E. Martin, Charge Attendant 86 00 C. C. Rippey. Cha'-ge Attendant 86 00 J. Tuomev, Charge Attendant 86 00 R. C. Workman. Charge Attendant 86 00 .T. A. Ramey, Night Attendant — 86 00 G. H. Rothine, Night Attendant 86 00 Wallace Hill, Night Attendant 86 00 Lorena Benjes, Educational Instructress 86 00 N. Biegel. Poultryman 90 00 J. R. ^. Roos, Business Manager's Clerk 86 00 W. E. Davis, Assi.stant Attendant — 81 00 T. S. Gillooly, Assistant Attendant 81 00 H. F. Bonnificld, Assistant Attendant — 81 00 Wm. Suter, Assistant Attendant 81 00 F. E. Chance, Assistant Attendant 81 00 J. C Bessom, Assistant Attendant 81 00 Clara Saulter, Assistant Attendant — 81 00 Hazel E. Clark, .Assistant Attendant 81 00 E. T. Kunzlor. Milker 81 00 S. A. Macdonald, Cobbler and Picture Operator 78 50 Louis C. Grlssom. Assistant Attendant ^6 00 E. E. Smith, Assistant Attendant 76 00 Geo. H. Chandler, Assistant Attendant '6 00 Wm. J. Vas.sar. Farmhand '6 00 $51.00 to $75.00. J. Jorgensen, Relief Cook 75 00 Mrs. M. E. Buchler, Seamstress y tliis department on January 1, 1931.) Name aiul Position Amount Iva Fowler, Assistant Attendant 99 00 Pearl Hartwell, Night Attendant 99 00 Susie Allen. Waitress. M. A. D. R 90 00 I'rsvlene Moore. Waitress, F. A. D. R 100 00 T. Storme, Waiter 100 00 Sophia HoUen. Maid 85 00 Mildred Brandlin, Cook 90 00 Delia Cooney. Maid 85 00 Anna Christensen. Maid 85 00 M. Kearney. Maid 85.00 Lizzie Norman, Maid 85 00 .1. Barracco, Farmhand 100 00 A. Canton, Farmhand 100 00 J. B. Grigsbv, Farmhand .JO 00 C. P. Pierce, Farmhand 100 00 L. T. Havman. Treasurer 70 00 Louis A. Cribari, Interne 60 00 Thos. R. Haig-, Interne - 60 00 J. Sunderseth, Carman 50 00 Frank Cooke, File Clerk 45 00 Roger Sprague, Clinical Clerk 45 00 H. W. Noves, Assistant Clerk 45 00 Harry Smith, Assistant Clerk (store) 30 00 Nancv Worrell. Stenographic Clerk 45 00 Wm. Wolfe, Mail Clerk 25 00 J. Anthorv. Milker-Laborer 40 00 Nick Miller. Milk-Test 50 00 Andrew Miller. Farmhand-Laborer 50 00 Total -- $38,976 60 (Number of persons engaged for temporary or emergency employment during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920.) May A. Ahern. Stenographer on Inventory: August 29-30, 2 days; Septem- ber 2-5, 4 davs; September 8-13. 6 davs — 12 davs at $5.00 $60 00 W'. Leamaster, Stockman: September 24-30, 7 days at $60.00 14 00 October 1-13, 13 davs at $60.00 25 10 A. Payon. Stockman: October 15-31, 17 days at $60.00 32 90 November 1-21, 21 days at $60.00 42 00 Total $176 06 NORWALK STATE HOSPITAL. Norwalk ("alifornia. (Report (»i otHeers an. I rcg^nUir employees employed by this department on .laniiary 1, liWl.) $301.00 to $350.00. .Name of Offici-r or Knij)loyeo ami Ti le MoiitlUy Salary Maiuteiiamc Dr. C. F. Applegate, Superintendent -- $333 33 $70 00 $251.00 to $275.00. Dr. A. E. Sisson, First Assistant Physician 270 00 70 00 $176.00 to $200.00. Dr. Arthur E. Strong, Assistant Physician 195 00 70 00 $151.00 to $175.00. G. B. Alexander, Business Manager 175 00 70 00 Dr. E. Blanch Ramer, Assistant Physician 170 00 35 00 Dr. W. H. Worley, Assistant Physician 170 00 35 00 $126.00 to $150.00. L. E. McDonald, Secretary 1,50 00 70 00 A. C. McHugh, Engineer 135 OO 35 00 $101.00 to $125.00. Blanche Addison. Chief Cook 110 00 35 00 W. G. Lyster, Carpenter no 00 35 00 L. E. Ware, Tractor Operator 110 00 35 00 Ernest DeRush, Plasterer 110 00 35 00 J. C. Pemberton, Supervisor 105 00 35 00 Frances Casper, Matron 105 00 35 00 NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 61 NORWALK STATE HOSPITAL— Continued. (Report of officers an'l regular employees employed by this department on January 1, 1921.) $76.00 to $100.00. .Name of Officer or Kiujiloyee aiul Tile Monthly Salary Maintenance Wm. Park, Baker 100 00 35 00 Arthur Cox, Upholsterer — 100 00 35 00 P. F. Zanders, Laundryman 100 00 35 00 John Dow, Landscape Gardener 100 00 35 00 0. S. Watson, Plumber 100 00 35 00 Stanley Routledge, Farm Foreman 100 00 35 00 Wm. E. Plains, Storekeeper 100 00 35 00 George Ladd, Assistant Engineer 95 00 35 00 Cora Coggins, Surgical Nurse 90 00 35 00 W. S. Whittaker, Assistant Supervisor and Music 90 00 35 00 Kmil Wickman, Vegetable Gardener 90 00 35 00 J. D. Grant, Farmer 90 00 35 00 G. W. Henderson, Dairyman 90 00 35 00 Fred A. Swan, Assistant Baker and Music 90 00 35 00 A. M. Macdonald, Assistant Bookkeeper 85 00 35 00 Belva Underwood, Steno-Clerk 85 00 35 00 .vlabell Z. .Saltzman, Stenographer 85 00 35 00 Esther H. Berg, Stenographer 85 00 35 00 C. F. Burke, Night Supervisor 85 00 35 00 I\'y Cox, Assistant Matron 85 00 35 00 Sidney Scott, Truck Driver 85 00 35 00 Ernestine Richmond, Dietitian 85 00 35 00 H. G. McPike, Second Attendant and Head Orchestra 80 00 35 00 Jas. McKee. Second Attendant and Music 80 00 35 00 Oscar Vogel, Night Watch and Music 80 00 35 00 $51.00 to $75.00. Alice Mathis, Industrial Teacher 75 00 35 00 Emma V. Bornholt, Hydrotherapist 75 00 35 00 T. B. White, Hydrotherapist 75 00 35 00 Etta Dunn, Night Watch 75 00 35 00 Wm. F. Ramer, Night Watch 75 00 35 00 L. W. Huddle, Night Watch 75 00 35 00 Chas A. Tichenor, Night Watch 75 00 35 00 R. S. Rodarmel, Night Watch 75 00 35 00 Margaret B. Lundstrom, Night Watch 75 00 35 00 Anna Filter, Night Watch 75 00 35 00 Blanch Deck, Night Watch 75 00 35 00 Laura Lvtle, Night Watch 75 00 35 00 Alta Price, Night Watch 75 00 35 00 Oral Spain, Night Watch 75 00 35 00 Luella Spain. Night Watch 75 00 35 00 Margaret Waller, Charge Attendant 75 00 35 00 E. Rogers, Charge Attendant 75 00 35 00 Corinne Ray, Charge Attendant 75 00 35 00 A. F. Mathis, Charge Attendant 75 00 35 00 Wm. Olmstead, Charge Attendant — 75 00 35 00 C. Hall, Charge Attendant 75 00 35 00 Sarah A. Chamberlain, Charge Attendant 75 00 35 00 Edgar R. Chamberlain, Charge Attendant 75 00 35 00 Kmil Broderson, Charge Attendant 75 00 35 00 Belle S. Boyd. Charge Attendant 75 00 35 00 Esther Guin, Charge Attendant 75 00 35 00 Elijah Waller, Second Attendant and Music 75 00 35 00 V. F. McKee. Second Attendant and Music 75 00 35 00 H. G. Lytle, Barber and Ward Relief 75 00 35 00 Carrie Burgener, Second Assistant Cook 75 00 35 00 Verna McCain. Third Assistant Cook -- 75 00 35 00 G. D. Guin, Fireman 75 00 35 00 Jos. Schandoney, Milker 75 00 35 00 Don Curtis, Farm Hand 75 00 35 00 W. P. Henderson, Farm Hand 75 00 35 00 Emma J. Zanders. Seamstress 75 00 35 .00 F. W. Lockyear, Farm Hand 75 00 35 00 Florence C. Porter, Treasurer 70 00 1. TV^ Morrison, Second Attendant 70 00 35 00 Alvce Moffett, Second Attendant 70 00 35 00 Elsie Watson. Second Attendant 70 00 3o 00 Chris Russell, Second Attendant 70 00 3o 00 Alta McKee, Second Attendant >P 00 35 00 Helen Pemberton. Second Attendant iO 00 .io no ( irla Morrison, Second .\ttendant '" ^ nA Mae McGinley. Second Attendant 70 00 35 00 R. F. Hardie, Second Attendant 70 00 3o 00 Margaret Broderson, Second Attendant '0 00 3o 00 Oren P. Gregory, Assistant Laundryman 70 00 3o 00 J. H. Weaver, Second Attendant 65 00 3o 00 Virginia, Weaver, Second Attendant 65 00 35 00 62 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. NORWALK STATE HOSPITAL— Continued. (Report of offlcers and regular employees employed by this department on January 1, 1921.) Name of Officer or Kmployee and Tile Monthly Salary Maintenance Jessie M. Morrison, Second Attendant 65 00 35 00 Laura Tallev, Second Attendant 65 00 35 00 Mrs. H. J. McSorley, Second Attendant 65 00 35 00 Elizabeth Watkins, Second Attendant 65 00 35 00 Brisco C. Brown, Second Attendant 65 00 35 00 Jessie Kimmcl, Second Attendant 65 00 35 00 Marv Frear, Second Attendant 65 00 35 00 Margaret H. Hamilton, Second Attendant 65 00 35 00 H. W. Hamilton, Second Attendant 65 00 35 00 Celia Hall. Second Attendant 65 00 35 00 Leona Gentry, Second Attendant 65 00 35 00 ('has. R. Mack. Second Attendant 65 00 35 00 W. F. Bursener. Farmhand 65 00 35 00 Mary B. York, Cook (for Medical Superintendent) 65 00 35 00 Christina L. Grant, Assistant Cook (farm) 65 00 35 00 Cora King. Telephone Operator 60 00 35 00 J. O. Dunn, Kitchen Helper 60 00 35 00 Otis M. Lvtle. Assistant Laundryman — 60 00 35 00 Orien White, Laundress 60 00 35 00 Vivian Swan, Waitress 55 00 35 00 $50.00 or under. A. M. Sprowl, Second Attendant 50 00 35 00 Douglas R. Todd, Second Attendant 50 00 35 00 Patrick J. Blake, Outside Help 50 00 35 00 Thos. J. Hildebrant, Outside Help 50 00 35 00 Minnie D. Curtis, Waitress 50 00 35 00 Ethel Ware, Waitress 50 00 35 00 Florence Smith, Waitress 50 00 35 00 Ida Hilliard, Waitress 50 00 35 00 Blaine Phillips, Office Help (patient) 10 00 Jerome Phillips, Assistant Carpenter (patient) 10 00 C. F. Applegate, Medical Superintendent. SONOMA STATE HOME. (Report of officers and regular employees employed by this department on January 1, 1921.) Eldridge, California, February 8, 1921. Name of Officer or Employee and Title Monthly .'Salary Dr. F. O. Butler, Medical Superintendent Dr. A. A. Thurlow, F'irst Assistant Physician .. Dr. Geo. Ordahl. Educational Director and Psychologist Dr. Mildred E. Thoren, Second Assistant Physician W. T. Suttenfield, Business Manager Dr. E. V. Emery, Third Assistant Physician Cyrus Inne.s, Electrician and Engineer --__ W. .L Walsh, Steam Fitter and Assistant Engineer.-,-- $120 00 J. J. Sassenrath, Secretary to Medical Superintendent F. H. Edrihgton, Painter 110 00 L. H. Johnson, Carpenter-Trainer 110 00 D. S. Frideger, Farm Foreman — 90 00 W. F. Pettis, Bookkeeper F. H. Case, Foreman Carpenter E. A. Ranker, Blacksmith 110 00 Elizabeth L. Wilson, Teacher 85 00 Jos. Lennon, Fireman 95 00 E. M. Churchill. Handyman 75 00 Agries Dickenson, Matron Geo. Wilbur, Supervisor J. Anderson, Baker E. N. Dixon, Chef Byron Weaver, Carpenter O. F. Jewett, Druggist Ethel McKinnon, Superintendent of Nurses W. W. Budworth, Cement Worker Mary Fowler, Night Attendant 75 00 Jas. Flynn, Plumber Mae Innes, Night Attendant --_- 75 00 Wm. Craib, Assistant Attorney and Athletic Trainer 75 00 H F. Bliven, Painter's Helper 75 00 Edna Pfaff, Night Attendant 75 00 Laura E. Hansohn, Dietitian Roy Callahan. Laundryman Ma in- Total ten a nce Monthly $333 33 270 00 250 00 195 00 200 00 170 00 160 00 135 00 155 00 150 00 27 00 137 00 27 00 137 00 35 00 125 00 125 00 120 00 11 00 121 00 27 00 112 00 16 00 111 00 35 00 110 00 110 00 110 00 110 00 110 00 110 00 110 00 110 00 110 00 35 00 110 00 110 00 35 no 110 00 27 00 102 00 27 00 102 00 27 00 102 00 100 00 100 00 NAMES, TITLES AND SAL.VEIES. 63 SONOMA STATE HOME— Continued. (Report of oflScers and regular employees employed by this department on January 1, 1921.) Name of Officer or Employee and Title Monthly Main- Total Salary tenanee Monthly Herman Schieck, Farm Hand 65 00 35 00 100 00 R. Hicken, General Utilityman 65 00 35 00 100 00 Anna Pettis, Head Teacher — 100 00 Catlierine riamilton. Assistant Attendant 70 00 27 00 97 00 Lida Small, Assistant Seamstress 70 00 27 00 97 00 Wilhelmina Newcomb, Assistant Attendant 70 00 27 00 97 00 Lorraine Wilbur, Surgical Nurse 95 00 Jos. Clifford, Dairyman 95 00 Jos. Loughlin, Fireman 95 00 Chas. Rourke, Fireman 95 00 Chas Ruble, Fireman 95 00 H. J. Leonard, Head Attendant 75 00 24 00 94 00 Beatrice Lantz, Parole Officer and Social Service Worker 90 00 Inez Ashley, Assistant Nurse 90 00 Mollie Bartell. Assistant Nurse 90 00 Manuel Scopesi, Vegetable Gardener 90 00 Abbie Waters, Steno-Clerk 90 00 A. B. Williams, Assistant Attendant 70 00 19 00 89 00 R. E. Hamlin, Head Attendant 75 00 11 00 86 00 W. J. Faulkner, Night Attendant 75 00 11 00 86 00 Wm. L. Gray, First Assistant Cook 85 00 S. P. Korn, Mattress Maker 85 00 Wilhelmina Blaska, Assistant Matron — 85 00 Steve Malone, Nightwatchman and Night Supervisor 85 00 Laura Wickham, Assistant Supervisor 85 00 Margaret Folger, Assistant Nurse 85 00 Jennie Kratzer. Night Nurse 85 00 Jessie Davis, Teacher 85 00 Dorothv Dickenson, Teacher 85 00 Amy T. Cooke, Teacher 85 00 Elizabeth Lesher, Teacher 85 00 Louis Bartell, Landscape Gardener 85 00 R. V. Hunter, Assistant Dairyman 85 00 C. S. Gossin, Clerk to Business Manager 85 00 M. Solev, Storekeeper 85 00 J. F. McDonald, Head Attendant and Moving Picture Opr. 75 00 7 50 82 50 B. F. Harrison, Assistant Attendant 70 00 11 00 81 00 Margaret Grove, Assistant Nurse 80 00 Mabel Churchill, Clinical Stenographer 80 00 Eileen Cowan, Junior Clerk 80 00 S. V. Thompson, Assistant Clerk to Business Manager 80 00 James Bolton, Relief Cook 75 00 J. E. Greaver, Butcher 75 00 W. L. Simpson, Second Assistant Cook 75 00 Angeline Sherer, Seamstress — • 75 00 Nelle Collins, Night Nurse 75 00 Edw. Regusci, Milker 75 00 D. C. Petersen, Poultryman 75 00 A. G. Wiget, Farm Hand and Tractor Operator — 75 00 A. G. Thoren, Auto Truck Driver 75 00 B. R. Leach, Chauffeur 75 00 J. L. Babcook, Night Attendant 75 00 Clara Baldwin, Head Attendant 75 00 May Benjamin, Head Attendant 75 00 Jos. Brvan. Head Attendant -- 75 00 Maebelle Buhl, Night Attendant 75 00 Charles Crowe, Night Attendant _- 75 00 Emilv Crowe, Night Attendant ^ 75 00 Matt'ie Engstrum, Head Attendant 75 00 Sarah Evans, Head Attendant 75 00 I. Ewing. Head Attendant 75 00 Kate Ewing, Head Attendant 75 00 Frances Gassaway, Night Attendant — 75 00 Margaret Gray, Head Attendant 75 00 Alma Hamlin, Head Attendant 75 00 Bruce Hamilton, Night Attendant 75 00 Chas. Hopcroft, Night Attendant — 75 00 Wm. E. Hawkes, Nightwatchman 75 00 Rhoda Hunter, Night Attendant 75 00 Clara Johnson, Night Attendant 75 00 E. S. King, Night Attendant — 75 00 W. E. Landgrebe. Head Attendant 75 00 Grace Leach. Head Attendant — 75 00 Geo. H. Le Roy. Night Attendant ^ 75 00 Severina Magetti. Head Attendant 75 00 Klizab'th Mafjuill. Nisht .\ttendant : 'o O'* J. C. Morse, Head Attendant —___—_ 75 00 Margaret Muerer. Night Attendant 75 00 T. J. Murray, Night Attendant 75 00 Maebelle Murrav, Night Attendant 75 00 64 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. SONOMA STATE HOME— Continued. (Report of officers and regular employees eniploywi hy this department on January 1, 1921.) Total Name of Officer or Employee and Title Monthly Ada McFarland, Night Attendant 75 00 Marv Parkinson, Head Attendant 75 00 S. L. Remv, Head Attendant 75 00 Esther Rubie. Head Attendant 75 00 Mattie Thomson, Head Attendant — 75 00 Susie Wier, Head Attendant 75 00 Rudolph Woff, Night Attendant 75 00 Nora Wainwright, Night Attendant . 75 00 F. A. Cromwell, Secretary and Treasurer of Board of Managers 70 00 R. E. Bohm, Assistant Attendant — 70 00 Mary Browning, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Nelle Brvson, Assistant Attendant — _ 70 00 D. H. Bryson, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Mae Burroughs, Assistant Attendant — 70 00 A. E. Buclianan, Assistant Attendant TO 00 Edna Buchanan, Assistant Attendant 70 00 J. M. Christian, Assistant Attendant — 70 00 Katherine Cobb, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Mary Galligan, Assistant Attendant 70 00 I. C. Gladden, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Emma J. Gladden, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Edith Gossin, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Ellen Greaver, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Robert Hall, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Louise Hofer, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Bertha Korn, A.ssistant Attendant 70 00 Emma Larson, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Jennie Martin, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Eli Mathews, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Ida Morse, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Ralph Mountford, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Cornelia Mountford, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Ruth McAfee, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Lillian McDonald, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Rose Remy, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Mary Rourke, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Stella Soley, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Delina Thomas, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Ada Tisdale, Assistant Attendant -- 70 00 M. M. Widerick, Assistant Attendant 70 00 D. Wier. Assistant Attendant 70 00 Eliz. K. White, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Maud Wilson, Assistant Attendant — 70 00 Mary Wilson, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Nellie Sherwood. Cook. Maple Hall 65 00 J. J. White, Shoemaker 65 00 Harrv Spencer, Assistant Landscape Gardener 65 00 Jos. Berryhill, Farm Hand ; 65 00 Nathan Smith, Farm Hand 65 00 O. C. Moore, Outside Messenger 65 00 Gertrude Bangle, Assistant Attendant 65 00 Retta Berryhill, Assistant Attendant 65 00 Dora Gray, Assistant Attendant 65 00 Carrie Ra'wson, Assistant Attendant 65 00 Mary Prout, Cook, Superintendent's Cottage 60 00 Aloise Stimmer, Cook, Manor House 60 00 Malile Sassenrath, Telepljone Operator and Librarian 60 00 Gladys Collins, Assistant Cook. Manle Hall -^5 00 Effie Callahan, Assistant Laundress 55 00 Minda Ranker, Laundry Distributor 55 00 Henry Dixon, Assistant Attendant 55 00 Estelle Weaver, Assistant Attendant 55 00 Bernice Chance, Dishwasher 50 00 Frances E. Faulkner, Waitress 50 00 Carrie Francisco, Waitress 50 00 Maud Mathews, Waitress 50 00 F. Tillmannshoffer, Waitress 50 00 Irena Herrington, Assistant Attendant 50 00 W. H. Howe, Assistant Attendant 50 00 F. B. Marshall, Assistant Attendant 50 00 Pietro Virdolino, Assistant Attendant 50 00 A. Hunter, Cook at Dairy 45 00 W Rollins, Assistant Landscape Gardener 35 00 G. W. Callahan, Caretaker of Stock 25 00 Archie Sealight, With Farm Hands (inmate) 25 00 Howard Salisbury, Assistant Vegetable Gardener (inmate) 20 00 Fay Udell, Assistant to Baker (inmate) .- 10 00 Leon Richards, With Farm Hands (inmate) 10 00 NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 65 SONOMA STATE HOM E— Continued. (.Report of oflBcers and regular employees employed by this department on January 1, 1921.) Temporary Positions. Name of Officer or Kniployee ami Title Daily Wage Michael Slatterj', Pruner $3 00 Temporary Positions Filled During Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1920. John Douglas, Pruner, Amount paid during fiscal year $476 00 C. Garrisson, Pruner, Amount paid during fiscal year 110 00 H. Gardiner. Bricklayer, Amount paid during fiscal year 347 00 T. H. Wilson. Bricklayer's Helper, Amount paid during fiscal year 262 50 David Hatton. Laborer, Amount paid during fiscal year 104 00 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA STATE HOSPITAL. (Report of officers and regular emiiloyees cmpioyci by this department on January 1, liGl.) Namo of Officer or Employee and Title Monthly Salary John A. Reily, Medical Superintendent $333 33 Edwin Wayte, First Assistant Physician 270 00 G. M. Webster, Assistant Physician 225 00 S. B. Pond, Assistant Physician 210 00 H. S. Blossom. Assistant Physician 210 00 J. C. Cram, Biisiness Manager 200 00 E. W. Meyer, Assistant Physician 195 00 Pearl S. Waters, Assistant Physician 195 00 F. F. Williams, Assistant Physician 195 00 Mary Beall, Assistant Physician 195 00 Carl iJyna, Druggist and Pathologist 175 00 Ernest Thompson, Dentist 175 00 Ida K. Moisan, Secretary 175 00 E. L. Patterson, Engineer 145 00 J. T. Wells, Cook 130 00 Ralph Motherspaw, Head Farmer 120 00 L. L. Nichols, Assistant Engineer and Plumber 120 00 Harry Root, Assistant Engineer and Plumber 120 00 A. J. Doan, Painter 120 OC Harry Welton, Carpenter 120 00 D. M. Barker, Mason 120 00 Ira Eskew, Plumber 120 00 L. A. Moisan, Superyisor 115 00 Katherine McKellar, Matron 115 00 Juanita Mertz, Bookkeeper 110 00 E. G. Reynolds, Dairyman 110 00 Fred Heath, Laundrvman 110 CO D. S. Rickert, Baker 110 00 Frank Rupp, .Shoemaker 110 00 Harry E. Smith, Storekeeper 105 00 Margaret Doyle, Dietitian 100 00 J. A. Teagle, Industrial Man 100 00 C. L. Brinker, Fireman 95 00 George Munsch, Assistant Baker and Musician 95 00 Victor Seeley, First Assistant Cook 95 00 R. M. Bromilow, Assistant Supervisor 90 00 T. B. Sharp, Night Assistant Supervisor 90 00 Harriet Burkhart, Assistant Matron 90 00 Ella Stevens, Assistant Matron, Night 90 00 E. C. Worlev. Assistant Matron, R. C 90 00 F. L. Ball, Hostler and Pigman 90 00 S. Simonsen, Land and Vegetable Gardener 90 00 Lenore Rupp, Assistant Cook 85 00 Ed Keating, Industrial Department 85 00 E. A. Boggs, Phvsicial Director 85 00 Elsie Fyle, Arithmetic Class Teacher 85 00 Jessie Whalen, Industrial Teacher 85 00 G. L. Hyatt, Assistant Dairyman -85 00 Marjorie Palmer. Stenographer 85 00 H. B. Montgomery. Stenographer 85 00 Charles Case, Truck Driver 85 00 Villa Kenison, Stenographer, Clinical 80 00 Blenn Graham, Night Attendant and Musician 80 00 Charles Dunn. Assistant Attendant and Embalmer 1 80 00 E. M. Halcom, Butcher 75 00 Ethel Ridpath, Staff Cook 75 00 W. J. Ashley, Assistant Cook 75 00 Winnie Houston. Night Cook 75 00 Bessie Dickins, Seamstress 75 00 J. M. Westmoreland, Assistant Laundryman 75 00 5—9768 66 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA STATE HOSPITAL— Continued. (Report of t)lliwrs and regular ciiiiJloyues employed l)y this department on January 1, 1921.) Name of OfBcvr or Krai)Ioyce ami Ti h: Monthly Salary W. T. Admire, Attendant 75 00 Golda Brinker. Attendant 75 00 J. B. Gatlin, Night Attendant 75 00 Alice Case. Attendant 75 00 .1. A. Clark. Attendant 75 00 W n. English, Night Attendant 75 00 C. B. Collins. Night Attendant 75 00 Alice Courtright, Attendant 75 00 Elmer Kinder, Night Attendant 75 00 Herman Estes, Attendant 75 00 J. H. Carman. Night Attendant 75 00 .1. G. Goforth. Attendant 75 00 Frank Folrath, Night Attendant 75 00 T. R. Hartle. Attendant 75 00 C. C. Hess, Attendant 75 00 Lena Hess. Attendant 75 00 William A. Hunt, Attendant 75 00 Allan J. Kester, Night Attendant 75 00 W. D. May. Night Attendant 75 00 W. L. Maxwell. Night Attendant 75 00 .Tohn R. Martin. Night Attendant 75 00 J. W. Moore, Attendant ' 75 00 Clarence Mcllree, Night Attendant 75 00 .J. N. Richards, Night Attendant 75 00 William Ridpath. Attendant 75 00 W. W. Parks, Night Attendant 75 00 J. N. Clepper, Night Attendant 75 00 Bert Fyle. Night Attendant 75 00 Oda Mcllree, Night Attendant 75 00 W. M. Perkins, Night Attendant 75 00 O. D. Puckett, Night Attendant 75 00 Ed Weeden, Night Attendant 75 00 J. F. Smith. Night Attendant 75 00 Charles F. Watson, Attendant 75 00 Marion Teagle. Attendant 75 00 F. J. Webster, Night Attendant 75 00 Bessie Wilson, Night Attendant 75 00 Amy Wixon, Attendant 75 00 .1. B. Womack, Night Attendant 75 00 Mary Womack, Night Attendant 75 00 Agnes Admire, Attendant 75 00 Georgia Benson, Attendant -- 75 00 Benson Collins. Night Attendant 75 00 Lillian Dorman. Attendant 75 00 Kate English. Night Attendant 75 00 Estelle Garman, Night Attendant -- 75 00 Agnes Garyin, Night Attendant 75 00 Margaret Graham, Night Attendant 75 00 Prudy May, Night Attendant 75 00 Martha Kester, Night Attendant 75 00 Irene Loilgaanl. Night Attendant 75 00 Kern Martin. Night Attendant 75 00 Ella Munsch, Attendant 75 00 Myrtle Mdlree. Night Attendant V5 00 Ida Scofleld, Night Attendant 75 00 Mabel Clepper, Night Attendant 75 00 Agnes Richards, Night Attendant 75 00 Mary E. Pinks. Nisht Attendant-. 75 00 Ezel Shoemaker, Night Attendant 75 00 Mamie Puckett, Night Attendant 75 00 Mary Smith. Night Attendant 75 00 Minnie Smith. Attendant 75 00 Juanita Tanner, Attendant __ 75 00 Elizal)eth Wade, Attendant ^ 75 00 Lizzie Williamson, Attendant 75 00 Lillie Wise, Night Attendant 75 00 Edna Mcllree, Night Attendant 75 00 Olive Fayhs. Assistant Attendant and Musician 75 00 Callii- Hatcher, Night Attendant — 75 00 Ella Fairbairn, Head Nurse 75 00 Anna Handley, Head Nurse 75 00 Kizzie Graham, Night Attendant 75 00 J. K. Wilson, Night Attendant — 75 00 Fred Farr, Male Nurse 75 00 Mary Dwyer, Attendant 75 00 Emma Coy, Night Attendant 75 00 Suzani'e Talbert. Attendant 75 00 L. F. Courtright, Farm Hand 75 GO J. F. Reedy, Blacksmith 75 00 N. J. Gann, Farm Hand _ __ 75 00' NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES, 67 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA STATE HOSPITAL— Continued. (Report of officers and regular employees employed by this department on January 1, 1921.) Name of Officer or JOniployee and Ti le Moiitlily Salary L. C. Blomfleld, Farm Hand 75 00 Lon Matthes, Farm Hand 75 00 M. L. Speake, Farm Hand 75 00 G. Metzer, Farm Hand 75 00 E. G. McClure, Farm Hand 75 00 Chas. Rausch, Farm Hand 75 00 J. J. Pierce, Farm Hand 75 00 H. F. Kinney, Farm Hand 75 00 Rose Hiner, Telephone Operator 75 00 Mrs. D. M. Barker, Assistant Seamstress 70 00 Lila Motherspaw, Laundry help 70 00 Mrs. Fred Heath, Laundry help 70 00 R. Siler, Laundry help 70 00 Chas. Wixon. Laundry help 70 00 Mrs. J. N. Westmoreland, Laundry help 70 00 Wattle Metzger, Laundry help 70 00 J. B. Alwran, Assistant Attendant 70 00 E. J. Babin. Assistant Attendant 70 00 Thos. Campbell, Assistant Attendant 70 00 C. W. Boner, Assistant Attendant 70 00 H. C. Bonham, Assistant Attendant 70 00 E. C. Dorman, Assistant Attendant 70 00 W. L. Dixon, Assistant Attendant 70 00 J. D. Dunignan, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Anna Dunn, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Clara Eskew, Assistant Attendant 70 00 P. R. Fairbairn, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Jno. Gourley, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Amanda Greenwood, Assistant Attendant 70 00 C. B. Greenwood, Assistant Attendant 70 00 R. A. Harter, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Kate Hartle, Assistant Attendant 70 00 G. F. Hiner, Assistant Attendant 70 00 A. J. Hopkins, Assistant Attendant 70 00 J. D. Houze, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Eugenie Houze, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Eva Hyatt, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Ora E. Johnson, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Jolin Lowe, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Bruce Lunceford, Assistant Attendant 70 00 J. E. Matthews, Assistant Attendant 70 00 F. J. Martin, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Ollle McClure, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Chas. OxFord, Assistant Attendant 70 00 F. E. Nason, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Martin Phillips, Assistant Attendant 70 00 T. J. Pullman, Assistant Attendant 70 00 F. A. Krause, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Chas. Ritchie, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Frank Ruch, Assistant Attendant 70 00 A. A. Scott, Assistant Attendant -- 70 00 Olive Sharpe, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Josephine Speake, Assistant Attendant 70 00 E. G. Ramsey, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Richard Stewart, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Thos. Tanner, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Geo. Stephenson, Assistant Attendant 70 00 M. L. Uptain, Assistant Attendant 70 00 J. M. Vancil, Assistant Attendant -- 70 00 Frank Vessels, Assistant Attendant 70 00 E. B. Wade, Assistant Attendant 70 00 E. B. Williamson. Assistant Attendant |<> OJ* Geo. B. Fayhe, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Lona Barth, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Ellie tnark. Assistant Attendant 7U 00 Irene Boggs, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Ella Dixon, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Alice Dunevant, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Maude Dunigan, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Alice Estes, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Mary H. Ritchie, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Robena Hagey, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Mae Hopkins, Assistant Attendant 70 00 Anna Keating, Assistant Attendant '" J^Jj Edna Lowe, Assistant Attendant '^ "" Venna Mathews, Assistant Attendant 'y^ ^" Dora Martin, Assistant Attendant ,^j' "" Eunice Oxford, Assistant Attendant — '" "" Lillie Phillips, Assistant Attendant '" "" Myrtle Rausch, Assistant Attendant '" "" gg STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA STATE HOSPITAL— Continued. (Report of offlt-ers and regular employers employed by this department on January 1, 1921.) Name of Offloi-r or Kmi.loyre ami Tl le Monthly Salary Olla Ruch. Assistant Attendant 25 S2 Elizabeth Sinnott, Assistant Attendant Era Uptain, Assistant Attendant Margaret Zimmerman. Assistant Attendant Mabel Ramsey, Assistant Attendant Nellie Scott, Assistant Attendant Mary D. Smith, Assistant Attendant May Williford, Assistant Attendant Mabel Blomfield. Assistant Attendant Esther Harter, Assistant Attendant Minnie Stewart. Assistant Attendant — Dimple Hunt, Assistant Attendant J. A. Guthrie. Assistant Attendant* Esther Nichols, Superintendent's Cook Jas. Emerson, Assistant Attendant Allen Bowling. Assistant Attendant J. D. Behrens, Assistant Attendant Chilton Scott, Assistant Attendant E. M. Roberts, Assistant Attendant — — Ciias. M. Gilmore, Assistant Attendant Z. A. Heischman, Assistant Attendant J. C. Holt, Assistant Attendant Ross Huddle, Assistant Attendant Inis E. Jameson, Assistant Attendant F. Houston, Assistant Attendant J. H. Burt, Assistant Attendant Sid Stephens, Assistant Attendant A. Van Sermand, Assistant Attendant — J. F. Cummings, Assistant Attendant Chester Sims, Assistant Attendant H. F. Williamson, Assistant Attendant Jennie Ashley. Assistant Attendant Laura Hei.schman, Assistant Attendant Elizabeth Behrens, Assistant Attendant Harriet Gamble, Assistant Attendant Stella Roberts, Assistant Attendant M»- t e Scott. Assistant Attendant Carrie Jameson, Assistant Attendant-- Mrs. D. C. Loomis, Assistant Attendant Winnie Gilmore, Assistant Attendant Hortence Burt, Assistant Attendant Emma Williamson, Assistant Attendant Maxy Wilson, Assistant Attendant — Susie Watson, Assistant Attendant Bernard Paget, Assistant Attendant — Lillie Huddle, Assistant Attendant Evie Van Sermand, Assistant Attendant A. E. DuBois, Assistant Attendant-- Catherine Lathrow, Assistant Attendant Lcnora Breitooiser, Assistant Attendant Mary Moran, Assistant Attendant Carl Hammer, Usher Harry Seigel, Basement Man Grace Vessels, Waitress T. B. Glosser, Tailor Thos. Bigford, Assistant Attendant Walter Letteau. Assistant Attendant Margaret Bowling, Assistant Attendant Ruth Gamble, Assistant Attendant .Anna Dodge, As.=istant Attendant Mary Rule, Assistant Attendant Carmen Dodge, Assistant Attendant J. E. Holt, Assistant Attendant Pauline Reedy, Waitress M. Hope, Assistant Attendant Amy Davis, Assistant Attendant Grace Kaufman, Assistant Attendant Leila Tompkins, First's Maid Geo. Webb, Assistant Attendant T. J. Lathrow. Assistant Attendant Grace Gallup, Assistant Attendant.-^ Mary Hope, Assistant Attendant Vera Holt, Assistant Attendant Pearl Box, Assistant Attendant Katharine C. Miller, Assistant Attendant H. E. Smith, B:ind Leader L. L. Nichols, Musician D. M. Barker. Musician J. A. Teagle, Musician NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 69 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA STATE HOSPITAL— Continued. (Report of officers and regular employees receiving cash in lieu of maintenance.) Name of OfBcer or Employee and Title Amount Beceiveil Carl Dyna, Druggist and Pathologist 27 00 H. E. Smith, Storekeeper 27 00 Marjorie Palmer. Stenographer 19 00 Agnes Admire, Attendant 11 00 J. W. Moore, Attendant 11 00 Robena Hagey, Assistant Attendant -- 11 00 Thos. Campbell, Assistant Attendant 11 00 C. W. Boner, Assistant Attendant 11 00 Josephine Speake. Assistant Attendant 11 00 A. A. Scott, Assistant Attendant 11 00 M. L. Uptain, Assistant Attendant 11 00 Anna Keating, Assistant Attendant 11 00 Grace Vessels, Assistant Attendant 11 00 C. P. Collins, Night Attendant 11 00 W. L. Maxwell, Night Attendant 11 00 D. M. Barker, Mason 11 00 J. F. Reedy, Blacksmith — 11 00 Harry Root, Engineer and Plumber 11 00 Fred Heath, Laundryman — 11 00 Wattie Metzger, Laundry help 11 00 A. J. Doane, Painter 11 00 D. S. Rickert, Baker 11 00 J. T. Wells, Cook 11 00 R. M. Bromilow, Assistant Supervisor 11 00 Margaret Zimmerman, Assistant Attendant 11 00 W. A. Hunt, Attendant 11 00 Geo. Stephenson, Assistant Attendant 11 00 J. G. Goforth, Attendant 11 00 Rose Hiner, Telephone Operator 11 00 STOCKTON STATE HOSPITAL. Stockton, California, January 1, 1921. From $301.00 to $350.00. Namo and Tltlo Monthly Salaiv Fred P. Clark, Medical Superintendent $333 33 $2.51.00 to $275.00 W. H. Chesnutwood, Business Manager 275 00 Margaret H. Smyth, First Assistant Physician 270 00 From $201.00 to $225.00. H. E. Sanderson, Second Assistant Physician 225 00 A. H. McLeish, Assistant Physician 225 00 S. P. Tuggle, Assistant Physician 225 00 F. S. Marnell, Assistant Physician 225 00 F. J. Conzelmann, Clinical Director 225 00 N. E. Williamson, Pathologist 225 00 M. La Place, Dentist 210 00 From $176.00 to $200.00. Grace McCloskey, Assistant Physician — — 195 00 Geo. H. Buttrick, Engineer Female Department 185 00 J. R. Fitchie, Builder and Electrician 185 00 M. Foley, Dairyman -- 180 00 From $151.00 to $175.00. Geo. A. Brown, Jr., Secretary 175 00 George Knudson. Chief Cook. Female Department 175 00 Louis Silvani, Chief Cook, Male Department 175 00 J. J. Kennedy, Carpenter and Moving Picture Operator 165 00 J. J. Camley, Foreman Painter --__ 165 00 R. F. O'Rourke, Foreman Plumber 165 00 C. C. Castle, Farm Foreman 165 00 E. D. Pillstaury, Bookkeeper 160 00 B. L. Mason, General Mechanic and Crematory Operator 160 00 Edw. P. Higby, Apothecary 160 00 Louise E. Higuera, Typist and Office Assistant and Member Orchestra 155 00 L. G. Foster, Assistant Engineer and Refrigeration 155 00 Hugh McCabe, Chief Baker -- 155 00 H. W. Puffer, Shoemaker 155 00 George Brownfield, General Mechanic __ 155 00 D. A. McCormick, Upholsterer ^ 155 00 H. S. Goggins, Laundryman -- 155 00 F. E. Hoge, Carpenter 155 00 J. H. Farrell, Assistant Painter 155 00 W. Markham, Plasterer 155 00 Albert Fedler, Tinsmith 155 00 D. C. Kent, Assistant Plumber 155 00 Robert Henry, Blacksmith — 155 00 C. Jacinto. Tractor Operator 155 00 L. Shepherd, Storekeeper — 155 00 70 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. STOCKTON STATE HOSPITAL— Continued. From $126.00 to $150.00. Name aiiJ Title Monthly Salary James A. Smith, Stationary Engineer — 150 00 Mabel U Hersom, Head Nurse, Receiving Building 150 00 Miss J. A. Giannini, Matron Female Department 150 00 G T Austin, Supervisor Male Department 150 00 E J. Krost. Truck Driver 145 00 G B Green. Stationarv Engineer, Female Department 140 00 D. W. Conwav, First AssLstant Cook, Female Department 140 00 R. W. bean. First Assistant Cook, Male Department 140 00 J Keenon. First Cook. Convalescent Cottage 140 00 C. O. Nelson, Substitute Cook 140 00 Gertrude Pepper, Stenographer for Superintendent and Assistant Physician 135 00 J. C. Gassaway, Stationary Engineer, Male Department 135 00 V C Jone-s, Stationarv Engineer, Female Department 135 00 Jacnba Slobe. Medical Dietitian 135 00 J. F. Koegler, Landscape Gardener 135 00 Felix Desmond, Farm Foreman. Sherman Island 135 00 John Risso, Vegetable Gardener --__ 135 00 W. H. Zuver. Stationary Engineer 135 00 L. A. Burns. Teacher 130 00 Miss J. M. Fluty. Teacher 130 00 George Evbs. Second Assistant Cook, Female Department 130 00 Mrs. E. Hauselt, Chief Cook. Receiving Building 130 00 C. E. Morrissey. Second Assistant Cook. Male Department 130 00 James McDonald, Cook, Sherman Island 130 00 John Hughes. First Assistant Baker 130 00 Mary Sapp, Surgical Nurse -- 130 00 From $101.00 to $125.00. Cecil Johnson, Assistant Supervisor 125 00 G. G. Curtis, Night Supervisor 125 00 George B. Head, Assistant Storekeeper 125 00 Mrs. Mary Mclntire, Night Supervisor 125 00 Ma.v E. Shaw, Assistant Matron 125 00 L. E. Carlson, Hydro and Masseur 125 00 Julia Connollv, Hydro and Masseur 125 00 Geo. O. Pritchett, Milker -- 125 00 Charles Stewart. Milker 125 00 J. H. Taylor. Milker-- 125 00 Wm. Desmond, Watchman, Sherman Island 125 00 H. H. Baxter. Poultryman 125 00 Myrtle Blazer, Stenographer and Assistant Bookkeeper 120 00 S. Bjornson, Second Assistant Supervisor 120 00 Mrs. W. A. Fisher, Assistant Teacher 120 00 Frank Baumhagger, Butcher -- 120 00 J. M. Bennett, Assistant Cook, Convalescent Cottage 120 00 Marv Cox, Assistant Cook. Receiving Building 120 00 J. P. Doughty, Third Assistant Cook, Male Department 120 00 Frances Dupsyk, Cook, Cottage One -- 120 00 James Patterson, Third Cook, Male Department 120 00 Mrs. Margaret Crowley, Second Assistant Matron 120 00 J. M. ('hristensen, Second Assistant Baker 120 00 W. R. Bruce, Assistant Laundrvman and Member Orchestra 120 00 H. C. Fox. General Mechanic 120 00 Daniel Mackenzie. General Mechanic 120 00 Mrs. S. F. Dore, Head Nurse, Cottage 1 115 00 Mrs. J. F. Bush, Head Nurse, Cottage 2 115 00 Mrs. E. J. Petri, Head Nurse, Cottage A 115 00 Thirza McLean, Head Nurse, Convalescent Cottage 115 00 Mrs. Roy MacDonald, Medical Stenographer 115 00 (•"rank P. Sliaver, Laboratorv Assistant 115 00 Juhn Sclione. Assistant Gardener 115 00 HMward Weishacli, Farm Hand 115 (»(» John Stevano, Assistant Gardener 115 00 G. A. Tanascia. .\ssi.stant Gardener 115 00 Gladys Swartz. SlciiotrnijiJi^r 110 00 A. Curry, Chauffeur - 110 "0 Charles Beatty, Attendant, Receiving Building 110 00 M. B Curtis, Night Attendant. Receiving Building 110 00 Mr.«!. Mary Holden Night .attendant, Recei\ ing Building 110 OP Mrs Mary Pyle, Night Att'^^ndant, Receiving Building 110 00 Mrs. Linda Lovirirtge. Night Attendant. Rcceivins' Buildins' 110 00 Mr.s. E. Roush, Attendant, Receiving Buildin.g__ '^ _-. 110 00 Charles Ainsley, Attendant. Male Department- 110 00 B'rank Bargcr. Aftciidant. Male Department -- 110 00 J. M. Banard, Attendant, Male Department 110 00 Hillis Brown, Attendant, Male Department 110 00 Mr.s. Allie Brown, Tailoress 110 00 Charles Bryan, Night Attendant ~_ Z~__ II_ _ T 110 00 F. H. Burns. Attendant no 00 T. W. Cliberon, Attendant-.. _III I" ' I -IZ_~ 110 00 L. J. Cottrell, Attendant "" _ _ " _Zr__ ""_ -Z~__.~'I' 110 00 Edgar Cox, Night .Vlt.ondant Z-'__" ZZZ. . "" Z_ 110 00 Zulu Green, Attendant _ _ no 00 NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 71 STOCKTON STATE HOSPITAL— Continued. Name ami Title Minnie Hiblo, Night Attendant Miss M. Hopl. R, .'■:. Keith, Matron . 75 «) 35 00 ,1. T. Tate, Second Cook 65 00 35 00 A. F. Main-, M.D., Physician 100 00 Mrs. H. Aniyot, Assistant Matron 60 00 35 00 ,T. M. Donohiie. Watchman 60 00 35 00 F. K. Taylor, Gardener 60 00 35 00 Mrs. E. Johnson, Assistant Matron 55 00 35 00 J. P. Le?, Janitor 55 00 35 00 Kd. McAvemey, Laborer 55 00 35 00 C. F. Barnhisel, Dishwasher 45 00 35 00 Miss M. Flood, Waitress 45 00 35 00 Mrs. K. J. Don?y, Waitress 45 00 35 00 Mrs. E. Peterson, Waitress 45 00 35 00 Miss R. Johnson, Waitress 45 00 35 00 Miss C. Koger, Waitress 45 00 35 00 Miss M. Santos, Waitress 45 00 35 00 W. David, Cleaner 45 00 35 00 R. Tat". Ai=sistant Janitor 45 00 35 00 G. S. Meredith, Secretary 50 00 H. P. Francis, Reader 15 00 Salaries of sighted employees in the shops. These employees are paid earnings of the shops and are not paid from State appropriations. Name and rosltion <"ash Maintenance .\. T. Johnson, Shop Foreman $175 (W $6 OO Miss E. B. Smith. Teacher 75 00 24 00 H. P. Francis, Chauffeur 60 00 35 00 Miss M. Richter, Teacher 50 00 35 00 No temporary or emergency help. Total $210 OO* 195 00 l.)0 00 12.? 00 119 00 110 "0 IW 00 100 00* 9'. 00 95 00 95 00 90 00 90 00 90 00 80 00 80 00 80 on 80 00 80 00 80 00 80 00 80 OOt 8C 00 50 00* 15 OOt from the Total $181 00 99 00 95 00 85 00 INDUSTRIAL WELFARE COMMISSION. (Report of officers and regular employees employed by this department on .January 1, 1921.) Xamc of Officer or Employee and Title Daily Wage A. B. C. Dohnnann, Chairman of Commission $10 00* Kath-irine Pliilips Edson, Executive Commissioner 10 OO* Al.-o a;, allowance of .S3.00 per diem, general expense, to supplement the former per diem to the amount of !?.3iio per month. Walter G. Mathewson, Commissioner . 10 00* Alexander Goldstein, Conmiissioncr 10 00* Monthly Salary Marian L. Mel. Assistant Secretary 175 00 Ethel R. Palmer, Southern California Representative 175 00 Elizabeth Maedonald, Chief Clerk 175 00 Isabel Hall, Special Agent 150 00 Margery Lynch, Special Agent 150 00 Elsa Lissner, Special Agent 150 00 Cluiicc Zion, Special Agent 150 00 Thelma Miller, Stenographer 150 00 Dorothy Johnston, Special Agent 125 00 Dorothy Miles, Special Agent 125 00 Margaret Poole, Special Agent 125 00 Gertrude Lachman, Stenographer 100 00 Ruth P. Mount, Stenographer 100 00 Unfilled, Stenographer .-. 100 00 Georgiana Garden, Special Investigator Industrial Education 75 OOt Georgie Mathewson. Statistical Clerk K OOt Daily Wage William E. Hubbard, Consulting Engineer $15 OOt (■Maximum of 7 per diems per month.) Fourteen (14) persons were employed for temporary or emergency work during the fiscal year ending June 3f>, 1020. $1,03:^.30 was exp"nded for such temporary and emergency work. Respectifully submitted: Indu.2o the total compensation of twenty-six extra typists so employed Wiis !fl,6.55.94. Yours very truly, Alexander McCabe, Insurance Commissioner. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS DEPARTMENT. (R»port of officers anil regular eniiiloyees of the Bureau of Labor Statistics on .January 1, 1921.) Febniary 7, 1921. San Francisco. Xarao of OfHcer or Employee and Title Monthly Salary .John P. McLaughlin, Commissioner $333 30* William Gardner, Statistician and Chief Examiner 225 00* B. B. Rosenthal, Deputy Commissioner. __ 200 00* .\lbert T. RochC; .Attorney 200 00* Harry Gorman, Field Agent 190 00 .1. P. Denehy, Fi-ld Agent 175 00 David McLennan. Special Agent IGj 00 E. F. Gallatin Snecial Agent 16.5 00 D. .J. O'Neill, Special Agent - 165 00 Katherine Kellv, Stenographer and Bookkeener 165 00 E. A. Williams, Statistical Clerk /- 150 00 Florence Burns. Stenographer 125 00 Nora O'Callaghan Stenograi^her 125 00 S'rah H. Byrne, Stenographer 125 00 Mary L. Powers. Stenographer 125 00 F'velyn Corbctt, Stencgranlier 125 00 //Salaries paid out of General Fund. All other salaries and expenses are paid from .special fund supported by fees and collections of department. (These collections are largely in excess of expcndituras.) tSection ."97 of the Political Code of this state provides that all examinations of in-surance com- panies must be made at the exiiense of the companies. The state is charged with their salaries only when assigned by the Commission to the investigation of reports, etc., filed with the depart- ment. *Stei.uty Commissioner 175 (lO* Harry Ei'stoiii, Special Agent 165 (X) T. W. Bromley, Special Agent -- 165 00 C W. Holbrook, Special Agent 165 00 Flora Fr:nim, Stenogrnpher 125 00 Sacramento. John S. Blair, Assistant Deputy Commissioner 200 00 Anna E. Purdy, Stenographer 150 00 San Diego. Benjamin H. Taylor, Assistant Deputy Commissioner 200 00 Martha Moore, Stenographer 65 OOt Fresno. L. B. Miillory, Assistant Deputy Conmiissioner 115 00+ Wanda M. Hanseomb, Stenographer 100 00* Public Employnnent Bureaus De.oartment. San Francisco. Men"s Department, 9.35 Mi.ssion Street. Xame of Offircr or Emiiloyee and Title Monthly Salary C. B. Sexton, Superintendent $225 00: H. H. Fitzgerald, Manager 190 OOt J. P. McLaughlin, Jr., Placement Clerk 165 00 J. P. O Connell, Placement Clerk 150 00 A. A. Rosborough, Clerk 1.50 On C. O. Johnson, Placement Clerk 140 00 J. J. Lan=. Placement Clerk.. 140 00 J. H. Manning, Placement Clerk 140 00 T. J. Walsh, Placement Clerk 140 00 Women's Department, Paeifle Building. Mrs. L. M. Hall. Manager 1.50 00 May L. Harrington, Stenographer 125 00 Oakland. Mrs. H. Power, Manager 175 00 R. H. Finnell, Placement Clerk 140 00 W. L. Juri, Placement Clerk '. 140 00 Geo. F. Ryan, Placement Clerk 140 00 Mary A. Dempsey, Placement Clerk 125 00 Sacramento. F. W. Chapman, Manager 165 00 G. F. Chorley, Placement Clerk 140 00 Fresno. William G. Maas, Manager.. 175 00 J. J. Maher, Placem-nt Clerk 140 00 San Jos3. George F. Moorly. Manager 165 00 T. F. Graham, Placment Clerk IW 00 Los .'Angeles. E. H. Hancock, District Sujierintendent 20O 00 R. M. Catron, Manager ISO OO Krma B. Summers, Placement Clerk 150 00 Blanch" Halbert, Manager 150 00 S. L. Mayer, Jr., Placement Clerk li^O 00 A. O. Sanchez, Placement Clerk 150 00 Alice L. Hogan, Placement Clerk -- 140 00 L. W. Burdett", Placement Clerk I'^O 00 F. R. Sattler. Placement Clerk HO 00 L N. Barnett, Placement Clerk 140 00 L K. Carr, Pbcement Clerk - 140 00 Hal McLean, Placement Clerk 140 00 ♦Statutory. tPart-time service. JReturned from leave of absence February 1, 1921. NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 79 Public Employment Bureaus Department — Continued. (Report of officers and regular employees employed by this department on January 1, 1921.) Los Angeles— Continued. Name of Officer or Kmploycc aiul Title Monthly Salarj- Lucy Malin, Placement Clerk 125 00 Irene L. Powers. Placement Clerk 125 00 Maude C. Wilkie, Placement Clerk -.- 125 00 Ruby Bell, Placement Clerk... 115 00 Florence Thurman, Telephone Operator 100 00 Stockton. .John A. Greene, Manager 150 00 Frank Waterman, Placement Clerk 140 00 Chieo. H. L. Miller, Manager 150 00 Marysvillc. •J. S. Quinn, Manager 150 00 DELHI LAND SETTLEMENT. (Report of officers and regular employees employed by this department on .January 1, 1921.) Name of Officer or Employee and Title Monthly Salary W. E. Packard, Superintendent $333 33 M. B. Williams, Chief Engineer 333 33 M. E. Cook, Engineer 250 00 .J. R. Jahn, Engineer 250 00 E. C. Fortier, Engineer 235 00 O. W. Shuttuck, Auditor 200 00 H. B. Said. Engineer I75 OO L. N. Brown, Orchardist 170 00 R. F. KretZ; Bookkeeiier 150 00 T. M. Temple, Pipe Plant Foreman 150 00 A. L. J:nstein, Engineer 150 00 Sidney Lee, Levelman 135 00 Paul Wilcox. Rodman 135 00 John Woodhridge, Rodman 125 00 ]-:ric Olson. Rodman, 115 00 G. W. Pi't^rs, Jimior Architectural Draftsman 115 00 J. C. Hocker, Timeke"iier 100 75 Tom Herron, Stableman 100 00 Iva Wasson, Stenographer 100 00 E. W. Peters, Stenographer and Secretary 100 00 Edgar Home, Storekeeper 87 12 W. M. Bostaph. Levelman 77 44 R. H. Morgan, Rodman 74 19 Arthus Ross, Rodman 18 55 179 persons engaged for temporary or emergency employment during the fiscal year ending June .30, 1920. Total amount, $37,010.09. STATE LAND SETTLEMENT BOARD— DURHAM OFFICE. (Report of officers and regular employees employed by this department on January 1, 1921.) Name of Officer or Employee and Title Salary or Wage Geo. C. Keutzer, Superintendent $333 33 per month H. H. Dingman, Accountant 125 00 per monthf Margfret Marshal', Stenographer-Cashier 100 00 per month Earl Foijarty. Engineering Assistant 75 00 per month F. M. Butler, Laborer 45 cents per hour H. P. Bonnickson, Yard Foreman 45 cents per hourf Total numb?r of men employed for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920 576 Total amount expended for temporary or emergency employment as shown above $25,362 96 LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL BUREAU. (Report of officers and regular employees tniploycci l)y this department on January 1, 1921.) Name of Officer or Employee and Title Monthly Salary George B. Bush, Legislative Counsel $333 33 Frederick B. Wood, Assistant Counsel 225 00 John A. McGilvray, Assistant Counsel 200 00 Theodora S. Crase, Stenographer 100 00 tPart-Time Service. 80 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY. Saeiaiiiento, California. (Rojiort of ortic'.Ts and rogiihir eiii|iloyees tiiiployeil liy tliis ilci>artiiu'iit on .liimiary 1, li>21.) Namu 01 Officer or Eraployoo aiul Title Monthly Salary Milton .T. Ferguson, State Librarian $416 65* Mabel R. Oillis. Assistant State Librarian 250 OO Mrs. Laura Steffens Suggett, Branch Librarian — 225 00 .los. H. Quire, Law and Legislative Refs-rence Librarian 200 03 Susan T. Smith, Reference Librarian..-- 200 00 Mrs. May Dexter Henshall, Organizer 185 00 Eudora Gnroutte, Head, California Department — 175 00 Alice .T. Haines, Head, Documents De|)artraent 175 00 Wm. H. Lugg, Head, Shipping, Reiiair, etc -- 175 00 Ida G. Munson, Head, Catalog Department 175 OO H. C. Peterson, Collector of Californiana 175 0» lieulali Mumm, Library Instructor 165 00 Kate M. Foley, Home Teacher of tie Blind _ 150 00 Florence Lamb, Bookkeeper 150 00 Annie Lowry, In Charge of Periodicals and Binding 150 00 Mvrtle Ruhl, In Charge of Book Orders and Accessions 150 00 Helen M. Bruner, Assistant 135 00 Polly Kenton, Ass.«tant 135 00 Wm. (i. Lyons, Clerk -. 135 00 X. Ruth McCuUough, Assistant 135 00 M. Ruth McLaughlin, Assistant 135 00 Blanche L. Shadle, Assistant 135 00 Caroline E. Wenzel, Shelf Lister- 135 00 Anna Creaner, Assistant 125 00 Mary Katherine Ray, Assistant 125 00 Mrs. Vivian Gregory Smith, Assistant 125 (X) lU'ssi- B. Heath, Assistant 120 OO D. Florence Montfort, Assistant 120 CO Marguerite Walker, Stenographer 120 OO Klla A. Clark, Indexer 110 00 Franc-es Haub, Assistant 110 00 Anita Knopf, Stenographer (Sutro Branch) HO 00 Marie Lament, Assistant 110 03 Wyman Pease, Clerk 110 00 Mary V. Provines, Assistant HO €0 Lily Tilden, Assistant 110 00 Beryl Andrews, Assistant 100 00 Mrs. Gerna R. Dickson, Assistant 100 00 Sara P. Driver, Assistant 100 00 J. L. Foss, Janitor 100 OO G. A. Klees, .Janitor 100 00 Mrs. Evelyn Prentiss McKevitt, Assistant lfX» 00 Catharine -J. Morrison, Home Teacher of the Blind 100 OO R. N. Polmere, Janitor 100 00 Harry Simons, Elevator Operator 100 Oo Mrs. Dorothy Clarke Worden, Assistant 100 03 Benneta Colton, Typist _- 90 00 Emma F. deMerritt, Book Repairer -- 90 oO Mrs. Thclma A. Foss, Book Repairer — 90 00 Laura Manhart, Assistant 90 00 Mrs. Olive M. Treichler, Assistant I 90 OO Mae Duvic-: Book Repairer 85 00 Mrs. Fayc M. French, As.'^istant 85 00 Mrs. Mae Moore, Book Repairer 85 00 Lueilfi E. Ernst, Assistant - 75 Oa Anna McAncar, 'IVpist and Dictaphone Operator 75 00 Beth Mclntire, Messenger 75 Oo Ida Smith, Messenger -— - 75 OO Rose F. Butler, Assistant 70 00 Margaret Ki'.garifT, Assistant 70 00 Mrs. E'eanore H. Meads, Assistant 70 00 Irene Ryan, Assistant 70 03 .^ngelena Grant, Messenger C5 00 .Jennie Gijwitz, Assistant CO 00 Willie Milling, Messenger 60 OO Grace Raub, Assistant 60 00 Theoiloie Mill'ng. Messenger 50 00 J^inc In Fitzel], Mcssnger 50t Eleven iiersons have been employed for temporary work during the last fiscal year for wh'ch we jiaid ilie following total amount $795 75 'Statutory. tPer hour. NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 81 STATE COMMISSION IN LUNACY. Kamu oi' Officpv or Employee and Title Monthly Salary F. W. Hatch, General Superintendent $418 ©g K. a. Birdsall, Secretary 250 Earl D. White, Attorney " 250 Oo Chas. P. Waymire, Deportation Agent ".. 225 Oo K. G. Twogood, Assistant Secretary 200 00 Geo. Hucstis, Financial Agent 175 (nt Kuth M. Morse, Stenographer 125 0(J Pearl M. Stoekdale, Filing Clerk 85 00 (Persons employed for temporary or emergency employment during the h.^cal year ending -liine 30. 1!)20.) Number of Persons and Title 1 Typist ^i 00 per day when employed STATE MARKET COMMISSION AND THE STATE FISH EXCHANGE. List of permanent employees. State Market Commission. Xamo and Title Monthly Salary Gilbert B. Daniels, State Market Director $416 65 F. N. Bigelow, Secretary 300 oo Mabel E. Worth, Stenographer 12.'> (lO Madeline Spear, Stencgrapher 110 (jo Olive Oppermann, Stenographer (temporary employee filling permanent position) 110 00 Eunice Bailey, Clerk lOo OO State Fish Exchange. •Tames P. Britt, Deputy 250 00 Mrs. D. F. Shaw, Assistant Secretary 175 oo .J. H. Joy, Deputy 140 0*J S. Quartararo, Deputy 125 00 Blanche Le Sage, Stenographer 110 <0 E. M. Brough, Deputy 60 Oo J. L. Leonard, Deputy 50 00 Alfred McCaithy, Deputy 50 Oo Total $2,121 63 Total amount expended during fiscal year ending June 30, 1920 for temporary or emergency employees (State Market Commission) $225 50 Total amount expended during fiscal year ending June 30, 1920 for temporary or emergency employees (State Fish Exchange) 638 57 Total $864 07 Total number of persons employed during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, on temporary or emergency work (State Market Commission) 2o Total number of persons employed during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, on temporary or emergency work (State Fish Exchange) 13 Total 33 D. Fairchild Shaw, Assistant Secretary. MARSHALL'S MONUMENT. G. W. Morrill, Guardian. Coloma, Fobruaiy 1. 1021. Hoiwrahic State Civil Service Comtnission, and State Board Control. Gentlemen: (By request tender data and informatiou required.) Name and Title ("omiH-nsation Ga'en W. Morrill, Guardian - $75 00* James B. Connor, Laborer (6 days at $4.00) , — 24 00+ Yours truly, G. W. Morrill, Guardian. ♦Statutory position. tPart-time service. 6—9768 82 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPl-OYEES. BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS. (Rfporl of ollicers atid rigular ■ i)i;iluyt(s cmployt'd liy this (Iciiiirtinoni on January 1, 11,21.) Name of Officer or Employee aiul Title Moiitlily Salaiy 1. Harry A. Encell, Chief Counsel $300 00 •2. Charles B. Pinkhani, Secretary Treasurer 250 00* 3. H. .1. Ca^tellaw, .Special Prosecutor 2o0 OOt -I. Frank M. .Smith, Special Prosecutor 250 OOt T). Charles I). Ballard. Asscciate Counsel 2J0 00 (J. H. (i. Hen(ieis;)n, Special Agent 175 00 7. .1. M. O'Coniiell, Special Agent 17.-> 0) S. Kthel McDonaM, Chivf c:erk (Sacrameitto) 100 OO !>. Marie Hulterly, Stenographer (Sacramento) 150 00 1(1. Albert Carter, AsMstant Special Agent (Lcs Angeles) 150 00 U. .\ngel C. Favatt, Aji.«istant Spe<'ial Agent (San Francisco) 150 00 12. Kvelyn Dalton, Stenographer (San FranciMO) 125 00 l.i. Flor'jnce, Clerk (Sacramento) 120 00 14. Carniellita Williams, Bookkeeper (Sacramento) 110 CO 1."). .Alice Carter, Stenographer (Lls Ange e?) lliO (: (employed at odd intervals when necessity demanded) Operators and Cl?rks. Total amount expended from July 1, l<)19-June 30, 1920 2,719 19 Board Members (9) per diem of ^lO.Ot; when Board is in session for regular meetings of special committee meetings. Total amount expended from January 1, 1920- Jamiary 1, 1021 — 2,095 00 STATE MINING BUREAU. Report of Officers and Regular Employees Employed by this Department on January 1, 1921. Sl.jl.dO— ifoUO.OO. Xanui 01 OlB.'er u.' ICiaployi^c- ami Title Monthly Salary F. McN. Hamilton, State Mineralogist ^16 60' R. P. McLaughlin, Stat? Oil and Gas Supervisor 1 oWj 00* ¥301.00— $350.00. J. B. Case, Chief Deputy 333 33 Irving V. Augur, Deputy Oil and Gas Supervisor 30O 00 R. M. Barnes, Deputy Oil and Gas Supervisor 300 00 Clifford C. Thorns, Deputy Oil and Gas Supervisor 30O 00 $251.00— $275.00. L. Vander Leek, Engineer and Geologist 275 00 \V. \V. Thayer, Secretary 250 00* Archibald M. Johnson, Attorney Oil Depattment 250 00* M. H. Soyster, Deputy Oil and Gas Supervisor 250 CO H. B. Thomson, Deputy Oil and Gas Supervisor 250 OO !j?201.00— s,22.3.00. E. S. Boalich, Mining Kngiu'cr 220 00 \V. H. Tucker, Chief Field Assistant 220 00 \V. W. Bradley, Mining Statistician 210 00 $176.CO— $200.00. E. Htigenin, Pitrol"iuii Enginrer 200 00 C. A. Logan, Field Assistant — 190 OO $151 .CO— $175.00. Frank Sanborn, P"trogra]iher 175 00 C.' McK. Laizure, Field Assistant 175 00 Frank. D. (Jore, Petroleinn Engineer 175 00 F. M. Smith, Petroleum Engineer ^ 175 00 Martin Van Couvering, Petroleum Engineer 175 OO *12;>.(X)— $150.00. .Sam Perry, Inspector I'o.iWi Clement D. Meserve, Inspector -.- 150 OO R. E. McCabe, Inspector 150 fH) P. S. Haiiry. Inspector „.... 1.50 (K) A. O. Hadd"n, Inspector -- --- 150 (Kl Harry (jodde. Inspector 15C 00 W. \V. Copp, [ns)M'ctor 150 00 Charles L. Clark, Insi)"ctor -. 150 00 ♦Statutory. tThese employees are on a fee basis but make an average of about $2)0 per month. NAMES^ TITLES AND SALARIES. 83 STATE MINING BU REAU— Continued. (Rfport of officers and regular rmployees employed by this flfpartnient on January 1, isei.; $126.00— $130.(X>— Continued. Nanio 01 Officei or Kmployeo anil Title Monthly Salary J. .J. McDonald, A.s.s!stant Mining Statistician 150 OO Alice M. Rankin, Chief Clerk 150 00 F. M. Z.igler, Inspector 150 oo Rose Wagener, Chief Clerk 150 oo Harry Stevens, (ieological Draftsman 150 OO S. S. McXair, Inspector ^ l5o oo Riiiiiia Cooney, Stenographer 135 00 $101.(iO-*l-i"..<)0. Mary E. Bowler, Stenographer 125 (X» Eleanor" A. Urown, Clerk 125 00 Iva (!. Porter, Stenographer 125 OO Alma T. Murphy, Stenographer 125 OO A. H. Brod, Lalwratory Assistant 125 00 Esta Brooks, .Stenographer 125 00 Margaret Faulkner, Draftsman 125 OO ClitToril .Jones, (ieological Draftsman 125 00 Wallace Martin, Inspector 125 00 Simon Mtrenbach, Geological Draftsman 125 OO E. Schroeder, Inspector l2.j 00 H. F. Williams. .Janitor and Storeroom Clerk 125 00 George McKenzie, -Janitor 115 00 Lillian C. Holcomb, Stenographer 115 00 Arthur Nagel, Night Watchman 110 00 S76.00— 3100.00. Edward Denniston, .Janitor 100 00 Eva M. Galbraith, Stenographer ICO iX» Alma Klink, Stenographer 100 00 Mrs. riorenc-e Lee, Stenographer.. 100 OC Katharine McDonald, Stenographer 100 00 Kate MoHdor, Steongrapher IGO 00 Lena Owen, Stenographer 100 00 Mrs. Adele M. Pope, Stenographer 100 to Mrs. Geraldiae Prendergast, Stenographer liXi 00 Francis Eugene Kennedy, Geological Draftsman 100 00 Marguerite Lewis, Stfnograi)her M 00 $.51.00-$75.00. Genevieve Peterson, Switchboard Operator ''0 OC Ida C. Greenfield, Stenographer GO 00 Mervin Walp, .Janitor 35 00 A. Ferrarri, .Janitor 12 50 BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OLD CUSTOM HOUSE AT MONTEREY. Montei-fv. California. Fcliriiaiy 4. ^'^^21. State Civil Srrricr Commission. Smrfiminto. Calif ornia . (Tentlemen : The name of this Department is the "Board of Trustees of the Old Custom House" at Monterey. California. The Board consists of the following mem- hers : Grant Towle, (Jeo. S. Gould. Jr.. Wm. Sandholdt .Jr.. Carmel Martin and Florence Porter Plingst. of which the following are the officers: Grant Towle. President ; Geo. S. Gould, Jr.. Secretary : Wm. Sandholdt, Jr.. Treasurer. None of said members or officers receive any compensation nor has there any money been spent for any emjjloyees during UHiO. We have no salaried officers or employees connected with this Department. Verv truly vours. (Jrant Towle. Prcsidi-nt. f^4 STATE OFFICIKRS AND EMPLOYEES. MOTOR VEHICLE DEPARTMENT. Report of Officers and Regular Employees Employed by this Department on January 1, 1921. , „ ,, Moiitlily Salary Nanu. of Officer or Employee and Title ^^ Charles J. Chenu. Superintendent -— ___ •^235 00 Stephen Neai. Chief i^^p^f "^'---fe"- offlc'e' "i:::::::::::::'-'-:::: 225 00 L W Butler, Manager Los Angeles umce ^15 OO \Vm "H. Marsh, Cashier— -.. .. H L Hapgood, Office Manager VV^V^^^^Si^^ — d' f' Jerauld. Auditor - k" L Bruch, Inspector--- " _- - ■vr'ifOnpl F Brown, Inspector ■-- — Gladvs Carroll. Assistant to Superintendent H D Cloughley, Inspector - George T. Gilroy. Inspector Fhilip Godley. Assistant Auditor _'_'___._ Times T. Gormley, Carpenter IIIIII-l C K Harder. Inspector Louis LaPlace, Inspector 11"""-- '-'- L, A Manning, Inspector -- " " G F Movnahan, Inspector. _ Am~I ~ _- i/o uu A J. Healy, Manager San Francisco Office ---- qq S G Benedict, Cashier Los Angeles Office ___.__—---_ ^^^ ^^ R. C. Brewer, Inspector ;^^'- 165 00 Ethel Kav. Manager Fresno 0™=^—- jg^ ^^ Blithe Kelleher, Manager San Diego Office ^55 ^^0 S L. Blodgett, Shipping Clerk - E Frank Peterson, File Clei-k— Mattie S. York, Department Head IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ciafa ^l ^Hammnir'Department Head IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII '^on^te" L^\^^^s?r^o^nt-Aisi-sU.7.rM>-nagir--San-Frrncr^^^^^^ 135 00 Rose S Cordano, Assistant Cashier-- _ j^25 00 Josephine Cowan, Assistant Dealer Supervisor ^ "- Mrs Nell Kennedy, Department Head -- joo Irma F Russell, Stenographer and Clerk ^2^ llathrvn DeVere, Charge T-S Writers j2C Margaret J. Dolan, Stenographer-- — - — ^^, Mrs V L Crocker, Department Head ~_'_VS_'.V_ Mrs! George Huber, Rate Clerk Jewel H. Dowry. Rate Clerk__ J-^'-r'T^-^^C Margaret M Smith. Stenographer and Rate Clerk Mrs \nna E. Morris, Assistant Cashier ":::::: Marie Nealis, Rate Clerk— I-III Elmer Steinmeyer, Clerk Harvev Bernard, Clerk Ida M. Mispley. Rate Clerk -_-_'_ Slvva E. Andrews, Rate Clerk - Mrs \gnes Cadman, Rate Clerk - Mrs". Elta M. Richards, Rate Clerk Helen Higgins, Counter Rate Clerk I_II-- Robt. M. Payne, Janitor.------ Mrs Hazel Watson, Stenographer - Ren'a E Wilson, Bookkeeper Clifford B. Arne", Laborer — M T. Gratz. Shipping Clerk _V___Z Ada Grier. Assistant Cashier Marv V Stafford, Rate Clerk Juanita Mills, Counter Clerk — \V S Moores, Rate Clerk -- - Pearl C. Morgan. Stenographer Mrs. A. D. Allen, Rate Clerk- -^-y;,--^ Mrs K T Lathrop, Stenographer and Clerk - Zelma Noyes. Rate Clerk II_--I Ruth Oates. Rate Clerk-- Mrs Julia Rader. Charge Department Mrs' O. W. Wulff, Special Claim Clerk ~_"VZ Marv Casey, Typist Ada' Ford, Rate Clerk Edward White, Laborer Agnes Gallagher, Certificate Writer Anne E. Gardiner, Assistant Cashier ---- Esther Shinn. Typist ~ ~ "_ Myrtle L. Gibbs, Proof Reader Merceorothy Sharps, Stenographer 0.5 00 Mrs. Catherine Becker, File Clerk 95 00 Esther E. Crockett, Office Manager's Assistant 95 00 Josephine DuVal. Comptometer Operator 95 00 J. E. Kent, Kile Clerk 95 00 Kathryn M. Lawrence, Typist 95 00 Marga'ret McAnaw, Certificate Writer 95 00 Grace McDermott, Certificate Writer 95 00 Celia M. Moe, Typist_-_ 95 00 Margaret Roddy, Typist 95 00 Catherine J. Tomich, Typist _ 95 00 Helen I. Wall, Certificate Writer 95 00 Mrs. Nettie Bernhard, Clerk 95 00 Dawn E. Crooks, Certificate Writer 95 00 Helen Douglas, File Clerk 95 00 Marie Kreuzberger, Typist 95 00 Frances M. Rogers, File Clerk 95 00 Margaret i^ullivan. Certificate Writer 95 00 Ada Wickstrom, Typist 95 00 Lethadell A. Wilson, Stenographer 95 00 Grace Woods, Rate Clerk 95 00 Grace C. Zarick, Typist 95 00 Marie Domingas, Typist _ 95 00 Margaret Brackett, Stenographer 95 00 Mrs. Mae Emerson, Typist. 95 00 Lucy A. Hillman, Typist 95 00 Sarah Pollard, Stenographer __ 95 00 Margaret Rudd, Typist 95 00 Lucille E. Aitken, Certificate Writer 90 00 Anne B. Averill. Proof Reader 90 00 Nevada Bader, Proof Reader--. 90 00 Daphne Bottorff, Clerk 90 00 Ruth Glacklin, Typist — 90 00 Mary Guisto. Clerk 90 00 Cora E. Higgins, File Clerk... 90 00 Claire King, File Clerk 90 00 Coral E. Porter, Certificate Writer 90 00 Josephine Woodmansee, Clerk 90 00 Robina J. Alexander, Mail Clerk 90 00 Ruth Assalena, Assistant Rate Clerk__-- 90 00 Mrs. E. L. Brown. File Clerk 90 00 Hazel R. Brown. Clerk 90 00 Ida Butler, Clerk 90 00 Bessie Estev, Stenographer 90 00 Anabel Flanagan. T-S Writer 90 00 Margaret I-'lemming, Assistant Rate Clerk 90 00 Anna M. Gastman, Typist 90 00 Henry H. Hatch, File Clerk -- 90 00 Ida Kelso. File Clerk 90 00 Cora O'Brien, Clerk 90 00 Marguerite Schmidt, T-S Writer , 90 00 Murrice Slieehan, Clerk — 90 00 Elsie G. Sherwood, Clerk 90 00 Frances Tomick, Typist 90 00 Mary S. Touhey, File Clerk 90 00 Dorothy Remnier, Typist . 90 00 Ada Brooks, Assistant Cashier 90 00 Mrs. Woodye Stewart, Clerk 90 00 Mrs. Anna Fletcher, Typist 90 00 Donna Duffy. Typist 85 00 Mrs. B. C. Derr, File Clerk — 85 00 Mrs. Bertha J. Earl, Clerk 85 00 Virginia Guisto, Clerk 85 00 Mrs. Emma E. Harnev. File Clerk 85 00 Doris B. Larke, File Clerk 85 00 Mary E. Schwan, File Clerk S5 00 Mrs. Jennie Short, File Clerk -- 85 00 Dorothea B. Smith, Clerk 85 00 Bertha Todd. Clerk — 85 00 Mrs. Lucile D. Wharton, Assistant Rate Clerk 85 00 E.sther Bloomberg, File Clerk -- 85 00 Mabel Bowman, Telephone Operator 85 00 Evelyn Carpenter, Typist 85 00 Florence Finchley, Assistant Rate Clerk • 85 00 Ernestine Friedel, Typist 85 00 E. M. Lvons, Proof Reader 85 00 Mrs. M. H. Small, File Clerk 85 00 Alice M. Wall. Proof Reader 85 00 Victoria E. Torosian. Stenographer 85 00 C. M. Abbott, Typist - 85 00 86 • STATE OFFTCEE?S AND EMPLOYEES. MOTOR VEHICLE DEPARTM ENT— Continued. (Report of officers and regular employees eiiiployeil by tliis ilcpartment on January 1, 1921.) Name of Offic-t-r or Kmployee ami Title Moiitlily Salary Mary Elinlnirst. Stenos''apher 85 00 Ethel Fairclough. Typist 85 00 Floienie Gregory. Typi-st 85 00 Mrs. Edith Goodin, Typist 85 00 Charlotte Levin, Typist 85 00 Beulah Maudlin, Telephone Information 85 00 .Jidia Macnamara. Stenographer 85 00 Margaret Quail, Proof Reader 85 00 Mrs. Lesley M. Carlisle. Clerk 80 00 Mrs. Lottie G. Dowle. Clerk 80 00 Lolita O'Connor, Clerk 80 00 Cora E. Stelter, Clerk- 80 00 Louise K. Woods. Typist — '- 80 00 Irene Balsz, Certificate Writer -- 80 00 Ruth Banks. Clerk SO 00 Mrs. Frarl Burnett, Proof Reader 80 00 Marguerite Camenzind, Typist -- 80 00 Viola Driver, Clerk 80 00 Mrs. Albertine Jones, Proof Reader 80 00 Mildred LeRoy, Clerk 80 00 Edna H. Lyons, Clerk 80 00 Virginia O'Brien, Typist — 80 00 Rose E. Parker, Typist- 80 00 Kathleen Furl, Duplicator Operator 80 00 Clara A. Cave, Clerk 75 00 Nellie L. Ennis, Clerk 75 00 Josetta Holt. Typist _ — _, 75 00 Grace I.,. Klotz, Proof Reader -- 75 00 Nellie Maultby, Clerk 75 00 L^u H. Peterson, Clerk Mrs. Ambrose Johnson, Clerk Daisy Stoughton, Clerk -- Mrs. Pearl Agner. Clerk Lena Alderson. Clerk -- George V. Anderson, Duplicator Operator Mrs. Clara Bennett, Matron — Lulu Bower, Clerk Lucy A. Byrne, Clerk Ella Calvert, File Clerk Louise Edwards, Clerk Georgie Ellsworth, File Clerk Anna Folsom, Clerk _- Mrs. O. F. Kohman. Clerk 75 Mrs. Gussie H. Lynn. Proof Reader 75 Lottie McRae, Clerk 75 Earl Nicolaus, Messenger . 75 l^illian Smith. Clerk 75 Addle Van Voast, Clerk 75 Zitka Wilhelm, Clerk 75 Maude R. Wilson, Clerk 75 Genevieve Kennedy, Messenger -- Kate Costella. Clerk Rose Hershkowitz, Messenger Mayme Potter, Clerk Dolores Dashiell, Messenger Elaine Conrad, Messenger Xani;i oi' Offlcer or Emi)Io.vci' and Title Daily \V Leonard Van Buskirk, Shipping Clerk 4 Charles B. Addison, Laborer 4 D. R. Baldwin. Laborer 4 Timothy J. Healy, Laborer 4 Albeit Lewis, Laborer -- 4 Reuben Woolf, Laborer 4 James Whalen, Laborer 4 Temporary employees for the year ending June .30, 1920 — 376 employees. .$56,497.38. NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 87 CHICO STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. (Report of ofTicvis ami reguh:r riiiiioyccs ciiitjloycd liy thi-i departniciil on .liiiniary 1, 1921.) Nanif 01- Offli't'.- or Kinployfr ajul Tiilc Monthly Salary C. M. Osenbaugh, President $400 00 E. I. Miller, Supervisor History 266 66 C. K. Studley, Vice President 266 66 E. L. Cole, Education 250 00 E. A. Powers, Supervisor English 205 00 M. E. Meriam, Education — 187 50 Bertha C. Cady, Supervisor Biological Science 183 33 Eva M. Ealand, Supervisor Manual Art 180 00 Lida Lennon, Supervisor Music 180 00 Clara M. McQuade, Supervisor Grammar and Literature 180 00 Emma A. Wilson, Supervisor Training Scliool 180 00 Anna Louise Barney, Dean of Women 175 00 Saidee E. Stark, Supervisor Home Economics-- 165 00 Carl J. Schreiter, Supervisor Manual Training 160 00 Marion B Barbour, Supervisor Sub-Primary -- -- 158 ^?, Gay E. McLaren, Assistant Home Economics 150 00 Isa D. Reed, Assistant Training School : 150 00 Mabel Whitmore, Supervisor Art 150 00 Sara A. Doyle, Assistant Training School 145 83 Clara Kaps, Assistant Training School 141 66 Alice Sproul, Teacher Rural School 141 66 Cora A. Covey, Supervisor Physical Education -- 133 33 Walter Hann, Supervisor Maintenance and Construction 166 66 Alice Anderson, Librarian 150 00 Gladys Ingraham, Assistant Secretary _- 120 00 J. Albright, Engineer and Janitor 116 66 Henry Locey, Gardener 105 00 Geoi'ge Lowry, Janitor 105 00 Chas. McClard, Janitor 105 00 Dally Wage Annie J. Robinson, Cafeteria Cook 4 00 Monthly Salary Isabel Martin, Librarian, Training School 20 00 Grace Jessen, Assistant Librarian -- t Tvette Baker, Assistant Librarian t No per diem or extra maintenance allowed. Summer Session. Persons Kngaged for Temporary and Emergency Work During Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1920. M. Blanche Cummings, Primary Methods, Summer Session $119 23 Lillian Brown, Physical Education, Summer Session _- 119 23 Annie S. Baldock, Cook, Summer Session 76 00 Mavme L. Saver, Manager, Cafeteria, Summer Session 66 00 Alma J. Fee, Kitchen Labor, Summer Session (1919-20) 95 00 Mrs. Julia Morgan, Assistant Cook, Summer Session — 36 00 Mrs. Robinson, Cafeteria Cook, Summer Session 40 00 Floyd Hann, Carpenter Labor 170 00 Vera Baldock, Kitchen Labor — 8 00 Homer Kniglit, Labor on Grounds 10 50 Earl Bacus, Labor on Grounds 9 00 Koy A. Lowry, Labor on Grounds -- 11 00 Andrew Mullen, Labor on Grounds -- 50 00 John Bruce, Labor with Team 3 50 Geo. W. Long, Labor on Grounds -- 20 00 Brett Deveney, Repairs, Labor 12 25 P. M. Hull, Extra Janitor Service 14 60 Mrs. Lillian Ackeman, Janitor Work, Kindergarten fi 30 Ray Britton, Extra Janitor Work_^ 17 50 Brett Deveney, Extra Janitor Work I'l 25 Mrs. Robinson, Extra Kitchen Labor 31 50 Gladys Pearce, Hectograph Work -- 7 50 C. B. Whitmoyer, Teaching Chemistry 84 00 Total Expended $1026 36 Total of 23 persons employed. Chico State Normal School : By C. M. Osenbaugh, President. February 11, 1921. fPaid at rate of 35 cents per hour, approximately $11 per month, each. 88 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. i^ FRESNO STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. Fresno, California. (Report of officers and regular eiiiiiloyees employed by this (icpartment on January 1, 19-21.) Xarao oi Offloe.- or Eiiiployeo ami Title Monthly Salary C. L. McLane, President $450 00 F. "W. Thomas. Vice-President 320 00 G. W. Graves, Director, Agriculture 240 00 W. B. Givens, Director, Manual Arts 240 00 G. II. Huntting, English-- 240 00 Emory Ratcliffe, Economics 240 00 P. P. Valentine, Principal, Training Department 240 00 A. G. Wahlberg. Director, Music 240 00 H. J. King. Science 220 00 E. W. Lindsav. Rural Education 220 00 Maude E. Schaeffer, Dean of Women 215 00 Alexandra Bradshaw, Director, Art 205 00 Imogene Kriskey, Director Physical Education 205 00 Blanche W. Taft, Director, Home Economics 205 00 Grace Allingham, Assistant Home Economics 180 00 Cora Burdick, Assistant Home Economics 180 00 Juliet Dixon, Assistant Physical Education 180 00 Katherine Dukes, Assistant Art 180 00 Edna Orr James. Assistant Education 180 00 Elizabeth Peterson, Assistant Music 180 00 Felita M. Smith, Assistant Education 180 00 Frances J. Whitlock, Assistant Art 180 00 John Finity, Mechanic and Engineer — 165 00 Margaret Wear, Supervisor, Training Department 165 00 Ida Baker. Supervisor, Trainintr Department 160 00 Floralvn Cadwell, Supervisor, Training Department 160 00 Kathryn Daly, Supervisor. Training Department — 160 00 Nellie Hamilton, Supervisor, Training Department 160 00 Marian Powell, Supervisor, Training Department 160 00 Agnes Tobin, Librarian 160 00 Bernice Teague. Recorder 125 00 D. A. Gordan, Janitor — 100 00 Freda Van Fleet, Office Assistant -- — 90 00 ]-ouis W Freoli, Gardener 90 00 W. H. Whitlow, Gardener — __- 90 00 Fred Marcellus, Assistant Engineer 55 OOt Mrs. W. P. Miller, Lecturer 50 OOt Mrs. D. A. Gordan, Janitress-- 50 OOt Harold Wahlberg, Assistant Engineer 50 OOt Erwin Martin, Assistant Janitor 45 OOf Roy Larson, Assistant Janitor 45 OOt Roy McConnell, Assistant Janitor 45 OOt Mary Gorrell, Assistant Libi-arian _ 40 OOt Thelma Steinwand. Assistant Music 25 OOt Hazel Thomas. Assistant Music 25 OOt tEmployed part time. HUMBOLDT STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, " Areata, California. (Heiiiirt of olIic'M^ anil rcKuh-r employees employed by this department on January 1, 1021.) Range of Salary — $201.00 to $400.00. Xaiiui of Officer or Employee aiu'. Title Monthly Salary N. B. Van Matre, President $375 00 Bena K. Hansen, Teacher — 222 00 Cassa B. Graves, Rural Supervisor 216 00 E. E. Balcomb, Teacher 210 00 L. Viola Waller, Teacher 204 00 Oliver E. Irons, Teacher 204 00 $51.00 to $200.00. A. G. Sly. Teacher 200 00 R. H. Jenkins, Teacher 196 36 Mabel Wilson, Teacher 188 00 Ivstelle Brand-wie, Teacher 180 00 Virginia C. Bacon, Librarian 155 00 J. W. Rose, Janitor 105 00 Jessie L. Turner, Secretary 75 00 Ida Ingraham, Clerical Assistant 30 OOJ Frank Decker, Teamster with team 9 OOt Charles Grotzman, Teamster with team 9 OOt John Lima, Laborer 5 OOf Lawrence Geisler, Laborer — 5 OOt Carrie Rose, Assistant Janitor, 5 hours per day at $.40 per hour 2 OOf Harvey McCammon, Assistant Jiinitor, 4 hours per day at $.40 per hour 1 60t tPt-r day. {Half days. NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 89 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL OF SAN DIEGO. (Report of officers and regular eiiiiiloyees einployed !)>■ this ilcpaniiient on January 1, 19M.) Nanio 01 Officer or Employee ami Title Monthly Salary Edward L. Hardy, President $450 00 W. F. Bliss. Vice President 285 00 Mirian A. Besley. Director of Education 275 00 Wm. T. Skilling, Instructor in Agriculture and Nature Study 241 00 Caroline Townsend. Instructor in Education and Reading 241 00 Agnes Moore Frvberger.i Instructor in Music 240 00 Irving E. Outcalt, Instructor in English 235 00 Edith Wengel,* Instructor in Home Economics 230 00 Ada Hughes Coldwell. Dean of Women 223 75 Jessie R. Tanner. Instructor in Physical Education 223 75 Vinnie B. Clark, Instructor in Geography 216 00 Georgia V. Coy, Instructor in Biology 216 00 Chas. R. Scudder. Instructor in Manual Training 216 00 Florence L. Smith. Acting Principal of Training School 191 66 Alice Greer.:: Supervisor Sixth Grade 183 27 Charlotte Robinson. Librarian 180 00 Florence Bryant Delane, Registrar 168 00 Beulah Marker. Instructor in Industrial Arts 168 00 Ethel Cunningham. Supervisor Fourth Grade 168 00 Edith C. Hammack. Supervisor First Grade 168 00 Marv Benton. Instructor in Fine Arts — 167 08 C. R". McLaughlin, Chief Engineer -- 155 00 F. W. Van Home, Head Janitor and Custodian 155 00 Mary Spayd, Supervisor Second and Third Grades 154 16 John Snyder, Supervisor Seventh Grade 154 16 Gertrude S. Bell.t Director Tests and Measurements 133 52 C. L. Fisk, Assistant Engineer and Janitor 133 33 Martin Roth. Head Gardener.— -- 133 33 Thekla K. Rice. Assistant Secretary 129 16 A. L. Seelig, Janitor Training School 125 00 Mary Bovver. Assistant Instructor in Physical Education 120 83 Otto Young. Assistant Gardener — 116 66 Winifred Woods. Librarian Training School 115 83 George Averbeck. Janitor Main Building 112 50 T. A. Wier. Night Watchman 112 50 Jennie E. Adams, Instructor in Typing, and Faculty Secretary 108 33 George Gerhard, Assistant Gardener 108 33 Ethel Bailey, f Instructor in French 70 00 Berta Lynch. t Instructor in Snanish 70 00 Hazel Ball.T Assistant in Training School 50 00 Chesley Mills. t Director of Orchestra 45 83 Freda Kronowitter.t Helper in Cafeteria 40 00 Frances Sterne. t Spanish in Training School 35 00 Sadie Seelig.t Helper in Cafeteria — 32 00 J. A. Carpenter. t Bookkeeper 25 00 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL AT SAN FRANCISCO. Pay roll as of January 1, 1921. 1 Frederic Burk. President $450 00 2 Archibald Anderson. Dean 300 00 3 A. S. Boulware. Supervisor -- 225 00 4 Esther Gaw, Supervisor 215 00 5 Thomas Thompson, Supervisor 210 00 6 Anna Hillesheim, Supervisor 210 00 7 Effie McFadden, Supervisor 210 00 8 Nfllie Neal. Supervisor 210 00 9 Mary Ward. Supervisor 210 00 10 Sarah Barrows. Supervisor -- 210 00 11 D. R. Augsburg. Supervisor 200 00 12 Candis Nelson, Supervisor 200 00 13 Olive Thompson. Supervisor _-- 190 00 14 Cecelia Anderson. Supervisor 175 00 15 Helen Davis. Supervisor 175 00 16 .Alice Leutzker. Supervisor 175 00 1( Marion O'Neil. Supervisor 175 00 18 Frank Ray. Supervisor 175 00 19 Katherine Hussey, Business Secretary 175 00 20 Mary McCauley. Supervisor 170 00 21 Albertina Richards, Supervisor 166 66 22 Alice Spelman, Supervisor 165 00 23 Eva Levy, Supervisor -- 165 00 24 Florence Vance. Supervisor : 165 00 25 Clara Crumoton. Supervisor 160 00 26 Lucv Cuddv, Supervisor 160 00 I'T Hilda Smith. Supervisor 160 00 -< Fern Alderson. Supervisor 15b 00 -'I Giace Carter. Assistant Supervisor 150 00 ^Salaries paid in tiiiijlu.\\r.s e;niil(i.\ nl on .January 1, r.)21.) Nauie of Officer or Employee and Title Monthly Salary or Uaily WaK;- C. L. Phelps, President $416 66 Maiy H. Tracy. Dean 263 33 I'hai-lotte Kbbets. Director. Home Economics : 213 33 Fi-edeiick Horridgc, Director, Manual Arts , 213 33 A. Irene Struthers, Director, Art Department 213 33 Winifred Frye, Head, Domestic Art Department 205 83 Susanna Rogers, Head, Physical Education 205 00 AVilliam Ashworth, Head, English Department 200 00 Kathryn Long, Director, Training Department 200 00 Raymond Moshler, Head, Music Department 200 00 Alice Bradley, Instructor, Home Economics 180 00 Mary E. Crosvvell, Instiuctor, Art Department 190 00 Hazel E. Severy, Head, Chemistry Department 200 00 Clara Youngs, Instructor, Home Economics 180 00 Winifred Weage, Instructor, Physical Education 166 66 William Rust, Instructor, Manual Arts 175 00 Mrs. Jane C. Miller, Secretary 150 00 H. B. Thomas, Superintendent Building and Grounds 130 00 Norma Corey, Registrar and Financial Secretary 125 00 Mrs. Mabel Sampson, Instructor, Home Economics 125 00 Aldene Winham, Librarian 125 00 George Jones, Janitor and Gardener 95 00 C. H. Smick, Janitor and Gardener 95 00 Mrs. C. Murphy, Janitress 90 00 Marie O'Malley, Assistant Janitress 75 00 Monthly Salaries in Ascending Scales Showing Number in Each Group, $51 to $75—1 76 to 100—3 101 to 125—3 126 to 150—2 151 to 175—2 176 to 200—7 $401 to $450—1 This is a complete list of the employees of tliis institution as well as a complete statement of all compensation received by said employees. C. L. Phelps, President Santa Barbara Normal School. CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF OPTOMETRY. ( XTice of .Secretary. (Report of officers and regular employees emplo\ed 1)\- this department on January 1, 1921.) Name of Officer or Kini>lo.vee and Title Yearl.v Conii'eiisation J. C. Crawford, .Secretary -- $600 00* John M. Forsyth, J. M. Crawford, Herman Davis, constitute the Board. They draw $10 per diem for each day of attendance at Board meetings. Total per diem for the year ending June 30, 1920 470 00 Temporary employees. Harriet Crawford, Stenograplier and Clerk: Total 779 35t .Sundry attorneys: Total fees paid 300 OOf .Sundry investigators and operators 187 60t PACIFIC COLONY. (Report of officers and regular emuluyees emploved bv this institution on January 1, 1921.) Name of Officer or Employee and Title Monthly Salary Dr. W. C. Rappleye, Superintendent $200 OOf C. W. Peck, Executive Secretary 175 00 and maintenance 140 00 .\gne.s Frisius, Stenographer 50 OOt Lila Mattl-son, Stenogiapher and Office Secretary 50 OOf •Mode Erasure, Farm Hand 90 00 Daily wage Walter Gleason, Farm Hand $4 OOt Pacific Colony, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, engaged eight (8) persons for temporary or emererency employment at a total expenditure of $840.91, which amount includes the sum of $385. 5(1, which was expended for office work. *Statutor.v position. tPart-limc service. NAMKS, TITr.KS AND SATiARHOS. 03 PACIFIC COLONY— Continued. The persons i-eceiviiiK this latter sum were three in number and each in turn acted as office secretary and stenographer. This total sum also includes some team hire, in which connection sometimes one man was employed with a team of two and sometimes of four horses, the total team hire included in the above total sum of •1840.91 amounting to .$283. In other wortis, the total sum expended for temporary or emergency employ- ments, during the above mentioned period, and not including the team hire, was $557.91. CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY. E. T. Off, rasadena. H. B. Meader, Oakland, J. O. McKown, Livermore, H. J. Finger. Santa Barbara, Raymond G. Bindley. Fresno, E. J. Molony, Sm Francisco. .1. S. O'Callaghan, San Francisco; ."iOfi Flood Building, Maiket at I'owfll Street, San Francisco, California. (Report of officeis and icsular enipln\pes (in))l()\eil b\- Ihi.s (Icparl nieiit on .Januaiv 1, 1921.) California State Board of Pharmacy. Name of Offlccr or Kmiiloye and Title Mi/Jitlily Salary or l>aily \Va«.r Louis Zeh, Secretary, permanent $300 00 Edward T. Reilly, Inspector, temporary 190 00 Fred H. Roberts, Inspector, permanent 190 00 Fred A. Lion, Inspector, temporary 185 00 W. B. Luckenbach, Inspector, temporary 185 00 Fred C. Boden, Inspector, temporary 180 00 Roy Jones, Inspector, temporary ISO 00 Chris Hansen, In.«pector, temporary 175 00 Charles D. Dickinson, Inspector, temporary 165 00 D. R. Dunbar, Inspector, temporary 165 00 T. J. Mclnerney, Inspector, temporary 165 00 C. E. Peoples, Inspector, temporary 165 00 Harry Charmak, Inspector, permanent 150 00 Ethel Wigley, Clerk-Stenographer, permanent 140 00 Mrs. T. C. Everitt, Clerk-Stenographer, permanent 125 00 Marietta Flynn, Stenographer, temporary 90 00 W. R. Dickinson. Inspector, permanent, {Local, Los Angeles) 30 00 NOTE — Maintenance Inspectors : Three meals per day, single quarters $3 per day. No maintenance of any kind allowed in San Francisco, Oakland or Los Angeles. Actual tra\eling expenses of Secretar>-. STATE BOARD OF PILOT COMMISSIONERS. H. Z. Howard, President, Alfied G.eenebaum, George E. Wallace; Hugh M. Burke, Secretary. Office 311 Merchants Exchange. San Francisco, February 9, 1921. State Civil Service Coviinission, Sacramento, California. Gentlemen: In reply to youi- kind letter of January 2.S. 1921, the State Board "f Pilot Commissionei-s foi' San Fiancisco, Mare Island, Vallejo and Benicia find that the form enclosed is not applicable to the statutes governing our Commission, but the following report in triplicate will supply the information desired: 1. Name of Commission — State Board of Pilot Commissioners for San Francisco, Mare Island. Vallejo and Benicia. Number of Commissioners — three (appointed by the Governor), namely: H. Z. Howard, Alfred Greenebaum and (3eorge E. Wallace, of San Francisco. Seci-etary — Hugh M. Burke, San Francisco. The Commissioners do not receive compensation from the treasury of the State. They receive monthl.v five per centum of the pilotage collected, from which they pay the salary of the Secretary ($160 per month), rent of office, 311 Merchants Exchange Building ($25 pei- month); also charges foi- stenography, printing, telephone and othsr expenses. The compensation is fixed b.\' law and no money is drawn from the State. 2. The law authorizes the Commission to appoint not more than twenty and not less than fifteen bar pilots and two ba.\' and river pilots. The pilots hire their own help, purchase theii' provisions, subsist the c'icw. provide their own boats, pay for i-epairs. rent, insurance, and consul fees from the piU)tag'e collected, and appoi'tion the residue to the pilots. They do not receive any money from the State government. The regulations governing the pilots were adopted by the Pilot (Commissioners on May 12, 1891. Since January 1. 1915, the lates of pilotage in this port have been reduced 33^ per cent and are now acceptable to the shipping interests and conform to the charges for pilotage in the ports of New Vork. Boston. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk, New Orleans. Galveston, Liverpool and, in fact, all other great ports of the world. The pilots are capable, intelligent men of character and ability, who undergo rigid examinations as to their qualifications in seamanship before a license is issued by the Commissioners. Yours very truly. State Board of Pilot Commissioners. H. Z. Howard, President; Hugh M. Burke, Secretary. 9-1- STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. PIO PICO MANSION TRUSTEES. Miss yoia J. Beat, iicvrct(ir\i, Utatc Civil Service Commission. Dear Madam: Your esteemed favor is at hand, and I note the ofticial enquiry re'.a- five to the status of employment at the Pio Pico Mansion. As there is no one paid in connection therewith it is impossible foi- me to fill in the blanks as requested. The family living in llie house luive paid no rent and been paid no salary. They have been there for eight years giving good care to keep the place in order. A'ery truly, (Signed) Harriet W. R. Strong, Chairman Trustee.? Pio Pico Mansion. CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL. (Rtpoit of officers and regiil;ii- t'lnplnyces cmiiloyt-d Ijy this institulinn on .January 1, 19JI.) .Naiiu of Otliivr oi Kniploycf ami Title MmitliLv Salary oi Daily \Vai,v M. fi. Chase, Vice Director and Head of Academic Department $260 OOt R. W. Ryder, Director -50 OOt F. M. AVatson. Instructor and Head of Agricultural Department 240 OOt E. H. Bendcl. Instiuctor and Head of Engineering Mechanics Department 240 OOt R. S. Havslip, Instructor 22u OOt li. M. Howe, lodcructor 220 OOt J. T. Saunders, Instructor 220 OOt M. Skartedt. Instructor 220 00-^ H. C. Figsre, Instructor 210 OOt H. Hess, instructor 200 OOt L. B. Hawk, Instructor 200 OOt B. B. Hoover, Instructor, Head of Domestic Science Department 200 OOt J. G. Hudspith, Instructor 200 OOt E. A. Weller, Instructor 200 OOt H. N. Whitlock, Instructor 200 OOt B. A. Williams, Instructor 200 OOt M. L. Yearv, Instructor 200 OOt J. C. Deuel, Instructor, ($155.00-$35.00 maintenance) 190 OOf W. D. Simpson, Bookkeeper 175 00 M. M. Bland, Registrar, Secretary, Office Manager, Substitute teacher 150 00 H. C. Kinsman, Farm Superintendent 150 UO .1. H. Perozzi, Superintendent, Power, Heat and Light 150 00 M. B. Stedman, Librarian . 139 78t *C. O. Dyer, Carpenter 125 00 C. G. Clark, Dairvman, Assistant Animal Husbandry 125 00 *C. C. Page, Horticulturist 125 00 George Matts, Horseman, Assistant Animal Husbandry 110 00 L. Broughton, Assistant Engineer 115 00 *A. Smith, Head Cook ($100.00-$35.00 maintenance) 135 OOt *F. Smith. Second Cook ($100.0(»-$35.00 maintenance) 135 OOt *C. Dienning, Kitchen Helpei- ($75.00-$35.00 maintenance) 110 OOt *R. McCutcheon, Kitchen Helper ($75.00-$35.00 maintenance) 110 OOt ♦Josie Smith, Kitchen Helper ($75.00-$35.00 maintenance) lit! )0+ ♦John Waspi, Kitchen Helper ( $75. OO-.f 35.00 maintenance) 110 OOt E. Simon, Horseman, Assistant Animal Husbandry 100 00 \V. W. Vernon, Farm Laborer 100 00 J. Kortlick, Farm Laborer 100 00 C. Steiner, Tvpist and Clerk 100 Of *G. Silverio, .Janitor 100 00 *H. Clark, .Janitoi- 90 00 R. C. Wood. Light .Auto Truck Driver 100 00 \. Davis, Night Power Plant Operator (student) 30 00 *H. Bock, Dormitory Laundry Checker Student 10 OOt •E. Burr, Student .Janitor 15 OOt *3. Guvton, Student .Janitor 12 OOt *E Kincaid. Student .Janitor 13 OOt ►H. Newman, Student Janitor 13 OOt D. W. Faeh, Laboiei' '.nd Assistant to Agriculture-Horticulture-- 4 00 J. Hignera, Faim Laborer 3 50 G. A. Sherrill, Farm Laborer 3 50 Albert Barrios, Farm Laborer 3 50 •These men are paid from earnings of Dining Hall Cafeteria and farm and not by State appropriation. tTeaihers and student janitors also the dining hall help we have checked as part time as their salary is ten installments only instead of twelve. Statement No. 2, Emergency Employees, July 1, 1919 to June 30, 1920. Tractor Operator 6 months 7J days at $100 per month $628 39 Inventory Typist and Audit Clerk, 4 months at $4 per day 416 00 Five Students, Saturdays and holidays, 45 days at $3 per day 675 00 Eleven farm laborers during harvest, 57 days at $3.50 per day (farm labor) 2,194 50 NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 95 PRESTON SCHOOL OF INDUSTRY. Name of Officer or Kniiiloycc anil Title Monthly Salary O. H. Close, Superintendent $370 00 ($70.00 allowed as maintenance for Mr. and Mrs. dose.) A. C. Acker, Athletic Director 250 00 J. D. Ehlers, Assistant Superintendent 235 00 E. Duane Smith, Supervising Principal 235 00 Dr. W. O. Solomon, Resident Physician 235 00 H. A. Harper, Secretary 210 00 H. P. Watson, Detail Officer 160 00 .\. J. Berg, Bandmaster 155 00 L. A. Coan, Electrician 1 155 00 C. H. Campbell, Mason 155 00 W. S. Coopei-, Plasterer 155 00 R. W. Carter. Carpenter 155 00 .John E. Doney. Printer 155 00 William Duffen, Chef 155 00 J. W. Gillum, Commissary and Company Captain 155 00 F. C. Genzeii, Gardener 155 00 J. E. Howell, Blacksmith 155 00 George F. Heindel, Engineer 155 00 H. W. Lane, Tailor 155 00 C. W. Lathlean, Auto Mechanic 155 00 Charles L. Long, Butcher 155 00 Walter Muntz, Plumber 155 00 George E. Mann, Laundryman 155 00 D. Murphv, Baker 155 00 H. G. McGrew, Millman 155 00 J. H. Saunders, Dairyman 155 00 M. B. Tregaskis. Painter __ 155 00 C. R. Ashton, Shoemaker 150 00 John Wakefield, Chief Clerk 150 00 H. J. Ashton, Assistant Detail Officer 145 00 H. Harris, Inspector 145 00 H. H. Aldridge, Night Captain 135 00 John J. Barry, Company Officer 135 00 J. E. Cass, Company Officer 135 00 Thomas Dooley, Company Officer -- 135 00 Arthur Denegar, Company Officer 135 00 Jerome Dillon, Company Officer 135 00 Charles E. Kinnev, Company Officer--- 135 00 H. C. Lee, Company Officer 135 00 J. Edward Mulcahy, Company Officer 135 00 William Murphv, Companv Officer 135 00 T. F. Murphy, Company Officer 135 00 F'arker Robinson. Company Officer 135 00 James G. Rilev, Companv Officer 135 00 Charles F. Stark. Company Officer 135 00 Milo P. Smith, Company Officer 135 00 J. P. Sorensen, Company Officer 135 00 T. J. Whelan. Companv Officer 135 00 Leland B. Wakefield. Company Officer 135 00 George E. Wilson. Company Officer 135 00 Clara A. Andiew, Teacher 130 00 Arvista INIann. Teacher 130 00 Rebecca F. Oates, Teacher 130 00 Victoria Rudd. Teacher -- 130 00 Narcissa Sheets. Teachei- 130 00 Jean Pauline Smith. Teacher 130 00 John Faiagher. Night Watchman, Co. F 130 00 A. Belon. Night Engineer 130 00 Isabell Ashton. Bookkeeper 1?0 00 Mollie Duffen, Cook 120 00 Mayme B. Powers. Nurse 120 00 Peter J. Becker, Nip-ht Watchman — 120 00 Thomas Curry, Night Watcliman 120 00 John Campion, Night W^atchman 120 00 Frank Dickinson, Night Watchman 1-0 00 Alfred E. Forson. Night Watchman 120 00 Dominick Gallagher. Night Watchman 120 00 Roscoe E. Gravel. Night Watchman 120 00 L. A. Lerov. Night Watchman 120 00 C. W. Robinson, Night Watchman 120 00 Thomas Tyndall, Night Watchman 120 00 William L. Throssel. Night Watchman 120 00 D. L. Walker. Night Watchman 120 00 M. Merriweather, Ditch Tender 115 00 Edith L. Campbell, Clerk • 110 00 Augusta Ehlers, Supervising Matron HO 00 John Heinze, Poultryman HO "0 Eleanor Van Praag, Stenogiapher HO 00 Irene Carter. Housemother 95 00 Catherine Denegai-. Housemother 95 00 Flora Howell. Housemother 95 00 Florence McGrew. Housemother 95 00 Maud Watson, Dining Room Matron 95 00 Lillian P. Lathlean, Clerk 95 00 Dli STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. PRESTON SCHOOL OF I N DUSTRY— Continued. Name of Officer or Kiniiloy.-e ami Title Moiitlily Salary Louise L. Wilson, Clerli 95 00 Margaret ]Murphv. Sewing Room Instructor 95 00 Marv S. Gillum, Censor 85 00 Clara Rothe, Cook 85 00 Linda A. Barry, Housekeeper 75 00 Maud Ballard, Housekeeper 75 00 Lillian D. Coan, Housekeeper 75 00 May Heindel, Housekeeper 75 00 Callie Kenny, Housekeeper 75 00 Florence Lee, Housekeeper 75 00 Christine A. Muntz, Housekeeper 75 00 Enna Robinson, Housekeeper 75 00 I%a Smith, Housekeeper 75 00 S. E. Crow, t Chaplain 30 00 M. J. O'Connor, t Catholic Chaplain 30 00 Laura M. Berg, t Pianist 20 00 $,3r>.o0 per month added to each salary for board and room. DEPARTMENT OF STATE PRINTING. (Report of Ottiters and Regular Employees Employed by This Department on January 1, 1921.) Working hours: 8 to 5, or S hours daily. Name of OCBcer or Employee and Title Monthly Salary J. M. Cremin, Superintendent $416 65* ,J. M. Welsh, General Foreman 275 GOD .J. W. Bowman, Foreman Composition Department --.. 282 SOU tH. K. Orman, Night Composition Department 262 50U D. D. Sullivan, Deputy and Foreman 250 00* Robt. Alexander, Chief Clerk 230 OO .1. C. Gilkerson, Cost .\cfountant 230 00 W. M. L. Rigsbee. Cost Checker -.. 225 OO C. H. .Johnson, Copy Editor 210 00 U L. R. Wertz, Maehini., Linotype Operator -- 7 68 H. C. DeAlina, Linotype Orx-rator 7 66 Lee (i. Daggett, Linotype Operator 7 68 Lester Groth, Linotype Operator 7 65 Olive Hiiltleston, Linotype Operator 7 66 H. C. Jillson, Linotype Operator 7 66 Tlioinas Melvin, Linotype Operator 7 66 W. R. O'Brien, Linotype Operator 7 66 G. A. Pagnello, Linotype Operator 7 65 U Requires nieintjer of printing trades union. X Rerpiires union scale. 'Statutory position. tPart-time service. JTemporary. NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 97 DEPARTMENT OF STATE PRINTING— Continued. (Kcport of olliccis and regular eiiiployccs iiiiploycl l)y (his (Icpiirtnii'iit on .Janiuiry I, V.m.i Name of OBici-r ur Kiiiiiloyw aiul Title Daily \Vat'<- F. A. Peterson, Linotype Operator __ _ 7 gj W. K. Pits^fhke, I.inotyp" Operator -I. . 11111111 "" 7 6? E. F. Pontin, Linotype Operator I""III".I1 'S.'V- 7 05 M. Z. Ri'nisliurKli, I.inotyii' ojierator ".^111" " ' 7 88 K. M. Stone, Linotyp? Op-rator -I-"1"-1""I11III"I"I'" 7 06 Edward O. Strong, Linotype Operator ' "'" [" " 7 (jg Harry V. Tait, Linotype Operator -..mi'IIIIIII".III"I 7 03 G. A. Thomas. Linotype Operator '_ I ^.."_I 7 OJ Beth Tnpper, Linotype Operator I.. .I..!..." '.. 7 03 R. G. Vernor, Linotype Operator II"III.II""III 7 03 R. W. AVaterson. Linotype Operator 7 (j3 l,"o Williams, Linotype Operator " 7 35 Frank Z^igler, Linotype Operator 7 93 Richard Heney, Linotype Battery Man I 7 gg O. \V. .Anderson, Compositor 7 $5 Robt. W. Anderson, Compositor 7 gg Donald Bruce, C^ompositor 7 63 G. M. Crawford, Compositor 7 63 E. M. Duchow, Compositor 7 63 K. F. Drackert, (Compositor 7 63 H. J.. Dunning, Compositor 7 63 L. F. Fuehs, Compositor -- 7 63 T J. Hodgson, Compositor 7 63 H > Warren E. Read, Compositor 7 03 ■T. K. Ruggles, Compositor 7 03 Chas. S. Smith, Compositor 7 03 Fr-d W. Smith, Compositor 7 0'' Hugli Stevenson, Compositor ^ 7 65 Wm. .1. Swords, Compositor 1 03 -lams E. Thompson, Compositor 7 03 Frank W. Tupper, Compositor 7 03 .T. I.. Wildy. Compositor 7 OS L. P. Benedict, Proofreader 7 63 Mrs. Mary Bolton, Proofreader "> 03 Wm. J. Carson, Proofreader 7 03 F. W. Cook°, Proofreader 7 63 Alma (Talbraith, Proofreader 7 01 Robt. Hornbeck, Proofreader 7 63 Chas. L. Hornljcck, Proofreader 7 65 Laura Hoyt, Proofreader 7 6S .lame.s F. Lyon. Proofreader 7 63 W. A. Snyder, Proofreader 7 03 Chas. Beach, Cylinder -- 7 63 •John Bocklich, Cylinder Pressman 7 63 .T. P. Carlin, Cylinder Pressman 7 63 F. E. Danforth, Cylinder Pressman . 7 63 H. C. Galloup, Cylinder Pressman 7 65 •T* E. Griswold, Cylinder Pressman 7 03 John McCarthy, Cylinder Pressman.. 7 63 George Peterson, Cylinder Pressman ' *»3 B. Schiiaf, Cylinder Pressman 7 63 A. S. Weteter, Cylinder Pressman , ' "" L. All)ort. Bookbinder '> ^ J. H. Coyl". Folding Machine Operator I "'^ J. F. Creighton, Bookbinder ' *'i Robt. L. Ennis, Bookbinder ' ^' Walt"r J. Fann. Bookbinder 7 63 Louis Freitas, Bookbinder J °* James T. Hifk"v. Bookbinder ' ^ P. S, Huf^', Bookbinder I ^^ H. C. Johnson, Bookbinder i ^^ C. E. .Mahon-v, Ruler - ' »? C. J. Makillio, Bookbinder - ; *' W. J. .McCarthy, Bookbinder Z^ A. T. .McDonald, Booklundf.r — ' °^ R. D. Muir. Bookbinder . I '^^. O. T. Powrs, Bookbinder — — ' °l Manu"! Prola, Bookbinder ' ^i Paul Roth, Bookbinder '- I ^i J. J. Rvan, Bookbinder ' ^ 6. J. Richter, Bookbinder i Xr W. H. Stafford, Bookbinder — ' r? J. J. Winslow. Bookbinder L ^ J. H. Younger. Finisher i Xi A. K. Zahn, Bookbinder --- L V^ A. R. Crook. Paten Pressman i } . H. F. Dunn. Platen Pressman L \,. R. L. Fowlkes, Platen Pressman ' '" 7—9768 98 STATE OFPK'RRS AND EMPLOYEES. DEPARTMENT OF STATE PRINTING— Continued. (Rt'port of otticHMs ami regular i'liuiloyccs; I'liiiiloycil liy Hiis dcpnrtiiient on Jaiuiary 1, 11)21.) Naiue of Ofllrer or Employee and Title — ^— Daily Wage .T. C. Harlow, Plat'n Prpssnian — 7 1(5 R. H. I.acliiiiann, Plat"n Pressman 7 16 Will. .J. Mryiiillan, Plafn Pres-sman 7 16 H N. Sloan, Platen Pressman.. 7 16 .\. .J. Torres, Platen Pressman 7 16 ,1. Hood, Temporary Carjiniter 7 00 Clinton Cooper, Apprentice Compositor 6 50 .J. T. MeXamnra, Head Shipping Clerk 6 2.n .1. J. Whalinp, Linotype Metal Man 6 25 Ellis \V. Burns, Bill Clerk... - 6 0€ Xell C. Hays. Forelady 6 OC H. R. Freidenfelt, Assistant Pressman 5 25 C. K. Chatfield, Bill Clerk 5 00 Harry Vaeher, Assistant Stockkeeper 5 00 Geo. Elliott, Assistant Pressman 5 00 David .\ntunez, Bindery Helper 5 00 All'Ui Cunningliaiii, .\pprentics Bookbinder 5 00 D. I. JIaddox, .fanitor 5 00 Harry L. Mee, Bindery Helper 4 75 Floyd Morris, Bind"ry Helper 4 75 Frank .T. Nye, Shipping Cl-rk 4 75 Mrs. Daisy Courvoi.sier, Copyholder.. 4 33 Mrs. Mary A. Craig, Copyholder 4 33 Dixie B?rry J.ockett, Copyholder 4 33 Doris A. Lynn, Copyholder 4 33 Eleanor Ollnieh, Copyholder 4 3.S Molli" Piatt, Copyholder... 4 .33 Mrs. J. S. Shooiiiaker. Copyholder 4 .33 Robt. S. Alexander, Ford Triitk Driver -- 4 25 \V. H. Donnelly. Temporary Bindery Helper 4 25 A. C. (5idlund, Sunday Watchman 4 25 E. C. Grubbs, .lanitor 4 25 F'rank -T. Hepp, .Janitor.. 4 25 -John Hurley. Bindery Helper 4 2f) Colla F. Pierce, 'i'"niporary Shipping Clerk 4 25 Marvine Russell, Helper 4 25 H. S. Sanderson, Helper 4 25 Frank Vennewitz, Pressroom Assistant 4 25 R. R. Woitz, Utility Man 4 25 R C. Younger, Temporary Book Packer 4 25 Clayton Crook, Apprentice Compositor 4 00 Fenton U"ard, Apprentic" Bookbinder 4 CO Lena .'.ntiinez, Bindery Woman 3 52 Ella Branch, Bindery Woman 3 52 Kileen Broiiie, Bindery Woman 3 52 Norma Brown, Bindery Woman 3 52 Ann Bulger, Bindery Woman 3 52 Laura Burn.*, Bindery Woman 3 52 Minnie Calleii, Bindery Woman 3 52 J.ucy Coyle. Bindery Woman . 3 52 Lillian Croasman, Bind'ry Woman 3 .52 Grace Denham, Bindery Woman 3 52 Alice Fass°tt, Bindery Woman 3*2 Anna M. Fritz, Bindery Woman 3 52 Marion Gle-son. Bindery Woman 3 .52 I5ell(> Crahiim, Bindery Woman 3 52 Mrs. Vary Harris, Bind-ry AVoman 3 52 Annie .Iam"s, Hindery Woman --. 3 52 Mrs. M. Ki''rnan, Bindery Woman 3 .52 Nettie Kirn, Bindery Woman 3 52 Lena Klin, l-.ind"rv Woman 3 52 Elizab;tli Little. Bindery Woman... 3 52 Rose Payne. Bindery Woman 3 52 Elizab ti R'>al, Bindery Woman 3 52 Mary R<>ss, Bind-ry Woman 3 52 Evelyn Ryan. Bind'ry Woman 3 52 H-lle Kanlett, Binilery Woman 3 52 Mrs. K. (i. Sullivan, Bind"ry Woman 3 .52 Alice 'loihun", Bindery Woman 3 52 Margaret Trainor, Bindery Woman 3 52 Albeit J. Klein. Apprentic (^oinpositor 3 50 Willia' ! K. Gray, Appreiitic" Gopyholiler 3 50 Mrs. B. Howard, Apprentice Copyholder 3 50 Lillian KIntgeii, .Appr'iitice Copyholder 3 50 Mrs. N')"ine Perry, Apprentice Copyholder 3 50 E. Ga..;.>li. Bind-ry Woman... 3 25 Mrs. K. C. Knaiip. Bindery Woman 3 (0 Ivy l.iddicoat. Bindery Wcman 3 OO N'atha i' O'Neil, Hindery Woman 3 OO Viiginij \'a. MeCal)«, Educational 100 00 Ed. Bathurst, Carpenter 100 00 F. A. Schilling, Electrician ICO 00 J. W. DruUinger, Foreman Quarry 100 00 J. H. Johnston, Blacksmith 100 00 E. J. Thompson, Farmer D.j oo .A. Borland, Stone Cutter <>.", oiij J. T. Hale, Back Gate >J0 00 J. F. Lucas, Locomotive 90 00 John Anglini, (lUard 85 00 G. N. Arbuekle, (iuard S5 00 J. S. Arbuekle, Guard (S 00 J. F. Amerieh, Guard S5 00 A. A. Avila, Guard 85 00 Fred Ayers, Guard 85 00 Wm. Barwell, Guard 85 Oo G. C. Brown, Guard S5 00 D. C. Buddeeke, Guard So 00 J. A. Burke, Guard 85 CO W. J. Crean, Guard 85 00 A. J. Deely, Guard 85 00 R. W. Dennis, Guard 85 00 E. E. Dieren, Guard 85 00 C. G. Earl, Guard S5 OO A. Eldridge, Guard 85 00 C. M. Enloe, Guard So (X) Valentine Fath, Guard 85 Oo M. C. Feliz, Guard 85 00 .Arthur Gilbert, Guard 85 00 E. J. Jeffery, Guard 85 00 C. H. Jolly, Guard 85 00 J. H. Kemp, Guard 85 CO James Lamb, Guard 85 OO F. N. Lambert, Guard 85 OO C. A. Larkin, Guard 85 00 R. M. Larkin, Guard 85 00 W. Lazzarevich, Guard 85 00 W. L. Lovelady, Guard 85 OO J. J. MeCulligan, Guard 85 00 P. J. Madsen, Guard 85 00 R. Maitland, Guard 85 00 A. Masich, Guard 83 00 A. D. Miller, Guard 85 (X> M. W. Mitchell, Guard 85 00 A. S. Mortimer, Guard 85 00 W. R. Mund°ll, Guard 85 00 C. J. Nagle, Guard So 00 E. H. Nevin, Guard 85 00 J. H. Norton, (luard 85 00 W. J. O Hare. Guard 85 00 C. S. Osl>ome, Guard % 00 L. Purcell, Guard 85 00 Chas. Rigney, Guard 85 00 P. E. Rigney, Guard 85 00 R. F. Riley, Guard 85 00 W, J. Ryan. Guard 85 00 C. A. Sammons, Guard S5 00 Allowance in Lieu of Hoard !?200 OO 25 00 35 00 25 00 2.) OO 25 00 2> 00 25 00 25 00 "2500 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 "IS'oo 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25,00 25 00 25 00 25 00 Board and (Quarters I)er Your Kstlma u $35 CO 35 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 CO 35 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 25 00 ^ 00 25 00 35 00 35 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 CO 25 00 25 00 25 00 35 00 25 00 25 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 25 00 35 60 25 00 ^ 00 35 00 25 00 35 00 25 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 li'oo Total $616 67 2,0 00 250 00 225 00 200 00 175 00 165 00 155 03 150 06 145 00 135 00 125 00 123 01 125 00 125 00 125 00 135 00 125 00 125 00 125 00 125 00 135 00 125 00 123 00 125 00 125 00 130 00 120 00 115 00 115 00 110 00 110 00 120 00 120 00 120 00 120 00 120 00 110 00 110 00 110 CO 120 00 120 00 110 00 110 00 110 00 110 00 no 00 no 00 no 00 no 00 120 00 no 00 no 00 120 00 120 00 120 00 no 00 120 00 no 00 no 00 120 00 11000 120 00 11000 no 00 no 00 12000 120 00 11000 11000 12000 no 00 no 00 12000 120 00 12000 no 00 120 00 100 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. STATE PRISON AT FOLSOM— Continued. (Rt'port of oltifcrji uu>A I'^truliir ''iniiluyje;^ luiploy.-l by tlli^ institution on January ], 1931.) Namo of Ofllivr or Kiii|iloyi'f ami Title C. W. Saninions, Guard B. H. Sanders, (Juard C. J. Smith, (Juard ^i. F. Smith, liuard Nei; Smith, Guard J. H. Sparkji, (Hiard H. L. Thalls. Guard R. B. Todhunter, Guard Will. Townsfnd, Guard A. I,, lupppr. Guard M. L. Ward. Guard C. F. Wise, Guard .J. H. Ellis, Clergyman J. T. McGovern, Clergyman Graee L. Boalt, Si)?eialist M. W. Haworth, Oculist lloaril ami Allowanre (Juaiters Monthly ill Lieu of per Your Salary Hoard Kstinia e 85 00 35 00 83 00 25 00 85 00 35 00 85 00 25 OO 85 00 35 00 So 00 25 00 85 00 35 00 85 CO 25 00 85 CO 25 00 85 CA) 35 00 85 OO 35 00 85 00 35 00 .50 00 50 00 50 00 25 00 Total 120 00 110 00 120 00 110 00 120 00 110 00 120 00 110 00 110 00 120 00 120 00 120 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 25 00 STATE PRISON AT SAN QUENTIN. (Report of officers and regular tuiployees eniployid by this department on .January 1, 1921.) Name of Offlcer or Kmployee and Title Montlily Salary Jas. A. Johnston, Warden -- $416 67 Mark E. Nooa. Cli'rk of Board 2.50 00 L. L. Stanley. Resident Physician 250 00 S. L. Randolph, Captain of Yard 200 00 D. '1-. Fo'ter, Commissary 200 00 H. E. Hunt°r. Accountant 175 00 K. T. Pi.trzak, Warden's Secretary .. 175 00 Ciias. (!ulliv?r. Captain of (iuard loO 00 W. S. Gillett.', tistrict Offi'fr and Superintendent Shoe and Clothing Factory 150 00 W. C. W h??!er, Acting Superintendent Furniture Factory 15(^00 E. K. Zubi'jr, Suprintend-nt Jut? Mill 150 OO O. C. I.aizure, Chaplain and Education Director 150 Co T. J. Mulllins, Superintendent of Construction 140 CO M. D. Acklev. Turnkey 125 OO Jas. i:-!l. Head Spinner 120 00 Mvron Ciark, Lieutenant or Guard 115 CO T. C. Maher, Lieutenant of Yard 115 00 H. E. Smith, Electrician 115 00 A. P. Monaghan, Lieutenant of Jute Mill 110 00 C. A. DeLancy, Druggist and A.ssistant Physieian 10(» 00 W. J. Duffy, Steward and Quartermaster 100 00 Josephine .laeksoii. Matron 100 00 H. N. Jane's, Fort Gat- Keeper 100 OO J. G. McLean, .Sergeant First Night Watch 100 00 Ftank Metcalf, Laundryman 100 00 B. M. Miller, Receiving and Shipping Clerk lOO 00 F. B. Moulton, Sergeant Outside Watrh iOO OO Jerome Phillips. Sergeant Scond Night Watch 100 00 Jacob Staiger, Steward Oiderly and Guard 100 00 J. W. Whittemore, Armorer 100 00 W. T. Wilson, Night Gate Ki-eper 100 (X* J. L. Wood, Dent'st 100 OO Dan Curran, Fanner and Stockman 95 00 J. 11. Carpent-r. Sergeant of Yard 95 00 G. W. Francis, Foreman Shoe Factory 95 OO John Ham, Boss Koa "<• W. P. Randolnh. Guard 85 "" .(. W. Rcid, Guard 85 00 Wm. Seherrer, Guard 85 00 .J. H. Seeba. Guard 85 00 F. H. Smith, Guard 85 00 Rivera Smith. Guard 8^' ^^ V. A. .Smith, Guard ■ 85 00 Geo. SoknlofT. Guard . ^ '^ ()rr Strattfin, (iuard ^ "" C. W. Stuart. Guard g^ T. F. Sutton. Guard - - ^ J^ H. B. Trader: Guard f. ^ A. L. Veuve. Guard - ?C vV A. J. T\'ade. Guard - - ?? ^ H. P. Welch, Guard --- *? ^ C. P. Mhite, Guard --- ---- -- — " x2 ^ .r. D.•^Vhit^ Guard - -- - - |^ x; I- iiu'^'r- "^r'^ ' "":':::::::::-: U «> F. Wills (.uari --- - „^ +P. A. Foley, Visiting Chaplain r rx r^ lEmina B. i.aizure. Assistant Matron - All receive the above .salaries an\i'(l 1)\- this (Irpai'tnii'iit on Jamiarv 1, 1921.) Name cf OfBrcr or Employee and Ti le Montlily Salary W. (t. McMillin, State Purchasing Agent, Head of Department and Buyer of all Food and Forage Supplies $333 33* Arthur J. Burton, Assistant Purchasing Agent, Head of Harbor Commission Branch and Stores 275 00 Arthur Baker, Deputy State Purchasing Agent, Buyer of Autcmobiles, Trucks and Special Machinery 250 00* J. F. Mispley, Assistant Purchasing Agent, Buyer of Paper, Stationery, Office Supplies, Printing Materials, and Furniture..-- 250 GO Emil H. Kahrs, Assistant Purchasing Agent, Dry Goods, Clothing, Leather Goods, Dmgs, Chemicals 250 00 Geo. L. Baxter, Testing Engine?r, in Charge of Laboratory and Testing of Materials Outride of Foods 225 00* Paul S. Crafton, Chemist and Assistant in Laboratory 200 00 Chas. O. Palm, Buyer of Plumbing and Electrical Goods, Steamfitting Supplies, Tools and Shelf Hardware 190 00 John .1. (Jan'cy. Buyer of Paints, Oils, Painter's Supplies, Lumber, Cement, Builiiing Materials, Farm Machinery and Equipment ,— 190 OO ('has. ],. IVter.x. Chief Clerk, in Charge of Ftuids and Records .— - 175 00 Harry Hawcs, Assistant to .Arthur Burton. Harbor Commission Branch 1 V^ n\> -Mrs. M. L. Johnson, Secretary to Head of Department and Assistant Purchaser of Forxl and Forage 175 00 Frank J. Lewis. Storekeeper and Foreman of Supply Department in Capitol Building.. 165 00 Wm. L. Meuser, Storekeeper and Shipping t'lerk, Store Departmnt, Harbor Com- mission Branch 160 00 John H. Whitaker, Clerk and Assistant on Accounts, Sacram°nto Office 150 OO George Henry, Clerk and Keeper of Accounts, Harbor Commission Branch 150 00 Miss .\nna Gates. Tabulation and Order Clerk, Sacianiento Office 135 00 Mrs. L. J. McKay, Serrrtary-Sfnographer to Diputy Purchasing Agent 135 OO .Miss Gladys Bradshaw. Chief Stenogranher and Typist, E. H. Kahrs" Division VZ5 OO Miss Ella Knox, Clerk and Typist. Division of Food and Forage 125 00 Mrs. M. C. Davis. Chief Stenneracher and T'-cist for C Palm... 125 00 Mrs. M. P. .Smith. Filing Clerk ....1". ...... 125 OC Miss Evelyn Ball, Stenographer and Tynist for J F. Mispley's Division 125 Of; ?Iis.= i^ertrude Reeb<>r, Stenographor and T.\pist for J. J. Garrey.. 110 or Miss Gertrude .Tossph. Stenographer and Typist, Harbor Commission Branch 110 OO Miis. Fdnn Hoffman, Stenographer and Tvpist, Harbor Commis.sion Branch KW CO Jliss Fd:ia Maynard. Stenographer and Tj-pist. Sacramento Office 100 00 Mrs. Lucy Elliott, Stenographer and Typist. Stores Division, Capitol Building 100 00 Miss He'on Hilier. Stenographer and T.vpi.-t. Sarramento Office 100 CO Miss Kthe] V. Bereh. St.-nogTHpher and Typist. Telephone Operator. Sacramento Office 95 00 W. H. Ripley. Janitor part time. Packer and Porter half time. Store.' Division 95 OOt Miss Lorraine A. Sullivan. Stenogranher an.i Tvpist for Testing Enginci-r .. 85 00 Henry Sabrowsky, Messong°r and Mail Clerk 7^ W Dail7 waijit Left-r S-oflcld. Clerk and Packer, Stores Division .„ 4 00 •statutory position. ?art-tinie scrviee. NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 103 RAILROAD COMMISSION OF STATE OF CALIFORNIA. (Report of officers and re^ilar employees eirployed by this department on January 1, 1921.) Name of OfBcer or Employee and Title MouUily Salary H. D. Loveland, Commissioner $666 65 F. R. Devlin, Commissioner 666 65 H. VV. Bruiidisf. Commissionor g()(j 155 Irving Martin, Commissioner 666 65 Richard Sachse, Chief Engineer 500 00 Hugh Gordon, Attorney 4 ] U (;£ W. C. Fankliauser, I' inaticf Expert 41fj (;(; L. S. Ready, Assistant Chief Engineer 400 00 W. P. Geary, Rate Expert 375 OO C. H. Loveland, Hydraulic Engineer 375 oO A. T. Pettey, Official Reporter 375 qO W. R. Williams, Secretary 325 00 H. G. Mathewson, Assistant Secretary 300 00 W. T. Satterwhite, Examiner 300 00 Myron Westover, Examiner 300 00 W. J. Handford, Service Inspector 300 00 T. G. Hughes, Accountant 300 00 R. M. Vaughn, Assistant Engineer 300 00 G. S. Jacobs, Assistant Engineer 300 00 H. G. Weeks, Assistant Engineer 300 00 L. B. Davis, Reporter -- 300 00 J. A. Saxon, Reporter 300 00 F. M. Faude, Assistant Engineer . l'mo UO B. W. Campbell, Assistant Engineer 275 00 L. R. Kessing, Assistant Engineer 275 00 Paul Thelen, Assistant Engineer 275 00 A. L. Wilson, Telephone Engineer -- :,'75 oO J. C. Harraman, Assistant Rate Expert 265 00 R. C. Ashworth, Assistant Engineer 260 00 C. I. Rhodes, Assistant Engineer — 260 00 A. A. Anderson, Assistant Engineer 250 00 W. J. Dodge, Assistant Engineer 250 00 H. B. Henderson, Assistant Engineer 250 00 Wm. Stava. Assistant Engineer 250 00 H. A. Noble, Assistant Engineer 250 00 A. N. Johns, Assistant Engineer 250 00 F. B. LaShelle, Assistant Rate Expert : ,11 imi E. T. McGettigan, Recorder 250 00 G. R. Kibbe, Chief Accountant — 250 00 J. Converse, Clerk, Los Angeles Office 250 00 G. S. Hill, Assistant Engineer _- 240 00 H. L. Masser, Assistant Engineer -241) 00 Leroy B. Cramer, Assistant Engineer 225 00 A. V Guillou Assistant Engineer 225 00 Ward Hall, Assistant Engineer 225 00 E. P. McAuliffe, Assistant Engineer 225 00 P. J. Noerager, Assistant Engineer ___ 225 00 John Spencer, Assistant Engineer 225 00 Frank Wills. Assistant Engineer 225 00 Chas. Grunsky, Assistant Engineer 220 00 F. B. Andrews, Assistant ICngineer 215 00 A. B. Daly, A.ssistant Engineer 215 (»li J. E. P. Williams, Assistant Engineer 215 00 Helnuth Schmidt, Draftsman 210 00 .M. E. Ready, Assistant Engineer 210 00 W. F. Lemon, Assistant Inspector — — 210 00 D. W. Davis, Accountant 210 00 G. I. Battelle. Assistant Engineer 200 00 R. L. Davis. Assistant Engineer 200 00 G. R. Drew, Chier Clerk---- 200 00 B. A. Bender. Assistant Engineer - 200 00 D. H. Harroun. Assistant Engineer 200 00 J. G. Hunter, Assistant Engineer 200 00 R r-. MacKall, Assi?tant Enffineer 200 00 J E- MeCaffrev, Assistant Engineer 200 Ofi W. M McKav. Assistant Engineer 200 00 Cha.'. H. Monett, Assistant Engineer 200 00 F. H. Van Hoesen, Assistant Engineer 200 OP J. S. P. Dean. Assistant Rate Expert 200 00 H. A. Loveland, Clerk 200 00 C. N. Olsen, Reporter 200 00 J. H. Peterson, Accountant— |0" 00 L. M. Tongue, Reporter ^ '" J{ P. D. Code. Accountant ]->M "0 Chas. A. Beck, Docket Clerk }^-^ " > R. H., Assistant Insprrtor ^-^-, . ]^'> JJ" A. E. Fitapatriok, Chief Stenographer J^^ W R. S. Melvin. Assistant Engineer 'i!;' l^" A. G. Cage. Assistant Engineer ]L-' ^^ J. E. Cooper. Assi.stant Engineer \'l "" Clifford Johnstone. Assistant Engineer }'^ "'' W. H. Mallett, Clerk i65 00 104 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. RAILROAD COMMISSION OF STATE OF CALIFORNIA— Continued. (lifport of otlicers and regular eiiiployecs employed by this departinciit on .lamiary 1, 11)21. > Name of Officer or Employee and Title Monthly Salary E. M. Doyle, Clerk 165 00 E. M. Dovle, Clerk 160 00 M. P. Hiatt, Clerk 155 00 Owen Lewis, Clerk 155 00 Mary E. Engvick, Stenographer 150 00 J. E. Daiigherty, Clerk 150 00 M. E. Boright, Clerk-- 150 00 hrevnian Ci)leman. Clerk --_ 150 00 L. Fitzpatrick, File Clerk 150 00 M. I. Reed, Assistant Junior Engineer 150 00 I. B. Seis. Stenographer 150 00 F. Schwartz, Transcriber 140 00 H. Souther, Stenographer — 140 00 Pauline Elliott. .Stenographer 135 00 H. Hartley. Stenographer, Los Angeles Office 135 00 Edith Hamilton. Stenographer 135 00 L. B. Morris, Stenographer — 135 00 Katherine Netterville, Stenographer 135 00 H. R. Robbins, Clerk -- 135 00 E. M. Bowlan, Stenographer 130 00 Katherine Beck, Telephone Operator — 130 00 F. Vint, Stenographer 130 00 Esther Warner, Stenographer 125 00 D. B. Allen, Assistant Engineer 125 00 Edith Mahoney, Stenographer __ 125 00 Marie A. McSirley, Stenographer 125 00 Alice Logan, Stenographer — 125 00 L. E. Ogilvie, Stenographer 125 00 Louise Ward, Stenographer 125 00 Hazel Harris, Stenographer 125 00 Gladys Cole, Stenographer 125 00 Joseph McKenna, Clerk 125 00 Anna Wahl, Transcriber 125 00 Ethel Tomkinson, File Clerk 120 00 J. L. Alexander, Stenographer 120 00 N. E. Youngman, Stenographer 120 00 H. B. Radabaugh, Stenographer — — 115 00 Helen Troy, Stenographer 115 00 C. Bartlett, Clerk 110 00 Tola B. Moore, File Clerk 110 00 Edward McLane, Clerk — 105 00 Madeline Holtkamp, Stenographer 105 00 Helen Barnett, Comptometer Operator 100 00 Nell Barton, Tvnist and Computer -- 100 00 E. E. Meyer, Stenographer 100 00 A. R. Miller, Stenographer 100 00 M. M. Hebergor, Stenographer 100 00 H. W. Webb. Stenographer 100 00 E. M. Gray, File Clerk 100 00 Imogene Hoeber, F'ile Clerk 100 00 D. J. Farren, Clerk 90 00 Wallace Blight, Office Assistant 80 00 C. Ray Bowie, Office Assistant 80 00 Walter Moltke, Office Assistant 75 00 Randolph Paisilich. Office Assistant 75 00 Peter Nenzel, Office Assistant . 75 00 STATE REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. (Hcpoit of officers and regular employees employeii liy this diii.ii tinciil (jii .Jiiiiiinry I, \'.i2\.) $410.00 {,, $4.^0.00. .Ndiii" -m' ufll'.'.i 0! Employee nw.i Titli MdhUiIv Sal»iv Ray L. Riley. Commissioner .$416 66 ^416 66 $226.00' to $250.00. ft. B. Dunlap, Sacramento Deputy 250 00 John J. Dcanc, San Francisco Deputy 250 00 50C 00 $176.00 to $200.00. J. T. Anderson. Los Angeles Deputy 200 00 300 00 $151.00 to $175.00. Thelma RiUy, Sacramento Dfpiity 175 00 Alfred Dalton, Field Deputy, Los Angeles 175 00 Richard Jos'c, Field Deputy. San Francisco 175 00 525 00 NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 105 STATE REAL ESTATE DEPARTM ENT— Continued. (Rfliort of otticers ami vCKUlar employees employed by this department on .(anuaiy 1, 1021.) $126.00 to $150.00. Name of Officer or Employee and Title Moiitlily Salary Pearl M. Hodgson, Confidential Secretary 1.50 00 150 00 $101.00 to $125.00. Beatrice M. Jebb, Clerk, Lo.s Angeles 125 00 Neva DeHaven. Directory Clerk, Sacramento 125 00 Eva Darwin, Stenographer, Sacramento 125 00 Julia Sims, Clerk, Sacramento 125 00 Corinne Simmons. Clerk-Stenographer, San Francisco-- 115 00 Cecile Harrison, Correction Clerk. Sacramento 110 00 725 00 $76.00 to $100.00. Eunice Pallady. Correction Clerk, Sacramento 100 00 Anne Monroe, Stenographer, Los Angeles 100 00 M. Horigan, Typist, Sacramento -- 100 00 Mabel Mahoney, Typist-Stenographer 100 00 400 00 Less than $51.00. F. Boniface, Janitor 25 00 25 00 REGULAR EMPLOYEE — PART TIME H. Porter Giles, Field Deputy, Oakland, per day 6 00 Approximately per month 75 OO Total Monthly Payroll — Regular Employees $3016 66 TEMPORARY OR EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENTS Fourteen Field Deputies and Clerks *$4518 55 STATE RECLAMATION BOARD. (Report of officers and regular employees employed by this department on January 1, lOil.) Salaries ranging from $801 to $900. Name of Officer or Employee and Title Montlily Salary Melville Dozier, Jr., General Manager and Chief Engineer $833 33 Salaries ranging from $301 to $350. T. B. Waddell, Office Engineer (C. E. Gr. IV) 325 00 Salaries ranging from $:i76 to $300. E. A. Bailey, Assistant Engineer -- 300 00 Salaiies ranging from $276 to $300. A. M. Wells, Resident Engineer 285 00 Salaries ranging from $251 to $275. 'i'hos. i\Iayhew, Secretary and Chief Clerk 275 00 Salaries ranging from $226 to $230. AV. K. Stoddard, Assistant Engineer (Engr.-Dftsman Gr. Ill) 25(» 00 »;. F. Mellin, Assistant Engineer (C. E. Gr. Ill) -- 250 00 Paul A. Tarpey. R. W. Agent 250 00 Hugh M. T.irp'V, R. AV. Agent ._ -_ . _ -- 250 00 J. E. Hall, Soil Engineer 235 00 Salaries ranging from $201 to $225. ,-V H. Hubbard, Tj-ansitman -- :i25 0,i J. T. Maguire, Draftsman (Engr.-Dftsman Gr. Ill; 215 00 Salaries rangins from $175 to $200. Walter ( (\ E. Gr. H) 190 00 H. F. Butterfield, Accountant IS.'. 00 I. J. Colwfll. Transitman (C. E. Grade II) ." 185 00 *Amount covers period December to June 30, 1920, inclusive. 106 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. STATE RECLAMATION BOARD— Continued. (Report of officers and regular employees employed by this department on .January 1, 1921.) Salaries ranging from ?151 to $175. Name of Officer or Employee and Title Monthly Salary M T. Hubbard, Draftsman (No C. S. Rating) 175 00 C W. Roberts. Draftsman (Xo C. S. Rating) 175 00 Arthur E. Smith, Draftsman CSo C. S. Rating) 175 00 E. A. Welch, Draftsman (No C. S. Rating) 175 00 A. Boggess, Inspector 175 00 R. P. Tenibv. Inspector 170 Od A. S. Chrvsler, Auto Mechanic 165 00 W. Blotter, Dragline Inspector 160 00 Chas. Simmen. Inspector 160 00 F R. Williams, Timekeeper and Material Clerk — 160 00 B. L. Hale, Weir Tender 160 00 Salaries ranging from $126 to $150. H. P. Gardner, Draftsman 150 00 W. A. Julian, Assistant Weir Tender 150 00 Ralph L. Irving, Auto Mechanic — 150 00 Ruth L. Anderson, Stenographer — Grade III (Reports Board and Other Meetings) -- 150 00 J. L. Gluyas, Inspector 135 00 J. J. Murphy. Inspector — 135 00 G. Marshall Lee, Junior Clerk 130 00 Ida J. Ueberrhein, Senior Clerk 130 00 Salaries ranging from $101 to $125. B. A. T\'ilkie, Assessment Clerk -- 125 00 Lillian Kae.ser, Stenographer (Grade II) 110 00 Salaries ranging from $76 to $100. (iertrude Morrison, Typist -- 100 00 Clyde Bobbins, Auto Helper 100 00 Frances Samuel, File Clerk 100 00 Adah Sanders, Typist _- -- 100 00 A. B. Fletcher, President of Board No compensation A. G. Folger, Vice Pre.sident of Board $20 per day* Frank Freeman, Member of Board and Attorney (Salary as Member only) ■ 20 per day* G. A. Atherton, Member of Board (Salary as Member only) 20 per day* Peter Cook, Member of Board (Salary as Member only) 20 per day* Grover C. Shannon. Member of Board (Salary as Member only) 20 per day* M. C. Zumwalt. Member of Board (Salary as Member only) 20 per day* T. W. Riinsom, Consulting Drainage Engineer for Board 50 per dayt F. C. Herrmann, Assessor for Board 25 per dayt B. A. Etcheverry, Assessor for Board 25 per dayt Max Enderlein, Assessor for Board 25 per dayt *Also traveling e.xpensis ; tolal remuneration nut to exceed $1,000 per annum. tAlso traveling cxpin.-^cs whenever employed. CALIFORNIA REDWOOD PARK. ("alifornia Redwood I'ark Commission: (iovernor William U. Sleplieiis. rresideut ; Charles B. Winjr, Vice Chairman Stanford Ifniversity : Rev. Father T. L. Miir|)liy. Santa Clara TTnivcrsily : Otto D. Stoesser, Spcrelary. Walsonvillc; Henry F/. MiddU-tou. Konider Cr.eK. 'R:pcrt ot offl^irf und regular smplcyiss tnjploy-rd by thii (hpartm:nt on .lanuary 1. 1C21.; Xame of Officer or Lmployce and litle Monthly Sal.^ :. J. P. Park, Plumber. $150 CC W. H. Dool, Pnrk Warden- , 125 OC r. J. Hoffmann, Executive Officer. _ „ 100 OOt Daitv «•» :r Tom Mullen. Teamster _ ...,. _ S5 O"* F. C. Canham. Laborer 5 O") Number of person* engaged for temporary or emergenev employment during the fiscal year ending -June 30, 1920. 120: total pay, $3,409.45. *Staiutor>- position. tPnrttim" .=erviee. NoTK— 108 of the men inclricled in the number cf temporary or emergency employees were firefighters account of forest firct in Svpt mu r, 1019; totaj pay to them $1,5^7 2o NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 107 SECRETARY OF STATE. (Report of officers and regular employees cniploj-ed by this department on January 1, 1S21.) Xanie of OCBcer or Employee and Title Monthly Salary Frank C. Jordan, Secretary of State ^16 65 Frank H. Cory, Dejiuty 250 00 Robert V. Jordan, Corporation Secretary 233 3o H. M. Standerwick, Bookkeeper — - 200 Oo Charles J. Hagcrty, Statistician 20d 00 E. W. Gardiner, Superintendent and Cashier, Corporation License Department 200 00 Ed. L. Head, Keeper of Archives 166 65 Lizzie F. Vardin, Recording Clerk 150 00 E. T. Hall, Recording Clerk 150 00 Lerov Coan, Recording Clerk 150 00 Frank T. Barnes, Register Clerk 150 00 W. H. Govan, Clerk, Corporation License Department 150 Oo B. C. Greer. Clerk, Corpcration License Department 1.50 00 P. C. Gaskill, Clerk, Corporation License Department 150 00 Chas. S. O'Connor, Clerk. Corporation License Department -- 150 00 Harry V. Harvey, Clerk, Corporation License Department 150 00 Bertha C. Robins- n. Recording Clerk 133 3o Anita A. Brewer. Recording Clerk 133 3o Alma Kipp-Mulligan. Recording Clerk 133 30 A. R. Drennan. Recording Clerk 133 30 Mabelle G. Bush, Certificate Clerk 133 30 Bertha B. Fountaine, Certificate Clerk 133 3o P. A. Dougherty. Messenger 125 Co L. Wagner, Porter 90 00 +V. E. Cory. Special Legislative Clerk 125 00 fGeorge B. Baldwin, Jr., Special Legislative Clerk l25 00 tEmployed during legislative session only. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. (Report of offici'rs and regular employees employed by this department on January 1, 1921.) Name of officer or Employee and Title Monthly Salary .\uthoiitv for Employment F. M. Ange'lotti, Chief .Justice S666 65 Constitution, article VT, sections 2-17. Lucien Shaw, Associate .Justice 666 65 Constitution, article VI, sections 2-17. William P. Lawlor, Associate .lustice 666 65 Constitution, article VI, sections 2-lV. Curtis D. Wilbur, Associate -Justice es? 65 Constitution, article "^T^, sections 2-17. Thomas J. Lennon, Associate .Justice.--- 666 65 Constitution, article VI, sections 2-17. Warren Olney. Jr., Associate Justice 666 65 Constitution, article VI, sections 2-17. William A. S'oane, Associate Justice 666 66 Constitution, article YT. sections 2-17. B, Grant Taylor, Clerk 416 65 Constitution, article VI, section 21; Political Code, section 7.55. H. C. Finkler. Secretary 250 00 Code of Civil Procedure, Sees. 265-6. •Joseph B. Dryden, Secretary 2r:0 00 Code of Civil Procedure, Sees. 265-6. W. J. Nicholson. Phonographic Reporter 2.50 OO Political C. Frwl S. Laflferty, Phonographic Reporter 250 00 Pf;litical Cod", S""s. ~6'^-7(i and 7:«' Randiilpli V. Whiting. Reporter of Decisions 208 ."X* Constitution, article VT, section 21; Political Codf. .Kivtion.^ 7->"-~71-7:'!>. F. I,. Stewart, .\ssistaiit Reporter of Decisions- 200 00 Constitution, article VI, section 21; Political Coile. f:rcti'>is 7 >7 -"71 -".'?». \V. F Traver.^ti, Assi-^tant Reporter of Decisions lOO on Constitution, article Vf. section 21; Political Code, section.'; TJ'-TTI ■".■«•. H. F. Wrigley, .\ssistant Reporter of Decisions- loo (lO Constitution, article VI. section 21: Political Code, sections 757-771-7.'ff>. Note— The Reporter of Decisions and assistants provide their own offices and equipment . but receive necessary stationery from the Supreme Court. W. R. Mackrille. Chief Deputy Clerk, (S. F.)— i?22> Oo Po'itical Code, sections 751-756. r>;ic|ore Erb. Deputy Clerk (San Francisco) 175 "o Political Code, sections 751-V56. •A. V. Haskell. Deputv Clerk (San Francisco V _ 175 0" Folitica! Code, sections 751-756 Mr; Harriet P. Tyler. Deputy Clerk (S T.) 175 00 Fo'itical Code reetions 751-756 Ra' C Waring. Deputy Clerk 'Saeiamento>--- 175 on Political Cede, sections 751-756 M. C. 'an -AJlen Deputy Clerk (Lcs -Angeles"). ITS or; Po'itical Code, sections 7.51-756. ^31. I. Traeger. Deputv Clerk Lc; An^elps'... 175 or Pn' Code, sections 751-756. . M ilereditli. Bailiff UO Oi- Code of Civil Procedure. Sees. 365-6. " B. Hinkle, Bailiff 150 0'" Code of Civil Procedure, Sees. 3C3-6. nid Childs, Stenogrr.pher 150 0- Cod- of Civil X'roi- ditf. S". i'. Cohen. Stenographer- -.. 1.50 (X> Coi" of Civil Proc-ilur^ S-". 47. Paul Girvin. Stenographer 150 Vt Co i' of Civil Proc-dur?, S:r. 47. Tohn W. Lenahan, Stenographer -- 1.50 00 Code oi" C'vil Proo:.1nr3. S-c 47_^ "^o.^ef .Aubel Janitor — 150 00 Cod? -of Civil Procedure. See. 47. = F. L. .Johnson, Janitor (Los Angeles) 55 00 Code of Civil Prccfdure. Sec. 47. Thomas F. Dunn, Librarian 125 Oo Vera C. Riley, Stenographer to Clerk 125 00 Political Cede. Section .51}. ^A. V. Haskell is eraploye.i temporarily in Ttli-ce of A. S. Ramage. on leave of absence. *A teBiporeiy ianitor served two wfc]cs d,iiring the vacation of Josef Autel. Kg other temporary or emergency employees. 108 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. STATE SURVEYOR GENERAL. Ex officio Register of the State Land Office. (Report of offlcers autl rugiilur cinploycet; euiploywl by this ilfpartiiient on .January i, 1921.) Nanio rf Officer or Employee ami Title Monthly Salary \V. S. Kinssbury. Surveyor Genenil $416 66 A. W. Sanborn, Deputy 250 00 Bruce L. Drav, Assistant 187 'tU Geo. R. Hilbv. Civil Engineer -- 17.5 OOf C. B. Brier. Clerk 150 00 A. B. Fattison, Clerk 150 00 A. P. Ireland, Clerk 150 00 .1. D. Lewis, Clerk 150 00 A. J. Loftus, Clerk 150 00 A. F. Zangerle, Clerk 150 00 Lewis Crawford, Porter -_ 45 00 W. S. KINGSBURY, Surveyor General. SUTTER'S FORT. (Report of officers and regular eiiiiiloyees employed by this department on .January 1, 1921.) $101 to $125. Name of OflBcer or Employee and Title Montiily Salary C. F. Hartmeyer, Gardener -- $110 00* $76 to $100. E. H. Cox, Sr.. Guardian 90 00* J. M. Fay, Assistant Gardener 100 00* STATE TREASURER. ICmployees of the State Treasurer's Office on .January 1, 1921. Regular Employees. Name and Title Monthly Salary Friend W. Richardson. Treasurer $416 66 .John r. John.son DsDuty.. 266 00 H. P. Reese, Cashier 225 00 E. M. Lynch, Bond Officer 208 33 W. A. McElvaine, Depcsit Officer 2^8 33 Charles L. Swanton. Bookkeeper 183 33 Louise B. Bootes, Secretary-Stenograoher 125 00 Paul Brown. Watchman 110 00 M. F. Rowland. Watchman 110 00 Warrrn Weaver, Watchman 110 00 W. B. Thorpe, Watchman 110 00 Stonewall .Jackson, Porter 60 (X) 'I'emporary Kiiiployees Diiiiag tlie Calendar Year 1920. Mrs. Ruth Melaik; Stenographer ?4 00 per day Ruth Carper, Stenographer 4 OO per day Mis. Ruth Melaik s-rved fourteen days and Miss Ruth Carper six days, during friiuililse t!IS cOll'TllollS. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Report of OfTicers and Employees, .January 1, 1921. Ail salaries coiiipiled from payrolls for December. 1920. Part. f. Employees paid by the month. Part TI. Employees paid by the week. Part III. Pull time employees paid by the day. Part IV. Part time employees paid by the day. Part V. Port time employees paid hj' the hovir. Part VI. Persons employed on part-time work by the Extension Division. ♦Statutory position. ., , tThe salary of Geo. R. Hilb.v, I lie Civil En;;inefr employed by tbis ofTlce, is paid out cf the Contingent Fund of this office. NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 109 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORN I A— Continued. Symbols. t I'art time: No daggers .shown in I 'ait IV or V, where all employees are on duty part time. i Paid from sources outside of I'niversity for work in same capacity. E Also appearing in Extension Division List, Part VI. U Also appearing' on Regular List, Part I. There are no employees whose salaries are set by statute. $901.00 to $1000.00. Name and TitU- Monthly .Salary David P. Barrows, President of the University $1,000 00* *With house. .$701.00 to $800.00. G. H. Whipple. Director and Professor of Reseaich, Medicine and Dean of the Medical School 708 33 H. R. Hatfield, Professor of Accounting on the Flood Foundation and Dean of the Faculties 750 00 W. E. Musgrave, Director of Hospitals 750 00 $601.00 to $700.00. R. G. Sproul, Comptroller of the University, Secretary of the Board of Regents and Land Agent 625 00 Thomas F. Hunt, Professor of Agriculture and Dean of the College of Agriculture 666 66 $501.00 to $600.00. C. L. Cory, John \\'. Mackay, Jr. Professor of Electi-ical Engineering and Dean of the College of Mechanics 541 66 C. Deileth, Ji., Professor of Civil Engineering and Dean of the College of Civil Engineering I 541 60 W. C. Jones, Profesor of Jurisprudence and Director of School of Juris- prudence 541 06 G. N. Lewis, Professor of Chemistry and Dean of the College of Chemistry 541 66 F. H. Probert, Professor of Mining and Dean of the College of Mining 541 66 A. O. Leuschner, Professor of Astronomy and Director of Student's Observ- atory, and Dean of the Graduate Division 583 33 $451.00 to $500.00. A. F. Lange, Professor of the Theory and Practice of Education and Direc- tor of the School of Education 458 32 R. T. Legge, Professor of H^•giene and University Physician 458 32 B. M. Woods, Professor of Aerodynamics and Dean of the Summer Ses- sions in Los Angeles and University Examiner 458 32 C. A. Kofoid, Professor of Zoology and Assistant Director of the Scripps Institution 458 33 G. D. Louderback, Professor of Geology and Dean of the College of Letters and Science C. H. Rieber. Professor of Logic, Philosophy R. Shevill, Professor of Spanish G. H. True, Professor of Animal Husbandry J. C. Whitten, Professor of Pomology W. M. Hart, Professor of English and Dean of the Summer Sessions W. R. Bloor, Professor of Biochemistry H. E. Bolton, Professor of American History and Curator of the Bancroft Library W. W. Campbell, Director and Astronomer, Lick Observatory B. H. Crocheron, Professor of Agricultural Extension and Director of Agri- cultural Extension H. M. Evans. Professor of Anatomy F. P. Gay, Professor of Pathology C. M. Gayley, Professor of the English Language and Literature J. W. Gilmore, Professor of Agronomy J. G. Howard, Professor of Architecture and Director of the School of Architecture C. G. Hyde, Professor of Sanitary Engineering A. C. Lawson, Professor of Mineralogy O. K. McMurray, Professor of Law E. Mead, Professor of Rural Institutions G. S. Milberry. Professor of Chemistry and Metallurgy and Dean or the College of Dentistry Ernest C. Moore, Director Southern Branch ' ___-_- — W. Mulford, Professor and Director of Resident Instruction, and Actmg Dean of the College of Agriculture C. C. Plehn. Professor of Finance on the Flood Foundation T:,.nn „„ G. M. Stratton, Professor of Psychology and Philosophy _____ EoOO 00 H. E. Van Norman. Professor of Dairy Management, Dean of the Uni- versitv Farm School and Vice Director of Agricultural Experiment Station (with house) .jOO 00 458 33 458 33 458 33 458 33 458 33 474 99 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 110 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — Continued. $401.00 to $4.^0.00. Name aiul Title Monthly Salary W C Biay, Pioffssor of Chemistry 416 66 M' a Ca tvvright, Executive Secretary to the President of the University — 416 66 E Elliott, Professor of International Law and Politics 416 66 R A. Gcsell, Professor of Physiology 416 66 M W. Haskell, Professor of Mathematics 416 66 J. H. HiUebrand, Professor of Chemistry 416 66 B. P. Ltwis. Professor of Physics 416 66 W P Lucas, Professor of Pediatrics 416 66 F. W. L.nch, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology 416 66 W. A. Merrill, Professor of Latin Languages and Literature 416 66 E. O'Neiil, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry and Director of Chemical Laboratory 416 66 T. M. Putnam, Professor of Mathematics and Dean of the Undergraduate Di\ii;ion 416 66 L. J. Rkliardson. Professor of Latin and Director of University Extension. 416 66 \V. E. Hitter, Professor of Zoology and Scientific Director of Scripps Insti- tution for Biological Research 416 66 W. A. Setchell, Professor of Botany 416 66 James Sutton, Recorder of the Faculties 416 66 E. T. Williams, Agassiz Professor of Oriental Languages and Literature.- 416 66 G. Y. Rusic, Associate Professor of Pathology, Medical School and Hospital, Associate Professor of Pathology, Dentistry, and Pathologist, Univer- sity Hospital 441 66 $351.00 to $400.00. I. B. Cross, Professor of Economics on the Flood Foundation E.354 16 F. S. Foote, Jr., Professor of Railroad Engineering 354 16 J. N. L^Conte, Professor of Engineering Mechanics 354 16 Jessica B. Peixotto, Professor of Social Economics _ 354 16 G. P. Adams, Professor of Philosophy 375 00 R. L. Adams, Professor of Farm Management 375 00 J. T. Barrett, Professor of Plant Pathology, Acting Director of Citrus Experiment Station, and Acting Dean of the Graduate School of Tropical Agriculture 375 00 L. D. Batchelor, Professor of Orchard Management in the Citrus Experi- ment Station and Graduate School of Tropical Agriculture 375 00 F. T. Bioletti, Professor of Viticulture-- 375 00 J. S. Burd, Professor of Agricultural Chemistry 375 00 F. Caiori, Professor of the History of Mathematics 375 00 J. W. Gregg, Professor of Floriculture and Landscape Gardening 375 00 (J. M. Haring, Professor of Veterinary Science and Director of Agriculture Experiment Station 375 00 S. J. Holmes, Professor of Zoology 375 00 W. P. Kelley, Professor of Agricultural Chemistry in the Citrus Experiment Station and Graduate School of Tropical Agriculture 375 00 A. L. Kroeber, Professor of Anthropology and Curator of Anthropological Museum — 375 00 R. J. Leonard, Professor of Vocational Education and Director of Divi- sion of Vocational Education 375 00 H. L. Leupp, Librarian — 375 00 C. B. Lipman, Professor of Soil Chemistry and Bacteriology 375 00 H. J. Quayle, Professor of Entomology in Citrus Experiment School of ,„k nn Tropical Agriculture — ^^^ "^ W. C. Rappeleye, Assistant Director of Hospitals ^'^ ou H. S. Reed, Professor of Plant Physiology in the Citrus Experiment Station and Graduate School of Tropical Agriculture ■-- -J'S ou L. S. Schmitt, Secretary of University Hospital, Secretary of the Faculty of tiie Medical School 375 00 C. F. Shaw, Professor of Soil Technology ^'^ "" H. K. Schilling, Professor of German Language and Literature _— - — 6lt> vv S. Daggett, Professor of Railroad Economics on the Flood Foundation and Dean of the College of Commerce ^j/^ ^- R. Piccoli, Lecturer in Literature and Institutions — Italian 4uu uu $301.00 to $350.00. A. B. Domonoske, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, and Instructor of U. S. Shipping Board ^0° ^^ W B. Herms, Associate Professor of Parasitology •>"» •*"* E. H. Hughes, Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry and Secretary of Division ^-r-r. wJk oTe cc J W Flinn, University Printer and Superintendent of the Printing Office— 31b bb F L Griffin, Associate Professor of Agricultural Education ^16 bb F T. Blanchard, Associate Professor of English, Southern Branch 3^5 ou S. S. Maxwell, Associate Professor of Physiology t^H-, ho R. G. Aitken, .\stronomy. Lick Observatory itt t'o J. T. Allen, Professor of Greek ^^-^ ^* E. B. Babcock, Professor of Genetics ^" ^^ H. H Benedict, Accountant, Comptroller's Office ^^^ " B. H. Boren, Principal, University High School ^^^ " Jesse D Burks, Special Investigator on Education ^dd 66 NAMES, TlTIiES AND SALARIEvS. Ill UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORN lA— Continued. Name and Title Monthly Salary W. T. Clarke, Professor of Agricultural Extension 333 33 W. C. Crandall, Business Agent, Scripps Institution for Biological Research 333 33 R. T. Crawford, Professor of Astronomy 333 33 J. F. Daniel, Professor of Zoology ~ ~~ 333 33 E. Dawson, Professor of American Government ZI_I IIII 333 33 B. A. Etcheverry, Professor of Irrigation Engineering 333 33 H. S. Fawcett, Professor of Plant Pathology in the Citrus Experiment Station and Graduate School of Tropical Agriculture 333 33 M. C. Flaherty, Professor of Forensics, Department of Public Speaking 333 33 R. T. Holbrook, Professor of French^ 333 33 N. Hovey, Purchasing Agent. Comptroller's Office 333 33 E. A. Hugill, Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings 333 33 S. J. -Hume, Assistant Professor of Dramatic Literature and Art, and Director of the Greek Theatre 333 33 W. L. Jepson, Professor of Botany _ 333 33 A. M. Kidd, Professor of Law 333 33 D. N. Lehmer, Professor of Mathematics 333 33 I. M. Linforth, Professor of Greek 333 33 E. H. Mauk, Professor of Prosthetic Dentistry ^ 333 33 J. M. Mannon, Jr., Attorney for the Board of Regents 333 33 H. W. Mansfield, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Arts, Southern Branch 333 33 C. H. Marvin, Assistant Director Southern Branch and Assistant Professor of Commerce 333 33 B. I. McCormac, Professor of American History 333 33 K. F. Meyer, Associate Professor of Tropical Medicine 333 33 R. F. Miller, Associate Professor of Animal Husbandry 333 33 W. C. Morgan. Professor of Chemistry, Southern Branch 333 33 G. R. Noyes, Professor of Slavic Languages 333 33 L. J. Paetow, Professor of Mediaeval History 333 33 B. V. Raber, Professor of Mechanical Engineering 333 33 T. H. Reed, Professor of Municipal Government — 333 33 C. L. Roadhouse, Profes.sor of Dairy Industry 333 33 C. E. Rugh. Professor of Education 333 33 E. M. Salt, Professor of Political Science 333 33 Lucv W. Stebbins, Dean of Women and Associate Professor of Social "Economy 333 33 E. L. Walker, Associate Professor of Tropical Medicine 333 33 O. M. Washburn. Associate Professor of Classical Archaeology, and Manager of the University Press — 333 33 C. W. Wells, Professor of English 333 33 C. W. Woodworth, Professor of Entomology 333 33 D W. Dickie, Lecturer in Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture and Instructor, U. S. Shipping Board 350 00 Joseph Grinnell. Professor of Zoology and Director of the California Museum of Vertebrate Zoology 350 00 W. L. Howard, Professor of Pomology 350 00 $276.00 to $300.00. W V. Cruess, Assistant Professor of Fruit Products 283 33 Alex. McDonald, Beef Herdsman, S. A. University Farm 285 00 V. E. Emmel, Associate Professor of Anatomy 291 33 T Francis Hunt, Associate Professor of Agricultural Extension 291 66 W J. Raymond, Associate Professor of Physics 291 66 W C Blasdale, Professor of Chemistry 300 00 D Bruce. Associate Professor of Forestry 300 00 C E Cliapman, Associate Professor of Latin American and Californian History 300 00 J E Dougherty, Associate Professor of Poultry Husbandry 300 00 E E Hall, Professor of Physics E300 00 F M Hayes, Associate Professor of Veterinary Science 300 00 D R Hoagland. Associate Professor of Agricultural Chemistry 300 00 r' S. Holway, Profes.sor of Physical Geography 300 00 W T. Home, Associate Pi-ofessor of Plant Pathology 300 00 P B Kennedv, Associate Professor of Agronomy 300 00 F. L. Kleeberger, Professor of Physical Education and Director of Men's Gymnasium — oOO 00 B. P. Kurtz. Processor of English 300 00 M C. Lynch, Professor of Law 300 00 J. A. Marshall, Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Dental Pathology 300 00 C. D. Mead. Associate Professor of Elementary Education 300 00 R. Michaud. Professor of Fi-ench . 300 00 R. S. Minor. Professor of Physics 300 00 S. B. Mitchell, Associate Librarian and Head of Accessions Department 300 00 Agnes F Morgan, Associate Professor of Household Science ^^29 " C. A. Noble. Professor of Mathematics and Assistant Examiner of Schools 300 00 C. Pa.schall, Professor of German ^ 300 00 Mary F. Patterson, Associate Professor of Household Art and Design .^00 00 M. Radin. Professor of Law-_-- 300 00 G. H. Robinson, Professor of Law 300 00 Irving M. Scott, Jr., Instructor, U. S. Shipping Board 300 00 112 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORN lA— Continued. Nanif ami Title Monthly Salary J'^. V. Simonltm, Associate Professor of Operative Dentistry ;;00 00 J. Traum, Associate Professor of \'eterinary Science 1500 00 K. H. Tucker, Astronomer, Licli Observatory ;',00 00 I-'. W. Woll, Professor of Animal Nutrition 300 00 A. T. Wiight, Professor o' Law 300 00 VV. H. Wiiglit. Astronomer, Lick Observatory 300 00 $251 to ^275. G. W. Curtis, Accountant, Lfniversity Hospital 258 00 Guy Montgomery, Instructor in English and Assistant Dean of the Summer Sessions 262 50 Ruby L. Cunningham. Assistant Professor of Hygiene, Physician for Women 2 66 66 L. J. Fletcher, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering 2 66 66 I. C. Hall, Associate Professor of Bacteriology 266 66 R. W. Hodgson, Specialist in Agricultural Extension 266 66:t W. S. Tliomas. Assistant Professor of Education and Examiner of Schools 266 66 W. P. Tufts, Assistant Professor of Pomology 266 66 H. A. W^inland. Assistant Professor of Agriculture Extension 266 663 R. G. Boone, Professor of Education 275 00 S. Blum. Associated Professor of Economics 275 00 W. Blown, Associate Professor of Psychology, Dept. of Philosophy E275 00 V. C. Bryant, Assistant I'rofessor of Agricultural Extension 275 00 C. F. Elwood, As.sistant Professor in Agricultural Extension 275 00 E. O. Essig, Assistant Professor of Entomology 275 00 J. N. Force, Professor of Epidemiology 275 00 S. T. Harding, Associate Professor of Irrigation 275 00 W. C. Hays, Associate Professor of Architecture 275 00 G. W. Hendry, Assistant Professor of Agronomy 275 00 E. A. Hersam, Associate Professor of Metallurgy 275 00 C. E. Howell, Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry, Agriculture 275 00 M. E. .Jaffa, Professor of Nutrition, Agriculture 275 005 H. Kower, Professor of Drawing 275 00 L. H. Miller, Associate Professor of Biology, Southern Branch 275 00 W. S. Morley, Associate Professor of Metallurgy 275 00 H. C. Nutting, Associate Professor of Latin 275 00 W. Popper, Associate Professor of Semitic Languages 275 00 C. W. Porter, Associate Professor of Chemistry 275 00 H. L Priestley, Associate Professor of Mexican History and Librarian of the Bancroft Library 275 00 A. W. Ryder, Associate Professor of Sanskrit 275 00 A. Smith, Assistant Professor of Soil Technology, Agriculture 275 00 F. B. Sumner, Associate Professor of Biology 275 00 T. Ta\ernetti, Assistant Professor of Farm Practice and Assistant to the Dean of the L'niversity Farm School 275 00 F. .1. Teggart, Associate Professor of Social Institutions 275 00 L. M. Turner, Associate Professor of French 275 00 L. C. Uren, Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering 275 00 E. C. Van Dyke, Assistant Professor of Entomology 275 00 C. D. VonNeumayer, Associate Professor of Public Speaking and Dramatic Art 275 00 E. C. Voorhies, Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry and Assistant to the Dean of the College of Agriculture 275 00 W. S. Weeks, Associate Professor of Mining 275 00 $226.00 to $250.00. A. P. McKinley, As.sistant Professor of Latin, Southern Branch 229 10 G. F. Paddock, Acting Astronomer in charge of D. O. Mills Expedition 229 16 George A. Smithson, Assistant Professor of English, I'niversity Extension 229 16 Nellie H. Gore, Assistant Professor of Fine Arts, Southern Branch 233 33 A. H. Hoffman, Assistant Professor Agricultural Engineering 233 33 L. B. Smitli, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension 233 33J P. E. Smitli, Assistant Professor of Anatomy 233 33 C. M. Titus, Teacher in University Farm School 233 33 W. E. Tomson, Associate in Animal Husbandry 233 33 W. W. Weir, Assistant Professor of Soil Technology 233 33 E. T. Jiartholomew, Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology 240 00 T. C. Burnett. Assistant Professor of Physiology 241 66 F. ^\'. Cozens, Assistant Professor of Pliysical Education. Southern Branch 241 66 M. L. 1 )arsie. Assistatit Professor of Education, Southern Branch 241 66 W. K. Lloyd. Assistant Professor of Potdtry Husbandry 241 66 J. Loewenberg, Ansistant Professor of Phiiosopliy 241 66 F. Adams, Professor of Irrigation Investigation 250 004 J. M. Adams, Associate Professor of Physics, Southern Branch 250 00 A. C. Alvarez, Associate IMofessor of Civil Engineering 250 00 H. J. Baade, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension 250 005 T. D. B3ckwlth, Assistant Professor of Pathology 250 00 J. P. Benson, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension 250 00$ G. Boas, Assistant Professor of Forensics, Department of Public Speaking— 250 00 NAMES, TITLES AKD SALARIES. IIH UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORN lA— Continued. Name an.l Titk- Monthly .Salary Emma .1. Bieck, Supervisor of the Teaching oi English. University Higii Scliool 250 00 J. V. Breitweiser, Associate Professor of Education I"_ ~ E250 Oo W. R. Camp, Associate Professor of Rural Institutions ~ II 250 00 H. L. Bruce, Associate Professor of English "-Z E250 00 E. Buceta, Assistant Professor of Spanish ~_ ~ 250 00 G. M. Calhoun, Associate Professor of Gieek IIIII III 250 00 A. G. W. Cerf, Lecturer in Frencli, Southern Branch " I-I_I 250 00 B. L. Clark. Assistant Professor of Paleontology II__II 250 Oj R. E. Clausen, Assistant Professor of Genetics ZZ.ll. 250 00 C. M. Conner, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension I_II I" 250 00; H. Cozens, Vice Principal of Junior Division University High School '250 00 Nadlne Crump, Representative in Southern California University Extension 250 00 R. E. Davis, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering 250 00 M. E. Deutsch, Professor of Liatin I ~ 05(j oo ./. R. Douglas, Assistant Professor of American Politics and Administration and Director of Bureau of Public Administration 250 00 A. S. Eakle, Professor of Mineralogy I_ 250 00 H. W. Edwards, Supervisor of Physical Sciences I'niversity High School— I 250 00 S. Einarsson, Associate Professor of Practical Astronomy 250 00 S. B. Freeboi-n, Assistant Professor of Entomology I_ 250 00 N. L. Gardner, Assistant Professor of Botany and Curator in the Her- barium 250 00 G. E. Gibson, Assistant Professor of Chemistry 250 00 T. H. Goodspeed, Associate Profes.Harriet (i. lOd'ly, Assistant Prof?.«sor of Agricultural Extension 2li8 33 S. Carolyn FislVer, Instructor in Psychology, tiouihcin Branch 2(»8 :{3 .1 P. Friiuc", Snecialist in Agricultural Extension 208 33 A. K. (iray, As.sistant Prof-ssor of Knglisli, .Southern Branch 2rdsman, S. A. University Farm ... J. J. Ki'roninion. Senior Bookkeeper, Comptroller's Offlee Georgo Phillips, Shepherd, S. A. University Farm F. E. Beekman, Assistant Professor of French and Sptnish, Southern Branch O. F. Wood, Dean and Instructor in Plumbing, Wihnerding School Louise P. Soov, Instructor in Fine Arts. Smith Hughes, Southern Branch H. F. .Allen, A.ssistant Professor of English, Southern Branch #A. M. Burton, Sjiecialist in Agricultural Extension (t. W. C'ark, Instructor in Pharmaeologv #K. W. Curtis. Specialist in Agricultural Extension C L. Flint. Instructor in Landscape Gardening and Floriculture #Zilla E. Mills, Assistant in Agricultural Extcn.sion.. Gladys Nevenzel. .Assistant in .Agricultural Extonsion Fleda E. Smith, Assistant in Agricultural Extension #C. C. Staunton, Specialist in Agricultural Extension -— M H. Wallace, Assistant Professor of Physical Education, Southern Branch il.v Salary 2-25 (XI 225 00 225 00 225 00 225 00 225 00 225 00 225 00 225 00 225 00 225 00 225 00 225 00 235 00 225 00 225 00 225 OO 225 00 225 00 225 00 17G GO 177 OO 180 00 183 3-3 183 33 183 33 183 33 183 33 183 33 183 33 183 33 183 33 183 33 183 33 183 33 183 33 183 33 ia3 33 183 33 183 33 183 33 183 .3:3 183 33 183 33 183 33 183 33 183 33 1&3 .33 183 33 183 33 183 33 183 33 183 .33 183 33 183 33 183 33 183 33 1&3 33 1&3 .33 185 00 185 on 185 OO 187 .W 187 .50 188 33 191 65 191 68 191 61 101 65 101 65 191 66 101 65 191 66 191 65 191 63 116 STATE OFFICERS AXD EMPLOYEES. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORN lA— Continued. Name atui Title Monthly Salary #Elizab?th M. Wills, Assistant iu Agricultural Extension lid 61 li. Kirk Smith, In-structor in Fine Arts, Southern Branch 197 r,:i \V. E. .\llen. Biologist and Publicity S-crctary, Scripp.s Institution Biological Research 2(10 (xj #E. O. Amundson, Siv'cialist in Agricultural Extension 200 00 V. .-Vrnt/ivn. Expert Mechanic in Civil Engineering Laboratory 200 (K) C. H. Bell, Instructor in German 2»K) CO .1. A. Brennan, Dairy Herdsman, University Farm 200 (K) F. Brockway, Instructor in Mechanical Arts, Southern Branch 200 (to Edith S. Bryan, Assi.'^tant Professor of Public Health Nursing .- 200 OO F. M. Btunstead, Superintendent of Circulation Library 20(1 (X) (.'. .1. Biirrell, Teacher Mathematics. University Farm -. 2.0 Oo A. W. Christie, Instructor in Fruit Products 2(J0 00 Lillian D. Clark, Specialist in Agricultural Extension -- 200 Co Mary (i. Collopy, Assistant in Agricultural Extension 200 00 Edith M. Coulter, Reference Librarian 200 (0 A. E. Davie, Engineer, Southern Branch 200 00 \V. H. Dore, Instructor in .^Agricultural Chemistry 200 00 ttU. E. Drobish, Si).'cialist in Agricultural Extension 20O Oj Ruth Elliott, A.ssistant Professor of Physical Education 200 00 J. K. Fisk, As.sistant to the Recorder 200 CO W. F. Gericke, Assistant Professor of Soil Chemistry 200 iA> G. E. Gordon, .^.ssistant in Agricultural Extension 200 CO F. M. Greene, Supervisor of Practice \Vork__ 200 00 Pauline Gunthorp, Head Cataloguer, Library 200 O) #W. Harrison, Specialist in .-Agricultural Extension 200 CO Ellen Hedriek, Classifier, Library..-- 2<0 OO A. H. Hendrickson, Assistant Professor of Pomology 200 OO .1. .J. Hill, Assistant Librarian of Bancroft Library 200 CO Mary Kavanagh, Assistant in .Anaesthesia 20O 00 E. A. Kincaid, Instructor in Economies E 200 0,» G. H. Kress, Dean Lo.s Angeles Medical Department 200 00 W. M. Latimer, Instructor in Chemistry 2C0 CO Rachel L. Ash, .Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics 3C0 00 .T. W. Marsh, Instructor in Mechanical Arts, Southern Branch 2(0 00 #.T. W. Masten, Specialist in .-Agricultural Extension 200 OO .Alice F. Maxwell, Instructor in Ob.stetrics and Gynocology 200 CO R. D. MeCallum, Specialist in .Agricultural Extension 200 00 Myrta L. McClellan, Instructor in Geography, Southern Branch 200 CO J. D. Miller, Teacher, University Farm School 200 00 #J. W. Mills, Specialist, Agricultural Extension 200 CO P. W. Nahl. Assistant Professor of Freehand Drawing and Art .Anatomy, and Ciuator of the Armes Museum 2(0 00 G. F. Nelson, Mechanician, Chemistry 2r0 00 K. E. Neuhaus, Assistant Professor of Art .Appreciation 200 00 #W. H. Norton, Specialist in .Agricultural Extension -- 2C0 0:) .1. B. Phillips, Instructor in Mechanical Arts, Southern Branch 20O 00 C. H. Raymond, Instructor in English-.-- 200 (0 W. R. Rhoads, Instructor in Commercial Practice, Southern Branch 200 00 Claiissa Roehr, Pharmacist, University Hospital 2C0 00 F. Schneider, Instructor in German 2(fO 00 Elizabeth Schulze, Instructor in Roentgenology 2 (X) C. O. Smith, Research .Associate in Plant Pathology, Citrus Experiment Station, and Graduate School of Tropical Agriculture 200 00 E. Squires, Engineer, Heat and Light 200 CO W. R. Stamper, Mechanician, Physics 200 00 #C. E. Sullivan, Specialist in .Agricultural Extension --__.... 200 00 Olive Swezy, Research iVssociate, Zoology Research , 200 00 E. E. Thomas, Research .Associate, .Agricultural Chemistry, Citrus Experiment Sta- tion and fJradiiate School of Tropical .Agriculture 2C0 CO B. R. Vanleer, Instructor in Mechanical Engineering 2tO OO G. 1. Vaughn, Engineer, Heat and Light 2 00 H. .1. Wambold, Instructor, Southern Branch 200 00 W. H. Williams, Instructor, Physics I 20O CO .T. F. Wilson, Assistant Professor. Animal Husbandry 200 CO A. M. Woodman, Teacher, I^ni.vcrsity Farm School 200 CO •1. H. Woolsey, Instructor in Surgery and P'xecutive Officer 200 00 E. H. Wright, Instructor in Physical Education 2C0 00 C. I.. Whit", Business .Agent, Southern Branch 204 16 $151 to .flTS. William J. Taylor, Technician, X-Ray, University High Sehooi -- ^f)2 00 A. Edgar, Fir(>man, Heat and Light 1S2 .W O. M. Hubbs. Fir"maii. Heat and Light-. — 1'''2 .50 T. J. Nylander. Fireman, Heat and Light ■'•'>2 fifi J. Savage, Fireman, Heat and Light -- 1^2 50 E. Dusenberry, .Assistant Physiollieraphy. Hahnemann Hospital v. 1.5.3 00 M. Ryan, Surgery Department, Llahnemann Hospital.. -'- 1->1 00 M. C. Wilson, Directress, Hahnemann Hospital 154 00 Alex McGillioray, Head Janitor, Southern Branch 154 16 NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 117 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORN lA— Continued. Name and Title Monthly Salaiy H. E. Furchgott, Cliicf l'lly^'iotlll'I•a|(ll.v Dr-partiuent, Haliiiciiiaim Hospital l.'ig 00 Alice Ralston, Sii)>"ivisor Xiiising Kiliication, University Ho-spital 158 (W S. M. Brown, Assistant Cht'inist in the CitriLs Kxpvrin'tnt Station 158 33 #K. E. Frasher, Assistant in Agricultural Extension 158 33 O. (iliiggioli. Creamery Foreman, Univrsity Farm 158 33 KG. A. Goatley, Assistant in Agricultural Extension 1.58 33 Barbara Hreenwood, Teacher in Charge of Kimlergarten, Southern Branch 158 33 Helen Keller, Supervisor of Opportunity Room, Southern Branch 158 33 Blanche Kells, Teacher of Physical Training, Southern Branch 158 33 J. C. Johnston, .As.sistant in Citriculture 158 33 Edith Ringer, Teacher in Charge of Third Grade, Southern Branch 158 33 Emma -J. Robinson, Teach'T in Charge of Sixth Grade, Southern Branch ' 158 33 Katherin" Speiro, Teacher in Charge of Fourth Grade, Southern Branch.. 1.58 .'?3 Lulu M. Stedman, Teacher in Charge of Fifth Grade, Southern Branch 158 33 Edith Wallop, Teacher in Charge of Second (irade, Southern Branch 158 33 #W. G. Waterhous", Assistant in Agricultural Extension .- .. 158 33 Charles W. Andrews, Assistant in Wrestling, Physical Education, Men 161 00 Helen Bloodgood, Nurse, University Hospital 160 OO Florence iioddy, Nurse, University Hospital 160 00 William I,. Dye, Assistant, Spanish 160 CO A. H. Furnstal, Technician, Berkeley 160 W L. H. Gazzele, Steam Operator. Heat and Light 160 0» Josephine Green. Supervisor, Nursing Kducation, University Hospital 160 00 R. E. Johnson, .Assistant in Boxing, Physical Education, Men 160 00 Sophia H. Levy, Assistant to Dean of Graduate Division and Associate in Theo- retical Astronomy .. 160 00 J. Roche, Steam Operator, Heat and Light 16>00 L. D. Lockwood, Instructor in .Vrehitectural Drawing, W^ilmerding School 162 50 Frank Watson, Orchard Foreman, University Farm 160 00 F. M. Williams, Instructor, (General Science, Wiimerding School 162 50 Emil Maggia, (iardener, Botany 163 CO Clyd" Bates, Commissary Buyer, Comptroller's Office 165 00 -'Frances H. Hanna, Record Clerk, Comptroller's Office 165 00 Edward Mayer, Secretary, Visual Instruction, University Extension .. 165 00 S. N. Shapero, Inventory Clerk, Comptroller's Office 165 OD T. I. Storer, Field Naturalist, Museum 165 00 Cyril Strode, I>river, Dairy Sales 165 00 M. E. Strode, Driver, Dairy Sales 165 00 Ethel Strohmeier, Secretary, University Extension 165 00 tL. D. .Adams, Lecturer, Modern History 163 65 Eva M. Allen. Instructor in Commercial Practice, Southern Branch 165 65 R. Benton, Correspondence Teach°r, Agriculture 163 63 V. F. Blanchard, .Assistant, .Agricultural Extension 163 63 L. M. K. Boelter, Instructor, Electrical Engineering 165 63 L. Bonnet, .Assistant in Viticulture 163 65 C. Bransby, Assistant Professor of Spanish 165 63 M. W. Buster, .A.ssistant in Agricultural E.xtension 165 63 W. F. Carroll, .Assistant in .Agricultural Extension 163 63 Hel"n C. Chandler, Instructor in Fine .Arts, Southern Branch 163 63 May I.. Chr>ney, .Appointment Secretary 163 63 Oralrl Chilton. .Associate in Home Economics, Southern Branch . 165 65 J. L. Collins, Instructor in Gen"tics 163 63 H. N. Cooper, Curator, Chemistry 163 65 Mildred K. Corbin, .Assistant in Agricultural Extension 163 63 Sarah R. Davis, .Assistant Professor of Physical Education 165 63 W. P. Duruz, Assistant in Pomology 163 Oj R. EllLs, Assistant in .Agricultural Extension 163 63 Maud Evans, As.sociate in Honi" Economics, Southern Branch 166 63 H. P. Everett, Assistant in .Agricultural Extension 163 63 .Aithur Folg°r, Sup'Tintendent Test.s, University Farm 163 63 Lucy M. Gaines, Instructor in History, Southern Branch 183 63 H. Goss, .Assistant in Nutrition.. 1S3 63 L. R. Grunewald, Instructor in Physical Education, Southern Branch 163 63 #R. M. Hag»n, Assistant Professor of .Agricultural Extension -- 163 65 F. r. Halma, Assistant in Plant Physiology in the Citrus Experiment Station 165 63 W. F. Hamilton, .Assistant in Zoology ^83 65 Bessie E. Hazen, Instructor in Fine .Arts, Southern Branch 165 63 Mal'-^l C. Jackson, Teacher in Charge of Seventh Grade, Southern Branch ^^"^ °i R. H. K'amt, Assistant in .Agricultural Extension J63 6) John Leggett, Repairman, L'niversity Farm |65 6j .Agnes Macpherson, Associate in Home Economics '''S 6j Robert McBride, .Assistant Superinfondent Cultivation Citrus E.xperiment Station 16j 65 T. C. McFarland. Instructor in Eltctncal Engineering |55 5.! F. R. .Morris, Instrtictor in Mathematics j^i o> R. R. Morse, Instructor in (7eologv ,i?- ^I Dr. J. J. Mundorfl, Technical Assistant, Eye Department, University Hospital uo CO F. E. Neer, Instructor in Pomology ]ma\ Mabel Nettleton. Registrar, Southern Branch irr «• Emily Palmer, Special -Agent, Smith Hughes '"^ "■' 118 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORN lA— Continued. Nanie and Title Gladys Palmer, Instructor, Physical Education, Southern Branch Rosamond Parma, Librarian, Law Library J. G. Rattray, Mechanic, Ch?inistry ""^II'III^ B. A. Rudolph, R^'sident .\ssociate. Plant Pathology I"III Josephine E. Seaman, Instructor in English, Southern Branch II. .II M. A. Silva, Instrument Maker, Lick Observatory II Pauline Sperry, Instructor, Mathematics I " Chester Stock, Instructor, Palaeontology II I Evelyn Thomas, Instructor. English, Southeni Branch I.IIII Mary Van Camp, Assistant Agricultural I^xtension II Hazel Walker, Coordinator, Fediral Board University Farm ."... B. E. \\'elL<, Assistant Supervisor of Practice Teaching, Southern Branch Belle H. Whitice, Instructor, Industrial Arts, Southern Branch Jessie Stickel, Technical Assistant, Clinical Laboratory, University Hospital J. Dixon, Mammalogist, Vertebrate Zoology Marea Godiard, Assistant, Spanish H. J. Greif, Associate in Music, Southern Branch Marie 1'inis, Sui>erintendent. University Farm..-- J. W. Barnett, City Buyer, Comptroller's Office P. S. Barnhart, Collector and Curator, Aquarium +E. I. Bartlett, Instructor in Surgery and Pathologist, University Hospital R. J. Brower, Associate in Drawing T. Buck, Assistant Professor, Mathematics W. A. U. Connor, Bill Clerk, Comptroller's Office C. E. Cox, Assistant in Mechanics and Foreman of Woodwork W. J. Cummings, Glassblower, Chemistry A. B. Cummins. Assistant in Agricultural Chemistry W. D. Drew, Cliief Clerk, Citriis Experiment St tirn F. C. H. Flossfeder, Assistant Professor of Viticulture and Superintendent of Grounds at University Farm J George, Assistant in Mechanics and Foreman of Iron Work A. J. Greer, Farm Foreman^ University Farm Geo. Harablin, Hostler, University Farm J. E. Hoover, Foreman and Carpenter, Lick Obsen atory G. P. Kraus, Mechanician, Physics A. B. Mackinnon, Bookkeeper, Agriculture #G. A. Merrill, Director of the Wilmerding School of Industrial Arts W. J. Mossak, Federal Board Instructor, Southern Branch #R. E. Nebelung, Specialist in Agricultural Extension .... C. M. Price. Instructor in Physical Education #W. R. Ralston, Specialist in Agricultural Extension K. A. Ryerson, Assistant in Agricultural Extension A. G. Smith, Chairman, University Extension H. S. Sw-rth, Curator of Birds. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology Sue Van Wagenen, Secretary. University Hospital R. C. Walden, Clerk, Repairs A. E. Way, Field Assistant in Viticulture Monthly Salary 163 63 166 68 168 65 166 66 168 63 166 68 163 63 168 63 166 66 166 66 166 63 163 63 165 65 168 67 170 00 170 00 170 00 170 00 175 00 175 00 175 00 C 175 OO 175 00 175 00 175 00 175 00 175 OU 175 00 175 00 175 00 175 00 175 00 175 00 175 00 175 00 175 00 175 00 175 00 175 00 175 CO 175 00 175 00 175 00 175 00 175 00 175 00 ?12fi to $1.50 Stella Bennett, Senior Assistant, Library Edith M. Calder, Nurse, Infirmary Joe Guzman. Helper, Dairy Sal's P. Horn^. Ji^nitor, California Hall. Janitor. Police Roxana G. Johnson, Senior Assistant, Library M-ie McCabe, Nurse, University Farm Car-line McCreery. Nurse. Infirmary In°z F. Colby, Senior Assistant, Library Agnes M. Cole, Senior Assistant, Library Myrtle Havford Nurse^ Infirmary I. Ouayle, Repiiinnan. University Farm B'-rtV'p S Rainey. Nurse. Tnfirmary Fron^i'i Rhodes Cook, Infinnary P ul Schi'lz. Dairy Bani Milker, University Farm Dell.') T. Sis'er. Senior Assistant. Library.' Jl-nriettn St"iner, Senior Bookkeener, ComntroUer's Office .Arthur Stottlemayer. Dairy Barn Helner. University Farm (irore" Lnhmiller, Cow Bov. University Farm .•\. Nash, Instructor, Ocui-ational TheVapy Hahnem.ann Hosnital Em''lv Snangler. Sunen-isor. Nursinci;iti> in Phvsval Education M'M-'i T. Ci-aiir. R"co'di.r. Srutlu'iii Branch Elizsdx'th IT. F rgo. Librarinn "oi'tbem Branpt' .Tosp'^liin'. Onion. AcKociHte in Pliv-ieal Edi-cat'on W. S H«ncock. Federal I'.oard Tii.striictor. S-^uthern Branch R. W. J'-ans, Tnstnictor, Water-coloring and Pen and Ink Drawing 130 130 130 130 130 130 \m 1.30 130 1.30 1.30 i;w 130 130 1.30 130 1,30 1.32 1.33 l.^? 1.3.3 133 1.33 133 ^.^3 1.33 l.-S 1.33 13.3 NAMES. ri'lLKS AND SALARIES. ] 19 UNIVERSITY OF CALI FORNI A— Continued. Name mid Tillc .MuiiUily Sala.y Anna Kiaiifc, At-sociat" in H|lani^ll, Souihcrn Brunch 133 33 Jiaietie L nw.--ti.-, Ai^souute in fiiah - 133 33 V. L. MfVt'y, !«i!.iior Physician for Men 133 33 NEttiu Mi'cK, bi^a- tary, cjivil Engiuc'-ring 133 33 li. Zi. FatiiiK, Associate m iieneh -- — 133 33 lola (i. ivies!», Assistant in Kngiibh 133 33 M. N. Hhuten, Ophthalmologist 133 33 — iJessy Sprague, hscrctary and Librarian, Architecture 133 33 K. E. Svvectiaiul, Assistant in l'-ngli.>h 133 33 Maria T. Toniiiiasini, Associate in Italian 133 33 Emily VVilKie, iMhtorial Header, Publications 133 33 E. P. VVilloughby, Mechanical Heliier, Mining and Metallurgy 133 33 Mrs. A. M. Wheaion. Housekeeidng Matron, L'niversity Hospital 134 ;) James liickford. Janitor, University Fariiu.^ 138 00 (lias. Dowler, Janitor, University Farm 138 00 A. Daggett, Sui)ervisor, Hahnemann Hospital 13i> 00 A. Gunnison, Kight Stiperintendont, Hahnemann Hospital 139 00 M. .\. Horwege, Supervisor, Hahnemann Hospital 139 00 M. R. Joyce, Supervisor, Hahnemann Hospital 133 00 F. A. Denhard, Assistant to Purchasing Agent 140 GO A. F. Eldridge. Police OfFicr. Janitors, Police 140 00 \. O. F.^ster, Police Officer ... 1^0 W W. J. Lee, Police Officer 140 00 Otto May. Mail Carrier. President's Office 140 C:) Ivouisc Oldenlourg, Assistant Physician for Women and Anesthetist 140 00 ■'. K. Mathison. Helper, Dairy Sales 140 0» D. L. R rl.erts. Chief Clerk. Berkeley 140 00 Frank M. Stamper, Laboratory Helper, Physics 140 00 Katherine I. Tapseott, Secretary, University Extension 140 00 O. P. Tavlor, Police Officer 140 00 E. M. Kidd, Police Oflicer 140 OO Caroline Coleman, Associate in Physical Education 141 66 G. A. Coleman. Instructor in Entomology I'l S'j Marin B. Knight, Associate, Pliy^ical Education 141 6'i — J'lizabeth Maier, Chief Clerk, Southern Branch 141 (Ki Violet Marshall, Associate, Physical Education 141 m C. Ballard, .Assistant, Physiotheraphy, Halmemimn Hospital 143 00 D. I. Bassett, Instructor, Occupational Theraphy, Hahnemann Hospital 143 ('» G. Benson. Assi.-tant Physiotheraphy, Hahnemann Hospital 143 00 F. Bovill, Assistant Physiotheraphy, Hahnemann Hospital 1 13 (^O Rebecca Cerf, Assistant Technician, Universitv Hosniial. Physi i-lheraphy 143 00 G. Reicheldorfes, .Assistant Physiotheraphy, Hahnemann Hospital 143 OO F. Thornton, .Assistant Physiotheraphy, Hahnemann Hospital... 143 CO D. Vockel. .Assistant Physiotherajihy, Hahnemann Hospital 143 0;< G. F. Porter, .Assistant Superintendent, Hahnemann Hospital 144 00 F. Ksnd^lDh E. Longwdl, Foreman, Dairy Sales 145 Od #G. W. Galbraith, Supervisor of Classes for Teachers of Trade and Industrial Subjects, Southern Branch ... 14^ ^ #C L. Jacobs. Associate Professor of Industrial Kducation and Supervisor of Classes for 'i'rachers of Trade and Industrial Subjects IJ^ ^^ .Jessie Greenword. Supervisor, Nursing Education, University Hospital 14-) W/ .Annie H. .Allin, Associate in Public Speaking i=ii nJ' .A. .Anderson, Associate in English ]J^ ** Edith S. .Anderson. Assistant in Spanish I'-krvl Roy Arnheini, Assistant, University Farm i -n !v Sarah Atsatt, Instructor in Biology. Southern Branch il^ X^ <'. L. Austin, Assistant in Pomology i Si Art Henry Bachman. Mechanician, :Mining and Metallurgy 1»| 00 F. H. Ballou, .Assistant in Zool'igy _-— V^ JS Mabel Barnhart, Instructor in Music, Southern Branch I]* 00 G. Barovetto. Field .Assistant in Viticulture 1-2'^ 00 D. T. Batchelder, Specialist in .Agricultural Exttnsion loO 00 Dr. .A E. Belt. Xight Clinic, Universitv Hospital. Out Patient Department. .Assistant in Urologv, Medical School and Hospitals. .Assistant in Research Medicine Hoaper Foundation !•* ^'^ ft 120 STATE OFFICERS AND EMl'LOYEES. UNIVERSITY OF CALI FORN I A— Continued. Xaine aiul Title Xronthly Salai.v H. C. Birkett, Mechanic, Berkeley 1")" C" Agues K. Brown, Librarian at University Farm School 100 «) Harriet Brown, Cla.-s (Irganizer, Los Antreles, University Extension 150 (C K. M. BryiKit. Technician, University Hospital, Department of Physiology l.'O (« K. .1. ('ampbell. Assistant in Agricultural Fxtfnsion 150 OO C. I>. Carpenter, Poultry Investigations, University Farm 150 00 M. N. Casterline, Carpenter, Southern Branch 150 OC Carrie K. Castle, Research Assistant, Botulism Investigations 150 00 Marie Champy, Associate in French 15*> OO W. H. Chapman, Mechanic, Chemistry 150 OO R. H. Clark, .\.«sociate in Knglish 150 0« Evelyn Conklin, Assistant in Agricultural Extension 150 iH) Marjorie W. Cook, Technician, Pathology Research U. S 150 (X; Mrs. W. R. Crowell, Tfacher Home Economics Training School, Southern Branch 1.50 elano, Instructor in Fine Arts, Southern Branch 150 (lO .1. A. D'jnny, Foreman of Cereal Work, Kearney Vineyard 150 00 Charles Dooley, Head Janitor, Southern Branch 150 00 C. T. Dczier, Associate in Physics 150 00 Caroline Duncan, Associate in Public Speaking ^.- 150 00 E. C. Eby, Assistant in Education and Secretary of the Department 150 00 F. M. Essig, Instructor in Botany and Bacteriology, Southern Branch 150 W) Helen W. Fancher, Associate in Household Art 15a 00 Feliz Flugsl, Instructor in Economics E15;) CO L. K. Freeman, Instructor in Mining 150 O) Dora Fritz, Chief Assistant, L'niversity Farm 150 00 E. L. Furlong, Assistant in Palaeontology 15u 00 Gus (iabrielli, Foreman, University Farm 150 00 J.. W. Hahn, Dental Surgeon.. _ 150 o:) E. K. Heller, Instructor in German. 150 00 C. C. Herbert, Instructor in .\utomobile Mechanics, Wilmerding School 150 (lO Katherine Hersey, Instructor in Physical Education, Southern Branch 150 Or> K. L. Hooptr, Assistant in Agricultural Extension 150 00 B. Jameson, Instructor in Civil Engineering 150' 00 H. O. Jenkins, Instructor, University Farm 150 00 H. A. L. Jones, Instructor, Electrical Work, Wilmerding School 150(0 Katherine Jones, Associate in Landscape Gardening and Floriculture lo€ (0 Martha Jones, Assistant in Pediatrics 1]0 03 .\lexander Kaun, Associate in Russian 150 00 Marv I.. Kleinecke, Associate in English 150 00 Hu?h Knight, Assistant in Enlomology, Citrus Experiment Station and Graduate Sch ol of Tropical Agricultuie 15t. 00 M. Kninieh, Instructor in Serbo-Croatian and French 15') O'J H. Langlard, Associate in French El.'O 0;i May Lent, Associate in Household Art 1.50 (X) -.Xella J. Martin, Senior Assistant, Library 150 (X) J. E. Maybeck, Instructor in Carpentry and Cabinetmaking, Wilmerding School 150 00 .\. M. Meads, Associate University Physician and Urologist 150 00 F. H. Mighall, Instructor in Stcnework. Wilmerding School 150 0;> Catherine Flinn, Research Technician, University Hospital, Department of Anatomy.. 150 OO Blythe F. Monroe, Assistant in Soil Technology 150 (XI A. Mf ntgomery. Repairman, University Farm 150 (i'> Lillian M. Moore, Instructor in Physiology 150 CO Car )line B. Morrison. Instructor in Elementary Algebra, Wilmerding School 150 {>■) 'I H. Morton, Machinist' and Assistant— Mechanics 150 00 Jani's Murphy, Chef, University Farm 150 01) C. J. Xobmann, Instructor in Civil Engineering 150 00 R. F. Xewton, Instructor in Chemistry 150 01) B. H. (Jrman (\ F. Pierson, Instructor in .Mechanical -Arts, Southern Branch 150 fX) Estella B. Plough, Instructor in Commercial Practice, Southern Branch 150 (xr (j. A. Pomeroy, .Associate in Physics UO 00 W. C. Pomeroy, .Associate in Physics 150 00 .M. Burney Porter, .Appointment Secretary, Southern Branch 15^> liO .1. L. (^uail. Assistant in Agricultural Extension 1.50 ro liniily Richards, Superinteinlcnt, Los .\ngeles Medical School 150 0) C. H. Robinson, In^tructnr in (ieography, Smith'Tn Branch 130 01 M. E. Rotchy, Mechanician and Instuictor, Physics 150 OO -Adelaide Samuels, .Assistant to Superintendent of Primary Ttalning, Southern Branch 150 00 Caroline Schleef, .A.«sociatc in Social Economics l'>0 00 Katherine .1. Scott, Instructor in .Anatomy 15^^ 00 ■I. P. Sedgley. Sciii ir Bookkeeper, Comptroller's Ofllce 1.50 00 C. 1>. Sliane, Instructor in Mathematics 150 CO L. B. Simpson, .\ssistant, Spanish 1.50 00 Caroline Singleton, .\ssociatc in French 150 00 Helen Spalding, L-cture Orgaiuzer, University Extension. 150 0) NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 121 UNIVERSITY OF CALI FORM A— Continued. Name and Title Monthly Salary George Spencer, Mcoliaiiician, Mining and Mi'talliiigy 150 00 K. L. Stanley, Assistant in Agricultural K.\tcnsif)u 1"0 (>) Constance M. Steel, Chief Kditorial Reader, Recorder's Office '.. liO (Ki Ruth L. Stone, Instructor in Bacteriology 150 «) C. H. Story, Teacher. Knglish, University Farm loo iti Mattie St;)ver, Assistant, Household Science 1.50 00 Nellie B. Sullivan, Instructor in Psychology, Southern Branch l.V) (») C. C. Swaffonl, Instnictor, Civil Kngineering 1.50 00 -Anne Swainscn, .Associate in Textiles, Home Economics- 00 .Alice P. Tabor, Instructor in German 150 O) E. R. Teinperli, Assistant, .Agricultural E.\tension 150 (iO H. Thiel?, .Assistant .Astronomer, Lick Observatory 150 oO G. E. Troxell. Instnictor in Civil Knifineering 150 01 R. J. Tiumpler, .Assistant .Astronomer, Lick Observatory 1.50 OO Dorothy M. I'ren, Siuinisli .Assistant 15") 00 Katherine A'ail, Instructor, Dietetics and Dietitian. 1.50 00 E. Vuylsteker, .Assistant in French l.:0 CO Hertha B. Ward Ethel Hauser, Stenographer and Assistant, Jurisprudence 105 V.) Gordon Wallace, I.atiorer. Citr\is Experiment Station lOo (>i .A. McMillan, Laborer, University Faini 107 (XJ J. W'. Brown, Janitor. University Farm IW .50 C. W. Holmes, Janitor, University Farm -- 107 50 Catalina .Aguiling, Supervisor Nursing Education, University Hospital 108 0;) Mollie Johnson, Nurse, University Hospital in Public Health Nursing and Social Service 1(« C/1 Nicholas May, (Orderly, Nursing Educati.n, University Hospital 108 00 Mary .A. McCleary, Nurse, Univeisity Hospital Public Health Nursing and Social S3rvice .' I18 Oj Beulah Michels, Nurse, University Hospital, Public Health Nursing and Social Ser\-ice l^S 0:7 Emily Rec-d, ("hief Clerk, University Hospital, Out Patient Department 1(6 00 Rose Steinhart, Nurse. University Hospital Public Healtn Nursing and Social Service loS 122 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. UNIVERSITY OF CALI FORNI A— Continued. Name and Title Monthly Salary Dorothy Ixnvis. Stcuograplier-Clerk, Hooper Fourniation Minnie A. Lewis, Clerical Assistant, Library Ivander, Maclver, Junior Assistant, Library . — Louise Madson. Stenogrrapher, Berkeley Eva Rosenthal, Secretary, University Farm M. T. Shain, Assistant, Scripps Institute -a-^nna A. Sininionds, Stenographer-Clerk, Anthropolagy Ralpli Taylor. Assistant, Scripps Institute •ifrMildred Valerga, Kditorial Assistant, Recorder's Office ■ Kliznheth Wagner, Chemist, Botulism Investigations Florence White, Minieographer, University Extension H. G. White, Assistant Curator in Osteology, Museum Margaret W. Wythe, General Assistant. California Museum of Vertebrate Zoology Louise Young, Stenographer, University Farm Loin"s Armandis. Helper, University Hospital H. L. Amies, Houseman. Hahnemann Hospital M. Douglas, Matron, Hahnemann Hospital L. B. Long. Night Clerk, University Hospital —Edith Carlton. Stenographer, College of Letters pnd Science Louis? Howell, Los Angeles IBookkeeper, University Extension — Helen Junor, Assistant Record Clerk, Comptroller's Office ■ V. Opal McGaw, Stenographer-Clerk, Mining and Metallurgy S. L. Palmer, Stenographer, Agriculture M. A. Queen, A.ssistant Cashier, L'niversity Farm Jennie C. Sanden, Clerk, Berkeley - Josephine Smith, Salary Roll Clerk. Comptroller's Offlc? M. P. Taylor, Assistant in Stock R;:om, Physical Education, Men A. M. Hobe, Assistant, Lick Observatory Edna M. Russ, Assistant in Pomology ^. Halhneysrs, Janitor, University Farm Teresa Casenave, Nurse, Infirmary Jane Easton, Clerk, Southern Branch Estella Pidton, Secretary, l^epartment of Anatomy, University Hospital Rhoda Halbert, Nurse, Infirmary S. B. HofY. Storekeeper, University Farm Susan Kern, Bookkeeper, University Hospital Ruth Lobaugh, Los Angeles Chief Clerk, University Extension Alice I. Lyser, Senior Assistant, Library Lulu MeClay, Nurse, Infirmary Shirley O'Banion, Nurse, Infirmary Myra O'Brien, Senior Assistant Jessie Perkins, Nurse, Infiniiary Delia Peterson, Nurse, Infirmary Gertrude E. Phipps, Senior A.-sistant, Library E. L. Pitman. Dairy Barn Milker, L'niversity Farm 1 Jean Rogerson, Nurse, Infirmary Paul J. Shuller, Assistant, Storehouse Arthur Warburton, Preparator, Anthropology B. Wittschen, Secretary, Printing Office W. E. Magee, Professor of Physical Culture Grace Crowe, Supervisor. Nursing Education, University Hospital Alice Firth, Supervisor, Nursing Education, University Hospital Catherine Fitts, Supervisor, Nursing Education, L-niversity Hospital Gertrud" Folendorf, Supervisor, Nursing Education, University Hospital Frederick Hartman, Supervisor, Nursing Education, LTniversity Hospital Petrea Ludwig, Supervisor, Nursing Education, University Hospital Persis Marriage, Supervisor, Nursing E• SHl''-y G R Wright, Janitor, California and VVlieeler Hall 125 00 s' Leslie Wright. Instructor, Southern Branch i^a 00 g'. Zappettini, ,Janitor, Hilgard Hall i;^5 00 E. Zugnoni. Janitor, Wheeler Hall i-o OU $76.00 to $100.00. Rose Vtlienaur, Tvpist, Comptroller's Office 80 00 Lillian Bertram. Stenographer, Comp^-oller's Office 80 00 Ruth Burton. C\erk, Comptroller's Office &0 00 Daniel Cronin, L:iborer, University Farm 80 OOt B Dailev, Clerk, Hahnemann Hospital 80 00 Lucv C "Farrell, Assistant in Radiography, Dentistry SO 00 '\I Flammong. Medical and Nursing Services, Hahnemann Hospital 80 00 J.W. Gartland. Fireman, University Farm 80 00 Lilv Hartweg, Salad-Girl, University Farm 80 00 Gus Hokinson. Laborer, University Farm. _ -— _ 80 00 Eleanor Howard, Secretary and Librarian, Pathology, University Hospital 80 00 Alice Lawrence, Telephone Operator 80 00 S. Lott. Janitor, Dentistry 80 OJ Marguerite McNallv, Clerk, Comptroller's Office 80 00 Eva E Martin, Assistant, Recorder's Office 80 00 Hazel Morse, Historv Clerk, University Extension 80 00 Blanche Otter, Finde.x Clerk, Appointment Secretary SO 00 Blanche Pendergast, Stenographer, Comptroller's Office 80 00 E. Ralston, Medical and Nursing Services 80 00 Mrs. E. M. Schulz, Order Clerk, Comptroller's Office 80 00 Ida S. Sinai, Librarian. University Extension 80 00 Doris Smith, Clerk. University Extension 80 00 Mrs. B. Strumbaugh. Janitress, University Farm 80 00 S. E. Sutton. Janitor, Dentistry 80 00 Veola A. Swanson, File Clerk, University Extension 80 00 Viola Svmons, Clerk, Recorder's Office 80 00 Ruby Teller, Stenographer. Citrus Experiment Station SO 00 Miss H. A. Walker, Assistant, Botany 80 00 Roberta Wells, Mail Clerk, Comptroller's Office SO 00 Pauline Wilkinson, Junior Assistant, Library 80 00 Vera Wilson, Admission Clerk, University Hospital 80 00 Ruth Windrom, Laboratory Helper, Agriculture 80 00 Margaret W. Skidmore, Assistant Secretary, Engineering.. 82 SOt Gertruue Darneille, Telephone Operator, University Hospital 83 00 W. C. .\lvarez. Assistant Professor, Research Medicine 83 33 G. L. Bean, Clinical Professor of Operative Dentistry and Dental Porcelain 83 337 J. U. Calkins, Jr., Lecturer at Law 83 33t H. B. Carey, Assistant Professor of Anatomy, Materia Medica and Thera- peutics," Dentistry 83 33t Ford Carpenter, Lecturer in Meterology, Southern Branch 83 33t W. E. Colbv, Lecturer in Law of Mines and Water 83 33t M. E. Cummings, Assistant Professor of Modeling 83 33^ M. W. Dobrzensky, Lecturer in Commercial Law E 83 33t Arthur Fern, Armorer, ^Military Science and Tactics 83 33 Kate Gompeitz, Orthopedist S3 33 Virginia Graham, Instructor in Music — E 83 33 R. S. Kuykendall, .\ssistant in History S3 33 Beatrice McLean, Liluary Assistant, Southern Branch 83 33 J. T. Nance, Piofessor of Military Science and Tactics 83 335 W. A. Noyes, Jr., Teaching Fellow, Chemistry 83 33 Ida Pattison. Janitress, Southern Branch 83 33 J. B. Rrdinsey. Teaching P^ellow, Chemistry 83 33 Cecile Reau, Lecturer in French 83 33 J. W. Sanderson, Technical Assistant, University Hospital, Department of Physiolog.v S3 33 W. F. Sharp, Professor of Clinical Prosthodontia, Dentistry 83 33t J. G. Sharp. Professor of Principle and Practice of Surgery, Dentistry 83 33[- A. H. Suggett, Professor of Orthodontics, Dentistry 83 33t M. E. Tindall. Janitress, Southern Branch S3 33t M. AVahrhaftig, I.,ecturci- in Law 83 33t B. W. WheeU'i, Assistant in History 83 33 R. H. Sciobeieti, Teaching Fellow in Astronom.v and French 84 72 Virginia .Atcliison, Slenogiapher. University Extension 85 00 Helen Auberlin. Stenogiajiher, Purchasing Department 85 00 Inez Carver, Clerical Assistant, Household Art 85 00 Vera Chatfield, Clerk, Recorder's Office 85 00 Claudine Davies, Librarian, Physics 85 00 Gladys Gibson, Stenographtr, University Farm 85 00 Vivian C. Gordon. Statistical Clerk, University Extension 85 00 Margaict Jackson, .Stenographer. In(irmary_-1 So 00 Louise Leverich, Stenographer, l^niversitv Extension 85 00 V. B. McClaren, Chief Clerk, Physical Education, Men 85 00 NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 125 UNIVERSITY OF CALI FORM A— Continued. Name ami Title Monthly Salary K. McLau2:hlin, Filing Cleik. Agriculture 85 00 Vera Manetta, Steneiller, University Extension 85 00 Gertrude ISIann. Tec'Jinician. Surgical Pathology, University Hospital 85 00 Laura K. Milton, Stenographer, Graduate Division 85 00 Klve Wicknian, Typist. University Farm 85 00 Geraldine Preatzel, Price Clerk, University Hospital 85 00 :Martha Ruiickel, Tvpist Clerk. Educational 85 00 Mrs. E. W. Smith, Inventory Clerk, Comptroller's Office 85 00 Mrs. M. Smitli, Record Clerk, University Extension 85 00 W. McCracken Smith, Bookkeeper, University Extension 85 00 Geoige \\ats(jn, Teainster, Agriculture 85 00 Berenice Woods, .lunior Bookkkeeper, Ccjmptroller's Office 85 00 William Moran, Porter, University Hospital 88 00 Monica Alexander. Alilk Test Assistant. University Farm 90 00 Mrs. F. M. Armstrong, Stenographer, Agriculture 90 00 A. Baxley. Stenographer, Agriculture 90 00 Lillie F. Baxter. Stenographer, Agriculture 90 00 Gladys Bennett. Stenographer, Smith-Hughes, Southern Branch 90 00 Fred Buehler, Laborer, University Farm 90 00 Edith M. Case, Stenographer, Agriculture 90 00 Thomas G. Clark. Clerical Assistant, Library 90 00 A. S. Crew. Druggist, Los Angeles. Medical School 90 00 Josephine Eichbaum, Technician in Serology, University Hospital, Clinical Laboratory 90 00 Geraldyn Elwell. Stenographer, Publications 90 00 Louise Evans. Junior Bookkeepei-. Comptroller's Office 90 00 Andrew Gallagher. Janitor, Los Angeles Medical School 90 00 Esther D. Hahn, Junior Assistant, Library 90 00 iviarion Harris, Junior Assistant, Library 90 00 Theda ■^^^ Hyde. Junior Bookkeeper, Comptroller's Office 90 00 Mrs. R. T. Irvine. Stenographer. Agriculture 90 00 Grace Jones. Telei^hone Operator. Southern Branch 90 00 Alfretta Jordan. Clerk, Southern Branch 90 00 Elizabeth Keal. Stenographer, Agriculture 90 00 Harriet H. Kelly, Stenographer, Recorder's Office 90 00 1 )agmar S, Klitgaard. Cashier, Dentistry 90 00 Herman Kucli, Clerk, Military Science and Tactics 90 00 M. R. Low. Laborer, Citrus Experiment Station 90 00 M. Martindale. Stenographer, University Farm 90 00 Edith M. Maslin. Junior Assistant. Library 90 00 Virginia Mauck. Bookkeeper. LTniversitv Hospital 90 00 Mary Miller. Assistant. Spanish 90 00 J. N. Moore. Foreman of Chico Forestry Station 90 00 Bessie E. Nelson, Junior Assistant, Library 90 00 Mrs. Maiguerite O'Connor, Stenographer, Dentistry 90 00 Anna Phelps, Extension Clerk. Comptroller's Office 90 00 Adelaide Pratt. Clerk. Recorder's Office 90 00 J. Edna Schaner. Technician, Surgical Pathology, University Hospital 90 00 Flora B. Sears. Stenographer. Recorder's Office 90 00 Ethel R. Shinkwin. Stenographer-Clerk, Mechanics 90 00 Vera Snell, Secretary. L'^niversity Hospital 90 00 Marion A. Sweeney. Technical Assistant, Hooper Foundation 90 00 Leta Wearne, Stenographer. Citrus Experiment Station 90 00 Emma Wedemever, Clerk, Eve Department, University Hospital 90 00 Mabel C. Wells, Small Order" Clerk, Comptroller's Office 90 00 Joseph Wernette. Night Watchman. Southern Branch 90 00 Margaret N. Wliite, Junior Assistant, I^ibrary 90 00 Katherine Wickson, Junior Assistant, Library 90 00 C. Bissell. Assistant in French 91 66 Estella D. Lake, Library Assistant, Southern Branch 91 66 L. Pavid, Assistant in French - 91 66 Harry Trotter, Coach. Southern Branch 91 66t Herman I^oeber, General Service Elevator Operator, University Hospital — 92 00 Mary T. Paine, Assistant in Mathematics E 93 lo Angele H. Bailey, Stenographer, Agriculture 9o OU E. R. Bailey, Stenographer, Agriculture 9o 00 R. H. Carnahan, Teamster, Citrus Experiment Station 95 00 Mrs. E. H. Carrigan, Stenographer, Citrus Experiment Station ^5 00 Leta Corcoran, Stenographer. University Farm ^5 00 Mrs. M. M. Dornin. Bid Clerk, Purchasing Department 9b 01) Bstelle Edmundson, Bid Clerk, Purchasing Department 95 00 Irma Filbert. Stenographer, Universitv Farm 9b 00 Mildred E. Ford, Clerk, Chemistry »» ^» Tillie Center, Assistant, Scripps Institute 95 00 Gladys Gibson, Stenographer, Education : 9a 00 Florence Greenwald, Los Angeles, Stenographer, University Extension 9o 00 H. G. Hull, Laborer. Citrus Experiment Station -' 95 00 C. A. Jolinson, Janitor, Citrus Experiment Station •*» y» Mrs. E. L. Knight, Stenographer, Agriculture 95 00 Margaret Mavbeck, Order Clerk, Comptroller's Office 95 00 126 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. UNIVERSITY OF CALI FORN I A— Continued. Name iiiul Title Monthly SalaiT Robert .McGill. Beef Barn Helper, University Farm 95 00 Grayce McKav, Stenograplier, Agritultnre 95 00 Nell McLaiiKlilin. Head Stenographer, Appointment Secretary 9o 00 Nellie Meek, loultrv As.sistant, University Farm 95 00 Margaiet M. Moir. Stenographer, Agriculture 95 00 Uharles Netlleship, Janitor, Citrus Experiment Station 95 00 Edith Quackenbush, Junior Bookkeeper, Comptroller's Office 95 00 W G. \oung(iuist, Bid Clerk. Comptroller's Office 95 00 L. W. Allen, Assistant in Music and Band Instructor in Military Science and laities 95 83 Ida Hvde, Dormitory Matron, Housekeeping Department, University Hospital 99 00 O. K. Allen, Anesthetic Administrator, Hahnemann Hospital 100 00 1 Margaiet Alter, Nurse, Infirmary 100 00 Veda Anderson, President's Office, Stenographer 100 00 R. L. Ansell, Roentgenologist 100 00 Miss E. Bates, Stenographer, University Farm lOP 00 Helen P. Bates, Assistant, Economics 100 00 lixie Bell, Cashier, University Hospital 100 00 Helen Bergfried, Associate in Botany 100 00 T. Bernhardt, Stenographer, Agriculture 100 00 Tom Berry, Drayman, University Farm 100 00 Edna C. Beiton, Stenographer, Recordei-'s Office 100 00 Mary E. Blayney, Assistant, Mailing Room, Agriculture 100 00 H. G. Blowers, Fireman, University Farm 100 00 Mrs. E. Bock, Stenographer, Agriculture 100 00 D. Botteri, Laborer, University Farm 100 00 T. Bowcork, Laborer, University Farm 100 00 T. A. Boyd, Assitant Gardener, Southern Branch 100 00 L. M. Bovers, Assistant Physician for Men 100 00 Helen A. Brandt. Clerical Assistant, Library 100 00 Bertha Brown. Stenographer, Clerk, Military Science and Tactics 100 00 Vera Brown, Stenographer, Agriculture 100 00 F. Bryant, Maid, Hahnemann Hospital 100 00 Francis Burke, Bookkeeper, University Farm 100 00 Julia Burrell, Matron and Clerk, Physical Education, Women 100 00 Gladys Campbell, Recorder, University Extension 100 00 Hazel Card, Secretary, General Surgery, University Hospital 100 00 A. Cailson, Janitor, Southern Branch 100 00 Ruth E. Carson, Technician, Surgical Pathology, University Hospital 100 00 Reba Charmak, Nurse, University Hospital Public Nursing and Social Seivice 100 00 T. H. Chen, Assistant in Chinese 100 00 Ruth Christianson, Technician in Biochemistry, Clinical Laboratory, Uni- verjitv Hospital 100 00 Camilla Clark, File Clerk, University Extension 100 00 Harry E. Coffey, Morgue Keeper, Surgical Pathology, University Hospital-- 100 00 Sue Coghlin, Stenographer, I^niversity Hospital 100 00 J. R. Collins, Plant Assistant, University Farm 100 00 Marie Costello, Stenographer. Zoology 100 00 Anita Cox, Technician in Chemistry, University Hospital, Clinical Labora- tory 100 00 Martin Crane, Janitor, University Farm 100 00 Ella Crawford, Secretary, University Hospital 100 00 Alice Crook, Stenographer, Comptroller's Office 100 00 Lilla Belle Bailey, Librarian, Citrus Experiment Station 100 00 P. H. Daus, Assistant in Mathematics _ 100 00 J.' A. Desmond, Janitor. Southern Branch 100 00 Roy Dix, Assistant Janitor, Southern Branch loo 0(i Bertha Dubovsky, Bacteriologist, Botulism Investigations ^ 10(i iii» Harriet Ellsworth, Stenographer, College of Commerce 10(1 Oi» Marian Farrington. Laboratory Technician, Infirmary 100 oo A. J. Faso. Animal Caretaker, Hooper Foundation 100 Oo Florence Field, Assistant. Botulism Investigations 100 00 L. Finley, Stenographer, Hahnemann Hospital 100 00 R. Forbes, Barn Laborer, Site 100 00 Lillian Franklin. Secretary and Assistant Director 100 00 A. W. Frever, Stenographer, University Farm 100 00 Fern B. Gale, Record Clerk, Agriculture 100 00 E. L. Bilcreest, Assistant in Surgery and Resident, Hahnemann Hospital 100 00 Alice M. Giles, Technician in Serology, I'niversity Hospital, Clinical Laboratory 100 00 Charles Oilman, Storekeeper, Chemistry 100 00 C H. Gilmore, Janitor, University Farm 100 00 Margaret E. Grieg, Office Assistant, Wilmerding School 100 00 Barbara N. Grimes, Lecturer in Law and Social Economics 100 00 C R Giles. Instructor in Prosthetic Dentistry 100 OOt Grace Hamilton, Voucher Clerk, Comptroller's Office 100 00 C Hanson, Laborer, University Farm 100 00 NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 127 UNIVERSITY OF CALI FORM A— Continued. Name and Title .\foiitlily Salary W. R. Hansen. Plant A.ssi.siant. I'niversity Karin 100 00 Edna Harrington. Technician and Clerli, University Hospital, Dermatology 100 00 J. B. Harrington. Instiuctoi'. University Farm 100 00 Stella Harrison. Telephone Operator. Telephone 100 00 Mrs. Bfrnice D. Hartley. Stenoijrapher-Clerk, Dentistry 100 00 W. J. Hawkins, Assistant in Clinical Dentistry 100 00 Abbie Ha\vle.\', Stenographer, Economics 100 00 Helen M. Hill. Vocational Education Office Assistant 100 00 S. A. Hill. Clinical Professor of Homeopathic Medicine 100 OOt Nettie M. Hobart. Clerk, Southern Branch 100 00 H. M. Hunt, Assistant C'uiator of Birds, Vertebrate Zoology 100 00 A. F. Hurd. Helper. Architecture 100 00 H. K. Ihrig'. .Vssistant in Chemistry 100 00 llenrica llichan. Office Manager, Publications 100 00 A. Isola. Scavenger, Site 100 00 Margaret Jackson. Senior Receiving Clerk, Recorder's Office 100 00 Marlin F. .Jackson, Janitor, Southern Branch 100 00 Charles Keaton. Assistant Gardener, Southern Branch 100 00 M. M. Kendall. Stenographei-, Agriculture 100 00 Dan J. Larky, Laljorer. l^niversity Farm 100 00 J. C. C. LeClerq, Assistant in French 100 00 Llewellyn L. Loud, Gardener and Janitor, Anthropology 95 00 G. B. Marsh, Teaching Fellow, Spanish 100 00 Katherine McBride, Technician. Hooper Foundation 100 00 M. Ralph McBride, Buttermaker, University Farm 100 00 Ruby McClain, Nurse, Southern Branch 100 00 Winifred Merriam, Stenographer, Vocational Education, Smith-Hughes Industrial Act 100 00 Ignatius McGuire, Clerical Assistant, Library 100 00 Mrs. E. D. Merchant, Stenographer, Agriculture 100 00 Mitchell Mills, Janitor, Southern Blanch 100 00 Evelyn Mitchell. Stenographer, Agriculture 100 00 Seiichi Miyasaki, Technician, Hooper Foundation 100 00 Gladys Murphy, Assistant in Philosophy, Assistant in Public Speaking 100 00 C. Noonan, Night Watchman, LTniversity Farm 100 00 M. V. Nowbray. Assistant. Drawing 100 00 Mabel C. Olsen. Stenographer, Comptroller's Office 100 00 Louise A. Patten, Associate in Public Speaking 100 00 Anna Peterson, Clerk, Universitv Extension 100 00 Henry D. Phillips. Teaching Fellow, Spanish 100 00 A. L. Price, Editorial Work 100 OOt C. P. Redington, Stenographer, University Farm 100 00 Dorothv Riedv, Technician in Biochemistry, University Hospital, Clinical Laboratory _- 100 00 Agnes Robb. File Clerk, Comptroller's Office 100 00 Francis J. Roberts, Technical Assistant, Hooper Foundation 100 00 W. R. Robinson, Assistant in Economics 100 00 B. S. Rosen, Dental Surgeon - 100 00 Dorothy Rowland, Stenographer. President's Office 100 00 Annette Ruggles, Secretary, University Hospital 100 00 Gladys Saile, Storekeeper, Chemistry 100 00 Hallie Samson, Clerk. L'niversity Farm 100 00 Alice Schaerer. Secretary. Botulism Investigations • 100 00 Helen Sehieck, Assistant Secretary, l'niversity Hospital 100 00 Margaret Schulze. Instructoi- in Obstetrics and Gynocology 100 00 William Scott, .Janitor, Southein Branch 100 00 Fred Sheldon, Housekeeping Poi-ter, LTniversity Hospital 100 00 Ethel Sherman. Superintendent of Infirmary 100 00 Anna Shultis, Stenographer, L'niversilv Farm 100 00 F. Scott Smith. Helper. Civil Engineering 100 00 J. W. Smith, Irrigator, Citrus Experiment Station 100 00 Douglas D. Stafford, Technician. Pathology Research, United States 100 00 D. V. Steed, Assistant in Mathematics 100 00 Mary Stockle, Secretary, University Hospital, Department of Biochemistry 100 00 Josephine Sullivan, Stenographer. Comptroller's Office 100 00 Coris V. Thaxter, Stenographer-Clerk. Mechanics 100 00 Edith Ueland, Assistant in Physical Education 100 00 Helen M. Ufford, Stenographer-Clerk. Infii-mary Hygiene 100 00 A. Van Deuser. Assistant Gardener. Southern Branch 100 00 Julian R. Waybur, Supervisor Mu.sic. LTniversity Extension ElOO OOt C. Weaver. Laborer, Universitv Farm 100 00 Ed. Webber, Janitor. Southern Branch 100 00 Mark Weil. Plant Assistant. University Farm 100 00 Osalin Wells. Clerical Assistant, Library 100 00 Ella Weston. Technician. Universitv Hospital, San Francisco City and Countv Hospital _- 100 00 Pauline Whitman. Technician. Surgical Pathology, University Hospital — 100 00 Miss M. J. Williamson. Assistant. Drawing ElOO 00 Ben Wilson. Technical Assistant. University Hospital Department of Bio- chemistry 100 00 Clara K. Wright. Stenographer. Agriculture 100 00 R. V. Wiight, Specialist in Agricultural Extension 100 005 128 STATE OFFICERS AND KMI'EOYEES. UNIVERSITY OF CALI FORN I A— Continued. $;■>!. UO to $75. tut. Name ami Title Monthly Salaw A. E Sagehorn, Hog Barn Helper, University Farm 52 50 Rose Militor, Nurse, University Hospital, Public Health Nursing and Social Service 54 OOt Katherinc Barton. Janitress, Hooper Foundation 55 00 Kathryn Hughes, Messeng:er, Univei'sity Extension 55 00 l^illian Lizee. Cleric. I'hysics 55 00 Kunisada Kivasu. Resident Interne, Medical Education, University Hos- pital ___■__ — -- 56 00 C. E. Seaman, Assistant in Biology, Dentistry 56 OOt Su.san Cobb, Teaching Fellow in English 56 2b K. R. Edlund. Assistant in Chemistry 58 33 Ben Einzig. Assistant in Physical Education, Southern Branch 58 33 E. C. Gudde, Assistant in German 58 33 W. H. Hampton, Assistant in Chemistry 58 33 T. Lawson, Assistant in Anatomy 58 33 R. W. Miller. Assistant in Chemistry 58 33 P. H. Arnot, Assistant in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Assistant Resi- dent University Hospital 60 00 E. L. Barney, Instructor, Hahnemann Hospital, Supervisor of Nursing Education, University Hospital . SO OOt E. W. Blair, Assistant in Physiology 60 OOt E. Bohamon, Nurse, Los Angeles Medical 60 00 M. M. Booth, Assistant in Surgery and Asst. Resident, University Hospital 60 00 E. L. Brucli, Assistant in Medicine, Resident San Francisco Hospital 60 00 E. M. Carr, Assistant in Pediatrics, Resident University Hospital 60 00 Marv Casterline. Cafeteria, Southern Branch 60 00 T. H. Crook. Assistant, Geology and Mineralogy 60 OOt F. Holmes, Engineer, Hahnemann Hospital 60 OOt Ida C. Kenney, Office Assistant, Comptroller's Office 60 00 A. D. Baton. Assistant in Physiology 60 00 R. C. Martin. Assistant in Otology, Rhinology and Laryn, and Assistant Resident University Hospital 60 00 N. A. ISIcCollom, Laborer. University Farm 60 OOt Delta R. Olsen, Assistant Phvsician for Women 60 00 Ida Poff, Cafeteria, Southern Branch 60 00 Edwai-d Williamson, Opthalmologist, Infirmary 60 OOt Anita Wolter, Cleric, University Hospital 60 00 Nina M. Alderton. Assistant in jNIathematics 62 50 P. Byerly. Jr., Assistant in Physics 62 50 Gladys Campbell, Assistant. Mathematics 62 50t L. Hill. Teaching Fellow in History 62 50 S. Maeser, Assistant in Cliemistry 58 33 U. J. Marra, Teaching Fellow in History 62 50 A. K. Astor, Assistant in Physics 62 50 Evelyn Ayleswoith, Assistant in Physics 62 50 W. C. Bartlett. Assistant in Economics 62 50 T. L. Bailey. Teachinpf Fellow in Geology 62 50 C. J. Bettin, General Helper in Shops, Wilmerding School 62 50 D. Bjork, Assistant in History 62 50 L. A. Bond. Teaching Fellow in Geologv 62 50 G. C. Boyce, Teaching Fellow in History 62 50 R. C. B.ridgman, Teaching Fellow in History 62 50 E. W. Brundin, Laboratory Assistant in Psychology 62 50 F. G. Bui-tchett. Assistant in Economics 62 50 Dorothy Coker, Assistant in Botany 62 50 L. Cooper. Assistant in Economics 62 50 G. M. Cunningham, Assistant in Physics 62 50 H. L. Deimel. Assistant in Economics 62 50 Sarah Elkin. Teaching F'ellow in Zoology , 63 50 Joseph W. Ellis. Assistant in Physics 62 50 S. A. M. Francis, Assistant in Physics 62 50 N. S. Gallison, Assistant in Economics 62 50 A. F. Hai'shbarger, Teaching Fellow, Political Science 62 50 Josephine Hoyt, Teaching Fellow, Political Science 62 50 .Jean Huddleston. Assistant in Physics 62 50 I'^lythe S. Katten, Assistant in Social Economics 62 50 ./. F. Kessel. Teaching Fellow in Zoology 62 50 W. G. Kohner, Assistant in Botany 62 50 1j. J. Lease. Assistant in Physics 62 50 V. F. Lenzen. Assistant in Physics 62 50 F. f^ Leonard, Teaching Fellow in Astronomy 62 50 G. B. Maas, Assistant in Physics 62 50 W. H. Mah. Teaching Fellow in Political Science 62 .50 TJ. J. Marra, Teaching Fellow, Historv E62 50 E. A. Martin, Teaching Fellow, Political Science 62 50 W. T. McGrath, Assistant in Economics 62 50 H. C. Mitchell, Assistant in History 62 50 N. P. Neilson, Assistant in I'hvsics . 62 50 J. F. Pobanz, Assistant in Mathematics 62 50t Helen Rocca. Teaching Fellow, Political Science 62 50 Lucile Rnush. Assistant in Botanv 62 50 NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 129 UNIVERSITY OF CALI FORM A— Continued. Name and Title Monthly Salary J. G. Schaffer. Assistant in Economics 62 50 E. B. Smith. Teaching Fellow. Political Science 62 50 H. E. Smith, Assistant in Economics 62 50 Helen H. Smith. Assistant in Physics 62 50 G. W. Smullin, Resident Assistant in Physics 62 50 H. G. Tasker, Assistant in Physics 62 50 M. M. Stockwell. Assistant in Economics 62 50 AV. J. Tucker. Teaching Fellow in English 62 50 R. Vanilergrift. Assistant in History 62 50 A. P. Vanselow, Assistant in Ph.Nsics 62 50 B. H. Williams. Teaching Fellow. Political Science 62 50 B. C. Wong. Assistant in Mathematics 62 50 J. R. Sharpsteen. Resident Interne. Medical Education, University Hospital 64 00^ L. M. K. Boelter. Assistant in Mechanics 65 OOt Ida Brasier, Cafeteria, Southern Branch 65 00 B. T. Brewster, Milk Route Salesman. University Farm 65 OOt Robert Brown, Helper, Dairy Sales. University Farm 65 00 Marion Culbertson, Tester, University Farm 65 00 Herbert Delius, Helper, Dairy Sales. University Farm 65 00 Robert Gibson, Museum Guard, Anthropology 65 00 Nellie Housh, Cafeteria, Southern Branch 65 00 H. W. Hurry, Supei-intendent, Mailing Room 65 OOt Violet Monensen, Stenographer-Clerk, President's Office 65 00 Arthur Poy.'^e'-. Museum Guard, Anthropology 65 00 Mary Rochford. Cafeteria, Southern Branch 65 00 Etna Sullivan, Cafeteria, Southern Branch 65 00 Florence Tedlock, Cafeteria, Southern Branch ''5 00 F. P. Wisner. Student Fellow, Research Medicine. Hooper Foundation and Assistant Technician. Surgical Pathology, University Hospital 65 00 Murphy Young, Second PJov, Infirmary 65 00 T. F. Buehrer. Teaching Fellow. Cheriiistry 66 66 J. F. Forbes. Lecturer in Accounting -- 66 66t Mildred Mihills. Teaching Fellow in English 66 66 T. E. Phipps, Teaching Fellow in Chemistry 66 66^ Clyde F. Smith, Reader, upper division problems 67 OOi C. Middleton, X-Ray Assistant, Hahnemann Hospital 68 OOt Andrew Aitken, Laborei', Universitv Farm 70 00, Doris Alderson. Clerk, Infirmary X*^' 00 Geraldine Baroni, Jimior Bookkeeper, Comptroller's Office ^'^ ^0 Gladys Basye, Pianist, Physical Education, Women 70 00 A. M. Brown, Maid, University Hospital 70 00 Annie Cassen, Seamstress. University Hospital 70 00 Helen Connolly, Office Apprentice, University Hospital 70 00 Eileen C. Duggan, Museum Helper, Anthropology 70 00 Henriette M. Fialon, Clerical Assistant, Litaraiy 70 00 Mary Finlayson, Seamstress, University Hospital 70 00 Elizabeth Hammond, Linen Room, T'niversity Hospital 70 00 Ethel Isaacs, Clerical Assistant, Library 70 00 James Kelley, Laborei-, L'niversity Farm 70 00 Marie Kelly, Media Maker, Culture Media, University Hospital 70 00 Lucie A. Loud. Clerk, Infirmary 70 00 Elizabeth Mclntyre, Maid, Culture Media, University Hospital 70 00 Clara Payne, Maid, Culture Media, University Hospital 70 00 N. Robinson, Maid, Hahnemann Hospital 70 00 William Service, Messenger, Medical School and Hospital and Comptroller's Office 70 00 Fannie Sheldon, Linen Room, I^niversity Hospital 70 00 Gladys Trosper, Office Apprentice, l^niversity Hospital j^O 00 Laura Wright, Cafeteria, Southern Branch 70 00 Robert Van Zandt, Laborer, University Farm 70 00, Rita Good, Maid, University Hospital, Clinical Laboratory j|^2 00 Nellie Mead, Maid, LTniversity Hospital, General Service '; "" Ruth Adams, Clerk, Universitv Extension 7y 00 Mrs. J. Armstrong, Matron, Wheeler Hall 75 00 W. E. Bates, Lecturer, Hygiene, University Farm 7a 00 Rosalind Blair, File Clerk, University Extension i^ "' Patricia Brown, Information Cleik, I^niversity Extension ;l.o 0" Lucille Campbell, Index Cleik. Comptroller's Office ^—--.- Katherine Carlton, Manager, Bureau of Occupations, Administration Presi- dent's Office I' ^X' R. G. Challender. Assistant Mechanical Engineer, Mechanics (.& 00 O. S. Cook, Instructor in Roentgenology '2 ""' Belle Coombs, Helper, Agriculture ---, i^ nn B. F. Dearing. Assistant. Pediatrics and Resident University Hospital 7o o • C. Dewfield. Laborer, University Farm i^ JJ" H. D. Draper, Teaching Fellow, Chemistry _-_,____--- 'o oo F. W. Eplev. Instructor. Radiography and Orthodontia, Dentistry 7o ou, Mrs. H. C. Ferrer. Matron, Dentistry "^ "" 9— 976S 130 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. UNIVERSITY OF CALI FORM I A— Continued. Name ami Title MontlUy Salary Hugh Forgie, Animal Caretaker, I'athology, University Hospital 75 00 B. M. Glantz, Associate, Industrial Arts, Soutliern Branch 75 00 Florence Goddard, Instructor, Industrial Arts, Southern Branch 75 00 Burdette Gray, Stenographer, University Extension 75 00 J. W. Gustin, Laborer, University Farm 75 00 Grace E. Hardy, Stenographer, Los Angeles University Extension 75 00 E. B. Hart, Stenographer, Los Angeles Medical 75 00 C. Hemphill, Laborer, University Farm 75 00 T. R. Hogness, Teaching Fellow, Chemistry 75 00 Mary E. Hutton, Assistant Matron. Gymnasium 75 00 Hazel Drake Jackson, Associate in Industrial Arts, Southern Branch 75 00 A. W. Johnson, Instructor, Otology. Rhinology and Laryngology 75 OOt Mrs. E. Kenna, Janitress, Hearst Hall 75 00 H. S. King, Chimes Master, Campanile Maintenance 75 00 Jacob H. Kropp, Assistant Armorer, Militaiy Science and Tactics 75 00 Bernice Kronnick, Requisition Clerk. Comptroller's Office 75 00 Ruth Knapp, Clerk, Culture Media, University Hospital 75 00 Aimee Laumen, Cashier, I'niversity Hospital, Out Patient Department 75 00 J. Lee, Laborer, University Farm 75 00 "U'. E. Leland. Lecturer. Architectural Mechanics 75 00 Freda Linne. Assistant Bookkeeper, ITniversity Hospital 75 00 Florence Macmillan, Technician, Surgical Pathology, LTniversity Hospital-- 75 00 M. L. Montgomerv, Assistant in Anatomy 75 00 Mrs. H. S. Moose, Janitress 75 00 Beulah M. Morrison. Research Assistant, Psychology 75 00 L. F. Morrison, Assistant in Bacteriology 75 00 D. Murray, Laborer, University Farm 75 00 N. Naka, Animal Caretaker, Anatomy, University Hospital 75 00 Hazel Niehaus, Typist. Printing Office 75 00 J. Patigan, Laborer, University Farm 75 00 C. Dorothea PhilHps. Assistant, Industrial Arts, Southern Branch 75 00 M. A. Phinney, Mailing Clerk, Agriculture 75 OOf Joseph Posn^r, Assistant, Publications, Publicity Assistant, President's Office -- 75 00 M. Ranuro. Laborer, University Farm 75 00 E. Rawson, Laborer, University Farm 75 00 Bernice Rhodes, Technician, Pathology, University Hospital 75 00 G. K. Rhodes, Instructor, Surgery, Medical School and Hospitals 75 OOf T. Richie, Laborer, I'niversity Farm 75 00 J. Rowe, Laborer, University Farm 75 OOt H. H. Searls, Asistant in Surgery and Resident, LTniversity Hospital 75 00 A. A. Sliufelt, Assistant, Obstetrics and Gynecology and Resident Uni- versity Hospital 75 00 J. Sims, Laborer, LTniversity Farm 75 00 B. Smith, Laborer, LTniversity Farm 75 00 C. Smith, Laborer, University Farm 75 00 M. Spangler, Laborer, University Farm 75 00 Helen Speck, Assistant to Counselor, Southern Branch 75 00 Helen Stanfors, Clerk and Stenographer, University Hospital 75 00 Frances E. Steiner, Voucher Record Clerk, Comptroller's Office 75 00 N. Stewart. Telephone Operator, Hahnemann Hospital 75 00 Mary Stiefvater, Technician, Surgical Pathology, University Hospital 75 00 P. M. Stone, Stenographer, Agriculture 75 OOt Katherine Stout, Clerk, University Extension 75 00 Florence Sutton, Assistant, Tennis, Southern Branch 75 00 C. R. Swanstrom, Assistant Armorer, Military Science and Tactics 75 00 Harriet Tindall, Cafeteria, Southern Branch ; 75 00 Annie Von Schriltz, Cafeteria, Southern Branch 75 00 Viola Warren, Assistant Secretary, General Medicine. University Hos- pital 75 00 Florence I. Wendering, Clerical Assistant. Library 75 00 G. Wickson, Instructor, Graphic Art 75 00 Byna Williamson, Stenciler, University Extension 75 00 Alice Winchester, Secretary, X-Ray, University Hospital 75 00 Mildred Winchester, Stenographer-Clerk, Phvsieal Education, Women 75 OOt H. H. Woodruff, Janitor, Philosophy 75 00 Agnes Zachert, Clerk, Infirmary Service, I'niversity Hospital 75 00 Catherine Zachert, Clerk, University Hospital 75 00 Martha Olsson, Assistant Technician, Physio-Theraphy, University Hos- pital 75 50t $1.00 to $50.00. Elizabeth Armstrong, Helper, Monitor, Philosophy t$0 62J Elsie Barth, He'.per, Monitor, Philosophy t62i Florence Graves, Helper, Monitor, Philosophy t62J Ramona Ferrari, Helper. Monitoi-. Philosophy t62| Ruth Hawkins, Helper, Monitor, Philosophy t62J NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 131 UNIVERSITY OF CALI FORN I A— Continued. Name an. I Title MonUily Salary Dorothy Hopkins, Helper. Monitor, Philosophy t62i Koren Kieldsen, Helper, Monitor, Pliilosuphy 162?* Dorothy Meyer, Helper. Monitor, Philosophy t6-'^ Julia Ncales, Helper, Monitor. Philosophy t62i J. E. Law, Curator in Osteolog-y (Museum) 1 OO" L. C. Merriam, Reader in Surveying 3 25t N. C. Raab, Readei' in Surveying 3 50t W. Whitehead, Morgue Keeper, University Hospital, San Francisco City and County Hospital 5 oot H. W. Haberkorn, Reader in Surveying 5 25t Virginia Henning. Reader, Philosophy 7 00+ Mrs. M. D. Bishop, Reader, Education 7 20t Clifford Runte, Laboratory Assistant, Scripps Institute 7 50t L. Bartlett, Lecturer in Dental Jurisprudence, Dentistrj' 8 33t E. C. Bettencourt, Clinical Instructor in Prosthetic Dentistry 8 33t J. L. Campbell, Instructor in Operative Dentistry 8 33t A. M. Church, Clinical Instructor in Operative Dentistry 8 33t H. O. Eggert. Clinical Instructor in Operative Dentistry 8 33t Norma Gould, Assistant in Gymnastics, Southern Branch 8 33 O. A. Haberdier, Clinical Instructor in Prosthetic Dentistry 8 33t Glen Haydon, Assistant, Music 8 33t F. O. Hoedt, Clinical Instructor in Operative Dentistry 8 33t C. W. Johnson, Instructor in Operative Dentistry ' 8 33t W. H. Lowell, Clinical Instructor in Operative Dentistry 8 33t L. Schuchard, Instructor in Extracting, Dentistry 8 33t T. R. Sweet, Instructor in Orthodontics, Dentistry 8 33t John P. Daley, Reader in Surveying 9 OOt Valerie Arnold, Reader, Pholosophy 10 OOt Lee Barker, Assistant, Military Science and Tactics 10 00; Ruth E. Baugh, Assistant, Geography 10 OOt W. Beckett, Assistant Chimes Master, Campanile Maintenance 10 OOt Benjamin Benas, Reader in Surveying 10 OOt Wm. J. Blythe, Assistant to Professor, Military Science and Tactics 10 00; G. W. Marvin, Reader in Surveying 10 OOt Vera Morse, Assistant, Public Speaking 10 OOt Margery Mower, Reader, Philosophy 10 OOt Christian Ploss, Assistant Military Science and Tactics 10 00' Oscar Rosendorf, Assistant Military Science and Tactics 10 00; Merton Slater. Student Laborer. University Farm 10 OOt J. R. Thompson, Assistant Military Science and Tactics 10 00; W. White, Laboratory Assistant, Scripps Institute 10 OOt Carl Mungersdarf, Assistant Physical Education, Southern Branch 10 41t L. Jenks, Reader, Philosophy 11 33t E. P. Griffin, Assistant Librarian, Dentisti-y 12 50t R. Hunter, Lecturer in Economics and English 12 50t A. W. Jacobs, Observer Meteor Station, Geography 12 50t T. W. Sharp, Reader, Latin 12 oOt C. A. Brown, Reader. Education 14 40t Jessie Jackson, Reader, Education 14 40t Margaret E. Martin, Reader, Education 14 40t F. J. Adams, Assistant Psychologj' Research 15 OOt Louise Alexander, Teacher, Southern Branch 15 OOt Florence Alvarez. Teacher. Southern Branch 15 OOt Ella Lynch Ashton, Teacher, Southern Branch 15 OOt Sadie E. Black, Teacher, Southern Branch 15 OOt Estelle Mary Brown, Teacher, Southern Branch 15 OOt B. E. Garner, Laboratory Assistant, Scripps Institute 15 OOt Alberta Gatton, Reader, Philosophy -- 15 00; Pauline Hilleman. Reader, Greek 15 00+ Antonino LoPrest, Reader in Surveying 15 OOt Eberta McKechnie, Attendant. History 15 OOt Elizabeth McPeak, Teacher, Southern Branch 15 OOt J. Miller, Office Boy, President's Office 15 OOt Frances Phillips, Teacher, Southern Branch 15 OOt R. E. Pollich. Teacher, Southern Branch 15 OOt Nellie I. Potter. Principal, Southern Branch 15 OOt Mary C. Rupp. Teacher, Southern Branch 15 OOt Ellen L. Toy, Teacher. Southern Branch 15 OOt Emma Weberg. Teacher, Southern Branch 15 OOt H. J. Bruhns, Clinical Instructor in Operative Dentistry 16 66t T. Craig, Clinical Instructor in Operative Dentistry 16 66t J. E. Gurley, Instiuctor in Inorganic Chemistry Dentistry 16 66t H. T. Moore, Lecturer in Surgery. Dentistry 16 66t C. B. Musante, Clinical Instructor in Operative Dentistry 16 66t G. Schneider, Lecturer, Physical Education. Men . E16 66t A. E. Scott, Instructor in Orthodontia, Dentistry 16 66+ S. B. Scott, Instructor in Dental Porcelain 16 66t 132 ST>TE OFFICERS AND EMI'I.OYEES. UNIVERSITY OF CALI FORNI A— Continued. Name and Title Monthly Salary J. E. Steffan, Clinical Instructor in Operative Dentistry 16 66t S. A. White, Clinical Instructor in Operative Dentistry 16 66t \V. C. Wright, Instructor in Dental Porcelain 16 66t Fondalita Lowry. Reader, Latin 18 75t Gertrude Allen. Superintendent of the Teacher's Course in Mathematics, Universitv High School 20 00 Florence Bathgate. Reader. Philosophy 20 OOt Frances Farmer, Reader, English 20 OOt C. Hogan, Laborer, University Farm 20 OOt Alan Hurd, Reader, English 20 OOt C. M. Jones, Messenger, Pi-esident's Office 20 OOt A. Murphy, Reader. Philosophy 20 OOt Helen Price. Supervisoi of the Teachers' Course in Library Service, Uni- versitv High School 20 00 Henriette Roumigier, Reader, Philosophy 20 OOt Madelaine Schreiber, Reader, English 20 OOt G. B. Wallace, Office Manager. Stock. University Extension 20 83 C C Conrad, Superintendent of the Teaching of Latin, University High School 20 83 T. P. Knudson. Reader, Education 21 60t J. C. Alter, Assistant in Chemical Department 25 OOt Y. Amagata, Reader, Mathematics 25 OOt Nellie Bartlett, Reader. Mathematics 25 OOt Clifford Bell, Reader. Mathematics 25 OOt Mrs. S. Bogue, Janitress, Botulism Investigations 25 OOt Ruth Brant, Reader. Mathematics 25 OOt W. :\I. Braun. Reader. Mathematics 25 OOt E. C. Bull. Assistant in Orthopedic Surgery 25 OOt Lois Carroll. Assistant in Chemical Department 25 OOt Katherine Close. Lecturer in Hygiene, Southern Branch 25 00 Mamie Cohen. Reader. Mathematics 25 OOt M. L. Cohn. Assistant in Pediatrics 25 OOt Christine Cothran, Clerk. Astronomy 25 OOt D. D. Crvstal. Reader, History 25 OOt F. ^'. Custer. Reader. History 25 OOt R. V. Douglas. Assistant in Chemistry, Southern Branch 25 00 E. i~\ DuB -ay. Assistant in Medicine 25 OOt B. Farrington, Assistant in Chemical Department 25 OOt C B Fowler, Assistant in Surgery and House Officer San Francisco Hos- ptal 25 00 M L. Frandy, Assistant in Obstetrics and Gynecology and House Officer in Sin Francisco Hospital 25 00 Martha Gallager. Los Angeles, Medical 25 OOt Otto Geori?e, Reader History 25 00 Mabel K. Gifford, Assistant in Neuropsychiatry 25 OOt R. P. Giovannetti. Assistant in Orthopedic Surgery 25 OOt Beatrice Goldman, Reader, History 25 OOt Arda Green, Assistant in Chemical Department 25 OOt Metta Clara Green, Assistant in Chemical Department — 25 OOt Florence Guppy. Reader. Music 25 OOt G. P. Hammond. Reader, History 25 OOt W. H. Hanford, Instructor in Extracting and Prophylaxis, Dentistry 25 OOt Edna Hansen. Assistant in Cliemistry Department 25 OOt Ruth A. Hardy. Reader. History 25 OOt L. A. Harper, Reader. History 25 OOt Frances Hesse. Reader, Mathematics -_ 25 OOt R. G. Hiscox. R"ade;-, Mitliematies__ 25 OOt Mildred Hurd. Reader. Mitliematics 25 OOt Eugene Joralenion. Lib'-ary -Assistant in Romance, .Spanish 25 OOt Constance Kendall. Reader. Mathematics 25 OOt Dorothea Kerr. Re;ider. Mathematics 25 OOt R. E. Keys, Librarian, Dentistry — 25 OOt ti"ripda L. Krtise, Assistant in Pediatrics 25 OOt Cora P. McKay, Assistant Supervisor of English, University High School 25 OOt A. E. Meyers. Instructor in Pediatrics 25 OOt Marv E. Millard. Reader. Music 25 OOt O. K. Mobs. Assistant in Surgery and Assistant Resident, University Hospital -- 25 00 J. B. Pardoe. Assistant in Medicine and House Officer, San Francisco Hospital 25 00 Miriam Parker. Assistant in Chemical Department 25 OOt L. D. Prince, Assistant in Orthopedic Surgery 25 OOt A. C. Rulo^'son, Instructor in .Anesthesia, Dentistry 25 OOt Lucia n. Mirrielees. Assistant Supervisor of English, University High School 25 OOt Sadie Rainey. Nurse. Medical (Los Angeles) 25 OOt L. Reimeis. Reader. Mathematics 25 OOt J. Sherman. Asisistant in Medicine 25 OOt E. W. Simmons. Assistant in Medicine and House Officer San Francisco Hospital 25 00 NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 133 UNIVERSITY OF CALI FORM A— Continued. Name and Title Monthly Salary Leo Steck, Assistant in Chemistry Deparlmeni 25 OOt Bekle R. Stewar.i, Reader. History 25 OOt Vera Stump. Reader. History 25 OOt Jeannettc M. .Sudow. Reader. History 25 OOt M. J. Tobin. Senior Bookkeeper 25 OOt Katlierine Towle. Reader, History 25 OOt Florence Wolf. Nurse. Los Angeles Medical 25 OOt Lester Brownins. Kvenins Clerk, University Hospital 26 OOt H. A. Black. Riader and Assistant, Jurisprudence 30 OOt \V. A. Brewer. Reader. English 30 OOt Grace Dupuy, Teaeh'-r. Southern Branch 30 OOt Marjorie Huglies, Clerk, Southern Branch 30 OOt Clara Kemerle. Refractionist, Los Angeles, Medical-- 30 OOt Mrs. M. Kendricks, Matron, University High School 30 OOJ C. Kruger, Reader, Mathematics 30 OOt Pliillip S. Mathews, Reader and Assistant, Jurisprudence 30 OOt Mrs. Mary Rewcastle, Stenographer. President's Office 30 OOt P. Tap.<=cott, Clerk (part time). University Extension 30 OOt Pearl Brown. Pupil Xurse, Hahnemann Hospital 31 00 C. Christianson. Pupil Xurse, Hahnemann Hospital 31 00 H. E. Crooks. Pupil Nurse. Hahnemann Hospital 31 00 M. Eaton, Pupil Nurse, Hahnemann Hospital 31 00 E. Erickson. Pupil Nurse. Hahnemann Hospital 31 00 Hm. Hammond. Pupil Nurse. Hahnemann Hospital 31 00 E. Harper. Pupil Nurse, Halinemann Hospital 31 00 A. O. Koch. Pupil Nurse, Halinemann Hospital 31 00 M. Lambert, Pupil Nurse, Hahnemann Hospital 31 00 I. E. Mabring, Pupil Nurse, Hahnemann Hospital 31 00 M. E. McXealy. Pupil Nurse. Hahnemann Hospital 31 00 I. E. Spitler, Pupil Nurse. Hahnemann Hospital 31 00 E. E. Stanton, Pupil Nurse. Hahnemann Hospital 31 00 M. F. Stimmel, Pupil Nurse. Hahnemann Hospital ■ 31 00 L. R. Hafen. Teaching Fellow in Historv 31 25 J. G. Johnson. Teaching Fellow in History 31 25 II. E. Berry, Assistant in Accounting — 33 33 N. E. Fiske, Assistant Professor, Military Science and Tactics 33 335 Chas. M. Jones, Clerical Assistant, Library 33 33t P. E. Peabody, Assistant Professor, Military Science and Tactics 33 33j: G. W. Simonton, Instructor in Physiology. Dentistry -- 33 33t L. K. L'nderhill, Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics 33 33i: Mrs. F. E. Perham, Reader. English 35 OOt Lillian Watson, Clerk, Physics -- 35 OOt (ieorge Collier, Bus Bov, University Hospital 36 OOt Charles G. Haw. Bus Bov, University Hospital 36 OOt C. B. Pattee, Bus Boy, University Hospital 36 OOt Edward A. Reinke, Reader. L'nner Division Problems 36 OOt H. Shelton. Bus Bov. Universitv Hospital -- 36 OOt Chris Stabler. Bus Bov, Universitv Hospital 36 OOt Nelle B. Bates. Caretaker. Berkeley-. 40 00 C. C. Berwick. Resident Interne, Medical Education, University Hospital — 40 00 Jolin C. Dement, Resident Interne, Medical Education, L'niversity Hospital 40 00 Margaret Gear.v, Stenograplier for Professor Hildebrand, Chemistry 40 OOt Florence Hallan. Manager Cafeteria. Southern Branch 40 OOf G. C. Iki. Resident Interne, Medical Education, University Hospital 40 00 J. S. McManus, Instructor. Southern Branch 40 OOt H. Olsen. Instructor. Southern Brancli 40 OOt Helen Sinnott. Stenographer. Dentistr.v Researcli 40 OOt C. V. Thompson. Resident Interne. Medical Education, University Hospital 40 00 Elva Williams. Typist. Comptroller's Office. Assistant 40 OOt W. A. Gregory. Resident Interne. Medical Education, L'niversity Hospital-- 40 67 Chas. F. Keith. Resident Interne. Medical Education. University Hospital 40 67 John J. Kingston. Resident Interne, Medical Education, L'niversity Hospital 40 67 Helen Brock. Clerk, Southern Branch 41 66 Lova Holt. Assistant in Zoology 41 66 M. F. McComb, Lecturer in Business Law, Southern Branch 41 66 P. S. Tavlor. Assistant in Economics 41 66 H. S. Hoyt. Resident Interne. Medical Education. University Hospital 42 00 Dexter R. Ball. Resident Interne. Medical Education. University Hospital-- 45 00 -\I. Hugo Childress. Resident Interne. Medical Education, University Hospital 45 00 Zach B. Coblenz, Resident Interne, Medical Education, University Hospital 45 00 L. F. Foster, Assistant Supervisor of Science. University High School 45 00 Ruth G. Hamilton. Stenogra^iher, Household Science 45 OOt Hal Rex^'ord Hoobler. Resident Interne, Medical Education, University Hospital . 45 00 Vj. E Jeffry. Resident Interne. ^ledical Education, University Hospital 45 00 Dr. Y. F. Kitsuda. Interne, Hahnemann Hospital 45 00 Katlierine Oman. Technician, Universitv Hosnital, Clinical Lalx)ratory 4a OOji Michael Radzville. Chief Clerk, Militarv Science and Tactics 45 00, 134 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA— Continued. Name and Title Monthly SalaiT R. G. Scribner, Resident Interne. Medical Education, University Hospital-- 45 00 l-'redtrick I". Shafer, Resident Interne, Medical Education, University Hospital 45 00 Edward B. i^li-iw. Resident Interne, Medical Education, University Hospital 45 00 Grace Adams. Pupil Xurse. University Hospital 47 00 lOiizabeth Adsit. Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 .Alarv Allen, Punil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 i^M-riice AnlhonV, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Helen Austin. Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Azelia Baratini. Pupil Nurse. ITniversity Hospital 47 00 Bertha Beard. Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Phyllis Beckwith. Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Anna Beutel. Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Bvangeline Break. Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Lolita Brewer. Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Ivlabel Brin. Pupil ISTurse, University Hospital — 47 00 l^ena Buck, Funil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Avis Burchard, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Dorothy Carey, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital — 47 00 Eugenia Carneiro, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital _ 47 00 Hefen Carragher, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Imogene Cheney, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 Ou Katiiryn Chcstnutt, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Virginia Ciarlo, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Ruth Coleman. Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Dorothy Conrad. Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Selene Cook, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 OG Alice Coughlin, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Dorothy Crane, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Ethel Dietrich, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Beatrice Dr\sdale, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital — 47 00 Dorothy Drysdale, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital — 47 00 Mary Fitzgerald. Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Helen Falek. Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Genevieve Farweil. Pupil Nurse. Uni\ersity Hospital 47 00 Harriet Fosler. Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Florence Ford. Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Alice Fuhring, Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Florence Gamble. Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Ruth Glass. Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Julia Grasmoen. Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Pauline Gray, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Kathleen Hales. Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Rebecca Hammond, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital — 47 00 Emilie Hansen, Pupil Nurse. University Ho.spital 47 00 Constance Heaton, Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Delplia Heaton, Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Dorothy Hess. Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Esther Holman. Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Mar.iorie Huxley, Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Elizabeth Hyatt. Pupil Nur.?e. University Hospital 47 00 Margaret lUig. Pupil N\n-sp. I^niversitv Hospital 47 00 Martha Jaehnig, Pupil Nurst, University Hospital 47 00 Elizabf th James. Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Ina Jensen. Pupil Nurse, Universitv Plospital 47 00 Eila Jolinson. Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Julia Junkins, Pupil Nurse. University Hospital • 47 00 Lila Kellogg, Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Rosemnrv Kobes. Pupil Nm-se. University- Hospital 47 00 Grayee Krantz. Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Rose Ludermann. Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Enitli Madelev, Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Almeda MacKenzie. Pupil Nurse. Universitv Hospital 47 00 Dorothea Madsen, Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Leila McDonald. Pi;pil Nurse, University Hospital .•' 47 00 F^milv Mitchell. Punil Nurse. Universitv Hospital 47 00 Gladys Molh.'.k. Pupil Universitv Hospital-.-- 47 00 Hel^ii Myje.s. Punil Nurse, Uni\ersity Hosnilal ■ ^ 47 00 Regina Nelson. Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 .leanne Noimand. Pupil Nvn-se. University Hospital • 47 00 Marv O'Halloran. Ptipil University Hospital — 47 00 Dorothv Orr. Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 4-7 00 Mary Pannell. Pupil Nurse. University Hospital — 47 00 Margue>-ite Peck. Pupil Xurse. University Hospital 47 OC Lillian Phillips. Pupil Nurse, Universitv Hospital 47 00 Rebecrn Phillins. Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Katherine Podraski, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Gerfiude Rasmussi n. Pupil Nurse, L^'ni^'ersity Hospital ■ 47 00 Bei'lih Rice, Pupi! Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Mary Roberts, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 135 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORN I A— Continued. Name and Title Monthly Salai-y Bertha Rodger.s, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Lucille Rosenthal, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Bathia Ross, Pupil Nurse, ITnivorsity Hospital 47 00 Mary Ross, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Isabel Rugg, Pupil Nurse, I'nivcrsity Hospital 47 00 Mildred Russell, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Sylvia Sabin, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Alma Sauer, Pupil Nurse. University Hospital 47 00 Emily Segesman. Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Ijucy Skelton, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Jennie .Smith. Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Edna Snyder, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Daisy .Stephens, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Eleanor .^tillings. Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Florence Styles, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Julia Sundt, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Bcrnice Thompson, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Gladys Thompson. Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Myrl Thompson, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 llermia \'an Gorkum, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Violet Vernon, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Eleanor Westendorf, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Grace Whittet, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Ruth Williams, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Dorothy Wintler, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Ruth Woosley, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Marie Yeaton, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Alice Yellana , Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 Esther Young, Pupil Nurse, University Hospital 47 00 H. H. Alvarez, Instructor in Extracting 50 OOt J. A. AlmquJst, Assistant in Chemistry 50 00 Lily Anderson, Relief Telephone Operator, Telephone 50 OOt Aileen Andrews, Teaching Fellow in Zoology 50 00 Mrs. E. W. Bailey, Clerk in San Diego -- 50 OOt Elizabeth G. Balderston, Teaching Fellow in English 50 OO E. Bamhart, Lecturer in Education 50 OOt Dr. P. P. Baron, Interne Hahnenian Hospital 50 00 Ruth E. Baugh, Teaching Fellow, Geography 50 00 E. J. Best, Instructor in Medicine 50 OOt E. Bishop, Assistant in Chemistry 50 00 Doris Bockius, Assistant in Household Scienc? 50 00 W, Boericke. Clinical Professor of Homeopathic Medicine 50 OOt O. J. Booth, Superintendent Practice Teaching, Smith Hughes Agriculture 50 OOt Edna M. Boyd, .Stenographer. Agriculture S) OOt L. H. Briggs, Instructor in Medicine 50 OOt Edith Bronson, Assistant in Pediatrics ■'iO W B. M. Burchflel, Assistant in Chemistry S) 00 Emily B. Carrier, Student Fellow, Research Medicine...-- 50 00 H. H. Clewett, Student I.ahrrer. University Farm 50 OOt F. C. Cordes, Assistant in Ophthalmology ^ 0 JJ^t ElizaliPtli V. Ferguson. .\s!-istant in Botany v» m Lucy Freeland. RescHnh Fellow in Anthropoicgy .„.. ^ -- -f' ^^ W. C. Fray, Instructor in Medicine ■ i.-— —- t^ nni A. H. French, Assistant in Chemical Department : 50 Or> ' R. C. Fnson, Assistant in Chemistrv *-- 50 00 C. A. Glover, Assistant in Accounting tA no Katherine M. Groesbeck. Teacher Fcll-w of Anthropology — 2V ' L. Gunther. Assistant in Chemistry, 'iMithern Braneli-- v> oOi H K- Heller, Research Work. Hoor» ' Foimdatiou --•—-- 'r,r0 O'l F. E. Pt-rham, Instructor in English, Dentistry 50 00+ L. H. Peterson, Teaching Fellow in Education .50 00 L M. Piccirillo, Assistant, Italian .50 00+ Orlando Piro, Offic" Boy, Agriculture 50 00 L. P. Player, Instructor in Urology .50 00+ W. D. Ramage, Assistant in Chemistry 30 03 Samuel Randall, Media Maker, Path' logy. University Hosp:ta' 50 00+ W. H. Randall, Clerk. Undercraduate Division 50 00+ Helen Redfield, Teaching Fellow in Zoology .^0 00 .T. M. R°hfi>ch. Instructor in Medicine 50 001 Eva C. Reid. Instructor in Psychiatry 50 O0^ Ina Richter, .Assistant in Medicine 50 00+ H. E. R'denour, Instnictor in Prosthetic Dentistry .W OOt Esther Rosencrantz. Instnictor in Med-'cine . 50 00+ R. .1. Russell. Teaching Fellow, Geography 50 On .1. C. Scott, Teaching Fallow of Anthropo'ogy 50 00 R. M. Selle. Teaching Fellow in Zoology .... .50 00 .1. F. Schermerhorn, Assistant in Pediatrics 50 0^ A. M. Shaffer, Assistant in Chemistn' 50 00 Rose I. Sh' re. Secretary. University Hospital, Department of Physiology .50 00+ R. K. Snaulding, Assistant in Spanish 50 00+ C. C. Staehling. Lecturer in Accounting .50 00+ M. W. Stirling. Teaching Fellow of Anthropology 50 00 X. W. Taylor. Assistant in Chemistry . 50 00 Martha Thompson. Teaching Fellow in Zoolcgy ."0 00 H. S. Thomson, Instructor in Surgery .. .50 OOt C. O. Ttifts. Instnictor in Roentgcneology .50 00+ M. Tuft'. Driver. Universitv Farm .50 00+ R. Vandervoi-'rt. Teaching Fellow in Public Sneaking 50 00 .lean Wn'ker, .Ass'sfnnt in .Abnormal Psychology "0 00 C. E. Walton, Teaching Fellow in Zoology. .50 00 Fda L. Wnltnn. Teaching Fellow in English .50 00 rhss. E. We'd. .Janitor Serpic .=0 00+ F. .T. Wenig Teaching FWlow in English .50 00 C. Westi.av. Instnictor in Operative Dentistry... 50 00+ Olady AVliite. Class Technicimi. U"iveTsitv Hosnital. DeT^artment of Anatomy .50 00* •T. T,. Wln'tnev. Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine .50 00+ A. M. Wniianis. Assistant in Chemistry .. 50 00 P. T. Wilson. Assistant In Botanv -50 00 T. V. To-n? A'si'tant in Chemistrv ro 00 •^ 7niineitini, Instructor in Onerative Dentistry 50 00+ Frieda Ziegler. .\ssistant in Oerman ."0 00 NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 137 UNIVERSITY OF CALI FORN I A— Continued. Name anil Title VVwkly Salary Wm. H. Dufton, Cliief Kngineer, University Hospital 5g 31 John Sheiiheril, Subsistence, Chef, University Ilosi)ital 55 52 George .Johnson, Foreman Launf. .Toyce. Sui^ervisor Hahnemann Trosnital 37 21 K. Kabl?rt. Supervisor Hahirniann Hosuital 37 21 S. ^rcCann, Gpnera' Nurs-" Hahnemann Hospital .97 21 <^. Pai'^-^r. General Nurse Hahn-^mann Hosnital 37 21 C. R. Pettv, General Nurse Hahnemann Hospital .37 21 F. N. Smith. General Nurse Hahnemann Hospital .37 21 K M. Snell, Supervisor Hahn"inann Hosnital .. .37 21 M. Sa'inderson, Supervisor Hahnemann Hospital 37 21 S. F. Sehoupp, Supervisor Hahnemann Hospital 1 37 21 M. Tuffi", Supervisor Hahnemann HospitaL_ .37 21 .Tohn Blai, Subsistenc-i Cook University - .3.T 52 -T. A. Wylley. Foreman University Hospital 3.5 34 \. -Tohnson. Trayman Hahnemann Hospital.-. .30 52 Roman Carvaja', Window Washer Uiuversity Hospital 30 00 Fred C. Bode. Subsistence Dining Room University Hospital 29 52 M. FIa'"mong Practical Nurse Hahnemann Hospital 29 1!) M. C. Murphy. Practical Nurse. Hahnemann Hospital 29 1!' G. Orendain. Practical Nurse Hahn'emann Hospital 29 19 O. Olson. Ni?ht Cook Hahnemann Hospital 28.52 Georg? Boitano. Tiuck Driver University Hosnital 28 fO Frank Rockford, Wringer Laundry University Hospital 27 25 Henry Shoemaker. Watchman University Hospital "27 01 G>org9 All^n Boiler Cleaner University Hospital 2'? .52 G. Borg. Waiter Hahnemann Hospital.. 26 52 Clarenc" Pierce. Subsistence Night Clerk University Hospital 26 52 G. McLeod, Dietitian Hahn°mann Hospital 26 52 C. Crowell, Houseman Hahn»mann Hospital 25 ,52 Marin, Subsistence Waiter University Ho.spital 2.5 52 Kmil .Selegman, Subsistence Vegctabl°man University Hospital 25 .52 F. Wilniot. Painter Hahn°mann Hosnital -- 2.5 52 >ragno Valoria, Orderly University Hospital 25 17 Frank Garman. Laundry Helper University Hospital 24 00 Domnick Moraa, Assistant Washer I aundry University Hospital 24 00 ■^r. Barrett, Dishwasher Hahnemann Hospital 23 52 Herman Beyer. Subsistence Vegetableman Univei.eity Hospital 23 .52 N. Bre.ssner, Maid Hahnemann Hospital 2.3 .52 Gi'o. CoIliT, Subsistence Bus-bov University Hospital 23 o'- .T. Deani, Trayman Hahn»man Hospital 23 5- Bartalome D- San .lose. Subsistence Trayman University Hospital 23 o- W. S. Duedalc, Subsistence Reliefman University Hospital -^ ^_- .V. H. Durkman, Porter Subsistence Univrsity Hospital -^ 2"- Fr-^d F°rgg. Subsistence Porter University Hospital -^ 2.^ Geo. risk. Waiter Hahnemann Hosnital ~^x% •T. Gamboa, Porter Subsistence University Hospital -„ '1^ C. V. Hansen, Trayman Hahnemann Hospital ■^'1 2' Bill H°ss, Subsistence Porter University Hospitai 5^ i- D. P. Huston, Trayman Subsistence Universitv Hospital... ^^ '}- Madamba Lucas, Subsistence Bus-boy Universiiv Hospital ^ ^; Vincent S. Mariano. Subsistence Trays University Hospital... ^^ ^- G. Miller, Porter Hahnemann Hospital 2;? 52 23 52 C. L. Murio, Trayman Hahnemann Hospital 5^ -.; .\nsclmo .Mu^-nsi. .Subsi-lnce Travman Univers-'ty Ho.spital.. r- .•;■„ '^, .Juan Musngi. Porter Subsistence University Hospital - " 138 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORN I A— Continued. Name ami Title Weekly Salary T. Nii'ho'.s, Porter Hahnemann Hospital.— 23 52 J.. Xi?tzki, Waiter Hahnemann Hospital .. " 23 52 Henry Paris, Subsistence Bus-boy University Hospital 23 .52 George Perez, Subsistence Bus-boy University Hospital 23 52 A. Raisin, Subsistence Pot Waslier University Hospital , 23 52 Oergoria Reyes, Subsistence Trayman University Hospital ._. 23 52 .less Smejkcl, Sul>sistenee Baker's Helper University Hospital 23 52 .7. Stark, Pot Washer University Hospital 23 52 S. C. Suguitan, Traynian Subsistence University Hospital 23 52 Gregoria Suguitan, Bus-boy Subsistence University Hospital 2it 52 \\. Taylor, Reliefman Halmemann Hospital 23 .52 .lames Thoinixson, Subsistence Waiter University Hospital 23 52 K. Wagner, Disliwasher Hahnemann Hospital 23 52 .1. M. Walsh, Sul>sistenee Port?r University Hospital 23 52 A. Wolgren. Trayman Hahneman Hospital 23 52 Charles Hall. Porter University Hospital 23 35 E. Herstrom, Porter University Hospital 23 35 H. Metzger, Porter University Hospital 23 35 Steve O'Hagen, Porter University Hospital 23 35 Fred Sinding, Porter University Hospital 23 35 Frank Dolash. Porter University Hospital 23 33 Theo Kappel, Porter University Hospital 23 33 Maximo Ozua, Porter University Hospital 23 33 Roman Riceardo, Porter University Hospital 23 33 Fred Van Dyke, Porter University Hospital 23 33 A. Winkleried. Porter University Hospital 23 33 Peter U'oodwell, Porter University Hospital 23 33 Serafln Castillo, Porter University Hospital 23 IV Clarence Hanna, Orderly University Hospital 23 17 D. G. Harris, Porter University Hospital . 23 17 James Hogan, Porter University Hospital 23 17 C. Panait, Porter University Hospital 23 17 Nils Paulson, Porter University Hospital 23 17 .John McRa?, Porter University Hospital 23 01 .T. Bradley. Surgery Porter Hahnemann Hospital 22 52 K. Xobbe, Porter Hahnemann Hospital _-- 22 18 A. .Alvarado, Porter Hahnemann Hospital -— 22 02 A. Ballauff, Porter Hahnemann Hospital 22 02 W. Evans, Porter Hahnemann Hospital 22 02 H. Huyer, Porter Hahnemann Hospital 22 02 Victor Manuel, Orderly University Hospital 22 00 E. W. Murphy, Orderly Hahnemann Hospital 22 Of» .James Tillett, Orderly Hahnemann Hospital 22 OO Thoo Cassclman. Orderly University Hospital 21 84 Robert Fritsch. Orderly University Hospital 21 8i Harry Richman, Orderly University Hospital 21 84 W. R. Powis, Orderly University Hospital 21 68 W. O. Vinton, Porter Hahnemann Hospital — 21 6S A. Wylie, Elevator Operator Hahnemann Hospital 21 00 Chas. Davis, Elevator Operator Hahnemann Hospital 20 84 F. Spiego, Reliefman Hahnemann Hospital 20 52 Dorothy Barker, Assistant Marker Laundry University Hospital 20 50 P. Butz, Maid Hahnemann Hospital 20 50 .Tosie Kindler, Press Hand Laundry University Hospital 20 50 Philomena Nieva, Pharmacy Helper University Hospital 20 5o Hatti" Barlow, Folder Laundry University Hospital.. 19 50 M Ratutanska, Ironer Laundry University Hospital 19 50 Olive Sykes. Ironer Laundiy University Hospital 19 50 Kenneth Miller. Helper University Hospital lf> ^ ■I. H. Dolan, Elevator Operator University Hospital 19 IS <"elia Harper, Head Mangl- Laundry University Hospital 19 OO Josephine Lambert, .\ssistant Pharmacist University Hospital 18 <>' Ilia Carvajal, Laundry Folder University Hosi)ital IV ''O Miriam Pasco, Folder Laundry University Hospital 17 50 Mary Tlodgkis, Mangl" Laundry University Hospital 17 ""O >r. A. Hookc. l.aunilry Linen Kooiii University Hospital 17 00 Lotta Morton. Mangle Laundry University Hospital 17 <<> C'arri- Xustat, Mangle Laimdry University Hospital - ■ 1' '^^ Bello Sorel. Mangle Laundry University Hospital — 17 00 -May Sullivan, Mangl" Laundry University HospitaL. ■ --.. --- 17 00 H. Gilmore, Elevator Operator University Hospital — 1^ ^-^ M. Anderson, Telephone Operator Llahnemann Hospital 1^ ^^ -Amelia Ballard, Maid University HospitaL. 1^ ^"^ V. Beahn, Maid. University Hospital $16 33 Edith Berwin, Clerk, University Hosnital 16 33 F'mma Droin: Maid. University Hosnita! - "-- 16 33 . G. Evan-, Maid. University Hosiiita! . . --.- 16 3.S Esther Ec.^aoui. Telephone' Onerator. Univirsity Hosnital — 16 33 Helen Hogan. Maid, University Hospital 16 33 NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 139 UNIVERSITY OF CALI FORN I A— Continued. Name ami Title Weekly Salary Ada Holly, Maid, University Hospital.. 16 33 M. Hough, Maid, Hahnemann Hospital 16 33 May Idi-n, Maid, University Hospital .. 16 33 P. P. Light, Maid, University Hospital 16 33 Maxine l.ud« ig, Me.-senger, University Hospital 16 33 Sara Marshall. Maid, University Hospital 16 33 I.. Marshall, Maid, University Hospital 16 33 C. Maynor, Maid, University Hospital 16 33 Mrs. M. Ozua, Maid, University Hospital 16 33 Ida Bobbins, Maid. University Hospital 16 33 0. Russell, Maid, University Hospital 16 33 E. Seligmar, Maid, Hahnemann Hospital 16 33 Mrs. L. J. Stimson, Subsistence Maid, University Hospital 16 33 Alice Tobin, Maid, University Hosidtal 16 33 K. Tochet, Maid, University Hospital 16 33 Mrs. E. P. 'Ricker, Laboratory Maid, University Hospital. 16 33 Carl Williams, PortT, ITniversity Hospital 16 33 Lauritz Jensen, Helper, University Hospital 16 80 M. Pledger, Maid, University Hospital 16 17 Ada Buckley, Clerk, L'niversity Hospital 16 00 Marie Bane, Maid. LTniversity Hospital 16 00 Julia Cederouest, Maid, University Hospital 16 00 Mrs. H. Crumjiton, Alaid, University Hospital 16 00 Alice Robinson, Messenger, University Hospital 16 00 Martha Wern°r, Pharmacy Helper, L'niversity Hospital 12 00 A. Van Os, Yardman, Hahnemann Hospital... 6 OOt Daily Wage T. Scbirnnacher, Keysmith, Repairs $12 00 F. M. Healy, Steam Foreman, Heat and Light 11 00 F. O. Lee, Ehctrician, Heat and Light U 00 G. H. Blacker, Foreman Carpenter, Repairs — 10 00 H. Chaloner, Plumber, Repairs 10 00 E. DcWar, Painter, Repairs 10 00 Frank Evington, Steam Fitter, University Hospital 10 00 C. Jorgenson, Cement Worker, Site 10 00 W. D. Mason, Plumber, University Hospital 10 00 W. Sheperd, Electrician. Heat and Light -.. 10 00 J. H. West, Steam Fitter, Heat and Light.: 10 00 A. H. White, Plumber, Repairs 10 00 G. W. Ahlvin, Carpenter, Repairs 9 00 M. James Feak, Pressman, Printing Oiflee 9 00 H. Greene, Carpenter, Repairs 9 00 H. W. Krag, Carpenter, Repairs 9 00 K. C. Morrison, Carpenter, Repairs 9 00 P. Reichel, Carpenter, Repairs 9 00 H. Shepherd, Painter, Repairs 9 00 G. J. Steedman, Carpenter, Repairs 9 00 C. Steve, Carpenter, Repairs 9 00 F. Stokes, Carpenter, Repairs 9 00 W. N. Stroinberg, Cariienter, Repairs 9 00 G. L Brayton. Linotype Op°rator, Printing Office 8 50 W. ChanibPiliii, Linotype Operator, Printing Ofliee 8 50 F. AV. (^rofoot.. Compositor. Printing Office S W Colin Haeger, Carpenter, LTniversity Hospital 8 50 Lawrence Hanger, Carpenter, University Hospital 8 50 G. Hailing. Bookbinder, Printing Office 8 .^-O G. H. Min'lie Linotype Operator. Printing Office --- 8 nO James Bote, Painter, University Hospital ° 'J^ Cysbertus Twilt. Carpenter, University Ho.spital 8 -^ .1. T. Jack, Foreman, Site °'!;_ V. Ariani, Bookbinder, Printing Office -Irs K. Brundage, Bookbinder, Printing Office ^ or" R. CushinL' Comuositor, Printing Office , ^ ^ F. Danish, Bookbinder. Printing (»flic< - i J*!* \. M. Duckwurfh. Coiiii.ositor. Printing T>ffi«r -—.--.. -- - - 1'^ T. A. Fielilz. Prtxifn.adrr. PrititiiK office ...V:. L ^ W. L Gordon, Compositor, Printing Offi"' .'. ^ Wrn I ane. Pressman. Printing Offics ............ - ^•'' H. C. Mohr. Compositor. Printing Office ^ ^ i^ J. A. Pose. Bookbinder, printing Office i^ J. Eudd, Gardener. Site - i JJ: G. McConnell. Laborer, Sit° - ^ 2x S Kerr, Teamsfr. Site... - ? S; J Fodeers, Truck Driver. Site -■ --- 5 ?X 1 Rofenbere. Laborer. Site - - - — • Z, -r^. J. ?h Ihv. Triirk Driver. Site - —..— — - — --- r "r- . " ^ "^ 140 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. UNIVERSITY OF CALI FORN I A— Continued. Xaiue ami Titli' J. M. SouzB; Laborer, Sits K. AI. 'J'iild, Laborer, Site T. OueMifh, Laborer, Site (i. Warren, Steam Filter Helper, Heat and Liglit R. Aheru, Pre.«sfeedsr, Printing Office 1". Blitz, Gardener, Site L. M. Cain, Gardener, Site John Gomez, Gardviier, University Hospital X. M. En^Ie, Janitor and Helper, Printing Office F. Fea.. Gardener, Site L B. Frazier. Gardener, Site K. Gertz?, Painter, Hahnemann Hospital P. Ghiarso, Gardener, Site It. Pagnuc'Ci, Gardener, .Site J Poggio, Gardener, Site A. Van Hee. Gardener, Sit? L. Varney, Gardener, Site Nance Jofy, Assistant in Bindery, Printing Office Florence Bouv?, .Assistant in Bindery, Printing Office Ada Grant, Assistant in Bindery, Printing Office Florence Haefer, Assistant in Bindery, Printing Office Margaretlia Krieg, Assistant in Bindery, Printing Office Nellie O'CouneJl, Assist-int in Bindery, Printing Office Anna Shea, Assi.*tant in Bindery, Printing Office Mildred Stephenson, Assistant in Bindery, Printing Office Florence Rocha, Messenger, Printing Office Charles Andrews, Instructor, Uuiver.*ity Farm Robert Johnson, Instructor, University Farm G. H. Cook, Inspector, Dairy Certification F. Mendenhall, Teamster, Southern Branch W. Smith, Cari)enter, University Farm L. Bowen. Draughtsman, Agriculture 1 Pat Brady, Carpenter, University Farm Fred Gardner, Carpenter, University Farm Sclma Hertsgard, Special Nurse. Infirmary R. C. Jacjuith, Carpenter, University Farm S. McBride, Carpenter, University Farm T. Zumga, Horseshoer, University Farm . Lenna M. Abernathy, Instructor, Smith-Hughes O. W. Aiken, Laborer, Lick Observatory J. B. Baleonjb, In-tructor, Smith-Hughes Clyde Bl >nchard. Job Analyses, Smith-Hughes F. R. Cauch, Instructor. Smith-Hughes H. T. Crocker, Field and Office Assistant, Agriculture P. D. Croney. In.structor, Snnth-Hughes John S. Goldthwaite, Instructor, Smith-Hughes, Southern Branch D. Hansen. Carpenter, University Farm Julius A. I.or-ntztn Official Advance Registry Test, University Farm Geo. W. MacKenzif, Instructor, Smith-Hughes, Southeni Branch John G. Miller, Instructor, Smith-Hughes, Southern Branch Lauriel Randall, Instructor, Smith-Hughes, Southern Branch P. K. Rowell. Instructor, Smith-Hughe.s May L. S"llander, Instructor. Smith-Hughes Guy F. Str"et, Instructor, Smith-Hughes AlHud E. Wilson, Instructor, Smith-Hughes F. Shiiiiizu, Cleaner. Infirmary Nance Jory, Assistant, Bindery Printing Office H. O. Galloway, Lai)orer, .Agriculture W. H. Allison, Jr.. Official Advance Registry Test, University Farm R. H. Bishop, Official Advance Registry Test, University Farm Henry Bivens, Official Advance Registry Test, University Farm L. T. Brown, Official Advance Registry Test, University Farm J. W. Dean. Official Advance Registry Test., University Farm Daniel S. Flack. Official Advance Registry Test, University Farm H. M. Foster, Official Advance Registry Test. University Farm f\ Frceni:in, Official Advance Registry Test, University Farm L. W. Garr.t-on. Official Advance Registry T-st. University K. H. Gossliijg. Offifiiil Advance Registry iVst, University Farm (\ D. Hutchin.-on Official Advance Registry Test, University Farm Nels B. Johans"ii, Official .Advance Registry Test, University Farm .Albeit Kelley. Ollicii;! Advance Registry Test. University Farm W. H. Kent, Official .Advance Registry University Farm J. Ru*s"II Kerr, (Official Advance Registry Test, University Farm Ivan V. Knarr, Ollicial Advance Registry Test, University Farm W. II. Lawrence, Official Advance Registry Test, University Farm PbMip Livingston (Jlticial Advance Registry Test. University Farm J. A. Loriritz'-n. Offici^il .\dvance Registry University Farm Herbert Loii's, Ofjleial Advance Registry" Tei^t University Farm Vincent Maghctti, Offlci^d Advance Rey^istry, University Farm Daily Wage 6 50 a 50 6 5<^» 6 40 6 00 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 00 5 00 5 OO 5 00 5 OO 5 04) 5 00 5 00 5 00 4 34 3 50 3 50 3 .5^'. 3 .50 3 50 3 50 3 50 2 00 $12 50 12 50 10 OO 10 00 7 00 G 00 6 00 6 (W (i 00 6 OO G OO 6 00 5 OO 5 00 .5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 OO 5 CO 5 00 5 m 3 00 5 OO 5 CO .^) OO .-) 0') 5 00 5 00 4 ,iO 4 34 4 25 4 m 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 OO 4 00 4 (H) 4 no 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 m 4 00 4 00 4 00 NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 141 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORN i A— Continued. Name and Title Dally Wace C. C. Norton, Official Advance Registry Test, University Farm 4 00 F. H. Patterson, Official Advance Registry Test, University Farm 4 00 E. K. Pitcher, Official Advance Registry Test, University Fami 4 00 John Koss. Official Advance Kegistry T'jst, University Farm 4 00 K. L. Stanley, Official Advance Registry Test, University Farm 4 00 .(. A. W'stfall, Official Advance Registry Test. University Farm 4 00 Maebelle J. Fish?r, Assistant, Chemistry 4 00 E. M. Galloway. Laborer, Agriculture S SO G. M. Wallace. Laborer, Agriculture 3 30 Genevra M. Weame Aj^sistant, Plant Physiology 3 00 Kenneth K. Loliiiaugh, Helper, Dairy Sales 2 50 J. S. Rooney. Ticket Seller, Music and Drama 2 50 A. J. Sargenti, Laljorer, I'niversity Farm 2 00 John Burns, Laborer, University Farm 1 50 Verna Dyer, 'itav Setter, Inliriiiary 1 50 Alma Fendt, Usher.. Music tnd Drama 1 «> Ralph Grant, Janitor, Inflnnary 1 00 Stella Hui^p, L'sher. Music and Drama 1 00 Dorothy Luck, L'sher, Music and Drama 1 00 Victor Lundy, Janitor Infirmary 1 W) Vera Morse, Usher, Music and Drama 1 00 Vivian Osborn Usher, Music and Drama 1 (^ Jewell Perrin, Usher, Music and Drama 1 W Rate i)cr Hour Antonio Masfer, Instructor. Rehabilitation Southern Branch i?3 00 Flora Hayes, Instructor, University Farm \ 75 J. Boternbrood, Sheet Metal Worker. Repairs 1 25 W. Goodfellow, Electrician. Heat and Light 1 25 Henry Williges, Teamster. Botany 1 25 W. Cody, Piumber, Southern Branch 1 12^ J. Monzo Painter, Repairs 1 12i W. St. John. Plumber, Southern Branch 1 12.i. Frieda L. Abemathv, Artist, Paleontology 1 00 R. K. Bishop, LatKJr'-r. Walnut Research 1 o*i H. Davie, Electrician, Southern Branch 1 *^< J. Dunham, Carpenter, Southern Branch 1 '"' Carl Epling, Artist. Botany Research 1 On C. S. Frost, Electrician. University Farm 1 00 A. G. Goodrich, Reporter, President's Office 1 "0 J. Harrington, Carpenter, Southern Branch 1 00 H. O. Jenkins. Instructor, University Farm 1 fO John L. Lynde, Map Drawing, University Farm 1 fO C. O. Dooley, Lalxjrer, South-'rn Branch S7J Kathleen Kennedy. Model, Arts. Southern Branch S.'J Wm. A. Parsons, Model, Arts, Southern Branch 83J Helene Shepard, Model, Arts, Southern Branch 83^ Annie R. Smith, Mod°l, .^rts. Southern Branch 83J W. F. Pemberton, Machinist, Mechanics fi*"' D. Holland, Police Officer 7a A. M. Kinne, Stenographer, Paleontology 75 E. S. Langford, Assistant. Citrus Experiment Station 'o Jennie Clauson, Graduate Assistant, Agrieultural Laboratory jp R. P. Crippen, Machinist, M'^chanics 70 Raymond A. Hall, Maehinist, Mechanics ™ G. J. Gatliff, Pruner, Citrus Experiment Station S^* H. C. Bills. Machinist, Mechanics ^ K. H. Brookes, Machinist. Mechanics ^ A. L. Cowin, Machinist, Mechanics ^2 I. W. Egge, Machinist, Mechanics ^2 L"st°r Reukema, Machinist, Mechanics ^i M. A. Rottrmund. Machinist. Mechanics *I Orlof E. Rush, Machinist, M<'chanics ^o L. W. Towner, Maehinist, Mechanics *' Frank Rose, Gardener, Agriculture -J^^ W. A. Wiltberger, Police Officer "r^ Daphne H. Daus, Library Assistant, Library Jf' A. W. Ellis, Lantern Operator, Drawing ?■ C. EpMng, Assistant, Chemical Laboratory 5; Gerda Frederiksen, Library Assistant, Library ?" I. M. Ingerson, Draftsman, .\grieulture * H. P. Kyle, Draftsman. Agriculture ^•^ J. L. McCreery, Draft.sman, Agriculture ?.' E. G. Mowberg, Laboratory Assistant, Scripps Institute ?y L. M. Newlon, Assistant, Botany Research °' W. A. Boggs, Laborer, Southern Branch ^' F. Holman, Laborer, Southern Branch ?1 K. Scott. Laborer, Southern Branch ?^, John Downey, Gardener, Agriculture .- 142 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORN I A— Continued. Name and Tillo Rate per Hour Cents A. Kniger. Gardener, AKricuItiire 561 C. R. Bearity, Helper. Mechanics .'55 R. S. Childs, Helper, Mechanics 55 Austin Jones, Helper. Mechanics ii5 Dorothy Kemper, Assistant, Paleontology 55 John A. Kerr, Helper, Mechanics 55 J. G. Landon, Helper, Mechanics 55 r. B. Owen, Helper, Mechanics 55 H. r. Bohnet, Assistant, Library 52 Loralie E. Abcott. Reader, English .50 D. L. Abercrombie, Reader, Economics 50 Fred J. .\dams. Reader and Assistant, Psychology 50 Helen Addicott, Assistant, Publications 50 W. E. All- n, Laboratory Assistant, Seripps Institute .50 Valerie Arnold, Reader, Philosophy 50 Francis Atkinson, Assistant, Scripps Institute 50 Helen Auberlin, Pianist, Physical Education, Women 50 M. H. Austin. Assistant Janitor, Southern Branch 50 Elizabeth Bailey, Stenographer, Botany 50 M. O. Baird, Reader, Economics 50 Elsie Baldwin, Cold Storage Assistant, Agriculture 50 Nadine M. Barbe, Reader, French 50 L. Barnard, Reader, Agriculture 50 R. W. Barr, Oiler, Mechanics 50 C. E. Baston, Reader, Mechanics 50 Elizabeth Beall, Clerical Assistant, Physical Education, Women 50 May M. Beekman, Reader, Mathematics, Southern Branch 50 M. Dorothy Beck, Reader, Hygiene 50 Laura Bfthell, Reader, English 5C M. B. Beyer, Reader, Public Speaking .50 Reginald Biggs, Reader, English 50 S. A. Bjarnason, Laboratory Worker, Agriculture and Pomology .50 Wilda H. Black, Reader, English 50 A. C. Boettler, Reader, Philosophy 50 M. L. Bradford, Reader, English 50 C. J. Brenner, Preparator, Paleontology -- 50 L. L. Brown, Reader, Philosophy CO W. W. Brown, Reader, Psychology 50 S. Burgess, Reader, English 50 E. E. Burrill, Reader, Economics- 50 E. L. Buttner, Reader, Mechanics 50 P. Calori, Laborer, University Farm 50 A. F. Camp, Stenographer and Technical Assistant, Agriculture 50 E. M. Cantelow, Reader, Economics 50 I. A. C"r°gihino, Reader, Jurisprudence 50 D. W. Chapman, Reader, Economics 50 A. A. Charlson, Reader, Mechanics 50 Traverse W. Clements, Reader, English 50 A. P. Coe, Reader, French 50 Blanche Coldren, Stenographer, Agriculture 50 J. Cottrell, Typist, Mechanics 50 A. E. Costanza, Reader, Economics .50 Eleanor Crofts, Reader, Philosophy 50 J. W. Coulter, Reader, Social Institutions 50 Franklin Cummings, Reader, English 50 Catherine Davis, Reader, English ,50 Phoebs Davis, Reader, English 50 V. D. Davis, Assistant, Agriculture 50 Florence Denham, Typing, Smith Hughes 50 Katherine M. Denham, Reader, Public Speaking 50 Wesley H. DeSellem, Assistant, Library .50 Suzanne Donze, Reader, English and French 50 Hugh F. Dormody, Assistant, Recorder's Office 50 Dorothy G. Douglas, Reader, Psychology 50 R. Draeger, Assistant, Chemistry Laboratory .50 A. L. Eddy, Stock Room As,«istant, Physical Education, Men 50 Clyde Ear, Kiigli.sli.._ 50 Claire K. Gerbaukt, Rvader, Knglish .'/.'... 50 Joy Gerbaulet, Reader, English 50 William Garrett, Reader, English .._ .50 Harold F. Glnin, Helper, Zoology 50 C. N. Godshalk, Reader, Mathematics, Southern Branch 30 L. E. Gowen, Reader, Areliitecture 50 P. S. Grant, Reader, English 50 Arda Green, Reader, Philosophy 50 Virginia F. Green, Assistant, Recorder's Ofllc? 50 R. VV. Griffln, Reader, Mechanics 50 K. M. Groesbeck, Reader, English 50 Hazel M. Haggerson, Reader, English 50 Marcus A. Hanner, Preparator, Paleontology 50 Ruth A. Hardy, Rea. JSchlaman, Preparator Projeet Outlinis, Smith-Hughts Agriculture •"><) Helen M. Seaman, Assistant, Recorder's Office 50 T. W. Sharp, Stenographer, Comptroller's Office 50 A. Shepart, Assistant Janitor, Southern Branch 50 (Part-time Employees) George Shcpphird, Reader, Mathematics, Southern Branch 50 Dorothy L. Smith, Reader, Mathematics, Southern Branch 50 E. Smitli, Reader, Mechanics 50 Attala Solari, Reader, Psychology 50 E. }<. Stridburg, Helper, Anatomy, University Hospital 50 H. J. Taylor, Helper, Agriculture 50 Harriet P. Thaler, Reader, English 50 A. B. 'Ihomas, Stenographer, English 50 Louise H. 'Ihompson, Stenographer, Philosophy 50 Jessie L. Thornton, Reader, Psychology ZO v.. H. Trainer, Suitchboard Operator, Southern Branch 50 Parker D. Trask, Reader, Paleontology 50 il. H. Trieb, Helper, Infirmary 50 ■^Vliitney Weils, Reader, English 50 M. H. VVelte, Reader, English 50 Claude Wilcone, Reader, Mathematics, Southern Branch 50 E. Theresa Wildman, Reader Economics 50 R. E. Wilson, Student Laborer, University Farm -'^O R M. Wise, Reader, Mechanics 50 J.awrence S. Wright, Assistant, Library 50 Mildred Wright, Reader, English 50 Horace L. Dormody, Assistant, Recorder's Office -tT-L Peggy Ellis, Helper, Zoology t2 A. Adams, Assistant, Chemical Laboratory 45 IE Betts, Assistant, Chemistry -15 D. M. Bissel, Assistant, Chemistry Laboratory *5 G. Boies, Assistant, Chemistry 45 Ashley C. Browne, Assistant, Agriculture 45 Viva Bruce, Assistant, Chemistry 45 C. C. Buechel, Assistant, Chemistry 4i V. Ciecchetini, Laborer, University Farm 50 Doris J. Crawford, Assistant, Bancroft Library 45 Robert P. Dart, Assistant, Recorder's Office 4.5 Charles de Sousa, Assistant, Chemical Laboratory 45 May Dornin, Assistant, Library 45 Marjorie Doyle, Assistant, Chemistry ^-^ Charles E. Finney, Assistant, Library *3 H. Giauque, Assistant, Chemistry ••■'» Margaret Graegen, Assistant, Chemistry 45 Josephin3 Halverson, Assistant, Library 45 Frances Hrubetz, .\ssistant. Chemistry *•] Fred C. Hutchinson, Assistant, Recorder's Office ^^ Gladys Lcavell, As.sistant, Chemistry <;' B. H. MacLafferty, Assistant, Chemistry -J.' J. Carl Madison, Assistant, Chemistry *•.' Theodore Meyer, Assistant, Library *^ B. M. Miller, Clerk, Comptroller's Office *2 Anton Muribo, Laborer, University Farm f^ Earl C. Payne, Assistant, Chemistry *'^ N. Loprest, Assistant, Library ^i Elizabeth Powell, Assistant, Chemistry |.' Alan Probert, Assistant, Chemistry ^? R. C. Kithbone, Student Laborer, University Farm z\t Carl Rutz, Laborer, University Farm A. SandiiTer, Assistant, Chemistry A. W. Sears, Assistant, Chemistry Leonard G. Stevenson, Assistant, Chemistry Raymond L. Supp"s. Laboratory Assistant, Agriculture Florence Swan, Assistant, Recorder's Office H. P. 'lockers. Assistant. Chemistry--. Lillie Walker, Assistant, Chemistry C. Wautrh, Assistan' , Chemistry Marjorie West, Assistant, Chemistry C. J. Whisman, Assistant, Chemistry- - NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 145 UNIVERSITY OF CALI FORN I A— Continued. Name and Title HaU- IVr Hour Cents Janet Willson, Assistant, Library 45 B. B. Wilson, A.ssistant, I.ilirary 45 Fern Wing, A.ssistant, Library .. ' 45 B. G. Wood, Assistant, Clieiinstry 45 Helen T. Alexander, R<'aabor. University Farm 40 H. F. Clary, Stock Room Assistant, Phy.sicial Education, Men 40 L. A. Cleary, ReadiT Political Science 40 Adelaide f. Corbin, Laboratory Assistant, Agriculture 40 May S. Corcoran, Typist, Bancroft Library 40 M. P. Cowhig, Watchman, Wilmerding School 40 Ellis Crane, Student Laborer, University Farm 40 A. L. Davis, Inspector, Dairy Certification 40 I. E. DavLs, Student Laborer, University Farm 40 Dorothy Deardoif, Reader, Slavic 40 r. de Villiers, Assistant Teaching, Agriculture 40 H. Dewar, Student Laborer, University Farm 40 L. Diether, Assistant, Chemistry 40 R. B. Dougherty, Student Laborer, University Farm 40 W. Doy], Student Laborer, University Farm 40 L. L. Drees, Helper, Zoology - 40 Ethel Edmonds, Typist, Bancroft Library 40 Eleanor .J. Ellis, Clerical Assistant, Library . 40 M W. Farr, Student Laborer, University Farm 40 Xeii Fifleld, Student Laborer, University Farm 4(1 W. S. Fortson, Reader in Political Science 40 E. Fox, Student Laborer, University Farm 40 Elminda Garcia, Reader, Spanish 40 Clara Garfinkle, Stenographer, Vertebrate Zoology 40 C. O. Gerhardy, Nursery Work, Agriculture 40 I. Giauque, Assistant, Chemistry 40 W. H. Gibbs. Nursery Work, Agriculture 40 R. Ginsburg, Student Laborer, University Farm 40 Alice Greer, Typing Appointment Secretary .40 Annie Laurie Gregory, Assistant, Chemistry 40 M. A. Grizzle, Reader, Hygiene 40 Harriet H. Haekley. Assistant Recorder's Office 40 C. Hagan, Student Laborer, L'niversity Fann 40 W. P. Hall. .Tr., Student Laborer, University Farm 40 Alice Hamilton. Lalioratory Assistant. Hoiisehold Science 40 S. P. Harrington, Laboratory Assistant, Agriculture 40 C. C. Harris, Laborer, Citrus Experiment 40 Marion Harris, Assistant, .Agriculture 40 Ruth Hawood, Clerk, Smith Hughes, Part Time 40 Earle Hefner, Student Laborer, L'niversity Faim 40 R. Hendricks, Assistant, Chemistry ^0 L. W. Heringer, Office .\ssistant. Physical Education, Men -JO F. Hester, Jr., Student Laborer, University Farm ■"' Elsie Hill, Assistant, Laboratory, .Agriculture - 40 R. K. Hoit, Clerk, College Letters and Science *J' Marguerite Howard, Clerk, Smith Hughes Part Tim? 4<' I. K. Howeth, Kitchen Help, Infirmary - ^Y Howard Hunt, Helper, Zoology - — ^ Bernice Hutchison, Student Assistant, Household Art C. H. .Jackson, Student Laborer, University Farm Allen W. .Jacobs, Clerk Work, Agriculture I. M. .Johnston. .Assistant, Herbarium Agriculture D. A. .Jones, Helper, Zoology H. T. Keeler, Library Assistant E. 0. Kelsey, Helper, Zoology - - Adele Kibre, Assistant. Graduate Division - \V. Kiessig, Reader. Political Science ^ - R. .J. King, Student Laborer, University Farm - A. M. Larson, Student Laborer. University Farm C. N. Larsen, Student Laborer, L'niversity Farm- Frances Leary, Library Assistant- Harvey W. I,ee, Helper, Mining and Metallurgy. 10—9768 146 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. UNIVERSITY OF CALI FORM I A— Continued. Naiiu- ami TitU' Hatu IVr Hour Outs W. A. Lt'onard. StmU'iit Laljorer, I'liivii^ity Farm .: 40 Hugh Logan, Lal)orer, University Farm 40 Allele I.oud-rback, Seamstress, Infirmary 40 (leorgia F. Lowry, Clerk, Education 40 El?anor I.von^, Cleric, Infirmary 40 H. M. McDonald. A.-;.-istant in Track, Physical Education, Men - 40 P. G. .McKliauv. Stiidcul I.ahorer, University Farm 40 -John A. McKce. Assistant, Agriculture 40 Geo. .Maher, Laboratory Helper, Botany 40 Anne Mallinson, Laboratory Assistant, Houseliold Science 40 R. S. Marquess, Assistant, Soil Technology, Agriculture 40 Margaret Martin, Clerk, Education 40 A. B. Mason. .Assistant, Recorder's Office 40 *C. L. Metzker, Laborer, Citrus Experiment . 40 V. R. Millar. Student Laborer, University farm 40 D. E. Mogn, Reader, Geography .-- 40 Arthur Mdir, Stud-nt Laborer, University Farm .-- W Hugh L. Monahan, Library Assistant W W. E. Moores, Helper, Comptroller's Office 40 Clara Nickel, Mounter in Herbarium, Botany 40 J. S. Norton, .Student Laborer, University Farm 40 B. K. Oliver, Laboratory Helper, Botany 40 Dorothy F. Osboiu, Laboratory Assistant, Household Science 40 R. Douglas Patton, .\ssistaut Recorder's Offlc^ — . 40 G. R. Paul, Student Laborer, University Farm 40 Lillian F. Peacock, A.ssistant, Hygiene 40 Doris Peoples, A.ssistant Recorder's Office -.- 40 Ognaccio P?rdono, Student Laborer, University Farm 40 D. C. Perkins, Student Laborer, University Farm 40 Mary Perkins, Stenographer, Appointment Secretary 40 E. -Jewell Perrin, .\ssistant, President's Office 40 Paul Pfeiffer, Library Assistant 4(» .L A. Phillins, Student Laborer, University Farm 40 S. A. Pinkerton, Student Laborer, University Farm 40 Dorothea Prall, R"ader, Slavic 40 Dorothv Puehler. Reader, Geography 40 C. G. Randall, .Student Laborer, University Farm 40 Beth. Rankin, Tynist. Music and Drama 40 B. D. Rea, Laborer, Citrus Experiment 40 A. B. Reading, -Jr.. Assistant, Anthropology 40 \V. Reynolds, Student Laborer, University Faim 40 Miss A. Robinson, Student I,abor"r. University Farm 40 M. Roel. Student Laborer, University Farm 40 Laura Rosel, Stenographer and Typist, .Vppointment Secretary 40 M. H. Ryer, .'^tudent Labor' r, University Farm 40 f^mest Sag^horn. Assistant -Ttnitor, Wilmerding School 40 J. G. Sanders, Cl"rk, President's Office 40 Edith Sanderson. Reader, Hygiene 40 J. Satterwhite. .Ir., .Assistant, Agriculture 40 .1. G. .Scofield, Stud-nt Laborer, University Farm 40 Vera R. Scllner, Stenogra|iher, Vertebrate Zoology 40 S. P. Seton. Assistant, Cluinistry Laboratory 40 A. J. Shields. Mailing .V.aborer. University Farm - 40 Ruth C. Van Vie t. Helper, Zoology 40 Leona Walk'T. Laboratory Assistant, Household Science 40 R. K. Warnc. Laboratory Assistant, .Agriculture 40 Margaret E. Watson, Clerk, Infirmary 40 Gertrud" Weather! , Assistant, Agriculture 40 L. .A. Webb. Labonr, University Farm. — 40 Geo. Wc'ser. Student Laborer, University Farm. 40 L. -Amy Wells, Laboratory .Assistant, Intinnary.- 40 Clara .1. Whisman, .Assistant, .Agricidtur" 40 A. G. Wightinan, Student Lat)or"r: University Farm.- 40 Irvin'-' Williams, Student Laborer, University Farm 40 Mary Wilson. Typing, Aiinointnient Secretary 40 L. Wulf, -Assistant, Chemistry Laboratory - - -- •^- 40 NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES, 147 UNIVERSITY OF CALI FORN I A— Continued. Xaiue and Title jtatc ivr H„ur Cents Alma Young, Typist, AKrictiltuie 40 Francis <;. Everett, A.ssistaiit, R'-i-ordcr's OflHce 37j W. H. .lames, Assistant, Reconler's Offlce I.IIII 37J T. W. Ralston, .Assistant, Rt'conler'.s Office "__ 37J Carol Seabtiry, .Assistant, Rwonler's Office II. "".III. 37J Russ?ll R. Yate.s, .Assistant, Rcconler's Office _ II..IIIIII 37J O. Ahnsteadt, Assistant, Mailing Room 35 Kdith Akcrly, Assistant Recorder's Office I." :{5 L. P. .Anderson, Telephon" Operator. Comptroller's Office '.l'...l 35 Melvin L. .Vnderson, Assistant Recorder's Office. II 35 Olga Ardvll, .A.s.sistant Ostsology, Dentistry "l..'.'.'.l."" 53 Marjorie .J. Armour, Helper, Physical Education, Women .II. I. .III. .1.1" 35 Eleanor .\sliby, .A.'fsistant Bancroft Library " ;j5 Ewing B. .Avery, Library .Assi.«tant I. ..Ill II. I 35 Charles F. Biitcheld-r, Library .Assistant IIII.-II.I.III 35 L. D. BTnard, Laboratory Assistant, Agriculture I.IIIIIIIIIIII 35 R. E. Berry. .As,«istant Recorder's Office ..II " 35 .1. Blaney, .A.ssistant, Chemistry "' 35 Katherin" Boarrary Assistant 35 Lillian Mallory. Helper, Physical Education, Women 35 E. F. Marquardson, Clerical Assistant, Physical Education, Men -. 35 Charlotte Martin, I^ibrary Assistant -. 35 Carrie Mather, Library As.«istant 35 Margery Meedham, Assistant Secretary, Southern Branch 35 Anna Merlin, Library Assistant 35 Mary E. Mickel, Library Assistant 35 A. R. Monroe, J.ibrary Assistant 35 Gladys E. Moosekian, Helper, Business Olflce, Southern Branch 35 Marc T. Morrissey, Assistant Recorder's Ottico 35 Eva Neal, Helper, Physical Education, Women 35 Mildred L. Nichols, Assistant Biology, Dentistry 35 Charles M. Nichols, Library Assistant 35 L. E. Noe, Assistant, Dentistry 35 Violet Osborne, Student Assistant, Household Arts 35 Velma Perow, Assistant, Chemistry Laboratory 35 R. Pool, Assistant, Chemistry 35 A. D. Powers, .Ir., Clerical Assistant, Physical Education, Men 35 Ethel Quick, Library Assistant 35 Leslie Quick, Library Assistant 35 T. W. Ralston, Assistant, Recorder's Office 35 S. H. Rathbun, Assistant Prosthenic Dentistry 35 Elizabeth Roberts, Library Assistant 35 Laura Rosel, Helper, Physical Education, Women 35 Mattie E. Rowley, Helper, Business Office, Southern Branch 35 Elizabeth Vaughn, Library Assistant, Southern Branch 35 A. Rudawsky, Assistant, Chemistry 35 Edith Sanderson, Helper, Physical Education, Women 35 Dayton L. Scott, Library Assistant 35 Philip Small, Library Assistant . 35 H. Sniith, Assistant, Chemistry 35 L. Soohoo, Assistant Chemistry - 35 Esther Soule, Assistant Recorder's Office 35 G. Stark, Assistant, Chemistrj' 35 Bernice Stephens, Assistant Recorder's Office 35 H. E. Stephens, Assistant, Mailing Room 35 Correlle B. Stone, Library Assistant 35 K. E. Stringer, Ass'stant, Mailing Room__ 35 Frances G. Stuart, Clerk. Agriculture 35 Marion Sutton, Library Assistant 35 F. E. Taylor. Assistant, Mailing Room 35 J. A. Thatcher, As.sistant, Research Department, Dentistry 35 A. P. Tichenor, Assistant Biology, Dentistry 3)j M. Tower, Assistant, Chemistry 35 C. E. Turner, A.<3Sistant, Mailing Room 35 A. J. Vance, As.sistant Metallurgy, Dentistry 35 Eliz. Vaughn, Student Help, Library Southern Branch 35 Helen Wallace, Clerk, Business Office, Southern Branch g Florence Waye, Student Assistant, Household Art - 35 Geo. Weiman, Assistant Biology, Dentistry 35 N. C. Wells, Assistant ChemistiT ?w Ralph A. Wentz, Library Assistant- SB C. Withers, Assistant, Chemistry 35 .T. L. Wood, Janitor, Rubidoux Laboratory 35 Maude Wood, .Assistant, Chemistry 35 ,N. R. Woodard, Helper, Gymnasium, Southern Branch 35 A. D. Woods, A.ssistant, Chemistry 3o H. E. Wright, Assistant, Mailing Room 35 Viv. R. Young, Student Assistant, Household Art.-- ^ Livingston Jenks, R"ader, Pliilosophy ^^5 Miss Elsa Barth, Hi^lper, Philosophy ^ J. G. Hatfield, Assistant Recorder's Office — %^ Clin M. Holmes, Assistant Rix-order's Office 32^ Ruth E. -Jenkins, .Assistant Recorder's Office -— Lynn >L Barrett, Library Assistant Ida Beckwith, Assistant Recorder's Office Cyril F. Belliss, Library Assistant -- - - - Harry Benteen, Music and Drama, Errand Boy A. E. Bevier, Library Assistant P. A. Brunk, .Assistant Recorder's Office - ^ Guy C. Calden, Assistant Recorder's Office ^ Catharine Clark, Library Assistant ^ C M. Curley, Assistant Recorder's Office - **" 32i 30 30 30 30 30 NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 149 UNIVERSITY OF CALI FORN I A— Continued. Name and Title Hat^. ivr Hour Cents J. C. Dunbar, Assistant Rt'conler's OlHce 30 Alice-Marie Engobretssn. Library Assistant _. 30 J. P. Falconer, Assistant Recorder's OlBce 30 J. R. (iibl)ons. Library Assistant - 30 Ralph Kdwaril Grant, Lilirary Assistant 30 H. W. Holnier, Library Assistant -— 30 (iaylord J. Jones, Library Assistant-.^ 30 I>pl)orali King, Litjrary .bisistant... ^ 30 May Ik'Ik' Long, I>ibrary Assistant 30 Marie R. McDonald, Assistant Recorder's Office 3c Robina ('. Mac-kinnon. Library Assistant 30 Anna Meakin, Assistant Recorder's Office _ 30 Andrew M. Moore, Assistant Recorder's Office 3 Edith L. Brown. Instructor «0 per cent of Fees to $150 00 21 60 Warner Brown. Lecturer $22.00 per Lecture U 22 00 Mrs. Dorothv H. Bruce, Reader, English -25 cents per Paper ^0 50 Mrs. Dorothy H. Bruce, Editorial Work 1 Couise- at $20.00 20 00 Mrs. Dorothv H. Bruce, Editorial Work 1 Course at $2.00 2 0<) Harold L. Bruce, Lecturer, Ftesno Clinical Grnup $20.00 per Lecture U 20 00 Harold L. Bruce, Instructor, Menlo Park.^ S22.0O per Trip U 63 00 H. C. Bryant Instructor § of Fees to $150 and Special CTass at $10 per Lecture ■IS 20 Raymond L. Buell, Lecturer .'$20.00 per Lecture 20 OO E. F. Burrill, Read-r, Economics 25 cents per Paper. 7 25 M. V. Campbell, Instructor. Blue Print Reading S of Fees to $1.50.00 17 07 Miss N. L. Campbell, Instructor s of Fees to $1.50.00 per Course - 144.00 Wm. W. Carruth, Instructor, Music 80 per cent of Fees to $150.00 24 00 Robert G. Cleland, Lecturer. $25.00 per Lecture 25 00 Roy Cowles, Instructor, Electricity g of Fees to $150.00 81 96 150 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORN I A —Continued. Amount rei'eiveil for Name and Title Kae month of December Ira B. Cross, Instnictor 1 Course $5.00 per Hour and 1 Course $10.00 per Hour U 6'J 00 B. C. Cnuii, Reader, Englisli 15 csnts per Paper; 2') cents per Paper and Clerical Work 50 cents per Hour 37 70 Edgar Paw.-on, Lecturer SJij.OO per Lecture 3.'> 03 M. M. Dnbrzcnsky, Instructor l Couises, H of Fees to $150.00; 1 Course at $5.00 per Hour; 1 Course at $10.W per Hour U 77 W E. Ci. Dunn, .Janitor Service $1.00 per Week 4 00 Ceil Edgar, Part-time Clerk 50 cents per Hour 50 Alan E. Edson, Instnietor . S of Fees to .$1.50.00 30 00 .Silas Evans, Lecturer $25.00 per Lecture 25 00 Fcli-x Fiuegel. Instractor 2 Courses at .$.5.00 per Hour; 1 Course at $10.00 per Hour U .50 00 Thomas F. Freeman, Instructor, Music 80 per tent of Fees to $150.00 8 00 Thomas F. Freeman, Rental of Studio $10.00 per Month 20 00 L. S. Gerlough, Instructor 'i of Fees to .$150.00 9 33 Virginia (iraham, Instructor, Music.- 80 per cent of Fees to $150.00 V 108 03 Florence (iuppv. Reader, Musio 25 cents per Paper U 7 -'0 Signa E. Hag:lthom, Instnictor % of Fees to $150.00 4.s Co E. E. Hall, Preparation of Courses flO.O:) per Assignment U 300 00 George M. H'-irington, Instructor ^ of Fees to $1.:;0.00 5 5) Rospl Hill, Pianist $10.00 per Concert 10 00 A. L. Jordan. Instructor n of Fees to $150.00 81 60 A. S. Raun, Lecturer >2).0O per Lecture U iC 00 .John F. Kessel, Reader, Biology 2o cents per Paper 3 75 Russell Kidder, Part time Clerk .50 cents per Hour 50 E. A. Kincaid, Reader, Economies 25 cents per Paper _.U 32 50 E. A. Kincaid, Instructor, Eeonomics i? of Fees to $1.^0.00 U ll> 60 Judson Krucger, Instructor, Elementary Accounting_-$12.00 per Meeting 120 00 Chas. H. Kruger, Reader, Mathematics 25 cents per Paper 2 00 Yoshi Kuno, Instructor .^11 Fees to SCO.OO U 16 20 M. Henry Langlard, Instructor .? of Fees to $1,50.00 per Course ISO 00 F. T. Lucas, Instructor, Technical 2." per eent of Fees to $112.50 per Course 150 00 Ivander Maclver, Reader, History 25 cents per Paper U 3.50 O. E. Mack, Reader. Economics 25 cents per Paperl U 3 56 Marie H. Macquarrie, Musician $20.00 per Concert 20 OO Paul Marhenke, Reader, Philosophy 25 cents per Paper 6 00 U. J. Marra. Instructor .? of Fees to $150.00 per Course U 152 00 Bernice McCabe, Reader, Economies 25 cents per Paper 25 75 R. G. McCuUoeh, Reader, Economics 25 cents per Paper 24 75 -Alice Merrill, Reader. French 25 cents per Paper 19 50 .\. L. Merrill, Instrxictor, Auto Shop 40 per cent of Fefs to $180.00 Sc 6> Emma T. Mills, Reader, Home Economics.. 25 cents per Paper 3 50 Ralph Minor, Preparing Courses $10.00 per .Assignment U 10 W) Ralph ilinor. Preparation of Laboratory Equipment. $100.0o for Entire Preparation U .50 00 Mrs. R. .\. Monroe. Reader, Mathematics 25 cents per Paper 5 00 Agnes Fay Morgan, Reader, Home Economics 25 cents per Paper U 4 00 Mrs. AUc: Muma, Musician $15.00 per Concert 15 00 Sylvain Xoack, Musician $20.00 per Concert 20 00 R. -A. Xyman. Reader, Education 25 cents per Paper 1 25 Olga Orth, Musician $7.50 per Concert 7 50 Tony Ottoboni, .Janitor Service "510.00 per Month 10 00 H. E. Owen, Instructor 80 per cent of Fees or $1.00 per Lesson 15 00 Mary T. Paine, Reader, Mathematics 25 cents per Paper U 67 75 W. H. Paine. Reader, Mathematics 25 cents per Paper 3 75 Clara Pasvolsky. Musician $75.00 per Concert 75 (M.) Paul P^rigord, Lecturer $25.00 per Lecture 150 00 V. H. Po istata, Instnictor, English § of Fees to $150.Wi 60 80 Mab-l E. Potts, nerk 45 cents per Hour 48 80 .A. L. Price, Reader, .Journalism 25 cents per Paper 11 ,50 T. S. Romero, Instnictor % of Fees 249 20 T. S. Romero, Reader. Spanish 25 cents per Paper 40 GO Carl G. .A. Rosen, Instructor k of Fees to $1.50.00 20 00 .Albert E. Ros°nthal. Musician $20.00 per Concert 20 CO .Albert E. Rosfnthall, Musician $2.40 per L<:sson 2 40 Gustavus Schnei(l"r, Reader, Education 25 cents per Paper U 4 .37 Axel Simonsen, Musician 1 Concert at $20 and 1 Concert at $30. 50 00 Miss L, J. Simpson, Reader, English 25'cents per Paper... 25 .'id F. J. Smiley, Lecturer.. $7..^) per Hour 63 40 Mrs. L. P. Sooy, Instnictor .„ 651 percent of fees to $150 per Course. 140 .53 C. C. Staehling, Instnictor _. , ^ of Fees to $300.00 and 1 Course at $10.00 per Hour U 145 oo NAMES^ TITLES AND SALARIES. 151 UNIVERSITY OF CALI FORM lA— Continued. Aiiiuuiil receivi-J for Name and Title Ka e inoiitli of DecemUr B. F. Stslter. Instructor _ 661 per cent of Fees to $150 per „ T c. • T * * Course — _..D i6& 00 H. .7. Stonier, Instructor =; of F?;.« to *15 75 Cedric Wright, Instructor ■i.2.40 per Lesson. . .. . . 9 60 VETERANS' HOME OF CALIFORNIA. Veterans' Home, California, February H, 1!»21. Report to State Civil Service Commission in accordance with joint resolution of the State Legislature passed January 14, 1921, Veterans' Home of California. Name of Officer or Employee and Title jlon lily Salary X. M. Holderman, Colonel-Commandant $3^ ()(, J. N. Blood; Major-Chief Surgeon 270 .50 E. C. Borman, Captain, Chief Engineer 215 50 D. F. Callinan, Captain, Assistant Surgeon -220 50 C. de Colmesnil, Secretary-lYeasurer 220 .50 F. P. Bliss, Captain, Quartermaster-Commissaiy 197 oO S. M. Montgomery, Captain, Adjutant 160 23 L. Ponsetto. Chef, Main Kitchen 175 00 L. McCrav, Foreman. Farm 155 00 W. J. Watson, First Cook, Hospital 155 00 A. A. Kuhn, Fir»m£n 130 00 R. F. Matthtws. Fireman 130 00 J. Van de Leur, Fireman 1:^0 00 J. H. Russell, Plumber's Helper 130 00 E. Burke, Surgical Nurse 130 00 R. Merrill, Assistant Cook, Main Kitchen 130 00 E. Huriiman. Assistant Secretary-Treasurer 135 00 E. Jei.'ip, Bookkeener 135 00 M. Mitcholl, Druggist 135 00 X. D. Alexander, Surgical Attendant and Undertaker 135 00 C. C. Camp. Tinsmith 14.5 00 H. C. Dado. Assistant Engineer ^*- 2i W. Tona.ecia. Plumber ^2 9: H. M. Montgomery, Head ]f^ [^ J. Davi=. First Attendant...: - ]^ ^ A. K°m!., First Attendant \^l JJ; T. A. Wurin. Blind Leader 1^ no W. S. Saylor, Caretaker, Hog Ranch n n no J. Masscni, Truck Driver ' ' ^^ E. Judd, Relief Xurse 110 00 X. Kistler.. Xurse " ,j0 Qfv B. Garrison, Xigbt Attendant 110 On E. Fitzgibbons, Night Attendant — - " 110 00 L. Baird, Second Cook ^ 110 00 E. Lincoln. Stenographer - — ^_ no 0(> G. W. Olger, Member Guard 20 Oil T. Nigh, Member Guard 20 00 H Boyd, Member Guard 20 00 ■\. Corbetl, Vegetable Man 20 00 M Maloney, Sergeant of Guard 25 0(i D. Dooley, Cartman 25 00 W. Covaii, Steam Man -- 25 00 .1. Beard, Stableman 30 00 H. Milligan, Assistant Butcher 30 00 y.. S. M( nroe. Issue Clerk 30 O) J. Sammon, Laborer 30 CO O. Doehringer, Pol. Grounds 30 00 T. A. Mnrrissey, Pol. Grounds 30 00 H. Roehford, Pol. Ground.s 30 00 J. Alley, Pol. Grounds -- 30 00 B. Van Camp, Captain Company D 30 00 M Davis, Captain Company F 30 tt» L. C. M(Mahan, Captain Company G ») 00 S. L. Skeds, Captain Company P" 30 OO E. G. Perkins, Captain Company B 30 0^) J. P. JourS, Captain Company C 30 00 F. M. Siiiiih, Captain Company A 30 00 T. McCarty, Night Watch 30 OO A. A. Sullivan, Musician 35 00 K. Sher;\(> d. Musician 35 00 F. Muller, Musidan_-_ 35 00 W. H. Williams, Billiard Hall 35 00 J. Ciishinx. Fatigue Sergeant 35 Ofi C. Mclntyre, Food Corner - 35 00 T. C. Grogan, Main Orderly <. 35 OO A. H. BillMigs, Window W'asher - - 35 OO W. Currv, Potwasher -— 35 00 L. F. Ui.'ifnbaeh, Musician -" - -lO 00 K. J. Green, Telephone Operator •W 00 J. Cluncn, Sergeant, Charge of Quarters -lO 00 J. McGorian, Second Attendant.- - — - ^0 00 T. F. White, Second Attendant -JO 00 M. Derail, Second Attendant 40 00 tParttime service. 154 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. VETERANS' HOME OF CALIFORNIA— Continued. Name of OfBcer or Employee and Title Monthly Salary G. J. Price, Second Attendant 40 (K> W. Walker, Second Attendant 40 00 F. Koopman, Second Attendant 40 00 W. T. Smith, Seeonil Attendant 40 00 .1. Monsinger, Second Attendant 40 00 T. F. Jt-nnings, Waiter 40 00 C. Faies, Waiter 40 00 C M. Tibbetts, Laundrynian 40 00 •I. .1. Stdlivan, General Utility Man 40 00 O. Wallenberg, General Utility Man 40 00 \\. Smith, Dis^hwasher 40 Oi U. Pile, Dishwasher 40 CO J. Sullivan, Dishwasher 40 00 G. Dickerson, Waiter 40 00 J. Grimes, Coffeeman 40 00 J. Warren, Laundryman 45 0) J. Miller, Head Dishwasher 45 00 •J. Fowler, Pantryman 45 00 E. Ferrera, Orderly and Baggageman 45 00 A. Brogan, Assistant Mattress Maker 50 0^ G McCrory, Issue Clerk 50 CO C. Hughes, Hospital Steward 50 00 T. Ward, Pantryman 50 00 W. F. Payne, Kitchen Relief 50 OO O. R. Coulter, Dishwasher 50 CO T. Moran, Potwasher 50 0') H. Melody, Cook's Helper 50 Co W. D. Rea, Night Cook 50 00 Daily wace J. Olaire, Cai-penter 2 00 K. C. McConnell, Carpenter 2 00 J. Miller, Carpenter 2 00 J. Thomas. Painter 2 0) W. Zeller, Pruner 4 0) L. Hotchkiss, Itactor Driver 5 16 G. H. Hoppe, Pruner 16 Xumber of persons engaged for temporary or emergency employment during fiscal year endetl June 30, 1920. Twenty persons, amounting to $729 35 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF EXAMINERS IN VETERINARY MEDICINE. Name, Address aiul Title Salary Edw. J. Creely, 1194 Market Street, San Francisco. President Nonr ' W. W. Thomas, Merced, California, Vica President - None* M. Ro-senberger, Van Nuys, Treasurer None* .Tno. L. Tyler, 120 E. Belgrave Avenue, Huntington Park, Cal., Secretary of Board None* John F. McKenna, 616 Eye Street, FVesno. California, Member - None* Respectfully submitted: (Signed) John L. Tyler, Secretary. 120 East Belgrade Avenue, Huntington Park, California. Expense fund is made up from fees collected from applicants for license to practice. STATE WATER COMMISSION. (Report of officers and regidar employees employed in thi.'^ department on January 1, 1921.) Name of Officer or Employee and Title Monthly Salary Charles H. Lee, Executive Member 416 6.j*J W. A. Johnstone, Commissioner, per diem 15 00*5 A. W. Mason, Commissioner, per diem 15 Oo*! Paul Bailey, Hydraulic Engineer 400 CO? L. D. Bohnett, Attorney ^' ^• J. A. I'atten, Secretary 275 00: Edward Hyatt, Office Engineer 27o («♦ Gordijii Zander, Engineer . — - 22.> 00. Donald M. Baker, Engineer .. ^ 225 00« Glenn V. Rhodes. Engineer - 200 OT/t G. N. .\-liley, Civil Engineer -- - -- 175 OO: Alfred P. Bosworth, Hydro. Computer 175 OOt •JExpenscs of meetings allowed if sufficient funds are ou band. ♦Statutory. tTravellng expenses. ... NAMES, TITLES AND SALARIES. 155 STATE WATER COMMISSION— Continued. (Report of officers and regular tniployet'!- ciiiployi'd by tliit^ tltpartuR'Ht on January 1, 1921.) Name ami Title Monthly Salary Geo. M. Hill, Civil Engineer 175 (X) J Adelaide .Smith, Clerk 175 oo T. R. Simpson, Civil Kn^'ineer l.'O TOJ V. M. Kelley, Kngini'cr 137 ooj Laura Pcarto, Stenographer I35 oo Dorothy Biirehard, Stenographer 135 (X) Helen Mallcy, Stenographer 125 CO Irene Burton, Stenographer KM) ort Geo. v.. Ttoxell, Engineer 7.5 0^ Grace Brough, Junior Clerk 60 00 Lois J. Healey, Stenographer ^ __ 25 OOt Report of Emergency or Temporary Employees for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1920. Number of person.* temporal y or emergency, 1(>: total amount expended, $So0.^7. STATE DEPARTMENT WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. (Report of officers and regular employees employed in this department on January 1, 1921.) Name of Officer or Employee anil Title Monthly Salary Chas. G. Johnson, State Superintendsnt .$333 30* Chas. P. Havden, Chief Deputy 150 00* Rose Moflett, Chief Clerk 125 00 Mayme Sargent, Stenographer 125 00 Stateintnt of persons engaged for temporary emergency employment during the fiscal year endJDg June .30, 1S)23, and total amount expended for such employment. A. M. Wallen, account of inspections at State Institutions during December, lidsc Salary, 31 days at $0 per day, Si5.'5.0O; traveling expense.-?, $141.06 $296 06 .). W. Wylie, during January, IWO: Salary, 10 days at $5 per day .50 00 WHITTIER STATE SCHOOL. (Report of officers and regular employees employed in this department on January 1, 1921.) $351 to $400. Monthly Salary Name of Officer or Eiujiloyee anil Title or Daily Wace Maintenance., Total I'aiil Fred C. Xelles, Superintendent $300 00* $10 J 00 $100 00 $251 to $275. Karl M. Cowdery, Assistant Superintendent 225 OO 50 OO 275 00 $201 to $225 Edward Keasbey, I'reasurer and Business Manager 175 00 50 00 225 (X) Ralph Thynnes, Supervisor Trades 166 00 50 00 216 00 W. J. Anderson, Chief Supervisor 175 00 .33 00 210*) .$176 to $200 .John E. FOxlee, Chief Engineer l.V) 00 35 OO 185 CO $151 to $175. Geo. Gemilere, Garage Foreman, Moving Picture Operator. 137 50 .35 OO 172 50 Elmer E. Knox, Secretary - 135 00 35 00 ITO 00 Frank Frei, Chef and Instructor 135 00 35 00 170 00 Earl Frownfelter, Assistant Chief Supervisor 130 00 3o 00 165 00 It. E. Fleming, Piinting I\)reman and Instructor 130 OO 35 OO l«o 00 Geo. Armstrong, Carpenter Foreman and Instructor 130 03 35 00 165 00 P. X. CiJleii, Painting Foreman and Instructor 130 00 35 00 ^'S,^ Mrs. Alice Bowman, Teacher and Librarian 125 00 35 00 ^^O 00 Bess McQuiston, Senior Bookkeeper 125 00 3.-) 00 ^^^ 99 Locke Livernash, Teacher and Band Master 125 OO 3^ 00 , 2n Gerrit Roest, Head of Landscap-^ Department 125 OO 3a 00 160 OO Geo. Bessler, Baker and Instnictor — 130 OO 3.} 00 la^ 00 E. A. Richter, Plumber and Instructor 120 00 3j W l'^ Z, R. T. Turner, Assistant Engineer and Electrician - 130 00 3o OO X^ W. W. Ward, Blacksmith and Instructor 120 W *> 00 lo.-> 00 ^Traveling expensf's. "Statutory position. tPart-time service. 156 STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. WHITTIER STATE SCHOOL— Continued. (Report of officers and regular employees employed by this department on January 1, 19-21.) in26 to $150. Xaiiu- of Officer or Eiii|)lo.vee and Title Herbert Tebbetts, School Physician M. .1. McHriiie, Teacher lx)is Osborne, Teacher Helen Ox-ar, Teacher Sally Kiley, Teacher Frank Layccck, Farm Foreman and Tractor Operator ■7. E. Robbins, Sup. Ree. Co . W. A. Bedford, Herdsman J. F. Pyles, Assistant Chef, and Dining Room Supervisor- Peter Smith, Commissary Man (". E. Hoogerzeil, Shoemaker and Instructor C. Simons.n, Carpenter Pauline North, Tailor and Instructor E. F. Steigcr, Vacation Relief Harry Vaughn, Supervisor Earl (;. Williams, Supervisor A. McCauley, Utility Man E. J. North, Laundry Man and Instructor Charles Casey, Supervisor .Joe Dambacher, Supervisor L. W. .lefifery. Supervisor Beu Jones, Supervisor • J. H. Kainpert, Head Night Supervisor h. M. McBride, Relief Sup. Junior Department John Mc'Cormack, Supervisor Bcnj. SlK'ffer, Supervisor W. D. Smith, Supervisor J. T. Moore, Carpenter .lohn Morris, Milker and Instructor V. B. Chilver, Book Binder and Instructor F. L. Gower, Poultry Man and Instructor Arthur E. Ray, Garage Man and Instructor A. I>. Woodruff, Pruner (average) Monthly Salary or Dally Wace 150 00 115 00 115 00 115 00 115 00 11.') 00 115 CO 110 00 110 OJ 110 00 110 00 no 00 12) 00 100 CO lOO 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 CO 100 CO lOO 00 100 00 100 oo 100 m iot> oo 100 00 loa 00 »-) 00 Oo CO 05 00 130 m ilaiiiteiiaiK-e Total I'alil - 150 00 150 00 150 00 150 01) 1.50 00 150 Oi) 150 OIJ 145 00 145 00 145 00 145 00 145 00 144 OO 135 00 135 00 135 CO 135 00 1.35 00 135 00 135 00 1.33 OO 135 O.) 1.35 01 1.35 (X) 1.35 OO 1,35 00 135 01 135 00 135 00 r.iO (M V.i() (Xj i:^o 1 130 f/C 35 00 35 OO 35 l to ."MOO. J. H. Williams, Kef^eareli Diici'tor. -. $275 Ou $75 00 ^••SaiJ 00 ?aoi to $2^. R. A. Lang, DirectiiiK Stipctvisor of Placement 175 a)K 35 CO (A)105 CO 87 rx> 17 50 m6 to $200. \V. W. (lark. Sociolotfist... l.» 00 35 00 18> 00 $151 to $175. W. E. C-ni)oi>, Parolf! Olticer 135 (X>K 35 (i) (.'.)&5 00 OT 50 17 50 L. H. Bniii.^art, Carpenter ami Instructor 120 00 ;i5 00 155 00 F. A. Hanson, Painter an>l In.^tMietor.... 120 CO 35 00 1.'5 OO Julia Mathews, Assistant Pliysehologist 120 r« 35 00 ],V) OO $12fj to $150. Harry Barnes, Sup. L. P. Co 115 00 35 00 150 00 Mildred S. Covert, Field Worker 110 CO 35 00 145 00 L. E. Nathan, Clerk, Research Department 105 0^ 35 00 140 00 ■T. P. Sluder, Supervisor 105 CO :?5 00 140 00 Helen E. Cook, Field Worker KjO 00 35 (K» 135 00 $101 to $125. Ethel Lane, Stenographer, Research Department t>0 00 .35 OO 125 00 Mr.«. R. A. Lang, Assistant Division of Ilacenicnt lOO OOt* 24 00 (J)62 00 5000 12 00 $1,615 00 $472 00 $2,087 00 Total cash salaries $1,615 00 Total assumed valuation of maintenance furnished 472 00 Grand total . $2,087 00 *Salary fi.xed by statute. tPart-time basis. ;One-half salary to he paid by Preston School of Industry. WOMEN'S RELIEF CORPS HOME OF CALIFORNIA. (Report of officers and regular employees employed in this department on .January 1, l!i21.) Monthly Salary Name of Officer or Employee and Title or Daily Wage Maintenance Total Paid Alice Arthur, Matron - $75 00 S:« 00 $110 00 Edward Arthur, Gardener 75 00 35 00 110 00 Mrs. B. P. Puller, Cook 75 CO 35 CO 110 00 Mae Burke, .Second Girl 60 00 35 00 95 00 Dorothy Mogensen, Nurse 60 OO 35 00 95 00 Lillian Ogden, Night Nurse .50 W •'» 00 85 OO Cora Tenner, Seamstress.-. 30 00 35 00 65 00 Sarah .7. Farwell, Secretary and Director 25 00* 25 00* Carrie L. Hoyt. Treasurer and Director 25 00* 25 00* Temporary or Emergency Employment. Dr. R. P. Wayland, Pliysician, 112 visits at $5 i^'W ^ Extra Nurse, 12 day.s at $5, $60; maintenance, -$14 "•* *W Arthur Manning, Laborer. S days at .$3.5i> -. '^ m Vera Cookson, Labor, 2 day.s at $2.50 •» 0*' Mary .lohnson. Labor, 3 days at $2..50 -- 5 00 Respectfully submitted: Sarah .1. Farwell, Secretary. *Five directors receive no compensation. 976» :Mn 16»0 ^^